. +-----..---~--.-....-- - ·--~ ...... ~ 41
, About People I
0111 , WEQNEBO .
l!lll .
Memo a Day
Samu el' Sides, third son and fifth ~ .-.....-.--~ 5 ehil9 of Samuel and Mary Ru~tc l O. J. Edwards was in aylon Sat~ Sides, was born in Lancaster Coun ty, urday. Pa., May 26, 1827 and devar't ed this lif May 26, 1911 aged 4- years .. F. C. Carey ~a9 in Cincinnati to· In l 83t) he came with his, pai'ants to . - - - - - -- - - - - - " " - -. - \ , - - - - - -- - - - -- . day on business. . Ohio . On October 5. 1 54 he W8S united Mis9 Pearl Carey. of Dayton, spent in marriage to Mis~ Elizabeth H .:;:::- -:::::-. === . . Memorial day at home. Whal'ton who survives him. To this By WILBUR D. NES13lT Miss Jessi.e Marlatt has resumed union were born eight. children of whom four survive. being H. Wilbur, her duties at t he postoffice. \ G. Wallace, Mrs. Anna E. Smith and Dr. and Mrs. A. '.t'. Wright were A. Lincoln Sides. ' . ' . Mr. Sides unitea wi lh the Meth'Dayton vi~itor!llast Friday. odist Episcopal church on New Y a~s Thcre arc lU1known /5raves in the valleys MiSs Pead Colvin attended Alumnj Eve of 1849 at Springboro, O\1io. To That the troops of war possessed, at Spring VaHey Saturday night. . this faith he adhei'ed until death . Where the bugles sou nded for rallies He was also a member of the Mason• But thc bull ts sang of r~ t; Mr. and Mrs. o tto Hornick spent ic fraternity for a' number of Y~l\rs. And the mountain hold without l1I~l11be r several days i'n tenia last week. He tQok SOme part in public life hav- . Hidden r ravcs from war's mad da.y, . i'n g been a membe'r of the Bpal'd of Where the unknown men have thfir slumbe r GOl'don J Y was a isitor in H,iI1£- Education for a term of yeal's. In their shrouds of ulue a nd gray . ' boro from 'riday until Monday. Mr. Sides was a mart of strong -
' he
. nayton
and two
cOr1~ictions, amiable, and a Ohristian.
Fond of his home. his ·church, bis Thur day. Iodge, I' \'f II t ' h'IS l!S ) e was WJ~ . spen m Geo. Dakin , Jr., of Mjd~lIeto\Vn " h~autiful country hom~ near Waynesis spending his vacation here t his ville. we k. The ~uneral of Mr. Sid:ea took . , place at the house '!dond.flY morning . Mrs. Emma Ak er, 'of Dayton, has a~ 1 'o 'cl.ock and a ' larJte n mber ' of been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. of ,friends assembled ~here to pay Wm. Zel.l . . the last; trib\lte of respect to this ho~, . orad man. Rev.. H: W. :aailey 'offi~ Mr. anti Ml s. L. S. Rhoages \Vent ciated 8Jlli the b'l.':I.u.t iful MRSQnic burto Lebanon Friday for an indefinite ial rite was' used. A. quartet of stay there. ' . mixed voices sang tw\> selecti~ns. J . M-'>.. . ll'.l d 'B I ', f ' In'termEm~ )Vas'made in Mi~m·i. ceme" . . M,. anu I a ,.-£Alwar a e~. 0 .
children, were
. Xenia, spent Thursday.' with Mrs. tery: olvln and da\lghter: '. .
, Mt. a~d Mrs, Cbas. 'Phillips , and auto compan>" of Xenia, was in town Tuesday for a short time.
• J
M~f ~ll~ ' Mta.., 9., A.."...:&une:r 'Ief Satur:day ·f91'· M889n where they will spend most of the summ.er. :..
· Mrs. JoJm McGauley ,' arid sons Chester ' and Jack. of Spripgfield. -sp .nt Saturday with D. L~ Crane and family. . . . . , ~essrs. Carl ~nd George Smith a~d M1 Magel Babp and, ~arY Sababury, were Sunday 'gu~ts of M.isS .Pearl' Colvin: .,
' 1.
M,rs. E .. V. Barn'l:art was
ost as
l'o the New Cenlury Club ' -.Friday afte rnoon. Thete were !lixtElen member to r espond to the r oll·call ~y giving selec~ions :from Eugene Field. Minutes 9f tbe ~last meeting were t:ead and app~oved after which t~e annual election of 'otficers took.place and resulted as follows: . J. i. 'Mend~nhanj ~re~.; Mrs. Llr\a Devitt,
- - - 4' - .. ---HURT HIS . HIN'
Litt,le ' Geol':f:!
~lgaill , but looks funny \vitb bis little chin band .t,eo.
vice pres.; Mrs., F ··R . Farr, sec.: MrS. J. E. Janney, treas.' .·· . After "beautiful ,piano $010 by Mrs. F •.B. Sherwood, the president, Mrs. J . . F. Cadwallader introdu~ed MiSR W'ifson c;>~ Se1ma• Ohi(),. wb~· Jlq. Where , n e were the gun that wrangled dressed the Club on J,uv~nde Cour~ Sounds t he 1) ace song of the thrush, work .. We ~ere ~ertai~l¥ fortunate And' the (Ol'eS aml vines arc tangled , in havlnglM~sB W~ slln .wlth WI for she: , ••, '.. , 1 '. • • . td us wIth practical knowledg~ III {he solemn , 's acred ,hush; ·Rev. L. O. Thompson was atPol"ts- having been proQa~ion officer f6-, hc(c the caonon one clay would hurtle "'7 mouth sever"al ~~ last . attend- sev~ral months j~ the cl~)' .~f. Spril}g~ . Tbeir ntissles in the, fray ' ing the S~fe IM~io.p'ar.y . ~e\d;· ~u~ more t~l\n th~~ \.sli~·\las 'in : Gro\vs 'uie rt~e and the creeping myrtle • of.the Christian _O~urch; he.r lieax:t Ii love .. ~6r . ~e (fehn<l.ue~.t . ' et th gravc:; of blue nnd gray . . ' 'Ii '.. , and dependent cb~ld. ' In apprecla.Frank Keys, of Chicago, is the tion of, her rno txcellent talk a ris: ·;~r bey' a re nat nre s ha nds t hat arc st r wing gu~t df"r i!ll:\ti,ves:l\ere. ,.Mr: Keys is ing ' vote of tl"iartks .pas given .til' the' · . The flowers on each mound ; renewing, oid . '~llairitances. . ' ladies. . : ..\..' ,'. . , ' A " p~pe~ , (j.~··' ICh.ild Labor in ;t he ' J{ is God 's own beautiful d i[)g .lastV'isit, here was": during· . COming. . • '. 'South.. ' carefully pr!,)pat'ed by · Mrs . 'that each t:nk~own grave is found ,. ., . . ;. '.' ,.' '.·r , ' Baily and 're~a v b~ Mrs: Devitt, was Where tile cypre s lea.ve· arc a ..qlliver; W~lter ' MeClure a~d ~n J~me,.~ greatl;, el)joyed'. , ' " J,' ,_ · Where pe~s lift throug h the day , · l~t~ We~n.esd~y, rQ?.rmng fo~ ~hlcaa:o MrR,. F.~• . She.rwo,od ;clos~d · t~e Where the forest sighs to the riv l' James w,11l enter a cql\ege l~ th~t program I with another .bea·u titlll pi •. Of the unknown blue and gi'ay . .place ad~ ~iI ~~a ~O~):5Jete~cClut:s~ ano SeleCtion. ",," . . . , ! ':1 ... ' , in electricity. '. / ,:'.' ·During· .the \· s'?cj~l'ho"l' i~e cre,a m I ~ ' ~...;;;..;..:.;,..--~-.------f--------:---flliC;l caKe w.er~ served by,th~)ostess '~~ I ~=~===~~::===:=.:=~~~===.:==::==== ':lR.DalJL;~:....'!'I... !"Il... .,-~.,. 1 ilndJ]~mo 'i(\ew~ ' ~ryp? ih· t~~ dh~:M~moria'i SernfOn \ Ap, t~'e years go by' the ran 's of r\>om. . . . " . ' . I t.h~ veterans grow Ie s. and the ,gueSts The se'ryic~~ ,a~ t~1e · Nt E : chul'~h flaW:' at' the graves grow more, :.ye~ . , . n ,"'<lu,,,, 'ot • iuaugu,l'atln.Lr t he MemorIal tll senti1)1en stilllivea, and wilt \iv~ services,' was held 'at? o'c1ocl~ , for I the yoar to come, as the ' son \;>Ui:&.VUHIIi abopf twentY . V'eteraps mal'ch~d to and STan' s ns hear t.he story of; the nl'lt'P.r'f'i'lt~ecbuf~b ..whe.~e ~v. Vf. fl. 13~iltlYbl'a.veI'Y ~nd valo'l·.pf theIr ancestors . adciressed ·t!;l'em. 4 · lal'.gG c.bOlr .('I( At an 'e arly hour' flowers. begM to of'picked voices ad ed to the service. arrive at the Township House, an~l at noon ' the . rOoms .w ere a pedec · Mr. arid Mrs. Clyde Bangham and .:. h . f W'l ' .'" (laug ter.o l mmgton, were . week-end tuests of ~nd Mrs. f"A 11 Chas. wrnft ' . , Messrs. G~. Oiles,bee, L. ,.. Zimmerman, Harold Howell ' and Russel arlett are attendini the auto in .Indianapolis th~8 week, ."
Hende l'i:lI m, ,\hile
~'ir1in g his veJ<?Gipe.Je,. 'accidentally 1 b a Ltvro ., d l'nn rc 11 \, 1 CIlI' S co~' ner . ,an cut hi' chin ' badly, .·He is about
. ~rh~e are unknown..;JP'~ ; in the thick t l', Ori ll~ 1iiUslde and the plain, '. Of the m~ssing scouts and the pick t . '\!~t they d~d not fall in vain. Though their.naqles m~y 'riot be engraven And tb~ir places in the fray, In our hearts now each finds a bavenThey who wore the blue;;,.ancl gray. For the God of ball1es is 1.> indly With none 6f manbo .d's hate Ir'h at j Cherished ever too bliridlyAnd these pawns of warfa.re's fate It'ave their tombs of nature's splendor ' . Each set forth ill I roud array Through an impul e holy and tender, though tl;tey wore the blue and gray.
Financial Move - Waynesville National Absorbs married to Thomas the Citizen's Bank b} ibis union ;: ch iluren I
And no drums wiU rumble anc1 1'~tlle , • And no fifes blow sharp and sh ill In the alleys that knew the battlc, Nor at p ibe.lone high hill ; Bu t the silent stars know 1hc 'Story And the broad' SK of th 4ltY Bends and Whispers low f t.heir gl9r · To thes men of b ill an~ gray. And no ban~e.rs o'er them are \lC/(lVing, · No marche.r com.e and pause With heer:; for · the laud or their saving , Or tears for thei r lost cause; Yet the t wilight star intermingle With tIle hues 'w hen end~ the day. , And the striving flags no~ 'are single · . O'er the met?- of blue a l}d gray.
LeoJlllrd and, \v ~ I'(' borl1: William, Mary, Malissa. Anna, Willi am, th eir nl'>!l·l)()rn d i d in yuung manlt o< d. and Anna while The annou llce ment of t he puran infan t pa!lsed to the (~l'eat Beyond ella c of the husiness a nd go d will Thomas Lennanl , her husband. al 0 f The Ci tizens Bank by . The PI'I!C u rl h I' to lhe j5Tave twenly' " r '11 w aynesv i e a tional Bank will yf'srs a~ () Mar'h 22, 1l:)H} . H el' widowhoou had ue n long amI lonely. come ~a,s a grea t surprise in local She hall been in poot· hea lth pvel'a l fina ncial circles . The ' result is the culmination of yeal'S and hel' d~misc was thrrefore not uneX"pected. Anna Leonard wa!'; a good woman, negotiations c yeri ng a period of kind to the f riends among whom she about ix months ~nd will, no circl d. It m y be truthfully I:laid doubt, redound to t he benefit of th~ of hel', he uid the Ul:!st he could . I" h who rioes t.he b's t her circum- stockho lders ' of both institutions. sta nces atrol'lls, does well acts nobly , I The transfer of , bosiness will an~ Is could d n more. " probab ly be Illade about July 1st., 'Ihe funeral took p1ace a turday as it now awaits the approval of nfLerlloon at4 o'clock al t.he Ch rislian tl t kl Id . c:hUI'ch, Rev L. o . 'rhompson ofn- le s oc .10 ers. . cial ing . Tnt rn~ent was made in the The commjttees ho., ing in charge . Fricn<ls' burying grou nd. the dctails are, for the Citizens
Th e U n 1(uown ' Bl. ue an dGray
Mrs. F. B. Sherwood
• !lila Kel1l'ick, daughtet· of Thornso; and l~ali e nc c Kem 'i I" was born neal' LyLlf· .• eptember 1 " 18.8, ui etl May
~iss' on~ry
. 'from
Bank, R. F. Mosher, . Frank ZeU, F . C. Hartsock and P. D. Clagett; for \he National, W. H . AlJen G. ~ R""lley J B '. P d J' 0 ~, " '. , . ..... . ence . an Cartwright. - - -... - •
SCHOOL BOARD ELECT The school board met in adjourned seSsion Wednesday evening: and elected ~he followinit teachers for the en-
The Miami·Gazette
If, when you get wet ,or take cold, and thefe S, It shiyery, chilly sensation I~ tho back, It shows 'kldney weaknel. wWch Is orten the beglnnln&' ot serl· , ous disease. Dean'lJ l'llls abtluld be . perslstent\'y until ~II. the backache a.nd other symptonls disappear. O. D. KesBler, 408 m. 6th St., Mendota, TIl., says: "lC1dney ,troullle came on me about 20 ....- - - -... years ago and becan I!O bad I was unalile to work for weeks. 1 was thin, worn out and nervou's; the doctors admitted thoy CQuld not help me and my friends expeoted me to die. As a last hODe I began taking Daan's Kidney Pills and shortly after passed a gravel stone. .L ater on severnl more stones pnssed and [rom then on I Improved until cured." Remember the name-Doan's. For sale by all dealers. 60 cents a bOle, Foster-Milburn Co., Bui'fBlo, N. Y. ~t ~'scttles on the kidneys"
D. L. CRANE, Publ j sh~r. 'W
tL L E,
Tho old snylng tbat tbere Is no loss some gaIn Is borne out by the change whl h lias be ,n wrougbt In (b'e country's s bll)plng. There bas been mucl'\ lament over the decadence ot th e tamous Yankee seam ansb\l>, bu t aftcr tbe passing ot the cUpp r and , whaling fleets ~t last has' come to tho blgh seRB a .new breed of Amer· leans who are the eqUa.ls U not tbe superiors ot the old. Tbe mecban· Ical genius of the nation hill! sent manr young men to the steamships or tbe navy and the merchant marlne, sr.ys the Cleveland Leader. Nlnety per cent. ot the sailor-mechanics ot tho United States navy aro American born. Twenty years ago, the proportion of Americans on merchant ves· sels was , only about .30 per cent.. In 1910 tlie proportion was .9 per cent., the natives bea.-ll1 preclomtnlltln« ever the naturalised. TIle IIhowln« for thIs year wiU ,be even better, .. the mo'l'ement ot Americans to the Bea bas bee.n steadily tncreaslng tor Boveral yelU'B. tn maDY ways the mao rlners of tbe Zl1!W ecbool are better than the old shellbacks that heaved at the cap'stan bar and Iny out on the end ot the yardarm. The demands ot steam an!! ~lectrlcal machinery, reQuire a different kInd of sklll and more Intelligence. The constant ad· vance of mechanics and electrical sclonce makes It necessary for them to keep mentally · fresh and alert. They 'know more qnd are more progressive than the old-thno sailor and In their bablts theY are cleaner. w l ~hout
HEIJ{E Is perhaps no ot.her spot In tae count!'y wbere the ob s er~8n c e of Memorial day Ie charactarLzed by tile significance of Gettysburg. No visitor can traverse, at any scason ot the year, the IIcene of the greatest struggle in the moot momentuou8 civil war ot nIl history an,d not ga in n new conception " of the titanic tor cell which here enacted tbe cllmQx of a tIve·year war dramn, but at Memorial day the ,lessons nnd the slgnlftcance or this , Immense battlefield' leems to take on a yet deeper meanlD., And yet ~o see It clothed In the fresh «reen of a twentletb century IIprlng, one would never suspect, lave tor the reminders ot the bundreds of memorials In marble Qnd granite bronse,' tbat this placid la~d scn.pe was a scant balf century ago the locale ot one of tho lIfteen decisive battles In the world's bls· tory. It seems today as though It might bave merely been chosen Ba a site tor Memorial day sorvlcel because of Its natural beauty. . Similarly would tbe thousands of patriotic ~Ilgrlms who wend their way tblUler overy Decoration day be well justified In the journey were there no historic attractions wbatever to draw them, 'for on'e might travel for days In this '
, To the Chlldllh M'lnd. Dorothy Ullman of E. 'Elghty·fourtb street, Is 1\ very literal young persoll. To ber motber's definition ot the All· Seelnl Eye sbe returned a Question .. to the Bile of ,the caye: "Can Ood see everything?" sbe cou· tlnued. "Yes, dear. He can see everything at all times." Tbat atternoon Dorothy escorted ber motber down town. Before an optlolan's display she stopped. Then, "Mother," ahe asked. pointing to the big winking eyo In · 'llie v.'lndow: "II God's eye aa big, as this 1" -Clcvelnnc) , u.eader.
ECZEMA BROKE OUT O'N BABY ''Wben' my baby \V'as two month& ,Id, she had eczema and rash ver,. aadly. I · noticed that ber face lUlel body broil", out ,'ery suddenly, tulck, and red as Il COQl of fire. I dId not know what to do. The doctor, ordered caslUe aoap and powders, but they clld. nO good. She would scratch, lUI ' It ltclied, and she crle(l, and' did not Illeep for more than ,R. ~veck. On. da,. J laW In the pn.per t~e advertIse-, ment of the Cutlourn S nD and CuU· cura ' Qlntment, so 1 got them and ltied them at once. MT baby'. face was as a cake of sorea. "When' I first used the Cuilcura Soap and CuUcurll 01ntmen~ I could See a difference. In color It waa Tedder. 1 couUnud Wllh ' them, MY baby waB In a terrIble condition. 1 used the Cutlcura ~em.edle8 (801:p and Ointment) ,four tlmeQ .a dny, an~ In. two weeks she was quite well. ~e ' Outlcnra Remedies healed ber Ii per.fectly, and her akIn Is now pre and fine through . usluS; tbem. .1 also ~8e the Outlcura Soap today. '$Ul<}. will CO,htlnue to, fQr It makes a lo\;elr s'1dn. lilver)' mothel' IIhould use tbe Cu\lcura Remedios. They are good tor all aorea, and tbe OuUcura Soap. Is also good for sbampOojug the hair, Cor I ban tried It. I tell .all my frIends ltow the OuUCllll'a SO!lP and Ointment cur&4 my baby uf eczema and r~." (SlgnecJ.) Mrs. Drew, 211 W. 18th st., New York :clty• .AUI'. 26~' 1910. , ' '. CuOcura Remedl~B are lIold through· out the world. ~end to Potter Drug &; Ohem. ' Corp., Doston, Mass., for tt:ee booklet <In the akin.
A strong movement Is to be slarted In England to limit the reading of
trashy novels, wblch are Dervertlng the emotlon8 and lowering tlie thougbt ot the youth. Somo of the most flUential men In England have jo~ed, ,lh& movement. As a general th11lg, parents do not ·reaUse the harm the indiSCriminate reading ot novels , Is doing their cliUdren. The conatant ~adlns of novels, even of good ones, weakens the mind. It bas about the lIame etrect on the mind that loungIng 111 a hammock or fioatiDg down stream baa on the musclOll. The mind, .to appreciate truth, bas to deal wltb truth, and encounter and overcome obataclea tbllt are In Ita way. Lacking tblll exercise It. groWB weak ' and tIab.,y. The parent mlgbt U weli, from the ve17 itart. give up hlB chUd, 80 far .. worth and noble destiny ' in thla world Is conccmed, wbo I. ' a constant ..read~r of novels.
A variation ' ot the l!Inocb IItOI')" comes trom a New York town, wbere a man who bad deserted 'his wife bad the uncomfo~ble expe,l. ence of 'havlng .ber unexpeotedly walk , In on hbit anei have him arrested. If this vartatlon CQuid only ' replnce the original ;practlce, It would be much better for the 'COmmunity In general . and have the efftlCt ot reducing tbe number of tbeae wanderers trom their C!wQ 'tlresl?ea, who bave formed a dis· country or atiroad 'Wltbout tIndlnB a more ' pic~ct class of publlo null!8DCes. turesque or more rlcbly verdant rolling country than Is en,braced In the wm:derflll panor~"'R A Mlchlgan lawyer bas found' a new which lI~rea:ds out at tlie feet ot the slgbtaeer 84 be gazes trom tbe lIummlt .of Little Round Top.ay to break ' a One of bls ell· the commandlDg pOliltlonl of , tbl. , bole great ents spoke bls wlU Into tbe trumpet of 1;Iattlefteld. . , ' . . i1 IIhonograpb and bad the record put But to~ all Ita natural beaq~ It the s\!lltlment away. Bls, laWyer, by droppl~g the of Its hll$torlc background that lervelll al the record, " Bmas~ed ' It Into 'a thousand magnet wblqb ' draws a great tbronl thither from pieces. It lleems to be Impossible to all sectl~na ot the country on lilemorlal ,day. make a wlil that some lawyer can't They come by traln-althougb Gett,sburs ~B not the moat accesalble of blstorlc spota; they come break, tiomeho,w. by carriage and wagon trom a Wide ·.radlus ,of Ule rich Pennsylvania farmlng regfon that surBIlnd psychic impulse leads beau, rounds the battlefield: and Ailally ' they come bT tlful women to the selection of ugly automobile, for, so It lis explained, G~tt1sb.ul'lf men, according to a Canadian obser- has bee,o me of late lears a most popular objeotlve ver, who adds that It notlntrequent)y ,,-Ith motor tourists who flnel In the great park leads .to ~ fat ban~ account. BUnd! or reservation whlcb now perpetuates the battIono: psycblc! . relatively: Impulse! -fleI4 ' a network of the, ftnest roada~ ln ~erltla hlgh'Wny~ Which it Is a sheer delight to motor bardly. nv.er even with no thol,lght (If one could dlsDlJsa the subject~ ' of the blstorlc objeot. and, localities' David Starr Jordan would abolish to be "Iewed by the wayside. coJlege baseball because of the The Memorial' day pllgrlma wbo Journey to the "scientific muckerlsm" In jQshlng thQ average CI,,11 war battlefteld or national cem&-players. In professional balleball the tery tor the annual strewhig of ftowers are Ollemuckerlsm Is tar mO:-J scientific but day visitors who arrive after ' dawn and depart before sunset. But tbls Is not wholly the case less classical. at Gettysburg, although man,. heaV1 laden excur.fon trains do arrive during the Memorial dn,.. The Krupps have a monopoly In a In addition to tbls throng, ,however, 'there Ss one projectUe whIch will bit a balloon. It almoBt all numerous made , up of persoDA wbo III Ukely that two or tliree men will llpend .from two day. to a week ' at G~ttysburg ba'l'e a monopoly In belDg In the bal, , .ud, who b!,TO CODlf)l at the MemorIal day sesston becaulle thero Is an added touch of realism to loon. tbe lIcenes at t.bat time when veterans , In bllle are tramping over the . roads wherecountlefr; Tbe Wisconsin boys who , Il~ve them. thousands of their leUows advanced and retreated selves labor by hnvlng a phonograph durl~g tbe memorable daYs of bnttle. ' These call the cows out of ttie pastUre iire visitors overflow the hotels, of wblch GettYsburg perfectly willing to rely Ullun hum'an h8$ , an unusual number for so small"a town and 1~g1J far tlie ~Inner announcement. occupy all tb,e nv~llable ~ooms In ' the 1II1vat? ·hol.\ses of the little city. The situation Would People Wbo l1ave nothJng else ot 1m. swamp , ttle ' Jlverymen: 11Jd the, conditions 'ot 1l p'Ortnnc~ :tll do are argliing the que.. d~ca.d:~ ,og,o ' still ~rev,\l1, but happily the 'a dvent , ti~n, ' ~:~oes the rob.ln ~lDg or does be ot tl)e.. automobHe bas helped lDatters In' 'tbls re, "pect. Mal.)'. of --the visitors rl~e o"er' tb~ battle-: mereiy ehb'p?" It Is Illmost as excltlng field In the,lr own touring c·ars. wh~te88 the cars as playing cbella. " tor · h,l re relieve' thD st:r4ln \lpon ~e 10u~~orse and !sl't.horse coac~eJ 'Which 'ContlDu~ as of' yore "XU the epidemic and local diseaSes the. t:e~latlon mode ot toulllng the battrefteld. thrlve 'upon the tatn11Y' cat/' asserts, an Inc;ldentally It mr;y be ndded tha~ tbe introllucauthority. 'fbls may "plain why tbe tlon ot tbe motor car lJ~s greatJy f~cUltated ., thlng~ for, .the , tC!U~I.t , ""ho 'Is deSirous of aeelng , animal III endowed wl~b nWe lives. Gettylfhurg hattlefl"ld hi the ' limIted ' tilDe ",hJcli AmerlcJlntl ~r.e tamou'a , hi 'It. rope. D\anufacturcr has just been tor thelr .,.tgbtasetng. · lndeecl" , by keepJns made a dlrecw~ hi ~ clgat' company, c6ntlD~ on tlle r~ - froDl ' ' morning Almollt aJI)'bod, i:Ollld iay Bbm~. unUI Dlgt.· "'1~ emi, • . 1p1ef.top fpr I~cb, • • ~ . ~ il~_ of WUla hen. 'Uotcrlat , 8 ~Q Q . ~lle~t 14.., Of GIltp.'
association Incorpor,ate(i by the le,lilature of bute battIetIeld In Pennllyl""nla and this patriotic orgllnl!£atton ' bad e,x pended more than' $1QO,OOO; b~ . acquired 600 a lingle day. Of course on, Buch a ClCree ,ot land and erected more than three hun· ecbe'd ule , he .can- · dred m.onumentll wlltln In 1896 the con~ress of not really. sb~dr the Unfted' State8:': provlded ', for the eiJU;lbl!sbinent the ceo g rap h y ' ot Getty,sburg National pal'k _and placa(l It undElr wUh relation : to the dlllecUon ot the secretarl 'Of wnr. .. tl~e" c9mp.le~ 'mo"«t A -mNuU,cent ~ark bis DOW been 'constructed menta of. tbe , oPO whll,b encloa~ the widest limits of ' the battlefJeld and tbe erectIon ot memorials and markers ,poBlns forces a~d' . .f You ....ve Mon'!)', tbere w111 be Bome . Btlll Koea on.. In the' soldlers' cemetery alone , "Tbat fellow GotrOl[ I, a mUltlm1Jo. aectlo~' of ' lIecondlll'7 Imp'Ortance which be will. more than ' tour h~n~red . memorial shafts and \lonBlre. Be bas mQl'e mone7 th~ bave to ,omlttrom biB tUnerarr, but on tbe ,whole tablet. and mol'lt ·t-hj\n one thousand markers bral~II." he will have obtained a mental moving picture of '·haye been Bet uri' at coat aggregating severlll , tbe various Important localities ~ar)(edby monumUll on dollarS. Wbe!1 the present IIcheme of ments and cal!non. To do tb~ battlefteld lUI thor, roadwara 11 completed ~ere will be belweep '100 oughly In a !J0r,tHlrawn veh,cle ~oul~ require and 1~0 ml1eB ot fIDe rnacadamlled hlghw8' exat le'as't tbree' or 'tour dayB and" pedestrla!) mlgbt tending -to' eve17 pari of the -battlelleld', w.htle fivo spend week. on tbe battle8eld wltbout ever tra, Iron 'QbBe"aUOn tower.!'. on " v~rlops 'Parts 'of the verll!ng the "a~e :road ~ce exqept In .ol'oe to ,field enable slghtseera to ei\joy the the 8eld and retumlDK to ,h is ' hotel. ', View.' .whlcb arct' io helpful ,In 'enabling oile , A~ h":s be~n: '~lnt!!d abov.e , It Is tb,e ba:t~eileld understalld the mOTements of tbe opposing forces and not the Memorial d87 exerclsel which throng that made up the far-fiung battle line. ' Gettysburg 'at tbe end of 'lday eacb year. Bome Tbe ' cemetery, In de<lJcatlng which 'Abrabatl years the program lucldent 'to Decoration d87 II Lincoln deUvered the Immortal addrells famnlar 'of a "ery simple character and there are not ~.B to e"er,. Amerlcajl, ol'lsinally ccintaln~4 the bodies many graves to be decorated. as might, be Bupposed of 3,655 soldlera removeil (l'om all IIms of the by the person not .con"eraatlt :wIth tli~ c~~para, field, where the,. bad 'b een hastily but;led,. Tbe Dumber ofgrave a hila bCEID greatly Increased since tlvely IImall number cif marked craves oli Gett)'ll' bur« battlefield. ' Yet there are otber oce&alonl , tbat date, and there Is ' yet ample ,lIpaee for the wben the 'exerclsel Ilt 'Gehysburg tocua tbe" eyel , .,eteray wllo maY ,desire ' .t ore.a t a:t','t~e IIce!)e of the enUre coun~l. Thia II the c~e, wJlen the ot tb~' Bupreme IItr'\iglle , between the UnIon B,nd president of · th~ 'Ut1lted S,ta~e" ~eJI~ers .the,c a~the onfederacy. 'One· of 'tbe' tentures ot , t~e dress o~ tbe day at ,GettysJjurg; as' Prelhtent 'P9,tt national cemetell1 la 1 tbe ' 1~.cIQd rostrumT ' f1fselror'etd:la:Ir' did a couple, of yearll1l.(l0,- aa President. ROo,evelt melDPl!l'al Bhrlne for ' the dead' who. lIieep .arou'!ld did betore 'hlm,:and ,al almolt all ot'our presIdents It and ' whlch r. used for tb,e 'exerclaes lield'. each MemoRal da,.; , hava done In their ,day .Ince that ,D)e~orable <occa. slon ·",ben President Lincoln dedicated the Gilt· , The battle of Gettysburg III of stlcb compAra~ tyabllrs battJetIeld c~mete'17 with , an' a~dres.' - Unl)' recent delta ' tbat vlyld reminders . of It lUIe , which bas g.one down Into hilltory ' as the most to' be found OD all sides. The little dweUlnitr; eloquent, the most Impressln a~d tbe most oJ}' 'occupled as headquarters by Genera is Meade ah(l durh.g of the manY' tributes pronounced b,' the Lee, respecUv,\ly are yet" standing In an excellent m~rtlr president. ' ', Btate 0(· preservation; the earthworks ' on deDle. The aUdience which face,1I ~ preBldent or 'o~he~ lery 'hili 'are ,.et Intacti Culp'l ' hlll stlll boldslt9 publJo man at Gettysburg InTarla,b l, hupr,e sses . bullet·scarred trees, 'and Ute bullet-marked -boul l the distinguished orator.' It .SiI an as8em~lage ' ders are to be seen 'on everY hand at thtl Devll's' obviously made ' up lar.elY of the ' 'farm11ls ' claB' Den. ' .Plans . bave a.l!lO b,e en ~ade tor ' tbe acou.' and It Is apt to be JOIIS demonstratJ.,e· than tb~ rate restoration of tholie , portIon's of the" 80ld ' , Buoh 8a the fa~olis peach ofilhard whlc~ '~gure,d , applauding crowds that are en~Dter,ct In .,factQrl' towns, but It Ii a body. of men ' ,and 'women wbo . consplcuous!y . In th,e 'battle, ,but were obliterate!! ' or ,lallt mu~ll ' of thel~'<.old·tlm" semb1llDce "ln ~e' u.L~"""'..IIj.:.Il...;.&IIJ...::JI~tad pay such, olese attention to .tbe a!ldr(lss of "which , they are Illldltors an,d wiJ,o, so m!-nlf~8,t1,. re,pr~ da~a 'f~~lowlng th,e war and b~fo~e , t~Q la~nchlng nent t1>,e /I~btll, 8,0114, InteUlgent IlIn~ment of our. .~f the prj):lllct fo.r l1erl1etuQ~ng, the liatUe1leld ~, naUonal c:ioImtlunlt}1 , lUI to iliBplre. the lIest effortl . one of , ~e , DlOS~ InterestIng obje9l lesBotis of of the 's peakers. It 1a:'fD ,the character of. 'thelle~' Amerlcnb bls ory. · ,- . L 'A bQ!1D enJ~y,ea :by, present'duy vlsltora to Get. Qettysllut:g :aOdJeui!e~ 'u well; as Ip tb" hiaplra· '. tlonl oJ th~~ btll!ot~e '~\Vi"O~1lc1l.rlg8 , t~.t '"e' may , 4'Bb~rg tb~t lVll~ be .sadly mls~ed br .tbos~ ~Ig~it, find the' lncenU"e to the ' ~Ignlftcant.. uttel!ands' ae~l!. wtw co~e ~' ll:eI)f}ra\\on h~nce til the' ~res· aft;ecUng- tlie · gel\er:al :,1\oU,9:91 of tb'e "patton :~1I'1 It" , ~ ence .on, the b~,M1eJJl as glJldes of ,veterans who have from tline~o "time been 'liven' ~":rlreIl816n1 by • Lpa_tttclp!l.ted In ' tliti th!ek. 01 t~e flghUng:'" ~o.' he~r' our ohl.ef ~~frat~B tn:'Jlemor!¥ da)' a.~~IIBlitll tbe,e men ~C?~b.t ~"Ir ,persona( nXp'er'$I1i~~~ 'f1:ll,L nt. Gettysburg. • .,' ' :'.".' . :poInt out b,. tne ,aid ·o~ , ul').dlmlllE;d memory .every . 'GettysbUl'g ratikl aB Ute- moB , e aborate11. 'and ' }ocall.ty that lIgur~" ~n ..the crucIal battJe ,'oJ the accurately marked battlefle,ld 1J1 the worl4, lla..vlnr .. war fa to.gal~ ~ an Impr~li'lon mote vl\(ld . al;til morem,ollUmellts and ~emC!)rraJI th"n .• 11 0 ~er thl'll1ltlg than 'can be , hot>~d tor ~y those wlro battle8eldB combtne4. The ,os1Uon ~ werJi bt?d1 mu~t aepen4 fer.' tYMlr knowledge 9f ,thl. mliltarr of ~roopl$ 1Jl the un,on ' aDd o~ me.t tbA,)S,' .drtma apo~ wt.at t.!J8l' .ml;ly. bue read In the blea .blltotJell compl"lslng the . clearly .lb.. " ,.•-----.--....:;:....;~~ . , maneuyers I
*11 wbo
Practical Fashions CHILD 'S DR....
~e Value
Bclenco Is al" The ad"o,hco 'Qf ~edIQl\.1 c~tlon '\Vll)'11 towIII'a th o mol' dlreot l\llpll of rlUI c ur , Gild lno ItmlnllUon ot harm. u art r r 'H ults. Import. Tho 1 1l ~ st, Iln~ by tllr the mOllt lcol Lroa.t. Illlt ,U S <IV '(le8 In m oll rn medclry ' nc nl MO In th , nelll ot Jectrl Elo tl'lcn\ lr 0\.111 lit hl\9 now d o ~ lop d l~1 LII poln I" whqro It elln bll dlroctly np.ll thu I)'b~ .~o I h. PIlI' f S or orgnns Illreotell. much r Co;ul .trlf Immcdlut . I' lI et nnd lt by it: r 'urt'. \\'l'I I' C UJld I' tToatmel ~ '! If" alono t h PilI lent hall to walt do. ' . ~llP~~~~~~ flefor tho fir"t e(fccl8 were 'J'l'orum Ilt by e l ~c ll'l Ity hns now tnkea l ho plue ot d U ll g 1'0\18 and palntul opera.r~ llch 9 V ry lIon8. '1'ho leClrl1! cUI'rent body "lllh Its point nnl1 re ~8 of the the "1II·I.LIIv l,ower, . hut · al\\,l1ys wIthout nies tho \lnng r 0 . 11 n th n,Wh ich accompa . uUl'glca l ope'rallo So now. · no 111 11.11 0 1' whnt l'our dlael1so no mutl ' I' What Ita OllllSO. no malleI' 01 h ow long s l a n()lng, you mflY IHlVG Immt'dlnle rell r anrl. In nsnl'lv dn\llaya.e. and ultlm nto eu rll wllhout Ihe long grent dant dru gs. 0 1' the nrler etToclll llons. . g ,. ot olle,·a EJ ctrl al t I' nl m nt Is' specially boneand chllI1cll\.l In CI\8el1 p '0)11111.1' to women dr~n, (1m] all ourv9U8. lilt allnal. lung. ltv r. heurt, II I dom ln nl n n~ blood IllsCWlI!8. In InclllllllU thl", Is I.h I'lost 'thoroughl treatly elllllpPl'll Instl lUtlon Cor electrica At Its II ad 18 one ot tho mOllt I'll Ill. method. this In I'll littOn PI'tt nced adva Or. G. F . ll.ermnnll IIns mude a. lit lit. uCly OC olectrlca l ll'eat.mellt. fb has lnlc n II at JlOel·grncJunlo courses In the world's m Mleo,l lInlveralU " aod hospital ." rI'nII hIli vo t net\tllllo n he III now prcpllnld to ~~I~~l ra~ llIill "Illtore 10llt heulth to tholl J!l 1 ~(l lrl r lt y III the moat moe] I'll. and dh'el1l1clI . . Dr. .)Clonllflc l" cntmen t for al\ no exporllOllcod one] xpert J e l'O \llIlll I elc Irlco l Pl'llcUll oll. 1', nnd hllll II. tully equlpPl'd In Ututl(ll'!' It YOU llulT ~, It drugs tall to cur, aml too do.nj;eroperl1\1olls have fafllld or nrc the modern OUB Or P3Intu\, Invesllgatll Ur,l1lh'(' pow r. 01 ctrlclty. Vnluabllt .UJue.rateil book mailed free. Address Oie '.l'E 29U
~ ~._
Is Abao! - ~ely N~essa.ry It Impro vemen t. In Corn
I'es tln s r - "- Crop Is to be Attain ed-Ba nd-M ade Germ inat.o ,,~ Is Quite Satlsf act.ory _ , . / .: \ ".#'.1(
(By V. W.
BHOE8M~T;a. )
nlng at one end are number ed fr~ro 1 to 10, the second 11 to 20, etc. Aft. r pln.clng s ix gra ins from each ear in their r eS I)e~ livo checks, anothel' balt Inch or mois t sand Is used to covel' the corn. It In any check nil at the grains do not grow, the cotresp ondl Ug ar shou ld bc dIscard ed. The seed corn sbould be (uliher prepared for plan ling by shelllnS' -ol! tile butt and tip grains: by tlll<'ng out nil by otller Ir rebula r-ehape d grains; hnod shell ing, . with cU"elul observa · tion to discove r any ears which have unll slruble STa ins. In muklllg t sla, wh en a tray has lJe.en planted It mus t be thoroug hly watl!rcli Ilnd kept III s
Per son al W or'k
ACH one of us as a crealU.r e of Ood has a part to do In Ufe. 1I11ne IlJIlY ~ 0. much more obscure part thlln yours, yet I am accountab le to God lor my p8rt. God does not expect those with )ne tnlent to do what those wIth five talents will accomp lish. We are all hero for a purpose an d 11 we wllI an· Iwer the purpose of our cr.eatlon we !llust give God our heart and make 1 full Ilnd comple te surrend er to blm, lor "out 'of the he; rt are the IssueB ot
It £a ,now too lale to talk about how this spring's seed-co rn . should have b~on sayed, but taking ~b,e ' seed we " t, . . ,, bave we lIIay select . the best at It In' : \ this way. T~e corn should be placed ' \ on .tables In' a light room and Btudled on a brlgbt . dny. Never nttempt to plclt out your ~eed-corn except In the best ,lIght. Examin e the ~are care'fully as to weight and color. Take some at tbe grains from each ear and notice the s hapo and t be lICe." • doptb. Go back and forth ovor the If we would have success In doing one. each know ears until you l work wo must ourBelves be persona work Reject tbo poorer corn and thoroug hly con·v orted. J esus 80..Id to the beat ears ' over to one end of the PelElr, "\Vhen thou are convert ed. table. Save only tho best for plantItrength en thy brethre n," needed, Is Ing; or It quite II. little A trial pncka!;e of Munyon's Paw P aw In doing persona l work It Is neccsm~e two or more grades at corn and r&Jllry that we lay nslde 0..11 sin and Pills will 1' 0 ~ent £I'('e to nnyono on plant In dlJre.l'ent parts ot the field. Addresa Pro fe~so r :Munyon, bJd " Qllest. way. our lead God let o..nd ss worldlln conbe should The qual1Ues t.hat , Jefferl'on ·ta., l'h ilud Jphi:1 , Pa. If YOll 0,1''' It we will not lot him hnve his own n ot corn nre need f Hledlcal lid vice, do not fail to · In and The dressIn g Of little cblldren III a afdered tn the selectio crippled be will power way, our , general ' I\'I'ito I':r.fe!sot' :Munyon . Your communi· . Ilmple matter nowada ys, liS there are tYll~t·bred charact erlsUcs ho..ve men will be lost that we might c~tion will be trented in strict confidence, variety' or type, - --3 10 many llretty desIgns to choose tram. qualitie s regardl ess ot been Instrum ental In savIng. your case \\' ill be diugoosed ns careand comand n, conditio sced and y maturit a has .." We illustra te a dress wblch a working knowl· fully as though you had a per onnl intel' have must We ,'" -3· ' little yoke at the Deck outlined by poSition. edge ot the BIble. "For the word of view. A taml11arlty with these poInts inay - "' 6 straps and contlnu h)g down the front 'nnd l. powerfu ond quick, are unlike . Is Pills God aw P rn Paw seed-co the Munyon'B In the form ot a tiny 'feet wblch also be bad by going over g one Quality $ • . - -" any two~dged sword, all olher )n:<ntlves or catharti c.. Th .. ,. than lharper studyin and times aeveral rs shoulde has a strap olltilne. 'At thepIercing even to the dividing osunde r eou the li\'er into activity hy gentle great. ,s. varia' Bcour. theY' do are Glbaon tucks and tM (rout of the at a Ume. NoUce how and )[ soul and Ilplrlt, and of the, joint. methods. They do not wenlten, Quality each in EfJE TRO-ME Dr 'AL INSTITU but the, -do not Without the strappin g Is very tlon may be tound they IlTtpo. not the ' of er O. . discern a Is INNATI nnd , OlN .• a ST marrow as VINE lnd diagram . decide what types should be used a of tho liver ICcretion tho all the· ne .tart do determi to device T r'ke VIne aoll Clifton. Mill Ore It or !ott. plaiD, n.a sho... n In (he small beart" Simple the of thought a and Intents Auburn and Zoo co.r to the otftces ' 2911 Such materia ls as pique, Unen and I PI~c'tlOlll standar d. and stomach in a 'way that 800n pUtl Vlno St. (Heb. 4:12)_ In Jer. 23:29 we read, these organs In a healthy condition lind As a means of ~elecUng the best' proper depth to plant a.eedl. dress this make will s gingham plaIn . exnmlna and tion Rcmllmb r. consulta ". leed-eo m, dOUbtless the adaptab ility, warin room where It wlll not be upset 'Is not ' my word Uke as a fire? salth corrects constipation. In my opiuioa tlon t ree. In a prett~ manner . maturlt T, aeed conditio n, amount of or dJsturb ~d untll the test Is finished . the Lord: and llke a bamme r thnt constipation is responsible for moat aU. four ·In cut t. Tbe pattern (4802) and uniform ity of grain. are The waterin g Is best done by laying breaket h tbe rock In pieces 7" It fl ments. There IIl'O 26 f'?ct of humllJl LY, gr~ GETTIN G 'RIEND sizes, 2 to 8 yeara. The medium size to melt and break hearts. Oh, bowels, which i. rcntly a lewer pipe. tbelmpo rta:nt qualitie s, but the require s 2% yards of materia l 3& among·relaUve fiat on the tray able paper ot piece small ~ has each of nce how very eSlSetlUI1J When this pipe become. cloned the Importa exact Inohes wide. carefull y on Christia n frlendB. ' water the p~u.oned; csu. pouring 4nd ' ned. determi Dot been d. It Is to know the word or Ood. It II "'uole systemSll, become. this until the sand Is fully saturate0.1. indigestion Ind impure Ing biliousne ' muat be ' we not ould which ..... To procure thIs pntterl) send 10 conts upon tray ent planted Instrum Tbe ~e . nce ImpO,rta the As .a..matt er of fact, au Io "Pattern Departm ent," ot · thl. paper. blood, which oHen produce rheum&ti.m I th doing pertlona l work. young corD Write name and adClren plainly. and be nDd kidncy ailments. No woman who e several qua lUes 'v aries ~n the 'lowed to dry out until the above the rely in btl InaY lure to alvo. slzo Clnd number of pattO!Do of We ul. two· We will be' prayerf .uHcn with cODstipation or any liv~ comp!,r l80n of dUferen t ears, the seed pJAntB are an Inch or the corn roots are rree [rom stn ILnd w.e may bave tbe ailment can e:rpect to have a clelll' cond,ltlo~a ,m ay be practica lly the only san.d. Sometim es ' the kernels up Bible knowle dge but, unlesl we are complexion or enjoy ,oad health_ If SIZE.. . .......... .. : ,actor tn deciding , since one would 8tltr enoug~ to push ... . this bappen s I!I0aely connect ed wltb the power- I had my ~'D.y I would prohibit the AI. When sand. (he of out the aJl,d ation germtn strong .hoW' a ·. NA.KI;~ ••• ~ •••• : •••••••••'.......... .......... . ' again by house of God, all our effotts will be of nine· tenth. of the cathartlee thnt are covered be sbould tbey coUlIn wblle Dther tall to ~rmlnate; now being !lold for the reunn ~hat thq . on them. rain. Band Iprlnkll ng some damp 800n dcstroy the lininl of the atomach. e. GuIdanc for God to Look Tbls method" ot germln, atlng seed· setting up Berioua fOrml of indigestion. We mu.s t pray to God to lead us to and so pamlyzo the bowel. t.bt they reo corn bas been carefull y tested for a fuse to act unle611 foreed by .trona rODg term of yeara. It ·1s one ot the the rlgbt person to do petllona l work. to purltlltivell. best nnd simples t because the neoes- It would not be wise to apeak pray ~ aary m.a .terlals can be easily procure d, every one we ' meet. We must Mun~'on'. Paw Pa,., Pill, are '& toni., say to wbat. just us show to to God need to not aoes lIeed aftng tile germlri to the Iwmach, liver and nerves. They be uncover ed 01" d{sturb ed during the to those to whom be leads UII. "Study invigora te ' instel1d of ,,'eaiten; they en· a rlell tho bloot!, Jnateac1 of Impoverl.b test. anll the condltlo )ls are artificia l to show thyself approve d untet God, bo iti they eJ'l,lble t.he atomncb to act all not ' needeth tbat all an treaUng ,workm ot extent the to ol1lr nourishm ent from food tbl1i ia put) kernels alike. which Is n,ecesss r,. to asbame d, rightly I1lv1cUng the word the it. into all After 2:'15). Tim. soil (ll In Dt truth" . . . ,lIecure reliable results, Testing ot when we hb.ve stU:dled the blessed pills contain no calomel, no' method These .natural moat the ~u~' )11 and Jbl-1W:a kIIlIJr any pro~e.s In }'Oqr· at Brit loothing. healing hand th!!y ~r _. ; ullilog dope I~Ues GQ\lta...g , 0 need '9 _ . .wQr.4 i etet'J!l~ ._ ix>wet. the '8chool 'I'bey I fQr MI .. MUlyun'e · han~T ing. .timulat ' . '.' ' aU thnl•. 'owt'l1 Itfte 4. . Dlck-o h, yea. We m!lst pray God to slve power to nct without physic. A~other very lmllorta nt thing tc Tom-W hy, I beard her father ~cJt.; g Is the depth' to tbat which he has given us to do, Regulnr size bottle, containing 45 pm.. plantin corn 111 ns1del' . ed YOU out eVi!ry time you .caned. NOI.t, 8~nd tray .ho"¥lng oorn ..ven God trom e cents. Munyon's Laboratory, 63d .25 mesllag 0. only deep: not. too need We i<' the. ~eed. Don't· plan~ . Ja,'1a' art,r planting, ~Ick-Yes' bU be (loesn(t tick ' me him to send the meSo Jefferson Ste" Philndclpbia. from . power but a8 hard aa he' used to. No. 2. 8and tray ,~howlng corn S'1ge home. Sometlm (ls In doing pertwalve day~ afte~ plantIng . work we reason and plead with ,onal n. - --A 8trange SituatIo even give them the word of nnd men 'p arlng two' other ears' the seed ·condl"Humo~ ~ ' a .funny tbb1S," tboy will not be moved . but God. or t'.' tlons ·may not be a decidin g factor ' at . Blnks. , . we will seo that we are Soon Why? equally Phlio8othe ates said germin be:' 'Ilt ought to' all, sInce .. each iOOjOOO people last year used strength . 'G eoeraJ trylilg to sIlve thom In. our , "O~ Beea la pber: weJl. and and aB soon as we see the wrong Paxti ne Toilet Antis eptic Pra<:ti ce to Oouutr Y' »... ;'Ob, I <1on·t menn 'that way," said , F:or the use ot the beginne r .I n pick19qk to God with a I51ncere and prayer· !rhe new toilet germici de pow del', to be C,%;Kt a-All Var.eU •• best the' Blnles. "I mean thBt It ., a struge perhaps Ing out aeed-co rn, ful heart asking him to "take all Bell Thr..tve W.ell. ." dillSolved in water ns DC ded, thlll,. Now. J can't speak ' French, rules' t~at could 'be, ~ve'n .a re as "follike the song," the wo.rk .wlll be- For all toilet and hygieni c uses it la away French a but 1 can .always tJnderstandJ IIgbt .nnd we can expect good better and more econom ical. Ooionel ~General james L. Rodger s, come foke; and I can apeak' ElDgllsh, but 1 m Belect ears ot ~edlum sIze for your , · r~sulta. tho Bilve and belloutify the s To furnishe Joke." ulrles. Q In· English to 1m see swer n a' can I tn ~Iest-lf JocaUty. Tll.e amall-.eared (ypes wlilch t eeth, remove tur~ar and love la another lellst, not but Last. · Philo.exporta the the said ing are/!' concern , "Most people prevent decay. d~ n~t uUllzo tbe e"ntlre growIng Bello' infortna tlon , ' x from Ou· Importa nt pnrt In doing persona l To disl.nfec t· tlie moutb, do"oph~r.. ;· will not produce a maxlm.um ·yleld. Han ot honey and beeswa son people praying a .be may We work. "Are what?" eald -DInk •. stroy disease gt'rms, and ' The lar~e-eared' t}'l)es whIch .ore ~o ba: we 'may know the Bible, but un· '. purify the breath.. I ~'Bie}lt it theY' OlIn lee an EnSU,h ' .l\lthoug b thete' nre large amount s of and hard, a mature cannot they our tbat soul",. late . less we have a love for lost 1'0 keep artificia l teeth and bas there . . j()kC," said the PhIlosQ pher. "It la a exporte~ s prod~ot thee" prom maximu of . . lO)(d ear aliq fall bridgew orlc clean, odorles s work will not profit us anythin g. the of tlon I.\lgn or an unusual iy keen Vi.lon."..... explolta 1 practlc;! no beel\ la aDd teeth a prod,uct which t:le yield from e and goods llicotln my duodon all remove To bestow I though places "And Hbl'per 's Weekly . both tor ~e marke~ and home busines s, except 011 a few purl~y the breath n!ter smoldn lf· • to tee~ the poor, and give my body t,tj ' n~. Europea by oo;vned charity. It 1'0 eru.dio(lto perspir ation o.nd bOclJ conau~ptlon. not have and burned, be Accorllt ng , to th~ laat avallabl o 8t~ profttet h me riotWng. CharIty suffel' , odors by sponge bathing : FEED YOUNG G1Ra.a Select ears that are very beavy for 1Ioney for one The best :mtiseptoic wash lcno\V11: MUlt t:tIV' Rlgh~ Food Whll. Qrowlnl l. th,u' slSe., Tbe ·"Ield Beems t<f be ' more tl8~lcs, the , exports of kind; charity envletb R~ieves (lpd strengt hens tired, wealr. 6,712,533 pounds eth long, arid Is to ed amount yelJ: ear of weight tth w ' ted II.. al"ocla Itselt, clos4tly not: charity vauntet h not · deyes. Heills sorcthro\lot, wounda ot which' a little lees than 50 pel' cent. not puffed Op," (I Cor. 13:3, 4) ; Paul', inOame ~~ '~ 9tbe l' «luallt~. _:: and cuts. 25 nod!lO cts. 1\ box, drlll(gis te oent per 25 ' aboilt y, Oerman to it r we' . 8~lect~'rs · or b~lht, he~th¥ color. was to help .the lost. 'There or by t'Il~1l postpai d. Sampl e Free. per cent. to tho Ears of' Ii dull or pale c0190Ji are usually to France, about ·15 'heavin ess and Increns ing THE PAXTO N TOILET OO.,80'T ON.M,,_ great was to remaind er [mmatu re or have .b!len exposed to the United States, ' a~ci the es. beart tor thein. If we iUs In paIn Europe an -countri l..rM.thI9 1" their aeed cqluUUon 'la apt to various love tor souls. who we know a. have .waD whlcb wa~ Tb~ exports :ot anil tb~ ntality at the plants are on tho downw ard road to ruin, principa lly pl:oduce!l trom honey, duro we will, tlnd qpportu nlt.les to help . I'" , ed to 1,383,46 4 are cqnstra lned by , Select e.,-s with grains ot'. unltorm Ing tbe year. amount took a lit. them. When we and B!i&pe. ~alde fr~m Itil Ind~ca- pomd,a, ot which 'Germa ny not walt for some one wtll we love cent., Ft'ance do it. , Uon. 01 true~eB8. ' to l'~", Ullltor mltytle less than 50 per' 'remaln der beIng else toOpportu nity Ever. Pre.ent . of patn"~" of .cona .derable Importa nce about 20 per' cent., n Europea var~ous among ted ~n even CllsJrlbuUon ot seed distribu Perhap s a word or two will brlgbte l , unUol']I\ ataDd: , , " , e's life. It Qlay take t\le cloude lomeon s. countrie Is tlon ,ee~ ,co~ for: germlna . To general 01 Iii Jt mar bring an Indiffer ent ant bees way. .. · ·of k~epln'g Tbe com.a..nUal to modern 'metbod s of and. school. It may turn I s, district Sabbllth the to country the In ' prodUct ion. :The.' ~Ot ~atand of corn pr.focUce con· sInner to a salat. ,"Do you 10·... matters other all and hiving the ' averIpw ih~ tor fb}e S. larsel)" rell'on8 of a most . prim· Jesua?" are the worda that tell from ace neld, and' it Is tmposat ble ' to get nected therewi th are' being Wlually the IIpa ot a woman at the wash tub, hive the er, cJiaract Itlve a good .land Withou t 1(004, strong Bnd no .lnd It was tbe me'ans' o~ saving a souL trunk, palm a of a sectlon Beed, .' : e preserv to We may not feet' the Impot:ta nce of taken III care ar paitlcul aU · discard and IdenUfy NQ ' obe can taking l work. Look , at the vast the persona durlpg hive the of life tbe s qualltle the earl of' poor gerailna U.n8'· ot travelfn " salesme n In the should It , number p~actlce Such .wlth~Vt .the aId ,'Of ~- K!'-::mlnatin~ · te.t. of tlie honey. at tho employ of busines s bouses. WheN followed not i~ , ood underst ~ ~ wll'c~ a~~r g8fJDbl ade A bUd-m apiartes , where' there Is aD would theIr work be' 1t It we~e not for proven .very sa~~ctory m,ay be mad, nt aed a8 modern ap ,'.be persona l effort tbey put forth. trll.atme Caretul of a box ,lx.Ox30 mcbell inside mfa. And how 'much more necessa ry It 11 In any country . !Ou~d ure. Fill ' nearl)' 'full or' molat Balld paratus ail 'Is tho lly to be a persona l worker tor t,h e r;reat especia 'bees, of a varieUe 11 ~ : . . Inchel ' two and mart' Intq·. 'Quarea , Cu. In well ngly master who la all In all!--'-OosPe' exceedi tbrlve Italla!l, pasaed acron :by a cord which 1& tho of nce abunda Herald. an being" arOUnd the nalli driven' In the ' sldes ba, there plant Ufe needed for. their malnten· ' the box. Perseve rance In . Divine Life. The checka ,In the tlrQt ro.w, ' ~eg1?~' anc:~~. . Tnie believe rs . may - become Indlf, forent and lukewar m. but they cannol ftnaUy and 'totally Jail I\way fr.om th. state of italVation nnd shall perseve re an~ be flnally !\Aved. T·bey may (nll Into .Iln and · err.o r, but he that bath tlegtin a coOd ...ork tn . them wUl · p~l' To , tC1rm It 'untll t~e day of J "u'I .:Ch~1at -RflV_ ITt'. Jo~.n ~e ~nIO~, Prelb, teJ,'lan.. W~sJ;llqtoni. •
g ,
. --1'-
Inste ad of Liqu id Anti sept ics Peroxide '
neA rm yof Constipation
.mQd,m .
Truth, uh'''' '''nd' IJI1Mrlty. . J. ~ m.n'~ 6nt duty to btzulel! fa teo be .lJ1ceJ'4Mo"to mean ... haL b, ..:FIt la, '" wh.t h~ means." . Inl1nce rftJ III n1ld.~ln.. ,eYUJ' . aUler ytrtue. ·tD1tU4 ructlOl l sa " Trutbtu IDe.. .. Dot
How to CU,r e .. Chronic Colds and B'r onchltis
Blue\rale, lit., MtI} 4 1910. " I wa ' i k f r two year with a ·chronic cold and bronchitis and a c n eQuent run-down condition.' I rcceh- d n benl!fit frolll d ctors, lind had to giv UP. work. V INOL was r 'commend d and fro m the secnd bottle I comm nc d to improve -1 gained in weight nnd trength, my cold and bronchial trouble di snppeared, and 1 ~m at work agai n. I want to r ommend " IN L to noyone who i in need of such a medicine."- T noMAs H mLII !>f '. It is the combined action of the curative elements of the' cod livers aided by t he blood making and strength creating prope rties of tonic iron contained in VI N' L which makes it so success(ul in curing 'stubborn colds and bronchi tis. VIN L is n constitutional remedy for hronic coughs, colds, bronchitis and pulmonary troublt:Ji, not
a palliative like cough syrups. , T ry a bottle of VIN L. ,If you don't think it helped you, we will
return your money.
J. R. JANNEV,' Dr.uggist
.:0 nmon Pleat Court. Perry .lordon V8 Charles Clarke. Appeal ,by defendant. 8 "'nley & 8t~ nley ",ttOl'neYR for defendant . J anoie W. Ridgeway vs W. 0 " M , Ilggie E • and Vina Wa rner. M. j lJartley, attorney for plaintiff . To • et aside oonveyanoes. Riobmond ' M. 'O~nnln'gham Vs, John T. CunnlnKham et al. ~th ·W. 'Brown, attorney for ' pl~~ntU!. Partltlon. '
State of ~()hil) "fI , j ': B. French. Defendant, ohanorea plea or Dot
t,y 7.1Ci675, Mut lldt. ' . Wi nt el a nd J b n Win t el t·o .N tlthan Hlll'rell , lot tn
,1. .
Moor~f. Glu. ' Oven Door is wi thout doubt .t he handicilt imprc;>vemen t ·e ve r (\dded t~ 11 'c ooking range. It saves :h f,l lf ' the' work of bakiug, besides insuring better r esull . It' enables' you . , to see ,the condition of ' the fo od iii the oven with9ut constantly stooping over and opening th e cloor, w~ich causes considerable discomfort' as we ll as loss of heat. .,
town bit), Erunm 11 nger to Cbarles S. O.lin All t hi ngs I1re r ady for t be gTe4t. /{er , lot in Clenr or eok , to\\losbip, a.. e8 t ·~~tlte ~uu dll.Y Sobool Convention Cu Ji ~ tll B Ellstmun t o ArUm r W in t he b :st,ory of OhIO 's Sunday . l!:1I 8t U1L\0 lot in Hamilton t o wDs h ip , sohool work. It will be .h eld in Me mor ia.l a l1l1, Dayton, Taesd"y Rllohol B. Ba rdi ng to j:o' iorenoo W ed nelld~y an d Thorsd.y, JuDe 6', Wor kman lot in F ranklin 11260 7, 8, Among the flpeakers and in. George E Fry lin gor to.lsetta !mell 8truotor s a ro Rev. Oamden M, Co' rea11y costs you nothin g in the end. It mO,re than pays' lot i n B .. wilton t9w nship, 11075 burn, 0 , 0 " Dr. H . Ai, Hamill, Or, fo r itself on its fuel-saving features alone. 'Each ,stove ' Willia m t:>m lth to I..llli e Wea ver d'rllnklin MoElrresb, D. D" Ph V " equipped with a Controller Damper which positively s aves lot In Fr ankl\n, $400 MillS Ermlnll O. Lmooln, Dr , Edgllr one-third of the fuel. Moore's Range is the only one havin2 a ConCommissioners' Proceedln28. , Bl ake, Mis, Elizabeth Kilp'ltrlok. . Ra v, Wm , A. Brnwn; Rt"v , p, H troller Damper. . J~e wis Bros & Co ,00 1\ Ilnd h aul Welshtmer, 0 , 1) , ' Mr. W . E o6r. The Everlasti ng F ireback, which is part of the r ange, still ing, ' 2082; Will, S. G rI\bll.w , coo· pr nter, Dr. Cornell~ s Woelfkln, furthe~ reduces your fuel expense by providing for the bu rning up of all s moke, soot and 2as. Moore's R ange actualiy teaches cooking. It is equipped with an accurate Oven Thermometer ' rllct, '211 95 i Burroughs Adding I) 0 , and otbers, and a Thermometer Guide, prepar ed fo r Moore's Range exclusive ly by Mrs. Samb 1'yson Rorer, M ~o llin e Co , , al-nU r8 fo r t reasurer 's Tbe features of the Couvention the acknowled ged foremost cook of tbe country. It tells the exact 1 ngth of time necessary ,for m .oh lne, '2 i Y; es tern Star, s tumped will be it~ instit ute oharaoter. 8n ex baldng any kind of food and the temperature required. en velope!!, '23 60 i W ~stern Star, tensive baz"nr liud exhibit of t3un . reoords (\od sttltlooery, $79 50; Ohio dll.y-sob ool l'quipmont, 'Il Men'a Bible ..or ruga ted Cn Ivel·t Co., pipe, sao 8' i t3tudent's Deq lOnetrllt lon in the form We haven't room nere to tell you all about the ~ Iumi- no sUrrlng and without the least- danger of burning. A F Meeker, cemADt, $2.65; 0 1· of a greatpllrad', four great lecture8 nlzed oven, .wbich is the ligbtest and most sanitary on the'I'bere are dozens of other exclusive featurelj of the wald ' )0 Furni t ure store, oot s f9r jail, on MiSltion8. two OD ArohlleololV market i or the Moore Hinaed Top. which overcomes the Moore Range which we will be glad to Sbow and explain troubles and iacQDvenlences of broiling steak or toasting to you if you will call at our store. ' , 10 i Albert Anderson , attorney for in8piration"1 and educational wes. bnsad; or the MooreADti.scorch Co.er, whlch perm its the We won' t urge you to buy. Call NOW ",hUe our J ohn 8.0 s, ,50 i D. B. WeltoD 8er. flBges, speotll1 peJiode with the Word, boDIng of milk or substances which burn easily, with stock is complete. . vices on burial oommittee, *1 i ~t.te Inspirmg musio and the gleat basi , Moore'. &n... cqn 6e 'Gel in either CtUt Iron or Stee' , of Obio vs. Joseph Carr, 1'990; ness sessi on of tJie Uonventlon-on t:ita te or Ohio va. ~ettte C.a rr. '12,11; Wednesday morDing. Stl.Lte of Ohio vs, P erry Garr, 112 45; OJllQial delegatee are ob08en only :s::::s State of Obio vs. ROy Camp, t10 : by tbe County AtIlIooiattons, but 01· State of Ohio VB , James CarlOn. fioial vlaltors · may be sent by any $1285 i James Follen, Alary as j ~n. obnroh' or soboal. Undertaker and tmbalme-r, itor for May, 150; Ray Barshllarger, Ohit) raUroadB have granted assistant janitor. t"o; 9 &to CarsOb, a special rate of olle 'and one-half Will be found in the oJd Bank Bollding. oPpollte assistant ' 8eee'81!0r,60 j Anna A fare for the ronnd tli p from all Ohio tbe NI\~loo al Bl\nk," Graham, aeSe880r, a24 j Jennte Rob poinls. \ Telephone in house and of. inson, a 8s1stanta888lsor,1SS; Walter l70graml ready on May . 15th, ' t t90 : ; ~~~~~~t~ be called, Oadwallader, as~tstan assN8or,' ; Apply to Ohio t:Jnnday School AIBO- ' A farmer who appreoiate8 ,~ George H. Feldkamp, aui,tant as· ~atioo, Colombns, Ohio, value 01 birds to 'he f! rm, and who Valley Phone u-~. 's eAor, 175; .J , C. Klphart, asalatant ., - • thinks it i, more proflta:hle to feed Main Street. Waynesville, QbI.. " M*lSlIor, ' 126 j W. ~. Barvey, .,a . , Ohosts Haunt Swamps? them than to ahoo' them expreuel aiatant "Ye810r, $SO I LnoUe Wag No. Never. Its fool1.h to tear himllelf on thil wiae : Dr. Bell's Pine-Ta,-"Honev gqt,l,er, M8.atan~ au8110r, ,72,10. a fanol~ evil, ~he .. tbere are ' real "The lime ia n~ar .hen the bllLOk. For Coup. and 001. l:5oaie M. Blaokburn 4iO. and deadly perU. k? guard aK~in.' bird and the crow wtll receive the Contract let to Ho(),ing f~r ~~::~~r. ~;::::~h,:y~U:l::.! annnal bleuthe from lOine larmerl. gr~~d JurY room, t60. , ' ., germs that O&118e agne, ohill• .,Ind The tra.D; and aho"nu will W Used LET U$ DO YOUR C~ntr80t let to Oregonia Bridge fner"weakneu,lIo_. in the bon.. , to oheck tbe ravages 01 these lIioful' do. for .teel bridge CODcrete 1l00r and ,mUllOl. ~d may Indnoi deadly blrdll. They will be called all lor's , '. " d typhoicl. Bnt Eleo\tio Bitten dft'. J;f.oBllburg'anc;l Pleaeant Plain roa Itroyi and oN.. on' theae vioiODl of namel ~ha':led· with .'.he orh~e of $495. . . ' gertnIJ from the blood. "l'hree bo~. .&eali~ oorn~' ~n(1 not oredited with :. Ceneral cont~act l,e t to ~erman tlea dro~e all the malaria from my one r~eemi.ng .quauty. . Kenter ,to J;epatr brid~ea a ..oubd sYltem, wrote Wm • . i'ret,rell, of "I ~m a frielld of tbe. birdiij aua ' ,. , Luo&ma N C "and I've had floe ' . . ,L ebanon. " hea}&h ~~~ I,hoe." Ule this .f., in or~3l' t-o,ea.,. the,m the ..trouble of ' Contr~o.t let toEd ' Templin fO~IIIUre~edY.ODlY~Oo.,talldrn'gghtta pull~lIgcorn, feed: 'he~totbefnll. conor~te aroh on Morrow and Blt.ot , . _. . ,{ ~k., a peck of shelled com, pla.,lng 81\10 01
Moore's Range
Let Us Show You This Wonderful Range
New Sull.
State S. -S•.
For sale I>y J.' H. COLEMAN, Waynesville, Ohio
C;ounty Courts
Verdicts Rendered.
Mur . H. ' oorbia, ~ I vi o C, Voor · 111' , Lnell Ala SOCl tt,~ Ilie L.Moll rl I~ to Eldm pnd ,t:! . and J 'e8!1ie Ma l,ei ~ Itu ", t w t raot s in Wa rren OOOl1-
. y to' ol)e of,guUty k~ping & lll~ 'tIhere intoxieating UqQ(\ra weN .otd. Fine '190 and o98 ts J~ fires oount and ,,50 and ooIts in eaoh of .h ... • 'i i " . • e.wo rema n ng oonnta. .. tltateol Ohio vs. Ohatle.' i'ltzger. ald . . Pr08ecuto~ entenanolle roleqlll. . p
and Crows
HeoItb 'Socle• ty '
tJtate of Ohio Ch I Fit · Qawk r~ad, , \ 95. "in a buoket. ponr hol ~a.er 00 It, gerald. obarged ~~ b:t~: ' In ~ ' Oontl'llos let ~? Geo,r le VII.ielt for · allow I~ t080ak during " ~e night, wUhdrawl lea of not "oilt ::d ~ puUing in lewer pipe and concrel. ' aDd early in the morning plaoe l& iD ,..A, t100 Pd 6. g , y, headwalls. 00 Clarksville, an~ Mid, . piles ilJ the field. The bt~d6 feed 11 nCIU ap ~08 ... ~_ dleboro pUle '69.85. " , greedily ripon tt, and torget the ' Probate Court. Conkaot let to George Veldt for , growing oorn . They do not Ute In eata&e, of I~ao Gebbayt,'4e.. puttiDg sewer ph~e , and oODoret~ 'be hard oorn, therefore I mol ate. oeased, Lanra J : 6ebhar:t, exeoutrix headwaUe 0'0 Middleboro _nd Cl..tik~,: .it. This - prepares a similarity to flJed fir.t anel floal acoouDt wlth ville rOlld, 1141.10. ., 'Oon.umptlon; Smlllpox ."d . OttI.r tJia' io the gro1;1ud and n R!'owe nn. DR·. HAT,B A A. 't TOQohen tor lattlement, . Ordered ,OODtraot let \0 Ohatlel H.ibba for Contallou. 01...... ~u,. to IpNld m61~'e4 by the birds. It leIV. it. InUlpendecl ' a stoDe and bu8h proteotion near In Thl. Manner. pqrjx,.e better thaii ehst '&lid pro., . In e.t.." of Serbert Glenny, ad. Liberty &_001 bouae, asa 70. "'KI.. not," i. the motto f~nity. ' Bavlng praotloed &his for mlni.tra'~ rued first abd 'floal ao .\ - - • '' .WorI4'. Health O!1taDlaat1OD. of whlCli ~Uly. years! 9!,D oheerfQ~ly, reo OODD' wlth votiohen to~, lettlem'e nt. ' It Startled the World .Mn. Imo,ene Rechttn of OIDotDDaU ommttDd" to' the I.rmer ..nd the Ordered .WlPe~ded. wheo tJJe, aStounding olaims were 'I. pre.ldeol. .,.Mra. u.ohtlll ,uplALu hi~~ , " -: ___ • ~LTER "MOOLURB'. In tb,e Daa'ter 01 tbe,wJJl of ranks first ~ade IQr ' Hno.k len's .Mnios ~at ,theth~bJ~~~ th~ ~o'Yemlll1t .. to' What'., th".-U-";;";"" lIalve but forty ' years ol-wonderfnl 88HD e Ip._ at ,aouampUOD IUld Dakib. deoeued, W1111l1641. 'oorea'have proved them trne, ~nd' ~nate~ th&~ the "KIM ~H . pledpe TOlu1fttr wlth,lJOre eyes when ODe Funeral Diret:~or. ID' ..tate of ~~ri8m .' LOwn~. d,e- ev~ryWhete it is now known al 'he ,. hould be taken lAd JI:.~ by..,.., 250 tube of 8uthbrJaod's Eqle Eye' ce~, rrank T. · Whitacre, exeou be.t 8&i:ve earth for Borna, Bolls, ."!'ool teacher ln 'the 00UJlU7. Salve wUl onre yon. We II1.rantee , tor, filecl inventory: and ' apprai8e. bIds, Sor~8 ~tI, Btailea. 8praijae, 'T-.che,. "lAd popUI bc)th win 1&. Yoo ,IRk nothtng. It'. a creamy, Telejlhone day ' '01 uillat. · ment whloh i. , ordAr8d reco'med. 8~e1i1ng., Eck~", Chl'pbed ~aJldl; ~en~t by It. decw,. lira. Reohtln. .~pw white oiptment. ' \ . ., ., . Fever t:ibres and PlIes. Only 250 at A Iweet.f~ ldDdet'ptta te.aher • ... • Valley phone No. ,' . LoOK · In e.tate of Amanda AI, Bohnell, all drngff\sta. ' ldlled herpupU. lOOd·by~ u.:rtDa. 'I , Distance No. 8i-o'... deoea~. Charles Joneit and Charles • -, ~ , . wtll take .. aoo4 reR thlIl1DDIDU'. In ENGLISH BEAUTY SECRET OUT ' 8ObDe)), 'execotora ' filed fourth ao: ' M , ONEV PDO,M DIDT the tall I will elv. ,.00 ·mo... · iatq-i .' " WAVNESVILLE, ' . OHIO , "" they tire me now.' ' She 4184 of ~' . , 001101 with vonohttre for'l8ttlemeDt . ' .umpUo,D ln, the mJddle , Of Aquat. Dally a_til I. Given a. On. Reuon for' 'Ordered loapen'ded. ,.Napoleob, from Qn 'ahr~ost bank· Were the ' Children ~e4 ,to eonInterriatlon.1 Laurell ,', In'' eltate of M"rl~a A. '.qunh'am, ro~t treaenry, took t125,OOO. ' Thts sumpUon? lIad the d1. . . . b..ncUph. ." : •••uty. . ,-') , , . D. E. Uunham app"inted 'ldmiuis. eom was nled by three meu for re- theria or, .liW1pox woul4' the,., have A ~oent Intenl~~ of -.Mm~. Llna, • ' . . . • W . D• W bite" ·· ,ezpoae4 It? ' I I.I. . ~ra.or, Perry V. Bone searon w.ork, theIr object being to lieen . "$lnoe ' youto caDDot qut.rantlne Cava etl, pubU"n.d ~ 'a P.arli papet, ' •. . , . ' 'IGL ~' . aud CorWin Drake;', appointed ~p dlsooversoDlewaytoprodooe I~Rar, again8t conlumpUoD. Dor vacclnate fotiod Ita ,r.,. tq ,Berlin-to the omoe Good fOI" Nothlnc J»ut the Eva . praieers. The result of their labor waR the agaln.t conlumpUoD. how wtll we oon- ot ,ihe. Berllne~ Tage~latt-where ' a ~::~!!:::::=====::1=-:::= ' !!!=~~~~~~~~~~~~• . Ellen D~herty vs. John Mel.oyas· eagar beet: '1'his, investment re- trol't~T '. ,. 'YI'~ter ~ltro~g himself or~e1'8eff "AmI!-- ,~ ''It <.... hoI' , f mtll ' ' dis" repi;Ove'. the prima danha , for pro- " executor of' Wi}' of Robert Cook torned , millions Proltperity haa ........ 'w • a el to the , ~. l '. . , , ~ gra,=e~ . W,e ,et It ~to our Iy.tem olalmlng "EngUshmen, and , especially through our DOl. and, mouth I, AI far ' En.I~ilh ~fllcers. to 1),8 the bands<!Jlle~~ deoeaaed. ~tt.~re iI?- oontroverllY puraued 'Fr~noe ever linoe. referred . to t r~fereea: ' ,J. P. Fair • Franc.e loans money to other aa a8 pol.lble we eatepard our Do.es 'by Il:Dd generally the ~o.t ~auU~I .sp'ectohild, G!,orge F~Jdkll'mp" and A. F , tlons, Agrloulture i8 taught In avol4Jng du.t. We han ito way of meDS of tx:l!IDhOOd ·1n the World ... · Simonton, for adjustment, 81hools . Herbiggeat men ar~ proteoUng our mouth.. ,Qu&riuittne "A;madls" ,admits . that " 'Englishmen In , t tet r B '"' D ' friends of , her dirt. Long ago, them, if I m.a y b. alJow;e4 to ule ' the may b~ entitled to 1n~,rnaqC;lDal.1aul'els l . es II. 0 ,un... a~in., imbe. '. " word In Wi way. TeaCh the ,little '.or beauty" "b,cause-~or the , r,ason I . ' , oUe E. B. I?~aklD, goardlan, flied Franoe lel&rned .the :valoe of strln. ones'lo quaran~n. thel~ mouth •.. With Blsnoi:'1~a Cavalieri p~ts' ~or"ard- , his flnal a~unt with vouopers for' $ent bret\ding Jawa. , Freno~ borael, a land tee~lng ,With oon.umpUoJi wit ,t b,ey ,batb,e of~ener ,than ot~er men. ~. j _ lettJE!ment, Otdered suspended. brinK fanoy prioes , Ameri"!l ponr. should alway. love our, ,relaUvea ~4 BU~ opinions differ ra~lcaU~, lIowever, . Iu estate of .Toh PI d ' d a golden treaaole stru.m lnto ·the friends. Tenohens and oth!'r. wUJ aI· on BIgno~ CavaUer1s de,duoUon that · . . '0 ao~ , ?C)(1ue. , ' , " wars love the Itttle fol••, but shoulcf Enlfl!lJh omoer,a. ,are, especta,lIy, u8,e~1 C . W. U[, glesb~ administrator filed .lap of .tbs ndioll t,bot i8. wi~e , love them too well 'to Ids. them 'Diel}fJlers ot, human' .oclety. ' ','1 . hie inventory and ' appralse'ment • - • . "Our health 'omcef I&Y. 'K18~ only ' ~'We me~ of otber 'naUonalrtlea 'are' , wbi~h h' ordered recorded. I. ,. TOO MAN V LEAVE 0..,'0 your enemlel.' . . ~UIT ubame~, 'but ':we . ~on80le ,- ow,. 1n matter oh,l11of p , B ' Donbam ' , • . . ' "We have a very pretty club hut- 1I, lv~l . wltb ,th~ r~f\ectlon . th~t meil willie ftleci.' ',l Too m.a ny people ,Il r e Jeavil1 8 t.on beartng olJr motto, 'K1l's Not,~ In a,re ,not exp~cted both ~ b~ BOOd lookOhio. . Ruml lInpu tatlon i6 decrras- red le~tere on a- white baokl1:Ou04. A t~lr, and to !ltr.lve for ,~I~ry at anoth" Miur ,. I,are, L ' ing. 10 8S Oh10 ,oounties are ieBs promlnen~ phY~I¢ao .~ld: ·It on.. of !dlld.' "Imp'ort~t meli · a~e, never hand,' :,cen~8. . " . .., ." " tbo~e b~ttons C()uld be put , U'poD the I!8me. G,Oe~e I aud , ~Iexaoder ' ~lt, .Charll8(1 LUC8B, 22,' tario'8r of 'Cen_ people thun 18 yel\r8 a~O, and in .S. ·blb of every ~ew·boni ba~y, and worn , Great, who .cqmblned ,enlus 'with a · '\arvllle and Myrtle Seeke 19 f les~ tha~ 20 ye.a rl ago . . Twi08 88 UlI ' the child Is ~lgh~", yeare old thel'!! b~aut1ru1. eX~,er~o~, Jrere th~ exc,pUon. ; , r, " 0 ,many live in , C1itv' ,•• . In ooontry, would be more old people ' than tb.ere ,!hlch prove .tbe rule. :,',,' 8 hi b " 6 ' ~wr ngllAor ~ . , , homes. Compared with ,oitY, 'arm 'a re today.''' · , . il~,e other notablUU~ '~f. bll~7,' If . ~m ~g&r., Cleioen~, SO, I!J. rod ' '. , , C . . •_ • , tlley oou11i- be lined .~~. , 1V~~d ...,,111· , bor81',ol B,oncH:I ~ll ,~nd O'" isv'l'horn • .P ~ce: ~olf:~,,'~e we,ah ~Q). • DE'I,'RlOPINO DE"SOU ' riCES ' ,ble a Coll~ctlon~o~ ~ ~WD·. ,·tr~. toD Max.~1lI'20. of Baleman, Htation par , w ~ ,flirm tba olty get8 mQ~t '~~ . , ""' yet they are. the" men .aobley8d '. . ' , _ 01 th~ pnoUe mo~ey. ' . --- , thlNt and l eft the ~lrpe... RMI Estate Tr.... Ohio induIges'in \1l1gid ecooo~"ln ....1"" . Jlpoo . ODe ' .John A. ~bold ~ Henr L " Mama ; '·\YtI. lIe" ' ~h':t d~. y~n .18veloptDlaDit oOD.~!iol n"to!a) )iinpe;j like BJTOn, croOlt· . Beohman in , Malon, t700.. y I ' mean by br.. ~IDIJ all thoae e• ..-'" reaoDr0e8, 8mall ,portiOQ is .pe~, :::;':'C~4;e Apaa e: Thompe.>n to rr&D088 A: . Wnll~ : "1 heud, Ptpa ...y ~th.~ &0 enoo~ra*e ,.ionltore aDd 'lI~. ei'. un 8ocra'- ".. rrllrlitlleDeG..-tl »a_erV,lot in lAbanoll, 11. . ther.'. ml)Dey iD egls,~ and l'~ '1'1 Wage . whloh . add " real , .'reDl'h, hot....... ADei D~!'!.~ .1Iar7 B. Voorht. to Alvt 0 ing to fiDd It.- " ' . " ..I'~, healtb anel b&pptD,~ to n '. ' . • • 1Ir. . .r====~: '.'.l~ ~r~4 towDlhip, Eat, '411n_ aDd be merry, for..' &0. .. oolDlDoDweahh ( • -. . rat........-.;. taJi.
OafS' K,·sses-
H. E.
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.Why Not Plant
Wlnt IU'e YOIl ' oing to do with thot piece o t ground you didn 't get One YOir (IItrlctll' i.u advance) . , .•. , , '. " r eudy for corn? It will not pay to Singlo COpy".,.",.". " .,'" .•. , • • Ie' it lie Idlo tlltti lIummer. Wily n t plaot it In c;oyb all? 'I'llls OrOD Rates of Advertising ' \ ill mBke good lillY but,is better for R a~\lng Loc:o.ls. per line .... , • , , . , , , , , 51' log oattle? toud del4troy? soiling or silugo. It makes exoel Readlua Loeo.l~. black (a<.'o. per lIuo , , I , Hlc I Q whd form do you fel'!d corn, H ow many lnseots oould Ii toad tent pasturo for hogij und sheep OIau1fied Ada. not t.o eltctlOll 11 \'II lIu .. Tl~ IlUIertEOD8. : .. , , , . , , , , . , 26<: in the sh,ook, on, the ear, sQelled, destroy io a. witek? yielding froID 5 to 10 tons of greo~ Obltuarl6!l, fl ve Inches fiee: over fl vo orlloked or grOl1nd? liow mallY In Il month? forage per OOre. 1000011, ~e liDO ........ " , ... . lie Where do YOIl get your feeder ' A toud has been known to catoh' The floTbeau I a. legume, Bnd in Oard of thanka, •••.. , . , . , , .. , , . , .. , , , 2 lie Re.olut/oD8 ..•.•.•.• , . , .••....•.. , .. , GO(' Oli ttle? ' 8 6 house fiis8 in 10 m1nute , Ro\v outJ:itlve vI:I.)ue is equal to red clover Sool618 ote. where chargo hi mado., . , ..• Refinishing Floors and Furniture will bring you more t>o yoo fiod that tbere"is profit In many WIiS that per miuute? AIR soil improver it. is excellent DlIplay AdvtlrlJalng per Inch ... , , .. , .. . :: pleasure and abiding happiness in your home than anytbina D\acounta lfiven on contract. fattening oattle in Ohio'} How many would a tood be able Thitl plt\Ut will grow on a wide vayou can .do .about the home for ~hich you will spend any such unaII Feuder8 of beef oattle In Ohio to de8troy In Iln hour? rlety of SOil8, but 'be rioher the soil amount m time and money as will be the expenditure in this wor~ rnnst stu~y the 0"8~ of produotion A toad Was known to destroy '51 the larger ~he yield of forage, Pre. MAY U. 1911. ",ltb lUuoh oo.re. High priced feed out worm8 in ubout 3 hours Bow p'o re the soil tbe same as for oorn , uDO YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU ACCOMPLISH?" J08t how fill' doei the kitohsn li nd high priced lEwd muke it d1f1l~ Intlny Was tbis in an hour? DriIJ the tl0yoollns io, f~om 3 peoks ra.nge? cult to feea steers with prdit Gurdenera sometimes pay chilo to B hushel and Il half of seed per Under oor ordinary Ohio 'furru dren, 1 oent ellah for destroyiog oot acre, after oorn planting time , 1'he The houao'w ife is known by the aonultlon .., olover 'hIiY, aorn, stover, worms. At this prioe how ' muoh heavier seeding is 'where the crop is bread ,she btlkes .. oorn 00 the ear, shelled .or 88 'oorn per hour did the toad earo? grown for ha.y or pasture. A oom malil, with 011 0180.1 or ootton 1l68(1 It is known thtlt" single load by mon' drill cau be used with the out Eczema meal in It smBll WilY, will give good destroying 1nseots, Is ble to 811 ve fned opened, and enough of the Is permanent in its color, never fades, positively durable beca~ it is made Ytelds rel1dHy to Dr. BeU'8 Anti. of beat ma~eriala, Old painted floon made to look ~ke new in all beautiful septlo Salve Y JU l'ee au Imprpve. results The ose .of ien to fifteen to tbe furmer orops VAlued at 120 hol.s 8tQPped op to give the proper shades, such as Mahogany, Antique Oak, etc. Makes old woodwork and meot after th(\ first appliOAtlon per cent 011 meal or cotton seed Olea! "year. The toad ltometlmes lives disttl.noe between rows. old furniture as good as new. ")S THIS CLEAR TO YOU 7" We pal'eantee It. It Ii oleao and wlth 85 to 90 per oent of oorn wUl to be 15 years old. At this ra.te how Uoltivate the ' soybe/lDS with pleauo& k) Dse, . ~l5o a box, make .. very deelrable.oombioatlm mnOh money would a to~ be, able a weeder before thoy come up FOR 8AL. av At present prlce8, ootton llead III eal to 8&l'n io a life time? When the rows are wide en ')Ugh Be lbat hiw earl to ear should III ooe of $be very oheapest ooncen Two bOY8 were knowo to kill 17 apa.rt, use the o·u ltlvo.tor When the now be~lo to tblnkof plllutlnK oorn. trated food8 the 8teer feeder 080 'oad" io one 4lfterooon, A, Do valDe I)rop Is "rown for 8eed, se~eru I culti Waynesville, • • "I'm I~ _.UD down' th'a tl can give buy. 'If one, hll8 gOO<\ olover hay, aiTen io ptobl~m above wbat WIlS vation8 should be given, Borvest sovbell ns intended f r no m~re '&fc'k," algh(!d the alarm tbls with ,corn alone, wUl do ,v ery the 10s8 to th£ farmer by the ' death well. In 'steer feeding experlmente of these toads? hay ,118 soon IlS t,he pods begin to olook.• lit the Ipdiana experlmen, ltatluo. • - • form; for silage, lel1 'Ie the plants HOW TO ,READ SHAKESPEARE Or • . 250 I. a amaD Amount Dr. lIeII'a.AntlHptlC _ve , . & oombinatlon of about 8U pounds oome a'5 near mo,turity os posslhle G, You woald not soffer one day for i h t Suggetted Train. of Thought Ought to Itl guaraoteed for f,at$er, ring a1over hay and 19X' pounds oorn fi.e times that amount. 'l 'heo try '11 t ou dropping their l ~aves. Put Rlae Above Reader'. Versidn worm, eozeUla, ohapped banda and gave an,Bver&ge dally gain of two 8utherllLnd'l Eagle Eye &lv3 , We in tbe silo with oorn . When intendof Author. UPS: "uDnlng .G~ea, ul08ra aDd in fact. juarsntea it to oure. (t'd painlee8 ed for seed, h~r·ve.t bofOr~ the bellne aU akiu 18ellleli. ~G.ld to ulle after pou,n dl, tor 1,'00 pound ' 8~r8. Steere led olover lix moo'blt did and harml888. ' Ilre IDllture . or thtlY Will shat,ter .You talk about rending Shakespeare, .hal-inl, '~Go a box. dtstipo.ly beUe; than "hOle fed &im badly. ,Handle when I,he dew ls on \lBlng him 8S an expression for ' the "I've leeo brl.K.bter days;" sighed ot~y I~ pla08 of clover. Use an ordinary muwi~8 m~ohlne .hlghest In~elleot. and you. wonder that St. Augustine'. CathoJ,fc Cburdt. 'he,lauoepao to tbe810venl)" kitcbeo,' In tbe fKlooomioalleedlng of cat. . with a side delivery Ilttaohment ex any common person should be so PTeFather Geol1le M~v~Dhoefor, PaatQr __ • ., U " . ' ,umptuous 8S to IIUppoS!,' his thoUlht 1>fB8s every aecopd Sunday 01 th~ 1Il0_\b a , 'Ie, 00 fQOd 8urpluu'811I1Uage to \falUe , oept where Intended 'for ~i18ge, ..yhen can rIse 'above the text which' lies be- II l aO a, III • . "WeJt;I'll be .wUohed," aDRrlly ManT .11011 are being coDeboo&ed in the self binder malte. the best·IDi'. tore him. But think a moment. A. exolalmed t.he I!lmalJ ' boy; and h'e Ohio In th88~ reoentY",H, bnt,maiD 9~ plement, the bouod bundles being child's' reading of Shakespeare Is one Re", J . Il'. Oad"alJader. Rector; , . wa. ly ffilr oee with dairy caUJe, Yet UII eallY to hllndl~ Fur hay handle 8S th,1ng and Coleridge's or Schlegel'1 • - • ' . ' reading of hlm Is another. The sat\U'aSunday Sch.OOI. 9 :80 a m Mot1llD. Ilea' I'or aI Bowel Troublea enOORb feeding baa beeo 'cooduoted ' little as pOII!j{ble. Leave "in the tlon, point ot ellch mind dHfers trom Ice, 10 :80 a. m. Boly OOmlllunlOil 'be Ilnt U.e Dr. Ba)l'1S Aot' t>aio( Relief wUb ,ker., wherf! IHaae formed MOlt of the Chagrin and Remora. We swath ooe or. tw~ daya, then put in t~at ot every other. But 1 think It la Sunday of cac~ month, I, almoat iD8saotiAoeOus. Lt also ft. part of tbe ratioo, to demoD8tra~e G.t for Our•• lv•• I. Due te ~mall oooks until oured. For threlh as t rue tor the IImall mind, which can MetHodist ~pfsc:op81 Chua. . good externally 'f or all 'kiDd8 (;f that lhls i8 a most valna~le food. Impatience. ing the 6eed, use ordinary threshing only take up a little, as tor the &Teat Rev, H. 'W. BtJle7, Putol. . painl. 89ld everywhere. _ ' . ' L ,one, which takes up muoh. that the _ _ _•• _ " . .--'_-::The &:Epetlmeot ,taUoos of Ohiol Walt! 18, there anyth101' lD the maohine w't~ blanK oonCIiV8S, sug,e~ted trains ot thought ~d teel- Sunday Scbool, 0: 15 a. Ill. MornlOK · lIer· ,,,icc, 10:BO a. m, Epwot~ League, 7:00 p . There a.-e, a number of good va ' Ing ought ~WUYS to rise ,above-:-not m, lllvenIDg servlc\!, 7:00 p, III: MI4wIlIIIr 'rbe hotbed Is "ell eoou~h lQ itl {llinole, 1\04 tndtanAhaV8 oonoln. world 10 hard to d91 And 1. there place, bot few people would oare to .lvelY ab,wo tbat. llteera fed anything 80 necellary to learn' MOlt rietl61 of 801 b e&n8 that do well in the author, but the reader's mental Pr \yer Mooting" 7 p. m, lOlld" ..00(1 ' Dee of It.. C"r-t ot the 'chagrln and remone we let for this stAte the Medium Green proba version of the author, whoever he may llQeP to n. "{ D ... ' b e ' ,Chri5tJan Churdt. ohael alt the Oblo ••uo"". fed one out.elnl II Chle to lmpatleoce. U we bly beiog the l>est known Ask "'our . . Rev. 'L. O.:TbomPlOD. PutIot. . ,... ., U had wafted the cloudl would have d '1 ' b 't b ' 'd J ,I think most reader.a ot Shakellpeare Blblll School. 8:.0 .. m. , 8oc1al , ~ FiftY lUUe ohlckeo. in the 1000- lot of .~n a comblnatioo of ~4 3 palSed. If we hid wafted the fatal 8fi er a ou soy ean .ee. If you sometimes find themselves thrown into ~~l!! .., m. Ohl1atfau Bndea'fOi; 7:00 Po m: poonds '1118S", 6 pound8 _ixed hllY, 'Word would not bt.ve been. • poken, it need a ,o atoh orop or 'a 8qbatitute exalted. mental conditions like those .,.,.......on by pastor 1IV8r7 a\~ 8W1dit.7 ~ ba'or. ,10:10 a. m. IUld 7:80,]). m. Ten ICrawny broHers a few weeka 8 ponndl corD 8tover, 14 9 poon~1\ we had waited loy. would han turned orop, try 80ybeans, • produced by music. Then they may Jater shelled doro, and 1 7 pOUOd8 cotton apln. ' 'r. i.. Wheeler drop the book, to pe.ai at onoe . Into Hld(8ite FriendS Churta. . . , ' , ' the regIon of thought without words. To watt do.. Dot mean to be Idle or . • 1 ,meal, and ' ano·b·er lot 11 2 Indeclslve. ,It means. time "O\U' etAgrloultnral Extension Dept ' We may happen l irat Day MeeUnjt; 0 :00 a. m. FJn& DaF . . to be nry dull tolks, ' PIne Tar __ nvtI_Y pound. 'm .'· t..r ...a hay, 1 ...... UD.a_· corn' tort! What II Impoilibl. now., mlY be Ohi0 S~~a t e U 0 I vers It y . you and I, and p.l''Obably are. unless Sohool, 11 ;O(l a. m. ' FoUr6Jl Day KeellDf[, ' , , &Vl,l.. ·1.... UIII 10:00 a. , ~ : ' Have heeD u.ed for geDer~hoD.~D ltover , 17,8 po....d. 8helled co~n aDd ealY at Ilx o'Clock. "-bout fotlf.ftrthll • - '. there f8 110m, particular reason to sup" pose the tr ·B t tl:d8t1nl oough8 ' Or. Bell'" Pin~ Tar-BoDe- containe ootli nomblDed J,1 PO~Qda oottpo 8t!8d meal. The of any I,*ocelll I" ,the Ingredl~nt of A Burgfar~s Awful Deed con art. u we get cU'inpses J '" h ' , , time. To know when. II 'full, as Im' now and then of a sphers of Iplrttual wUb other . v81nable 'n,redteli~ •• IteeH ad an avera" weight of po~nt ai to know how: " . fblUU ell were h .. may no' parlilyze Il llome 80 com, poss we, aull a. we are Look for' the bell oo .'he bottle. Be 9116 pooD4. ,. each ,,04 were fed 140 Waft for the boy to growl ,What pletely a8 mother's long Ulnesl!' . .now, may lIan in vaat circles round the lore you get Dr. Bell'.. · d"y., 'rile '.UI,e, fed lot required '1ou cannot lead him to at t,n he "'Ill Bot Dr. KioK's New Life Pill8 are largest ' COPlpas. ot eartlil7 triteWu- oy ea man 1-,,"h-t'.·r-"eotlve mood':' 714 pounda of grato, 1,0~ pounds oome to at tw.nty. a 8pJendid re~edy for women~ ,,!!!,!,!e!,!nc!,!e!,!,!,!!!!,!!!!,!!!!,!!!~!,!!!!,!!!!,!!!!,!!!~!,!!!!!!!! -IDU: .. il" . d 216 d h The beat thlnp In the world ~w. "They gave Ole wonderful benefit in ·ove. hl-, . ponn. ..,, ' for '100 Th ey mature an d rl pen. You caD build oons tl pa ti on' aD d f ema ' I e trou bl" wonde -,.. why ble -Ife .. 1 ... I 'ee ~ e, pound. gatn In hve wet,ht, whtle a bouse in a ,ew da7~, but it takes a wrote M;n M. ,C. Dunlap. of Lelld, aDd 10 do latB oel,bboll8. '. • _ . ' tbe oilier 10& required 846 ponod. (re. yean to be eompr.tej and a tree illi 'l'eno.' If ailing try them, 260 u.t 'l'b~ .verage 'b oy &blob better of gralo and 846 pouodl mixed hay la more .ndertul a houee. al drnggist. ' .. 100 'd I OattJ t d I The hleher the I1'&d. 'ot J'OUr tbe ,ootr on .leave th~o of abe ponn .,a .o. e e ~. age thought and (1811. ." the more oue hi. &eaoh8re him ' Ihlp eqlJl&Uyw~11 with 'hOle Dot 's o need ,to learn to waft. . In educatlon/ . , • • fed. " . ,Ia· :go.,.rnment aod in. re11glon 8ape'1. Our Oblo farmers eOK,'g8d'ln .teer clally we hav;e to teekon ' ,vlth , wh.a t ::; -~ • styi~ by,Readib,·Mctali'.: Whel) Dl'. Bell'• .Piot'\,Tar. B.ori"Y l88dlu" do well to el"'blt8h Emeraon cialll "The Ilow m",turlng ot blls beI!Io tried With ..t1llfao"00 for O.n thei( ' farm~,' if, tbey have the human mind." , IVl"17 azine 'a~(t USin,g McCan,~'~ , 1 • ,< " t , 1111 f , 1 read someWhere the whimsy say. McCall'. M.... . ' . . wlll ' over II :Elleeo year. 1\ ~I 00. 9 oot' ab.·sady done 10. 1f 'bey wish to ing ot a wI.e woman, that there were .MgC'ALI:S MAGAZINE b Ii> you dfOllS aul' hom88 for,oousbs, (l())d8, oroup ,and .make .u-,s 0, f oDe of 'theoheil nAat lind three th1n ... that amuled ber: The I hl y 'M n moderato eall throat and br6noblaJ &rooblea. , r~~ .ltJJ ui;olly Iloeplng ' , . Yoo can ,eflt ilnywhere. 'Look for mq8. 1lI'1t\~ble food sttdf. for cat. fJ.rat wu cUmblng treel . to Ihake · Y'ttl ,, 1l9 1" d "on lbo , . 11I1 ~l ( ILJlbIO Oli In 'he on the bottle. ". t e.-Pro{; S Plnmb, .In Uullettn down the fruIt, WhIch It lett alone cl o lh es tIltd bata. ' r.c I' , • ' ' I would tall by and or Itself; the see-· ' 1 II' F1U1 hl bn DelIla ... , i · ' - ..~ ' . Oh'io Dep't of Agl'l"lll' , D' r e , , , ond wu IOlng to war to kill men. , .. lu(!nt,1I l$Suo. A \I;O~ I ,',dllll\blP .luronu.Uon· " 'l"here t." ~cl~8 ': rlIln'u d' (In a hollow ." , _ ' who lli 'a tew yeare would al~ dIe natItn ., ' hOIllU>an"ll' i>W'" J;; go~rd thlln·: i'n & 1~1 "~n~, aDd 'hf sav~ Ch.ild.From'Death uTally; an'd the third WBI . that men !!IUlll l matte.... Onl~" , BARNHART, E.' ~ h' . d ' " . ellould run aft'er wome)l, when, it the ' &1<1. n Y Ilf, Inclbdli' lf ' ' , I t f {I . 1"1'00 "allllrD. , . su\I· . :. ,.Y , het.QOr dllild lind 8uitH~ed .fr mt'li ' woul~ wal, the wptnen would tlllme ,.s: rD., ·o \l~ em~~y , e,.r" ,:,rlllo' lOdny- 'or -I$ooq .. • - .. .", " . , ~evdre , l)}!onohial troubhhlor Ii :Vtlllr" r~ atter them.-~r. ~r&Jtlt Orane. No~ary Pub,H~ for froe ~t1mJ> le .oop'. i Wbat 'wo . let~.r8 ~ 8ptly desolibe wrot~, 6, '1' .RlchardIMI', of Rlobn'rd. MoCtll P.lle.... will IlnlJl(l YOU to moke iO: Jo'u ( : (JIVII h OIlH , will) )'QurOll'u hnnds 'It/lillnl( fur • 'he "ondltlon of thfl " m "" , "who I.. ,\0!l'8'-Millfl~ AJII , ~" we tll~~6d .i t·\ll1d . JO\ lrs tr ,lInd c llllrir Ii II'ltll'h ' Wj 1\ be pertec:t "1 taken lo"by I'hllrppria?" III 'Z. ' . " on,t'lol,n l!t.lyn, It bud 11 blid 'oougb. HATEQ ADVERs'Er CRITICISM In slyle IIU(\ lit, l'rlt,:e-:IIUllc hlghor th.n 1,Ii , uuts, ond r~r rr 91'nUOrD CtllAlbl(ue... ' , , .;. '1.\1. &litl tim~. Wtl 1,1'1,\1\ IOtll)Y reUlt.'. • W. Wid C1.. Yay FIM P..u.h rOr lIottlng suI>- i' ,. lUea wHb()ut avun . Ulld ,the dOb~ur'~' Actor Retort. 'to Critic'. Oplnl~n With ~': ri ,)lIl)ns 1II1I0Ul: your rrl c)lllls. - Send 10r Irl)e f X'CI'lIlImJl '!lUI log"\, nnd 1I.1I Prlso Oft'er; , ,~, ' . G~orge Wuhlngt~n TIlE MrCAU:COIIPAHV. 239 to 249Wa! 37110 *.1IE1r 10U ' . Rates of Sub8Clription
Soy Beans? I
The garden tOlld is useful booau e
fRt'~ (or ,nnghrtge? Do yon II! d 8i1"g~ to I!teors o,r
it dest.roys inseots. In one dRY ,(lO in Il tOlld was known to destroy 24 cut ,0 0 flltt.eomg 011 t,tip? worms, ~4 sa.w bugs, 36 an ta, 4 w e. 110 VOIl lillY oil mfll~l or oot,to).! vUs, 20 thousond legged worLllti ~ ed webl Lo UIlS io feeding fatten- aow muny inseots in all did one
"Hanna's Lustro Finish"
, ----- ---
"Made To Waik On"
'. .'
.. -.
W ,91't''Ing IS
H d"T0 '00
"ii~' ~t' ~h:;~~te"~l"
Run D'Own"
~ribe4t the condi lion of lh(ju.nd~ of men nod women who need ,onl1 to purify and . ~nric.h their b\oQd. Thty led tired all the tim. Ev ry task, every r pon~i
If ple
" ,
ore one of thelle oil-run-down peo-
ot nil debilitated
,Hood's Sarsaparilla Entalla Little Expense and Doea Not Pruont Same Dangera as Many Popular Pastimes.
"Wby Is It," BlI1y
the faOlOua reUred puglllst, wns nsked, "that "morlonn boys do so little boxing?" "For the simple reason that the 6vet:age boy lacks nerve to stand liP before an,opponent and allow his race to become a target for the other's padded 1Js't. T,hls, to Ule be t o( my knowledge, Is the only xplanaUon, for certainly boxing entoUs little expense. and does Ilot present tbe same da~gel'll p.e football and otber Dopular pasl imes." , , "Is It posslblll for, every boy to become a good boxer'" "c;ertalnly, Of course SOO\O lads are better adapted to selt·defenso than .~thers, All the great fighters hnve been endowed with a natural talent for it. Durmg their boyhood they had a PI·Opelislty· for figbting and 'practlced ,.continually with and without glovell, Until tbe ability to dodge 'and return a <julck b\ow at a critical mo~ent became second nnture. to, them_ Tho tall Edwar~e
In 1(19 clrclel
on e.ver'J' Pacftage of t Ie a~nuine.
1I1'N:eR",fP_TI~Mll~'u ru _IWI11I1SVlLUIAM.ITAIIIUM _ i i r ' Q
t.C!ct111urlllons. P11 80 bc>oltfroe. "Now WI-lATA CURI01m: PATENTS FIt"J:oralcl$ Co" K ., Waalt1n&t<lD, D., C.
E'onllo .. .. ,.., mnd" In ""U.nlL P:oOu r~
"1 W'ONorR. TlilRil!'. JS
WJiAT' If{SI{)J;;
Gurss ,1:1.1. ',_ 1'iAY~
<.. ') i
"The boss's son Is lUcking." Teacher-Tommy, what is a co"Why ?" qu ette~ "SaY'B he's overworked. All he \;sed Tommy-It's h thing you make out to do WfiS tenr the pages oft th e oftlce of what's loft of the stewed ohlcken. calendars ODce a month. ·Now he has IN THE GOOD OLD SUMMER TIME. to wind the elght·day olock, too."
TQO Much Like Work.
N'AM'. '
..~t·$·'.i:l.n!1~1 , • tALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO.
It purifies lind enriches the blood, al}d builds up t be !lole system. Get it today in t:tlual liquid form or cbocoln ted tablets ,coiled 8ors8taba.
b!lity, bna become bard to them, beciluae . they lin e not strength to ,do nor... power to endure.
Many a time this summer you're go· Ing to be Just about done out by the ~R:EA~ " i':" ~ , \ bent-hot, nnd so thirsty It j ust seems noth ing could quench It. Wben such ........... ~ ; taiNTED !!TRAlCtrt ACRO$S,NEAIt lltE BOnOM, AND 1H mom nts arrive or when you just: 'n1£ ,ClRCLE.~ TH£ TOP OF ~ERY PACItACE,OF1l{! , ,,'ant a deliCiOUS, palate tickling di-Ink . C£NUINL ONE SIU OHLY, FOIt SAI..£ ay ALL LEADING step Into !.be first place you can nnd IIAUCCISTS.. IWlULAIt 'liCE lOt PtR \I01TLE., -wbere they 8ell COca-COLA. U's deAU. CW FlCS AND IUXlJt OF SENNA IS nil ONLY PEJtfttT FAMILY LAXA~ licious, refreshing and completely 'eEtAUS& IT IS ma 0ftE JWUl)Y WHICK ACTS IN A NAT\lRAL, STA£HCntl.HIHG WAY tblrst-quenchlng. At 80cIn·fountaln8 or AND cu.AN!!D 11IS SYSTEM. WITHOUT UNPL!A5AHT AfT£It.U~ AND wmt.OUT oarbonnted In bottles-50 everywhere. IUlTA'I'INO. ODIUTATIHG 011 ~ AJU) TtWW'ott£ DOES NOT IHT!Jtf:IU IN ~ "I cUd," Send to the COCA-COL~ CO., AUantJa, .AY wrm IUSUCSS OR fI.r.ASUu' IT LS It£COMM~D£D BY aawoNS CW WIlt.: 'Then phwnts allin' ye'" Oa., tor their tree ' booklet "Tbe Truth M'OIIIIID ,~ WHO DOW or m VALUE t1tOM I'tIISOHAl. uS£. 10 GI1' ria "n'. doon there;" laying biB hand on ' About COCA-COLA." Tells what ~ r.inc:rS ALWAYS' IVY 1HI CfJ'CU~ MAN\lFAcnJUO IV 111& the lower part of his wafst coat. "If COCA·COLA Is a.n d why It Is 10 dell1 jump nbout I'll break It and cut me cloUB, cooling und whclesome. stomacb wid the Bhell, an' If I kape qulot it'll hatch a.nd I'll .haye 'a Foollah; . V,ry ~,uch ~ttached. Sbnngbnl rooster scratch1n' me In- , "[ am , g~lng ' to ask your 1ath"r LOST FAITH IN WHITE MAN S\,enson-WiI, do you al~ays hear side." tonight for YO\11' hand in marriage;" Eskimo Telted Efficacy of ;Teleph on• "How dreadfully· old fashioned you a' ahip referred to 81 1'8ho':? Be~son-I ~es8 It III becaulle she Scheme, and Real!led He Had Woml!n'l Yellow Peril, -are." 80metlmes becom.a8 very mucb nt· . Been Deceived. BICYCLE INVeNTED LONG AGO Housewlvell wonder why the under- "In wbat way?" tached to a buoy. w~r, table linen, beddIng and all "Don!t a8k him; tell him." ~..,..-.--,----An Int eresting story Is laid regard· other washable fabrics wear out-Call Frenchman Firat Hit Upon Idea , Remember Thle: Nothl"g known to Ing tbe elrorts of an Eskimo to con· to pieces so quickly. It'll the strong, Two-Wheeled Vehicle In 1690. M,dlcal 801,ne, . struct a telepb one Uno. The Eskhno yellow soap wblch e~t8 thro~gh ' the Known .. ' eelerlfere. 'WIll ~ quJl)k,11' relieve , aDd' com plete- came Into possession of a piece at wire fiber and weakens It to ~e teart!l~ Iy. atop . q.., bur.nlnC, pain. 'of itching or conslde'rable length and never 11. 'f' Mr. Frank H, .ytzotellY wUe "The poInt. A pure, wholesome soan ~eed and ..Inn_m'e d PUn aa Reatilol 0lnt- in!; seen wire before he asked Profe. Story of the Wheel" In the St_ Nloho- be 1I0 more costly. than theie deltruq. mnt. Realnol ta ,U8ed and recom- sor McMillan of the Peary nortb pole tlve compounds: Hewitt'. Bilay Taak las, Mr, Vlzetelly saY8: mendetJ by l1e~loal Men, ~'Dt1ats 8n.~ ex-pedltlon what It: was and ""hat ' It pTqve tbl8 t,o be true. , In ~be year 1690" M. de Slvr~c, a 80ap NUra~8 throughout the world tor the waa used f r. He wns told that the wblle It .ls a clean, white 80ap wlthout ,FreDcb~lln; bit upon the noUo,n .of reller anel' cure of. all IrrltatiollJ th..e man strung It ,on poles stuck In the making a vehicle upon two wheel., the Im'purIUe~ of 'the crude, atrong, .ldn _nd '80ra and 1l$iufes ' ot Dose, ground 'and a \'olce talking to an I~ wbUe Jts rider eat astride a so..f,11e o.n yeJJqw . soaps, and w111 do tbG work A Queatlon ' of Cha"ge~ mou\h and rectum. , It 18 the recog- strument at one end could be heard a. a wooden beam to whlcb two croa. with hali the labor. Fl.e cepts & cake. A story ,Is golng , th\, rounds of & ntie'd e,tandard remedy tor ECs!,ma. the other end. Arter somo 8~rch. the . r -pIeces w.ere finnly. fixed: At the end try It. . couple of young people wbo attended and' other ItchlDg ,.ldn troubles, an.'d . next morning tbe Esldmo waa found o~ these orOBS plecea there were church recen.tly. When tbe eollel)tioD . the' belt appUcaUon ~at can be made to be engaged In telephone cciniltruowheels, ke{)t In pOBltion by a lath-like -SHE WHO was bei,ng taken up the young rub tor BU,rne and Scalds. It fa . "ala at tion work of I\ls own. He stuok aom. oonnecting rod. 'llhe frame ~pre commenced ,flshtng tn · hla pocket for all c1ru¥ atores. .... _ ._ sticks III the ground aud hue. htl . ' 'Iented lome 1Ul1mal. This prlmlUve a dime. His face .., expreslled bls emwlre on them. He beld one .Dd at ~ _ blcyole known .011 the ~I~rlfere, waa barr'aB.rb~t a8 ~e lloarsely wbJa. 'Dlffioult to · An IW, r. the wIre to hll moutb and' talke4 ' to ~ ne.er fitted with hallde bars, and ",as "ered: "t guells i, ha.v~'t a cent. I mxpl~lng the bappenlngs at the It at the top of bill voillo.·. Thou' b'. ' steered 6nly by Hle; teet ot tbe rider, cbang d 'my '-pant!!." The. yoimg lady, 8lxtb day of ,t he cre~tlon, Mls$ Frnn- rail" as fast al be could to the other wblch Illao "ad ,tQ keep bls balance., wJto bad beeQ examining the unknown ces' Ranz read \9 her ,Bllb~ath scbool end alid held the wire to bla ear With run alonglllde· ln mounUng he liad regions ot woman's dress for ber cla.a: "And the Lord God ,Jormed man tbe ' eltpectiltlon of hearing bill own boy haa a Ifl'eat adVantage over ' a and vault into the sad~te. Once- the ,purtle, tur~ed a pink '0010"r and .ald; out ,of the duat 'of the ground.': . words repeMcd. . • bort 'boy, in the l\!ngt!i at reaoh: No machine bad been ' ~et gotn~ by a pUsh "I'm in Ute same llx._" ' , ''WeU,'' 'sppke uP Dne . kid; "tbat'is When he fa\led to hear Il1lY sound" pne polnt ' give's so muclt advantage, upon the! ground wJth the feet, the l notb,n new. Did he put him In the. tbe expr 9slon On his ' face, ' re'V~ale!l however. as q\1lokneas. PutUng all msn >upon H woulcl draw 'them up, A Poetic ProMc·u tor. 81ln , to dry, the way we do our mud bls opinion of his wh1te trlend; other thln~ equ8J l reach, bard-litttlng, belidlng-bt!i knees, nnd without further John Burn!', oltY proseoutor- of St., ·plea"'! game~ea8, cleverness, and wind, tHe effort could travel ' some distance, ,P,ul, was tryin'g to 'show Judge FIn. Mias Bartz discreetly slurred· the UK.lcklng the BUcket." oile tha.t pos88ssea tbe most activity When the -pace ' 81ackened the rldet hout why some young men ought to answer and proce~ded ",lth ber Ie. When we speak fa.coHously of S4!me , 'and q\1IC~~88<1880Inirto win. For fat had t o · I~pel).t the pU8h1ng; and , po t)e . fined for teartng ' pickets olf ' the ~D_-Clevela,nd Leader. ,'. one tor whom we bave no revel'ence lIoys boxing Is a cal>ltal flel,lh reducer." ,conUnue hi journe,y. Much gr01l~d fence of Mf8. Joe Goeslk. Mr. purns said: , . . " "Sl\ou]d bo)'~ with a weak hear~ was coveted In t~l!I way. on ' le'vel ,Fine 8ohem~. ', ' as having "kicked the bucket" we "I ~ow ' Mike cbtcket tore pft. t}lat . . ' 1'oaM, and especially downhill, In • box?!' ,', t " ·Wlfa-~Jeaae ina 'Ch this ' DIIl,C<.\ or elllploy a .phrllse tha't would se'e m, to be a .plece <it latter-dllY slang, but, as picket, and. the lady took otteoce." ,t "Well. tl;~y may, f (hey go ' at I ~ short apaeie of time; but It was h~rd sUk for mtf before yo).l com,e home. ,I '''No ladY is charged' with taklug /10 .,as1. : :x'akeil' by sts,~s, It, will pro!)· . to gO- .:UDblU. '. .,... ,', . Husban4~At the counter where the a matter of fact, !t date~ back to 0111 fence;" repli!3d .fudge F'ineMut. '''~nd, sweet Iltt)o "blonde works ? The one En land, When, r..!lbut tbe year 1725, ably mend a felloV(!1J llellJ'tl ' pr.acUoed . It hn.s been latrilod by som~ that . besides, th~s Is -nQ ,plaqe for poeifY'" iP'lolElntly, It wllrstUely ruin It. ' the , Cel~Mfeiewn.s~ ihe Invention of an' ' one Boisover hung ,blmselt to a .beam with 'the Boult"! eyes and- , . "Boxlng, ' in my opinion, 'does away other Frenchman named Blancnni'd, MyrUlla-He 1 didn't 'Wlfe-=:-No. You'r:e tQO tired to shop whllo standing on , the bottom . of a ). , • whom 'Louis XV1. once oommanded to 'say' ye8. I want to keep blm on the Conllstent. , ' tor me 'wben your daY'8 worl( Is done ' bUcket and then kIcked the bucket Doctor-You. are. oc:in81~erabI1 undllr ' dear. On' secood ,thought, ( wou't a~ay. Altbough at flr,st . uSE!'d , only ' ~n perform befo.1'e blm on this vehlcl~ .. ,n rack for awhile. cn.ses of suicide, It has been aPlllled ' Jul" 1779. Beyond ~he fact that suob . Mlranda..,..Be careful, or you may weight, slr. Whl\t bove 'you lleen both!}f you. 'In ~e course ,of years to any death. doing? . ' _ .. , a' l)erformance took vlace, on that and ,llIld yourself pn the shelt. without dlstlnctiof\. Patient-Nothing. But I'm, a r~tlred , ' 'other cccasions in publlo, there II The Rllldie. ' , grocer, doo_-Puck, , Amblguol'a, nothing to support thlll claim. tn faot, ,The Sphlmc tlropol.\nded n puzzlo, Obliging Shopman (fa lady who The eJPeclatl.oJi of,. being pleased Made It Neeellary. It W.iUS not until Blanchard had cr081!4!d ;"Wlly" doe!, it alw~ys rain' the 'day , "Hornce Or\! ley Invented the. tYPG, over to En.gland .that be e~cJted lnter~ , purchased a"poiln,d of butter)- Shall 'l , wh~ch prenUs so m~ch In you~gper~ you move?"sbe a8ked. I , sons Is. on.e , In'~at\source 'of their en- ' ' J1ertlwlth, th,o ;anclents ~I\.ve It up, wrUez:." -' . •. < _. !l's t i once . there, hC?Wtlver, he w,a i seAd It for YOII, madam? ' ,. ~. if .f' . ' .' "Where ,did ¥ou ,~et. tbat . tde~ ~" ' favored' by the duke at York, and , be-. .J;adY7 No: thanlt" you. It won't be jdYmen~.~B9wd~er_ . ' ., .', ' ' , '!W~il; that .Isnlt ': exac,Uy What • • .' l ~. • ' . ",'''' ,·A " stro,n g ,Preference. gan 'to attract att'entton. <Under tlia too heavy tor- me. mean, but , hll band writing was prob~~abe ' III,. literary, :Isn't 8he?!' fostering care : or royalty the ', Celer!. , 'C)bUglng,'-Sl}.opman-Oh, no, madam. ~ A woman's Idea 'of a brave' man Is "Yea" lild~!ld; lih~'d rather reod ably, ~ore reapon,lIlble for If' tllan 'al17 fere, then known as the ' ''Dandy,· TU . make, It as Ught 1.19 I possibly pne "'h~..1sn',t' afraid to go Il,\to' a dark closet In wlJlch th.~J'e may be a mOllse. than "lio hou8ework any day:" _ . ' 'other one tblna." borse," became popular ' among the clUt.-,.Puncb,- , English, wbo took to It with enthusl. It you waut It ,thin!: well done, do Even a' ~J•• !~man can't ' tellwben a ' asm, but were 600n iaughed out of Many a t;nan wbo swen~s lit ' a bl. ·J-our.eJ(.~WelUDl'ton. : ' wonllm'8 hat Iii on stralgbt.. their fancy by jokers and cartoonists. monopoly fs nourishing a little one.
Had Hla 'roubles.
, 'NotetOOFufI,NalOOof1he Oompan!J'
"Mlcbael' Dolan, nu' t8 It yourself?" "Y s; sure It Is." "Well, )' 0 know that bletherln' sVR1peen, 'Widely Castlgau's second !:Iusband ?" "That I do.;' "He bet me a bob to a pint of wblsl,y r couldn't swall)' an egg wHhout br~akln' tbe shell uv It." '''An' ye did It?"
·WIJitl;J:U;Iltli1;JUiI(., ')
__ .-' ==CA-== LI=FO =-::...:..: R=-'NI_A ~ F~ IG_S--,YR_ U_ P _CO _It ~
" ••
LIVELy GAME FOR EXERCISE Intereatlng Paltlme Made Po.. lb.le With Ball and Racquet-Two or More May PI.y, , ,
An Intere8ting ball game fol'" ould90r play Is posslbie 'with tbe curloull raoquet shown ' In this Illustration. ' Two or more people may play, and' the soft, rubber ball used Is just of 'a size to nt securely Into the cup-Ilke,eceptacle
Ball and Ra;:quet~
on one side ot. the racquet. This cup Is of elastic J;ubber. A sharp' jerk !l\slodge6 the ball from It. . Then the play er)' verses' the .sIde 01. the' ~cquet and knoc.ks the liall In the dlreotlon ot. on of the of her p\lJ.yers, who cl\tcbe. It In the FUblje.r cup, If ' he,- can, and iiroj~cts it ,baclt--agaln. -' 00"., . , • ' -,
, It
• •
Quite Often. enough ~oUJ'llge to make It. But, after tloD bad stlleled her benrl and stlftell all, sbe waa by no means lIu~EI ber- Impulses tliJl,t were naturally lood, lI'Igg-Two negattves mnk8 all afselr thaL Underwood bad oommltted but -?therwlse she was not wholly do- IrrmaUv e, you know • . su.lclde. Howard bad confesse'd, so void of feeling. Bbe was really sorry Fogg-With a wOCllan It tal,es only end be cOh~:~~.~~~~J . Df Y r why s hould sbe jeopardise ber good for this poor lItUe ' woman wbo was one. name uselessly? fighting so' bravely to save her bus"'No,'" repeated the judge, s~ak~ng band, No doubt ' sbe had ,nvelgted She Learned Something. his hea,d, "there's sometblng strange Hownrd Into marryJne ' her, but sbe-"This Is a fine cottee," said the vis· In .t ho wbole nffalr. J don '~ \laHeve , .Allcla-had no right to sit In judg- Itor to h r bostess; "how do you nlake .are . ment on ~er for that. It l.be girl It ? 1 mnke mine so and so, but It ),BI\I', How.nrd 'had nny h(lnd In It." LlUld Pllroh •• ea 3 "But h , confessedl" escllilmed lI nd been ambitious to marry above never tasles like tbls." "Well," reo :vear.llao at '10.00 en . 11er, In wbat way was she more guilty plied tbe host S B, "r make }Ius the Alicia. lIeTe haa un;: en tl y • h II n«" d hand. at The judge shook his h ead . than she h ersell bad been In marry- sl1me wny, bllt 1'\'9 learhed something-. '25,00 an acre. 'J'he "That's notblng," lie snld. "Thero lug a man she did not love, Simply for Mnybe you don't keep your coffee pot crops arown an the .. Ie n d. warrlUlt the bave been many Instanc.cs ot untrue bls wealtb and social position? Be· clean-that Is, 1 mean maybe you use Bdvanc~ You CaD cQn!esslons. A famous nttaJr of the shles" All 18. wns he.rs It sorely common kltcb n sonLl. 1 use Hewitt's Idnd 'Was ,tile Doorn. case In Vermont. troubled. ·Her conscience told ber Easy Tasle sonp. It's pure and c1enn g , ... Two brothers confessed bavlng kllJe!i that a ,vord from her mIght set tho and white, nnd costs the same as the ,.<.J ...." .. by cattlero!sloc:,dalrylnlr,mhcecl (.rmlnll and lI'1'alo "rowlo« In their brother,ln,law and described wbole matter right. She mlgbt be poor kind s. Then, too, It makes a t he provlDce. of III.nltob., how they destroyed ~ body, yet able to prov.e that Un derwood com· nlckel'plated coffee pot sblne like s ilS ...... tcbewon .. Dd Albe ..t•• Fre. bomestead Dnd f.rellome _time afterward . t~e murdered mltted . suicide. She' knew she was ver." emption areas . oswell •• aoel man turned up aUve an" well: The I;l coward and worse than a coward held by rallwoy and lond camNot Particular. panl"., wll\ proylde bOlD • • object of the confession, of course, beoause sbe dare not spenk tbat (or ... 1111011 •• She-J beard Freddy Fickle bas de, was to turn the verdict ' from murder word. The more she saw her hus· Adaptable aoll, b".ltla'al clded to marry and settle down to a eUmGtc. .pleod". Gcboo'" to manslaugbter, the circumstantial 'band's anger tho leiS courage sbe evidence against them having been h d to do It. In any case, she argued particular girl. a't'~~~~~f~,~!1 rfre':~ ~:!~~a~:o III ratur.. " lAst- ll""t WC~C"PbO" He-Huh I She cnn't be. so s,trong. in the days of witchcraft to herself, Howard had confessed. It tl'c~~~,I~°..FtoU~"'&~~~~J'\~t: tbe unfortuna.te women nccused . of be shot Underwood there was no sui· ~':~~W.;g'6~;:mO:::~l,~~~ \h. For over fifty yenm Rheumatism nnd beIng wltcbes were orten urged by cllie, so why should she Incriminate Nellroillin filufl'ererJI hove ronnel grent rerelaUves to ~:onfeIl8 as being the only herself needlessly? But there was no lIet in Hamlins Wi,.11rd Oil. Don't wnit way ot escave open to them. Ann reason why she should !lot show some {or Inflammation to let in. Get B bottle Foster, at Salem, In 1692, confessed sympathy tor the poor girl who, nfter today. that ebe was a witch. She said the all, was only doing what any good It's easy to Sfl8 tbe bless ings of devil appeared to .her In the shape of wife sbould do. Aloud she repeated: a bird, an tba't· she attended iI. meet"I'll 'see the girl and talk to her. poverty tbrough tbe eyes of a mil· lionalre. ' ing .l'If witcbeo .at Salem vlUage . . Sbe She must tsten to reason." . wan nqt Insane, but the borror of "Reason!" exploded the banker, LADIES (JAN WE.tR SHOES the acc\lsntlon brought agains t her angrily. "How can you expect reason ODe 0\&0 ....... 110. Bft<lr using Allen '8 Foot,Ease, had b( en loo mu,lh tOl' a wenk mind. from a woman who hounds us, dogs tbe antlsepLic powde. to be s bllken 1010 the shl)ea. nmake8tlgbtornew shoe8 fl ea",. Howartl·s confession may possibly be our footsteps, tries to compel us to- R<f\u~ ndt.( ;(II(II, For Free trh,1 packLtlle, ad, due to I$ome such Influence," la ke ber up?" drf;1I8 Allen S. Olmllted, Le Ro1, N. Y. "I hO)J6 for his poor fath'!:r'8 'sake," Judge Brewster, who had npparent· It sometlmel3 bappells tbat a street said Alida, "tbat you may be right IY paid no attention to the banker', and that be mny be proved Innocent, remarks, now turned around. Hesl· fight r eminds a married mnn that there are other plnees lIke home. but everything Is overwhelmingly tatlngly he snid : It 'w111 brinal you mo ..e against blm. I think you ore the only "I think you do her an InJustice. money. Send for Ca~aloal. U,s . Winslow's Sootblng 8.)'1'op for Cblldren one In Ne" York ' to express such a Jeffries. She comes every day In the lIotleD. tbe B'Ilms, reduces IDl!l\mma, doubt." . . , bope tilat your feelings toward ' YOUI teelblnlt, P.K.DEDERICK'S SONS' tlon, al1o.18 p"In, cures wlod coIl<!. 260 .. botlle. "It's No Use Talking Aboul Her Any More." "Don't fOl get bls wICe," remnrked son have Chan~ed. Sh e wishes to 100 Tivoli St., Albany, N. Y. the judge, dryly. give color to tbe beUet that his fa· A man may a'fold family cares by ". 0," she replied. "J roally teel ther's lawye rs are championing hlft taking care of his famlly~ W. N., U., CINCINNATI, 1\10, 20-1~11. sorry fo\, tbe girl JTlyselt. Will you cause. She wns honest enough to tell give her some money t.f .1·-" me so. You know he\' movements lll'O fj ~~rn~1Totrrr ({l)[J The lu wyer shook his bend. closely watched by the n ewf,'tlapel's "She ",on1t t.al:e It. 1. tried it. Sbe nnd she takes good care to l~t tbe • . ~ll:.1JrnCID[P(])[1.01ft\\~ wants me de:en(\ Mr .h\!sbao,d-I think tbat Bhe comes Do voo 'feel nil tired out P ,Do you 10metime8 trIed . to bribe her to go to some othe r dlscu s with me the details of heL' think you jUlt CID't work away at your pro(aalon or t.radll BIlY lont,er P Do yo~ have • popr ~ lawyer, but it wouldn't work." husband's .defeuse ... · tite, and lay awake at niebb UDtlble to .leet' P Aro '. ~ " "Well, Iilomethjn~ Ougbt to be done Tbe banker shifted impatiently on yoor DC!rVe. all ,ooe, snet your .tomach too P H .. . to stop b 1" annoying us!" excl!\1med his chair. CQntemptuoU91Y he saldl IndOD to for,e llhead in ~bo World left you P' If - 110, yoa Alicia, Indignantly. "Mr. Jefl'l'ies suf· "The newspapers which I read don't aii,bt •• well put a atop to _your mlse.r y. You CAD,do it it ters tel'rlbly. t can beal' blin {lacing give her .t he Slightest atten.t1on. If' you will. D,. Pierce l • Golden Medical Diecovefy wilJ' . A'A''n'" ~~ ull and d.own the llblary tUi tbree or theY did I should , refuse to read make you a 'diJl'erent hldividuaJ. It will let your lazy lJ..r " . .I~~ ....,. . J ,. '" four I.n the morning. P.Gor man, be' thein." With it'owlng Irritation be to work. It will eet thinll' rlaht ill ..,.our IItollUlob., u4 .your appetite will come black. It wi,ll purify your bJOOd': . "' . AN D '."f, su1rel'!t so keenly and ~le on't let any went on: U there Ie an., teodeDcy ia your family tbward,ooMomptioo, t , ~r , . A ' R~HlJR one sympathlzo with He won',t "It's no use talking about her any It will keep thai dread destc:oyer away. Ey,eis after ooa. ....~ :1. . let me menliol;l .bls son~s name. 1 feel more. . Wllat nre we going to" do IUmptioD, hU umo,t '.ainCd· • 'foothold .in tbo form eli • ILLUstRATION'; RAY' 'we ought' to do someth,ng: T ry, and about thfs latest scaudal? Tbls WOIDo IloIerid hroDOhitl., or bleediq at the lun,., It will brin. about .• ~!, .'909, lit. ".w. DlI.LIH(;'I;'N1 c:o~ - ' . . persuade him ' to let · me lIee. tbls gil"l an ' Is going on the stage to be' ri«nlr8iD .98 per _to of all It i, a remedy p~ by Dr,' R, V. Pleroe; SYNOPSIS, Tbe lawyer was sllen IlDd toyed and-you a:re 'hls friend as well' as hlB . all over the country /lnd she Clf Butr.lo, N. Y., wbole uPlu 4 ,iNfl /rH to all who wlab to write him. tfJ8 ....t .unceaa hall oome Irom hi, wide experience ad "';ed ·practice. somewhat nervously 'WIth ·tbe legal advls r." pt oposes to use the (amlly name." Don't be wbeecUOd by • penaY·.l'llbb..... deeler lato ,ttildA, .inferior IIUbati- . nO"ll'aro Jorfrlc., b nk"r'/I lion, '\1.naer putter, as 11 not Quite' iJeclded aa to ' Judge Brewster bowe ll, "There' Is nothing to prevent her," tlJt81 for Dr. Pieroe', modioiaes; reoommauied to be .. juat .. ,004," Dr. Ui~ evil InOuenc; ot Ro):lerl nil rwood, what Xeapons6 to make, He coug'hed ',IYour husband Is a very old friend, said the lawyer, dryly. .,ieroe'. medicines are OP POWN COIdPOlrr;t0N. TheIr .every hatredleat printed ' " " IloW-lItud, nt at Yale. lends 1\ nte ot dIll. J eIU --I9S, I can 't ' dJ sregard 'bl s Th'" ,.lpatIQII. mnr~e. Itl dllu!>hl r o( (j, pm- R!1.~ f~B!led 'wlth the 'Pllp~rB on . the e pan k ~r .jumped to· tis feet and CIII their """ppel'll. M.de ~om rootl! without aloohol. Coatain DO babi.t-. bIer wh!) ~1C!d In prIll n. nnd III dJaown d .desk, · ,. enth·ely...:.... . . . e claimed ' .n ngrlly: fonaiq "rufll. World'. DUpe-rr MedJcal AItool.tioa, Buil'aJo, N. ;Y• • , by hla tllther, He III out. ot worK a.na In rt ... k lc t th d f "Th .•. b I Good God B nd rwood, who h~ "'Yl1r ' don't you ha~e her put out of · ~....,.re was a noc a eoor 0 " ere J:ulit e , rew· d pllJ'lHe Ill' lUI. 'the private office. .,' ster, sprely ,.ou can obtain nn injuneon 1\ be n ngll.g II 10 HowRrl1's IIltIP" the oflioef" sbe ~eiiell,ted. ' .mother, Allcln, Is appal' nU>, In prosJ)p,r, ., "Come In," ealled judge·,· _ tlOD restrain,'" er from u.slng- the «lUll cl1'l'lUmsto.llcCI. 'ru)<lng advll"llI"e of The Judge looked up. . The re was _ •• . his lotlmnay with All In. ho ' b om I an ellpre~81on In bls fa~e tMt mIght The door .opened . Bnd the . bead family'. name! You nlmit do lomOo THE KUHN of ..c:h/lra oalnl hlghw~)'man . Ol!;c!)" rIng . h . clerk entered usberlng' fn How'..... _..... thing. What "l) "'ou advise?" . IOlt hI. true I r, Alicia denl shin," tWe ave been" IQt~rpretel1 . 811 one of an. " . u ~ hbUtle. lie II de her t" n t~ hrcateJ'l\ng noyance "all If he rather resenled 'tIll8 J,!fti'les, Sr. :' Tbe banker, llttll Plato''I' ad)ise DaU~nce," replied the .ulel!!e, ,Art ( I all!r8 tor whom lie l\(l l ~a . f . .. . . , . . oratlc and dignified ' "'ut look'-g tJred jU'dg'e, ca1mly. 1M ' as oomml.8IQM'.. domond nn ac Qunllol.l'. Intrusion Into . ~fs . ~uslnesa tl lfatrs, ' U 11" CAnnol m ko good . Rowan:) ~1I8 lit but Mrs . .ren-rlel Sr was too 1m- and careworn, ad.vanced Into 'the room But Mr. Jeffrleil hnd no llatlence, ,II. apartment.a In WI lotoxl~ntod ' CQ ncl\. t til' "' . - . ' end shook b.ands 'with the judge, ~ 1Ie 'was a ' man/ who was not accu .. t10n to Hilliest Il IOlln ot, -2.000 0 ~oable por au a ent to Quarrel wltb, BO Wm wJ~b a cordia' ) " a-lie. Jrtm to ·.tu.ke up n bUlllness prollosltlun. be merely saId' ~... tomed to have bla' wishea thwarted. Underwood tells hIm h Is In debt liP t o . . . .' ' . was no response , on Ute bank- He did not understand Why there hI. eye.. Howard drinks hlms It Into II. Frankly, Mrs. JeffrIes, it It were er's face, ' Querulously ,he , demanded: b d . lI\&u41ln condItion. nnll g to I!le~" on l\ not tor the tact tliat Mr JeffrIes hal • soul be ~be. slightest dfffioulty, In ·mv&n, A callelr III announced' nnu Umlcr. .' Hllrewlter, wbat's.'that woman doing carrying out bls instructions. . woolS.erdraws MOUnd th c'ruriICl'" .exacte~ (rom we a promlB~ Dot to out . the , . agaIn" "A ny. one can a'II v Ise · pa.,ence: .. •.. h e .lee " -All aI 8ol'een I 81 d I a l tak 'bl . • Il's no't the first PI .' t l' 11 An 1'8. 1 ,l e l , nll"1111I rt e up. s case, I 8hoUld be tem~ted tl"'e ' 1"v6 met ber -' In t"'s o ' "'''e.'' . . , pl'()m.. rom n"erwoo( t 10 IQ W no ' ". . '. .... .......... exclaimed, hotly, '!but · thai's not dot.aJto hi. lito. H I' tus !t I\n' tl8 «h ,vIII tor-oonslder. the matter; 'In the , rst renew b r pBlronng:e. Thl" I!h rctus u, vlnoe, 'You know 1. n~waye ' liked .HowAlJota looked up eagerly. "IB she Ing anythlhg." Banging the 'd~8J1 !lnil tAkjls hcr I ave. Untl rWQod kills d I .o ut. there now?" sbe cl'led. . 'angrlly with bls fist, . he exclaImed: saw .a good: deal of him be~ore "What Tlgbt has sbtl 'to come bereT "I "'ant 'somethlng done!" . hlh\ltIlt. "The l' port of th VISlol IIwn-. ar. kone H'owarCl, H finds nd 'rwootl dCll11. your marrLage to Mr JellrlOll He ., ~:~~~ I~" Jler:~~nm ~~i ~~O~~\8 m~~71~~ W8S always a Wild,', u~mnri~eable Wb!lt's ' ber o1!J~ct.!" went on th~ Judge' Brewster looked up at bll li'o,,"Ud Is lurnod over to tllIl poliOI'. boy, weak In character, but be bad ban~er Irrltatedly. '. , client with surprise. The judge never C...,t. '~l1nton, notorlolll. tor hIs brutal I bl t f.... ; Tbe lawyer 'shrugged bls sboulders. lost his temper., Even In the. mOBJ tr~.tme~f ot , prlaononl, _ puUt Howard many ova e. ra~ . . I am very 80rry; throu«JJ.,.the tljlTlI dc;s:rce, nml nt;tttlly lC II! mdeed, to see 'hlm In r 8u~b • terrible ·"Tbe same old tblng," he; jeplted. acrimonious" wrangle.8 In the cou~ an all.jed conte.slOll tr m til Ilura I:d Bitt It _ I co. '4 ' , . "Sbe wanta' me to take ber 'ca·se~' · . room be "'as always the BUlline, pol· m~ ' Annlo, HOWRl'd'" \Vlte. II Cl OT 8 It r po on. was ",ar ol.' me to real" . . " .• ~lIef I~ her . h IIbu),III'S Inn e nee. , ond Ize It and t llhoilld neYer have ~ Tbe blUlker frowned. IElhed gentleman. There was a sbade .a,• •Ii. ~U If'tlr. hlnl: SII cnlls n lIe\'ed h.l m goUty bad be not. con"I;>ldn't you tell Iier It ~as lmpoB' o( reproach In hlB tone as he replied: J lh1et1 lJe to 1'0(u8" to helpTounless ' 11"'le'" "Come, .h. wi i1 81'. C:O"lIent .'1,l dlvorc, I'll v fessed to the .., rrrilJle," " . .\ ,.. come, don't lose your- te'~ .... Howi1,r4 .he conIlOD"', ~ul. whtm . he Om's '''Tbat makes no dltf.erence," per,1 I'll do wbat I can, but there II th t u .~ r JelCri (l I a "Yes." she a"llented. "It . Is aD .lIt:ndt'i (\hl: lion, ~~t'p~e.n,~o~~ I~ll\~'~ 8~~ f\ll -thing nnd a 'terrIble blow to lau.bed the ' J!ldge. " She comes· just .notblng to be I!one In the way you IIcorn. ill. hl!lll. :Ailnlol1lll'{lls to ,Ju(lgo father. Of C,O llrae, he h'''. bad uoth. the same. ''fe Bent ber. away a dozen Jluggeet. The' most I ' can do Is to rOo' Bre'W!ler, aI;OI'nf'Y tot J Itrl~s, 1'" ..,.. tlme-. What am _I t.o "do .. ·she In· .... a' n loyal to yo Itb gb ' to be talM" H'~wardlll ' He. ' iHa d 'lint's. Annie Ing to do with Howard tor. !hontbB. .. (I' u. , I " u, a ou .b&ifn~. ~\lv.:.t.e~!II : omc. · As you ItnC?w .. be tnrn"ci'''6Im out of slllta'on camlngT We can't have bel' Quite candld-I'confess It goes agl!olnBt -d I b ·Ilr.,isted. She dO_e8D't break the fuml- tbe g.r.f1Jn to '. Jceep Iny hands off ~Is .CHAP,.",'1 .X/V.-Contlnuod. n~~:S th~nfes:g~~,r~h!f:In~~~a,ce •• ture or beat -the 'offi~e .bOY. ' Sbe .8Im- case• . AB I told ·your "wife; tbere are , . . , ply slta and walta." 'certaln 'fentureJi about It which Intel' rile laW) er !ooked out ,ot the win"Have 'yoU told 'h er that I object es~ me kee!lly . . 1 teel that you. nre • dow nnd. dru.mlDed bis 1tugers on the her ' coming bereT" , demanded , tbe wrong to-'" arm dof bls chair. _ Budde~I'Y · . ' . : wbeellng 'ban.k er, baulZhtflv. p , "No, ' Brewst~r!" InterrUpted Mr, roun. ' and fac;,Jng bls cJlen~ he said:. '~I bave" repited the :Judge·· calmly Jeffrh;s, explosively. "I'm rlgbt! I;m "Y!?lI know ,this ~rl he mamed la "bUt. she' h~ pve.r ruled .. -yo~r Objec: rlgbt! ,' You know. it, b\lt' you won't , tlo.n." With a . covert sl11l1e be -'dd- admit It.' no ordluary "oman. "Oh t" she excla!mecl,' sarcastically: ed, "You know we oan't use foroe," Tbe lawyer shruggod hili sbQuldere "Stre bas succeeded , In. arousing your . !.{r. Jeff,,1es shrugged his shoulders and turned to hls ' des~ aga.in. Lacont;y mpathy," '. ~ '. hnpatfentlY. . . fcany, he 'l aid: . The Judge ~owe~ coldly. .., . ''You can certainly use moral forc":' . "Well,>I . "'~)Ji't argue the matter "No," b replied. ."I would hardly be sa·lei. . . .. " ." , ' . with you. You refuse to be adtlse4 s ay tllat. Qut . llhe liu aroused' "What · do you 'm ean b:y . mQral by me abu-" . '. . 'Tbe 'b anter looked up Impntiently. curiosity. .S~e til !" 'j(,ery, pe~ulhir girl, .force'" d,eman,ded . th~ lawy~r" " , c;vldenlly a crea~re ot Impulse an~ . Mr.. Jeff tles- threw up his hanCis as . ' ;Wbat ~Ii your advlQeT" d ~ termlnatlon. , 1 qertaJply ,Ceet sol1')" It utterly ~ dlsgusted· wit.bthe wliole The 'lawyer, ' wltbout looking up for her. Her posJtiOI,l Is a 'V~!'1 'Pil ln - bUBlness. Almost '«ngrO,. · he fr,oin "hls papers; laid quietly: {ul \lne. She bas ~e~nl l11a rrl t\1,! Qnly 'sw~~d: - .. ' . , :" . , ' "You"know wbat my feelings In the 1. matter ·are,,, · n few months, alld 'now ber hqsb'and ' "Mor8..l. (oJ;ce Is l\1ora1 ' force, has to fa<:e tbe !»ost nwfjll '.'cc'I:\Bntloq ineaQ " persull~ion; ot . 'l,'0 BE CO·NTINUED.) that can be brougbt against 'a man. <rod, wby ;, clUl't . people ' uniller'sumn Sbe. Is plucky ·In spite 'of ,~t 'all, and Is these things as 1 -d01'! . !!loving heaven'. alid ' ear~h In ~o\Val'd's ' .T he . j'udge 1!aJd .nothing, :but turned cete:ls.e, She b!!lIev~s liers~1f to be In ·ex.am-ll,l~ aom~ 1l1\PfiI'S on ,J\ls del!k. som.e IT.t~ur.e, responsible t~t. his .mlshardly lik~tl tlle Il}ference ~hat lie fortUl~e. Apart ..from tb~t, ' the calle not, see th1np,., as, plainlY Inter4i!~ts , me from a ll~ely ptQt~sslon- . · people .. b,ut ",bat ' was i the. al pOint · ot . Tbere Irritated? . l{ecouldn strange , Q~al'l'el wit h' one 'of b}s '"
Wh, R~nt ·8 Farm, eye~
,~~ ·Become
(J/) ' D . m.' .' . . ". " .. - e ,.) '
.. .
. mnlW
',. M[([I
.Do You Feel This Way?
. ',' r;
w ' . - ".
tim. '
t . he
-Here is"th~i (;a.r
c6ntess1011: 1 .doD~t . 'mltted ' tbdt :cr.Jme," ~" ,A'iICI~ cbaQge~ , . u~li!aB~\Y : pu "her. Illwyer'B cnlql; I\lid ... ....·:J'# ••~".'....I.
". ",' '.'
he __ "
................. .....
~eighb orhood
•• ••
w('t;w~_~"'o:oof'" ~.,-.~ ~~.
Corw in .
'u bb,e r
. .
'1'1Ie ,·"ho ru (au l il,v ure nnder tIl I'll '1 \Vh -' , 11 . nf " id", '[\in is I dOl tnr' ~ 'a r Q with t.1l ml il~l !ii , 1 _--'!'--~~-;';"-.o:--~-\' 1" 11.1111( 11'-1 l' tuIlV !?!! (I t 1,IHIl l)ln e ~t'n t M.U I' till lIull fri nil, f ,ty : I lt'lln'n d .. f1l1lt IIIllA. t Oll, W l' C1lrts of " \,t' , Ilnd Mt't\ 1' 116 '~ [ .. uf hUll'! bl) lrl flno(\ Li ud [bY Mendauhnl1 ' oudlty. ' I h l1 tlt"td hlltl1! £.0\)1(. PI~('t\ d ltur lr ~ , r . <':1 g n viElite(i Ml'~ , ,bv fW W/l~ w II \) t l uoized , ~l ' u MoKiu "tlY TU6Sciu y. , ,t th!!' ~\' dlin g WI ur voty IOU 1.1 hl n!. NI\oml Ilurlfln hl~d' flS bur 10 OtH'! "f r ul li , ~Ul'. t Tue lIllY Mrl! , Ulul" 110 Mul I 1\:(1 , 1J~ y,l f \ Il ne. villo nlled 0 11 If' I, s()n and daogtlt er, MI·t\ A b8ll11 f!'l au el!!
S14Rubber TiresSI4
,: 0 11 uy
(f Lo Au/;{ 1(11j,
W he el s
:'41 , i'!'h '
h oo\ BWl t11 Is b io g kept Knll MI'H, III ){cBrytLnt Anll lit'lo , un"y trYIl1/t tv IIlILke ,t he corr ot fl(~- thllll~b,tel' MrR Gaskill I . '~tio n It ~n lum:! fo r t.ll tI <'xt 1101\ Mr. , M(l.r.y Anson- , of Dl\yton , I\nd daught er
(~ r
, E. al'l}har t wal! Wedn may. , !<" • chwarl.z was in Cincinl ll1.Li E. E. Ebrigh t, of F rankli n, wa ill M nday n busines s. Waynesvill W d nesday . St. Mary 's Guild will meet at the
Mrs. T . Sher wood was a ill in rtat i shoppe r Friday and Saturd ay.
rectol'Y Thursd ay' afterno on .
Gail Ru ssum" of
ayton, spent Miss Emma Cal'twr ight, who has a co~ple of Jays hal'e lhi~ week. be n on the siok list, is ou t aga in. ,
Rou nd trip from Wa ne ville
Ne xt Su nday :48 a. m.
Train Icayes at
=-=:--_ _ _ _ _ _---=~
Clay War wick, of Daytol1 ...spent Chas. Cook , of South Charles ton, Memoriul day het'e wi tti f riends, is spendin g a cou ple of days at home.
Notice of Appointment
of ~' u itt , I Nicely primed-th e whale ~ __ Lilli e Nt1<1ry v i it d l' e ll~tiv e8 M ' !! Henri tta , McKin sey waR Estille f r BClnl'lI 1 I ell< III /Icc nod. 'I'll "" IHIr lu st 'w eek , ' MI'. Slokes Silver, of Cincinn ati, 'I uod hlUl 1\ L l'ba non vts itor On day r ceutly bone kind. IqJ(J(I(IIt.ed tllld (llIlllllled " Lawren ce F urna.q IS t he Ilappy pOSo\ tlo (I(\%FuIoH nltrl:l:h~oll 11'11 h I ho , III fLlI. , S 1 (If tho Mr , 'tlUIU I ({ \I lAoo, of Hurling !, Mr, nnd Mrs Ev rett spent sessor the of a n ew Indian motor cycle. \ I)"LIILO o ! Unlit H lInkill, llItoof Wurreu '(.u week-e nd with home fol\(s . M Ell w!! Il Ly , ton 0 and F Wilson n \\1eu ou h avo Oloved in to the proport y known : Ohlll,d ·" IUIl'i 1. I DIll 'II lhls 241II 11110)' of MAy. 1\, D. I 9 I I. He;b K 11ison, of 81Jflngbol' o, liS tho Ortlog . C. A. Bruner :N. L came . Bunnel up l was in Mason F riday fro m Mason ' MII1Jlo Hoi hlSOll, AlIlIl\tllslrMri. . i doe dny nl gllt. leol ing nfter his canning business Tuesda y t o a ttend the M. E. lawn :c::: , " Mrs, Miller, Mr!!, hurl ey. f , _ _ _, J , '" Or,-"y 11tHI boon q Illt,e lOdl.- X oin nnd Mrs 'L'uyl or ther . un little fete . • l )) sed for ev ml tlll,Ys, ?ut at tlld. duaght r, of Il1di ll nnuo~18 flpent I w l'iti n a I very mlloh IIlIll I' OV • '1'nesda y whh Mrs , Cbl'lttlf Notice of Appointment M I'. and Mrs. John Davi!l, of Day.) MaKin Messrs . J. M. Cook and J. B. Mrl:l Uhll8, M(ldd n 11UU Oll J \lbn !l y, r" ' d ton , wet'e g uest."! of r elat ives here P ence wer in Lebanon L' rl ayon Es~ul 01 JohtJ lI YIILt , tlec IIllOCJ. Th flll o t lust w ok in 'OlllWb us vi itlUg \ Mi U\lit.l Neu ry WitS t\ Hllr vey _ dOl'illgu!.'Illtnv b n III1Pollll !l1 '101111 (ltlulIlIunIiTuesda y. umong l tqaniot aoot\s, busines , 1\8 odilllulSL rulrl l' un d I'I lhni'IllItr ilWr or tho .'1 . borg vi!<itOl: l .. st, w(')ek. We fit your old cfstings Lat-a 0 1 J ohu llYll tt, Illw.ot Wnrron UOUIlLy,• a v, r l\ l f ro\(l her 1\ tended the R llV Mill attende d tile ButO rIlOO o.t1f), doc lISod, to them; also shear your l\frs. NeHi F rench, Dutro thl 3rd \IllY 01 Mil)) A. D. 1011. LebanOn , \ Wm. Dpdd and family al'e moving h ow in Dayton In t ,we k. " atIlldluDilpoli Toe dllY. , h ate B, ll y LL old ones to cut like new' has been 't he g uest ofofrelative M,', "n 1 MrS. Wit Iter Uoderw ood s in into the house lat ely vacated by ¥rs , lr. O. :Hul'i~s.)I)k Mr. nt:} Mr{l. CIl!ley', of Ryton, Wnyn sville. s pent 'UIlc\ay wit,h Mr , fl. lld Mr!l vl!lit a reltttlv he r l3 R ate Hyatt. , '1'uo dny . ECI\D kGI1 J' IU,tU1 1 n 11 1\ hore , B O. Stll £I, of MOl'row , spent Mr : and Mrs. S. D . Everly , of . Miss Rach~1 Ridge and Mrs. " 1\11'8. M~tth l Finoh Ilntl son , Toe dllY with Mrll, 1:1ou e, E va St,Bps and DR, J. W. MILL ER, Dayton , a ttended the f \.lnera] of Mr, Amman , of Cincinn ati, wete R b rt Gu.rn~r W ra g a e t of Mrs , d u ht r . g uests Sam!. Sides Monday . Angu. Dukin. of Lehanou , Sunduy , All'. tlnd Mr s , Hor nce Stok und of Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Ridge Decoration Day. ... DE NTIS T••• Ut.t) 00, of South Le b~non . v isit ed A severe wind-stor m south of town r Ja,t.iv h ra With crOss and Sunday afte rnoon did Messrs. Fred R b t A 't ' woo i I1ttendi ng Bert H rt- NaLloll atlfulIkuuI!lt;. \ aynes, Ule. O. braces. \Ve didn' t steal damatre to f ences and barns. sock, Chas. Cornell . ,and Dr , P. D, Is visiting t M,ber, e. M. Ausii n and wife , Clagett , auto races in 'em, but we bough t 'em Mrs'. Est her Stou t ana daug hters l ndiamip olis Taelldathe Mrt\ ~1 tti~ a: \V"r~s W ' I e den till y. right, are moving t o the F riends' Home , oocll'r~Ad In. t utu rday lU'o rotng Of where Mrs. Stout takes the position Ads Mrs. Harry Cleaye r, who was opueirt trl) olJle WIl bUll d It/st MOil (iIl,Y nftorno J n in the Bollbro ok Oemof matr on : , erated on a couple of weeks t> is - - .. - - .... . . . . - - - ' I ve"y much J'm et ry, ' ftroved and will soon .' n f .p AWl will e IMer""i) un(l [' ~bl h.,:".. The conditi Pe rry At m wi{ 1\t1'd dtiuglV,er, of (ln of Mrs. J esse Burton be able to leave the hospita l. or --,.' t wenty, lIve J;C lI t ll ror ;br c 10 rll')ll_ became wbrse Saturd ay. and it was D ltQD" spent fdl~tu ~d y o.od Z:;ooda.y wb 0 uijlng llo t moro lb.o.n Itve lin tI. decided t o r emove bel' to the ho~pital With Jelutl'V 8 ~f t,hlS pluce, , Mr. and Mr8: H~ Wilbur Sides and ~~ Geo. W, Bain, of Kent uoky. ." Jll Wes TUTner aDd ramil y, ,of th Col. . ' , . ' She was' take'n t o the McClelland hos. daughter,' of Dayton , Mr. S " I t ed 0 t ' Bprlngf teld ' visited ' at tHis plilce III t e l ver- ongu and Mrs. , ( 11. or. , \," FOR SALE pit ul at X enia, Sunday . At la!lt ac· Wal1ace Sides, and family, ,Sunday . ' . , of Spring ~v. J as ~. Gray. ~. 'D " De~l.l o.f count her C()I)dition was great ly im' ,field, 'attend ed the funeral Baroer Blaok "I ite hit! parol!ts t he Moody Bible InstItu te, . of t\1eir of, Chlp roved., near Xe.ni&.l ilAt I,t urday-, , , qago, f a ther, Mr, Sa~l. Sides, on, Monda,y. , Mr ,'&0(1 Mrl\: Or,a Bpw~r 's m oved The Castle Squar e Entert ainers, S.AN~~B Tob\ 0 Plan ts. In Memorial Day ' . ._ to QreeQ villtl 1 at '" Ilrli\ay a profess ional organiz ati0n comp ris:, q1llre or.", Al . _ _ _ _ ,_ _, _ _ _,• .-..- _ bert" BelllDl'YtU, • '_ _ _ , _ , _" . ~ __ , _ _ _ . , R. D, S, !'lat, JJ ,Jl'k, obool Bou e. , '''lll~ ici.t.r~ie Ke,m p!' ,Pf' DtLytol!, ; ng a 'fi~t-ctass male quarte t, an en- ,- , . ~ , 8JlE!U\ last we~kwl ~ ha, 8lmr, Mr~; tertaining,reilde~, a s.u, erb ;whiBtli~ g The aildres sby Rev. Wm. l\~ Hiile ' , ' ~rJll er ': 1 O. R . P.~'~r: n.'IT '" " ta'J' e'd solols fo a n danlr1 shmon ol,ovist . PU~n~~~rlar ~\\1 , ~~~~flR:~,t.!I. ofPayt ,on,Was amaste l'ly one. , Itev . •,'-..- - - - - - - , Mre U'. ,f.', ~t)mp " en,t fir ~ 'T' .. ffi " 'Si ' • B - --•• ., t' • ' HI' fi ' ' k Mr• • Jes'l~, F1:Y r IIolld du.u gh ter , of , .n.<i r ,J¥tID~ . oys, a mos A a ' W tl< ~. viII " Ii ~nlq~e a e 1S a ne ~~e~ er. " • l~yDe vOice ..,. a ~ ' Rion' H~et returne d to CinCinn ati , Mr. and Mrs. " l ' ,' ' Dltytbn l)allt Sunda.r , : 'Fran~ ' Zeit had as compiUj~ot nat iVes of the wllds of could be heard by an'"""~u J1 , ' of ell)tr6tn Flor1da two weeks :\' ago. '. ... ,. . ' flehad t heir dinner guest<J Sunday , Mr. and Africa: ' ~. ' TON' of g 0(1 III1x Ii Hn:V. L 0 " ' .. l1uen(j~ , wlt , and pa.tbos-rriad~ UP Orego nIa, ' " ' " 'R , ev:. , Goo. 1). Stuar~ Evange list.., a "peech . b ' .B k d M ' E ' that : has ' seldom belm ~o giy~ up work H odersCl n R D - a w(~y 0 • on a celery fa'rm , e- Mrs" -1," awe, an ' rs " , j . . . mma v.ifle,O hlo , .: ' " ' ~~ ' W'j"l'l '.;,. cause the' cli.mate did not agree with Aker, J~s. ', 8P~n ' t Orator , for,16 yeats cOowOl'k er wit of Dayton . l l equaled here. ~ , an Wori , , .. He had. th~'attention, h'l·m.- Ohl· O Chronl·"Je. , ~ersey . ' b 'd d f h h ' i Sunda.Y lYlth ·AllEin Xiblera pd f .....m , " SamJo~l ' t t : fi 's! 'aJld ymany conSl e re 0 19 el,\~era rom ., Sqlr 0 nl1, ' R N PKIN ~~be Gllzett Uy . . " ,J , / Dr. ,and Mrs. J. W , Ward, of pAPE ':' • , '_ his !Ju~,eSs'or~. I , " " ~ " , ' to and , ma~~ were t?e worclE\ ' ofJioe bllJ;ld le tb. · ~pllit.n white;) of com· _ , Mr, and M:re. Oharle s Saoker ' and , , Pete~ MacQu een, I. R. G. " H' b t t' d t the'f ILnd C)olorflfl nllpkin a, Call and 11 e S, ' t I'av- mendat to\l spoken after, his speech. The Dayton Herald of Saturd ay 8' 00,' of uO,r row, 'were th e Sunday elogues 'and color, arveys mg, ,en er au:te a Views /of man'" 1 tMm ~ ter the exercis ~ es, ' sthe Eand and J , 8Deate! Gf, ~., at:)d ~r~ . G~orge aok , lands; ~~o~t, t ravel ariti SunQay,.M.r:. gave a picture qf the West A1exan- beautif ul country home . ndven,t ure Post,'f ormed in' lin~ and ma rched h d M . et. ;' ', 1 d , . ... E ' I d' " 'll 'I' D wl·l.l """t Afrl·"a. , ,,'.' and Mrs. Chlis. Houg • Mr. an rs. , the "emete r" , wt. the gr a ves drla schoo gra uatlOg c ass i , an Its ChQl! Johns of Lytle Messrs 1ere t l e ,1d, l tl s ;Yirglo la ~"'" ., . . J L\fl ' . KenTJ,~~ UE mrqO!l8 P AP superin E - If , S ou , " "ltnt WI tenden ., t, C. fl . Carey. The, I ' (5ve' W.edofl8d ~y mornin g fl'll' via hnate deco"a te<l ' , ' " (. ..0'ro'f , '. ' • Adriil" , flDY co1~r Or, ~lI fl. H S8U6 ' ,p 'p"I', , '" Burban k's int . es th· ' ~, '}I' b h Id' netb Hough and Glenn, Johns. , ~ \'~ , it with. h~r 6.uot Mrs:: G eorge M;o tQ~ ~rie~tl and exercIs IS 61~1l ye'lr Kt tb Wl th 7.-ette otJl06 Wt. t \ \' Q e e lD cOow,o rker who uses ,Bur- ' Soho!Jl hall was comfo,r tab ly s~ated . , ' ., ' , t he. new ~50,OOO school house audiof Colu.,ubtla" ·", , It on ba.nd 1111 the rime. ' ''''', ' .. ,bank's ali?es ,'and js' cQnstan tly sup. (lUring the' speaking" and ' a g r eat toriun'l . Tbere,a retwen ty.f1ve grad- ' Mr. and Mrs. W. A.- Comell ' 1.11s8' M,.pel t)~~rwo,qd' wti~ dowl!' pH,ed witli ~ctual spe~imeJ'la ' en- ~==S~=::=:::;:~;$;:;: ,f,rom his many weiTe at the cemete ry: At thtl uates. · T,he s'Chool, under Mr, Carey tertain ed Sunday at dinner the ~QI_ -:: , frOPl,MI~Diil'l~lirg tqr the "V eek eod ~rdepB. · , ,:'" .' r cemete l'y'the decora ti9ns wer e b eau· I~as incre'ased fro~ 78111 and BtaYM his first year lowing &,l,Jests: ~r. and Mrs. Clades j' .o'Ve~ . tor' , th,& ,qhrietil'&n 0 ark ' .sp<.>aker Ji)odea vor' .~etin of the g /:!u04 y ,even ng, HHon' Champ tiful. Many beau tifuHlol'al t.·ibute s to 120 I'n til ;" ClOS'.·Il'\'g term. . ' . . . , " Cornell , Mr. aD'~ Mrs. Clyde Bangha,m 1:. ' • . , ., Messr8 :Ja~eij' M&s0~Eari ThdiDp I~Qae of. ~P~ta~~,tall~v~ ·lJ. were Pd,~sc~d' l~n gravesk~f botthh 'J's rIo son'-lin d WUl Terr y, or" Da.YtoQ ~ are our' gTea~es\i "\s 1A::l!1pen anadnd . ~nt~ and daught er, ()f Wilmin gton, Mi'. 'oraor s, ots gn . clvllan s" rna 109 e scene , , ,pe~di:Bg .~te~',~ ~~81lt'r,~ : '.:",' . . Pr9f : p,. G. H~ld~n , t~e g'r~~tes and Mrs , Chas. Oglellbee, of Spring, t one long to be re~~b ered. ~~, Wm, Best, of Deland , Fla., Valley" Miss Luella Cornell and ,- ~~~, l!'ren~ll ~ro~ , l08~ ~ valUf\o~e ~uthon ty.o~ ,c,orn,an,~oth~r Mr; a~H~~I. , .' . , . . wrlt~~q, us, aY)a, s~ys: ~~,'llook for, hQree here',mBt '",e8lt. Pr~ter, , ' tural 8ul?Jec~ . " ., , ',, Oxe" In L!I"1 be r ~.mpl. , ward to' the , comIng 'of the M i a m i . _ ••'" Will ,}io~t;ft ~OWI' our regular ',~ LeBrun English Grand"'Opera' Co., -After nea.rly 11tty years' retlremen~ Gazette , as' it ' seems [ikE!' a ~ letter " FHtv little ohicke n. in the inOI1~ shird ~~oli OP'~:~;! ~e~~ . is b~ 'far the , greates t mUiicru , ,ata~n~~e r~e:v~l~t\~~e ~: !~8;j~: from home, 'with, t~e" gre~t . ~onve.nbator. " Spring Branch " t ractIon ~ver offered atChllu tauq\la , power In th~ . !umber~.ng ' ," hid,UBtu or ience of DQt havmg tQ IlIlSWer Jt. . ! , i, ' 'l'en, soru.'!n y 1,>r9iler sll III'oW we,e ks «.' .' Each membe r bas been ,profeS sion. northen;t Mlnn aota, norther n WJs QD' Florid~ is fiqe , ow; with 'lots ~f , Mr;~ ~~rhe ,Lap:r hl.S ret1;1rn~ to, ,ally ~n gra,nd opera, ~hree, later have lIn ,and among t.l1 e (rootler settlers or ' 'l?ushm elons, hu:ckle~erries '; lJaytoo , ,aft~r,> '"e~er~~ " d~1~ o.n t~e ' leadmg :.ol~s." , -, -! ·0 . ' ~, ~~: ::a:::~ t!~,~:::es~n ~s the b!g~, jusb ripe:" . Mr. ]3est sent;' us : 9O~e 'Just " elo~' i~t. , \' ,how fur does the kitQh6n ' :' Rev. BI!ly, Sunday,. ~x-baseball ' Thera Is little or ,no e~lleDse tor the Ol'ang~s~ .emons and ~rape frult last ,I.," Ilrs. ,J , H .., ,(}b~n~~e~b ' a,nd ' son champi on. The world's ~reat se? evan· ''keep~' ot o:cen as compared with tbat Chrjst~,a.s; which, was ',' J,~~b ,were th~ g~est8 of },ler broth- gelist. rnucn enjoye d. ~~~~~~~~!!!!!~~~~~~,!!'!!!.!'!..!!..~,!!.!!L ot ' horsas,' It Is estimated th at there ~!!!!!~~~~~!!!~!! ' ; el',c'I'h,omQs , ,~oy ,and \ family . last ' n 'r . Len G. ~roughton, . ' . . of Atlanta , are 1,lOW In ', porther n , WIsconsIn and " ~onday., ,," . f th . Id' t The many Wayne sville friends of ~" 'M~s. Ada ,Dakin, . and d.Bucht er,1I lS one 0 • e wor s ,g rea preae h ~ Mtnnel!ota 2,000 yoke or oxen used In ers haullng.1ogs which have replace d hIgh· Ml'ss,IQna' Re'dfer n' , d<>ug· LOla Rond ' aazel were visiting rel a~ Hon. Rlchard Yates, ex-gov ernor h t·er 'of,Mra • 11~7tll _'-";"';;'':':;;'~ioI4~~~~....'''~~-''''''~~ pri ced borses,' Tbls 1" Jlenrly double ;';';'~~_~ , ttvei! in ',lit, Ho~ly t3uDday, ..,.. of Illinois , has a nationa l reputat ion the number employed a rellr ago, Melis~ ~edfern, of Xenia" willpe .Miss ; M~~le Llppin oott was the as a forcefu l speake r. ' 80 sdl,.,tactory ' are t hese 'animal s interest e(:i'in knowin g \ gtiest of MIss Goldte OOnDElr Frlduy 'Prof. Wooel is an ,u~8ual inven tot . proving her engage In toe cultlvallon ot land from ment to wed M;r, Vegb N. 'MilIer,' •, at '~lDnt'r. ' .,', ,.. ~ " \Viii , demons trate wi~h a mono- WI btCb th)8 :~ml~er ,has I[bl,eben cut t hat. MIss Florel\Oe Laoy is at borne He a pro~i~ent and . wealth i" yoqng ' . ' ; l1k , 1 , b t a ey ' f"t e \ \lse W ' d' ecoma gen, W ' I d y s with raIl car how difficult travel I1lay e eral and . ' , , a" er apen mg ~eve1'l~ remaIn ao tor tnany years' u yorntng man. '. Iy slmpl . ille d'tn tb .,'. , ' her , 81ster, ' Mrs, Frank ' (Jook ' Ilnd great . , 11"" R' e next d ec!!d o. df' h b . W ..."I.1SS e ern as , een m yom,' tamily ; , " frof , N, J. Corry with aux eto• ,,' i~g'f~r the paSt two y.ears, '~m'gaged Mrs. Ma.rv .m, B a.W 6S w as the phone and finE', i1Ju~~tions will give r~6 ' h'qtbed is w~ll enou gh in its , as a priva~e', tutor iii"t~~ fa~i1y' guest of Ml's, 'Bamuel Sides and fain. a '% nu~rful musica r entertai n1Dent . vInce, but few people would ol1re Malcolrri Anderson,' , the 'opYner of; a lly last Wedne sdtlY· .' Rosani, tbe ju.gglel.', m~nipulator, sieel,l 'in it,. $, 700ac ~e sh,~~1t r~nch at ., ' , Mr~. J: , B. Ch~Dow eth a nd son, ill i.n 'a class by himself , his work is so '. - • Jaoob' were' 61lterta hled by aunt a small town near, -Kemm erer: , Mr. ; " Lydill Au~tin ,OD 'lailt Thursd a.Y . attract tve, M ' "11 pleasm g and. w,on4"e t1u I~ ' ' h ..:..1 '' U , Ie ~ I, er recentl y pur, c as~ , a Iar~e 't M.iB!J'M ilttie B~8B wus 'olllUog on R 7v. Geo. Wood ',Anders on, of St cattie ranch'i n Wyo'mi tlg arid Qe 'arid ' Mrs. H; O. Dllkin,jlud fnmU y on,]l1s t LOUIS, ' has , m~de ,c a, most s uccessful Jill ' if f I t ' btl u. (' his brlae wIll reSide there' .. ~ ' ;" ",W,e d D~~ay 0. ft, e~n;oon sa I!I "a pu. C Q -~ , , ",' . r~~ord ~ ~ fi M' dh au t auqua a t t r,ac- f,fODW at 0m:,e~'fiaor ' , . ,: ~ .o.. ', ~ " " . t s o,Yar the ati o D ~l "", , ., M... 'alldl IIr8, Edward Cook and bon. ", ' <[. , " ", ,. a ilDIr, on ; , ~ Co,... FloodIn g H.lr. iMark.t . ' , ,." ,f timilr , \yere en'te.-ta ined ' Op ' ltl~t I:Iarry , : in ,charge of the ' Saturday' Jun¢ 3 ' 19.1 , t;.unday by, Mr, , a.nd , Mrs, WtL~~er P " fi G'Monroe , Rats'; sWJtche~, nutr8~anilhll~:lIlli' .balr d ' M' . ' Ch' • ' ,' , ,Dakin ..nil httl~ 8Qn ' Barry , " structu res 111'0 'coming . ' aCI ~ ,ar ~~ , lsslon, Iii prlc~, Icago, I~ Be~inl1 inc II.t 1 0' look, p , ,m , t.htl are ilbout"t he " Therew i,ll hI'! 'mee,t lnga,t 'Mtdd'e Amerlcas:gre at slutb worker 'Iht'he . , ' ',l! ~lD', · hQU8 holdg'o orls: .. ~ th H · b B T ,Rnn Ob UTOh lle~in.n i n g- Fridl1Y at. on . . '. Ra-mey, M C.,' f rom bell, Rprip t?;A a.,n d ' The a ' 8 , ~w. , , 2' o 'clook; t;3u.t uraar QnC\ t3\ln!lay , ltl,l IIJi'llOis , wfll , 1;en , ~'hoY{" tbe peopl e ~u~ ~n ~ ', ml\t~e88, f'b I1N,l.ntelJ' ,11, y oO)l\loaDotru!,, ~t'lO :39; bv ~ Iders, rul e. ~ ' . ~""'- " ' , dre BlOg. t l~~le, ext~~ gOI,'l,d. :~r _ John'! W .. Tbomllllon, at Gl'eenf i Itl, ,The courses of study;- 'Bible.. ' and S. IlDd, I},stond k 8~d, ~ak ".'Jod:, 'o.n,l lGeo" A. Bre t ~, of Hutl , " \, . ,' . ' . ' ble, Il ~ook~r~, , rR~'t.Ju' ,,1 lO",+H .. iP , Ington, .Ind. " , ','. ' " S;)NQrkr.~l~eratu.re". Hlstory " t plUllh 'o~l'Ibto 9,.l1, ,.', r Ht. and ."},(1'8 :Jnm~8 Allen a nd ,T~ve.1, , S~el'\~e" Birds, BeastS" :In-, 2 ,:rm: op.1l1rs, Ii , ;; ', filui!.y a.re.. ~nt~~~ i,un& Mi'B e~, LU,lu S~ctSI l!oy ,Problems; P,res~tit' . D~Y" Wlt}l , , " ', and ' (fr~'Q l.e , .InS, {Or!l' I,few~uestions" Ht;~!th\~d l;)om~t , \ l~l~ik ' " ~ 'tr , ~ Dean"O hl,o,\ , , '." . " ": '~nc~, F()r~~tyr~rlculture i,~. Sci,~ " :'.' ;, ,~.... ~n~Mr,,: (~0l!.el!htlA ~ D~8 e~ -' , The, date'ois July ',21 to ,Augus t 14~ "', 'eri..Wed ,t uelr, ni~es from SIdney ' ,.. ., ' () , ILDd' ~1Dnln~lter{ rnd':" on' :ltlst ,1fU,lLll\USB'atea ~~gram;:b)~y' i;" h >.I ue' au pOlt.t,(~f!rels, ..8 :8~Dy.;r. ' .. "" ".-.. , ',: by.' ' a<lli.Fess~~ F;. G~lIu,n ,- ~etQmel'~ " ,lb., J&tn~ 'AlJeD and fam[\y .eo. Mgr.• ISH ~', Mam Stteet,: Dayton , ter....t ..~ , Job.my Allen ,' and M'IIIB , Ohio. Oon A~ ~dlllner Snnday ; , ,....;~-..,..
. ,.
Bellbro~k. SOhOOlil.~t, ~;U:'~bUR
Mleam,e Valley
consid~ ralJle
Ha~tsock, attende~
. Chau'tauqua l Ralph 6., MillI er
Ola ssi fied
F" :
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" ItlZeoS 't' t SOCl·al Eyen,t S
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Are 'Y o 1..0 9 : lor a PO$ ti~n? '
Ph I- 5 'I'e
d,! "
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---.-.. --- -
--- -.I
t Former Citizens
- --.-..~----.-..-
Mr . . and Mrs. M. M. Jones , 01 Salem, Iowa , are visitiilg MI'. ano Mrs. Jos. Downing- in Xenia. Mn>. Jones was formerly Miss Del1a Down· ing. Sunday, June 4th, a son was born to Mr. amI Mrs. Charl es Fra.nks, of Columbus, Ohio. Mrs Franks was formerly Miss Veva Muore, of Waynesvill e .
Walter McKay, who has been attending a medical college in Columbus, is out for his vacation and is ~gain at the Miami Valley 'hospital IT\ Dayton.
MASONIC PICNIC The Masons and th eir families of the Little Miami Va;;ey will hav£' a picnic a~,Ft . Anci ent about June 23rd. The date is not set defini tely, but C. M. Robitzer, the promoter, of the prospect, will confer with oth er lodges and act later on the date. The Cadet band will in ,all probability accompany Waynesville Lodge. If the matter in hand goes through it is expected that at least 500 Masons will attend. Invitations will be sent to Xenia, New Burlington, Harveysburg, Morrow, Butlerville, Lebanon, Loveland, Norwood, Fralll<1i n, Dayton and Cincinnati.
Tbe---_.- ..- - -
~ ---.-.--~~~
NE 7. 1911.
.... .. ~-----..-..
I Personal Mention Here and There t
CH URCH OF Ctl RIST Ncxl Sumlay t he chihJrcn willlllllJ
-----.... .-.~~.-....-.. -- - ' - -- ..........~-.~ ............-.....-.. .-.. ............. .-.+ t h right of wav. Ou t· moUo is
Try Ma ple N ut ~lI nd ae . !ic , at lIundreu at Dible Schuol, allli a \\' 1)1'Try Maple Nut ~~ndae , 5c, at Schwa r tz '!-\. thy otrer;ng fur heal lll'1l mi: hils. Schwartz 's. neg-in an once to plan to Le Pl'l·SPllt. 1'111' ser mon hour will ])(' g-iv('11 to L. A . Zi mm erm an is in inci n nalj Chal_ Ellis was a Columbus vi sitor a I"('Pnt't. of lite gt'eaL conv(;tl tio n uf today. Fri4ay. h ·· Ohio l\li ssionary oei ,ty al Porls· Mr s. J. C. H awke was in DayLon Illbllth, Ohio, and an ec lto of lhe A. Maffitt was in Cincinnati on Tuesday . cony nli on l, be hl!ld at Daylu n thl::; busin ess Thursday. wcek . ~rs. Alice Hawke , of Lebanon, J os. Tinney is a uffe rcr from Th chilJren will rent! 'r a fill' erysipelas . was in town Thursday . program al lite ehu rch S und ay eveMr. Ca l McBryan t , of Dayton, was nil g Ev I'Y on wei ome. Jessa Burton and son, EJ, w~re in in town Monday . Dayton and Xenia Friday. Try Maplc u t Su·n dnc. 5c , at Harry Cleaver and sons were in chwartz's . H. H . Wadsworth left Tu tlay - -Springfield Sunday. for a trip through the South,
-- ... - - -
--- --- ..
Cin cin nati
Board flection
lill ()
Memoir of Mrs. Tucker
Th' ew Cl'nlul'Y Club Recep tion will I" hf'ld at I h,' home of Mrs . J. ,.... Fli n k -.\' '['hllr".I ay even ing.
MI'. and M'·8. J F.. J anney entertained at dinth'" Su nday Dr. and 11·s. f< ee \'c l' an d son , Wyn n , of 'enIN\'illp
Mi ss I 1)11 11 a TLaw ke is ('n tertaining a h ou~e party t1til-! week. The g ues !.'! are Mis 'eil 8dith Mosher, SlelluLemm nand Henr ieLta Mc Ki nsey . Mr. and Mrs. J . H. Col man had at; thei r gu ets fo r dinner Sunday, 11'. and Mr!l. H. V. Wal ter and son Dan, of [ebanon , an d Ethan Crane. Miss Ellen S h~r w()od e)itertained a t d inner Sunday th el following g uests: Misses Bt hel and Loui:!a tokes, Lallt'a McKinsey, and Jessi e Marl a t t . M1', and Mrs. J. M. Keys, of Centerville , enter tained at dinner Sunday Mr . a nd Mt·s . J . S. Th.mson, Mr. and Mrs: Amos Cook. and Miss Annie Thomson, of Dayton.
Mr. and Mrs. Israel Satterthwaite entertained at dinner Sunday the followinlr guests: Mr. ang, Mrs C. E_ Ridenour and family, Mr. and Mrs. Knowles C~nn and son. of Springfield; Mr. and Mrs. Seth Furnas, Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Bunnell and familv, Mr. and Mrs. ·Henry Satterthwaite .
- - -...
- ....- - -
Will Stock Large Ranges H. H. Wadsworth breeder of the Blue Grass stl'ain of S. C. B. Mi~or cas is in Lagrange, Ga., looking after the stocking-u p of a chicken range there. It takes a considerablt! large amount of chickens {I to stock a range If this class but. Mr. Wadsworlh Lc; equal to th e occasion. While there he will also make an estimate on a range at Bailey, Ga. He expects· to be ,gone ten days.
Child'. Pathetlo : Sulclde. A pathetic tragedy took place the other day at Nuneaton (Warwick), the victim beIng Sarah Ann Farmer, a child of t hirteen, who committed sulclde by drowning herself In a canal. The' child lived with her mother's brother and his wlte. She started work at a Nuneaton factory lome months ago, but was discharged after n few days. Sln'c e then she bad tried again and agaIn to ohtaln work elsewhere. but always unsuccessfully. Recently, the aunt's son asked' the girl to clean his hoots, and wnen she refused he struck her and told the girl 'to go out and get work. When she returned home in the evening there was !urUler unpleasantness, and eventually the child made her way to the 'anal and In the darkness, drowned b erself.-London Mall. Oxen In Lumber Camp •.
Atte r nearly fift y years' retirement from active sel'vl e the ox has again come Into recognI tion as a moUve power in U 10 lumbering Industry ot northern M.Inncsota, northern Wisconsin. and among the frontier lI,ettlera of these states. The reason is 'the hJgh ·pt1ce or fe ed for' horses . . There Is little or no expenso ' tor the "keep' ~ or pxen as ~ompared wtth that . of borses. It Is . esUm!1t~d Uiat there are nQw In northern Wisconsin. and Mlnn.e sota 2,000 yoke of olten' used In haul!ng 10gs hJcl\.~lave ~placed hIgh. priced borse~, ~h!s Is nearly do!\ble the' flumber employe~ ' a y~ar ago. ,,80.' satlsf~otory . are . thes~ animals provIng In the cultivation ,of land from ! which the timber has been cUt 'tRiat It Is 'Ukelllfll!etr' use will become pn .eral .aDd mnaiD 10 (or ~1 ~: ~ '.
What Mad~ ' "1m Sot
SYNOPSIS. I rOil "rei
J prtrll's. banker'" "li n . IIn i l ~ r nl Ynltl. leads a Itrl' of d18· . .. I pillion, mUrI'I1'8 tho daughl r f 1\ W illi · hler \Vho dl ~u In prison . and Is dhHlwn r o.l by hi>! ra lher. He IH out Llr work llnd 111 d"s pornt l' stmlls. Unci rwoo<1. wlto hllll onl'!' b en ngag d 10 How"r)'" slrp· mnth"r, Alleln. Is appnrl'l\tly In prosp.... · ous l'ln'um8lances. TakIng 1III" I1 11I"g'" or hili IntinlucY with Allcta, h" b "'Q IIWfI U I' .. t 0t socta l hlghwnYl11 u l1 . ni St'u\·ftrlnK hI" tru e "haracler, Allcl n (11'n11'9 him lit 11 0 U IH.... H e 8"' fhl s her n IIfl l {' t ll t'fla.IP llin g "nl eld". Art (]I'ull'rs ror 11')11)11 IlIl u,:lcLl 8 ' nnlllllssloner. d.. mnncl nn 1\" L·nU IILlng. H o "nnno't mn\(e gooll, Hownr,1 cnlls III Ills Apur tm nta In lin Inlo"I .. II I ..d (:onlll · LInn to requ 8t n 10ll n of $2.1)(J/1 1<:> 1'11<lhlc tJlm to UtI<o lip n buslnl'tlil P,.,.lpllsltlon. HOII'nrd llrlnl(s hlmHolf 11110 " lI ,anulln ('o ndltlon. nnd ~Ol'S to sic n on a dl,·nn. A ca ller Is "nlloun 'ed nOlI lull I''''orlll e1mw., A. t,,~ rc e n lU'ound t h~ rlrun k ,on I!If'c P r. A1\ 'I" nler!!. Shl' c11'111111,d~ n I'romll' fr om nderwood th ut It" will 1I0 t tuk o his fire. H r~rus e!l unll'lIlI Hit " will r('n"w her pn lronn,; . Th~ 1:I "hl' "l'tu l!e~ . /lnd tnk II her lcave. nderwood klll ~ hlm ~l'tr. The r 'pori of tho pll:llo l owukr ns Howard. He nnda Und rwood d nd. Tlownrd Is lurned over to till' pollco. ' /I pI. linton. nOiorloU8 tor hl9 llrulnl t n'nlm nl ot prisoners. flul" I lo\\'nrcl tltroll~h th o lhlrd deg r 'Po Und IIn nll y ,;els "-II nlll',;!!cl co nf sslon from lit hornss " m,I". Annie. Howa rd's wlte. cI dul' s h I' h Ih' t In h er husband's Innoc~"ae. ILnd VAil!!' on .feffrl 8 . Sr. HI' r OCUS l' 1\ to hnlp IInl t'8" shl' w ill con8 nt 10 a dlvor('P. To lIa,'C Howard s he CO il S ntA. bul wh 1\ Hh e nnds thut the Id Ol' J effri es docs 1I0t I,,· tp ml to sta nd by his eon. c.x ('pt nnan· In II)'. Bhe Bcorns his help. Annlo np PNl.la to .fudge Br wster. atlorn!'y to • .f "I'I M. Sr.. to hlke Howllrd's caap. lie d,'cIIrIOft. It .Is reporl d that Ann l.. Is going on the ",IllS' . Tho bank!'r and hIs wit.. All on Judge Brewst I' to ftnd 801lle way to p to· v I1t It. Annie again pleads with Brew· onllenlll. i\tnr tl.1 d fend Howard. H A IIclr\ Is STet1lly agttated when sit lcarns t hat Brewsler has lakon the CU80 nnd del CU"8S are lookIng tor the woman who nd rwood th nigh t ot his ('ailed on (lcaUI . AII£:ln cont ell to Annlp that IIh ) IS. Ictler from Underwood t hrealcnlng . euk e. t lo " evil \nnu nce of H ol'<'r! "ml ' r\\'oo<l. f(' ''o\\' "~tudf nl
CHAPTER XIV,-Contlnued.
",t's Your Duty t? Do It."
" And YOU' kno';- wbat mine arel" .Iudg Brews t e r looked skeptical, "" ent bac k to bls desk. For a few moexclaimed the banker, hotly. "1 reo bllt made no Curthel·. comment. The m ents he sat stIU plunged In deep fuse to be engulfed In this wave of banker rose and Al1cla followed suit. thought Suddenly, he touched a beU. llYsterical sympathy with c riminals. As h e moved toward the door, he Tile head clerk e ntered. 1 will not be stamped with the same turned and said: "Show Mrs. Howard Jetr-rles, Jr., In," hall mark 8S the man who takes the "Drop In and see me this e'venlng, Th clerk loo\(ed surprised. Strict life, Of. his. felloW being-though the Brewster. Mrs. Jeffries wl\l be de· orders hlth rto had been to show the man I/e IllY own son. I wlll not set lighted If you will dIne wltb us." unwelcome ' visitor out. He beHeved tile s~l of approval on crime by deAlicia smiled graciously. 'Do come, that he bad not heard aright. rending It." . 14dge; we shall be all alone:', "~Id you Bay ?tIl'S. Jeffries, Jr., The lawye r bent low over ber band Judgp?" I'" "be. . , lawyer bowed 8nd said calmly: \ ~hen, . sir, you must expect e~, as he said good·by. Mr. Jeffries bad "I said Mrs. J e ffries, Jr.," replied ::aclly what Is bappenlng. Thill girl, already reached the door, wben he the lawyer, grimly. 'Whatever 'sbe may be, Is devoted to turned again and said: "Very well, judge," said the clerk, :your son. She Is his wife. Sbe'll go "Are you slire a ,,' ery liberal orrer as he left the room. ~ any extreme to help hlm-even to wouldn't Induce be r to drop the Presently tbere was a timid knock 'seiling her name ' tor money to pay name ?" at th e door. · (or his defense." The law yer sbook his head doubt· "Come In !" called out the lawyer. Tbe banker threw up his ilands with fully . CHAPTER XV. "Wel1, see what you can do," cried Impalience. To his wife he sa1d: "it's n mattet of principle with me. the banker. Annie en tered the presence of the H er d~vot.lon Is not tbe question." "Are you coming. Allcln 1" "Just n mome nt, dear." she rop\led . famous lawyer pale and Ul at ease. Wltb n mocking laugh h e went on : "Sentimentallty doeon't appeal to me. "J wa nt to SAY a ' word to the judge." This slldden summons to. Judge "Al1 right." r e plied the banker. ''I'll Brew ter 's private office wns so unex'l'he 'whole thing IS distasteful and hideous to me. My Instructions to you be nuts ld e." He ope ned the door, nnd peot ed that it came like a shock. For are to prevent hel' using the family as he did so h e turned. to the lawyor : days she had haunted the premises, " If there Ilre any new developments sitting In the outer offico for hours at name on tbe stage, to buy her off on h er own terms, to get rid of her at le t me know at once." a time ex posed to the stare and any price." . He left the offi ce and All la breathed cove rt smiles of thoughtless clerks " Except the price she asks," Inte r· n sIgh o[ relief. She did T10t love her and office boys. Her requests for an posed the , lawyer, dryly. Shaking his hu band, but she teared him. H e Inte r vle'w had beeu met with cUrt rewas not olily 20 years her# senlor. but fusal s . They Ither sa.ld the judge bead. he went on : "You'll find that a wife's de votion Is his cold, ari stocratic manner InUrni· wos out or town or else that he was a very strong motive power. J e lJrles. dated h er . Her flrst Impulse had been too busy to be seen. At lust, evl~ It will move irresistibly forward In to ' tell him everything, but she dare denUy acting upon orders, they fiat· spite of all the barriers you and T can not. His manne r discouraged her. He Iy r efused to even send In her name, erect to stay Its progre ss . That Dlay would b egin to ask questions, ques· and Bhe han about abandoned' hope ilolmd like a pllitltude, but It's a [nct lions which she could not nnswer whe:t, all at once, a clerk approached without seriously Incriminating her. her. and addressIng her more politely nevllrtheless." Alicia, who had been listenIn g with self. But her conscience would not thim usual. said tbat the judge would varied emotions to the conversation, allo\v b e l' to· stand entirely nloor from see her In a few minutes. the tragedy In which her husba nd's Her hesrt gave a great throb. AI· lOW Interrupted timidly: Sh e most speechleRs fl'om surprise, she "Perhaps Judge Brewster 18 right. scapegrace son was Involved. d eal'. After all, the girl Is working felt a stl'ange. unaccountable desire to stammered a falot thanks and braoed 'to save your son. Public opinion may meet this gIrl Howard had married. herself for th e Interview on whIch so In a quick unde rtone to ' the lawyer, much depended. For the first time think It unnatural-" since the terrible affair bad happened, The banker turned on his wiCe. she snld: . "I must see that woman, jQd~. tb er e was a ralnt glimmer at hope Sternly he said : "AJlcln. I cannot permit you to In· think I can persuade her to change ' ahead. If only she could rush over 1. 'I'fel'l'. That young man Is a selt· her course of action. In any case I to the Tombs and tell Howard the confessed murde r er and therofore no must see her, I lI\ust-" Looking at joyful ne ws so he might k eep up cour· "You age! It was eight days 1I0W since 80 n of l11i;1e. I've don e with him long him Questioningly. sbe said: Howard's arrest, and the trial would ugo. J ca nnot be moved by nl&udlln don 't thlnlt It Inlldvlsable. do you?" The judge smiled grimly. take place In six weeks. There was t;cnlimentcll ty. I'lease let that be "J think I'd better Bee her first," he stili time to prepare a strong defense flnll!." Turning tc. tho lawye r, he sa id. "Suppose you come back a !It. It the judge would only conseot to !;a ld. co ldl~r : "'n. in the tuattor ot this stage tie late r. It's more than proha~le that take the case. She was more sure I'll lhan ever that a clever. lawyel' would blll:;iness . YOll can talle no stells to reo she' II be here this afternoon. seo hel' and arrange for n,n Intervie w." have no difficulty In convincing a jury IItr11ln her?" There was n knock at tbe door, and thnt Howard's alleged "confession" The law)'(>I' sbook his hl,ad , "N o, there Is nothing I can do." Alicia started guiltily, thinking her was untrue and Improperly obtained. In the intervals of waiting to see Qlllcltly he added: "Of cours e, you husbaud might have overheard their conversll tlon . The head clerk entered the .Iawyer, she had co",sulted every don 't doubt my loyalt~· to you 1" and whl s )lered something to the judge, one she knew, and among others she 1\11'. ,I E' tJ:r ies shook his heud. aUer which he retired. The lawyer had talked with Dr. Bernstein, the " No, nt), Brewster." turned to Alicia with a smile. noted psychologist, whom she had 'rhe Infolye r laughed as he said: "tt's just as I thought," ho sa!;1, seen once at Yale. He received her "Right 01' wrong, YOIl know-' rn y o uutry'- thnt il:l, my c llent- ' 'U!I of. pleasa ntl y. "she's out there now. kindly and listened attenUvely to her th eE'.' ,. Turtling to Alicia, Lt c added. You'd beUer go nnd leave her to me." story. 'Then she 'had finished he had Be The, doOi' ope.ned ngaln unceremon· evlnc~d the greatest Interest. hl ug hl nifh~ ' "'rhat's the Illll neul part of n lawyE.r. profession. Mr . J rtrles. 10llsly, 311d Mr. J e l'lrles put · In his told her that be ba.Dpened to be the . phYRlcia n called In on the night of ·the 'The cl1 nt's weakness IR the Inwye.r'lI h ad: "Ar en 't you coming, AIIcla?" he de· trag t • and at that time he bad stl· ngth. Wilen m en bate eae ll othe r In a lower gr,a ve tloubts as to It being' a case 'Of Ilnd rob E'ur h othe r we lu \,:y 1'6 dou't mnnd d, Impatie ntly. believe d It was 8ulcll"e, voice. to t b lnwye'r, he added: "Say, murde r, J)~lfy th ew. We dar not. b ca u thut ..! our prof l:Ialoll . We ncollr· fh' (l wster, .that womlln is qutslde ' tn and he had told Capt. Cllntoo 80, but Ill! tn~n' . \ c pit th em against ear h your office. Now Is your. OPJl.ol'tunlty the pollee captah~ had made up .hls mil eY for profit. {t l\" dldn' t they'd ll) come to some arrangeme nt with mind, and that was the end at It. her." • Howard's "c~'pfesslon;' he went on, go tei IjOlll(.' lawyi r who wou ld." Again· l'\ft's: . .J e ffl·les. held out ber really meant no g, U. called to the Allclu sav e '0' rp.e bla, 80111",. " Y ~ ,'. 1"11 r cplled : " I'm afraId stand he could the jury that a ha nd. n lJe made to "Good·by, j'ldge; you're so klpd ~ hypnotic subje , all IQv" to b Rdvt ed lO do Whlll It needs a lot .ot patleuce to be a "confells" to an Ing. In the iriter· 'W~nt t o do," 'est ot. truth. justice, and science, be ~ r. J e lfrl"" lIIade nn Imllatlent g Cl!- law yer, doefln't I~?" , ,tudg Browster laushed, and added said, he would siadly come to. tutt' of dl tip- nt. I:\romngly he IeIn an undertone : . ~ ald. ftl~k II : All this she wonld tell JudJe Bre1f" orne back by and by." '''1''1.:'1 :~:'I\. "JlI"~' to th" g t'lllt jtP.O· ....ftlltl l Pt'nUlc, but II t tu lUG," The door clo.e~, aDd the l&w,er ster. It woul4 be of Feat ' helD. to
Sudd nly, a cold him , no t!ol\bt. sh iver J'IIn through lier. How did she know be would take th e case? Por. bnps this Rummans to his office was only to tell her once more that he would have nothing to do with her and her husband. She wondered wh, he hnd decided 80 s uddenly to soc her nnd. like iI flas h, an Idea cam e to her. She had soen Mr. J elTrles. Sr., ente l' the Inner sanctum and, In· stin ctlv ely, she felt that s he had something to do with bls visit. The banke r hud orne out a ccompallied by a rl chly·dressed woman wilom she guessed to b hi ll wlf . Sh looked with much Int I'cs t at HownJ'(fs stepmother. Sbe h ~d h al'd 6 0 much about h I' thnt It scemed to her that s ho kn ew h er personal1y. As Alicia swe pt pt'oudly by, tl1e eyes of the two women met, a nd AnnIe was s urpri sed to see In the banker's wlfe's race, Insteod of th e . cold, haughty stare she ex pected, a wistful, longi ng look, as if she would like to s top and talk with her, but dare not. In an· otlier Instant she was gone. and, obey· ing a clerk, wbo beckoned he r to fo l· low blm, she entered Judge Brew· s te r 's office. The lawyer looked up as she came In, but did not move trom his seat. Gruffly he said: "How long do you intend to keep up this system of-warfare ? How tong are you going 'to continue for· clng YOUl' way lnto this office?" "1 didn't f9rc e my way in," sbe said, QuleUy. "1 dlda't expeot to come In. The clerk saJd you wanted to see me." The lawyer frown ed noll scrutinized her closely . . Afte r a pau8e, he 'sald: "I want to teU you for the fHtl etil tIme I can do nothing for you." "Flfty?" she echoed, "Flrty did you say? Really, It doeBn't seem that much." Judge Brewster looked at her Qulc~ Iy to see If she was laughing at hit» Almost peevishly, be said: " For tho last time, 1 r.')peat I can do notbing for you." "Not the last time. jUdge." she' reo pllea, shaking her head. "I shall come agoin to-morro"." The lawyer · swung arouna in bla chair with Indignation. "You wl\l- 1" Annie nodded. "Yes, sir:' sho said, quietly. "You're determined to rorce your way in bere?" exclnlmed the Ia ..... yer. "Yes, sir." The judge banged the desk wltb bls flst. "But I won't allow It! ) have something to say, you know!· 1 can't per· mit this to go on . J represe nt my client. Mr. Howard Jeffries. Sr., and h " 'on 't consent to my taking UII your husband's c8se: ' Tbere was . a shade of sarCAsm In Annnie's voice as she asked calmly : "can't you do it without LIs con· sent?" The, Inwyer looked at her .,:Imly. "I can," he blurted out "but-J won't." ~ Her eyes flush ed as . SbA r eplied quickly. "Well, you ought to-" The lawye r looked up In amaze· ment. ~W hnt do you mean?" he demanded. It·s your duty to do It," she said, quietly. "Your duty to hlB son, to me, and to Mr. Jeffries himself. Why, be's so eaten up with his family pride and false ' principles that he can't see the difference between right and wrong. Yon're hlB lawyer. It's your duty to put hllJl right. It's downright w'cked of you to refuse-you're hurting him. Why, when I was hunting around ror a lawyer one ot tbem actulllly . re~ fl.\sed to take up the case because he said old Brewster must think How· ard was guilty or he'd have taken It up himself. YOII and his fath er are putting the wllOle world against him, and you know It." , The judge was staggered. No ' one In his recolleotlon had ever dared to speak to him like that. He was 110 astonished that be forgot to resent It, and he hid his confusion by taking out his handkerchief and mopping his foreh ead. . "I do know It," be admitted. "Then ;Why do you do It?" she snapped. . The lawyer hesitated, and then he said : "I-that's not the qu estion." , Annie leaped quickly ~forward, and she replh~d: ."It's my question-and M you say, I've asked It 60 times." , ' The' lawyer 's at back ' In his chair 'and looked , at her for a mo~ent with· out speaking. . He surveyed btl r crlt· Ically ~rom h~ad to toot, aad men, aa If ,sat.lslled 'with his ' et'amlnatl0ll. said; (TO BE CON'TtNU.I1lD:) Wh.t It May Come To. . ~'I'v.e just thought' of a . bratad-De" philanthropy," said Mr" DutlD Stu.""What 1& It~.. ..t'm Pllq to fUUDd I liome for ex-bllUcmafrel wbo flDllO' erllh thcmael.,a bl lloDaUou,"
.' He w 9 a mass of banda~el, the result ot Il severe scalding, and when he claimed to be "the b st dressed man In town," people wondered. The explanation was easy. A prompt ap. plication or a Reslnol olntme'n t dressIng to the raw flesh. hlld gtveu Instant com tort and relle( from tb.e pain and suffering. It Is the best dressing for burns , scald!! , cuts, wounds, felon •• c arbuncles, and All skin abras ion • . It prompU,· QI1~,.s IrrltaUon and 10· flamma t lon and stops itching Instantly. Resinol ointment cures eczema, psoriasiS, barber's Itch, rash of poison Ivy. herpes, scald head and all skin eruptions. Reslnol ointment Is free ' from any Injurious Ingredient. It'. as good tor baby as for !be older memo bers at the family. Reslnol ointment Is put u~ In opal jars; price fifty centa and a dollar. At all druggists. Resl· Dol Chemical Co., BaIUmore, Md. OF COURSE,
Join War Tubsrculol'a, From statistics pub\lsbed In the new tub rculoslB directory at the National Association for the Btudr ancl Prevention or Tubllrclliosis f t' 19 asc:ertllinod t hat over 600 cit les and towns or the United States, besIdes about 100 In anadlt, are engaged In the war ng!llnst codsuwptlon, and that on April 1st the re wel'e nearly 1,600 dllTerent ngencles nt work In t he crll· snde, an IncreMe ot . n enrly 700 per . cent In thl1 lust s even years. ' The nel\' directory I1sta 42l hiberul Oil ls san ltOr\t\ hospitals. nnd dn,. cnmps; 6It assocllltlons a nd commit· tees tor the prevention of tuber culo· sis; 342 special di ll p nSlI11es; 68 open air scbools: 98 hospitals for th" insane and peunl Institution s, making special provision tor their tuberculosis Inmates; besides giving an a ccount the antl·tuber culosls legislation I" every state and In about 260 cities. The n ew directory Is sold by the National ASBoclation fol' tbe ' Studt and Prevention ' or Tuuurcul siS, 101 EaBt Twenty ·second street, New Yort cit y. at cost pl'lce, 50 cents, postpaid.
Dirty Ol,hel, Thes. form ol!e of the most seve~ tasks In bousehold work. When tbe, aro stacked up with grease and UI» used food It Is Clulte a task to the one who has to wash them. Hewitt's Easy Talk Soap 801vea the problem. It Is a pnre, white 80ap which Clulckly releasel grease aneS dirt and savel at least oDe·halt the labor, Pure food without pure dishes Is of little avail, and Hewitt's EaSY Task Ibould be a welcome occupant of everf home. Five cent. a cake. A. Redeeming FeOlture.
"Mnud III s harem·s arum sort, Isn't Ihe ' " "Yes, but her sk1rt Isn't."
oDce knew a m.an who reall y enjoyed moving. Seeks-[ don't belle"e it. W eeks- It's ' a fact. You lee, he lived In a houseboat. . SUGGEST IT. Next time you're out with friends, and you're all wondering what you can drink to quench the thlrat-some· thing that you'll aU enjoY-8Dg1est ·COCA·COLA. . Everyone will tbank you (or an introduction to the most delleloul, refreshing and thlrst..quenchlng beverage that anyone ·could drink. It Is coolIng-relleveB fatigue and just hits the d,ry spot. At lIoda-fountalns or carbeDaOOd In botlIetI-5e everywhere. As to its ~lelJomeness-wrlte to the CQCA..cOLA CO., Atlanta, Oa., for a copy of their booklet, "The TraUt About OOCA-OOLA.t>~mplled by- . . thorJUes. How He Old It.
At the dInner Saturday of the MlHtary Order of Foretcn Wars, Captalll arlyle L . Bnrridge told of a man who, 1'eturnf~ to bls domicile at cockcrow. underwellt an Inspection by bls wlte, who dellired to know how he came to bu-e a lallte bump on his rorehead . "Tbat? Oh. that's where I bit my· lIelf," explained be of the nlgbt key. "Bit yourself?" the lady repeated atter him. "How could you bite your· self away up there?'" "Why. I stood on a chair," be eald, -Cle veland Leader.
Evaporated Milk is the handiest thing in the pantry. It is pure and a1~ys ready to us~
Ther.e-is . no .waste-use as much or
as you n~ and the rest keeps longer than ftcsh 'milk. .
Ciyea fine reault. ba aD cooking I
T.II your 6roctrr to
And You Mud j:'ay,
Li66y'. Milia
" Experience's tho best tescher," Quoted the Wise Guy. . "Y s, but her . charges are mighty, blgh," added the Slmp.l e 'Mug. 1tII'W. Wlnlllow' lI t!Iootblll« 8Tnp tor Oblldrea """binII', IIOr'"n. the IJUm., reduce .. Inft..mlD": lion, ..U~ .. paiG. au~ wind colle, IIkl .. bottl..
The' right kind or a decision toda7 will put powder in your gun tor a. morrow. Oarfield Tea cures CQn!tipntion, k~1I the blood pure aDd tone~ up the lystelJl. Don't let your money burn a 1I0ie 111' some other fellow's pocket.
When YO? buy a set of barnesl, .remember Its your money you are spend. lng, and Insist on getting a barness that'. guaranteed. OEMCO Harne8B are sold In your town at adv,ertlsed prices. You ean Identify them by the trademark"OEMCO" on the box loops, Each 8st Is carefully Inspected before It fa lea' out, and then a tag '11 attached ' to I' signed by your dealer and by UI, warranUng the harness to bo without d .. fect, eltber of material or workmanshJp, Buy "OEM CO" ha)'llsss and after the ' factory B~lne Is air you lUll have a bar. nees. If any detect s~ould appear your dealer 'Will make it good wJthout expense ~o you. It YOU want a etyle dllrerenl from that show.n here, osk your dealer; or write to ns tor free booklet, No, 611, ' and mentlon your dealer's name. .
l3t1tched 10 to " the Inch, rtMItorced whera the etraln cornea; round edge ftnlehe4 thl"Ouahout. Bridie ,,-In. box cheeks, round stays nose btlnd BR1!)AST COLLAR: ':lrtr V shaped' SADDLE: sIngle strap 3-ln,; BACK BAND: I-In. doubled and eUtched. J~IN:t;lS: ihxl~.ln ' l lI11rln.. . end". BREECHtNG: I~- n. Hl'P STRAPS' %-In. TRIMM(NGS : nickel, brasil or fmltatlon rubbor. Price only tt6.4/i "Io'~~ tt.........." ',1•• u~....__ ntl. CRAP••QR$lACH CO,. CUlcnOIAn. OHIO
is the Car Write
U• .for ' .Pedal price
Qriamal price $2500.00 Thia .oIvtl8 the problem. A .hlah cl. .·car at I... than one third
the oriaIqaI coat; rebuilt. WOfD partII made ne1J and_paranteed f9l' aemce'atlcl AtiIIf8dioQ ..... ~. uwllambler. write todar.
M~ke the Liver
Do its Duty
. Nine times In ten whet) the liver I, nght the stelmach and bowels are ' right.
Common In Europe, Western , Asia and , N~rthern Africa Where Insect Does More or Less Damage to PlantDlscovered tn Untted Slates, Near Salt Lake City. Utah, tn Spring of 1904.
gently but firmly pel n laZ}' liver do ita duty. Cures Con. .tipallon, In. lire.lion, Sick Headach" • nd Di.tre .. Arter Eatinar.
must bear
Unltt'd Slules lJepnrtmelll oC Agrlcu ltur ) " he alfalfa weevil (PhytoilOInUS mil' rlnll8 Fub.) Is not native to Ame rl cu. bill has bee ll acc.ldentu.lIy Introdu.ced from Europe. wes tern A ' ln or northern Afrlcu. where It Is co mmon. nnd where . while mar or less des tru ctive to altnlfa. It is pl'obnbly pr vented by Its natural ene mIes from working S 6' rious nnd wIde-spread ra voges. J usl (By F . 'Af, WF.BSTE Il,
~¥'~ ABSORS ,I NE CU""I 8lnolned t ruff,. Anklr:' r'1 m pbuu/Ot'IUIltJ ollE\lU. Flatu., WI...·iIlO,.., •• ,,' Ire OuUo. IIml • .,., [ well nit•• Lame,u"l!. and .. In qUickly .. ltbQu~ Ollll... rln .., re lDuylnll tbo b~l r . o r 1&.&111 11 Ibe h o ....
.nw :l~h.~~:-:!IlD1>.,~~::;; o~r~~I~.,er ltpeulallnttrn ctlon81lnll Duok G EY,ree. A B!lOIUU NIl;.,J n .. IlDlmrnt far IlIAnklnd. For !lln,IUIII' Blnf, \!, KnUtle<l,IlIYollen Vo ln •• Milk Lee. Qout..
-'rlcu ILw pUr bott
nt d6AlerA ur 4 uU. e recl.
W. F. YOUNG.P. D.F .• 310Temllle St..Sllrlnofte'd, MI.L
-_.. -------- -- -- ---
Just Hopea. A gen tl emlln nov r Imatcbe!l bls trous rs n way from his wife wb en be dls co vero hor going tbrough bls pock· ets. He only hopos sbe will leave him enough with wbl cb to go downtown In tile morning. H e Is perfectly welcome to go througb her purse any time and help himself to anything he (,Iln .find. That Is what murrled lire means. A men should not nllow his r lings to be burt when bls wife runs a rosa looso chnnge or 0. roll In his pocl, ts; be ougbt to play tbe go.mc lind toke such 1I1tle conjugal pus tim es tor grunted . Made Father Bestir Himaelf. Wben Dorothy Meldrum woe a lit·
tle younge she la but ten nOW- her fath e r a.s kcd h r on her return .trom SWlday s chool what tbe lesson of tbe day had been. "Dandrl1ff In the 1I0n's den." was ber tUUlwer. l~ver
sInce Rev. Andrew B. Mel· drum. D. D.. hus personally applied himselt to tbe r eJigious I~stru c llon of Ilia little daogbter.-Exchange. NATURAL EVIDENCE!.
F-jg.I The u'Cul eo wec'vll LPhylonomu8 murlnU B): Adult" ~ I ulller\ng 011 nncl a ttn 'king "Il r 'g or ulCultu, Abuu t nnturul sl ~e.
where or In what manner It was brought to thLs country no one knows. but It was flrst dIscovered In tbe s pring of 1904 In a small fi eld of al· falfa near Salt La'ko Ity. tab. und o.ttenUon promptly called to Its pres· nce hy the l Jtllb agrlcu ltul'nl experl· m III sta lloll . 'The bet}tle Ilself (FIg. 1) Is usually less than ollo-fourtb of an Inch In le ngth. varying from o ne-elgbth t o Ihree·slxte nths Inch. and wilen tresh· ly emerged from the cocoon, within which It passes from the lal'va to th o pupa. Is o{ 1~ plain brown color. In a few days tbls brown becomes darker. mixed with black and gruy balrs,' which give It a spotted or 11l0ttled appearance. · a8 shown, mucb enlarged. In ' FIg. 3. Gradually these son les and balrs become rubbed off. so that rn spring we frequently observe indlvld· lIals tbat appe ar almost entiroly blacl •• with s lUall. II'regular gray spots upon tlleru. The insect wlntel'8 entirely .In tbe beetle sluge, seeking shelt r . before the frosts or autumn commen·. IlIlel' In tbe crowns of n.ltalfa plants, close to the s urfn. of tile- ground In tbe' ft eld. or und or I riv s. motted' grass. ' weeds, and rubbish along ditch banks. haysta ks, and ' strnwsta.c ks. Indeed , It Is oftentimes 'foun d In barnlJ wb I'e the bay Is ke pt over wInte r. When this hay Is being Pllt Into the 'barn In late aummer. one side of th barn has been obaerved to be a.lmost covered with .aduits. and In winte r ami spring. when the buy la being fed out,- the
Adelaide-Why, Cornella, your balr 18 ail mussed up. , Comella-Yes. dear'; you-you aee, . Georgo stole up aDd snatched a dozen )dsse:> before I could sc:r ealll. Adclaide-Bu1- why dop't you · Itep In front bf the mirror and rearrange your hair? ornella-Gtacloua! Why, I WOUldn't do It tor the world. ' Why. none of the «irIs would believe be kissed mQ. F rlgh,tful.
"They say she looked daggers at blm?"·, "Worse than thnL Sbe lo'o ked Jnnl batplns."
.One Co·o.k the Qyeen." while another
only succeeds in . making a "pretty good cake" from the same materiab. It's a matter of skilll
appreciate, who
have once tasted.
Post Toasties . A delicious food made of
White I Com-8ak~ and toasted tp a delicate, cnsp
HE "AD $400.00 IN CASH IN 11~; NOW WOR.TH $8,000.00• My parents were originally Cansdh.ins from Essex County. Ontario. I was born In Monroe Countr, MichIgan. rrom whIch place I moved to Red Lake Fall s . Minnesota. wh ore 1 f~rm ed for 22 years. I sold my farm th ere In the summer of 1903 and I.n Septemb r of tbat year came to Canada wIth my wife and eight children,' I had about $400 In cash, team ot horses, a cow. a f ew sbeep and some chickens. 1 took up a quarter section of land neo.r Jack Flsb Lake, Meota P.O.. and latqr on pm'chased tor $2,000.00 an adjoinIng Quarter section. I bave now 48 beud of cnttle. a number at horses, good buildings and consider my boldlng Is worth at loast $8.000.00. My children have raised from $300 to $500 worth at garde n truck each year since we bnv e bee n h ere. I bave n ever had a poor crop and have nevor had one fro s ted. My whea t has ave raged from 25 to 30 bushe ls per acre with one or two years cons Id erably more. My oats have a lways yI e ld ed well up to 50 bushels per acr e and once or twI ce as high as 86. My cattle have n ever been stabled In wInter. and do not nee d It. I consIde r that tbls country orrers be tt er opportunities for settlers than anywh e re.I have e ver been. I am sure that almost any person cnn come b e re NJd buy land at say $15 .00 per acre anil pay for It In one crop. My ex· perlence Is that it a man farms hIs land In the rlgt.t way be Is not likely to bave bls crop frosted. M08~ of tbe settlers In my district are Americans and Canadians and I know lots of them who came here with little or no capital who nre now do,ng well. but I do not know of any who have left througb disappointment. or becoming discouraged, bave r eturned to th eir tormer bomes. EUGENE JUBINVILLE. There . are many whose experlenco la similar 'to that at Mr. Jubinville. Secure CanadIan Government literature from nearest CanadIan Govern· ment Agent, and see for yourself.
desired-A breakfast favorite.
MelDo,.,· Uapnw
Do " our fp.et fe el tirer!. oehv. nnr! Rore ni,,'ht ? RlIh thpm \ Hit II )iUle Ham· lin. ,·Wi'l.:ml Oil. 1'hf"'y 'll be ilI ad in the mOmiIl1( nnel eo will you .
Those with wbom we can apparent· Iy, become well' acquainted In a few momen ts are generally the most difficult to rightly know and understand.
Th .
wce\"lI: Adult. Mu h enlnrged.
"001' of the barn will orten. be awarm· Ins with the beetles. like ants about an ant hili. It bas been est imated th'a t fllily 80 · pe r cent. or the bee tles tbat go Into winter quarters In the (aU' lIve through until sprlrig. With thl! com.. log o~ spring the bee tlell Dl!lke ,tbeir way fortb from their hIding places and attack the young growth of alfulfa as ROOll as there Is Buffi clent food (or tbem . In ordlnar~ seasons they may
..... - ...
little elomnch muaclca. wlll Imme41&tely correct lhe trouble. This II not alone our op'lnlon but that ot Mrs. N. H . Mead or lireeport, Kana., whose grn.nddau«hter has been Ullin.- I lIuccesstuUy a.nd ot Mrs. J . R. Whltin.ot Lena. Will.• who gives It to her children and takell It berse1t. It la sold In ft.tt7 cent und one dollar bottlea at eveJ1l' drug store, but It you wOlnt to tOllt It IQ your fa.mlly betore you buy It IIlmd address to Dr. Caldwel1 IUId he will Co... ward U supply tree ot charge. For the free anmple address Dr. W. Do Cu.ldwel1. 201 Caldwell building. MonticeUo. ILL
The family with young children that III Without slcknes8 In the houBe now IUIQ then Is rure. And 8n It Is Important that the head or the house should know what to do In the Uttle emergencies that arise. A. ohlld with II. eerlous alIment OBeda a doctor, It Is true. but In the majority ot ' Instancell. a8 any dootor knows\ the c hild suffers trom lIome Intestlna t.rouble. uRu a l1y consUpatJon. ' There Is no scnse In giving It a pl\l or a remedy containing an opiate, nor Ie nushJng ot the bowels to be always re'ommcntlert. Rather give It a smtlll dose of Q. mild. gentle lo.x"Uve tonIc like Dr. ('"Idwell's Syrup Pepsin. which. by clcantne out the bowels and strengthenln" the
stlltes for 1910 with 3.783:300 sbeep Explained. and a .wool clip of 23.078.136 pounds; Indignant Diner-Look here. walter, Texas came second with 1.467,676 Just found a button In this dIsh ot she p and 8.805.406 pounds of wool , and Kentucky , he ltl thIrd plnce with roast tntkey. Calm Walter-Yes sir; It III part of 848.260 shee p and a. wool clip of 3, the dresslng.-Harper·s Bazar. 817.125 pounds..
Por ,
Eye.rever Ephootlo _ Shlpplall & Catanlaa' Fev ••
Bare """, ...d poolt".1>"'''''''''., DO _ _ bo,.bO_"'.117~ . . . tat..... or .... PGM4... Llquld .sl .. eD OD U..loD&\l. , ....lIoD \beDload ...." Olaildal p,...~. poIIaDO"ure".. '-r o," nae body. Ou_ D'-ieIDper III Don aDd Sll_ aDIII OlIO...... 1'001117 . L&1'Jt.. U.llln.II .... toeIcr...,ecIy. Ou .... t6La_~~ppe amOqb~~bel1 _ .!!Ieli . a AD. Xld .. .,. remed7. &00 aatl I' .. bot1te l &DU 110. d~eu.. ~u~tJt,I.~" Xeepl\. ,,lio'''0r,00rdnll!llln.,,bowlllnUHo'70Q. ITeI BOOkl., PS--J*II, o.UI8ud.Cur-. • 8peotal . . . . tawADte4. "'l:
,SPOHII MEDICAL CO,,' i.~~~ro:.".f. 80SHEI. IND •• U. S. ~.'
THE KUHN Enterprises.
producer out 01 enfy taa boWl what ... mila If Joa are • dairymaa, tAke nocice: . I ~ pound. of a1Jall. it equal to I pouDd 01 wt-e ...... • yalue. AUalf. eOIII $7 CollI $14 to .20 • loa. Scrub COWl fed OIl AUaIf. co blltller fat .. a cOlt of 7c • PCIIIIIIl. . AU.If" Sated apiAst wheat . aD .Dd driecl brewer·, pia .. Ieet1. it-. • -Wit in milk cOIl of 12.7c per huuched ~d 2.3c ~.1~lund ill butter. ,TeIb with other leal. aro'e<tually 'notable. a. L. 10111.,.• • Cc•., D.p·llI% , 1he milk nlue of one acre of alfalfa it $14. S4S r.1IllIa A.... rut........ IlL We are telling alfalfa land 011 which each PlnllC lIend I Tee InformaUoQ Oid,
acre poducea tell to twelvo 10115 of alfalla hay in about SAcramenlo Valley. ad cuttinaa everr year. hit localed in the Sacra- NAML.. :.... _ _ ............_ , _ _ menlo VaJIey, CaL which itll'een the year round ADDaIlse ...................................... . and where your cow. will Dever ha\le the abiverL (Inc'o•• lC)jl II ,OU w.nl 48 P'R • Oar 1mIlJ baft!lou csjICcIaII, arruca fer dalrymta. lOuYen', book ID colo II. "Calllo,nll-
'J\b b YOUJ opportlllllty. fUl 0IIl coapCCI u4 malllooUy. L-N_o_w_o_,N_e_y_e,_"_._ _.--_ _ _...... H . L. HOLLISTER &. COMPANY •• H ........ ON. " ••
,D ..........."0...
0411 FOURTH AVE •• PITTa.URQH ... ".
People wbo say just what they think are more numerous than popular.
Try Kurta. Bye Re_clT for Red,
Average .Slze of Farm •• Watery Eyee rnd Granu'ated Ltds. No If con6t ipntion II prcsent. the liver The average sIzed {arm of the coun· Smarting-Just Eye Comtort. Murtne .Iu!{ltilh. take Garfield Tell '; it i8 mild in Eyo Salve tn AsepUc Tubes New Size t.ry conl llin s a trille morc tha.n a hun· toe . Murine Liquid 26c·50o. action lind ne\'er 10les its potency. dred ncres. The smalleljt average acreage Is round In the thT e-ncre Flattery I. ahnply tbe nloe t~s'l Many a gIrl bas too many strings corn farm In Ve.rmont. while the larg· we say about other people. to ber beau. e st aver'age Is found in the lG9·acl'lI ranch In CalLfornia.
Splendid Crops
In S.lkatohe.ln (W..tarn Canada) 800 BU8hels from 20 aores of wbeat wa. tbe threther·. ntllrn CroUl • Llo)'dmlolter farm In the na lon of 1910. M.ny field a In th .. t ... well oth.r dlllrict. yIelded rrom 25
.... thua d •• I\led 100 ••• pa!:!!: ST D LANDS
Mn. LIzzie WhiCe of Memphil, TenD., wrote
Dr. R. V. Pierce, .. followt J II At tim.. I _ hArdly abl. to Ite
'0 55 bu-
ehel. cf wheat to the •• re. Other .r.tn. In
a, .'f1JIptom. whtoh lome womea en· dure tbroqb we.kue.1 or elilplacement of the womw, ,
Ie 0Dl, ••, 01 ••
GD lilY f~
IIHtUen I bad ... ry paba _d aobe • wo .... GQ1IIc1 b ...o. B.d a ..ery beel aaM. laterad
..rc..... were ..ery maoh dieo._eel uuI m., b.ok . . . yery ....eek. I .....r.el II .r•• t d ••I .with _no ... h ••daoh••, fa I .u8'e-red aU oy.r. Tbia w.. my oODdidoD ....heD I wrote to 701l ,for aftN. After teklDC -your ,' F ••orite Pre..ripdOD' for .boat three mOD'" a_ "T dult my
, ~,
Post T oaslies are served direct from the package with ~ or ~ and luaU if
that ca usa us th e most troubl e." "Not In my business." replied th e shoe c lerk: "It's the big thIngs. the own e rs of wbl ch want to put Into lit· tie shocs."
What Mamma Said. When be ne w . minister. a hand· some and unmarried man. made bls Jlrst pastoral call at the Fosdlcks, be took little Anna up in his arms and tried to kiss ber; . but the cblld refu8'ed to be kIssed; ahe atruggled loose and ran off into tbe next room, wbere her motber was putting a fow flnJshLng touches to her adornment be· fore "going Into the drawIng room to greet the clergyman. ' 'r h a'!a l(a \\:ee\"lI : T. a ,.~, u~ nttn king II "Mamma," the little girl wblspered. sprig or uJtulta. '"turnl tilze; Ilirva Ii "the man In. the drawing room wanted right much cnl a r ed. me to kiss hlru." nr t e ating boles tb e r In . soon' as· "Well." replied mamma, "wby dldn't ' ume n d eol d l.Ily gr~ e ll color. and YO\1 let him? I , would it 1 were you." wh n fu ll g ro wn are about one-fourtbTbereupon Anna ran back Into tbe ot an In ch long. 'with a whit strlIle drawing room, and the mInister along the back nDd the somewhat asked: h ooked appearance shpwn by SOlD or "Well. little lady. won·t .you kiss those In tb U1uatratlon (Fig. 2). Tile me now?" attack Is now confined to the young "No. I won't," replied Anna. promptleaves ond the crown at the plant • . Iy. "but mamma says sbe w,IIl."-Exthus preventing Its growth. and a bad· c hange. Iy Infested field of alfalfa will fre · qu e ntly attain no g reater height t ba n Peril. of Marriage, a bout s ix Inches, too short to mow lit Young married people have many oball . It the fi e ld is mown over most of .tac1es to overcome ' berore they reach the Inrva(1 will. of course. be shaken tbe amooth pathway whicb experIence ott and drop to the surface of the w1l1 provIde. Tbe young housewife ground. W hile some of th ese peris h. tlnda her moat dllftcult problem In those that. survive and live upon tbe' keeping tblngs "ship-shape" for "bubfresh growtb, tog e ther wltb thoge by" returnLng from bie day'e endeav· hatching from eggs deposited after ora. the mowing. develop . sufllclent num· Hewitt·. Easy TulL, Soap, pure and bers to ove rwhelm and destroy the white, leeeena ber labore one-half. and 6'6cond crop. The larvae continue to . gives t.he sparkle and glow to tbe attack the plants. beiug most abn - cbJna, glaasware and allver which dant during May and gradually becom·. glvea an Impetus to the appeUte of a \Jig leall abundant througbout the man who haa forgotten tbls moat im· month of June. As these transform. portant matter In ble every-day toll. the adults become · more and more Try It at five cente a cake. Just aa ILbundant as the season advances. Ilnd cheap &8 "che.p" soap. not only do they teed lipan the fresh growth. but they also eat the bark . At All Hour •• from the stems. and thus. wbere ex· "ProCessor. what do you co~slder cesslvely abundant, totally destroy the the most wonderful thing In the ):econd crop. world?" "The brain ot a cenUpede; It III Infinitesimally small, yet It has perfect WooI·Growlng State •. In wool production New MexIco control over tbe creature's entire ay. stood first nmong the 12 souUiern tern of legs and feet."
brown- to the "Q u e eD'.
- "' lUte.
Different. "It Is the lillie things In this world
The chief secret of comfort lies In Dot allowIng trines to vex 118\ Sbnrp.
May make a cake "6t for
be ex pected to app 'al' tbe latte r part ot Murch. and the egg·laylng period usually lu sts front early April until eurly .July. In ve ry ea rly Iprlng. befC?re Ihe plun ts bave made much growtb . tbe b ' etles ot te n l)llsh\ thelt· eggs down b t ween the I ~aves . the usual plnce of ovlpost"Uon. bo wever , be ing ill PUDC' tureN made In tbe stem (l"jg. :1 • and some damage occurs at th e very be· ginning or the season 00 account or t.b b tles pn c turing th e youug stE:ms a nd killIn g them in their e l'tortll t o ovillosil 1[1 th lllU. Some Idea of the a.b und a nce or I hese ggs lind th e ex· tent to wbicb Ule pes t Dlay breed In vllco nt 10ls and other wllste In.nds wh e re alfalfa has escaped from cui· tlvatlon nnd gl'ows IlS a weed may be obtained tram tb e fact that In one case a s In g le 111an1 h as b een found to contain ] 27 of tb ese egg pun c tures In th e midst of th e egg·laylng senson , with tho pun ctu res fr ah and new. All one puncture may (·onta!!\:. '" n~' where Cra m a Cew to over ~OO eggs. probahly 10 or 15 all the avemge. this single plant presllma bl y contained b tween 1.000 nnd 1.300 ggs at the lime It waR ob£! nod. If th se ha lch d and bait or them d veloped Into fema le b lies nnd 0 p ro nt oC th e lalter pas s d th wi lit er. this pl o.nt mI ght In a year glv rit;\! to over ]00.00 beelles. Most of th ese eggs hatch In ubout lell days after bIng d pposlt d. and th e minllt young. nlmost while in color. mak e their way to the leaves,
ThatT."red Feel-.n
I P.olltlclan and Preacher. fJI A politiCian tn a wes tern state, lonl .8 suspected ot crookedness and noted that ill caused by impure. imponrilbe4 for his Ibltty wny's, was , tlnally In· blood or lo w. run,down condition of the dieted and tried. The jury was out a 'Y8tem. is bUTdcn80mc anu di8~ouralinl10nJ time, but eventua.lly a cquitted Do not lIut up ~ ilh it, but tako Hood'. him. After the ve rdict was In and SUt·!H\llorlllu. which r~llI,¥, e. It at notbl~ tbe politician wus leav ing tb o court· e) ~e 1I0cs. "r had th n~ t ircd feeling, . had no apo room. a minis te r who 11ad b een In part res ponsIble tor the IndIctment petite and no ambition 1.0 do anything. A and trial approached the polltl ~ lan frie!1 d udvise~1 me to take Hood', B~ " I . p[.... ila . I dId 8 0, nml won thnt hred and SRld; "ell. my friend. you have feeline' was gone. I bad a good nppetite escap ed; but you had a close shave. nnd felt well . I believlI Hood'il IIIIved me I trust this :\\'111 be a warning to you fro m a l o~ illness," Ml'Il. B. JobtlllOlio to lead II. better life and ~~al more "~.s~f~~~~d'B' ;~rBapnrll1" today. In Uqul4 fairly wllh your fellow men. t orm or In tn\)l clS culled 8arsatabe • "That may be." the politician reo plied. "That may b e; . but I aln·t pledged to any one."- S a! ur-day E ven· In~ PosL
IIeeItIa ...... GeYer better."
Pierce;s ' Favorite Prescription
Is. paUlive"" lor,.,..kaeIa ucl diHue-~ tkefeJdaiae o~.aJ... It ell..,. • hdlaalmatioa ..... aIoendoa pd aootbea paID.. Toaea ud build. ~p the ....... • Do eot dl.b_t dealer to .ubatihlte for tlal. medial... wblob II:M • noonI .. 40.,.,. oI'oarn. .. No. dlUk ·7011, I wpt wbat I ..k for." ~ ~~~.,..". ..... ,.w.",.,., -.. _;~ •• JIt _ ....
.,.....It •
. J......
(u",ad4 nal --~ ,.,•. ) •
W. N: ....,
NO. 21-1111.
._ 1
What To Do -POR-
Sickly Children Letters from Mot hers " I wi hI e uld indue ' very moth r, who J; :lS n delicate , sickly chi ld. to try rom d Ii i us Cod Live r and Iron T onic \' l~ L. It rL'stored our littl e daughtcr t h ':llth ano strt:ngth after v~rYlh ing else h:1d fail d.' -MR . '. W. ST ~II', ':Inlon hio. Irs. F. P. konnard, of 111 inneapoli ', Minn.,. wr ik ', " 1 want to re o mm end 1 NOL \0 ~ ' cr)' m lh· er who has a we.lk or !> ickly child., ?ll r little . boy was si kly, pale, and had no appetite fur t\l' Y(,:1 rs, I tried diff ' rent m dicines 'and doctors without benefit. but thanks to VIOL, he is a well and he.dlhy ' boy to-day." C. Allen, of ew Bedford, Mass., writes,' 'fyt\\'o puny childrengained rapidly in flc.-hand strength in 11 v ry short time aft r taking YINOL." We positively kn ow YIN L will build up little ones and make them healthy, strong. and robu t . T,ry one bottle, and If you are not satlSfied, we will return your money.
10 ' stn to of, Loule.E , Si nnalds, deURIII\
01 Ilppolntmaut of
Moore's Marvelous RaDge Actually Teaches Cooking
, e nl r, .In ph '0. '1'rlmbl til d, In t;! , tntl of Han nab mith, notlef\ I of tlpplliotll1t!nt of John L , Brown Il~ I idlului~tra~ ,r HI a. , 10 t1Rtuti f J ositlb A , Brown de c.. nSl~ d , n otic of npp iotmeut of udmini. trat,or W. S. Brown filed . 1n mutter of Ruben M. Dill in flnlW, IItliduvlt ilIed for udmission to lluy toD Stute H spitul i IIppli cutllln UHlU to !:!upertoteodeot of Hospital for bit! u lmit!sl n , In mutter of will of P . B Dunn a m willltdlllltled to probnt,e. In II1l1t,tor of will of P BOon. hlllll, Rp, uecoa Duubllm uppoioted
ex P,,,ut,Tl X EJh:m Dohe rt,y v~. John Maloy os executor of Will of RalJert Co k1 Ulutt er us urbitrhted sta ndt! , Edmonu Rotn lliok, !\dminilltrl\tor with will nUllOK U af J<~ l1 e n Dakin is Wo rren DnkiD, volunt!l.rily enta rll hllr Dppanrllnoe as 0. defendant , Anno. Soth guardi an of Ed win oth et ul, n . Edwin :Soth et Ill. r, II Bod loy, William Cbaney and W H. Pu e op )oioted npprniserl'. g . I . f E t I Annu Oberl1D , CUBrdlan 0 rne.s • N be rlin et al vs . ErnestN Oberhn J. P. JANNEY, Druggist w . I:) Wbi&liore, Benjam in ' Kelly Bnd Williom Chaney appointed ap prttisorll. In estute of ThCilmaB Snider, minor, W. F. Eltzroth guardlnn. fill:ld fourth an(l fiOBl acooont which is or dered suspended. Verdicts Renden~d. 10 6stl\te of Mllrtha Jaokson, de 'r. C. Patterllon VI:!. O. M. Beroaw, oea.,ed, A. C. St\ker, E . E. Kibbey on Wllt'tel' of fee. jury disagreed. aod Adolphus Keely 'lppointed IIp Theouortl I::!oofield V8 . Board of praisers. Educatiou of MaBon Village Sohool Di triot. Injunction is dissol ved Marrlafe Licenses. and vacated Milton MoDonald 20, barber of Harveysburg and Eva T . 'ruoker, Real Estate Transfers. 22, of Barveysbnrg. J, William ';arr and Rose E. Oarr Albert Totts, 24, undertaker of to W. C. Weloh lot in lIaslde town. Eosters and Bese .klnner 19, of sbip, ' ·UO. Morrow. William MoOlain to W. H. Sieg. Raymo.d Harrillon . 24, bridge frfed, lot in Springboro, '1. builder of Lebanon and Inez L. AI. ' Maximo E. Emley to Alf Beam, lep, 23, of Oregonia. lot In FrankUa, 1'100. John Hopper 62, insuranoe agent, Agnes Bembury to George and of Oolumbos and Katie ilobmanD, Maraline, Berger, lot ia Warren 39 of Lebanon. oonnty, $1. John ,Anderson Jr., 33) hotel ma1lL. E ...ud Elite 'Eiookett and Flora ager of Cinoinnati, . and Edna liRe Pearl'and John B. Rioh to Ida., Sawyer, 20, of Morrow. ' Hockett lot in Wayne Townshlp,'l , Jamee S. Brown to Baltimore! CommIJalOD~' Proceedlnl" and Ohio ' SouthwestErn RaHway ' allowing oompany r I g· ht. 0 f way.-130. . Dean E. Stanley fee Frank Jaokson to the Baltimore ,for lellal 8erVloeB reaoinded. ani Ohio SQuthwestern Railroad .Bills Alloweel-W. C. Turtou, company, right of way '142. ooa~ for oourt house, " .75; W. C. Ella and John Law to J. Ray and Torton, cement. $1.45; Galion I~oo Carrie Law, lot tn Leba~on, II. Worke Oo , ~ oulvert pipe, '10L.20: J . W • W I' th er8 et' a 1 t 0 F rlino i8 A . Charles Shbba, oontraot, '33.70, I 8urfaoe lot tn Lebauon, 1-1. He.-man Kenter, bridge repa rs, Golden 0, and William V. Hurst $'.50; Robert Shutts, bridge repain, to George W. Jurnagiu lot in Fran'lt. *9.50 i J. S. M.~rris, tax doplioa\es liu townshtp $100. , and sn,ppllel for auditor, _$157.50: Lletr8 of 1l.I"rv E. P"'-ter to U-ry Ohio Corrogat~d Calvert Co" oul. U ..... J LUI,-.. Ohi 0 l d Ellen Rltrge, J.l lot-in Frauklln, vert pipe, *51.0' i 0 orruga e DanteI' Feitner and wife to the Colvert Co., culvert pipe, 127.60; Baltimore and Ohio ioutbwesteru Uhlo Corrugated Oolvert Com. . pany, oalvert pipe, 183,76; Ohio Rallroado.lmpan 1, right ~f way, C t del t Cit '2UiQ. " . ~rruga e . au !er 0., ..~nd vOuer o c l , Wllltam Cheney and wife to the pipe, '167.36, orrola_
No mntter whether you are an experienced housewife or a young wom a n just learni ng to cook, you will find Moore's Range the best stove that Y011 could buy any~h ere at any price . Mrs. Sarah Tyson R rer, the acknowledged foremo t cook of th e country, has prepareu an Oven Thermometer Guide exclusively for Moore's Range. It gives the time required and th e hent n ecessary for bakin g all different kinds qf fo od. Thi!i guicle is fnst.ene d right onto the s tove where it is always in p lain sight. , Moore's R a nge is also equipped with Moore'. bven Thermometer, which is mounted clear through the door, thus giving the exact temperature of the oven, Then there's the Moore Controller Damper, which enables you to kcep a uniform' temperature or to c otrol tht! heat, as is requireu by Mrs. R orer's Thermometer Guide . This damper gives you practically the same contro l of your range ove n ;IS you wuultl have o f a gas oven. Moore'. Fire-Tested Glasa Oven Door enables you to see th e co ndition of your food in the oven without openi n g the door and causing discomfort as welI 'rlS the I() ss of heat. With these advantages you don't need to spend n early so much time ove r th e stove, and your cookin~ is bound to be a success regardless of your expe rience .
Costs Less Than One-HaH as Much to Run Tbe Controller Damper not only controls tbe bent, but also controls .tbe cont. It posItively aavea one· third of tbe fuel. And Moorl.!·s Rllnges lire the ool, ranges baving tbls controller dnmpl.!r. But this isn't tbe only saving on your (uel expense whi cb the Moorl.! Range ofTer!! you. Tbe Moore Ever· IasUnIl Flrebsck means anotber saving. Tho: flues in tbis fireback are _ - - - - - - - - - . . : . . . . . , . so constructed tbat the air from
County Courts
8altimore and SoutbwBstern Rail. road oompany, right of way, , '15Q. Jti.cllton C. and Mary T. Bunnell, to S. H. and Lizzie MoMullen, lot in Cozaddale '1 . B. ·D. Cr~~er / (0 the Baltimore and Ohio Soutliwestern Railroad oompany right of way *40. ,
~e~ Co., o~ver P!P~' ~193 , 6' ithil;
P penoa, enera n exe!! rea estate, '378; Barry S~ith, cleanin8 wall paper at sber1ft' s r6llidence, 1280; The Miami Gazette, blankl for 'surveyor. '8; J. T~ Mo~lelland, 8ervices 00 Jury commisillou, Williaw H. Bielfried, servioes on Jury commiSSion, '6; ElIa8 Oglesb ee, serv i oell 00 J urr oommiS8 Ion, Pr~bate Court. -6 B '" k i J .. i orace ",noo , sen oe. on ury 10 esto.te of Mary B . Dawson, de- oommisllion, '6 i Colambus Blank
~u~,first&berlJ . ~w~, ~ooo~r&~M~.,Co" hl"~~190iC~· filed and final aeoount with umbU8 Blunk Book Mfg. Co., blaaks,
th e dra1t open·
iag is admitted agaIut tile Ildea
condition rigbt on top of the fire, the oxygen mixes saving advantages? At lenst drop in to our store lind witb tbe slIIoke, soot and gas as soon as tbey oro let us show you b ow perfectly it works, Le t u ~ exformed. and ail lire burned up ril:'ht thero in the tire- plai n the mliny voluable features which we bllven't box, thus overcoming lhe smoke nnd soot nuisauce. even room to mention ber·. Th'y will oslonisb youl By burning the smoke. ,;oot und gas you get addiBut come DOW, while uur s t u ck! ~ om pi ·Ie. We tlonal bent and your fuel lasts longer. O\Vin~ to the will not try to urge you to buy. All we 115k ill tbat peculiar construction of thl! Everlasting Flrebaclt. you look at the range. Moore's Range gives bettcr satisfaction -;i=:::::::::::::::::::::============::~;1 witb half a firebox of coal thnn it will • witfi the firebox titled witb coal, and it's MrS. Rorer's Thermometer Guide the only ranile on earth that \v-lll. "rhus
you are not only aaved considerable
1....u.:.~:~:.~:.:.=:.::: .:::I:.~~·.f:~:'~~: ~::: :.:::.aI:.7:.:~;I. _M.... TII........ _I~.;~I-:"~~":.. :w;:=;~=~.'". _...... ,,, .........
1&K ..... __
tM ..... _
_ ......
expense, but also considerable trouble by cllrrying coal fewer times and less at a time. Tbe Moore Company are practically the only stove mllnulacturers in tbo countrywbo do not bave to advise the use of good gfllde coal. The Moore Range can be run on coal cost ing at 11.! 8st twothircla Jell tban coal used in other ranges. Now, knowing tbat tbe lI100re Range will more tban PIIY for Itself by reducIng your fuel expense. wby sbould you be witbout It.s many time and troubleBOOM'. balle. (l_Q be b.d la eltber c.at IroD or Steel
and on too of the fuel instelld of tbrougb tbe bo~· tom of it, wbere the lire already bas a good .tart. The air is heat· ed I'D com I n g tbrough tbe tlued flrebaclc. and by belngdiscbargea iu tbis heated
For sale by J_ H. COLEMAN, Waynesville, Ohio -
Con'ra'lt let to Oregonia Bridge Co" f0r rel>Qtring and painting bridge on Morrow and Mtllgrove ro~d, '101.41. Plans were drawn up for new fioor for bridge near Dutoh Bishop'8 &pai~ of bridge on Hamilton road. Water la Beat Remedy for WIndow Blll of !:iUas Usher's for 113'0 u Garden Deepoller, for It Dreade agent of Ohio Humane IiJoolety was MotltU re• rejected. &eport of viewers on road peti. ,Ill overheated. dry,-atmosphered IIv. tioned for by Walter Kenriok and IDe rooms the red eplder la aure to do lthers waa publioly read for firet more or· Ieee damage to the plants unI~. aometbtn, la done to keep It in 'ime. check. NODe of the emulSions, tobaoOo extracts or other appllcaUons Wins Fight for Life ,a.dvleed for uae In ftghting plant eneIt was a long and bloody blttle mies Ie of any u.e here. for life that was waged by James B. The beat thing to us_the only Mershon, of.ewl\rk, N. J ., of whioh thinS that will be of benefit-Ia water he writes: "I bad lost muoh blood '- just plaIn. uudoctored water, What the red eplder dreads more from Inng bemorrhages, and wal very weak and rundown . For eigbt than anything elae ta moisture. He montha 1 was unable to work. wlU not stay where the air III kept Death seemed olole on my heels, molat It be CILD get away, and It he canwhen I begau three weeki ago, ,t o not eet away he Is unable to do much . ulle Dr. King's New Discovery. barm. Here .. where the sprayer comes .ut it bM helped me greatly , Hie doing all thl\t yoo olaim." For Into play. Bee that your plantJI are weak, sore lungs, obstinate ooughs, thoroughly wet, allover, at least three stubborn ~oldl, hoarsene,88, la grippe time. a week-once a day la better. asthma, hay fever or any throat or Be lIure that 1he moisture geta to lung trooble its supreme. 600 and the under side of the leaves, where the '1.00 , Trial bottle free. Guaran- eplder IIkell to hide away. Mo~t ·perteed by all drnggiste. liOns are not aware of the presence ot • _ • ~e Uny but teJTlbly deatructiv,:, crea. ture, beca\l8e It Ie unnoticeable unlesa OHIO'S NUBBIN AVE~AaE one takei" lpeclaI palna to seek blm out A venge yield per aore of oorn i. But It they flDd that leaves on theIr 38 bosbels. A verage ear is fonr. plants are turning yellow and falling ounoe nubbin. Thi8 is 9X bushels ott, they wl11 have good reaaon to susfor eaoh ounoe. Good leed will pect that the red spider Ie at the bot,. add one ounce to this average nub . tom of the trouble. hin. Good drainage wUl add anoth. Cranulated Eyelld. el'Good oonoe. drainage and good sped Can be oured witbou' oauterlzing .or ... tlcartryiog by the use of Sutherland's would mean at leallt a six ounoe, Eagle Eye Salve. We guarantee It average nobbin instead of four . te oure. 250 eyerywhere.
Drivihl' Out
Undertaker and Embalmer,
Plant .S~ders
Will be fOU'Dd in the old Bank Bundlng, opposite the National Bank, Telephone in house and of· fioe where r oaJl,be called day or night. Valley Phone 11-2. Main Street, Waynesville, Ohio
ounoe a8 at pruent. This inorease from four to six would add 19 bush. vooobers for settlement. Ordered *5 j P. A, Stamps, repu.irinK for 1 f t 1 Benlth. e s 0 oorn 0 e801 aore. ... euspended. janitors, 35 oents i H. E Warwiok, W lth Id Martha Doherty vs John Milloy, mdse. for jail, $8 i ' w. B . •tanage Oea · ltni ccet liSt' b ' ill " c es . hi 0 ou , va e8 ree m Ion a r exeoutor of last will of Robert Cook. & Co., Reoord8 and blanke, *34.50 i ,. f II Add In h h 1 . " annoa os e s Jndgment renderfld agaInst plaIntiff W , H. Stanage & Co" 8upplies for 0 corn h ' y. d th ,to eao aore s a verage an . ere. forooste.. a8sessor8, 525 28 i J. V. Ba~klnson, soltwill give 57,000,000 bushels mOle In mlltter of Will of R obert Cook, lomber; 2640; Ohl!) Chemical Co , t th Oh ' At'O n't corn 0 e 10 orop. 't ce s \l\'ilI and papers reoorded and depos liquid laundry soap, 17.60; 1~. II. b' h I -2' 00. oon ould it d . ' 3 per us e, over . . , , iJ W , e . PrlDoe, mdse . ~or surv'eyorl, 90; be addeCl to the wealtb of UhlO !InIn estate of Idtanley N. Jameson, Lebanon NatIonal .Bank, rent . of 11 ,-,- d d d d d aln .. Doa y , 1.,..00 ,00 r .. _Artin A, Jameson,' admintlltrlltor, safety box, i P. B. Dunham, ser· d II, see an d 8e "'1 d l ago equa 0 ars an sen , j.l e nventory and a.pprRIsement vioes as Infirmary direotor, '47.05; G d d i ill e rn i ' 00 ra nage w 00 n whioh is ordered reoorded. Frank ZeJl, assietant alseslor, $90 i d tb 11 SIlV in w t 0 as In matter of will of B,!-nks Dakin Clarenoe Dunham, assiatant. assell- rYI1':"dea . 8 r a~ we d e .t n we ralOe d groun, oorn roo 8 go deooased, will admitted to Probate. lor, '84; Dean E. Stanley, attorney d i t d f h i t 1 Thi own os ea 0 or zon a . S In matter of will of Banks Dakin, f ee"~25 "~ I R' bi i ~ d ,~ t· t t eel 'th J h P gives them moisture at all times. d eoeas eel ... an e .0 nson appo n"e von rao en er WI asep 'Corn 'alwa s euffers most on unadminie'ratix With will annexed. FAirohlld to olean and paiut river d i d Yd' d th In estate of Mary Paul, deoeased, bridge a.t Morrow, $105. ra. ne groun !n _ r! :we~ er. notioe of appointment of WiJ\iaa J . Contraot let to Ed Beeobler for A Dreadful Wound .Bolanger 8a adminletrat8r flIed. bridge on <.;arlieleTwin Creek, '171 .• In eBbte of Oharles Medlook,' de. 26. frow a knife, gun, tin Qan, rusty oeaaeel, uotice ' 'of appoinimeIit of Uontraot let to Willi, am B. Brown nail, fireworks, ,or of Ilny otller nB- , ture, demands prompt treatment William •. Newport, filed. . for oleaning and , p"inting 8teel with Buoklen's Arnioa ttalve to pre. , ~.; 'In,eatRte of' Frank Weakley, de· bridge near Hooth farm au Lebanoll Tent bleod .polson or gangrene, , Its ,..~, ootioe of appointment , and Frtloklin road, 110. the qUiokest, BurBst he"ler for aU il. 0, Weakl"y as , a<iministratot , 'Oontractlet 't@ 'Barry-C. liJouiha'f d ,auoh w<?nnd8 as , also, for Burns, , , . . ' , . BoUe Sorel.~ Skin ErllptioDs, ' Ecze· filed. " _ , for bridge - abutkDent on BrQadwllY ma, Ohapped Bandl, OorDsor PUeB. ID eltate of Rachel L. Badley, bridge, 'lG~, 250 at 'al1 druggllts, ' . . ~e~uedt notice of app.linhnenc of Contraot ~8t to ZalD Arml~e io .....__.--...:;... ololepb G. TJlmbte aaadmtut8ka~or, olean and pat.t South' Ilebanon rlv. Nobody, wltbout .0~8 pepper to SUed, ,. " 'er bridie, '186. hliu la WQf'b hia,.~ t.
eo.. r.UI.
Cooct [nter..ID· tnCDt.Actln UIC 01
Hot Weather
81. Willud Bls Baa'
TIIose arc the Iblnllt which' will mako a mUll of your buy •
•o::od':::'!~\!"."~f~~I:l:~Ila::t."Wbal'" Tbe AMERICAN BOY
~~~I':~lh,~c;,~",,:/dJ:lye~r~~. ~~':.~~e~,~~c,:
and current evonl,. Pholollrapb, I I.nlpe, eltet rlcll y, ....".,nl17\"I>Orl., Kam ... 'renl b"'"\UII wbat 10 do a nd 'O'W' to do It. lIt.auUtu Uy II
\1.1 -
1:':~:~1ne:~~~J~~e~nb~-:;:.~b:i~~D7\~,~ p .....nll. Selld '1.00 for a tUIl yoar. .lln ....... aad.U IDUDt..
On ale at
Til . . . . ~c ca. 10I1II)a1Ja
Puneral Diret:tor.
Telephone day ~ nigbt. -1 Valley phone No.1. LODg Distance No. 69-it' ,
.- .
IOTBERLIIID'1 EIBLE EYE allYl Good for Nothing , but the EVIl.
VaIu~ for Onll
One Year's SobseripUon lor McCall's Magazine Any 15 -Cent McCall Pattern you may select ,One Year's Subscription ,lor Miami ,Gazette
MeCalI's ~gazloe III. a l~rge, ,artIstic, ~andson:ely, il1u~trated hl,1ndred.page monthly magazine. - .It con.
talD~ sixty Dew ~a~hlon D~slgns in each jss~e.
Ev«::ry woman needs it ~or its up.t,o .date fashions, elf.tertalDlng stones and complete m.formatlon on all home arid personal topjcs. Over, one 'mUlion subscribers. AckDowle~g!!d the ~st Home -and Fashion. Magazine. ._'" , ." _ ' " Regular p~, 5 centsl a '1OPY. Worth double.
MeCall , PaHemS So sianp'l,
ca~not misundentand them.
hi. . .
J\bsolutJt.Iy..,curate. In atyl,l. irreproacha~le. Yop in~, teitet, free, any Mcuall Pattern you deslle (rom ., - fint Dumber of the ~in, ",hieh Re&ular pnci/ 15 cenb. '
~e 'lWam'" Gazette
One of the hest newspaperS in t~is parl of the State:.. Gi"es all the news dlllt' s fit to print. . 'I ntereiting af\d Prclitessive. Indispensabl, in every Wa),nesville home. Reaular price, '1.09 per year, " ' r 'S.
.~ at ~. . ., ~ ..w..... )'OIQ' ordeJ. to mE . MIAMI CAZE11£,' wa,aenm., Olalo . ."
~~~~~-~~-~ ~ ~~~-~--~-~-~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~_~~3a~ THE MIAMl GAZETTE 'tit. nd ou t by MIlY 10tb. If ylm do I , rulllj"'I->t N .
,,'rlrl"1 " " " Y _ III, . " ' IIY ltt " "llIu.
o I"JI' I
' I~
- - M'"
eM E,
State Teach'e'rs., . . •
Ie elv. IL pmgram witllio
S'I' I'::'WI '0.
0 ',1
I I.
d y~Aft. r~b' L rt/lt.e. writtl!l ollld 10 S ·or!' t.ury W . E. Kt-l rl! llDer,
A Oharming Woman 1'1 one ~bo i8 love ly In fao, fo r III , !JUDd llll!! tf'lruper . Bot Its bnrd for' u. woman to be charmiog wlt,hont heilith. A weuk. siokly WOnl"D will be nllrVOU8 Ilud irritllble e ()u . stivu,tlOn u.nd kidnoy pol~ons tlh " w ID pimple!', blotche£t, 'skin erupll ,ms and ta wretobed oc.rmplexioo . But Eleptrlo Bi ~te r8 al WIly!' prove Ii god !leud to WtlII100 wh o wlln t held th, beuu t.y al1ll frienus :- 'r llI'lY regulute ~'to ll\llo h, L ivur nnd Kidneys, pnrify the bl ood; give RtrODR nervetf, brlatbt eye", unre brelltb, smooth. vl:llvety skl'I, lovlli V oomplexl on aod perfeot health . 'rry th em . GOo 1\.1. 1\11 druggists . .....
Editor anti Manager'
nJ f'eti ng of t.he Rtlltf' ~ noillti ul1 will be h ld lit Cerl ur . Rutl! ' of S ubscription OliO \'ou~ (. Irlelly ill ntlvunco) .. . .•. . . fl.O l1 POint. ,Jlln e 27,28 and 29, lOll SllIgl Co p y .......... .. .... · .. .. .. . . . 06 On Mood,ly e venlnl.f, JUO d 26, the te ~obers of a.ndu~k .v lind t,htl mao tl~elUent (If the Breake rR Botal Wil l Rates of Advertising 11"'''1111& 1. ... llls. Iltll' li llt! ............. . n,· give . 1111 InfnrmRI reoo pti on to th e Hmulillg 1.,clI ls. hluck flu't!, per 11111' ... . I V': visiti ng to/l Ch e r8. All whl' elln reuoll l'l uH!!llloti ,\lId. " o t lu u.'(c(JOd Ihl' Ii" .... '1I1ldu!lky Ilnd Cedllr P .lInt Mond"y 1'hroo iu.serllf)II~ •. . . . .. . . .. ... OlrlLunrlOOi. (I ve III<'h '/I II" : uvur IIvu (\vtmlog flore urged to do tlO, 00 ROiuChlllJ, IJCI' 11110 •. ..• . .. ...• •.• oonnt of this r eoe )ltlon and IIlso th' nr<! 01 thllllils . ... .. ... . . .. , , ....... . fIIot tlIllt the program begins T'les Ho.'<Olutiollll .. •.... .. . . • .. •. . . ... . •... Soclnls OLe. wh ore cbu rgu IH mil\! ... .• .. duy morniog at , :30 lJllI1llny Alh 'urtisl llg p e r III ·h ...... .. . • . l Oll TU6sday morning ~upt. 1:1 . B. . DlscOlllltHlavon uu co mrucL. WlllinlDs, of ~aodu8ky will deliver hisl nllugnral nddre8s. The remllinJ Nil: 7. 1911 . der of the morniog selllllon will be uevoted to II. oool!idero.tloo of "'l'he Don't Be Annoyed Muterial Equipment of II. Modern With skiu trou ble!", ohl\)ls. pimples, High ~ohool Plant. " Prio . E. D bluck heudll, c:.~emu. or flores . When Lvon of Woodward High Bohool, ooe 2Cio ~ox o f Dr. Bell 's Antiseptlo Salva ~ 111 oure YOll . Try it at onop. 'j noinllllti. will speak on ' :The City If app!ioat.ion is mode f}o or befcre Eilgh Rohool," and S~lt . W . S. July 1st, many new i08titutes will Hookett of Mt. Curyon "Tbe TownLuck. be grl\ntod to 1)(1\00('1 not hta:Vlng "Well. I'm !onvlneed that It's an til IIbiJl High Sobool. Of them III t yellr . wind that bl.,...,s good to nobody ." I'uesday r.fternoon 'will be devotrhe Stl4te Board of Agrioulture "What 1mB caused you to arrive at Ad to rural I!ohools. Miss Marv your prese nt opinion?" DowDey, Columbus, state library UI- desires to reaob oommunltles not "You know the Bllllnl(ers 1" heretobre fnvored by t.bese meet · "You mean Horace Dillinger. who glloiztr. lEI making a speolul investi iogs. Mew features will be iotro rece nUy got 80 badly squeezed In ~o.tion of rural sohool Jibrllry 000· the stock mark et 7" ditloof.l, 80d her address 00 "Readiog duoed . Exhibits aod demonstration "Yes. You see. we lived next door in Rural Communities" will be of work wm add interest. Offioial reports from last S8asoo to the Dlllingers for a number of g reat Interest, espeolalJy to teaohere years. Since they have lost their meetioll8 indicate an loorel&ee of 10 money and then compelled to give interested in oountrv sohools. ~upt.. per oeot over attendtlooe of prevlou" up their Rlltomob.ll es and discharge C. 8 . Bunger of' Lewisburg. who most ot Ulelr servants and In other hilS dooe splendid work I\long tbls year . More praotlOl¥l work and less ways g t nlong on as little at possl. line, will open tbe disous"ion. U8et eotertainmeot will be the polioy of ble, my Wife has found that we can tbe ~tate Boaul toward toture io live on much less than It formerly ' wib~er the Township !:luperiDtendents' Alloolation appoloted a oom 8titutea. COlt UI ." mlttee on ., A Uniform Course of PubliG fooda sbould be ulled for -------.~---~ -----. Cot the Beat ~tudy for Rural -~hools." This real publio good, aod not for amuse Eor skin troublell, 80res. uloers. 80- oommiUee ia oompOlled of tbe tol. msot featnres. The tax p!Lyer wont zem~. oh 'q)lI, blaok headJl, piDl.ples lowing members: '3uPt. O. B . kiok 00 paying tbe fr.elgh' if be ge&s . and tl11 eruptlous. Use Dr . BeJl'e . Colli os, value reoeived for his money. Be Antiseptlo !:lal ve and you ~et tbe Baroell, X enla; 8.pt. J .M beet. We guarllntee It. 250 a box Springfield: ~np'. A. A: MaYIUlefO, fot~ any town or place is grlloted everywht!re. Brookville; dupt. IS T. Prioe Lio. ao ,Institute, aS8uranoe must be give ~ ---wortb ; J. R.CJarke, CC\lutDboe. The eo that a good building, wellli.M, d The Ablurdlty of Overwork. oommittee is hllrd at work and its and beated, will be furnished. Dr. O. Hutohinson Eely, the brain uThe State Board may .autborize as ~rt of Duluth, wss dllcu.88lug the. new report wt&1' doubtle8S be not only of tubeTOuUn cure tor procrellslve paraly. great value to ail tbe rorai sohool muoh as .~1..5 to be plud out ~f tbe atl, .a malady common to brain work· of the etate but to tba oaule of edu I~tate Instltute Fund, for local ex ere. oatioD "enerally, pense8 of eaoh iostitute crao*ed by "Tuberculln hal cured a thlrd of the T d i ' ill be d ' d it. The ina'i tllte cao be held at no C6lIeI It hu been trled on," he aa1d. ues ay ~ven ng w evo e oos~ wbatever 1.0 ~he oommunitv. if "Hence It ma1 be called a prett1 IJood a~ ollual tosooill1 features . All who the proper applloatioo lllllade' to cure. But a better cure for the dl ..... have attended the State A88oola\!on tbe Board In time. . due to overwork II relt. ': Every town Ia benefited io whioh Dr. Hutohlnlon Eely thumped the ta- know tha~ they may expeot 80me'ble ?1«orously. thing 00 Tue8day eveolng thd wllJ aD inltitute 18 held. BUlloe88 meo. . "When ;a professional man teU. me oot bA lells In plea8ure than usual. graio dealers and mlllers oan well , he liWo busy to t\lke a relt," he crIed. "1 tell him he Is like a workman who be ,:;~:e:!~e r:~:0~:8~on!~er~r~~~ afford to encourage the holding of lame. Every part ot eaoh ,oouoty t. too busy to sharpen hll tools." E; Leooard of Oberllo will 8peak on is entitled $0 receive 80me ot tbe ----~"What the .1'obl1o Bohool ~hould Do bonefits from this expenditare of The Beat Remedy For an kiodtl of tlore eStl8 is Sutber- for the Pupll'II ' Body: Health and Dablio lundll . Maoy townsblpe have ltlnd'e Ettgle Eye Salve. It II PbYllical TralniO~ 8S Fact.ol'l in (jen Qever had suoh a meeting, yet they and Prof. J, B. help to ply for others. Write a' a creamy snow white ointmeot and eral Education. would not injure 'be eyee or a babe Dlokinloa of WOO8ter, on • .Moral ooca for applloatioo blanks aod io. Guarllnteed. 250. Eduoatlonj or Training to.r 1111..- 8truotlons. hood. " Tile 'di80OJslon of 'he form. A. P. ~aodle., Seo'y. When Palene'l Wal Piety. er addreu will 'be opened by Supt Columbus, Ohio. In the ' days of the Puritan. tbe Carey Bogge8e of Springfiald a.d .... nocks were not unknown i.s a penalty for look11\g too healthy. Ruddiness ot tbe i.ner by Supt. W. E. Bealook Work Will Soon Start complexIon was a crime when a gaunt of OlrolevUle. after you take D •. Kl,ng's New Life visag was regarded lUI an outward W8dnesdayafternoon Prof. F. S . Pills, and you'U quiokly elljoy their Ilgn of sanctity. Doctor Eoh"rd, wri· Coultr.p will give the Reading Clr- fioe results. Conetipa.ti9D aod iodl· tlug In the earl1 eighteenth century, r marks: "Then it WIUI they would ole report., Supt . B. E. Conard of geet·lon vanish aod fine tlppetite re 'of the Cl.m. 'urns. 'l'hey regulate 8tomaoh, I1vs 'arcely let a rou-nd faced man go to Gallipolll1, ,t he raport , er and bbwelll aod Impart new heaven. If'lIe' had but 'Q IItUe blood In mlttee on Neorolosy. Dr. S. D. 8trength and energy to th,e whole his cheeks his condition was account· Fes8 of Yellow Springl will deliver· system . 'l'ry them. Only 250 at ed dangerous, and. I will Rssure you. a very honest man ot sanguine complex· the memorial addres8, After t he all druggists. --Ion. If he' chanced to come nigh an at· program on Wedoesday afteroooo, flclal zealot's house. might be set In the members w\l1 be given a free MortlflClltlon Well Earned. : 0 stocks, only tor lookIng fresh on a ride on the lake by the Breakers An EnllllhmlUl, alone with Richard· frosty morning." Few ot the January Botel maoagemeot. IIOU, the noveIJst, laJd to him: "I am fnces to be seen In a London street, hapP1 to P87 m1 reSpects to the au· however, would run any risk of drawWedneldRY evenlns Ur. Chas. B . thor ot 'Sir Charles Gra.ndlson: tor Iq down this penalty. Judd of Chicago Univor!!ity will ~e- at ParIs, and a.t The Hague, and tn livar the annullliiddress. Dr. Judd taA3t, at every place I have viSited, It • - -X -. \ Don't ExperJment With ~ Qoulh iswell known awoDg Ohio tl'!'IOberll, tl much admired." R!oha.rdion appeared lIOt to notice When Ur. &'!l1's P.ioe Tar.Booey and 1\ rloh treat is in totore for all the compllment, but, when all the has been u(lAd hy mt 'lion" of people who hear this spieD did aod belpful complUlY were assembled. addr..sed for 81xteeo .VE.'tt r8 with Ii steady In the gentleman wtth: "Sir. I think you creallln" c1eUlalld . Loflk for tbE.' addreu. Thurllday morning , Dr. lI'Jank P were ea.ying eomethtn. about 'Slr Bell 00 the BoHle Cbarles GrancUaoll." Grave8 of Ohio .otllLe University "No, sir," he replied. "'!So not J'&o Something New I'n ·CIII,...lIyanoe. will speak on • "rU~ Physlo lII N Lture member ever to have beard It menA new problem for 8choolmastel'l II of the Cbild 1111 Ralated to Hi!l Men- tlonltd."-From Arvlne's 9ycloP11a of reported trom Okayama, Japan. where tal Rnd Moral Develo\>w\,ot" The Anecdotes. a' boy named ~awasakl, aged sixteen, remainder of the se8810n will be de· • _ .. bas developed gltt!l ot olalrvolance voted to business. Only tbe per: We Don1t to whtcb ,ani declared to render eJ:amlna· tlons' tutlle. Recently he forecasted mlmen" mElmber8 will htave tha TeHyou .wbatlt'8for,I~'80"tDetenll. accu'ratelY all the questions set In lev- right uodE'r the cons'itlltlon to pltr. Dr. Bell'lI Pioe·Tar doney is 'be eral examinations, with the result tiaipate io the bnsines8 of the ASIIO beat oungh .medlolne Dnd. leveral that. his. olasamateB an scored tun oll\tlon. Sinoe 'bere are 00 extra m\l1io~ people Illreadv know it., marta by learning the aDlwel'l . to .. Look for .the Bell en the B?ttle. theee quesUon. by beart and· ~ect.- . d~8 for tlJle permflneDt members .. - . ..----"-iDa .1Zl7 other preparat1cllD. 'he re i" no reason why anyone Evident Mllunderatandlng. ~!!!'!!!!!'!!~~~~~~~~~~~~ . shoold not enroll permanent. It "Bow la the !lora of yout' oefchbor:: will fllollltAte the work of thf' seore hood'" a.sked· the city maD. tar, if .you will a,e nd in yoar enroll .iFine I" nlplled th1f suburbanlte. '1 ment now. Those w,ho hllv.e not don't thtnk she waa ever better 10 !ler' ". " pald tbei~ dues' for 1I~1' are:request w~ole Utel" , Barbed Wire '!What 1\", you talking about. aD~ ad to do '80 be(or~ t'~e 'meetln'g : ~ay' I laId the fiora of y~ur nelgh2 , AU teaohers, w~ethe. ·permaneol ,orheG4." GUARANTEED to heal withQut·leav. members. or "Ioot.te,' wUIJ:~Rieter •.. ·.. Su"'. I beam you. Flbra-ehe'. · ID'g ,a blemlsh,or MONEY REFUNDED. my wlfe! ..~-y;onke1'll Stata.mao. • ,600 and f1.00 ei!lef!!'Oolor frCBh wounds. j" C6(iar Point whethtir t.belr due:, oldsol'el, sore backll and ehoiildereJ>umll al'e p"td, or not. ~embel'8Illp card:! • and brui8el. 260 lIize for Family uee. wit, ~ relldy $0 han!!. oal '0 all lier. , DR. cors PAIRLESS BLISTER manent melQberR \tlao have paid l you have a OOth01bt' oold, ...'hma, Ie palnlM8 and guaranteed. to core . . 01 ('UP or any ' raa or bronol1ial ttoub}e "DI\ un Dr. Bell's PiDe-Tar Spann, RlnBbo: : SWe&nY,8J»lint, their dun in advan08. . POffI or any l en' of 91' Prosrame .n4 full Jnfol'1ll.'iuD BonllY, you 40, Look for &be BeU mUiie l or D10ue1 decl. frioe GOo. 'ritA IIlIUU ltl
..- - ---
Ohio farmers'
----... -.---
.- ..
-..- - -
.. ..IM&JIYAUo_......
",udla, bote! ratel will be
na4r ,OIl all, Bo"'"
Hanna's Green Seal
,_O~l~~_ .
Does This Mean 'Anything to You?
~' ;
It expressel the maker's faith in the product.
Labor i, the principle coit in painting. The material should be the best. YOu. CANNOT AFFORD ANY OTHER KIND.
J. E. JANNEY,.!,. Waynesville, Ohio
·-----t--.......................... I
Corrects Acidity and Makes . C· Increased rop Yields ~ ) 'bl P05S1 e. *
* *
Department. UnfVllIMIlty.
Aal'!oultural Elltenlflon
OhiO State
l.:alves ana oolts soon learn to nib· ble hay and alBo to go to a bolt where bran. oats and ollm al arl! kept. Ellpoc\ally i. this true tt they are kept near the oldoc animals. Not only do Ute nutrIents In the feerl do them lood, but th. hay helps to distend the digestive tract and deve lop the middle. thus preparing the WilY ' tor a ,ood feeder. Corn should fo rm hut a smail part ot the raUon for young animals, tor the r..son that It Is v ry low In pro· teln lind uti two of tho eBsenUI.l museli! and b~ne builders. Pigs often get nothing but corn and poor pasture und as a resllit milk!' slo l'/ gains at a !'Igh cost, aDd often ·"go down" on their pasterns. Tanlmge, mlddllagB •• kim milk. and clo\l er pasture mll,ke good lupplemeutary feeds tor
....+If'+ll"'f-lf.¥.l"". . ..............'. . . .
Urntt Is ene or the elements nece..
aary In every loll. It mUlit either bel there naturally or muat be Bl1wlled. Bolls lacktnl Ibne are acid 80118. Now Is the Ume tor those men "hose 1I01\S ue acid to think a!lout aW'lrtnc lime . ne ArK thIng to be determ\llled II "hether or not the soli I.a acid. Two COIldtttou indicate the lack of lime;
pip. We
s b<luld always keep In mind WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. the fllct that the ch eapest and Q.ulck· elt gains are made with ) oung anlml/Js, and thllt if we are to get the St. Augustine's Catholic Ohun:.h. Fntber Oeol'1lc Mnveuboefer. Pas tor moat out of our s tock whIm mature, Mass evcry second SUnClnr of the mouth a they must be well fed from birth; \I :00 a . III. also that poor de velopmen t r sultlog from underfeeding continued for sev. St. Mary's Episcopal Churdl. eral generations will gain a cumulaRev. J . £0". Cadwallnder. .Rectol' . u-... I'ttect Itrong enough to deltroy uDllay S obool. 0 :80 a. Ul Morning ser the merits of the best bloolt lines. vice. 10 :30 a. m. Holy Oommunlon the Urat GEO. F. STORY. Sunday ot eacb mon~h, . .Acricult~ral Extension Departlneot, ObtID State Unlver.lty. Methodist Episcopal Cburc;la. Rev, H. W. Bailey, Putel. No SundllY School. 0 : 111 a . m . Mornlnjl( ser' vlee. 10 :BO n. m. Epw~nb League. 7 :00 p. In taking Dr . Bell '8 Pipe T~r-Boney m. Evening serv ice. ': :00 p. m. IIUdwoolc for cough8 .and ooldll. It oonttains Pr \yer Meetinll. 7 p. m. no hablt produ('io~ drugs . Look Christian Church. for tbe 8ell on the Bott.le Rev. L. O. TbomJ)llOn. PutCII. --Bible School. 9:80 a. m. Soclal meetlq• 10:80 a. m. Ohrlatlau Endeavor. 7:0U p. m. An 'nuC\ In ttl" Ear. Sermon pilato/:' oVeTT ' altomato Bunday . . n 10 ' riding through tile country 10:80 a . by ~. e.nd 7:80 p. m . roads a winged Inaect files Into the ear, do not try to dislodge by pokIng. Hkksite Priends CburQ. for that will send It furtber In, and irst Day Mcetln!t. 0 :00 a. m. Firat Dar, the buulog agaInst the drum of ' the Sohool. 11 ;0(1 3. m. Founh Day MeeUDIt ear become almost unbearable. Hold 10 :00 n . m . tbe bead over . to one side and 1111 thtt Orthodox Friends Churell. eaT wIth water, whleh usually drowns the hlSect and floats It out. It a house Mrs. Elizabeth Larldn, PaaLor '8 nearby where you Clan get n,eet Sabbath SOhool. 0 :80 a. m. ReRlllnr ohurcb 1Il~. that 18 better yet. servloe. 10 •itO n.!D. CbrJlltlal1 ElI4eavor.
er.t, the lJlabWtf to grow good OroPI .eoon4, Wle aPllearaDce of 80rtel III place. where the cl5)Mr ~as died out. 8oU. In eastern 01110 ue la most caaes ac6d, becaulle theT have 1Ieoo derived from the' br...ull. down of sftndatOlle and 'lIllale au4 are. uaturally low lu !lme. Western Oltlo aolls are generally high III lime. 80lls are lIOur usually blca.ule or acids formed In the decay ot or.wc I . .tter. Baot... brlnl :\bout U11a decay,. but are unable to develop further In tile presence at their own waste pr04UCtl. 'Llme Ie eerecthe in Ileutrallzlng or deltroylDg · thelle products. /' To ~ lime mOlt eooDomlcally oee a\l.t secure It either In the !torm or l1'O\I1ld IIDl88tone or qulcklllDO. · W., can aot alfot'd to buy water. WheUleJ: we will bu,. limestone or Qtdcltllme cSepeDdl O!l theIr relattv"! oolll when applied. An appMoation or (lne tall ., craloldlme «tves p"a.cUo&lly the . . .e two tone of 11m. .tone. U thfl distance to haul la far, It 111 uQ611y more economical to buy tile 4tulcltHme. lAme Ia Kpenalve, consequentl, ' .H.. • • ATB A WAY we ea. IIOt at!ord to Ulfe It In. eatcea· \'\'1l.Y'!losvillo'. Lead\nJr DeD~ liTe quaatltles. .Enough to de.roy tile .cW pr...nt Is all tbRt 18 lI8IC88- Office in Keys ~ldg, Main S ury. Little la g"ned by .ppl~g ~~~~~~~~~~~~= of cl'lTW; aDd
----------Danger . .. -------
,..ull. ..
ton of qulctcltme or - ;.. .;
two tlNta 01 llmeltone per acre I.a a Eell _ J\ n U ~ : ; :; .... .Jalve fair aD)OUDt. Gt'l. • '~ 'r 1 :1 :':: 1; ;' / • ~', ,- After tile soil haa been plowed, tile 11_ ~ be applled on the surface .0 .. to be well worlled Into the soU ill 6. 'p8ltlvatlon which tollows. A E, BARNHART, IIprellld.., ferUlh:er ~11. or a shovel mQ' be used to ad VIlJltnge. It qulckNotary Public 11m. III to be Ipread with a shovel It should be put In Bmell piles and a1· All kinds of Notary Work. Pensiun lowed tiel atraiake betore scattering. Work a I::Ipeolalt:v.
7 :80 p _
DR. BELL'S ANTI.PAIN For .nlemal an4 External PIIna.. ,-
1,:j , ! ..... C;::: ~ "• .J:!ve r'I_ouey anu,'Keept
. m
--- -_ ..-: :;ty:Cl hy Reading M,CaU'. Magazine and Using McCall Patteru M~C.
McCall'. Ma ... I . . will
1" . Il) rOil dross
I, hly ilL n motlornlo " XI'ens' hy kooplug )' 0 11 If 0 S II' cI 011 the'
In I s II I 0 II S In (·It Ilb cs Itlul lUlLS. 60·
!\"w I'll. h ili " DoslgnS'
III ~"(' h Issuo. Also ' \',, 111,, 1.1111 In(unnatIOl;' (,II 1111 hUlllu liud \lor -
"'11 1111 watters.
WI! a your Includtllil It
8 11b
""rl"" tu,lay or Bend
oae of the most tiGJ'IQUS faulla to (ur (reo ~ lIn'I'lo COllY: McCall P.tler •• will e.. "hi yo" 10 mnk In your be found with mnny stockmen Is the OWII hom u. Wilh yo ur /,,,," hnlHI . c lullllnll' rur Y""f!1 Ir 1I1I1I r hlltlren wllh' h \\'111\)(1 lIorroct un4.treedln, of )~ung stock. Often III SLI' lc ""tl lit. I'rl ce-'IIIIIIO hlgh or than lCi CIIIlt!;. • end rur frolo 1"lIte rll Cnlnlollue. , men who teed to the IL'mlt, maturing W. Wifl GI.. Voa Fi.. P'....I. (or goltlng SI1hcattle, ho,s or horses. will let their ~('fIt)lI"n s lI'n"lIIl( )'our rrhmds. Send rOf Iroe 10llOg .tack get along as best they Pn ' lU llI l11 t:nudu~uo and Cnsh Prlzo On-ur. IN 'THI WORLD TH! McCALL COMPANY. 23910249Wal37dr 51.. NEW YORI en tor a tew months, even thougb. PUBlJSHEJ) WEEnY. $4.00 fER YEAR they Get ".tunted." a condltloll tram which they never tully reC6ver. It la HOTELI, DRUCc.m, 8PECIALISTS, usued that teed ted to youag Ituff 00 8 TUM lit I. T It A NSF lit, CAB doel oot give returns. However, there AND 'BU8 8.RVICI CAN PItO~I':' BY USIND ITS ADVERTISING COI.UMNa ~W."ENDERSON,M.D . ia lltt1e doubt but tltat feftd cootalnSAMPLE COPY FREE lnc- plent)" of bODe and mUlcle buildWaynesville, Ohio. er 111 11le<l kI better a4nntaIJe by the Addreee NIW YORK CLlpPIR New Yorl(. N. Y. 70uaa animal than by the animal durMain Street ... aDY other period of, the feeding' Valley Phone 153 .roeeI8. l~~~~~~~~~~~~= BtDca lIature provide. all ' o~ our do- \ ,. . T H .""eated aahnall "lth a KOod. apP8- Dr. Bell sPmeon~ Ute ior mUll, t.~" .d am· should be ted. . For CouSha and Cold.. Subscribe for the Ga~ette ,1eMY of .,od clover or alfalfa bay. te,ether 'With 80.. Kfeell ,eed, ..eb Y , . lin.... or. beets; an4 thIs ffUPpleLIVERIT~g----....... menW wltJa a train rMion of bru, ---~~.TRY ~U 1Il~ or ' ~ottoflseed meilll, and a Uttle earn. ·Oat. allO are good. bat 'ID m ••, p1aeea 'aretoo hllb l':l price to be ft"' · with prollt... ""Food. of this ,ftIIIllllate th.· II1Jlk 11011' and, beald. ""pm. the' «am wen liovBac IIiIhed. famish eao_1t 1004 tor the 70-' ~tn tbeT aft' oN eDOuch to eat oloy.' hai, ~; _ cnuhe4 -oats. worth a,pound . house ~ead7 t.a.bs 80011 loarD __ lIS. a ·'creep" ~~ , b~ . pro.vlde4 for 'them. at! If };I'Ul and " . oats an )tapt ,th...~· ,theT . .I.,. bal· ~' froID Pare Natlv. B~.r-..~ aeanae the Syatem . . . ance tl;.eJr OWJl rKnm aDd: tooa the . PiarIf7 tile Blood ..4 til. Plun J!ilU' SERIOUS 81~1Qf18S. . 1labit of lOiq tg.. tile raaJt fo,
LiveritesPrevents Serious Sickness 8 ~;;;~(~ tCo1kl,' k8Ch'e ·1~dlw'eaEk.LSlver_lor;;:~~
The' Miami Gazette .0.
L. CRANE, Publ is her. OHIO.
'.================ INTELLIGENT DOGS.
Both Brooders and Hens Are U'sed By Poultry Raisers-
If OU f! nlay Judge b y the s ize of th e
Youngsters Should Be Kept Warm- Food
cl nlms Ilres!'oL 'u In the variou s cou n· tl s for sill' p kill ed by d ~. we aro rapidly luslng th e b 'st of our sheep 1n Kentu('ky. and t he dogs ure show· Ing lU I . almoet buman discrim inatio n .1n multon. says tbe LoII IHillo ou r · 1er·Jouranl. SII p kill ed by dogR are valued at an ywh er o from $6 to $12 api ece. From thi s It appears that tho dogs must bo g Ive n to kIlling Cots· wolds and Southdowns In full fl eece. In ono w6Ktern Kentu cky county It has been dIsco vered that sheep are " ery g nerally listed for laxation at U a hea<l . In the same county the lalms all owed for bucks, ewes and lambs kIlled by dogs range from $8 to $1 2. It tb e assessor's r eport 18 to be be lieved, tbere mll." t be a tremendous lot of scrub IIh e p In that cou nty to pull down tbe average to $4 a bead, and t be dogs m ust exercise mIgh ty 'food judgment In avoidIn g the "scala· 'wags" wben they SO forth on a s laugh, t erlng ex pedition. Tbe dogs are show· 1ng a marked' preference for blgh · class mutton that prescntly, It Is to be appre hend ed, th e e will be no blood ed s beep left III that particular county. Dead s beep seem to be more valuable than live ones, and It 18 dUo tlcult to account for suoh a situation unles8 It be ~at Kentucky dogs a~e progressIng extraordInarily In acumen and In fustldlousnes8. Under s uc h clrcumstauces It might be well to raIse the dog tax or to Import. a considerable number of canin es tbut arc not so allllred smart.
and Water Important. Wilet ber t h l kg urc hntched by h en a or illl'lIlJlIIOI'!!, th ey llIay be s lIe ess· [lill y rt>n red by hNIS. In liH~ ubntor hat ('hed. (\\0 or Ihree llIay be planc d ill a lJruoulng b e u' s IIcst at nlr.ht and th e followlll!) morning mllny lIlor u may be gll'plI her. Ma llY peo pl , in ordl' l' to m'ls . a ll In(' uiJalOr c hicks by h ens, sN 8c\'\' ra l 1t<'II R III III ~ame Lime tba t eggs nr~ placed 111 Ihe Inl·utJlllor. Th e' b ell wilh the h kks shou ld be kept III a (;OU Il I hat 11:1 dry, mt Ilrouf and W 1\ velllila t ' d. I'·or the first f w days, bOI II LIII~ lI e ll and c hI cks shou ld b kept lu a (' Io ~e d (" oop. Afte r a ~ew da ~·s. a t Lhe door e nd of the c10s d COOIl, an ope n ' 0011, made uf a lath frame cove r d , ·It h wire. sho uld .. be 6 I. so lhe h n l11 ay ha vc more room tor exerc ise and Ih e chi clLS IIlUY roam ai. a ulstance from Lhe h n. It Is not «dvisn b l to all ow the hem fr ee range for at least two w e ks. If she is ke}Jt In a coop and feci ("oars g rain s he will soon lJ('~ln 10 luy [Iud yct protec t the ch lcl!s at nI ght.
lh e old building of the New York unlv rslty on Wushlngton square, t he blrtbplace at th e telegrllph Of. ) Morse, there was taken In 1839 Ihe first photograph at the human face. The photograph was that of MIss Dorothy Catherine Draper. and the man who took It was her brother, Dr. John W1l11am Draper. professor of chemistry In the univ er sity. H e had gone a step beyond Dtlguerre and by this photogruph be established him· selt as one of the great Inventors of the nineteenth century'. . Not long ago occurred t he hundredth anniversary of Doctor Droper's birth and It was celebrated In the audltorl· um of the universIty at Aqueduct ave· nue and One Hundred d Ellghty·first atreet. It was on tbe roof at the old build· Ing on W ushlngton place that tbere was se up In 1840, the first photo· graph' gallery In th e worM. To tbi~ gul. lery there came to be amazed and delighted all thEf notablea ot tbe day, In· cludlng Theodore Frelinghuysen, the A Wltse Connecticut hen rode on the candidate for vlce·presldellt on t he plJot oC an engine as far as a point Hen ry Clay ticket. known as Plymouth Rock-which was ProCessor Draper took th e plclures. her own JUnd 0 a h e n-and laid an His cam e ra was a cIgar box and hIs egg on the pilot In payment of her len se tlie glast! from a pulr ot spec· , tare. There Is r eall y no occasIon to tacles. DoctOl' :prop e r's assistant III thIs gallery, t.he man who posed the &0 fishIng when sto.rles IIIte this can s Itte rs and attended to lhe arwtl de· 'be picked Ull at on e's back duor. talis, was Prof. S . F . B. Morse, who only five yeal'S berore and In the sa me (j)ne of the writers who sell storie a buildIng had operated th e first te le· 4 to the magazInes . complalna that he grnph line. gets only $35 for a story 6,000 words The pIctures taken In thIs gallery long. W ell. It he Isn't a cripple he can were developed by 'Professor Draper, surely Dnd a job as dItch digger or for It was hIs 'experlments In r egard • farm laborer somewhere, provided to the chemical actton of light that had enabled hIm to Improve the proc. Ironey Is all he. wants. ess of Dague rre almost as soon as tbe latter's dIscovery was made known. The harem sldrt for women Is not It was In 1839 that Daguerre gave bls enough, It seems: The ecotttsh High· process to the world, but It was not landers In New York were recently th e n adaptable to lundecapcs or por· Incorporated with the avowed object trolts. In the same year Professor of encouraging the wearIng of kilts Drape l' announced that he had found the way to photograph the llUman face on the JlU bltc streets. and to overcome those obslficles which mad e the F.renchman's process Il9per. A Chicago doctor thInks that e very· fe e t and Impractical. one should have his vermUorm app en· In Ih ese kodak days th e dlrectionll dlx removed. Who will be the first whIch Doctor Draper guve ut this tim e legis lator to Inlrollu<;e a bill making for takIng a photogmph ure Intercst. th e removal at ve rmJfoJ'm app endices Ing. At first, he suld , he hud tri ed compulsory? dUl1 tiug th e face ot Ii s ister with whIte powder, but he later found that thIs The I'e port Is pers Istent thnt the WIlS ulln ecessary. On a brIght day queen of Englund doesn 't like Amerl· und WIth u se nsitive pla te, he an. noun ced, portraits could be obtaIned cans. The r e are II whole lot of Amerl. in th e course of flve or seven mInutes. cans toadying arollud royalty that we "The hands of the SItler," he sold do not care much for e ith er. Th .. In th ese dIrections to th e camem Qu een Is probabl y justified. fi e nds of that day, "s hould neve r rest upon th e ch est. for the motIon of res. V'le are advised that In eating g rape· plratlon disturbs them so 'muc h as to fruit It Is well to use a rnnge-finder JJ\sku them at a thI ck Ilnd clumsy ap. and thoo deploy th~ spoon 60 that pearance. d est royIng also the repre. the juice does not hIt the eye. It I! sentation of th e veIns on the back. bound to bIt the eye of somebodY .11l1i which, It they are held motionless, are cOlJled wIth s urprisIng beauty. lit tll!! t a tlle, howe\"er. " A )le rson dressed in a black coat Bnd open waistcoat or th e sume color A manufacturing company In N e w mU Sl put on a tern )Jorury front of 11 Seraey has had a young man arrested drob or flet!h color or by th e time that lor flirting with Ita girl employes. hI s face Ilnd the fine shadows of hIs HIli case will perhaps come undor the woolen lathing are' e volved hia shIrt bead of formtng a comblnatioD in re- will be solarized aDd wl\l be blue and blllck wI t h a white halo around It. , straint of trade. "Owing to the clrr,.'Jmstances thnt A Sl l..oul8 sword. swnllower trI ed yellow and yellOWish bfO'Wns requIre a long time .to Impress the substance tbe other day to s wallow 11 fork , and of the daguer!'otype, persons ' whose It .Is . goIng 'to be dIfficult for blm to faces llre freckled all over glv~ rI se to recover. The s word·s wallower never the . most ludicrous results, a WhHe tihould fool wllh poInte d tools. portrait mottled wltll just as many black dots as the sitte r has · yellow ,. '. T en thou an d alarm cloclcs were re- ones:' On 'March 22. 1840, Doctor Draper cently shIpped from this country .to htna. !lnd a Phllade lpMa parrer prlna took from lhe roof at the building lhe a Joke about the waking up ('If tIi. flnt photograph eVer taken of the moon. HIs plate ~'a8 exposed 20 mIn. H IImll KLIl~dQm, . utes and the Image was about an Inch In dlameler. ·The photograph WIS . "' w"'Btern railroad II ~iD8 to put sented to what Willi then tbe Lyceum ~a ~oUl\talD. on Its summer train.. of Natural Hlsto"'. It created a peat 'Will, Without doubt. acid Ce IU lenaaUoD at tbe' tlIDe, 1I0t onl, here ........ ftlaaUaL "at abroact Da,uerre'.....a WII 'l'o the long list of recipes for attainIng old age must now be added a lIew one, highly r ecommende ded by a man not wIth a T e utonIc, but with a Celt~.c. name. He Is enthulastlc about 'sauerlfraut, whlcb he maintains '",,111 .enable any man or woman to Uv.. a cen y or more. It' will conduc& DO~ only' to longevIty, but to ' happl. II • It Is both. nutritious and appeputillg. It feeds the body and stimn· , lates the mind. It Is cheap. At least tbat J8 what Its sponsor claimS as the .result of hIs personal dally experience with BauerkraQt for about 60 years. He does not say how often one ought to eat sauerkraut In ord e r to become a cente narIan, but since he advocates two m f/als a day for the average per· 80ns, he would probably not recom· menel eating sauerkraut between meals.
g iven to th e photographIc process for many years atter thIs. The man whom New York unlv e r· slty Is Ilhout to bbnor aBo the first photoglapher and a great ch em ist wall born an EnglishmAn. He came to this country at tlle age of tw enty·two, g raduuted from the nlv erslty' oC P nnsy lvanl a In 1 36 an d was appoint· ed professor of natural philosophy chemIstry and ph ysiology at Ham I) d h·Sydney o\1t-ge In VIrginIa. It wus from there thllt he was called in 1 39 to b e prof SBor of c h e mIstry at New York unIv e rs ity, Ilnd h e s lgnallzed hIe cllange of re Ide nce by announcing ulmost ImmedIately thereafter hIs photograpblc process. He was can· ne cted willi tlJe unl v r elty IIntil his deatlJ in 1 82. Doctor Draper h a s f requently been desc rib ed as a pIoneer In the scIence of prIsmatic sna lysls. HIs dI 8CO~ ar ies In lhlt! fi eld overed a wide ran ge. H e even anti c Ipated th e Incan· descent light of Edlsou when he sug· gested as a slandard for photometry for whIte light a pIece of pla tinum fall of given area and thi ckness heat d to Incandescent by an e lec tri c current at specIfi ed strength. . CUlllllary attraction was the s ubject ot hIs first re~earcbes ' a nd from them arose .hls dIs ove ry as to llOW the blood Is purlfle cf. a m ystery whi ch hod baffled th e sc nmtl sts up to th at tim e It was In 1847 that he · explalned the clrculallon and lJ urlfl ca tion of the blood In n work thut attrnc:ted wide attentIon. Doctor .Draper . ls stili r c memht-re d at New York univ ersIty as one of the most prodi gIous workers eve r Iwown . BesIdes hIs xt cJ\slve reseu rch work he found tim e to pullll s b lIIore tball /I. hundred hooks. monogrophs and ad· dresses. He wrote a hIstory or tho CIvil war In three volumes and hIs "HIstory of the Intellect ua l Develop. ment or Europe" was tmn s luted Into every civilized tongu e. A Lazy Man's Job. Tip. s tnce his early wand e rings on tbe plnlnl!, has 01 ways said that the softest la zy mau 's job on earth was raIsIng sheep. Sileep are bush feed. e rs. They will Ihrlve on eating any. 'thlng from dead suge-brush to railroad snow fences. They, will tnnnel theIr muzzles through snow to g et a sUck underneath f9r food. Of course they ent the snow wh e n they get thIrsty. Now Tip learns from iln officIal gov. ernp.lent report that an Island orr the coast of Nova Scotia has been a great success. Not an att~ ndant with food, not a cPl>per cent of cost to the own. ers, alld througb two bItterly cold, hard wInters those sheep have fatte ned and flourlahed to. splendid form and fleece.-New York Freu
Onl "And wbat Iii her reasOll fC1r nel,lnll for a dIvorce?" " , " Because her ~usband was Sn the habit of throwing her dreasea aU OVer the hou8l!." "Thal's a runny realon." "Yes, but &I a ~eneral tblDI' lb. wal Inllde tbe drelses wben be threw them." God belp. tboae tlaat bel, &11. .
\\Iheth r brooders or coops IlrE us e d, dl s infe tanls and lice sp ray. s hould h fl· 'Q lt cllt\y ap)ll kld. When to Give Food, Durlll!; th first two days after t hl~ ('hlcll S are ha tc h d t hey r eqllirE warm th and an oppo r t unilY to gaill st;·ellgtb. rnth cr I han foo d. For roou. ulIl·jng Lhl s pe l'lod, n atu l'e haa pro"Id d t he yolk of t he egg, .whl h Is . taken hi to th e alJdollllnal \'avlty a few hOIl1"8 befo r th e hI c ks a r ' hatc hed If c ll ic ks al'e fed loa SOOIl, t he re is 8
Kidney Trouble Never Returned • Mra. Everett Griffith, 2t!45 E. Indl. ana Ave .• E vans ville , I nd., say : " I ",'as certainly In llad shupe from Kid· Iley dlt!ense and It Is rl'aily fL WO IIIll'r t.hat I lUI ali \'e to dll )'. The k ltlnny s locr tlons passed Irr ' gulo rl ), lin II w re a b nor III a I I Y thl ok; 1 hall bnd spe lls wIth my head oll d nt Urnes could . hnrllly stand. My left 11m b bolow the kn eo bc· came so badly Bwol· Ion' th at 1 h ga n 10 tr ent mys It. for drop· ' Sy anti m y back was so Bore and lamtt I could not ruls e m y orm !! ullo\"e lilY henll. I was fi:lally Indlle'li to tak ~ Doan 's 1{ldney Pills and In s ix we " k~ I was well. l\1y ellre wn ~ 1I11lde 111 1899 and I havo enjoy d l'XC!!i1 nt health eye r slllce." Reme mb er th e n amf'-Donn's. For sRle by 'a ll den l rs. [,0 ce nl!' A box. Foster·Mllburn Co.. 1:Iuflulo, ~ . Y.
Chicken Coop With Enclosed Run. ten llcncy. for thIs yolk tel r e main 11"] ' absor bed, fe rm IItatlon beGi ns, bowel troub le follows and Ihe ·'bl 'k dl £'s. Th e fi rst thIn gs g Il' n' tbem s ho:! Id b( wa t 1', lin e g l'lt or s llal'p sand. Dry brea d c rumbs or hread soake d 10 swe et milk nnd th e n squeezed d ry may ChIcks In Brooders. The t~m!lernture of the llrooder: he t d next. Excelle n t result s h a\"~ wh en th e c hlcl(s n "0 fi~ sl t ransferred beEn obtaIned by fee d ing n br ad mad from th o incubulor, t;hollid be as hI g h of t hrue varta of graIn men !, one part as th e t mp e ra t ure of the in ubntor. bmn. one part mIddlings. a pInch 0 1 Durin g tb e~ t1 rBt wf' c k the trup Tatum sal t, mixed stilT wIth milk or watet of the lll'ooder s hollld be about 95 c: '+ a nd bnked in a slow oven. Whe n done, ,re s. It may be \:ra<lllaJly lowered th e loaf Is split open and r e turn e d tc after tbe first wee K. If t he chiclls the oven until thorough ly dry. ThE Iln fert ile eggs may be balled, mIxe d with ground oats or g raIn and red In· Iltead or br ;td crumbs. The abOVE . food s hould bl! given e llh er In low t roug hs or on broad wooden boards. N ver feed more than the hi ck will eat at once. It Is best that they d c not get nough to satJs fy tbelr appeUte at lhe morning or noon meals, se th ey will exer Ise by s c ratchIng for cblck fOOd. whIch bas bee n scattered In the litter. At all tImes plenty of clean, fresb wa te r should be kept abou t the c hicks A drInkin g . tountaln Is very essent ial. They may be purchased on the ma r· crowd around the heate r, more heat k et at a s m.all cost, or they con be Is nee d ed; IT they. brealhing hard , lie made. A tIn can with a hl!lc puncheu at the ollte r edge. too mu ch heat Is In the s ide about one Inch from th 6upplled. Chicks four or fiv e days old top, and a. shallow dlsb makes a servo are faIrly hardy and can e ndure a i 'eable fOll lltaln. Fill the- can with gl'ea t amount of colli, provIdIn g as water. place the dish ove r It and In· soon as t hey become too cold t he y clln vert. T he water will rIse III t h dI sh QuIckly get warm again, but If they to t.he level of t he hole In the sIde 01 are forced to remaIn w here the teml the can. A drinkIn g glass, or fnill p ra ture ;s lo w, til ey catch cold ,'e ry jar, and n large saucer may be used Qui kh, the l u ngs become innam tl. in th e abo ve way by SlippIng tl wedge they mope for a few days a nd t hen und er tile glass. die. Good ventilatIon aud cleanlin 3 11 I ' C. R. TITL.OW, are as necessary II.S proper tempera' E xtension Department. College ::.1 ture. Agrlcullure, OhIo State nlve rslty.
Shouldn't He? A very good ua tured broiler . who Is r ery mu ch lurg r th un his wIfe. IIl1d wbo likes hIs li ttle jol( at sO IU eOlH! else's ellponse, was sitting In the tho· ater. A maJ1 b hInd him. not know · Ing who he was. leoll 4 forw ard IIn cl wblspered. "Will you please lUI YO llr wire to remove he r hn.t 1" "You'd better do It yours lllr. rID afraid ." Where upon th e man b hlml became angry. arose. protested and lefl tll tbeater. Wanted an Officer. The sh e rll'l wa s Sl1GvZlllg nway In hIs sen l In the coach. when he heard Bome o ne uall out : "Is tbe re au orIlcer In the coa h from New Castle '?" "Yes," replied th e sheriff very em· ph atlcally. "Loan me YOllr cork>lcrew. plellse, IIlr," calmly co ntinued the u rll UJwt!r.
Important to Mothers Examine caretully every bottle 01 CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy fO T infa nta and chlldr n, and see that It Dears the ~ ~ SIgnature of .. ~~ In Usc For O\'er SO Yeara. Children ry for Flet her'e nst.oris To Pray for tho RIch. Two women prominen t In St. Louie have started a movement to Induce 300,000 of tbelr sex In the south t o prllY every day tor the ri ch. They ex· plaIn th ey hope by organizing ,system· atl cally groups at women who will pray orten .and well tor th e more afflue nt, wealthy persona will be led to contrlb· ute to '" fund for the evangelizatio n at the world. Delle H. Benne tt. presl· dent oC the woman's mIssIonary COUll' c\1 of the Methodist Epls co(lal hurcb Bouth and Mrs. R . W. McDonnell are the orIginators of the plan. HIS PROPERTY.
C~KE MAKING RE~UIRES MUCH CARE Tbe mixIng alld bat.lng .of cake r eo quires conside ra ble care and jud g· ment. -To make IL ~eo d cake It Is eS· sentlal to have the best materials; to be ve ry careful In measuring and com· Olnlng them; to have lhe pans prop· erly prepared; to r gulate the oven heat and watc h the. cak e wblle it Is baking. The Ingredients, Pastry flour, because it contains more starch and less gluten, makes a ter and tendere r cake than brend flour. It Is no t best t,o use coarse. granulated s ugar, all it t ends to gIve the cake a. coarse textUl'e nnd a hard c ru st. Use only good, sweet butter and fr es h eggs. Th e llaklng powd er s hould not lle stale. All bakIng pow· deI'S have at least three IngredIen ts. First, baltllJg soda; second. some che mi cal whIch la capable oC acting upon baking soda, ca using It to give ofT carbon qloxide gas; third, starch, wbl ch is added to kee p the powdor dl·Y. naklng powders owe theIr leav· ening power to the libe ration of thIs carbon dIoxide gall, whi f! h Is s et fre e from uaklng sode. by the action . of cbemlcals of acid nature In the pres· encc o! moistul'e and heat. How to Measure. Long experience bas taught some people to measure accul'ately iJy hand and sight, but the majority need l1efl·. nlte gUides. It Is a great help to flave one-half pint measuring cups dIvided into quarte rs and tlllrds, and tea and tablespoons o[ regulation size. A cupful Is measured level. If dry materIals are being measured, round sligh t.1 y and level with .a case k nlfe. A tablespoonful and a teaspoonCul are both measm'e d le vQI In the same man· Der. Flour should always' be sifted at' teast. once before measurIng.
air already Introdu ed Is preven ted frllm escapIng by cutting nnd folding. Litbor ,;,, 111 be lig htened by mlxina wltb a slit wooden spoon,
1 cup bulter. 2 c ups of sugar.
3 c ups of Hour.
6 teaspoonf uls of .baklng powder. 1 cuP of Ildlk. 1 teaspoonful of vanllll!.. Whit es of 7 e"'gs. .. Tbls rec ipe may be cheapened by ul1lng only ~ cup of butter and the whites of four eggs, It it Is to be use d ... a.u--nere. get out puddle at oncel soon arte r baking. Kld-Nltl You go an' find a mud ,If th e butter Is hard, sflrten by at' lowing it to stand In a warm room 01 puddle ot your own! by warming the mix'lng bowl with hot wate r. Do 1I0t overbeat the butter, FEED YOU MONEY because . It t e nds to hecome oily In· Feed Your Brain, and It Will Feed! stead of c reamy, and may produce You Money and Fame, h eavy .streaks In t~e cake. Cream tbe uutler until It is very soft. Add thE "Ever since bo.ybood I have beel) sugar gradually and continue cream· especially fond of lUllats, and I am cbn· Ing and beating for some time. Lon~ vlnced I ate too ·m :pllly. and failed te creaming gIves ~mooth , fine texture. masticate my food properly. and Ilealing gives added lightness. "The result WIl8 thh.t 1 found myself, The flour should have been meas a (ew yea.ra ago, atDlcted with all· ured Into the ,s ifte r; add the milk and menta ot the stomach, and kidneys. flour alternately. Add the baklnB which lnterr~reQ ~rlously with my powder with the last cup of flour. MIJ business. . the ingredIents by stirrIng. A fln( "At last I took the advice or friends g ra.ln can be ohtaln ed only by loni and began to eat Grape-Nuts lnsteae) lleatlng. Cut nnd fold In the ' stUn} of the beavy menta, etc., that had c~ beaten ,vhltes of the eggs. Itltuted my tormer dIet. Grease the pans. Dredge \vlth "I tound that I waa at once . beneflour; th e n Invert to remo~e the sUPer fited by the cbanr;e, that I was SOOD fluous flour. ThIs gives the cake'. relleved from . the heartburn and ludi· smooth surface, especially desh'able ,It gestfon tba.t used to tallow my meals, tI k I t I\ · f d P an s may kidney that the INUns In back from Ie ca e s a e roste. affeCtion bndmyceased. . mT be lined wi th pape r, then greased In fillIng the pans have the mlxtuf( "My nerves, whioh used to be uucome. we ll up to the sides aDd corne"" "teady, and Ply' bN1D. which W&I .Iow. lea;vlng a s light de pre ssion in th e cen and lethil.tglc from a heavy · diet. 0& h meats and greasy fooda, b d, not In a Combining the Irlgredlents: . rer so t at the cake may be perfecU:y ' 1D0ment, but 'gradunlly, and nOhe th.. . . Three menus at combInIng the In· 'hit on top 'wh n bake d. leas surely, been restored to norma) gredie nts are used In th e mixI ng of n The t!aklng. :emcleney.' ' ' , cake: stilTIng, beatlng .and c Utti llg and Put a laye r ot cake Into a hree- • "Now 8Y.eT;1 nerve ·liI stendy and m,. folding. m inu te oven ; that .Is, one that , will bral", and thinking faculties are quiCk. To .stlr, Is to mix by using a c ircular bro wn a smq;1J piece brown paper tiD er, and more ~u.~e than lor yea,.,. vast. motion To beat Is to turn the In, tbree mlnutes. Bake twenty·flve miD. "After mY old st,yle·bJ;eakfa:et.8'lJaed grediehl~ o\'er and over continuall y, utes, ' . to Buffer during t,he torouoon a bringing the tinder part to the surface, cakes" with !:he exception, ,perb'aps; feellnc 'of . w.eakDeaa which h'II(\.,re<l' Cutting and folding arp. two motion;; df pound oake, are tJloroughl, baked me .erloully In m" work, but Iinco 1 usell to Introduce- one Ing~ient Into When they shrink trom the pan an" 'be'aD to UBe Grape.NIlt.8 tood 1 cau ' . &lIother. 'l'<Hlut Is to make a yertlcal setUe to a Jevel. '. AU cakoIJ are' well 1Vork tIu,--atDDer Ume with 1;11 eM. jownward motion. To fold Is to tum i done. when they miLke, 9DI, ... IUght and coDlrtlrt." NIUD. IIvea. bJ P'" Ule ~xture ov.er and over, allowing sInging Dolae or w~en tile lurface,. ~ ~ DatU_ eteele, 111Gb, , . &I.e sptA'n each Um~ to cOme In call· bounds at once on pr:e-.ed ..,til - "TIlere'. a NAaOb... . • :lOt with the. bottom ~t the bowl, the flD&er. . . tM uwe ~Il, .."... . . to Illgredf~lIt. are mbe6 by IUri'I"'!'l . IlARY A large amo)wat of Air 1. unrOlled oy Ezteulon
an lII1zell 8114
~(fJ)IIDIE~~ CCW11JJ - IAffo #DIe
Hypocrisy in the Practical Fashions Pulpit WAtST. to Be Deplored
lIDn .
HE term "Inverted bypoCo rtsy" Is not orlglnli~ ~Ith me. 1 heard or saw It somewher , and wondered what It m ant, and When J heard It defined 1 thought It a convenient phrase . Hypoc ri sy Is 8uPP08cd to h e a pre tense or being 'better than one reall y Is. But there Is anotber t~rm of hypocrIsy whlr.b thrives on a s pecious pre tense or b e· Ing worse than one really Is. Yea rs agt, wben I was preaohlng In tho Tennessee mountains. we had a COllvert, so called, an ex-gambler, and saloonkeepe r, wbo forthwith became an e xhorte r. I n eve r believed In hIm. "But see how humhle he Is," expos· tulated my rrlend. to 'w hom I confid ed my misgivings . "Who can hear hIm confess his s ins and doubt his ge nuIne conve rs ion!" To which I r eplied . "U ever hI) confessed that he had bee n a miserable ~nea k and dupe. and tb n t elt so a~hamed or It he ne v r s poke of It agaIn. J would trust hIm. Dut to hear hIm boas t of havIng bee n o lead er In sin, of having made hnvo c with all th t en com mandments at once, I Incline to think he Is stili br aklng on e ot t he m. 1 believe he Is sUII a liar a'n,d a hypocrite." And be was. Public Confesllon of Sin. The public conresslon of s In III Ilom etlmes a \'ery whol! s ome exercise. Rut nine time's out of ten I doubt Its falue. and at least ono tim e out oi ten It Is hypocritical. egoUstlcal, nnd a self-rlghteoll s delu sIon . Now th e re Is an ele ment of thl!) vice In the minis try. It calls Itself humility. but It Is egotttlm, and Is Q mild form of hypocrisy, or the Invert ed sort. Years ago 1 atte nded a meeting or the Lake Shore association In Cl.eve· lBDd, at which a young mlnloter r ead a paper. and a very good one. He prefaced It wilh tho words. "Thl.s paper Is somewhat homiletic In Its form, and It Is the substance of a sermon [ lnllioted on my people last Sunday." Doctor Leavitt was there, and when the discussion began, he said: "I like that paper. but not the lntroductlon~ No man ought to speak of 'Inflictlng a sermon on his people. Let him magnify his offlce." It was a brand n ew Idea to me then. It had not occurred to me that It was unseemly for a minister to make jokIng and' deprecatory remarks ahout his own sermon. But I began to notice then, and I have Dever enjoyed such reference since. If I do It myself 1 thlnle of It afterward and am asbamed of myself. It I hear another man doing It. J teel like saying to him what J heard Doctor Leavitt 8ay. Apologies In the Pulpit . . r learned some years ago the tally of maldng apologies In the pulpit. What Is the use of saying, "I trust the congregation wUl bear with me this morning, as I have a cold 1" They wllJ learn soon enough that you have a cold. and wlll respect you all tbe more for not maldng an appeal fall pity. Let thein forget yO~, 1r they can, and you forget yourself and your cold, If you oan, and preach the word. And If a sermon Is felt by the preaoher to be below hIs average. why should Ite say. "I have been Interrupted In my preparation, and this sermon 18 not 8.S good as I had hoped . to preach?" They will find out how poor It ta. Or, what Is better, maybe they will not find out! It the minIster says to his God that morning, "0 Lord ~ th(lu knowest J' have not been negligent. i cboRe thIs text expect· Ing to have many hours to study this week. But I had to go out and visit the sick. and comfort the mourning, and 1 am not taktng beaten 011 to the sanctuary. Ob. Ood, make the message strong through thy spirit. and let not the weakness at thy messenger prevent the operlltion of thy grace"If he ' says that. to his God on !:lunday morning, and CRn 8ay It honestly, maybe no one will ever know bow poor a sermon It really Is! . For sometimes a really great sermon grows out of those conditions. Yet the minIster ' bettl.'ll not assume upon. one sllch experience to the habitual neglect of his study. or "ome day he "Ill say as Samson did. "I will now go out and sha'k e my· selt as at other times," and will wist not that the lA>rd 18 departlld tram him.-The · Advsnce.
in/l:. Rill tb ere wll\ ne v r be Rnother terribl e visitation of "Y 1I0w .Jack" In our southe rn clll!'s. Thlrly years ago th > south waf! jU!lt beginning to re('over from a t orrl· ble vIsitation of this Infection. It had cost that secUon o! lb co unlry mn· lions of dollars and a few thousan4 Ii\' es. First and Ins "Yellow .Tack'· has hung his sal'fron IlnlU e malady that b8S !tnally turn ed baun r ou nln t y times In tbe nlted F EW w e ks ago upon theul. Hopelef!s wrecks ' oC onc~ States The re have been nlne\¥ ot one f th e SlU· s trong men !lve on uselessly Rnd wllll' thes d a<lly Invasions of this mOIldenta of that out bO/le. drawn and twisted by the quito-borne dlsense. Dr. 'Reed made dr ad d disease. e tTectR oC tho X-ra'y. Tb y we re able It certain that there will never b e nn. c r bro · pinAl to cure other s with these weIrd rays. othe r or any ' serious proportions. Yellow fever will never call forth me nl ng ill R. mad e but th ey gave up ~h elr own vItality to a VI Rl t to IWls do so. the acts of heroIsm that It dId In Island. H was Last .Jllly Dr . . Kas Rablan l'e w Louls\·JlJe. l\Iemphls, New Orleans and In lIearch or York died ot skin cancer. brought on OUI r cltlea In the old "fever belt." more data on that deadly alrectlon. b)' th X·ray. lie had been burned Reed was sent to Cuba :~ 1900 to A few 6USI' cted casea we re bing time artor time by the ir mysterious be lp clean up the Island . Death ratea h eld In the de tention Quart rs of thE' rlldlance. H had been dying for In all diseases sank steadily under Immll1'allon bureau, and he was y ars. 1n tb years that he was slow- the Improv d sanitation. Yellow fever anxIous to see them. So little III ly wasting away under the Inroads of remained unchanged . Reed bechme known of the disease that e very cas e the malady be was giving relief to possessed of th noUon that yellow off ra new opportunities tor labora· thouaands. He saw that he wa. fev e r . waa carried [rom victim to tory study. ThIs doctor xamlned the doomed te n yeara before bls death. v.icUm by t he mosquito. Reed, CarlIuspecta. went back to hIli laboratory, In common with practically every X- roll and Lazear offered themselves as and Ii tew days late r was strlcllen by ray mnn In the world he had heen xperlmental subjects. Lazear died the very matr.<ly that he had bee n suffering at various times {rom burns and Reed came back to tbe statea In flghtlnc Jor years. Tbe dilleaae that caused by thIs mysterious energy that a weakened condlUon, and ftna1l7 be had Deen flghUng so long had la given off by the Roentgen raY. He passed away because at the low vltalturned llpon him . He WR8 dend wlth- always maintained tbe greatest lIe- Ity that was lett him atter hIs battl. tn rorty~lght hours after he was at- crecy concerning his own condItion. with tH e tropical disease. tacked . All the Imowleelg that he In ]902 he came to the concluslou Doctors and surgeons are dying aland hIli COlll)8gues had gained III Ibe Ibat he was doomed to die sooner most every month In the year tram last half ' do~e" years proved \l sel e~1I or later from the effe ts or his bllrns. allcer. t uberculosis, fevers, blood and helpless In stopping th e coming of In 190 two of hili fingers were am- polsouhlg 01' 80me obsoure aliment d eath. plltated. Skin cancer had begun ' to that attaoks when Icast expected. hnon Fle.xner . th worlel'R great - appear IIpon his left hand and later Mos t of th e researc h stUdents of m ellf'Hl autborlty 011 c e re bro-s plllul m u l n- It hegaW'to move slowly up his arm. clll understand tb t tb ey are taking glUs and kindred el lsen PH. was sum· I.as t yoar It wua fOlln!1 that the ray- thell' lives literally In their hands maned, ' and elld all that W88 In his Induced cancer had r eachod the glands whe n they enter upon their studies. power, SerulUS that bav prove n et· und e r his lert arm. Dr. Chalmers da Dis ase · g rUlS lurk In the air about fe live In thousands and thousand tl osta of tho .Jefferson Medical college tbelll dUring mos t of their waking of ase8 ga"e 110 r eli ef from tbc wus call d to New York to perform hours. They lItel'aHy lie down Bnd IIteady advance or dea th. The re wns an operation . Tbe ray IrrItated fiesh get 1111 wIth death, and theIr waking no r llpons to . Its POlY rs In tit would not heal after the glands. were momenls nre tak n up with the bl'ln' nerv s alld , nJuscleli ot th e man who removed . Kassahlsn, who bad fought dllng nnd c ulturing of g rms that may was at laat lying In tho grip of bls with cancel' so long. was slowly sink· at any lim Infect tb e m . A single nemy. Many New York spe'lollRts Ing and s tili · another operation ""as mny prove fatal. When a dootor wat bed by his bedsIde 8nd rought the d c lded upon. The glands on the starts IIpon a cttreer of research he d e8trOY~ ' with_aU. the weapons a t right RId of the chest were removed. undel'stRnds just whut his ohances nre th eir command . At the laRt th e It WIlS us less. In the meanwhile Ihe and accept.'J tbero-. malady had claimed Its veng('a nc o whole of his left sid had become afIt Is Just a year In this month alnce Th work o.f the dying man 8nd hiR fected and there wall notblng tbat Dr. RI kelts died In th e little Amerl. co-laborers had saved thousnnd s. but could be done. can hospital In :M exico City. -Rlckettll tn the end he was unable to sllve Thoma9 A. Edison lost a valuable bad com Irlto th e City ot Mexico hlmllelf. assistant .because of similar burns from ,II,' ashington for the PUrllose of A sort of a superstition haR grown somo Y 81'S ago. Stili 8nother death studying th germs of typhoid fe"er. liP QIDong phY8lclans. The teellng Is In tbe medical profession. brought H e W8S one at tile first authorities , . common among th.,m thnt the man about by these powerfql .rays. was that . typhoid In this country. but his know 1whp apecfallzes on any particular ·dls· of Dr. Louis Weigel of New York. edge could not save him from the case ' Is Uable to become Its vIctim Dalley. Edlson's assistant. dIed by clutches ot the typhoid bacillI. , some time or t\nother In lite. Ilts own In he8. A car:oerolls growth appeared You can find Inl3n of tills stripe In partic ular spedalty Is looke rl lIpon a s upon hi!! left arm an'd the lower part the f ver-rldd en aren8 of ~hQ tropic!!. belnS e8peclally fatal to him If be 18 of this 11mb waR amputated . Slowly se~rchlng for the IIecrel of the IIl eep- ' ever strIcken, . hIs halt·. mustache Rnd ~yebrow8 van- Ing slr-kn ess . . of the plague and the Some years ago there WaR a IIp e · Ished 811(\ hili skin In many . places mallgnnnt Olltorlc (ev e r8 that swee p daUst 'on mental diseases In Sl. T,ouls bC('ll nl O hardened and Inflamed. Then thollsandR Into their graves yearly. ""ho was reengnlzea a8 one or thfO hIs ri:;hl hanel and arm began t.o go. Armed with serulUs, qUinine.. micro. natlon·s . authorities on Inllanlly . HI' First. r01l1' fing e rs were taken rrom scopes and tesllng tubos. they Ven" ' 08 a lecturer of more thnn local that l1Iomh r. A futile el10rt was ture Into the valJe":s of the Amazon, note on hlB fa"orlte subject nnd hi s lUad e 10 save his upper arm by grnft· the l'lgl''' and the GangcR. hoping to t ex t books are stilI fOllnd In lhe lug smaJI 111eces of healthy skIn lipan add somethIng to th(> 811m total or Good Faith Easentlal. llbrarl~ ,of the older physlclalls. Som e It from time to time. Jo'inally It. too. human knowl edge In the matter of It Is the utmost Importance that Chue ago be dropped out or s ight. was lo~t and went undel' the surgeon'~ diseases. English and Russian sci . His friends Ilpeak of blm now as one knIfe In a vain elfort to save tbe suf- entists can be found In tho hlll coun. leaders In chur ch alfalrs should ad· who 18 dead: He Is 108t to the world rer er's lite. It was In 1904 tbat Dalley tries on the Tibetan provinces making here rlgldly to a blgh moral standard o( Bcluc:e of which he 'w as once a was added to th list or dead who had close and careful studies ot goitre and concerning the honesty and good faith part. Htemlnd gave way undet· the dI ed beCRllee of theIr devotIon to sci· the nameless c1lseases that .lIlay the of their public acts. To advocate a strain just as he hlmselt had seen so ence. Tibetan In his smoky . hut. Amerlc:.n course of proceedIng that 18 essentially luaDY minds 'glve way. In,;anlty, hope· WeIge l ell ' d in 1908. after seven op· doctors are facing death. and. WOMl~. lawless In Its attitude, to disregard or les!!. stubborn. Incurable Insanity IIn- eraUons. Hi s flght agaln8t death was In the Philtpplnes. maklug careful In. dlnary standards of hon'o r .and cour· ally claimed him. t'ne of th :l longest In th~ hIstory of veetjgntlons ot Ihe weh'd affeotlonfi tesy, to wl~k at shady financial meas· 'J:he physician bas orten forfl!lted those who have gone ·to 'their martyr- that have 'killed the "little bro~' n . ures Is a course which men of the 'fl'orld .may excuse In one another but his lite In hi. search for the causes dam becauso of the X-ray. Somo yea{!! brolher" tor g nelat:lons. that lie t)aok of the' .m-ost eluslvq d18- ago th e CurIes Is'!lated radIum. Curle Ther Ilre Inhoratorles In AmeriC A which they wilt not condone 1n Chrisenaea . . Something or. the sarne spirIt himself. died as an Indirect result of that hold more ot the concetltrated' el" tians: ' We ,are glad that tbls Is true. tbat started the Crusaders or old In the res oll l'chos with that dangerous senoe of death than all the nItro.' Itla a tonlo for certain· saints v;hn their' march . upon .the Sllr~c n . Is elomelli. Th~ . lmmedlate cau ~e or his .glycerln works thai . I\re. scahered might otherwise be .prone to '''wahbie'' found In the breast 'ot the modern In- df'llth wus hili belnl run down In th~ over · the · ounlry,.. There are room!'! thst they a.r e obliged to "provide " stlgator ' at' biltftlng Rna ob cllre s treets"or London, ' but his 'w eakenea In mh ny ,of the' modern Instltut10nll things hQnest' In the'"slght "all m en"-:dlseallel\l, 'The bl~' battleB ot ,th race ,condition 1>eOIl\I"~ ot frlglHCUI ch 8t that mnk ·a speolaltY 'of IllV stlgation especially of "them that are withOut.' . are IIow ~eID" taught out In th o. burnR from radium WDS the c:ontrllS·< \vb re e very teat tube' holda eMuSh' -Ghriat,au ' Advooate_ laboratorIes', and in the worll1's op rat· I;Ung Cli\l ~e ot hll3 _deClluae. 'sullden death to d ec hna_t.i a olty. 111, rooma.. I . Th c "nl!llr~tLve Imm~nlty that tile Tetanus; the ~ert1ls ot blo~:l polson. Modern. LIfe. , , EYer¥ yea.. adds a . Dew m'l utyr tl) r llce no w haR !rom 'many dlseaMs menlngltl~ and c,:ultures (;If dlpblh,rla tmmoraU~ stands· already and su!· the Ij)n« Itst-Ofl medical men ho bave \~es pur Irl\s d In ,sQme Ill'lltances by and th hlack plnglle aro ranged upon ecle~tly condem_oed. , but .• shallow d1ed , tn tbeJr' aearch for the m7Bterlell fho death ot one or mOre Inveatl: the!lh Ives. ' Careful Rcil(!nU ts wbolle U(e JllUst al,() be c.o ntl3mptlble. ' It ~I! tbat ' lie ba~ at the moat·· baffling ' gator,. "YellOW Jack" baa c4!ueil t!l" whitt! !,\prona and rubber-slaved handJl for this that the church mUlt staDd ·dlae. .e~ ¥UF of thea, mart7re live tie tbe ' dreaded W,IDI tba~ It w.. ~ brusl\ ,exUn tlon Ilt, eVel')" meve "Btell hi modern life. If It. ~~2Id ~ Dot crJltpleel'tor ' , . 01 til lr c1~ ' b [ore \ tllo deatb of .'Dr. Walta!, ·Reed. the growth and the ute hlllOr;- of .onl, ,~o•• wbo .are w~ b.ut thoa. "Ple . . . ~:::.~ OODIbnsatl!: :, R~ed lIo1ved the m,itel'J of the .pread thfll' .....al~8. tl1llt tbe race at Iarc' wbo are m;a1l7 ~~ R~S1 Clanoa . . .1 _ or.~., the IfU'nnalh ~ or ,eU,,1I' feyer aD4 died . In p. mly· mat proftt t»F theIr watchJD&'. . ~ter, h~ a&i "'1117,
Her Quallflcath,na. J'at and bls IJtUe brown mare ~ familiar "Ights to the people of the town of Garry. The mare was lean. blllld a nd lame, but b y dint of much coaxing Pat kept her to tho harness. One d ny while leading her to water he had to paBS a corner where a c rowd or wouhl.-be sports had co ngregaled . 'l'hln!l!llg to have some Il mus& me nt at Pat's eXnenBe. one culled out:. "Hullo. th er e. Pat. I'm looking fot" th e r eal goods. How mll h Is that mare of yourR nble to draw?" "I~g ora . " lIalel Pat, "I ca n· t say exactly. but !lhe seems ' to be ahle 'to drawh lhe attens hun of Ivery fool In town ."- The Housekeeller.
CURED ITCHING AND BURNING "I was tak en wIth th e Itc h In April. 1904. and ulJed most everything.
Thi s w\ll st Is a. combInation of plalDness and dresN lu ess. tb e effect d& I·>e ndln g cn ti rely upon th e matel'lal select ed . The yolto Rnd front pll11 el of the wals l ar CUt in on piece, and the mate rial on el be .. si de of t his 18 arranged In small plaits. stltched dow n a coupl e of In c hes only. The bllc k bas a sq uare yoke a cross and the mat e rial plait d below It. Taffetas . combined with e mbl'lJld ered silk. vo lle with all over lace. lI!lovel' embroidery for yoke a nd SOIOQ pl'e tty wash material for the balan ce 9r tucking and th e like with s heer fsb rlcs will be found 'SuItable tor thIs walBt. The paltprn (4930) Is cut In s Izes 32 to 4!l Inches bust measure. Me. (llum :1 17. requires 2 yards of 36 Inch mot ri a l, with 9 ~ yard s or hlserlIon. To procure thlll pn Ilern send 10 l'Anlft lO. "Paltern Depa rtm e nl." or lh l" p"par. 'W rite nnme and addroS8 plllinly. nnd bo sure (0 gl\,e stze and number or pallern. NO. 4930.
SIZE .. . .. .. ........ .
NAME .. .. .. ........... : ................ .. . . TOWN ..... ..... . ........ _...... . ........... .
STREET AND NO .. .......... . .......... . STATE . ... . ............ ...... ...... . . .. . .. ..
hnd a fri end pay m e a visIt froo Cumbe rland . nnd s h advIsed me to 'sse Cutlcurn R o edles which I did. The ~ ure wns c rtalnl), quick. and t use them to thIs day. I bad It te rrlhly unrler m y kn ees _ I only us don e box of pills. but two boxes or Cull. cura Olntm nnl, an d I use t ho CuU· cura Soa p nil the time. 1 hope this ,\'111 b e nefit otherR. as it h 8fi mo. afte r Dr. - - - a nd othe rs could do nothIng Cor me." (Signed) Miss Lu Johnson, 1523 l'in th St.• N. W ., Was hIngton, D . '. A)l rll 3. 1910. In a later letter Miss Johnson adds: "The troubl e began wIth nn eruption und e r my kneelS. and ext end ed up. wards tow a rd my walS4 until I wss not able to sit d ow n. It k e pt a constant Itching and burning all t,b e time, night anli day. 1 wenL to my doctor. but he could do me no good after ( do not know bow many medicInes he gave me, and th en t old me I would be compelled to go to a skin speolal. 1st. which 1 positively rerused to do. I crIed all tho time. Fl11ally I mad. up my mind to try Cutlcura Rem· edles, and tried Cutloura Pills, Oint· ment and Soap, and was enUrel,. cured of th e 'I tchlng three days after ( swted using them. The healing took about eight days. I consIder Cutlcura Remedies marvelous, and would recommend tbem everywhere_" Cutlcura Remedies are sold througbout the world. Send to Potter Drus a: Chem. Corp., Doston, for free "book on skin afflIctions. • Who She Was. "Wellt laugbed Squlggle8. "some men never know when they are snubbed! That lady you just spoke to was about as dis tant as they m.ake 'em In her greeting," "Well, why shouldn't sbe be?" r& torted Jabbers. "She's a distant reI., tlve or mine." "By marrIage?" "No- by dIvorce. She gol rId of m. at Slollx Falls back In 1898.'·-H~ per's Weekly. .~ ASK FOR ALLEN'S lI'OOT'l!:AeB
tbe ADu.epUo p,n,de. t.o .... k.lnto roar.lIoM.
Uen. (lorna. Buolons. In.",wl"8 Nail•• SwoU.n ""4 S" ..l.In. f .."t. Bllate", Ind Oalloa. lpota. Iold
...".,..bere.26a. lJon ·tacuplanlllNbtlCtul •. 8....... el. FU.a. .Addr".. .Allen 8. 01....1ed, Leo Bar. 21.1:
The Way or It. Knioker- How does marriage affect accomplishments! Bocker- A girl drops her music and a man takes up his smokil1g.
The, herb Inxl\ti'·e. Q,ufield Tea. prompt~ O\'ercomes co nstipa tion. biliousneu" Ilok-headnche nnd in8ur~ bettcr health.
Many a tellow who falls Into a fof' This slUart sltlrt . Is one whIch will be found useful tor heavier summer fab. tune goes right through It. rl cs. such as Ilnen, denim. galatea and khaki, Ilnd also for serge, chevIot and the like. The skirt has nIne gores. The .front forms a plaIn panel. extendJng from belt to hem. The hack may be made In habIt style or with a reveraed plait In the usual way. At the lower edge. except across the tront. there Is a hand. whIch Is divided In two. tho forward halt overlapping the backward one. Pluln saUn or very wide braid Is o("ten used for these bands. llod a contrasting color Is more e ffective tho'll the same shade as the dros8. The pllttern (5419) Is cut In sizes 22 to 30 In c hes wa.l st mensure. Medium Finally by Lydia E. Pink~ size requires 5 yards of 36 Inch goods. bam's' Vegetable Compound. To procure thlft pattern !end lD renla to "Patt ern Department." ot lhl.. paper. Erie. Fa. - " I srulfe:recl.f()r five yean Write name and addre88 plainly. and be at last was sure 10 gIve size and number ot pattera. from femnle helpless. I three doc. did NO. 5419. SIZE ... .... . . . ..... . 80 my NAME . ....... _.... _.... __ . ........ . .... .. . me to
TOWN . . .... ................................ . STREET AND NO .. ... _..... .. .. .... . .. .. STATE .... . ... . . .. _.... . ......... ... ....... ..
Wine and Women in Antlpodel. South Auslralia Is Bulferlng tram n hnrmsld fllmlne. Two year! ago barma.lds were abolished In that state by ne t or parliament. " No more could be legally e ngaged, but those alre ady em· ployed ould remain on condition that ' t hey registered themselves. '{here are now only 400 ot them lett. and the ompetltlon for their servl cea Is auoh ~hat the ir wages have jumped from l!!ls. to £3 Il week. The hotel A that have had to e.mp.l oy barmen report 1\ consIderable changfl for the Worse In t heir receipts .. Win and women are stili linked eVI'I1\ at the antlpodes.London Chronicle.
Vegetable Compound, and when I hud taken only two bottles I could sea a big change so 1 took six bottles and I am .....~__'=--=-~~now strong and well I know how to expr"83 my thanks for tho good it has done me And I hope all suffering women will rive LydIa E. Pinkham's V€lgetablo Compound a trial. It was worth its weight in gold. "-:M:rs. J. P. E.N1>LlCB, R. F. D.. No.7, ErIe, Pa. LydIa E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. made from native roots and borbs. contains no narootic or harm. ful drugs. and to-day holds the record for the l:I.rgeBt number of actual CUres of female diseases we ~no\v of, and thousands of voluntary testimonials af\) on file In the Pinkham laboratory at Lynn, Mass., f:rom women who 'have been cured from nlmost evel'Y form fcm~le complaints, suc h 8S intlamIila_.Uon, ulccilltion, d~spllJ.(:cment$, fibrOId tumors, irregnhmties, periodIo pain 1,,' llaOkache, indigestioll and netvon. prostration. EverY 811Jrering womau' owes it to herself to gi vo Lydia E. Pin1f,. hl\m's ~egetable ComllOund_B trial.
The' New School. "I don't, like the way 'P lnero-Jon e's hilS ollslructed his I"test play, "The In'fluen(\e In the Ether." "W~t·s . wrOng wUh It?" l'f you want special advice write "Why. he's J.Pven th l)est elllg.rama Mrs.Pln,kbam, 'Jynn.Maas~ for It. to t.he actor who pla.ya the man wbo It la boee·~nd.hvAP belp!"" ':ames atler the garbage.'"
How RumoN S.t art. "What's thls' about sewing )'ou,r uno fortun .. te wives Up In lIacles'" "Notblng to It," replle4 empb"UoaJl,. ." cUd ,et the 'em.Ullall, IOIlI bobble .1drt....
FUlHERS ~.:rrClC!a'e:~;:.'IJ.':.~::'P:rq~i lHIdt~e.lllO!lll' "rll4l all dlrec,- If ,v..... ~';!:.r;a'~ 18;-rL.1f :"N>:u'tUS1:......4 ~ _.-:di. tlar ",,,,,,,rtor ...<111 I>f f.luu." Jlllt Ih. '11 . 1U.'l'
Ladies' Oxfords ':.5 and S3.00 Oxfords .. . ...... ... $2.49 $2.5 xfo l' d~ ......... .. ............... . $1.98 $2. 0 xfon.ls ........................... $1 .49
4.0() and $:'l.!)U I{ .val I :Iuc and
Armada:;;, on ly ........... .... ... . $2.98 $3 50 and $3.00 Argo and ~ign ,ts $2.49 p cial J)riccs n M n's Dress • hoes.
New !!tyles in Patent. Gu n Met· ai, Vici and Velvet .
Lice . Exterminator
Saturday we will place on sal _00 in Lawn , Rlist, India Lin· 011. P 'rcale, . 'alt'lI, .inghaI11 . 'falll il Cloth . tc .. at . A 'rifice Damask prices. 'Come and g t first choic .
Men's Gem Brand of Shirts and Overalls flOc M n's Dress and Work hit·ts ... 43c $1.00 Dt'e,' hi r ts.... .. ....... .. ...... 79c Odd lot Men 's hnts. $1.50 anci $2.00 ki nd .. .. ........ .. .... .. .... .. ... 9 c
Lice are eating your Chiclrens. Hens will not lay while lice are sucking their blood. See our .new Lice Exterminator; saves..seventy-ftve per cent of your Lice Powder and gets every louse. Also onkey's and Pralt's Remedies of d.ll kinds, Poultry Feed and Supplies.
For Satu'r day Home-grown Strawberries. Goose-
berries, Cherries, Pinc!apples, Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, Tomatoes, New Potatoes, New Beans, Cucumbers,
John Petet'Son shipped a carload of hogs to Dayton last week. They avera~ed 215 pounds, and were ' a fine bunch.
___. .
Harveysburg. Shermao Ellis, of Blanohester, called on acquaintllnoes here Hun day. Mrs. Ruth Murray ocoupled the . pulpit at the Il'riend8 ohuroh' !::innday , 'I he A. M; E·, baptizing tookplaoe io C •.esars Creek Sunday. The ZtOB Baptist hoJd their baptlzlng Sunday, June 11th. . Onr ooun~n meUnregu}llf 8es~ion Mond~y night. .Blds were reoelved for stone to be di8tributed along Main st.reet, We' will soon have 'better streets. . -=~~~~~~~~~~~=~
;:: j
.llennsylvania ----........LINES...· ~..... EXCURSION TO
Springfield, SSe or'
Columbus, $1. • 40 NEXT
Train leaves Waynesville, 8 :48 a.m.
-- -
Estate ot E. ' R, Colvin, doceu.sed.
Axle Grease
uolnn. -
Nicely primed-the whale bone kind.
elel'llignell has been appointed and quallt\oel lUI adlnluW~r"tl'l:l of tile ost·ate of E. B Col· v in late ot Warren CoWlty, Ohlobdooeued. Dated ~bJ8 29th !lay or ~raYI A. :l. 1911.
Notice of Appointment Estate ot
Bank8 Dak1n
docollSCld. The WI- I an,1 rluallfledu admlrustratrlx with th., will t.nnoxed ot the O'i~ate ot BuukllDakI.u, late ot Warren Couuty, bJo, docoll8Od . I Duted this ~.th day ot i\(t.y. A, D. 191L . Mt.nle lloblnson, Adllun1stratrfx.
mornin~ MiB~ Ruthe
at borne.
Kersey !!pent Sunday
Mrs. Walter WEljer visited reJI1-
~i ve!' in Dayton Saturday apt! ~un.
We have that Best-The TROY You c:tn't afford to tnke chnnces on a farm '\'\o'3gon-:lnd you don't hnve to. Lot us tnlk TROY to you. 'We cnn shQ\v you thnt It Is different-where and why a TROY is the chealJest wagon on the market for you. I Get the most you enn lor yonr mon ey-long, certnln service; no break·downs; no repairs. The TROY 1s always ready to Wtch t<>:--«lways dcpendnble. And whct} it Is hilched to, it runs lighter B.nd carries more than any other make of the same size.
. I will sell at Public Sale on my farm located X mile north of the Waynes. ville & Dayton Pik~, 2Ys miles northwest of Waynesville, and I X miles east of l~er.ry en Saturday, June 10, 1911 Beginning at ' 10 o'clock a. m. , my entire farming outfit as foil ows: Ei2'ht hors~-I. sorrel horse, a good worker; 1 gray horse, a good worker apd family horse; 1 brood mare, with colt by side;. 1 sorrel horse, 3 years old, also broke; 1 gray mare, 2 years old, sired by Clay Burns; 1 y.earling colt sired by Renier; 1 fame ilv pony, 8 years old and a good one. Cattle-1.Jet'8ey cow, 6 years olu, giving milk. 2 grade cows, 5 yrs old, . . ml'lk ,WI'II be f resh'm Sep t em· gIvmg ber; 1 Jersey Heifer, extra fine, will be fresh in October; 1 Jet'Sey calf. Hogs-4 Jersey Red Sows; 26 head of pigg, weight about ' 50 pounds. .... "1 M'l .I mpI emen"",1 wau k ee b'10d er, 1 McCormick mower, 1 spring-tooth hay rake, 1 new Oliver Riding Breakbig Plow, 1 Union Victor corn planter, nearly new; 1 Krause cultivator, 2 Oliver steel walking plows, Iset of hay ladders, 1 Buckeye wheat drill, 1 Rollman tobacco setter, 1 disc harrow, 1 spike-tooth harrow, 1 garden plow, 1 farm wagon, 1 buggy, 1 cart. 8 0 b . k h f k 00 t& acco .sbc s, ay or ,rope and pulleys, I Legget tobacco sprayer work harness, lines, llridles, halters, etc.', double arid single trees, shovels. hoes, spades, 1 incubator, 200-egg size, }. brooder, an'd many other arti-' cles. Household goods- 1 De Laval
For Sale by
. '. -:.Wayne8yl~lef Ohio. ,. {
Olassifled 'A ds
We fit your old c!aStings to them; alRo shear your old ones to cut like new·
Ads will be In8er ted unell r ~hl s head tor twen ly·llvo ce n Ui for three Insertion • when usi ng not more lhan live line .
ToblOOO Plllnt·s: Inof Albert. Belpmyer, 'lat F.1rk Sobool Hou8e.
Sp quire R.
D. a,
With cross and heel braces. We didn't steal 'em, but we bought 'em
URE Jeney Sweet Potll.to pi/LOtI', D. H. BookeU; phon~ 65.I X , Waynesville, Ohio,
Qalph G. Miller.
pAPER NAPKIN'S:-The Gllzette offioe hllndl~l4 tbe plato white a.nd colored nap1l1ns. Call .a nd lIee them, '. ....____________~... Tl~RUE PAPER...,.U you ¥obn' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Q.~y color of fine tisaue plLper, 01\11 at the (in,zette offioe. We r..'IVP DR. J. MILLER, it on band aU the • Lime.
~::::::::::::::::;::::~;;;; •
Are You Looldog for a PooK:ilUon?
... DENTIST..• Ol1lce In .
National BIUlk BI!lg.
Waynesville, 0
We can 'offer _you good Paying Employment .that you will enjoy and at home. Write to-day
, d ay, • I Mr. Adolphus Oha·se aud family, • Add"., of XI::mla, spent Deooration Day with uewis Rllper and fomily. \ TIle BaHeriek PobUsblng Co. John Ed w(Lrds, of Cen.terville, wi 11 ' Butterlck Building. New York, N. Y. move into the property of his mother's on North Mllio strtlet 800n. Mr. and Mrs , Walter Smith, of cream separator, nearly new: I-PenBelmont. war'e gue8ti! of Mr. and insular range, 'good as new,l bed Mrs . J R . Whitaore last ~undIlY . lonnge, extension table, chairs, ('arMrs ~' Joe Doughe'r ty i8 entertah~ pets, apd many other articles too .nul.. Ing her si8ter from i{ent,ooky for merous to mention: Tenns-$5.00 and under, c~h, a few days. . . Mr Edward Strain,and son Iemp, over.$lk()() a credit of J2 months will approved ·security· . . 4. of Dayton, are visltiag Mr, and Mr8. be aiven Steele Kemp and familv lIouth of o' town. ' . per cent off for cash. The Ohildren's exeroises ' whioh Harry O. Corne.ll. were held a~ the M.. E. ohnroh J~ilt C. T. Hawke, Auct. Sunday eveDing were'ver:y good a'ld E. El.• Keever, Clerk. . .~ la.rge orowd torned ~ut. '. • . ' "! _ ......;..---'-" Boro M.r , l\od ~lre . ~teele Kemp ~A Oreadlul Wound . 110 flne dau~hter. · , . .~ro.D) ~ k~ire. , gun;' ,' tin .oan, r~ty Elmer Conoer, wife and baby, of nail fireworks . or of' any o$her na.:. ' Dayton "isUea hi8 parents la8t ture: de~~d~ · Ptompt treatment. Tuesday. . with Bqokleo's Anto": t5a}.ve to pre. ,.• oi_ _ _..J Mr and Mr8: Chas. Brels(ord en· vent hI.od·poison or gangrene: Us t,ertained Mrs, ~ D. Barnees and the qulokeet, 8ur~t hel\ler for all ' children }IlstTILureday She returned auoh wouodl 88 allo : for Born8: boine on Friday, whIle Dor9~hy and Bon~ Sorel. Skin ErDl?tloDl, Ecse. Eloyd remaln~. for" few weeka vil-ma, \Jbapped Banda. Oorlie or PUes.
Suliicribe for the Miami Gazette
. JlJvcst:!gate lbes.c statements. Don't buy UII you hriv~ I;rone over the TROY pi 'IX' by J)icce. pa.rt by part. Materials, design, . coDslruction-cxnmine the~ all. You enn trust your own lacts. Drop'in any' ~m~j{ w.e enD't show .you, buy sOme other WXlgOn..
Tile un-
Notice of Appointment
Public Sale -
Oar town has bean well repre sented. at the trial of the salt of W. E t:;wartz against: the P . C. C. & st. L . Railway Company, at Leba· non. the past week, Mr. and Mrs . •1. K . Spano~r:and Miss Edna., and M.r . and Mrll. Za.in Armitage attended the Loebanon High Sohool Commenoement 'I'hurs· day night. Miss Corrlnne 8pe~oer wali one of the ~rlLduates. On his ViAit to Oregonia last week, Wall Myers, of Westboro, WRS he"rt i1y oongr&tllJated on l1il marriage ta Miss Nelle Bernice Moon, of that oity. Mias Mabel Sherwood is home 'ro~ MiamlEborg for her sommer vaoatlon. . Mr. and Mrs. George Mote and 110011, of Columbus, were tlle ~onday guestl of Mr. and Mrs. R : B. Em· moos. The Sherwood family entertained at a family dinner Sqnday. Mrs. Samuel Hoffman and Mr. Allen Halfman, of· Lebanon, w:ere among the goests. Millll Edna Bpencer attended the Alumni Banqllet of the Lebanon High Sohool at J.p...... U. A;. M. hAll at Leban.9Jl,~··-FridIlY evening. Try Maple Nut Sundae, 5c, at The -q. B. Sunday Sohool wlll obSchwartz's. . serve Children's Day next ~unday
I t~ 14Rubber Tlres$14
dorslgued hIlS boon III)llOlutod
Pro f. E L. Batton, of Blanohes. ter, olllled of his parents, Dr. Bn~ Mrs. Geo. Hatton. Harley Poore, of Dayton, is here with his two ohildren Ilnd futher, Hiram Poore . . J 08 DaVIS, E 1 ~hldaker, P . J. Reason Ralph Foley and Chas. nor· don of Dayton, Sundayed . in thl8 violnity. · Rev . .Ering~r occupied the Plllpit ~t the M. E. ohuroh ~ond~y, . Mary Leviey apent Sunday the gnest of relatives in Butlerville, . . Mrs. Rettle Tuoker, Wife of Thos. Tooker w~s taken to II. Oolumbol;! for an operatIon, Tuesday and died Frl day nigl\t. 'rhe funeral wall held from the MethodiRt ohurJh in Har. veysburg Monday at 2 p. m .• leav· ing a hU8band and daughter Lessle to mourn her dellart~re . rrhey have the sympa thy pf ,this oomlljlu. nity. Levy BaHoo, of Li,nooln nL, Is visiting his siater Mrs .· B. L. Dakln. Mtl ton Howe, of the firm of Lev. icy & Howe, traDsllo'ed busine£ls In Oinoinno.f.i Wednesday. Mllny from here wiil attend the Sto.lieSundll.Y Soho Jl Convention in Dayto n thi s weok. · .
This section.is having .fine rains at pTesent. Sunday evenmg the two rain8 did a great deal of good, ale I thouJth wheat is down in 80rne parts.
Harness Oil,
--- -
BannaI M.
Walter J. Kilbon
Cood to Eat.
It pays to trade at
Waynesvill e Grange met Saturday afternoon but owing to the extreme hot weather, but few attended. Routine business was about all that was done.
The best made. Get our prices before buying. Special prices in large quantities.
Fairbanks Soaps We will hav e a man call on you this Neek and lell you about their soaps, Gold Dust, P?lly Prim, Sunny Monday & Falry. You can buy this weeK at wholesale prices. It will be a good time to lay in a good supply of Soaps and Washing Powders.
Paris Green
Special Sale. this week of
A union picnic of all th.e Sunday· I schools in WaynesvilJe will be held at ' Cross' grove soutlt of town on Thursday, June 15th. Arran2'ements are not fully completed, but more will be said in next week's issue.
Fancy Evap. Apricots. pel' Ib ...... I 5c Fancy Evap. Peaches, per Ib ... ... " llc Fancy Canned Peache.'1. per can ... 18c Good Lemon Clings, pel' can .. .... 14c Good Yellow Free Peaches, a can 12X c Waynesville C01'll, 2 cans ............ 15c Waynesvill e Tomatoes, 3 cans ..... 25c Choice Pells. 3 cans .. ·..... .. .......... 25c Fancy Peas, per can .. .. ........... ;. 10c Fancy Head Rice, 3X Ibs ......... 25c Kettle rendered Lard, guaranteed pure, per lb ...... ......... llc Fancv little Picnic Shoulders, per Ib .. .. ....... ... ...... ........... ...... 12c
Binder Twine
, Just received 2 huls . Whit.e ey Cakes, 8 fo r 5c.
Children's White Canvas Oxfords, half price.
UNDERWEAR- M n's and Women's in 2-piece or union suits at Special . Prices.
Just received an uther s hipment of that Good Mild Cheese.
The Stockholders of The Citizens Bank of Waynesville, 0., will meet at. their Bankinghouse on Tu esday, ,june 27, 1911, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of ratifyinl" a sale of their business to t he Waynesville National Bank.
RI:'1l1l1Ant R
• Everythlne.
Children's Oxfords at cut prices.
Sale of Men's, Women's and .Children's Oxfords
'Men's Oxfords
Tho township s('hool- board m t M ndayev ning and ·eleel ·d MI'. 11'. ,\ Home-Orown • trawberrles . ilmour, of Morrow , sUP .•rin . t ndeu t of the Wayne Town hip "'rash evel''y day. sehools. Mr. Gilmour comes highly I r commend d, nnd is a vC'l"y pleasant ' Fancy Pine Apples. J umbo Hununa!l. g ntleman to meet. 'l'hin n ind Lemons , weel Florida Orang s.
~!'* all 'drugt_..
~~~~~._ _~._ _• •
e: SJX'l'Y_ioI!j: UND YEAR. .---..-....-.~-..-
' - " " ' - ' ' ' - - ''' - ' ' ' - ' f
I F~rmer Citizens t
T N~
14, 1911.
------------+------------r Personal Mention Here and There 1
_ _I
LE.N U MBE1t 1)11
.: Social.. -Events ..
I The infant child of Mr. and 1\11 rs For the fourth time in its history., ~~~ ~..-.~ .--~~..-..--~-.-..-..thf' Wayne Township Farmers' Club Hagemyet'. of near Flat Fork. di d ..........-.- .-. Born to Mr. and MrS. Frank enjoyed a very pleasant meeting at Sunday even ing aft r a short illr less. Try a Chocola te Dope at Schwartz's Messrs. Harold and 'Dean Howell Today i Flag Day. Woolley. of Dayton. May 31st, a son . the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. - it's fine.. The funeral was held Tuesday morn- and LCIU Printz w e r gu ests of Mr~ . . Try 8 Maple Nut Sundae at ing at 9 o'clock at the hou ~ . Inter· ,J. D. Mat'latt and dau g hl· r, Miss Deardoff. Eleven members responded to the roll call, and after the read- . Mr. and Mrs. Walter ~Izey were Schwartz's. ment in Sp ringfield hurch bUI'ying- Jessie. at dinn er Sunday. 'Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Anderson, ing of the minutes of the May meet- in Xenia Fdday. grounds. Little Elsie Gustin is quite ill witb who spent the winter in Oklahoma, ing the annual election - of officers ar) Hawke was a' Dayton visitor typhoid fever. Mr. and Mr:;. F'r d Henderson and have returned to their home in Hul- wa.'1 held. A motion was made and J. F. G. Bell , aged 74 years, died ton. Kan. in Hal'veysburg at his home Sunday chi ldnm wer e g u 51.! of Mr. and MI'!l carried to set aside the rules and re- Saturday and Sund ay , Mr. and Mrs. J . W. White were even ing. Mr. Bell wa an old resi· U. M. Whil at supper last l"riday elect the present officers. After Jesse Thomas was a Columbus vjsDayton visitors last week. dent of Harveysburg',. having th~ evening . The afl'air was in honor of Cards were received here bv many quite a good deal of disCussion this itor Satu rday and Sunday. B T I'M d M W I friends of Harry Dodson. of KnIghts- wa$ dohe. 1'. an rs. " a ter respect of his fdenns. The funeral Mr. Whi te's birthday. orr.- 0 The program opened with a piano town. Ind " announcing his marriage Messrs. N. L. Bunnell and Dr. J Smith, Monday, June 12th, a daugh- took place Tuesday at 1 0 'clock from the house, burial being made .in to Miss Minnie Elizabeth Wink, on solo by Miss Anna May Deardoff, W. MilI,er were in Dayton Thursday. tel'. Mr. and Mrs. · L. S. Rhoades an.d Xenia . June 27. 1911. followed by the current events for daughter, Mr. and Mrs. 1". B, Henthe month, prepared by Mrs. Clagett If you are fond of Choc late try a Albert McKay, of Dayton, was the Mies Mary Bradford, aged 84 , derson and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. and read by Miss Blanche Riley. as Chocolate Dope at Schwart'~'s-il:s guest of '1. J . Brown and daughters a lifelong resident of Montgomery D L. Crane and son were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Caskey, of the Mrs. Clagett was unable to be pres- fine. Sunrlay. · county, died at her home north of Mr . and Mrs. J. H. Coleman at sup~banon Children's Home, are in ent.. The question for disCllssion C. M. Robitzer' witnessed the Mrs. J ohn Fromm and daulrher, of Centerville, Ohio, Monday morning. per Sunday evelling . Boston. attending the National Con- was "Corn Culture." 'Elias Oglesvention of A~9ciated Charities as- bee and Chas. Cornell opened the dis- big Sunday-school parade in Dayton Dayton, are the g uests of Mr. and at 9 o'clock. The funeral will be Mrs. J. C. Hawke. held today at 10 o'clock at her late Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Rhoades were sembled there. Thev will be gone cussion. They a·£reed that the most last week. residence and burial will be made in entertained at dinner Sunday by MI'. about ten days, and are having important things in the culture of Miss Anna · Vandet'voort attentied Miss Maria Stout attended the , the cemetery at Centerville. a ' fine time. and Mrs. Robert Cross. On Monday corn is, the selection of good seed , the Sunday-school convention in Dl\Y- MacDonald-Tucker wedding in Har- I . they were guests, at dinner of Mr. getting ground in good order beton last week. v~ysburg I~t week. ' \ Mis:> Emma McKa.y ~ip.d . Mondav and Mrs. Fred Sch~artz. and at supcorn . d h ere recen tl y fore planting.. and plowing . Wor d was receIve M~ssrs. Benj. Mills and A . B. Dr. <irid Mrs. C. W. He.nderson morning at 12:20 0 clock Her per. of Mr and Mrs. Richard Crpss three or four times. Mr. Riley, Mr. f rom Mrs. Asa Ch an dl er. 0 f Kansas C . h d DEli' . . d' th Chandler '.'... ere in Lebanon Wednes- and son, George, were in Lebanon ?eath wasdu~ to apoplexy. S~e had C'tyM t th ff tth th ' d ar.twflg t.an r. ISJome In e 0., 0 e e . ec a er gran - discussion also. I day afternoon. . Tuesday aHerMon. attended servlc\ Sunday !"~rm.ng as Mrs. F. O. Schwartz entertained a Th e Ias t on th e prOA'ram was • son, George Chandler, son- of Mr. usual' and had been out rHJing m the few friends last Friday afternoon in d d d an Mrs. C. A. Chan ler. who ha . I b Ed'th C Aft Wynne Keever, of Centerville, is Walter McClure spent Sunday the evening. She went to bP.d appparbeen run ' down by an auto, and re o a ,.llano so 0 y l o rane; er honor bf Mrs. ·L S. Rhoades Flinch. the g uest of his cousins, Alfred and guest of his father, Mr. James ently as w~n as usual. ' . . ed a crushed h"IP an d 0oth er tn. a fow remarks by :Rev. ·I\.e$tle, of was the chief · div~rsion and delicious cetV •. d Elliott Wright. . ,' McClure at Bellbrook. Miss McKay was well known In this . . " dh Lebanon, the meetmg adJourne . •_ • • JUries, was recover~ng an opes . ' community and bel' many friend!;! refreshment.'I were served. The were efttert;ained for his ultil'1late LODGe DECORATION Misses Anna and Hannah Kell ey Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Bough. of were shoc\(ed to hear of her sudden guestR were Mesdames Robert'Cross, Walter McClure, J . W. White, Frank recovery. spent several days last weele with ' Lebanon, atten9,ed the Century Club death'. rec tion Thursday evening. The funeral will take place at her Carey Will Phillips and L. S. Rboades. - The following program nas been friends in Lebanon. Lester S. Ivins, of ' Lebanon, will 'arranged for the Lodge decoratiQn . . late home thi (Wednesday) afterhave charge of agricultural instruc- Sunday: . Mr.. and Mrs C~,as. Ryew re week- . Dr. an,) Mrs. Keever. of Center- noon at 3 o·clock. Rev. J F. CadwalMr. and Mrs. Harry Cornell enter. , t t ' .' . ' n th The dl'"erent lodges W) ' II meet at end guests of Mr. and Mrs. L u Ville, were guests of Dr. and Mrd. lader officl·atl·ng. . bon 10 twen y- wo coun ..les m~ou JL • [tained at.. an elegant Jinner. Sun d8.]' . t' b II t 130 Stibbs, of near Lebanon. A. T. Wright last Tbursday. western Ohio, ~ncludina' Hamilton th elr ~es~c Ive a s a : p. m.. ~I the following ' guests: -Mr. and Mrs . . county. He was appointed by State and wIll march to the cemetery as dh Ray Ha'''ke, of Dayton, spent Mr. john. COI.l1ford died at bis Chas. Cornell, Miss. Luella .Cornell, Mrs. Edith Harris returne orne n h C If Th d M d M F k Sq nd School CommiBBioner Frank W. Mil- .follows: . Cadet band, Crown lodge. 'Ier, Dayton, Friday, We congratu K. P., J. O . U. A. M. Council, last week after a pleasant visit with Sunday with his pa\'ents , here and ome .on al or~ta street.- urs ay r. an rs. ran uues a CI relatives in Morrow cOlmLy. with friends in Harveysburg. afternoon, at 20 clock. from a com- daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson ) I 0 • 0 • r. late MI'. Ivins on his good luck, as he WyomiDB'.I0 d ge,. pl;cation of diseases, from which he ' Mason, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Graham, is a hard worker at anything he unAt the mound at 3 p. m, the Qro· Rev. L . O. _'.{'hoTJ1P~on was in 1\t~ rm you know Mrs. Barger is sell- had been Buffering for a long time. Mr. and MTS. Will Cornell and family dert&kes, ~\td ~i118urelyrnake aaUc· gram as~ranged witl be given: tendance at the Sunday-school Con- ing Millinery at cOst? Please tell Mr. Com!ord was a native of Ire- and ·Mr. Henry Prater. ' CeM of this undertaking. Master of Cer.e monies .. James Mullen ventioit in. Dayton l~l week. yoqr friends and come yourself. land nnd camp. to this country when __ • - • ' ......... ......... ......... B ~n d Music ......... young. He was 7 years of age at M' D H k t tai d McDONALD.- TUCKER Ihvocation ... Rev. J. F. Cadwallader Mrs. Hannah Colvin and daughter, Mr. Donald Allen, of Cincinnati, the time of his death. He was a res. ISS on~a. aw e ~n er ne . Q tet Miss Pear' attended decoration ser was the guest of his uncle Mr 'II' 'd t f th o 't f 20 ' ·Frlday evemng 10 honnr of her house -. A very pretty weddIng took,. place Mulosl.c·.·.·.·.·.·.·.•.·.·.•.·.·.·.•.·.·.·.·M .. ·i~·s - H. Allen, several day!! last , . . ing I enher~ 0 IS CIWaynesville. Y or years.Hemov-i 1Ienrl. " .. L"u"c"y' Euarrtrley' vices in Spring Valley Sunday. week. from was guests. M'.Isses Ed'Ith Mosh er, ta 10 HarveYllbu:r~ Thursday ev.}nmg at Address ......... Hon. Frank Anderson , employed by the Hooven & Allison Teth Mc~msey andI Stella, Lemmo? the home of MlSS Eva L. Tucker the M . B d Mo:oris Gustin, of California, was Leave your orders for Bl'ick Ice C f . 16 e evenmg was peasant y spent 10 contracting parties being Mr. Milton , us~c ................................Q... an the guest of his nephew. Harvey Cream at Schwartz'l'!. 0., 01 year~. h h'ld playing "500" _ The invited guests · E T ~II MUSIC ........................., ...... , uartet He leaves a Wife and tree c I ren M' L 11 Co II J . MacDonald an d MISS va u~er. B ed' t' ' Gusti,n several days last week. Th M 0 l'idd d D . I were ISSes \le a rne, essIe ' . ' en IC Ion omas, 1'8. ra ,an ante, M' I tt K th . Al d M' The beautiful rtng ceremony was Mr and Mrs W HAllen Mr f th O 't TI fl' ar a , a erme exan er, ar After the proiram the graves of Mrs. F. H. Farr and Miss E v a ' . • . . 0 IS CI y. le un-era servIces h O'N 11 M Ed ' dR' k was tiseo, Rev. A. K. 'Sa rgent, Donald Allen and Miss Georgia Hadh Id S t d . t 8 t a ea, esstS. war IC s, ' ) ed the deceased brothers will be decorDavis attended the Sunday-school . were e a Ilr ay mormng a H Id H II W K D ad ' den were in Lebanon last . Friday af- (\'clock at St. Brigid's church, and ~ro owe , . larren d eYRs, Ird' officiatinsr. Miss HeIen H arrl8 p ay the wedding m.a rch, and during the at . Convention in Dayton, Wednesday,. ternoon th b . r d t W '11 Miller, Ralph Mil er an ona ceremony Mias Winona M~ Donald AI) persons having flowers are re. e urla was rna .. a aynesvi e. Sawke' sister of the groom sang two solos. quested to send them to the lodge Leave your orders ' for' Brick Ice Mr. and Mrs. Barton Kelly. of -Xenia Gazette: _ • . Frank MacDonald, cousin of th~ for which they ~r~tended.. Cream at Schwartz's. Cihcinnati. spent Saturday and SunFLOWER MISSION DAY On June 9th, from 2 to 6 p. mo', at. groom; also sang a solo. EASTERN STAR' INSPECTION Q'l I b fF d da~ with relatives here and at Har__ the beautiful country home of Miss 'f \1 d UI e a arge num ellO erryan v'e sbu w·mnt'fr'ed Mered'th as . en a Th·eliousewas '--.....utt u y ecora~ Lytle residents attended the Sunday- , y rg. The W. C. T. U. n.et June 9th at I ,w glv ed With pot flowers. and the couple . h Who B' k M . H 't "miscellaMous shower" in honorof 's tood beneath a bo"'er 'of dal'81'es The annual ' in8p~tion of Waynes- school .convention in D.ayton last Mr. Stanl~y Jordan and Miss Bes- t ~ Ite ric. . eetmg , ouse I lit· Ad S k b'd lect of Mr ,. ville Chapter, Eastern Star, No 107, week. ' sie MitcheJl, o'r'the Lebanon Univer- belng.Flower MISSIO~ Day. D~~s l<'~rn:~' Th:lh:~~e was beau: -during th, e ceremony. . topk nla'ce Monday evening at the 't S d f Besides the members ther.e were I. h d I;" Sl y, were un ay guests 0 Mr. and . . . tifully decorated with'pink and white . Mrs Mamie Cumrriings and son Mrs CAB several VISitors present. .~ . At 9~ c IOCIL t e com,pany ~t o~n Masonic Temple. MrS. Helen Kerto an elegantly appomted weddtng mode, Depu't y Grand Matron, of drove down Friday from Xenia. and '" runeI'. The Janney sisters and Helen Mar- roses At 4 o'clock Miss Meredith, . spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. I tt f d 'th d the assisted by her mother and Mrs. J. suppElr. Abou. t 125 gUe&ts were .pres-. Morrow, was inspectress. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hergan and a avore us WI songs an y T. Ellis served delightful refreshd h b ent,. many emg t ere trom a IS, There was one candl'date I·nl·tl'ated . Ed MaI'Y. b b f D . M and Grace Williamson lent valuable . ay 0 etrOit ich were the tance . The happy couple receive d The work w'as lll' ghly 'com'p limented ' ,., r aid in makinO' and distributing bo- ments consisting of ice cream and . D ean guests mother, Mrs. Julia quets to the " ' .InS and those who tmo kOI' n~s of cake. Miss Snook ramany handsome and usef 01 presents. by all present: Megsrs. R aymon d DaVIs. Bergan.of hsthis week. shut n • - • After inspection, a delightful Howell and Lou Printz were in Daycould not get out much. ceived any beautiful and useful CLUB RECEPTION 4-course luncheon was served, Mr. ton Friday and attended Miss . SouMisses Clara Hawke Mal'y arid Besides the ~inging Mrs. Silvers presents. ~t. 5 o'~lock the guests A,. "'as toastmast"".r and ders' piano recital. T S I' b L.' C read an excellent article Mrs departed wlshrng MISS Snook a' hap'" ... lft'one a IS ury, uCile ornell, . . d' . d I'f Th Mrs ' C. A. Brun ~ w . h The p 1e~ t h ome 0 f, M 1'. and , d . Anna Cadwallader read an articl p.\ py an prosperous marrle I e. . e J. A_ li'unkey was . the ' scene of several ~ ood speec es were rna e. Mrs. Eugene Foster. Dr. and Mrs. Emma Hawke and Mr: Russell SaIrs- "L' ht ' d Sh d of W C T invited g uests were Misses Ada . 1 In . S · s lln f a .owst 0 • . • \'isitorl:l from Morrow and Har- Roy Sheppard. an d M'ISS'E vans, 0 f bu l' y a tte n d ed a socia a very enl'oyable function last Th urs· prmg U 19 'tt .• f ho Snook Sara Irene Cecilia and Eves b e e present 'V II S d ' . glvmg a ew inS ances 0 ' " , day evening. the occasion being the veys Ul'g w r . . Glendale, were the auto guests of a ey atur ayevenmg. h" l' f t-h . I d . I d how d Snook of.South Lebanon' Irene and ' • • .. ' d . ' t elves 0 e SIC {an Crtpp e a ' . . ' . Try a Chocolate Dope at Schwartz's relatIVes here Sun ay. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Rhoades and been brightened by the gift of a few Ruth Moss, o~ M~mevIII:; Pearl Hill, annual'reception of the New Cen t ury 'Club. An exceilent program was ' . d h K "h" fi t of Mason ' Mrnme McKinsey, Leba s~'o, -it's fine. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bruner arrived aug tel', at erme left Monday owers e c, G ' R II f D to· Ell rendered, as foll 'ows.· PI'uno .. 'I , - -• " . f th' h . N M R tl J d "The Lady non'' race ose.. 0 ay n, I en Lb ' here Thursday mormng. after ateventn&, or ell' new orne 10 orrs. u I anney rea f h e en Mrs. C. A. Housr ,. 0 e anon, 810 MASONIC PICNIC Itending the Blair.Brandon nuptials wood. Their many Iriends here wish of the Flower Mission," a true inci- Sherwood, Ruth Zlmmerma~, HEd paper, "Our Trip to Cuba," Mrs b Wed d .. them prosperit iii their new home dent Stokes, Eva an,d Mary DaVIS, na J. W. Ward; vocal solo, Mrs, L. , S. The big Masonic picnic willbebeld at L~ anon nes ayeverung. . . Y , " .-Satterthwaite, Laura McKinsey, AlRboad~; piano ·solo, ·' Mr:s. Fred B at Ft. ~ncient, Ffida~" June 23rd·1 Mr. and Mrs. C. E:. Rainey, of L. A: Zimmerman left Monday for BOXWELL COMMENCEMENT rna Waterhou!le. Lura Tinney, .~ary_ Sherwood, reading, "The Last To· The Cad.et band wI!1 acco~pany Columbus, and Mrs. Laura Moore,l Hamilton. Ohio, where he will att.end . Brown, Maude Stroud, St~lIa Daughken," Mr:s. C. A.. Bruner: piano solo, WaYMsvI,IIe Lodge. . £here.. Will be lof Crooksville, Ohio, were week-end he K. P. grand . lodge the first The Boxwf!lI .com~.encement for erty, Eleanor. Earnhart; Ada and Mrs; Hough. . p~nty to occu~y the time, while t~ere I guests . of Rev. and Mrs.' L . O. three .days o'f -thisweek, as the repre. Wayne Town~hlp WIll take place Anna Furnas, Helen McCl':lre, ~Iah I .' Deiiciou8 refreshments of , ica ~ase ball, q 1\011 s, . ctoqu.et, bo"tmg, Tho~pson. . , ' ..simtative of \;rown Lodge Waynes- .T hursd.ay e~ent~g, June. 22nd ~t th~ Hartsock, Pearl and 'Isatiel Sm~thl cream, w!lite and ' dark cake and iem'- s ',,(imminp:, and there will be several . ville " School AuditorIUm Tnere WIll be Mabelle and Sara Satterthwaite; onacie were served. ,' good ~p'eakerS present. Brjng well- .Mr. and 'cnpt Ross and ' . eight ~raduates this year The fa- Anna and Cla.r a Meredi~h, of Colum~~put ~() gues~ wt>re present. . filled D8.likets, and have a good time. daughterS, Elsie alld ~t'hlyn, of near Mr. and Mrs. C. A. B.runer left mous He.i4elberg orchestra, of Dl!oy- bus, Bertha Smith, Etta Stroud and · . ' 0.' . • _ • Several sister lociges .h.avo. signi- ·Waynesville. spent Sunday with Mr. Tuesday morning for a short stay ton, will furnish the music for the Mrs. Grover Fox, of South Lebanon. fied their.' i!l~qti~n of bei,~g the~e. and Mr~; 14att Anderson; at Center. wJ th relatives in Urbana. Mr. Bru- ~~casi~n. · Full p~o~f~m will be nub~.; . ~ , - ":'" , .. SUNOt\V~.HOOL PIC~IC ' ,;: ' ,.... .. " and' have formed booster l!o~mlt- near Wilmington. '. ner will address the Concord Town-. hshed 111 ne?f,t w~ek S·lssue. , , REDUCED MILLINERY PRICES Arran~mepta for th~ U':lion Sun- tees to letall know about it. ~ . • ' . '. . ship schools at their commenc'e ment - - --. . '. .i 4~-8Chool picnic ~~~at afCI\~' , •- • Mr., llud \Mr.s. Clift Mar-t'n and Mr. Tuesday' evening nea'r':Urbllna. ' FO~ SALE OR ·RENT Reduced Prices in Millinery! .Big ·· Grove.. aouth of town, are about TAX NO.TI~e Frank ScQ.~~rtz. of Cil'.1cinna~j an,d . I' " . , . ' • • ' . Savhlg fo~ the eco'ilomical! W~ are ": cQtnP16te1i. ~ Waa-ona...",i:t 'be at .the , . " Mr. and Mrs; Sl!bwartz, and children Mr. ~nd Mr•. .W, H. Allen, Miss A"g~~d Qppo~untty, for sorne, one, closing our season and waJitto clean,. : M. E. ,church at 8_0'clocJt ·to C!6nvev ' Patrons 'of tli~ Citizens Bank who Day~on, "were g~esbl of F;. C. Jessie Marlatt and -M,,: .Ha'rold, ~o~.l as I mtend t~ qUit the h,ot~l bU8me~ out all our Spring Goods. ,we. wifl the ~olar..of v:ari9u8 ,schools.,to desise to pay' thei~ .ta.x~ th~ough the, 'Schwartz ahd, famil~ Sunday ; ell autoed .t o College Hill W~nesday th~ 1st of a.Ul~~ Inves.tlgat~ thIS .sell our tl'imme~ hats ana: sha~ ,a t . th~groullu ~ Swm88,~uet,b~ W~nesvl\le NatIonal ;BanK can be l · _. ' . . ' . , to iltte~a commencement of the matte! as thlsls ·the . only hotelin cost. Yes,we:V;tlll 'sellallourflow~rs ball aM otb.t: ' CMU.. _W\U gi\re the accommOdated if t,h~Y .will b~ing ' Miss_Helen Hawke, ofWaynesvllle, ' ~lili~ry aca~emy situated there. to~~ ~nd has ~ g?~ trad~ ColD~ and fancy feat1ws at coat. Tw ~~~ a fln8 ouU,nC '!Ol'~. their Qec~mber receipts at.t:he tU)le ~nd MI~ Helen Hawkins. of Bloom- All'. Donald ' 411~n'" Qephew oLMr. and setU,lle, as fmean bus!lless. -Sale days, June 14. and .30. , , AU the ~lalll wJll prtIci ,payment. Very truly, , . m~n, have , been the .~esta Qf J\tlen Was one of the ~uates. ' . - H. GU8ti~,.\ ~.: Eva·' Barger. te ._6ne tim.ia.nti~ated. J.O.Cartw.-icht,GaCJbler. Ml8Se8Katrinaan~Llna ~llersfor " , ' . Wayn~lle,Ohlo. . • . . ~ .Ith ""'~JUltct .bukelI aDd • _. afewa~ tl;le past we,k.-80utJi . TryaChOcolateDol,)eatSchW~'8 • -. TIT. .a, Maple. ~ut Sandst • ~~, -:T~. wp of aiD 18 _Ul. Obarl.tbD SeatfneI - !. -it'. fiDe. ~ . , Never too old to y8U'll. SchWai'ta 8. , .----~.-.
. . .-..- ---I
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Mrs. '
'. :
The Miami Gazette O. L. CRANE. Publisher . \\'
Y~I~. VII.l.I~ .
( HIO .
SHALLOW' CUlTIVATION IS ;< For Those Who Practical Fashions GORE EMPIRE SKIRT. B[S T [0 ReO R'NCR0p. W QuId . .
LIfe nll iurally must be more Inter· person of vlvhl imaglna· UOIl tha n to on who lives only fo r th langlbl things about him and who f t)nnl to dr a m as bls fancy wlllll cause r ality 1I ar. 1Iel\\'II)' upon b lm. \ \'e do nOl thlllk tha l even tbe mon of alfalrs would find IhA Indulgence of a fe w day dreams del rlme nlal to his Interet!UI. wblle to those who loolt on ly Ullon the serious sid e or lICe noel shllre only Its dll rke r IISPl'ctS. n few dreams of wbut pcrbaps may come to pnss would act as a tonic upon tire d ncr\'el;. says tll barlestoll Ne ws allll ollrl r. Our dJ:enms are orten com · panlons to us. Rnd sometimes we tlnd ourselves moving unconsclous ly wllh th Dl In a world far re moved from our real habitation . but one wbose prom·. Ises se m easy of fulfillm ent nnd 'IV.bose delights coml'! nsal e for eome of the bnl'dsblps w mRY. perhaps. b e called uJlOn to b~r during our w~"lng hours. The ....'arld which Is our Idea of hnl'>Plness, with nil Hs wonder elf accomplisbment and aU·lts mell.8ure or appreclatlon---:tbe waTld In wblch we natumlly play an Importllnt pnrt~ 'Who b3s not. seen Its staIning sands. lind lofty Immmits, and !lowering path!!. beckoning. telling us bow good it is to tlve and defying us to resist tts t111penTing 'call7 We cannot al1 pin 1ts 'Shores and discover long·hldden ttecrets. but. at klast. we can turn Hs pl'Omlees to 'OUT all'Vantat;e and make <mT day 'dreams oases. as It w<ere. In tbe ·desert 1!'J)Ots of life. .,tlug to tb
, Aid ' the. Pastor
Frequent Stirring of Soil 0 ring .Growing Season Tends to Conserve Moisture, Cultivator With Many Small . Shovels Better Than One With Few Large Ones
WHY SHE DID NOr . . SEND HER PICTURE wt;st "hey Old Abo.ut It. The reason was because ber face ""as 80 dlsllgur d by a skin eruption · that she oouldn't .hnve It taken. Just make a. note or tllis fnct .If you know anyone who sulfers from dlsflgurln~ akin eruptions. R sinal Ointment cures eruptive skin diseases. It restores tbe skin to normal health aDeI clears -the complexion. "I talte pleasure In testifying to the most excellent results from the use of Reslnol, bo~ ointment and soap," writes Mls8 Opal Lilley. Camp Creek. W. Va. "I hael been troubled for four or five yenrs ""lth a very dlsngurlnr: eruption 011 my fa ce. and Reslnol nas helped It 80 much," Reslnol ointment should be used for all sltln eruptionS. eczema. erythema, herpes, barber'.' Itch. psorlaslB. etc. It stops llchlne Instantiy. Reslnol promptly allays Irritation and Is tho best dressing tor burns, scalds, bolls. telons, carbuo· ~les. etc. It Is a com forting, healing preparation. which can be used treel,. on lbe tenderest skin . Reslnol oint.ment Is put up In opal jars In tW() sizes. price flfty cents and one dollar. At all druggists. Reslnol Cbemical Co., Baltimore, Md.
RAY for him'. I He needl YO\lr prny~rs: Make thlB a part of your dally program. Co·operate with him. His bUSiness Is to work with Sf A . O. MD ·AI. L. Prof sor of Al rollomr. \'ullelf of Alrlcn!ture. hlo Stilt t n!venlt.,. you and not for you. To The OJ,> rallon at loosening and and the plants are a pn\'ed of thelt c<>-operata means more than not to stirring the soil Is usually spoken of supply at mol6ture stored In the deep oppose. It meana acth·lty. AS tillage or cu ltivation. TlIlage in· layers of soli. It ycou need him, let him know. He If allowed to do so. lIIuch of tble Is not omniscient. Don't take .special c\lI(i ('s both t.be preparation before planting and III working of the soli r.aplilary water will pass on uJ: precaution to concenl your neeu In or· nrtC' I' the c rop Is planted, wLllle cu i· through the soil and be evapor&ted der that you JUay accuse him 'of IDat.Il valio n Includes tho sLlrrlng of tbe from the surra'e without having been tentlon or neglect of duty. Boll aft!!/' the crop bas been planted. of any service Lo the plants. To preIt you know of any slclmess In tbe For 1lI0st salls It is b!!st to practice vent ttols we practice sballow cultiva· neighborhood, let him know. He bal deep tillage In th e preparation 0'( the tfon. w1llch kee ps a blanket ov-er the no other way to tlnd out. Don't lay claim to all his time and s d b d and shallow cultivation afte r surface of the soil. Hl\ve you ever n~ tho ('1'01) 18 Illant d. Deep t1lJage lie d bow moist the soli Is under a atteDtion. There are otbers. It some new family moves Into tb. gives th plants a large amount of stone or board, even wben the sur· In this skirt we have anotber of Ihe room In whleb 10 send Ollt tbelr !'Oots I rollDdln g ground la dry ? .The stone community and you would like to bu. ravorlte Empire models. The pntt ern In search of plnnt food. allo ws the l or board has Itept the aJr away trop! the pastor call on tbem. say 80. Get the cburcb and the Idngdom on Is perfol'ated 50 that lhe skirt mRY also soli to drink In the rnlnfnll more free· th e surface of the sot! and prevented Iy. and Jlermlls t i1 all' to e nler the 'aporaUoll. When shallow culttvs, your heart. Consider what you can he mHde with the normal waist line. for those who preter It 110. and It 18 soli nlld h lp In the pr pSl'atlon of tlon Is pm tlced. the tbln layer 01 put Into the church as well a. what ulso arrllnged so that the flnl h 01 you can get out ot It. The cburch II planl food . Shallow cultivation hecks stlr;-ed sot! soon becomes very dry. til Lack JUay be made In habit style We rapid loss of wat I' fl'om Ibe soi l hut lly kepplng th all' away It serves not kept for your oonvenlence, uut as or With a reversed box plait, If PI' '. by rormln g a 100 blanket o\;el' Its to 11r vent th deeper .soll from losi ng Iln .organlzatlon by which you can help rerr d. These skirts are made up In surface. kills we us, anu helps to ad· It s moistlll'e by evaporation . Tbls save the world. every ma terial. satin, messallne. lUar' Be a "booster."· A booster Is v.'orth qulsette. Un n, pongee and some of HUMOR IN THE AUCTION ROOM mit all' 10 the surface laye r o[ soil. loose blanket, or mlilch. as It Is called. It tb ~ soli Is hard and lumpy the also helps to absorb ra,infall aod, to a hundred croake rs. 1n fllt!t, the per- the most transparent of silk and little roots at the corn plant cannot It from ruunlng off tbe sut' srstent kicker. so far IloS church liSe: cotton mat rials ov"'" a colored 1111' Stout Lady More Than Met Her Match fulness Is concerned, Is just one less Ing. To ke p the skirt In place take penetrate ' far Into It. bllt must feed When She Stirred Up Tiredthan none. . Loo~'lng Man. a piece of plain belting and Itt It snug· Love the church. It Is the world's ly to the waist; bone It and attach th e greatest InStitution. Ir the world II skirt to Its Ullper edge only. I witnessed tbe toLlowlng funny Inl !laved, .It will be done through the The pattern (5426) Is cut In Rlzes 22 cldent In one ot the largest Edlnburc church. Christ began It. 10 ao Inches wulst measure. Medium auction rooms. A big, stout lady, apBelieve In your own ·church. It II s1ze reclull'es 3% yardB of 36 Inch mn- parently of the broker cla8s,. bad enJust what you make It. Pray that you terlal. sconced herself comfortably tn an tum. may be worth somethIng to It. To pro u're thts pnltern sen.! 10 ~er1 1.A cbalr. and In due course began bidding Reverence the church. It Is not a to "Pattern Dopartm nt." or this ll"'per. for 8 table. on which II. tlred·looklug Write name lLOd adiJress ph\lnly. li nd bu mao. for want of BOOlethlng 10 Bi t secular Institution. It Is not a center suro 10 Slvo ~Ize nnd number of PflIlCTU. (or social amusement. It Is lhe housl> upon, affectionately leaned. Compel.l· James !EI. ()Olllns. writing ~f .'tb~ (Jr· "It Ood. Use It 8.8 such. tlon was brisk, llut In the end the ta· SIZE ... ............ . Attend the church. There Is no lb· derly 'German mind." noles that;a gen· NO. 5426. ble was knocked down to tbe stout ,pi ration In preaching to empty Se:1t5. ~rat1on uge the chief <esVorts of 'Ger· lady, who no sooner recognlzsd lbat. NAME : . ...................... : ............ . Aee that your pew ,is 1U1ed at every 'mOllY <wer.e phllosophy, poeb7, music .' It was now h er property. tban, sll'etch- I '1ervlce. TOWN .. .. ............. ........... : .. ... ... .. Ing out her arm, sbe sharply rap lIed .aud emlr-nnta. while today she sblps Guard your tongue. Yoer nelgb,bo;, machinery, .chemlcals, t<eXtlles and STREET AND NO .. ......................, her knuckl s on It, exclaimlJlg : "Hey. are reading your .Ute. A. c. ruel or un· mlln I" But the t1r (\.looklng man pillet ~tber manufaetured :produ.ets, and tbe kind word may drive somebody from STATE ........ .......................... ... .. no attention, so sbe next poked him A CUltivator With Many Smal! Shovels Belt For Corn Field. mere tbought <of her com peti tI 00 your church. You may not ' mean any with ber "lmbrolla Ilnd eald with MCBres Amettca and has b.,ougbt Eng· neaf tbe surface. It we have a dee~, Frequent shallow .tnmng the 80111 hum. But, you are res»Onslbl~ for l1'oater asperity than ever: "Lean lRD.d :to ,t he ~er:ge of ~Ster1a. Bo", mellow. seed bed, the roota are en· durlni the growing season, and ee- the consequences ot your .....ords .. GIF\L'S APRON. off the table. will 'ou., It's my prop· !has Ws . 'come aboitt'! Y>ou oould couraged ~ go deep and gather food .peclally in the time . of drouth, wUl well as the moUve, Don't offend. Lilt. erty. and you'n scratch It." put all Germany, and ' ~nsyJ. (TO~ a large amount of soli. The tend to produce a much bether crop en to Ohrlst. ".W oe unto the man by The leaner regarded her fixedly for ! 'Vania ,boot, m the stlite IOf '1I'oes:as. plan.t food In hard; lumpy g r und is ' t han It this work Is neglected. I corn whom offense com~th." a moment or two, ' but did as requelltI It I I b t t It! Contribute to t.he church. . The ed. He did more, however. for pl1lllng Yet there are ;",pwar!l<ot "10:000;{lOO ·0er- not O8.s lly dissolved) Stirring the soil and breaking up the clade brings the grow ng 8 samet mes es 0 cu . preacher cannot work on earth and a scrap of paper trom hlB pocket he ~ns. With soant !lo.tural .resources, water Into contact with more soli sur· vate deep carly In the season before take hill meals In henven. Church put It under the lady's nose, with the the 'Teuton lIad. to thlnk 'lhard and face r..nd hastens the solution of plant the rools of the plants bave gotten expenSf!S must be met. Are you d~ quiet remark: "D'ye see thllt!" and bq make the bee <of It., Just 8S In /lcbol· ·ood. very (ar out In tho soU 'In order to Ing yo'Jl" share '1 next Indicated a corresponding num~'" al'ly an6 adenU1lc J'eaearcll. his agrlWhen a heavy rain enters the soil, allow the moisture to go deeper. But It you ba.ve any contention with any· ber on the armchatr sbe was SOB ted ,.cultural ~d lildustrl~l · ~lIbQrs have, the greater part of the water pal!seslater In the season the roots of tbe body, get It stralg~t~Ded out It you on. "Well. then." he continued. whcn 1leen lDten~Il, methodIcal, plodding. down through the soU until It reaches corn plant spread out lJlto the space anll they r eruse, you exonerate ahe bad acquiesced wttli II wona-erlng thorough. (HIe .has tattgbt tile world a place where nll the openings between between the rows and almost com· yourself. It you refuse, It will be nod ,,: the head, "glt olr; It's my chlllr. bow to . f.a.rm. He Is supreme in the the 6011 particle" are completely filled pletely flU the soil to within three or chalked IIp against you In the judg· and 1 wan to sit down." And olr sbe had to get.-London Telegraph . with the free water. During the time four Inches of the surface. Deep cui· ment This Is a blue pencIled crh'}(\ 1IcoD(;rmc use tof chemicals. betwee n rains the plants must get tlvatlon at thts time cuts off the rootl! What will you do about It then! 00 to your pastor and say, "I do It 18 uther 'comfortable to beaT that tbelr molstQre from this supply deep upon whlcb the plants are depending WELCOMED BY MEN WHO 'the oolnloD <G1 ·experts tn the Lnk.e Suo :1own In the soil. The procesl by tor their foo.d and water, and a 1>3OT Dot know how much I can do, but 1 SMO!<E am willing to do What I can. Count which this water rises In the soil la crop Is the result. llerlor '!\eglon is decidedly ad:verae to ::alled capillarity. When a thick laye r The proper implement for com cui· on me. Use me... · . \ 'the ,view ltihst ·mte IiIUPlllkls -clf lI'oD ore of tmsh or manure Is plowed unde r tivatlon is a culUvator with a large Particular men who amoke rea Ute Avoid aI\Y dlspl:lY of clans dlsllnct· at the ;pTefient rate of increased uss late in the season, the cap1llary (!on· number of IImall shovels. ratber than Ion In your cburch association. Meas· bow offensive to people of reftnement .....m :Ia&t 1)'D'Jy a .lihont ·tilme. Those fa,. necUon with the s ubsoil is broken, one with a few large ones. Is a strong tobacoo breath, and bow ured by Christ's standard. goorlness Is objectionable to themselvel 111 that nreatness. There Is 80 little dl!fer· mlliar wJJ;b ;t!he Ifeg\on lloJnt out ,bll· ence between r'b e blgh est and lowest "dark brown taBte" In the moutb U~nA 'of ' 'tons.to;the OasCade range. 'beLittle ' aprons are not only atter sma Ing. that you have' llothJn'g to boas t about. sides mUUons 'PPOved up ill 'tiIle Neg. Safeguard the Int"rests ot your' churoh a necessnry article to the stoall girl, Pax tine Toilet Antiseptlc Is worth aunee, IIsbpemlg ~d other T81Iges to they are als(' a very pretty part or ttll weight In gold tor this purpose tbls Une. 1ibe west walld ,of the latte r. P~sslblY her tOilette. and , t he one shown In the alo'ne. Just a. little In a glass of water Don't speak lightly ot any one's ~ a ,sUlet anal}y.elll IOf the 'Prophecy ot 1II11stration Is amonR 'the most orna· the size and mutton form wltbout re- clal standing or Intellectual tralnlrig. meQtal ot all. A simple sacgue cut Is -rlose the mouth and brush the teeth. IJ'he wool of the Morino repreBents sbllrt lHe ·Ilor .our 'or.e lIupply w'ould The mouth Is thoroughly deodorized. ducing the amount and character of Unavoidable poverty Is no dlsgraoe. . 04lsclose that ·tt elers only te ;tb~ ex· the finest grade of tiber used In the the wool below a satisfactory standard The ' IDcllnaHon to Igno'r e those below used tor the garment;· but It Is cut. out the breath becomes pure and sweetwoolen trade. The tiber, however, In a deep V In the front and back at the busOOll «If tbe Meeltba lIleJ)fldts. Even varies In diameter ' and length, accord- This calla for a neece to grade XX. your own rank Is the moat ob rieck, ' and the outline or this opening and a deilghtful seose ot mouth cleanthen thlW lD'e ;predicated on the maJn. eymptom of emllty·headedness. or better. is trimmed with a wide collar arranged linen renlaces tbat dark brown to. to the breed or breedlLg. Ing Learn to hide your aches and bacco taste. ,t enance .of .a mt-o IOf 'tnClt'ea8e ;\.n ·mln· When a breeder nods that bls sheep The old Spanish Merino which was are becoming too smooth'bodled and tresses' under a pleaso,nt smile. Few. like bretelles across the shoulders. Paxtlno Is far superior to liquid an· . tn,g .equal to.the eJ:ceptl<ma1 'ClUe -of thQ The tastenlng of tbe apron Is In the past t'I'IIID ·decades. Allan flOom the cor· Introduced IntQ this country in the .laclling In fineness of !!taple, he may peollle carll muoh about your tooth· enter ot lhe baok :lnd tbere are lies tlseptlcs and ' Peroxide for all toilet . God can do Crom the side seams baokward and and hyglonlc uses and ma.,. be obtain1'ectneBS >or' that ealculaUon !'he laot latte r part ot ' tbe eighteenth century romedy the detect by mating bls ewel acbe or rheumatism. it! 'Well iJmawn ~~at' ttlhllre 11'00 \Vast de- was characterized by heavy toJds on to rams of a coarser type. As sheep more with some troubles than the also small patch pockets. Lawn. cam· ed at nny drug store 25 and 50c a box p.reachel'. Try him. Use your pastor brlc, gingham, percale and otuer wash or sent postpaid upon receipt of price !pOSits C ore ,~t - 'tJr.ndlcaHIY un· the bouy, excepLln'g bITer the back. of Class C lack In quality ot fleece. when you need him. Many breeders considered tbese folds ewes of this class are carefully mated materials are suitable for this apron. by The Paxton Toilet Co., B08tOn. tCluched. (Appendix.. Read these over car.,. and cross bar Is also pretty. Lace or Mass. Bend for a free sample. :lbjectlonable. because of the difficulty to rams of Class A, resulting In the In shearing, and by selection they pro· more d es lr~ble Class B. shearing mOl'e tully at least once a week.)-The embroidery may be used as trlmmlnlr. Looking Out for Numoer One. 1L0dk Into the eyes ·of t'OO 'Oriental duced a sheep with fewer folds. Owing easily than those o~ Class A and glv. Lutheran Advocate. The pnttern (491l3) I ~ Cllt In sizes 4 Sydney had 'been given some dl&.f. and ')Iou Ilook Into ortis .1I\;t. ;lre opaquo to this d~erellee In type, three classes Ing a reasonably beavy fleece and PI'!) to 12 years. Medium size requires 3 carded millinery with which to amUBe yards of. 27 Inch materlu1. 1.0 O.coldentnl dlscernnlent. A mystla The Domeatlc'a Own Problem. herself. She trimmed a marvelous any girl allows herself ~ be I\efore a\DU .aHen lIght hints lm appalling : To procure . thl a pallern senO 10 ~en ts' looltlng hal, and BO alTallged I~ that 11 10 "Pattern Department." or lhls pnpe r ~rawn away from her country home ClIlId' ,of sentiment. 11nt eomewherQ ' Write num" a.ntI IldttreslI plainly. lind h~ long red ostrich plume bung fltmlihl because at ftatterlnc offers ot hlgber 8ure to glvo IIlze and number or p U I I"rh. 'beb'lnd the Bcreen wttlb ·y.-Ib3cb the Pili I . down from the front of Lbe brim, ' o~er wages. hi the city, she should consIder tt~nt Ohinuman holdi! 'Ws .(Jlgnlt~ 01 : her baby face. well tbe cost at the cbange. There are 8IiIIltude there beats a ·heart .8.8 ready her "Com'e here, Sydney." said NO. 4963. BIZ!;; . .. .. ......... .. bther things more valuable than mother. "Let me tack that leather 110 .bleed .at the story ,or BUrrerl~g al l wages; oUler questions more Import· NAMEl . ............................ .. ...... . baCk . out of your eyes." his .own pJ30jlle as that ,of ~ IItrangeJ , Ilnt than money making. The help "Oh, no. molber! I want It tbat TOWN .... .• , •••••••••••••...•..•...•. ...• ..• 111'1 ;too prone to call him ,Ge.vll. The ' wblch girls may be tQ their mothers, way. 8 0 I can !lee it myself. , 'Most ""Ih.eaili(\n Cblnee" Is peJ'hal\ll not Sf : thc prIvilege at spending the entire STR~ET AND NO .............. ........ .. always only other people clln lIee lb. Sabbath In the service or tbe Lord and pe£.u.lla:r .as his reputation. feathers In my hats."-Judge. STATE ........... : ................ . ....... .. worshIppIng with lleople "at like pre· CIOUB faith." and freedom tram th~l A 6JOO .e'Xpetlt says tbat SWl1tes musl That Liberal Congresa. great lemptatlons of city life should be IPJlotected. For obvlons oPeasons, "Washington has allked - for one Clubs Not In Accord. all be considered ahead o~ the wage those \Who disagree with hbIJ :wtlll bl! SOlDe clubwomen seem - to have a bundred addlUonal policemen." question. Many young women. ILke "What about It " ufrald t.o do anything but p\le a.lI . ha rd ·tlme keeping the peace, and this YOllDg men, 'have been lured ' away "COngreBS wants to give tbem t~at "pparoCllt Acquiescence. If the)' GO nol . trom home by prospects of .maklng RE:.elDS to be especially true of New many new laws, Inste d." wlsb to subject themselvel! to serlouo money easily, only ~o find themselves York. Two theater clubs met ,recently the Hotel Astor. and each de: lit Buspfclo,.. entrapped by some ot Satan's snares He Knew. and robbed of all that Is dear to a D~ nounced Ihe other 8S having' stolen Backer-You got trimmed bad. the ~ame and perqUisites of the other. ble heart.-Gospel Herald. The oldest womlln In New York died One club was aaked to show cause thought you lIaid you were ' conftdent the other day at the age of one bun, why~lt should not be restrained from )t the rellult. . Our Gain In He.ven. A Good Example of a CI ... A Merino 8h'eep" PuglUet-r W8ll. I lmew I'd let dred and seventeen. She did not ad· .the name by order of a jusUce uiling . All paID, sickness, wear)liesa, dIs· vise tbe world . to follow her mode 01 of Merinoa IU'e noV( recognized: A., B. . due1ng an ioprove-ment over ' A tresa, languor, ag9~;r of; 1!odr or .mlnd, In the supreme court. Tbe elub then Itck~iI.":"Puek • . ltvlng. OIessings on Iter soul! aud C. Class A. baa folds at the neck .tor mutton. ~y mating these three whether hi Qurselves or others; Is to was declared adjourned. and hnme- ~~~~~~~I ' ; and over the body, and hInd Quarters. Classes, the bre~der may secure the. be treatel ..evei'tmtly, aeelng In it our dlatelJ the president aaked those beSheep In CllIss B have fold~ about ·type deslroo.· By this maHng some 01 mak~r',8 band passing over us; .lash. Iqngtng to . ramaln 118 her guests. "Women always are lind constJtlon. the neck and breaat and at the tblghs. our best breeders are able to 'PrOduCI laDing by suff~rlng tlie Imperfect or whlrh coup was altoge'tbel' Suc.ceBS' ally ought to be tougher tban men," ful. ., lIays Prof. Tyler 'ot ..\mherst college. The Class C Mel'lno has a smooth auy or aU of the tbree bpes. Tbe))e. decayed substanoe of our' soUlI:' EveJ'J body, ,wltb no folds at all, or to a lalne Merino la. a gooc! mutton . p~ billow. Oil this world's Borrow ,is Stili. no man ougJlt to le8\'e It to hi. Expenal". L.:uxury. slight ex't ent In.·the neck or brelUlt. · ducer and ·often has' tOo light a~d troubles9me ' s~a, .w hlch·:we ·mus.t :pas8 wiCe to 'brlng up the kitchen coal. Ohaurre~~-I suppose, n'ow, you In order to secure the smooth· coarse ' fiee.ce. If a Delaine . ewe of o~er. on· the crosl to .bear u. nearer believe (his car wns 40 uoree Eaob trouble '11 mear.t to ' ~ woul~n~t bodied Merloo, breedera have .had. to ' this type be bred to an .!Jlerlean;·ram "Woman is _ str9nger than man," approacb . nearer the muttOn . type , of of high wOQI producing "ilalltles,. a b.!!t iu tbe world's hold. upon us, and oui power? . . McGuire .~ Forty hor·r-se powe:"! . op1nes ProfesB~r Tyler. At any Mlte. carcan. bold upon the world: eacb 10.. tr. ter fiooce will be obtained, It Ie ~lc at t_b atl Hecor. It'll cost yer • IDod maily ot us are led to belten "fhe tedenc.y. has ~ In 80curlDc Important to stay In ' tbe liloo.d 01 make us seek our lain _ . ~"an."" .,..mhln' fer oats!-Tlt·Blts. '. that abe Is stronger In ,tbe vlolnlt;r 0/ lhe better m~tton producfng sheep, to Wl'.lnkly 8b~p I . 1~lectlDl llree;&1 Iloctor 'PUse1~ the jawbone. ba1'e " failing olr In weight &1Id qUII,I· the aame time .tr V,IDg to keep tbf l~ of leece. : Loog .u perienc·e , Jlas neck fJ'ee of wrlnklea and tho boch . ..1:. -.: _ _ .....,a, FtllAll,. a good word h1la be~n sald ehown }b~t ,It Is .lmoet h~poffible ~ Dearl, ~. ~ ... & .........'U7 for lbe II:Dgllab eparrow. · Somebod, Mel' up'.ct.uity and benel. of fleece 10 baYe fouod tbat It eat. till "lieD wrlnklel are l}ot1reJy abolished. mxteDlloll Pepartmant, CoUeEe ot ·" ", .I'M Importut tIaJJIa .. to kW lIP I olltu,.. ~hlo II&ate VD1•• ~. tIOUoa uple ac:lJe: 00· U. blrdl ..
·()on't P~rseeute "
Your BpweLs
BOBIIY'S POCKET. Bobb,. Is a IIttl. boy of .Ix ,._.....,. or 110; And flvery kInd of rubbish In hI. pock.t he will ~tow.
One day he thought h,,'" lI mpl y It (so he aft'run could stock tt ) : And here',. a n a lphabet of wha t wns tound In Bohby's pocket. A was", roey Apple. with some bite .. out hE' rf' snel Ihera : waa a i'otl llclng rultb r Ball IhAt boundee! III Ihe alr.
C w as n crlftpy. crusty eB-ke, wllh citron
on th e top ; D wall a dnnc lng Donkey that coule! ' um", around nne! hop.
Sliced Dried Beef
Old Hickory Smoked
Highest Quality Fine8t Flavor
oue .....eled .... Jan at JOur..-. . mlta~lons of Pretty Little Pet. M~y most picturesque were A.k for Llbbll'. B. Put Together Out of Ral.ln young girls ar- villages In HolE "" 11.3 a 111.L1" robin'" E lrl:'. 1\ II apo>ckl ed and Few Clove •. blue ... ntl brown: IOe!" " I r ayed In wblte, a n d, and Ule F waa n nulTy FC'ather thllt wu whit. nUl brIng and lsst of all pea 8 ant 8 her.e nne! sort ILS e!own. (8)' MHlTJ.El T . IRONS .) hOUl O n pl('{'o ot !Ir e tb e re81 Hoiwer e tb e snobs. I know that many of my playfellows a waft a I/,'ely Orn.s.hopper. ,,' ho."1 I., •• lava ;.rom VeThe e lega nt la - land p(~ opl e , and nnd wlnga WE're gree n: hnve all /lorts of prett y pets-cats, s uvl uIi . " " I did dies wore hobble not dr csBed up dogs, birds, aud ruany others of wblcb Ii "'Ba a I\'rlmy Hn.ne!k crchlet thllt once not luke a s oap, skirts, a ad the for show, as o n perh nps "'.... clean. they nre' very fond, so I am sur e s hot of a' Du tch Holland women lhe Isle of MarkI WIlS n plasler Image t hat had t hey will t.e Interested In hearing how w ind m ill !" " I did certainly have the ham . The I r pl<L'l tt!r heM: to make ImltaUlln an imals out of qu lle not clhllh MOllnt most II 0 a t t I' ac- dresses are of :J wall II. Jolly Jumplnr :Jack aJl slmplEi materlols . The House In the tl ve figures In the . omb I' blue and Blanc In Alpin e blue arid r ce!. Let 1111 take the turtle, for In s tance. costum u! " Wood., world. Done up ~ray, and their K Wil l!! 8. keen and shining Tenlte, A bromld o RI· In hobble sk Irts t hey look like ungain- fnces have a se· A Street In Delft. Get a big prune o r rais in and flall e n r llt Ihp touglui81 lta rk : It down wltb your tln ge rs . Now s tick ways wins Oltl In ly bolsters sliding along. Rough gree n rlous look to L WBa II Itttl e wnorlen Uon . atr... yee! out at Noa h's Ark. the end, for he Is cloth Is all Ihe roge bore tor Bummer. match tbelr costumes. And thll four c:loves (whi ch must Illao be bog· ollowed so many The fav ored kind was rough and prick- somber and qui etness comes from me ged from motber'a pantry) In It for the Maurlshull. 9I'a8 Il Marble, Jar!!:" II.nd rotlnd. with There'. nothing disappoints a WOt..l· jlleosant and use- ly looking like a peach skin . 1t made bltle r experience these peasants bave legs, and another one for the head- l\I ro lors brtght and clear : an more than not to be dllllLlPoJ.n te ci I pl eas ures 11 sul phide Is de barred me hot just to look at It . or those lived through, for they are fish er '!leo- and, bey presto! you will have a most N Willi n h"nt and rue ly Nail, of little -whIm s he ex pects to be. from . use, I rea r. s llcky, graphic dresses! lived t hrough, for th e y are fisber p~ r ealistic 100kinK turtle ""blcb may be Whenever you wlsb to go anywhere pie and the sea !lal! swallowed up pulled a long by a lhread. (Fig. 1.) 'rne Hag ue Is by tar tbe most InterIf your Ildn ill DUlrTed by pimplea and n Un y 0 11 an. which w . . always A frog also 1& s imple to make, bllt o "'-as estl n" a nd up to date city In Holland . In The Hague, you must go to tbe many or their men a.n d boys. Vlsltliver marks, take Oarflcld Ten. It wi ll "pslde down; must be put togethe r In a somewha t rt!lUlate tbe liver, cleaDse tbe Iy&tt!m and P wa A Penn y Bob hBod Rav ed to 8JM!nd It Is ' the square from orR are not welcome he re, and tbel' Jt fI~m8 al most IiIttl a cos l11opoll tan Plein firs t. puri(y tb. blood. ftome c)I1 Y In town. ye the s trang I' with cool disdalll, dllTerent manne r . First of al\ cut bla centilr. MRllY languages a r e SI)()k n when ce lea,l all roads. Even when a and the people are very gay. The Hagu'e r di es the tunerol starts from ss milch as to say: " Why do you come Q' WAft Il Qllllted ,.,,1' tab, whlch had 10lt A Tame Sub,tltute, It" ve l,· , t mate : POOIl' ot The Hogue try th e ir best to the Plein . he re to bothe r u s~" "It begins to look as If those adven· R waa II. RIng with glllel!Y l em of wo n· Around lhe corne r from the Plein Imi tate tbe Frencb, both In dros8 )t Is but a s hort journey from The turous younK nlen who went to Met.!· drous .Izo and weight. and 'UliloID8, even speaking F renc b - Is lhe famous "Prisone rs' Gate" Hague to Delft. The stretch of land co In hopea of seeing some r eal figbt; through which ' you muat pass to the be tween these two places Is very typIn ' hell' home circles. B waR Il SIring, a plt!ce or Soap, a 8tone, Ing will be denied tbat pleasure," II. Spon!!'e, II. Blick : In the Rtreetts e ve rything IR hus Ue Mauritius, tbe art gallGry thst con- Ical of Holland . Wind-mills ar scat"Yell. Tbere Is notblng left tor wne a lump or Ta try, e1ceedl ng 80ft T many wonderful paIntIngs, te red along- great st rong wind-mlllll Ilnd hus ti e, ond they are crowded with tains nne! th ick. them to do now but to come boelc among them many Re mbrandls. Far- that look capable of any amoun t of HaGuers, wagons and milk arts. bome fI.nd jump on the uJDplre." ther on 18 the royal palace. It Is a work . Tbe fiat, well kept roads are U. nn umb rella handle at allv r-mounted We s topped at th e Central hot el. and horn: low wblte buildbordered by trees. They are tine. I n all Elu rope ( never Sl\ w s uc h a V "'Oft n cornie Val nllne, a li lLIe crp.nsee! Her O"ertng. Ing and not tbe fo r bicycles. The canals are roads and worn. . plat'e. If you e ver get dopl e and sad A young lady boarder In 11 country leallt tmpolling. It v ry mucb used In Holland . On our and need excite ment, . go ,to tb e enW WIUI 110m" IIl1cky Wax, lovely to pinch house bold lamented the absence of way fr om The Hague to Delft we pasB· tral ho tel at Tho Hague . It Is a IIttlo look s like nn oldletters. Catching little Melba, the pet ane! moule! : time , worn out ed msny a towboat loaded with har X WII8 an old Xpr 88, worn ou t In every of tbe bousehold , up In ber arms, IIh. botel with a se ml- r--'- -__- - - - . , pub IIc building. snd grain, tow ed by a slow old nag, told. Imitation Pet•. cI.I'cI hee r ' garsald: Lazy guards s tand poked up ~y a fslr halTed Dutch l.ae\.' "PrecIous, nobOdy loveR me; I gueRl de. In front" Y WILB Il lot ot V.. llow Yarn, all bunched ehalJe out of pape r which has been clll· around In front of Lazy Holland cows dotted the land I'U go out In the garden and .eat up like a mop ; wbtea you have ore d a greenish grey, and paste this the pala ce baldscape. They are suppoaed to give the 7. ,.-a8 It Jagged pI er" or ZInc, toune! In a worms." ," pass throug h plumbel"s Ihop. Ing theIr guns as fin est milk on eartb . I onto an ogg s bell. (Figs . 2 and 3.) The next day MI88 Alice was Int'!l'to ge t Inlo tbe bo· If they weighed Of course, tb e flrst tblng one ex- The slightest breath of all' will make All th8ll" ar Bob'S pOlaeallon8 : he love. rupted by a low knocking at tb. te \' In thIs cat. blm wriggle In a moat lifelike manner. a ton . The queen ptJcts to find In Delft are little blue. each Blnl'le thins; door. In answer ' to b e., summon •• lU omlng, noon and Is very mucb beAnd ownIng a1l thele trel\Sure. be' .... Melba entered grasping a large chip t eacups and little wblte plates dec~ nl ghl nr ossem· happy IL8 ... KIng! loved by ~be Holrat ed with little hlue wlndmllll\. And WHY HORSE DISLIKES CAMEL carefully In both bands, the cbll\! ' bled tbe jolliest, orolyn Well., In Ultla Folks. land people, but the funny part Is, th ey are the first llaid: hlloplest, giddies t Julian. tbe little The Prl.one".' Ullngs to be seen arranged In th. Dlupprove. From Bottom of HI. N.· "Mis. Alice, bad old poslman not· "et of Dutchme n prin cess, 18 worGate, MAGIC SQUARE IS CURIOUS bring you any latte r; bere's free bl. Rtor e windows and even In tbe win· ture of Hopelully Vulgar and on. ellrth. lIb1ped. They say WilhelmIna has the dows ot 80m of the hom e~ Awkward Animal of DOlOrt, "Worms. Now you won't ha.ve to I know . 1 have tr ue Holland thrift, and · is a wee bit Th e Htreets or Delft a re n early all COlumn., Perpendicular. Horizontal or Dut in the garden." Il littlE' stl'tlW bat . A Dutch WInd· cloBe about money matters. cn nals with s ide paths along cach DI~gonal, All Add Up S6st-AnAnimals have t heir likes and dis likes wlt b five green mill, one of tbe principal squares III On edge, and little arching bridges at is well as men, I1lld tbey are quite as other F!ecullarlty. DRAWING HIM ON, nll lfy do·daddles hard to explain. o n ooe side that wave back aod for' h th e American conculate. Look at tbe ev ry crossing. The principa l sight In Delft Is the' HeTe III a curious magic IIQuare, the A cat naturallY dlsllkeR and feara a ~ h ell 1 walk. I alwoya thought the plctll.re. Did you evel' 's ee such a . ,)1at rat.he r nifty, and so dId tbe pat· quee r little dinky building to repre- Church ot St. t rsu la. It stands at one ~og. The elephant hates mice Ilnd columns of whlcb- horlzontal, perpen, ' I'o ns ot this. beer garden . Every time s nt such a bIg nation as ourll? How· e nd of a long, open cobble-stoned :logs. Horses loathe camels, and will dlcular and diagonal- ail add up 3'9, squ a re. On the not stay In tile same blook w ith tbem I IIRSSed tbrough the garden I caused ev 1', the younger membE!rs or th outside ot the If they can bell' It. greaL ensutlon, Th m e n trl d to legation make UI1 _ tor the lack of a eo ee GO 41 B4 2G 18 I ....' beautiful bulldlngIlt leaat' so think church a nd printIt IB hard to give a caUS8 for these b polite and IIlIfle tbe lr giggles, but the Holland girls Ilnd tourists. Every ed In dllferen t lverslons. Why should tbe horse dlsone day a real fn t one lost control of 8" ~"tI G8 110 1111 44 ao 111\1 II I Ii n g u ages Bre ~ Ike the harmlesll camel and ·be fond himself as I was passing, and almost tourist to ' Tbe Hague visits the "House V81' III) 10 !/1 11 &" direc- )f tbe dog ? 1111 64 elaborate choked over a mouthful ot beer. I In the Woods ." II Ii! a beautiful vitia surrounded by trees and flow ers. of bow to ti on s It must be that the horse bas a ~ tUl'n ed-eround an gave him a grin like 89 at as 15 1 80 'l1I /65 He,re in 1899· was he ld tb e Internagain admittance iormant sense of beauty and of humor. u e be.shlN! cat. t10ulll pence commlssJon. Twenty' /13 to t he c hurch on Tbe Id eal ot the horse 18 grace, com611 117 40 41 33 115 11 0 But fhe wonder fu l excellence at tbe six n ations WE,re week days. The bined with strength. He disapproves Cen tral holel does not lie In Its bee r a" 1'\.'15 8'1 1111 III 'f8 8& ay Vto represent ed, and leey must he got tram the bottom ot bls nature of tbe ~arde n , but In tbe dlUlng room beyond, the Orange ' room , /as 10 from. th e warden , Ilopelessly vulgar, awkward ond un '!7 eo tit 118 12 ~ for In this I'oom Is served th'e [nost dewbe re th e de le· who lives In the esthetical came l. The bear, he sees V6(I IS 110 Il1'i(lu8 !'ood cooked on earth. 7t M 14 0" N J:3 gates met. is even third honse from lI.t once, tbougb 'clumsy, Is unpre te nW arrived at this place late on Sat· now a slIcred r I· I he left of th e tious. truthfu l nnd 1I 0t devoid of a 8:1 24 10 8' 1'\.81/ VIK all .a ~ IIrri ay night, and 1 decided to go to bed Ic. . church, th e house sense of hUDlor. The dog he recognizes a l once . We could not sle II fo r tbe S e b evlnlngl)n, with the ye llow as n good fellow, companionabl e and Cur/out Magic Square, ('llItter of t he care below, whic h kept fashionabl e tbe 'I'll In s ide of Ihe cburch is un selfish. A strong bond be tw een tb e up until 3 fl.. m. Hardly hod tbl ll watering place, 18 Jlloln (!ompa red with mos t dog anel the borse Is tbat they a r e both but whiCh has the furtber pec uJlarltl' EdJtb- What would you do If I atnols di ed dOW n until othe r so unds just outside of ur hes, a nd ut th e bacl! Is a foud of sporl," wherens a amel would tbat a ll of the odd numbers a r c placed tempted to run away ~nd leave you commenced. The Hague. T he splend id mausoleu m e r ected 10 Wil- .not go an Inc h to see the best race with in tbe Inscribed d\/lgonal squores . bere In the parlor alone? S c he v I nlngen liam the Sile n t. Th re was t he sbou t of th e milk boy Il looks like u that was ever run. , Ernest- Why, I~ r-would tl')' to Beach 18 on of s mall temple done In 'whlte a od black Lucky Coins, Rnd tiro IInmuslcal sound of scrubbing. catch and hold you. the widest stretcb- marbl e. At tho feel of William Is a J look€'d out of tb o window. Day was Recently there wos Bold by ouctlon Blrda Woo With. Dance, Edith- Well, 'get ready then, rm es In Europe, a nd s tatile of the little dog tbat saved hi s 'II Rt beginnIng to break. In t he street, In tropical South Ame ri ca, a nd on the grea.t collection of Greek colnll going to attempt ft. American Le. 1 am s ure t he lady life at Mallnes. T h dog awa ke necl IIODle of the Islands In tb e Pacific, Is made by F . S. BenBon of Brooklyn, blow vere milk boys wltb dogs bitch· gation, ed 10 their carts, Oile d with glistening visitors to thlB the pri Me hy barking just as t bree Q,.'l- found the beautiful bird known lUI during the past fifte en years. Soms Mt;NTAL ACCURACY milk CRllS. The scrubbing was being place will be glad wbe n the harem sasslns wo re approaohlng Ib e prince's the jaoana, narrates Ha rpe r 's W eek· of th e oolns Bold ror marvelous prices. Greatly In\proved by Leaving 0" Co"e. d onQ,. by t he .JVomen of t he house op- s kir t comes Into use. ly. It Is tamous for Its so-called love The record prlco at $3,500 waa paid bed . JlOsite. They were polishIng t h e winThe Latin Insc ription On th e monu- dance, which Is exec uted by the l\lnles tor a tetradachma of Katana, whlcb The whole place Is very much like The mlll)oger of an extensive crelllDl dows, the sills, the steps, the ' pave- Atlantic 'Clty, for there 'are post card ,ment' reads : "To the eternal m €'mory to Increase t he admiration of the teo had bee n purcbosed by Mr. Benson In me nt , Ilnd even the street In honor ot stands, candy booths, fake sbows aod ot William of Nalls8u, whom Philip male birds. When th e mating season 1903. A tetradrachma ot Ampblpolla, ery In WIs. states tbat While a reguo lar calfee drinker, be found It InJurl, I he Sa.bbath. even the ever Interesting fortune I., sco urge of Europe , ' feared. and approach es the jacona will sIngle out whlcb realized halt that amount, had ous to his health and a hindrance to never over ame or conqu ered , but kill· Its favorite lad y and try to win the coat Its lllte owner $1,500. A Te rlna I 8aw lhe ronson for nil this d eanly tellers. tbe pe rtormance ot his business dustater, wblch had been purcbased for ed by a trocious guile." However, Schevlnlngen hos one tea· admiration of the atte ntive temale showing wben the people comme nced ties. with all Its bewltcblng man e uvers. $200, realized $1,500. "It Impaired my dIgestion, gave me hi th e dance the wings are spr end aud a distress ing Bense of fulln ess In the The Girl Beat. wor.k-ed In such R manner that tbe At a county fall' held In Mallsachu· region at the stomach, causing a most b eautiful colored ~«. ~ers produce a painful and disquieting palpitation of settB, a prille of ,36 was olfered to the brlllian t e ffect. victor In a pony race, Nine boys and tbe heart, and what Is worse, It nrud· one girl e ntered for the event, I1lld died my mental faculties so as, to seflSize of the Stone . ously Injure my business efficiency. Little Ferd was telling his fath e r the girl camo out so far ahead that Man of Medicine MUlt Alway. Be In "The sick woman was In \'e ry hod so and went back to my wife ju st as "I flnal\y concluded thllt something 80me of tbe boys rode olf the groundl about Ii peculiar stone he had found Readlne •• for Alleviation of s.bape, and It was two hours before I tbE! train drew Into Ollr ststion ." would hllve to be done, I quit the use In disgust. PerhllpB we may see the while at play In the back Yllrd. Suffering, dared to 1eave her. As I bade he r Jt colfee, short olf, nnd began to drink " Have YOII seen your patie nt since?" "How big was It?" asked his father. day when a gIrl will beat R boy throw· Postum, The cook didn't make It goodby Hbe almost wept with grall- nsked the doctor'lI frlen,1. "Oh, about. as big as a good sized Ing stones at a mark or outTunnJng rl,lJt at first. Sbe didn't boll It long "Take a day olf," said It ' fri end of tude:"-sald sbe could never re pay mt " I ofte n see he r rlcling In he r S\lto- 1m all apple," replied Fred. hIm In a foot race. th e doctor, seeing that t he man of kindness, etc., .and nsked what my ree enough, and I did not nnd It pllintable D1Pdlcine looked fagged. WIlB. I told her that there was no mobile." and quit using It and went back to cof· "But did YOIl send your bill 1" th e '''What Is the good ?" WR8 th e r e ply. fee, but she Inlilted that there must fee nnd to tbe stomach trouble again, "Whene ver I go olf on a boll day som6 be, so I named a small sum. Pulling friend pers isted. "Then my wife took the matter tn " Eh-<l h, yea, I've heer. sending It ollf}·, ls sure to be taken III RII,I call a vi. t1ng card out at her IIlItcbel 'she band, and by following tbe directions upon me for medical advice. I clln', r equested tbat I would send my bm regularly every I)'lonth for the las t on the box, faithfully, sbe bad me ? ge ' I\way from my profession ." to her In New York. I agreed to do year." drinking Postum tor- severe 1 days b. .. Well ." suggellted the fri end, "you ..~.",_".""-...-.....r..._""__ w _"'.",_..._...........,..._"...,.,. ..._... __ "'."._.,_... _...".._"......-... ~......,... .......... ~.,-~,.... -".-...-_.".-.,-._..... w......... "-"'_""_ .......... _ .... '"'-~_.... ~__ for I kne w It. «[;' 0 011 iOO®Q!l'ii'ol1~'\1(J at D~ ~@'i? fA OO@ JlrolH. ftnuclally, that's aome COD 801 a.. "v.>JJen I bappened to remark that ilYOili @11 aWlirotl,'ii'e:aO~@o l1@~t\':7ij (X)[!&ml)). ( was feeling much better tban I had tlon." "That'll tbe way It strlkell you," for II. long time, sbe told me that I OO(iWlJm ~DUl'i~ l». (10~OO'" @(XJ ~@ ~ «runted the doctor, ~d continued : had been drinking Postum, and that ~OOA\~ ~1l'i?OO®@ O~ 'V'@® @@£OO~!i ~G!J® ~(),@)~ • accuunted for It. · Now we have no "The slimmer before last 1 tbought I'd On Saturday lallt · nellfly very IlIlCk with e nvy. . Eve r y one oa" t Into corr~e on our table: [i)l\1l~ WOOIJ~ UOOli 110~OO mO'i?~~ OOO~ 'i?OO~OO [XJ(J go sway for_ a few 'days with my wife prominent filberman _ In WlIUa:m8PQrt I the allme 8POt, IInell got croBsed ond a "My digestion has been restored. to a camv t know ot In the mountains. was fiRblng for trout In Lycoming ", general tangle reBulted. but no one oo®®ro~ O'il ~@O';'~W~CU'OI1'c>D~.,t\\(h-I1't' a nd ~Ith t bls Improvement bas come The morntng we j ~efi town I gct my· ci'tle k. Fllel, redworm., minnows and aught any flBb except the small bo v, rellol! from th e oppressive ' lIense of C~ fA ~~£~ (!)~@~OU IH!J11 'i?OOO~~ c:> lIelr up to look as· non-protesslOlial as e very .klod of lure and bait was uled; who later landed a. 'ten-Inch fI.h r\l~ fullnes s and polpltation of tbe heart possible, and 'we eet out tull of hope but no one IItMlmed to be catch.l ng any ther down the stream.-Phl1adelphla 'i1C3~'ilti WDOtT 'U'(XJ/i'i1 !:3(Ul-[P DOOG:\) @l!kJ fA ~ 'ij' ~@.. that used to bother me so. 1 note such 8t111 Ill!' jolly as two sflboolcblIdren .' t rout':"'that ' anything above alx' or Record. a galt. In mentol strength and acuteThe exprelilltrain on which we trav· seven Inches, : nnall)' along cl4De . il _ . ness that 1 can attend to my office eled' -h ad not ,mucb more tban pulled Bmall boYI WI1lt~ Rogers, ~Eld ten or . ·App~.clailon. _ work with ease Ilnd pleasure aud wltb• out doi t.be cJItaUon wh~n: I lIaw ' a POl". tWEllve YI!8J!I, ft ~hi pg . YI tth \' croo k. e d " Aeroplaoe costumes are bldeout,',' oul making the mlt"tnkes tbat we re 10 car and come running k . lin" d bl h k ' t e r enter onr slle , a "peilny e ' an a g 00, "Tliat's trUe, but _+hey are not Quite ,. annoyL'lg to me while 1 1I'all uslnl '<! llost haste down the alII Ie, "When be He baited It with JUl angle worm a8 ugly, as dblng- ~UJtIl." - , cotree. g ot 8.,1(1)&IIJ4e of me he. ato. ppo4 antt and tbrew ' It In Just 'under ' the new ,"Umph! :r~,e- kind -MIIIlt- Kellerman "Postuin Is the greatest table drink . eall.: , . all I-h' " 'Dar's a lad)' dYtn' I_n ,de bex' ayar, Third street bridge. Hardly bad tbe l!ears are r .. t . '! at the times, In my hUlDble estimaIILb! 1 ;Ieo yOti Ja a . docto~ ;;-wIll you \Itt ' goUen Into the,w ater b!,fore he tion," Name glve~~b1 Poatum Co.. -Waympathltlo. plealli! come -rtabt along, I.M" had landed a big: fat trout 16 Inch.. Battle Greek" Mlch, "Over In Fran~ tbe,. are pourln. Read th e little book, "Tbe Road to "In tbe f~ Of luch aD .p~1 wbat 'Qng, Tbe j)OY l11JVer atopped \0 play' . 'Wellyille," In pkp, "'1'bere'l a reason." eoul" I dCtT . ' tb~ elb-Jult gave blm 011& thl'O" .~d eh.mpape on the srouad." '''Wen, Dot 101... to reel a btt WYer- _ d tta. . . . . . A _ .. 'It'. Jpar borrld aoMee, Alb.,rt,' napped him out onto the belr, Around __ a.~n Ire. . . . . t_ d _ ...... .,. ,wUe .JdIp...." .. I t'DH ad ,,,'" tb WeN. dOled men tIdlhlB ..Itb 1Or17, The pound baa no bead th"1 .... ......_ tne. ... ltd, • • •- . . wID ache till nat 1DOIIIIIq." aae-t. -low" Ut.a ~. . . "!spenltve taelde and tbe~ "!,I'II Deartt
- -- ----
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-] :he Same 0Id Show
000 COli
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--- - ----
~......-t ILl IUf Drs. Arm oloh e nt l' , . CommiSSioners' Proceedinit8. /tll t() lJ Ill! II. g Ullrdiltll. ~ II Oil Oh din, ~lH\rd it~ n . of El'n ,\lIow d-Tbe W a ntz, LUIIl t . . ' 01wrlin , at, Ill , Anntl Oberlin en n (1.1 0 . • luwber . t9b. 90 i t,OT!I Int houd II 'u·a ruinn . ~. , 11 .11on PIcas Court. "'rIl Dk ',tOke" etrA t •. Mal j ;) i I I':'"t llta of Mnrt bll A . DOllbllU1 cl~ . .!:illrrv C . lo\ Il t. har(l .~.oout.r tl t, "HI() , Ne\ SuUs 1', u"'I 'd n E. DuolJll tl\ ItS Xtl ntor. \ill ; ~~(l n Iloh lor, IlI'idgo repnir!', You who h (l\"e n ver II/l tI a Moore J nng c. nDot r a1i1.c ho w Iltlliy it is "1'11111< Brn o tlllll nl111 UuwlU'd \V. filt~!I IIwlmt nry oDd IIJ.lprtds m t'lit ~1~90; W . I:L tllnu ce&(Jo ., Teoo rr~M, to k p n kit he n l Oll . . k 1t1 S( II t b foro ~ . 0 \ 'l 'Pry l pi ' lure n !:ito\' whic h burnll u p .nll ' ~ f I ~S limo . ~ n .1 1 , &.' " 1~.;tILt, 1' nf ' . E . \ ol'lay <i eoe,.!! Icl ,, 191i; )I'nu • , h 911llge l \'iull VI'4 17,111111 .1 1h o.'1l11 . '.10., I ".' tll y Cltll r ' l('h the 'h imu v- II ~ 'we w!l ll' h IS sO) " 1l ~!l lldet hat (l\'en f \..J In tlth \\' 1. b' IIll'H IIOe U1'ny IIPP( In~ J udmtnl.:l .."" 1. 00 ; ~l L I , Cli O ' wlnm unen erctl CU I' ndlliug fu e l, nu t n part icle o£ sm"ke, ,,' ttTy . D rlL k e . Rt, n ~l g6p hie Ilrttw u lItlllflll' Y or}J 111·1 : SUlit or g I" trHrr L -. In \' o t or li is llOllH d with wo'rk, H ;,0 ; J . R. Buntfl r, S6l'v est'npe l 8M iut the rOilm. Am uulll "1 .. 111, ,, 01 $ I OII \ll\lllntr\l,, '~t I 'I'~ . 1\ ltepI' ),o llr . Anti th ese arell't the fl lli v \\":... ~ th "\I.oore 1~nng:lcT'l R I I a~ Iuilr lu ll ry, ':!5; L . M. PrinctJ, I , h' · I 1]' ,1'" l ilo /, 1 li "i I r'lIl\ ~III" i i, n i l I tl ncl "1:,.\.). •."'1 1 10:;; 111 t nf f:l . ,I. B ntbl n i l ' h' . . 1 I H ' ge, OJ'> W It: ' 'I C .' ki tc hl'ul.'l eu . l1. .Lt tl ' Jl'S su i! ' ,,1\ '1'1:. . • l 1.. Il . 11\ ./ . 1\' . yor ~ 110' J 8 1') ' BLJlIthl U IlIlP(lln toll I l d mllll ~t l' ntrlX In d .t). j' ' 1 lin 'n lIew one c UIU leaul'st or ~ urv and 1~(\ndies , ,,II l\ltr·,. ... ~1 "I Ii"., tnllll . . tl11 . , c thod pusslhle (or fl ,tt)' ~, ' Irn: 't l t whole top , Wa u 'A' 1M!' Pnrkhi ll . J ollU E. hroili ng or toasling . By Ill C' IY!lu l n g n . 111111 . l~ r , Sl :-:v }O'. nd 7." ItUl'1 ... rr IfI Flllpp I t' e for r t'oorde f f I III II . '[' he M,lIlf'y au I \' . ' " lifted out of . the w ily. . There-'s Ill! L spi l. llin • g 0 1 \I / 'Qu i /£d Ill' IIn pr nVPllI ut,pu "lIpr.II' ;l'rs '0 Ice' for f/ uaoon \op when liftl'll forms n hood I1l1d th e smo ke Hilt! s~. t " ,. , mell nre , h:"tllt A of Llll lloull \1 l'i gh t, L.vtiiu cu urt h()\l~e. $5.10; F. c1rn~vl1 HfOund ; ho fl ues o f t he mugtl a llli can nut escape Suit s Deductl P . For:.;y, lo to the ruo m. W right '=, fI' ~t 11l1ct ti 1111 1 nonOllo t tll' Ulnint·uioiog h or 8S und velli lell Dun P BOl\e \" lhtl 1311 11 1Illore ' tlolmln i::< trntrix confhrrillli . ' 25; F . P . (l'orgy, bOllrdin g Ilud 111111 llhio . 1l1\ lIw6tltor ll J II il I'nIlU , Est.t~te f Mllry F; Compt on, d . Wlll'! h'iug, $230 i J. M. Dill, vi Rw r l·O . • r 61l1\11'r 61' tlvt'rru lu l Il"cl d~. ' C('Il!; t.d Fir t unu li ultl II COOU l1 t o f on K e nriok road . ~·1; J . lJ0l111 Nixo 1/2 n '"<-'nd,Ill!. ill if rll uted 1.11irt.\" tIllY!:! to I H o r llco b' . 'OIl1"tIlD liS arlUl inl!:ltr,ll vi wer With on all K ., Its oriok Ildvnntn ges, Moore'!,: Rang-c rcElI y .C()SI th e t\e:Sil1~~ rond, $ \ ; ,r. • M t fil a nuswer n n y ra nge on th e market. It net l1ly ly pay' or Itae ~S ou 1lI1' (Jun tirmol1. '" 'd ',mu ver , ''1 e wer on K 1 I I enrloK r Oll, wh ich it s~vcs . . Moore'. Control ler Damper ellullies y"u to cOI~ ~r¥s 'rho Windis b lulh ltn~ r \:ire w- , E:~tllto of Nllncy T. ChUDlb ~i:~ e rli O, \;H ; Lelmno n House, meuls for jury . bent o£ t he oven liS W II as y n a n con trol the heal I)f n "liS o~cd ' f I r I ingCom puu y Vi' ElIlmn M. Iillrlnl1 e (lAC /I pd . F l r ~ ~ u lli ~n,1111 o u ly cu,lI r allg e havin g llli~ actv:lll tnge whi ch S:lV onunto f $ 104 0; ·s fllll y one.t~lr I) t 1 ll e . tltte ' of .0hlO, VR . Pl.Jilip Owir . et ul Au IIPlli oation, de : rUtl lwth 'hlllllbll l'llll II Ildmiu !E:=!!!!!iii!~ l.t u(;re's E\'eriasLiIl~ Plreull(:k enables you to burn lstm ,' tonuy , i 12 5; tlti e of Obl o v,. cOII.1 cn!':l~ng at le(\~t tw;thirds Ie.. th nn coul use(1 in uther rungcs. It otTers 1\~1I f!ludunt B'lrri tlt. C. W {ig h t gmn ted Itllr. ooutlrm ed . 1l rill prov id ing for th e bL'rn iug lip o f th e SlDl,ke llllU !oll'ut , Ih" t h.e~ savlug hY TlJm S ull 'll'd 0011 George . MJu lt,on, ". g iVing roul t .6 flv Ull I:! to filf 11nRwel· . :ldvantl l re of the extra htlat , an d e nnbling you ttl r.n ve 1111 E"ttlt.e o f .1 0 eph P anhllTlll, d El ~:.lU 55; l:itnte or ' Ohio yll~.r J :le . I.t .~: vs Borry tbe ouly mng-e havin g three·w all const ruction throuah out. This Willil1U1.1 B'lh·ul.( r VR . Kate M ' cflllsed. }I'inlt od finnl is one o f mnn y r easons \ hy Moo n l s auge us UCCOllot of ~o ll1b. $% .60 i Rtate of Uhlo v~ f n r louger tban nuy other range madt.. Boling er , di vUI'on grll uttld . D feo · IEmnlu' L Peobnu\l, U Il llDl ini trll J ohn W ooner. $11 30 ; tll te of OhlO Ill nt bll r l'l1(l frolll"l1 prllp'l rt y rig ht. tflX confirm d . vs . Fred Mi ll er or Benrv mmer, nnd' ;s gmnt ed $1100 Uli ll lllllY to be Es tllte of Dnvid Lu shl y decel\ ed. $4 Ii i !::Ilnt.e of Oh ' o vt!. \Ve h nven't r am here to te ll you oil th e superio E\lw rd The n there's the ni~kel. pl ated moc n ruc k (the only on.e pl itl by f,iiO on PII:l h eoo nd Sut.ur FlulIl dlst,l'ibut.i on of 080 . Ceatures o£ Moor' s Oveu - how it nbsolu l ely preven tsr on 11' J . Ed Posey, ~ .7~ . t he mnrkct) , nnd the ul ulUin ized uvcu - th e mus t sam. dllY of et\oh l1loJuth forliwe lve ,.,outh w ltnl ~ us udlnini strs tor " dead s pots, I t nod h w th e Cia.. Oven Door "l.'crcoru es t nry onfirtu ed The A C()l)ut!l of the tWO, .d ~PO~ I, made. d I t us the uecesslt y o f opening the oven und los ing hen eery Bnd gui08 oost ely of the two ohil· all at our store nn e . prove these s tatemen ts. E~tnte of liver E. bnmb rlnln, tories the L ba n n und Cl tly'8 D ~ lilDe you want to see t he couditiol1 o£ the Cood tinside. We' ll not urge you to buy. dren I 8 11 It• O B. an d L uwreoc Boltm- min or . Fi rl'4t und finoi I\eoou nt 01 N"lIt,IOOIII Blink we re audlt-ed und ~ Moore '. Ranlle. can f>e had in e,ither Coat Iron or Steel gllr . Plni ntilf shall pay $250 per I!:dwI\.1'Il M Cbl\mb erl~in 8S g o a rdlao found 0 rreot. week to JDlltll tnln ohildre n until c n tirm ed, Flnano itd 8tut ment8 of aod~tor . th ey b acoUl of rt~e PluintJ iI gain!! E~tl\te of Lewl!l lLUd Morrow Whit and t renSLl re r .pl·eseb ted and pia oed cUlitody of o~he t' ohlld Harry Bolting 1101'6 , minors . Fir st a nd 11nul 00 on file. ar . oount of W ri ght Whitac re 8S g uar $4.173 8G tTlt. Dsferre d rrom 8peoiul ' tntn of hlo V B. Nettle Ca rr dian , confirm ed. Bridge Fllou to County Fond lem Det ' ndllut· pl ead d gnll ty. Sen · . Undertaker and Embalmer, Es tate of R . Marvv n and u'l uru t)ororil v. ten' d to Ohio Penitenti l~r y fo r E. White minors . First and final Plans and speoifioations appr.ov ed Will be found 1:\ the OHI two y ear at h a rd Jub or , a nd pa y aoooon t of J. E . White guurdi an, aod posted : Repl}ir of stone abut . Bnnk BuUdin g, OPP08 h .. oosts of f37 .49. ' en tence i BUS 00 ntlfme<;l . the Nl1tioual Baok. ment8 00 Middle boro and Blanoh es· pended 11Dd !;he i8 plaoed 00 proba 'I'eleph one in houlle It.Dd or· ter road by EdWlirdavl11e schuol E tate of He nry Burns, imbeoile fice where J can be '00.1100 tion . . Final accoun t of Thoma s Hunte r 8S house. day b or nigQt, " bout bo.lf The followi ng report in referen ce . Cut olover h!l.Y w en .. The WI!) Li eh Mulhau ser Brew Steel bellm bridge nellr resi de ucQ to crops tlDd s took i8 oompil Valley P hone 1~2, E ed M from . F I goardi the blossom s a.re brown ; out tlmo f\n oonfirm ed . log ompan y vs. llllDU 0 o.r an .E tate o. George R , Sage, de. of Eal'1 Bl1rper 00 ' Le.bano n a nu rAtUtU' receive . at a8 the bloom is falling Main Streot, Wayne sville. Ohio· d from offioilll cor thy JU . Dwire et nl. defend~nt granted leave oeased . Eighth a nd fin . ' ILl aoooun t Morrow pike. to an"'wer by June 10, 1911. r~spond ent8 of tbe Dupllrt ment : . ICuring olover: Cut it 8S aoon . IlB ~===========~~~ ., Steel beam bridge with conore te MiltOn J. Bola nger vs . E T . Do of J ohn V. H. Lewi8 and Thorn t c.n . the dew is off .in the mornin g. At Wh t e t ed floor · l th on I Turtlec reek read neu reai ea -prosp 0 oompa r vis s80l& of r eal estate oonfirm ed . \'1. Hinkle as executo r!!, W noon ahake out the bnnohes, ralee oonfirm ed . denoe of J . Simpki ns. norma} yield, 8 per cent. into w~ndrO\vs before evenin g dews E tlltA of ' ophiR Boyd, deoease d William E . !::Ichwartz vs . t,h e P . First :Od final '. lt.coount. of A. J . Oats-p ros. peat complt.red with Arch on R 09S b urg ao d PI eaS8n t . C. O. and S t. L. Ral1roall. DamILK 88 Boyd udmini lltrator confirm geton lt, an d 1atl't Ii e UD til nex •. d IIY. ed . Plain rOtLd near residen ce of M,r8 . norma} yield, 76 per oent. ~1 0 ,... 0"0 J ory uWllr d Next day shuke out the ha.y us soon to amoun t SO f .. .. of Roy Harkra der, minor jJAnthe in. E tate . ...... Rye-P r08pdo t oompa red with nor a tbe "lew is otf. You ought d 1"09 50 d to be e . amage s. First and final I\oo:>unt of John P . Bids Reoeiv ed-For steul boamE! mal yield, 5 per cent. roady to haul on a hot dav by elev . B 1 . " bridge wl$h ooncrA ie1ioor Dear Ball Wlo'er Probate Court. ar ey-pro speot oom en o 'olook, or oertain ly after dinner Harkra der,oo nfirme d. road below. Corwin by the Oregon ia pared with Dorma l yield, 86 per oent l It spoils olover har to get too dry . E!!tate of l Andrew Baird , tbir. Bridge Co., '312. Award ed c9nt.rao t 10 esta.te- ot Presoo ia P . Spence , Spring Bruley -Pr08p ect' com It should never .be pnt Into the b lnn teenth !loooun ' of C. L . ••ong 8.S ad· For oonore te abutme nt8 on bridge pared with normal yield ~ deoe&lIed, S . K. Keroah an "nd E. L. 1 per cent when wet with rain or dew; bot minlstr ator oonfirm ed . .' . on road just nort,h of Shaker Village Spenoe , admini t:rators wlth willllo · Clover -prosp eot oompll red with & little sap won't hurt it. Curing Estate of William T. Whltao re'l b y Bert Reed, '5.60 per oexed, Krante d peUtio n to sell per· 00 . yd . ; normal yie ld, 70 per O~Dt. ; timoth y: ·If the oroI' is oot too deoease d. Final Ilooount of W. L, Charle s Hender son, ,5.45 pel' 00 . sonal proper t.v at private sale. Timot~y....!pr08peot oompar ed with h avy and rao~, oat a8 soon 8S the Whitao re 88 exeouto r oonflrm ed. yd . ; Frank Stokes, i5 26 Ell mood Retalli ok a8 adminil iltra· per ou. yd normal yield, 6 per cent. . 'dew is off, Itt it cure a few hoorH, Estate of Ada. Flenne r, deoease d . Fr"nk Stokes a WUl ded tor ~ith will annex ed of estate 'o f contrao t. Hogs- fed .for snmme r murke t, rake' into "indn ws, and hlml to the Ellen Dakio, decease d vs. Warren First ~ooount of .l obn A. Rebold , F or conore te or (ltone abutme nts 56 per cent. barn thel8.m edJl.Y. If oroplsr llnk, &S admmi strator oonfi~m ed. n ear Unit.y scbool H. and Lillie M. Dakin, !:farry M. house on I:)onth Spring PigA-n umber sDved 0001 oat it in tbe ' afterno on: it will wilt Estll.te of John W. 130u11 Jr .• .de. Lebano o Bnd Hamilt oo pike., (.;arwo od and Mary E ~etalliok . W. S . pared wl~b,an ~verage. 90 per oent some daring .t he,nigh t and dew. will oell8ed. Fint and final acoonn t of (Jrahllm oonoret~ masonr y, U .g5 P lalnttft ordered to ReIl renl estute. Sheep- Uondlt lun compa red with not hart it. N;ext dllY's 8n~ will J. Lee Thomp son as admini 8trator per on. ;d ., earth flll, 40 o. ou . yd.; an averag e, 05 pel' oent. . Eitate of Rollin W. Mulfor d, , dry it In IL few hours. when it Olin oonfirm ed. Walter L . Oatley ; oonor~ie masonr y , . Lambs -nnmb er saved mioor, AnDle E . Mulfor d, goardia n. oompa red be rakeel into windro ws: hanl it t il WAL Estate of Ra.ymo nd Conove r et 0.1 '4. 'cu yd, earth fill, 27 TER M.df lL URE , . filed si'xth aud final aoooun t, with o. ou yd. ; with ao averag e, 93 )ler oent. tbe barn in the ellrly. "fterno oo . miDors . Amend ed seoond acconn t Bert Beed, ooncre te masoor vooche rs for settlem ent Ordere d y, ,475 Fruit-P rospeo t oomp~red with ....__.~--9f W. F . M088R8 guardia n oonfirm ed ou. yd. ; J . J. EdIngfi eld, conore so.pan ded. Fune ral Direr:tor .. te Dorma l yield , 88 per oent, A Charm ing Woman Estate of Jobn T. Phll~ips, de· masonr y, t.6 .87X ou . yd .. Estate of E . H. Colvin deoease d, earth fill Wbea.~ 8bO~8 the 8erious effeot of is one who is lovely in faoe, form, Ha.ona h M. Colvin was appoin ted oeased. Frank J . Brown odmioi s flnd approaohes, 660 ou yd. Coo. _he long oontlnu ed drouth , and the mind ann U'omper . But Its hurd tor trRtor files first and final aoooun t traot Wa,8 awarde d to 'I'eleph one duy or night. Bert Reed. harve8 t prospe ct'as now e~tlwat~d a womun admini 8tratrix . Robert Crew, O . be oha.rm ing which is ordered eU8pended. withou t Valley phone No. t. J..oOJl Contra ot eQtered with . William by the offioiul oorresp oudentl J. Edward s, WilUa!D MaddeD ap · '! of het~lth. , A wea,k, siokly womun d Distance No. 69-!l". . EstlLte of Baoks Dakin, deoease . 8hnrts for bl'idge paint at '1 .25 per ~Jlj8 Depar~ . poiote d apprais ers . wlll be Dervou8 aud ·irritub le. ·OOD · D1en t ltl most. di 80oorflg- stivatlo n ILnd kidney POl!lODS 8how Mamie Robins on admi·ni 8tratrix gallon best grade graphit e. Valid 109. .Estate of George Debold ,. de . io pimple s, blotche s; I3kln erupt.lI)DS WAYNESVILLE, • - OHIO' oAased'. Emma 'De bold appoin ted wit.h will annexe d filed invento ry ontil 'eptern ber ~2. 1911 . Oats prospeo ts are 76 - P!!l' dent and a wretqb ed Qomplexioo. and appra.is ement whioh i. ordere d But Cpntra ot entered with Allen BUI oompa red .with "norm al produo Branch Office, Harve1.llb~l1r. O. admin istratri x. Ba.rry Gleh!s, eoorded tion Eleotrio Bittel'll alwlt.·YlI prove II. gOd . . " 1 t per Frank Oarroll and WilJ!o.m OhILney r /lore' . . send to wllmBn who wtuit health, paint two ow rUSR In matter of estlLte f)f W M to olean II:nd appoin ted apprai8ers , Fruit prospe ots lue e8tima ted lit bea.uty and."frtend l! . The../" renollll.e . . . bridges in .boot h L eb anon,...SO. '" Stomuo h; -Liver and Kidney s, .purjfy Oont.ra otenter ed with William H 88 pernen t oompa red with Estate · of ' Hagh D. 'ra.ylor, de- Young, deoeaEl.ed, Walter Jones, ~ norlD1ll . the blood; give .strong Oha nerves, rles J ones and W. a· Page ap. Brown for oleanin g and paintin (Jealed. A. O. Vall appoin ted ad g yield ., . , . 'brtght eYell, pure br~ath, s.mooth , Goqd for ~othing but the E... Cadwa llader bridge bel(lw LebunoD, miqist ratJr. Inman Monge r, Forest pointed apprais ers. - -.. velvety skin, lov.alyo omplex lon and nlso Wi1lill.m Glo"se r bridne, alMO Ha.ines , aDd W. B . Berger appoin t. - Vlie Don't Have to perfect health. , 'fry them . 500 at .. " .. Marrlal le Licenses, \ n~w Itop obords on ed apprais er8 . s ts. . Boot~ bridge, 'rell you wh~t it's tor, it's Dame tell!!. all druggi :;..::;..- --...- .....- -:r-"Jf' Dr. BAil'S' Pine·'I 'ar doney 'is the Anna. I:)oth, guardia n of Edwin , at estima te of 179. County to fur· best " .. (l.:mgh. Medioi ne nnd several A W .A Y Heary HackmlLn, 25 , a farmer of DQD t envy .U~~. mILo wbQ Both et ai, minors , vS. · Edwin Botb niBil paint. milli on people ' ulreadv know it, arouod Beybur n, Idaho, and AnnUo E. in n auto un . Wo.) uesvUl e's 1,Ie~1lJ' 'h,eIlSlR • ~ Look for the Ben en 'the Bottle. how big ht~ mor'tga ge Wrlnkl er 1 , of Morrow . Wins Fight for Life Office ~KeY8 ' ' Malo at .~ , . William James Bryan 26,cbem ion l I t WBB a. long and bloody blttle engin eer of ClDoinnuti tlnd Elillabe tll for life fhut W8S waged by .lames B. Mersh on, of Newllr k, N . J ,of wbicb Wilson 2a, of Lebano n . . h J . M. SCI\IUuborn 22, of Lebano n, e writes : "I had 108t mooh blood fro'm lung hemorr hage!!, and W8 S and ·Ma.ry E Co11lns Trimtll e 22, :verv weak nnd rundow n . For eight wflltress ;1f Lebl\.non. month!! I was unable to wurk. Ed win MI~r sho.l1 2, III bor er of Dpo,t,b seemed olose on my beels, Cincinn ntl tlod Annu Malllm py 23, when I beglln three weeks IIgo, t o use ' O( King's Now Disoov ery . of F l'Ilnkli n. But it. hus helped me greatly Stu llley .J \Vfltkln.ll 19, farmer ·of doing . nil that you olaitn... It is , . . FOT .,' Morrow , a nd Mllry C. (Jonner 1 , of weRk, sore lungs, obstinu ta coughs , ALL ' I'oa~ s tubb(ll' n '!o ld s, huafSenll.'!8, la grippe Morrow . nstbmA, bl\."\' fevpr or an~ thrOllt or ONLY lun g trouble its s upreme . 500 ,l1nd Real Estate TrllOsfers. U 00. 'I'rial botde free. UUllrun · Old people, tired, weak, teed by ull druggi sts. run down people, d licatc --'rh OlO llS ' Bod ley to the Baltim ore children, frail moth ers, and BURN THE PLANTS tho e recove ring horn severe a nd Ohio t;o u t hw estel'n ' RlliJroa d . ,-', ., ~:. . .,... '. , ~ oompan y, ri gb l' of WilY, */j0 illness, this is a fact . . Beware of "red rUl!f" .i~ .blaokber Mary B. Lilne to George E . HIlIl, Thous and s of genui ne tes- lot· ry or l:.\laokoap b08h~s. When ·.seen·, in Frankl in, '$1. timonials from ' reliabl e peoAnnie E Mulfor d, a8 guardi an of prompt ly dig up'lI>od bnrn t~e iofe~t ple prove thi claim, and to R ollin. W . Mn1for c':, farm 10 War.r·en ed pluet., bei~g c ~ Feful not to sCJ.!lo~ter f~rther suppo rt the ' fact and oounty , U . the fungou s duet over.be altpy.b ush ·. " prove our faith in what we 'Tbe WtlIiam Sebald Brewin g e8 . . ' . _ ••- - say, we unh e ihtling ly de- oompa ny to ' t.b~ WUIi~m Sebald Work Will soOn Start c1ar.e that anyo ne who wi1l Realty oompa ny lot i'n Fr.llnkl~n, 11, after .von t&ke Dr, King'tJ 'New Life . ·try a .bottle of VI N OL 'will M. H. BOUII~ W~.r~h .~~ fl.1 ~r.u8te~~ .PllIs, and you'll qniokl;y:.eujoy their . have . ,th eir mO,ney returned ot Method ist EpiAcopal .P.lI.r80nage of fine r snlts. , CODstipation und t~!ll· the Board· of, ge8tioll vliot8,h 'and fine appetit e ~e without que tion if they are the ' Masoo oharge . . ' turns regolat e stomao h, hvDOtlti'On . not satisfied that it did them of the . Mason ViUllg er and 'fbey bowels nd . tmpart . neW &hool distriot.; Jot 10,Mal oo, 151)0. 'I!tren~th and enel'gy 't o good. the whole ' . . LueUa Boger to Willla'tD SimpSQ .Il".,ste m. '.'I'rl" them. ODly 250 at Ilot i~ Ridgev ille, ~~OO" .· all dl'uuls te •
Cou~ty CourtS
Fo r. a .S
tle ss Ki tch en .....--~~ Ge t Moor~' dl"lt
No Sm oke ,. Soo t nor Ga s
Sav es
of You r Fue l Exp ense
Cal l and See Thi s Wo nde rful Ran ge
For s~le by J. 'H. COLEMAN, Waynesville, Ohio
Obio Dept When to of Agriculture Cut the.Clover
I . A. MA FFl i,
D u .. H.E. HA'rD
tn o t
Wil l Bui ld Yo u Up and Mak e You Stro ng
.. - ..
One., Y~ar's. ~u~ripUon .for McCall's Magazine .~y.\15·~(~~~l: '·~~I · Pattern you ,may select
One', l~~s~ Silt;S~riplion lor.·: Mianu. 'Gazelle \
.J. E. J?aNNEV, DruJ ,lst
~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~ '. --------~ ~ ~I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ "fHE MIAMI GAZETTE ~- l ' I)I) \111h d
\ ooId~
D. L.
---. -- -
\\' <yn.· ,JlI,
~I \I ' I'll' l I :l~'I'
E<lito r anu Manage r
Preventing Peas for Horn 6rowth j Many Weeks
_ _ _____ _
l 'l·bo .. nlLl ~ cllt t l o,fte r t h e.1 llll Vtl to SIZ\1 llil d iffi olllt .ll nd r.r nAl Ou.' Y our (st rlc tl r In UtlVIUI .O) .... .. .. 1. 0(1 W II' Ie. A III.1 ToO hil l{ It If)t of Ctltt) e SllIJ.:1 (Jony ... , . , ..•. " .. .. · . ... . ... . 06 tUT.v lli g tl rO ll lld ;ve t.llJ III f)f warfllr m el! U!l b tll l)U ~ I u lLO un ci vi lized nge Rates of Ad\'crt iRing i .. flI1 QO UI'U I.ti l g ( r u It,Y tl LU )og Ill\((llIlllnlt LV" Il I ~, l>llr lI uo . , . . . . . . .. . . . !I" Ill ld!', 'fr l' l,b A !;t.l'onl(e r Ill' Hl1 RtlhI K Lu ~ u I H, hl llck fill'll, IW lr 11 111', . . . 10., p l'O l1 e tl hor n til e WBa kHr <':1u.'IIIllI uti A\ I ~. IIv l. HI ('X~l'I'o.I 1I 1'l' lillo., 1'hrco InstlrllOIl H.. , , , , , . , .. , . , 2~(' Itl' lI ollt.tl e a r e t.h e r e fore "' ~ llI et, h inl:: OlJl lIIll rl os , 11 1'0 hwhes II '0 ; 01' 1' 11 1'0 to b (~ fl e,n I'ed , '1'hl '!i 1U 11Y 0 0 pr( ~ 11ICilus, l'Of Ii 110 . . , , , , . , ... . , . . (j(! du c~J rl by pre v( ntlll g t,h fl \p 'o wth II I {l,lftl of thuIlI,s. , , ' . . , , , , , , .. , . , .. , . , , 2 [)l' 1t 0000 lu ~ l o lllt , , , , , , , , , '.' , .. , , , , , • , .• " , 60t' Il " r u ~ w htl o t b e cnl v " I1r e qni te 8 0 '1IIIs OLe.
Rates of S ubscrill tiOIl
~ rI w u
I o most fArm g!ll'd eu" th, ' C i lm t PtHl . pulll t iog. Wh 'I I h e C' r q p fr om tile, A is ~ u nr~ t il l p ' . ~ HHII~ ' n fo r t h e fumil.1 ls ovo r \Vith ll l''' lle r m fl n f\.ge men t , t.Il rH i~ w l t ll " P \, ' flt·eri pI nt in Ll, t h e !Ie tH~ n m 1.1 h, ! Il rtl I n gud Him >I t i n rl~ (j l i f,p ly , i ll ·,t II t h a Rll t tl ' ln fo r S ll !; '' '' 1' , )1'11 i lS pr ()I o g d till lu ru fr o" ts p ut in t heir
MR. PRO PERT Y OWN ER··-Stop ! Consider! Why not use the best possible whel) YOU pay the hill?
Stands for everylh ing th~t is best in paint. The pigments used are properly proportioned and thoroughly compounded.
ON EACH PACKAGE wo ll ·ll l'llitw I "II I " lIn ewll 'lt " '11111y ' f Iv.dll1b !M, i .. \.J ' .. t f o r WhON ehllrg IN ' 1I 11(j " " ' " 2!1c you ng , D ISI,II1)1 i\UI'IJr Lislng I,er lu t'l .. , _ , . , , . . , . p IIR, H,url t h o ~ I" 1u n l l ~ 1 .nlll t1 b e lUll _ l Oe " 0l\ 11 li o p otu. il lll u ~ d flIT lu is . Dls{:OUlIL6 IIII' 11 llU 'U Jl(, ruc~, OUI' (I tllfl p l·e v l '. J U ~ yoa r . 1'res b pllJ'J)os e , This ouu btl purc h ll~ e l l Ilt y F OR S A L!! m \1onr n fr ep l), nppli e d i" li tllJltl t o dt:0~ st o rell ill s m ull st iok . W b ttl 1)1'II,111 J U N E I~ . 1011 , 0e to llIuch of vin d~ lIud no t th e cltlv e8 orfl y oung OI o i~t e l\ t hH s ll ffi cillnt o f pOUH . nub ,fr o m whi oh t b e h or us t Ar t , Th c lo w-gro wi ng vnriet i es lIro t h e If tbAe le vato r to SUCOedtl is tltoppe..1 u,oli rub the stiok of po t lw h over t 'ln - try th e Ata irs , m Oll t c 'Jnvl:1ni e nt 0 0 II co() unt of l'e· Du bs until tu e ski n o ver tb e n l I" --- .~- ---quiri n ~ D O s u !, oor t!:l. ~' or th e t nlle r lion ' t CII JI on y our neig nbor ju ,t li g htly burned . Thi s w ill preve nt, vllri ati ot! wh tl re bl' ns h is u ot tWil il · .:-++++HO+O:~A..:.+-:, +>t" !":-'lo'lo':"1->'A"!-:' tile g r o wth of th e h o rn s 111 U ' J1 0 ~ d Lo Ill: t tb( ' 11 ' ( ' (1 ~ OT (IIORO wuo to borrow t!llmet hinl{ .II' IIble t h r ee f 00t p o nltry wirfl ll fl tt i ug t his the ope rato r s hollid WI' II P l1e w u ke un ( ' X C ll e ut t r t' l1 is Tu e Don't Be Annoye d poto !lb tiok wilh pll por or e lot h to pe ll l1 IU Y he pltlDt,e r) in dou ble r 0 WS, With BIlin t,r ouble tl, nbaps . pimpl e!! , proteot bis fin ge rs 1'bis is t u e a 8 inc h f'l1 upllr t nOlt Hie SUP POl' ts 'i' blucl! he!Hl !1, eczemu, or s ores , Wh en Ill os t b uman e m e th od <l- g' ve t,lm 1\ I i).:101 ;' lilllJ" towar d ecluot rl dtl ing IJit10ed lJetwM o . B.v plll n t,in l! e ver y ' j ' one 2Go box of Dr, Be ll 's Antisepi II' oa ~ cation null to eSl:Jhliliit II hllli a sk JII t tle of borns , aud If d on e wh en If nglD Sllive Vlill oare y otl , Try itllt onol' , two o r th r ee wee ks 1.1. co utl n u ou !! i' in the W Ill ot fli l'lr' 1l 111 thods of the calves are=sUl ul! the horn ·Du le. AUp ply t llro ng h the se ll Otl m lt y b e -----.~.---. -----TflAf e: M llr.RKII I t~achiu); , 'I'hl\; ('u l lt"~ hIlS (iii stu· D r. sI G N~ 1'he door!! of opportn nity are I.I.noe 00 the farlJl will be e nd e d , ., den ts. r.O"' V?I G HTS &0 :t .1, '1'hc u1l e!!:. c f le nglnl·cr ln \; oITel's marked "Pu hIt and "Pull." A o \" onl" (!n l 1itI" " " .. \,',' I II !\(\ d· "C~Ir.tto n !),Ia, Qui d" ,. II:! , t r l i\\ h flll r " • ·f •• u fr lol.ho r All . A Dreadful Wound • IlIst l'ucli oll in i!;ht I c ld ~ 01' ell \.:1· In vau ll i,,, hi PI!J1IIII ,I,. P ,, ' -------.~-- ------',b le. CHr llrnUII1 CR ~: WATC lI011a"trlc r.ly('ulllhtfo Ju j ... \ "'OUa)K o n P ilI en", H THE TREES + ne r ll1 g worle t\rc, hll l'!'1111'f', ('\'I'I\l11l c, Tell your wife huw welJ her oook- frODl Ii kDlte, gun, t,in Olin, rtl Rt,y I lm L ' ru .. Ohl1!8t 'IlWU ' r" , ' f' 1I1 IIIJ: lIt •• :1: • l'rato ll t8 t nkcH IhrfllB.. :, :. . t\!emil' al. cI\'lI, "I el'tri<' ~, I11f'I'I111n l l'II I JI" ClU.I UL~ruca' " tpu Jn t ntlt l cbt ,~It ltO u r. (Ji)IIrco, •• \ t 0 ing ~ustes and what good buttel' s h u oail, firewor k @, or of liDy o t ber DD and mll1 e englll "ri l1 ~, ;J1111 Indtls lrlal Wntoh t h e little R lu ~ -da rk i h , tUre, d ew lln<.l ~ pro mp t trea tm <1u t makes, ••..,.t..+.......!...... ..t.. ..!..!... ...... ~ •••••• ./4 " .. . ~ ....! ar ts. g tgh l hu n dr··ct a llt! torI), Htuwit,h Buokl ~ n 'f! AI'Dioll tial ve to pr - lim y I ell o ws-th at are Ii k e ly t o be . . . . ...... .... ....... . +*<t~ , ++. 'i+ del)t 1\ 1 taJol1g' \1'01 1 III l hls colA h nn dsomf' l r 11111 - 1rnt ort \'r "(\ " It t c it ve nt blood poison o r gangr e n e It, on VOII r or cb erry l on ves n o w . FIO Th e fi rs t law prorldl ng r dernl a id I g , CII !rHlnll Cet th6 Best ""T Ih 'lll ' II Hin j., I "t r'I'(·.nrI·r:t!l' III~. ,,1 ,. O ,enr : ro ur 111(,1 11h it, I Buill u ~ .", n mY! Ih"w lun, t,b quioke st, sure&t b e'tl e r for 'a U to state In 8 t1 t utl on~ of lea rn ing was For s kin trouble! !, sores , uloers, eod ry du t, if t hrow n in t·h e t r ee The Coll e 'ur L il li' II'C' IS t b deCO,36tnro~d.v.'., YOi~. ' passe d by ' on gl'ess and receive d roll"s (1f thO HI' \ 'hu 11'1:,1 zema, oh 'lps, blaok b eads,· pimple s ooh w~unds os 01 0 f or Burn"" wi 11 k ill o ver y s l ug Drancb Omeo. Il:!S 11' t I., W. to e llter til i Bo\l8, ul< " " " t covers Sores, , O'r Skin Erupt ion s, E oz and u11 ernptio ns, U se Dr , Bell 's PI' ellr of Ii>: II prorl's!llo n . . Due \ Iml)s t IIn y of the r e g ola ti on orc lltlrd Preside nt LIncoln 's appro va l In l l! ti ~, hundred lindIIIII'lil"tyAnt.lse ptlo t)al ve nnd y on ret. t,b e mil, ()hllppe d Bonds, Oo rll s o r Pi I s 'IX !lludel1lB are 2Go It t nlJ dru ggl at.s . It Is known as the Morril ~ p l rtl Act y s will a ud exte nninlH e tb i p es t , best. We g uarunte It, 250 a box n rotl.:!d, -----. p l'ovl ded th at the re sbou ll! he granteveryw )' tlrfl, WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. Th o ( 'oil ,,!; or Phn I'll1n cy olTers e d to a cb stale a n amo un t or public I' r) f a (' ility fol' :I t mllil ng In a U Now 111 11 ~ o o !1 tim e to nll\l 100 e la nd equal to 30,00 acres [or eacb that )l rl ' llll ~ to th o auld ' I' t of l)harSt •. Augustine's Catholic Chureb. trenato r and represe n tati ve In con- Olncy , a [II' p,lrul IlIo:;c wbo wish board s on the barn Ilnd sb ds Bnd Fl\ther OeorKC Mnve nhoe fer , Pastor to pl':lcti'e the pr r !lsloh so th a t g ress to whi c h the sla t WIlS nUlled to repilloe broken gln~R in thl} win Muss c Vl' r v secon d undaf oe lhe moulh a by th e appor Uonm nt ot. lIie . ens us t hey n' ny pn ss t he r qllll'cd e.'nml nR· O:O U a. m, dows. o r 1860, T he proce ds 'arlslo g fr om tlons for I'eglst r., lo n, This '011 ge t he sales or this lund we re lO co n- has 87 s t uclentf;. St, Mary's Episcopal Churda. Cranul ated Eyelids The , oil ge of Vell'rl nal'Y Medici ne s titute a fund th a t shOUld become a He l', J , I", udwallad er . Beel"l , Can be oored wIthou t oauterl zing or ;~~~I' Y OU Ut; me: u to part of th e ,Irred ucible de bt or t he end e;l\'(1l's t o Sumlay School. 0 :30 II, m M ornin g ser soarify lllg by the u s e of ~utberlund 's meet th~ s:rowlnf i !l ul1lll ll1i for skill d \' Ic , IV :30 a, m , Roly Comm u nio n the lint state an d the inc a rising t he reIn B little while t h ey will or,rlve, Eagle Eye alve We guaran tee It In th e old en t ia:es t.h o fllrrn WII S f rom should go to ome the ma intenan ce or veLe l' ln nl'lnlls, Th is coll'se has l!)~ Sunday of ene ll monLb , IIttlfl, ba.rd. green, fi vo rless lump , II. gen r a l l oafing vl aoe to oore. 250 ev.ervw bel'e. vounS( nll' l1 lnkltl ~ II~ wo rli t'h l ~ y e nr , in tho wint e r n coll ege, provIdin g th e st il Le, by a ct utterly unfit f or h om 'In food Methodist Episcopal Churc:ll, . The 1The framer 10 llfed !It the store or of Its le gislatur e, wo uld nccept tbe Time may b., money , but the II.V - Georgl ll pe uch ' orohar d!:! will sen d staah shop; t he COWEI g rant an Rov, H. W. Bailey. Pastal , d pledge falth!!!1 perform IQufe d in t h e E, umluy chool. 0: Ul a , m , Mor olng s erance of Its provis ions , erall8 man WOuld rather J!:ive you them, and the city Iiltl.rltet s wi 11 s table, BS t ile milk vice, 10 :110 11 , ro , l!:pworbh L eague, 1 :0 0 p . pails proved ; T he collf;lge' thus founded should, two hoord' tllJk than lend you a qnar have them in plenty , 'J'he Ame ri the h o rse!! 1 ared and..gr m. li: vc.nlng s e rVice, 0;- :00 p, m, Mldwoolr ew 110f t And WJthO'lt exclud ing scie ntific and clasNota ry Publi c Pr \ yer Noe Ll ng, 7 p, m, . ter ...... oao Ag~ooltorl8t l!1pellkln g of them f tl. t in t u eir slalls, Ilnd the ve ry hens Sical s tudies and Inc ludJng m IUtary j •t\ll kind, of N ')t n ry WO I Ie P e n!'iu n II.s The Little Grec n P ea ch, " re loa fed 00 the roost waitin Christian Church • g for s pring scien ce, teach thoSEl branc hes ot Be m Irtgllge d the fa.rm to set hid mllrJ~s ; W o rk rL ' pe.clu lt.v , Rov. L. 0, Thompeo n, Paatot' be fe re begion ing to lilY e ggs , A learnin g rel a ted to agricul t u re a nd Bible 8cbool, lI:ao a. m. Soclal meeU~ the mechan ic arts, In su cll manner so~ up in uOSiDflS8 lD the oity; the. "EverY ' 1"ell.r pellob grow rs l ose wo nd e rful awak e ning I o:ao a. ro. Ohrllltiau Endeavo r. 7:00 p. m., h tls oornu! as the s tate legis lature should pre- - son fatted, and now the sheriff hilS mo uey by shippin Sermon by pll8Lor every alt.ernat.e Sunday " g fruit too gree o. Tbe modern farmer 1s on the j o b s crib e, In ord er to 10:9 00., m. and 7:80 p , m. pro mote Ii. liberal the farm , Tite desire, of oourse is to rettoh the e ve r y d a y of the wlnt~r; tho oo ws and p racti cal edu cation or the IndulIHkksit e Friends ChurQ . murke t very eurly so as to g e t 'lX- a 'l'(1 rt ol n g their bel.!tvto trial classes. provide ple nThe Beat Remed y i rs l Day Mee lln l(, 0 :00 a , m, Flrab Oa, oeption ilUy high prioes. A few ty of fifty cent butter, Ohio Accepts . S( l, ool, 1 J ;0(1 a, m , !lnd tHe ch eEir THE CREATE ST F\ounb Day M ceUng For. all Kindt! 9f sore es~s is Sut~er In Oblo, Oovf;l rnor Tod b roug bt the years , ago early shipme nts oft en fnl oliokle of the 10:00 a, w , l~ud's E~gle bens on t h Ase matter Eye Salve, It it' to tbe att n tlon of the legisa orl\umy snow white oint,me nt and oontain ed se~eral t oo many . orute ~ , bri ~ ht Decr-m he r dll Ys attes ts t,h e lature and In Februar y, 1864, the Orthodox Friends Churell. IN THE WORLD would not injure the eyes of a. babe whloll the h9l\Ith bOllrds of New faot thnt tb ey al'o inspire d , by the Delano blll w as passed accepti ng the 1I1rs, E lizabeth Lllrkin, PIlJILor PUBUSHE D WEEKLY , $4.00 PER YEAR GUllrft n'eed, 250. York, l'hiJade lphia. IIond other oitiet' twentie th ce l1t,nry determ ,Sabbath ch oo l, U:30 n, w. Regular obUfab inlltion to grant. It was over s ix. yea rs late r, HOTELS , DRUOCI Ron STS, 'lco, 10 , qo n. Ul . SPECIA LISTS, Cbri8tian Endeavo r. ooadem nedaud dompe d , Last yellr mllke,g ood!\t. forty five cents tI. doz howeve r, befo re t he legislatur e pass- 00 6 T. U MER s, T RAN 6 FER, CAB 7 :ao p _ , Cultiva te the friellds hlp of tfvery the O&8e' , ed' the laws necessa ry to carry Into AND 'BUS SERVIC E CAN PROFI':' was worst) than ever before; en, effect the provisio ns ot the Morrill BY USINC ITS ADV£RT ISINC fllrm animal , from the dog tit the wbllle COLUM NS car load8 were destroy ed Act in order to establis h t he college, ~orae , The mlln who has not f,rlendl DON'T USE LEAD PENCIL SAMPLE 'COPV FREE "The only plaoe for Immat ure In 1870 an act to establis h and of this kind IS not a~t to have ma.o, fruit 18 DR., SELL 'S ANT I.PA IN 00 the trees. not in the mar maiJ;ata in an Agricul tural a nd Me- Address NEW YORK CLIPPE R Farme rs who hu.v& ocoAsio n to chanica l New York. H.' Y. elsflwh ere, For Interna l an4 Externa l ~...... Coll ege was passed, 'fhe tets. The (lnly way to muke. trolt d raw up oontrao ts, ngre emeots , Institut ion was located In Co lumbu8 ------ profitab l,e i8 ~o te"p. lt on the treetl If we woold devote even one hour notel',o heoks, eto" sh ould r3mem - and was open d for t he reoe ption or , 'untillt is mature enough to be eui , Dr. Bell's Pine-Tr:r-H oney ell o~' t;llturd tiy mornin g to the little he r th/lt the fUlfes t plan is t o mploy student s in S epte mber, 1873, ble, of course all owing for the dlLY F o r Cough s and C olds. The State Univers ity. pJltpon ei:l fixing up task~, bow muob pe n lmd ink f or , this work- never In 1878 an ac t reorgan izin g the we mighfo dd to tht- geuerll lappsll r, 0l two tha.t m~8t elllpse bet-wee n th e us e B Ie ld peooil. 'i'he IIl,w WIll reci s chool was lJ3SSed which, among Style by Reading McCall's pioking aD.; Bnul 81il~ .. , n 1108 of thlnJl@I og o ize tbe lend-pe nni! , but t.b e writ: o t he r t hings, provide d t bnt the n uma ~--.--.,' , ~~i:1e ~ ' a :Hl Us ing McCall Paltel'll¥ t, Ing way he ert\sed too Bll:;i1 r ,tlDd the t hereafte r sbould be "The Ohio State HEARD STRANGE NOISES ----. Don't Experi ment With a 'Coup ~ kC . I !' . MaiaiiDO wll ! aJnuun t of term s Illlty be oU!luge d •.:Unlvers lty," With the MIGAL LS r~,~G.u l tiE t· '11' yo" d rlll;'~ stylreorgan ization When Ur. 0 '1 11'11 Pine 'r!lor.Bo ney i.·11 y n t n 'l1 lUdorn. to I If p eo and ink 'Ir n ot nt blind wu n cnme a larg r nn d broade r view o ~ A long Islaud. fl\l:m er "XptoIHH.1 Ii )" It (~ pi u g b el1rrl hlUl 'been used hy mtllion s of people . t he state 's re latl oll to t he un iversity . \'1 11 pfJS l t' d a u th o a. n oise one night. and thinkin g' thu.t IdmwlD g np .uoh p.lpe for 8ixte~n yell.rs whb a s~elldy in rs use an and fin an cial aid begn.1l to lJe given Inli',1 rn,s !ll n ns In orell8in g deulllU d , Lol)k for the tbe wagon IIpoke he we nt out to in . IOdellb le penClI. '" It! s util I hllu. · rx~ by d irect a ppropr iations, . In 1890, by . :' j . \', FlI~ 1I 1 0 11 u us h:ns . . Bell on the Bottle. . ... _.. a ot o'f congres s, a pc r mn nclIt a nllu'aJ III l'w ll 1s''i tlO. A hu: vestlg! lte , He (;h scover eq tbat t,h CULTIVATE ORCHARD \'IIIIm llio I nl'urnul llo l : grant or' $25,000 wns ma clc 10 all the C nreshould wagon WIlS tongue .tled, Bud th ~ t bo pil 11 11 I1 h ll H 1\ ntl per · ~_ land.gra nt co il gcs. Arte r 1912 this Whim you want legn.lll dvjce, hunt h"d merely "" \11 :11 Ili ullers. be exercised 0 1l1) ' b6llrrl L,o ng Is l~nd ' o Ullcl j lt ) l ' II }! t l ll r No gr~io ur g ru ss orops in the amouu t will be $[,0,000 Inc itlttin J:,: when ,elcCIup 80IDe mbn who would rathel' by nct or 1907. Il Irf 'l! p n l~ urll , Bu b - • be/uin " ing /orks,Ipoons !,not,h er tim 6 /l commo youog ol'c h 1rt! p ltlllRe; o ultivat ~ ~'M !'{'r lho llldoy o r sc utl io n help you 't o keep oot of trouble tban State Aid, (£;;';;';;;ci:!:::~iiioi:d (,," I r .(. sn ll l) l u COpy. . and IBney &<!rvi ng I tl en neBr 0. pieoe of tirnlJer _ ti nt fill' iEl b est, ::;tir t h e so il o\' ory two In 18!H p i~ccs to see thaI to ge~ you out after yoo Itre once in f tile slu t kgls lJtl1l'C sta ir , M<C.II Pallorn, will """h i,' ), "11 til O1 ul,o In your "I .• f i ' rom ,. le I.vOIlO h . /lllu. u\\,11 /lOtl\f' . Wllh Yltllr u w lI lt;tll (l s , t.:lu lhln a: rU\' they alwuys be .. r ' e lH n~ t h nt It I, w e ek ~ \luti! Au tr u s t , It is a ..."o l,d li s hed a p l'IlHllll!1l1 U IlI1U I,J gra nt to tip t~ yonr "m' p.s , y," "',"lr " ,,01 "'dld"(1 " w hl" 1i 11'1 1ho purrOl :t . . . . t ilt:! un lv"el'bll Ih~ / mou, l.ade mlltk y bused 0 11 a certain ':Vas s~u gg l e rt' or pIrAte.;: , b e we nt . phlD to t,ur o w two o r ttl ~ l d ll :l lld tH o P rieto- II HIIH h h: llltr lil a n I f) tbree forkful p r ~eDluge or Ih ' gl'll erul tax tl u lJll" 1' 111..'" ~1 ' ll d t'fl r fr p P fl ~h ' r n Cu la tOg li o. ' oot to frighte 'l th t rn UWIIY by huv of Olllour e Il I'OUtlU No Dange r ea ob tree, o,fte r cat , Tills perl' l1t lll-\O h<ls been In- 1 We Will Give You FiDe P,es. nls ror gUll ing s ub· ing the hiokory bllrk 'L'h e hi o lwl' v ' !I ruio "'rl"I " "" "",,, " g your 1'r1"'IHls, !:lrntl ror froe In ~l.I.ltiog Dr . B6 11'~ Pine 'fur- U rme7>:. failed, creas-ed fro m LIm 10 11m" um ll It PfI ' IIIIUlI1 t ' :1l:' lnC'lW u o il ( 'ash Prize ( UTo r . but he f uunn t llllt, t,h Fl d Ol! ___ ... r ell6hed t he prl! \;t' IIL raIl' 01 l li ce nts I fo'r ooughs lIud coldA, It. oontuin s. .' , CII r,lLrm t U:.lPAN't, 2391.249 Wesl 371h St, NEW YORI( wnuld sucoeed Bowe ve r , it, tnrlJ ed ' l!. _......... MUZZL ~ THE HORSES no htl.blt p r odul'in g dl' ngs ~ wbleh It :t nlp$ t he m th e It ~ n · for ' e ac h $1,UOO oli Ih l ' · ,' tI ra l tn.'< LOOk I lIi n~ R u \.tcfI s il "i'lpllLH,.1 d upll ca to of th l! ~ t nl1 tor the liell QIl the Bottle ', out to hf'Rim ply 110 , celln !/q llll.ll . lu oth er , w.tJt!'. For o\'cr tr O )' ~'U S \ ords, for \. ry t huUSrt~ <.I doUnrs' I "~ ... - • RO GERS BROS ," MU7,7.le t.I)(~ h o rs es when pl o wing wor t b of pro per ly I' u l u rn ~d to the '(he woodoh uok, t}le frpg f\nd tbe sil v;' r ha, he~n fi r:;l In lht' HARD AT HARVEST TIME : 01' onl t ivn.tiog t he ·o r ch a r ll. Y es hc~ !C of l he homt" k,-' elltf beassessor fo r t uxa tloll . th 0 11' 11 I' puys 8kunk went to' the 114 JW. The L . C:aUliC of 118 we:l lint: qUId it)' , • lu d p ud the whiJUe tl etlS. These 1Ii Gt' nt !1 tax t o mai ntain w\.Jlknt Jm hip "n d de 11:; 1 . t he State woodoh uok got in; for ' ' he had · . The hllrves t saason S<lld hy h·" rli ni: dril l er' i:! the U\ tit I'rectl.llt,ions wiil pre ve nt muoh dllm Uni ve rsi Wayn esvill e, Ohiu. ty. L~vt" )' '''bel ('l' , • l 'nd for (~ta .. , 8, quarte r ' (bllJ ); and : @o ~Id . the trying 'of I. : ~he year, There is so jR@e to tree!'. Ano t h e r hint pu.d ~be locuu"C-L "sho" IOJl: al l pJ ttt rns. d The Colleges, ~ --<.,h biB .gr.eon b.ao,k. ', ' h. nt' t'h e much' to be douet so little time to d o oute Valley Phone 153 r edge OJ of t,b e hltrrow . MERID EN Main Stred O' 'Wl~ As organi y,cd at prcst:!n t, th ~ Unl· elniQIt ha4 tQ go hame, for he only i t 'In IlU d 80 f uw h d ' .... BRITA N!,fiA CO, versi ty", cODl 11rl os B1!Ven co eges: IlU S to 8COOl}) Agricul ture ; Ar ts, p hilosoph y nnd had Il bad 1I0en\ , (InlOIllAtlon ISih'. ,Co., pJilih It; that we Bre often at onr "Kind lady, 1 'm just lllst:ely 'tryIng , Science ; Educati on ; jjJn gl~ eet l n g; 1 511(,<,'<10',) , " . . Wits end. 'Let us h9weve r, to keep , , ,. Law; , and Vete'rln II. onre ~e8t we Iltt~m:pt too muoh and ary S O ,nl ,nnd body togethe r 1I'_he. did Medicin e. . , ". ' , , , I lest we put.'too gr.eat i\ burden UllOn look thin .; The College of Ag ricultur e o ITers , the wife !lnd -dn.u6h ter. llldt ' neit-her ElmiJe nor 1-
to Wear"
J. E. J A NNEY,." Wa ynesville, Ohio
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0'· an,d En.. I dowment. :l: :t I
Organization of the OhiO $ i State Umverslty. ...
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$ci¢nune J~n~ yl\an. i/ r
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The Little
Green Peach
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Famous , Silv erw are
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,:~tINt..lME S<lNT t ·· ::~:'::E;;:,~~~;:~;~:nf;i.~ . ,,~;:{b'~ded the ;,~,,;P' "f',Y·m:~!!,!~m~::~I::,·I~··;'eO;~;,~~~+ Hverites Prevents Serious Sickness
I The College of Arts, J;' hllosoph.y, : · t.bnt ' w'e 011.1;1 '. h?\l9 to-\ FO;' Ner:O:"~hlid~~n, . ' and J)elence otters those ~ou.rses that : Billa is lJot \Vorth ~oOh 1\ fellrtQl aHO A naturall y 'neryouii' cbl1d, ODe who are designe d to furnISh a student , rlfi~~. ' has ' bt:9n" pamper ed; ehould 'early be , what 'ls 'commo nly knO'WiIH lll a lIbe raol , • ~. taught self-con trol and the value ~f It. educatlo,D. 'rhe work Is I~,' the lan- ! Do You Qet thl8 Beat ·I t Is ossentla l, to dIscour age emotlon al- , gullell and lIte,ratu res. the s ci~ nocs , It '1" U bllVfl a ()CI'ogb. cnld, nl:l t hl1lll, Ism"and never contena llce 1lt8. of tem- Dla.tb~mB~lcB, . philoBOphy. hIStory, 01 ~1ttJ! 01' an v ' thron to or broDc-lII a l per. Plenty· of fr.b air and ,eunllcb t . 'politlca, ' admlnl'f\.tratl~n, . ~rclonb ot UhJICS: I e ,,"ooble "n,, "u.e~Dr . Bell'jI PloQ-T 8 are greatand Lo aids " F Ir. cblldren nervo aU to dell foodI eboul4 y, t wenty co!nmer .... sociolog dred 81\d , l.s . "'!(aT Btuf.!d en OOtsy. you do, en ok lor tbe eU rorblcl4.a. . .' . 'rolled In tbl8 college, 000'be Sot.t1e. . . _ __ _ ,.. :tU C91l" ,~ jldncs,U oJlIS ~cs !gn·
to heal withoot leave ''1:he
mga.bl euillb,o r',MQNEY R)!1FUNDED. 60c and '1.00 sl&ell for fresh wound ... oldllOres, sore ba.bkl and.~l'touldersL~ul'DII ~d bndl8l. ·· 260 size for Family UI6.
,DR. CQrs PAIIO. EIS 8LI8'I'BR Is p~- and gU ...~teeil to cure
Vin lUnaboO • an1 .enllulle ~'IOurbI,Dween or ment of)'olSpU DOD.n~, or III , or moDe)' refuDde d. Price GOo. ,
5. .,....... A&Io......,..
TRY , LIVE~ITE~·-"'--""~---'
un- 1 l~~=~!~~~~~!:~::~:!~!:~~~I!1
FAILED TO HELP HER Cured by Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound died In-Slug S ing-and the rest are} not worth-" " Yes, yos, I know," replied tho Judge, has til y. " J got your (amity h lS' l tory Crom Mr. J etrrl es after your mar· Na lie-Yes, he was paying atten· rlage. It Is tiled away lilnong the SYNOPSIS. iamlly archives ." to·morrow, Perhaps you'l1 have bet· tlon to ber quite a long time. Sbe s miled sadly. tc r news for me. " Estelle-Perhaps he badn't tho cour· Howan1 J elTrleB. banker'.. lio n, und er "It'1l a wonder you don't lIutlJ '('m The la wyer waved her lIa«;: k to her age to propose, tbtl evil Innue ngo at R obert 'n derwood, up- my folks were not a v 1':1 brlt. sent with' a commanding gesture sbe , Natal\e-Oh, I don't knoW'. Pertello""8tudent Yale, teads a Itt o r dte· .lpaUon, mllJ'rl611 the daughter ot 1\ gam· Il-ant 10L" Barnestly she \\, put ou: could not I' s ls t, 'I'he re was deter· bapa he had the courqe no&. to probIer who died In prison , and Is dlsownod "But my father was nil right, judge. ntlnallvo n arollu~ bls mouth ; In blR pole, by hi. t ather. He ts out ot work nnd In deaperate .tralta. Unc:l erwood, who hud llIood was t h ic ker than water with Cace \ Jls an ex pression she had not once been eIl4r~ed to Howl\rd' s Ble p· mother, Alicia. III appnr ntly In pros pe r him. He'd ne \'er bn\'e gone bn ck a u 8e~n. th ere bofore. TO QUENCH A SUMMER THIRST, OUI clrcumlltanetls , Taking advanlugo o t Sit down again Cor a Dloment," he lIle In the way Howard's father has hla In tlnuwy wi t.ll AlIe lll, he be on1<'8 '1 OD blm ," said, s harpl y. " I want to ask YOIl a lIort ot socla l Illghwu),lUan. DIs, 'O\'crlng Don't pour • lot of loe water Into hi. true Charf\Ctf!r\ AUria d elll " hIm I ho The lawyer looked at h I' tlxedly qUestlOl~. How do yo u ac 'OUDt fo r you In order , to quencb th.e thirst for houlle. He sends ler 0. nat o thrt'1I1611lng without sp aking. Theil' ey 8 met, H~.wurd ~ confeaslng to t~~ e s hooting?" tbe moment-not only doea It Dot prolulclc:le. Art deal ors tor wh om II UN d u comml8sloner, de manc:l an 1I ('cou nt lng , and the silence continued unlll It be. I don t a cOll nt tor It, s he re)llIed, duce the desired relult, but It Ja bad He c&nnot mak e good. H oward C lltl ~ nl came embarrassing. Jndge Brewster as 8~C r es umed her seat. " H says he for you. htll apartme nbl In o.n Into )( i<' .\I ('d "011,11· tton to r eQueat a loan ot .~ ,OOO Itl e na hl e dld~, t co nr ss. 1 don't believe be shook bls head. There Is jUl!lt one beverase that nt. him to tak e up a bu s lnc88 tl rupos lllo l1, Howard drink s himse lf Into l\ maud lin "H's t oo bad. l'm sony (or YOU, dId . all conditions ot heat and thlratcondlUon , aud goea 10 slu ep on II dh'an , really, 1_" "Out three wltn cst:lE'B-" COCA·COLA. A caHer III o.nnouue d Ilnd tTnde rwood Aunlo laughed , a nd he asked: "Who a re tbe witnesses ?" sbe Inter· drawa e. screen around I h I' drunken Next time you're bot, tired or thirsty .Ieeper, Alicia ente rs.. Shl' Ilnmau{ls 1\ "'"'by dO ' yoll la ugb?" rupt ed, contemptuously. "Poll ceme n ~" drink a r;IIUII or a botUe of thl. ODe IIrnmlae trom nderwoorl Ihat h wI!! nOl "What's the u!;e 'or c rying?" she "Tha t makes no diffe rence," he s"ld, best beverage-dellcloulI, refreshlns, take hili life, He I' tus .. IInl!!",. ,,110 will renew he r patronage. ThIs "ht> rcfUIII'8 , "Ha! Ha! It's a lmost a joke. " He made a conCession and algned"'-" thlrst·quenchlng, At 8Od"'fou~'taina or suld . fi nd lak e8 her leave. nd ' rwood kills Annie lea ned forward . What !lId carbonated In botUes-5e eve~lIer•. You're sorry, my Ca't her-Ih-Iaw Is sol" hlm"ett, The report ot Ih pl SIOI 1\\\,11 ' Ie ns Howard. Ho nnds Und rwood rlc lld. ry, and 1 suppose my mother.ln-law Is this qu stion mean? \\ as the judge Write to the COCA·COLA CO .• !Atlanta, H oward Is 111rnl'd over to tho poll!' , s hedd ing tears for me, too. You're becoming Int rested after all? Her Ga., for a copy of their booklet, "Tbe 'a pt, linton. notorlOllfl filr hi.. brulnl treatm ent of prt soners, PUl8 Howll rd a ll sorry and you're all wearing crape beart gave a leap as she answered Truth Abou t COCA·COLA."-lou wlU throulth the thtrd degr 1', and nnn il y IWt" eagerly: and It InteresUn,. an all eg d confetls lon from the hnrllJlsed for us, but why can't some of you man , Annll'. Howa rd'A wtfe, c!rclarc9 h ll r ------~-------do something ?" , " He conCessed against his will . J belief fr. her hUllbllnd'tI Innouc nce, I\nc! The lawyer said nothing. He still mean-he didn't know what he wAs New Fllhlng Indu.try. "" U8 on J e lTrlcs, Sr. Ho r e t usos to II lp lInteJI' "h will conSl'nt 10 n dlvort·~. Tn Alblcore fIsblng In Nova Scotian wa· stared at her In a strange, absent- doin g at the time. I've had a talk lIave Howar d shl' con8" nt~. bllt wh "n Mh e minded kind of way, until finally she with tbe phys ician who was called In ters has become IntereaUnr" but for nnd. thut the Id r J olI'rl e" d es /lot Intm:d 10 e tand by his Bon, CXCQI, t flnan lost patience , Boldly 'sbe said : -Dr. Bernstein. He says that apt. finanCial reasoos, . These nsh frequent· dally, 8ho !lcorns his help , Ann l app a l8 "Well, you sent for me. What do Clinton Is a hypnotist, that he clln Iy weigh over 600 pounds and are \ 0 Judg Brewstor, I\Itornr~' for J 'II'rl l' ~, Br., t o t.a k HOWIll'd'lI C8!'1~. He d ~1I11P8. compel people to say what h" wnnts known as bors., mackerel. A number you want to see me about, judge?" It I,. r eported that A/ltlle Is going on Ih a "I want to tell you that you mustn·t them to say. Well, Howard Is-what were .blpped to Boston last season . .. tRIrt\. The bank I'" a n d h1l' wit rail o n JUdge Brewllter to fin d 1I0rne WUY 10 pl'O· come here aaalll," he answered. they call a s ubject-they told him he The averoge price the re Is three and 'Vent tt. •. did It till he believed he did." one·half cents per pound. Formerly "Oh, well, what's the use-?" tbese nsh w re consld~red a nuisance CHAPTER XV.-Contlnucd. Thq judge qulckl,. put out his hand to the flsbermen, t ' and Imrlly pushed bel' back In the "You're going on the stager' chair. , Rich ••• Sbe nodded. Knlcker- BrowD counts hili W'eal~ "Don't' go," be sa1d, Then be "Tve had a very big ofter." In seven figures. add ed : Tb judge leaned forward, aud In a "Who toltl you hq waa a hypnotic Bocker;-Perpendlcularl,? low voice, so that no one In the outer su bject ?" omce might hear, he said : Garfield Tea will ~l! lIl l1te tbe liver, ,iy. Her hopes revived once more. "Well , I'll give you twice as mucb ing freedom Crom eick· heaJache and biltoue Quickly she 8ald: at Lacks. I t overcome, cODstiplltioD, If YOll refuse tho engagement." "Dr. Bernstein, Besides, Howard h laugbed Ironically. • told me so himself, A friend .of hili It sometimes happens that a womaD "You mean that my falber-In·la w Ilt college used to ' make him cut all marries a man because sbe 18 sorry will give It," she sold, lightly. ' Then Borts of capers." fol' him. But Ie not that a poor way sbe wen't. on: .. A friend at college. e h? Do you to show he r 8ympathy! "You know U's no use YOllr asking r emember his name?" me to concede a nything un less you "Howard knows It." Hre. Wtnslow'. 8ootblo« ",...up ror ObllcJrea agree to defend Howard." " m!" e jaculated the lawyer. Hl' t e"tb lng . lIOl'letlA tb.IfU"' '', redu""" loll.mm ... The lawyer sbook his head . took up a pad and wrote a memoran· HOD, allay_ paiD, e~. wind colic• • a bo\\.le. i "~can ' t-It's Impossible." dum on It. Then aloud be said : ''I'd There Is no fooHlke the'peacemaker "Tben neltber can I," sh cltclalm d, like to have a little talk wltb Dr. who Interferes between husband and ,de llantly. Bel'Dsteln. 1 think I'll ask him to wife. ~ .fudge Brewster could not I' fral n come a nd see me. Let me Ilee, Hit 1I.1'rom smiling, This young woman addr 8S 15-" .• ~ad actually envelgled blm Into an "342 Madison avcnue," she ex vl'gument. Almost mockingly, be said: chll med, eagerly. THE .KU~N "So yon' re determined to have me." Tbe lawyer jotted the address dow!}, "Ye,s ," she ,said , s imply . and t h n he looked lip. "But T don't argu crlminn.1 caseR," "So you think I'm ufra'id of Mr. J ell exclaim d, "'('hat's jORt It," Hh ries, do you?" ('sgerly : "my h usband Is ~ot n crlm· She smiled. Inal. H e Is Innoce nt. I dOll ' t wanl a "Oh, no, not I'ea lly afraid," IIhe all lawyer who Is alwoY Il defe nding crl m· swered, "bul just":"'soar d. I dldn'l Inals. I want one wlto tier nd n Dlll n mean-" be ause he Isn'l a criminal." Judge Brcwster was enjoy ing lb, ,Judge Brew ster waved hi hand con· situation hugely, He had quIte made l e m ptuous Iy. up h ij! mind wllat to do; but he' liked "Go !.Ind see 80m other lawy e\,to quiz this bold young woman who there are plenty of 'em." had not been afraid to s how him She leaned eag£' rl y forwnrd , Her where his ' duty lay. Striving to ktlep fAce was flus h d from ex it nlent, her a ser.lous face, he ' said: ('yes flashed . , "Oh , yeB, you did, and J want I"U "There's only on Jl\dge Brewster:' to und e rs~and l'1ll not afraid ot an, she exclaimed. "He's thE' grelllest man . As to allowing my person,,' In· lawyer In th world , and h 'tt gOi ng terests to Interfere with my dub>-' to help us. lie Is going to f\1\ \'C !low· Aunle took alarm , She WIlS rt!a1I, ard's life." afraid sbe had offended him. Th judge shifted IIIl c:aH lly 011 his "Oh, I didn't say that, did n" .De rllllir. He didn't like this ro rce ful, "YOII Take Too Much for Granted," exclaImed timidly. A !tno!;t pe rsiste nt you ng woman. Judge Brewster forced hili fac e la\o (retrtilly, he sa id : It's very na tnra l- you're looking out "Anything else?" she exclaimed. a frown, " You a lways say that. \; pen my f OI' YOllr own inter sts-" The judgo began to fUBS with the "You said 1 kn ew on whlcb side my word, I .shall begin to belie ve It floon:' .Jud ge Browl:Itel' Interrupted ller 'lm. papel's on his det;k, a s , be uSllall,. did bread was buttered! " "I shall say It agn ln," sbe 'xclulrn d, potienll y, when e mbarrassed for words. "Old I?" she exclaimed In con "ClrcurustancOIl ore against How. · nnd agai n (' very tlllle I see YOU ," "Of course," he stammered, "you sternatlon. Thf' Il\ wyer turned round . There WIlS a comIc look of despo lr In his ai'll. His father judges him guilty will be amply compensated." " You say a great niany things, Mrs "Of course," she c ried. Rising .Je trrl £'a," said the lawyer solemnly faee whi ch would ha \'e Ittnllgetl hla front his own confession. It's the con· cl us lon I'm cODlpelled to come to my· from be r chair, she shrugged ber "Of course, 1 realize how deeply 'y()~ "'slto!' had he r errand not bl'c n so 1Iel'ioll(l, , self. Now, how do you propose to shoulders, Wld said: feel, and I make excuses for YOll. But "Ob, well, tbls Is not my lucky day. I'm not afraid. Please tlnderatlUld " lIow oft n do you Int ntl that lIhall change thnt concitll;lon'l" 'be?" " You don't b:1\-e to change It," she They wouldn't let me Into the prison that-" "ll)vCry day," s he repll('d, <'u lmly. "I !1i1 ld . qui etly. " You don't believe to see Howard to-day. Capt. Clinton He rapped the t~ble with his flye doesn't like me. He has qlways tried glasses as If he were very mucb ot " holl BOY It and think It lIottl.!.IIntll Howard gllllty." to prevent my seeing Howard, but fended Indeed. 11 comes tlue," " I don't?" exclnlwed the lawye r. ' "Of course not," she said apologe tic . "'0, a l the bollum of your heart. I'll see him to·morrow, captain or no .Iudge B1'ewster 't "led to relll a nF)" ,,\ though Inwardly he had h:.:rd worlt YOII kll ew Howard wbeu he was Il hoy, captaIn. He can make up his mind to ally. " If you were YOIl ~{ouldD ' t eveD to keel' troin s miling_ With urete nd· all d YOII know he Is as Incapable of that!" Bee me-let alone talk to me-anllTh e lawye r looked up at ber. 0(;11 Indignation, be sa id : that crime 8S you ore." anji-". Pointing to the plec-e of pa· "Poor girl-you are having a hard per he held In his hand, she addt:d : "You meon that you Intend to kllep " ~lr 6, J c lfrles, how do YOII know "And-',P l Ol e un t il 1 ' ~"e way- th roug h t hat your husband did not kill Robert lime, aren't you?" "Things have beeu better," she reo "And what?" demanded tbe judie ", \teer ('lIhaust!on?" Underwood?" plied, with a tremor In bel' voice. amused . Shl' nodd d. " I kno\\' It," she said, confidently. Half hysterical, II!)W lauahlng, no~ ' "That' s It e'4actly," sh said , " Yes:' llcrslsted the judae, "but how "Howard and I were very happy when we first-" A sob cboked her' utter· orY1ng, she weDt on: ' , The la w)'er 5aspcd. do you know It?" "And-and , take the names and ad ·'Well. I mu Qt say you - you-you're Annie looked steadily at him, and ance, and sbe forced a laugh, saying: "Here, I must keep aU that subject-" -dres8es of ,w itnesses for the 'de fell!!' 'Tery bI'8\'e." then sbe saId solemnly: . , "Wby do you laugh 1" demanded -and-tblnk out l}ow you're.· golng t.t Anni t;hoo1o , her heBd. "1 know there's a Ood, but 1 can't, defend Howar d- and-and all tbat" . o. I'm oN," s he said, 'arnes tly. t ell you how 1 know It, that'. all: t he , lawyer. ' ~a~CIrY· The lawyer , looked ' a .her an' 'I'm nn awfu l ('oward, bilt I'm flght· Howal'd tlldn't do It, 1 know h~ : Already ,hysterlc,a l; ,Annie had great lapghEid. ' ", ' d1mculty In ke~l>lng baek ber.' tears. , mg for , him . Howard ,.Telfrles lifted dldU't." , "Well, tl I don't laugh," sbe sobbed, "So ,you ' ihlnk I'm Going - t~ heJ J Int' up wh E' n J Wus ''''' 8Y down In th The. lawycl' sm lied. world . I'l l.' gln'c mc hla name. He "That's a "Cl'Y fair sample of fe m· "I'll cry: and as I don' t want to cry- Howllrd 1" he said. ,"You ' take ~ l!r-I jus_t laugh. " It'll got ,to be one much for, granted." ~ave ml.' 11.11 ~e bad , to ' make m a lu l l1 e logic." , (TO BE OOln'INU.EO.) - ' II ter YO/11an, lind I'm grateful. Why, '''Well, 1,1'11 all I have:' sbe 'r etol'ed, or tbe other-se~?" H q said, n.othins, and sbe eontl~ued: .'veu, 1\ do' hIlS ,gratitude, ave ll a dog with a toss of ber bead. " And It's a "Well, 1 gue ss 'I'il go home-iJome aee Cul.ure In Swl~r'.nd. , w l\l lIc'k the hand that. feeds ' him , lIi)ghty comfort, ,too, ' ,b!!cause when The flora of Sw itze !:J~na posaesael Why tlhould 1 hID!tlat to itpreS8 ,"ly_7 0U know . a thing ;VOU ,kllowlt and It ~th&t:8 the.,. wor-st part of It-honi~" Sh~ stopped ' abort, she Could go no qUllllUes thot prodtaee delioioul bonel. >!;rlllitndt'? That's a l1 I'm doln-g-Just makes you happy. '" , further, . Her bosom ,was beavlns, and thousands o( colonl... of· beea '~Ing illm bocl< l\ bit of the debt J .Judg [irowster laughed outr,\ ght. bit seen ~n tbe ·coun.tr1. belnl'" utlll~ .. \\'e hi Ul. a nd I'm going to mO\",e "Feminine ' 'deductlon!" he rlel,l. hot teara were rolUng ilown, l it''' t' n !lull t'IIr~h to brIng hl8 fatber "Tblnk a Utln", oelleve It. and then cbeeu, The old l!lwyer turned aW41J by the peopl~ to Inc.,... tbe foud IUP .• I'(Iuod \0 my ""Sy of th lnkJng. I've 1'Du know Itl" ' ),lOoklng up at hel''' he hi' b6ad I!> tll'!ot llie mlgbt ,not see ,ply and commerclal 'prc;i4ucta ; 'la- faat, the .tJ'J)I~lous ~nea~ J~ .ba. , ~)'~ the production of ~. .r aud • .- co... ~o~ .:(111 I\I",ady-" a~<ked: 'rb Judgt' Ixlullded to bl. feeL "Havcn't )'OU a~y relatives to wllom l\to,lng towlird the. door, she turned aUtu. IUl laduatr" of 'coD"dira~t., arowacl. ' 'tot". OQ.DfederaUoa, ... ltd lit "ara :Save heard &rICbt.! you can .01" . . I' "Iread,?" be l' e'allllecl, Sbe shonk her head. bl tJa "1'\4l." .he said, 8&d1y.
Annla returned hill aug ry look with the utmost calm. She was playing her cards we ll , and she knew!t. Sbe lJad hit th o old mau lu Il ~tl nsilive place. Qui etly , ahe wen l ou : "You' d suy 'y cs' In a mluule if It wasn't for Mr. ,Jerrrl t's," "Oh, YOll think so, (10 YO:.l7" be gSl!ped. " I'm Burc of II," t;he revli ed, COD II· delltly. flo ldly she w 'nl UIl : " You 'r e afraid oC him ," Judgo Dre wster frowued . li e dId riot lIltC th e ill Hlllua tlon thut hn was afmld to do the right thing bec ause It might luterrer with bls molu· m nta. Y t, ape reUy, he hud to ntl· mit to hlDl se lf thllt she had a lmost guessed right. :'\ow he came to think of It, he l.Iad taken this talld 10 the matter b cause h ltn w tbat any other cours ~ would displ aae his wealth y client . Afte r all, was h doIng right? Was II' acti ng In conform· ance with hi s proress lonal oatil ? Was he not letti ng bls material Inte rests Int rfer with hi s duty? He was sl· lent for so\' ora l minutes, and then , In an absent·mlndE'd kind oC way , he tu rned to his viSitor. "So you think I'm of raid oC blm, do you?" "I'm s ure oC It," s be Bald, Quickly. "You liked my hus band , nnd you'd jus t love to rush In and tight for him. Hla' father tblnks he Is gullly and, well-:-you don't IIko to disobey him, It's very natural. He's an Influential man, a personal friend ot tile president and all t hnt, You know on whlcb side your brend Is buttered, ftnd-oh,
Pound. Wis. - .. I am glad to aDo nounce that I hBTe been cured of dyspepsia and female troubles by you r medicine. I ha.d been troubled witb bot h for fourteen years and consulted dHTerent doc tore, but failed to get any reU er. After uslDi :I.ydlaE, Pinkham's Vegetable Com. pound and Blood Purifier I can eay r ~;,;;.£,I,,:,;,:~~L:...;.~..J am a well womaD. I can't find words toexpres8 my thank! for the good your medIcine has dono me, You maypubUsh tW81f you wish." -Mrs. lIER¥AN SIETH, Pound, Wis. The l!Iuecess of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ' made from roota and herbs, Is lUlparalieled. It may be used with perfect confidence by women who su1rer from displacements, inflammation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, ir· regularities, periodio patns\ backache, be&r1ng.down teeling, :1latu ency, ln~ I"stion, dlz zln 8Ut or nenoUl prostration. For tWrtJ years Lydia Eo PinkhAm's Vegeta'ble Compound has been tbe atandard remedy for temale ills, and su1rering women owe It to themselves to at least give this medicine a trial. Proof Is abundant that It bas cured thousands of others. and wbr should It not cwe rou? If you waut special advfOfl write ~..P1Dkbam.
LyuD,Mau..torlt. It Ia freo aDd aiwall helpful.
BALE Y::av:.':!i PRESS It will brinai you mON money.' Send for ' Catalo4P.K.DEDEBICK·S SONS 100 llVOli St.. Albany, N. Y.
I '
DEFtllCE Coldpi_we, Water Sfare' lIIP"ea l aWl4n Ie_ pile. work.
I~ '
GOOD WORK WELL SUPPORTED People A:re. Liberal In -rhelr Contributions to Young Men's Chriltliln ' Alloclations.
Shoshone Structure In Wyoming Is World's Highest.
TblS year Youn g !\ten's Christian all' soclatlon s are III(ely. It 18 said, to brealr a ll records In amount of money raised ror new buildings. Th e success Erected In an Effort to Reclaim tho at PhiladelphIa, when $1.030,000 was Arid Valley. In the Region secured In twelve days. has gll'en Thereabouta-WIII Water stlmuluR both to Young Men'a and Yonng 'Wom n's associations. Add ed Thirsty Crop., to It was the $2.000,000 campaign ror buildings In foreign capitals. BrookSheridan, Wyo.-Once a wUdernel!a lyn WOOleD. with th e aid of a rew mon so unpromising that It evoked derIhal'e just secured $>C16,OOO; Atlan~ sion In the halls of congress, the well t men . $1)00.000; Reading. $217,000 ; has become today the land of fortun e El yria. Ohio, $127.000, whero the comand opportunity. ' In this laud of mittee asked tor but $100,000; Charles· boundless dlstancea the altitude Is ton. 8. C.. $150.000 : Raleigh, N. C .• stimulating, the all' Is a ·tonlc. giving ' $75.000 ; Walla VI. alia. Wash., 148,000, hea lth to the Inftl'm and courage to He-That fellow more Dnd IshpemIng. Mloh " $22.600. Asso· those who have tnlled elsewhere . Its Compan~ clatlon leaders say tbree thlngl 'help consl.llnt sunshine encourages optim· morey tha n brains. them In getting these large sums: She- Tha.l so? Ism and cheerfulness. The glorlell' or He-Y s; I lent him a. ten 6POt Christian unity. II. short and public ap· Itll opal·tlnted dawns, the indescrlb· peal. and r eal results accomplished In able beauty of Ita sunsets and the this morning. buildings already erected. nameless witchery at Its twilight EOftIy melting Into night are the work CRIMINAL NEGLECT A Wiry Judge. of ~. divine painter. OF SKIN AND HAIR At an assizes !;ourt. according to the Its .canyons, sculptured during un· London Times, a juror claimed eltold centuries by wind and wave, are CuUcura Soap and Ointment do so emption [rom serving on the ground unrivaled In lhelr wondertul and \'arled coloring and In their awe-In· much tor POol' complexions. red, that he was deaf. The judge held a spiring depths. Its deserts, In vast- rougb. hands, and dry, thin and fail- conv ersation with the clerk of ar· A11,n', lrooc-E..ea, ·the antllllPU. Ing bah', and cost so IItlle that It Is ralgns on the subj ect. and then, turnpo .... ler f"r 'be f ec t, It relle •• , n es~ of area, In potential wealth of pain ful, ."oUell "Dlrtlua. tend er. Oft""" almost criminal not to use them. Ing to the man, at whom he looked Inl' ou.J 'HI. and t nat..&ntb tak.. 'he atill. soli and climate. and III rive rs or con· out. or Qorn. and buoionL Il'. I be Think of the s uffering entailed by tenth". he asked In a whisper: "Are stant supply, are sleeping em\llrcs neglecteld ski n troubles-menlal be: yo u " ery deaf?" "Very." was the· unf'~:"~::~ Cl:l'r!!~r}":'\!!k'!;.e:;r.k'!! awaiting exploitation and developLI.ht. or IJew .boot f ee l a.III'. h . . . . cause of dlsflguratton-ph)'slcal be· guarded re ply. "So I perceive," was certa\a reliel lor IIlIN_i na nan. per .. ment. Here nature alters to every cause at pnln. Think o~ the pleasure the rejoinder ot th e judge, "but not In lf ln•• calioul and tired. alilbtoi (eftL.. W, bu. o.er no.OOOt.eoU monlal. Til Y man hJs blrthrlght-& wide sky. the of a clear ski n. soft white bands and whisper deaf. You had better go In to ) '" TU-IJ A \'. Bold "''7"tuirtl.2ito. sunllhlne, the wind and 0. lure reward gooii hair. These bleSSings are often the box. The witness shall . speak .... ,"ot R,·r .. "t any 8ull8Ulule. t:.iollMl~'.~~" lIonL b, mall forll6c. In ,tampa. for Intelligent effort. It is our own only 0. matter of a little thoughtful, low."-Case and Comment. r.ACKAGB Dll>,m,l_ FREE ...TItUI. land at ~ystery and enchantment. of timely care, viz. :-wnrm baths with 1I1aTIJElt GltA\"8 SWEET crumbling ruins and of )pst Taces Cutlcura Soap, assisted when neces"III. IIlDds J?OW nell,",. t be I..... medlol .. , " •• To Take for a Headaohe. which have utterly vanlsbed. "Wbat do you take for a headache'" De AlleD'I' t",erl°lh, Ilclil, ObJlc1nll. IWIt! b, 6ary by gentle anolntlngs with Cuti"L . I r.ot £Mac.... MI • • It I e •• r,whor.. .. . The late Gove rnor John A. Jobnson cuJ'jJ. Ointment. The latest Cutlcura Iquol' tbe night before."-Toledo '!'r ll ) PlokoJ,.,R EE. AddnH, -' Blade. _ __ -" I,~~ B. O(.M~~RO. Lo~. N. T, at Minnesota "'vell said the west sym- book, an Invaluable guide to skin and bolizes "homes tor tbe homelelfs, food bat.r .health, will be maJled (Tee, on for the hungry, work tor the unem- application to the Potter Drug It Some men look upon laws as things I STaRCH-!~DOuPo.t~e:.: merely to be broken. I -Olber 'lareh~. 00), I~ ounce...... mo prJce tnId plOY.,ed,. land for the landless, gold Ohem. Corp .• Boston, Mass. '"DEFIANOE" 18 SUPERIOR QUALITV. for the penniless, freedom tor the enelaved, adventure tor the rest1~ss, Street Sayings Are Sho:-t Lived. IC some l.olldon slang has a short me. the street sayin gs current for a time pass away ·even more quickly. ],fost of these, such as "Has your mother sold ber mangl ?" "Who shot the dog?" and "How Ilre you orr for soapY" survive only In lbe pages ot !lor Infant. and contemporary nO"e)lsts. Some, howover, bave a iong life. "Does your mother know you're out?" has been traced bnck (0 1840 and may possibly have been curl'ent before tb,en. Others are revived, with slight alteration\!. Ten years ago rude little boys would shout, "Where did you get that hat?" when their grand [athers would exclaim. "What! the same old hat!" And the expression of dissent emphasized nowadays by "Not in these trollsen!" used to 'be conveyed .tl)lrty yenrs ago b)' the tag. "Not.ln these boots! "- London Chronicle.
Cleanses the System effectually·; Dispels colds and Headache$. due to constipation.
Best for men. women
and children: younq and old.
To qet its Beneficial
effec1s. always note the name of the
(AllfORNIA FIG ·SYRUP (0. plainl, printed on the front of every p-ackaqe of the Genuine
I '
NCLE SAM'S luCanlryman'vho bas to. wnlk as well as flgbt-may well bless the year 1911. tor the weight of his kit , Is to be lessened by almost one·halr. The regttlation riG lb. Is dut to 46 lb. with everytblng on and stripped for' real work In the 1I~ld the root soldier w1l1 carry bllt 30 lb. now, thus mUng him the better for marchtng and ftghUJlg. Wben a soldier goes Into a fight tber are certain tblng8 which he mUst carry If he J8 going to be of any use to his country': These are, first of all, bls weapons-rille or revolv r-and tbe proper ammunition. the first-aId paClke~ one Intrenching tool. ~ater...--tV thl"lIty soldier. ('.annot. hit a flock ot barns-o meS8 kit, and tben more ammunition. Nowadays .%10 rounds are not considered any too mu b ror the ftnt dole of ammunition. What he doe8 n.o t need In a fight Is his sbelter-the "dog tent," overcoat. blllnket, an.d poncho. , Today the Intrenching tool is No garded 118 next In Importanc'e to the weapon. Each man carries either a pick mattock, Ii sbovel. or an olte. crtaln men also bave vQre-cllppers. With al\ovels 0. whole regiment can bide Itself In little holes In thirty seo~ onds, and dead soldlcn are no use to a lJoveniment. The old days of , itandlng up In the face of the bullets' are gone now. The only time II. Boldler .hows hl,mself ~o the enemy. It . be can help It, Is In the final rU!M Advan!l6S ar'l iiot lMlrmltted until IUj1erlorlty 'or fire Is assured. But tbere Are a .score of' marcbes to eTery skirmish, ~nd the tabulated 1ist KiTes ~hf'l essential things that each In({lntryman must carry with him. all ;)f whIch distributed m.>re or less evenly abOut bls person. • Here is the tabulated list of the United States tnfantryman'H kit: O.ne rlfte One Intrenching tool Ono gun sllne ' Ono hllvemuck One bayonet On bacon cnn On bliYQnet acab- Ono condlm(lOt can bard On m '~ lIt elln Ono cartrlc'll;e belt One knIfe Onp bund", d roundJI One tork or ammunition One spuon One firsl·ald pack- 1'011 t a rflcles age On( pair socks, One firat-".!/! pouch woolen On4) canteun On hav nsack fa- . One canteen covor tlon Ono cup ' One emergen Y raOne Intrenching tool Oon And th, pl\clt. whlrh eOIllJIlJtI!l of : One pock-carrier One shellor- holt :>no blanket Five abelter tent Ono ponollo pins
made part at the ration. The soldler'a little tent has been made mucb lI~bter. N'owadaYB each mall IlIgs haa a shelt.er tent;, with Hve \llns Bnd one jointed pole; hIs "bun· Ide" lugs the other half. Now the polEls are abolished. The rifle acta ItS a front I)ole and a rope takes the p1a 'e of the rear pole . . In ose of a .surprlse the rifles Is l'en hBndlel~ to get at. But el'en better the lessened weight ,\\.1\1 be carried In much easier tasblon'. The 1l.1ustl·atlon shows a front view ot the new equipment of the UnIted, States toot ~o!dlilJ' ~lth cartridge belt
CASTO,RIA' 0hUctreD. '
fIbe· Kin~ 'You Hava : Always Bou bt '·Bears the
Signature .
Th!l Oreat Sholhone Dam,
dangers for the brave, an unknown world to conquer and room tor all." In the swift march of national events during the past decade, the development at the west has focused the attention of the world. It fUrnIshes one of the most Inspiring pages In the annals of our commonwealth. It Is a story of progress and human achlevement-a battle with nature in her sternest and most forbidding aspect. But Irrigation has wrought Ita miracle, "md the wealth ot that portion of the country ' which great statesmen hi. Webster's day were wont to declare worthless II greater now than that of the enUre nation In 1860. Of espeolal Interest Is the project located In northern Wyoming. . As the springtime sbowers and surlshlne fall upon the snowy peaks ot the lofty mountains on tho eastern rim of Yellowstone 'pa!k, a Shousand streams rush downward to fill to brImmIng the swlft-flowl.ng Shosbone river. An Important pbyslcal change will occUr at such a time. The flood that once, unchecked and uncontrolled, Bwept madly througb the rockwalled gorge. will beat Wielf to stillness against a massive wall of coricrete with which man has blocked the canyon. Abeallt\tul lake. 100 teet deep and covering 10 square miles, will appear. .- Tn this wonderful psb In the maUDtalns. with perpeQdlcular walls a thousund teet high, the government bas ererted the hIghest dam tn the world. It Is Il wedge of concrete 328 -feet from base to' top. Its height can only be apprecIated ,when compared with thllt well-known structure, Nil" York's famous FlaUron buUdlng would reach within 47 feet of tbe top of .th. dam. and the tip-top of the dome
Held on Crooked. !JUle Paul had always been taugbt by his 'mother that God had made him and that he ought to be thankful that he had been mode so perfect; eyeR, ears, feet, hands and al\ complete. His mother had bought a new cook stove and Paulle was examining It. He lilted the reservoir lid and looked In. There was his picture, as natural ~8 Ute, In the watel', but be was sorely. troubled, while looking at It. When aaked, by his mother, what the trouble was, be 8ald: "Dod might 0' made me persect, but he put my head on trooked:'
tIh'''''' .)
.n J",I ~ ..
(III -:..
1Is.J:a ..
I~fJ't.n." Y".,t;,...... "FftIr...
.Aperfect Re,f;~-d-y-ro-r-Cons"pe, lion, Sour Stomach,Diilrrh<ifI,
Worms,Convulsions,Fevtrisfl. ness and Loss or SLE&~. ' lAC Simile Signature of
. - " - -COMP"lN~ -
The Tragrc Difference. William was lying on his bed, face downward, sobbing desolately. His mother took blm In her arms tbe ~Inute she learned all. It w'as & sirl, and she had seUl him a note. It' read: "Dere WllIyum: "1 luv yu the best But Henery glvs me the most kandy.- Isabel."- Suc· c:ess Magazine.
Oni Boat. LaD4on.-BleYell .~bt,. di tile leet ban bid
For 0'18r Tbil~ty Ya-B[S
1" "
Clean Sanitary Floors, Varnlah, which Is commonly regarded only as a beautifier, Is an efficient sanitary agent.,Varnished surfaces can be cleaned by wiping. and the mlcrobeladen dust la' thus kept out of the air. A varnished floor Is therefore not only up to date, beautiful and easily cleaned. but Is wholesome. The Nat\onnl AssJjl&lo.tion ot Varnish Manufacturers 636 ~he Bourse. Philadelphia, Penn .: are dIstributing tree a booklet entitled "Mod~r.n Floors," which tells bow floors may be mode and kept wholesome' and attractive. Send for one V.a.rnlsh Is .c heaper than carpet and 'ar more ' 8atisfactory.
H.ere is the Car Write ua for special price
MODELNo,34 Original price $2500,00 This solves the problem. ' A high class CDr at less than one third the original cost; rebuilt, worn parts made new and guaranteed for service and satisfaction same as a I)ew Rambler. Write today. '
nlE THOMAS B. JEFFERY COMPANY _. 1008 Michillan Boulevard. OF IUJNOIS
nless he Is hoOl(\ where be can rage before the ramlly-abol\t It, a baldheuded mall wll\ prel4lnd he doesn't IID0w there l\fe such things as flle8. ' Garfield Tell overcomes con8tipation.
The way of the transgressor hard but smooth.
~;;~;;=====:~=;~;::~=.;==~(c:;~~====::;;dam."'" n;.Oln 01' B' .ood·
thlrsty, the big gates be opened and, tbe :pent·up 1Ioods will-be relea.ed ' , .• ~ Into \~e rtrer below: , An~8i: :.I' r ~I a lo",! ' I~cture of' ClODCttt4t, will ,.u; Or, a little *-ter.&om tbe hUlDln eysteJIl wheD vert the ,'watera throuah . a' ,tuiuie1 . ,tboroutll1y t ..teel "7 the obief obemllt It Dr, tbree. a~ . a quarter ""lles .1 0n. In,to ~rpe .ID"'i~· H~I. Bul'alo, N. Y" telll the .. canal- wblcb, tor 40 mUe8 pallet 'tof'..cif ~~¥ blood-Dervolll exbtultioD atong ..the upper ,ei!g4t of a broad and or .lOme lUd~ trOuble. 'Such eXllil'lIIrioDI are tertll. _dO without _ t ud' ll oalf • '.aiall ptlrt ,01 tho __e nUey conta,ln.ln' .. ~6,(j,QdO .erel,. ,,~~ 01 the.. . of pb,..ioi..1 ud IUrteool uDder .. ,,:0 years : ago )t wa,1I a desola.t e . tlMj ~~ of Dr. ~. ,V. PierCe "vi", ,t he beet ~.~ ~aate. Today it contalna 'more' than medlau ".loa poul~ without o.t to choN 100.' ,arm hou~e,. al,l~ . three th1'lTfDI ,no"..... ~ write ~ ..~ a fuU statemeat of ~W1lI. Last: year iO,~ ae.,. proIJI!IIIItoaII;. AD ImitatiOa of DD~I'H method of daeed crops OD lbll proJect: TIle' boji.. _18 of tin. . .\I imP9nriebmeat ..... t \0. hi .::.... bH-ti 1_- tb ' .... Wood DDCI aerYOlII II 8Hd Whoa ,oa ....n 0 . "",pe .• .n_ I . . . . 1 OIL \ e tab ......,.ti.. -:-~rio ~ 01 roote weat_ It, beekolU th. lUldleu mall to ."..... 1M . . of ...... _ . • the man,el. land. .,
IO,CJOO a,.l. c•.,...,., ..,
~.;'SNtl.J'__ • -
One Experience, "Tbe woman you sent to ' me Cor a lob In the musical comedy seems en.Irely Inexperienced. Do you know of oar ever bavlng done leading buslnesa before?" of the United States . capitol would . "In 0.'ne way. I knew she always led fall 21 reet short of the .. parapet. In the summer, when the crops are ' her ~:iusband a dance."
Oplum.Morp~lne nor Minfral NOT 'NAR C OTIC , Aw}N .r()M /JrsmEl/m'641t
2:" __:-
Bellb.rook. 11. ~ tot n~~N~I;;lI iE) Mil l\ w1lo h j 'f! h n \,lsltlll~ III UII Y t cm for the pI t ' Ie rOllul'n oli h. l1le~'lliurduy . h F" ll nk e rr hill a rilling \,lu g fj\rCll ' 1' . U( /)ULIt IIf lo wn IItHI l\U ' ·M.sgr r"t 1111'(1 wpre 11 ltl tI'l t1,)tI t "'ne d/\ h ,' R. v .J. A . . \\' hi! , T h Y ,,;iI\ rn,.id tl wil II the gl'uum '8 pllr IIl ii. ~I !l l 'a!' ~II an 1 Mllry RYllU lire vi it.1I\ reh Liv . . tit 0 on , MI ..?ta) lll ~ ·HI) .vlIl' I , of Albu n ,\', I II, i "I!<IIIIl J! h,'r , \l li tll', Mr Wl ll '" Blu "It ~\ nIb of tllwn \'Vill l~ , 1I1!er W,\.,r' wh 1111~ b all var.y iok is repor t d soma b!:!1tpr II t th t!l wrlt'lO g . Mr. I:lowflr:i Tute. wllo bll~ Ulle u nwa." ott n tii n~ "1' lt U 1 un r t1 Ilrl1l'(\ uomo to spenp hi VU Oll t lfl ll. Mr I:fo wu rd 'Iate wh o live n orth of tll\~.n will he 111 0 1'1' 11'(\ to i\I i~e; Elennor BlokeTt lit X6 ni t~ npxt Wedu d i~Y v lilng. Sev r ul Jncli f'~ frnm II 1'6 utte lllieu the convantinn helu ill 11u.\ ,tuu Ills t wook.
'1'1'Y a Maple Schwartz' .
SUlldae a t
Harveysburg. L VI ,las up got huri quite S(w" re.·j Iy
l)y 8 , full
but lL
STORE I THE DAYLiGHT ~~=---~----.~--~------
this writiog lSI
h I III proved . I Zi01;1 BII ]lUst lJo}ltL,,\ng WLIH 11\ r ge ly '
ID 11
tended b, pe opl from ~ d~l'ltl1uce . .I o·!'. Oovi!', of tha H . U. It onlled , 1\ friends be re 8nturdtiy und uoany .. ' Uonjamln Weeks Is working HE1 V-. oral tll eD in puttmg u p the JobuSfon I:fllrvA t,jog Mo hinery wbioll I.lu s(l hl durtn~ the prin g . V org!:! Arlllstro ng, of UillCiullllti. I Hp nt ·nnc.ilt.y ill Oll r vi llage, 'hILS . We ltz nDd R(\hert Dol1.l', of Wllruiogtoo , oulled on fri end>! here Tbll r dll,}' eveDing. 'l1nrles Ellwtlrud hOM purOht\S8d Ii Dew bllggy in~tel l tl of au ~utomo [~
-----tISpecial Saturday
Special Sale of Men's, Women's and Children's Oxfords
bile . A (In nee wtll he given ILt town HILII
Tburl'dny ui gllt, uuder t he direotlon of EOlm t i oC,'rron. Mrs. ldn, Autr;1111 of Lebunon, oll pc1 on ber si te l', Mrs Frnn k Mill. InMt Tho rstluy. Messr. " II>!oLl Llull B Iuolller ot Dnytoo, 'undlly ed iu OUI' tuwn .
Ibs. best
Men's Oxfords .
Children's Oxfords at ·cut prices.
'$3.50 and $3.00 Oxfords ..... ....... $2.49 $2.50 Oxfords ........................... $1.98 $2.00 Oxfords .................. ......... $1.49
$4.00 ilnd $3.50 Royal Blue and Armadas, only ................... $2.98 $3.50 and $3.00 Argo and Signets $2.49 Special prices on Men's Dress Shoes . .
Children's Whit e Canvas Oxfords, half price.
New styles in Patent, un Metal, Vici and Velvet.
Trya hocolate Dope at Schwartz's - it 's fine .
.. ------
MrR. I. N. Hqrris fwd little U lugbtar Irma of D.ly ton, ViHI I cl het· m tu r, Mr . Ali 0 oKin ey J st weelc, Mrl!. Ma.ry Wtlt.e rbotlse ond daugh ter, MrR. Ed. E,lwnrdH lIod Mr. ,) R mes "Iss were ill La bfltlotl II t. urdtlY. Mr. Rnrl Mrfl. Dahllo l:i 1m , t ,tl r, of Textl8, are vi!liting Mr. Illl d Mra . 'h1l8. Werntz. Mrs. Vi ,dEl Harhn nDd obJldr n 1ell va tlli evt' nlng for G Ie. bUf!?, 111. wbere the r will IIpeo':1 t ho llmID r wit,h r",ht!lves. Mr!l. A lioe ~oKm se y lind Mr . I. N I:l ,.u'ri and little dttul.{hter vis! t· .. d r lutivas in ?Ii rrow sev"ral dllyB In t week. Mrs. Hope ~t.i1 bit S bl'an quite . siok the pl\st wElek. . Mr. Barton Kelley and wife, of. Cinoinnati, ware gua. t . of Mr . Allotl MoKlnsey '\00 daughter Saturda.y nigb~. Mr. Cal. MoBryant, of Dayton vis ited relative here last week. Wes. Biggs and fumlly are moving intp the property reoently va· outed 1l:y .6 eo. Pease. Rl\y Mill~ was it: Lebtinon one , day reoently. W. J. Kilbon and Kennet·h were in Oinoinnati one day I{l~t week. The body' of Joh n Uomfort. was brought here Stltnrdo.y trom Xe '.lia for bW'ial. Mr. Comfort.wa u former resident of this plaoe.
MisR Mubel Sherwl)od has bnd MillS illHl esworth us her gue t the past few dtlYS . The Miss ~ Luoille Norton nnd Emmeline ,Jeft'ery left Monday III rning for Ii. vi it with re1~tiveli in Ludlow Fulls. Mr and Mrs . Edward' Wiebking and haby dllughter , Elizabeth, of Ciooinnlloti, vi Ited Dr. and Mrs: Kriegboft' lest. week. Prof. and Mrs. H . E . Wil!H'ln, of pri'ilr:boro, visit ec'l frIends a nd relativfl1 in /lond near Oregonia Sunday. Mi s Ed na ~pellcer attended the afternoon session of the All Day meeting at the Friends ohqtoh at Turtle (Jraek ~unday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Kersey attended the wedding of Mrs . K.ersey's sister,' Miss EVIL Tuoker to liilton McDonald at HarveYllborg Thurs. dry evening . . Mrs . Elwood ' Ault and ohildren /lore visiting relatiTe in K.,a llda. The friends of M.iss Marv Conner, formerly of this .plaoe bot now of Morrow" were pleased to learn of her marriage las' week to 'M.I;. I:Itanley Watkins,
Saturday we will place on sale ~ Remnants in Lawn, Batiste, India Linow, Percale. Calico, Gin&'ham. Table Damask, Oil Cloth, etc .. at sacrifice prices. Come and get first choice.
Fancy Evap. Apricots, per Ib ...... 15c Fancy Evap. Peaches, per Ib ...... Hc Fancy Canned Peaches, per can... ] c Good Lemon Clings, per can ...... 14c Good Yellow Free Peaches, a c~n 12X c Waynesville Corn, 2 cans ............ 15c Waynesville Tomatoes, 3 cans ..... 250 Choice Peas. 3 cans ........ .......... .. 25c Fancy ~eas, per c~n .. ............. ... . JOc Fanc~' Head Ric~, 3 ~ Ibs ........ 25c Kettle rendered Lard, g ua ranteed pure, per Ib ....... " ..... ll c Fancv little Picnic Shoulder::!, per Ib ........................ :............ .. 12c
Men's G e m B r a n d o f Shirts a n d Overalls
bOc M~n's Dress and Work .Shirts ... 48c $l.oo Dress Shirts...... ....... .. ....... 79c Odd lot Men's Pants, $l. 50 ami $2.00 kind ...... ...... ...... .. .. ....... 9Sc UNDERWEAR- Men's and Women's in 2-pieee or union suits at Special Prices ..
- For
Home-grown Strawberries. Gooseberries, Cherries, Pineapples, Bananas, Oranges. lemons, Tomatoes, New Potatoes; New Beaps, Cucumbers, .
. ... .
'P a r i s
Lice are eating your Chiclrens. Hens will not lay whije lice are sucking their blood. See our new Lice ExterminatOr; saves seventy-five per cent of your Lice Powder 81ld gets every louse. Also Conkey's and Pratt's Remedies of lill kinds, Poultry Feed· anq Supplies,
The best made. Get our prices be· fore . buying. Special prices in large quantities. ALSO.
Binder Twine
Harness 011,
Harvester 011
Everythlne Cood to Eat.
Axle Grease
If yori are fond of Chocolate try a Chocolate Dope at Schwartz's-!.it's fin~.
- - -.... ..- - -
Walter J. Kilbon. I
Spring Branch
June lith-Mrs. :Ada Dakhi entertained on ]alt Wednesday to dinner No. 2220 Mrs . Georgia Gordon and Uail ans. RE~ORT Mrl. J. H. Chenoweth and son MING f the Condition of ~he Waynes- Jaoob were visiting Mrs. Annll Dakin called on 111'8. Joe Bozallast . Spring Valley Township com- . ~ILL HAVE HOME CO Notice of Appointment Ville National Bank, at Waynes · Luolla, ot near Corwin on lllst Friday Fridayatte,r noon. menoement a.nd mll88 meetinlf was ville in t he State of Ohio, at the Mrs. Ka'e Smith and 80nB Geor~Q Ilr. and Mrs . Thomas BelY an~ held · Tueaday of last week. Oor. The London, Ohio, Board of Trade E,&ate of nebecca A. Daulel, doceuOO. close of business, June.7, 1911. . and Raymond were eutttrtatned hy family entertainetlot 8undaydinner :hog]& hwitre f r:pr:,~n~ ., E~m~ is sendil1g out •'boosters' , to adver- ~~:1I8~de~g~:.!.I~:~ru~u orIWl~u::tate~'1 ~ESOUROES. . her sister, Mrs. I~ Pratt on Friday. Mr an!! Mrs . Ohllriie ~.mith and w::,:~ ,:w~ s!o:re: ~~~wh~~O:. tise the Madison County Centennial ~r~aaec:~u.ulel. lale of WIU'nlU Ooun~)'. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Marla.tt and faLUily. Mr. and Mr8 (Jhu. Mendenhall, and Home-Coming to be held in .oated U. S. Bouds to secure .. 19.'701.30 60.000.00 daughter Lena., M~. and Mrs. Mr: and Mrs Jaoob .. Jlrs,' Jesle H"-~Ins Mnd ' London the week ' of 'J. uly 4th. The . Bouds. securltlOll, etc..circulation ..... .. .... U d d b ,Wm. M . 'N1SooU and d N Ion Mr. and m .... A .. llunklll8 house . .. .. . . . ...... '. .. UOO.oO uor on were entertalne y r . . lar&el aDd daughters na an ora, Mi811 Eleanor Haydook motqred to "boosters" are visititllt all the towns • • B~~:J1~~:~~Il8~t::m~~~~~8 21, 8~U~ and Mrs . Frank Dakln ' and family and Mrs . Tim Smith and sons, Dayton. W . ednesday. tollt~nd tb.e wI'thl'n a radl'us of miles, . and at:e Notice pi Appointment Notes of otber National BanJUl. ,.. 530.00 to dinner Sunday. Clarence and lrveD, M18~ Alioe 8 tl SOh l O t i , lrractloual paper currency, nJckels. Mrs. ~eners is verv 81ck at the Cheno~eth a'n d Be.dha Smith we.e nn a;r .00 onven on. · accompal1ied by a band and glee chiD. and cents .. .. .. ,. ... ...... . . 208.09" d Itt N"ha Bo-"'''' I' Oompton apen· 8 part . E,tate 01 E. H. Colvin. deceued. The uoLawful Mouey Resorve In Dank.vlz: home of her daughter Mr. ~im (Jnr- enHrtained by. Mr . an rI. Ih n ~ dWIIgned has been allpolnted and Q.uallfled Specie. : . ' ..... . . . ... :. 11.39 2.00 tis. at t.l le time of this writin a . · Austin and daughter Oeli stt a, al.Un. Ofld&l!..wneedkedW!thhereoon1a~ieVne~~nn ' Dayt.ln HAD AR.M SPRA.NED ~lnad . II~J:U:Y"~~r:!t~:~r.ate, rl'~oBd..l!.-~~ l.egru-tender notollwith . . ...U.S. . . 1,000.00 13.592.00 .WU .... . \ an a ....e , v "... ' . Da......... _ 29th day of""-aJ: .y A. b ~1911. Re<lomption fund Trull8' Mr. 'fhomas Chenoweth, of ner. ~nn d ay . 00 urer(6% of clrculutlon) . .. . .. 2,500.00 mington, waa visiting a few days IIrs . .J. H. Cheno1Veth and SOD OhM. Icenhower, who is suffering While picking ~herries Monday Dr. Sano I M. Mn . t 'th ccident thel~~~~=~~~~~~~~~ Total ...................... 390,014.32 with hie aon,t Mrs. J. iiI ,Oheno- Jaoob and danghter i'rano81 lpeDt frOD1 nervoul!I .pros'ration is1mpr)v- H th LIADI1.l'fmS weth and flimily ' Jast w-k. · , Sunday with friendll in Mt. Rolly. lilg slowly~ " ' Ito ,away me . WI . an a_~ " I; Mi88 Bleuing·" of Da.yton tqe result Dof whicQi is Mr. and Mrs . Joseph ..,....Hainee en• ~• T h k' a sprained· f Cupltalstock puld In............ 60,000.00 ~l![Nf~~~roilt.S: 'Iess' j,Xjierums 76.000.00 tertlLined on last Sunday .Mr, and Leave your orders for Brick Ice opened a dry goods and notion store atm. . e r, was p ~ tna' ro~ a BsiBed· AdB d t 'd ~ut.sia'ridjj;g 11 61 ' 5 in South Burlington . small tree, when th. e ., branches Natlg~ul t~:c Pg~tAi8. 50'.000:00 Mrs . . Fred Sawin and 1tttl~ son Cream at Schwa'rtz , 's~ ....... DivIdends unpaid.. ... . . .. ..... . 240. 00 B orRoe an d · hli 8S ouary ~.. . M"yers ' ,. • - • . spread, lettin g h.im , lind his la<!de llldlvidual deposita subject t~ JI'nner " , Try a Maple Nut Sundae at fall to the ground It ill not a seri. check 1 9~ 246 62 ' New B Ur Ii n gton , . Adil will be In8ert.cd uodor thIs bead for Demand certificates·..... i.7J3·. 8 2 201.!J ~ 0. 44 MisRes Alice Che~ow9th and · Schwartz's. ous hurt Dut a very painful one. twenlv.t!vo cen ts lor tbree Insertion. Reserved for tnx s.... 1.1 G.ao Bertha Smith 6n tertained Elders' .. - • ~ _~ . ' . ., wben u810" ootmore tban five lJues. Total. .. .. ...... .. . , .. . .. 390.0 12.'32 John Thompson and Geo A. Bretz Miss Flora Harlan has returned FIR.ST· ORADE HIGH SCHOOL S1;OCKHOLDERS NOTICE STATE OF OlllO, WARREN COUN'fY.SS: lof Indiana, Miss Reila. SmHh, Mr';' from her ,ohool work in Miam.i::!_ - - ... - - - - - - ___............... I. ;So O. Cru-tl'-rlgllt. OashJor of the above Molli u Collins and grandaughtAr borg. . S. K. Mardis, State School Inspee. The Stockholders of The Citizens , FOR SALE numod bank, . do 801emuly swear I.hat Lho L l' f D t S t d y I ht ;Y B ki "ntert8ined hl'S • Mit . k d allove 8Lut~meJ\t Is truo La the host of mr 0 S. 0 a.y on, on a or II. n g , • e~e BoW ns " . . tor, was In ason 88 wee an Bank of Waynesville, 0., will meet knowlodge and beUet. . Mr. o.nd Mrs. Mont Hoblit · and ·t:!unday Sohool olass on Saturday made their school OJle of the first\ . . esd J. O. 0AR1'WRIOTIT. OnshJer. fumn.. enterta.ined their mother evening . 'fhe following officers fi at theIr ~ankmgh9use on Tu ay, Subscribed aprl sworn llo(ol'e me this J Otl\ .r ' P 1.. grade ThIS makes four rst-grade J 27. 1911 t 2 'I k A",,(lut 0"00 ~oorl bricks dayo( June, 19 l1. E.V. lllLrnhurL. Mrs . Rebeooa HoblUafewdaysthe were -e]elted: res., ~nrence '. une ., ,a ococ p. m., f or BR1UKu 0(Jorroct Attest: . , NOLllt'y Public. 1l1.ttpr part of the week . Miohener; . vice pr!,s., Amoe Oomp-Ischoo)s In the . county-Waynes- the purpose of ra tifying a sale of tor sale. Inquire o( A, B. f: ton;:-seo, . ~m.. Rllrlan; : ville, MaSon, Leb~on and franklin. their business' to the Wayneflville Obandler, Waynesville, Obi,?, W. fl. ALU':N. Directors. June 12th-Mr~. Ada and Pearl Roy ~one8. , Let the good work go on~advantages National Bank; , ""'!'!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!~!!!!!!-!E. of a school of this kind are manifold. • - ...- - FOR SALE-SL Larnbert Bull ; 2;::; - - -and we are happy to note that , Camomile. \. year.old, fllshionably oolored,
thIIlA~~.d~~a~llllfeur~'!\tml~iit~Uj.. •
. ..-. ••___
fv. W:rflb.
I t.".,)
~--~--~-~---.·.·~- wm aynesv . e soh~"
th~ cl~
U~~4~~~~~· ~~~um~~~~. J.UWi~oo,IDnp Mms, O. . '
0 IS In • or tbe 'leavea dried and powdered 01 ;., -;;~l'Ortuni ty ar,' the commOill cam".omlle .: ,will tdf:tr;" Inaects, bul . tha.t nothlnl con r u el marked "Posh" an!! "Pull. " . ao mucb to the bealtk '.)t a larden at ., number of camomile plants' dJ. perBed' through It. No greenhouBe ot • hothouBe Bhould be without camomile O. In a gte~~ or In a dried lltate; eltber r d Inance 'the' staib .. ~ower. will anawer.
The doors
65 I
TAX ~EVY 1912
Au ordinance to levy tuee tor munlclpal ~,i. LJoen .. " for Being Born. _ . p~ for the tax ~ of 11112, ' AB I was about to enter one ot the Be It o1'da1ned by the Council of the Village .b I " aiel ' D of WaYD_vllle OW~: · ~ooIB, ,the ot er . morn ~g, B r..
........... .
S A L E '. \
PI t I , an ·s . Dqolre of Albert. . Be~pmyer, . R . .D. 3, ~lat F. ,rk Sobool f!0use.
SPANI"'O T b ""
0 '10000.
pURE .•Terllay SW8f}t PotAto plrmtll. . . D R. Bocket~, phone' 66-1X, W"YQesvllle,ObJo .
'A P"'R NAPKIN"'Th ' 6 aze ... ~ 1lJ . n8 ..... office' handletl .the plain white. . ' sectIon J. That there be .Ievied and col- LUtl1.er· H. Gulick, the superintendent nd o'olored n 'pkins 0 II . tI lected tor the IUpport 0'1. th~ m~clpa1ltY I or hysical 't ralnlng in· tbe New York ~ a an.., lIee dUrIng the flIcai year, lin, the. sum 01 P . . ..hem , 'a . . ~ .a,:.a.~~:oo. . '. ,'ecboola' "I met a llttle chap who " .. ' . ' . . ~OD 2. That the levjo .bove autholofi&ed ' 1 .&ft l' t • .. ,. ..r.l ' . g' :bltter for\murltclpal pu~' be ~~ the la y. .A ~.r ,a o . o~ . l8RU~ , P'APli;R_If you ,","n~ ' hereby ~pportl«,)n . .. 1011«,)...... . i ~D~~. to learn the cau,Be of lila dll any color otJlne tissue p.lper For geDeral fund . .. ; .... , ....... ...•• 01);00 trau He. Informed me. The principal· call C the tiaseUe om_~ W e t.. q \Ie• lI'or.publlc health fund. , •.•.••.•.. , - 200,00 . t' h 1 H t' a . uwt1' . For publlcAfety tund •. ,....... . .. 200,00 'Won't let- me go . 0 .c QO. e.. ~ . I&,on hand all time. II'or pubUc eervlce tund... . . . • . . . . .. 2200.00 me home be~uile 1 forgot 10 Drln. ID7 .. , Sectlon.l. For liDkiDa lund ~d Jnt. 2110,00 lloap ___ f~ '-eloa: born' .. ·' . ~:::::::;::==:::':::;:=;::===:::=:::::" Total cior~ratlOD .&U:lJIIl •• ;, • ,'•••• '08,10,00' ;;;;~~~~ ' ~==;;======,..: '. SectIoD.. That tIM clerk'lI bereby dJrec&- . . ed to certIfJ' the above levi.. to the AwUtor DR. J. W. ' MILLI;Rt. p,!..Warren Oount,., to ~ p1AC9d OD &be tax ...~ aorl coIlected , ~ to I.... .. . section II. ThIa oM1Daic!e!lb1D Wee efl'ec:t TURKEYS · ·".nt ..tray I~t aDd be III fo~ froID aDCF at&er the eat!!._ , Th~r~y. . Anyone : l88i1llt ••• DENTIST: •• ~, 'allo_ed b, I.". • .. _ ..... . the ..me. wUl n~"fy Wenzel Berr., .....at cilUDCII oItUDber tbr. ..... II",," t "
quae: :T.
,,& _ _ Yft
' , -1, O. ~&·"D&""BT. JlQGr.
0. D. BUD. 0JedE. ,
. ~.'
. 29
Olliae In , ___•• D __1. BI"-
• Wa-esvllle, ~-
D. 3, Wa,Denllle, 0.. 0 R. ~.Ihl' lordaD, WeUmau.
.~...-..~~--- ~..-.--.....-,.
I F-or~er .--....
Citizens t
~ .~,-.-
Matt McKinsey, who has been in Santa Ana, Cal. •. for some time, is now located In Mont"ovia, Cal. Geo. W. Manington, who has been living at Tonopah, Nev., several years, has moved to Seattle, Wash.
OBITUARY With little or no warning, save 1 gradual decline, in the hush and 3ti11ness of the midnight hour, so 3ugges tive of res pose -.. her ears deaf to every earthly sound- the white winged messenger came to Ernaline McKay, saying, "It is enough, come up higher." lIer last day on earth was God's holy day; the weekly Easter. In the morning she attended church as usual, in the evening after 'd . hId h' d a rl e WIt I ove ones, s e retire d d
- -
Here and There l' ______.Mention -__ 1Personal -
-- -
- - . . .-
• ..-....-......
21, 1911.
-= - _ . _____ .--....- ..... - - - _ _
Have you seen Schwartz's new Hav you seen Schwartz's new Iceless System Soda Fountain? Iceless Syslem SoJa Fountain' Mr . and Mrs. J. E. Janney and Dr. Mary Cook was in Xenia Sunwere in Franklin Thursday. day. Mrs. Clara Lewis, of Dayton, is Miss Ruth Miller is a sub at the visi ting he r . son, Ralph Lewis and postoffice now. wife. Miss Josephine Oglesbee is home M rs . Hannah C0 I' \ Vln an d d ang ht er, f rom Oxford college. Miss Pearl, were Xenia visitors last Friday. Rural Carrier George Mills is tal<ing a vacation this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Larkin were visitors at the O. S. & S. O. Home Miss Ethelyn Jones is home f rom in Xenia Friday. Oxford for the summer vacation.
BOXWELL ~OMMENCEMENT The commencement to be held at School Audi torium Thursday evening will be one of great in terest to the community. Miss Pearl Colvin has prepared a good pl'ogram and musi· cal t reat for all. Rev. O. L. Seward, of Cincinnati, is the speaker of the evening, and is said to be an in tprestin g talker The music will be given by the Heidelberg Orchestra, of Dayton. This wiJI he the first app arance of this fam ous orchestra here. and everybody should com e and h(>ar them play. Following is the prog ram:
---- ...... -----.I
: Social Events .~~--..--
Mr. and Mrs. Donn Bl·acl<nP.Y . of the Dayton pike . entertained at unday dinner Mr. and M nl . F.mery CRareltlln and !,lOll l: eo l'ge , Mr. and Mrs. J lIshua FO>l lc l' and Miss Aria Will s. M'. rlnn \1r !'; . W. S. (~ rah a m g ave a dinn el' 'unJay ill honor of Miss Addie Cha rlesworth, of St. Louis, Mo. The guests w re Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Sherwood. MI'. ann Mrs. C 'o rge Zell Mrs. By Frazie r and daughter Neva.
Mrs . K a t e S . Hya t t, wh 0 1las beel'\ in Dayton since leaving here, is now ' ~n .s e~t, ~::. a:a:e;ed t~:: H the with her daughter in Indi na Ii!' Joutne~ en ,s e a reac orne Ind a po, The deceased was born on the old . McKay homestead northeast of Waynesville, 0., October 20, 1833, A card from Mr. and Mrs. L. S. and died at her hom" in the village Music MI'. and Mrs. J. F, Thompson enRholld.es attnounces that they are 1.0- near which she was born and 'had al. Invocation- Rev. J. F. Cadwallader. tertained Sunday at thei r delightful cated In Norwood ~nd are busy In ways lived June 12, 1911 in the sevenMr. and Mrs. McElwee. were visMiss Sybil Hawke returned home Music countr·y home the following guests: the affairs of life. At present Mr. ty-eighth year of her age. The iting friends Saturday and Sunday from D'e laware Wednesday evening . "Love's Masterpiece" ...... ... .. ... .. . Mr. and Mrs. Barkalow and son Fred Rhoades i.s employed as receiving dllughter of Jonas T. and Matilda near Wilmington. M S L .. ... ......... ........... Edna M. Cornell and .daughter Bessie, Mr. Marlatt r s . . . Cartwright and Miss clerk in the Globe, Wernicke. _ cKay, she was the eldest Ki . M ' "Lincoln and the Farmer" .... ...... . Ferguson M a nd Miss Anna Thompson. all of 'ldo fa f amI'1 y 0 f seven C.h'ld Do you know Mrs. Barger is sell· F zZle errltt 'were Dayton visitors I ren, 'd ..........................J. Everett Clark Dayton, and N. A. Gilbert. of Clarkschl Miss Mabel Graham left Wednes- five ~aughters and two sons, 'and is ing Millinery at cost? Please t ell nay. Music ville. your friends and come yourself. "D'd h Ch d - -- .... Workmen are busily engaged dec- I I t e il r~n All Pa.'lS" ........ . clay morning for Cleveland, where s.UIVIVed b u t bY t wo, a b ro th er .an d FURNAS-SNOOK Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke attend- orating the interior of ~t. Mary's ' " ......... .................... Ruth A. Wills she will attend the commencement slste.r, Horace M. Mc.~ay, of IndlanIndependence Bell" ....... ........ .. exercises . of Western Reserve Uni- apolls, In.d., and LetItia McKay, of ed the Engle reunion at Winchester, church. versity, after which Rhe will be a WayneSVllle. . . Ind., Sunday, arrivin~ home Monday . .. .... .. ........... .. ... Florence L. Hess A brilliant event of Thursday waJ 'member 'o f a house party at Con- Never marrIed- yet her hfe was Have you seen ' Schwartz's, new ' Music the marriage of Miss Ada, the ac neaut, on Lake Erie. On her way not a. life of eloom- but. fu!1 of kin~Have you seen Schwartz's new Iceless SYlltem Soda Fountain? "The Teachers Dream" ......... ...... . complished daughter of Mr. and Mrs . . .. ....... ......... ;........ .. Ruth M. Coon J. F. Snook, of South Lebanon, to home she will stop'~ at , Cedar Po'nt Iythoughtsandself.sacr'ficmgdeeds Icel~ System Soda Fountain? • I Wh en s he,was t ~en t y-two year~ 0 f Miss Ruthe Zimmerman was the "In As Much" ........... Anria E. Duke M ' L' f WaynesvI'11 P.. for the Ohio State rr~chers' Associa. r. D aVIs l' urnas, 0 tion, 'which will be hela the last of age .her mother dled~ and' she being Mr .. and Mrs. Jerry Himes and Kuest of Morrow relatives Saturday Music The bride' is an alumnus of Granville June -Xenia Gazette the eldest of the falLtly, the care and son, of Centerville. were the guests and Sunday. "Too Late for the Train" ...... ...... and has been a popular teacher for . ' . responsibilities of the househQld fell of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Burnett Sun'· . ., ' ..........................: .. Ruth V. Cline seven years and is prominent in upon her, and were diseharged with day. ~lss GlennaSmlth IS the guest of "The Four youths........ .. .... .. ....... social circ.les The groom is a prosMISS Belle Myer , of Spring Valley, ' ..... , ............... Walt~r W. Squires perous farmer ~f WaynesvUJe . ..-T he . . . an executive skill and loving devo . InVItations have been , received tion, that were characteristic of her, Morris Sherwood ' and family, of for a few days. Music . spacious rOOInS of the Snook hOl)le from Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cass Wink entire life For long . years a mem- Spring·~alley, were the guests of Chas Zimm~ . th ' . t f Presentation of CertificatEls .. ....... were prettily deco. rated ' with a pro· of for theEl' marriaee his son, F. E. Sherwood and family his grandfath . rman IS J e gues ' 0 f roses, swee t peas an d f erns' th Knightslown, . d h M" b h of ber of th~ Allen home ' bV' J her loyalty t ·0 ............................ M, Pearl Colvin fUS.1on elr aug. t~r, Inme Iza et ,to to ,duty she made·her pretence indis. Sunday. Ohi for f erd' near ames OWn, Music . I lending beauty arid fragrance to the Harry N. pen sable and won in return 'aM 'tenderr s . Roy Ironsand .son, R0SS, were 0, a ew ays. ' . Y f irWin 1 Dodson, f th' .,of Buffalo, Th ed ' Ad d ress ............ Rev. O. L. Seward I scene. :' or~er v 0 IS CI "yo e w . . love and thoughtfQl care that cheered Miss Belle ' Danl'el, of Dayton, I'S Pas , tor 1st M. E. Church, Northside, Promptly 9,tfour o'olockthe bridal .' ding , in Dayton Thursday. Mr. Irolls ac· the guest of EdWl'n Chan .WIll . take • place June 27 . MIsa"'. and comforted her. . ' dler and Cincinnati party consisting of tQe young couple Mmme ,Cathertne Dodson gave a lun- Ernaline McKay was a woman of companied them home for a few family, for a few days. ~ Music I and their attendants, Miss Winnie I Benediction- Rev. J. F. Gadwallader Meredith and .Mr. Walter Whitaker cheon .?f ten CQVel'S, followed by a marked individuality and sterling days visit. matinee par~ at t~e ~Qrat :rbea~~ character,'8lways 'hopeful and cauraMisses Marne Brown and Emm.. Miss Alma Elzey,.of Indianapolis. Music .. :. intimate friends of. th~ bride . and ,in honor of MISS Wmk.-Indlanapohs geoUl1, nothing daunted ' her that Heil'hway were in Xenia Thursday Ind., was the week-end guest of her --~Star. . ._. 'needed to be ~one, no duty so great attending the O. S. & S. O. Home parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Elzey. LODG. DECORATION tered the room and took their DEATHS that if could not be discharged. annual exhibition. in the ftow~r-Iaden recess of the bay -;. Contentment W~ perhaps her most C. M. Robitzer was in Mt. Orab The 1. O. O. F, K. of P. and window, to' the s\~eet strains of Moses Hollingsworth, .of Spring- prominent trait of ~haracter, so she Miss Addie Char;esworth. of J"ridayand Saturday, and brou'fh~ Junior Orde ... ho combined for their Lohengrin's wedding march played boro, died at his home there Friday, rarely if ~ver murmured or com. St. Louis, Mo., left for Dayton to- bis son Frederick home with him. dec9rations ~nday, was a. decided bv Miss Sara Snook, sister of .,the aged 8fJ years. ae was well known plained. Whatever ahe pos- day, after a pleasant two-week's visit success. The ay, while threatening bdde. Rev. W. B. Patterson then in Waynesville, and a lifelong mem- sessed or.however situated, she had ~with ,friepds here. Mr. Frank Anderson and Miss kept several .t home, but notwith- impressively performed the marriage ber of the Friend~ church. The fu. leamed therewith to be content. Couden, of Morrow. attended the standing a ~ 'eat many attf'nded. rite which united two yoUng liv~ till neral waa held at Springboro Sunday She was an earnest and. devoted Harris Mosher left Thursday Jllorn- I?ecoration. services here Sunday. At 1:30 the ' :lree lodges convened death. The bride looked very fair afternoon, and iriterment waa made Churchwoman. Her extreme inter- ing forCarQillgton ; Morrow County, at their sever.1 halls, and at 2:80, and cbarming in her wedding gown at Rochester, near Morrow, Ohio, est, devotion and .loyalty to the Ohio, after a pleasant visit to his MrS. Stanley Sellers, of South headed by ! Cadet band marched of white satin · and lace, the groom Monday. church and its .work: was an inJpira- mother here for several weeks. I CharlestolY, was the guest of , her to the ceine Jry, where the program looking manly, was faultlessly attired tion and stren~th. She was always James Allen, of Wilmington, an parenta, Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Keys, w~s carried out. in black. The maid of honor, Miss 'j:h08.' Kenrick died at the County trying to 'awaken alike interest io Id ld ' h ). i....3. th Monday. ' Tl'le spe ker of the Meredith, was handsome)y • h th 0 so ler, w 0 en 18"""'-1 m earmy, H F' . A d f 1U • hI 'lk Infirmary, where he had ~n an in- ~ th ers, and to .sh are ~t em the in 1864, from here wa.'l in town on. ran n erson, 0 DJ.orrow, In ue Sl . mate for 17 years,. Saturdav night. JOys of her Lord. Again .has God Wed e s d ' Miss Clara Lile, of Xenia, arrived roue a fin address, and all who After congratulations the gueSts The body was taken to the home of fulfilled Hi~'promi8e, "\\~ith long life n ny lookmg up old comrades. here Monday evening, and will spend heard it, ~ere loud in their praise. repaired to the dining room ~here a Walter Kenrick, in Lytle, anel the will I satisfy thee, and show .thee my Have you Reen Schwartz's new her summer vacation with Rev. and The If) owing pro«ram .at the sumptuous collation was served after, funeral was bel~ from there Tuesday salvation." ' lceJessSystem Soda Foun'tain? Mrs. Cadwallader. ' mound w rendered; ' , ' which the happy pair left in their morning at 10 o'clock. .i Full'of years, "in the co~fidence ' ' ." 1 . " . automobile for parts unknown. But , of a certain faith," she now rests Mr~ amd Mrs. Chas. Cornell, Mr. Have . yon seen Schwartz's new Jas. MUl1~.;n""·~Bast~r of Ceremonies not before the friends had approprifrom her labors. J. F. C. ' and Mrs. C T. Hawke and Miss Iceless System Soda Fountain. I ' · ./' R aJn F C d 11 d ately decorated the car with old The six-years-old adopted ehild of • - • Lue.l la Cornell autoed to Springfield nvocatlon .;. ev. t' a wa a er shoes and other mementoes of their Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Williams, who OBITUARY last week ' to visit Rev. Trout and Dr. and Mrs. Cooper and Ravmond . , Quar e, kindly solicitude. . _ __ family. Williamson, of Dayton, were guests Solo-8el.tected ....... Mlss Lucy Emley The guests included Mr. and Mrs. aD · Jiv.e on the N. t .. Bunnell, farm, MI'ss . ".ary ' '~adford, ' 'dau"hter ' of 0 f M r. an d ~ rs. H arry . W'll' I lamson Addre..., .; ....... Hon . Frank Anderson Seth Furnas, ' Roscoe, Fred and Robd.1ed eve.nmg Robert .. nd E izabeth Bradford born Mr; an d M rs. J. . L. Hartsock, Mr. S un.d ay. M'IsS Grace W'll' Band Th Sunday fIl l takof braUl 1 fe\'er. t d~' I lamson re. ert Furnas and Misses Ada and Anna ' " ,ulnerka Wtl th ~H ' p a~e bO ay in Montgomery Co., .Ohio, April 13, and Mrs. Fred Hartsock, Mr. Bert turned with them to Dayton for. a (. Quartet Furnas of the immediate family of a t 11 0 c oc , a e arveys u~g. l~g6 and died June' 12, 1911. ~he Hartso"k and Miss Ruth Hartsock vi!lit. Benedi~\;lon .. Rev. J. F. Cadwallader the groom from WaynesVille, Mr. A .. ~. E. e~urch. Interment m had. been a constant but patient suf- attended the Hartsock- Troupe wedWhO k d M' M d'th MiamI cem,etery•. _ • ferer for many y"ars bel'ng very .-._ Aftf;lr the program the graves were Walter Ita er an •• ISS ere I ' __ _ '" CO"" ding ia Dayton Tuesday. ~arren Edwartls, who has been gal'lan.ped, many beautiful emblems also of Waynesville, Mrs. Sarah WH.~itious .and persevering. She lived tra vehng ~or a shoe firm through the and ftrowers being placet! on the graves 18on, venerabl e grandmother of t,h e BOUOHT BIO BUNCH II'fe " spendl'ng he r e nMr . and Mrs. N. L . Bunnell and .West ,rlv. ar ed h ome, S a.t ~rd ay. eve~- Thel J. O. U. A. M. had 2 graves to bridt), of Kings Mills, Mrs. R . . J. . a ,very qUI'et Wm. Oxshere came all the way tire life bn 't his farm where she died. son, Herschel, attended Wilberfo'rce mlr for a sIx-weeks VISIt WIth hIS deCJbrate; K. (jf p" 8. and the Snook and Mr. Donal~ W~lch, of from Ft.Wortb, Tex., to seeH. H. She united with the United Presby· commencement . Thursday evening, parents, Mr. a~d Mrs. O. J. Ed· I /0 0 F J06 Cincinnati Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Wstisworth, and bought 600' pulle~ 'erian church in'early life of which and heard Booker T. Washington, wardl!. Mr. Edwards is loo~ing. as . iwhen'th~ gr~ves were decorated Snook and , daughters Sarah 1rene, from him. Mr,Onhere has an e~g «:purch she \Y&8 an active member ~ho addressed the class. tho~gh the West ag:reed WIth hIm. tl:'e lodgesformed again and marched Eves, Cecelia, Ruth and Fairy and farm at his 'home , in Ft.Worth, and until ~eath • . Two siRters, five nieces Mr. . and Mrs 'Horace McKay of H ' S h ' 10ack to town. sons Ch ester an d W'II' 1 lam, M r. 'an d an d b b is goin~ into the ' bUliness stronger .ahn d 10 two' nephews survive to mourn IndianllPolis, . . . ' ave you seen ,c wartz 1:1 • - • M G F M Ind., Mr. and Mrs. Iceless System Soda Fountal'n? ' ~s. rove~ oX'M H~~' Mrs. than ever ~his winter. He is a very ,er 88_._ _ _ ....._ _. _ - Mobie, of Jamestown, Ohio. and Miss ' • _ .. MASONIC PIC~IC Ehzabeth Littell, rs. . t:!ttle urna pJeaaant gentieman, and surely · . hrd' M. rds· Sa 11'hIe ScMo" tt MdrsM' A nW PU ,;T OUT OF~ CQMMISSION , Jessie Clark, of C.incinnati, attended UNIOS SU~DAYNIOHT' P d knows the chicken bu!!iness. Mr. the funeral of MISS Emma McKay Everything is in readiness for the F'or aTl! aug ter, r. ,an rs. . Durink. the severe thunder sho'7t'er last Wedriesday. ' big Maaonic picnic Friday. Word B. Patterson and daughter Elizabeth . . Wadsworth will ship this stock about Sebtember 1st. ' . ., . satu~ay evening: ligntnif!e caused " The pastors of the several has been received from ' several After a brief .wedding journey the , • _ -..: " h rt . 11ft" tl.. I t " I' h have arranged to hold union Jnday lodges signifying their intentl'on to llappy pal'r wI'11 be at home to thel' r' as. . o. .clre m' .18 e ec. rle Ig, t ~ward Furnas, Elihu U.o derwood . h " . d sed' .lt: ' · · · . mil t services durlng J and be present,I'n numbe-. and' . every- frl'ends at thel'r future home at 'COULD NOT ESCAPE wires an 'CaU Ul~ epgme to fitpp, and wife, Edwin Chandler. ,A . B. • .., . d ' f D ' . ' F ., an,~ the entire tOM) waS in darkness. Chandler Miss Belle Chandler of August. . thing points to a good time. If the Waynesville. S' h. . ".' " , , D r,' Ru,tlage,' of will be Weather Man will be gracious ~m .. - - - - The f rlen so aVIs urnas gave E ' him and-hil{ bride an old-fashioned ' n!p~eer mIt SOOR. . f~un~ t~6 Dayton, attended the funeral of at the Methodist the first that day there will be a bill" crowd eft.lLORENS' DA,Y ' " F'd " rt . mh abOut ten ' mmuteS Moses HolliDgswoptb S .. ? ~ ey at'- trouble, d I h .. ..1and h after 1 •• ~ . '.at Sprinooboro .. unday night · in JUlY a g"ea.t tem- present. Romem ' b' er' a'll Masons and Inri n av evenm · brlv .e IIed-h '. , Paranee meeting. • 1 " ' e~ ' Th"!1rsd ay evemng, . and ; e ay ..'.'t e,plant' .• ..,;....running . . ; again .. Sunday afternoon . , MasOn's famili~ are invited. Children's Day .was app~"pF.iately went to the horne o.f a friend to., e9-: .IMPORTANT :MEBr~Q,.·ReduceQ PriceS Millinery! ' Big The first union~ under the • - • observed at ~he M. E. c~yrch' Su~~ ~pe the.~llin"" bl,lt the 1:)098 ,bided . .' ' saving for the 'eConomieai! ' We are auspices o.f the, Union' will . CHURCH ' OF CHRIST day evening. The time was ta~eh · their tilDe, until. they could catch closing o.1.1r seasor(and waut:'t o 'elean be q.eld at the' church the up with music. and recitations. One them at home, wilen they proceeded try Assoqiation will meet8t~heTowl1- ou.t all our. Sprip, ', ~.s. We will sacond ht of July. Preaching morning and bight ~y of the features of 'the evenin~ "taB. to.ha~et,Jleirfun, ' ~ ship Ho~. , Wa~esvme, ' ?hio,on ~ll .ourtrim..edha~8Dd sha~,at It is tlUlt~ all the singers the pastor. Bibl~Sehool,9:80a. m: adrjll I;>y five girls · and ,',foul' bQYs . " . ,. _ • Sat;urday aftern~.on, Jqn.e 24, 19]1. at y.es.. we will sell all our flowen be these meetings in a t'o.uilg PeOple's meeting, 7 p. m. It was very pre,tt.y, and ·the . ehildten" ' . 2. 0 clOck. , , . " and .fancy · f.-then ,at. ~t .. 'J'W0. chorus.' This is the firit Teacher Training. at the church, 7:30 aU did well in tl)eir several parts ' ,, . SATURDAY Mt\RKET Busjnese of fmportance connected Sale days June 14 and 80' etrortj kind that has been ·tried .p. m. Friday; alao"choir practice. · Misses Sybil and Hele~ aa'~lCe ' The Loyal '~ , otthe Christian with.the~, nual Exhi~itlon,to 1M! held , I . ·M~•.Evil here it is hoped that the plan J,.et evei-y member ' If possible be presid~ at the piano, ~d the Su~church w1U Hold a mmet . at the December 1~17, 1911, lI\ust be let.. · '. r. successful that it may be ,resent at the Bible School and day-school orcheatra helPed with the TownIhI, Bouae, .~, June tJed at once. ~ '. ' . ' Have you 8ebwart&'. new ' UUng in future years. lnornl~ services. We have .-n im- music. Mr. Th08. Pierce Utb, t ~ m. " '. B. H. W"'ortb. Sec. J~- 8yReDtW.FoutaiDt , L. O. ThomplOD, Sec. pertant mtIIaP for all, a beautiful violin 8010.
Allin~mbel'8of ~iami V~lleYlPQllI.
.' I
Hany a time this summer you're go. tng to be just about done out by the b e ~t-bot, and so thirsty it Just aeeme 1I0thing could quench it. When sucb moments arrive or when you jUlt want a delicious, pnlate tickling drink .tep Into the first place ' you can lind wbere tbey sell COCA·COLA. It's delicious, r Cresh lng and complotely tblrst.quenchlng. At soda-fountalnll or clubonated In botlles- 5c e\·erywhere. Send to the COCA·COLA 0 ., Atlanta, Ga., for their free booklet "The Truth About CO A·GOLA." Tells what COCA-COL A Is and why It Is so dell· clous, cooling and 'wbolesome. Australia Rrch In Llbrariea. Vlctorla's (AuBtralla) fiv e hl,lDdredtll free library ;"'IUI opened late ly. Ono nnd nll of tbo oldor librarIes arc w o ll patronized. The gross re ve nue reo celved by the m In the aggregat e from balls , members' subscrlptlon R, snd grants Is nbollt $34.0,00 0, Tbero are about a million books In ili oRe libra· rles and It was claimed that something like 3,500,000 vis its are paid to thorn In a year, While works of flotlon are rend 10 the greatest ex lent, gene ral li terature and history recel ve a good deal ot attention .
THREE CURED OF ECZEMA "When a child, I suffered clgbt lears with er.zema. I could not sleep at night, anll .had sores all {lver my chest. We had doctors and none could do any good, unUI my ~motber saw the advertisement ot tbe Cull· cura Remedlel In tbe paper. We ulled tbe Cutlcura Soap, Ointment and ResolYent, and tbey cured me of eczema. I also ulled Uiem on my five cblldren. Two at them bad eczema very badly. When my cblldren had eczema, I was not worried at all, al t knew the CuUcura Remedies would do their work. They had sores all over their beads, their haIr would fall out, and tbey would scratch an night and day. They had It on tbelr head I, face, and In back of the ears so tbat I tbought their ears would drop off. J washed their , heads and bodies wltb CuttCUI'll Soap and they are as clean as the drIven snow. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment also cured my children of ringworm. I would not be without the Cutlcura Remedies. They are wonderful." (Signed) MI'8. Violet Cole. 26 S. Redfield St., Philadelphia,. , P •. , Oct. 29, 1910. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment are 801d throug~out the world. Send to Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., sole propl., Boston, tor free bOok on lkiD and ICalp dlsea.aes and their treat.. ment. And They Adjourned. The Mutual Admiration society met and was called to order. "What of all things in this world do you Uke , best 1" a!lked the &1z:J. angling for a compliment. "B.eC:"'ltealt!.. erle\!· ·be, taken un· awares, and a moment later the eoclety adjourned.
Houlewlfe and Domenlc. The housewlte who does her OWD work, and she represents tbe stalwart womanhood of the country-and thll ambitious domeltlc who wantl to make the famUy wash a credit to the community, appreciate 'the great ad· vantages of Hewitt's Easy Task Soap, It II clean, white soap, free from all adulterants and will not Injure the most dainty tabrlcs, lace, ilnen, wool or muslin. Buy two cakes tor teu cents, and if yoU don't · Uke the first. return the second and get your mone, back. Health Is the greate"t gift, content. edness the best rlches.-Dhamman. ana.
The Farmer's Son's Ireat Opportunity Wll7 wah tor tbe old tann to beeome ,OIU Inbe.lluee1 BeilIn no .. lo prol'a.e to. you. tuluro
t:.'.~Tob!~~I:al~~~"~ ~ Alber1~, wb re JOU
_'_"A-~ "i..:_-=~r:g~~;::
Hoods S'a rsaparilla
"I don't lee wh,. • Iboul4. It'. DI7 Howard, aDd he', lofnl ellfed name and we're rclatlv.,-br mar· him." , rlale," There WI" an Ironical rln. , AlicIa looked at ber I!.nxloual7 •• If In ' her voice .. ahe went on: "R~la· tryln, to read what m\ght b. In her tlvel! It leems funny, doesn't It, ~ut mind, Indifferently IIhe went on: .. we don't pick , and, choole our rela· "The papers say there was a , qu~C' Uves. We mUlt, take them aa the, rei about you, that you aud Mr. Un· derwood were too friendly. The, 'm· Cure~ all humors, catarrh and come," Alic ia made an effort to appear con· plied . that Howard was jaaloul, 11 rheumatism, relieves that-tired clllatory. this true?" ' "As we are-what we are-let's try "It·s all talk," cried Annie ltldlg· feeling, restores the appetite. to make th e b st of It."nantly-"nothlllg but scandal-Ileal c.ures paleness, nervousness, "Milke the bes t or It?" e hoed An- There's not a word at tr~tb In it Ille, "God knows I'm '\VII ling, but I've Howard nev er had a jealous thought builds up the whole system. Get it todny in u~ul\l liquid form or had mIghty little encouragement, or mc-:-and as tor tn ~why-I'v e a!Mrs, 'J el'J'l'ies, When I called to see ways worshIped the ground be walked ehocolntcd tabletll coiled 8eraotebe. you th oth r day, to beg you to lise on. Didn't he sacrlflc very thing for YOllr Influe nce with Mr. J effrllis, 'not my sake" Didn't he quarrel with bls at horne' was banded to me by tbe father for me? . Didn't he marry me? live ried footman and' the door waa Dldn't h~ try to educate aud make a Rlammed In my fac e. Ten minutes lady of me? My God !-do you sup· latcr YOll walked out to your carriage pose I'd give a mall like that cause Prompt Relief-PermaneDt Cur. nnd were driven away." for jealousy? What do the newspa. CARTER'S LITTLE "I knew nothing or ,this-believe pel's cnre? They print crufl state. LIVER PILLS never me." murmured Alicia apologetically. ments that cut Into a woman" heart, fail. Purely vegeta"H's wbat 1 got jus t tb same.' said without giving It a thought, 1l'lthout ble - act surely the other dryly. Quickly sbe went on: knowing 01' caring whether It's true but gently on "But I'm Ilot complaining, understand or not, as long all It Interests and tbe liver. -I'm not complaining, Onll' I did amuses their readers. You-you don't Stop after dinner dis· think that at such a time one woman really believe I'm the cause of bls tress-<:ure might have held out a 'helping hand misfortunes, do you!" indigestion. ,. to another," Allola shook her bead as she an· improve the complexion, bnghten the eyes. Alicia held up her hand protest· swered kindly: SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Ingly. "No, I don't. Believe me, I don't Genuine must bear Signature "Ho}V could I?" she exclaimed. You were right when you said that at "Now, be reasonable. You are held such a time as this one woman should responsible for Howard's present po- stand by another: I'm going to stand sltlon." by you. Let me be your friend, let "Yes-by the pollee," retorted An· me help YOU," Extending her hand, &r=:'!'!!.~l Er. nle grimly, "and by a couple of yellow she said: "Will you 1" .journals. I didn't think you'd believe Annie grasped the proffered hand. Isn't It about time to bury the dond all the gossip and scandal that', been It was the first that had been held printed about me. I didn't believe out to her In her present tTouble. A languages? what was said about you." lump rose In her tbroat. Much af-------Stnrt nfresh thiM Spring Icnme and Alicia started. and changed color. tected, she said: purify the 8y.tem by 1\ coul'lle of Qltrfield , "What do you mean'" sho exclaimed "U's tbe first kind word that-" She Tea, Herb laxativo and blood,purifier . haughtily. "What was said about stopped and looked closely for a moRenl hnppilless til cheap enongh. meY" ment at Alicia. Then she went on: "Well, It has been said that you "It's the queerest thing, Mrs. Jeff· yet how dearly we pny for It with married old Jeffries Cor hll money rles, but It keeps coming Into my counterfelt.-Ballon. "I Believed - Howard Why Shouldn'! I" and his social position," , mind. Howard told me that while he .. 'Old Jeffries!'" protested Alicia was at Underwood's tbat dreadful lira, Wln.lo.. ·• IIooUaIDa Srrup for Oblld ... teelblnl, .otleD.lhe ru"., reduce. IDlla.. m.· Indignantly. "Have you no relpect nlgbt he thought he heard your voice. uoa. allay. pain, curea .. IDel oolle. Ibc • bolUa. tor your husband's fatber'" It must have been a dream, of course, Very Select. "Not a particle," answered the oth· yet he thought he was sure at It. The landlady Wl1S trying to Impre.. er coolly, "and I never will have till YC;lUr volce-that's queer, Isn't ItT the prospective lodger with an idea or . he acts like a father. I only had one Why-what's the matter'" Interview with him anll ' It finished Alicia had crown deatbly pale and how extremely eligible the nelgbborhim with me for aU time. He ain't a staggered against a chair. Annie ran bood was. Pointing oyer tbe way at a fine mansion, slie811ld In a husbed father-he's a flsh." to her aid, thln,klng she waa Ill. "A flsb!" exclaimed Alicia, scandal· , "It's nothing - nothing!" slam· whisper: "Young man, over there acrolll the Ized at Buch lese majeste. mered Alicia, recovering herself. Annie went on recklessly: Fearl!)g she had said something to ItI'eel there's seven million dollar.!" "Yel-n ,cold·blooded-" hurt her feelings, Annie said eymlla· Appalling EXCUI., "But lurely," interrupted Allcl.. tbetlcally: "This Is the fifth time you bay. "you respect his posltlon-ble-" "I haven't said anythlng-anJthlllg been brought betore me this termt "No, m'm; I respect a man because out of the way-have 11 If t have I'm 8ald the judge, frowning eeverely upon he bebaves Uke a man, not because sorry-awfuUy sorry, I'm afrald--1- the prisoner at the bar. be lives In a marble palace on River· I've been very rude and you've been "Yes. your honor," said tbe prisoner. side drive." ao kindt" "'lou know a man II judged by the Alicia looked pained. Tbls clrl "No, no!" Interrupted Allcla quick. company be keepa, and I like to be "Mr. Jones," said the lawyer quick- was certainly Impossible. SYNOPSIS, ly. "You've said notblng-done notb, seen talkin' to your bonor for , the 17, "get a stenographic report of the "But 8urely," she saId: "yoU real· Jng-you've had a grqat deal to bear Hownrd JeffrIes. banker'. lion, under ease of the People against Howard Ized that when ' you married Howard -a areat deal to bear. I understllnd liake ot me credit." "All right," said the judge. "Olfteer, tbe evil Influence of l\obert Underwood, .Tellrles. Jr,; get the coroner's inquest, fellow-.tud.e nt at Yale, le"d. a liCe ot dIllyou-you made a mistake-to say tbe that perfectly," TakIng her compan: take this man over to the Island Jnd , IIlp'aUon, marrlell tho daughtor or, a gam- the grand jury Indictment, and get a least?.. Ion's hlind In hers; she went onl tell them to give blm a credit of 30 bier who dIed In prllon, and II dllowned copy of tbe Jeffries confession-get by hili father. He III out ot work and In , "Yes, that part of It has been m~de "TaU me, what do they say about the daYIi."-Harper's \Veekly. delperato IlraJtlJ. Undorwood, who had everythlng-rlght away!" once been enltaged to Howard'. atepThe clerk looked Inquiringly, firet pretty plain. It was a mlstake-bll woman who went to see Robert Un· mot.ber, Alicia. apparently In prolll'er- at Annie and then at his employer. mistake-my mistake. But now It'l derwood the nlgbt cif the tragedy?" IT DOE8 ON HOU8E8. OUI ClrCUllUllancjOlI. Taking ~dvant"l1 ot done and It can't be undone. I don't "The police can't Dnd her-we don't bll Intimacy wt. It AlicIa, he becomes a Then respectfully he asked: sort ot aoclal t-' ,jhwnyman. Dlscoverin .. see , why you oan't take It as It Is and know who she Is." Confidently she · "Do we, sir'" 111s truo charao\. r. Allcla denIes hIm the went on: "But Judge Brewster will hOllse. He .end J her a note threatonlng "We do," said the lawyer laconic- -and-" lIulclde, Art dl' lers for whom he aoted ally. She stopped short and AlJcla com- find her. We have a dozen detectives aa commission' , demand an, accounting. rleted the sentence for her: searcblng for her, Capt. Clinton RC' He cannot m I good, Howard call8 at hIs apartments; In an IntoxIcated condi"-and welcome you Into our tam· CUBed me of being the woman-you CHAPTER XVI, 1 tion to request a loan ot '2,000 to enable i1y-,-" know he doesn't like me." him to take J a buslnellB proposition. Howard drlnli _ himself Into II. maudlin "Now. my dear young woman," said "Welcome meT No, ma·am. I'm The banker's wife was tar too busy condition, and goes to Bleep on a dIvan. A caUer Is ,,'nounced and Underwood Judge Brewster, when the astonished not welcome and nothing you or your thinking or the number of detectives draws a scre n , around tho drunken head clerk had withdrawn, "U we are set could sny would ever make me be- employed to find the 'missing witness IIleoper. A 1Ic1~ entertl. She d mandl! 0. promise from U .,dorwood that he will not colng to get your husband free we ' Hove that I waa ,velcotpe. All I ask to pay attention to the concludinG, take hIli lito. ltfe refulle8 unless Bhe '1\'111 must get to work, and you must help Is that Howard's -fatber do his duty by sentence. AnxIously she demanded: renew her patr<i\nogo, ThIll sho refulles, his son." ' ''Suppbslng· the woman Is found , and takes ber~avo. Underwood kills me." himself. The re ort of tho pistol awaHis visitor looked up eagerl". "I do not think-pardon my saying what can she prove? What dillerenoo ' nnds Underwood dead. kenll Ho,,'ard, "I'll do anything In my power," she so," Interrupted !.tHcla sUmy, "that will It make'" • Howard Is turn d ovor to the ollce. Capt. Clinton, no lorloull tor his trulal said quickly. "What can I do?" you are quite In a position to judge "All the dlfterence In the world ... · retr'lalment ot prl onerll. puts Howard "Well-flrst of aU," said the lawyer of what oonstitutes Mr. Jeffries' duty ' plled Annie. "She Is a most 1m· through the third legree. and ftnally gets an alleged contea. on trom the harallsed ' wlth lome besltatIon, "I wl\nt you to his son.'" ' ' portant wItness." Firmly she went on: man, Annie. Howa -d's wIfe, dE9lnrell her "Perhaps not. I only know wbat "She must be 'found. It she dldn', b lief In her hus and'lI Inno enco. and to see a certain lady and to be ex. calls on Jeffrlel, 81" He retu.ell to help ceedlngly nice to her." I would do-what my father would shoot Robert Underwood, sba knows unlesll ahe will co ent to n divorce, To "Lady?" echoed Annie, surprised. have done-what anyone would do it who did." savo Howard she c sen til, but whon sbe ftnds that tbe , elder Jeffnes does not In- "What lady?'" they bad a spark of humanltrin them. "But how can she know?" Ilr,,'cd tend to 8tand by hI lion, except ftnan"Mrs. Howard Jeffrlel, Sr.... he ra- But they do say that after three gan':- Alicia. "Howard confessed that till clally, ehe lIoorns hI. help. Annie appoai!, Wlse"-Do YOll see that Btrlklng lookto Judgll Brewstcr, ",ttorney tor Jettnes, plied slowly. · eratlons of soclety .Ufe red blood turns did It himself. U be had Dot 0')0.' 8r'I to take Uoward 8 case. He declines. Ing woman with the veU. "Howa..rd·s stepmott.er!" she eJ.cu, Into blue." fessed It would be different," It s reported that AC nnle III goIng on the Howe-Yes, • , Alicia turned to look out of the wln"He dId not confess," replied Un stnge, The banker Ind hili wife oall on lated. Judge Brewnter olo ft td lIome way to pr.,.. Wise-Do YOll know why ahe weara ' A clerk entered and handed his em. dow. lier face still averted she said: other calmly. "MI'8. Jeffrles-bt vcnt It. Annie agel llaad" with Braw' eler to detend Howa . player a card. The lawyer nodded "Wbat Is tbere to d07 Howard has nevel' confessed. If be did. he dldft'! lhe veil? Howe-No, Homely? and said In an undertone: acknowledged his gu·llt. What sao- know what he was sayIng." CH~PTER X Wise-No; sbe's afraid the IUD "Show her In.'' Turning round flces we may make will be thrown Alicia was rapidly loslnl: her selfo might blister the paInt. again, h~ went ou: "Yes-How~d's away... possession. "You're not to help him," stepmother. She's out there now. Sbe ' Annie eyed her companion with can"Did he teU you that 7" she gasptlcl she said. "I that-you Just wants to see you. S~e wishes to be tempt, Her voice quivering wltb InAnnie nodded. said so." of service to you. Now, you must dlgnatlon, she burst out: "Yes. Dr. Bernstein saYIi the PC) Judge Brewste.r ial ed his fist and conolllate her. She ~ay be of areat . "What Is there to do! Try and save lice forced It out of his tired brain brougbt It down on t e desk with a use to us," him, of course. Must we sit and do I made Howard go over every second bang whlah raised In cloud the ac· Annie's face expressed considerable nothing because things look black? of his lite that night from the tim. cumulated dust ·of we ks. His face doubt. Ah! I wasn't brought up that way. he left me to the moment he was ar· set and determIned, he aid: "Perhaps so," ehe said, "but , tbe No, ma'am, I'm going to make I rested. There wasn·t a harsh word "You're quite right! 'm going to door 'Was slammed in my face when 1 figbt!" ' between them.'" She stopped short when you have take your case!" called to see her." "It's useless," murmured Alicia. and looked with alarm at Alicia, who Annie felt herself glvl tg wll1. It "That's notblng," ~nswered the shnklng her head. , had turned ashen wblte. "Why, was more tban she could s aQd. For judge. "She probably knows nothing "Judge Brewster doesn't think so," what's the matter? You're pale al vIctory to be hers wben 0 oly a mo- about It. In any case, plea8e remem· replied the other calmly. death-;you-" . ment before defeat seeme certain bel' that she Is my cllent-" , ' The banker's wife gave a start of Altcla could contain herself DO long, All she She bowed her head and murmured surprise. Quickly sbe demanded: er. Her nerves were on the point o( was too much tor her nerves. could gasp was: obedlentl)': "You mean that Judge Brewster has giving way. She felt that It she could "Oh , judge!" "I'll remember." encouraged you to-to-"I not confide her secret to some one The lawyer adjusted his eyeg asses, Tbe doer of tbe omce opened and "He's done more than encourage me slJe must go mad. 'Pacing the fioor, blew Ills nose with suspicious e ergy, Alicia entered. She stopped short on -God bless hlm!-he's going to take she cried: With cream and took up a pen. " ' , seeing who was there, and an awk· up the c'a se." "What am I to do? What am I ~, "Now don't pretend to be surprl led ward pause followed. Judge Brewster Alicia was so thunderstruck that for do? I believed Howard guilty. Wh, , A food wjth SDQP - you knew I WOUld. And please don· ·t Introduced them. a moment she could find no answer. shouldn't 11 I bad no 'reason to Inu111 tbank me. I hate to be thanked to "Mrs. Jeffries, maY · I present 'Mrl. "\)'hat!" she exclaimed, "without hIs own confession! Every o~e bOo zeSt that wakes up dOing what 1 want to~. It 1 dl4o' Howard, Jr.1" , consulting Mr, Jeffries?" lIeved It-his .own father Included. want. to do It, I wouldd't-" Alicia bowed sum and somewhat ,She put her handkerchief to, her Why should I doubt It. But I see It Tbrough her tears Rhe murmured: ughtlly. Annie remained self·pos- face to conceal h'er agitation. Could aU now! Underwood must have shot crisp "I'd like to say 'thank you.''' sed and on tbe defeuslve. Address· It be p'08slble t~at tbe judge was go- himself as h~ said he w0)11d!" "Well, pleaae don·t," he snapped. Ing I t he banker's wife, tile lawyer saId: ' Ing to net, after ~U, In defiimce ot her Annie ~tarted. What did Mrs,. Je!, But she persisted. Tenderly; ,she . "1 . told Mrs, Howjlrd that you 'husband's wishes? If that were true, frJe~ mean? Old she realize the trn said: wlshe ~d to sp~ak to h~r." ~ft~r a pause what would be;::ome of h~rT, Conceal. ~endous slgnlficli.llce of tbe words sb. "May r say you're the dearest, kind· he add : ~ 1 think, pernaps, I'll leave ment would be no lancer possible. was utterl~g7 . _ est-" , you tog ·,ther. Excuse, me,", ' DIBCbv,e ry of. l1er 'clandestine vl.I~ ' to "As 'he said he would?" she reqea\ Judge Brewster shook bls heaes., -He lett ~ he office and there wae an· UnderwoOd's ' apartment. , tha~" " fat.a l ed s)ow.y. ' ' , ., "No-no-nothlng of the kind," other emb-a.rr!,sslng silence. ' ,Annie nlglitlJlus~l'come How.a rd might .tlll "Yea," snld Alicia Weakly. , graclous-noble-hearted- waited for, Mn,~. Jellrle!! to begin. ~er, ,be the intiraerer~' UnderWood might. ~nle bounded rorwar~. and grasped "Most courageous," she went' on. ' attitude lugge., 'ted that she expected not hove commltt'ed~ 8ulclde, but lier he~ companion's arm. Her fact The jlHlge struck thIS table another somethlu, unpl '1asant and wJ!.8 full,. visit tv his 'rooms at mldnlgbt would flusbed, almost unable to speak (roUl formidable b10w. . prepared tor ' lt: ". Act last Allch, broke become known. Judge llrewlter ",as 8uppreBiled · emotion, she cried: I'Mrs, JeffrlesY" he exclaimed. the alienee: , , not the man to ,b e deterred b7 dUIl(TO BE CON,TJiNUED,) She turned away ber bead to. hide "Yoll ma, think It strange that I Clultles once be took ' up a caae, H, Me~o" ber feelings. have asked for this , (Interview," ,be :would 1188 the Importance of tlDdlq ~n Exoeptlon. SaId~eroa.. , "Ob, how I'd like to Ilave a good began, "but )IOU Jmo~ AnDIe-" In- the mYlterloua woman ~bo weut BeBlnka-"Here II lomebodr '''ho 88r. .!cY," Ibe murwlU'ed. "U.. ' Ho"ard terruptlq herself. she " asked: "You cretlr to Undenrood'• . room. t~t tbat DO WOm,PD II • luqruct,~ aDJ... only knew!," ,., _ don't mind m7 ca~1ng '7 u ADJtle, 40 nl.ht of the~. " , ab~ baa a 1~lJeh OD 10m. man." Blab ' POSTU.- c:aUAL co,. Leil.. Judge Brew.ter toucbed aD el80trlCIJOU!" "'Be couultAld oDlJ .... OWD f .... -'That" queer. III wu. . , ••ar. 8aUIe Cnell. .... "u&&aII. aDel bta bead clerk eateNIL The 70uDi womaa .mJle4. lAP,.., 'WeDt 011. ADDle. 1''8 ,.1IeN Ja trq..~..
Constipation Vanishes Forever
~~ 'II'.JIOI'.
Breakfast A Pleasure
Post ' Toasties
~ m:::: > ~£:.:~:~ ~~:~:~}E::~~~,::~:n:f~:~m IGERMINATION TEST
"I'm Ilosltlve It's Ralph," Vera leaned forward In her steamer chair to get a good look Ilt Ihe mllll wbo had just paesed. "He hus marcli(ld around about 40 times so far this morning, Phil, and 1 do wish you'd nnd Ol\t for me." "I didn't know YOI\ were so keen on digging up Ralph." Phil's' tone 'Was a mere grunt of disgust, trom the deptbs of biB rug. "DIdn't that die out at Plnchur.t last [all?" "Didn't what die out!" Vera looked meditatively and Innocently out to sea. "Wereu't yOU engaged?" "Not exactly." "Not exactly' Upon my word, Vera, you girls get , 011 my nerves. You think love's 0. polo game. Wben a cbap come's a cropper, you 11ft your eyebrow I, and eay It's too bad be can't play rlghL You know Ralph was awtully cut up after you left, and- when did you see him last?" Vera rose, smiling mysteriously. "Phil, It wouldn't be rlgbt for me to tell you. It's bud enough to enoourage those-er-polo players but It'l worse to give a descrlpU~n fJf bow tbey took the tumble. Go anO Hnd out trom the Ihlp'a lIat If It Is Ralph: there'l a dear . . And If It II, look him up, I1nd be nice." Most unwillIngly Phil obeyed In. structlons. There was over sIx yearl between Vera and hImself. and an ·elder lIster has rIghts wblch even a fel\ow of eighteen hilS 10 recognize. Cllrefully be went OV81' tbe list bf first cllbln passengers, but found no such nllme as Ralph Maynard , ' ''He'. In stateroom D, promenade deck, because 1 asked a steward," Pbll protested. "Who's got that room -<:!In you tell 1" ' "Somerset Lane. tor self nnd wHe," the purser told him. "1 think they're juet marrlel!, and on their 1 honey· moon." "I don't believe It." Vem aald, calmly, When Phil brought back the news. "It Is Ralpb. I k"tlow, now,
Vera's Face Waa a Study.
"I .ay, Vera. bere be comoa,'· Phil said sudden»'. "I'm going. Good luck, sis, You might orrer my con· gratulations with your own. They lIay lemons are good for seaslcknesl." The next moment Ralph Maynard stood In front of ber, cap olf. very erect, and on the detenslve, but with tbe same splendid brown eyes that could plcllc1 a cause better tban all the lips In the world, she bad once thought. "I would have spoken betore, but you didn't aeem to remember me. Miss Chalmers." "We've only been out on~ dayf' She looked up wltl1 a smile, but It was not an encwraglng smile. A fllrl does not teel Bunny and Iweet· tempered toward a mon who takea unto hlmselt a wife six month. atter he haa made love to her. "1 had not noticed you before." "May I take PhU'1 chafr for 8 whlle?" "Surely, If you wish." She waited a moment, then said gently, very gentIy: "How II your 'Wife, Mr. Ma),nard T" "Good Lord, I'm not marrIed," gasped tbe boy. "How can you IlIk that, when you know I never loved any woman In the .world but you, Vera? Why, I heard at the Illlt min· ute yolt and Phil were sailing on thl. boat tor the Tuttle wedding In London and I caught It at the 18lt minute, Just for the chance at even looking at you." "Haven't you a wife In stateroom D, who Is seasick and unable to appear during tbe voyage?" He met her clear blue eyes unflinchingly and tried to speak, but lIhl went on. "Didn't you tell tbe old gen, tleman trom Virginia., In the smoker, that your wire was delicate? Aren't you registered on the list as SomeI' set Lane? Oh, Ralph, I never thought you could do sucb a tblng! And tben to make love to me--" She tried to rise, but be caught bo~il her hands and held ber flrmly. "Listen, sweetheart," be said. "I was fool enollgh to let you get a way t rom me last . fall at Pinehurst, but you won't this lime. I am registered I1S Somerset Lane. Don't struggle, please, tll1 I get tbrough, and the passage was booked for 'self and wHe.' " "Then where's your wlte?" she flashed back. "She's a mytb," he laughed. "It was too late to engage a regular passage on this hoaL Everything was taken. So I hustled to the brokers' offices and landed 0. ticket and booking for Scimerset Lane and wife--" \ "But 'Who are they?" "Who cares! I took the double booking, of course, tor the chance of crossIng with you. And I b!'41 to carry it out, didn't I? I am Somerset Lane, pro tem. If my wife Isn't sea, sick, where Is abe? I bave to tell something about, her, or they'U accuse me of having lhrown' her overboard, Don't you see?" . Her eyes were Cull of mirth. "It's very suspicious." "Not billt so suspIcious as It w1ll be when I come back on anotber boat 'mder mr own name, with another wlte. Can you rIsk It, Vera 1" She hesitated and sighed, ther. laughed agaIn. ': 1 suppose that Is really III near as you '\I ever get to a proposal, Ralph, so I'll have to say yes. You may book passage tor self and wife on the return trip, but don't you dare take It on this boat." "
ISt"'''g. Children, George Bancroft, the historian, ueed to relate with guslo a joke tbat .he caught wblle trotting to scbool along a Masiachusetta country road. It was, about old Levi LIncoln, says Percy H. Epler, In " Master Minda at E"pert~eat. Statton Issues Warnlnlt to Corn Grow~ the Commonwealth'l Heart." The old gentleman was nearl)' That. Situation Is Wlt.hout Parallel tn ReCeDe. blind. A tlock ot geese waa beIng Years aDd Should Cause no Ltttle Coa~erD driven gobbling up Lincoln Itreet. - Directions Given {or MaltlD8 Leaning far out of the carriage, the aad HandltDlt Tester. flne old arlltocrat. thlD·klng tbey were children, threw out a bandtul of pen· nics, graciously exclaIming : "God bles. you, my children I"
(CollyrIKbl. 1011. bl A'lOCi.led
Begin Right and Don't Put It Off for Another D"y.
i i
Woman s Power Ovet'Man
..,. •
~ ~ ~-
Chicago TII.-"I suffered from a famale weaimess and stomach trouble. and I went to the I,t ore to get bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetnbla Compound, but th& clerk did not wanll to let me have ithe said it was no good and wanted me to try lomething else, bu t knowing all about it I inlIisted a nd finally L.:;.:.:L,t.!!!.:!-":''';':''---I got it. and ~ am 10 cured me. .. I know ot 80 many eases where wo.; men bave been cured by Lydia E. Pinkham'aVegetable Compound that I can eay to eTery lIutrering woman if tha' medicine doe. not help he~ there i. nothing that will."-Mrs. "All1t'1'ZKJ. 2968 Arch St.. ()h1cago. IlL Thill 1a the age ot substitution, and women who want a cure IIhould ins11l' upon Lydia E. Pinkham', Vegetable Compound just as this woman did, and Dot accept something else on which the druggist can make a little more profit. Women who are passing through this critical period or who ara lIufferln, from any ot those distressing 111s peculiar to theIr sex ahould not lose algU of the fact that for thirty ~at'll Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. which is made from roots and herbshas been the ' standard remedy for fe.. male ills. In almost every community you will find women who have been restored to health by LydIa E. P1nL bam's Vegetable Compound.
-Ito' de."
This Woman Had to Insist Strongly, but It Paid
Eruptive Ikln dlseasel of many years' standIng have been cured by the application of Reslnol oIntment and the use or Reslnol soap In a few weeki. Begin with Reslnol .and you begin your eure. If you've tried everything without benefit, try RealDol, and you' will no doubt Bee 1mIlrovement tram the start. Reslnol ointment CUf'81 all forms of Ikln eruptlonl, .. acne, eczema, berpel, ery.Ipel... erytbema, barber~1I Itch, polFig. 1-A Seed Corn Tuter; Partly Filled, Showing Conatructlon and Ion ITY, 1'Incworm, etc. Rellnol oint\ How Kernel. Ar. Plac.d. ment II the belt eStel.lng for bolla. (By T. L . WHEELER. Cotlege of Agri- squares can be numbered. as shown In carbuncles, felonl, cuts and aU abraculture. Ohio State Unlv ralt)'.) 'be cut, and the numbers mad e to cor· Iiou ot the BkiD. At aU druC Btorel. If every ear of corn . planted thla relpond with the ears to be tested. aprlng were to produce four dollars In Market Hogi Muoh Lighter, To make the test. number the eare actual money, It II very likely the peo· consecutively, then remove six kernels The average weight ot hoga marketpie who plant corn would make a great tram eacb ear, as Bbown In Fig. 2. To ed In recent ),ears .. much lIgbter .trort to bave every ear grow. But remove the kernels, use a pocket than In former years; In the deCide why should leed that Is to produce knife. Insert tbe knife blade at the 1870-1879 the aver8le weicht of hoga corn be treated any dltrerently frOID edge of the kernel, and pry It out. (Bee lttlled during the winter months In what It would be v.ere It ~o produce Fig. 8.) Begin near the butt of the weBtern pacldnl centerB W88 about actual money' A good corn crop, In ear, remov~ one kernel, then turn the 276 poundl: In the decade 1880·1889 saleable condlUon, represents money ear a little and remove another ker- about 267 pound.: In the decade 18901899 about 289 poundl, and 1D. the to the farmer. past decade 1900-1909 about 219 One ear of com of average size has pounds. In otber words, hog8 marabout 800 grains, each of whlcb Ihould keh!d between SO and 40 yean ago produce a stalk bearing an ear. This averaged one-fourth heavier than would mean 800 ears, or about eight those marketed In recent years. bushels, whlcb at 60 cents a bushel would sell for $4, not counting the la· bar ot caring for the crop, that Is wbat Peek....·80o Sock •• each ear ot see d corn Is worth. It reo Many men wear peek-a-boo socks, quires just ss much labor to plant a not becauae they are In style. but bepoor ear of corn as It does to plant 11 cause their wives use Interior Itrong good ear, and the poor 'one does not laundry fioapl. The free alkall and give anytbl.ng In return for the time rosIn contained In these soapl rot the and 'Work_ . materIal and 81 a consequence the The Ohio experiment station has poor men are blamed tor being' "hard been making IlIl Investigation of tbe on their .ock .... seed corn In OhIo and IInds that the ThIs can be aVOided hy tbe use ot range ot germination Is trom 45 to 96 Hewitt'. EalY Task Boap. Twentyper oent., much seed which had been Fig. 3-How to Uae Pocket Knffe In tlV"B yeara or use bave proved Ita bandied with considerable care showRemoving the Kernels. worth. Five centl a cak•• Ing below 80 per cent. Such a state of atra1.rs wlll result In very poor and nel a lItUe further down, thus going Privilege. S.d TODAY 'of' T•••• T)'p..... FaUl uneven stands, unless every ear plant· nround tbe ear In a spiral, so that the Visitor-Why don't you get out of . . Parilcalar•• sixth kernel Is taken from n ar tbe ed la tested to determine whether it this town? You can never make a SATISI!'ACTlONone reo success In thIs dull hole. will grow. Tbe station warns corn Up, about In line with th GUAaANTEi!b. growers that the situation Is without a moved from the butt. Place these six 01 ..... OD 6 ".~.' trial Fn. Native-No, but I can always tell parallel In recent years, and 'should kernels, germ up, In the square In the wbat I could have done elsewhere If DB. BOSWORTH SPECTACLE CO.. II 5 •• Cbarl •• St•• 80.eo., II.... cause no little concern. Tbe agronomy germlnator correBpondlng with tbe 1'd ever have gone aWI1¥.-Puck. department of the college or agrlcul· number of the ear and lay the ear ture, Ohio State university, fthds, In away. Handle ench ear In a similar The Night 8hlft, Its investigations, that the germination manner. Arter the kernels are placell PosItive Wife-John, why do , you this spring runs from 40 to 100 )ler In the test~r, spread two thickness R talk In your Ileep? Have you any cent, with an average of from 70 to ot beavy white mUSlin, or any tlghlly Idea? 76 per cent. Is your corn in the 100 woven cloth, that has been clipped in Negative IIusband-So as not to per cent. class, In the average class, water, over the corn, and on top of forget how, I suppose. It's the only Or does It rank down In the 40 per this an Inch ot moist eand. Then set chance I getl-Puck. ' the tester where there ",11\ be a gooll cent. class 1 growing temperature, care ' being taj The man who follows the prac.t ice ot Oarfield l'el corrects conltipation by solnt to the crib and aeltlctlng his ken not to have It too warm . arouRing the dige8tive or~n8 to their inIt the proper heat and moisture Brc unded IIctivity I Composed of Herb•. seed corn just before planting will have a poor chance 'ot getting a good crop maintaIned, the corn will bave sproutWho hath not known misfortune tbls season. unless he tests every ear ed enough in five days to ennble one and plants ooly that which will grow. , to .plck out the good ears. Jt , In any never knew himself or his own virW. N. U •• C.cINN,ATI, NO. 28-1811 .. If you have not tested your . seed square all the grains do not grow. or tue.-Mallet. they show low ,'!tallty, the correspond· Ing ,ear should be discard d. The ears l that show perfect germination are then ready ' for the field, except for macliine planting, the Irregular sized kernels at tbe tlPil and butts should ,~~ Fig. 2-Three Kernels Removed, be graded out and dlscardE'd. Don't Womu'l'iiio.t "orIoas eadowmeat Ie the po"er ' plant dead seed corn, It will DOt grow. · ecrn, do It now. Make a tester, like to ._kea aDd bold the pure .ad boaeat loye of • the one shown In the accompanying worth', IDID. WbeD abe 10... it aad 'till lov.. na, eo ODe ia the wid. world caD kaow the IIMrt .aoa)' l\Iuatration (Figure 1) . It Is easily Squirrel Hunt. sbe eadunI. ' The womaD "bo .wren f'n!m weak· made. being simply a box , 20 by 30 The hunt for squirrels and such r0..... aad deraqemeot of her ',peal" wOIDaa1y orInches, and about two or three Inches dents as carry the dendly fiea that -'lID IOOD lOIn the po"er to IWIY the ....rt of deep, Inside measurements. F1l1 thle spreadB the bubonic plague Is to be • mID. Her aeaerel health Iden aad ah. 101. . box nearly tull with moist sand and carried into the Monterey national Iler aoed lookl, her .ttnctina.... ber .lDllbility then stretch cords over the 'top, each torest, California. Since July 85,000 end her power aDd pre.ti~o a. a womaa. Dr.'R.V. Pleroe, of Bdalo, N.Y.,wltll' way,' so as to torm squares two inches squirrels have been examined In the the uaiawoe of hi. ltaI' of Ible physlcle., bu prncribed for IDd cured me,. thoueaada of womea. He baa devlaed • Iuccea.ful remedy for "OIDID', llil.! across, These cords can be fastened suspected dlatrlcts. The government lDeDt.. It II bo"a •• Dr. Pierce'l F.vonte Prescription. It i. a polltivo. to nails driven In the sid es ot the box . haB spent $800,000 on this work and lpeciio for tbe "eakneeHI aad dilOrd.... peaullar to "omoa. It puniel; ....u • . Bmall wIres Instead ot cords will make the state and counties of California hte., .treaathea. aDd beall. Mediclae dealen HII It. No jo."t dealer wiU i the tester more permanent. These $600,000 more. advi" Joa to aooept • luhatitUte in order to mike ..' Uttle lar,er profit. , . ~- .... ~...-.."...~ ... ~~~
because I bowed to hIm as he went by the torty-first time, wblJe YOIl were ' gone, nnd be knew me. Why should be ship under an assumed name?" "Maybe It's a secret marriage." suggElllte d Phlllp-archly. "He's a wIse old dog, llIlyway." "He Is not, Phil. If ever there was ~':lll open·llIld·abov'i!·boanl, s~rnlghtfor· Hurrying U'p Thing •. w:lrd boy, It's Ralph Maynard. Did It "Yes, In this business we have to give tbe wlfe's name?" hustle some," said tbe 'drummer. "but Phil .shook hhi head. occasionally ~ run across a man wbo "Just said for self and "Ue." "Dllt where's the wife? If he were can beat me at hurrying up thIngs. OD bls honeymoon, would be be tramp.. For Instance, I got off at a small town Ing tbe deck madly bour after hour?" 'In Indiana a few days ago and, dill"Maybe she'. seasick," Pbll ' sug· covering a good·looklng gltl, I ' flirted gested brightly. "I saw him lalklng wlt.h her a bit and received an 'lnvlte to tbat old chap from ' Vlrglnla III tbe to call at the house that evening. BI)li.@@ smoker thIs morntng, so on the way Core I bad been seated ten mlnut.el the WHIT~ AND YflK motber looked into tbe room. Five !tack up the companIonway I ran Into him and II.8ked If be knew Somersot minutes later the old man took a peep. Lane. He said be did, that he was a At the end ot 20 be entered and alked bully young cbap. and It was Il shame my name and prospects. Before tho \ his wife was so delicate that sbe bad hour was up he was back to ask It 1 loved his daughter. I had to answer to keep to her stateroom all througb yes. and what do you SUPPose he dId , .. Ibe passage over." "It's hard to SI\Y," was answered. Vera's tace ""as a study. She "He tp-Iephoned a preacher an" frowned and pursed ber pretty IIpa tensely. Borne way, Rhe , could not hrougbt blm In to perform the mal' picture Ralph's wife at all. She could rlage ceremony. and when I begged PROTrI N 1.''-'mnIT_ _ only remember the last night at Pine· for a day to tblnk things oVllr' he 13.0 burst. It had b~en In September, and ,bumped me out of the house, anil next roAT 'O.S' ____, 0.2 the Carolina beach looked wonderrul.' morning saw that I took the train. He 0." Ilald he was a born hustler, and be Iy fair In the rich, golde n moonlight. A.5H 1.0 - - - o i Ho.t1~ss, tbey had mOQnled horses nnd didn't want a son-In·law who 'llasn't gone for 1\ canter at low tide along the the same." wet sands. far, far out, to what Ibey , Little Glrl i• Long Vigil. called Lovers' Leap. It \~as a jutting Forty hours on Ii cold, lonely moun, headland of ' rock that cut orr the hea('.h. And It WOOs here that Ralpb taln by the s,de of her disabled col· ·bad" 'aktm his clJanco with Fnte. She lie. was the ylgll ke}lt on High moun· ould see him sllll, bendIng.' toward taln, N. J ., recently by' Annn Martin her from bill saddle, his tace !1 bit five years old . Annals protector had hard and tens~ In the c;ool ' moollll~bt" been rendered help'less by a big boul· his , er", full of yearning. She h~d d~r , which b~oke both his hind 'leg~ said nlr, of course-every 'slrl docs , a'nd held, him pinned ·fast . to . tbt the 'first time sbe I.~ sslted by a man ground'. The ro':)k waa too large fOl .-and ,If he ' had been , QI~er he ",;ould Anna to move, but'b,our 'after bour ahE haYe, undcntood th& challenge tn her si Qod by ber strIcken pet, gIving what eyes and 't,Vords, aJld Coug.h~ the game comfort :Ibe coul4 In endearing word. out With ber, to .Ita wInning. She bad ' t.nd caressel aDd bringing "a~r to wllhed him 'to win, hut the next blm In her bat from Iltl adjOlnln. morniul when Ibe had risen sbe got Bprtul. On the second . nllht, after lbe 118,,:1 '" hili deputure tor New yalnly waltin, to be fOUDeI, IIWe AnlJ&, , Ured out, ' "eDt to Ileep. wltb be, • A flub ell ta about 'Jork on the tltlt traID out. , . bID De. careful auuUOII III Alld 'now be 1f. 011 board. UD_ arm about the Deck of the IDjIlNCl pet. water uu1 ill thla r.B.»act" IlmUar to. ,1U'Iq bav_ aD etrect on the ~t7 aD ..-amed DaIIle. III • ,_teroo. Thua' ~. other anllD.. tooele. ncb'or .. .... ..... of the enproclacec1. IlUVDut ' . . .aeat. Water aapIr ~ IlaoWIlta CIO~IciD. TIle' m......... .
totot Iilf
,.,.,..•• " ' - a I PWlIIIa ,..,... ea4 ~ &oaIaGb. LIrw ..., ao-J..
that's ~aranl ec d "-have no real rIval. It haa taken thlrly-three yellrs to reach their high standard. They are alltl Improvlnl'. YEARS ago we discovered Ihllt the bar'neas we ""ere milking could bo guaranteed. W. at once began seilIng them In that WilY. We are stili the only manufllClurers of harnen who give I\. guarontee that Ineures you ur lenther, thread anI! against defect. hardwnre are th e best. our workmen aktJIed ..ach In his particular duty. GEMCO hllrness fll the horsB-wear wel1keep tholr shape lind satisfy the man wh~ buys them. They are . Intended for servIce; they are not made JU8t to please the ey~ and Bell ; th ey are reInforced where tha atraln cornea, The lellther 18 blacked both IMes. They aro I horeughly Inspected before leaving our fllClory, In cnRe of a runaway or oocldent, you clln depend upon OEMCO bamell8. LOOK for the trade-marl< GEMCO on the box loop! and InsIde the blinds. Your local dealer will 11011 them to you nt advertlsel! pr1'l:ea. It he hna not the kInd yoU wnnt. wrl\e for booklet No. 6ll-menUon your dea&' -er's name. '
81NGLE 8TRAP BOGGY BABNE88 Stltelled 10 to the I~oh, reInforced
where the .trala comell; round edge ftnllhed througbout. BrIdIe %-In. box cheek II. round IItaya, Dose band. BRlllAST COLLAR: I-In. V Ihaped. SADDLE: Iinglo strap S-In.; BACIS; BAND: I-tn. doubled and Itltohed_ LYNES : %XI~-ln'l spring ends. BRElECHrNO: l~- n. HIP STRAPS: ~-tn. TRJ.MMIN'GS : niCkel, brasa or THE CRAF·MORSBACH CO.• CINCINHATI, OHIO Imitation rubber. PrIce only '16.45
Here i, lite Car Write 'ua t~ 1pecia1 price
(~~! " 0n.maJ' price $2500.00' ThII .eoIne'tbe problem. A high cl ... car at I. . tllID one third ' the oriaiDal c:oat; rebuilt. worn parts made new and~teed , .. lItViceudaatiafactiOllaame .. aoewRambier. WritetGdq.· THE 'ntOIIAS .. Jlll'FEltY COMPANY. 1001 ........
..:01':.:=::.___111!!!~---~===~~~~[ :.
I,1, _____ 1
....-.C-~~~-C~~~~-I-'Ulllld- '-1 -,-f-al-'m-in-H-arli!'!'!l~i~lt!!!n~:O~\;~~~-- ill~! ! ! un! ! U! !M! !t.,!. !!!!H~OI! !I:~vp~\! !ke! !n! !e!'! l r! ! ! C! ha! !s!. !~~~~!!!!!!~!!!!!!~~~M~!~o!!!!!!!!!o~r~!!!e~'~s~~~\-~a!!!,~n~~ri~e~'~~S~a~~v~!!!!!!'e~s !" '! ounty
,ship. 2666, '7. Bl1wke's farm i steel beam bridge lzelta J ohn on tu Elmer C. Seal's, aoo\le Clfe!lllr'SOreek, near covered :11)t in Lebanon. $1. bridge near blAck&mith ' ,h9P In : J nalhan Fox to Matlhias . Keller, Or [(onill. ; Rlloe bridge in Oregon!" , : J . n non Pleas Court. lot in Harlan township, $1. by riv er 'bridge at estimate of ' &5 . New Sult!l P'!Jni ra Smi th to Nan y B. Whit· ontraotenteredwltbJohn Wolfe . . :lel'e. lut in 1iddleboro, $555. for oloaDlnl/: and painting the fol . tiM I'Y H . Prugh to Caroline \ ler lowiug bridges. county to furnisb In matter .of clalln of , lI as sh r . humane oflicer \. , Wan n l aunly . I' ,. l u ~ in Blll'hm towu!lhi\J U . p"iut for SUID of ~72: On Barlan '~I . I d rI'1 ID~ . , , ~~ n g 1 ~ ~n, lamp. on, a llorn ys I G 'orgo L , Ziegl r tD CU l'ollue tlirt ronl1 nenr Clift I1awk's; on f\H' pl~Jnll.t1 . . Ap))·a l. r \'I erliuglnt III I:illrl"U tow tltlbip. $1 Br.l'voy l.mrg plvenearMo!!eBogan's 13 nJ! 1111~1 \ ()lln~ v~!Clln:' '( I' llll~ , J'l:\ep ll Jt: rtel to Hetti o i!:rtul, lut, un liurveYllburg pike Dear Walter a tto rn ey for plallltlrI . L.eol'ge 8 liu Dl'orfiold tlHvUllllip. $1 . Ellls'i on Oregonia ptke, known as Young. Equit able I{eli'!f. . .Johu E~ IlY t'l Hunon\} Espy, lot P leoat Bollow bridge i on Oli ve L onal'cl Mount!:; al\ll Grace E. ' io ({ oche!:! tor U . Branoh road Dear TholDlIos Bpenoers ' Mount, as administrator with the ' uroh rallinl{ near Duan Nixon arch will annexed of state of J . CommiSSioners' Proceed in~s. on Olive Branoh r oad ; on Olive MountsP vs.F Prud neeM' Fp.llneman, 1--. /. ' . . levv of Bra noh road nelAr John Chenowe'h 's mlll l",,\O u e r !'l . Alb ert ~J . • osler and mOl. 1,~ oster. l ollllty' 1~,!ln ll t ," ') t -0" 1 1r: farm i on (iu lrd road naar William 'f d ' F I d tllx o~- ~o r . ,ocn n y, .,,,'OJ u, ' u · hIS WI e an . A. Z Kum et· an mill t! , lectl,1n l'XPA TJS H ..'"1-00 n " 05 fiollenor 's · fa rm', Roaring Bral\ch Grace Fenneman Burger. Altorney , • r. • •' Bid bridge; by William Taylor's 'farm i f l ' rif S W ' d d l\f I.J Udl'IUI. f l,)uO, l a Ill l ii s. r ge ordPfam 11 , .. 00 war. oncy 1\11,11{ Ild ~H)HOO, . Ii(\ mills. R oad, on Midd~etowu road near ' Huger an orec osure. ' ~H)lI O ;30' III I.11 11 , Ull. nd, $:1900, . 18 meyer 's resl'd enoe;' Dean Bh annon mill:.!. 'fLo ::;ulcliors' Reliof, bridge on Harveysburg road . Probate Court. '~ I O~, . Oi mill... Urphaos' A'.iyluUl t Contruct entered with Frank Ed S. Conklin. executor of last '.l~O O, 1.1 lLil ls. 'blld rens' Home Stokes for a 22ft,. 24 Inch oorrugated will and testamen t of Amanda J. incilldin~ j~o on ~350 0 all per , Jones sewer ano ooncret,e h8lld WIlJltt and Conklin. deceased vr;;. Netti Conklin WI ll, ':.JUOO, . I :! mills. County I\gri Ilpron near Bunnel fa rm on Corwin et a1. O. S. Higg ins, P . V. Bone oultornl sociot,y, '900, .O:l lllills , Iln d New urllngton road i I1lso and. W. hester Maple appointed ap- J n fi rmarv Oi reotor ' s Ievy- P oor, IS ft. 30 inch . oorrugat.ed sewer by praisers. ,(lUOO, .29 mi ll!!. Granu total $110,'00 Roy Eu roburt son Barlan road and The pstate of Martha Jackson, de- 3 III III tl, .'IX t Y SIX . h ltn d re dtb ' so f ooncreto wall Ilnd apron to oulvert d F . M. Cunningham, admincea e. 'II 1 . d f b 'd d d on Corwin rolld, esttmate of 1194 . t t filed' t d . 00 ml eva· or rl ge a.n roa , . IS ra or mven ory ail appralset tf b lidl d Conorete a,roh culvArt on 0 Neall · h d ed d d puqJutles se apar or u ng an men t whIC was or er recor e . Bnd Blain road, Ilpproved and oon ' repulr of bridge known as tbe , Th e estate of J. Myron Harkrader 'raot lat to J ob n Wolfe at estimate et al minors. John P. Harkrad er, bridge fund. of ' 111 90. g uardian filed first account with Report of "iewers on Kenriok Plans and speoifir.ations t c.. r new vouchers for settlement, which is or- r oad was ' publicly read for third fioJ r for Edvurdaville sobool h ,1udtl dered suspended. ~ime uud further oonsideratlon po t· bridge were approved and ordered The estate of Reba Sein's, guardian poned. ~674, 56 tranRferred from posted in Audt tor's offioe. t;oo led minor. Laura Sackett, guardIan, Speoial Bridge 'nnd of 190 to Ccun bidR to be received a' 11 o'olook, filed inventory which is ordered re- ty fund i also t232G.'1<1 tra neferred June 26, 1911. corded. from Special Bridge f und of li06 to • __- - Lulu Gustin complainant v•. HaT- County fund . S1:l13,84 transferred Wins Fight for Life ry Gustin. Care and custody of Rue- trom Bheep fund to Bridge fUDd It was a long and bloody blttle .sal Gustin awarded to complainant, Bills Allowed-Monr;>e ,. John· for life that was Nllged by .)amell B, and care ' and custody of E lmont ,"on, lumber. '3 1 i Frunk Dnke, Mershon, of Newark, N. J ,of wbioh Gustin award ed to defendant lumber, S133 i Joseph Nioholson , be writes: . " I had lost muoh bloo~ llnd The estate of ReDecca A . Daniels , lumber , $10 i J. B. Smith, lumber,' from Innkg anhdemorrdhagt)tl, very wea run own. F or eIW~~ ~uu deceased. A. B. Chandler a,pointed Ml 75 i WIlliam Ii. Brown, oont~aot month!! I was unllble to work. administrator. W. H. Allen, D. A. ~10 i E, C. Thompson, medical ser· Dpat.h seemed olose on my heels, Hocket and Edwin Chandler appoint- vioes to prisoners, 122 50 i John A. when 1 bega.n ~hree weekIJ ago, to ed' ' Bitesman, lIervtces on burial oom. use Dr . KIDg s New Disoovery. But: it has helped me Kreatly. His . appraIsers. . Ed. S. Conklin, executor of last IDlttee, $1; Ed B, Co~klin , Postmas doing all thl\t you olaim." For will and testament of Amanda J. ter, stamps for AudItor S5; F . W. weak, sore lungs, obstinate ooughs, Conklin, deceased vs. Nettie Conklin Thompson, electrlo lamps, $2 28 i stubborn ~olds, hoarsenelJ8, la grippe et a1. Plaintiff ordered to sell real F. B, Forgy. servlCd on Orlmd and asthma, hay fever or any throat or estate atnotl~ than appraised value Petit jury Venires, '522.4; The 8. ~u1nogo ~r°Trubtlel ibtstStUl prefme. 6000 an~ , F dC l' f .. S 8 ., . a 0 0 ree . uarall Cash in hand on date of sale re 0 " s upp les or Jllll, 5 6; teed by all drugglstll. • - ••- - The estate of '1:. G. White. de. T~e S. Fred ~o ,ta ble for Rfloord I ce~ed, D. E. Dunham, administra. er 8 o,tJioe, 14; rhe Jobnson and Wat THE PE~FECTION TOMATO tor filed, secured and final account son Co., Record f.n Probate Judge, with vouchers,for settlement which ,au; 'l'he Western Star, notioe to There IU e 80. many tomatoes railled bril1ge oontraotor8, $.; Stakalta of an inferior charaoter,. trrelolar, is ordered suspended. The e'itate of George Debold, de- Pen po ., mdse., for Auditor, l 14.25 i rIdgy, 1l1.shapen, set'.dy to eX?fl s!l ceased, Emma Debold, administra- 8takalta Pen Co., typewriter paper and low.fiavorect that. one must. bfl trix, files inventory and appraise- for Reoorder, U 50; Stakt\lta Pen surprised that any body Will still ment which is ordered recorded. Co ., mdse. for ;)()unty stenographer, take the trouble to cultt vate' them ! 250 i StakaJta Pen 00., suppltes fot" at all, Among the really wellMal'li4re Licenses, Probate ,ludge, a, 'Z5 i VaHey Tl'le formed anil most bandsome and phone Co, rents and tolls for offioes be8t tn every way the Majes\lo takes J. Robert Blair 24, car.countant '21.30 i G~rtrude Mtller, a88i8tan~ rank, The plant, is Il free grower ~fLebanon and Rhea Brandon, of assessor Franklin Town.hip, $IIU; and great bearer, and io flavor the Lebanon. O. K , Miller 88sistant "Sfflllor fruit is unsurpassed . James .Tilton, 28, correspondent Fro.nklin Tow'nshlp, '84; rbe FrIAnt .. ;.- - - - N. C. R. of Dayton and Frances F. lin Chroniole blanks for Probate Cranulated Eyelids Jutge .ao ' Can be .oured wit bout oau,erlzing or 'M orton,25, of Franklin. S. Arthur Douglas, "8, . dentist of " , scarifYIng by the use of ~ut,berlllnd 's FrankU n d M ' H . 30 f BIIlI! received-For ratstng bridge EJagle Eye Salve. We gUlI.rantee it Fraiucr , an , ary arper , 0 joists and oonorete floor and oleao' to oqre, 25c, everywbere,
Half 0' f Y' our Fu'el
Thi nk of it l Fifty cents sav d out uf e c r y du ll ::t r Y ll l\ no\,: spent! for fll el. l\I ull re's Rang-€! can be rlln on poor gruel C )i t! cost in::! at I nst t \\'o- thi r Is less th an C a l lice 'ssary fo r I) til' r rang S .
The'Handiest Stove E ver Bui~t
Z· I
, , Moore's Controller Damper ennbl s yo n to cu ntru l the h ' at as wt' ll as y, 1I can C III ru l th heat of n g: \ • stove. I t i.. the on ly ua l rang ha\'i ng this ~d vfln t:t::! '. \"'i lll nil tllc!'c xc lus lve 11 1\':lIl la yes th e 1\ 10 re Han ge saves over hal f of y ur fue l ex pense. /
Each r a nge is cl'J ul ppecl wit h o n nccurnl" 'ov en Thormomeler and a Th"rmomoter Guide I'r ~ p r e d fur Mou,.,,·s R L\ n ~e exc lu· sively by lIIrs . 11mb Tyson Rorer,lhe acknuw led ~e d fo rem, 's t c o k f t bc cou ntry. II t l!lIs t he eXllct Icn~lh of 1III1e, n eel'ssa ry for bakIng a ny kiml o f food. lind lhe t e m pe rature r 'qllircd. Th e Moore Hinlled Top oven'tl mes Lhe I roubles IUlll illco nv~ic n ce of brOili ng sL ea k o r t Oilst ing bread. ' rb e wholo top enn be pulled out ofthe way und tbe tire s ur/nce expuse d . W hen Ii fle d, I he IUp '.,rms a hood and th e s m oke uncl sme ll are drawn a r uullu t h" Bu es uf tile r auge und canno t escn p e into t be r oom. The Moore Anti-SeorehCo..,.. permits I he bo illng- o f milk o r slI b· s t ances wh k b burn eosi l)' - with 11 0 slirril1~ 1111<1 with o llt th e I"ns t d a nge r of sco r c h ing. J us t th e th ing fur cunn in);" s easo n . 'ii~i;i Moor .. •• Clan Oven Door saves h nlf th e w ork of baking. It 's I wiLll(l ut duubt tb e handies t i mprovemen t eve r addt:u t u a cook·
Moore's Stoves Always Please
in g range.
Call and See This Superior Range , W e ha ve n't rO~lIn h e re t o t e ll YOII nil Abollt th e aluminized o v e n -which d oesn·t turn b ro wn no r nllk" IT- t he nnll ·scorc D cover, n or tD e on ly oi ckel ' plltt"d oven ra~k 011 t he IIl11rk c t . bat if you wil1,cull we w ill. be g in" t o show li nd ex' plain th e mnny featllrcs of Muorc 's 1{lIn ge. '
eoa NOW while our .tock ia complet•. (19)
sale by J. H. COLEMAN, Waynesville, Ohio E.
Subscribe for the Miami Gazette
Notary Public
Undertaker and Embalmer,
All kinds of Notary Work . ·P ension Work n. I3peollllt:v.
Will be found la tbe OHI Bunk Building. 0PPOll"" tbe Nl.ltional Bnnk , 'l'elephone in bouse !l.ml ot· fi06 wbere J 'oa.n be onUWl day or night. Valley P hone 14-2. Main Street, Waynesvill", Ohio
Or. L _ G ( ~'f '
ing Bnd painting bridge on Hamil· --- • " ton Ro~d near lI'a~ny Tullis, by ~w Oregonia Bridge Co" '336 . (Jon traot 0 warded. For reinforoing, raising, new steel j oist a ll 1 oonorete floor and oleaning and painting bridge nellr Duto~ Bishop's on Hamilton road, by Ore. gonitl Bridge Co., 1597, Contraot awarded. ' As the hay harvellt Ilpproaohetl Real Estate Transfers. Contract entered 'into with Bert some of the older farm ~ rs will ~ll ink John P. Bolanger to Louis W. Reed' for oonorete abutments nea.r of haying in their youDgor days. Untty ~chool House on Ha.mmon Then tbe@rft811 WllsoUt by haud with !!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!~ road at bid of 75 per cu. yd. f >r a long bllld~ soytbe, or perhaps Concrete and 950 per ou . yd , for with tbe short and wide German earth fm: blade. With either it was toill!ome , • work, Now tbe farmer rideR on Contrao, entered Into with Geo. II. ou tti ng mao bi ne, an d a. ptl. i r 0 f • MoKlDuey . for oleaning and pdnting h orseotper f orm th e Ia bor. Th en tb e steel bridge near old Bennett .saw grass was 8011. tt,ered with a f or k f or . . ,Tired all the time, not much mIll In West Tnrtleoreek township d i N h d th k 't t' f -10 C ry nK· ow a oree oe8 e war g'~ for anything, hardly able to a es IDlat-e 0 .. . ount·y to fur With a tedder. Then after turning drag around, just all run down. Di sh pAint , If you are, we guarantee our VIContraot en~red with Walter B.' It oooe or twico it, was raked by , hand into windrows. Mow a borse NOL will help you. It has helped many people around here who were Wbltaker for 18 inab 20 feet corru· aga in pe rf01 ms th e serv ioe. Tb en gated sewer on Worley pike east of, it was loadeJ on wugons by h i.nd in this condition r Butlerville, with oonorete head witba long bandled fork. Now Now look here, just try one bottle of VINOL, and if you , are not Wl.illl! , also I'eptl.lring weod top at a maohiae oarrles i~ op, and ma satis~ed. that it did you good, come Blanohester and State roud R R brIdge a.t estimllte of 12450. ohtnery again depOSIts 'it in the back and get your IT!oney. It will Contract entered into with Uh8s . barn a horse performing tbe work. be returned without question. That , I In. m!'ny ways farm life marks is, a fair proposition and shows· our Hendereon for 36 inch corrugated marvelou8'ohanges in the b'a lf oim,faith in VINOL, and that we do 8ewer with oonorete headwalls Ilnd past. Hl\ppily t~e 'rend has not want Y9UT money unless you re- milking ne,w loca'io~ for .e~er and tury been upward. Homes and liviq·are ceive benefit. fitting up old bridge near residence be ' I .' d' fi ' .. _ t lk' , ' . tter,oonven enoesan re nemen .... We kno h t I w w a we are a mg of Lou fbompson nt estimate of It· lied d . l'f about tiecause we' have sold VI- uO 85. are mu. Ip , an ,. every .W3Y 1 e NQL for years, and have seen llow ' , " . prooeeds 00 a higher plane. ~uch good. it has done among our Contraot entel;ed into with Chas. ., • - '.. . . Benders,on for, oonorete &btltmen~s , Wo"Ji Wltl. SOon Start .' . (lustomers. ,·' .VINOl. is J:lot patent, secret ne.ar :Johlr 8i.mpkins farm naitor Tur· after y~U take ' br~ Ki~g'eJ' N~~ Life nQstrum, but an hones~ tned and tleoreek statlOn at estimahl of lU9 .. Pills, and 10~'l1 quioklY'enjoy their true .body builder and stren~h crea- 10. fine resultl. Conltipatloo aDd lndl. tor of world-wide tame, delicious , Gon'raot entered with Zaln Armt. geetion.v8Dllb· .Dd floe appetttQ 're . and easy .to take. Come. in today tage for oleaning and paiDUDg fol. 'urD~. ' They r8gDla.atomaCh, llv' er aDd bowell alid l#lpart ' Dew and start .your'cure at once. You l i b id cak nO Ii*. ow ng r ges: on WIIYDe8\'m~ and atrebRtb ap4 ,eD8rgf to -the wb.o le i ,lit. Bolly pike a'bove Wayn8lvUle. ',Ilam.· 'J.'ry tIltslD. ODIT' JIq •• ' D' NEY . " rugr st 'DeauJaqgbter hOQ88; aD WqDu. al14raglla, . .
•• ::lI V f;
~~K i u ~) : !.... ,t ,...,
Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey For CouChs and Colds.
CIoMJdt••• Good Entrrlaln' mfal .Actlvt lise 01
DIs WIt! ond Ill s HandJ See:r!:~r~fl~~I; I~I~~: .r.:;r!.~~~~: Th e•• U.TO th e t hin.,. whh'h
80me dev.'orment by
aMnII blm
F;1" cd wll b 'lIne read! nll which f •• elnolel boy•• Excr Ucn t . torle. of UdV1!n1urc. t r-.1,·~ 1 bll1of)'
."d curren t CVMU.PhOIOVMlPhY'r"llU,ips, elec. t rlclt y. carpentry\ .porta, Q~O" cu.. bo,. lUll
When-purchasing silver.' I ware remember that in I, silver plate no name stands for higher quality or greater durability .. than tl1e renO~l)ed trade mark
wh. t
"Silver Plale
and Then
It! do It. n .oullluUy It
paro,llI. Sen'J 11.00 lor a full
1. al
On ..
M.C(' LURE ,
Funeral l>ire·:tor. 'l'IiIAphona du ,V o!' lIIgflt. Vulley pllollt) N tl . 1"'"11 , Dh. tllntl(1 No. IHI-II' •
( 'Branch Office, Harvel IburJ(.
Sold by leading dealers
.nd nfIY
11 11 nl •••tandl at 10 cen t••
can be had. The wide latitude lor choi~e in knives, fork.s, sI-'!0ons . and fan.cy servmg pieces assu'res sattsfac.tion to every tattte.
to do
Ask your deale!' to show you the various exquisite p a tt e r ,n s in which the
HaYl•ng N
Add,. •• NEW YORK CLIPPER New York. N. V.
' h 25 I b f u,\ Atthur• 'L ync ; a orer 0 n ngs Mills, and Ethe . Price 18, of ,Kings • • , M1'II 8. 1< William v..' Osbdrn ' 23; lanorer of Blanchester and Etl:l~l Worthington 18, of M.orrow. EUle·T. Morttg9rpery 27, ceranic engineer of Columbus and Sue I. DuBOis, 20, of Franklin.
~ ;- :.;~: _,~. ! ,,,,'
everywhere. Send for catalogue "C-L," sh."ing all designs. ~ ,
o ii. H.E. flATHA WA l:
(lDlenlaUona18Unr Co., 8uc_.) .IUIIDE ...
co .....
\~ '1 ,\ 'J f'8villo's Le/ulin., D6nfilll~ Office ill Key!:! Bldg. ~alD /ott
You , Like This?
AN IR'R ES'ISTIBLE' BARGAIN' $1.75 Value for Only $1.20 .
AU. , , FOR'
One Year's Subse~iption lor McCall's Magazine Any 15 -(ent McCall 'Pattern 'you may select' ,O..e Ye~'s Subscription' lor Miami' GazeHe
$1.2,0 .'
,. McCall's Miuazlne ,
' Is. a.· l~i-g~,.rtlstlc, ~andson;tely !l1us.ttat~d "hun'd red:page monthly magazine.
It con. ~ talll~ slx~y ,! lew ~a~h,lon DeSigns m each lSS?e. Ev~ry' woman needs it .~or its up-to-date fasilloos, eatertammg ,stories and complete mformatlon on all home and personal topics . Over o,no niUlion 'SuQ8cribers. ' Aclroowledged th~ best'. Hom~ and Fashion Magadne: Regular price, 5 cents '" ,copy. Worth double. ' ' ,", M,
~I p."e~
/ "So ihll])l. 'o~ ca~notU;i.un~~;atlnd' them • . ' A~plubtlJ ..~rat.; · Ybu m~, ..~, fnIe,
In ,ltyle, Irieproacb,ble. any,' McCIllJ'.'Pauem you d~1re firit nU!p.ber., cihJiem...zine "hlcb .. . . .. ~ • ~ta'!lar price, 15 cell".
The MlQIitI Gaze...e
THE 'M.IAM) Pu tJlu.hlld
W 'kly
D, L. CHA Ni,;, Editor anu Manager Rates of Subscription Ono YonI' (sll'lct.ly IJllldvnllce)... . . .. , ll.lIel Slnl(lo !'opy, . .. , ., ..... .. .. ... . '" .' .0/.
Rates of Advertising Helllllllg l .ol·111H, per 1i1l0 . . . , , . . , , ..... 0•• K oudlnll LowIH. 1Jluck It,,·tl, I'or IIntl . . , . 1(/1' 1l1&!lnoo AIls. uol to .~(·L'CII n "o Iill(, Three J ilscrtiouti . .• , . ... . , . . . . 26( UbiLIIUrl s, Unft ludll'II t roe ; uvur UyU Illdl tJII, I I' liuo . . . , .. .. , . . .. . ' "'.
'ard ur Lhullkll .. ... , . , . .. ... •. . . , .. . , 2!lC
~uIIlLlons . .... ... . ... .... ,. ,., .. , ' .. Our Soc.lu lll ute. whore churKtl 18 Oli4dO . . . . . . . ~ Oc lJllI»l(lY All \,ortlslug PCI' Inch . .. , . . .. • , . I Oc lllBcollnLH "1\'IlD on (:On t rllc t.
J UNE ~ 1. 1911,
-- ..----
lUut!h at nl~ht
thlt t t,he iJortles' oollllrt! fit,snug
The fll'tlt of our radishes' oaml' from Chin I
- - -_e _ ...- - - -
Don't Be Annoyed With sain trouble~, ohap!!, pilllples, blllck head .. , eczemu, or Bores. When one 250 box of Dr, Bell 's Antisepllc Slilve ~lllooreyot1 . Try Itat onoe. -----.~-~ -----
Do not use lJotatoes IIffeoted with "soab" for seed. Any flavor In the milk will be found io the butter , ------ ~
Cet the Beat For skin trouble", sores, uloers, eozema,oh 'lps, blaok beads, pimpl88 and ull eruptiolJlI. Use Dr. &11'~ Ant.iseptio t)al ve and you /Jet ~he best. We guarllntee it. 250 a box everywl tlre.
.- ... - ---...- ..------"---
'l' bere III no grain equal to corn for turkeys.
' fntten!D~
The ouitl vatloD of tbe oorn brlngt'
tbe seed nein the Burfltoe
The Beet Remedy Ear 1\.11 kinds of !lore eres ts SutherltlDd's Ell gie Eye Salve. It I" & orE'awy snow wblte ointment ond wonld not. Injure lobe eyes of a ba be OUa1'ltnleed, 259 Fre8hly bUfnect- lliOne lime is be8 1 for mukln~ bllrlle"ux mixture
~, lIoders '
IIrt! buttel' f . I breeding ):Iuq)j SH~ tbon yuuog gees>. YOUII/l
---- - ..----
Don't Experiment With a CoU&h When Ur . b II'~ Pine Tar. Hone} hilS betic uNHd hy millioo!l of ~opl. for 81xte n yeltrll with a 8t81ldy In or"llll1in~ dell1ond, Lo'1 k for tbl liell on the ' Bott Ie.
•After the p otdoes lue ur set thl oultlvator deep ond oloso to the plant
--- -..
81111ge hll8 .. n lid vllotage ovel green tloillng orups In oost of prO'duotion,
_______.. __----4_~.
No DanKer In tllklng Dr. BeJl's Pin«!.Tllr-Honey tor ooogh!! Itud cold II. It oontllintl no hllblt pl'ucluf'lng drug8 . Look for the lie ll on the Bottle
- --.....-.
.--: ' '- -
A very dob sundy 10llm iif hest fIr ouou, .. utlrs, !LS tl11.'y like a warm
----_ ...
---to ..----
When tnll grown, t.urkeys Ilre hardy Ilnd f\llly 0 bie take oar.. of I bel'nsel veR
---_. - Have
We Don't to Tell you whllt Ir.·s for, it··s UIl\Dfl t~1l8, Dr. 'BAll 't! Pine 'rtlr doney is Ihe be t oongh mediolne nud ..everal mmlon pliOl'lA uirolldv know it, Look for tbA Bell en the Bottle, 'rhe huge"t lind plampest seeds al wav8 gi ve the best II ud t!trongElst plllnts.
Mllres haavily in f01t1 OIlO be Irjared by field work If not h .. ndled jndioioullly • _ ••_ __ _ Do You Get the Beet If yon bave tl ooogh, cold! asthma, , OI<'UP or any throat or bronohla trouble "nl\ ule Dr, Bell'e Pine.Tllr Boney. you do, ' Look for the. J ell O'n the Bottle. I
" 'ayuoH\,llIo. Oh.ln
liive the henH
- .
Broomcorn olln be I\rown on a varlety of iOUIi, but ~eems to prefer deep, riob' loam.
sHanna's·Green Seed N '. IOlltiH In th e;UUlln OU P IlIIl/\ lJuU lt fur MO Ult' tinie till!! b lld ti l . rnuuy wlt,/I tI . es li n d 'It, tr 'lot,.~ rl eo 1fIuc h fI t tl' lIe IfI U II ~ "lie !' Ult or \-Vil '·cll WII lIZ o f Of"~O D \t1 111I1U E 'lglLiost the Pe un y lvunif! R.,UrOf\'] oom p.~nYI -whi cb ended lUolL Wedne!'!· c1 1l'y ru o rnln~ witu" vc rd lcL for th t' plulotiff . Mr l:5ohwllrtz WIlS til e ow n r fl f th H flourlu g ' mill ut Ortlg n nill nlTd h il t! j ust tllkell p os~ess i {lu fit wheu it ollllght fil'e UU(] Wlltt totltlly do stroyed, Severl\i t,heo rles we r e IHI vanoed as to it 's couse, but wben they were s ifted do\Vo Mr !3cbwllrt 7. beo"me oonvinoed thltt there WIIS bat, one causs-thllt t,h e bui Lling nud caught tirEf frolll u t!)JBrk from 8. plttlsinK engine Oil tue Pun HU1' lll e di vision ot the Pennsyl vl4nio, whioh rond I'an by the 00111. I:\uit was ooo8eq aently broug ht for '10,000 damages Itud the CBse 00· oupied neurly a week gninl{ to the j ary II t tour 0 'olook MoodilY after over a hundred witnesses had hel n examined. Tuesda.y mornl ng the jury rt.Indered It's verdlot owarding dllmages to the amonn' of i 09 .50. The attorneys for the piuiotlff were Boward IvinEl of Brandon !Iond Ivios, and Setb W. Brown, both of whom have boen reoeivinK well ellrned eonKratulutlons during the pa8t wesk, Judge E P. MlltthewB of O..yton, represented the defend. ant oompany ,
What it ·Is and Its Cost. ,BY J, WARREN SM ITH,
P rofessor at MelcOrolo/llc/oi SCIe nce, OhIo Slale lJ fll\' rslty.
"The Made-to-Wear Pcrlnt"
+++++++++++++++++++'1'++++++ Orchard h"4\tlng Is tbe henl .. I!; or the aIr Ln orchards Irolll flres made at some easIly obt ained combu s tlblo material. Coal a nd crude p lroleulU have t'een most xtensl ve ly u ed , but fires may b" mnde of wuud or otber material. . The Coat of Orch a rd Heating, In bome ex~rlm e nt s carried out In the west tile cost per acre per night, with the tires burning four hours, Including labor ot dlltrlbutlng the fu el, attending the beating, and Interes t on tbe original cost of ~ equIpm ent, was as fo11oW8 : Crude all, 60 pots to tho II.cr . . .... . $3.00
-... .
Does This Mean Anything to YOU? .~ - ,
& ""~"
It expresles the make~s faith in the product..
Labor is the priociple cost iu paiotiDg. The material should be the beat.
J. E. JANNEY, aWaynesville, Ohio
• • • • • •r.iII• • • • • • • • • • •
DIIUllnle. 60 poll to th e acre, . .•.• 6.00
SO heale ...
'0 the
acro . . . . . , .• 6.00
to the acre . ••. $2.00 to 4,00 '1'he commercial Bolutlon snould be The COlt ot tbe coal Is based on : •••••••••••••••••••• ¥•• ~ cUluted, 1 gallon to 40 gullon or wausIng 25 0 pounds per acre per h'tiur, ter, locludlng two or three pounds ot coni beIng wnrth $4 per ton at the arsenate of lead to each 50 gallons of mlnel . The coal heaters will burn. spray to control ' the codling motb, about 5 pound s or sort ooal per hour, curcullo, aud other ·lenf·fluUng Inlecta. and thi s will raise th e te mperature Ir bordeaux mIxture Is used " a (\). 10 to 12 d grees where 50 ' heaters lute !lolutlon ot ~ pounds copper sulper nero ure used. TRArE M.JtK8 phate (blue vitriol) aud 4 pounds at T he coal burn ers 10 general U8'9 I;) CSIGNa good Etone lime, to 60 gallons of waCOPYltlGHT8 &0. , hold 25 l O :11) pounds or Cl)111 so that ~ An,one .onmU" 1I.k N,'n' " nc! (Ie .arlr.uon ter, Inoludlng 3 pounds arsenate of tb ey have l O La !' !Iud el' r; rour to' quick I,. AS ortn l" our 01. 11111. 11 lrt t) W lot.her All IUl'e ntlnn t8 p.r t\hnhly fl ul ' " I llhlo. .Comml101OA ~ lead, !;hould be effective, .Ix hours. It Is ,'ol\sifl ' red lbut one ,.. Uon.. trlctl' co ""~on l "'j . I'MlDBOIIK on I'ate nla BY J, H, GOURLEY, The second spray should be given .ent froo. Oll1 ~ t tl U(HI('Y I ~ .r ~fluurIHRJlllU! IH," ton or ('0111 cqu!ll .. !I I U gllilonil or oU ~ A.ulatant ProfeR80r or Horticulture, Paton Ll t llkon thru lIL:h M I\l1 n ~ co. focal. . two weeks after the blossoms fall ,pf"'ahlotlu, wIlIrO D~ clJurAo. \\1 Uo OhIo Slalo UniversIty. In usi II g woed . wIth. the same solution used In the ~ previous one. neceliRary ttl ge l J,e ~) l I ~ ~: .. illl l 11I 1.; A b.nd ~o",cl, 1I1,,,'rlll oc! ...." hl,. Y.nrge&t elr· About nIne weeks after the blosf\lel has th e ad \' all la c e of 11 <!~ d III 110 So much has been wrttten 00 culaUon o f Hlly.Ho,'llU o .1111:t Hal,. 'fert"e, soms fall the next spray should be cost Cor heaton:. \lJoul Ix J;uod !'Ir sUoks ot cord wood will las t four to sprayIng that It may seew 8UperflU' r;lven. It would be preferable at thIs Bran~ Omce. 82$ .. lit.. W .. ·.., 1I1~". n. ~ five hours. Thcse sll 'ks al;e plied ous to go ove r tho saUle grounds time to use bordeaux mIxture, espewith tho ends dove·talled together, agaIn, but the numerous erllors made ctally In sout1,tern Ohio. It will not and are pushed together as tbe ends each year by orchardl ts of 80me elt- cauae much 1C any russet at thIs time b\lrn off. In soma districts where perlen'Ce, ns well as . novlcal>, prompts and will bo more etrectlve than lime WAYNESVILL~ CHURCHES. A Dreadful Wound oU and coal fires have been tried us to agaI n call attention to a plan lulphur/ In controlling blttcr rot, apof ' sprnylng lor the coming seaaon. ple blotch, and {rog·eye fungus. Tbe from a kDlfe, guo , tin onn, rusty fires or cord wood are prererred. First, we should remember that solution at tbls Ume, ror the second nail, fireworktl, or of Itoy otner oaCoal needs lesl attentIon t~an St. Augustine's Catholic Churcb, ture. dewllnd", prompt treatml'ot wood, and oU least of all, and for tws spraying Is only one of th" tac~orB brood of the odllng mo!.b. can bc Father George Marenboetor, P",,,or with Buoklen'f! Arniol4 tlolve to pre- reasoo, especIally. many large or· In the production of good fruit. We ml.xed to Include a pounds copper Mass every second Sundar of lbe montb a vent blood polson or gangrene 1t!:\ chardlstll " preter the oil hoaters, must Ceed the trees or adopt lome .ulphate, 4 pound8 lime to 50 gallons 0:00 a . m. the quiokest, surest he'der for oil These w1l1 burn on an average of one 'sy.stem of cultivation; prune intelll· and II pounds , arsenote of lead. If lhls outlloe Is tollowed caretully. St. Mary's Episcopal Cbutcb. suoh woonds as al80 for Burot!, Quart of oU per hour. EIghty burners gently and regularly; tbln the fruIt Boils), Soree. Skin Eruptions, Eoze· should protect one acre or orchard, when the crop eets too hea:vll"!; it sbould give very good results and Rev. J . F. Cad wallader, Rectfll. mil, lJbapped Bande, Corns orPile8. burning at thIs rate, with t he outsIde spray promptly and tlloroughly; and perr'3ct fruit. T he' commercIal man Sunday Soboo!. 0 :30 'a, m MoraIn It Iler pick, pack and market with close at- In s()uthern OhIo may flnll Lt benel!.- vIce, XU ;30 a, m. Holy Communion tbll 6nt 250' at all druggists . temperature as low as 20 degrees. etal to apply anotner spray the t1rit Sunday of eacb month, ---~e.. _ • The amount of 011 or other fuel tention to detalls. » that will need to be stored befor~ FIVE POINTS IN THE STAR OF IIlf AuoJu st. Methodist Episcopal Churcil. Iland wlll depend upon the prob.a ble SUCCESS, Rev. II. W. Balle,., PIItoI , U Dumber of hOUri that the orchard Sunday School, 0 : 15 a. m. Mornlol{ Iller· will need protection: Thirty hours a Know the Trouble. vIce, 10 :80 n. m. Epwor~h League, 1: 00 p . season wo'uld be an ext'l'eme number, Tbe very drst essential In spraying m. Evonlng service, -: :00 p. m. Mldwee1r and In many cases It' would not ' be 18 to know our troubles and the best Pr lyer l\lee~lng, 7 p. m, over 15 hours, This would take 250 combative measures. Many ' err at Christian, Church. gallons of 011 or on8; and one-half thIs pOint and lose tbe labor and ex· Rev. L. O. ThomJ*lIl. PutOi . tons ot coal per acre. penile of appl)'lng the IipraYk BIble School, 9:10 a. m. 80clal meettq. The 011 heaters cost from 15 cents Spray Promptly. 1'0:80 a. m. Obrl81ilau End.,.vpr. 1:00 p. m. The aecond cardinal poInt la Fllrmin~ lEI nue of the inllustriet' to 40 cents each by the hundred, and Sermon by paator ever'7 alWlrnate 8unda)' . . 10~ao ~ m. and 7:80 p, m., It;l whloh oommon report hli!l it thut the coal heaters somewhat more than promptne8s. A few days' delay may that. Some careful exp rlm ellts have mean t.bat It I. too late tor a cert&111 The (ltllure of tbe straw berry tll~ IILbor supply i~ inodeq ullta . been made, however, nntI Indicate spray. HkksIte Friends ChurQa irst Day Mee tln/t. 0 :00 a , m, Flnt Dar "The results o~ our inquiry," SIlY" that plain sheet Iron pots, which can a. Thorough. crop in two oonseoative sea!!onl is II ;00 a, m. ,"O'!-rlh Day , MeeLlnlt Thorou.:bness Is ot prIme Impo~ moch to be regretted. not only for School, 'he sopplementttry report of tQe be mude for trom 6 cents to 10 cents 10:00 a, m. each, are just as sntlsfactory as the tance It we raise a high per cent of tbe money 1088 I~plied to the gr.:>w: N~w York Oommisslon on .Employ perfect trult, whIch should be the 6f11, a~d the di81lpppintment to the Orthodox Friends Chua. er8' Liabllity, "by no means oonfirm special ones now on the market. Orchard hen lin g Is just like any ambition or every fruit grower. Mrs. E1laabeth LaIkln, Pastor 'be popolllr opinion tbllt far.Jl labor other work, how ever; It mUllt be tak- U.. Mat.rl.l, In Proper Pr.portlon•• ,rovers of this splendid ftaitl. but allo SabbaLb Sobool, 0 :80 a , m, Regular cbureb offere unlimited opportunIty to tbe en up In a bu slness·lIke manner. The Spray 10lutiODS must be made because failures bave a tendenoy to servloe, 1C1 ' 1I0 a. Ill , Cbrlatfan Endeavor. 7:80p _ unemployed if only tbey oould be In fuel must be on hand and distributed prop.rly tn tbe prOpOl'tllon8, recom. dlsoourage planthlg and the aroa duoed to aocept It." The Inquiry and all arrang1lm · nts made tor firing mended or the results m~ be dleap; next to be planted may be dimlnQulcltly at just the proper time, and poInting and orten times dlslllltroua. ithed In extent, rloellllhow that during t.he barvest th~n the flres handled so as to keep . Use a Good Outfit. . 'rhe failure tbiB yellr Ie not due to 8el\SOo there i8 a very large unsatis· the ~emperatu re just above the crltBELL'S ANTI.PAIN Ical point. Some 10 to 15 leu fires Lastly, a good spray outfit wlU freezing wel1ther In blooming t.ime, fied demand fo.. f .. rm labor l'titl Je 'or ":Ite~ an4 External PaIn.. fat'ming 18 a 116Il80nable trade par to th'3 acre will be Deeded lu or- make this as pleasant as any 'Worl1: but to exoessl ve droQth: EarlY In chards of old and full-headed trees on the farm. but a poor outflt w1l1 be May the prospeot wa. mOBt fi~tter. exoollenoe. In many seotians 01 than In young or hards. , the bane of our existence tbrouioout i T I ' Temperatures Dangerous to Fruita. the sprayIng sea80n. ng . be' p ants had oome 'hrongh tile '!tate, too, the supply of permll The nbllity of fruit bulls to with. Lim. Sulpl1ur For San Joae. the winter in fine oondition and neot wurkmen on fu,rmtl is inllde ~::,:a ~av<: l'iIilI:Cl a~J Kcep ..m. If we have the San Jose Icale In w~re growing In the mUBt helLlthy quate. In spite of low pay, av~rag. stand unfavol'a blc temperatures Is af~x=...:. Style by Reading McCall'. tected very m\1C'h by the weather tbe orohard, It must be attacked vIg· form . But the r" in whioh fell to 109, '1' 26 R Ja.y with bOllrd or 'I 65 (fl, gazine and Using McCall Pattel'lll conditions 101m dlat Iy precedllilg, 80 orously every year to keep It In subI I i h i without,. and for burvO!H work '1 7-! that It III DOt pOijslbl e to gIve tem- ;lecUon. We can \We the ml9Clbl. ne9.r y S X no es n AprU became . ' McCall' , Me, .. I •• will ! MlGALl:S MAGAZlti£ 111)11> you dross s tyl- I with or S2 07 WIth ,ut bourd, ond 'i perature valucs tbut will opply to all oils. Ume 8ulphur, or whale oll soap. sOlloty in May, the depth being bat bh l y III II m oc! rute I long hours, t,be day Il veragiug nine condlUoQI. The lime sulphur solutions are used a sht1de io exceS8 of two inohes, The OX IJ\l (J SO Ill' kO.Olll u It ' )" " 1 1.0 #l Cc\ on lito' . and ooe.half b mrs, exolutllve of Peaches. more extensively than ' allY other severe drouth resulted, and th~ IItlll" fll ~ll ious III dfl l h us /I nel tlnlS. 6C. ohores, whlon t.uke from oDe to fi va Wben peach buds are rully dor- treatment, This material can be plant/! not having tmmoient moisture N,'IV Fll!ohl(11l Oes ll:11S . mant they wlll stand a temperature either prepared at home or pu~ t k th i cd In ~I\ ,tI I. " 0. Also ' Ilours, it I~ 1\0 un,loub~ed f!lot thl\t of about 16 degrees below zero. cbased ready for use. The latter 115 0 eep elll n go oondition have \'ulll" l"lu In(ormnUou' sllme Illeo woald uodertuke this elll Wben the buds are appreclahly swol- to be largely recomm ended, since our DOt beeD able to' Klve proper 8usteIt n :11 1 1.1 01110 (lutl perl'Iollu l IU U LLO-I'8. Ool}~ ployment if II. 8ys.~em of l.lbol· bu ' len zero Is the dangerOlli! tempera- equIpment [or bolllng 11 '18ll8.11y poor LDanoe to the froit. We will ."ope We u your Inclutllnlr' II Irol> V" lIurn. Sull· reaos were availilble t,hroagh whloh ture. When tbe buds are showIng and tbe amount of time and labor a.glltn for better fortuue next year, ""CMI ,.. ..-n r.,uft,!ll M'r llJo ludny or soud th!'y oould heul. of tile rk -'l'h pink it Is about 20 degrees; wben al- Involved will scarcely bailance the - - ••- - - fur froo sultllllo copy. wo e mOlt open, 26 degrees; when newly . convenience of the comme.rclal prod· A Charmina Woman MeC.U P."..... wIll unllbl(1)'OulO m ako In your ' ~ul:vey. opened, 26 degrees; when petals are uct. • o ... n hll))) u. with )'()urowlI 11 II II ets. Clolhlug fur · , YOllrsolf lind (' hlldron wh le'h will be por(oct I - - - - . - .. begInnIng to tall, 28 -degrees; when It we prepare the ml»ture our- Is one who i8 lovely in faoo, form, In 51ylo a nd Ill. I'rlcI'-uIIIH hlghur thBn Ifi THE ~ ASTE OF PLA NT.FOOD petall are all off, 30 degrees; when selves, the followIn g formula can be mind and tE'mper. Bat I tB bard for rull .... , Sr ud for froo Pnlll rn CnLllloguo. f the ' shucks Or calyx tubes are ~gln- used: ,w·teen lbs. flowers or sulpbur a womun to pe oharming without W. Will GI.. Yoa fi •• 'r.... t. for lIe Lllng Sill>· fil'rll)tlon s amonll YOllr fri ends, Sontl (or (ree There lEI no uettl'r plflut f ood tlllln , nlng to rall, that Is, just after the and 15' lbB. good stone hme to 5U health. A weak, liokly woman I'r<'lnlll))) ( ' o io\l oII IIO' lind Cl\~ h Prlzo Olrer. baroyard man Uri' pr'Jperly huudliJd fruit has formed, the dangerl point Is gals. of water. Boll tbe sulphur and will be Dervous and irritable. Oon · TH! McCALL COMPANY, 23910249 Wa137!11 St., NEW YORI l' ~ , 32 degrees. The larger tbe peaches lime 1n 12 or 15 gallons of water for stlpatlon and kidney poisons show ,lOci app.led . It It! estimated that" are the less cold they can stand about an hour, dilute to 60 gallons, in pimples, blotohes, skin eruptio08 thellDullal value of this produo t in without damage. and apply wblle hot on ·tlle same day and Il wretched complexion, But the state of Oblo i8 uot, lel!!oI thuo Apples. It Is prepared. Eleotrlo Bitters alway. prove a god '00,000,000, Bnt it I~ IIlso renkonod Wben tully dormant, apples will If we purcbase the material It will send to womBn who want health, d tEl t h require one gallon or the concen- beaaty and friends. They regulate th~t Ilbout on'e-bfJlf of the virtue of ~~:In th:nirees~p~~:~e t~e u~e:ll! ~~! trated lime 8ulpljur to ulne gallons Stomaoh, Liver and Ki~neY8, porlfy Waynesville, Ohio. thlM manure Is lost througb Inem- beglnnlni to show the danger point ot water. Apply wltlle trees are dar· the blood; give etro'n g nervel, oient m~nll"ement. Thllt Is neBtrly Is 22 degrees; In full bloom, 211 'de- manto If the Infestation Is bad, an bri~ht eyell, "are breath, smooth, Valley Phone 153 Main Stre£'t $50,000,000 are lost -tio tbe fllrmerEl graes; wlien petals are droppIng and application late in tbe tall and aD- velv~ty, 8kin, lovely .complexion and th ouug fruit Is In re asln I I other. in early sprLng' should be given, perfeot; health, Try Ulem. 500 a.t of Obio through the w~ut of proper e y c g n B .ze, The 116ual , time to a'ppI" thll lolu- all druggistll. , " 32 degrees, At this point. und as the .oon~ervlltioo Rnd ute. 'Ihe greattlr apples Inorease In srae, the stems Uon I. hetore the buds' open 10 the S~b8cribe "for ,t he part of this,l01l8 ill px:eventllhle, a~~ are 1n more danger ,than the apples .prlnl. Tbls will kill the San Jose Jane time and hrlde's tiD,le: w(u be pr:ev~nted by the fu'ture themselves,' and ~'W1lI not. Btand a ~4 Qther Bcales " and do.troy the ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~~~~~~~!!!!!' farmers 'of the state 'l'be time will temperatui,e belb~ freelll1g. sP,Ores ot ,uugus' cUaeaael. !:lOme ox:- , . ' ' , ' , p " char-dlst. report good resultl In 4. ~---.......-..i--.'rltV 'be wheb all 80nllltble vegetableml.rt. I ';' !lara; , SU , orlng the , eggs . of th..e· .ap'Ple \ When n ' bull the danger pelnt Is " ' ' . . 'er be returned to tlie , BOU to 18 de.!P'eea; In blossom, aphtd,a or (l"een lice. " , 8p,rinR"qp again in new form8. ,tn setti,ng fruit,: 2 degrees. ' T.h. ' 8umme~ Spray. - - - -•• - .. .' Chertlel, ·Th' secoDd spray tor apple should ,I Th.e gol.Jeo ied for . June i8! bud" the danger .polnta 29 Cle. be ,InD 'j\ll!t ",ben ~. bloll8oDl8 f-'1 : ' . ' .Keep the "d,l1 fltl t:ted . .. .grees; ' In blossnin, 3\ degfees; in (Dot while -ia full bloom), wltll e1tb.r Llverltee for ·. COld, IlackllChe and Weak Liver KldrieYI. ---,. _ " ~rdeau ~xture llPle ,ulalbur. ' . setting frult ••31 degroe8. U ·Ben Davta, Gano, or Black An ou'!c:e keep 008 diffioulty \tbou' rai"lng g!li,,Plu"".. \. are 11'0n, I;lniob better ,relutta caa Prevention 18 . ' them ,in the ea.. ts ~blit the yonng btrci& are very When in ~Ud tbe c1I\DierO\la te~· · '''.'' secured ' by the un fof Jlme lui· worth a pound . house ~ BU, killed by it" d lioe .,erature II ao de!n'ees; l~ ' ",Ios.om" .phar than br b.ordeaux { mixture. A of cure " for use " sa ..~~. an 11 degrees; 1~, 14ft,Un.g fruit, .al de- ~UDlber of other ;y..r1etJes are badl"! .. , " . • . .. lreel. . , ......ted when IPI'a7e4 bordeaus . LeUhe IOU be nohfo.. ,oar ..pur. The.. value. are Dot ,abl!olme, b,at aDd th. follo.,mS .&alon houJcl live Prepared fro. Pare N.th'. B....... they . ,tile 1101 ~ for 1M aro<lf&b will alwaysj trlU fumsah a ~. In d.~ :.1m. IUJphur 'a thot~b tri.1 .. & 1. ._·P__ iIrIf1 .tIle_.BIood __.... ·IiIIIII.tIUIa . . ...P.&BVl_ .. lIIM~T_~ee~.~~ Wood, So pUes
How the Best Results Are Obtained.
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The Miami Gazette D.
L. CRANE, Pub lisher.
Parents and educators everywber. will be Intere.tcd In the experiment DOW being tried In tbe ClnclnnaU public schools ot elltallllsbing a cl~· ~m for elpeclally ' brlght pupUs, ~ch would appear to be the logical accompaniment of tho clall8room for ~aCbard pUpUI. The proposition that it II III unfaJr to bold back the apt or c\eur cblld In the ranks of the mediocre al It Is to Bp~d the dull pupn to a paCe. he cannot malntain appeall as reasonable and common lien Ie. It will be argued with much force that tbe BYltem which makes "rovilioa for carinI' tor tbe backward pupil cannot be jUltified without provilion Is made for accompanying tbl Deeds ot tholle who can adva.nce more rapidly than the average. BaYI the Bl Paul Pioneer Presll. The propo81t1on .lmply provides for th. appllcatloll to achoo)1ng ot the plan, that II gen· . erally adopted and .followed In the bUllnesl world, where wac. lealel. chances of promoUon and all tbe ad· vant.acea are baaed on th. abUlty of thole employed to advance rapidly In one line or lUlother. This haa not been the rule In the scbool where the lIr-tem baa been adjushd to meet the requirementl of the av.raae pupil. with IIpaclal provlllion made for tbos. below the average. The Det result of thll IIYltem has been retardaUon, for wblch the pupils are Dot to blame. The Cincinnati educators have decld· ed that the old IYltem of trying to make all children fit the lame ·edaea.tlonal pattern II unsaUlfactory In cenerai and particularly unfai.r to the bright PUpUB, who are to be given Bpeclal attention under a rpore lenlllbl8 and equit.a ble method. In putting Ita ban on the "common drinking cup," the New York Board (If Health Is doing a good th1Dg. ,T he l/ublJc drinking c,up IB a carrier of In· fecUon and the habit of uaing an In· dlvldual drinking -w:eBBel under all clrcumBtances .mlght be IOOd to acquire. There ar~ foldln, cups of metal, rubber and even ot paller. which ope can keep about the person without dl.. comfort and can get at trifling elt· venee. Scarlet fever. diphtheria. lnfiu, enA and ev-eD tuberculoslB are trans· mls.&ble, and are frequently trans· ni1t~ed, through promlBcuously used water swses and t~acuPI. The tamoua auto expert wbo broke Ills Deck In an effort to establish 'n ew spe~ records might have given his ~e tn· a better cause. A man, ' It Is true, caD eaally find out If human lIUUlufacture can ltand the terrific .ti&lD put upon It by these speed elt· perimenta, but it he ftndB to the eon· 'tft.ry the knowledge 1& leldom of any WI8 to him, Dor doeB Ita a .qulslUOn ,-"8 eveD the minor purpOBe of being a ~g to others; The need of the ",e Is to learn more bow to enjoy lIt~, rather than taster wars ot rUBhlng throucb It. England 18 worried over the $76,000, 000 annu!U' destruction In1lloted bt rata. MOlt thinking people, are, and 1Vhat 'Worries mOBt Is that the. meal' urea for w,lplng out the pesls are received by the rodents with cheertul In· t.1fference.
A New Yorker named Jone8 baa asked permission ot the courts to change his , name. It behooveB the 1,000,000,000 bearers of that honored monicker to arise In protelt. Texas man sold 187,000 'Bnakes last year for prlceB ranging trom 35 cents to $2.60 each .. Nobody can justly ~mplaln that the price of snakes Is ~
A French physician Injected radian. IDto a worn out old borse and mad. It frlBky all a coil Tuere Is hope tor our anctent racehorses and baseball players. A IIclentist says that 'n normal man haB large feet IUId a normal ··w oman , ,mall feet. This seems to settle the QuesUon outBlde of · Chicago. An Iowa professor claims that collI weather In Bprlng Is good for the trult crop. Evidently' tbe wolf cry fro III Georgia was n fallie alarm. A lfarvard professor has solved the riddle ot the Bphlnx, but It Is sate to asE.ert that he doenn't know wby tho harem skirt is, Wealthy mi:m ·cannot always do all they please.. A judge wouldn't allow COl'Oelfus Vandorbllt to tross ,his leg. til court. Let UB nut abollsh the cat. Just yet. Doctbr "ouug tells ua' that the rat 1. the original and busy conveyor 0'
New York reports tho theft ot Ill.· 'l'bat.'11 what cOlIleI
... "otUa' or ball'.
~ It. arouM
Ua. ~.
CAN BE CURED BY SPRAYING BEAUTV AND VALUE ADD~D ~O SAME TREATMENT RECOMMENDED FOR SCAB WILL SERVE HOME AND FARM, ALSO GREAT TO HOLD THIS FUNGUS EDUCATIONAL FACTOR. IN CHECK. In beau ti fying a homo with a garTbe owners or small orchards who den. trees and other planls, there Is mol on ly a great r beaulY and \'alu e ba\'e not yet lea l'ned the Intrlcaclel Added to the borne and tlle fann, bllt or 6)JI'ayillg, say there Is no longer any the whole regio n Is ueautlfled . Theu, money In growi ng fruit. One of ' the lao, tbere Is tho educat lona l factor, reasons apJlle production In the atate In tho way of lovo fol' th beautiful, of Ohio bas suffered 0. decline IB bethe kno,," ledge of nowers, etc. It also cause of the preva.lence at a number gives greate r 10\'0 tor howe and ID' or different kinds of plant disease!! and Insect enemies. Fortunately trult creaseB civic pride. The manuer of beauUfyi n&" or lay· grow ers have rise n to tlJe occasion and Ing out gardens and bomo grounds, are becoming experts In the control 01 differs, of COUTlle. with the expOBure, thele troubleB. The up·ta-date 01" the size of the grounds. armngements chardlst will th e retore not be alarmed of buildings, a nd Boll conditions and to hear that another Important and many, other things. Very pleasing ef· comparatively new apple dlBease hal fects call be gotton in many sections invaded our State In the form at what of Lbe country by planting caBtor baB commonly been known as the Arbeans aga.inst the porches or houses, kansas Blotch. Apple growers In tlIe with oaJa.dJlums. cannas. colous 0'1' ger· southern part ot the State bave long anlums In front ot them. but tbe beBt been tamllIar with the 8mall brown results are had by planting such patcbes ('r dead tlsBue which QCcur shrubs as lilacs, mock omnge. high upon apple leaveB. It Beems llrobable bUBh cranberries, altheas, splreaB, that the fungus which IB responsible ninebark and vanhouttel agB/lnst the for this trouble may also attack the house or par h cornerB, with lower twigs and truit. If not the same fun· growing sbrubs. Buch as welgella, gus, It Is at least one "ery closely al· Japan quluce, Calltomla privet, snow· li ed, which produces Ille trult rot -in berrleB, Indian c,u rrant, thunbergla, Question. Apple treeB In southern barberries, etc., In front of the high Oblo, tbat were well loaded with trult growing ones, forming a . bank of foil· last soaSOll, had scarcely an apple on age riSing trom the lawn up again st th e tree that was free from this the house. These Bhrubbery ell'ects blot ch. At first the spots seem to atrect the are permane nt in charactcr and are almost as interesting when the twigs surCace only Where an Irreg-ular are covered with Bnow as when in shaped. dark·colored blotch Is produced, bu t later the tissue beneatb bloom. Backyard gardens may be made either ornamental or useful, or both. by ralBlng vegetables In a part of It In such a way as to harmonize with the rest of the garden. We have two Gen· eral types of ornamental gardenB. The purely naturalistic and the geometric, or formal and arUflclal. In the for· mal gardens such plants as caOlla.. ItockB, balsamB. castor beans, caladl· UIDS, salvtu. four Q'clocks, a lY'SSU'ml;, etc.. may be used with low growing plants, aB border,a around individual ma.sses ot the higher growing ones. These 'can be arranged In squares. clr· cles, stars and other geometrle fig, ures. with heavy graBB lawns between the bedl and bedges of' evergreens, or Apple Affe.c ted Wjth Arkansal Blo~ch privet, thunberglal, barberrle. bOl"- the skin becomeB discolored. and deft· derlng the lawnB and walks. ntte, sunken, dark spots ap~r. Theso The natural gar:den '. requires tile 8POts are ot various sizes and many of leaBt attention, as almoBt all plants them may run together, so that event· IIsed are perennials. T.he coat the ually much ·of the surtace ot t.he fruit lealt to maintain and give & pleasing may become atrected. While tlle fun· Winter effect. In Buch gardens all un· gus at tlrst does not extend very deep Inlo the tlsBue of the apple. decay fol· low8 rapidly after the trult Is ma.tured. The blotch, In 't he early BtageS, caUBRO more ot a distlgurement thaD does the apple Bcati. . While the disease bas only been recognized since 1897, It has become very important In some Bections. It Is said that In the Ozark Mountalns It Is 1l0t unusual for 75% o( the crop to be ruined, and In one county alone It was estlmated that the . blotch caused the loss of $950,000. F orhmatelY It has been found that this disease yields to treatment and Trees, Shrubl and ·F'low,,.. Make the Bpray recommeil(led for apple Home Mcre Attractive. scab, botb aB to the remedies and the I seasons for spraying, wUl hold this Blghtly features. Buch .. IIbeds, house diseaSe in check. W. PADDOOK, founda tions, porcheB. garbage boxes, Professor of Horticulture, College of etc., can be and Bhould be Bcreened Agriculture, Ohio State University. from view by proper arrangement of high . growing shmbs, such varieties as Indicated for the pla~t1ng ot the formal gal'dens for screening hous8fl Treatment Cons' Its In Filling Each and porches, etc. Quarter of Affected Cow'. Udder In fronl of the shrubbery beds, for With Sterile Air. forming a bank ot foliage against the border such plants , as bollyhocks, anemones, columbines. aBtorB, cam. In spite of all precautions, It the panulas, hardy chrusanthemums, COl'& cow Is an exceptionally hea\'y milker. opsLs. larkspur, daphneums, Buntlow. st.:~ may sutrer trom an att.ack of milk ers, d!lylilleB. paeonles, phlox, golden. leve·r. This Is a disease that attackB rods, etc., should be used for making only the beBt COW8. Formerly. It wa" a pleasing effect. thought best to keep a cow In poor In these informal or natural gar- condition a.nd bal[·starved. so that dens there should be planted a tew when she freshened the milk flow was trees where they will form a canopy 'so l~ght that there was IlO dahger of at green. under which a rustic bench this disease. However, milk tever no Dr a hammock may be pla.ced. longer has any terrors [or tbe dairy· If tha. back yard Is to be used as a man, as there Is now a very simple vegetable garden , It would be well to and sure cure for It. Tbe treatment ICparate It from the front yard by a conBlstB In merely tillIng each quarter hedge of some evergreen plante or of the udder with Bterile air. In an trees. emergency the air Is often Injected br The beau,ty ot a house may be en. mean1! of a bicycle pump, but thir. hanced by the planting of plants and while just aB etrectlve, Is quite apt to Oowers Into window boxes. The win. produce a serious 'Infectlon of the ud· dow boxes should be filled with the der. owing to the presence of germs richest soil and lear mould so as to In the unfillered air. Special devle ' 8 give both nourishment and preserve that filter the air through a tube c0!l' the moisture. The plants generally talnlng absorbant cotton, are now pas· used for planting In these boxes are sesse'd by all veterlmirJans. the following: The periwinkle, Wan. ~Core giving the 'alr treatment, thu ~erlng ,Jew, nasturtium, sweetpea, hands. ' the u4der, the teats and th~ I<~ngllsh 1vy or other vines. umbrella tube that IB t" be In$'erted In the teatB, palms, . marguerites. geranlUmB, pe- should be carefully , washed In wltrm water containing a dl!llntec~t. If the tunlas. coleus. begonias, etc. Th e pon:beB may be covered with :cow Is down, a clea~ towe,~ should be the same kind of plants In boxes or plaoed on ~he 1I00r beneath the udder. In the grottnd, T~eBe porch and Win., ~ach quarter shoH.1d : then lie tqClrough. dow boxes Bhould be well fastened, to Iy inflated wIth air, and · ",t the same. prevent acclden't s. Along the porches time rubbed and massaged ' to, secure more hardy vines may be used such a dlt[uslon of the air to ali parte of al the mOMllng glory. wild cuc~mbeJ!, the udder. This treatment uluaU, mObbfluwe... scarlet runner, boney. brings reUet In a few hOllrs and bal luckie, bittersweet · and VIJ'linia proven eaective 1.n : nll18t)".ut&ht out ~reepei'. . 10f eve.ry hUDdled cases. C. B.OOJil'n, ' E. F. RINEHAl.lT, Instructor In Forestry, . Colles. of ExteDlloD D~"artmeDt. Collele of A.sricultw... Ohio StIlto tlu"• ...u~. , Aat'l0ulture. O~ Sl!Me llv.venSt,y.
Practical Fashions NOVEL ANP' 8MART.
a HE greatest 'Deed of the churcli today, and especial. Iy ot ber mlnJstry, Is spirit· filled personalities. The pulpit and the pew mUBt b. surcharged with the poteo. Ual power ot the nll·encompasslng floly Spirit. Thero IB no lubstltute for Buch an Infilling. there can b. lone. The peril of our modern church life Is, that this tact Is too much lost light of or neglected. We are glad that other churches are emphaBlzlnl this truth, churches who In tbe past were not so persistent In emphasizing this vital truth. One need but attend the Winona Indiana Bible conference meetings, to be convinced that the Presbyterian church Is forlllln« to the tront on the line of Bplrltuallty. This Is caUBe tor rejoicIng. Then thoBe wbo heard the world·famous F. B. Meyer of London, AprU 25. when be addreBBed the mlnlBters In Cleveland. wlll remember bow among other The short ' jacket III tbe leading things, he laid special em[lhasls on Ityle ot tbe hour and In the IlIUBtra· the mlnlBtry being In partnerBhLp with tlon one which Is all that It should be the Holy Spirit. He himself III a Is shown. . The panel effeot IB Uled splendid lIluBtratlon of such an ano.lnt. In front and back. tbe side bodle8 be· 'D«. Ing joined by long leamB. The olOlllnl Life Work Well Don •• Is very low on one Bide and tbe open· Thill blesBed man of God, though Ing of the coat and the neck are bls lICe's Bun IB westerln«. being wf\ll trimmed wIth a large collar extending up In the sIxties. yet In bls declining In Bhawl Btyle to the cloiling polnl yean when most men lead a retired Simple coat sleeves complete the coat. life, 18 preBldent of the World's Sun· Pongee, satin. linen and many other day School association; and Is now materials may be uBed In making thll wltll others touring through tbe states, jac.k el speakIng on an ave rage three Umes a The pattern (5442) IB cut In sizes 32 da,., IB a marvel ot Bplrltual power, to 42 Incbes bUBt measure. Medium because he Is a splrlt·tllled man. He sIze requires 2%. yards ot 60 Inch mao told us ministers In his Clevel and ad· terlal and yard at 24 Inch satin. dreBB that we mUBt take the holy To procure thlll p .. t.~rn II nd 10 cent.!! spIrit Into partnershIp with UB In our to "Pattern Depari.mont." of thIs paper. Wrtte. name and addrells plaInly, Ilnd be work. With all the energy ot his con· aure to Iflve IIllte and number of paltern. secrated and sanctified personality he emphasized thlB vital truth and facl SIZE . . .. .•••••• ~ •••• He sold the holy spirit must be the NO. 5442. Invisible forc e or partner, permeating NAME ...... ............................... . the message. and the mesBenger, and the aim of the preacher should be un· TOWN ... . .. . ........... .......... .......... . der the delivery ot a splrit·filled ·mes· STREET AND NO .... ................... . sage to achieve reBults. Immediate results. He Bhould make uneltpected S1lATE .................................... .. appeals to the unBaved In the mldBt ot the Bermon, and not alwaYB walt until at Its close. The very sudden· BOV'S SUIT. ness of the appeal. Btartllng the un· liaved In the nudlence, wlU otleD prove e trectlvo. !The Word of God. He also 81\Id mlnlster8 must make much of the word of God, more than Is generally being done. . HIB crlt!· claDl on the American ministry was that there Is too much topical and not enough expository preaching. He remarked: You are splendid and eloquent at topical prenchlng. but If YO II want to realize more etrectlveneSB and larger reBultB In soul-Bavlng you Il\ust do more expoBltory preacb· Ing which deals tully with the word ot God. The Bpeaker told UB that he com· menced at Genesis and got to the prophecies of Zechariah In fifteen YllarB In his Sabbath morning ex· posltory Bermons. and for the even· Ing expoBItOry sermons during those fifteen years commenCing at Mat· thew's (foBpel he got to ~orlntblans. Those Bermons compOBe largely his forty books ot devotional Bplrlt. You mUBt preach the gOBpel IItralght. he declared, so Ulat the holy splrl.t can say Amen to your message, In Ita ThlB novel IItlle 8Ult Is a pleasant preparation and In Its dellvery. change from the RUBBlan garment In Preach the word ot God. he c.,n· I~s \lliual t~rm. The tront forms a tlnued, and not otber subjectB. If pl.t1!! panel with a box plait at each you want the sanction of the .holy side of It and the back Is arranged In spirit upon your mesBage and Ills ~Im!lar ma,nner. Without cutting out Qonfirmatlon In Ita presentation ' you t.he neck at all n large' Ballor collar 18 must be. a clean man. otherwise he used to trim the coat aDd In front the will withdraw himBelf from YOIl and "dg('& of this aro turned under the withhold his seal of npproval from tront side ot each box plait. Of course your sermQn. Be elm pIe In your ex· thCl&e who desire may cut the neck a pOBltlon ot Bible passages so that little low In tront. The sleeves are children can understand you. Preach the usual bishop model. They are more to chlldren. Mr. Meyer has a £llghtly gathered at the shoulder and Sunday School connected with bll are finished with a curt at the wrist. church In London numbering 4.000. 'l'rol;sers form part of the pattern and and has 400 teachers. It Is hlB CU8' they are made wltbout a fty. ' These tom to' preach an . e lght·mlnute ser- suits are made of serge, cheviot. linen. mon to ·the boys and girls when In ' galatea nnd other wash fabrics. his home church. A minister or pas· The pattern (488'7) Is cut In illzes 2. tor, he said. must bo tbe power be- 4 and 6 years. Medium size requires bind the throne In tbe Sunday 3* yards of 27 Incb material School, he must stand vitally COD' To procure Uils pM tern lIend 10 ef'ntll nected with It. A minister linked to to "Pattern Department." 'Of tlils paper. Wrtte name and addrells pla.lnly, and be God an ..." in partnership with the lIure to "Ive Blzo and number ot pattern. boly spirit , w!ll accomplish much (ot' the glory ot God ' and the Baiva· SIZE .. . .......... .. NO. 4887. tlon of souls. What an Inspiration to listen to such an unpretentious NAME . ... .. . .............................. " :lnd spirit-filled man. May the holy tlplrlt des(;olnd upon our ministry In TOWN .. .... . .. .. .. .................. .. .... .. mighty effuslon.-Evangellcal Me. STREET AND NO ............... ...... .. senger.
STATE . .. : . ... . ... ... . . . . ... . .... .... . : ••. .
Laws. Tbe laws of nature are detlnlte and must be obeyed. Their Infraction en· taUs . Inevitable penalty. The la~s of society are usually good, sometImes bad. for Instance tl!.~ laws ot R,ussla. The 'Iaw of God Is tbe blghest . Iaw. It Is the expression of tbe dlvln. mind and wlll.-Rev. R. S. DawB0!l, Ptesbi terlnn, l{earl,l.ey, N. J. .
. Rebellion. . , One rebelllous organ 'In the hum'all body leaves the }:lady ' dIseased ' and. SUbject to death . . So one unlov~b' qr vicious ·01.' TebelUoulI member of. th'll churcb. wblch· Is tbe body Of Christ, leans tbe body weak and lacktng In t~e' power ' of eJ:ecution.-Rev: ~. JII. Harlan;' Disciple, BrooklYll, N. t. :t'he First Man, I do'· Dot bOUVV8 God m~de Adam aDd lDTe,' alteY' the ralhtoll ID ..blob
.,. are
80s. .
A Catching Time. "Jlggleton," so.ld ,he man who wall away for the week·end. "caught 1\ brook trout. fHs little girl caugbt the ' measleB.' His bOl was caught out Bllt tImes In a game ot ball • .Bnd I caught cold watching the game. ' So then I caught tlie next t!':aln back to' town."nrownlng's Mag~~!n·e. . . " Elc~ped Death Thirteen Time .. JOhil H. RJce of Nortb ·HempBtead. L. I., on biB thirteenth 1!scape from death. ~he last tbne In n auto accl. dp.nt. remarked' that be was' a luck)' man. 'Her.e are 80me of the 'thillg. that have happened to blm: Lett leg ~ut ott by traJn. sbot (,lut e,e cleaning a revcil"er. IQlt ao arm b, tall 'from a tree, ~a. saved three tim.. ' from drownlq.
Cookies will balce IIlO'" eveD" II
ClWlII. U..... phaced OIl the ou~. of tile bottoa ., . the paQ. I
Kidney trouble. are too serioul to Df!glect. SlIgbt aliments, are otten fore-runners of daugeroul kJdney 111· ..es. and Ihould be treated wltbout delay. J. L. Rlcbardson. Red Ke,., Ind., lay II : "My back ached as though It would break. I could not mo.,. .I4.~'~rl"'~ without ·Intenl. pain. My kid· neys were ID Buch bad Bhap. that It waB nec· eSllary to draw . til. lecretlons. Tbe doctorl laid I "1lII beyond help. 1 began the use of Doan's Kidney Pills and gradually Improved until completely cured. I bal'. not had the sllghtelt troubl. .Inc.... Remember the na!JJe-Doan·l. 'F or Bale by drugg\Btl and ge"eral .tortkeepers enrywbere. Prlc. IiGa. Ferster.Mllburn Co., Butralo, N. Y. Properly Thankful. 'Clark Howeil AUanta tells of the lad caBe of an elderly darky I. ~orgl •• charred with the thett ot Bome ehlcken8. The negro had the misfortune to be defe nded by a younlll and Inexperienced attorney, altboulb It II d~ubUul whether anyone could ba.,e Neured htl aaqulltal, the ' com· million ot the crtme havIng been proud beyond all doubl The darU received a pretty levere sentence. '''I'IIan.1I: 10' lab." laid he cheerfullY. addlelalnl the . judge when the . . . lence bad been pronounced . "Oat'. mllhty hard, IAh, but It aln't any· thln( wbat I expected. I thougbt, lab. dat b.tween my character and dat Ipeech of. my lawyer dat YO'd ban( m.. shoNt'"
DISTEMPER III all it. (orma among all ages of bor.8, as well as dOll1, cured and olhers 10 lame
.table preventtd from hnving the di.e ....11 with SPOHN'S DISTE?1PER C ·RE. EverY bottlo gua",nteed. O"er 600 000 bottles IOld latt year $.50 and 11.00. AllY rood druapt, or Mnd to manufncturen. A,ent. _Dud. Spohn Medical Co., Speo. CODtqioua DiJealC•• Go.hen. Ind. Consolallon. Mrs. Newgold (In tbe picture (nl· lery)-Thll, Aunt Eunice. 18 a real old master. Aunt Eunice-Well, I shouldn't car. It It waa; It's Just a8 good as some of the new onel.-Llte.
Examine carefully every bottle ot CASTO RIA. a safe and sure remedy tor ..tntanta and children, and see that It Bearsth. ~ ~~rY; ---
In Use For Over SO 'Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castona The R•• I Rea.on. "I am going to lend you my IItti. Idtten to k~ep \you cOiiiPnny." "How good of you." "Don't mention It. Besides, we are movlnlr." It thou )mowest anything good of a man. tell It unto others; If anytblns II). tell It privately and prudently to blmsell.-Burkltt.
Gnrfield Tea regulaLea a lll ~)' Ii\'er. A thing ot beauty II 8 joy torever. KeatB.
Dried Beef Olel Hickory Smoked
I(igiaat Quality Fmat Flavor = Try ThIs
To the contents of one medium size jar of '
IJbht. Slicecl Oriel Beef,
add one tablespoonful of butter, then sprinkle with ens tablc8poonful of flour and add one-half cup of cream. Cook 5 minutCII and servo on toast. . Aak fbr Libby'. In the I •• led ,Ial. Jar ••
Al All Groeer.)
~ibby, Mc.WeUl & Libb~ Chic:a&o
WESTERN CANADA BEYOND tHE PIONEER STAGE 1.lberty.Lovlng People Have All the ~.Ib.rty the Heart Can Dellre Under Canadian Law ••
tn a(ia~exil
r-"'· ~ ('1) . ,... .
"Slops Pain In the Bladder, Kidney, and Back. WouldQ.·t It be nice withl'; a week .or 8 0 to \)c,g ln (0 lIay good b yo ro r cver to t he
8oald lng , dribbling, s tra.lnl ng , or t oo (retAROSE bastlly at four, put on three suIts of clothes, threw eleven FORESrGHT OF GEN. SHERMAN large, fawn·colored fial)The New York Oommerclal ot April jacks under my belt. 19th contained an Interesting article Grand March Through Georol a ROo and hit the skyline for on conditions In Western Canada. Tb.e garded as of Paramount Import. Kidder's . Kidder Is a foUowlng extracts wUl prove Instruc. ance In Ha8tenlng End. sportsman six days in tlve reading to those who contem. the week, but on Sunplate moving to Canada. The writer W hen J el! Da\'ls made hi s ,'Islt to day stops to rest and .pea ka at land at $8 to $18 an acre. Macon , Ga., he said In a s peech dell v· preaob three or four As a matter at tact, there la very ered there Sept em ber 23, 1864, sermons. little land tha t can bo bad now at "T hough misfortune has befallen our He Is also the proless than $18 pel' acre, but wh en one Br ms from Decatur to J onesboro, our prietor of a Jersey cow consIders the produotlve Qualities of ca lise Is not lost. She rman ca nnot and a gasoline go-devil. It was the this llUld It Is safe to say that In two It e~p up his long li ne ot communlca· years' time there ,,'m be little avail. latter I was aiming for, but, a s It was t lons , and ret reat sooner or later he able land to be had at leu than $~O darker tl)an a atack of negro coalqu ent p asanl; o r th e u rin e ; th e forehoad m us t. Wh en th at day comes the fa tf Ilnd t he ba c k· r · t h e-hcIUI achell: the an acre. Alre ady the tree gTaat heuers at midnight, I mIngled wltb t ha t befell l he arm y or th e Frencb . tltc h es and pai ns I n t h <> hllcl. ; tll o grow lands In the open prairie districts the cow. As soon as I dIscovered her In g mU llc l e wuu k n csa: spots b ern ~ th& em pire In Its r etreat fr om Moscow <')"C'S; )'f' lI o w IIk ln : alllgg l Nh b nwp ls : 8\\,,; 11 · al'e becoming exhausted and lhe proximity I made a gTab for It, but ('n ey <> lI de or anl( lca : leg r rllmp~: lInnlltwill be repeated. Our cavnlry nnd our bomesteader has to go tarther back was thrown lightly across leveral lI r a l s hort brea t h : 8 1 ("· I)h' 1I8 r.c~d lind the peopl e will ha rass and d estr oy his d es po nd n cy? to the partially wooded a.r eas. This .talls Into a far corner of the bam. I bllTe A. r .. ,.Ipo t o r' hea., l rou hlnA t hat. yo u en n d Darmy as did t he Cossack s that of At tbls pOint, however, the rank odor p en d u n l und If ruu wn.ot to ruak o Q(IOi c k rtH.' ovo r,.. Is no dra wback, however. Some pr& Napoleon. and the Yank ee ge neral, y ou uugnL to wr l le'l a nd K(' " n. ,"upr of I t.. ltt u n 1 dtlCfer this land to the open prairie. A of galollne In a terrIbly rundown conl-ur " ou 1d c h al')fu , OU 83.bU J u ~t. ft,r " rl t 'n ~ this p rftlike him, ,,'111 escape wltb only a I crlpUu n, but. 1 hal''' I t. a n d will bo n 1n d t o &e mt (t td receut publlc,aUon, Issued by the D. dition of health smote upon me. J bodyguard ." reached out my band tenderly and ~"R~~t~r:l.r,;,.;~, 8k2!f&1~t~. ~k18I~1Idl n;,~~::,\~t:ilCl~~: .,attmeDt of th. IDterlor,- Ottawa, Sherman was not a ppre.henslve of ~~11,10~1 1!frl~~t.:lc~o~"orun . ~~ll~. \~,':. ~!~:;!::!::~P:. Canada,. and whlcb Is forwarded tree patted the go·devll on the brow. any despe rate fightin g aft er be began ·onl 1 {.u ra . hArmla .. a rome<Srp8. b ULl " b~ arca t heal· At about this time of night Kidder's to applicants by mall by any 01 his march. He was positive hi s army tnt.. '!:l?\ ~~II~k~on,.t1::::llnJ ~:.~;-once U WI., It. 10 I back door opened, allowing a ftood of the Canadian government agents tblnk 10U hoet t e tte r t!of'n w hR t IL IA ""hUH l d~ l", . ( would have a good time. He wrote to wltl l~ nd , .... u 1\ ('OPT froo- 1uu a n U" H c, ml au,. throughout the United States says IIgbt to pour forth. In the doorway ,uuncl f at h o ma General Halleck as It he were going \Vas allhouetted the figure of a man or the Ilowly-opened dlatrlcta: ' on a foraging expedition . ':Thls moveWater la alwaya abundant, wood and hurriedly getting outside ot a . hu«e Getting On . -ment," he wrote, "I s not purely mill· fuel are plentiful and the soil that bowl of brealdalt tood. He waa ac"We ll. little !loy, dill yo u go to the tary or strategic, but It will Illustrate can Irow the poplar and the w1l10w countred In all the habiliments of the yulnerablllty. of the south . Tbey circus the other day ./" a. well as the rich grasses that are war. Finally, wIth a lut, despairing es'm. Pa wall ted to go, so I had don't know what war means. but When to "Y to be found there can be relied upon «lance Into tbe bowl he calt It from go with him." him and seized ' a steamIng tea-kettle the rich planters on the Oconee and to produoe all the small Tafletl!!s of the Savannah see their fences and «rain with equal sucoel.. The New' from the Itove. 8RAltB rNTu YOUB SHOES corn and hogs and sbeep vanlsb be· £\1.'8 FUOI.-Ilu ... lb .. ADU• • pllo po"lIe . for Tlnod, With thia he came forth and bJ' the York Commercial artlole reterred .to aobln... '''ollen, ne noul f M t.. OJ, oa reat r.nd fore their eyes tbey will have some flickering lI«ht of a weak-kneed landeals more particularly with condl· comor\, MUnl ""It IDia 4811,br.. 8014 (lYery"bere. thing more than a melUl opinion of the • • Von '~ a ."c pt DD, l ubolitUIl, . For .. a . . tiona along the line at the Grand tern he cautlou.ly poured the bot wa. . mple. war... .Alla n II. OIID I Led. Le no,. N. T. Yanks. Even now our .poor mules Trunk Pacldc, but wbat ' Ia .atd at ter up and down tbe «o-devll'l spinal laugh as they anticipate the fine corn· one Une of railway may with truth column. Having done this, ·he seized Remember, tnere Is a limit. to bu· fields and our soldiers the chelltnuts, be laid ot the land and the conditione tbe' persuader, pve It a vmalnous man endurance. Th e fri ends who along both the Canadian Northern twist and the thing commenced a via; a moment to feel or the spavins on noUced a particularly larsw and sweet potatoes, pigs, chickens, etc." stand up for YOll ~ay tire In tbe Shermaq wal determined to make course ot time and proceed h' slL and the Canadian PacUlc. The article lent, backing cough that caused great our lower lImhs and look ]on«1ngly sloomy vacancy wheNt the (eathered back toward where we had left tbe gogame had been. Back to the auto and chunks of sympathy to well up under Georgia feel tbe horrors of war. In dow,i on you. laya: devil. ·Then Kidder luddenly and In a away to the louth again. writing to General Wilson he said : "r '1t would be no enggeratlon to my eweater. Sighting a strIng of ducks coming am «oln« Into tbe bowels of the Con· After turning on the blnaele IIgbts, clarion tone uttered the. magic word lay that practically all the land along So Faml i.u. that has wrun« more manly hearts up, Kidder ran tbe machlno Into the tederacy, and propose to leave a trail the entire distance trayeraed by tb. Kidder grasped the handle-ban and "Yes," Balli Nagget, I'a woman usu· and tbrllled more manly bosoms tban shade of a barbed·wlre fence to can, that wllJ be recognized 60 years Grand Trunk Paclfio iystem II capa· we backed out till we bit the cblcken ally treats ber hU8band aa tbe average almolt ant other In the human lan- ceal It, while we crawled several rods hence." ble ot turnlshln« bomel to those who park across tbe alley. By aome dex~ guage: servant trea.ta brlc·a·brac." out Into a cow pond 10 we would have terous manoeuvring we lot the thing Georgia howled. A track of desolaengage fn farming. The Jands are of "Go ahead," said the wise Mrs. Nag· plenty Inducement tor our game to tion reached to the sea, and today one "Ducks ! '" three classea. They may be deslg. pointed rIght and cut her loolle. I hastily dashed the cruel tean from drop In on us. We held our breath till can follow either of the tbree coJ· get, "Wbat's tbe answer?" It was early. No one was abroad. nated, first, al bavlnr lpeolaJ adap"Wby, tbe more he's worth tho more my eyel and lazed aloft. Yel-there we law pinwheels and finally the umns which left AtllUlta by what are tation to the proddctlon of «rain; Tbe family cats were all peacefully they were-about four dozen of them .he tries to brenk blm." duckl decided ' t o come over. They c"lled Sherman's sentlnell-the chlm. lecond, as bavlng such adaptation to curled up In tbe bread pan. Only a - but higher than the price of appl.. were 110 far up In the atmosphere mixed tarllllng, of wbfch live atoek tell' weary citizen. were up tsking a at a Greek fruitstand. We caretully tbat I threw my gun away and felt neY8 left .tandlng In the fielda or by ARMY DELAYS. wlll torm an tmporblnt feature, and Jook at the meter to aee It It had slid noted tbelr altitUde, velocity and orbit. around for m1 lunch, but Kidder took the side of the road to mark the spot where Sherman's bummers burned the third, aa beiag mainly adapted to the ILDY In the night. ' We ·hummed alon« speculated 81 to their age, weight anil a few cracks at them with his pIstondwellings, cotton gins, mills or fac· production of live Itock only. 011 merrily-rolled up In our big fur coats de.tlnatlon and otherWise thoroughly action Bcatter-gun tor luck. torles. the third class of landl the area II -getting quite wldea.wake by the Ume enjoyed the .peetacJe. Strange as It may .eem, a duck On November 16, 1864, ShermlUl not very Jarge, ot the liecond It II we had covered a couple of mUes. We had no more than got the crick Suddenly a surprlled rabbit sat up out of our neckl when a second dele- fell. We could find no hole In the started from Atlanta with 60,000 tried much larger aIld ot the first It I. In the glare of the beadllghta, blinked gation of fat and saucy goslings cut duck nor any apparent cause for and true men. The wires were cut, by tar tbe largest. death. It had a sort of tired expres"As soon IlS mixed farming shall a couple of times and made a brllllant the zenith In the wake of the advance sion on Its features tbat made us re- and, moving through the state In three tie generally adopted, land that may leap tor tb'e tall timber . . 1 promptly guard. It became plain tbat It we were solve to abow It to an experienced Yet· separate columns, they foraged upon the country. now be obtained tor trom $8 to $18 took my cue and got my artJl1err In to ~t any duclul at this partJcular erlnary before ualog It. A few days before Slocum's Jeft per acre , and even landl . open now trim. Rabbit after rabbit appeared. J)OIJlt we would bave to go back and We then boarded tbe auto, went anto free homesteads, will le11 for ,60 My ammunltlon wavered and ran low. get larger guna. SolXlethlng about sl:r other mile and dlsombarked Into a wing reached MtIledgev1lle the leglsla· to '100 per acre. Thll II not an elt· No 8ankulnary results were noticed, jnches ac~oll the muzzle and shooting IIkely-looldilg hog lot Nothing was In .travagant Itatement. In natural tel'- althougb I am po.IUve 1 succeeded In In the neighborhood ot a half-keg of the lot but a ·few. last year's pocket tIIlty these lands tully ,eQuaJ tho.e winging the lett tender leveral times. fine nalla mlgbt bave brougbt home gopher holes, and aa we had no use for of the Amerlca·n corn belt. In varl· It must be borne In mind, however, tbe meat, but our twelves wouldn't them, we went on . As we we re going ety ot production tbey exoel them, that my poor shooting was the natural even dent their' comple.x lons. . through a farmer's dooryard, howe"er, and yet the Jatter Bell for $100 to result ot poor ammunltl~, cheap gun, After surveyIng anotber cornfield we I winged a fat SQuirrel In a tree close , 200 per acre. In addition to the worry and Insomnia. from which I was hitched up our lIurclnglell a notch and by tbe rear porch. The lady of the grain crops now grown of wbeat, oatB, suffering so bad tbat It kept me awake paced It back to the auto. We next house came out nnd spoke to us In a . barley and rye, much of tbe land will ol«hts. journeyed several mllea west and ·varled language, but as neither ot us Daylight was just crackling In tbe soutb, aiming to locate tbe spot from understood It, we came away. grow winter wheat when propel'ly prepared. Eighty per cent, of the east when we pulled brl8kly Into a whence the . ducks were comIng. We then came to a gat e. on wblch The ' Adjutant-Inform Corporal land wl11 grow clover and alfalfa. A tarmyard and ancbored In front of a l<'locka ot pralrie ohlckens, fat as but- was nailed a sign reading IIlte this : Stripes that hIs application made some lUll larger percentage wUJ grow field badly Irritated dog or the hound va· ter and with crops filled with good "No hunteng on this field." time since Cor a furlough has been peas, an.d tho enUre tillable area will rlety. The farpler was out In the cow Iowa corn, taunted us aa we flew past This was a mis take. There really granted by the war d epartment. grow good crops ot tbe cultlvated barn husking the milk crop. He came several fields.' We took another long was good hunting In that fie ld. We Sergeant-I'm sorry to say, IIlr, that graslles, timothy, brome grass . and out and told ua that b4l.tween seven look at our lIcen.e, throttled down started up six rabbits and a copious Corporal Stripes died some st." weea western rye grass.. With these .Ie· and nine thousand duck. bad gone the buzz-wagon and started In to stalk perspiration In crossing It. Also took ago, sir. . ments wliat can prevent this region over the evening before and, judging a band at twenty-seven laucy stubble a potshot at a cloud ot du oks going from becoming the maIn source of from their looks, they had a date with du cks over to the left. over with no Immediate casualties. We BUSINESS WOMEN . We had .made a beautiful sneak for ran onto one poor go.lIng tbat had food supply of the Empire IUld 1m- a cornfield about two' miles to the sou'by·sou'west. He Informed us that the . ha~ the distance, when Kidder got an- over-eaten and easily got It, however, A Lunch Fit for a ,King • 3)erlal dominions?" Special stress Is laid upon the edu- ducks exblblted a marked partiality other jac\t'rabblt rise. Somewhat to- betore It could fly. __.1 aoUve and successful YOUDa At this time Kidd er looked at his eatlonal conditions. The writer says; for the cornflelds which had been op- illy surprise and disgust KIdder let lady tells her food experlenne: . "The ·foundation ot tbe soolal fabric erated on by hUlking macblnes In- drive 'a bandful of number fives Into Waterbury and discovered that It was ':Some years ago I suffered from of tbe agricultural country mv be stead of the old·fashloned Armstrong the nearest portion of tbe Jack, which eleven a. m., with us at leut a dozen nervous pros tration, Induoed by can· said to rest on the eftlclency: at It, method ulled by our forefathers. He caused the aforesaid to execute the mlles from a warm meal . We there· tlnuou B brain strain and t'nproper sobool system. Llberty-Jovlng peo- said tbls fact, combined with the long prettiest .omeraault I ever witnessed. fore swore off our vendetta against the food. added to a great grief. dry season and the Iowa habit ot Hastily picking up the jack we ducks and footed 'It a mile to the auto. ple bave all the liberty the heart catl " 1 was ordered to give up my' work, desire under CanadIan laWII. In thl. planting n game warden on every alter· crammed him Into tbe rear end or Kid- Atter~ 80me tinkering. Kidder persuad. as there was grent danger ot mY' "Tllnd nate section of land, was working ml ... der's hunttngcoat, leaving only hl8 ed her to wake up nnd we headed tor Sherman Made March In 34 Day•• regard Western Canada has a system fa iling me . altoge tber. My RtomacJ,) _eles tor the ducks and cblckenl, head, blnd-quartera and several limbs launch. It was a great day tor duck., of eduoatlon based upon the best that ture of the state bad been In session ' was In bad condition (nervou9 dYBpepIn a balhful maner he told us tbat protruding. We then glanced up IUld but a poor day for duck·hunters. can be obtained from ' the Unltect It we telt equal to shooting twenty or there. The lawmakers dispersed with· _"'..... .,.. _ _._.___ .....-... v_ _ _.......... _...v_M_"""'____..,..._ _ _ _ _"'· __... -.,.-_...."'. out formality when he' arrived there, sla, I think now) Rnd when GrapeStates or Eastern Canada. Its .school thirty prairie chickens as a mere .tart- ...-...·"'-......... Nuts food was recommended to me, 1 system and regulations are IOcond to er we could find them down In' the CARRIES FORTUNE TO GRAVE She believed that this represented Sherman 'occupled the el[~cutlve man· had no faith in It Howeve r, I tried none. Every b07 or clrl ha. a school cornfield at the right of the hoghouse. an hla wealth, but when a bank clerk ilion, Governor Brown having fied wltb It, nnd soon there was a marked 1m· house brought to hll or ber doorwa7· He said the chickens were gettlng so · French MI.. r Named Anglade Secret.. presented a note for payment of a all his belongings. Sberman made his provement In my cond.IUon. loan promised by tbe, miser and lIald march In 34 day., having marched The government I. most liberal In Itl tame that some or them had the nene . "I had been troubled wltb faint W.alth Under Armpit. Before tha~ Anglade had a document confirm- 255 miles. !IIupport of blgher education. In WIn· to sneak In and board with the tamlly spells, and had used a stimulant to Death. DJpe«, Saskatoon and Edmonton are poultrv. President Lincoln, under date of revive me. I found that by eating Ing the tran8action the widow decided A mller named Anglade, wbo died that her husband must have taken tbe December 26, 1864, wro • .,: "When you Grape·Nuts at sll ch Umes I was. reto be found excellent colleses and unl· ~. looked at our license from the . were about to leave Atlanta for the lieved and suffe red no bad etrects. nrsltle., 10 that the problem of Itatt' and saw that the prairie hen at Pau recently carried part of hi. for- paper to the' grave. The gTave was then opened In the Atlantic coast I was anxious, If not which was a great gain. As to m}' higher education I. solved, The pro- could not be legally IIbot In lIuch chUty tunue wl(h him Into the gra~e and hid vincial agricultural schools, k¥:ated weather. With a 11gb, we thereupOn the balance In order to prevent any presence of a magistrate. Packets of tesrful; but feeling that you were the other troubles-nervoUfI prostrat.toD, bank notes and bond8, with a number better judge, nnd rememberIng 'noth . dyspe psia , eto.--on the Grape-Nu\s diet ..t Wlnnipel and Saskatoon, Jive loaded our guns and started for the one else usln« the money. Throughout his life Anglade's only of otber documents, Including the one lng risked nothing gaIned,' I dId not they soon di sappea red . 'practlcal courSe8- In scientific farm· cornfield. "I wish es pecially to call the atlen· We curried and crosll-Currled that field ambition was to amasl money, a Parll sought for, were found under the Interfere. Now the undertaking III a 'ng, preparing graduates to take up . lIuocess the honor Ie all yours, for I tlon of om ce girls to tbe great beneftt thoroughJy and finally .trolled out onto correspondent of the St. Louis Globe- man's armpits. the re'lJQIIIslbllltlel of farm lite. Democrat eay.. He virtually .tarved Opportunity was taken to searcb a believe none of us went farther than I d erived from the URe of Grape ·Nuts "The newcomer Bettlln« In thl' _ torty-acre field of fresh pJowlng to himself In order to save al much as bamboo cane, wblch, acoordlng to to acquiesce, and, taklllg the word ot as a. nooo lun cheon. I wns thoroughly reat our legs. We had nut gone far fayored section wlJl find the social pOIslble and hll only fear of death conditions far beyond a pioneer stage. when aomethlng about the ·Jooks and wa. based on the regret that he .could Anglade's dying wish, was burled wltb Ginieral Thomns Into accounts as .I t tired of cheap restaurants and ordl.nUe wlli find h,elps on every hand. In· .Ize of a clean white ·tablecloth arose not take hli posMsslonl Into the next him. Each section ot the cane was shouJd be taken, It Is Indeed a great ary lunches, nnd so made tbe experifound to contain notes and gold suecess. Not only does It atrord the ment or taking a package at Grapenead of hla solng to the . 'Jumplng-ofl In front ot Kidder and 8tarted Bouth world. wrapped In cotton wool. obvious and Important mllltary ad. Nu ts food with me. and then slipping at a beautiful clip. It was a jack rab, place: as Is often BUPPole4 whEln He steadfastl7 refused to gIve his vantages, but In sbowlng to the world out at noon Ilnd getting a nlcltal'. tIlhiklng of Weatern Canada, be wUl .blt. Neither ot UI shOt, and Kidder relatives any ' lnformatlo.n about hlB A Gift. mumbled something about thinking It that your army could be dIvided , put· wor th of sweet crea m to add ' to It. ftn4 lilmilelt surrounded by wonderful "I regard conversation a's a glCt," tLng the IItrOnger part to an imporpOl108I10ns an4 acter bll death his tOt found that t11.15 simple dlsb, fin. was a sheep. opportUnities for . social advanoement Bf thla time day~lght had become wHe made a 'llystematlc se"rch of the remarke.d the studIous woman. tant new service and yet leaving Ish ed art with an apl>le, peach, orange, .' In '.. new countr7 'fraught with prolJ).l , "It usulslI)' Ie:' replied Miss Cay. enough to ' .,.anqulsh tbe old opposing or a bu n'ch or grapea made a )uJ\ch ftt entirely broken In the 'e ast, and we house, with the result that $6,260 wa. lie.it could 886 how ntlrvous each 'other was. found In gold and bank notel secreJ,ed enne. "If people had to pay for It force, tbe · whole of Hood's army, It for a king, and one that agreed ""Itb there . would be much less .or It...• After cro.alng tbe p~Owlng. we stopped I~ out.-of-the-~ay .placu. . . bring. those who sat In darkness to me perfectiY. , Hypnotic, "I thl'o ve so on my Grape-Nut s diet Margaret-I think \ir. Baker .coultS ====;a;;s;==2C===s2Cei!:==3!!iiiiiii50~iii1iiOii50=iii55e;a;;s;=5=:=;;SiOi:ii5C:a;2~=5;a;;s;==32~===-: ' see 'a great .lIght. But what nerl! thnt I did not have to give up 'my work ?' , I aUP1I9se I~ will 'be snter it I lean eutlT I17pnotl.e 'people. . " ' . " QeneraJ Grant and youl'8etr to .de· at all, and In the two years bave had· \ Katherlne--Wlry do you think so! .. " only tour lost days charged up against clde." · ·Maria..et~H. often hold, m7 hud Sherman regarded the march . all of me. till l~ f~ ~leep.-~ct. paramount Importance In 'butenlJlg . "Let .me aad t~at your suggestlonl i ·tbe end of ttie war. He expre81ed In the IIltle book, 'Road to We\lvtUe,' , ................eTa... ' . Terrlbl.. The Denla' Habit. Prevent. Inf.oUon~urlne Eye .Salye 'Cotnblng HIm Down • BIt. . hllDlelf that this grand march to are, 1n my opinion, Invaluable, 'elp&la Tubes tOI' all E,e lU•. No Morphine. "I look8cs at '. prett,- clrlyeaterda, "Let rue CAution ).'ou · about ODe 'Savannah and from Savannah to ' c1ally to women;" Nam'e given ' bJ' "1'd ..k you to m&n'1 me ID a mID. .lit DrucSillta tor New . . . 1&0. V....• _~e _e Book lD iIaob PaoUC. ate, OlUelda. If It wUD't for my flnUl- aall Juat ... J did 110 the mu,4_ at be,. tiline," .atd the .later of tile P"hlll~ Raleigh wall an Important factor In Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read "The" Road to WeUvllJe" fa cla1' daln. You .... 'I'm III prettJ baA fa", beID to twltah, h ... e7- do.ad U,. ,groom. tb4t final resuJt, the overwhelming a.ul ber 10••r Jaw pTe a .~ocn6 . ' "Well,.. pkp. But r.W DOY." are wrttteD fOr UlblIE· Pape,aDd-" "otory .t Appo.attoz. . ~td cbllla'11lD up aDd ' "Wb.D th. bl.llop .tu l TOU If 1ft "11bere'. a Reaaon." tx tII_ .... wrltteD -Y... I bow rou ."ape , . " ~ twl.t dlat mad. 8hermaD eatimated tile damage .." . talE. tbJa WOIDU ·.to be J'OU weddetl lOr of WOlD.... ~ at.pbeDi It . . . . hu baeD. But clOW1l IDJ _ doDe··the .tate of Oeoqta1J7 hll U1Il7 wII. pi.... doD" . . , DO • laat ......, . ...... to .., about 'roar "'Ooecl ,...lq tUGup U AIDOWl~ to fuIIr "No. 811• •W!!~!;I!II". tD ruaor." . . ....,.~ . . ........t.
- - - -- --
.... .. ,
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th.,.'. era..
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3. ;
Oreg onia.
Me , ,l os ph K.ersey Bnd Mrs. EI 'fhe union Sunday-school p icnic at wood Aul~ und obi\dra n haye ra. CroR.'i' grove Th~rsday, was a cornturn~d t~oro (\ lJ l9Lls "nt visit with plete success. All the SlInday reltltl ve. 10 Kalida . Schools in ;town were represe nted 'fhe MiRH LuoillB Norto. and J d n eiti , EUlehu~.I tTary r eturned .. Star Tin Cans, ad z · .. ..... .. \~fjc tiaturd ay an ,~v~r 100 men .women an d ch'I' tn i~ht fr Om' their vi it iu Ludl ow dren sat down to dinner. MasOll Glass J ars, pints ... .. . 41k Fulls. Masun Glass Jar!>. quarts ;.. ;; !)(k ; ; At eight o'clock tW ::Jwago ns startTin Lids, MmiOn Lid s, ealing Mrs. Murin Kuhn, of Dayton . came eu from the M. E. chprch loaded Wax, Parafin e. <l wn uudl\y for u VIsit with her with old and young. A great many Jelly Glass, ~ doz ; .......... ;.. 20c uuu.,b tol', Mrs ; Edwin Armita ge, were in private convey ances. After :Mr; IIIHI. Mrs; W\ll Kersey and arrivin g at the ground s the Mixed Chick Feed. MiXEd Hen festiviflons spent uutlay wit,h Mr . and Mrs, . Feed, Cracke d Corn, Oyster . . Be rt hl ollill \;!l worth and fl\w lly. tl(>S comme nced . C. M. Robltze r Shell and Grit, C, A; Hpenoe r Rnd family, of put up several s wings which were Arrive d 'c-. lerday; \\'c will be L OUl\ll 0 11 , c 110peli bere !l few days thoroug Tha t good Mi ld Cheese- just ~·e· hly enjoyed by all. Games ready to ' rve )'lIU auout \\'ed oesceived 10 ~cw cheese, rmld Illtlt week and gen~ra l c~mvers ation claimed day, ]t.ne 21 t. and sweet. MlflS Lucile Milson has us bel' the mornin g hours. ur .fountai n is ( IIC ()f the Latest Nicely primed-the whale gnest. htlr oasin, Mr; Eldon Bull ock At noon the long table was spread Walrus Salmon .... ;;18c,2 for 35c Model Soda FOlllitu ill S, knowl1 as i)f the Lebll1l0n Univer sity. bone kind. Pink 8almon ...... .. 2 cans for 25c and all sat down. Aflera song, Mrs. the Ie less , 'ys t e ~ll . Miss PrisciJl\ 8pence r, of Lebanon, Larkin invoked Divine blessin Fancy Ohio Corn " ....... 2 for Hic The syrups um) cwshl.'d lrui ts are g, and is the gnest of her oousins berB. Old Reliabl e Coffee, per lb .. 25c kept in po rcelai n .I nrs, ; th e s)' mp ' Mrs. E, H; l:itep ltens 18 enjoyin g the eating stunt was on, and Fancy Santos Coffee, per lb .. 20c there are fore d ill the glass by the I Ulllp " visit from her sister Ilod her fllw. was plenty too. Ice cream Fancy Dried Peaches, lb ... ... Hc was also system thu s illsurill g a unifo rm i1y ; Fancy Prunes .. . ..... . 2 Ibs for 25c served. swe tness of u(' 11 g b <;s ()f soda ; Fig Bar Cakes. per Ib ..... ;. 10c The U E. bU8lne~ roe 9tiug WIIS After dinnet· a game of ball beThe Draill am i \VUl k Hoard is Vanilla Wafers , per lb ..... .. . 10c , b Itl It t t,hu hOUle of Miss Mabel tween the Old Men and the Boys COil . truet I of Ce nllull Si lver, a ll Sherwo od Mouday evenin g . took plaee, the Old Men winnin g by 2 more barrels White Clever conn cctions I) illg hrand thll s ill ' , ,·rs . RURS I tipenoe r a.nd little Cakes, at the special price, lIud her br ther, Mr. Uhest-e r Buson suring the 1IH.l!-. t s:lllil ary :-.(,1 vicl'. u k, the score of 20 to 8. Six innings 8 for ......... ...... ......... ...... fic We fit your old castings uf Cmoillu There will he a wid e choil'e of nti.' ou Jled on relutiy es were all the Old Men cou ld ; stand, htlre Suuuuy nfternOlln refreshing drillk s at ntll fu ulltain to them; also ;s hear your . howeve r. Car Coarse Salt will be here in a this season, and w shall bc uble to - - -. - • few daYH, Barrels and sacks At 4 o'clock the wagons were filled old ones to cut like new. suit all ta t 5; --get our prices, Have you ~een Schwa rtz's new and started for home. All presen t We shall en'e all ),ou r ol d fa vorICE!less System Soda Founta in? voted ,it to be the best picnic held If; you want potatoe s, see us. ites, cold, ']larklin g , delig htful, a nd - - • for yearll, and nothing but a union there will b ma n ' lIe w special Corw in. l ~ pays to trade at picnic will be held hereaft er. drinks that we arc sur will please you. Mr!l ; Mary Dllvis, of PortsD louth, Our menu will include Ice Cream, o , I S visitiug F, N , hender son und Have you seen Schwa rtz's new I Iceless System Soda Four:ttain? herbets , ' Dopes, family , lIudaes , Phos- , '--------------With cross and heel phates, etc., etc. Miss Donna. Hawke was a gueat MAIL AT POSTO FF ICE braces . We didn' t steal of Mi8~ Henrie tta MoKin sey Batur, y urs to please, day und ~unday . A NEW VETER INARY 'em, but we bought 'em Mr , onner lind fl,roily, of Hell. The followi ng pieces of mail were brook. and Mr ; Cbas; Brown Ilnd handled during the month of May, Dr. J. A. McCoy arrived in Waynes- right. family were ~ u ests of Mr, and Mrs. 1911, at the Waynesville postoffice, ville Monda y to practic e veterin ary DllU l:5urfnoe 8 und av , Wayn esvil le, O. During the month of Mayal l ru- medicin e. He will have his office at Mrs. J ohn Everhl trt visited h er ral deliver y po~toffices were requir\X l Mr. Macy's livery barn, or can be l:Ion lit Frankl in last week. lo keep count of all mail matter called over phone at Mr. U. M, Mrl" . Eph , Smitb was n. Dayton passing throug h their offices. This White' s residen ce. visitor Saturd ay , month was the smalles t one for Mr. Rnd Mu. ebas, Reynol ds Bnd daught tlr were in Dayton 8aturd ay. many years and the data gained is SAVAG E-DiNW IDDIE )frs, Aohs tb Mollen, who hilS been not a good criterio n of the amoun t Rev. L. O. Thomp~(;n offi~iated at visiting Mrs. Naomi Barlan bas of mail handled , althoug h the figures Rone to Cincin nati where sbe will submit ted by Postma ster Farr, of a quiet weddin g which took place at visit relativ •• •• Notice of Appointment •• the local office. shows that conside r- his home . last Wednesday, the con ; •• ••• Mrs. Maryes.Brock, of Greenf •• • •• ield, able business was done even in this tractin g parties being Mr. Floyd ,... ... ..-...; Estate o f RtllJecca A. Daniel, deceued . .-.--..Obio, i8 viSiting h~r Sis ' er, Mrs, ....... . . Savage and Miss; Ruth Dinwid die. The undel'llignoo hu. boou allllolutoU small month. JIU!. ~raham ; . ; qUIIIIOod lUI admlul8~rator o r ~lle oatatoand or ~"eysburg. -The rural carrier s out of the Sprin g Branc h Rehooca A. Daolol. late 01 WarreD Ooun~y - - -... . OhIo. docoWled . COUNT Y MEDIC Waynes S ville MEET office handle d 30,540 Dated this 7th dllY or Juuo. A. () .. 191 \. Have you seen Schwa rtz's Tbe yonng men that gave the new . A. U, haodler. Artmlnls trator, Ml' sses Alioe Chenow eth and pieces of mail, divided as follows : d~noe a~ 'fown Ball Thursd ay night Iceless System Soda Founta in? The Warren Ber~bn 8mith enterta ined Mr Chbr. t.:ounty Medica l So· • _ • were highly oompli mented by the lie Bngbe s and_ wife and ohildre n, First Class .... ... · ... : ......... 10,088 ciety will have a mee'in g in Lebano n g~8I" for the very fixoellont and of Dayton , at dinner Thnrsd Notice of Appointment ay. N.ew Burli ngton • Second Class ;.. .... ...... .. ... ,...... kind att.entioD shown them ; ..... 17,477 on Tuesda y, June-27 th , at which a ; Miss Mllttie Bess and sisters enter' Class ......... .. ...... .. ...... 2,695 the essayis ts will be from Cincinnati Estat.o of E. H. Colvin, decell8od. The lin Mrs Mal'J' Baines gave 8 tea at tal n ed Mr sC. .K. J ones, f S i Lell McNei l's pony ran away one Third Fourth CI de(llignod h" boon appointe d lind Q.ul\lI fll,lll 280 and Columb us. ass ... ·..... ;... ..... ,... .. her b8&n~itnl home Thnrsd ay after Valley 'l'hnrsd ay to dinner.0 pr n g d flY 1us t wed k d emo Ii s hi. ng th IIIl admlnlstrntrl..oc or tllo estato or E , II Col ; e vtn. lato of Wlirrcll CoUlIty, Ohio decelUlOll. nOQDJ: In honor of the ladies aid, Mrs. Ada Dakin enterta ined her meat wagon to whioh it was Dated LIlia 29th day of;May. A. b, 1911. hitched . Total .......... .......... ...... 50,540 maDy were Ilreeen t and enjoye d grandm a Wharto n, of Mt. Bolly, A PLEAS ANT llanlllUt M. Coh 'ln . DANCE Mr.Om ar Whitak er of the U, S. t;~elr refre!,h mente. Frida.y .. , navy spent a few days last week The postoffi ce force in th~ same A very pleasan t dance was given ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~ i Yr. and Mr8~ E . B Dakin are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and witb his brothe r and family . Dr. length ~= of time handle d 43.218 pieces in Harvey sburg Thursd ay evenin and Mrs. Wbitak er enttlrta ined in now makin g arrang ements to move family enter.t alned on Friday g the his honor Thursd ay mght. of mail, divided as follows: into their new home whiob is very followi ng goeste : Mr'. and Mrs. and man~' from here wero in attendChurlie Hugbe s 'a ud son, Gordon and baanU fnland handy . Chlls. Mende nhall, A. H . Harlan First CI'!SS .......... .......... .... .. . 26;497 ance. son, William I. N. Miller WI\S made mayor daugh ter, Lois, 0 f Day t,on, M'18ses and d to Mer oer Co;, last week.motore They visited Second Class. ..... ... ......... ...... 13,334 \ Monda y night to snooeed F, Wilson Alice Chenow eth and Bertha Smith, Jas; Stewar t wbile there, Third Class .......... ....... ,.. , ..... 3,931 who baa ftlled that offioe for three Mr: John t:!mith and daught er, and. b·.If yeara Mr. Wilson re o Bertha went to Dayton on Frldny to Frank Roonev an~, ~ami\y, of Fourth Class ... .. . ...... ..... ...... 456 slRnlng and on Tuesda y moved to spend 8. few day. with his brothel ', Dayton , have been VISltlDg '; at the TA.'C LEVY 191~ Dayton , where he is employ ed by William Smith. Total .......... .......... ...... 43,~18 home of hiR mother , Mrs. Vtrgin ia Au ordinanc e to levy tlllCca for munlclpa l a life insuran oe oompa ny. Miss MIIoY Laoy is the guest Of her ..(to~ney. , . for the tax ye&!' of 1\11~. A grand total of 78,758 pieces of purpolIe8 Bo It ordalnod by the Council ;of the Village . lIilS VerDa Gill, of Cinoin natl, at- friend Mrs. Walter (lakin for a few 'Dhild red s day W IlS observe d at WaYlIllII vUle, OWo : mail matter was handled at the local of Section the Friend s obnrch Sunday . tended ~he d~noe r;etnrni ng , home days ; , I. ThaL 'there be levied and col· lected for t he 8uppor~ of the municipa Mr, and Mrs. Fro.nk Bawee were Friday mornin g. office 'd uring May . • Round trip from Waynesville Mrs. \]bnlf, Ioenbo wer spent a part, during the Jiacal year. 1912. t he awn, lity of U,3 10.00, , . W. W. Weloh, our popnla r tlnner /luests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwar d of last week at th~ bome of ber par· Have you seen Schwa rtz's new Section 2. That the levy above authoriz ed Next Sund ay ent~ ~ear l'o~~ Wllllo.m , hu been in New Burlin gton for sev- Roland and family Snnday . for municipa l purpoSOll be and t he lalDe Is . 'Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Haines enhereby apportio ned lUI follow8: Train leaves at 8: II a. m. Chas.. Blair has been norsltfg Iceless System Soda Founta in? . eral days, spontin g several l>oilding~ "'-:. For general fund •. , .',. , .. " •• " .. ,I 400.00 tertain ed Miss Snsan Wright last a IpralDe d aakle, sustain ed in For public health fund . , . , .• • •• , . ' . 200.~O J. ,C. Gr~y was in Colnm bus last Wedne sday. • -. For public safety fund , .• . , . ... ; . • • 2(10, 00 a base ball game. SCHOOL BOARD MEETS week. For public service fund • • . , ••.. , .. . Mr . and Mrs. B . O. Dakin and Section 3. For .lnkl.llg fund and Int. noo.co • ~ ...- - 2810.00 J. W. MILL ER; Rev. Fringo r' preaoh ed at the Mr, Rnd Mrs. Frank Dakin , and son, Have you; seen Schwa rtz's new , fhe school board met in Total corporat ion taxOl, •• . M. E. Qhnroh l:5unday. 16 310,00 regular Uarl and daught ers, LOis and Buzel Iceless System Soda Foun tain? . Section 4. That the c~k III hereby directsession Monda y evening . The board ed Mrs. Rnth Morray filled the pnlpit Mr ; and Mrs ; Pearl Dakin and to certlly the above levies to the Auditor ••• DEN TIST•.• , 80ns, • of • Oounty. to be placed on the tax: accepte d Miss a~ Frlond s ohuroh 8undllY. Elizabe th Collett e's listWarren Russell lDd Harold , Mr. and - Mrs and collected accordin g to law. Utica resigna tion, and elected Mrs. J . H. Walter Dakin aDd son, Ba.t'ry Rnd' Bootlon 6. This ordinanc e Bhall take effect Office In . Jo •. Davis, Paul Reason Bnd Chlls , Miss Mae and be In force trom and after the earlhlllL Laoy were enterta ined by National Bank Bldg. Waynesville, 0 Linton music teacher . No election s period allowed by law. ; Gordon of the N , 0, R . of Dayt.:m , Mr; Frank Uook and ff\mlly Snnday PII88lld . at council 'rhe chamber CbUdre this ne Day tbe Gth service day ut the were made on princip al and assista nt of June. 1911. visited tbeir parents here Snnd'LY. U. B. oburoh owing to the rain was ... - ,..---J. O. OARTW RIGHT. Mayor. not very well attende d , prin~ipa l.. We have been haviog some ve~y .. O. D. REED, Clerk. Have you seen Schwa rtz's new Mr. Hinkle and wite, of MaineIt 18 a ;Source of gratlfielltlO.n ~o hen), rains lately. Iceless System Soda Founta in? villf', WelTe the guests of Rev. know that w~ are to have musIc m ___ _ __ _ I Mol{enzle laflt Sabbat b.. the schools this year. Mrs. Linton • • • • • • • • • • • • •_ • • • • • • •_ • • • • Ads will be Insen ed unflor th is hr.ad for • _ Bowar d t;outh i8 visiting his '.!is- iSla success ful teacher , and it is hoped twentY'l lvo ce llt~ ror three Insortloull ~ ter at Norwo od; wb'ln using nol moro th a n Uve Unell. that many good musica les in the Rev. McKen zie fecentl y made school will be forthco ming this The S. FRE D COM PAN Y wina bUf~iness trip to Cinoin natl. ter. • __ _ Wm ; Rioh and wife were at Da.yFOR SALE ton reoentl y. FO~ SALE OR RENT Aunt Nanoy Decker was a. caller at til. parson ale last week. OJ\~E-Generlll.porpol!e MarA, A good opport unity for ROme one, Ii years old, gentle, tltrong, good Mrs, ~oKenzle, who haa been sick as Un tend to quit tht! hotel busines..'1 for some tim. i& better. looktng , Addres s ,John I:itrawD, the 1st of July. Investi~ate this Wayne sville, Ohio. Hrs. Clara Kirby 18 atill on the siok matter as this is the only hotel in list, I Mrs L~ura Blaok Is under the town an d has a goo d. t rad e. Come RWKS 7Abou t 81Q good brioks dooto~s care. ; for Bule. Inquire or A. B. and see me, as I mean busines s, Chandl er, Wayne e'viJle, Ohio, Unole Beor), Deoker la slowly ,H. Gustin, improv ing, ' Waynesville, Ohio., Oor geoial meroba nt, Ambro se OR SALE-~t. Lanlbe rt Boll,2 , • _. SEE; NEX T WEE K'S PAP ERS Deoker was in Dayton last week_ year -old, . fashion a bly oolorod . STOCK HOLDE RS NOTICE sure Oreloder. J, C. Wilson , KiDgs James Blaqk t he represe ntative of Mms, O. the Columb i .. Life lnsnran oe Co, The Stockh olders of The ' , Citizen s has been oirol;llating freely in ot;lr Bank of Wllynesville, O~ , will meet mi<l~t , ;A-PER N APKIN~Tbe G_ze~te .b I f at their Bahkin ghouse on TUesday, Jobn ByrQn t e repa rer 0 gaBo' .J offioe ,handle s ; the plain white · 27 19"1 2 ' I 'k f itne stoves has been doing .sowe un~ ,:.1.', at o.c ~c :p. m.~ or .and oolored napkin s.. Call and lIee work which haa proveo il!atlsfactorY. the purpos e of ratlfym~ them, a ,sale ;o f , L~banonJ Mr.; Nordik e made a b081~e88 trip ;t heir b~iness, to theWa yriesv ille , Tl~RUE ;PAPER~ If 'YOU "'bn~ to ~yt!e last' week .. , .; , ;, , N~,~io~al Blflk. ~ ~ '• . " ' . ' ;; aD~ oo~or Of ;ft'ne .ti8J'lle p',lper, ; . Martin Frazee and danght .,r. and . . ; ; , ;' OR.1l a t;be. Cia.~ette oftlos. , We l:AvP. 'Mra. Cross wQre ~n ;C8nter vtlle laet BOTH. MOST 0.0 It on hand al1 tlie "me; ;•week. ; '; ; , , : '.' , I e • ,.'. ;maJciri&' ~pplication for a mar.. , • Have Yo~. ~~ s<:hwa rtz's ne w l'iage· U'cense, . th~ law' DOW reqiii~ LO$'r. ',OR 8TOuiN · Iceless Sf-stem Soda,FQunta in? ", ,; ;' that both contrac ting J)ariiel} -shall' . ; • - . :. appear a,t I"~ ~e > prc)ba~ COurt. If Roote are a valnab le ·&ddtttoo '0. ori~party cannot co the other 1111181; OQl" stock foodl! eepeol all, where the have- a iCKitoJl'a Certificate ltatfq farmer 18 wl~on' :a alt). why he or lb. could -not;be Pltllii t.
R ub be r
,Special this We ek
Ou r ;Soda Fou nta in
$1 (Rubber Tires$14
W he el s
-----_ ..- - -
---_. -;-- --
Sha fts
Ralph 6. Miller.
---_.- ..- --
The Neighborhood News .... ......... ~
'_...- - -
.. - ..- - -
Ord inan ce No. 65
; PRo
- -_
•• •
Ola ssif lad Ads
The Gre ates t Sale ever plan ned will Com men ce Satu rday
J u ly 1st. I WAIT I
Sub scri be for the F Mia mi GaZette P
Pos tpon e You r B . uying Unt il The n. ::
'July lsJ. ;You wilt be;well repa id.
: ; ','
:J ', 1911.
:ill ;
oeroing railrol1d gr~de orO!!8in g 00 pl1id and remain dc l' di tribnttjd .llc Germa ntown and Frankl in I)ike ccrding b will . .--16~R-lI-c~3~t.-C-e-C-ile---·~I---""I-Dayto n, Oh io-: -....- -, ; , --------I aunulle d. ~\' & F IS P. H . Rue, ~admini8trator of os· ' J I Union Square Paris _ I _ I _a_lO_ ._o_urt 1 t~ _ , _ ~ew Yorl< tate of John L. Barktd ow, deceased, Common Pleas Court. Probate Court. filed first and final accoun t with vouche rs for settlem en', wblch Is New Suits In the matter of Handy Bnrton , ordered suspen ded. - -- - - Harry S. Ford-VB. Smitb F. Wat. exomln atlon held and ~be oourt·o r· P. H. Rue, admin istrato r of es. kins and Callie E. WatkIn s. Htan· dered that the applio Ltion be filed tate of Jane Barkal ow, deoea sed, ley & 8tanley , attorne ys for for his admiss ion t.) the State bos filed flr!!t aod final Ilooount with plaintIf f . Amonn t olaimed *1800 pltal for epilept ios and tha.t he be voooll ers for settle men$, which is >rdered sUBponded, with Intere8 t oa '1000 at· 6% from provide d with proper olothin g. Muroh 1, ' 1909, Ilnd interes t on $800 Franki e A. Donha m, admioi stro· Frank Young, guardiR n of est.llte at 696 frOID Ootobe r 1, 1909. Money trix of the estllte .of Elizahe th Jllok, of Mabe l Young et ai , minors , fil ed decease d plB\ntl tf VS. Wllfren Jaok' final aoooun t as to Mabel only. with v ouuh . N. A. liammo~ as admini strator et al defend ants. Claim o.~ pllI.inti~ ers for settlem en', whlcb WIl S orHER E'S THE REASON: (SALE OPENS SATUR DAY of estate of William T. Parker , de- of amoan t ·of $180 with 10 (erest ltll dered suspen ded . . MORNI NC, JU L Y 1st oeafled VS . John T . Parker , P. H. allowed . George Hutohl nson, I1dmin istro . A. C. Vall, admlnt lltrlltor of e~' 1 tor of .estate of Lacl'et la Henry, de. Rue, attorne y for plaintif f. Amoun t I t will be the last summe r sale we will holu in our pr~se n t loca olaimed , $523 58 with 7% interes ' tate of Hugb D. Taylor , decease d, oeased, plaintif f VS. Charle!! Hen r v tion . from Novem ber 14, 18\)8, Bnd $100 filed IOvent ory and apprais ement , et 01, defend ants Pr(loee ds of lillie We cannot take an y o f our summ er mercha ndise to ou r new to r so 100nihUied . Court orders that tex es with 7% intereB t from Jtlnuar y 13, whloh is ordered reoorde d. - other than the price cu tting t his sale na turally calls fo r, the o ru r is- to Anna 80th, gaardi an of Edwin and oosts be paid and btllance 1896, less $10 paid Deoem ber 14, d l ~make additio nal cuts in prices tha t a ll OLlr sum mer t3ot.h, et al. mercha Bond ndise lIlay b e of J400 approv ed tribute d acoord ing to I ~·N. 1901. l!4oney only. . cleared out in the shortes t possible tim e. and she is ordere d to lieU reBI esta t.e Alioe M. Ertel ve. Jl:I.mell K. Ertt'l Marrfare Licenses, W e can promise YO LI the g reatest bargain oppo rtunitie and Frank Brando n as trulI'ee for at private aale at not les8 theiD ap s thi s . co mpany JameA K. Ertel. Seth W. Brown praised value, oash iu hand on day has ever offered . Floyll 8 . Savage , 20, farmer of of Bale. ~ttorney for plf\intif f. Dl-voroe and Wayne s,ille and Ruth M. Dinwiu As is our custo m, except on a fcl\' itcms wc sell under contra Anna. Oberlin , gaardia n of Er ·t at a Illimon y on ground s of extrem e die, 17, of Wayne sville . fixed nea' V. Oberhn et 0.1. Bond of price. ordeUy , adulter y etc, William F . Betzler , (j6, photog. 'l'be ' einolnn a-ti and Sprlngf iqld '4709 approv ed and 8he i8 ordered rapher of Carroll ton, .Mo ., and ~ed to 8ell rett.l estate at private sale at Railwa y oomp"n y, a oorrora tlon, Aadrey Uonove r, 24 , of Frankl in, ! aot less than apprais ed value. Cash duly inoorpo rated under laws of the Dllvis Furnas , 23, former of : Stl\te of OhiO, VI!, Jamee M. Keever in hl\od on day of sale Wayne sville and Ada t:;nook, 24, of ; J. C. Rogen . goardi an of.. estate Fred 8. Simpso n, and Samuel L. South Lebano n. of Elda Brown minor, filed fiual ac- and reducti ons g reater than eve r. Jones, as CouQty Comml 8eioner s 01 Charle s M. Bunter , oolored , 411 , I count with voaohd ra for seUlem ent Warren Cqunty , Ohio a.nd Frank D. teamst er of Lebano n and Joanna ' Miller, Edward Beaohl erand Uborlea whioh is ordered suspen ded. W. H. Hiegfri ed, aomini lltrator Robert s, oolored , 48, of Lebano n . Himpeon as townsh ip I rost-ee c..f of eatattl o'f William Murray , de Frankl in townsh ip Warren County , Real Estate Transfe rs. oea8ed, pl"intlf f VS. Lizzie Bibbllr d Ohio. OlarRo Thomp son to Maggie Ife r et aI, de.fendlLnt.s. Coart orders Dlsmlwd Without Record. that real estllte be 1I0id a' prl vute guson. Lot in Lebano n, t1. Esta blish ed 1853 John Powers to M~ggie L . aO ll Huse Bone V8 . finwar d Collett e. sale at not leIS than appraia ed vtt.lOEl MllrY E. Powers . Lot in Ha.mnt on l - - - - - - . - ----------------------------. Mary H. Bone va Howar d Col C~(lh in hand on day of sala. . . . ; . . . . ; - - - - -.. townsh In ip, 11. the matter of'the will of Fr~n ( ette. I . Carl W ., Lee oes M. Y ., Wood, Otho and deoease Fred d, Bond Will ad . of Diln P . Bone, Clerk of ::lo'.loret e toe to stone a bntmen t Andrew Shimp VII. Henry Beiss. by Notice of Appointment B. Hender son to May G. Cross, lot Conrt!' , eleot of Warre n couaty Charles Surfao e's on Clearo reek and Benry 8eiss VB. George W. Har· mUted to record. in Wayne sville, Raohel Beo-thie o, admln lltrat ..!x '2150. 1~lgned by .hlm~elf as prinolpA .1 ond Wliyne townsh ip line road ~t estl. Estate of llohocca rls. · hr V Bo A. 1) Iln iol. ·deccnaed. " of e.tate of B .•1. Benthi eb, de Ell ZIl beth A • iii 0II ey t 0 Th e Ba It 1_ ~ . . ne, " v . v. E U IOS9, D emil!' mllte of.,9 Tho uDdonsignod hWi boon "R(JOinted 1UIt1 25 Benry Bei". VI Fraooe s Lowe o~sed flIed invent ory and %ualUled 118 Bdmiuis trlltor of the t!etate of apprais e more & Ohio I:)ooth western RI:I.I1. Gutter y and D. E . Dunha m II.S Cont.ru ot entered with Oregon ia o~l>~~~~n1ol. Jate of Warren County. Heiss, Suits Decided. men' whioh is ordere·\ raoor led . .road oompa ny. righ~ of way '40. suretie s \n the IInm of ~10, 000 WIl·S Bridge oompa ny for steel beam DatO<! th is 7th d ilY ot June, A. D., 1911. A. B. Obandler, Allmlniatrator. Willism C. Thomp son', admini e J ohn D . BUfnS to The Baltim ore approv ed. bridge with oonoro te flo or on Tur ( .Ioanoa Robert a VII. JOlleph Rob· 'r.tor of estate of Mary A. & Ohio Boothw ester. Railroa d 00., Bills Allow ed-Per ry Keever , Wolfe, tleoree k rood neor John Simpk ins I ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~!!!!!! -erts. Divoro e gran\ed . deceale d, flied tinal affidav it whloh right of way, 594. bridge repairs , '7. 50 i .Tohn Wolfe, and WilliaDl Blosse rs' (l't their bid ! MAFFI~ Ada Nioeiy Karob va. Martin L. la ordere d reoord6t1. Smitih L . Oonkli n by EdIS. Oonk- bridge repIlin , Ul; John Wolfe, of S320 . I Nioely et ai, real8l& ate Qrdered sold , Alberli Hel'on , admini strator of lin, executo r, to Lydia.E . Simont on, oontrao t, '72; Galion Iron Works entAre() WIth Oregon ia I Unde rtake r and Embalmer, lit. publlo aootion . lot in Lebano n, $16.0. esta~ of HOlan Jane Heston , de Compa ny. oalver t pipe, %i·i 30; Gill · Bridge oomJll:I.uy fol' steel beam In Qale of Benry Shnrts VS. Anne oealed, flied tint and finai Amand " .1. Conkli n, by Ed S . ~ on Iron Works oompan y, Will be fonnd in the old ·aool)nnt. oulver t bridge with oonore te floor nellr rea· Lytle 8hnrtl , declaio n of Commo n I whioh is ordered 8Ullpen Conkli n, exeout or to Lydia E, 8im . pipe, $20 90; Ohio Corruga Bank BtlUdin g, oppoai te ded. toEi Cul- idence of EllrI Harper , at · their bid Pleas oonr~ oonfirm ed by Circalt t,he Na.tion al Bank. Ed 8. Conkli n, oxeout or of last onton, premis es in Lebano n, S1600. vert Co., oulvert pipe, S185 .04; AI . of S234 .76. Teleph one in hoose a.nd of. conrt and that judgm ent be oarried will and teshm ent of bert D. Bond, bridge repa.irs, $27; Amand a. .) . Contrl\ ct entered with Frank fice where I can be called Commi ssioner s' Proceed to executi on orliered . ln&s. ,I ConkU n, deoeas ed,· plaintif f, VB. Frank Stokes , oontrao t, $1\)4 i Z!dn Stokes for a conore te !\roh day or night. near resThe L'incin nati & I.)pringtield rail. Nettie Conkli n tlt III defend Res )lation 'was pas'!Ied fixing the Armita ge, oontrac t, $56 i Walter S. ideno13 of Mrs. Beuthe ln on Rossbu rg Valley Phone U-2; ants way CJ., VS. Jamei M. Ke~ver at 801. t;mle 'of real estate oonfirm ed and amoun t of ~he Clerk of Courts bond Whitao re, oontrao t, '24.50; Charle s Ilnd Pleasa nt P lain rOf\d a.t bid of Main Street, Wayne sville, Ohio P"rtion Of former judgm ent oon taxes and annual fees' orderea Hender son, oontrao t, $40 85 i William '5 .48 per ou. yd. to be at '10,000. Evans, lumber , SIO; The Bobbs ~(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=I Contra ot eniered with W . S. (ira. Merr iIC~ ,~wb ookfurJudgeC~rk ham f~ ~nMe~ ff\~ng M~~M~~~~ ~ s~ne D~ B0! ;'O . · ntio·· i~C 'al~ ~l\t!- ~~~M~~~.~ y *2.60; John Kell Post, approp riatien abutme nts. a,nd wings and .' ..... . til!i1lJliW~~~~~~IfiIle"~fPlI~ extensi on G ',' ~ 11 ~" I ;' ~~~~~~~~ 12ft for memor ial day, $25; The Leba.non ot wings Ilud raising abutme nts ~ to • Plltriot , ' llUblish ing notioes , f8 .40; bridge nellr EdwlJr dsville • Bobool • Barret t Bros ,mdse for shariff, '1.75 house at bid of 15.25 per BARN HAR T, ~ ou. yd. Barret t Bros., bridge blanks, $21.50; • Plans and speoitlo ations for a steel Nota ry Publi c • I::!a.m D. Hinkle , fees and ex.pen se!\ beam bridgt'l 08 Murdoo k "nd Love · ae surv.e yor, '1113 .86. land road by the Heath farm were All kinds of Notary Work. Work a I:;peoialty. Pensio n Bids Received. Ilpprov ed and ordered posted in Iludito r's office. Sealed propos als to For steel beam bridge nl'llr resi. be receive d unmU o'olook July a 14. 16. 18 Dayt on dence of Eul Harper ou Lobano n 1111. and Morrow pike . Ol'l'lgonia Bridge • Tbe report. of the viewer s ID the E. 3rd St. . Ohio oompa ny, ~2a2 . • roa d petition ed for by Walter Ken · THE CitEAT I8T l}I For It~l bE'am bridge with oon· rlok and others was acotlpted and • 'orete iloor on Turtloo reek road near damage 8 assesse d by '" vie wars, or~ reslden Je of John Simpki ns. Ore dered paid and trustee s of Wayne IN THE WOItLD ~ 'jJi I!QniaB ridgeoo mpllny ,'3!:l0. townsh ip were ordered to open this rUBUSH LA EDWEEK LY. $4.00rERYEAR For repairi ng stone abutme nts to road. . HOTELS , DRUOOI STS, SPECIA LIST8, ' brid~e near the Ed wards ville sob ool ... - .. COS TUM E It 8, T RAN 8 FElt, CAB AND 'BUS SERVIC E CAN PROF·I" house on Middle boro and Blanoh es. Wins Fight for Life BY USINO ITS ADVERT ISINC CO&'UM NS ter road. W. 8. Gr~bllm, concret e It was a long Ilnd bloody b.lttie SAMPLE COpy FREE faCing Ilnd wlngtll lnd nislug abut· for life that was wllged by James B. Addre •• NEW YORK CLIPPE It ment, *5 .25 per ou. yd, Mersho n, ol'New tlrk, N. J ., of whioh New York. N. Y• For arob oli ROllsburg and Plells he writes: ."1 had lost muoh 1M!. blood ==~ ~== === ==~~== y ant .Pltlin ro ..c near resldence.:>t from lung heruorr hages, and was _ 12ft Mrs. Benthe ln. E. J . fempli n, ::~:t::af ~~:/n~~~~~. t!or~~~~~ Dr. Bell's Pin~-TarD("'oney. ~ $5.60 per ou yd. W. 1:;. Whitllc rd, D~ath seemed olose on my heels, For Coughs and Colds. ,5.50 per cu. yd an() Frank Stokes, when I began three weeb ago, to • 8 d '. use Dr. King's New Disoov ery . .. 5 . ~ per OU . V . . Contrao t. entered with Earl Gil. But. i t has h elpe d me greatly I . tis doing all that claim. ". For D~. J. W. MILL ER, moor for clellnin g and paintin g fol · weak, sore lungs, yoa obstina tti coughs , lowing bTldges, at the I'Iltl1ngs at eli stubb(l rn ~olds, hoar8en 6Ss; Ill. grippe .• .• . DEN TIST••• timllte $78. Bridge by Tony Dash 's asthma , hav fever or anY" throat or I • on' MorrolV and lUll Grove road. lung trouble its supretn e. 600 and Trial bottle free. 6uaran SAL E' BEQI~S OJl1ro In Bridge· by. \villto.DJ· Corwin 's on '1,00. Waynesville, 0 teed by all dr.u gglsts. ~lItional Ullnk DI!lg • . Morrow and lIlUllir ove road.. Aroh - -- •• - ••- - " ratl ·by ~. 0: Worley '8 farm on The niok of time in sprayin g p.1. Mor,row and Mill Grove. Coonty to. toes ~or bllghtJ It before the bU,l!t .• . , to. fnrnisl l ·paint. 8trlkes them. It is disoou raging ~o Good for Nothin g but the .... ~ntra9t enlered with W. S. look ont and see a nice fleld aU Graham , for puUing in 18 feet ' of turned blaok. We hope that will ~~~~~~!!!!! !!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 36 Inoh oorrug ated sewer and oon. not be the way with .yonrs, crete .h ead waUs near ' Red ' Oak · DR.H.E.HATBAWA~ School hODlle; also '0 feet, 18 inoh, .L ighter foods 'are, be8t these warm , corrula&ed sewer jn Mt. Boll,. at daIS. Heavy food like oorn beat8 Way.' IlesriU e'. 'LeiuJ'n ., ~ 0810e iD K8)'8 'B14I. and head \talll alia tb,e blood. .
County Cou rts
--T hi s . Ju ly Sa le-
Will Be the Gre ates t Sum mer Sale Ever Held
Everything is Reduced
I I•
I. I•
.; • II
Se mi-A nn ual Cost and 01 . ear anc e Sale
Gr eat Pri ce Re du cti on s
I' I
W fiJi
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1111._••-• •• •-
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iTtfIW Dmw:r; ~ ..8J(ClIA1U:LS 'KLt:IN . Y I
ctJI"Y1!ICMT, '909.
8Y~ G. W.
01le Importallt' wlh~el!l., the A Happy Home·conllna, ou. woman who ' was l~ tbe apart· The husband who oomes ,home from ment a few mlnu~"1 before tbe ' dDot- bls dally ' toll, whether working tor Inll and wbo was III pOlIsesBloD of a small or large pay, must appreclate letter in which UnderwoOd declared the presence ot a wile well gowned hili intention ot shooUng himself. and restfully awaiting him, and childollbt was no longer possible. Acqutt- dren equally well groomed and show· tal waa a foregone conclusion. So Ing every ' 41vidence ot materna} 'c are. plQased was the judge at Annle's find A woman does not need to be a that he did not IQsIst on knowing the slave to drudgery, but a happy homewoman's name. He saw that Annlf' builder. Hewltt's E asy Tasle Boap Is preferred. for some reason, not to glv~ of th~ great41st belp to tbls blessed It-even to her legal. advlser-,llnd he condition. because It lessens the labor let her have her way. exacting ouly ot keepi ng the home and all that perthat the woman sbould be produced wins to It clean, wholesome and atthe Instant he needecl her. The young tractive. No friction to such a home. woman rea dily assented. Of courlle. Five cents a cake. there ,remained the "confession," bllt that had been ubtaln ed unralrly. 11· THE IDEA. legally. fraudul e ntly. The llex t Important step was to arrange a meeting al the judge's houso at which Dr. Uern· stein. the hypnotic expert. would be present Bnd to whlcb IIhould be Invl· ted both Capt. Clinton Bnd Howa rd's father. In I'ront of a ll these witnesses the jud ge would ReCU t; the police CIlP ' taln 9r browbeating bl R prlRo ner Into making au untru e con fession. Perhaps th e ca ptain could be argued Into admltLlng tbe poss ibility of a mistake having been made. If. furlh er. he could be cOllvln ced of the ex is te nce of docum lllnl'Y eV!dence 8hoIVIng thnt Un· derwood really comm itted suicide he might be willing to recede from hf. posi tion In ol'd('r to protect himself. At nny rate It was worth trying. Tl1e judge Ins ist d , nlso. tbat to this mac'll· Ing the mysterious woman wltn4lss should also come. to be proclu oed o.t a..."_ ,....AI"..,.. Buch a moment as tbe lawyer ml,ht Peggy-DIdn't the lawyer know you consIder opportune. Annie merely de· were an actress? o'anded a rew houl's' tim e BO she cO'Jld Kltty-Graclous. no! He olrered to make the appOintment nnd soon reo get my divorce without any pubturned with a sole mn promise tllat licity. I the woman would attend the meet· ing and come forward at whatever DOCTOR PRESCRIBES moment called upon. ' Three evenings later there was an CUTICURA REMEDIES Impressive gathering at Judge Drew· IIter's residence. In the handsomel, "I wish to let you know ot a couple appOinted library 00 tbe second fioor ot recent oures wblch I have made were seated Dr. Bernstein, Mr. Jet' by the use ot the Cutloura Remedies. fries and tho judge. Each wa. ab- Last August, Mr. - - of this city sorbed In his own' thoughts. Dr. nern· oame to my omce, troubled with a Bteln was puIDng at a big black cl.ar; severe akin eruption. It was dermatltll the banker slared vaoantly Into space, In Ita worst form. It'startE-d with a The judge. at bla dellk, examined some slight eruption and would oltect most legai papera. Not a 'word waa ape> parts of hili body, thighs, elbows. ken. Tbey seemed to be walUni for chest. bac.k and abdomen.:..and would a fourth man who bad · not , yet ar' terminate In little pustules. ' The itchrived, Presently Judge Brewster Ing and burning was dreadfl,ll and he looked 'up and said : would almost tear bla skLn ,apart, try"Gentlemen, I expect Capt. ClIntoll Ing to get rellet I recommended all In a tew inlnutes,. and the matter wlll the various treatments I could think bo placed before you." of and he spent about fifteen doilars Mr. Jeffries frowned, It was ~eat. on prescriptions, but nothing seemed Iy against his wish that he had beeD to help ' him. ,dragged to thIs conference. Peevl.h, "In the meantime my wife. wb ly, he said: waa continually suffering with n sUght "I've no \wlsb to be pre!lent at tbe akin trouble and who had , been trymeetlog. You know that' and yel Ing dUteren.l prescriptions and methYOU ' s"nt for me." ' ods with my assistance. told me .she Judge Brewster looked up at blm was going to get some of the Cutloura Quickly and said Quietly yet. d& Remedies and live them a fair trial. clsively: But as I cUd ' not know -much about, "~{r. JeirrieB, It II , absolutely uec Cutlcura at that time 1 was doubtful eS9ary that you , be present when I whether' It would help her. Her skin tell ,Capt. Clinton that be bas either would tl)leken, break and bleed, es· wlllfully or' ignorantly forced your SOD peclally on the fingers. wrists and to confess to having committed • arms. I could do' nothing to relieve crime of which I am persuaded he II her ,p ermanent)y. When she first apabsolutely inl1ocent." plied the warm bath of Cutloura The banker shrugged his shouldel':l, Soap and applications of Cuticura ..It I can be ot set:vlce, of course, Ointment slie saw a decided Improve· 1"':'1 e.m only too glad-but what cali ruen.t and In a teV( days she was com' I say-wbat can I do?" pI tely oured. "Nothing." replled the judge 'curtly, ./1 losl.: no time 'Inreoommendlng "Dut the moral effect ot your presence the CuUcura. Reme~les to Mr. - - - , 14 invaluable." More amiably he WI:!Dt and this was two months ago. 1 told on : "Belleve me, Jeffries, I wouldn·t him to wash with warm baths of the have taken this step unleS8 I was ab, CuUcura Soap and to Iapply ,the Cull· solutely sure ot my position. l;'hav~ ~ura OiDtment generously. Believe been informed that Underwood com· me, troni the v.ery first day's use ot mltted suicide, and to·nlght evlden<:<l tho Cuticura' Remedles hawas greally 'confirming this statement Is to' b1 relieved and 'today he Is <;ompletely plnced In my hands . . The woman wh!:! cured througb tb elr use. I have great paid him that mysterious vls!t jltr,t faith In 'the Cutlcura Remedies ' and before his death has promised to OOllle lI~all aljvays bave a good word tor 'here and tell us what she knows: Now t.l:!eiD : now' that 1 , am convInced ot , it Oapt. Cllnton can be got' to 'aa mlt t!l~lr wOlldertul merits," (Signed) D. the possibility of bls being mistaken L. Whitehead. M. D., 108 Dartmouth It means ' that your son will be tree 8~., Doston, Masi., July 22, 2 910• in a few days." I "Who has given you this Inform,,· Before taking the bull by the borns Uon?" demanded the banker wkeptlc' ~ou should complete satlsfnctol')' orally. "Howard's wire." answered the "Ollgements for letting go at tbe psy-' judge quietly. The banker started and ~hologlcal moment. 11'" tbe lawyer went on: "She knows who the woman Is., and has , promised to bring her h ere ' o-nlght with docu. mentary proof of Underwood's sui. cide.." "You are depending on her?" he sneered. "Why not?" demanded the judge. "She bas more , at stake than any of us. Sbe has worked day and night on this case. It was she wko arousedDr. Bernsteln's interest and persuacl ed him to collect the evidenoe agalnllt
In s elng ber Bulrer a lItth; of what The clerk re tired an e! the banker, she had been made to s uffer. comple tely Iguorlng the presence of " Th ('y' ll suy 'that I- God knows his daughter·ln-IBw, turned to bls wUe what they 'll say!" went on Alicia dis· anu said : "I r egret. my denr, that you sho·.lld tra ct rlly . "My hu sband wlll be drn/tg ~ d tll rou gh the mire of another be subjected to these fam ily annoy: .:I 8VNOPSIS. public sca ndal- bls socia l prestige will ances." -ob , I daro not tblnk of It- I knowJudge Drews ter came torward and flOW ll r J ~ rrrl l'~ . hank l'r's ~ ')n, unc'lrr ruy duty Is to that unfortun a te boy. I cleared his throat ns If preliminary to ttl<' ",'11 Inll",·, ... o (It n "l),·rt t · lItlt! r w ,,,,,l . ' somethIng 'Important he had to say. f ell o" -~ tud tl" 1 a t Y tde, 1.·:' tlH 11 f t' (\ ( 11111-, 11l1J~ tl1 't think or myselt." I'ill J.JClon. 111 nrril's tl l~ dU.ugJ1tf'r f) f ~\ ~all1 ' " lI ave YOIl t.he lelter that Mr. UnAddresslng the bunker. he said boldhl ('r \\'1111 dJ pd I n v r tsu ll . all, 1 I~ tlbhl\\' U~l.l II\" his f u tl,,·r . Jl ~ Is MI l' or w orl! nl1,l In de rwood wrote you?" demanded her Iy: ~l ~,t-\ rh.· r nt.~ stnlils. t.: n d {< rw ond . w hl) h:1l1 ,·ompn nlon. "Mr. Jeffri es, J have decided to un· nl H' t-' bee n (lngtlU'~tl t o J l"wnr u·,. S i" p .. "Yl's- I' ve never been able to de. de rtake Howard's defense." ' fI,lIh (Or. Al le l n. 1ft uppn r~IJI I )' III pro' ll r · ClU !1 cin' U Jll !l1fl OCI?8 . Takill'; JlI ! VQ ItHg., or stroy It. I do n't kn ow why I kept It. HIB arls tocratlo client was taken hl~ 101hll:lI'r \\'1111 Al k l:\, h " .. ,·o rn <'s 1\ For a mo· 8tlr t "r s Clc h-, 1 hh:; hwHI'lTw n . P b",,, ,, e rtng bu t tbank God 1 bave It!" Moanlnl. completely by surprise. Ids true <'llnruc tf"', AI Illn (l enl"" him II,., bll,' wellt on : ment he could say notl)lng, but alm" 0"811. He lIt-n,la h"r n o n l o Ihn·lll cn ln .. "T he dl sgra('(' !- the dlsgrace!-It·s l>ly stared at the lawyer as it uneuldd l'. A,' I ,1"n l .,." ror \\'h o nl h,. I1<'ll' d 88 conlnll~s Jn nrr . d ~ nlnnd: lilt I1r t·(\ unt lnJ.t. ruln- d 'jfrndatlon! It·s the end ot able to 'believe his ears. With an atHe 'unn o l muke good . lI ownrd <" I\llA li t t1(" I1p nrlOIC~nl8 tn n n Int oxl ~ "I C cl {'n n rll· ev('rythln g! - the c nd ot everything!" fort. he at last exclaimed: tl o n 10 r 'q uos t n 101111 c>t U.OOO Cn ~n llbl l' Annie r garded with contempt this "Indeell I- then you wll1 please con· him 10 Ilik o liP 11 I,,,,slo{' "~ l'r pOlllll o li . creature wbo sider our business relations to have H o ",;nrd ddnks himsel f tnlo 1\ m:llIdll n poor. ",·ea k. wailing co ndition. nnd ~o '8 I II B I ~ P o n n <llv"n . Incked the moral courage to do wbat ceased from tills moment." A ca ll er ts an nou nced and Und"rwool\ The lawyer bowed. dro wM n scrun arnu nd t hl' d run ken was merely right. ' Her voloe was not .Iel' pe r . Alklll e nt e r~. She (l~mQlld" 1\ unkind as she said: "As you please," he said suavely. pro mlMo (rom Underwooc'l !hnt ho will nc>l " 1 don't want to dlsr;race )'ou-or The banker turned to his wife. t ake hi " lit. He rctusl''' un l"89 she will r Ol1ow I",r po.ttonage. '1'1115 sho r efuseR , ruin you. But what am I to do-tell "Alicia-come." nnd t nkes her leave, UnclcrwoCld kliia me, what am I to do?" He olrered his arm and turned tahlmllelr, T he r eport ot II", pislol Bwa· k ens H oward. H e ftl1dll Uncl l'rw ood d t!acl , " doo't k.now," moaned her com. ward the door. Alicia, In distress. Hownr.l Is t ur n d ovpr to th e p o li ce. looked back at Annie, who nodded Capt. ' lIl1l o n, notorl olls f o r h is brutu l panlon helplessly. "Howard must be aaved. reassuringly to her. Judge Brewster lrenttnent of priso n e rs, put!! H o wBrc'l through the third d egr N'. nnd finally gel. "Yes." rose and. going to the door, opened IU, n ll elt<,d confellslon trom th e hnrnslI8d m a n, Annl ... Howard's wIt .., d cl cu os h er "Will you tell Judge Brewster or The banker bowed sUmy and lIald: b ellet In her husband's Innocc nct'. ",nd shall 11" "Pray don't trouble. Good morning, ca llA on J en'rl clI , Sr. He r efuses to h elp "Judge Brewster! Wh, should he sir." unlesR she w\l1 conllent to a dt vorce. To IIn\'o H owar(l sh e conlcntll, bu t when she know ?" cried Alicia. startled. More As AUcla followed her busband out. nnd s tha t lhe !!lder J e ffri es doell not Int enr} to BtaniJ by hIli 80n. except nna n- composedly and as If resigned to the she turned and whlsllered to Annie: clal"', she scorns hIli help. Annie appeals Inevitable, she weDt on: "Yell, I 11\\))0 "Come and see me at my home." ftldge Brewst e r . attorney for J ef'frl es. When abe had dlsappearod tbe r .. 10 Illke Howard's Clllle. He declines. pose he must know BOoner or later, t til r t' p o rl ed that Annie Is going on lhe but. 1-" judge came back Into the room and .tagc. '1'he bankl!r and hIs' wife calIon She broke down again and burst In· lIat down at hili desk. l udl; Brewster to nnd Bome way to preYent It. Allnlo &I!'nln pleads with Bro~ to teara. Annie watched her in al· "Well, that's done!" he exclaimed liter to detend Howard. He consent.. lence. · wltb a slgb of relief. Rummaging for "It·s tough-Ian't IU" abe saId aym- a moment among bls papers, he CHAPTER XVI.-contlnued. patbetlcally.. looked up and said wIth an encoura. "Ye .... sobbed Alicia through her lin, smile: ' "Ab! I begin to understand. You "Now, If you please. we will go o.,er knew Roh~rt Underwood! Howard tears, "it's-It's tough!" Rising, she 'knows your volce-;he heard you-:-tatk- drlei! her eyes and said basUly: "Don·t that evidence-bit by bit." ' . tng to hlm- Oh, Mrs ..leftl'lest Are say anything now. Give me a ftlw CH'APTER XVII. you the woman who visited his apart- houra. Then I can think wbat I. best to be done," ments thilt nlgbU" Annie was about to reply ~hen tbe The newl that Judge Brewster The banker's ' wife bowed her head omce door s uddenly open~ and Judge would appear for the defendant at the , ~nd colla sed on a chair. Brewster entered. Addresslnl Alicia, approaching trial of Howard Jeffries "Ves," she murmured In a low' tone: he sold: went througb the town like, wlldOre, Annie looked at her' In amazement.· "Pardon me, Mrs. Jeffriell, I hope I and caused an Immedlnte revl.,al tn ''Why dldq;t you come forward at haven't kept you waltlng." Noticlnl the pubUc Interest, wbtch wal 'begin. once?" she orled. "Thln\! of the paln her a&1taU6n and traces of tears, be nine to alacken for waqt 01 houri, Whloh yo" ml~~ haye IIpared us," AUoIa coyered 'bel' face with her handkerchief. Sbe was crying now. "The disgrace-the disgrace!" she moaned. "DIsgrace!" echoed Annie, stupe. fled. Indignantly. "be went on: "Dis· grace-to you? But wbat of me and Howard?" "Can·t you realize what It means to be associated with such a crime?" she walled. . "Disgrace !" cried Annie contemptu· oUllly. "What Is disgrace when a hu· man life is at stake?" "It l)Ieemed 80 useless," moaned AI· tcla~"a useless socrlllc'e in the tacll ot noward'a confes!;llon. Of course - It I'd known- If I'll suspected what ' you tell me-I'd have come forward and told everythlng'-:"'no mat~er at what cost." Tearfully · she added: "Surely you realize' tbe position It puts me In?" A new light shone In Annle's ·eyes. What was this womnn's misery to berT Her, 'duty was to the poor tellow who was counting the hours until she could set him fre e. His stepino~h er deserved DO mercy. Utterly selttsb, devoid of a " spark of humanity, sbe would have left them both to perisb In order to protect het'self froin shame and ridicule. Her fac e was set and determined as she sa id calmly: "It must be done now ," "Yes," 'murmured Alicia In a low tone that sounded like a sob. "It must ,I\e done nowl Oh, If I'd only done it betore--lf 'I'd only told Mr. Jelrrles the whole truth! You speak of Howard's sufferings. It he dldn't do It. be haa at lea'st tbe 'consciousness of his own Innocence, but I-the con· stant tear ot helng found out Is worse than any 'hell the Imagination can conjure up: i dreaded It- I dread It now - It meaDa dlsgrace-soclnl ostracism ce;:;e -my hus band must know-the whole Each Wa. Ablorbed In HI. Own Thougnt.. "She Is the caUBe ot th'e whoie mi. world will know." Annie was not listening. Stili bO!· looked surprised. He made no com- stimulation. Rumor ' sald tbat there erable business," he growled. -wtld ered, she gazed with the utmost ment but turned to Annie: bad been a complete reconolllation In The door opened and the butler, flstonlllhment at her companion. To "I have been talking to Dr. Bern· the Jeffries tamily, that the' banker terlng, handed his master a card. ' t.htnk that this mysterlolls woman stein over the 'pbone.'" was now convinced ot his son's Inno"Ah!" ejaculated the judge. i·Here'. tbey had been scekJng was Howard's sat:~~e aa~~f:pCe~~d him sottly and ~e~~~u::~ 1~~~c::~:~';,ln;:'d s~es~~~~ ou~~:tth:hs~~v:~~ ::~. dIsappeared stepmoth er. "So you 're the missing witness we "I've told Mrs. Jeffrlell that you have This and other reports of similar Mr. Jeffries turned to his ho.,t. With have all bE-en hunting fo r!" she said; undertaken Howard·s ' defense." nature were all untrue, but the judge a show of Irrltatlon he saJd: "I can't beli eve It even now. How Judge Brewllter IImUed at his let them pass wlthou't conttadlctlon. "I tblnk you' put too much truth Ie did It happen?" wealtby oUent. almost apologetically, They were harmless. he 'chuokled and tbat woman, !jut you'll find out-you'U "He and I were once engaged. Annie thought. Tben addressing lier, it anything, helped Howard's' cau'se. · find out." . broke it ' olr when 1 found him out. he said: Meantime he himself h~d DOt been Judge Brewster smiled. Atter [ marrIed Mr. J elrrles I met Un· "Yes, I've been quite busy since I Idle. When once he made : 'up tits (TO BE CONTINUED,) ,derwood again. Foolishly, I allowed saw you. I have put three of the best mind to do a thing he wasliot con· ' the old tnUmacy to be 'renewed. He 'detectives we have on the trail of the tent wltb halt measur4!s. Nlebt aad U,nlque Indorllement of Check., . took advantage and preyed on my woqlll.D wbo visited Underwood that day hit worked on the CASe, mparlne Perbaps the, gr,eatest curloBI~y tM friends , I , forbad e h.lm my houae. night. I don·t think the police have evldenoe,' !Ieelng, witnessea aad B~lik of England PC?8sell~lI· hl.'~ now , He wrote me , a . letter In whicb he ,been trying very har!1 to find , ber. perts: until .' he ' Iuld I"adually built of: £1,090. tbe SUllt Lprd C~chran. ~): threatened to klli himself. , I ' was Tbey:re satisfied with Howard'lI con- up a bulwark 'o f .d!,'enae whlcb tile '.»ald, aa a One "or " ~l,s COnDBeUOD afraid he meant It- I wanted to pre· tesstoD. But we want her aDd we'll pol~ce. would ODd dlmcuIt- 'to, tea~ 'wtth ' a traud on the public, wlt'h . vent him. I went to his roo~s ~ that get her-" down. ' :Yet he ' was ' not wbolly reaa' ,w hlqh be reaUy ha~ nothing . to do. nlgbt. ,I -didn't tell Mr. Jeffries. "Oh!" gasped Alicia: s~ed af! to the Qu~ao:me "nUl Annie, He ·1.ndorl!led the, ,note , tb~ \ ' ~'l\I1 When the trutb III 'lcnown and lac· . The judge was Jlroceedlnl to tell' of ' the day followlnl tbe 'lnterView In btl bealth ha vlng~ suftered by '~Ionl and 1tno~ledgo tha~ I visited' '\his, 'p!a~ other stells be had t&:ken when the oftlee, biformed bbri breathlea,.,." that c)os~ conftnement and my o'ppreaso... -G!Ul ),DU see wtiat It meaps?- whal a door opened and the head clerk en· sbe' had foun!! th,e zD7Uerloul woman. having ~oaolv~ to deprive me 01' ~UBB ' th(>Te'lI be. E ver;b09y;vll\ put tered, ,followed by Mr. Jeffries;" The ~udae ,was dU.1ll elated;', DOW It property or ) Ue,. r submit to rob~efy the wOrSt construction 'on t't-" . "I .toId : Mr. Jeffries tba~ Mr•. Jet. wa' pl~ salUnl, IDdeed! Tliere bad to protee.t myself from mlll'der, In til, . "Tr,ust the1l1 ,for t.hat:" said Annie tries waa heret said tbe ol,rk. alwaya J>een the ponlbUltt that How. hope tbat r shall 'IIv~ to brine the d. 'crtmly. $b" was, lIorry for tho wom"You ml_bl have told btlll that U.ere arel'a conf~slbD to the pelle. " w.. llnQuelitl to "jJ,Jstice-Cocbrane." He", an', distress, yet. . helng only buman, ''Vere two JIll. Jeffrle~ ber.e ;" laqh.-d · trye, that be had rea,l17 kifled . UDder~ wrot~ ' from the grate4 • • foil • r.ortaln lIen!l~ or satisfaction the juqe. ' wood. tIlq. bad fOUlad ,die Rba,'• .8eDGb
welt, .,
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from y.". ,J Orville Rock wlll llrove how unwise It is for women to submit to the dangers of n suraical operation wben it may be nvohfed by taking I,ydla E. }Jinkham's Vegetable Compound. Sho was i'ourwceks In the ~ospltal nlld came homo suffer1.ng worse . tban before. Hero Is her own "'t-f~t-"'..... ,".n''. Paw Paw, M.1cll.-" years ago I Buffered til a dis~~]~~~Ct~~~~~ I coufor ld ~ myfeet timo. My treated montbs re lief sent me for n. I was ~i«:;:,~::]t.n61:efour wecltsand home suffering than before.. advisell try Lydia nkham Compound, and I did. Today am well and strong and do all my own housework. lowe my health to Lydia. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and advise m,. friends who are afflicted with an,. f emale complaint to try it."- Mrs. ORVILLE ROCK, n. No. G, Paw Paw. Michigan. ' If you are ill do not drag along until an operation Is necessary, but at once take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. }~or thirty years it baa been the standard rcml'dy for women's Ills, and has positively restored ·the health of thousands ot women. WbTdon't you tr1lt?
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HE world" Is
nn ex pres· slon which Is used In the . !C: New Testament S 'rlpluree ~ in several meanings, and Real satisfaction ineveryglzss_nap nnd eparltle-vim ~ tberefore needs to be In· snd go. Quenche, the thint-eoole like z breeze. ~ terpreted with th e ut'Tlll)s t care and tlls ~r lmlnatlon . Delicioa.s-Refreabin,-Wholaome Sometimes It d notes th e whole ,.~ 5c Everywiaere material universe as creotpd by God, Uron son- What do YOll flnd Is tbe ' TUB COCA.cOU CO. "the Maker of henven and parth." greatest pleasure In living In the JOG ICe Ira AII.n,". Ca, A r ro w think. Sometlmj!s It Is this world In which country? 5.1 Coc.·Cala God bas placed man for a time, the Wood son-Getting In tov,'n and . telltemporary Bcene of human exlst<;nce, Ing people about the cool breezes, man's abode, In whi ch be sojourns for whether tbere are any or noL a limited period. Somelimes It can· veys the Idea, not a materlnl creation Somo Contrast. Science Maklng Life Easy, TUHFtFHT//yE JT/LL of God's fashioning, but ot a spIrit of ··!\tIornln' Sis Judy", ca lled a nelgbThe 8mall things In Ute are usually worldliness In God's reasoning crea· HEl naval stores Industry la one earlier operations of the turpenUner tures which Is antagonistic to tbe will the most important-for enmple, a bor's cook to our good old mammy. "1 heah dat Skeeter Jim Is dun got were comparable In their destructiveot the oldest Industries In the of God. Sometimes It Is tbe aggre· cake of poor soap may not only spoil United Stales, deriving Its neS8 only to those which swept th. gate of those possessed by this IIplrlt the week's wash, and the temper of him 'a new wife. I hope she leetl rat. name from the tact that In the buffalo from the western plains. The wbo, having been mnde by God, rebel the housekeeper, but ruin valuable ter'n dat pilldlln', no'-count streak·o'· leant" early days pitch trom pine buffalo was kl11ed for the hide and against bls authority and refuse to rabr1cs. "Fatter 'n him?" Mammy replied, For twenty·five years we have spent trees was commonly Ilsed to make horns; the long-leaf pine tree tor a heed his commands. Som times It Is wooden ves sels wllter·tlght. The term gallon or two of turpentine and a few the equivalent of what Is known to us L large sum at money educating people rolling her eyes and clasping her own fat bands. "Lawsy, chile, dllY Jus lak hilS persis ted to this da)' , tbough the pounds ot resin. by the nnme of Societ y, 1. e. the en· IS to the soap situation, and It has a needle' an' a haystack!" products long ago tound other and 1'be destructivenesa at the box sys· vlronment of persons and things, In paid us so far. We wlll conUnue tho more Importaut IISOS. tem at last became so apparent and tbe mIdst of which each one lives his good health campaign and Invite you Tea keeps the bodily mach inery The turpentining ot pine timber be- widespread that to perpetuate their In· life here, and which, while not ev il In most cordially to give Hewltt!s Easy in GarReld order; it Tt'gulates . the. dige&tiYc orllaus Task soap n trial, givIng t'ou the opgan In New England with tho "pitch," dustry the operators were forced to themselves, must be ust>d as at. Paul and overcomes cOOJillplILlOn. or yellow pine, of that region, but It turn to other methods. Various Bub· writes In hlB letter to the ~hrlstlans portunity to do 80 on the most liberal WBS In North Carolina that the Orst stltutes were proposed. and experl· at Corinth, with caution, "not o·lerua· baall we can offer. Buy two CIl'kes Probably there Is nothing so In· extensive development of the naval mental work ot the foreat senlce In Ing It," or "using It to the full," as hIs [rom your grocer for ten cents, and If' sincere as the strugglo between two Libby's Soup. have 1 the first does not please you, return women to Bee which Bhall pay the car etorea Industry occurred. The records m lhods of C'.onHervative operation 'Words really mean. the home-made flavor•. the other and get your money back. ahow that from 1768 to 17tO the av- dates from 1901, when Dr. Herty un· fare, It Is with this last aspect of the r. this good enough? erage exports of naval' stores to Elugword we are specially concerned . Try land Included 88,111 barrels or crude V'I! , WlnRlow·. 800tblnjf eyrup f or Children To tho majority of persons Society t eetblnjf, eotlen. tbe gUUla , relluce6 IDn .. mw ... Getting ~cqualnted. turpentine, 20,646 barrels of pitch and Libby'. Chicken Soap Is a very complex thing. In it, os in When the new famtly moves In next lion, oJh.,8 pAlo, cures .. 1~c1 colic. ft,c a \.)onle. 88,366 barrels or tar. Most of the all else that has to do with persons Libby's Vegetable Soap door the old boy and tbe new boy crude Was shipped to England for disMany a man has dlscov<lred that a.nd things, there Is an Intricate ond climb up on the fence to get acquaintLibby's Tomato Soap tillation through the ports at Wilpuzzling Intermingling of good ond popularity I~ not worth the prlco. mington and Newbern. at your grocers. evil whlcb necessitate the utmost cau ed, and It Is done as follows: "What's your name?" Tho sUPplanUng of the Iron retort tlon and discrimination In the using. Garfield Tea overcomell constipation, Libby, McNeDl ~ "None of your buslness-what's lick· headache and bilioua attnck.8 . . by the copper sUll tn 1884 greatly It Is at this Boclal lite, with all Ita . rours?" Increasod the output of volatile 011 complications, Jesus Is speakIng in hIs "None of your business. You are Charity Is too often charily dIs· and save much Impetus to tht , Indus· great intercessory prayer on the night ealsy." try. However, previous to 18H not pensed. before be died : "I proy not that thou "So are you." over one-half of the production in shouldest keep them trom the eviL" "Don' t talk back to me." North Carolina WaS dlllUl\ed at home. Chrlst'a Life a SocIal One. "And don't you to met" Tben, becauae of the poor market tor When we study the life of Christ as "I'm an awful fighter when I'm resin, tbe stills were transferred trom It Is put betore us In the fourfold . por- madl" No At.hlete can do himself JUBtice if hil the parts t6 the woods, and a heavy feet burt. Many thou8llnda aTe using daily, traiture of the Gospel, we obtain. a "ADd I'm amuller than you arel" onslaught upon long-leaf pine foreste .broad Bnd in tbis country, Allen's Foot, fuller conception of what Society real· "I've 'got a dog." , of the south began. Ease the antiseptic powder to be shaken Iy means than any more words and "And I've got a goat." . into 'the ,hoci. All the vrominent Golfers ' North Carolina. reacbed Us maxJtheories can give UB, and are better "And five minutes later they are ' and Tennis Players at AUiUlta, Pinehurst mum In naval stores production In able to understand the relation In cood trlends." and Palm Bench Kot much IIIltisfactlon 1879·80, with an exportation, of 6,279-, {rom ita use this Sprin;t. 1t gives Il restwhich ttle Christian man ought to 260 galloDs of tUfPontlne, and 663,967 fulne s and a E)lrinlO' ieelina that makes stand towards It. For the lite of Can Be Depended ~ou forKet you have feet. AlI.cn'" Foot· barrela . ot resin. A eomparillon or Ohrlst was pre-eminently a social ltfe. Re.lnol Ointment Upon Ease ill t.he greatClt comfort discovery of ~bls great exportation wlth ,a total p*,oThis Is the characteristic whIch In all cases of eruptive and , irritable the aKe and 110 ea8Y to \1lIC. It ~revents . 4uctJon In North Ca1'?llna In 1908 of stlmds out most clearly and definitely sldn 'dlsea~es The most obstlnato IIOreneBS, bliltel"ll or pu.mng and gives reat 732,000 gallon II ot 'turpentine and 131,- dertook tbe studJes wltb wbose reo It we compare his life with that of. . . . from tired, tender or ...ol1en feet. Bevencase. of eczem. a , herpes, tet~er, bar· teen yesn before tbe public, ovier 3G,OOO 900 barrel_ ot rosin teUI the atory .of ,aulta you have long been lammar. hla forerunner. John the Baptist. the ezhaustlon of ' the long-leaf pine In Tho efforts of Dr. Herty and other Jesus himself draws the "Uentlon of ber'. Itch, as well as the sImple testimonials. Don't go on your vacation that slAttll South Carollna attaln.ed experimenters have demon.trated COD' hta disciples to the strikIng contrast raall~., chaflnga and sores ot chlld- without a plckAlre of Allen'. Foot·Eft.e. It. maximum output' of navB1 stores cluelv61y that Improved methodll, In theIr lives presented to those before bood are readily cured by this rell- Sold everywhere, 25c. Don't Iccept any In 1882, only two years after that of which a cup Is uaed to catch the crude whose eyes they were llved. "Jobn able remedy. It stops tbe intense lubstitute. Sample lIent FREE: Address, North Cal'OllnL The Invasion of new turpentine ' and the box done awa" oame neither eating nor drinking and palo. ot a bum or 8cald immedIately. Allen S. Olm.ted. I.e Boy, N. Y. ---nsR!at8 Qf virgin timber brought Qeol"-, wIth, relult In the production of 8 they say he hath a devil. The Son of It Ie also a specific In itching piles, USE A PORTABLE gla to the front a tew years la~er, but larger 'qual;ltlty ot turpentine and ro.· Man came eating and drlnldng and ct"flng Inslantaneoua relief from all recently that state bas been sur· ,In, 'high grades ot the latter, tonger they say, Behold' a gluttonous man IrrltaUon. At all druc stores. pal,ed by Florida. w~lch I, producing lite to the Umber and greally leuened and a wlne-blbber, a trlend of publlHadn't the MaterIal. nearly one·halt or tbe tqtal value or damage trom fire and wInd. Tbe In· cans and sinners." The Baptist lived .....,...... GLASS DOGB -Nature's cur.e -the health re"I really never saw such an Imputhe yearly output ot the naval atores troductlon of theile , methods la the the lire of an ascetic, apart tram hla , 810•• o;-;:;;;;;,-;iih... storing vIrtues ot the atmoadent man as that Mr. De Borrowe," firel 6~ep In conser:vatlve turpentinIng, fellows, not dwelling in the haunts said Miss Wratby. "He 'actually had IUoIiII.. acalJ....., ..coIaol _ pherlc condItions of the Great Because of tbe Increaaed InlUal COlt of men, but a reclule In the wilder· the nerve to ask me the other nIght 8pOIlecl ballillpi 01' _Drnr_.~u. West-Pure aIr of the pine reo ' of the equIpment auch methods have ness. But the Son of Man who came how 1 managed to get that lovely wuted beat-No more gt'ons-generated by this appa" not appealed to the amaller operatoMl, to save mankind mingled with men. tinge of auburn In my ' halrl" ratuB, for tbe successful plea. '"ho h.l\,..ve little capital, and whose op- He lived the ordina ry lite of ordinary "Really? Well, why didn't you box ant treatment ot the great whIte erations extend over only two or three men and women, goIng In and out hlB ears?" asked Miss SlImm. , plague - Consumption-regard· years In a given locality. They are among them as one of themselves . "Why, I only had my ,Easter bat· less at wbat part at the system unquestionably profitable to tl)e larger Jeaua and SocIety. box handy, a.nd that waan't bl, the deadly germs have Invaded, operntora and especIally to those who, A modern writer admirably sums eDough," said. Miss Wrathy.-Harper's Asthma, Oatarrh of Nose, work;lng upon their o'Yn timber. have op the life that Jesus lived in relation Weekl1: ' Throat and Ear, Hay Fever, the malt Inducement to handle It to Society. "So , wIde were his sym· Severe Coughs, Bronchitis, Poor carefully. Only wi,t hln the last ftys pathles that Pharisaic pride comImportant te Mother. Blood OIrcullltlon, etc, Consul· year", have tbese Improved methode t>blned. To this universal adll-ptiveExamine carefully every bottle of taUon and advice free. Addresl been ltitroduced upon a commercial ness he appealed as an evidence of CASTORIA, D. safe and sure remedy for Dr. G. F. Hermann. scale. the prophecy fulfilling at bls coming. Infanta and children, and seo that It Write for Illustrated book. Yet the, fnct -that alrea,edy one-sov· Was he exclusive? DId ever man or Deantha ~ //~ enth of tbe entire output of naval woman come near hIm and he tum Slcnatureot~~ , Electro - Medical Institute stores Is by those methods, and t hat away'! Did he not go among all mnks 1ft Use For Over 30 Years. 2911 Vine Street. Clncinoad, 0, In the newer fields and most up-to- and Into every society? Did he not Children Ory for Fletcher's Castoria dnte operations they . are used moat Tal, Pint and Clifton, MI. Auburn Industry. After follovdng the long- largely demonstrates t.hat they have go Into the houses ot great men and and Zoo and Mill Crttl Ya//ey Can rulers, of Pharisees, of poor men, ot leat pine ror<'sts to their BOuthern 11m· pllssed far beyond tbe eXllerlmental What Was She Wearing' 10 Inl oiJiu. publicans? Did he not frequen t fhe Its, turpentining swung to the west· The new fireman was telllnl' bia stage. temple, the marlcet·place, the syna· ward across Ml sslsl;lppl, Louisiana R. 8. KELLOGG. gogue, the sea-shore, the haunts ot wlCe about the fire, and Texas. th~ latter state bavlng be"It lJ,r oke out at mIdnight In the outcasts and harl'}ts? Was he not .:ome a considerable prodllcer only Von Blft'ers' house on the avenue," he found at feasts anel at burials? WherwIthin the last seven years. Don't U.e Pocket •. eald. "and just as we got tbere MIss Until ccently nClval stores were enDoctors are now earneetly con· ever men and womeu were t.o be Von Blffer came st'I.Jmbling out of the or~eroxlde tirely produced by one of the crudest demning the habit men have a! keep· found. there was his place and there !lames and smoke carrying her little 100,000 people last year used and most destructive sYlltems of for- Ing their hand~erchlefB In their poclc. Is oura." niece all wrapped up In her (irma. It Yen, each Christian has his apcst exploitation ever devIsed. Great eta. They say thla special dark spot Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic was tbe bravest act I2ver saw." ,dalllage by fire nnd storm 'hus always Is never really clean nnd Is full of pointed place to ' fill In SOCiety. He "Wbat was she wearing?" InQuired The new toilet germicide powder to be followed the .turpentine box. '1'hou- germs. that colds In the head nnd cannot live the life at a recluse with· ~h. fireman's ' wlte. dissolved In water as needed. • For a.ll toilet and hygienic uses It Sa Bands of acres of splendid long·lent more or less seriOUS poisoning are out hurt to himself. The social lire rightly IIveci has a wholesome Influ· better and more economical. ~Ine forests have been abandoned und engend<lred. More Palatable, destroyed after threo or fonr years of There Is only one wise and healthy ence on the ChrIstian himself. There To III!.Te aud beautify the Mr. Benham-I'll eat my hat! teeth, remove tartar and turpentining, and the valuable Umber way to carry a handkerchle,; Uiat 1ft Is nothIng which does more to dev elop Mrs. Benham-Try mine, dear; prevent decay. , character than intercourse wIth others. which they contained not utlltzed. The . In the sleeve. To dlllinfeot the mouth, de; It brings out trails which would other- tbero's some fruit on It.-Judge. stroy disease germs, and wise remain undiscovered and unpurify 'the brllath. . used. It prevents the growth of self· -When a lBxBtive is needed, take the IllTo keep a.rtltlcia.l teeth and ways potent Garfield Teo . Composed of Ishness and Isolation which arc so Herbs. bridgework clea.n, odorless To remove nlcol/lne from tho teeth' and grent a hlndrnnce to . the development purify the br~ath atter smoking. .. a~ m.de 10 patent.. Proof the spiritual life. It draw3 out the Borne people seem to make R spe- PATEIITS I'orttln J ourld .... l'U' Il4 JlIOII" bOOk C..... To eradlca.te persplrntion and bod, health'y sympathies which are like the cIalty of thinking only r.ear-thoUgh~. "Ucel'llldllloea' Co.. Bo& ¥, Wublulfton, U_ (j, ,f odors by sponge batWng. sprouts of a tree breaking forth under The best antiseptic wash known. the . Influences of t he warm sun or Relieves · aod strengthens tired, weak, ref'r eslling rain, or IIko the roots of If the brood la poor and filled with the inflamedcyes. Heals sorcthroat',wounda poisons from dlaeaaed kidneys or loacthe plant, which must have room to and c,uLs. 2!i and 50 cts. a box, dr.'lgglatl ...-...-,' ........,.......... tlve liver. the henrt Is oat ooly atarved they will become sicklY gnd or by mall postpaid. S~mple Free. but poisoned as well. There are many THE PAXTON TOILET OO"BoaY'ON,MA. . conditions due to Impure blood-such as dropsy. fainting spells, nervous debilWoman'lI ,Influence. ity or tbe many scrofulous conditions, If the Christian wamM of the land ulcer$, "fev;er sores," wblt~ swellings, wooid but realize Ulelr power and etc. All can be overcome and cured by ansert theIr Influence lor all that makes f.or rlghteousnes , they could do more tban ali other ngencles com· "fhla _uppUea pure 'blood-by .ldlne dlaestloQ, in~ea.IDIl uaimllatlon b'lned to usher In the kingdom ot God and fm~ne tone to tbe whole circulatory ayatem. It'. a beart tonic on earth. She can 'do this In , the and . , lP'ftt deal more, havlnir an alterative, action on the Uver and lome In the congregation aud In clv· Iddneys. It belps to eliminate the poiaons from the blood. Ic IIfe.:....Rev. W. ,M. Vines, BaptJst, , 'Fo enrich the blood and Increue tb, red blood corpuac1ee, thereby Providence. feecliq the Dei'vea on rich red blood and dolne away with nervous lrri.......... It ,will brin4 you mo~ tablUty, uke Dr. Pierce'. Golden Medical D~very and do not permit Why We loae Choice Gift.. ,money• . Send for Cataloj. :.=thoneet d~ to lDauit your InteQlgence with tbe .··Iuel .. IfOOd ." The IOOIacover7" baa 40 yea,.. ",f;UrU behind It aocI CODtaln. We faU to lecure the cholcelt I11U P.lLDKDEBlCK'S SONS DO aIcoIIoI 01' AU'COtI,*, iqredlenta pWnl, ",irited on wnpper. because we do not afQcerel7 deal" Dr. 'PIerce". 00auD0D Ie... Medi~ Advlaer .. Maf '''flIIOD I'e<:elpt of 100 11yoH ~ Y. Ukem aDd are not wtlllna to pv lbt .......,. • ..,. ape.... of wnpplnK and 1llaD1... ",.. 8encl31 one-c:ent COlt. -Rev. Dr. W. O. p.,..- ...... _ .......,tor .... llNDcIlclodl..boaad tiook. AddrWI Dr.LV.PIeI'ce,.....rU. tilt, PIlttab\l....
a,.# .....
".,., ......
The Beneficial Effects of Ozone
Instead of Liquid
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.
BILE y~~:::~ PRESS
---_ -
They don't make any better in the' slate. There' s one just about as srood, i~ lll,ct the two are about even and you ' ll ha've to draw straws to see who wins. The above is Judge Mahaffy's opinion of the' Auditor's Office in Warren County ~d oft~e [ Aud itor T. C. Patterson. Judge Mehaffy is a state inspector and has be 11 at the court house for several weeks. He completes his work Friday and renders tae above opinion of t he auditor . his work, his assistants and his officI-'. The other office men· t ioned is that in Clinton \Jounty. These two. says the impactor, are the best in the state. The auditor's office is not the easiest in the world to manage. Mr. Patte rson has had some very hard work since he was elect~ by the vo· tel's of Warren Co . unty and the latter are now given evidence of their g ood judgment in selecting him. The other offices in the court house have also been complimented by Judge Mehaffy. but the auditor has receiv~d praise seldom accorded by a state inspector.- Warren COImty
The first band concer t of lbe sea· son will 'be &,iven on rrhursday eveD· ing, June 29. commencing prom~tly at: 7:30 and closing prompt ly.at ;30. Following is the prog ram:'
:::10 r il l f1' III b re- I1ttonc1ed t ue Mil I ulo pi oio at Il't. An i J\t Il' rl dllY.
'·ZIMMERMAN'S ·. Speci~l
Harvest Supplies
anned \\'E1 t Pot.atoes- ic· t.or v b"a'nd- others ru:k 12; ~ cents, .only, a cnn ... · .... .. .. 10 Pink Salmon, l -lb. w ll, Cll" . I ~I,'J Walru Red ·almon .....:! for 35c naked ' Bean. , ;' ·Ib. can .. .. .... 10' Rt>d I id ll Y B eall ~ , 3·lb. ca n 10e 'ann J Plums, 3-l b. can .... .. I Oc anned Pears, 3 lb . can ...... 10c Fancy hio Cor n, 2 calls ·.... 15c Peeled Peaches, 2 cans · ...... · 25c Pi Peaches. 3 cans .. · .. · ...... 20c Fancy Pr une. , ~ IbR ... ...... ... 25c Fancy Mu ll' Peaches, a lb .. . H c Fallcy Apl'icots, alb ....... .. ... 15c Fancy antos Coffee, only, per . pou nd ........ ......... ........... ZOc We sold some off e last week, thi!! lot won't last long. . Just r eceived this w eek another lot of t hose .New MIld Cheese. They can 't be beat. . Cups and Saucers We have plain White Cups and Saucers. Good ware; just the t hing you wa nt fo r harvest. Mason pint Glass Jars, doz. 45c Mason quart Gla&l Jars. doz. 50c 1 Star Tin Cans , only, a doz ... 35c ! Extra Tops. Sealing Wax and I Rub bers.
This week we have New Potatoes, New Cabbage, Tomatoes, Raspberries, Strawberries, New Apples. Fancy Western Apples, Oranges. Thin Rind Lemons, Bananas, Melons.
It IS not surprlsl~&' to th~ m~ny Warren County frlen~s of AudItor Patterson. t o have th~ mspector say what he dId, fo~ everybody kIlo",:s who has anybusJnC89 there, that thiS office force ill the best in the land.
- - -....
March, "M~nogram',"" ""'" .Huff Overt ure, N evada . . .. .. . . Fult on Wal tz. " Somewhere This Summer With you" . . . ...... . . . .. . Alford Intro. :"I Want To Po wder My Nose" Song and Dance, "Fine and Dandy" . .. . . . . .... ... ... .. . . . . . " Fulton March, "My Pretty Little Maid of Che~okee" . . . .. . . . . . .. . . Williams Waltz' " Grand Baby or a Ba by Grand " . .. .... . ... . .... .. . Al fClrd Intr.o. : Meet Me Tonigh t in Dream· land" Waltz, " Arona" ...... . . .. ... F ul ton Oriental Two Step, ., Jungle Queen" . . ....... .. ... . .. .. . . .. . . Barnard March·Two Step, Cupid 's 1. 0. U." . . . .... . . . . . .. . .. ... . . : .. . Meypr Intro.: "What's the Use of Saving 'Money" Two Step, ''I'll be Wi th You In Honey SuckleTime" ....... Alford Intro. : "Good Bye Old Pal" Note: - The concert Tuesday eve. ning, July 4th, will consist somewhat of a patriotic proa-ram. Among the selections rendered will be "War Sonts," a prime favori te with all. .. _ ..._ _ _ MOON UPSIDE DOWN
. linda MfS, lif e I---"':;'~--------------------T--.I enMr joying vitlitwWith, W t.b. Arllold Irfluugbt I' Mrs . B . Prna and c1nugbter DOl'ot.hy of PittRlm rg. MrR. Mo'rgoret Mart.ln Ilnd MfI! . Rowe, of Davton. bnve !Jeon visit· in g t helr r ellitives, W . 1'. Frame II.nd wi f , Mr . Geo. MaN ii , of Oakland . spe nt se ver"l dllY s 111 ~ t Wol k witb bls relu.t·ive" , Mr . Naomi HI\rll111 \ Illld fll.mlly . Roman Candles, 6 to 25 balls Miss Dllr o :::Itileil wnR a :::I uu day Fire Crackers . Sky Ro«;kets gUd t of Morrow r eltl tiv s. Snake Nests Balloons W . •J. KiI!JOD m ade a hURin ell!! tri p 10 ··illdnnu ti one day 1I1l.lt we 11 , Floral Bouquets Serpents Mrs . Mllr.y Cbn.Jflln t Rnd little Cracker Mines Air Torpedoes daug htel', of Pi tt. uurg were recont guestl of b er m other Mrs K ILto Vertical Wheels Triangle Wheels Cla rk. ' Klondyke Sparklers M ,' Cleo. :::Iales, Mrs . Mary Wn.te r. honse nod duughter spent IIlBt Tues Diamond Rain Torches day wit b Ed Edwards nnd wife. Mra. Mllry Aoson of Xeni a. pe nt one day r ecen tly w itb fri ends her e. Mr. and Mrs. Delmo Helmst,etler btlve oloved to Da y ton. Mr, G 0 . 81l lis vi sitf111 his r billti vi J . E . Sm ith at Leha uon Thursuay. Chlls. We rnt ~. who is worki ng £I t Kin gs Mill s , sp nt Suturtl ny !lno Sunday with his fa mil y .
We Don't Have to Tell you WblH it's for, Ws nnrue ttl l1s. Dr. Ball 's Pine 'I'a r doney is th e be t Ollf18 h m edioine and several milli on people u1rendv kn ow it, Look for the Bell en tbe Bottle.
.. -
0 R K S
--- ----"Several persons in town last Oregonia. Can be onred without CAuterIzing or WedneBdy saW an unusual sight. scarifying by the UBe of Hutherland's Eagle Eye Salve. We guarantee it ·)us' a' noon-that of 8aelng the The Sherwood family, Mr. and Fire works for the 4th , to onre. 260 eTerywhere. moon In daylight. It wall upI!Jlde. Mrs . Charles Bradbury and do.\lg h. - -- .... - .. down. and presented a fnnny ap. ter. and John U . Bradbury, of Leb. The place to find what you want pearance. when y!>u want it, is at Rnon, m otorf'd to Bethel Sunday IS ABQUT ALL CUT WE LET . QUALITY TALK ----.... . ---and spen' the day 1\8 the gu ests of Mr . and Mrs . Fred (i ve. The .wheat harvest, accord in&' to UNION MEETING Mrs . Edwin Armitage and I\>lr8. old farmers, is the earliest ever . known here, owing to the extreme .Hon. Frank L ..Johnst,on, of enta , KMn were tbe Sunday gUllsts ot hot weather. The wheat in most in. ~1I1l address a umon a~tl8alooD meet· Mr. Rnd Mrs. Z in Armitage. ALFALFA FARM ENRICHER Mr and Mrs. Will Kersey enjoyed , stances while thin is on the whole In&, at the M. E. church Sunday, July . FO~lSALE OR RENT B vi sit from Mr. Bnd Mrll Churle Alfa lfll. is,the great farm enrioh. Jrood q~ality, and if prices will only 2nd. at ~:,30 p. m. '?ohnston is a :ruok rand ohUdren anei Mr. lind r. Those who a.re learning how to H~ ~alley, Pastor. A good opportunity for 80me one, advance the farmer will De made glad good one. Mrs. Milton "MoDonl1ld of l:larveys burg, t:!unday. · gr ow it sooollssfully conneat It In as I intend to quit the hotel business becauSe of a fairly &,ood crop. II I wouldn't take a thousand FARMERS NOTICE their minds with lime, ' and with in- dollars for the good VINOL has George ~ ... I1~eur nnd family spent Corn is looking good and all indio t he 1st of July. Investi~te this Sunday with bia Dlotherhere. ocnl ation of the field where It Is done me. I was told that Cod Liver matter as this is the only hotel in cations poi?t tc? a big crop for ~e All persons having tomato crates Mn . Rl10hel Gill hilS had 8S h er o wn. The fi d d c .. n . be inpoulated Oil was the medicine I needed for ~ t own and has a good trade. Come fall gatherm.g. . belon"";ng to the Waynesville Can. guest the past week, her dllughter, by spreading over it 200 pounds or my weakened conoition and poor ,and see me, as 1 mean business, T b b k rd b f •. o acco 18 ac wa , ecause 0 ni~g Co., will please return the same Mrs. Scott ~igillr, of Dayton . more per aore of soil from a good blood. I could not take the greasy A meeting will be held Thursday . Hyv.aGynUesstiV'n"I'le, Ohl'o. dry weather, but as the acrea&,e to them at the first opportunity mixture, and when our druggist told . - -is so much smaller this year it will .. _ • . afternoon ~t 2 :30 ILt the U . B. ohurob 'llralf" field. and h~rrowing it aDd me that VINOL contained not only i{:..,..---.... __ for the purpo~e of orgauizing t.he seed In together at on06, Dr. The Beet Remedy not make 80 much difference. Don't Be Annoyed a Teaohers' Trn!uing, claas . Mrs E. B. Jenkins of the Couneotlout tonic iron but all the medicinal properties of Cod Liver Oil without the J _ For all Jdnda 'o'f SOl'. ereeis ilutherW k ~ Start ! With atin 'roublea, ohaps, pimples, Rutb Murray will b ~ In ohl1rge. The Experiment Station, states t.hat 80il grease or oil or bad taste, I made l"od '8 Eagle Ey. Salve. It i8 or n black heads, eczema or aoree. When co-operation of all the obufohe:5 In .. oreamy anow white ointment and aUer yon take Dr. King's New Life one 250 box of Dr. Bell's AntiseptiO the neighborhood is m ORt earneRtly from a flood IIwelSt.olover field Is up my mind that the medi cine would not Injure the e188 or a babe. Pilla, and you'll quiokly enjoy their Salve 11111 ourey01l. Try it at onoe. deRire.1 . AordiBl Invitation to at qunl~y abl~ to provide the bBo~e~a for me. I tried it and to-day am Guaranteed. 250: 'fine results. Constipation and Indl· .. - • whloh Hve, in the nodules of the 801. strong and well." thie meeting s extended to all • - . '.. gestlon vanish and fine appe"te re TIME WILL SOON BE HERE falfa ronts, lind whioh enables this Mas, ]...-t-SNVDER, Pasturea will reapond t!> table tnrns .. They regulate atomaob,' ltv. plll'lt to h ke the nitrogen from Greensboro, N. C. manures and commeroia' ferttUzers er and bowels aDd impart new The time will soon be here for the' the 1111'. COARSE SALT strength and . energy to the whole . -----w. I"u,rantee Ihe jMnul... nee. 01 the the aame as other orops. a,atem . 'fry them. Only 250 at oounty falra. Already many !-ttr Oar of Sal$ on track abo .... tt,.Uwuollll. . Tbe kind tbat won' t 0 .. - .. , all drngglste. grounda are beina prepared tor the KILL BROWN SLUGS aet bard. Barrels. In drying aeed . o.>rn It shonld be .. _ • fall oampalgn. The Ht"te 'alr, who lOo-pound Sacks. Get our PrlcU8. W remembered that warm air alone The man who Is aoverned by by the way. 10lt oonsiderable money l'he little brown Rlug that. defol. e sell VINOL with the does not dry out the corD. l a good wUe Is wen and wiaely ruled. last :V.-r on Ilooount of the strike at iII• • • •_ • • • • • • •_ fates the peu.r, plqm a·o d oberry trees understanding that if it does during the RUltlmer sea~on is one of not gi.ve the purchaser per, Columbns, is matins huge prepara,..~ 'Iona for this y~ar, wheD the mana· the etLSieRt of our indsots to )ontrol • . fect satisfaction, we return New Burlington No one n ed allow this Inseot to do gera bope to mate up tbe defici t of ~ester Compton lost his fine drlv t\oy serlo s harm to his trees, if he his money without question. tbelr last fair. will thoroughly use the remedy Will you try a bottle un. The d$tea for the faira in whloh Ing horse Itl~t w~k . 'I'be W. F . M, H. of the Friends' here Riven . Steep two ou'noel! of d~r these conditionsl' people around DB are most interestchurcu met at the home of Mra. fresh wllite helJebore tn one gallon ed are given herewith: The firat fair Is at Springfield, Trevor Haydock~aturdayafternoon of wu.ter, and U'3e aa a spray .wben J. E .. JA~NE"V, Druggi~t Atias Flora ~!lrlan "pent last week . . Olarkoounty.-August 1, 2, 3 and 4 with frienDs in S mt.h Oharleston the ~Iugs are first seen. Stir the I mixture often .; or, better yet, have ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!! Blanohester, CUn.tOIl oo~nty,-l::lep and London . Dr. H. O. Whitaker spent a few an agitator attaohment on the P!lmp tember 5,6,7 and 8. Greenville, Darke countY,-Au. daYIi last week 8t his old home i Sometillles there is a seoond brood South Charleston. of the slugs, nene!lslt1l.tln,Il a .seoond gnat. 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25. " ' - j ..- - .-... ... .,., .......... ~.,., WUbtngton C; B., Fayette ooun. , Miss Bernice Bnwkins a.ttended (I. spraying. reoeptlon in Wilmington Monday • - • AWl wlU be Inserted uo(lor tlliH bea(\ for ty,-Auguat 22, 23, 24 a~d 25. afternoon ~f last week. 'l'he recep WATCH FOR BLIGHT lwrnlv·t1vo ca nIs rOr tllree Insorlloll. Xenia, Greene cQunty,-August tion was gIven by Mrs. E. J . Biatt ____ when using nOl more lll"n !Ive lines. IN· OUR . 8, 9. 10 and 11. :::.onor of her two daughters.in. Look ont for the blighted twigs _ _ .... . Cartbage, Hamilton conntY-Au Miss Mariannll Compton and Miss and branohes on pea\' trees. ~o gUBt 16, 17, 18 and 19. FOR SALE Lelah Bog'\n took part in a mualoal remedy is Jrnown for this baddisess8 London, Madllon county-August reoital, in Spring Valley Frida.y eve- except to out out the infected parts 22, 23, 24 and 25. ninK, given by Mia$ Souderll, of promptly and burn them. Be sure Dayton, Montgomery county- Dayton. GOOD l'olan~ Uhina 'Sows, Due t'o out well below tbe disease.'! wood. September 4, 6, 6, 7 and 8. Raymond goro~gv, of Davto.n. Disinfeot the pruning iDlplement by to tarrow ID September. In. and Miss Florenoe Haycook, of Wll. .. . quire of Frllnk '\ \arshall Home B~ml1toD, Butler oou11ty,-Ooto 1D mlngton were .at home on Suonay. dip,P 8 It frequlentlYidln a strong so- phone 997, Oent.enlJle E~obange. ber B, 4, Ii and 6. C. F. Viokers, of Old Town, was lutlOn of carbo io ao . Onr own oounty fatr will be held among friends here ~atDrday and - _ ...- - - - - HOR~E-General-purpo8e Mare September 12, 13, 14 and 15, and Mundo.y. Steel tools Dut hi a barrel of air· 6 years old, gentll', strong, good promtw68 to be better than ner this .. - .. slaked lime will never rust . I have looking. Addre8S ,John ~trawn yeaI'. ' Don't ExperIment With a C$>uKl:l alwQjrs kept my spades Ilnd ",uoh Waynesville, Ohio. One feature this year will be the When Ur. Bell's Pine Tar.Honey tools in limel . Beautiful styles for city and vacation ohioken department, when a regular hILa been u8ed .hy milljons of people . BRWKS-About. SQO good brloks wear are offered at one-half'the for sll.le.. Inquire of A. B. J!Clnsed judge wtH be OD hand to for sixteen yetlrs with a steady in· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ regular prices. Ghandler, Waynesville, Ohio, judge the birds, Judge 8. G. Case oreRsing de·r uaud. Lol)k for the C. W. HENDERSON, 0 of Shreve, Ohio A good many Bell on the BoUle. ·utic~ FOR SALE-~t. Lambert Bull 2 fanciers wlll oompete this year, and . Waynesville, Ohio.. year.old, taahtonably color~: wUl make thla a big feature of the SDre b~eEder. J. C. Wilson, Kings fair. Martin Frazee, wife and dau~hter, . . M~in Stret.t M~l1a, O. and Mra. Florence Hterns, ot . Xenia, Valley Ph~ne 153 eet the selt, were calling at the parsonage one ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For skin troublee, 8Ores, nloers, eo- da.y last week. . . . pAPER NAPKINS-The Gazette zema, ch'lps, ,b la.OIt heads pimples Children's and elderly women's Hats, Mis8 Zelda Rogers has been spend. S~bseribe for the Gazette ' offioe haudlestbe plain white and all eruptiobl. Use br. BeU's ing a. week with her arand parents aJld colored napkins, Oall and see a good assortment. ~ em, .. . Antiseptic Halve and you get 'he at Centerville. , , beat. We guaraDtee U. 250 a box 'I'he little s.n of Mra . Sterns, of everywh.re. 1HRUE' PAPER-If YOIl ,",an' Xe~lai who Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. , . any ooJor bf fine ,*-U8 pll per, Frazee, met with qnite a ser100S· ao· . . Lawn ollppiDgS make .• n ideal 014sDt. · While riding the cow from call a' the 6'a.Z9Ue omoe. We l:.ll'v" 'It on hand .IUhe ,*me. eummer gruen.food ration. '. palture .he Ml off; breaking his arm. Mr.. an~ Mrs. ~ol!thent.ertalned at , All the old siook tbat' is not waut- dinner lduuday·,M rs. · Carter, of Leb' ·LOST-·OR .SToLEN ~ abould now be dlapoeed of before anon, Mrs. Olara. Kirby, Mril .. ldamlJ, . ..· 'Atr; and Mrl. Null: ' . .. . Uley go Into molt, Jamei Blaok hal gone on an ex· tended trtp in tbo interest of the TURKEYS OW:8bt .a&...y .lan . . Now ptlntberu"~' They'll Qolumbla Life IDsurance 00. 37 Creen Street . 'l1hundar. Anyone leelDI oome in 'Dloe for ltook f8'8d nest win. ., the ame WIll Do"f)" WeDul B~tr81 Vef7 otten the pretU.I hen II tbel ter. A tQrn~.1QIder tlmoah)" BOd B., ·D. 8~ W"J.n8lVllle. 0.. 01' oaU I l~iiIIIi""~ ~~ ~~~_~_~~~ WIll 4Q(l'r' them. ~t; laler. · . lliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOltiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.. . .iiiiiiiii-=:.-.==" Walfler lqr4aD, W'Uaau, Cranulatect Eyellde
Hawk~'s GttCC~tty
- ..
.. ~
T day
____________.. ----------IIIIiI-..
--- ..------
Trimmed 'S ummer ' Hats
CJlassllled Ads
$2.50 .for Hats worth $5.00.
t .h
__ ______
.. _ _ u
......................... .
THE ' MIAMI Publish I
oIly .
GAZETTE " aYUlllwl lJe.
Mrs. Margre t Weir is visiLin~ relatives in Blue Ball. 1' I'Y a slice of Mllesch er' s smoketl
Tnh l~'l' ham 'at Ha wJ<e's g r cery. VJ\ J. Lt..: \' 'I' IJ: LE PH O £.. -
11 2
D. L. CltA NE, Ed itor and Mana . ('!'
I~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,' -e I
Miss MaJ:Y Hutchinson, of hicago, is the gu e~ t of Dr. Mary Cook.
M I'. and :Mrs . E. S. Howell visi ted Rates of Subscr iption relatives in Por t William last week. O uo YOUI' (HLI'lcLly III ndVl\Jlce) . . . . .... 11 .00 8111gle OO llY. . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . • .. .. . . .. 06 Cbas, Michen er is home from ----------------~----. O. S U. for the s ummer vacatio n. Rates of Advert ising It IId lng 1.01'111•. J)C r II ntl .. .•. • .. .. . . . . ~(! Mr. Otho Arnold , of Ripley. Ohio, H.' adl og Locil la. blllck rne . ptlr lI ot' . . . . IOc WIlS calling on old friend s .here Tues11111811100 Ads. not 10 IlXCOOU nv IIn08 'l' hroo 11l1lW'tlollS. . . . . ..... . . . . 21k: day.
O IJILlIllrlll8 . 1I "1l Incllos '1'ClIl; o vor li ve
The 'l'ownsh ip Scho,ol commenceIn Il t which Wali held in Schooi liall un. la t Th Orsday e vening, ~I!.S som t hing fo \' Wayne TO':Ynshlp to be pl'oud of, for it showed the prog ress t!1at is being made in the ru ral schools . The progra m was carri ed out as given in last week 's Ga7.ette . and the pupils all acqu itt U lhemselves very credi tably , The stage was beautif ully deco l'ated in the class colors- blu e and g old - and palms and flowers abound · ed everyw here and as the cu r tain went up, showin g the brig ht, happy faces on the s tage , it was a sig ht long to be remem bered . . The class consist ed of six girls and two boys. Miss Peal'l Colvin, who took up the work after her father' s death,
IUl;IIOti . IJtlr lIuo. . .... . . .... . . . Miss Maggie Weller, of Centerv ille of Lhlllll{II . .. . . . . .. . .. , .. . . .. . . . Ik: UOllOlutluu8 .. ... ... .'. .. . . .. ... . .. , .. . :~ spent 'lhursd ay with Mr. and MI's. Soclall! otc. whel'll chargo Is Illlldll . ... . . . 2Gc Owen Burnet . UlSlllo.y Ad \·tlrtIRlllg PCI' Inch.. . .. . .. . , . 10c Dlscouut8 I(lvon ou couLro.ct. Miss Dora Squires , of Harvey s burg, was the week-e nd gues t of the JU NE 18. 1911 . Misses Janney , g race that is charac teristic of her, +- -. - -,- - -.----. -...--A Miss Edna Stout is in Kansas City, Her talk t o the i'radua tes as she presen ted the certificates, was well raMo" the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Asa ceived. Chandl er and other relative s. The speake r for the evening , Rev. ~.--..Mr. F. M. Alexan der, of Middle- O. L. Seward , of .Cincin nati. who Abe Dakin was in Cincinn ati Fri- town. Ohio, is spendin g his vacatio n was a gradua te under the late Prof. day. with his mother , Mrs. A. J. Alexan - Colvin, made a splendi d address . The Heieiel berg orchest ra, of DayRay Hawke , of Dayton , was in der. ton , gave a very pleasin g IT.usical town Sunday . Mrs. Horace Stokes returne d . to progra m, and it is hoped tha t her home in South Lehano n Sunday Way ne.w ill '11 Warren Edward s was a Cincinn ati e WI h ave .th e p Ieasure after a pleasan t week with relative s of hearing them often. visitor last Friday. The comme ncemen t was one of the here. prettie st ever given 'i n School Hall. Fancy' Muir Peache s 10c per pound Mr. and Mrs. Will Mohr and fam- and althoui at Hawke 's grocery . 'h the weathe r ' was ex i1Y: of Dayton , were guests of Eli tremely hot. a good sized audienc e Jesse Burton and daught er Lavone Burnet t and family Saturd ay anti was presen t Sunday , were in Xenia Friday.
I Former Citizen's ., _ .
e - - -
•• - - - - -, -
- e
Born-- JlJn ~ 6t h, to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Baker, of Springf ield, a daughter,
Oren Daugh t rs , son of Wm. Da ughters , of Xeni a, suicide a Sunday, by taking paris g l:een. He was a bou t 2:3 years old, and was despon d. ent on accoun t of bing ou t of work, . ._ _._.. Adelbe r t McKay, represe nting Eat·nsha·'v S of V Dayton • Ca mp , . .• , Ohio, - attended the eDcamp'm ent at sLpoernatillthtehl'eree ,daal'nYdS lasft t'Week , kandt II el' 0 h e wee a his old home nea l' there __ • _ ._ _ A Charm ing Woman
I Abo ut People ' 1
--- •. _--- -.-
Henry Prater left Monda y for Mr. and - Ml'R. W. H. Allen were Dayton visitors Wedne sday, Welling ton. Kan., where he will spend some time with his brother , Miss Pearl Carey spent Saturd ay Job Prater. and Sunday with her parents here. Mrs. Brown, who has been the Prof. C. H. Young, of Lebano n guest of her parents , Mr. and Mrs. was in Wayne sville last Wedne sday: McElwee, has returne d to her home near Wilmin gton. Miss Clara Hawke sp nt several days last week with relative s in Mrs. Hannah Colvin and daught er Dayton , Miss Pearl attende d the weddin g of a relative near Lumbe rton last Messrs. Chas. Cornell , Frank Zel1, Wedne sday evening . F. C. Carey and Jesse Thoma s wer~ in Lebano n Thursd ay. Dr. Alexan der, wile and little son Drue. of Elida, Ohio, spent Sunday Alfred and 'Elliott Wri~ht spent at the home of Mrs. Alexan der. several days last week with relative s They returne d home Monda y mornin Blue BlAlI and Spring boro. ing.
to bo oharmi ng withou t llelLlth. A weak , siokly womliD wtll be nervou s nud e. Con· s ti[liltion tlOel kidneyirrltubl POISODS show in pimples, blotche s, skin eruptio ns nnd II. wretoh ed comple xion. But Eloctrlc Bitter!1 a!wIlYt" prove II. god £lend to wnm fl D wbo wlmt bealtb, bea.uty !lnd fri ends . Tbey regulllt.e ~tomltoh, Liver and Kidney s, porify the blood j give strong nerves, bright eye9, pure breuth, smooth , velvety skin, lovely comple xion and perfeot health. Try them. 50c at all druggis tR. • - • THE MASONIC PICNIC
The Masonic picnic at Ft. Ancien t Friday will long be remem bered by t hose who had the good fortune to
~:;r:~d~~~r\";.';,'u~~~o~;:~:! e:e~~ Corwi~
Beautif ul simplic ity marked the weddirt g of Miss Belle Troup and · h was I Arche r H ar ts oc k wh IC so emnized at 5 o'clock Tue.qday afterno on at Christ Episcop al church on W.
' . $ $ Sh oe's A t Co st S
S $
~~:,ie~~~ o:hteo~i~hi~ ~:~ :Unt~i:~I~~ :i~~e a~~Ot~~~::IY Bi:t ~~~eba:r~; ~ f~ WomUD
-"",~~"",~~ ,
. . . ." " " " ' "
$ ~
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$ $
l?O ~
sold from about came from ~enta. and Many went In .,~ autos, and bIg hack loads from . . Clarksville and Morrow , beSides many othel' rigs, swelled the crowd to 800. After the march to the fort and a good rest from their labor, refresh ment was in order, and the dinners were spread as one table under the
$ $
Men'S, W orn n's and Child ren' Oxf rds in Patent Co lt, Gun Meta l, Velve t , "\ iei and Can va. , made b y Selz, Rice & Hutchi nson, H a mil ton Hrown, tc ., new stocle , eve,r y pair at cost a nd Ie s. W e ' want t o sell each and every pair o f Oxford we have, and if you need a pair it will pa y you to COll I and sec them . Can vas Slipper s, half price.
Barefoot Sandals
All sizes for Childre n- the d on't· rip ki nd - a ll go at cost .-
~ ~ ~ ___.. ~ ~ ~ _ ~ _
Fo ur th , of Ju ly $ $ ,
Ce leb rat .l· _ on
We will ~e\ld tlP six la rge Ba lloons. T wo will have attache d a card; the one re tllrning ca rd will receive a presen t.
d d f I car goo or I Ib . l owney 'Ch s oro ates. I card good for any pair of Shoes in the store
WAT CH TH E BAL LOO NS ,,-=m ...m
- i
- . . . . . . . . " ' - w o · ---
We will have
First-st . A largecQ mpany of friends ORAN GES gathere d here to witness the nupBANA NAS PINEA PPLES tials of this accomp lished and lovable I.E 'IONS RASP BERR IES TOMA TOES young woman . Rev. Arthur DumDEWB ERRIE S WATE RMEL ONS POTA TOES ' ~ perofficiat~d in the single rmg ser. CANT ELOU PES CUCUMBE~ S RADIS HES ~ vice. The flower girl, Miss Estelle Rndeed, bec~~inglYbgokwtnedfilll'nd wh~tthe there. Stranger~-there was no such ~ ~.. ~ .................... i 6 i"256o_ ~ a carrym g a as e e WI . led 'h 1. . came fi t d d aISles Wit ear" rs an scattere d th e name, howeve r- mmg . white petals before the bride who other and many pleasan t acquam t(Ualt~..t 'th h b th en t ered WI er ro er, Mar k ances were formed d' . h '" I" ~ · I d When the mner our was over T roup. Sh ewasatt rac t lVe ygown e . .In a ta'l ed . I th Dr. Messen ger, of Xenia, who, WIth I or SUI't 0 f d ar k bl ue c BrIng Us Your o. Phone Us 't'h' h t fl ' ht t t" _..1' WI a a 0 Ig S raw nmmou In C. M. Robltz er, had been very bl,lsy Produce Your • Order Fancy Chanqu inola 'Banana s, the . k fI Sh 'ed I acted as toastm aster, and had an ImBryan Prender~ast left Sunday for pm owers. e carrl aDarge finest flavore d banl.lna on the market Alleghe D M . . ~ ' prompt u progra m. r. essenge r ny City. Pa, where 'h e has b ouque t 0 f 8has ta d aISles. ~ urmg proved always on sale at G. W. Hawke 's. to b e an exce II ent man f or accepte d a poaitio n in a railroad th e caremo ny K y Ie D un kl ........ ......... ...... I ..... d ....... .. ........ ........ ...... e 'P aye h . . . ftl th W' W' W' .... W' .... W'... W' W' ~ W' W' -W' "Th S bl' t e pOSItIOn, an d h a d a rea II y h appy - Miss Grace William son returne d office. The Gazette wishes W" W'''' him suc- ~o ~;n . e ;tga'~f ; u h Ime manne r of introdu cing the speake rs wee vemng aI', rom ann aus- }i'or about an hour home Sat.urd ay evenin g after a pleas- cess. tlte time was 'er. The ushers were George . Llewant visit with relative s in-Day ton. . WA YNESV llLE CHUR CHES. Don't forget the sale at the elyn, Durwa rd Hawkin s and I~' y Fred tfhus Jtdleasantl s.pent'f alflter whIch . J ' H L.ldies! Save Money and Keep in Sat M d C M 'Ca tw . ht A I t f ' F II d tw Frien.s ome . th ur ay. un an conversatIOn 0 a sorts was St A 0 0 ... r?UR. 0 oWing ecerem ony th stl e'. . .e entered Cath . rs. , lie into. Ch . _ L r r,lg an - - Style by Re~ adin .. "cCaiI '. . ' .antiqu e ~.:rs, and an old-fas hioned brIde and groom • ugu n . 0 Un.... left for a weddlOg chIldre n, of Evanst.on, a.re "'uests I k toKUUUth Father 'th th h George MlneDho h efor, Id Putor. t ' t G . Ma,azin . ' '::l e and Using McCalf Pattero . . of Mr. and Mrs. i~ L. Ill., d th' A ball game (1) betwee n Xenia and Cartwr i;ht. gC~~. ge er WI 0 er ouse 0 ri o'toe~~~13n'tyDa~han u~~n Wi1yn~v ille resulte d in the latter's 0 :~olU!:' :.er, second Sunday of the moptb t& re M~CALI:S MAGAZlttE ~~f;I\';o~·~~~·s~:I!· II Y WI , go urnk . IS Cl 1057eS defeat, score 3 to 2. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen, Miss h o.use eep1Og. at • uperlor ave. ~~~J~ns~L;); k~O~)~I~I ~ ~ The Cadet band hel ed to whl'le Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Cartwr igQt MISS St. Mary's Episcopal ChurdJ . Georgi a Hadden and Miss Elizabe th Troup IS the eldest daught er . I h P Rev, J . F. Co.dwalll~der. RectoI'. ',ere in Middle f M town M L Tuesda T y. t;~I~stll~~ Mr. f L f ~~'{IO~~~ tl~' tt away the time. and many good Stewar t were Lehano n visitors Fri· Sunday Sohool. 9 :80.a. m Morning o rs. sef . . roup, 0 a aye e things were said of their playsng by vice, 1U :30 a. m. Holy CIOLh null bats. 6C Cartwr ight attende d the inspect ion day. Oommunlon ~nll Urat street and ' has for the past three . t~'~I,I~~ hll~~e?QS1It~~ of a new roller mill recentl y estabSunday ot each month, , ' . strange rs present . . vlIllIl blu lorormotl on' . years been one of the faculty of the M () Il nil home lIud per~ M f Mrs. Tom Romine and little son lished there. I Th . . any asons rom a d'IS t ance were R (lunl malters. Ouh' H UIIman . sch 00. Method ist Episcop al Churdl . . t have returne d home from Cedarv ille rlOu -" YOllr, Ineluc!ln!:' ' 'f h B e groom ts ' 0 f d 8 IS. 10 He H W B I h presen . several bemg goes h ffi II rree "Allern. v. . . Miss at ey. D\) ' Annie Putol, t eo U. ceo Brown t e is home for arneY an mIt ,. where they ~ere gueSts of ~r. and undnyScbool. !l : 15 a. m. Morning gercar compan y and holds the respect of friends near here. Altor;e ther ' the ........... ........... ~~~I~~e~ ~~I~~~ her summe ~~d r vacatio n from the "Ice, O. jo S. :80 :l. m, Epwor~b Leo.j!ue, 1 :00 p. ' . Mrs', Enos Hill.' picnic was a success . m. 'Evening servIce, 7 :00 p. m. MIdweek McCall Pille ..... wil l c n llh ll you to II1 l\k e In Y & S, O. Home Xenia. Miss Brown all who OITr It was t d r . ousI t h ' ld Pr\yer Mee~lng, . know . . him. Many beautif ul own hom , whh Yf)lIrOWll luuld x, c lo lhinJCrur 7 p. m. vo e unaOlm y 0 0 has \'llLI r~o ll' ""ll ' h lllll' n wh h' H \\' 1111>0 l'orrOot weddm been re appoin ted teache r for Capt. and Mrs, W•.S. Wilson and upon . . ' . g gIfts were shower ed I t Ft . t on k' 'In M),l u and Ill. I'lie -1I0no hh: lJ or thau IIi a Christi an Church . year y a . A nClen the brIde and groom, all spea 109 of th pICniC ('I' UlS. ~l) lId for rr e ['nllern - son, of Springf ield, were guests of anothe r year's work. Ca talogue. 4th f J I d t '11 the love and esteem of a host of R LOTh P e W. . Will Gi •• Voa Fino Pre...1a for l:e tLlnll· snb· 0 u .y, an n~x. year WI Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Allen Tuesda y ev. . . 0mJ)llOn. astol. ----- s<'rll'lllIn s AmllDI: yonr rrlenas. Dible Send'rorrro8 SChool · . . 9:ao d D a. m. !oc1a1 meetm.•. b e a b Igo ne In MasonIC CIrcles . ld A Dreadf ul Wound f rlen S. - ayton Hera. I'rt·ml um CUlulol( ue 'lud Cnsh Prize Olnlr. Jo:ao L by m. paator Obr1l1tllU evenin~ of last week. l Endeavo r. 7:0U p. m. __ _ • Sermon every ' alwrnaw TilE :,lc BUJj.d\l.)' CALl COlllPANY, ..... 239 \0 249 Wat371h 51•• HEW YORK • ... • from a knife. grin, tin oan, rusty .W bifltle - and hoe eave 88 you go; 10 :80 a. m. a.nd 7:80 PI m. Mr. and Mrs, W. W. Smith and nail, flrewof~I, or of ~ny otber naTWO BAD AC~IDENTS Uld age wont be so dull then you Hkkslt e Friends Churet .. chil4iren; of Dayton , ' are sJtendi ng tnre, dem~nd8, promp t treatm ent know. A grands on of Mart Frazee 's who with Buokle n 'f! Arnioa ~al ve to pre. irat Day McetlnK, 0:00 a. m, FIrat Da,. there vacatio n with Mrs. A, B. Ivins ve,nt blo<;ld pOison School. 11 ;0(1 a, m. Founb Day MeeUng or gangre ne. Hs is visiting at his home, and is about 10 :00 a. m. and other relative s here. the quloke st, Iurest hellier for all suoh wound s '8 S also for 801'0s, 5 years old, fell off a cow, which he Orthod ox Frlelid . Churel l. Fop drlnkin~, these hot summe r Boill Sores. Skin Eruptio ns. Ecze and an older brothe r were riding Mrs. EUzabeth LarlcJn, Paator and broke his arm. rna, Chappe d Hands, Corns orPHes . The poor little days, Welch' s Grape Juice; Dole's . TAX LEVY 1912 Sabbath School. II :00 a. m. Hcgular ohuroh 250 at all druggi fellow sts. hils had a bad time. Pineap ple Juice; C & M }I'ruit Fla· An ordinance to 10l'Y taxes tor municipal servIce, 10 ·qo ". Ill . ChrIstian Endeavor, 7 :30 p _ purposes for the t.ax yell I' ot 1lI12. --'--"'-While driving to town S at.urd ay vors. For sale at Hawke 's. De It ordlllncd by the Oouncll ot the Village FRED' S BIO SALE . G ' d M tl K'bl WaYUlllIl·llle. Olll!) : mormn g, uyan yr e I er ha d of Suctlou thore be levied and coloo Edl'th Grl'tfen has returne an experie nce that they will not soon lect.ed reI' I.the'l·ho.L MI' .., d to support of the municipality . during We the want /lsclIl to year. ea'i 1912. tile Bum ot attE'nti on to the t Th her home in Lawren ce, Kan • after. a page ad of the Fred C"'-Ope t t d th 16 8 000 ratl've forge. . . ey me . an .au 0, an Po se!:tion' 2, That the le"Y.abo horse scared and ran mto a barbed tor muuJclpa.1 purposes be and "eautborlzpd pleasan t VISit wlth her aunt, ,M18s Sto~e, Lebano n . They .. • the same Is are known wire fence throwin ' Gu over the- hereby Elizabe th Carroll at the Friend WAL TER MCC LUR E, apportioned as follows : s f od d ' ' , g y For the gllnero.l county tund . .. . . . . .. .... .. . .. • 400.00 over or good go s, an fence Miss Mvrtle held onto the Boardi ng Home l~or public health fund . . . . . . . . . .. 200.00 h h . W en t ey h ave a saIe they se II th e . lines "howeve r ' but h~ r For puiJlic81>rety rund.... .... 200,00 hand got Fune ral Dir~tor. · For public service fuml. .. ........ . ...... 2200.00 ' f t th d ' F C H ts ck '11 go to 'Cincin- ' good s. Don t. orge e ate an d I' f , .. SectIon a. For linking tuud and. Int. 2al0.00 mixed up WIth • . ar 0 the barbed WIre, WI whIch you want anythin g in their line you ' d' nati about July 10, where he has acb dl . ff Total corporation taX09 ... . .. ... 16310.00 . . ' . lacerat e It a y, tearmg 0 SectIon 4. Tho.t the cleric 18 hereby·direct• ta t WIll be sure to find It, and at a price Telepb one day or night. cepted a go od POSI't"Ion as assls a thumb nail and badly tearing the e<\ to certUy the abo\'e levies n . . to tbe Audl,tor . . . 't r In ot 'the Warren Oounty. to be. placed 5th Srd Natl'on al hank Valley phone No.1. LoDIl on that the wlll tax surprIs au d 1 0 e you. • skin off her fin .. ers ." • _ • listSection and collbered RecordIng e law, " • II. 'fills ordlJlancto Diatanc e No. 69-'~. ehall take effect The many ,friends of Mr Hartso ck Do You eet the Beat - - - .. • and be In torce trom and after the elU'lIll8t LOST 0000 HORSE S are congra tulatin it him on his sue· It you bave Il oough, cold,' perlod allowed by Io.w . . t'athml l, ot~~I~\r.'"l1cll chamber UU9 the 11t h day WAYN ESVIL LE. • cesIJ, ' but are sorry to lose him and OIOUP or any throa,t or OlUO BELL 'S ANT I.PA IN bronoh ial 'U. M. White and Jesse Thoma s J. o. OAR:rW his famjly. RIQHT, ~fayor. Branch trouble .Rnll USB Dr. a ,eU's Pibe.Tl lr had themis fortune .to loltego Office, H~rve" bUrc. 0. . for Interna l ancl Externa l. P....... od horses o. D. REED . Clerk. . Boney , you do, Look for tbe Bell I on the Bottle. last week: "Trix, " Mr. White' s • -. . horse has be.e n aiUng fo~ some time, WILL CELEB RATE ·T HE FOURT H but Mr. Tho.ma s' hors~ was 'sick only : '. 1'11 I b h two days ·and died of indiges tion .. . ,I Bube d Wire·. Thebas ebal boyswl ee e ratet e • - • . M . 'I. ~. Glorious Fourth at Phillips ; park. Celebr ate t.qe' F()ur~h by plantin g. , . _~.., ~~ & £wo games of:baU and ,othera thletic a li~\le tnQre awee' oorn. EXOUR 810,. TO • : GUARAN'l'EED .to heal.without leav· ~po~, ·-together with and , Weak' Liver or Kldney.~ , Llver1tee for a Ookt. Backa che . mu~ic b~ 't he '. . . . ' . IlDRa bIUDis~', or MO.NEY REFUNDED. n"det ban :' ' d, Wl'II make 'a day ..full of ...._ _ _ _l1li...- - -. . . . 1580 aict tl.00 ,ilea for fresh wounda. VA !! . 01da~rebacb andsboulde1'8~urDl merry- making , tion IB 'PURE PARIS GREEN' . or. them m Ibe "Preven aDd b • . oun .. of • 260 I i . for FamIly UH. . .. - .. worth a pound keep ' house ready DR..COn PAiIu.EIs IiiJsTEIt of cure, No Danp... " ' r • .2 'and II lb.; cans .. . . . for use. .11 ~eM and ·.uuanteed to cure In \&ktog. Dr. Bell'a Ploe-:T Golu mbu~ ,.. ar-Bon ey 8pec.1a1 Prlee. on 1up qUII ~~BiqbQne.. :oarb:8ween11~t, . uUee , . . b d ld I' ._j . 01' aDJ' eDl.......8D~ of DOil. or. for ooog , NUT tuNDA Y ,~ ClO II. . . OOD_ Prepar ed ffom; Pure NaUve Berb.!t.1. they Cleoa e Pte n~ '111 • OrlDone,tefUnllecJ. PrtoeIOo. 11.0 babl~ ·.prodll,.jDI drOll. ~ the Blood ••• thu PREvE NT SERIOU8 ,$lC Loolt' I~==;; ' :;;.:;--: ...... . • MIt ...... .. - ;--=~:'I.I Train leaves Waynesville, 8:48 a.m • . fo~ 'he Hell C>D tbe Bohl.~
~::k~;et~~ :~~a::~7~~~ !h~\~~:::
J. Kl+I b""n'
- - - ...
Ord inan ce No. '65
..- - -
.. _w • .
~ennsylV8nia Liverile s 'Prevent;S~ri. ous Sick,ness . ..
---- -LIN ES
I' I
Zlm....--- -'.
Sprl"ng " · fl·eld, 8·5c . $1.4Q
The Miami Gazette ........................................................ot-..................... D. L. CRANE , Publish er. OHIO.
Uncle John's ense of Humor
F R _E E
Wheat Growers Should Order Proper Materials ' Now and .combine Them In Right Proportions To Meet Needs Of Their Soils. Make Liberal Applications,
WAY TO SUCCE SS. The man who und ertake., to acoom· pllsh too many things at the Bame time general ly pays a high toll In the nd. He may succeed tor a whll , but be docs so at tearful risks nnd with· out properly r eckonIn g the cost to hImself. He Is th e exceptio n, though. rather than the rule and ofte n "makes good" at the expense of his physica l . nnd mental well being. says the Cbarles ton News and 'ourler. Giants among men are rarities even In this day ot surprisi ng develop ments and record achieve ments, and as a rule the man wllo tallows one line of work with close attentio n and conscie ntious regard w11l lay by tor hlmseir greater success and more endurin g results tho,n he who dabbles In any underta k· Ing that may come his way. It Is not an easy thing to shut ourselv es away from temptin g Influenc es and condl· tlons tbat may appeal to us, but bav· ing once fitted ourselv es to do 11 certain work, and having ex pended time and energy In Its accomp lishmen t, It It only natural to suppose that WO' can obtain more certain results by developing It to the beat at our ILblllty. Sometim es the way Is hard; long bour. of applica tion are necessa ry. but often when we least expect It the clouds b egin to IUt and we see the realizat ion ot the promise s for wlllcb we have labored .
AICre<l Vivian. I'rO[1'880r or Al:rlcull liral h l'm l ~ lry , College or Agriculture, Ohio til..llll Ijnj \' ~ rs ll)·. Margar et was toiling nlong through mlds of oranges . opened before her. Now Is tbe tim e to malte your pla ns th e mUl'lul > of potash, the Los Angeles chambe r of com· Mr. Livin gston llnd on top at might listen until for tile fertillz rs to uso on wlleat this this the ultrllte of lIolla. Now, begin merce behind her two prosaic kinfolks . nightfa ll or hOl!.I'Sen eS8 silenced Uncle Cull. Do not walt until th tertllh:e tlke the hummin g drone ot his own John; she s(,!l ped r !It ana end and cutLin g down through and tound refuge Is needed and then hurried threshin g machin e. Uncle John prosed tram the sltuatlo ly I.lUy th e muss hov el the mnlerllli through ll. If not tram herself, I\' hal · ve r the loelll dealer may have th screen, 1Il0\'\.ng th e screen aheall ever silly statistic s and poky pro· In ber quiet hotel room. In stock. Think th matter over cure· liS lllttY be ne ded. e6ssel. She was baU·glg gllngly comThe lnrger part!· Refresh ed by n baUl and Cortlfied by fully now, nnd plnce your ord er s uf· cles which do not go tbl'ou" lllenUng to herseU as slle tagged dog- a fresh gown sb" h the n.wnlted the IIrrlval IIcl':!ntly early to get just the kind of so reen cun usnally be ellsl ly crushed gedly along after Aunt Eliza's amply- of her un cle nn,l nunt. ncle Jobn materia ls YOli'· need. Thousa nds or with the buc\, of th e constru cted, blaok broad-c loth ed form, came Inlo the parlor shovol. The rna· excited ly discuss · Dol\ urs !Lre was ted every tbat Uncle John ought to be prosecu ted ,Ing tbe probabi lity or year In Ihe le "luls shou ld be shovele d tbree times finding ber here purchus e or fertilize rs thut nre not through tb e screen when th y will tor bigamy , on the ground that he bad as he alI ened tbe door. suit ed for the purpose for which they be liS thoroug hly mixed two times as much wife as he had us tht'! aver Margar et murmu red somethi ng about are used. It pays to give the matter when he first married , wben she dis· hnvlng stepped Into a side aisle to caref ul conside rat!nn unu then Insist age corurnercilll brnnd. covered two grey eyes, under a broad look at some very beautItu l pruner. on getting just what !'\ best for ' your Materia ls to Use. hat brim, answeri ng ber chuckle s with and thus los ing her way. Uncie John crop rega rdless at. tbe c::>ims of the wrinkly twinkle s. A la rge number of dltTer nt ml\t~r· assured her at hlo regret. A'u nt Eliza dellll'rs. The baughty dtldaln ""b1cb slle dutl· was silent. Tbe strange Fertiliz ers nre purchl\s ed to supply lals are useu by the di ffer ent maDU· r looked un· tully tried to lipread over ber a.muse- comfort able. almost embarra ssed. Ule three substan ces most likely to facturer s, but almost any formula on A trial Pllcksae of Munyon'" Paw Paw ment teU before the good·na tured ap"Mr. Uvlng8 ton ia stoppin g here. J C exhaust ed tram tbe 6011. I. e .• am· the market can be duplica ted by the Pill. '/Viii be aent free to nnyoue on repreciati on at ber need ot a rellet ex· too, so he'll take dinner queat. Address Profcsso r MUllyon , 53d .. wltb us," ex, pedlUon . Sbe bowed. tentativ ely and plalned pncle Jobn, Jefferson Sh., Philadrlphia. I'n, If you are a8 they departe d rellerve dly. The hat lifted In a mOllt to make ready for that in Deed of medicnl advice, do not fuil 10 meal. dlgnlfle d acknow ledgem ent and Ita write ProCessor Munyon . Your commulli· Wonder ing how It would all end she cation will be treated in 8trict confidence, owner advance d. hol!Ung out bls right made her way with her chalterl nll and your cuo will be diugu(lijcU 88 care- • hand. Margar et placed ber brown relaUve s to the table In tbe small din· fully u thoullh you bnd a personal intel' glovrw lthln hll reacb, wllh tbe afflrm· lng-room . She was gratetul for the yicw. atlon: chilling presenc e of a ,black and white MJ IUD very glad to meet you here, automa ton or a Munyon's Paw Pow Pill" are unlike walter. He seemed . In all Olher 1""aUvel or cal hnr ll ·S . 'rhey very glad to see you again." In onswer some way. a means at postpon ement CORX tbe liver into activit y by genl Ie to Aunt ElIza's backwa rd look of In· ot the mom ent at Judgme nt. methodll . They do not 8ccur, they do l,Iulry. Tbe aunt's exclama tion' at· "And whnt t ime do you put the co~ nOI &Tlpe. they do nol '!Vell.ke n. bUI I n 'I tracted the attentio n ot Uncle Jobn. crop usually ?" sbe beard Uncle John do Itart all the 8ecretions of thll li,:tr Margar et led her new-fou nd trlAlnd say. With unbelie ving ears ond .tomoch in a way thnt soon l)uh sbe heard up to her guardia ns. ~e answer: the~e orillns in a healthy condition Bntl "1 am glad to Introdu ce to you a corrects constipation. In my opinion "9b. at tbe end ot the rnlny season cOllstipation il responsible for mo t ni l· 'Vbat clever prankis bness was that very old friend trom Iowa. Thill Is my In Februa ry or March, as a rule." mentl. There are 2. feet of humlll of the boys of West Lafayet te' college. uncle and aunt. with wbom I am Iowa's rainy season. In Mc.rcbl bo,,'ell, which i. r enlly Il sewer pipe. spendin g my ' summe r vacaUon , Mr. Margar et gasped Oblo. who put all In tbe milk tor the In antlclpa tloa of When thi" pipe becomes clol(~cd I h 1.1 vlngsto n." Uncle John's scatbln g remarks . UI!~le girls' dormito ry. causing twenty of "'hole Iystem becomes poi.fl ncd , cnus' Aunt Eliza only exclaim ed again, John had spent his boyhoo d on an ing biliousne••• indillestion ami impure the co-eda to become so tJl as to re- a.loud. and started to I&Y that which Iowa farm. But he only inquired (\lJ" blood. which often' produce rhcumati m quire the attenda nce of phYSici ans! Uncle John interrup ted by an em· ther : and kidney ailments. :No womnll who They were nearly lUI darIng as the phatic wave at hls big capahle -lookln« "I didn't suppose the &Tound would I!utren 'II'itb constipation or any IivlJr young men of the Pacltlc coast Insti- arm . ailment enn expcct to hn\'(~ a elear be ready t(l work so early In the I:qulpn :ent Need For tt.1 Home-M ixing of Fertilizer&. "I am delighte d to know you, Mr. spring," complexion or enjoy good health. II tution ot learnIn g wbo raided the Livings ton; dellgbte d to. know you." girls' dormito rIes and "Oh. yes, It's mud'dy som /Jtlmes, and mania, phospho ric acid and potash. I.se oC four cf the most desirab le feI' I had my way I would prohibit tbe Inle frighten ed of nine·ten th. of tbe cathartic9 that are Then taking an obs~rvatlon of the disagre eable to lIome of the occupan ts Into hYsteri cs handle -too 80tt In The price we pay for a ter.UUzel', tlllzing 010. erl a ls. as follows : now being lold for tbe reason Lbat the, young man's evident l.n tenUon to fall tact." tberefo re, should depend on tbe perby pulling them out of bed. The Acid phosph ate contain ing 14 to 18 Boon deltroy tbe linina of tjle et.omn.ch, back In step with the niece, be centage at these three substan ces Margar et closed pel' cent phospho ric acid. her eyes and twentie th century young man does r~ached forward Belling ae.riolll forllUl of indigesti on, firmly for the young a glimpse at an Iowa corn caught present ana one sjlould not be deSteame d bone menl contain ing 25 and 10 paralyze the bowels tbat they refield tn mally things that w.ould bardly have man's arm, pulling him Into step. ceived by IlDY clalms as to the value to 28 per oent pbospll orlc acid. MIlrcb -tbe fuse to act unlels forced by stron. ~l'aYIsh-yellow stalkS 09curre d In any earlier age. Is .tt be"It you are trom tbe middle west, sticking up through tour or five teet of ot the residue. As a general rule It Nitrate of soda, contaJn lng 18 per pUl'i!ltivel. cause of the disappe arance of the most of our agrioult ural process es and SDOW drltt. Malicio usly, h seemed to may be said that the higher the price cent ammoni a. Munyon '. Paw Paw PiU. are a ton io product s will be new and Interest ing blrcb aa an aid to educati on! Margar et, did Uncle Jobn lead tbe can· we pay tor a terWlze r. the ch~aper . Muriate ot potash. contain ing 50 to the BtOITU1Ch. liver anti nerves. They to you. Now, bere Is--" and begin· the plant food In It. because tbe man- per cent potash. tused young Intorma nt througb tortu· invigorate inalead of '/I'caken; Lhey en· utactur ers have to cllarge just · al An automo bile In New York picked ous ways of misinfo rmation . Steame d bone meal also contain s rich the blood Ins lead ot Impover1ah much to mix a ton of low grade teruP a atone In it. wbeel and flung it , From cocktail to deml tasse -tbe In' about 2 per cent ammon ia. 'Vrlte to it; they enable the ItO mach to geL all Quls'uioD lasted. With I\n almost over. tllIzers as they do to mix a ton of high the State Bonrd at Agricul ture and the nourilhm cnt from food th t i. put into a window , almost striking some wbelml ng desire to scream, Margar et grade goods. The average charge for ask for 11 copy of tbe 1910 report on Into it. :persona . ' The automo bile Is perhapl I mlxJng. baggi ng, etc., accordi ng to tlnally led the process ion of tour trom These pill. contAin no c,'\lomel. no tho mOllt striking Instanc e of the InVorbees Is $8.50 per ton. Now you commer olal fertilize rs. This report dope; they tbe dining room along endless . red· are .oothing. henliDIL and gives n. list of the dealers wbo nate depravi ty of Inanim ate things. It self can buy tram some ot the dealers. the stimulating. They Ichool the bowel. carpete d corrido r. to th-e little Iltting' haa been known ·to try to clJmb a tree clltl'eron t Ingredi ents used In maklnr the aboye materia ls. to aot without physic. rooDl. A change, even a scene of the or " lampPO st and to turn somersa ultll Formul as For Mixing, tOl·ture, was a welcom e relt. Regular Bize bottle. conulnin!: 4li pill., In the open. to say nothing of It II runWheat respond s to llbe ral tertlllz. 25 centl, Munyon 's Labornto "1 thought your nepbew . Mr. .Jenk· ry, 63d " ning down the general pubUc. But Ins. was coming to take dinner with u~ Ing. Most farmers make tbe mlstaks Jelfel'llon Sta., PhiJadelphil\. - " ' - - -n-o"'w=-:U:-bas taken to tbrOwln g stonell tonight, " she laid ' by way of convers a· ot using too little tertlllze r to get the Prog ..... of -Civlllz~tio;;.-- at Uon to Aunt Eliza. to whom she IIUPpeople, .omath lnr Imperat ive bost results. The best retu'rns at the Lad7-A nd did you make your COD' posed he amply· proport ioned shadow toward curbing ttl lmpetuo llty will Ohio ExperlI".ent Slatlon are belnl gregatlo n give up canniba lism? beside her on the window ·curtaln be· bave to be done. obtaine d rrom. an applica tion of four Mission ary (suppre ssing a grln)longe • hundred pounds of a 4-10-4 tertlllze r. Not quite; but after much trouble I "He did." slowly answer ed the voice . We are acculed of being the most Tb~t III one co'n talnlng 4 per cent nit· persuad e,! tbem to u.e knlv el aDel at the blunder er about corn ~ropl and wildly IIpecula tive nation in the world. ragen, 10 per cent phospho ric acid, torks.- Tbe Throne. Iowa hanest s. But In tbe year London haa ru.n wild and 4 per cent potash. The flrst cost . In wll.d·eye d "mazem ent Margar et over the rubber craie, then went of this applicat ion will seem high to AN OUTSID ER, faced him. many but the wheat has paid a bnnd· througb a boom In 011 Ihares. and baa "He-an d- you are-- " she gaaped. some profit on Its use. In-ally ttuiied to a bull gamble In "Yes, be did and I am." '''00 L8S "And the fruit ranch and the--. " British railroad s. The Unlted Bta,tes Words tailed her In the recollec tion 01 has, on the other hand. practica lly Uncle John's minute descrip tion a! th,_ tltopped specula tion, perhaps for the JenkIns homeste ad. lufflcJen t reason that the lambs bad. "Yea," very caret~lIy, aa one on un· She Elcaped and Found Refuge From no more fleece to shear, safe treading , "but I'm not the mi. the Situatio n. ogamlst , Uncle John-" I , The golden anklet with bangles baa nlng wltb a ' plllrorat ion about pru es, "And Uncle John made Aunt ElIza baaed on the'~ug 8 elephan t l:onlltru ct· nnnea.md. In Chicago . TMs- ls probkeep stili. Those two old geese are ably a decorat ion Intende d to go with ed out ot Mled specime ns at that up 'In tllelr room laughin g their old mucb derided boardin g house favorite eyes out. flo loves a joke better than the harem skirt and shows aEain the -a frlghtfjO l, wobbly- kneed exampl e at a good meal of Aunt ElIza's own cook· Inconsls tenoy of the feminin e mind. what IndlPJt, y, coupled with vIolence While the Inbablt ants of the eastern ot . imagina tion. energet ically misdi- Ing." "Cnc\e John loves a joke! Why, 1 harems are taking to Paris styles rected, elm perpetr ate-UM le John led The Above Materla lo Properl y Mlx.d Will Make a Ton of 2·11-4 Fertiliz er, western women are looking for their him by drled·fr ult·boun d paths into tbe thought Uncle John had no-and now he'll thinkyou'll all thlnk" :e rtlllzers mysteri es and at can Californ mlx rash Ions to tbe Orient. ia farming . them yourDI'recto r Thorne recomm ends tbe "Uncltl John has asked me to go rot selt tor from $5 to Silently . not to say patientl y or re· $9 a ton less than followin g mixture for wheat: a visit with them and you to their the mixed goods wo'u ld cost. Do you sentfu~. Margar et walked along with 700 pounus steamed bone meal, People \vho live In New York com- Aunt Eliza. What profit from her ranch In order · that 1 may tell YO\1 not believe that that would pay you 900 pounds acid phospha te. plain that the place Is becQml ng too transgre ssion It I tblnk. 5bnp 11" pretty liberally tor tbe worle of mixIt not only furnishe 120 pounds muriate of potash, Gwe.1dolyn- She III not golDi to noisy at nlgbt. Tbe people who make no escape for ber, but even alforded d Ing tbe Ingredi ents? And then when 280 pounds nitrate of soda. a atop at that r esort any longer. How Cloves Grow. the noise w ll) find It difficult to under- new sacrific e upon the altar at Uncle the fertilize r is mixed at home one This mixture annlyze s about 3.4· Genevi eve-Wh at Is the reosOu, DO Clover are th e unexpan ded flower knows just what goes Into stand why m en and women who long 10hn'. zeal for aCl,lulring and Impart· It and tbal )0-3. It manure has lieen uGed or II for peace and quiet Insist on living In Ing In!Qrma tion. Piloted by Uncle buds at a beautifu l evergre en tree Is a point worth conside ring for there the ground Is well supplie d with nl· men there? Gwend olyn-N ot that exactly. There Jobn. the humorle ss. tbe Quartet wblch grows only In tropical coun· are great differen ces In the values of trogen. the followin g mixture New York. will be Is one lone man, who has propose d stopped before a model fruit farm. t.rles. The buds are at first a pale plant food from differen t sources , found satisfac tory: .' to a\1 of the girls but her. and sbe .:olor nnd gradual ly become green, . It 1s an easy worked out In papler mache. matter to make a 1600 pounds of acid phosph ate. Member s of n club In Atlanta say feels so oUl of place whe n they are "This rancb, Margar et. which Is after which they develop Into a home·in lxed fertilize r. All that 160 pounds muriate of potash, Is they will go to jail betore they will bere reprodu ced. Iloldlng ~ experJe nce m eeting. belongs to your bright red. when they are ready for needed Is a tight floor, a square point240 pounds nltrnte of SOda, tell what they know at women drink- !!.unt's nepbew . Jack Jenkins . I collecU ng. have This makes n 2·11·4 mixture . Either COMES A TIM'E During the drying process they ed shovel, and a sand screen such as of Ing In the club, The poet was mis- asked him to lake dinner wltb us at the above fertlll.z ers should be When ~ffeo Shows Is used by the mJ!.sons . This screen What It Haa Been taken. Tbe world's male chivalry haa the hotel tonight and you will meet are exposed to the smoke ot a wood . can easily be made from ordinar y. used at the rate of 300 to 400 pounds Doing. not perish ed out. I fire and tben to the action ot the son, has joined the him there. ' He's a good cbap. per acre. never caught him In a false position wblch Ilccount s for their dark brown wire netting, of olle·qua rter to oneAllan tn club. A series at experlment~ by the Ohio "Of late years calfee has eighth Inch mesh. rastene d to a wood- station but once. and tben I think tbe fault color when ready ror the mark~t. show \hat It Is not, only possl· with me," writes a matrou dis agreed from Rome, The clove tree, which attains n en trame. A good size Is thirty Inch· ble to mil: was not altogetb er his." terUllze t·s at home at a N. Y. It may be that a woman must put . The young man. wltb ionglng looks height of 30 feet, Is a native ot a small es wide b} about six fe . long. saYing In 1, ' OSt hut that the' home mix· her soul Into her dress In order to toward Margar et. Ilhowed "lts lightest punishm ent being to To mix the fertilize r spread tbe ed goodlJ actulllly give signs at group or Islands In the Indian arllhl· better yields mnke me 'logy' and dizzy. nnd It look well, but, at t he same time. a breakin g away tram ber uncle's re- pellgo clllled the Spice Islands, but phosph ate materia l ' on the floor I,n an seem. than factory mixed brands of tbe ed to thicken up my bloOr!. In the last tour centurle ll It has been even layer. Scatter e,v enly over this same ana1Y813 good deal ot Importa nce rests on tbe strainin g grasp. . "Tbe heavies t was when It upset my "All be needs Is a houseke eper-II. carried to all the warmer parts ot sort of a physiqu e she Is able to put stomach complet ely. destro ying my ap· wife, I mean, home-m aker, IIko your the world. Into IL Give tbe boyan Intereet In the The mln who does not curry and petite nnd making me norVOllF1 anll Cloves were one of the principa l ' fann and he Aunt Eliza'" been to me." droned Irnot be In f. burry to brush his cows, because he hal' be6n ritable, nnd sent me to my bed. Arter Uncle John, .tatlng that romanti c sit- oriental splccs wblch early excited 1'l1sh ott to the city for a joll, . Far be it from UB to arouse slum· aation as one might speak told it mues th e m poor, 10 to tbl1 one ot these attacks , tn whlcb I nearly of the num. the cupidity ot welltern commer ce beri ng trouble, but what has become ber ot seeds In a prune same class with lhe !lIan wile believe . lost my life, I conclud ed to quit the elephan t. "Dut commun ities, having b een the basla of the tight trousers and padlesB /1e Is not much tor women coffee and trY Postum . tolks. He of a rich ' and Iuc,ratlv e trade since The best breeds ot lIv.e BtOC'k , re- manure wil! Idjure the soli. coats with wblch we were threaten ed ,ays it takes blm six "It went right to tho S)1ot! I found daYB to figure out the early part of the Christia n era. Quire proller treatme nt In ordec to InLife is 8. short (fay. but It \11 a 'lPor~ It not only a most lInlatab ie nnd Il row months agar what a woman 'means by what she .re'l ure the most · pr~flt. I Ing ,,~,~ . na:uu:.B . Mo.e. fr esblng b~verage, but a food as well. laYS and by tbat. time he's forgotte n Where He' Hit He~ ~ _~w~~~v~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~-~_~~~_~~_~~~~~_~~, , 'fAll my ailment s, the 'Ioglnes s' an~ ~_~-www_~~~.~w~~~.~~~w ~~_~w~~~~_~~~Vw~~~~~~~. At Newark . N. J ., 1\ lawyer cbarged what It was sbe said." A young couple keeping house on the " Egotisti cal Englilh man. dizzines s" the ' unsatisf actory con'd ltlon The man. wlt~ the I!ombrero flushed second floor were very In whloh he Buffered his fair ollent · $500 for r eading the loss ,of a otten annoyed Tbe Inordin ate egotism or tlle En., root. • a with shame over this .accoun t at 'ao by their One day soon arter ·h e toole unto of my blOod, my nerxous ness 'and Irrl. bundle at love letters, nnd sbe Is quarrel ing neighbo rs below. U.ab race 'Is exempll f!ed by tabl1~ly dJsapJ;e al'ed I tb.-e . can· himself 11 '."lfe. a b enutl~ul woman. unap:>re claUve a membe r or bls sex. short ord er One night tbe young man wa~ met ttnually' Increas ing output the plnlnlng . , 5h should hove hired n of portrait s. lIl·used tnlors~er met an ohi friend on and m¥ sorely a(tllc ~ed stomaoh began "Perhap s he never Women lawyer and bnd them road tor man," he hultatln met the one .".0: at tbe door by his wife, wbo ex· In all the prlnolpa l e~bn)IUons ttie! ·the street. who banterin gly "asked quickly to reco~er, _'1 b,e gnn to l'ebl1l\1\ gly. otrered In ex- claimed : nothing. monopo lize ~Jl unduly' tenuatlon ~ "Ob. John, tbey hnve been l1ghtln, ' ot t.he wall space, and large 'proport loD 'how In ~he world sucb Do ' pretty 'gir.l and have ateaJlly . continu ed until now of recent yen,. came to marry him. "Ob, ladles ."Maybe ." an!lwer ed the guide of thill , down slalrs . like HllV& a good appetite and am rejolcln~ nearly all \lay. and h9'. ' tiley have overflow ed Jnto _uhlhlti persona onl rOlllllllnts," was tbe cheerf~1 re.ply, In BOUDd heillth whlcb I .qwe to the use lly conduct ed party. ' "He has hit her again!" .&n English Iluthor wos Oned In New . ucla.lv ely reeerve if'tor of Postum ," Name given tly POstum "Is that , so?" said Jobn, sympa .rtt-Th e conDqls seut, t~l. brAnch or Y<>rk the other dny after he bod reo leDSe, en,o ugh ~bout othe~ tblngs. Now Co.; Battle Oreek: Mich . that· ralslu plant ~s model~d atter Qne tbetlcal ly.' ," Well, wherl! did" he hit celved n wa llop on the· eyo tor trying' of hi.... Not an Epicure an. . . Read tbe little Book "The Bond to . .. ". her th1a t:lme?" . MAre )"ou (and ~f Tnllto)" ?" ' to Dirt with 8 pretty IIa ms I. We' have ... WellTllt.... In pkp. "There' s a Margar et lqged tanh'e r ad fariber "I heard. them running all over tb, · rea,on." Femlnl .,. w •• "nel., aln'l never tuted It: tbeie qld.ralJ l lIo doubt Ihllt he will write ,8 boo)' bebind out ot bear1bs , Me ~ t1I .... . ,ttt.1'f A._ house, but 1 think be l\Dalb' ~t A very homer,. elergrm aD W" I. lon~d bome dllhu are goo~ eJlo'~1t _ ....... ....... tie. . . ,..... ......., .,nUll d "Srclng Amf'-1'lcn." All aUoy. U'netl with 1014.D' PJIa- Ia the pantry," ....... ""relJ'blll~d In a railroad wreck, for m....-HOU.t l)D Poat. . . .,..t....... ....... ..'. tall ., II. . . . (Cop~rIKbl. lilli,
by Auociale d UIO,a., I'roa .. )
The Art ofAimin .
HE writer ot this a'f Ucls desires to Impress 011 the reader tbat all stat . ments contained herei n are gen eral statements
@ I>'t'. r,f'lD
wblch special conditions mlgbt render Inaccurute or misleading. . It seems not out 01 place to go Into a few details concerning aiming. nnd r fer to some the dlfT\ cu lties whIch confront shootel·s. "I have n blur on my front stght or Iqy rear sight." Is a very com· mon prolol:l t from shooters of varlouB degree» oC expcrl enco. and then tbe natural assumption tbat ., It must be my 'ycs." whi ch It Is. but IlOt as the av mge lI urr rer Im agines. In aim· lug ,one s hould practice first looklag at the object. and then bringIng the lilghts ou th e line at aIm. Incide ntally aud not prlmnrlly. I. e .. no not atte mpt to Ox the gaze on the 'front sight and eX)loct to see the object clearly. s lmul·IiI_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• • • • taneously. because yo u "are asking the por.:s NOT KIYOIII ZfRO oyu to p rform the Impossible. and a blur Is the Inevitable res ult. A blur sometimes results from the s lgbts be· coming polished brightly and refleot· Ing the s un. wblch produces a multi· pllcl ty of Cront sights. and. ot course. occRslonally from small pieces of toul· Ing. Sometimes a shadow on one of the sights or obj ct by distracting the eye will work the same way. The longer the range the greater tbe an· noyance and vice versa. It Is sur· prlslng how tew, shooters appreciate
d V
Practical Fashions CHILD'S DRESS.
Object. Is to Produce Same, Number o€ Bushels on Smallel' Number o( Acres· and Wlth Less Labor and Con. sequently Makln~ Bustness More Profit.. able-Average tn Vnlted St.at.es Is 2,500,000,000 Yearly. CRy
. P . HARTLEY .)
It II! possible within a rew years 10
double tho a verage proullctlon or ("'orn per acre In tb e Unit U States. lind to accomplis h It without any Incl'eas > hi work or ('xpense. It h! not to he un· derstoou from thI s statement thnt It Is tl psl rabl n to double the prese nt corn crop. but that It Is des lmll l to 11ro· !luc th Ej sa me yield on a sl1lllller uUl1lbl' r of ncr s and with loss lallor. If GO bushels arc mised on OUC nl' ro lu st ad at on two acrcs . th labo r of !Jlo",lng. harrow in g. planting. cultl· \'atln& and harv esti ng I ' g n mLly re· rllI ·ed. llel11a nd conlrolH th e quanti ty that should be grown. To mcet the d mands the producers of tb Un ited Stall's hay . during th e la st ten ),I'ors. averaged In round numbers 2.500.000.· 000 bush els of corn yearly. In proJu · clng this quantity a littl e more than 9G.000.000 acres have been d vot d to corn growing. The av erag o produ c· tlon per acre has been 2G bushel s. Very fe w farm ers would like to IIC' knowledge that their ave rag prodllc, tion for th e past ten yoa rs has bpen as low DS 2G bush els per acre. but from the best estimates that ha\'e been made the conclusion 18 una void · able thBt halt of those who grow carll harvest less tban 26 bushels per acre. Twic e thI s quantity Is a talr crop. tbree tim es 20 bushels Is a good crop. and four times 2G bushels per acre Ilre frequen tl y produced, Since tho average crop In the states best adapted to corn growing III hilt little above tbe general Rverage of the entire country. It III evident tbat the average Is not lowered to any great extent by tbe poor crops In sections unsuited to corn growing. Moreovrr. the yield per acre In the New England states. wlth their sbort growing Sl'a· 60n. Is sa great as In any other part of the country. Tbis clearly Intllcarell the possibility ot greatly Increasing the yield per acre In the ('orn belt. This Is especially easy of a ccompli sh· ment In the southern states. where. the present production per acre Is low and where tbe growing season Is not shortened by trosts. Poor corn. crops are usually nt· trlbuted to unfavorable weather con· dlUons. and frequently tbls Is the true
present pl'O.luction p I' acr l)l'oV ment In . the quality of planted; Illlprovement In Ih tlon of th e sot! ; 100111'0VOl1l IJ t methods of c ultlvallo n. Th methods of ctiltl vatlon In g(' n· rnl li se III on e sectlun of lh e 'ountry dlff,' r greatly from thos A III nnnth r sec llon. Tho Impl ments and meth· od~ employed In la wn ar(' as different from t hos of Conn clieut as th (1~\l In turn tire diffe ren t from th oso of Gpo r::;la; and whil e Ih s ;\1' 10 !:lome ex t nt du to th e nn tll re or the fnrm land or to class of labor
Sweeps and Shovels Used on SlnglS and Double Cultivators. em ployed. th ey are to a Btlil greater extent d ue to the consenat\ sm of the fal'm el'S th emselves. Tha t certain Itlnd s of cultivators or Illows or methods of planting hnv e been In lise In Georgia or Iowa tor many yearA does not prove that Implements or methods found successful In other states might not be used there to ad vuntage.
Nolhlng cOllld be more simple tha n thi s littl troc le und It has ono great ad vantage for wurm weath er In thnt n number of th III may be made In f day a nd the' child thus have nlways a change at hand. Lltlle materlnl nnd no labor of any uccount Is Involved In the making. The sma ll s leeve Is cut In one with the body of the dress. The yoke Is cut In tiq uare outline. which Is trimmed with InsertIon and this also marks the edge of the closing on the lett band side In {ront. Tbere Is "ery little fullness In tbe dress. and a belt of the materlnl or ot leather may bold this to plnce. Tbe pattern (5440) Is cut In sizes 2 to 8 years. Medium size requIres 2'.4 yards of 86 Inch material, with 3~ yards of Insertion. \
1U'0 proc ure thlB pattern send 10 ce nu. ways in relatively the same position. to "Pattern Department." or this paper. Write name and alldre88 ptalnly. and be which wl/l give uniform results. In lurl' to !ftve BlllO and number ot patte rn. tbB cas~ ot the open IIlght. however. tbe amount of front sight seen varies considerably. 0440. Monure III Worth More .Thaa NO. SIZE . . . ............ . Some one says. "Ah! but one daY I Labor Involved tn Feedln......S~ NAME .. .... .. ............... : ............. . lase Makell Cheaper Beet see halt the front sight and anotber Than Anythinlr Eb9. only one-tbird ot It." All ot wblcb TOWN ................................... ... . may be true, but the dlfforence Is due It. 1LPINv OY LJ11L1;)-rYE Wf1+' ) to the light. wblch on a bright. clear TI/ROV~I/ OP.IW.J/MT STREET AND NO ............... . ....... . (Br PROF. MUMFORD. Illinois.) day magnlftes or permits a clear defl. A bullet weIghing from 150 to 200 T tblnk the manure Is worlh con· STATE . ..... . .............. ... ............. . nltlon ot the object and background . a grains and having atarted with a muzo s lderably more than the labor In· condition which does obtain on a dull zle velocity of about 2,000 to 2.500 feet volved tn feeding catlle. the great Importance attaching to or dark day. per second would be affected by a PractIcally half the corn grown In "form." I. e .• unltormlty ot method In wind. blowing one mile an bour at BOY'S' ONE·PIECE BLOUS~. assuming a position ot aim. An open sight permitting the shoot· right angles about one Inch at three Illinois Is shipped out or the state, The secret of ablUty to shoot quick· er to al/gn the top of tbe Cront slgbt hundred yards. The government enough to fatten two million steers. 1y res t s very Iarge Iy on one's a b III t1 with an Imaginary horizontal line c Irums that with about 50 graIns It the manure from these were to align the objeqt anet' sight or slghta acrOl8 the top' ot the rear sight will charge. 150 grain bullet and 2.700 feet properly preserved and properly ap( s h 0t gun or r1ft) plied to tbe land. It would Increase e tb e Instant t b at t h e gi've very flne" uniform results and velocity the drltt Is elght·tenths of an weiupon Is In pOSition (the position can be "found" quickly. If possible Inch. :rhe hunter can see that. ev!!on the producing apaclty ot the furms would not count unless the sights are one should avoid turning a rl:\e on the wltb a beavler bullet, say 220 and of this stRte $12.(JOO.000. on tbe rlgbt line), and the hold the axis of the bore as this will change 1.950 feet velocity, and say a ten.mlle I do not adv Ise dry lot feeding In piece and press the trigger In a trac· the locat/on ot tbe shots JUBt as the wind, under such condillons govern. tbe SUDlm er. but I am not sure but we tlon of a second. Most people take a pendulum swings on a clock. As to ment says drift Is about two teet at are <:orulng to It. It must be demon· long Hme to realize how quick the eye tho e rrect of light on one's aim If three hundred yards. some eX'llerl. s trated before we know about It. Home·Made Shovels Adapted to Sur· Is. and do not trust the first sight shoollng at a bull·s·eye target, It will mentlng on a rltlo range w!ll not do Pasture Is the most expens ive cat· face Cultivation and Weed Destruc·· tle feed . they get. but. as Is taught the Ilovlce. be perceived that on a nice hrlgl!t day any harm. tlon. "verify the sight." the necessity for the target will show the lines at 600 It Is deplorable tbat so plain (\ ne. Silage mnltes cheaper beet than which largely disappears with ample yards a.nd the "bull" will , rbok large cesslty as close · nccurate IClug 'range cnuse. tor there are but Cew summers anything else. It can be kept through· practice, and one aan really "let off" and tempting. whlle the white space nnd mld·range shooting should be dUI'lng which thi s crop does not suiter out the yoa.r r two or three years. safely practically the moment he below wll/ be d 'ep and roomy. On the tossed aside so lightly by our ml/Hary more 01' less at som e stage In Its I have n ve r fOllnd a man who fed thln'k s he Is on his mark, because. just contrary, on a dark day the lines dis· higher powers. History (In this coun. growth . The most that can be don e silage to beet cattle that has aban· as one aees all ot the letters In " allpear and the bull looks smaller and try as well RS others) teems with In. regarding the weather Is to take the doned it. word ait the snme time. so, too. he the wblte space under It much narrow· stances of tb ~ tremendous stopping best possible advnntBge of the con · At the university the beef breeding sees acccurately. In a second. the er. The easiest way to overcome this power at aimed' firing, and yet we find dltlons ns they ex.lst. But th ere are cows were wintered cheaper on s ilage mark and' his sights. condition Is to aim at a point tbree- e~perlment with tel scopic and olher otber conditions that are respon sible and hay than they could be kept In I must emphasize what 1 said. tbat Quarters ot the width ot the white sights pursued half h~ artedly. a tor low production-conditions that the summer. thla faculty only comes with a great from the bottom ot the target, below breech mechanism that looks like an are dIrectly under tbe control' ot the A silo 18x36 feet Is ample to supply deal 0 Intelligent practice; witness the bull's-eye, because In a good light Iron·worker·s rlvet·setter. and a Dlag. farmer- and It Is thesll that make sUage six months for 60 ste rs. tbe skill ot lhe regular soldiers In you can see the spot easily and on a nzlne, reminding one of slipping possible' the doubling of the average A good rat/on of cotton seed meal "rapid Ore" and "skirmishing" and the dark day when the white Is contract· c b Bnge Into his change pocket, and yield per ' acre within a few years. or linseed meal Is three pounds per "trap" and "rancy" shooters. Other ed you can measurd It easily and by long " hikes" to the exclusion of about Althougb entirely possible. It 18 not day )Jer 1.000 pounds of live welglit ot tactOrs which enter Into aiming are this means avoid changing your e leva· ten times the amount or rifle practice ex pected that the n ear future will tbe animal. knowing one's "zero," and learning tlon tor different days to "find" the now to be had. (The w'rlter feels bet. witness an average · production of 62 We get more out of the corn by the speed ot the fllgbt ot the projec- target. ter, NOW that Is over.) To revert to busbe ls for every acre grown. The feeding th &> meal; tbe corn Is digested tile for Jl!fferent ranges; Of course. At long range. say 1,000 yards or mattll\l's 'pertalnlng to aiming. bear In ··f allure t;Q realize this production will beUer. f"'-- -rt""ne"-'Importance ot tbese. Il\tter factors 1,200 yards, if It Is practloal, It Is an mind the ·relatlve Importance of the result from the failure of many grow· Is modified by the killd ot shooting excellent plan to "sit" the target on threatening dangers. I. e .. at extreme· ers to improve their methods. That While It III somethIng ot a surprls& HorBe Breeding In WlsconBln. and range. In regard to the tormer, top of the front sight always center· Iy long range. l elevatlon must be some ·growers In many different states Statistics of the Wlscons1n depart· to rend of tbe peasant cut In a boy's lome men buy a weapon and proceed Ing the object (target In thl. case), wat.ched more closely than at mid or . are year by year producing 50 and mE::nt oC hoTse breeding show that shirt. none the less It Is here, and It to shoot It. always presuming It shoota uslD« the background to aid In the short range because whereas an er· 75 bushels of corn per acre proves the durIng the breeding season ot 1910 Is well sulted td the garment. As the ~ro-where there Is no drltt due to same way one looks at a landscape ror ot elevation of 1-150 of an Inch at possibility. 1.349' pure·bre d. 1.679 grade aud 466 small diagram shows. the garment wind or "mirage." Thill Is a mll!take; picture. I. e .• not attempting to de- 1,000 yards deflects the bullet ten ""Th'c Unes of Improvement that will mongrl'1 "and scrub stallions had II· forms almost a pertect Maltese cross the gun may be all TIght In a machine ftne the target to the exclusion ot Its Inches while at 500 yards the error Ilost easily and Quickly double the censes In good standing. In outline. The only seam Is under the rest, but all men are not quite the Immediate surroundings. Bear In mInd would be only flve Inches, a wind arm, nnd the flnlsh ot the tr~nt represents th e balance of the sewing neces· equal ot a .machlne rest, even though the foregoing Is only an olltllne of a blowing at right angles ten miles an sary. The small patch pocket may their verbal oplnloDs may indlcato it. sound practical method and 18 ' not nd· hour would a.t 1.000 yards give a 220 be worn or omitted and the neck Some sbooters habitually throw their vanced as an unvarying rule, for It Is grain bullet with 2.000 feet velocity should have a band so thnt different Ihots one way or another and In sucb clearly recognized that excellent scores a deviation at but 16 teet. or at 600 styles at collar may be worn wltll It. cases an adjustment ot the slgbt will may be made along othllr lines, but yards cause a deviation of Cour feet. Percale. madras. cambric. calico. flan. work a permanent Improvement III reo you are sate to tl')' what Is here sug.j· One can gauge the wind very closely. nel, etc., are all goad materials for IUltS and account tor much mysteriOUS gWited and a careful trial will show which demonstrates the 'point of the this .garment. • missing. consistent rel!ults with varying lights. argument because your object at long Tbe pat tern (5430) Is cut In sIzes" Practicing at known distances wLth I do not think one can lay down any range In' any event would be wider to 10 years. Medium size requires 1% lultable loads at a bull's-eye target rule tor bunters I!o1l regards whlcb II tb~n It was blgh. yards ot 36 Inch material. with a shotgUn or rlfte will reyeal ex· the best sight because the kInd of Hunters ought to get very clearly acUy the p'attern or group you are get· game, tbe c~uqtry and other elementl! in mind the trajectory and velocity of To procure thl" pnlle rn send 10 ce nt" tlng and help you to shoot more solen· may enter Into the question. The the projectlle 10 that they can use to "Patte rn De parl.,..,nl." or this pa p er . Write name and ullaros8 plainly. and bo ~Iflcally: thIs can advantageously be present government sight embodies a the same fllculty which enables one tu lur e to Itl vo 91z., und n umbe r or "attarD. 101l0wed. by ap practice, and then OD great many vital features, Is strong throw a stone more or less accuratl'l,. live birds or game as the case may and In every 'Yay excellent. Now the with the hand or sllng·shot. Probably NO. 5430. SIZE) ...... .. . .. : •••• be. By malting 0. practice Of DOUng matter of allowing for dTlft caused the tendency Is to sboot too far .nhead the position ot ~ feet, body and by a oross wind, that Is a question In most cases. NAME . .. ... .......... " ••••••••..• . .. .. . . •.••• hands, and always It possible holding governed by the velocity and weight Remember 300 yards Is only 900 teet a..:.. TOWN ... . . . .. .... ............. .. ... ........ . the bead In a nearly erect position of the bullet, and the lpeed ot the and most ammunltioD wUl carry tbat If- '9'* ~ ~ .•• ~.. -I' one soon becomes able, ao to speak, wind and dIstance, a~d emphaalzell In one·half !,econd. and thBt the tra· The sdck Crom which an ox' yoke lor the bows. In other words. the STREET Al"D NO .......... ....... . .. .. .. "to JaUlnto" the desired position with the point made already ot 'k nowlng jectory Is very flat. highest. point Is made should l>e ot light wood. such centers o( tbe bows should be eight greatest eue and dispatch. Having the · zero with a gIven load. Man' eight Inches, government load, so that as basswood. and measure 6x12 Inches at top and ulne Inches at bot· STATE . .. . . .. ..... .. .. ... ...... .. .... ..... .. acquired the Idea ot "torm" one must tables are In print which haye been an error 60 yard's either way Is only Inches. says the Rural Ne w Yorker. tom. Bore Cram the top wltb twa. clear his mind of any fanciful theories worked a t to a matbematlcal, nIcety a matter ot a tew Inctlee. When "flnd· · Draw. a line one Inch from nnd paral· Inc h auger tar enoug,h to pass the halt concerning tbe' method of using varl, giving the drift for cross winds and Ing" an object, always aim or rather lei with one edg·e. l..ay off eight Inches clrclo. Now you are ready to block Honesty EBBentlal. ous styles of sight. For example, the for head and rear winds. ' . Bet tbe sight tor 0. point lesB than the ",nd square. Open compass eight out tbe yoke. Block square and round Man Is bls own ster; and tbat soul one~dea of a peep sIght should be to · One ,POint I~ target .shootlng when 8IIsumed raog'li '1DIe~s spme dry sand .Inches aud describe a . half circle over the neck and down to the staple. that cnn be honest Is th'u only perfece bring the point' of ,aim or object Into firing "deliberate." Is a question of· or gray .d lrt 1s jUlt beyond or to one around tbe point Where the two IInell, Tbis rounding Is Important. and man.-Fletcber. Ita center and the top of, the front ' fprm. In the malter ot ,pointing the 81d~ When by aiming on' It YOU' ciln Intersect, which Will " leave three shot.lld be done right. The ball ,ot tbe \ - - - - -- __ . sight on the point or object : ai very rlfl~ at the target, lom~ high authorl· 'gradually come ~p ~ntll you hit. It ta Inches at the toP ot, clrcl~. 1ur~ tbe tllumb Is the shape ot , the' . ~·oupdlng Bull~ School by Voluntar~ Tax. ahort range, ,or at 'Buch point as wl~l ~Iell .say "Always come u~ from the . 1~P08sll!'~ In the c~n1l~es ot a .abort .. compas!? along base· line: •wHich , wll~ . portion wbere I~ relJts on the nec:~s Under curious' .circuDllltances a .flne allow a ol~ar view of ·the ' ~bJe<lt or bottom,h.. this. method. has I!o great deal article llke this to "50 . Into m,ln.ute de, 'la1 orr ~gb~.. lnches. and ·sQuare. This Have. 'staple made W;lth parallel POl". : new 'School Jlas been built In ttie little ' point of atm ' at lOnger range. By us' of merit In :very bad wln~s and rain, tails. and .no effort I.s !!lade to do PO will be ·' th!! ex~c.t cent~r of y.oke. lto,:! just far enough apart to let ring' town of Feo~o.rbu'. ~b Russia. Th. ing the center- of the peep sight one lJut, under condltJons we aU enjoy, It here. My lI,dvlce to al.l ls lo appro~cb The other half Is drawn the lame pass, and large enougb at bottom so .town Colks erect!!d It 'from the pl'~. pracUcally; doea away "tth worryl~g Is not b~d practice to come down Oil men of ·the type of Ariderton, Doy.le. way. Now layoff two Inch~s en e'!\ch chain will ellsll), .pallS through. PnbS ceeds ' or a voluntary, tax of tw~ ceDt~ about "bow' much front light" fli to' YOU! targ~t glancing along the left Cas8ly. Keogh, Tewt>a. ~ud.lon. Le\!.!!l· ,Ide-of eenter line, from 'WhIch point. six three·elghths·lnch bolts at .lJolnta per glass or vodka consumed. wblc. be I"n . b,c&uee tile cen~er of. the, tilde o~ Lhc barrel during the operation ner, and many other flne sQ~a.re . sbots, draw lines th,a t will {nteraec'! 'w ltb the Indicated by dots. Staple .should be th~y Imposed on.. themselvel tor a peep .k a point. ~d It the top 10 as to keep ' your eyes OD the target .and somew,h ere you wUl imbibe some- halt cirCle. . Lay off to~r ·Inches on ftUeen·slxteepth.lnch Iron and rlnll 'whole year. o! the front "gilt .fa brou,ht to tlle until the alghts approach t.he llne of thing ~t wUl benefl~. ItJ!d yo~ w~", each ~lde of the .1I~e .t bat· pssses three~u8rter ·Incl!. ODe 'ca~ buy a . . len' ot th6 1iDaItD&l'1 line trom the atm. In elthQl' case, constant prac- enj.oy tbl cood fortUDe to m.e et men throu,~ tbo center. of the balt qlrcle, nice looklnJ . Itrallht T~e .ch~~per . Pastor to HI. Flock. PIIP1l oi tile 87e ~ . tilt ceatej: tlcie. develops the "bablt." In the mat·· ot staDdlng In their pr9f88llloD. ~bO makJug flight wchel at the top · ~f thaD be CD make on 0, but It Is not . "When 1 10011 at YOU leUow......,,, .('tIle ~p IIIbt to the (JOiDt of' alal, ter o! aUowin, for wln4 ~ ve..,. rougll a1'e alJ leDerou. . . tbe)' ~ra InteluPlll lob and ~Ine luchea Itt the bottom. eU1 to Onll ODe III wJ1lcJl AD OK ClUI tile ,jall wardell, w\ut ••• . . . . ."., tlle top of tlte .. al· f4.. caa be tormec1 b, tile tollowtDS: and well potted. Tbta tl' U. lID. tor Ito1'tD' the bole. work euU;. . lora "UIrIOrtl'. ". 1C.I~elllo. \be . Lord eUdD't mde
_t ..
'''''1_ •
" •
0;... ;"
The Greatest Sale Ever Planned will commence Saturday, July 1st, at 8 a. m. $20,000 worth· of Merchandise at less than Manufacturers' Prices.. We .w ant to convert our entire surplus, stock into cash. We want to clean up every Dollar's worth of Spring and Summer Goods at ,the end of this season. .. This policy
be adhered . to strictly to the letter, twice a year- at the approaching end of the Summer and Winter Seasons.
The Saving to the ·Buying Public Will Be Enormous
Our loss in profit ~nd actu·al cost will be great,-but aside from the pleasure ·of maintaining the good will of the people, their confidence, and the satisfaction of showing complete, new and clean stocks of merchandise each season, the increase of business which will naturally follow will fully offset it.
Come Early Saturday and "get 100 Hart. Schaffner & Marx 3piece Su its. the Best in the House. prices $25, $22.50 and
Lot of Boys' Knee Pants, small sizes Sale Price per pair... ......... 9c Lot of Boys' Knee Pants, size. 6 to 14, prices SOc. 7Sc, $1 and 1.26 Sale Price. choice.. ........... 29c 50 dozen Boys' Brownie Overalls, sizes 4 to 14 Sale Price......... ..... ........ 17c
§~'Ie Price......... 150 Fine All· Wool, hand-tailored 2 and 3 piece Suits, prices$15,
~:I:n:r~~e............ $9.90
125 good all-wool 2 and 3 piece Suits. prices $10, . 12 50
rice .. ......... . . 50 2 and 3 piece Suits. broken sizes. prites were up to $12.50 Sale Price...... ...... • Odd Summer Coats- Gray, Blue Serge, Black and Fancy Luster, ranging in price $4, 6 and 8.50 . Sa Ie prlce ..2.85, 3 . 7 5 · 25 Automobile Dusters, ranging in price from ~I: to ' 12.50 OPU Sale ·Price ..2.95, 3 . 9 5 · 2 lots 2-piece Automobile S"uits, worth ,6 aJld9 SJlle prl(je ... $3,75 & . 1 lot. of Odd Vests, ranging in
$3 95
$5 95 $7 95
$4 95
Lot of Men's and Boys' Outing Scoes. all sizes, prices 12 and 2.25 Sale Price..... .......... ..••.. 1.69 50 pairs MiSses Oxfords, all leathers, sizes 8X to 11, prices 11.25 to 1.60 Sale P rice . ....... .. .............. · 98c 140 pairs Men's Oxfords, Eclipse make, all leathers, prices 13 and 8.60, sizes 6 to 10 Sal P' 1 98 140 p:ir:l~e~~;~Orl~~d~·:~ii lea~ers. Manss, Eclipse and Snow make, sizes 5X to 10, prices t3 60,4 and I> Sale --Price ..................... · 2.59 Lot Men's CanvlB Oxfords,
~~e~~ic':.~.~:~.~~.~.~~ . 49c ~. ~l~p~l~~.~.~:~ ...........
79c Lot Boys' Oxfords, sizes 8X to 2, prices $1.50 and 2 Sale Price......... ...... ..... C Sale Price ......... ...... ..... 1.19 50 2 and 3 piec.e Suits, long 100 pairs Ladies' Oxfords in all pants, broken SIZes. excellent leathers sizes 2X to 7X price .$1.50 to'S ' school suits for boys. prices Sale PJice;........ ........ ..... 98c werepul? to $10 Sale rice ...:. . . . . . . . . . 150 pairs Ladies' Oxfords and San100 ~oy~' Smts- stralght ~d dais, sizes 2X to 7X, all · leathera prices $2.50 to 3 Knickerbocker ,ants, a!1 sizes from 3 to 17 years, prices $3 Sal~ Price........ ......... ...... 1.59 tO.5 P . h . 175 pairs L8.dles' Red Crol8 OxSa,e rice, c olce.. • ford. blltton and Blucher all 90 Boy~' ~uits, Knicker~ocker leath~rs, sizes 2X to 7X, p~ice pants, SIZes 8 to 17, prices $8 $3.50 . to 13. 75 . .. Sale price............ ......... 2.29 Sa e Price. chOice.. • 75 _pairs Wies' Red Cross and 75 ~oyS' Knickerboc~er Suits, May Manton Pumps and Oxsizes 3 to 17, pnces $4.50 fords price $3 50 to 650 '. . Sale Price......... ...... ...... 2.68 Sale Price, chOice:. • 90 pairS Misses' O~ords, Budd Lot .of ~umpe~ SUIts fpr Boys make, sizes 12 to 2. black and tan, button and Blucher, prices and GI~IIl, prlc~ 50c 2 and 2.25 Sale Price, chOice.. ...... Lot of Boys' Wash Suits, sizes Sale Price......... ............ 1.57 3 to 6, .price 5qc '50 pairs MiBSef;l Oxfords, black Sale prlte. choice........ , and tan, sizes llX to 2, prices Lot} of Boys'. Wash SUits,1izes 1.25 to 1.60. -. Saleprice ......... ~, ...... ...... 9Se 2X ttl ~, }mce 98c Sale Price ...... ...... .. ... 75 pairs Misses' Oxfords, in all Lot of. Boys' Wash Suits, sizes leathers, sizes 8X'· to 11, prices 1. 75 and 2.00 2X to 6, price $1.26 Sale Price ......... ......... C t3ale Price ........................ 1.29 Lot of Boys' Wash Suits, sizes. Lot of Children's Oxfords, all .leather, sizes 5 to 8, price 1.00, 3 to 7, prices $1.69
1- ~t ~f Fancy Vests, ranging m pnce. from $2 50 ~ 5
$2 45
$1 79
$2 23 .
$3 59
39c 38c
~~l!·~~ice.-........... $1.19
~~~ a~~i:e~...... ..............
Pick of the Bargains
Boys Hats ,
Lot of Infants' soft·sole Shoes anti Oxfords, all colors, price 50 cents t5ale price......... .............. 29c Lot of Infants' soft-sole Shoes and AJippers; prices 25c and 35c t3ale Price......... .............. 17c
Broken Lots. all sizes, prices 1 to 1.25 Sale Price ......... .. ....... ... 79 c Lot of Ladies 50c Hose Sale Price.................. .. .. 19c Lot" of Sun Bonnets all colors
~~~~e ~~ice ........ ... .... .. ... ... 5c Lot of Childrens and Infants Stockings, white, blue and pink prices 10c, 15c and 25c Sale Price......... .. ....... ...... 5c Lot of Childrens Muslm Skirts price 10c Sale Price , ......... ......... ...... 5c
Lot of Ladles Tailor Made Suits sizes 34 to 42, prices t15. 20 and 26. Sale Price...... .............. $9.85 Lot of Ladies Tailor Made Suits sizes 34 to 40, prices '12.50 to 20. Sale Price...... ...... ......... $6.95 Lot of ladies Wash Jacket Suits all sizes. prices t5 to . 9.76. Sale PricA.. ......... 1.9. Lot Ladies Linen Jacket Suits all . sizes, prices up to 8.50. Sal..) Price.. .... ..... 3.95 Lot of Poplin Long Coats pric.es up to 1000 Sale Price................. ...... 5.90 Lot of Dress Ski~ts· prices from " t6 to 7.50 ~le Price...... ......... ...... 1.69 Lot of Ladies White Dresses price $5. . Sale Price...... ...... ......... 1.98 Lot of Ladies and Misses GinKham Dreues, prices up to 6. Sale Price.:·......... 2 98 Lot of Ladieaand Misses GinKham Dresses, prices 6.75 to 8.60. Sale Price...... 4.8? Lot of Ladies Silk Waists all sizes,
Lot of Cluett 1.50 Shtrts All sizes. Choice ......... ..... 9Se Lot of Monarch 1.00 Shirts All sizes. Choice........ ...... 59c Lot of 50c Famous Shirts Choice .................. :.. . ...... 37,. Lot of 50c Shirts Choice .......... :....... ........... 25c 125 dozen 25c Teck and 4-in·hand Ties, Choice..... 17c 250 d(,zen 50c 4-in-hand Ties. Choice ............ · ..... 33c 60 dozen 25c Litholin Rubber Collars, sizes 12X' to 17 Sale Pri!!e ...... ... ..... ... .. .... 17c Lot of 25c Arrow Brand 'Soft Collars . Sale Price.. ,........ ............ 17c Lot of 15t Arrow Brand Soft Collurs Sale Price .................. ..... 9c Lot of Men's 50c Balbriggan Shirts ·and Drawers, all sizes Sale Price per garment..... ...... .. ....... 83c Lot of 25c Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers. Sale Price . ,per garment ......... ·.......... 17c Lot of 1.50 and 1.00 Union Suits. Sale Price.. . ......... 79c '1.00 Pants •. all sizes Sale Price........... ............ 78c $1.50 Pants, all sizes Sale Price ......... .............. 98c '2,50 Pants, aU sizes Sale Price........ ......... ...... 1.69 $3 and 3.50 Papts, all si~s. Sale Price... ......... 1.98 $4and 4.50 Pants, all Sale Price......... .............. 2.98 $6 to '6 Pants, all sizes. Sale Price...... ..... 3.89 50 dozen Mens Sox Black and Colors, prices 10c and 12X c Sale Pric~. per pair... ......... 7c 25 dozen Mens Handkerchiefs, White and Bordered, prices up to 10c. Sale Price ...... 4c
~~esp';1!~~.~ ...... .........
2.89 LotofLadit:B White Wash Dresses ·prices up to· $10 Sale Price...... ...... ........ 6 39 Lot of Ladies White Wash Dresses ,prices up to $15 Sale. Price ......... :.:.. ........ 9.85 Lot of Ladies 'Hats, prices up to 1.76 Sale Price, Choice ......... 1.69 Lot of Ladies Hats prices up to 7.60 . Sale Price, Choice ......... 3.48 Lot of Girls Straw Bonnets prices up to 1.98 Sale Price, Choice .. ......... 1.19 Lot of Childrens White Wash Dresses, ages 3 to 6 years prices up to 1 Sale Price ... ....... ...... ......... 29c
Straw Hats Work Hats. prices lOc to 6Oc. Sale Prices ...... 5c to 25c Dress Hats, including Panamas, prices 50c to 5 Sale Prices.:............ 25c to 2.50
Lot Plain Dress G09ds prices up to 25c. Sale Price, per yd ... .. .... .:... 9c Lot Wool Dress Goods, prices up to $1. Sale Price. per . yd..... ...... SSc Lot Wool Dress Goods, prices up to 50c. Sale Price. per y.d...... ...... 29c 500 yds. Dress Ginghams prices 10c and 12Xc. Sale Price. per yd... ........... 5c 500 yds. Dress Ginghams, prices lOco 127,:;"c and 15c . Sale Price. per yd. ... ....... 8X'c 350 yds. Dress Ginghams, prices 16c to 19c Sale Price, per yd ....... :.... Hc 300 yds. Percale, prices 10c. 12c an d 15c. S!lle Price, per yd .. ...... ...... 8c 450 yds. Antrim Lawn price 5c. Sale Price, per yd...... 3c Lot of Lawn. prices lOc and 15c. Sale price, per yd..... 5c 400 yds. Lawn prices 10c to 19c. Sale Price, per yd...... 8c 250 yds. Lawn, prices 12Xc , 25c and29c. Sale Price, per yd. 17c 150 \ yda. Mercerized FoUlard, prices 17X c·to 2Oc. Sa1e ~rice . per yd ......... .. lac Lot of Wash Silks. pink, blue, gray and lavender, prices qp to S5c. SIHe Price per yd............ 19c 1000 yds. Hill, Bope and Filrewell bleached muslins, yard wide. . prices 10 and 11 Sale Price, per yd... .... ...... 8c 1000 yds. L. L. fine Sheeting Muslin. yard wide. price 8X'c Sale Price, per yd. ... ...... 6U c 250 yds. Stevens p. unbleached Crash, priCe lOco - Sale Price per yd ......... I.. 8X'c · 150 yds. White Swiss Embroidery prices 31>c to 50c S~le Price, per yd ...... ....... 19c Lot of Ladies Muslin Gowns and Skirts. prices 1. 50 to 1.75 t:.Iale Price ....................... 9Sc Lot of Boys 25c hirts, Drawers and Umon 8uits ~ale Price .. .. .............1 ...... 17c Lot of Boys 25c Waists, all sizes. !:lale Price...... ...... 17c Lot of Boys 50c Waists and .Shirts all sizes, !:lale Price......... .. 38c Lot of Men's and Boys 25c and 50c . Onps, all sizes. t3ale Price 13c Lot of Men's and · Young Mens Soft and Stiff Hats, all sizes, prices 2, 2.50 and 3 8ale Price......... ...... .. .... $1.39
6 Imitation Leather Couchesquartererl oak, guaranteed prices $15 and $16 ~ale Price......... • 6 ft. Round and Square Dining Tables, prices $12 50, $18.50 and $15.00 Sale Price............ • 4 18x40 Mirrors. beveled French Plate Glass, 5 in . . gilt frame. price $7.50 Sale Price..... . ...... • Lot of Folding Sewing Tables 36 in. long, price $1.00 Sale Price ...... •.. ......... C 12 Oak Center Stands, price $2. Sale Price • 48 Jardinier Stands. price SOc. Sale price.. C $1.69 Porch Rockers Sale Price ............ -• $2.00 Porch Rockers Sale Price...... ....... • $2.50 Porch Rockers Sale Price. ......... • $8.75 Porch Rockers Sale Price............ • 9x12 Seaml~ Brusaels Rults, price $12.50 Sale Price.......... • . 9x12 Velvet Rugs. pl'ice $16 50. ~11 Sale Price ....... ~ • 50 27x54 Axminster and Velvet Rugs, prices '$1.75 and 2 Sale price • 50 18x36 Axminster Rug Mats. price, 98c. Sale Price......... ......... C
$11 '69
$9 98
$4 95
74 $1 29 29 $1 19 $1 43
$1 84
$2 89 $9 58
$1 39
Summer Furniture
n. $S 48
Hanging Porch Swings, prices 5.50 and 7.50. Sale Price · $2.19, $3.95, • 4 Passengf'r Lawn Swings, ~prices $5.75 ~ $6.50 Sale PrIce •
$4 48
Carpet Sweepers
$2 4'8
Prices $3 and $8.25 Sale Price • Hand Vacuum Creane ... Price $5 00. . SIde Price............ •
$2 98.
Casollne Stoves
$2 19 $3 25 $8 95 $9 95
$8.00 Gasoline Stoves Sale Price............ • $4.00,G~0Iine Stoves Sale Price ... :. ...... • '12.00 Gasoline Stoves Sale Price·..... ........ • t13.50 Gasoline Stoves Sal~ Price.............. • Perfection 3-Burner Coal·Oil Stoves, price flO Sale Price...... ...... • Perfection 2·Burner Coal-Oil Stoves, price 7.50 Sale Price...... ...... , ' .
$7 39
$5 S9
600 gallons Hanna's Green Seal ·Paint at ·Less tha.n Cost 12 Hoosier S"ecial Kitchen Caoinets, prices $25 and 27.50 Sale Price............ . • 12 Iron Beds, white, green and
8 lots Lace Curtains, price 50c and 59c per pair Sale Price, per pair ......... 3 lots Lace Curtains, price $1 Sale price; Jar palr ......... ~ lots Lace Curtains, prices $1.25, 8 Morris Chairs, prices $7.50 to $1.50 $1.75 and $2 p~rpair . Sale ·P rice, per pair ... ~!·I~Oprice................. 3 lots Lac Curtains, prices $2.50, 3 Mission Hall Clocks·, prices $7.50 $3 and $3 50 per pair Sale price, per·pair... . .• and 8.50 . Sale price ......... .. .... • 2· lots .Lace Curtains, prices· $4.60 6 Imitation Le~ther Couches; QUIll-- . and $5 . tered oale, guaranteed, prices Sale Price, per pair... . .• 48 pairs Swiss . Curtains,price 75c per pair ..,.. JI A '_ • Sale Price, per'pair ....... ;. .~ . Fireless Cookers 10. r~l1s Ingrain Carpets', best·&TAde prices 66C and 76c · .. $12.50 Fireless Cookers ~Ie Price, ·~r yard .• ,,;.. . C. . Sale P·rice ............... · • 6 ·rolls Wool Ingra~~ CarpeQi,J)l'ice '~4.fiO Firel~ Codkers SOc, . . Sale Price ............. " • , . , Sale price, pe&: yard .... ""... • 15 roI18_lt!~tt1ng, price 25c vd ] $19.00 Fireless Cookers Sale Price ........ , .:.... , Sale pnce, per yard .;.........
$20 75
~~l:'/ri~~~ .~~............ $4.54
$3.98 $5 95
29c 69c
v.... 98c , $1 98
$2 69
. ~~~7~r1~;~:~~........ $1.4.91$
'$9 98..
11 50· .
We ha~e decided to quit the Paint bnsiness. at less -than cost. •
We will sell it I
$1 • 69 . 69c
6 gross Armour's Toilet 'Soap Sale price, per cak~ .......... .,
Ice Cream Freezers, Refrigerators and Lawn Mowers at cost. 1 gr. 15c Palm Olive Toilet Soap C 1 qt. Angle Ice Cream Freezers, · Sale Price, per cake...... ...... price 75c . . Sale Price .. ;...... ...... .... .. C 5 gross Star Tin Fruit Cans. price .'12.50 Leather Suit Ca- Leather and. Matting 1!liitCa:- 2 qt. Angle Ice Cream Freezers, . 35c'per dozen price $1'49 Sale Price, per dozen...... C ses ReS, pric~1 up to t4 9 SaJe Price ....... ....... :.. ... C ",t Sal~ Price .:....... . .. $9.48 Sale Price............ $2.7 Leather Suit Cases, prices up Leather and Matting Suit Ca- 6 Cabinet .Bread Raisers. ·price 5 gross Sure Seal Quart Jars:·price $12.50 . 6~ 85c per dozen . to 17.50 $5 9.0 sea, pril!e8upt02.50 $1 89 Sale Price ............ :.. . • . 1:1' Sale Price, per dozen ..... ' C' Sale Price........ ..... • ~ . Sal~ . Price .......: .••••• • Leather·Su·i t Cases, price$ up · . Leatner and Matting Suit ·Ca- 42-piece "Monogram Dinner Sets, letto t6 ' sea, prices up to '2'.' ' 29 , ters A. ~, c; Fi G, ·H, ·M, N, R, S 3 gross .BaIt Mason iars. prl'c e 5<k: . Sale Price............ .$3.59. Sale Price ...... ;... :. $1. . , per dozen ' :'. 8l\d W, 'price $3 98 . " tt ' Sale Price; per doz~n Sale price~ per $et.. .. ~. . . , ...'... . .
600 gallo!ls of lianna's Gre~n Seal Paints in all colors, price $2.10 Sale Price. per gal... .... ......... . 50 gallons Sherwin-Williams Red Ba~ and Roof Paints, price $1 per gal. Sale price. per gal .........
Leba.noD, Ohio.
. Also,
·3 9c·'.
$2 49
S~tORf 42c fRED'S:·CO·OPfRltIVf' 7c
5· dozen ·Window Screens, size SOx8~, priceSOc ',. ; . Sale PriC6'; each ........... ,.. ,. .
Hundreds of.lte~s, smilll lots and Odds ·and 'ERds in everY department 5 dozen Sherwood Steel F'riune ·Wintoo. numerous to mention; WhlCh ·will ..dow Screen8j. price 66c .sale ·Price, eaCh ••••••••.• ••.•• , . be picked up by the early buyers. ~"
+~...-..---.~---.-.---.-.. ~
'herbet at 'ehwartz'.
Kenn eth Ridge will b e~ in ,to learn teleg raphy Lhia week, N . L. Bun ne:! wen t to Thursday in his auto.
James Zell , of Yell ow Springs, was a Sunday visitor her.
Rev. J . F. Cadwallad r was ill X nia and l ay ton FI·iday. , Messrs. J. M. oolc and FI' d Gons Wtj)' in Ci ncinnati Thursdny.
w-;;;;s;iil~ H;;-O~J-y-o~
-Sa-nk-r F~URTH
Miss Kathleen Haines, of Dayton is spending a short time here with relatives and f riends.
I I Mr. and Mrs . Jo . -Thompson, of Cincinnati, were guesti of relatives here over the F ourth.
E.;;0;5- 1-----·-----. is~ci~l
Miss Letitia MoKay lett Thursday , for Detroi t Mich. where she will make an extended 'visit. , • ' Miss Mary Norton and 'M,l'. I:>wight ' Garretson, f Cincinnati, have been g uests of Mrs. Eliza Haines. . Mr . and M. rs " W Fl All .en " Mrs . J. F. Cadwallader and MISS Clara Lile \vere in Dayton Thursday. '
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Chapman and Mrs Lydia Stanton, of Springbol'o, visited relat,iv shere , Wedn!!sday, ' The Misses Marie and Hannah Harper, of Spr.-ing Val fey, were ((uestsofMi sPearICblvinl.as. tweek.
Delicious ICe Cream Soda 5e .at
-SC~wai'tz 8 , Miss Edith ~obinson and Mr. Will flo'ward" of 'Xenia, were guests of Miss Clara Lile at the . rectory Tuesday.
'f '
'y Runawa
U0100 e M eetelog
- - -....
Mr. T. J. Brown and 'daughters, Mis.'ieS Annie and Mam, visited Lebanon and Shaker Village 'last. 'fhur!lday. .,. Mrs. Emma Dakin went to Osborn" Ohip, SntUl:dllY moming, where ~n will visit her son; Guy Dakin and family, fo r a time.
After \'(atering his horse at the fountain Sunday evening abou t U o"clock, Carl Dodds, with two companions, turned too suddenly and up· et the buggy 'throW,i ng ' the occu · pants ou t and bruising them considerably. The horse star~ed to run but was stopped by bystanders. A broken shaft was the damage to the I bu ggy. r
Mt, and Mrs. George Foreman, ~f Ked Llon, called on friends here Sat""'uroay,-enrOut~to visit relatives in ' Sprink Valley Su~dav.
" ...
The temperance meeting at the M. E. church Sunday evening was an enthusiastic one, and notwith. standing the extreme hot night, a goodly congregation was present to hear lion. Frank L. Johnston, of Xenia, deliver one of the best tern. perance addresses ever heard in Waynesvl'11 e. H e was an interestingtalker, ' full of enthusiasm, and explained the question in hand in atl its phases. A large collectiun was taken at the close of the sermon. . The musical numbers were good, the different choirs of the town being weH represented. _ _ _.... _ ••_ _ _ I f Go to S::hw~rtz's for a g ass 0 Delicious Ice Cream Soda.
, I
, Sam Davis fell ofr t!'te hig h plat· form at the depot Wednesday and l.adly bruised his lef t arm and hi p. While he is able to be out ' he has Wm. Lippincott helping him, The platform is about five feet high where he fell, and . it is a great wonder it did not hUl·t him wor. e; , J
I "i. II.
ALLEN. Presl(\ollt
O ur Fa t a I Fourth 0 f Ju Iy-'- How t 0 Observe I t
,, '. bro.'~heI!J$1_~e
..- - -
Bor n-:-To . Mr. and Mrs. C. A. , Fisher" , at Cincinnati, T~ur~ay, June 29~h, a daughter. Mrs. Fishel', 'l'hIR .bullettn if! df18l gnod to warn was formerlY' Miss Catherine Allen, the people of those OfJlill~l1nitles in OhiO, who ' 1.' emll lu tlopr,)tElOt,ed by niece of Mr. W, 'H. Allen. proper ordinrl'Ooes from the sl1le of Mr. Robt , M~s.her and ,.Mrs: Edith dlLngerOllS fir6works an (i t.h~ ' in H~rri.s accompanied Mrs. Ell Irons jllrieslikely tor~snlt frnm their use. to ~er ~orr~e 'i? Lebanon :rhurs,day, BappiJy t,he 1.'8aideJ}ta ot IDlinyof Mrs Irons haVing been thl:! guest of ollr cities lind villages clln view the M'r s. Harris and family, several days. al;'pro!\~h of ou ~ nation 's Il.nniver 'lt r Tr C h d P' I S d ' t. r~ w-ith ' en ~ire eq lla~imlty. for their y ru~ ~ ,. me~pp e un ae a councils; in ,their wisdom have pro~chwartz's. , v\c1 d 11/t,iinlt the sa)e of tbOS6 ' rl~~_ M~. 'Miranda Crane, of Cincinnati' gel'Qus age,n cies wltb 'wbiob YOllng , , who has been in Washington, D. C., A"}eriol\ WIlS wont to oalebrate the ' .t he gliest of Mr. and Mrs: "Ohas; day. . ' Moore, flrrived " h~re" I8st week for' La.!lt yMr t~i'" dep.a 'rtnlent, . In 8:0 an extended visit to her sister Mrs. 'effort to d(! ._t!olDet~lDg pra~lt.lo~1 to R,'A,. Cross. ' ' . '" " " . ", '~limiqllte the , dlu"ters ro \i'fe Ilnd '. " " , : . . . property . ioC)hlent to Qur .mlstaken Mr. : andMra. W. II .. Atlen,Mr. id~II.Ii ' ooi:l(}ettliti~ "pr,o~e~ ' (l~lebru. and ' Mrs. ,J. ' O. .Cartwright ,and thin of,tbe 'Fourth, sent out oopi61i daua-h~r, iUtea Jean~e.t~e, . Ml'; . and' Q! o~dhjtb:io~ re~ al~t\~-g 'tbe,8111e-.of , Mrs, J. ~ , Janney ·ahd (dkughtel'$,. fireworks aud r,eo.ommende" th!\t . . ' ." ." ' " . , " F4na. Luelh~,"oleaonetf;ean~ Fran~, theyl ~, 'pat\A'B~:by tJbe· var.iQ'U~ 0\>00.MrrlLnd Mra. B~ S.· Bowell. 'Mr"'and oll.ln mu"loi~ties tllrogabout the Mrs. F. E. Shww.oed and da~" state. Home ot-our·~iA.rger cUtes ·lI.fld -Helen. wer.rSll~ peats 0, f . ib. ' t.IlWPI alrt\&~Y had I,lOon C?rdinanoes ..d Mrs. Debj. Haw~, and "nail- III ope,,"'oo, and 'lieft~od ree1l1'h~g '
W, , atileD, Of ~~.. ,. Q~.
au 3'
Born- T9 Mr. and MI' . E. S. Stewart, of Utica, aturday, July 1st, a daughter.
, Mr. anti Mrs~ ' Chas. Parr'ish . and family, of Hamilton. Ohio, and Mrs. Henrietta Milton, of Carrollton,: Ill., were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. I Hawke and falllily. ' ' . .
Try l'u8h d Pineapple undae at Schwartz's. '
Go to Schwartz's for. a glass of Delicious lca Cream Soda.
CAMPING AT CHA UTA UQUA OF J UL Y CEL.EBRATION i, Do YOll want an ideal ouluoor. va- +___________ + rhe only real old fashIOned 4lh of cation ? Then camp a t th Miami , July celebration at Columbus this Valley ' CI1autau qua. A m 0 r e be auyear will be held at Olen tangy Park Mr . and M 1'>1. Chas. Gray enter tifullocation can not be found along where there will be daylight pyro· tained at Su nd ay dinner, Mrs. Maud.e the Great Miami. Seveml hundred I technics all afternoon and l\ big dis- I aver and daught,e r, Audrey, of t nt intersp rsed among the trees play of firew()J'ks at night, fr e en· \'\ ellman, Mrs. Cu rl Cleaver, of Dayalford hom es fo r a happy , congenial l 'rlainment of various kind ~ , in- lon. and M i !:! ~ Mary Gray, of Lebanon. ('olony for more than three weeks. ' cluui ng big band concerts. songs by The elec-tri c lights, the good , Rani· Prof. Hoenig's 25 Boy Singers, or. tary conditioni! and cool, pure drink. chel\tra mu sic, balloon a cension with Mr. and MI'" W. S. Graham enlering waler add much to th e comfort triple parachute lea ps special athlet. tain ed at lh eir pleasant country of the patrons, ic events, including wrestling bouts home Sunday the f.llowing guestR: Ill" or th ese w ha '\ an t an'In t e II ec t ua I and box ing ' matche8, and other in. MI' and Mrs. J. H. Caskey, of Lebaf ust the management has provided teresting features. and t he Great non, Mr, aIHi Mrs. Chas Cornell. the best program in t he history ot Carver Shows, with its swimming ex. Mis es Luella Cornell and Martha h . t't t' Y 'II fi-.1 O'Neall. e inS I U lOn, ou WI lIu recrehibition, expert rifle shootin", ,., bronco ation, in boating , bathing. fishing, busting and other sensal ional wild , Misses Donna Hawke, HenrieU~l tennis, baseball or a ftui et stroll along , west features, closing with the four the three-fou)·ths mile of rivet· front famous high diving hor es which dive McKi nsey, Edit.h Mosher, St lIa lemand back am ong the bea utiful cot· from a 50-fo ot platform into a tank mon, Alma Waterhouse and Mesarll. tage homel:!. of water, and the intrepid "Girl in Dr. Miller, Edward Ricks, Harold The Sixteenth Annual ~Assembly Red" who rides one of these horses Cook, Harvey RYEl!and Ronald Hawk e , Will be held July 21st. to Aug. 14th in its thrilling high dive. All of this picniced down the river on the The following is a partial list of entertainment will be absolutely free Fourth. talent to appear on the platform to all persons visiting Olen tangy Miss Jeanette Janney was pleas~his year: Rev. Geo. R. Stuar t, Park, and there will be a number of "Billy" Sunday, Harry Mon roe un· other forms of entertainment and antly surprised last Wednesdayevedel' whom "Billy" Sunday was con· All of tRe Miginal directors are a,m usements, there being something ning by about eighteen of her Rirl vel'ted, Dr. Len G, Bt'oughton, Col. decea ed . They were S. S. Haines, scheduled for every hour of the day friends, the o('casion being' her 12th Geo. W. Bain, Hon. Champ Clark, Joel Evans, S. W. Rogers, Jonas J an- and evening, so there will be one birthday. Games and music whiled speaker of the Houge of Representa~ ney, E. A. Brown, A. P. O'Neall and continuous round of pleasure from away the evening and at a seasonable lives, .Prof. Holden, t he gr~ate t A. Stoke3. the time the park opens until it hour dainty refreshmp.nts were served. authotlty on corn, Hon. Richard The board or directors at present closes late at night. Yates, Ex-Governor of Illinois, Hon. nit l) In Ii F ImlUry consists of: W. H. Allen, George E. Olentangy nark contains 100 acres M C fIll d ~ A pleasant surprise was gotten up · H. T Ra mey ' . . . rom . an Riley, ~ . 'Lev. CKrtwright, J. WI'll of ground, d'e vated to the amuseh J b on Mr. Clem Crane, who lives on the t e ast mem er placed on the fa· While, J. B. Pence, C' T Hawke ment of the public, with an extraorUtica road, by his wife, and neady mous Anaoi as Club, Rosani, the jugand Chas. S. Sears. ' dinary variety of attractions and is 'p f Ad' B b k ' a hundred guests ful1y enjoyed the g Ierj 1'0. nan, ur an , s co The officers arp. W. H. Allen, Pres- I·the leadinD' play"'round in Central day. Those present were: Harry . . . . WOI'k er, the L eB run G ran d 0 pera across the stre t now occupied by iJent·, George E. Riley, Vice Presi- Ohio. 'Co .,' t he g reatest musica I attraction A. Maffi t 's undertaking establish- ' dent; J. O. Cartwright, Cashier; I Ertel and' family, Emer~n Mason • - .. ever offered at Chautauq ua Kaffir ment F dB Sh d dR dD ALARM OF . FIRE and wife, Eli Burnett and wife, AI Singing Boys, Castie Squar~ EnterAs ' the years w~nt on the bank's .re B . k.kerwo~ an aymon a· ____ (C~8ne and f~ilY, Wm. N~ibel and . . . .' ", VIS, 00 eepelS. . WIfe. Bud Wills and family. Mrs. tamers and many others of natlOnal \ quarters became Inadequate to " a~The surplus fund has , reached At 11 o'clock foaturday the fire bellI ElI L' d d Char d reputation . ' , commodate their growing bUtSiheSs. nearly the $100 000 mark and the rang an aiarm. and the fire was found CI ~ ~n er ~ , ~o~ hd Ie and I Anvone in terested may get full but it was not until after' the'great bank ranks ele~en on the "Ho'n or to be atthe residence of Miss Sarah f y.~ ~a~, ~ran r~ ~co;:". s information and illustrated program '1fire of 1900, that they were able to OAIl" of the State Brown ' The incipient blaze was Aamk~ y, a Yd u~fren aRan Wl ed' MWll , b dd . h M F G'J . ' ~ . ..~ " '. . t 1Oson an WI e, ymon uya ressl!la' t e anager, . ) - fiud a satIsfactory loc!lttiOn, When , 'The lie'funct- Cltizena' bank ' was 'SOon extinguIshed. It was caused f rdland f - 'I B S·th d l lum Cromer, Chautauqua, Montgom- t heir present handsome building organi"ed July 1 1903 and has been by emptying ashes against an out fO 'I F .I!omkl Yp' en md f ~nl ' ,C O ' . d . ~ " , ' amI y, ran ence an arm y. ery 0., . was erecte .at North and Mam doing businpss ever since. While house. Th d H be C' Ro t ts ., ' , ~ • omas an e r arey, ger s ree . lt h~d Its. ups and downs, the bank Decker, Clint Ross and family" ~ 9 Many new and important changes ha~ a. f.al: share of. ~he business in Rob, ert Haines, Vance Decker, Ed cl U are contemplated at the present thl!' VICInity, but .It ~as finally U Roland and family, Beryl Frazier. , time, but it may be some little time deemed best .to sell I.ts IDterests to Bernice Woolley a'ld cousin~ Alex b fo re the <:~]lsummation of these the Wayn~vllle NatIOnal bank, the Fox, Marie Marie Stanye and Roy Neibel, Clarence Dun~a~, ~~1'en . , changes. ' t ransfer being made Saturday. ___ Wooller and George Smith.
About People 1
·..-....-..~ ......... :--------~~cD
.... «.
The New Century Club held its last meeting for the year at the beautiful country home of Mrs. J. L. Mendenhall. After cordial greetings the meeting was called to order by the president and nineteen members responded to 1'011 call by naming Rome noted philanthropist. Mrs. J. A. Funkey read a most interesting paper on "The,History and Work of the Salvation Army." she dwelt particularly on the work of Miss Booth and l)aid ~ high tribute to her beautiful and ' noble characer. Mrs. F. II. Farr gave a reading. "The Judgment Day," bv Edwin Vance which was much enjoyed bv . all. Current Events, Mrs. E. V. Barnhart, aft~ which Mrs. Cadwallader with a few wel1 chosen reo marks introduced our new president, Mrs. J. L. Mendenhall who most graciously received the gavel and took up the work for the coming year. A pleasant social hour followed, during which delicious refreshments were served. The invited guests of the hostess were Mrs. Rowe, of Dayton, Miss Hutchinson. of Chicago, Dr. Mary Cook, Misses Annie and Mame Brown Miss Emma Heighway and Miss 'Edna
from ninny qUllrtel's. As a r esult on street rllilway traoks is n~t dan'. A OIDAD(,Y T~rtiO of the leghla&ion passed prior to tbe gerous to the oooupants of the onr lnst tourth of .luly, there was II. reo bat it is a terrot' to hysteric~l nerves "The most deadly thing used in duotion of fifty (50) per oent in 110· In Columbus lL boy lo~t threo fingers our annual ontl:oreak of savagery oldents ano fires in this atilt\:! inoi. ttying t drive 1\ nail through ODe oalled pa.triotlsm 'is the toy pistol. dental to the ,c elebration. of them, It explode8 a paper oa,p oontaining , MlLoy of Ollr towns however, reo '1'he small Chinese firecrnoker, olorate of potash and pieoes of the' main 'unprotected. 'ft. was t.bestl which is used in greater nutuJ:>er paper are often driven under the that furniShed tbe fires and the list t.btln auy other fire work, destroys 8kin of the bjl.od. 2t,reet dU8t alall of mlLilnC;ld and injured ,whioh still most property Ilnd fewest !tves. times carries bacilli whioh oause dhgrace and dlsoredit our intelli- 'rhe paper of the ortlck",r often glows lookjaw if buried io human fiesh so J~nney. -------~-~.-----genoe. for mhlutes after it i8 exploded, ig. tbat air oann,ot reaoh them, A AUTOMOBILE ACCiDeNT ' , ]j'or the benefit of' the residents of oiting ~ra.sh in whiohit' falls. Tbe most dangerous praoiioe ill to oover suo.h commuDitiestllefol109\'ing SUit· electrio,sparkler is harmles~, unless sooh a wound with a plaster, All While on the road to town ,Sunday g\!8tions a.ro oopied , from a bulletin , its wh'e 'while still redhot, is thrown penetratillg woondlf trom fireworks evening a a-entleman wh'ose name i sued by the P?pl1rtmeDt in the into robblsh. 6ardeu plec~s and mll8t be laid open. by a snrgeoo anll could not be learned, and' who was yt}ltr 1~08 :, - . ' .. the new'" 'oannon string' are safe , rlressed so that air can enter ~hem. the guest of ' Mr. Bishop" on the . "Preparatory: to the rei,gn, c;>f fire. e~~tigh." 1itloause tbey 'must :t>e fired' Th~~e"~hs io 'he l.!olted !:Itatea iro~ Upper Springboro , pike;.. , r.Il~,'~ver t,UtJ~i8hln area8.!>fya.r(Is , sh!)u}d b~ by an I\dolt. ' ' \ . l~~JlI.w f~Uowlpg the fourth have a,dog bel()ngin$' .to John' ·Gibbons;· relno~&4 or ~etteci down.''' Stable8,' ' aut a ~ery tmlLt'1 part of the fire ' ranged froti1105 to 466. For'anat~. causing the 'machine to tQrn turtle. but bOQS8S. p,a okiog, rooms an~ oel. 1088 on the 'Foo~h 18 obargea ble 'to there is nOw " ae~um . for tb. ~ 01lre ,B oth a-entIemen were' baaly' brufaed. lllo,~ win~oW8f!h~.uld 'be tigbtly olosed sky roO~etl', ' ,.rne :.tioks s,re ooo'led of.1ookj& w .,'.' . ' " , but af~r rightihg the lI\scbin'e I t".~y . " "M ' ... " '. tnf~I,1ing BO ' tbey leldom igJlUe . '. 'fh~n aUer U is an ,O,Vel: , an.~ Its returned home: • L...,.. D.um... nOUB KINDS . f B 1- b 1 . toll of, dea~. th I I~g ,a. . ild fl re ,t I '' .-' \'. TRIll , ::.~ .' .' .. roo. " nt .~ t e oe ebJ'ation of ; malQ WORK:ED AT' NIOHT . Red fire doe,B'not'8i[plOde ; the pin.·_ aet hal' three Q9io huUdhlgl were tallt~,..t..:. le& to tUba' yo~r oity ,or ' ' . ' .. Wbe~Ls faeten,e d to a tree ~ the Ro. flred by'1 ookete .. u~ the de.oe~dln.g vlllal8 oounoU paeiea luoh orell. 'l ,T he National Bank force worked mao oaudl~ d:~h.rged 'frQm -'he B~lok from ODe pl~0e4 'be .,. akall of DltoDoee .. will p~teo, yoa ud youn. Friday evening- 1I0viD~ ib.~, o~r~tooe barn. no'hJnlba". wriap .. babe dee'roylng," ~n tta ~o~et'l in th,e fatare. ,Jolul Vi.. Zuber, e~ . pteparatory to 10. .. Tbe d,amJte IOrpedo DIfd aJ'IDI. . . . : '. i ' , . Btale " ... ~q""r ~. "
the .....
., '
Under Conditio ns, the Matter S Co",pu atlvely Ea.y of Arrange ment.
Willi"; to Suppor t Pt:OJlY. Aill rt Tiedem ann . a freshma n of th e nlvers lty of Pe nl1lsylva nht. WWI cllllt'd u pon tc) vote for officers Iu a t ent goth rIng. Not beIng well se· qllll llll eli ' wit h t bo nomIn ees. ho thought fully hos lluled b fore OIling alii his lmllol. Ouo or Ih t) COOlPII OY lert th e roo m wit h th e ('xphll1o tlou Ulul he wou ld "vo tll b y ))roxy ," .. 0 wil l I," s nhl Albert, nnd w!tb 11 \.; Twn' ll )lOlReoi a()ov hi s Imp r, lell Iwd (l\ or to n com lIu n Ion on hIs rl !;!l t and a~ I(e (\ : . " a,l' , wharR P roxy's CIrRI name?"
Tit 'ntInl ))()1i 13 stntinn ,. {tr · e rrll\'d done dnl' IllS t ~ I) , ~'rn('l' r., ,. . re wond(>rl ng whs t tbe. would d "!ll'lIld suulher nrre:>! b mnlil'. \\ ht>n . " (' U '1' o)ll.'n~d alld n tlll't'jl),·lo(lklng, .10111(> e 'ed fo rclgn~r drlrt c.d n wllh (l tlOA l deJ ctt'd "Coot "tn in!:. 111('0&. " T he omc I'S nodded th <-Ir rl'''till~~ I tl tit tit r, nger, IV b ll th r n ll:!k t,tl : " V 1\ t dill 001 0 sIc plng!l her<-? I YUSI 0:- ,\11 1(1 (rom hlcngo and 11l "til rt I \~nr l( lomorro w." , " \\'('11, th e on ly spare 10\' ., h:l\'1' I(lft I Is IIrf' worth 11I' lng ? I sho uld BIlT .~ 0 hllll!( which Is aIr au)' OITllpl~1 1 I t he IIvcr.- Thomaa hI' R ' 0 101' d 111 11 0 . y nll nn 011111 1'8 IhAI If you \\'1\111 10," r pl! ('d I II ' o m· I'p r. I Til 111/11\ thought for a fl'\\ ' 111 111\11"1<, ....·flltc,hlll i his II ad and aid : ' SYN OPSIS. " Well , I gu ess I no ca ll sea h illl 10 / that rCl'Illve r he was no longer a COIlo II o'k, BIIII' beslcl c!I I alU tired and IVan How~rd ,Iol'f rk s, ha nker'. lion, und ~ r sclolls pp.rsona llty. As be hIm self said Rip!! ) " - Milwau kee WIM c on~ln t Ho p \ II Inn u"n,," nC n"b~ rt Underwood, . to his wife: 'They auld 1 did it- and I f ... llow ·~ I\ld "' !lt II I Yul p, 1 II.d8 ot tHs· IIlplI 11 0 11 , 111 0 rrl. , ~ t hp ,hlu¥l1tnar l1(e knew I dldn 't, but after I looked at bier \\'lIn el l d III l)rlHOn, hud IIIot 1\ gu m· that s hl!)ln!; pIstol I don't know what by his rlllh r. Hu IN out ot workdl aownQd SKIN DISEASE dC"I)"rtlt a nd In o 'Hra llA. Undllrw ood. who had 1 said or dld -every thlng became a ooll'/> b""n " to Howard 's A(CP, " Our boy was horn In Toronlo on m<l lhl'r. A II In.ngDIRIf ~adpparentl blur and a blonk.' Now, I may lell y III prosperl'l 13. ]908 , on rl when three months ous (· 'r(,lIms t unrl'~ . T n klug lldvanlil ge o f you, captain, that thu conditio n fits his Inrll1l1"'Y \Vll h Alicia, he beco mes a old a 1'1 ight ras h ap peal'ed 0 11 hili so rl oC MCIf' lnl hllf hwllyrn nn. Dlsco\'crlng In every dotall the ClinIcal experlon ceB tr ue rllnr~e l' · r. AUd il denI"" him tho c" k . W hat appeare d to lJ 1\ wa· hi. at n£'rve spt'clall sts and tile medi cal hOll ~l'. Il l' M ' nils her a note thr~ate n lng ter bllKt.e r would torm . WhIm It lIulclde. Art dCrllpl's Cor whom h ucted ex pe ri e nces of the psycbol og1sts, Aft. h roke, matte r would r un out. stnrtlo g as l'OIllIllIMblone r, demand nn Ilcueu lltllIg. e r five hours' constan t cross·qu estlon. nO' ('anllol make good. Howard call s a t lieill' bllsterR until his e ntlr fa e, hl ~ IIpurlm('nls tn an In toxicated (!ondlIng While In a sem i-dazed (!ondltlo n, head and s houlde rs wore a m0 9~ of lion I rrquesl & 10ll n of 12,000 to enab le you Impress ed on Aim your own Ideas hIm 10 , h.ke up " buslnCt58 proposition. RCllbA and yoil could not seo a par· H owarel drinks hlmsolf Into -YOU ex lracte d from him not the fl mlludlln tlc l£'. of clear s kin. Other parts of condItion , a nL! R'.,ps to 81 .. p on a divan. thought s that wer e In his own con· A "/l \l e r a nnoun 011 and Underwo od I'hl body were affected , bu t not to draws a II!scree scloUSIJ CSS, but those tbat were In n around tho drunken uclJ nn extent. We tried aboul every II l e~lje r. AlIclrl ente rs. She demo.nds a. yours , Is that the sclentlft c tact. doo"rornillo t l nd ~ rwood that he ..'111 not tor?" d.. rUSed remedy. wltbout aVR il In· take hili (Mm liCe. He r efusc.s un)1.'1I8 shl' will deed lIome of them only added t~ his rene"" her pa tronnge. This aho refnsea. "Yes." replied Dr, Bernsle ln, "ili" and tn.k t'll her leo.ve. Unde rwood kills uaerlng and one In particul ar, t he himself. optical captlva tlon at Howard JeC· 'l'llll rl'port ot tho pl ~ to! 1\\\'0.. - - - Remedy , almost put the Infan t kens Howa rd. Ho finds Underwood dead. trIes' atte ntlon mokes the whole ca~e Howllrd Is turned over to th e police. Io ta convuls Ions. The family doctor Capt.'l Inlon. compl e te and clear to the physici an," nolorloull to r his bruto.l prescrib ed for blm and told UK to treatmen t ot prlsonel'l!, puta Howard Capt. Clin ton laughed loudly. through th e third degree. and nn all)' g eUl ~ l the tbe baby In butterm ilk. "Optica l captiva tion Is good!" TurnThIs an a1l<'ll"d eo nCellJ!lon fr m th o harassed did not do any go~d. so we took him man. Armle. Boword 'lI wlte, deelarca her Ing to his sergean t h e a8k e d: "Wbat bell et In her husband 's Innocence. and to "hospit al. Ho wos treated as a n calls do yo u think of tbat. Malone y!" on .Jeffries, Sr. Ho refu lle!! to help out·patl ent twIce a week and he got unlell" IIh wlll consont to a divorce. To Sergt. Malono y c huckled . Howard IIhe ·onsent8. but IIhe worse,. It ',anytbln g. We tben called Bllve "It's a new one. eb 1" • nnda that the elder Jettrlt's doc.when not In. In Bnother doctor and inside of a. tend to Aland hy hIli 80n. t'Kcept finan"No, . ca ptuln- It's a ve ry old one,Ciall y. IIh IIco r"" hi. help. Annte' a ppeals week the boy was, to all appearn nces, to ·Interru pted the lav.ryer IIternly, "but Judge Brewste r, attorney tor J elfrlca c ured Rnd the doctor said 'hl s work 81'.. (n take ~owarc\' 8 case. He declines : It's n e w to us. Wo're bare ly on lhe WIIR done, But tbe vory n ext da y It It Is roportcd that Annt Ito gOing on tho tbresbo ld of th e discove ry. It cor. Blag . The bank r 'lnd' hi. wlCe ali on .broke Ollt as bad as e ver . Judge Brewste l' to find 80me wa)" to pr&talnly explaIn s these other vent It. Annie attain pleade with Brew" We decided thnt It could not be liter to detend does n't It ?" Howard He co nllent•. -c ured ond must run Its course and 1)0 Alicia III greatly agitated .when "I don't know that It doo .... object. 8h o learns that Brewllte r haa taken th C8.80 lind W j U8t k ept ' hIs ar~1I bandage d t o 4etcctl\'e ed the captalu . shakln" hili h ead, 8 ar looking (or 'lte woman who M'l'Ye WIth baked Iblll Bide to prevent his t earing hlB ~:~t1~. on tl.ndcrwood the doo't aoknow ledge-" nigh t ot his lIe h. We lett Toronto ond shortly potatoea. Judge Brewst er sat down. Lookln . · .tter our arrival in Duluth. the Cutl. the policem an squarel y In tbe tace. CHAPT ER XVII.-C ontlnue d. "You ~ave Be.mlrc hed He, Charac ter with Storie. of Scandal c ura Remedi es were r ecomme nded. ." he s aId slowly and delibera tely : £c,q to_ro e "Yes," went on Judge Brewst er his chaIr and polntIn W stn r ted using the m In May. ]909, I his finger at "Capt. Olin ton, whetlle r you a .. "That's our object, Isn't ft, Mr. Jet. calmly. "YOU were Instrum ental la ob, him he conUnu ed : llnd Boon the cure was ('.ompl teo YOll -line 1o eat knowled ge It or not., I can prove ttutt Crios-t o find out?" be s aid sarcas. talnlng a confess ion from him. ,' I'm would not think he was t h same tl cally, "You have besmlrc bed bel' cbaract er you obtaine d these c:onfess lons '" raising a quesUon all to tlIe truth of with stories of scandal c bUd for Outlcur a made M e skin per. You have means of bypnoti c su,;gest lon. anll "Wbat'. the name of thIs mysterl . tb~t confess ion." for the fectly clear' and be i s entire ly free linked bel' nam~ with that at Under. that is a r;:reate r crime against soclet1 ' OtiS wltnC$s?" exclaim ed tbe banke r label There ' was Ii sudden interruP tion wood, The whole country which mean a from the skin disease. The re bas t estily. rings wltb than any ' tho state paulahe . or IM7. " If the' police haven't been caused by . the entranc e of the bllder, falaitles about her. 1n my oplnlon .1 you to qualit y. \,K-eu no r eturn this time. We Rtlll able preyent ." to find her wby 8bouId Howard 'a wbo approac hed his master and wbis. Capt. Clinton , your direct object Is to URe only Outfcur a Soap for baby's The captain laughed aait ehrugp r! wHe be able to do 80? 'iher, .. w \lS. a pered s omethIn g to hJm. Aloud tbe destroy the value of any evIdenc e .he his ~lat1l , . Robert Mann, Proctor , Mi nn .• report that she be rselt was-'' He judge s aid: sboulde rs. Indlffe ranly he Mid: May 3. 1910." . m a y Klve In her husband 's fa,'or." "'I ,;uesi Ure boys IJP at Albany dID paused and add ed. "DId s be t ell' 70U "Ask her to walt un we Bre ready." The chief looked asr;:rlev ed. deal with that quelrtfclII'," who It was?" Tbe servant r e Ured anll Oapt. ClIn· "Why, 1 bayen't Bald a word." Perhaps . , "Tbe 00" up at MbnDY :' retorted "No," s a.ll1 the judge dryly, "she wlll ton turned to tbe judge. With mock Turnln . to his lIergeaD l. he asked: . tbe lawyev. " Wh~' did Humpty Dumpty s It on .tell ua f.o..nlght "knOtV . . fttUe about tIM ." deferen ce. he said: the wall 1" "Have 1, Malone y?" of psYchol ogy u Tf11l' do. nu. The banker bounded In bill aeat. "Say. Mr. Brewste r, you're a great "But "He probabl y tlIougbt he could hold these sensati on· monge n will be 'd ealt wltb st W'ubln ctoa!" "You'll see," he crIed. "Anoth er constitu tional lawye rthe r;:reates t In have!" crteet· tbe judge ,angrily . "You It down." TIle f!BPtlllD yawoe" fla s h In the pan: t don 't like beIng this country -and I take off mT hat to are tbe only source tnJm whom they "1 dldD"t come bere t. ltelrr abfMt mIxed up In this matter -It's dlsagre& - you. but I don't think crimina l law c:ould obtaIn the Informa tfon." e not angry that. YQu Cannot make 'able-ru ost disagre that-yo u were soln~ to pnMuee tbe eable." III In your Une." tbers a8 l'oi! wlsb tbem 'to be. since "Bot wlJat do I ~aln'" demand ed tbe woman Wrr& caned' f)n Dr. Bernste in puffed a thick clqud . Judge Bre wster pursed Unde~ tbe bls lips, and captaIn with affected iaaocen ce, YOU cannot make yoursel f what. you nIght 0( the murder -that Wat what) of smoke into the all' and said quieti,.: his eyes flashed as be retorted ' "Adver to be.-Th omas a K empls. tlse ment-pr OllH)Uo D," re- came here COr-Ofl t teo hear my mellao "Yes. s ir; It Is dlsagr eeable -but- qutc~ly : pIJed the judge sternly. ''These same ods crIticIs ed-whe unfortu nately It Is life." re I. all.?" ,II don·t· think It'll constitu tional to papers speak 0( you aa the "lHl. Wln"le,.'" I'lootblnll' Syrup for CbU(I~1'I "One thing at a tlme-,'" replle' , t lllr.!\" soUe n .. tbe ,.·um14, r.ducl''' InOsmOl. .SU!ldenl y the door opened and Capt. t.ake a m.an·1l mind away from him living chlef-t lIe greates t of· judge. "FIrst. I wantett . too 8h _ _ _ U 11.. allay••,,,In. ""-"',, wind colic. lISt: " botLlo. s u~lllute your own, Capt. Clio· flcla 1-:-ob, you know t~e pollUca l nlue that we knO"lt' Howard lell'rtes ' ,-Clinton appeore d, followe d by his fldu8 and ton." I of tlIat'So Achates rt of , thIng D!')tectiv 88 e well Sergean as I do." lesslon Is uMrue. NOw we'll takeCft& t Malone y. ~ u t his world one must be a little Both m(ln were In plain ._ Jud clotbes. The " Wbat do TOU mean?': demand ed u.,. 'd . ge Brewst er pIcked up Bome pa· the otber question ," Strlkla c a bell :too I~m to be .lUnd enough .-Mad· cBptaln 's munner was ·the chlet . condesc endIngl y pen from hIs desk and read from one on b~ dell'''' 'lie added: IV u.t" ' ....... 1 · 8 polite, tlIe altitude of a man. 110 sure -~8n, ... "I mean that Instead of bringin g out of them . MU "--can prove that Robert l1nderw ooG hIs own position that he had Httle at tllll! man bls own true thought s of "~aptajn , I,n tbe case ef tbe People commW Take Garfield To& to regulilte the Ii 'eI' of .ed suicide, " respect for t he opinion of anyon e Innoce nce, 'you have forced Into ' his ~ID8t Creedo n-after plyIng tbe .de"nu O\'crUOIllO conKlipll tion. "She caD. ehr. ~JIled the else. With an effort at amlabtl lty he conscio usness your own false thought s fendant with quelltion ll for IIlx hOllrs ·t&ln sarcasti caU,., '·Ma1~ began,: sbe did It .of his guilt," ,.OU obtaln,e d a conteaa f'ln from blm~' herself. Love' Is selflllhn ess In two pe rsona.Borne ODe «ltd It, that'.. surer" The judge 8poke Boume n. IIlowly and do\lbo "Yeti. he told me he set tbe place "Got your me8sag e, 'judge- came as er",te1y. makIng each Tbe llbrary dOOC' opened .!Hi tit« word tell. The 011 fire." butler eater,-d soon as I could . Excuse my bringin g polJce bully squirme ~~~777!!~~~=~==~~~" th d uneasily on bill "Exact ly-but It afterwa rd dee sergean t with me. Sit over there, Malone y,'" "Ye., 'sQme ODe dfct itt"' retClorted tbtl Half apologe tically, ' he chair. , .eloped tlIat be was never Dear tbe judge; "we ' agree . added "He kee ps hIs eyes open and then!" To th, "I don't follow YOIl. judge. Belter place." sena.t be HteI: "Mk lira. Jertrie', • f hIe mout h shut. s o he won't Interfer e. sUck to internat ional law. This police "Well, he told me.:' . How do. doctor! " .. to eome here." court work Is beneath you." "Yes. He told you, but It tumed out JrTbe servant lert tbe room and Un IIfnloney took a position at the far "Perhap s It Is," replied tlIe lawyer that he was mIstake n." eaptalD end of tbe room, whLle Dr. Bernste in quickly wlthollt 1000lng bls temper. "Yes," admitte d tbe captain relue- ' lau-....· turned to tbe judge wltb • I Inlrodu cod the captaIn to Mr. Jet. Then he asked: "CaptaI n, will you aD- tlUlt y. "I. abe tbe one! Ha! ha!-lh nr, awer a fe 9' qu estions"!" frlos, Judge Brewst er asalD consulte d tbe easT-" , "Yes, I know tbe ge ntleman , How . d "It all depends ," replllld tbe other papers I n hi s h an. do. s Ir?" 'l'be judge nodded. Insolent ly. "You're quite , rigbt, captain -my "She ball prom'lse d to produce thi The banl,o r nodd ed stlmy. He did "If yOU don't," cried the judge sharp- mistak e-I! was homicId nol !'oll fl h havln .. to hobnob In tbls Iy, ''1'11 .. ask tbem through tlIe .me· AD uDtrue c:onfess lon." e, but-It was missing wltnells t&nlght ." "Sbe h as, h'" way Wllh sucb a DovulgarIa n all a graft. dlum of your own weapon -tbe presB. e exclaim ed lbe ca~ "Yes." Ing police captain . l~ tatn. Capt. ClJnton Only my preRS will not consist of the "It was the same thing In tbe ea)..· 'Rising Quickly frOlh f11s chaIr. b. turned to .Judge llre wster, one or two yellow journal s you In· :ahan case,~ w~nt on ·the judse, pIck· crossed tbe room QIld talked In &II "Now. judge. c:l plode your bomb! s pire, but the Indepen dent, dignlfle d ng up Ilnot er ocumen t. "In ·the case uDderto oc with his seraean t. Tble . Women 8U-erin Ilress oC the United r from States." any form 0" But of I tho warn People you I've made up my against Tuthll l-andU Cosgrov T thlll The captain reddene d. t lllncss l\re invite( to prompt ly com.J. mind ," 'Dew turn In the case seemed to Intel' u con essed and dIed hi " I don't Hke the Insinua tion, judge." In prison,e-and llI u nlcnt.e with M rs, Pinkha m at J.ynll, "I've malte up ruy Cosgrov e afterwa rd ac- est too," rltm, Meantim e :Mr, Jelfrles, who Mass. AU letters J:eceivtJd.,~opened. torled th e judge, "so atmind,. had followed every phase of the queSo least we stort "1 don't Insinua te, Capt. Clinton," knowled ged that be and not ..n ......... r ..... by wome ll. A WOo Tuth11l Uonlne with close attentlo a, left bl• even ." went on the lawye r severely , "I accuBe was the guilty man," £I~~::=:;: man cnn fr eely ' tnlk "ynu." seat and went over to- Judge Brewste r. groft' you of giving an untrutb Iul version of , ~~" led the othe r . ' tbe captafn , "mi. of b er private III. t k"Well," growled '!As I !ltuted 10 my letter, captain ," this mattl'r to two sensatio U "Is it possIble ," he exclaim ed, "III It nal news· a cs some mes h appen.'· n ess to a woman ; tl\us ba .,a beon e' B. went on tbe judge coolly, "J don't want poperR In this city. These scurrilo us Judge Brewst er . stopped and latd posslbla that Underw ood shot him. d hi tnblish ed this C OI\. to usc YOllr own method s In thIs mat·. sheets havo trIed this young man In own s eyegI asslls. aeln 1 never dreame d of doubtln , • •"Ah h I8 fidenco betwe e n tel'. I don't want to !lpread rep.o rts their column s and found him guilty, Howard 's confess ion!" More cordlall t at precIsel y the " poInt of i . \. I ...irs. Plnlcha m aud about YOII, or SCCURe thus prejudk :tng he the went on: whole commun Ity v ew we taKe D tblll matter! Now, "Brews ter, If tbls I., YOIl In tho pa· tho wome n or per!!. Tho t'a why I asked you to come against hIm before be comes to trial. captain true, you a debt of grntltud &·"men·c , Ip the present case, on the you'velowe hi 1\ " ove done 'IIpleDdla work-I -J'lJ .a 110 . W C tIn,, cou' ntry in the civilize d night of the confess discuss th e matte r Intorma lly Iu no othn.r ion .. did yOU sbow n ovor been broke n. withr and mc . ) want to gIve you 0 chance world "'onld this be tolerate d, except young Mr. Jeffries tlIe pistol ,wltb afraid I've been jUllt a trille obstina te,. Neve r bns she pub. . . " In a country overbur dened wltb free- which tiHhed " te8tlmonfl~1 ' or used a letter to chango your he was suppose d to have Ihot atUt\lfIa . "Just a trifle," laid the judge dry), Robert Underw ood 1" withou t the written cOllsent of the · "Dou't want aDY Sergean t :Maloney took hili bat chance," r;rowled dam." \vrI Le r. and never h,Ul ' t ho Compal lY the policem an . Capt, Clinton screwed up hIs eyea . "Hurry up~ saId the captalh. '''10' Capt. Clinton laughed bolslero usIy. 9.lJowod th se confitle ntial le t te rs to "Yo II mean," s lIld the can tellfpho ne from the corner drl" "The early bird catcbes the worm," all U thinkin g hard. [!ot out. 01 thoir possoss lon as tho at bl8 vll! " vII!' over judge, peering Thea. turnlDI to store," ' . hrl! spectac .. les. he grinned , "Tbey asked me for In· his sergean t, be said: foun.dr(l(ls of. thom;::m ds ' of them in "that ~.'ou don't wRnt . "All rIght, cap," to change your formati on nnd got It." 111 !II II tte t "Yea, 1 thlDk 1 dId. Dldn't I, K. at{' 1'8 WI n i l . I Rttt til 11 P..." .,., , Dr, B!!rnste ln alIa rose la' depart. Judge Brewste r went on: o,n ey. O ut of. thev(\i! t volume of experienc~ "I Diult go; Mr, Bre",ate r; I ban Capt. Cliuton. !:lettled himse lf more "You hav!! so prejudic ed tbe CORl· "Your word III sU!Bclent,'" saId' tile an appoint ment at the whicb. Mra. PinJt.bam ha.s to !lraw firD.lly In hi s chnlr. bospital ." as If getting ready munlty against hIm ' tlIat there Is Judge quickly . "Did 'you hold it up?" fr Ill. It is more than possible s\1o fOI' hosli lltles, Defiantl y he r e plled : The .j u'dge grasped ~I. hand warm.t" tiM lralnccl the vary knowle dg()'that scarcely a man who doesn't believe need ~d ", "Think . 1 dId." . . . ill your ca80. She asks nothing in. "Do r~u l s about " 'hat I mean. I sup- him guilty. If th18. ' k ' . . you. doctor! " he exclaim ed: Can, qul~y be overc:omo matter ever ,c amel turn exce pt your good will, and lIet pO~A. you now If tbere was a' light "I "Tha~t don't know what I .bould ban CARTEICS to trial bow can. wd pick an unpr~ju· IIhlnlnl on it?'" asked tlIe ,Judse ':vlv(ce, I:!B8 helped tboutcan ds. Suraty done without you." . "tn o ~hl': 'l\'orch!," on Judge diced jury7. Added to thlll toul 1DJu~· quickly . . UVER < 'ILLS. nny \'I"om(\n ~ rIcb or poor. should be . Rrl!wste l' (,Rlmh·. " ytoU went . "'Thank you. IIlr!" chImed In th« ~veaetable !:h\d to t:alre advanta ge of this genel'. " -this boy guilty nnd bay foun~ thl!! tloe you. bave branded ' thIs youn. "Don't kDo~mteht haye been," NO .banter : :'I'!lnl BreaUy you, refuse to man's wife wIth every stigma that can 'plied tum), and Indebte d to the chief careleu ly. . UU8 oftel' of asslatan ce. Addresa M~. ::ouslde r \'vlde nc'e JOu." on die may tend to be (lut aD w.omanh ood, You lI~ye hbJt· P1nkluun, earo of L~la ~. Pinkbam prove' ~ther"'·lse . " which "Were tb' e re ~. electric / Ughtli 011· "~D't · menUoD It," replied . ed thltt. sbe Is the myst~rtou. 'fema1~ wallf'1 M~olue Co•• L~ ass. b I I a1 . .. 'T~n 't my bUlLlnell1 l to conside r ey. who vIsited Underw ood OD the DlEht "Yes." I!lYfl17 W:~JDail ough t-toha ft I"fnce, ' snapped tbe~ chlet. ~~Ce ·w~n~ out 1r;;'~O:~k.r "Th~. ot tlIe. shQotin s iDQOpe nIY.. nic.ellt ed "Wh.t d,ffereDCft .IIGeI tIIat<m aker patlentl ,. took out bll -Ilr4ta · Eo -rPItt k",'s 8O-JNMJe up to tho> prosecu Un8 'attone, .... . w.teIl. lthat abe te tbe cau .. of tile crtme." clemad ed tbe poll_ a' 'Ted Book. It If ~ book. for . "ft W{1I. b~:' re plied tlIe '1t" ttl lit I" _... laWyer "Well. w • . juat poulble ." ~Id tJa. · "Quite . lItUe:' jJe--. a\ d.IRrl~ ,,, It fa _ .replled . ... ~...:. ~ ~ IdIsrpl7 . "~tll ~t pre....t . It', up to polle,emaD "ltIl etrroDte *,rI~ l . .... ~~~~ ~ I7. . L ' ~,U,••~ '''''''•• • _ . o .....fto " . . free ••• .. ~ ~.I... I" JOIl... ".'!' . '.. .. JudP Brewlt er· " . . 10lfDC . . '.w u IIIIIt~ar...·~ ...... ..bIe bF... ... W~,. , "Me!" ••·clalilled tile, . ... b. . .~ ·tIle"'" ~r Ia Ie.. tltmDei, 'JIbe " ' , ......Dt ~.... 1D000.t tllat &tec1a,.. I .......• .,..
A aood dish for a Lun cheo n or Supper.
Brow n the cOlitenta of a tin of Libby's Vien na SaUsages in the) frying~and
'. -
The W~etchedneaa
of Co.nat.i pati on ." .unu '
... e.. rorl..
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How'" w.lato lerattle . Hair rIItII froID . . . . . . 1M ~.l!:.."!, ~- U4
AuIe........ ...... ' ... C'I'O _ . . . .
. DRINO the closing day. of tbe lut lelllion or congress n filibuster: Will can· ducted In 'the 1I0uie of agnlnlt representatives tbe pusss,e of certain Beetlonl -of what Is known •, III the Omnibul Claim. blll. 'All of tbq . ~llllm8 wblch were included In tbe blll lIad b641D paned UllOn by tbe court. und OOn,re811 bad been reQuelted to 'apJ)rOprlate money to pay tbem, but it. II one tblnK to uk the lepslators to do lomethlng and anotber to get them to do it. "rbere are tbousanda or clalma flIed against the government eYery year. Mllny of them are jWlUable and . lome of tbem are far from It, but !1t!!~~aIlY each claimant ,ets a bear-
Kind You Hava Always BouPt
the ,new cniamDermalO Mrs. Benton Holme-l told her to dust tblll mornJ.n". and an bour later I tound tbat sbe bad dus~d .
The Old O·a g. MI.s Llillan B. ROll'e, a,t an odvert1lenlent writers' dinner In Denver, laid of the harem skirt: . "It will Boon be so widely worn tbat the old gag, perpetrated In tbe '40s on mep, Illay profitably be revived for '!romen victims. 'Some aharper. · you know, 11'111 reo vf,.. the ca, by ad"erUalng In tbe l.adles' Own.. 'Send and le.rn bow to keep yc.ur barem skirt from becomlol (ringed at the bottom.' "Tbousanc11 or dollars will llOur In, .!lel to each vlcUm tbe .harper will reply: .~ 'W~ar knickers.'''
Itomotts Digt~iion.Checrrul· ness and ilest.Contains neil"'" Opium,Mdrphine nor Mineral NOT NARCOTIC
!'«", N Of" IJrSA~","11f
.. 1
· ~_SN'·
, tf~· , ..........A4...
Not lobI Ilgo Senora FeUclant\. MenJ..,<l diola, a woman of tbe Pblllppinel, luld <wr" .1101.. r L....-....:-••. _ __ . • a claim belote the United State. rov, ~"""'r.,. ernment 'and eventually all memory '~ A~(d Rtrntdy rorCOrlSlill8· bal It Ihe received taO, In full dll' lion. Sour Stomach,niJlrr'1Ol'41 .• churge 'of tbe obll,l\t\on lUI con,ress WOMT\5 ,Convulsions ...,,...1""" looked at It. " 'c.. .on. and Loss OF SLr.:E~. .\ Tbe clUle '~t Senora. Mendiola. went to 'the houae oommlttee on ....T claims with a mals of papen containing 10formaUon concerning It to,ether. wltb : the flndln, of a board of army omeera at time.. He--.tollped '212 .86 out of were .. bout Even that the Supreme 'peelally convened to coulder tbe Cnptatn Conrad's pay and practically cQurt would u"bold the conlUtutlonall"dY'1 ca.e a,aln.t tbe government. told tbe omcer he Ibould-have known Ity or a law wblch would put ml"ra. On tbe Pllpers in thlll caae In which In. lome mylteriou way that the gov- tory bird. under ' tbe c&re and protecthe lalmant reoe1ved 'SO as com pen- ernment bad an order .towed away In don ot Interltate Commerce Com . • atlon, tbere' wel'e tbe endorsement» a vault lomewbete that extra duty par ml."on_ It wal lald by sODJe of the of thirty-five armY. oftlcer8, maJor ,en· had been' cut out. older members ot conC!'e.1 that lb. A MARVELOUa "£COVE"Y. erall, brigadier -generaI8. colonell. Captain Conrad wal O1'er ftve years mea.ure appeared on III race to, be .. ! . lieutenant colonels !lnd 10 on down try Inc to get back hi. $32.85, and h~ freak measure, but tbere mtKlIt b8 ' a HeW • Chronlo In..,allet R. . . lned to tbe end of the list whlcb end. wltb stuck to the talk like tbe !ClOd flsMer deal more .enile in it tban the lurPerfect H.alth. the name of a corporal. that be I.. Permisiion ' ftnally " W&II face .howed. ... - , Periodical!,. the .....!llpaUon . of lin. Ray TrullDer. 80 Wellt Tblrcl Senora Fellclana Mendlola'i caae sranted by lbe .aecre.taJ'1 of war,....... . will pa.1 Into history as havlne been lleutenant lenann, of tbe army, aDd Governor Goebel of Kentucky "turned Blj. New .Albuly. Ind., lays: "Kidne,.bad reDdered me a chronic 10: ' laneled up With more red tape tb an tbe QuaJtermaeter eene~1 to ea-pta In to plague the bOUle 'ot .repre"n~tiv... It bltherto wu tbou,ht poI.lble for Con'rad to try to ,et • bill paned by Aa everybody: probably rememben I 1aT III bed unable to m01'e In ma1lJng GEldCO Harnesa-"lbe ...... even a goyeroment of omclal factory ('on,re.. to ' reimburse blm tor the Governor Taylor of Kentucky went to band or toot. II), tbat's' .uar&Dte...... we look fo guaRlY to tu'r n out. "-nora "'ellelana lived at bbe t t d by Uncle Sam I ell b _.. a made ....bt 11mb wu IW~ -'" ro J'1 perpe .r a e n ana w en .....rle owa len 'to twlce ' nQrmal tlnt-tIIen price. When -you buy OEMCO Abples Pampan,a. Pblllppine lsi- son!,e time prior. to tbe Spanlah war. aP,lnst him of complicity In tbe Ocelise, I looked th. . Harncss, you bave eomethlnc. OUf !Dellaandll. a~d Ibe rented a bo~.. to' Uncle . It II r liard "';orlt to .get a way from bel ldlllng. Tbe KeDtucky omclale ptcture of death aD. od of melcbandiling excludes ,t118 m ..... Sam tor the \lie 'of lo.~e of bla te&D\.- tbll maUer of claims before COOl*S tried to Beeure 1'aylorll retllrn 10 lIlY case puzaled the man-r,. prollt, allowlI .y our· local tha1er to_ . lite",. Tbe mule drlvlna. contlnle~l wlthou~ laying JUlt a word about that be ml,bt be placed on trial, but dacton. The kldne)' buy direct tro~ the factofY; you pt..!'" lJved hi It for" .bort Ume, and wben A.rt.b ur C. Jewen of ' Bellevue, Neb. tbe IIldtaoa ,overno", always retule4 aeeretlon. were liI,b•• hartieRs direct trom tbft maken, wRh tbe .enora moved Into It apln abe Some 'years aao a horse belollglng to to lip the l{~nluc y reQulllUon. . Iy colored &Da lcaldone small proftt added. The moderate .proftt to' tb~ manufaotorer &lid the' local) ,, found. 80 ahe declared under oath. )If; Jewell waa Ihot by· UDlted-Btatel One day there 'was a veritable Itorm 'ed telTlbly. Marked Improvement fol. clealer secures larlJe salea for both aDcl4 tbat lome of the aldln. boarda were trooPi who were ' Ilt ta.rcet pruUce. tn the boute of repreaenlatlves o1'er. lowed the u.e of Doan'. Kldney ' pml. «oed value for you. Look tor the trad61 mlnlog from tbe ,..... all· of.thQ kitchen. Mr. .Jewell filed a claim for 'SO. Tbe the matter of tbe reful.l of the HooI- ID .Ix ween I waS • well ,woman. )I)' IV. IIINOLJt8TRA.P HAllNK88 mark "ORMCO" on the box loopa-tl Rhe asked for UOO In lold to. .horee was not ldlled b), tbe rlfte bul· ler executive to bonor a requlllUon Il1eMI ' and relatlv.. manel at Dl)' ODe or Oar, Beal Ilelle ... her for tbe damag~to h~r pro pert)'. let . that bit blm In tbe wltherl, bUt. ·\ (Of Taylor. Llgblntnc flatbed back 1I1Itche4. 10 to the ' Inch, rt'lntorcec! double ~luarantee with · each >set: ' I ncovel',.." where tfie .lBln '010 8: round ed~e A. board of omcerl were ~n1'elled according to Mr. Jew(l1I, the animal I and torth acros! the aIsle which dlnnl,hed \hrou~hout_ BridIe %-1.0. box Bac~ Remember tbe na~~DoaD' •. to llasl on the alldlt1 ot F~ltcl~a's W&I Incapacitated tor further farm I vldes Democracy from Reoull>u<:anlIIlD. c heek II. round Itaya. nOMe band. For ..Ie bT druntat.l and pDeral BREAST cOLLAR: 3-ln. V IIhllo~d . Your local barnelS dealer 11'111 IIUPI»)" C\lalm. Tbe board . wal In lenlon for wo.rk. To prove tbe vaUellty ot bls Tbe bolts were hur)e!! b)' SADDL E : .ln~l e 1It1'liP 3-\n.: BACK day.. Teamater ,l>lclle wall a "UDell. claim for datuage to biB property Mr. ond by IndIanian I. Jobn Sbarp WIl· ltorUeepe... eve~bere. PrIce IOc. BAND: I -In. doubled n nd slltched. you at advertised prices. If be ball not tbe kind .you waJlt, ' write tor bookIe' FOAter·MllbunaCO .• Sulralo, N. JLINES' ~JI,I. - I~.. ~ pl'lnl , endll. lie .wore ·(bat when be and bla oom- ;Jewoll kep~ , thfl 'Wounded hot'lle alive lliUI)8 ot MI ..sllllppl, t.he Democratlo BREE ' RING: 1'I' · ln . HIP STRAPS : No. 611, mentioning, your dealetlf, na~e. rade. look po•••slbn of FeUclana'. tor tour Yo.rs, .pent many dolla"' ..-lu leader. doubtJe"l intended to ~eep out, %-In. , TRn.U.Ul'GS: nick I. br~1I r THE GIlAF·.OISBACH CO., CINC~"An, 8IIIb Dre.a. tmJtatlon rubber. . Pl'lce unly $lb.45 1I0'u se for qu.rte'" 'tbe kltcben '11d1DI forage tor him and brouCbt bim before of ti)e ltorm, but It aurrounded blm If a man preterl the kind of clothel boarda were ' rotten, and thai .when several army boards of Inquiry to and b6nt upon bll bead until be telt tbe men put tbelr felit on lbe wall. al ahow tbat tbe bullet hurt the beut forced to add his own yolce t-o the he can jump tnto and weare another only under compuJaton; II , team.ter·1 wcuat ,fter dinner wben <$80 wortb. The hou.e committee. on . dill. Wblle 11 woman prefers Buch clothes . be wllhes to .moke, their lIooti' went claim I ~!,d before it a volume of docuTbe Hoolier Republlcanl bad told tbr~ulh the Wan to tbe open atr wltb 1Oent., leveral vetennary amd.vlta the Kentucky Democrats tbat It Tay. &I Ibe cannot put on without toll 'a nd lor ",ere given up to trial convlctJon trouble and the expenditure , of time, no force behind tllem except tbe and a dlacram of a scarifted Iteed. .and wlll, unlesB UDder .eompullilon, Dr. T. S_ Palmer who for yearl has would come Ir'r espectlve of hi. ,ullt or .JVear nothing else; 1I'el,ht of the man wbo ... a. tippin, back In ' his ~Ir. . As PlaltJe exP~1- bad charge or t.be renenl mallet of Innocence. They lald that Vt'lt4 the Then what of permllnent equality 111 Ilvel), put It, "Tbem ~ards wal game bltd prot~Uon for the depart-11eellng nanning hl,b , tbere was no It golllg to avail for the law to call tbe ment of agrioultqre frequently ' hu chanc," for Impartiality in juc!ee or sexel back to the' tape -Itnd start them lIunk." . After' Captain V"lentlne and I,leu·sent out warulngs to the effect that jury. They Intimated"' tbat it Taylor all over again 1-Puclr. umant Sarnard of the ca1'&lJ'1 bad tos- tbe wild fowl' of tbo countb were .be: .11'81 Innocent tbal to Klve him UI). to ' tlfled at lreal lenlUl, TeaDlller W,U- iJlll extermlnated rapidly and' it thll tbe Kentucky authorities meaot Ilv· TheIr Great Value . lIam Lanportby awore ' that Fell· valuo.ble food aupply allets. wefe to Ing. him up to be mu~ered., II Molt Appreciated by Tho.. clana'tl boardl were cl1ewed up and be saved lomethlne mu.t be .don~ to F.rom tbo, wordl of tbe .Indlanlanl . Who Ha..,e Tried Them. eaten by red ant., Teamlter Su~- check the slau(bter of the duck. and the Kentucldanl drew the lnfereoce "I was '. dUeted wltb EczeMa In tbe merfteld made 'amdavll tliat tbe bOardl lbe geese. ., tbat their state waa charl8d with be- palmB of my bands aDd between mT dro"ped out of place of theIr own A MaBlacbuBeU. member of on- In, the leat of Inju.ttce. The)' ret~.e4 flocen. TIle treatment Uled ,ave wel,fIt. . 4rels aided and abetted by a weltern 'utterly to eonftne the <ib':cl'le. an4 the no relief and my banda were In a The tbou,ht It wu .verr. gJember bad Had lll8ns before tbe InlJnuatlQna of the Hoo.lers to \he one 4r ~f\J! ~n<1tU~n wb~n . I !~I ae!. doubtful. If, . In Itrict JUIUce. any bouse (or yeara wlilch he think. If Dut .cu.ln banel and they let It In ~d to t17Rell~ol. I .b(i,kli with 1\ moue)' ehou~ )Je.allowed. ~ut con.ld ln~o elrec~ win cOIllP". tbe I&1vatlOD t~4!lr an..,.'e~ tba~ tbe)' 1ie~ bJl ap~ Uae ointment twice ada)' ered It exP4lldient' to Brut .~O In sold. or tbe ducltl, the ,~... , tbe Iwana .and .tliok~' and the Kentuckl8;ne wereanel u.IIt, tb~'~ when bathliir. TbU Tbe oJ!lcet'. ctoubtle8" 'Were. led to tbll tor that ma~t~r a~~ bl~1 that are mi· Ing' a9 cu • ed of the Qlen.eI ~noWD elfec!tft4 a Clure In ~... tll~' . montl'., chant.ble II .dhiC br ' receipt .or the · ll'8~ory l! .th,!1lr h~~.lt.; ,It Ilblapl~n II to tb'e laws of cMIIp.U~o. .' ' A.' I ,.,bearttl': recommend ~boae. deeIkDt new. while' In iel.lon that Fellclana ever aJlowelJ t9 .reaCh t~~ nool' of conMr. WIlliams t,old , th'l . Indi~nlll", . . prepaJ:&tloU,".wriW. Mn. Amy, Crain, HI.torle E..,ent Ceiliftbreted. 'II~' tn a Manna'b~~h.al becau~ C01~ltltuUO'D.1 [or deb'llte th,re ~.n be more tbat no matter bow ilDPuden~J! tbey rNdollla, K7,. At all dnlC .te..... A uSlralla recently commePlorated or tlie ' 1~" 0(· her . kttchen .Idlnr.. points raleed tllan were I bt a,sume .uperlorlt)' they were _...;..;,.._ _-'-_.....,.. the oue bundl'ed and forty-fi rst anQI· Ucl 'rbll cale,.of Senora !llla Men- btou,ht up durlnl tbe . rapid fire of :0 gbetter tban tbe people to tlie sou~h .Old auperatltlo'n. 1'~rsflry cit Captain Cook's ftrllt l&IIddlola .takel . up 'fourteen I)alel of a verba:llnt~~elasn~1 between the.. . of the OhlD. }fe ilflld to tbe 1I00al~r.: It was prelprlbed by' an old luper. Ing. It was In 1770 that H. M_ S. Enhouse document. It eontaln8 a onK con~Ututional lawyera of tile len ate "Tbere baa been too much ot ~II, ar. limon that I.t tbose wbo were affected deavor, a barque of 370 to!)S, entered letter from tbe lecretary of war on when tbe railroad rate qUMUon 11'&1, rogant Il'.umlltlon of superiority on . with ape would vilit at d~ad or nl,bl the Inlet flrat called SUne Rays Hal'tbe que8tlon of kltcbe.n sldlngl, an- under canllde!'Jltlon. yotlr Illde of the Ohio river and of In- the nearelt crosllroad fI\'e dltrerent b'JI but afterwards Botauy Boy, (rom otber' le~ter " rrom the qua,rterm!,lter There waa .u~cell In ge~UnK ferlonty on the other. ' In the forum, timea anei then . bury a nElw liid egg, tha' beauty and \'arlety pf the pianul ,~netal of tbe 'Qnrted Sta\es .and fifty'- bird Bavlne plan before ('ongres., 'on the battlefield, on tbe benGh and In the ·d lle... would be. burled. If ttie growing about Its sbore, Tbe vessel tbree communlUtlons from ar1I\Y om- ndt in tb'e rol'Jll tbat would allow literature Kentuckians always bave. upejtmen~ ,f!'lled, they a~trlbut.ed It remained eight days, and before sbe cers and 'c lvillans of varioul r~k and oPlln d~UI lo~ In tbe houle. Tbe bill been your 6cluals ' lt not yout sqper- to aQme unlucky a.c cldent that may left the British flag was hoisted. 11 s condition. .' n was drawn,. Introduced and lent to the lors." . bave' bffa~len them on the way. Is the custom on each I'ecurrlns aunlTM 'co l.t hie oil, 'W1lf ~lalms" 11 c.ommlt~ee on JUdlcl.ajoy where It 'was Tb ( t that tbe Democra\lc leader versary, the flaK was again uufurled compoaell 01 meknbers · ..oted ~t)li tbelr ' U,e llu,bJect :of .both !fum.o rous and' se· 'dld neotllCclalm lunerlorlty . tOI' tbe \;pon /the spot where It was flrl> t dill' Fr.e to Our R •• a~r.. . , 140 PAO.' • pllabtry. In CilJe course ' ot tlm~ t If tbl blll '" re r .. . All About How to PAT ...n. CotIt. mucb unui~senori. hUc.hUla re~~1'~d rloull commen. . s. e eve southernel' · over tne · nortlierner, . but Write ' Murine E)'eRerped)' Co., Chlcll,O. p'hyed, Bnd was saluted by tbe. guDS for U-ptlp" lllulltnted .. E)·e . Book J.-rce. of the warablps In the hal'bor. Apply Therefor How Payable . b b to become a la~ It unQue,l tlonablr 'A'aa content even In· tbe beat of ar~. Write .aU abo\lt Y-our );;)'8 'trouble IUld eoo MECHANICAL MOVEMaNT8 her ,ao In gold and It: m.llh~· ave een wo~ld ~ct ~ bve the "ame bl.r ds ot ment wben lome hlng '" else . ml,bt ttj4'iy wllLadvtae u to the Proper Appllca.0 ,.• •,.1tTII1U. . .or'o~. lome 8I\tI.facU~)lHo ber oriental '~lnd tile coun~t:y trom extermination and blwe' been eXllected. ' to lay claim lion ot:the Murine <Iilye llemed\1!J! In ;y,oUI' A magazl~e poet 'refers to a bnby i-aicE lONE Dor.;r,U \Ad4rool r ...._ CUe. Your DruCK!at will tel) you to know tbat Uncle E!am bad --,P,ent bas bel!ln : .old, wbat most mereh- to an equality of ability, wall 1!I~1a1 'l.tlO I n1l".MA~n; · . w....,........c. \llli t Murine Relieves SOTe lIlye., J~trenlth In· the bouse a. a wellspring of ple&l· about $1,000 to ~t authorl~Y' to pay De<oolle;]~·a;r.e" rl!.llUflI, th!lt tbe game ot_ .... e means ol 9uletln.B matters, and .n. Weak Eyes. Doe.n't Smart. Soothe8 ure. AccOrdIng to his theory triplet. for tbe sldhip which 1¥ent to de.trucI 1 ble ccono .... Et. Pain, ancS 181111 for 6Oc. Try_ It In ,lIlye. anc! In Baby'lI Eye. tor Scely would 'De a deluge. tlon elt)i&r 'by ' wa, cit a 'teamatell'. '~~' tha: ~t ~~s u:osslble to tbe row o~er tbe T~ylor reQuls~Uon at- Your Eyell~. and GranulatJ0n. or a red ,~t'••~omac~ " blre!s 'and . still have fair quieted down. The Hel'h laxative, Glll'fiehl 'rea, ~er- ' Senora . FeUolana . Mendlot_ ~ w'ords ~li Is 'Ia'eld .that After It w'!-8 ovel' 11., New Yor.k memi Raw. comes c:onRtipation, givinl{ freedom from Bore..,.....Do you ', believe ~Ylters bay. lick·headache aDd bilious Dttllcke. blel hi ' gettlq '30 ,fr<lm the ,~la)1ght.er , cltn .. l?e her went to . au ,Indianian ~I)d aSke~ . States for · d."mag~ cfllne ,to:ber bunterJ be :rorced to blm why It was, tbat. wlie.~ Mr. . WIl bratns? . Frlendl)blp Is one 10'11 In two bodlell . w.n, , bi tbe ' .feet of, t Unel, 'hll dally pme bag8 lIamtl Intimated that Ke~tuckY ,..81 . Borea~ertalnli I do, ilnce the, ·-Dlogenes. Jounging. tea~ste... '~aV'e been to"know ·the peGr ot rndlana lu Jttera~ure 'l~e know wben to I'njt up. . .' . ed, and;, her trlb"hitl9.l11 . bl'.l~'. to ml'}d Hoosier did not fI~ · at hlJJ.l .a ' catatboBe ot C.J)talA· C. H. Conrad, blrd 10gUe of tbe recenf'IndlaiJa ()utput in united- Statel Oavall'1'~an, who ..for literature. Tbe N,w Yorker toJd·\bls "conviction'. ·aak4!'.'; Inslated . that ~ I". 1I!""' ~ir.·.~,,,~",ItI'DII'O. ' '1ndiana rrlend that ' If he bad done N....UDtba 'of all tile aic:kDea8 of WOGIeD it due t'o IOIIIe deru,.meut 01' di.. 'U nlted Statejl. go.eni~~Jlt Il&), lilm :tb'18 be' could have floor~ all the K~n· dladald, ... jo;..... 800b s'l?koau _ be cured-I. cu .... $SU5 w)lleh ~e , cilptalD kn~'W tucklons ond with them the ~1I8118· .. .... of 'tie . due blm. ' . ' i . ' wltll ·tbe , quantity ot'the . : . " T.bll cnse of, ~.. ~...... even thougb tt{ Pllrt Itsftre .Co.r !'~,..r., be' a bit:: ~elow par: . ,. .. '. IiIB
OV' 8~ Y8~rs'
Gemco ·Harness
Satisfaction or MODey
The Original White laundrY Soap
Iny.ntor'. EdR_tor I
Facts for.Weak ,Wm:nen . .,....,.,,'"0,.. "
.' Dr. Pierce's ·Favorite·:Prescription . ~
vol:vccf what acJllilltl~~dIY" ca.e. , ~bo" precedent eltabllBlled tbou,b "88
fJend 1'8 u, oontraot, I:! Ilthw 1ft or Springboro; BOD l1rldge r epair8. J lIun ys, 44 ft , nUlw 'It of Spriu • t r 11. 0,\100 It· u , , orks conl. ; boro 1 il fU ' !nugliter Bous' , .110 f~.. Filllli accouut ot J 08 ph lInn . l! wor p ipE", 35 0; Ohio Uor ISollt heliat end llf prlng,boro un L b· hi!,! n ' IId lll ini t rntor of J'll~lIt \ 1 'u lvert ompllny, oulvert nuon rOll.d; near Henry St well, 311ft uils Decided. '. Hu llll! E . I:flldl HY cOII!lrUied al\ct s III p , U:l 60; Dun ., Boue, fees fr om Steel b IIW bndge with onorete . l lll\lll~ H . F n n ps~e tnle I. ' ol j" IIdmilll r d, pl'il to .Iul y , f.8( ,41 i , ta t~ of Ohio floo r 00 W~\yn sville a ud l:brvey 'l l l~ U llil~rt S(wl t~ ' ~ f Bali .,,(·r FII'" II no tlnnl ROO \lnt Lli~l'u.J V"I . liY~II 11 n E~:tle, 6.10 ; t'llle 'o f bill' pike, by Coil tte auti Hlu'lnn (. lied 'IIHk p.I· ~ at.' 111: U ' Ollut of G ubllrt us pxeculrix of ·s lut.e of hll) v . Etlwnra B onK, t5 .70; in. farms in MilS ie town hip .1 A RUIl .vu 1\ li S r(' pi v r f( r $ti:il , 1 1111 'ebl1 urt, d C /1 ' U, oooHr llled I flll oR t O V01' body of Ohristine ~i~ho. . - - - -. - " Ipr l1\'fld Rt'(l(livl' rship·il; 'f!llly dis and l'l:ltnt.o Is full y ndmiu is t r tl I I II~' $·1 no i inq ue t ver body of Pliul , 1<111 More Than Wtld Beasts I ' 'lI·gf'O . ,I. A, RIIIl YUII t "l' lI ovor Fit·. t tInt;! fiulll It Ol1ut f I llY P . ·teI1\m. 20 i J am s Foll o,j-ln , 'I'he numbor of people kille d yeIl1·· " I pro p' I'L.V 111111 F'll ( \\' HI'! I' t' ~lpt fo r lO llY 1111 ndmi"iHt,t·nt.rlx in t' t'"'te I il ll r of oou,·t hou a fo r June, $50; ly by wild beu~ ts doD't ~pJ.' rou oh the IIf LJllrhert Glen ny UO llfjrrn d lIod ' n"IYlJl ourl I:ll\rRllbur~or. assistuot V II t.nu~llber .k Ill ed by: dlseasegerlU S .. IIIH wh 1 h II' ret 'I rtl"tl , " ... ,. , , I. ' Nf) lifo IS Bu fa from tlleir I ttnoka. :o.1 drri:; I'. tlHl tl )11 1 Vf Blull oh H !; Ita 18 fully 11I 1011ulsteI0(1. llnitor, '10 ; .) ohnnna Delfendl\bl, They 're iu nir wilter du t eVEln ) n llU g at Ill . 'a se (]i: lIl iIlS d wU h· Fina l n ooo nn~ o f U. B . Dllkiu /I S l:e{uUU}I' on *L50 too mlloh 1i8ted In food . But gt~od pr~tcot.io~.s af, guttrditlll of 0 tate of Bauks. Dl1kln,l FOl\t ers dlatr:iot, Sarah J ford ed by Eleotri 3 Hitters, whioh lIu t r co rd \mbeoilt' oonfirm ed nou e t a. t e is Thompson . r efund er on 1 00. too d ~!ltroy un~ expel these dt1adly • '. , . dlsenISe germs from the I!ystem Probatc COllrr. fu ll admlDi s t ered . much \lilted In Leb nou o~rporatlon Thnt's wby ohllls, fever ' agile, ull III Illlltl,t' r f will of Nun<,f StewF uurt,h acoount of (harles J ones $5\1 94; Warren Couaty 'f1ruell pub lDulnrllll and many b lood diseo!jfl8 IUOt d eoAll sl:ld, will Ulfld lIJ1 d notiod anll Charl es Sohoell fl S miminifltra Ii!llling noti oes, ' 25 j Ef~rl <::tUmour: yield promptly to the ,wooderfl,1l tors o~ o. tnte of .An: tlndll M. Sohllell , (Jont,rllot,' ; Mrs. John Bergdall, blood l,lnr ifier . Try tbem and enj oy ~Ive ll to kin. W. onnfirll1od lind il llll l'Oved. dnlllBges 00 roud partitioned by t,he g lorious hqll.lth &n4 new strength I n Ull1 ttel' of will of Hllrry , they'll give yon. Money ba.ek if N 11 11 , deoell(lpu. Will III d and 00W~lt er Kenrlok, t127.75 i J. P . not slltlsfie,l, Only 500 Ilt all drug. Marria2'e Licenses. ithens, belrs, damages on Kenriok gi::lls , tll!O ~iveo 't o ki ll .. ~ • In D,lRUer or will of Harry W. 'Low i!! M. Zim mermun, 22 , Fore rond. 12·16 75; Wlllitim H. Uuke. rlnmngas on Kenri ok rond, $40, "oll.hlng by Hot Air. N oll. Will ud llli tttlci to prubll t 1ll1l0lJl BoLtlingd lIfl.rtm entofFreooh Bid r eoel ved for r ep!lir of Ed. The marvelB of frlctJon are Intlnlte. ,E"uost Bro!!. of Lebllu oo IInu Vera oak, Anon Oborlin , ~nllnlilin The UF9 of the sand blast for polish. Oborlin, t ul min ur!', pluiu tifi's, vs 20, of Frail klin . WUI dsvi lie !:lollool house Ilnd ge in In g metals Irs quIte a recent Invention, E. V , OherHo et til d ~ f e lld , LUt.s , ':lIe L Roy IISII , 21, Mini. ter of Kune, I:ltlr!l\.n tOW l! hip from the Oregu.nia a1 d now It Irs followed by that of a blllst ot simple hot aIr. It Is tbe v& r 01l1 estut e oon fi rmed 110d plaintiff Peont!ylvnnil\and Cl.lrrieE. Hutchln Bridge OOUll=lR U Y, $£i25. • "ont1'll0t. 1 I. to OregonitL Bridr;te locl!y that glv.es the I10llshlng power, orde rtld to pu.y tnxt'!! and oosts '1fDd !IOU, 19, of Lebanon . The articles to be treated are placed d ist ribute r emainder aooording to hi lr\on Pickoring, :i5, machinist oompllUY fO I' st-eElI b eam bridge, WIth In a basket In a centrifugal maohine Iltw. of Mu on and Penrl Brouobsieolr, 301, ooncrete fi,lor n tl r residenoe of RUB. , drIvel). at a 'very blgh speed and heateel Munny i e Wu luu gton townsLlip ed aIr '18 blown tram a pipe through J ohn W . WhitRore, admin istrator hon ekeep Eir of Muson. Albert Andre w Rnllwer 47, oar. 'It e timate (if 1 170. the basket. A high polish Is thus proof esta te of E llis Obe rlin, filed first duced very rapIdly. and fiolll account wif.l1 vouobers for penter of !foster. and !\irE!. Kuni Contraot la t to Oregooi~ Bridge Nickel plated articles that have b. " ttlemeot'Wbiob IS ordered s uspeod g uode Frieden, 46 of FO!5 ter9'. oompany, for steel beam bridge ",i~b come tarnished are made bright In a ed . Willlum A , Koening 22 , Elillesman oon crete floor near residence of Ed few mloutes. Wet metal tresh from Frank ,1 . Brown, admioistrntor of L ouisville, Kentu ky And Flor Ross In WI!. bington town bip, at 'the bath needs no prelimInary drying, of est.ate . o~ ~Ifred Simpkia8, filed en oe 1. Weber -1; of Friln'k lin estt-nnte of if,170 . for the ourrent of aIr dries and pol· .. . ' , " ' , . Ishes at the S8me moment. It Is only n. rst aoooun t with vouohers f or eet· Oontruct let to Qhurles ~tlbbs tor necessary 'to so paok the articles that tl ment ,wbioh is ordered susponded Real 'Estate Transfers. oon .> rete abutm ents, to bridge near the air reaohes them on aU sldes.William Ubeney, exe,ontor of 'W , .residenoe of Eu.rl B a rper in Turtle. youth's CompanIon. M. Young tiled inventory and ap SURl\n W. BlaU aDd Olyde Go oreek Townsbip 1\1. esthnate of pmi emeat whloh is ordered reoord Biatt and LiDII. Buroh to Charles *142 r;o , A Peek Into His Pocket d Rye. farm .in Warren oounty. ,8250, e C()ntrll.ot, let to Chllr lell Henderson would show the box of Buoklen's lu matt~r or will of L. B · Lolll.lt:. Anna. Oborlin, guardian of Ernest for putting in I feet of 20 inch 001' Arnica. Salve that E . t:J. Loper, deoeasod. Will filed and n otioe giv . V. Oberlin, gn~rdian of Ernest 'V. ragoted sewer on rpad near' Frenob tI. oarpent.er, of MllrlJla, N. Y . alwaY8 en to kin. . Oberlin et aI, minors to Emer:lon ' I f Tb ' n'. ourries. If , I hAve neve;r had" ont, Rebecca. Dunham, exeontrix of'es Harper, lot' iii BarlaD ·town8hip, farm, alsdo de ivery Ok t om peot wound, bruise or sore it woold nC"t ,2400 " .' . . se-wer un rep~ur war a 9S tl ma e '3oon hed." he wr,ltes Ureatest tate 0: P ; B Dunham" filed i n v e n · · . . ' of ~22 80, I *'ell.ler of burn!, bolls,808lds, obapped tory 'and apprai emont wbioh is or Rebeooa and ... '. b oro an d L e banon roa d , 6, hands and Ups, fever· sores, 8kin. · k L. Wh1taore . f Walter • ",prlDg L . WhIta er, exeoo~ors 0 e tate of Bunnel Bill brirlge 90 ft. north'of eruption!>, t3CZemli, oorns and piles, dered reoorded. Rebeooa Donham, exeoutrix of William Whitaore to .Frank T. P k ' t th t' t f 11162 50 250 lit all druggi.tB, " ' Aore, lot in Monroe 1111150. e ID a e 88 lma a 0.. • - • -' Whlt estat," of P. B . Donha"' fil ed f i r s t . . . . Ru •• '. Now H--. Woman ... wy -, ;; Contraot let to Oregonia. Bridge . . . , or. ond final Aoooont with' vonohers for Rosa MoOutoheon to H oraoe u . Dr. Katherine Fleischer h~s ~ust III ol/mllany for steel joist, oO llorete ~ 1 t I n F ran kil n , . , . " Bettlewent whloh is ordered 8uspend. Fit zpa t l' i 0 k ,0 been admltteil to the bar ill llussl, ed. ' E1enry Belss to Jaoob M. Ursohul, floor nor) repairing low tr08S bridge 8nd'wUl practice he,· .,rolessloD tu at county, ~., 70.'• .<>t<. on Middleboro aYJd ,BlaDohest6r r.,lI.d "etersbul'g. She Is the firs t woman In maUet of will of O. U. Meloy. lot' in W"rren .. 0111 Will fi d d George B. Montgomery to B . V. near Edwo.rdsvjlle llohool house in ",,,,yer In the czar's domInions, and Bar.1Bn tow~ hip it bid of ,526. , she paased the final examlnaUons wlt.l1 . Ie an nctioe giveD to kin. In matte'r of will of 0., D. ,Meloy. Warwiek"lt ai, lot in Worren ooun ,hIgh honors. Sbe plet wIth muoh opo Willlil'd· .1. Wright appointed execu. ty t6 .10. Contraot WII.S entered into with position ,~ell. she first 'announoed her tOl' C?D a ~ona of $2,000. · Jones Rnd Howard. fO,r sewer pipe, lntention of .tudying law. ,Prejudice I · CommilSlone~8' Proceedln&s. oement Rnd gravel ~t mar"ket prloee W&I strong, even f:-om Inlluentlal . n matter of C. 1>. Meloy, de. , .' d d b glembers of her 8ex. Sbe perllis ted lD eeased. Willlird J. Wright aooepts Ordered that UOO be temporllrlly in 8uoh quantities 88 or ere y bel' amb1tlbn against all Obstacle. trnst a& eX~Dtor and files bond of traneferred 'from Speoial Bridge ooolmlRsloners. Valid ~otU ~ep bowever, and came out trJum}lhan.t. It . t 2000. whioh is approved. Fund of 1909 to .]udlelal Fnnd. tember 22, 1911. .. her hope to fight the legal batUe. In estll~ of P. B. Dl1nham, de. BilI8 Allowed~l'be Oolumbus Plans and 8peoifioations approved ot women, and she seeks them esp. blally 80 cUel"''B. 'Dr. Fleischer Is. aD oeased. Notioe of · appointment of Bltmk Book Ma.nufRoturing oompa. and ordered p08ted io Auditor'lI ardent ·suftl·age:te and predicta sh. RebeoOa Dunham 8S e,x eontrix 'i8 or. ny,blanks for Probate Judge,'16' 26 j offioe, sealed hids t.o be reoeived un will live to see women sitting tn til. del'ed reoorded. William ~ . Graham. oontrnot $9825'' tilU o'olook a ; m. July 10, . 11111 auma, . . ..-ot • . , , P.ro?f Qt publioation of e8tates tor 'l'homas Mol-'ray, dame.ges for roadOonorete II-rob • on Maineville and ... settlement on June 12th, filed and way around sewer, '5 i Frank IIteele, Hopkinsville road near Ohsrlefi Parson's Poem Oem ,recorded. dll.mages· for roadway around 8ewer, Brown's furm in Hamilton town$hip .N. A. BamiltOD" j.;adminil>trator S5; WUUa.m Ii . Brown j contraot, Contrll.ot let to John K fipenoer, From Rtw. B . Stllbenvpll,' Alliof eatate of. W, T . Pllr'".e r, deoeased, for oonorete abutments near ,resi 80n, I&.,in praitle of Dr King's .New ",., Life ,pm.. . tiles 881e bill w,hloh i8 ordered reo .' dence of Ed RC!S8 iu Wllshmgton "They're 'lIuoh a health ne081!8itv, f -12''*. · a~ e8 t'1ma t eo.. t Own8 b Ip oorde4. In every home t.he8e piJ18 ehollld be . Escaped With His lJfe Contract Jet to Joh,n K . ~penoer It.other kinds yo,uv,'e tilted in vatn. Estate of ,Oharles Fof.d, , minor \'Twenty pne years ago 1 taoed an for oonorete a.butments near resL J US~ · DR KING'S t:ieoond and final acoount of 'W illiam f\willl death," writes, B B, MII.rtin, denoe ot Rue';' MUl'r~y in Wa8hing And l?~ we~l again. Only 260 'Ilt aU Ford a8 ,guardian, oonflrme~· Ilnd es , Port Barrelson, 1::\. 0 "Dootorssald . ' ':. drnggls18r I hf\d oonsllmp,tlOQ and tl1e dreadfnl to~ ~\Vnl!~lp at estimate of '127.60.. --'- -.... - , ,.- -tate i8 tnlly.admm18tered. o,o ugh I hud Jooked like it, 8ure CQatraot let to J ' O. Kiphart for Swearing .Rem.dy. ' First and final aoooon$ of C: W. 6n9ugh ,. I t,ried everythlng,leould putting ,in ooncrete extoQsion to Sclenoe runs to elmple ' remedlel Barnes as administrator of estate Of ht:ar of, for my ooogh, and was under wing wall at bridge .over Todd'e these days. SInce MetchDlkorf 'd18' , c~verel\ the fountaIn of p,erpetual .J aspor '1'. Reed, oonfirmed and es· the treatment of the best dootor in Georgetown, S. 0" 'f or a year, but Fork otc.ar resldenoe . of Ch~les youth In a bottle 9f buttermilk all who tl4te 1s fnlly Administered, " Final aoo'ount' ,Jf . W. Z, ,noll as oould get no relief. A fri(lnd advlsd Hadley in Wasbington townsh1p at will may be c~ntenarJ8n8. To rid a me to try Dr. King's New Disoovey estimate of '26 ,(l3. 'community of yellow fever It Is only admini8t.rator of estate of samnel 1 did so and waR completely oured . I Oontraot ",as let to W , N . A lien neoessary to lUll enough mosquttoes, W olfron, decea8ed, canfh,med and feel that lowe O1y life to this ~rellt. fOl! olellning nnd painting t,ile f I. llnd In ' nine cases: out of ten probably throat and lung oure." Its P08lt.ive. , 0 tuberculosIs can be 'cured by the oheap estate is fully aElmini8te.red. jj'irst and' fiual lI.ooount of A. C. Iy guaranteed fol' oough!! O<.'lu8 and lowing bridges, ooonty to furnisb open.~ treatment. The dlsctlvery .of alJ bronchiul uftections. ' 600 &"1 0 Opaiot ': George Graham, 42 ft. we8t a London' doctor that swearIng Is belp. Voil as. a iDlinilJtx:ator of estate of Trial bottle free at a1\ drng{!ists. of Springb oro ~ Oha.rles ~lJlith, 80 ful to health Is In line wIth the up-to. date medlolil methods.-New ' York World. '
County Courts
U fwlo , dens! 1, (JO Il ttlte h, lI y ud m lm
lUI; W, $ 1Ii; 'l' bo '
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Trimm'e d Summer Hats IN OUR
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McCilI~J$~ Magaz~e ., ' Is. a, l~rge, artl~~lc. ~audson? ely !lIust~ated buodl·ed .pag~ ,monthly magazine. It" con. talD~ slx~y Irew F.a~hlon D~slgn l; 1U ejlcb .issu~. , Every woman o!,!eds it for its up~to.dnte •. ,fll,shlOnS, eutertlUDl,n g st?nes a nd complet,e. inf()rmntioJl 011 ,all ,h'onie and' perfiollfll topics. ' Over one million subscTlbers. , Acknowledge'd the best 'Home and Ftish iou Magazine Regular price, 5 cents a copy. Worlh double. ' " .' ' "
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A.ll kin(}!1 ,of Notary Work . Peush)n Work a t:JpeoiIl.Jty.
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At advanced age the ,organs act more slowly than in youth. 'Circu. lation becomes poor, blood thin imd .. DENTIST~., watery, appe~tful, and digestion weak. This condition leaves ~ Office In' the system open to disease such as Waynesville, 0 Nation&! Bank Bldg. Coughs, Colds, Grippe, Pneuma" , nia, RheumatiSm. etc. VINOL is ' the greatest health creator and body builder we kno", " of for old people; as it supplies Good for Nothlnc but ·the E"u the very elements needed to .re. build wasting tissue and replace weakness with strengtlJ. ' HERE 18 ~RE PUOO..
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.··: ftow~ra will
Prblong Their Lives . .
. .' Camomile, It fs aal4 not only that decoction. ,: or the leaves drIed ana p'owdered ,ol the " c()mmbp 'oamomlle will destro, InBe~t..s" ~ul , that,. not~lng cODtrlb,ute~. so much: to, the healtk: f)f .a gardeb ae' I . .number' ot, cllmomlle ': 'plants ' di .. , ' persed' t~ro'\igh .It. , No gr'oonho.use .or , 'hothous,e should be w1thout cam6mn~, hi. a gl'6flO ' ot,"lj:I '~rl~d' 8tat~~' eitber
HQw'OId People
Notary .Public
"' N'w'.Y0rk. N. v.
"The Beggars of Madeira. ~r. Bellls·Pine-Tar-Honey . There Is only one Oy In the oint. F,or Coughs and ,?olds. . Dlent or Mlldelra ' oomfort-'-the beg· - gara. They , begIn to beg before they can walk, and they call, "Penny! pen· , ny I" before tbey can lisp th e sacred ' name ot "mamma." , Ho\v.e v~r, one good thIng has come or 'ou'r ('xperlence ' ' ~Ith them. '!lbey have prepared ' us for beggars elsewbere. We aTe hard· ened, now- at .Jeast. we think we are. The savor ot pity has ' gone out.or us: I ·-From "The ShIp. Dwellers", by AI· I b O l',~ ,BIgelow PaIno, In tbe Outing I MagazIne. I
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.A e _ J. _ r . I .... In AI....,. If ... a wo"UUl who 'elt .he '11''' it"";i" lr dOWD b,. ~ ... d "'.. d_--. to til. aad feeble C!oadJlIon or.~d --a... She baCillo .tre...... IUId the ~"I..t ~.... •ertJon tired I,er, bat VDlOL Daacle lI .. r weD .nd ItroD., ADd Ih... tat.. .he , . .11 tea ye .... 70D ......."tlaaa abe did lie-
'ore taldil.. ,·moL.
'We ask every age4 person.i~ this J1eighborh09<i to try a,bOttle
of VINO~ with. the u~derstanding thatwe Will return their money if it ~oes not ,prove be~eficial, ..' '
J•• E. 'JANNEY, Dru~118t -,
c. W. HENDBRSON, M.:O W~yn~8ville, -
Phone 153
Otilu. I
Main 8treft
tf - '" (
~,; ~~!M~_ W~'~'!~; r(OLiEiitiiE-~"i : f;:OMtU·i~u·RAT~N¥f 1~11'I ~ lL(I~ t - -tif . - -- . ~ VAJ,I~ EY f Tbe Pa,rt, They Take In i:~ Depends ~PO~I Laws and i flehglous Wurk. . .t .', ! ·,Prmclple.s. !: Subsc~ptioll f i~ i 'J;:
S'l' flll.J,,:1
II .
D ' L. CI{A~, EIditol' ~\r1' d'
M a n agel
RateH of
IidvBn e) ........ Singlo CO py ............... .. .... " ,"
OliO )'onr (stri cLly In
1.0U ,06
AgI'lc lllt ur:\ ! Uil l
-Hanna's Green Seal "ne Made ,·to~Wear 'Paint"
l ll"R jon II P lI:t mt'lIt. '111\·,.,.11 )'.
laL C
¥ ¥ ¥ ¥)H]PH .... ¥¥ lf.~¥lf..... .4 ........:
Does This Mean Anything to You?
Rates of Advertising The .e scapadf's nnd \vr~ lI grlolngs or The hou, l1 sen' li as II means or Hoadlng l.oculK, IlOr 11.oe . ... ... .. : .. , . 64 : colJ ege studenls nrc so qulc.kly gIven xpr s iO,I .. of th e s usc of lJeaulY or ~.,'11!' ''''' $,,' R adlog LoeBls. black face, per line . . .. lU I! prominence !lnd 80 widely udv rUsed tile p Oll l who dw ell in i, JUdt li S I WlIJlOed, Ads. oot to elCCt!l!d five lIuea expresses the maker's faith in the product. . 261.' ~bat we are likely lo get the ImItres· the .Jod y serves us a 1l1t!ans or ele_ .Three III8Ol'tlooe .. . . , . Obituaries. Ove Incb ' ret! ; over five sl [)n t hat a coliege Is wholl y made UP pression ur ' :le so I. Vi ctol' Hu go Labor is the principle COlt in painting. The ·mate.rial should be the belt, loohes, per Ii e .. .. . , . .. . .... . 2~ of tb e orlmln ally·mlnded and reck· te lls us "Ilou.:es art! Ukt! tb~ hUlUan Brd of ( h11 olol, .• . • . •.. • .•• . , . . . . ... • Resolutlolls . '. . . . .... . , . . , .. , .. . .. , .. . ~Uc !esB. That thl a Is not so Is suown u In l!;s who Inhllult them ." YOu. CANNOT AFFORD ANY OTHER KIND. 800111111 tllc. where charge IH made .. .... . ~ [)c by a little study ot th e rOllort ot tbtl Much tim !;, lubor and mone y Is DII/play AdverLllIIllg Il\lr Inch . . . . ...... . I Oc religious orgllnlzallons at work In the spent In th e endeavo r to malte our DliIcouot.s,glvtln on coutrliCL. colleges and uul verBltI(ls of the coun· FOR 8ALE bY try. Q • homes beautlrul. It Is very l1ltlng' l The y, M. C. A. for the y should ser"o not only s '4 JULY II. 1011. The organizati on most ge":erall:r place \\;here the chil d may deve lop In known and whlcll Is at work In over and artisti c HUI'rou ndln gs. i • •~• • • • • • • • • • • • •~ Eat 80me of tb~ eggs y our8olf 700 Institutions or learnlng In Nortb pleasing bu.i also as a placc wh ere l he older Amerloa Is the Young l\f('n's Chris· If they ure wortb m ooey to I\uy. tlan Association. Over a3.000 college members or the rami Iy lIlay find rest. body. tbey ore to yOo . men were tn Bible classel last year comfort, and Inspiration . Fnll'Jre 10 VVATCH POTATO BUGS WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. ------~.~ ~.------.conducted' under the ausplcel or this make our homes r eally beautiful has Two In One allloclation. This does not Includ e Money aDd Keep( I It bouts all bow Boon potato~ bugb St. Augustine's Catholic Churcb, Dr. Bell 'l5 Aotl-Palo 18 both lin in. the thousands of otbe r men who been c ue to th e fa ct t hal home de ~o. . . Style .by Readiog McCall's , r atlon has not been looked upon as tern"l !lDtI fx te rnllJ remedy. H is were In church Bunday scboo) w ill trim up a patoh If y 10 get to Fnthe r George MI.\\'cnhocfll r , P ast or Magazino and Using McCaU Pattems IlD IIntll!eptlo r eDledy Ilnd destroYli clas80s. T en tho usand meu were 1& an art In th e true sens , depend ing thinking of something else lind for. lIltL88 every sooof,d Slludu!, of tbe \Do uth a ' I di8eale R~rm8 , Sold ev,erywhere on m!sslon study classes . Th~ col1"g' upon definite law s and principles, U:Otl a. \D. McCIII'. MI,ul •• ""II ' get them! Bettel" keep your t,hinkM~CA LL'S MAGAZINE hllill you d ros., 81y l· a positive ~ nlll1nt ee. men a re develovlng their characters but as a promiscuous aadlng of muc:-t 1, 101), ilL .. It\l)dQr,Ho not only by these studIes, but by the material and (o lor wltho ut regard for i og Otlp on , nnd hU8tle those bugs St. Mary's Episcopal Cfturtb. "~"ons" h)' k a l> 10 J( }"" IHI SI! d ou . t ho out so quiok ly that thei r heuds NIIl practical work the~ are dO ing for Curotll do well ':D most /loy ghrRo\·. J . b'. udwlllinder, I<ccll'l·. appropriaten ess or harmony. Succa s lalP_" ' (1111l1loos III 'unda y School. 0 :30 1\.;.. MbrMng s er ",, '110 lI11d bals. 6C den land. but tney 11refer a moist·, others. depends, In large mll1l8ure, upon t lte swim. vlcc. 10 :lIO a. tn. Holy CO\DlDunlon tho lIr»t !'-\.\\, 1' 1\8111 911 De!\llfn ~ . Most associations located In- cities carefu l obBHv ance toe laws or deep, loamy, fria.ble Boil , III "nch Jl\5ue. J\lso S UUdllY of each \Domb . with a large torelgn population are right proportion, bl>rmonl'ous col or \'u lu ,l,I, lo (n rurm nllul,' When Paleness Was PIety. ,, " 111 1 homo Bud pcr· condu cting educational classes fo r s cbeme, fitnl:8S tl) purpos e, and slm· ,01 ,,"1 rnlllLers. ol ~' Chronic 80re Eyes In the days of the Puritans tbe Methodist Episcopid Churda. the for eign men. In many cities now pll cl ty. r,(k; " yc.u r . Inoludlu I stocks were not llnkllowil as a penalty Rev, H,' W . Bailey. Pastol Are easily oured wltb I:!utberland's we find coUeg9 men giving an e,en· a rru plluern. Sui Right P r,oportlon. ... "'"'~_ .... ..... . .... ' Nih lodoy or sou.\ Cor '100k1llg too healthy . Rudd llNlBB of uuduy Scbool. 0: 15 a , m . Morn lug ser· Eagle Eye l:illlve, It i8 pllinle88 anu Ing or two a week, without pay, to !'IO;- fr e 1""I\ple copy. Ir the '}Ines of a room are not g OOd. complexion was a' crime when a ' gaun t \'Ioe, 1 U:30 a. ro. r; "wor~h L Ollgue , 7 :00 p. barml688 Bnd guarautud . 250 Il box thll leaching at Italians, Bulgarians. m. Eve nIng se rvice, 7,; 00 p . m. Midweek McCln Plitt"" will II "!) I )'(10 110 mnllC) In your deco ra tlon should begi n In brIngin g vlsn ge was r garded as an ov.tward Bold every where. Hungulanl, Armenla.Ds and men or PI' lye I' o'4llctlng. 7 p. 10 , 1)\\'11 hom o, with ro nr ow h hn "d ~, ~' I o (bln " Illr ----YOUll .. If UII (\ "hllti rclI whi ch will be J)Or~ ·t ~ other .natlonal1t1es, to speak. read and th em Into .rlght proportion. A celllng Illgn or sancti ty. Doctor Ecbard . wrl. In slylll llnd II I. PrICI'-IIOII C hlt,:b r Ib llO 16 " Christian Church. CCIl IS. ntl ror (r e I'II U rn ulalogue. . ., 1 Soap .8 ud~ will kill pl"nt 1I0e. 80 write the ~anguage ot their adopted which Is too hlJ;h ma y bl: mlide ~o tlng In the early elghtoenth c nlmy , appear mu ch lower lJ y dropping t he arks: "Then It was they would rem Rev. L. O. ThomJ)llOn, l'utol. W. WiD Gi.. Y... FiN Pr.... 11 for RO lling SUI " wll\ tobaooo extract, kerosene emul- country. Wben these ruell come to ~~ rlllLlo Il 8n lll OUlr YOll r fr le nets. Sond for free School. 9:89 II. m" Soclal mootln • • underatand English, they are given ceilin g paper -onto t e sld ~ W b lJ a 8 ~ n"ce ly let a round faced man go to 10:Dlblo I'r l11 h lm ('''Ln logu \lnd ' OIMb I'rl zo Otrer. Itoo or wbale oil 801ip. 3 0 II. m. Ohrlstluu EncJeavor. 7:00 p . m. toot or a foot and bal f. (Ht4: wr"cll h av n. )( ho had but a llttl e blood In talks on "Good CItizenship," "First ormon by pB8ler evory alternalAl Buuda)' .. nI! M<CALL COIIPAIIY, 23910 249 Wal31. 51.. lin YORk ------- , 10: 30 a. m. and 7:ao p . m . Is too low may 'Of: m&de () 6pr,~~r blf! cheeks his condition "as accountAid to tbe . Injured," "How to Make AU ,8kln OIee. . . Gardeas" and other very practical hi gher by usIng striped jlh ll",r on L b ed da ngerous and, I will assure you, a , HIMate Friends Chura. side wall nnd runn In g It 1,1 1) to the VCty honest man at sanguine aomplex·Yield r eadily to treatmeo& with Dr. ~ubJectl. U :00 Ii. m. F irst Oa)' It be chanced to come nigh au otlon, angle wh ere R ide .~' II &nd c 111 11$ I;JeU'8 ~ntls~p'lo Salve. We 8oarBoy Club Work. Fouri.b Day Meetlnjt autee it. 260 1\ b ox, ' Sold every- . Another klnd ot work carrled on meet. T he appar III li e ')1 a rOO:11 fl luI zealot's house, might be set In where. . lh{l , stockB, ollly for looking fres h on a , by many allaoclatlonS la"the boy club may be chan ged. A ligh t pape r wIll frollt.y morntng." Few of tbe January make the room seem larger t ha n Orth,od'ox Friends Churca. work, where eacb clique or gang In WALTER • Alrel1tJy t 'lE! fowht nre ~88uminll a community Is furnished with 0. col· dark paper. A I rge deSign In the faces to be seen In a London street .. Mrs. EUaabeth Ltl.I'kln. Pastor ver, wO\lld run any risk of drawb\>we wall p~per matles a r. ~ o'nl IQok sma)l· • abba~b cltool . IJ :30 " .. tn . ReJl;ular cbu reb a rUllty I\ppeILr ~ noe. It 11, gettio[l lege student as leader. The leader er. Large', beavy piece. or furnItu re Wi down this penalty. Rorvluc, 10 . ~I) U. 10 . flhrl~~lan ~l Dalla Vor. Funeral Diret:tor., coaches the boys In athletics, teao.h- should be u sed In large roonia, as nellr tllelJ: Dl .>lt.lull 8easou 7 :1I0 11_______ ing them how to keep tbelr bodies they t end to diminish th sIze or well and 'atrong and hOW' to play fair Old UlCer. amall room and make It 'look o ver· Borse!! with good disposit·ionl' I\ro TelepQoDo day.' 01 night .ad .t..n . He advlaea them ' In theIr :Are uuslKbtly llutI dangoroull 1)7. club meetlnp. In organlzatlon anel c,rowded. ' A square room Is very un· Illwa.y~ 8ufer lind m ore valua.ble DR. BELL'S ANTI~PAIN Valley phone No.1, fADR Bell's AUtl8t1ptiO • tilllve w1l1 belli tn psrllamentary 'rules, aild trlel to Interesting. Avoid placing a piece at DistaDoe N o. t19~'''. th~lll promptly, Jt 18 olean and tnBtlll In them the hi ghest Ideals of tu~nlture In each corner of the room. Never breed a orrZY:headed mare • I For Internal ancl External PaanaI. plea.ililut to U8«1 . ~60 a. box. l:iolo honor and mDrality. as that ac~e.ntuates the Iquar~nes8 : OHIO ~~~~~~~~~, l ~~~~~~~~!!! WAYNESVILLE, • everywhere. Color. Some ' assocIations organize ' and conduct Suol!ay scbools and preach· In the lIelection or the . ,c olor J Substribe for the Harve"lburc" O. -Tbe heu 't.I'rtt Ja-yw 'w hMe she 'b ap. Ing services 10 the poerer parts of Icheme for our house we tllrn to na. pens to bi! wlle.u she take8 the 0- cltlel and In oountry dlstrlots no t ture tor help. During the summer 'Ion to lay, III oertldnly settln:; lupplled with other r elJglous ser· mon ths she gives us a grellt deal of vices. 1n the clUes a large number green to live with. It Is nearly al~---""'TRY LIVERITES--~~......... a bad eg{ltl lIulpla ot Itudenta are to ' be found helplllg ways softened by yellow, orange, or In. soctal settlement and minion red, and we say 'tt Is a warm green. Summer Colda houlea. 'thlrty·five hundred men In the wInter montha, w.ben green Are h.rder to relieve tbl1n "intel were engaged In some form of social growth II taken away, we have . 0u68 but tbey yl~ld jlll>t. 1&11 readily lervlce lut year. many beauWul ehades of brown. Llverltes for a· Cold, Backache and Weak Liver o'r Kidney,. to treat.meot WIth !Jr. BeIl'I5 PioEl. Theile are splendid color,Q for the Th. Stat. Unlvera1ty. Tln-tion~y .. !::)old everywhere. LoOk A typteal college u80claUon la the rooms In which we live mo&t, as the for the Bell 00 tbe bottle . Alp/ays ' keep one at the Ohio State Unlverelty at library, sitting rooQl, or living room, - - -".-. ' them ir. the The quiet, warm greens and browns', Columbua. Here over 200 men are hou~ ready t{nep tbe ooltivlitrlr going in tbe In Bible cluses conducted by the when used for floor and wall cover· for use. , oo.-n uutll, out In tli~l ijballow- &alOClatlon, and an aver~e of 800 Ings, make moat suitab:le . back· grounds tor pictures, furniture and plaue 1 AboQt 'WI) IDobes deep 18 ltudenta ITery Bunday morning are peopl~. ". PrePiarect from Pure" N"tive Herbl. they Cleanse the. System and .diM Mu"le tbe hor8es !,od 'bey'll In Bunday Ichool. An equal numb er ' Nature lIends us the brilliant colors of atuden~, moat of them the ones , . Purify the Blood and .thus PREVENT ~ERIOUS SI<lKNESS. ... work bAtter . . that .1O to Sunday Ichool. attend a but a 't ew weeks ' In' the autumn of ------~-~ cburch .ervlc.. About 1215 ' are regu- each year, the highly·tlnted slut but A Coup, A COld • Jarly prellent at the weekly meetings a brief half hour at sunset and sun· And thl111. DO ttllllng wb~t-Qnlen of the aSloclatlon, and other lines of rise. The brighter colors may be you Wle Dr B~ll'liI Pine-'l'~r-Hooey. raUgioul activity are pursued with used IU the passageways and rooms i ~ ia, ~btl b~I!It, Illik your ileilJh~or. marked ' ehthuslasm. However, as In which "we do not spend so much , .ook for t,he Hell, on toe bot.tl ... there are ' .800 students tn the unl· time. Red Is the color ot good oheer. , ~ , t30Jd Mery w 1iera~ . verslty" It means that halt of them It may be used in the tront hall or not regularly attending any re- dining room, w~ere welcome and I,..;. .' ~. ---hospItality are' oft'ered. Tbe room 8eore&e ot lIuooetUiful turnip grow · )f.-ou. services. A large number or tbat II well supplied with sunshlns these a Itudents who at home aliOi: ilave t!J1I tlee.l.bed very fioe, waYI attended ooe or more services, may be papered In the cooler gray, t ben roll l t : !lOW lohe 8eed 800n ilftel but here beoome careless and tndl!· blue, or grean, while a sunl ess north fel'ent. It Is this " class of students room should be brightened by the 11 rain. Ilfld ollver tb~ l5eed by lIgbt who,. graduallY' drifting ' awa rom uee or warm yellows" reds, and 11 rolling tbt! /ilrllund . theIr reilgloll8 ' mQ..orlngs;~are soon brownl. 14, 16, · 18 Dayton. The floor 'should carry the darke.t shipwrecked on the rocks or Immor· J. very Body,8atl~fled ~lIty. Som~ are only Indltrerent to ton~ of the color, the walls the meE. 3td- St. Who hal tried Or. B ,U's Pine the good, some h O'ye be o~e very dium and tile cel1Jng the Jlghtelt. ') ar· Bone1 for ootiKha. ooldll, Krill bad. It Is ' particultlrly for this class There should be one ~ predQmlnant or any tbro~t or l.)fooobi~1 trouble of student.- that the association ani! color In the room. and harmony may Qet a bottle today. Look for thl) other. reltglous 9rgall l ~n (jon8 exist. be obtained by combIning with it Bell on 'he Bottill. colore ot nearly r elated tone. Living In a reo'm wltl1 brHllllnt red walls TESTFO~ r KarOle... will do deadly work , and green floor covering Is like try.. Ing to entertain, at the same time, : Ponr U In every oraok and orevloe examlnn.t1ons for !l'c Cecil two people' who arB at tlnmlty with Loeal Don.'t spar. It•• _ • Rhodes scholarships were held reo each other. oently at the Ohio State 'U niversity Approp'rlatone .. and SimplicIty, A Pain Remedy r U. the law of appropriateness were Both ' Internal·· RDd external Is Deed under the supervis ion of the commit· ed daUr bl Ithri,)tlt every fll 01 lIy , tee of the qbl,? C(llleges' ASSOCiation. praotlced Olany things would be reo Keep a bottle of Dr , Bell '8 Auti' i>1l,n, of whlcb Dr. W. O. Thompson is moved from our tlouses, "We should p' ¥ GoOd f<U' nil kinds of bowel troubles chairman; Fourteen students In dlf- have nOthing In tbem which we do Externally; for 00t(41 . buril~, 8IJ r l\Itie fer~nt OWo colleges too,k the exam· nol kMW i.o be useful or believe to ' . be ~autlr\ll." BeaulY and usefu lness . IlOd·aU ptlille. I:itronHly lLot.i8t:I'tio. lnatlons, cholen ~!~m- the Ilhould go Iland In hand. but usetlJi" , On;e ~udent. ,So\~ ,ev6rywh~re : , '. numbat' . wbo -, sucooaaCully pUG the nesa reads the way. In the selection L ~ "~""T----~, Watob ' ~he grit box .. ,The benlil ·examlnatlon.: He', II given $1,500 .a ot every piece of furnlt\lre we ,should year·,for tbree 'year. to~'derr"y 'h ls .ex· look for good. Illmpl e lin e and. de. are' dO: D~o 't let tb~m OlltOl.l panse.1 'at Oxford . University, Eng· sIgn, dur.ablllty. an.d an absenCE! of ut.i pplDIJ &nd. ,Lbe DOX empty: I ,land; ..:, ' : " ' '. dust harbors. E."ery article should Tbe papen , are not ~ra.ded hl this be , ni nde to last and' to g,I,v8 service, f · ') CO~~1, but are sent to Flngland The 'light upbolstered cbalr, may be w~ei'~ ... , Clommlt~ee e~ecllllly ap-_, prelt.Y, bUt !t, should ftnd no ,place tn pointed for :t the ;. pur~ose . ('~~e~llY . pur li ving room. ChillI's with Impol' 1iHIS SALE BEC'I~~ Icrutfolze. them; If 1)0 set. of p9.J!ers l!.lblt. twists" In theIr legl ao'd backs IdlilcllOae ~\l,mcent Ik:borar~hlfl to , war- , and carvings on their arms which awarding of tile ilrlte, . all cAn not be clean'a d are better suited' raJ,acted,' Jf .t he Quality of the to tbe curio shop, That . furniture tii DllI~nu.8or1pt~ Is s~mclent1y. hIgh 1lI0st beautiful ~' blcll III comfortable' to the prize, the commit- father than formal ,. and $ervtqeable ,t ee .lJI'.&nta the lobolarablp to the par·" raL))er tban. showy . It I. ' alwaye sate IOn .ho1L'!nl-tbe' beSt .p·r ellaratlon for to avoid the ' pretentJo\l1 and un· ihe . honor! . " . usual. WI11Iam MGI'rl. one of ibe" B~~~:!~;.tIl::. Ohio B~t. l.1n1venlty, wol'14'I; greatest doooratortr. hall said ~IIJIOO:I. were "'repretent-· I'SlmpllcltY Is tbe one thing needful • --,-~" '''- i~:::!:"1 Well· In of thai 1 a,0l QerlalD..~t
J. E. JANNEY, ;Waynesville, Ohio
rL. .di~:~
---_a - ••----
------ _..
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----_. -...----
Galette I ~ranch OJli~,
----_. - ._---.
Liverites Prevents Seriobs Sickness
••••• .I ' " ~.u.u
---- - ------
Semi-1\.nn ual Cost and Clearance 'S ale
Great Price'R eductions
.W:~dn'esd~y, July-,5,. '11'
0' "
.Q111fta11 :1~~~.
tho' .\\'.1:0
III u ' ,ail •. Ulf
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Is .
The Miami Gazette HI ,
Every-Day Cross
Thero must be a contest on for Itory telling, for the reading public are being banded aODe '!Iemonll" un, aWarel, or, It there lan't, the Itrangeat thin.. e\'er are happening. The lamp, POlt that wabbled ,,'al juet pi 11.1 n, 11m pIe drunk, we know about that, hut we won't lay any more, IIIYI the Ntiw Orleanl Picayune, Then the Plymouth Rock hen and tbe cold· lto",ge atl'alr, too, Q1ad. us lit up and take notice, but now comel Into court a Nortb Yakima farmer aod be teUI' thll without even blullblog. He layl he ftred Into a ftock of geeae and brought down two, He had ".leo cut olr the Yakima river bank a ftahln, Une with leveral hooks on It, 10 he could hunt Ind 1Iah Ilt the lime time, Tou-'ltnow these Yakima tarmen are deucedly clever. He wu lurpr!.~d to lee another goole rise In tbe air &pIn and agaIn, only to tall to the around. Upon InveBtigation be dl. covered that the gooBe wal' caugbt on a let line nearly 500 reet 10D, with 50 hooks set at Intervale. It. lecUoD ot the line wal OD the land and the ,oose had IIwallowed ODt or the liaJtl, Following up tbe line he round It down a hole under a lltump. Pullin, on the line, he dragged out a In~rllng, Inappln, otter and an lS-poDnd German carp. It'l nearl,. tLme for Bome one to tell bow a dIamond necklace wal got out ot a "Ioblter," and then Icbool can quit. ,
HEN Jellue &aId to bla dll-
~~~~~-~~~~~_~~~~~-v~~~~_~~~~~~w~W~W~~~~~~~~~4~-~·V_~~~4~W~~~W~W~W~W~~, ___~.~~~~~~·~~~W~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
BLIGHTER HOflEI • • Wbo.t I. there lett tor'"a. feller ,t o do?
. ~e.
No,\\· . mY la.t hope hall been buated In a IIIna8h . ' Sence th' north Pole hal! been fOund In a - . .d8lh, .
Huh ! r have thought of Ih' II dgy an' a ll, Cllmbln' I,ll' lecberp that loomM like 1\ .,
W(\I\ '
on' pemmlld~, 'I\>-alru" an' b~llr' Eatin', my boot he!!ls at laHt In' dc.~nlr! 'fhen to '"omo home wIth i.h' band/! play-
In' $ay ,
An' people chc rln' mo all Q' ih' wayBUl the>ru's no chance, an' 1'''0 'Iooked al\ around: "M.Y ' lUi ~bowecl' me bow to I ..t Nolhln' Is left. .enee tb' nOl'II\ pole .. my ftrecl'&c.kel'l this mornlnc;' toumL , ' ''Wb''ljer ma~ do '" \ ~UBually when opportnnlty knock .. at "Bile abowed me bow to Ue up pal, ".vlaed prOverb•. a mall'a door be uUers a few 1'em_rkll . "U wishes were hOr...," , b~g.n r tb. ftnle~" ' OJ!" knocker. In ce~era., maD who lllte~aed to' allow, ht~ friend' ttle rutUlt)', of Idle bope" Bilt tile 'I'll. ...tomoblle mile reoord SI now • I.a UDlleee...,,. to teU a milD DOt lrleDd __ ill. eIlcl dI. loeamoUv. II to Itbold a dJ'D....I1. .Ilr.CkeriD . . . . . . fte av, laO;; bud auer 1& l.lllhtecJ. • taD't Spangled Blinner': wben tbe across the s~reet cuta loose wltb flrewol'kll lit 3:30 a, !p. July 4th.
What' I. Uiere lettt- I an;l Ukll,' of )'ou. Ain't any burtaloeB that he can kill Bence they ' was Rnlehed by Buffalo BIll. ' Ain't any neat. he ean Ball up an' /lcllt Sence Pe~.ey ellowi'd, ~., h!. cour~•• an' mlrht.; 1','e looked around an' all over the ground; 1"otllln' Ie left, eence th' pole h.. been found:'
"f'4 been a'thlnkln' 0' goln' 1I0me d.ySome men bave a genills ror mak· Hlttin' th' trail for th' plalni tar away; to lallllo' an' handle a gUll, " Ing ex planation, b.ut lack tbe clever- Lea~nln' But beln' cowbo)' now IUn't any fun: ' ness to make them fit. Thouliht lIome, 0' beln' a bandma8ter, but Xhey aot tll' phonO&'1'ap,,_, open nn' ahut! All a 00)" 1 cI\ances 1110bygone-an' pallt We are as patriotic as tbe next man, Bence th' north pole 18 dtseovered at la8L snd we love our country dearl)" but Can't go kill InJunl- there aIn't none 10 ~ I we are nol eo conetltu~ed that we kill; ':Fare t.hee wen," Ilghed . the , colon· can sit up In bed and sing "Tlie Star· ,Moat 0' t~em'l workin' In .0meoody'B lal, l~ver. ", H, 10, to ,deteod my poup· mill, . Or ellle they're tarmln'; thoy Ilon'l any 'try . .,Who knQw, whllt. the tuture ma, " -m.,re ' bave In , stoJ:e for ui'" . ', ' ., , Take to J th' ,warpath an~ 'holler for gore. , Adieu," wblspered the coloDla! da~· I've thought an' thousht 1111 I'm puzzled a~l. · "My e~rnelt bope" II ~bat ..wben an' blue: ~ ", There aln't no place I ('an run away to. _ we both Jlgure ID lhe blatorlcal , DoV' ela the authorl wl11 neltber mllspell I ml.ht ws wt'll get a Job hlulln' coal Sellce Jollater Pe!l~dl.co,' ere.d th' pole. ' your-' ,name nor: ' fall to properly I de: Prtze-nghUn' lI$ed to Bult me purty well, scribe my ap~lra~ce," • Bul there alg'l no olle like big old John J : . Brak1n' a traIn wn a jot) that looked faIr, JOHNNIE'S ADVI~ER~: ' ., But nowadaYI$ 'they are luakln' with aIr' Mlnalrel' BhoWB once ha'l! nttractlon fo;' me, there's no chance an)' more, ( CHn
It II announced by an Engllih 101. entiat that our wlntera will graduaUJ ,;et warmer during tbe next' 400 Year., ~ut be warna pI that att~ the ),eal 2~94 there will be a cbange 'f or the ' wohe. Let UI by all m~nl enjoy tbe . ,uDl!hlne Wblle we may.
The outlawed toy platol will c:olm aa mnny ,'lcUms u lhe prohlhifed wblaky of Kanlaa.
A ' Phtladelpbla preacher announoe. ~ Ulllt summe.r resortl are tbe 'ItarUn, . placel' or dlsagreementll 'le841111 to ' d! vorce. It II not likely tbat hi. dec:.l. rattOD wUChave a lerioul eJrj!ct UJ)OD ,lIae nmmer relOrt bUalJleaL
Happily, tbe Hfth of July, Uk, tbe day after Chrlatmaa. comell but ollce a year.
Stran!!e, Isn't ft, how tbe Ured bUI" neas DIan wllJ perle UII and take · a brighter vtew of lite In the afternoon as the banda or tbe clock approacb the hnur of tbree-that la, when It II raining and tbe baeeball team I. Sn town, .
AU&'Dtic CIf7 SI letUn, TeI'7 moral. Not ~nt~nt wllb ' recuJauDi bathln. lulte, ·the SOIOD. ,have ' now ,decreed that PO o)'lIfer m.,. throu,b, the Itreeta without haYbll all Sta ' abeU 011. It leeme, however. that watter. hate been carry1nc tbe luclou. blvalye ID the OPeD exposed to varioul .• erma: ud tbe provlllion of the health anthortt1el II to be relsrded I I • . aaailtar)' preeauUon and ,not .nother act ot 9l'udery.
Dr, Wiley, tbe ~overnment aulboritJ on pure foodl!, makes a doleful Indict, ment ot the American people. He aay. we eot too much, drink too much, work too much, sleep too much, loat too nlUeh and take medicine too much, Would the doctor admit that lIome of us talk too much? If eo, could he do It wltbout a selt·conscioull bluBb;'
Get it today il) o.w.. liquid .form _ cllllell that they mU8t take ,hf)C!Olaled · tabl~ , led 1S. ..... t.b •• , up their crOll8 dally nod follow him, he waa borrowIt It were not for their lon, II e M Ing a t.ernl from hi' Iibe an Idea be worlll ,i experience -and 'raDBfer- lome people 1 ' tti.Y, were llglolls, ling If to ourll. "The Croal',I'- meant to would. , 1: - '.. ~.. Jeau' th aacriftce8 demanlied by tbe GilflleJ.1 TM will set 'tlie liYer light.. dl\.\l~If,;. wblch tile .... 111 of ·t1od laId' on cor~t. 'conafipation clellnll8 the 11\'~ltlIP. him. ' JeBuI CaDle to ~artli- ",*111Ingly, purif. tbe ,)toO<! Il~ - leer -tbe OompleJIion. but not OD ' bla own ID'ttlatlve: . "Tbe, The Exception. Father ,sent tbe Son to be lhe 8avlour POlt-T.here ani al lood nib ' in lb.. or the world," ADd be came with jUlt )JDe pl1rpoae: "I came not to do mIne sea a~ ver w.re. cau,bl. o will, but the will or him that , Parker- Hml ,} lueDI you ba'-en't len t me;' A part of the wUl WII beard Tbomplon's latest fllb 8tory,- . tbat he should die, In ol'\1er tlaat we, Harper's Baaar. through bll death,' ml3llt hav e I're.' He ALLElt'8 rOuT-KASB . spoke ot blmlelf aB"t'he Good shell' n._ ~ ..V8B pt.le poI_4er 10 M IDto \II • • b""~ ."erd wbo wu to 'ay down hie lite for r ~ r Ure4, .ClIIlIll teeL 1\ Ia'e. tbel&lal oat of 4)0.... aDd ""aloaa ..114 _II • • • 1111111 • 4.llIlIl. 80 .. t'be, aheep, anc\ : fuMed: "Thll Com- •• el'7wMw;:p.,.". rt(fMH .'or I'll •• mandmant b"ve' r received or my ..... 1 . .,,'~ &44..... A. I. OhalllaCl, lA Rot, 11,1 . Father.' 'rher.efore he endured tbe crOIlS, dllal/iling the alia'lne. Wb'en be' Couldn't the 'R... miianee, apeake to UII ot the every·day erosl, They bave :beeD jQklnl AlmtiUlt Je8us can only be rerenlnr; to eli:-- Treuurer-JlUliea A. Mattbews of tbe pe.rlences' In daJly lire whlcb bave for Guardian bank, on ble rellemblance to UII ~a eame allnlftcal!ce the eTOII or Prelldent Taft, and MJ'. Mathews -hal steadily refused to be annoyed tber. Calvary bad tor him, Lite Is a complicated web or rela- by. So tbe jokers lublliled and lb. tlonsblpe, Every olle of UII I. ' tbe Joke died a natural deat!). ntH the otber nilht, wben Mr, and center of a world. Elaob IndivIdual IUe la 8et. In the mld"t ot a mare of' Mra. Mathewl ~Ined together ,,'lIh parents, brOther., 81Iter.,' luntl, cou· Mr, and Mra. Frank Hnrmon and their Ilns, busband 'or wlte, 'sonl dall,b· little dau,hter. when the Taft relle m· 10UII& ters, bU81nelll "lOClatel; . friend. or blance wae reviVed. Turning eDemles. ADd toward eacb of tbe per- Mias Harmoll. Mr, Mathewl alke" IOnl compoalnc thl .....orld of ours we 1¥betber Ibe;' too, thoulbt he looked have our duUel, laid upon UII by tbe Ilk. the 'preliden t. , Dor.otby stud~ 10Dg and earnestly. "Ill of God. ' There III not one of theae, dulle. 'fhen ahe anlwered: "J\lot In tbe face, Uncle Jlnl," wblc.. . doel PGt; sooner or later, In· ' \'olve 8acrift'ce. sometlmel tbe dUlIea ' Ole\'eland Leader. ot ,one 9r tbel~ ~latIOJllbJll. abl<Jrb A Heartl... , Father. tbe wbOle' ot ute, makJnc ' lt o~ 10JlSi "r Deed lOme belp wIth my fiou.Sllold agohy of ftorlfice, lIr;btened only ,by "lUU1ounced a womlln wbeD ber love. Perbaps a mother II an Invnlld. PerbapI filther hall been un- hUlband came borne the othlr DIIJlL "Wbat'. ~he matter with our daulbfortunate In bUllnes, and lrow·n utter'" tb~- hulb.nd waDted to know . terly , dJ~coura(ed_ S'QmeUuies 8 "Our dauebter' Tbe Ideal "by. • brother or ,Ieter hal lone wroDl, or Jim, you know ahe's awfun,. delicate. ... Child ' turned out a IOlIrce 'or dla, Nul sbe would dl. If Ib'. had to " 40 appointment hlated' of prIde. Tbe any houlebold work, Sbe hal b~f' Nbole life of some healtby and normal Ichool, and __" ' member of the famUf hal to,.be "peil~ "And , wbatT ' Her 'teacber'I ' repor In 'cartng ror, encouraglnc or lee,dDg shows ' tbat aile 'In't doln.. a bll Of to reclaim tbe unfortunate one. acbool .... ork ... "But Ihe II tbe Itar meD;l)ler of, ber " Mult Be.r Own Burden. Some try to eacape It ' But If we balketbaU team, and 10U know s h!'! I could, y.oe ehould only ti'anafer our eller to take tbe prise It lbe Iumburden to lOJQebody elle'. boulders, naalum contest. !lut that'. ,Juet like Tbere Is Jua~ "ljout 110 *mucb of bur· a man-wantlol a delicate afrl to ~.. den and · retpOnllblllty III th. world. ' 18ge In roUgb, 'hard ' labor. Be aehaUlTbere la Juat a ,cerlaln number of eel of youree". Jim Jen kle! , Yolll shouldera amo~, whom paaae mUlt be bave no feellq," d1stributed. It II a almpJe problem ot WISE BROK'ER. dlvlaion. Jt the dlvlBor, la lellened, tbe quotient mUll' Increale. , There are lOme who bear the crOsI' bravely, proudly, yet bItterly, That statement makes one thInk at Dante. , He loved F10renCle as re .... have ever Ipved the city of their birth; aDd ~or nineteen years ,before hll death 13,21 he wu .compelled 'to waDder from one city ot Italy to anotber, and'·per· aa far .. Parll and Oxtord, with l death ae/ltence rellstered against him by the city of bll love. Such pride " acorn all be wu capable or, bow· have rarely liad residence In a n.....t. ROlaettl, hll)llelf ' the !IOn an rt~lan exile, haa Klven a ~'Ie ure of ,t be wanderln,' poet wblch m.1 It and fo*' maDY a burdened lOul tOday. whoae cro" pUI, whoae b.lrt bath ,_no r.,.t, .... boIa aplrlt bal ' ,",wn bUter, ))ut '",110 .dlsdatnl t~ tr1 to ~ ~." . ) escape tbe Croll, unlel8 they can do Jlegl-Tbat marrll.e broker 'lUI to; , 10 OD tb~ir own terma. lellO ~r cent. ,of the elrl'l tor- • , We ~'ave, ail kDOWn luelt' " people, arr'&II,gin, a matcb with a lo'rellch maT'T hey ha¥8 Dev~r I reconciled them. btit-he cUd be tet thb ..tbat.:....}) • . lel,ea ,to ·thelr lot. Tbe heart burn. toOk it an. ' . coDtlnuaily wltb a lenle of the In· Willi-Sow' tu~~,( Uftt. CoJIIPlalnt arllea eyen ~JJ!a;-:.Married the elrl himself. , 'qaJDit ~ , \ The 'IlI,lit of ·tbe happ,l. neal qt others ~111 lIke ,~ vlnelai' poured ,Into an' OpeD .ound. We have found "no' experl~ce ' tbat luch lives have no power to belp others~ 1'bolle we ,have known have been 1\ snurce of dllcouragement ralber tban or In81llratlon. , Here, ,then, la a cut, for ~"e application of the Go~I}~· ~ule: If we ,would leek, 19ht ancl'lnsplratlon from.. OUf' trlendl ,"'~8bould give then the &aine. · One oilght to be very, care· ful of a"owlol to 'grow up ,In his OWll hearCtbe':eJilrlt , wblcb, If!: othere, ~~ ail a kill-joy and a aource 0' dllhellr t . II'Ient to him:' , , The 'Attitude of JIIUI, I
O'ne ....'mun alllertl that blond.1 are Boln" out of fallhlon and that bll teet tor WODMn are coming 10. Tbe critics of the lex will Immediately lelle npon thelle facti, especially ~he latter, to prove that women are walklnl to<l much over traditIon and coollerv"Ullm In lheJr ca mpaIgn for more right a, thut ~a (; rlnclng fair complexion and Imall feet.
Eradicates scrofula and all other humors, cures all their effects, makea the blood , rich and abundant, strengthens all the vital organs. Take it.
Ohio has more colleges than an), other ltate: It requlrea IPeclal en. deavor to raille one 'InBtltutlon Into . fame above Ita rlvall, .ben 10 man,. exist. '1'be bOYI of West I Latlyette college achieved tblll dllUnction h1 putting QII Into the milk ot the girll' dormitory. Twenty elrll )Vere made Violently III. Bome day clvlilaaUoil will be 10 general that It will exllt even amon, colle,e Itudentl.
A French peper II conductio, a TOt. Inl contellt tor tbe purpol. ot decidIng wbat In tbe opinIon ot a maJorlt)' Of Itl readerl al'e t.h e vlrtuel mOlt to be deslrfll In women, Each r.lder II requelted to name ten Yirt el. , So far Jlit7 vlrtuel have been Damed. Tbe 'rat leven have a1waYI been at the . top of the poll II nee the healuhle 01 the ballot. In tbe toUowtll& order: Goodne... orderllneal. devotion • .thrUt. nDtlene'l; lntelll,ence anel amJablJ· tty. It il noted that 11{111 ppwer t:Om~1 t'1Ifen t ,-tourth In the )Jlt. w~lcb il a lone wa, dowp. conllderln, ~t d"o>' lion tl thlrd, and which lndlcat-. that D~t a tew or the voterl· an men, However, tbe vtrtu. of meeb.tie tl the .lxtieth and lalt Sn tile lilt. and hu recelveel on17 .. "..o(ea, whU. the roi' tbe tint three lit the nIt raneed I)etween 17,000 and 19,000.
0, L. CRAN,E, Puj)lisher.
Practical Fashions . GIRL'S DRESS.
In Sukatohewan (Western Canada) 800 Bushols from 20 aorool
Comrr.on Pest Spreads TY'phoid Fever and Other Diseases and Maladjes-~lays Eggs In Horse Stables, The ho use·fly bas 10llg bee n know n 8 3 a ' di s tinct pest abou t the house but not until within tbe las t t ew years bas It become known ns a prom· Incn t e nemy of mallklnd on account of Its bei ng nllsoclated w lt~ th e car· ryln g of various infectious diseases. Chief a ll10 ng which pe rhaps. tor th is co untry. Is typhoid rever . Ma n y ph ~· 81cla ns a s well a s careful stude nts of Insec ts have contributed to the s tudy of th is ma lle r and all have a rri ved at th c Imme cOllclus lon. namely tha t fli es un do ubtedl y serve a s ca rrier s of t hc gerlllS of Iyphohl. Nousc·tlles have been obser vcd to IllY t he ir eggs on ma ul' Sub utllllces . , llIon r; whic h nrc horse and co w mao l, tl l'OS, huma n exc re me nt. collection:: of fe rm enting vegetable r ef ufle. bed· ding of poultry Pe ns . mi scell a neo us Ga rbage a nd th e li ke. The Imown \ I\ blta of t he fli es s how th a t th ~y go
llUre 1n th e prope r condition with r espect to mo isture is known t o be th e natuml breeding pi neo of ~ he Insect. ce rta in pra tices d ir ected t ')· ward Itee plng Ill es away from t his rna· te r lal s houl d be adop te d. Severa l cl Ues hav adopted th e plo.:J. of com· pellin g owner s of h or sQs to build ti ght bins fo r t he r cce ptlon of stable
For Your Enjoyment , H~e'.
an individual among drinb- a beverage that fairly .napa with delicioul goodneDII and refrc.hine
o f w hea t the t. hre. her ,. retu r n ' f ro m a Lloydm inst e r fllr m In the . . ..on of 19 10. M Any 1I.lds In t hat u well . s o the r d is t ricts yielded fro m 2~ t o 35 b . h el. o f when t t o n c re. Other ,raln .1 In propor tJo n . I
el'e .bu s
d e rIv e d
of1'hls We.t.,rn Canada. oz ul1eo t. abo wtn,
.-~hal more to it than mere Welnen or .,,«tnell-it'••1,· QlOf;!IMh? orous. lull of life. You'll enjoy it from the tint .ip to tbe IllSt drop and afterwards.
S ~~~dt~ \l~:..lrnt ~~n l::~8~~~:
In lr. e a ~fl" rail d dal r , III&' are aU prolllabllt, " ·r .. " lI o mel l e ad.of leO • In be had In lh • • • rJ' b en
foe ....
.,r." .r.
~S;(j:lllill!'l W~~~I~i8"l.S~ ~~~a.g~:-:ftl:: in certal_D a rea•• School. a n d
" hurab.,. In .... r' ... tU. -
The Birthplace of Flies.
Land " (lIU~ ~
prh'M t u au." nee.
m ent,
un e Kc eUed,
loll the rl ohel tl wood .... t.r and bulldlolr material pl.'o"rt~~~iMl lars "" W locallon ,
d .....lptl . .. llIu5LraLed I,ampb h". IoLa llt Bes t W ell!., " an d otbf'r 10 to r wauo ~wrlle t.b Bu p'Lo t lmm l· ~ri~4~~n a':Y~~mC:Dnta1~ell~~ to
lo w a..ttlera
rall wa
ra.h-s and
twDlAII fiO\'EINIll!T Alicn r ef use a nd fu r th er r equire t he s wee p· Iirittr.ll.... 1..... ONe in g of sta bl es rl'gularly; noticea ble ( 0 ... add ....... n ea...,.t 1ou. ) 111 r es ul ts have been accomplis hed . On fa rms In summe r th is method does no t app ear to be a ltogeth er 1m· -otber Itarcbel 001, I ~ OIlDcot-nme prl.. aDd practica bl e. It is known th a t tiles .. DaFIAMe .... III .UPILIIIOR QUALITY. do not select dry manure on which t o placd taelr eggs. so if the bOJ'll and ya rd a l'e cleaned up systema tical· - - -- - -- -- ------_. Iy ollce or tw ice a week and t he ' r eo SUCH A QUESTION , sultan t s pread In th o fields, much will ;'.DEAF" ClEGGAR COULD HEAR HAD BEEN SILENT SUFFERER In this, as In IUOBt dresses for little be a ccom plis hed In 11reve nti.n g hous egirls. t he r eal foundation linea are Incident Tha t Struck Hous eholder aa flies from multipl yin g and the manure Subordinate Officer the Reclplen~ of 111m vie. Tbe IImull illus tration s hoW I! Bei ng Along S li ghtly H umorHlnb I.ntended for Hie tbe dre8s untrimmed. It h81 a plain Pupa, Larva and Adult House·Fly. will be ha ndl ed in s uc h a way as to oua Linea. g ive Ute mos t satisfactory r es,ul ts al ~uperior. va nel front. formed by tucks wblch eXlend from tbe should ers to the belt :rom th ose unclean s ubBt ances. la d'.! n "Ma n y f lln n y thi ngs happ e n In a A aea captai n 's wife t ells this stor, In both front and back. Tbe skirt also wltb va rious germs, to kitche ns where ~ ~• fi a I du ring t b course of a fe w o r a ma lde n woman. si s ter of one of h all 8 vlUlel fl-ont and the ' rest of It they run over the food dropping the . , ~ ". monlbs." su ld n Milwau kee fi ut d we lltbe owne rs of the -ship on wblch s hc III &at he red a nd nttacbed to th e wais t ~erm s promlscous ly ; tben back th ey I e r, "bu t oue of the bes t thtngs J ever ~11~~~~~~~ on ce made a long voyage. She had Ilt the belL The orname nta l part of go to the places wh er e the eggs are ~ sa v,. happen ed yesterday. ve ry decided opinion on most ma tters. t his wais t Is lound In the hand some loyed, ' gath er an additional s upply of . " 1 wa ~ s ueld e nl )' ro llsed from my and s he alld the ca ptain had many bertha colla r. which Is cut out In ge rms . and r e turn again to the kltch· ~ sl um ber by thr c loud knor ks on I he s pirited a rgum ents at the dinner table. Quare' ouUlne on lile InSide, but wblcb en. 'Vhat a preventative Is the door door. J um{ll ng 10 my fe!'t ond Into a The captaln·s wife. a meek. lubmlshas t he edge of th e outside s h a ped or window screen! Dr. Victor M. bnthrobe, I hostenfld to see what was s lve lillie soul. fearing that In the In ra ncy outline . with n lAb down the Vaughan in th e ca mps of th e army In wanted. I opened t he door In time hea l o r a rg ument her hus band mi ght center of tile fron t. In makIng tbls the s umme r of 1898 observed thI s fac t to ~see a yo ung lello w h alt way up t he say a nything to offend his auguBt dres8 Bny mate ri a l. s uch all che viot ,' as the follbwlng stateme nt s bo wli : fli ght to t he ne xt floor. passe nget·. was In the habit of kick· Ii rge, c ballls, linen. pique. pongee s ilk . "Flies swarmed over th e human "' Hello, tbe re!' I yelled at h im . Ing blm In tbo s hins to hint at modera~I ng~a m. tc.. ma y be used a nd a excre men t til th e pits a ffecte d Intect· "He t UTn d a ro und, hastened bac k tion. Ne vertheles s. aU these remind· .•' ollar of lace or all over embroid ery ed with tyt)bold germs and th en v is· and hand ed o ut a s mal1 envelope. e rs passed unheeded. Fliea Carry Dlaea:!e Germs; Typholc' o r ot "'Ilk of contrasti ng color will Ited and fed ·upon the food preparl!d pOin ti ng to Ihe In crlptlon . ] 'g la nced One day s he a dmlniBtered a more Fever Mal Reault. b ffe Uve. tor the soldiers at the mess t e nts. at It. It was Itn appeal (or ai d beviCOrOU8 kick than usual. aud noticed The [Iattern ( 4892) Is cut In sizes In some Ins tances where IIlDe had CRuse th e a pplican t was deaf a nd g a n ex pression of pain tilt a cross the 6 to 12 years. Medi um size req uires r ece ntly been s prlnkl(.'Ci over the con· a fer t ilizer. Approve d m ethods of d um b. h a ndlin g garbage a nd modern meth· man for· jury)- If you considered t bls face of the mnte. who sat oppoalte .. '%. ya.rds of 24 Incb ma terial. tents of the pits. tiles with their feet "Say. 1 " 'as mnrl enough 0 k ick him whitened with Um. were seen wa lk· ods of s e wage dIs posa l should be down stairs. ' Then the joke struc k man ~ ullty would you lend him to he r. adopted . Since the IlIOst likely place tbe go.'l1ows ? . "Oil , Mr. Brown. was that your 1'0 pro': tlre t hl" pnllt'rn "and 10 c n t ll Ing ove r the food." me a nd 1 !jla mmed the door III his face 10 "Pan rn D r ll.r tm nt." or t hllt pn l>6r. Ta les ma n ( a polit lclan) - What's hIs shin 1" she asked. Write name n.nd ntldr as pla i n l y, nn.) he From the evide nce at ha nd we are for flies t o pick up typhoid bacUl ill an d we nt back to bed laughing." sub"Yt's, Mrs. Blalkle." said the ma e. 9 uro to !fIve ulstl n nd number ot pa tt rll. com'lnced that t he fly is 0. ve ry 1m· a bout huma n excre me nt this \1olltlcs? meekly. "hi t's been my I hln ba ll tbe portant agent in the trans fer of bac· stan ce s hould not be le ft in exposed He Got the Pass, The Worth of the Vo ice . . voyage. ma'am: - Youth's Companion. terla f rom one place to another and places. and closets s hould be con· NO. 4892.• SI Z E . oP ........ (lJld f)r~u I Is t he hll man ,"olce! " I wa nt a pass," tructed 80 as to exclude 'the tliel! s from this standpoint ' fs a m e nace to i t is indeed t he organ of tb e l:Iou l !' "Pass? You·r e not en ll tl d to a First Ald. N AMI!l .. . : . . ... .... . .. . . .. ... . . ...... . . .. public health. (lIrcumstances call from the vaults. The intell ect or man sits e nthron p.d pass . You a re not a n e mploye. George Ado. at a luncheo'n In ChiJA?tfElS S. H INE. for th e co-operntion of t.!le inhabitants TOW N .. . . . . .. • .. .... •.. •. ... •... •. •• .• . . • . . • cago. pa id a g alla nt compllme nt to a of both country and city In a ge neral Professor of Zoology and Entomoloz y, visibly upon his forell ud and In his Sor ry." " :>10 ; but here t he antl·pass law says· we ll·known actr ess. Cl 't>. and tho beart of IDII U 19 w rHten warfare against It. Since horse mao Ohio State ~ Unive r s ity. IIT REIt't" AND NO .. " .. ..... .... " ...... . upon his counte na n ce. lIut t be soul free t ran sportation can be gra nted to Th e a ctress wo re a hare m skirt or re veals Itself In the v o 1c~ only; as ' uecessary care takers of live s to ck ,' t he 'ue w fiam e color and Mr. Ade said aT TE . "" Goil r evea led hlmse!! to th e prophet of poultry and fruit .' W ell, I'm going on to he r : old in the stl11 . s mall voice. a nd In t hi s t r ip with an aunt that's a he n" It Is pretty. And what an odd th e voico frOID t be burnin g brus h, The t her e 's your poult r y; a girl tha t's a color it Is ! T e ll me the name of the lIoul of man Is a udibl e. not ,' Islble. A poa ch_ the re·s your fruit ; and a color." TH\! NEW YOKE SKIRT. sound alon e betrays tb e tlo wlng or tb e l1epbew th/l t's 11 mul e-th er e 's your " Fla mm e de v esuve-ftame or Ves u· Mites and lice ca use great annoy· s prsys or :,!owder s a re not very ef· e te rlll~ 1 fouutaln, Invisible to man .li ve st ock . Glmme a pass."-Tho Way· vili S." the ac tress ans wered . Lo'ug fello lV : Hype rlon . Bill. . "Be jabe r s." said Mr. Ade. "ye make &nee and 10SB to poultry raisers. If fectlve. The . common b en louse is about a "urry purty crater." hens are seen 'In a s hallow place fill· Tea T fme In' ChI/e. OutGone. ed with dus t. dus ting vigorous ly, by one-twentieth Q! an Incb In length Ei ther tea or yerba ma te Is ser ved About Marriage. WIllis - I'm raising 600 chi cken. on flutt ering th eir wings and lIrting their and has six legs.' 'It III a pale yellow She-A girl should look before aile feath e r s, It Is evidence that they are color, alt houg h after f eeding. is a In Chile at ·1 p. m ., not only in the a fiv e-Coot lot. GIIlIB- That's nothing. You ou!ht leaps. troubled by mites or lice. The young reddish color. It Is very acti ve and homes. bu t 'at clubs, res ta urants and He-She should look' pre tty or s he chick ens are not so liable to use this moves o"er tbe fowl as If looking . bote Is . and. many business hou ses. A to sec the relatives my wUe Is ta king cup of t ea and a roll or small cake tn care o( in our tlat.-Puck. ma y not gl!t a chance to leap. method to eradica te the parasites th e club 0\' hotel cos t from eight to but will s tand moping. with wings t welve conts United S tates gold . while Speal! kindly to all. It lies in God's Lo vc '18 the e mblem of e ternity ; It :lrooplnl; and eyes closed. tbe business hou ses se rvp. It free confounds all notion of time; it ef· hands whe ther or no that spoke n word The adul t mite Is about one-fortieth rather than have th e cle rks leave their fa ces all memory of a beginning; all s hall be t he last you utter to t be one )f an Inch in length and has eight wo rk to 110 ou t for It. {ea r of an end.- Madame de Stael. you lire addresslns. '.oga. It is of a pale gray colQr, but hecomes r eddish afte r sucking blood ( " th," hu;"an.itlteruJ I tO ry ,",JJrium 6:1 C. W. POll for lIt, P'IIU", C,r,al C, . , LlII. ) (rom t he fowl. The adult mite lays hor oggs in crnc~s and '?Fe~ llt~,~. •'El1ese eggs hatch. undor .warm cohdftlons. in a few da ys and Ule young mite oeglns to .., The Chicken Mit~. feed . upon fil th or ou a partly fo r food and w11l Quickly seek :\ hid· batch~d egg Ing place whe n tb e feathers of tlie that has been fowl are disturbed. The opening 01 b I'd k e n. In the eat·s and the vent are common T he yoke skirt 19 one of t be 1U0llt about ten days hldlug places for lice. The eggs of becoming of styles. and Just at prell' they are In a the. 10~Be are attached to the feath~rJ e nt It Is Qne of the mos t populor aI mature state of the fowl s nnd h a tch ill about elgbt well. Our illustration s hows one of and by some days under warm conditions. 'l' be these skirts with . th e round yoke ex· mea ns . posl!lbly young :ouse re:;,ches tbe adult stage te nded at eacb side In a square t ab by the sense of in about two weeks. It does not suck the stomacb. Into which no food had entered . It wae a nd on ono side the skirt III fastened sme ll. they find blood from the fowl but che ws olf To tell you the Cflrlous story 01 how the mln~ with but tons and buttonholes. The tbe hen. They the epide rmal scales on the part . of sbown t hat the digestive fluids of stolDach were ftowlnc allects the digestion 01 food. fr eely. exactly ns If tbe desirable food had entered . lo""er PlU't of ' tbe skirt Is a dee p kilt are most active the fowl cove red by 'ftutTy feathers. plaiting extending all around. Thill on the fowls Thll Its sharp claws orton cause the skin I refer to the 'c ondltloir the mind Is In. Just This proved that It was not the presence of food IIldrt Is one which will be rlcb In any during the to bleod . . Thl!; blood Is Quickly eaten which caused th e digestive juices to flow . but the tlow before, at the time, or Just followlnll the taklnll . matertal. and It is . especially Bulted to night and ua~ Hen Louae. by the l :lUSO. . They are seldom found ~' a s can sed entlre l:v and alone 8S a resul t of the acU01I satin: taffetas, IInell, ponglle. foulard. ually hldo in cracks during the. day. except on fowl s , Rl\d do not us ually . 01 food. of the mind . from "anUqlpa.tlolI." voUe. cheviot. panama I\nd oth er light The hen houKe should be as free 81 remain on roos ts or In cracks or crc';On e dog continued to ea t tb e food he liked for over /I he has been properly eduCIJted (the maJorweight woolenll as ·well a s to many of possible from cracks' and crevices, Ices. ' nn hout' be lie ving he was getting It in to his stomach, as thelMl furnish breeding and hiding One of the best ways to rid poultry Ity have) he will help you understsnd the curious l he wash materials with good body. whe reas , !lot an oun ce went ther e; every particle went . Tbe patte rn (6143) ts cut In sizes places, Avoid natling one board of lice Is t.o work a lice powder or ou t thro ugh the ovenlng and ' ye t all this time the dl· 2Z to 30 inch6tl. wais t meosure. Me- against another, or boxes or roollt dust Into th e featbers. A low boz mllchlnery of digestion. gestlve jui ces flow ed to the s tomacb. prepared to dtum size requires 3% yards or 44~ ,galnllt the wall. 1<"111 all craclts with tilled wi th ' dry dus t and a . small To start you thinking on this Interesting quickly digest fOl)d. In response to tbe eurlous orders of In c h mate rtal. bot tar.. Cleanliness and sunlight aU\ount of s ulfur. in which tbe fowis the mind . subject. I w1l1 try to loy out the pion in ageneral greatly atd In preventing 'mites. I may wallow. Is a very good meana Do you pick up tbe lesson? To procure thle pnttern Bend 10 a nt. W,hltewasll the tnslde of the houle 10f eradlcaUng lice . . The powdf:lr OJ way and you can then follow Into more minute t o "Pattern Dello.rtmont, " or thi s paper. Unappe tizing food. that whlcb falls to' create mental WrIte name sn4 addl"lltlll plainly , Rnll be oft en. Add four ounces of crude car· dust may be sifted into the &lulf) details. 'I\r8 to _Ive el&8 and number or pallorn. bolic acid (90 per cent str Jngtt) to feathers. anticipation. does not cause the nece8Bkry dlgesU.,e each gallon of white wash . • Remove A good lplise po~'der II made 01 juices to ftow. whereas. food that . Is pleasing to the Pawlow (pronounce Pavloff) :l famolls RUBsian Ph yany sooles of . lime ' that may . ~ave thtee parts gasoline. and on.e part sician and Chemist experimenting on SOIlI U dogs. C llt \lIght. and hence to the mind. w11l cause the complicated NO. 5143, SIZE".. . .... ....... been formed on the wall, before ",ach creosol: Mix care full,. and then tdd intQ th e t~be leadl~g 'f r'om tbe t hroat to the stomach .. mac hinery of tho body to prepare In a wonderful wa,. NAMIl ... . ..... ................... .. . ..... . whitewashing: , Spray frequently with enough plaster paris to take . up all They were tlrst put under chloroform or some otiler fQr Its. digestion. kerosone emulsion. . To' make t~is the moisture. (a bout .. quaz:ts of plas· anaes tb etl c and tne opera tion was painless. They' were 1'O'\'VN •. ' " •• .. '.. ... . .......... ... , ......... . .niulsion. shave ' one-h'atf pound of he.rcI ter pr.fi.s !o one quart Of . I1qul~). .\ .. Ho~ natural. then. to 'reason ~at one should sit down kept for montbs .1n very' good condition. . to a meal In a: peacetul. liappy state pf mind and start s,.RCIl1' AND NO . ....................... . 30&'1) into otle' gallon of hot sort ' water !Ice spray . mBY be made or t hree I'artt! When (lulte hungry som e un·appetlzlng food was olf the breakfast/ say with some ripe ~ellclous ~l'ult... and boll Ul).tl1 the 8081,), ~s dI8sol~ed; of k6rose ne , ::nd one pal't creos~J, .o~ placed before them and; although hunger forced thenl the n follow 'wlth a bowl of crisp. lightly browned, th11l &TATI:. : . ..... .. ........ ;......... .. ... . .... Remove trom, t he fire . and add t~9 two 'quarts of kerosene in which dip. to e llt. It was shown by a nalysis of the cont9nts of tbe bits tit corn like Post Toastle~ . ad!! a sprinkle of Bugar ga1l0f'lS of kerose ne. Stir vigorously Bolve one pound of naptholene flakes . . IItomaeh ~hat little if any of the diges tive jult:e' were and so.me good 'yeUow cream and the attractlv:e, appett. . for 1& minutes. DUate olle gallon to .Any method used to eradicat e mUOI' found . Ing picture cannot escape your eye and will produce the and ' Hla , Opportunlt,l.ea. . ten pJions of water. Any of the"Uce or lice should be r.e ,Peated ~ch weok. condition 'ot mind which ·causes the digestive juJcel. T~en, In contrut, ~me raw meat was P.u t. where the" '. , Jnn.u!Ue~ble . ~eD, and women bad 'apra)-e or powdel'll make condltl~ns C. ~, TITLOW, nat4re baa hidden in mouth and stoma.ab. 'to come fortll Couldn't reach.It at QUce/ and a little time ~l1owed 10J! seen the kettle bOl~ but tt occurred to ubplealant fo~ mlt~l. but since mites Eztenllion DeparttneWl~ Cloll~e .o f AI tile minds or the dois to "anticipate" and' cr~.ate an apo and do thel" work. · . onl,.. One that the torce which lilted breath thro.u gh · n~trlla, the lice r.!culture, Ohio State Unlnralty. IHI!Ute. When the food tlnall, glYen them, tbey de:- . Tben dllfelttve Juices can be drl.,en back b,. .. mJDd Toured it rneqousl, and with ever, 'evidence of ..t· the Ulbt mlsbt conftDed aDd made . ~==;;;::;:====;======r===7===============;: c>ppresaed wl~b wo"", bate, anler 'or dlsUke of tbe dl. to do bUlban teniee. Tile . man flnde .. qlve bO~ aD . JDtereat lQ, tbe Tbe ma'll wbo 40ee Dot CUlT)' .all. ls'~cijon. ;.'!tJ14 ·food,.as .,....c1 out...l.ni~Ia dlf\h thro,lllfh &creeable appearance of food plaeM. before O1Ie. . the' opentg"&iIfore It.. reached' the atOlD.eb. It • • ' 01' m.ke. bla oppc;rtunJU... and " I~ farm ~4 be will nnt' be'1D a burtT to brua.h lil"·cow.~- becaule be baa bee. SoueS ,faow that . . wortb,. d•• atleaU. of au•• (ooad to M Blind . • It.. ,/·~t.IIl.. ··th~ ,f.tWalble t julee of tW'lt til..,. belp to, make blm.-Blslaop I'UIh 01 to the clU for. Jobl told tt make. ·them poor, ' t~ 10 lb, til. lDOUtli.. wblelti ,,1hDpOtta~ for . tile I",~ .tlp, In dJ· ;,lao _~s prJm. Iuialtb aIlel lau.... u • 8""d~*. , '. . . , BaDMj ellu with ,tJae mao who ·be"".. PItIoD. - TI~. aa ~1Ia .~ mad~ tbi coau-.. of ..aubl. UMt III til. '....·ar llf•• . . - . -. • ' , IDUlQre will laJuft U.e • '......lt/. . .,." ..... ". belt It..... ., UM 1\OCk,.,1 .. . RMSOII" ............. JNPtr tnataIat ....... to W. ouabt to . .1re ourlfllv.·..ort... · . , . . - . . . . . . . ~ .. .. eur .. -I'aIcaI. ..:
DEFiaNCE STaRCH-!:eoupo:::..,:
a. .
Some Day Ask Your Physician
_D. ..
..,'bo...· ......
"There's a Io! U¥l1II ••,.". MeIIIOt7 . " " . with POST TOASTIES.
u."." .IIM ....., . fa
,-: ...............-.........-.. .~ .. PERSONALS: ... j-io ;mer Citizens I:. Q
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. Oregonia. At n ",eet.iu g b ld t~t tIl
- - , - - - _.• -
---- -
• _ _ -:--~- .. - - - . . , . ' , I " .,, . Hll.llo t-ltnrty ·)u. s . wn orgllniz tld PIll «?IlN I '. h I'Il'l <ll 1\\:.lI t~. g . '1'111' Illanv fri .ndR of M\'s . Rebe (:1\ The om er nr Pr ~ Ident" \i~" ' . WITH THE I' I I' " II ' Olbl:!t' cI 1:;11 rwood: in9trn tor. Mrs. Ml1rn,y i Raym nd onner SI ent lh Fourt.h tllll a II '\ 1'f . OilY't!t'Oll 't hI' \' a show ~. or(ltary . Mrs . Nurtm;l . Thu III "'!! in Dayton . her unta , a~· . an ,.l·1l . • . will mont every Thllrsu lLY 6ft rn ' on ) f J ost-cUl'd s . nt 2 ::10. . John Stl'Aw n is lh e pOSS 55 l' or :l Mi Ellnn SpalJ er left !::)undllY new motorc ycle. Le!<t r . l vin!l nnd . E. BI'atten for lL f rtnight 's visit with Mill Edull btultlJ, f N~1rwood. The Guild of Sl. Mary s church I 'fl la -t Monday momin g to at ten? th' me -t ing of thl:! S.l at Teach e t' . Mi 1.1 Mnb I 'harwoo d sp nt the will meel Thursd ay afterno on al t he USINC THE we II emi vi~ltll1g III Dnytou . k' 0 iat iun at eda r ' Point. TI-. y rectory, at 3:30. AlC !! . A r OLH\ K rsev hilS ntl hol' will b gune about ten days . 'Utl~tl', lI er UiO ll • Mr . 'hlLttie Kuoe .iJr . OUo Horn ick a ntI daugh ter, u.u ,l lJ er rl'lU ghter . Agn Ir. Kenl Hl'lIwning land t;!ti in N \,; s are g ueRts 'o f relaliv( 's ill LiHle MH: Elln \ tlidt. of Morrow. Yo rk on Monday Illu min g on hi all · visit .d hOI' tll~ t e l' , Mrs. G e.1rge Sou l ~ 1 Cha l'leston. a itOI', lo st week . ~lllste r Ril l pb nual rn nth ':; leave fr r)1l1 the ar'IU I Sacker Ollm B np fol' tbe week e nd Miss Eva FunkeY. of· Chi ago . is zone, PlllUunn. H xp ·t. to \' nell Mr . ond Mr . Zaln Armltu g'e wor the gnest of h \' pa rent,'" ' MI' . and Wil mingto n lh e las t.of the we Ie tb ~ll(\s ts of Oil Y tou r elu,ti ves 'at Mrs. J. A. Fu nlwy. ._ 'Iinlol1 County U mocl'at . urelllY and 'UO UIIY , Miss Mllri e Nollie WUI! tbeguol I!' Mrs. Louise Woolley 1m. returne d of reill t ivos u.u tl fri ends h l'e Iflst home after a mon Born- lo MI' . IIl1d Mrs . f "ank t h'li vh;it with relweek. Fitzger ald. at Xl'lIia , Ohio , Tuesda y, a ti ves in Le uanon. MI ~ Edoll !::)pence r ntteodoll h 9r June 27th a buy. !\11·R. Filzgel·al<.l Hi g h /:lchanl oln s reu1Ii 10. whloh Miss Ella Ret-ve" . of al'tha ~e . is was former l y Mi s~ Mabel Co mpto n. WIIS held ut the MiamI a.ll ey ·ba ll· tll nqua ~ronnds, Friday. June a.til. the guest of Mr. and Mrs . [0'. Will be accepte d by Mrs. U. E . Brudbu ry uo rl littl Schwar t7. over th e Fourth . most of the Grnce rs (Illugnt el', nnd Mi 8 Mllry Sherwo od in the ... .. ........ · .· · .... .. The first th reshed wheat of the Iipeut'la !<t we k witb Mrs. F red G ov in Betbel. season wasJ>l'o llg ht to town Monday ,Jud~e B xw 11 nod PI·Of. Rice and t.he el vato rs are becomi ng busy. 'OWfiO utt,end ed tbfl U B. SnndllY Hot Weather Eatab les .. h ool UOdllY 1U0 ruing, aDd lUl\cl up t . C. A . Brune r and upt. of We are now 'inst allin g Ball- Bear ing Mach inery in our brief. but Illt,er tiog addr bsses . WE OFFER THIS WEEK Feed Townsh ip chools Fr d Gilmor e ure ... Depa rtme nt enab ling us to do bette r work and doub A f VI froUl , 11 re /I ttend e.1 till' ~o New Mild hee - they can't ling our caattendi ng summe r, ch ool at OxforJ . Wa lll o ~ton pacit y so you will not have to wait for your feed. 'J'oWD!! hip ~ond/lY be beat. • 'ol..IOul Uonven tion a t .Olive Bru.nob '0 do? W alru~ Slllmon ...... ,. l '! ~ c O. W. Hamilt on, who has bee n Sundtly . 32 doz Pink Salmon .. .... ..... l ~ /'l c Henry Well nun Mr . SlllllOU, of sufferin g wi th his left ey _ went to 500 Ibs Tha t Santos Co R' c.. 20 Cincinn ati Sunday to have it treated . CincioDlttl. were he 'nndlty g uest@ 3 Ibli Baked Beans, a ran ... ) Oc of frien 'Is h er e, Will grind clea r Oats ' as fine as Midd lings . ALL FEE Oil & Mustar d Sard ines ca n 5c D CRIN DDelicio us Ice Cream Soda 5c at Vea l Loaf, a can ........ .. .. ·.. ~O '. INC 5 CEN TS A BUS HEL Try ru shed Pineap ple undae at Schwar tz's. Shrimp ........... .... .. .. .. .. . ...... . Oc ' Lobste r...... .. ... ........... . .... .. 25c .... www . . . . . . . . Schwar tz's. , ......................... . _----" "" Peanut Bu ltel· ......... l 0c and 15c Mr. and Mrs. H . .v_ Walter and Pint Olive . :Wc; quart ....... , 3~c Sprin g Branc h son and Mr. and Mrs. Gus Seiker; of Grape Fruit Marma lade. gl.. 1 Lebano n, were in town Monda y eve· JeUo Ice ream Powde r .,' . 12X c June 26Lh-M r . Ilnd Mrs . Thoma e ning. Large !::)weet Pickles . qt Jar .. 15c La{)y a.tlC~ il1toily enterta ined the Wafer Sliced Dried Beef, . fr llO\ving gu es ts to dinner ~unday ; Miss Mary Gray, of the Lebano n a glass .. :... .. ....... ... .... ,. ... lOc ,Mr. lind MrR. ,lohu Orndo rf, D,nd Whi te Clover aKe. for ... 5c Norma l School, spent Sunday with '!1llOgb ter I Berthllo 'Ind Pearl '\nd Bx Fancy Lemons , '2 for 5c , SOO, .d e.u ry . Mrs. J. H . Chen(\w et.h her parents . -Mr. and rv"rs: Chas. 8 fOl' .......... ...... : .. .. .. ....... 10c ~ aud sons, Guyau d aoob and dtlugh . Gray. ~ ter, Franoel l . Georp:e Washinp:ton . the big . Mr . Clar k Bil ker, of M01'ga ntown. Harold Cook, of Milwau kee, Wis., packag e of Corn Flakes. lOc tHE FOURT H IN WAYN ESVIL LE Virgini a, is vi IHng his Rister, Mrs. 'is home on a two-weeks ' vacatio n, Shredd ed Wh at. Biscuit s .. ...12X .CARE OF.·THE DRY Tboma s He 8 atJd faluily . th e g uest of his parents . Mr. and Grape Nu t.'l .. .......... .. ....... 12Yuc The dairy eow Is the hardest Me.ssrs . Oijo!l.r Mowre r and Warren Mrs. Seth Cook. The Fourth is being celebra ted Lacy sp nt t:luJldo.y in. Dayton ' the worked ' of all our domesUc animals. \ ver.y q uietly in Wayne sv Fancv Wate r Melons ' . . iIle, Young ~e ts of Mr. D.nd Mrs. Boward Every year sbe gives from five to teu Americ a conten ting himsel M.r. and Mrs. Robert Frame, Mr. Nut Meg'S Tomato es f with CY times her weight In mllk, contalnlo.g Ishootin g firecrac kers. New Po t atoe New Cabbag f' • nn d ' Mrlt Ii' It 0 '.' Two ball d land Mrs: Demps ey r. Del'1nis M. a'ld ran t wo 1\,,10 IJ.n s r n New Apples . . Winesa p Apple ~ much actual dry matter as do tbe I games and othet: feature s of amutle- Curl and d!lUl:bt ers, L ois und Baztl l, cb lldre n, of . ~Ichmo nd, Ind., are ~weet Orange s Jumb BananA s Prev~ted ~odlell of two or three steers. When ment are attracti ons at Phlllis' Park. Mrs . Wi1l ter Da.klo tl.nd sotl Bnrry guests of relatlVe s here. we conilider that it · reql1lcl's approxl· • _ ••_ __ and Mr Eil rl EVllIl ti and son, Guil, fQrmaDon't forget and say - Edgem on t mately tbe eamll amount of energy MUST SELL BY WEIGH T were guestil of Mr. IlUU Mr . W iIlitun Read Robitz er's ad in anothe r Cracke rs to p,roduce twenty pounds or mUk- as Gordon Sunday . column . Since he has inaugu ratep It doel to plow one acr ot land, we Mr .•Tobn Smit h and d \l1ghter the ' roHer· get a col1ception of the enormous Kellog g's Corn Flakes After July 1st. wheh the new BElr bearing nlaohin ery, ·the th l\, were entel'tlLin ' II uti rlinn~r BV olio. LIVINGSTON, amount · of . work the cow does. and the Jung le '.'Books- Fr weight s an« measur mill is es doing go into effec t, bv Mr . and Mrs . Ohurlie r'mith !~nd good ' work. A.... tu1tunl iDxtenslon D po rtment, , To produce ,,(eU; the cow must be grocers wj)) sell ne~rly everyth QIaIo Iftate ,University. ing by t;Lmil.v Hu·n·d ay. hi ck F eed and Cracke d Corn, caretull y. ted. The annna) los8 to weight , berries , bread and Try Crushe d Pinel1pple Sundae a t eggs peing Glass Fruit Jurs and Tin Ans, dairym en and farmers resullln g trom excepte d. Everyt hing eiRe sold in Jul ~ 3rd-M r and lIlrl'. Frl10k ScItwa'1't.z's . . Rubber s a nd Tin Lids, Mason Th I • feeding un suitable or l n s u f f l c l e n t ' b e OOM mut on ~atll can be pre- ration 18 an Tops. 10(11 More Items of InMartin , of ~pl'ing V{I,IJey. wer e Qulle large One ot the com. a grocery store WI IJ e so Id by th ego!:' Dr. Chamb ers and .·Mr. Bryce Kints of Mr tl.nd Mrs. Frank Dllkin ....nted by tr4!la~ng the teed oats, be- mon m.1stake s 18 to' neJlect terpst. Call and see. We have the cow pound. Potatoes, onions, applesa nc and family Saturd ay Rnd Sunday caid; of Sardini a, stopped here Monfore aeecUn., wltb a formali n soiu· l&te in lactallon, for the the goods and our prices are ainpunt ot other vegetab les and fruits which Mrs. Olare'noll Thomp son smd sis day enrout e to Dayton , right. tlOD. Take a pou~4. of forma\1n (for- .feed required at that time and took ' can not heretof ore ba\'e been sold by the ter. Frunoe s, Bod brother , .Tu(1ob dil')ner with , Mr. and MrS. R. mald.hy de .0 per cent). dl.8so1'Ve ~t be gauged enUrely by tbe ' C. milk flow. measur e wi11 be weighe d on . scales Chenow etb oalled on Mr.' Bnd Mrs . .Cross. all"" t i .....t A cow Ihould be turned , dry six or Whl'ch w'lll have t " DILlY g 0 ..... o~ wa er, sprea d tb e eight t th (l'homo ll Laoy 8nodtty (orenoo n . . weeki before fresben lng. But . . 0 come up 0 e . W '0 ki ' dE ~:! o~~O~:Ug~I;le;~h ft~~: ~~~ut:~~ lust ·because .she fs Dot giving J. S. McElw ee ~'an a . nail into his mIlk la standar d req~lred by law. ne:e~: :t:8 OIlI~!~ erOD~r: ualDs about three quarts tc a gallon no sign that she does not ~~ ep~ foo t recentl y which has,giv en him a' need food. 1 While grocers will weig h out the Ro!illlan~ famIly t),nndrlY afterno on . .great dpal of' trouble . Compli cafO.r · each bushel ot the grain. The The common pracUce of feedIng the vegetab les, etc., housek eepers will Mr and · Mr", work oan be done easily and bor- ~.ry cow on straw and corll ~tover 111 experie nce no g reat trouble in order.- f Wil inlngto 01areno e Thomp O.n, tions have arisen making him a very oughly it one person shovels. the oats a very bad one . . Sbe . ' . cequlres food ing. They may still order by the J . B . lJhenown, were gUf;\sttl of Mrs.. . . ., h et.h and fUloily Slitur- .slck man. only to malntal o her own body • _ _- - over whli e another ' . applies t e 10Iu- not and d restore i ht her dUd strengt h and vigor', gallon, peock or bushel., but the gro- BY n g tlon with. a IprlilkUng can. Then ' pile 0.0 ",un ay. ,' . 'Adll wtll be Inserted IIn(\ r ~b t b"'I.\I (OF OILED THE STREE TS n 1 nt Wedo eb{l"y .. few of Mr" the .oata . up in a pile' or ,1n a long but also to comple. te the Ilevelopruent cer, 'instead of pourin g out th e veg. lwcnly-Uve c ' I\t ~ Cor' tllrcc IIl~orll,)ll~ ",,0 Ii~ "','" .. ". bl . rick. cove!: over with cllrpeta orblan · ot ·the calf, As the animal . whu n WlIIII; 1l0lmOrO than live linCH, .I Lindl\ mith \ I rteods gathere d with body Messrs I~ ~ta ,' Jesse es In Burton a measur .Dr. e. Ellis wll and haye to we)1 ftllaC! kats to retain the fumes trom the made up almost entirely , ' . of protein, weigh them up to th~ requh'e d num- u:notller.milbtisKetB t o remind b er of . stone tn 'h erllfe . . 1'h088 L • .A. Zimmerman 'hav~ j~stfims~ed (ormalln, and ' allow to ramam .t or feeds rich In protein ~bould be fed at 'ber'of "pounds ill a peck .or bushel, .pre ent, wet;e'; two. or three hours or ·ven over this time. It sufficien t protein M~s. ~noqb Soott (.Ind ' oiling,t he streets in front qf t~eir . 1s not . U n d e r sec t' " '. ' I FOR SALE ' " d OJ' d th ' U'I'U D1gbt. Then spread lOn 4~A 43' , reVISE> the grain out to • IUPP'11'e.d 1n th e t ee. 110 dnligb tlir!·Nol'tl.: ,-and ·" places. . 80n , Itlrae l,. Mrs . I'e".'""'dences and bUS1·n"" e cow w . Ie h' city before ' seeding. The' (lats sliould ....., , Am ndtt. Swith, the tissues ot her' own 'hot1y to M.is~e8 Allee CbeoWh'l t' h' .l butld · sta~utes, t e follo~m~ schedu le of owath, 'BeHhl l Smi .. 'th : k . not be returne d to the same ba~a un- . u~ .tho fo etus. Then at tb ' Rebecoa. Or!\~ I e IS .. oes away.WI ' sprmcalving time weIght s per: bushel IS g iven as stand- mer ; M'is., j . B . Che~l)wetli and s on; ling for the 8~ason, i~ don't look leal they have been treated wltb the she wUl be poor and 'as 7 ,GOOD ~'olll,"rt UQiUB. ows, Duo weak and 10 ard : JIl'oob, lind daught er, Frllnce s, Mr: thou'g h it would wor~. solution, at they may contain ' spores \ . the same as, • to farrow in ~epternuer . 1ri. . . . I ' h ' d aod Mrs Newto n ~mlth lind s ou, itdoes:onthe cOQntry that wll~ again Infect tlle . oat!l. ' The Any'sh ude in the pasture ? Why rl$ potatoe~ ......... .: ....... uh:o of F\:II~k ; Io.rshll 11, Borna , roads. 9 60 poun Perry, Mr. c!r1ll box alao should be sprayed ' with · t " Orin Rhl.ldes, Mn . Eliza It seetn to be the coming way, . phone \l~7,. UeDt.ervllle Exohan ge. s ; Sweet potatoe s .......... ...... 50 pound!J Hartsook no r the .0IuUOtl. ' · 0. mom~, h . . d I k' t . II ' ...... , .... .......... ...... .. 55 pounds owever , an may Mr wor . and 10 Mrs own . Osoflr a 81>1""' Mowre r ILre , . h . 0.> Ab cut "00 - - - . - ' . _ - - - - -. 1 .. L~ V~- - -- . Dried peaches ... .... .. ... ...... 33 pound .enjo.yi ug Il.vlsi1 <1 gO()( briCks from "her s.ist~r and rIg ,'_~ D I:'le . d app I for slLla. 'Inqllir e o ( f A. B. I es ....... .. :.......... 22 pounds f11Jl tl Y. • _ .. Ohandl er, ~flyne8VlJle, Obio. IS BACK HOME AGAIN Tomato es .......... .......... .... 5,; pounds Pea 48 pounds Delicio us Ice .cream Soda 5c a~ Frank Pratt came home Thursd ay OR SALE -tit . Lllolub(\rt 'Bull ,2, '1" . . 60 d Schwar tz's. . l;ellor.old, fushlon o bly ooloredevenin g from theS~t~ Hos\)lt41. and UI110IPtsS .... .. .......... .......... . r.O · pound:i UNION- M-E·EtING .......... .......... ....... 0 poun S C arr h:~ old frl'ends a- re glad to see r,hi..m sure brAE d~r. J . O. Wil 00, ' Kings ll:I Mills, O. We have that Best -The TRO Y ' Beets ......... .. : .......... ........ 56 pounds . . again. '. He is much improv ed in l Beans . .... :'.......... .. ........ : ....60 pounds Union me: ti?g next Sunday ?ight healt.h anll it·is hop~d ' that he .will pAPE You enn't aCford to take chances on n Iarm R N APKIN R-The 6azette Peas ..... , .......... .......... ...... 60 pounds ~t the· Christi an church nnel you don't havo to. Let 'us talk TROY to you. 'W ewagon. It IS de make more improv emepta t horne. cnn, show you . office bIlJ)al~~ tbe :plain white Wheat ..... .... .: ....... .... ....... 60 pound . sired that eac~ one be present tbat it Is differe nt-wh ere and why a TROY is the ch.capcst . L~t MF. Pratt is 10oki\1gbale and healthy , ~nd oolored n·'ll.i kins. , "Oall an'd !'lee wagon on the market lor you. Rye ...... .... .......... ........ .....56 pounds us make these· t:neetin gs helpful and and was around .town Fridav shak~ ttiem. . : Get tho most you enn for your money- long, certain servicc; Oats ......... ......... ......... .. 32 pou~d s mspmn . .. g. Th" f' . . 1S ca nbedo ne ds . . . onlyb . ,y'109 han d S.WI'thld ' .no brenk-downsj no repairs. The TROY is always ready . . . . 0 ~Ien Tlt;RU E PAPE R-If Clover ' you '''bnt seed .......... .......... . 60 pounds each on~ takmg.a persona l mter~st 10 hitch to-alwa ys dependable. And when it Is hitched to, I t runs m •." I\ny color of One t.issDe- pllPflr, Tim othy seed .......... ....... ,45 pounds i them; . . ' I1&htcr IUld cnrrJcs more than auy olher make of Ule same POULT size. RY ASSOCl,ATI<?N . 01\11 "t'the Uazett e offioe. We h\'~ Hemp seed .... . : .......... .......44 pounds ' All mElP.lbers of all the ,choirs at,e " ,. . " . ' . time . . . There will be a Jomt meetm g of . .it. on hand all- ' .the. Millet seed .......... .......... ... 50 pounes request ed to meet at t h Ch' t' < e. rlS Ian Poultry Aasocil ition Satu' ~ daY' d-, . Buckw heat .......... ..... · .... · ..50 pounds churcb , Friday , 8 p. Ill· fO,r chorus ternoon . The 'obje~t or'the meetin g Homin y ...... .... .. , .......... ..... 60 pounds : practice . • _ • LOST ._ is to arrang e th~ place bo.lding '. Flax ·Seed ........... ...........·... 56 pounds . DEATH I· the next Bho.w, inDece~per. ,., • Barley ....... .~ ......: ........ . .. .. 48 pounds ' -. - . ,...:.:.::;;...;..-----~--:--Mal, t. ......... . ... : ......'<,,'" ... : •• 34 pOl,lnda The' 18-mon th-old ldaugh' tel': o~ M'r. . Tf.lE;·BA~; ~ONCeR'T .' " WAT CH . Silverl~e! E1glo " ., .. ,. H.ung~\rl,an grass seed ........ 5~pollnds, arid Ml'8.' C~as. Albng~t. 'died-Th . "' . bet~ee~ .l'0W~f Bp081lmake. .and ur,s' . . ? Oepot. :rhnrsd~y, JUDe . ,29th·. t. Re, .. . , Lune .......... .......... ......... 70 pounds ,. d . Th f uner al' w ' as ·held .at't"'· . e ay. The e concer t bv the Cadet II 'band turn . . ' • . obal, 0( .Bank , and receive .. Bitumi nous coal .......... ...·... 80 pounds . " d . .to)fatl '· : ro·· l·n· ty at '0 Th. u*aay evening . I .' .. :enjoye d by' EfQ1tabJe reward . " , 'reSl .e.l).ce\· ., F.rl,' dllY. •' m 0 .'" \L ." ~:." .. 7 • . ' . . _ '.~ GCo ;· hann~li ~Jloadl ..:. ...... ~ ". """ '5°6' JlOU~~aS o'clock, \ ' , ' ~urray 9ff}c,a~in&: ~n: ~h.olcaIQde· OJl.tlf to dhear ,It, TI ~e ·E·NDGATE . l~'vestlgnte •.heSe Stntemcnls. D~n't buy till you have gone .LSOIn' ., m,,·s e., e :.:........... ." .. ''', pouo s lnte!ni 'ent ~ wla'ere ''betwee n over the T~OY picce by pi ce, Pact br Part. Materials, design, made 'ii} MjllPtl cerpe'; u.0YjB, .P ayp " w~ ,"arl ma~y ~E!ee- , the &"man<.1 lo1 tller's b~acJ(sml.h .' Corn l · on ell~ .. .....·.... , ...... .. 68 'P"oun!I ter '. constTUc~lon--examine I hem all. Y.ou cnn tTUst, your " .' .' :-, '. ~10~ were ro~ndly. 8pplauded. own' facts. shop, MoDday ibout, • o'clock , a Dew ' Drop in any tlme-U we can't ~b9W you, buy some other Wlli0D. ' 1 ' .' of ,A;;ointment. · y · N Q,T.ICE ' ," . .... A. B. For , . ~ ~ 't w. _____ ..1,' -...-.~ . EiltBte o[ Eunna. Mci,{~~ deceBsed. · Tho i' An person s having tomato crates Lawn Fete at Lytle,' Saturd~y eveund._I~~ llaa been a!)po1Ilted It.nd qualilled · ~9' "', . UR.OV,B wlnt .ati-a,.ro. Wayn esvil le, ',Ohi o. M ~~"'jf,t,.tor\Vr tile .,.tate or 'Emma, be10ng mg .d ••• • . ... "" to the WaY1)csville ' (Jan- nfnar,,. 'J uly8th , on Mmor ~ae'8 'aw,n. ~, 1 to. or . ~~ COunty, C?luo, au· Ding 00:: will please returll 'rhuna ,.y. Any ODe teeing tbuam e Everyb ody.inv ited. Good rouBle and 'he lIame will notify WeDsel Berree , DaWCi this 28t!1 d.lI'ctf JUDe. A; D. 19U. t ' th • t tb A_t.... . rtuDi~ W,·H. ~LLEN • .-:W~~tor•. . 0 s· .R. D. 8,. 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flinest m il l Obio Latest Ball-Bearing Machinery
Ma kin g the Hi gh est Gr ade Flo ur and Gi vin g the Be's t Sa tis fac tio n
Our flour Tickets
Surrounding Towns
Our .Bal l-Be arin g Oat Pulv eriz er
.. - ...---
W ay ne sv ill e M ill s
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Pro prie tor
Can Be by Trf,ilt· ing Seed With
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.-- - _.--_ .... Social Events :~I -------.
-~::::1 ~\ONO·RAIL CAR IN OHIO --~. The weddin g·of Miss Minnie .J<Jliza· .. The latest -'scientific wouder is the f e- .- - - ... - - - - - - - . leth Wink. daught er "of Mr. and Mrs. .- - - - - - - - , . - - . - - - - applicat"ion (If the gyroscope which A card from Mrs. E.·M. Laportos. Yewis Wink, and Mr. Ifarry 1. .-~---- ..... DodFruit Ice Cream 5c at Schwar tz's. I Try Fr·uib Ice Cream at Schwar of New York, daught er of Mr.!. T: Son, of Buffalo, N. Y., was tz's. makes possIble the demon stration of solemn" Mr. and Mrs J. E. Janney enterCartwr ight, sa~ s: "Fathe r enjoys ized Tuesda y evening at the the only mono-rail .car in America, home of B. S. Howell was in Cincinn.a ti last tained at dinner Sunday, MI·s. C. M. Miss ;Mattie Cook was the guest of at the Miami Valley Chauta the Gazette very much. He has been the bride in Knight stown in the uqua pres- Thursd ay. relative~ in LebaRon last week. this summe r. Prof. Wood will run Cartwr ight and twO childre n. very ill but is improv ing now." ~nce of a large company of guests. . . , his car on a Rmall wire stretch ed The ceremony occurre d ip the Raymond Wllham son. of Dayton. W?l' 'lhorpo , ~f Da!ton , was acrolls the large auditor ium. This drawin g room before Iln improv~ed WI\S at home Sunday . shakmg hands With frumds here car fitted with a gyroscope On reachin g my last natal day, to altarof palm,s , smilax and white runnin g The Misses Helen and Jani e Jones, lilies. . Monday. . at a speed of 10,009 revolut ions per on the Lytle road. enterta ined ~y surpris e, ' 1 was conf~on~ed by Ranked on eit~er. side with cathedr al Mon. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Chapm an and Mr. and Mrs. Durton Earnha rt minute , defies the attem~t~ of eighty postal_- car~s, r.e"mn~mg me candles. .The bridal p~rty ad.vanc sevt'r- pay evening in honor of Miss Marie ed son were in Spring boro Saturd ay. and famfly spent the 4th with friends al strong. men to push It .over,. bu.t Mohr, I haa reached myelgh tleth bll'thday. Jown an avenue of daISY chams; of Dayton . Games, music and the near Xenia My tint impulse . was to rise up and bride on her ' father' s arm falls readily .when a certam pomt IS a social good ·time was enjoyed and the Mr. and Mrs .. ~. H. Wadsworth . ' touched with the finger. deny it, but the family record stood ~room with his best man, Mr. John were Lebanon VISitOrs Thursd ay. Misses Verne and Lena Wadswo.rth The gyrosco pe is 21 inches in diback o.f i~ and said. the Same ~hing, [4'. Mitchell.. Jr., o.f Gt~nfie ld. fel- Fred Hartso ck left Sunday eve.}\of Lebnnon, are guests of Miss Whit. am.etE 'r,. !nches in thi~kness. anti so I sa.ld It ~U8t be so and gave I~ up. low classman and frater~lty brothe After aliI don't remem bera blrth~ Mrs. Walter Jolley, Sister of r. rting to take his new position in Cin. n.ey Wadswo.rth. · welgha 24 , po~nds. It IS enbr~ly Mrs. Forest Graham enterta ined tl)e . f ' . .day in all the ' eighty that brough t bride, was matron -of closed and inSide are the revolvm g Wednesdayevenioll' at her coun~ry hon'.)r. The cmna I. Mr. and Mrs O. J. Burnet spent wheels which. retain the balance me such heartfe lt satisfac tion as this bridesmaids· 'and ushers were . home in honor of. Miss Marie Mohr, Miss Holmes Stoops is spendin g the va- Sunday in Nor~ood with Whitti er AcCording . to Prof. , Wood, the in· of Dayton, the followi one. At 1, look over the names of Daisy McKee, of Knighw town; ng guests: Mi88 cation with his grandp arents Mr Burnet and family. my old·tim e friends I feel as though Bray, of Lafaye tte; Mr. Paul yen~r, . as Iitt.le is known about the Misses Edith and Ethel Graham Souder, and Mrs A Stoops , . . a resurre ction had taken place, or of Logans port; and Mr. gyr:oscopic law is as known about the Velma Smith,.Ethel Chenow Walter eth, Irma ... Mr. and Mrs. Mert Dakin, of ~b. law of gravita tion o.r the electric Cornell. Grace Carman , Helen someth ing akin to it, and ( take this Jolley, of Knight stown. and Mr. and Mrs. W·. H. Allen and Mr, anon, were glles~. o.f Mr. and M~. medium of saying to them one and Preced ing and during the curren t. "We o.nly kno.w that these Janie Jones. Blanch e Cornell. and cera. and Mrs. Harry Murray were Frank. Geor~e Hawke Friday . thi~gs are,:' he said. "and that, we Messrs. Leroy and Raymond f!artallt()ofr 'COursehnone of th'lem • are ei~hth~ mony Sue-.E ,liott sa~! 'C·Be.. lin visitora Sunday. h ope t ey maya l lve to reac cause,"Miss Mr. ye a~d Mr., F. B. Sherwo od and uSpe thfem '" d' acc9mpamed . by MilS::! ary . ' . I' t t' sock, Ralph, William an~~~lvin DRoykbe, "h' 1 h'ld 'In Weave ' ts ~ f' . d' .th e elg tiet h ml' ro . W00 s prmClpa lD el:es m Herma n Smith Alfrea estone M r. an d M 88 stro.ng G r on the violin. M ...Aith c I ren were and ~ ues t. 0., rlell . rs. rover er~ S I S tu d . body and mind as I, minus the·!lOr. The' bride wore a handso . h d S d Sin gyroscopi cs 1"les m th' . elr appI'Ica t'Ion Jones Arthur ,Greathouse, MorriS me gown and 80n, of Columbus, are guests of e rna a r ay mg t an un ay. to' aeroplanes. He believes that if Grah~m Mr. rows that have been mine. of white 8l:ltin trimme d in princess Mr. and Mrs. Sam) Meredi th. and Mrs Floyd Sava«e . MO ' n E \ 11 f C' I machin as carried one of these in· J Ran' d a. Mrs.. lace and pearls. Her only omame nt ' • _ • rs • . J::. more, o mcnnat'1 air . to. . ts.. _ _--:. h . f h WWl a arl a gift 'from the groom; M ' s lUmen , a cur1y curren t' 0f air C. G. WdhBtJ.I.Bon, after an abse.n~e was t e guest- 0 N et' parents pet f h ' pOULTR~ CONSTlTUTlO o.f nearly four months has been VISit· and M.ra. J. M. Thompson, on . r. could not tip them over. "Thisj" • March The lila ron 0 onor an d b'd After a Io.ng , )'11 ness since the .th. he said, "would have saved the lives n es-. h'· . ' M A W ' \:' -' b- . 1 re. gn~ rlgut. , 12th, ~. B'. Thompson passed away ~al'd s w Th .ere . ecomlD~ r.. a,tt'Ire.d'm lD~ IS Illter, of aviator s who have been . . e new con stitutio n and by-laws. Mrs. E. L. Bergciall,.of Dayton, is ' notable at his home in ' this city ThurSday yello'Ysllkvo~le. The b~lde . . . ' . of the Miami Valley PoultrY ~ocia. s g{Jmg·. Rev. L O. Thomp son ill hI OOlum- \ the guest 'of ·her parents , Mr and klllC<i t~~o~gh belD~~~u~~l~n t,.~cb. t ion are ev~nin~ June i6th at the age of away go,,!" was blue serge. now ready 00 be Bent out. bus this week attendi ng a conven t'on \ Mrs. Philip Hopkin s. Mr. el~btY-~ine years. Bergdn ll -:ous ~r ~~rr: t' ' .asto een If conven ient call at Gazett e office Follo.wmg the 'c~remony tbegue sts of the Centra l Christi an Ministe rs' joined her here Sunday and spent 1emon~ r a t ' a hanI Samuel B. Thompson was born repaire d to the cilD:ing room ~v~~ r ,can and get several copies and ,mail to . . The Arsociation. . . the day. . .. ,. elave t he~1 ~ermgt'w ee dO b he n~ro. your friends : [f not conven bride's table WBl' elab9ra tely decor. ient to March S, 1822 m. ~xford • . Bucks ,ted ill r-08eS . lillies and 1"P ane "!' I em mo Ir n an , y avmg candleS. ffi It's Good-- What·? l.'ruit lee Cream Crushe a Orange Sundae th 'U b mailed to coun~ When ten l fic . '. at ' the gyrosco Y , pe, the . machin e , P .."'(.npsYlv.ama. . still call ~ft. 0 c~, . e '!'t J' e . taO " ts 'I'k . years of o,Ke he went to ~aynesv1Ue, .YellowI and white were the prevail- at Schwar tz s. . you I you, request I . Schwar tz' s. , re In I t>qullu rlum. ' d' Th h h t . uc ttled ang for eo ads Oh10 Orl. . Prof Wood will be at the Millomi an seven "years later to Da~· ose w 0 ave Th no ae i f M d Mrs • . . veysbu rg in the.sam e state where he D:;.A e ~artrhage 10 • ~~. an I a0 so prompt ly. Valley Chauta uqua Augus t lOth and I\Wl'n pease fa r( . ...l.1 h ad f o ' I.' uuson IS Iearnt:U e 11th' eu mlD,""o Send n to0 F' I' Gm~m Crome r V t e Lr eo carriag e ma",mg. F~UR H. H. Wadsw orth, See'y. l . . _ ' B tIer Colle e sev. , . \.:I U th When he .,ecame of· a~e, he opened manlce .l-"'5un I I. -Chauta uqua, 0 •• for a full pro.gram.' . --_. m h g. t . '. '. h t hi mseIf' h , . I era years ago w en • ey --. were s U· DEATH ' • " ~ op, 0: b ' . t.r tried at t P 1ienta of that institatib'n. 111e hon- Celetiration a Succe • ~nenext.Jear e\\'88m ar Ss j'in Every De~il--·Good Ball UNION OlYllA 'llbe " h Ca ad' MEETI NO A SUCCESS. Saml. Kenrl'ck, G<Ped 4&, was found Amy Fallis. She died May 10, 1850; eymoon WI spent m t e n Ian Games and Othe r Inter estin g Fflatu res The union meetin~ at the Chm. dead in bed at hlB - home near leaving two sons, WlIliam of Cinein· foThrests · 'd~ ' Lytl~ . f K . ht to Made ' a Delightful Day ---.I. eb. , • IS ene o ' mg s wn '8 tian church last Sunda rnight was a Thurad ay noon. He had 8uffere natl. an-d ThomasF" now d'eceMCU l " t IL.:...1 d for • popu arBOele y ~eJ'8, IS acti ve He was marrted the Becond" time to most ' success Althou gh the weathe r was many years,. and tol:.J\I b'IS family to . h I. and 1 ... ·• I d • " . - - "l:. k J . th ureu. l"",rary m' gs es vt:ry hot · the house ,was full and all let him s1eep m ruarwla J . Bnld.l",OC, 18 anuary 8 ° an c emb f th 'Tri clre . e roo m , and •• Kappaanand . " As we went to press early last of Walter Smith, Hixon and 1853. Thel.' went to COrwin, Ohio to ~ ~ LewIB, join in testifyi ng that they w:ere well hiswi~heswererespe ted Thursd ay ~ 0. Ga.:ma sororit ies c . Tuesday, we did no~learn the results as umpire s, was gilt-ed ged, but one paid for coming. Rev. Cadwa llader nooh his son went reside later i111888, coming tb Sene- aThPpa ppa. rad te to of' awaken the of him and the festivit ies until too late for Ch decisio I n in the two games being deliver ed 'an Excellent IW!rmon on the groom IS a g and ca. ua a membe ar es d'1ed soon afteJ;' they Oh' eState .. found him dead. d ay .. was everyt:J 'versity . n ed . T he r pubhca tlon. 'J'he . questio sc:>re was 8S fol - subject , "Back to BetbeV ' caIRe to this city. Mrs. Thomp6Qn f lOb · S' The f unera1 to k I f 'te 't - H . thing that could be desired , ~and lows: - 0 pace Friday af• . and five chil4re n, Mrs. R. H. Emery 0 t e ,lgtDt The. platfor m was filled with 'm~m. temoon " a at the Springb oro M. E. J ra l1l\ y. f' etbls a good many persons left their work M A K D n .. _ J B WILLS' FARME R BOYS ~ W manag er 0 l)ers of the several choirs which reno church . Interm ent was made e .. ... . rs. - ' . ew,o f ...... l'en r, ...yo- atI presen d" t'cal' genera in the 'neerin g departm ent to Jom 10 the plea'lur . . e of t~e ay, ' D • b . t ~ R H 8D Ji) dered excelle nt smgmg of -Mrs. C. Mathew s, D. Wilham ~f~h: Newei!~k l'elepho~e Co in the "good .pnng 0\,0 ceme ery. . The smallb oy was _presen t with rl~f~~\1"8.I~b ~ :.'. :.::::: ~ ~ ~ ~ g ol,lson p." ,Miss Lucy Emley sang Thompson and HowardlThOh~pson, B~ffalo and surroun ding • _ ...- - country his 'firecrackers apd made the air ,~~ ~~I~. c;:{titi:.- .- .-.-::.survive . M~.• Thomp son ost 18 eye· f f _ f g a solo, which, as usual, reached the M and ·' M D d MADE '1) ' . h b ' FINE . t· . crack . I tel . 1899 -SeLEC TION with . ,but \Vb~n the park BStrawo. l1li. p . . . . . . . . . . • 0 1 0 2 heart. dh 0 son WI ea . ,noise sir t co.mp e . y m The hearty fellowship that , an .e w~ b r ... ...._. ·t rs. . . II.IUOll. ct, IIS • .P.. ..... A · 4 'II.T Y 0 0 . 0 th 1 · o pened at 10 o'clOck , it was .:..1 . ...... hke Sqn- BllIIs. It • . - .. - .. . . . .. 4 .. 0 1 0 1 followed tQe service 11 h'IS W... G<Pon shop ol1'e lD rMiS compe)) lIN "" ~ s proved that the At council , meetin~ . Iast wet!k . l ' t n· uroro., Oray. '.' ...,. ., m e day a Imostf aII. over t h e town. ab , .. ... - _. .. .. • 0 I 0 o . " 8ch~ler, Jl. rt . . -- ... th M ... ~ ..! ..! . ...! J 0 . Ca t . ht 'appoI'nted In 1908 M.r. aod Mrs. ThompsOn eel· ear y au um • 0 old hymh~ '~:Blest be the tie ,at ayor. . r wng Tbe first thing schedu led for the . Total . ... . ... , . . 34 a 6 1 -. bit'lds our hearts in christia n love," ebr.ted their , golden weddin g anni- . AJn,o~ the gUests from Ind~an W. H. Madde n to fill the unexpi red a~. day was a bali game at · 10 o'clock MIAMla . versary . MI'. Thomp son', birthda y Its we~ Mrs. Mal'tba Dodson is not altoget her meanin gless. term of F. C. Hartso ck as council~ , ~f18S betwee n the Miamis and ....J. B. Wills' AB R H 8D B . nnniv.ersarietl, for many years Wive rtJinnie C: Dodson, ~oth8r and The meetin g next Sunday night man. Mayor 'Carty.rri~ht "urely sl8terFarme~ Boys. It was a ball game, ot. -.. . . . . . . . : : ~ g will be held at 7:80 o'cloQk at made a go.od selection, as been obser:ved in a unique 'manne r ' by o{~e bnderr oortl, and Mrs. ~. too, being mostly a pitcher e' battle, Mr. ,Mad- . .. 3b: : '. : : '.: : ~ .. : ' ~' g at the .Red Brick church . It is to be tlle",tbe~l1go~relativ~, p08,fCard W. Dod/IOnandf~lly,Mr.andMrs. den iii a man of wide ideas and excek betwee n Strawn for the Farmer s and rt: :::::: :: ! ~ ~ hoped that the people willa1 1tum lent judgme nt, and the c~unci1 Showe rs-an.d other expressiona',~f J,. ~. WooUlng. Mr· and Mrs. J. !'-I. Woo)ley for t!te Miamis. , -But five ·will ~ .~ ~ i .~ o.ut and' fill this' old 'h istoric temple count theml8 lves . ' affee~on. ,;0,' . ~. Irwm. !dr. an~ Mr~. C?ar~es R Bad· hiUf were made in the gamelucky · in . getting 3 . off _11 2 2 2 .. In his c;leath _this city lpaes one of ~r, M.. Jennie. DtnWI~dle, 0 of worshi p. ' fuch a man with them • Mr. and Strawn.and two'oft Woollev. All the Tata!. .. ........ . 86 1 16 e '2 Chorus pracric e - Friday •. 8 p. m, its eldest and mOlt highly respect ed MR. GUemsey Van Riper and Mr. ....- - boys were in the game howeve r, as • • • • f · ' InnIDIIS ... ..1 M L Allen of Dayton ' 0 Citizens. · , mer Hoy s.f)1 02 0a 2, 1II 06 01 S0 90-8 Everyb ody cordially invited to co.me. . an. rI. F. ., , ' . the score showed and 'Far HORSE STUNO BY BEES the spectat ors Mlamla .... . 0 i a 0 0 8 0 0 0-1 Wh)' not make • Funera l servicesthe musIc held from an attract • - • . 3urely had their money 's wortb. . L ' d' t . -~ :";.1 . Bue, on blLlla-Ba lnOll 1. strawn I. ' the nome an . In ,rment was lnlMJe ive feature of ' these meetitlgB? We ., • 1. Two-uue hit. Edward. . Struck Smith Mo~day Hugh - Thompson, o.n out-Joe Thompson, of Clncmn ~ '· t·he 'ce'm atl, By 8 'hul - etery 1. by at -H~lnOll Seneca 1. by CAn8C8 Strawn !t by . have m ' the taleht. . .~ • •• ht the mornm Route S, hitched ' a mare, with her . ., . . . ' g game, a d hl's SmIth.. . ca~g . Ump\re8-"-Lewl. and Bilton. ·dme ~ : 1' • • - ..- - Courie r.Demo crat. · . Our C9mmumty IS blessed by some old friends here showed ' their n little colt to the fence. The fiYB appre. . fine wh~t,Yi~ld8 thi.By~r, and m,08t eiation bv roundly applau ding BAND CONCERT PROORAM bothere d the mare a great deal, and him Afte~ the ,game. the several eveRts bey,ond the stand· f h' fi 0 k she . inanag ' .9f it iB, up to and ed in some way to upset . occure . a. and '.. t'XClted k;" a great eJeal ne w r . Follow ing is the progra m for tb. . f' t ard. - The '~le~atQrs are ta mg on orThe1S result two"hiveS of bees near by. The~ · by innings was asfol. 0 merest. band concer t', Thursd ay ·PIl',ea, ~n averag e of 5,000 buahels 'a day low' _100 yard dash-J ohn Strawn -first July 18, 1911·, 8 to9 o.'clock. evening, fle; ODto the h~rses and began to they ' say it,is-tb e best genera l, ~. . sting them; causing them great suf· pl'ize and Mr. St. Jo~n, of Lebano n, . . yield for Seve.r al years. · . '. ll'a~~~18g8: : : :: ~ ~ -: ~ g ~ ~o 2nd prize. ferinl'. .T hey are getting alon~ nica. . . March, "The Challell~e ........... Hazel n._ ....~._ ·, S. ,t . .~l\tWright had some extra· ~lJamlll .. · . ,•• . •• 0 0 0 0 0 2 , ~2 Wheelb arrow race-G eo.rge Wa- Overtu re, ..Jollific ation": Iy, howeve r. ..... Mackie Sa_on ballsordmar ily' good 'Ifheat l on' h'18 p.Iace. bue Strawn 1 Woolloy 2; two- t h ' hlt.Wate ... . rhouse. $100 St~ucL: oll~-b)' strawn er ouae t 00k th e prlzeSch0 ttiSCh e. "earna . t ' " H II ~. Ion ...... owe 1'1'0 '" ",,.,. "yG.~ W. 'Pratt, One field :in~ 8~ooJ':~I~II, ~~~~Fld:~~ 2t~; Saek rac:e-C\~rence M.endenhall "S. R. Henry'S ~~~ Dance, " Henry D_8I!1v;el[,6.\:/\f Ael'etl there iwas threshe d 554 1.18. . .' - . . . WAYNESV1~Le WIN.§. . . the pnze-F ielliere ~Itt. Medley Waltz. You taugh~ Me ' ~lt'lg an ,av:~~e Qf-.37 . bu. to In the ~fternoon at S' .o'c!<!clt "tbe. took t" tile ,.L adies ra~e-M~ DO,ra Squires , How to LOve You, No.w Teach . ~he. game Sunday 8b:fw~ aere. llnd on anothe r pie<'t;l .of 8 second g,~e\ was ~a\led, and J t p~oved took n tim, ' 1st ·· prize-l adies stiver watch; I Me to Forget "·..... .......... ...... Meyer Miamh:a ~,!d Monarch i."If ': :-the ( Yield .was 42 bushels 1 peck to' be just liKe,' the m~rJ\ing ~~ame, ',Miss Bes/-1ie Stll.lUlperry 2nd pri~e- Intro: "What 's . the Differe nce acre: '; r~ut. 1~ t~e sco.~e 0 '. ' . ,'. althoug h' the 1aianlt~had their . bat- ,$1.90 box 'of randy. t~ t ~ When tlieGir l you Love,.Loves You MIamiS wmn~~. 0 c~u~'d erDe h - tb' till " t' ea ' Ed ThoD'ta$ Jia8 the best 1return s tihg eye ·witb / _. { them. ,In fact, the Ii'lmile race ~n Salsbu ry took $ereniu :' the pt. ~Wb e~t. t;e~n ~~ t~ ~p to.date. He ' had a B.mall fit'ld le, "Dream!~d" ..... ROckwell EdwatdsandBe~ S!"~\h \of F/lrnter ~c s used : , t hr~ ; 'piteh· e rs . ' but firet prize-$ 1.50 in me'rchlllldise Medley Waltz, "Take a Chance but ~eraUlS ave t ' !'-'. e with . ular)y good wore :I~ -. e s IC . . averag ed .47 bu. to they·al llopked the same to: the Mi· froni C.' A. fetTy; Marvin Hay, 2nd .1~Vie~ t~e . t~mpetll. ure I . , Me" .....~ ..... ;.......... - .;....... Mey'er i< :. • '. - alllis.:·. " . ",' . ,-~x: cigarl~ '. ' maldnl" .I~. mQre c~~fortab ~ ~ . W. E. 0~Neal1.bad t.he best·· aver- . R!lymo ,! Intro.: I'll Be Right"~ith' the Girl , Et\STERN STAR nd pavis at . ~o~d , . _'Per-haps .t he most. interes ting ' ,That Tries to Be ij.lght with Me. ally at night. age' for. large. field crop. He 'had C3rl ' Hawke, at short; ' fairly ' ~'a~ feature of th~ !"ventiJ was tl\e best · ·D.~rip~ive, "I'd, Like to Be a SolHAD PI.N S PICNl e 70' it.Cres whicih' ave~ed 80 bu. ~ t~e~ ~p" louring this gam~, ~otb_ horse and rig. , There' were five en· . ~ dier Boy:in Bl~~'.' ....: ..... ,.' Durand . . . '. ac·re. . ,. 1. fl/lvJng14chancea,. ~ondD,ll8Sed t~iesinthi8 event and · aU· turnou ts "M~t ) Me To.Dlg~t In ·breamA cl"Qwd froID f4my had 'a p~cnic ~ uel M.r~-itb · h'~ 1\ field that an e~y 6)' iii llis en~~\for ·to mak~ were goOd. Lili~ln Ki~g . on the mill.-.a tgtQli dall8tTu~ay aver~ 4-1 bushels to the· act-l. and a double p!8Y~ whum .aded two boy took fi~t-6 8nvelllO~p.' .nq his ,~Iand ....... j. 1... : .... ....; .......~riedm8n IP9Ons: '. ,H ome Sweet Uome '- ......... Fulton They pronounCed' it a !rood plaCe, o~~ bed yieldl-'of from 20 ·to runa fOJ'"the Farmer s. Bobby . Bur· 2nd prize , V (en~ . to Kenn.et {! \ Ho~b - .J and .a Rne .t ime wuhad bvthoe e ~fio. b~belno the acre• . Altoge,tller, ton behind tbe '~t, an~"~lmmy ~r- lult ~:. Ird)tri ze was ea.,~urecl ~y ~rticl,.te4 • .e . .. 8U~Ns1T ,RBUNI9N. the tirmera are' all looitin , -well -gan at ftJ'llt were alao \D t.h e p~e, G. A. darey -·buny·, wbip~ -' . ' • - . . TlCB .' , Ri--.cl ov.r tbilr harves t . , . . besides all the other., who bad any.. -The Cadet band fUI'Ili8hed mUBle: }be Burn.t t reunion. whJch w~ to Dayt,?n viBiton 1'u~. FARMEItS NO , .•_ • thing to atten"d to",were riJht at all and in the evail1&' gave have been hJld at the home otFian k. - k the a...,.\II'f..~.~ .....'Ilr)""_ of a.leqo , is their pta. . . ' to wbleb .• ~-tarp .crowd ~ at W:';Jman, has .'been J. E. oTann~ Ctoobau ..-ber . lin. ' FAith . ManQ er S~u17,· on ,the ~Il.. "'JT"_?~ ....It. Tb,cro wd iQ ChaDp d. ad wQI ~ wltII B. ,. Bros. over to :Ta1,JR:.a_........I ....--,I~_ bad hiI:9.ld.tI~ • ad It...,. ~WM"1uiWIt _ 011 DeIlt Sun.. to paint.-.hlamPl_!A~ . ))OJI tIIIt.
Pers ona l Mention' Her e anti T~
.g .g
.- ---
acre. .,··. .· a
Cn:tk. ..
he Miami Gazette
O. L , 'CRANE , Publl!lhe t_
V~lIey Forge Is Rich in ,HlstoriO
UUl'rab ror tbe ,mnn without a puln! ·If he Is Do t tb e salt bt th earth, then 'th ~ ortb must surely remain uUHalt· d _ He feels no Inward burning nee8sfty or breakin g Into ne wspape rs with conatn.n t declarutlon8 HI to the budn ess or lOen and things. He Is not !llll at supprel! sed resoluti ons as to tho ,,'tckedn ess or everybody elae, says the hl cago Iliter-Ocean. He has DO speInl y urnlng to aac lid Cbautau qua platform s and ' teed tull tho listenin g .throngs with nil tho horrors or exist· en e. In pr1vate Itte be Is the cit I· 111:'1\ who looka atter his t.am 11 y, who Is regard ed no. a good neighbo r and who gains nnd deservl's lhe respect or nil thoBe who Imow hIm. In th e bU Bl, n 88 world be Is the man wbo does hla work WIUIO\lt a lot of noise and wasted motion and thereby earns the grall· tud or his Bssoclates or employers. In public life he Is the mon who sees . th a l tb e buslnes 8 of governm ent gets uttende d to /tnd leav es to louder states- ' m n tbe bonors of bIg headlin es and ho.utnuqun I cturesh lps. After hearIng or I'eadlng the studied and IlI.borl· OUB complalnl!lga of the other variety , the lhought of him Is like tbe murmu r or plensallt watera. It cools, refreshe s and strength ens the jaded spirit. It r eminds Olle thut everyth ing 18 far from being lost, that the world's work . I II sdll being effi lenUy done, tllat the r epublic Is snte, and tbat the sun Is till shining.
Whinin g Automo bilel Now Bring Groupa Patrloti o Sightle ers. to Thll Beene of the R.volut ion's Dark.at Days.
In the Gar den of Life
0 ,arden, no bright and bellUUtul lpot In all tbl~ Phllad Iphln;-t>a.-Tbro llgh the love· • world Is ' witbout its stlpul IY' wooded bills alld Ill' und down the cher-It s place ot terror, valleys which give tbe name' ot of sadness , and of death. historic spot, ya.1ley Forge, tbe scene '1'he fairest city on earU) o,t the darkest days ot the RevohlUon, b.as HI! dens of sin, l\s la.1r of thieves go ruehlng a~d wblzr.lng nowadays lhe and, crlmlilale, ita homes ot wr tchedhourly automobiles bringin g gl'oups ot ~e88 and miserab le poverty . Tbe patrioti c tourists Crom aU lbe coun- grandes t mansion on the avenue may try Wbut a cbange In the .pot· and III bold n skeletOn. The noblest face and tbe people slDce that time w.hen· Wnab· torm mny hide a ' sepuloh el' In .wblch Ington and his sutrerlng I\eroffll ~Igh and holy purpose conlped among tbelle picturesque purity, lie slaught ered. s, trutl~ anll The serenes", hills. Whllt g a p between those foot- most peaceful counten SOfa, dlscO\lraged iuen and the pleas· screen the death of manyauce may ure-see ken wbll-Ied In lu%U1'y through wblch you know nothing. a hope of The garden this great nationa l park. -placea of this 'earth are not all faIr. For some eight wiles the motor You have but to thread your way route circles about over the llne park within to ftnd In their luxuria nt coverrOllds, and -on every side tb~ natural' Ing growth a spot where ch".l·ms of the beauUful scenery ' Brc broken and tears are shed.hearts ari enhance d by tbe hostorlc association\!. ,.. Ie not tllis true ~ot tlle garden ot 5169 ,fany memorial tnblets have bcael) the home. . you think of the flowers tbls simple Crock Is olle of .the most erected, mariling wbero dllreren t dh·l. of love and .ymp&thy that slous of tbe army or ,various , com· What a place It Is to comegrow t~ere. , t~vored JJ;\odels. for little ,Iris. U to, to rest bangs enllrely from the aboulde ra mander a w r~ statione d. Here and In, after the dusty road -of duty and without any dlvllloD of 'ltalst and lh re are log cabins, rellrodu ctlons of the heat and burden ot the olden hutsl and standin g on the .weet and fracran t. Ukethe day. How Bklrt. It hal three bOI[ plaltl In frout the breath of flnd the ~ame 'arrange ment tn the old sites. There are Ilnes or tbe old ftowers, the conflde ncel 3Dlrenchmenla to t.rac~, al;lll mucb olse changed there;, and the that are 'ex- back, wbere the clo~lnl ra concealed smUel of beneath the ,central one. Tbe neck ot Interest to a student or military friendly face.-h ow t,hey l lfnJrs, but the 'automo blle is toe. beart" as the wayside cheer t4e Is lInlllhed wl~h '\. standin g collar, tiur butterc up thll may be omItted and a round fln· swUt for study of this sorL 'The brighte ns and Ughtens the heart of tsb USed; If preferre d. 'tbe ~pper pari Memorial cbapel, unfortu nately, doe. Hie travele r on his way! lOt lie on the route taken; It requlro~ ve,.,. sympat by, tbat sen.e ' But that of the trock may also be embroid ered of relan. II:S luggest ed In the UlustrnUon. The and ~oll deserves, a separat ewtrip_ HoW, make.... posslhle Quick and blshoP ' sJeC:"1 end In a band cun A Do lon restaur ant keeper kept a One docs. - hoW vel', pass the old thougM lel. crltlcl.m , the the gl'e n turtle on Its back In bis win· school nOllse, bunt by Letitia Penn In btike, the cau.lIc, bumlng sbarp reo Ilt fbe w1'lstll. For little girl.' drelles sal'ca.m wa.h materia ls or \llIe4 regardl es8 of dow und was ttled 0.0 n charge of cru· 1703, which was occupied .by the COil' whiCh you withhol d from mere ac. season, ~d there ' are DlAn, pretty . elty to alilmais. A }{arvard unIvers ity tlnental' army as a hospita l during the quainta nces and ~ other wInter ot 1777.1778. The flag Iloata rela anae 10 t.be £.ouse pJacel. Qual'- de81111s tn glngbaln besldel ,plaln l(nen profess or testltlell thl1t tbe turtle was ov_e r petty to 'Ue bad, wbl1~ the obevlot aDd serge over It, nud a group ot budding om. laulta nnd dUlerencea more nearly related to the birds tblin wbtc4 el.e· weaves are eQuall, appropr iate tor zens, wbo ought to develop 'remark. where you WOUld let go unDotlced! those wJI,o the fish es, bu~ the detense took ilie prefer woolen go04&. . able loyalty educate d In such a shrine Betore you 8l'e aware, ground that It woe not an aillmal, but you lind a Tbe 'patlern (5169) Is cut In sll~ ot Uberty, floclt out tOl' reoess lis tile 1a blDg grave , there lnto 19hfcb all a to 10 yea~s. MedIum size reQulrea n tl/3h, nnd the judge l"struct~d the. motor n.r passes. t~at la lovelT anel beauUful about 2% ,arda of •• lnch j ury to..... brlJlg In a verdIct" - at not materla l Bllt the central poInt of (be trl" la, your home threate n. to fan aDd Ale. '1'0 procure thtll pattern aend 10 eJ\te g'Ullty. Whal ev r Intellec tual.,Bo ston t' it_ t ' to :Jt course. WaRhington's headqu arters. "P' .. ttern Dl:QlLfttn erit," of thla Plillt\r. All, this Is you mu.t d~. You Write name &Del aQl1ress plainly, may hold alii to tbe. statu!, of (.be rep' fIIJ 1.1" This plain old stone str,uofure 'fs a 'flno muat lay thewba Ohrlst In, that lepulcb er. sure to alvo ',Iae Alld num~r ot Vlltl l'n: Ules, tbere Is no good reoson why the f'x!lmple - o,t the stutcly. bulldlngll of You I1'Iqat learn ~iB les!lon "or selt-.ac rl· laws torplddl ng ~ruelty ~o al1lmal. '. ' I olonlal times_ In Hs simplic ity I\lId flce and Qt 8elf...fol'gerul HA'T is · a "goy cat?'· Ferlove. Then Who wou,ld have thought that tilt! should' 1\ol be brol'd /.lough to covel' . lhe garden will be glad ugatn and all WOo 5169. haps you ' bave 'never heard squalid pa\'lor, Into whfch the '''1\1'111 !pore th an wann·blCloded onlnlllJsi Its t!owers wlll .blG-w. , ot Wm, though you kno19 sun filtered, 11'08 a place ot drean'l' NA,. KE ••• : .•••• , •••••• , .......... .......... .. 'n the ' aarden, of t;tope, . t~m cats, wild cnts ' and tem- But so it was. The taciturn lItUe ? Ell· 'rOWN . . . : And ther~ apln I. the garden of An 0 ak Park proress or Is ndvocat- . t.. tin luJn~ . "cats." He Is an In- gt1sbman In Ule corner, who was born' i S h Hone. ~,~8 H"'" bplght g comblti It II allon as , we nud look . bls IIpe·· n out Africa. was gazing Into .pace STI\EE', l' AND NO .......... . " ... " •••••• Jng th e establis -. bere d by thousandS. . . hm ent " ot a school 10 cl a 'i"It from... ,o'er' es i s Dum the w ..~1. But ...... e·D He Is upon th e ye II ow corn nelds of the Ax· wblch the art and sci nce ot courtsh l.p halt·tra mp, avalUng '" ST-ATE n" ••••.• oo., we entel' In and tread its Mncllng himself of all the gentlne RftPubltc, UJlOll • c o n a t r oo .,.... . . . . . . . . . . , ••••••• u c t l o n p a l b 8 , how soon thel'8 falls may , be tnugbL OoOd henven! Has hobo's expedie nts tOr gadding upon us about camps In.. t.ne An5l6S, and- upon. bro~ the mlln no knowledge- ot human nil- the wbrld wltbout paying the Qb1~ tIh-atknr: ~ l1b'II~t,.: fo\, bls t.rav· roads leading by gentle stages .tbroup;h ~ure? As 60.o n nil Qouttsb jp Is mada els, anti hall·ma A NOVEL TWO.p IECE SKIRT; ",111 the .morro, j· bring? \VIIl the flow. n with 'Ii. -trade, the the pam lias trom oue hospita ble 1·1iDC'.h a thing that p~ple .\VJII. have t.O stud)' 8:oal or who.e ramble s Is era ' -we lu~ve gatbere d withe., In our .always a job. to the next. · Aroused . trom hIs artie· and ",'o rk at nobody will i 'lsh to tn. He Ii~ ail the "bum'.' : bands 1. the pleaaur es last T 'l'here phllosophloal ulate . vision b~ a queaUon, 110 stated dulge In IL The way to make court". contem pt tor Uie man' so I. nothlilg that bullda so capacious, so ' "easy" U to In a m tt~r-of.fact way' that he would slt1p l)opula r-wllfch seems to tbe Oak "rIde the velvetj" Which greedy a grave BB' ailtlety_ means to pay be In Argenti ne next taU. , railroad fare. But he also Incurs the It devour . our strength , our enjoy· Pork profess or'. object -I, tc enact The booted, gigantic Swede a ', b W4S ' I . Inklng of mflnt -- the beautifu l things -that "U~ um s" aston shed disdain becauae of t.b logging camps In . ~l1nne· . In . taw prolllblUng It. ..' ~ l our . teet. . hi' llIcorriglble habit of looking tor sota, of. p'erllouB ddvcta to Uie1lake our .eat our. dally s, or Washin gton'. H~adqual 'tcr.. laska, You must w0;f,~ -' . ,. ,:.:", .• ': bring Christ with , ll~~:to-fJs~ betw 1)1). ~bainplo'Q' "'~. ~~ sJ~~ !,~I.tnd- ~fij se; vliti U8; ful "', e travel from ' wnndeFiu~t. fro~ Amont, tMbattles -an-owa. - 'Anothe r- hi ·'hIS ~ rength 1\ shamell the 'itlmay" lI'oJ:k }'O" 1~!C? tbat IJ!lrcSen of ho~ct You mua~ borrow hi. f,reedom trom anxte,lY, lov:e of adventu re,; ' ~plalned ~n ex. mlncl!8' eye, beheld the pur.,,,11 s. He hall long served al\ an sunny ~r()bard8 of IDOd rn contrac tors. .P.~~.!'.c ~o~ t~e be·l . ted hometa rer who "gay cat," who had Joined tbe "bome ot Californ ia; another Imagined him. Is verr Int~ref!Ung, The'£lIe Interfor bls unlwerv lng' trust, ~I& unfailing two, main h0J;lefulness. _ And thUI death too will ~ has been slttt"g by hIs bedside: Now guard" Qf those who have ceased f~m Be!f .~~lplng build sleel bridges , IIi''' ms 0';1 the ground flour ope~ from bl!' Vl\nQulllied, and · tbe ,earth wl\1 , ,be Is coming In ).lendy for the ill>o~d· rambling. "When i wali "1i '.youth t !ltllllco. The Bap of.spf'!ng · was rising wide paneled hall wllb laqgh all Its-loveline... tor 'YOU agilfn, Wniil~({ Ing m~tol,'l.t . who 'fa 'ha81entng ' to hili right. ' 0 see 't he country , and see It II), their veins, a~d, llke blr~1 ot pal- MlaU-plUled ,,·Indo.ws. In both I'ece'pAnd then once more there 111 the I' wanted excltement~ " J ' iULd a sage, they were lmpiltle nt to be ort. A dying bed. 1t would be a. grent shock good trade and was ~on room and 9m e ,'t.he walla are Karden qf SerVIce. Bright and livIng' at home few more weeks wouid see them sca~ adorned with porq.altlJ, nnei valuQble 'Ing ar~ ., t,he ftowera whlc~ mejl'unfad· bIll loving friends . It by lome mi.- l1ut the l~re of· the road ca,lled iatll·. me. ' tared to the P91ntli the compu s, In 'cases and In the old·fIlSh· er put of thaf larden. ne "klndne ehlU]~e Uils . conv~nlent Ic~pegoat , "1 could have paid car fare and rl~. ensconc ed 'tn box lll cars and on blind cblmne y cupboa rd atlract the uho).lld suddenl y recover 'l to , another ,··the. work whicb hal . ' , .d en In tbe· ra~IWay c~rs, but you can't baggages, b\it all bont on the qU81' eye, "Grandf ather'~ Qlock Ucb In the helped a .truggU ng soul oli ,see tbe,< countiy that way. ""]fat man of tbelr "golde,n fteece" Its way-the perfeot corner, IUld lUI old gun OU.' the open .lht:le are looking Immortelleai g.rland s tbat tlirough . the window s ot a Pulljoll. Tbat Pennsy hlanla tal'me~ who took Orep1&a e. ' never' ~Ie. But In th)1 garden there Some woul!! fall by" the waysid e:- ..Acros!l an open passage • clUb and ' proceed ed to batter up an man, ear, knows anythin g about the through II also a ~v~lt la tM gr.ave ot diB• regloQI through wblch be bas passed? mangle d or alaJn beneath the wheels whlcb , sun and wInd have full , pla,~ COU~elQeDt automo btle whose driver refu.ed to ,You muat and delpend ency. Christ travel a few 8tO,P when lJte farmer' . cattle became on a Blo~ tljelgbt, andbriurs at 11 'time" of tralnl, and would be burled In the Is a wing contain ing tbe QuaInt old In\llt CQ1II& and leal that sepulch be thrown oU pauper grave1a rds maintai ned by the kJtclien. er. While ' frighten ed, possibly acted coUtraf 7 to 'Ilt , the most unexpe cted placea,' aeparat lon or mUltm~1te 1011 feel that bl. IJ.!.ud· by raHroads for th.eir vagabo1\d vlcthnS, the k1tc~en rtom this the main body of Jaw, but his deed showl 'the dangero us brakem en, to ilee tb" country. You But of II. unde. 10ur bu.rden.. He must these the army' of wander ers the house hall , ome.,ad vantage s, the atate or mind engend ered In tbe p~b{io ,,~t to Inooch ' (beg) a handou t at' woufd take no heed. you to walk witb hlm ' along his ' '. .... modern houseWife would ' certalnl y \Inh!lBUng u.Q~",t( nl ,,-ay. You n\ui, ' by autolst . WhO decll~e to act 'reaaon- back doors to ,get acquain ted with ,1IeO' . Tb.e "g~y eat" t.elleves that his con. .object" to t'be ' Untl~cellsarl steps" It borrow his Itrength , and ft.nd, that, MI ably on tbe rqad ,or wh~ 'tgnor~ the' pie. 'You even learn IOmethlng whet'i .tltuUQna.t riglit' to the pursuit, of hap. , An!! she would doubthiln .10.a Ie' eal.1. .• nel hla llurcien light. lome 'fty mug' (detecti ve) gets so cor· pinel's Includes ' the p.rlvlleg rIghts of p~dE\BtrlanB. ' e of tidbe at a to get a me'" ,over the • ·F.fow.... I" -aarden of Paln. dial thnt lie I.n slsts on your staYing In "Ing on trains without paying .' . tare: fireplace with Ita han"ng ,)looks ,Rnd And last his midst for 30 days-o n the rock all, there I. the garden The moat ' he wJ\l do Is to pay '60 pqts., " . A. 6nvlng'a bank omclsl reports tbat ptle. , What -dude In a pnlace car Can of Pain. li'or Pain 18 a garden where. cents 'a st.l'ange number ot bogu~ coins find lcam all much about his native land permissto · a "sback" brak,e man) (or- l From ,the .pump room adjoln1ng tho in aUbh flowe'" IJrow' all" are "riiou 'i111I1e~l; 1 ion . to ' ride unmole sted over ldtc,h en ' '\ atee~ 1Ilgbt 9t step' s 'de. ,by 110 other, .011 til all Goe:l'i unl.ers~. l)l~lr way into b'ubY'B bank> '}'la,y lng a a8 I did in 14 yeara as a 'gay cat'?" his dlvlslon. -. Frequen tly a supposed scenda , to an qnde~ground, pUlag! . "he' ftowez:- o~ s,mp,th y and charIty The Wander lullt, Ne,(er Ole.. ', vagabond crouchi ng paJnfull trICk like that on a baby 18 ,more repy In a pnly IIgbt~d ·trom an opening In' tbe .,row there;, This marl was 'R miner by trade, and 'brak&be'am , baa $100 In , rehensi ble than putting buttons In the hla pockets l~wn !-bov~. The ~ther itnd.;"of the nnd. CoU-rage the t!owe,ra bt pp.tiena. had aod prayer... What wOllld followe d the contrlbutl~n box. ' protessl on 'from and a bank book tor ," hUlldred paBS.!lge ,once oqmm~~l~te~ With ' tbcr ·tho wo!ld be Pennsy lvanfa to California, . and from more. But be would several wltbou~ t~e.e ' de'Ucate, bave lJusplc'lona l'lver and t.bu~ afforded a meana of (riI.gran Oallfom la to Alaska. He t tllings? Any yet they oilly A Harvard profess or says Oray.', save In an emerge ncy otnever begged' of bls own sanity should lie spend' any refuge ':lnd escape In qaa,e ot surprlle grow In the garden or P~n. Yet PAtn hunger, and "Elegy In . a Oountry Church yard" ulually had ,1,000 or .0 tucked away of hlB money for the comfor ts and ft- ,by the enemy..' ,; rhlit end 11.a8 , .eems to u. the .verr grave Itlelf::-.pectab lllty ot a seat ' ln ' a ' rallroa~ '~ l~ed up, hut tbl! curlo~~ : I~V!l.tlgat1!" wherC? proud' ambitlon~' and 'ellger would be rejected If submitt ed · to the In a bank jn this city or that. Dut It coach. , ' can deacend and'· waJk ~Iong thp hopes Ue . butie~. , Wbat make. edlto'r or a mOdorn magazine. or was, only after many yeru.s, ot wander·T~e I'gay_ca t,',' It .uch \n an emergen tourse, ils length would be ' against It. IDg ."S a knight · errant ' ~ the plckalt ' not abaBlied at begging ' -a .-01ealC"at I~ dalQPi ~ark , pIl8.ag!! wltll .'~ougbta Of a'. 11~b, an" ~rult1ul . s,9,U ' Chtlst haa R tue.· dangero~" 'd ays, 1911~n .ucb a 'I e made It 80. He 'a nd Ihovel that the wan~e!'lu8t of his back'door. But ari' he bas', at tlrst slghL more lIelt, Jcret w.~. "'~s deemed , n"c~s~ry_ , ' t o~ed!enee. pit,Uencsutrered. He learne4 y~uth ~ae quencbe d an~ he eettl~d respect , he \1suaU,, e, meekneS!lJ'thro\Jgb ' e-mp~oY. grea't.e~ ' The ~edr~om~, OD' th~. ~oor , Ilbcl!o sutrClrlp down to be a prosaiC hotel clerk. g', an4~, h81 t,aught the .ec~,et nrt and sldll In hk "mooching" ., tban very. attracU ye 1'1\/~ejr : qua1ntnel&. 'l'he young · Cllllfornhm wllo sanK, . In tbe ' shabby sitting rooJ.P " Out o~ tllat dl.car~ed loft,. tbat of u 'IO- do.e a ;'bum." -Ot':'e roving mechillil~ " bave ~een fubll.h ed'Pl '.'I'd rather bave nngers than .toe." , cent lo~glng . ).louse tn St. sed gaiden, .that bated . grave or' LouIs there' acco.t ~ an aetC?nlt bed housew ife with will be. surprise d to learn tbat a jury lounged re~ntly bolt a <lazen hu~.n, hopell;' he. Jlas .hown UI ho~ to weather - tlle quellUon: ... " , . tn Chicago has assesse d the ,latter at beate,o' a~d hard, ~(ln, pther ,garlandS' which are' b,eyond !lelt·con~de~t "Madam ' , ba.ve you 11 hatcb'et ?" , exactly four times the value' of the ot mien a.,d moftosyllablc lido,," The wonder;w~rter }ialter hu ,pf speeCh. "What do you want with a hatcheU " , In their Mort wordl was ,none of ,t he she counter ed, .u.plclo laid htl , apd~ . uPon 'many a ' cruihed , forml'r_ Imd broken lI_te/ 'and that Ute ' baa ,whtoe ot' the profe••lunal ~elJgar, and - "J want to knock myusly. t~etb' out" an. !;lfllde~ a , perfum e, wblch , hai Iweet. 'In . t~lr, stralgbttorwnr~ lop~ was no!b· ....erecl. he wl~4 " ao.1e~nt~l; . ' ,~' An Ohio- man beat his wife w.lth a In, of- tlle hal,1gdo.: They· ened the -w~ol~ ;worl~.-'Rev., : Henry. . had tr,v~ '. ''Landll alive! ;; il.hilost ·scream ed, the ba.ebal l bat because slTe had moved e~d .t~ DlC?t of the" col}ntrl JV. ,Qobb, ,D, D.: . . , , -,' ei of tbe ''!om!Ui .' "Why ~hould ''YO~Jtnock : bll! be.4 durIng ' hOllsecleanlng time. ' :globe, an.d, IgJ1<:,rant ot allen ". "'--:f'~_~~'""' h~nguag e. t~th ~.u~_~! • . ; . 'She wouldn 't have minded perh ,it 8ljd customs , had sup,pott ed · t}lem: , ~hat8 the..use having . , a p s ., Mlvel by th~ sble 't'esQurce 'of , tbelr, bJl ve nothing .\4 e,a U" , teeth,1t, J'OU was' the rehe h~d , got ~a(1 enough to beat a rug own' hands. , 11bey !,,~re Cc!nndent ., ot: sponse_ The ."gIl:Y 'cat" ~btalned., one or t" o. taldng, care pr ,theJJ)selyes tn any 1,ltu" of' those r~re feast~ known In the: yell. aUon. . . ', I nacllla:r,!lB a.-"slt ..down." ) .i Th.e Aar:valTd profess or who advises UII ·to stu,dy ,Greek ~o take 'our minds o~ mon.ey .making overlooks' the t~qt that mon,y malting II all Greek to the youih 'who , tuck. hI's dlp/oma under his arm and coea ' out io rook for , . 20b.
•••••••••••••••• • •••••• , ... .. . . . . . . .
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PbIIade1C1h1aal .r. searcbJ ng In Lon· ·doD. d.~a or til. . .rlt .l!lstOl7 of
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1* wrluq bloar.p blN
BOTH WERE I'HSPIRED ALIKE tHEY, BElIE~ IN ~OM~UNISt.\ '8Ir Arthur' Cona n DOyle and Maupa. '''akerl Got 'Th.lr Na~o From th. unt "'ad 8amo i,.,.pr••llonl of Violent Contortlonl Intr:oducld Lonol~ 8chweronbach Inn. In T~elr Worlh'~. '
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MUD GUARD , IS TELESCOPING With Thll Device One Can Have HII Mlchlne Equipped for Good or - Bad Road..-How Made. A teieecoplng mud gUard ' for utle 01) htcyctes has, been Invented by" a Flor· da man. ln ' clear weatber the ports :1\1,\ b~ slid into eacb other aad no· )odY '01'111 know tbere Is a guard on
, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle once walked over the Ge'tami. He ' wu'-muoh 1m· J)rell8ed JJy p,le desolate, sppearj\nce ~f the Ion Iy looking Sclnvarenb"~h Inn. 'Here, It seemed to hlDV was an IlSenl 'scene In WhIch Il novelist might locate a !itory ot mystery' and crl~e. , lIe proceeded to Invent a stOry of mystery' aud 'crIme suitable to tqe ol'eepy environment. It waa a story of mura'er, the murder"of a 10ng-ll)lt aoo just hol!le trom the wars, by hi. 011'0 (ather, ' the needy Innkeeper, wbo did not recognize him, until after tbe deed w,as done, but bad re60l red to kill and rob the flrst ' loilely stranger who paslIed that way wittl money 0 bll pOcket. ' "The very tWng," tbought, Sir ArUmr, Rnd lle ,vent down tbe 'hUl cheerfully revolving the morbid conception In bls 11)lnd. 'I'ben n stmnge thIng happened, snys Travel and Explora· tlon, After dinner, In the hotel at Leuker· bad, he picked U'l) a volume ot.:.ldau· passaJit's short stories, and be found that the Freno1l autbor had not only' been to the Schwal'enbaCh Inn betoro blm, bu t haa actually located tbere a slory practlCliny identiCal with ~be one which he hlmselt ,bad jUljt devised.
J oh nn y' s In tbe ~r&ln, , D igging with th q h oe: ,' On his brow ' llI molHture', On W. ctieeka a .Iow. A Typical Shaker,
vliet, N. y , !J'bey numbe,' 15 s o cl c tle ~ In tbe nlleo States and have a. memo bershlp ot about 1,728. ,1 The Shakers believe III spl,rltuallsm, practice celibacy, Ilnd comml,ullty of goods, OIlPOSC wal', ref rain from oaths and denounce haptism a nd · tbe Lord'!! • Supper. They Bre noted for thei r In frugality, Int egrity n.nd' thrift' Mount ,Lebanon, their largest COOl' 'tnun!ty, ,tbere are soveral ramlltea made up of 16Q ' pil1'1I0n8, including as boys and girls, The olher sooletles are made up In about t he same ratio as the one at Mounl Lebanon, Tbe announcement that they ra wiildlog up , th ~ 11' financial a.ftl'lirs ' In Ohio and New York calls attentJol) \0 llie ' final failure of ,one of tbe lo,.gesl N o: he 11I1I' t J,!lantLng xlsting or the lIlany communistic ex· Qell . rating "\Irma; ' Johnn),,11 In tho 8'llrden perlments that havo ~E!e n tried 'In tbls Dlg.lng Oahln" worm • . country. , In the years folloWlhg the Amerlc~n ~voIUtloJ;l, more than a BCore of com' mlllir"stic sects and colonIes were 08' Apparatul II 80 A.rr~n"ed, T"~t It tabllshed In ' the Ullited States, Some Will '''cllo.to poVyo" .,aaeball o~ ' them appealed t p t he Qensun\1tles Plillet: Put.....lfnd Ba somQ~ ot em were vlan swin· dIes. The Sbak~l s held out no sensu' III or filianJllal allurel1:lon ts arid It Is s.urpr1sl.n{r tbat they hs ve ,end}lred so long, excel1t on the tbel?ry that th It, slillpllclty In ,llv;lng attract~d recrulLs made them the sale survIvors 01 all these soelal e)(~etlmeots. With the!.r pq.sslng will ,close one of the! mo~t lnterest.f.ng chapters or socll\l experlll\.cnls In the history or any counlry.
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' J
Oepends Upon the Killing, By M~ans of Heat, of ,Mords
l 'New YOI' .~Tho . Shaken are iii br;idy of t;ecedera from tbe' Society or Yeasts and Bacteria, and S~aling Sterilized Food In Frlen4s formed ):>y Ann L~8 (Mother Ann) ' of Manchcstel', England, abou t Jars That Are Germ-Tight 1767 and so called from the wild and vlol~nt ' contortions Introduced ,by tliem Into ' their tomi of worsblp. Their amclnl title is "The UnIted Bo· U, !lIma Per". Foulk, Ex te nsIon 0 partment. Coil eI!' ot , Agriculture, Ohio State nlver s lt~·. ' cletY .Qf Believers ,In Christ's ~econd ApI)enrln,." The Jlect emigrated to Air Is not the cause of tile spoil· coolter is an Idea.l contrivance tot' Amel'loa In 1772 and settled near Al- Inr; ' of canned fruitS and " egetables, oannl ug, There are many kinds on bany In 1774. ' Their clliet s~ats ba ve but It is due to the plants known as the market, t he onos opening with a been at Mount' Lebanon and Water· mollls, yeasts and .bacteria, which nre door on the side being the most con· floating In the I\lr. The success of venlent for aterillzlng and hold from canning depends upon the kUling of twelve to eighteen jars at a tlmo. all of these plants, !lnd also IIpon the However, ir a s leam cooker Is not sealing of the sterilized food In cnns ava ilable, a wash boiler can be modi· or jars that are germ·tls-lit. Yeasts fl ed to unswer the same purpose, by and molds cause the spoiling of ca1l' mald ng a fa i!:le bottom to keep the ned fruits while bacteria are t he jars from breaK I1Ig by heni.l ng un· caUie of the spolling or cann ed \·eg· evenly or knocking togeth el·. Some etnbl es. Tho former are easil y W II· sOl'l oC :\ rack 'made of s la t s or a ed by one hoati ng, whllc the lattor bORnl wit h holes ilored through It , to parmlt the th e circ ulation of Willer require more Iteat to kill Ulem, Hea ting In tbe ollen kettle IS per· Is 11 11 that Is necessllry, A large water haps ,in most general use today fo r bucket or a lard cu n nlay be mod ified
tho wheel. Most bicyclea nowadays lre made wlthQut ,these ml.\d guarda over tbe rear wbe"t and cycllsts do not 'c arry tlielIl fcii use In oCC1ls!onal mergencle8. Wit tbls device, bo . ever, 11 man ' may bave bls ~Ipyc II cQlJlpped flO J\s'to be p~eparetl fot good roalls or bad. The guard comprises a fixed caalng' under the bnck fOl'k wltb t wo telesco~ln~ narta, one of wblch reoeives 'tbe other, aod tM?th ot:whlch sUde ' Into tbe fixed lIart: ~loag the rualn casing and tbe second o~e ,tlmaJl openlnga , through wblch knobs Oli tbe parts eIiclosed In them pl\8S .anll h91d the whple structure-. Jlrm. 'l1her&, Is afso a , 10ngltudlna~' sllrlng V;bloh o~rates tbe parti! and pusbes , , the ' Inu:et ones out wb.tln tbe1 are
In an Interview with Mr. W,~, White, wbo has charge of the Oana. dian immigration omce In tbegovernment Uhlted States, aild' who has reo• cenUy made an extended trip through the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatcha· wan and Alberta In Western Oanada. He said that every point be visited he was met with the one report, universally good orops of wheat, oats and b&rle;r. There wlll this year be a much Increased acreage over last year. lIany farmers, who had but one hundred acres last year, have Increased their cultivated and seeded acreage as much as 8tty per cent. With the prospects as lhey are a' present, this w111 mean from ,12 to $16 additional wealtn to , eacb . • He law many large fields running trom 800 to 1,000 acres In extent and It appeared to blm that there was not an acre oC this but would yield from 20 to 25 or 80 bushels of wbeat per acre, while the oat prospecta mIght safely be estimated at from .0 to 70 bushels pel' acre. Iu all parts of the, west, whether It be Manitoba, Sallkatche· wan or Alberta, north and south, east and west, and In the districts where last year there waD a partial failure of crops, the condition of all grain I. universally good and claimed by most of the farmers to be trom one to two weeks In advance of any year tor the past ten or twelve years. It does not seem that there was a single toot of the cround that WII,8 properly seeded that would not produce. Thero are those throughout western Canada who predict that there will be 200,000,000 bushels oC wheat raJsed there this year, and. if the present favorable conditions . continue, there does not seem any reason why these pFophesles sbould not come true . There Is yet a posslb1l1ty ot bot winds reducing the quantity in Bome ' parts, but with the strongly rOQted crops and tbe sumciencJ' ot preclpita· tion that the country liaa already been favored with, this probability 1. reduced to a minlmum. , Th.- 1)rices ot farm lands ; at C. , Ordinary Water Bucket WIth Faile Bottom For Usc In Canning. present time are, holding steadY anel the canning o~ fruits, ~nd while It Is with a IItll Jabol' or expense and lands can probably stUl be purchased pOssible to sterilize the fruit com· made to answer the purpotle ' If no at' the 'price set this sprinK. ~ngln, from '16 to ,20 per acre, but ...:1th ~ y in this way, It 16 dl.ftlcult to larger vessel Is at hand. t the Introduction of germs When 'canning vegetables, heating harvested crop; such as Is e~pecteQ. (rom the all' whUe trans{errlng the once In a n open kettle Is not sutnot ent there 1s no teason why these Bama fruits .from the preserving kettle to ~o kill the spor s of the bacteria. The lands should not be worth from ,20 the jars. 'fhere Is also anothel' dis·, best method for home 'work Is to . heat to $25 'per' acre, wl~ an almost abso· advantage In that the fruit become!! the material on three successive lute assurance that' by !lut sprhu, 80rt during the oooking .and does not days. F ill the jars wi th the prepai'ed there will still be e. fW'ther ,advance , hold its shape. This Is , particularly vegetables and salt wn,ter, one ea· in prices. in the , caae, of ber.l'4es. , sJ)oontul of ,snlt to each quart of '!at. . Mr. WbIte aaya that these lands are It Is therefore advantageous, ' for er, except It! t he cllse of beans and as cheap at today'. tlgures with the , two reasons, to "heat the material .n peas, when no salt should be added. country'S' proven ,worth as tbey were tew yeara ago at half the price jars: First, thero Is no danger the ," ' . . or . P.lace the jarfl with the llds unf~sten· e.when ttle general public had but • vague Idea oC tbe producing quality oC wostern Canada landa. , The land agents' at the dll!erent towns along the line of railway are very active. A large numbar of acres are turned over weekI)! to buyers from the dll!erent states in the south" where land. that produco no better are Bold at from $160 ,to ,200 per 'i , acre. ., The homeRt",!" , .......... ~ - - '- --. _ ... "
.,~, f 'Different Typel of Spring' Top. Jara, fhll Makol t he Fourtoenth Which iic~r~;~~ia.y' ~iday Mdth~:;h:a~! Haa Come Into t·he Chicago unable to , purchase, J.'leferr1Jlg ~o introducing germs whUe trn.t1sterring ad 'in the O()(}keJ' and pour cold ' water Zoo 'Zebu ,.emIlY. bomestead, are directing their atten·
It from tbe kettle; second, the shiipe around tbem untl1 they stand 'in two It " Is or three Inche£: o.f water; beat the plain," howevor, 'that the fire clUlnot water until It bolls. Heat .the jars be allPU,e,d dtr4!ctly to the outside "for oue hour atter the water begins of the cana and , therefore special to boll. j:!et'-i and let stand , for, twen· ty·tour, hours. The second day the plans must be used a8 tollows: 'Heating .t n oven. Fruits 'a re atten ,jars are placed in the cooker with canned by plnclng the jars In a mqd· ,th~ lias 'f astened and heated as be6nltely. hot ,oven the bottom of wh,lch tore. This operation Is' repeated ~n , been cover.e d with two or three ' .the third day. t~l.cknellsela of asbestos sheeting, U The kind ot jar 'Is an Important fac. this Is not , available, the jars may tor It:l tlle keeping of canned goods. be placed In shallow pans c'on~lnlng Glass ' Is l1~tter than t~n. Light does ,several inches ot water. The filled not calise , the spoiling of frults or • ' mllst be placeil In the 'oven un· vegetables. 'Wide mouthed jara are or at least wltli the lids un· easler, filled and cleaned. Screw· top l, r8IatE~ne'd', ', Care must also be taken or Maeon jars should be used for prenot . place ,the jl\ra, too Dear the serve~ or such tr,u\t.s a.'l keep enslly Ire box 'o r thu may 'break trom beat· and one of the more modern' vaeuum or sprlng'10p 'types shOUld be employ· lng unevenly. H~tlrig In Steam Cook.er: A steam ed tor the canning of vegetabl~s.
of. /loft 'f ruits ' Is pre'served.
tion to the park acres Iyfng ~ ' the northerly part ot the central dis· triots, It haa been round' ~at while these are somewhat more dlftlcult to bring under, the subjugl'tlon ot tbe plow, the 8011 Is fully all productive 8a In the districts farther Bouth. They ' possess the advantage that tbe more open prairie areas do not. pos/les,; that tbere 18 011 these land a an ope,n, acreage of fro~ . Mty to seventy per \ cent ot the w~ole and , the balance I. mad. up of groves of ' poplar or fab size, 'Wblch ol!er she\ter . for cattle, wblle the- grasse8 are of sple~aid strength and plentifUl, bringing about a more active stage or mixed farmlnl ' than can be carded· on In tbe more open districts to the Bouth. The emjgration for the past ,7eljr has been the greatest lil the history .... of Canada and It Is keeping up In record shape. The larger numbl!r ot those, who wlll go tbia year will be those who wlll buy landa nearer the line of r811ways, preferring, to pay B little higher price for good location , Farmers sbouU be careful to sow tban to go back from ,the .line of rail· , only clean seed. However, when the ways some 40 or 60 mllea to home· , stead. ' Mr. Wb!te has Til!lted the dll!lIren~ agencies througlJout the Unlted, ~tates Jl,nd he round tltat the correspondence at the varloua · offices has largelT In· creased, the number of callera fa greater than ever, AnT one deSiring, Inrornll~Uon regar!lln~ weB~ern Ca~ada ' should apply at once to the Canadian Governm,el1t. Agent nearest him for a copy Qf the "~t Best Weat." .' ",
The One ThIng
"Arms' and leiS are
Sel f · Ma.de.
A Illrg maJ'/rlty or the OW Rnd r 110 olnble WOOl J) In tht world' have IIU deq In b lug 80 without ~be as' .!stance at ~Crl,m8 . .
..:. ,01110n
'T rim m ed Su m m er H at s
Pleas Court.
oell ed 'V9. Clra Medloc k et nl. wr ong di triot )$2.12; inques t 9ver Olll·t orders tidillin istrutor to 11 body of Cbnr \es T Bohlutw l,n, *5 .;~5 ; New Suits renl estAte at pri v te sale K t not Ie Lebttno n Pt,trlot, publisb ing, 25 i WiJli1l 11l Frun~ , va ,J es ie A tboll uppruisod value . ODe third Burret t Brothe r, bltmks for audio l\ , unt , Mrs 'Ollhltl Mille l', D. I:i o~sl1, one third In one yenf and oue-' tor,'5; W . .H . taullg(l and Co., Reo M un t" W . .Iumes Ilnd d. ,J thil'd ill·two y ars from dllte .,f !lale. ord for trell or r, $22 50 ; Philip P,)!i Il B. Eltzrot h Hnd M'l\J1 uttor. Deferred paYlue nts to bear 6 ~ in IN OUR 8pfOce , ener a l indexe s to real e tute . !lays for Jllllii tiff. Mon Y lind fore. terEl!lt lind be sec.u red by mortga ge 1296; Colum bus Blunk Book Mfg , clo \11' of m ort goge. Amoun t E::!t.I\te f EmOl It. MoKI1Y, ueoellsed . o , bluu ks for Pcob"t e Judge, 12.1l0 i (' Illinied ~ 60 w\l,h fi ~v jnt r e~t from W. H. Allen Is I\l.Ipolot (\ nelminls Alton F. Brown, expeUlIO liB P rosa Ma rch 3 lOIO. t.rutor nndf,lr $1000 bond. Lav ontlng Attorn ey, for .Tnne, $1 :;; Chari sF 8nllivn n v~ T 'h n Village Cartwr ight, A. B. CbdDdl er and J ohn W. Jones, making slgnR fo r of Leba non . E1t-zrot.h & Milple .T. F Cadwn llllder appoin ted ap COQr~ HouAe, $11; Ohio 'Corru gnted I\ttome ys for pillintifi', Money. llraisllr s. 'DIver t Co., oulver t pipe $28 0 ; W. HEND ERSO N, M. D Amoun t oln.imed ~417 . 2 1 with Inter W . HAlle n exe utor of estllte Willium P. Bayes bridge l' pairs, est on $377.12 froUl Murch I n, 1009 Df Mary U Clemen ts flIes 'first 80 $ 1 75 i ·orge H . FeldklUl}p, bridge Wayn esvil l e, Ohio. ODd iuteres t on fllO .09 fr om Mnrcb oount witb v ouober s f or sl)ttlem ent repa,lrs , 1 1d 25 ; J. U. Klpbar t oon· Hi, 1910. wbioh it; order ed suspen ded. trnot 24 03; Cbarle s Hend erson, Vallcy Phone 153 Main $trCl't Erdin Sn ider VB F red A t:lnider. .:Iobn Oit.mar a, gUllrdilln of estl\te oontrao t, $22 0 ; ZILinA rml tHge, The Fir t Nu.t.ionlll Bonk of Milson, of Ali ce Dltmal 's, hnbeot le, files Beau tiful styles for ci\y and v8catic)R oontrac t, $185 ; Oregon ia. Bridge Co., bio, W . 'l'. Bill ond A F . Simon eiJlhth no~ount wit~ vot/ohe rs for ountrn ot"$320 ; Oregon ia Bridge Co., wear are offered at one-half the ton, AI.b rt Andcl'llon, attorne y for sa~tlement wbton is ordered sus'197; Oregon ia Bridge Co $ l 06 45; regul ar prices. plllin~ifl'. Divoro e, alimon y and in. pended . . W. W. Sbnrtll ,painta ndoil, ' 193. 6U; junotio n. Custod y John OJ tmortl, trustee of s8tute of Iroq uois Mfg. ' 0., b~l6.noe ohild on for 'p aint ground s of extre~e oroelty . Alioe Ditmar s iinbeol le files seoond $37, 50 .. aocoun t with vouobe rs for settle AOOOl;m ts of two deposit ories in Probate Court. ment \vhioh is ordered 9Uspttnded. Lebano n Ilod Citizen s' Nl.ltionul In the Ill <\t.ter of tbe"Wil l of DI!vid In estate of MOSES W. Holling a. Bank, for m on th of JUDe, we~e Er,tle, decease d. WIII filed lind n o. wortb, deoease d, Mary MoKtim ey i8 o,udlted nnd' fouud oorreot , tlcc given to kin. uppoln ted ezeout rlx on bond of ' The finanol al statem Children's and elderly women's Hats, ents of tbe In ·th~ matter of the will of Mary '60,O~0 . R. B: Ellston , Jesse W,righ t Audito r and trea.su rer sbowln g bnla good as.s ortme nt. . Brown , ' decease d. George A ' I1nd rhom.a s Miller appofn ted flop· ance in 6lHlb 'uud and aCOOU'l t at Witorll ft filed motion to invest . 3500 pr~tsers . . beginn ing ot month were ordered in Govern ment bonde whioh is np. In matte! 91 will of David 8 . Fox, plao~d on file. . pro.8ci . . . dtl09~se d . Will admitt ed.to pro})at a Bidl' reoeive d for sttlel beam . Anna Moth, ' guardi an of Edwin Estate of I) vid B. Fox, dfloetlsed. bllidge f)n Murdoo k I1nd Lovela nd t'lo~h et "I · VfI. Edwin Soth et a1. OBthal 'ineFox appoin t-ed exeout rix plke nel1r Beatles ' farm , Oregon ill Btt.le oonflrm ed. Court orders oosts and l>avld M ..Thompson , WilHam Bridge Compa ny, 1280; F r ank D. a.nd expens e8 to be 'p aid and remain . T. Glosse r and John C. Simpki ns Po.l1ook, ~2!l 5. , der dlltrib uted ' aooord ing to law. appoin ted apprais ers. . Contra ot entered witoh Frunk MA~~I'I, . In matter bf will of Moses W. Tn esf,ate of (J. D. Mel,?y,. Willar d Milug for adjusti ng oovere d brlllge Bol1inRswor~h, decease d. ' WilltU ed J .. Wrigh t, admini strator filed in over Little MiBmi river at Fosters Unde rtake r and Emba lmer, 37 Creen Street Xenia, Ohio and nO't~ given to kin. ventor y and appra.i sement whioh is a.t estima. te of 145. Will be found in tbe old In 'matter of will of k"ORes W . ordered reoorde d. Contra ot entered with W. D. Bank Buildin g, .op'posi&a .BolliD gllwort h, decease d. Will ad. In.esta te of .Iohn Hyatt, decease d. Booth tor oleanin g and tJle Nation al Bank. paintin g mit~ to probHt e ' . Ka.te 8 . Hyatt and Fred HartSOOK, f6110win~ bridges at Telepb one 1n house and ot· estima te of Estate of C~aYl~n w. MUllin, de. dd~tnistrl\tors file invento fioe wbere J can be oa.l1~ r,y Rnd '26. 00, oounty to furnish ' paint: I BARN HART , ceased , John B. ': .Mullin, l'xeou~oJ apprais ement whiob is day br nigbt. ore ered re a8 ft . Jow trUf:S bridge . in Swamp filet' final accoun t with vouohe rs for oorded. V"Jley P hone 14-:d. road, 12 ft. bridge on Harkra der Nota ry. Publi c 8ettlem ent "whioh ia crdered sos. -A- ' Estate , of Rebeoo a Jane 800field, road, 20ft. bridge . on Harkra Waynesville, Ohi,o All der Main Str~et, panded . kinds of Notary WOIk . Pe n~i\ln d~oeaeed. First acooun t of Willard rond, 16 ft. bridge Oll Harkri uler Worli a ~peoI111ty. In PlAtter of wjll of R. BL Lollar J. W~igbt, guardi an approv I ed and rOlld, also three railing s on bddges deoeaae d. Wlll .ldmUt ed· to Pro.' oonfirm ed. We don:tm ean just stop 't he irrion Harkra der road. bate. W. H . Siegfri ed, admini strator of tation in your throat' -but cure tht · Oontra ot entere 1 with Oregon iu In matter of will' of R,..-B, Lollar estate of William Murph y, .. DR. J. W. MILLBR, underlying cause. deoease d Bridge ' o.o mpany for s'teel beam decease d. KiUie V. LolJareJeot8t~ va. Li!tsiil Bibbar d etal. proceed s ,of bridge. with oonore te ' lloor near . ~~~~!!,!!!~! Cough syrup.<; cannot do this. It !!!!!,!!!!~!,!!!~~~!!" ' take UDder will sale oonfirm ed. ••. DEN TIST.•• takes a constitutional tonic body , Heath farm on Lovela. nd und Mux. ~D .,state . of R. B. LoHar, de. -l~ matter of will of Nano1,!dtew!!:,t dook l?uilder to do the work properly~ road ,e.t bid of $280 ceased Kittte V. LoIJar acoepts "p. deoease d. Will admittt mc ill ?!ld .cure you to stay c ured. Vinal ld ~ to pro.. National lJ~uk Dldg. Plans aud. speolfic atloll for oop· Wayne sville, 0 IS DOintm entRsa n execut rix. William ' bate. the remedy you need. o"ete lI.r oh oulver t ou Dl\ytcm and Vt1aoh "Etmcr J . Beedle and Thoma s In m&ttel' of ~anoy Stewar t, de. Lebanu n pike near r;'tokes D ERE 18 PROOJl' and 811. Soott appOin ted ~ppralse". ' o~ased, Alvin A. 'Stewa rd· elects to ley's farm s, approv ~r .... lIllnDle o.~1, of O~en. pan., ed · and oontrll ot N. Y., write.:· " Alttlr tl')'lnir ........... .IID. Estate of Harry Osborn , a8elgno r, take onder will. . let to W. 8. Grab!\m at estimat e of Good for Nothing; but the Eves ' «KUlIS ror a bad elloll'h aDd ('Old without ' notloeo fappofD tment oUhe assigne e .. Estate of' Myron Harkra ooneflt. I. W'q .&IIked to try Vlnol. It d,er, John '198. Mahlon Gebha rt, .whioh is ordered ~. Ba.rkta~~r, . guardi an _____ worked like mAgic. J.t cured m1 _Ill filed first PIRns and speoiH.oati ons for oon · reoorde d. Dlld oollel1 "".1 J lI'alneil I" health '1UJ1l aoooun t with vouohe rs for settle. o'rete oulvert n tbe Murdoo • , I k n,bd P. HA,1 'B ' AWA " .1 reo ....... :t ClIIU Id r Viool the m.,. , , In matter of estate of Hbrry Os ment whioh Is ordered " J wooderi ul tollle 1W4 luylpra tor suspen ded. QI1J11l6b urg road nellf grll. veVllrd :r eYer bo~n, a~8ignor. . Report of MllbloD Eata~e . of .Joseph A. Har~rader, were t\~ll)r oved' and' oril r e(l pcist~d \\' '' .1 uefl vine's Lelld\nJl' ., . Gebha rt "'88lgnee approv ed end oon' guardi an 111es tirst anooon I the nlU1ll! ita mp~d Clft ()ffi ' K t with in Audlto r's offioe. Sealed propo Ills, U L' • we cannot stop ~at cough . ce 1~ eye . Blil firmed. the bn k ,or lI.p oou_,,for k. '11l:. II&tlln .,:t With VINO vouobe rs for settlem ent whioh Is to q,e reoeive d until 11 0'0100)[ 0.' m . L-qur dell' cl . ' ou's od 8ud (lluey ...rvlug plee... !!"':!!!!!!!~=!!!!!!!~~~!!'!!~~~~~.... . .liver an~ iron tonic--William B. Newpo rt, .~dministra.. ordered suspen ded. 111 sll \'er plate of proveD which Monday , J Illy 17, 19:p. is nuide . _ qunllty'th'I ' tor of ·estate of Charl~ Medloo k, de WI out O.L-w.e will not ~ Jllstate of Edw.in F. Bar~rl\der, .charge , 'oeaaed va. Cora. Medloolr, et at AI. John P. H trkrade r, iuardill ;,..ri/b,r Plat, Escape ' d With His Life .n files lhal W,ar,," you for the medicin e you " buy. a ~.Ius seems ton Brown appoin ted guardi an of llrst noooon t with vOQohe like' a pretty fair Wflwenty.one y anrs ago I f(loed an rs for set· Wlde~atltudeCoreholee _ defend ants, ' propos itIOn-a nd ought to be ac- ' tlemen t whioh Is ordefed 8uspe~ded . I~wful dea.th," writes, B. Murtin , ' 19 olTuM ill the lDany THE OREATE8T .' ce.pted. Don't you think so? With " .P ort Barr,els on, ~. C "Dooto rUIl.id exq)ljslt "deslaul, ' . WUUam H. ·Newpo r't , adminl s'ra: ' Sold by leading tl US un,derstand ing we ask yo~ to , ~API:'D I hud oODs amptlo n I1nd, the .dreadf ul MarrJaie LiceQ8es. , dea)ers every"",e~. · tor of 8etate ,of Ch"t'le s Med~Ooki de. 0 cough I had lookec.- like 'H, sure< &l'\, try a bott!... of VI""OL . Se.ud (or Clltnloglle . . iN THE WORLD " ~runk T . Pr08se r 34, traveli ng enough : I tried ev rythtDg J " B ' JA"NNE'~ ()r "C, L," ~howlulf aIr I'UBIJS ....... ' .."",...,-yv '•• 00 PER _... , (oould: I • deal!!:,,_, ugcr i st w:.u "~I..... I£AI\. of Colum bns and Ma .. tha . , . of, for my oough, ')ond wos under 1 , HOTELS, . 8PECIALISTSli the t.reatm ent of the hest doctor in . ' . " • ~ Eliza.b eth O'Neal l, 27, of Lebano n. Georget OOaT. UMIRa , TRAN SFIR, CAII'] D l,)wn~ S. C, for a year, bu~ B II' p.me' "T ar. H' AND 'BUS SERVIC ClIn~ L . MoPhe rson lU, .farmer , of oould get no relief. E CAN PROFI':' r. e s oney, A fril"nd advlad ay ':'8INO ITS, ADVIRTI81NO OOL,UMN8 :B arveys burg and Jessie M. COlliDS, me to try Dr. King's New For Oour;ta . Gj'ld Coldao ' . Disonve y , 19 ot Oregon ia. ·SAMP LE COpy FREE 1 did 1:10 ond wasoom pletely oured . I . . . Addre•• 'NEW YORK .OLIPPER El ' . . . '. feel ~hat lowe nlY life to hiR grellt, ~-....-. - .-_ . New York. N.~. SUbs(,flbe for ,the ".Guette B ~roh 2~ furme r~PI~ . thlo~~ dlungo ore." I~~~ Mv. a,;,t PlaiD and Alto. R. Starke y 30, Iy guarlln teed fol' ; ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r~~~.~~~.~~~w;'~~. ~ , oolds,:llod ' l. ~olo~te8ober of P~asa~t' PI~n. ~J bronchil1lufteoonghs oMQn~ 500&.$1 00 :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jfre~ M. Beekley , ' 22, farmer of 'fr,inl 90 ttle free at nil drug gists. West Oheate r and Hazel E. Ayers, ....... t\ f 114 When a ma,n oomes IlloDg wbinin g 1.. , . 0 8S0D. h that . e is the viotlm of oiroum sta u. Walter L . Tuoker 30, bookke eper cea, the obunoes Bre that the c\l'onm of Wilmin gton and Floreno e UorwiD 26, sohool teaoher of Morrow . stanoes were oontaln ed \vitbin iron. bound sta. ve~.and labered "Old R.ye. "
$2.50 for Hats worth $5.00.
II How To Sto p. Stubborn Cough
<11 .. \1Ie.
:.sI!)Cercl,,' .
.) 'CommllllOners' ,
ProceedlOcra. ...
A ' Pain Remed y
• • " . ', Bo~h ' iD.tet1:l~1 and externa Is need. 13000 transfe rre'd tempor arlly ed ,dally by alm.:lst ever" l taml1y, P:.Alle nole Ihl\t 'our \,,< tJ 1)011';1111 " "0 a ll r"lUl , IIt'O I,I" \ I o nl .~ ('\1' , . " ellll' on ' from Speoia K l Budge Fqod of 1109 , e8p a bottle of" Dr. Beh's.roAnti PU.ID •• tll1 t t).lk , to ", " 1'1> nlllly UI1 t.1 1I0t from d olh(O,. purto of tl" cuuulry. 'I ~lh"tlriOlnl! to Co unty F Good for all k'-ds of "'ow 1 t ' bl 11D, . , . . . , . , e rQU 88 bOIlI( f't ~l)lIt I.O,'(! 111.1 lit Oil '''<lIIuAt to BilJa Ano-ed~"'-u~ Todhuo "-r EXtern ally for.OD'8, b e • It Il~r,,'11 P; l·.lllo n 0 .. Dank Blila: burn!', 8praiDS o w . c a .. .., , aDd all paine Strong }" WA ~ ~:;'-b, ~olul ~~'u ..., . "I ti ., l1'fond er OD OD '42150 liUed in Sol!! nary.h ero. J &Dc se)) o. I: , 5, I..
\ 1; I , I';'
ALL ."-I'OK' " ~
~ ..'
.-...--- -
Peek Into His Pocket
Elfleta M. Eaton to Robert A. would sbow th'e box of Buokle n 's MoCuto heon, Jot in Frnnkl ln, Arnioa Sulve that E . t:J. Loper Harvey M.,. Wblttl er, tiarah Bur- a OIIrpent-er, of Marilla , N , Y . alwf\.j~ 1.l n,len llei::- ht8. 0 . , net Rod Mo,bel Dinwid die to GeQrge ourries ." I have never had a out· . Murch 8, I ~ OO. T. and Katie L. Reeder , lot in Clear. IVOUDd, bruise or sore it would DI..t soon heal." be wrItes. Grea.te st I M)' son ".~" I;\l:cn will! RCute tuller II ,o reek .townsb ip, l n MI l e lu ll (, ,' I'h rl or 111>' ( J lW!! ulI.1 . healer of bor;Ds, bOilS, scalds, ohappe d ",an 1I/IIII!o r lr II 1,,, ,, .. t 0( Oll l' r rlllllly ph", . Grace M . Rees to Uha.rles and ~Ands .a nd lips, f~ver.s .. Icln " h'" t h/"p' '''Ill' I hs wh n j(e 'ull e I ores, sltin • n SII" ohdlat 011 luu ' , ,;:ulllsi!l. who al uu Myrtle M. Howar d, lot in Frl1nkl ill, eruptio ntl, eClr.ema, oorns Bnd piles;' 1" '01t " ne",! th n C"",u Illl lm u l'R"y luber· 11650. ' . <:'11 ,),,1:<. H e conti nuort II) S' I'~ W wor"e 250 ut all druggi sts. n'HI 1\ t hl! :! \th 'hly ur ~ mh ~ r r pu t Oh I N M'll R J Jrn 11 :-' ntu /:o'u l"pnll ,,,1.SQpl . 1-1 I" C!\s c .,oulcJ ar es . I er to . A Mo. , ot lu, hc~n rn" ~h "I u'"e~lIu could not Cutche on, lo.t in Frankl in, 81nIi0.' ~.;tul.n n ll Y toorl. l"IJIl~ile ll ,,;u,,'I lI l co,,1 In· Notihf.requen~ly t ll3 exalted lodge I7U 'UOIHOY Hr,d b p.<·,"uc I) , ' ., !1 :r~.l In fl o II b ~h h Willla..m Sutiet a1 to Bopbia.. BU,l, mem er, ~ "w aok of whose gavel ., "nd , IjL ~'·.1I til U tu e ho . coul.! nlll walk. . bringe rill J o Onlfne n l' ~: I La I ntt,r "0 "Ull the . "t:lan t~wnshl' p,'50 lt1ly on lot in H .. ' . " mtlm b ere op ~ t di . I rli t holtlc oh ,t n:' l nl,) ,,'/( th " slleo". Marth, . J. Wood to ' Raoheil ,B' tak~s off his' shoes .outaide aD ng, ' ,<HUo h ll hllU g Int el' ... (\ sr.'"\··- ol,· (· 1\ J)Qunl R\ the door ,.. • n~~IIJIlII':!twb~L {;~Il·'':!.t plClt ,' \1 or honllh- Bafdtn g •lot in Ciearor eek. townsh iP: :i~~:~ :.goes horn.e, lelt . he .
Real Estate Tr.l11sfers.
1 writ e Ih\ij tllr ' Ihe pi!llf'nt pt olhl'rll "I)II I~I "Y \)e Ilfrc rl nl!' ,.!th rJ,Il. 11] 9 t
i .
fl.E '.
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.MtQ~~), . P~"~~ . '
So simple
cannot miiullderatand them.
A~IQI~~ly .~lC"rate. In ~Iyle, jtrepr~ach.ble.
" On ~
Tia~ Ml~ G~~"e ,
of tOe best new, a • '. '. " the State. . Givell'. ~11 the n~..':ili~~ t~/S \>a~ o~ Pattern you dei ftOQl h ..· 6rat Dumber of, the magazine Interesting, and proeress ive ' J ~~ t til :[m~. IIP1!'" Ol~ w~luh, mw fGU. Rgular pnce, 15 centl; .. ~ery Y/aynesville home 'Regu·
Y0ite"JJl'!Y ..I~!, (~. any Mc~al1
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<;AZETTi "',.+~-
THE .MIAMI l'lIbll~h ( "W kJ)'
~ \ IIJo, !)hJ
--- -- -• - M \ I ' hl1' " t~JJ:'1 ------'-----.-.,---VALf. ....
. L. CHANF., E li to!" unci Manng r 'Rates of S ubscril ltion nu Y ur ( strictly Itl otl VIIUt,'O) . •. _..•. S 1, 00 Single OoP)' . . .... , ' " .. .. .. . .. .. . . .. .00
1-. . . . . . . . .-
I 1 "'
ot'+-l" :' ~ ~-!."!"I":"Jo':.t.. t.,jo-:.-[o'l'
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November Ca'" Be Used to . Goo~ Advantage. .\
Trees and Shrubs• !!IY V . H .
A rrlcllltllr ni
MR. PROPERTY OWN ER·~·Stopt Consider! , Why not use be est possible when YQU pay, the bill?
n. l')n n('pnrt'. 8. U .. C lumbUIl, • .
Hanna's ree
BY J OS , H. G OURL.EY , A grlollllur al' l!J.;<fCl1slon D p r,rlment , Ohio Stllte U nivers llY.
+++++++++++olo+'it+ ...... +...+++++~ ~H..·:-'~••:-.:.+.:•.:.O:••l''t-~.~.:••:. ''':..l(l++
~Il lll on8 ot lr es, shrubs, ~c., are T he pl easllll t wellthe r through Nonow Stands for everything that is best in paint. being transp lant d. The val ue ,rel1)ucr all b,e uscd to goorl Helullnj( LocoJJf, por i1oll .... . . ....... . advan. ~r' ot the plantll that die from n " Iect tuse In lhe a.ppl e ltelltllllg LoculH. btu k fill' . lJ(lr IIno . • . . The pigments used are properly proportioned . orchard . A8 soon 1 ijc " lru;; Inod 11K. UIll; 10 ox\:oo<l II \I - lines and Imprope r handlin g by nursery . 9,S tb o 'rO il hns b", n barvlH I' d aDd and thoroughly compo unded. '1' 111 inSarthllll l. • • •~ ....•.. . . 2 ~,r ' d I :LV",::> huv(o fall D, we Nn bltllnriOll, live Itll'hpri fl ' ; Over 1I\'1l mnn lin buy r wlll aggrega te many thu pnulLng RlIfl :. t II good ponh n begin of it IIICh(,lI. Illlr III1U,. " • .•. , ., •. • , Ik hut1dr d thousan ds of c!olto.rij. dou Ii roro the cbld . dls g- roeable STUDY THE FORMULA AS SHOWN ON EACH PACKAGE ol'd or Lllllnl ll • • •.. .•.... , .• , • •.. " .• 2r.,· I Innls well protect ed call be Weathe r or wInter 's ts In. Is not !tOlKlIII LIOll;< . .• . • • •.. •. • . • . . .... . • , •• • (j(~' Shipped troUl con8t to coast In good n <;essury to walt until r:' ll rl It .v spring i:lUCl{l\R IlI.c . whllro CI .urKIl 16 Ilintill ...... . 2"': conditio n. As 800n U8 r c Ived, they f OT this orchunl ope ratl 11; Legln at D I8pll1Y Atl vu r~11I11I 1: \lO1' ludl •....... . , . .I Oc IIhould bl' unpack ed and the rootll onco. The past pruning sc· dun 1m. UIIKlOILUL6 1;1 VUIIIIII CO III.I·UCL. placed In moist 11011. avoIdIng ex· pressed lhls I S'Son u]Jon 1>5; the pOllure to tho lIun and IIlr. ;r un- SIlOW and cold weatb POR 8ALIS BY pacidng l'annot be done at onco, or it UB until time I.<J rUtlh I' dl(1 nQL leavo J ULY 12. 1911 , wlt.b thfo othe r tho 111ants aro trozen, place tbem In spring work;' only the most fulthtul the IIhade, aDd protect them trom tound Ume to got ov er t.h o enti re or. wind unUI the wor1e clln bo done, or chard and do tbe nccessa'ry A treck! tl per on n I WOY8 Weilli' ]lrunlng. . . . . . . . ._ _mila• • • • •• • • 'l~~·r1 .~~·2'5~as~i£Il=m::I!!ilI:ei'i • •_ _ _ _ _ _ __ the frcst hal dluppe ared. s peoks. Old you n o~loe t.bll t,? _ _ _. . Neglect of the annual prunh'l; menDS H~ellng In. Increase d work the fol1owlllg seallon, ,Just beto~ unpacking, prepilre a smaHer fruit, and 1n The wlnrl often lrnve lR eight 80Ult' meal ure NEGL ECT MEN IN THE SUMME ~ \COUNTRYCH RCHCONFERENCE Old Ulcers miles aD h o ur, un d tliut too wlth uul ditch three to four inches de liP for sapping the b'ee ot Ita vlt.al ~ly. plantl llke atrawbe rrlcl, and twelve A,'o uu ~ i~ltl l y nnd dnngor ous . Dr, The How. a tloket. . III tu e July \V mllU'{I Home 'Com- 1 ArrO:ng Ameotd to fitteen Inchel deep for orchard hai ng oomplo t . B l1 's Anttl"t'pl'in "Ilve \VB I beul Work toward nn o pen headed tree, pau ion, M 'lTgRl'd K. 8anj1;ster, writ· nd fo r the b olLling of treell. Place plantl In tron(;h pr IIIpt.ly. It I elelln !Lnd In through IL bi g ' ountry tb':llll which the sunsh ln ~ hnd Ilir Every Body Satisfi ed .ingle layers, sloplug them toward have fr ee passa,8'e ; cut 'o ut rubbing log a D "Mel'll'i ng -;uunne r'l:I Prob- ohu rch confel'tlDCe at tho Uollego of p leasant, to u '" ~5 0 n box, 801d Who has trlerl Dr . B "ll 's Pin e the .outh at an angle of ev ry \\'ll I' . back the (.v.!'gro wn lems," 8ays ,h o t i n the [werng e Agriou ltnro Itt. U lno\bu' i on '1'a1'· BontlY for oo ugb R , colds, !,Cd forty des-reel, and carefull thirty or lImb8; cut July y work In shoots, keeping In mind a Ic..w head. Amerio an . fnmUy --'-- or aDY tbrollt or brouohit~l troubl e . and oompac t the 8011 tlla m en nta 25,26 , 27, u.nd 2 . Tho o)nfera no around tho ed tree. R move watersp rolltfl which Inve ntors, Take Heart. Get a bottle to d[~y : Lonk fo r tl1r roots. If tho' 10\1 III. very neglect ed. I . Hhl'l l,mY8. in plIrt: ' j bel og prom ttld by dry It may only sa.p the IIle of tbe la rg,1r limbs; t.l.Hl Depllrt Ev ry Inventio n which has pro, Bell OD tb A Botl If'. "ID th e m ellntlm e, the hUl:!blm d, ment of Agrlou ltn ru.l (1:x be watered. If possible tb" roots they are seldom so placed te n 1011 ~e l' ben liclnl to nlllnkind hs.s In the .first a'l to forru • _a should be given th~ necessa ry prun- good bearing ·wood. Take \Jut . a ll left 8o10te Ilt home, 1 81\ weary tim e I,he benefit of the rur ~l comlUu ni Instanc boen tr ated as worthles Muoh of whnt we ctllllov e ut fir 1 Ing before tho pl ants Are "heel d In" dead B.-:wood, saw It up fo r fire wood of it. One mun 'whom I r emem her t.I s f tb!) stu to. RUfIIJ find vllluge Sir GIlLJert Pnrker . III~ht fails when it oowes. to tb f In the trenche!!, which consIsts In !1nd haul It ..tram the orchard . All wrote to hi wife thllt in the morn. mini tar of all 00111'01.1 cutting ooly the broken and inangled bru9h loft In the orc hard iI Ilnd de. second, sober view. Is roots with '" IImooth cut back a solld breedin g pl ace for Insilct8 an Ideal iog wben be Wll8 drel!~iO'g he cOllld nomiuM,ions lire oourteo u gly invited rnd di. ~od. Ove r·long roots shoulrl also sease:!. ilear the fiies wulk ing on the oeiling tu attend. l" 'OgrllUlS Many a mnn who ill OAJllng I udl) be I!horten ed will .oon be for the .ake of sym· the , h luse WilS 80 forlor njy still publish ed. find thou ",nde for ja ti06 would lie in the oount· IDtlb'7. The Wound. of eiroD In removin g a 11mb a!lvays cut No one 8bou ld b left e n tirely /llone Illrs ura beio '" t.!Ont to thQ Save ·!\1oney .and Keep jan If b e go't it. How to Save DrIed Treel. ministe rs j ~-= Style Plant. that have ' become badly close to and just abo\'e a. lateral i n '0. han e at night . There i8 01. of hio . by Reading McCaU', _ I 1'lme rob U9 of 'mllny tbiug~, but dried out may be sand-I t the bud8 branch or close to the trull k of t he ways the pOtlsibl ht.v of Ru dde n ill !' V I Addres gazine and es wiU Using be McCall Pattem mudtl by per ans i .tree to make I t 0111'1 , 1' ror nature' to woundl ! our vlIDlty , first by lutro have not been Injured - by lmrylng hea l neS8 nnd the pas ibllity of weakne 8s l who hu ve hnd T)rnotlo McColl'. ·ft'\., .. I.". ~I\ I Lhe wound. All al 'uls ')\'e r one 'XV ~ieDc~ the tOP8, " .s well as the r-oots In the M~LI:S MAGAZINE lie-I " you f1 r ol!S- ~p l.. 1\ duolug wrllikl es ft Dd Ule double obio 8011, or by in LIHl :wo r k 0 1 TUl'B 1 pel risbes. The In · <'tarnet r too great to relloh It t elepho ne . placing the plant unde r and one-hal! Inch '-h)v til 'fl (0\'<'\ ralO ' IIhould be painted with w hJt'3 eail to I:YOllDg meD ob\ig rl to p eg Myl\ y wornlu g ell 'ioos w\ll be " 1l11f'11~ IJp k 01)\ 11 " I water 1'or a 4ay or two. d voted to PJl! 1l0 ~ L d (lll ~h o A Cough , A Cold prevent decay; It wIll not jojure t he In t h e office s h ould bUNe )pII)'l r n~ hlo ll s jll' 0. lllother t he d l ou !li u n uf ngriou ltuml toplo. Caro In Transpl anting. tissue or prevent h ealing. t 1,,1IH'S IIntl 10 t.. .6C ADd t.ben D O- tell In g wh"t-t ln!epl' or sister to t·uy with thorn . t u give with ellpeoil d r ferenoe In tranlpla nting, the plants should • ' ,. \' \0" , Ill 1\ Ooallln~ ' tl) the n eds you use Dr Bell ' P in e.Tllr-B o ne.v . be lifted !rom 00nt'8. hI ,!I'll IlIJ;ulI. A ~ ' . t he h om e fe eling lind the h om e of pr611~hln', It 18 \be He t, Ii k your neighb or. they are ullod, the trenche s :mly aa b o w rk \'1 11\1111110 InrOmtntlol.' Don't Ilmong cut off the 10 v r !Imt·s - en· avoidin g unneces sary Clt.re; rill n Ilod II hom fLlld per· if t,hers a re DO women Look for t,h s !jell, on t ile bottle. exposur e of the \0 fllrms r l.'; Ilt the o.ftecrlool.l sessloo s oourage them to come clea r to t lJo . ""111 UllIll,rs. roots to the sun and &round. , Ill)' h e family Sold ev rj where who • orm thos take fJOc II YCfi r . Incl ndlnlf t.urns t,he rnrul im, l,1t utions wlt1 be dis wind. 'Where a number of trees are il [rull \l~ tt rll. SllhDon't cut off the fruIt IPUI'II These in OlinifOtr y, 8n ut'r8ng ement bOllld ouas d ; 'lIId the ... .,.,. .... ..!._".... . ~'· rllJ\) toduy or Sel/lit t to be handled they may be taken ",,:8111ng will 'ouoh for fruo Mmnlo COllY. A WOft} tv til wi e is sufficie nt. from the trenc~, in the evening and bear the fruit. tIe made by whi oh the oomfor t nnd tUforu olle KOOt! I otU l'\) on so me Don't leave a stub, as it wll1 decay mcCall P&tt~"" will onl\lIlo fon t mll~\l ln Y!lllr well ·b , Ing of the grow n up b oy will phlise of the oount bu t. tL wb ole v .JUUl e wouldn ·t. . 0'0 placed In a barrel of water over back Ilwn h' UO · . Wllh yOurown llllnlls, IOLblug rm~ rv miuiste r's into the body ot the tljee and night. Theile trees may be taken ,!o IJU,[:.( It )\1111 vll ll(lr n wh l lit Wi ll II perro ~ vinoe tb(\ l tberwl be provide d for. 'I'he eUijtorn of work. l''0111... II 1'1 I ~ tllld III. l'rl cc-!-- nullo hllll\ r th(\.l~ ll) the O,ld In the barrel and remove d prevent the healt~ g at the wound. filJ ml I1,)r rr (J rutl rn "lu l u '\10. C'. leaving the m eD of t,he h ou seh old in' u needed, or placed 011 a wRgon or Mllny oouotl:Y ohuroh tLre todo,y We Will Give You Fl •• P,.."';" ror llotli Ult Sl\ll, ::i me ol eo IIrB like n );lyl08 h e l' lied and covU'ed SPRAY ~,'rfI>LlOIi ING. N IUnODIt your rrl '1(I~. !-Ienel forrtee solitud e duriog the I' n '. nmer d oe in 0. mlseru ble pligbt. with wet stra~ or Mao y of Pnl ntil llll (' 111111011'1\ nnll en h l' rl JO Otr\1r. Proper Equipm ent For. the.y set. up 11 big ol\ck'i log ever~ maDure. not oomme nd itself, at: eith er !len !.!i the m tl1D!! all hu t Ull TIlE McC \I. COMPANY. 23910 249 V/ul 37110 St, NEW lORI oI t ed in the Care of Tree After PlantIng . time til y d linvt.b.i ng ' Too otten. we belU' "sprayi ng ble or s ilOe, midst 9f wealt.h ;v (Ig l'ioulto ro I ,C UlThe holes tor the trees should ad- doesn't pay;" In ~any -"---,~ ~~, ~ • t":: ,,'7',.":r .- n'ltance s It "There Me ..lonntrl es in whioh it mun iti~s wh ere tbe,r a mJt the roota without crowdin g. The does not. But one who lUI:! scores of 8umm er Colds. has been un- 11'00111 Rhnost seem th.llt the tllan of. p opla who t'~ke littl e interes t in po<irer the soU, tbe · larger the bole :~~:~~ '::~~lu~~t w:aa~~I~ el::; Are hurd rIO r Ii~v e thlm WiD.tAI the house: s t oo wn~h. ooo~idered; fhe.m . 'fhe ohilcil'e n should The plant should stand of th e p. o pl a ones bat t h o.y yi" hl ju, t, Ill! rertdil~ an inch be. ' 'or two deeper than It did In to the man or the method , or both, b0 t,l U om :s l h e 1. f nr t 00 a ft eD prllo o.re growi ng to wllnho od un d ,"VOlllaD · -'- - to "trellttu nt With aJr. Bull'':I Pin . the nurllery WAL TER row. Top soli should be tor the merIts of B'Praying whe n in· tioally looked upoo BS the Dliln WIl O h ood w itch o at tb 'l'a-f'.l:Ion ey. l id eryw h ore. l.op ), "'Prl(ed around the rools wjth tbe telUgen l'eJigio l1s trui nln g tly done a~ now tal) well as- pa.ys the bill.! flod furnish for t be 8 MII 0 0 tl. I) t,11 ~ e8 the !Lnd i! pirltul\. l qui oke ning wh loh the hands and well compac ted. Water Is tll/bllshe d to admit of Fune ral Oir"',: tot. , any ~nn troveTInxurle l! th(l·t 11l\.ve gl'QWD to be in ch u roh nl ne u giVE! . not often necessa ry, but I.f desired, sy. ·Very .ofteD tbe " e<lulpn::eot Is d bl ' tb , . f])1 faulty nr the work la not ' daDe on It 1ll1'Y be' tru tllilt fl "\lrd~ <1 DuL au the bole one-hal f full wIth ' dirt i~ ven61l e ID e oplDlon 0 8 .,. Anyon e who b n Dllt C1 ltttl o el l. · . h tl, bu~ y ou I;)un n ot mllke tL fll Ilioll ' and then water thoroug hly. After time. Some success ful . f41r'l'lOrll are wife BO d duught ers. If i t b e t rUE', oerDlll ent oaD Tel phone dllY night. r I\-dily Sile tlltlt tuer the ·water Is soaked away, oomple te IrtIll tTy.ing to spray the la"ge treee I1S more . than ODe ob erver hll8 said is a red tlble dre 8WIlk ' r b lI e v ill Vu,lIey l?hobe 7. Ohuroh fA~g the J\lllDg with loos. soil. .Proble m before 11 , 1& the home orehrud with a kntllP8n..'k to Ole, that A m e rioan Dl tlll prewll- Q, problem tbilt., . un l£'st:1 Clorreotly DistuDo 's1>rayer e No. or 1l9-' a bucket ~ . bump. I 'J'hey d d(l Wb~n transpl an :ng I.s ,compe te, not want to go to the expense It is claimed that 01 6 rrlllge i tat t n r e lybre 'lkuow n underthe6tl't~in solved. w1ll so.riou l:valfec mulch the lIoll with 'm anure, Itraw, bu-tng a good 'barrel tth e l'eli~- WAYNESVILLE, pump jU8t tor of thpi r brOlld wio~ln g. Ilnd ·t hat tons, 800in1, iutell 1& )ott,*,ry, but it CH'~ Dot La trlle ~I '. or other organiC matter, oat too J' otulll, 1.lI~d coon ocoarae, for a distanc e of two or three the home orohard . In the meantim e "I" ibe lllw would tuke holtl of it, o y or them 'do not s llrvl ve theil' Olio prospe rity f the r ura l di~trlct B . feet around the trees. Mulo!llng is they can't seem to realize Branch Office, HarveJ "bul1r. O. t.hat the flft.iell, It, h eQoovelJ th e women . ,to Inasmu cb 118 t h e fuo oti n of the v;ery · lmporta nt. It holds t~e mols· product from one good-sl zei app!e wh nm thr'y Ilr~ d ear to d isoov er he Two In One t ure In the ' 8011 about the roots,' it ~ee for one season migh oil ga of Agricti Jtul'a itl to serve in t be made ~ I I t ' ~b 'ot Dr, 6&U's Alltl-p alu ·isbo l.1i un tu kee". ·the IIOU ropnd the roots loose pa'y for aU fit ""ul"'Dlent. Th ' . ell , there . ta wen ( p o 1\ • In u e mllOu. nery a v He best oapaoit -... ... ~ y the rOfu1 p pIe of I d " finD"1 ~n.t1 xte\,btll remedy . Jt h· add.. mellow, admlttl ns the alr, ' which a ...AI·...... · .... ot """neof largo' orch· ....\l 8 i ll g 1m d "/.P .)1~' ~1T II r eme y. the ptate. it h us d eoided to take the "D IlDtlt.tel >tio)· m edy HOU dest.ro ~ II ae eSllentlal to root develomnent as :who cannot seem. to un,dout.and , that, • - • disetu4e #Corm!! I:;oltl every where Oll moistur e. It keepII the soU 0001 du~- of all orchard leaelln OI.lIing Ilud direotin g U oon. ope rj1t!ooll, IIpraylng 18 Kill More Than Wild Beasts fer ance to whioh tlre invited ruro.l 1\ , PO~itIVIi w,'0"lIo tee. Ing the bot ' lummer ,. whJoh III a con- the onle thlng tha. t It pays to do 'well. 'rhe Dumhu r of people killed y enr- nod villag e ministe 'rs of dltlon favorab le to root develop ment. ' nll d ~nom , Pema" . Your Oblerva tlon, Too. I. IlY wild ~" II!\ tS don·t aprrou oh the illtltion s for the dU;lOll Men wlw,() we ulf t,h y hllve und . The topa of the plant 8hoilid be v The writer o iou of t he reeentl Sa.w the ef· . . . I d b di cut back one·hal to three-fo urths, to fects of good and pOor~ r 101 e y s use gerll 'S rn~n l ohuroh !Iud its InUuen eo nnd 11 11 sprayin g beau· l'" h,... t,Ii'fnumhe a lEI 1<" f o from their R.ttl\,oks . , ' u; to II n inll Ul!trio utl, on cOrrQIlPond ",iltli f109s of root 'lystem. tltully, llluatra ted. In one orch.ard , liomioa l wife. to often I !lve hel be.V'rEi in tlir, wuter. dns.t , eVfln m oien oy in ~u~l..:.. commu -----~ niti ) --:-woldch III in char~ of a YOlmg man food. But g rl1nd I protElo I.ion if! at ont wben th y hOft st IIf their'. IICCOEl~ PREPA RATION OF Hev . •1. P . ·1I1wallu,ler. Rooll)l·. • ~ - ~ ' THE 8EEDB ED who hu. attende d the Obl o' b.grlcul· lorded . \I\Hl:,y S t hOOl, 0 :30 u. m b y Eleotri Elittl'lrs, which ~lort1h\g sef as most 81l0Q-e. sfutme n are pralle .to FOR WHEAT . Parson 's Poem a Gem tural College, there is a croJ) of al· " Ico. lU ::10 u . ro . HOly COUllUun lon Lbo. Urat } th 1 dl ___ most perfeCt truit and the tnllage Is de~troy llD d do. . • expe 'ese (I'U Y ,F rom R ,' , H , Stlluen voll, Alii. SuudllY vf each monLb ,' ClIAeilt'lfl germs from t he kyat Ul Compac ti ng ' of 8011. healthy · and vigorou s: This r fi\8ult:wa s T 'N hn t,'- wh.y ohllls, fever ",g u e, 1111 SOli, In. , io p r i1h. of Dr K In preparll l~ a iug s .' seed bed w tor wheat, accomp Chroril c 80re Eyes llahed by: itVlng three 8pray- Ollt'lnrlll} ra nd lDl1UY b lood Metbodist .Episcopal Chur£lD. diseusPI:j Life Pille. the o11j e t Is not to secure an ex· ingS With a power outfit. Are easlrY oured wi t.h ·~uth~rhHlli'. tremely 0 1 ' nov. H. W. Dnlloy. PutO, It Is need· .' lfOld prompt ly to t.l~o wandfl rful "They' . re AUCIt IIhh elll hbl;~eO~ !l8itl~'b now soil , at. tieveral .. leas to eay that tbe work as th.orSUllo)lIY ~chool. 0: 15 :1.. illl. tl'turlllr'lj( ~t!r' EllffleJ llye Stlivo. It lEI pl~inleS8 I~D d lrio~es In blood'f) lll'lfi pr Tr, y Iba m und e nj oy In every h Ol1l 6 t. ese pi !! Alo n ( o. \' Iuc, HI :110 a . 01. 1';\I\\'UI'Lh (,cngllc,' 7 ;00 dept 1 . but .ruth er .to have oughly ~one. - Iq' file t the neighbo (I. > harmlc ss ul,ld gnllrflJj tltl~d , rs l,hegl o rlou8h" l1ltb lind Dewstr llDgth If othe r kludR y uv ~lCIC ",·box U flrm ly (>0111 .ar t tl s "e d 'e trifid in vain . In . "Eveili ng ,,,,n°I etl , 7 : 0() p . m. Mldw!lfllr bell w(th were decided ly of the Sold e"OfS ~here. Pt l Y r Mf,l L(Il/{, 7. p. m. . two , or _th'ree Incl c of loos~ soil on the 'young man wfl.Sted o,plnlon that t,hey'lI give yon. MOD ey bn e lt if U.'E DR KINU' S" I mu r.ll spray- not f.lll'ti s fl e 1. 'Ollly GOe at all drug . dA nd b . tbe !lUrtace. 'r!lls I he IlU!\(l our ing materia l. .An' ai!jolDln tWt>lI n gulD . Ooly 2,,0 fL t n I . g orchard , g ll§ . I Christian,Chur~h. . ' S . w)le l' ugels t Is !OW ,!!t l! 1'1 :1 US \ 'l !: tlrYller lod aepa.rat ed trom me W~men lOlly p()"slbl y llot know ' _ __ _ .. _ + _ __ firf:}t· by n fen<:e _ ...... _ __ nOV •.L. O. 'l·homJll!OIl. PIliJti),1 . , enough ' to vole. th ng l1 WA d on', when, 1I101a t1l l'l' III 1st' ~ I't! tntl;ed to only, was Iprayed four Dlblo Suhnol. 9: ao G, m. 8ocla.l moetlq. tlWE'S by the CATALPA POSTS The Absurdi ty 01 Overwo rk. JO:30 u. m. Ohrlstla.u Endtll\vo r: 7:00 p. ·m. r., Mhot' It j lJ\11't s he oerttLlltly kllow~ the" great 'It ); tc It ' I .;~I .l} l e . 'J'h r· owner with a similar power outfit bUt ormOll by pos(or overy nlLornate 8 umlo.y ... fore It . ;; ndl'l<'ld/k' t<, rl Dr. O. H~lchl1l8on Eely, the bmln ~_ 10:80 Co t' 'who,n t with ta.r differen t re8ults. Here there 1\. m. !lntl 7:3011. m. eno ugh Dot t u /!Iell' tl.Ult' vvte , t l ) the Juat..I\S' soon tI~ th · I,rc,VdOll!''. 1 crop, I. a good deal of IICtI.b and many Wi t h the J)II Bsing of th e w. oorl en pert O! .DlIll1th, WtlS dlscllss fil'st briber. wb o IlillY b npV8n (1.lou/,. If ' wheat 101l0Wli 0 : t !! r 1\ . lng tho new I t b • d d ' th· · 'b t l 3111111. I f -v:ormy app es 0 e loun in '] b d Un cure for Dl'ogl'es!\lve pnraly. 0 l en08, 1lV e I~ o. rBI II o r orop, is r .moYed. Then i'nl1~lqnt cu i· lel1-vea are Tery .!I, tubercu sis, a malady ~ ..... common to brain workirHl Day' McJcllll ll,. badly In1Ured by and t.he lIub tnutlOt I, of the ol1r wIre erB. · • htot)l. 1 1 ; O{1 a , Ill , , Aft Skin Diseas es 'tivatlon. to finl) null lirm tb' 1) 11 as lea! spot. ThJs man . might teel cer· f ooe there OOLUes un I oreasin g d e. well "Tuberc u]Jn bas cured a thJrd of tho 10 : 00 U. m. Yield readIly to trell t ment with I J'. (Nen.as to Ckstroy'-weed8, m..tst be ta1n that I/llraylng cannot be made t~ ' pay \I' Ii .were "not for the bplendld nl IDd for V08tS . Iron 'Bell's Aottllep tio l::llilve. We gUilt, PO;lts h'lve CRSCS It has been trIed aD," be ' sald. Ule of Disk' HarroW. Orthodox Friends Chur~ • . eXrmlPie, show't ng what paln8ta klng .been nsed to snme e .J aDtee It, 2ij~ ,\ blJx . tiC/lll xt,ent" but D ol t "Hence it may be /called a pretty good ., , Mrs. EIlZ!\Uoth Lorl,ln. PllHtor ·Where wheat tolloW8 , corn" . wbere. . 8.11 'Is care' will do. whIcb be fiDds just ove r h tLving, "offiole nt cure But a better cure for. tbe disease s . Sa bba ~h Schuol. 11:3U tl., m. He~Ula r o.bu"ren thl okn ess they due overwo rk is re.s t." . ~be pfactlce I~ many lectlo~ul of the the feDce, Sprayin g la .expens -~.----'" scn1ce. I Q lve but r aadtly sway iu tbe gl'ound Hnd Ibe IItate;.. the ground, il ' necouar Uy f\rm since' 1t has 'Come to be' Dr. Hut<;hln son ElelY thumpe d the ta- 7::10 p _ .• ,) Ii ,' 'U.· OhrlAtla n ' ll:nd6avnr,.'. sucn TberJ··i s 80 'w 1ile diJl'er~Dc bet we p Ma. !'oil a neoes1> 1 . that ·n eeds to. ~e daM II 'to liary op'e ratlon ll'aV'ilil~ ' l\ nbt6 in .th'a baok Imd · bav. loosen uo the surface . . For t):lls pur· best of eQuipment (rult growing , the fenoe sugs and b ecomes unsig t y. ble vigorously. , . and the best of Oemen t posts are objeotl onuble on "When a profeSSional man tell I me lna, Ii bunkoi> te · In. ~b" J!ook~t! luid "ole n.othlnir- lurpaS8 es . th.e ' disk har· work will be tound to , be none " . ~ ,\ too aoooun ~. ' t of their w eight. with the he Is too busy to take a re.st,~' he t <I, tbereiT! lie» ~he . dlffereu oe. b etween row, tollow,eord' by . th~ smooth ing. ~ar· go04· ' . " BELL 'S A NTI" ,II tell him he Is lII~e a. workma ncrle. , , ,. adll8,!\ expeD8 e. . • . . roW'. .. The dlsk is too busy t o 8harpen MS tools." who 0 eutl . the stllbble ! and . ' There are ' no 81gns of 0\ .~,' • pro'complaoeDQY aDd ~~ 8~,on~ent ~. N~tbiDg else BD.a wers the purpos e . truh, al no . oth'er . tool will. ' Do tiot ducUoD of fine fruit. ~ The qulokes t depend upon ,t he dJlk drill to f\r.eVare ' way. to get "fin e ' fruit . , ~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~===~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i,ll to · ; lta.pe u~ of," fence p~",t qt1it~ a s .w en ns wcj Id = the ground arid lOW' the wheat, t.he old orcllard ; ~pt:ay It ,though ~ many cales " excellen t ~:, .TIlJs may' .take ~ut one tho(o,!g hly .. Bat·the woOd ' m,ust.b e of IL durubh.l . - -....~~-~~"••TRY ~1!.1r; ' anel" it t,b~raoter o~ deoay, .t oo lJoOD1'enders , have been seoured w,Jth 110 har, take8 .everal to plant .and C'lICtwod it wortble H":: Up to thill time noth ) a( ,all. . ~ometlmes wheat. i& aitd. get i'!l.turn~. : ", ttandln g corn ,w ith goo\1 re- , Q.raoos can " be ' pruned this - , (~g has\been found qllite . 'llltll t o month . , lihIa 18 not uiullily J)os.ll?l~ w.e ll ' as i\elt spring. K\3ep , new the ~taJpl speoI08~. In deoay ord-oked and .faflen s talks. ' ' wood ~ Ing, Ott-All tbe time as the , reeI8ti~l( . l)C)wer Jt seems to 8urP.(\l'.s at a chill the re ~e old wood la of: little 'value for 1004 0:11 qther R .,.ail\\ble wood, Rnd ill not .oDie r.equire ments which .liouid be fruit p~otectlon. . ~ 8QbjA()~ tq d s~rQotioQ by In eots carefull y • loo~ed arter. Remem be-r Put l!otato!lS 1n good"r· torap" 6h loouat ,8. ICl'is a ramd arowe!! that the feedlna devIce fa the vltral not ID ileec1 the all-UUt· cellar with th!l fur. ~ . e , f' I part of the clrlll. l~ mUlt always , be nace nor In ' an outbl1ll dln~ ' wht1'&. 1L1ld ueee relied from lead ORn be Jr8JIt In the. beat ot repair and we, Uiey wlll b~ ft r,sted, ew-... ot t.'be broDRh' to the rlgbt; a'so at; ~rom '" m~t alwQ' pow that. it II ,dolD, lrl'Qd slorle til · 01:9 'ot· tll. l'C''lretl of to t GeJlt ,l"Sr: pol',. ·.rhere .re cllffer pot wOl'lE. I11QI,el'$ . (or til( t.ltQ g t eat of ' oatll,&; IIIDQDI 'bem
Rates of Advert ising
"HANNA'S GREEN SEAL PAINT is .Made to Wear" J. E. JANNEY' lWaynesville, Ohio
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The Captain ROle and Drew Him.."
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to Hla . Full Helg"t.
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Dm "- t . Nlrii:O"il'rlr1l1M1I'YIT\
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"Tha.t·1 wbat 1 ••ld, Jp,dp. Sher• • mateiCal wltneSI-the mOlt ,lmPottaM one" tbe~ State hall. I don't Intend t)1at Ibe ehall ge~ 'j1way-''' ":Arrelt herl Oh, Judee, don't let bim do thatl" exclaimed Annie in dl .. may. Judge Drewster grew red In the face, W.-athfully he said,! "She III coming to my bouse of .her own free w1ll. She has u 'uated to my honor-" ~ "Yea-yes I " cried An.nle. ' "Sbe trusts to your bonor. judIe:" Capt Clinton grinned. "Honor cuts mlgbty little loe in tbls matter. There'a no use I shall place ber under arreat." "I wl1l not permIt suoh Ii dlsSrae.. (ul proceedIng!" cried the lawyer. "With aU due re811eC~ Judge," retorted the policeman Impudently, "you wou't be consulted. You have ' de· clared )'ourseU counsel for the man who bas ' been indicted tor murder-I dldn't ask you to take me Into your contldenoe-you Invited me here, tr Ilted me t. a ieoture on psychology, ' for 'Whloh I thank you ver11Duoh, but ~ ~on't feol that I lleed any ns ructlon~ It thla wO)Ilan ever doea get here, the mome~t she leaves the house Maloney bas Instructions to lirrest her. but I guess we needn't worry. She haa probably forgotten her appointment. Some people ' are very careless 10 that r espect." Moving toward the door, he added: "Well, if It's all tho same to you, I'll walt down· stairs. Good·n,Ight." Be went out, his hat JmpudenUy Wted back on his head,' a s~eel' oJ.) his lIpa. The banker turned to. the jUdge. "I told YO\l how It would be,' he scornfully. . "A Dash in the' llanl'! The lawyer looked askance at An· ,. nlo. "You. are sure ahe wUl como'" he a.sked. "Yes, 1 am S!1re!" 'fith concern she added: "But tbe disgrace of ar,reat! It will klU 'herl Oh, judge, d,on't let them arrelit ber!" "Tell me who she lsI " commanded the lawyer sternly, It was tho first time he had sPQken to her barshlyan(Annte, tp her dis-
men~ ~ Oapt. (fUDum wbJP J ."'" not 'able (0 lubltaD~t.. 'n. whole atory lookl 11k. an .iinDti'Dn OD TOur part." , " ' ,. Sbe held out ber hl\nd. entreat lllSly. "!t', not an tnvenUon1 ~ RealI" Judge! :Just. little ' wbUe longer I You'ye been so lllnd, 10 paUent!" , Thllre wal a trace of anger tn th!\ lawyer'l voice as he went on: "I beUeved you ImpUcJUy. You were. 10 V08ltlvo ' this' woman would oome .forwl1rd." "'She will-ahe wlll. Give me onl, a tew minutes morel" she cried. The lawyer looked at hel' al IC pua zled. "A few minutes?" he sald. AgalJ1 he looked at ber and then shook hit heo'd resignedly. "WeU, It·s cerlahil, Infectious !" he exolalmed. "I boltere you again." The door opened an'dlAlicia app are" Tbe lawyer advanced politely to grelrl her. "Good evening, .Mrs. Jeffries." Alicia shOOk hands with him, at the' time looking Inquiringly at An. nle, wilo, by a Quick gesture; told ' her that the Judge knew 'nothlns ot her 1I0cret. The lawyer went on : "Mrs. Jl;)lfrles, Jr.• wtshes to apeak to you. I said I . tI~ougbt t,here'd. be no objecUon; you don·t mind. May she?" , "Yos," murmured Alicia. "Your husband waa here," said. til. Judge. . , "My liusband I" she crJ.ed, IItarU·ed. Again she gla.pced 1nqulringly at An. nlo and tried. to force a smile. "Y-es,' "1Iil1d the lawyer; "bo11 ~ glad to kilO", you're bere. I'll taR him." Tuniing to Annie, be saId: "When , you're re~1. · pleaSe liel1d and-" "Very ~ well, ~ Judge." The lawyer went out and Alicia -turned roUnd breatblessly. "?t~y husband waa hqre?" sbe es, claimed. . "Yes." '. "Yo~lvo told Mr. Brewster nothing ?" Annie shook bel' h ead. "I couldn'tI" 'she lIald. "I tried to, but I couldn't. It seemsaobard, doeln·t
~ ...............
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UNIQUE REUNION IN KANSAS Drum C~rpi at Winfield Revl",1 "Spll'It of '7e"-801dle,.. Gather From
ever)' Sta.e In Union. . 1\ KII.QS88 1a noted lor Ita old '. oldlel' Nlunlons, ' wheNl at~ndantl! are more or lesl waving the old flag and recounting old talea ot glorlea .10ng past. But 'Vlnfteld clalml to have an old soldlera' reunion unusual In m'any respeots. ' Wlntleld's old soldier.' reunion Is in· corpora ted under the lawl or'the state . of Kansas, 'WIth Ito oharter for 50 years. Winfield permits no conceulon/S to' be 101d. The reunIon , SI supllorted by oo~trlbuUonl 1rom the citizens. There are no merry·go-rounds, ·na Iboo~g salle.-lelJ, 1;10 , queaklnlf bal· loona, no riding whlpII, DO oonfettl on the grounds ~t tbe old sQldlen" reo union ' in Wlnfteld. Tbe week il en· tlrely given over to recalllJlg remlnt.· canoell 'o f ,valor and contesains recol· lect,lona of (ear by the 101111erl at the. camp meetlngl, beld eacb morning Iii the auditorium at Ial!lnd Park, to U.: to good old ""ar'sonrl and mod· _
lIt.at fol' TUbereuloal1 Pa"elltll: ~ Dr.' JOMPli lJ. Pratt o\. ~aton, who .as the founder of the flrat tuberclJo loall clul In the U,Dited Stat.es Ib lhe J!!mmanuel oburch In BOlton, cla1m1 tbat In the treatment of tuberculosis abBolute reat, otten In bed, It\Ult be, edeJlded over a period' or montba, be. ror~ the consumpUve IIhould tako , an1 e:reroll!e. He layl: "Prolonged reat II) bed out of doora ylolds better reBUltl 'tban any othe~ method of treatIng pulm,onar)' tuberculollia. P~tlent!J wlll have a better appetite and tak. more food without . discomfort Rud .Ialn welgbt and Itt'en$Ui falter tban • patients' with aotlve dillease who lU'e allowed to exerclae, Compllcatlona Ilre muc~ losa frequent. Wh'lD~.J:Il In tbe InclpJent stage recover1 l i more rapid and aurer."
HIRAM CARPENTER'S WONDER· FUL CURE OF PSORIASIS. "I have been aftlloted tor twentJ 1ear. with , an obatlnate skJn disease, called by, some M. D.'II. IISo,l'lasls, an d -others leproay, cQmmenclnlf OD mt scalp; and In aplte of aU .1 'could do, with the bell' of the 1nost sldlful dootorll, St slowly but surely extended u~ ttl a year agc1 this winter It, covered my entu-e person In the 'form ot dr,. Icales. For the last throe 1earsl b.ve been unable to do an1 labor and sutterlng Intensel, all the ,t im,. E~ef1 morning there ,WOUld be .D~.rl)' a duet. panrul 'of s04lel taken from e sheet-on m1 bed, lome ot them batt .1 1.... as the envelope containlnl tbll Jetter. , In tbe latter part of 'Inter m1 Ikln commenced ' cracklnl open. I tried evor1uirn(,. almost, that could blli thoUgbt of, without nn1 relict. Tbe 12th at June I ltarted Wellt, In hopei ' I coUld . re,llc.h the Hot Springs. I reached Detroit and was so 10" I thoulht 1 Ihould bave to go to the b08pltal, ,JJut finally got all far as Lan. ling, l'410b., where I bad a slater 1I~' tllg. ~h.e Dr. treated me about two weoks, but did me no good. All th\>ught I had but a IIbor~ lime to live. 1 earneaU1 pray.e d to die.. Cracked thfQugb the a)do' aU ove, my baclt. acrOlIi mt .rlbll, arms, bands, limbs:
-P '" .L .
mayi thougbt she 'd etected a note of it?" :AUcla bitterly ,An. feet badly.wonen; ott; In his voloe. Looklng toward nle went OD: laugl1ed "I was afraid youand weren't flDger-naUI dead an.dtoe:qa\ls hard 'ascame a bone; doubt Ule banker, she replled: comins!'" . . hal.. dead, dry and lltelell as '014 "I clPl't' tell YOIl just DO~-8be'l1 be "The train was late!;' e:lc~lmed AI· Itraw. 0 my God! ho" I dtd luler. here soon-" , • lela evasively, lor went up to Slam· "My IlIIter 1fqtSldn'L -Ive 'up', lat", '"" CIW~'r"~ 'IL'-'r'J~1' . "Tell me now-I iD8lat," said the ford til say good·by to my mother." ' will 'try O\lUcura: "Som. " . . .; ~~ ~..., ~ lawyer with growtng Impatience. "To' aay Ifood·by:?" echoed-her com, ptfed to one .habit and arm. Eurekal O' ~ . '" ' ; 'HVANR~H ' 'ft', '. "Plea8~please don't ask me!" she panlon In IU11'rlse. ~bCffl." .relief; ItOPped tbe terrlbl. . !I.A:I"'~ pleadec!. · "Yes." satd the othol' . tea'rtullr. "i j AUI'JIIDg Mnl.tJbll frolll the ."onS' so. , V,C"tRATION.4; · BY ~ ~A .. ....,..n~. Mr. Jefffies made an angry sestute. ha~ said good·by to her-I have sal4 ~ bDmed,Jat.el,. got OuUoura 'Ite~ . ... !."""';:~"W. 'D\j.~IH~ t'0I1MIIY, . y!~........~ "As I told you, ·Brew.ter, b\'lt whole good·by to evorybddy-to eyerythlng....,. aoJy~ Ointment iud . BoIap. 1 com· .... Itory Is a fabrication trumped up for to myaeU-1 must give them all u~ meDced bT- taJdn& CaUcara ' ~OIY~D' ~ SYNOPSIS. In a nenoue kiad of way, Aa- some purpose-(k,ld ~OWI "what, (1). 1 must give m)'8eU up." ' "Old You.. Hllippen to ~now--f'! three ume., • 4~y ·.eale;' ~ • .1 \ ". , ille said quietly to tbe judie: ' jec~ sbe hal 'in deoelvlng ua: I only "Oli, It Isn't ~s bad a ll tbat, lurel,!" em JDualc: by the ~Ht. .In Kazi· IIatIt oace . . .,. water abOa~ .,1004 "..llow,lU'd · .Ieft'rltll• .koker·• .· son, u;u1er "May I speak to you alone, judrer know that. I warned you what 10U alAUela- shook hell head sailly. ..... and to B~ .,. lnllBU' aU... ....; _ed CoUeara I10IIp fNel1; .... ~. eVil lnftu,"oe -of Robert Un4erwood" I'C rtalnJ . . .. ... tello"-Btu4ent a~ Y.l.~ lead. a life of dla· ' e y," repUed tile ·) awyer. ways may exPect from '~ple of her "Yell,'.' Ibe sald; <lI'ye 'l'ec~ODed Je toncue4 ora~. ' , plied c..ucuJa Obatlll8ll......... aDd ,I.p'.tilln. marne. tl)' Qau.bt.~ ot ,a pmHe wu about. to dra1f ber aside olass." .. al up. It's a total 1081. Notb'na w'n Th. reunloD of thla Tear Iaaa bMD ft;eIllq. ,Re81dt: ,...DI'IIeC t. ..,. wbo dIed In prbon, and, Is d,-owned h C ' t ~ . , ~Y lIla tathtir. . He Is out,.or wol'k",anG In W en apt. Ollntol,l Itl 41r1ered. . The judge said nothlnl for 1\ ,be. , eaTed~usbantj. bome,poottOn, the ~OIt !JucOl-.t~1 of meetlnl ta Ju.t ..ss ".... " . ... ttiH DO · on~ eIIDel'ate .tralt•. UDde",~ lr ha4 "One moment1" lie said grum,: :if ment. Tben quietly be wbIspered gOOd.llam~1 w,Ul ...... You'll ilee. 1 beld up (0 date, and ......aI remark. I ~eft••1Id my aida. IIIIICIIItIa .. .~. been el\l'1laed to Horird II atep- .... .. ....-. _ ~otl)er,· AUcla, I. a\\larentlT In ' p~per- wla fa ,all open and above board, as the banker: , ,,~U ,be torn ID~O UWe bit. ot BJ'i reds. able reu~OD. were attezadaDt It. • heet J)f paper, ~ .. C&rpnter. ~~~~~~ AI~~ab:4=-J':' or 10U Bay ' It II, judp-I'd like to uk "Go Illto my Itudy for a few mOo 'rhe1 won't lean anytblng UDsald .•But Soldlerw were s.the.,d from Bendet'-80~ N . . T!' . rt 01.111OC1al hl*hw.ym~. , Dlsoovertn. tbe 10ung tady a tell' questions. . II}ents,wlll 10U, JeIfrJ~.'" . , U's Dot that I c~e tor ,80 ·much. It'll,. every state tn t~ Union, to ne a"ove nmubble· te[ltllllepJal tnt" charaoter' .Allbla ,dente. blm tblt J)y all means," sald the The bankel' made a gesture. as II the JnjUlttce of it all. The tnJUIUOQ Il~bei 01 325 .altogotbef, wlUle " .. Written Janu.,· », 18S&, II. Ja " IOU". He .enCl. ' her fII'"'II.ote' tlm!aUmlnfl • d"Certalply; ' utterly disgusted with the wbole busl· of the power-o' ·evil. ThIB man UDder, BoldllU'l' wlvea and widowl and ..... w .. . " Je1)'UbUsbed bec..u. cI the IN!I1IWl. · ltuielGe. Art dealol'll lor wb9tn' he actttd JU ge qUlokly. :' M comml..loner. demand an acoountlnc· The captain '. ' -ood. neTer ~did a .. .ood aoUob In all tel'l 1fere re,tltered; ODe en!l7 or the .cl11'e. tr. . illite Qf AprO '"Ife cannot mlLke aoqd. Howal!4 ~118 a~ A . turned and co.n tronted . ' neBII. " .. hIli al)al'tmenta In an IntoxIcated co'14t- Annie. ddresslng her ' In his cu.. "( am going !lome,'" be said testl17. Jlla Ike. And no"",, , even after , he ,. and tweJlt1'81~ ~pt. w:ere , ' . up Z~, 1910; ,)Ir. ,Carpenter ~ ~m Ill. •".,Im ·lIon to ot .,;000 'to enable tpmarr. Qggr~sslve m'a nnet, be said: ' painful ' evenlb.- elend 'he bas'/ the 'power to .... on d6 all bouaeke.plnc appuan-I, oc- La preaent home, 110. Wahnit' st. So.. to' rl!QPelIt taRo upl\ aloaq bl1lllnellll pro~.ltton. ' , ' "I've h"d .. a .... - 0 ••~.. Y' ~o..ard drInk. hhuelt Into a maudlin' "You ,promised 'Jud,e Brewster that most painful. Let me know the re- atroYIDg~eatroylng-destroylllg," . cupled bl old SOldier.. their wlvei, nettle, Mlcb.: ·· '~l ~ ~ never tal: ' .rn:'\il~·:!n~:nO:~n~:a·i:.'A . o{}n~~~:Ond yoU'd produce the ',,"oman who suit of your Jllv.esUgation '.as BOoD I'Th.Vs true," said Annie; "Ite W.~ their sonl and daushterl and ,grand· tered. 're~urn of the' J)IIOr"~ an. ale . ara"a a IIcroen . around the drunken at Urulerwood's "apartment the nilht posslblE\. Good n1gbt. Don't no gO,od." _• chUdran:' The JIl,Il4'tlnl brQught to- tboush ~DY )'ea1'8 have paaaecli • • • .lee))4lr. trom AIICla enter.. 8he a of the 8hoo~lng?" Annie made no to.nlght', .... rewster. To-mol'r.ow The .banke'r's 1I·lte dt"ew ,tro.m hll' .."'ether many , family , reunlonl ·as ' not forsotten tJi~ tenttle lIWferlDll i , · "10",180 UnCle'1Vood that ,demandll ,b e will D ,. . __ .lo ......... . .: i{liJto hIli lIte. U(, refUse!! unl~. IIhe , but Jooke.d· at· the lawyer. TJ1e .do." • ' boaom ~the letter ,UndeTwood . wrote .. ·not a few old loldlen who had 1JUU1I.red before Ultne: _ '-I1IWl~'< 'TtlneW,talc"' her, plltronage. IIhe refuBelI. b~r before he killed himlelf. ., tought: aide b v# ' sIde, durin I the war RC\medlel." " • · aqd her le~ve. Thl. Underwood. kllla captain grinned as he added: "The .. He lef't' the roo' m. tn- blgh dud"eoil" . . " ' I hlln, It. ' The repOrt of the pistol a'l'a· wltnes~. wants InstruoUons, judge." banging the door behtnd blm. "Wben be sent me this lettur," aho and hac! not met slDce. .kens HowlU'd.' He' dead. loy OU can b e ' tl y' ... 'Ma~a, ... ' . A ~l~t ~e whi011 01. "t-- t d Heward Is turn' edflna. overUnderwood. to the pollee. per.eo burst Into a laugh. .. I, wen t on, I ' 'I tri~jl to think myself a "_c. lJ1;ea. t e It ~pt. Clinton, notorlou,; fol' ~II brut~l Jeirrles," s!lld the law)rer reassurlngl,., "Don't-'disturb Win!" she nlluiicked. his condlUon lDtnd, 10 tbat I att4lntion _nd 'WIl~ ' praise ~~~,:~r\~e 0~IIl:r3~~rg; ':£~no.U~~~~ "We have' no .deSire to conceal an,.- "He'.S" going to get all that'I' coming deC)l~e w~etber be Jntendj!d to keep arou..d patrlotio Iprtnp 'lODSI '. an alleCed ~onrellllion lfrom ~e Ilara.lled thing. from Capt. CUnton." to hfm.'~ bla word and kill blmBelf or not. I m,nt,,..~ tlle ~uglas tl'um corpl. mlln. Annie, declares It,r b d ......1 · Be'Ven d-·-1I........... h I d t-l;lelle-l In her.Howard'. husbanG'1IwIfe. l~floconclI, lind "Ann! ~,owe. . Shock~ at hor I~vlty, the la"',er ... ed to · reason out ,)Ult b~" -he felf .. ~....,rs an d _e •• wop a1. -<:all. on .Jetrrl08. Sr. He refusos to help Yes, she ~ald slowly; J promll\e\l tUTned on J.ler sevel1ely. a~d, bow he thought. liow .1 know. ~r ~t~enta!&ll Wou,.b ~h~ ':::~~II8~'::ar~ll!h~O~~~n~, ab·~:v:'~C:n a~:' Judge Brewster that ahe 1I'ould come "DO you want me to lose 1t'8' hop~tea", dull, 804deD clesper. war, I~ ' different reslJD'DtI aDd nnd. that the elGer Jetrrtea doea not In· bere to-night." In you?" he asked sternly. tlon. I haven't even tbe amblUbD to different. .t.at8J, chance4 at the close ~1~8),~oSI~~.~~r~~ IN.s h:lo:.' rnc:&t a::e~~i ".old sbe 11romlse to eome1" growled "NO, indeed," sbe answered con. defend 'mTBelf trom' Mr. Jeffrlel." 'of tIM w ... tQ . .ttl. JD.. Butlel' count,., to Judge Brewster. attOrney for Jeffrtell, the captain. . trt·tely. ' .' ., Annie ·Bbrugr;ed ber sboulders." adjolDJnS COwie, 00 n~T OIl the llOIlth. rtl. t~:~fer~:o.~r~~~!lIri fJ't?n:og~lnt~,; "Yes:" " "Theil tell mo," he .demandeil~ "wli, ;."1 \votildnlt l.ose .· ..ny st_p" Ii' l TIl... IDfn cUaconrecl j:wa, qo ncb IItage. The bo.nker o.nd .hl' Wife'1:allon "Well, wher" ls she?" he deJp'anded: clo you conceal thlll wom'an'lI name' account," u.e 'satcl with a laUlh. More 'othef;'.s oc.cu..,.t'lop . durlnr '· ~. war JUdge lar again to. flnd pleads IIOmll with toBrew· .pre"She hasn't come yet," She repUed, from ,me'," . II·t _Dd lorme4 .·_ ·.pru,m "'. nt It.Brew. AnnIe ..' lierioullly abe .added: "Surely. be· .... 'l ~ , r .ter to take Howard's cue. He connnle. "but sbe wUl. I'm sur~I know ' ahe "Becauae I dOD,' t· want to be the one beller"""''' " . . ". ' . AI muctb Ume .. the... men CI&D .pre Alicia Is greatly Itlarml!d when :/<nnle tells will" ' , . j~H' . t b' 1' · ~ i . • .... _.- ...... ' f . i •.. _ ' '4 hor Brewaler ' h lUl '~k en the, Clllle. 8he "ir ' to exp,ose her. Sbe .halt teU YO~ bel'- > 'n-e may no , ,e ~~re ..,llytJlinW ,h Jil. &~m~ ..... ~-:-pel'OU!I., arlll . ~1 e; "f!lues to .AnnIe tbat sbe ·00.1Ie4 on ow did YOU come to find ber?" self." , . " self," a~ Allcta: ':,n'.. what 'other ..ot. to pla1lllIJ .t IOJ41era' ~0Il8. ~:\~1er;rl~odh':~1~1~~k:: ~nll! ,,:.~~~ ~~: llemande4 tho captain slJaplcloully. , --t'hat:s al .ery weU," be repUed,' pIe ar~ tbl~~s ,that frtu '~ P. Do\l\hlb of Cowley coanty<anc1 fhroo.tohl.'d suicIde. but bep for lime . Annie besltated a mome~t and "but- meantime yoU are dlrecUng ' aUI. sder.. If. tlle clrC!U~ltaD088 , were William Hll!" t(rer ~ the drum tOOl'P' - before glvlnc out the Information. Annie. glanced at Mr. . promlsell Drew,ter to Produce tha JTlISKlng Id b ItaU I Jeffries. Then she' plclon against yourseU. Your fath~ . , . r~ " a · UtUe 1ell8 dllsrac",ill'-:-8 lulelde'. of Bu~er .coUD.t7.- ~ave, ,lived ",'om"" 0.1 a mil tina at hla·,bollle. 'Brew· sa ~ ng y: , In.law believes you are the woma~; blat hItter to tb'e womaQ , he ' ·IOYed. twentt·ftv. mit. or OIle anot1lll" ';~:~IO~~~~: ~~~~~~: ot (orcing , a con· 'Ca'~tcllinI c~nnot say-now." so does ~apt. Olin ton." . . Tbey~lL'BQ t ' drove blm to >J~. '!JIbe, 7..N.." The, ' ~ere acqu~n~ . P" . ton .s masalve bulldog Jaw . "Tbe c.a ptaln suspecta .ev~rybody," won~t think of brs ml~e~bl', d ho~ Jet tblJ reunion ' was the OccaatOD ' CHAPTER \ XVIII. cl~d , with o~ oml~oua click. . abe ·Iaugbed. '."U·s , bill . bU8~elll to eat ca~r. They'l only thtnk of m,y, :4evelopl~1J the' foUowSn'li .b etween Decllne to answer, oh't. Whata · her suspeot. As long 'as you don't · ' ahare Sil. hts ,deat11-" , " '", tlleiD ror the first tllIIe. DOuthitt " ..' AS .A nnie entel'ed Ute room and ,name!" '. 't hat'I vlelted Und!lrwOOd that. .Annle sli06k bf!t h6ad.,~path;fJc. on t)1e c~lng ctoiiDd wilen: \I.in &r. (,8~lg,ht sight of Mr. Jel(rles, IIhe In· Sbe remained sllcnt. The judge sllook bls bead as U pus- ally. . :' rived. He ··ahal1ced " to uk Hill . to stinctlvely drew bac~. Just at that "What's her ' nameT" he ,.epel\te~ )lIed, .' .' . I'Yea;" ' I\he said; ''It's ''tonlJb! wbat regiment l1e belflnged. · ' moment the banker was, perllaps. the Impatlentlr. ,worst of It 'la' they to arrest' · ~'To tbe- Second WIBCODlin," replied "Oandldlr, I don't know ·what C li O man In the. world whom she wal "I caJlJlot-teU you." ahe said firmly. tblnk," ·Serlously, .. h", added :. ilt' YOu.'~ ", _ ~', ' -.. ' " Hm. ·: .. ' : ",. ' ' Illost anxious to avoid. Cant. ClIntcll !.ou know It?" be, be!lowed. ' to think the very beat of YO~, ~nle,' A.lIol~ tu~ed ashen pale: ··..bl~ . you ever happen to kno;v a no longel' hnd nny terror (or her. Now "Yea, ,Ibe an!lwe~lld quietly. but you won't I.et me," ' . "Arre~t me!" 'aoo ()H~ci. '~ drummer,iD that: rellmelltDamecl'Iier. t hat t he missing witness had been Kn~ I~, but can t saY, eh? Hum! She heslt~ted a m9JDent a~d then, '''l'hal's ,w hat' CajJt. CUlfton SI\Ys,", 'i lia, Smaller?" ~qulrtd" Mt; Dou.tl~itt. !found a nd ~~e precious "suiold~ let· H.rolded his ,arms and ~lart*'d ae .qulckly, she ,allld: .'. _ , , replied the 'Other ,gravely. '~ae·'·wa. !IWellj"'.b~~ld smlle," Hi4 rep1Ied. I~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~f)¥.l tar" was as goaa na In thell' possession her. Mr. Jel(rles now Inter~ered . Ad· " I s~DP~se I'd better. ·tell you ,and bere-:-fllf ls here now-,tlth .two.Dleii. .'He dr.qln~ed with ,me ap ,thrQulh ;the there was ' nothing more to tear. It d~88tng. Aimle angrily, he IIl\ld: have d!>ne w!th It-but I don't like' waltlD, for you." , ~PQloi"tfcalJy ahe war.,' H. was a prlloner at And •.r.onWIIS only. a Question ot time when B~ 70U must, speak! Do you r~,al. to-" '.l . '. " ' went on: "It w~su'~ m, fault, Mri. ' ~I11,e, ' and J ,I~t hl~t ." ' 1fowa.l·d would be set free. But IZ~, tbat m, ao,.n s lite Is nt stl\ke 7 At th!lt mo~~nt' a ~~hant enter~d Jeftrle.,;;",1 . dldri~t ,mean' ,to; " Wlt.t t''tO\l did?'" qu.rled >it was not ' In thlll gh'l's ,; , Yes, ·J do, she . ,repUod 'Quloltl" and 'haI!,ded tli~ lawyer a ~al'd. ,.. ' could t' d'o1 ' ~eD 1 told .Judi. ,nre·w.' to be concerned only with her· J m glad to see. that 10U are be~I~. I/~be lady. ,wants to 'see 'you' at ODce, 'flter, be lIent tor 'O apt OUo.toD . . self. U she possessed a "slngle wom· J\lns to nallz,? t~, too. But I can't sir: " ,, " , \ police .are afral~ YOU'U '1'1111' aw ' or anly virtuI' • It was supreme unselfish· te~. ,you 1etr, , . ''To f!e~ me,:: ~sked tbe, 1I1.""e" 15 .met~" .,' '..' . ,v... : ~ . JleRS .. There was some one' beside hel·· tbe Judp turn~d to th~ p.ollco cap· s~rptlse: "are, fOil , ,su.re ' ISbe Q"Mid 'IDY hu_billid'i" ,,,~pe4 Alii . . 'DI~I:pQxo .He!'! to ulke Into conslderatlon..:...a taln. :' • .-.~; . " come for Mr. JetrrJeIlT'\ . '.' • '''' '4 n'., tm w "d h 'tI,..., , c. ~'" . JlI,oor. vacillating. wenk. mJsorable "I may tell! 'you~~'eaptaln, that even "No, ~tr; she aaked for yoIJ." . • . ~ . ~a , ,0:.. , ~s . ,e " ' . . \ ;oman who wlsbed to do wbat was 1 m;Vllelf, b~~o. nof.. succeeded 'tn learn; Aunle 'Bpran'g forward. , j " - ; ' ' ' Ko, :~,'d'dn ~ tell tlieJQ . . .J. said , Tight and, had agreed to ' do so, hut the -name ot tWs myste rious per. ',I .. It Je~rlel.T" ihe,.,~sket. tbel;D , yours~lf, but tlJe1;, ' wli? ' In t be privacy of hel' own apal·t· ~onace." ,Address!ng, 'Annle, 'be saljlt '~Y~~I",1i~ replted: ' .' ,," ~oll('W'ben,,~e)l 'kn,ow w~o ~eJl tll, \had gorio ' dOWJ} on her kueci '1 thlDk JOU had b,eUer tell \la" I see "Let 'me llee 'lier, judse,'~ .' ~ts tell tlllt jtJ4!J~~he ' , 'Ilnd begged A nnJe to prote,c t hOI' from no Mvantage in conceaIl,og It aoy ful'- ciaimed eagerly,; "I'll ~n b~r . a 1?f:M• .Suppoae yoU !lo' a",al' and ' ah~clln . teU ,)'ou-she'a ' PulJlle~ heraoft to fI~d 11 . We onsequp.ncea of ber OWI1 . .folly. tber.'· .Anille' ahook her head. , '......anci' I'd rather. bit me' . J~e. ~lleJDm." 4aDle l\aced , H.o!·, l,lus6lincl ~nil8t not lr,now. Annie , -It/ld -prolphled that. If there Was an1 "Not.yet;:: slle ~urmufed;· ":I!he: 'wU~ JMaae!" '. . f , . ' . - ,; • nervous!i. I "O~, thril /11 aWf,ull . way po"all)le ~he .kuowledge Qt that t 11 youi. berself wben she c~meB." .• . Addressmg the' lervant tbe ,~~clal!De~. 'What'"" we to do~ ",U~, "HIli. 1 thOUsht88 mU,obl." 'Cz,91a1mejl said: ,'." ' " .~ ,. . '. Sbe looked toward ~t~, .. .~f _ .' but ~utlm. a4,rebilUl...; claudes.tloe midnight vltllt to Uuacr, ..' 'r..,t'8. Jeffriea ,to · come . up." peottng ',8ome '8Uae8Up~ ..r.:om 1i~,lriIr ~01l&l ·Dl'iUIU'tIII. woocl's' rooms . sbould be k~pt' froin the banke"lD.~r(!duouIl11. . 'Tb,e ~ptalll t<oi~ an,, ' drew · to bll' cHent, he went Oil: be'r c:ompt.\Jllo1l ...... toO ' .iIluc). · OYeII. · w.... ..ftll'lll.8d li'lm y et th rEi stood tbe j)anker! be ~'~s a(mld lbat If they bcaan up to bl1 flaIl' heSght; a favorite t9 701ir.~ wh!1Jl!ed to take 'an1 IDltlatIY~:,,-, :~:=~=:~ After aU,.abe.. . (To. BE .C ON'rIHtnDD.) ," II . queattontng her in bls ' preaenc~· IIhe ot ~II, wben .about to alBert b~ But. I am ,-'lilt be betl"ay.,d Inw lI&ylng 80me- thortt,.i· " tblq talt wO\lld Instantly arous~ ~ uilderStb4 dlla:ppolioUl.4 til .
. ~
OR·'·NU-.:h .
• •
tIae'.»ou.' •
, '"
are ,Irotu,'
.bou~,d 'I:'alte
From B~1t
.0( ' Exper .lence
, .
E u zllshm en Not Only Succi! ss{ul In Com.' meret a! ·Life. But as Breed ers ~ • "and. Farm ers. ..
t.Y.. ..zCeocI .o...th ... Pleuure
Dlv14 . Time Bet.we en Labor a .n d 'R ecreaU on-Gr ellt Many
Come-f ollow tbe arro" 'tll you join tbe merrytbron~of pilla.. pleated men and "omen. "ho have quit eeekini for tbe ODe bett bcvcnlO beCauac they'.. fOUlldl t-
'8 Y O. HEN RY (CoPJ'rl,h t b, 1' • .1,. Nelsou)
(ny CAJ;"J'AIN A. H. W ADDEL f ••)
! 11 the busInes s ' men ot our towns .Qd cIties would but take a lesson 1to~ the book ot experien ce. und In" etead ot sitting wIth "their shoulde rs bent over their clt'Y desks. with theIr nOBCS to the grlndl.\lQne all day. and th~lr brain, In a whirl aU night! and dtvide thell' time senllibly between la· bar and re«:reatlon, tbey would not only Hnd InHnltely more pleClflul'e In 'amaSsing wealth during busines s • hours. but would be tar more ~puble tn so dolug. for the simple reason tbat they would be in hetter healtb, cQndl· tlou and Ollless. ]n Oreat BritaIn a Very . large per· C!entnge of the auccessfUl busines s men Of tblit country are not only promlnont tn the commercial world,1>ut are noted ~~ed el" a~1l tannens . They ' divide tJatjlr time between , their buslnes8 »laces In t.he clUea • .and their homes and farms in the country . wbere they take up breedtn !: ot some kind all a &mltlme. or go La ror farming pure and .Imple It thllir tast s tend In thnt dl· rection. . .' It tlielr tutea lead them toward II the 11oa.ur able Bad · profttable field ot .. IIreedlng, they wehict a eertall1 breed ot !Jorles, or oue ot the splendid breeds (If cattle; lIbeep or 8wlne. U11 althoug h
tocracy and wealthy land~d proprietors.and whl h was In days gone by. thE foundation upon wblch tile woudertnJ breedJng Industr y ot .G reat Britain wae laid: and wblch hal now mnde that country for and away .the greates l breedIn g nation '111 the world, Nowadays til that , cotmtry. and lor many yenrl pn st.. ~ wenlthy' busines e men have taken ·uP. this Interest ing and protltab le pursuit Qud pleasur e un· ·tIl these grent merchan til are In mllllY casea ru~nlng the nobility and large land owners a ()lose race fOr premJer pot;ltlon. And wby Is itT FirstlY ,»ecause It Is one ot 'the moat delightf ul, Interest ing and rasctna ting past1mes that anyone can t ke up. Secondly. becauso they have no dlft1cult y In dIs· posing of tMlr pedigre ed stOck, and !.hlt·dlt. and P!lrhaps mOlt'im portant of nil. because they find that not only is tbelr health vutly Improved, but that Lhe.f are more able anCl capaole ot un· dertakln g great busines s atTalrs. ' It Is o'n l, toC) clear and apparen t to tbe mall wbo baa lived ' In both CO\Ul' tries. who luiOWI botb l)eople, and Iii "familiar with the haflits and eu.toms of eacb; that where the 'Yull ' street mnn for Instanc e Is all old , JDan at forty, the L6ndon man of the . same. calling 18 n young oatt at Sixty. 'fbese
ems and lel him reLUl tbem. Then you will know If youiiba ll wrlle more; or give )"Oll\, attentio n to yonr wlte Rnd
business." "Write the leUer," saJd David; "] am sorry YOU did not 8peak ot tbls 8000el'." At sunrise the next morning htl was on lbe road to Dreux wllh tbe precious roll or poems lIodel' his arm. .t\t noon be wiped the dust from his teet at tbe door of Monsleu\' Brl!. That learned mnn broke the seal or M. Papin oau's leUer, and Buclted up Its contents through bls gleaming specta· cles as tbe 8UO draws water. He took David Inside to his study Rnd sa t him down upon a little Island beat upon b)' R sea of books. . Monsieur Brll had a conscience. He flinched not evell at n mnss ot manu·
Rcallitielactioo In eYer)' ,llII-IIl ap and Ipukte- ylm aod
10'. Quench " the thint-co ola lih • breese.
Delidou-Re&e.&iat-Wlsoleaome Ie Eflflr ywla er.
Church and Sta~e. "It our governm.ent Is to be end'!..
log It mus t rest on principl es or ju. tlce truth and righteou sness. sllnoUon'ed by recognition ot a suprem . being whose lIuperlntendlng prOy1d nee watches over the affairs of nations and or men. Therl') 18 no 0111c\.al union ot churcb Ilnd state In that country. but tbere Is no antagon ism between the civil nnd rellglous autborltle s. Church aod state move OD parallel lines. Tbe state bolds oye~ tLe spiritua l rulera the negla 01 ita protecti on wltbout Interfer ing with rights of conscience. The church help. entorce civil laws by moral and r. llgi0l18 snnctlona. It Is the duty of us all cb'urcbm en and , laymen. to hold ~p the hands ot our preilde nt. , as Aaron and Huz: stayed up ' the banda of Moses. "-Cardl nal 0111000. Good for a Warnin g. Assista nt Edltor- Here's a poeBr from a fellow who Is ·serving a IS-y~ safe and 84WCI Fourth Of J~I~. . De Wiltz-N o; let the OO}'. , han term in the 'ea8t~rn peniten tiary. Manoglng Editor- Well, print. ,t: aU the stant firecrac kers tb.y ~ant. De Qu1~But such thiDIS are dan· }Vlth Il footnote explal)1wg the clrcumatan ce. It may Bene aB 11 w~ serowi· n. Whlz":'-I .know It. 1 haven't· au)'. Ing to other poets. , . lIOlB. De Quls:---Are you. in ta!or
~. '\'v.lnstow'. Sootbllllt syrup 1O't abll4tdt tee~blulf ...orteD. ~h~ g ums" redllC!~. IDftam ....
. The Great Toilet Germlcl do? You doo'tha ve to pay 60c or $1.00'
UOD, .u&JB pSUI.c:Ul'68 wlAd ~oJIG, ~ ~ ~..
~fost sharp rEltorts aTe made la • ptnt tor Uateria n antisep tics or per- bluot language . Qx1d~. You em make 1& pluta ot a . . .." more 'cklansl ag. gemUc1dal, healing and deodori zing anUsQlltio so]utlon. with 011$ 26c box of Paxtine .-"-a 1101I uble antlBe~c powder . o~tn.lnllble Ilt any dnag' sme. . P8:xtJfle "'hslroy s genna that caus. disease, de~and' odon,:'- 'that 18 ~hT It 18 t1te best mouth walb and gargle. and why tt purU\t'JI!I tbe b~ath. look- c]eana u IUd preserv u the teeth be~ ler t.haia o01IIIlnary deatlftl ces. aDd ,I~ Iponge batlhing It ' CID~pietely eradIcates I?8nuiraUon IUIII otti:er- d\aagreeable b~ odors: )llVlery dainty ·woDi· " r.n appre<iia.tes "this aad . ita'inan yother ...... toUet a.a4 ~gten.lo J>axHu 18 sp]endJd tor 80re throat, fnflam8d .,... and t • . purify mouth end breath atter smoking. 'You can eet Paxttn. q'oIJet Antisep tic at dnJg istor;e, ,ric,e 260 and 600. Of! by man PQ*tpalli from The P~ton "r~I· let Co., Boston. Mals:, who will Bend )'011 a free samp]e If YOIl would like Co try It berore b,uylnC.
44 Bu. to the Acre
~Q IDttlYtOI',lIDay lIot 10 in tor ,ellber facts are 1I'I1!1 worthY t careful OD a large .weale. they lllW'tl,YII 'coa·' ald.rati on Amorloan'1bu!l1nes men, lSIleDoe ""l(b ttbe rlaht "nd of JPn,-.t "rUcU larl, II thore Is tltoCk. -and .unue their PNfltah le to be ~Dde III the occup a . lot of mOlle)! Ion. ,fI)lAiuurlf' nat ' only ' .along aaprc)'f " .scientif ic '110118. but on pract\Qal leIlA' • enllllle oDe'1'I1S "eU. . , F.,-m for PO\! ry. . T-hey d9 DIIt overbur den the••elvee The farm lis' tbe place "Jill' ItOCt. ~t what ·tbey buy ~. the g'tbMng aU 1tlnds of Ideall poultry ~or, meat. ilte.t that ( j _ be ~rooured, all thetr 'and egis. Good p(lulth .qpe.Uo~. . . conduct ed In '...eh a and . made tAD .produc ' cain be reared e hi ,clole ~quar. lWa), .. ~o sldt tbel~ pul'te~ an._ ,then . tt:l'8 of . city ~u~ · .Ub~"bll ll .Iots. Bu.t ihOldlnge: '. .", . . ! ",1tb PQultry, ~:s ~ltb _ ' 1Jlhelr BrIt ambitio n 8eema .to a,e to l the .tr~e aIr ald IIU~ hultlan . beJp~. ot .tale cPuJ\tJ'y atock o~ their own (arlWl ~at ! are wbat maJr.es the ricb '!fed, ~~OOd ~y tmn exh1lt1t- at, ' the ,local 8bows ' 1pd lenera] lbardy .qua-.se s that aod :l>eat tlie.r titelghliorl Vih,? are In' . 1Wlk,e t~r the IIIJfhest good I! .tbe elld. - . to ,beat ~eDl t. T~I. brings "b~t I\, 1l'~ farmer whet Ike.eps be~f.'" Jloullry, ,e,p1JIlt of'sood ·n-'ured 'rivalry that is or the .. best., Is OlD rOl,'lller Jeara W",CODftDed t~ the ~..l a pa,.IIIS busln~ , tbe ' right r.oad to
'mu~nf' yeliT, and DaYl4w, tatber (Llea. colta£'.e\~e sQended to .!l a/rendy had the.J'eemUest wife C1 rtlhe v.iIllp.~e; ..,¥vo,D.~e·. lk. pails and Iter brM$ kettles -ere ~rlght-ollt! , ~y 'bladed you In tile atIl when you Pll8sed rtbnt way. But ~n muat keep ~ ' ~I upon tier pard. !ior ber fidw. C!II.' 1bed8l1111ere, 110 neat ana.:ca.Y Uiey re;to . Y9 u your stgl!.t. And you ....~ Ihear ' her 6In~; aye...,, · tar u the double ,Cbestluit. tree a~~ Pe~e Gru. taeaa·. *'kck8m ltb ro~e. " BUt a .day came when OarJd drew 'Die stierel' !lnd the
.8. . . .
Adequa te' Re8t ,. Nee.aea ry. Tru. to Dlltant Sweeth eart,
.~ ·Haye l~veute4 i~~~ WIdel l Hoe certa r,
. . .A.dna . . :~ 0Vft' A:,nycJa'~.t ;' .......Dt.aU... ~ · ,. ..to"..J~ .
Betty baa tried hard to true to n.e.Jna]d .aod she thinks sbe baa doue very , w.ell. conslderlJl&' that ''Reggy:' I. far tar away 'hi ldaho.' Sbe' promIsed to lIe ' trull to him and , h,e p~m. 18ed to return to Media for Betty when he made hll torti.ine·. . , "~ett1. de~r; are yo~r tbought s al· ways tTue geggy? " asked ber beat friend the other day. "Indeed they are. Wby, whenev er anyone klnes liIe I try 10 hard to make believe "Reggy and some·' 'times I really Imaa/ne it Is." she In· slsted. .
A Beautif ul Hom ••
BeauW ul pictures have a cultlvat · Ing influence an!! are Jndlspensable 111 beautify ing Ii home. Reprod uctions of some of ~e rareBt art semI (ready for framing ) cau be secured by send· ing twenty·flve ot Hewltt· s. Easy Task Boap wrappe r, and a twQ,£ent stamp to Hewitt BroB. Boap Company, narton, Ohio. . Hewltt'B Eaar , Task, the orl&!nal while laundry soap, has I1v8n saUa· faotion for & quarter of & century . I'lve' ~euta at .u sroceri el, Smoko Vohunea Ol)ly. . Arcblte ct ' (sbowlD , . plan.)- Tbll room wUl be ' yout IIbn,TY. r: Ob, 1e., ~
the,n .for
.~~ IMftt.
. . SIck' ......
s.a.w ....
,Genuine mast bear'signature . I
~N ' ~;~
Reliable L~d, R~prasent.tll!a wa~fed, CoMf.c'nt P,"' 0' II••, 1&"" .. f.,.. " '" SI8; ' tol2 S. " WEEKLY: CUItOlllIF Plan fo, tlte CoI,.~atOll
o.~to~ ...... Sa",day,."
Sptlnc Valley
, ·. - - - - - - - - - ' -
_-.1 .........................
.,,::, jD:!':'~;~~~:~~~:'''::!_So':: ~1.:.~. L~.!'~~. :..e~!!~ ~ 1 HOME ,DECORATION
:~~.[~:;.:;~ ~:h
of ludillullpo1is. Ind " , ~r4t v,lsUID~ wood!;,
., ' ' ' , . ' .. ." , . Mi!\s 'Maud lio tOIf lien t the f,!re~ Try Fruit Ice C.l:ea~ at .Schwarta·s· part uf t he we8~ with her brother J' hin Rind Lemons, Swe t Orin ludlsnapolis. , Carl Hawke was in Dayt n Satul'~rincjples. , ange / N W Potatges. White Tbe Fo~r'h Wll8 SPbnt very qnlet- day, , Cohbl rs, N'i w abbage, 'APIy 'here . . ' PLES BERR.IES. dl h 1 M" Donha Hawke ,"'''' l'n Dayton BY MARY EDMONDS, MissK""te SIm81satten og 110 .00 ISS no... Fruit J ars and :rin Can ; Mason at Ox~ord. last Thursday . . Al'rlcult\l.l,'ol Exlon"lon D pnrtment. , 'Ohio State n1V81'811Y. Lids, Tin Lids, Sealing Wax, M.ills Mary Walton Is. t he guest of Miss Sybil Hawke i8 in Xenia,·the Stri~tly P ure Paris Green. Lebllnoo relatives, E. O. Van Wink guest of Miss StE!ila Bishop. ¥¥~¥¥.¥¥ ..... ~ ......~.~ 10 and ,'famtly. , The house S I'VOS IlS a m,eans ot Ca.I:·Salt il) lOll· pou nd Bags No. Wm. Adams has puroh 'ls~d the , , 2 extra coal'se • alt; fi ne for Mrs. Nettie Meloy, of Springboro, expression' ot the Ii nsa at beauw of pro perty ot· Aroh {;opaey on Walnot iet! cream. p cial price. 40c Guaranteed ' "to be free from is visiting her sister, M rs. Philip the people who dwell 1n It. just as streot. a bag . ColQrin g. MilS' Clara Smith wRslloDayton Hopkins. the oody serves as a 1l19anS of ex· Dried li'ruit is getting scarce, vi8itor Thursday. pres Ion or tl\e soul. Vlotor Hugo but we have plenty of APRI· M.rs. Ambrose Vomptoo spent Mr. and Mrs. Roy Irons and son tella us "ho\lses are \Ike the human Thursday with her mother, Mrs. COTS. PRUNES, PEACHES, the 4th with relatives near beln,s who Inhn'blt them." ' spent RAISINS and FIGS, and Our . Lewis Craoe. Much UIl\. labor and money Is Lebanon. New Burlington prices are at present whole· Carl i:leB8, wife and bll by wero Young Hyson sale prices. ' epent In the end eu"or to make our . ~ue8ts over the Fourth ot Vlarence Harold Osborn. of Wilmington, bomel beautiful. It 11 ' very ftttlng, ~i l!s Mary Mill!!. of Wilmington, FuUleraoD and f"mlly. Coffeo- -8ANT08- Coffee Japan ,',,' Imperial We don't sell Rio coffees. Santos ' delivered ao ad:lrefls on Eduoatlon Th W V, T U wlU hold an a1/ has been visiting his aunt, Mrs. Nor- tor they sliould~.er"e not only u \1 Oolong Ceylon tit Ohrlstian Endeavor, ~aDda~ dllY !eet'tnlf T~e8d~y at the home .h Hillman. plnce 'wb ere thll child may develop In is ~he best and our prices 8tart evening. . of Ilev. Birllhey . , at 2Qc a pound. India ) ill the gaeat . Ray Haw'Je, of Day to"'. V'l'sl'ted pleasing Ilnd artistic surroundings, Mi 8S JJ"'10 ra 1:.0 aarBn .. of Mr8. Mabel Lewis a.nd ohtldren, l\ This week we will seIt Lenox MillS Mabel Sherwood, of Oregonia. of Dayton, vi.it~d the fore I:JSrt ot friends in WbY.nesville and Harveys- but also ai a place wh ere ~he older English Breakfast ~oap at . . members ot thl tamlly may find rest, W. O. Icenhower, of WllshinRtoD the week with Mrs. Ellen Manning. burg Sunday. 8 barB for 25c--S3.QO a box C. S. ie among relative8 here. tion. comfort, and Inspiration. Failure to , Lavina, ,wife of Edward Brown, Ur. Smith wall oalled to Oolorado Mr. and M1' s . Chas. Cornell ahd make our homes really beautltu.l has OLD WHEAT FLOU~-N~w is ' diad very 8uddenly of henrt fliilllle Sprlng8 wbore his tlnn George i8 ill Mr: and Mrs. Frank Zell were in beiln ~ue to ~he tact that home decDthe time to lay in old wheat Wednesday ml.)rniog of lust wee'k. with typhoid fever .. Be with bis F. 'd ration has not been looked upon as flour. Our supply of 50 bar, FRneral8ervices were hel~ at the. 0b b other 'aDd Mrs. Tolbert Dayton .n ay., rels won't last long, M , E . ohuroh Friday. Sbe leaves mOver, r , I nn art In. ,the true lienee, 4ependlng .. half brother, tI. half elster, hU8 left a week IiRO eDr.ot,e ~or Ua . Mr. and Mrs. David Hatha~ay. of upon deJlnlte la'ws and IIrlncl Brin~ us your Butter and Eggs. band tl.nd three ohtldreo, to mourn Mr. a~d Mrs. Ray 'Krog took din Utica, spent SQnday wit h Mr. and but all a promiscuous adding of much Paying 15c'for eggs today. Agenoy for ~beir 108s bealdes 'a wide oirole of ner l Sonday .wIth Mr. ,and Mrs. B S'd material and color without regard tor · d Ray E~ale Ml'8'. A. • 1 es. .... . appropriateness .(lr harmony. aucce~s fr Ian S. Get the Habit and go to Mr8. Ed. Bogan has been enter 6eotge Bolland, ",Ue and 80n of Jesse Burton was in Xenia Satur- depends, In large mQt\sure, upon tile h M B' t . caretul ,obstl rv anoe 01 tile law. of tsininll aa gueAts her parenta, Mr. Dayton, visited his parents over 1 and Mrs. "UUB O'~eall. Sunllay. · , day. and repo~ts t at rs. ur on]s right proportion. harmonious color , Mr. aqd Mre. Trevor O. ilaydoot . - .. slowly improvmg leneme, fitness to purpose, and ann· !'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I entertained Tuesday evening )fro Fruit Ice Cream, 5c at Schwartz's. _ " , DUollY. . and lira. J . N. Haydock, ~ellY • -. Mrs, M. A. Cornell and d,aUB'.lt8r. . Right Proportion. Corwin, of Dayton, are guests of Mr. and , . Jf the lines ot a room are not good, Mendenhall and family, A .. H . BatBellbrook. lI\n aDd fllmily, T. Al. Harlan and Mrs. Chas. Cornell. decoration should begin la bringing Mrs. Lllora Bjnkle , Ilod LrQther daoabter, Ruth. Je8sa' H!,wklnB and 'rb ~ ain Elevator haa been them 'Into rlghl propO<l'tlon. A ceiling A •• El1iot~ called 'o n Mrs. IAur~ 'famUv, Mr. and, Mrs. Thoa, B"y· a bu,Q pl!oe f~r the pakt few daY8. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tl'.ompson, after whicll II too hlgb may be made to 'ramer last Sanday. evenin'" . dook, Mrs ADU Jlarquhar and Mrs. y d U .... t 0 kl much lower by dropping the e. R th 140 ' Mr. an ,",ra, _er a n, 0 f Lab• a week's vacation. ,returned to Cin- appear 111 ng t th lde Ii.ll a Mr. Eiiward Raper, pf .St. Louts, o · rgan .• _ . aoon were Koest8last Thoradayof cin'lati Sunday evening. cre t parpert ondO ' belt l 0 w ... h aud daogbter, Margoerite who h a v e . M . 'Ali MoKiose and 14188 Lillie 00 or a 00 an a a. ne WulO blltln viBI\ing hfll parente for Bome Spnng , Bran~h 1:' . ~ . Y . too low ml,. 'tie made \0 appe~r Notice of A:p"intme,n t. time leftfor their bowe last Saior . Nedry. Rev. and Mrs. M. B. Fuller. of I;1lgher b, ullns ~triped paper on tbe da ' , ' Mrs. Oaoar Sims. of O1nqinnaU , Gra~e church, Dayton, are sPEmding Iide ~all and runntng it lip to the Estate of BmJnl' lleJ(AY. decea.ed. 'The .' Mrs. Walter D&kln and ' famUy and Mre, L. Sima. of D~ytoo, W*II' their vacation at the Friends' Ho~e. .~gle where side ' wall. and ceiling underslned baa bOo.n appointed lUll!, guallnurl y.. lin. Fred Ruucdl. of Asl.ltabola, ente,tatned Meed.mee Anna LOO&I goeata of t~eir relative!!, Mte Bope ml!et. The appat nt slu ot a ro~ m as admlnlltrawr of tile .t1lt~ or BIllQ\ 0 ., aDd A?-rs. Fl'AIlk RONiell of and.on~, Raymond aDd Earl and S'I(ee and famUySonday . . WsGood-What? Fruit IceCream may, be cllanged. A li ght paper wlll ~~. late or Warren Oounty, 0100. do· dal'()J JUDe , .A:" D. 1'11. ....ytOD wo.r e the gueate pt Mrs, J. H. Uhenoweth aDd ~n, Jaoob at Mill' HeurleUa MoKlnsey Is vis at Schwartz's. ' make t~e room lI~m Ie.rger tban ' Dasea tbJlW. 28th H. AliLBN. AdDUIllIIWaW. Oharl. BreIJfo~d last FrIday. . . dlnDer last Tbunday. tUng her alateI', Mrll. I. N. · \ de."rk paper. A la.rge dellgn In the " ., 111'. 8a,r ry Co~ner has gone to MI' . .aad Mr•. fraok Haw.. en In Dayton. . , V' d' l' I wall paper makes" .room look small· De&rolt Mioh., work. tertaiued M18. Lutte Anion, of Xenia .. M Al l' ~1I a of Dayton visMrs. L. H. lnltOn .. an ltt e, er. Large, tteavy plecet of furniture lb. Wllllam, ~nain"el' who was on ~QDday: '. ' ited r"bIS ~ :aUgb~~~. M1'8, Oharlee «laughter, of Dllytc)n. spent ' ~he ahGuld be used In' large ' rooma. very low with h~r' trouble is re Mr. and Mr8. Thomal Laoy apd Ji,eYDoldt r~Dtly. ~e,e~-end with l1'r. and M:rs: J.W. they ' ~enll ~o diminish t~e size 'of a l)orted beat~r to day: ' . famtly. Mr. and 111'8. B , C. DakiD! Mr and 111'8 Graef are home af_ White. email rooman~ma.k-.lt . look over· JlI'I Carroll Havena audoh\ldren and Mr. anel :\trl. Frank Daktn, aDa . 1 . ~ t in LondoD " crow~e4. -A square room Is very un· of Da;'ton, a~e v181tinl ' reJlIolivAfI .6f .on: OarJ : and -daughtere, Loll and ,~r ~eGera f w~ • :e,aYaent ther' M B F 11 ' fG ' hurch InteresUng. Avoid plaolng a pl~ce, ot thla plaoe. I;Iazel, Mr. and 141'8 . .~••, Dakin ,",r. rAe , &0 I1g . ~I:t ' , . , r. . : u er,? race c , 'tu nlture in each corner of the room . . III' Walk A 'Ju ,f . and Bonl, Rouel and l:I~old IIr. ·Jam.el' MorgaD aO,4 , wife .epent Dayton, Will preacli at the M, ' E. aa that accentuatel th, ,lqUf,rene88. To... · Ie vM~~n .. . : ,0'taAo.t~nh' aDd Kn. Wal~r Daklo IlJld .on, ...veral daYIID Day tOO' I.., week church ' SundaY morning at 10:30 , Col~r. ' I:t paren sou. BarrY II,. and lin. Georg. ,P ratt ,..Uh Ulell' aoo. '., 1 k ,,' v , of k»wn. weDt, ~th well filled bUketl, to the Y," Mar'lla Cnitber8 ••. epeDd- 0 c oc ' . . In the lIelectlon or the color Phllip lliDegan and daughters, home.f IIr. Edwarc1 Ooolr anelfam- In .everal daya wIth her 800 .cheme tor our 'bouse we turn to , n,a· , of, Da~'D, are goee*, a' tbe ~'(Juidk tIl' SUDdAy, an~ 8PJD' the clay 'be a!,rle 'aDd wtfe. , Miss'8 Mary Richardson and Helen, ture ror b~lp. During tile l\lmmer Round1iiji1rom Wllyne.vllle BODll8. . . the oooaelon beiDg a.urprlleoo'M.n , ' ' d v H Pr h b' • Hayner, of Urbana, we're guests oi months Ihe gtves us a ,reat deal or .)(zo. aliclllre. CbU. 'Brelsford en- 000,11:. : " 'a~:~~ro:X~D'" to a~ W~eAr;_ OJ:. and Mrs. H. E. Hathaway laSt g~een tOrt lived ~lth. ~t Is nearly al· "Next Sun~ay ' ~tu'" the' following ........ Ute ' ..... J B Oh ' ~ '."" .. .... ' ''''"u....day. ' ' ways so en y ye ow, or8~ie, or Jt ' 'h t I ' I It ·· ....... .-T,. . . . 800 ....... apeD. po D")lda. .I.U ~ " red and we say it· Is. a warm green. TraJo Jeaves at 8: II a. m. WO::""r~ of. b~y~~and:rs. ~arIf ~hvery plea.~tll' with Mn. Robe~' Beckett and fablHy spent In. 'the winter montha, when green RarDau and . 'bre.; obf4\ren'.i , Y 8OoweUl. Sonday with rel.Uvea iD the coDntr,Y. . MrS, T. Ray Smit.h ahd daughters .growth ' Is taken ' away, we have , . Mn. ~a 'L~ 'and JamU y en, • - • have returned home after a pleasant many beautlful shades of , brown. XeDia, aDd T. BrelSford of Jl'r~Dk. O'l assUled Ilu. ,, ' lO"hrClI!olned h,e r .motbci~r , 1'1. J. ~ , Crushed OrDnO'e Sundae 5~ at VJ;8it with Mr:~d Mrs. Luthet Sel- Thet,;e are splendid C?IOI'1i tor the _" .. . mow.tho . ~atDr al' DIgh' snu.. · , , -- , . roOms In which w, Ilve mo.t, a... tpe , Jim. Taylor aDd Wife" of Dear ,8un«;,&y', • ~ Scbw:artz s. hi Dayton. " library, ,sltUng room, or living room.
Watermelons Pea~hes Nutmegs.
Depends Upon Laws a~d
her motber, Mn. Morrie .I;>en8wU. Mr. Albert Kemp. who waB for . U\erly ,of this plaoe, bllt now relidel! in ,Bt George. Ga., was married last Tue d"y evtming to Mrs. Jj'ran~11I Dunn, of tbat plaoe. 'l'bey WIll Wu.ke their bowe at the Smith Bo'el in St. 'George. J . F . Weanr and eons who have been t l1resbing for nearly, two wee~s th.. hed for James UunniogbtHO el\st f town nearly 700 hu. Ilud RV .rRlled ove~ 42 bo. to the 1I0r~, lIo tl WII S thresbed out In " little ovaf uhaltllday. Harvey Glosser spent the Fourth with his parents a t this plaoe. _ _ ___ •
I at White's Store
$1 ,
(;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!~~~~~~!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!~ ;:: =
~~~~~-~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~.M~~ ~fuood ~n~~.m~e . _" ~~~~ b~~ 'J Le . . d t Ft· Sf:Ounds ror Jllclufes, furniture an~ I<
Making· . the · Highest- Grade . Flo:qr and G~~i~g , the Best .'Satisfaction'· I
' ~ ~~~ w~m greens and brown~ , Misses Ellen Sherwood and Louisa · when used for floor and wall cov·er·
.' "'hen U.lor not moro than nvc Une..
.......... WI
- - . : " ' " ••
~ . . . . . .,..
an d '. oun mmon plcntce a • ' people. . Nalure sends us tJle brJ11l nnt colors Ancient SQnQay, , but a tew · weelts In· tbe autumn ot Mrs. Nulton, · of Carrollton. ill., each tear, the ·higblY·Unted " sky but ------~--~~---------" has' been the guest of C. '1'. .11. l>~lef halt hour at' sunset and lun· . rile. Tile' brighter colors m.,. be Hawke and family, left for her home used h) the passageways and room. 10 which we do not spena so muc~ 'Monday momipJ[. dine. Jlf;\d Is the~ color of good clleer. ¥l'. 8n~ M~. B.• S. Howell, Mr., It msy be used In' the ti'on~ ba)l or, and Mrs. F, E. Snerwood' and daugh" dlnl~ room. :wbere~ ",6\lcODUl '. and . hospltaUty 'are . olrered. Tbe room ter are camping at th,e dam :for a t'iiat II well 'supp llfid with ,sunshine 'week or ten days. r ' • • ' may be paper';d . Iri t~~ cooler sra1.. FINE 111gb rarade Hayey 'P lano, ill '.,' .blue, or greeD~ w.Jllle a lunless , north. lotH! ,oondttion.~' m.DQtac'.~ , ., . C h ' ' ro'om' - should; ~e brlghtened b, ' th' by o~e of thlt largeat a.,nd .m~"t re, Mr. and Mrs. S. ~. , ~rtw,ri~ ~" "Ie 'of warm yelloJVa,' rede. ' and epoDalble Pi.bo makers hftbia ooon . .Mrs. C. M. · Cartw.rlght. ,lIOn and browns. ' tr.r~ '1'be' plano wa,fl 'ateD'in "Ii 8e. daughter were B'uests of'friends in ' ·!J,'h. Iloor sbould carry the darIce.i t o'urUy, and 18 for III.le a't,a bar" .. tn. Lebanon .on Monday. to~e of th~ co10r. thE1 wa118 the 1m.. Oall Ot Ilddre~s Waypeav1l1e Nat1o~- ; . dlum 'and tbe, c.elllng ~, the , lIgh~.t. · al Bank,. r ., ' . ' , . .. ' Ther, ,!ihOllld ~e one predominant ', 1 ,,' . , , Oh, ~ou w.atermelon-:-Jti.lc~~ r~, eolor. In the room l ind .,barmony m~y . D~AE~ON .B,l\ggy,lo gOJd ooodi. ripe and lUSCloua, l1ythe" shce at os·.1 be otitalned ,:by comblblpg wltli It '( ,ton: ', Newly pt.inted . . , For car Denlinger's.,. Step up alld try a' ~oio~, '~tne~r.lY relat.d', tone. , ,.Ivtng sllie at'a 'baigilin. , (,n quire' '" tbill . ' . ' ld ", d ' d ' In a room ' with' brillIant red walls oJllde . shce-clce co . an g!>o " .1 and green '~floQr . covering 11 lilt\! ·t.ry. . , \ Ing to entertain, at the aame Ume, MiS8 . Marie Mohr, who. has been two people Who are at enmity wlth gu~t of ¥ra'.: .Blan~he Graham each other. the last two.w~ks, returned 'to' her . ~,.ppropr'ate"I.I , and S'mpll~lty: " home Da:vton ,Tuesaa"y'., . Jt .tl\e Ja.w ot approprl.ateness were , •• ' r c " • . :. p·raotlc.d;. m&py .thlngs ! would ~e ,. teMr . . and , 'Mrs. 'Wm·. Holmes ani! moved trom our houses. "We shOUld 'Mr. and Mrs; 'Coas: A1l8tiii. of Bell.. h&,a' n,otblng 'In tbem whic:li we 'do , " ... not . know to be . useful or belIeve to ~rook, ,were, ~~t$ ,<!f 14r.~ , and Mrs. 'b4! 'beautlful." aeauty and usefl.lln·e••~ FraD~ :rnurida'f . eve~ing. ; ~,,' should go hand : ln Iland, but .i1tef!.ll. . , . ,I " t . ness leadl ,t he: wAY: Ill' ,the . Belectloll' : Misses Gertie Stebler and Meda of eyery P1ece ', 0t' furniture we ,hould 'N ~whar' t 'o f · Walnutport Pa. 'and 'lo~lt .. forgoOc1, ,Itmple, , ~Ine and .de. • ,, ' ., ' "" ,~ . " ," j , . ' " ,., sign: .duraplJlty/ and · an al>aenae sadle ' u~ll~. of GOlurtJbus; dUlt hIlrllora, ,E\'ery ' iirtlole '.,,-, au!n ", are ,gUests of :~r ., rmd ')Irs: "be mad_ to ~ last 'an4 ~o give lIerVlC'•.,. ~~,e .Ukbt' ,uP.holilt~ted 'chaft, mar JQlin H, Opp' for a:te~ a~ya , ." . ' ,. .' llretty, .bqt It .should ftnd, nd iliac. '. Now is th~ time '~ ~DUY~NO~r mon~ ~ur II,v~ng~ooni. Ctj~lt) >Vi~~ '1 mpo.: , " ' . , ' _, . - '. Ilbl" twj ~t.S' In . th ~l[ leJs ,,anq ,bltclCl ument,~ w~ ~re ~Ol~g to el~e o~f a~~ oa~.'{lngs ' ,on Jhell' "rJD8 , ~ve ~ , mOlle~en~; . ll,ead '~Q~ 'I}CJ C,"P ,oot'. ll.e cl aned ~Ilr~ bette~ tabIe,t ana ~e , I,)riees to Hlrtb.e~. to ~h.e ·cuHo iI)IOP. 'I'ha!, turn 11 you wan a monument or an) IllAst, bea\Itlfu! \\'hl~h Ls eotni() ' I'" . ~.;. . )1 'f&th~r t)1 n '(01'1:11 1. and 8eryl\!4!al\l\? in our IDe ,lt will PN ~ ;VO~ "yre I'Ilther than S~10\VY ' It Is \llway:s lite call here before rOQ pl~ youI' 0 .1'- W aVQld th'1 ' pl'et nt\ o\)11 nn4' pn der: We ute ov~r ~ , hUlldteci "Iua,. WUllllni :Horrl . 9}le of tbt 'to at.ck IiO 100 can !1M 'jUSt \tIi&t "ofl~'i 81' &t (icoOfators. has .aid ..r..n ~ b"""'......•·all ~"''' "Slmpllalty I the o~~ thln« Il:l!Cldf!h
l f.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"i!~~~~"~ ' " 2UN.~· "te-- '
Ada wtI1 bc Inaer teCl undor ~h18 bea~ fo r lweoly· t\VI,l cootil ' 9r ~hree In841r!lO\l.
.""""'p" C
•• -:
of thai J ''In
3~0 -;thu~iastic
JULY 111,.. 1911:
"1---.,'- . -.-.----+---------J
Personal Mention Here and There
fans the . Before fast Waynesville Miamis brought L. Ilome t h e t h ird consec~tive victory F.arme~ Boys ~t over J • .B; W'll' I S the latter 8 p~rk near Pe~m. . The bat~ries on both Sides were.eg, peciaUy strong, Barnard showm~ le~gue for~. in this his first &,ame with tile ~laqtls. The, features . ~f the game were Burton s heavy hittl g d W te h te r ' h n , an a l' ou~ s a mg ofl\e an d es~ia\l.y notlceab~e Strawn 8 ~tterptllar pitching, whtch resulted ln a 2 hMoiur ~d 18 ~idn~te game. T h e .ami!, accor mg to agreement, were .prepared for a double· h~ader but ~ne 'Iplme 8eemed suffi· Clent , .. ' Th " b ~ . e score y lnmngs: . 12 3 4 66 7 8 9 Farmer' BOY9.. 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0- 8 Miamis . ......... 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 4-8
.---.-.-...-.~~"'- ~.-..-.
I Former .--... ..-.-.-.
Citizens -.. _. ·1
The Valley Chautauqua --~_I ~. - - - - - - - - - - . - - - . - - - - - , . _., - , - opens FrIday, July 21st, for its sixA Etory of the Legends and Mr. B. I.' . Parker. who travels fQr Peach Ice Cream at Schwartz's. teenth session. The program this Peach Ice Cream at Schwartz's.. " 0 f Th'IS Won. 'lear will continue for 25 days instead the Amedean Tobacco Co" is at Beaut les derful Canyon. MISS Mame Brown was in Xenia Cbas. BUl'flett was in Lebanon of 18 as formerly. However tickets pl'esent making hi headquarters at last week. Saturday. may be purchased or tents rented New Orleans. for either the first or the last 18 Rialto Cal. . VI. H. Alum was Ii Cincinnalt vis- R. G. Cro!lS was a Cincinnati' busi. days: instead of the whole 25 if so deJ. H. Sears. who hus been malrin It , Jul~ 12. i911" itor Thursday'. ness visitor Tuesday. sired. ' Thus one may have a Chauhis home ill Day ':on for some time Saml. Smt'th was tauqua vacation of any length or at past, has gone to Lena, Miami C<,un- . · . G tte. To th e Mlan.l aze " iri Lebanon on Devil Canyon is in the San Bernal'. businesa Saturday. , Willie Haines was calling. on' almost any time. ty, where he will sta!' for some time. . dino range and a part of the great friends at Dodds Sllnday. This institution brings within reach Sierra Nevada Mountains. It is well Mrs. F C: Carey was a Spring , : of the people of the Miami VaUeythe named. Rugged in the extreme, Valley visitor Friday evening. th~~ the I~' .Fllred & Co s., ad m greatest orators, pr~achers, states- Mrs. Amanda Wright and daugh· impassable it) places and paris' of it . tS l~ue. t WI pay!ou.. men, educatora and men. of science ter, M1ss May, who have been in Calwithout sunlight even at mldd/lY M~. and Mrs. J. E. Janney and Mad M 0 C t 'g ht d of the time. Ther" will be many en- . ifornia for nearly a year, have We started on the 9th of the presfamily spent Sunday in Springboro; d rho ten rs ... !)ayto" ar TuWl'lesd an tertainme,nts of a lighter nature, ' changed their place of residence from' aug r were In ' nay. . 1 .. . I " . , , ent month on a picnicing excursion _ . muslca organizations, popular ec- Los An~ eles to Avusa, Cal. to- the above nained' place. By 'we' Try C~ushed Orange Sundae at Mrs. Malinda Osborn is at ,rosent tures, inspirin~ banas, an.d the usual ---I ~ean twenty-one men, omen and Schwartz s. . at Ogden, Ohio, the guest of her lion. val uable mormn~ ed ucatton~1 wor~ , Following 80 soon after her reap• . ' The Departments of economics. SCI· pointment, the resignation of Miss chlldren and a dog~ The dog furni,hed entertainment' on the way bv ~rs. A. T. Wright and MrR. Cyn. .lira.Enos Hill, of Cedarville, visit- ence. Bible work, Literaturtl, Elocualternately howling to get into the thla were in Dayton last ed her mother Mrs. Romine over tion and Expression, Art, Reading wq"on and then jumpin&, out again Summary-Struck Outo,Strawn 12; day. . , Sunday' Circle Boys and Girls' Club and ~e Jadiet screamed while pasai1)~ 4B~rnard 10. Bases on Bal!s-Strawn Lt'ttl'" M' B th H 1 f D KiDde~garten will be ably cond~cted t?e ,patIrons of tthet· hscth~fol!l· ~hohmolt8ht Barnard 1 Hits-Miamis 13' 1 ... ISS er a 0 e, 0 ay 0.. , . d ff d h I ful sincere y regre a allOg ea ov~r rough , par:~ of the road .. the F·' B • 7 H't b i' bed' is the vuest of Mr. and Ml'S. Harty · Mrs. George Hawke and daughter an a or ~ven more e p summer compelled 'her to relinquish the post chl'ldre to arm~r o.ys, W'ld • . P' 1 MIlIS D onna ~ere . . 'tors work than In , , 0k I't , g Ieef uII y an d we Ball H ' W'II b'I PS tc. Murray. ' Leb anon VISI . the past. seasons . Many she had held 80 long. With the ex· men. got out and walked • . ' ' • 1 S. 1 Itc trawn Monday people wIn be there to hear ' . . . ,' , . T B H'ts Ul b k B t ' .. , cep t'Ion 0 f :aevtlraI years spen t m Apicnic excursion to the moun- 'Vo ase I - .en ~c, ur?n Mrs. Ellen Mannington. of Spring '. Ho~. Champ Clark Col. Geo. W. 't eadbing in Waynesville 0 her life tain8 is not 'the same as one to any 2. Umpires, Hixon and LeWIS. Valley visited friends here Thursday MISS Edna Janney was the week- BalD, Hon. H. T. Rainey, Gov. t h ha b ' t1" ·t· · other place If YOl1 8tart for sOme Time of Game. 2 hours and 18 min· and Fr'iday . end -guest of Miss Helen Taft, of Richard Yates, Rev. "Billy" Sunday ; a ~a~ erto s ;en ~~s y spen ~ne ~'ltrovev o~ " ..prinp" there is a utes. • _ ...' ' . • Dayton. and ' taestht ~y .~. i ousor grad~ea~ " ' ThProf. .P. G. Holden_ . ug myaf es m Sthe Misses Ir~neand Rebecca McClure, Try Crushed Orange Sundae t ere are over 75 cottages and the Seventh district sehool on W~t special stopping place• . In othe.. WAY E TP F WOMI you knoW' when you eet there. .N , " ARM' . RS' CLUB of Springb~ro. were the gu~t8 of Sch t' a usual l~rge number of tents for Fifth street now known'as the Gar~n ~he mountains you just keep on The Wayne Township li'armer'S the Misses Janney Monday. war ~ s. camper:" m~n~ are here appl'eei~ting field school." Superintendent E' J. until fOU get ready to quit, or th.e Club held one of the m.o at enjcvable " ' 1dessrs. Herbert Edwards and Gail a vacatton that never was ePJoye,d Brown was'one of her pupils in the r<?lld plaY8 out and a l~mjng precl· meetinga of the YE".ar at the home of Mrs. , Flo Dyke, of Dayton, was Ru~um are spending ten days at by them before. The program tS old Seventh. I;llce foreas a h~t. Or else lou play P4r. andMrs.,Chas Hough, on Tpura. the guest of Mr. and . Mrs. Frank Cedar Point. the best th!1t the ~latform affords, After her yea", of f"jtJdul work out yo~raelf.~d ~top.. ,Yet one is dayJu1Y1S. Carey Saturdavand Su:nday. . , . \9:.ndanoutmgat Ch.autauqua rea,l1y in that district,' 8he was , a inted not e&81,'y fatigued tn11u8 dry At two o'olock the president ('aUed . . J. Mrs Lothe Schuesler, of Hyde proves W be a vacattop worth while. principal Seventeenth . It I~ . v~ m ~ , the meeting, to, ,'order on the cool, .Mrs • Hannah ColVin and daughter k Oh'to,18 . th e .guest 0 f h erI cous· • • . . ' "! ~ - a i r 0 f Califorma. t !'In . ' Pa ' . r, HAS SPR~INE[) WRIST school (now 'the, Edison), on north VI~tinl and a short re8t-wlth a had I d h ' 'th . II .Mlss Pearl, spent several days With tn, Mrs. R. A. Cross, . \B ad h th boo] bi dll hi s yawn, an . w en , e ro was relatives in Lumberton last ' week. ". ~. , ~o way, "f' en ~ sc . ~aa . f ~ \ to dea~ w .8Qont~t.on;:n !I calJed ouly four members failed to . . . . Thornton Cain and wife arrived Frid~ evening, t\aMessrs. George opened. and for 19 years bas been at. ae . rea y contiDua eJou ley, ~na. 'J'he minutes of the" June Fruit Ice Cream at Schwartz'8. ,' bome Monday eve~ing after IJ! two- Hartsock and. J~ Th9mu, w}lo the head ()f this large school. Climbed to the Top mee~ng hav(1)g been r~ and ap, . r week8~ visit in Rl~hmond.ln' . . had been ~orklDg on a barn on the One remarkab.te featu,r e of ~ese . .. proved. the program . for the after- Miss Mabel Satterthwaite. of - the , ' Ferry 1'9ad, were oominghome,tbey 38, yea~?f teachtng was '!leI' , falth. W. clUnlled to the top of what ap- noo~ w~ taken uP. T4e Current Bellbrook road. haa as her n~t, Mrs. Tom Romin.e hu.n ba"!nc had negl~Le.d to fasten a hold-back fulneas 1n attendance. In all of 'that .....~_...at t:be bl89~t P'!!'1ra ~ta.tOl'.lIlGDtb ~ given by. M., Lucile TboJD~ 'ot Pitt.9b~ g, t\le pl~u"e ~f.a VI~ wlt!t . moth Jltl'atr and !he }vagon 1':&0 onto the' ~aving J?een absent only ~ few bpt an.. ~hhW the summit could The ql1estlon of cen- KtW. er and b~othe.r ,from Cmcmnati. horse, making It run , r. homas . Mi~ Terry is • cultured 8M aun:oundlbg ~ other peab fa! of achools . brou~ht out . jumped out of t,he W'ag-on and ,Christiab woman, with excellent exbleher &C1'CI8I the' adjacent valleys an animated discuasion from Mr. Earl Sberw90d and family. of Mrs. Cb~. Dunham and son, Kel alighted on a 8tone 'whit:h sent him ecutive ability, arid with ber many and canyons. And I underst!md this both members arid guests, the ma Dayton.. have been the guests of Mr. er, o~ CovlDgton, Ky ,. are the guests headlong. The result . was a badly noble qualities ot mind and heart, to ~ a ~mmon ~pt.lon in a mou,b- jority bein&' in favor of the cenmd- Chas. Sherwood and family for sever· of Dr. and Mrs, C; W, ~enderson. sprai~ed wrist an~. a bruised body. has ~ endeared herself to the teach· ~nous countl7., a near moun~ ised aebtioh .. . al day8. Laf tte N' h I ' ~b Mr. Hartsock held the horse. and ers, parents and pupll8, that all keenlook8,much 'blgher ttian othel'l a few ' We were verY Ktad to have with . , t ;:.e I tiC o:n ~:1~, atter a ,mile run ' managed W run Iy reeret the 8eve~ce of the ~leaan n lO 8 miles away unUI the aacent •• lnade us our former president Mr H M Mr. ~d Mrs. n.li: Crane and son, Go , d En• · as w . ee. t' f 0dd FlOgtl e into a gate which checked' the bo-'" ant , relations that existed.o long• . . . ' • • . Eth tSatu d . h dS ' ran ( <.'ampmen 0 e ows ' . .....,. . ., ~d a. vle~ taken from tbe top. But Dill. He .av. very: interesting . an, apE"n r, ay mg .t an un" . . 'The horae was badly skinned lip but As one of the teachers expreeHd it, , 10 thlS cue we were ' amply l8J)Bld. talk about ~trahzation of ridlools dar with· Mr. and Ml'I[!. H. ". Walter 'P each Ice 'C ream at Schwartz's. ' no ,further damage resulted. ' they did not feel that hesitanct the view tow~ the M~can at KirkvUte~ Mo. ..' in Lebanon. , . . ' • -. 8Ome~mes felt i~ . appl'9&Chfnr being Pitttculirly: &'l'8Dd., The pro~ clOeeci witli a feadibg M " d M ' i H Cask i Mrs. J~ D·14arl att and daughter, PASSED RESOLUTION a pthlcipal. but they felt as if they ,Th4!18 ~un.t8im8 are f911 of lee-, '~)' .16" ':Alma May. De&rdQtt. The r. an . 18. • • ,eYt 0 Hel~n. spent a few days wi~h Mr. . ' Wel'e a family with her .. 1I)e head. ",da botli hiatorie and .fanCiful. next meeting of tbe'clubwilt be held the .WarrenQou,ntyChildrens Home J. 'L. Hart:Fock and family n.ear Mt. AI tb~ last meetmg of the W~ne and all ,w 9rked ' bard to carry out ' Some of th_ date back to did abor- at the Fair Grounu with Lebanon spent Sun~y.wltl;t Mr. Warren Bar· Holly last week. To.W1'l8~p ~ool Board the followlD&, her progreslive t plana, and ai a reIgJnat tim., others are of more re- and Franklin clubB. . , nett a~d farDlly. . r~lution was passed: . sutt, the Edison ranks as one of tbe cent 4~te. ~e tragic, and . . . Mrs. C. M: CartwrIght and daughMrs, Wm. S~erwoOd is tile guest, ~at we exten~ a vote of tha,nks beat in the city .. FoOr years it has a true one would DUn. 11.18'M· ' ,.11 EUNION ' . t b d I ... .:1 db ' M of her son, Harry Sher,owood in Leb· to M1S8 Pearl ColVIn for the effiCient had a'l excellent' reco..:l not onl" in , ~ ~~.. I\: er a e OVocu ones &'0:> - yon on, . M Sh " . d h t ...... k , . ' hi h sb I sed th ' .~, 01 , work for ~ flne cha,ter . in one of daY eveni~g. (ieparting for their anon, . r , erwoo . u an a ,!'IiC manner ~n w . c . e coup . e the qualitY;'of the work done, but in Cooper'. novell. It happened about Last S~day was anjdeal d~. So h . E to III of typhOid fever, . school year, especially at the Box- the fact thatlso many .o f its pupils three years &lrO and was widely pub· thought the Burnett descendents .,,' ome 10 vans n, . . ' M' W' 'f~ M t dh wen COmmencement 'exercises, ,and enter the high schools and are erad. ' . .'" .... . ISS 1m ~cu BCY re urne ome . fi d that h k" ht to .hahed in th.e papers olthe countl1 they ' wended th~ir way with well .Messrs. A. B. Ohandler, W. B. f .M h I C't P S d we n . er wor lS ng up uated. . ,_ b~thea8taila ~~t~ It' wBs ,oD',thls fti'l~' ba$~~ts t9 the home~fB ):i'. KlIen, J. B~ Pence, David ,Evans, re:~~n ~n~~~:r. ea~ :e~~'!v~~ ~ t,~~hi&,)l8tandard' Qf ~tsetDY her ThemanYfriend8o!~ia8TerrYin, Wl8e: On one of tli~ Jndlan reserva ~ills near New BllrUnf{ton ~herean~ F ~ ,H.:Fal'r: attepded th~ Pence severaf' Yie- ks wit: relatives the~e ~btJ.lable. deceaSed father, Mr: E. H. her school work as 'fIeIl. ~ bel' ~ tions near 'here '~ was a YOUPK' girl,' ~ey . held their annual reu~ion. sale at the co.u rlhouse Mon,day,. .' e .. . ' .~ . Col.Vln, and t~at a C~py o.f th1s reso- ciates in ch\ltch . and Sun~ay sch~l daurhte~ ot~ <:blat, and~autifut. ThQlle present w~re' B.F.Millsan.Ji. -.. . . . . '. . ' ,r armers . are cutting their oats. IUttonbe~~bh~~l~.thelocaJpress. s~ncerelyhopeforherBpeedyrestora. , ~illv &y, . a !oung . Indian o~ t~e wife; , O. J. lJurnl'tt 'and wife, Eti !.:.. Mrs. Ehza~t~ ,J:lal'tso~k, ,of Btr·, 'llbe oats harvest will not be nearly as . THE UNION 'SERV.ICES ' tion to bealt1i.-:-Dayton Journal. · satDcn'.rvation, fell de8~ra~Ir~n ' lmd . wife, ' ~uel Butter~ miqbam, Ala., ~ tbe gues~ of good ~ the wheat harvestl but the . • -. , !. loV,'e·~th ~er. ·. l!islQve waa)lot .reand ~fe• .Milton Keys abel" ~v.;:d M11" 3-. it. ~wallader, cDrn ought : to .n(tike a big crop. The Union serv'iceSundayevenin&, MAKE THE OL;D FARMcpAY t~med, neltJ:ler w~ ~e look~~u'pon ~'rs: , touisa Bni-nett, Er~es~ ~', 8~k ~s enro~te ~t to vls- 'Much of tl:te eorn is out in t8sse1. . wMheld at the Red , Brick church. , ', .• . , ' .. i WIth favor b~ th~ &irl's fa~he.r.· " De., . .md wife• . 4m~ .CooK l~ fn~ds. 'f . ' .. -" . - • . The ch reb filled ' d Re What ~ . t~~ u~ of tr~l,ng tQ 6" ' 6-' i I ed 6 ................a b ' '{ . . 0,.. • , • u was , a.n v. square n.na \0 round holes l' 'Some'~ "".I'm D , ""' ~ er a , a~y ,nee, Sher~n Dyke and Wtf~. . ,FI'uit Ice Cream 'a t' Schwartz's. , THE ORANOE PICN,IC A. W. Bailey was tbe preacher. He. tha:' 'th . ~. d · the, Would.be wooer. lI~ot Ure lathe", mfe ~ ~liIran k Hartsock , .' , ' . __ .:I "" ..,. t "Wh t Seek Y ., times we .. " , . UlfCU as ,\IS ....x a e, t -th atI ~ e toreason t f " potr , . se~ed. !be:~l;1 ' ~d" ~l!l'ied' bertn~ . ~. <&.le~~n "nd ,!if.~ Mrs. J.1>. "Marlatt ana Mr8. B~r- ,The da~ ~rranged fol' t!ie big all· .and preached oneofiitacha~acteri8tic ge e at:'?B1. e .u~ ro~ 09. e ., t~e.moun~108 p~.u~ably expe~tir i '~n<l wife, ~ilbur tOn Earnhart ' will en~'rtaih 'tne dQ.'y baske! pIcnic ~t \he ~atr Grounds good sermons. farms. are . grOWing ~~ ~.r~llg , to make lilt!," ~8 Wife 10 some dil!tabt Ohio, MrS. Chaa. w 'F M S, ..ot ' the M E ' hur b Lebanon, IS TUesaay, August 15th. The. choit of twenty· two voices crop or us\Og th~ wrong met~o~ or part ,Of tbeii depths. FQr two O~8 . Rooney W~ ~ • . ;U " '.' th'· ~ h c The speaker for this occasion is Sec- de ..". ld h' tori h h ' tbe wrong r'?tabon. or , somet~!Jles it th"y traveled over' rocks'lqlll t roiigb and wife f ht'l .. ~ . ~rnoon at . e, omf:\ retary of Agriculture, A. P &indles'l m!1th ",'I~ 0 , t8 C cure rmg i8 s,imply the wron&, variety. ,It 'may , :>' ~' , ' .. \' , , , ' 0 t e .Lormer. . WI praIse, , b . tit' tJi 'b tangtec;l bruNi wh4pl the e}rJ'f \Varreh 1~e\(8, .Gljfton . ' I', ' .. , ?t Colu~bus; ..Mr. ~an~l~ is a.~ne 'llhe next meeting will be held at ~ we are JU.8 p .an lDg . . e c~op a !ltren~'th... ~ailed: 'i. There i8 I " ~~ ; nd ~el~ H~t- I A, brigh~ " Iet~~,r from th,~~ ,~tecI I'~aker,· ~d a.',gooct :man for the .po · the M. E.' church. Sunday evenirlg. tne , wro~g' tirne. or pu~ttng m tQ~ :. shown t~at b~ ~en ,~rrled her " , ~il,ha~~ Alvln •.J.averne pen .o f M'r, George . U pp, appears 'sttlon wh~c~,..he holds. ' Grangers I Choir rehearsal Fri~ evening at much or no~ en~ugb ~. If ~~,.are" ti)'me bl1t a~ tpt,lack of f~' an~ , D'3 k Hel~ Dinwiddie in this week's issue. Th~ letter is 'Il who do ,not iO wIlt ~egret it. 7:30 o'clock. . we are ~~~~)y wasttn~ energy an~ ... tipe tQld'~Pf?n, hi~.al~· an~ he Gilpen i)1e., B'umett,Butterwo,rtb', fine ~~rip.tion of J)evil'~ Canyon. in T~e Stoket Family.orchestra hav~ . . • - eo , • splintertnjtthe pin: , ,. , OJDpetl~ to '\'1 (hts bgrden dQwn~ , Mild~~. G'rah.alll. , ~uth E. Cook,' San Ber,nardipo 'range of m~untaiQs. bee!l ~n"aged for the day and, there , 8~S~~T MEETINO . , The otn? ~~1~~~~ ~S~tion,~Il;S . "\ ', ' , . ", " Romer". B~ett ~and Cheater W~ . '.will ~~ ple~ty.,~f fine D',Iusic. . ' '. ", bee~ study,ltlgvan~t~ee and rO~hons A Traal , ,Romance . \ BUJ;'netl;, ' . ',' 'r ,I ~i'a.John, p.~s,.M~. ;}JTea Bjlrkr fdakeyourar.ranlementa·to,go, as .. ~hel'.e ,~t,lt .'b~"a~ ,pl,d fashioned and meth~s ',~~d time and rate 0 I tA rfi~ ' e' 6\' " t ' . ',u 'i . . , -.... .., . hatdt and SOI)~ Mrs. Edith Heln ~d' you will have afine time. ' ' un~on b88k~t, ~eetlDg of, th." Ferry ~ing, ~tc., for more ttla~ a q ar-' \ ~ra~coJnw 8i'Okd nl~:~~Jd BAND CoNCERT' PR<>qaAM ' daugbter and , MiSs ' Edi#t Wise. 01, .' ., . - • .' , , and Way~e8ville : Chr!~tian Churob~. ter of ". !l~n~ury *,nd the'r~ult.8 of ,h. • ,. ~ ' ~it: <~'I'{ . , ".,' . ,'., ' , " ' r payto~; ha~e ~elta1i.tsoil'elatives' , . "NO' BO;C"N'>, MAIl" at Hoagh a 'Yoods oneJl~f mUewest, experimen~ ,wiU ~el.p us1\~ ~}i~ p~ :' . . bU~~ " be' .' . is the propam' for the and 'fneriCis here during · the 'p ast ' ,; ~ ,- '. ~ " Qf WaYt'!esvtlle. S~nday , ~uijr SOtho ~ the ~ig ~~t,on .E:lthlblt I\,t th~' < _ m .. ad ib~':, .ntfm ' " Thunday etJenin~. week. ",' .... } '~, '. '. ~'. ... ,P9It~as~er,~eral 'HitchcoCk Jlas, ~e. he.rewfpre' q!lve di~d~ the 'f ifth qreene 90 u nty Palf .. !\:ugu.t 8 to 11, . · ~rmh I~ei Ihd'aDY ' ee: 20, '1911,'from until. 9 O!Cloc;K!' N IS th ti to b~ <, . . " ro, 'sent,out thj q~~i' hl towns ' where S,undllY . b~tweeh. ' ~ese ~hurch~. and;study. tfte resultS of ~e Ex~rl-, e l1Il , , ~.q.w b,em . ,, ' ,' . . ' ow , e me y ~.9ur mon~ rriaiJ.i.s delive.red by carrier, thaUn We hope to this such ~ IUCc:eseas meh,t8 iI1U8tra~. " . , , cret»t· . alon, ' d~nlDg It¥ '>,, ~p~ve MarcH. ~f!J1~ Yo~ ,Bat .tn.. ald um~as)'!eare go~n~tdcl98e o~t o!'J,er:~~eive ·riiai1 ~erJ~uary t;oma~e. it.~anJl~al~~.r: ,.' \ , ,.,' ·.: f~ t ~ . : 1I!,ittiblm. Atl~, 8urropndec1~ , :• .petroit. . ' . .' .. . t\v~.y munument••bead atone .~d ·1 t, every r8!tidence sball ·,bave an. " 'l:hia-;snotaSlln V Sc:hool'picnici . A. PECULlAR', FIRE were. he. p}aced th, muule of, ·~HtMeToruJbtll~Dr~~and. tabl~tandmak~ pnce$ ,to~~em~ ap J'Ovedmail,l)Ox r thus 'aa\1ingtime ,divine servteee .n'aoiniDt and 'a fter- ' .' . .. ' ". ' to ber bl,. _t ind idiot., _e...I~V{alt~~. ... " .~fYO~w~t~m.,numen.toranltbip~' ~·mbneY 'f~r.tliGlOverqment.. ~ ,no01a:" ~e "aa,. will t;e ·.'8pe1)t ,in . . A~~.o~and~uhar 8,., tIRo.", the b~ m&cle ~ne Ma~li, ·Souea~wing. . ., ' our <lIne l~ ' pay., y"u ' well '~~ . ' • ': -. : . . . r, :. quiet , l'4We'r ent " way. " F;veribOd1I curfed at·COl'~ T,btlri4ay:' '':.~.;J.: wn~ 4aIb . ,to .,,~ hnn.etf . ~arCbj "The Holy City." call here b8fo~ you place YOU,l! or- .. ICe CR.e~M SOCIAL . 'in~ted to cOme.' " Aa'tbe freijfbt ~ W'!l~lpll11". If b. , But Nallud uJapoblca." dat. We have 'over three bUDdNd . ' " • _., ' . .' , the $ation It WU notiiCed u ...... ._ daB bid llarcb,'·Cl"8ICentQty.tl in ·.toc:luoJOu cantee jult what 'l'be{8wiUbe ... ·lce creIplllOda1 ,' "'WkJhyourw"8P'~$O"'.t'''' otchareOalwu,onlr.-.. IUno,IW'tts, uCQpld'4Du't." yO,D ·.... bQyiaa: aU ofllle belt gran~ at the ¥. Eo, chqrcb " at ,lit. Holly; ,s.D. &he pOec. htad dre"i ·' . JDId.~ .atilt aiI!•• _ItIlll..ualilMtlm. SteP uBone;rIiSckle Time.." Ita. P. · lIerId....oP.. evealna. Jal7 ~. All -' 8~t ,«1a-1O~".to .t he mUll ' . . . . ".. ,
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The Miaml Gazette D. L. CRANE, Publish er, .....--- 'WA YNESVIlJ.E:, OHIO ,
'I '
®oore l1W.\rn IT®ID
ITIGtm~® ~llilI1m~
tr ANOMALY OF PROFIL ES. How often have we sat directly op· poslte a comely face In the street enr, tor Instance, admirin g Its r egular. ;well·form ed features, wben, with a certain turn or the perBqn's b ead, the muslon of beauty suddenl y vanishe d, the new view present ed revealin g con· tours at nose, chin and mou th' dlsap' p oloUng In t.he extreme , sa ys the Photo E ra. Tbe consolin g feature, \ p erbaps, Is the ear, whi ch, projecti ng abnorm all y In so many cases , now as· s umes an air of repOse. Few fuces will produce a profile of classIc beauty, and even some of these fall to yIeld flatterin g tuB face portrai ts. T his Is one reason that one sees more tront view portrait s than profi les In paint· lng llnd photogr aphy, InCid entally, it may be rema rked th at man)' a mnn would look better with his head pres ented In protlle, It he wore a mus· tache Instead of being smooth-shaven. Not only does It preserv e the har. monJous proportJons designe d by natnre. but Its removal, In obedi ence fashlon!s deoree, sometim es result In unpleas ant disclosu res, sucb as an abo normall y long upper Up or an II sbaped mouth, besides Imparti ng un· due promlnenoe to tho nose, A pos· s lbly humoro us phase of tbls subject Is the report that patrons of marriag e bureans in large German clUes now Insist upon both fullface and profile pbotogr aphs of their prospec tlve con· sorts, Judge Foster's charact erizatio n 0 "joy rldlng" as "thievin g," coupled, with bJa Imposit ion upon the prisone r before him of 0. sentenc e of a year In the Mnlten~~rj, gives tho new law Increaa lng the 8everIty of the p,enalty fOt the offense an excelle nt start, lays the' New "fork Poat. Such an attitude wUl not only serve aa f&D emphat lo ' amlng to r~klels ' chauffe ura, but wm make It dlfDcult tor judges who might be inclined tQ undue lenienc y to yield to their weakne ss. It Is a com· monpla ce ' that, In rende ring. law ef· rectlve. an ounce of enforce ment la worth a pound of addition al l(lgl8la' tlOD. '
COffEE IS SPOltED BY MUCH BOILINGI Shou'ld Be Freshl.v Made ~s Tannin, an Injurious Substance, , Is Extracted By Much Heating,
- --- --- --- ,;
Haeda Sarsapari 1,Ia
Cures all blood humo rs, ' all' eruptions, clears the complexion, create s an appetit.e, aids , digestion, relieves that tired feeling, gives vigor and vim.
(By Mabel Musklm en, College of A gricultu re, Ohio Sla tEj Unl verslty. ) Coffeo Is a very popular beverag e In Is quite sutls factory, it not bolled too most homes, It has no value as a food, long nnd is " 'ell cleared. Cortee II as It does no t supply tbe body with cleared by' usin g egg .' or cold building materia l, or with heat, but It Egg clears coffee by 'entangl water. ing the Oet it today in UI1I&f Ji~uid form or acts as a stlmula.nt to the central nhrv. groun(Js as It thickens ous sy stem, and with the ot.her bevel'- thc.m to the bottom of thelind carrying ehocolated tablet. eall~d 8ar•• tabe. pot, E ither ages. Is one of the sourcCl of \vnt~r In the wblte or, the yolk, or both ';"lay be the body: ' used. E nough of the white of cgg a(J· It properly made nnd used In mod· heres to the lusille of the'she ll to clear erate amoun ts, to tbe majorit y of pea- 3 or 4 cups of coffee. pie coffee Is not harmful. Excessive clears coffee by carryin Cold witter g the groun(Ja Nine ttmes in ten when the liver f. use ot colTee results In ner vousnes s, to the bottom wi th il, since It Is heav· right ,thQ stomach and bowels are right ler than the bolting llquld. CARTER'S L1TILE Boiled Coffee With Egg. LIVER PILLS, Pro portions for one cup : gentlybutfirmly 2 18\'el t ablespoon[uls ground coffee, pel a lazy live!' do its duty. 1 cup ( Ih 'pin t) boiling water. Cures COlIAbout 1 teaspoo uful whIte of egg (1 .tipation , IDwhole egg clears 8 to 10 cups), • die..tiou, l\fcthod.- Put ground cofl'ee Into the Sick pot that has r ecently been scalded , Headach.. add about 1 teaspoonful cold water. and DI.tn.. After Mix, then add 1 cup boiling water. SMALL PILL, SMALL SHALL PRIr&. Cover and place over the tire /lnd let Genui ne must bear Signature A coffee pot anll a coffee filter• come to the boiling point. Remove slee plessne ss and disturbe d h eart nco from the fire, add the egg mixed wltb tlon. The presence of 0. substnn ce in about 1 teaspoo nful cold watet and tbe colfee, called caffeine , Is perhaps 811ghtly beaten, BUr well, coyer, let the cnuse ot these disorde rs as It haa COme to boiling point agalo, remove Many a man who Is hla own mas· from fll'e and let settie a tew mlnuteE ter mlg.bt a sti mulatin g etrect on the nerves. better be lervlng some before serving. Another substallCe, called tannin, III otber. Coffee Withou t Egg. _ . found In coffea tb;:.t has been boiled 2' level tablespo onfuls ground coffee, a long time, Thia sllbstan ce hln· I cup ( ~ pint ) bolllM water. dera digestio n by tougben lng a nd r.(e tbo(J,- Mlx ground coffee wltb shriveli ng the delicate linings of the mouth. and stomacl:, Fresh ('.ot· about 1 t easpoon ful ,cold water ; add fee siould be made each time. Cot· boIling water, let boll two minutes , fee should not be allowed to boll more then remove !ro,m the, fire. Pour cold than three to five mloutes , . and In water through the spout, and into the maltlng percola ted coffee ten .mJnute s top of tlle pot , to help setne the cof· Is sumclen t time. fee. Let s tand five minutes then . Rules to Be Remem bered. serJ e. In the Future. 1. Always keep ground coffee In a Coffee made without egg Is stronit' "How cUd you get your .tart LD tightly closed can, If coffee ia ground ere but egg adda a desirab le fla vor. lite?" at home. JIl~t the amoun needed , at Percola ted entree. "I got a flying s tart;. i was born ID the time should be GTound to prevent Place ' 2 level. tablespo ontula 01 an airship. " , loss 'of Oavor. 61'0und cotree In the upper compar t· ' ~. Use a , good Quality of coffee ; ment of thepercola tor. Put ono cUll 80me AViatIon Record .. good results need not be expecte d of boiling wa~er Into the loiver part. Czar F erdillan from the t:heapes t grq.des . l..et boll t en mlnutea. TJlls require s first crOWned d of )Julga.r-ia ~s tbe head who -bas ma de an 3, Never use a Un coffee pot. The no settling since the ground cortee Is n roplane fll,hL ~he aviator who tannin ' unites with the Un and f&rns held In the. "Ive-lik e, arrange ment In took him up Is tbe ftrst man' who ever un!1eslrable . compou nds. the toP. and the llojUng water being was knJghte d' In midair. 'Prlnce Henry 4. Alw,ays empty the coffee pot aft· drawn up tl)rough the tube In tho cen· ot l'russla ' hi We Ilrst profe. slonal er using. ' Scald It 'thoroug bly before tel' flltera through the coffee avIator and ex· of royal ' rank. Mr. Rooeev~ using. tract.& the flavor. This Is 'a very de- Is the tlret promine nt atat.esman lt to Boiled colfee Is probabl y nsed more sirable method of milkIng coffee and h'a ve made an asoens lon In .an aerathan that made by 'other 1)1ethodl, and, 1& growing more Popular. plane. Arthur J. Balfour la lbe 180ond.
Make the Liver Do ita Duty ,
, ~~~zt:
HIS Is goln, to be the biggest over the world the story Is the same. year yet for aVlaUon , Not They are having avIation meets l.n only In Americ a and Europe, HawaII, In CIU.na, In Japan, In ,AUI' but In tar-off countries Uke tra lla, In India. and even down In Japan air craft are being built South Africa, by tbe hundred s and IIcores of exblbl· Almost as Importa nt as gettlnll' tbe tiona are planned for the next few rIght Bort of motor Is ' the months . In this country and In Eu· the secret of automa tic lIndlng of stablllty ot rope alone a total of more than '1,600" aeropla nes. More has been learned In 000 Is offered In prizes for a'vlatora . the last twelve mopths ' about tho No such wonder ful progres s In a new swirls and turmoil s that beset the nav· meana of transpo rtation has ever be~ Igntor In the flelds of air than ever witness ed In the world before. T was known before, But Two British assistan t army pby- Oylng machin e la comJng Into gener I plane will have to become the ' aeroa ateady, Bldan. commit ted suicide In London DIe more than twice as rapidly as d well·bal anoed machin e u.nder varying the automo bile. Althoug h travel br conditio n I before It can surpass and the Inquest resulted in the atthe TOO BAD. tribuUo n of their lIelf·murder to In· land and water will not be rivaled by automo bile In popular ity and general travel In the air for many yeara (4.1 use. Many devices are being tried to a.nit)' 'enu,ed by overwo rk. It was a come, yet the alrahlp Is likely to out accomp lish thla end. aad end, yet. precaut ions ,to avoid such TbOfo la no This Ia .the seaaon of the year ;\fben Ill\Posslble ,for the top io atrlp all other metbod a ot rapid tran. doubt that the' problem be sumcien t. wtl1 b~ lolTed dtsealle4 or weaken ed treq becJll, to 11 Ej.Qw1.II • mel!LDcboly fate may be exaggerat~d, portatlo n 'WIthin led. ~oth1ir . 1_S8 eOmm(lD ~e next year or so. saU"fac torlly before lone, and tltat·the ' show promin 'Everyo ne wbo stopa to refiect upon ent sympto ms ot decllne. cause of fruit trees dyl.ng In Ohio Americ a 18 ,I tlll tar behind Europe, la the lubject probabl y will be able to both In the giving of ' prlses and tbe annual death roll of the aeronau ts wUl It is not at aU uncomn.,on for orCbard , the result of wi,nter Injury. Suoh Inbe cut down conside rably. trees of all klnda to , die, seemln' r~1 the names of more than one flying of machin el. Thll, howeve gly J uries expre.a themsel ves In various r: la " A great many enlhult ast\e people within a "tew days and apparen tly way" among the persona of hi. tmmedl ato not likely to oonUnue to be the ClBIe. have heen urging their lovernm ents wlt,hout ,cause, dllring the early part perhapsbut one of the most common Is · tbe psellng of bark from aCQualntance wko never will ,die of Not even France Is sbowlng more ac· to ItOP .buildin g battlesh ips and apend of June. The casual obsene r only around the ,trunk Uvlty In aviation than Americ a 18 be- their millions tor air crRfl of the tree/! In the overwo rk. Sinning to. Thl) list of prizes that are pointed out that for the They have' noUces that anythin g Is ~ong 'When spring. In other case I large, long, ~o.t ot one the leaves Ilc[uall f be~n to wither, 10ng1tudlnal cracks may occur In t~e Baye the babies. So many people open tor competi tion thus ·far thil Dreadn aught an aerial fleet that consequ ently the caule of the troub,ls bark In varIous places. Frolt injuries year In Americ a totaisa lll\ost '600,' would darken the 'sky could be con· appears to be ~r8terlous. ;B.ut are getUng lynched an4 killed In au· a care. may be of all degrees of se:verlty and 000. Under tOinoblle and mO,t or 'cycle races, not to cago Aero the auspice s of the Chi- atructed . In ' fact, the naUoDs ot the luI examin ation wUl usually show that the ,length of time tha:t trees may ltve club, tbere will be a tOUI'- world are feverish ly preparl ns tor aero the mention the fatalitie s In aeropla ne nament 'that In the wealth of Its prIzes lal warfare . Great as }fas been the the trouble IB ot ''1ong standin g, anel after the ,InJury occurs wlllLof courseJ Injury to bark or roots bas tlnally depend upOn the extent of tbe and war.~lp diu.ler e, tbat the lItUe a.nd the distinct ion of Its contesta Yt'ounds, nts rivalry between the great powers to become so severe that the top does . . - The. InJuTY done to t~s by borera onel are sure to be needed . • wUl exceed anythin g the world yet bas build and equip battlesh ipB, the rivalry not receive sumcle nt food an!! moist- Is well seen. , The most expert of pilots will between them tor mastery known \;Iy the 'frWt gl;o'We" • , ot the aIr ure to sustain ' the tree. but Is oft-en o'Verlooked by the ama· Th~ cbarge Is that all the microb e. be In charge and the most famous of Is fully BI keen. Even the United Sevora( causes not otherwi se cUsposed ot, amounU ng Invento rs will there meet In contest. States has caught the tever and within this IoloW death may bring about teur. .u aUowed to have Uietr ' own which Is ap.parently way It Is but a ~atter of a ~ew years :rhe , prizes are ftxed at a minimum of a ,few monthl 'expects to have 160 to several bUllons If not more, attach aero se sudden. Bome of the mora com· before ,t rees may '200,000. At the very first meeting ot opla.n es under Its comman be destroy ed, •Tlle th"mae lvea d. The la8t mon ca\lses are meohanlca.l injuries ot alUDe Is true the pubUe roller towel. the club, called With the San Jose Bcale, by Harold F . McCor- congrel s ~pproprlated $126,000 tor the The appeara nce of the towel, too, mlc", ,.arlous kln~3 su.c b as brul&es by whtt- bnt with thl. Insect the deatru.ction $80,000 was subscrib ed, and purchas e and buUding of aeropla nes trees, plow ,ad cultivat or; by this or trees la u8ually much atrongly corrobr atea ths obarge. sInce then 1he tOlal original ly deslg· tor 'naval and mlUtary mQre rapid, Edlth- PiPa wouldn 't let me I1lIr,J'J' purpose s. The means ratlier large areas nalOO has been made up, ' aerial corps Is already under organlz a. exposed whIch dry ou~ of' wood are , Bor~rs may, of course, be 'dug out Mr. sUngy because he smoke lsucb "What' are 'yOU going to do with beto~e the and ' destrol ed; wl\tle ,S,.n Jose Bcale Like all the other contest s of · thls tlon and , th.e most noted cheap olgar8. ' avlator,a In bark has a chance to heal over, and Is \loDiPl\ , your boy 1.0. sllmme r'" aaks, a corre- )'ear, It wl11 be a cross·co untrf meet- ~e UnJtetf Btatea ~Uvel¥ easily combat ~d by are now commls· various deea,y ing agenole s enter and ,the E~Ti,lU' d-He can't a., that ""bout use of atrong llme sulfur apray a~ Iponden t. , For the correct answer that la, Jt wll\ be a long·dls tance' affair sl,oned omcers In It. The Aerial corpa many a ' pl\rent wfll have to Inquire of and not merely an exhibiti on. It wlll of the regular army bas been seeing crailual ly extend ' the hiJlJrles: ", 1m" plied In, the w,t nter 'Um'e. II ~en in Edith-N o, he , ~8J'a YOIl ' amoke' ~ , ,', time bqt Utlle '4ann be utUllarl an, and nothing r~lult trom eXJ,lenslve on ea. " the boy. be per· some service durIng tbe maneuv ers t~ese insects, · but wi th t~e oth'e r mUted 1.0. the way of competi tion that atlll under way In the - -.......o:-''--~southw est and callea ' mention ed it Is little; that ' can -ijEAR T RIGHT. One hundred gne'sta fled from a Cln· will not have for Its Intent the evolu· bave done scout duty for the marchin g be done; tlon ' certainl ot tbe y science nothing of aviation, The columns . after tbe When He Quit Ooff.o .. - clnnati hotel fire In their nfgh,t clothes, leaves \legln to shrivel' aU.d die: ' ...' The alr or the United Wl110h must ha.ve been embaru ,sllng Chicago Aero club In this partlClllar Is The plum free shown, in th~ acc'om. following closely the lines laid down full ot machin es during States will be LIfe In8ur~n~e Com~~ICI. will' bot the to those who truvel wlthqut nlaht by the Aero panytn , iI1ustra tion III d,YJng from ' two ClUb of America , wblcb As in the' old days, the nation ,' R man , aufferln g ftlolll heJU't clothes. causes: I Orat, Ulera waa a severe me- trouble. bas for Its basic principl e the' makIng for Its fighting sailors . • 'upon the. fta~ chat'llca, ~hJur¥ on, the ,trunk. Tbls " Tbe ,·.ellspn l, obvious ot mere sport subsldla ry 'to uUllty and faring men of the New England . caut; New York Is going to try vacuum advance ment. Hence It Is that has ne.ver. ~, e aled ~ver' and wood rots It haa In these later times It must rely upon This Is a serious matter to ,the busItreet clean,lng. ThJa we submit la In· enUsted hundred s ot thousan ds ot cap· the citizen 'hAve gradQal!;r exten~ed the Injury. bliDd 01' father wlio Is aviator to aid In m~nning Lafer , on one ot the acaffpld ' Umba the,' tlit1Jre of , hl8 : d~ar soUcltous~ -for tlnltelY better than takIng your streeta Ual contrib uted by men whose eco- Its machin es In the oo"ea. Oftep event of a conflict. 1\o'aa re~oved- tor aome" reason. and the heart troub~e out loto the back yari1. and beating nomic genius forbids a Qu~stloDIDg of In Europe the military use of the Ie caua8cl"bf an· bo. , beca~se the Ule correctn \V~und lett was , In ,the expecte d thlng.an d can be corrMte esa of their foreslgb t. them. Jleroplane Is well recognized, ilolf . , orotch of a ,poorly tre,lned tree It faU- ~Cn ' lll ~ma anll These mea do not fly machine s. But has given Qrders for the ,ptop'ClJ!~r ' treatect · A purohaire of Plum tree Ihowlnl l, algnl, of dylnll: ' ,ed to ' helll and . BO at the their Injury desks rapidly they \ Some people aeem 'to walt patientl y lPa~ In Colorado W1'1tfls: .. _..... write out the 300 warplane's of tbe latelt type, ~r· proper training and Pfiining 'may "Iso apread Uilt11 finally ' the two wounds from one June to another for the pur- ch~cke that sUmula te "pilots" and In· many !;las anywhe re trom' tblrty to cause alow deatb. "I ,"8a a gr~t coffee .. TaKe ,the, ease are< causltlg the , death "ot the tree. many ~ars,' and 'wa. Dot ,drinke r for pOle of making a, plea for shlrtwa lstll cite iDventoTil to their beat efforts. fifty dlrlglhl es and a Beore of aero- where all seaff~ld lfm!,s aware' of bav,e been Th;e ·top baa shewn Its." Orst serious, Inj'l\flous etreets ot the habit till" r for postme n and lunbon. neta tor T~ey pay the expense s, predi ely aa planes carefull y guarded in her mIll· allowecl tCi form on the same plain aymp!o ma tIlll ' aprll!lr, b~t It Is likely becl.UD~. ;; practica .' lnY~I.~, ·'the grocery men" In the days of tbe tary departm ent. ' En,land lutr~rlDI' Is nen- and lo '1 tew yearl lome' of them :wUI. t' "t the ' whole horses. Argona uts "gruHt aked" the proa· ouslY arming with warplan tree die lie tore trol;i1 burt , ~,ubte~ lIicUaestloll:, 'a nd es, that she usually die, or ~Jlle will be re~oved : the' &,~as~n· pecbora for gold '-Od other preciou s may be able to defend i8 , over. " ' ~e"oullnesa ' to ,an extent Utt.t ,. .de the air as she by the pruner. The"wo unds 'l ett ai,e Five-six ths of the burlesq ue houa,eB metals. One may c;onclude thim that yoees mQ wretche dlr mfserab le haa long beld ' QJ)'eetr\ ,anct the water. In New York elty are rated In a Rus· Among the oiller pz:lzes that wl11 be strong In tbe fighting potentlaItaly la usually oJ;l top, and consequ ently, at·' d.o not u~uall,:die' troin' cauae wbich ~.nulsaJi~e ~~' tb08e' wbo wltDes. ed my llty of ford 1I~I~nd,ld op~rtun!tt.!ls, ~or ,rots ,haa \ak~n fmtnedh eell Sage foundat ion report as demol'- compet ed for thi. Iymme lte elfect; but rather suffer~Dp. I" r Is tbat of· these -new creature s. " ; 'If ,', ' to e!1ter the truJ.lk of the' atldng. It ' la apparen t, therefor e, that fered by the Automo blle ,Club of Amer· A first-class st.eel warplan e, costa Injuries gradually, Clxtelia tree. ~UCh t'ba~ s~m'e " agenCY ',ha8 ' bean at wprlr ",,,~ conUnu ed ~l) ,drltiis: ~~~, 'bOw- , and flna1J1 f.o r a conslde rable ' perlo$! . .A:lso whe_ ever, not the Investig ators o.ttended the abowa. lea, motor reUllblllty, " $1,000. Then '7,600 sqap~ctlng tllat ,It. "u the tn the open market. there Is the $16,000 pr.ze offered by ern batUes~lp costs nearly The" mod· a ll?orge por~lon qf t~" POt ts- 'of iIi~ the ,tops 'o( 'treflll sbow afgris' of dying cause',o t. my ~l1.~ea!!bj"t,111 QIl 'app~ '10,000, 000, tre~ where m~lst)lre movel become s tb~re is l1!Ue ,that. ,cu.~ be don') A scbool ot mUBlc has been opened Edwi!] Gould tor the moat perfect and so that tbe ~ost for to , ~ve ~or ,lite Insu~~~e I w~a reje~~ed on"ac-,, one battleah .., "~ .' th'e tree, " Ie .mur.t also Coilclude tha't co,;,nt ~t the troubl~ "with In Bangko k, ~Iam, and .the Bangllo- practica l heavier·tlian·al r flying ma; good-siz ed fleet ot aerial crait lp a 'anvolved. c 1D7 beart. mlrht Anothe r leU commo n Inju17 II III jIJree Is a delJcate organis m' and a. T~e~ 1 bec~me, ~jaz:meci. keae are said to ,be bidding' tor a aym· chine designe d and equippe d wltb two be asselilb.led. ~n Fran~e the ' I t~ul1d that , the ntltpre of a ,root 'Tot: wliere the 1it1~JJ; requlr(l s dellc~te handll~g. , Tb4 l~a'Vln, phpny orchest ra. ' They are blghly or more separat e motors and prop ell· turers are behind wltb their ordC!rs. ,roots' Iln' g off ~o~~e b4?tP,tid me ,qulolrl,.,' ~ . d base tbe trunk 18 ~attac!t~ 'gr.eates erB t· 0', ,so llnlns connect ahould ed that they may beop- They have been swampe d with orders, musical . ed by (ungous 'f!lsea, es. , V{.l)er~~ 1li·ele to ',i~jUN! the Itree in anybe ,.tllken , pI' I 'Q.ult It altolf~t~er ,and tiavlDIr b8e!l erated IndivIdually or t9gethe r. Tb.ere durln~ tb,e p~t fe..., months WilY aUbe,' d ' ~y tbe ,a'dverUsement8 , of and' bave dlaease s ' occur,' ap, , much pi tJio root by ,~afeless , use ot ,cuI hvalln r too'; attncta are two big prizes tor long 'flights, enough now . to keep thelli Poatum I, ljegan , us 1'. ~ " , 11,1111', for a it.tem become . ~,Involved • Uia" , Tbere Is a CbJcago woman w~o One ' of thesa Is '60,000 I of ~e pruning for a fUgbt year. ,I chaDge In conelltloD, wanl's to ~et rid of a hU,sban d whom" acrosa the , contine nt, and the , other r, ',All 'Y*Jlt.I~III' sbe ~ won Oll 11 bet. The ,moral Is: '30,000 for a' fllght J rom N\!w 'York to HI. 'Promot ion, ' Nev~r, bet~ St. oouls. "W!Jen' l-was ,Wol'''ln& on a s,alar,., ,Engla.nd the blgge, t prize that 8a1d th.e head of ,the Orm, ,''I was al'It- ,n ew gUD',for the ~atUeshlpTexa. basIn. been ' bung up thua ,far tIi1s year w'{11 bit th~ en.emy 12 mUcs Ilway" pro- Is [or th'e I,OOO·mlle race :W'Ound Great ways We ftl'8t one In the 'establis h: J.llent in the p1QI'nillg ILDd the laa~' bne " vlded tile enemy will. b.e ' accomm odat· Britain, and the wlnnW e pU1'II4!:1 . ,$60,. to leave it at night." Ing 'e nouSh not to dod/Ce. 000. On, the conUnet.t . the Freuob " 'Willi YO,u '" ,replied the oJllce boy. governm~nt·s compeUtlop. for 1J.l1l~tat)' "How lonl elld you tee» It up,~" .!J'he death of a Ch)cago man Is Ilt· aeropla nes ,has , ,2(01000 In prlae8, The "Ho" lonl( dl4 I ~..p' Jt up? J'or tributed t.o tha faet thq.t ho wore Ught prizes at mJ",oe~aoeo. mee,ta and dr- 'twenty'-two 4IIJDl .t. cOmblD &UoaO f • .~ : Yet Cblcago women ihri~. an~ cults in GermaDY. Italy,' Ru••I.., IUIG "Gee I It- WOk you • JoDI( to' Bl'lglum amoQDt tQ '160,00( .' 't~ere cou tb IIou to ' let ,.;. .~ . fat Oil: lUo1a .. tClnD of torture, . . . .ialo:,.,,, . are , MY bl, huU'II4ual t'NJItI. .AD ,4i.u,bte r. dJp't It!" '.all. ,
too ·
the '
fear.'" . ,
Ill". "
(9be 7';fysti?r¥fJfHdita . 7
. ' ", ~yalue·
Practic;d Fashions _ Anothe,. Terrlble'Caae of Gravel Doan'a Kidney Pilla•
Charles Underatelp, 60 W. 44th St., Chicago, II!., sayS: "KIdney trouble ran me down from 196 to 136 pounds Ilnd I 'was a shadow of my former self. Oh! bow I suttered. I became .so bad the doctors said my ieft 9lde Wal paralyzed. r could not walk without nssistance. I grew worse and went to n hos pital, but was' not helped. My frIends all thought I would dIe. Three weeks after I be· gnn taldLg Doan's Kidney Pills I passed a gra"el stone as bIg as a pea. At Intervals tbe s tones kept passIng' from me. I passed eleven in one day. Doan's Kidney Pills finall y cured me. My health r eturned and I have had no kJdney trouble since ." Remember (lie riame-Doan's. For sale by druggIsts and general storekeepers everywhere. Price 60c. Foste r,M llburn Co. , Bufralo, N. Y.
of Personal Work
TONE) Is nowbere fal' \.By . tram the surface In F/~HER - Malta. In op e \1 , squares about Vale t· ta round slabs In 'e ven rows, making . the paved spaces al)ACH one ot us as a crea. ture at Ood has a part to penr like lIome kind at western pa ·hJM·board, cove the do In lIle. Mine may be a mouths of the old granaries, that I\re much more obscure part but round chambcI'II cut In the 80lld tban yours, yet I am nc. countable to Ood for my · rock, with 'wnlls made smooth by use ot many years. At Cilta Vecchla, the part. God does not expect tbose with form r cnpltal of the Island , old ca.tIl· one talent to do what tllose with five combs- llrobubly dug out by the Chris· talentt! ..... \11 accompllsll . We are nil tlans tor ussemblago durIng the ages hel'e for a purpose and If we will an. ot persecution- undermine a large swer the purpose of our creation we area wllh their extensive ramlficl\' must' gl',e God our hearts and make a tlons. rull Ilnd complete surrender to blm. The remarkable "JIyvogaeum" was ror "out of the heart are the Issues of · discovered a CjlW years ago at Paula, liCe." ' R vllinge about two-and·a·balt miles It we would have success In doIng from the Porta Reale of Valetta. Up pcrsona\. work we must ourselv s be to that time the known ' remains of thoroughly converted, J e6us ea.Jd to Peter, "Wh,en thDu are converted, 611Ch underground workings In Malta 8 S belonged to a remote antJqulty only strengthen tby br~thren." Included ROme at the numerous exen· In doing personal work It Is neces' A New Sensation. This very styltsh bodice gives us vated grottoes or artlHclal caves s9ch Gary that we lay aside IlII sin and Little J ean bad 'vlsll.ed ooe of the as that nCar the Church ot St. Loren· worldliness and let God lend our way. Doe of the best at the more dressy fash· s ummer amusement parl\s tor M, about two·and·a·Quarter miles rc we wl\1 not let him have 1110 own Ions of tbe hour. The neck Is slight· large the first time,' find with the courage Iy low, cut square and below this open· northwest at Haglar-Klm, circular In way, our power wlll be crippled and Vlan, with four columns ot the natural men wI\) be lost that we might bave Ing there Is a vel'Y deep square yoke . possessed only by those girls wllose In front. At each side of this yoko play'mates are boys and girls older rock left standing when the cave was been Instrllmental In saving. made: nnd the many bell'lIhaped hoI· . We must have a WOTking Imowl· la a aectlon which Includes t.he up· than themselves. she lIad not hesl· tated, when Invi ted, to take a rldo on edge of the Bible. "For the word of per part of the side ot the waist and one or the "thrlll ers" that abound In lows with circular openings near the rulaa at Dorl-en·Nadur. Professor Ood Is quick • . and powerful, and the entire upper sleeve, without any such places. Zammit. the InderaUgable curatol' at shnrper than any two·edged sword. shoulder seam. Below the yoke, fol· "To ber mOlber, on lIer return from lowing the line of the top of the bust the Valetta 'Museum, bas tor the past pierCing even to the dividing asunder there fs a blbllke lectlon In front and the park, she confided th emotions year or two been svcndlng the great· of soul a.nd Iplrlt, and of the Jolntll this extends to the side back seam she bad experienced as she swept er part ot his leisure In the excava· and marrow. and la a dlscerner at the which 1I0lnll It nnd the shoulder pieces round the curves at the "figure eight" 1I0n and study ot the Hypogaeumj and thoughts and Intents of the hea,rt" to the center at the back. Thla Is with her elder brothers. . on recent visit he took me over 't he (Heb. 4:1l!). In Jer. 23:29 we read, a graduated penel In shape. "Mamma;' sbe said, "wilen I went The "Is not my word like as a fire? Ballh lower edge of the sleeve cap has a round thoBe awful turns so fast I felt myslerloU13 series of little rock·cut the Lord; and like ~ hammer that band, Rnd below thll Is 11' amall under· just as If ' l had freck les on my Ilalll, which are In three stages 01" stories, one above anolber. breaketh the rock In pieces?" . It Is sleeve ot 'somethlng sbeer. For a IItomach!"-Youth's Companion. able to melt and break beartl. Oh, waist of this character we would ad· • He a lso showed me BOme eh,a mbers Christian friend., how very essential vise 60Qlethlng 80ft IIko mel8allne or which had not yet been cleared out. Important to Mothere tn which the Ooor was covered by Ao- botb. upon walls and ceUing lIome pat· It Is to know the Word or God. It Is cashmere, or else a tine linen with a Examine carefully every bottle at cumulated debris to a de,Pth .varylng. tern' decoration, which I sketChed. It the Instrument upon wblch we nlullt- braIded yoke. CASTO RIA. a safe and lure remedy for rely In dolnc penonal work. from one to two teet. This waa com· II' painted In 'a dull ochreoul red ullOn The pattern (5169) Is cut In sizes 32 Infantl and chUdren. /Uld see that It Praye,. Not AII.Sufficlent. poaed- of nnd mIngled wllh crumbllnc the bare sorface. The chamben are te 42 Inches bust measure. Medium Bean the ~ --W~ Will be prayerful. We may be Ilze requires 2 yards ot 31i Inch mate· Sigualure of · plecell of human. bonea and o~c..lonal neither very lmall nor VOf.)' lal'ge, b\\t • fragmenta of pottery. The smaller the floors vary from about tw~lve to tree trom ' lln and we may have the rl.at In Uso For Over 30 Yean: bones, IUllh al t~e carpall and lQeta· ftfteen feet In diameter, and -perhapa Bible knowledge, but, unless we are To procure thl. pattern Bend 10 centll Ohildren Cry 'for Fletcher's Caatoria al1lllls, were frequently .perfect, but their mOlt .trlklng feature Is that closely connected with the power. to "Pattern Department." or lbl. paper. Write name and addre8s pillinly, and be the Inrg8T ones' were generally broken. some of the walla ue curved vertical· houle at God, aU our elrorta will be lure to Il'lve &tle and number or paltern. A Qlo'alnt Thought. The teeth, as In the cue of thOle 11· Iy 8S well U lal-arally. . vatn. . Miss Geraldine Farrar, leated tn The hall or c,hamber II about tblrty doned, and In his exhaustfve stud, of We mUlt pray to God to lead us to Illstrated, are Cluite unharmed by age, her deck chair on the George Wash· SIZE . . .. ........... . NO. 6159. 118 ate also the patellae. ttl(l Uttle trl· leet below the ground level. In gen· the prehistoric remains of Malta. the right perlon to do peno~l work. Ington, regarded a half-dozen urchlnl N AMI!) . . ............. . . ........ . ............. . angul~r .1I0nes of. the kneecaps, 'Which ernl s'h ape It II an Irregular apse with wbich was, however, written before It would not be wise to spe:l.k to every playing on the sunny deck, n.nd then Pre(essor ~ammlt'. 'saIs~nt. caretul· nlcbea and other . ehasn~ra opening the dllcovery ot the Hypogaeum at 'one we meet. We must pray to God said with a pensive smile: TOWN . . . ..•••. . .. .. .••••• .. ..••.•.••• ••••••• Iy praSen·. and count as the relldleit . fr{)m It. It has a klnd of ' double co- Paula, Professol- Mayr Ihowa tbllt tbe to Ihow us just what to say .to thOle "I often wonder., considering what mean. ot gaugIng , the number oi rona, ' correlpondlng In bulldlnga to a conatruction of the Maltese lanctu· to Whom he leads UI. "Study to show STREET AND NO .. : ......... .. .......... . charming thIngs children are. wller. hocUes Interred. The fragments of llroJedlon of the upper partl ot a c~r· artes 18 entirely at variance With thyself apvroved unto God, a work. all the queer old men come from I" S'I'ATl!l . .. . . ................................ . pottery were' being examined by a rep- 'n ice, whleti' II· eBpeolally eul'1ous, as II PhoeniCian pecuUarltl.ea. That there man that needeth not be ashamed, resentallve at the Brltlah Sebool at alEo .the division at the floor· (already are In Mnlta plenty . of Phoenlclan rlghUy dlvld1ng 4l e word of . truth'! BrIghten the Bathroom. Athena. In two leveis conne.c ted by n Ilep) by. tombs and other remafnl of Phoen~· (11 Tbn 2:15). Atter aU when we In planning bathrooms, architeclA A TUCKED SHIRT WAIST. Among the small eXatnllles f plastic Il d~'p vertlcnl cqt'U ng severa~ . teet clan colonlzation Is ohvlous encl1.tgh, have studIed the blessed word, we unanJmouslY "peclfy whJte, the symart which have been tound In the wide. There Is a diverSity In the door· but these less dev.e loped forlDs a~ un· need God's guld1n« hand at all Umes. bol ot cleanliness ahd purity. The tile H1POga:_ . cUnlng 4D 1\',,"s, 01' entrance openings. some o~ , Uke them,.. and, even bad tbey bee~ We 'muBtpray Ood to~ gtve power to and tub will get dirty but tho whIte terracotta. and some muUlated lmall· wWcl\ 'are eo cut as to present the ap- Identlcal with earller stage. of Phoeni· lbl1t which he has given us to do. We effect can 'be restored and prellerved er flgufCD. closely reS'embllng the Iar/f- peal'ance o( a lintel ul?on ,Quare Iide clan art. woulll not have been Intro- need not only I.e messa~e tram God but by usIng Hewitt's pure white Eas}" statuettes at Maltese llmestone dll· columDl. and some the appearance at· dlSc.ed by colonists or traden at n latel' power from blm to send the message Task Soap. It cuts the grease and . covered at the base at an Q]~r in the 'IutlP9J:tlng the superstructure Ilbout s tage development. home. Sometimes In doing versonal • loosens .the dfrt. b~t does not scratch. - -'-c nt:r81 part at ·Haglar-Klm. any lintel It was he'r a for tour oura In a recent article Mr. G. Hogarth work , we reason and t\lead wilh men A. cnlio only costs a nickel. . ThGre were se.en of 't~cse ltatuett'el aile nlgbt I sat alone. In the Illence haa deacrlbed the rIle In pre-Homeric Ind even gtve them the Word of (]{ld, found closo togetlier. ODe a Btandlng "orklng at· my copperplate. . times of an Aegean clvlllzation whlcb but they 117111 not be moved. my? Th.o Urgent Neod. figure l~rger than the rest; with curl· , The pennanence of Itone, and can· Clulmlnnted during the age at bronze ' Soon we wUl see that we are trying to She ' (flattering with eyes and volqe) bu. Itrlpes and ' bal\ds . abou.t th~ mid· sequelltly the ~urabl1it1 of at least the In tbe apogee of Cnossus, and paved lave them In our stl'ength and all soon -Arthur, dear, I trnd thnt we still dIe ot the body. two tn long garmellts; forms .of all human Ideas exprelled the way tor the development ot hi&- llS we see the wrong and look to God need a Cew tblngs to make our little and tour seated ftgures, apparentlr.. in that medium I ~ppea:ls ·al something torle Greece. In Malta modern ' reo with a sincere and prayerful heart household more serviceable. nude. All the figurea are beadlels. Invested with ·tbe' spirit of. that bordel'- eearcbell •. collated . 'WIth the results of asldns him to take aU selt away \11(0 He-Wbat one thing, perhaps? thougb In two casel, Instead ot a Ju'<!· country whlc~ 'UflS ,between mortaUiy arQhaeloglcal study In Sardlnln, In the the' song," the work wUl become light Sbe-Well, tal' Instanoe, we need '0. ken surface lit tlie neck, ·Were are a luid Inilnlte endurance. 80 gods 1n Balearic Islands ' and In tlle southeast and we can expect good results. new hilt ful' me.-Harper·s Bazar. work~d depression and Imall ' holes. -stone lend to 1~' vel'7 substance lome of Spain, suggest tbe 'grOwth of '1 elvt· . True Love Needed. , , p.r9bab1y servIng to raaten ~1n a hea.d. quality of. the delll~8 they 1'Oprelent; llzatlon .never attaining luch adv/Uloed Tile Same, but Different. Tbe workmanship is not very rude, al· an\1 ·l1omes or treaaure-houses, tombs c\llture, but persliUng through , long . ast but not least, love Is another "When It comes to the ta3k of tak· g · .fhoutb the . extl'em..ltles 1.«1 ~neraUy or temples, wb,eJ\ cut ~r bund~d III; ages with striking tenaolty and Jndl· important part Ibn dOln perso~al Ing up ·the I!arlor carpet. do you run ~orml ~8S stumpI, with· toes and digitI masllve,; Imperlabable l'Ock;-· chanenge vidual 'character, and .survlving as- II 9(ork. We 'may e a pray l~g :eo p c, away from the job?" at tn· Uno.erlnv we ·baye may aknow Bib c. ut our un· "No. I beat It." only 'lndlcl. t ed In a •Lew .caeel. Th eae the '-onderme ... , ' nt and Ipeculatlon . . . . , tradition to th this our d·ay. ' t alld tess we ' love the fJ:>r lost so~ls, ban'do and feet are al1\'a1l curiously ture' ages with the mystenouB trtUDIi The discovery at e Hypogaeum. a work wlll not profit us anything. "And IImall and attenu_ted, lind contrast power of curtoatty. respect; and awe- Paula, whatever may have bt;ell the t t d Even . love may ripen Into trlend· Bttlklnlly In ,thls relpect flth the ex- to rave1 out their purpole~, and. to cUI' eUQt ule of Its mylterJous chambers though I bestow all my goods a ee ship. treme fatness of lh'e lImbl ~nd of the covell, or' at leslt Imagine. the kind with their atrangely cu"e~ walla, add. the poor, 8Jld give my body to be ot her parta of the bOdy. . of ' men who hewed them with their another and most· Important telltimouy burned, and 'h ave notc harlty,1t profit· Oharlty sulrereth W7. " . to' thlB theory of an ~arl,. western eth me nothing. Mueh work haa beep clone to ma kehands. . . t1 hJ h. P long, and' Is 1d1!d j charity envleth notj '" apractlcal approach t~ lhe-· ,HypoIt ~as formerly agreed among · Medl~erranean cLvn~~ on, 'w , c TO- charity vaunteth not Itself, la not The tucked IIhlrt "alst Is always a caeu1ilj and to carry fUrthe excJlva· archaeto81sta· tbat an tlie moat ancient fel'.o8or 'Mayr traces from Malta, be- puffed up." ; J[ we bave a love fof favorite, 'and It Is sumclently orna. UOJlS towards tbe eDtran~, tw~ of. the antiquities of M~ta. Inoludlng such. yOfiCi the limits na~e_d above, to the . th d mental without the addition of an, bou"s butlt on the ground above 'were sanctuarie8 '~B' that' of Haglar-Klm, northwestern coast. of France. Eng- fOuls who we know are on . e ewn· trlmmlng ... The-model lIIu'strnted Is ona ward road ruin, we wtll find we opporboUght by. the, British government. In were, 9t PhoeniCian orlgl]l; b ut th a t lanA.. a' 'nd Ireland, and as 'far north as tunltlel to to help them. When are of the belt, the plal.u fronts be Ing constrained by love we wlll not walt completely covered with small, tull One ot the 'c bambera ' there remain, belief has beep. al~ost entlreIY ,aban· tbe Orkney and Shetland Islands.
W~lter Declarel . AI.I
New Modell -8hould Be Examined Before They ' . . Are GIven to Public,
"Fashions are ,for fools." lald /Ul eIghteenth .century ,,~Iter. and, b~d , - be lived In the twentieth century .be I , would . UV~ Jpore-reason than eYe.r for bls ' aaftertlc~: It tb bulk of people 'Witl'e more orlgtnal , and .fndePen~e'Pt. faaldon waul" have ltttle Inftuence. It tt . the sheev·l1ke ' ~uaJlty Jp -buman ~!V ture. the- unthinking blind lub~flr. ytence to' tlHJ "Correct thing," , that causel sO many ~omen'tp beco~e ,erylle' slave" t(> raah~on, eve/n to ·~e ;ex. te~t ' Of .,ma.Jqng caricature" ~~ 'f ~m. aelves Ilt. the behest of the mOlt tY1'a~· , nlc,a1 cSf goddellse~. . .' . ' N'e'ver before. lurely were falhlona 10 'lnarUIUj)' tlie" ate,at .present. A " at ate c~nBer of' di'e8l11'mueh nee!led; lome .011e of u'Diinpeaeha~le' tal~e •to whom~eT,ery ·riew tal1iton 'WOuld be /Submitted before It wal lau.nc)le~ on the Sucb a .tate ollletaJ. II. much
~,Pl'flaaed ber ' strong 'dJlap.proval by torblddlng it to, be worn at court tunC> tiona during the coronation season'. For this command on the vart of Her lttaJesty all beauty loving people w,m be pl'OfouncUy grateful. Will Investigate Peru. Under tbe dlrectlon of Prof. Hiram Bingham. a "party w!ll leave Yale uDi-, >Varsity on Juno 10.. t-o carry .o n ·.geo· grallhiClal, archaeologtcal and hlstorlj:· al exploratlon ~ Peru. A crOB8 leeUon of the Andes wtll ' be made tbrougli a country tbat has ~ever been sclentifioally explored and onl,>: II).IlPped .In the rudest pOlslble way. The part,.. which wtll 1>robably consist of a pbyslOgrapher .and geologls~ a skm~d ,topograpber. an assl8ta':lt topographer, and possibly a surgeo!l an naturallat, ,b esides the director. expects to spend .Bye montlis In fhe 6,eld: , .. -'------.:.. ' ...<-', -
RUlhlrtli ,Rail road 'In ,C hh,a. . J'ltty- thoqaand 'c~11eil , are at work In Ohtna on the SlecM,'an·Hupeh rail· 'wayltne. . .
We may not feel tbe Importance ot two between the band closing and the ahouldel'il. In tbe. back two tucks on pel'Jonal work. Look at the ,'ast num· each side slant towards the center of ber of traveling salesmen in the em· the waist and form n sbaped pane\. ploy at busIness bouses. 'iv'here The neck Is high and fInished with a would tllelr work be It It wer;. not ~': . standing collar, while full ' length the personal ettort they put to. (. sleeves flt the arm snugly and end at To Lydia E • . Plnkham'9 And ·bow much more necelBnry It.1 the wrist In two grouPB of tucks. Such to be penonal work~rs, tor the great wash materials as Unen, percale. mad. Vegetable . Compoun~ Master wbo II all In all.-Gospel Her- raa, and pongee sUk nnd al.so mes. 8cothUle, Mlcb.-" I want to teU · ald. maline, taaetas, . salin chnllIs and rou how much good Lyd1a.E.Pinkham'lI Vegetable Com. cashrpere are ' appropriate tor .",JhIS pound a.nd Sanative A Prayer. waist. Wash bave done me. 'Our Heavenly Father, we thank The pattern (4676) Is cut In sizes I Ii va on a farm and thee ror the wea1t}l of thy provision 82 to 42 Inches, bust meal!ure. Mehave work,ed 'fery ror us; tor the rlohes et nature, but dium sIze requires 2~ yards of 36 bard.. I am forty. far more for the untold treasures of Incb material. five years old, and the mother of .redeeming grace. Lord Jesus Ohrlst, To proc'ure thIs pntlern 80nd 10 cents rteen cblildren. we find all these In thee. It Is tby to "Pattern Depanm'J nt," at thIs paper. Wrlto name and addreslI plainly, and be vitalIzIng touch that brings us In~o .Iure to &rlvo s ize and number or pattern. sympathy with aU things; with na' with' men, and with God. In tby 4676. 81ZE .. ........... .. NO. IIgh.t we see light; . wo come to underltaDd. It ts thyself we hunger ror. NAMID, . ••• , ......... ... .. . .. .............. . We pray for greater Intimacy wll~ TOWN ....... ........................ . .... . .. thee and through t~ee with the heav· enty' father. Spirit of ' God, wbo -dwell· STREET AND NO .. ..................... . tit In Jesua O:hrlst.. take pOBB4;lsslon of 6ar bre.eta. Searcb out a~d sanctlf~ frrATI!l ..... ........ .......~ ........... : ... . ~~otelt co~er of ou.r· nature. our 'ou~ with revetetlce ap.d 'lIo,lY,
'~;;~~~~;~~ffl~~~~~~~~~SF,~~~9~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::=~: 1'lNlav,ealy trust, .,uhome »rllig at .last ,to to~ our :;. ·to ,U8 bO ~Ith Cbiilt ..'
• Madg.....Wb1 did JOu ever plckQut . a.llcb ",homelY, anil unkbolfD' girll ·for · brideDialdl1 ':'" ". " Tessie-The new''Iap~n~ mT. ·ilear.. I've lot .II1Qre photegra~hl than aU (bbse ab, clrll put , ~o.!ther.-ruck. •
• N~ Da"ger. ' "She op8aa her mouth very wide "bell abe fINa." ".Yea. . abe ptobablr re...... that 'tbe bol4M . . . . woUld b.-Itate to . 10 111 . wW ... -.!lI\ ... "UfIIOIIl'
... Gl.t:-
re ·'9
Hanna's ( ~reen
$1.69 pt>r g allon
IS NOW COINC ON and is the magnet which is drawing the people of Lebanon and the surroundingl count ry to our Mammoth Store. The daily in 'rea 'ing p pulnrityo f this Grea t Sal e shows tha the public appreciat e the op~ortunity of purchasing Me rchandise of Superior Quality, at prices that a re saving t hem more money than they ever realized coul d be possible. Our store, being t e larg t ill Ule county, offers yo u a greater variety to select from, a more choice assOrtment than is possible a nywhere else in .this locality.· The Immense Stock Carried in Each of Our Many Departments. Places Us In a Position to Show You Styles and Sizes that are Still Intact. . . This Point Must Not Be Overlooked,. as It Is of Vital Importance to You. ,
COME TO OUR STORE SATURDAY WITH A LIST OF WHAT YOU NEED IN OUR LINE We gua rantee to give you, each and very article on that list, at a price that can be duplicated nowhere in this county.
We Are Daily placing on Sale SpeCial Lots at Special. Prices. Be S.ure to Visit .Every Department in Our Mammoth Store and Obtain Your Share of these Spec.i als. The following Are a Few of the Hundreds of Seasonable Articles .I ncluded in this Sale ' Men's Suits $11) and $18 Su its, limited q u an ~
t~re Price .. .. .. ..... .
Hart , Schaffner ~ Marx g·piece sui ts, the best in the house. Prices $25. 2?60 20. 8a'.0 Price.. • Fine. all-wool, hand-tailored, 2 and 3 piece 'uits Prices. $15,
$12 95
§~l:n$r~~~......... ...
$9.90 Good, all-wool 2 and 3 piece su its, prices 110,12.50 apd $6 95 15. Sale P rice...... 2 and 3 piece suits, broken sizes, prices were up to $3 95 $12.60 Sale Price. • e'
Automobile Dusters rang ing in
~~~~e t~i~.~·. ~~. ~~:~.~:........ ..
$3.85, $7.95
2-piece AutomobHe fluits wor tb $6
S~~~ric'e $3.75
2 and 3 piece suits, long pants, broken sizes, ~cellent acbool suits for . boys, prices were up
' ~~$el~rice ...... ... ,..
Boys' Suits Boys' suits. Knickerbocker pant , sizes 9 to IS, prices $3.00 to
~~: Pl'ice Choice... $2.~~
£oys' Knickerbocker sui ts, sizes 3 Men's Canvas Oxfo rds, prices to 17, price $4.50 to ~~i!5J~ic$el:.~~:... .... ...... 6.50. Sale price..... • Men and Boy's Outing shoes, all Men's and Boys' Straw sizes, prices $2 and 2.25. Sale P rice... • Hats at Half Price. Men's Oxfords, Eclipse make, all leathers, prices $3, 8.60, sizes Men's Pants 6to 10. . $1.00 Pants, all siz es Sale Price,..... ...... Sale Price.. ...... ........ e Boy's Oxfords, sizes 8X to 2,• pric- · $1.50 Pants, all sizes es$150 to 2. . Sale Price.... .. ...... • . Sale Price ......... ....... .. ' 2.50 PaJlts, all sizes. Ladies' Shoes Sale Price .. ...... . .. Ladies' Oxfords, all leathers, all $S and '3.50 Pants. all sizes, t2.25 and 3.00 sizes. Sale Price.. values. Sale price..... e $4 and 4.50 Pants, all Ladles' Oxfords and Sandals, sizes sizes. Sale Price .. 2X' to 7X , .all lea thers, pd ce $5 and 6 Pants, all $2'50 to s. sizes. Sale Price ... Sale Price ...... ...... • Special lot of $4 and $5 white Ladies' Red Cross'Oxfords$3 allsiz -wool Pants with Fancy Stripe es, aU leathers must go at Sale P rice...... • Ladies' Red Cross and May ~l~ Manton Pumps and Oxford"" Men . and Boy Shoes . price $8.50. ' Sale Price...... ...... ~. Men'e Oxford8,.a llleathers. Manss Ecli~and Snow I1lllke, sizes5,%' Misses Chlldrell and Infant's Shoes to 10, prices $8.50, 4. and 5 Sale Price • 50pair Misses Oxfords, Black and Tan, size llX to 2, prices Men" e·$3 50 and .. Eclipse Oxfords all leathers, all sizes, ' 1.26 .to 1.50 Sale Price ..... ............ . Sale "Price ...... .... .. ". • .
$3 98
$1 69
$1 98 $1 19
$1.69 $1.98
$3.19 $3.98
98 .
$1 59 $1 98
$2 58
$2 59
$2 23
98e ,
Misses' Oxfords, in . all leathers. sizes 8X to 11, prices $1.75 and 2. Sale Price ............ • Miss~s' Oxforcls, all leathers and sizes, $'land2.76values, Sale Price .. .... • Children's Oxfords, all leathers, sizes 6 to 8, prices $1, 1.25 and 1.50. Sale P.rice ..... , ... ........ ..
Ladies and Misses' Gingham dresses, prices up to $5. . Sale ·Pr ice.. .......... • Lot of Ladies; silk waists all izes prices $5 and ' 6. Sale Price.. .... .. .... • Ladies' Hats, price up to $7.50
$2 69
$1 29 $1 57
$2 89
~~ic~~~~~... ......... $3.48
Poplin Long Coats, prices up to $10.00. Sale P rice.. .... .... .. •
$5 90
Ladles Ready-to-wear . Apparel
Dress Skirts, prices from 85 to $2.50'RockeTs, , 7.50. Sale Price...... ...... • Sale price ........... . Black bawn Waists, Beautifully $3.75 RockerS, Embroidered pat terns, button Sale price .... .. .... .. front, $1 25 and I .SO $5.~8 Rockers , values. Sale Price.. . Sale price ........... . Ladies' white wa&h dresses, prices '1l.76 Will 0 iY Rocker, up to $10. Sale price...... ........ • , Sale price.... .. . .... • Ladies' white wat h dresses, prices $15 .Leather ~ockers, Sal~ price... e. • up to $15. ! Sale Price ...... ...... • $18.75I:.eather Rock ·~H'8. Sille price..... . • , Ladies' Linen Jacket Suits, all SIZes, prices ' up to 120 Leather Rock$8.50. Sale Price... • ... ers, ~le pric~ ... • Ladies and MiSses' Gingham 12 Iron Beds, ~ whit'e, green and Dresses,priceS $6.75 . . blue, .pri~e $6. to $8.50. Sale Price • Sale price...... ...... •
$1 69
$1.95 $2.89
98 e
$1 i~e~~~?~:.~~:..
. . . $1.24
$6~~eG~~fc'!:'~:.......{ $4.95 Brass Beds 125 Brass Beds. Sale price......... Brass Beds, Sale price .........
$16.• 75 $13 • 75
Davenports $37 iO Davenport wi th matt ress,
~~e :..... .... .. :.. $~9. 75
$8~?:~~rte~~.~~. .. $2·2.45 Sideboards $15 Sideboard, Sale pr.ice ......... $25 Sideboa rd, · Sale price ........ $SO Sideboard, Sale ·price ...... ...
$11 • 95 $19 • 75 $24• 75
$4.50 $7 95 Dining Tables $11 75 6 ft. round or SQuare Dining tables $1' 4 95 prices $12 50, 13.50, $9' 9S ~:~~:~ .....$.11:75 $15 95 . $1~5Din~:~ Sale price......... . • $17 50 Dinin~ Til,- $13 75 Sale pt-Jce... • $2 48' Ironble,Beds, values up $3' 98
$6 39 $9 85 $'3 95
$4 49 '"
12.50. Sale price..
' ! '';:': . ., ..
Fred's Co~Operatiye Store LEBANON, . Q~O;' ,
•• ***' * ***I**** ""**.***'****'*****.*.**'*'*''*'*'**", ~rdered : I"" .COURT HOUSE ' NEWS t * . ,. ' . '* . . . : ..~. .dm'n' ';.''"' '* . . ! ; '*' . *****'*'**'*'~**.*** ••**.*••*•••**;*"*******': ::'~::I~iV::o::~~. ~m, I I8ttlement whioh is
• .
" ! .
A Statistical Repo.....of the Y 'nT k' ....... . , "" . • ear s . " .o r '",.. at the ~at· of Justice. .
~ "tat~
:.~:~; ';:;"':'~:n"o,!,..u.utlon ,. When the pay ie 19 .. week it is
· .N~ta~A~::I~~T
of J . E. Hockett, deoeased ' . • - • . , filed inventory aQd appraisemeot ~ieo~ has decided that a kiss iB. All kiDde of jNo~ry Work. · Penllon ; whioh II ordered reoordeP.. ' in~eotioQs osoulutloo, bu' pl"tn peo '. 1 :Work a t5peclal.y,, ·: . In ~he matter'of wHl of, Wal1llo~ pIe' are . Iatiefted with the good old I!
filed ood Dame. . ._-.._ _ DR., J. W~ MIL'LER" K III More Than Wild .Beasts Tbe Common Ple.1 oOQrJ of Vfar. All other orlm.aplnl' the per. .Inquests. Carl J, Miller, &!imlnletrator of . c rden oonnty·bj~s. been un.uSl1&llJ bU8Y i a~n1' IncUotments.2, numbe, oon vlot· 'Suioldes Whl. 1 l' 1 "tatai'teiffof ·E sther Ml11er,' d~eased , 1 'l'bhe °tUldm~er ~f dl)eO~tle klUed Yh88hr . .. ' ••• DE . NTIST •••. · iapenllnr I18ti08 d ur1Dg ·.~he. year e~ ,~uUted I, nollUled 1. . ..e, ma e, , ~ema~, p ot . vs. 14ary Bru80up et ai, Y Y w ueas.s OD . ap}:roao. Ii , e . ol08lng Jnly -1 1911 al the (ollowiqg :.rohl number of proseoutions 16 2; oolored. male 1. defendant8. · Plaintiff ordered ·to ~a~t Dumber kllled by disea8e aeru.a . omoe in ' . • tatletloal re~r. wl11ab,ow. onmber of oonviotionl 4 fined 21m'· Aooldent-White, male,l1, female &ell real eata~ one third oaeh. 'ooe Tb(). ll~e Ie, SlI.'ie fr0n: theldr . attacks . ~atJooal Ban1C BId.. Waynesvllle,O ' .' ". . " .» ' . . ' " ,.; ' .' . e~ ' re ~ a r, wll ~er, nIt . even I,rltlo.ned~. , . . . . . . third 10 one year ~na one third In. food. But grand protEloUOO Is af -!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!'!!!~~!!!;!!!!!!!~ Divorces ..' , . .. . , . . . '!' ,. . '. Oal188 unkoown or natural-white t wo years f~om . da*" df sale; de . forded by Eleotrl~ . 8it~a:e whloh r.. ',.' J Numbe~. brougbt, . ~O; ~.u'!lbe~· de · '. f~ms Against PI'lperty. . male. 6, female 2; 'Colored . ma~et 1, ter~ ·pSyments. t p.bea . eix per Mot ' destroy .' an!! . ex~l these' deadly cided, SO; number br~ugh! .by ~u~ . BurgIUI1-1~d,otmenM, 8; . nu~ . gra~~ total25~ .' lo'er~t to be ieoured:by.1I'rit mort . *:ea~e .ter~s from tlie . lIyste~ ··GOod for ·.Nothln~ but tIMi ba~d, ~3, nomber _r')ught .by wl'fe,· ber ~~n~.IO&ionl. 2; iI,m p8n~inr. 6; AmmOn ·Pleas .and Circuit Coun& gage. . .' .~ ' . . .. ' ma~!r~':Llnd()~~a.;/ij1:cia~fse~a:~! ( '. ~. .',. ." '.. 27 , nomber In whio~ a~tm(lpy. was. lmpHeon~entl 2. . In matter of aSIIlgnmeJlt!>t Barry yield pr?mptly to ' the .wonderfol ,i , allowed wife, 7 j num~r gr~n~, I , B'or$ery-Indiotmentl, I); oonTlo, Number,of 0&8811 pending Joly 1, Osboro, Mahlon Ge~"'rt, assignee, blood purifier. Try tbemaDd enjoy b~ooght by hOlbaDd, 7 ; refl18ed, 1 i .tioos, 3; etil1 pElndlo~, 2; impr18oo. 191'. 167; number filed, 326; 'oto.l, files his report of clalml whiob 18 . the gllortous h"alth aod Dew streogth HATH..(WAY · dlsmia8ad, 2; granted when brought ment. 8. 32&' number dl"'poled of :H9' takeo ordered reoorded Jtb~y l~i "Iiv: ~ul Mooey . baok if . ~ . n y 600 at aU drug· WR,Y'leavtlle'. Leadinp'.oea_ , · by wife, 17; dis~d, 3; oaltodYOf l G~a~d Laro9ny.- IndictmentaJ 3; to higher oourt, 6; Itm ~Dd;bg 171. ~n matte~ 'of .w·l11,of WalJl;'08 ~ib :~t:~ s e. . clllldren to father, ' 6; mother, 10. aoq1ilUed,J; ltill pendin" 2. ba.ls, deoealled. · Will ·"dmitted to • - • . .Office ill Keys Bldg. . ,11&10 8t Fines and CostS . . Petit . '~rceny~Indlotmenta, S; . . Probate Court. probate. ' . . . '1 F~r. more tban in the emile that . . . oonvictionl 1 aolhtled l' I t m , · D T· wou t oome otl. is the Ilyerlige wom. • ", . Amoont a88esaoo, .17&7; amount pencl\olf l ·; tm'i'isonment'l . . ' ~ . .t;. Weakley, adminiBtratorln ~eaI~te . l'anlfen. . an Interested in theha.irtho.t woo't t ....... coll.eoted .. 1600 j amouD~ probably · ..~e'"" of Edward Wm. Dilatu8h Dr., Bell s Pine-Tar·Hon~ .. ' s or ..., e& ,PI ng-I n'dtI)t meots l' eltats d d Frank 111 d i t Wea1tley, ·d . to.lCoooh . L' Jones oom'e 0" .u . , •. . ooJJ~table, 1117; Totaloost taxed etul pe~dlp 1 ' , eoeale, e . oven Qry an ap real 'estate in 'W.iren OO.DDty, . , :;A - . ' or OouSha and QoId8, . , '1163.49, Amount taxed 'agalnst All 't'h' 8'1 'I " pralsement whioh ia orderedreoord· $1099.4' . . . A Pt'ek loto His Pocket • • Q er 0 a ms agaiD,t property . ad , , . .' , . i '. defendo.Qts 1529; amount !3ollected -Indiotments, 2 j . oonviotlon. l' ' ~*,?rg~ w. I4l11er to Orlando. wOqld sbo~ tlie box of Buoklen's . . . '. \ from ' defeodants Dot , iooluding still pendiol l' fine and 1m r1.on.' Florence Gray, administratrix of Brananllo and ,.nna ·M. Branan~n ~rnioa Salve that E. H. Lo~er, amounte pa~d by the etate. In oases ment, ·1. ,. P eltAte of 1::40 E .' Worley, deceased! real estate in WarreD oonnt1., t81)0. a 08rpe~,t.er, of Marilla, N. Y alwal'S " . where "onviotion was had and de· Ttl : b filed Inventory whioh was ordered William H. Joq.erJ and wife to ollrrfes. ·1 have never had" 9ut, ' , fendaot sentenoed to sh,te pr180na °iati~um7er of proseontloDell; recorded. . . Benjamlo F, Bathaway ' real ' e8tate wou-:a d , blr~~sehor sore it would bl·t · ., TH. aItOTI.T I : , OOOV 0 oos, . FMC f h d' I " . soon h ea , . e writes Greatest 'I'lm D ',I ,t m1) 110468 ., ~ . . . , UDn og am,· a m 0 stra· in W~rren oounty, IlpOO. , he'alero~ barntl,bol1a ••oalds, ohapped IIII:.llIN ~'M J:.I\ Civil Judgments. Offences Against Public Justice . tor in Mtate of Martha Jaok80o, de- Eliza Ertel to'EmanueI1'hOQlp&00, Ii.abd~ and . UPS. fever.. sores, l!tlo~ IN T". WOItIoD . Tot~ll1umber rendered 14; num Per.jury-Indiotments, 1 ; stiJ! oea8ed, filea proof of publlcatioD of real estate in W~rren OO~Dty, $7G~. · e r llptiooll, eczema,oo~DII and piJes, ~ WEl!nY.· $t.OO na·. YEAl· t,er for money ooly 12 ;"1&,628 num. pe~dhig, 1. noti~ of .appol~tmeot, whloh la or ~lU Siegfried, "~mlntstrator .of 250 ~t all drU8g~a~ • . HOTII.., _LDRUociim~' .....al~&.I.T8t ber in w~io~ money II lncluded ~; All other oifenoee againat ~ubUo dered reoorded. . . William Murray to 1\:~i1y J. 'fhaC!k W OO.TU . . . It., TItA ......... OAB . $3650. ·Tot"l amount adjudged due Justioe-Indiotment8' l' oonvio. In eetate of Martha A. Duoham era, lot In Hpriog~oro, 1139P. e are dlspOied to sav unkind AND · ,.U. elRvic. CAN :' PROF." ,1,02780 ' &iOD8, l' lmprisonme~t 1.' deceu8d, proof of lIubUoatlon of 00· ~ . . (Cootiouec1 oD ,next page~ thl?gs about tbe mule, but the fact .V velNO 'Ta ADVI~ne"!lQ ~"UMN8 Jllry Fees . ' . ' tloe of apPolntme,llt 6f D. E. Duo . ' .. remalos t.hat there are maDy men SAMPLE COpy FREE . . .. : . Total numb.ar of indiotments, 2; . fi . • who are worse klokere AIN......... Vo'ltk OUPPIIt Totalaooouot of grand jury fe~s, oonviotlone, 1. . ham aft exeoa'or, led ~nd ordere<,i . '" .~ ' .' ,. .... Vortc. No v. $693.15'; t..~l aIqltuQt"of petit .j ury ' . ' recorded. ,. . ~ped With ·H" f:.tfe ;. fee .. tb olvll oaaes, 1658 25. in orlml Offences Against Public: Policy., lu the matter.of the wil1 9 f . P~vid . "Twen~,. one yean.'ago 1 . ! . D al~, t3~. ;.grand iotai '1647.40 " Againetllqoor 1aws-Iodiotqlents E~tel, . dec~ed, will admitted to awful dea.tJl," \Vrl,te,; ,~, B . '.' . . ...... . HI j oODviotipoe, 11; . nolllfied l ·. ·~p~obate; • . , , ..; . Por~ Har1'!l80~ll;:\· C ~ D~"O~8&id eri~es Agltlnst the P,?f&OO: tin.' d'" 7 . fi ' . \ ', .. ' '. .. In.... the mtltter of Sarah· PreIsler l·.h"doooenmp'l~n and t)le dreajlf,!1l , . . .. • ,poQ ng , . q,el,·.11 . ... . . . l' . ',,- . ., 'OOugh, I 'had looked itk~ 'sqre , '. . '. ~a~lt w.ith tnten. to,.•kill. In . AU other offeno" Against PbbUo Affidavit ul,ed for adml88~?n.o, &ar~h enou,h, .~ tried evef~tbtDg, .[ ooulcl ~iQtment8, 2.. BUn pendl~g. . . Poll~y--lndiotment., 2; 'Itill pend. Prenler to ·Dayton I3tat; :Bospltal h~ro'.formy .ooqgh,~ndw'lu~der . Allaul' aDd battery, lndio&m8nti tDg 2. ' ,. . : ' . I~ .matter of Sarah' Pr,...ler.~ ap. the'reahDent of the. ~t d~~rJn. ' rooD!:I0'ed"2',811£ ·' 11 penu Ai'" " of proleoUttonl. plica'Ion .m &de' ... -.... d ' • f Georgetown 8. G 'for a 'year bu' B,·num.be DR , ·Total nqmWr i 0 lupe~~l""'D en .. .p .oould .et no'rellef. • A f~d .4vt1cl 1 . , . 21,. oonv'o~1~n8, J·I. alta.. BoepUal ~or adlQ18lto~ of me to try Dr, ((tDr'l New n...,.ey. POintinr fire In~l, indlottnenS, 2, _ Sarab P,..lel'. . , 1414 10 and wuoompleMJ,. oured . . I . Mfnor orr~ irep'7 S. Clement ,nd I:Unbelh feel th~t I 0118 ~y Ufe to hill great eatU..,.adlng·2: indtotmentl7, n':mber oon 1ndio"4 ior ...ul,aD4·..'- ooa. t§. o. s.oe,.• 'natHe .tn eetate of .throa'&ncUun,01H'8." l"pojd~'Y8.
IID u.. H. E.. . ." ,
.oci~ltted .~J1
1, __ 'Du_ber "'II1II', miprilonlDeaa, 1. I,
~'1:,~~':'Ji'="'&:r'l'OO!I~:f~~~!;~;;~~~~~~;;I~lli ....
nOsed &lUu1t, th_ aaoa\h. WilliamIOOOaDt d. Clem... .. !lIed ,la1 bottle.' .... ,a...14rigt1ta,; jan a~dofodI"; '. In 18DOII4 ..,..?c;»aoJientcm '
County Courts
brl, ct~e
Oontrllot ent.ered wit,h WHltILtD ' Brow n for Jl lilting ste 1 by - - - - -. .- . . ... R,) her t pllV hll n'" flll' lll on b ilker P~OPERTY (ll l· ) ~ lCI ~ ~lIz \ .111,11 \ K" l ~, Y t ffim :.I I' .J to I;\" II 1I1cl l\l fl . on 1" kf', It I () II,rob - - ~ I Al CODalder! use belt 1'1,.,,; " " '''. I. t 'J ~r r'i't1 l! llUr , t l r Iil ina" hy Bnn.1 Th' l m l)~c)D 'I', Bnrl, I.Ll,;V ·I'EI . I~ I'J-\ O. 11 2 W ollf " ll1 I ljl" 'l'" '' t,o 1"rnnr.iR '1 ' 'owo,n 's end Bethol sobool bOl1se ILt pay Altl,i,l .!H,·,·ltl 11..1 111" til \VII I'I ' l' " (,., 11111 . e~l,iu I ')!(" f'$l i! , \JnalrH c't, H,· t llr .'t with ( ·c'F, OIJi ll. J) ' L. C lt ANJo:, Editor alit! Munng I' t,·. ~ . I!II /S 41\ li;u uoh 'L .JIIIIMH' ttnd wil'!, til Alt co Brt d ~e COtl1P my for ll t llel hcnm l Il1l,I,~ rf'fll tlfni<' In \V ,lrrC/l COllI) bri ll ; v i tI! r nn r tf' 11 r n "" lr I' iRatt's of , ubi:lcrilltion dence or ,r. Z II aud GeIJI'llfl !-JII, I" u I 0111 Y OI¥' (~ II'lctly ill ud " ,,"(, ).. ... ... I. 011 t $G 5 ~() Slug lo tJopy . .. .. . .. .. " .... ' .... .. .. .00 ,I Olluthn'l \i' ,.x t I 1':V lli a ,I l~ x 0 0 WIt:>' uedvllle lind s ll r." ,'" . \Hl rg l till 1:1111\011 tO WIlHllip, lI1, I'ond at lJiu of $2GO f{utes of Advertis ing Murrla~" Licenses untruot, for concr tl' OT'cl l nPlir Stands for everything that is hest in paint. R l!tlfJ1ug j .ocalB. per Una., .. . • . .•. . . .. Chnrl pH Brown 'p fnrll1 t' n Maio \'illl:! The pigments uled are properly proportioned Williulll W'llIuoe Get,tel', 22, ol tl:-i( and 1J0pklotl\'i1 la pik , uwol'd pct to l{uculiog Lo cUS, blfick ro '0, Ptlr IIno , .. . t'108810OO AdM , uoc LO exceed II \'u lin It Mldl ll tlt,uw ll Rnd I.-m it Eliz'l b tb 'Frl1l1k ' Iuke!! I\t Lie l 01' $ ~ ' !), t :llIt and thoroughly compounded. 'I'ltl'lll\ InserJ.lnus . . . ll lllltz, \1 3, of l!'rllukllD , OblLuarloH, II vu Inehos (. e; ' ~ . ~~ 'Ii; ~ .. f-jrmd t;l I'!l O Il It tl Vl ll f< witurlr \wn hi s Inelt os, IlCr 11110 • .• , ••• , • •• , •• • etC' STUDY THE FORMULA AS SHOWN ON EACH PACKAGE Commisslont!rs' Proceedlnfs. bill o n tiC Illlllt ttl' rui Ulltl r1-tt1ndiot; fil'll or thunk s •. •. 2!oc of S Ill' in nti ll n . Ht'Rolutlollii ....... : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : '. : : 5U, DIIJ -Cu l'lmbu~ Blill k BlI ' k M 111oclClla etc. whuro e llOl'I:O Is lTJlldu . , . ... , :l tk Ur,, (, 1 Ilrin~ UOUlp:lIl .V , bhllllts ( (I I' lJlb'\lIClY AdvertlBl ng per Inch . ... .. , . . ,' . 1Ut! Parson's Poem a Gem Pl'obutr J odge , ' 1 ~ Ii ; Blll'l'Pj,t BrolUDlHcou.uLa glveu OU cuut.rllct. FI'O!U Re\'. a Stubenvull AIII_ Elrs, hlo oks for lerk, '1435; C. V PDIl eAL. IIV ' Hon, If\, ! io pTl1itle of Dr King~s N ow WIJlI11UlH, frei gh t and drll,Vll gl3. J ULY 19. 1911, Life Pil l '2 10; J , R . lIunter , sBrvioes at In . "Tbey 're OIucb a bealth neoollsity '1 firruary tor June, ' 12,00 ; The In every home the!le pills shoold 'be . 'be 1111.rouod wun may be U1 80 8qu~re. Wes tern Stur, pnbll shln\\'l 1825 ; It other kinde youv'e tried in vatn. USE DR. KING'S I'be Western t:)tu publishing , 18 12 ; And be well again. Only 260 at all I Foreol1sting the weather is propb J. F . Hunkiollon lumbel', 1480; drugelsts All SkIn DIseases ' \ Old Ulcers etable bu Ine ! ! ! ! ' 1'he Elliott Fisher (Jorup~ny, 1'0 ,--~.~----Yle l~ J'Bau ll y to tl'6/1truent with Or, Are unsi~h ly und dangorou8 Dr. pairing reoorder 's mltchine, *2 GO i DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bell !L~ntl~t'puc :Su lv e, We guar- Bell 's Antl septio Il]ve wlli b e ll by Every Body SatiSfied LQbll.non 100 and (JoBl oOLUpllny, Ice ~n~::e It . 21i1' 1\ Lox, Sold e\'6ry- them promptly. It iA claun lIod Who bas trIed Or. Btill's Pine for oourt 1\onse, 56 i l,.. E Kra.t.ll:or Tbe following report represent HERE IS PROOF , • _ • pleal:luut to U/l(l, 250 1\ box. t30ld 'lllr· Honey for ooogb!!, ooIds, grip pboto of NeUia CUlr for Pudon aren., prospeot and condi tl on of oropR I' I suffered so long from stomach HOW TO READ SHAKESPEARE everywhere. or !lny tbrotltor brouobittl trollble . trouble and indigestion, that I lost Get a bottle today, Loo k, tor tLe Board, $1.50; Mark Leever,' dnmll gel' named , IlS oompiled from r etul'Df Bell on the Bott·lt'. tor road around oulvert, U 2 60 i reoelved from ;,ffioial Jorrespondent.d S uggested Trains of Thought Ought to ' flesh rapidly - VINOL cured me , after everything else had failed. It Olltherine Nanli8t, woehlng towelA of ths Depll rtment: Rise Above Reader's VersIon ~~~ Some Ulen lire born good, but. !lnd ourtalns, 'II 50 i F , B. Forgy Wbellt-Prospoct compared witb strengthened my digestive organsof Authqr. gave me a hearty appetite, and I more are made good by their WlveR , bourd and washing, $163 .. 7; h'. B DOl tDI11 Yleld, 84 per oent. You talk about reading Shakespeare, can eat anything without the slightBarIey--prospect oompared with ne of tbe best r olls for breu.kfll81 Forgy, horAes and vehloles, '~5 i using him a. an expression for the I est distress. I do not believe any· normal yield, 88 per oent. hIghest Intellect, and you wonder lbat Is II prompt roll out of bed. (j', B Forgy poating Bheri.f f's pr o thing equals VINOL for stomach Rye-Proapeof; oompflred with lillY common perlon should be so pre· luml1ti on, $5 50 i Ed Bel1ohler, oontrouble ' and indigestion." normnl yield, G per oent. . sumptuous 8S to suppose his though t 'mot, 1171.25 i Ed Beaohler, oonW, E. WATERHOUSF., A ,Cough, A Cold Oa ts-Pr o~peot oompured witb can rlss above the text which ltes betract .140 ; t:)ylvun A. Lewis , lIer Portland, Me. And,then no tellIng wbl1t-unlepl' re him, But think a moment. A f9 yon use Or Bell'tt Pin -Tnr.Bnney. {Ie S 1M! Iufirmary Direotor. $57,55 i normal yield, 76 per oont. child's rending of Shakespeare Is one Mr. Thos. G .Wallace, of Detroit, (Jorn-Areu in 1910, 3,074,292 thl.ng and Coleridge's or Schlegel's It is tbe be!\t, a k your neigbbor. J, Q Baker,IIervioe8 us hfh'mnrv Mich., writes, " I suffered for years Look for the (jell, on the bottle Olreotor, $51,31i; Trtldtees ot Pu Llio aorea, readJng of him Is another. The saturafrom a chronic stomach. trouble. Soldevel'ywlJere , . Clover-Oltmngtld by ~hite grub tion point of each mind dLlrera trom 1 Affair@., 11gb t at oourt hOU ~d , In. 76 i VINOL entir~ly cured me after tllat of every olber, But 1 thInk It Is everything else had failed/' rrustees·of Publio Afftlirs, 11gb t at worm, Ii per cent. us true for the small ml.nd, wblch cnn 'fue the mork; bllt when you Ilff P otatoes-Area in lillO, 143,431 only take up a UtUe, as for the grent j~il, 19 07; TrUsteESo( Publlo Aff ...ira It is the curative medicinal ele.oh~pplug W od, OIRO mark the toe one, which takes up much, that ' the ments of the cod's liver. combined welter. III 34; B er~ Reed, oontraot, o.ores . Tobllcco-Areo. ocmpIlred with suggested trains of thought a.nd tee)with the strengthening pr.operties , "W bat v er nluy be .t.he I!t.rl1itS/l &300; Oregonia Bridge (Jorupauy, last yeu, 71 per centi . Ing ought always to riss above-not of tonic iron contained in ·VINOL, C.W.HENDERSON,M.D '4115 i Oregonia BriugE\ oont-raot, the author, but the render's mental ~be bog be Illw u.ys has 0. spare rib which makes it so successful in reTimotlly-pr08pe ltoompared with , oClmptlny, oontraot, ,a12 i Inqoest version ot th~ a\1thor, whoever h. may or two storing . perfect digestion, and at normal yield 81 per oent. be. . ' Waynesville, Ohlu. over body of Peter Donbam,,~ 40 i ---~.~~~.-----~ the same time building up the weakPust-ures-Oo~dl tion oompo.red I think moat reader. of Bhakespenre 'F B. Forey, .expenles ·as sheriff, S~mmel' COlds ened Iun-down system. s omet1m~. 1ln4 themselvel thrown Into Valley Ph~ne 153 Main Stred with an a verage, 75 per oeot. , Are barder to relieve tbt1n whitAr 154;' E P. Forgy. ser'ing venire/:! Try a' bottle of VINO~ with the Horses-Condition oompared witb exaltt!d mental conditions llke those on88 but they yi15)d jos~ 8S readily ~Qd subpodnOo8 (or grand jnry, produced by mUSic. Then they may understanding that your money will to treatment wi th Or Bell'tt Piue- ta86 58 i A. D. t3trtokler, lervioes Iln average, 95 per' oent. drop the book. to pal. at once Into be' ret!ll'ned if it does n.o t help you. Tar.Honey. Sold everywhere. Look doll Infirmary DIreotor, '43,15'. Colts-Number cO,mpa-red witb the region of thoueht without worda, for tbe Bell on the boUle. ' We may, happeD. to be ;'el'7 dull folke, DR. a 'E LL'S ANTI·PAIN J. E. JANNEY, Dr':lgltist Bids Received-for oonorete arob ' &n average, 114 per oeut. For l.ntemaJ tu:l~ External Pat.... 0attle-Oondition compared wlt9, you and 1, and probably are, nless The hnm of industry bears no ra- OIi Maineville and Hopkinsvllle pike ther.,. aoni. particular r ....on to nuplin average, 9' per oent. lation wbatever to t.he ho.h!lJ)l ot 0811.r Oharles BrowD 'a fllrm FrliDk POlO the contrary. But we Pt eUm'pa8s C!llveb-Numoor oompo.red with now and then of a aphere of aplritual the lazy muu. Srokeil, 15.117 per 00. yd. ; W. D. POI.lbUlUel where we, dull aa we are ____ •• _ • 0iltley, $6.61 ,per ou. yd. ; W , ii , an avera.ge, 0"4 per cent. Style by Reading McCaU', I DOW, may aail In vaat clrcle. round the W .lOI-Clipped oompared witb T~ In On.e BO'I)pl~g, 17.25 per ou. yd.; J. 'J. _ _ " lare•• t companl of urthl,y lntelUMagazine and Using McCall Pattema ! last year, 94 per oent. genc•. ,Dr. 8611 :8 Anti-Pain i8 both an in. ICddingfield, $875 per ou. yd. for McC,.u'. M.... d ... wlll th~ iBsuanoe of tbA June Sinoe M~CALL' S MAGAZINE l]('iI' l' OU dross s lylt arnal aDd external remedy. Jt 18 oonorete work and 300 per on yd , I~ h Il' n~ n modorato Oxen In Lumber Campa. an ntiseptlo remedy !lnd destroys for flU, Charle8 L. Henderson $5 26 report wheat show8 a furtber daXl' nse Ill' k 0 0 P III g After nearly fifty yearB' reUrement oUne of -i per oent, the prospect be. ),l) U IIO ~t(l d ou tb o dlse~ germs. Bold everywl1ere on d hlll' ~ 1 (ns hlou s In from acUve service the ox hal again a positive gnu8,ntee. pel' 00. Y , , 84 per oent. oh,d, OlI IIlId bats. 00 1 _ __ •• _ • For steel bMm bridge with con- iog now estimateti come Into re~gt)ftlon as a m0t.\ve Null' I"ruhloll Deslf/ll'" The report showa that' the orop bus power, In the lumbering IndUltl'7 of lu on'lI IsslJo. All\O:', Time 18 money, . but it I'equirtie orete fioor on Wayneavil)e and bill' vll"in.blo :1"r9rml"Ion' ' soffered a dllmage of Ii per oent by northern Mlnne80ta, northern WisconUII 11 11 bllme lind Pllf~ gre(" deal of time t" oonvinoe veY8borg pike nelll' ,Uolle,te'o and HUl IUL lI!U,'ICI'lI. Onl)' joll.:t worm . . There are alao many sin and among the frontier aetUers ot lome f~lke of thlll faot. Jamee' fattn8. ()regonia Bridge IJOc f\ yenr, 'ncludlng these atates. Tbe, reason II the' high oomplaints of damage by Hessian " (roo paUom. Sub• _ • , oQmpany, 1250. _ ...... _ .... _._ s rlbo today or /IOod price of teed for borses. Fly. Of the origloal &rea 888ded, for freo samplo coPY. I Chronic Sore Eyes. .. Contract eutered with George 8 . There Is UtUe or no expense for the ~C,.u ratl .... will ollnbl l' CI!\ to make III' your • J.nrQOtIt cit. Are ealny our~ . wl\h ~utherland 's Feldkamp for oonoga'ed sewer and 2' per oent wae plowed up in the "keep" ot oxen as comparecs with that own hOI1l ,W llh yourowlJ ,hnnds. clolhlna for l I",el,u"" YOUl'lllltr nlld ch lldr II wbleb 11'111 bo perfect ~ E~le Eye t3"lve. It Is palnleR8 and ,bead wa1l8 ,near realdenoe of 6r~nt sprlOg. It II) now estimated that ot borses. It "Is estimated thai there n O''IIetlcnlo,. 111 strlo nud nt. ,I'rll:n-1I0ll0 higher Lban 16 har.ml6ll8 and gnarauteed. 250 a QOx Smith on tlie Hopklosville , d 1,1190.727 aores will be harvested are now In northern Wlscon81n and CCllts, , 'lId (o r (1'00 rllll rtI atalogue• • aB111Iroad~IIl'. ~ ew " au . Thia ahouid produoe 8Pproil-nately Minnesota 2,000 yoke ot oxen' used In Sold 8"~ry where. W. Will GIn Yoa 1'1.. Prualt for gOLlIng SIlb,u"ulIII, un,ce. 11' flt._ i;v,,'''' 111'· ... all. ______... -... Sooth Lebanon pike, at estimate of hauling logs which have replaced hlghs rlptlollllllln oOIr your fTlonds. ond I'QI'Jree 25,083,16ct bushelS., ' , Promillm CRill,lolIU alld Cash Prlzo Orret. Thll Is nearly double priced · h orses. The tlqolrre\ 'ravel8 a good d~l 119.75. TIlE IIItCALL COMPANY. ~9It ~9WtI! 3~ !I.. ImnORl • O"tl htltl 80ffered 8~verely by the the number employed a year ago. by raU, ~boogh he . isnever com OOl1t~a<!t . eo~red ,:wUh ZlLin Arlong oontioued drooght. "The har. So satisfaotory are tpelle anhl1ala mitllKe for piiDUng and ,0Ielln in 8' p 11 led to ~hllw bia tioket. ' v!)et will bl' sbort from fifteen to Jlrovlog In the cultivation of land trom • _ • fol1ow~ng bridge on EIl8t atreet in which the l imber has been cut ,that Buoger is 'tbe . best Bauoe we are Lebanoo, 's teel ~ridg8' on Wilming. ~wflnty million · bush&ls in 0 )mpari It Is likely their ulle w1l1 become len. Undertaker and Embalmer, WALTER MC(1LURB. '" told, but still there is something taD and ~b~uon pike, one Diile eallt Ion wjt.h the produotift n of Illfltyellr, eral and remain 80 tor man,:; yean. Will be fonnd in the oJd The area planted to corn i8 e tt uio. about apple-8auce. of LebanOD, at· estimate of 155.. ,. Bank BuUding, oppoaUu m.ted at 2.986,625 '\ores Thilt is Funeral Diret:tor. the National &nk. SubsC'ribe for tJie Gal~tte a deolhle of 2 par oent in oomparisO'D ~.: Telephone in house and ofwith 1910 area., '1'he or oil genflrally fioe where ' 1 oa.n be caned Telephone day or olgbt. day or night. very uueven. ltd growth was re Valley pboue No. V. JADK ' Valley Phone 14-2: tarded by drouth, Jl,eoent (Mnral18 Distanoe No. 69-'.". ' have be!)n very benefioial. Its pres Corning, 0., Main Street. Waynesville. Ohio May 20, 190 U. .ent growmg oond,ition is estlmat.ed WA YNESVILLE, OHIO • of 811 per oBnt. , Ont aud grub worm8 To Wl,om tt Ma y Concern~ ,\5 I r oad tho mlUlY , testimonial s from Itave damaged oorn to the extent of Branch Office. Harve,IIbul1r. o. Fonow~ilg Il~e some oewsp~per 'l~w8' that 'fA '~re8.t many , irCe r ent po op!!l, whe(e they al'e beIng 11 per !lent. One year ago the tlr. nd Or. B E ':: :. A ntir;eo tk. S atve h n ve been cur d wllh Nnture's . peraonll Bre ignorant of Tbe laws ale to tbe pqint, 'ilDd are 110 growing oondition of plaut 'r~OllO!l, I enn say that none havs , plaio that ~1l wh) rnn may r~l\,d :" tlmated at RS per oent. wo re praise to give thnn I ~live ' or WAVNESVILLE CHURCHEs. Arell planted to potat,oss is estl. ~ :l ould g h'e to th e m e d Icine thnt h UB 1. The 8ubsorihers wbl) do not give express otioe to . ~ 110no me so much " good and b esIdes m~ted tLt ' 130.690 flore. Growing I1:l \'ell makln"g doc tqr b ills. the oon~l'Rry are oonsldered us wishing to oontlnue their oondition 7M per cent. On OOl'tes- Bcfor t a l:ln g Nolur ,'s Cure I wa" St. Augustine's Catholic . Churcb. o lor ln8' nil the lime nn 1 nothi n g did Fatber 'Geol'l(e MClrenhoC"for, PaBtor subscriptions. l>o~ding date one yetii' '\go growing Ch~osing ,.. IIny lto'od nml wos so \Vealt from Muss eVC'fY second !;uni!nr o f the monlh a ~. If sublloribers wtab their ptLpere dlsoClpl,1 uned, pub c'ontmion WO.S eltimated 1\1. 93 per ,.tlui\lol ,\g uay ILnd nigh t thll t I cou ld no t 0 :00 a. m. A.1iitic: dea~l, oent-. w ork. '. Jishers mo.y oontinue to senll tbem untU all charges, tire \ • correct I'yle, brilliant , 1 wa s nil d st: 1 by ~ fri e nd t o try St. Mary's Ep)sc.opal Churc;b,. finiah, combined with paid. ~ . A Pain R~medy I" ~ remedy. so :r so n t and got ono boDeat ..Iue, make Rov . J . y. Cudwul1uder, !tect!'l. ollie and all e .r Iniling snme tor one, _. 8. If sub80ribers neg\eQt or refus~ to tllke tbeir pliperl! Both internal ,und external is need .Suuday Scbabl. 0 :90 u. m Mornfng sor " ak I bCll'fln 'to ca t good nnd sleep woll v1ce, 10 :00 a. m. Holy Commuuloll tho lint ed' daily by aLtn.)st every fllOlily ; , fro.n tbe omoe or plRce to wbioh tbey Bre sent tbey are beld · Suodu)' etlcb mO?tb, Keep a bottle of .Dr. Bell'a Anti Pllin n t- n I ght. !1O I ·ont.l n uod t a kltl ~ m e ki n ~elpon8ibl~'untl1' all ~rr8ar,agei:l a~e settled an~ nottoe given _ Good for 1111 kinds of bowel troublee li nd In threo w e ks sta r tc~ to w orlt t h o , fl nlt (Jay of Decembl!r. · 1008. nnd h ll ' O to dl80ontinue. , ~ 'Ext'1rnllll V I"or oots, .. bnrolf. ; SI)r&111I1 elln worJ(lng' OVOl' since, and flln work!lod aU pafp~ . . StroDgly ~ltti8eptlQ. In\; and ' reeling · ""ne alld ga.tn lng In 4.: If tI~bsol'iue1'8 ~o1'e t'o o~ber"pjaoes ,wit.bout 'Inform • Sold ev.erywhere·. ' ' . . , , ~ '~; I, ~ ren!l'th and , a illo Itl welaht, pnti cnn iOi t:~e ~~bli8her8, ~hey Otl.o ,be b~lc\ r~!lPon8i~le. ,N.oMce tt: 1I I\ll),\)o,d y nnil t ~ 1 ,th o tr uth that NoIU I'C'1I (l rea~lo.n ~ured m ll at 1,!-1lG' trouhl e sbould always lla.glveD> of tbe removal , " , .. n lIoJ 'hn,s I,, ,wed " my li fo. . ,'rio : ;the.oon~ta ~ave ~~~d~d 'b~_t ,~ef~8tng:to take 1\ pl4per ' . • " S&,'hQ"/h,b't his t'elltimon'lnl will '- bo the , nl..\ Be ot hili' j!"rr of'he~s who :lr~" lIuth.\~fr()m , .t'be ;b~(jeol', rert(ovlnk or , lel\.~ng. i (1]no~ lle(Ho~" i~ " ." . ' , , It 'IU; f !lid (01' 'ycnr~, 1. am; , . prima faole' evldenO& ,of ioteptlon4 C tra(Jd: Under ' 'the l&w ; YOUI'S rCl!pect tull)', ,. , tbe .nb80rL~r who AlIoW8 b{e lIal onptic);, to rob unpaid a~d • t'beD order8 It dtlCl?b\iDued or mllrked "J;t'lfu8ed '''mnst pn.y 'Up. • if het ""n~ to etop tatllllobaorIJ,_lon, otb'urwise be i., re8po~ . ." .tble •• 1()DIr a8 the ·papttr ItllI8Il' wbether It is ta.k eo from tbe ' "., QiBoe '~I'DOt.' .. . Wi ly
I --:-----------.----
OWNER--Stop! the poaaible when YOU the bill?
Hanna's Green Seal
Why not
(:,'HANNA'S GREEN SEAL' PAINT is Made to Wear"
I .J. E. JANNEY, l:Waynesvill~, Ohio
Stomach Troubles Cured
.- . .--.----- - -.. ------
r_=== i. l~~!~;:;M:ney ~and Kee: in :) ,-;= ,
,a_ Yorl
·A·. ·MAFFI'I,
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Five Newspaper Laws
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ROGERS·8ROS.t:.t "
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Mr•. Hodgdon 7& Say. She CPllid Not Live Without Sound of Loom.. t
pearance. did I. Maloney. Wby Dcclluse, !.logging ·your pardon for doubti ng your wor.d. there's no such p l·son ." . "BeggIng your pardon (or disputing your word. captaIn," she retorted, mimicking him, "theTe Is such a ·person." "Then where Is she?" he demanded angrily. Annie made no ans wer, but looked for advlce to Judge 'Brewster. who at t'bat Instant entered the room. Tho captain glared at ber v1clously. and unable to longer- contain bls wrath, be bellowed: "I'll tell you where she Is! She's right here In this room!" Polntlng his finger ,at AnnIe In theatrical fashIon, he went on furiously: "Annie J eff· rles, you're the woman who visited Underwood the night ·of tis death! 1 don't hesItate to say 80. I've aald so all along, haven't I, Maloney?" "Yes, you told the newspapers so." retorted Annie ·dryl,. TakIng no no Uce of her remark, the captain blustered: "I've iot your record, young womant I know_all about you and yout' folks. You knew the two men when theY' were at college~ You kDllw Un'derwood before you made the acquaintance or young Jeffries. It was Underwood wbo Introduced you to ,Q\ll' husblUld. It was Underwood who aroused your husband'. Jealousy. You went to his rooms tbat ntght .. YOill' hUlblUld followed you there, and the, sbootlng took place! 't TumiDg to m~ther." JudIe Bl"owster, he a4~ed. ~I~ a sarThe captain made a deferential sa· clllitlc grin,: "False confession. eh f lute. Bully as he was, he knew how Hypnotism, ehT I pess Il'• . Intern, ... .
Do you understand whllt the lot· tor means to me?" "Ha ve pity I " cl'l:!d Ule banker 's wife, nlmost besldo b<>rselt. "You cun tell thom when I'm out uf tbe coun· try. Don' t ask me to mu.ke thIs suc· rHlce now-don't ask me-don'U" AnnIe was beginn ing to loso paII nce. The womau's yelllshness an· gered her. With Irrltallon. she snld: "You've lost your nerve, and you don't know what you're saying. How· ard's lito comes heCoN you-me-or anybody. You know thatl" "Yes-yes." crlcd Alicia desperate· Iy, "I know that. I'm only ask1ng you to walt. I- I ougbt to have left this mornl ng-that's what I should have done-gone at once. Now it's too la te, unless you help me-" " I'll belp you all I can," r eplltrd the other doggedly, "but I've prOmised Judge Brewsler to clear up tbls mat· ter to-night." Suddenly there was a commotion at the door. Capt. Clinton entered, fol· lowed by Detective Sergeant Maloney. Alicia shrank back In alarm. "I tbought Judge Brewster was bere," said the captain, glancing suspiciously round the room. "I'll send for hlm, ~ ' said Anole, touching a bell. "Well, where's your mysterious witness?" demanded 'tbe captain sarcastically. He looked curiously. at Alicia. "This Is Mrs. H;oward Jeffries, Sr.... said Annie, "my husband s step-
HOWl\l"J ;'1,,&'rloo, bnnk er'g 80 n, und~r the evil Irtnuencc ot n ob('rt .ndorwood. fo llow-~tul1 e l1l li t Vole. IClldll n. l iCe or lilsBlpllllon. m a rri es th'" dough'!.'r or n gnmhler who died III prh'on, ami 19 (I\sowned by his fallt ' r. lIe 15 ou t or work und In d espem t strolls. Underwood . who h a d on e bee n <,ugligcd 10 H>lwllr<l's sl cpmothf)r. AlI c lll . Is uppll l'cnlly In pro perOUI oIPoumala nc 8 . T ll lclng 61l\'unlago ot his Intimacy wflb AII l'lo. ho he omeB a ort ot Boclol h lghwo:Vlllun. Dlsco \' ring Is true "h u m c tel' Allclo. c\ r,nlel! him I hI' ouso. H e sends l'l' r Il noto threotpnlng ~u lcld e. A,·t dcu lvrs tor wh om ho ncted lUI comm'5 Ion r. dcmllnd un uccoun tlng. }fo ea nnot mak e g ood. H owllrd ca lls at .,18 "portmenta In an Inloxlcnll'd (lOnd ltlt'n to r quest 1\ 100 n of '2,000 to enll ble hIm to tolco u p business propositio n. H owa rd drinks hlflUlol t Into a maudli n (lond IUon. nnd goes to s leep on n d 1\' o.n. A caller Is announced and Unl1 erwood drl1'l's a sc ree n around Iho drunke n III ~r. AIl Qla ent rs. 8ho d mande a promille from U nderwood thllt he will not taka his lifo. He retuns unleso sll will renew hpr potronn.ge. This 'lila re tu Ms. nd lak es her leave. UnderWOOd kills Imsol!. Th o r eport ot tho plslol o.WI1ena Howard. H I.' find s Underwood dea.d. HOIYord Is turn ed oV'e r to tho polloe. Capt. Ollnlon, notorloua for .)tls brutal t~l\tmont ot prlsonors. puta Howard throug h th e third degree, and fin a lly gets a.n alleged confession from the hllro88ed msn. Annl!.". H owurd's wlto. deolllres her belIef In her husbnnd's Il)nooence. and calla on .Jertrles. St. He r e fu ses to h I" unloll8 sho w Ul consent to a dlvoroo. To sa.vo H01\'ard s ho consentll. but ..... hon sh e find . that the e lder .Jertrlea doell not Inhnd to stana by his lion, oxcellt finanlaIl Y. IIhe scorns htil help. AnnI e appeals o Judgo Sr water, nUorney tor Jertrl s. r. to talce Howard'lI C880. He declln s. Is re{)ort~ that Annie Is golnlr on the 6 lage. Th o banker and hIs wlfo call on Judgo Brew8ter to find some way to pre. "ent It. Annie 'agaln plcads with Brew.~r to defend Howard. Ho conllontll. IAUeia I. greatly alarmed ..... hen sbe JearnI' trom Annlo that "Brewster hilt! tak en tho ease. She eontoll8es to Annie that .,he .cnli d on UnderWOOd tho nig ht or hI" death and that sho hll8 his letlor In which h o thren.teried sulc.ldo, lIut bep toJ' tlmo betore giving ou't tile Infor-rn atlon. AnnIe promIsos Brewst er to produce tbe mlBlllng woprtln at 11 meeting I1t hll1 tlomO', Brewster accusea Clinton at ' tordnl': a contOBlllon (rom Howard. Annlo appears without tho wItness a nd rotU81!11 to give the nnme. Allc.la. a rrlve8.
8 . .
CHAPTER XVIII,-Continued, "It dQes s,tun Qne, doesn't it?" went "You can't think when it comes all ot a sudden like this. It's just the way I felt the morning they e howed me Howard's confession." "Prison! PrJ son !" walled Alicia. Annie tried to console b er. "Not tor long,!' 'she 'sald soothingly; "YOU can get ball. It's only 11 matter -ot favor-Judge Brewster would get you out'rlght away." "Oet me out!" cried Allcla distract· edly. "My God! I can't go to prison! ( can't! That's too much. I've done ' nothIng! I Look-read' this '" Handing over Underwood's letter, she went on: "You can lIee tor yoursel(. The wrelch (rlghtened me Into· such a state ot mind that I hardly knew whilt I 'was dolng-I went to his rooms to 's ave him. ' That'" the truth, I swear to . O,od! But do YOU suppose anybody 'will belIeve me on oath? They' llthey'll-" Almost hysterical, she no longer knew wha./; Rne was saying or doing. She collapsed utterly, nnd sinking down In a chair, gave way to a pas· t;lonale fit ot sol:lbtng, Annie tried to Q~let her: "Huahl" she Bald genUy. ;'don't go :'1 . ' Oil Uk\! thM. Be brave. Perhaps It won't be as bad as you think." She unfolded the letter Alida had given her and carefully read It through. When sbe had finished her face Ut up -wllh JOY. Enthusiastically she cried: "ThIs Is great for Howard! What "Howard'. Life Come. Before YoUr -Me-or Anybody." n ble&8lng you didn't destroy It! What a wretch, what a hound to write you like tbat! Poor soul, of course, you to be courteous wben It suited his tionlll and constitutional law for yours werit .and begged blm not to do It! purpose. He bad lIeard enough of tbe after this." I'd have @:one myself, but I think I'd wealthy 'b anker's aristocratic wife to "Vou don't say so?" exclaImed An· nle.. Irritated at tbe man's Intolerab.le have brolten an umbrella over his head treat her wltb rellpect. .or Bomethlng- Gee! these kind of fel"Beg pardon, m'm; I wanted to teU hu.olence. Judge Brewster held up a restrain' (ows breed trouble, don't tbey? Allve the judge I was going." lng hal)d. . , or dead, they breed trouble! What The servant entered. "Please say nothing;" he said with can we do?" "Tell Judge Brewster that Capt dignity. Alicia rose. Her t~ars had dlsap. Cllnton Is going," said Annie. "No, I guess I'll let him talk. 00 ,)('ared. Tbere was a look of fixed reAlicia, meantime, was once mot'e smile; solve In her eyes. , on the verge of collapse. The long on, captain," 'sbe said wUh "Howard must ·~ • •cleal'ed," she said, threatened' expose was now at hand. as If thoroughly enjoying the sltua· "aod I must face it":"'alone!" 10 another moment the judge a~4 per· tion. "You'll be alone aU right," saId An. baps . her husband would come '111, and , Alicia came forward, bel' face pale, nle thoughtfuliy. "Mr, Jeffries wl1\ do Annie would hand tbem the letter but on it a look of determination, as as muoh. for ,you as he did for his which exculpated ber husband. Tbere it she had quite made up her. mind as son." ,." was a moment Qt terrlhle suspense. to ' what course ' to pursue. In her NoUdng that bel' companion seemed Annie stood aloof, her, eyea fixed on band was Underwood's ' letter. Ad: hurt b'l bel' 'frankness, she changed the floor. ' Suddenly, without uttering dressing Annie, she said, with emo" the tOI,lc. a word, sJle drew Underw"od's, letter tion: "Honest to God!" silO exclaimed f'rom her bosom, and Qulck\)' approacb~ good .naturedly, "I'm broken.hearted- log Altcl.a, placed It unnoticed In her I'll do aoythlng to save you !rom nils hand. Tbe banker's wile Busbed and '·_th!s publlo. disgrace. I know wbat it then turned pale. Sbe understOOd. means-I've had my dose of It. But Annie . would spare her. Her lips, . , this thing has got to come out, hasn't parted to protest. Even she was taken ,}t," , ' Mck by sU'ch an exhibition Of unsell· The banker's wile 'Yearlly nodded ' Ishness as this. She begaJ& lo stamRBseDt. · mer tbanks. " . ," Yes, I realize that,~ she, satd. '~but "No, 00/' wblsl?ered Annie ,y,I,".,J7.'UI'lD4~SS "me., ;.- keep t h e ' disgrace o~ arrest-I , oan't stand "don~t tbarlk ., , ' It.'" .~.. tt, Amite! '. I can't go to prison eveD ' Capt, Clinton tu.,ued round .""tb e tr It's Ob~' tor mlnu~e," , Holdlng ·out jeer. ' Insolentll. he ' ~4 to ~Ie: e' trembllng hand, she went on: "01"8 me' ~ck the ' letter, .. I'll leave New York to'nfght-I'l1 10' to Europe-I'll eend It to .JUdIe Brewster from Paris." LooklDl- IUlDolDly IJitCLher, compBnface. sb~ pleaded: "You'll trust 81. to dC>. that, won't, you? OIve It to '1'IIeaa-,ou can trUllt me." _banel "u .~ll ~xt.enaed, but ftilOred ft. ' ,. ;'~'~_!!0i4ID:'" .ad, .baktpS ber It ~ 7Ou-JaoW GIQ on Annie,
.1 .
'08'. ,
an External TNat.m ent
Snco, Mc.-Save 011 , tho onlY AmerIcan In a VIL.s t rooln awong: thou· sallds or t~ose wllo fi peak no word of English and where the stridor ot ma· chlo ery dins ber ears fro m day light to dark. Mrs. Melissa Hodgdon, at seventy·Uve, lhe olrlest weavel' ot cloth In America, has Just completed hel' tlfty·llflll year of work tn the cot· ton mill or the York Manu.facturlng comp'a uy hcro. ' Allhpugb Mrs. Ho<1gclon has onto lived all but one ot the Ulaoy thou·
"'Denr 1I'lrs. J effries." He stopped, and gla'nclllg at the signature, e x· claimed. "RObert Underwood !" Look. Ing slgnlficaotly a t AnnIe, he excla1in· ed: "'Dear Mrs. J effries !' Is that con· cluslve enough? What did I tell y,ou?" ContinuIng to peruse the letter, he read o.n: "Shall be found dead to· morrow - Silicide - ' .. He stopped short and Crowned. "What's this ' Why, this. Is Il. barefaced fo~gor,!" Judg Brewster quickly snatcbed the letter frqm his hand and. gliJlclJlI ovel' It quIckly, said : "Permit me. Tbls belongs to my client." Capt. Ollnton's prognathous jaw snapped to with a click, and he squared his masslYe sboulders, as he usually did when preparing for bos· tllltles: "Now, .Mrs. Jeffries," h~ said sharp. Iy, "I'll trouble you to go with me to headquarters." Annie and Allcla botb stood up. Jud,;-e Brewster quickly ohjected. "Mrs. Jeffries wlU not go wlt~ you." be said Quietly. "Sbe has made no at. tempt to leave the state." "She's wanted at police head Qual' ters/' said the captain doggedly. "Sho'll be there to-morrow morn· Ing.': "She'll . be tbere t~nJSbt.'1 Be 'looked steadily at the Judge. lOti the latter' calmly retl,U'1led biB .tare. There, tQllowecl an awkWard pause. and then the captain turned on hi. heel ~o depart. "IJ'!ie moment "he attempts to lean the house," he growled, . "I Ihall arrest her~ Good'nlght, judge." , "Oood;nlgh1, • captain!," cried Annie mockingly. , '''I'll see yo~ later," be muttered, "Come on, Maloney." Tbe door ~anged to. Tbey were alone. , "What a swe ~t disposition!" laugh· ed Annie. ' Judge 'Brewster looked sternly at her. " 'Holding up the letter, he said: "What 1s tho meanlng or tblsT You are not · tbe woman to whom thla le~ ter Is addressed 7" "No," stammered Annie, "that Is-" The judge Interrupted her. Sternl, he asked : ' "Is It your intention to go on the witness stand and commIt 116rjury?" , "I don;t know. I never thought o( that," she taltered. , Tbe judge turned to Allola. "Are you going to allow ber to do 'so" Mrs. Jeffries?" , .' "No, no," cried Allcla, quickly; ,II never thought of such ~ tbJng,' "Then I repeat-hi It your Intention to perjure "yourself?" Annie was sl· lent, and he went on: "I aBl!ume .' U Is, but let me ask you: Do YQu ex· pect me, as yourooUDsel, t~ beeome particeps crIminis to this Hssue ot ltes? Am I expected'- to build up a talse structure for. you "to swear toT Am', n"
You are r emarkably fortunate if yoa are wltbout some skhi troubl.e, It'ma7, be only pimples or blackheads, or chapped bands, or the aCcidental sore. cut, scnld, burn or boll, or the carbUllc1e or felon. or perhaps the more serious diseases of eczema, herpes. erythcma, seborrhoea. or :psorlasls. or inflamod piles, or somo co m mo~ Irritation of the skin. 'l'here Is one stand, ard ooverelgn remedy within your ready r ench, and which you cnn put'chase at any druggist's. It III Resino1 OIntment, put up 1n Bc r ew·top ~ opal containers, seiling at fifty cents and a dollar, according to size. ; It Is ever really for use, and as easy to apply as cold cream or vaseUne. Thousands of physicians .enthusiastlcally ' prescribe Re~lnol Ointment, and hundreds of tbousands of {amllles depenq upon it, and are n ever without 1t. Reslnol Soap Is a chemically pure toilet soap ot the hlgbest grade. It contaIns I.n 8 modllled form the same medication as Reslnol Ointment. and Is recoinlzed as a preventive for mllny skin troubles, Including blackheads. -chap· ped hllnds and pimples. Tbere Is noth· Ing beUer tor the cleanolng of the scalp and shampooing. It prevents the ralllng out of the ball'. It Is the In· fant's soap, par excellence. keeping the sldn swect and healthy and preventing many of the troubles which 80 often Attaok the deUcate skin of thi chUd, You will find the Rellnol OintMrs. Amell... Hodgdon. ment and Soap at all druggist •. Reslno1 Chemical Co., Baltimore; Mel.. .anda who have worked In the York mUls slnc~ 18&8, and has even leen HADN'T BEEN IT SINCE. the original owners ot the grel\t con; c.rn pu. Into thelr grayes, she Is sUIl as capable a worker as the aver· ase young French ,frl ot . nineteen, and ber 11ncera will comb out a "pickout" 'or men'll a thread or throw 1n a Dew .huttle· wIth all the deftness and precision of the loom ttlelf. Mr.. H~don . bas leen the cotton buslnes.-cblUl,e from a .truggllnr little Industry. hamp.red by poor ,machiDel')' and eYen b, e 'dearth or cot· ton . C8U11ed' by the 01,,11 war. to 'perhap. ' the greate.t acUvtt,y of: New lllqland. and one of the greatelt In the United State.. When she began her wort the cOtton loom was Uttle Cufferent from the hand loom .whlch bad been In UIIO .Ince antiqUity. ' At that time there were mail, ' hand looms sUll In use, Mrs. HOdgdon 8a),s she does not remember whether sbe ever used a hand loom, but sa1S Ibe knew weavera In Canada who were then using them.
SheIn evening clothes. He-I'd like to; he borrowed JQY 8chool Teacher to R,celve Heirloom dresll sutt tbra~ m.ontbs ago. In Form of _Old-Fa.hloned Article of F'urnltute. SPOHN'S DISTEMPER C P.B wfU I1ny I)OuibJe.... COllI! of DISTEMPER. South Paris, Mo.-Being ned Ih C:llre PINK EYE, and t he like, tllM Dg ltoraCli line of tamUy descendants, Frank of all agel , Rnd prevents ",n oUieta in tba Farrar, a native of this pince, now a ~me ltable (ro~ havina tho diae.ue. Alto chicken cholera, and' dog distemper, 'school teacher In Dallos, Tex.. Is to curet Aoy lood drullciat Cftn WI1PPl,v you, or ..lUI "l'ecelve a valu!).ble heirloom iD the to mfn. liO cents and '1.00 a bottle. AgGDt, form or a cbest 41t drawers. an old- "·(lllteii. Free book. f3polin 'Medical Co .• fashioned. seldom'IInen arUcle of 'fui- Sp~. CoDtalio~ Dieea~, Gosnen, ' Iud. nlt-qro, Tbe,pld relic. hand·majle 160 The Nature·Fake. ,\lars old. Is se'Ven ,feet high and haa "Congratt,ilatIona," eight, I,a rge drawers and .three lim an "For what?" ' ones. Four boards which make the "I bear one ot your 6/thlbltl took a sides are each 86 Inches lon'g ' b, ·21 Inches Wide and '% of aD Inch thick ot prize at tbe dog and poUltry ahow." soll<l mahbgany" There are 38 teet of , ':W,eU, keep still about It. ' I ena skye terrier audhe took firat this ....,' rar's wood. used In, the finished tered prlz.e 6S MongOlian ben t .....
Ion Eden; , The Serp~nt-What's Adam ~ grouchy about today? ' . Tl)e Ape-Ob~ ~~ sa,.,tba~ tb~ ~ rival of woman means that all . hi. plans tor universal , peace have been knocked In the . Ibead ,tor good.-Puck. ,·
' .
"I don't ~now; I haven't thought of It," replied Annie, "U It can be done, ' why not? , I'm glad ' you sugges,ied it." '1 suggest It?" exclaimed the law', yer; scandalized. " Yes," cried Annie with growln," exaltation; "It never occurred to m. tUI you spoke. Everyhody says I'm the ' 'woman who called on Robert Un· derwood that night. WelJ, that'l all right. Let them continue to think so. Wbat dUferenco does It maKe so 1001 as Howard Is set (ree 1" Oolng toward the door, 8h~ said: "Good·nlght, Mrs. Jeffries!" . Tbe judge tried to bar her, wa,. "Don't go," he said; "Oapt. Olin· ton's men are walUng outside .... "That doesn't matterP' sbe cried: "But you mU8t not ,go!" ,excl,almed the lawyer in a tone of command. "j, won't allow It. Tbh:ll arrest you I Mrs. Jeffries, 10u'11 p~ease remah here." ' But Annie 'ilo as airel}dy at. the door, ' ''I wouldn't k'e ep' Capt ,' ClInt.oil walt{rig · tor the 'world;" she, c.rl~ "Oood·ulgbt, Judge Brewster, and Ood ble~s y~ul" ," The door slammed, and she ' ",af gone. (!fO BE CONTINUED.)
. ..
am. '1'.101011". ~ihlDIf ",ropfor Ciblldl'tJt lee~lD', .oheoh the (fUIlU', r etluqea 'nllamlD'" UOII ••U.,a "alA. cure. wlDd collc.·2OC! .. bot". Hopelell. "Why don't you get In lIno for M\el Ha.ttle's favor?" '.'Humph! That line's buSY."
, Cheat I. 160 V.al" Old. form, all of which Is 1S of an Incll thick. The chest was' bullt tor David Demls, ,.,hose son broulht 'the cas~ to Paris with blm In 1796. .
and His Dog
Farmers Shou1~ CareluUy Obse.rve and Study HabUs All NoXIOUs' anCl Injurious Plants In Order' to Figlil Theca to · Best of' Advanta~e-Every . Ellort, Should be Made to GeL Rid o{ Them.
It was known to the Shemelds, the bead tnto the sbed and barked . an
,Durho.ms, the Chattertons and all alarm. other country ram1lles tor five miles "Ouly a Cllt, old boy," lIold the mlln. around that the lIt.tJo farm known as "and you needn't drive her away. We Roselands had been sold ·to some one want n cut to make It seem bome.lIkE!'. tn the city, but the name or .the buyer May be a coon or a rabbit, (rom the .bad not transpired. , Roselands had way you bark. I'll come down and been owned and ocC'Upled by an old help you rustle It out. Here--" recluse for years. His hobby was "You needn't pTlt yourself to any .growing roses, but he would Devor great trouble," said Miss May Shet· Bell or g,lve one a way. They , simply Held as she appeared In the open doorway. budded, bloomed and laded. "T- thunder!" c:lclnJmed tho art· On two occasions Miss May Shet· l1eld, who was by all odds the best· 1st," as he fell back In amazement. looking young woman who drove past "Sir," said the haughty girl before Roselands had stopped and tried to him; "yOU called me a cat!" melt the old mlln's heart, but It was "I- I- by no means." tn vain: Had sho beon red·headed "And you oalled me a coonl" and cross·eyed, and had a big mouth "But J-I never meant to." and a nose tilted up at the end, be "And you called me a rabbit!" could not have been more surly with, "Yes, but YOIl se-"' her. Neither praise, flattery, smllell "And you ordered your dOl to hu. or oaah would melt blm. Red roses- tie me out!" llink roses - whJte roses - roses "But 1 dJdn't know-" enough for a duke's weddIng, and yet "And when I am hustled out rou A. Wild Carrot, the passersby could not have One of swear at me!" them. "But my astonlsbment-my lIur· (By WAT~TER B . LEUTZ,) When It was known for certain prIBe-" Weeds. weeds everywhere; they that the old recluse had departed, "And now 1 am espectlng a blow thrive In the cornfield, they choke and that the buyer WIlS coming dOWD -from a clubl'l wheat In the field, they annoy the lrom the clly In a few days to take "Mlss-younl{ llu1y-my deal'~" possession, MIss Mary put Qn a deter· 'IB ut as yoU haven't hIt me, 1 wish sardener, they thrive !n the meadow, they spring up by the roadside, they mIned look and said: to thll.nk YO\l for your clemency and encroach on the swamp. "Welt, rm going right over there bid you' good afternoon!" Emerson said of weeds that they tomorrow afternoon and get some And with h,ead held blgb and' the are "plants wholle virtues bave not yet cuttings trom those rose bushes. I gall ot .a duchess, the girl swept the been discovered." But a few benefits don' t believe the buyer will cure. At fluttcrlng man aside and walked t8 may be derived irom weeds. any rate I'll chance It." the gate nnd up tbe road . The dog They are ot some use In the world "He's probably a married man,' followed her for a tew paces In a to Indoce more '(I'equent and more enid the mother. "and YO\l don't know wondering way, and, then returned to thorough cultivation, which benefits what his wlte may say aboul It." hIs master. to be addressed wIth: crops; In occupying the . soil after a "If she's mean enougb to say any· "Carlo, have we had a pipe dream, crop has been removed they prevent thing I'll olfer to pay. Why, we've or have we actually seen the queen ot' the loss of fertlUty by shading the 'given away cuttings and roots and her sex tor 50 miles around?" . ground. bulbs ~y the cart eload .." Carlo went down to the IIhed to see Weeds plowed under add some At two o'olock nest afternoon, after If anything 'm ore like that waa linger- humul and lertilltY.:' to the soU, tbough a wa)k of a mUe. Min May arrIved at Ing around, and 1Uldtng' nothing In a very much less degree th,an clover Roaelands. She bad , ~roughl a knUe returned . to h asked: or cow peas; some weeds furnish food along, and abo lost no lime selecting "But who In the devil can she be, for birds In winter. the bushel and making her cuttings. and what In the devil did sbe want In justice to the weeds tbelr ad· When she had bundled them up she here.? Came on foot and ",'enl away vantages have been mentioned flrst, took a look Into the cottage through ' the same way. Can't live sO .verr far because the llst oUl)e disadvantages • wIndow. ' and WIIS amazed to flnd off. No Iroses out yet. ,: WIlB' she atter II a very long ' one-too long to enum· that 'a lot of new furniture bad been cuttings? L!it'a , talc:e ' ".- look, ' Why, erate. A few, bowever, may be given moved In. Weeds and gra,!a had allo here'S a bundje of theml We came '-enough to convince everyone that been cu . down, IUId It was evident home just In time. She heard ua and every elfort Ihould be m'ade to get that the buyer W8.S 'ready to take pos· 'went Into hiding. , M.ullt bave known rid of them. , sbt\ was a trespasser and a thief, and Farmers shou1d 'carefully observe yet how she stood up to me! Wasn't and study the weedl and their bablts, that a~ awfu. bluff, old man! Well, In order to flght thllm to the beat ad· Well! Tbere are a few things to be· vantage. . tound belore we settle down." 1. ' Weeds rob cultl vated plants of Mr. 'flklna was onl1. a d~ or t1l'0 nutrlmept. · . 1lnIlJng out what he wlm~ed , to DOW, Z, They Injure croplI by crowding and then he appeared at the Shef· 'a n4. lIha4Ing. fteld's, not aa a caUer, but 8S a bearer B. Tb~y retard the work of hill" ot burdena. He had three rose bUlhe'•. vesting ' grain by tncreaslng the . draft Tbey were, as he e~plalned to HI .. snd by extra wear of maohlnery. May, plll't1al repayment for calling • . They retard. the drying at grain her , a cat, a coon ~nd a rabblL If \\n4 hay. she stili ,{('It aggrhlVed she might seild G. ~hey Increase the labor of father and'. brother over and dig up 'ali, but 'a single ·bulh. ' He bad as· '''thunderl'' at the lIudden sIght ot her, but there were 'lIIiel and lullps and pinks at Roseland. and would .sl;le take' them IlJId forcet · th. word? Miss "May's chin came down by , degrees, but It came down. ' Olle evening tn the late fall the dog Carlo wasn't ~ so very mucb as~onltnled to henr hla master lay, after coming home at a l~te 110ur: "W1!II, my bid frIend, we'll be Ing back to (own to.r the winter loon, She Lost No Time In Selecting the !,Jut next ,spring Rbaolanda .wlll lIure Buohea. h,ave a ' mlstress. " )t was 10U that , . dIscovered her, and 'I want to tell you .bow . mllcb obliged I ' am. Helgbol How she did s(and hero and, blulfl" The Bo)' Problem. The boy, like the tart If, the football roles and tho ~ulfragette, II an eternal pl·oblem. He Is a never·endlng source of dlscussl9n, at 'teachers' conventions. famliy cOlleclls and sociological conterenoes. He Is blamed for many thIngs which he hf\s nothing to do with; and Is sometime" thougJ1 ' rarely, given credit" for things he does not do. Us ually, however, the criticism of the boy Is 'adverse, Wbere tber~ II one optimist to see his good points, there are ten. pessImists to bewail hlB faults. Perhaps the strongest and most un· prejudiced adverse criticIsm at the present time comes from the 'lIeTd of bus)nes's life. If Is very common for a business man to complain about the boys that come IDto his employment. They can neither write neatly, spell correctly, nor clphel' a'ccurately; their pcreQDal habits .~re none . too admlra. 'ble; 'and' they have little pollt~ness or tor suPertors. So Ifay many larle employers of boy labor: 'u these itiite'ments are al1 true, surely there Is liomethlng wrong With our boysWlIlIam .T. Miller In the Atlantic.
want. to think of crisp winter weather and sparkling frost; if you want to forgct the beat and the dust and the thirst forreal,coolcomfort
This Is Why B.
means of barbed awns. 9. Some of them Inj ure wool and disfigure the tails of cattle, the manes and tails ot !:Iorses. 10. A fe1\' make "hnlr bulls" In the stomachs of horses. 11. Some Injure tbe Quality of dairy products. 12. Penoy cress, and probably other!!, when eaten by animals, 'Injure the taste of meat. ' 13. Po/son hemlock, sp.otted ·cow· bane and Jamestown weed are very pohiOnous. 14. Many weeds Interfere with a rotation ot crops. 16. All weeds damage the appea.r· ance 'Ot a farm and render It less val· uable. Four of the comm'onest weeda are the wlJd carrot, chicOry, dodder, and rlbgrass. ' Chicory has long been recognIzed as a 'troublesome weed. It Is common In alfalfa growing sections of tbe country as well 8S the clover sections, T.be plant III eas ily recognized by the blue fiowers and lower root leayes, which resemble those of tbe common dandelion. The upper leaves the more or lel8 sticky and· clasp tpe lItem. The plant contalqs a milky JuSee. Cblcory Is not difficult to destroy where rota· tion of crops Is practiced. Though a perennl~l, the roo.ts are easlly k11led liy auccesslve cultivation. Tb«l bIos· \Omi-omrcory are yellow a il"attrac· tlvo. Chicory was IntJoduced Into tWa country trom Euro;e. Wlld carrot ilas become more wider,. distributed with clover seed than any' other weed In lhe country. It I, an e:ltremely common ' weed In the east where It has long been known as troublesome to crops. Wild carrot tl
lY. SINGLE STRAP DUGOll' UARNESS Stitched 10 to the Inch, r elnforet'd
where the 8tmln comes: round ecllte finished throurhouL BrIdie ,,·In, box ch eeks, round IItnya, no~e bl1nd. BltEAST COLLAR: S·ln, V shnpcd. SADDLE: sIngle atrop 8·ln.: BA K BAND: l·ln. doubled nnd stitched. LIN ES: "Aoxl~· ln ., aprlng ends. BREECmNO : l%·ln. HIP STRAl' S: %-In, TRIMMINQS: nlcllel , brass or Imitation rubbe r. Price only '16 , ~ f t ..... ,...... caa "' ••
P""" .,..
I. all t!rc . .. t.a.ue ..
Maybo you wondor why your dealer wlll give you 0. signed guarantoe wllh GEMeO hal'ness, warranting It agnlnst deteo ts. If you would tn.ltO n trIp through the GEMCO fa ctorlee. you woul" 600n lear n why. Onl~' tho beat grado ot lenth er Is u seel, 1U1c:! thIs Is examIned when w ot lit the cu tter'. b ench to sco that the ro aro no h oles {lll ec:! wIth he I bnll or cutB pllBlcd together. The hardwa re uscd Is tho best- tho thread Is puro linen, and t ho man o.t each ma.ctllno III • skill ed mechanIc. Atter tho harn ess Is comple t d It Is agaIn Inspect ed tor de tects In worltmanshlp, nnc:! whe n found O. K . In every respect, UIO gul1J'nnlee tnl: Is nttn ched. Your desler runa no rlslc whe n ho guarantoes It-you take no chnn~e8 when you b uy It. For anle by your loenl deafer. It he ho. nol the klntl you wIsh, wrlto "08 fo,r catnlog No. 611, m 'nUonlng hIs nam e.
'"There tfobs." "Such as trying to make vegetarians of the ciumlbals,"
a biennial with brlstl)' stem, finely dl· vlded leaves, and numerous whIte flowers In umbelc. After flowering 'tbe ftower Rtalks bend Inward, becom· Ing "trongly concave, The seed II flattened with margInal bristles. In commercial seed these brIstles are often broken oIf.
"When my first baby was s1:l months old he broke out on his head with l1tUe bumpl. Tbey would dry up and leave a scale. Then It would break but alaln and It spread all over hIs head. All the hall' came out and his head , was scaly .all oYer. Then ~ face broke out all over In red b,u mps and It kept spreadIng until It WBa on his hands and arms. I bought several boxes of ointment, gave him blood medicine, and' had two doctors to treat him, but he lot worse all the time. He had It about lilx inonths when & friend told me about Cutlcura. I sent and got a bottle of Cuttcura Resolvent, a cake of Cutlcura. Soap and a box of Cutlcura Ointment. In three days after using tbem he began to Imllrove. He began to take long naps and to .top scratclilng his bead. Atter taking two bottles of Resolvent, two boxes of OIntment Ilnd three cakes of Sonp he was sound and well, and never had any breakln&' out of any kind. His hall' came out tn little curls all oyer his head. I don't think anything else would have cured him except CuUcura. "I have bought Cullcura Ointment and Soa'p several times since to use tor cuts and sores and have never known them to fall to cure what 1 put them on, I thInk CuUcurn Is a ~reot remedy and would advise anyone to' use It, Cutlcura Soap Is the best that I haye ever used for tollet purposes." (Signed) Mrs. F. E. Harmon, R. F. D. 2, .Atoka, TenD .• Sept. 10, 1910. Heathen Natlona Invent Nothing, Bishop Thobuni,; who bas been a missionary In India tor fifty years, and know. India better than any other !lvlng ' AmerIcan, says: "If )'ou visit the patent office at Wasblngton you wlll see '11:1 hundred Improvements on the plow. IndIa has ' Dot Invented one improvement on the toothplek tn twp thousand years; The nations without God have no . Inventive taculty. ' They are almolt universally the savage, un· e~lI~htenecl n&.non·s of tbe ear ~ h:'
,Ip hlstade Bunc,olllbe countr,)~~rth
Onrollnll, was orIginated the ... ~t:ase l'tlUklng buncomb'e," for In , t,hls .moun· . talnoUIi country , years ago; Col. Ed· ,warde Bi.tn(j.9m~e ' (ounde,d . :bls . (amous, ball, ~nc( place4 the wor<ls~ ':To: ,BUD!, cO)Dbe liall~ Welcome , All " over hI. , The espressJon, "I :Ilm talk· meaning, Bun·
6c Euerywh.ra
Field , Dodder.
threBhlng, and make cleaning of aeed 4Uftcult. ~ 6. 'They damage the quality ot !Io~r, sometlmell 'maklng It nearly worthless. 7. Most 'of them are ot little value I" food for domestic animals. •. Some weedl Injure ' stock by
as ,an Icicle
As sparkling,wholesome and reheshin/r as asprJiii house icicle, So ncxt time you're hot or tired or thirsty, if you're anywhere near a place that sells Coca·Cola, go in and give yourself a real treat. DELICIOUS - REFRESHING. J
\ .
leu, b7 AaaOolate4 LIt.eral7 PreU.)
, Orl"'ln of "Buncombe." »
1..0 IPJ,{ce a rope' Draw alft.h~ ~trl\llds Ught at' ~ne time . t~~ , ~tr... nds; atter 'lucldns Is ,done ' tb'en cut ,off the ptotrtidlng ends. Fqr !&':amooLh :'8~pce talfe the t.w~" end. ',ffif!lveted all .,tn . 1 811,d PUt .them ,together .. sh,owPl In fig, •• ' No two ', Itralldlll shQuld ' ccnnG together In the aame apq.ce. They are tucke UD' der ;aDd' oyer ,' u In maklns'1ljUsu aDd 8" ,....dualiy· NduelD, .Idle by mUDs ' ftllerj: Four ttioke wID halel . rope CaD etaDCt Bon the
loot . . . . . . .1& 1*
When yo~, want .. the best • there IS, ask your grocer lor
' iibhy~s
Pickles,. Libby.
Why not be relieved of it and all olb.,. tro'ables caused froni Uric acid In th. ~slem : Kidoey trouble, backache, etc. BORAMOFORM will do iL It has curee) " otbers. Don't delay but ~d fot a bola at once. Price' 50'cel1t1 per box, BonMOforDa Co.• 788 Ba~...,St.. DetN1t, uw..
That 0111 8w~.theart 'of .Youre: "t 'How lJIany men at middle age rec· ogntze hi tbelr careworn, o,v erworked I ~~~~~~~~~~==~~~ wive!!, -the beautiful' ~r18 whom they I. "'QD in. tbefr , yoj1th 'I Oye",o'~k , PI'9" d.~ce.. p~rtiature age" and .bould I be avoIded by URns Hewltt'l Elaa,. Ta"sk Soap for Idtchen. Land la.undn work.
'pC! haa original been gtTtDg •••U.tacUoD It'l the .,blte IQIlDc1!'1' tor. '& q\.lafta, or a ' ceDtUJ7. Oo.i. ". OtIlti .. cake, .~ul JOQ nt'04 Ita b~Jp.
. CARR.IERS' WAGES R,.lsim Devil Canyon. ~ost~la~~er ' Farr' r c'eivfed '~ord ..,.,_. _ _ _ _ _~_ _ __
---__rlt \
·, 'Social Events
- - - -- - - - . LhiR welt (hat .the rlll' 1 carriel' out Ru th Geo)' e' of Wilming- \. f \\' ay n vill.e vo:: uld l' ceiv tl) ' ir 1lin Lu l'i le rn \I an d Elrnma- me\'onse ueglnnml): the . 1st of July • as follows: . H.a wk wet' : g ues 'at. a ho u e par ty ,No. I-Over 24 mifes ........... $1 0 0 )'tV n by MI.s Mary ,aul ~b\ll:y la t ~o . 2- v r 21 mil s .. ........ .. '960 cel(. INo. 3- ve l' 24 iniles.. .... ...... 1 000 '0 ' ,No. 'i- vel' 24 miles.. .......... J ' · I '1 M · ISS ~lICI e ?rne.1I entertained . N . G- Ovet. 24 miles .. .... ...... ] 000 , Wf'dnesday evemng In honor of he r . . ,/ t M' R th f W'I I ThIS maklls an Increase of g 'n pel' ~'. ~ !I, IHS U ,orge, 0 : I - month. and mal( s the jo b on a paylTI lIlgl n. Thuse PI' S li t w /'C M IH.';· ' . I' "d I I . t . II k I I' 0 I I 109 lIl SIS. I t 188m t lot t let· IS nO " I 'IIlrna aw ' " 'HI'Jlllll g tl~ 1(,(' (J! t II t . I , , a B all ar( roU e . lfl I , OVI;:I' , M'lI'Y t;au lsburv. M '!i.·m:;. hUSl;cl l (mt!'1 f J I. All II fi ml ' H, out 0 ~eoanon. lH I ve . . L'!on Sall!sbH ry, Em ll1o\' Botly. LJ 'lUI l Ut t fW '11 e OU Howell and Raymond Davis. ' I't J's ,~ one ou 0 aylleavl' ur ,s an aru. -+ · ' . M.I'. urc! Mrs. L. S. rar lwrtgh t A MISLEADI NG STATEMENT enjoyed entertaining a company to I - --f . . . . tl a recen t -. Issue 0 tl1e We l ern. d mne r on FrIday evenmg III honor Sla t' I . . Wh'Ieh 1't I' . an ar Ie appea re d In ·C M . . of Mrs. '. Lo. ' 81'twrlght , Levering t a t e d tha t F . C. G'IIInour h a d been an d H len ulse. Those wbo spent l t d . t d f th T · the evening with them were . MI'. elec e I, ~rupermh.enS lilt 0 ' e ur, ,11 IT All en, Mr. and Mr. / t eCl'ee~ own Ip c lOO 1s. an d Mrs. 'T . ".1 . 1n a IeLter t 0 Ier k FCC • . . a rey r eo J . . Cartwrlg ht. Rhea J anet, Mt·. tl M 'I th t t1 and Mrs. J. E. J an ney and daughters cen Y. 1'. J~ mou r says a .Iere Edna. Louell a. J en netLe and Frances was no truth In the statement what· ever. a nd t hat he would ue on hand to take cha rge of the schoo ls ~.ere Miss Emma Hawke was hostess at. t he fi rst Monday in Augu·lt. a pleasant little pal·ty last Friday .... - • DEATH evening. The g uests were Misses Lucile Cornell. Ru th G·eorge. Ellen Th b d f M '1 H FI t" h e 0 yo r. . . e - er, Sherwoo d• 'J us t'ma H artsoc k , E t hI e yn h d' d ' t h' I . . Lo UISVI ' '11 e, J ' . . w . 0 Ie a IS lom e In· ones, LoUisa Stokes, Jo ephme Ky. . was broug ht here Tuesday . d' t d' M' . C .Olliesbee, Mary Sa ulsbury. M SS I'S. · II E B'I R II mornmg an In erra In lamt em· M FI h . · D ean H OWIl, mmor al y, usse 'd etery . r. etc er was at one time ·un d Le on IS au Is bury, H ug h RI ge, 'd f W '11 d R I h S 'th Ra d Co i h a resl ent 0 aynesvi e. an was .a p m1 G' ymown t hnner , 0 dn a bro ther-in-law of Mr. Wm. King. a er ousa an • _ ••_ __ , mmon, eorge Le Fred Hawke. AT M. E. CHURCH
" . MeSdam es Henry Satterthwaite T. C. Berryhill and Miss Edith . Penne.witentertaine~ the W. C. A's .• · of Bellbrook, last week. There was a goodly attendance and a fine time. Punch served in the parlor was afeature that · pleased. all . . A deli• cious luncheon was served at4 o'clock ~evisitot:8 were: Mrs. Lina Devitt, Mrs., Emmor Baily and Mrs. Israel Satterthwaite, of Waynesvtlle. M~. · Will Pennewit and .Mrs. Chas.MoKinney; Mil!8es Stella Githens and Ella .FuerRt. of near Lytle, entertained Saturday. ,.evening; the following guests: Misses Elizabeth' and Anna Duke. Ethel ('henoweth. Beulah Snider, Irma Cornell, Nettie . Moler, of Daytl>n. Helen and Janie' . Jones', Blanche Cornell, H~el Bishop. Tillie 1Iein. of Dayton, and Messrs. Leroy and Raymond Hartsock, Barry and Kesl~r: Grah,am. ~pli Qyke, Lee Eam~art. Myrem Clemons, Morris Graham, Roy Day, 'Ravmond Gap"• hardt and Alfred Jon~. . • _ •
LAWN FeTE , The 'Loyal Sons and Loyal Daugh, ter's classes Qf the Christian church ~i1l hold a Jawn'fetealongd;he street : in front of the church. Thursday :'evening, July 27th. Ice cream. cake. watermelon; etc.• for saie. Come and spend .the ~vening. plenty of chairs provided- Music by the Car· 'mentl and Cadet band. _ _ _ ... _ • Littl£ Johnny Jones found aswitoh and took it to his teaol1er, but it happened .to be one that slae dropped in tlAking off her peooh-basket , hat.
Fancy Ripe Melons. The quality of melons was never better. I ndiana Nut Megs, , Home Grown Peaches Irish Cobbler Potatoes New ',Solid Cabbage Lemone Oranges Pjneapples Sweet Santa' Clara Prunes Fancy Muir Peaches Fancy .Evp,' Apricots That Good Mild Cheese 3 Ib 'Baked Beans. per can IOc 3 lb Canned Sweets. per can. JOc Tall.:Pink Salmon; per 12X c
I.~·, ~ff~~~...~~.~:.. ~~~~ ..~~~2~.
, Try Dr. ' Shoops' Health Coffee . Imitation. , Its flne. Per park. : '·'ite.: .:.. ,.... .:-.. :..... lOe 'art~ 25C .
'Pu~e 'P aris Green:~l, 2 ,anq 5 Ib , cans; the best. · made. ,jmg our· . prices are J,'igbt. ' ". .
. 'rai:rv . So!"p; · Gold Dust and ' 'Polly_ Prlin. They must; begooo fOl'We80ld . '112 WORb jn 3 daya Give it · a ·trIal. They car:t't be beat.
.Qet. die,Habtt ~d go ~
Re v. M. B. Fuller, of Dayton. who is spending his vacation here preached to a good congregation at the M. E. church Sunday. Rev. Fuller is a good preacher and had a good sermon. • • - ••- - -
·Mr,and Mrs. Will Myers, of West. boro, spent the week end with re11l ~ives here. Mrs. Webster Williams oalled on frlendl bere SundllY. Mi s Edna Spencer hos rnt ut ned 'from 1\ pleasant visit with MillS E4l!a Smith, of Norwood. , . . The Misses LenlA ~yer8"of Minster aDd Madge Bigler, of DlI.yton, lue viaLtlng re1ati ves here. . Mn. George &oker returned Sunday from a brief visit in Cinoinnoti. lli~s. Edwin Arrni~Qge . and son, Verne, a.nd Miss Luoille N Jrton oall ee !ln Mrs. Will Mooney one day last week. Mrs. R. J GUl entertl1ioed a.t a fa,mily din8er /dunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Boh~lIn and ohUdren. Misses Belen, aess and 1Ot61111. and M.aster Hubert spent /dun. day here. Mr. Ro'(f Mrs, Ueorge Zell, of Waynesville, spent Sunday here. Mis@ Barlan, who hilS I bee~ ' the guest of Miss M.abel 2herwood hAS returned home. .Mrs, Fred. Gove and dlmghter. t;>orothy. of 8e'hel, al'e tbe gues's of Mrs t:;ue ·~berwood and fomily . . Mrs . B9:ml ~ote o.nj daughter, of. Dayton, spent Sunday with Mrs. I
cljl)lhi~g to the 'top of 1:\ l of ty crag and stand ing .silhouetted 'a g ainst the sky and waving his hand in defiant
atlieu , he s~nt the last remainin~ bu I t through his o \~n h eart and Billy. aoy 's dream of love in a tepee fad d a way . Hi romance was ended I'k th t' t I tl t len song n IS ungor a a e 18 is told~ He lies bur ied on the regervaU on by the side of the girl whom he loved so well that he killed her. 1'1I moun t n\ll~ . . I d-.l . ar mc u t'U m lJ ' d 'j. t IlIlc ...at s SlOV rnmen poss sI d b sion and arc pa lt'o e y govel'l1mcnt rang 1'8. Each of these has his district over which he rides. It ia hiR duty to watch for fires. to keep the t rails in repair and to be 011 the alert fo r violators of raw , for while ' anyone may t ravel at will through the pu blic domain ' yet there are cer taill t hings to be avoide:i One may build a fi re for camping' pur'1)08 S bu t must extinguish it before leaving. No large fires are allowed.
flinestmill Latest Ball-Bearing Muchinery. • .In .
Making the Highest Grade' Flour and Giving the Best Satisfaction
. Our .fl' our TIekets·r~O~e~~ . :~~. ~.~~~~~ ·t1urround'Ing.Towns e
Government Has I.:harge
Will be accepted by
T he streams must not be polluted ill any manner. nor timber cut and removed. These and a watcbiul eye over deer and other protected game . We are now Install-ing Bali-Bearing Machinery In our .F eed consti tut e the work of the ranger. . Department enabling us to do b~tter work and doubling our caH ~ rides a rmed and has the power pacity so you ,will not have to wait for your feed. to arrest offenders. He lives in a house furnished by Uncle Sam, over which floats ' the stars and stnpes. . , . He is well paid but his life is a lonely Will grind clear .Oats .as fine as Middlings. ALL FEED ORINDone and he is usually not averse to . INC 8 QENTS 'A BUSHEL " . stopping to chat or ·take a bite and a s up with the passin~' traveler or camper. 1n regal'd to. game. quail. dove. duck, rabpits and deer are all pro: tected but th~re are open seasons for each. Deer 'season opens August .15 and cloSfl.s September 15. ' Number to be killed by one person, twoJ ~u('klJ I)nly. A hunting license must be purchased before going afield with 1,. . ._ _. ._ , . _. ._ . _. .IIi......Iii..__Ili~_!!I!i~_._ iII__
Our Ball-Bearing Oat Pulverizer
Waynesville MiUs
the gun. Cost, $1 for a resident of the state; $10 for a citizin of tne U. S. 'but"a, no~.residen~ of. California. alld $25 for an alien. Fisninff is lawful at anY time. But pac~ , to the caOlP. wi~h its steaming · coft'~e ~d heaps .o f fooq, The ladies of' Catifornla never fail wl1en it comes to. cooking' and these of our party have surely kept up their reputation .for skill and abUity in the 'line of good cheer and hospitality. Respectfully. ' . . George Upp. ,
- - -...
-New Burlington
Le8te~ and Mayna'rd Icenhower, of Wtlsbington, C. B are gUB8~ ' of re10tives here. trene 'a 'ld Myrtle Bl'ads'reet, ot
MEN I}~ennsylviIDia , ,',. LI N11::'5·__......._ .,
'The Part Jbey Take In ReUlioDs Wor~.'
,I . Springfield,.
un .eratuect
hu been
; ' ~mll11ltrawr of lille ' GII~ate or ' £mmtl l~ of Warron Ooun'Y • .Olilo. deDaced tW. 28th lia,. of June. A. D. 1911.
.W. 11. AliLEN. Admln1Arator.
, Olassilled Ads
~_ ......
' AI'Ia will be
-.,,.,. .. _._
'T ' Ieaves . 'W aynesvwe,8: _.1.. 48 a.m. ram
The eaoapade. and ~I'ongdolng. of college studenta are 10 qu~ckly glveQ promioeoceand ItO widely advl!rU.ed that we are Ukeli to iet tbe tmpre. •, . I Itoo tbat a College: la . wholly made up of .tbe or1mlnallF·inJ~lIled and reC}k· 1.... Tb~t thl. Is ,not ,0 la .hown by ~ .UtUe Itudy of tbe report of the r,Ullo~ orsanfsaUons at work in the ooU,.e. and univerlllle. of the coun·
Xenia; spent the post week at .tbe home Qf their /lunt' Mrl4. Wm. ~B. Ilir. Glen Rutan, ' of Meohanidsburg, spent II. few da.ys last week · at the try.
DO M U:6' ~~:.u:~;:1I8~~OOL8 A ********************* ,
..__..___. . -
" ,
• . UT The Y. M. C'" A. home of his sister, M.l'a. ,B. 0. l,y-bit- , -"rpe org~nllui.Uon mo~t.~.generall" aker. Mrs. \Vhitok~r returued home 'b~wn and whIch. Is at. work In over with hl,~ for a short villit. 100 lnaUtutlons ot learolnl In North Tbe Mutul,ll Telephone 90mpa~y ' ~eX'lc'a I. the Young' Men'i Ohris· , tian AasoeiatJon. Over 33,000 co11e,& has extended Its linj!s eo, nth w88,t aa~ men lI'ere In BIble clas.es last year fllr as the resldenoe of Obae. BarDer. conducted under the auspIce. of th1a Edwlird B.fow_n . and ' daoght~r, uaocl.atlon. ThIs does nut Include I\nna ret,urned Friday from Ii visit the ' tl)qusands ot other men who in Xeni,,", ' were : In ,churoh Sunday school Mn . Ann Ellz. IS. Antram, of Xenia. classes; Ten..thousand men were 'n mission study classes. . The ColJ~1" Wilbur Jeffery. Mr, and Mrs. 6eorge Saoker enter- spent last' week with her sister, men .a re developing their 'charao'tere not only by these studIes, but by the tained their grandmother and broth· Emma Yeo " pracUcal work they are doing for er last week. others. . ., If you want kia.weeds. cultivate Mr. Rond Mrs , .loe Kersey and lit Most aS90clations Jocatea In clUe a tIe John K~rsev,spent Sunday with 9r, ho~ them when the sun shint!S wltb a large foreign' population are hot . . condu cting educational clalises ti)r Mr. and Mrs El wood Au It·. . ' t11e foreign !pen. In many clUes no~ we find colleg~ men givIng- an e:ven· Ing or two a week, without pay, to the teaching of ltallilJlS;j Hung'lrlans, ArmenIans and men of other' natlonnlitles, to speak. read and wrIte the lan guage ot their adopted country. When these ' DlIlD 90me to ""~deratan,d En~llah. , tbey are. given We have that Best:..-The TROY talks 00 "Good Cltlzenahlp." "First Aid , to t11e lnlured"" "How , to . Make You enn'. afford to take chances on a faIm wagolJ-(lnd you 'Gardeas" , and , other ver"; praotical don't hnve to. Let us talk TROY to you. We CIID show you IUbje~t~. . ' i thnt il is' dlJ[ercnt-wliere nnd why It TROY. 1a ahe c:heapcst . • Boy Club Work, wagon on the market for you. .. Another kind ot work carried on Get the most you CIIn for your money-Iong~ eertlllD service; by 'many aS8ociiatlon~ i. the boy club no, break-downs; no repairs. The, TROY Is nlwn:ys' ready 10 work·, where each' cllqlie or' ganlf. in hitch to-always dependable. And when It la:hltched to, It runa lighter OIId c:wies more than OIly other mllke of the same size. a community '1& ~urnlshed with college student' as leader. The leader ,coach Ill' the boys 'In athleUcs, teach· ,I " them lioW' to keep .thelr . well and .tronl and how to play .tad eluL . He· adTI.e. , them' hi 'thelr olub meetln... in . o~gaDlzat1on. &Del Il)' parlhlin~ntaryrules,and trle. ' to Instlll en' tliem the highest Ideal. of . , bonor 'and morality. '. .-., Some allloda.ttons' organIze and : 'conduct Sunday sC;hools and .preach". ' Inl .er'vflid in' t1;le'~ p.oorer ' parte .' ., cIU.. .&Dcr hi , o(;untry dlstrlct. ~.. ~ 'JlPPll"~ ' with ' o,thar reUaloua 1• Jnvestlgnt.e ·th~e oStafement;. '" Don't' buy tlJf you .luly., gone "icel. 'In, the " clties " lar,. 'DO'I'n llllf, ov~ th~ T.ROY piece> by plece•.I>11rt by part. ltfate~J design. ' . 0' ·ltudenta are to ', be' 'foun4 lIell!UlI( constructio.n:...eDmIDe a"~m·all'. You CIlD trott 'your oWn fstccs.'· in IOClal ·.etUement: aut , m.J.IlaIo,tl "';:"''Ol'Ioo.Jln OIly tlmo-1f we c:im't show ;00, '"uf lOme 'o ther .....0. hOua8L •. ~hirtr-fl,v, ' h~ ' wert enl'&P4 In .omt tonD of ~oe ! 1&8\ :rear., ' .Th• .lUte Unll".. . .'_ . Wayn".vllle, .A tJJlOll. .
twenty·live <:eni3 for tbne 1111&'0011'1 wbon ualna ,Qot more thD Dve I1DH. . ___ • .-..- ... __ • _ _
.. , ' ' . ClolombuLHere over 200 men are In Bible clu1Ies, oonducte4 by the . I,UOClat~oia, and' ~ aT,r&le of 800' N Exoellent. '~rm of 115 aores atodent. e~ery 8undAt ' 1P0rnlpc are . aboo.1t&noe of witter, blOd bOQIIu' In BUDd,., school. An ~ual number of 9 rooms io lfnod OQOdl&iOQ ror of I\udentl. most ' of them the ones partloolara h 'qolre at 'bil 'otBoe that .go to ' Sunday .cbool, attend ,' . . ehurcb lemce. About 126 are regnJarly present at ,the weekly meetings of the ..aociatlon, and, other lines 'ot FOR BALE reUglotis aoUvtty are pUJ'lued with marked enthusiasm. However, a. - - - - - - - - - " - - -..:..........~, there are 2,800 students In the unl~ . nralty, It, means that half of them HOUSE of (} rooms lilld IIUblmllr are not ie..IPl1~ )arl" attending an'" re- (j...... kitcheo, formerly owned , by Uglon. service.. A large number of I' eO. LUompson . I.nqll 1re 00 prellltheM ate .tudElDts who at hOme aI- 1866 of M181f .MIlnie Bobio80n. ""aj• . attended' 008 or more servIce., but bere become careless and IncUr· GOOD /do~ aDd. PigA, aU 10 fil.l8 ~erent. It Is . this cl~ss of Itu'denta oondltion. Fer p"r'lonlara~.d _ who, gradu~ly drl~lng , away from drells Ailanrioe Illver, &. D. " WbY their retl,lou. moorings, are lOOn neeville, Ohlo. phone 41 2r. . Ihlpwrec}led on the roclu of Immol'" aUty. ' Some 'are only- IndUferent· to the ' 100d, some haTe, become very FI~E High Graefe PI~yer P4soo in bad. It l., particularly tor thl. clan . .ood o.ondlti~n manufactured of .tudenta that t~e aalocla~lon and by one of the I.Itrgeftt .lind ~OR' re· oth'r reUglous orgBhh:atlonl exist. spon'I~le pillDO Wilken in thiS Oflnn . try. 'rbe piano was tllkon in al Ie .U ' . o\1l'lty~ s-qd 18 for sille at a bar';/lln FO RTEEN TAKE TEST FOR ()1l11 o(l4ddrelS Wa.ynesville Nation: RHODES SCHO'LAR ' SHIP al Bank. .
For t,b1tt ' Poh\rd Cblna .80ws, 7GOOO to farrow tn September,
In. quire of . F~"nk Marlball, Bome \lh~ne .997, Cent.enllle EEciba~le.
• J
. ' .
.... . , . .
. '
· FO'-' 8a~ . b)'.
::·.CROSS :.·BROS., 0,,10.,
• -.... ~~~.t!
P office tiandlelf ib'e' p1alh(iazeUe wbtto ~lored Dapllin8. O.iJ aDd " ~ee ~em" ., . ,'. "
.QHIO, WEDNE8~AY ,.J U LY 26, ' 1911
I FOl'mer Citizens I I;~~;~:~:~;~:\~~ '!~~;~"'~~I;O;!::1 r~P;;o~~'i, M~~ti~+H;r~-~;iT-h;;e-I --- ........-... +---- -- -- - - ... t-----.. . -.----
.-- - .- ~--- --.. ...... ---..-.~c
-...-.~ ~
Mrs. T. 1. Way, of Cincinnati. is t.he guest of Alfred Swain and family near Ridgeville.
stroyed one eye anil.m l 8n9 he became totally blind. For two years he was dept;ived of ·the beauties. ht that bcome T ry a F'Ig S undae at Schwartz ' s. t' t h roug h th e snnse 0 f slg , u m 1901 his ~ves were successfu\1y operWarren Edwards was in Cif!cinnati atpd upon and his sight restored. Tuesday. He never took up his shop work again but enjoyed tinkering around, Dr. J. W. Miller was in Dayton and was never happier than when Wednesday. doing some little piece of work for some of his family or fri ends. For Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen were in years.the occasion of Mr. Thompson's Dayton Tuesday.
. Sundae at Schwartz ,s Try a I<'ig
. . Chas. Williamson. was in Oxford, Ohio, Friday.
The July meetin ~ of the Foreign Missionary Society of the M- E, ('hurch was held lit the home of Mrs. J. D. Marlatt last Wednesday after· noott. M~s. Marlatt and Mrs. Burto'n Earnheart being ho ts. Between fifty and sixty ladies were present. The program was a very enjoyable .one, being as follows: Piano solo. Miss Sybil Hawke; reading, Mrs M~Clure. ~ong. Miss Helen Marl~tt. MISS SybIl Hawke. accompamst; piano' Rolo, Miss Ruth Hartsock; . · M, rs. J . A . F un k ey; plano rea d mg,
Mr. David Adams and Miss Georgia Hadden were g uests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen at supper ~atur-' day evening .
W. H. Gard. of Monrov.ia. CuI ., in Rev. J. F. Cadwal1ader was in Mr. and Mrs . tho Hende rson ena letter to us says: "I am now exXenia Saturday. ' tertained at di nner Sunday the folpecting to ieave here about the 1st lowing gu ests: Mrs. Matthews and of August for my annual pilg rim age R. F. Mosher. of Cardington was daughter, of Hyde Park, Mr. atld to good old Waynesville whose peOin town last week. M R AdM M' d ' ple, hills and environments -ever reo C rs . , ross an rs. Iran a E . E. Hahn. of Dayton, visited bil·thdav. March Srd. has been a hol- ··' Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Side, were in rane. main dear to me." ' fri ends here last week. iday with the members of his family. Dayton Saturday. They always spent the day with him, Mr. and Mrs. Allie Hole. of the solo, Miss Ruth Hartsock. ~~ring .the pleasant social hour Dayton pike entertained 80nday Mr. Abram McKinsAY, was born Nov- an? made it a gala oc.casi~n. · On the \ Miss Edith Mosher is visiting rei aEdward Furnas and son took in ember 11.1 836. and died at his hom.e thIrd of last March hIS chIldren and tives in Morrow County. the Robinson show at Xenia Friday. dehclOus Ice cream and cake was and Mrs. F. C. ·Carey. Mrs. Ruth in Santa Ana, Cal.. Ju:y 15, 1911, g randchildren planned . a post'card served. , • _ Carey, Mrs. F lo Dyke. Mr. ' and Mrs. Jesse ,'Burton and daughter, LaDr. and .Mrs. J. T. Ellis are at the 'aged 74 years, 8 mon th~ and 4 days. t;hower for him. Over a hnndred Chas. Hole and the Misses Pearl and GRAY- STOKES He is survived by his wife. Hannah tokens of friendship in the form of vone. were in Xenia Wednesday. . Miami Valley Qhautauqua grounds. Alice Carey. Gard M~ Kinsey. one son , Ross Mc- cards and letters came from all over ~<insey who is a railroad engineer the world, the messages of love and Mrs. Frank Zell was in Payton ·Ray Hawke.of Dayton, was ' the Wedne.~:J~y afternoon Mr. ~ar Mrs. A T. Wright was ho.stess at Jiving in 'Los Angeles, one daughter, cheer brightening his closing days . three 'days last week visiting f.riends. gueat of his parents here Sunday. Gray and Miss Helen Stokes drove t o a five o'clock dinner last Thursday. Mrs. Flora Hadley. of Ann Arbor. Since that time Mr. ·Thompson has Mias .Nell Morrison. of Carthage, C. Schwartz and children were Lebanon and went to the parso~age The guests were Mesdames G. W. Mich, one sister, Mrs. Ellen Sides, been f ailing, and his daughter. Mrs. was the guest of Mrs. F. C. Schwartz' X . F'd h R b' of Rev.A. J. Kestle and were qUIetly Hawke, S. L. Cartwright. Julia bonof Wayneaville. Ohio. and one Dew, cam , e f"-om the west, and was last week. m ema rl ay at t e o mson ! Il'arried . . A nnle . Th,orpe an d ~ show a~an, L'ma D eVltt. brother" M'ltt McKinsey, now in with hin; the rest of his days. The . I The young couple ~re well known Miss Kezia Merritt. . . L. H. Vinson, of Davton, was the M C T H k d f ' l t ' here, Mrs. Gray beIng the grandMonrovia, Cal. Jove of children and grandchildren 4 r . . . aw e an amI y wen ' d ht f M d M Ed d Twenty-three ears ago, with his has ma?e his bed of sickness as easy guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. White to Chautauqua Friday for a three I ~~r e~ 0 d t~' an rs · h mun f Sunday at her pleasant home in w~eks stay. ' IC, an e groom t e son 0 Pekin. M1Els Edith Crane entertained wife and children. he left Ohio and 8S pOSSIblE!. and a wealth of love Thursday night.. located in Santa Ana. Soon after was expendee durirtg all the ' time. Mr. a~d Mrs. Nath.an Gray. the following guests; Mi~es Blanch~ moving her~ he 'u nited with the Mr. Thompson was a J~VOUt ChrisDr. and Mrs. Cooper, o'f Dayton, Mr. E. L. Bailey, of East Liver- J T~elr hosts of frl~nds are con~rat- I Riley. Mary Swain, JeSsie Marlatt, Methodist church of which he con tin· tian, practicing the practical side of were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry pool. Ohio. is the guest ,of Rev. and u)atl?g ~hem and .wlsh for them th~ Martha O'Neall, Mariahna Allen, ued a faithful member until bis sum_ his rehgion and radiating the bright- Williamson Sunday. Mrs. H. W. Bailey. ' best m hfe-haPi>mess and prosperI- Messrs. Walter Allen Warren Keys, mons came, to come up higher. . ness thatie , .ought. to him . upon al1 . .' tv, • _ • Harol" Howeii, Mi-.' ,~nd··Mrs. W. E. W. H. Gard. with whom he came in contact. Al MI'. Cha;'" Cor?~ll aJ:ld fatOlly went J. ' E. Janneyand family weht to O'Ne'all. - -_ • ._ _ though old in years. Mr. Thompso'n t? Frankhnr. FrIday to spend some Chautauqua Thu1'Sday to be gone CHURCH OF f;HRIST ---MEMOIR OF ,5. B. THOMPSON ,was a young man at heart • . to the tIme at the .... hautauqua. abo~t three weeks. . . Mr and Mrs Patsy Curren had tOJ I f h" Instead O,f the regular servIces .' . " . IR conscIous moments M • d M J h S 'th t P f d M E ' Sb d f S d h . U· theIr guests at dmner Sunday George very ast 0 The closing of the day Thursday, being interested in the world of r. iSn. . rs. 0 n mt spen . r~ ...an rs. . erwoo', 0 next. un ~y t ere wll1 be m~n Larrick and family, O,f Lebano'n, DalJune 16th, also marked the closing affairs. When a youth he identified Su.nd~v WIth Mr. and Mrs. F. M. WllklJlsburg, Pa., are summer guests servlc~ WIth the F~rry c~urch ~n las Bogar and family. of Oregoni~, of the earthly career of a man who himself with the Methodist church, Miltenberger, near Lytle. of Mr. F. J . ~herw od. Hough s wood~. ServIces ~lll · begJn J h ' C . d f .) f Ut' fit . t h d t d h' . . . at 10 r . m. Dmner and so'clal hQurs 0" n arey an amI y, 0, lca, 01' a mo.s mne y years a ro t 1 later umtmg WIth the . OrthodC?x ' Robert Haines. son of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Liddy of Day- f 12 t 2 f . ' \ Misses nella and Franc,es Henry, of vale of tears and at; last found Quakers 'th h to h 's d th M J h H' f S· d .. ' . ' '. rom 0, p. m., a ternoon serh T -b A fi ' - . ' I ' F .• WI . W o'm uP. I e~ . rs. 0 t:J ames,o prmgfiel s ton, are apendIDg a few days WIth vice8;~ollQwinsr. The hack willleave !SQut LIe anon, ne time was , f I d a peace u an ,QUIet c ose. or ~ev- he NtaIDed hIS membershIp . Bel!ldes the ~uest of relativ~ here. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Liddy. th BanK t9 d ILk (enjoyed by aU. ~ral weeks the watchers at the bed:' his wife. there are five children, _ ". " . . ., ~, ~orner a a. m. an, J!I. e _ __ .side of S. B. Thompson pa~ realized, eighteen .- a-randchiJdrcn and' nine ' Ethan 9oleman. of Cincinnati, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gustin, of ~veral. t1'lps,fo~ the a~commodat~on . M 'i I E H ha ay that he CQuid nO,tJong be with them. great-grandchildren. spent several days here last week Blanchester were Sdnday iruests ofo~those wh,o ~lSh to nde. The~ nde Dr: a~d Trs'esd' 'h at f ~nand. they watched him slipping aWSl Saturday afternoon ltev. Almira with his father, J. H. COlemf:\n. Mr. and M~~ O. ·Edwards. ' WI~cost 6c each w~ , f b tertai:e M U J ':; tHe 0 p~~g . until he dropped asleep, and a splen, Cheney conducted funeral services . e expect a s~ er · rom t e gues , . rs.. 0 n aney, ~. did life had ended. at the hOlLe and the body of li'ather The ~Id reliable Xenia Fair will be Mrs. Chas. Rooney, son and daugh_ ~ta~dard.Publw.ing~. Ev~rybody W~lter Louclenback of Urpana. OhlO Samuel B. Thompson was born in 'Chompson rests in the city cemetery. held thIS year"6n ~ugust 8,9. 10 and ter, O,f Bayton, wer~ .guests of ~r. lDVlted to th~~ting3. Mlsses Evan~eline and Laura ~sOxfQrd. Bucks county, Pennsylvani~ r •_• 11. Read the ad In another co'lumn. and Mrs. W. r. Phdhps last week, nagle, of Spnngboro, Mrs. Harvey o'n M rch 3.1822. When ten year AR~ STILL UP THERE FELL IN NEW BUILDING, Burnett and daughter~ (jf age ,he moved with his parents to Cold, rich, delicious Ice Cream Crushed Orange Sundae, 5c, at , WayneiJville, Warren county, Ohio, The Miamis ·got "theirs" Sunday. Soda. 5c, at Schwartz·s. Schwartz's, P. E. Kenrick. who fell ~r~m the Mrs. J. B. Chapman entertained It aud w/'len 17.years old he went to' The Dayton Reserves came «lown Mr. Fred Weltz and Miss Pearl second story· of, a flew, buddmg he jolly party Monday afternoon. The ' 1- h ' d b I ' k'ed t th Mrs. F. C. Schwartz and dau, ghter 'was erecting in Dayto'n is able to be t " ked hI k b ' t'l em Magee, of Wilmington, wer-e the H I d M' Ell 'Ree t .. " . . ... ' gUf'S S PIC a.c errlel un 1 ~uph d e 01 ,ere. an our O,ys 00 . ' a Haryeysb urg to Iearn tetra carriage making. When he became and the game was won. l~ was hard.e e~, an. lSS a , ves wen \AI around agam. ' per time when they were, treated to ' faae' hestartedacarriage shop of Iyagame on the part of the Resarves, Sunday guests of Misses Ruth and CdIDclOnatl Tuesday to spend a few Mr. ,Kenrick had a badly sprained a tine chicken supper. Those ,pres· '" Marie Miller. ays f t d h fl h b dl ped h i~ own in Harvfysburg. When he and the sCQrers had to have an extra . . 00 an ~ e es was a ! sera. ent wert! Mesdames Annie Thorpe, 1\88 22 y,ears old he returned to piece Qf papflr for the errors. In Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor have Mrs. R. G. Cross went to Amelia. all over. hIS body, but he IS gettmg G. W. Hawke, A. T. Wlight, Emmor Waynesville and was married to Miss short. the Miamis were up in the air returned to their home in Chicago Ohio. Thursday'. Mr. Cross met hel: al~g ~CelY. nk~' ti Baily, Israel Satterthwaite, George Amy ,Fa\lis. . He then settled in and are not down ye.t. All the boys after a pleasant visit with Mrs. Edith in Cincinnati Sunday where they vis.r. f enrlC IS erec ng a new Stroud IUld Lina Devitt. m Beach GroV'e, bu'ldiilg a 'carriage had errors and the umpire even Harris and family. Hed with relatives house or Mr. an~ Mrs. W: . Goo.dell ., . . shop and a 'residence. His wifed'oo called one batter out on two strik~ . . ~nd Mr. EI~sworth Fo~ter. of Frank7 Mrs. Sherman Dyke cleverly Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Cartwright Misses Tri.llena and Margaret Ed- 1m, Tenn .• IS al~o.!.e!pmg. planned a surpr;se on her son. Ralph, May 10. 1850: I~aving him with two Verily, it was hard lines to' play such Rm~Jl boys. D. WlJli~ Thomp~on, a game. and daughter, Rhea Janet, leave wards. of Dl;lyton, are spending a few which was successfully carried out who lives in Cibcinnati, and' Tho'm~ Only one bungle was made by the today for a two-weeks' outing ,at days wi~h theil' brother, Mr. O. J. A GENEROUS OIFT last Friday evening, in honor of ,his Francis who has passed to the Qther Miamis and that was a two-bagger Ttlwas Beach, Mich: Edwards nnd family. . eighteenth birthday. At a seasOn- • world . . Meanwhile Mr. Thompson by Bergan. " . , . , . Last wmter a company of actors able hour refreshments of ice cream - had taken 'into par'tn'e rship his brothThe Miamis "ad three pitchers in F D~. ~hT. Elh~ Re~. ~ ~. ~...Illley, Read, Kml!'.~bury's ad m another here gave. a Pia: fo~ the ~e~efit~f and cake were served. Those preser-in.law. Levi Cleaver. and after the box. but they all looked alike. .' . erwoo an, . " rame co'lumn of thlS paper. "If you get a gymnaRlUm or t e sc 00,. 0 ent were' Misses HAlen and Janie the death of his wife he went south The Reserves is the strongest team attended a mee~ing, at Lebanon it of KingsBUrY it is gQod," and sui.table place could be had, and the J V~lma Smith Edith and Eth I reading. his p.ricea will all money made the pl8¥ has laid i.n Elizabeth 'and Anna Duk:, . to, Lake Providence. La .• leaving his in Dayton, 'anll the boys here were Thursday business in the hands of his partner. simply , outclassed- that's all. The . Miss My,rtle Souders will give a that he IS ~e!hng wmethmg gOo'd at the bank, untll Wednesday, when It Stella Githens, Ethel Chenoweth, He did not remain long in the south, score was 2S to O. . . reel . 'ta ' ,1.. a t th e M'. E . c' h urc ' h a cheap pnce. was turned to the treasurer of I r am Cornell pllmo' · the C d t bover " Ella Fuerst , Mess rs. nd but returned to Beach Grove and to •- • Friday evening. There ' will be a Ellsworth Foster. -of Franklin. Thi:":aa: c~mmendable act on Raymond and Roy Hartsock, Morris his .trade. On January 3, 1~53, Mr.' , BAND CONCERT , good prQ¥ram rend~l:ed. Tenn was in town Sunday the th t f th . te ted d th Graham, Alfred Jones. Roy· Day, Thompson was married the second ' . '.' " . ., . .' . . . , e p~r 0 ose IQ~es '. an e Herman Smith. Arthur G.reathouse, time. to, Mt ~ Martha, J. Braddock. Following is. the program ~or the Otto Hornick and family will move guest-of.hIR~arents, Mr . .~nd Mrs. band IS v~ry thankfulfol' thIS gener- Kesler' Graham, Myron Clements. They were married in Cincinnati and band concer,t, Thursday evening, to ''Xenia next week. They mafie Clayton.Fo~er. kl~r !oster IS aCQn- ous donation . • _ • Ralph Dvke, William Dyke, Mr. and: went immediatelv to 'the Thompson July 27, 191-1.8 t.o 9 o'cIO,ck. many -friends . while here. .who are ~ractor!n . ran m, ut at present LAWN FETE Mrs. FQrest Griiliam, " home at Beadt Grove. After thir loath to SEe them go away. . IS workmg m Dayton. • • • March-"Success" ...... .. ...... Bennett · ' .. UNION SERVICE~ teen years there Mr.I Thotripson sold Wa Itz- " A Messrs... M A Corne, II 0 f Dayton, The Loyal Sons and Loyal Daugh• rona" ........... ........ F U It011 M' CI L'I I ft I . L' 'd out with the intention of going west ;- 0 ver t ure-" N 188 e ast I 1.' drJ ay H .A.· Corne, II WECo II Bert ter's . eva"· .............. c· \' UIton f ara " W 1 et Leb . . rne. . classes of the . Christian church ' The ,u nion service at the M... E. butchangedhisplansandloc lttedat Song an dD ance-"F'me an dO an dY m:lrmng vr es anon, n .,to H k J P . R II wIll hold a lawn fete along the street L.. f t k th t f artsoc ~ os. ennewlt, usse. , church Sunday evening was' well at. Corwin, Ohio, where for eiO'hteen F 1' /Je or wo wee ,s e gnes 0 an SIb d H 10 fro'nt f the church Thursday ... "r.I...... ·..S.. · ..k..l.. ·~T..: .....·•·· .. · ...... A'ulftodn a,. unt. August 4, she goes to Wino- au s uryan arry Prater au toed . 0 , tended despite the appearance Qf years he condu('tedacarriag~ shop ('oney uc e lme .......... , or Lak d h to Cincinnati Thursday, where they evemng, July 27th. lcecream.cake, a rainy evening Rev, L.O. 'Thon - ·' ' He engaged in the 'grocer.y business Wa Itozes. "1n th e Tuun .. d f 'D e th to spen t. e greater part of spent th e d ay ~Ight-seeing. . watermel 0n, etc for sale• Come son pr.e ached a good . sermon o~ t,he t' 'o reams " . Ill¥. th ' ' , " · ,(',", ·for a time, but later went b~ck to . .. :.:... , .......... ;; ......... '......... Brown e mon . . and. spend. the eveni?i', plenty of "Samaritan Woman," tht! trad~ in which he had spent so, "The Races"-Descrip~ive : .. Barnard Dr. Fuller. \>fU!tor of Grace M. E David S. Adams, of Kansas GI~, chaIrs prO,vlded- MUSIC by the Car- The next meeting will be ~a~y yea!B' , .' 'Mar,ch-"~ed Olover." .. ......... Fulton church, Dayton, who with Mrs. Ful- Mo., was. the w:ek-end gu~t O,f hIS menlt and Cadet band. I Christian church Sunday evening. 'i.. l" . Five eh.. ~dren were , born to .t hem "Medley March" ................. Fulton IC!r has been at 'the Friends' Home many frIends m. WaynesVIlle. Mr. • - • 'Choir rehearsal at 8:30' Wedn~ay .dID the Ohlo .home:. Mrs . .R. M , Em- "Patriotic .Selection .... .. .......~Ful,ton since July 4, on his annu~1 vacation, Adams was on his wa~ h~m('l from PO~LTRY ASSOCIATION evening at the M.. E. church. ': , ' ery. Mrs. A. R. Dew. Charles Thomp-. • I it Tu· sda ft t ' bi the East, where with hIS WIfe he. has . . - - ...--.--. , ,' d . e e y a or amos enJoya e . . . .. .• . son, Howard f;i. :r~<?mp~bn~~n Mrs, NO!ICE TO WARREN CO VOTERS outing. The Fullers during thej~ for a time been 8t~ymg. M~. . The .Miami V~l1ey Poultry Assoc~a- . THE ORANGE PICN,IC ,.. • C. E: Mat~ew8.' : After th~Ir. ,daugh' , , ' - " -, - '- " . " , . brief stay among us ' made manY AdaJ1U! expects to remam ~t until tlon wIUmeet Saturday, July 29th. . .,." " ter.had .me.rried,:R. M. Emery ~nd , .I~as~uc~ as ~nder th~ pro~!s.!on of frhi'nds to regre.t the'i r ~eparture. . Se~tember. . ... . . , Th~8 will ,be~.meetil1g· that 1,a·of th~ The d~te ~rr~ng~d fo~ t~~, bpg allenllgrated ~ Ka!lSas, Mrs. ThQm~- tht! ~~ CQut:l.ti Local OPt.I?!! ~a'f ,:,' . . :.': . ' , ' . I ' .. , . ..:, utmo'st importance t9 Waynesyil1~, daybas~~~ pIcnic ~~ t~e.~lt~GJ'()u.nd8, son carne "td'. Senec~ to make them .a county ..yotmg dl'Y l'ema,\Os dry. , Now is the time t;Q buy' YQ9r mon-' Mrs. Annie Sturznacker, of G~r- and ~ al1 ·e.re 'r.eq'Jested to be present. ~blPlQni 18 Tuesaay, : Augu$.t· , ~6~~ a Vlslt. :4,S,h e\ o,y8S J flO' . w~lI , pleased 'not ,only ~~f three ):eal'~.,. l.>u.t fprev. . . I.u~ent as we 'ar~ g~irt~ t~:.~I~~e:.· out dena, ;~l:.. 'w~ ,th~ ~ gU~t., of .'Mr~, ~t wi~~ 6ea: mf~~i~ing "df Nt.e ,."'!faY·nes- The speaker I?,r this ~ccasio~ ,~ 'sec~ ' With the. count.r y that she went home ~r, or untll an9ther el~tiO,": IS called :~ve.ry monuln!!nt" h~d atone' arid ' and Mrs_,J~ '. W •. WhIte I from Friday ville 'a nd Mor'r ow, branches. , '. I ,,' ret;ary. of ,AgricUlture; A~ IP..,~dles, . "" ~,' ": • ~-" .',., "./ of:9d1.u m,bus. ~Mr: Sid;t~~~ :is.\a:~ne . aDd ·u~gea. 'her 'husb~'n(i to sell out by 't\l~ ot~e~ side:',"ere(or'e.. W~h·en' ,t'a'6let andmal(e; prjces sell thep1. 'qntU 'Mondav," .~rs. Sturzna.cker. .and c;pm~ yo'e8t. This . Mr, Thomp· , CO\lntY,wl1t cohtmue dry andanoth- ~f·you wabt I! monurnentoranlthin~ w~fo~erly" Mias ' ~nie Burnley, ~NEW 'STAMPINO MACHINE , s,Pe.aker. and a ,gQoo mabf91' t;he po.son did, .ard~n~ here i~ U~83, ~e er election. Oil' .t his ~uestion ne~ no 'inour l.in~ it ~y you wen t9 IUJd ~,~¥b~ if:l,the, piiijlic 8C~(Y.)I, be..~!!, .' . ., _ ".: -,' . -. '.' Sidon ' ,which :lie holdl; ' .~~__ •. at once bunt the home Qn the north· be held thJ8 fall. ~Ign no 'petltiQn. call bere betO,re -you place your or.. '~d ,hu been makln,g an exteD81ve ' P08~aiter Fan bas purcHased w!Jo 'dO, nat 10 will regret'jr~. , limits .of Seneca, and also a ' carpen.. A~ J. Kestle, CISi': We hav~ over three 'huf:ldred Ohio v~t.. ' Attb,_~ome of her siF a. ~ew tJtampibg machine. Thll The·Siok. Family O~eltra have tel' ab.oJa. Hel'e'thefour remaining Pastor M. E. Chureh, ~bano..n.:..o •. in stock 80 you Can ~ j.U8t 'wut tar, .Mrs. "Dr. Cban~, in London dur- chine i8..auWmati~, and 'does tour been enaageci .for.the d~ ana - I c;hildren we~ ni~ apd..aettlea,lri . .." ' . - • " ': ~()U are'buyiDg:al~oftb~ ·beet aran- Iq, th~ liQI1!8 Cominar ~, tbe tim. u 'much work as b,- band. It ~ ill8liQr of lie I!'~c. ' . hom.oftbmown. . ' Peoplewbb bne ~oilel'obul'1l lte. , " ' F. C. :Mer~I.CO., BumIey ~P1.1d , • .mmloD at i.•• flJie~hlne. the poatofftce . Malu;Y(;Qr~eD.ts:,SO . Mr. 'nlOm"'n b,tat:hJt tTade .ho~d b.:V81U~vecl. 2t~ N. MalIa ~~ ·~Qton; O, wJd~ tIi!J~li1NN.a11 preMnt. tc»fC8"ate P!Gu 4 0 , anCJ'ltf ~rk,. ;'ou Willbave. 8Ii~~ ,."
I .
rna- .
The Miami Gazette D. L. CRANE, Pllblisher. OHIO.
ESV tLLl~,
'!be N{'w York IItate employen' ila· bUlty commIssIon hilS submItted • carefully prepared report showlnll II ~(!nrr.ul waate of human life In llidus· trial pursuits. Soroe loss of life In modern lu&u;try may be reckoned as unavoldnble, but tho (ar greater pro· portion at the 108s whlcb Is sustained tbe result ot Ul\necessary condl· tlons. It Is the dIrec t r esult of a lack of snrety nppllauces Bnd at overwork· Ing employcs to tho point of physical exhaustion. It Is a result or unjust II· ability law II aud ~egls latI\'e lIegllgence, lays the Knnsas City TImes. 11 senU· Inent has no placo In buslness-an untenable proposllIon In UseU- at leallt busIness ought to be ·buslness· Uke. It Is demonstrably not good bU81n es8 to permIt Ilvotdable killing ot Industrlnl workers and then spond .ast sums In cartng for families bereft t.f natural support. It Is not good businellll,' even though the chUdren are Dot neglected, with thll chances In fa· IVor of their becomlnK vicioul or Idle e1t1zen.. Btrlcter employers' llabUlty, an automatically applied workmen'lI compenllation tor InJurr or death, and dIrect Industrial Insurance are all In· lurance measure.. They provide fUndi (or the support of Injured workmen or of their wives a1)d children. They alllO encourage safety provlslonl. Sucb Inllurance cost. would be dUfuled . among aU the people-as taxell and Bre Insurance or diffused-by being adde'd to the cost of the bUllnes •. tt'hat dlffuaed COBt would be a prac· t1cal Impalpable burden upon society.
. . 1 AT CH~UTAUQUt OHIO, THREE JIMS OF PETERSBU~G Story of Strange incident of Clvl' Wal'-Three Soldiers With Samo Given Name Lose Leg ~
Blrdl have an ucellent time In Irapan and our own agriculturlstl woUld do well to emulate the treat· ~ent meted out by their ealltern con· 'reres to lIuch blrdl at the IIwallow and martin, saYB Ule Wide World ~Ith • Ildlled appreciation Qt the part e,;e featbered frlenda play in 'reI on ta their crape by k84plng down e Inlect pests, they .enrt every et· rort to' protect tht'm and to encourage them. to propagate their kind_ II It to be "ondered at that this sentimental but ,withal eminently practical nation reverences the swallows a. mellsen' sen to the gods and Invites . them to bulld therr neatl not only under eavel \Uld J'Ufters. but In every and any room of the house! In the hotel dlnln. room were leveral nests. where tlie baPllY parents ~earlld their tamtites In romplt!te ~afet7.
Struck by fra gments of the same shell tIlree Now York soldiers wltb the ~ame given name each lost a leg, nnd the s tory of "Tho Threo .lIms" forms aile the memorable tnclde nts of the siege oC P e tersburg, Vn., June 21, 1864. Judge J ames A. Lawrence at Tecumseh, tbe only s urvivor of this interesting trio, told th e story recenlly. . "The Army 'of the Potomac had but recently arrived from the bloody bat· tle fi eldll of Wilderness, Bpotlsylvanla. and Cold Harbor," he said. "The Sixth Army corps W8S In line of battIe south EICtravagant. ot the Appomattox river nnd th e Sev· Adn-Cbolly Snphedde waa In a enty-seventh New York Infantry, our regiment, was assIgned to the right Drown slutly the other day, nnd I of· tered blm a penny tor hlB thoughts. at the line. EdIth-You spendthrUt! You ne'er "For severnl hours the Confedemtcs had been 'shelling our position and W(l dId know the value ot money I had been replying. Jam es O. Allen. Snakea In Prohibition Maine_ Snakea emptied two saloqns 1n Port· land of the crowdll of cUlltotnera a few evenIngs ago.' A non-resident ordered a box ot sDakes sent to him from tbe lIouth for tbe purpose of cleaning out a vaBt number of rats !Tom bis place. Tbe Bnakol were ctven II chance to decoDstrate their rat.1t1lUng ablllt,. and the Inrge snake destroyed 15 1n 11 few nllnutea. The snuea we~ then taken to two different saloonB and In a few minutes cleared them ot tb. crowd.-Kenllebec Journal.
Birdseye View of Entran.ce to the Ch autaqua A•• embly Grounds_
The vooatlon lim e Is here. To those mnn, Is .coming 10 gl\,e of his unbound· wbo beli ve that recreation Is not Idle· I ed enthus ias m to the farmers. No ness, but change of occupation , th e other man Is of uch Importance In the MIami Valley Chnulauqua offers un· agricultural world as Prot. P . G. Hal· rivaled opportunities tor a plea8a~t tlen. and profitable vacation. From the time That the mnnagement of the Chau· thnt the sliver-tongued orator, Col. lpuqua Iwows not only what Chautau, George W. Baln, delivered the openI ng Quas have enjoyed In the past, but lecture on the 21st at July until the what they will enjoy In the fut\lre Is last concert of \Vater's band on the night at August 14, there will be heard a splendid assemblage of Amel'lca'lI greatest lecturers, . orators, enlertaln' ers and musicIans. Among tbe prominent statesmen to speak Is Hon. Champ ~ Iark, or more particula rly SpeaKer Champ Clark, one of the foremost men In American public lite. Fearless and eloquent, as a statesman should be, Speaker Clark on the afternoon at July 31 will de· liver his splendid lecture, "The UnIted States of AmerIca 1n the Twentieth Oentury." Rev, W. A. Sund~y Will Speak. Saturday and Sunday, July 29 and 30, droll George R. Stuart, tbe best and most accompUshed preacher of his order in the United Statos, will speak. Tbose who are not In camp will do well to remember that Friday, August ., II the day on which BlUy ' Sunday, as most of us call the Rev. W. A. unday, will speak. This .man needs no Introduction to Ohautauqua audlences~ as he bas spoken before, but Ko#!. George R_ StuarL even had he not, the great revivals conducted by him at Lima and To- ahown by tbe tact that a new course ledO would be cnough to estabUsh his of lectures on Ipr¥try haa been pro· fame In this community nnd thus 111' vJded. Tills course will be given by sure a large aUdience t~ henr ' him. Prof. J_, J. Crumley. Professor Crum· le y .comell fr~m the department of forestry, Ohto Experiment station; he has bad both tralntng and experience that wrtJ make hIs week's work , ... t Chautauq~a of much .value t? everyone In (luy way ~ntetested III tre.~s . , Col. fsaac W. Brown, - a 1:Il1fD' ...bo· 'has spent a lifetime In nature .work, and wbo ,was employed by MIss Helen Gould for four years and sent lecturLng at her expense Into , twenty-six states, will .pend .a week at Chllutau·
world. He will exhibIt a monorail train, ahowlng bow It works by causIng It to run on a wire. Dr. 'DY1'on W. King wllJ again con· duct a school of elocution aud expres· slon. He will be assisted by Mrs. In z Todd King and a corps of efficie'n t teachers. The school will give both class and private Instructions. The art school will again be In charge of Mrs. E. H. Bilker. Bible and Sunday·Schooi Work. Valuable lectures on Bible and Sun· day-scb ool work will be given by Dr. J. O. Huber, Professor M. A. Honllne, Dr. G. E. Gowdy and Dr. PhIlip Vall· mer, and Rev. J. M. Gra" D. D., dean oC tbe Moody Bible Institute. of Chi· cago. Hearing Dean Gray tea,c hes how dIfferent studying the Bible Is from reading It; be Is clear and force· tul In diction, with the rare genlua of simpliCity, and withal true to the word. A Olu'lstlan Endeavor institute will he held July 28 and 29; the Inli't1tute will be In charge at Rev. D. A. Polhig, general secre!Ary of the Oblo Chris· tlan Endeavor union, nnd other wellknown wor:kers. . AJ1.women, Interested hi missionary work, will be glad of the announcement that lectur~ studies on the Home Mission tel>t-book for 1911, "TIle Can· serv.ation at American Ideals." wlU be gh'en under tbe direction o~ the executlve' board of the' waulan's Home Missionary society of the Cincinnati
"ua •
The man admirers of Dr. Peter Mac' Queen will be more than glad to weI· com e~ lilm again. By means at tbe Onest colored vIews, Interesting lectures and .helpful round-table canterences Dr. MacQueen will del~gb this . audlencec.' Dr. Carown G~lsel will be .agaln at the head of the health and domestic science work. The I~ture course of Dr. Gel81l1 bas nlways ,been ,keenly enJoyed In the past, and the subjects a nnouD,c~ tor this year are of un· usu,a l Interest. Dr. Geisel's addresses nl e characterized by enthusiasm, tact, and usuable Information -that please her audience.
There bas been much talk regarding the selection of a national flower. Hal It all been ",uted f The BrookJ1D qUL Eagle remarka upon the Indisputable A fine courle of lectures on present· (act ,that there, Is no authority In the day problems 19111 be given by John Z. 'Constitution for the lelection of a ~a, White, of Chicago. This course will tiona! Bower. However, a great many deal very ' largely with problemtt of thlnga have Come to be In this countl1 municipal government and will be of But suppose you Bay that you want ..-tthout specific constitutional au, special Interest to tbose wpo care your ,outing ' to be relit, just rest; then thorlty. There is. for InBtance, ana' for the .better ndmlnlstratJoli 01 our Chautauqua III just the pi'\ce for you. Uonal bird the American eagle. Ther. city governments. flere are shnde, IIwlngs, lawn seats, I. "Uncle Sam" and there Is "M'laa C0The Boy Pro~lem. boating, bathing, athletics and aqualumbia," with no authority for either, Those wbo are Interested In the boy tics . . All these pleasures are here. anl\ except the self-assured authority of problem will find Protessor J . Adams thetr enjoyment is enhanced. by the the cartoonists. But these are thing. Puffer an authority of superior merit presence of congenial companions. upon ,w hich everybody Is IIgreed, , upon, this subject;. Qf Professor Puf· Here your surroundings are refined, ,Col_ George W, Baln. !rhere Is ntlt likely to be a. national . fer Judge Ben B. Landsay SIl),S, "1 anll everythlhg possible Is done for aower unW evety!?ody Is agreed UPoII Anotber peerless' preacber and leader do not .~now a man In this country your 'comfort. And ' when you have forgotten the It. In the meantime, fortunately. the to be Jleard Uils year Is Dr. Len G. more ,?ompletely equipped from everr, ,conum can alford to walt. Broughton, of Atlanta, Gn., who will stnndpal~t to deal with thI~ 8ubJect.·. city and the cares of borne ' and you take' equal rank with the most pop- , Mr. Puffer fia'Vor8 bl8 speecheB with are thorougbly revived, you· oan s1l~ ular preachers who have e,'er ahend- enough wit to keep bll audience hI. the away' In .. the directIon.' of the .audItoSclentilltl report tbat Halley'l camel best ot humor. Two years ago his rlu~, there to 1I.8tsn to the lecturers ,. \iOO,OOO,OOO mllea distant from th. ed the 'Miami Valley Chautauqua. sun. and It It were really the cause of Few asse'm bly programs can show the recent hent waves, nobody carel three suoh names as those In ' the IfJt geta 600,000,000 more mile. away, above paragraph, but these names do or even It It geta lost In the outermolt not exbaust the list. August 9 Harry Monroe, tbe prince of rescue mission bounds ot the 80lar system. workers, will tl'~t the story of twentyfive years In the heart of Chicago's One of the do~tors connected with slums. This Is the man of whom Rev. the health department saYII tbat 611 "Billy" Sunday says, "Mr. Monroe, as ~er cent. ct tne doga that btte people a rescue worker, Is a top·notcher. You are amlcted with ncute rabies_ Thle can henr such a man bllt onc~ Ln a lifeIe a good time to round up the doge time," Rov. George \Vood Anderson, that are permitted to run about Ullt of St. l .. ouls, 'vbo has extfaordlnary pJwer as a p'ulplt orator, will also sreak lIluzzled. . on this date and the day followIng. Edison's latest Inventlqn conlillts 01 Rev. E. P . Loose, whose evangelistic Jnovlng pictures that tnlk. It thll services a.t Franklin, 0., last winter, resulted In neariy five hundred can· keeps up ' our a,c ton wm be forced to versIons. will be at Chautauqua' tor Children at the Chautauqua. to work. However, choruB girls two days. " are not halt 110 alluring whe.n sbo~wlI Brilliant ex.Qov. RIchard Yates, at lecture was Ill1tened to by one of the and such entertainers as the Castle on a Bcreen. ]llInois, will be tile lecturer of August largest crowds that ever attended a Squares, the LeBrun Qrand Ollera 00., tbE! unequaled Rosanl; or you can 9; ,hls lectures are wonderful presenta- [;. Jrnlng lecture at Ohautauqua. , The doctors report that the pol lion, tions, illumined wltll brilliant llashes Professor H. . Adrian, a c1oso listen to the band concerts; aud when ous seoretlon In the glands of toadll I. ot wit, genial humor. and apt illustra- personal frIend and co-worker of sleep bids tired eyelids close, you' rest a powerful heart IItimulant. 11 good tions. August 12 Han. Henry T. Luther Burbank, will give II. course of well In the tleep, quiet wood. All In ~any people wJII ' wllnt lIome othel Rainey, a bIg, brave, brainy man, will scientific lectures. These lectures wJl1 all, do Yoll know of an outing more .idnd of a stimulant when their heart. speak. Whep. he speaks In congress bo llIustrated with Burbnnk's al'l des, sane, !nore restful, or mO.re profttl\ble there ' Is an air of expectancy that and rare speclmons wtll be shown than one at Chaulnuqun? .et IIlugglsb. "something Is doing." [rom the wizard's garden. ,Anotber InBesides summer bofels. dIning hallE! The, appeal at Chautauqua Is , to the teresting course ,at scientific lectureB and scores of cottages, there Is a .WUl the stocklnr; mllls of New Enl;' wjll be given ,by Prof. M. M. Wood. "White City" of several hundred tents, land run up prices or diminish ~e out· wbole man; physically, IntellectualJy and Bplrltually. To make Cbaulauqua HIs' lectureB , ·a nd· demonstrations 01\ put on the exculle that the advent of serviceable in· all' walis the' 0laS9 work' .the aeroplane and , 'the' gyrosCope . are tbe cost of. wblch Is 'very Inexpensive, and affords ,a roost dellgh ttui ,v acaUen p->stal savlnss ba"nkll ' has cut off the , hus }Jeen org!j.nlzed. Holden, the cotn the only · ones of tbelr kind in the to thousands of pleased patrons.: demand ,. for their goodl as c~ln de, . The grOW~h' aild popularity of bils positories? ChautaUQUIl bns beeD. imch that .the' government . gran,~cd a P.ost' , omce" There Is to be eltabllshed In Bo. ChautaJlQua, Ohio, whIoh promises ' to' ton a bOBp'ltal In whloh none but rlcb become ' well known ' among 'the people will be provided for. ~"rsei UOniBts every'where. . ' , ., who expect to get jobs there probably have to PaY bonusel for their berths. . Washlngton.-senatol' elson Introduced an amendment to the NQ.\LMex., Iccr~JUI, statehoo(f resolution pro,Beine .atung by II bee II Dot a pie. . vld~ for the Immedlllte aiJm18l1lon of aut P. .tilil~,' but the IUns of the preal· New Mextco lUI a .taie, Dut feq1ili'Jq ....Ual b .. la wel9Qme4 wllb creat ea· the PIOple . ot Arizona to 'VOte qaID u.u___ b7 • ~ • . , ot ~~ p Oil the In'O~ "recall of jaq,." IQ
. . . . .,'.
.,,' CIOJIIUbltIoII.
The Girl'. Handicap, Ill" Iter pretty new frook IIlater Mabel felt qu1te proud aa s~e aat on the front step aud watched lome boy_ playing on the sidewalk. After a time one lItle boy !lame up to tnlk to her and to admlr~, In hi. rO\lgh little way, her brlgbt shlllY ,hoes and pink suh. "See my nice sQuar&:f;:ut waist," eJ.' claimed the girlie, "and nt7 ilce cora' ?eads! Don't you wish TOU girl?" • "No 8Ire~e," replIed tbe bo,.. IJ wouldn't want to be any girl ·nt aU. becau8e lookle how much mar. necll you hnf to wash."
Tho Sholl Burst, James E . Bnrnes and myself, all of Company A, wero fighting side by side, our shoulders almost touching. About aile o'clock p. m. we saw n big 32pound shell coming slowly through the air and knew If would land near us. There was consIderable constercation In the company, but we held our poslUon and tho sbell descended In our 'ranks and burled Itself In the ground, The shock stuDned us and In a few seconds the ihell burst. "We 'Three" Jlms' were hurled from eight to ten feet In different dlrecUons and all knocked Eenseless. Allen was ~hrown on top at the breastworks and when picked up his teeth had a deathlike grip lln the pipe he had Ibeen smoking. , "Col. W. B. French approached and ordered stretchers brought and we were earned back from the field to tbe temporary bospltal. . Tbere our 11mbs "Were amputated by George T. Btevens, surgeon of tbe Seventy·seventh, assisted by other surgeons. AI· len lost his right Jeg and Barnea ~nd Inyself the left. "I reached bom~ In Westport, N. Y., In November, 1864, just In time to cast my first vole for Abraham Lincoln, I parted from tbe other 'Jlms' In ' 1865 and went to Ohio, then came to Nebraskn In 1874. Allen died In IS8a and Barnes . September 14, 1890. Barnes and I excbanged letters until hi. death, and 1 saw him In 1890 at ,our regimental reunion at Glovers· v11le, N. Y .. where the story of 'Tbo Three Jlms' was retold."
A Massachulett. Soldier_ I trust I may refer' wIth proprIety to what a member at the Supreme court of ,t he United States, a learned judge who carries some of the eoun· try's best blood, and who sp11led Bome of it on several fields, told me one evening, before a Quietly burning wood fire, of 'an l~pn8slon made on him at the- WUaerneas. In the midst or darkness and widespread panic, veteran regl.m ents and brigades at the Sixth corps breaking }Jadly, an officer who had onlf casually gained his stten. tton called out above tbe dIn, In a voice of perfect control: "Steady, steady-Massacbusetts'" The gullant regiment s"teadled, and the Incident left, as an enduring memory, the cool voice ,of an obscure Qtncer stili ringlng acroos tbe vanished years, writes Morris Schaff In the Atlantlo . Nay, we think, tact we k'1;Iow, that the tlnal test of the lIoldler Is when t~e 'c olors' move forward or the enemy comes on at Utem-tbank God, for a11 ~be tender and Irou-hearted younl fel· .low.., who have stood It. .' ,. , ~.e .Roomed With LInCOln. , ~en17 Bro,wn, ninety-two, a. room. mate of Abraham, Lincoln when the latter weB praotfClng law, ' died reoently, on hla 't~!!), near Blooming. ton, Ill_ His wUm personal tr.l.endshlP With ,We ,martyred president. emit,ln. ued 'aU th'roqh the Olvll war and a large DUII:I:tNK" of personal letters and vartous utIc1el liven him by. Lincoln ""Wed to the State mltorlea' 1..IiIIIIIlI....J~QI' . tile 1Il1llelQD at 'Qa, .tate
First aee that Mr_ Bm· YUIIII entered his raoht f~' the J1I11 races and lot a ,100 allver ciup. Second Burglar-I've got hlm beat .. block, I entered a yacht las' 'Week aD' lot IL whole silver service. . WRONG 80RT' Perhaps Plain Old Meat, Potatoes Qnd Dread , May Be Against ,(o,u for a Time. .
- '
A change to . the right kInd otfO<Nl can IUt aile' from a sick bed. A , ladJ' In Welden, m" says: • "Last' IPr.lng I became bed-faat with Bevere st'Jmach troubles accompl\Dled by slc,k hoadaclle, 1 got wora. and worse until I became 'Bo· low .l couleS scarcely retain any rood at . all, al though I tried about evellY ltlnil: ~ , "1 had become completely cUscouraged, and given up aU hopo,. and thought I was doomed to lltarve to death, until one day, niT-husband. try~ Ing to find lIomething I could rotliln. brought hom'e ' some Grape-Nula; , "To my sqrprlse the food agre II with me, dIgested perfectly and' wltbout distress. I began to gain strength at once. My flesh (which' had been _fiabby), grew ,fJrmer, rot health ·_ proved In ' ~very way an4.' every day. and In a very tew ;vi,e eks ·l "s8.lned 20 poundll In weight, · • . .' .. , "I liked Gr~t»Nqta so wen thll't for ' four months I ate no 'oth~r fO'6cl "and always felt as well satlsfJed atte~ eat. Ing 4S it I had sat do,vnlo. a. tlne baDr ' , quet. , " " " , '0' '., . ", bad no~ retu", . t~e ni1B~abl. , " alck ,litolllacb. nor , elf the '· hea~h... that i~ used .to have when' r ate. other (ood. ' "I am 'Dow a. ·well woman, doloB ,all mJ" own work aialn, and ' feel UlIlt ' Ute 11\ "orth .lIvlng_ './ ,"GrIlPe-Nut.!l food hal beell. • God'end to mY 'fa~nfi It sure.b' ,8&...ed 1&7 ,lite; and my two Uttt. bora ba.... thriVen . on " It IWllode,rfuU,." Nlm. given by PostUDl Co.. Battl8 OtMlr. 1(lch_ . Read Ole I1W.
Wet......," III
Clover Should be Harvested When Plant Has Reached Bloomili'g Stage a.nd Qne.Third of Heads are Brown
ity.) (By John Chisolm, Fa rm Superin tendent, Ohio Stale Univers . There Is :10 Iron·cla d rule for suc· mow In fine condltlo n. bright and cessful hay makIng. The wealho r Is \\'Ith a good aroma. The time to cu t clover hay Is when an uncerta in fal~tor that must be plant has reached the bloomin g the taken Into conslde ratlon. Any meth· a nd abou t one·thlr d ot tbe slage Wall It s~ and as times. dried at delibera tive od tbat will get the hay have turn ed bro",n. Experl· heads e meaew: . that the Cuban recl ~ty oulcltly as posslhle a fte r It Is Ct-t ments ·sb ow thnt the largest yield 01 was not acted upon until tho regular down Is to be r ecomme nd ed. EvOJ y mntter and protein, hence the session had come and was somb ..... eeke f'1.rmer, who haB been making hll y dry greates t feedIng va lue Is obtained on Ita way. lor a number of years, has lenrn c/J, when the plant Is nllowed to come The senate h~d n row of Its own 7 berore the recIprOcity bill, after com· CCASIONALLY tho proIng trom the houlle, was reterred to a ceeding s ot congreslI tak· commIt tee for conside ration. . When en side by side With the state ot In treaty form the measur e neuna r. proceed ings lIy was booked for conilide ration by legislatu res, or more par· the commit tee on foreign relatlon ll, of Iltate , perhaps tlcularly -C:t A convenwhich Senator Shelby M. Cullom of party l politica W IllinoIs was Ilnd Is th IS ~wll,an. The tloDS, ~es ent plctllres of mInute that the house mad' \ iood Its ...urlous contra sts. content ion that the mellsur n was 11 cOllvenstale can One Ohio Re'publl bfll and not a treaty. tbe finance comad<lion endoJ:sed In I; trong words the mIttee of the aennte declare d that It ministr ation and deeds of Theodo re was the proper body to conside r tho nt. preside wns cn th who elt, Roosev measure , and a s tron g tight was made the gave In the fSame platform whlcb to take the matter away from Senator preside nt his endorse ment thore were Cullom and gIve It Into the hands of ndatlon omme st stronge e th of 'Words Senator , Ald rich. The Rhod e Island I:oraker Denson :for Sonator Joseph senator was a power. but the Illinois .and his work In the senate of the lIe-nator was also a power, and In thle United States. the admissi on of the two terrItor ies particul ar Instance illinois came out ed express e The platform therefor as It WDS first propose d. There was a. e Is la nd . The corom·lt. :approb atlon ot the legislat ive eftorts lobby evidenc e In Wasbln gton. and It Ilhead of Rhod relation e took the .of two men, 'calmly Ignoring the tact worked literally nIght and day to de- tee on forelgu conal deration , under bfll ity reciproc preto seeking was bll1 d them When dry the hay II put on the wago n with ~ loader. t.hat one of feat In the senate the statehoo It, and after upon ported re laler and oththe vent the dOing of that which aa It had passed the lower house. dehate It receIved the senate's sana. from experie nce, some of the BBsen- near to maturit y. Too mucb han dling oer wanted to have done. Tbe resoluThe Ohio senator paid no atte ntion tion. r, causes 11 tlals for producI ng good hay, and hal! of over·rlp e hay, toweve 'tIona of the convent ion were Insln- at all to the IItorles of outside III flu· leaves !lnd tine s tems. When of loss II spend tntives cerepresen r of Borne house mInd The his other In . the fixed or case doubt no -cere elthor In one ancea that ,,'ere brought to bear to nally over lain method which he tollows, as allowed to get wet or If Imprope rly .and tb., blstorla n must take his secure the dllfeat of joInt stAtehood. a good deal of tIme occrullo cured, clove r hay ,Ia ' apt to be dusty, It t1i1ngs. trivial seems to be diolce. · possIble , from year to ye.a r. discolor ed and lacking In aroma. os closely He at times was vitriolic In hl B what to say, how· Senator Forake r Willi one of 'the speeche s on, tbe matter of the adml s· Is only fair to th e ho use ents made on tbe Ohio AlfaUa bay Is ready to cut when these seemIng ly From experim .. trongly plcturel lque men In tbe sen· slon of the terrItori es. To him every ever, that mos t of ity farm, ·the followin g tho lIttltl shoots, or sackers have Univers State con· which tholle are · .ate of Pte "Unlted States. He was other man·s logic Willi illogica l and trivial matters ot money, and with method haa befm found to produce form ed at the ba·llee of tbe stems. .tron, In speeoh and In politica l and every other man's reasoni ng was un- cern the spendin g Success ful alfalfa growers have come over $100.000.000 a good clover 01' alfalfa bay. drawing navy the waa he parliam entary metbod s, lind reasona ble. Seemin gly he cared nothents departm other the with and 111cturesquo In ma'DJler and appear- Ing ·tor crIticism , and In truth the year the nnvy's draft on ance. He wa. nerv\>ullly energet io senior Ohio senator did care nothing lt eeplng pace With y In small things econom , treasury ~e t was e. H and al watcbfu l IlS a lynx;. tor ., crltlclsm . Is necessa ry. The house succeed s In tile bead and f~ont ot the RepubliclUl POBslbly It Is this sO.rt of s tiokIng to out of the disputeR 0ppollt lon In the ' sonate to the ' rail- one courae no matter how Lhe tides getting some tun ture3 . and the Umo expendl mall s over inthe had whlcb road legislat ion and the winds may Bet In and blow . and - the task are lightene d by tho elt. doraom ent of Preside nt Roosev that kept Mr. Foraker 's constitu ents pleasan tries. ~eDator Foraker . In fact, was the tire· at that time loyal to 'hlm, even though In an army appropr iation b\1l less eneply of the ~eallure. He knew they disagre ed utterly with that which that he WIlS espousi ng & lOSing cause, ho nld and did. Certain It Is that small s um or woney was Included but If there had been hope tbat the tb~y gave him an indorsement for do- provide for the purchas e of booka, meaaur e might be defeate d ho could Ing tbat ' wblch probabl y nlne·ten ths ma.gazln es and newspa pe\,s fo\' tb, ...• Dot have ' been more constan t In his of them think that be ought not to use ot the general start. or course, the supposi tion was that aU the read· attenda nce at the Besllloni when the have done. Ing matter purchas ed was to be o'f a bill waf! under conllide ratlon, nor sev· of il the OhIo state convent ion time ot kind and ot service to o:my instant every at alert more eral years ago had declared speclllc al- technic al to ' raise Bome point tending to ly In Its platform that a certain law officers In their profeSSion. ID fn.ot, Itrenrth en hll own line -ot belief and , should be passed by congres s tbe next money previou sly voted had been used magazin es and for mill· of argume nt. whiler and Senator Foraker sbould for service To orie wbo lacked aU knowle dge ot have gone . to Washin gton and ~nused tary books only. An Indlann member . howeve r. want· ~be way.. of ' Ohlo politics It would tbe defeat of the "tatute which bad have appeare d ' that Senator Forake r, been demand ed, a great many of his ed the appropr iation cut to $200, and Putting hay Into rows with a Iide delivery rake. facing 'the certaIn condem nation constitu ents doubtle ss would have said It should be specl1lcally stated ex· bloom I, or hla constltuent& by ' hIs course ot patted ' him on the back for disobey- tbat nothing wall to be bought The oiover or alfalfa III cut down to the conclus ion that the c pt printed matter bearing 0 ";1 .the In the mortlin g after the .lew la ofT, 'not a reliable gulde, but that the a11tagonlsm to his party and to' tbe Ing them. or "huds" as some call them, professi on ot arms. preside nt. From the words that ca,me cutting continu ed until noon or II. shoots, be looked for as an Indicati on The Ilglta~lon for, Canadia n r eclprocGene'ral Hull ot Iowa, who was oho.lr- the should to Washin gton from OhIo It appeare d tty during t'h e last winter brougbt the heavy, very Is it toe on military little after. If of tbe proper time to cut alCe.lfe. fol' pr~tlcally' oertaln that the people of sharply to mlDd the fln al success of man of the house commlt the tedder Is run over it so the surface bay. the state who, held ·no corpora tion af- tbe demand s to enler Into a recIproc al alfalrs, Jumped to the defense or afterno on Is not ox posed Hay should be dried pretty thor· nllatlon a were Jlke the same claslles trade agreem ent with Cuba durIng Ilssa\llte d army. He , said thnt there dried that the On book at night. If the weathe r oughly before It Is placed In the mow. bncked dew the ed yellowto a. etermln wllsn't of/peop le In other states-d Roosere Theodo of part tbe earlier shelves of the war departm ent. He Is hot .and dry so the' bay Is dried A good test Is to' take ·a bunch of the reculati ng me'asadvocat ea of railroad , veWs admtnls tratlon. ' ' '! . declared that ' ~ arIDY officers may like tly, It Is raked Into rows wl ' h hay from the greenes t part of th. urel. already had cost the UnJted to read 'books like Wilkie CnlUns' sumclen Cuba nearll bitterthe side delivery rake be[ore night. swath, twIst it In tho hands. Other lIenator s who were 8\11 States a large · sum of money In' addt- · buy them Then In' ilie mornin g after the dew the brealcln g point. If the moisture I, OPPOled p~rsonBlJy to the leglala~ tlon to that spent for tbe proseou Uon 'Lady In White,' but they It hac out ot theIr own pockets." has dried oft, tho mite Is run ov,er exudes from lhe twisted stema time, Uon u ,-waa Benator Forake r paid . of the war against Spain. Eight r e namlnc long, a in for mtstake dried be n, Hull's beUer directio e General voted oppOSit Ilnd ·the In home , the rows' heed to' the teellDS at agO Preside nt Roosev elt called . con"Woma n In turnIng the bay over a gaIn, to hasten When no moistur e Is Sllen it Is read, for tile ;'111. The OhIo senator seem· gress. togethll r in extraor dinary ses· the title of Wilkie Colllne' red to good· · a 01 subject ' tbe drying. In case of rain the same for tho mow. 'rhls Is conside ed fo g!Lin atren"h '1n opposlU on sIan for the expre,l!8 purposo of dis- White" Was tho WIlS n . . attentio guide but safe two, a or be Is gibe hay natured the over until came givf/n tbat Is e: turning trom everY messal cussing a measur e of trade reclproc lty (rom the' sllp by dried. 'When dry enough tbe hay Is Timoth y hay Is not as hard to make tbe Allegha ny mountal nB telling blm with the Island wbloh had just taken Qulakly turned awny weathe r Is state Hoosier the from at put on the wagons wIth a loader and as clover or aUalfa. The that he · waa ta~tng the unpopu lnr a place among tqe Indepen dent na· a Democr salll that unloade d with a/ hay fork o~ sling. usua11y bettor for hay malting whtn' and feet his to Jumped Who It In hlld attl~ude r's Foraka III~e: \rMr. tiona of eartb. In connect ion with thIs army bill the more satisfac tory timothy 18 rendy to cut, and tt. ~ n more than a suspicio n of defiance. ' O.n e ot tbe most Interest ing debates !,here was an " ArIel" thing that he The latter Is useu. Hay put up In rain does not ·Injure timothy as much where It can be He wal In tho ' thick of the fight and one of tbe moat interest ing sItu. or alfalfn. It will IiIpeak about. ~hia manner does not require band· as It dooa clover from the day that the HepbUr n bill atlonl known to legialat lve hlatory wlsbed to Indl· handlin g. the more to of turned admit o a als' member .the The of out comes and untll halld. $en~te b.y reached the lloor of tho grew out of the desIre of thIs country anlan Qnlckly, expecti ng from the USII ,Ing the ·bour when It waa put upon Ita to slve Cubo. commer cial advanta ges. "Ariel" 'I\. rapid jump HANDL E MILK CAREF ULLY. paslage . His ·long speech In opposi- In tbe first .Inlltance new trride rela- of the word In w.hlte" to "The , TROUBLESOME PASTURE WEED Woman "The trom the of one was e tion to tbe meuur tions were provide d for 'by the treaty. TempeRt," but the Indiania n dlaap· peatell t speedheR' whloh be had eYer The Benate of tbe .Unlted Stales alone Of all the farm product s milk re them by talking . about an . A very troublel lome pasture weed Is deUvere d. · It · was eloQuen t: ' It was hrui to deal with' treaties after they pointed along the most care to prevent dete found also quires Is said It he' carrot. which e wtld the machin baaed upon premlae a 'Which . by the have been . drawn In proper fqrm by army flying to ma.k e "ariel" navlga· roadsId es and In waste places. It is rloratio n. Sinoo It · Is a Ilquld into d llpeaker.'s 'art :waa, made .~o " appeal' the etRte departm ent and bave been was Intende "but. whlcb tell kerllop. " spread by the sowing ot Impure clover . which dirt may tall and carry not onlj1 Roun4, and the listenin g laymen~lght sanctio ned by the. presiden t. It Is for tlon possible souther n "an'd which gave and grass seed. sunny 61th but bacteria that will ca~se It to well bave been "almost persuad ed" ,tbe aenate . to ratify or ' to reject theThe Pod Dismuk e and Dln'k . country and reason Bour quickly , great need Is required the' nnd tfght the that' all treattes . Botts contribu ted recently three more to prevent .the entranc e of anytb.lnr, tbe logic were with the caule of the Under the Constitu tion all measur es candida tes ror" name and fame, and • that will cause it soon to lose Its good ortg· must s revenue senator from 01)10. of ri:lslnk fqr the were read out In the ·sen· they when s. qualltl(' Mr. wblch . speech ntath:es iOnl It wafS Ii Illa~ In the 'liouse of represe ate the grave ones were moved 'Into In the first place, there nccds to be Foraker made. but its Interest made The leaders of the house, knowIn g sml11ng. Among the nomlJ)ations preextreme care taken that there bp ·r.s the time Ipeed on ' lts way. 'iHe that the .trade treaty with Cuba sented to the senate, for contlrm ation e, utteranc 'the to one little dlrl as poss ible on the body 01 the objected s, wltb revenue content not touohed the d these names, of residen ts of the cow and the udder. In some of tb'1 At' dlfteren t Umes, during the 'debate tonn 'of tbe legislat ion nnd In/llsted appeare Pink· Lovick DixIe:' Tilman Buncli, 1:ll'ge dalrlet! each cow Is given a ba th be rose to combat the Itll.hime nts of that Instead 'o f a treaty the reciproc - ston and Epamln ondas Dlgler. bofore milking ; this Dlay not be prac· of his colleagu es, and at everY' Ity me!'8ur e should h$.ve Its origin In tlcahle In all cases but since the sma ll such Ume he spoke 'v ehemen tly and' tbe ·lc>wer house of congres s. . The N~t Fathe'r' a , Gain. " particle s (rom tho ('OIV carry both dust 'reasoni ng of the liouse membe rs was .... . well . ." "I hope your fatber wl!l consent ," and bacteria . It does emphasl7,f flIth . Prealde nt Roosev elt dlMng ' ,the ~Isputed · weakly, and the represe nta... , said, lie . pOint. tbelr, ty (or bedding dairy COWf won te a r. llecessl Uves the ra,llroad mont~1 )Q~ aklt.ttt<tn~over. "Well, ),our Inoome Is rather small," Cuban recIproc ity t reaty be· woll and rubbing off tJ, dust prior tc matters laid some things which made ' . milking . No pains Ehould be spllrcd it , appear strongly , ~hat ' be telt . tb~t came th~ «ub~n re~lproclty btll. ,M ter sbe replied !" , be e~clalmed. "Baht" "Money the. or tee commit a mean and waya which the on to clean the teats und udder with s ellsl~tl l . " · m~ - who o~Pt>iled ."Ob. ·yes. [ know! Love's every· The mllker'~ hands cloth. damp be ' taVOtlld were . not likely 10 h~ve h'ouRe " had conside red It H' 'Wellt to IUId botl, tJihig:.....except bread' nnd butter clean before he washod be should t~. counten ance of thei! constitU ents. the ' floqr' for debate and there dressea and motor darll ...· Elhe sbook cabs Republl the and ats.. his .. Of Democr , loose dirt. hairs, Uo~ the and conven milk · a to le~ ·~to begins .Jlv~4 He ber head: wIsely.;. "And then ' I expect be brushed [rom ' the shOUld etc., party decl~e . practlco.11y thllt, he ~~II USed Ulelr J;ie8~:tQ make~ politica l me"~ , lon: The Dem- dad"',w11l be ·sorry t:o lose clothing . Whenev er milking Is dODe rlJtit, ~t! ~e, men .,-bo -we~ . d.s:~et- ItIlI, out of the ieglsla.t ,obaetv ~d , . . <'held,' dlat'the .Re.puhll~.ns were . "That's " eaBlI.y :got oter.'" near th& roadsid e fro~ which a cloud · rical.ly .OPP Bed to 'bhn also 'w,8ro-.rIght. hJm tbat ovez: to their ~at or t~fnk(.Iig tbe young' man. "Ill r emhld ~r , dust·· may .. be . sent. Dy a gust of ~publl~ , PIU'~ In 'OhIo ,sucgain he'lJ ut:titer da · a foslng of: the Cubllns could . th.nk· their Instead wind inU, the milk and onto tbe milk· _ ce.eded hi framlnl l " relo!utl ons , that . t '. ,' .~' " ·· \ ..' . 'on... doctrine had er, botb bacteria and dirt may tie " read mqch Jlke a:. ~lt Qt tbe rarer bu- amrs 't hat' J;lcmocratle . • ~ :- · :~ No. don;t · do. ttiat.<\~ r." . lIbe said " . "J ,Prevailed: . ·to· the milk. Dust that Illes In· · mor of ¥ark.' ~iltb. . : . . , ' , added lY1s held thn.t reclpro c' Be.rl?uslr,. ~ "It would ". fatal" . nil' ~urlng the Um~ ot thrOWing' the sedtbr !'orali:er ·t ll addJtion to 'be- . T~e RepubllC , o ''\\~y?\ ' . Queried a J)l',h,lclple, of :the part,· em- "fatlLl!'{. b~ , du's ,a Utt,1o touchy straw. etc., wlJl oontrlbu te bay, down toC oPlIOlled bltte'.l1 to ~lroad ' rate Ity \VUd' ,'by J",~e" G. Blaln.e'l lnd laier , "Becau se-well pbaalze njr etumbll ~sslstlDg. m!lk tQ loae .ltll n elitet shnre, ~. !tll e . ~1Il"UOD. .es· ·lfc:KIDtey. .At 18 ,yal, the on the SUbject ot extra aonB ...·7 Bbe s. Festoo ns?t cobweLIL qualitie good blook In the ,eaat. to Uie 'lecul'lD , of b,: WIUlam ot three halthe lleel !'You : ' the houae..p racUeal - plaIDed ~,"d dust covered joists a.da to tb • --ACll aettoa ~ ' .t.t~ qufl1ltla~e btU went :thr~ulhand It 'wu .sent over tbem. boar~1' with bhll Ile .It Ii!" dirt sO,u rces already nailled. . . tlie l/,..c1 nt . ~ tci ban .Ix nanlD1\)u*17, . ,tor \ A, B, GRAHAM. .......... 41el aot- wt~h ~ to the ..nate In pleaty of l1iDe rore 'taktn. -l it: ~.e College ot AlP'lc~itur.. · O. B U. .... blmna ' _DIl New KUteo · umt.d. tliat body 'to IUlve t.a,"~ 'actin 'OIaton of ~e to the he Tb'orD1l8bDeU 11 the ka,.·not . to- euctile ~ l1:;;;;;~~t:.;I ,;; eeanfUl .praJI .... An7 oU1er ~rk oj 4,,- .sUI caD be til.
Will Be
One of the be st sto rie s of the pla ins ev er wr itte n Wa tch for the
op, nin g chap';' tet ~r
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County 'C ourts Com non Pleas Court.
New SuIl.
,.•. of".. "nd Ob., •
:~~::!il;:~n~:7::;:::d~~E;:: D.bold o.
Probate Court. Ellen V.
Real Estate TransferS.
~:~:i:y, ~9~~I:.ry,
· 0 enla,
proved ~od oOllfi rmed. Leonidas Simonton and wife to . In estate of .Iohn De~old, first t:illwuel J . Artie and Alpha C. and tinal aooount filed Wltl1 vouoh. A t 1 'i Leb $1 rs for sett.1eUlbnt which Is ordsl'sd ungs:, 0 n anon,. Taylor V. Wl1rd to Laura Mesuspended. Nauoy lot in Warren oouuty. $1 Estate 0 " Josiah A. Bro\"in, W . L . Brown administrator to sell oertl1in Martial" Licenaea.
t>oods. Estate 01 Louise LiDde!Da~n, <iuy Levering Ch81l0we~h Henry Reed t1dminietrator files sixth farmer of Waynesville and Elsie uooount with vouohers for settle. Leonon Mason 18, of WaynssvUle. ment whioh Is I)rdercd s usllended. Commllllonel'l' Proceedln,a. Perry E . Kenriok , gUt1rditiu of estate of Anna Leouard, imbeoile . Bills • Allowed-Mug, oontuo',
:~::~:~:~:~~~~tt:~!~e:~~:~~~e!~r !::~:~f~:!=:~:o ~::8~~~,r:::. traot. 1162.10; William B. Brown, oontract, 18; <isorge H. Feldkamp, contrac'" .119.75; JosepH p. Fair. ohild,' contraot, 1105; J. K. ~pen. oer, lumber, 1281.54; E. W. Dum· ford, bridle rep"lrs, Turtlecreek township, 122 95; Oregonia Bridge 0 ompany, coo ~ rao, t t597 . ia " i 0 regon Br\dge Company, taBu; GaliOD Iron Worke CompaDY, oulvert pipe,
:::::~; Fr:~~ 8~!eS, oont~o~
Men'suds S ·
Including the famous Hirsh-Wickwire...and L-System-makes. $25• ~"8 d 1l>:i0 S Ul'ts now. . . . . . . . . . . . S 17.50 ~ an 'f'" I
:~:: ~~, ~:::: :;~t~u~:~~~~·".·.·............ • ~~: \ .Men's Trousers
tI I'
$$ ~
~nd $8 Trousers. ·now. • • . • . . . . . .. . . 14.98 ".50 and t5 Trousers, now. . ........ .... S3.78 $2.50' aud '13 Trousers, now. . . . . . . . . . . . . • '1 .98 S l.ft4
$1.50 and IJ.75 TrQusers, now ....•.•... ,' .
S $ j'
'2 . d $3 S· . an . .Ults. now ... .. . .. .. . , . . . .... . . ..
.... ... .,..
~ ~
~. ..:
'1.50 grades, now .... .... .. ... . .... .... , . . • 1.~4 t1 and $1.25 grades, now .. , '" ......... : .... , Sge 75c grades now . . Mc
$''. ~.
B. B Snider II.S exeolftor of will B f5 and $6 Panamas.... ...... ...... . .... 13.50 of William , Griffith, deoeased ve, ; an a an onger, 00' , d all: St' H ts . $1 •.98 Mary Ege et al. Executor 'orderecl ing for tiaody Burton, 119 8.; Ed. oI'O~ - an ~ raw a ........ , .. ~ ... , . '0 advertise and sell real est~te at,S. Conklin, P. ' Ai" atampe for olerk 12 and $2.50 St~w Hats... . . . .. . . .. . .. .. . "1.•48 '2,50 and 13 Wash Suits, now. ... . ... .. . ... 1 •.98 not le88 thaD two thirds ot appraised ,'115; Chal. Cornell, oompenaa&lon 11.50 Straw Hats .•. " ....... , ...... .. , . ... 98e 1200 Wash Suits now 'IAS 'valoe, 08sh in hand. . labor and damalelt 'for road around Sge ' · ·' ,., .. .. .. ... . ,.... ... I Estate of Moaetl 'J{olUnglwortb, bridle. $26; .Horace I'oulkl, obair. U and ..1.25 Straw Hats... .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. t1.50 rurtl 11.75 Wash Suits, now .... .. ... ... 1.24 deceased. MarY' ¥oKinnt-y, en man on Kenriok .road. 12; Minor SOc and 7~ Straw Hats . ............... ;. . 39c II and $1.25 Wash Suits, QOw .. , .. , .... . ..... S9~ ~ eontrix, flied Inventory and ap- Bole, ohairman on Kenriok road, ,, 25c Straw Hats. . . • • . .•• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1ge praisemen' whioh is ordered record.' 12; J . . S. Morria, supplies for c o n r t . . ed. deoolrapher, ' $55.50; . R Wilda I'· M~n's .ll'ranJde A. Dunham, admintstra· allohriat, rent for Proa80utitlg AtI' trix of estate of Elizabeth. Jaok, de. torney's offioe, 125; J. P. Rawl., Including the celebrated Wilson lhos. York and t2.50 and f3 Uniou Suits now .. ,.," ..... • 1.98 . . oeB8ed, fllell fint and final acoonnt suppuoi for janUor, 118 40. Famous Brands. 11.50 and '12 Union Suits now .. , . . . . . . . . . 11.39 with vooohers for settlement whioh Bide B80etved-B'o~ OOQorete aroh $1.50 Shirts now. , . • • . • • . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . ' :1.18 11 and 11,25 Union Sui~ now. , . . ..... ..... , . SOC II ordered sUspended. OD Murdook and DalIaeburg Plke In . .1 and II 25 Shirts n'o w . S9c ' '. SOC and 600 Unl'on SUi l't A _ . Frfm'kie A, D~nha~, adminlstra. Hamilton township near Murdock •. ...•.•.. , . . . . . . . . . . . snow, •......... '.' " . . -.uC trix ot estate ot Wil\~ur B. Jaok, graveyard. Frank 8tot81, 1&.95 SOc and 75c Shirts now ..........• ,... ... . .. 48e Some prefer the two·piece underwear. We have ' made the same reduction on these garments . . ' deceased, 61ea firatand flnal .a oooun' ~r ou. yd., inolodlng all Jabor, ,.wit~vonoher.s for !lettlement whioh ;aterll;'lland fill, oom:18~e. John 25c and 35c grades now . . , .... " .. . .. ... , .. .' 1ge Ie 0 ered sQ8peded. urneU 8.09 per on. y. noludiog S'lk d L' I ' h d . Walter A, Clark, .guardian of' es- alllalJor, rtlateri~l "Dd fill, oomple*e. 1 s an IS es 10 many s a es, tate of Earl M. and Luoille L. Olark Contract let to Frank 8tok88 tor 50c grade now ... ... . , . . . . 3Be, 3 pair for' I ·' . minors, flIes first a~oount with a' oonorete aroh near Char~ee Browns vouoherl for settJemen~ whioh is farm on Maineville and Hopkinsville 25c gt:ade now . ....... . '.. .. ISc, 3 pair for 50c Special line of Silk . and Linen' Ties, 50c values ordered suspended. road in Bamilton townlhlp at 15 97 15c grade now .. . . . . , , ... . .. : .............., . . 1.1c now. .... ; . ", ... .. . , . . . '.' .... . . , .. , . . . . . . . .. . 2Sc . ~ IJI matter ot .8State of Mary c. per ou. yd. . . ~ Clements deceased. W, 11. Allen . Plans. speolfioations and 61,tma'e ~ '. I. od '" sen tn, • 000".18 aoob .... 'be nit. at private BIlle a~ not Jess than their denoe Barnev Adde~8 on B u t l e r . " appraised valne. vllle and Wludsor road in Harlan ~ Proof of publioation of appoint. .t ownshlp approved and coDtraot let ~ 2 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON ALL men'tot 'Buth v. Lollar, exeoutrix to F. M. ColliDS at of j:, :."' 0 , SU,T CASES AND ·TRAVELI.NO BAOS of estate of B. B. Lollar, deoeaeed, t18850. Plans, spsoifioationa and eatimate filed and ordered reoorded. Kittle V . Lollar. bxsoutrix of f,r a oonorete aroh near the Har, good.'~· estate of B. B. Lollar, deoeaaed, ouiD farm on the MQrrow and . ./ . files in ventory and appraisement Butlerville road in Harlan ~wn8hlp whioh if! ordefed reoorded. approved and /lontraot let to II'. M . ~ ~ Proof ot publtolltion . of appoint. Collins at estimate of $134. a. ....... ...... ........ . . m8n~ of Catharine Fox as exeoutrix . Pllins, specifioatlon8 aud estimate ' . . . . . . . . . . . .-..................... ......-... " ' • .~-'" . . . . . . . . . . ~"""""~"""'~ .' of estate of DaVid' S. Fos ~lecll\ud for "onoret!) abutment to brldlle ordered re90rded. neBr Joseph Bogers tarm on the DR. J. MILLER, ' Proof of publlolltion of Ilppoint. l'ower Springboro road in Olearoreek ment of Willllrd J. Wright 8S Rd· township, approved and oontraot ministrator of estate of C. D. Meloy let to Frank Stokes at estimate of •• : DE~tIST....· THE O"EAUIT filed ~nd ordered reoorded. . .1178. SL AUl'IlaUne, Fla.. . Petsr B. Lewis. executor of 8S. Contraot for the oonorete aroh on OJllce In ,W.ynesvIJIe,O JUDO " 180•• . IN THE WORLD ' . . ~ N.~loDal . B.!lIG Bid,. tate of Ge'o rge W·. Lewis, files sale the ~MnrdooK "nd Dallasbnrl pike "h n l\ature's CreatioD Co... 1'UBLISBED WEEny; ~.oo PER lEU • :elltlelllen:-We th,'n k Your remac!F. in Bami1ton ,·townBhip neAr the bill whioh is ·ordered recorded. : Illdertul allll hn.ve told dOHna ot peo" D.UQciiiT~ - SPECIA""T8~ . '. Peter B. Lewis, exeoutor of Murdook gravey':!-rd awarded' to .} abo\lt It nnd aave them your ad. ,. ~" ... My clnugbtel' \JIow aeem . . . . . .n eO .• TIIM.• "., .T,.A ........ CAB u -.JrrA, ' ~ George W, Lewis. files first and Frank Stokes. - , el'er .. nd \'I81"bl pound. mere ' AND 'BUS . a.RVICE . CA .. . :. P"OFl' '. ~~ • ~• .' .lS. .• .' . ,, ~ .'f.'f" , " ". ,a ll wb ell' 11:1.11 cOnlm".ncell taklns N •• BY u .... a , I Ta · A DYKIlTI!lI .. a Co&oU~N. . . . . . . , . " . . flu"l aooount with vouohers for set.. "e'" (,)1'(' tion, Sho was married Ju" K~ep yonr nelld ut'-bnt out of 'Ju t ll, r am tiondlnlll you her P'lctu .... iAMPLE COPY, FREE . ' . ~"y?e.rtrie'~ Le;d'D.·~, ,' . It don't Ijnll \V as it will '>0' ot au)' UID ~!!!!!'!~!!!!!'!~!!!!!'!~~~~!!!!!'!~~~ thl> olouds. Add'.... ..EW·: YOIt.'. . ' l )ftlp+~ ~ _~8J':!~B.l~; 't' . . .~ lIaio ,Jlt , ),<>11. ". ' e l\o 1'811 always been tbln tn '1 f :II: \l. \~ e tbllok 70U ' lelndl,. IIW ". ." EsCaped With His Life ' ..·.r.,'''' t, ~r. tlJlnnt and wlU J ill, ,:: J ~· ,,11 i h l ~hJy, , "1'wenty·one years ago I f",oed an ".'our ' lI'~jlt'e1'ul frjend. awful death," writee, B ·B. Martin, Ii ' ~ " . . . ./7 ~ Port Barrelson, I:l. C "Dootors Baid Y/fIo...; .;·./,. r.~ .' . .1 hl\d oQnsllmp'lonand the dr~adfQJ 'l. St. C 'UI~ Str~o t. ' cough I .h ad · looked Uke n, 80r.e W I . '. 'J. l ~\\tch, .tho~",~il 'lmo",~ Plum. 8nongh. I tried everything, .[ oould " . " • . "'"· ~l")V I1. U " I s . tin" glr}'. ,· . .h~r Qf, fQr my .ooogh, Ilnd W8S onder . ,\ ,'1.' • • ' : ...j to · !11t" ·l.tll!-lS ,' tlie Cl'"c'lft .. ot ' ,., 1 .,. ~ 1. ,J r II t(·. • ('l! It \\' n~ Ire Who ifill: 'h~ trealiment of the bee'· dcotor in 'lll ,.,etl:cl "e {or htr wh ell IIho WII. GeorgetJwn, S. . O, for a year, 'but ':., t. .:olly \l(l~ft ned ~o ~ 4! r blJ:J . ) . • oould geL DO reUer. A frhmd ad'vlad ~n! ·,re·/I O/'('nllon ~ontlll n " no ' c-:·~ o ' Ot ... IIIU)·llhlllll. oJllu,m ,or 'allY lnjql' ;oul me to try Dr, KtDg's New Dlaooyey 'r h!ll),t-tormttl!t dlu". 0: AllY ' kin,;!. . 1 did so and·w."completely oured. I \"J Illlll'tUlt '· ~ I: to ' tho-l1;- 8 · bo·\'e,,~. lI>ln.t \/lIoler ' 1 /"od ~od tlrurl. "!1t lIt feel ttIat I OW8 ~y life '0 .hlR great \l'1 1I by b\'I ~ \ll n", U)I. ""t atll'l\ulatJnc. _~t aDd Inql OU1'e. " Ita poeltt va., ·'·h . X II /.llra·" €I Il4U"n C(t" »ank · Bld. 'ro ~'n • ' 1.1 ' ) I \gh, Columbu.. Call 11 gqar~n~ fo\' ,~ulba, ooldl, and ,!rlto for to'tn" ~(llf\. · bOol{Jft. wllllill .. all broDcbial af1eott0Dl; GOo II $1,00 :5'11::'1£ ;•.~~ &0 'l'rC--~Il• .:.w• ."_ lrial ·bottIe tnt e.t all .4rqalat.. .
' ':J.A
.Men's Shirts
$ $
Men"s Hosiery
Men' Neckwear
bond. 0'
"If I·t comes f rom KINGSBURY'S· , It must be
'.1, j
....a: ...................................................
or. or
Choosing Silver
.. .
. .
.- ...
$ $,
II '
$ t1,
a...eonto,. ood•.
• .'
Boys'- Blo~mer Pants
' . ..... .. ..,' .... .. .,...... .. ,... 50c one .65c grades, now... . .. .. . ... ... . . . .. . . .' 8 oys' Wash SUI·ts ."
S4.~ sa 98 •
W,.7 and '7.50 Suits, now ... .... .. .. .. .. 15, '6, and $7 Suits, a special10t ... ... ' .' .
$' .' .1
InCluding Hackett-Carhart's stylish Knickerbocker Makes. '8" 19 a 110nd 112 S UI'ts,now . .... . ...... '8•98
$6, $7
Is always an interesting event. You owe it to yourself. to visit "The Headquarters for Fine Clothes"· and inspect the excep• I b E l b tiona uying opportunities. very artic e earl the stamp of . KINGSBURY quality. N0 t·Ice the prices · · w h·ICh an a dvanclng season enables us
$ $
Kllngsbury's Mlldsummer Sale of Cloth'ling and. FurDI''ShIngs.
wife tu
lot in Warren
. ~ .
' . '. '.
1n matter of estate of Ueorge E Hall to Robert A. White, deoea!'ed, report of Frank MolJutoh flon , lot in Wttrr8D OOllQty V . Whitp, IldmiuiRI,rutor of 81\1e. ap $1.
ad . In mfltter of estate and property of Anna Leonard, imbeoile and de oeal!ed. Perry E. Kenriok relieved of duties of guardian. ; B / l:)nider as exeou'or of the will Willium Griffit·h, deoeased E va, M . sry ge et l a . G eorge E . Yonng appointed trustee for 811U for Soot' E. Bowyer, i!lsane.
7 ' "': '''It-rwY%
lot in Hidgeville, II. Franois T. Alt!rldge
. Hamilton
50 52 East Main Street, X
t:lE~~:~~~~~~~::~~~;~;:~nl::f: M:;rb;~~~ ~:B;;::! ~~dA~~a;:S~~ $~ ~iff, F.
:~:~::.~~\~~~n~:;If:f~::I~~: ;~~::o~:.:~E;'b::;!~~~,~n:: $$ M
. • •
Pal.riok Gaynor. . out! two yellra resoeo'ively with in ~ Albert C. -~o 'ker va, J uhn Kroener terest and ssollred by mortgage on et Ill, t.rustel)s of H~m\1to n town. pr'emis68
eb" "M
i R S "K:l+'n g'sbu'tty'
TIle es t·/\ t·e 0.• B enry Heller , de O~A!I d, John A. Halsey administra. tor ordered to sell ootate at prlva~e su, Ie. Emma Debold, admlulstratrlx of esil~te of George Debold , deoe~led .. E1ozo1 Emm. ~
~'~"""""~""""'''''~'''"~''''''''~~~ , ' . . " . . .' '
Wlpended. ; tlemellt is ordered N anniewhloh BowmaD, ex outrix of ee· · ~ Iite ' of A, , Bowman, tiles ninth aoC'o mlt with vouohers for sestls. ~ \ ntent whi oh is ordered 8ullpended. ~
R(lof VS . Arthu r D. !111~ Anna ~IL.V IDIdrldge.. Amouut d .I\lUl d $ l u9 II,! wi t h IOtere t !~t "9\) fr m F brurtry 10, l illt. Attor . /la.: fu r plHinLtff J U M Jl'~~ HlI llIlllll P . DILw!loU VS. 'l ~e ~ll ,kiln tho , .1 WilJluUl
•• " " . ,
fI -E'· H·. . ma •
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ts mT [
WUYII08vUlo: Ohio " 011 most fllrlDS \!va!4too~ are im 'fhe Ponnsy lvtloh «'ompa oy, llorton t 'fli ctors ID Orop consum pt ion epernti ng Jines Wellt !->f Pittsbu rg, The F'i r s t (.,....____* ....* """-*....*,..,*......- * . • . . . . . . . . . _ Sotne thing . - • M IN STREP;T ' n.nd orCip produo tlun Obio'if $75, o.nd the Pittt'uu rg, ' C\noiun l\t1, Chi- • 0') 0, 000 c'orn orop Is'Ular·k eted la~g e oa go Bud 8<llnt ALLEY TELEtJI iONE--OALL I 0 . , 112 Louis R~tlroad Com Fair of I. iu Ihe f ("m of b ogs Ilod cuttle pllny tLre now ft'ee lio obarge a high .· lind b\lrtHlfi lIud sheep I.ud I!oultry i er rllte Shan 2 oents a mile for pas of the year D. L. CItANE , Editor and Manager Intere st All -l lld Ilftne thln'g it is for the fertil. ~ seog&r trl.l.ffio. Ity ot the laod that tbil is so. Much 1911 The Uourt of Commo n P !flas io Rate8 of Subscr iption the 1'ime of the fee~iug vlllue of tbis orop' i8 P l'ttsbur g hall gfven the • B V AL F RED OACHN OWSKI, deld,h blow Ouo YOW' (IItrlctly In IIc.1vance) . .. . . . . . S 1. 00 frcq lleotly lost beoaus e it iii improp to the 2 oeot f"re la.w o f 11107 : A 8 ~ 1 8la lll P l'Ilr '~H O\' ' o f 13 0 ( 0 11), ..t Single CollY . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 06 . hl o Stllte VI Ivorslt)'. erly fed Ilnd bult o f the fertility of Thill ill o()Psidered pieoe of legiS ' '. . • • . ••• ~~)('>0(2 '• .!. -.' \! .i~~ • the mllDure iii JOllt beolius s it i .. 11ll· lati on WIIS origina lly deoltLreli un. . Rate8 of Advert ising Hlllldlng LoealH. per Ime . . " . . . . . . . . . . Oc pl'operl y oared f01', It is IlS cld IlS 1:10 oJnst1t utional with refere noe to the Su ccess In H ~l' l culLul'e depends Readlug Locals. blllck 'fiIlO. per lIuo . .. . 10c 1.1 W,rlt thtlt "man oaonot live by p'eI!nsy upon tb e exLent o f our control O\'er l vllnia. Rllilroa .\ slnoe \t. was InsaJUed Ac.ls. not 10 6XCllOO five liuelI two great, sil ent, but powe rfu l to rces. bread 1l100e," neither oan u hOl'se or ill dlreot oonfliot with t.ha t Com . 'throe InsertloDB . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 25C One II. h of tbe se Is the life torce In og or II steer or a. oow or II s11ee1l pnny'll ohBrt·er . ObitUaries, 11"0 Inches tree; over tl ve Iuches, per IIno. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6c or Ii ohioken live by Jorn alooe . '1'0 plants. The other Is th e sum of l.'be Court of Commo n Pleas finds, Oard of thanks.. . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . .. 26c those get nll the m rous xtern al tactors or full feeding VtJ lue out of the in additio n, thllt it "rend"' rs the UOIIOlutloDB ........ ........ ...... , . . . ' GOC Soclala et.<:, where chsl'g6 IH mlldo . . . . . • . 26c corn it'noed s balunol ng up There plalnt.l ff's lines so mucb les8 remu. 11011, li lll o! lind olb el' living organ · DllIplay Ac.lvertlslng per Inch .. .. . . . . . , . 100 i€l )oStI of bard work aboot rBlsiug neratlv e as to do Injustl: :e So the 111m! which n: d,e up th e 11l nnt'8 en· DlBcount8 given on colltro.ct. vlronment. Every plan t, e very crup, fl. oorn orop. Wbllt'll the use of lOll t!tookholderil thereo f." orchard or tores l, In form and being a third or mor'3 of It after tbe No · defenoe was entered by the havior, Is a prod uct of tb ese to rees. JULY 26. 1911. orop Is lIafeln the orlb ? A look 00 solicito r for Allegh eny oouoty aod The P roblem •. the graoar y door won't oatoh the no appell! will be takeo frow At tbe ve ry out set he met many the de After 70 years of success, thp. Greene County A pin head is better tban 0. bip, thief In the tt'ed lot. dIffi culties. A.ruon g th se tbe most 0\8ion. Fair will b~ LARGER and BETT ER THAN EVER . head. Feedin g farm anlmal 8 18 ooe of the Onoe more there is emphas ized perpl exing one bns b en lh e problem ----.~.-of the coDserv nt\ ( I at Boll resourc B, The Midway will be bette r, good Live Stock Disl:Iubjl!ot ll lnvestl gtlted IIi t·he Experi '·be neoessi ty of publio oomml S810ns tb e probl Whf\t we need 18 oonserv atloo 01 em of lIl e perma n ' ut fertilmlnt Stlition at WooRt.e r and tbe for the seourin g of Booura te iofor: ity of Boll s. Th e soli Is the play, bette r Agricultural 'display, best of all, good our oonver sation. fa rmer's results if these test8 u.re illustra ted wation and adjustm ent or mutter s and the coun try 's greates t as set ot Horse Racing, You'll surely have to be there! In the Statloo Exh!bl t onder t~e big at iS8ue betwee n oorpor at.ioos Every Body·S atl.fled and wealth. The caus s which mal<e ono Who ba8 trIed Dr. B~Il's Pine tent Itt the Greeoe County Ifllir, the .p'lbllo withou t expe081ve re- paroel of la nd yl Id mor e tn crops tban another simil Ar piece of land ad'fliT. Boney for oough" , ooids, grip oourse to the overwo rked i)ourts . joining it Lre among the lead ing or any throllt or bronob ial trouble Kill Mote Than Wild Beasts probl ems tor In vesUgation. Fe rtlGet a bottle today, Look for the The numbe r of 1160ple killed yenr IIzera have been urged as the pan aParson 's Poem a Gem Bell 00 the Bott.ifl. Iy by wild beasl8( 1oo'tap rroaob t.be cea tor all e vils In the soils, but t bey Wednesday, August 9th 'From Rev. B. Stoben voll, Alli- tall to cure :rhursday, August lOth Vilst nnmbe r by disease aerll ,s In mout ca8e8. Some unDowno llst men see few of the aero Nt) life Is slifekilled 3:35 Pace from their attacks son, lB., io prai{le of Dr Kiog's N e w known factor vlU a ~ ed t he valid ity or $3()(\ 2:30 Trot • $300 planes of hope. .. They 're In air, wllter, dnst, evan Life PUI't. 2:22 Trot , this time-honored recipe. In e very $300 2: I I)IPacc • $300 .... ... food . Put grliod proteoU on is at "They' re ~lUoh ahea1t h neoe@ slty, Itate of -the Union lh ere are today Free for All Pace • • $200 2: 18 Trot . $300 ODe klud of an eoonom ls' is able forded by Eleotri o Bitters , whioh In every home these pi1l8 sbould bA large traels of land whlcb have Friday, August 11th to make 1\ little work go abng way. delltioy . and expel these dt'lldly If otber kind8 youv'e tried in valli. proven an excepti on to the "unquesUSE DR KING' S , dlseBse germs from the ~yst m I tioned regul a rity" of results wIth -. 2:14 Pace $300 That' .. why ohllls, fever ague, ul And be well again. Only 250 at All tUlzers. Mu ch of t he virgin londfer· A Coueh . A Cold 2:40 Trot, or • 300 drugelsis molarll the great WesL has yIelded crops ot ,Andl'h en no telling whllt-u nleps vlold li and maoy blood disease s 2 :25 Pace $300 ... --.... promp tly to the stunted wonder , sickly pi nts. The physics. ful you use Dr Bell'lI Ploe.T llr.Bon ey, The Ab.urdl ty of Overwo rk. blood purifie r. Try tbem 'Bnd enj oy the mecba nlcs, t he ch em istry. the It 18 the beAt, ask' yonr neighb or. Dr. O. Hutchin lon Eely, the brain ex· bacterio logy of soli s was closelr gloriou s hqllol~h and new strt'ngt,b Look for t,he l;!ell, oil tbe bottle; '·be they'll give yon: Mooey baol( if pert of Duluth, wila diacuallln~ the Jlew studied, but with little 1I\'all. The SPE CIAL- A big feature will be the exhibit from the Sold everyw here. not slltisfie.1. Only 500 at 11.11 drug tuherculin oure for progrea81ve paraly- dlaguos ls were made for tb e soils. .... Agricu ltural Experi ment Statior i at Wooster. Sill, a Dialady common tq brain work- but old not In clude Ul e gillts . Lectur e every lite of the Many a man'lIl 1uooes llleaves a bitera. - - ...- - - hour of the day an9 free distrib'ution of Sottvenirs. plant. The S)' l1l ptoms whlcb t he plan t ter taste in the moutb . of hit!' a~so· "Tuberou!ln haa cure4 a th1rd of the exhibite d, the lac k. at sanitary condlBelog "popul ar with tbe boys" olatee iso 't neo~8t!aril y anytbl ng for a gl r) cases it baa been tried on," he laid. tiona to r the pla nt. In short the need "Hence . It may be called a prettT 1'000 "&nd ('Jnotlons l)f tbe plauta someho ----- -... - .. to bo"~ of. w R. D. WILLIAMSON cure'. But a better our. for the dlaeaees escaped noti ce. Oar idea of a fuol man Is (lOe who R, R, GRIEVE .... due to overwo rk II relt." . get. mad Iu lin Ilrgum eot Rbout rePresid ent ./ Peat anti Muck 8011 •• What ft good many people oall Secret ary Dr. HutchlnlOn Eely thumpe d the ta.ligion. Our most productive agricult ural luok i8 merelv being on tbe spot ble vi I'OrO\l Ill,. wbeo the melon is ont. ... ,. "When a prot8lalonal man telll me Bolls f.re peat and muck solla. TheIr ."".."..". . w . . . . . " ... Summ er COIda post·gl aclal origin and development he II -----too busy to take ----a rest." he orled, Are buder to relieve thlm wln~flr "I tell him he la like a .wor~an who Ie now well known. Laborious field A Ptek Into His Pocket one8 bllt they yi~ld just 118 readily Don't Miss l---...---...y."".,...""",,,.,...---,,.,...~ Look at the '\\'Ork has sho wn that climate and to treatm eot with Dr Bell's Pine. . ~ould ahow tbe box of Buokle n ' \s too bU!lY to aharpeu his tools." soil must be re-Inlerp'~eted from the Tar.Ho ney. Sold everyw here. Look Arnica Salve tbf\" E. tI Loper, point of vfew of the n~edl of the the Date for tbe B 11 00 tohe bottle. planta. p etaUed study of t e physics, ~ ollrpen ter, or Marilla , N. Y alwaYIl AU Skin Dleeaa e. 0I1rrl8ll ." I have ne'v er he'd Il .out, me ohanl cs and clJ emll!t '1 of lbese ------~.-- ... Greene Co. 'Yield readtly to treatm ent with Dr. lIolll ,fall ed to sholV why Don't Fail man.y of our If a glrl~ blo~b.,a ,!hen you apeak wound, bruise or sore U would n c t, Bell'8 Ao ti~ep'io Salve, . We gu&r 900n 'belll," he wrItes 6r:eate st· agricultural and native plant II were WI"_ or 'l1 'ono'el lt', a aure ~IRn thaL Ibe Fair" .heal.,~ of bllrnll, boll8, 8Mlde, ohappe d ",utee it, 250 a box. Sold e\lery. unable to OCCUP), peat areas, and to To Go has trtlvele d. ' I'Ilnda _and' Ups, fever.a oras, 8kin. where. oope with tbe ' firmly entre'nched ex... ~ eroptloDII, eczemll , oorn8 Bnd piles, olullve norther n plant s·oclety. Only '--Wli eo 80me people., .t allt we are reo ~50 7 b, Questioning the plAnt, ralher than at all d~uggl"ts. Corea Floodin g Hair "'ark.t. minded . of 1\ diotlon ary with the Rats, switches, puffs and buman tialr tb. loll, we are beginning to know a DUfllber of the IIlne8ae s tu whlcb definitl oo8 missing . The map who eboots!oft' his montb structur es are oomlng down' In price, th~ soU la belt. never rnns out of ammUn ition . W. HEN DERS ON, M. 0 Tbese are . about the 001, thing In the ilia of the Soli • -------.~ Two In one .mark,t that. ahow a teJidenoT to de~.---and They range from mere .. tatlcue" to MOtIt people make a epeolal ty ot crease. The eauae II a poUtical one; Dr'. Bell's 'Anti.P ato III botb' all ID. , - -Style Wayn by R~adiDg McCall'. ~.; esvill e, Ohio . ternlll aDd Extern .j remedy . It ia offerlnl (' explan ationa thai @ Dot the annexat ion, of Corea by Jap~. I.termltt~nt, periodic, and Infectious Magazine and Using McCall ,Pattema Since the Coreans have become a part &BeUI I. A Itronl, Inttroa.te, oon· Valley Phone an • .,tleeJ»tlo·reme dy aDd destroY I eXplain . 153 Main StreE't of tbe Japanes e empire th., bive been tJIOll1ng rcla.tlon exlata between c1lseaae Rerm8. Sold everyw here on McC.II'. Ma,ul .... itt \ MiGALL'S MIlliAZINE 11l'1)) )'ou drUllS 8 l)' I ' outtlog off their "top·knbtB," , Barbe~s planw, . native In peat bogs, and cer· a pottltiv e' I(D,reD tee. I. hl y 11 ~ Ii modorato on tbe penlnlu la baYe been , kept re- taln loll bacteria and other low·form ------~.~ .~ ----~'X I> ns by k OO lllDIC markably bus, and tons and tona of or,anlsrDa. InJurloua organ'lc transy o u P OK ~ (l d on Lhl) Alwaya ~U the tr~th-bu' it I. l " IO~ L rll !! hltlu ~ II). hair have been put on the market. The formation producta due to ' the activo DR. B~LL'S ANT I·PA IN c lm h os "nd bnlS. IiC lometlm ea advla"b le to nile a long. greater part of bair uled in puffs and It, of bMterla, tung·1 and p\,otozoa Barbed Wire . ' ,',1\' I"ashloll Oelllll'o_ For· lnterna l.an4 External Pam.. In eU'1I Issull. AIIIO ' dl,tNwoe phonfl. rats come,s trom the far ealt. There pIa, an Importa nt Inblbltlng role ,'n l\lll bio II.I(unnaLlon' Is getting to be a regular glut of balr and . render a field sterile , to agrlcul· "" ' " II lloma Bud' per· xu,,"1 multc\'ll. Oo!)" ChronI C SOre Ey.,. GUARANTEED u)heal without leR-v~ on tbe market. The result may be that tural pl·a nls. Mineral soil I used aa 60Il n Yenr, IDdludloll' II r,oo pauorn. SubAre eaeUy oored with I;:!otbei'lan 8 mg a blemish, or MONEY- REFUNDED. the women will pile' more of the false /absorbents retain these accu\llUlatlng ........... ..... _..... ~o rl b o todRY O~ sond .600 and ,1.00 sizes for fresb wonnds. ~arlety on tbelr bead, thus keeping the InJu,rlo~s products Indefinitely and E~gle Eye ~"Ive. ~t is p.t.nle~ and fLlr rrllo snUlplo cop,. humle u aod guarau tt:ed: 26<!~ bqx oldsoree, sore backs tind sbouldoreJmroa price up, but 'dealers along Flftli ave- themselves becGme useless. r~(c.1I Pa l .... w 11\' IIII IIIt')'Il U 10 mnllo In yO'l~ and I?rqi,tIe8. We have numerous experts In the 250 size for Family use. nue promise that .c urls and artificial (jIl' U h OI'\o. 1111 11 ," }IU'uwullI t n d . c loth /Ill: (0\' Sold e~ery ,,_here. 1" ' '' r'' ~1r II I 'I !' hll r!rn n w hlt' h '~ lIllJ o p r(ut,t swltohes sliall be cheaper . phYSics and chemistry of tbe environDR. cors PADfLE SS BLISTE R 4-,... ~ • . III til y lo u nd lit. l' ricc-llOll O hllllJorLh aD 16 Ie painleas and guarant eed to cure ment of plants. COll L,. ' cud rtlr freo Pnuorn Catalogue. " ~ About tbe mlln who tblnks he Spavin, IUnsbone, Gurb, SweenYl Splint., The new lines of researc h imperaw. Will Cin Yoa fiD. fru.DII fo.r · WOlLlng sub. : ~' '' IP ll o Il S n mon /! Y(lnr rrlrnll s. Seod for h'ee k DOWI it all the woret thing 18 bll PIlUs or any enlargement of Done or Old UlCer. tively required deal with the g\lldI' r' 1''' ''111 f'nm l ulrllO Dnll e n. b PrlzQ Olfllr. muscle, ot money refunded. Price 600. TRI\[ E: Mllj\K. 10abU" y &0 keep his mon&h ahut, Are unsigh tly lind danger ous. Dr ance of the silent lIte energy Into TIlE;, ,CALL COMPANY. 239 10 249W... 37IUI..~~ ,YOR.~ .· D r. SIQ"'~ FOR IAU BY ALL DRUGGI STS COPVF'I GHTa &a. Bell's Antlsep tio Sill ve will heul ohannell!" wblch ' will give us new Ao;on. I.ndlnll a ., OI N, ."d d, .orlr.t1nn them prompt ly, It Is ·oll~IlD Ilnd plants whIch are more rellaten t to quto"l~ ucerLnh' ou r Ol' lllI i l1 I rt u • l oUl or &12 lU'f'ontlnn I. ,uo hn b 11 l lll h !lI l l1 t)I .k, COIl1 111 lin ICII.. plea811.nt to U8e. 251) a box . tlold disease, droulht and frolt. Uonlltrlo tlfoo"II,lo "II,, ;. \l lIImUu" ~ onl'IILunL l .ent free. Oldoet "IlOI": Y f t.r fIIocur IIIU puL 'I1tl. everyw here. l'I\IAlOI8 tnlloo t),r(,O " ..·" ~ 1 "" 11 f4 ('0 . rccol .. E. V. BARN HART , ---.-- flNt.lal ftotu .. "IU,ou~ olln r uo. lu I ' 0 . . ·OHIO MEN at
Problems Confronting the farmer and Scientist of Today,
Aug ust
8, 9, . 10, 11.
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Aug ust
8, 9, 10, 11.
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' Five Newspap
er 'Laws
1I .
Follow log are 80me newspa per Jaws tbat 11 great wooy peraon s Bre Ignora nt of ,The IIIW.II. ale to. tbe point, Rod are 110 plain 'bat all . wb ) ron may r~lld :
I, .
1. ,,'rhe lubsorl bers wbo do Dot 'give expresl l 'ootiue .to
the oontra ry are oonsldere~ 118 wlshlo g to oontlno e tll"ir
Bubscr lptions. , . ~. If eub\toriber8 wish tbetr plLpere dlso"nt,i~ued, pub ' liaberl! m&y oontiou e to leod ' them uo,t\1 . ali charge 8 lire paid. S' )f 8ubsorl bera neglect or ralulle to tlloke their pllpert! · froiJl't he 611lee or pllloe to wblch .they are sen~ tbey are held , : rellponi.~ble until all' ~rrea.rft'ge~ "ra settled Ilod notl~e gi ven to dl~optinue.; . . . . 4 . . If 8ubeori bera mo.e to other 'pllloes wlthou~ Inform .. .to~~th.e:- pub}lllbetB, tb~y ' ~~b 'be, :~flld " respo08 ible. No'U,?e • ho~'ld; aiwa:Y8 '~~ Ilh:eD ',?f ~he 'r"'mov~L '. ,"" ,.' ., ,. : , ~. ' The .!'O.U~t8 haw~ decided t.hllt r'ef~elng 'to tab ~ pap~r ' , from ;' the' • oinoe or :r~mov.Dg '01' lelL~~ng it ~n08l18(l for, Ie 'prima laole eviden ae pf i~tebtiQ,Qal ·'dud, ·Under , th~'..law ; 'iie'8~~~rl~~ who allo;. btl ~lillsodptlo~l .to run unpa~d _5nd' . tben orderl it diloont loned or m-aiked ",rer~8ed "innBt pay up U h.....d .. atop 1&18 IUMOI';P&IOn,; 'otbtltW!88 be te respon , ., .tblo.a . IOD, a. the 'psper 11·lI8b t wh~tber It. I~ ,_keD from the' ~ :~, ' . - ofBoe 01' "ot, •
• ,.
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__SC;UU__ _ U '_ U_ UI C
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Someth Ing .New In Clalr~oyanoe. A new problem for 'lIcboolmastera Ie reporte d from OkILyama. Japan, where a boy named KAwasaki, aged alxteen, hal developed gUt8 of clairvoyance which are declared to render examln a· i)l tions futile. Recently be forecasted accurat ely all the questions let In sev· eral examinations, with ·the result that his classmatea aU llcored tull ~ . marks by learning the answera to these questlo nl by heart and ne&JeCJt. • lq aDY other preparatloD. • . ..... . A Pain Remed
- _-- y
.Both interna l ROI) externa l Ie need ed doily hy .ltn.R!.t every f~DlU ' Keep a bottle of Or, Bell's Anti P Good . for till kinds of bowel trouble s Extern allv for oot.I', burn J , 'spralr,18 Ilod all Palus, " ~troogly aD~isertlo. S".Id evel'y~here , '.
----- -.. --- ...
Mort'floatl~n 'Wl!I~ .~.~ed. • Ali EogUshihan, aloQe :wlth .~chard lOll, the noveWIt, aaid to him: "I am' .happy \p pa)' my ·reepecta. to the au-. thor . of,. 'SIr' Charles GrandllloD: Ifor at '.Parti, ud at , The Hane, ud In ~t; at evef1: place '1 ha.e vlIIlted; ·it ,.•t. ~uob admlrecL'! .. " . "IUcharc1iOD . &p~ not .to, notice ·th' cOml)ument, but, '.beD . .all the ~OmpailT . .re auembJe4, addr.al ed the PIltlet;a ua ~~: ."8Jr, I think you aa::rtDC I.ODletJalq . &J)out !Slr CIIarl_ GI'u4Ja oD.·" . . "N~ eJr,"lle ,"UeIL eor do Dot IDem'" ..... ~ bate 1Mu'd' It mea-
ttou4.~J'roDi .lrYIu''''c,~Ia- 01 h~
Promin ent In Conven tion of Agricul tural College l . .
Sdtntlflc Jimt'lti(an.
A bantliom ol, IIIn.traled "Mkl,.
Nota ry Publi c
'3. Uewdyo°ri, J,nrllost alp.
(ml.Llon ()f ""J IInln",UU o j 'Hl I'lli d 'l'c rl1l8, All kinds Of Notary Work. Pensh>li' Tbe Association ot American AgriWork 80 t;peola lty. ·· ,. MUNNr &oC08s !~:'~: ~~ cultural Colleie s and Experim ent 8rao:,t omoo.1I2f.1I' moO Wo ·... ~IN•• n.o. i Station s held Its twenty·fourth an· , , nual session In Was.l1lngton, D. C., WA\,NESVILLE CHURCH~ Nov. 16, 17 and 18. '" Ul>on Prellde nt Thompson of the - St. Augustine's Catholic Churc:b. ' Ohio ' State University, who was Father George Mnveolloefer, PaMlot: chairma n of tbe executive commit· Unde rtake r and Embalmer, MUlI8 every lIecond Sundu), of tbe mODlb a ' tee, devolved the greater part of the 0 :00 a. w. work of completing tbe program and . Will be fouod in the Old otber arrange medts Incident· to It. Bank Bundin g, opposU., St, Mary's Episcopal. ChurcJ:t. Tb. program covered many sub· the Nation al Bank. Hov. J. F. OlldwalUuler, Rector . ject·s relative to the administration Telepho n8" in house a'o d of· Su'nrlay School. Il :3(1 u. m Mornll}r lIer of the Institutions, t1\e arrange ment fioe 'where I can be called I vice, 10:30 a. m. Boly Communion tho ' flnL and development of the courses of da.Y or nigb t, su udul 01 eacb monLb, study and the general outlook .of Valley agricult ural education. Professor H. Pbone 1'-2, Methodl~t Episcopal Churea. ,.' C. Price, DeaJl of the College of. Ag- Main Street. Wayne sville. Ohio . Rev. H. W. Balloy, PutoJ .... rloultur ., Ohio State UnJ.veralty, was Suod~y' ScI1001 , O:1!I a , m. M or;lI·o~ ~er. ·. promin ent In .~e . c!ll!cuBslons. ,' lilt, 10:80 a . 1II . .IDllWOrtb Lellgue, 17:00 p. '. ' , m. Evclllng servh;e, -; :00 p. 1:Q.. MldW;oelf This aelocla tlon bas done ·much to Pr\yer-Af ee~lllg, ~. p. m. harmonize the almi and purposes of the 'Stllte Agr.lcultural Colleges wblch' Or, Bei l's A ntiae pt;c o-e.IVfo Christian Cburch. I, owe .thelr founding to ~he act of cop· Goof r,r,'" <.111 Skin lJi",o? ~ .. ~ ~ev. L. ~,TbOD\peon,~puWt" \ ,real knpwll' as the Morrt1l' Act of Bible ,School, 9:30 a. m. , SOO1&IIiIee'• • 1162. Thll act, lald the fiscal tounda· ·I~!!!!!!~!!!!!~!!!~!!!!!!!!! fO:IO a. m. ChrIJtlau r. , 1;00 p, III. !!'!!!~~~~ Bermon by..paaloor e,v eryEndeavo al$enlate 'on for tb.elle InsUtutions by ' g~ant8 10:8,0 a. m. 'aDd 1:$0]), m. " . < BWI4U "aa '0 pubUc lands. Thele grant's wera .up.plemept~;d In 1890 by a , perma: 'HlckSite Friends , Dent annual approprIation .ot '2 ~ ,OOO . , irllt DIlY llo1eetln(. 0 :00 a. m:. 'l'lnU)a , ·.Through the actl vltles of tbe /1aBo'cla· FunerlU 'Dir~:tor. Sohool, 11 ;O(l';L, m. FOllr~ Day _"Ualt tlon In 1907, Jed by Preslden.t 10:00,a. 81.' . \ . Tbomplon, tbl1 appropriation was In· Ortb~x Filind l creued .by .congte .1 $6.000 per year Teleph one day _a. ntlht. )In. BIlAbet. h IArkiDl IlbUI it becomea '110,000. . Va11ey .p~ooe· ~o, , . Loag. 'No "...er upendl ture of public Sabbaab 8obool, 11:80 r~) IIIIrt'loe, lO ·~o ., m. CbI~laa ~;=; DlI.... .!,fe), '~g..,.. •. " l!I mODe, Ie mad. b, ' OOllBren th.aD '7:1.0 p_ tIllS which fOlte,. &reat' ceo· III eacb .• bere
A•. MA FFI 1,
~all*tll'D Ja
to •
J'.OU thInk Howard .. ",",me' I think. so, t oo. At first I though t It WDS because or Ihe letter Mr: ndorwood wrote me, but [ guess It's what you Bny. His old [rlends' 'won't have LADY 'S TUCKED SHIRT WAIST. anything to do with blm and....:..he·1I lonely. \Ve11. I'll talk It over with hlm-" "YeR-talk It over with hi m." "Did you prom lso hi s ruth er you'c! ask III 1" she demnllo'l \ld. "No- not c'Xactly." b e rCf/I.ed. hesl· . tatlngly. Annie looked I\t him fra nltl,. . "Howard's a p tty gooll r 1I0w to AD Relieved by Lydia · E. Pink· stand by 1Il0 In the face ot all that'll bam's Vegetable Compound. bei ng sa id about my character. I·u· t Sikeston, Mo. - .. For Beyen rears I he. el octor! And I'm not goln tc auttered everything. I was In bed tand In bls light. even If It do"siI'l for four ol'.ftve daJ8 exaclly make lOe til happiest won'lln at a time ever. J In tb e world. but don't let It trl c'<le month, weall: In to you\' mi nd that I'm doing It for w~lk. . could his futh er's sa ke." cram1M~d and had ....' lAAi'U/ol" and h 3ad. At t hat mom nt Howard entered wal ao SYNOP8IS. trom the Inner room. lie WIlS SIll" and weak prlsed . to soo Dr. Bernll toln. that dreaded to Flowan! Jel'frlcs, bank~r's 80n. under "How do )'ou reel to·day?" asked the t he t'Vll Innuenco of Robert Underwood. Beo anYllne or ~ne doctor. f ellow-student at Yllle. leads 0. lito ot dl.· any,one moye in the elpatlon; tnnrrloe the daughter of 1\ gnm"F irs t rate! Oh. I'm all ri ght. You room. The 'd octors bl r who dIed In prl80n. and I~ dlaowned ~y hls falher. Ho III out of work and 10 gaTe me medicine to lIee. I'm just going to eat a bite. Won·t " eaporalo stroHs. Underwood. who' had me at tho I . you Join us?" c nee boen engaged to Howo.rd·s 81 pthl\t 1 ought to haYe Ili mother. AlicIa. la I1PPllrenU)' In prosper· He sut down at the t nb le and plcllcd 0 \11 clr um8lo.n ~es. Tak ing advantftge at would not listen to that. up the ne wspa per. wblle AnnI e bu rolot his Intlma.cy WIUI Alicia. ho becomell n when a friend of my hnaband told .ort .)t loclal h~hweym8n. Disuovert ng Jjorselt with cnn ylng In the di shes. m about Lydia E. rlilkham'. Vep. ~II true ehnraClrr~ AlIcln d onl ~8 h.lm the This very stylish model 113 the best taDie Oompound and what it bad done "No. thank you." laughed the doctor. .. oule. He sonel" nor n ll('1l Ihr ~nte ntnl; lulclde. Art deal fa tor whom ho fl II c1 "It·s too earl y fo r me. I've only ju~t liked tor an overbodlce. It has a for hllJ ""ite. I was wilUng to ta.k e It. as commtoaloner. demand nn accoun ting bad breallfast. [dropped In to see gulmpe as a foundation and' the upper Now I look the picture of bealth and Ha cA.nnol mllke I:ood. Howard calls o.t 1111 apartm nls In on In toxl Illed condl. ho w you were.!' Taking up his _balf. part of thls1s faced tor a yoke. while feellikeit,too.lcandomyownbousB. tl, on to requesl a loa n ot '2.000 10 enable he snld: "Good-by ! Don·t get up. I the under sleeves are also attac hed to work. hoe my garde.n, and milk a cow. 11m to tnko up 0. busln 1111 proposition. HowRrd drInks hImself Into a maUdlin It. Tbe outer portion Is tucked to tho I can entertain companJ and onjor can 1 t myse lf out." condition. and goCB to s leep on a dIvan. line of the bust In both f,ront and back, them. I can visit :when I choose, and A eml1er III announced and Underwoo,1 But Annie had already opened the and these t ucks continue on the walk al far Q8 any ordinary womanw drawlI a scr (In areund the drunken door for hi m. and smiled • faro~ell. any day In the month. I wlih I could Ileeper. Allcln onters. Bh d man.l ~ 8 promtse tram nderwood ·that he wtll nOl When she ret urned to her seat It the s leeves which are cut In one with the blktoeverysufforlngwomanalldrirl." lako hIs Ute. Ho ~fWl ef! unl 88 ahe will head of t he ta ble. and began to pour balance of the body. Of cOllrse only -Mrs. DEllA. DE'1'no~E, Sikeston, Mo. renew' her patl'Ono.lfe. Thill ah rotu8efl. a sheer or very' thin ma terial should be The most succesSful remedy In thQ 'hnl d lakes ht'r leave. UnderwoCll1 Icllltl out the cortee. Howard said: mself. Tho report at th pistol nwaused In making a waist of this kind, country for the curo at aU forms ot "Ho's a lIre tty decent tel\ow. tSIl't kenl ~o\Vl\rd . He. nnds Und rwopd .IOllf\. aa otherwise the fullness below the female complaints is Lydia 'E. PWloHowaJ:d Is (11 rned over to Ilia pollel'. be?" tucks would be most unbecoming. Obit- ham's Vegetable Oompound. Capt. linton. nntorlou for hl8 brulnl "Yes." she replied. ·absent·mlndedly, ton, ma.r qulsette. net. meseallne and tT atmont of prisoners. pula HoW\lrd It is more widely and successfully through . Ihe th lrO) !lagr e. and Onnlly g"l>! as ~ h e passed a cup oC cotreo. used than any other remedy. It bal an 0.1\ege6 contos!!lon from the ha rassed tb e 11ke are all appropriate. and the cured thousands of women who bav. "He made n monkey at Capt. Clln· man. Annl ... Hownrd'lI wlfa. deolares her bollef In lIer hUllbllnd's Inno nee. and ton a ll ri g ht." went on Howard. "What trimming may be hand embroidered In been troubled with displ9.cementa, tn. 081111 on Jo lTrl ~s . Sr. · He retusll!! to help s! lk or beads as preterred. llammation, ulCl'ration, fibroid tumors. dId he come Cor?" . (lnlCSl! sh wl\1 conscn,t· to a divorce. To The pattern (5178) Is eut In sizes 1rre~la'rities, periOdio pains, backache. 8 11\'0 Howard IIhe conspnls. but wh n IIIl "To see you-ot course." she re32 to 42 inches. bust measure. Me- tbatbearingdownfeellilg; ind1gestton, find., tha t th elder Jol'frtes doell no t I,,· plied. tend to stand by hIli ·son. exc pt nno.n· dlum slze requires 1 % yards of 44 Inch and nen-oWl p'rostratton, atterall other elal1". she Bcorns his help: AnnIe nppeals "Oh. I'm a ll rig ht now," he repl1ed. material for the ",alst and 1 yard cif 36 . meanahadtaued. Whydou't1 0u't17lt, ~o Judgo Brt'wst r. attorney for J rrrl el!, Looking a nx iously at his wife across Inch lawn tor the gulmpe. wltb 1'1» ~~~~~~.~~~~~~~=~~ ~ r' i to take H ward's case. He deoll nes. 1t II r porteet I hll.l Annte 18 g tng on th the table. he said : "You're the one yards of 18 Inch all-over tor the yok~ . ~ATURALLV• ~ta.ga. Th ~nnl( r and lUll wtra call on .that neods tuning up. I beard you Bnd sleeves. ... uag BrtnvlIter to Ond lIome way t pre· vent It. Annte ' ngaln pleat'lJ with Br w· crying lost night. You t~ou ght I was ·. ,er to deferid Boward. H con· prooure thlll J>8ltern MInd. 10 cent. asleep, but [was.n·t. I dldn't say any- 10Tn"Pattorn "ents. Alicia III ' greatly a larmed Del>artment," or thlll paper. :whe!" sho learns ,tram Annl that thing be ause-weU-1 telt ki nd ot Write name and a~dres plaI nly. and ~ Dre\Vlltor hM ' taken Ule claBO. She calllure to ¥Ive 81:1e and number of pattern. · blu e myselt.'· 'fuselJ to Annie t hnt IIhe called on ntlor· "Wood t hl) ntght ot hts denth. a nd that sho ·Annle sighed and leaned' bel' hend • lIas, hIs IIlller -ln' wh.leh h thT aten a lIu lBIZEl ...... _......... . NO. 6178. on her band. · Weanly she said : <C!1c'le. but begs tor time b f01'O !;'Ivlng (lut tha trrtorma tlO!!. Annlo promises Br w"I was thInking over aU that we'~e t:'A.M.m..••••..•.••.•• ~ ••••••••.••.• ~ •.••••••, .t('r to produ e the missing woman at B. m.c ling at ·hla home. Brewster accus 8 Placod the Rolli .nd Cutter on tile Table. been tbrough togeth er. Imd what CUnloll of forcing Ii. (lonf sslon from they're s oy~ng about us-" TOWN .•••.•• : ....................... , .• •••••• Uoward. Annl npp~ars wIthout tho wIt· Early visitors wore not so In. . Howard threw do~n hlsnewspaDer IIC'II" and refusel!' to glv 'the name. Alicia a g raftor, a brlbe·t.-'lker. working hand h':lll. BTREE'r AND NO .......... ~ ............ . 1I1TI\'es. . o.pl. Clinto n (Jechtrell Annie hall ' , tricked them. AlicIa hands him nd r- and glove' with dIshonest politicIans. frequ l'l nt as to cause surprise. so. with. Impatlen y. "L t them sny what they like . . Wby STA.TS •••• , ........................... . ... .. ."~ ()0!1'1I letter. Annl I IS · linton U.. 1Iev not hesltaU ng even to diville loot with out waiti ng to remove h I' apron, ahe tit letter ..... (\11 Wrltt n to hel'. Sh Is I),r- thieves and dh'e-kpepers in his g reed went to the door and opened it. Dr. should we care as long aa -we're luted. for ·wealth. He proved him to be a Bernstein entered. hapDY?'" . DAINTY YOKE WAIST. • . ,. , CHAPTER XIX: consummate. liar." a man wtl.O woulc1 "Oood morning. Mrs. Je~l'\es," he His wlte /lmlted aa!lly. _ etop at nothing to gain bls own endR. said. cheerily. Putting down his medl"Are we ha ppy ?.i she asked. genUJ 'The J elfrieR ~!le. suddenly entered What jUI'Y -would tllke tbe' word oC cal bag, he aSked: ., How la . our pa. "Of course we areI" re pl1ed How: Into n~ entirely n ew phase.- an" once s\lch a mtlQ as this? Yet tbls was the tlent tbls morning'" ard. · . .more WI\8 deemed of aumclent public man who sUll Inshtecl 'that Howard ",All right. doctor. He had a splen. Sh~ looked up nnd smllf'(}" It 'WD~ .Interest to warrant column · after col. Jeffries was guilty ot the sbooting did nlght's res t. I'll call him" good to hear h im say so. but did he I'IUmn ot , spicy colllln'ent In' the ne ws. ot 'Robert Underwood! , "Never' mind. [ want to talk' to' you." mean It? Was she doing rlg1t to ;'lIa pera. The town awoke one morn~ut pubUc o])inlon was too IntelU· Seriously. he went all: "Mrs. Jer!rles·. stand In the way ot bls enreerf \Vould g to learn that the long' Bought.for gent to-be hoodwinked for any lengt.h your husband needs a change of scene. he not be happier U.she lert Mm? He '. 'ltness, the mysterious woman. on of Ume by a bruthl · and Ignorant po· He's worrying. That fainting spell tho was too loyal to suggest 11:. tlUt per· ~.hole te'sUmony everything hinged. l1peman. There was a .c;,hunpf tor the other day was 'oIlly a symptom. 1'111 haps In bls heart h e desfred it. LookHb:-Dld 70U Ing at him t~nderly, sbe Wf)lI t on ' Ibad not only been Cound.but proved prlsoner's release. The evidence was afraid he'll break down unless-" ' the robbery? "Unless what?" she demanded. anz· " J don·t'.questlon your alfa\ltlou ;or .to be Ilie prilloner'/l own ·wlte. who sl;lch. tha t further delay was inexous· DIx-Yea, and I upecUng a. lbad been 80 acUve _In his der nse. able. Tbe district attorney, thus iously: ' me, Howard. I belleTe you 1m'" me. any m.oment to. Jiear: ~ ~at tbey have He he31tated (or a moment, as It .un· but I'm afraid that, sooner or later 'IIfbls announoement was stupefying 4rged, to(lk an . active Interest In tho arrested the wrong maD. •• nousb to overshadow nIt other news case. and ·a fter going over tbe n ew evl- willing to give utterance to words he you'll lI.l\k youraell tbe question ali of the \ day, and ~atlsfie d ' the most derics with .fudg flrewster. went be· knew must InniQt pain. Then lie your Crl nds ar.a 'cssklng now, thu quos. Anlwerlng tt)a Dean. , Jaded ' p'alate for ' · sensatlonalism. , tore the court and made tormal ap- quickly continued: . tlon everybody seems ·to be Il,lklng." Tlte man -who Thae~eray callI "the Ij., The qUe,slto,! asked on all Iides plication for the "dIsmissal of the com- " Your husband Is under a gr~at "What question ?" de!Dande4 Row- ' greatest wit ot all tlme"'-:"l>ean ' Swlft was: Wby had not the wlte.come tor. plaint. A few days later Howard JeC- mental strain. Hls Inability to sup· ard. . ot St.· PatrIck's eathediuJ, DUbllnward beloreT The reason. as glibly.' frl os lett the Tombs amid the cheers port YOIl. his banlsbme\lt from his "Yesterday the bell rang and a gen· was as ready to take al (.0 make. a ezplained by. an evening Jou~nal of !Jf a crow(\ assembled outsIde . . At his pr.oper sphere In the social world Is t1eruan said he wanted to sefl you. I tort. ' , aomewhat yelloW pro.cl1vUleli, wal log. IIlde walked his wlto. now Immog mental torture to him. He feels his told him you were out, and he said . ."Why don't you doft your hat -' to Sool enough. The telling of her mld- throu gh 1ears of joy. posItion keenly. There Is nothing elso J'd do just as well. handed me .. . me?" be aaked at am all boy who 'w.. nIght visit to 11' s.l ngle 'man's rooms It was a glad bome·comlng to 'the to oc'cupy his mind but thoughts ot ~rd. On It was tbe name of the newi' coall,lng alC?ng an obstreperous .o~t. involved a sho.meful adp:1iulon which little flat In Harlem. To Howard, art· bls utter and cotnplete Callure In Ute. paper he represented ... • "1 wUl," lIald the lad, "If your bonor any woman mlght wen besltate to er spending 80 long a time In the I was talking to his father last night. "WeW' w1ll bold-·the goat'. borns!" aD make 1}nless 'forced to' It as 0. last narro",: p,r lson Quarters. It seemed like alld-" ' . "H~ a8k~d . me If it were true tbr.t . ~09D swer ' which 'dellghted', ,the c1ean ..eztremlty. Con.f ronteil. hOWever. with paradise. and' Annie walked on ·a lr. so ."And what 1" ahe demnnded. draw· proceedings (or a dhorce ~tfre about Yo-u th'l ' com~an'loD;. .' ,the alternative either soelng her delighted was sbe to Ii.a ve him with lng herself up. She suspected what to be ·insUtuted. · [: so. w.htln? AM Thill; da~~t,. "a~st . alve. U8 a ~1a1n , busbapd. I!ufter tor a" crime 'ot which her again. Yet there \II'ere stili anxl· was coming. and nerved herself to could I give him any lntorlllllUOI: Con m~el wlt~ a 7'Qke facing to render Maternal InltlncL .' • lila was Innocent or maklng pul>lIc no- etles to- cloud their- happiness. The meet It. ... . the subject? I aaked him wllo wanted It ornamental, A sln,l, broad panel },frl. RatUe-1 am. lure tbat il my ' Imowledgm~nt of her own frailty, she close conJlnement, with Its attendant "Now. don't regard me as an enemy," the Information ,and he said thl! re~d. forms the tront and a elmUar one the bad c~osen the latter course. Nat- worry, bad seriously undermined How· said tho doctor. In 0. conc\1latory ers of hJs paper-the people-I' bellev" back of thls waist, but at each thoul· baby with the pInk . ribbon' oyer ~ there. urally, meant divorce frow the bank. ard's health. He WRS pale and atlen· tone. "Mr. Jetrrles Inqulre'd after his be said over a million ot th.m. JU81 der there are tWo tucks 'I n tront, one Mr. Oynlc-lIow can you tell It 10· er's son. and undoubtedly this wa. the uated. nnd so weak that he had sev· SO}l. Bel1eve me, he's very anxious. think, Howard! Over. a million lIC"" fun length and the other l)1ort and readll1? 1;oluUon most wished tor by the ramlly . .eral fainting lI'J)el1s. Much alarmed. He knows he did the . boy a great In- pIe. not counting your falber roo l' two .of tun length In tho bacIL Tbe Mrs. Ratlle-I 'can recognize It by The whole unsavory atralr conveyed a Annie summoned Dr. Bernstein. who justice. and he wants to make up trlends and relations, all waIting: closing III aiio In the back. At the my pet poodle the nurse baa with ~ood lesson to reckless young men of adminIstered a tonic. There was noth. for It." know why you don't get rid of ma, neck there ill a IImall Joke. IIquare In her. . . w ealth to avoId entangling them. Ing to causo anxiety, he .snld. reas· "Oh, tie does ?" she exclaimed, sar- wby you dop't beHave me to '>e as b!)ll fron,t and round In tbe ~k and thll II • selves b: undesirable 'matrlmonlal ad. surlngoly. It was a natural l;eactlon castlcslly. as they think [ am-" applied, 110 that It mu be omitted: Full A great anll ,.valuable knowledge II'. 'Vontures. But It was no less certain, atter " 'hat ber husband had under. Dr.Dernsteln hesitated tor a momeat Howard 'raised his hand for hel length o~ elbow "leevel may complete went on thi8 jOllrilal18tic men tor. tbat gone. But It was worry as much before replying. Then he sald,lighUy,.:- to desist, .' '.. th~ wal8t an'd the.ae have a group of ·to know when not to talk. ,Any, ' one this wife; unfaithful as sho bad proved os nnythlng else. Howard ' wornell "Buppos\3 Howard goes abroad (or a "Annie-please!" he plea(\ed. tiny tucks' at'the Inllde 'of the elbow. with the power of speech can talJri~ but "That's the faot, isn't It7" shu This wals,t wlJl make' up prettily In It takes 11 :wlse be~d to kee~ Ine~t .... h erself to be. had really rendered her about his rather. with whom he was rew . months with bil tat.b er ·and hU6band a signal service in her pres. only p:ll'tlally r ecoll cfleel; he worried mother?" laughed. . measallne. foulard, pong41~ Yolle, chev• .-nt scrnpe. The letter she had pro. abont his tuture. which was as pre. '''Is that the proposlUon '" she de"No." lot, challiS. cashmere an~. all the du ccd. wrllten to her by Underwood carious as ever. and most ot all he mandeli. His wlte's head dropped on the •.able. materials, such a. ,Ingham, the day belore his death, In wblch he worried about bls wife. He was not The doctor nodded. She was crying now. Unen, etc. . «tated bls determlnation to kill him. Ignorant of the circumstances which . ' '-1 believe Mr. Jetrrles bas already "I've made a hard fight H... d'" Tbe pattern (5090) Is cut In IIlzel she s obbed , "but I'm gol ng 't 0 g°l:r, 42 Inches2 bust Medlu· m selr. was . ot coul·se. a complete vlndl- had bmught about his release. and spoken about It to his son," he said. a up . 83 sizeto roq)llres yard, measure. s of 86 Inch mata. OR Ion for tbe mnn awaiting trial. His while liberty was s weet to him. It had Annie choked back a sob and. crag· l 'm tl1rough-I'm through!" . llberatiou no w del>ended only on how been a terrible shock when he first Ing the room to conceal her emotion. Howard tOQk hold of her band anlf rial !nd ~ yard of 18 Inch tucking. wmi' her back turned, looking carried It to his ·Ups. procure pepartment." th1s J)l\ttern at send oents Quickly tbe ponderous machinery of beard that she was the• woman -who stood I d H . toTo"Pat~orn V\lslQ pajlar. t f th Qf' , 9n~ ~. a· t h e law call 1d tn It e cognizance ot this h a d v III Ite d Un d erwoo d s rooms. He au 0 e w now. er voIce was "Annie; old girl." he said, with somlt Write name and addreea plainly. and be refus ed to believe her sworn evidence. trembling 8S she sold: feeling, "I may be -weak. I .may bl! lIur~ t<;' ¥Ive 81I1e. an~ numb~r at pattern. lIew and ll'_ost Important evidence. 'c:~p! ' deligh~ · The ne w t UI'll of aiTulrs was na t. How was It possible? Why shOUld she . "He wants to separate UB, I know. blind, bntnobody on top ot GOd's green IIZE. NO. 5090. llrally most distasteful to the poli ce. go to Underwood's rooms knowing be He'd give half his fortune to do It. oartb can. tell me that you're not ttle , • ,'U,' . I If t here was one tblng more tban was there? Jt was preposterous. BUll Perhaps be's not altogether wrong. squareBt. I!tralghtest little woman til . ~AME .. !I' •• • ••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••• • • • nnoth t'r whlC' h angered Capt. linton It tIle s ma ll voice rang In his ears-per· Things do look p;etty black for me. ever Uved! I don't care A damn wi TOwN. :. I"" : . : •••••••••• • ~ •••••••••••••••• was to lalte the trouble to build up a haps she's untrue ! It haunted him don't they ? Everybody believes that one million or eight million thin .. <:ase only to buve It suddenl y demol-I till OD e day he a sked polllt·blaJ1k tor my going to see Underwood thai nlgllt Bupp'oaing you had -received · lettel" 8TREET AND NO ................. , ..... . . 1 hed. He scoffed at the "su icIde let- \ nn expla nation. 'fheh she told that had eomelhlng to do with hls suicide fr,o m Und erwood . supposing . you hai ter." .sa£ Iy committed lo , .Judge Drew. sire Itad perjured herse lt. She was not and led to my hus baI\d being falsely gone to his rooms to beg him not, t.':I slar's custody. nnd openly branded It the woman. Who sbe rt!ally was she accus~d. The police built up a fine roo kill himself-what 'ot It? ' It 'would _b. fl S a fo rgery con coct d by an Im11}U ral could no t sny . He must be satlsfi e ~ mance abou t' Mr. Underwood and me for a good motive. -«Oouldn·t I.J(I\ 'fW~Dty .y.tlarl 8g~ .th.• lIv~rSge ,lite wom~n Cor th purposo of deCenttng for the pl'eS'cut with the assurance -and the newspapers! . ETerJ other them tl\lk all the bad ot you ,they wIID.L . the , e'na~ or Ju lice. He Ite()l Aunl e a that It was no t his wlCe. With that day 8 r.c porier COmeR and asks ue I don't. lJelleve:a word of It-yOU kn(l~' InluraDce policy was tor ,2.606' It II D ore tl.an. J3.0DO. ' prlsof?,er and defie d the COUIIl!e l tor . p~ was cont~nt, What dId he care tor' when the dlvorc'e Is going ' to take I don'l.·' . . the derense .to do til ii- wors t. .ludge the opinion of others? He kne w-that place-and wbo Is going to IpS" tute .She looked' Uti and . . Ncfllhb~~IY. !Sympathy. Drewst~r, who lov ed the (rny. nccept< was .enOil gh !. [n their conversatIon on the proeee",lngs. Howard or me. If her teil.rs. "Bf.: die way," said ~l.... 'Gabbles. ed t be chall unge. He aCted promptly . . the sLl t-jec.t Annie did not ·even men· everybody wo.uld only, mind ·thelr own '··You're ·6~. "o"d',' del'," she elil. llil .,• cu· red .·uni·"s release on 1.u (I',enS· Why should "he'." b'us lness and let us alone he ' mIght. clalme~. "Yeil, I.. knO-vtl Y " ., u ~ l llon Alicia's name. D you beHeve 1"1 "dld you hear about Mrs. Goodwln'l <:orn'us proceedings I1nd. bls civil su it Weeks pas.sed, a.1d Howard's health ·f orget. . Oh, I don' t ~ ~an you, dooto~. me." 'She slopped and conUIlUfld. sact, bUlband' He tell and broke bll let nsalnllt. Ih~ olty having' already t 'Jgull did not Improve. He had tried to find You're my friend. Y'lU made ' "hol't Iy: "But you're only Il ~,.., rOll knoW', laat DIght." ' ":Yoli don't layl" elc)almed !If ... Ie (b.e ,\ot'lTts. 1l suddenly called 'npt'l a poslllon,. tiut without luccess. ,..et work of C:'lapt. Clinton and bla 'contell- What ot, the tuture, the :rears t!l G.dby. "1'11 run oyer and condol• IlIIton to t4e ~ tantl and' gave him every day ' brought Itl obligations slon.' 1 m(:)tUl people--outsldera- come'" Howard's face became • I11lUn!.\' \Vbl h more than atoned for I which ,had tc)~e met. . ' pne mornmg strangers-who dun·t · know \i-, and rJoul, and sbe WeDt on: ..'fOIl .... ~ith them at once anc! le8 If I can', u ) ' wbl u th police ·tyrant had pre- . AnnIe was blist1iq about tt.elr Un1 don't care whether we're alin or ~e'ad: you've thou,bt about It. too. ua41()U·... bonow & cup of butter; .I'm enU.,." floualy m'ado hll ~lcUms su! r, In . dining room pre\)arID, die table tor Lb988 are th~ people l ' mean. The), tr}1DI ht bide. It from me. But Jutl ~ut." , tile of a lensational trial, In theIr frugal luncbeon. Sbe had JUt bU7"" ()n~t paper and the, thiDt C&Jl't, YQUt 70D to .. • ervanta were cbargod placed the ronll .and buUer OD the It· 'IIvoa ·them the rlpt to ,~ IIlto 'allll'Ollll wtth . • Iri-.!Gi& or- trUst, bo table, .ad 'arran.eel . wla.D eY817 of our U...." . "Uiran.':,:',,-."T . "ull, an4 ,there ~ a fJb d~~..Ifor~·:a ; QI~~~ ~:'-'P"~p'1i;~J@c.~~;;.:
Practical Fashioris
To.the -Last·
M~QthfU" oy. bowl
I t I t • • • • •• • • • • • •
Pri son ers
JUsea ses of Paras Itic Origi n "Cause Consi derab le ,Dam ap Every Year to Agrteultural " ln-t.erests--.FI~lds Shoulc S' be Watch ed Caref ully and EVe'i"y Means Taken to Er,a dlcate Pest.
teYevG.otlHulth u. Pteuare
.Ho pe
Come-fo Uow the
'til you Join
the merry throag of plllate pleated men and women who have tuitaeeking for
~~ -
SRAEL was returDln g from the Babyloni an captivit y. The land lay In rul us. The walled cltles and, s lrongho ldl had been leveled wi th th. Real.ati lfldioe in eft1J' ,1Ull-ln ap and aparkle -vim grouud; and th.e re waa nc aDd CO. QueDdJ a tlie thint-eo o!. like a breeze. prv L etlan for · the re tur ning exiles (rom their enemies, ~hiD.-Wholeaome WhBt then was the st ronghold to 6f! E".r ywhe r. whloh the prophet urged. them to fi ee? TId COCA-COLA CO. WIlS It Jerusale mT No, only heaps ot AIl.Dt_.. Ca. rubhlsh showed where the mighty 53 walls had been. Israel unclers tood what was meant. Had not God been the strongh old of their people since I:IU':r-'u " Smith a ll the the time at Abraha m? Had not David new wrinkle s. . sung: "Ood Is our refuge and strength , Ho-Fa tal mis take. He WOD't get .. a very preseot help In trouble." Even woman In his store . . 110 all Ood's people bave found HJm the suprem e stron,h old In time ot dau· PITIFUL SIGHT WITH ECZEMA ler and ~ouble. . ID the Old Testam ent Ood Is repr&"A rew days after birth lIented In every charact er ot protec. an Infiame d spot on our we noticed baby's hlp tlOD and detense , trom the beautifu l which soon began .preadi ng until pastora l charact er ot the twenty· thlrd baby was A. Normal h.ad of wh.at. B. Whea t affected by atlnklng amut. C. Looa. psalm, to the words of Moses' son, his eycs, complet ely covered even tn ernul. D. Normal head of barley. E. Head cov.red by 10080 ears and scalp. For eight ernut. that thunder out, "The Lord Is a mall weeks he was bandage d trom head to F. Covered amut. of War; tbe Lord Is His name." , III toot. He could not have a times of danger Israel had orten for- .clothln g on. Our regulBr stitch of The' amut. .ot grain are dlsealle . ot . gets tood by ateallng trom physiCian tbe gralD Botten the Lord and 80ulht other help. "DI'on'OU .paraalU e orlaln, and Bre , f.mlllar to plant. Tbe threads get ibto tbe.".graln ers Ilnd found them wanting. Ther a very Ilced it cbronlc eczema . He Is able physicia n and ranka w.lth enry farmer. .They cauae blackllh , or leat, and there ,row very faat; and had looked toward Egypt and found it .~utt)' malliu of powder where tbe flnally they break up Into the small a broken reed; they had made allegl. the best in this locality, neverth eless, the dllease began spreadi ng until sraln of wheat, o~ts or blU'ley ought round spores agatn, and the smut· 'Ince with the heatheD to their 80rrow. baby . was to be, OD 'the leave8, ears or otber mass Is thus produce d. , complet ely covered. He So now' the comman d or the prophet waa loalllg l1esb so rapidly parte ot the corn. This black mass that we beIn a word, then, the smut Is a para· lings out, " Flee to your BtrQDgh old. ya came alarmed and decided to try Cutl· may be In a compac t ball, as In tbe site composed of tiny threads , whlcb vrlsone rs of hope." .1!t1Dkl cura Soap and Ointme nt. n, smut ot wheat; or It may be live Inside ot and' ateal their . 1 nutritio n "Not unUl I commen ced using Cutl· "Prlson er8 ot Hope." That t. a . , 0010. powder y masl. aa tn the 1008e Jrom the graIn plant. aud finally r&- beautifu l phrase which haa passed Into cura Soap and Imut of wheat: or In the oat-.,mut. In produce by lpores (the amut-du st): our laDguage, and It has wonder ful what he lookedOintme nt could we teU wbeat, the aUnklng aml.lt·m all hila an and the .. s~ore • ..;an each like, as we dared not odor like . that of 'd ead lIsh. which la tbread wblch may again produce a depth ot meanin g. Hope la anticlpa . wash blm, and I bad been puttln&, one H.r Fath.r' . Child. A Cataatr oph •• IItart Ut.e tlon with possiblUty of realtzat lon. appltcat Jon after another eaalty .detecte d In tbe field, . or In the disease in anotber plant. The. slx·yell.r-old dauehte r of a weil· on him. On A cat was being chased alon, Ho~ Itrlkes pleaSan t chords for the removin g tbe acale from bls head the known evangel 1stlc -preacher was roof barvest ed grain. . Tbere are two commOn ot 8 New York buJldlng. It 108\ ' Tbe smut parasite I. a fungus plant wbeat- the stinking amut, smuts of futur e. It I. everyon e's sunshin e on balr came off, and left him entir.ly playing on the aldewal k ODe when Its balance and rell on a boy wbo waa or . bu~t, dark days; It 18 the rainbow ~ compos ed afief bald, of ,delicate. but a IIl11ce Ibabbll colorle88 and the loolle amut. Theae are easll,. we have been usln~ y dress~d and downca st man Btandlng OD a balcony on the aeconel threadl , whlcih Ibe Inside of the' grain. dlsUngul/lbed In Outlcur a Soap and Ointme nt he haa approac hed her fatber'. honae: tb. Oeld. -The aUn.k. ltorm, the .l1ver Hnlng to the passing a. flootl. Th e startled boy fell In bl. much balr as ever. Four weeki plaDt, cd which are 80 8mall that Ing Imut causel most damage Halting at the toot ot the ltepl, he turn, landing on a baby carriage . but the cloud, a It~ set In the firmam ent ot after we began . forto use the C~lcura looked at her. and In a weary voice- , tUDBtely . 10011' aD;lut III . jUllt aa wldel, dlstrlb- our lives to brigbten , lighten empty, wblch another bo1 and cheer Soap and Ointme nt he wae entirely tbe voice of an unllnec:esaful book was wheelin g In the street. The 1lrat uted, 'and In the aggrega te causea con. UL cured. I don't believe anyone could agent~he asked if her father might -.iderlable damagll eve r11ear. boy dlalocat ed 'hll wri8t; the cat w.. • Beacon Light Ie Hope. have eczema WOrBe tbaa our baby. be tound In his study. Watch ' caretull ), for loole 8mut at killed. A man who III held by hope that '~etore we used the c.uUcur a Rem. "He Isn't bome," saJd the mUe clrl, besdlng -out and flowering Hme 'of the Is In blm, a: hope that rules him, that. edles we could bardly loo'k drawing at him; he close to him, and gulng up wbeat. The success tul borrow er Is aa quick urges him on, that Is tbe everpres ent was aucb a pltUul Bight. Be would Into the tired face, "but he'll be bome 8S lightnin g. Also Take )'our Beed trom tleldl which ,oal for wblch be atrlvea he never strlkea as a prisone r fusl unUl I would' treat him. tbey pretty loon. You go lllto the houle, have .IItUe. or no 8mut, and thua keep ot hope. It Is the beacOn twice In tbe same place. . light that lemed to r elieve blm 110 mucb. Cutl· you poor, perishin g soul, the dlseallo from Inereae lng. Thll at leads him on. It gove~ns and the upward cura Soap and Ointme nt stand by look after you till 'he comea. mother'lI least ",111 belp to keep down the sruut. tendenc y of hts manhoo "-Youth ·1 d. Abraha m'. themael ves and the result they quick· Compan.lon. 'Do ' not tr.y to grow wbeat clean or faith and hope made him loolle amut Dear anotber wbeat field God, and the tather ot a . trlend of Iy ane! lurel}' bring la their OWD rec· which you··kno w wilt have 10010 smut. Becauso ot the hope tbat the faltbful . om~endaUoD ." (Signed ) Mn. T. B. Not for Mr. Hercule.. was Set , ba. ROller, ' Mm Hall, Pa.., Feb. 20, 1911. Hercule s had finished h.1a twelfth since · tbe wind will carr), the disease tore him ho went out. from bls own Althoug b CuUcur a Soap and Oint· labor. Cut out cathhla~rtI ~ea~a:IIJI:~d,~UJ~~:: brutaJ, "Bome distanc e. , harsh, Ui • land, not knowIn g whither he "..ent. ment are lold by druggis t I and deal· "That'l the last'" he 8sclalmecl. Raise your~eecllD a leed'plo t, and "He looked ' {or a city that CARTE R'S LImE hath tOUD- era everyw here; a sample ot each, poBIUvely refuse 'keep I It free of 'weedl and clean or datlona whose 'builder to do another one !" LIVER PILLS ' and maker II with 82-page book. will be mailed free Thus we see that even Hercule s Purel, 'veln!tablle. Act 100ie Imut b,. pttlng and plantln l Ood." Hla hope wal In the God who on appllcaUoD to "CuUoura," Dept. was not tree from chian leed. ane! the~ b,. . proper pre- lJad' proD;llsed that In the "IS" lupersU · him should all 29 It. Boston. . Uon. cautton a ~eep It cleaD.. nations of tbe earth be bleBBed. The,e , are two common smuta ot Mosell, becaule of the hope that W8I Would Try An~ther. . JUlt 60. barley 'which are .llmllar In many ra. .et betore him, refu8ed to be callee! tbe There was gOing be a picnic that "Why do they call a ben boy tn a specte to the two smuts of wheat. Ion ot Pbaraoh 's daughte r and took morning . ' saYII .the toClevela nd Plain botel 'Button l?'" The covered amut Ii dlltlngu labed bla place with the oppreall l!d people ot Dealer. Tbe llttle boy prayed before "Becau se' bp's always off wileD you SMALL from the loose aUlut by the fact that Goil He led t.h em through SMALL DOSE. SMALL JllUCL the great be retired at night that It ml,ht be need him most, I gueslI." ~lbe1 tan 01llJ' be aeeD bJ' th& aid- of a tine Genui ne must bear Signature the hlgh'po JVer of the mIcrosc ope'. It app,ears later ID tbe 'Ieason ; tha' and terrible wlldern esa ,!,lth the hop. of the day. And "ben he looked out window .The 'ungus , 4oe!! bot produce' seeds. 8mut·m asae8 are bsrder and blacker : Dt the promlae d land ever betore him, was raining. at the peep ot dawn, It ., bllt · re roducea ltaelf by mean8 of the beards are usually not changed , The prophet a, because of the hope In liporee. The' amutt)' maal, or amut· and the smut·m ass breakl up leBl eaSt that was set before them, the hope ot wouldnthe evenIng the IltUe' boy 't lay his prayers . "Mamm a," d\l8t,.la compoaed ot these apOl'~. The IIr· a happier aDd godlier people- with. asked. a's be was going to bed, The' amuts of gralnl liporel caUBe an an· atood tyrants , rebuked · tinrlght eou. "where ' a~,le rounel ' ce1~, "Ith do tbey BeU Idols? I want to , tblclt "all8, ao that the),' are "Welt pro- nual total lOll to farmers of mllllon i ' nesl In hllh places, sutrered indlpl. ,et one to worship ." Modern Ethl", ~ecte4 ·,apinlt . dl'1ll1g ' up or other In· of dollara. Malt of this 10111 csn be ties, persecl1Uon and death, and lett or Do not kIck a man when be ta down. 'W'l~ WheD the I:Iporea encoun ter prevent ed by .Imple ,and cheap treat- the record, th(l,t they were pl'll.o nerl o( 100,000 people last year UBed Turn him over and feel bi the otber' Exactly . ' t.ayorab ie cOD~UOQI the,. ,ermlna te ment or'the aeed. . bope and that their oDly .troD,h old Noting that anotber pIece of valu· pocket. -Galves ton New.. Paxtin anel tbUi n!pr¢U C8 the ' ~lIliale. A e Toilet wall their God. AntU eptic \ . able china b~ been broken, Senator IIman thread la proliucecl. from the The ne~ toilet genn.lcl de powder to be at. Paul.goGB 80 far aa to aay, l'We Allen asked his houseke .. Ex porta of ahe.p, . lira. WID.to'!!". SOOU!ID~ 8jmp for ChlI4reu eper how the eporel, craw. " ~ 14I.-"h, and · ma:, disaolved in watet: as needed. are saved by hope." That hope wu breaks Ie occurre d, and she ID 1908, 94,600 sheep aotlena tbe .'1111" r e 4 _ lAJIalDlIla. hastily re- \eetblor. bJ'&llch. OD,8 of theae fuqu. thread. trom tbe United States, were exportee! let betore him when &.lGD, alia,. palD', <lurea wiJul ooUe, . . a bOUle. For aU toi,et and hygleDl c WJe8 it. Ie he became a plied: while In 191.0 I better ahel more econom icaL . ~ets bite, th, .plD P~ilnt. ~ne! there tbe esporta of ~beae antmals amount ed f<lllower of Ohrllt 'and It beld hIm "It ren e!OWD and just broke ItseU." Beauty Is Beldom complet el1 aaua· To Aye aDd beautif y the keep. ~n Cf01do-=-aa{.Jlianc~~. It. ,to ollly a~,600 head. ·prlson er to the end of teeth, ' lite. remove tartar and Be suf· '. "Merel, . aD automa tic brake," QuI.t- fJ'lllg. Tlae birds that line are DOt the tered hardshi p and IH!raecutlon. In hlB 11 eommen ted the lenator . pre"ent deca,.. , ones that are gooe! to eat. To disinfec t the mouth, de, prison cell In Rome hili body waa beld atroy disease germs, and by the chains that bound. him, but hll . purify the breath. . Boul waa tbe prisone r ot the ' hope To keep art.lficial teeth and .-~ ~....- ~ ... - ~ ;r..:~ ~!:a.a " that was let before him. . "I long to ~,;-- .-~ bridgew ork clean, odorle u depart aud be with JesuB," be says. To remo.e nicotine from the teeth anet The Star of b.ls life was ;drawln g purify the breath afte.r smoking'. _ ' ~o era~lcate perspir ation and ~ onward and upward . • odors by 8ponge ba.thlng . J~'U8' Sup rem. Hope., The best aDtisep tic' wash known. AllolJ me with all reveren ce to cow. Relie"c s and strengt. hens tired, weak. infiamedeyos. Heals sorotbr oat,wou Dd. to th" suprem e lIlu~tJ!atlon. · ·T be writ. and cutll. 211 and 50 eta. a box. druggi st. er or the Epistle to the Hebrew s telll' or by mn.ll postpai d. Sampl e Free. us 'that Jesus, tor the Jo,. ,Cd the hope THE PAXTO N TOILET CO.,.oaT ON,M.a . that was set before Him "endure d the. .:r088, despisin g tho ahame, and Is set' down at the right hand of·· the throns' of God.': He alBo wal , a prisone r, 0( liope. Was He a prisone r of the Roman· guard In the garden of Gethse. msneT No. "Thlnk .st thou tbat I cannot now IIray to my ~ther; ~d Ho Ihall present ly give me more tban 12 legions ot aDgels r' Was He prisone r ot Pilate when He ltood In tho judgme nt ball; .Teaua .Bald to him, "Thou couidESt have no power at all al1lln8t. mt!, except It were given thee It will brinll yon more ·Crom above." Jesus wall ·.ed br mone y. Send for Catal oj. great bope of a reDewed and.. redeeme d' f P.iLD EDE RlCK 'S SON S huma&ft)'. r 100 Tivon St., Albany, N. Y. y~u ·who ·, have loet loved onea·. by death, 'what ia your. con!lolatlqn"i That life contlnu es 'thougb the hodY. decaya; that yOu s'ball meet Q,alDW bere there ,.,J ' 'ofll,t.papcrde~ la ' DO ' more Borrow, 'nor " . .iriri~ l 0 bia, paiD, tor 'the {ortner anytb~ .dver.,. tiled ia 'ib ~\lmlll . •hould iDIiA upon passed away. . h."iDa wbat they uk for. rcfusiag all ,PBul, ';BOrroW ' not , ~ 01 imitaliooa. havo ·no hop.... And t "We have :~.trong c<il~si:J'latiloti', Vi'ho led tor refuge .to let before' usf an ancht l' bf both · i~~.dfalt ,." ( I: 1~'.) 'Hope 111 Christ II toth. ·lt~ tbe inner ~an what· IprlD,l1 1 dtlliDJal world of Datur e-u
The Ori8bW White
LaundrY Soap
, ,
Jt allJrocers
B If t
Don't Persecute Your Bowels
;l ~~~~
Inste ad of Uqu ld Antiseptics Peroxide
CASTORIA )lor Infant, u4 0IiD4!n.
The Kind You Hava" . Always .Bo.ushl
Signature of'
'wrf.... I·nt..
IlJ Ii8t1NItUaJ
.. •
_.. ,_., . _c_ _
..,.-'.............-.--......--.........--- --.----,,,'-si:. I\r Ab~~t -p-;;ie-1.0 Re.asolis' Why _-,---,-,------1
'1 ry a Fig Sundae at Schwartz'~.
F. H. Farr was in Lebanon Mon~ day 'on bU8ines.Q
T he U .. S. Government Built the
Panama Canal .with
flinest'mill Obio Latest ·Ball-Bearing Machinery • In
Mrs, Alice Hawke, of Lebanon, was in Waynesville Tuesday.
lItlas POl1tlj1nd e~m~nt
The August brides spent last Monday together in Waynesville.
Miss Donna Hawke is the guest this week of relatives in Dayton
FIRST- The Best and Most Uniform in Qualitv
Cold, rich, delicious Ice Cream Soda,5c, at Schwartz's.
IsieMrs. Harry Murray and Mis, JesMarlatt were Dayton visitors last
Mr. John R. Moroon, New York. Sir:-There has been 2,000,000 barrels of Atlas Coment used in the last 18 months, and although very strict and complete tests have been made, there ha.ve been no rejections. Respectfully, F. C. BOGGS, Engineer U. S. Army.
Making the Highest Grade Flour· and Giving the Best Satisfactien
Thursday . Mn. Rebecca Randall was the week· end guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. White. .
Our fl our TIe' kets l~°ti~e.~~ ..~~~..~.l:~~~.~ Surround10' 6d Towns'
N. L. Bunnell was in Leesburg Monday looking after his canning interests there.
Will be accepted by
The Gazette is indebted to Mr. J.
"!.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• _ _ _ _ _~--------•• D. Marlatt for some very fine Ore~on
Kid. Hem iettti \ioKlnsey retnrned The ?eath of Landes Holloway, bom~ from Dayton ~aturday e ve. a promment fanner, near ~lma, oc-
We are now installing Ball-Bearing Machinery in our Feed qepartment enabling us to do better work and doubling our capacity so you will not have to wait for your feed.
Mrs Annie O'Neall was the guest of friends in Harveysbur&' a few days last' week. . . Mrs ~rl8Cllla Compton and son, of Dayton, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Davis. . 1. N. Hatfield, who bas been very '11 h T esd h 1 was on t e dtreeta u ay mue . 1m roved in bealth P • . . Chas. Cornell and famdy attended the funeral of Mrs. VanPelt in Wil. to Th ' rsd . . ~mg n u ay. Mill8e8 Laura McKinsey, Luclle COr-nell and Clara Hawke are camping at Chautauqua. . . . Mrs • .Juha Donavan, of Indlanapo· lis, ha.s been the guest of relatives here for some time. . Mr. and .Mrt\. Allen H~nes and B?D, of Xerua, were guests of relatives here last week.
Our Ball-Bearing Oat Pulverizer
!ling nooorl)pllnied by her niece!! cU.r red July 17th, death bemg due to Mll'ses BehlD " nd Rot.h Harrl... 'Bright's disease, of which he had Will grind clear Oats as fine as Middlings. ALL FEED ORINDMrs . Hope ~f.i1es and Dora. attend been ailing for some t~me. Th~ de· . INC 6 CENTS A BUSHEL Ad the fun arlll of Mr . Nilnoy Stiles ceased had never married and lived ., i V II W d d with his sisler Ida He was 59 t G · ",pr ng 1\ ey E nes "'.'1. ' '. ' 'I . years old was one of the best known Oh I l . 8 row n an dr I\ml 'I were . h' . .. HundllY goests of I'elatives at' Bell men In tiS vlclmty, and was well . . known here. 1,>rook. I . . Mi88 Laura MoKinsey is ollmplng The funeral S~rvlCes were held at at Cbl\ucaoq00.. . the house on Woonesday, and was at. ' Mies Dora. Stiles and Graoe Pat tended by a large numberoffriends. • visited in Xenia rflOently. Mr8. W. W. W. Arnold il! viait' inK ber '~on .mhello and wife at Rip Mrs. Frank Weller, aaed about ley,.Obio. 65 y~, who lived east of Center· Min Lillie Nedry spent 1M' week vllle dIed Monday at her late home NOTES FROM .HAUTAUQUA gram and assembly to be the best in tonain and Dr. George R. Stuart in Barv ysburg with rela\lvel. Th!3 funeral takes place toda)' at the the ,history of Chautauqua. will preach, and a grand sacred conMr. and Mrs . D. Helmstetler, 0' 1h~~. Rev. L O. Thompson offiDuring the first'\\eekofthe Miami During the second week of the as- cert will be gi'ven; MondllY JUly 31st Day'on, spent 8aturday and t:)unday clatmg. The deceased leaves a husValley Chautauqua many large se\llbly an exceptionally fine program ~he Oxford ~llege will hold its anwltti relatives. . band, ~n, and daughter, ·Mrs Morcrowds gathered to enjoy the num- will he give". On Thursdav, July nual ~union and in the afternoon MUiS Alma Waterhouse is visiting ria Ro~ers. , bers of the program. ,T he speake~ 27th, Dr. Peter MacQueen ~iI1 lec· Hon. Qhamp Clark, Sp'e&ker of the at 'he home of Ed EdwlLrds and .- • and entertainers are all rst class ture on turkey and Russia; Friday, Houae of Representatives will give family. SCHOOL BOARD MEETS Mi~SteUa ~mmonisclerkingin and the best that can be obtained on July28th"Dr.J. G. Huberwililec- anad~ressonThe Ul'lited' Statesin . Obu . .:Re,Ynold~ aDd fe.mily and The school board met Monday eve- Janney's drug gtore, during his alr the platform I The mornin~ courses ture on "The Mission of die Christian the ~tlrcentury,;Rosarii Juggler will W, W. A~DOld Were Dayton v181tor8 ning, hut there being no applicants, sence at Cbau~u1ua. of an educational nature have proved Endeavor" and a Chtistian Endeavor give the evening entertainmen ~; Ba!urday: ' . '. _ . ' after routine business, they ad. ' . to be most inter.esting and the class. Institut~ will be held, in the ev~nin~ Tu~y, August 1st P G H~lden, journed to meet at call of the presi- E. V. Barnha~t lost h~ store k~y es are the largest in the history of Prof. Adrian, representing Luther the Corn Man and ,1Wsani; Wednes· dent. Thu~ ev~nmg. . Finder wdl the institution. The athletit' depart· Burbank, will tell of the many won- day August 2nd Le Brun Granli ·New. BurlinKton • .; • please restore It to him. ment has provided for the out. door dars wrought in tbe phlDt world 'by Opera Company, Th rsdaj', August · 'l'be o. E. soCiety betd an io" Oregonia. . life of young and old and many de- the ~eat scientist. Saturday July 'Sni, Dr. Carolyn Geisel and a Hjghoream tOOlal on tbe Gburoh grou'lda,) . Messrs. Adam S~~ and George lightful games and contests are con-. 29th Dr. R. Stuart of Tennessee will grade'Fir'eworks Displ'ay IThe pro. saturday evening. Mill Rothe Ker8ey, of ("hiolanatt, ~1l at~?ed a meeting of telephone stantly taking place. Base b.all ! lecture ?n "The, . ~or1~'s ,Bid for ' ~ramis indeed a banner o,ne and the , W'm. J(endenbalJ and famn,·, ia speading Iler lummer vaoation dlrectors 'm Lebano!l Monday. gamE'/J. tennis. tournaments, t rack a Man," m the evemng Kmg 8 School largll~ ~rtohwds that, c~bme eacdh day as • M an cl M El 0 t ' . . . . . f' EI . d Ex .• '11 we ·as e severa '" ousan cottagPeu u ro d · , rl~'h ~et om ~!on sF ... witb ber parent. bero. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hawke. of Kar-' m~ta ~~ wfater carnlVTahls are amo-pgf l o . i.oRcutlon and J I.Ptr,~Sl?Sn Wd I ersand campers a~e '.t:njoyi.ng-to tli9 ",~n ay w. , _r. ,an d _rs. reu Mrs. Berta Mote' Atvla retarned b nt Sunda ith ' Mr the specIal . eatures. e success 0 give omao ~n u Ie ,. un ay: utmoat'one .6f the mstltiltion's most MoKinsey near Xenia ' to her home in uayton MQoday .thr veys urg, speH k Yd fW il . • the first week shows this y.r'8 pro- I,July S~th Rev. E. P l.OUBe, of Wis· successful season~ . J1.," B I'11 an 1fam it y, ". ' d a pleasant'vlsit . ' · llIldMrs.J.C. awean amy.. '. . "r - · ~...r. an wit~ relatives bere. om ti v18tted wUh ~nos . MJ'. and Mrs . .Toleph Kerley and Cruahed Oranre Sundae, Sc, at 01a ' ssiHad' Ads Mrs. Ed. , tttd!1 Bm "~d ' famUr at. Cedllrville the Mr. and Mrl. Will Kersey and ohll· Schwartz's. fore part,-of the week. dr~m lpent Sqnda; with Elwood , ~. ' Racbel · Mill~r,. Margaret Ault and ~amily~ Mr. and Mrs. E. V, Barnhart are .Ada will be In"er~ unaer thiS head for Haldopk And Lenna loeilhower vis· Mr. and Mra. George Mo'e and rusticatjng a ledays at the home of twenty·Ove cents for. i hree Inserll 'Ju. , l ,L' . . when using not m~re than Ove !incs. ned EJ Is ,Pattersol,l nnd family Ions, of Ootambua, paid a weet..end ~. and Mrs. Chas: Harner east of Dear Centerville last ~eek. visit to relatives bere. . town. . . . . , . - - - - - - - - - - - -.... " . , FOR. SALE! OR RENT . ' Miss Vera ~~tter8)n is tb.e gaest · Mre. Fred Gove and daagbter. 'of relatives bere. Dorotby, aooompanied J)y Misl Ma· Mrs.. Schuyler Matthews Blld . ; • - • 'belSberwood,returoedtotheirhome daughter, of Cinc.innati, ~ere SunN Excellent farm of 115 aorell, . . . .-,\ Spring Branch In Betbel Friday. day guestS of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. abun.1"noe of w~lLter, nioe house . , Qaite a n~mber of oor 'yo~g PB9 . C1'088. of 9 r.ooms in good oondition . For Mrr. Ada patin .e ntertained on pIe attended tbe loe oream soolal at ,_ ' partioular8 irqoire at this offioe t!atorday Mr. and Mrs Dlokson Wellmau .ti'loturday ~T8nlnl Mrs. . Rutq .tarey and Mrs. 'Flo Whar~o~ of Mt. Holly. Mr. and Mra. R B. Emmons aDd Dyke, of f?ayton, were guests of Mr. Mrs•. J. B. Ohenowetb entedatned lIiss Virginia, ~nd Mr. aod Mre, and Mrs. F. C. Carey SatQrday and FOR SALE tbe following Koeststionday in bonor Georse Mote I1hd Ions attended tbe Sunday. . of her.son ~uy an.d wife: Mr. and surprise on Mra. U; d. bberwood, . M M of 6 roOms 'andowned 8ummer , rs. Tb omas L1I.0y &nd d aOK ht. ers, of LebanoD. Sunday. . . esars. H~ry W. e11Ington. and HOUSE ktto~en, formerly. ~y Florenoe aad Edna and son8 Warren Dr. JOhil Kersey motored op from Thurston . Den,tberger, . of ChIcago, 6eo. Thompson. .Inqllire on premand Barry and, Mr. and Mra. Olar. Cinointlatl one day lut week to vii . are spendm~ a weelt WIth Mark Da- ilo(' of MIs8 Manie RobiDson . via and family. . enoe Thomp80n Ilnd Mr. and Mrs. it relative, bere. OOD Sow aad P'g8, aU In fln. Olark.Ma,':>Q. . Mias Vallia Craddook WI• •lie ' . oondltioni Fer partioular. adKillS Mae Laoy: was the guest of Sunday goed of Mlu Emeline Hermann Bode and famtly, and dl'888 kaurioe Illver, B. D. 4, "'bY Mr •. Walter DlLkln on BundaI' aud Jeffery. . Thoa. Fetchan and family, of Cincin· nesville, Ohio, phone 41 2r. Monday. • -. nati, were guests of Mr. and MfS. Mr. and Mrs. Josepb Haines bad When Palen ... Wa. Piety. Roy Marshall ·Sunday. INE Higb Grade PIlLyer Piano in as tbeir gueat8 Tbu~sday a~t~rnoon, In the days of the Purltanl the frood oondition manufaotured their nle1e8 Misses Maggie and nocks were not unknown al a penalty Mr, and Mrs. Eugene Foster, Mrs. by one of tbe .Ill rgeat an(l mOIlt. refor iooktlll too healtby. Ruddlnell of , TrllJena Edwards, of Dayton. complexion waa a crime when a ,aWit Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Butterworth, sponsible p~llno mllkor. in tbia ooun . try. Tbe plan~ ~ wall t&ken in 8S se Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Laoy and visage was regarded u an outward of Butterworth Station"were calling oority, and is -ipr sale lit abargl1in on friends here Thursday. . fllmlly bed . the following guests Ilgn ot &anctlty. Doctor Echard, wrt· CaJj Ot ILddres8 Wa.ynesville Nation. B~nday : Mr and Mra. Guy CheD- ~Ing In' the earl, elchteenth century. al Bank. Mr. and Mrs.-Chas. Leyes, of Day-' tb M Ob lie' Laoy and Mrs. remarks: "Tben ·It WU they wou~d leareely let a round raced man go to ' , owe ) r. / ar J. II. Ohen JweU.. and daughter beaven: It be bad but ut~le blood 'ln ton, were in town Monday. Mr. pAPER NAPKINR-Tbe Gazette Frances. bis cbeeka hla condition will account· LeyesreJ)~nta t~e C. A. Cooper & " , of(loe bandJe!l tl1e plain wbite Mr. and 1rll'8. Frank . Dakin enter. ad danlerou~, ~nd, .1 wlll,ulure you, a Co's ~addlei'y businesa, . of Dayton, and colored napkins. Oall and flee tai~ed Sunday, Mr. and Mra. Frank very honeilt mini.of laocu lDe complex- and is taking his bride 01. a week on' them. h' Md · .. · d !oQ. If .he changed to come Dllh ·~D· of· his route with him · ','.. d .O00k an .. . a~g . ~er, .,a'O e, ~r. an: ftelal zealot'a ~oule, mll~~ be' ~t !n ' •... . . T1tiRUE PAPER":"lf yop , "'''nt ,.'1 ' Mrs. Ed~ard . OQok and ~augb~er, the stocks, on1f' lor·looklnl treah ,:oD a ' , . ' . .', . . any ' ootol!:of flu~ ·tiNue, pilper, .: t ~l.,nn" ..,anci ,IIQ.n· G~Qrge,M,r. and , rt_ol!~Y )~~~~• .': Few ;,~f'the.ranua1'7 ' Mr8" ,~nie nq~on,:n~ ,~~ie ~llatt~e~~~teoftloe: ' W~'l"I1:p ; , M~. 'W aUer: pakln : and s!>n, . H~rri r~~ea ·tc;.l~e ·.I~en In a Londo~ .Itreet' Edwards, of l:l.~w~tJe~ .hd ... .81'r1;ved it .on haDd ..ll the 'ime. ,llndMr.' aDd Mr8."8 . ·C. ' DlLktn . . '., howrer" :Uld r:!1~.~ r11~ ~ ~w- bere' Su1iday on .8 bulintis t~p: ,¥rs. . ., .. . Mte.Georl&la' Gordon ·· wall . 'the Ina' ,..~? ~ .. I ~~ "3. " " , BUTtton was married .July I't. · at.. ==;:::=====;::::=:;:=:::;::::~ gueat ·of. Ada Oa:Jttn on Thorsd.y. " ,. New~tle, 'imd ' her ' friends f'. bere . '. -. LosT ,. . Ill. KatIe EVan-'.·,~ I>een ~tt- . Appointment. . , ,,ish h~r h~pp~~ . She .lett L • " ,• "'.: ' .1.- . ~. log II~ • .Gcldl~ ·HartsOOk . ~be put ,, ~ _ -"':, .. dq for her home In ~ewcastle. ' . .' Mft...o. ~ . . . . . . . . . .4.:.11.. a6;' tile ..1.1.. wdtte&"-YGa week. '. . Eatete of Hmma MClCarn~' Th~ . • ~ . , W.ATOB St1~~nft, Elgin malre.. , ~ VI . . . . ~ - -. VI' .-- . . . ' r
Waynesville Mills c. M. ·ROBITZER - - - - Proprietor
.AstOry of deep heart -interest in which mys intrivue and •••
~}~~~lt{~~;W~l~~"I~·~':!III:!n: adventure~
Notice of.
lin. EU~~~~!l . Obeilo~~t~ 8n~r rrF~~~p,~ ~f r.QO~ ~ ~'
::.r.' w....
k1Hcl i!lr.. ~41'1ba i'raDk· HarUoo~ ... tMDlJT·"~daj. ' "'. . .'
:~ ..
, ~To o~,
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r .tiIf~CoI7'l{ De";'" ~=/. ~j8-:e ~:.a~~B'e~
"'_.tiI..;.. "" ever .' ._..'.
'." ~ ~ wi.,.·..... ~~: of odae~ ~~ -~_ It. .
lalhD~lIOD. til. faR : ~bIm -..4 tuna to NaJlOliat 'Buk .... ~ve • W ATOK -trOR. TIlE OPE~G '.................-: D~~, ·~'~~!=~~~·Ir'~P. iiwln pe~7~'O ~P'•. _tabl. ~ _ .. . .' _ ".! ~ ~ .. . . ' . . . . . ; _.~ ~ ......_. _: ~.:~.",,'........;...,~....~~~tf Cleo
HJXTY_"E 'ON I) YEAH. .------,--.,.~-..-
...... ~------..... ~.
I Former Citizens ,
.-.....-.--..... .-.. ~
Born- To Mr. and Mrs. J . Seibold, nee Martha Compton, of Hamilton, JUly 24th, a daughter. Miss J ennie Hardin, has just returned to her home in Morrow, after a delightful three-weeks trip t o Thousand Islands and other places of interest. Dr. T. I. Way, of Cincinnati, who has been in attendance . at the Dentists' National Convention at Cleveland, spe~t Saturday with relatives in this city on his return home. - Dayton Herald. Mrs. G. T. Hawke received a letter from Mr. W. P. Har'ford, of ~hi testone Landing, Long Island, N. Y., staling that his wife. Mn Ella Harford, was very ill . Her many, friends here are hoping for an early recovery. --~--.~-.
BOOME'O FOR -OOVERNOR The Washington D. C. Times of July 25th, has the following to say , about Matt R. Denver in regard to his beinlt boomed for governor, It says, in part: With 'a 'g ubernatorial' boom in tow, Rep. Matt R. Denver, 'of Ohio, returned to Washington today to receive the congratulations of Ohioans and fellows members of the House who had learned of the annexation of the boom let. , For a long time the Democrats at Ohio have been tbin~· ing of running 'Mr. Denver for gov· , emor next year, but the , movement , has just taken real.form. The boom cauifht ~r. Denver in its swir! while '~e was home looking ~fte~ hIS farmmg and manufacturI~g I~terests. All. he wo~ld. tell hiS frIends was that It was mighty - nice" of them to conslde~ hirr., f~r the honor. All that he will admit now in Washinifton is that. he .will not run away from the nommation. , Mr. Denver enjoys the ~istinction of having been thre~ tim,~s nomiTlat, ed for Con~ress agam~t ~18 wl~l a~d ,of three tilJle8 carr'yl~g a dlstnct nominally 6;000 RepUblican by about the Same plurality. He ' is one of the foremost advp' cates 9£.' Gov. Judson Barmon for the 'preI!idency and 'it is said Har, mon's friends feel kindly 'disposed toward ,Denver as tne successor to t.be govemor a,t (X,lumbus.
T 2, 1911.
- ---.-. .-...-....-.--+-~..-..-----_~_I __ .-..+
I Personal Mention Here and There
::;a~Hf:~~~~~s~~ngWeek i-s~ci;l-E~;~t~ -j
The is unu3ally fine. On Friday, August 4th Wm. A, Mrs , Chas, Etlwrrds was very L. A, Zimmerman was in Dayton Mrs . Harry Williamson is spending Sunday thp Napoleon of Evangelism pleasantly surprised Sunday. Tho 'e Fridav. a few days at Cha utauq ua, will speak on " Nuts fO,r Skeptics to present were Mr, and MI's. Ed EdRalph Miller WaR a Sunday visitor) Miss Helen Marlatt is at Chautau· Crack"; in the even ing a Japan ese wards anJ family, Mr. and Mrs. Al Shutts anti familv. Mr, and Mrs. at Chautauq u a . . qua, the g uest of t he Misses Janney . play by King' s School. Saturday, August 5-Gen. C. Fran k Shult s , MI:s. hrislie McKinGilbert Graham was a Middletown Mi !l Mary Wharton moved into Eroughton will lecture on "Down in sey, Mrs. Edward!>, Mr. and Mrl'. visitor last Wednesday , Ed Woollard's new house ISlit week. the Dumps," and in the evening the Chas, Shel'\vood and family and Mr. National Cash RegiEter o. will g ive Nur Brown , A fin e dinner was Mrs, Rebecca Randall visited relaMrs. J . C. Hawke spent a coup',e an entertainment. served. of days at Chautauqlia last wee~. tives in Harveysburg over Sunday. Sunday August 6-Dr. Cyru!:l J. . . ' . Kephart will preach in the morning ~ lSS Hem'letta M:KI~sey enterMrs . Emma Dakin has retu rned Miss Mabel Babb, of Spring Valley , and Rev. Len G. Broughton in the ~med a company of g Irls In a char~ was the guest of Miss Pearl Colvin from a vis:t to her son Guy, near afternoon; in the evening a grand mg manner ~!lturda~ afternoon m last week. Osuorn. sacred concert will take place. honor ~ he~ m ec~s Misses Helen and Monday August 6- John Z. White Ru th HarriS, of Dayton, Games J os. B. Chapman arrived home Mrs . May Miller and son, of Athens la.~t week from Chi cago, with a big Ala " are gu ests of Mr, and Mrs. of Chicago will lecture on the "Dig-, and music were Lhe diversion of the nity of Labor" and l11umination aft'9rnoon. Ruth Hartsock and Helen bunch of ponies. Mahlon Ridge. Night will occu'r that even ing. Marlatt winning the prizes. Dai~ty Mr. and Mrs. John' Fromm and Mrs. James Pogue and Mrs. Abbie Tuesday August 8- Waters' Con- r~freshmen ts were served , The mDeady, of Chicago, were callin g on daughter, of Dayton, spent Sunday cert band wil' be bere; in the even- vlled ~ests were Laur~ Rosnagle, friends here last week . I with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke. ing N. J, Corey will give an illus- of Sprmgboro, Ruth Zlmmerm~n, trated lecture on "Verdi: the most Ruth Hart8~ck, Helen a~d Corrme ' , Mr. and Mr. A. Maffit were popular of the Italians." , The Sherwood family reunion was Welch, Marie Shu tts, Mmerva Ha:held at Lebanon Sunday July 23rd . g uests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. CorWednesday August 9- Hon. Rich- Ian Helen Marl att, Edna and Adrta Several from here attended. nell , a t Chautauqua last Friday. at:d Yates, ex-Gov. of U1inois, will Cornell. ____- -A LONG.LlVED TREE Mrs. D. W. Meeks and Lavone Mrs. Eliza Haines and Mi!'S Eva deliver an address on "Politics;" in Burton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Morford were in Xenia recently, the the evening N. J . Corey will give John Stanton in Franklin last week. g uests of Prof. and Mrs. G. J. Gra- "Goethe,and Faust, in Art and Mu- Dan!. Cox. of Lytl e. ate some sic," pears off of a tree on the Walter ham. Thursday August 10- Prof. M. M. Kenrick farm last week that he has The lawn fete given by the Loyal Mr. and Mrs H. A. Cornell and Wood will display the "Wonders of been eatinlZ' from for 76 years. Tt-.e Sons and Daughters of the Christian daughter and Mrs. W. E. Cornell the Gyrflscope or ~ono-rail Car;" variety is called Summer Pyrmains, church Thursday evening '\ as a big attended Pomona Grange at Mason in the afternoon at1d in the evening and the flavor seems to be the same success. BASKET MEETINO Saturday. will be the "Romance of Reaper," each y~ar. The tree has not grown Lester Ivins went to Columbus with colored views and moving pic- much 10 the last 25 years, but the The basket meeting held in Mr. and Mrs , W. H. Allen, Miss fruit is always good Thid year the Hough's woods ,Sunday by the Ferry Tuesday to start in his new work. Georgia Hadden and Miss Elizabeth tures. to make a success Mr Ivins is gound The assemblies will close on Augtree is simply loaded witb She fruit. and Waynesville Christian churches Stewart were' Chautauqua visitors of his new position uet 14th, but many of the best fea- The tree was cultured by ~anl . was well attended. Rev. Sam CrabSunday afternoon , tures of the program are yet to be Wharton, gr~ndfath~r of ye edlto~, tree, of Bowersville, pastor of ! he Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Ellis, Misses seen and heard. who w~ a pI?neer 10 orchard-tree Ch ristian church of that place and Misses Whitney and Mary Wads- - - - -... - . culture In OhIO, and who had a large secretary of the Greene County Sun- Martha O'Neall and Jessie Marlatt worth, and Ga~e and Bardaw Wads· orchard near Lytle as late as the and Mr. Harold Howell are spen.ding day School Association. delivered DEATHS worth were guests of their uncle, ' 10's. , a few davs at Chautauqua. two excellent addresses. near Dayton, last week. ------ --~.----~ Beulah Irene, granddaugMer of ' The sQng services ,were cond ucted 0000 UNION ,MEETING Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Coleman, Mr. Mr; arid Mrs. Joe McKinsey and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ' Rosell, was by Mr. Crabtree. In the morning and Mrs. Fred Henderson and little Miss Lucy Emley sa'lg a solo in her daughters were g uests of Chas. Cor- son Clyde, of Morrow, Miss Ruth and called from pain and sorrow on Sat- The union meeting was held at the I oS,ual pleasing manner, and in thA nell and family at Chautuaqua Sun- Master Frank Harris, of Dayton. are urday morning, July 29. "Suffer Christian church Sunday evening, , visiting Mrs. Alice McKinse~' and ' little children to ('ome unto me, and and the church was well filled. Mrs. afternoon special music was ren- day. daughter. forbid them not: for of such is the Larkin, of the Orthodox I<'riends' dered by a quartet composed of MesEva Funkey returned to her kingdonl of God." T~e funeral was church preached a fine sermon on dames Murphy and Cline and Messrs. Prof. Geo. L. Clark, of Ann Arbor, held Monday morning, Rev. J. F. "Redemption." The choir was well S. Crabtree' and Walter Elzey, and a home in Chicago ThurSday, after a duet by Miss Emley and Mr. Crab- pleasant vacation with her parents Mich., was calling on old friends Cadwallader officiating. The, body represented and 9O~e good music here. Mrs. J. ""1\. Funkey accom· here Saturday. He is enroute home was taken to Miamisburg for inter- was rendered. Mrs. B. S. Howell tree. from Alabama, and stopped off to ment. sang a beautiful solo. Tbese serv~c('S were interesting panied her as far as Xenia. , visit his home f<>lks at Lytle. • - • The services for next week will be and inspiring and very much enjoyed Now is the time to buy your mon· , KINDLY REMEMBERED held at the Orthodox Friends' by the large crowd assembled. Rev. and 'Mrs. J. F. Cadwallader ument as we are going to close out f M church Sunday evening; Choir re· 'tati • - ••- - --left Tuesday morning for Winona Th roug h th e so IICI eve ry monument, head stone and on 0 rs. I h h F 'd SEARS ReUNION '" J : A F nk M J B . h hearsa at the c ure rl ay eventablet and make prices to sell them : Lake Ind., where they will be joined • . u ey, :-so esse urton w 0 • - t 7'30 'I k ' ,, The Sears reunion will be held in If you want a monument or am thing by Mr. and Mrs. T. Lee Adams, of is underltoing treatment at McClel- 109, a . 0 c o~ ~ ••_____ PIANO KECITAL George Sears' , grove three miles in our line it will pay you well to Kansas City, and Mr., and Mrs. Chas. land's hospital, Xenia, was the reo Moderwell and son Horace, of Chicipient of a shower 'of post cards . .. before you place your orcall ,here southeast of Centerville, on Saturday , rom neighbors , and friends with . The pl~no reCItal gIven br t~e pUt cago, and together spend the greater der. , We have over three hundred August 12. EverYbody is invited to expression. of sympathy and wisbes plls of MI88 Myrtle So?ders I~ ~he come and bring well-filled basketci. in stock 90 you can see just what part of August. Mr. Cadwal,lader for a speedy recovery. MI'\!. Burton M. E. chur.ch last FrIday evenm~ will return in time for the opening A' good program will be rendered you are buying; all of the best granis very'grateful for the kind remem- was v~ry enJoyable and was att~nded of St. Mary'S church the first Sunday F. C: Merkle Co" and Lytle High School orchestra will ite. brance. by a large and apprecia~ve audience. in September. 214 N. Main St., Dayton, O. furnish the music. Each performer acqUitted herself very creditably and the class as a whole, reflected credit to the teac~ er. Following are the names of those who took part: Mabel Cast, Luther Reynolds, Helen Marlatt, Irma Hough, Alice Carey, Mary A Good Time and Expenses Paid-One Boy from Each County Sherwood. Ruth Zimmerman, Ruth Made Happy Hartsock and Mrs. Furnas. '
The Franklin Chronicle 0f last we,ek carries the fo llowing announcement and endorsement: "Warren County will choose her elegate to the Ohio Constitutional Convention this fall. While tht're are a number of able gentlemen that wo uld represent our counly with credit it seems to us that the logical candidate is Hon. Seth Brown, of Lebanon. Mr. Brown was a mem o ber of Congress from this district and servpd his constituents wi th fid elity , His E'xperience in the House of Representatives wlil be valuable to him and to us in the coming Constitutional Convention. He is a strong and upright man. Of mature years, he would bring a ripened judg ment to the imp'.>rtant questIons thalj.must come up. Of HII the men who have been mentioned in this connection, it seems to us that Mr. Brown would best 'meet t he demands We beli eve that he will be chosen and we hope to see him named wit hou t opposition." Mr. ,Brown informs us that he appreciates and prizes the kindly mention, but t hat it was made without his suggestion or knowledge, and and that he is not now, and that he will not consent to become, a candidate for the VAry important position of ,delegate to the Constitutional Convention.
- .- -+- - -----.- - ...-.---------
William Rich. who lives on the Kirby farm west ·of town, left .his h,Qme July 21, ostensibly to visit a brother in Clermont County. He was to have returned the following Sunday evening, but did not. His wife; becoming alarme,d; made a,n investigation and found that he bad drawn all his ready ca.~h from the Lebanon bank. Nothing has been heard of him The StB.te. Board , of AgI ioulture LEARN FARMING, OOMEl ON TIMID. than flve hundred words Bnd send it since,he left home. Neilthbors think will invite one boy fr om eRoh counNo bny 'should ma.ke appJi lation A mltjority of thoBe present may to the seo,retary of the , State Board that ,his mind is affected as his ty to be its gtie~t ~t the Ohio St!1te for t.his honor nnless he aotually eleot and oertlfy. The boys should of agrioulture. '],he essl\ys will be FlI.ir, Aogust 28th to Hepliember 1st. wl\nts to l"nrn more I1bont B"'rlo01 arrlvA at State Fair .rounds by judged and prizes awarded. actiuns had been stranlte for some ...., Farm bOJII between the Ilgas of 15 tore. T, he Sta,tfl Fail' oosts '100,001) Doon of the fl"st day of the Fair , UNl"'ORlIIS time. , Of ,.,. Mr. Rich is a prosperous farmer and 20 are eligible k make IipplloR- and is worth ma.ny times that sum They will be toxpeoted to stay until t1on , All ex ,'en,se oJ this trip will to the f"rroers of' Ohio if they will Fridt.l.v afterno,on of the fl1it'. Tents The boys w1l1 be in oharge 'of and his wife cannot account for his be puid by the... Rtate Board of Agri- talee ad \o lln~e of Us leRsons. The be ready t;unday, August 27th . care f u I an d oompetent persoDs d ur· goina away. • _ ,. oulture. following nRmed persons wi11sele'jt iog their I1t&y in this o'~mp. Eaoh <"\ ' A VERY LAROe CROP Ii'RIllE UItD AIID B )AnD the boy from eaoh oount.y : GOOD ONDUOT. should bring wUb him a pair of , " The wo~k will be light, suob 8S light brown overalls, a oolored shirt , E"oh boy must work four bours PRESlDll:NTS oS' THE FOLLOWING: i d \ b lId and ree. hBn(lkerobief, whloh will Never hav.e,the'residen~ of Wayne eaoh day on the Fair grounds. sleep keep ng gronn a' aD· u inglf in , 'wwnship had a bette'r ' chance to in Ii teot 'and e(l.t three meals 8. dB-Y', County Fair, FlI.l'mers' Institute, order, mesllenger servioe for offioen, be worn in work honrs gatoer blaekberries than ' tney havl' Be wust visit every dep!l-rtment 'of I:lohool ExaJDiners, 'reaohers' losti, aS81ating in sbow rings, watohing IMPORTANT. this' year. The'· briers ~re simply 't he Fail' and ,write in It. note,uook tute. Oounty 'Comriliss,ioners, a 1,1 and explaining ,~xhlblts, eto. Good ApplicatiOD should be made in the loaded, ,-nd a Person ,c an pic~ a ga,l- ' "he tbin~t! whioh most Interest bll!l. other flsr~~r organizations and pio. conduot will be requir~d. ~o pro , boy's own haridwritlng , and ,flied Ion of ~erries off. Q~ , two or three 'l'be'State Board of Agrioulture de- ni08 Oounty Suudltl"'.' Soh(lols and', fanUy OF disslp.atloD allowed. If with tbe President of tbe Board of br~l'lt. , , " ;', " !' .,'"" . ,,'. stres, to e~phasize the: edocatiiQDa~ Ma8~~r of 8Qoh Grllouge,'. Newspaper possible, ,Il yisit to the great Hliort. County Oommi8lJi9ners, on ,or beThe dry'w~ther ~ ' demrding, tb~ val~e ;:" the Stllt.e ,Fai'r ., The 'bovs Edi tors, aQd Seoretaries of County man Stock F~rm ~UI, be arraoge<1. {(Ire, August, :19, 10 a . m. , Acopy of "i ' f ' th bo' ' 'd .,~ " Leotaree wiU be ,hen by l~ders ' ,, r ~nm~ p .,' , j!m., '. ~~ev~r"an , ()t1n read ~heir notes b,t Farmer In , Filire. . ",' " I t1 A U U tlie ap-plto&'loo' ahould be mailed by • ~~t many ~r~idm~~, up. oil' thE! ,stU utes ' ' " , . '~,' BATU~DAY, AUOUIIT lIlTH, ' p~~r:\~e,n "n ciJ,w.oufJ. ui'e; dran~: ~be bby to, A:, ,P. S~nd\es~ S80r~t&~y , ',tirl~.. ' ,,', • ~_ " ,0/<:, ,,' '"',"... SAl!'E,: TRI P. , " . ; .', ", ' , ' " . ..~. ,0 ,er• . , mll ree ~n goo , S'liote B .rd of Agrlotilt~re, Cola~ , , MIAMlS; AOAIN" " ' Tbls-.will ~e,~, lafo ,,irlp." ,.,per~i~,~ , Eaoh o~ the above'p~rso~1 to Ilave .,~t:o~1I'aml ,or e:T8n~0~. , bal, Obio. ' Blank applioatlon forml ' . . . ~ , 't t .; , 8ton w;1.1I be ,g ~veD the bOY,a,to vi~it o~e 'vote, at !L,m8e'.~!1 ~ bEi ) ;\el,d .S, ~ " :.:.... TlJE SH~W . R~~ ' " .' " will ,be illui' ~rom 901.~b~" upon TJle Mtatnis ttir'ou-gh',numeroQs er.: the Peuite¥.ilary and'ptber ijtate i~; , f,be, (J.o~rt' BC?Q8~~ aatu~IlY, '.UgOI" " Unbeoomtn, oo~duot w{1l o!,uae appl1,oat~OD. Application blAUks Will "t lOr&. ~Bs ~ef.eated Suri~aY by' tti~ .~tutJ~~8·; , Colombusis R,lllnterl'st. ~9tb; 19 a, ~., 8'~Dda~4 time . .~alddll!ml ..&1 ..~4 r.'afD home ~t boy'• •~ beMDfi to Mob I,MIr~n ' elitU~ed , nayto~ }4.onarch. by the score of-9 lDI oi~y. ' Adjotant ,General W~y· meetiDg to,select "8 ,OWO pre.lden' •• xpeb~. Eaob hpf will bereqglNd fio ,,~te. ,~,1ld boll' oaD",8j)u~. them to 8. ,"":. ,,'~, ,'..', ' breobt ,,,l1l detail 'some of hls b~8t' and ~resa'ti88, ",bo sball certify fibe , t;o 8pfIn~ lOme ti~e 'aUhe~how riDI 'rom '~0,18 perioU. ", " Batteri.;-~W80a. 'Herriian and rl oLthe Natlon~J G~ard to n"me of the .boy . • leoted aDd ~r.o Of eaob , 11ft e&ook ' 1!Qll~lnlt and billy. FO,t Jl'11d'h~r inWeaver; Smith and Burton~ Struck ereO' ,SIa~ tenw, fnruish'oots, blan. tbe n,a m.! of 1& aeoond .and ,'~ird bo~ 1!'&toh 'be' jad~niancl. • wardln, of t~~ttOlJ. wrt~ . ( . ,- ' , out-BY Ra"aon 10. bJ ' B~ Ire", !lad loull; artertbe Cbmforhnd as altera.tee oOJila In 0&18 , fih~", Af_ nta'rIllDI' ~o~e , ~ . A. P. 8AND~' iJ:eo'F. br.Smlth 9~ ~ ~~th of the bo1'l' ' flrat bol opJlO"a'~Dcl, . ;' boI' ...., ~"aIU"Q' mOre OolUIDbu.Olato.
' ' .'
. .....
THE ORANOE 'PICN IC The date arranged for the big allday basket picnic at the Fair Grounds ' Leb . T d' A t 15 h anon, IS ues ,ay, ugus t. The speaker for this occasion is Secretary of Agriculture, A. P. Sandles, . a I:-I,ne of Columbus. Mr. Sandl es IS spt'.aker, and a~good man for the position which he holds" Grangers who do not go wi)) regret it. The Stokes Family Orchestra have been engaged for the day and there will be plenty of fin~ music. Ma~e your arra:ng~me~ts, to g~; as you Will have a ~~ ~Ime. , DR. ' FESS RESIGNS ' , . ' Dr. Fess, who been at thehelld. , ' ' , of Antioch college for several years" , ~~ign~' hlli position,there last w~k. ;': andv,dll. be,ut' t,he h~4 "of Ad,a 'lege. .or. Fess took the B;ovemment otAilt~t'>cn, "wher:dt WlUI al11l'Qst d9~il ' and o~~,lPld 'h~ made a huge :sMC:- , ~ of t~e ,~ol1eae" building it up to a,~ea!.t~'8tat.e. ',,' , ' . " He , was ' p~gressive apd. ~ have in a towo.,lnit ft ' ~. ,th~ X,l)ow Spri~ , ~oRle dl4 not like bis, »z;ogr~e ~ and, th." let bimpto new "...
, '--
'The Miami Gazette
claim many new IlthLlsl;lits by hll brlJllan t 'o ratory. D. L. CRANE , pub nshc~. Mu Icnl attracti ons will In lillIe the al!Ue f1uur Enterta inerS, wbo ,wii' , 11PO. U tim first mUlllcal Ilttracti on of t11€. B a50n on Ule' LW ntr·OI·Sl, twenty· sec ~================~-'~ ond find tw enty-tlJlrd . 'l'h 1.(0011' Boy MUSHR OOMS AS FOOD . holr will r 1I0w 011 Lhe twenty-rUth. 'l'h s youngs ter:l fl'ol1l til dark 0 11 Profess or ll'. E. lements , the state tin lit will vres( :,t all IIfLer sting syn" hotanls t of JI1li\nesota. has attracte d By- C. W. Plumm u, Jr. POS1U1II in song of HoU lltol-lalld . ..ttentlon by his estimat e In II. I' cent Grand Oper~ Compan y. bulletin that Lbe nnnu a l waste ot ~ushrooms In the olted But quit Itt mos't int I' stlllg IlIUtate. eQua.ls In yaloe tile entlro agricult ural slcal atlru~: tlon or the prugnu ll Is to ue BI!: grcates t prof ss lon t hBt product of tho country , says the Mantbe olllin at tb LeDrun Orand Op. mnu Gll n tllil e up lOdny Is By Lydia E. Pinkh am's era ·olllpany. Each 1\1 muel' of the hestl'.r l lnlon. It Is ea -y fo r an l'R ' the mini stry . \lut urr"t'e he compan y has up[Jcal' d III gl'!lIld 0)) ra, • ~ thu8ias t In any line of thought or en tok s It Ull be should feel Vege table Comp ound three or th em in leatllng rol cs. Mild· cH II tI to it, oth erwise b& dea \'01' to lose tbe lIeose of just pro. Ottumw a.; IOW3.- "'For years I wau ume L ·Oru1l he rs If \s nn attl'll c tiol1 will preach for ill!! own In- almost a constan t sufferer r,ortlon. and It muy perhnps b taken from femalo without a PilI', 0 11 account of her con· terests \'nther than lb s ror 60\113. trouhlo in aU i t s (or grnnt d that Profess or Clem nta tra t 1'01' tltrc y arB wltb the lllngllsb Wlten n ma n Is CII I1 d to tho mllll strY d r e 11 d f u 1 formsbas permitt ed himself to be carried Ol>era Compan y of H e lll'Y avage, in he IIhould preacb the g sp I and I\o t shoottn g' pains all away by th contem plation of th e which notnule organiz ation h hns ph1l0501)hy nor phys ics; II' h a 0 m ' l1 body, sick waste ot 11 naturul food produ ct which been bis prima donna. 'fhe attrac· loday to teac h theso su bjects. nlld lhn inal Is more or less abunda nt everyw here tion Is quit tho n.l0St amulUo us y t lVorld Is full of Ilool(s lhllt lh ey mllY lind which bas an unqu sttonell food Ill' sent d to huutRIIC)uan s, ' be used for that pllrpose . lIut the M. \V. WooLl, a scientis t, w ho has philosop hy that tbe min 1st I' value. BeginnI ng wilh ellrly Sllmm (' r should Chautau qua Campin g, One of the Pleasan t ,Feature s. attra t d unto himself not a littl e at IlreaclJ Is the gospe l of hrlst. Ulnd and conUn'lllng until late fnll. the protention Uy h is discove ries concorn lllg yoursel f to It wit h all the power Ihllt duction at mushro oms In woods, pasThe twonty· /'lrsl of th e month wns The Tented City. the worldng principl es of the ~yr you bllve In you. It Is the only cure tures nnd wUli te places la somethi ng tbe dille of I he olle nlng of tbe Asselll ' Th t nted Ity lies at the oppos ite BCOP , 1l1l a s light wire strung across fo r the 1.1 of this sin-curs ed world . Do enormo us, and a large proport lon or bly at th Miami Vali y bllutauC'(lI:l cn d o f tilt! h'ru\'c. en 'h l nl omrorta · lhe AudltOl' iunI is to dernol1!rtrnte the oot preach lite rature, as such. nor them are not only edible, but nour- near Frnnlil ln. and tt!C vulley Is nil bl)' !> had 11 frollt th e me doctors . \Joss lblllU s of the lUono·rulI cn r, ThE yourself, nor any other man. nor any- 1 feelmore blazing SlIlIllner it my duty to you these tshlng. In so tar as they are not Btilrob with th in fel"Jst or lh e c\·cnl. S UII . Lai ll out ill a \'cnll a parallei nc h valu e of th e gyros ope fOI' ah' -shIJl ~ thing e lse. Preach the Word . het It facts. My heart is full ' gratitud e to made use ot- and n mall pro[lort ion 'I' ll sc::u;u n Op liS 1111 611i lou sly 1I11t! to >n(lb , diroc Lions Ill' n a y to lca rn nnd mono·m ll car s as a menus of unl· comfort and cheer your wn hearL It you for my cure."- Mrs. HARRTE T E. of them Is eyor gathere d- they ot \lrulIl l,;{Os \/1 ue UII of th ' IIIO!l t ('x('{'I· nlld tb str ets of th campur e straig ht IHI Is to b set forth on the te nll: is a brond fie ld, n 1'1 h paslure for lV AMPLER , 112' S. Ransom Street. the Ilnd r eglliar. . ighbors vie with each and el ,'entb of Augu st under the au sbee p, and course. l' present a loss of possible lent alld Int r~. s tillg s In ce th w II supplied wit h "liVing OttUmw a, Iowa, s tab, other III di RlJ lllying the llIost hom -liK e Ilcrvislotl uf tbis paSl mas t I' In thing! wuters ." It Is food supply, but Bome account must Iis bllle llt (If the vllcatlOn SjJul, tbe gosllel of peace()oDsld er This Advice . . be takcn of the cost of collecll ng and peace on earth and good will to men. Th e plnct" is cI llghtf\ll ly situate d t ont, and SOlD of t he up-turne d (Jups scientifi c:'. No woman should submit to a. surd. reyea l charmin g little Boys Sitting nnd the problem s th y pr sell, lt brings Ileuee to tbe soul hitherto rooms. distribU ting them to c.onsumers, ns along a b nd 1'1 the 1'1,'e r, on at cal operatio n, wWoh mar moan death. th e which at night will be trnnsCo rmcd to parents and tea hers will u,e ' dis war with Itself, Hs neighbo r, Its God. nntilsh e ho.sglve n LydiaE . Pinkha m'. well ae of the dBJlger from some spe- w st bank , and t he water lin bound s into cOlUforta ble sleeping upnrUll ents. ussed by Prot. J. Adams Puffer, whl Spread It abroad. Mnke It ku6wn as Vegetab le Oom,pound a fair trial. cies which are harmful an'd ot at A II' ll·equipp ed gl'oc ry Is main- has worked wltb no less n llerson thar the system ot divine trutb Instlt~ted This famous medicin e, made onl7' least t wo which may be classed as taIned on We grounds and early In th Judge 1... lnd sey, of the JUVenil e (;Qurt tor the enlighte nment of governm ents, from roots and herbs, has for thirty dendly. These are easily distingu ishmorning Cresh country milk Is added al)d whose own experle nc shave glv rulers, teacher s, and leaders of man· years proved to be the most valua,b le ed, to 1)e Bure. by anyone who has to Lb gen I'll I list of commod itlcs at en him a very definite scope of th! kind'. They all need tbls divine en· tonio and- Invigor ator of the female made a study of tile mushro om tribe. t h comman d of the cnmller. EYeJ'Y work Ilnd much valuabl e InCormatior IIghtenm organis m. Women residing in almosu ent. every city and town in the United need ot every-d ay living bas been re- to· pass on to others meeting the sallll but until Americ ans, as a rule, are AlwilYs Go.pel of Love. States bear wtlllng testimo ny to the called nnd SU llplled, and the way o( problem s. much more tamJlJar with tbe subject ' It Is a gospel of love. God Is no- wonder ful virtue of Lydia E. ~ th bau tauq tI >l Is olle of real plea~ure .t han at present. a gNlat proport ion of The program Include s many othe' hAm'a Vl,lgetable Oompound. through vacatio n days. attracti ons and notable speaker s wht where called "Justice ," though be II tbe edltJle varietie s will continu e to go iust; nowber " called "omnisc ience," Mis. Pinkh am, at Lynn. Mau., The formal program with Its round ' wl\l Interest all classes of Cnautau to waste. of lectur s, concert s and enterta in, quans, and for this reason promise . though be has all knowled ge and · wis· invites all stck ~omen to write dom; nowber e called "immut abIlJty, " berfol" advtce . Ucr advloo ls free. ments is augmen ted with round table to be one of the most success ful ane Batllng calculat lontl on the estimat e though he Is without varlablenetlB and C30nftd entlal. and olwaya helPfu l. dlscu£slOns and informa l study classes valuabl e yet offered. .t hat the number of Americ an touri.t. IbadOw of turning ; but be Is again whlcb OCCUPi the mornin g , bours Reserva tions bave been made fron In Europe in a seaSOD Is 300,000 and tbrough out the assemb ly. The prob· 11\1 parts or the M.laml Valley, and I and again cnlled "love." This Is the Too DangeroUI. that the average Individu al expendi In the struggli ng days or Tuskege e. lems which Interest the teacber , the few huye come In frQm other states greates t word In the BIble. God 18 ture by these tourlsta 1. $'760, some ,preache r, the farmer. the busi ness The Chautau qua family which wll love. Learn' the Import of this word. Booker T. Washin gton found tbat b$ one ba. easily figured that about $226,man, · and eVen tbe bousew lfe, are all ga'ther on tbe twenty- first will be 0 t Let It mell and mOVe your own heart. would have to use an old chlckel) and tben pour It out on the people. . bonse ror a schoolro om. listed Cor conside ration. 000,000 of Americ an money Is Ipent ' of the largest In the hLstory of tb. , It Is a. gospel of pardon. What can "Uncle, " Bald be to an old colored Needlew ork classes ..broad In the course of a lIeaSOn; and where "new instituti on. philosop hy and physiCS do ; 01' a sin. ' mlin, ,"I want you to come down at stltcnes " nre to be learned attract Intb1s does not Include the COlt ~t Iteamner? It might tell him to "bebave nine o'clock tomorro dustrio w mornin g anel us fernlnln lty, as do olso t.l:!e ,hlp tlcketl. Banker s who handle the himself " and keep the la~ and It will help me clean eut a henboue session s of the school of IJ alth, which SAVING A DOLLAR A WEEK e." letten of credit for wealtby Amertbe all rlcht with h1m. But he has not "Law now, Mr. Washin gton:', tha Is one of the most interest ing and Itept the can tOUrilltll are quoted to the ettect law; be Is a slnner and al. old mon expostu lated" "you-all don't unique things abou t the Chautau qua Oepollt ed In I Savlngl Bank for ready condem ned. What can phlloso- want t o begin olaanln ' out no benitbat $a,OOO Is a talr average for the prograrv.. Dr. Carolyn Geisel has had Twenty Veafl, It Will Hav. pby, phYSics or literatu re do for him 1 bouse roun' yere In value of these letters, laya the Mande day time." cbarge for several years of, this scllool Increase d to ,1,612. Rev. W. A. Sunday . Nothing . H e needs . pardon, and unU1 Success MagazIn e. eIie.ter Union. Among tourists of the of health, a nd Informa l hlI\ts along the "It Is mighty bud," snld lUI un- he finds It. lhere Is no Wealthy class, says the report, It 18 the groves on two sides. Old forest line ot llracUca l nursing and the art bope for him. An-E-'-9-ht-Y-.-a-r-.'-W-.-lk l com mOD to place from '$25,OOO : to $75 •. trees have stood for generat ions on of cooking D1!\ke the. classes ' one ot rortunat e working man some time ago In order for blm to bE! a good and Hiram Dnyls of Newbur g went tor .. 000 In tbe bands of the bankera , and, the. snore, long before anythin g more tile most popular Institut ions of tbe to tbe writer. "to save up a thousan d emclen t ministe r b e must be a man walk with his fatber elgb' t years ago, dolla rs by laying 'aside a doll.nr or with a Hne persona lity. Ohautau qua. a. a rule, fully two·thl rd. of tbe civilize d than a chance wood·ch opper Jt two a week and then to take It out In and back of the sermon Is the man The father stopped to talk with II • that Is the friend. nnd. Hiram, then about ten yeara amount Is drawn. ' POlslb) y the major or mayhap an occasio nal picnic party Most Excelle nt Program . of the savings bank and Jose It to a BOurce of power. He may Imo\'/ old, walked on. He was never seeD premise of this main proposi tion haa bas discove red the natural c harm of The program this year Is one of the set-ricb -qulck swindle r. aa ( have JUBt creeds, languag es, and may be called atter that until he walked tn been overdra wn; possibly the minor the grove. All the summe r pastime most 'excelle nt yet present ed. There lIone." 'rills poor fellow could work to hi. s an export pblloso pher, but U he doesn't parents ' home recently . premise ; pOIslbly bot.l\-a nd possibly are to be enjoyed at their best, tennIs has been consIde red nOl only the In- and u'Ve. but be bad not bad even a know how to make vital with person· The police all~ the east w'e ra neither,' In any event. It must' be ad· courts, row-boa ts. swjngs and hamkinderg arten educatio n In finanoe, allty the profoun d messag e which he on the lookout for him, the HudsOD else Ills BtOry would have been dlt- I. preparin g, he will mltted that $225,000,000 (. a tremen- mocks providi ng amusem ent for not both ferent. He had never gtven a ' thougbt very much of as a IlIlnlstebe tbought rlv~ was seuebe! i (lnd finally he Walt doul IruIJl ot· Americ an money to be energet ic and phl,e gmatlc vacatio nists. r. Person- given UJl tor dead. When he greete& to JDt~re6t , Ilnd 60 wali absolut ely Ig- a1Jty (s the mlnster taken ( to Europe and leU there ' 'In Ii 's asset. By beln. bls mother It was lome boun befor. Scatter ed througb tbe grove 'are the norant of growth througb coDipound a Obrlstla n he can make .lngle .eason. canvas homes of Cha'l it8uqun ns. the others Buch ah(' could be calmed. Interest . and of couree bad never as he Is. He can recreate tented city being arrange d for tbe men. Ho Davis had been out wellt.-~e"lV York beard of that wonder ful process of can conform them to blmself . .&n appeal for .&merlc an-made rub- twenty-five days of the assemb ly and Sun. accumu lation known as "progre ssive Power of Manhoo d • ber Urel 'ls' made by tbe United Statea ,then like tbe tents of tho Arabs silentcOll\pound Interest ." Men are made by men. David made . cOllsula In Germa.ny, who eay that a ly laid away. The cottage s whicb are THE MARTYR. One dollar deposite d In a savings Jonatha n.. Elijah made E1Jsba. rich marltet Is being overlpo ked by the built back in a section of the park all We bank , tbat pays four per cent. will will take' an Illustra tion of the 'power I"OPie at home. Tbese advance agents their own, go on torever, but the tent. amount of $2.19 In twenty years. Tbls of manhoo d oyer men ed city Is razed with the passing ot the ' and show how of trade pohit out that In Bome of the II Simple compou nd Interest . transien t colony who enjoy the pro- . Now persona lity rules. Take 'tbe story of clUell' on the high road of tourist grams of If you depollit one ' dollar every year J uUus Caesar: the Assemb ly and tben jourWben the great Roman travel. tbere are for sal, but two ney back home. ,for twenty years, or ,20 In all, tbe was still a youtb he Home Life at Chautau qua. Cottage s come early was callture db'y flum to YOUI' credit wUJ have grown pirates and 'chained makes of automo bile Ure., a.nd tho •• in the season and linger until the 8S a g'alley·slave. first estimab le worth ,of meaty lectures lind to 1~0. 97. Any wage-ea rner can put But Caesar told ot French and, German brandll. Th. frost nips out-of-doors 'p leasure s In tbo stories and liang lIonl' dlscu!ls lona of the pl'Qblems of the by one dollar .. week. u.e o't the bicycle a. a meana of tran.- 'bud. That money and declaim ed wltb endleas good h~ day, but the desjre for amusem ent depOSited In a saving. banJi: for twon- mol',: Ohalns bOUnd Caesar to tbe port&tlOD I. reported on tbe lncreate , Locatio n I. Ideal. which Is so keen In the heart of tbe t1 yean wlJl ban Increase d to oari', but Cae.sar bound the ' pirates to 611d, at If to add to the field tor exThe place Is Ideally arrange d for vacatio nist has beeD conside red u 11.6U. A deposit of five ' dollar. a btmself . That Dlght ploltaUo n, many of the smaller clUel Chautauq!1a need~. ·C.rossl ng the nar- well. ' week will have grown to 18.000, and the captal'n. The be supped wltll second day hi. are jUIl ' beginni ng to awake to Lbe> row Iron bridge wh (ch. swings spiderChamp Clark, toremo st politicia n ot this at four p'er cent. will be '1320 a ~- 1 auOW edge' a f sea cu~rents an d' CO'l llte advanta ge of rubber Ures as a part of like across the cbanne l of the river, the day, blgh In tbe counsel s of the ,e.ar. There I. D'O secret; no mYlter1 and the route 'of the treasure -shlplI the postotf\ ce bundlng Is tbe first In people, will speak 00 ' the fitting of general vehicle •. tbe, atterne! )o"of about thlL It I. clear ' a. the clpud: made , blm the first mate of the ship. sight, A constan t stream of Chautau - the last day of July, and the freedom lesl sun and the method Is JUlt at Then he wC!n .the sailors over to ,hlm, quaDS gather at this central meeting of the F hautaUqul1 .platfor m whlcp clean and bonest. --CbrlsU an Herald. and put the An ungalla nt New Jersey farmer captahi I.~ Iron's and ruled 1)lace almost every hour of the day, knows no creed and no prejudic e villI dressed up hlB scarecr ows In hobble the ahip 88 a' king. ' What was -there nnd man hours call tor the the entire , aliow bJm full sway Polly-S o as skirts and basket hats; and declare s colony. he states his NO BRAG'GI,NG WANTED THERE In t~ls youth that enabled him In four bas develop ed bad habit.: How dl~ viewS' "The United' States of Amertbat Lbe crOW8 are too panlc-at ricke,n day. to take off bls cl1l1lns and make )'ou bear about ItT Immedi ately ahead stands the Belle- Ica In the Twentl etb Centu.ry .... by the fashion able frights to come vue. the largest hotel, where a great I!Jmself captain and win a ship? 1t Rev. William A. Sunday , better , Workin g , Man Discove Ool1y-o h" Mrs, Hlghme re In~ttecl r. That Boa.t, was the spell of bls persona lity. It near his fields. Many men will thInk majorit y of those who are escapin g known as "Billy" Sunday us all to an afternoo n tea , will be , the she coo14 Ing About HII Flock of Fowll wa!' the charm dally bouseho of his mailhoo d. Let tell us how sbe suttered In more of tbe Intellige nce of blrdB after ld tasks find themsel ves cblef attracti on of the fourth day ' !Silence of 1 Doel Not Pay. the gospel ministe r be In his persoD' this display of the crows' lintipath y to housed, rather than meet the demand s August. His lecture 1s of unusllal InInciden t to the superlv lslon of. 11 tent terest , in t!tat for 80 ality what he ought ' to bobble skirts. ' be, A and SPOON SHAKE R. long a time his A north country working llIan re- God Is willing to ma.k e blm"and wbat or cottage . be wJlI StraIgh t From COffeedom. coming to this section of the country cently took to keeping fowls, and capture men. The adminis tration bull~lng, where has been a consum mation devoutl y A ChicagO' team ster haa been seowithin a week his fellow-w orkmen The, ministe r must not walt until the CofIee can mal'Bhall a "ood aquadro o tenced to one year In the peniten tiary mentoffices of the Chauta uqua manage - be wi she" and not as yet accomp lish'" were weary of hearlbg him reter 0 be geta In tlle pulpit to bring the 'of enemie s and' some ver)' liard are housed and where a general ed. oDes to ' for stabbin g a borse to 'death because Informa tion the subject. ' , b'lesBed word to his people; but he overcom e, A 'lady 1n bureau Is Dr. Peter McQuee n, F. R. G. S .• who · .&t len gth, and lI.a tbe Flori!la wrltoa; the animal would not stand quietly &tands neBr tbe vast auditor conduct e4. result of a must ap'Proac h them 8.S he' Is waiklD8 ium where has journey ed through almost every deep-laid "I have always been very (ond of plot among'hfs fe.llows, some- 'along the street and tell the story beside a Illtchlng post. No doubt be so IUany large gatheri ngs In past years ,ot goOd coffee, and tor years drank It' at country of the glolle, ',ylll prllsent body broke Into bls fowlhou se one Cbr'ist and how he. shed his blood that least deserve d what he got. but It be had have heard the Ilest talent on the many Interest .t.hree Umes a da7. At 19,8t 110"'ing ,facts auo~t the peo- n.lght aud carried of! tbe much·be - they might lfave lite and have It more eve,r , t round th'a t merely killed a man he might be out Americ an 1)latrorm of the day. The pIes whom be It Was injuring me. has "'m et and the nations la~ed birds. , , 4 abundan tly'. 'Tbe ministe r must be a on small ball. Auditor ium Is roomy, comfort ably fur- he has studied , bls ledure ' "1 became l)lIlous, suUject tit .(rebeing Illus. tel' this there was 0. little peace soul-wi nner, and .it Is ratber: on' this 'q uent and nlshed with a sloping cement floor and trated with stereop ticon Tlolent . headacl ies; I4ld soo' slides. His a,t tbe works. The victim of the plot one poInt that be falis far sbort of his "ery nervous , tbat I COl.\ld n()t Since the meana of IdentIfic ation DY stationa ry bencbes lind a large ros. experie nces In the African jungle went t~ ' llft a the other extreme , and when. privileg e. He mU8tp osseas ' that 'pOcn ~o my mouth wltbout spilling fin ge r and thumb marks, New Jersey trUlll. It 13 under roof and thus pro- where the Oreat Teddy s hot big game : w~e o later, he a °frbtlwd got a freah "k,n aok" of getting around 'pe!lple; and p~t , of It/! ,content burglar s are wearing gloves. It Is a tected from the eleme nts, bu t th e three will be one ot" his most Intel'est l llg upp y 0 s. .. ' r s. he didn't even men· . sides are open "My ibeart got 'ricket • and ,beat' s~ , to the fres h air and ev· stories. pity more commen dable ambitio ns are ory breezo July 23 t,lon the fa ct to bls mates. . He had talk to them about '!ohelr souls. 'faat and ,so ha~d that I'..could eomes sweepi ng across fer- 24 and 25.His dates' are to be scarcel : .. ' , recogniz ed tllat boastin g did not pay, not equa lly quick to take up·to-da te J til e meadow s, lad breathe , while my skIn 'g ot thick ancl Rev. George R. Stuart, who bas long Iand he had no IntenUo,n of Indulgi ' rig Our . Et:ern~1 Inherlta nc.. advanta ge ot all Lbe resourc es of the cut grain. s weet en with odors of newdl 'wltb 11 bl ' c lover and all the been a favo\'lte with Chautal lqua au. n ,It In future. Neither was be going , InJi:l ngy, . ' ye ow otches on'm'" rac' e ' We are heirs 'of God, and our age. . . thous!l!l . , " er· caused d and one aromas unknow n to dlences , will spend the ' twenty- ninth to. p ermit boaatln' " on the pre.m1s<>s, by the conditio n of ,mv" live"• tanc!:" is, ,sure. Peter It has I 'fo,ur ,blessed 0 ' ,blo'O ·d. " ' ' " ,. ,. • ' home to his dinner the other c y-weary sou s. to "say , 9f , It,. ,,, It ~B, uncorruP1 and thirtJetj t ' wlth old friends and wili. d,,:y,olng '''1 ' d A Connec ticut woman has been ' ;,, he 'beard one of hIs latelt pur- things ', '" ' t!bl~." ,That, wprd signifie s tb~t , .~, wIU ' , ma e uP ' : IDY mind that a!l thes,~ , , . <:h~ses leu<lly 'announcl!l'g tbat sbe Denr lie' 'tn ruins; as cured by a surgica l operatio n ot her dO"Cast ies ma~. ,.relctlo ns calpo fro~ the' colfee, and J liad 1i1ld nn egg. " . 'mania for playing ', t he plano. De. built. 'llliefnh erUanc e of C;llaractet .to experi~!lnt, and:, see."· " " . ,'~itlJblng h1to: the rowlbou se, tbe ow~ 'iVll~ Denr ,11~ tn , r~Ii1. mands tor sim ilar operatio ns 11'111 preb· 'It ~111 never d~ ; ~h~~r:nd' It~~ ' n.f\P~~~~g& er ',selzed the offende r aJ;!d wrubg' her ' crease 'n val\1e; Ea1h1y ably no w cr me pouring in from all yal~elt ,fade , , c ,; UPlI_S ,ed , mr",uo~ , neck. Then. 'boldln!\' up hili victim parts of thQ Uni ted States. 1a.way. ' The inh'e rltanee'. of tb~ phl1.. ' ~fte.r a lIt~le tfm,e' , : a :,dread(u l warning to, the o~lieni. ,tilln ' wlll ~ 'lIlo're", ~nd: , tP0re ' va;lu~bl. a complet AHesto ra- . blJ1rted ' out: " _,'''' ', 'as tile ' ageBm bve all. ' And It "wll! l!e Dlue 'paint, we are tOld, will drive "There! Ye ; underst and! ,' LIli at lare· {ordver . aod wUl a'Way IIjes. If red paint would ' do . the 'keep tJot4 ' our :.•oft., "s y'e like. but I'll 'h,ev no I)rp.gglll ~ 1n~erl~Dce;'and ,11 ,,' \Ve a,r e." sli· ~tr~D' sanle a 'gMd many of out clttzen~ .. aboot IU"...,-1-ondoQ Ttt·BUs . . , . , as thal' to 'Which ~e cQmrptt O\Ir.selvell, ....6uld be ""\'1 lUng to g1Ye up Lbelr Ileep .' .'.. ", , ",' llU.d' ~ur ' ~rpBlu.rti ~,:, " , ~~ .1l8 ~a.q~ ..,tU~.II:j~tilitl~«)Ji ana ma,ke 'Ute town Immune . wbtch ,\VIe entrust': lt If ;We·.ent rust· U' bl(itollleEllbll"oi!t'bfMin,wll<fw,jit to oOd' ltve Iban be' r1~' 111 time .,a~ Fifteen Philade lphia. bakers have ,ternlt)'. 1H!en.' arrested for dy eln.g their' ples. T~t anyone who . has , tried to eat • PbUlLdelpbJa pie 1flU realize th., Dec.. · .slJ' tor ell.pi.11 lS _them.
Min iste rial 'D utie s
OF l'H£ ·· HAT'I'I
Woman Act. a8 Benefactreaa to Chll. dren
Mrs. W. ·Lln sky, of SnieUlt Mass, " ' rites, telling of the wonderlul results tram the use of Reslnol. In her own Words the letter reads: "I bave used your ResInol Ointment for five years, a8 two dlf!'erent doctor. r ecommended It. I have given It to a number of children wltb lIorea that they could not find a cure for, and It was always sure to cure them. I would Jlot be without It." Reslnol Is the IndI spensable stand. ard remedy tor all akIn troubles, tram tbe common pImple, cut. scald, boll or 1l0ro. to carbun cl s, felons, eczema. e:'ylllemR, h erpes. ba rber's itch, psor" &Ills Ilnd every abrasIon of the sltln (rom any cause. Reslnol Ointment can bo Ins tan tly appli ed llnd its e ffect la lna tantn neous. It Is put up In screw· top opal contalaers, selling a t fltty cents or a dollar, according to sIze. It has the approval and rec(wmendation .of thousands at our best pbYGicians. and hUIII)r ds of thousands of famlllel! are n ver without It. AnoUler Indls· pellsable necessity Is Reslnol Soap, .ouo of tho fin est, moat. eooLblng and refreshing toilet soaps In the world. It Is a provc"llve of most of the slt1n tro~bleB . In cluding blackbel\ds, plm· 1I1es a.nd chapped hands. It Is especially adapted to the tendcr skin at Infants and' children. NothIng Is bet· t er for shampooing and cleaning the .calD and for the prevention of falling balr. Th e ointment and soap are sold by all druggIsts. Reslnol Cbemlcal Co., Baltimore, 11.14
OT all:;:gn?' .,?fr. ~H~O~O~A~Jl~cTgH~:.::7:'=::~~~z:\
der the na mo Halll their old friends the HIHites. and when the Id eo Uty 18 acknowledged. It must be with dlscrlmlnaUon. The names are one and the snme. and the people. which the Hebrews called "Children of Heth." or Hittites. wall a aouthern outlier of a great group Ipread over easte rn Asia Minor a nd north SyrIa. which seems to havo called Itself Hlltt!. and to havo been 'Well known to the Assy rians under that name. and to the Egyptlan8 un· der the s lightly variant form . Kb lta. But whether all members of tbls group were connected by blood or only by
Chicago Man Tells of Attempt to Capture Fort HIII'- Shetl8 Fired In Every DIrection.
Oscar Lud wig. no w living In Cbl cago, enlisted In the Twe ntieth 1II1nois regl· ment, won hi s flr st com ml fl slon as lieu· tenant at Vicksburg and left the army after four years of ser vIce wi t h th e title of captain. At t he s iege of Vi cks· burg. of which be has laid t he story, he was ~ergeant·major . "We were try ing to capt ure a strong· hold bac k or Vicksb urg." b said . " It was nt th e t op of u hil i and we knew It lis Fort Hill. \\ e co uldn't get up to It. They Burre ml rccl only when they were sta rv ed aliI. \-Ve made an attack on It on e day an et gained the lIlts nt th e fool of the embankme nt.
Will Be
I!sbed hlruse lf at Kadesh. oe;u tbe modern Homo. There the ' young n lllllcses II. attac ked him. and fou&l'l ( lhe battle Immortalized by tbo e o· gravi ng of a court poet's eocomlusllc na rra llve on It wall at Karnak. Ram· eses e IUS to hRve prevailed so fu r that he SlOpped any further. ndva nce at th e HaUl towards his own bord rs: but when ho made a t reaty of penco and dalliance with i\Iutallu's successor. HattusII II. (who!:} he call ed l{blt· !lsal'). Its te rms Imply re ognilion of . tb e othor pa rty's power us equal La bl s own. Part of Hattusil 's correspondellce has come to IIgbt at Bog· haz·Keul. It Incl udes a precis of the 111'0\'1910ns at this very treaty. IIDd do uments whlcb s how that th e Hattl kin g was stl11 overlo rd In Mesopotamia and a ble to deal on a fooUng of secure Ind openclence with Babylon. These records the something his tory to lets, broke n ploces at· which ha d been abou t 1260 B. C. bring We know coming ollt at Cappadocla Cor several ot t wo more kin gs of Boghaz.Keu l, years, IUId by a cbaln ot I~dlcallons . makln p eight In al\. The last Bome of them obtaIned on the spot by .. . reigne d on th e eve ot that gr.. eat ra-. Chantre In 1890, had been traced to vlval on th'e Tigris, .whlcb would ul, Boghaz·Keul. The well· known arlen· tl ml\(ely bring Assyria down to the tnllst. Hu"'o Winckler. began the sys· .. tlc search .. teme In 1:l,06. and ligh te d at Med lte rra.nean, nnd In his ' time the Hattl empIre was evidently rlecaylng ; orrce on tabletll. In 1907 he got mo~e. 'f or there were k.lngs In ,Syria, where most of them from the ruins oC tbe the nlOnarch om BoghRz.Keul bud great buildIng referred to a bove, oil e ruled alono. 1'0 this Syrian "A Ditch Was Started." which proved to hnve been a pa lace nart at the empl~ we know what -or rather , two palaces ot dltre re nt ... 'W e could get .no farther and stayed dates. one being built parUy over the ' happened at the last. It was broken there unUI night, when we r etreated. the one by one, under cover at t h e d ';1-1" k other. In a word. he faun d rema Ins up by the power ot NIneveh B t h In th at royal archives. written In cunel-' eighth eentury B. C. u ow • ness. form script, but partly in the Baby· e.mplre dwIndled and came to an end "Then we were s et to work to dig Ionian lilnguage,. partly In a tongue ·In Asia Minor we can only gue~s. a tunnel. A dItch W(loS slarted at some unknown I Theflrst k.lnd wn.s readily AssyrI a n. crrcssure was felt even thele, dlstance ' from the fort and advanced declpher~d : the other Is yIelding Its for at least ono Nlnevlte kI ng raided up the hill uDder the protection ot seorets only to slow a.Qd paInful labor. far 'across Taurus. From the opt)o- some colton bales that were pushed all BU t . Iready wc have learned enough sIte side. the north, a wild people. UII} uhead . In tbe protection of this trench to c:nvlnce the most hardened see p· Muskl. swept through the penl ns!lla tbe men could approach the lort and tic that hi story . had forgotten a Rnd 11 nally settled down In l 'hl"Ygl~ they also carri ed up a wooden mortar grent deal. This Is. bowever, to do his· probably Creelng It, with all to wesl tbat t.ossed shells Into the fort with. tory some lIlJustlce. She had not ward, from the ?appadoclan rule •.and out needing a lal'ge 'harge of powder. enUrely forgotten" the kIngs at Bog- certaInly estabilshJng a monal ch Y. p ur tunnel wa s hegun and driven un. ha1.·Keu l but we could not under· whose holde rs. under the names Oor- der. the walls of the fort. The defe nd. stand h~r r,Pcords : Egyptian Inscrlp· . dlas e,nd Midas. loom large In arly e rs of the place sank a countel' tunlle l, tlons of the e ighteenth and nlneteentb Greel! legend. The Greeks, findIng bUl they did not .come neal' us. At dynasties mention four kings of the tbe coasts undefended which the Cre- last, when all was ready gunpowder Kblta under cirCUmstances whIch 1m· tans ot Minos ba.u n?t been nblq ' to was carried to the e nd of the hole un. ply that theirs was no mean power; conquer. came over and colonized der the fort and the re It was sbot off. but the texts giVe no Indication tbat tp~m . LydIa rOEe last on the rUins , of The explosion tore a breach In the those kIngs ruled elsewhere than In Phygla. and by this lime the Po\\ er wall. but we wel'e not able to rueh It. Syria. where the Pharaohs and thel,r of BObbaz·_Keu l was only a no.me. To Three men were thrown Into the aIr omcers ca'me Into contact with them. jud e tram tbe romalns of the city and tell on the outside of the wall. ~l these four names have now been so tar uncovered, It had enjoyed a sec· and so we carried tbem back to the found In the Bogbaz·Keul archIves,. to· ond sprIng at some perIod. pE'rhapa lines. Two were mortally hurt, but geth~r with other names at tbe same about 1000 B. C.; but thts must bave the other, a slave boy, was not . dynasty and we see that It was In been short. Gr~k literature ma~e8 "One of tbe med asked blm: 'What Cappad6cla that these kings wero at only o'ne doubtful allusion to It In the were you qolng In there fighting us?' 'home. . sIxth century, and .none at all to Its "The bqy was slUing rOiling his eyes. From the tablets already read, the forme~ greatne~a. Yet. all forgotten " . I warn't flgbtlng you,' he said. growth 01 this empire towards the o.a It was by the people In whose " 'What were you doing. then l' south and east can be followed, and hands In chIef the transmIssIon ot .. 'Toting grub for the colonel.' Crom 'the dlstrlbuUon of monum~nts of ~arlY hIstory was to lie, the Hattl em· " . What colonel Is that? Hittite class Its growth we8~ward as plre had no~ existed In vain even (or "'Colonel ub de Louisiana Tlgers~' far as the Aegean soa may be reason· the dovelopmeIl;t of that same people. "'\Vhat were you workIng tor him ably be InCerred. The first expansIon Occupying for soveral centurlea the for?' ot the Hattl tolk beyond ' tbe bounds moat vital part of West AsIa. through .. 'Colonel told me not to quit till of ,Cappadocla seems to have been which all the land routes between I'd toted him grub. I .set down his as early as about 1800 B. C" , when east and ' west must pass. the Hat~ ., dinner an' den I felt myself a.growln' they ·ralded down to Babylon Bnd up· had been the maIn agents throug win gs an' a-risIng up In de air. an' set wbat Is called· Its 'first dynasty; whom the clvtllzln g Innuences of tbo . went up about to' miles an' started but their careers of organized can· east had passed. Their art ~waken~~ to come down ag'I", an' on de way quest was not to beg[n . for nearly art In Phrygla and LydIa, and left 1 down I met de colonel a.goln' up.' throe centuries. till King . Subbllulu. mark on the first Greek handIwork . n "There were shells flred at us and whom the Egyptians called Sapararu, [onla. rrom . their plcto~raphlc· syl' at , the rebels from every direction . came to the 'throne. .Wben be dIed. In tAm of writing were derlve~ many al· Fort Hill was throwing shells toward the time of Amenophls IV. of Egypt, phabetic charactors sLIll .~ sed .In H~I. Logan's camp and ollr boats In the he was ' ov~r·lord ot West AsIa. from len!sed parts of South and West As a river were shelling the city. 1 rethe. Black Een to Oronotes !l nd Crom Minor. In classical limes. TheIr r&o . member seeing elgbt s hells In the ah' the' Tigris to the ·Aegean . From cor· IIglon wall the ' type religIon of AsIa at one time. At nIght each shell Is a respondence with tho 'kings of Egypt, Minor, and ultl~atelY re8~?nalble for ball of blue fir e, turning over and over ~t the Mesopotamian Mltan.,nI. and ot tbose so-called Anatolian features a nd rls hlg up and up until It seems to £abylon. whIc~ ' baa now com9 to wblch spread to Greece an~ thrOUgn~ s tand etlll. and then whirling down on light, the stages of hIs conquest can Greece to Rome I!:td the weat. U the curve toward the e arth. Tbe s hells be traced- raids. on 'the . Mltannl ter· compromprehended traditions and from ·the fort came wI t hin 200 yards rltory; raids Into northern SyrIa; war memories at t~el.r society InsPlr~~ ot Logan's camp. I was sIttIng 't here with the Mltannl; full establishment several Greek "torles. notab~y thnt writing the sergeant.maJor's re()ort one of HatU ·domlnlaUon . over n.o rth SyrIa tbe Amazons. one of wbom- perhaps day wheil a . shell came along and and' north . M~SoDotaml~; recognition the divine queen of thetn al1-18 carVed clipped off tbe branch of the tree above Qt the ' Hattl '.klng· n.s. auzer81n by the on a gate post at .Bogha1.·Keul lts~l~ me. A.t another time I was' sItting .In AmorrI , -'o r nO!XIads of the Syrian. and As In these. latter . years Crete ~ . . a bouse writIng. the r~port when a Me, opotamIan wnatel. Klnge ot Egypt 'shown us .mt1Ch foun~atlon In fa I, shot c!lme through the wall : The oth . aDd Babylon acknowledged him' 'a!! there wa.s Cor some of the strangest er men did not seem wo'rrl ed about It their, e'quaI'; bpt as yet , there 'wasl 110 ' myt)ls of Hellas. 80. tn a leIS degrere. and I Inqulre.d why . . One man poInted ,,'Ith the, elder emplr~s . . That did bas BOghaz.Ke~I. . It has much ~r~ out .to 'me that 11.11 tI~e bo~es' made by not come ttl th~ tJ~e, of Mutallu 'lind yot . to tell us, Cor n.o t It.:! tent\~ ' 1 s~ot w~re 'in t~e upper I?art, of the Rames~s . n . '. 'rhe. Hattl king had,.. all· has ,b,!len. excavatE1d, and n~hlrl gha~ room .. 'J!he guns ot the fort ott ~be /1111 ~anc~ sou~ Into t~e 4ralJ:l~D cqun· to · be . d~5Ixed ~ore . enrl)e~tly a .~. . could 1l0.t ,be depl'essed •.t~r oI!ough to t~~, 9n tbe uppe~ OrODle8, }~~d ' e8,tal?- .Its ~~plora,t~~~ 8hou,14 .b~ ~esu~.e '. lIend' ~~E!.·sh.Pt. lower ·an.d so th~ .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . , < '.' ~. "1 ~ ~ ';;.~~<;l~~:;!~~ ' harpldone ' wD,sto tbeplnsteruearthe. ~~ cellln goO ,: "' .. ';)' '" i
Officer Muldoon-That fellow's Hlrt tng with e very senant girl on beat. I'd run him In 1t I could charge him with some of!'ense. Chalker (the mUkman)-That'. easy. Oharge blm with impersonating an omeerl
H .. Found Doan'. Kldnoy Pilla Invaluable, Mrtr."Emellne Green, nurse, Osage, Iowa. says : "I bave nursed many easea of terrrole kidney disorders and have found Doan's Kidney Pills tbe best remedy for sucb troubles. In c01\l1nement when . It Is so necess ~l'Y to hnve tile kidneys In good condltl.on, D a an'. Kidney Pills are In a cl~s alone, They , a.re splendid alsO tor backache, dIzzIness, bloating, retentlo. and other kldner and bladder troubles." Remember the name-Doan's. For aale by druggists and 'g eneral Itorekeepers evel'}'Where. Price 600.' Foster·Mllburn Co., BUffalo, N; Y.
"- ""7MfVht Help, Mrs. -Willis (at ~he Ladles' AId so. cley)-Now. what can you do for the poor boys at tbe front? Mrs. GIIUs--t was reading toda,. where the soldIers . are ahYIlYs mak· tn« sorties. Now, why can't we ge~ the recIpes for those thIngs and make them ourselves and send them to the bOysT-Puck. Grandfather'. Fault, Father--Why, when I waa ·your age I didn't bave as 'much money In a m~nth AI yon spend. in a day. ' . Bon-Well, pa, don't . scold me about It. Wb7 don't you go tor grandrathert-Silent Partner. BRAZn.tAN BALM I. worlrlnlJ wllllllarsea,.. Inll u..lill1bronlo catarrh, AaU""o.. Bloncbl"s, (,Iulelt O<1Ql umpUoD to Ian I~D. .. Onl, tblna known \bat tD.I\nntl, cu ..... 1' 0 umonla. 'l'7pbold. CoU!Aa101l1 111.0..... &04 Blo..4 1'1I~()n from wounOL Oll"'~ thOU,DDdl . No tallu", In 112 To.. r.. Kill. IIcrml. . Dn..!fII..... or 2 bottl" tllr 'I tor .b o l1; tlmD; 1011 pa, ezprea DB. B. V. JACKSON. Arcado. No" Jodi.
Every time a child 8hows. you It. toy bank U's ,YoW' ante,
If~. WlostO,.." 8oothlog 8:rtup fol' Child," redllae!! Inn"mm.... &Wo. AI\AJa PAI~" aUI'ea wind colla, ~ ' A bo'Ue.
~a~blnll'.lWfl.eo!, t.b ~ I1'Uto8;
~e blich~lortl.·
'. .• - . . laJld a., free-tor . It's eters aud . ,.'
~Iiln· _
. the common adoption ot a certain oul· ure, we do not yet know. It Is very ate In Ratti history, and long atter t I d th t Hltllt t appear aIth es ptlon' I 8 thgrea ~lper 0 , n d e Blo e story w one exce . • h d I Pnl s Une they • an wt ellb· 11)~n n .. e ' . 11 I th lnnd or Beemo e a ens e -n' .. lshlng , t d ts nt s raye remnan . a B Va IItock. The preaence of ':Chlldren or H th" t H b l A b h ' time e a e ron n ra am s .. may have been due to such a survival, and 80, $00, may that of the hapless Uriah In Da'v ld's r ealm. The promise mad~ to Joshua and the Israelites, of "all the IIlOd of the HltUtes" (even If a gloss ot late date), and the H.lttlte mother whom Ezekiel Imputes to the city at Jerusillem, seem to reDect a ourrent tradition at past HltUte' domInaUon In South 'Syrla; but When the artl1y broke up before Sama ria because a word went forth that the "Kings of tho Hittites" were comlIlg. It feared a power lying far to tbo north. which had once been greater, though It knew it not. The world of scholars has dis puted about the HitUtes ever since the mId· die ot the last century. when the d& clpherrnent of hieroglyphic and cuneo ltorm records' reveale d the tact 'that a people of tbelr name bad filled a place tn west ,4slan. history tar more· lolpor· tant than · the Israelites were aware, It has dIsputed 'especlally theIr reaponslbl1lty. for the monumepts, In a quaInt Indtvldual atyle ot art. and Inacrlbed In some cases with undecIphered pIctographs. whlcb haye been dlscoven!d durIng the last Corty years all OVer North SYria and great part at Asia Mlnorl I\nd It has questioned most acrImoniously the ,ascrlptlon of the Asia MIno~' monuments. to tht1m. which Sayce llrst proposed atter com· paring with the Syrian s~ones from Hamath the mag!llftcent rock·rellef at 'Ivrlz, the rook . ftgures near Smyrna, whIch Herodotus thought to be repreaentaUons of conquering "Sesoiltrls." and the far more numerous sculptures In North Cappadocla. at the ruined cities known all Bopal·Keul and Eyuk. Cloae resemblanCe waa admltted, but the natural corollary, that, at some time, there had 'been a HIttite "Empire" (In the loose oriental sense) was. "couted. How should hIstory have torgotten such a tact? Yet ii had torgotten It; · for 8 HIt.' Ute or HatU' empire dId exIst once, with' hs oenter,' not In SyrIa. but Itn far ' CappadooJ", towards th.e ala~k ' Ilea. We 'kno'W the fact now on tlie best of evldende, and those doubtlngs of' the learned are helird no more at all. Our ~ertalnty hn.s ~sulted from dlsooyerles made at the site long known and gues8ed about, whIch 'Is called by the uncouth·aoundlng Turk· Jllh Dlime, Boghaz·K~ul-1. e., defilevillage. Here ·m as.lve walls and gates of an early age, the almost burled IIkeleto" ot a mlgbty ' bulJdlng, whlcll might 'have been palace or temple, ~nd, mo.Eit .ot all, the lICulptured sIdes ot a rock.shrlne hard by, had puzzled explorere and Bcl;lolars ' 'for seyenty·· 'jeare. At · last, in' '1906. the e.xcava· ·tOr.'8 spalle .was put 111. ear~est Into the soil aCter a certain ·. archaeologlcal lcent had been . follow~d up. T.he boped;for Quarry ' was cun.elfor!ll tab· .
'" ,
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-$14"'-' o""""n--'wa-rc....,..:. larm.,
..r,uat.us'-Ty,ler. of ,Grand Rnlilds,
threw down bill ax In a MI hlg~m.. lum· A Couplo o"Laya. The .~1tI < ~Vd (tIe hen' have 'thelr wc.lro /l~r cp.mp · when . Pre!lf~ent Lincoln . called ' toJ' volunteer's· 'anll wall~ed 300 A • • verythlna ea:'t]lly mUlt: . 'I1\f ...n pt. bu., all4 Je,. an .,... m1.1ell over" Jee an~ snow . to . enlist Whn. the raIn fa ~~~.·1.h. ~~.. the U!l19A: army.~ A goverJ)menf ch~cJt tor Hf In payQ1~t of hill Itardshlpa was malledto blm, ·tbe oiber ·ltay, · 4 ' prevloua ~lIn& of tbe treaa\Jl'y dtlpart. alloW4l1t .U()~ T11e~a.kecl (of'
------ - -
County COurtl Com non Plea
"ffida It of first lIettlewent whlob 18 (', rd rell reoorde d . " Fin,,} aOOO\ln~ of Frank J. Brown '1\8 administrator In esta" of J<>bn T . Pbillips approved Iliad oonflrmed
:~,~:~I:/~:i. :t:::!::::e~.
~"'~~"''''' . . . .~~'''~~~''''~''''~''''~ .
I'r~Of of publication 0" notice of apPOIntment of Manie Robinson 88 admini8t,ratrix of e8tate of Banke . Dalun, flIed and ordered .recorded. Proof of pnbUcatlon of notioe of . t
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:1~P"~~~I~~~r:triXai:Q:stat~ o,o~vi;'.
Uh&rl68 O. Britton. 24, former of Monroe and M rtle L. Tilman 20 , , of L e ba non. Y E 1'·\ 25 f f W "r ",ray, ,armer 0 aynes Ville and Belen ~tokes 19 of Wa n68 '11 "y VI e.
Real Estate Tnuulen.
Co1'f In, til ed an d or d ere d reoor d ed .
e:,ate is ~ fU~J~ a~mi;!:ter~:. nlJ. 800oon 0 •. zro. gUardill: in e;tate;f ~maa Sn~der, at PP rO ve dan con rme and eState 8 f QIlya ministered. , JI'jna1 ' aooooot of AJlnie E. Mol
Cora Cook, to Ellen Dohert, 10' 1n Warr"'n coonty, 1400. William V. BonB to Colllnslllarn hart and Elva M. Earnhart. lot In Warren oounty, 11. . .
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t5 and $6 Panamat-o ~ • .. .. • .. .. .. . .. . ...
'3 Suits,
Boy.' Bloomer Pantl
5..... ' Ha t I uaw
'14. 75 .
Men's'. T·r''oulers
Including the famous Hmh-Wickwire and L-System-makes. . $25, $28 and $30 Suits, now.. • . . . . • . . . • 'I 7.15.0
. Boys' SUI-tl
112, $14, $15 and $16 Sujts, now. • . . . . . • • .
$ $
White approved and confirmed and phone ,C01l)papy, rente anll toIt., eatate tl foUy ad mini siered; '23.15 i Oolomboa Bla~k Book Mfl. Final aoooun' or J . O . .!togere, aa Co, blankl for Probate ·Jadee, . guardian In eII&ate ·of EJda Brown, t-12.15; W. H. Stanage.& Co., pen. apprond and confirmed and eatate 011. for. 'reastlr~r, . I3; The Frank la folly adm~nlstered. . Sh.e rwood oompanY, aappllBl for • FinaJ aoooant of Albert Beston aa bridge work, 121.60; Oregonia ~ I administrator ofelt.a&9 of SUBan anel Bridge Company, ~6 •. 10 i ,PhloCor ' Jape Heaton approved Oolvflrt Uflmpany, .' , and oonfirmed rop&ed pipe '106 '" JamV B oo1n" "I , and .,ate . Is foJly adminll~. . ' u i ..... an. ~n, FfnalaooounlofP. B. Roaalad.lo~ber.'29.I1:W.i'.Eltz!'0'h,lnm. . , mln18trator of the estate O,f John L hEr and oemeot, 111.66 Wan .. Lam· Barkalo~ apprpved and oonfirmed bar an4 Ooal oompa~" lom~, aad estaM ia foU" · Ildmlnlstered. 1'5.51 Moo nt, paint, 172; • J G II t IOharlea W'" ou1 Final aoooont of P. A. Rue as ad- .a oa ron or•• oompan" mtnlatratoJ' estate of Jane BHka. vert plpe, ISO i Gallon Iron Worb low approvecl an~ 'oonfi~med and e~. oompany, oolver' pipe, 1280i·D. L. tate is folly administered. .' & C. Railway oompan" freight on Final accoont FranE J. Brown All lomber, 19.. 6'; James Follen, aalary ad!Dln"h'atcn of eatate of ,A llred, aa. j~nltor Of. Coort B01l18 for. JolJ~ Simpkins, 'appr.:ved and oo'n firmed 150. Raymon!! . Harshbarger, 1U1118'~nd eltate is fnllv a~mtnlltered. ant, janitor $40. . Final"ooo~nt of John W ; Whit- Uon'rao' en&ered wt&b CharlBl , acre as 'administrator of· eat"te of Moon' to furniah bridge pain" Ema OberUn, approved and oon. Blaok Diamond at 550. per gallon, firmed and estate if folly adminle · Graphite paInt at 11.40 per gaUon teredo in looh quantities &I th~ oommie. Final aoooont of &ebecca 'Donham sioners order, v.ltd ontll8eptember ~
Is a Iways an In · t erestieng event • You owe I·t t 0 yourleIf t 0 VISI · ·t "The Headquarters for Fine Clothea" and inlpect the exceptiorial buying opportunities. E very article bears the stamp of KINGS.BURY quality. Notice the prices which an advancing season enables . UI to offer -
S $
.$ ,.. $
tord; as guardian of estate of 801- ' eoinmIaaaonen' Proc:eedJDp. lin W • . Mulford, aDprove4 and oon fumed and estate 18 folly Ildmln18. Bllls ' Allowed-Barret& Bro*h81'l, teredo . b)an~a for Probate Jodge, lIS SO i . Final aool)on* of D. E. Dunham 'T he Franklin qbronlol., blanka for
KIIngsbury's BII \f .ClothI-ng mdsummer Sale 0 · and FurDIShiIngs
Jesse A. Monn' to H.,o. Mor8an, ap!':~::;!D~u:~i~~on ~OfBno~~ o! lot in Warren County, 11. de I ya an Belle Colbert et al to Jobn M. . .. k F . 0 . B ar""oo 8S a m nlstrator!! of Wilson and Edwin A. Wilson, lot· In estate of John Byatt, filed aud Ol'- Warren Coonty, 116000. ~ deFretd rleoorded. f R ] Laora J. Gebhart to C, C.. C. ..nd nil Ilooonnt 0 obert. Irwin ~t. L . Ry., Co., lots in Franklin ,Ba exeoutor of estllte of Mary B. t9WDShip, 111,50'. . . Donifon ·a.pproved . and ' o~)Dflrmed Ja'l'ren Cook, Jrandy Cook and M.
&0-&2 East MaiD street, Xenia, O.
M Dill apPointed adm'nistrator at bond of $6000. George E .. Young.
::~~~:::~:~~~,;::~~~~:=i::i ~~~ :.,:~ :'::~7::: :::.:::: $$
1s t Final account of Mary M. MoKay as goardilln of estate of WiIlll Marie MoKay approved and oODflrmed and estate il.fully adminillt.ered.
, ~
, ~
All en Itd~ini8trator it'! ordored to ..ssll stock at f BG per share at private lillIe. Proof of publloation of notioe of appointment of Edmund Retnlliok administrator wit h the will Booexed in estate of Ellen Dakin, filed and ordered reoorderl .
• •
l!'rank Pressley and John R088 arpointed apprai8ers . In matter of estate of William M. '{oung. Mary Yoong files applloa tion for inoreased aHowance as made by the appraiaers of the per· BLln 'lI propert.y . Casesetfor August
bold , IIdmmis trat,rix m;:t m::::r ~ef o~~;a:f a~~~~a:' ~ VB . Hltze) DebOld . W. J . Wright Dill . Will IldmlUe<! to probate. ~ '" opts Rpp,io'm o ••• gn"diao . 10 ma".r 01 will 01 H."b. E
is orttered recorded. A B Uh,LndJer administra tor of estate of R ebeooa A. Daniel filed saJe bill whioh is ordered recorded . ·N •. B. ~l1eu ndmini8trator of es· tate of Emma MoKay , til s Invento roy and appl'aisement whioh is ordered reoorded. · In estllte of Emma MoKay. W. B .
. .
i R S'
New Suits antu Georf! W . tiillesple v . Eiannab Dill deoeased. Will filed and notioe M . Gille pie. P . Aynor nt torney giventobim . fo r pIllintiff. Div or e. W . L. Brown adminletrator of e tate of Josiah A. Brown files first Prob(tle Court. account wah vouohers for sett·le ~ Emmll
"If'· "It ' comes from KINGSBURY'5, it mUlt .be good."
aa administratrix of eatate of P. B•• 2. 1911. ~ Donham approved and oonfirmed Oontraot entered with Frank .and est"t,e 1s fully . administered. Stokes for conorete arol1 near Mo~; ~ '. In eatate of Anna Leonard, Perry dook graveyard on Mordock and . ~ ~. K~nrJok apPointe:d admlnistra DaUasburg road at bid of 15.95 per ~...---------~----------.- - -.....-. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.- - -.------~-' . ,or or 11000 bond. Aaron B. Uhand- ou. yd. . ~ fer, J, E. Janoey and John O. C"rt. Contraot tlntered 'tIith C. A . . . , , , . . . , , , " " , , " ' ' ' ' ' """~~. . . . ." ' . . . , . . ," " " ' - " ' ' ' ' - ' ' ' '. . . . wright appointed appraisers. Stook for oleaning and painting ten : Ed S. Conklin exeootl ve of ea tbree p~nel steel bridges wlUt ateel tate of Amllnda Oonklin, filesfirs* Joist Gn Grog Run road near reai. . BETTER FOR FRYINO , DR. J. W. MILLER, aod finlll ao00ont witb vOOp.ber8 for denoe of George Kreb~, county to leUleinent whioh il ordered stu- fnrni8h p"int e8timllte at $21. Raw potatoes are baUer for fry. 0 . • . DENTIST••• • -_.--iog than oook.e l onel!. Sllae t),lem ~rii~ panded. Atta k l T . Jlelyoe yoal' ow.: In eatde of Smith L. Conklin, C Ike 1gers very tbln into oo)d wa\er i have Judcment •• 'to Olftce In a fr,lng pan well ocvered with . p.Uere, b II t reo National Bank Bldg. ' Waynesville, 0 I fl Ed·S . Oonkl10 exeoutor fiies first n ghtlng to keep 'he blood pore IDeobel' durabUn, ." the wbite oorp1l1l3168 astaok: disease boillng.bo' fat i throw tbe po'atoel I. the 111-* IlIIpoc. a~ flnal acooont wltb vouobers tor germ8 like ~igers. Bllt often germs in with all tbe water th.t will.ad tant fe.ture. MOTaL" , DItUQOIIT" .P.QIALIin. ' . lettlement whiob Is ordered suspend. moltiply 80 fast tbe little figbterl bere to them-It Il,hten. and puffl OO.TUM .It •• TIt" ...... It. OA. u HA . .A WAY "MD '.U • • nVIOI OAII PItOF"':" n.. . • • . TH ed. .. a.re Overoome. TbeD S88 pimples, tbem. SeUOD, and' 'nrn over them . n U.,IIO ..... ADVlltn.... o OO&.UM... ' . : . 14argaret ,J. Moery, guardlaD of bails, eozema, aal~ rheom and sorea e8tllte of Marguerite P. Moer'" flIes multipl.vand 8tren!ttb and appetite aDo,her fr,inl . pan. .. ~tft U ·onen . ,AMPLE COpy 'FREE , . ~"'It.YQ8Irine'~ I,.ead1nirJ)eia"'· . . . J fail. ThiS oondltion demands Eleo. aDd torn 'he bOttOm oil81 on tlop. AddriIM 'tI1W YOItK QUPP_" , Omoe Ia Ke:YI Bldg.·. . '. IIaIp :,' . , '. 1I"' ¥0ftI. II. Y. · . . .' . ... '. ",. ' I!!!!!!I!!!!!!I!!!!!!I!!!!!!~I!!!!!!I!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!'.!!I!!!!!!I!!!!!!I!!!!!!~ trio Bitterll to 'regulate stomacb ltv· 'Wben nearly done take ort the cov!!I I er and kidosys and to expel pobwnl ering pan ·a.illll' tbem brown. from tbe blood. ."They are the beet blood porlfier," writes C. T."Bodabn • - ! ' ,J' . of Traoy, Calif, "I have ever fOODd~ . Aa:aued_,of StaIiDI '" ' Barbed W~e 'rbe~ make riob,' .rad ~l00d, .strong E. E. ch..inherialn, 'o f, ClIntdn. '... ' L'' nervea and build up your beal*h. lIle. boldly ilOO_ Bucklen '.Arnlca '. ' . ...., , . Try ~bem. 500", all droggle",' 'tilllvf o.f . lte~Unl-+'b. '.tln, t~bI > GUA:RA,NTEED to helll, with6ut 'lea~. •- . ' burn. or IOaI~he paiD from.ona . ,lng a bl~8b, or ¥ONEY ~EF~DED .. . A Binall ~o~re or blaotet fo~ded, of all ktDde-.'be dt.t~ 'a:o~ bolll . ~ "'6OfJ and 'l.00, ~zes .for . fj'es~ wound8, over.and lewed op, leaTlof obe flDd or p\I~ . ."It·rObe ·o n... 001'08, bi-n.. " Old 8Ol'flI. BOre backs IlDd ,bQulders burnS ' . " . • , ea, loraine and lnj1ll'lN of thell' ..r • .&lid btuiiea. 26c aize f9r Family:'Uae,' opeQ. ~ak • .an etfeo"v~(oot ~arm~ . .rot, r'be lal., ..., " h_llnl re.eid~ . ·'OR. COX'$ PAmLESS BLISTER . er fo~ an~ one troubled with 11014 Ita eqUal doliit ext.,. to • Oill, 250 at _. . Ja lVlD~eea and g1lar:lUlteed to- c~re feet, 'a~~ Will and ~.11 to One'. all dnagUta. ' , '. ' .• '. !!__ .• 1Ungbon~, Curb, SweenYl Splmt, oomfort on oold : nllhtl . Tb - I. . • .;. • oIl" ..... t "or any «lDlarpment of DOne or · . .. '.. . . Pl~. or mp ne1 refunded . . ~oe 1iOc. more· oonve~le~t a.n d -.ttafiaOaory .&:1..., • . do ~oDl'" tieet, but Dev.. """ALE IIY ALL D.....,. . ~ ~hOt-wa_~nJe. ~Ou bIN rn.cJ, . .
Iver. f QuaI·ityl
f'ultlJshe d
k ly
to b
- .---
J'here' it' IIl w~lY.a lL quiet tl emnnd IO~ wet gOOdM in u rlry town .
.01,' 10'1 ' Ii;
AI ,\ 'I N • 'I' I·: w r
VALL.~Y 'n: i,EprIU NE-~I.JA LIJ I
\< \ 0111 np - - --
!l~ W ")'11 ., ill, OhJu
---- -- -------
It'll hetlor to tao!l up
L ('
-~'II We Do Not R'lloo.m mend . _1 'o llle l' III I) Il 'H 1<;,,,!la Eyt,l ~8lv e for
Do. 'You Paint?
The F'i r s t \--.,..,-.,...,.....,.".... ........ ........ .. Fair Aug ust
If You Do, Here is a Good Chance (0 Make a Reputa tion and
8, 9, 10~ 11 .
Ed' d M. of the year Spendi ng Money . unJ' thillf.; butt-he eYf8. 1tlsBs peed y . Inter est All Itor an anaget !Inu burrul el!s oure for grt\oull ttea - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - I lid .. , iooroh,l oulI ort) eyes, sty l'S, 1911 Rates of Subscr il)tion the Time ' wonk eytls ILD d dllUn eBt! of visi'ln. For the PUl'POSt; of securin g an ap, 1If' Y llr (Mtrl ll lly I II ntl l' nUl' ) . . .... •• $l.oo· i 80Id everyw bere 250 propria te design for a poster to be Illgio C<l py . . . . . .... . .. .. . ... . . .. . .. . Ob - - - -- Of oourse s on flU rLI UOO u. eak used in connec tion with the OhioColumb us Centen nial to be held ' in , But bow mnoh tin VOll get.? Rates of Advert ising the latter part of the summ er of UOIl(.11 ug Lo ·llls. per line . .. , . . . . . , .. . . ~t· It ' impo!l ible for tl Dl llD to be- 1912. t;he Commission offer HeuJ11I1: J.u cll is. block ful'e. per Iltll' .. . . I Ol' s a prize (: l tuI.l1leJ Ads. not to eX t'llell f)'VI' 1I111Jd !ut\ve rignt it he doe~D 't thluk ri ght . for an urigina r design. Fol!o\v 6g Easl Ru ... J1 st.. ing '['I,roo IUlWrlluui! .. . ... . . . .... . Columbu s, U., SO\·. a, no S. 2!lC i are thp condition !!4 of the .. Oltl tuurIOli. jJ"e Inchos free: oyer 1\"0 contest I Suther land's Eagle Eye Salve tn F cbrufl r)·. J 907. our family phynl. Inches. por ·llne •.•.•. . .• .... . . Pt'ize, $100 in gold. clan pro noun ,' e n my case tu b ~ r c u lu ~ l . Ourd of thllnl(s .. . .... .. ... . . , . ......• 5c [ a ortlflmy SIIOW WhHe ointme nt and pr e~er l becl c r osote. He tbon lIent Compe tition opens Ju ly 25 , cloSE's me to th o co un l ry and sald that .Re o lu ~loU8 . . •••... . . ..... . . .... . , ... ~6c I\ Put up 10 air tllotht BOrew Ol P tulJelil would h llvu to "cmal n the re or I would1 60c Wil I cure ~ny oase oC sore eres lind' Augu~t 30th. oclllIs oLe . wit ·ro chllrge Is mnde .....•. 25<' Dot 11'1'0 olJ<h lOCIl m on t hs. . DlsplllY Ad rLlsl ng ])Or Inc.h . •.. • .. .. , • I ~ will not injure y eR of u bu be. ~old ln~ J on a t tll'Dl 'near Zanesvil le Open- To all Ohio men and wom- ~tZ rema m Ol~ t hu . taJdn~ creCV!ote &11th. D lsoo uotli glvllu on COUIMlct. uveryw h ertl )Juo . me. 'J his . ee m ed to give me t.mp·oen, boys and girls; residen t in the ~Uy rei letl b 1 eoon afte r I returned r e&'&Il to Qoo Hn., and my oondltio n b e• state, or who may be attendi ng ~. wor... than " ' ·er . By attemp ting t o do 80m El people school outside AUG UST 2. 1911, of the state. JUnll IUh I began taklna' Natu ~ favur YOIl merely tlnOllY them. Creation , and wu~ s oon ellr~d, ju.t r.·11 the 'Medium s-Oil , water colors, F91- aame a s many ot he r "",\ ses that I know After 70 years of success, thp. Greene Coun ty o~ p.rsonal ly, but I belle vQ my reo overy tr,lnge a8 it Ulay seem, It 's u ~ u ored ink or any permjm ent medium "o.a more rapid t hllll m oa t cases . . ' WOMANLY WISDOM Fair nhrht a"".at~ will be LARGER and BETTER THAN EVER. l .. m peratllre and Illl I I1lly the good liver wh .1 has u, bl\ d in which the various colors can ' be lll'l TPtoms lert high me Inside of tbree wlloka Ineif fa mily phY81 c lo.n The reoe Midw ntly lIXam; ay will be better , good Live Stock Dis'l' hfl trlaltt that make U8 liver. properl y portray ed. ma &I;o.l n ano.! was /JreatJy IJrI aed to t nd m e cu r e J . Sincerel y. aur. - - -- - Fume tlnd' fret, Board s- 21 inches by 26 inches , play, bette r Agric ultura l display, best of all, good We Cuaran tee Every Box , 'l'he buree ns t.hot Dlake 09 outside meas ur~ment. I Horse Racin g. You'll surely have to be there! of Dr. Bells Anti s~ptlo ~/l.l to do Drawin g- At least 19 inches ' by Grollu nnd sweat ,' what we olulm. rry it for vAuloe r .. , ,711ft. . 16, 1909.-1 " Qontlnul l to anJoy bolls, rUllnio g sores, tetter ring 26 mches, as deSign Are the t·hingIJ that haven' t 1'004 and IUn mon eratefu l ev.ry IS to be repro- 1l4J' tobealth Na.tute'. Creatloll .. worm, eczema , stilt rh eum,' fever . duced in those dimen sions Happen ed yet. J MRS. R. Asores, outs, bruises , pimple s, .bltic k Subjec t- Le ft to choice of compe t- W. , woald ~tre.t that YOU' caUl 011. heads; ohaos, felons, borns or uny itol', but must be in some Dr. Bell'8 Plne-T ar-Hon ey t thu. peopla an4 b ear trom way em- eome...thllir OWn IIpa t he hl.to ry of Utllir won. 25c rlertul Is the bes' for ooughs , ooIds, oroup akin disease bl ema t'IC 0 f Oh'10 or Oh,' reeoverl ____ ea. It •• _ a box • ,,0'111 aend tor 10 S I' 11S tpr~. booll:kt. w~oh ..... mal without eXllen .. Wedne sday, August 9th grip, whoop ing cough, uronchtMs, Thursd ay, August 10th ~ nd wfdoh conaloa Idolllet over tltty imes teaUmo. there is 0. dlfi'eren c lrlea- A simple desig n tnat can be n.to.l, trC1lll dlaeron t paru ot Ohio, asthma and all throat ~nd bronoh ilil 2 :35 Pace $3()(1 YOU 2 :30 Trot • $300 ~lJ' ftDcl la It . . . tatllm.ll fr~ ' trouble s. Sold every where look betwee n a. model girl and ~ gi rl used in the publici ty work for the "Ill 2 :22 Trot • . • Onte ~hom YOIl kJjow or 011 11. t a •• $300 2 :' IJ Pace • 1 • • $300 model. for the bell on the bottle. Ohio-Columbu s Centen nial. There .~~~ ~~1'-'JI,.~,...tlOD Co., ,B Free for All Pace • • $200 2:18 Trot ~, "" _ $300 Colum b_ -----~ ------ - ~.------should be inciude d as an , integra l Make your life blessin g to every. Friday . August I Hh Th e OOtlt may n )t, mllke the mnn, and har.m onious part of the design, body I1hout yon. . 2:14 Pace hut it oertt\in ly h elps some when a si mple emblem that can • $300 be used 2:40 Trot. the mHrou ry is flirting wltll the on the Commi.~ion's station • 300 ery, seals, To keep olothea from freezin g t o zero mark. 2:25 Pace • $300 etc.; as an emblem of the ev~nt. , - - -+- ••- -'he line put" handfu l of 8'\lt 10 thf A Clean Salve The Commi ssion is in search I of last rinsing wa ter . Is de.lmb le. Dr. Bel\'~ Anti septio new ana origina l ideas, and the deSPEC IAL- A big feat~rc will be the exhibi t from the :::'t1lve Is a oreawy snow white oint si2'n and its adaptabili~y for the A COld ment and guaran teed f(\r Illl sltin pose in view will be conside QurAg ricultu ral . Experi ment Statiol l at Wooste r. Lectur e every Is not neOe88lil'ily serious , provide d red' as 8, sooh !\s eczema, salt rhouIII, much as its pxecuti on hour of the day and free ,distrib ution of Souven irs. it Is taken Otlre of . It Is freque ntb' dlse~se by the Judges ohaps, eto 250. ____•• _ • the startin g polot of many danger . in a .... arding the prize. The design OU8 dt.lellses. When It oomes nst' 'to suit both t.hose who Ilke beef. selected is to become the ' absoiut e Dr. BeU's Pioe 1'lir Boney . Look R. D. WILLIAMSON stel\k ra'r e ./lnd well done, cut it In proper ty of the Commi ssion. for the bell on the bottle .. two a.nd pBrtly oook one piece before Pre81d ent Award will be announ ced within A oyoio III 8 mao who loves tht' pnUing the other one on. 30 days after contest is comple ted. _ _ _.__ .. Succe~fulcompetitor will be per· 'rQth more tbllD be loves popullu Bang l\ shoe brush up 10 frout of mitted to use any reasona ble applliu ae. signa· t~e Iron sorapor , l\ud try to get the ture, which ------will be reprodu ced in After peelloi!: Ilppl s drop ' th.,m men in the habit of Ulllng it Don't Miss 1,..,..,...,.",......,.",..."""""...........,..,.,..-- --....... .,\ Look at the to to.ke the design. Good for Nothing but tho E:,aa Into oold water . 1'hle wUl p1~vent off the Illud the Rcraper leaves. Simplic ity is urged upon all comthe l their beooml ng di!'oolored. Date -.. petitor s. - - -- - • Interna lly Unsucc essful designs will he raWAYNESVILLE CHUR CHES. Greene Co. Croup ' .D on't Fail , Or. BIl1l's Antl ·Pa.ln oores oolio. turned upon reques t. " People with ohildrtl n sbo\11d J",e.p- ,~nx., !1Ja!,rhoeo,oramp8Iln d Illl bowel The awards will be made by three a bOIi Ie', Ur Belf's Pirie 'I'ar Honey oompl~lnt8, Fair St. August ine's Catholi c Churcb . To Go . \ 00 hllnd ull ~Irues. Croop is worsl!' EXTIllRNALLY:-Cnres 80re hrea&tfl Fat bf;r Geo rge Mnvenbo c'fer , Pastor , compe tent art judges acting in con· at night when l'i8 sQmetimea hard coro!4, bunlon 8, t'lotbao neuralg Ia junctio n with the Centen nial Com- Muss eVl'ry second SundllY of the montb a to get 1\ pbY8{01Ilo. Look for the and aU Pl\inl!. · Idold he, 0 :00 a . m. everyw nere. mission. beH on th~ bQttJe. · It is antiR~pt,ic Addres s all commu nicatio ns and pos· St. Mary's EpiscopaJ Churcb . • --. • • ters to He". J . F. OndwaUl lder. RectOJ·. Washin g Illmp.o bim.oeY8 by 1m Oue of the reward s of wide read , Ohio-C olumbu s Centennial Commisunday School. 0 :80 fl. w Morning 8er mersio g 'hem io water of teo makel' lag i8 the broade ned outlook aDd i1\ it gives vice. 10 :80 a. m . Flol)' Commun ion tbe Drat sion, . Columb us, Ohio. , :; .. -~ them brittle. A safer way to olean one of life. The well Style SuullllY 01 eac h monFb , by Readin Unde , McCall rtake 's r and Emba lmer, told· ex• _ • them is to hold' 'hem for ' faw perleno es of oth'e re seem ' Magazin e and u'~Di McCall Pattel'lll to beoome Thirty Years Togeth er Will be foond in the Old Method ist EpiscopaJ Chura .. ~Innaes over a . sts.mln g kett\e a part Jf, YOQr own and bardly dill ttce.u', lIa, ..I .. "II Bank BoUdin g, oppoa1& e Rev, . H. W. B&Iley, Putel, M9GA1I:S MN:oAZIHE hnlv YOU dres., nyl. ~hirty yetlrs of 8ssool atioDThen polish them briskly with tlngnld hable.from them In the ISbly Nation the mem of It . How ~he merIt of a good tbiqk III a moderalo al Bank. Sunday School , IJ : 15 n. m. Morning s er· thing ,·Ice. ex\) il H by k 0 e p I u IC a 80ft oloth. 10 :30 a. m . Ji:pwonb Lellgue, 7 :00 p. Teleph one in honse and of· ory: stands oat in that time-o r the III you po aled on Lho . Evcnlng service, 7 : 00 p . m . Midweek fioe where I can be-calJed l utost fasllion s In worthleBsnesll of 'a bad 008 . 80 l'r ' ycr Meeting, 7 p: m. ' Iulh u.'l lind hats. 6C day or night. , there's no guess work 10 this evlNt'W f'ash Ion PIps 10 Moh Issue. .",lso , Valley Phone U-2. Christi an Church . denoeo f rb08 . Ariss, Conoord, Mich., ,'ul ulthlo Informall on' Rev. L. O. ThomptlO D, Pastot. who writee : "1 have used Dr. 0 11 ull homo aud pe.... Main Street. Wayne sville. Ohio Bible School, ~u lll\l 0I8110rs. 9:80 a. m. !!IocIal meetlDa, King's New Dtsoov ery fo~ 30 years, 10:ao a. m, ODI)~ Ohrtatl.a u Endeavo r. 7:01) p. m. IiOc 11 )'CIlI'. Includlul l and Its the best oough and oold ;Jure Sormou by Jl88ter every . alternate Sunday " . II frno p"ttorn. SuU.......... _ .... ..,...... scrlbo today or send p. Ql, 1 ever ubed." Oooe it finds en 10: 80 a . m. and 7:S0 -"":;"-' -- , for froe sample COllY. tranoe in 'a hume you oan't pry It, McCall P.llor.. will onnblo yllu (0 mako In your " .' Or. Be il':; Antis :>J: til :Saiv e Oll' Hidullt e Friends Chur~ on'. Many famillo s hive used It n hom o. with '/mr own I\lHid~. c lotblntr f'tlr I irst Day r.r etlnlP;.' 0 :00 a. m. Firat Day Good o r ail Skin L i ~ .t" "yuurHl If nlld 1'I,lltlr(l1l "'h'rh will I'll porrect. t forty year:8. It'll the most· inflilli11 ; 0(1 a. w. Founb Day Mce\lug III sl y l un,l ll l. l\ rl t~- Il Q li u higher lhan le, " ble thro'a t and lung medioi ne on 10" t.ool, CO lli.'\. :-'~ II(J for frco ran '~n 'lloloIlUU. -. : 00 n. m. . earth. UnequllUe<l for lagripp e, w. wal Ci.. Yoa Fi.. ' - I I for .tI'tlttiDIr aub.. f ~ 'C r h)llon8 IImunlt rour I"I'londs.' Send ror free .asthma , bay·. fever, oro up,' quln'lY or Orthod ox Friend s Churel l • P rPtll lllm ('uIll loguo Aud <;n ~h Ptlso Olrer. I' sor~ lOOKS. Prloe 600, a1 00 . '1'rilll 'iUt \kCALL COMPANY, 239 to 249 Wat37dt lit., ~EW fOR( . Mrs. Elizabet h Larkin, Puror E. V. BARN HAR T, bottle free. Guaran teed by all drug S abbath Scbool , I) :30 a . m . Rell:u1nr obureb son- Ice. 10 '''0 a . ID. Cbrlstla n F~odoavor. giSts. Nota ry Publi .
- --- -.-- --
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Aug ust 8, 9, 10, 11.
1'-~_" . ' i~~1 ~~ave ~oDey
A. MA FFf I,
7 : 30 p _
Asto ry of deep heart
·interest in which my~
intri9ue and •••.
;;,-:")\!~~{~: '- ~{~m;~;~~~~~.;·~·.f~advinentur thee. ....
All kinds of Notary Work, Pensio n
Work· a ~peoilllty : Plaoe t~ pall f·h«t is three fourt·he Dr. Bell's PineTc:.r- Hone v.· ~~~~~~~~~~ full of boiling .wuter un del' l\ 0 4'18' Fo'· Coughs Clnd Colds. seatEd ohair. Slip two llOt bricks in to the water. It is we 11 to ba ve WAL TER MCO LUR E. one or two IDOL'e hetJ.titlg for sowe C WHE N DEuS ON TRUE MII~" • . D ODe el'!e to .drop IntQ ·the water to • • D eSIGN. 1 ' - . , M. Pune ral ' Oiref:tor. COPVRlG tlTB &0. keep up the stellm. Sit down in the Anyone lell!!ln, a "kelrh ".\1\ II, sorlr,llOn ilia, quICkly Meortnll\ onr 01,lI lh. fI fr. IJ '" IUL.h8t &Il Wayn esvil le, Ohio . ohair, coverin g tbe body entirel y lnyont.lon tl prohably p I 1 ~" I !tb'n.CO", tlOlllltrlo tlJ' conlldonUllt. IANllllOllK mun.eft.. I'nI Qrn. with 'li blanket !\Iter rewovl ng 1111 Valley Phon.. 153 ,enLlroe. Oldelt o~ellcy f, ro ',!u, U'1fon Teleph Plll,,,,I.. one day a. night. Pilton" taken t.hrou"h MUIlIl "CO" rceeJ-Main 'Strl!("t olotbin g . . Let t,he blooke t fllll to IPttWnotl ce, wltbouto bn'IfO. tu I.~ o Valley phone No. 'I. fADg the fioci 80 tha.t al\'the sterlln' rises, ,~ . ~~-=-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~ Distano e N o. 69-~". Jlmt~'i(4UI. ,.. then qulokly wrap yourl'e lf In a bot .. A band.orn el, tlhllll'''l ed OI'onl<l,. J""II011~ • culAti on -ot AI11 8(:10 'lt tlo ,t" lIq IHL 'l'QI'UUI. nil. dry bltmko t "'lid inlttlLntly get into · ..,R. BELL SAN TI-P OHIO re"r: f"u, nmnU•• , 8ul<1~)' Ill' "owMdcale,.. AIN WA YNESVILLE, • bed II.nd keep olosf;l ly covered. For Internal an4 Externa l Pu,... Branch Office, Harve1 f1buq. O. A King Who left Home etthe world to tnlking , \jilt Pao'l M'I~tbulk8, of Buff.. ln, ~ . Y ., ~QyR h~ "I WII,YI:I KElCPS A'r HOME tlJe King of ·Illl 1~llxat.lve8-Dr . Ki Lg'S ~eWi ••- - -....- ....-....;;... ---..;.----~~--...;----..;.----.;;..------.....-.,..~":':""-. Llf~ PllJR':"'-alld tllat they 're tl bles8 In ~ to (III hll'\ fnmlly.. Cure constip a-\ J n, belJ.!laohe, ibdlgos tlon, dyspep . sia: . Only 201) at Itll droggis~8, YOll
Sdtntilic ,I.
' My!~ fm~~c!6~~~a!~, ~~w. !Wl
- ..- - -
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It lIeems 6S if alOlost'u nybody oou14 bttke an apple so that it would be , nloe eating ; but here ·ls a way that 'i's extra . goed: ·w ith. a narroW!. bladed kuife taka ont tb'e oorei 111) the hole with 8~gar, set the. (n.to the oven In s dll\h that will water aDd Jreep plenty of wilier arouod It nntll it I~ apft, and 'i t .wlll be ~t for ' anybod y &0 ~t, fsrmet or king. _ .
~--~ \.~.~~.~-----
-The one par~ton1u brand of love that Ilia" bltud iII.aelf love.
.' $ ,
Wh en place,an ad .in the Miami GaZette it is worth $ $ $ to you~ If you don 't .believe thii,. try' . it for' a nlontll or more. " ., The G~ett~ . · goes into hqnd,.eds· of .homes in .~~ county~ . ' I
pnnl d he r words or see the look of agony that c rossod h r face. "But wbat are you goi ng to do?" he Inqulrc O, aCler II. s ll nce. Wltb un !tort, sbe conlroll d her volc . . ',)t for a ll the wo rld would she belray the fact lhat he r heart was b~ akillg. WI~h atrected Indlf. fe rence, s il o repl\ell: "Oh , t s ha 1\ be a ll rlgbt. I s hall go a ud IIvo somewh e re In Ul e country for :J. f w mont hs. I' m tire d of th e city ." "0:.0 £>.,:u I ," he rejoi n ed , with ages· ture of dlsgulil. "Uu t I hale like tbe douce to Ip.av you alone." "That's noth(lIg," she said. baslIly, "A tl'!p lib road Is just Whll l yoU need." Loo k ing up at him. s he added : " \"our facll baB brightened III) al· I' a dy!" Jf s tilI' cI at her. unable to under. slnDel . . " I wis h you co uld go 1\;lth DIe." She smi l 'd , "'10111' rath e l" s s ocie ty doesn 't mnke qu ite s uch· a ll uppoal to me as It does to YO\l.': Car lessly. sae added: " Whero aro you goi ng-Paris or LOlldon T ' 11 S lit n thlcl{ cloud of smoke curl· Ing to III cei ling. A Europ an trip WaB someth ing be had lon g loolted for· word to. "London- \,I nna- Parls." h reo plied, gay ly. Wit h a. laugh, he went on: " No, I th ink I'll cut out Paris. I'm a malTl (; Ula n . 1 mus tn 't forget thnt!" ' Ann ie look d up at him qlli ckly. j'You'ye forg otten It already." s he
R01Mll"d J~trrlcs. bonker'lI 110', under th" f' vll lnnuanco ot Robert t:nderwood. tellow.ttludf' nt a t ).'ole~ leads n life ot dis· 1t1P<l11Qn, nlll rrl ca Iho anughler ot n gam· bier ~'ho c.1lo11 In prison. and Is 1\180WnO/\ b1 hIs hlther. He Is out ot Worl, nnd In despe~te slnttta. Under\\'ood. who hlld enctl be4:n engl\!:'ed to Howord's atep' motbn, AII Clo. Is apparently In prosper · OU8 clrcumallln C<>II, Tnk lng advnntllg.., of hIs Intllnftc~ wtth Allt'to, ho hecome8 n !'Ort M 1100101 hIghwayman, Otscov ring NB true charact"I\_AlicIa den I II htm tilt, hotl.... He :rends ner 0. nOl e threatening lIuldlte.. Art doaler8 t or wh om he n c t~d ' 1111 ·romml&Jonf'r. demand an nccollntlng. li e etlnnot make good. Howard calls I\t )llll npartmentl'l In a.n Intoxlcn!!'d ronel ltl on to rrque:rt a loan ot $2.001" to ('nobl o hIm to ra"" up a .buslneS9 propnHltion. R 0W':1 rd drlnlrs hImself Into n mnudlln ~ndttton. e nd goes to steCI) on n IIlvlln. A _ IJer Is nnnounced nnel Und,'rwoo" dTa~'e a I'Icrec n around th o drllnk~J\ "'Ie~r. Alleln (' nt" ra. She <lemon'!!' n prom! e from Underwood th at he will not t!lke h I.. ur . He r tuse,. unl p ~" sh,' will rene", her l'atroOllg-e. This she r efllsP~, e nd tllk~ her lea.-e. Unllerwoo,! klll ~ hlmnlt. Tlu, report of thll pts to t owa· Jt?ns Hownl'd. He nn"~ Underwood c1 C'1l1. HOW'ard Is turned (lVer to the poll!' . pl. Cl Inton. notortons tot' hl~ hrulo I t1"l'{l.tm~nt of prisoners, puis Hownrc1 thl'Olr!f;h ( I) third degNlo. nnel flnnll y gelS an o ll e~ ('o nreRslon rrilln th o hnrosRP/l mon. Annl!!. Hownrd 's wlf". ~I rlares h~r bell .. t In n~r l,ul'lblll1d's Innorel1f!', nnd CAll. 01) J "rrrles, Sr. He r('f lll!l's to Iw lp unletlll sr." will ('onRrnt to n (li\'MC . 'fn ""n lfcnvl1rtl .hc .. onM{'nt~. but wh('n sh ' nodI! thnt th!' old.'r J oft'rl es dOC~9 not In· t end to lIt.and \I)' his !Ion, exc'i'pt fln nn· clallY.llh Gl:'orns his h lp. Annte nppea ls tn Judge Uruwatt'r. atto rney to r J o lTrics. Br_ to Ink Howard's ns. He deciln S. It 11'1 reported thnt Annl e Is gOing on the tttllgO.. The bank"r nnd his wit cal1 on .Jlldg-e Drcwstt'r to flnd 80mo wa)' tn pre· Vl!Ilt It. AnnIe Again pleods with Brew· et!'T to d rend Hownrd. H e con· .ellts. Allclo Is g1'~a tly a larm d ""'hen IIhe lea rns trom Annie that BT'ew.,tet' hill' IAI<. n th oaBO. She on· 1'eSll1~ to AnnJe that sho call d on Und'r.....ood the nlr;ht of his d nlll, and th at s he lIu )UB I lter In whl h ho threat n 'c\ 9\1t· ·eh'e. but h gil Cot' t:lm o beror giving 0111 ·thu InronnoOon. Annte protnlsI!9 Brew.. tel' to produce th missing woman nt n '111ecUng at bls home. Dr ws ler a 'cusus ont 8111011 t ram Clinton or [arcing , a H.OWll n'! . Anllio a ppeal'S with out th wit· ,rtelill and· r efus I! to give til name. AlIcll\ :arrh·('8. Capl. linton d c ta r c)9 Allnl hll.9 trl !ked t b m. Alicia hands 'hlm Uniler· 'Wood'l! letter. ~nn l e lets ClInton helt vo ~h J tier \VIUI written to her. She Is I\r. .. /:tiled. The Underwood lettor li nd An· "Ie's llcl'Jurcd t st,lrilony clear Rowanl . The older '.Jctl'rloi! offers to ~ lUk l! llowurd abroad. '
As lIoon ns b e dl Balllleared sho ea~ WilY complel ly, and s inking Into a cbalr. leu u d he l' h ad on lhe table aud soblJ 'd us If h r h oar t woulll breck. Tills th n, \vas lhe ell n! Sud· denly lhe l'o was a rlllg at the be ll. Hnstil y 11utllng on a lean apron. s he open ed tbe door. Jlldg ill' ws teT Btood sm iling on Ih e thres hold . Anni e lItt r d a c ry of pi asur . ' Gr etl ng th e old lawy er atr ctlo nately. sh In· vited hllll In . As h lItered, he looked Questioningly at her r d eye!!, Ilul IlJ llde no re mark. " I'm u lighled to see you , judge." sho stummered. As 110 took a S'Jut In tbe l'ittic parlor, he said : , "You r h llslland pas sed me on tho stairs and dldn 't know me." "The passage is !;O. durk!" &he ex. pla iD ed. ullologellcall v. He looke d al b or fo~ a mome nt with. out spenkl ng, a nd for a 1Il0mt'nt there was awkward I)RUse. T h en he sn ld : "Wh n does Howard leu ve yo u ?" An I/Ie stared In surprise. " How do you know tba t ?" she e X claimed. "We lawyors leno\\' eV61"jlhln g." ho sm ile d. Gravely h wen'. on: "I-lis fa· ther's attorneys hllv usk >d Ole Cor all th e evldenc I ha ve. They w u t to us it agalnsl you. Th Idea Is tbat he sha ll go abroad wllh Il!s fat he r . nlld lhat th o procee dlll gs will \)e b gun during bls nbse nce." " Howard lmows nothing auout It ." s a!d Anni ,confidently. "Are you s ur ~ " d('D1u!ld rI lh e !tn'·· yc.r, sk ptl cally. "Qu ito su re." s be answ ' r ed , pos l· tlv el y .. "Du t he is golns away?" pe r Is d lh o jutlS . "Y ~s. I wanl him La go-·1 am se ntl · Illg him awnl," s he r 'pli d. Tbe III wy r was ilent. He Ila t a nd look d lat hor as If trying to read her th o IgbLs. Then qu ie tly he Bald: "Do you l:now th ey In te nd to make nob ert ' Ild erwood tb e grulInd for th applfcallo n for divorce, a nd to lise you r OWII pe rjured testimony aB n w apoll against YOII? YOIl 11 0 wtiat It lie leuds to. The l'e's no nd to it •. and you are compelled Lo go on lying to
CHAPT~R XIX.~ontlnued.
"But YOU don't IU)"erll taud." IIh'! IIsrel. gently ; "r am to blame." " You're too r endy to blame your· selt." he snld , t~s t lly. Ann ie we n t up to him nn d laid her TUCKED SHIRT WAIST. band ntrectlonntely on his shoulde r . With t urs In he r eyes, s he said : "Let m e te ll you som thing. judge. His futh e r was right wb n he s aid l took udvantag of bl m. I did. 151\ w lbat he wus e nllnt ll ntul nn d Felf· \\'iIl d, nnd a ll that. I stn rted Ollt to uttruct him. I was tired or th e lite I wns living, the hard work, t be lone l\· n ess , nnd 1\1\ the r es t of It, nnd I mado liP Ill)' m illd to catch him If I cou ld , r 'd ldn't th ln le It wus wrong t b e n, hut I do now . Besides," sbe we nt on . " I'm old er than be Is-five years o ld or. He th lnlcs I'm tbre years young r. :'.nd tlmt he 's pro t ctl ng me from th wo rl d. I took udva n tage of bis Ig nornn ;:(: of life." Jud ge Bre";\'ste r s hru gged b ls s hou l· d eI'S ImpuUently. ''It boys of 25 nre no t men I h y no ve r wil l be." Looltlng down at be r ki nd ly . he w nl o n : "'Pon my wO:'d ~ If I was 26, I'd let tUIl! dlvon~e gr, througb a nd llla rry you mysolf. " " Ob, judge!" Tha t wns all s h e ou ld say. but there was grntlllule In tho g irl's yes. Th sa we l'e tce first kind words uny one b ad y t s)Joken to her. It was nl c to Iwow tbut some one saw some good In he r. Sh W:IS tr ying to tllink of som (h lng to sny, wh e n sudd e llty there T his very lady like slyle wlll meet was til 1\ It of II ke y uelng inse rt ' ct l he appro va l o f any woma n who seeles In a ynle lock. The frunl door o[lell d, n mode l at once simple and cblc. lind 'JJowul'l1 nppeur d. Th e fron t of t be waist h as a s malJ " \\, 11, j u l1ge~" he excl:J IlllCd, "I his Is (Xlnol, fo rm d by the use ur two tucka n surpris !" Rl eac: h side of It , s lulU)atlng a double The lawl' I' looked at blm gmv ty. Ilox 1.lalt. Tbe clos ing is concealed "How do you (\0, young lllun?" be uud e r one of th eso tll c ks. At each aid. Qub;zlll{:ly he added: "You ' sbo ul de r th e I' Is a small tuo k In Olb· SOil . tyle. The uack of th e wnlsl Is took ve ry pl ' a tic d with yuu rsel(!" "Thh; i tbo Ilrsl oporlunfty 1'\' ha d entlr Iy . pluln . with just a few gath ers to thunk you for you r kindn ~ss," said at lh belt. The nec k Is finis h d with a sha pe d st o r k collar and the closely Howard, cordiallY, " You cun thunk your wife, illY bllY. flU !l I g o· nlut ton s leeves are gn th· n ot me!" .b:lDging th e topi . he sal,l : ered at the armholo. This Is a model whIch Is s uitable both for wash mao "So you're g Ing abroad, e h '? " "Ye ' , dlt! nni o tell you? It's on ly lerlnls suc h as licen, pique. law n. Ile r· ca le, madras and th o \lite. and tor for a fe w montb ... " T bo lawyer r!'ow n ~ d. T a pping th e pongee, foulard, a1esRaIln e and cbev. floor Impatien tl y wltb h l3 ,,~u ne, be lot, cha1ils or cas hm e re. \, ~ T he pa ttern (4557) ,Is cut In s Izes eaid: 32 to 42 Inches bust m eas ur e. Modlum "Wby are you golllg ,aw ay?" Taken abaci< at th~ Ques tion, lIow· sl zos re quires 3~ yards of 20 Inch material. ard stu mmered : ,. Bocullse--b cause-" To procure thts pntl ern 8~nd 10 cents "necalls I wnnt him to go," intor· to " Pallern Oeparlmont." of thIs papor. \Vrlte name and udul'ess platnly, nnd bi! r upted .Anni qui c kly. sure to glvo s lzo and numbe r of pnltll.rn. T be !:'lwyer shook his head. n I look· Ing s teadily at Howllrd, he sa id 4557. SIZE . . ..... .... ... .. NO. st rnl y: "l'n le ll you, Howurd, my boy. NAME ...................................... . You're going to escupe fro m the s cun· TOWN .. .... ............................... .. dalmong rs Ilnd th e g osb!plng busy· bodies. Fo rgl v me for speaking plai n· STREE'l: AND NO ....................... . ly, uut YOll'r going away because your STATE .................................... .. wife's condu t is a topic of conve rsn· tion among your fr lends-" Howard In terrupted h im. A FOUR GORE SKIRT. "You're mistaken. judge ; I don ' t Cllr e a b ang what people sny-" "Th en why do you leave he l' h e re to fight the battle a lon e?" d elllnnded lile judg . angrily . Ann ie advunced. Rnd r aise d he r hand d ~p rocatl n g ly. Rowanl loo ked ut ber as If no w for th e first timo h e r ealized lbe t rulh. ','To fi gh t. lbe bll l tl e nlon e?" bo echoed. '· Yes." sa.ld th e judge, '''you nre glv· Ing the world a weapon with wh ich to sl rll( e at your· wife! " Howard was s ilent. The law yer's words hnd stru-::k bome . Slowly he said: "I neve r tbought of thaL You're right! [wa n led to ge t away from It all. Falher olTered me tbe cha nce and Annie told me to go-" Anule tlumed to the judge. "Please .. judge," she said, "don't sal' any more." Addressing he r hus band, sbo went on: "He didn't mean whnt ho said, Howard." Howard hung his be ad. , ~g; "He's quite right, Anni e." he RaId. The four gore model la one of the shamefacedly. ""1 never should bave mOBt convenient tor skirts of ordinary consente d to go; 1 was wrong." materials. Tbe illustration sbows UB Judge Brewster advanced and PRt. one which hlU! the usual flat tront and t e d him kindly on the ba ck. baek and which IB trimmed with a "0 d "h I This 00 boy! e Sll d. "Now, Mrs. , band which may be omitted. J effries. 1'1\ tell your busband tbe style ts good tor chevIot, serge. linen, truth." pQngee and for many other wash rna· "No!" sbe cried. terlals as well ae wooleos. " Then I'll t ell hIm wllhout your p<lr. The pattern (6613) Is cut In sizes 22 mission." he retortell. Turning to the to 30 Incbes waist measure, Medium young maa. he went on: "Howard, ~ Ize requires 4% yards of 36 Inch mao your wIfe Is an angel! She's too good terlal. 11 made wltb the bands of 3% a woman for this world. Sbe has n'ol ~ lIrds the 'Bame width without the hesitated to sacrIfice her 1I00d name, bands. her hallplness. to shie ld anoth e r wom procut'e thl£ .". aern send , 10 centll an. Ana tbut woman--the wom a n wh( toTo"Pattern Department. " or this paper. called Ilt Und erwood's room that nlghl Write namo and addreB!I pl aInly. Ilnd be sur" to II'lvo alao and number ot pattern. -was Mrs. Jeffries, your stepmothe r!"
I He waited and looked at ber curl· ously I1S If wondering what her an· awer would lie. . He waited Borne tim e. and ' th c;n slo"'ly she sald: "l '.,t~tnk-you · had belter go!" . "You ' don't ' mean that!" he ex· _cl~lm ed. lu genuln.e st;lrprlse. ,she s hook he r h ead affirmativ e ly. . •• :"'1e8. [ do," she sald ; "your fa t ber • wanls - yOu to take your pos ition in the worla. the DoslUon you p.re e ntltlod to, the posltlon YOUl' association with me 11revents you / rom taking-" Howard drummed h is tln ge rs on the t.ablecloth Slid looked out of tho wi n· odow . ' It seemed to he r tbat his volc'3 1110 longo)' llad the same candid ring ns die r el,lIed: "Yes. father has s lloken to me abou'. I t. ' He wnnts to be ·frlends. and I-" ,! He paused Ilwkwardly, an d th en a dd· ed: " I admit 1'\' - I've promised to co~!;ldor I.t,:. bu~-" Annie finished his' sentence tor 111m : "You' re' going ' to a ocept his offer. Howard . You owe it to yourself. to your family. and to-' , Sbe laughed a s he add d : "I waB going to SIlY te millions of anxious r eade rs." ""......... """"V I, Howa rd looked at he r cUI'lous ly. He did not know If Bhe was jesting or in ~aroest. Alm'o st Impatiently he ex· ."Then Why Do you Leave Her Here ' to Fight the Battle AloneZ" claImed: " \\ hy do you talk In this way against said. qull.lUy. There was rc.>proach In support the original lie, and th t's your own Inte rests ? You lrnow I'd her VOIN as she continued : "Ah, precIsely what I won't permit." Annie podde d ar.quleljcence. like to be friendly with my fam ily, Howard, yotf'i'o such a boy! A little "I kn;:w yo'u " 'ere, going to Id and all that. B ut Il wouldn't be faIr lliens ure trlJ) nnd the vast Is for· u n sco me,'" she smiled. ' to you :' gotton!" "Scold YOIl?" 'he saId , kindly. "No''I'm no t tulldng against myself, A look of pe rplexity came oyer his ,·roward. I want you to be ha ppy, a nd I face. n Ing only a man. he tlld .n ot It's myself I'm s colding. You did y ou're not happy. You ca n't be happy grasp QuIckly the tlner shad es of h e r what you thought wns rlgbt, and 1 nl· under thes conditi ons. Now Ile hOll ' mennlng. With some Irritation. he de lowed you to do what I Imew 'r'Ds wrong." est with m e-can you?" nmnded : "Yoil made hw mIserable woz.nen " a n yu u '!" be d e ma nd ed . " Didn't you Rny you wanted me to happy," sbe said, quietly. " No," she a nsw e re d, frankly, " not go und flll' ge t ?" The lawyer tri ed ' to suppress a unless you a re," Slowly s b e wc nt 011: Sho nodd ed. , " Wh ate \'e r bnIJ lli ness I've had In life " Yes, I do. Howard . YOII've made smile. "I try to excuse mysel( on that J owe to, you. nn d God kn o ws you've me ha ppy. I wa nt you to be happy." ground," he said. "but It won't work. bad nothing but trouble from me. I He loolted puzzled. " You say yo u I,we me?" be said,' r violated my oath as a lawyer, my In· d id wrong lo mnrry you. lind I'm willing to II UY the penally. I've ev ne d "a nd yet you'r e ha[lPY because I'm go· tegrlty as a man, my 'honor, my solf· m aLlers up' wi t h YOUT family; now let In S" away, I don 't follow that line of res pect, all upset, all gone, ['ve been m e try a nd square up wltb you ." :ca sonlng: ' a ve ry unpl easant companion for iny· R~! lng ImpatIently, he "I;o;ven d up matte rs wllh my fam' " It Isn ' t reason," she said with a Ee lf lately." Il y?" he e xclaimed in s urprise. " What slIlile, "It's whull feel. 1 guess II mUll strode up and dowu the room. Then do YOIl meun?" wanls to have what h e loves and a turning on her, he said, angrily : "But With a smllo she replied amhigu· womll n Is satis fi ed to love just what I'll have no morc Jl es . Thal's what ous l y: tiho wnntR. Anyway~ I'm glad. ,I'm brings me here tbls morning. The ·,' Oh. that's a little pri vate matte r of ~ Iad you're going. Go aud t ell your fa· firs t move they ' make against you 'and my own !" He stared a t h e r, unable ther ." I'll· tell the whole truth!" to cOlllllrh nd , and she 1"ent on. 'I'ttltlng his hat. ho said : Annie gazed pensively out of the ~rav.e ly : "Howard, you mus t do ''l'll l e l.ephono him." window without making r eply. what's best for yourseJr. I'll pack " Yos , that's rlghl." sbe r e plie d. " Old vou hear ?" he said. raising his " \vb I'e's my cune?" he asked. look· voice . . 'I sball le t the world your tblngs. You can go wh en you I please--· Ing round the room. thut YOll sacrlflued YO'urs al! for that Be stured g lbom lly out o f the win· She ~o\md It for blm. and as he womnn ." ' .., dow wlthot,lt r eplying. After al.\. · he o pened Ih e door, s he said: She t urned and shook her head.. thoug ht to himself. It was p erhaps ror "Don't be long, will you,?" ,"No, judgo," s h e said, "I do not wish the be.;t. Shackled as he wM now. H e laughed. ti. If Ihey do succeed In ' Inftuencing ti :",.o uld neve r be a ble to accowl.1 l1sh ''I'll co me rl&:lt liack. By 'Georg e !'" Howard to bring Bult agalost 'm e: I an ytb lng. l! th ey separated. his fa.th e r lJ a exclai med, ;.[ feel quite excl10d ' nt shall not dt'Cend It.!' I . " would u!.k' hlrn ' 1.1110 his l.luslriel:l~ . tbe prosp ct Of this trip!" RegnrdiT)l! ,r u~ge Brewste r ,wRS ~ot a pa.tlent, ,' LIfe \V9uld b gln ''''l'or h'l m ap over her fo hdly,' 'h e ' welit on,: ' "lee awfUlI ) mcl'l. and 1f .there ' ..;ns ' anylhlng .'th!lt /t. ,wou ld be b tt r for bert good ot .YOll. old , gIrl. tc? let me go. a nger ed him It Wll~ 'rlm\{ injus~lee "He ,agkl.n. too. cours!!, he would ne :er: for· Annl.e .Ilverted h or head. had IlQ liatle.nce -wl.b this young ",qm' ,. OW, don·t s[loll ;n~." she ,Bald, 11ft an who allowed h erself tp ,be tram· r et her. He would provide for he r comfort UIB father would help him Ing tb ~. tray lIS If to' go Into the 11 1ed on in. this outrngc;ous way. Yet ar1'lt.'"J~e fil l' that. Light\.ng a ' ciga r· kllcll 11: he could not be nQgr y with her. , She eU•. h sald. ~rel eIlIl I Y: " ·"Vnlt.' Ull I kfss han qualities wlilCh :coIIlPQIled. hla ad". . '''ilell-Q ertia ps you're ' right. May· IlRIIl. cn:u ~ lv Iy, mh·a.t1on arid I'OS lect. and not tU lie If. little t.rlp tbrough Europe won't 'raJlIn;; the tray from ' bel', h e placed of the lle was be-t willingness to· rue IUl7 barm." It on the. table. and [oldlng her in hill thet's at ber own expenac. course nC)t," I be aald, Blmply. anun. ho pressed his Ups to bers. "Perhap8 lint:' he ' . r. match. he ''\6wil·bv,'' he mllrmuJ'(ld; "r waft" wilL W& unJu." it...
a\. aoaom-
Practical Fashions
Hoods Sarsaparilla
Acts directly and . peculiarly on the blood; purifies, enriches and revitalizes it, and in this way builds up the whole system. Take it. Get it today. In lIsual liquid form or in cllocolnte cooted ta ulcts called Sareataba. Prudential Reasons. "So yo u are going to send your cook off. Rut Is n't her num e Ai·a, bolla GUlln?" "What's that goL to do with out ge' tlng rid of ber?" "Ou t. my dear boy, Is n't th er e an ordlnanco against dlschargin, A. Quun within t he c ity lim its?" Important to Mothers Examine carefully every botUt! ot CASTOfllA, a sufe and sure remedy tor Infa nts nnt! children. uud Be.e tbat It
Dearsthe //~ Signatureo! ~~ In Use For Over 30 Years. Children 'ry for Fletcher's Cllstoria The Summer Toast. In all he r bus iness life lhe bit ot work s he Is now comploting has been most pleasant, says tho free Inn ce stenographer. "I ba ve been Irprewrillng tonsts on paper ll ll pklns." she saId. "A soclo ty ot club WO Ol en who have pl nnn d to do a lot of outdoor e nterlU ln lng IblK summor expect to use Ihousands of pa po r napkJns. and 1 bave had the Job of typewriting a toas t on eucll llal.lkln . It Is a pr,e lty Idea, nnd I trI ed 10 m eet the cbar~'ng sentiment of th e la dl es halfway by using a good nOll·copylng Ink. but In 8ll ite of lb,at precaution I am afrnld t~at many a guest will leave the lunch table with a purple Ink smudge on he r face. " An Artist. ''YOIl hnd to r efuse the requeBt of th ese men?" "'ies," r e plle4 Senator Sorgh um: "We ro t b ey rtngry?" " Not at all. ' 1 show d so milch grief at not bing able to obllgo them that they went away sympathlaIng with me." The Grandest Old Bore. Methusn.lah chuc kl ed. "1 r em ember a summer jus t IIl1:e this 700 year s ago," be cried. Abashed . tb e othe rs slunk nway. Easy., Kni cker- How can you Identify your umbrella 7 Docker- Dy the man I took It from.
A trial Ilackage of Munyon'. Pnw Paw Pilll! will be !lent frce to anrone on request. Addrcsa Profeu or Munyon. 53d & Jeffonon 8ta., Philadelohia, Pn. If you aTe in need of mcd'lclll advice, dc not fail to write Pro'fessOr Mtinyol). Your communi. CIltion, will be treated in strict confidence. and your case will be diagnosed M CAre- ' fully as though you had n personal interview.
Munyon's Paw Paw Pilll! nrc unlike all other lllXatlvell or cAthartlc.. They Coax the liver into actiovity by gcntle moth ods. They do not scour. they do 5513. not gnpe. tbey do not weaken, but th'e,. SIZE . . . ........... .. NO. do start aU the secretions of the liver NAME .................... . .......... . ...... . Bnd ,tomBch in ri wny ' that I!oon pub these orgnns in a healthy condition and TOWN : ............... ~ .................... .. corrects constipation. In my opinion constipation is responsible for most ail. STREET AND NO . .... .................. . mente. There ant 26 feet of human bowels. which is ren\1y a 8ewerpipe. STATE . . ....... . .......................... .. When this pipe becomes ' clogged thit whole Byiitem b~comeB ; poisoned. cau .. biliouBnC88. indigestion' nnd illlPun The Surrrage Flag. , often produce rbeumatilm Mrs. James Lee Laldlaw has preailments. No womlln who , sen ted a suffrage banner thnt wae constip'1tion or , any: liver used In 'the May parade 'ln New York. ailment !lJln expect to ' baye a clear .to he taken to London very shortly. ' complexion or enjoy good ' health. ' U .. It wUl float ' over the American ' de. 1 had, my way ~ would prohibit the sal. tachlIu~Dt I~ tbe five.m,U~, parade' which of nine·tenths of the 'catbr.ruCltS that are ' Mrs. ' Pankhurst Is planning. Th.e~e now ' being 'old for ,. the , ~n that tliey ' wlll he' 40.000 In ' the par·ude. as' she 8OOn :,destroy 'the lining of ' the stomach, ' Setting up 8erioua , fontUI of ' ,indigestion, bas pls,nned U. '. ' . . and , .o .paraly~ the bowels that , they' JI60 I r~ ~ ., ~jl' " un1eaa ,forcca by ' .trona Not to Hla Taate. pU1'l&tlvea. . • " ' . "I atn·t telt ,at hOCle :tn tbls. elev:at~r. Bence' tI~y palnted , It w'Jte , Mun)loo:s ' Pa:tr Paw Pili. are 'a tonio IDahle." annollnced t~~ , ele~tl.t.or, boy. .to 1.ho lto~cli, liver ~d nervef; 1n1q invjgorate ' instead of Wl!8ken-; they en~ ' glaojlJog llisappr.ovlngly at 'the enam· Hcb the bl~d Instead of. lmpovertab eled ",Ides ot tbe tiny compartment. ,It; they enable the atomaoh to pt aU "Looka to me m~' like a comn 'ot' a ~he nouriehment from food 'that II IOtir fO,un'ltl dan a elevator;' intI» it. .,
Ho~\'ard stared back In amaze me nt. "It·s true, then. I did recllgnlz,e her voice!" he cried . Turning to his .wlfe. he said : ''Ob, annie, why dldn't you te ll me? You s aved my stel)motber from dis grace, Y')\\ spared my Ca ther! Oh. that was neble oC you!" In a low tone be whls· [I ~red: "Don'!. send me away frolD you, Annie! Let me stay and ' prove that I'm worthy ot you!" To the young wife it all seemed IIko a dream. almost too good to be r eal. The dark, troubled days were' endecl A'long lIle, bright 'wlth Itsl promlse 01 ,bappines!l. was before them. . , "But ,wbat of thA , future. Ho\vard l' she de manded, g ently. :' 'Judge Brew~ter u1)swered the ql!es ~Ion. " ' . "I've thought of tl1a t·. ..he said. ~l:Ioward. 'ylll YOll cqme Into my pm\c~ and study jaw? '(ou ,enn sho~ yoUr r.~ , Urer what YOll ca n do with a' gooa wlte 'to second youI' ffo~tll.'~ 'Howard grasped , bls outstretoh,8Il .hand. , "Thanks, judge, I accept." b'('\ t'epllfld b~artlIy. '.. TUrtling to bls 'he tQok her IIj. Wtiat Old ' She Mean? 'Th_ jiUla ' .CIOIltaln bis arms. Her bead tell OD lifs about;. der. lAlIIkln, un at b~ ahy!y a •• "1 leo the widow ot tile aulasmWog turoUlb bv t:eanI. lb. 11\..... urbanite who was killed hl 1& -raUfo(d ~ mured.80m,: wreCk ~t '100,000 " ' 1 ,J!ttI'I~~
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60,000 NEEDED TO' HARVEST WESTERN CANADA'S CROP Will Take 160,000 Altogether to Take Care of Yield of Prairie Provinces.
SHOULD BUNCH ~NU lfllN SUGAR BEETS Very Important ThatThis Work be Done Pi'omptl'y and Carefully ~s Soon as Plants Show Three or Four Leaves
For You r
(By' A. G. Mc(;al l. Colloge or Agri cu lture. Ohio State Univers ity.) Farmer s who ale growln p suga r soil sliould be continu ed untll tbe beets sbould. during, une, give partlc· plants are large enough to begin tbe ular attentio n to the bllncbln g aud row cultivat ion. A smnll shovel cui t1vato r m ny be used tor tho frequen t. t!liunlng of tbo plants. It Is very 1m· sb"l\ow till ago ' wbich should follOW portant tbnt tbls work be dono the hurrow und continu e until the beet I'rompll y and carefuil y, as soon as leaves cove r the ground betwce n the the plant!! s bow throe or four leaves. ro\\' s. The buncbln g Is ucc.:>mpllsh od with a In ord inary senso ns, Ih e crop will lIilllrp hoo, \~ hI C h is usod to cut out be I'eudy for ha rvest ea ily iu October.
Ono hun dred and slxty·two thousan d tnI'm hand s will be rcqulred this yellr to barvest t he grain crolls of Manl. toba, Sasltllt 'hewnn an d Alberta . Of tbls number th o local help wlll pro· Vido about 11 2,000. wblch wlll I ave about GO,OOO extra fnrm hand s. There Is. th refor . n great demand for this class or laborers In nil parts of West· ern Canndn. In orde r to meet tho 1'0' qulreme nts It lJ as been arrllnged to grant very low rallwllY rates from all bounda ry poInts rellched by CaDlldlan rallwny s. In ord er to so ure these rntes It will be ueceBsnry for you to call on one or tbe foll owjng nutbol'lz ed agents of t he nnadian gove rnment : M . V . McInnes, 176 J efferson Avenue. DetrOit. Mlchlglln; C. A. Laurier , Mnr· quette, MI hl gan; J . S. Crawfo rd, Syracuse. N. Y.; ThoB. Hetbe rlngton, Room 202, 73 'fremon t Street. Boston. Mass.; H. III. WlIW1ID8. 413 Gardno r Bldg .. Toledo, Ohio; Geo. Alrd. 216 TracUon·Terml nnl Dldg., Indiana polis. India na ; C. •T. Drougilton, Room 412 Merchnn ts' Lonn & Trust Bldg.• Cbl· cago. lIl.; Geo. A. Hall. 2nd Floor. 125 Second Street, Milwau kee, Wis. ; E . T. Holme3 , &15 Jackson Street. St. Paul, IIllnn. ; Chas. Pl1l1ng. Ollfford Dlock, Grand Forks. N. D.; J. M. Mac· Sugar beet. topped ready for market. Lacblan . Dox 197. Waterto wn. S. D.; W. V. Bennett , Room 4, Bee Dldg.• nil tho beels In the row el:cept a The leavel! (f tbe ripened boe~ chango Omaba, Neb.; W. H . Rogers, 125 West small bunch every · It or 10 Inchea. to a yellowl sb green. droop to the 9th Street. Kanslls City, Mo.; Benj. These bunches are th,en thinned by earth and ma ny ot them die. Davies, Room 6. ,Dunn Block. Gr~at Th6 Falls. Montan n; J. B. Carbonn eau, Jr .• hand to a single plant In a place. If ban'est ing Is accomp lished by loosen· 117 Main Street. BIddeford, Me.; J . N. care 18 exercise d In the thinnin g pro- Ing the beets wllb a commo n turning Grieve. Auditor Ium Bundlng , Spokan e, cess, the Inferior pla.nts wl11 be re- plow nnd r emovin g them from the soli moved and only tbe largest and moat by houd. Wash. Before delivery to tbe factory the This w11l give to IntendI ng barvest vIgorou s Indlvldu uls wl11 be left. When labOrers a splendi d opportu nity to look thinnIn g it I;) a good plan ~o give tbe beets are topped by meuna of a large over the magnIfi cent wbeat fields of beets a tboroug h hand hoel ng. This knife. Tbe topped bee ts are thrown In· Western Canad'a a.n d will give thjlm can be done with little extra eltpense , to plies and leaves thrown over them the best evidence that can be secured and w1l1 more than pay Cor Usel! In as a protecti on from sun and frost of the splendid charact er ot that coun· the Increas e In Quantit y and quality ot until they cnn be hauled to ~he sto· try from the farmer' s standpo Int. crop. It Is a commo n snylng among tlon or factory. Sugar beela grow best on a well· There will be at least 200,000,000 s ugnr beet ' growers . that they "hoe drained sundy loam flol1 whlcb Is co.· busbels of wbeat barvested within tho sugar Into tho crop." Cultiva tion of sugar beets shOUld puble or produci ng good yields area of the three provinc es above of corn. named this year and It Is expecte d begin before the bee,t s Ilre up, by gOing wheat or potatoe s. Tbe beavler types that the yle]d w111 run from 15 to 26 over the field with a weeder or spike· of soil will produce a good crop, If bushels per acre. Many farmers , this tooth barrow. This stirring of the v.:ell·dralned and properl y handled . year will net. as a result of theIr labo;s. much 'ne $8 to $10 per acre Bnd many of them will de posIt as proUts as mucb ae $8.000 to $10,000. Tbo wide Dubllclty tbat 'bas been given to the excellen t Cl'OP tbat Is be· lng raised I.n central Albert a8nd 'The lnet fifteen or twenty years cn.re must be takf'n to place these ID sonther n Albert.a. · central Saskatc he· bave seen a great Improve ment In such a Dosition that they will wan and souUier n Saskatc hewan, and country not en· school hOUle architec ture In oroach upon the part of the grounds also in ·Manlto ba. 11'111 Increas e tho the state of Ohio. We are fast get· u8t'd for play. prIce of lands In these three Drovinces tlng away from the box· like affair with Country sohooI' ~ from-11J fo $5 per acre and tbe man one room, a door or so In one end. and would be greatly grounds general ly Improv ed it more who was fortuna te enough to secure two or three window s on each side. care were taken with lands at from $12 to $20 per acre will Bulhlln the constru c· gs . of this style haTe housed tion and location bave reneon for gratific ation that he of outbuild ings. The coal bouse ought not to be placed on exercIse d sufl\cle nt foretho ugbt to In· 'the front line of the scbool lot. It vest, wblle tbe man who was fortu· may be a conveni ence to the coa] nate' enough to secure a bOlllestoad of bauler. two or three times during the 160 acres tree will also have a greater year. to have It there. but all the rest reason to feel pleased . of tbe time It mars the appeara nce or NotWith standIng the great addition the school propert y. The closets to tho acreage this year over last and the large crop iliat will be ready tor about our country school houses are general ly Jar trom what they ought to harvest there Is no reasQn to become alarmed that the harvost w111 not be be. Many schools have only one closet reaped success fully. There w1\1 be a used by both sexes. Othcrs have one great demand for these low rates dul'building partitio ned ott Into two Ing the next couple of months ; be parts. Both of tbese are wrong from aure to 'make ' your applica tion to ~ny every poInt of view. Separat e build· A schoolh ou.. with well planned of the agenta abon mention ed that Ings ougbt to be prQvlded and tbese . ground .. may be In your territor y at as early should be a consldlilrable dl,tanc e a date .e posalble . Harves ting 11'111 apar~ , commen ce about the 26th ot July and the pupils In most of our rural dieThe · rence about the IIChool ground contiftUe ler ft'Ve- or six weeka, wben tricts for a good many decadca . Our sbould be of boards or smooth wIretbreshln g will begin and there wtll be newer school bouses. howeve r, lener- never hedge, barbed wire or pickets. ally combin e Use and· beauty In a very plenty or work until November. pleasing manner . Along with better A very good fence for In front of the building s has come a demand tor more bouse Is one or two raJllngs of gaa Their Native Heath. pIpe through post. ten feet apart. , spaclou a and better kept school Dr. Eugene Fuller. ' preslde nt of the This will keep out llvestoc k. but will Americ an Urologi cal aSSOCiation. eald grounds . permit the pupils to pasa through . In earlier day. the ground s about at a dinner In New York. appropo s ott the school houses dId not need be Good walks ougbt to be provide d Indepen dence dayt about . the achoo] bouse, especia lly "We must all try to be as faithful as large. Tbey were usually unfence d. George Washin gton was. 1 am afraid and If the pupils found them too small. We bave not. of late years. upbeld the they could (and usually did) annex reputati on for truthful ness tbat George as much of tho adjacen t pasture and Washin gton gave us. I am afraId woodland as theIr needs seemed to reo that we have pubUshed to the world. quire. . Since land has about all been through our yellow press and by other brought under cultivat ion. and bas In· means, a good many tall stories. creaDed In value. no landow ner now· "Tbus an English teacher once said adays Is very desIrou s of bavlng any to a ' pupil: of his lands used for playgro und pur· I. 'What Is a miracle ?' poses. "'Pleas e. sir: thtl mtle pupl1 an· Accordl!!!; to our present day Ideas swered, 'It's 80meth lng tbat hnppens of educatro n. children need plenty of In Americ a.''' space for out·jloo r sports and games. We realize as never before that play under compet ent dlrectlo n and super· A "'~hoolhou8e .. ch ,a. we "nd In many "Love'a Young Dream. " places In Ohio. Married life Is a 'Veiled secret to \'Islon has conside rable of educati onal those who first .enter Into this sacred value in It. aside trom It. llhYlllclI,1 from tha road to tbe building . and condltlo n. Courtsh ip Is 'a drea'm of value to children . To be of the great· from there ' to the outbuild Ings. bliss; but when the realitie s of mar- . ~st benefit to mind nnd body. when· The ash pile. If one Is, tolerate~. ,rIDge come and an Increas ing ·house- ever possible . games ought to be play· should be behind the school bouse. and hold Is recorde d ,by the years. eco- ed out In tho open all'. To c1eprlve pu· not In frOlit of It. It Is extreme ly un· nomies time, labor and money bo- plls of a tIme and a place to play Is IllgbUy theTl~. . Care s!lould be taken come 'necessn l'). . . an unjustif ied , Infrln~ement on the to pick up aU loolle boards. stones. The cheerfu l, amlllng bride should rights of .chlldlrood. brullh. etc.,' tbat are so apli ,'to be '. not become ~ drudge -ana lI~e. nee~ . One chief objectio n then that can 't hrown about on the ' scbool grounds Dot Cleanl~g up · o~ laun.dry , work, be urged ngnlnst most ot In conclus ion, It ' Is. not overrea ch. our country dillies , woodwo rk. kitchen utensils school ' fp-ounda is t.~at they ar~ not lAg the truth , to say tha~' (be school ' 811d aU .the' other nece....ry forma of .enougl1, ' . An"ncr& Is tbe least, yard should tie as ' well »\nnned . aa . 'T!lshing ean be malle "easy wi tJi He",,· any, of them iiho\lld co,ntain. and well Vlnn~d. and 88 well cire'd for aa Itt'. Eaay 'l.sk· soap, wblch- coste no more more tban tAe oheap . klnd.....five cents .rherecould be ulied .' ~o good advilnta ge: the ay"rage trr;>Dt yo.rd, Public sent:!· are other reasons why .we need ment alrelllly approve s "f tbat: anil for a ' llberal c;a,,~pure ."~te. . . larger wchool gro\Uids asIde' 'from play ere 'long It' 'WUl be demand ing It. gi-Ound ·,pu\·poses. Agricul ture bas . ' H. ·E. ES\ylN E. ~ , Father Loa.a an I;ICO"... . • "Don't you regr~ aeelnl ypur cbl]. DatD lriUoduced 'Into out rural 8cho01Jl. College of AgrIcul ture" Ohio Slate dren growIn g up to ,face the r8ll\Onl l· 1'0 Co.rrr on tbl. work to ,best advant· U~lverstty. iJ,~, tb'el'o o,u cht to ~.e a portion .of tbe ',bUltles of tbe wQi'ld" " .' , .rrea" Mr. BUCBJna Aldi "It'. a Ut· !ri'oUDd. ~\IeIJ .... acbool larden. and M.... 'Q.ta a · dl.~pWlnUnl ,io ftDd JjIy boy 10 tor eQerlm llltat work witll plants• Hom.. -I bwer SUd,1t • woma. · b, bl. Jba~ be Ie no lon.,et ~ Gaul 1')le,.. oUsbt to be ~. lower bed. cit the lI'Ouda oqbt ·to doth...'! obi."e d BUklu. "No.'·,~ lOr .,. ,olq to, the CI~ . plantlin. a. saraaaU c:ala,.... IUD ........- -ri! ' ...... U III&DI laDr_ _ lAO..,.... ..
• .-uOB
...... ..... -IIIl.......
Enj~yment .
Here', :an individual among fairly Inilp! with delicious
. _ . · . .i,.... ~
has marc to it than mere welnees or 8weetn en-it'. virorou •• full of life. You'll enjoy it from the first aip to tbe I:ut drop lind afterwar ds.
,DEU~~~T.QU:Jgr~~nNG Aunt Dlnah- Ephrum , dat ole Cunnel Leigh Is got some of de fin es'. mos' lubly young turkeys I be l' sot my blessed eyes on. Dat am a fac'! Uncle Ephral m-Yass . hon ey. dis chile ItnOW B It. An ' I on 'y got 'Uglon two weeks ago! An' j s' two days bero' Thnnksglbhl n! Dinah. J'se mighty 'Crald I's golu' to be a backslid er, shunh as youab bobu!
"The ld nd that's guaranteed.'· SI rang enough to stand the ba ril tesls th nt hea vy loads nnd ro tlgb roads will give to a h amess. It IN AGONY WITH ITCHING 1s value nnd servlco that appeals to YOll . For tnat r eason you will " About foul' years ngo I broke out be pleased with the hllrness with Bores on my arms like bolls. Afwhen you see It. The little deter two months tbey were all over my talls as well ns tbe big requirebody. s ome coming, and some golDg ments are just right. Your loca] away. In niJOut s ix months the boilS deaier w1l1 s01l It to YOI1 at fac· quIt. but my aTms. neck and body tOry price, and will give you a. No. 594 Double WlIgOD Hamel. broke out with an itching. burnIng Iln('b bras8sro tlt"; Linea: No. l.lln.a 18ft. ; s lgned guarant ee warrant ing the rash. It would burn and Itcb. and BrIdIe: Bo.~" bando : HIlI' n cso JelLtll e r 6 ~ Incbu llrll8" Apotled ; harness to be' wIthout defects . come out In pimples like grains of No. 91 r ed Iro n cll\d Oh lc a go brl\s9 bllll top bame&wl lb trl\Ce8 1\1lJ\e bed fold cd 2 Inches, lI5 ~ fe~ t or wbeat. 1 was In II. t errible conditio n; doubl .'Dcbea either In materln l or workma ned anti alll<lhe<l tbrec ply traces; Bre"~ hlll l> : 2~ sblp. You can depend upon them I could not Bleep or rest. Parts of my 1ncbea tolded aad stl tcbed; Spreo.d StropllnD d lUDi". flesh were raw, and 1 could scarcely hll X C " ' _ .... ,..~ ald.....1Mt ..W. b,......J-'t Icu.' ........ 'I .~ ' tor service. It your dealer can't X IJ trt ••• 4, wll" .Ickt1 e)l'l" ..... It,.".. '.U...... 18. 1' supply you, write us and menbear my clothes on. I could not lie .hn ....... ,....lJ>I • ...t, wll" bra... ,0 '" with b,..........II... .... t.tl lt.". 4 , 01 tion his ·name. PI" ........ t ..... t4 ••Ublt" •• III,.t . . . ,t ..... ,.,,..,.,a... eol1&rI. 41." In bed In any position and rest In "'11 .,.... ("' • • t4, wtl" b~hl." I. .. HII..... about.a year tbe sores extende d down hlI '8." ..... Irtaat4, "lib •• ,.,,.1'"0 I... ........ ...1Ie The Sraf-Morsbach Co" ·Clnclnnatl, O~ to my teet. Then I suffered agony with the burning . Itcblag sorcs. 1 "arylng Prices of Lob.ten l. could h ardly walk and for a long tlmo Lovers of lobsters ought to get a lot 1 could not put on socks. of comfort out of a recent parsgrn ph "All this time 1 was trying el'er'7- In the fam ous old Kenneb ec thing I could bear of, and had the skHl ""blch says that tbo crustac Journal . eans . are ot t¥ee doclors . They said It was "dlrt cheap." Howeve r, tbo eczema. I got no benefit from 1111 adds. "they are n'o t as low InJournal prIce this. I was nearly worn out. and had as In the old days. when they given up In despair of ever being cured :;Ix for 25 cents. but tbe prIce ,sold Sli~ when I was advIsed by II. fri end to try fall ou to 16 conts a pound. which has Is Cutlcur a Remedi es. 1 purchas ed Cull· decidedly dltreron t trom tbe figures cura Soap. OIntme nt. and Resolve nt. that were being quoted early In tbe and used exaotly os directed. I u~ed s pring. Then they were being bought Old Hlako 1'7 Smok ed the Cutlcur a RemedI es constan tly for alive tor 50 ceuts a pound trom Cour months. and nothing else. and was fi sberme n. and the price In Bo~ton the mgh at and perfectl y cured. It Is now a year, and New York sOllred to 80 cents a pound. Fines t Flavor 1 have not had the least bi t since. I and. In s ome cases. beyond. " ....... .... J.n~~.. am ready to praise tbe Cutlcur a RemAd lar 1Jb6JI'. edIes at any tlmo. (Signed ) E. L. Relief for the t..aundre ... Cate. Exile, Ky., Nov. 10, 1910. Under old·fash loned method a ]aun· Altboug h Cutlcur a ,Soap and Oint- dry work .was a lIevere burden. Rub. ment a.re sold by druggis ts and dealers rub. rub and scrub. scrub. scrub everyw here.' a sample at each, with 3Z· wasb·bo ard tlJl the back ached, on a the page book. will be mailed free on a~ limbs were weary and the hands bep]}catlon to "Cutlcu l·a." Dept. 2~. K. came red nnd rough. Boston. 'I'here t. no need ot going through tbls ordeal today. because HewItt '. Eat for the Fun of It. Easy Task 1I0ap lighten s tbla work Accordi ng to Mr. Herber t W. Flsber fully one-hal f and makes It muoh less In World's Work tood Is of no use to disagre eable. Just buy two cakes for tlS unless we enjoy It. Mr. Fisher does ten cents. and It the first la not sat,. not. howeve r, recomm end us to be Isfactor y return the other and cet rlutlons . He says the leas we eat the your full money back. more pleasur e we mIght get. The prln· clple Is that If we eat LIttle we ahall Pandem onium. laste much . And the taste or food. "Nature knew what she was doing oat tbe amount . Is. atter all. the lure when she deprive'd fishes of a voIce." Df It. "How do you make tbat out 1" "What If II. fisb had to cackle over Lagging Behind. every egeg it laId 1" 200 Million au.he l. "Why are you loiterin g around, Wheat to be Harvea t6d here'" demand ed the poUceman. "You LI ked It Dull. . . HI"I~t Help In 8,ea' Dlm••d leem to bave no object In view." "How do you find things. my man 1" "I'm out walkIng with my wife, of· Reports from the Provincett of ''Very dull. I'm "lad to say." ncer. Sbe's about 20 yards bebind ID Manitoba, Saakat.chewan and Alberta "Glad? Why'''' . , bobble skirt" (Wester n Canada) lndlcatt one of ''I'm a knife gt1nder." the best crops ever raised on the continent. To harVest thi. crop will" require at least 60,000 barveatera. Low Rates Will be .8 1"en
Dried Beef
50,OO~ Men ·Wanted·· in Wlslarn Canada
--- ---
uaingSYRUP dfIGS ~cl
f!IOST IA11Sf'ACI'OIrY usu,:r'l.
on All Canad Ian Road.
Excursions are run dally and full particul ars will be given on application to the foUowingilUthorized Canadian Government Agent. The rates . are made to apply to all who wisl\ t9 take advantage of them for the pur· pose of inspecting the grain fields of Western Canada. and the wonderful opportunities there offered for those who wish to Invest. and also those who wish to take up actual fann life. Apply at once to H. M, WILLIA MS 413 Gardne r Bldg., Toledo , Ohio
'~~;YE~~RN~~;~OO ~Y I.!~I!!I~ )f~'II.J;nlt!JltcI\Y.:IUU" ~ I I'ItlH'lW STRAICHT ACROss,N£AR ntE 801TOM. AND IN THt '(IRcu,NE AR TOP OF EVERY PACKAG£.OF ntt • aNUINE ONt . SlZE ONLY. FOR'SAU IIY AU. L£ADu.G ~~1'$. ar.cULAR PRice lOot 'ER ~
. " •
BMPBR'.' t::
'. 5
' :l
It's Good! ' .
Cream Soda
Highest ·Grade of Portland Cement Alway~ Uniform in Quality
J. . W.
Made from pure Fruit Juices, and served In up-to-date style. go to
'A tlas ,Cem,e nt
FollowinJ is. the program for the band concel;'t Thursnay evening, August S, from 8 to 9 o'clock. .Sina- a of 'sixpence" March Red Clover .. ............. Fulton A tumbler full of fizz ~ Waltz~, Flowe~s of the Wildwood, . Schwart'z's Soda Water Op. 14 .............. · .. · ........ Skaggs Is the best what is! March, Tonawanda .. ....... ......Fulton Roy Irons spent Sunday at·home. March, The Show Boy .. ......... ... Huff Wal~ Cupid's Dart ...... ........... HaU \ . Mrs. Omar Lewis was in Dayton Schottische, SOlitude ..... Ft:ankenfield I Tuesday. March, Monogram ............ ...... Huff \ WHITE Herbert Edwards has been quite Sacred Q. S., God Be with You, Sold by sick with quinsy. . ..................~..; .......... Herndon !-_________________________...;
When you 'want a Cood, Cold Class of
Lou Printz werit to Dayton Tues· day on a short visit.
Olassilled Ads
Spring Branch
The Sixtieth Annual Session of the Clay Warwick, of Dayton, was in Warren County 'leachers' Institute Waynesville Suuday. will meet at University Hall, Leba· non, Ohio, on Au. gust 1,,"18,1911. Mrs. Harry Cleaver has returned The instructors are Dr. Byron W. home from Sprinrfield. King and Dr. E. A. Winship. Dr. Byron W. Kina- is head of the Warren Keys attended P9 mona School of Oratory, Elocution and Grange at Mason Saturday. t Dramatic C"lture of Pittsburg, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. H. H, Wadsworth Dr. A. E. Winship is editor of Jourare villiting relatives in Cincinnati. nal of Education, Boston, Mass" and figures largely in nalional councils of Mrs. Mark Davis is 'not improving education. Both men stand high in as her friends would like to have her. the ranks of educators and are well and favorably known on the lecture . Miss Katherine Prendereast pf the platform. Gazette force is enjoying a week'. • - • vacation. COL LETT. MCKAY PI~NIC
... ..... Mrs. Ada Dakin entertained on Adli will b e Ill sencd undur Lhl" bea4 fOT last W.dnead~y at dinner, Mra , Eva. twent y · llvo cen t s for th ree In c rtlou~ whon u81nl: not moru th a n lll'e lines. Evans and aon, Ulli\, Bnd Mra. Georgia Gordo". . MrR. Mary E. lbwes aDd M18S FOUND Alloe Chenoweth were week end gutlllla In DlLyton with relatives aDd A(JdlLD'~ COA.T-Owner Oiln re o friends . oover same by oalling at thit! Mr. and MIS. ,Tohn Hartsook ,are offioe. proving property and pt1ylng entertaining their do.ugh ter, Mra. for ad. Minnie '1'howlLs II. few days they al.o entercained Mra. Uoldia Hartltcok aDd Ilater, ~llas Edna ~wlth at din. FOR SALE OR RENT ner Bunday. Milles Alioe Chenoweth and Ber N Exoellent farm of lUi acres, tho. Smitb enter&8ined .Ellder T. C. A abun..t"noe of water, nioe bouae SOHWARTZ'S, Waynesville, O. Wlllillws and wife Suuday . Mrs. Bergan and son Emmet, of The forty·fifth annual Collett-Mc· Mrs. J. H. Chenoweth and daugh- of 9 room!! in good condition . For partionlars irqulre at this office Xenia, are visiting relatives here for Kay picnic will be held a.t the usual ter, Franoes, were entertained Sun .. a few days. place on August:~ • day at dinner by M~, Amanda =====::=-::-~====== Miss Bess Hadley. of Troy, .Ala.. Read K' b ' d' h Smith aDd lister, Rebeooa Crellmer. FOR SALE Oregonia. Bellbrook. is the guest of her cousin Mrs.1feRoY m~ ury sa .. m anot er Mr, and Mrs', John Hartaock en. u rs . Minnie ' Nagley. ent.ert.Ilined A l olly bnnoh of Wilming'on men Irons, this week. column of ~IS pa~r.. If you get tertahied 'Eldel '1'. O. Wil11ams and . it of Kingshury It IS good," and . HOUSE of 6 rooma tlQd snmmer d' 'h' . III i 11 wife 8atul'day night, kitchen formerly owoed bv Mrs . 8arah Butt Ilnd dangbter, Adll, oamped in the Wallace house here of Delaware, Obio, last Fridayand last week. Durmg their 8&8y they Dr. and Mrs. ' Witham, of Kines rea mg. IS ~nces w ~onv nee a Death hal Ai.in vtflted onr mid II' 6eo. ThOmp!l~D , Inquire on pren;. I::iatnrday. entertained a Dumber of 'heir Leb· Mills. were a-uestl of Mr. and Mrs. that he IS ~lhng somethmg good at aud relieved ' a poor aftHoted Uttle ilelo of Miss Manie' ~obinsoD .. Mr. and Mrs. Wm (Jonner enter· "non friends . Among them w~re A. Stoops Sunday. a cheap pnce. • __ Iranddatighter of Mr. and Mr8. Joe. OOD Sow aad Pilll,all tn fiu e talned Mr. an.d Mrs" Frank Thomas Hon. L. K. Langdon and Jacob RECIPROCITY AND FOOD Rosell. condItion. Fer nartiouJarl ad. Rnd Bon. 18at Sunday. Reid, who had 'he misfortune Mrs. Jesse Compton an<l ~h re. There 'Will be meeting at Mid~le dr8RS ~lIorlce l!lver, B. D. 4, WhY . Mr. and M~s. Barlan BlIdgley, ,of have their hor8e 8tolen whUe here. tu~ed to D~ton.last Frid~' &ecom- J To the housekeeper and to the bill ,Run ohuroh .8 aturday a' 2 o'clock nesville, OhiO, phone 4t 2r. . " ~e1ati vel a t ed h ' d La . panled by MISS Mmnie i the o f I· and Sunday at 161 :8'. Preaohing b.y Dayton, ar .. vlsi~lng . tI ~a.a recover , owever, an . DavIS. paye&of th• cos t 0 fl' • IV ng ~lder GeorRe A. Brolz, of Indiana. thil pI ~. . orn ~alston, who oonfeslled 'hd he Evart McElwee was called to l)ay- ' lowing.table may bnng some pleas· •_ • FINE High Grade Player Piano In Notl'ce ofAppOl'ntment. lOod oondltion , manufac'nred Mrs, J. E. ' Barnett and S04, was the guilt1 party, II now in Jail. to... Monday night on account of the ureable ~ticiPa.tions of the r~ults . ,t U d d th Ca by one of the targeRt .nd mORt re .. George, have 'gone Wel5t for ' he Mial Lnolle Mason is enjoying a serious con.ition of hie father. of 10 wered utles, ue ~o e na· sponalble pitl.no mllken in thi8 coun .visit fromber o'o udn, Mi88 Graoe dian reciprocity pact: . E.tat~ of Anna Leonanl, deceased.. The try. '1'he piauo waR taken·tn 0.1 8e benefit of bis helilth. ,. . The HnndaY sohool of, the .AI • .E, Dixon, of UunUngton, W. Va. Miss Ida and Miss Lelia Githens, Present New !::~r:r:~:'r ~:b:P~t!~~f~~r:~ ourity "ud Is for sllie at a barllaln . " h h eld a 800iIi Th e .... "'·',18S88 ' B ~ a t th e h ome Rat e Rate late ot Oount)'. WayneavUle Nation. a n ·th 9 t own or'ense .... _organ, 0 f 0 f Dayton epen t Sun_ay . . 1U'd. Dated tblaWarren 18\b daf, of JU'Ohio, lm A. deceased. D. 1911.. C"l'l .. 0; "ddress .. ch orc balllll8t ~.turdi\Y .eTOning. Xenia, and GJenna Ma1'8h, of Lee.. of Mr. and Mrs. W, S .. Grabam. Butter . ...............6c pound Free PERRY E . KE~R v K. A Inlstrator. al Bank . . ·M·t : and lire. Newtou !:imith, of lan, were the gUMts of Mi88 Luoile h d E h 1 K d II f Eges .. ·........... :... ~.5c dozen Fr~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!! pAPER NAPKINS-The Gazette "'t"dl . W,ett? 'Y 1s it ors I a t t"'is C arIes an t e e n '.a , 0 Potatoes...... ...... 25carre b I F ree -\1'.1 ~ 8 , R11n; ~ N or't on th e pal t wee k . office handlel4 tile platu w hi te plaoe ~u11day" . J , . • Miss Ruth Kersey returned to Newcastle. ~nd.. were. gues~ . of Fresh halibut ...... lc pound Free ; ~ I, and colored Dapkin8. Oall .and flee , Ab•. Thoma,S anC\. .C\lIught8r~ CinQinna~ 1att wee~, af. spading Chas. SherwOod and famlly lalit, week Appl.... ,;~ ......... ;.26c bushel Free them. . .... Mi~ &atber•.O' S~rtng VaUeY,~ . bt her v~oation wttb her Parent. here. M .1 M L J W'II • be Tomatoes ....... :.26 'per cent Free T 'l''''OUE' pi APER' -If you ,",.' a.n~ Ill saturdayaud '. . Valll~ 1'&', Onions ......... ::.: .. (Oe ' bustlel Free "'"any color or Bne Uesne p.'per, "'w_ . 8ufi'aay With her son,• . Miaa Mabel Sherwood Ie liome aDdr.sonanLeo , 0I'If 'Spnng ef, were . JUI" . and 111'8.· Harry Thomas, nOrlih from a plesllant V18itwlth hersi,ter, S d 'alto f M d M' I.e- Cabbqes .............. 2c each F~ee 0,,11 110' the 6azeUe ollloe. WE t' . ' e . ' 'Ro un Iay VI 1'8 0 r. an rs. of iown'". " ,~ "" Mrs. F red G ove, 0 f Be 'hI e. Peaches ..............i5c bushel Free it on b;aud Iln th e-tlm e. · Mr. an<l 141'8; ,B. ·F. James are atHoraoo Wlleon, who baa been vIe· y rona. Poultry, dreesed ... 5e pound Free *e~dtDg ·'he, Chau~uqua. iting In tIlil neigbborhood, Waft on Mesdames Walter McClure, F. C. Poultry.live ....... ,.3c pound Free E •.' V. BA~NHART, " Dick 'Muon 'ball been very alok Saturd"y called io Leban"n, where Carey, Cha~. Rye and Mil!ll Lilla Ben- Mackerel .............. lc pound Free wlth',rhenmatism. ·;.. ' Diok Wind80r wu dying tall the reo h~ made a visit to Dayton last Bacon and ham..... '4c pound l~c lb. Round trip from Waynesville . Notary Public •- • suIt of a fall from the canning fao· Thursdq. Beef.and 'pork, . New Bqr!in¥ton tory. ; salt. dried or Next Sunday . An kind8 ~f Nl)tary Work. Pen~ion ., Work a ~peoill.lty. M;e: Jietty MoPherson i8' spend Mial Lena Myera; of Mlnllter, who Mrs. ~arnie CU\llmings and Mrs. lDloked ......... 26' per cent Train leaves at 8:i I a. m. " Free
Try a
Maple Nut
Chocolate and
Vanilla '
Ice Cream
__ ......- ..... __ __..
C:-:' N NAT I '
C I N, '
Bea .
i~~ · ~w~a.t~ooa .~~~~~~~R~~~~~M~~~~~~.
Ind; , ' . Mr : ~nd Mrs. F. D. Compton have as gueats Mr. aDd Mn. Elijah Compo ton, of Banitlton, and Mr. and Mrs, Fitzgerald and bn.by, ,of Iowa. Born', to Mr. and Mra. Boward Leaming, ~uly 2ith; a danghter, Mary Helm. Tne M. E , ohuroh is beiDI remod. eled. ' ' Tile Aid i:!ooletY' . of t.he M. 'E. , ohuroh enjoyed a pionio on the lawn at the home or Mr. and Mrs. R . F. MoKay. Thuraday. Those attending Chautauqua from here are Mr. and Mrs. B F. Collett, Barry. Niokerson 'and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Laokey, Mrs. Nellie Lackey nnd Mrs. Laurn Ll\okey. Mrs. T. M. !larlnn, of Minmis. burg, speDt Illst week with 'relaH veE here. Mrs. lbble Collett, ot Harveys. burg, was the guest of T. 0 Hay. dpok and family last week. D
h~~~~~ba~~~~~~~~~~.~ ____________~.~-~--~~~~~~~--~~--~~_~-~-, wi&h the MilleN HoleUo, of IOnp. Macy last week.
Th&Mislles Malon and' Nork>a en. . tertained a. plonio and boa'ing party 'J,'hursday In honor ot their guests. Those p'r8llent were: The M1sae8 Graoe Di~on, ~ortenee Mor gan. ~tenua Mareh, Luolle Norton. Luclle MlLaon, Rita MoD&n~eJ, .and Jlttle friend EmOl~Une ,re1fery,Vallt~ Craddl)ok, Edna Spenoel' and Mrs. Berta Mote Alvis and. . dangh&er. The Mis888' Grace Dixon, Lucne Maaon, Lena Myers and Edna. Spen oer. !LDd Ib..r8. Henry Wella and lIlarl Bterling, of OInoinnsti, enjoyed 8 plontc at Ft. Anoient ldunday. Mia8 Luoile Ma80n had In a few of h~r friend 15 Snnday evening to Vi8t' Miss L>ixon They were the Mi88es Lena Myera, Lnoille Norton, (Henna Marsh and Edna Hpencer, Mr. and Mrs. Zaln Armttale, and Messrs. Henry Wells and Ear} St~rltng . Mis8 Mada. Seigler ~I retnraed to her home in Day'on aUer a pleas ant visit with relatlvt"!I here. Mra. George Baoker apeDt the week· end in Morrow ..
Heward Hopkl'ns ofDay~;'n ""'ade • IN ,IU his mother., Mrs. Henrietta Hopkins. a visit last Thursday, and al80 made the Gazette a pleasant call . .
B. D. Roberts. of Oswego, Kal\aas, wishes to thank ' his friends in ",aynesville, who 80 kindly m. bered his eightv.firatanniversa~" . , Warren ' ~w.rds , left Monday evening for Milwaukee. Af~r' a week at the f~tory there he will ge to Denver, bis Western headquarters.
re ,
Miases Helen and Ruth MonWla, after a two weeks' visit with their relative, Paulina Butterwotth, have returned to their home in Union City, In~. .(, Supt, F, C. Gilmour came up from Mason Monday evening. ·Mr.·,jGilmour and family will eccupy the house vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hartsock. r.
Mr. and M1'8. C, A. Bruner ClpD8 over from Mason Saturday evenine Specials This Week retqrning Sunday morning. Th03Y SWEETHEARTS IN YOUTH will sp end a couple of days this week Fancy Water Melons. Sweet Can· . , . at Chautauqu4l. · , tel opes, Peaches, Pine Apples, Childhood romance, the kind that Oranges, hemons, Bananas. bahbleain song and story, ac'cor4ing WhiJewalking in tqe yard Mond., That Good Mild Cheese. to probate court attaches, . ended in Mrs. AI\ce· Keys rec~ived a fall , that de~~rtment Tuesday morning caused by her crutch slippin"'. Al.. Home Grown Tomatoes, sweet' l b I cense to w~d was fa ted • Potato~. Cabbage. Fancy Irish w en aJ . . . . .g n , though · not seriously hurt, she 'W88 . Cobbl.e r Pot.a:toes. W~. H. Adams, 70" Spnnir ' Valley,. considerably .b ruised. . . OhIO, 'farmer 'lind Sarah Ann' Cor· 'i· • .' Pure ·F aris Green. Tin and Glass mqny,' 16,'ia1e of Greene county. but . M.· L, Panhall ' received word ' Cans,' JeUy Glasses, .Lids and ~o~ liying, wi~h fr:iends iii Day~n . {~m Tlayton Monday , that. hiS wife WIPe: ',' '. . '. .,' . Accordblg to ;the ,tOry etnanating is·r8pi~ly· :recoveriria- from the 'e"~t8 .,' ~~t~a;"' $peCi'al from .jrobate., court, the two w.re het operation, and "Uillesa lOine , Q1NG~R-LASSES . sclioolriuites in our 8is~~ county, but eompli~tion arises ali. will ·M ·abll.'1 A little Ginger Snap that's Sag.: .la~r !3ri£ted ap~~ Each ~ , been to eomehome Sun4ay: , ' on the' matrimonial seas before and .. I '.' ".:'. , , Sf.and' ,ElassY. ,Spe.cial '·Price. 2 pounds for 100. .' '. ' met at a reunion 'sev~raJ weeks ago ()scar Deri1inpr :trill o~ a firIt. -Dayton ~eWB. . " • .cl.., upotO-d,ate, shoMider' ~u• . ;EverytJili:!i Good to Eat at , •- • raI1t ~ bIa roo~ next to,Croaa~ 80me~~D;l.e. ~r8 ... dUfereJWe ware 1toJ,'8. ' E.ver1thbiI will .~.
Latest BaII-Bearing Machinery Making .the Higl1est Grade Flour .a nd Giving the Bes~ Satisfaction
Our flour Tickets
Will be accepted by most of the-..Grocers in the.: .................... ..
We are now In8tailing Bali-Bearing Ma~hlnery In ~ur Feed Department enabling U8 to do better work and doubling our capacity 80 yqU wlll .not , tl~ve ~o wal~ for your feed. .
. Our ,
BalI-BeariDg .Oat, Pulverizer .. ,
~,Th~,d~k~ • .Giveblaaa,. , • •II~~~~~~~~~.~~~~·~~.~~~~~.~~~~~e~~~, ~~am~~·~.~~~
_':,. •••1(II'!!"'~'!IitI'~.~.'"'!-~~""""!"~-....: model.
IX'l'y-t:ECON o YEAR.
i-F~;;;;'c-it--iz-'~-~-;i... W:~~E::~~:,:R::;:UO;I:: e----________ .. tp;;;n~l M~riti~+H.-;r~-;n-d- 'Th;;;I
~t' it - S~ci;l- E;;nt; --I
FACTlVthlTYC O}NTOHd IOJ CANAl rom e oa ra e ourna I IS Mlller-Hllnebrand famlhes oc· ..-...-.- - -•• --- - - -- ~..-...-..+.-..-.....-..-..-...-....-.. - - - ~ learned that 73 tons of coal arrived • -- - - - - - .....- --.- - - . Miss Mabel Graham. of Xenia. has cur~ed at the residence' of 1. N. MilMrs. Elizabeth Yeazel is Vf~ry sick. Are you going to the Xenia Fair at Massillon, Ohio, on June 22nd vi~ Mr. and Mrs. Ab Evans and family this week? the canal boat, the Strom, Captain spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. received notification of hf>r appoint. ler m Harveysb~rg, 0 .• August 1, Mrs. Ray Smith .was a Cincinnati Sullivan in command. Tom Romin e. ment to the position of instructol' 1911, About nmety members and in Enilish and mathematics in the guests were in attendance. Among visitor last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Sides were at The captain owns a coal yard. alRo Waishln2'ton t;. H., high school, for them five Miller brothers; Columbus, . . Chautauqua Friday . a meat market and a fiourishing which place sha was recommended of.W~tboro: Ralph and William: of • . ~~ter Pa~1 Hames, of Dayton, IS . . grocer~' store in Akron. He is 74 Mr. and Mrs. P~rry Hartsock and Hartsock . Th e repor t d o~s .not f' am)'J Y were gueRUl 0 f Mr .. an d Mrs. by Prof. William McClain, superin. Wllmmgton', Charles , of New . Vlen- vIsI ting relatives here. th is the guest . year!;> OJ.t age ofMISS relat'Justma i Ch'W tendent of the Washington C. H., na, and the Hon. 1. . N., of BarvevsJesse Mount, of Lebanon was in IVes n I ICO e. state any special connection between George Hartsock Su nday, burg ' Mrs W. S . Grah am was th e guest the captain's a"'e schools, . V AI::!O three I!lsters, d h Mrs, b d Mol-f t own Th uraday on L..,usmess. .. and the number of - -Waynesville friends of Miss Gra· he f andervoort an us an ,o f S . fi Id f' d I t k tons of cargo carried. h M C r J h d 0 prmg e rlen 1'1 as wee . Ray Ze1l, of Xenia, was through Hundreds of thousands of dollal's Mr. and MI'S. Thornton Cain wel'e ham will be pleased to know of her An JOC; r3. a~e la 0 nson an goodfortuneinsecuringtheappoint. husband of NewV,enna, a~d ~rs. Waynesvillelast ·Wednesday. WillS. Urahamwas working last have been spent on the canal by the dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and ment. She is perfectly fitted for D~ak an~ husbat:ld, of ~artinsvll1e . ' week on a county . job near Morrow. State, and yet this is the first cargo Mrs. Lindley Mendenhall. . the work and will make an able Milton Mliler, of ClarkSVille, was ~he Messrs. Fran'k Zeil and P. D . ' of (loa I in five years. This mRY re member of the faculty. She was an 'sole representative of the generatIOn Clagett were in Chicalto last week. Ed. Strouse left Monday for Beav- suIt from the fact that the Strom is erton. Mich., to make his future the only boat- Captain Sullivan S'1yA Mrs Eunice Sears entertained at applicant here, also. for the position before these brothers. . . I. Hon . C. Q . H'lldebrand represen~. Charley Barnhart · prlDClpa . L . Mrs. . • • of Frank- h0 me. -between Cleveland and Dresden ditmer. Sunday Mr and Mrs Web of assistant ed that family and was chairman of 1m, ~s the guest of Ell Hl:lrnett and that Is fit for water service. Squires and Mr a~d Mrs Edward the meeting. Messages were read famlly. Messrs Carl Haw~~ .and. Geo~g.e Captain Sullivan,' of the St.-om, Hough. . . frodmfMrlf'MHu~ter. 0d.fCWldilmingtonr' Mt" and Mrs. Saml Butterworth :~~rl:~~~e~~re VISiting 10 Chllh- will attempt to sell his cargo 'of 74 Charles E. Appleton, aged 51 an rom arvin an Y e, sons 0 f l ' tons of coal in M88Sillon or there· ,years, died yesterday at a hospital I. N, Miller, who are 8uperinten. were guests 0 re atives in Wilming· . abouts. . , Mr. and Mrs. A. Maffit entertained in . Dayton. Mr. Appleton was tendents of large ward schools in ton last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Larrick, of - - -several Harveysburi ladips at dinner PROGRAM BAND CONCERT Thursday. :They were: Mesdames M Lebanon, spent last week with rel~a printer bv trade and had worked S'pokane Wash ,. . . I r s. Rebecca Hoblet, of Dayton, tives and friends here. . in several of the print shops of thi s Charles Shidaker, Frank Harris. Ed The usual elegan.t dmne~ was spent a few days here .last week with I I afte Foll()wing is program for the McFarland Bud Lloyd and Miss city. He learned tbe printer's trade d on th e beau t If u awn r relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Owen J. Burnett band con"ert Thursday evenin .... H I H '. / serve in. the Gazette office in Xenia. and which the business of the organizaI Th d f t ' to At! t ' ' ' ' ,.. . e en arl IS. came to this city with bis father's tion was transacted, and the assem Mrs. Mary Zentmyer and children. ~i~;eand u:~:: E:t:..:I;oints. an JC August 10. 1911. 8 to 9 o'clock. family in 187,9, bly was addressed by tae chairman, . of Chicago, are the guests of Mr. Marc' h-"Show Boy" ............... Hu ff. From that time he was employed by Pastor A. K. Sargent, Mrs. Sar~. and Mrs. Joseph Hawke. Harry Murray and Raymond Con- Grand Selection-"-"War Songs ...... Mr: and Mrs. E. V. Barnh~rt enin this city until three years aiO, gent, J. M, Yan Dervoort an.] oth· '11 k d" . . tertamed at dinner Sunday In comwhen he was taken to a hospital in ers. When late in the evening after Mr. Gordon Joy and Mrs. Lizzie ~~~a~~c ~ ;t:;sta::~:~~ta~~ ........... ~~~~~ackle-Beyer pliment to their h~use gues~. M~. Dayton where he died. He leaves a full day of delightful association Kauffman attended the fU'leral of a Waltz- "Take a Chance with Me.... Walter Reed ~nd MISS Enlma M?O(i1e. his father and two brothers, WIlliam the parents and childrf>'n and grand- relative in Centerville Saturdav. Mrs. Priscilla Butterworth, of Wi!. ........... , .................. Meyer.Miller The guests we~e Mr. and M!s. Geo. and Fred. all of this city. The body children these large and honora-. . .. mington, is' viAiting Mr.' and Mrs. Serenade- "Goodnight Sweetheart" Hawke and MJSS Emma HeJghway. will be brought to this city for bur- ble families took their journey homeLeVI Lacy. of Wllmmgton, spent a Sa I B th d h f' d ward to meet again next year with Couple of days last week with his he: utterwor an ot er rlen s ......................... , .............. Hf>Well\ ial.- Sprin"field SUD. b ... W'I brother Thomas Lacy and f a m i l y ' (Intro. Bass Solo and Male Quartet.) M d M W H AU . .Mr. Appleton was the son of Mr. M~. and Mrs.. H'ld I e ran ,m 1• • • . • March- "Hail to Old Parkesburg" r. I\n rs... '. en gllve an Mode Appleton, well-known 'harness mmgton. ~. K. Sargent. Mr. and M.rs. S M Sellers of Fred C. GI.lmour moved hiS hou~e........................................;Miller ele&'antly a~pomted dmper Monday maker, and a former. r.es~dent 'of evening, the guests being MJ'8. Walo; • • • South Charleston, 'are 'visiting ~ela- hold goo~s from Mason MondaY,m- Calke Walke-"Coon Capers" ...... Waynesville. TRACTION LINE A CERTAINTY tives at Centerville and Waynesville. to tedheHhouse klately vacated ,by Mr. .. ..................................... Fulton ter Reed, of Chicago, Miss Emma --Fr artsoc and family. . Waltz-"Ambrosia" .............. Fulton MoOdie, of Dayton. Mr. and Mr•• F. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE G. H. Frey, Jr .•.arrived home ' Messrs. Adelbert and W a l t e r . . March...:.. •• Endeavor .. ............... Huff V. Barnbart. 'Miss Emma Heighway • _ • and Miss Myra Baird. The Sixtieth Annual Session of the from New York City yesterday McKay of Dayton were Sunday MIsses Gertie Stahler and Meda DEATHS . Warren County '1 eachers' Institute morning and announced th it he had guests' of Mr. T. 'J. Brown and ~ewhart. two charming young la.' dIes. of Walnutport,. Pa., who have will meet at University Hall, Leba· been successful in ' financing his in- family. terurban railway project, which ~as been the guests of Mr. and Mrs Baxter Vance. aged 71 years, Mrs. J. D. Marlatt, assisted by ber non, Ohio, o~ Augl,lst 14-18. 1911. bee!) under cOl!sideration for some Fran~ Br~d~k_.pI~I,eQ tuba _ ·th J~n . H. Opp !!>! t~e } ast ,. three died Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock, dauihter Miss Jessie rave a delight. t l'be instructorsar.e nr~ ...BJtron W time. . the Springboro band at the Mason weelcs,' left Thu ay' mormng for his death being due to paralysis. ful family . dinner Sunday: The King and Dr. E. A. Winship. Mr. Frey baa not made pubJic any Fair last week. Mr. Braddock sa)'s Toledo, where they will visit a few Mr. Vance leaves one daughte'r, guests were Mr. ani Mrs. Archer Dr. Byron W. t<ing is bead of the of the details of the affair, but said they bad some good racing. weeks before returning to their home MrS. .Henry Satterthwaite. The Hartsock. of Dayton,·Mr. J. L HartSchool of Oratory, Elocution and the financial end of the project was ' funeral tonk place Monday after- sock, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hartsock c:-I)ramatic C. lttlre of Pittsburg Pa. rtsock , noon at 2 . o'clock. Jesse Hawidne and dauihter Mildred, Mise Ru~h Ilnd for this Mrs. Emmeline ' P eocock, Mr. Wm. Mr. and Mrs. George H!1 now entirely arranged Dr. A. E. Winsbip is editor of Jour. nal·.of Education, Boston, Mass., and reason the proposed lhe between Peocock and two sons. of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zen, Mra. officiating. Interment was made in Hartiock Messrs. Bert Hartsock'and ' Lou Printz. figures largely in !)alional councils of Springfit!ld and Cincinnati, by way · have been vi~iting .Mr. N. B. An- Byron Hartsock, Mrs. Matild8;Hosier Miami cemete)'y. othet .relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mills. Mr. and __ _ of Wilmington, is now a certainty. thony and erluca~on. Both Qlen stand high in Mr. Frey hlql been spending some . .. Mrs. Nathan Jones, Mrs. Mary I the ranks of educators and are well time in New York conferrlngwith On Monday. J),lly 31. there was Waterhouse. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. James Easter, 82'ed 61 yearll, Mrs. Cynthia Evans entertained at and favorably known on the lecture prominent railroad men and finan- born to Mr. and Mrs. Clement Bur- Phillips, Messrs. A. Stoops, Wm. dropped d~ad of heart trouble Su~- .supper last· Wednesday Ib honor of platfor~. . \ ders. The proposition was investi. nett a lQ p~und daughter. .M~. Saulsberry. Russefl Saulsbury, Jas. day ~ormng at 11 o'clock. at hIS Misses Trillena and Maggie Edward~ • gated by a number of engint'ers and Burnett: a sl8~r of Mrs. Mmme Sale, J . M. Cook, Fred Gons and home. 10 Harveysburg. The luner· The guests W6;lre Mrs. Edith Harris, SEARS REUNION railway expt!rts who have decided Mareh, Is.sto~Plng at the Hotel Hal- many others attended Chautauqua aloccurred Tuesday morning at 10 Mrs. Laura Mosher, Dr. and Mrs. Thursday to hear Billy Sunday. o'clock at the house, Mrs. Matilda H. E. Hathaway, Mrs. G. W Hawke, The Sears 'reunion will be held in that the road will be awe proposi- coyn -Miami, Fla. Herald. tion from all 'points of view. Underwood officiating. Interment Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wright, Misses George Sears' grove three mil~ southeast of 'Centerville, on Saturday Emma HeighwayandEmmaHawke. August 12. Everyl>OOy il invited to come ~nd bring well-ruled b~ket'. that the actual ~ ~'_.l work (If construction • • • Mr. and Mrs. 'Ill. V. Barnhart enA. iOod propam will be rendered can be star~ within the next sixty 'l'~e Waynesvdle ~Jllng. plant IS tertained Fridlly evening in honor of and Lytla Hiih School 'orchestra will days'. How to make the Ohio farm produce greater all m. order ?ow, ana a trial of the their guest, Mrs. Annie Egan Reed. furnish the music. The new road is to be a modem d be tter stock is the most interesting BUQmachmery wI.!1 b.e had Thursday. of Chl·cago. · Those p.resent w ' er·e·. crops an ~- --~~--~.--.-.--'-----electric line with a fast schedule of . . Several new. equlpmenbJ have. b.een Mr. and M..... J. H. Coleman', Dr. . Ject to you. Each week we will publish, by special .", WILL SENQ DELEGATES added. whJch wlll ~reatly fsclhtate and Ml'I:I. A. T. W"J'gh' t, Mr. and both. f reiiht an d ' pa..qgenger trains. arrangement articles written by men of recognized I t he wor k, Th e c.ompany expect to Mrs. G. W- Ha'wke, Mr. and Mrs D. It 'WI'11' open up some new t errl'tory to The officers of the Fat;mer's Insti' . fi ld h ts d ' 1 1 th authority and experience on how to · derive the h th I prmi e merc an an WI U!l can m?re co~ t IS y(>ar ah usua, L. Crane and Mies Emma Heighway. S tute met Friday ana elected dele· be of ireat benefit to this city. greatest revenue from your farm. This feature and wlll start work about the first The evening was pleasantly 9pent in gates to the National Farmers' Con· When completed the new line will of the week . will be written by the department heads of the . music and cards. Ice cream and which 'convenes 'at Columbus, offer direct connections ~m S~ring. . Almost the entire output for 1911 cake were served at a seasonable Ohio, in October. The delegates Sun· IS already sold, and wholesale houses h . elected were: . Mesdames Maurice field toCincinriati.-Sprmg'field _ _ _... _ . are clamori~g for the brand!, put up our. ----- - S;lver, W. E. Cornell and Harvey CHURCH OF CHRIST by the Waynesville Canning Co;, as STARTS ON ~EW .TERM Bume~t; Messrs. P. D. Claegett, they claim it Is the cleanest, .p urest Frank Squires and J, T. Ellis. Bible School at 9:30 a. m. Preach· . Genial Dan Bone enters upon his and beat grad.es·on the market. inr; services Sundav morning at M~nnger Snook has been up to hiS secend term as Clerk of Courts MonnSEY ·REUNION 10:80 a. m. Ali' we have but one serears,.n work fo~ se~eral w~ks past. day. Mr. Bone is one of the best which not only stands high in the estimation ... gettmg everything In runmng order officialM in thi8 capacity we have h,a~ · W'll' f ' l vice, please see that everyone is t . The H l8eY- I laroson an:I y refor the work, .and when the f&ctol'! for years, and he counts his friends of the farmers of this state, but is considered . union . will mr:et at the.· residence of presen . opens the~e WJll be no cessation until by the hundreds in the county-with J W H" t WO d h If " 1 Do not forget to come to the Union the best in the country in importance of work ~ thO lseYf'W an ~IIJle-Tha madI 09. choir practice at the Methodist the crop IS mar~~. . I possible no ~nemies. 2!ing done and the prominence of its . instructors. aynesvI . e, ur~ ay. h hl"'d . . ht sou -east 0 Au ust, 17th. " .' c urc ' rl ay mg . Below are some of the men who will contribute WAITED A LONG TIME' We are always given the a{lad hand __ ',. . Please brethren be present at the g ., : when we meet Mr. Bone. 'therefore articles along various agricultural lines .: COUNCIL MEETS union services Sund~y night at 'the Constable Joy went to Dayton last we are always glad to see him. May M. E. church. ... ••. GRAI!AM. S.,mat .... t week after Jos. Gallagher, who success att~nd him, is our best wish. A ... Councii metMonday" eve~ing. and T. L WHF i UR, A,ncillual EsteaaiH EUt. . jumped his bo~rd bill at the Minor UNION SERVIC.ES nothing ' but the ' routine' business C. I. TITLOW, r ..lt.., H. I. EVAHS,.w.aJ H.......,. Rose boarding house at Lytle. After NEW BUGGY .DEMOLISHED transaeted. In absence of Mayor. Tke union church. service'wSs' held A: C. McCALL, 04.''''1 C. H. COin, F...1Iiy a writ of habeas corpus had \Jeen .. .' 'Cartw.right. li( . C Sohwartz, ~as at the Orthodox · Friends church JAMES S. HINES, z..Iol1 . OS(:iAR UP..DaIrJ issued Constable Joy patiently wait.. On S~nday evemn~, whlle.~r. J\.rbeen acting mayor. Sundayevenin". Dr. W. H., Ban~y RUTH A. WARDELL, O"'.tic sa.c. ed for 24 hourt to get h'sman, which \ thur Greathouse.was.out drl~lDr ac- . . .,;;. .. _ , . preaching.the sermon. The M. E . he finally did. cpmpanied by M~ss Githens, hiS h?rBe BAR.NJtART R.EUNJON church will. have the next 'service, Each ' of these professors has made a specia1 study ____ _ _ frightened at an automobile ~d be'" The ~rn~art; reutd4n ~11 ') e :S~lIi4ayev~ng,A~gu~t18t~. Choir 'of his particular field. The m'atter is. prepared' POULTRY ASSOCIATION cameunmanageabl~. The bu~~,a hed held a.t ,t he home o.fnMr. ~r,e'Til- .Nb~ Fnday eveDlng. . tinder the J5Upervision of Director R. S.: Shaw. . new one,. was entIrely 4emolts .• • _. " 4 'joint meeting of 'th~ Mia~i Val- Miss Githens l'eceived il9me injuries ton; in ~Banon. ' on Thul'l1d,. y; August l~th.·. ' . . ", . . SAND CONCERTS .1\' READ 'WEEK'S ARTI(:tE ley Poultry .association will be 'held about 't he head but Mr. Greathouse ' . . here Saturday afternoon. ' Augu8t was -unhurt. . , ' . '_ • . COLLBn-MCKAV PltNIC . 'The band concerts are growing ,in \ and each week her~after. Get the value of this 12th. ~,re will be 'several repro. -:..----, ~ interest every Thuma)" evening splendid series we have Secured for your benefit. aentatlVeI from Morrow here, and There ill oD1y ODe UUDI·tha' 'rav. , 1'be forty-fifth . annual Collett-Me> Thfl pqram fo, last week was the .' the abow question will be . eettled. 81. f..&sr thao bad 08"11, aDd tha, Ie
----- ... _
ARlO FAR 'M' " ERS. \J
.- .
---... ---
~~A'C'~~be ,b,ld at the UIUal. "'t ~dered
r - 011
. far this season, and tboroqhl, enjoyed it.
tll;-;;'t;:;~;';~;;~~~~;;~·l~~~~;~~· ._......_~_ .__
Come ollt aa it is a most impc)rtant the npntati.on of belD, meetin.. mark, I
The Mia~ ~~tte O. L. CRANE, Publisher. AYNmsVlLLE,
8AVIN ,G AND EARNING. A blcago m!lllon nire arne tc? this couutry In 1 8 ~ 1, with 12 c nts In his pooket. The other day. referring to it, be said be lai d do\ 'n lhts rule: "Never to be out or worlt and ne ver to liP nd as much Ill! you eu rn ," It wus lllat mle that nlllll e him a mil, 1I0na lre. and that Is t he kind or mil, Ilonillre thn l Is ntltl l! to honor. HIs Idea Is tha t It Is good for a man to eave, for conom), Is 1\ h a lthy habit. lIays the Ohio State Journnl. As n ru le men can li ve on hair they spend, have beUer health . and can do more work . Let a mnn sU down and make a Ii sl or what he needs, not sca ntily but 'b ountlrully, nnd he will be ~ urprlsed how mllny thin gs he cnn cut out and ye t kooIJ body a nd mind In flne con· dlUoll The re a re mnny things tha t ODe buys t hllt nre th obje~ t s or bls fnncy. He sees them nnd , waDts t.hem; Ir he didn 't fee th m he wouldn 't want them. We once heard of 0. man who would not go to mnrket. because he said, he wnnted to buy ev· e rythlng, and sUcceeded In buying mucll he did not need. It Is posslhle to live well on meals that average ' only 10 cenls p r capita. In 8 school on the we at s id e they do It, and that IltUe club of teacbers nre hearty nnd happy as robins In a cherry t ree. We must get out of Ule Idea that great chunks of heavy toad are re Qulred for energy. As a rule they redu'ce it. The bureau of nnlmal Industry has devised what appears to a be a brenkrast toad for horses, with the purpose to reduce the high cost of their )jYlng, This substitute tor oats Is composed of, cocoanut and peanut meals and it can be produced for $16 less a ton than whole oata coat. It appears that the horaes experimented with did not 'take eagerly to the new ration at fint; Quite as human belnga used to find "heir breakfast food. doggy until a ta.te WD.a expressly culUvated. The borae. had to get the habit without the encouragement which a llbenU application of cream and ~ugar afford. the blpeda. In due time, however, the .n.lmal'S . recovered their form on the novel diet. The ration must be un· QuesUonably justltled, neverthelesa. before It can be commended to ,those who truly love a horse. Jt Is not the animal's fault . that oats hnve become a luxury. . Human beings have been Induced to eat Its naturRJ fodder In enormous Quantities and that Is the reason. A, German expedition which went to German 'East AfrIca to search tor dlD,osaurlan remains reports the discovery ot bones larger than any her totore exhumed In other parts of the world. One specimen which has been " secured Is a humerus 6 feet 10~ Incbes In length. Thla would Indicate a thigh hone of nJne feet. Heretof~re the dlplodO'ccus has been considered the great·granddaddy of colossal land ilnlmals of aU UmQII. But the length of the humerul ot the diplodocccus was on'y three 'teet eleven lnches. 'It Is yery sate to say of the prehistoric ceolol;1pal agel that "there were giants In those day.... A telephone ball been installed near the pulpit ot a Kansu church to en· .ble the congregation to hear tbe .el" mall without going to church. How~ e.,er, It 18 a ciUDcwt feat to sleep and hold a receiver .to one's ear at the arne Ume. The American bulltrog Is to be tntroduced Into Japan by a young Japa· ne.e who wal graduate'd from ' an American agricultural college thll year. Choruses of large, healthy Amer· tcan froga, bellowing "To-gal To-go!" from the mnrshes should add much to the charm of Japanese lIf. and .trengthen the ties between the two countrle•. Still another doctor Is added to the list of those who are being sued (or .ewlng up various articles In thl! boilies of their patients operated upon. In this last case It Is forceps. Th~B 1i0rt of thing Is apt toIIlake patients nervous over Ihe prospect ot having a Junk department added to the orl~lnal plan or their Interior economy. It Is pOinted Ollt that there Is no daDger ot overdoing the apple raising business, as tbe tl'p,quent crop failures keep down the production. Yet thll do ell not seem to be 11 good argument to address to prospective but hesl· tallng luv~slors. By hY1>notlzln~ a maniac I1n Illinois woman prevented hIli) from attacking h er and her children. It might be well tor the h141es ~o drop bridge tor l\ whtla ' .lId take up l\Yllnolism.
-No patHorto cltI~n wlll let any fly ellcape, and 0.1,1 61es have beC!n duly convicted. ~lIty
Tbe aeventeen·year old locust I. in the lonr; ruu tor uie EncUab _purow. Ita end Ja hlalorloua.
WorId'sPearlsfi-om MORE LIVE STOCK NECESSARY ~eMi,sissi p·Va ., Mark~~or~~m~~pr~~t~~~~ST~~~~S~~ The Ready
Farming Profltable---Helps K.tep ,Up Soil FertilityAn Easy and Paying Method
Under p resent cond itions of high prices unci rcndy marke ts tor all unlmal prolluCl!!, It seelUS doubtrul It any furme r can alTonl to leave ltv sto k out of bls farm operations. Local can· d lt lons must always tletermlue the c lass at stock bes t sultell for the Indi vid ual, and If h wlll ' but study tbe charact{lr of hi s land, the crops he ca,n
Kind of Stock Farming That I. Highly Profitable. best grow, his markets, etc., before makIng h is seleotlon of 11. type and of a breed In that t ype, the c hances are tljut results will be muoh more satls· rnctory th an trying to raise fat cattlo near a fine dairy m nrket or sheep In a section noted for horses. . There Is need and opport\1Illty for men to enter and locrease their Btock
operntlons a lan' all lines. PopulntiO D continues to Increase and yet the num· be l' r ctlttlo, sh e p nllll hogs Is docrcRslng not only In th e Unite d Sta t e~ but In most European countries a.
II ,
The nutomoblle has not ruined th( \Jorse bu siness as was expected; OD the con tmry, prices tor horses 01 me rit ha\'e never been higher than at th e PI' se nt time, s ugges tIng that thl~ IIno mig h t bo l>rofito.ble to farm ers 10 lnella U, The numbe r of dairymen In the state Is lucrenslng yearly In a vain attempt to sntisfy 1\ growing demand for nlllk and milk products. Besides the nctua l returns for ani· mal products, the r e aro other ·consld· eratlons which appeal to the stock· rr.an. In til e firs t place, he Is In a position to cns i I' ma lntnln the fertility ot his soli tLlnn Is' the gra in former who 13CI[8 the manure, which tile stockman gets as . ~ waste produot. SE'cond, It provid es [!D easy and profit· able method or Inurketlng the oropi of tile l; neral Curmer. Third, It gets rid ot roughage and makei a complete system of fa rming. Other bene fits could be mllntioned but those clled will serve to show the value nnd Importanc" of some clasB of stock raising In our older settled dis tricts. G. E. STORY, 'College of Agriculture, Ohio Statf University.
IlUtlle,s or rour pearl Pearl fishlQg Is enough of a 'gamblo ers were found swinging to a to appeal to the reckless tastes of the tree 11mb recently In a west man who likes to make It all on a Kentucky county. They had single throw of the di ce_ A pearl Before tbe discovery of mlo'robes' to gnln access readJl,. If pos.lllle. been robbed by the rlffraft that fisherman may find a prize Ln tbe first (ollows In the trail of the pearl fisher shell that he opens, or he may spend ..ery little attention was given to the the vault should be lined wltb ceme.n t who' strikes Into a new country at a year opening shells without any dlsposal of sewage In order to make H'oweve.r well the dry closets ma)' rich nnds. Pearls have recently been particular results. It can be made places moro sanitary, Not only were be taken care qf, they can never bE found In large numbers 1n the rivers hard work, th is business or dragging populous cities then swept by cases as sanitary and satiefactory a. the wa. that wander through the flat land!! of 'the river bottoms with myriad hooka of typhoid. cholera and kindred bowel ter carriage system which has been the west Kentllcky countle.. The that grapple with the slimy sh!llls of troubles, but even sparsely settled used for a long time by our cities, and pearl lIeets are moving Into the river the pearl-bearing mussel. Up and country districts were vtslted by the even now Is operated quite success. bottoms 1n both Kentucky and Ten. down the streams the little nat-bot· .ame dreaded diseases, Since tben I fully In farm 'a nd rural homes that nre nes.ee. tamed craft drift and pull, and It the , entirely dependent upon their own rhe Missisalppi valley la now sup· owner ' IS luglcY and careful there mUY source of water supply. Suc h a sysplying the bulk ot these pale gems be a pearl worth anywhere from $6 te m, aside fl'om the cost of the well 01 that encircle the white throats ot the to $1,600 somewhere In th e day's other source of water supply, can usu· world's famou's bea uties. Am erican catch. It Is all chance, but the hardally be Insta lled at a cost which need heiresses, princesses of the old reign' cr you work the more chanoe you not exceed $250 or $300, and should Jng houaes of Europe, Indian rajahs have. consist ot nn elevated tank, sink In and the Jewel fanciers of all the world Every Shell Examined, kltohen, bathtub, closet and wash bowl In bathroom, and a method 01 buy Ilnd wear th e mussel·born pearls WIUI -a lal'ge load 'of ahelltS tile sewage disposal something like the that are scooped from the boiled lIe&h hunter " comes ashore and bolls 'the one t1\ustrated In the accompanyln~ ot the fresh-water bivalve. mussels In deep vats that be halt drawing. Thousands of men ' and women are burieS In the ground. This Is usually For the disposal of sewage the sepeng~ed In the work of pearl fishing done at a halt-permanent camp. The I tic tank Is a much better and ' more among the rivers of the great' central women and the children of Uie pearlvalJey. It has become one of the ac- ' In& camps aid " in thts part of the , sanitary way than to have the aewer cepted waya of making an easy living, work as every separate Shell must j from' the closet empty .dlrectly Into and lu some ca.es the fortunate fish- be looked over carefully, that no Iussome stream or cesspool. By bavlng erman becomes welllthy through a trous pearl may be thrown' away ~s the sewage carried Into a tank Where ~f'W lucky finds. Many fishermen have useless. It may be allowed to re main for some thrown away their nets snd tackle Buyers from the great Jewelry firms time, bacteria wblch JIve Olily In dark and rlggud their fint·bottomed boats of London. Vie nna, St. Petersburg reservoirs will attack the solids, decompose Ulem, ' and finally purify the for the 'w ork at gathering up the denl- and Paris spend the yeur In the mid . sewage. The Insoluble parUcleil will zells of the mussel beds. , die of the pearllng dJstrlcts of the Their Oeeta of dingy boata move valley. FrenchmeD, Belgians, RUB' Sample of • Common School and C,o un- settle ' to the bottom of the tank. try Closet'. These need to be removed once In lazily up and down the streams that sinns, representatIVes at the jewel. are tributary to the MiSSiSSippi. They loving races of the earth, keep an eye about every two . year.. The purified more careful attenUon haa been (lven 11ft tons of shells from the mussel on all the big finds that are made to sewage disposal, so that now dlobedl tn the oozy bottoms of muddy In varlou's parts of th.e ,'alley, They enses caused by lI:sanltary methods rivers. T,he working up of the sbells 'must compete with the spe cial buyers In disposing of sewage are much 1e61 ·Into pearl buttons has become an In· sent out by New York and other East. common. dustry of great Importance to many ern clUes. The common country closet. which of the valley communities. Mllliont! Many experts protesB to believe that generally consists of a bole dug In the ' of these grimy shells are taken from the livers each month, Great heaps the pearl supply of the central .tate. ground over which ts constructed a 18 rapidly becoming exbausted, apmewhat rude shed, has a larger sick Septic Tank For Sanltar.y DI.po.al of of them II e a Iong th evers, rI memoTh th rials of the fir.t t th U ere are 0 era who claim that and death list to its credlt than most S.wage. ' . year. 0 ' e pesr ng the Bupply Is practically Inexhaustible ILny other Insanitary agency, It Is c:raze In the welt. ' There are ble lIeet. of the pearl BS long IlII .t he number or fishermen bardly ever IIcreened to keep out 61ell sewage can be emptied Into a tleld or fishermen'S boats on the 11IInol •. Hun- and boats In the business Is not great· or placed In a poaltlon where It. con- a tile drain without fenr at contamldre4a of them patrol tbe ,w aten of Iy Increalle.d . ~They ,!;Ielleve that there taminated ,Wat.erll are certatn not to ~t10n. If no iuch outlet can be given. the Waballh and th Lltll W a b hare manT streams that would repay enter wells and other Bource. of ' water it cnn be 'dls'trlbuted by undl!rground The Arkan.a •• thee Red, e tbe . ~e~ working that have thus far never supply. Surprising a. It may .eem, Irrigation, This can be done by riv, Moines, the Rock and Icore. of other been clredged or dragged liy the pearl people who are otherwise IIcrupulou. Ing tlie drain very UtUe fall, say one streama bave numerous campI of lIeetl. It III these rivera that they Iy clean, permit. the mos~ Insanitary Inch every 16 or 20 teet. and making It at least 60 feet long. Thl. w\JJ dispearl fishermen. Many of the rivers look to for the supply of the future. condition. Imaginable to' exist. . ' Even If no sewers are available In- tribute the seepage so that no particuhave been practically acraped clean when the present beds are more near· 'Of the mussels and the fishermen Iy exhaulted. Miles and mllell at the sanitary closets should not and need lar spot will become wet and soggy. This septic tank should he at least han moved on to other and leas IlJlnola river have been scraped clean no exl.t. AU vaults should be well worked areas. Beardlltown, 1Il.; MUI' ot the muasels. ' The Des Moines rlv- acreened and the "dry earth" BYlltem 3 by 4 by 8 feet and constructed at catlne . Iowa' Vincennes I d d~' home of the pearl-button Indus· Installed. This can be done by get- concrete. The Incoming tile should nume;oul vniages In Arkan:a~' h:~e try In Amel'len, Is giVing up less of, ting dry dust from the public highway be of good sewer pipe cemented at long been the haunt of the ' toreh~n pearls and IJhells thnn It did In the 'and placing It In a box in a corner . of the joints and ' have very little dro~ Clnd tbe American pearl buyer. earlier days, when pearllng was new the closet. By means of a .mall Bhov· to the surface of the water 80 aa to . World'. Flne.t Pe.rl.. In the middle wellt. el a SUfficient quantl.LY of the dust disturb tbe sewage WI little as poul. The big finds of late In Kentucky Near Polt. Carmel, Ill., a little should be used every day. to keep the N~ for these bacteria work best in • and Tenneasee have stirred the Inter- more than a year, ago, a lucky fisher- excrement well covered. This will q.l\et place. est of the professional and amateur man pIcked up a pearl ,that wss, atter· prevent the escape at all odors and C. D. STEINER, hunter. For years many of the world'i ward sold for $1,800. Farm~rs sons even wh['n the vault Is not screen'ed College of Agriculture Ohio State finest pearls have been coming out and town lads out for a day s fishing Oles will not be attracted or be able University. of the lower valley. Buy a penrl In on the river have stumbled upon ,flndlJ the United States and there are nine worth anywhere from $100 to $500,. of corn on one acre of . your field, chances In ten that tbe lustrous ' gem As soon as news of this sort becomes From the number of stalk3 counted came orlgina, lIy from the grimy hand known figure out the prospective yl~ld and unually Ina the rush neighborhood at the mat there Isd < of some pearl hunter along the Wa· n eur an Corn Grower Can Now Figure Out compare it with 'the yield of nn acre bash or the IJIlnols. the professional penrler to tbat sec· How Much He Lost By Not Te.t· containing a perfect stand. ,Are YOU Visit the Jewel shops of Paris Vlen- tlon of the stream. It Is something Ing His Seed Defore satisfied? "V~uldn't it have p!lld you Da or London, select a pearl ~f the like a stampede to a new gold digPlanting, to h!\vo tested' your seed corn lor gerfirst quality, and five times out or' glngs, but on a..mlnlature scale. m1natlon ' before planting and to have ten It Is a Jewel that was picked obt Found a $1,200 Pearl. Here are a few simple problema In been sure that 'every kernal planted of a mussel sbell somewhere ' ln the Oue summer afternoon a party of arlth'Inetic for th~ 'corn grower to fig· would grow? , new world. fishermen on the Wabash river were ure out these hot days during the noon · Hundred bushel' corn crops ar" not Hult the pearls sold · In the markets fishing In an unfrequented part ot hour, while he Is resting tn Uie 8hade produced In ~elds with missing hll)., of the old world a. sea pearls are the river. Their luck WIlS BnythlDg ' ,valtlng for the team to eat. ' Or tier-: Pertept s~nds and p~rslstent, IIho.lIow kn'own , by experts ,to be the products but good, ahd one or two ot the party ' hap. his boy might like to do tbem cultlvllllQn 'spell' big yields ' To in. Bure ' gOOIl ' stands plant oni1 tbf best of Ihe bIg and ,JltUe streams that are began .to playfully ope,p Ii tew mus- 'just to keep in practice. . the , haunt at the American pear!' fish. sels that the low stage of ,the river An acre ot corn planted, In hUla aeed. You may be gro~ing co:'" next erman. , It Is now the source of sup. had bared. One of the Darty 'wos three and a ' halt feet each w,',y wnl year, ' . ' , , ply fmm which the marketa or Ute t~artn('i C?pen , t~e sbells ,In a' '1I8t1el1s uUDtain 3,560 hills. ' ~f '~ach hili cOn:', aometilhlg to tillllJC. nbout. world 4raw ' thelr palo and luslrous. sort ot way. He felt something round taln~th.ree IIitnl\ts an!i erach atalk beara . '" T. L, WHEELEn gems. ' an'li, hard In the tlssues or the bait· an ear' of corn ' weighing three-fourth. College ,ot ;AgrlcultuNl Ohto' Otato For some mysterious reason the · dead .mussel. He squeezed it ,t brough or a pound, what will', "e the yield per Unlyersi.~. "·" ' \ ' ll,enrl tI"herie8 0.1 the far e8"t are de- the cllJmmy <fleSh and a ~eautlful acre? SClaetbtDg over . a bundr.ed ellnlng In Importance. ,T he .un- peaNlhaped pellrl droppe /l throUSh . b~8hE\ll. I.n't It? How does thl. com. l'bt, auccelisful hatching ' of eu. debrowned expert dlv«!rB 0: the Per· hla fingers. 'Two more peal'.8~ma:n- pare With the ylelda you ho.~., \teeD p-en'dtl upOn tbe,Jlree-dlng stock 'wllich BI~ gulf are stilI dipping Into the er, but still valuable enough to hring tetting, Mr. COm Growel'?-' produc .. the, eggs and UIl"n· the Incu. , hot sea. alid gUlt. ot A.ia, but their S100 eacb-were 'fo.u nd In the ame Are there ~!666 hill. on ~h IIGI'In batlon. , The ..breeding Iltock sbould lind. beC(j~e . lea. valuable ev.ery atr,aDded rroup ot mUlBels, 'r.he pear- ,our COl'll lelda 1 Ho~ m_.....". ma~~red two.yea? o~1I h.B, )lear. The peart bU7era of JDurope lhaped pearl lIold tor U.200 bl the U.ereT I~ may. be In'te_U~aD4 UIIuny belDK prettrable ' re PQUe" lone siDee turned to AmertclL lor the t)me b,alf a doaeD · freueeS bll1er. pt'oltable to you to l&b a HttJetbD' .... bird. " lanai" be 71111\'. . . . . ,ema tbat a,.. loved or W(nIl.. 'w.... throup bldd,D, opoa It., ud 00llDt ~ actual .~* 01 ~ ""'
Work for Extinction TuberquJ~". Exhibitions showIng In grallhlc f~rn. the prevention cousumptlon bave been s hown tn eve.. y s tAle In the United' Slates, except Nevada, ArI1.ana. "'lew Mexico anel Wyoming, and "lso In most or the Canadian ptqvlnces Rnd In Mexico, Porto Ri co and Cuba, according to a statem e nt mnde by the National Assoclallon lor the Study and Prevention ot Tuuerculosls. Tber u arc now 26 s tates and 16 cities ha v· Ing pel mnnent and trllvellng exhlvlt.1I besides the two · operated by the Na· tional assoolatlon Itselr, aDd the total number of similar displays ts over 200, IncludJng- about 160 small school exhibits. Tbe first tuberculosis ex· tllblt In America was shown by ttle Maryland Tuberculosis commission In January, 1904. In 1906 there were rour such exhibits.
"Some Ume ago I was t aken wU!) eczema from the top ot my head to my wahst. It began with scnl.as on my body. I suttered untold Hchlng and burning, and could not sleep. I WRS greaHy disfigured with scales and crusts. My ears looked a. It they had been most cu,t 01I with a razor, anll my neck was perfeotly raw. I suffered untold agony and pnln. 1 tried two doc~ors who .atd t Uad eczema In Its fullest slage, and that It could not be cured. I then tried other ,fem· edles to no avail. At last, I tried a ,set of tbe genuine CuUeura Remediel, which cured me of eczema when al& else had tailed, therefore I cannot praIse them too hig hly. "I suffered with eczema about teD months, but am now entirely cured, and I belfeve Cutlcura Remedies are tbe best skJn cure ther.. Is ." (Signed) Miss Mattie J. Shafter , R. F. D. I, Box II, Danc,., Miss., Oct. 27, 1910. "I hsd suffered from eczema about tour years when bolls began to br(lak out on different parts of my body. It started with a fine red rash. M)' back was affected first, when It al.o spread over my tace. The Itching WWl almolt unbearable at times. 'tried dlfterent soaps and .alvea, but notbSn" seemed to help 1M untll I began to URe the Cutlcura Soap and Ointment . . One box or them cured me entirely. I recommended them ' to my sister for her baby who wal troubled with tootb eC%ema, and the), completely cured bel' baby." (Signed) Mrs_ F. L. Mal'bereer, Drehersvllle, Pa., Sept. 6, 1910. Although Cuticura Soap and Oint· ment are sold ' everywbere, a .ampl. of each. wltb 32·page book, wlll be maJled tree on application' to "CuU' Clura," Dept. 4 L, Boston. . DECIDED NOT TO· OPEN IT.
cauj-I was thinking about' OpeD Ing a drug Itore In tbl. neighborhood. Do you think one ts needed around bereT ' Resldent-G~at Idea, There'. no place wlthtn ten blocka where a man caD bU7 at.amp. or see the eft, dlreotory. I
NBoy Scout" 'Move,"-nt.. ~prw.d .. Tbe "bOT .couts" mo.,Gment b ..~ reacbed the Malay penlnllula, aDd Singapore II to, hllve a fine or,anl&a' Uon under tbe patrona,e of the 10v, ernor and chief JUlltice. It 18 a ,oolt thin, In many WRY., ulde from the military train In" and bide fair to become on• • or the permanent I aDd most popular Inlltltutlon. of the penlo.ula. All through the BrltllJh colon'e. "bOT .CO\1t" oreRnlzaUon. arw b.ID& formed. The dlMculty of Imowlog wbat not to .0.1 I. knowing wben vat .to lay It.
A Triumph Ol~kery-
Post Toasties Many deliciou. dishel have b~D made from
Indian Com by the .kill 'and ingenuity' of the expert coOl ' But none'of these creatioDleXcel. Post Toast-
fea intemJ:l.tin~ thl'. palal~
~'T~ties"- are' a' luxury ~a'make. dC~lb," , fuI. -hot-weather .. , .
economy. ,
&rat ~dDqe ' tdJ.
ita cn.VIl aJory. '
"The 'Memol')" Un,.rs"
1I1.J!.! ' 'l.~ '
Only Three , Residents in This
Indiana Burg.
Best. Results Secured by Hitching Team So That. Drag Wlll Follow At. Angle oC About 45 Degrees-Most Good Obt.alned by Working Road Just After Roln and Longer Dragged. Better It Gets. 81.:nal Tower That liOn the Map
..... OUTDOOR L11'1t
and Has Politicians As Neighbors-Telegraph Operators Total Populat !on. lndlanapol!s. lnd.-Prcsldent Taft on his recent trIp to thIs cIty passed through or rather by Taft, Ind ., fo r the first. tlme. He, howevcr. prob· abl y did not know It unless he wus remInded at It. There was only on e Inhabltant or Tart ou t of bed the night Presid ent Taft whizzed by tbe original statloll of Tall. That one Inhabitant was C. A. :-Iewl!n, a telegraph operntor, wbo had out a green IIsht, which me'lnt a clea r track for th e PresIdent. Tbe President, III al! his travels, had n(\ver before been through Taft, Ind . While co nducting hIs presl. dentlal campaign he vlslled Anderson :me October evening, going In from the east, a nd was then routed by way of Rushville to Indianapolis . His reo cent trIp was the fIrst time the Presl. dent bas ever traveled over the 13Ig Four railroad between Andef'son and IndIanapolis, and that Is why he aiways missed Taft, Ind.
N the past five yeara Thl!re III plenty at summer range UII the elk In the secllon In the ~eat meadow and valleys of of the Montana game the park. bul the snow Is too dee,. fields north of the for them to Btay all winter. so they Simple ROBd Drag for Farmerc' Use. boundary of the Yelmust come down to the lower country. "I ne ver lIaw two road drags t hat end; and the other two holes to corrl'lowstone Park havo Several large bands at domestic IIheep wero made the same way nor two men s pond with the two In the front slal:l. lIave been grazed up to the ver,. greatly Increased In ~ who operated a drag just the same." The slabs are then joIned together numbers. It has been boundary of tbe park, a.lthough the remarked a road supervIsor the other with atout stakell so that the two observed by many or lIupervlsor of the Forellt Reserve haa tbe hunters In recent years tbat a day. Tbe statement comes olose to slaba are not c!oser than 30 IncheS. promIsed to keep the sbeep back Hve miles from the park line, but he taUed lariClr number of cows · have two the truth, and therein III the explana- Wedge the stakes In place. alldwlng to do It. ThIs drivel the elk down tho ThIs Taft, Ind ., Is not a joke or a tion for tbe dllferenco In results ob· the ends to protrude beblnd, to make calve. following them than In preA sInce William H. Taft be· handles for lifting the drag around. vioul yean. The elk are becoming getll from four to twenty feet deep, Yellowstone Valley. In' tbe last three creation came PresIdent. The place or IItaUon talned from the use of the drag and To compk\te the drag place n brace the dIversity of opInion regarding Ill! IIcclhnt\ted to the hl,h mountalnouB for theIr winter range the latt'lr part years grellt herdll ot elk bave swept as IIhown In the drawing and tack a country of the park and upper Yellow· of November. Tbe game III very can· down thIs valley, tearIng down fences, was named while Mr. Tart was a real· value, saYII tbe PrairIe Farmer. It you want to aecure the bellt re- light platrorm on the top. The chain IItone and are growing more hearty lltant In the ulles of trails and runl. eating up the ranchers' bay stacks dent at CincInnati and preparIng to In their present environment. In Each ' lIeason they go out from theIr and In fact eating everythIng In tho go to the PhilippInes as governor at sultll form the use ot the drag hItch IIbould be attacbed as IIhown. Don't early days before the great valleys summer rango by tbe very same trails line of teed, makIng the country look the Islands . Some one In the general tbe team 10 that the drag will tollow build the drag too heavy; It can be ' and low lands were taken up by the aDd pallllell en route to tbelr wInter 8S If a bunch at Kansas grallshopperl offices of tbe Big Four soon after at an anIle of abo~t 45 degreeB. Then weIghted It It Is too light. Follow bad lIuddenly swept down the country. the SpanIsh-American war, when It drlve ' doll'n the road wIth one horlle these dIrections In making and operlet tier the elk were found In the bl, home. open country except In late summet The pasll ulled In their exIt from the ThIs winter (1910-11) the elk are became necessary to give names to on each IIlde of the wheel track so alll1g the drag nnd ~he relulta wl\l b. monthll, where they were very often park la about a mlle from the Aspen tWl!nty-tlTe miles down In the ranch new towers for Interlocking sIgnals that the loose earth will be moved to- entirely satisfactory. fOund In the hIgh mountains grazing Hunting Cabin, on Buffalo Flat, north country. It Is needlellll to lIay the,. and other devices for safety along the ward the center of the road. Com. upon ATeat plateaus. Early explorers of Yellowstone Park, and the trall won't all o( them cet to lIee ,the beau- , BIg Four railroad between Anderson back the same wayan the otber IIlde and prospectors noted very few elk In they travel O\'er 115 a quarter of a mlle tlful scenery of the great Yellowstono and Indianapolis, chose names of per- JJ! the road. It one round Is not . sons and shIps then III the publlo eye. '}Jlough to smooth the lIurtace and fin tbe park and section north at that reo above the lIame lodge. During this Park lI@,aln. The superIntendent of the Yellow- First one tower was named . Taft, Ihe ruts; make anotber round, or all Ilene, nnd In fact very little game ex· exodus ot elk every morning about the cept buffalo. This Illformatlon was time the lIun's Hrat rays at light can Itone park and cblef scout, Mr. Mc- Then one between Pendelton and In- lOany aa are necessary to bring the deobtained from Dr. Reagle, who wal be lIeen radiating In the gray east, on Bride, are taking good care of the galls was named after one of Dewey's sired I esult&. DDtU Past Few Years Crop Hael DeeD Classed as Trouble60lD. It does not matter 10 mucb what with Dr. Hayden In his oftlclal expedl- the IIky line will be observed vast park antelope, mountain sheep, deef good Bhlps of war, Rale Igh . Dickey Weed by Many-Now tlon In 1871, when most ot tbe geYllers numberl of moving objects which will and a IImall part ot tbe elk. It III 1m· WaInwright, who had not then be- lime you work ~ he road although the SoU Restorer. possible to feed 60,000 elk, whloh III come a rear admiral, but was makIng most good 18 done right after a rain, were named and angulated. be made out to be elk. . The elk IItay up here In the mounFin thousand were estimated to the number In the park, accordlns to h.story while fIghting the Spanish, say as soon all the surface begins to (By J . W. GRIFFIN.) was honored wIth tbe name ot a tow· d r1· Th e a bj ec t III to pu ddl e th e lIurtalns all winter now, very few 9f their have palllled along the tra.1I above tbe the last censull. Sweet clover 18 fast coming to tbe About 100 tons ot hay are ted to the er at tbe southwest corner ot Ander- face. Roads that are treated In thlB tront as a soil restorer. Until the number tryIng to do aown the valley. cllbln In four daYII. The cows and They have learn ~d to lIke the' IInow, calvell outnumb13red the bulls about t;ame every year. Thill Is put up by lion. WainwrIght and Taft are next manner for a season become almoat pallt few years It hall been classed as Rnd dUJ'!ng the first snow storms w1l1 five to one. Very few old bullll were the government. It Is alfalfa hay and Impervious to water. a troubl ellome weed by many. (have leave the low country where the noticed, probably becaulle a large per- Is grown In the park on an 80-acre It mUllt not be expected that the been experimenting with dllrerent ground JII bare to climb upon the centage at tbem lltay upon Hell·Roar- Hat In front at the town of Gardiner. best results will be accomplished atter clovers for lIeveral yearll as to their piateaull and benches Into a foot at tng Creek. There are from 400 to 2,000 elk fed one or two dragglngs. The longer value all cured hay, grazIng and as a The elk are a nomadic animal and on the nat. The Dumber varlel all snow. It Is not uncommon to Bee a the road Is dragged the better It will crop to turn under lUI gr.een manure. band at elk making a trail through very unlike the deer, seemIng to have there III no fence to retain the anImals get. Tbe Ideal contour may not be obAs cured hay, IIweet clover com cs four teet of snow, taking turn about no particular country or home and are and the game comes and goes at will. talned until the fourth or nftb time second to altaUa. breaking trail. They will live all wIn- more or less on the move most ot the If the storm III lIevere the flat Is covover the road, although a dIfference As 8 pasture IIweet clover III way ter In thle deep IInow and will paw time. Lalit tall while hunting with a ered wIth game; when the weather II can be noticed from tbe first In the ahead. On land that Is very thin and out great patches, l!ar.idng the IIDOW party on a small creek, a ilrancb of mild the teed ground Is clear of game. condition of tbe road after ralnll. In whIch there Is ve ry little humulI, If liP around the m and makIng It look as Slough Creek, we came apon a large The antelope that are fed number When the traveled part of the road sown to sweet clover and bluegrasl though .they were penned up In a big bull In the woods, and one of the about 200. The other ZOO go down the Is as good as can be made then YOll there ",\II be n good stand ot pasture orral wIth, a great whIte fence party came Ilear shootl!'lg hIm When river, which f8 t elf natural range . are ready to wIden t}1e blghway. Do the second season and It pastured around It. They are fine rustlers and It was notlced that the elk only had The scouts and soldiers try to drlvo thle by first plowing a shallow furrow lightly a heavy sod Is formed rapidly, nre busy most at tbelr time pawing one perfect horn. The other antler them back, but It Is a dIfficult task. : down each sIde of Ule road just to the then afte r the fourth season It may tbe snow down tryIng to find · a bun ch was a freak whIch stuck 'lut from his . The prettIest sIght o! aU III to Ree edge of the dragged portion, throwIng be pastured regularly and It w\ll canhead like a huge club (not unlike the the 50 mountain sheep around tbo or grass. the soli at course toward the center. tlnue to Improve. Tbe calves surrer the mOllt from the pIctures of Teddy's big stlc~) and had teed racks In the Gardiner Canon. Now pass along wIth the drag nnd As a green crop to turn under I long, cold winter and lack I)r Ceed, due one small poInt on It. Late r we saw Anyone who bas spent all day climb' spread this loose Boll over the surface have not been able to nnd anythIng to the deep snows, but th ere Ie not a thIs same bull wIth th e freak head on Ing to the top of 1I0ml! hIgh monntaln , to tbe road and at the same tfme move near \ls equal. Where sown thickly very large percentage that di e, prob- Palmer Creek, some 50 miles from thlnklng he has been very careful to It toward tb e crown. C ntlnue In thIs It makes a very heavy growth to turn where' we had seen hIm a month pre· keep under coyer and out of sIght or ably about 10 per cent. way until the crown of the ' road Is as under. and as this d ecays and Is canThey usually meet their tate In viOllsly. This old bull was tlnally ' a band at mountain st,ilep. to find tho hIgh as desIred. The greal advantage verted Into bumus the nItrogen gathMarcb, whIch 115 the month the cow killed twenty miles down the Yellow- quarry bas dlsappearl'd, Imows how of buildI ng a road In thIs manner Is e rlng bacte rlas that live on the rootl! II ta rts to wean her calf, whIch at that stone River. wary the big horn Is. But It Is difthat th e surface Is packed as the road of tbe clovl!r. releases the nItrogen At the rat~ ,the elk are IncreasIng ferent here. The big IG-Inch ram time-Is very weak and thIn and In bad Is mad e. Tbere are neVer any soft I that was gathered while the crop WBS In this section ot Montana and the whIch Is RO hard to get close to In condttlon to rustle for Itself. The "Town)' of 1 aft, plalces to be found In such a road, growIng. 'rhe large herds of elk start to Yellows tone Park , It Is becomIng a the wilds will come up and almost eat and conselJuently ruts seldom rorm . The bitter taste thnt sweet ' clover leave tho hig h mountain meadows or problem to the state of how to take out of your hand . At least. he comcl! door nelgbbors as toweN. At the The best Illnd of a drag Ie mad e as makes agaInst It some as most all near enongh to get a good picture. the Yellowstone Parl[ , where the SnOW car~ of ~he rapidly multiplying herds. east end of the Dig Fou.' yards In follows : Split a cedar post or the stock do, not lalle to It readily, but Anderson another tower was named end of a telephon e pol e, at lellst ten thIs bItte rness, ca used by a vroperty Incbes thIck, eo as to get two haIr con1alned by the sweet clov~r known . re mained until hI s denth. In that ca· Gridley. It Is well known tha t the tll'st town logs about 7 pr 8 teet long. Tbls Is as cumarin prevents the stock thllt paclty be was paId probably about $35 or $40 a week. Aftor consIderable west of Pe ndleton Is Ingalls, named bette r than to us a plank. Pick out fe ed on th e clover from being bloated. BY M. A. LAN E, SC. B" Hence, anythIng that makes a good search I ha ve not be n (l.ble to finrl after M. E. Ingalls , but that was be- the bos t half for the front of tbe drag (Former Research Fellow In Phys iology, U nI versi ty of Il11n o I8.) any printeLl record that he ever mar· fore Taft was named. J. Q. VanWln, and about four Inch es from the end food Is a good fertilizer. rl ed. YOIl could hardl y blame the poor kle, formerly of Anderson, wus gen· that Is Intend ed to travel In th e cenOne day In a great German unlver· one day tt "Just Hash ed" UPOll Schwann man- on that pay. Keeping Down Insect Increase. eral superlntendenl ot the "BIg Four ter of the roar!, bore 8 two·lnch hole IIlty a teacher of physIology was dem' that the .animal botly mIght be built Remove nnd feed to the pigs and The prospe rous AmerIcan busIn ess road at that time and It has always at right angles to the face of the slab. oastratlng to IL small class of medical upon a sImilar plan. Investigation man will probably Bay that Schw a nll been s urmised that Mr. VanWlnltle Bore another hole 22 Inches from the poultry nil wormy vegetables and students certaIn )lecullar facts about proved tbat he was rIght, and the great was a fool to waste hIs time In a pro· aamed the towns Taft. GrIdley and other end and st\ll 'another In the mId- fruIts frOID th e ga rde n and orchard the contraction at muscle. To do thlll "cell theory" was announced- not so fesslon th at paid hIm so poorly. It Is Ra.elgb. to destroy the Insects. KeepIng the dle of the slab. tbe teacher wa.s In need of a little tn· much 0. theory as c. fa d , undo one of certainly a fact that nolJody thougbt To prep:tre the rear slab bore a grounds ,clenn will· a Id In reducIng Taft, Ind., Is on the offi cial rail· strument, simple, and yet not eaRY to the sImplest and most natural facts 10 hIs work worth payIng for; and It Is a road map as Issued by the In61ana two-Inch hole 6 Inches from th e ditch 'Insect pests. make "by hand ." The Instructor. how· the world whe n unders tood evon su· serious question whe lher work that railroad commission. Toft IB Import· ever, was busy In an etrort to put the lIerficlally, the ollly ,w ay In whIch scI· nobody wants to POl' for Is really ant to th e BIg Four road . It Is 0 thIng together wIth bits at wood and ence, after the lapse of 75 years, has worth doIng at all. Th ere are no guard, a sentry agnlnst a'n y danger wire. . been able to mast cr Its c allses. Schwo.nns In thIs country. . Ha,l of colli s ion of trains or loss at thno Among the students who were watchSchwann was a poor boy who worked Schwanrl lived here he would have II! swllchlng ' and passing. Ing him was an und erslzed young fel- his way through sc hool wIth little help gonf! Into tbe doc~or business and built Taft is a twent y·rour-hour place, A' low of 21 who, after notlng several from his fath er. He became tb e pupil up for hl:nself R big practi ce. that Is, Il Is never depo pulated. Threo . '.Q failures on the parl at \he Instlluctor, at the "rat her of mod ern physIology," Schwann's bust In marble illuminat es telegraph operators work e ight-hour ::~~. ventured a crltlclsm. Johannes Mueller, and for seven years the universit y In which he was so Iqng shifts. S. D. Soloinon has the first "Doctor," he said. "we have three or - the ve ry years during which he made a teacher. But the bank dIscount on a ··trlck" CroOl 12 m. to 4 a. m. J . ' W . four fine Instruments of thnt kln.<1 In ever y one of his g'reat dlscovp.rl es-he marble bust- when a man Is cl ead- Is Stephen3 takes tn e second "trIck," as the case. They are perfect. Why not was em ploye,l as caret aker of the hardly a reward for the best efforts 01 the y call It . frolU 8 u. m_ to 4 p. m., use one of them?" museum at tho UniversIty or Berlin. genIus. Il nd C. A. Newlin from 4 p. m. to Now the Instructor Imew well enough At 28, when he published the anounee· Will the time ever Coome when g OY. 12 m. M. W . Huin •.lel, repaIr man ror of the exIstence at the factory-made In- nent of hIs cell theory, he stili he ld t'rnments will take cnre that .men Who lhe lowe r Interlocldns swll~ hes aud Rtruments In the laborntory, but be the sarn o job, and was earning the do !lne And us<:!ful things for ' glory semaphore s ignals In the "Iclnlty 01 was ImprovisIng the tblng In order to same pay he had received from the a.lone wil l get gold as well as glory In. Anderson, Is an occasIonal vIsItor to teacb his men self-reliance and the usa beglnlllug-$7 per month! to the bargain? Taft, Ind. Mr, Steph ens and Mr. ot their braIn and handll . . He glanced In those year s- a~ the mllgnlflcent Hummol wel'e at Taft when a carre· (CopyrIght, 1911. by tho C olUmbIa PI~M 'eomewhat contenlPtuO\isly at the salary of an offlce boy- often In want spondent visIted Taft, Ind :, for a pic· Syndtcat•. t young st.u dent aud r elllled: lot a square meal, never with a decent ture of the place, "1 want to show I am able to do suit of cloth es to his back, Theoclor Jerome Drown , fory?er .coun ty com· Beau. Brummell and the Brewer. what any other man has done. Don't Schwann dug from the rich soli of namissioner, and Dory BIdd ie, who QuIt I you?" • ture certain grand nuggets at knowl· Brooks' club In London, whose dIg- newspaper editing to turn farm er, are "No," answered ·. he young man. "I edge, of whIch everyhody has heard, nity s'eem8 to have been offended by want to . do what no (ltiler man bas while the nam e of t.h e digger Is scarce· its association with paper bag cook. among the n ear~ s t resid en ts of Ta[t been able to do beforfl me." Iy kno~n populsrly, even to the vast e ry, was not always the ultra-respect.1 Brown ;s· a Rellubll can and, DIddle Is a Democrat. Sid Conger vi sited Taft , This . 'young mnn ' was Theoclor majorIty of medica: doct ors. able and quintessential superior place Bchwann, afterwards dlBcoverer of the It was Schwann who di scovered the It now professes tq be, In !lplte ot the frequently Whiff;! he own ed a farm that adjoIns Taft. He recently sold myst st.artllng, tact · known" to ~odern gastric ferment pe lls ln, and gave It 'It.s story that dinIng there was like dinIng , ',lIclenCl&-,-:-the tacl tbat .the human body nnme. Schwann was tbe first to show at a duke'B with the duke lying dead tho farm to Cnrl von H~ke, of the Marlon county board of commission~onslstR 'of aD 'Inconcelvably vast mim- that I\[e could not come Into being ex· upstairs. ers. Former Gove rnor W. T . DurbIn 1>~r. at mlp.roscolltc anlmals,oalled cells, cept through the agency of pre-exist. . In tbe days that were eRrller It was the farm before Conger bought t 1l1,1 wo.rkl,ng harmonloUllly , together for Ing livIng bod ies. . To S c!Jwaull'3 ' or!· n gre~t place tor ga~lng 'tor ' high owned tb~ comm9n good of all. ., . glnal work t~e fam ed Pasteur owes all smites nnd maliy anecdotell attest the It so there bas been more or. less of· .A boom stacker may be built a.ny nt the sam!! time be held;'by tbe guy We cannot see these ,.,Ittle anl1nals' his Immortality; and w~r,1l It not for kind of company that. wa~ kept Ihel'e a~ atmosphere of politics about Taft SIte to suit tbe height of tbe stack. ropes (h.b.) The mast or central puI., rhe' fra mework at the bott6m Is made lOay be 36 feljt long and setl In a that torin out I' bodle~. becau/!'; 0(. theJr; Schwann's dlsoovery at the minute For Instance, 'when "Beau" Srum'mell el'er slnce It was establlllhed. 0:. planks and may be 14 feet by ? foet. pivot In the lower platform. The _ ' exceedingly minute sIze. ' It la as·:~ ,,,e- 8tructu~o ' ot the ' animal body there ha d won large' lIumB from Alderman Doff Coata In Church, Strong braces run up to the ~maller boom (c) Is 24 I -a l!'Iet lOng, I\n~ ·held were lookIng at t-b, Sal1~ 'de ..ert't/,"Qm ' had been no modern medlolne. Comb e tbe. brewer, he · patronizIngly Plttsbu~g, Pa:-The Rev. Charles L.. platform (1) wIth cros~ .braces to In' vlace to. ,the mast by the e"ml-4:lr· •. ~ • bILIlOo~ 'three or .tout, mllell' above 'the' ,T he poor German, boy become the said that he would n.ever d.l'lnk- any eilrtac'eot tbe e~. ~Ilenee it would ·mo~t' honored man In' Europe. Kings otber porter but his opponent'lI, where- III. Cartwr1ght. paetor of tlie Nortb make them secure. In the center of cular 'pIece (e ) and b7 aD troo ' rod ,. be Imp~alble to dliltJn.rulllh tbe ' !le'po' 'rave blm decoratlona," ev.e ry . learned upon the alderman, . whose' telilPer ATen\le 'Methodist EpIscopal church. Ibe platform there Is . cIrcular opeD- that goell oVilr tbe t\!ree-comer~ ~Ieo. ,~rat!l pain. or san!l. -.. . / , ' ,.oolety placlt4 him on Its.roll of mem- seema to bue been lost wlt:h his mono bu; n()lllled hl~ congre.aUon It wUl b~ 'Ing (or the mlUl~ 3 Inchci wIdeI' than (d.) Tbo bOOm' III raised a8 the stack : ~rore $cbwanb made h.s wonderfql ben. and, at 29 be was nominated pro- ey, retorted, ..'t wlllh every other black. .. ~ forO''' 'd urlog the w8tm weath· 'the mast. This will allow th. mut III bunt ana It II posItion wben ftacll . 41.covery ~t wu llbon·that the bocll.. feuor of anatomy Itt tbe UniversIty ~l guard In l'lngland would tell me' the U' ~or women to ·come to Bunda), .vlla· to leaD to the further corner ot the II ftnlshed Is lhowA W dotttll u.. In. services ' w.tthout their hat.. aDd f9r Crom tb. waloadlq polDt aDd to (f.) .1 pJut. :were ~JIOIecJ of MO'. ,..... ~ulll. aDd i,a~ at ·L I.... wpere bo ..me." .eD t.o reiDo". u..ar coat.
__ _______ ___ __ __ ____-_-_____ ___ Unpaid Genius of Theo~or Schwann
~-~-~_~_~-_~_~ ~~~
€ounty Courts
le0l8 BocqQin and ' L'ouls Booquin. sle, \Vllyne a,od 'Wlisbingto to 0ships. *39.Hi. Walt r N. All 0 , mllr) . Christian Mi)kerelt and Mllrii. 'brldge repairs in OIellroreek town. of Tilfio and MI~bel Dann Hill, 19, of Milkers't lotll In Maslle and Wayue ship. Perry Wolf, Qridge repll irs ,Ullrllsle . townshlpe, 11. ' in Washington townl!blp,'3 .10. L u William P . SMU, 25, fa~1er of J . .U . Moore ·il.nd wite '\0 O . C. AtkinsoD, brhlgJ repairs iu VIPIHo Mason , !lnd t!arah Louise Miller, 23, Moure, lot near Morrow, $400. Icreek township, $10 fiO. B . E . Wllr of Mason. , ' wiok. !!apolio for jail use, $ l. ThEi Joseph 8mltb, :n, oolored laborer Commissioners' Proceedinzs. W. B. AndQrsun Co., vol llnle fo r of Franklin, and Margnerite Oil-viS, Probate Judee, '1 50, . V. '\ 11 19, oJlored cook of Franklin . ,2.00 teUl.porarily ,ransferred from liams, freight ond drayage. Dr . Burry I::itodtbo k, ~5 , oontrnotor 8peolul BrIdge fund of 11l0!) to oOl1n· d $ iI EI1Bon B -,lbtook, medioal 8 rvl c~ to of MIddletown, Bnd t!arnh Ellen ty fou. ' ·100 to. rupomr y tranB · f d f .... IBid f d f prisoner, .1.::;. Morris, rA ul'd 0, l'o1.>Rugh, 2:3, of ~~l'!lDkiin ert'e rom ",p.e III r ge un 0 Bud tlup}Jlies fOl' ole rk, '22. Wilsun lux Buokhoid, fi'i' ,onrl'ilv'o worke r lIlO\!. to Ule .1 utholt~1 fund . . ., J V B k of 'inoiuol1tl auu Lalu .urlin Bllh~ Allowed- . . un 1DSOU, Ungle!! uy. burinl of Margllret B U, " g d l b . 8 90 Z I A . ~75 . C. W. Unglesby, bllrial of Twells, H , domestio of 'Frllnklin. , bri ge om er, .. 1 . . an rml tllge, oontraot, $55. George Vedl~, Joseph E . Decker, $75 . George B . ' Real Estate Transfers. oontraots, *210.45. John K. Spenoer, Anderson, burial of John Espy, ~';'5 Ellgar Johnsun !lnu wife to M L loontraot, 1124. Ed Templin, oon Webb Smitb, whitowashing jllil , ,,~ Brown and Georgilloa Brown, lot in trllct, '190. Allen Hill, oontrllot. Bobb~.Merri11 Co , supplies for ole rk Salem township, *IGO. I$:i0. Frank Stokes, contraot., ~1'j' $7. L. M. Prinoe, mdseforsurveyo r, Belle Johnston to Anna M. Wiok- J Bertlleid, lIeoo.nd estimate on 000 · $1.15. Sllm D. Hinkle, fes8 und ex· ers, lot in FrllnkltD. $270. traot, '500. W . S. GrabllID, oon- peDses al surveyor for June, 11ll 1, Elii~llbetb A. Mease to Laura Mc traot, '176, J . B . Smith, bridge $1!iO. Contract entElreu with Ira M. Nl£ney, lot in Cletnoreek townShip , lumber, $35.10. W. S Jones, re,105'. pairs In Harlan township, $13.65 , Stutsman for ':!leaning and painting Alioe Greenfiel.\ to Hyaointh Wi} John Wolfe. bridge repilird In Mas- bridge nellr reSidence of Frllnk Licenses.
Koller MoClellan, 24, molder 10 ' III Wllrren couoty, '1500.
Pr9b8~e Court. I ~ !l tllt of J pb IS . Moore . I~ube. ('t it" O. ( '. Mnoro, 8 un.rrliIlD . fil e~ first " r.ll tinn l n cou ut WIth \" \loh rs for s t 10m u t whioh is orllarell sus II P 'Hled. l'-~,:~.edtnt .. of ,Io!\ ph ' . M()ore, l a· ' 1 . t d 1 , I ,, :01 , . • oora tl PJl019 ·e nt fl ll flistru t o r lit i>:WllU b ouu. ul1l1 H . Ii '111\18u, Cl nrk I3lnn(.lt nnll 'hu s }\ lIy Il ],: poiu ted u ppmr:.;et s. , r~s tllta of E B . Colvin, tlece llsEld, AHnnuh M. Col Yin , odminilltrAtrlx:, til t's in \·.entnry and Ilpprai!lement. WblOb i:- ord ered r cord ell . . C Vllil, udminifltratnr of astute of Hugh D. Tnylor, deceu8ed. plaint.Ilf vs. Rufus TllY lor et III defend ant ~ . Uourt orders ,thllt onse be Il lvertisorl for s ix weoks for beuofit of ( ne of t,he defendllnts, Alexander NII Sh, whose resillen oe is unknown.
Thir Years Togcthor . 'I'blrly. -eUflclofu.B cilll~i IJ u - tb intt 0[· 1 t . How the merit, of Il ~ ,(1 t'lJlu g I:ItllUUS out in thu t tilll -\lr th wOl·thle. 811 SM of n htlll Otl~ ~11 there's n o g il !Ill w\lrk in t,hi a Elvi don flo f'l'bIJR AI'i"!I, Co ul)ord, Mlch , wbo wl'ites : "1 lm ve . n M d Dr Kin/;'I:! ll W VI !!I uVI1I'Y fo r' :\O YOIL\''' f\od Its t,h he!'t - fl ll g h (LIl U culll . nt· l ev r 11 e(I." noo it fin d'S . II tran A in' n h ume ,y u IlU ' t pry It. out. .lI!nll Y flllllilh t< huv !HIed it, forty yun l'l:I. It 'l:! tbtl mo t IOfulH· ble throll t. u nd lun g' filerll oi no ou elHth . Ull e qUl~\l e u for lugrippp, Hsthmll, huy-fev l:!r, oroup, qniu"l.V· or Bor" lun~s . Pri e GOo, $1 00. 'f'r1111 boHle free. (;tul1r1lnteed by 0.11 drug gists.
$ ' .~ $ ~
i $$
$ ~
• '$ I
$ ~ ~
_ ... ....
and Furnishings
Is always an interesting event. Y ou owe it to yourself to' visit "The Headquarters for, Fine Clothes" and inspect the exceptional buying opportunities. Every ~rticle bears the stamp of KINGSBURY quality. , Notice the prices which an advancing season enables us
to offer: Men's Suits
'8, '9, '10 and ~12 Suit~;now............ t6, and $7.50 Suits, now. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
$12, $14, $15 and $16 Suits, now. .•.
15, 16, and $7 Suits, a special lot .... .. . . .
$ 17.50 S 14.715 •.. ..• $9.98
Men's Trousers
$ I .98 $1.24
$2.50 and $3 Trousers, now. • • . . • .. • .. . . . S1.50 and '1.75 Trousers, now. . . . •. . • • . • •
Straw 'H ats
Boys: Bloomer P!1nts
'1.50 grades, now. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . ... $1 .~4 and $1.25 grades, now. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89c
75c grades, now ...... .. ~ .. . ........ .. . . . . , . . . 50c one 65c grades, now......... . . . . . . . . . . . . .
53.&0 $1.98 $2 and $2.50 Straw Hats...... .......... . $ 1.48 '1.50 Straw Hats . ............. : • . . • . .. . .. . 98c U and '1 ,25 Straw Hats... .. . .... . . ... . •.• 89c 50c and 75c Straw Hats. ...• .... ... . ..•... 39c
B' W h '
and $6 Panamas..................... $3, U and ,5 Straw Hats ........•....... .
25cStrawHatsM~~~~· ·shi~~· Includiog the
ce1~:~~:s :!~~. Bros.
$6.98 $4.98 $3.98
'2 andt3 Suits. now ..... . ........ . . . .. . . . $1;98
::::::t:~:::=: ::::::::::::::::: :::
: :::
$1 and $1,25 Union Suits now... . .. .. . .. .... 50c and 65c Union Suits now.. . ............
89c 45c
Some prefer the two-piece underwear. We have made the same reduction on these garments. 25c and 35c grades now............. . ..... .
Silks and Lisles in many shades.
3 pair for I 25c grade now ... . . .. . . . .. . 18c, 3 pair for SOc 15c grade now ..... . .. . ... .... ..... ... .. ..... I Ic
Special line of Silk and Linen Ties, SOc values now ...... . ........ . .................... , .... 25c
$ " ~
! •
~ ...
$ $$ ~ ~
Men' Neckwear
50c grade now ............ 35e,
$1.98 $1.48 $1.50 and 11.75 Wash Suits, now . . .. .. ,..... 1'.24 '1 and $1.25 Wash Suits, now .. . . . . . . ... . . . ,. 89c
::~ ::: :~ ~:~:·::i~ : : ; ..... : :. : : :
Men's Hosiery
$2.00 Wash Suits, now ............ , . .. .. ...
York and
$~ $
12.50 and $3 Wash Suits, now.. . .... . ......
Men's Underwear
50c and 75c Shirts now. " .. . ..•.• ..... . . ..
64C 43 C
$1.50 Shirts now ........... '. . .. ..... ..... $1.15 1 and '1.25 Shirts now................... 89c
Including Ha:=;~r~~:..~tYIi.h Knick-
$25, $28 and $30 Suits; now ..•' ...••...• ' '18, $20 and $22 Suits, n~w. • • . . . . . . . . •
Boys' Suits
Including th~;.,::.=:'~ickwire and
$ "~ $
$ .. '. . . .. $ ~~,,~~~"~,,~ "~ ~~"'~~
$ $ ..
"If it comes from KINGSBURY'S, .it must be good!'
... ..
Barbed Wire
in ~
A RA!I:'I'I~ ED to III'IlI \\ itlHlIi hll'lI i~ h , or IU N I,! \, (, EV Il '
)00 1I11e1 ~ 1.00 fl i 1.!'S
lell \'IIEI/ . II "'"Id ... ,
r, ,1' r,.". II
old SI) I'(,~, !"or b:l. ' kHIIllcl . 11,," 1 1 1'I'~,h lfl' ll . aI/ii Urlli. "H . :,1.j !.i1. Ior lo'al lli ly 1 H ' .
DR. COX'S PAINLESS BLISTER is pl.l illh·~e un d KUII I': lI~I\'l' to '.' I!'" ·pn\'III,H.t11gbuIJ1I, IIrb ,' \\, c('ny/ Splllll, l'u (fH' 0 1' :IllY l'II IUl'genwllt o f l,)Olltl (1 r w usJc . , I' lIio lll'Y I'dund(·d. l't·ice 60c .
Notary Public All
H ioks on M idd I boro tltld H loks' stution roud n t eRtimute $5R.
ltlntl ~
nr Not,nl'y Wmk . Work I~ ~JJeollllty.
PI'n~i \ lll
Contrnot entored wit,ll Wulter N. DI~. J. W. MILLER, Allbu for olellning anu IIo.intin g tbe foll o wing bl'ld ges III Clellroreek ..• DENTIST... tewuship Itt estimnte of $fiO, oount.y to furnish paint : ( 1) Clearcreek • • l1 lt'l\ ill Wayncsville, 0 bl'idge, Springbor o nnu P Oltin. rotH1 Natio n al Uuu l: 11101". near Ell Eyers, steel joi8t-1 20 feet , (2) Lower I::iprlugboro road UAllr MurthA Peno fnrm , wood joist-28 it. ATHA 'VA" feet . (3) Upper Springboro r ood nOllr ,Joe ~tephenson, \Vood joi~t1'\0' a,\ '~ e8 ville 's Lellt1in~ Denttll 42 f et. (-I) U j.lper '::;pringboro r onu Offico III Koys Bid/.:. Mtt.ln :::t to FrankH n near George Brown'lI, wood j olst-·12 feet. Contruot. entered witll V .1 . Zent- Or. E, meyer, for bridge repair work in G oc .' Deerfield township, at ostirulite of $61 !)tJ: ( 1) boppe' mill on rrver road . (2) Keboe farm and WilliuUl Knedles bridge, nnd Kings river bridge. (3) Se "en head walls on Undertaker and ~~mbalmer , VI1U Camp's road . Will be fonud ill t.ll 01(1 Oontraot entered with J. H (Jon. Bllnk Building , opposlitl ner fOl' putting temporury timbers the NI~tionlll Bank. und bridge at Henry Giohl's bridge Telephone in h ouse 11-1111 at· in linrla.n town sbip at estimate of fioe where J oa.n be calloo $32. day or nigbt. ()ontTl1ot entered witb Charles Valle,v l'hone 14-2. ~tibbs ' for putting in five oorrugated Main Street, Wayncsvillu, Ohio sewers nnd concrete bend walls In Tortleot:eek t.owDship at estimate of $117.60. (1) N8Ilr Willillm Hatfield's on Morrow lind Lebanon rOlld, 2G feHt 20 in. (2) N el\r Gl'aut Snook '8 on LebllDon und Wilmington pike, THE CREATE8T 22 ft 15 in . (3) Nell'r Longstreth 'arm 00 Wilmington pike, 20 ft , 24 IN THE WORLD in . (4) Near Joe ph Snrfa f) on PUBLISHED WEEKI.Y. $4.00 PER YEAR Wayntlsville und Lebanon pike, 3'; 'ft 12 in. (5) Nellr Harvey Maple HOTELS, DRUCCISTS, BPECIALIBTS, on Lebllnon Bnd Ft. Anoient pike, C08 TUM E R 8, T RAN B F' E R, 0 A B AND 'BUB 8ERVIOE OAN PROF'I' llG ft. 20 in. . BY U81NC ITS ADVERTI81NO OOLUMNS Contract entered with Mr . EmDlIl SAMPLE COPY FREE Debold. for bridge lumber. 'Vulid Addre •• NEW YORK CLIPPER New York. N. Y. ontil September 22. '-Contract let to Charles Hender80n for conor~te abutments oetl.\· rtlllidenoe \)f Lee South at Green Tree at Dr. Bell'sPine-T&r-Honey For Coughs and Colds. estimate or f 2 50. Con f.raot let to Bert Reed for oleaning anfl painting nine bridges in Deerfield tOVinshio at e8tiwIlte of $8Q. County to farni h paint ( I) Near John Harper, IncinnR,t,i 'pike, Waynesville, Ohiu. steel joist tln.d 'failing, 22 ft . (2) Main StteC't Nf'ar Alex Spinner, ljooit\lville pike, Valley Phone 153 steel joist and railing, 21 ft. (3) Near ..-... --e.;:, - - Bob Arg"dlne, south 'o f Sooilllville, steel DostS Bnd railing, lIO ft. (4.) ~ear William Rempler Hamilton oounty line, steel joi!l~ and fa ling, 28 ft . (6) Mllrk t:!lmpson, Columbus pike. ste bl joist Ilnd railing, 12 1t , (6) Near Larry Irwin road, steel joist and railing, 32 ft. (7) Nellr Jeff Fryes, Greely pike, steel joist aDd railing, 37 ft. (8) Nellr Ptlrk. hill roud southefu:lt of Union' eoho I house, steel joist Mid railiog, H ft. (9)' Near Dan Arthur, Oolumbill pike, wood j oist. ,. ()ootruot Jet to OregoDlIl Bridg~ Company for materilll und labor I\t estiIDILte of $119.12. Pillns anel sl>ecifloQ,tion~ for steel I bellm bridge witb conorete Hoor at Green 'free oross roads, IIppro '/od DR. BELL'S ANTI.PAIN and ordered posted. Seilleu b Ids to For Internal and Ext,ornal PAIn.. be reoei ved until 11 o'olook August 14., 1911.
D H.E. f:I
i R. S. KingsbUlty $ i' i i Kingsbury's Midsummer Sale ·of Clothing i 50.52 East Main Street, Xenia, O.
- - -... -.-- - -
A Flyer's Joke. Hubert Latham, the Antoinette lI yer. was tnlklng. at ,n tea In LOB An. geles. to a pretty CaJlfornln ·glrl. "Mr. Lntham." said the girl. ns she toolt her nIneteenth wnlnut and let. tuce snndwlch. "tell me, does flying requIre any pnrtlcular applicatIon?" "Well. no, none In parl.lcular," Mr. Lathnm nnswered. "Arnlcn or horse lInlment-one's' as g()od !.I S unothe·r ."
----- ...- - -
Attack like Tigers In fighting to keep the blood pure the white ilOrpOIIJles 8 ttaok di!:leltsEI germs like tigers. But oHan germs multiply so fast the ' little fie>liters ' are overcome. Then eee pimpleR boils, eczema, sule riledm and ADres' multiply and stren~th, and Ilppetlte fail. ThIS oooqition deIDllnds Eleo tr.io Bitterll to regolate stomuob liv. ' er Bod kidneys Ilod to expel POi~o\)1I from the. blood. '1'l'hey are ·the best 'blood' purifier," write8 C. T. BudAhn of Traoy, V"lit , "I have ever toqnd~ T\ley make rioh, red' blood, strong nerves abd build up yoor health. Try them., 50Q at all druggists. . The waf tha$ w,l nsla hard.
The Mark on Silverware Tho "'OIIt bea'1l1tnl, m Oot dUrI\lJlu III,er. I"" I,0 d torkl, lpoonl
nn,1 taner eervlog ploo.,. "re 81Rn1pOO with tbe reo
I nowned Irl\<lo Wl\rlt.
Tlr Ibl ........ onll c:aD JOO ,lIoLlnguJlh the orlillnal Ilogerl ware (Orlt JI",de In
, 1847), aud .... ro 1011tlelt ~f , tho bett In q""lI~l_, 1In111l aljd d084/ui
ROld br loadlna dealerooyerT\Ybere• . &md tor ~I&I011o. ·
au delJaQa.
•• dD
e.. .......... ,
• ...... Clea-.
W eeki)'
lih'ery boy 1111.$ n, light to have
'j h e fo ll o wi n ~ r eport il!! based 111" A nur el'ymn n at Palne8vllJ . Ohi O, un r ports recel vetl from the reg . ' has d('\'elop('d a bl ue rose. Tbls baa The "Firs t (__.". ._.""'-.-. . ..". ._""'......... w"..... -~- ........... ....... _ _ S~inething ulaf oroJ.l oorresp ondent s of the D u· been II (Iues t or tlorlculturlsts. 60 the AL LI~ Y ' n: U"; I '1I ~ I L-- C'\l.J. NC) . 11 2 1 new I'nm Ller 18 a trlumllh ot sclen.ce. par l meot : Fair of The gl'e 'il rose and tho black rose -1 . Wheut. pro peot, C1 mp,Hod wi t h u.re Interest ing tr alts. but tb ey are I of the year not bea uU fu l. The blue rose , how· Intere st All norwtll yield, 110 per cent. --- ever, should be lustrou8 . It should Ua,ts, prospe ot oompa r d with n OlO ha ve abo ut It Rate!! of S ub 'criptio n '1911 that velvet glow which the Time mal yield, 79 per cent. milk s t b spell or r oses. ) 11 Y 1I1· ( ~ II'i C 1I Y.l"Ull \' 1I 11 1'0) . • • • • •• , $ 1. 0u In tho SI II,.:I" CO Jl ~· .. . . . . . . , . , . . , , . ' • . . . . . . . . Va Clover, compa red with un uv r· m l n d~ of POl! ts and myaUcs th e blue A m ~l o u )l'lt h , rOlle h a.ll loug shed II. frajtro.nce over £tg , 91 pe r o ~ nt . A pi o) 01 Jli , the l'imotl ly, pro peot oompll rad Wit.11 tha KILfci en or dream s. It was said Rates uf Advert ising t wb oe l'e r had been a rou sed by tbe A Olarblo \'011, oorwlIl YIeld , GO per c nt . I{CIl.IIIIII! L U!'II IH. pur lIlIU ... .. , ... . . , . , 5,' wild sw et. net;s of the perfume ot the It.. pond of loe. H' · ll. rllll ~ LUl'IlI H, IJlllck l u... ·. 1Jt'1' 1I11i' . . . • Potllto es. pro pect cotupln eu with blue rose would n ver rest again lInttJ IUt' j A c0811ting nill , L' 1~ "" III00 Alj •. lIuL to x 'oed Ih I' 1I11('~ be hud found th for , cleal' belghts normul yield ·1 ~ per ce nt. Tim,., 11I1I~ rl lLl lI • . . . . .. . . .. , . , . 'J' A tluntn Cillmi. on whteh this rose Is blown. It wall Illtunrl S, Ih u I lId ",~ Ir"o ; u\' I' ll\' T uuuco ',0 uditioD oompa red with ·~' ·I u.1d I htl t tb blue ro Cll8t Il Hpell hI VIlI·s. IJIlI' lill . . . " ... . , ., ... un u.verug e, tl . per cent . ov er all who w ucbed It, and that Curti or lI m llk ti .. .. . . .. , .. .. .• .. " " " 51'1 A Cold PA s tlll'eH, co mp'lred with un aT· lire wu.s n 'vcr llga ln the same. Well, HOIIUluUUIIN, ... ..... . . . , ..... , ... , . . . 2rx' I!' not necessu ril y Herl ous, pr ovided S u lll ulJI OLe. whure cbul'l!o I" lII udo . . , .. . , QUe it.IB taken oure of. It is frequen tly eruge, fi 5 per cent , th e blu e l'nH 11'111 at last be common UINlllay Ad l'orLlHlu" 1>01' luch.... . .. .. , . ~ ~I: l11a starti ng point of mllny dllng~r among lII en , b ll t th o dreumer will attll Apples , pros peot oo m ()areu with U L;l'OlIUI S SI\'ou 0 11 COULrnCL. 11 ft his face to the st.ars.- Los Angel es UUH dillellses, When It oomeR UBA norma l y iold , tH per oent. Tlm eti. Dr. Bell's Pine Tll r Honey. Look P oucheR, 001npa reu with norrnnl for tb& ball on t,he bottle - -A UGU S'r U. 191 1. yield, 63 lJer oell t. NEW KIND OF SPEED FIEND -Pen IS, com)Ja red w\t.h normal MA)(~ THE OLD FARM PAY After 70 years of success, th~ Greene County A slll\uy pust seldom hilS II Mil veryiold , 77 per oelll. A few weeks ago a man who "waa lined futurt' Fair will (Jrupes be LARGER and BETT ER THAN EVER . , prospeo t cOOlpureu with Ured of motorin g" 60ld hi. machine to. It can't be done on a run·dow n, a guJleles s friend . u ormlll ylElld. 117 p er ce ut·. worn-o ut soil. In The Europe Midw old land ay will be better , good Live Stock Disis The bnohelo r who sYl1lpllthi~ iii Yesterdoy the purchas er approae bed Berri o" oompu. red wi tb lus L yell r, best because it has been improv ed. with 0. f,lir widow is Jost, the man from whom he ha4 bOught play, better Agric ultura l display, best of all, good In Americ a old land is poorest be· III pe r oen t. the car with a troullled express ion on Horse Racing. You'll surely havp to be there! cause it has been impove rished, ex A Clean Salve The es lima t pd acreage of wheat hIs fa06, and In the tone of one who hIlS determI ned to do a dleagre eable Is delirn.h lo. Dr. Bell'" Antisep t,ic ploited . exhaus ted. Our farms are htlrvf's t d wa 1, \/90,727 !tores; t otal duty, an.d do It at once. halve is a orellLllY snow white oi nt like the Baby Bear'a "porrid ge" in produc t,ion sbonld be Itpjnox illlutely "Look here, Jock," he began. "you're Dlento nd ~ull re'nt e e rl for 1111 sltln the st ory of the Three Bears, "Some - 211 , 74,8 l4 bushel s . Tbe tottll pro· a friend ot mine. and I-I don't want dlseu8e s, so oh liS eczews , suit rheo lll , body has b een eating my porridg e duoti on flbll ohaps, eto 250 . Uld equlll, if not exceed to mnke allY attacks on your ver· aclty. But YOU told mo that you bad and has eaten it a ll up." Jt'R r igh t the harvee t of las t yell,I', Wedne sday, August 9th heen arrested six Urnes In that autoThursd ay, August 10th Fools jump II t, coot.llus ion l' , but I,he to use the fertility of the soil. That' s Early potato s I\, fail ore. mobUe you sold ma ~ :35 Pace , $300 2 :30 Trot what it is there for, but with our $300 wise ron the other WilY, Pustur es Ole ill poor r'ondlti on. ''Now. I've tried my best, and I 2 :22 Trot , $300 2: Ie) Pace , $300 farm s we must learn both "to ea t Fruit report shows the crop WIl l ca.n·t ret b~ up to five mtJes an ho ur. Free for All Pace $200 2: 18 Trot $300 Be is an ungrl1t efol1ll9 n who IiveF our cake and keep it. " This can be be Would you mind t.elllng me bow you a n ubllDd ant one. happene d to be arrested beyond his wife's mellnl' . ?" Friday . A.-gust 11th done, the old adage to the contrar y The purcblUler had no small amoun t - - 2:14 Pace notwith standin g. We must get the Dr. Bell's Plne-T ar-Hon ey $300 of sarcasm In hi s voice by thIs Urn". We Cuaran tee Every Box 2:40 Trot. maxim um crop and main tain thE:' Is I,he \Jest for ooughs JOO but his friend's answer came read· , culds. cr oup or Dr . B II's Aoti~eptlo HnlvAt odc. 2 :25 , Pace grip whoopi Uy: $300 ng oough, b r onohl tls, whllt we olulm. L'ry it for ulcer !'. fertility of the soi l. The Ohio Ex· Il8th'mlt ann all t hroa t ,LOd bronohi!L ) "Certain ly." saId tbe ma.n who bad perime nt Station at W ooster has tro ubl es . ..sold ver y boll~, runo ing sore", tett r, ri og wh ere look got r id of the motor car, "that's all worm. eczeDllI, IIi4Jt rh eu m, fevel' a long line of experim ents showin g for the hell on the boHle. rlghL I was arrested six Urnes. It 80r es, ont!! , brUises, pimple!!, bluCI! how this can Be done; Do not fail SPE CIAL- A big feat ure will be the exhibit from the was for obslruc tlnc the hlcbway ." • hends. OhILII!!, felons, burns or IIny to see and study Agricu ltural Experi ment Station at Wooste r. the fer tility exhib;· . DANGE R IN DIRTY I.e ture every ICE BOXE' akin d lsens. 250 u box. its at the big Station tent at the Quartz Mills In Alukn. hour of the day and free distrib ution of Souven irs. . - --Alaska has produced more tha,n 200 Greene County Fair. III tbe August Woma n's Bom Et mlillon Where there's ll will there 'll tight dollars In gold sInce 1868. So Compa nIon, on the "Doct,o r's Pagel" far only pla cer gold 'iug ohlmee for t he 111 wyers. bae been mined, Interna lly t he author talks with greflt good except at Treadw ell; ' but new quartz R. D, WILLIAMSON R. R. GRIEVE Dr B'311's Anti Po.in oures ooli o. sense about mining has assume d first Importance. A good ruuny decided blondes gul h ome sunito.t ion in s um· Pre81d ent flu~, dlarrho ea ,urtlmp s and all bowel secret ary th~ d eoildoo fr om 1\ dr nggi t,. mer. Follow ing is some good ud und quartz mills are goIng Into Alas· oompla .lnts, ka In great number s. For more than ~-- -EXTIllRNALLY:-Cures sore hre&!'!tfl, vise about the ioe-bux : a decade the trail to the Interior was Suther land's Eagle Eye Salve corn!! bunion s, toothoo he, neuralg lll 'It seems soar cely. neoesst 1ry t.n lined with weary men car rying their Is (l, or e'lUlY tlllOW white olntme nl Rnd ~1J pains. "'old everyw nere . say here thnt a dirty . ill-k ept Ice. packs and stumbli ng along over rocky pu t up ID ulr tlgbt sorew OlP tube", It Is"antl"ep tio Don't I'ox is 11 g rl\, ve danger to bellJth. Of ledges nowto und to contain more Look the Will core lIoy cuse or sor e erEt8 aD o gold than the distant placers. All the oonrse. the modern poroeil liu or great. quartz mines In will not injur "yell of Il ba.be , ~old . I:' OPPOl:l8 the prodig,, 1 son hlld the Sierra Nothe Date ever ywbere 250. oome home to find that his fam ily glasR-l ined oabine ts o.re most d esir vadas 6\lcceeded the plll.cer camps of 'tble ond Call1'orn very easily la, so the kept quartz olean mIneR . Un of Val· Greene Co. Mlwy II. mun WI th 8 wII.y of hif; had turned vegetar illn. I Don't Fail fo rtunute ly, these are, 011 'y et, not dez are Rucceedlng the famous placel'1l ,---. of own hOIl f\ wif~ wbo outwei g hs him , the \IJterlor . There Is no bealthle r, for the majori ty. Howev er, 0. sunIf YOD feel ute swellri ng, why, Fair bappler nor more promll!lng proapect ToGo Itary ioe.box is possibl e t o every for a young man of energy than the It someti mes h,Lppens tbat a petl- swear, U's ..he f eeling, and not the house wife who deman ds it. Be quarU ·Ied,e& 'Of Alaska. simillt is u. Dll1rried mlln wbo ol1n'l words that do the harm. o!l ref I not to s pill ' food on the Our Doctor•. forget It. .._ __ shelve s; cover olosely fl.ll eatable s t o "The )ate Count Tolstol loathed phy. A~cused of Stealin g slclans," Bnld, at a dInner In Washlnl" , Even WOUleu who laok the sensll E E Chamb erl"ln. of Clinton , be put away;. insist upon clean ioe ; WAYN ESVIL Le CHUR CHES. of humor wllnt to be jollied all the Me. boidly aoouses Buokle n's Arnica l40rub and soald the interio r of the ton, a RussIan dIploma t. Save Money and Keep' in "You rememb er bow Tolstol ridicule d I)lllve of st9'1l1 ng-tbe Hting trom ice. b ox with strong soda water once time. pbyalcla nB In 'War Style and by Readiq McCall'. Peace?' Well, St. Augus tine'. Catholic: Church . burns ·or·808 1ds-f.h e pllln from sorHl Ii week , oomple ting the operu.ti on I heard him ridIcule three of them to Magazin of all tinds- the distres s frow boils by puurln Father e Croup and George U.ing McCall P,attel1ll Mnvenboefer, Paltor, g down the drain a 801u their faces over 11 vegetar ian dinner at MilliS I!vl!r., 1IOO0Dd Sunday of tbe mODlb a People with ohlldre n should keep or pile.. "It robs oute, corns, bruls McColl'. M.... I.. wll\ Yasnay a Poly ana. tlon \I :00 a of ~ III. PIaU's Chlorid es, an odorles s M5GALt:S MAGoUIH£ hulv YO II dreSs 81y I· a bottle of Vr , Bell's Pine.'f ar·Hon ey es, sprain!! aod injurie s o.f their ter" 'PhysIc ians.' be said, bitterly , 100)[· Ish h' I1L a mod omlo An ioe.box drai n Ing .up from a plate of on hlind at Illl times. Croup ie woree ror. " he says, "ae a healing remedy di sinfect ant. OXl'C II SO Ill' koop lu l'1 Ientile, 'ma,. be St. Mary's Episcopal Churdl . YIlU I' fl S lO d on Ibo u.t night when It Is soml!ti mes ~ard its equal doo't exitlt." Only 250 at should never be olosely oonneo ted divided Into two classel l-the radicals . In LO~ L flls b I o~" hI Rev. J. F . CudwaUnder. Rector, to get" physiQll\,n. Look for the all drnggit \ta, with the genera l sewera ge 8vstem , who klJl you, and tbe cODservatJy_, clnthes 1I0d b Is. lie '' Sunday SOI\OOI •. 9 :80 n. m Morning Ber _ e _ •• --Ne\\' 1·'1181110 11 009111'n bell ou the bottle. " Ico. 10 :80 a. tn , Roly Communion ,be flr.t unless ~bis has bAen dODe in a. per- who let you ctl.:" In Ilach Issue. Also ' There is only ooe thing that trav· 'SundBY ot eacn mODth, valullble luConnMlou' 011 " II homo aDd por·· Moet of the free advioe Is baot!ed els faster than bad newfl, and that is feotly sanitar y way by a respoDs ! Scie n tl~ts Ilre now a.ttemp ting to so ll nl mauers. 0111)' ble plumbe r To lIave the,oon stan t give reasonS 'for NOlI.h·s flood. ou' by people wh~ Wlt.ot to get rid the reputa tion Qf being an eaey 60c 1\ YOM. lucludlng Method Jst Episcopal Churdl . !:lome.. 11 Iroo panaro. Sob. emptYl Dg of the waste water, _ _ . _ a. rub. .... _ . _ scribe tlldll)' or seDd mark. of it. ti me I hope the flood will be able to Rev. B. W. Balle,.. l'utol. ror fr e sawplo copy. Sunday Scbool, ber tube may be fitted over t he 0 : U a, m. Mornlnlt ser· glv.e exc~ReR for the scientl sts . b L 7 00 vIce, P 10 A McC.n :30 man a. P.U m. small .... is Epwort will never dr8in.p 1pe, in the bottom of 0 able you u) mnko In yonr old enough to cllgue, : Bo w useful Ilre you in the world, owll hOlllo. with )'(.0,Uf. hUIlIls. elllLblnR' rnr Ill. \i;venlng service, '7 :00 p. m. MidwOllk )'ollr~u l r 11111.1 "II I1/lrMUWII \\,hlf'" will be llC~fo ·. t l'r ,yer 11118,1118', 7 p . m. youog man? Un tbll.' point hangs ull know enough 'not to mu.rry " girl the ice·box, and led vnt of doors . I III sll' lo nil I fl . . "i'len-llo llo II !Ichor tlum 1:; MRS. E. L. RUGaRS , ' ;0 111.1;, l;I)ud fur fruo I'Iluurn ·Blnlu!:uo. ,... y~nr future ~uooeS8. Not bow beau. who is young enough to be his throug h a sml'll hole in the fioor und Christi an Church . ~ w. Will GI,,-V•• FI.., P....... for 1l0tLlnR' .uh· grll.od daught er. other necesaa ry outlets I Uful or dainty , but whl\,t force , being , flnul r nmonlC YOII.r frl c ud.. Selld for rrlle are Rev. L. O. TbompeoD, Put.ca, I ",:rhJllon I'nulIlulOs Cllllllo~u o BUrl ('Rslll'rizo O/l"or. I 1,1 ourried awny as surfaoe wllter. " Bible School. II: 80' a. Ill. 80cIal meetlD., you? nlEMeCA1L COMPANY. 23910 Z49WaI 37UI.. "EW fORIt . A King Who Left Home 10:80 a. by Sermon m. "utot . Ohrtetlan Endeavo every ,.aIWll'nar.~ '1:00 p. m. 8undlr.y .. t ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;10:80 a. m. and 7:80 P. m. GREAT IN SEVER AL WAYS We 'Do Not Recom mend !:let the world to talJd~, lJOt Pllul 8 ntberlu.nn'~ EIl'lde Eye Salve for Ma.tbu lka, of 8u11'."lo, N . y " Hays hll Hkksit e Friends Chura . anythi ng bot the eyl's. It IS a speedy ,,1 ways KEEPS AT HOME the King "One pecuUarity of automo biles that irst Day Meetlnl(. 0 :00 II. m. Plrs' Dar WAL TER Mcfl LtJR E, aud hllrmltl8s oure for grllnul ated of all Lllxatl ves-Or . KiLg's ~ ew I 'don't rememb er to have beard cbool, 1'1 ;0(1 a, m. FourUl Day Mcellnlt 10 :00 a. m. lids, EiOroflllous sore eyes, StYP8, Life PilIfI-n .nd tho t tbey 're /l. bless tloned," said a mlln who bad men. just weak eyes /tnd dimnesl:l of visiQn. Ing to all hiA family. Cure coostip a •• sent a suit of clothes to the Fune ral Direr.tor. cleaner , Orthod ox Friend s Churd l. &\;:10, headllo he; jndig~stlon, dyspep Sold everyw here 25c "Is fou.nd In theIr great blllty as mud ?tIra. Elizabeth sia. Only 25 0 I1t ull drn ggists, Larldn, 'Pastor and slush Rplasbers. Sabba~b School, \I :30 a. m. Regular chureb - - -- . "An ordinar y narrow rimmed wbeel 'I'here is said to be h!lIJplnest! servIce, 10 '110 II. m. Cbrlstlan EndOavor. 'l'eleph one day 01 otgbt. Prayer alone won't lUO ve 8, oour· cuts into mu!! and .. :30 p _ slush and doesn't among sorue Sit vllge tribes where Valley phone No.1. lADle try, any .more than" lone dove olln scatter either so much, but the broad, money is unknow n . Distanc e No. 69-'1", ' reprodu ce her k,nd withon t tl com round faced tire of an automo bile moving rapIdly throws wldfl sbeets WA YNESVILLE, It vou OIUl't do uny good yoursel f, p:lDion . OHIO • and sprays tar out from its wheels. persua :le your neighb or t.octo 1t11 the When a mAn hilS n o longer Iln.v When you see an automohtJe coming Branch Office, Harve1 rsburJr, O. swiftly along a muddy or slushy good be Clln, Drown ed bodies are doslre to live, his heart, if! U8 lonely street YOll want to stand back- 'way often u sed 118 " bridge for the living Il~ the gr/lve whioh loo k!' sO rps t,ful back. This I have learned by ex· 18 E . Seoond Street,· to escape thll flood.' t o hla: away out in the sh'Ldow[ol. perlence." Dayton, 0 ., August 26. 180'. M... wIfe W08 token sl I. about .IK Good.for Nothin g but t~e E,.. "'" \, kS ago. Our physlclalls said her I UI\;;'s were arrected. uIIII advised u. to . I f. I! hl! r to Colorado. \ Sh e gl'e w worse " cry rnpldly. · .0 A u g us~ 7tb two noted specialists ex· IlInlned her cnrefully. They pronounced her case Quick consu mptton and me . --~;::"'--"::!:'---"':~---"'::;"'---"'::;"'---"':----"';---positively that Hho could not llvetold Is the ";"----T---'II tlan ten days. Dr. M- said herlonger OW time to sub , "'as jU8t tL ma ~s or tuborcles; body that th ere was not a 81ngle i ertbe for '.rhe Miu.ml Guzett e Inch til a' dId not havu thoullnn square or them. She ha d temporature ot tls 104. no appetite, night IIwellts. chills nn(f was dellrlou .. ~:..:.:::::;;;;;~~~ Au gust 8th IIhe IItorted takIng Nil.· t ure's Creation and responded,·. as It b,. Jrlug\c. Her appetlto Is extra. good! sleep8 sound, no more chillI! 01' nlghl 8weats tom perature ' and pu lse normal. ~----' TRY /;I\il III' gaIning IItrength LI · 'rapldl)!, and will no doubt .oon be very her old .el~ ~8TY truly, £.J1t~
I~ .
fi ~ hin '
l)olA, A tlwilllm iu ' hule. ' An IIpple tre , A bll r l fool" ason , A t l1H thn t's MfJr£!, A bnlllln d but, A oiron s t,ioket, A ' ugar llolVl ,
Aug ust 8, 9, 10, 11.
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Aug ust 8, 9,1 0,1 1.
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Wh en you plac e an ad in the Miami Gaz ette it is wor th $' $ $ to you. ·If you 'don 't ~elieve thi~, try it for a 'Month or mor e. ',' The Gaz ette goe s into 'hun dred s of ho~es ' in the " county~
Ri· lht N J
:Aflrll 9 ' 1000.-1 nm pertectly well and "elgh morc t ll:l D I ever did In my lite.
1II r!l.
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t. the c1au,htor-ln·lll't'l' et th~ well kIlOW~ mtnlet;:.r , (ueo. 11', HU ll'llc ~ uf CAnal " It a,,}' on. dbu'llia tho mOl'l IIInobest!! ot thl" wondertul treahllb ut the,. WOUld not atter talklllC. to him. lUI tull • atalllent aP':Tf: I~ thl bOokl •.t "hl~.~. 4o~~4 !&tlI:''!, J!uglJeII
,,~~t'cfts "iJe.1' ' £.btl· a14-. To". AM
Liverites Prevents Serious Sickness
L:::::ffo1r ·lCOIICI"~, aEohBe~llEwe~Us ' ver. OI,rA~~::y:eep .' ' them . the ' . 60uae of cure. , . . . . for An Preven tion is worth a pound
It, ~
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Practical Fashi()ns ., A THIRTY·TWO·INCH COAT,
JJ .
Grains Are ~eading Out -Rapidly and Harvest Is Now Approaching With a Great Demand for Harvest Help.
~~."..~~",._ -i~ .~ ..
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(CopyriCht, A. C. McClurlr &; Co., UJA.)
Last week It was poInted out In th ese columns that there would be a from blufl' 10 blurr wlt.hout tbo 'l;-;ht CHAPTER I. yield or about . 200,000,000 bushels of xccpt tor its wild beauty . Th en be whent throughout Western Canada, aD [lcl'c'ived somelhlng which Inst a ntly Increa se of about 100.000,000 \..ver the The Plainsman. 6turtlect hIm Into atl ntlon -yol'c! ~ r, previolls year, and that the demand The man was riding just below the tlose besi de lhe river. just be yond tor farm help was very great. Con· IIummlt ot the ridge. o cc aslonn\l~' upthat rngged bunch ot cottonwoods. firmatlon of this news Is to hand anlt Ilttlng hl8 bead so a8 to gaze acrolls ~ I e nder spirals of blue smolle were the cry Btlll Is tor more help. The the crest, s hading his eyes with one vIsible. That would hardly be a cnmp Canadllin authorities are hopeful that band, to thus better concentrate his . of freighters at this hour of the day. lhe friends ot th'.l 400.000 or 500,000 · viSion. Both horse and rider plainly and besides. the Santa Fe trail along Americans who have gone to Canada exblblted signs of wearlnesR, Lut here ran close In against the blurf. during the last f6W years wUl come to every movement ot the latter showed coming down to the rlvcr at the ford the help of these people and Induce ceaseless vigilance, his glance roam· two mllos rurther west. No party of fng the barren ridges, a brown Win· Il~ many able-bodied men all they POll' plainsmen would ever venture to buUd <c hester lying coclled across the IIllddle _IDly oan to take advantage or the a fire In so exposed a IIPOt. and no pommel, his lett hand taut on the AlthouSh the very short jackets are low rate which Is being ottered · trom small company would take the -.zoeln. Yet the borse he bestrCldo chances of the trail. But surely that worn by the maJo,lty there are alway. ~ll points on the Canadian Boundarl, _careely r.eQulred restraint, advancing appeared to be the nap of a can va. many women who prefer not to adopt and particulars of which can be bad .Iowly, with head hanging low, and wagon top a little to the t'lght of the sny extreme style . and these will pre· trom any ot the following Agents ut only occasionally brealtlng Into a smoke, yet all was so tar :lway he fer a coat or tbe length . of the model the Canadian Oovernment: M. V. Mcbrief trot under the Impetus of lhe could nol be certain. He stared In Illustrated herewith. Tbls exetnd8 well Innes, 176 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit. .pur. The Mich.; C. A. Laurier. Marquett .. that direction a long while. sbadlng below the curve of the hips. The rider was a man approaching his eyes with both hands. unable to fronts nre plain, cut away a little Ilt M1ch.; J. B. CrawfQJd, Syraouse, N. lhirty, somewhat slender and Ion;; ot decide. There were three or four mov· tbe bottom and finished at the top Y.; Thos. Hetberlngt.c~, Room 202. 11mb, but po sessing broad, squared Ing black dots hlgber op the river. but W'ith ·revers. which Join a nat, stralsht Tremont Street. Boston, Masl.; H. M. «houlders above a deep cbest, sitting 110 far away he could not dlstingulllh collar. The reglliation pieces ftt the Williams, 413 Gardner Bldg.• Toledo, the lIaddle easily In plalnllman fasb· whether men or animals. Only as out· back and the IIlde .gores are extend· Ohio; Oeo. Alrd, 216 Tractlon·TermlnJon, yet ' wltb an erectnesll of carrlage lined agalnllt the yellow sand dune. ed In broad pleolngll, which may be al D1dg.• Indianapolis, Indiana; C. J. -which lIuggested military training. could he tell they were advancing used or omitted as the other gores Broughton. Room 412, M. L. .t: T. Bldg., ;rhe face under the wide brim ot the are complete underneath them. The Chicago, m.; Goo. A. Hall. 2nd Floor. westward toward the tord . "Weather·worn slouch hat wall clean· Decidedly puzzled by all thll, yet sleeTas are IImall and flnlshed with a 125 Second Street, Mllwauk.e e. WII: 1!Ihaven, browned by sun and wind, determined to solve tbe mystery and cuff. Serge. cheviot, lilt In. pongee and E. T . Holmes, 315 Jackson Street, St. and IItrongly marked, the chin slight· unwilling to remain hidden there un· linen .re .utable materials for thl. Panl, Minn. ; Chal. PlllIn" ~Ilrord ly prominent, the mouth firm, the grny til night, Keith led his borse along the coat. Block, Orand Forkll. N. D.; J. B. CarThe pattern (4967) Is cut In IIlzss ..oyell fuU of character and daring. His slant of the ridge, until he attained a bonneau, Jr., 117 Main Street, Bldd. 311 to 42 Inches bust measure. Me-dress Wall that of rough service. plalu sharp break through the blutt leading ford, Me.; J.' M. MacLacblaD, BOll dium size reQulrell S% yards of 64 leather "chaps," showing marks of down Into the valley. It wall a rug· 197, Watertown, S. D.; W. V. BeDneU. hard usage, a sray woolen shirt turn· ged gash, nearly Impallllable. but a Inch material. Room 4, Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb.; . ~ low at the neck. with n kerchief To procure this pnttem seneS 10 ~tlnt.. W. H. Rogers. 125 West 'tb' Street. half hour ot toll won them the lower to "Pattern Department." ot this pllper. knotted loosely about the sinewy prairie, the winding path preventing Write name and addrell8 plainly, and be Kansu City, Mo.; BaDJ. Davin, Booa .b ronzed tbroat. At one hlp dangled the slightest view ot what ml~ht be eure to clve ebe and number ot paltern. 6, Duno Block, Great ran., KoataDa; . the hoillter of a "forty·flve," on the meanwblle tranjlplrlng below. Once J. N. ' Grieve, Auditorium Blllldinc. otber bung a canvas·covered canteen. sately outln the valley the rIver eould NO- 49117. .IZE ..... ......... .. Spokane. Walh. IIIls was figure and face to be noted no longer be seen, while borety Il Every facility will be .fforjed NAME ....................... ... ....... . .... . '8nywbere, a man trom whom you hundred yards away, winding alons of the rlgbt Na.mp to .eear••ena,ap tWou~d expect both thought and action. lII~e a grellt serpent, ran the deep" TOWN . . ...... ............................. .. ot these low rates. To thoae wlto ~ ..and one wbo seemed to exactly fit rutted trail to Santa Fe. In aet~ pose to go. .. m.y be nld that ttM7 ~nto his wllrt environment. STREET AND NO ............ _......... .. dlrecUon appeared any IIlgn or human wlll have thfa spleDdld OPpcJI"lIIIdtJ ... 1 Wbere be rode was the very west· lite. All near as b'e could determme 8'l'A.TID ................. . ................... . IOcuring flm band IntormatloD . . to ~rn extr~e ot the prairie country. trom thOSE! distant cottonwoods out· the excelle1lt ~odaeh:ac cbaraet_ 01 'bUlowed like the lea, and from ott the lined against the IIky, for the ~moIte the lands la MAnitoba. Basbtcbe1raa 'Crest of Ita hlgber ridges, the wide IIplrals were too thin by tben to be obCHILD'S FRENCH DRESS. and Alberta. They wm hay. the o~ Ilevel sweep of the plains Wall visible, served. the spot sought mUllt be COD' POl'tunltY of seeing lome of lb• .,. .t. <extending, like a vast brown ocean to Iiderably to the right of where be bad' est wheat field. in the worl4l an ~ ;the tooth1l1s of the far·away moun· emerged. Wltb this Idea In mind be ably the largeR J'lelc1 ef wl'letlt. oala ~Ins. Yet the actual commencement advanced cauUously, his every lense ()f that drear, barren expanse was and barley that haa eTer been gTowa alert.. searching anxiously tor trellh Slender Spiral. of Blue Smoke Were Visible. fully ten miles distant, whlle all on the Continent. And all this OD signs or paslage or evidence of a ;.\Iobout w~ere be rode ~he conformation land some of whlcb COl' tile settler ' wagon train baYing deserted the beat· -was Irregular, comprising narrow val· attacking travelerB on the trans.. raid· remember, and those strenuous yeal'S en track, !lnd turned south. The traU only the $10.00 neeetlSAry to "ter rM leys and swelling mounds, with here Ing eltJ)Osed settlements, and oeca· of almost ceaseles. fightlDg, of 1oD~ Itself. dUltletlll and packed hard. rehi. homestead, or. 11 'b e purchased, :.and there a sharp ravine, riven trom slonally venturing to try open ' bottle night marches. of .wltt, mercl1ess vealell notblng, 'but some flve hundred In .ome cases, ~ him from t7.00 Ithe rock and Invisible until one drew with the small squads of armed meo. . raiding, of lonely scontlng wltbht the yamll beyond the ravine he ct1scovered to '10.00 per acre, but wblch Ie now up startled at its very brink. The In' thls stress of sudden emergenc7- enemy's lines, of IOTero wounds, wbltt he sought-bere two wagons had worth trom $16.00- to t:fI.OO per acre. every avaIlable soldier on active duty hardship and suffering. bad left the~ ttrrDed sharply to the lett, their ' ~enera1 trend of depression was un· Even at t.h ese prices the lau. fa II. .doubtedly southward ' leading toward -cIvilians had been pressed IntOo SerT' marks on both body and gout H:a- wheels cutting deeply enough Into the markably cheap 8S will be- reaUzed he valley ot the Arkansas, yet Irregu· Ice, and hastily despatched 'tOo warn father had tallen on tIle fleld at Ant1.~ ' prakfe sod to show them heavily when the Btatement Is mad!. that ttom ~ar ridges occaSionally cut across, exposed . settlers, guide wagon trams. · tam. and 'Iett hl,m utterly aJone ~ the- ' laden. 'W lth the experience of tbe 20 to 25 bushels pet' acre and over . laddlng to the confusion. The enUre or carry despatohes between outpost!!. world, but he had fought on gr,mly bordeJ' be wall able to determine that of wheat are grown, JM~:ng the fann· jau'! 'roundlng landscape presented the And thus our rider. Jack Keith, wbo t.o the end. until the last nag or the these wagons were drawn by mules, er from ,S.OO to $-101000 per ure: 'nnd A8ame aspect, with no special object knew every toot of the plains lying Confederacy hnd been furled. By that two span or each, tbelr small boofs this on land that be get tOIT nothing Ipon whloh the eye could rest for between the Republican and the CaD' lime, uPlon the collar ot his tattered' clenrl>y defined on the turf. and that or paid merely a nominal prl~. In I811ldance-no tree, no upheaval of adlan rivers, was one of these thus gray jnc let appeared the tarnished tn- t hey were being driven rapidly, on a fact the production show9 that '18.00 ck, no peculiarity of summit, no . su/d denly requisitioned, merely be- slgnla of a captain . Tbe Quick tearl sharp trot as they turned, and thEm. to $20.00 per acre would be a nomina). cause he chanced to be discovered un· dimmed his eyes even now as be fe· • a hundred feet further, at a slashing nake·lIke trail-ail about extended price for land tha't would produce . . . 'the same dull, dead monotony of employed by the harassed commander called anew that final parting follow· gallop. Just outside their trail aptbese lands produce. Jbrown. sun·baked htl1!j, with slightly or' a cantonment just without the en· Ing Appomattox , the bnttle-worn raees \lea red the marks of a galloping horse. ;greener depressions lying between, vlrons ot Carson OIty. Twenty min· of his m en. and his own palnfal jour- A few rods farther along Keith came I ndeflnlbt. 1nterspersed by patches of sand or the utes later htl was riding swiftly Into ney hom Fl wal'd, defeated. wounded and to a confused blur or pony tracks " Old you have fun takJns h1& caudy ;white gleam of alkalI. It was a the northwest. bearing Important pennihless. Itl was no bome when be sweeplDg In from the east. and the idreary, deserted land, parched under news to General Sheridan. commander got t ere. on y n, heap of ashes and 11 whole Gtory of the chase was revealed This dainty dresS' Is Itt Frenoh .tyle, away from the baby?,~ '· "Fun? My dear boy, It wu • !the hot Bummer sun, brightened by no of tht? Department, who ~appened at few weed·grown acres. No familia!" 8S thon~h he bad witnessed It with his with a long tlodY .lIedloDl 81Ild • short' IVegetation, excepting sparse bunchell that moment to be at Fort Cairnes: face greeted hl!O; not even a slllve own eyes. ' They must- have been skirt. There' Is nls0 Ili pretty yoke, scream!" crazy, or else Impelled by some grave wblch continues down tlie 'ront of the of buttalo grass or an ' oocaslonal To Keith this had been ' merety anoth· wall lett. · stunted sage bush, and disclosing no· er page in career of adventure; for . He .bad honestly endeavored to re necessity, to venture along this trail froclt. tis. Il' paneT, . the s\clrt beginning CURE THATSORETHRO-Al' \w.here the slightest sign of humnn bim to take his lite In his bands had main there, to race the tuture and In so small a party. . And they ' were at each side of It. Batlsle, lawri. long ago become an old story. He work it out alone; he persuaded him· traveling west- west! Keith drew a linen, pongee. obaills, Ibabltatlon . caabmera, Sore throat III In.lfammatloo. ot tiM I The rising sun '1'eddened the crest had quietly performed the special self to feel that t~ls was his para· deep breath. and swore to himself, etc., maY' be used for tbls dress. mucous membrane 0' the tllU!oat, and 01 the hUis. and the rider, halting tis ,duty allotted him, watcbed a squad· mount duty to the state. to tbe memo "Of all the blame fools!" The- patterlt ~5634) lit eut In sizes if this membran& hapl)ena. !Do b& at all He perceived lhe picture In nll Its 4 to 10 yenrs. Medium IIfze requires 'Wllllng horse, sat motionless, gazing ron of troopers trot forth down the ory of the dead. But those very years sensitive a predlspultlon. to. sore ot the Republican, received the of army lite made sucb a task im· 'II t II th t I :steadily Into the southwest. Appat'· valley h h k f . grewsome e a s- e wo mu e· 2% :vards of 3tr. bIeir material. throat will exIst. nsty t an s 0 the peppery little gen· , possible; the dull. dead monotony of drawn wagons moving slowly along .cntly he perceived nothing there un· Paxtlne ToUet AJttfaept1c- la both .. ~.. PI!O_ tbt1r )IIItMD M'D4 10 oent.. IUsual. for he slowly turned his bod)' eral. and then. having nothing better rou..tlne, tbe ·lonellnes8. tbe 810wness the trail In the early morning' the to "P,,-Itern Ji)epa.l'tml¥lt, " Gt thla paper. :about In the saddle. sweeping his to do. traded his horse In at the gov· of results. became Intolerable. All It band ot hostile Indians suddenly Write name and addrea8 plainly, nnd bo preventative an4.. clU'e tor SOfe ieycs, Inch by Inch, along the line of ernment corral for n fresh mou~t and came to thousands of his comradell. swooping out from some obscure hid. lIure to v;lve size and nu~... of ~Uern. throat becnuse tt l/tIIIIIes&efJ. extraor. d!nary clOan81111', heaLtq aJld germ" rt he horizon, until the entire circuit started baoll again tor Carson City. the call of the West came to him, and Ing Illace In. the bluffs; the dlsoovery c1dal qualities: JliStI .. little In a gla.. !had been completed. Then his com· For the greatel' portion of two nights at last he. yielded. nnd drIfted toward of their presence; the desperate ettort N~ 5534 mzE............... . of water, US" as a gargle: w111 qulek. :presscd lips Smiled slightly, his band and a day he had been In the saddle the rrontier. The lite there faeclnat· at eScape' the swerving from tbe 'J)' relieve Oilt soreness ~ strengthen 'Unconsciously patting the borse's' but he was ~cc u s tomed to this, for he ed him, drn wing him deeper and dep.{J- open trnll' In vain hope of reacMrrI!: NA.ME~ ..................................... .. .. the mucous membr1me 01 the throat. bad driven more .t~an one bunch of er Into Its swirling vortex. He be· the river and finding protection un. Ilecll. TOWN . ..................................... . and thus OTerc:ome an tendenc,. to "J reckon we're stili alone, old girl." longhorns up the 1. eX8S trail; and as came freighter. mall carrier, bunter, dern eath Its , banks; lhe frighteDed tlore th roat. be said Quietly. a bit of Southern he had slept three hours o,t Cairnes. government scout. cowboy. toreman. mul es galloping wildly, lashed Into a STREET AND NO .............. ;t....... . Paxtlne Is far superior to liquid aD-drawl In the voice. "We'll try for aod as his nerves were like steel. the Once he had drltted Into tbe moun· frenzy by the man on horseback; the t1sepUcs or P'3roxlde for aU to11et aDd STATE ................ the trail. and take It easy." thought ot danger gave him slight talns, and took a chance In the mines, pounding of the ponies' hoofs. pllnchygienic uses. He swung stlmy out of the saddle. concern. He was thorougbly tired. but the wide plains called him back tuated by the exultant yells qt the Puttne may be obtalJled at an), nnd wIth reins dangling over his aud it rested him to get out pf the once more to the:r desert 10nelineslI. pursuers. 'Agaln he swore: . Happened at Bridge. drug store, 21) and 50c a bOlf, or .ent "Of all the blame fools!" shoulder. b gan the Giower advance sad~le. while the freshness of the .What an utter waste It all seemed. "That rich heiress let me hold her postpl'lld t\J)OD receipt of price by The (TO BI!: CONTTNUED.} <In foot, the exhausted horse trailing morning air was a toniC: the ve~ now that he looked back upon It . hand last night." hehlnd. His was ' not a situation In breath of which made 111m forg~ttUi Eight years of fighting. hardship and Pax tell 'l"ollet Co., Boston, 1\1..... "You must be pretty strong with Send fOl' .. free sample. rough livIng. and what had ' they which one could feel certain of safety, of fatigue. Manuscript of Thirteenth Century. After all. this was Indeed the very brought him? The reputation ot n for any ridge might conceal the wary While reading a French book of hel', eh?" "No. It was n put up job. Her hand foemcn he sougllt to avoid, yet be pro· 60rt of experience which appealed to hard rider, n daring player at cards, the sixteenth century In the unh·cr· The Man Who Sued the Widow. c eeded now with ren e wed confidence. him. and always bad- this life of n Quick shot, a scorner of danger, and slty J:brary, St. Andrews, the Gert\.Ul.n was a bum one, yet she blamed me A St. Louis man 111 suing a' wldo:w · It was the sUJnmer of 1868, and the peril In lhe open, under the stars and a bad man to fool wlth-,-that was tbe lecturer, Dr. Schaaffs. n<tt)eed IOome for losing the game," for '100,000 tor retuslng to marry place the \ ' CI'Y hea rt or the Indian the sky. He had cOllstantly ex perl· whole of a record hardly won. The fragmonts of An old Fr~nob floem Iltm. He must be one of tbose Iron· Tile Kind. country . with every separate tribe enced It for so long now. eight years. man'lI eyes hardened, his lips set firm· which the binder had pasted on back cay whiskered men who wani to att "I have a new vr.cuum cleaning on the front porch of a houoe that wa. ranging hetween Ute Yellowstone and as to make It seem merely natural. Iy, as this truth came crushing home. and 'covers of tbe book. t be Brazos. e Ither restless or openly While he plougbed steadily forward A pretty lite story surely, one to be Arter loosening tbem he removed propo'sltion and I'm trying to find some hullt with mOIl.Y 6arned by another · on th e war.:mth. llumors ot atrocities through the shifting sand or tbe cou· proud of. and with probably no better the glue anrl out of the four pieces ob- financial backing to put It ob the mar. man.-Houston POIIC:' ..... e re bing relP',d the length nnd lee. his thought drifted Idly back over ending lhan 3n Indian bullet, or ttN! tained composed two larger . pieces, keto What kind or a capitalist w()uld lJreadth or the b" 'der, and every reo lhose years, and sometimes he smiled. flash of a revolver In some barroom )larts 'of ' two leav~s of a manuscrIpt · you 'suggest as best to a llproacb 1" A Sample of Pure GrIt. written In a beautiful and clear type llort drlftlpg In It, 'Itber fort or set- and occaslonalJ)' frowned, as various fight. "Why not try !l sucker with the Everyone admires grit. But wbell tlement only added to the alarm. For Incldl'nts returned to memory. It had In two col\ln1ns of thlrty·nlne lines cbst ?" The narrow valley along which he 'OU find it 10. your . un'derw~ar, the onc at least the Plains Jndlans had bel;!n a rough life, yct cne not unusual was traveling suddenly changed tts eacb. 144 in all. with red anrl blue .In'· ~hances are ' that " yo~r 'Ww;:bwomau. dis pverecI' a comn:ion. cause, tribal plf· to those of his generation. Born of direction, compelling him tei clImb the ItiRls: Th'e names occurring In the bill used laundry Doap' that haa bea . 'A Family ~ffalr: . fer nc 8 had been adjusted In w:ar excellent Jamily In tidewater Virginia. rise of the rttlge. Slightly below the ' text leave no doubt that ·the · frll8' M. Jean l;larnllhc, just appOinted no-' dOled wltb rosin., Rpsln t. not.··. aqap agai nst the white Invade rtl, and 1(10- his fnther a successtul planter, his summit he hllited. In front extended menta contain pa-r ts of the old French tury o.t S!llnt:So.uvy, In the Oers de- element-It merel;' 'addi weight. Duro- ' wus, Comanches. Arapa hoes. Chey· motJler had died while lie was stili In the wide ex'p nnse' of the .Arkansll9 ChaSon "Le Roman de ·...GIrard de partme~t. In succession to his father, 'Ing the 101lIdng 'lt ;.lnkS' ·tn\o the ftb~ elUles and Sioux had becume welded t'arly boyhood. and he had grown up valley. a ' scene or splendor .under the 'Vlane," and from the Inngtiag~ and who b~s . just died. Is the ~IFlventh at the washablea and aots . . " Under . togcth r In savage brotherhood . To cut ott. fro~ all womanly Innuence. He golden rays or the sun, with vivid the script It al1l1ears. tb!lt 't he manu· member of tile same family, the mem:, fqr ' tbe particles of dirt ,rhlch OUlht oppolle them were tha scattered and had barely attained hili m~jority. a contrast of colors, the gray of· rock!!. IIcrlpt . was. written bli'twecn '12,50 and b'eH ~f whloh have succeeded. one an· fo be 'anll are temoved when, He.ltt'. unorga ni zed se ttlers lining tile more Bl!nlOr at WllIIIUil and Mary'~ . College. the yellow at -sand, tbe brown of dis. l300. other ,from father to son tor 315 ·years.. Eask Task lIoap is usee!. · .' ~I;l rn str ams. gunrded by small dewhen ' Lbe Glvil War ca'm e; and one t~nt )I.l11s. the green ot vegetation, All He .Knew. . . ' Ju,t trJ ~ewltt·s ,!!la''' , . T .. k~ma4. tachments or regular troopil posted month after 'Vlrglhla oast In her' lot and the silver sheen ot·.the stream "Tell me about- Spat. romantic Queltion of Quality. or ·. aoap element. 00.1, "'d costa · DO here a nd fllere amid tliat broad wll· ,with ilie- SQuth, he becam'e a sergeant halt hidden beblnd the fringe ot cot.. Spain." . "Hete's a professor that 88.71 cigar,: -more thQ the .~ulterate4 Irplct.. J'lT.· derness, scarcEily within touch of eacb In a cavalry. regiment commanded bl tonwood'9 lInll\g i.s banks. 'Dbll was J "Well," said tbe' torfstr "then ~l'e ~mokl~1 ,eads to Insanity." · other , his tather. He b~d . enJQyed th.at life a light Keith had often looked Upoo. a tew bad place. " ~ 70u come .4,.WD "Huh I· I tibould think tbe' kind you .' . --~--:--i!lvcl'YwliElre b e·YOnd tb.ese lines or Dnd won bis spun . .·yet ft' .had cost. but 81w8~11 wltb apprecIation, and for th~ mouDtalDI,. but 'til -the mIlD tbe ' amoke would lead to muri\erl"~ Th.,. lID't mu. hope f01' ~. f ... pattr! wRudered roa~lng war partle., Tbere Was mucb not over·pleuant to 'tbe riomn,t hla eJII swept aero., roan are' PNttr 1OQdr". I.Brownlog's M~I'" I low ~ II to "_P~ "
00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
: i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .
Gr ow ing
(CoLll'riub , . '\III . by Auocialod Lh orar,. Pr .... )
. Here 's
toYo.Gooel Health &Del Pleuure
.G rac e
Come-f ollow the arrow 'til you Join the merry throng of plIlQte pleased men and women who h'llve quit aeeking for the ooe best beverage becau.e they'YO found it-
Pennsyl vania Comrad e Single- Handed face; tben sbe saw be Wll!! looking Enters Enemy' s Camp and Brlngll HAT n. hap llY thin g It is to nbo ut In what she consid ered a furtive Them ~ro .. L ine , bocome a ChrlsUn n, to wny. Tben be walked up to the jew' lw ow t.hat J esua Is our elry Show cuse and drummed on tbe While we were stlltlon ed at Poin SavIour , that our sIns are glllss. "rhen he went over to the per· Rocks, between tho Appom attox t of and fo rgiven, aad we bav'! beReal .addacti on in every glass-tn ap :md .parkle- vim fUUle ry coun tcr and asked tbe price Lb e Ja mes rivers, Aug ust 18, 1864 , . I IIIld go. Qucnchc a the thint-co ola like. breeze . gun a new li fe In Christ! of a bottle or cologne. Tht.nce he II-a!] on picket duty and wenl out to see But. hnvlng obtaIne d tbis new life, It wn lked (0 th c door a nd looked up and wll"t I could discove r. Delicio us-Ref reshing -Whole tome At down, as It to sce wbetbe r there wa"! a between t he \lnes wus un old n cr eek Is Im portant that It should be nourmill that Isb ed, that we should "grow lu grace 6c Eoer ywla .r. poli ceman about or not. Being satls· hall been destroy ed . A _ _ OIl lot of black- nnd In the knowl dgo of our Lord Ilnd Il ed on this rKl lnt, he walked b[1ck to srulth tools laY' tbere, anvllB, 1111 COCA-COLA CO. vise, etc. SavIour Jesus ChrIst." A' •• D". c •• the book counter , picked up one book t took u\) tho vise to take It Arrow lblnk 53 bac We seo Ulnny around us who have atter a notb er, and I1n[1l1y walked orr m~ , when two Confell erate3 k with •• C ••• - Cola stepped natural lUe, but they are weak a nd III. with one In hIs hand bold as brasa nut and motione d tal' me to come to Far some reason, the li fo that 10 In It was n valuabl e bOok. th em. I had no desi re to obey; ao 1 them Is not vigorou s an d healthy as Miss leo should bave stepped for· walked baCkwa rd Il ud got back wIth It should boo o r COllrso, 111 health may ward at t bl s moment and la.ld ber the VISC to our lines. . Supply. Two omcers arIse thro,ugb no [nu lt of 0111' own Govern ment Regulat Ion. , In h fl VY ' ha nd on the shoplltt er and came along and as lted for tbe New MinIste r-Now just one thIng "You've got po lson In your a,. lOan which ca/le WI! must try to bear It pa· more made nn arreat but her heart failed who went over to the before I accept this charge. Have tern," said the doctor to tbe paUen' Con federate s' tien tly and bravely . Bllt ver y often you got a "suVply ?" her. He would den y a nd roslst. She line. 1 confess ed I was the who thougbt lie had malaria . one, writes Ilealt h cou ld be prceerv cd and would le t blm go and trnll 111m and S. F. Wells, compan y Deacon -Well, yes, though we never "Maybe I have," he adm Itted, "mayC, Second Penn· strength ened If we would attend lhen report to ber bro·ther- In-Iaw. She sylVa nia a.rt!l1ery, to Bald an ythIng to the Inst preacbe r be I have . "I don' t In eat anythin g but hado 't fn r to tl·all. With a quick lin e. Tbey told me the Nationa l Trlb- three things- lhe food we ate, tbe at- about It. I'll show you where It Is, wbat Is gu!\rnnt eed under the pure not to do it agaIn . mospbe re wo breatbe d, and the exer- and get you a keY, but I tell you you'll food law."-Judge. glance up aud down tbe street, the Aiter tbe offi cers callOS . " left I told the boys olse we took. Care In these young lOan crossed . At the entranc e that I would go matters have to be Jllst sa careful about uslnr; over the next day means many an 1I1ness More laughin g. pre vented and It a s the r est of usl - Puck. to a sta irway be paused a momen t to and cnpture tbo picket Import ant to MAthe rs "A iear ago when this {' lalUOnd ring look baok, and then climbed the stairs. Sunday night we could post. On that many 6 Ilfe lengthe ned. ExamIn e careful! ,. every bottle of hear some re bs 'Was cuddenl y mi SSing, fa th er and moth- The ThIs Is sImilarl y true . of the spiritCASTO RlA, a sate and sure remedy tor girl had the crimina l run to earth. un picket si ngi ng hymna. Queen of the Kitchen . er said It wns a case lbat w01lld nev pr 1 rememb er ual lite, which Is Inte nded at all times She 'Whoev er preside s In' that most Im- Infants Ilnd children , and se& that l' b e solved. ,After dpvotln g one day to up re-enter ed the store, was taken they saug "J esus, Lover of My Soul" to be strong nnd vigorou s. First, to the manage r's offi ce, and aston· nnd "Just aa I Am, there portant lIection at the realm of J;1ome Bears the ~ W ltbout One Plea ," Is the s u bject of food. The thougb t I wallted Into the kitchen and rr new·bor n I, chiefly respona lble tor the love, Signatu re of Is bed him wllh announ cing: and my heart melted toward tbem. Boul needs feed Ing • .~ told tbe cook s he WIlS the thIef. She a.s much a s, or h'applne ss and health "George , I have been doing detec- The next da)' 1 of Ita commu- In Use For Over 30 Years_ told Adams, Nelson, even more than , the body. broke down at once." Very tew nity. CleanUnell! la Itl tive work dowDst alrs unbekno wn to Tate and Holmes most impor- Children Cry for Fletche r's Casto~ to be a little more people forgot to feed t heir bodlcs, "Tbat la. abe confesse d 1" Ba ld Mr. you. or Sarah, a.nd 1 have caught a vigilan t for an but tant obligati on; clean, sbinlng dlahell, hour or two, as 1 was many Christi au people s Marsha ll. turve their glass and silverw are, sboplltl er. He may be the bead of goIng over to trade tb e Johnnie s some 80uls. The principa l food letving da.lnty "No, IIbe did not conf088. Sbe turn-' t ho Would Need It. that God gang!" hardtac k. "Oraclo lis, wbat Is all that crap. cd r ed and wblte and hurst Into bas provId ed for UB all Is to be found viands on anowY llnen, give a relish " You oon't tell me! Where Is he?" which stlmula tea a wholeso me appe- for ?" Nelson, a large Scotcb- Irlsh lad, In the Blblc. tears, and within an bour sbo sk.ipped If we neglect the study "I didn't want to create escltem ent says: "Wells, I tite, and causee that blesBln g-good out." " I had a chance to get It at a bal'would not do It; but of his word, our spiritua In the store, and so 1 trailed him to It you do go, I will be ready to help bound to sutrer. Many can l lite II> . health. gal", and, YOll know, my husband goe .. . "And tile ring?' trace his la ir." their Nothing II 10 etrectiv e In producI ng In for tlylngl" you.'" I took with me the Philade lphIa failure In "I found It on tbe shelf over my lavthe Ch ristian life to this Lhese "Good girl! Wbere Is It T" resulta u pure. 'White, Hewitt 'l InQulrsr to trade for the Richmo nd neglect. alory. Sbe, of course, bad placed It We need to fesd dnlly UPOll Easy Taak soap, 'Which "Rlgbt across tbo road and tip- Examin er. tbere on Hndlng thnt she WIlS 8UScleanse s with When 1 came to thelr Bome portion of tbe Bible. atalrs. rememb er- half the 1l1bor and eame COllt as the pected. Il'ather aa.ld the police could- mlnules Ho Clln be arrested In five picket post they were s urprIsed , but Ing that "man doth not live by ." bread many cheap, IItrong loaps on the marwe /loon got on cood terms. ' I traded alone, but by n't have worked the case beller." every word that pro- ket. Then, "You'll bave to come along and coffee. hardtac too, It costa but live cents. "Keene st, brlgbtes t tblng I ever k, sugar, etc., for pocket ceedeth out of point him out!' knIves, combs, etc .; and all was goIng There are many the mouth or God." lIeard of!" replie d tbe mannge r. "If other books that Will "Oh, I'll do that." AT THE BOARD ING HOUSE . along nicely when a Ueute nan~ with help UI, but In the Omell. they must At the s tore doors they picked up BlUlb and sword on as officer of tbe day lowed to take the plnce never be . al"I am afafd to hear that report.of the Bible a detectiv e. When the trio had cross· came along and recogni zed me as a Itself. "Why soT" ed tbe street and the stairwa y had Yank. He asked me what busines l "It Is likely to mean lome finn .. .Feedln g the Soul. been pOinted out, Mr_ Marsha ll said 1 had over ther e. 1 told him 1 came colng o·n." We need, howeve r, to rememb er tDat to tbe girl: , over to trade. He said: "You are a It Is not lIufficle nt to read, but we "Th ere are a dozen omces up there, spy, and lin. WlnIllO .... Sootb\n~ Synlp top Obll4relt l'm gomg to laKe you to must al80 digest what we read. Uudland a studio or two, and we mustn't Ricbmo *lhIDlf, .oflena the gutl. tI , ~"d uees I"a _ _ nd for _trial." gested food Is the cause at much Itlbungle this case. Sure you can Iden· u,oD, patD. "una wind "oUo.l5 o. bolu., 1 took out my Phlladeh >bla paper noss to the body. The soul, too, needs tily your man aga.ln?" and began to read the news and grad· careful feeding For a tra.lnwr ecker no pUDfBhmpt. If It Is to . become ':In an Instant." ually backing olf to 0111' lines, and they Itrong and healthy can be too severe. . "I cnn't believe that any of the.s e It Is bette r to were so Interest ed they seemed to be read a few verses dally, to underst and people are sbopllft ers. We'll look In drawn on Paul fi rst and ask him what he moving wltb me. I kept readlrut and them, and to put them Into prac tice, backwa rd, and aftor about balt than to read a chal;1ter thlnlts. Right In bere." or two and rean hour the lieutena nt said: "I guess call nothIng at Its teachIng . They entered a Bt.u dlo. At a desk we will go back now." I looked up Next thero Is fr esh alr. People, In sat a young man with an open book tbese .days are r ealizing more and That'a Wh)' you·............ _ ...... before bim. Tbere were painting s on marl! that this Is most easels lind painting I' on the walls. desirab le -Hay. No "1'1""11"", and e,Bsenttal for the body, and that It "Hello, George I" from tho young CARTE R'S prevent s and cures dIsease . man to Mr. Marsha ll LIVER Prayer Is the fresb air of the soul. "Hello, Paul." In our 'dally Ufe, Els peolally as we "That Is the man and tbere Is tbe' asked the new cet older, we may have to meet with boarder , "who book! " exclaim ed tbe natural born deIs makIng Buch a fuss worldly compan ions. or work Inrungo d. because be has swaUow ed tective 88 she stood erect and pointed a fish· Iy surroun dings, not through choice, bone?" an accusin g finger. but .from necessi ty. Then, surely, 1t Is "That's the IIword swallow er at the Btlpation. Ten Il Elconds of Intense Silence, and essentia l that we sbould constan tly dime museum Biliousness, Indigest ion an~ ::;i<i~ Hellda.~ then tbey broke Inlo laugbte r. around the corner." breathe 'In the pure, fresh a tm0911h ere SMALL PILL, SHALL DOSE. S&LUL PRICE. "What -what does tllil mean?" deof prayer. This will save our spirit· Thinne st Man Weda. manded Miss Cleo. Genui ne must bear Signature ual life from disease , or death. Our Tbe thinnes t man In the world was "Mr. Paul Wainwr Ight, thll Is my Lord aaked for his disciple s, not that mlU'l'led . recently by Municip al Judge wlfe's sister, MIss Cleo Gates, In town they should be talten out at the world, John R. Newcom er at the clty hall. on a vlslL Mr. Wainwr ight Is the but that they should be kept from tbe "I had to look three times to Bee Picked Up On~ After Anothe r. son or. his fathor, wllo Is the Wainevil. He senda us forth as lights In him," said the Judge. wright of our firnl." the world, IUld as long as 0111' spiritua l The ma.n Is Arthur Atherto n, twentyw. only h.ad you in tbe store we could It took fivo Ion', mln'utes to make Ute Is strong and pure. we shall pass four yeara old. Though Ove fee~ high, an a .poUce station with shoplift ers In- It olear tbat Mr. Paul Wainwr ight had b)' Its temptat ions unharm ed and vIc- .he weighs only thlrty-e lght pounds. lido of a week." torious. He married Blanche Buekley , mnetee n Th4' natural born detectiv e telt hurt b'o rrowcd Instead ot ehopllft ed, and years old, who weighs 136 pounds .Spiritua l Life Noedl Exercll e. at l:b4 Wordl Ilnd would aay no more, that there wal notillng comlne to hIm 200 Million lIuehe la Then not only do our bodies require Chlcago Dally Newa. altllot4gh Invited to rell:lte some of in the way o,f punishm ent, and there Wheet to be Herve. ted good food and fresh air, but also exer· ber t\lber cascs. Her mind bad In- were apologi es and "don't mention Its" and someho w .Mr. Paul got tbe Idea clse. If 'We ltailt!~_ been made up to a oertaln neglect to ulle any at our . FALSE HUNGE R HanlS' Help Dem••d limbs, by and by they 10le theIr pow· A Sympto m of Stomac h Trouble thins, bow eyer, and next day she 1K'0, tbat he must call on the young lady Corand talk the case Reports from the frovlnces of over. He Is call· Or altogeth er. It Is said that horaes c:eeded to carry her plan Into eseeurected by Good ~oOd. Ing yet. Manitoba, Saskatc hewan and Alberta and ponies, after being down In a tJon. WIth no hint to her sister, (Wester n Canada) indicate one of mine for a certain time, become blind; ~ho would oppose It, IIhe made bel' There Is, 'WUb lome formll of stom· the best crops ever raised on the Someth ing About Dreams . ....ay to tbe atoro of Moses & Walo· Told Them I Came Over to Trade." their eye., not being reQuired . are ren- ach trouble, an abnorm al craving for continen t. To harvest this erop will Dreama are due to an Increase \.Ir e.nd said: "I luess not. I'leht. She wanted to ' get nn eye on You're my dered ulelesa. Bo, too, our splrltua 1 fOOot which la frequen tly mIstake n for require at least 50,000 harVeatera. the 'afterno on Bhoppers. She bad a sensatio n and 'circula tion over that prIsone rs." They were thunder strucll life needa constan t cserclse If 1f'ls to a "good appetite ." A lady teacber Low Rates Will be GIven wblch exists In protoun feellnK that ahe could tell a Ihopllft !l Ileep. · OIJ. and, turning around, saw Neilan, grow . GOd baB laved us for IIOrvlce. writes from Carthag o, Mo., to exon All Oanad lan Roads . er o'n Illbt. The crimIna l might be servatlo ns made upon patients with Adams, Tate and Holmes ' In a lin. There are many varletle s or service, plain how wltb good food she dealt Excursi ons are run daily and full a weU dressed ·\Voman with diamon ds cranIal defects show that when we are about a rod In tront at them. ond every life, howeve r obscure and with this sort of burtful hunger.. particul ars will be given on applica'lD her ears, and she might pretend to dreamlu g the brain Is greater In volbumble, may llnd aome sphero of UI. The lieutena nt, when he saw he W8I "I have taught schoot for fifteen tion to the foUowingauthorized Canabe at eaile, but there would be a fur- ume than In deep aleep, and less than caught, wanted me to go back' and fulness. years, and up to nine years ago had dJ;vl Governm ent Agent. Thl! rates tJve looll, a someth ln, In look or walk whon we are awake. Thus this Inter· report tbat they bad given themse Tbe final aim and object of all good, average health. Nine years ago, are made to apply to allwpo wish 'to lvel mediate volume of blood would Iud I- up. But I didn't do to give her IIway. Cbrlstla n iervlce Is to win others for howeve r, my bealth began to fall. It. and they werl take advanta ge of them for the P.ur· Mill Cleo pRasad from counter to cate that dreams are an Interme diate Bent., back to headqu arters wltb · Jesus Chrlat. God has chosen us for and continu ed to grow worse Bteadlly. pose of Inspecting the grain fields of a stalo between unco.Dscloulness and guard. I returne d to my post. c:ount~ looking for guilty partlel. She Western Canada, and the wonderf ul I told this great and glorious work; be has In Iplte of dootor's prescrip tions, and lpotteG ud followed two or three wakefu lnels, and tbelr tncomp lete and Nelson that there was another not given the task Into the hands of everyth ing 1 could do. During all this oppo,rtunitles there offered for those mall about. but they seemed to receive a Irregula r Intellig ence would Inl!jcale Over there, and that I who wish to invest, and also those ' Intende d to angela: neUhet has he entruste d It to time my appetite cont1nuetl good, only my.t rlous ' warDin g and kept hands the same tUlng. This Increase d clrcu- bring him over, too. who wish to take up actual farm lite. Nelaon said: the select few-th e mIniste rs, the the more I ate the more I wanted to off_ ere waR one old dame who latlon Is usually due to &ensory st!mu' "Don't do It, Wells." But 1 bad Sunday school teacher s, the spealter s; eat-' was alwaya bungry, Apply at once to made m,.ht Ila pockete d three yards or lailoD affectin g the vasomo tor center up my mind, and told Nelson to keep his purpose Is rather "to every man "'rbe first sympto ms of my breakH. ·M. WILLIA MS_ laCIt If abe adn't looked ' up and and causln.g return of blood to' the a sharp lookout. I approac hed th. his work." If we arc doing notblng down were a distress'l ng nervous ness 413 Gardne r Bid ••• Toledo , Ohio head, _uebt th~ ' with resultan t Increase d ('on- rebel picket post again, and as 'a eyo on ber. MIss SOOIl for God, at home, at school, at busl· and a loss of flesh; The nervous ness Cleo ~niLll)' ret ed from the atore sclousneSB. Contrar y to popular be- as the other reb saw me be a,aked me neea, In tbe church, then wo may be grew so bad ·that fiDally tt amount ed ·to wltb tho . feeling tli t If sbe had caused lief, dreams ,In themse1ves d 0 not con- what became of tbe others. J Itld not Q'u ite sure that our Ilplrltua l \Ire will actual prostl'at lon. Tben came stomI DO erreat she bad at losst frighten ed. tribute to IIgbt. or broken sleep In answer until I got between hlm 'a nd sufter. But It we are really desirou s ach troubles , which were very painful, a . Dumber .ot shopper a Into beIng han- which they aro present . Such a con- his gun, wJ;1lch wall standIn g against of knowin g what our work Is, If we ConBtlp ation whIch brougbt on p11es, ..at. At dlnnor . that evening , she dillon Is due to the ever-p~esent stlm.. a tree. Tben 1 s aid, as I drew out m;, are willing to do whatsoe ver tbe Lord dyspeps ia. and severe nerVOUb head" I dldll't feel 110 self-sati sfied, howeve r. ull which, accordi'n g to their strengt h bayonet : ':YOUI' partner s ar~ over may show us, tben we shall find .somo aches• r ,Mr. Marsha li reporte d that never bad or the degree of trritabll lty or the wltll us." Pointin "The Oootors 'lIeemed powerle ss to g the bayone t a' corner' tn his vineyar d waiting tor each' . \ the Ibopurter~ been ' 80 busy. There ceUs, ~alntaln even tn sieep 'll vary- bls helt) me, ' said' I 'Was overwo rked, and breast, 1 cO.!ilmanded · bUn to- be one of us. had been 00 lea!! tban seven CSBes Ing degree of conscio usness 'of which quiet I will close tbese few words or coun· at last urg~d me to g1,'e up teach'and get a move on him; that ho rigbt under the noses ' at th'e b'rjghte lt the dreams are merely 1:\ maDlfestatl~n. sel to young dla zlplea with three lui, ' if 1 wished to eave my life. was my prisone r. He , started on · e ealeaglr ls. " ' . . Therefo re.' the 'fatlguln g etreot often ai- ,tl0uble-qulck for ?U~ tl1xts, wbloh Will, i think, focus a~d "But thIs I conld not. do. I kept on linea. SJ.1~uld that 'report dllcour age a natempbas lze wbat I bave . sald-"B earch at 'It as well a8 I COUld, OIl.ch d.ay growso Il~trl~uied ' to d~eain8 .18 Dot ~ue to. ~ral born detecti ve' Not I~ tbe BII~h.t- tbem, but to 'the lhe' Scrlptures"~"Pray without cene- Ing ~re ·" wretcbe d, my ",HI-power lIg'bt~r degree of' It .w ill brinal you more· Blue and Gray 'In Reunion . • est. . It sbould ' aomula te . ber. to gr"at- sleep .and· le8s Ing"-"T o eyery man .. bls work·...-:- alOne keeplq~ me up, till at . last '!' mone y. 90mplet l!: cell"re8 lora. ThereIs to be a reunion of the blu" Send. for ' C"tal oj. , er tixertlon s. · -T hat's what It did In lion whloh,t hey a.c compan y, nnd wh.lch. Ilnd tlio gray In Atlanta , Ga. .. oext good . a.l,lgel lIuggest ed. that 1 try a ~Iet ~'Mlss Cleo' Gate's cai e. ,. She bad beeD oc· -Frede rl.ok ' ~art, In. London O~rlstU',n. , at P.K.D are due to. some.. trrltatto n.-,Fred W. tolier. ·Plans wero announ EDE RICK 'S SON S . Grape-N uts food, and from that oed, In. B()~ put oD . her ' mettJe, and ahe would Eastma n, in tbe ·'Atlanti c. day to ' thls 1 have The found 100 Chll.d , It ton nvoll , deliciou ·of,. thc Qod, other St, s dar by the S'eco~d COD.II( , 'I astonIBh .· l:\e~ . brpther- In-law ,a nd oth. ., AlbaQY, N•.Y. . . ,. . , Artiller y corps, the }Joston . Light In· Ma n 'Is " clilld of 'God: ,ers. alwaf\l Vtlq' : fe~ ' good., looking .young apl)eUz lng' an4 13t..tisfY.l ng. . . . J. ... • , .', ~D tan try, and the Intantry Ve~ran · c~rps trll11, "lowe my rest~i'atlon to. ·bealth ·to \ women who ~nve lIet 'ou't to .ll8tonJIlh, solflsh, unJUat. slll f'Ul, Cir(tJlt!.Nuta. My ,,161gbt has Appl1e". . returD'e( fat J a trip' . soutb." .. . . . . . '. chlido , tolks bave 'made a .fallure... ot It. " It f qed . .Thr.dugh the Willlam ' Deal,l Howell l, the Doted a' oA tor more tban ·two "ea~ • . l have TolelLruthegeterlJl."'pI'Ol The: occasIo n IIr the decUCllt.loD· b,' ellsloD. Dlullb'a '" . ,. • was back to tile atore -the neEt aft• .., novelis t: wall talking at ' the' ' Anthor.s • "' ~"lalo. bne .en' bee~. tree. progt'es Addrd. !llng VETERINA from the RY COL· been .'free from th'l Dervous ness, con- LEa.. " South ~Y'.!" ' Preside n t. 'ta~t' of Ii monum ent comT.~ ""1~ ., Doon tor Mias Cleo. A bright thouCht · cl~b · In New . Ycnlf about tO ' the b~gher,. and 18 ...WI l)~arlDS . Q, charge of IOp(lUq", lI,llea, ~eadacbl!', and all the IIILL lNV:;;;;;;;xuo&ll·...'oe~ 1O IK struok her .s IIhe crossed ~e t!!tesh· plalgals m that ' ~d .. beet& . tiro\VIbt memora tlng the 'names and ,ervlce~ summo ns ~m one on m .he1Ibte .-:-. . alliluiDl ...... ot the organlll ltlons that e ' th",t used to punlBh, me so., f.I) m..... iiiiDv ..' 8&01...1... \JIlI1I0tll ' ....... .old. "om aJ~ she bad· read .....d. hll!lrd llIalnst Mnk ,'l'WalJl> . T. ~: Potter8(1D, Pres~yterju. alit.hiv e been able to work . oreate' a frlendw reellDi between treely and =~o~.: .r.:.~...o::;-~===\:i~ the abo~lftllil bullnel l .. A bla' a;an like .~ID·~. ""eaUDI ~onAlled elattT}' Name Ifven ' ~T po.stum~. ~riI~,... ~,J~II:."" louth 'a fter _the ~ ClvU ·war• . TIle ~roold11l. to ber 14m. The 'lltore detect.~.. had ftoD) • ltttle maD lI.b 81_':1" + ,~ Battle '.ald Creek Bosto.n troopi announC ed ~at the,. al'fl Mlcb., ' . . '. lier qD the women. WIlJ Dot Mr, .Ho'W"lt.. "Tbl., 1iun17. fa • C&IO t'o ba the,ue ata of the ' OaJa .( :ltJ . Read the little IK»ok, 'meD' Road to (or alJpt1fna the 'o ld Hbl400 pl'q.erb ! Guards at Atlanta . . w.n'rilJ e." III . , : ""ftel'e " • 11.&10 JIaDJ' ...• ....... IIM01M..mUIplqarll t.'" ... ti4)dlea from 't'&rIou ' oI MlsB Cleo GalCB was visiting her IIlster. Mra. George Marshn lL Mr. Marsha ll was generu l mallage r of (he departme nt store of Moses & Walnrlg bt. Therofore, Miss Cleo hourd much .lihop talk. Abou t th e on ly (hlng that 1nterea ted ber, how ever, wus the talk about shoplttt ers. Tbe store was consta nlly troubled with th em, !lnd It waD Oll.1y at 101lg Intervu ls tbat one was caught . althoug h /I s(ore detectlv o ' ''as suppose d to have bel' eyes everywhere. . One night wben t he manage r cam o home to suy thut goods worth $200 had been lift e d th a t day from under the nose or Ih e sto re w[1tchdo g. who wus a young woman of 25, a n.l that s he would be discharg ed at the ~nd of tbe week, Mi ss Cleo announo cd, tn a very serious tone : "I am a natural born detectiv e." A laugh greeted the word!-l. "1 ha\'e so l~ ed several dlffiou lt
Your Liver Is Clogged U
50.,000 Men Wanted " in W.·stern Canada In area.
BILE Y:U:,:.!t P~ES$.
. E , · s ' S'TUD NT WAN"T
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••• aile
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·DEFtI.E '~lltF-~iii,
~~O~.;.;=";;~~;e;iiii ifJ l'~~'=""'. :.r:: ..... _~,"ij·~"'fiaAM: ...
• ....... ....... .,
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Oregonia. ,
MiM8 Hr., II l>i:I:>lU r oNled to ber holU in alllltin~ t,on \Ve, tViTgloia $fltllrday II rtaT liD nJhYI~hl time hel'e. Illes LuoHe Milson oomllll. n ad her III! fllr Il l! Jinclr na bi
------·-----·-------=o c , . About People " I . •
Osteopathic Physici.a n
'. ~
_ _ • _ _ _ _ 1_ _ ' - ' . -
. . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ .~~
Jesse Burton was in Xenia TueB- Thos. Pierce and Hugh Ridge were ~ay . in Cincinnati Sunday. .
•...Strictly Pure Cider V · 2 to 4 Years, 'Old ' ·
••.• ;,
Ineg~r l.allt r 8ollingsworth, ot DIlYt,on, 912 Relbold Building, Miss Lizzie Pratt visited relatives Miss Elsie Hartsock was a Dayton i ~ "lIl:)nJ~n~ bls l'ri81 Vlloo,ti n with ' in Cincinnati Sunday. vi 'itor last Wednesday. Oayton, Ohio h ia pit eUh! tu tile 'l'urti~ reek E. ·V. Barnhart and Dr. McCoy Miss Alice Carey is the guest 'o f ll dlgll borhoull, Miss Cora Keraey r turned last Gro.du nt.o AmorlclIJl School. l{(rkevlllo, Mo w re bu. iness visitors in Xenia Mon- relatives in Dayton this week. day. ~"~ak from 1\ plell nnt trip to \-Vino Chas. Cornell and family re~urned 1\1\ La k" Mrs. Euphemia Hough and dnugh- home from Chautauqua Tuesday. Mr... ue Sherwlloti and Mi:lB Ma ter Irma are visiting relatives in hel left FridllY moruing fOI' a visit Miss Glenna Smith is the guest of Dayton. Bellbrook. wHIl Detroit l' I& tive , r elatives in Spring Valley and Xenia ....- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mr. and Mrtl. hllde IIcker snll , . . Dr. and Mrs. Herschel Fisher, of Mr , IU:U M1'8, Lewis Raper are enlion, Rnlph Willaru, of Morrow Mrs. Laura Mosher · left Monday ' tertlliniog Mrs. ;.. idtL Werner and Lebanon. were calling on friends h MISS Emma Moodie; of Dayton. IS f D t "'pent ~unday with Ueorge Suoker h 'ld here Sunday. t e guest of Mr. and Mrs . E. V. for a visit to relatives in Morrow 0 1 ren 0 ay on. aml wife. Barnhar~. County. Mr. nnd i\lrs. John 'furner and Mis ELina, 'penoer lind Messrs d M dM B T Miss Anna Meredith, who has .. . John herwood unll Bomer Death. \son, ant t r . an t ra lartr y Ddrn- been the &,lIest of friends at 1.ebanoll Dr. Sherwood IS treatmg hiS home W. E. O'Neall has been taking It er wen 0 J ames own as s UD Jy EXCURSION TO and Schw~rtz's drug store to 8 fresh ten days' trip through Virginia, comarnge l1~tendad the dunoe ,a t Zim ri in their automobile to heu.r Dr. has returned home. coat of pam t. Biedel'wolf spellk . Worley !! Sllturday night. bining business and pleasure. He M d M A h H.tg k f visited Richmond Roanoke and othMr. Al1en Kibler. of Route 3, was Mr , Clem Dill is on tbe siok Hst. very r. an rs, rc er al oc ,0 . , f V' .. ' He I's'expected sick last week but is much imNew Burlington or Mrs. Chas. Brelsford returned proved at present. Dayton, were g uests of relatives cIties 0 Irgmm, --_ . . he re Sunday. home today. Mrs . Thoil. BlI>yuock spent lnst home.l::laturday evening from apleu week with l·eltl.tlves III and Dellr ant VIsit wltb ber aistel', Mrs. J. O. Miss Imogene Terrell, of New F ST S UT OUT OF SE NEXT SUNDAY Vienna, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. H. Caskey, of Lebanon, IR rt ASON litJ.rveysbnrg. Barne 8. of near Xenill, Misses Ruth Bltlir u.nd Mildred Mi s Zevll Morris of the telephone Mrs. H. W, Bailey. was the guest of Mr. and Mrs, J . H. The Miamis shut out the Edge~ Train leaves Waynesville, 8:48 a.m. IColeman Tuesday. J ones, of Wilmington, spent l\ part exobange spen,t Saturday at the O A T W' ht d E V . monts Sunday at the ball pink by of la~t week with Miss Bernice Miami Valley Cblmtauqua. rho . . . rslg. abn Wed' Messrs. Dean Howel1 John Lem- the score of 13 toO. Barnardpitched Hawkins . Mrs. Joe. Swigart and ~aml1y are Ba~ art ;er~ In prmg oro Classified Ads - mon and Miss Louesa St~kes attend- a fine game for the Miamis, striking There Wf're no services at the moving into the Diok Mason prop· nes ayon usmess. eu Chautauqua Monday evening. out 14 and allowing but 5 hitS. The AWi will be luse rted unilul' Lhl~ hea,l (or M. E. ohurch on 8unday on aocount e~ty to dUoY, ~b(ob 8be bought som Miss Marianna Compton. of Day. . Miamis's fattened their batting twenly · I!\' eC IIl"" ror three In~tlrlloQM of the oondition of t,be building tune ago. ton, is the guest of her grandmother MI~ Edith Mosher returned .h.ome average considerably off the Edge- . wholl us Ing nol moru lh au !lve lines, Barry Conner has returned home Mrs. Mar Satterthwaite. whlob 1s belDg remodeled . on Friday from .an extend~ VI~lt to mont..,. \Inl A. Ii Barltm and daughter from II. visit wUh bis brother, Jesse, y olurubus, Cardmgton and Mt. Gliead . • -~.--FOUND Flnrll tLro g\leS~8 of Rev. 0. M. 8el. at petroh, JaUoh, Dr. J. W. Millet, Herbert Ed. . Be is Iln ungr~teful mlln who lives lllrll and familv of Jamestowu. !ldrs. Walter Morris ea8~ of town wards and Emmor Baily were at Mrs. Margret Wle~ ~eturned home beyond his wife s means. l:;ever"l per~~ns attended James w1Jl cntertain 'tlie W. C. T. U's. Chautauqua Friday evening. Saturday. after a. VISit of several I • - • CdlLD'8' COA'l'-Owner oan re town ChrlUtaUqUlL liIunday. at· her bome next Monday evening. weeks WIth relatlves ';It Blue Bal1. 1 Notice of Appointment. cover saw" by I' Illing u~ thi ~ otuoe. proving propeny ftnd }ltlylnl> ...- - Mr. Joseph Wier and family. of Alice Louise Carr seven yHar old Corwin. and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Conklin of ERtate or Anna Leonard, doceB8ed. The for ad, Blue Ball , were guests of Dr" 'daDlfhter of Mr. and ,Mrs. Roy Carr . . • • 'uudel'8l1rnoo bo.s been appointed and QunUlIed [ Dellefontame. are VISiting Mr. and B8 Bdmlnlawk'r or. 'be .. tate or AnDa Leon· bad her foot crushed by a wagon Miss LIlUe Nedry was 8hopping Mrs . A . T . Wright Saturday . Mrs. Elmer Earnhart and other old o.~ria:.:r f~law:~~~~~1ul~.IJI~.dlr'ffi1: In Oay,on I:iBturday wbeel Monday of last week, FOR SAtE OR RENT Miss Susie Adams, of Massachu- neighbors and friends. PERRY E. KE~!. ~ Admlnls~rator. Mr8. ,B. H. Keloh BDd daQghter, Mrs. F. Graef wa~ in Oinoinnati setts, was the guest of Mrs. Eva of Chicago, are the gnests of ~as. Monday. 0111 Flrearml In Hlltorle Houl .. Jones a couple of days last week. , Mrs. M. L. Parshal1 came home N Exoellent farm of 111) aoret', Much excitement prevailed the Blair ana fawily. Mrs. Ellie Spray was II. Day.ton abunJanoe of wtlter, nioe bou " unday from the Miami Val1ey hos- other morning when the hlltorto old Several per~on8 v;,ent to Franklin vi81tor one day reoen$1y. Terrell Macy, of Monongahela p i~1 at Dayton. She is getting residence owned by C. Ill. Bllrd was of 9 rooms in good o.lnditioa , FOI' t.o bear Rev .• ~11!! t;unday, ' Mis8 Alma Waterhouae 8pen~ sev. City, is home on a two weeks' visit along very well after her operatfon:' destroyed by fire. Within the walls pllrtioulartl irqnlre at this offioe eral daYllae" week with relative8 with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed ot the structure wel:e hidden a small Spring Branch . '11 e, ar&eORI ot flrl!anns, rtftes and pistols. near Spring Bill. Dr• M• W . Lang, 0 f RI'd gevi Macy. FOR SALE has returned home from Montreal, all loaded, and when the heat of the . 'Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Laoy 8pent MiaS Henrietta , McKinsey 8pent · J C · buildIng reached tbem a regular MeBsrs. L . A. ZImmerman, • • Canada, after a six-weeks course in Fourth of July lKJmbardment began. latlt Sunday with their daughtt1r la8t Wednesday" wUb ' Mr.. Dr. Hawke and C. M. Robitzer went to surgery at the McGill ~ediciJ Col. The house was one of the old la.nd. OU8E of (l rooms and SUIDmfll' ' Olagett. Mrs. Fr8.Dk Cook and ta·m ily . marks or the town, having been butlt kitoben, formerly owned by Mt88es Bl!rtha Smith Alioe Frank Law.on, of Cinoinna.ti, is the Lewistown Reservoir Monday lege. Yeo. Thompson . Inquire lID prerufor three days of fishing. berore tbe Civil war. D. Olfett. a Chen'o weth eatertatned Mr8. Ida 'Vi8iting hitt relatives Robert Beck. i~e6 of Miss Monie Robinson. MoAdamt', of Dayson, Saturday ett and family. The ladies of St. Mary's are re- / ~::t::~e -:::~ o~a~e r:::e~y ~~~~ Mr. an J MrI. W I'lfr eel P erry, M'188 quested t t th h h F' night. ' ! J"mes Saies, Mrs. Waterhouse, Sell d M' Ed'th M h o come 0 e c urc rl- the Confederates ha.d ltared auns and OOD 8o~ nod Pig!!, all tn '6118 Sa ra ers an !88. I os er day m qrning at eight o'cl~k to ammunition In the walls of the old oondltion Fer DarMoul." ad M~. J. H. Chenoweth ate dinner Mr•. Edwards and M&'rie Shutts with aut Lydia An.tin Satorday. &Iltoeci to Ohautauqua Jut i'riday. motored to Frankhn on Sunday and assist in cleaning and getting it .in struoture durtng the war, bpt Mr. dress maurice Silver, It. D. 4, WbY readiness for the new carpet Burd waa unable to let at the relics oesville, Ohio. pbooe 411 2r. Mias Alloe' Ohenoweth ie on the . Ben ~:vi8 was i~ D,ayton laat spent the day at Chautauqua. . • owing to tbe fact that the buUdlng siok list at the tim" of thlll w;itiog. Saturday. APER N APKlN8-'fhe 6a~ttG . bad been remodeled and strong walll Miss GerLtude Hess, of Bellbrook, There wlll be meeting at Middle ' Misl Laura McKiD8e,r returned and. Messrs. Wm. Haines and ' Lou office handlet4 the plain white Mr •.and. M~. W. ,D. Allen, MISS had beep built around the old ones. The much prized relloa. conllstlng and oolored n(\pkinll. c"n and lIee Rnn ol1u1'o11 lbe 15th ' and 16th 01 home J'rtd~7 ~fter a two ween' PrintZ were ueets of Mr. and Mrs. Geol'g'la Hadden and Miss 'Elizabeth ~ . Stewart motored to Dayton last Fti- of ante bellum ftrearml of tbe crud· them. thl. month by Elder Beadle. outing at Ch:anuuqua. E. A. Weller at CentervIlle Sunday. d M R b ' R d II .h ~ make. were hidden In the wans Mr. anti M1'8~ David Luollll and Mrs. Lena Lewis and Kennet.b r8: ..e ecca an. a , . wOof' the old 'structure tn order to ,et l~RUE PNPER-If you "'lint . ay. 8ODI ·~7mon. and Earl called on KUbon were Dayton . shopperl la8t Dr. and Mrs. P. D. ,Clagett will ~ad been vl~ltlng WaynesvIlle fnends ' them ' at the end of the struale.any oolor of flne tissue p ·Pflr, leave Friday for a three-weeks' returned With them to her home in l!lnterprtse Cor. New Orlean.s Tlmee- OILll at tbe Uazette offioe, WE' r" \'" the latvrll mother Mrs J H Tue8day. Chenoweth. ' '. Mrs, Brown, of Bellbrook, II via· Eastern trip, Washington D. C., be- Dayton. it on hand all the ~lme. ' Democrat. ~. and M~. : Clllrenoe Thompet>n iting her son, Chas. !3rown and iug the objective point of interest to ..ere entertatned by Mrs. J. H. famiJy. . them. I Chenoweth and family &tuaday Mrs. Harlan and daulhter8, of ~Igbi and t;uoday, Mre. Thomp H.rv~Y8burg, ~ere iueste of Mr8. t, Mr. and Mrs. Saml. Meredith will 80n remained for a week's visit. Naoml Barlan 1&8* week. leave for Winston, N. C., next ·week. Mlu8s Ber'ba. 8nJith and Alloe ' • ... • After a visit at that place, they will Ohenoweth en~rtained Elder Stru. "The Olub.tour the south, and will be gone An aclalh'e dlnlns IOOlet,.~ II the WITH THE ble, of .FrederioktowD, 0" an'd Mr. one bearing tIM! arropnt tttle "The about a month. Aleyr, of .,Kentuoky, FridllY night. Club," wl-Icb Iince ttl f01UuiaUon haa been limited to thtrt:r·ftve membera. • -.. Mr. and Mrs. :Edmund Retallick, , Utica JOb.nBOD, Burke, Re:rnold. and Gold- Mr. and MrS. John Phillips, Mesars. smith were amaDS tbe o"-'Dal , memGarriok and BoeW'8Jl jollllld ID Mahlon Ridge and John Gibbolls atRev. MoKenzie will preaoh his berll. , , 1778, aDd Gibbon and I'M ' In 1776. tended the 79th O. V. I. reunion at farewell sermon at Oregonia next Of the el,hteen premiere In the' nlDe- Lebanon Tuesday. 8UD~Y. teentb century nine were 'membera of U81NC THE Mrs. Cbarles Cross is reooverin the club, Fox.' U'fIerpOOl. CaDlng, Misses Trillena and Maggie EdRUIIMII. Aberdeen. G1adltone. Salt. very 810wly. bury. Lord .Roeeber:r ' and Mr. Balfour. wards, after a two weeks' . visit with Martin Frazee attended the Mason -LoDd.ou Chronlole. ... their brother O. J. Edwards, and fair ~t~rday. family, r~urned to their home.in oaDlling faotory begill8 work Dayton Saturdal' morning. Reed'i larcaem. Thul'tlday. Senator Lod,e, In , the Centul'7 ' MaaFr~nk 110d8oD, and . wife, of Wi!. aalne, .a78: "In 1884 I recall 'ComlQC Mr. "nd Mrs. Howard Dyke, of mingLoD, were guests at the parson. acrou Tbo... B. ReeC ODe day In Pittsburg, accompanied by Mrs. Flo State Itreet jUlt after the nominaUoll age Jut week. of Mr. Blaine. The break In the Re- Dyke, of Dayton, motored here Mon" Mia. ROlietta Frazee ba8 returned publican partY ·had begun, .andlI .. ked day evening and ' are the guests from 'IL ;visit Rith her sister at Xenia. Mr. Reed what he thoucht of (the out. of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Carey. Rev. MoKenzie and' Wife attend- look. 'Well'" he l&1d. 'It II a great ed th~ uoion servioe at Waynesville comfort to tbJnk that the wlckled poll_ Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Perry, of tlClanl were not allowed to pick the Sun<Iay night. . Cleveland. and Miss Sarah Sellars, candldatea. and that the nomtnattolt Quite a number from kere at. was made by the people. The Poll. 'of Columbus, were week-end guests Will be accepted by tended tbe Chautauqua Friday to tl91ans would have, been guldedl only of Miss Edith Mosher; Mrs. ,P erry, most of the Grocers hoar the great evangelist Billy ~un by a bale dealre to win.' ,I nee Olive Carlisle, remained over for in the ........................ day. a week's villit with Miss MOtlher. ahe StraIghtened Thlm. Wm. Moyer, Imd wife, of Spri.ng. ,.... . MI'II. Clark lent the new mafcUto bet' MAn' Ea D __ ..l f Ch' bor9, were tbe guests of Mr, and room to fetoh & p&1r of Ielilora.l When . rs. me gan ~, 0 lcaMrs. !rIoK'e nzie Sunday, a)so Martin Ihe returned, which. she did attler an go, arrived here Thursday evening Frazee and wife. '. We ~re now installing Bali-Bearing Machinery In our Feed unaocountably long absenoe, her mi. from Cincinnati · where she visited trels alked It ilhe had an7 trouble In relatives,. and is the gu,e st of Mr. and . ~partment enabling us to do better work an,d doubling our ca~ OI)dlDC them. h M Re...A 'n ~8Clty ~o you will not have to walt for your fe.e d. , . . "No, ma'am," replled the 'girl, "but MIS. E. V. Barn art, r. "",WI whln I cot thim, they w.. tbat}blnt. join her here Wednesday for a shurt no waD.could ule thlm, 10 I tcok thllQ visit. . . ~ the Jdtchen and Ihtralptenecl thlm . . out wid a fta~ron. Here the7 are, Now is the time to buy your monWill clear Oats" fine· 88 M,ddllng8. ALi. FEED ORiNDma'am." ~d Ihe banded M~. ClarW i ument as ,we are going to close: out "'. '.~' '. II~O ,8 ' C .E NT$ /' A; BU.SHEL .,' '.' he.. ·~uch ~~1t!~ ~Io~re ~ol"l'I. every ' ~oriument, head atone ,a nd, Read the : opening ' -r ,. Rulne In Xucat.~. · tablet and make prices to sell. them. ~. ' Theresa tn .Y.uo~tan a .ch&1n at ,rulDa If you want'a monumentoJ'aD)'thinir chapters of the.. new 800 mll.. Ion,. where ODoe .toocI . ,' " . , . bulldlDP nebly d~oraied and ....eotecl· mo~r ' 1ine It ,~.iIl pay 'ou . well t~ . ~eri~; " ' ~'Keith' ~f. w,l th a ;Y&ft' amounl of architeCtural here ~ore you :place y~t OE:-' imoWle4.~. . ~be b':ltl~18 b8loJ;ipd We halve oveJ': ~ hundred Bonie,""," in,this' to tbe ltOne ace, when ~e; remarkable in steck 80 1-OU 'can Bee 'just . what ftprett ill ~e "ere ~ with yOU buyii{g; all of the beet graD. ~~e~ ve~ " . pleGer of tI1bt. 1;111" peOple 01 . thII ~ -, ' , •. 1- ' '. ':' . . . . Jaa4, DOt the Ue aI "Iller ~ ~. . F. MerlU~ CO,. •
The Quality is Fine At WHITE'S Store
t'ennsylvanla --LINES---
Springfield,. SSc
Columbus, $1.40
~----~------~~--------"I------------'" DEPOSIT YOUR 'WHEAT
Cbio . Latest··'Ball-Bearing _acbinery
Making ' the Highest Grade Flour ' a,n d .G~ ving .the Best Satisfaction
Our flour Tickets · ........ .
Surrounding Towns
'. --
Our.: Ball-Bearing' Oat Pulverizer ,
can der.
It is a
thrilUn~ storY: • • •
' I~~
c. .~., ' . . ~a ·~a,~J~1~1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~.~a
................. ...-..
" Former Citizens I • -
Saml. Butterworth received a let· tel' from Mrs. Elizabeth Watkinson. of Eddyville. Neb .• in which she says her hl,lsband, Thos. Watkinson, died July 31st arid was buried August 2nd. Mrs. Watkinson was formerly Elizabeth Southern.
Ij-p;--------:~+-----------+ :
sonal Mention Here and There 11 +-----------... ------------
Judge C. C. Lemert, the new , Mrs. Carl Sheets planned a sur . president of the Ohio Nation'al Life ' pl'ise on h I' mother, M,·s. Wm , of Cincinnati. iS'taking h()ld of his Try Maple Nut Icc Cream, fic. at Try Maple Nu t Ice Cl'eam 5c at , Daughters. on Sunday Fl'idav bein~ duties well and proving out his ca- chwartz·s. Schwartz' s, . , her 53rd birthday. Her r~lativ p.,a city as a life insurance. preSident. . land fri emls came ill on her as she Jud~e Lemer~, ,as ~ p~bhc se~vant. Mrs. J. W. White spent Monday at Mrs. Ray 'mith was on the SIck /was fJ1'cparing to uress some chick. Jist last week, ens for dinner. They enjoyed the received a trammg WhlC,h admirably Chautauqua. I IlWl'lling in pleasant conversation adapts him to become the head of Mr_ and M~s: Fred Henderson and at 1:30 a fine 'dinner was spread a company with many stockholders . M~s . ,J. W. whi te visited relatives scattered all Qver the state. The In Dayton last week. were Dayton VIsitors Saturday. on the lawn. After dinner they
Mr: Frank Snook. of th e Wayne.'!ville aIming Co ,. was haRt a t a fine chicken upper I'ecently gi ven tu many of the employees of th faclory.
MI'. amI Mrs, I{alph Lewis, Messrs' Cliff Bill'll tt. Waller Lewis" anll 01 nil J uhns we l'e gu ests of Mrs, , Prof. T. H. Rogers. superintend· good record which he made in the I Mrs . A. MatIit was t he guest of Miss Mary Hawke. of Lebanon. ) layed croquet. Anna B. Cuok and family at dinner ent of the Mason schools, has been Ohio de~ar~ment is es~bliRhing con- relatives in Dayton last week. spent Sunday with relatives here. Those who enj oyed the day were: Sunday. appointed county school examiner by fidence m hlS company among the Mrs. Chas. Smith. son and daughter; Judge Boxwell vice C. H. Young substan tial poople of Ohio and it Miss Alma {vaterhouse is attend~iss Mary Latchem is recovering Mr. and Mrs Ed Hartsock; Mr. and Mr. and Mrs, E: V. Barnhart enwhose term has . expired . Prof. would not be surprising if the Ohio ing Institute at Lebanon this week. fl'om a severe attack of whooping Mrs. Rufus Pope. son and daughter, tertaine:i at 6 o'clock dinner ThursYoung has made an excellent exall\- National should lead all others in the ' cough. ' of Centerville; Mr. and Mrs. Chas, day, Mr. and Mrs. W. 'H. Allen, iner, and retires:witb the best wishes amount of new business written. Mrs, Tom Romine was taken very Daughters and little son. of Center- Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Sherwood ami and good will of all Warrp.n County Very few new companies have star!- ill ~unday morning but is very much Mrs. Grace Lincoln Smith is in 'Cin- ville; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith, Mr. Miss Emma Heighway. teachers , The appointment is recog- ed out with two such strong men at. better. cinnati \:his week attending the Fall and Mrs. Val Myers and family; Mrs. nized '8S a good one. their head as Judge Lemert and M . millinery openings. Ella Quirk and family; Mastel' Earl Mrs. Geo. Stroud entertained with - - -.-- - - Vice Pr~ident John L Davis for rs. Allce Hawke and son. Vernon B tt M d M W D I a supper Sunday evening in com~liCOUNTY FAin ., f M d M J C . enne; r. an rs m_ aug 1OREAT ·"ADREN ft' .,.. OIl' merly medic.al director of the Union were guests 0 r. an rs.. . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith and t er d f l'1 f X ' .. D J C ment to MiflS Maud Stroud who e Mrs. D. HelmstetJer drove over to C ! abn II 8amnd YM'? E~maD' r· · . marriage to Mr. Wylie Crane, of Central both having a large "'erson- Hawke Saturday. the great Warren County Fair a n d ' " h M' . I b II e 188 va aughters, Jofamp Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Chandler were see t e lamls p ay ~ . Dayton State Hospital; Mr. and Cincinnati. will take place this month , Races will be held at the fair grounds a~ following. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and So far about $37.0,000 of .the $500.- guests of relatives i'l New Vienna a Mr, and Mrs. Howard Dyke. of Mrs. Richard Murray, of Lylle; Mr Mr. and M~s. II. ·H Wadsworth Pittsburg, with Mr. and Mrs. F. C. and Mrs. Armstrong McCray and entel·tained at dinner Sunday the li'riday, September 12, 13, 14 and 15. °OOOh' OfNth~ aulthhorlzbed caPlltdal of the couple of days last week. which is now only a few_weeks hence. 10 atlOna as een so to over ' C a r e y motored to Chautauqua Thurs. family; Miss Sindy Murray; Mr. and following guests: Fred Wadsworth Warren and adjOining counties ~.OOO sto()kholde~B. Judge Lemert Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen anJ d~. Mrs. Carl Sheets and family; Miss and family, Ed Browning and family have always been leaders i the pro- IS very enthusiastic over the pros- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reed motored Katherine Daughters, of Kings Mills; f Leb R SO t. I "f d F 'd . W D h 0 . anon. . . e ze , WI e an ts f th d . h to Leb duetion of hig!"! grade live tock and Pfc ~ '~h ~~mpaQny anC'~s muc anon 1'1 ayevemng. Messrs. JessA Thomas, Harold Mr. m. aug ters and family; Mr. son, of New Richmond, Ohio. the management is yearly perplexed p ease WI e ueen l y as a . ' . . . Howell. F. H. Farr and Thomas and Mrs. F'rank Daughters, of Harsh· _ __ in findiner room to accommodate the place of residence. He will move MISS Letitia M~Kay arrJvea home Pierce saw t he Chautauqua-Miami manville. OhIo. Mrs. G, W. Hawke was hostess at mammoth displays. The premiums his family from Columbus to Cincin- ~~dn~ay ev~nmg. after a ?Ieas~n~ game Friday. Mrs Daughters received many dinner Ia.t,t Thursday to the follow.. . beautiful presents and wishes to ing guests: MrS. Walter Reed. +diss offered are liberal and our breeders nati in th? falt.-From the We3tern VISit wlth relatIVes m DetrOlt, MIch. 'M G 0 I b' dJ MIss Edith Mosher and guests, Mr. thank her many fri~nds and hopes Emma Moodie Mrs Warren Barnett owe it to themselves to encournge Underwriter. - - -•• -- ~ essrs. eorge g cs ee an esse d M W'lf d P t th ' . this enterprise by filling the variou'3 Corwin. Thomas motored toCincinnatiSatur. al1 rSd.1 re . e~ry, !I~e~ e they enjoyed the day. Mrs. E. V. Barnhart. Mrs. Emmol' .. "",," wl'th large entrl·es. Those H. Madden & Co., d d th P·ttsb C·· t' week-en With MISS arah e lers at Contributed Baily Mrs J B Chapman Misses ci a~ 0., can supply you with the best ay an saw e I urg- mcmna 1 S' th Ch I t ' ,... , game. ou ar ell on. • -. Annie and Mame Brown and Emma who have met with ' success I'n the Shingles. Both 16' and 18 inch on BAND CONCEDT pDO breeding world should be glad of hand. M Mr. Fr.ed , Caskey, of Marietta, P\ "GRAM Heighwtly. .. - r. a~d Mrs. F. W. Wadsworth O,hio. and Miss Florence Hudge!. of --this opportunity to show the result ' WILL HOLD SHOW HERE and fam I f Leb k Following is the program for the Miss Katherine Alexander enterf h o t eir intelligent ~forts to the ap I y, 0 anon. were wee - Qolumbus, were calling on friends band concert, Thursday evening, tained Friday evening in honor of preciating pubt'ic and to assist in creend gu~ts of Mr. H. H. Wadsworth hete Friday evening. sting further interest in the minds . T?e Miami Valley Poultry A.sso. and family. August 17. from 8 to 9 o'clock: Miss Edith Mosher's guest, MrS. Wil. . clatlan met Saturday and decided . ' M h "E d " ' fred Perry, of Cleveland. The f th 11 f b d d o e sma armer an ree er 10 ' Th I d' f St M ' Miss Jane Nesbitt was tht;! guest arc, n eavor ................. Huff ts · . M W'lf d P . better bred live stock. So you can to hold the show here. Morrow e a les 0 • ary s are reh. • W It liE Id" ' H gues wel:e rs. I re erry, Mrs. Fred Hartsock. , Misses SteUa '~ "'o_rrl" t,_o ml·ss,_t,l.e rn, ".mrnot" di,"- 'w,,an._ted_ ,to h_ol~ the. sh()w there, quested to ' come to the church of!'. J. Brown llJ;Idbdaukagh~:r.l!l FIrlday, S ah tZt~Sscb' "~Serl~t d "':"~"""k" afiyes 1d 'Jt IL _ _ _ _ ~l ...... ." _ I, .. t-· - ed ' Th _.l . . " ·t 8 ' I' '-k •. "f< .... ~ en'ol'Qllt f,r,om Nt' ras ' lWU owa-!o- c Q J e. 0 I U e . :1.1 un en 8 T '0 - 'Cr.:!·th ..'r ' ;l.l. - and' Donn'" u~ay mormng a 0 (' Oc .ImOh' M h"C dl f L'b . " H .LJt:mm n, CA,lI mosuer, .. plays of horses, cattle, sheep. swine bu tlie~ acId , It best .to let . W II h th h th portant w.ork to be done. bel' home at Youngstown, 10. "Marc t' M rTa ~ °ht . I De~ty '1" da,Y,es Hawke, Messrs. Edward Ricks ' and t, try. avnesv.1 eave e s .ow IS . year· ee e on pou apd " Ig . In ream an R Id H k The Warren County Fair is dis· Work Will be started Immediately, W H M dd & Co ' Co' Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meredith left (By request) ................. Friedman ona awe. and the prospects are for a good • • a en ., rWln, S d / . "';'1 b f ' W' ' SIt' "L' te h P d ' --and Mrs. H. E. tinctlyan agricultural fair. No one .. . 0 II S . P tl d C t un ay via \.JV um us, or mston. e ec Ion. IS n, t e ara e IS Frl'day evenl'ng Dr. II b h Id D b " se superIor or an emen, N C b th '11" I ' Coml'ng" ' G' - - single department is emphasized at sow, h h h w IC WI e e ecem er . . ., were ey WI VISit re atlves. .............. ......... lessman the ~ense or neglect of another 14-16. ,1911. Lime and Plaster. A go.od supply They intend touring the South before Band is heard as. if in the distance, Hathaway, Mrs. Cynthia ~vans, Mr. .. -,. constantly on hand at all times. thei" return home gradually drawlna- nearer until and Mrs. Geo. Hawke, Mrs. A. T. fhe fruI't, floral and'industrl'al halls, If you need Siding either barn or of" abreast of and passing, you, then Wri&'ht, Mrs. Anna Thorpe, Mr. receivethe,8$lmeattentfon asiherace houae. W . H • Madd en &· Co ., can Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ailen, Miss Mrs S S Ad ams P ro f an d M rs g. raduall.y h d tadrawing away until lost and Mrs. 'Geo: Stroud, Misses Anna ' d '. . b I traQk an d e~ery" epartment IS 10 a - supply yOU with White Pine, Yel. Letitia McKay, Miss Emma Heigh. .. . '. ' . m t e IS nce. and Mame Brown and Mr. Ossie ' way and Mr. Stuart Allen attended A. G. Steele. of Clark CQllege, Medley Waltz! "I'd J:ove .to Live in Ricks enJ'oyed a hayride with an ele. a\lced that': it formtl its ,impor,tant part in makhlKthe entire expOsition low Pine or ~oplar atrigkt prices. th~ CoBeLt.McKay picnic Saturday. Worcester, Mass., have been. guests Loveland With a Girl Like You" ,' . ,- ,. of Mr. and Mrs Walter Kenrick and Intro: "W(;mt You Try to Love &,ant lunch served. on Mrs•. ~horp.e s I Th t ht a completAtsuecess, ' , WAYNESVILLE SCHOOL BOARD • . . Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Car-twrl'ght and S. H. Haines and family the past Me" ................................. Alford awn. e evem!lg was . JUS rig . """, is'ye.'a, the. board .has arranged M h 'C f ( 'd d II th hl . d 01.\' '1' e weeK. arc " rystal Springs" ...... Miller 'tor a n e an a oroug yenJoye a premhhl1 list which will. be especialThe school board DIet , at an ad.,• daughter Rhea Janet., returned ho ...... IU
Iy beneficial to '· 'Warren ,Countiana joumed meetiJl,l last Tuesday eve- last Wednesday evening after a pleas. .... - . . I • This'bas. been done tht'ough,the eon· ning and elected Mr. Ernest F. Amy, ant two weeks' outing at Tawas The Xenia Fair claimed many HATHAWAY REUNION Miss Emma Heighway Kave a plea~ fining of'a number 01 , displays to principa,l. IMr. Amy comes from Beach, Mich. ' Waynesville visitors last week. , . , ri Among those from here were: The Hathaway reunion will be held ant little farewell party Monday ' M d M B S H II M Messrs. Frank ZeII. Frank Thomas. Thursday, August 17th, at the Le})' eVE'ni~g for Mr. and Mrs. Walter \ Warren . County , ~ibitQrs. ' Com, rennsylvania,and is well recommend· , grain, Mds, vegetables. canned fruit ed. r. an rs. • . owe. r. .." . d M H I Reed of Chl'cago Cards and music rs., ar e y · . • - • and Mrs. F. E, Sherwood and daugh. A. Maffit. Chas. Surface, Terrel a~o.n ... alr groun s. W II ta were features of thp. evening and jelliel, 'f resh frUit, farm products. omen ' 's ' ' f ancy wo'rk a ' nd 'a number THE BAND CONCERT ter and Miss Ruth Zimmerman atMacy. Ed Macy. Walter Burnett, I SIS secre ry. d · W . 1..> Ral h S . h R ' dainty refreshments were serve . of other e~hibits are this year . con o ' tended Quarterly Meeting at Caesars Morris ..)oogers. p mit., us•h M d M R d fined to ,Warren Cou~~y. 'Through The program of the band concert Creek Saturday and Sunday. sel 'Salisbury. Mrs. Earl . Evans, Mr. ;J!I~We are still here with a larger T e guests were r. an rs. ee, , last week was certainly a good one. Chas. Cornell. Mr. 'and Mrs. Ed and better supply of Lumber. Shing. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnhart" Dr. this arrang'eme t ,.tile ooatd will lose d M H E H th M d . ' , A novelty was introduced in the pro· Mr. and Mrs, P. W. Klinger and Hough. H A. Cornell, W. E. Corn~1I les. Lath. Doors, Windows, Mould- an rs. . ' a away, r. a~ a number of'~o,'r,eig.n e,xhibitorit and M G W H k M C thla 1" gram, in which the Masonic quartet daughters, of Day,ton, are spending Harry Prater, Amos Cook, Mr. ings, etc, tban ever. Call and see rs. . . awe, rs. , yn , ,its np ' to th oe WaM-.en :' Countian.& to . , Evans Mr and Mrs D L Crane '" , appeared in a singing specialty.. a couple of weeks a~ the ho.meof ~r. and Mrs. Thad Zim~erman, Mr. and us. Wewant to do business with . . •. . ,. nfakeupth!sdefiQiencY1U1d'ta~~',ad- The number was well received, Chas.Rye. Mr. Khnger lssuperm, Mrs. Edmund Retalhck. Mr. and Mrs. you. We can and will treat you vantage,. bf the opportunities here Miss Maud Stroud was the l'ecip. ,' , and had t;c) respond to an encore. te}ident of the Speedwell Motor Co. Frank Elbon. right. W. H. Madden & Co. h pretleftted :~o tttem" . ient of a shower at her orne Wednesday evening. The guests had The .poultl'Y deRartment will be aPven 6lJpecial attention thiS year and a fine time, and many beautiful pres, has been greatly erilllrged ~ The ex· ents were received by her. The ' liibitiot)'b.uilding" haS been repair6<\ guests present were: Mrs. Anna the premium list revised and more ¢2~ I_ m~ Thorpe. Mrs. Rachel Crew, Mr. and ~05' IS A OOOD BUSINESS PRO~081~'ION- IT'S ; CROWTH ' '. ceQ0=? Mrs. H. H. Wadsworth l\nd family. especial ,attention has been given this department that) , in former Mr. and, Mrs. Geo. Stroud. Mrs. Jos, yea~ . IS MARVELOUS Thney, Mrs. McRann, Mrs. Ethel The races this year as usual, prom· , Be~kett, ,the Misses Etta Stroud . iseto be of unusual merit. The The managers 'of the Ohio State Those in charge of the Fair. as organized to visit the Fair and the prosperity for the State of Ohio than ElsieHartsock,Lura Tinney, Mary Warren County Fai.r has always ex- Fair are both pleased and surprised. well as the' exhibitors are planning State institutions at Columbus.rhe any other institution in it: Hun- Brown, Messrs. Ossie Ricks, Chas. celled thilf'department and the races The demands for ' exhibit space so to make every Department more in· Free Trip for Farm Boys has dreds of people go to the expense of Crew, Will and Claude Stroud . at our fair have always ' ~n Ol1e of far in advance of the opening of the strucLive than ever before. Con· arouse,d great interest everywhet;e. vi'Jiting Wooster for no other pilr· Leonard Tinney and Morris Brown. the most important features: Manr 'Fair is breaking all previous rec- trasts and comparisons will be made TA!1 thousand information circulars pose than to see 'this Experiment new hol'Hes, will be here tliis year ords. ,Hundreds of entries were reo to teach lessons, an-d inspire better are being mailed to parties over the station. Its great exhibit will be Messrs. Frank Snook and George and all of the old favorites have ceived before the boo~ opened, methods. ' Many new lines of exIJib· state. Every boy in Obio hetween brought to the State Fair where all Carruthers were host.'1 at a supper promisOO to return. Libe~al - prem , 'which is without pr69edent. From its will' appear this year. This' in- the ages of 'fifteen and twent)· have . can see it along with the rest of the given at the Canning ~actory Thurs. lums have beeD offered Jlrid' all 'con· letters ' reCeived' at the 'Secretary's dicate!j'tbat busint!SS men are coining a chance ' and should try to secure big exposition. In fact, the work of day evening at 6 o'clock. An im~ ditions are exceedingly .satisfactory office it ta 'learned tliat exhibitors will .' to realize the value of a state' exposi. this free trip to the State Fair for the station will be thoroughly ar-, promptu table made from erates, for a gpod raciag;Seaeqn. , ! . • spend ,conside,r able money in making tion. ; one entir~ , week" and also see the ranged and compared at the 'Fair and chairs of corn boxes were ' ar. L~t but no~ ' le~~ the~,e's the Mid· their exhibit booths attraetiv~ by Don'Uajl to read the OfficfalBulle· sights of the city. Railroads prom- that even a better. insight may be had ranged on the platform and ~l1en ' ". " , , Way', with_.· its f~~.' by the -ton ,f or taste~ui aecdrati~n8 a~d novel de- tin. Both the J ~Iy and, August: is• . ise"best ~f "se'rvice. ' of what it is doing than a visit at the the guests sat down the ' l:!oards:fa.:r- ';· I " . everyone. -The shows one and all, vic,e s of various kinas. ,' " sues. Valuable inf~rruation in each. Write to Secre~ry , State Board of Statio!1. , One hour's study of this Iy' sagged beneath the ,array ()f,deli. ' " ' , are of-a liiifh . 'order with attractive .. While the Fai,r'isalmost one,month These, Bullntins ~n be ,,-had, ,f ree Agricul~ure,. COlumbulI!. for State instr~ctive exhibit be 'worth cades spread before' th~m. ~ine . fro~t3 and· s.o~ethhig': '- wortb . wpile ~away, ,et th~ 'officials are already . for the aski~g; . , . . ' " . . Jl'~~r. . Premiunf :ljst. El1tries ,close m!,re'than ,mal'lY times the cost of the spring chickens fell : victims to' this " , ~n the'inside. This .80ci~ty ,haS a1- cOl'(lpel,ed.to arrange for , oVerflo,w ', ", ',' ',' ,.', ,l.ugus·t 12th. " ', triP. , , " " jolly crowd. besitles: ma~;other 'gp6d': .: ,WalyS reierved the,rjgbt ~o approve, exhi~its" Tbt! 'mal) w~o ha,s- any ar· ' G)OD ' SERV~CE-()JUO ~T,AT~ · FAIR ' , , ' 1" " .' An,. able 'co~PS ,' o,f ' instructol'R .thlngs; The gueSts ~ere:(. ', ~t:8; ,i. , 'o,t · .'show" , 84> -t;llis' ~act al~'.1e ' ~jcle, a9imal "of, real , wort,b has :,.' , BOOM'~ " _,' EXPERIM~N , STATroN EXHIBIT AT ruG an~ Iect~rerg' Will be on. hand to ex.:. 'Qeorg'~ Garruthet'S, " Mrs. ', ClWS~~ : gUlan~t~goo,d i', clean ~d , rno~l, come ,' torecopiie ,' t~at , th~ Sta~e ," " -,:. '" . '.. " ", ST~TF; FAIR. ,., plamana~nswe" qUestlO~t FCml?-;' McKinsey, Mr,'and Mrs., W. "W. ,$At: wbich' helQ;. to ~alte a suec~ Fai~' Js' • gOod · :aclvertoo rQl bis 'Reports iridicate;a recot'd·br~it~g ' To 's ee 'and 8tu,~y the exhibit ,of the' ers who know itS value sho"ld urge nold 'Misses '~ Allie and Ka~ ciarlc Warren - CountY ' ~cultu~ '~a~ · Tt is a eotnmotl--- rema!k ~dan~a~O~ta'te~~r. Hun- 'OQ~o ~rimentStatjonatineState' so:me' of-their in~erent nei~hbors Alm~' Waterhou,e, 'Luth!LRe~ol~lI; SoI~~1"3 to you" persOna}ly., ',amon~ faz:mers aDd ()~~,e~ that be· dreds o~ f~tbe~, WIU thIs y~r,. b9n~~., Fair will be' wor~ all the ~~ney to att~Dd the Fa~r for the purp~e Min~rv~bfarlana ~ra MM.c ~se~,. , to ' at~nd the li0l'e bU9itJ~ they n ytiit the State, th~ boYS;.' B01swUlatay ,oP the~~ It C08~ t;()"come~ the Fait;~ , Di.ree- ofseemg and.learnlng th.e leBlOns"l~ ~ih, Wa~~rho:e . ' on, ~P-' ir and see th,e ,dUrerent exblblts in lo1lpr and work better if th8l ' pt ~r T,h0me h... made ()hio rank first tea~e:s. •State Fair beailUl' the l~t era. Ourt 1liBey, .Kq :;;.d l.~l~&r:l~i\lJlirrl°'ll1t 0 Ga. the lI~e of aoOdI or they 80lDe p~leps and,a few p~rea. in EXperiJnent Sta~ons. It is a , min .Monday m A~t. ~tri. close lAmmon, Mr. and Ml'I. dIiaL ,~tillli~S_ _", ~D. O•• ~ ~ .... \ . to~ '. lIuome ooWlti_, pQtl. , , ~~ , tbatwill to ~ out ·mo..- , AQ1l8t12th. Do,ltJ;low.. Jl~lda.
Mr:. t.faq Mila.
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.w..-at. '
TWENTY-FIVE KINOS OF 1~~~'W®~Iirn~ @]]'11IDJ[Z SNAKES NOW FOUND IN 01110 ,W PY Cfij]]l];1\.1f Wa~'ft rfJ P ra y? Copperheao Is Most D.:lngerous; Rattles
The Miami Gazette I ONLY
~":S~::: N"
P'bll·· ·"OH! O,
A I rge groy cot leaped to deatb II 13·story ,,'Indow a t a N~w York ho tel. and 1\ t legrnm gives the e pilln tl on tbat tbe f.j nltual comm itted sul clde ' In tbls way llecautle Its mistress bod salled for Europ •' len"lng It b t' hlnd. ays the PI\tsbu rg CbronlcleTelegra ph_ Wb eth r the cot commit· t ed suicide or not it! Immal rial. but the Inciden t does Bene n pur pose In I'sl\lng att ention to s pathet ic side of t bo \'acatlon sens olL I n tll u nnds at homes all ov r the couotry t bere are househo ld pets. such us d gs and cats a nd birds. and ns many oC these homos nre closod du ring t ile s ummer. or at least tor several weelts. the pets ar In mos t lustanc es left to shift for themsel ves. For thO) snke of the songs there nro n igbbors who wHI take cbarge of tbe canarie s during tbe ab· sence of tb elr owners. but for th e dogs nnd the cats th ere Il re. as a rul e. ou ly h a r~ b words and burtetln gs fr om tile n elgb bors. and sticks nntl stones troll? the ur cb lns of the commun ity, and the poor crentur es , homeles s. friend less, nnd abused , Ilr e Indeed ob· j ects of pity. It woul d be much more humane tor the owners at these pet8 to put them to death before going "waya n their vaca ti on trips, iDstead ot leaylng them to their fate, but the practice of deserlln g tbem goes on year atter yenr. fro m
nakes Also PolsfJnous -Mos t of Our Native ReptilGs are B nefi cial to Man as They E?t Mice and Harmf ul Insects
(By J as. S . Hlne, Profess or of Zoology. Ohio State Univers ity., Dy a careful !1urvey at th e s tule nnd l son rnn ~ s In tho rrollt or th e upp ~ r th e as oelat lon of all kn own reco rns' l Jnw. a t1C I' P fli t at th e - Id or th e hen d. In 19 4 l\Iorse was ailio LO \ls t about plaln'y "' s llli b t'H' l'lI the eyo nnd tw nty·nve s nakos as occurri ng In l til : U S I ril. u pupil r he eye ~wlli c h Ohio. f thoso only tin e, the {'olllle r· 1 is el1lpt ll':l 1 nllti s ta nds \"ertical ly, sllll' hend and th two rnt tl snaktls. aro tll \tar to til ))lIpll of til Cllt'S yeo The lle f(~lu'ed on account of tbelr blt ~ s . "op)I('rhl':1I1 t.llJIO Il t;B bere nnll Is w lele ly Tbe otbors occasio nally bite, but uo dlstrltlu t do ve r tb state. It Is hnze l serlolls consequ IIces result. brown. shnded with copper· red , nnn The re a re two spe les or In rge bln,!k bas on iltl hnc k flrttlen to twenty·flve Bnnkes In Ohio ; one Is culled simply V·s hap d vale yello '''' blotc hes aud II
t ..
~be Oulloo l~
HE skeptic a sks. somewh at
ca va lie rly: W hllt do you kn ow about God? Very lit· tl e. What do you know ~ about the laws of spiritua l it lut rcou rse? V ry little. ·Wll y. then, do YOIl pray? Wu nns wer With parallel ques t! ous. What do you k now nllout elcotrl city? Very IIt Ue. \\ hst do yo o know about th d laws 01 olectrlc ity? Very . lIttie. Wh y. lhe n. lio you ride In a trolley car? We pray for the SO,mo reas on that we ri lle In the troll ey cll r. The trolley car llrlng3 us to our tlestlnll t!on; th praying g l ves us tbe Insplrnt ion of comfort , II· luml na tlon and s trcngth for dally need., Tho skeptic asks: Is It conceiv able that God shou ld set aside the Inws of nn ture at tbe request of ono at hIli cblldren ? W~ an sw el' thn t quesUon wltb ano\her. Is It con ceivable thnt a ' follow nlBn sbould set asId e tb e law. of noture at the request of oue of nls tellow men? Whe n your chlld 15 sick , VERY year th e grcat resort s of Is a strellm thlrty·five feet wide. Why do you call In a phylsela n? Can ' slli E urope are visited by thousan ds In t he sIlrln g and earl y summer when he sel nslde Lhe laws of nature ? No. at tourlsta who apparen tly hllve the snow Is meltIng upon the hlgb but he underst ands the laws or nature Iletter than you do, and by using them no lwowled ge of the great na· Sierra Its ron I' cnn be beard an ovel brings back health to the sick child. tlonal parks which have been the vll lI<l)'. ond tbe shoe,," o~ ~he d eIt n physicia n, wbose knowled ge and created by congres s Cor the ben eOt sc!.'nt ra ttles the window s a milo away. IJOwer are Ilmlted. can do ~S, why of ' t he people nnd In which there are . This faU Is concede d by all critics s bould we not believe tbat 0 d. with natural features and views that enn- to be one of the mos t wonderf ul Ilnd bls large r wisdom and larg. power not b e Burpass ed. beautlru l cascade s In the world. Its A bulletin recently Issued by the can do s o ? The argume nt of the If the trave lel' s eeks Alpine Glaclers firs t fall Is about 1.600 fe ot s heer cens us departm e nt ahows that the s kepti c against proyer, based on the he has only to go to the Glacier Na· drop, tl.l en come a series The Pilot alack Snake II One of Our Native Benenel .1 Reptiles of cascade s , U nited States lends the world In man· uniform tlonal ity at Park, where there nre more partly hidde n In which th e fnll Is· over nnture. Is equally an a~ \ ufactur lng sllk. wltb the possible ex· blaok snake, or a t other times When It row of thlrty·flve t o forty black s pots gmuent against all request s by one glaCiers In the same area than In 600 Ceet. and nnallY .1l vertical drop person to another persall and. Indeed. Switzer land; If he desires to trnve l In of 400 feot. ception ot Chloa. from which no fig, hns a. bluish color, blue race r. The on eacb side; bead copper· coloreu ; agllinst all activity ot any kind. The comfort over finely built roads tbat ures are obtaina ble. We took flrst othe r Is properly called pilot snnk . length usually not over forty From tho cliffs surroun 41ng U1e "nl· Inches. place tram France In 1906, and have The blue racer bas smooth, shining The species Is the most da nge rous uniform ity of nat ure does not prevent rival those of France. S\ 'itzerlan d and ley the scene Is one of remarka blo blalntai Ded our lead. We not, only a.re scales a l\ over Its bod y, a while mark- snake we have, (or It Incks raWes us from belplng ·one another , neither German y, tbe Yellows tone ParI, ex· Inspirat ion and beauty. At the toot does It l1I'eVent God trom helping us. tends Its Invitati on ' to him. o ftbe traveler 1I0s the valley floor....,.. ~e greates t manufa cturers at sllk Ing on c bln and throat !lnd n ea rly unl· with whic h Lo wa rn the person ap· Nece8sl ty for Alklng. If he Is altracte d to' Europe by the the gr en trees and meadow tormly colored scales wlLbout white proachl ng it, and strikes upon the s and the loads, but the greates t conSUmers. AI· But God already knowlI what thing mystery of the Black Forest. he can winding river margins giving the ertcct of a J,hough we manufa.ctl1red In 1909 silk Bcales . The pllot snak6 has k eeled slightes t p rovocat ion. we have need find of betore more majesti we al1 o ver Its body; the scales ask c hhn; snd Impress ive rich velvet carpet over which a line Of our two species of rattlers , one 'Worth $196,425,000. we exporte d les8 have White margins ,' but there .Is no II called tbe prairie and the otbe r the why. then. sbould we ask him? Will forests ou the slopes of the Sierra Ne· of sliver baa been drawn; here nnd than one per cent_ ot tbe «oods we white mnrkln g on chin and he yl~ l d to our teaslng what be would vada, In tbe Yoseml to, Sequoia and the re one ·gets glimpse s of t he toam· thront. not yield to our needs? No. But a sk· Gen eral Grant porks. If his thought s lug made. Our silk Industry I.n 18G\} Both of tl.lese snakes are commo nly white wllten hurling themsel ves Ing Is often the necessa ry condl t.lon turn to the clear blUe lakes or Swit- to t he amount ed to $12,210,000. It was maI'O found In meadow s where they have valley below; on both BIdes of of receivin g. It Is \lseless for a doc· zerland. he can find their counter parts the va lley rise than $41.000.000 ten years later. It had ready access to meadow mice. the grea t walls of to 'prescrl be a medicin e which the pa- In the Gla!!ler and Crater lake nationn l rock, Prof. Surface made an e xtended more than doubled again In 1889, when sculptu red by the element s Into tlen t will not parlui. take. It study Is useless of the tor food hablts of the pllot It was $87.298.000. . It was $107,266,· vario us fan tas tic shapes and ligures. a frIend to offer ad vice whlen nls S1Iould he be anxious to risk his Trees Twenty Centurl ee Old. 000 in 1909 and more than $133,000,000 Inake and tound tha t tbe mater ial fri end wtll not accept In truth . It Is lito In scaling s now~ lad pea ks, be has eaten varies quite ma rkedly at the dlfIn the Yosemi te the SOQuoin and the five years lat er. gener ally unwise for a physlola n to only to repair to Mount Ranier In terent Sel190ns . The sLom:lch s of the Head of a PoIsono us Snake. Ge neral Grnn t I tiona! parks a re alTer medicin e uutll his prescrip tion Is Washin gton, wbose steep slopes and snakes take n in June and July showfound t he groves at bIg tr es tbe like commo n rattle snake. a sked The for. and unaske d advice Is rare· Ice-oove re d top will furul eh sport ex- of for mer va.The Instruct ion of school cblldrel l ed a large perccnt nge vI bird s, while which nre saen nowh ra e lse In the ries in color, existing In light and dark Iy SE'rvlce able. By aski ng. I[ our osk- citin g enough for tbe most dnrlng 01. the d'nnger of rtlllroad trespass ing those taken In Augus t a nd S ptembe r or world . Tbese trees gro w to a heig ht fOl'ms and InLe rmedl ing nte stages, Is sincere. so tha we t ope n our showed mounta eyes to the ineers. If he 1.8 Interest ed In or 31 0 .fee t aud bave a a n ·ent!re abse nce of birds a nd Is a: ,good. thing toA.nke up. Much of Ircumfe rence mnny people are l ed to be Ueve thnt divIne result. our hearts to tbe divine tbe ruins of prehlsto rlo people, the of over 100 feet nt the base. the the ~a nger Is Inc~rred through chlld· ~ bark InsplraU . on, as by going we to a have [rlend several Cnsll wo Grand species e ruin or rattle In Ari rs zona lu and the somet Imes exceedi ng 40 Inches In tsh tbought lcssnes s and fallure at reo . the state. Low, swampy ·regtOlls a re open our soule to tbe llrolrer of nlll Mesn V rde , Natlonq l Park In Colora· tbl kn ess. ... qulslte a ttention ot parente and In~ Its ret.reat. Tbe commo n rattle r Is a frl en dsb1p. do w1ll show him bow th e aborigin al 'fhe rIn gs In the trun lts of tb ese . . et·ruoto rs to the maUel·. The ' fact that _~ large and ra re r species a nd Is usually But prayer Is not merely a skin g: It Inhab itants of Americ a lived hundred s trees s how that man), of tbem are " ,. . I known lIy Its Ilghter color. lts ' hnme 115 commun ion, friendsh ip, Ib e Inter- or y cars and tralns bave the fight of WIly a rs before Its dlst:ove ry by Euro- over 2.000 years old, Cathedr is among the rocks. a ls nnd minglin g ot f <Sur llfe with God 's life; pea ns. on railway .~racks cannot be too strong· . Head of a Non·Po isonous Snake. cas tles hove been built and Callen Illto TNe have a numbe r of sma ll sunkes convers attou wUh the All Father. Iy lmpres8 ed on the youthtu l mind. In Yellows tone 18 Belt Known. like the grnss snnkes, ri bbon snnkes Sometim es I t Is' merly listenin g to fact. I~mlght with advanta ge bo Il distinct lnereas e In the number Tbe Yellows tone .Natlona l Park In s of !lnd water snnkes, and some larg r him. "Be still and know tbat I om northwe stern . Wyomin g Is the oldeet brougb to Borne a.:lult attentio n. At mice , other anlm~ls and Insects eaten. oues like the fox s nakes, milk snakes God," Is prayer. "Oh. that I mlgot and the best known of all th e (larks the so. time, m'uch danger, parUcu· Tlie polsnno us soaltes a re a ll at· and one of the water srtakes, whlc b know that I might tlnd him!" Is pray· lind reserva tions. It wllS cr en ted by trnotlve lnrly to the yo¥ng and to the aged and In appeara nce and may U!1II' \ro more or less commo er. "Comm une with your own heart nn act of congres n everyw he s In 1872. and ever reellle, mi gh t 6e lessened by more at· ally be known by the r nthe r stout A large number of o.lr species re. upon your bed. and be still," Is prayer. nlnce that ti me the governm ent 01 has tentlon ' on the part of car and train nody and flatte ned head. They are snakes do more good tha n har m and "Spealt, Lord, for thy servant Is \lsten, been constru cting roads und cuUln g differen t from a ll otber Oblo snakes' t his fact should be conside crews to the laws governi ng the rate red In OUI ing." Is Ilrayer. traUs. un tll now tlle park Is In a blgb of speeJ In cilles. partloul arly the in that they bave well de v lope d pol- treatme nt of them. Humble Object Leeson. state of develop ment and all parts or A boy nsks at his father for a nlclkel It are ordinan ces aI/plyin g to tho street accesslh le to tbe traveler. to ride to school In the morning \)ecrossin gs. In the park mny be seen natural cnuse he Is late. and he gets It. Re- pbenom ena the IIkl! of which Is found turning in the afternoo n. alter supper nowhe re else In tbe world. Hl!ra are Surgeon B. M. Brown. U. 8 . N .. has be sltll down hy his ' fsther In the guysers Ibat throw discove red a. method of treating 'at. jeta of stenm and ftl ckerlng fireJlgb t MId tells the story bot water Into the air. great terrace l mosphe rlc aLr so that It sbalJ sustain In the summe r feedi ng of breed ing used as n SOiling c rop at any time, but of the school day; hla success es. his formed from deposltB ot minerai matUfe tor us as mucb as a week In· an ewes It Is highly Importa n t to pro- with speclal adva n ta~e when so wn In failures . his temptat ions, bls strug- ter In the water tbrowD up by tbe enclosu re ot modera te size even vide some green fee d to supplem ent corn at t he Inst cultiVat ion. When "lea. vlctorle 8 and defosts, the goOd geyaers . and the great falls at Yel· though no fresh all' Is Introduc ed. !( the dry pasture s that are so commo n sown. In corn at thIs time It artorlla times be bas bad and the dlatl.ppulnt; lowston e rlv.er ·whlch \;Ttl verSe8 a beau · the soheme really works, we shall during the late summe r months. The good pastura ge In tile early sprmg be· ments he baa luffered . aud the In- Ufulmu ltl-colo red canyon that 'a aec· bear of public men anti taahlon ablo crops most common ly used for this fore the othElr pastureB are In coudi· justices whlcb have been Inftlcted ond only to the Grand Canyon ot tbe purpose Ilre rape, rye, corn aud tlon to be use d. upon him. and how be haa CarrIed hlm- Coiorodo. 'Women seekLns the rest ullre I>r a vetches . self In them all; Vetcbes and hi. .-T fatber hese Blmply plantn are mCire week's vacatio n In n submar ine 1m. In this park may be seen the deer, Rape.- Thll crop Is very commo nly subject to cUmaUc conditio ns tban IIstenll and scarcely lIays a word. a.nd the bear, the antelop a and tbe mersed say a bundred mlles off shore. used a8 a summe r feed tor bllon breedin g those pr~vlously mention ed but whe rll at the eJld of the h'a lt-hour' s com· on their nlLtive range. becau.e hunt. ewea. It makel a rapid growth, pro- they can be grown, munlon tbe bt'Y, who haa asked rOI' they are very val Ing ls prohibit ed and the bnndl of Somebo dy who claims to have COli! duces a large amou'ot o'f succule nt nod unble for lolllng crops. They Ilre ve ry nothing but haa received the Innow deer and. antelop e roam through the ducted a sclentHl c Investlg atloll an, ot his tather's life. goes to his bed nounces that music will quencb II rested, refre.be d, Invigor ated, ready valleys and over the slopel all . ther mans' thirst for strong l!quor. to take up tbe duties and lo)'s of tile did years betore they wera practica lly It next day wltb a new splrl!. ThuB to extermi nated In tho greater part of this ,Is the case the bands that have the weat. tell our Father the etor,. of our me been maintai ned by SOIDa ot · the TIle G1aoler Nationa l Park In north· experie nces. and rece1v& 'rom our Fa· fashion able cafes are likely to be ern Montan a 'on the Canadia n border ther someth ing of the rreatne lll or ~mIlel\ed to look elsewhe re for <alii his own nature to ftt UB for wbat l1el Is the newest of the parlis controiJ ed r;ageme nts. before us, In prayer. To deny the pos. · by the felleral governm ent This park Falll of the Yellowl tone. alblllty of sl,Ich prayer III to deny aD bas an area at about 9Ui,OOO acres and Anothe r comet has bee n sighted . 11 experie nce as old and as univers al IlfI has a maximu m length ot sixty mlln. decay, empires bave come and gone, . It" creates all tho commot ion as· YOlert:J lte In Clul by Itlelf. h~man1ty . but theBe grIzzly giants of tbe weltern crlbed In thi s sphere to Halley's com, When one speaks or Californ ia t.b~ .slopell stili raise their boary beads and et. Its discove rer ou gh t to be jalled OQ ' Yosemi te Park naturall y COmes to spread tbelr grateful How to Renew Strengt h. shade a.s they mind. . tbe charge of disord erlY conduct , so As long ago as 1864 an act did In the days of tbe Cnesars . , "They toat walt on the Lord flhall that oth er seek ers after these mls. ren eW their strength ." Life Is a con· of congres s granted the Yosemi te va l. The largeBt glaolal system In th e cblef bretHling ce lestial vagrant s may lInual drain UI)On rellourc es. Strengt h ley lind the MarIpo sa. big tree grove world radiatin g from any single peak Is being conlitan tly sallped. If this to the Stille of Californ ia tor publlo Is situated on Mount Ranier In west. be discour aged from breakin g thtl pub. Tbe legislat ure ern Washin gton. Tbe Mount Ranier Is so, means must be found to fill up use and r~creaUon, Uc's pence of mind. the reservo ir; for· Intake must corn· of" Callforo la by tbe act approve d Nallona l Park Include s the mass of pensate for outgo. There Iii no other March 3, 1905, ' re·ceded th e jurlsdlc . tbls great mountn ln and all tbe apNow a scienti st ann/lUnces thnt the way to renow one's strength spiritu- tlon and ownersh lIl ot this tract to proache s to It. . . halo is a real thIng. and thnt a faint ally than by keeping In the attltudo the United States, and only sl.nce June. Th e Crater Lake Nationa l Park III glow' can actually come trom ths 11, 1906, has the manage ment of tbe Oregon bas. wlt1;tln Its border. Ii lake ot expecta ncy before God. It 14kea brain. tile res ll lt of radium stored time to restock" aCter the wearyin g Yosemi te Nationa l Park been unde r tbat Is unique among the natural there. This explana tion. howeve r, will runs and turns and perhaps overtur n I the control at the lederal' governm ent. wonder s of the world. ; 'Thls lake, Into' The enUre park hOB an afea of wblch no stream II flow dest:roy the value of ba los, as some of Ufe. the stonige battery of 't he and . which haa bra Ips radiate notblng but fal.nt soul. Therefo re walt upon ,the LuI'\!, abput 36 by '40 rulles. Tbe Yosemi te no V!s,1ble outlet, ~es. fn what Is Feeding Rape to BreedIn g Ew... left and he .shall make a new man or YOU. valley, wblch Is the most treqUen tly to the caldera ~f 'a great mounta in "loWS. palnta.ble teod aDd Is greatly reJlshf.:d nutritio us qnd sheep visIted' '-Zion' place· s Herald. IB about '7 . miles , long tblt rOle to an elevatio n of over 14,. eat tbem wltb by sheep. Papa may be · Pl\stun~d or great relisb. III the and %. mile ' Wide. In the oenter .ot' '000 feet above drier lectlon s .Bea: Confect ioners say tbe bonbon haa cut and fed green. About two months where t.he n.-ed· of a eolllng crop ' Is ,lJ..11 yalley ' I8 a level, P~kllke mead- : ·It ill &1molt rort~! jears since con~ . . .:tabiti, · . passed and thaI. young women'lI apI'&- are require d for the gfowth 'ot the g . : ow, thr~ugh which runs the Merced " 'g ress laid We ~eglo~l reater, the vetohes ' do not proliucB 'One ot t~e I/lolit-' Ilnjlorta nt things ng ,of the great tltes must be 'figured upon III candy· · ~rop. When the crop Is cut the best the. "Iver, wbUe 'on either !!Ide tbe moun. nationa l park 8YS~m' large QLIlount of feee! !hat rape lUe . Is . til tortn· hab!~, ~n'4 by pa.. lo, tbe they oan: talDs rise maklng . TimE! 'was when all oY6ter results are ,0btaJne d ti~ cutting f6ur does. · st,e ep and precipit ous to a . act oreating the Yellows tone Nationa Dot 'be t~rmed . too early 1n: '8- ·man', l Itew, at least. was certain a.nd addl· Inches from the ground . ' At tho WlsWhen the 1a.!Dbs bef.n weaped , career. Thel'e are all, sorta 01 belght at . ·,()OO teet above the floor of Par,k, I,lpproved Marob t, 1871. Other COlllll1i experim ent ',"statlon two cut· the ewes should be -tlonal obUg'al1oll. te valley. put on scant pas. 'habtts, ~ome good anlS 10mf'· bad. The . ,parlts ba~e .been ...created aillce, uDtll tlngs were llIi\.de. from a piec e so treut· tIIte or , tUrned In'to " ltJ'ain stub~le 'w lUo,(ob eo should 1)':cuJUvat~d at all . ' Numero us : Itr.eame drop from the at present ~e are~ e~braced In the.e ed and the yield was at tbe rate o( :i6 dry up tho milk I1S eqge of tbe 911ff 'to the valIer below. pleasur e grounds ·of soon 118 ' possible'. ·U:nes. TJie form&Uon' ·of As you step up. to the marble topped tons per acr.e. " tbe peopl. If the ewe.' have done "\ IJ 'by tbelr torin; ohara~ter, &';1d. tlIe thele habit. T~e fint of thele aa tb~e tourist en- amount a . to onr4,OO counter lA..1he dl1ug store and call (or l1Ioat O,OOO aCTe •• tntlf'1" Rye.~nye ..has ~be advatlta ge of lambs tliey wl11 be lIi PO"~ condltlo n. thing" ahow the ' tteQ4 ~De'l Ute.- ~era the 'v,alley I. th.e Bridal ven Fall.. The polleY of ..tabUlhI D, 'D atlon_) ),our r~vorlte fizz, aRk the YOUDIr mao maklng......arly pastura ge It growl but It Is DO. advisab le at UIIS Umo ' II Rev. S. T. ~r4. Pre*byt erlaD, L:c!w.lI. A stre~ ~1T thlrt, feet Wide tan. parkl hal r~l~ted III pre.."I". hom If he mlxe" sacchat ln \V th bl. loda QuIckly a'1d doe~ \.Veil c,n a ,poor son. \ul."n them • dJ.tuee ~f 800 feet, thea rusbee pr!,.ate uplolt at.. lin full feed. 11.... ud lain "eat ."atv. aud watcb Ill. (aOlt U lie an..' '.t the lIaeep d'v not keel' the rye'dow n oyer & Iloplnl "Ue or debrla •. ead then !lreaa 'wblch are eharacte H. m, EVANS , t1aect br m ... It Ibowd be out atter It bas KrowD bet. Colloge or ASr1cal ture, . clrope perpend 01aJn ItatI' . keep the heart Meht. 1U14 tbe r.., lcularl" 800 feet more. DUleenl- acenel') ' ull wb~cb ate aae4 . roDd tU lecoDd JoIDL By. m&1 be Ow IeNltJ. . The waterta u. In thll park, aa YacatlOD rtlOl1It br tlio\ll&Dda of .w IlO~ 10 far. utI'U. lOWH8I ', TOMJD lte I'aUa. " TIaM people. . .
.,..t· a . ...
Coolin.g . as an' Icicle If you want to think of crisp wintcrwcather andsparkli.ng fro ~t; if you want to forgct th e heat and the dust and the thirst for real, cool comfort
HO Is not st\rrF)d at tb e mention of a camp Ore 1:1 til 0 forest! Clvlll:,mtion hna nOI tUlten frofU us Ule Ilpprecln tiou of tbe camp fire's glow n ' ar bivouac or lent. but It has too ort n re moved us from tho opportuulty of enjoying this pl easure, To tbe Increastugly large number of peoplo wbo do flnd It IJossltJle to spend tbe summer and filII In I be woods and mountains a note of fri endly wurnlng at this time muy Dot be am iss, Thi s is the seaaon when ench year thou. lands ot InoxlJorl /lceu and orlontlruus ca re less people e nl ll r I he for esl 10 cam p nnd fi s h nnd wuude r. to let I heir minds nnd bOlli es grow, How mnny If these people reall zo what a !O ennce
Ag'ed Physician of Chicago Tells of Senator and Compares Him With Abraham Lincoln,
As sparkling, wholesome and refreshin ~ as a s~ring house iciclc. So ncxt time you're hot or tI red Recoll r::clion s of Steph en A. Dou glas or thirsty, if you're anywhcre near It place that aa he ap peared nearly threc·qunn e rs sells Coca-Cola, go in and give yourself a of a e nlury ago are given by Dr. real treat. Sumuel W11Ial'd, ro,merly major nnd DELICIOUS - REFRESHINQ surgeon In the Ninety-seventh I\11nol8 THlRST-QUEf'!iCHING Infantry regiment, wbo Is now II vl nl;', 6c Eoerywhera In his nlnelhleth year, In Crlicngo. At TH1! COCA-COLA COMPANY ' , OU lee &D tbe tim e o[ first seeing th e futur rival At ll nla. Ca. A r low thin. 5Z ot Abraham Lincoln Doctor Willard 01 CocI·Col. was a boy In JackGonvllle, 111. "M y first reco\1ection or Seuator Douglas," he said, "I e of an acllv , qui k stepping man. It. was In 1842, WOULDN'T ANV WOMAN7 wh en be wall a lready judge of the clr· cult conrt. Jud ge Lockwood was sIck and Judge Douglas came to h ar an Absolute Fact Destroyed Forco of 'thoy ure to that snnle for llst whi ch or s tarts a fire ,,\tho Imparl ant murder t rial. I saw h im In Welt-Meant Argument for In New York, ('amp fires nro allow, . o\'embt.'r, nl"l(es u they admire, nnd to tho old trees wblch ed on the stnte for es t preserve, but In a fir e dlsl rl t fo r th e purpose at Temperance. they r evereu e? shall exer olse and ob. SimI) around IllURt be Ion r ed Il;D d Aures CI"OI' " g II·I"., Ion", U On a pleasa nt Sunday nfternoon an Evon ola, experienced woods men nro e::. tlllgllls hod b fur p I avlng, For vI. serve every reuso na~le ('are ond pre. tid Ourmnn and his youllgest son were nol alwnYR carefu l with Illelr cnmp olutlon 10 do Ihl s there is n fln e of caution In tbo maklp g nnd slartlng of llres. Hunters who IHIVe be n In the $1,000 or Imprlsonm · of and seatcd In tbe village Inn. The father nt for one year, 811Cll flre, lind ITI the man a"lng " had partak en liberally of the home· clIring for Ih e same nfte r It bod been \Voods ror 20 yenrs otlon I ayo smol· or bOlh . brewed beer, and was warnIng bls son derlng embers when th y brenk CflDlp. start ... ""- lu order to prev ent •• In Orego n, "hllll.dlng camp fi res wIt 1I· nlade .~nd again st the evils or' Int emperance, This, oC oourse, Is pure reckless ness, O\,t cleurlng the ground around or leav. the fire spre:uJlng and burning liP the "Never drink too mu h, my son. A tor these Ileople kn olV bett r, They Ing them without extinguishing, sub. timber nnd ' forests surroundin g th e gentlt:lman stops when he bas enough . apprccln.te Wbat consequen es mny fol· jects a person t o a penalty of $25 tet plnce wbere It bas beon so made and To be drunk Is a disgrace." low If the wInd should tan the smol- $1000, or Impl'lsonment for one day for slartell. "Yes, father, but bow can I tell wben detlng oalS. Usually, how ever, m.n e\'ery $2. "E\'p.ry person who, between the flrst r havc enough or am drunk?" wbo ' have Uved In the woods aU th eir In P nn s ylvnnla, camp ft rea on state day of April and the first day of NoThe old !Dan pointed with bis tlnger. tlves or who frequ ent th fores t ra- rcserv II 11Iust be mnd e In a hole or pit YembOl', makeR or starts within ouch "Do you sec those two men s itting In glans durIng 8 portion of the YCBr one root deep an<\ circled by the eartb a distri ct n fire In the forest, or at a the corner? If you shoul d see four are very caretul where they· build camp removed. Violation or these regula. distance of les8 thau half a mile th eremen thero, you would be drunk." tires and how they leave them. tiona, or Icavlpg fll'est unextinguished, from. or upon any Island for cooking, The boy looked long and arnestly. The Question of camp fires, like the Is punishable by a flne or $100 to $600. obtaining warn:th, or for any industrial "Ves, father, but-but- tbere Is only forest fires whl('h may result . from On prhnte lands , starti ng firos which purpose. shal\"":" one mall in tbat corner."-Llppln· them, muat. be handled dltrerently In Injure otber property, Is punishable by (1) Select a locality In the nelg!:lcott's. different parts or the country and In a penalty of $100 or Imprisonm ent for borhood In which Ihere Is the am all· dltrerent kinds at forest. The differ· one day for every dollar of flne. eat quantity of vegetable matter, deatl A Clew, once In tho danger element Is very ap.. In Idabo, kindling camll flres In or wood, branches, brushwood, dry leavea, "How did the accident happen?" parent between a fire stnrted In 'the near forests and leaving them uuex· or resi nous trees. asked the reI:orter on the scene of the Bandy soil beneath a Dine forest and Ungulshed, penalty $10 to $100. (2) Clear tbe place In which he Is rallway borror, ,the Cleveland Plain the deep duff benel.\th tho spruce. OurIn Mln.neaota, a person ~Indllng a about to. II gilt the fire by removing all Deal"r records. 1ng even tile dry seaBon It Ii perfectly , fire and leaving Ii unexUngulshed. Is vegetable matter, dead trees, branches. "Somebody stopped the train by pull· easy to clear away Inftamll)able mate- guilty Or a misdemeanor and subject brushwood and dry leaves from the soil Mollie-She's gr'eat on adopting neW Ing .the alrbrake cord," answered the rial an!! scoop out a bole In the sand to a flne of $26 to $100, or 10 to 90 within a radius of ten feet from tho where a camp ftre may be built with days In jail. lire. couductor. "So the second section ran fads. ,Tack-But ahe obJecls to new Into us, It will take six hours to clear In tbe spruoe In Vermont, persons buildIng lirell In (3) ExorcIse and observe every rea comp"ratlYe slllety. '1frlnkles, tbe track so that we can go ahead." tore,lIt It Is different; great care munt the woods must extinguish them be· aonable care and precaution to pr~ "Six hours 1" shrieked a passenger. be taken In the selection the site fore leavIng; penalty $60 or 30 days" vent sucb fire from spreading, and c.ar.., A Bitter Critic, for a fire, since It will be apt to creep Imprisonment or both. fully extlnqulsh the same berort qua- Heard His Great VoIce BoomIng Forth, ('And 1 was to married today!" Ex'·Governor Pennypaoker. lit a din"Have you any Idea who pulled the ner back beneatb tbe surface Dnd to gain In l't1;aryland, perRons starting fires Un'g the place. Philadelphia, said ot the diheadway after all trace o( it Is IUP- or allowing them to escape at:e lIabl~ "Any persons who tbrows or drops th~ streets, going about and meeting rope?" continued the reporter, dlsre· vorce evil: posed to have been extlngu,~bed, Wben f~r , damages and costs or fighting tbe nny burning match, ashes of a pipe, his many friend.. He was already the gardlng tbe Interruption . "There would not he 80 many di"I didn't have unUI now," whispered ODe digs a firo hole In a forest, Buch nro; also a penalty at $20 to $1,000 or lIghled cigar, or any other burning subfavorite of the Democratic party, the conductor. "But wbat do you think vorces It there were not so many as spruce or fir, It 18 necessary to dIg 30 days to OM Yflar In j.'\I1. stance, or who dlsciharges any firearm wblch was tbeil all powerful, and reram Illes of tbe Dash type. ::Jt that fellow that just butted tn? I'll eep and find matElrlal that wUl not In Wisconsin, persons. starting fires within such fire district, shall .be SIIb- mained so tor several years. "Mr. Dash said sternly one day to 310 the detectives on 111m." iimolder, or, bettor yet, select a site and leavlpg tbem 'uneltlngulshed are' Joct to the pnlns. and l1enaltles 1m' hIB 11 tUe son: "He WIUI then vastly dlfferent from !\long some .s tream 'o r lake shore wbere liable to a penalty of $100 or one posed by tbls nct, It he neglects com the man tbat 1 saw later [n Quincy. " 'Your mother and 1 agree that 1011 , there la gravel or rocks, month's Imprisonment,. or botb. . plet 11 to extinguish berore leaving the That was In 1850, wben ~e was a sena· New Penal System for OntarIo. require 1\ sound whipping.' Do not build large fires. 'l'hey sorve In Wyomlpg, persons starting 'fires spot tbe fire or s.lIch matcb, ashes of a tor. He had grown flesby, bls face bad The Onts.rlo government bas recent"The little boy's lip curled, and he no useful purpose. As an, .old IndIan and leaving' .them unextinguished are pIpe, clgnr, wadd Ing of tbe firearm. or 10llt the glow of youth, his cheeks were ly abolished the system of prison la· retorted bitterly: laid: " llIdlan he build leetle fire, liable t.o a penalty of .to .$lOO, or other burnJdg suhstance. .. 'Oh, yea; that's the only thing heavy and bis eyes lacked their tor· oar contracts In that province, In ruIta.y up 0'108.e, keep wa·a.a-rm.' · White 10 to 30 daya' Imprlsonmen.t, or both: "Every person In charge oC any drive mer sparkle. HJs step was hea.v~. :ure the majority or tbe prisoners In that you aDd mothor over do agree man he trulld grent ftre, stand way In Nova Scotia PElrsons must clear of timber, surveyor exploring party, Eight years had wrought a great :he penal Institutions of Ontario wlll about.' " lle employed upon farms and the mak· 'ack, roast one sIde, freeze other." It tbe land ro~ a distance of 10 feet In or at any other part)', requiring camp ·change. I. too o.f ten true Jbat campers, -partlau- every dIrection from a cam p fire sturt- tires, for cooking or other purposes, DISTEMPER "that was the last time that I . sa'.v ~ng of roads In the newly opened dis· Iarly tbolle who are but sllgh,t1y woods- ed In the woods. The place !!elected within a are district, shall provide him. him, but once ' again [ heard his voloc. ;rlcts. There Will, however, be a per· In nil its forms among nl1 nges of hone.. wise, pUe on the wood to tbelr own dis· must conI !lIn the least possible amount self with a copy of tWs act and sholl In 1868, the year'of th~ Llncoln-Doug- :ent.nge or the prlsonel's whose health III well n8 doge, cured nnd others in 88m. cOlDfort and sometimes to tbelr Imml· of debris and the fires must be extln- call his men together and caUBO the Jas debates, I lay sick In Bloomington. :lr other oiroumstances preven t Ulem stable pre\'ented from haying the disease with SPOHN'S Dr TEMPER CURE. nent danger and that or the surround- ·gulshed before leaving. act 't o be read In ,tholr ' hearing, ,and Senator Douglas came to address a po· ~rom jOining In' this op ~ n aIr work. Eve.ry bot tle gunriUlteed, Over 600 000 1 rhese men will maIlufacture hospital tng forea l Of (lOurse camJl fires sho~ld The United Stales h',w requires that explain to them at least once ' In ench Utlcal gathering. The meetlng was bott,lcB solei Inst yeur 8.50 nnd ' $1.00, Any ' never be built against trees or stumps fires t,)\lllt on the public lands must be we k during the conllnuance of sucb beld two blocks away, and yet rrom lupplles--beds, blankets aud so rorth. good druggist, or . send to l?1onufncturere. AI!~nt.s wonted. polin {edlcal 0., Spec. where tbey are likely to smolder. It is exti nguished before leaving t1;lem; pe?- work of service." that distance and over the heads of Contagious DiseasC8. Goshon, Ind. well to give thought to the fire some ally not lo exceed $1,000 or one year s His Prescription. an Immense crowd I heard his great little time before breaking camp. Do Imprisonment, or both. Fines go to A young do ctor wishing to engage GenerOiJs. voice booming forth. It was a forced Dot build upa hot fire only' an hour the school fund of the county wbere ,ANCIENT OFFICE OF CORONER voice, raised so that all mlgbt hear, .he company of a young lady (or a "Was be genei'ous wh~n a boy at or so before 1 avlng the 10caUty. Thl offense was committed. but at the distance .1 could not dis· Duggy ride, Bent tbe following pre- scbool?" will save trouble In extinguishing the Campers In the forest can be of 1m. In Former Times Powers of This Off\. Icriptlon: "Yes; he alwnys let his sc bool~ tlngulsh the words. last vesUge 0 fthe coals nnd perbaps mense value liS a protection ag~lnst One buggy, one horse, one good mates take his share of tbe punish· ~Ial Were Many and of "I also saw Abrabnm Lincoln and save an, extra bucltet ,ot willer ci;lrrled flrCR or they can be n destrtlcUve eleImportance. heard him speak. My first view ot road, one doctor. 'l:ake from 3 p. m. ment."-judge. from ,an InconvenIent spot • ment, depending upon tbe character of him was In Springfield, where, as a on.-Judge. The question of camp fires leads lit· the 'Person and his attitude, and the deI bas been supposed, and legal bls. boy, I went with my father and was ai", . WlnA)OW'" BootbloR' Byrl1p fOl' ObUdreJII teelhluJ(. SO rt.elJ8 the IfUWK. rthluceR Int1n.mm ... erally to tbe ' Question of forest Ihes. gree of care exercised. In the Na- tOl'laos bave told liS, thnt the Office left alone In"the law offices of Edward A Matter of Repair. , l.Ion, al11»'8 pllio. cure>! wind colle, 26c .. boul.. ' Nearly every· one who has been In the tlonal Forests the govemment Is anx- or COl'oner was originally Instltutod Baker. As I snt there a man came In, "I 'see," said Hicks, "tl1at they have woods during tbe cSry season, whether olus to have as many settlers as the by King Alfred with lhat of the sht;r.. peculiar In appearance by reason " 01 started a movement oyer In England to Dodging bad story tellers Is ooe way it be In"'Mnlne orltt Brttlsh Columbia, IImlted amount of agricultural land In III, both being design ed to nld In kee~ his great height- and his ungainliness remocl el the Ten Commandments," ot avoldlnR poor relations. bas bad the opport1lnlty 't o prevent the the moun(alns will support. Every Ing the peace when the earls gave up Ho lIat down and drew bls legs undet "Remodel, eh 1" retorted Dorklns spread ' of sqme Incipient torest fire. careful settler means additional pro- tbe wnrdsblps ot the county. The legal the chair. It made me think ot a "What a waste of lime-all lhey need SOmetimes they are called upon to tectlon . against fire. Campers should historians are wrong. ae~ordlng to Dr, grasshopper. Then some one came I~ Is restoratlon."-Harper's Weeilly, take part hi control11ng a fire well un- constitute a force of fire wardens scat· F. J. Waldo or the British Mt:dlco'Le- and addressed him as 'Mr. Lincoln.' 4" der hcadwny. . ThiB kind of work Is tered througb the rorest wberever they gal Society, who has traced tbe his. "Of the two men 1 believe that Ltn' LUCKY MISTAKE. necessary. It may mean carrying wa· happen to be. Instend ' or having to be tory of the coroner and his ancient coIn bad the advantage before an audl· Grocer Sent P~g, of Postum and Can quickly be overcome ter to pour upon smolder~ng fires In warned and watcbed an.d sometimes office as far back as the y~ar 1194. ence, because be a'e emed more of the Opened the Eyes of the Family. CARTER'S LITILE 4rr peat In a spruce or tamarack apprehended by state federal forest of- , In early days the coroner bad a wid. people; lhoul1ih Douglas did not bold UVER PILLS. swamp; It may mean raking back th.o fic~rs, Bportsmen and others cnmplng or and more general Jurisdiction than blmself aloof." Purely vegetable A lady writes Crom Brookline, Mass,: leaYes fr0ljl a creeping surface fire In In the forest should eacb do all In I he now enjoys. Coroners were WODt "A package of Postum was sent me -act surely and an oak tblcket; It may mean dlggln! a his power to hold In cbeck the com- Ito "hold their views" not only upon gently on the German Portable Tower. one day by mistake. trench througli 'the leaf mold nnd dul! man enemy, flre. Tbls is gradually deaths where nn Inves tlgntlon was liver_ Cure The German army Is experimenting "I notified the grocer, but tlndlng hl Ii forest of ftr; very often It means comln~ to be the attitude oC everyone, considered necessary, but also upon Biliousness, with a novel ' form of portable tower that there was no colIec for breallfn.st beating out wltb boughs the flames ad· but It Is coming rather slowly. The various Berlous crimes w!ilcb were Headdesigned particula~ly for the use 01 next morning I prepared some of tbe ache, vanclng through graas and needles be- lumberman, of courQe, realizes what treated as occasions for the . rnlslng • neatil the pine; occasionally It meani destruction can be wrought to his prop· oC r venue for the Crown. The mls. artillery trains, by which It Is POBRlblQ Postum, following the directions very Dizzi·, ness, and Indlgestion, They do theIr duty. the fighUng of. fierce crown flres when erty by Ufe caroless camper. Tho rail· sian of the coronei' 10 the state was for the men to' not.e the eff.e ct of thell carefully. "It was an Immediate success In my SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. a gale 1.11 ·blo~l!1g. In the latter case, roads are beglnnlng to rcnllze what not alone to Investigate crlm sand own fire. The lImnel' pole 1)( It field t,'Un may be used liS an observation famny, and from tbat dny we have or course, ftghtlng from the side nnd tbey have lost and. nre conttnulng to brln3 felons to juatlce . . He superll'). GeilUine must bear Signature narr:owlng In the front or the fire Is lose tbrongh the burnlpg or lumber and 1 nded the forfeiture or motley and etallon, bei ng blnged so that It ma, used it constan tly,. parents and chilswIng "erllcal1y. Ac:!'ordlng to tb. too-for my throe ros y youugdren, (lne way of mllklpg progress. Another llumber that they sh~lIld bnYe hauled. personal prop£:l'ty by Criminals to the Sc:ientlfic Ame rlclln hefore erectin@ sters nre allowed to drink It treely at Is to retreat ' to some favorable ridge, 'they Imo"N , too, of the hurry calls for Crown .. ft;lr .the r ecording of which he water course, or other natUral point resclle trnlns wben whole vlllages was iefi JlOnslble. Those forfeitures the pole a rope laddpr with a shield It breakfast and luncbeon. They think It of vantage. dig trenches, and b.ack fire and settlements have to fiee before the were no t confined, In ,cases of, violence fixed in place. TIHl rope ladder II delicIous, and 1 would have a mutiny tightened auto~atlcally as the pole If on my hands should 1 omit the be"SE AB50RBIHFJR..ll~~~ and dealh, to the pl'O~I'ty or the per. a strip. 8(lrOBS which the adVancing advancing fiames. CorllS, nunlons,C;allons nonl'I",., swung rnto position. The pl'otectlvt layed bevorage. TIred, Acbln/t, SwoUeu Foot. II llrec\,nnt;lt travel. . . Le~ ev'er~ camper be 11 COI'est ranger, son \vho could be held <!Irectly reo shlp-Id, wheJ) not In usn, Is canled i.n allny. p310 nucl Ulkus uut .oreneu "M.y husband used to have a very PraoUcruly every stnte hns la~vs mnk· taking cnre . of bls own fir es, warning sPo~slble, but Included a.mmul,s ond rront on tlle gun IImher anns and on /lud I nttumma ',lll n promptly. U 011 IIIl1j' delicate stomnch while 1\'e were Ilslng llmSaoolhJog- CU. U." (\. bouo r ulrcula Ing It a misdemeanor to leave camp. others or the dangel', and fighting ~u.c h Instruments to which loss of humnn the case frame, and at tbe same time cortee, . but to our surpri se his stom· Unll (If t Ito blood ~ltrou ab tit 1''''', n ... fires unextln~\lls)le·d. In. Colorado the fires ~B . be may en~ount(:r, whet1l1>.r life under any ~lrq"lIitstances mll:i . 810llng ouluro In btttldlDIl DQ" . bUtLllbJ' bt lIervel! as a foot · rest. for the men seat, ach has grown strong and entirely well ~llISuo Dnd oltmlnat l ni tllo otd. ,,All),. lenalty Is ,26 to ~1001 01'.15 to 60 days' .. Ieft by !:iome one else, a t b.y the pasll' bo tra~en ilo. AbJ, '1'oblns llorl. Lna ... w~l f.<Is No.,. 16, rd ·on th e I\mh r: All the Instrum entl since \\'e quit coffee and bave been on :mprlsdnment. : In Moine ·the IlennUy Ing lOCOmotive, or ~eohano~ by light · _ __ ..,....._ _ __ 1005: "r-io cit/11M 1011 r . w omb" r Ol y "O~ ul3ed for observation are carri ed In Post tim. tJoa t:, ,6 botl1ca or )'our ~ nsOnIU:(r.I~n .• , . IS $50. [n Montana "Persons starting nlng. . On Getting ' Even. f o r" llUlIJolt o n roT fout.. .My f()()~ I. r eceptacles below t he foot r est as well . "Noting the good elIeots In my tam· The rollo~lng oxtracts from . the. On-. .. Cam Ores ' without takll)g sufficle!lt . .. II ... · .A III 0 VDIUllblo for "n,. .." c IIlDIl By I wrote t\> my !lIster, who Was a or pILI.0101 iUDloUon... <;ollr,,, , Enla rj,t"uUltlnL'8, P to revent ilpr·endlQ.g ot them! or tarlo fire lnws are ' \\'.ell :"'IJrth q110tlng, Tallor'-:'Tho rai,l}<;oat ', e:u!ts y.ou as In th,e .lImber cal,le It~ elt. \ ' .. rIOO8 6 V(ltn,. ~llIkL"g, 8tJ1\ln., "n~I"8, ' corIec top'a r, and ' after ftll\ch persua.· :H'ttnl8 (Jilt;', ·UrIlIS'l8, 1,lWom~loIlJl, Prlro fl.QI ~!~i~:g t:· ex-~ltiglLlsll ' tJiem. ~erol',e leav- ; be!n'~ vlr~llallr .~ manual Iq brle.! ~or ,Rp l(!odlaly; $ir.. M~kes >:ou "look ten nndf:l.OOnlolldrull1lllib or(loU.,orcd • . nook 4 U Freo, yea.r9 ''younger, . To Ohlinge: Army Uniforms. s ian got..·ber· to try · Postllm. g.. , . 1lty of m\stlemeanor and 11- handling inflammables In the forest. If, ". lO ul\u, I'. II. r" 110T.....pl. 8"",,1, 8)r!•• n.td •.~•• In l ·, are g~~e · ot .$2,000 or abe .yea 1"1' . '. "Every'. pe~80n, .. , wbo, bebve ·n . tile Customer...,..oeOd. ,Then you ~n'" send "Sl1e was prejudiced against it at "From th~ et'lollt:polnt of economy, nb e ,to. a ..", ." . , '.. " . flist dilY' of' A~ril o~d ~he tirst ' dar of · tpe bl!l In 192 . the war ·dep' a rtmp.nt lias d ~cld~d to first but wb 11 'she pl'ese]~tly. (ound . Imprl$Onm"~ t· : . . .,., ~" _ • ..•.. .... . r. . , .. , ., that' aU Ute a:lIinQn~:;! 'tbnt colIee 'gave' oldthn the arm); clll :W(lol(!n lns~ead WOl'sted untrQim. All he , woolen her left anll ·slle·.got well quiclt1y I,lb~ nlal)U.rnr.tuT(lrS h( '1ha, . ~ol1'nt~y hav4 became ilnd I'll malns a .tbOt\1Ugh arid b ('n InVj~e.d tq : S.P..il~ ~h!'l ....deparlm~nl enthusiastic Bostum couvert• . aamples ;" ot We ~o1tye dr;lb ' . ".Her ' nc'rYcs, >W.~lc~ , . h~d \l~co.me el9tbes wti~cb 101l./l-Y, ',/I) n -orr~. sbatt<!l'ed \>y the uso ot ·co.« "e have at. W~8hfngton declnl'fI that t.l!tt UIIHUI"." growu lleaTthy again, an~ to.dar 1Ibe ,;nil rej:nilt In a sl\vlng or $1100,000 a • new '1I'O,Ulan, tb~nM to Post~m • •, • . The ~ooleD -doth. ~t 8 ad Nilml.). ,ltv,e.n )ly ·~ost,u.1lL 00:;' :eattle w,ter 'and Cheaper ~n 'Wonted Cl'eellf .MI6b.., ~d t~~."caulJe,·~hJ·' wlll th actvailtq~ , of 1it(0rdlDg a w:ld~1 be ' -f6und ,10 the gre.a t little liook, .''T.h.s ranKe 'or COJnI)eUtloa. .Aa Boon aa . tb. Road. . WeJl~e~'" which- comes III
The Wretchedness of Constipation J'
. ~~
tor wonted , UD~ .0 Dote · wJU· b, V1tl'
~~~_ ~_ ~.~__ ~~~__~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~-~"~'.~r'~.~~~~W:~~~~~~~~~D:R~~"~CO~--X:":'-'S~-~· ~ounty Courts ~~~, I;'N~p~~~a:: o:~:::!~,J!!~::~:··· ~___ :O . HIO. FARMERS,..~ DAIRY fARMING. LiNIMENT B~rbedWire ·v. , . J . ilentw ·y r,
ntrl)oot,1 61.90;
,J . B. 'onner, oont.raot, ,a2 i Obh.rles . 'tibbs onti'll t, 117 (10 . ( .' ou t rnot eut r ed wlt.h V, J . Zent.
Com mOil Pleas Court. New Suits
yel' for ·r P!ltr and masonry on
'I lle
CommlJslonen' Proceedlnl8.
----... ...- - -
. ERF,
A. B. GRAHAM, SuperiDteadtDI T. L. WHF. ':LER, AlricDltural Exle.lio. Editor C. R. TITLOW, Poullry H. E. EVANS, hilaa! Halbudry A. C. McCALL, AlrilllODY C. H. GOETZ, Fortll" JAMES S. HINES, Z.olo., OSCAR ERF, Dairy RUTH A. WARDELL, Domtllic Sdeace Each of these professors has made a special study of his particular field. The matter is prepared under' the supervision of Director R. S. Shaw.
READ THIS WEEK'S ARTICLE • and each week hereafter. Get the value of this splendid series we have secured for your benefi~.
.... - - -.. ---.~ .. - - - - - - ,
Is the State of O hio Wearing Out? Nearly a quarter million acres of that there nre no opportunities in land formerly cultivated and pro · the good old Buokeye 8tate. Gruz duotive are now reported II.S WAar · ing and grass lands ca.n be made ing O&t aud abandoned. This sur profitable. ,Almost eve'k'y oount·ry prieing information was gathered will produoe abunda.n~'e of fruit if by' towoshlp 8ssessors, In some proper oare is given to soilllnd Vees, pInta of Ohio homes are deserte,l ' Ohio hac: acoording to offioiol ra A.nd bollrns nailed over thtl window!l. port!!, 164,000 aores le8s apple or· A sad faot iUs, indepd, to know that ohards now than it bad twen ty a moth~r mWlt leave tbe roof under years ago, Ohio today is produowhioh she rooked the oradle of ber ing one bushel of frUIt as compared chIldren, beoause the old farm will with three and ont>-hall busbels no longer furnish the msans of ex· a dozen yellrs ago; yet the salUe isten08, soil, !!!lme sUDshlne and same oppor. Ohio hal half a million aores of t&lnlty is here now as then . Naste and unoultivated lands whloh 'rhe Ohio Departmt>nt of Agrloul bave not yet been brougbt under ture is determined to /lid and astlist ·oultivation. Hundreds of thousand!! In the movement of baok to the of aores of land in Ohio can be farm, '1'hta must be done by fur. bouj(ht at a low prioe, rejuvenated nishing suffioient labor and by rejuand mada profitable, There are ..enating wornout soil and maintain· more farm land bllrgains to be ing the productlveness of those found i~ Onio than anywhere farms still fertHe . Other state8llre else. . in tensely interested In finding a rem· n is a mistaken idea ' of some of edy for same. Ohio will show wis our farmers wbo emigrate to other dom by doing likewlse .-Obio De states or Canada wft.h the belief pnrtwent of Agrioulture.
is lI ninl ." alld . ' \lIU'nJl t,ced to c.llI·e Spilxill, H.i n~b n , ' urb, Sw ny,SpUu (" ProCesllor oC Dtllt·ylnlf. otl~lle ,)C rU ffB , \' nlly C'l1 lnrr;OIlU'lIt of b,one r Agriculture, O. U.. olUlIlbuB. mut;clo, or lIlO II y l' ruuO -d. Price 60c. ............+t+++++++++++++++ FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS The gralu lind olher products · ___ _ __ ,..• __ g>rown upon .the farm nnd a suroand BARNHART, proHtable mark t In th t! daIry cow. E. V. Thnt ot allul farm nnlmlli is tbe most' she e conoml 1'l'oduCt!1' urs UUlllan Notary P U bl'I.e id d by the facts foo<l s Is through ev encemnny experiments. All kin(l~Wofork Notary Woric . PrnRit)O loarned ll. Hpeohdt,v. It has been 8hown that 11 cow yield· Ing Quarts a. of. oili 4 ch per tatent dally 10nrodllces andmilk tnt .. eQuivalent In sev n days as would the DR. .J. W. MIl.LER, steer thaot Is I;lI.ln lng 15 pounda in the lIame Um o, In ' addition to tbls .. DENTIST..• the cow yI elds six tim es LI S much mlnoral maltor and sIx Uma. as much nltrogenou~ matter, which are il"'o III Waynesville, 0 the nutrlentll which r nder skim m11k aLloUlil Ul1l1 l ll ioig. so nluable tor feeding all younA' ani. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mals. The dairy oow accomplishes -'- this by consulIl~ng the roughage or D 'I', H. E. H A'J'H A W A ~ cheap tood with a small of " concentrated or exl,) nelve amount food, ",h11e the steer requlrp.s ,concentrated eX. ,Vo,Y'leHville's Lellclinj1 Dealt'" pensive food largely In order to make Omoe In ){ey~ Billg. M&oln ~t his i&lna. There Are COWl and COWl. There is a TBst dUference between 0 I the pro~ts by lhe ancommon r, ~. '. oow and theyielded cow wholle altora have boon bred for economical productlo'n tor hundredll of years. Tb. ~rot\ta;ble dairy cow ia & source 01 large, regularandandrestorer sure pro and ~ eanserver nf flU!. fertility, but do you know the dltrerence between profitable and unprofitable Undertaker and Embalmer, dairying? Here It IB: Some COWl Will be fonnel In t.he Old are capable ot producIng more milk BIl TI k ButIding, oppOShtt from a given quantity of feed than thA National Bank . othere. In tact, Borne cows produce Telephone in houHe ~nd of· ten times more milk of nearly the fioe where J O&D be MlIM same degree of rlchuess. A cow con· day or night. sumlng the aame amount of tood that Valley 'Phone U-2. the average dairy oow consumea and producing 350 gal1o~ of milk per Main Street. Waynesv.ille, Ohio year, produces it at a cost ot 23 oents per salloll; a cow producing 470 gallona of milk per Yi!ar produces it at a cost ot 20.5 centa per gallon; a cow producing 590 gallons per year produces It at & cost of 18 cents per gallon; & cow productnA' 710 gallona THI ORIATIIT per year produces It as a coat ot 14.5 centa per gallon; a cow producing 830 sallona per year produces It at IN TH'r WORI.D a coat of 12 cents per gallon; and a PUBLISHED WEEKLY. $•.00 PER YEAR oow tha.t gives 950 ga.Jlona or milk In on8 year producea it for 9.5 centa HOTEI.I, DRuaQiiTs, 8PICI~I.I.T8. per Ifallon. And 10 we might IfO on a 0 8 TUM II R I, T It AN. F' IElt, CAB untll we reach the produotlon of AND 'aU8 8ERVICI OAN PROF'l r Oolantha .th'. Johanna, who In one .Y U81Na ITI ADVERTI81NQ OO,"UMN8 rear produced 3,190 gallonll of mUll. SAMPLE COPY FREE It fed the eame raUon as the aver..., Add,... HIW YORK CI.IPPIIt New Yortt. N. Y. oow she would have produced thD prodigious amount for 2.7 centa per gallon. However, this do~s not hold true beyond a prooucUon of 900 Qr 1,000 gallons. for the reason that an- Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey For Coughs and Cold&. Imals producing such large amoun.. r41QuJre an exlra amount ot feed and care. . A Cow For e' Deflnlte Purpol.. C W HENDE"SON M 0 There Is I1IU II di ffe rence In the In· •• dlvidu811ty of 'ows and th<,lr powers to produce milk. One cow consumes Waynesville, Ohio. com silage, cloVl3r and altalfa hay, oate, bran, etc .. and converts It Into Valley Phone 153 sou, juicy, muscular texture. which. after the animal .Is killed, fqrnllhes the. steaks and roasts which we all relish so · muoh. Then there I. a third cow that taktls this Iflme ration and·con.verts it neither iDto much milk nor Into much meat. The first two oowe are profttable COWl, but the . third Cow Is unprofitable. Unfortu· natel" too many tarmers persist In keeping the third cow, and that Is juat where the dUrerence between auoceaetul and unsuocelsful dairying 11•• . BY OSCAR
. h t' t' which not only stands hig h In t e e s Ima Ion d of the farmers of this state, but is conside~e 'the best in the country in importance of work being done and the promin e nce of its instructors. H-elow a r e som'e of th e m en who will contribute articles along various a gricultural lines:
will be written by t he department h eads of the
S ' u'~e and Profl'table Mar- in. Ga AnA "fRED to' II 'nl. wit.II'O\1t h'lwbl'wish or M.ONEY 1 EF NDB! . ~oc $ 1.'00 sj~ell r fres h woundti, ket Iii DairY Cow. , llucluruis OItl I:l UJ'l fl r ba'ks nnd s\lould.ers, burIl 's, 2&0 Biz for .Fnllllly UIIt!.
How to make the Ohio farm produce greater . . k h t . t t' b' crops and better stoc .. is t e mos 10 eres 109 su 'j ect to you. Each week we will publish, by spec.ial . a,rrangement a'rticles written by men of recognized . th authori ty and experience on how to . derive e grea test revenue f r om your farm . This feature
;h st r ' Muh idfey ' flll inbu t by brid g ~ lit el' t1tUl\te or $71.05; i:;toQa W . S. Mllhll tl'ey his fu t,her vs , oulv r t on M otgomery pik , stone
ore anders; Wri,~ ht &- oulver t 0 0 Kin g Mills River r Olld. 'l 1:O UlJl on It Ltorn y s t or phllntlff, r piliring bridge by 'eor ge Blonfl, 'Ii I'lioe bridge at l!~o terl\', i ing!! Mi\l~ bl In V onl y IInJ('IllDt olR imed ' ,Jf>O. rtl)~'llIo~ Lnu .'" :111111 I{ (j~rtle rI va .. bridge. F ,'link AnthrllOIl 'It,t;nrll e,r t o t' plllio 'on t.ro ot entor (I \vith 1:1 .1 . \1 0t iff. Brandon & l VIO R, /ttt·oru Y" IUl11 py f Jr tnllteri al Bod ItpprnUelH? R t " r def"ndlll)t. Bustllrd y. to Fanny '.rullls brid ge on Hamilton .Anua • ear~ VS . Alvin ears, r oud at e8tinll~te of am 30 ••Co utraot Autered wit·b Robert. Wright & !rllOtnp!!OIJ, ntt.ol'neys for Relcbel for oleaning anu p81nting plul ntltf Dlv oroe 0 0 g r ounds of I ' itr ewe OI'U Ity. tbree plm el steel br\()ge at F osters . Ftlnnle PIRoe VM Albert Plooe. A. at stim~ttl of $12 , County to fur Dlsb paint. RrYll nt attorn ey for pilliutlff, Di · PIIU1H, s peoifiotLt,ioDS anu estimflte' vo rna on Aro und ' of negleot, for etoel beRUl bridgr) WI.L h oonorete d R Probate Court. floor, on Mid Ie un an d Mt . H 0 11 Y Estate of R ouert Wylie et ai, Road IlPI)toved Bnd oontraot let to Dlinor. Frank~. Wylie gUllrdluD Oregonia bridga oowpanv ILL estifil t\8 inv entory wbich i~ ordoretl reo ml)te of '1 47 63 Contraot entered with Orn Gustin oorded. E ·t.a.te of Cora Wy lie, d OOAU(lod for lumber. Valid uu i n Beptelll' EVIL M . Wylie, /tdmillistrutrix tH (- ber 22. 1911. Pla.ns a.nd I.Ipeotllca.tlons approved lnv ntory lind ILpprllisenlont which Ilnd ordered posted In n.udltor's is ordered r eoord pd , office. 8eo led proposals t,o be reo E tate of Moses W . Hollingsworth oelved U ntil 11 o'clook August 21st, deoellsed . Due 1)ror) of publloation 19l1-For steel joist Rnd oonorete of notice of appOintment of Mory fioor bridge on Wilmington pike McKinsey I.~ S exeoutr ix filed and is ~teel beRm bridge and oonorete oruered r eoorded . fioor on Zeoker and Niohol road. Estate of WIlHam WYSODI!·. de · teel beam bridge and opnorete 06l~86d : Appli o!j.tion of Mary Youn g on Orego~ia and Waynesville for inorea 6d allowllnce, rerused fioor rr)au . .... .....- - . E tllte of Mllrthll E Dill, Ueber M Dill exocutor filas inventory Thirty Years Together au r\ apprai ement whloh i ordered Thirty y~arsof assooiation-think ra orded. of it, How the merit of a go:>d thing ' Es~ate of Rebeoca. V. 8heppa.r'd, stands out in that time-ot' the worthlessness 01 a, bad one, So insape, John A. Sbeppard, guardian, tbere's no guess work in this evifiles first ~o,oou~t . with vouchers . deuoe of Thos, Arias, Conoord, Mich., for settlement whioh is 'order8(i sus wbo writes: "I bave used Dr. ~ridea." ',:'", ' . King's New Disoovery for 30 years, ., Estat, 0' 'Jam. es . W, Monn~, im' ·and.lts the best oough and oold nure "I I ever u&ed." Onoe it finds eo beaUe. 'fright Hiil, guardian, fi!ea traneA In a home you 03n't pry it lecond aDd final aocount with vonoh out. " Many famUies have used it . era ~Ol' aettlement whioh 1s ordered forty years. It'e tbe most infalli~n"pe .. loo;, . . ble throllt and luug medioine on. ~~te, of ~o88pli , B, Moore, de. e&~th, U;nequalled for · lagrippe,' 'o":'.ed, O. O. "'oo'r e administrator Ilsthma, hay-fever; oro~p, qnin9Y ~r .... 80re·)unlJ8: Prioe 500, 11.00 . . Trilll files ioventory and ' appraisement bottle free. ' (luaranteed by an drug whiCh 18 ordered reoorded, giSts. --~--~.~..~ , In m'atter of Raymond Corwlo; S.LAYER QRANTED REPRIEVE on faUn.:e to obser.e terlDs .of sua. I f , ' ". . ' panded fioe be is seat to Workhouse Governor .B armon granted ... reo serve out the $350 fine and oosts .prleve to Charles Justioe, oolor~d, of $7.79. ' , who was to have been ' eleotroouted ~ Liceoaes. at midnight, Thursdav. Tbereepite .Wilbnr Dnmforo., 27. laborer, of ill uotU .September 22pd. In tbe MuoD' "ud Ada Bromley' 22, of meanth,n e; thll governor deaires 'to Kinge Mills. ' investigate the 0&88 . more fully, to determine if there shall be a c.o m· Real e.tate TtaDlfers. mutation. of sentence. Pet-er B, Oleaver and F.llizabeth Justice was sentenoed to . be eleo.. . J"ne CleaTer t.o Cora B . Cleaver,' lot trocnted for the murder' of Joseph in Ba"eysbarg, II. . . 8houp, & Greene oounty farmer, Belie 'Johnston to 'A anie M. Wiok- who oaogM him i.n the aot of ro\» ' erll, lo~ io FraDk~in, 1270. bing his ohioken ooop. The date of his electrocution was . Xate ~aroh te» Florenoe MoGetoh· en, lot in Lebanon, firlit set for Maroh 81. 1911, but on Anna O. O'NeaU to Oharles Kib. Feb. ~4th. the oiroull; oourt suspendler and Lydia Kibler, lot in Warren ed his sentenoe pending prooeedit1~s couaty, Ii. in error, and later fixed the date J. M. Dill to Evelyn D.' Meloy" of exeoution 8S April 28tb. Govern. Heber Dill and Lelia D. Jaok. lot in or Barmon suspended exeoutlon Lebanon, t1. until June ~3rd. and l~ter reprieved R. Wilds Gilchrist et &1 to Ed him until August ll'th. This re Stewart and Eva stewart, lllt in ~rle,e is the third Justioe has reWarren County, 11. ceived.
"Why do they oan Wa~bington "ThbY say his fa.ther got his ~tllrt the oity of magnifioent distanoes?" in Ufe by oper.ating a. thtee·oud "Because" anSWere!} the ·offioe game at oounty fairs." seeker flU' is suoh a long WilY be 'I "I wonder if that aooounts for the twello ,what YOll go a.f&er and whllt I foot tbat he ill II. two-spot ?"- E x YOll get. " lohange.
A. MAFFfl,
PROVIDES FOR CARE OF MULE I ~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~
ACCollnts of two depositories, The In the will of John EngUsh, Lebanon 'National Ba'nk, and the Uitizens :National Bank for month of a Shelby oounty, Tenn ., farmer. provision ie a: ade, not only for the' July andited aud found oorreot, Finanolal statements of Auditor widow nnd a danghter, but for an aud Treasurer sbowing balanoe in old' mule on the little farm. This eaoh tuud and .aooount at tbe begin olause direots th~t the mule "must Following are some newspo:per Ja.ws that a great many nlng of mODth pt:eseoted and placed never be ridden in the night time, ~ jJi perlons Blelgnorant of The laws aTe to tile point, and are so and that the said animal, so 'long as on file . it survives, shaH be propel'1y shelBills Allowed-Wilson Unglesby, philn tbat all wh') run may reud: burial of Benry Burns, '75 .; J. R. tered and generously fed. " ~ 1. '1'l1e subsoribers who 110 not give express notloe to Hunter, services at Infirmary dUTing July, 112:GO; '.I!'. W, Thompson, BeRLIN THE CLEANEST CITY ~ the o~ntrary are oonsiderell ILS wil:!lling to oontinue thair . eleotrio light!l for oourt houRe, $1.10 ; subscriptions. As .long 8S women oomplatl\ of LebanoB loe and Coal Uompany, ice :&. If subscribers wish thetr 1)"pers disonDt,inued, pub "" tor oourt hoose, ,~, 10; F. P. Forgy, tllA impoliteness of Berhn men we mllY oontinue to senu thorn unt:!1 011 cha rges lIre • . maIntainIng horses and vehioles for shtl.H have to oont-ent oursel ves ". tth the one universally recognized qual'JUly, i25; F. p. Forgy, ' board and washing for prisoners, for July~ ity of OUl' ol&pital-namely, tbat it 110432; C. J , l::Iobwa.. tz mops and is the olaanest oity in the world ,matobes for co.u rt bO'u se, $12 60 ; BarUn Loka·l Anzeiger, Rebuilt Typewriter oompany, 1 doz.e~ ribbons,. 110; The Fra.nklin . The way that wins il;! hard . , .~ .... Ch.r qn·icl.e publishing tax nutioe, .~; i:;tate of Oblo VB. Edwa:r~E~ley, Atta~k Like Tigers tI In fighi,ng to. keep pure' . ld h ' M. B U , . swa , c Blrs an~ I the blood' k "18ease 17,85; . . " ~ the white OOrpUEI:) es atta!) u . BOp.pHes..fC?r .~o,u.rt ~ouse, 1352 .0.; germsllke tlge~s. : B.ut o~t~n ~er~s. . '. LeOli",rd ';.Mpunts,) llJDber, 1189 87; .multiplY, 80 tast the Htt}IL ~ght,et8 , Orll .nsti~i Itmlbsr, 1219 35; I ..·,V. are OV8l'Oom·e . ' Il'ijen see',' Jjh;npleA, .,;: n"'nkhiso~, lUQlber, 12559; J . V. b~il8; eozema, salt r1teJ1~ and."or.1!8.' '·Bau.ktt.son~ hImber ., 17.80·J 8 multlp'l.v an~lstre~~tli an.d ap,wt1t,e, . ' ." " . fail. This oonclition .,demaDds Eleo, , IdDllt~1 ~~mbe~, ~21 ; '()~ioOo~~uga~ed trip, BJtter~ to ~egplat~ ~tom~~h~ liv.. ,Cul'Ved o6~J)an1, '. Q~lve~" p!~,: ".r and,'ktc:1.ney8. and. to.'~xpel poi8Qos ' • •U, 60.1 ' rel6,nilL ~Br.dge oompany., from the bIO~~ "T'pey..·al'ethEl· ~. conRaot' tJ.9V .12': ~r8 . Emma De- blood p~ller, wrltt., C.·!J! Bndft~, bol:" ad~tniat'r&trlx--Iumber of Tr~YJ' Calit , III have. ev",r f01:l~". ~ ~ , , ' . . Tl\ey mp'e rloh, ,rji!(} ' blood( Itl',Onl "O.~ 9, T. M.ol(i,n~ey · bfidge re~alrs. ~6rV88 -caad· bnlld up y~nr beaUb• ..f3~ ~) T, )l.oKfilDey, contraot, ' '10 j Try .them • .. GOo a' aU ~t.u~~ t.c:<
• • • • • • • •U • • • •;
,126 ./
For ·lnternal an4 External Paan.t . ", '.
----_ .. .--,----
Five Newspaper Laws
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THE MIAMI G ZETTE (~-;\V f(OTB l'ubU~h d
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. i<',I'om o f tbem eVl\n IU ~AjCIl I j ... lp thw , M. , to g ne rl!.lly the." ~rB V\LL•.!:: \, '1'£1 .~ PIH)t.; tte· I ·. \I,I . u . 1 1.• 1 tl ,r V. 111'1 ( ,pre liS lin 'It(elllp t 0 t !lome D. L . (;U,ANF: , li:tlitol" all d Manag " Illh li.htl l· t,,, " bnQ;Jl " hi ~ took ' Itn~ <(1 11 !J S UQ Ill.lS , TileD, ' UHI.lin somB ,IHUUlit4l' tito l I:! 1Ut\)' bllve tbeir origin Rntl'tI of ' ubsci'il ltion 1,\ I",ci d nl'~ uh ut as illlpol't ont as On Y ur 1~lrl 'Ll y IIIIHI U II ~O) " . .. , .. S 1.(JO thu rolluwi ug: l u g l (Jol ly •. " . ....... , .. . · ." . .. •. . Ob l:I.llyrl n OD('I oily ree ived 1\ (' i£lit frO Il1 II bu~oh e r WilO sl\ill that him_ Rntt!s of Atlvcrti 'ing ~ull nud his duught ers were udmirIt MUng r.,<I(!Jlhl. p r 11110 , . ... . . ut' HllndlJl lf Lucn l ~ . b lllck fUI·(' . IJeI' lin,· .... I VI" ;I I'!! of Hllyun 't: musio, hu d tIS t he l' llltllll Jl uJ AJ ~. uot f<) "l.c\,..~ l 11\ c 11111'1' y .:>uug wuman was SOOl] t o be mar · 'I'llI' iJl~IJrlluu ti .. .. " . . . .. . . U,(' l'i ed , be mude boltI to uI:4 k that the OlJltuul'l6 /j. 111'0 IUI' hC'1i tr ,lo; u\,or fil'll hlchUtl. llO r 111111 •....... .... , .• rH' 0011lP08 (\1' wrile u minuet for her ' nrtJ o f LllIlIIllR .. .. . • . . . . . ' " . , . ..... . HIlIlO luLlolL'I •.• ••.. , .. . •. , . , . • • • •. •• . . ~rH' w e(\ding . KIDd" Pallu Bnydn " oon~IlI'llllJl c l e. whllro ciJ llrgll III IIJ1111 u ... . . . . ~~. HJ1 111:Hd und In n, few days tho man 0' lllllJllay Advurlis lng l J()I' IlIch ..• •... .. • . HIe 11\ II t oLtuin ed his llllll:llo. ot long lJl>lcOJl IH ~ IIlvull ull cu ul r~ L. Ilftel'wt4rd , HIlYlln was sUl'pris ed to bl\ur this slim e minuet played uud er A n S1' 111. I~II .: bis wiodow 00 looking out he s uw 1\ bund of musici ans formiDB II ring When all lse fallH wa still hllve ,Houod a IlIrge OX , tnEtefu \1y deoor· te!l rll , ul ou with fl owers. I:)oon the butoh e r carne up and prel:!l:lnted the ox t o Bewart l ti t (J ld sweelhe nl't!! - wbolh Hlld y u , !!Ilyiug tht1t for suoh exceler yours 01' hers. lent muslo he th ought he ought to make t.he oompo ser [L prese nt of the A Cold Is not neoes8u rily serious . provid ed best, ox ill bls posessi on . Ever aftel it Is t.aken ollre of . It Is froqnen t.ly I,bl s lit-tie compo it·lon WIIS oalled " Ux" mil:lllllt ,-W. the stnrtill~ point of mllny dunger - lh Frnnoil ! ous ditleuS6 s. ' heo It 'orneR use liates. Anecdo tes of lireat Musi Dr. Bell's Pina 'fur Allney. L oo k ciulls. for t.be be ll un the butt.Je
--'-- ---- - -. --
:.;.OHIO "=STATE--F-A-'I-R- ITEMS••: ver lLv ~ bund'r ea farrner boy. ,any g od
Mo.ny a grellt, bllt:inoss Is built u p res\donotl by wlllkin g on the ruins of domest io ,htq>piness .
b/\ v~ made applioa tlon for the Free along an y street.
WA~-N-ES-VILL-E '~t;~C-H-ES~ ,
Tbe wornan -bthe prNodu Irlil U-' ller.ollm ., erary 01'9 .- , t or g nn I . :.:..-_--1 . _ _ . _ __ ~
Sf. AUltllstinc'li Catholi c Clllsn:" . Wllther
t:co r~ I'
1II !\H~
e ver y il :UU a 1Il .
Mal' ' JlHocl " r , P llHt or
of lhe mop l b a · . Trip. to I,he Bi g lj'uir. De mltH deThe prioe ' of admtss ion is fifty Dr. Bell's Plne-T ar·Hon ey livery brough t coe hundre d and oents . No pns es. A fif,t y oent Is the St. Ma y '!! Episc.opaJ 'Church . bes t for oou g h~ , colds, crouJl tblrty TequestA . . ' piece ill the tlokat. After f) 0 'olook grip, whoopi ng oough, Itl',· . •f I" , n l .. I \\' al h l(l ~r. W·r l"I . l)ro T.lcbit,ls , Every oQunty should btll'epr csent. p, m. tb , ' un .I,.y Sdllwl, II ,:w ". nl adtnfss ion is twenty .five J\stb mu. Burl a,11 tb roa t untlbro n hili! M<) rn l n g ~ I'r ed by .l!oma kin 1 of an exh! bI t. I cc, IU ;10 a. 111. Hoi Co,ulIlun lrm Lh ' IIr<1 t roubles . Sold e very w he re loo k "~lII) ce ots. .tay of ca.cJJ utout.u . No good farme r should hesrttlt e The ParUl er Hoys are tleeiog for the beJJ on the bot tle. - -or be af raid to l:!eoome one of tile their friends --Mcthodi I Episcop al Churcb. and doin~ tbeil' best The more Atyle some people put 8tate Fttir exhibit ors. Come to t o get V.ltes. H 6V. fl . W . Ulliloy. Pasto.,. Some have flnli s ted un th e w ore coJlo oto r~ they put on'. tllink nbout· it-, the P 30l1l e of on" til ir (;ongrestllUlill S IJ OI"": ,";c h.",l, il ' 15 a , I.n. MornIng He r· . vil-c , 10 :·IIJ .1 . III , ~ : I "" uI'Lh L'ugue, 7 :001" oouof.y are just abo ut the sawe as m. l!:\L'lIln " ri cr\'Ic:~ . ";' : 00 p . 10. MI,l wcIl" Good wutel' aud ple ut,y of It will . . . 7 p. lll . urefou odln the tba~ . IdetrEl CK faIr we"tb~1' fn end!:! by l ' r l\'' Cr Nue tlng, __ b suppli d . ReMs for r es t wil1 lJe __ Ilo n 't fai I t o soe t,be BEE MAN f oanun poll Sll viug J our money fOf u, ru luy lIa y. Ch ristian Church. nil parts of the ground !! WONO ER.. Ho wtl.shes bi~ fuoe Ho,' . L . O . Th(HIlI~'O Il . l'!LIIlot . Hundre d !! of people will com t o BllI l" IOchu,, 1, 9: 311 U. m . l50clul meel,lnll. with bees o.ud doea mllDY other sur· the Fall' In Interna lly I (J:~ U u. IU. II ut..o mnbile s , , '1,,1"1.1:111 The ma o r. 7: UII II. m . Or. B ~ II '!:I Ant,i PuiJl c nrol:! colic, Hllrlllull Icy ,,""lllr \'orylClldlll\\O prising tbingFl witb the honey mak- obines IlIL,"·IIUJ.o SlIudul' a.& wi ll he purked on ells tern Ill1x , llinrrh lu:30 .. 111 . 11 11 11 7:30 p , Ill . l e n, ( : I'JlIlIP ~ Illl,l ul1 bow el ers nnd gives instruc tion in the care Side of gr" und s and gUllrde rl by co tnplain t8 , of b e3~ . H,rksitc Friends Churc.. oompet e nt ptJr SOnR, Fifty oanM EX'l'li:l!N ,\I.LY :-Uuret! urll lJr eu&tp, ir. t I),, )' ~I " " II",', II 00 n. I D, 1 ~ lr llL Ila y 'l' he mlln in th e glass water tank will be oba rged for ea ch maohlD e to • I'll .• , bULlion!:!, too thaohe, ne urulKln ~l't l/C.JI , 1 I . U P .\ , III l'\,u r "h lJay ll'\:Ung will uo mOony w onderfu l thinRs un- enter t·be ground! nn lt all pllin H. !Sold e ve ry wnere . 10.011 a. Ul !. der wllter . Only t,he blghes t class 1'he Art Ball will be a s trong feat. It Is an tilleJltio Orthodox Friends ChurclI , --o f Dtt.l'lIotio n s permi tted on tbe - ur*, this yeElr. Premiu ms bave A lr~. Jo:l ll,lILJuth J. url<l n , l'u.xtllr ground s . It itl good polioy to loo k uh elld if S;t LJuaLh ."l'twul . II : ~u a 111 . (("Rut .. r I'hllrC h b sen greatly in orellsed aud better you are headed in the wrong direo. ~u ~" l u', 10 ," " II . Ill . ,1; llrIHlla Adjuta nt Genera l Weybr eoht bas olassifi ed . n ~: uI1U Il\' ur . tion 1 , :.10 11 _ tlelaoted tho finest typOS of men Tbe Hheol> Indu try will be well - - - 1' _" _ _ _ fl'Om his N,Ltlonl\l Guara soldierR to r t>llresen ted . Oblo ill well in the It takel! a bll sy mlln til see throug h polioe the ground s.' A few of th e 1I' lId in thi s . Huudre ds of boyers a. j o ke and r cog nizt1 the Idiot btl· I best men are ,t'lkeo froUl eaoh regi . wll1 come for the sole purpos e of hind it . meot , 'fbls insures good order and puroha lling 8. good oDimllJ. Ev('lry perfeot saftlty . lover of Mnry's lamb should donate Coo did e." Accused of Stealing The Live Stook Exhibi t at the 11 ~ood word for Cood t:llkrl In· tbe Fair, mtnl.AeJlv e Us. 0 1 E . E. Chflmh er}ain, of Clinton , ~tll.te Fllir will be unsurp as ed , Live Dis WlIund H II P~ n d \ rrhe interes ting and in'ltruo tt ve Me. boldly accuses Buokl en '8 Arnicn. Thes-u art: th" l hln\:! wJdt h will m :1l, • R m an or )'our I1tJ)'. stock is a vulutlb le adjuoc t to the Woo l Exhibi WIDE AWAKE VILLAGES ... t will be an educut or in ~'ulve of stlnlin g-tlle Illin g trolD .o~~Cdl:v~II~~~~:!r ~~I~r~~!:t:t~" lJUIC. farmin g bu iness. It will puy eVLrI' its line. No LOun become s II. jailbird for Prof. S . ,G. Plumb ex burns o r scn lds-th e pllin from SOrE!! AME RICA N BOY of nil kiodsIt hilS ;emaln<::d for the town !lnu farmor to be nt tbe ring side when peots this B. lurk. to 8urgnl:!S nnytbin g of tbe or plleR. • It the distres s froUl b olls - - - .... - . - - - robs outs. ' 00ro 8, brui!:! vlJluge Improv ement associa tions to the unlUllI.ls are .shown . kind ever seEm in Ohi ,l Tile d oo r uf nJvel ~itr 11:1 neve r teuch u what It mean£l es, apralnA lind iojurle s of their t.e rt o ha va The Bortio ultural Exhibi t tbi ;. Tbe work of tbe LlveSt ook Divis r o r, " he says , "as n. healing r eme dy I·ooked . yords thllt are attraot ive from ourb. yeur will exc~l tha\ of .any pravlou ion of the OhIO Depart ment will he its equal don't exl!:lt." Only 250 at ~tune to alley . Croup all druggi sts. Y(lars , The res ults of pruuln g lind wo rth thA fumer 's trip to tbe Big D~Iron, 1oI~. They hllve eduout ed oblldre n to prl1yin g will be shown Peophl with ohlldre n shoura keep - - -.... and 0000· J'n.ir. Result of immun izing agJ\!ns t Q bottle of Ur . Bell 's Piue Tur Honev ba ve 11 proper regllrd not only for pared with the ote way Women h"ve inspire d many great of n egleot b og oholera will be sbown along on hllnd at ull times. Crou \J is wor 'u thl:! premis es on wbioh they live, but ing the o rohards . witb many other vahl .. ble \lIustrn. men by first breakin g their hellrts. I at night when it is sometim es hard Every Bome.M aker WIlJ be inter tlons II.nd delllon strlltio os to get. IL physiol ull. Look for the for t \leir share in beautif ying the Save Money and Keep. in publio lIohool ~ro.unds teaohin g e t.ed in the Woma n's Buildin bell on tb bottle. We an 't 1i ve wi th them and we g this .. -.The Ohio Experi ment Station Ex Style by Reading McCall '. them thl~t when tbey defllce it-s wo.ll.- yellr. The premln m8 have been in. hib\t will be worth 1\ whole day of oan't Ii ve withou t them .-From In. Magazine and Using McCall Pattern s It. is th 1I0ing Dot the iln.ylng , btelik Window s, pull up its fiowers crellsed dla-ve ry Itnpien t. Bnd the display will hll.ve study by II.lJY farmer or oltizen . A thll t nltikef4 t,h e bro. MtC.lr.. M•• azl •• ·\\,'ll nnd delltroy it tr es they are de- a thousl1 nd sugges tions -- • for beantl tarm",r la!:!t yellr had not looked at M~lL'S MAGAZINE h,·lv yuu s tyl· spoUin g their own propert y, a very fyin~ and adornin~ the Islrl)' ot nclruss mo<1omlo \ A KI ng Wh 0 Le f t Horne b.ome. La. this exhibit ten minute s until he 1' ,\: (10 11811 by k nplng The pronf Of t,1I bl offer is In bitt t dies sbould nl)t (all to apend plenty remark erl "I am already f 00 II· h thl ng t 0 d 0, t 0 8dy tb e 1ens. repaid for set the world to talking , but Palll f ' r Hure to make uooll . . 1,:~'~ ,I)(}~~\II'{ounn8 lliu b _ _ __ . - __ _• ' 0 time ere , my trip to Colum bus. " Thts is the Mllthu lka, of Buft'lilo, N . y " Ray s he thlll.HI~ IIl1d .bo lll,. , fiC · l'\ w \o'IIsltlon Ooslgn! THE .BOVS' FREE TRIP alwDYs KEEPS A'l' HOME the King Tbe Fair will be open Day and gre&tellt eduoat or in Ohio III nlH'1I Is.~uo. We Cuaran tee Every Box AlISO . of all Lllxatl ve -Dr. Kitg's New l'II\unl,lo IlIrormlllJou' Night . rhe band oonear ls, Strong The Urt'at Machin ery Parks will Life PillK- and tbo t: .they 're II. bless, of Dr. B II'!! AlIti!:!ep 'tlo Htllve to do 1'be Fllrme r boys all over Oblo Free Att.raot !ons, oostly ~IIIII::1 1 ulll'?l'rCOr:!Ida:~{;< what .we ollli01 .) rry it for uIQerl-, Firewo rks, oover uores. 'fhe newest and the tog to all blA fo mlly. Oure const1p a. OOC n YOllr. Ilicludllll!' bolltl, runoin g sore:!, tet't r ring are enterin g the raoe for the · Free Bnd the 'maguif ioent portray c.l of best wil! be displc.y tion, headao he, Indiges tion, dyspep . n froo p Ollom. 811b· e(l. """",,''''''' "",mm",.. t,nrl worm, cz mil, lilt rbeuUl, l ftl ver ' Trip to tbe Ohio tate Ftlir. 'i'hev 'Perry' s Grt' at Battle bo todny ()r send and Victory ' The Farm PreM will bave head. sia , Only 250 at.u11 druggi sts, J'ur fre SRJIlPlo copy. sores, outs, brul ~ea , plmplef ', bluol! lue pulling strings , log rolling and -----on MtC.U Lake -.~-~. P.u Erie, .... -----will 'which Cllllh ic )'011 reqnire to mnk In rour s sev quarte rs in their bnildin gs east of heads, obtl" , f ~ l o nfl, bUlIlls or uny doing things (J"'UIHilll . wllh yo"r '\VII f1ul"I~I C I OL'IIIJr;f(I Mary had a hobble skirt like old season ed poU erul hnudre d peoplfl, will make the r y "uNl~I( nlld \'hl11 l r o ll wh l" h '" II be J) rfi · t IiIktn ttl ensa. 250 II box. Agricu ltural Ball In sLy lo nnd nt. f' ricl'-lIltli ll htgh or Lhan 16 tiol.ns to get votes. 80me tlra .w rlt evenin g progra m entertl So tight she oouldn 't r oam, lining. ' ( 'e ll \.'I, R nd for ft' Every lady who is willing to cut PUlIorn 1\ lnloguc. f.' Ing lenera to tbose who will hnve And everywh~re that Mary went, W. WiU ely. Voa Fla. Pr.... I. (or lIolll ng sub, Th9' ~t"te Fair Raees wlll please Apple Pie in fOllr pleoes It Is Dot n epsarily 'roe tba t thl' II. vote. U~her8 are maktng l\C rlptinu s nrnong your frl ond s, ~n8tead of end for froe parson t,be tbousa nds w~.) llke She had to s'ay at home. l' rllJlllllm I'IlLulOI/Ul Du d (AI.h PrIze the sp!)rt. six w\1l be admitt ed free on tbe first omlr. worst ill' yl t 10 come. -.. ,,1 visits to see delegat es "nd asklug Tilt McCAU COMPAHY, 23910 249 \¥al37' SI., NEW YOR!' Tne Grea.t Urand Stand has had its , day o~ the Fair, MondllY , - - --. - • Angust , for votes jllst the s'\me as polltloa l capaolt y inoreas WISDOM SHOWN BY HAMBURG ed to acoomm~date 28th. In Frano" thoy oall the e ki8slng Cln.ndldates . A ~ew town and oity t·hose whose blood runs fast wben At the meotln g to 801ect the Farm Il.wor.uett-'ldetiii-viergl\ .. aam burg, U e rmauy cart8 some boys Ilre t.r ytng to let In the game, they see the fiag, wire, home stretoh Boy for the free trip, no proxies can of Its gn.rbag e and Rc...U e refuse into WAL TER MCC LUR E, bot here is where the farmer boys and tbe wlnner 8. Suther tand's Easte Eye Salve be voted, Those entitled to vote the outlyin g dlstriot s, where the soore ahead. When entries olose The m08t . of onr trooble s never must be there themse lves. I a oroomy SUOW white olntme~t, No del· .tuff itl plowed nnder the fieldl5 .as Fune ral Direr.tor. · put ul' an air tI~bt sorew oap tnbes, Angullt Il1th ther~ wUl n8 doubt be bappen . Visitor s can find plenty of lig ltA can have more tban one .v ote. fertUiz ing materi al. rhe Jest Will oure !Lny case of sore eyes . and It thousa nd applica tions, perhap s aooo~odations of It while in Colum bns.' ' The July tlnd August numbe rs of is will Dot injure eyes of 0. ba,be. l::401d twioe that many . Every inoiner ated. ' 1'he produo t at the boy, riob fiundre ds of private residen oes will the Offioial everyw here 250 . Bulleti n issued by the inoiner ating fnr'1aoe s' goes npon the Teleph one day or night. or poor haa tbe same chanoe to WiD. t.ake roomer ll at rea.son ahle rates. Ohio Depart ment of Agrlon ltnre are market . Valley phone No. V. LODg The iron is sold at publto Bere is a liet of the boys mentio ned The sign, "Furni shed Rooms " may et!peoiaUy vaiuabl e. They oan be auction . and the InteUe ot in ohlldre n all oomel,! up to Tuesda y mornin g, Augus Distano e' No. 69-"'. slag Is dispose d of. t1,6tb, be seen in the window s of almost had for 'the Iltlking. from the .mlltcrn al 8ide. Tbellnl ;' cinders irom .Warre n Connty : go all a top dress · I WA YNESVILLE, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OHIO • ~~~~~ / iog on the promen ades, other sizes Ro s llartso ck Leroy Bar~tlook '" ( Moat 'love Hffllirs manag e to be. Alvin Drleve r 8.s·11 top dressin g on roads, the larg. Russel l MoElfo rd OHIO FARM' LABOR Branch Office, Ha~e1flbul'lr. O. BUREAU oome a mutter of finanoe 1911 CHERRY CROP ASt into roaq founda tions. It is also • _ • u!led in concre te, Ano~her use is LAWS CHANGED Some montb ago the ,Federa l De· A C'lean SlIIlve The oh,err.y crop for 1911 break8 for filltDg' m "terial betwee n floors Is dellral, la. . Dr. Bel1'l\ Aotlsep tio. Tbe )pen season for squirre l to partme nt of Comme roe Iln!\ . Labor, Illl prt\vlou s r O.1ords . for this State. and ceUin~8. Good for Nothin g but the Eyes '1:>lilve 18" oreamy snow white oint llt Washin gton Itenta represe ntative P o!'slbl',V fi ty per cent ------~ .--~.~----of the orop rneotu nd gual'al'lt,eerl f(lr ulJ s~tn OhiO baa ohange d from ~ept.mber io Colum bus to dlscus£l farm labor was not market ed due to laok ot Blrdl Killed by Golf Balli. u!.e"lI~, sooh t1S ec:t.a.ms, S!lU rheulJ1, 151h to Ootobe r 20th, with a limU <loudit ions in Ohio with tbe StBt~ pickers . The largest ' interes ts Not long ago one of the players in of five tor one dllY's bt1g. tn OIlILPS, eto-w.J O: Depart ment of Agriou lture. D golf tournam ent at Melrose wbUe ~. ------The new la~ prOVIdes tbat "no tltate departm ents, namely Threp. this State lire In the vloinlty of maklng an approac h shot killed a . New Clyde, I:)andu sky County The man wb9 pleases only hIm versen shall catch, kill .. Seven seagull and another player on com, or injureB ny York, 'Miesou rl and Kentuo ky, lire hllndrl ld Hllllnrds, 0. Ilores are grown In this 10 ing on from bls 8elf hl\. to sup :lly tbe applaus e . . drive found tbat he fox from the first day of DsoE'InbAr already ao operat ingwit l~. F. D . No. . So I htheUn tterl cnlity. Tbeapp roxima teprod uction had annlhJl ated a weasel. to the first dll.Y of the followi ng I:)ep. Juno 16, not. Bach In· -,. i I . State8 goveru ruent in this matter . for S " ndusky Gounty cldents a1'e DOt uncommon, '1 be -ml\n who lives twice 8S flts1 tem b er b 0..... I r' ~ I' f' Il ~ l1y !;I'O W ot man y ell sell tbn~ no ust ve , I I WILS fifteen " t H l\ lu I ,,' A player on the Ktrkdal e links Crcut ;"n hns cured. but Don " t d years, 18,000 oompe tent, t\ble. 'housa nd bushel s; avera.g e a8 he should jl:! IIPt. ' to see doubl~ Mus k ra h \L@ been d eSlgnll e ' liS Iu five . ' priCE! Ing from tbe ee struck with his drlv· ot l h . . C\'cr ;:·, t ala n,; more rap141 t I ' tb ball e ' . bodied, iotelltg ent farm Il!borer s ~l 75 per busbel. 'l'he Glyde orop a bIrd at a dIstanc e of about --Ihn!l 1 II T\\ e. 116 monlh I1go 1 caul i\ gJ\W~ an ma lWI t forty ~ :eason have We Do Not Recom mend been furnish ed to farmer s in sold prinoip ally t·o oannin g yards. Tbe ball traveled on with rcnrcl'ly Will!! r,nd t o';oy I am worklnd y from anullhr li S USUItt. slli 0 pr I s 'd ?-1), (j 'le lor r uined my Itomac~ New York t:Jtate, 1.'he pla,n . seems, ()Ompa nies ' at Clvde '8utherl tLDrl's Ellgle Eye Snlve for Raoooo n IlS a tlQ 1IS en pace I'ort Cltnton scarcely abated speed. The bLrd tell Vdlh C" o.u l o - ; I~ u1 50 trIed to keep nn ' ' me tu)'ytbl ng but, the uy~s. It IS"' speedy b j I di t' to tho f ' b fuh &"round and d t~ be eallneb tly 8UCOel!s(1l1. when pIcked up fr om l fil:ln~ : 'alurc's Creation , Doh,Uh , and J!llyria. The largeRt oherry or· was and harmle ss cure for ~rJl.nulated der t e or 6 o ,Ion 0 t l' a Itn found not only to be dead. t,.hnt Btundlng Ihnt lilt s \\ o n de r t ul med~te11i .. _ .ohard iu . tbe State, consist ing of lid!!,. ~ororojonl'l sore 6;1'e!l, StYf s game departm ent wi ~h an open was expected, but neatly de opltated . bllBlilo eUrLII !l n y Cllli ell thllt he sen· If a man does well in 11 small town elJ!.hty acres Is located weak eyes IHld dimnesl:! of ;vlsl,)O. ,son from Novem 'Ier 1st to Marob near Clyde --Coun tryside Monthly . treated u llllu l!ces, ru lly. Nature' . 1st. T,blt }II.W provide s that ,m usk he soon gets tbe idea t!on hRs hel ped y 8Tomucb 80. that Sold everyw btlre 25~ ~--. tbJlt be oould .... RUlhlnl l for Tralnl, e:m now at nnyt htng I wllnt wtthOa .... rat Ilnd raccoon may he ki,l led by do .l'eUer .In a O!t.~ CHINESE AN.D VACCINATION ?lfra. Charles WhItney, who 1I1'8S In nny t roul,: lit R)\ . I IIho ll alway. b Carneg ie saY8 thera ,u ro two .ido!' tbe owner 'of proper ty at aoy tilDe , Overbrook and wbose husband comes glad to r, rn \ ~' nl.! r eco mlUond thlll 'WODto IIODle of hts B8 ooiJites ' dl vorO! exoep to town every morclnlr, ca.lIed the cJ ortu l me rll clo o :tor oonsumpUoD &Ilcl ~ nu·d ay. God mllde a woman on t:;aturd ay I ' Ille s Il is absolutely necessa ry I a\orlBl' , but nl)o~ OUles for 1be man'6 rhe above were the on Iy ohDnge s -I.lt the eod of the wettk- wben he never like to get a Chlall.man started maId 1esterd ay wttb rather ezolt.ed Yours truly. , atde -The Gimlet . directio n. . was tir~ - A lex . Dumal Fils. m'l.ue. on the vacclnaUon ,ame because h. "Oh. 'Sarah! " Ihe wd, "I hado't never knows where to lltop," sald a notlood how late It Is. Go upltalrl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~ l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. mt s 8tnn~y . "He ftgh~ aga~8t the and teU Mr. Whitne y to hurry or (:" .n S! ; !{ ' DU NlO'. lUff. 20, .~~~~~.,•.;;;;;~-•. ;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ l lnlt~Uon wl~ ~l ~e stubbor nness of he'll mtll bIB train." T ) , 0 J !lI\r, ,," that tuboroulo sllJl mOIlJi: I h.ls orIental nature, but once ' he be" ~' . •·.;".·I" J' ~ f rOln a batl cold '! "I have calle.d htm," Sarah anlwero " " . I',." IQ,!I\Y I n the f1rn IItqea comes convtnced ' of the emcacy .of proudly, ,iand 'be saYII, ma'am, thatd '"111 "l "'ce ,, ' ''! J In t th Ink. thel r h'oublo . . "_ . vaccine virus 'be goes on ~e prlncl'ple It I puts the crapefr ult jU8t outsIde I ~ , :;1>' " 1.... 1 " "I ll ,>I' Cl! lo.l'rll.( l)oD'Q y,td L to l!) I ",'~ ; ~." I fo r bo oklo£, ' whlcN , t,h.at' y~ cah'tle t too mU;Clb of a good the door and .the chopa on the /l1 \'lw 1111' hl~I .\ I· Y or .,nLlny cuse).! wh.lcqr tbln&" aud ' wiLnta a dose of tt for every . Itep and the rolls and colfee on top will I:" I!Oll(!l 1 "~6 "~ WI! the .1'llnl' it 1 0;- . ' " I. P• '11I ) .'.11NalI:roaUy. l i re'. c,~, III tba£ besets· him, The ChlnamaJl .lan~ be can catCh . the &:10 rloll I " ' . l ·.: 1'.1 l,;l;J~.. 'J',,!",, ' aU ' JI.k'1IoI ' ·tra!D." 'wllo hall , been once vl:()Clnat.ed wanta' toluwL.u,," ,'It .' done all OTer .pin ,~very Ume he , !!!!!~~!!!!!~~~~~~~ !!!!!~!!:'!!~!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;' a .bad hea.dache:: If ·. ~8 pretty on 'ChinMe .. chn~ren .whpl!e' 'Pa.!. ~ve' f~nned,' , :t.he .. va.cclva t\on '~: 'I t . th~ ..pIl!ltona.rles and dOOl 't&8 ,didn't. wa~Clb -OUt tbelr"lItUe arml wouid tie · tD ' a ~ ltate· of .eruPtlo n· haU' , '. . . :.
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tile"earueat aci_r. : "
"1·-• • Uact1J what yOU're ' C(lID\D' · at," ':rep1led· T&l'aDtDl&- TIm. "Where.. four· &ce.'Ja ~ bleiMlD~ iUl·~l' ·fo be &dllllrtd. 'aYe ·of · ' .' Ida' ..~ '1lJlo ' _ tiI......~· · . ' -....;.;.;.;......._ _ _11111!_ _...---------
Practical Fashions SEVEN GORfi SKIRT.
(Copyrlahl. A.. C. McClure •
3ack Je"Uh. a Vlr lrl nlan. n ow Il b o rfe r p lalns mnn. 18 r idi ng n long t he Sn nta Fe tro.ll on th e I.;>okoll t (or r onm ln g W IH p nrUes of Bavng€'8. H e n o ll c~8 11 camp t1'1't1 at a dlBlance n nel 1 hen SIl • a Il'am .t1ach e<\ to a wago n and Ilt full sal lop .wwuec! by nJCln on ponle8.
CHAPTER 11 The Scene of Tragedy. Whatever mlgbt be the nature of the tragedy It 'Would be over with long before thJI .•md those moving black lpots a way yonder to the west. that be had discerned from the bl ulr. were IlDdoubtedly the departing raiders. 'There wal nothing lett tor Keith to do except determ ine the tate of the unfortunates. Ilnd give their bodies decent burial. That any had escaped. or yet lived. was altogether unlikely, unless. perchance. wome n had been In the party. In whlcb ca's e tbey would bave been borne away prisoners. Confident that no hostiles would be left beblnd to observe his movements. Keltb preBJOd steadily torward. lead· I~g bls hone. He had thus trave rsed tully halt a mile before coming upon any evldenc., ot a figbt- here tbe pur· lUe", had a~parenUy come up wltb the wagons. and circled out upon either side. lI'rom their ponIes' tracks there must have been a dozen In tbe band. ' Perb~1 a hundred yards turth· er alonl la:r two dead ponies. Keith examined t,hem closelY-both had ~en ridden wIth saddles, the maro of the clnobetl plainly visible. EvI· dently one of the wagon mules . had aJso dropped In the traces here, and jIad been"dragged atong' by hts mates. iJust 'beyond came a ludd.e n deprelslon In the pratrle down whlcb the wagon. • bad plun~ed so beavlly as to break bile of tJle .ules; the wbeel Jay a tew 'pr4a -"fAy, .and, aOme'what to the ' rlsht. there ~y the W1"8ok of the wag· on ttHlf, twCl de8:d mules sUll In the traces, the ".oblcle , Itrlppe4 pt con· tentll and oharred b:r ·llre. A hundree teet further along w~ the other wagon, Ita tongue broken. the cannl top rlp~d open" whlle between the .~o were Icattered oddl and enl!s of 1f'eartng apparel and provision.. with .. pile of boxes Imoldng grimly. The remainIng mules were gone, and no ~blance 'of lite remained anywhere. :Eelth dropped bls ' relns over his l'bone's head. alld, with Wlncbester oG>Cked and ready, advanced cau· ~
cottonwoods. These sen-ed to can· ceal hili own movements. ye t tor the 'moment. burning wilh passion. he WIlS utterly without caution. without slightest eense at pe ril. He must know who , was guilty at such a crime; he telt capable at killing them eveu as be would venemous suake!!. It was a perfectly plnln trail to tallow. for tbe fu gitives. apparently cop.vlucod at safcty. and coufldent their cowardl) deed would b e chnrged to Ind ian mlders. had made no particular etTo rt at oncealment. but had ri dden away nt n gallop. their horses' hoofs di gging deeply Into the sort t urt. On this reo treat they bad follo wed closely along the river bank. Illm lng for the tord. a nd almost before he realized It Keith was himself a t the wate r's edge where the trail abruptly ended . staring vaguely across towurd tbe opposite shore. Even as he stood there. real· Izlng the tuUllty of turtbe r pursnlt amid tbe maze at sand dunes opposite, tbe sharp reports of two rifles reach· ed him. spurts of smoke rose from tbe fartb'e r bank. and a bullet chugged Into the ground at his feet. while an· other sang shrilly overhead. Theile shoUl. although neither came sumcJenU,. near to be alarming. servo ed to eend Keith to cover. Cool·head· ed and alert now, bls first mad rage dissipated. he scanned the opposite bank cauUoualy, but could nowbere
Co.• Ulo.)
Keith had a lready stumbled upon tbe t rull!. alld WU ij de te rmined to verity It. Secure In this conception or the lit· nati on . yet !lUll I, ping a wary e ye ubout to guard ngRlnst !lny treach,e ry. t he IJlaln sman. discovering n spade In the nearest wagon. hastily du g a hole In tho sand. wrapped th e dead bodies In blankets. and de pOSited them tbereIn . plllng above the mound the c harred remnlns or boxes as some slight protection agnlnst prowling wol ves. He s ea rched th e clothing at t he men. but round little to reward the el1ort. a tew letters whi ch were slipped Into his pockets to be read later. some or· dlnary trinkets bardly worth preserv Ing except that t hey m lgllt q8 s l~t ill Identlrylng tbe victims. and. about the neck of the elder mnn. a rather pe· culiar locket. contnlnlng a portra it painted on Ivory. I{e lth was a long Ume opening this, the spring beIng very Ingeniously concealed. but upon .tInally s u cc~ dln g . he looked upon the teatures of a womnn of middle uge. a strong mature tace of marked refinement. exceedingly attractive stili. with smiling dark eyes. and a perrect wealth of reddish brown hair. He beld the locket open In his band for several minutes. wondering wbo she could be. and what possible connec· tlon sbe could bave held with the dead. Something about tbat face
CHAPTER III An Arrest The Santa Fe trail WIlS tnr too es· posed to be sufely t rn veled alone nn d In broad daylight. but Kell h consl d· ered It bette r to \lut suffici ent s pace between hlmselt and tbose whom he Ce IL conl:ldent we rtl stili wnt('hlug his mo veme nts from nc ross the r ive r. How much th ey might rlre ady sntlpl· don his di scoveries he possessed no monns at knowing. yet. conscious ot the Ir own gu ilt. th ey mlgbt easil y teel safer It he were ols o put out ot the way. lIe hod no anticipation of open attadt. but mus t guard agains t treach· er y. As he rode. his eyes never left tho zQ ta.r-n ~' N' sand dunes) nltQouf,b he pe rceived no movement. no black dot even which be could conceive to bo a possibl e enemy. Now that he possessed ample Ume (or thougbt. tbe situation became more puzzling, Tbl, tragedy whic h he had aCCidentally stumbled upon must have had a cau .. other than blind chance. It was tbe culmination of a plot. with some rea. Bon behind more Important tban ordl· nary robbery. Apparently the wagon' contained notblng at value. merely tbe clothing. provlllions. nnd ordJnal'1 utensils of an emigrant party. Nor . bad the victims' pocketa been carefuUy searcbed. Only tbe mules had been taken by the raiders. and they would be small booty tor snch • crime. (TO BE CONTINUED.)
' c.c r.Jllcr
5521 This s ltlrt gives UB a model which Is fln lshed with I.b e r n hllblt bnck or wltb the usual reversed plnlt nnd which Is trimmed at the lower edge with n band which may be omitted It pl·ererred. Serge. ch vlot. linen. pan· gee and other III at rluls may be used for thi s skirt QJ'\d the band; It used. mny be of contrasting s ilk or of the ski rt fabric, Tbe pattern (5527) Is cut In sizes 22 to 32 Inchell wa ist measure. Me· dlum size requires 6~ yards at 36 In ch material. To pror- ure thI s !llttlern send 10 cents to "Pattern Department." of this pnpor.
Wri t e name and Ilcldretl8 pla'n!)·. nnd be su r e io "Iva s ize and numbe r o( pattern. NO.
SiZE .. . ... ...... .. ..
NAME .. .. ................... . ...... .... .. · .' T O 't\· N . . .. . .. .. . . . .... ...... , . ... .......... ..
A!l:D NO .... ... ... . .. ..... .. .. ..
STATE . . .. . .. . .. . .... . . . .... . .. .. ......... .. CHILD'S FRENCH DRESS.
. . ..
BABY'S HAIR ALL CAME OUT "When my fll'!l t baby was six months -old be llroll e out on his hend wltb little blllllpS. 'riley would dry up and leave a. Ilcal . T hen It would break out again and It spread all over bls head. All tbe bah' came out and his head was scaly all over. Then his tace broke out all over In red bumps and It kept spreadi ng until It was on hll hnnds and Ilrms. 1 bought several boxes of ointment, gave him blood medicine, and had two doctors to treat blm, but he got worse all the time. He bad it about six montbs wben a trlend told me about Cutlcura. I lent and got a. bot tle of CuUcura Resolvent, a cake of C'utlcura Sonp and a box of Cutlcura Ointment. In tJiree dayl alter us ing them he began to 1m· prove. Ho began to take long naps and to stop scratching his head. Arter taking two bottles or Resolvent. two boxes of Ointment and three cakes or Soap be was> sound and well. and never bad any breaking out of alU' kind. lila balr came out In lltUe curls .all over bls head. I don't think anythJnI eille would have cured blm except OuU·
cura. "I bave bougbt CuUcura Oilitment Iond Cutlcura Soap several Umes sino. to 'uBe for cuts and sores and ba•• · never known them to tajl to cure what I put them on. Outlcura Boap Is th. best tbat , I have eVer used tor toilet purposell." (Signed) Mrs. F: E. Har· mon, R. F. D. 2, Atoka. Tenn., Sept. 10. 1910. Altbough CuUcura Soap and Ointment are sold everywhere. a sam· pIe of each, with 32·page book, wl:l be mailed free on nppllcatlon 'to "Cuticura," Dept. 18 L, Boston.
Ouulde World Practically Unknown t. the Dwelle,.. In the Land of Moab. MOlt travelers "ho visit the RoIJ l.and conteDt themse1.es with a TlIII to tbat restricted PlJrt Wellt of Jordan:. 1'be mountaInous regions ot· Moab, .. Been bT tbem freno Jerusalem. are Josl In the purple hase that constantJ, hangs over , them, .and tbe great stretches beyond are covered In m,.. tery. TbJs Is true partly because 01 the fewer historical Incldentll connect ed with the eastern reg1ona, but malDo IT on account of tbe great ab71ls 01 tbe Jordan valJey that has alwa:rs act eel as n barrIer. Few who descend lntf the valley. 1.300 feet below sea le't'O~ undertake to climb tbe bills beyond. wblch rise to a height of 3,000 teet. The most strlldng thing about Maa' bss always been Ita 'Isolation. HoWl ever mucb connected by race a6d rl alnlty wltb their western kinsmen, th' dwellers In Eastern Palestine have a' ways beeu distinct and their land. bave never been occupied by Uie n. tions on tbe west except through acu of aggreSSion and conquest. Even today this Isolation Is still felt In giving an Idea of tbelr knowledge 01 present day geograpby, one of them re marked: "There are only tour seas 11 the world, two of which are the Dead sea and the Sea ot Galilee." Both 01 tbese are In sight of their own hllla.Christian Herald.
'.lCf"", ·
Mrs. Ju st'" d-Tbere's nol hlng til tb e hOllse flt to ec,;. I'm going home to my mother. 1\1 ... Justw (I tbroke)-Walt HilI get my hat. aud I'll go wHh you.
Athlete. Who · Made Good. Wnlter B$rnes of Boston; wbo keep. &. close ,watch on ,blngs athletlo In New England. says: "Burr: Flsb. Withington and Flsber, lhe suecesslve Harvard football cap. talns, bave been notable examples of the scholar In athletics at Harvard. nDmllton Fish's appointment a li an In· structor In government at Harvard II an Index of his mental caUber ."
Death from violence had long since Refr8lhlng ~Ight. become almost a commonplace occur"FeeJlng blue today?" rence to Keith, yet now he shrank tor an Instanta. his eyes perceived the "Yes." "Let's go down to the bank and look flgQre man lying motionless This Is only a compromise French aoross the broken wagon tongue. The ilress. for the front has n: tull lengtb at some mon ey." grizzled hair nnd beard were streaked !lnd the IIUle skirt is only at tbe sides Puttln" on AI,... wltb blood. the tace almost unrecog· !lnd back. There are tucks at Mrs. Flubber Is a very lIuperIor pernlzable, whlle the hands yet gras ped each shoulder In both front and .. bent and sbattered rll:le. Evidently back, the neck may be blgb or Bon.1f "Ob, very. You'd tblnk sbe had the ,man had ' died fighting. beaten low. and tbo sleeves long or sbort. down by ove rwbelmlng numbers nfter Lawn. organdle, batiste and the like been to a half dO!8en coronations." expending Ms last shot. Then those are the materials usually employed Cor The Firlt Difficulty. flenc,!s' had sr.l\lped and left him where chlldren·s 'dresses. "I can marfY any girl I please." h e feU. Fffty feet ' beyond, shot In The pattern (6612) Is cut In slzell "Yes. but YOI1 oan,t please any." the back. lay a younger man. doubled 2 to 8 years. Medium size requires Aeroplane 'e 8Imp'" up ' In a heap. also scalped and dead. 2* yards of 27 Inch material. The working putll of the moder. That was all:' Keith scouted over a To procure thIs pattern Bend 10 cent. ft)'1ng machine are Inftnltel7 fewer ill t o "Pattern Depart e nt." of this paper . 'WIde circle, even scanning the stretcb Write name and address plo..nly. amI be Dumber than tbose of the automobU.. of gravel under the river bank. betore Bure to give el.e and number ot 'pattern. tbe motor boat, tbe railroad loeomo he could tully satisfy , himself tbel8 live or the steamship. Far more com· 'Wore no others In the party. It seem· t .,lex II the operation of a blgh·powered SIZE ............... . NO. 5512. ~d ImpoRslble that these two traveling motor car than that of a hlgh·powered alone w(1llJld ba ve ventured upon s uc~ NAME .. ................................... . aeroplane. Far more d"Ucatel:r ad· a t rip '11 tbe tace ot known Indian Justed are tbe thouslUlds ot part3 01 TOWN . ......... .. .......................... . hostllltt· Yet they mu"t have done tbe steam 01' electric locomotive thai 10. and Once a gain his lips muttered : ,STREET AND NO ...................... .. the mecbanlsm of the Oyln. machine. "Ot 'all the blame fools!" A Bullet Chugged Into th,. Ground at H Is Feet. It Is this very Ilmpliclty of constru~ STATE ..................................... . Suddenl1 he baited. sturlng about discover any evidence of lite. Little smiling up Into his own held peculiar Uon and operation that bas enabIe4 over tbe prairie. obsessed by Il new by little be comprehended the sltua· fasclna~on for him. gripping him with lbe aeroplane to outdo In cO:lUnuou. thougbt. an arollsed susplolon. There tlon. and decided upon his own ac· a strarige feeling of taml1\arlty. touch· illation every other known form 01 had appeared mere ly the hoof-prints tion. Tbe fugitives were aware of his Ing some dim memory' wblch tailed conveysn::e. except steamers. motor When He Was Quiet. 'By E. A quarter ot a century ago. Jobn T. '..T 1 r,,;,. d of tlie one ho rse alongside of tbe flee- presence. and would prevent bls to respond. Bnrely he had never seen boats and 81lJllng .hlps. and the.. Ing wagons "'hen tbey first turned crossing the stream.' )' et tbey were the original. tor she WBI not one to last named are able to "lalntaln their Raymond. ' the famous comedlnn , who Vegeta,b e wmpoun out from th e trull. and that borse had not at all Jiable to return to thll side be easily forgotten, an4 yet e:r8ll, motion only because of their bup starred In America as Colonel Sell· ~sh to let every ona Eo Pinkham's reme. been newly shod. But there we re two and tbus reveal' their identity . ..... To hair. expression. combined to remind driving mechanism, out of all propor- erB, Ilnd whose dramatic success was the yet well remembered. "There's dies have done for dead ponies lying back youder; nelth· altemllt any furth cr advance would be him of some one whom he had seen tIon to tbe buIll that II propelled.. .. I d ' For two years er shod . yet both had borne saddles. madness. but he felt perfectly secure but could not bring definitely ,to mind. MillIons In It, dec de to present the Ime. suffered. The docMore t ban this. th ey had been s pur· (rom molestation so long as he reo There were no name8 on tho locket. tors said I had ' tu. play, "The Glided Age." In London, Forgotten Food•• r ed. the bl ood marks stili plainly vls- malned quietl y on the north s hore. no marks of Identlflcatlon ot any kInd. mors, and the onl, It Is well to remember that man, says M. A. P,. London. lble. and on e of them was brunded; Those shots were merely a warning yet realliing tbe sacredness Of It, plants whlcb once were used as .ea· The story 'goes tbat. directly after remedy was the sur\e r ememberod Il tlow . a sta r an d a r· to keep back; tl1l3 very fact that tbe Keith slipped ,the fragile gold chain etables' have been allowed to drop o-ut Raymond's arrival. he entered GlIlIg's geon's knife. ,My tow . What could all this porten'd ? men firing kept concealed was proot about his neck. and s ecurely tJd the of our' bills of tare. Our forefathen. Am\3 rlcan Exchange. then a famous reo bougbt me Wn\I It pOEslbl e lhls attnck wus no positive that they simply wished to be trlnltet beneoth hI... shirt. ' Pinkham's for In stance. sometimes dined air elder sort and banking place , for Americans. Indi an aIra lr aft~ r a ll? Wus the dis· left ,alone. The)' were not atrald of It was noon ' by thIs time. tt1e sun top and burdock root, and the earl' nnd saw that tbe office was well filled egetable OOUl, pound, and today I fig\lrlng ot bodies. l ho scalping. mere· what b.e knew now. only desirous or high ove-rhead. and his horse, with shoQls ot the hop were considered a with many who knew him. am a, bealthy ' woIy done to mal;e It a l'pea r the ' act at not being seen , Confident as to this. dangling rein. still , nlbbJlng d~l~tll' g·re~t delicacy and wore cooked and So. In a loud ton e. he called to tbe n,an. For mo~ths flnvages? Driven to Inv es tigation by he retreated openly. without making at the short gra's s. Tbere 'w al 11.0 rea, , eaten as asparagus. Walter Jerrold. manager : "I say. ,Gillig. bow does one I 8ufIered froni in. this suspicion. be passed ngaln over Lhe slightest effort to conceal hili son ror tlls lingering longer. He' swept In hls "Highways . ,.!lnd Byways In send money to America?" yourl:>ilnative Wash ~ the trampled ground. marking th is movements. until he had regained the his gaze the length and breadth ot tbe Kent." recalls a ' tJ~e when Kentlsb ' A week after his opening In the me. Your Liver Pills .have no time ev ry separate Indentation. e,,· scene ot murder. In e vidence of tbe desoltite valley. and , ncross" the rlv'e r children could ~tell 'of many pleasant piece 'he a~aln presented hhuseH at the as a cathartic. Anyone Wishing 'ot , what your medicines have cry 'fal!ltesf If!1]lrlnt of hoot or foot. truth at hIs theory no furt her ,shots over lhe sand hills. ' All o.llko appear. hours spent among tbe hedges In exchange, . and. s linking nOisel essly for me cap get it from any drug. The re wm. no ImpreSSion at a ruocca· were tired. and altbough be watched ed d8serte'd, not a movIng thlOg beIng ; search of tbe wild : bop top and of over ,to Mr. 'GlIlig's comer. wltb his ,glstOJ,'bywrttingt(,)me. , Youcan-us8 sin any-wb r ; every marl" rema Ining that opposite sand bank carefully. not visible betw~n the blurts and the tbe ~hoicsome suppers made upon the ,hand ' sbcittlt;1g' art bls ; tones. QuIetly, Ply testimo~al in' al1Y way _yo~ wisb. was of booted feet. The IiUerenoo lhe slightest movement revealed tile stream. , SUlI h,e had tbe unplensuJ,lt , well earned ' treolsure err) thllY learned wblsPllred: "I say, Gillig. how dc.cil and twill be glad to anB\V8r letters."was umcJE'~~ l y ,pratn - thls had been p.res ' nce at <?tbers. 'That every m~ , ieellng of 'belJ;tg '.Vatch~d. ,&lid _It''JI;lad~ to think their tood tbe "b'ettez: Cor be- one ,get money' from Ame·rlca 7" ~rs. C,URISTINA. ~: 1~1i Mo.Uncl. S~ tbe de ed of wbltEl men, not of red; foul tIon he tnade was being obseJ"Yad by him restless .and eager ,to 1)~ ,away.,: Peoria, ,Ill. . r Ing rare and oost~. ~_ ' ttlurd 'r,' uQd '~ol ,s a vilgo wo,r. kee n eyes be ha d no doubt., bllt , this The earllel' g~st ot anger •. {he- "I'p.lrfr , They ' Gcnet;ally' Do ' . er,Q llemtion -A,;oide«L The ).,710 I dge 5 enleG ' to s ea r k'~owledg9 d id not 'dis oncsrf hl!,l: o~ r~venge .. ,ha d lett, hl~. J>ut- It :had . "1 began on tb e lowe·st. round at tbe 9rlean,s, JJ~'-':'''·for·yei'l'B I sutKt\ltll·ti .braln \\·Itll: ,,"::t\. nnU be '8prang now thlit be felt cdovlnced fenr Qf riV merely chal)g~d Into a dQ'ggoo resoh,!· A Nar,row Elcape. , . . • ",I, was O.nce tll'gln'g a bac.',belor,P , ladde~." tli~ :solf.nI'2UJo mnn IlrQudly from , female ttouble8~ to L~ , f f,!.'t . hanels .q.a cl.lnchl:!l1 and eyes ' veulment wlluld' keep his watcher«" a~ ' Ion' to , ,dlscQver, the pe rpetratqrll of ' I . my bed'&nd b~'lI g'. H · could ua\"', uplleved th l>! n snfe 'dlstance, Whoever they , might'. this pu~rage and , brfng tbem to Justice ' sr.ys ,George Ade, "to' remllin at tb. declared. "Yes:" replied the maD wbo bad just ,Opi~l'S,t;lOn wasJleces.. o IndiAn S. It was IlC ordh'lg to ~helr be t hqy ' were evidently more . anxfous fo'!' ~he crime. 'The tace In the 'lopk~t olub 'for Ii ga~e -of carc,ls; .but be In· been prene d toto a oot;iler. by blml ,~a.!!bie IIVe~ .. Ilature. tltt>lr ru t.hod of wlIl'hll'e ; but to esp'a pe dl cO"ery tha n, b4! was fear.' s~m ed ~o ask , It ot ' hl.a., a,oil hill os. slsted, that lie must 'call upon a , a tlrst, and . ,"and )'ou pro'cet'lde1 as soop as' YOU . eta , ,possessed no deslr~ t ure' ur-ge d reBPo"B,e. . B ut ' h e ~UI"d Crlend. I, finally sailI l tho cowardl n lit' of tt; the' ntrocl(, ot ,ul or attack. and , , , an oj)eratlo]),"-ltte. were througb with It ,to .klclt It ' out... t b. art, as cfll trnted by men or hi s to take his IIJe. wiless ' It becam" bQpe td ,accomplish notblng more VDon't ' you ,know , It sa dsngeroUJ PE'~hox.l~U ,~lerec New , . owo race. lu ~ taUtly aroused wlth\J\ necessary to" prevent ,recognition. ,bere, and ~he platn~an -'!Ung him· (or' a man to call 1.\pon a lady after 1M blm a cll:lll for engelln(Xl. fie They s UII bad every reason to believe selt Into the saddle, He turned his has been dl'lnklngt " , . :' ' Qnted ', to Mill tbe fellowS' down. to th Ir attack on the wagons would· be borse'. bead '" eastward, and rode ' " 'Tbat's so/ said my bacbelor rrleDd dlllCO\'e:o: t elr ld nt \Vitbout ('redlted to bosUle, India ns, and wotlld awlLY lI'rom ~e \1ee'piy rutted ttnll as he took oir his ba~ ~nd I>r be 'ran «Jnslder It Car Bater to remain con.' Jut look~ back to w~er the ftt'e .t'ln 'UaD, a"maD bas "QjPlII1lU I.el'dl. eealed, .nd tbus 'Iuber .lbl. suppoa;.'lmOked 10 tbe mletlt of Qat. desolat.
ot "
tine DC IIJOD.
~d DOt ' .upect
t!iaI., dlaace.
How a Severe Calle Wan Cur ud After Doators Gave Up Hope. J. C. R eimers, Lltcb fle ld St.. St. Paul, Mlnn~ lOllys : "I was eo had i could not arIse fr om lIe tl. rln e was ,Caret 'ul Exper iment s Have Show n That One to Two Barre ls dark and scant, I wus thin ond e maclud other ilia, due COD ofWa t,cr Are Neede d to Produ ce One Pound ot'Dr y By MARY EAST WOO D KNEVELS IioD of the wer, Stomach aDd BoweIe, aled,lLn d had Inte nse Matte r-If That Is Not A v'sUab l e Crop SuC. pain In my bacl< and may be obtained mod pleuantJ , aDd {ers and There Is a Lessen ed Yield. head . My 11m Ils molt promptly by UIini S,rup .f F'IP (Copyright, IQII, b, AaIlO<lI..1.e<I Llte .... rl Pre_> sw e lled and s tomacn and Elim of Senna. It ia DOt • DeW On his kneea In the mud under a up the milk from 'down bloated . I go t so low (B y O . W . SMITlI. ) sellar'" said ble plant food. the older Il ur fnces be and ,untried remedy, but is ..eel Iry drlYlng rain Robinso n carefull y exam· he, "but first I'll slep th at I was Ilept alive Th pla nt ge ts th e fo od supply IlIg cove red with a tou gh luye r at tned lb. overtur ned cllr. Lydia, his You watch him till out to tbe barn. tbrougb the by st lmlJlnnt s. Tbe millions of weD.informed families throuc~ wot I come r In th e pla nt, wblch bllr k ·lik e sell s. back (J~at wrappe d round her, sat on ODe (ll ease." do ctor told my rllm· 0IIl the world to cleause IUId nreeten ' It dr' lul,s In or abso rbs from the Boll Tb e roots of ot her c r cal G' ralns o the cushlon ll und I' a tree ' Ilud 1Iy I wa s In tbe lus t 1 Lett to berselC Lydlll bad the brll- throu gh tbe membra no us tlUrface s of Are qulle Rlm ll ar. nnd aDd atrengthm ~. l)'ltem wheDnoer a t il e roo ts at wept. She wos unhurt but unnerve d lIant thougbt of ~ettlng stnses of Brlght's the roots with lh elr root hah's, wblcb ta me h r BSBe ~ pe n trale t o like the de pth s. luative remedt it Deeded. from the result or tho ae 'ldent wbl'l1 th e lime she hnd collecte table. Dy Int e r grOlltly di sease . and could In c re as e th d cups SRU ' s urface The clo ve rs go n Illll o cIcCl1 I' ",'bile llad occurre d- 3bo 1m e .w -enll n ot la s t three duy s. When buyiDf note the fuD l ' Iy ee l'S, plntes and a howl for tbo ' buby conu oC' lIoll s of lbe pl :lOt \\'lth th e wa- some pC' r 11 11 1<1 1 fiel d ('rops , Ilk.. 111- As a lost r esort th ey gave me Doa n's tllrough htl(' own reckl es s drlvlug. l::Ille lto blnsOll returne of the Compan y-Califo rnia f1I d bearing co ld bum leI' of th e !lull. ' falfll . e xtNtrl O1 uc' h d l't' pC' r. Il lt l In IUdn ey Pill s a nd sli ght Imp rove me nt recull,e d Ro bin son's qui lly · utl el'cd butl e r [lnd a pllcber Large qua nlltl es of wnt (' r th ll s to :: en all c as es l it O plll il ~ gel Ill ust oC milk. Co.,-pri ' nted on every pacbre of of th eir W rlR notl ccuble. wilroing Jlls t before th e y liad turn d I kep t getti ng bette r " 'I'b~ lable's r cady," she eald gaily. In by th e Il a nt s a r e "b re Uth ell out" food In lit lI fl l' f'I' ,cnuine. l u ~' " rs o f soil. that last oo rner wh re tiley had IOSl an d be tto r u ntil at lu st I was abl e to ""\o'he re's Ihe bahy?" asked Robin. Into the nIl' throu gh I he leaves. Th e Sl lI c'e tlte fu rr nw ~ I k,' II lI d III pa rt lea ve my bed . From lhe tIre-It WIl8 tho only tblll g be Ilad son . R..war price SO' . . bot. ODe . . then 00 I gain ed (luantlty of wat I' thu s t nke h In Rnd of lit e seu bsnll ju s t b lo w Il a re tbe ra said eluce ehe hud Inl c rrulJt lld IlI B pIdly. It was but a s bo r t ti me betal. by all leadiDt cIruaIetaHe was gone. Afte r an anxious gIv en o ut hy t!t tl p la nt IB e normou sTHt OQI '> tNI\I .... ,1 ' r,~ t.lI1N r . stamllle ring. llomew hlll II bashe d dec- sear h Ho bill tSOU found [ore I W :JB as well as e ver ," him In the s It· fl e ld cro ps co ns unt 1ng 200 to 500 ~. lam lion (Jf love by I1n ubrUI)t and tl ng roo lu wood bOlt R e nw m\.)er tbe n ll me-D onn' s. "S'l: K U 'P nt F G ~ ot ' I'd and carried hIm pounrl s 01' wn t er 10 e:l~ h pOtl nel of r1rr fIC(Jrntu 'I, "No! " For ·sRl e by d ruggi st s and general bll ck to his hIgh chair at lno Itltchen lIlatt I' Ih py I ~ dd to th olr o wn we igh t 1R '?t SEN N l\ Robin so n mile frolll hi t! kliees a nd tub le, while LydIa, mueh ! sto re kee pe rs everywhere. Price 600. , 1..,L, ~ ; ;-'1)(.. HlJFAC ashame d ot In gro wllq,;. rURE.O BY CURle to h r. ""' c' ll leave the ca r hen; If. made tbe tea. t l~o~ t er. l\IlIbu rn Co ., Buffal o. N Y. The rool s 'If ,OU I' fi elel crops are wllel'o It ls ," be saltl, " Ilud go on Ii "'I'lt ere's a good horse In tb e stu- mil c h long'-r. mu c h mo re nlllD c rOllS. bit Ull we Ond Ii boulie. COUl e. (~u n hl o," sa id Robluso n Resting Must Be a BuslnoS8. as they sa'" down, sllrcad fal he r nn cl pe netJ'll t o Into th e you s larKI T ' Will ~1. Ross, a well-Im own write r "lind one of those- er- buggle s . Dut 801\ to ~r e a t e r dopth s lbun mOS l peopl e 'u r ~ t (' \' ens P oint, Wi s., wbo Is himself He beJllC(\ Lyd ia to ber foe l Ilnd of course we cnn 't leave 11 I he fairly open , thi s poor lit. reali ze. as lly a cu red cOn Stlmptlv e. bold s tbat un· they trudged alon !; ' th o roa ll half Ii tie 'h ll p he re alone. pe ne tra and ted 8 we 01l ~, wh e re th e up po r porcan't take mll or mol' Ull Ih Y ca m to II s ma ll hi m wllb tJ lI." Ics s ref; t1n g be a mes a bus iness to the tion of th", clUrth Is ofte n 100 dry for tuh r C lllo s l~ pn t lent, h mlgbt as well wbUe bouse, lhe ouly hnul lntlon tn "Good hea vens, 110, " said Lydia. tbe plant to f~ed, crops send th eir gll'e up his fi gb t for II a lth . "The pe· Eight. Half & doze n chlcllll a s hucldle o HWIIl you take ' sugar In your tea? dee pest rOOlS d ownwar d four 'lo sIx 200 Million Bushe ls . r lod of Infectio n wltb tu her culos ls," en Ihe back s te J\s fo r pr.al CUOll What do you suppose feet and In BOrlle ('nses mil ch deepe r. these people Wheat to be Harves ted I be SllyS, "Is not a vaca ti on. It Is a agaill s t UJ() nUn whIch still [ell to wll\ think when tbey g et back nnd Tb e gre nt r nlllllbe r at r oots. bow· lw n ty-four·b our·a ·da y job. Tru e It Is , Harvest Help In Great Deman lorrents . Th ere WIlS DO bell 80d Rob· alld us mak.l ng ourselv d nero are In lhe upper 18 In ches at es at borne?" In son Imoc:lIe d 10 val li. a pertod of Idl e ne ss, but on e of Int 1Oh A t C rlr p sho IIl1rtb wn, . lie K t e ln r o o t s or D ('o rn '.Ige nl, " ,yOU leave tba~ to me," said Reports from the Provinc es of dIrected Idle ness, The day's " Tb rc can't be lill Y on at fla me," Ro bin son ell8lly. ''I'll p ln n t nen r lY rcn cJ y t o t i l sS pl on t. TIll'S" Th e rich est portion of th e soli ' and ronlH explllln ." He Manitob a, Saskatc hewan and Alberta "II II a \'I' Iht! lr orl grn In lile h n.~ · u l \Vorll should con sis t of rest ; r est s obbed Lyd LA. NOb, dct.t r , ~' ba l Billl.l~ broke a piece oC bread the purt (Wester n Canada) indicate one of In whIch Into the the baby plnnt 'll likes' t h ~ best 8\ rn . a n d PRc h o n e w do"" ha~ fu n ll Y "hOllld be tb e on ly bu siness on hand , "D . 't " the best crops ever raised on the bow l of milk lUJd sprlnltle d s ugar over to fe ed, If s uffid ent Wilt r Is prese nt, breln .. hes. T h~ cl o Lt ~d IIne~ m ll r k " IT Tb e IIglJt exercise . or boul' of read · on w-orrJ. continen t. To harvest this crop will I ll. " Dy Jove," said be. "we are roth- 18 th e lower half 0:- two thirds of th e tS qu u r u ( '(' 1. T h e lu r g e-fol l .-no t a p ~n ctrallJ lng, slJould be cons idered os the reneurl )' rour fpl' t downw nrrt wl ,lI " 1 1t~ In alloU1el' mome nt h bnd fo und ao e r suug he re. aren't require at least 50,000 harveste rs. furrow s Hce. With great or dE'ptb the pp we !" ' r e nil h or Izo ntally l n/: t h p hra n t' h ' ·H. wa r d of a good day 's ,,'ork, like tbe uufasten~ window , craW led In , and He beum d cheerfu lly upon Lydia plant obtains food with more diffi culty , n o t ah o\\l fI In 6, wnInH l'1ull Low Rotes Will be Given nve r .dx r"(~ L T h l1l evenIng of sllpper ed ease to the tired Oil li ed the back door for L)'dl a, She who In hs r heart Wblle lh e dee pesl roots douhtle ss d r a w Ing w us m u d" rrom A pl nrtl n e nrl) bu s lnes!! on All Canad Ian Roads agrced. men at th o e nd of the day . enter d n ele anly wbltt'w as hed k1tchThe comfort ot the slmplc meal was eecren orne food, theIr chief function e v ery s Lrorn r oo t o r w l ll(" h w ns dU E; o ut Excursi ons are run daily and 'full by m ea ns 0 1 a ~ mfl ll \\' (Io d p, . I r w e I. ll1 (1 rill s r ecreatio n , bOW6,'e r, should liE.' ('II wllb 11 s LOve, a dresse r. - a,nd un no t s poiled by th e coarse china, tne Is to bring water from d e p In tbe I ' nglh , deplh particul ars will be given on applicaanll dl re 'llon o r Ih rl)t" con s idered only ae ao Inciden tal re011 clotb CIll' e rc d table fo r Its "rltl et· oIl cloth. or the presenc tion to the following authoriz ed Canae of tbe 1'1 . earth wbe n the BUpplv. near th e sur-' betng I\ t' ~ u nHc ly rcC'or ded on the dra w· sult of th e pullent' s work, not the VRI furnlturoe. Ing . rll culous baby spilling milk all over face Is short. These long. dian Governm ent Agent. The rat.es dee p pe ne- I . main {Jbject." " LYd~a s miled tbrollgh her ~U'l'S ' 1 hI s bib. There they are made to apply to all who wish to sut In tho cozy tratlng roots buve f w bronch es portion s oC \h e s oli whi ch s upply the .Ob. I m so gla d to G'el sO llle wlulre kItch e n like one familytake advanta ge of them for the pur· and the tace mOllt congeni al and lh o rI ches t pas· His Criticis m. out of tb u rain," s he said. pose of inspecti ng the grain fields of s he ben t low ove r ber place went turA ge t o the r oot s of cro ps, lbe aim An old man s tood au the street cor" Evld.e n~~ DO one 's at home ." s.ald s carlet at th e thou Western Canada, and the wonderf ul g bt. Coupled with of Ul [orm e r ner Bho ultl be to keep th em In Cherryv ale whe n the trolley I:lobl~ on, a nd I ca me In th e regu ln- lhe lat ness or opportu nities there offered for those tlie hour anCl thetr rong s up p lied with tbe pron eI' amount at atopped and le t olr n woman paSBen· lion wny." He sbowe d he r the It Y distan ce from home who wish to invest, and also those the situatio n was mois ture and to provld th at mec h an · G' r. Sh had on a line n dress. a Panwho wish to take up actual farm life. hangIng on a pie "e of s trI ng jus t out- becomin g embarr ass ing. and yet.-an d Ical conditio n whi c h bes t pro motes the ama hut, cbomPll gn e-colore d hose and ~Id Apply at once to tbo door. Now , tu l. a ort that y I-sll was e njoying It! growth and yie ld of tbe c ro ps. s trapped pumps. ' "Gosb!" e xclaime d wet coat," 'be ord r ed . "nod ma lIC "YOIl don:t know bow pretty YOI\ H. Hi, WilLIA MS 'rhat n crop d I'a \V S Ull lhrough lis tbe old m en. "I'd sllend less money yourset r as comforl able as YO U en n. look with your bail' 413 Gardn erllld8 ., Toledo like that!" said rOOlS. and allow s on lO my va po bonn'et r nte , and an 1m· bu y some 60cks." I'll gooll people IOon 't obje t. By Robinso n s uddenly He drew bill chair meose anr ou nt of wale r bas bee n Che rr),\, nle (Kan .) Journa l. J<',e, I've a mInd to ma ke YOu a cup closer to LYdIa's, ' but hIs t e nder clearly sbown In IlII !lar ts of th e CO llD · or t~ wblle we w 01l- 1 see tbcro's n 'f;P ecbes. tr h e bad Intende d to malte try. Their Species . Bny, were des tined to be Inte rrupted Care ful lt pe rlme n B In America Pro A P a rtl : a n- Mess r s. Rossma n for the second ilme that da y. A boy'. and In Euro pe huve shown tb a t one :lnd McCosk e r are an Ins urg e nt pall'. be nd was tb1'lls t througb the wIndow . to two ba rre ls of wat e r (~O O po und s to Anti Parti san- At all eve nts, th e y're "Gee!" Bald lbe bend. "There 's 500 po unds . are ncp.ded to produce a not a Va n Sl cld e pear. roli,s he re, Mlnnl , 'n the y've got baby pou nd of dry mn l e r of mnny uf an ' tbey're eaUn' sup;Jer olt'n' our If t his umounl ) C'r llw n nn" 810m roo t8 or (l matu re our com mon fie lds. Aa Willie Saw It, tblngs! " III th e soli th e crop t,to hcn t p ln n t. f r o ,,, one soed . 'rhE! re n re Is not nvallabl lI'I n-l s the cloc k runnIn g, Willie? Mlnule, a fourteen -year-ol d ~11'1. "" ... llb f) UI 100 ~ l P.ln rll<11a, ClH: h o( w h ic h hnd s uft ers. a nd If lh o Rll ppl y 18 IrrE.'g ular Willie- No, rna; It's Ju s t standin g IIA Y FEVE R SUFFERERS On recei ptor ODe 1I0ila r , 1 "llI lIend Cleoorlptlo tl d Into the klt cbe n. wltb .Johnny be- flJ r tcOtTH~ tlf!!itulI'c o n fin avpr ngo a bo ut lhe re Is a lessene d yie ld. stili nnd was glng Its talL-Ju dge. courso n' trou twanl. thnta~uJu t.ol ,_relte"ed Q of. . Iglt t btA'wh rOlll" 10 I tlo ! n(~ h , mak ing a hind Iier. I!:ltlllona Uons on slled. It wonderr ferlo, rrom 11a 1 ~'eY o r, III U """0 of 26111&\'11allanf. During wh en t growin g monthl; wh • 8'''''''ul Ill a t of roota In tho 8 11. luM'. ( .... 0 ...... ,11"'.1111' . ·.'••• lIrrl.h..,~.N.~ •• Jl.W.D •••.t de velop d tbat Jobnuy had boen th e foli age present s the g'rEla tesl e x.' More p eople wo u'ld succ eed If more .. swlmmi n· ... .ear tll e tip, while th e brancb es are pallse of surface and th e roots nre ,,"ould try. W, N. U" CINCIN NATI, N'O, 31-1111• "An' baby would have been all very numero us near Ule s urra e, whe re r eaching se\' ernl fe t Inl o tbe soil -- - - - -- - -' - - - - - -- - - - - -- - ---.:.- ---,;.. i ... . ..... :.....:..: ', ~,.. ; . . .~ be .. rOOls spread out 1<0 a s to reach ibe for wate r th e re Is u very gr eat draf t ulone If you folke hadn't come," said J' " ::' tt . " !\Ilnnle, her mate rnal heart wrung nt more conoen tr'nted 1)lnllt' food from at waler. lIle thought . I don't know how to w e ry nook and corn r or the furrow A con ~e rvlltlv e e s tImat e would pl a ce ,lice and the up perm os t layer of sub· th e aveJ'll ge thallk you ." mois tU r e pe r centage In 3011 . Only th e ollte r re 'eully develop · lbe soil hearIn g a wbea "Fly letting us borrow your horlttl t c rop 15 per and bnggy," saId RobInso n promptl y, !d ends of lh e root branc hes are a ctive cent. beJow lhat In lho soli bearing Arrange ments were soon made for '0 ahsol'bl ns water and receivin g solu· DO ,crop. their departu re. BefOl'e Lydl·(J. stepped Ill to th lJUggy she stooped and IdsHed ~ For Infan ta and ChUdren. the haby's very dirty little fuce. then she and RobIn son shook bands wltIJ Minnie and Johnny, and drove off toward the nearest rallrond station. ''I'll never run n cor again," snld ::-.&n 00 Constr ucted at Campa ra- May Be DODe ..IIIIIn"'.'lfU IIIIIUIUJUII UIIJJ.UIIIU liUliiiiiliiiiiiii i,i by MeanB oC [celesa Lydia mounrfu lly, 8S they passed the iJvely Little Expen se and IB Refrig erator Which [s ll1u8' J\LC6'Ji OL":' 3 PtE\ P;NT wreck at the side' of the rond o ' PraciJc al1Y Everla ottna"sted and DeS(;rt bcd }.~t('a~le Preparallon lorXs· "Oh, )'es, )Iou will," said Robinso n Di('ectt oDB Bre Simple . HereW ith. ~imiJaling ,he Faad and Ret:!ulacheertu lly, bls arm stealing around 'in~ Slomnchs and Bowe15 ar h r. There wns a momen t's silence, Found .. n Unfaste ned Window . }'OI1 can make nn eve.rlns tlng waterThe proble m of keeping butter and "Lydia, " stamme red RobInso n at last, tank of cement 1 at ",'(, a : ,\ STS ',c, (Ii ILl) H t~ N compar ath'el1 milk coolon the farm Is a difficult one. ftr• .Jn the stove:' He belped Lydia "could I-may I-ask you someth lul low cost. Frost will not Injure It It writes L. W. Forman In lhe PrairIe off wl~her cpat., "Hullo -whnt's all over again ,1" _ I ~ Is mlldo right. A tank 6 by II and Farmer. An Iceless refriger ator Promotts D~stion,Churrul· tbls?" He hnd cs'Ught sight or a scrap made And this time be wall not Inter. three feet d sep Is large enou.h to accordi ng to the followin g descrhlt lon ness and Rest.ConlC!ins neilhu of paper on the corn Of o! tbe dresser rupted . bold water 'Cor IIlx ly cows. ~ os ts lit!!'! r,nd wtll do tbe worll vcry Opium,Morphine nor Mintral aod he brour;ht It to Lydln. Three men cen mnke thlB kind of Batlstac i.orlly, "Johno y"-tbe note rall -" l\!a hJl ~ NOT NAR C OTIC . a tank In one day, after the sand .and FAITH The refrlger alor III made tram an ilent for me to fet ch Benoy so you JACKSON'S ...,;. _ cement hnve been hauled. Excaya te ordinar y dry goods bOlt. '1'0 constru ct, look after Buby. Dee sure lind don' t Jeave the house. The milk Is down Confede rates' Greates t General Fought ab'out fOllr Inches dee p tor tlie fOUD· take a box nbout tweln.' Inches deep, the Fight of Christ With the Same dation. Put one or two Incbes of twenty· four Icl'11es long , and twenty· sellar, Minnie, " Fury aa Other Battin. crushed rock In the bottom. Th, four Incbes wide. In one side make a At tbls momen t L)'dla and nobln· frame Cor tbe side Inay be made from door of conveni ent sl7.e, s ecured son beard a piercing wall Cram close by Religion took possess ion of JackstlD, ')Id lumbe r. The beUer tbls fits to- tw o hinges and a hHsp. Tack two or at hand. not suddenl y, but with a gradual . 'tether tbe more' It wm Improve the three ~hlclmes s es of turlap on the "A bnb),'" cried Lydia. almos t jump· fieroe encroac hment thnt In the end 1Ppeara nce of th a tank wben finished . outsIde. moklng allowan ce for tho Ing out or her chnlr. "What a gUas tly grasped every fiber Apcrftct Remedy forConsllpaof his being. Like It must be bmced flrmly In81de and door. After se t!lng the box on end situatio n!" lion, Sour Stomach. DiarrhOea, a ve ry &lmUa,r nature In 11 dIfferen t ')utslde. ' Then put In the mlltture at , "1:'001' little cbap. I'll look blm IIpl" Rpbere John Donne, Worms ,Convul~ions ,Feveri ~h· be examin ed nil Band and cement In the proport ions of In 11 ,momen t R!lblnso n relurned cl'ecds f1~st. notably the ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Catholic , but tbree sand to one cement. Use Port· v,rltb A, ye.llow- balred, red ·cheeked tlnully Rellied lu on ..~ austere and sturdy land cement. baby about Il year old ond dumpecl fae Simile Si~nalurc of a lvlnls m. Not that bls religion "as The sand need not be scrpene d If it him down on Lydia's lUll. " Is n't Ile a gloomy or bitterly lioceUc; for it had Is not too coar fl , For tank of this jolly little fellow?'" Robinson remnrll' g rellt d pth s of love In It, nnd sunny size, It takes_ about twenty sacks of [I. "I do like bnbles. I say, If you po s~l llillll e s at 'T.,!: CENTAUR COMPANY,\ JOY, Hut ,It was nil, cemeut nnd four louds oC sand. Wire don't· mind, I'll talte 01T my cont, wy aIH;Orhlng, snd he fOllgbt NEW YORK the fight 01 oetting makes vcry good reinforc e· shoulde rs are gettJng cbll ly. l'\oW. It (lod with tho same tury ,t hnt he gave meuts but gas ·plpes or iron rods YOU'll look after tb e . Infant. I'll see to the battles ot thIs world. There would be 'b ~ tte r . 'rhe sidES may be wilut I can do about ten." DlUSt be no weakne's s. no trifling, no tomped , a littl e to make them fill out Lydia held the boby as It he bnd IncoJl s lstency. "He weighed his light· the frnme well. The sldos of tbe tank Guaran teed under the Food! . b~en a hot potato, althoug b she WIlS es t utternnc o In the balonce at the should be about IIlx Incbes thick at tryIng her best to act as It sbe knew san ctuary," writes anI! Buct Copy cf Wrapper. wbo knew him the bottom and four at tbo top. Make ". ••• n.v • ••• MWI, . . . ft_ •• .". What to do wltll hIm. But thi s fright · we ll. Chl'lstll \ns Bre ' enjoIne d te thf' outsldo perpenQ lcular and tile Inened lookIng· gIrl wltb arms 111<0 prny. Therefo re Jnckson ' I : " . prayed al· Jlde sloping. It should bo five feet sticka did not lIult tbe IHlIe chap at waYs, even In aSRoc,laU on · wltb the w:de at the bottom I\nd ,five feet four all, and be Bet u]1 Il : loud ,yell, Lydia lightest I~ct. '1 never raIse could no't do tblng with him, ancl water to my lips without a ' glass 01 In c he s at the top. Tbls will keep the mUng" my tleme llt from ciracklnK' wheD tbo water ., when Robinso n bad silently obs'erve d heart to Ood In tbanks Refrige rator Ready, for Use_ !lnd prayer for f,·en.es. this, be ' took , tlie cblld out of ber the watel'" of lI~e." They , must t:oAft I' the sides bove been made, ft.x armli, set him on' the floor, and ~aklng member the Sabb!\th ., day to keep It the bottom'. T~ls , 8ilould be mode two set on, th~ top a' !Seep ,vessol filled with (lIJ't ,bls babdke rchle'f, with tbree 1l0ots holy. Therefo re JaCltBOn water nnd" In this basin P"t Btrlps of nO.l oDly reo Inell es tb.lc'k wltbout ,t be crusbed rock., ' nnd a -twlllt, made him II , beaullfu l ' rab- fralned frOm wrltt'ng burlap or wooden (;oods aboul . three 'leHers on Sun· Coat 'the tank wltb pur,~ ' cement , mabIt whlc,h bojltled. , Inches ID ' width, and at sumclen t , day; be would "not read, " leU!!r o~ king It more' ImPerv'lou8' 't o w,ater. . , Tbe baby 8topp~~ cryIng Rnd gl,Ir· Sunday ; he eyen. Ume(! If'nith to reaeb well dow.n the sides tbe, sending of , The Pink 81}0uld bl!' rnad~ In.'o ne dai ,gl~~ ~1.~; Jo1, Ai J,..ydill· watcbe~ RQb.. his letters so ,that -. iliey I~ould not s ~ tbat . \t will jpll1 togeth.e r, ..wel1~ of, box; J~lecure the atri'pli to tbe bqt1080n In bla ab1rt .8leeves In tb~ home- Inc~mber'the.. DiaJis tom ot ~i, basin 'by • wetght And tb. on' Sunday. , It, . 'Mnlte It a lIttJ~ lower a\' ~b' end arid ref,r .lgerato r . I,' kltche~ plil"tng W'lth :tbe' 'tat, . 'red- the' same' "",ftb ,a 'BcruP, II read;' for buslnesB . u lous' p'u~ a .t"io.lne h pipe tbrou,b t~e .' W.,ll , -:heeked " baby, site hardly Imew ' bl.m truth:' Ev.erY at.ateme -'~belvea 'may , be placed ID ' t.he box nt. even' at (be' bottom, Tbls .wlll be a help Iii to ".lilt " .ryingDe~.. ' for the same Ultl'l1-fas.t1dloUs ~ngllllb~ teren must be ezact; WbeD " comor Ulan sbe bail danced collllion s Wlttl, cotr.c'fe d, : .Alld 'J.CkS~D If Inexact ~Ieanlng. . . .Tbe overflow sbo.uld &1so plete .et Qutalde th~ house, ptefera blj walked b.e a placed' a this end. .' , Inub6ed . tflas~d' almost canslde'r ed a mile' ID the rain to where' prevaili ng windl caD paBs ' Oyer set "rlgbt, an, .... Btora&e tanks are sood allO a. Ii' ~.c " lloit, ~ward ,. be'\'!IlU"~ be ' bad illlW.ppro~ed ror :of .lnadver fance,-: :GaJualf . alid the cooling , r~u.lt1IIl o1 Brad- .• burce from wlllch to Irrl.ateiar4e~., a 'lIrl ntilnll) i ·ber .owp cnr. All a~ foret. from Ule rapId e'r.pol'a tioD of water re In' the . AUantic . A tank 16 b,. ,is by .. ,,111 holcl._ oulh dace. the. temper ature 'within the It a.me to 'Lydla that' be wit. ' boX.' '8~'". "atel' to Irr'p,te iOad-ala ed . .rdeu. The bOtter It 11 qutat4e P~lIfJC. aa ~d .... bard.,' lIIa12. or befler It than Ihe w , It ...llh. )111- llalt TIlII "01114 recalll.. about thln1 aaeb ,the wIIlda blow., -bab1 balanC!ec1 tha eOOler It will be "# 01 __.t. It oriS4 be 1IIa4. ID OD' di. aba bttle •• IODI ...... ,fta_
50,000 Men Wanted
in Western' Canada
,'0 •
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'The Kind You Hava Always Bought Bears the
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For Over
Thirty Years
., .
" .: .
JterrIDI. ·wllla f . .
riMD !:G04. . . .(.,~._"
IIrraar ..... '
The Oritinal White
LaundrY Soap
; ~EE~D ,WHEAT Mr. and Mrs J«>ff Smith .attende d Thos. Hunter , of Morrow, was in uqua F riday. Chauta town Saturd ay.
Mrs. Wm. Daugh ters was the rePies, Sandwiches Homer Har t . of Richmo nd, Ind., c~rd shower laSt post a of cipient here. s relative Cakes, is the guest of Hambu rger, Cheese, Saturd ay. Ice Creiun , Egg and Ham. Born-F riday. Augu t 11, to Mr. daughand Cold Waterm elon der Alexan . J A. Mrs. and Mrs. W. H . Orndor f. a daught er. ter. Kathe.r ine spent Sunday at MainPeanu ts, Meats Master E lliott Wright is spendin g vi ll e. Ohio. Confec tionery a few days with relatives at SpringAll Kinds, Cooked in Cigars and Tobacc o HenW. N. L. Bunnell and Dr. C. boro. Any Style. last 'Ohio, rg, Leesbu in derson were Miss J essie Marlat t. clerk at the Wedne sday: postoffice. is off for h r two weekR' Stewar t Allen, of Cincinn ati. was vacatio n. the guest of his uncle, Mr. W. Ii. CA LL · GIV E Mr. and Mrs. Barton Kelly, of Allen, over Sunday . Cincinn ati. were guests of relatives Mrs. Florenc e Huddle , of Lovelan d here Sunday . wa.~ the week-e nd guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Graham . ing Hay·fe ver suffere rs are be!'inn noses their blow to cough , splutte r. Mrs. Alice Harris, of Clarksville, . and wipe their eyes. Your Old Frtond, "Saw Dust." is spendin g the week with Mr. and . Graham S. W. Misses Edna and Cora Clinger , of Mrs. Way nesv ille, Ohio . Falmou th. Kv., are guests of Miss Phill ips Bldg ., Dayton , was of Smith. Henry Mr. _ _ _ _• _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ orth. _ _ _ Wadsw y _ Whitne the guest of his parents and other _ _ _ _ _
We clea n you r ·S eed Wh eat any
Eve ry Day
day , and Gua rant ee resu lts.
Ry e for See d, Cle ane d.
Wa yne svi lle mi lls . Oreg onia.
New Burli ngton
and son, of Wil- friends 'here last week. Mls"l Edna Mpenoer is attendi ng . Mrs E. J. Smith Dr. arid Mrtl . Whitak er are on a visiting relative s been have n, mingto is th n Teuche rs ' Institu te at Lebu.no HAS NEW FAt;TORV trip to Niagar a Ftdl . Lytle. Mr. and Mrs. F. B, Sherwo od and TOBACCO GROW ERS" PICNIC and sville Wayne in ali s EIIIl. Bnssllr t, of South week. a few childre n are spendin g a two weeks' is to b flb arle too, Is nt t Ile horue of Dr, . Miss Luollle Norton spent . The second annual picnic'o f the The Rout automa tic gate Will . . vacation in Richmo nd, Ind. Mrs av with Hathaw week E. last H. days Mrs. and Dr. V all ey . Wllitll.ker Spring at Tobacco Grower s' Association wi\1 manufa ctured were guests of Spring boro relative s on inventi A grol\t mauy from here IlUend "d Mooney . ous ingeni the is gate The s ground Mry . 8ue Sherwo od and Miss MB Saturd ay night and Sunday . Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wright are in be held at the Chauta uqua MIHtni Qu rtorly Meet.lOg at Cae. are him of Bacl Rout. M. E. of in be es will relativ Fort Mr. visiting bel have been NU ' II (Jreelr Frid \Y. Sotu rduy nnd Richmo nd, Ind., this week attendi ng Augus t 23, 1911. I'erry Alexander, leading farmer ; the speaker . We re~eived a post card Monday, the Friends ' Summe r School. !;ap.ay . Rev . Levi Mills, of Wtl- Detroit the past two weeks. and Mote George Mrs. and Mr. cashier ; T. nd Conner on which he mingto n, prelloh etl on l:)t1tutd ay and Mr. Fort is a power on the plat- W. W . Whitac re, bank Jive spendi ng from Raymo Union service s will be held- iiithe lumber l<'rank P . Milner. of L.vnohbur g. on ohlldre n, (If UOlumbus, are es here. says he is having a fine time at AtScarff, progres sive C. cause the oned cbampi has and form d I thei r vaolltion with relativ HundaJ . evenSunday next church an Christi of the farmer s all his life. He is the tm er. Mr. and Mrs .' Elwood Aolt have lantic City. ' The Ilnnua l Collett MoKa y picnic A feature of the gate that invariand nepbew man, when the firSt Farmer s' er". their evenin;& guests Friday al their 6S rehears !:laLnr. Choir pinoe ing ul\1 of was .b eld in the u Kather ine Daugh ters, Miss e to ably appeals to the pl'ospec tive buyd ~y. It I~ said tJ be the oldest niece. Mrs. Hannah Colvin and daught er: ganizat ion was held at Guthri was the guest of her day Mills, one. Kings spent r t;penoe Edna Miss . e stli tbe in Se~ er is the locatio n of the "works " on in pienio Trust Tobacco anDull1 famtly Kings parents , .Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Daugh- Miss Pl!arl spent severa1 days last comba t th'" first the inside instead of the outside of the Rev. A. T . Cowgill and family a t· lllst week with fritmds in mllde who ,1904, VIoeek with relative s at Lumbe rton, tember in the ters Saturd ay. tended 11 pinnl c of t.h e Austin family Mills, speech againpt the trust, and ,f rom the post. There is nothing Oh io. The Mis'5 68 Maude Veidt and . of last a load of passing the t 10 WUmin gtoll Tuesda y preven to way most devoted that time till now has . week. Frieda 88err, of Morrow , visited Mr. Messrs . Chas. Cornell . C. M. Robload. wide other or hay of cause the ting . Friday Will Prende rgast left Tuesda y of his time in advoca Ervin, 8 yea,r·old son of Garfiel d and Mrs. George Macker lallt itzer, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Farr were Anothe r feature that comme nds for L . H. Holzlin . of Kings MUls, was g for Monon gahela City, Pa., of the organiz ation of farmer s mornin Mr. Peterso n, met with Whllt narrow ly of guests the Sunday Mason in . He is the gate is the automa tic lock, which esoape d beillg a fatal aooideo~ t:!at in town Sunday where he .will join the Wayne~vil1e protect ion against the trust ' ' Mrs. C. A. Bruner . and urdlLY m ornin g at the home of his the Fi- holds the gate securel y. aiti1er open J K. Spence r, transac ted bUijiness He colony of bOY3 in the employ of the a man who appear ed before grandfl l,ther, ReubeD Jones. sev- or c1~. The gate .w orks 8Q easily week, gton nance Comm ittee at Washin fell from &.w.a.gon loaned. with g ravel in Xenta and Utlytou last a:trGe t in line buy your buildin g Pennsy lvania R. R. Co. ed preaoh zie ing that a child may openate it withou t MoKen gather I, in j. aided Rev. and eral times and oae of the baok wheels PflSllfld n & Co. Madde H. W. of l materia B . U the at sermon stC~e in strain. ovel' bll abdom .n betwee n tile dbs bls .farewtlll Mr. Seth Furnas , son of Mr. and the proof on which theTru They keep Doorn, Window s and VeOne of the gates has been insbllled e Ct,urt a1)d tai,s. It w&li ,eared for a time ohuroh l:lundllY mornlt lg. Suprem States United the Richto start~d Oregon ia was wall represe nted a~ randa Column a on hand at all times. Mrs. Ed. Fur~as. the fartn' of John Walton and is at tht~t he was bayond . mediolll aid but1alft Ind., FrIday, on hiS motorc y- was decided soolal mond, oream loe Fork Flat the ry reoove for s ohance his time this at giving suprem e satisfac tion. The . • - • 'l'hutsd ay night,' t, of Dayton , cle, and will attend the. summe r, Marlat Otto . Messrs are good. maker'll claim that the Irate is the' .~ HISEV REUNION at tlut ' and Frank A. Pence left Friday for school of the Friend s church best automa tic gate-OD..ihe market . be gone , Sprin g ' B1"anch Bellbrook. a trip thougA northe rn Ohio, Canada , place. Mr. Furnas will reThe Hisey- Williamson fan.Hy C. and a week. Mrs. Rlohllr d Pnrdum ' has re New York, Washin gton, D. w'ill mnet at the residen ce of Mrs. MMY E . Hilwell enterta ined !.Inion ' b l fC W'lr 1 M' H places of interes t. h If " 1 other Notice.of Appo intme nt. d e tw rela$he g H' ~i8itin W ' J from us, hoae um 0 0 turned lams, I Ann~ en 'and e ISS Smith Mesdame8 Susan CSI 0 an one- a ' ml ,. Isey, • . ed'th ' O. M row, A M' 0t'Mor d f t Th 1 1 ' th day. ' . rueB . W f t M diDne~ . th Rol4'nd d iSS nna er I . sou l, IS e gues 0 urs ay. Elltate-o f Aa"" Leonard. deceased .. Tho ... Oar town was well reprele nted Mr W H. Gard. of' onrOVll aynesvi e, 0 -eas17th. t e t 0 M'ICh'I- August . , ' M'ISS W'II" family eu . . Mrs.' Pearl Dakin and . uadol'll1cuod 11l1li IJoon Ililpolut.ed and (tuaUlied • r?u en IS lams I evemng y !uesda here lott . te Mi 8S .01' at II.tI &<tmlniaLrul.c'1r of ~he e&taW 01 AlIna J.,bollr . _ _ _ __ • _ __ e at the 6reene Coonty Fall' last week. Cal., arrlv~ , on hiS farm south of gan to attend the Nation al Conven. ter t a t n ed h er SIS r ard . lat~ of WIlITCII OounLy . Ohio:' deceallEll1 Mollie Kemp, ot Oinoin natl,' and is staym Miss ~ , Wedne s' MoOray Dated ~bls t 8~11 day of July A. D. 1911. r! Perry ON 'lIld brotbe REUNI ART BARNH soDelta trator. Gamma Adminis . K. Kappa lY. the KENRJ· of E. 'fhars8I PERRY day and of Mr. tion . . . is spendin~ 0. few days . with her town. The many friends M,r: lI.~d Mr8. ' Jaoob Laoy spent 000 tb er. to shake hands rorlty of whl~h she and MISS ~ereglad always are ard G . . The Earnha rt reunion will be Satard ay night and Sunday night at home. dith are mem oers. t M.r.' Geor,e T'I1h h Mrs. Rob . QIV~ and ohlldre n, of, with him and make him feel wi th Mr. and Mrs. Thoma 8 Laoy. Uayton t e orne 0 at held of home the at vlSis1Dg a.re , ' . ay, '. D~: E. H •. COSNER~ Messrs. F. C. Carey, Earl Conner ; ton, in Leba'lo n, on T)1ursd . Mr. and Mrs. Guy O~enoweth John U~nnhlg this week. . . ' Anna Kelly, Elizahe th Carroll , 17th. t Augus Clar· Rye, Harvey e, McClur were gnest.s of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Walter Hocket t, Mollie Blackb urn, Jesse Weave r played . ·bllole ball OPnha . • _ _ _.... _ ••_ __ ~t' Mason &turd ay night alld Sunday with the Monar ohs'ln Dayton las' . son, Mrs. Robert Crew, ence Rye and D. L. Crane were ' Td'mhn Lydia . II•• Mr. and Mrs. H.. O. DaklD ~nd Suuda-y. W. Klinge r in an Brelsfo rd Mrs. J. M. Keys A. B. Chandl er and ~uests of Mr. P. uIIIENTS Mr and Mra ehas INSTR AL MUSIC QUEER ay Saturd ati family eJJ$ertained lb. and Mrs Cincinn ride to and Curtis' Tomlin son attend(,(} auto wife . aham Cunnln Wm. P' Mrs: .ined h ente~ta h okauded' af lhdterooM FM,ra8k 0d°o.kMraudEddaU . , ' .. t ey ~w the . Itts- Flute Made From 80n. of Defunot '11 G an war s r. an Monda y. Quarte rly Meetin g at. Selm~ Satur- terno.on: w e.re 912 Relbold Building, . game. daught er,· Glenna and 80n Geor~e, .o f reenvI e, t:!onday and ball tl mcmna burg·C Enemy and Drum CO'Jllr "rom nbe,~er has gODe day. Stou~.8e Boe Mrs. and Dakin Frank Mrs. and Mr. akin ' Of Lelde,. Ohio .v lsit, Dayt on, daug~tera, Lois and Bozel. and 80n; to Detroi t on a and Mrs. Walter Reed, nee MI'. has who Larkin th Elizabe Mrs f baby,0 &tld wife , Ceuner dtaCO?' an'. Elmer ,ent.lem Dakin rd Gulldto Wlllter The . Mr~. visit and t Mr. Carl, Eagan, after a pleasan ng hie vao"tio n btlen 'prea~hing at the ' Orthod ox W.eenie h t ery that a tolerab l. twiG can b. d ME V B th M a.nd 80n lbrry, Mr. 1:!id Pope and Dayton , are spendi Gradunt e .'mericllD &hool. KJrkavllle •• l\1 Mrs and Ml'. arents. grandp ar, pla.yed on a bic:ycle pump la not ~ his arn • with . rs an r. WI nine last I'ons. the for here church s Friend place. tbis of Rlohard not (Jonner Did · all. Wm. Mrs. J. a. C1Ienoweth en tertllin ed the mat- left Tuesda y morni.ng for Cincinn ati Mr. 6. Val Sims, of 1:!pl'ing Valley months , has been secured as a Ichoolm uter'l cane her brotbtlr s, Mr. Jlloob Laoy and college, and from there Wll\ .){o to Newark , Strausl the at han AsA latur. ron of Twin tor the performance ra oroheat the lu few a IIpend wife and Mr. Thoma s Laoy und WIlS seen on oar streets last will they where iu Wilmin gton and with Mr. Larkin Ohio, , ning daveve , !:5undt.L .. Dew inatrument and dinner a,'' t~ e ''E1ectr Florenc of daught er, Ola~BiB8d Ads Mr. and days l1efore returni ng to theiX' 110me "hich ahould hooe. Mrs Olem t:lettler -and da.ught er. remove d there'l ast week. friends heokelp the ca.1led . Mr. and lltlrs. Joseph Baines en · o. Chicag in in many made Bulralo Larkt'n Mrs. eerlnlt be uletul In electlon Velma, of Dayton , vii ted her parents • _ .. tertain ed Mrs Lido. Suwin and son south h Clall for of town last Thursd ay. horns, ot couree, have otten 'been uUI· Ad!! will be In ger~c<l U Oller LhlH Insc Horaoe and Horaoe Myers. here, stay their rllollQ <luring tor ~bree sville, nts ce Wayne lvo purtwenty-l cal mUll •• leu "or more tor tzed beUer AT THE M. E. CHUR CH .Alice Chenow eth is a little he pleased with they win 'f wbe n usIng nOL mor c than lI\'e lines. hope P08e8. and In the olden da,y. ftlhes' who ' t' f hi bouet Time to Paint a Ship. at t I me 0 t s wrl uIg.. Quarte rly Confer ence will be held shells IUld the Ilwlu and Ihin thing In ship painting Is their new home. latest forth The live to mQde were IUllmale of - - -...~ eveay 8aturd church E. ~~ at the M. ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ war }'OUN D ~~~ Maori . the until .. Durin all-not at eorta. ot paint no tun.ea apply to in. Corw • chief with a Comand sea tor some llaUve a Sermon red m. p. dtacove 7:80 we at they have been at ' T ninO' ,.. lute taahion4Hl out of M . e mon th s a t any rate. he conltan t reo e.. ry . a ttAn de d th I ie N" ~iss L'll munion Sunda~ mornin g · at 10:80 VfYrT tolerable detunet ehlps Bnd ships enem:y, but If armored of UdILD '8 COA'l' -Owne roc\u ra· t Superin - the bone of a Distric by Sermon funeral Of her r ela.tive Arthur An· painting m. Ii. enormous an s involve music the hulls to steel .. bts with cover sume by oalllng at thlfl haadou . one My SundllY this gt,on As Wilmin at Story. trl1m tenden t Rev. J. A. that foUnd been has It pr'ovin g proper ty and plly1ng sInce and him offioe. let cost. son bonee, of ean be sot out Mr. Bnd Mrs. Albert Wilker to Eat is the last quarter ly confere nce for that gs Thin Cood to an:y EncUah eeulde for ad. un· visIt a go to pay e.1lowed Ie vessel u when Sat spent . Dayton of and childre n, : the IIteel . DurIng urd y with Mrs: Mary W!ltel'hoU!~e painted for se\'eral monthll this year, it is ea.rnestly hoped there resort In the comlnl lummer un· loose come eome usually ,nll which c&mpal scales. Ber,vlan the of one q,nd fnmily. will be a full attenda nce. INDIA NA' WATE RMEL ONS, opvortun· yean 1lI0 the troops marched twenty •• . Mrs. Alioe McK insey hl\d as her der the paint and atrord an FOR SALE OR RENT Nut Indiana and home-g rown the surface. "music" out NOTA BLE TO AT'TEN D to batUe makJnc hideouaketU... gneRts W ednpsd'a y , Mrs . Jos . Hawke Ity for rust to attaclcgovernm WAS Cab ,Solid Sweets Jel'lJey' Megs, Is ent lind ot · o~d aaucepans' aud of Spring Vu,lley rood, MrH. Ellen wenr otr. the BrtUshunpainted craft. bage, Irish ' Cobble r Potatoe s, when John ~taka, the lreat lIulIsite e becaus who I::!ides, and Mrs. Mnry. Ztlntm 8Jer experimenting with Doan, W. A. Judge N Exoelle nt flnm of I1G aore!!, . every ! Tomato es, Fresh Corn and The training tlhlp Exmouth was the leader. died. hie aldn wu t:a.nned bl f . b h ed d f and ohtldre n, of Ollicago . u.b.uQJ~nce of wllter, Dloe hOG8l! New Mild hope That , the In Apples cover day, drum a two Into made glven e was ee It age as een 10 first one trted. 0 a vanc in good CJndltiotl. For Che~se. rooms 9 then of and paInt no -ould with sea "mu-'c" at t n several years, that the reaulta· Miss Inis Da vis is vis\t.ing rell\, months for the past health ... . ... irquhe ut this offioe. iarR partica the I At ' l dock. k e 0f ··- to the ff ed gl\:on four coats In dry 16c leal Inlplra\.JUIl C/lke.2 n. Lasses Ginger tives in Lebano .para yS)S . ast s. erve .. . a m..... -.. 5c su .e r a Atro · .. ... fIbs 8 d k C . v: Cl Wh't '¥ B . ' tt 0. Mo.o..Jnse scarcely "'I was there ... or.. ears . y ve fi the es, a of alo !)nd Ie ' over y an gh . he is eon·, troop I. Only' a fe" years 'h W t eurle AI'Jl l sses e Stt d ' S Old ReUable COffe.e;.......... ...25c Wedne sday . . Althou the ·water time he is in. AUltrlan banda each canied Ave or. the of ~l~r tiOtUSt tll.rL b en tlhn.g a trace ot weB.r except at Iii. part mBh seious 2Oc .. .......... Goffee . Santos Fancy' perfect FOR .SALE T eae era u~ u ell · e ~non IS line, nnd the botlom was f1rst six "lIerpents" In ' the front ranJt. In the form Walrus .Salin on .... ; .......... ..... lac a helples s conditi on. For the euta weflr8t sug.. ·Instrum was Idea Thele The lUon. cond .... c 12~/ . ,week. bl . d 't h ' 'F ancy P'Ink S a1mon.. .......... . fi.veyear had t'Imem / !1 . s evener a eJu ge of :~ Inate, the bell heine Ih&ped to ------~------------------~. .,. el. who Mr. 11'. Uraef wlls in Cincin nati gestM by A. C.of Holzanf h, and Exmout the sturly Il made s. , of repl'elent 1ts· mouth, . and . P&tilted busines OD 'OU8~ of 6 roo~s .alld . samma r' ',' uy reunion Batllrd Star Tiil Cans,',p er "doz :........ S5c was not presen t ·at the out .to , kit.q hen, former ly owned by ws'r , the .blood~rcd luaide! with hup white ci~ir the . :Mrs, Ohristi e MoKin sey and df\ugh now the sleel 'sh lpe are all put nt'in r.egime old is , · atn~d. p · 'prenl; D beIng , . O betore Inquire sosk sQn. esln Thomp r,elativ whtoh Geo·. ~1th toncue, nnrlay W18ctnC 8penf~ a' t"r8 last TueS- teet,h and ..,f. ..• ' on: : . GlWSax,C~~, R~b~~~'Li:.~~n:,: 79thO. V. I., at Lebano n .' of, Miss '-Manie Robins In Line. . t, ~=~u'P aU dO!1l at ~:t.~ .~ep:-..: 1186 '. .. Ha.rve ysburg . l'···f . . . . day. . . ' Lids. 'son er l, lil'-wel 'r, daughte • Your 4:-SUltol'=---'--~t. .daught . _. • - • .' .M~s . . Alt. Bow.ma n and OOD SO~' alld ,Pigll, all In 'flRe · ." to . " Naturally.. .. OAMES of payton sllant last wee.k wah -t4at- -l .......he told m• .. to nVO .. WON . ·s ,8n:1' lOc, oply oondlli on. . Fer bar"oo lara ad .. ll~ . Easy-Je Tri . ' .. : . { :yoti.....he la:yi:y ou- ' , John Kendricka-, Ban,s, at ' a .ban. dtet\s' ~anrioe . ii1~er, a, ·D. ~ WbY: , . Mrs. Oharles Warn tz. . e: vackag each wit~. ~ish .gl~' . . lld, underlltA ' 10-1 ulte New ~ork, pl.~ 'bta fel.o". nen'~lle, Obio" phune 411,2r. . ' ·Mrs. Pb'inea s Oollins nd ohiltlren ' ~ Patw-Q ' . Th. ut-sday' the Miamis.. wen.t ' to q~ In -'tb . an ~pIcnm , at thee~tly with I Let'l lee. are ~ou Mr. Brona~Jl. Xl': . Shake.. S;Ut-U' wont get hard.• Chauta uqua, where they won fine dl llel'!l .... , of Oregoni'll epfln t Satulld , Wlbbl ' I f · B their relative!! Wes i'ggs and ami Y d pitched bperon: , !~,:::.:~.~e : toreIP "hlah- 'PAPE R N APKl' NS-Tb e ~~?..eUe today,t hat's:' ·g ame. Score 7 t05. Barnar .. . offioe ha.i14Iett tbe 'plalo' whtte B~~WhT, I'm Hr. HotoW a- Fresh. 'Ed~emontsjri . habit the J96 MoKin8~Y, of ,Morrow. visited 'Broo Get "Of CO: arlie," I&Id 111': · Ballll. · "he and oolored nanJdn s. Oall and tlee,' ~ Life. . ' game. good' a ~ . his mother a.nd sist"r last Wedne s. ay. ~very . ......-..:............-...;..;~, . that he Ie ~upel'tor to hll them. - I" . . day. .. The Miamis won out :in the .ninth thln'u' GQ TO ' '. rprl... ... • . . hili ·to fam. l), and "Ipeela Spray en, Eilts brother craftsmen In" Amertca. · Tou Mp 'a nd Mr8, " played brottier hmhlg Sunday, in s loose!1 . craftlim . .t 'at Lerf x.u.,:;' . , "Arell't ,.. lurprladeeml TlSRU E ' PAPE It-If you "'..." -Uy tt.lted1m.wfth relativ e. near Well. the 1ICOr, know how It lB. When a by . field. wet a ana pm. any color of IDe 'luue ~1PJ'r, . " nan.o" e · lUCIa ~ J TUI for · OOD of hlmnlt OJl, III a tJa01llalld, he ~ Clan a' 'he (ft.'te olloe. . We hne •• Buckey man 18 r;" uurlda y. ttbe againa 14, to 15 of PAYS IT , ". debtlr' OD aD", ,,,, g .. . . . . . -. --_ it OD baDd all be ..... - ~_ _ _ _....t"I...._ . . ._ _~_ _' Da,yton. Smith struck Ou~ 161D11l. IF Iaola . " ' • . "r. ... ... CuD lit...., . .Q "No,"..l'IpUed ....... Ida 'till have ....... at _ :
. _.
...- - -
Osteopathic Physician
.. .
. .
AU GUST 23, 1911,
~UMBER lj1~
iFo~~;citiz-;;~i ' r he :::S~i~:SCa:~i~~V Co . i s +r_-P_-e_~_;o_-~!f~~~_~n_-".H , = ~r_'~_-~~i_-_T-_h,-_er_'~_~+l a:~y::IE~u~U:n T:~:::'ated t Social Events . -------....... e-.--_:-_---.-,--. .~------~
... '1
.-. -....-..-..-... putlingaway 38,000 cans of corn -_.threat to take hi life,N.W. Haines . - . The Miss~s On:~ Strawn, Edith and Mr. L. S. Rhoade!1, of Norwood daily, nnd with but little intel'ruJ.l- ' Henry Vandervoort was a Lebanon JE'sse Burton was in Dayton Mon- 33. a painter. of 315 Xenia avenue day . Mondayaftel'lloon drank a quantity Rachel heehan were entertained Sun hio , write. us that he has a good lion. The corn is coming in rapidly, visitor Saturday. of carbolic acid, and is dead. It is day at dinner by Miss Ada Michener. position as accountant in a large firm a~d I~of a good quality, While the in Cincinnati. His many friends here YIeld IS not so great.as la~t year, yet Wm , Zell WlUl in Springfield and C. T.' Hawke was a Dayton visitor claimed Haines had been drinking are very glad to hear of his advance- some very fine corn IS bemg canned. Dayton Wednesday. Monday. ' heavily of late, and often told his Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Allen, Mrs. ment. The company installed five husk_ wife he intended taking his life . but ers this season which are working Miss Ruth Z;mmerman is the guest Frank Elbon has purchased a Hupp the threat was not regarded se ri- E, E. Ebright anti Mrs. S. S. Stahl were guest.>.; of Miss G orgia Hadden automobile. oU8ly. Monday afternoon, as T. R. Fur- fine. doina' more work than the old of relatives near Jamestown . and Mi~s E;i;mh 'I.h Stewart at dinner nas and son. of Dayton, were aut,o way of h,uskin g .by hand. . 1 Monday morning, about 8 o'clock, J. E. Janney and famil), returned Walter McClure was in Dayton f f . Tu esday. h riding on the, Centerville and Spring ' . Th . e first. t h 109 t h at strl kes t e a tel' a brie trip uptow n, Hames 1'e· on business Monday. d d h' horne from Chautauqua Friday. turned home an again repeat e U:I Valley pike. they ran over a dog. ~lsltor on h ~s entrance to th e f ac t ory Mr. and M rs. Geo. Harts ock harl throwing Mr. Fut:nas against the ~s theeleanlmess of the place. T~e~e Ml'R. Ray Smith and daughters Miss Elsie Hartsock is visiting her threat. He had a bottle of carbolic as their ~u ests Sunday at dinner, acid in .his hand . and strode up,stairs Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Hartsock, Mr . . wind shield and out 'of the auto se- IS a man for every floor. and It IS spent Sunday with relatives in Day- parents near Sp ring Valley. verely scratching-his face anu a'rms. rus duty to attend to lceel?ing his ton. to hi s bedroom, locking- thE:: door Vern Hough anu ch ildren, of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnhart hap . floor clean. and he generally attend s ' . T, Hawke and family returned after him. Still Mrs. Hainf's did not Mrs. Euph emia Hough, a nd the pened along, and helped Mr. Fur- to it Messrs. Ross Hartsock, D. L. Crano home from Chautauqua last week. believe the threat wo~ld be carl'ied Misses Elsie Hartsock and Irma Manager Snook has taken. a great and Bon. Ethan, were in Lebanon out, but after awhile when the fumes nas out of the disorder. It was Hough. a n~rrow escape for the FurnlUl.' deal of pains this y~arin the factory, Saturday. Miss Nina Frazee, of Sardinia, is of the deadly drug permeated the - -_ ....-- • and several labor. saving devices have . the guest of Mr. and Mrs, R. , G. downstairs, she set about an investiards are Ollt announcing the mat'M r and Mrs. J. L. Sears, ~f Chi- Cross. AT M. E. CliURCH 'been put into operation, thus f aciligation. . M d ~M riage of Miss Mar garet Sheehan, _ tating the work to a great degree. cago. are guests of r. an rs. 0 t H~nry Kinninget·, who happened Preaching , at M. E. Church Sun. Mr. Snook has said that this factory I JQs. Hawke. ~rs. D. C. Ridge,. of f ~y don WI' as to be passing the house. was called daughter of Mr. 'JrulO~ ~he.eha~, to day! morning and evening by Pastor must be the model factory of the c~lhng on Waynesville rlen s as t in and with Patrolman Hendrick the Mr. Albert Heston, 0 pring oro. Bailey. This will be _Rev. 'Bailey's ~tate, and it is a safe assertion to . M1~ Hazel Thompson. of Clarks- '1 hursday. I door was burst op~n. Haines was There will be a recep tion at the last se~mon as pastor of the M. E. h t h' . d' t' l' d VIlle. IS the guest of Mr. and Mrs. l' d ' d th b d C home of Mr, and Mrs. J~on Sheehan , say t. a IS pre IC Ions are ea Ize . B. S, Howell. Mr. Clay Warwick, of Dayton, Yl,n. g ea upon. e e. oroner S'a turday evenl'ng, August 26. at 6 church in Waynesville. and it is hop d I I h h h S fi d d d d there will be a big-congregation. t IS a p easure to go t rou.g t e ' spent Sunday and Monday with wlsher":as ~otl Po an con ucte o'clock. _ __ _ ~_'~factory and see the work as It proMiss Marguerite Thompson of friends here. an, exammatlOn.- Dayton Herald. --RIBBONS ~;D!"WINNERS gressesthrough the different channels Xenia, is spending a few days ~ith Mr. Haines was a son of Mrs. Nur Miss Mabelle and Mr. Han'Y Satfrom thehuskingofthecorn to solder- relatives here. Miss Dora Ellis, of the Wooster ex- Haines , and always lived in Waynes- terthwaite entertai ned Wednesday One thousand exhibitors and twen- ing, heat.ing and' crating away. It is periment Station was home for a few ville until last spring , when he moved evening in honor of Miss Lucile , B. F. 'Ridge, of Lafayette, Ind'., days hist week. his family to Dayton. He was of Thomas, of Pittsburg, Kansas. ty thousand entries insure the great- w,orth anybody',s while to spend an es State Fal~ eve'l;" held 'n :America hour or two in the factory. is the guest of his brother, ' Mahlon ' . joYial disposition, and had many Japanese lantet'ns 'were bung on , ,., .1, .. h Ritlge and.family . Mr. Mrs, E. V. SBarnhart ' . . . tile lawn whl'le l'n the " tll' nl' ng .... • Fi ve th ousan.;t... mo,rl) entrIes t an ' ever. ' The entire crop of . '1911, has. already ' ~ d andW'I' 'd Jmo- friends " . , 'roo " before made. OllIe) people a~e loyal been sold, ~d Will be shIpped as Ra ~ryte tOM I ~mgton .. un ay ~n , to He leaves a Wife and four chll~ren, and parlors the color scheme of yel~ to the ~nig Show at 'Coltiinl..u:l .. The $oon as pOSSlble. . Messrs Harry Murray and y- a: on on ay. , Paul~ Kathleen. J.o ~ph and WIlbur. low and white was use,d . . q . . . '. '" , k • - • mond Conner returned home from ' . ' ,' . The funeral WIll be held at the ISS Y REU.NION Atlantic City Fr iday evening. ' f·Md AI ntn Phkllh?s a home .Of his brothe.r, Mr. W. S, Haines " " . . " ". Th H h F 'I h Id l'ts ? ays as wee m mcmna I, e today at 2 o'clock. " ~ at aw.a y .aml y e Mr. and Mrs , Allen Haine.'!, daugh- guest of friends. . ' • _. ment. Punch was ser,ved in the-dinday. Old land y.OUl)g WIll ewell ,the , iog room and at a late hour a dainty tht'ong. Agriculture has " come to seventh annual reUDIon at the Leba- terand son of Xenia are guests of ' the' front' an~ ' ij 'carrying .th~ ':flag, :nol) Fair ~rounds Thu~ay: Au,ltust relativ~ h~re for a f~w d~ys. . A. Maffit is s~oWiTlg some ver! WAS INSTAN rLV. KILLED ! lunch was served on the lawn. The overffow 'e xhibits in the live 17th. Ow1Og to the busy times and fine apples which were grown on hlS W·W H Those'present were: ' MisSeSLuclle g ed b t 8'8 stock d(i'partme~ts will be taken care sicknesS among so 'many of the memo Mrs. E. E. Ebright and Mrs. S. S. farm north of town, I l.am t aw.dns • .a aBou,. '. Thomas Olive An~aQee, Maria Wel f b h ' I fif t S h f F' ~ a pro'm men reSl en t 0f N ew ur 1Og' . , of in several monster ,tents . . O~t. ere t erJ! were ol,l y . ty presen ta I, 0 rankhn, are the guests t i t . ta tl k'I"led" ler. Ruth Sackett, Alta BerryhOl, ' . . , ' ,.' h " b' II t d ' f thO f M d M W ' H . . D d M Co • f Dayton on, was a mos lOS n y I ' . . ' , Side ground "Bpaee never before used w IC hi a sma a ten ance _or IS 0 . r.an . ra. . . Allen. r. an r~. oper, 0 .' btl " I kit r davaftr-noon Adah Furnas, Lelia Hartsock,' Winwill be o('cupieil' by- exbJbits. IJ.'be· large family.Altbougb the cro\\d was , tspent Sund~y at the home of Mr. a ou , 0 c oc as ues . . nie Meredith, E.qther BerryhlU: 000<1 Roads ' Exhibit ' tnaae. by" t~lE" small the ,usual amou:ntof enthusiasm Mr. and ,Mrs'" -Ed: Hathaway', Qf and Mrs, Ha~.ry Williamson. ' . when he ~ell Qeneath a mo~mg ~ay ldena, Osborne, Glenna Hoblit, Sta~8ndNa.tionalltOvemIrlehtS.wi1l socl1aracteristie of 'this family was ColllmbuaGrove, · Ohlo; are gues ........ ,-'-~ . .---... - , ';"'....... ........b~le . In~ ' ..-Q..~~~,.JLh~~3b.Q y.,:. Mabelte ', and Sarah Satter~h~aitA, b h' hl "ed ' . . 1 Ii ' . .there /lDd' the spirit of friendliness of Mr. ane) Mrs. Frazee Hathaway Mrs. J. D. Marlatt and daughters HIS 'c hest was terrIbly crus , ea, and Mrs. Frank Berryh.ill," 'Messr-$. Mi'-; , e. Ig , Y ucatlona ~n repOrts m. ,. " ' Misses Jessie and Helen spent Ttles- he breathed only a few times after , . ~icate that', ma~i county and town- and 'soclab!hty so well fostered by · Misses Ada Michener and Mary day at the bome of J. Hartsock. assistance reached him. . . Compton, Geo. Carey, .Harvey Sa~kship road officials will fa~e udvantage these reUnlons r~lgnAd supreme. M 'tt d W'll' M' h tte d ' M H k' f"h It · ett, Charles Penewltt, Lampton "'he dinner was all that could have errl an 1 lam lC enera n . ' . r . . aw inS was a son 0 "e a e . . ,. ' , " of l~ lessons. The IJrt!at.atnfe be4, • ed the Grange picnic;at Lebanon last Edward RICks left Sunday ev~mng Noah Hawkins of New Burlington, Smith, Alvah Harts?ck" Herbert tween the de~lred and Mthe ' . for a ten•days' trip' I taking in, De- ;an d'lsarealVeQ I t" f H, arvey H aw ' k'lOS. Edwards Emmor BaIley, John Ber. owners " t>f the · different . ., been kedb ' M Be' 11 blessmg was T u esd ay. ' . " ' . ' breed~ :.~~ swine .has t'esu]t~. 10 .al- as y r. n u, . troit and other Michigan points of and of the late Joshua Yeo, of Xenia. ~hlll, Jalce MeredIth, Ray~ond pa- , most. tWIce the number of "'ntnesev· , In dthe afternoon Mrs . Eli tT I - 't er, Mrs. J 0 h n BI ess- VIS '. Fred Furnas , Jesse ~~rd ; . Roy .... . . . rd b the ". meetmg H was h . - Bum.e t't , Mrs. Siler'man I'nteres't . ne eaves a SIS , , er'bt,fore made', 'The Berkshire peo· calle to 0 er y lIlr. Ben at a- Dyke and son, Mrs. Forrest Graham ' . f n yt F ' I . . Kinder Jim Osborne, Fr nk BerrypIe le~d in' pointof haying the great· way, of C~ncinn~ti, who abl~ dis- and daughter. were Dayton visitors _ F. d~ C,a rey is ~n Cincin~~ti attend~ ~:~e ~'eld ~hU~~day' u~er:30 s~~;t~: hill, H~rold Krau~, Fo.r rest Iiobli~, est ntlmber,of .ent"iea , '' charged hiS. Thursday., mg. a three· days convention of the at t ' he h ome - X ' Gaze tt e Harry Satterthvral teo . ' .'duties as preSIdent. ." ema More than.ever bef(\re have fathers The .,rogram was short but mterestNativnal Harness Manufacturers' as'. • _ _. . •- • realized the good ' that , would r~ult ing an<l\~~immediately followed by P. W. Klinger and .family. after sociation. CITIES ARE TAKING NOTICE CRANE-STROUD in,having the boys from the farm,at- the election~ of offic~rs ",hich result· a plellsant two week's vaction ~ere h Wiley E. Crane, of Bethel."Ohi.o, ' ~os' iti·on. 'Sunday-a;'hools, ~ ii) the ' fQI.I. owl.·ng: Pres.,' Ben. return'e d to th~ir home in Dayton Mrs ..EmmelinePeocock and daug • W . ith an increased po. pulation and tendthts """Y "'" M E f D to a Pullman sleeping-car conductor' on . ter, ISS . mma. 0 ay n, "Yere a decreased food production and the the PennsylVania Railroad, and, Miss' . Y~ung Men's Cbrtstian'Assocjations, Crane;' vice l,)r~., L. Lackey; ireas., ,Saturday. . gues. ts of N. B, Anthony from Fl'lday hji"h cost of livin ~ going h,ighe.r the d d " f nnd cl'vi'c ,organizations are ;:'''cour. MnI., . Sl1m Davis; ·,sec., M~.s. Harley .. , "" M d M Ch M tt d til M d Amelia Maude Strou , ' au~hter 0 , aging tpeir youna- people ~ eqme" Wills. A. co~mlttee on , ar~ng.e- ' r. an rs. as, err! an un on ay. . cities are taking notice of the import,- E. T. Stroud, farmer 'of Waynes, u",ds wl'll pr..... , as then appomtm. ented by the, Pres- daughter, of South Q.barl.eston, were. . , , ance of agriculture; The far ...... er " . .' Th" State F ..·l· ... grn, ..,.~ =, en'" w ts f M Ell M h d Mr G"olge Foster of May s Land . ,.. vil,le, Oh, io, were married Slt(urday . '8 beau~iful ptc.ture, this year. The .id~nt consis~ing ,of Mrs. , Raymond gue~ 0 ' rs. a , lC ener. an ' . d M' ' 'M b 1 Rob t - will have Bufficient ,unto himself, evening ,in the parlo;s of the "Denni- ' ' . effi>l"t of . flo"wers an'd Mulford, Mrs. , T, OlD . Davi,s, Mrs. A: ' famIly last week. , . 109,.., an. ISS a ~ . er s, h' le those l'n the city may be in ' . beautl:ful·.n'g .1 -.r of Franklin, are guests of Mr. ana W I. . • ' , s o n 'Hotel by Rev. J. S. TaylQr, pasy ills . Mr. T. J; Brown joined Prof. Mrs. Harry Murray. ' ." ' B.[Si~.es~d Mfrs. Hharle want and hunger If the farm falls to tor of the Baptist Church oLBethel. sf1rubbery Will)e seen. . '_ , . - . . , .' . nVI~tl<JnS ' o~ t e reumon next Bratten at Kings Mills on Tuesday produce enough garden sass to go who came he.r a esp eciaily to perform, AMUSEM~~~S BEST,IN AM,E~fCA year were then exten~~ and because and to'g ether' they are enjoying Mrs. George Stroud, Miss Elsie rou,nd . O~t on the farm the~e will the ceremony. The attendants, were TheSpectacular Fireworks render· 0, f t~~ centtral hloc~tlOnh.of MI r Sam a visit in Clermont county. . Hartsock and Mr. Will' Stroud at- be taters m the cell.ar, meat m the Mr. W. E. Stroud, brother' of .the ing 'o f Perry's Victory on Lake Erie 0 a~IB ' coun ry ome t IS 1> ace was tended the Crane-Stroud wedding in smoke-house. eggs m the nest, and bride and Miss Els& Hartsock. both , in front of grand stand everY evening decld~ upon and these good people Mrs. Harriett Furnas and son, Eli, Cinci'fmati Saturday evening. milk in ~he pi tcher, w~en s~me c~p. of W~)"nesvil1e, and the wedding was ' , . ' boards 10 the great Clt~ WIll be hke witnessed by several friends and rel-, . will please ali. The special feature take .thl~ m,ean~ of extending' .a very are the guests , of her s!ster, Mrs, A. B. Ch~ndler Rnd Wife, and Anna Old Mother Hubbar~ s-~ot ~v.en atives of the contracting parties acts wiil be hhtlvClass in all respects cordIal mVltllh.on to each and .every Jno. Gillam, of Wilmington, and 'Tije band con·c erts. day and night, mem~er of the_ Hathaway fam Ily., they were in attend'a oce at Yearly Kelly are among those from Waynes- a bon~ Those who live m CIties After the ceremony .the bridal party prqduce a better musical pro. After a ~ehghtful ~reat of fce Meeting. vill.e who are atten<iing Y~arlY Meet-- can ~ml a~~rd to attend and sup~ort partoo!c , ora seven-course wedditlg g~am th~n e~er ~efore giyen on, the .cream so ~mdlv furmshed us by mg a't Pendleton, Ind., thIS week. , the State 1- air and all other occasIons supper at the Dennison Hotel. They , " (j ' T f th fl es . t . Walter DaVIS and Ben Hathaway we , Mr. and Mrs. James Zell and that tend to help the cause of agri- left Sunday for Grantl Rapids, Mich " gro~nl· s. '1' wo 0 d ~ tnh b,reRdl- adjourlled to meet the third Thurs· daughter, of Yellow SA~ings. at- Mrs. Lester Johns. of Lytle, was culture dd' t' Th '11 b t menta Mlltary an two 0 er a~ s " 'd d h '7""11 . " Sa rd Th ad h ' ._ • on a we mg' rip. ey WI . e a '11 . t . . h . II th 'to day of Augu~t, 1912. .ten e t e, '-"" reunion tu ay, taken to Dayton. . ur al, were h a ' ft S t b 15th t B 'th WI pu musIc 1D. illt e air Mrs. H ar Iey W · 1'11s, Sec. CHURCH OF CHRIST lomOe . et' ep em er a e ,Th Id'd ' h a b elme. 'd' an'd spen t S un d ay WI' th M r. an d Mrs. she underwent an operation, She is O eo ml way s .ow" ave een ' IB- " . -;- .... . Frank Zell. gettirig along as well as could 'be exe'M 1lIC f M . 1l'" • • th continued. , A few high-class eliter· i\ P IANO AT YOUR , OWN PRICE ' ct d Preaching at 10:30 a, nl. and 7:30 r, rarye IS e son , 0 rs, ~ultainments have been secured, among, Misse!;l Katrinu and Lina Sellers pe e . ' . p. m.; Bible School at 9:30 a. m,; randtt Crane who is spending so~e whi;m are "Me:zeppa" the wo~.derful l~ order. ~ i~trod~ce a~d ~etac. are s.pending a few weeks '.with rel- The Hawk~ family 'reunion was Christian Endeavor, 7:<00 p, m., Mrs. time in Waynesville with her sister, ~rained ho~, four~en trained bears quamted With parties thm,k1Og ' of ~tives ·and friends , in Dayton, held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. C. Mendenhall, leader. Mrs. R. A. Cr_o.... ss....._ - - . the' "Bee Wizard". The'astonishing· buying a piano we h~ve pl~c~d iO'the 'Waynesvilie ~nd Lebanon.- South T. Hawke IlUIt Friday. Several were Union Mt>eting at the M. E. church LECTUi(E f~t9 p.ertormed , by a mun .under office?f Walter. M~Clure 'ol1e . ?f ,o ur Cha'l'le~lton ~entinal. presen~ from a di!!tance, and' all fully Sunday evening. This is the last of water in a klass, ,tank, the big ,s teer, ,$400 pIanos whIch we' are gomg to , ," . . ' enjoyed the day. the Union meetings. We are sure they Geo. W, Hall. former pastor of '. the big horse', and high.class 'moving sell ,t9.the'highest bidder , ?ver $125 . Miss Lucile Thomas leaves Wednes~ . :I have been most helpful to ·all that Waynesville 'and Ferry ' Christian . picture,shows. . on .Au~~st 26th,. all bi~s to ~ ~ut iri' 'day for.' her'home ,infittsburg. KanMr. and ·Mrs. E. 0 , Burnett, Mr. ,have attended them. . churches will deliver a lepture at ~--•. - . a 'sealM envelopeang: placed in a box sas after' a -very plea~nt visit with and Mrs. Ow~n , Burnett were among Attend union choir practice at the Ferry, Wednesday nigpt, .A ugust · '.' . \ ' , ; ~~I~S' DAY , .' andatno'onAug~Bt26t?,ihe.boxw~!1 Mi~' ~a~~1.t an~.: Mabel1e , Satter, th~fl'omW~~e8vil1ewhoattended MetboUistchul'chF'riday night. ' 30th, at8p, .m. Admi!'lsion adultS. ". ,: Monday, A,u gqst28t1!,;-..is Lad~es~ ~? opened.;, C:Om~ ~nd exallpne, tht . t~~al~e, o~, ~el1b~ook; . . ' the,Grange P1CruC at Lebanon Tues- . Everyone welcome at all t~ese ser- 15c. l children .15 an.d over tell; lOco ; '. '" b ,. '.t'ltousands ot wome~, will be PUU}O ,,~d., hr.mJ{ a Judge ~~ pIanos , ,- ',', '. '; .. . ' day of last week~ ,. . vIces. " . .-.. . ,., ay: " . , . , . . ' ' Th"' withy,ou"F6rfurther piQ't!culars ,,~~n'. ,,' W., H . ~llen .9:nd J,n hn . '. , ~~~. . . lCE ' CREAMSOCIAL -.' .,adl~utted ._ . fr.~ •., <!tl · chQ~e .. ~d'~ askMr.'McClure. ,' . . . - ~e~~e ll.went to~. ~~fililton' Wednes~ . Rev. and ,Mrs. H. W.BaileywiU . 5CHOOLSINTER~STED ".' ,., .. : . Grah~ l~ many ~pI!~ces " av.~. .1!J~ 1.' . •'. .Warqe· Piapo ci~. · Makers. • d~.v.,' They~ ,we~~'~ ~~m~a~ied .. by' leave Way:n'~,,!il1e ~ext ~eek. ' ~ey . .' ' ". ' ,.' '. . ' . There will. be: at). .i~e cteam . ~o'cial cusSed, the value .of;tue StateFlUr t~ .' ' . ' , " '• .-.;. ', oMr's '-;AllleO"an<H,llss geOrgia Hadclep' '~av~ made ma'l'lY friends while here Smce AgrIculture IS to be taqght t'th R'd ill . U . ,.< 1" t b ' h' . ·the l~di~. ·.Tb~ :W,?miilis'" B~i14ipg : tURTL'ECR . EEK T , ' D.• WINS ".,. wno' spent ,t"e- dQ~ .c'~th: , ~":en'd' s m" who re·.....·e t 't'h"'l'- de-p·....;..~re:." r.rh~ 1n: public , ~<l.h~018 ttte, teachers are, as t ~ , I gev ;e \ . ~sLYEl~t, ~~Sb c u2~Cd'-'. .. ' ' th t ' rna I1t 'es ,. .' , ~. .' " 11 '!'Y, ", IJI , .~ , 'C CU'L . , ' tak· · . t , t " d d' . a Ul,Uay evenmg, ep eu. er, n. b_ a~ lI}0re an .W1C,~~ '. ny e , r.!. ,'v. " " ' " ' , . : , ~ '\ FrankJin~ ' . . ." \ , - I Gazette wisnes' them 'the beSt thtire mg great 1!l eres fan ISC,USSlJ)g M . ' b F '. h 4t E" _ .a8' e:VeJf;be~or~. ~omeisnotqfil¥, ~ Thec~nt~tfordeleptetot~eState,.· .;" ,!~. . '" .' . 'i '. ' ttl; ',l 'f :' . . '~" '. tbissubject , ~d the, StateFa~r, ~t , USIC , y r.yes . .()r~ " e r~, _v~r~ , pl~ce, for :, :man . ,to ,~. : sleep .a--nd 'Faill\from, thiS' cou,nty';" StitQtda:y,:,.'~t '~raee 1.. Sptlth" 1saao Lincoln 8)~ l~ .1.e. • .,:,' " ','" their in,,~t(J.t~. N~rly ~ne thous- ~~9~Y' is.cQ'rd~~II!.~~!ted, .wli8b~ but it 8ho~td ~~ HO'l pe; 'Sweet ~bai\on. W"IUl,intel'estiitg,one, an~ ~rs. Har!'~.et Ltrii»ln., LoJI'l Will ' MrS: G. W! ·Hawke.'i'eC.ftived a ·,tel ana 'aoi)~rs is the sum peing.spent ii\" 'CtEAY~R~AR~~RI~H ReUN.lON . '. Home . in ever.,y sense of t)e ',w.~t.d~ reguir.t27b.~l1o~~~eci~~it~ 1'ber~ ,~ll and wite" ,.Geo: ~I1Y an.4 ""te," earram , ~on~ ~iniI that.her sf&: t~e ,. H~rti,q'ult~~" Ha~l . ,~n ,a mod~) , . J ' ,.' '.~ . ," . " Sw.,atbeart, Wife ,and l,Jloth~ sho1:lld lw~,re IP ~nt4!.tant8, :m.J . Har~ck, :F~k ~atr and wife an~ Bel1"l Bar.- ter, Mrs. W. P. ' Han'9'rd' \lad ~ied laQdllcape, which 'alc:me would' P'!oY The Cleaver-Carr-Well feunJon 'Will not b6!kept at hOlne. They 'wilt.~rt. o~ Wayne, ~Iua-.a popular. ~ndi~ J.i~ p,ieniced !rith a,~um"", of Day::o Sun~v' ev8mng.;' M~. Hawke ha.s ev~ honte-m!',ker to ~u.it ·the :Fair ~ ~eld 8,aturd&1. :AUgQ8~ ~. In/N joy and j{~t ~ ~uch 'l oOd from ~h. d~te. Eddie "~ixaOn, of Le~non, to~', an~' otker fr!enda ~D"r bad no fqrtMr wo~ in ~ :tQ to~. i Ev~ry t~her. o\lght' to see 'B •.~~eh'sgl'Q~e! .... ' '. " . ' Fair as anyone. - itt,on o.1lt tn tIM • ~I~t. ," , Valley on &t.uJodV last!> , .,' 'the funeral arraItpIbeDts;.. , thiS n~!I featu,.,. ". . 1 f-da ~; Sec~I~
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cs~e~t ~~u~e
gr~a~:i: p:~~ o~~~~in:~e~~isi~nj~~
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. '
, \
The .Miami Gazette D. L. CRANE., publliher: ~ AYNEBVTLLE,
The great manufacturing nntlons. the great producing nAtions, such al Great Britain. Germany, France and the Unt ted States cl>mbtned, have not 1D0re than on e-sixth the population of the globe, and It can be said with ap· proximate accuracy tha t the other OveIlxths are to a very g reat degree their 'ustorne rs, says th e Cincinnati Enquirer. Fully one-hair of the world's population are as yet on ly fl'n ctlonnll y lrup plled lI'lth artlclor. n e"~ssar y for civilized e:tistence. Th e 7 .000,000 of people to the soutb of li S on th e Amer· Ican contin ent when ru lly employed. I\S some dny they will be, In prod uc· tn g from th eir lands , th eir forests and th ei r mines. will makc our mapufac· turers wealthy through their demllnds tor what our own Indu strial districts can ontimt. Comm rce Is- pushing Its way up ever y grea t and small j.-j:,'er of South Am eriC'Il, It Is crossing the Andes over a thou sand trails, and where. but one rnllway across South America from c cean to ocean now runs, wit hin a score of years there will be Bovernl other lines tram the Pacific to the navigable water8 of the _veat rivers of the nortb and the cen· ter. The world's commerce of today. buge as It aeems, Is small compared with that of tbe future either In ton· lIage or In value. Dlsousslon of women's manners In public wlll not down. Sometimes It Is women who complain of being jolt ed In crowds or of being compelled to Btand In street cars while men occupy the seats. says the Boston Globe. Sometimes It Is men who murmur be· caus~ some women In pul:lIc often aeen to Ignore the fundamental rules . 'of good breeding. It Is notlceaole tha~ IDost of the crltklsms of women's public manners are evoked by the con· duct a well-dressed or styllsli and apparentlY well·tOodo woman, seldom by the bearing of working women or cilis. T~e woman who puts cloWp ~ "$20 or a .$10 bill at tbe ticket omce window, bOlds ·up a lengtbentng line wblle "be counla her cbange and glares furtously, It a IDlOn puts down hla nickel before she· has ,picked liP the last· bit of cbl'nge; . the woman who never moves aiong I·n a car to I ~ake room for another woman; the woman who deliberately takes up IL8 muc~ time as C;088lble at tbe atore counter wblle othe r cUl!tomera are waiting- tHese women commonly lop\( Uke peraons of r~ftnement. No doubt they are klnd·bearted Bnd gentle-man· Dered In t heir own homes and In their own circ les. A New York woman Wbo. bas bad five divorces stlJl ruvors · ml1trtmoDY. She p obably finds that It one does not take It too 'a erlously t"ere Is a lot of fun and excitemenl .to be had [rom It..
Importnnt Discovery II Yourl at Any Time-CurcI Sorel and Skin
Sample Advance Questlo·nl In SubJects Upon Which Applicants For Teachers'
Be ' Able to Itable
Pasa Cred-
Colum bus.-V\ e pr Int lIe l' wIth a num ber of sn mple exa mluatlon question s 011 va rious subjec ts used In coun· ty teache rs' exa mlnlltlons fO I' elementary school ce r tificate, pre pared under Ul e dlrecUon of the slllto school COUlmi ssio ner Rn d sent out from his olflc In accordance with Sec tion 7819 or the
Rend whnt this m Ull s.'\ys. ACtel' using ooly two caltes of Res lno\. fioa.1t end one·hulf jar ot Reslnol Olntmeot. be cured Bores and eruptlons ot long: Ilta ndlng. '" hud 0. very sore tace, and artot tr ying most everything I t hought I would try your Soup aud Ointment. Arter using two cakeli or SOli (I unt! purt of a jar of Ointme nt I found th em to b~ the greatest thing 011 el1l'th. 1 ndv!!; ul1 lhose who Bu lfer from an)r Ikln diseuse to use Reslnol Soap und Reslnol Ointment. I urn glnd to 8ay that my s kin Is nice and cl"ur and 1 Inte nd to use R eslnol Soa p us long 08 1 clln get It. "T. K . MATHIEU, Philadelphia . Pa.'It Is eyld ent t hut common lIe nse reo Qulrcs eve rybody everywbero to buve on hand . rendy for Immediate use, the one standard remedy tor ull skin troubles. It Is Reslnol Ointment, put up In screw·top opul cont ainers nnd seiling nt flfty conts or a dollar, according to size. This ointment should OCcupy a prominent place In every bathroom, on every medicine sbelf nnd In every traveling bag, thut It may be rea dy for Imm ediate use. Reslnol Olntmlln' does not contain 0 particle of lead or mercury or other polson. It Is absolutely non·lrritant, and cannot Injuro the most dellcate skin. It Is highly r ecommendcd by physicians and nurses. For years Reslnol Ointment has remained the standord remedy, noted tor Its e trectiveness and complete harmlossness. It Is sold by druggists everywhere. Reslnol Chem lcol Co., Daltlmore, 101<1. IN THE COUNTRY,
Unexpected, Sudden,ly tbe umpire called time. "Aw, what's the matter!" demand eel tbe cotcher . "Somebody In the enDd ae-nd applauded me," he said, wlplDg tbe blinding tears from bla eyes, "and 1 wasn't prepared . for that " Play ball!" An Intangible Leglcy.
. A Baltimore preacher claims
tbat Atlaa, who beld uv the world, was a woman. If be succeeds In proving It we sball hAve to cbance the name to Atlasetta or' AU.slne.
"l dun heab, Lin. dat yo' Aunt J .. ruaha dun meek yo' ber belr by d.
law. Wbat yO' dun gel?" ~' Dea 'Iaatly what 1 dun et 'IP ari wore out."-Succeu MaculDe, Her Method.
A ChlcagoaD elghty,three. yeara 01 age . baa taken out a , lIcenae to marl'Y a lady ae,·enty yeara old trom wbom be was dlvorc<!d 36 yeara ago. The" repented at leIBur4'.
J.Uatreel-Haye you a refereDcoT Brtdget-FoIDe: 01 held tbe · poke. over her till I got It,-Harper'a B... ur.
A Ichoo1 ot music bas been In . operntlon tor aome time In, Bangkok. Slam. Now we know where some ot the vapdo'vllle Bongs come from.
Con.olltlon. Knlcker-My wire I. alwl1YI prat. Ing the men Ihe rejected' tor me. Bocke~N8't'er mind: abe ... pr~l.e you to her lecond ,. hUINDd, . ,
Ope of our clergymen propollel to abolish the old method of dancing, He v.:llnts girts to dAnce . with girls, and boys to dance wltb boys. Plme. as ArlstoU..:! once sllid. A Phllodelphla woman wants. dl, vorce because her husband tbrew a clock at her. Gallant men everywhere ,vIII agree that that Is no way to brlnr ... lady to time. A Ncw York mother failed to reCo ognlze her boy with a clean face. Wltb all clu e a llowance for the .water fam · Inc III the melropoHII we had hardly thou ght It wos os scu rce 11S thaL
Treas ure seekers have found $16 .. 000.1)00 In Hondurus, a ccording to rl' port. ~f thIs treusurc Is no Inlpostor It Is made Ull of Spanish doubleton. and pi ces or eight. A Germn.n doctor rl'i)orts his dlscov·· ery of a hay fever I!erum . He s hould 11u.rry aud get It on th e market for tbe comIn g season. . Gunners are fa cing n possible olosed of two nmr!! a ll over the coun: try: This ought· to help materially In ·lowQrlnll; ntortallty statlstl 's. leaSOD
A Connectl ut ' schoolma'am la. Itl trouble with ,be r conlltltu.enoy ber~aut;e abo "we"ra lOO Bmart c I Q~heB." llobble or .harem'
• pod IUD,. men an! atroD, enOUlb
.. ftlltl 1118 .empJaUOD to IIteal u
_.IIIJ...-IUIa, ...
OD • 'ODD" da~
The City Man-Your father, I b .. lIeve, cleared tbe land of eyer·1.thlna;. The ountrym~_verYthl ... but the mortpge.
"That's Good:" Is often said of"
Post To·asties when eaten with cream or rich milk and a sprinkle of
sugar if desired. That's the Cue for housekeepers who want to please ·the whole family. .
Post ToastieS are re;dy . ·to serve direct from . the' package-
·Convenient EconomlcBl DeUcioul "The. Memory Lin.en" SoN~c...c..
CoNSCIENCE IN LAW'MAKING .eDJ1I~l3G'LAR URING the lalit seven or eight years In the senuto and In the house of representatives the r 0 havo been Introduced! mnny measures. Many of thom hnve hod their origin directly with tho people wbo have mado their Influence felt more markedly wltbln the dec· ode than perhaps ever betore In the history of the country. Aa are· .ult of this members of both house. have been at times forced to show ,plainly whetber their sympathle. Were with the massea or with the · great contrOlling Interests. It ball boen bard for them to counterfeit a loyalty to the people's Interests.- Bome of them have attempted It and have been fOUnd out, and are now In private life. The conditions have been such as to make congresllional acUons wlthlo the lilt few yeal" of • peclal Interest, certainly to the oalooker In Washington. After the Beverldle beet-lnspecUon amendment bad been tacked-It waa boped ~ecurely-upon the ar;rlcultural .department approprIation blU tbe lenate awaited house 10Uon on the ,amendment with manltellt anxiety. Mow there were lome members of the .. nate who It wal lupposed from tbe ?el')' Inception ot the matter had held' that th. measure wal altogether too -drasUo and was In Ita Y8ry nature an Invalion of the rllbt of private com· panlel to conduct their business u they law nt, ' provIded- It waa · not conducted In a 'manner manlfeBtI)' IDlml-cal to tbe publle welfare. The upper houle bad sent ~he BeverIdge amendmeDt to paaa~ge qulckl" quietly and without a dis· sentlnl vote, but tbe teellng held Jl.evertbe1ell8 that lome of the memo bors voted as tbey did 8Imply be· caule 'the7 (elt · obll,ed 10 to vote. One of those who In the publlo mind It was beld bad caat hi. vote In favor Of. the beef.lnlPecUon law ratlter 'WI' wUllqlr, ~ was nOlle other t~ Sen· - ator LocJ.e of MI18I1&ObUleU•. Poulb1r It waa' Mr. Lodge'. wen· known bent tow.~ ~nae"atl.m and the ' old ..,.. that IQlpelled people to • tbJnk that ha waslD 'm ind If Dot In beart opposed to carrylnl covernment Inquiry Into tha ,bullne.. of private concern. to aD, l1'eater lanatb. thaD 't he, had beeD Ca1Tled.
Successful Dairymen ,Grade Up Their Herds By Keeping Good Sires-Pure Bred Stock Is Best~Many Culls on Market -Settlers Do Not Palt With Their Best Animals
The Joy fI
Hard Work Eugene Thwing in
CChe Chrblian Herald
THE greatest tun In the world Is work done heartThe quostlon Is fre quently aske(l duce payable re sults. ThUll, many In· Ily a nd well. To every man No whet.h ~r It Is be tter to breed or to buy ferlor cows are being , milked. • anti woman It Is given to cows. Tble of course, <!ep nds greatly keen huslness man would buy goods know the joy and dlgnit, U\lon cIrcumst ances, liut experience at It bl gh price nnll sell them at a loss, • ot labor, ye t thousands r. yet this Is practically what ma ny has taught tha t the most successful ruse tbe precious girt and bUndly da iryme n do. They purc hase COWl complain ot the "grinding, crushing dairyme n breed their own cows. Good quullty Is tbe point that shoulll much above the ir value, and i l costs loll" which Is the "curse of their lives," while others, even more pltla· ,be aimed at. This ea:\ be bette r obble, 'regard labor wHh contempt and tained by breeding than by purchastry to sbut out the laborer from Ing anImals here and t.he re as required. "good society." We read In a contem· , 'I'here are many re asc,ns' why It 10 porary that "much humbug Is drooled plore profitable Cor dlliryinen owning about the 'dignity ot labor.' There fair sizE'd lUrms to breed than to buy. la a great deal moro dignity In reat. In purchasIng, the best jud ges are People work becau!le they have to. ntt tMque ntly misled by npIJellrances. As becaule they want to. To "be oure, a rule sellers do not part with their lome folka pretend or really think best cows, conseque ntly there are that they do like work. Such a feelmore culls 011 th e market than high lng, it genuine, Is' a lire version arising "'Iass anima ls. Buyers have thereforo tram habit. Not only Is there no a great deal of pi cking and' chOOSing enco called the statement of a frhmd merit In work, but the institution It· to do, and good milkers nearly alwayo of tbe South Carol1nlan " a deliberate aelt has a disgraceful origin and bring the ir full \'alue . and unqualified ,falsehood." eprlnga from tbe crafty counllels ot Be sure and keep a bull that has Senator Winthrop Murray Crane 15 . the serpent, more subtle than any come trom a long line of good milk Mr: Lodge's colleague In the senate. producing stock. The purer bred he A Good Sire 'I An Important Factor In beut of the fteld, from the apple and Mr. Crane II no orator al Mr. Lodge Is tbe be tt~ r he will be and the more Succesaful Breeding. remlnlne curiosity and Adam'8 InelIs, and he knOWI It. Mr. Crane pa!es perlence. As a reminder and melikely will he be to transmit b.s good In the presenoe of a speech predlca· qQalltles to his offspring. The heifers more to keep these COW8 than the morial ot original sin, labor and the ment and for the flrlt time III years tram tbe best cows should be reared amount received for tbelr milk. bread eaten tu the sweat of tbe face the Bay State has one man In the to u.ke the platoe of the animals that The best way to get good cows Is to are justly patntul to every sensitive uppeJ; house ot conlrels who cannot tor various reasons are disposed of. breed them. Grade up by keeping the aoul." be eloquent when occasion demanlls . .The system of breeding allows the best sires and only the heifers from . The writer wbo so bltterl), preachea Senator Crane, however, II a pactn· dairyman to keep' only the ' best cows the most profitable cows. In this way rebellion against the rlchelt and moat cator who reacbes a high mark of abll· While ecme one else gets the culls. Ir eacb generation will be better tban blellsed thine In Ilfe has not read bill It)'. He certainly Is a worker, and the butcller securee them, so much the last. Selection and rejectlon bave Bible arlgbt. Work bad no such ort· Mallachuselts, and the country. for the beUer for the dairymen In gen· a great deal to do with< tbe success of eln as he delcrlbes. "In the begintbat matter, at Umes needs works as ordinary Intell\:;el1<;e to teil within eral. ,breeding. ning" God hlmseU set tbe example of OSCAR ERF, much ,al It needs words. the lipan of a spcecb wbetber or not Unfortunately farmers bave not ae work, and when bill great task wa. Thll touching UPOD tho r;)presenta- tbe well spring or the eloquence Is In yet been thoroughly educated to tbe Professor ot Dairying, College of Ae- done be looked hili work over '''and rlculture, Ohio State University. bebold It was very rood." He felt the tlon of Massacbullettll In the upper tbe bp.art. Voice nnd Ulanner betray tage' of feeding animals that prohoule of conl1'ell. brlDr;. to mind tbe the hypocrite, though the word. li~>e.::============T'================== aat1l1faoUon which comes from work 1\1lt Ireot speech or Senator. G~rge themselves are a fair ma'sk for the lie. well done, and be "rested on the Frllble Hoar. It was upon the lub· The speech reads well In tho Conseventh day from aU bis work." Tbe ject of the convel!-tlon bl'tween tbe gres.lonal Record and In the other rer)' tlnt elft to man, before aln \Jnlted Statea and the Republic of public )rlnt8. The constituents find I:ame, was work. He waa commanded Panama. That speech was doubl)' a sincerity In the written worda,' but to "replenlllh tbe earth an., lIubdue prophecy. In It he lpol'e of hla own the listeners have causht ihe falsQ It hali been conclusively proven In of tb.J tree until It Is ready for cu... It:' That mlcht, talk bal kept h1m \lomlOI deatb, and then, Quotlns In notell In every sente;)ce 01 th. lome of the European forests tbat a Ung. Then, If atter bavlng figured busy tram that day until DOW. pint (rom John Brlr;ht, he laJd: "1 tongue's utterance. 'fi:-gln forest can, after the first cut- the m('lney Invested at a 'lerla1n rate Chrtat'a word to man wal. "My Fatber see ODe vut federation Itretchlng Members of congreBl~onEldera. ting, wltb proper care and manage- at compound Interest for tbe period 01 worketh hltberto and 1 work. . . . from the frozen North . In unbrokeu tlons ot consclenoe In the', matter mont. be 11"ade to produce good crops rotation, we find we are making mono 'Tbe works that I do ahall ye do allO, line to the Ilowinc Soutb, and ' from aalde--do not care to be marke4r for Df tlmbor every year. 'lion. Jamea ey above that which we might make IlDd lTeater wore than 'thele aban the wild billows of the AUantio welt- bypocrlsy by their fe.low :.lembert, WUson, sccretary at agriculture, In by placing the land to eome otber use, ye do." Thul work had the 10fUeat ward to the calmer waten o( tho P. even though tbo excuse ot ordera from one of hla yearly reports says: "It Is we can sately go abead and plant or pbaalble origin, Imparting to It a dl.· clnn maIn, aDd I lee one people and their conlltltuents be theirs to com, as sure that ' forest land can be made 80W. as the case may be. the land with nlty andnoblUty beyond measure. one ~ru&le, one law and one faith, mand_ In thts may be found tb. to grow s~coes.lve crops of trees un· torest treee of the paying kind . Wrong VIew Work. i and ov"r all that ' wide continent a reason why so many representatives der proper methods as- that plow land The question Is otten asked,' .. at bome re. freedom and a .refuge ror sitting at one session of congres., oan bo made to grow successive crops treea would you advise me to plant 1" Wben work might be made to ftll the opprelSed or ever)' .acr e and ever)' members who ullually are heard when (If wheat." But as American farming Tbls Is often a 'bard que8tloll to aD- tbe life with glor)', Isn't It a pity that , cllme.... matters or lTea~ pubUe moment are baa had to develop and Is etUl develop- swer as the succesaful Jlal81ng of tree. so many Inllst upOn !peking It a On closlnl ' the. last Ip.ech UJat be Lefore the house, had nothlog to 110), for profit, depend. not. only on tbe drudgery and recardlns It with gloom The hOuse. chan,ed the meat In- deUnred In tbe lenate of th41 Unlted upon the raUroad rate blll. eon and climate. but, ae with agricul- and llopele!lsnesa! "Where there Is spection measure ' by tranllferrl.n g the States, &lnator Hoar said: "j do not tural crops, on the maa who does the I!O vialon the people pertlb." When The country knowa today ' that one ~ ' ot tb ... work from , the P;OcketbOQk eXpect myself to see tb, accompU.h- or tbe chief promoters of tbe ratE'work. These genoral rules, bowever,. once . the eye of the IOU 1 bas beheld or lbe packer to th. pocketbook 01 ment 01 that· viSion, but 1 believe It regulating meaaure . was a man who may be laid down: First, that It II the vtalon, ute and all It boldll Is the government and by IItrlklog out Is ' not far oU. The efel of cbl\dren thougbt that the legislation waa conalways safer to raise a species ot tree transformed. Hard work becomes extbe claUle wbloh made obligatory the now boru, the eyes ot men now within cAlved In Iniquity. He liad the COUTwhich Is native to the region than to hilarating pleasure; labor becomes plaolnl ot the date ulJOn. the In spec- lile sound of my voice will see It rar age of his convlcllons 'at the out.set~ raise one that must be accllmated; lIervlee; obstaoles become opportunl. ,tton Itamp. When the measure came on Its ' way .to accomplishment. • In or tbought be bad-but later without seoond, that all things ' being equal ties. The difference Is tn tbe worker back to the senate in Its cbanged sp,to of a difference or opinion on one . und rgolng In the least '" ohange of tbe fastest growing tree IIhould be rather than In the , work. form one of the first ' lena tori to ret great .Jueatlon, 1 am confident tbat beart he change'd his attitude, Rnd chosen; third, the trees that will bring When the new parliament building. upon !Jla feet · Cor the purpose of de· .the career, of peaceful empire ond of the , railroad rate measure', goes Into the mOEt money In the market, and Df the Dominion ot Canada were belns bOUDcln, the changes' was Senator peaceful gJory wlll . be along ' the .aame history Inseparably connected In the that can be raised In the largest num- reare~, a vIsitor stopped to speak to a ber pel' acre at the ' least expense; number of workmen who were cutUn, LOdge ' of Maasllchusetts, : and the path, with tbe 8ame chart and com- public mind with tbe name of a repfourth, the trees that have the tewe8t stone, The visitor asked one man Sl eech that ' be mado' upon ~ ilubject pass, with the. same guiding stars, reaentatlve who almost un'questlonenemies and can stand the cllmatlc wbat he was dolog, and repUed that ma,ter no loftier 'than the din upon with the same rule of falth and ably was a foe rather than a friend changes the 1:ost. a packlng·house floor and the co.nse- rractlce that this nation has followed t 1 the letlslatlon. Are a renomlDll~ he waa earning two dollars and a lialf Quent duty, ot the government to force from the belllnnlng." Now you may ask, "How. can I know a day. He asked a Decond man tbe tlon and a re-electJon worth the price tbe hand of the packera to la, hold or fiqd out these facls?" The re are same question. and pointing to a In congr~ss at times Uiere Is pre- of public. hypocrisy? on tbe broom of oleanllness has boon several waYII : One Is to write to your chart spread before him the man 8ald There were REpublican represcnta. experiment station for the Informa- be was trying to make the stone on declared since to be the greatest sented a nne Question of ~thlca to whIob the higher mprl'.lIsts lOay give , tlves a few years ' ago who yearned tlon; anothor is by obscrvation and whloh be was worldng correspond speeoh mado at the first session of the ' study. A tarmer In southern Ohio wab the chart. A thIrd man wa. Fifty-ninth congress, and when tlils ' answer 'If they 08n. Many a repre- to speal( their minds on the subJeot owned a fine farm but the locust tree. ssked what be was doing. All three statement, Was made by those wbo sentatlve flnda lila conscIence and bls of tarl(f revlsloIj. That whl~h they 'apparent duty to his constituents at wanted to say would have been unwere so persistent in coming up and men were, to outward appearances, bave paased judgment tbe speeches ot occupying tbe ground that he gave up engaged In precisely tbe samo work. Bailey, Knox and Spooner upon the loggerbeads. Demand comes . from r.:easant to the ears of the majority of home that he IIpeak ' In support of a tbe party members. Loyalty to party Con8tltu~onlll Question Involved In the In dlsgu~~ a~ so~t! 1!~ fal m. T!!.2a But the third man let his mallet relit rallroad rate measure - were not lost measure at whlcb his own sense of kept most of tbese men Silent. and Caulpa Treea 25 Veara Old-They he saw the man wbo bought it give a moment, and straightening blmllelf right revolts. Is 1.e to spe.ak or Is no one. perhaps, blames them (or Will Make Telephone Polel. over tbe farm to the growing of locust up, pointed proudly to tbe great to 81ght nor to memory. "ho to keep silence? their silence, for potslbly party r;ood Ing methods adapted to , the conditions trees and In a sbort time make, out building. tbe gracetul Unes 01 wh1~'" The're are often eneers at r.{assa· PossIbly 'the ' al)swer that Eprlngs . Is paramount. The few plain 8peakers ot the locust trees for fence posts. were beginning to sbow In the mas. ehuaetts, because, as the rest at the most readlly to the lips Is "yes," and on .tarlft revisIon were In the main nf each region to make tae best of the more than enough to pay tor the slve pile above them. He thought of . grlcultural lands, so mus t the forestcountry hllll It, she arrogates to her- the three lettered word has as a those Republicans wllo were certalIj the glory ot tbe completed bulldlng, lIr and the man who wishes to raise fnrm. selt a certain scholarly distinction bssls for Its utterance the thought 0: the countenanc.e at their ('onstlt- ~.rees, learn by scientific study and In some localities we could recom- and what It meant, and be replied ' de1)led unto the other common.wealths tbat a representative, being a repre- uents In that whlc:' they had to say. practical trial to make the. best use mend the locust as a good commercial eagerly, "I am helping to make tbat." of the ('ountry. Possibly the sneer lI&11tatlve. should do as those · whom _ It Is highly probable, however, that of our timber trees and timber. land. crop, In otbers tbe catalpa and In stili This man had a 'Islon; he was doing at times Is justifiable, be,cause the ,' he represents direct. Tbere ' are other Ziamuel W. Mcaall ot MaEsachusetts Tho first thing to be considered Is others the whitE! asb, etc. Every lo- somelnlng worth while: The task 01 old Bay State not only holds 1;ters.e lf sides to this matttlr, however, some would havo said "'hat he did say It whether It wilt payor not to raise a cality haa Its own peculiarity aa to earning money may not be worth • dl.Unlulshed 'above all others In mat· of tbem shadowed In doubt and others tnere h"dn't been a re'/Islonlst Re- certain species of tree in a certain soli, climate. etc., so that no hard and whlle; the task of. blindly following a ~el'tl Intellectual, but she Is too fond of them ,c lear In the sunUght. ' publlcaa In his district There ore locallty. Iu order to determl.ne that, fast rules can be given. The same patt'ilrn may not be worth whlle; but' of letting the conceit spread Into othDoubtless a representalh'e 'should some men whom party considerations we must know the marltel prices, the holds true aa to marke t prices. to have a part In making sometblng er U"lds where sbe stands not e~en vote as his dlatrlct demands, ' but can't lhrottle. was nol a bit Dleas: lengt~ of tim e It lak es the treo to C. H. GOETZ, good- whether It be a cathedral or a l:ave the represented ones the right ant for Mr. Cannon and others to hcar go-ow lo commel'Clal si ze, the expenses Collese ot Agriculture, OWo State nharacter-thllt Is worth while. lI8Cond, nor yet· perbapa tweolletti. Unlyersl ty. Massachusetts, bowever, generally to expect their member to stand up In the herotlc McCall say In his cold, connected with the raisins, and care Labor Should Be Matter of Love. doeB ' send big men to the sen at of tbe face of men, to ad\'ocate a meas- b. ~llt b'lt f~rceful way: ' Work must be an expression or love the United Stutes, and hi tbe main ure wi t h reagon Ings a-nd with argu . vest, and furnishes plenty of succul()nt "Now" the people I>f l\fassnchusetta -some definite love which can find big men to tbe house of representa- ments 10 the truth of none of which are only: thinking a little In advance feed until eal'ly wint er. Uvea ot the nation.' In the hearing or be believes, and In the .s ettlng' rorth some o~ tile peollie of this collDt •.y. Rape seeel may be sown ellher In no other way so satisfying an ex· ' lucb -a speech ns that· of Hellry Cabot of which he utters nd word Wltbout Soon tbl s Idca will Invade New York broadcast or fn drills. Wben sown pression. Teat man who was enjoyJ..odge uv on the Oeverldge amendment making hIB lips lie ~o .bIs heart 1 ' and illinois and Oblo. gathering force Ie- Hardy Plant Well eulted P"or POi. broadcast from 3 to 5 'pounds of seed Ing his work :wllb mallet and chisel p(.\' acre , are required ; when Gown lD love d his provInce, loved his n~tlon, 10 the agricultural bill the \Ivlug FlIPDan't person!! to the contrary as. It moves ; and I say it· you lhRt ture Purposes, Especially For drills from 1 to 2 pounds of seed lind loved his sovereign. TheLr glory 8neel' ,ot the (ead and gone Mar}: .. 1l0t,,'lthstlJod7n&., most congreEsmen If we do rot trent protection '49 a ra. She'e p ai,d Hogs-May Se was his glory, and to eIJhance theIr sl.!ould be .nseo]. W. H. DARST, hanna , expends I~~elf Ineffectually. have consciences. The 'hollse of rep- tlunal prluclple Instead or as n CRStSown In Corn. . glory wa.s his joy. The same rule holds College ot Agrlcnlture, Ohio St!lt~ • Hanna said that In Henry ' Cabot resentatlvea Is composed for. the for Iron, Immutable set of ' sch edules, we true In tbe kltcben, or tbe barn, or Univel'slty. Lodkge a good htlSttorlan ~as spoiled to greater part at men of deccpcy ond Jf :Utr likely to · have the Demc>crallo Rape Is one of fM excellent tornge tbe oIDce. Hou sehold duties are In· ma e a poor s a esman. bl..no~poor men; ln thIs world's goods party and th'en possibly tb e delug~." ClOPS that is easily grown. It Is a tolerable wben they are (lone without Mr. Lodge was talking about the tlley are Ip the maIn" end !-heir. POv- There was prophec)- 'In t1jat: ' , lIardy plant tha t Slvos large crops,'· For wheat a firmly compacted seed- t.lle light and JOY of love: but the girl »ar. packing Industry, of corn beef, erty la tb91r pral~o , . It ~·;!.s IIluted Mr: . McCall'3 boldhcss In tho tnrlff .ultal)le for pasture, b.Jug espec lnlJy bed with two or three Inches of looso who would rather sweer} the ,floor of saui1Bges arid ,of bob veal, and yet In press correspo~d~!1ce from Wash: revision 'matter calls to ~Ind anotb'O'r valuable for aheop and hogs. If not soil (In the surface Is belter than nn and wash the dishes In order that tbl., mlln' rose to the heights .of a l:'gton time e.a4 ~g ... \n, and I not infre- shQwlng 0 '( tbe courage In whl('h be past'lJ'ed too severely, It will gl'OW up extt ",t1Iely mellow soll._ This Is ba- mother may have an hour more of Ireat orator. . His speech was quently )llaln .iltatement was ,mild:., was ne of- twq ,clll.ef. flgurcs, Most 'again and a gain !;leve rnl tlm\ls. in a cause our wheat 1.9 SOWD In a usually reat-,-tbat girl, Ir' you wlH open -the ; 'wIUierlng' as cont~mpt tor dl!!hon~sty that ' 'Boores . ot . ·Rep.ubllcan rep,re- , P:l'llty merl 'probably ' ~11I lOok tipon 1U:~1l80n'" malting later pasturage III the dry period when mot'stute must be re ' door just' DOW, you 'Yilt flnd singing at tn' busineSs metliods, ,coupleil wltb Ii sentatlves we"a ,0Pl!osed 'at hea~t to It as sLmJ,lly 'a bit or · .PtrassachusctfS f.~n than any . other crop, · often 101lg, !.alned to' tlle greatest e.·tent possible her work. All work Is service; aH ter frost has kl11ed otbe r torms of It Is advisable to. plo\,\, for wbea t aa mastery of th,e langullge of Ironr' and the 'ratlroad rate legle:latlon ~rged , by· "hOlier i 'h an thoulsm:'" the Qutgrowth ~orthY service may be an exptesslon Icorn and biting ssUre, could make ft. President Roosevelt and demanded by of ant/-lmllerlalJst P,harlsalsm li l:t It ye;retatlon This plli-nt Is a men1be~ Ilarly ull possible and thElD ~Ive con, .or -love, and love tbe ellllence of ' joy. ' While the ,8e~a:tor tram );fassa> tho people. . ': ' " -.' . L loolled like t~e ~elluJne, ~o~':aga of· tM ~bbese family. Dwarf Essex stant -ou\uvriUon to' /fne and firm the 'l' be Inevitable concluslolJ hi, that all _. chuaetts was speaking not a colleague' Tt)os~ ' Republtcan~ wHo. ' hel,d th,at /lrtlcl~ nevertheles8. . .' best known variety Rnll th,e one soil 'as .well I\S t~ destroy the . \veeds. , work, to brlllg real joy to the worker, . moy,ed In his seat, · not a 'Whlsller wae the la'l<- "blch "..118 ~ougbt was better ~ ,JobDi Sharp \\tUnamll , proPolled · to ...,"U.."......lJ' must, (ake -bim o~ at hJmself-D)ust beard nor wail one of the ' PI1()er.s off U:~an 'on tbe statute bo~ks voled thePhtllpplne " tarltt bill ~n omend' ,~ Are you golD g to th~ co~~ty till... Utfs In sorue wa)', directly .or JndJrecU,., 'be lItte~ed ' tbe ' lIenate~s 'desks II:" ror tbe- la,W ' llga~nst . tbelr ov. n In- ment promising ulUmlt.Clly 'reedo~ to -year? Qal\ you at!qrd not to ' go! If !ervlce for others. SeltlShness seeky. lowed to ruiitle. Even Mr_ Tillman, cUnaUonl and ),l lIet becaus~ th.elr tlie- "little brown brother...· It ' was you have ~ot had: a vaCatj~n lhl,. ioa· 'tor ' j~y and tinds . It not. Unse.Jtlah yhOll8 love (or Mr. Lod,e 18 not eoDsUtueptl demanded , ~at tbey P1l to a rIsing vote. Every Deauicrat son this will be a gopd oPDOrtunJty ·,to aervlce finds joy without searchlog, trite one. And 'of couree tbe wl[e and Even' acblevemeQl, eyery l'eall,zatloD, tralllQendJDS, looked upon the Massa. .hould eo vot~ but, 'IDlY it not be laid Itood ":i.f(1r~atlvel'" uJ)qn bta feet. clilldren ~11 go alon,. A Ipleodld hal- o( 0 lilel81nl coDferred UPOD another. ebUliltts mIn with '& ' much- . more to ·th.'~ everluUIl8 credit that moat Tbo. RepubllcaDs, all .-va t"o, at .. II aD InsplraUi)n an4 au lD~DtI. . to lterllti8l, bone.t uprealitoD 01 ad. of lb.. 're\)r-.eatIUve. i4'~o tlloqbt Ii .pl,ked to . their cllalr&. Tbe two Id1'1 f9f &11. rurtber effOrt. The ' -.,ower to ~ . til b" tblll be prob@lr tile ae.fIalaU"" ."1'00& refused to . p~ wbo rote afflrmlltve aDd l1ofl'IIt. ,d.r~----, make maal'..t,. llJ»OOi1te Uu .. oratorl· lu to Tote wttb tile the We of or ",,"'_II.
-which tbe7
~ pr inting f l' treasor r ,32; The W t ru ' t.llr, re ord nnd t.llti nary
1m' rec9rd r, '''0. 50; Tru toe t4 of Publlu Affllirs, water relit, $7 ; V(ll I Y '1' h' ph one ' ompany. r UlR 1101\ ~l\nl!, $22 75 ; WiIlitLm ~ ,' c.: ru'Oliw, , on trtLOt. "HiO. 50. F oil wing t r(}Dsfers ordered wade t o r Imbur~e the funds: From couot y f nnd t spe(lhll brldga fund 1906 - MIIY I. 1911, $2,800; from county fund t,o 8peoitll bridge fund 1906May 22, 1911. "2,000 j from connty fund to ~pOOiB\ bridge fnnd 1909,Iune 5, lIB I, $2375. 6; from county fond to IIpecia\ bridge fund 1909July 3, 1911 '2,000; from county fnnd to spcclul bridge fund H109.July 31, 1I1B, .2,000; from Judicial fuud to special bridge fund 190\!July 31. 11111, '400. Bid received o~ ,,56 from Oregonia Bridge company, lor steel beam uridge with oonorete fioor at Ureen Trt'la cro s ronde. Contrll ot entored with ' lint W. ~t,llflton for corrugated sewer nnd couorete hend \VI~U at B ck Hill on lower ~pr n gboro rOft~ ut eRtiOlIlt.O of $(17 , 'ontro ct entered wUh Willillm Ii _ Brown for olellnlng (lnd pllIuting bridp'o by French ~'U'ID and Orphans' ., h owe at Ilstima te of $ 18 . 'ontru Jt entered with Will ter A ~iaker tor cbanging cbannel at Bunnell Bill bridge at eEltimllte ot
tup ndons rotechnic Sectacle Depict,ing This ,Vlcto.ry a ightly Fr Fafureat Ohio State Fair. AT 'COLU BUS, A GST 28, 29, '30, 31, SEPTEMBER 1 AMagnificent Fireworks Disp ry Staf.l.d by a Company of Three Hundred Experts. AProduction AppeLl Iin!! Especia Iy to _Buckeye Citizens. x· where t be nghtlng Is ~rcest ths grand nld nag·Sh lp. La wrence, can be seen op. ()f ;]'111' "'I" ": ,I, . I', rr,l"s \ i' wry I:; 1(,;Hli ng. with .her Intrepid commander n'I':' 0111' l' oI h~' 11 ' 1 111, of mallY th oll' las hed to t he riggi ng. So realistic Is " _III I,' 'ntl ,.trI!~ nl II ... nil pal ill 'd ::Il' n ry . th ' pro<l uctlon thnt oue can easily whit'll glorious u<,hil H~ n\(",1 h Ol'l ly 110 fillillgl,\' tt'll'lll':lll'd. \\ ill \11111 I::i ll i; II"" " -\I' I l'ssll l - met'hllul· Imagine he cn n bear, e ven ahove the UO:> ,' iI' ldly lJ nd I'culisllrni ]y rrpmlllll '''''' ' 101:;,' , flll-11'111 j I ' I .ll1 d Il ITHllJo:,l'd so as roar or th nn non. his fnmous bat· for the nll-nllll l'£' of Sl,lle Fu il' , 1>11<lI: t" !!I,! to II IN II ~ Il.u {1!;h III I' al a tlon . Ue cry thut hn - co me ringing down thi s y :11'. Tlw affair will lop HI II ",.·,1 '1 ~" . n.' d. " l' l:{ Put· ill-Bay aud \'1· thro ugh t he ag s- " n on 't -give up the Ewh ni gh t hy the Alb I P yro ~Ill' ( - l,l( '-l luil,. ,) 11 Lr,! ,. 1-;1'1 . wher rhe fam· shi p." ulllr nmpUlI .' ·, or HIl.·Il(,: tt'I'. S , Y " I "liS t. 11 I ' wa. rfl ll l!hl rlr til's t a nd The graud variety of bom!ls, fine ·nnll w ill he the m o~ t rl tlZ7.l~n:: l1ud I olily 0111 ' in whlrh nUl' 3 1' Ill15h rl nrt8. 1i!;lll ulng f!fls hes and thund er EnHY '
", ('TOttY
EriC' rlllring I hI' 1 I" [ I',e (,Cllt.'lI l\i:l1
\\' 111
\\·\t'I ·111
",'11- (' l'l
"lll i
lie alilli I na l
I. c'lIl
' ontrll t with Bert Drake for bridt;;e }Ja\nt at liOo per ga llon, Val id until 1:5, pt.ewbflr 22,11111 . Pll1ns ond speclficationll for oon orete nllU toltlnhl nenr WIHlnm ColItlt te 's Bnd G (lorge Bll.rllin's fnl'lll on WIl.,YntlsviIlo and Barveysburg foad 1I.1'1Jroved Ilod ooutrttct let to N rithlln Hurvey Itt 8dtilnnte 'of '107.71i. Contract entered wHh Jobn J{ p noer for oonoret-e Will! and wing I\nu apron to ~tone I\butments .( I on >Ii ve ,ranch roud bll near Thomas ~pencers j also extra oon. orete 0'1 ItOS881 Murray. abolmeots al!d bridge repair work I~t ollttm!lte, 50. Coutraot entered with Bert RI.'ed
for corrugated sewer and oonorete heudwalls lI od temp tIlry roudway In d lights, near residenoe ot '3~ou~
PERRY'S VICTORY ON LAKE ERIE···STATE FAIR FEATURE. I;Lwe·lnsplrlng C 110 eve r wlLn 'ssed In Oblo. Mr. Alla n's su '!lS S a Inns· ter of pyrotechnic ar t h Ull xt filled ov r nenrly nil the civilize') wo rld during tbe past tw nly ye fU·S. H hilS vlslted all the foreign ounlrles, 10' cluding .lapan an!l China. and mallo a study of their masterpieces of I'\l'e· works. 'J' he Imowl dge thus gaine d, coupl d wl ll1 Ills own in v nl,tons. n· abl s his com puny of X[I rs to stuge a olle tlou f st.aI'UllIg" and T a.lIstlc de igns t bnt ,U Il , ' I' fail lo plense his aUlllen !:!. till T"all' Yis i to~ s are to glYen tb b neLt of all of It. and
County Courts Com .non Pleas Court.
squadron was der aled, put to rout and fOl'ceil to surrender. The sceno opells wltb Perry's scout boats maneuv ring and paSSing out by pictur sque Glbralter Island, on the memorable morolng ot September ] O. 1813. Commodore Perry's much sought nnel long looked·for 01>' pprtunlt,y bas come, for the British 'ommodortl with fleet ot Men·ot·War and veteran fi ghting crews Is at \ust putting Ollt at sea to give baUle. With lightnlng·llke action Perry gets his flghtln g f1 Bet under way and soon meet,s up with the enemy, and
effects fl'om high explosive sheila, discharged from these miniature war. SQlps, would starUe even Perry and Barclay themselves could theae grand old bel'oes but witness the reproduc· tion of their great battle. Pleased as Is always the audience with this grand IQlnlature battle scene. a no less satisfying feature will be the gorgeoul;I tlreworkll fe88t that wl11 be elaborately dlljpla1ed ' a8 a finale tei the mammoth speotaole. This wi\) be more extensive 10. sllte a nd far more elfectlve than Ilas ever been attempted at the State Fair. .will and testament of Willillm M. I than mark et value or appraised Young, deoeased, plaintiff vs . ,\II1.1'Y vlllue. Young et al defendant,8. Executor -Real Estate Transfers.
to sell rea.l estate at Dot le88
Monfort on Cinoinnati . plk~. at es tiDlate 178. Oontract entere I with Wilh,lm 0008tablf\ for ohan,glng chaunel to maklng stone and brullh ploteotion at Bentllein arcb on Ros8borg aDd pl~8un , Plntn road at est.la: ate of '20', plans !lnd Ifpecifioatiou8 for oonorete -a roh near Ben Mulls' on Dr,,\[o road approved and oontraot let to Cbarles ' ~tibbs at estimate of $137. Oont~aot ent~red wltb Oregonia Bridie company for steel \Jearn bridge wltb oonc~ete fioor at Green Tree oro~s roads at their bid of '236. Plans a.nd 8peotfioat.lon8 for steel beam bridge with old wood top near ~~8iden(Je of MoIntyre on the Moln. tyre TOlid ap :rroved IlDd contraot let to Oregonhl ~ridge Co ,at their bid of '136.
---_e ~ ..
tha,ti twc-thirda of aPl>rlllsed value, Mary Ellza.betH Gilpin to Elbert 'I ~hlrty Years Together one third ca.sh,,' on day of sBle, one- D. Ru~sell and Mary F. RU8sel lot ~'birtyyearllofassoolatlon-tbink • , of It. How tbe mer~t of a go:>d thiog Cha.rles E. Anderson vs 'rhe In ' third in one and one-third in two rn ~pringboro, $1. , stand8 out In ' tbat time-or t-he telurbJn Rullway and Terminul years from d":v of sBle and deferred Cnrl J . Miller as admi.Distrator ,of worthlessoess or a bad o~e . So Company a oorporation, C. L .· Hop , payments to bear interest and be estate of Esthbr Miller to 0 , Frank there's no gues8 work in this evitt f' \ - t'1f M . seoured by mortgages as premium8 Deardoff. Real estate in Warren denoe of Thos Arlss, Conoord, Mlch., · p l ng n oroey or p lun I, oney who wrltes' - "I have used Dr d "'co 17 \)- 0 " Bold. county ' ,4061.12 . 08 d am ages. A mounu... c la ime 'l'b H KIng's New .Disoovery tor 30 years . Martin A. Jl.Lmesou, gUllrdian of omns . Rod/1el'8 appointed ' ChlirleB A. Wl1llams, to Harriet aod Its the best oough and cold 1ur~ estate of Anna M. Grandin VB. 1::). S_ member of Board of School EXtlPli· IB . Rees and Editb A. W.lllia,ms, lot I ever u&9d." Onoe it finds en 'Graodln anu Alice B. Grandin n ers for term ending August 31, lio 'Franklin township, '$1. tranOA in a home. you cao't_ pry ~t Brl1ndon ' ancl Jvins attorneys f or 1914. Whereupon Thomas B . Rod . ! Ella Wi180n .to James J. Sllfferty on\. ~any fo~lli"l:1 have us~d l.t ger. appears and takes require 1 th I t. PI t PI I II! 1r::O ., forty yellrs. 1t 8 the most Infll.lhplaintiff. Attaobment U. . 011. 0 llelU ellSll.n ~ n, .. ., • ble tbrollt Bnd long medioine on Bessie L.:Sweeney VB. Cu.rl SweenPerry H. Rue arlruiDlBtrator of Fred :\leyer and WIfe to Ella SmUb earth. Unequalled . for logrippe, ey. T. O. ChristIe, attorney for estate of Lllfayettel::). Rue, de· lot in Butlervllle, ~l. ' llstbmn, bay.fever, oroop, qain9Y or plaintiff. L>ivorce on g roonus of oeased, fileR first and final account Bora lungs . Prioe 500, $1.00. 'J,'rial with vouchers tor settlement whUlll Commissioners' Proceedin~s, bottle free. Guaranteed by all drog gross n eglect of duty . gists Bills Allowed' :-Mrs. Bertha Ben. ------Andrew T. WlIliaUlson VS . The Is ordered Ruspeoded, MoOlintio and Ma.r!!hal1 Bridge and F. M. Cunningham appointed ltd · thein 0 )mpensation Rnd damageB . WEANING THE LAMBS Building Company, Patri ck Gu.Y- ministrator 01 estate of John R . tor fill in Bentheln aroh, $10 i Frllnk and dam The ewe lambs 'hat are to be, kept nor attorney for p\uint-iff. Money Vrake, rlecellsetl, under bond of Bowm"n ... , oompensutl'on .. .. $3000. Jnme~ FoIleD !::iI', Samuel ages for road arosnd bridge, $, 1 0', for breeders sbould be ' w"aned at on Iy. A moun t c Ilii ,ne d $:.lOOO. , Monfort and John Shnwhan ap· William Con!ltl~b\e oompensation a.bout four .months old. Put tbe Probate Court. [Join ted a,?(h'aisers . and labor for roo'd around aroh, t5 j ewes on sbort dry f~ed for a few OI~tberif1e Fox, executor of As tato Carl J. Miller, udmiuistrator of T . H Whit!lore oompensation and davs to stop milk. Wa!tch toe ud of Uavid 1:1. Fox. deceased, fil es in. estate of :Esther Miller. ueceased, damllgfls for road, around arch, $S; dere. as it mny be D~cessar,Y to drll'W \,entory and appraisement which is pluintiff vs . Mllry Bru8cup et 0.1, de· J . V. Hankinson. 10m ber, Sl5, to j 80me milk from the heavy milker8 . ord-e red reoorde,d. fe ndunts Return!:! from sale 811 J . V. Hankinson, Jumber, '1860 j Grain the ewes IiSbUy ' IlS soon 1111 In lQatter ,oi' wi ll of David:::;, F ox, pl'Oved Bnd 'executor ordered to pl~y Wantz Lumber and Cool compl!ny, theyareury. I:k>me &rliin from now d eoellsea. Ca.,t,herine Fox elects to tuxes nnd OO!!ts nnd .listribute re lumbfll, $S2 44; J. V. Hanktnson" on Ie neces8ary and will pay in tb~ take under WIll . mllinder acoordiog t o Ill.w, IUp1ber, $17 i _Bert Reed, _bridge B ~ext crop cif lamb8. Perry E. Kenrick, a.dmini tl·lI.tor I E tate of L!lfu.yette 8. Rae, de pairs Deerfield township, '~8.25 ' ; • - "••- - 9f estate,of Anno. Leonard, deceased, cbLlsed, P . H. Rue ndministrator or Charles t:)tibbs ooutrllct. $142 50' V Attack:. Like Tigers file!! i?ventQr y ·and li,Pprai flment dered to uiat.ribute prooeeds ~ of sale, J. Zentmeyer, ~ontr~otr ,7{05; ~n fijfhting to keep tbe_blood' pure whl~e 1 ord~red reoorded. . as provided Ilmong May R , Noggle .. Robert" Reichel. oontract, '12 i Har. 'he w.hite uorpuR)lee ~ttl\.(jk ~i8ea8e , _.W!18on Ungleaby, Ilppointe nd Minnie Rue and P. H. Rne . . ry J. Mela,mpy, oonti'act; ,31 30 j germ, 'Jika tlger8. · But.'ottlm geroi~. ·.~lni8tr"tor of estlite of 'l'b.eodore In matter of estate 'o f Howard.E O. A. Stook O"'n' t',raot 12r!'. OreOlO' nla multlpJy 80 fa8t ,'t~~ little _fighter8 , u ,u , • are pveroome., Then ' see plQlple~. , , MoUurdy ?~ce~sed, _und r bona 0'( Boot.~, dec'liI~ed, };Iannab 8. Bo~th~ _ Btidge Co., oontraot, $~5(); 'O regonia bolls, ~ozQma, aah rheum and 80rea 15,00. , ,Ph!lip Spenoe, Joseph H ott, IldmlOlatratrlx ask" tha.t'relDaind,e r. Bridge ,Co., oontraot, $170 j Oregonil' mtiltlpl.v ,an~ ,8tren~~h' arid' appetite Ilnd:Charles Graham ' appointed up of estate ,be tra.nBr~rred to the nBme Bridge Co , oontraot, 1170 j OregonIa fal.. Thl~ oondttioD ·' ~emand. Jlll~o : pl'ai ere. of Hannu~~. Booth. Coort' oI;dets , Bridge Co., oontraot- lri25 '; Ed, S. !~l~:lt~~~~~~:~~~~e :!;:ia::'~!t:~ PrOOf of publtca.t.ion of est~tes for this done. Oouklln, Pos~maa~r, 8tamps for- from the blb.cxt, "They are the bee, l~ttle~8nt ~et for bAaring 00 Augos~ In ~atter of e8t&te of .Joseph ~'. auditor, .5; L. AI. Prince 8al»plles bloodp~rUler," wrl~ 'C. T. Budllbn, 14&b at 9 0 plook filed ,aud record Moore,' deceased, ' O . O. Moore ad. for 81lr.v~or, 11.45 i J. A, Th)m~loD, of '1'raoy, ,~aUf "hI h.ava ever found, ,d, minls.trator ordered to sell p8rBoul two aWDings' for oo~ri honee 1, They ,make rtC.b, ~ilCl blood, strong 41 Iii Ob t f) ' t t " ' 'nerv81 &lid butld a.p ~ODr. health ~am_ aney, exeou or 0 as proper y a' pritate-aale .& not 1. The Weatern 81.r, eDvetopea aQcl Trl them. 104s~'.1I~, '
.New Suits
..-- ..------
OHIO' EXPOSITION ' ,TO 'B3EAK RECORD Larger Building Equ~~ment Required For Exhibits.
DR. COX·S Barbed Wire
G ARAN'rEED h iiI with ut lallv' ing 1\ hi ,niRb, or MONEY REFUN Dim. , 001; nlld $1.00 llil:UR rnr rr~. h ~YO\lIll\ I1 . old flo n'fl, 8 I'll bac ks nnd shou ld. ra, bums · and brujsos . 26.0 8i~e for ~'all\ily Use. , DR. COX'S PAtNLESS BUSTER pllinl(' ~s nnd guarunteod to O.UfO pnvin, HIIl J,:boll, nrb, SweenYl Sphnt, Puffs, r nlly cnlnl'g llIellt flf Done or
lDosol , or
\Il ()Uey
refunded. _Price 600.
E. Good Road. En,thu"alte wrrl Find ' Muoh to Interest Them Thll Year In an Inspection of Mlle. of Fine Driveways Throughout the Ground., Whloh Are Being Re8urf.ced Under Direction of the State Highway Commll8loner.
Notary Public All kln<lEl of Notnry WOI'k . Penslun W or k I~ peclul ty .
An Idea or the mngnltude to which the Ohio State Fair. Aug. 28 to Sep. .. DENTIST•.• I, 18 expect d to attain cun be hnd by contemplating tbe great cattle exhlb· Oll h'l' ill It building. Already ' one of tbe most , N'atlulllll Waynesville, 0 UllIIl Hltl g. com~)ete structures of Its kind Iu the country. ~nd which accommodl'.ted oue thousaud hend of cattle last year. Is being enhlrged to care tor sixteen E: .: ... ·.: ...ti.e )C~ .:... a IVfl llundred thoroughbreds. It now be· G ,· .... "'t •• :l '~ ''j t. : n L) r~. "" 'h. _ comes probably the greatest cattle exhibit building in tbe world, a:ld the cattle sbow that wl11 he 'staged within It during State Fair week will equal. It not excel. any exhibition ot lhe kin !! e\'er attempted In the nation. ElllnE-8, which .c1oso Aug. 12. are be· Undertaker and Embalmer, Ing re: el\'ed hou;ly, and already It Will be footlcl , in the ol<'l la ovl rl"!nt that the exhibits or other Bnnk Bonding, OPpOShH ),earR will be tar exceeded this year, t,he Nlltiollul Bllnk. , A new hi gh water·mark wlU be at· '1'010pllone in hOllse !lnd or· ' tallied tor future talra to strive tor. fioe where J oo.~\ be called Citizen Soldiery, day I)r night. Tile crealll of the Ohio National Gun:-d. \11 full soldier unltorm. wl\1 Valley Phone 14-2. do police duty at the Ohio State Fair Waynesville. Ohlo Aug. 28.... to Sept. 1. Gen ral Wey· Main St.ret't. br ch lias consented to select them. and they wll\ be drawn floom every company In the state' and w1l1 be Lhe pick of our citizen sotdlery. In addl. thin to doing PQllce duty they wll) ex· hlblt a regulllr anny camp on the ground. and -wll\ appear 011 dress pa.THE CREATIIT . ra(le dally tOl' the edlflcation of tho tbrong. In atteDl.lauce. ' Fir. Drill. IN THI WORLDAnother feature of this year's fait 1'UBlJSBED' WEEnY. $UIO fER YEAR will be dally exhibition. by two com· HOTaLI, DRUCCI8T.. SPICIAL-IITa, panles of rOl:ular city ft.remen. A 0081'U MiltS, Tit ANIF lit. CAB magnificent new, fire department AND 'BUI 8ERVICI OAN PROFI' building Is nearing compl&tJon, and BV UIINO ITI ADva.Tl8I1tO >OOLUMNa In It will be hOused two ru'll com· SAMPLE COPY fREE panlel of Oolumbua firemen, with tull Add,... NEW YORK OLIPpalt equipment of fire fighting apparatus. N_ York. N, Y. They will be on duty to guard the millions of dollars' worth of buUdlngs and exhibits; and wlll also give dally dr1l1s ' for the pleasure of t he ·apeo. Dr. Bell's Plf,le-T&r-Honev Por CoughS and OoIds. tatars. Good Road. Exhibit. ' ood ronds enthusla ts will find much to In t I st them at the Statt;! Fair thls yehr In an l/lspeCtiou of the W. HENDERSON, M. 0 mil s of tine dr'lv ways throughout thf' grounds. T !~ t!I!e r'ontlways ' are all Waynesville, Ohlu. 11. 1I,lg resurfaced under the dlre<:tion ot the stilte hl" hway commls81oner, nnd are devclo~ II g luto the DloSt per- Valley Phone 163 .' Mal« Strut fect speClmtlll~ of IlJl·t '1late road· ' ways. [u Ild(lItloll to til rl'utls being thus trehed, lhe CO:1Hllllislon r III Illlt· tlng In short I) all OilS or Butlrely n\w driveways I1S Ilpl!clmcns (r th IntCl;t and most apI)\'UV d mcthods of high· way construction. It will be worth the while of e,'eryonc Interested to lee and study th m. ..
Grand Exhibit' of Pure Bred Ani· mals at -OhiO Slate Fair. Tbe largeat Importera and breedera of draft horses In America are located In Ohio and Indiana. a'nd the prize anlmala ot these sta-bles wl11 !Hi ex· hlblted at the monster, Horso Show. which la alwaya a feature of tho Ohio Btate Fair. The horses shown at this )'ear'l fair wll1 total a value of more than a million dollars. and no other exhibit of horael will anywnya near approach It. not excepting the great New York Horae Bhow . . The Horse Show la only one of man), big features of Ohlo's State Fair. The cattle exhibit be un. excelhld In the nation. and IIrobably only eQualled, by the International. The cattle exhibit bUilding already one of the greatest Itructurea ot It II kind In the cOUntry. III re~elvlng a $20.000 addition. which will enable .he man. 'Iement to bouae and exhibit no I... lIhan alxteen bundred head ot cattle. ' The building on the Btat'" F'A'r .. .. ... 1T0unda (lccuPY more than thirty acres, and t"~ maohlnery " exhibit, most of", whloh wl11 be In the open, wH,1 o~upy torty acrea. A , ,6.000 lirework, ' display; depicting Perry'. Victory qn Lake Erie. wl11 be the ,.rand finale' of each ,evening', ethlblt1on. " .,
DR. BEL,L 'S ANTI~PA'N .0" Internal an4 External P...... -,
WA YNESYILLE CH URCHES. Sf. Augustine's Catholic: Churell. Falb.e r George MaveDboefer Putor every 8000nd Sundar of ;be mou\b a 9:00 a. m. . Mas8
St. Mary's Episcopal
Rev . J . F. OadwalJa4er. Reclot:.
Sunday Sobool. 0 :80 a, m MornIng ler vice. lu :30 a. m. Boly CommUnion ')1e llrat Sunday ot eacb montb,
Methodl-t EpI-"'paI Ch":':'"
.. -.v Rev. B. W. Balle,.. Putol. Sunday Scbool, 0 : 11 a. m. MOrnlnlt au· vloe. 10 :80 a. )no '_ Epwortb League. 7 :00 II' m. ~vcnJng lIer:vlce. 7! 00 p . m. Midweek Pr lyer Moelilll, 7 p. m. - -~-
Rev. ,x.. Q. 'rhQmPeoD, Putoe.
'10~1:~ ~~il~ \n~~~rl"'.,.Dteeoo.pttqlD' SermOD b Puto '
10:.0 a. J, aDd f:t~~m-!Cemate _BuDd.., .. .' . . -. ' r ' -. -, , " ;-, .~~te .' FtJends ChuRi I _INTEN8E, INTEREST . ATTRACTio. : Firat DaiMeeUn'l\:\ ' 11:00 •. mi FIr., Dar ~o , gre. at and widespread II' the 1'"',: Sllhool, u 10 :00 a.11Ill.;0(\ a:" m, ~- II'Ounh Day AleellDl( ,_ te'~ea~ 11,- this year'. fall' ·that SS,OOO ' , worth ot poatage will be req~lred to OrthOdox Friend. Chula. carrr on · tbe ~orrespondenc. relatl.e" . lin. BU.~h IArIwa ~ tq, U. ,~ve thouland dollara I. being ~abba'b Scbool, -~:80 a. m. Be~ar olaD",1l fol' , paint alDne, with which to I8rvloe, . lO·~ ri. Ill. Chr1aUaD . PHae""a and_ b••utlfY -the .oorel 0'- ':30 .~_ .....t abiblt buUdlnal, and hundredt or .~., 'p,IDtent and decorator, wlU 'J'lIht 'at. to 0. ac;. CI,_L.-!·L:"- j."~
ID.~""""' ,
.o'r &1
Organization . and Concentration.,
Th IIp\l1 gl'Qwlug illtlu try i s U ~· in tb e tl'I'HEI~ 'J corth~ \VeRtel'fl Po Hlc tIt h ' . Ore , -,- - - - ' - ~n n 1\11f1 '''.'IFlhiD Ilt.on. IInu th till , !) ' VA I,L le,," TI!:I.I~ Pllu'Nl>: ~- I ) AI.I. Nu. In "'The aggregate Life I'nsurance premiums recei fed in Ohio were $29,430,036.51; Losses ti ll n "." t o jU!'It wbllt it 00 t·s t.. 1 rll iH $9;556,060.00; Losses paid, $9,840,542.00." 1\ ltu. hI I >If II Pillet! lJe mes OOA of P r.e I S. 1 . L. CltA ' E, Editor anti Managel Int, r !At, 'fbI bortlcl1lturtll tl ptlr t,. Charle~ C. Lemert, Superintendent of Insurance. O b l0 l osu ran ce Re po rt, J!)10. Uleuto of the Stllte Coli ge of Wl\sb Rates of Subscription ' ll gtO O , lit Pullm rw. hil S und ertaken 110 YIlIII' (611'i ·tly III I1dVIIUt·O). •• . . , . . $ 1.011 t 1 dutermloe this Cll1eSlti on.llo lla fter 8 1ugl op)' ..... . . ... .. ... . ·• . . ... .. .0 Concen tration To prove the business 'buildlng power of· the great fighting insurance organiza- " aorre pond enco with :.100 /Ippl o Krow rR hilS r u hlld I~ oODolo ion whicb tion it has wrought, the Ohio National Life Insurance Company, in the Tho W l orn nil rwrl~er , t nmolls tl8 an Rates of Advertising aut.horit~· UII i ns 1Irnnco JTI I\Uenl says ; ""Ve HOlllllug 1..0 niH . per llllo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01 Itthink.s very cIa ely stllte!! tb e cost dul/cst hottest month of many years- July- produc d $557,000, over Half a Million of h I" '" 118C<1 I It o tlhlt. Formors DB nn IIIlIs, " HOllllhlg Lornls. b lllel< II1~o. pur IIIII' . . •. I U(' [t will be noticed that the invARt I r lltl tl u ur lit Il nsi ruhlllLy nml effectl\' Ul l:lnt. in. r rent for lauel, is not t'l Life Insurance, and 7,36 (over $350,000) Health and Accidcnt policies. '11U<II1UelI At.lw. lIut to UJC · ·lClI live IIl1u" '''688 "r (·,.nCl'lIlr1l. ioli. III il.'H h011l0 SLate 1'hrbo lll84.lrtiOIlIl .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 21i( k. n int) t.he Ilccount . All plIck\ng Lhls com p"IIY dno" 01' r $9 UO.000 10 Ilrem· OlJltullrlOli. 1\\'0 luchllll Il'() ; oYor II\'u Farmers were busy with harvests, city pcoplc were away 011 vacations, bu t;i ness men were lums o\'or}' YOllr. I L h UH Ohio cllretuUy ' IncllCII. IlCr line. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lie on the aost: is dOOA in hoxell, the., closely IUIII IIIL Ilgil'o ly c ultivllted. a 11&8 Oard or tlnwkll..... . .. ... ... . . . . . . . .. 26t bf)x being eq ual to u. stnndurd bUtlhel relaxed, so that this re .narl(able record must 6e analyzed to be appreciated. I(row n t M IlI 11 s mllll III S Ll~ lItiOIl to a largo L~ esolutioWl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . ~III 1 be college 1l0nOnnCflS Il !:! followR : UII Ri Oll'Iy Ity "peraLIII I; intelligently yet So 'h118 otp. where cbllfgo III mOOe . . . . • . . ~6c hie
-~..,..- I.)ulrlng . III rl(0 . im l' rtano
l'l!lltro ns l y III
111I1lto<l 1I0hl.
We hear t he
"The cost of growiDg und pl ucing The Ohio National Life Insurance Company, with its ample capital and big u l t rcJ){lnicll s t ut'lI'Oll1 thnt the ro Is 110 opbox of Ilpplos &P n tbe mark t, port uul ty lor t h s lIIall company. We do Oiling only t.he be. t meth r uf\ Hnd cash surplus, has , driven its organization into practically every community in the oot oulio e II. I. Is I rue t hol'o Is no op~ l>or t unlLy to r tlltl . 1I1 ull 'o mplWY tbat BClltAUOUST 23. 1911 ,~ hl ghe t stllndarrl of pAck, ie 5:-1 1 State against the most determined opposition and intrenched prejudice in cert ain turs it~ tJ llorgiu' ' " "r Il wIde "old oen ts. Thie figure is t,he re!l ult of 10caftUas ,.. Prewlt l l!lII III lIuI'r 01 t h o Natioul1l Lire ot \'erlllu ll t hal I lit ro Is roum Iu the coundll.t.1l oolleoted from 300 growerA in Uive Hill ben wide ruoge . try tur 300 good IIle companlll8 caretul.y t.be l'olonsfl lind Wllllo. \Vullo. .11",. luul 'inlclli!l()1It1y mOllage(!. The Sta(.() com It ' has now TWO THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND EICHTY 'l'omotoss Hhou\c1 be stu.rted etLrly trlots, south of Spoklln 'rhe estipl.lnius operl1llul{ III ~ lrc ul1l8c rlbe<l ~o rrlWry FOU R shareholders; an army greater than Uncle Sam uses in the PhifJppines- bilOl<ers, CIlII be IIllld pru flt ab lu IUlll thore 11\,0 ml1uy Internally--Ull\ tes upon the cost of prod notion IlIltallcO>I to 111'0 \' 0 lho sLatemonL." doctors, farmers and lawyers, teachcrs nnd business men. Dr. Bell 'R AnM Pain oores oolio, ,of upples for the inl,md opllln Is flux, dlarrhoell ,ommpsllnd ull bowel '\,ro hll ed upon nrohllrcls raoging oomplaints, from nine to fourt eo years of a~o·· Its Old Guard representatives are everywhere crystaliz,ng the loyalty of the shareholders and turnExTERNALLY:-Cnres sore hrellstl', LH d terminiog this figure. the uis corn .. , buolonf! . toot,hllche, neurIIlg" t.imoe t o the shipping point WAS IlV ing into dollars the vast personal influence of these worth-while people. and 0.11 pllinH. oultl ~verywnere. rIlged for aoo orchuruH and fOllnd It is Ilntisaptio. be from a half to two miles m" k Insurance is the BIGGEST CASH BUSINESS in the State. --Potatoes ore 11 highly speoiallzed log t.he t\v eru~e OORt for haulin g 2 oent!! a box . Elghty.four per cont THINK-More than $2!f,OOO,OOO.OO, half again as much as the United States paid for the Philippine orop. - - -... - - of these 300 growers stnrt t.l Ir· (Jows should ue kept OOUlfortable oblftdR, with one year.old tl ees, Islands, are collect.ed in cash premiums every year. at all times. plac'ted s6vent·y to the aoro, at a di @. --THINK-Of the $29,430,036.51 collected in Ohio in 1909, $26,822,133.85 went to companies of other tone varied from 16 to 33 fflot.. '1'he , Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve fit of setting ont the trells rnug !' States. 18 R orenruy liOw white ointment put up lU Illt· tight sorew O'lp tubell . from $l2.t ll 112 liO Iln II reo a 811 fa e~ Will oure /lny cllse of sorA 0)'(\8 Dod thntlte being from 10 cen ltl to 12 THINK- New business written in 1909 (last official report) amounted to the enormous total of will not iojuro fly R of a bn,be.· ~old cent for ench trefl plout E\(t. everywbere 250 - - -.. -*---$137,738,434.00, equal to the total gross bank deposits 'of Cincinnati. Accused 'of Stealing Provide some IIncoule"t feed fOJ E E. 'huwl,erl,tin. of Cliotno, The Ohio National has proved. with its fearless militant organization . its busy, active dolewes io wlntor. aocusc/:I Bu kl n's Arnica lars an~ its modern progressive policies, that it can get the busines8 in Ohio. - - - soil of tood ele Ue.bold)y ;t\lve of t911illg-tba tltlng trom WeAd" r ob tob borp!! or lien Id,, - UIA11~'n trow snrE t' We belie\le iu keeping the money at home, lending it to the ' business men and home buitdWage ' Earners' Pensions ments rr'qnir d by ot·h -.r plaot Ilf oUI kind -tbe di tre from h n il~ ers , depositing it in home banks and keeping it in the arteries of Ohio's trade. 1t pileM. "It robs outs oornFl~ brut. 'rh Ohio NllllullnJ ' protects w rno u ~ 1011 erR. It's J){lllslo n IlOllcl dril'e nwu)' I Ill> • Mr. Banker, Mr. Workingman, Mr. Fanner, Mr. Businessman, you can help Y UR business by , A Clean Salve ~B, "prnln~ Rnd injutlefl of their tor. /I ·· tre- WlIIlL. 18 tI 8il'nhl~. Dr. BeH'A Antipepti(' ror." he sl\yS. "8 1\ h nlillg r m ely ins uring in the Ohio National Life Ins urance Company, and assist in keeping' tlJese thirty million dol · With 11. WIl!:e . B l1rne r ·s Peo~illn you cll'n bllive hi 11 c ruuUlV 8UOW whit oint ita eqlllt" don't ~xi til Only 2iic al we l<:ome th da), LhllL ng MI l'S" Quit," lars a year, twenty-seven of whicb are 'now goin~ out of the State in Ohio. mentand I,(uarr.·nteeci fC'r ull s~ In 111 · drng~h,t8 . WI:tK N l'HE l'AY ENVELOPE S1'l l' --...; ~'-. .... disellt!ell. tlnah JlR e 'zl\ms l 8Illt r!JouIIl An estate in a policy of insurance in this omp~ny suffers no fluctuation in value; pahies may -WE DE(;I N. (t~IlPS, e~o 2lic. A l'luallC6 I,UYII Prot.ecLlo n lrom ]lonurl' · ALL RF.CORDS ', BROKEN depress stocks and bond, real estate may declinc, but a policy in this company is always at par and as AnnulLIOli of ono hundr I to five bundred safe as a government bond. d ollars tIro pilld In perlod1c111 IDlILlllhll6l1lt1. Jj'urm phtlosor·bers 81lY tbl.~ is 10; 0 All e1asses of citiz'en!!' seem to bave Enollgh tor slmplc wl\nts at 11 price 1\1\ call inl( to UO very year.-The Ohio National has $ 100,000.00 deposited with the State to prot~ct policy holders. PIIY. Th is dopn.rtment---<lne of Lhe 'bloRt _II._ _••dry _ _.united to make the State Fair of 1911 DIIIIIII1Y AdvertIsing per III ·h •..... . . .• . l Oe Discollllts III veil 011 contrllct. • II.
. ----- ... ~.
.. -----
- .. ----_.. ...
.. -----
- --_.,- ----
bene tlcent ' rellt ures In ' InRu~Dce-wlll
Ohio' National policies are as good as the best"":"'all values are guaranteed. Write for a sample 'rhe milol~ ,cow ,'U de" 8heltm 9. record breaker. Every Departoperate with emp)oyel'll or deal wltll )0(11ment has m , ade a,. new'marlc, Entries vlduais. IlDd wlJl solve tbo problem or what policy, giving your ilge. . fro~u tbo lIumlllt'r IItorD111 lind heat to do WIUI those flllLhCul workors who bll \ e closed ·' last week, Saturday, with " (lurned rest but have oot tbo moans to One dollar a month invested in Health and Accident Insurance will pay from twenty to sixty overflow tUthibits. The State F'air We Do Not R'.tcommend tuke It. dollars a month if your health breaks down. It will pay the doctor and. grocer and the butcher. while ltEMElI.IDER- WlTElN Tim l'A Y E; . bas absolutely outgrown its grounds, -satherlllnn.'s E I~Je Eye Salve fOl VELOPE STOPS WE !lEOlN. you are prevented from earning your salary. anyt.blng but tbo UYl'!!. It 18 1\ speed~ ::Space entries were refused from and hurml S8 oure for' grnnulfltec necessity, Fo~ the first time in tile We are proud of the record ' made in July-unparalelled in insurance history. We ask you to lids. ~rofulouR sore eyes, 8tyf'S, history of the Fair rooms and offices watch tlte record for September, October, November and December. weak eye8 ILnd. (Umoe~ of vi8ion. outside of the State House. had to ,S old everywhere 250 ' be secured to accommodate the large ----A pig that is fed grain all b1 11ft force of clerks necessary to keep 1 p osutllly fails to PIlY eJtpen8es. with the increased volume of husi· ness incident to the growth of Ohio's, '" Potlltoes reqnire ooo8iderllb)e D1 great Industrial ExpoS,i tion. trogenl\ndahlrgeatnonnt'ofpbtash Exhibitors have come to realize R. L. DOLL.INC . S, Agency Manager. CHAR~E$ LEMERr, President. - ........_--... - • that prospective buyers would rather . A COld purchase: from those who are n.ot. OH'N L DAVIS V' P 'd EDWARDS RITCHIE, Vice-President. · Is not neoessilrily 8el'ious, provide '. afraid to show in competition with Dr. III • , Ice- res. ent. 1'i8 Laken oare of , It is frequentl) the starting point of many danj(er- business .competitors. • \lOR dhleu8"s. WheD it OQmes nSI The Sate F~ir managers .are g1'ati· 4---,.....-~ .. THE STATE EXHIBITS' TREATMENT FOR LICE ON PIOS I ~ .t~(\. TSa '0 !Y!c:!ey' and Keep6' in . Dr. Bell'8 Pine l'ur,,ftoney. Look fied at th~ great ihterest shown by J1..I'"" .... ~~ fo.oi . for tbe b(\\l un the bottle many persi>r s who have not . hereto- _.. Style I)y Reading Mcc.u'• . Almost everv 8tate Department rig 00 grll!lS are usnally 'q uite \' - - -... - ....- - fore been active and ' open: in boost· wlllle.t the people see' what part vf t'rtle from difl61\se8 Rnd parasit.ell. ·,"tlldeac, iVi2gazine and Using McCall PattefDI. ' , The pias should hll ve a olean dry Good Enlert •• n· .. Ing the Fair. The farmers have ai..1:1 wor kit' dOl' a g'l'he~e ,Howeve r,. we always hl1ve. to look I, Dlml,Adlve Vseol McC.II·, M........ will .J e a e . IS . " . St t tli 81s WUl8nd HII Hands y,ard to exercise In during the day ways been natrQns of the Fair, but WCAll:S I.fAGAZiNE ' h ~ 111 you dre styl- I 'bib' ' II b . t t ' 'I'hey out ror hca. Whenever any hoe , Thole nro the Ih'nlll' Which ex Its WI a IDS ruo I ve. . I 1. 11 Iy III 11 m oderllto I ~ wUl mllko n mAn of your bo y. ,' S I'llllso IIY koelllug A oheap and effeotive way of de this year the grain dealers. millers, will be attraotive. Cit.izen8 Olm are Beeo pon tho pigs up In a 8mt\1I .o,g:·j1:~e'1!~~eO~r ~~I:m~::r.~~hOI •. yu u II O~ Ln d Qn tbo lul(' t ra s Hlous ,hI ' born,iog oa.lv(l~ iEl with potash ('/lUS. bankers. teachers. granges, church ga in some id el1 f or wb a t purp·ose"'" yuru Rt the oorner of the . pen and I 'I1le AMERICAN BOY C'IUl h c.' !lo,1 hilts. 00 ' money I' .... expsu workers and many others are unusu t e pu to ' d. € d • 'rhe d 'i ub crnde oil on them With a hroom , Nt' \\, f'1I ~ hloll De.lgus h bl tio. In cnch I lie. 'A Iso" . t V e t er i oar'i tl. 0 I the .. ';l'ltI.~h on the flloe, one down the I' . ----'-'•• - • aliy active. ~ilro.ad~ will make wor k ot th e "'t 1'lI lullh lo IlironntiUnn', co aye nod a oouple on eaoh side are . b,JI)k (til 11 II lIomo lind per· I crouP greater efforts to accommodate their N ursery lin d U 1'0b ar d ( Dspeo to r and SIJIl !oI mailers. 001>' ., P~J>le with obil~re~ s~ould keep passengers than heretofore. Some t e '"t t fA'" 1e In all t·hllt ",r, e r equired . TheD tbe pigs I IiOc n YOI\ r. In cludtuir f ptl. me n 0 g.wu .,or : 1\ Iruu IIIIUum. Snb· · , a bOtt.le t)f .ur. Bell 8 p.De rar· Honey railroads are sending out thousands h D. 1 III b . h 1ong wl"h whioh are orowded. olosely, by I """" .. _ .... -..._ s" rlbe todllY or seud , genera w e sown Il u . , ' h on blLnd a' ull tirues., Cronpis worst'. . .. (lOr froo slllDple COpy. : ·1 1 gov sq uIrming and wrl~gltng I\m00Ft t e . tight when it i8 sometime!! hard of letters and elrculars urgmg Cltl~ ot h er ex b:1' blts. Tb e F eu8ru ' MtCall P."...... will ollobloyou w mllke In. your tT hi t ' lloop other8,8m a.rth8m!lelv~8quitetbor :o.:et 1\ ph,vsiolan. Look ,for tb(\ zens along their ·]ille to attend and eromen t a own h umo. wltll )'ollrowlI huuds. c\otb.J.pg fOl' t\. ItS ng on WI 0 . . y ourselr and chlldron wh ic h will bo perfect bell on the bottle. are scheduling trains for the expfr ess ' th th St t HI h Porn oughly . Ooe m n O\\ U appl.v the 011 1 III sLy l' 111111 nt. Prlce-IHIne hlv:he r tban 16' ertlte WI 6 Il. e g \vuy '-l . . , ALTER C LURE CO UL~. mId lor freo ['nuorn CIlt.alolltle. . . - - -._. _ . ~ con"enience of State Fair visi.t ors f very qutokly and etfeot.lvely With " . . k" 10 mit. lUg one 0 ' u b I m s8100er i We WiU Gin Yoa FI.. Pretn" ror gelllne sub... - ••- - By jadioiou8 ' choiae of ~Qriet1es ~c rlll\lon s IIIUOllg your fl'loII(IH. Send lor (roe . . d ' t t ' t..Ib a room. I most unique lin In era8 ,lug exut • .. _ _- - l'rQmlllOl CS ll\logu lind ,u ll ,P rllll! OlTer, oarro'" mlly be eojo~",d for u loog A King Who Left Homp. Funeral Dire-:tor. TIt! McCALL CO!IPANY, 23910249 West 37" SI., RE1f.YORl ' its . This will be the firilt tirne tbe lea80n. • _ • set t,be world to talking, \)nt Paul go.vernment bt\s pa.rt\oipated in THE LADIES' STATE FAIR ( Witb ' B quiet IIttlBdV team" balf Mutbullca, of Butfltlo, NY, HAYR, be a. 8tl\te Fair . All Ohio (Jongress. , ' . ttlwaY8 KEEPA AT aOME the·Kmg Monday, August 28th, will be Telepbone d!lY 0. night. grown boy, with ~ sulky plow, OitU of all LtlXatlve!l-Dr. Ri. g'ft ~ew men dond ~~nlltors joined in the re Ladies' Free Day at the Big Fair'l Valley phone No,~, IJODg DR. HAT:QA.W 4,Y dl) ~ good work as a man with the Life PillR-aod tbat tbey're II bless qoelit for Uuole 88m to dll. thi~ . Hundreds ~i\1 come and stay forsevDistance No, 69-l}... . old_fashioned walking 1 lug to all hiR family. Gure conRt.ipo. • _ • _ _ _••___ t.i ,1n, headaohe, indige8tlon, .dyspep eral ~ays after t~a~. .The increased, I WAYNESVILLE. OHIO Wn.) '.lesville'8 Lea.dinp DeDtin We euarantee I)( sill.. dnly 250 ut 1~1l drugg,ists. . LlYE STOCK SHOW premlUmsforexhlbltsmthe Woman's ' Offioo in Keys Bld·g. M&lq 8t • of Dr. &11'8 Anti8eptlo M8lve to do -_. Buildjng Will make that vast hall Branch Office, Harve,ftbu11r. O. I .~~~~~~!!!!!!~~~~~~ wbat 'we ollLim. rry it for uloerl'. QAININO CONFIDEN';E . There .s n~~ 'life aod ambition a fairy-land this year, It will be bolls, l'unn1.ng spreM, tetter, -ring Ilmong Obio lIod middle, west; breed. decora~ed and ornamented as never . :~::"~I;i:.~r::t'lIe:~ltp~~~~:: ~~:~~ , The State Fair is·. growing in fevor ers . The ribboD.S t·ltksn hi the Col before,: The,.'adies will find ~ thous- ISubscribe for~ the G~tet~e \ 'G ood for Nothing ' but .the E,.. .', ' beads.. oban". falons, bnrns or any and gaining the 'confidence of the .utnbus ·,~bow " Rlp~ htl.v e a grea.ter and thmgs to please an~mstru~t , '. ~ , 81Uo"dt&e&8e. 260" box. ' best citizens. .Men promipent in fi- VIl!Q~ t~~.o t.h~se ... won elsewhere., them. The Art Hall Will con tam • ,I . " • ~ . nancia} circles. industrial enterprises. Tb~ nUl.blllous '()wDef ?f Il , good a.n t. art treasu.r,es never before seen upon be o'\~ or:o,P a88 money, ma~e~ railroad ' manage~s, tl'~d&l "~and pro .. p1~lJ8 00!1'80HlDI:I of t~e faot .thl\tif a..fair g!ound. ,i nOhio. , Man! of th~ luhe flifm ~8 )\able ,not ~o reoel.! ." fess;ons are 'lending a helpi~g ' hand h~ WiD8 at ~be O~~o .~tt'te F~lr, he cI~y arnsts WIll comp.t!t~ thiS .; year. ' th~ at~edtl.O~· \~t}!g~rves. tQ Jl good capsa. . The . strimifth and h1L8 . established · hie ' st"'lidiu~ a~ TKe , entrieS .in~icat~ thatthe~ display :. '. , ' ' ~ f ' b' t. reaIwealthofthestlte and nation Ilbl'~derlln(lOilDobtalngoodprloes . ' ot' ehinapalntmgwIU exr.el m both ODe of the obler. reasoD8 .. , - ·i· bIIl ' ,pos iti, Cln w hi?,b Iquaptl't'y ~1ld qua.l't t , '. ' OrI - ' must come out of the groun:! BV· · It, iR t hi , s en'Va. l y. ~r beoollltng.ranoid at. ,!,u ear Y"IUI .' " h ' ts th . Id t Ohi has won that haS mtt.de our . '. ': . _ . . . .. ( t bed eO' p4ar80n w 0 wan · e wor 0 ,... , ' 11_ 'he f~t 'hli~ 1~ II ~o , b~oUie better ami ~ethOds' im- Ol1pftul ·Ci~y. the undiltpnted .Btltt1.e l~ daUy. l'eoQrd of wor~,. c:lope ,w,ill ttiorongb.'Y. • _ .to • proved ought see the State-, .Fail·. Gi'oun(1 of t~e Breedd. . . oot' ou", ma~y . of the waste8' of Hie itr....... filne-Tar.lHoriey ' •• ' . ·1'l1e, fOlemOst breederIJ of m~uy farm. . " \ Y_ 'h'e (,-IHor ooogbl,oolde, oro If the but~rum~ is Dot · washed Itllteal bne entered and tbe baUle Th ' i l 1 " .....iI fl 'lda ' .ItI , ~ . h b ronotit'"~ . h t "h fl' e ,10 1, on. ou Uval\VU' grip;. wb~tnK ooug, ~ S' \ ont It will furnish abuodao' fl)od wlll be tong to. e 911b . . .mb . e· " m' e h on .....ma 6D"all t~r~'l1Dd=ort"a.:11for the blo_rla. 11U08 .hey thl'tvo bel' jodgeem theUoUea 8 _ . will h~lY ~ar ~g . taD~ w ..... ~ef:~~ 00 Oa &be 0II8ID in 1IIilk. . . "Wu4 the ~IQIDI. . lfplow weU u4 ex'n4~p.
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Practical Fashions LADV'S DRESS.
"Poor man I How a tramp?" "1 wuz n war correspondent In Man· churla. mum. I got eo used tel' dolnl nuthln' dat I baln't been no good since."
(Copyrl,bt, A. C. McClur, • Co., UlO.) SVNOPSIS. Jack Keith. a Vlrclnilln. now n borC!er plalnllman. I. riding "IQD. the Santn Fe trill I on the lookout for roaming war .partle" or savages. He notices a cnmp nro at a C!llItance nnd then sees II. team Ilttachod to 1\ wagon and at full gallop p,u,ued by men on ponlea. When Keith rell,chu the wagon the rnldare hnve mass--.creel t1'l'f) men ond departed. He lIuarchell tho vlctimll finding papcra a.nd a. locket with a womnn's portrnlt. He rnolvea to hunt down tho murderera. CHAPTER III,-(Continued.)
from tbe steady gaze ot the mar hal. wbo hat! bulf drawn his gun 'lelll'(n a resistance. to the man Ilt the hottom of the steps. Suddenly It dawll !!u UIlOII him whe re he had seell that dark·skluned face. with tbe bl~k goa· tee. before-at tbe furo table of the "Red Llgbt." He grIpped his hnndB ollt\ectlng tbat together. Instantly slIcerlng. sinister face with the plot. "Wbo swore out tbat warrant 1" "I did. If YO\1 need to know," a sarcastic smile revealing a gleam of whIte te.eth. "on the atIldavlt of otbers, friends at mine." "Who are you 1" "I'm mostly called 'Black Bart.·" That was It i be had the name no" -"Black Barl." He .etraightened up 5 0 Quickly. his eyes blazIng. that tbe marsbal jerked hie gun clear. "See here. Jac}r." shortly. "are yer goln' to raise a row, or come along . quiet?" . As thougb lbe words had arouBed him from a bad dream. Keith turned to front tbe stern, bearded face. • "Tbere'lI be no row. Bob." he Isld. quietly. "1'11 go with you,"
• PIMPLES COVERED HIS BACK "My troubles began alons tn the ' Bummer In the hottest weather an4 took the form of Imall eruptions aneS Itcblng and a kind of smarting pain. It took me mostly all over my bacle and kept geltlng woree until ~nallJ' my back was covered with a mals of pimples wblcb would burn and Itch at . night 80 that I could bard!! stand It. This condItion kept gettlne worse and worse until my back waa a aolld mu. of big sores whIch would break open and run. My underclothln. would b. a clot (If blood. "1 tried various remedies and salve. for nearly three yean anel 1 was not cettlng any benefit. It eeemed I wa. 10 eternal mIsery and cpuld not Ileep on my hack or lean on a chair. I wa. finally liven a set of the CuUcur. Remedle. and InsIde of two weeka I could see and feel a great rellet. J kept on nslng Outlcura SosP. OlntlDent and alllo the Resolvent, and In about tbree or four montb.· Ume my back was nearly cured and I telt like a Dew being. Now J am In good health and no sign of any .kln dlleaael and I am tully atlsfled that Cutlcura RemedIes are the be.t ever made for .kID dlseues. I "ould not be without them." (SlgneCl) oW. A. ArmstfOD& CorbIn. Kan., MaT 26, 1911. Altboulb CuUcura Soap and OlntmeDt are sol4 by drtJgli.te and d_len· eYerywbere, a .ample of each, .-Ith 311181e book. wtll be m&tled tree QIl appllcatloQ te "CDtlC1JJ'a," Dept. J7 K, BoitOQ.
The trall, continually skirting the high bluff and bearing farlher away from the river. turned sharply Into a narrow ravine. There was a considerable break In the _ rocky barrier beret leadillg back for perhaps a hunelrod yard •. and the plainsman turned Ills borse that way. dismounting when out of light among the boulders. He col11d rest . here until night with little dauser of discovery. He lay down on the rooks. pUlowtng hIs bead on the nddle. "ut hll brain was too acUve to permit .leeDln& FInally he drew the lettera from out his pocket. and began examining them. Thoy yield(TO BEl CONTINUl!lD.~ , ed very little Information. t.hose tak· en tro~ the older man having no en· JEW IN PLACE OF DOWER "elopes to show to whom they blJ J Ibeen addresllOd. The single document No meaningless trimmings dlsOgunl Ae Governor of Egypt. Sir Matthew 'found In the pocket or the other wall thl' simple dres •• whIch hal a waIst Nathan Would Occupy Position plain. except tor the applied yoke band ... memorandum or account at the Once Held by JOleph. Pioneer Store at TopeKa. charged to and a tlmple three piece .ldrt wIth .Jobn Sibley. and markfld' paid. Thll ehould Sir Matthew NaUllUl, tor· a circular flounce. Foulard. pongee, ·then must have been the 'younger mer governor of Natal. be ap'po!DtecJ cheviot, serge. madras or ian mDY· man's name. as the letters to the oth. to succeed Sid Eldon Gtlrst as ,0"· be used for. fhll dreBII with meBlallne ..er began oCOlslonal1y "Dear Will." ernor of Egypt. histol'J will baYe for trimming. Tbe pattern (6614) Is cut In slr.es 32 ',T hey lfore mlsllvel such al a wIfe taken one of ·those curroul turns tbaC wtnlgbt write to a husband long abo set agog the discerners of sicni aad to 43 Inchea bu.t ~"Iure. Medium ' sent, yet upon a mllBlon of deep In. omens. for thil appointment tb&1 t. slle requires 6%' Tardl ot 24 'I nch foul·tereet to both . . Kelth could not tully peDdlnr .would place In supreme ad· ard and 2% yards of 36 Inch mes..line to trim- al shown. ·determlne what thlil mlBllon might be: mlnl.tratlve control ot Egypt tbe .. the - perlOnl evidently understood ond Jew In rour thouaand -yean. procure thlll JIIIl~ !IIIDd 10 cen~ Went Up Twenty Point.. . .ch other so thorOugbly th t mere 'Slr Matthew Nathan would be tbe toTo"Pattern Department." ot ttli' paper. DurlDg the recent hot. • peU a broke, .UWIlon took the place of detail . Write name and addreD plainly. and be iuccessor to JOlleph of bls ' race In Tw10e the name PhylUl wa. mentionthe administration ot a country thaC .un to 61v. aln an4 Dumber ot pattern. "u complalnlas to a frIe.n d of tb. dnD tndtag. "Bullnen," he aald. ed. and once a "Fred" wa. a)so retn the time of Pharo,b, who betrtend· ':Wbat caJI one do In the way of ba... terred to. but in neither Inltance ed Josepb. was Ure granary of tbe N~ SS14. ..ZE••..••..••.••••• Des8 ' wttb the 'mercul'J .taD4JDI •• Cllearly enough to reveal the relation. world, and III thele later 4aYI I. beMA.IIl!!:'......... .............!-•••• _ •••••••••• l08r "blp, although the latter appeared to camlne one of th" Plott slgnUlcant be pleaded tor. Certain references "Dor" reptled hll friend. "Great countriel 'ot modern tlmel. 'I'O'W'R...................... .......;..•.• •• , ••••••••• 'caused the belief that thelO let ten liad Seott. Dr~t It·s . the chllnce .. • lit.. Those who .eon the ..creil scrt, "Are You Goln' to Raile a Row, or Come Alon" Quietly'" ftRlIIICT' AN'D 'NO••••• _ ••• "••.• •••••••••• time · to ..11 tnercury."~Bo.toD Bvebeen mailed f.rom lome ,man MIItures for · cue. 'for the turnl ·hl.tol'J ",ouri town. but no name wu men•1'rA.'l'L•••••••• ".:"......................... aille TrmIIertpt. - mat make wlU . ei.e upon thl. Incl· !4.looed. They were InYariably signed been entirely after nightfall. the view Tbe . c:olor mounted Into the cheeka' dent aa fulnlllng one or another pre-"Mal'J." The only other paper Keith ot It now wae almost a shock-the of tbe other. hls Up. grew set" and dlotron . or fancied ' predlotion of tli. • Ii. ttl. 81nk. ~Iscovered was a brieUtinerary of the milerable ahaoks, tbe gaudy saloon white, and his sn1 eyes darkened. 117! Are't they deteltableT-thOM past. and much may be bullt upon tt. ~anta Fe traU extending 8s far weat fronts. the littered street.... the dingy. Ineak7 little roacbea that c:reep aut CHILD'S SHIRT ANb DRAWER&. "Let It all out. M'arshal:' .he sald III t,ct. it will be -'but • coincIdence, .... tbe Raton Mountains. giving the unpainted hotel. the dirty flap ot can- sternly. "you've got me roped and but ODe ot unusual Interest, howenr. prowl an O'rflr ~erythlns. You kDOW u.ua) camping spots a.nd places where vas. tbe unocoupled road. tbe dull tied. Now what's the .cbarge?" The practical Import wlll be that SII how· IIlI'J' the:r ..... But they can't water was accessible. He Slipped the prairie sweeping .away to the bortlon, dodge HewlU'. EaST Task Soap, .114 Neither man 'moved, but the one be- Matthew Nathan Is reckoned a f)nt Jlapen back Into bls pocket with a all composed . a hideous plctur4l . be- 10ws1'l'ung about so as to face them. administrator . and wonby ot aU the), can't .blde It,' 10 tbey clear'11gbt ' distinct · feeling of disappointment. neath the lIun glare. He could soarce- one hand thrust out qf sleht beneath hODOr_ out. HeW1tt'o Ea.y Tast LauDdl'J' :and lay back staring up at the little Iy find a man to attend bls horse. and the tall of his long coat. Soap I. wblte and pure: tee" IIlnta; ;strip of blue sky. T)le silence wae at tho restaurant a drowsy Ohlnaman An I ncentfve. bathroom. and pantl'J' ,helves olean "Make him throw. up hie hands, ·profound. even bls borse standing mo- had to be shaken awake. and fright· Bob:: he said sharply. "Now. my boy:' said the bead of the ftnel peet and tree from mutlnes.. •t!onlesll. and finally he fell asleep. ened Into serving him. He sat down "Ob·. 1 reckon tbar aln·t goln' tel' firm. "If you wlll attend strictly t. . The' sun had disappeared. and even to the miserable meal oppressed with be no trouble:~ returned the maribal yonI' duties I will do lomethlng fin. Immortality . . ·the gray of twilight was fading out of disgust-never before had his lite genially. yet with no relaxation. of at· for )'ou. I want you to always ask, "Speakln« of~ J~mortallty, what' • . ·the ,kyo wben Keltb ' returned again seemed so mean, useless. utterly with· tentlon. "Kelth knows me, an" ex- when you answer tbe telephone. whl lbe matter wltb the hen!" to conscJoullness, aroused by his out elCURO. _ "Go on." . pects a fall' deal. SUII. maybe 1 bet- tl Is before you. let It .be knowlI . 'horse rolling on the soft turt He "Her SOn never sets." He possessed the appetite of tbe ter ask yer \0 unhitch yer belt. Jack." whelber J am here or not. and .alway' lawoke . ·tborougbly refreshed. and open. of the normal man In perfect ~ moment Keith eeemed to hesItate, be c.a reful. when the people com. ·eager to get away on his long nlght's phYSical hea.l th, and he ate heartily. plainly . puzzled by the /lltuaUon and here. to find out who they are and Happlnl\ss. least, la not 101ltal'1: ride. A cold lunch. hastily eaten, tor bls eyell wandering out of the open' endeavoring to see some way ot el· what they want beforo you come IDte It joys to communicate; It loves oth.... f)re 'would have been dangerous. window down tbe long. dillmal street' cape; tben ~Is Ups smiled. and lfe the' private office ·to learn 'whether 1 ers; for It depends on' them tor It. ~nd he saddled up and was off. trotell&te~oe.-Stevenson. . A drunken man lay In front ot the silently unhooked the belt. handine It wIsh to see. tbem or not." ting out of the. narrow ravLne and Into "Red Light." saloon sleeping undls· ovei'. . "Yes. sir:' repUed the ,ne'Y offtc. Thill la ODe of the niost p.o pular o the' broad trail. whlcb could be tol- turbed; two cur clogs were snarling at "Sure. 1 kno~ you're' square, Hicks." boy, "I underetaild. I had to do that IItyles tor a flannel uDdershlrt lor 'tbe lowed wltbout difficulty under the dun each otber juet beyond oyer 'a bone; be said. coolly. "And now I've unUm- where I workeil betore." gleam ot the stars. Horse and rider a movers' wagon was slowly coming hered. kindly Inform me what' tht, I. "Vel'J well. See that YOU' malte no uttle ones. With It 'Is shown the pat· were loon at their best, the animal In acrolls tbe open through a cloud of all about." mistakes. and. as I have laid. I w111 tern of a pair of one pIece drawers. swinging unurged Into the long. easy yellow dust. That was all within the do something nlce . fQr you." , buttoned up tbe outside of eac h leg. "I reckon yer don't know." lope of prairie travel, tbe tresh air radius of visIon. For the first time In "What are you goln' to do tor me It Flannel or outing flannel may be used "No more than an unborn babe. I fanning the man's face as be leaned years the East called hlm-tbe old bave been here but an bour," I give satisfaction-raise me w&gell?" tor the shIrt and muslin or cambria ~orward. Once they halted to drink life of oleanllness and reepectablllty. "Well, I can't promlle that, exactly, for the draw,ers. "That·. It: If yer had been longer The patterd (6610) . Is cut In sizes 1 -frQm a llarrow Itream. and then push· He swore to hImself 8S he tossed the thar wouldn't be no trouble. Yo'f,e but I'll bring you the ·.ecore cards 01 ., , ed on. hour after bour. through the Chinaman, pay for bls breakfast. and wantecl for kUlIn' a couple o· lQen out the ball pmes and let you niake all and 2 years. Medium size requires 1 1!e.erted night. Keltb had little fear strode out onto the stepil. Two men at Clmmaron Crositn' early Yesterday album ot them If you tend to bUBI, yards of 27 Inch nannel for tho shirt .of IndJan raiders In that darkness. were coming up the street tOlfetber mornln·... nell properly. I ne.er mlsl a game.- an 1 Yard of 27 Inch material tor tbe . drawers. 1lnd every stride of hJa horse brougbt from the opposite dlrectlon~ne lean. Keith stared · at him too oottapletet, . ' :111m closer to the settlements and dark·sklnned. with black goatee. the as.t ounded tor tbe Instant to eveD Unlver,al Race Congre.. , . To procure thlll PIlttem lIend 10 centll furtber removed from c;langer, Vet other beavlly set with closely trIm· speak. Then be gasped. ': In the oftlclal call for the first 'Yl lo to "Pattern Department." ot thlll paper. • . lIyes and ears were alert to every med ·gray beard. Keith knew the lat· . "For God's sake. Hicks. do ')'ou I?e- versal race congross. euggested 'b., Write nnme and Ilddresa plainly. and be L~dla Pinkham'.~ aure to ,Ive slle and number of p a t t e r n . . , shadow and sound. Once. It muat ter. and waited, lean Ing aga.inst the lIeve that?" Prot. Felix Adler, at Eisenach. In July. .have been after midnight, be drew his door. one hand on his hlp. Vegetable Compound ';f'zn damned It I knov,;" returned 190G. tbe president, Lotd Weardale, pony sharply back Into a rock shadow NO. .5510. SIZE .••••••••••••••• "Hullo. Bob," he said genially; the marshal. doubtfully. "Don·t seem says: "Great Is the hletorlc pride at to l~t every one at the noise of something approach· Great also are Its manifold Pinkham's reme. d you out pret· .Il1te ye'd do :..lt. 'but the 'evldence Is London. "tbey must have route tragedies or sqllalor and poverty. Thll NAME •••••••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ing from the east. The stage to Santa ty earl y today ." bave done for Rtralgbt ·nougb. an' tbar aln't noth!n' Fe rattled past. the tour mules trot· me. For ·tWo ~rll TOWN ..... .•..••.: ......................... . "Tbey sbore did, Jack." was the reo fer me ter do but take ye In. I aln't varied story will be distinguished 10 tlng swiftly, a squad of troopers rid· s ponse. He cnme up tbe ateps some- no jedge an' jury." the 'summer of 1911 . (July 2G·29). by I 8u1f6r~d. The doc.' STREET AND NO ...................... .. tor$ said I bad tuIng hsrd beblnd. It was merely a an episode both ' brilliant and unex· "No, but you ought to have ordinary ampled. In London wIll Rssemble oF mors, and the only lumlJlng shadOW sweeping swlttly whut heavily. his companion stopping bel ow . "The boys raise hell all night, scnse. nn' you've known me for threo STATE ..................................... . remedy was the'surra st; be could perceh'~ the dim out· an' tben come ter me tel' strnlghten years." . .' mankind In council: Representative! geon's .la!ifo. My lines of driver nnd guard. the soldiers of all human group. wUI come from mother bought me It out In the mawnln·. Wben did ye "Suro I baye. Jack. but If yee've the four quartern. ·8.nd lands tbal RW;lylng in th eir saddl es, heard the ~diaE, Pinkham'. glt In?" gone wrong. you won't be the fll'llt , know the Pole 8tM and regions tbat 'l)Ounding ot boot:.s, the creal! of axles. Joan of AI·c'. Sword. Vegetabh {lom,. "A n bour agoi had to wake the good JUan I've seen do It. Anyhow, the lie under the sou(hern cMss will meet and then tbe flPpa rltion disappenred poun4, and today: 1 • sword In tb' o Dljon museum bas fnto the black void. He bad not call· 'chlnk' up to get ahy chuck. Town evidence Is dead agln you. an' I'd ar· each othe'r In trl.e nd·ly Illtercourse. Id jus~ been 'Identlfied an that .used by am a healtby worest my own grand-dad If they glYe the ' First Unlyers.!ll Rane congress. man. . For months ed out-whnt was tbe use? Those neo· looks dead." "Tain't over li vely nt this time o· me n warrnnt agln him." The oftlclnl eong,'ess languages will Joan ot Arc and presented to her by pIe would never pauRo to hunt down ~~~~ldY~;l~rsS\l1!~ered from in.. ' Chnrles VIt . of Jo'rance. On one sldti! al ,,"asbre"What evidence Is ·tbere?" be EngliSh. GIl!man. Italian and vralrle outlaws. and their guard was day." permitting bls blue eyes to wan· of the bllt. snys the London Mall. II . ha-veuo "Flve' men swear they saw Te haul· French. though an . orluntal tongue 8uftlclent to prevent nttacle They ac' del' up th e silent street. but Lnstantly eugrnYed a figure kn eeling before I as a .Any wlsblnlf knowledged but one duty- to get the bringing them back to Kelth's face. In" the bodies about. and loOtin' the may now Ilnd tI~ei1 ' ~Q~n~o the BOU crOSB. flnd the Illscrlptlon : "Charles of . your medicines bave "but I reckon It'll walto lip later on." pockets ... · • of :Asia." . mall througb on time. ' " for me can get it from ~ny drug. VII .... while the other Bille ' benrs tbe He stood squarely on botb feet, and Then Keltb understood. his' heart _-, - _ _ _ .~ . , . 'tbe d.ust of their passing stili the llame ··Vqucotlle\lrs." . The aword also .gist or by writing to me, You can Use one band . rested on tho butt at a rebeating rapidly. bls ·teeth clencbed to No Dut, No Light. . air. Keith ,roclc on, the noise dying bears tbe arms of France and of the my te8tim~)Dial in any way ~ou wish. away hi his r!lar . . As, the hours PUSB volver. I<elth notlcod thIs. wonder· I.,eep back 'arl .. outburst ot pass10n. 80 . Diffusion ol:')lgbt tbZ-ouib (he atmo. and I will be gla~ to answe.r ·letters."';" . . . that waS . their game. was 'It ?-somo phere II due. to t~ousands. ot mUlloD' town of . Or.!eaiui. and tbe date 1419. ' Mr& OHRI8T~.,t. ~.lQG MoundS", , ed. bls horse weaded nnd had to be jng vaguely.. :'1 l'eci,ton yer I now, Jack. as how 1 . a'ct o~ his 'had nwakened the cowardly 'ot ciust,atoms floating In It; ·T be flue!l' Peo~ IlL ,. .... '. .. .: eputl'ed Into the !>wmer trlde. bllt A Bolomon Foreman. ". the mlln sce.ru · d Ureless. The sun was gineraJly gil What I goes nrte.r," , said \SUSPlclona. of thQse watc\1lng blp! \lU.llt floats '~1gh~Rt, and .. Imparts .' ttl, Anotbe~~l'atioD AVOided. IFrle.nd (to juror)-Wby dld · you aean hour blgh when' tbey clfmb ed th e the slow, ,dl'a",lIng voice, 'Ian' ,t hat i acrolls t,he river. . Tiley were "afraid" tint pl- lll.ue to tb.~ . heavenS. We ... .N/lW Or1e&ns,.k~-·'For Y,e&rll I BUf. ' Iong ' bill, and lopod Into Curson City. draw ' bout as quick as any 0" the . I'hat he ·knew'· them as" 'whlte', melJ, 'jt 'not for dust the .ky by d.a i waul g'u lt .l~e prisoner "fhen he actually fore~l'- trom I16fere female ttoubres. 'owned up to the theft? Juror-Well ' '!fhe C8.lItonment was .to the rIght. but boys. Th~y tell 'me y,?'re a. gun·fight- And tliey had found a' way, to ' ea,eli' ,appear black. and tile mooa and Finally I ~s oonfined to toy bed and Keith. ba vlng no report to' malte. rode eil. but It won't do ye .no good ter mUZlle bLm. The}' mult have. ridden would 'be ·v1alble~ All- .tladowl would )'ou see~ the lorema.n argu'ed: tbat ~ the doctor &IUd o~ratton waa necesma" who ' would stea.~. would al80 lie directly ahead down the oue Ions make a ploy yere. fer one o· U9 III lu ..e hard over those land dUMS to b/lv~ then b), Inky tilaC:k; E'tt~thlD' would sary. , I .lave Lydia E.Plnlmam'"Ver... reached Carson. GUy · and s.-orn out appear cllffereat1,. . It I. nOl "tb. about it. 'so we,. dldo't want to convict ~tlble C-ompound- atrial ~ and .treet to a IIv!lry torral. leav lllg bls to glt Yfll'-~' yer lIobe?" J~Dcellt man. "Get me?" Keith's \'01C6 and face this warl'Bnt. If wa. a Iood triQk. lI,ht" we lee, but .Impl, reflectJODt wall sayed from 'a n ~·'-K horsO there. ' nnd lIDugbt tbe nearest expressed altonJabment. bllt not a likely enOllgh to hU18 him. If the tel· cauaeel by. mOtu· ot' ~Ult, .. wben I reataur&l1t. . f:~~Yi:0ze ~i1' .St.,New e.ib"ui~ed by a nlgbl ot bl8b play muecle of hll body moved. "What do Iowa onl)" stuck to thetr .tol'J'. .AU rAJ 'of .uDlllht · .ute... a dark room Ibutt... lin. 84 'is ep drIDkUlI. the border town yo~ .mean. Dob-are JOU fellowl atter thll wheel tbroqb bta braID; yet tbroup a bole. lIMlehow be could DOl clearly compre- Uoaa of'duat aJeepJDI oft Its debaucb, aloon. · mer' . "Sure thing: lOt the Warrtllt here:' !lend the fuJi ~ mlllCt. co... ii;:d~en:s . Toslfent, ReUb tbe Itreets and be tile !nut of ... 0:r~iiilii
DEPENDS .ON EXPERIENCE ot AssoclaUoa Keeper Almos" Unconsciously Acquires Understandlnsr HabUs ot Little Honey Gat.herer and Consequently Is Betler Able to Solve Many Problems Arising.
By Years
( Cupyrl g bl. 1011, b, .Luoc:lat.N Llterar, Pre ...)
Here'a toYO1II'GOO. H.a1th Del Pleuure Come-follcnt the arro" 'til you join the merryth ngofpalate pleated men and womel) who halve quit seeking for the ODe beat benrage becaulC they'YO found it-
worker bees. As th e wcather grOWl ( Dy E. F. Pln LLl PS.) , "Uut lIee bere. WlIat mamma .a),s Tb e s ucces sful m llnl pulatlon of warm er, a nd t he I>olony Increllses In about a young man from borne. 'IIo'bo bees depe nds entirely on a knowl ed ge sIze by the emergen ce of the youn g bas only been In EdeD8l'llIe two ot their habits. Tbls Is no t generally bee s, the quantity of brood Is In· yea rs." 'S be unfolded a lette r n.nd r ecognized, and moat of the literature creased. The workers continu e to read: "'Abram Howitt Is doing 01\ practlclll beekeepIng consists of bring In pollen, nectar to be made ltlllliatitfaction in eftt)'glau-map and eplrkle-.im 8plendldly. He Is tbe only money sets of rules t.o guid e manipulations: Into honey, and water for brood rearaad go. Quenchea the thirat-coo1e like a breeze . fender In town . and Is one ot the rich While the m ethod u sually answe rs, Ing. Wh en the hive Is nearly till ed Delicioas-Refreshinr-Wholelolile me n now. I-Ie Is building a beautiful It Is neve rth eless ra ulty, In that with· with bees and stores. or wh en a heav y bome and Is very helpful to four OUt a knowl edge of fundam ental prln- hon ey fto w Is on, the queen begins Se Eoerywlaere fatber and me, You would Dot know clJll es or behavIor. th e bee keeper Is to Iny eggs In th e Inrge r cells . and THI COCA.cOLA CO. him ror tbe Rame Abram. HI! !D' una ble to recognize th e seemingly abo tbese develop Into dron es or males Adance, Ca • .~ Quires every day when you--'" Sbe normal pbases of activity, and does Continue d Increa se of th e colony broke off abruptly. not know what to do unde r such would r esult In the formation of Gideon winced ' Inwal'dly. HI clroumstances. Rules must. of course. enormous colonie s. and u nless some wouldn 't do B8 a money·lender." lie bo based on th e usual bebavlor. By dIvision takes place no Increase In re plied ; "too much sympatby for th& years of association tbe bee keeper J, PIEREPONT, NO DOUBT. More Than That. other re llow. I've had to borrow, almost un con s ciously a cquires a wide myself." "Old they water th e stock 1" knowl edge of b ee bebavlor, and con· "They fairly turned the hose on If." Constraint fell with tbat, and Gld· sequently Is better able to solve t,he eon ",'cnt to tbe smoking compart- problems which constantly ' arise. ment and sat blmaelC down. gloomilY, However, It would save an Inllnlte U811l Af..LEN'S FOOT- EASE 6IM .A.DtlMpt.la pe",d. r 10 be ,bakeD Into \loll ,boet In a corner. number of mistakes and would add tot Urecl. achln. teet. It tako. tb. ttliI, au t or com. "or course," he cblded; "I mlgb' grently to tbe Interest of t.be work Ind bullioli' and IDA"" .... Ik'n. a Clell.bl, 11014 nerywb.",. ~a. R<fillo ,v/J,/Cturu. Fo r FRR. hllve known some rIch maa would It more time were e xpended on a lrlal paci<a&e. addre .. ~ . 8 . Olm .....CI. Le BoY. N .Y want her. I'm surprlJled Ibe ever study of behavIor ; then the knowl· got away from New Enaland "'·..tboat edge gained could be applled to prao· Wanted to Know. ., being married." WIth that he wl1t(.b· Uca 1 manIpulation. Ella- She has a rosebud moutb . . ed a vngull and dellghUul dream A colony ot bees consIsts normally Stella- Doee that explain her malt· wblcb had come Into bls IUe In the 01 one Queen bee, the mother of the Inc 10 many tlowery speechell? past 48 bours fade as the 1I1ht of colony, and thou8!1nds of sexually un· e ve ning fad ed on tbe dis tant mOUD' developed temalee called workers. Important to Mothere tllins. ' Examine carefully every bottle of whleb no~al!y lay no eggs. but build T be rlcb Mr. Howitt stalked Into CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy tor the comb, gatber the storel. keep tbe th eir conversation and . spread him· hIve clean. feed the young, and do Wants and children, and see that It s elr around like a wet blanket fr. tbo otber work of the hive. During Beara the ~. .. ~"V?~ Smlt -My boy thinks he'll be II Comb Architecture: a. Vertical aec · quently; n r~er tbat Gideon trIed to part of tbe year tbere are also pres· pIrate wben be grows up. Slgnatureo! ~~ avoid blm. and 10 did the scbool· ent some bundreds of mllies or tlon at top of comb; b, vertical leeJones- Thinks there Ie more monet. • ma 'am arlrl. But be wall e vid ently a drllnes, whoBe only s enlce Is to ~ate tlon showing tran.ltlon from worker In Ulle For Over SO Years. characte!' not accustomed to belnl ~lth young queens. Tbese three to drone celli; c, horizontal lectlon Children Cry for Fletcher's Castor ia In piracy tban anything elae, eb' Smith- Yes; ' but I think he's goC Ignored. It v.'as patent to Gideon be types are easily recognized, even by at aide of comb showing end bar of Morgan, tbe buccancer. mIxed up wlUi Time to Reorganize. bad nominated blm"elf to be tbe h\l8- a novice. ln nature tb e colony lives frar,ne; d. horizontal section of work· '1 asked her to marry me. and sbe Morgan, the financier. band or little MIss Serena and tbal. In _D bollow tree or other cavity, but er brood cell.; e, diagram .howlnll (ave me a lupreme court answer." Curtbermore, Serena's parente we,.. nnder manlpulation thrIves In tb l! artl· tranaltlon cella. The Age of Development. "Wbat kind of an answer Is tbat ?" eager to ratify the nomination. 'f ficlal hives prOVided. Tbe combs We don't have to be' gray·bal're4 to "Bald sbe would give me six months Once. wben tbey ~ere looklnl over wblch form their abode are com.posea the number of colonies will result. some ot tbe glrl'lI .napebota tbey of wax secreted by the workers. ThA Flnally, bowever, tbe worker" begin to readjust myself so as to be accept· rem.,ember the time when mother made loft soap wltb tbe fat lavlngs. came to a man posing under a tree. bexagonal cells of the t'wO vertical to build queen cells. These .are larger able."-Puck. than any other cells In the hive and combined wltb potasb, wbleb. were Ii maa wltb bls bat Ulted knowlnIJ1y layers conltltut4ng each comb bave ml.x ed with tbe lame ae·c uracy as The UltImate Limit. back, unaware that he Ihowed a fore- Interplaced .ends on a common eep· bang on tbe comb vertically. In size Firat DenUst-My work Is 80 pain· wben ebe put a pincb 'of lalt Into tb. bead from wblch the balr was reced· tum. In the cells of these comba and sbape tbey may be likened to Inc. He bad an upcurled, olly·looklng are reared the developing bees, and a peanut, and are also rough on the leiS ~at my paHents orten fall asleep stew. We call, thIs "soap" by cour. tesy, but It wasn't a good soap to UI.. while I am at theIr teeth . • black mustache. and wore a laUafled h?ney and pollen for food are also outside. In ' preparing for swarmIng the Second Dentllt.....That·1! nothIng. Hewltt'l Easy Talk soap t. " Icl. smirk. stored bere. queen sometimes lays eg gs In partly MIne all want to have their pictures entlflc product-no guesswork. no ex"Wbo's that!" demanded Gideon. Tbe cells built naturally are not coustructed queen cells. but wben a taken to catch the expression ot de- cess of tat or alkali, whlcb are bo~ "That·a Mr. Howitt," returned Ser' all of the same size, those used in colony becomes queenless the cells lIeht on tbelr faces. Snlurtous, but real soap. 'which SI abeno. renrlng worker bees being about on& lolutely effective. It Is pure andJ "Why, be's old!" cried GIdeon. wltb nft~ of ~ an Incb across, and thole used are built around tbe f emale larvae. Bamlng the Moaqulto. wblte, made exactly tbe lame for • fierce trlumpb. And then be leaned In rearing drones and In storing The larvae tn these ceUs receIve specIal food . and when tbey have grown Lalt eummer we were pestered wltb quarter of a century-there are many ~orward to 'Iook Into her eyes. "Bun, honey. about one-fourth of an Incb to full size th en , too, are sealed up, tbe awful nuIsance, mosqultoel. nlgb-t hnitationa-lnaillt (Ill ptUDg lIIu~ don't marry him! . He-" IlCross. Tbe upper cell In natural and the colony Is tben ready for atter night. and on one occasIon ,"Mr. Rush!''' . Talk, combs are more Irregular, and gert· swarming. killed between thirty and forty In our For the ftrlt time Gideon felt tbe emily curve upward at the outer The Ground of Their Love. Tbe Isaulng of the first !lwar:gl bedroom, at mldnlgbt. The followIng welgbt of the Icy school teacher ·Ctone, "Let us have peace," said the Ena' from a colony consists of the de- day I took a woolen clotb, put a little The humhled GIdeon lou,bt refuge parture ot the original queen wIth '3 kerosene 011 On It, and rubbed both Usb Invader. "Can you not see thai In the smoklnlJ compartment, where part of the workers. Tbey. leave sIdes of the wire melb of the screene the white strangers love the redmeD r' he stayed until · bedUme. "Ab, yes," replied the Inte1ll~ellt 100 behlnd the boney stores, exce'pt IUC~ "Itb It. That nIght one lonely mos· _~ext mornIng be recalled . with a as tbey can carry In tbelr boney stom· quIto dllturbed our rest. Two or dIan. "tbey love the very &rOund ". .tart that tbey were but U boul'll acbs, tbe brood, some workers: three times each week I rubbed tbe walk upon."-Saozred Heart Rel'lew. from GUeaburl. He lougbt Berenn. drones. several queen ' cells, from' screeps In like mann'er, and we en· Tbe Ichoolma'am Ilrl wu encaa,,4 whlcb wtll later emerge young queene,' joyed peace tbe rest of the summer. Hold fast to th~ hlgbest Ideal I that In the manner wblch he ·knew Itran.e but no .a dult queen. By thla interest· Tbe odor from the 011 remains only' a flash upon your · vision In hours eli teachers adopt at an InsUtute. She In~ process the original colony II few mInutes, and the 011 Itlelf preexaltatlon.-":F.ranC8s E. Willard. wa~ palnitaklnilly poUte an.d paiD', The Honey Dee: I. Worklr; b, QUlen;' dIvIded In,t o two. lervel tbe ler.e ens and keeps awaY Jtully (rlendly. IUld al Imper.onal a. ' c. Drone. The Iwarm Ondl -. oew 10cnUon In tlle • .-G<lod." HouBekeepID&, MaeaElne. Mr.. W ....lo..•.. BoothlD, 8J1'UP tor Child .... the multJpllcatJon table. For once, teethlDIf.aortena tbe CUUl • • redDce. IIiSaDllll1lO Mr. . 1uwltt did not let Into t~e COil' end. Tl1e, are used cblefl, for thtl some place, 8uch as a . bollow tree, or, Uoo. alia)'. paiD. au . . . . lD4 aollo. Uo. botUC Ended Cit'. Sojourn. If eared by tbe bee keeper, In a blve. versaUoD. Itorage of bone,. Under manIpulaFeUx Smith ,of Eaaton, Pa.. bougbt Even at dinner, a din In. car extra,,· tion tbe size of the -cell. II controlled The workers lJulld ·new combs. tbe a cat the otber day. He paId for .. wille man. may forgive, but onl1 • a,ance On ",'hlch GIdeon Inllsted be· by tbe bee keeper b, tbe ule of a queen begin. layIng. and In a sbort' ber. Wby dId FeUx pay flve bucks , fool w~ll for"t. time ijie Iwarm becomel a norm. a l cause It was to be their laa:. meal to- comb foundRtloD-lbeetl of pure bee.~j for the eat? Answer-Because Ihe ' ~~~~~~~~~7~~~~~!'I1 lether, the arlrl'li anllor remaIned III WI\X on whlcti are Impressed tbe 'b aaes colony. place. ' . The colony on the old stand ( wal lUaranteed to be a ;004 ratter. of cells And on whlcb the beel bulid' Did Felix ban ratl? We should 8ay , ._ • colonY) 1a Increaled br the bees The ,hour. p..leel Inexorabl,. AI· tbe side wanl. When tbe actlTtty or · the Iprtng erglng from the brood. Atter 'a time be did-the bouse "as full of "em f moat before be could believe It, tbe tb'e eat cleane~ 'em outl Nil; whlatle _ Icreamed, tbe brakemllll begin •• the normal colqny conllst. ofI (usuall, about leven or eight claYI) And that's the curious part of It. Atter the tbe queenl In their ceUI are readl ' the Queen . I nd .ome thouland of workcried "Gllesburar!" and GldeoD wal' 200 Million aU.hel.· el'll. As the outside temperature' to emerge, It 'the colonl Is onl,- cat bad beeq on tbe lob • weell the Rebelled Agaln.t Dining Car Charge •• standlnl in tbe aisle. .aylnc arooclb.ye Wheat to be Han. .teet raJse.. tbe Queen beelnl to lay earp moderately strone tbe flrst Queen to rats were as plentiful al ever. Fells to Mlsa BI,the, couldn't understand It until one eve· ,mer,e la' allowed by the worker. to In tbe "orker ceUs. . spIte tbe pushlnl procelllion behind So wltb a beart lore and rebel1loul These In time develop Illto "bite tear dawn the other queen cells ani! nlng he concealed hlmlelf tn the base.hJm. bie .,e. wIde open and bl. be delcended Into tbe 10tt, darlm.I' Reports from the Proriucea of Ilrvae, wbtcb grow to 1111 tbe cells. kill tbe queens not yet' emerged: but meut .to watCh tbe cat. AbQut 9 p. m ., bart " tbumplq; " for_ there• . comfort· of the little tOWIl. lultcaae In bud. as the cat eat with ber eye on a rat Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta abl, dlapoled In ber seat, W&ll tbe Mechanically be tumbled In bla pock· Tbey Ilre capped over and transtorm it a "Iecond swarm" Is to be given bole. FeUx says tbat rat atter rat came (Western Canada) indicate one of first Into pupae and tben Int~ adult off the queen cells are protected. eta for bla trunk check. ec1!oolma'im rtrl. out of the bole, walked up to tbe old the best crops ner ralsed on. the Next mornlns GIdeon and the The engine'll" takln. water. Old· ....._ _- - - - - - - - -........ cat. kIssed ber good-night and tben continent. To harvest this crop wiD ecboolma'am Ilrl bad spoken to each eon walked rorward, for one mora . ., 'I returned to the hole. After tbat Felllt require at .least 50,000 harvester&. other almolt before th ~J' knew It. n, kicked the cat out of the hOllse.-BolI· Low Rat6e Will be Given noon tbe, had decld d to make com· ton POllt. on All Oanad/an Road. mOD cause aealost the frightful oar on Ihe other side. Tbe platform Excursions run dally and full cbarges of tbe dlnlng·car wIth theIr waa hlgb, and by ItandlDI on tlptoe . 8~RONGER THAN MEAT particulars will be given on appUca· united luncb·boxes. By e\'enlng, Gld · he could just lee ber. A Judge'a Opinion of Grape-Nut., tion to the follOwing authori%ed Cana. eon bad told ber tbe story of hIs life. Her head was' turned awa,; cbln dIan Government Agent. The rates and conftded tbat be had $2.200 with on hand. she wal looklnl out Into tbe A gentleman wbo bas acquired a ju· are made to apply to all who wish to wbleb to bu, BP allple orchard. t;lke advantage of them for the pur· ·darkncss. There waa a drqop to ber 41clal turn of mind from experience Tbe scboolma'am girl was equally not at all like the young woman wbo pose of inspecting the grain fielda of on lhe bench out In the Sunnower trank. Sbe told him Ibat her real had bidden blm a cheerful goodbye a Western Canada, and the wonderful State writes a carefully considered name was Serena Blythe. but tbat all few momenta betore. Stealtblly Bhe opportunities there offered for those opinion as to tbe value of Orape-Nuts who wish to invest. and also those ber frIends called ber "Dun." She dabbed her eyes with ber bllndker· as' food. He says: who wish to take up actual farm life. bad come Into a herltllge of school chief. "For tbe past 5 years Grape·Nuts Apply at once to teacblnl In a New England town at Just tben I be trsln Itarted; so did has been a promInent feature In our sl~teen. She bad expected to stay Gideon. He' rusbed up tbe steps of . H. M. WILLIAMS bill of fare. tbere always But her rather's bealth the car. treading on tbe toes of the 413 Gardner Bldg,. Toledo. Ohio "'rbe crisp food with tbe delicious. had made alchange ImperatIve. nnd he conductor, and bearly knocking over nutty flavor bas become an Indls· and ber mother had gone weat the the porter. dropped his sultcast! In pensable necessity In my famlly's prevldus year. Npw they had made the \·estlbule. and marcb'ed 'up tbe everyday life. a home In northern California nn!! aIsle, "It has proved to be most healthful ' bad wrItten her to come. "!:iun," he said. quIetly. and sat and beneficial, and baa enabled us to Together GIdeon aDd the 8chool· down beside her. practically abollsb pastry and pIes Crom our table, tor tbe children pre fer ' I. Growinr Smaller E",1'7 Day. !Da'am girl dis covered that Gllesb ll rg, Sbe turned, with a sudden calch· Oregon. and l£densvllle, California, Ing of breath. 'rhere was joy In Grape-Nuts,- and do not crave ri ch and CARTER'S' LITTLE Were reall:v not' far aparl her dowy eyes. Unconsciously .he unwbolesome food . LIVER PILLS are . "Why. w·.. shall be neighbors!" said stretched out ber band and Gideon "Gr,ape.Nutl keellS us all In verred responsible- they . physical condItion-as a preventive of notonlygivereliCf Gideon. "I can run over Arter supper took It In hla own. - they perma"Oh!" she Ilghed. with a tremlilQu8 most any evening!" Th ey botb laugll' dlseas e 'lt Is tleyond value. 1 have been nentlycureC... smile, '~It seemed so lonesome. nut ed at thIs islend!!r joke ; but It did particularly' Impressed by the benell· ltipatioa. SOI!In clieertng tbat 'th e two little the traln-:-",e're leaving Gllesbur&, clal effects of Grape·Nuts when used' lions ' us . block dots wer." 'separated ooly by a Wbere are ' you golng?~ by ladles who ar~ troubleti with !sce ther.t 'for "With you," be replied, slmpl,. row , icor.e miles or moun tain ranges blemlsbes, CskIn eruptIons. etc. It ~UJo_ "0111' - " sbe struggled to release lIod ,rlVClts. . . clears up the complexion wonderfillly. IDdl,..tiOl~ S4ck HeacladM. saUo.., SIda. "Edilnsvllie la growing \Vonde,:'"I. her ' b'a nd. "Ybu can.'t!" 'Her eyes , "As to Itl! nutritive qu~ltles, ioy ex. SMALL PILL, ~ DOSE. SMALL PRICI. Iy;". said. lhe Bcb'ooi-ma'am girl. with fell .: ot! tbe trunk.-$:beck bet~ee~ , bls perlence Is that one small d!sh of Genqine mtllt beai- Signature bew ' bllt genuIne weste'r n ehUlUslasm fingers . ' "Your ·trupk·s ba.ck ' tllereWHether the larr~ houae wi~ · ln(t •• t~e' large boulea are ulled tor farrow· Grape-Nuts is s.uperlor to a 'pound of _ ~, . , ,our ' orcbard! Why,' Old-o;--" . ror her .o w·n tQ\\Iri. "Mumm.a snYIi It ' l ' '. ~ lIng quarters an'd as 'soon as the ptga ,meat. for breakfast. which Is an Impor. vidual pons' Is ,better. tban the .IDdJ·, . balf a& larre again a8 wben tbey . "We will come back · to 'them, .Ut· vidual cot Is an open queatJon. lIerhapa are & weel!; ~r two old, ·or al lOOn as tant consIderation for anYODe. It. sat. , J'4'#~P2='~ movud t.bere. ' Papa baa all the work tie "cboolmn·am rtrl," he IIld, "when. larl~11 a ~atter of indiVidual perf.... the weather permit,. tbe sows and lit· Ilftes the appetlte and strengthens the J.---.,.--r----"--~-------' be can do: be ,Is .& .. carpenler, you the boneymoon'l, o.er." Blulblnl. abe let her "hand II. ID enCl. Eacb baa Ita ' dlstJnct advan· ters are remoyed to tbe IndlTtdual 'power of reslattng taUpe. wblle Ha know, aDd earpel)t'er. are scarce-IlO tages ·wblcb cannot be HcUJ'ed: In til. cots. Dorm; the remainder of lhe aa.e In"olves none' of the dfs81P'eeable ' •• ea"'ltal. A' man wnll some mane, ~I" other.MIlDY Qf tile best bOa ral ••ra year . ~e Iarle bouBeI are utllbet for eclnlequeneea that , somotlmeli ' follow 'e 8ur.· to make a iucces.. You could· a meat breakfut." Name ' etven b7 are DOW "rovldla" th.~..lyea ,, ,ltb IIeeillDC 'Qua.rters. ita Tendenc:)" ~ tbere," ' '. Po'stum Co., BatUe 0 ...... MAoh: ~lb tlPea c or bouie•• aDd thla ..... ........ went iii thll' nature atud1 bUll, to ba the mOlt aatlafactol7 . ... caD do" ~.11 .R.ad tbe uttle boo~ "Tbe Road_to 011 M.al. , It fad. te» pt • liD. ~OD lb. boat' .. liD mON .. . ._1••• lil '1Il.....·',...U ·0ftIID 'preftftt. . . . . . . "elMu.... ·• ~ "TII~••._-,.., ·....ra ". ·.· J&IMilHMt,.-r.--, Uaa ad .Utp . . ,.... lit.., . . aU the buU4t1lll ...
Gideon RU fl b noticed the girl before tbey renc hed Chicago, though be was 8 sby. hard-working YOUllg man who bad reaJly noticed re w wowen In bl. day. Dut even Gideon co uld be pardoned for looking again at the " ~c hoolmll'am clrl," as he quaintly ni ckn a med her. None but a sc hool teac her would bave that air and tb a t pOllcl1. And abe WDS so young a nd HO good to look at tbat Gid eon \\IU S re minded of . little girls wh o play ed at various games. like kee ping bouse. and goln(; visitin g. Ilnd tcachlng school. Sh e was a Bchool teac her; and yet tbe tltltl was n' t di s tinctiv e e nougb. It did not classlry bor. 8110 "'·os a ll girl. loo- yollng and sw ee t a nd ba ppy . So "school·mo·am girl" It WIUI . GId eon . who was going out to Ore· con to ' grow apples, saw that tbe school·ma·am gIrl bad a ticket mucb like bll own- a green on e a s long a s his arm. Was ebe going wes t. too, maybe to Oregun ? But no; tbat was Impossl· ble. He would lOBe her at Chicago. wbere sbe would cb ange to one or tbe otber bundred traIns tbat s huttled 8wa, In every direction. 11 was dnrk wben tbey rumbl tld tnto the bedlam call ed Chi ca go. She seemed so little and Rlone and grave -some of ber brlgbt cbeerrulness hnd depRrted- that Gid eon said are· cretfu"1 farewell wltb ' his e yes. And .be answered th e same WRY. Gideon hurried Into tb tl sticky mid· summe r ni ght. beca use ever yone else was hurrying; found a modest res· taurant In the g lare and c la t te r ; bur· rled thrqugh a meal Rnd trott ed back to the great station as lho unlforo,ed man at the ga le \Vas bawllUI bill traIn. He found bill tou ris t sleeper. Ha lf· way down tbe aisle be Daused. de-
50'0'00'/Me.n:.'Wa'"nled In·WI.tern eInl dI Ha".,1 ilelp In
Ir,,' D.mand
----wr . . . . . .-.. . -----.. . -.. . -----
~~~~ !~atht~v.~r~00::·~~d!.~1.0r ~:;
The Ar·my. of Constipation
....... ,
-- _--
.~~~~~~-~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.--~ ~~~,,~~~~~~~~~~I~.~~~~~~~~~~~~!!~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!_~~~~~~~~~!!~~~~~
ESS· RACI G AT STATE FAIR Fifteen Events With Purses Aggregating $11,000, LOl'
rs of thl'
nn rl
rtn:3 h :1\ lIl'l ln l:SI1(' ('lally '1'1' 11 IlrO I i.1 tI fur lhi ~ Y"arl t·'lfl" (,1l ~1"1·at \Hlrth' S:> t' I' l:nlH hal l' II e ll sell'd ulwll for til nl' t11l~ ~ of t he 1lI"t'ting. w llh
and t wisting 8 re'n tdh. Then come. thl' lII/1 l'hl l1l' shOll anrt the automaUo • II roum, wh r t 1l lise ot special jigs nHtltlllll I> the ", mol n<'y of "ne m rt 70 tuM. p b y step the work goe, on un· til th , RSsl'lII bll ng room b reo. hed and t h fa to ry InaI tlon ot om· pi ted parts b gi lls. Piece by III <'e til ,'lIr grow!! until rOlld y tor tile ruad t 'sts whi ch or vlvhlly partrayp.d. Then rom 8 flnaJ l08pec~lun And the COllll)l et ca r looms uP. a monu· m,' nt In morl ' rn I:lng in ring nnd pro. dllNlon f, I ",. .
purs s alUtr ~nLl ng \:.' 1 \ ' Ll '.houslIlIlI nullar>!. Thts will lie : lIr ., 1.Hlng out hundr ',1 lIf til l' tl N st Il"Ottt'IS aud PIli' r:s In t he l'o\lIll l Y Th ~ races muy be ","i l n ~"(>d with tlUl n · ountE'rlll'l IIny of 1 he obJc'r'lwnnull' f atur,'s whit- h 0 111 tllll .s ol)!nl u at other rall III ell I Ill ).:!;. I
Farm Boys Cam p. Onn hUllcl r 11 farm UllYS will all ~ llIt In Ih IHRllflR IIwn t or the fnir this
ye:l1'. w -ek
tlll'i l· ' xp ml(' for tho entire IH" Ug l )(l nl" ~ b.r I h(> Slale 111 nnl.
:\IUSH' r T. '. Luylln ~ 11 0111)( ' s thu t lhe nnnuul reuni on 01 hlo l'ull l)IIS or Hu bn ndry will be h In un the Suue lo'alr ground'!. WellII ~ Ila~ IlIld Thursday, Au gus t 30 aOll :~ 1 . The l1lt"'mu rs wIll mt't't III bea utlful Grun ge Hall. An Inlerestlu g prog rnm will be arrang d . Hon. ol iv Wil son. LC ~'l llr r of ,he NILIi o na l Oro li S ' . w i ll bl'! prf'se nt b til da ys, nnd Illlclr !iR lh e plltrO;t H. The Ilr 8l,nl Y<'llr hn. IJr(lvNI 1\ ba nn rune for I h., ord r, nnrl ~In!itcr l.nyllu ela· sires n fI lII ntt thlLt its Slll!"lIIl
CADET ·BAND CONCERT' l*'ollo'\ing is the concert program for Thul'sday, Aug ust 4th, from 7:30 to 8:30 o'clock: . Marl'h- "&how Boy" .... ..... ..... . Huff
... ,
Walt zes - flowers f the W IldwooJ" .... ..... I.. .... .. Op. 14, Skaggs erenade- "Good Night" ..... . Howell March - "Endeavor" ..... ... ....... Huff "J t1 La d f 0 . " Alf d n ~ o. n reams ...... or S 'r lptl\" al op- tlThe Races" Barnard Medley Waltz- "Bagy Grand" ...... .. ..... .. ... .: ........ .... ............ Alford "National Ail's" .. Fulton The time for holding the concert has been changed to a half hour eal:-
I ......... ..........:................ . 1 •• 1 . . .
, . About People ' .
Those who clcslre to participate In the prlvU ge should see the Secretarr of. th Ir ounty A 1"1 ultural , oclety at on e, and learn what Is n~c s~ .ary to quality tOt tbea posWous.
cess may be fittingly celebrated. A hearty welcome extended to all. The j::itale ll'alr t~la year will far excel,lall Jlrevlous exhlb'ttlons. Many educational Innovations wl11 lJe IntroNume ro u8 Improvem ents duced. Entertainments and amuseThe Ohio State Falr, whl!'h now ments . galore will prevail. Every might more properly be designated an member 01 the order urged to make exposition, has gro wn to su ch mag- arrangements to att nd. nificent proportions t hat almost allY expense would be jusUfied In . quip· STATE EXHIBITS. tng -It to handle Its great xhtblts . TWs year no less thnn $100.000 hILS . Instructlve and educational exhibits been . expend Ii for enlarged buildfrom the various State InstitutIoos ings un(\ other permanent lmprovements. The mos I)eautiful all'l U!:I ment 'rill be featured at the Ohio State parks In l the oun try do ,aot pxc I the Fair. The average man pays little or Ohio State ~alr grounds, whi h has no attention Joo the luner workings of become a. thing of bClIuty and [\ JOY our penal a.nd oharUable Institutions. forayer. The fair will be open· d !~y and n1ght Of the former he pi tures tbe horro.. this year. Each nIght's program will of a Iberia. o r the latter he is too close with 1\ stupendou $5 ,01) 0 fire- much u 'roll 'ed with his own al'ralrs works display, depicting p . rr:/'s Vic- to glvo It th tho ugil t It descn'es and should cumnlalHI fro m eyery citizen. tory on Lake Eli-le. He Is qui ck 0 ' ritl c l s Without baIn g famil iar li ow lhl' Il/Slilutiou Is con· du cted and I II fl·ort thllt lhose In charg are TlI ll.ti n g for th fo r lhe welfare or the In nwl~. Two Y . Ill"!:; ago state In: tl tlltl ons mad t heir fl l·st .hlblt ut tbe tate l~ a ir. Visitors were amazed at these llis plays. as gonern\ly they had no '011 lop liOIl of th e output of their ·schools and worltsllOJ}B. It WIUI a grand school of lelLrlllng. The exWblts vividly portr&yed the good these In~mutlons were accomplishing. Tliose In charge were the recipients ot many compILments. Tohes'! In'sUThe automQbUe show. nt ' the coming tutions belong to Ohio. ' They are Ohio State Fair, Au g. 28 to Rept. 1, supported by public tunda, TheIr Is attracting wlcle a ~ te nllon. 1, adlng manufactures torm a prominent pa.rt our State ExpOSition. They are manufacturers have engaged .space. ot' brougbt there tor your inspection. One entire building · will be devoted From them you can judge as to to these dlsplo.ys. Not only will vlsi· whether the administration ot these tors be able to view the finlshecl car, Institutions Is In . good hands. It Is but & moving picture show wlil be In- your privilege and' <luty to ucertaln stalled that all may tamlliarize thelli' what the state fs accomplishing for selYea with the l ma nufacture of the Ita wards. The State Fair will be modern machine; 10,000 fee t of film held in cOlumbus, August 28-Septem· required In this production. Th e pi c- ber 1. Pay It a visit. Inspect the tures are most Int resting. Viv idly state exhibits. Ask questions of those
Complete Show of Modern Machines at Ohio State Fair,
Miss Ada Furnas started Saturday morning on an extended Western trip.
Hom~r Biddlecum· will preach ~t
Han1burgcr. Cheese, Egg and Ham.
Chas. Cornell attended the Township Trustees' meeting at Leballon Saturday.
Meats All Kintls, Cool\cd in
..----.------MIAMIS WIN GAME ~~--
The Miamis went to New Burlington Sunday and defeated that club by Ithe score of 10 to 7. The game was marked by heavy batting by the Miamis, several ' three-baggers being made by tbe Miamis with one hOlM 'run by George Waterhouse.
.- .
A RARE SIGHT Mrs, Alethia Alexander had a night blooming cereus in bloom last Wednesday evening. Several persons had the pleasure 01 seeing this rare plant bloom, and it was a beautiful sight. I
- --
Soup Every Day
- .-----
Ice Cream, ·Cold Watermelon Peanuts, Confectionery Cigars and Tobacoo
O. H. DENLINGER, Your Old Frtend, "Saw Dust."
Phillips Bldg.,
Waynesville, Ohio.
Water Melons. Musk Melons. Malden Blush Apples, Jersey Sweets, Cabbage, Irish cobbler Potatoes, Fresh Bologna. Cream Cheese, wafer Sliced Dried Beef, Onions, Corn Beef, Veal Loaf.
Osteopathic Physician
White Clover Cake, 8 for ..... 5c Ginger Lasses Oakes, 2 Ibs ... 15c Royal Blue Coffee ..... .. .. ... ... 2Gc Old Re iable Coffee ...... .. .. ....2iic Fancy Santos Coffe ......... .. . 20e We don't sell Rio Coffee, Star Tin Cal)s, per dQz ......... 3Gc 'Always aSK fo\" ~tar Cans. Mason Quart Jars, a dOzl ..... 50c W: Tibbals, near Chillicothe. Lyman 'fin Lids, a doz ........... ......... 5c Wesell:Red Virgin Sealing Wax Silver is helping to market a twoPure Paris Green, Chick and Hen thousand bushel crop of peaches. I Feed, lOO-lb. sacks Coarse Salt No 2 fine, for stock, on lv 40c. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Howell. Mr.\ ' Pure Cider Vinegar, White and Mrs. Edmund Retallick, Mr. and Vinegar for pickling, Mrs. Seth Furnas attended Yearly lIiew Canned Goods coming in . Meetin{l at Wilmington Sunday. Fresh Cereals every week Try Dr. ShQoP's Health foffee IThe Warde piano which is to be Imitation- it's fine. sold on bids at Walter McClures office New Goods all the time and our priCe:! are right, wholesale or on August 26th is a beauty. Come retail. Call arid be coqvinced and ~ it even if .you are not in the market for a piano. It costs )lothjng 16 _ cents for: Eggs to examine it.
- ----.
:\n)' Style.
- --- ---
Wanted-A clean , tidy woman for light hou!lework. Apply to Dr M. Mr. H , H. Wadsworth and family W. Lang, Ridgeville. Ohio. for furthwill leave soon for Lagrange, Ga., to er informati on. m:lke their future home. Mr. W~ds worth has built up a big chicken inThe ladies of St. Mary's ure redustry in Wayne township. He will quested to come to the church have char{le of a large chicken farm Thursday morning at 8 o'rlock. Imin the South. 'fhey have made many portant work to be done. friends while here whQ are Barry to lee them go. In answer to a dispatch: from W.
- --
The Best Place in TQwn to Eat
Mrs. U rith Thomas has been quit.e ill but is bett er at the present time.
lieI'. Please note the change of hour, the Orthodox Friends' chul"ch Sunand don't miss a number of this con- day morning. cert, Miss Amy Barnhart. of Franldin, HAD ~IX RIBS BROKEN wa~ the week-end guest of E. D. BUl'nett and family. As Benj. Weeks , of Harveysburg, and his assistant were loading a new Mr. Shennan Cartel', of Hartwell, manure spreader into a wagon at the Ohio, is the g uest of his sister, Mrs. depot Monday, it proved to be too George Stroud. heavy for them and fell, bearing Mr. Mr. and Mrs. W, E. O'Neall and Weeks to the ground. In falling he struck a box on the ground, and the Mrs. Annie O'Neall al'e visiting" relspreader fell on him breaking six atives in London. ribs. MI' . an,1 Mrs. '1'. J eff Smith atThe accident might not have proved tended the funeral of he r uncle, Mr . so serious if it had not have been for thi!l box. A doctor was summoned Danilel Atkinson, near Oregonia, and the w.ound dressed, and he was Monday. 1 taken to his home in an automobile. Dr. amI Mrs. Penfield, Mr. and Mr, Weeks is 75 years of age, and Mr~ JOB. Stewart, of Dayton, were -the accident to him will lay him up gu of Miss Lizzie Stewart Sunfor some time. day evening. ....
-- -.
Tbe Cadillac Re$tatlttaln t I
M1'8. J. W. Hisey has been \' ry i k.
----_. - -----WILL LEAVE FOR SOUTH
•. -- -
912 Reibold Building,
li rlld ulILU AII/Url 'lUl
Ohio -
.. -
Olassillad ..A.ds, """"'
.n. . .
untlt'r ~lll !l b tud (o r twen l y · ltv oe nl ~ for ~bree In orU o tl ~ wh \ln ulil nt: nul mor llia n live linek.
Adli will be
Jn s~ rLcd
.... ~----
ICIOER-l1Ydrllulio Ider ,. HprlnB Villi y . WHI '!'ue dtLY and Ii'rl dIlY. Ievery 'raw II
Will Ilt. opertt.t A
l£.O'8 C A l'-Owner A u dcover ZIMMERMAN'S oftioc. sume oalling at proving property Bnd
l\1 ~
for "d.
It is estimated that one thousand automobiles will be on the grounds FOR SALE every day. Hundreds of farmers will come from all parts of Ohio in machines. The bi5r ~utomobile show MATOE -Will be relldy to put is attracting much attention. Only . up in 1\ few daYfI . They are those who see it will be able ,t o de· fiue. UIlll OhRH., W., Frye, R 0,. -t, W"ynesville. Phone 49-1 L '2!f. scribe it. Tbe best machines for farmer use will be a specialty LACK flimlly mllre for &ale ohelf T' Those manufactul"ers who feel Rure I H. GOSBU, ~ .. ynesvUlle , Obi?; of the qUlllity and utility of their Round trip from Waynesville HOUSE of 6 rooms a.ftd l!ornmer machines will have them at the State . . kitcben, formerly owned b;r Fair. Visitors who come in autos ,Next Sunday Geo . Thompson. Inquire uo pre'lIwill be,charged fifty cents ad~ission Train leaves at 8:11 a. m. ise& of Mis8 Monie Robhi!Jon, for their machines, which will be OOD 80 .. Il~d Pigfl, all io tlne parked and guarded while in the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ oondllion. For uartioohLra a(Jgrounds by the ,National GU'a rd dreRR ~onrloe iilver, R •.D. 4, WbYNotice of Appointment. police. nesville, OhiO, Jjllune 411 21', .
P. AND D• . MEETING There wm be a meeting of the Protective and Detective Association Saturday afternoon at the Township house, The assessments must be paid at this meeting, and it is requested that all be present.
POULTRY IASSOCIA TlON There will 00 a meeting of the Miami Poultry AssOciation Saturday ,afternoon to perfect arrangements for the coming show in December. All are requested to be present. .~.-...-----
ERtnt.e or Anna l,eonnrd. d ecensed.
undersltltnod hu.s boon nppelnt.od nud llu lllllletl OLD SOLDIERS HONORED APER NAPKIN~The Gazette 1L8 admlnlstrllwr or.tho eHtnto or Auna Leon· Messrs. Madden and Shidaker,o' offiee bllnd lell the. piuto wbite nro. latu ot Wnrren Oounty. Ohio) , <Icc a~ e.l. this 18th tillY ot Jlllri J\. D. 19 11. Ilud colol"ed nllpkins. CIlIl Ilno lIee Harveysburg. have a lot of l{lo.o d Two hundred boys front the Sol- Dated PEltRY E . ICE:iRh; K. Admlulstrrltm'. ~em. ' whiskey barrels for sale. If you are diers' and Sailors' Orphans' Home, making cider. they are just what you Xenia, will go into camp during thE'. I IT! 'FlUE PAPER-If you ""uut want. Prices are right, too. entire week on the State Fair Is the right any oolor of OM tisBue p' l~r., Grounds. This will be a grand sight, " . . time to sub· OIt11l\t the (fl\zette oIRoc We .. n ,,,0 Oregonia. The sons of old veterans will p.njoy a oribe for ~ he Mluml.Guzett,e It on b&nd 1111 .t11.e tit.pe ..
Right Now
Eugene Jeffery lind family ~peo~ trip and . privile~e ~ever ~fo~e ~!!!!!'~!!!!!'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"!'!!!!"!'!!!!"!'!!!!!"!'!!!"!'!!!~~!'!!!!!!"!'!!~
Sund"y with Mr. and Mrs; ! Will gtlanted." They WIll brmg. theIr own I , - - - - - - - - - -. .-~-••--~.-~--IIIi-Kl'rsey. : . . , band of thirty pieces and favor the l'i l Miss Mabel t-Iherwood is atteddiDB crowds with music that made their Teachers' Institute in Dayton; tbis !athem defend the flag. ,E very old wel~k . id M i ' i 'j i ' . soldier who can will be (ioubly glad til\: uson 8 enJoy ng I\· V SIt t thO J . G d A ' , from his daughter, Mi~s Daisy Moon . 0 s~e IS umor ran rmy ca~pMr. und Mra. Frank CleBv~r, of mg 10 the shadow 0.1 the Grant Cabin. Lebanon, were in town Honday. • • , Mrs. George Baoker entertatned PrnDe the trees tn the 81lrty sprlog h{lr tatber and mother Sunday. ' if possible/ 'anv mouth of tbe year Zuln Armitage haa Purchased t,be .r Deoessa.ry, bu~ be snre to pl"une stllllion t Clay BOl"nfl,of Joe Ma.rs'hall. tbe trees. ' .
... .---. ,'
- .......,..--
We clean your Seed Wheat. any' day, .-and. 9~~rant~·e te8~lt8,~ .
1 Clover and gra8s seE-d may , . , . ~sown, aln d II. good standS80!lred, on Every .year Ithere is more or leas oat gwund .d'lrio~ t,be last ot Ap~U rush and jam at the grand stand. and the-drat of l14&y, ". ,_ ENTERING. ·THE GATES-OHIO STATE FAIR, As a rule visitors desire to go to the --...:...:....- ... - ••- - they. present the mln\1l e de,~ns of in ch!lJ"ge. FamliJarlze yourself with .grarid stan~ in tb~ .~ftemooh, notthe 'different processes of manufae- your own property. It win be money only to lsee the races, ~ut ,to ·rest la p.d Irao tUre. , I well expended. conserve their strength. ' The proIt Ii o.lmost. lmposslble to give an ndeQulI,te idea .of the realwU.c pano. WOMEN ADMITTED FREE. ' I. gram in ,f ront of ··the big stand this rama that tbe · tilmB present . .~t, the ' Mo~day, A,ug. 28, Will b,e Wom~n's ' :year wiit be espec(iallY · str~m~, ·both ,'The Tl'U'w- of Walne Township wlil 801 'out1\et one sees the pig Iron. being day at th Ohl6 State "Fair: , .Ladies 'in races and special litiractions. The tb'th~ ,o",es~ ,reepeoa~bl~ bidder, on . ' , I whee1e,d Jnto the recel ying 'bIns and will bc admitted free. whether alone ptel win OPfn by noon, and,to .ins~re. Saturdl!lY, · ~ptember 9, 1911, then is preSented the ' chemists at or accompaI}Jed by gentlemen, ' The yourself and lady a good seat, come At 2 o'clOck]). m., on the groUud., the W(;rk ('eating the at'eel tor ~r~on'l F~ir wiU be In full operatloo· that day, I · Th .. ' . .tract for au labor ~ to ciat down, Bulpb.ur and manganese. · Next Is seen aud ' sp,ecjal · eJfort will be ina'l1e tor ear ~y. , . e everung ,Pr.ogram In. B~ 00rDeIl hiD. on ,1ie·Lytle·Pike. I the heat tesu and tben the .foundty the pleasure al'ld· comfort or every' one front of the stand will eXcel 8nnhfng· ehJP~a.:dor&:lGcaUiJDI ' on IlIe at TO~. ad drop forgtnt d pai'tm.ents .til. full present. Tile day's eotertatnm.ent ever given. in Ohio. The gates wi)) WaDel of "00.00 "reQUIred of lI\I~ilI'IIIMI tlperatlona. }'q.\lowlng tbeae are the wJU close with ..a creat. fUGG ar. .0 pen for the evening. aodn li fter ~x =te'u~,~::;w:. on...-.: . U1I . t . . . ud Ithe ~_~te~Ue worb d1apla1. I ~c1ock. .-: ~ . ..0. oAsay, aGak. _1.~IIi.....~~....~. . . . . . . .~~..,...___........
· ' ..0 .C:'O·n,t 0t'loe
............ ..-.
...-.._---------.-... Former Citizens ~.-..
-- --.I
A 'GOI::i'r 3D, In!.
..-...---...-... _-- _ _.-. ..... .-...-. IIi THE HISEY REUNION 1 About People ,. TheIS W eek'socia S e IE ! : ' Thunlay, August 17, 1911, dawn d ........... ..... ..-.....-..."" vents i l ' pretty and brillht. At an earl y hour
\ ...................... _ .. .......-..... _ ............................................................:
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Six teen years ago the Blue Gruss I! ! o~~..-....-....-.~ ,train of Single Comb Black Minor. : j Munday wi'lI be Labor Day. Prof. and MrR. G. J. Graham ~as was originated by H . H. Wads : t.....++ ....................... ~.. ++. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ~. . . . . . . . ~. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . _ _ _ _ _1 the goou looking members of the grand old Hisey family began to have gone to Sulphur Springs to worth at Falmouth, 'Ky. After a few L........_ ................ _ .... _ .......................................................... Ray Law, of Leban \'11, waRin t.own One of the p Iea an t' 0cas' . Ias t th e Sco tt'ISII gather at the lIpenda week at th{> famou res r)I't. - years , people began to see tbat it was c 10 IlS of ', 0 n F'd . 1'1 ay evening . home of. M I'. and Mrs. the par excellence of that breed and I . I -. . J os. W. Hlsev ( 0 shake hands and Weun esduy. Xenia Gazette. 0'1 W d th b t t l 1 t Ie season was a farew ell receptIon H.lte MaRo ns of WayneSVIlle tendered h i ' d' t' ' 'th I' r. a swor egan 0 g ~ t le g-iven Thursday evening at the Town- I a fal'ewell dinn er to Or. H . W. Bailey exc ange o n. gree milS one WI Mrl:l B. V. rnith was a Dayton breed on the market. Ish ' I-Io I. t h I I P It A', t th> h f D' '.'11 ' 1'1Ie t au1.1 e ano th er. QUite a number of rela · h . h h ' IP use uy e oca ou ty S Ia e ome 0 I. r.:. IS. . d f' d d d thO h Carl G. Hopkins, 'on of MI'. an' visitor alurda~'. S Ince t at time, owever, t e strain soc ial' I f M t.1 M H H ' as ts d li ves an nen s atten e IS t e . t ft " t Mrs . Howard Hopkin s, of Dayton, has ga ined em inence, and now stands 'Wad ~ 10 1 (10 1' hr. Ian Frs'd . f ·1t\Vl perl ec m 11 ~ a'fj)pom men an 22nd annual reunion of th is famil" . . ., \\,01' I, W U eave 'n ay or Ie mea, serV«2C m we courses, was . . Waller Burne tt . p nt 'aturuay has gone to Minueapolis, where he foremost among the Mmorca breed, thel' ne h . th tl 1. It prepare d un d er tlIe Rk'llf I They cam e from many different and Sunday in Day ton. . r w ome m e ou I U manage. . has accepted a position with (he Cur and through It all. Mr. Wadswonh wqs in the nature of a s urprise, and ment of Mrs. J. D. Marlatt. to~vns , cItIes lind ~tates . ?nlyone liss Publishing Co. He wil; return Wm. Daughl rs was in Springboth Mr. and Mrs. ' Wadsworth were Souvenir menu carus with a list of thhm g to Ima~ kth elr hfaMPpmeH ss. and was at the head of It. to Lebanon Universi ty in the fall t at was t le SIC neu" 0 I'S Isey boro Saturday un businesi:! . Since moving to Wayn esv ill e, only surprised out deeply'touched guests, 32° emblems 'a nd other em- b M H ' M"" d M . SI tt' and take hi s Ma ter's degr ee. We about four years ago, he has pushed not b th l' b" II ' I d h I d ut r, Isey r. an rs. lU s t y e r ecep IOn. e IS lments , g race eac p ace an d'd ' II tl t Id b d f th are li!lakl to chronicle the success of tb b · Lebanon will open h er postal-save usmess s ronger every year unAt 8 o'cl ock, th e adet band came under each was Ii mall card announc- I a la cou e one or e Mr. H pkins, ·who has nmllY friends ings bank 0 11 September 5th. til it has reached far beyond his . x- to the hall, and gav e the regular con. ing.that at th e same hou r, in the comfort of all. About 75 registered . . in Waynesv ille. pectations, not only in providing cert that was to have been rendered home of Mrs. Frank H. Farr, t he Wf:J could not describe the dinner Mr, and Mrs. . A, Bruner arrived nigh · class Minorcas bu t a lso all ot~· ~own town, aOIl it was a ppreciated ladies were giving a similar dinner for it was beyond our ability. We home from Mason Sat urday evening. In a Jetter from Mr. Jas. Stoops he er leading varieties have been special- by all present. The finale played for Mrs . Bail >y. This surprise but think every woman tried her best to says in part: ized by him, was "God be with you 'til we meet added to the zest of the occasion, bring a better dinner than the othe r MI'. Harris Mosher arrived home Please chal!ge the paper up ' until Mr, Wadsworth has built up an again. " and wit, humor and brotherly regard one. One of our oldest members from Cardington, Ohio, Friday ev October 1st to Van Wert, Ohio, as enormoush.tra.de h.througdhoUttt thle On account of the extremely bad filled the evening. At a late hour has been called from our circle since ning, l my WI'fe an d H 0 Ime are WI'th me countryf' s h Ipprng. IR pro d ucf 0. a ni ght but few we.re present, but the men adjourned to the Farr home our circle. Since our last meeting Harry Sherwood, of Lebanor, was here and wiJI be until about that ltates ~ t eHunllOn, anWto orel.glln a good social time was had. Some' to join the ladies and escor t them to Mrs. Sarah Hamilton died last Feb· time prov idl'n ,.,rr Holmeq doe.s not get countries, e eaves aynesvi e d Ii hi ' ht . t t k h . h 'I'h . . . . ruary. Will Gard, of Monrovia, here Friday looking after the a~ to" [<"d f L G h h goo as Ig ptC ures were a en. t elr omes. ose partlclpatrng- m bothered tuo much with his hay· fever rkl ay hor agrange, a 'fw eire e At a seasonabl e h our ice cream the first affair were Dr. Bailey, J. O. Cal., Mr. and Mrs. Will Grimes, business. He is gettl' ng along very nicely so ta es t e management 0 . a arge an d ca k e were · C · h t, HA II J ames. of Marshfield, Ore., .Mrs.. Lou Hisey . serve d . artwng . . Corne. Mr. and Mrs, 1. Satterthwaite and far, I ain glad to have them with poultry ~arm. W.hlle he ''VIII brepd Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Elliott, J. T. Ellis, F. H . Farr, J. E DaVIS and Mrs. Bet~le HIsey Hagan, me because' it feels more like home . several different kind s of fowls , yet E'mmor Bal'l Mt· .· d M W J A M flit J B P C M of Mo., Rue Carr, WIfe and baby, of Mr!!l, Knowles Conn were Dayton vish M' '11'11 b f y, . an rs. m. anney, . a , . . ence, . . L' b 1 d Al We have the Inrge.qt acreage both te rn~:c';, Wid stl e oremost Zell, Mr and Mrs. George Stroud, Robitzer, J. W. Ward and L. A . Zim- \ e:ty" f n ., ~er~ presen~ so itors Friday g on corn and tomatoes that we have an10 n .I~ ree fS' W '11 d Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Crane, Dr. and merman. At the dinner for Mrs. rSe lattveLs brom °OvlOkgton , dayton, Misses Marguerite and Esther Mon ever had in the past six years, Rince T h e CItIzens 0 aynesvII e an ·v ...s·C·W . B'\ t ' ht , Mr s e ma, a -Ian d an many M · H ndersr.vn , Mr. ).lOa al ey were M r5. C ar .wrlg . .e anon, h fort, of Lebanon, s pent the week-end we first !.!tarted this plant, and the WWudrren cOhuntYdah~e so~ry tho °fse '11' Devitt, Mrs. Wil ey Crane, Miss Cornell, Mrs. Ellis, Mrs. Farr, Mrs. °Ether bddlfferent. places dWhel'e t ere with friends here, a swort an Isestima le ami y, Mary Cook M r and M J B J M · M ffit M W d d very 0 y was m a goo umor an d crops are fine. We are running all tAe time and will run every night for yet they wish him the luck that hiR Chapman M"rs A . B S'd srsM , 'a d' ManneGY' Wi sZ·. a , rs. ar an hungry and "0 of course &fter dinMr. Joe Printz, of Dayton, spent . th d , . . . Ie, r. n rs,. . Immerman. h d l' f' dl . the next four weeks, We have in, per3ev'erance an d. b uSlJ1ess me 0 s Mrs B V Smith M ssrs W'II ner we a a g orlous nen y time. Wednesday and Thursday with rela- · staned electricity for our power and have achieved fQr him during the Str~ud 'Em'mor Ba:1 . Zel\ Officers all re·elected and all invited tives and triends here. l like it very much better as we have past years. • _ • Misses' Margaret y, Satt~~~~waite' M.iss ?pal G.ray entertained a few the 3rd r~ursday of August, 1912 to Mrs. Abi Haines, of Dayton, is them divided up into five different' RICH.CARR.CLEAVER REUNION Kathleen Henderson, Masters Etha~ ?f he~ li t tle friends to meet her cous· come agam to the same ~Iace. spending a few days with Mrs. Lizzie departments, which . makes it much __ _ Crane, Donald and George Hendel'- In, MIss Audrey Clerver,last Wednes"One of the good looking ones." I Kauffman and other friends. . nicer. I have made quite a number The Cleaver.Carr-Rich reunion was son Ralph and Harold Smith and day afternoon. !he afternoon was , I tl t d COL. DOAN'S DEATH of improvements this year which held August 26th, in the sugar grove Kenneth Conn, . p easan y spen In games an con· Mr. and Mrs. John McClure and were all to a good advantage. on the farm of Mr. N. B. RI·ch. Ac. tests. The guests were: Audrey - - -of Wilmington, Col. A, W. -Doan, family, of Springboro, were guests For my own. condition I am feeling cordin~ to our reooister, there were Cleaver. Inez T hQmas. E va P rater, h b Ih f th tf .... The beautiful home of Mrs. W. G. Hester James, Marie Surface, Eliza. one of.t e best-known men, of the of-J. E, Janney and family Suneay. etter than . ave or e pas our 14. pr.esent. The visi~ors from 1\ A.lien was the scene of. very plerul~ beth' Muil and Mary Roland. . Civil War died at his home in wn: months. . distance were Mr, and Mrs. Grimes, mington, last Tuesday ev~ning and Dr. and Mrs. P. D. Clagett have - ot Marshfield, Oregon, Mr. Will Col- ant, informal affair Tuesday afterwas buried Thursday afternoon, retumed from their Eastern trip. WANTED lier and daughters Edith and Judith, noon of last week, when she enter· Afamily supper at the home of . tained a few ladies in compliment to . Col. Doan was beloved by all who Thev had a fine time sight-seeing. Good Housekeeping Magazine re- of Portland, Ind .. and Mr. Wm, Gard M E E Eb . ht f F kl' ·h Mr. an~ ~rs. D, L. Crane Fnday came in contact with him, 'especial' . C I rs. . . rIg, 0 ran m, w 0 , .. h f M . Juel Gibson, who lives northeast h h t Th t evenmg was given 10 onor 0 r. Iy those who served under him q uires the ervices of a ·representa· · of MonrOVia. a . Nas er ouse gues. e gt1es s e d I d 1 Iy spent The d ay was very p.easant tive in Waynesville to lonk after sub· II Id .f· d f M Eb' h ane Mrs. Iy e Co eman an son, through the war, He was Colonel of town, and Ressia Lucas of Xenia, were a 0 rlen s 0 rs. rig t F . f C" . Th scription renew lIs and to extend and after an e Iegant d m.ner t h e presd th' .t' rancls,o InCmnatl, ose pres· of the 79th 0 V I and several were married in Covington, Ky., last an e occasIOn was mos enJoyaM d l\( J H Col . ' , , . d II h R Id d circulation bv special methods which .e nt ca e t e eumon to or er bl t II t M St hI M ent were r, an 's. , . e- WaynesVIlle boys were In the same Friday. • d th f II . ffi 1 t e o a presen. rs. a , rs. M L . W II M d have pro.ved· unusually successful. an e 0 owmg o. cers. were e ec - Eb . ht' d ht .h' man, rs. oUlse 00 ey, r. an regiment Mr. and M~s. Frank Andrews, of rig S aug er, W 0 lS an ac- M F B H d ' d d h . G h V ice P res.,. Salary and commission. Previou~ ed : Pres:, N . B , RIC; rhd . . f d t'l re.· . . en erson, an aug - The last words spoken by Col. Doan Lebanon. spent a couple of days .. W D . S M s Ida Mannon' comp IS e mUSICI811, avore le t K thr n d Esth }' h h k d h' experience desirathe, but not essen· . aVIs; ec" . r , , company with sev~al piano selec. ers a y an er. ~,:,as to liS son, w en e as e. I~, last week with Mr. and Mrs. George tial. Whole time or spare time. Treas., Chas, CoHler . tions which added to the pleasure of Have I none any good m thIS Hamilton, Address, wit.h references. J. Ii'. Our reunion was remem?ered ~y the afternoon, Those present were MI'. and Mrs. Walter Lacy,of near world?" Wanted-A clean, tidy woman for Fairbanks Good Housekeeping Mag· one of our members, who IS nO\'! In Mesdames 1. E. Keys, J. E . Janney, Harveysbur~, entertained Monday Col. Doan served for twelve years azine 381'Fourth A,ve., New York California, in a I~tter which was en· Louise Woolley, Emma Farr Dakin, evening the following guests: Mr, on the Common Pleas benc~ ~nd was light housework. Apply to Dr. M. City. ' joyed by aJ1; and a motion w~ made. Lina Devitt, H, H. Williamson, J. T. and Mrs. Will Grimes, of Marshfield, one of the most popular cItizens of W. Lang, Ridgeville, Ohio, for furtb.. - t~laltthe)~ttferbeseblll.ttot.theWaynes- Ellis, Harry Murray, J. A. Funkev, Oreg., Mr. and Mrs. FranK Harris, the community in which he liv d. er information. INITIATE BIO CLASS VI epapers or .pu 1C8 Ion. M' EJ' ' th C II M' M M d M Ch I Sh'd k M He is survived by five cHildren and --This was our fifteenth reunion and B I~d ~~oe . a.rro, ISS y~a ~ a~ ;s. k a~:d k I a ~" r. a host of friends Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Coleman, Mr. The Camp of Modern Woodmen d J'ghtful day spent with reI a aIr ', ISS LetitIa McKay, MISS an ra. ran I a er. amty .. _ • and Mrs. Olyde Coleman and son, as aanedl rlen . ds. - 'Georgia Hadden and Mi'ls f twen t y- tw 0 Wt'IVes I will initiate a casso . ' Elizabeth refreshments . were served at a seaUNION SERVICES Francis, were ~uests of relatives in f new members Friday evening, Seop.. . M Id ' M . S' , Stewart. MISS Jeanette Janney as- sonable hour. Springboro Sunday. . I II rs. a annon, ec y. . d h h . . tember 1st, at the I. O. O. F. .1a . _ _ sHlte t e ostess In servmg refresh--The union services of the churches !this is doing good worK in the POULTRY ASSO'cIATIQN ments. . Mr. and Mrs, W. H. 'AHen were of Waynesville closed Sunday evenMr. and Mrs. Konwles Conn and Camp, and it is hoped to take in guests at a dinner Tuesday given by ing at the M. E. church, Rev. H: W, son, Kenneth, of Springfield, Ohio, many new ones before next spring. The Miami VaHey Poultry Asso· Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Hender:;on Miss Georgia Hadden for her guests, Baileypreaching the sermon, A large were the wepk·end guests of Mr. All members are cordi~l1y invited to ciation me~ at the Gazette office Sat· entertained at "500" Monday evening Mrs. McClelland and daughter. congregation was present to hear and Mrs. 1. Satterthwaite.. attend. urday and considerable business was in honor of Mr. and Mrs, H. C. Cole· ' Rev. Bailey in this, his last sermon, • - • transacted. It was decided that the man, of Norwood. The guests were in Waynesville. '\11'. and Mrs. D. A. Ferree, of (jRANa~ NOTICE Association would make their own Mr. an d M rs.J.0. Cartwrlg . h t, Mr. tta Misses M KDonna Hawke and fHenriM' At the close of the services and Washington C. H" are the guests of There will be the regular me"ting coops, and they wiIJ be paid for by and Mrs. J. B, Chapman, Mr. and I; ~' I HC I~sey ~~re gU;S~ 0 ISS during the singing of "God b~ with Dr. and Mrs. Ward, of Harveysburg, of Waynesville Grange Saturdayaf- lIelling stock to the amount of $160. Mrs. E. V. Barnhart, Dr. and Mrf';, y I aw e at Inner un ay. . you tiJJ we meet again," the congre. and also Wayne.sville friends. ternoon at their haH. H, H. Wadsworth handed in his A. T. Wrig-ht, Mr. and Mrs. J. H~ gat ion passed to the altar rail and Mrs. Hannah Rogers and Mrs. J. In the evening the Grallge will give t'eosignati(;m as secretarv, and Dr. C. Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. D. 1... Cl'ane~ Misses Dora Ellis a nd Martha shook the retiring pastor by the O. Cartwright and daughter attend· a social at their haJl, and the public W. Henderson was elected in 'his At a seasonable hour ice cream and O'Neall were guests of Miss Letitia hand, wishing him God.speed. ed .the Graham reunion at the home are cord ially invited. There will be place. Mrs. J. B. Chapman was cake were served. McKay at dinner Saturday. • - - -- of Elmer Earnhart Saturday. lots of fun ahd you are expected to elected president of the local asso· FIVE POINTS REUNION be there. ciation, and A. C. Tomlinson was ap· Mr. and Mrs. Cly,ie Coleman nnd - .e pointeO chairman of the executive CADET BAI'4D CONCERT DEATH The organizatioil known as the 80n, Francis, of Cincinnati, are ICE CREAM SOCIAL committee, and Mrs. A. B. Sides Five Points reunion will hold its 13th guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Cole· There will be an ice cream social 2nd vice-president. Follon,jng is the concert program Thos. H . Smith, . of Hoopeston, Annual Meeting at the residence of man and other relatives here, at the Ridgeville Universalist church Work for the coming show in De· for Thursday, August 31st, from 7:30 III., brother·in·law of the late Saml Mr, and Mrs. Elwood Clevenger, on Saturday evening. September 2nd. cember will be started at once and .to 8:30 o'clock: Rogers, died, at the age of 90 years, the Lytle road, one half mile east of Mr. a'1:1' Mrs. Joe Thompson, of 'h E thO 'nts t'o a decI':led suc •• " .. at hi' llome Frl·day. The body ar. Five Poirits school house, and one_ very- every mg POI U · March- Show Boy ............... Huff . d' t W · '11 M d half mile west of thp Dayton and Cincinnati, attended the funeral of Music by Frye s orc estra, body is cordially invited. ce~ful show. • _ • Waltzes-"Flowers of the Wild~Ive ad . ayner l e ?~ a~ event Lebanon pike on Saturday Septem- Mr. Nllr Baine9 Wednesday. Mrs. tO •- • SCHOOL OPEN MONDAY ,Wood" .................. Op. 14, Skaggs IFn~HanFwas ta en h t e om I . eo ber 2, 1911. There will b~ the u~ual Thompso~ remained here for a few h BARRELS FOR CIDER S d "G d N' ht" H II . , arr, were t e f unera was . . erena e- 00 19 ...... owe h Id Tuesd . t 10 ' I k basket dinner and general good time days. MessrS. Madden and Shidaker, ot School will open Monday Seplem. March- "E:1deavor" ......... ...... Huff ~ L ;y ;~rnlng a ffi o. C ~c . The committee in charge hopes all Harveysburg, have a lot of good ber fth: at 8:15 for the . p~rpose of "In the Land 'of Dreams" ...... Alford ~,S' 'th or~:f~on.; Clatl~f' 'who are interested wiJI consider this The rains of last week were fine whiskey barrels for sale. If you il~e organization. All pupils ' should be Descriptive GaIJop-"The Races?' 1 1', rrh t tWh ddml tayndesvII ~ a sufficient invitation. and did a ' gl'eat deal of good. It . . ' . . t h t u ' '" . . ' '. B d years ago a e sa er ra e, anlS . seemed to be general throughout . ma~mg,cI~er. they ~re~us w a YOp~esen.~ for the general ~xerc.lses.and· 0 ........... "F.... ·.'I· ....,';;M'....... :.. arn~r . many of the older rtasidents rememRowena Mutlger Greg~, See,y. the countrY, and gives the .lllte· corn 'Yant . . PrICes are r!ght, too. to 'IecelVe proper classl6cabon an4 ,verture aCI eIgnonneUe b h' . II .. '" • _ ••- - --_ .-. . of, . b 00 k s to· b e . purc ' h ase ' d .' ..... '. , .......................... B aQren'd eau , er 1m we HOURS great impetus.-· the hst . . ..' . . "C .POSTOFF.lCE ' '. . IS OI;{OWINO DA~LY Those "c~ndltioned in .any branch ~H1 Nati~n~1 Airs ...~... ,.. ~.. ....... :.~ ... Fulton I. He w~dlaldhaway lllh.ftlla I?fl eMme.. : . ' . . ." '. . . ~ __ " . Itery besl e t at of IS Wl e, ra. FoU~wing ' are the . hours of 'the Mr~ F~ B. Sherw~od arr.i~ed home W.e call attention to the " .Liverite" be glv~n t~e n~eSS?ory · exa~m~atlon ST. .MAllY_'S' t;H URCH . 'Hope Roger 'Smith. post9ffice Monday, . September 4th, f~om hjs Indiana trip .. ~riday' eve- " ad In another column, manl,1·factur~ .to findtedwh~thTh ,er or ~~~II bth~y w I~thbe . . ' . '. ' . • -. . . Labor Day.. Lobby open from 1 riing; Mrs. Sherwood ana cliildrEm " ':bythe A.lpha ' Cliemieal ·: Co,. ~f promo . .. .. ,ere.wI . e~o f u" er Therey.'i11~eservicesatSt.Mary's MASONiC. NOTICE a.m: to Sp.m. All dei>artm~rits went on to Greenvm~, :O~io, for <a . Springfield, ,Ohio. They ' ar.e fo~ school. unttlTu~.?.p1orn.ll')g. . church Sunday, : ' ~p~mber ~rd. , ' .). open from 9 to 10 a . .m. only. Rur~l : few days' visit with relativ~s. . , Sale in $11 stor~ ·il1 Way.n~vilt~.. Try :. NOTiCE . Sunday ~c:h.o~l ·at 9:3.0 a•. m. ..Holy Regular ~ommuniaation of Way- carriers ."ill ·not serve their routes . ". ....:. . . them. . ' . .commuDlon and serm-OIl' by. the Re,,:. nesville Lodge, No 163, F. & 4. M., upon that day. ~11 m~ils will arrive Mrs. Je!I$C IS~t1on was ~rougQt . . ' FOR. -sALE . The 'ft. C. T •. U. ,fol' .&!ptell,lberr J. F. Oadwal~ader at i~~30.a. m. . Tuesday · everi~ng, . Sep~mber 5th.', and depart as usu~l. Do Jlot~l1 to home fr6ril,~' Xenia ~~~Y' :where·.' ... : . . " " . ~ ~ilI be held ~tthe home of Mrs.' .. As. there wtll " be"~o 'servlces at the Wotk in ·the-' M. M. degree. SO ~ the postmaster or .assistatlta when she had bee~ fo~ al.RlO~ two .months . A No. l' fresh' cow,. 'For hifor~a- Ru~hie ;JaJl~ey · $ep~etpber ·1st. · ·I t is ·?~er ch~rclle8 in tile t:o~ .Sunday, jouming bret~ren inVj~r the ~ndo~8 are cl~; if you do, no ·Sh, lias ~ecQv.~ed from:.. the ~at1~e tion aPplY to Lindley . lIe~denhall, desired t~~ a~l be .~ atteJJdance. It)_ ho~ that there WIll be a·la.r ge : . " F. ~. Henderson, W. M, answer Will be given yoU, they are ~f the trip, anCl ~~.agreat ~~. Wayneayiile,obio, '" PreaReporier. ~naregation preaent. '. E.-V. Barnhart, Sec'y, busy. better,
..... ...-...--.
+ 0. . . . . . . , :
:::-======================_.=-==-=_. .__: :..====================
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PracOcal F--ashions BOy'S SUIT.
QUEER.DISEASE IS IN UNITED ,STATES' Many Here Afflicted With ' Odd Ailment, Says Prof. Munyon~
),{cClurll tl on.
Co., 1910.)
fi ,:;-il tl' r b y IlI i'IID<' t. Rn,1 HO long 10 olall A' ' r lh al th .XdlC' lll C' n t ur It 1111'1'1'1), put IlI'W firt' Into hi s vel li S. ]\; II' thlll h undl' l's lOod exnc tI)' \\'h ul tl lt·"~lI'ne " . all n umbing rc(" l· I Ill ,". . ot h, . ~l l a n ey Ulhl .Io tlbt vanI s hed. , find hr h, (' /lU ll' In s llI llll y II lh· . li e
Aunt Coton's .hOlI6(, 5 I·vant. 8 bla k "1 t e ll you'. "Ia ssa .Tnc l<. It WBI Imp o f gon,1 hllmor. who begg d s o m lRhty 10\1I'l y fo' N b Ile lll d ol'S. I l illiI'd to bu tnl<E'f1 baclt with him 10 the \lltlll't kn o w whll r AllY ob yo ' Il II was. I n (' k " "' th . It ytr i n t', n . nnw n ho r · \l'ar. \\'h y. th e boy h uo.l h Id his s tir· :lll' It WUIl 't 110 fu n fo' di s nlgg I' be ln' d e r p IH l lI ~U1n tt . Is rld t rn.:; 1l1nllJ.; 11 ,,· ~!lflt f\ 1"e If':lll " " tl(e I,."hl)"t (0 .. r"a ll1ll1Lt " Rr rUL1 t he n ' xt Illorulng when h e r ode [n'e dnt II wn~' . I gal Oll t ler Inilc p Dpnrll .." or HU \ ·II ';'· S. l it· l1 (\ tl.·.·" " (' I II ,p nway . Th o sudde n ru s h ot r ecall ('. d'·lI cC'. Ml sllotlrl, nil ' W I S rou l; taboull n' nrc ut n dl s t nlh' " nno t ht ' ll Mh 'S 1\ I· ' u m nttud'l" j II) U "'''1;'-''' ",," III r,, 11 ",,11,, 1' tl ou sce cu p,1 to bridge tile yenrs, nud nn de r lblJ' r. wh eu a coup lo ob IlIf'U U r I 8 UL' tJ by mp n IlI1 l' onl . ·~ \\ "11111 h., I t It I w (l u l d n ut lit' Ih p l'l' til th n t hole Wlll tth nt blnek face bccullIe flulIlllhr . a {, Olll ' along what want e d a cook to r Cll ch ,':-> t ile W II g-,tO tI ll' r 11.!.' r·~ 11" ,' 1' nl ll:-; Qn.r.rt~d tw n m flll l i nd .h·p \I 'l l'd . ' f l' ~1·'It·f 1.1\'" III~ rllr t ilt' (nnlllll lOTl Or n rn o lJ : n o r lIlPlllory of 110 11 11'. Irn.ilb I wl (1 'm. I l oo lt d jo b, nn' th - "1 ,· tlOl~ llnd l",: 1" ,/,"'" ,,,,,1 ,I I" 1,-1 "'olllt! ht' trll st III th e ubillt y at the "Of co urse . I r ' m rub e r. Neb." he dnl 's ....·h a t t 'tcht'll me h e ro tl:r Ca rsou ~'~~~ t~ n\~.· ::I1~II~}; 1:;~~~I~:~.~r~ I ( 1;' f~~'I~:d~'~'!'\H~'~ l1ul r~ h nl 1(1 d ff'nd hint. e xclaimed. eag(' rl y. "but thut· s nil ('lt y. " r ~"I"d fl l (', ".~ , 11 \ ' j,,' • ll'Ir ~ "oI \\ Itll !I,., II ' hac l " OUIl' !':-j,'l1ds wlthoul - not y anI ago and I nel' o? r oxp ' ct 'd t o !\ e " Hut whnt pn ll s d YOll r flI'I' Ps t?" tn' l rrt f'r hl!i IU' tU l-H'r h ,-In;.: I ~ r lJ rnHn n:l ~n t.·d ll u. l'k n" rt mallY, fo r h ,' 1\'lI S bil l :1n or :1,,1 01111 1 yo u ngllin . Wh ot bro u ght yo u W s t " ,\ onj un ctlo ll ob c lrcums lllnces, "bltu r Ht Car$o ll -\\'ho wrHl ld rally to an,1 got YO U Into thi s hal o ? .• i\ l a !< ~ a Ja c k ; y t' s. sn.h. 11 cOlljllll(~ lIon CHAPTER IV. In thI s moll e l we have a new fo rm H lc k's nss l!llanc . btlt th r~ would 1I 0t Th e IIl'gro hitch ed li P Qnto t.h e ob 'IrcuI II !< tonc ~~ . I got play ln ' pokuh I \Ic e lllJugh 011 1 h(! sid o f law null nr· bench. t he whll e s of his ey s con s plc· ohe r In d ut 'R 'rl Llg llt: an' I WI\.S doln' or tb e Ru sslnn suit. Th e cut ot the An Old Acqua intance . , J cr to 0 1' "1'co me th " R d Light" Ollt· llO IlS us h Htllr ,I ull easlly aboul- he fine . I r ckoD ),,1 c1 p.nncd Ull mo 'n shoulder Is III th e popul a r kimono Th o 'n rl<o n ctt y Im'I,·tlIJ w aH all 1m· lit. Ie 0 11 (' Ille y s {'l! lI le ti ulooll. If he had a sho rt. II quatty fig ure. with e x· n hunrirc,1 dollnrll wh n I got HI 'opy, sly le , without seaU) at th e joInIng of pro vlhed alTai r . a lth oug h 1\ rI " ('l rledly W fiS to he s nl' ~ , 1 fr olll Ih e lr (' Iutch es. essl\' e ly broad s houlders, nnd 11 face nn ' s tnrt e d fo' enm ll. I'd mos t go t th e s leevo and the openin g Is at on e pop ular rCRor \. It WII S o ri ginall y 11 he I1ltl st Slll' l' hI1l1 5(' lf ; if his In no- at Inten se I;oo cl hUlllor. Trou sers. made lIu r w'pn u bnn ch ob low whIte trntlh s ide or the front. tw o-roo m rait h, wit h gll ult' 10 th e Cf? n('t,) W>IS eve r ('stu bll,; h ',I It would " I I' c k' lJ clut alll (lon s ltl r' ble o b a Jumlleol m e . Lt nrud(l lIl a Ulad. It did without a fly comple te the garment. Lin e n . pongee Bilk, gl ngham. che vIot ~trec t. th e frolt l apa rtm cnt ot one b by h is uwn f'X nl on s- und he co uld s tory . Maas a Jack. fie ci rc umlocutio n fa' n fa t, nn' I. r (>c kon I carv e d some tl me a low groggcry . the Itccl1c r 6Iel'I)' accompli s h thi s only out yonder. free ob which wou ld tak a heap ob ti me ob 'em ull befo' I got away. Enny· or other was h materials are used fur In g In tl} e r ear room . \\ heth r s ud· under lh e a r h of ,I(y. t IlIn·... he bogan aoberly: "But It how . de mars hul com e down. took me these s ulls. The pattern (5 531) Is cut In s IzeR el en dea th. o r n ll :ln CIIl I l' ' v rs es , hnd He li fted his bead. c v r y n erve tin. hRpp e n ed 'bout dI s way. Wh e n de ou t ob de tent. a n ' fe tch ed me he re, been th e causo, th o community had In gliog with d s p rat determination. Yanke 8 come s noopl ll' lon g de Eas t an' I b u he re e bber s nc e. I wnn ·t two. to nr and s ix y ars. Me dium size Borne mann r ~ ' ''0 01 0 po ~s ssed of th e The low g rowl o f volc s was aullib le Sho'- I reclt' n may be It des a yeab art· ~o ln' te r let no lo w down white trash re quires 2* yards or 36·ln c h materia l. propert y. and t'M nt on ce J 4?llIcated throu gb th e partllion. bllt th e re was r dat time wh e n we done burleel d e glt all rlat money:' To procure thlll pM tern !lend 10 oentll It to the common woa l. F or th e Jlur· n o other soun d. Carso n Ity was s tili 01' 'o'n e l- cley burned J\lIss us Cntoo's "What b cnm u ot th e m en you were to "Pattern DellH.rlm nt." or this pllper. pose thus se ltlet rI It wns ratb er we ll r esting. IlDd t here wo u ld be n o crowd house clah to de grouo'; de 01' MlliBUS working for?" \Vrlto nume a nd Il.Il dr e9 plaIn ly. and b.O ",uro to I;lvo IIlze and number or oattern. adapted , be ln&; s trongl y hulll, easil y oor excitement until m uch Inter . Not was In Richmond de n . an' de ~ew nlg· "I reck on dey went on. sah. De y guarded . and on th e out!!klrts of the until nlg btfa ll would a ny nttack be at. lj;erB le ft j st natchally too k to de town. With Iron g ra tin g ove r th e lempt d; h e had si x or Ight hours yet woods. I went Into Rlohmond huntln' had 'portent bus iness, an' wouldn't 5531, NO. SiZ E .. ..... ....... .. windows. Ihe back do or hea vil y splk(>J. In wbloh to p rtect hi s plllIls . He de 0 1' l\lIssus, but. Lawd, Massa Jack. likely waJt 'round be re jes t t e r belp a nleger . Ain't e nn ybody b n h re t er NAME . . ..... .. . and the front sec nr d b y Iron bars , see m e, nohow. an ' I 's p cts J'se erndl· any prisone r on ce locked within cou ld 'fO\VN . ....... ..... .. ...... .. .. .......... . .. . cate d from dey meUl'ry- l 'speets I probably be found wh e n wanted. On tbe occasion of Keith's a rrival, th e STR EET AND NO . .... ........ . : ....... .. portIon abutting 111100 ~he s treet was STATEl . ........... .. .. .. ................. . .. CHAPTER V. occupied by a rath e r mlsoel\nn ouS assembly-the drunk arid disord e rly Th e One Way. elem nts consplcuous- wbo were I{ Ith IIRld nothing for s ome moawaiting theIr s v era l calls to appear m ents. starln g u p a t th e light s tealing LADIES' FIVE·GORE SKIRT. berore a loca\ justice and mnke l UI' In through tb e wIndow s rlltl ng. hIs swer for various misd eeds. Some -were mi nd once agaIn ncUv . Th flY s of paclog the fl oor . oth e r!! s at moo dily the blaok l1;lan had the palleDt look on benches r anged aglli n s t th e wnll. of a dog as th ey wotched; e vidently wblle a few were stili peac full y s lum· h e had cust ns ld all r spo n slbllity. be rIn g u pon tb e floor. It was n rrow!!y. now that thi s othe r hnd come. Final· dIsreputable crowd. vlnclng but mild Iy K e llh apok !,Ilowl y: curiosity nt th.e arri val of a new prls· "We are Ln much th e same position. oner. K eith had barely time to g lauce Neb. and the fate ' of o n e Is liable to about. r ecog nizin g no familiarity at be the late of both. This Is my s tory" face amid toe mass poerln g at him, as - and hrl e fly a s possible , h e r an over h e w as hus tl ed bris kl y forward and th e circums tan ces which bad brough t thrust Into the r ar room. th e hea vy h im there, pu tting th e sit uation olea r door clos in g b e hind him with the s nap enough for tb e negro's und e r s tand· of a st>rl'ng loo::)t. Ing. without wasting nny time U)100 He wo,s nlon • with only ' tbe fal'ntrI tal l. Neb followed his r ecital wt.\b est murmur of voices com ing to him bulging eyes, Rnd a n occasional exola· through tbe thIck partit ion . It was a mation. At th e n d be bnrs t forth: room some tw e lv e f et s quare, open "Yo' say dar was two ob d e m white to the root. with bare wnlls, and 000' men murdered-o n e 1111 0 1' man wid a taJnlng no [ul'Ill.t ure exc pt a r ulle g r nl' he ard. nn' d e odd e r 'bout tblrty? bench. Stili dazed by th e s uddenn ess Am dat It. Massa Jack. nn' dey b ad ta nf hi!! arres t. he sunk down upon the s pan ob Ul ul es. all ' a rtl unl n' hoss?" I eat, lean ed h Is heud on h is hanrl s . "Y s." " od end euvo r'd to tlllok. It · was dlf· "An ' h ow far out ~' as It?" fioult to ge t th e faela mars halled In to "Abou t s ixty mllcs.'· nny ord er or to comp re he nd c learly This sk h l Is In the latest mode, "Oh. de good La wtl! ", and th e negro th e s ltnatloq. y t little by little Ill!'! thr e w up his hand s dramntlcally. "Oat made with fiv e gor es. one or wblch braln grasped the m ai n de ta Ils. anl! A shaped s utl'nly am~y outfit! Dat am Mass a forms the pa ne l back. be awoke to a rull r ealization of bls fiounce ext~nds around the tront a nd Waite 00' .John Sibley." condition, of tb e forces h e mu s t war " You mean the same men wltb sides. end lug at the back pane l. Tbe against. The actua l murd erers of whom you came b ere from Indepen- c lOSing 18 at one side at the front. those two m e n on th e trail hael had Serge, c heviot. cas hm ere . lin en, glng· dence?" tbeir sus picion s aroused by h is ac· tions ; tb ey be lieved be guess d someNe b nodded, overcome by the d.ls, ham, pongee and similar materia ls are suitable for this style. thin g of th e ir foul deed. and bad d~ co ver y. Tbe pottern (5517) I cut In sizes "Bllt what ca used the m to run such temiln ed to cl e ar th emselve s by charging the crime directly again st a ri s k ?" K e ith Ins isted. "Dldn't tbey 22 to 30 Inc hes wnls t measure. .Me· him. It was 11 sbre wd trick. and If know the Ind ians were on the war dlum size requires 2% yards of 50Inch mlll erial. ' they only stuck to their story, ought path?" . procure thlll pattern !lend ]0 cenl.ll to succeed. He had uo e vld enca, oth· "Sho'; I beard 'em talkln' 'bout dat, toTo"Pattern Dpartm nt." or thl! pnper. er 't han his own word, anel tbe marshal but Massa Walte was jest boun' toh Write name and !tdtl res9 plalhly. nnd he au ra to !flvo IIlze ) lllJ number or lIa tiern. bad already taken from his pockets to g lt movt'o·. He didn't 'pe ar to be the papers belonging to tbe slain 'frald ob ' no Injuns; reck'n e d dey'd man. He had not found tho locket n ebber s top him. dat he knowe d eb· 6617. NO. SIZE ... ........... .. hidden under his shirt. yet a more bery chJet on de plains. I reck'n dat NAME . ......... _ ..................... .. .. , thorough search would doubtless reo he did, too." .eal that also. "Oh. De Good Lawd, Oat Am Massa Waite an' John Sibley." "Dut what was he 10 anxious to get TO~ .............. . .... . ................ . . . Even sbou ld tb e case come to trial, ay for ?" (/l'() BEl CONTINUED.) how would It b e posil ibl e tor blm to ran his eyes about th e room ft e Rrchlng I ncb bel' fouo' nutbln' ob her In dat aw STREI!lT A.ND NO ....................... . establish Innocence. nnd - would It for some s pot of weakn ess. It was crOwd. Den 1lIl' officer mIlD dpoe got STATE ................ : ............ .. ...... . Power of Pral.e. ever come to trial? KeIth kn ew tbe dark back of the bencb. nnd he turned m e 111\' put me dlgglo' In de trench es. Th ore Is one tb bg whlcb no mlln characte r of the frontier. and of Car- 10 tbat dir ec tion. Leaning over, b e Ef dat's wbat wah am. I s ho' don' generously dls ~ tlt8ed, ca r son City. Tbe Inclination of Its cltl· looker.! down on tb e figure or a rean want no mo' wah. Den a tte r dat I jest howev er zens In such cases was to act Ors t, curl ed UP. sound a s lee p o n the ' floor. natcbally drifted . I rec kon I JIbbed give. but wblcb eve ryone, bow ever lUI.) . e Hec t late r . The law had but Tbe fellow's lim bs t witch ed as If In a 'bout e berywbar yo' ebber h eard ob, poor, Is bound to pay. Tbls is praille Cure for Forgetfulnells, slend e r hold. being r esrJec ted only dream, otherwi se he might have d ee m· to' tlnr want 1\0 use ob me go ln' bock He cannot give It. becau8& It la not used to be very rorgetful, anll wh e n backed by the stron g .bnnd, and e d him dead, a s his fac e was burl e d to de East Sho·. Som e body said dat his own. since what III d qpendent t01 could not remember half the time primiti ve In stincts we r e always In the In his arms. A mom e nt Keith t, esl· (\e West am de right place to' a nlg- Its very existence on sometblng In where I hael put tblngs around tbe anoth er can ne ver become to him a house . Finally I bit ' upon this scbeme. ascend e n cy. requ irin g m er e ly a leader tated; th en he r enc h ed down lind g'r. nn ' so I don e h ead ed west." He ciropped his tuce In his black possession; Jlor can he Justly wltb· I live In the upper fiat of a two.famlly to break forth III open vlolenco. And sbook the sleepe r, until be nroused In th1. cnse would tb e r e be any lack s ufficiently to look up. It was the hands. and was s ilent tor s ome min- bold It, wh en the pres e n~e of merit house , and tbere are jus t plght roomR of leauershlp ? Like a flasb bls mind to ce at a coal·blacl( n egro. An In· utes. but Ke ith said not hlng. and fin· claIms It as a cODlLeQuel' •.-Wasb· In our Oat. I got a big wbltll sheet or Ington Allllton. r everted to "Black Bart." Th e re was s tant the fe llow s tared at the man ally t h e tblck voice continue d: pape r , and wrote on It the Dames or tho man capable 3f !ncitlng a mob. If, tow ering ove r him. his thi ck lips part· the eight rooms, and beside tbe name e d. hLs eyes full of s ud de n terror. tor some ur.lcnown r ea son. h e had suf· of eacb room I wrote tbe nam e ot a Ilcle nt Interest to Fl Wl>a r out tbe war. Then he sat uP. with hands he ld be· certain place In tbat room , I decided fore him' as though warding orr a rant .. and Hs slst In the arrest, he would tbat every time I put anything alit or have Qual caus e to serve thos e fel· blow. my hands tor a mlnuto J would Pllt It lows behind him In oth er ways. Nat. ' ''Fo' d e Lawd' s 'sake," he managed In the ' place beside the name of that ura'lI y. th ey would dread a trial. with to artlcula.te fin ally, "am dis sbo' .yo·, room on the paper. The paper I tack. Its pos sibility of expos ure, and eagerly Massa Jack 7" . ed up In a conspicuous place In my grasp aoy· opportunit y for wipIng the Ke ith. to wbom all colore d people o;wn room. By using this I5Yl5tem I slate clean. TheIr r ea l s ec urity from were much alike. laugh ed at the ex· always ' know Just wnere to look for di scovery undoubted ly lay In hili pression on the n egro's face. things, and' arter a little while I 1C0t death, und wltb the "Red Llgbt" " I reckon yer guessed tbe nllD:le, all so In the bablt of puttinG ' tblngs In crowd be blnd th em they would ex· right. boy. Were you the cook ot certain placcR and of rememb ering "I don't know·... perle n ce no t rouble In get ling a fol· the DIamond L?" '.' It you don·t know his name, .. bow . ,,:here I put : them tbat I no longer lowing d es pe rate e nou gb for any pur· ' " No. sah. I n e bber cooked no dl'onds. have you found out that b'e' WBII once needed tIla paper.-Ha,rper:a . Bazar.. pOse. I'se 01' Neb, sah." II co-u otry boyf Tb,ere Is 00 bayseed , . The longer K e ith th ought the less "What 1" . "Hah!" exclaimed Sberlock Holmes.· 10 hili 'h aJr; and - I ', can' : isee' notblng Real EnthUllaat. be 'douptod the r esult. It- was not then "Yes,. sah, ra e de boy dnt IIbbed Jr. '. : nb!lu~ blm to Indlcate 'that lle ,t1u .not Town~~·Ob.yell, be's quite an en: a Ilrolnem of d eteuce, but of escape, WId' 01' Mlssu~ Cat(H! durlD' de wah. I ·.· Very wel1, Sheri," sald·- Dr. What· , alway!L ~'een' used to ' clty ",aye," ',,' thulllaai. He ' goeB ' ln ror Ibloga In tor, 'be be lieved now that no oppor· aln't ' seen yo', Massa Jack, s ence ' de sein, "!l 'You wlsb It I wlll hob.! But .. "Of courae you can't. .. Tbere" IlIn't real . earp est. • 'Browne-"Vea If tunlty to defend "himself :would . ever, day we bur.i ed yo' d/lddy, aI' Massa what .... the : occasion tor hahlni'~ ' Rnythln'g ' or that .kll!·d ~ about hlJn. ' Bilt .somE! ,!ne !~'re to lIend blm on ~ .' wild· be allQwe d . The arrest wa.s mere ly Keith. But 1 'kno:wed ·. YO" de berry '... gave'· you' noUced tbat man wltb didn't. YO" ~hear' tliat ,m~n; wbo . pointed gooae diue he'd .• peak· of blmseIr art. part· of t he plot Intend ~d to leave him minute I woke uP. '. Sho' yo' 'memhE!ra the grayIsh hair ~d ' the Important ' bim out a moment ago say. he wae ·Ute ,erw.ar~. all .• IIPo·~~eu\~n. "-:-Cathollo · helplellB. In the handa of the moh, ID ~eb, sah '" ,. , , ' , ' . manned" . , . greatestm~n ·In·. ihlll great"ctty'?" '" Standard and Tlmea. this ,£·Hc 'k s WIUI 10 no way blamableIt ~ciune to Keith no", In sudden "of' .course. I cOUld not verY well be had m er Ii performed hl8 ,worn rus h of memory...,..the arlzz)!ag. ral'n help doIng so. He ~ould attract ~t· . "Ah. S~erlock, tbey c~:t b~a.: ,.o~ . I • Or a Catcher'a Muk. duty. and would sUII die, It. ne.ed be, In the little cemi3tery'; the few nelgb· teotloD auywhere." . , III a dellucer. . Since YQu exnlalo" I_~ . Tbe Cbl~.go. man wbo gOI a' dlvorc, In d,efe'o ce of his prisoner. . wal bore standing about, a narrow fringe . \'He wal born" .I n the countl'J' and the whole thIn." II u plaiD a. da" ·becau•• . bt~ wlfe'a !olr on tbe JII" laid DO tool, but only an Instrument tbey · or . slavea' bac.k of them. the 10werIn~ I5l1ent hi.' boybood eltlJ,er on • farm blm up for 22 "aYI dlctn't · realTy need bid found means uatn'g . .. ot tbe comn, ' and the bollow' sound of or In ; &~ .m&lI ·town." . The DC,ulist ahould be I; ~apP7 a·. dt.oree-be Deed.d~ . POIlCemIt>DI-' K.:'·.l . u "'el!t1ally a man of ~ , eartll falllni OD the bOll i and .Neb, bl. " ~W1iat 18 b .. oam.r Be looks ."illl :1a peoPh,'• . , . W-ublur.on POI" SYNOPSIS ,
:1('C' II '; to II II ' "
Greatest Man in the City
Mnny peoplo In th o Unltod Stntu are n (l\l c t ~d wl tll a 'lU tlO r t1lscllse, ncr-o rdln, 10 a .tn tumen( Y08( "rduy by Pro(e98or J o m 9 111 . l\JlInyon. H e mado tho followIn g rcmnrknblo I!.Dd rat her G.... w.om. Itut cment: "Mlln), p o r~o n 9 who como and wrlle to my 11~'[l t1'-1l1art " 1'8 li t 53d nmi J en:cr.on 'Its .. I'hllnrll'lphln, Pn .• tlllnl' thoy a.re 4ut'rPrIIlI: (rom .. sl mpl$ 8lomnch troubl"l wl1 ,' " In rCllllty t hey aro t he victim. 0 nn entlr Iy different dlsens Ih a t 0 tllP \\'0 1'01 . Th"" .. mpe WOI'II1 S ure hugo Inl.'rn,,1 Illlrn s lt ~ a. whic h IlIcll le In tho UI1PPIO bo we l Ilud f' n8Uf1 I B 0. J ur~ pu rC('ntLtgo ot th e nunlmen t In umllg<:Hle4 ( 00 01 . They 601llo(ll',el< grow to II l u n g( h o t (ort)' to six ty re,·\. One mny hll VIl a t np e worm f or yo/us nud nr\' r know the c' nUBO or 1118 or h r 111 hea lth. " Persons wh o ure 8urrerlng trom on. of I lI e" cr('UllI r 8 b cco l1l" n ' rvoua. weak uhd Ir rll nble. nnd Il ro at th o I"Dllt ftx· ertlon. Th e tnpe worms rob ono ot nm· bltlon nnd \, ll ullt y and II lrength. but thoy are rarely (ulnl. "Th o "I(·tl m of th is t11. c n~" Is apt to bt'llevo Ih"t ho 19 8urrcrlng (rom chronlo 8lomn ch Irouble. und doctors to r years without n·II" C. This Is 1I0t the (nult ot Ihe phy lela n.. he onsulla. tor th ere I. no absOlu(o dlngn oals thnt will tell po~l tl vely that ono Is not a vtct 1m of tape worm .
"The most common IIfmptom ot thl. troul/le ts nn abnormn It()pellt. At ti mes tho persoll 19 rave nously h un«ry lind CRnnot ge t enough to ea t. At olher times th o very Blsht of food 18 loath.ome. Th're Is n gna win g. faint !lenslltion a. 1"11 pit ot the stomAch, und the vi tim hus h~ fl(l o he!!. fits at dlzzln e"" and nau1M , H e ca nnnt s leo p nt night (lnd otteD thInks he Ia surrerln« trom nervous pro.. traUo n. "I have a. treatm ent whkh hn. 1'1&4 "" ond'rCul /lUC C 118 In Il mlnlltlng tho•• II'ren t c r~ntur e8 trom the !lysl ent. tn the course o t Its regu lar a lion' In Atdl n. dig estion, and riddluif Ihe blond, kldnoy. nnd liver o ( Impllrlll('s It has prov n t nt III to Ihl'se grea t worms. It ono hM A tape worm thIs treatm ent wtll , In nin e case. out of tOll. s tUD ry nnd pas" It awa y. but It not. the treMment wtll r.-bu lld th, run -tiown pt'T'son. who Is probubly lIutrer· In c: rrom tllomach trouble and n genernl onnl'm l condition. Illy docto", report marv elous S U CCI'S! here with thl" troat· m nt. F ull y n dozen pcr80na hn"e pas. eel th ~8 w rms. bllt they IIr' nnturlllly retl· cent I\bout dl8cuu lnA' Ih m, lind ot cour.. "" \1 annot vtolat th 'Ir co nndcnc by 8ivIng their nu m s to th e publi c." LeUOITII addrPBII d to Prof' ftM r :J me. M. Munyon. 6Sd nnd :Jet!'c rson street., Phlladelphn. Pa" will r ce lve all eAreful al'l entlon R8 t hough Iho pattent <:a\1e4 ID perljon. :\fedlra.1 adv loe nn4 coneullaUoD &bsolulely tree. Not 1\ p nny to I)ay. An Anomalous P aren t. " Father!" "Ves . Wlltre'd." "What Is r eclproclly'" "Reciprocity. Wllfred- " But pause! F ntb r never told . H. s llpll · d over no epigra m . He knew not what was- reciprocity. No. He was totall y dllTerent from the average ' fllth e r fl gu rl ng In this 80rt at short squib. · He just told WlI(red to run alon g and pluy. nnd resume d his read· In g or th e evenI n g J)llper . . Truly. a r efr eshing perso nality- not so? "" Complication. Bessie round get tlDi well nl1lch more tlr s ome than bing s le le he was b~ coming very Impntlent nbout staying Indoors Rnd a tln g sonps . Wben her \lllnt nsked her how she felt she r e plie d iliat s hc wn.s mucb worse; that th doc tor hali found s ometblng else the matt r with h e r. "Why, wbat Is It ?" as k ed the aunt. "I think the <loctor saId 'coo vale&enC8.'
TO KEEP THE SKIN CLEAR For more th an a generation, CuU. cura Soap and Cutlcura Ointment bave done more for pimples, blackheadi and other unsightly conditions of the complexion, red, rough, chapped bands . dandrurr, Itching, scaly scalps, and dry, thin and falling hair than any other method. They do even more for Bkln·tortured and disfigured Infantll and children. Altbough CuUcura Soap and OIntme nt are sold by druggists and deale rs tbroughout the world, a IIbcral sample of ench, with 32.page book on . the care at tbe s ldn and balr will be sent post·froe, on appli cation to "Cutlcura," Dept. 22 L, Doston. No UI. Wasting It. Mother- Charles, I see yOU have written me a IIttio letter to say bow sorry you are you took tbe Jam? Well, I forgive YO\1 for your thoughtfulness; CharleS-Yes, rna. Please don't teu the letter. Mother- Wby oat? C hllrles- 'Cos It'll do tor next time. -Stray Stories. Do You Wa.h In 8.t reaklf Borne women do, They can't belp It. They don't have Ume to wub out the streaky yellow loap, Tbey are too tired, anyway. "There'l no yel. low In Hewltt'll Easy Task Laundry loap. It'a white aud pure. Makea a quick, foamy lIudll that chCUlel dirt out a'!d' lenda tbe waah out IInow wblte to the. ltDe. . Your grocer baa it. Five centl a cake. . ~ett.r Go On, Boys• . Belshazzer saw the wrlt\nc on lh. wall. ., "It mean,' your wife wlU be' home !)n the &: 22 and you lIad 'better begin to ""aab lip. IlII 'the dishes," 'advtsed the I.n terpref.er. '.' . . . . . Herewlth ' ~ dJ.s tlnot Iloom W8a cal' over the banqu~t.
, ~t·~··!3·e~~~~··8·~·~"~.~.~.E;'.B·~·~··a·~·~·E··8·~,,~,,~ , a·~·3·1 :HAVING ABUNDAN·CE OF SUMMER
"No Chickens for Sale" By DONALD ALLEN
FEED OF GREAT IMPORTANCE Dry Pastures and Burncd-Up HUlsid s FOlIowloZ Drouzh~ of1910 T eac h L esson Th~tShoud No t be Forgo ttell Eloqu e nt Thoug h S e v e r e Pl e o {or SUlUIn r SUo {o r All Farms.
l (.;0 lJ,YrI HhL, lUll, \I., A .. ""clu~c<l LILe rary I'r~"M.)
Th e salll o Iraln that ca rrl d t.1!ss Mlldl'c Ll FrnyilO u p In ber aU lll's tlOme al Long Pollit to penrl 111 0 summer month al Ba carrlrd I\lr , WlnUeld Ches· ter. Tb!.'y sal Il~ rlifToron t oaches , now ever , a nO there was. no colnol· douce nhoul It. lIall Ibey Sill In t flE; BaUIO chnlr ('lIr he ml!:hl hnve been r en tllllg a II mgll7.llIe nud she looltl n~ out or tb e wlll OolY. A quan r of 1\ mil e below Aunt Tny· tor's hou se ltv 1\ old Mra. Hyd er , She was a wIdow and lIved nloll8. alld now and th eu IIl1 e had a bad turn wIth rheumati sm. MIss Mlld rel1 hll d known her lor se l' rol y enrs. and It wusn't two hours oft her arrIval thnt sll e started 0111 to soe be old lady ~be round lIer 10 bed and 6nd ly needIng nursIng. "Wbat YOU need," sa gely replied the girl wben she hlld heard the lamenta· tions:' Is chi c ken soup. It's better than all th e doclors. I know at least a dozen people wbo'd bD;'e dIed but tor chlckBn soup. ChIcken aoup with a IIttic rice In It wIll make a well woman of you In two days." "Mliybe It mlgbt belp me," the pa: Uen t sIghed. "It will. It must. ' It cured me wb en I bad typbold rever and tbe doc· tors bad gIven rue up. I get tb e rice up at the house, but as for the thIcken- leI me see? We bave none,
With the Chicken.
I'p. T hus. as h e IIpproo('hcd tb e C:lt. tllse he S ' . W a ngure of a girl stnnr!· I ng In tb t! bl ~ hw uy, and beard a voi ce calling : "If yo u nre th e m nn 'wltb tbe .:hl ck('I) mnk o ha ste, pleuse. Ves, you have It. and 1' 01 1;0 1-:111 01 un d thuukful. You see. I wnn l t o ge l t be soup mud e rIgh t a w ay , DId you bri ng cbaugo ror a doll u r?" "Well - ar - n ·o·o, " was tbe rep ly . "Wby . yo u are not 0 (arm er 's blr ed mon! " exclaim ' d the girl as slle look ed at tbe cbl ck en carrIer f or the first tlm o. "No. but I have hroug ht t be fowl. L et me carry It In for you, please. I t '8 hi ' edlng y et. My oame 18 Cbester." "Out r eally-" "A nd do you know how to pick and dresR a chlcllen 7" "My stars. but I never tbought of that. and Mrs. Ryll er'6 sound aSleep! I am MIss Frayn e, Mra. Taylor'S nIece. I 'll nave to ruo up aod 'uk aun·tle." "Perbapsl can belp ' you," sold the young mao, tryIng bard to look wise, "To get the feathers orr easily you have to scald tbe bIrd. I believe. Cao you get 80me bot waterf" "I've got a big k ettle on the stove, and here 's a dIshpan. But you mustn·t help. Vou mUlt take your pay and go. Tbnt Is- tbat- " "Tbat Ie, I'm golog to belp wIth tbe chicken . You mlgbt apoll It Cor soup. yoU know. We lay It 10 tbe dIsh . Now we POUr on boiling 'I\'ater. Now we turn It over. After five minutes the fenth ers wIll be loosened." "nu t you are a geotleman- and you are a young man- and you muat live h) the city-and how do you know! If I doo't know how to dreas a cblck· en wby sbould you?" "Aod now we take It outdoors," coo· tlnued the young man v..ttb a emile, "and don 't )'ou . see bow ea611y tbe f eatbers come orr? Aod wblle I'm holding tbe body over the flame of the stove for a minute you will pleaae get me the butcber knlCe. Tbe cblcken must be drawo and Ibeo cut up." "!:Iut wby do you belp?" asked Mlal ,Mildred. "Because I feal aorry tor Mra. Ry· der, and because you doo't know bow to dresa a cblcken. Now tbe knlte. Now ·to put tbe pIeces In cold water snd rlplle tbem tboroughly. Ooe pIece wlll do for all tbe soup sbe'll want toolght. Only about a Quart of water. Now put In the rice and pepper and salt and boll tor 30 minutes, aod tbere you aro. I must go oow, but I'U drop In In tbe mornlog to aee bow tbe pa. tlent gets along." "But wbo-wbo asked you tor' "Ob, I turnlsbed tbe cblcken, didn't 11" be anawered with a laugh. "Oood· nlgbt.'· Forty mlnutell later, wben old Mrs. Ryd er was taking ber chIcken aoup and telling bow good It WM, she noticed a serious look 00 Miss Mildred'. face Rnd asked wbat bad happened. "Why, a young man brougbt this cblck en ." "Dless hla kInd beart'" "And be dressed It for you." "Bles8 him 80me more!" "And be bossed me around terribly." "He dId, eb 1" "Aod I know just how tbloga are goIng to turn out. He'll come here again tomorrow , and tben I shall have to ask hIm to auotie's bouse, and ehe'll like blm, aod be'll like me, and 1-1-. · Well, It won't be two months before he'l\ aay be lovea me and mllst bave me. and-and-" "And you 'll be engaged and then mRrrled end be one of tbe happIest brides In the 'lund . Wbat a fine chIck· en! Wbat beautiful soup! Why. thRI! young man Is worth his welgbt In goldl"
A WALKING SKELETON. Nom Out ,.nd Pro5trllted with Tertlble Kid ney Trouble, Mrs. l\'largnr t 'ook , N ort h Marlto t St. . L ogoll, Ohio. So ys: "It Is alm os t Im possi ble to ' d scrlh e my tl u!Y rings, M y ha ck nched cousino tly lind so 0 W· fu l IY[L S thll IJ arlng· down pnln thllt I cOl' lc1 scar 'ely d rILS:; my ~ If a lll)ut. l"ILl· nt!y E 'l'I'P llon s \" PI'e In ter rlilio conllitlon Rn rl p al n!l throug:1J TIl)' h ea,1 were "0 I n· I tenso I cou ld S(' II re o· \ ly ref r n I n fro m • SCI' Rnllng. could not slc ep. was nCrYO lH! nnd l ost fle sh 60 rnp l rlly I l ouked Ilite f\ wn lltln~ F; \i c l et on . I d oc· C
le t T all'k 1\.,. 1 emen .1.... 0.
mcrnber that there are . l 1 fjJ d van u lI ' )r:lnClS) ordan aod wns entirely cur d . Donn's K j(~. cemellt on th e n1:lrket and o ey Pill s gRve mo a n w l eas of IIfu, '1 11 J> ' . R em c mbe r th e nom e-Daan ·s. t l,lt a ort/alld ce111cnt IS F or sa le by drugglRts !lnd g ne ral n o t the arne. Every manstor ek eeper s v"rywh pr e. PrI ce 50c. I . Foste r ·Mllburn Co., liu ffa l o, N . Y. I ufa c tllr e r pnnts on th e sacks
t orp. d nil t be Im e but hllci hC'gu n to t hink the r() was no 11 Ip for me. Th en I b('gli ll ta king DoulI'>\ I< ldll Y !lIlIS
A Modern Dairy Silo,
Th e d ry pastures and burned-up paslllr s durin g July and Au gust Is blll sides followin g th e droutb of 1910 t be ru le In all th e corn be lt stal es as hllve d em o ll' mad e a very stroo g Impression as to lhl s season and la st tlie Importan ce or huvlo g Loo d sum· slru ted aod l us h grass at this senson mer f eeding. I t wa s UD el oqueot of lh e y enr Is a rare excepti on . Hethough seve re plea fo r the SlIlU m er m ember tb at seas ons co m e In cy c l es silo aod I d 10 some, sp lendid t es· 0 7 u n kno w n du nlllon , and the lime of llmony In Its fOl'or. Th e droutb " ut t heir corning Is \.: lI cel'tlll n : that II has down tb e milk fi ow In most of t he always he n so, lind It Is snfe to RS' herds n eu rly 50 per ccnt" sa y s a wri t· sume th at th e}' alway s will unt II t be er hi an exchange. Not. one f armer rreato r sees fi t to change hi s method Th er efore, 10 a hundred bad provided for tbls of w atering th e ea rth. emergency by a good suppl y of suc· w lI ·m ade silage In a good silo Is culen t food th at would m s ke milk. just as stalli e us old . wh ea t In tbe It III th e sume old sto r y over again 10111. There w ill be a wR ste of sev· tbis yeur. It seems to take a tre· eral In ches on the Burfa o. lu st 118 m ndous lot of pounding 011 tb e part t~ere Is waRte of several loch a au the of Pro vIdeo e. to get It loto f arm ers' surface of th e hay sta k or shock or oro fodder; but a man ca n afford heads that a summ r silo i s a grand tblng. Tb e Hoard's D airy man h erd th at waste, It be ba s th e assurnn e ot cow s had fi ft y toos or more or nice tbat hIs oIVa wi ll not fall In theIr corn silage to turn to wben feed grew milk or bls c attle l ose fl esb eveo If short and they roll ed out the milk tb er e should be little or no rain for nicely right along. B si des, they will thirty or sixty days. Wh en yo u put keep at It. Th er e Is nothing like a up a silo for summer use, you are supply oC silage for summer use. It going luto a perfectly safo proposl· Is close by and handy to the stable tlon, provid ed , of course, yO\\ build It for u se, wh en you want It. And fur· right, and fill It properly." Jt I s well to r amem ber I bat less el, t.:.. ermore It will produce more milk than any other kInd of soiling Ceed ," lage will naturally be Ced In summer ThIs Is the experl eoce of all expe- tban In winter and 10 order to keep rimenters, wbo find that silage holds the surrace In fairly good condltloo milk ftow during drouth even b eller at lenst three Incbcs oC silage sbould than Boiling. It Is reasonable that be taken orr dally, wbere two Incbes will sumce In the winter. It will be It should. I r ecall the Bubslance of a strong found advisable thereCore. In building ellllo.r lal In Wallace's Farmer, wblle thel lummer silo to keep the dIameter r eterrlng parti cularly to tbe lesson of proportionately smaller. It Is not pOI· the 1910 drouth, applies wltb equal sIble now to get silage to tide you torce tbls season wherever pastures over the dry pasture season, but now are used or cattle are Ced. It Is Is tbe lime to get your ello for next worth publishing agalo and I Quote wlnler and summer. Don't delay or you may not be able to get one at tbe follo'Nlng from it : "The Questioo we are constaotly all. aske'd Is, 'will ellage keep tbrougb tbe Nest Egg Theory Dead. summer?' We are glad to be able to gIve a direct answer to this, not tbeTbe nest egg theory Is out ot date. oretlcally, but trom p er sonal experl· There used to be ao old·time bell et ence. We built a silo on one or the that it was n ecess ary to bave the oest Wallace farma and filled It 10 1908. eggs In order to Induce the hens to nnd made the mistake oC building It IllY. Tbere ca n he but one ylrtue in too large. During the winter of ]908· the nest egg, and that lIS to teacb tbe 09 the silage was not all lIsed. Last heos to lay In particular nests, but fall we put In new silage on top of the neat egg . has no Influence wbat· tbe old, and during the wlot er used ever on production. out of the new silage, l eaving tbe unused r emaloder 10 th e bottom. We Keep the Cop Clean. are now feeding tbat silage. and the A cow with a back that Hches and man 10 cbarge an ex p eri en ce d dairy· burns wltb charr and dust cannot b e so man. tells us th:\t nfte r the wllste on co mfortllble IlS one tbat's groomed top was remov ed, this two·year-o ld every ,Iny. Wllen caring for your silage Is as good 8S any be ever used ; cows do not neglec t th eir tails. Cl en n tbat th e catUe ent It as readily as l h ese clear to th en d. II, cl ean hrusb anything and ent more of It thnn adds mucb to tbe a llpellraoce oC a th ey ' did during the winter." cow, This Is In entIre harmony wltb ev· ery farmer we eve r bea rd of wbo Hard Work Running Dairy. uses summer silage. If silage will The d airy farm r has the epllsola, k eep two year s witham any waste ex· tl oo of kn ow Ing that his husln ess Is cept on th e exposed portion of th e n eve r ilkely to b e ov ·' rcrowd ed. It hard, earnest surface tb en It will cel·talnly keep demands t oo much work and close sticking to tbe rarm one. "Som e peopl e say: "We may not to make It profllable for anyone who "Love and Life," bave anoth flr summer like thi s.' To Is no t willing to put his whol e errort W~ find Ibe followIng tolerably clel'. tbls we r ply that a period of short Into hIs work. er d eSCI'I pti on of love I n an old mag· ... ~~_.....,.._............_,._""'''''_..........._...._".__............,.._.~....._ ........_,.._""'.......__...............,._.".-~-........ _,._".___,.".,_..... azlue. "Love Is like tbe devil. be- ~. cause it torm euts us, like heaven, b& ca use It wraps the soul In Iblss: like pe(Jper, beca use It often sets one on fire; Ike sugar, because It Is eweet; lik e a rope, because 1t Is often tbe death of a mall: like a prIson, be· cn usil II makes ooe mIserable: like wIn e, because' it makes us l:appy: like a mnn, because It Is berE! today aQcl gone tomorrow; like a woman. b& ('a use tbere Is no getllng rid of It: like a bea con, becnuse It , guides one to th e wlshed·for port; like a wlll·o', I h'· wlsp. becaus e It often runa away with one; like a li ttle pony, because It ambl es nIcely wIth one; like tbe hlte of 1\ mad dog or tbe ki ss of a pret· ty womao, b,ecau se 'th ey both make a ' .man run mad; like II goose because It Is silly; like a rabbit. bc;cnus6 th ere I s nothing IIlte It. In a word, It I s like o ghost, because It Is like everything R~d . III'e no t hlog- oflen talked ' about. b ut n ever see,ll, tou ched or 'Under· j3tOod."
the nam e o f th e hrand and tho
A Pe rsonal Matter. I trade m a rlc If you fil.Ld the "Yo u must bave stud ied politica l ; d k· l b ' d ~conomy pretty th o ro ughl y to he 6 0 tra e mar prtllte( a ove an Impressed with tb e Iniquity o f tbe .th e name U"iversal on the tru ats ." cement sac ks, you may know it " To tell you th o t r lltb ." rep li ed ' the the be st Portlund candid clUzen, " I don ' t know mucb cement about the 1081de wor kinKs of tru st s. pos sible to makc . Good {om nIl de~ But I have seen Vl ct ures or th e mell pcnds o n (!ood workmanship a:Jd !!,ood wbo run them, and I ba ve kind or materials. Care and experir.lII-f! make tak en a dl"lIke to them." f or goo d workm anship. Good sand and gravel or cru shed stolle are obtainabl, quite cheaply, W ilh th ese you feel A New Aliment, Motber ..,-aB sIc k, and Janet, Cou r absolutely safe, if you use Uni'IJuJall'trllan.t Cmllnl. II is always !Jniform, of good color years old, bad h ea rd the doctor aay great strength and w orks easily. If vou neetlt that sbe bad ptomnlne poi sonIng. ammt, lise Uni'IJuJal. MOlt dealH' handle A short time laler Jan et was heard Uni'IJ~rJal. If yours dOtl nOI, wr ite u.. confid ing to one ot her p laymates : Il10VERSAL PORTLAND CEMEIfT CO. "Mamma's IIlck. Sbe's got toe·nall CBlCAGO·PITTSBURG poisoning." A1UfUAL OUTPUT 10,000,000 8ARRELS
but one must be found lomewhere. l'U 10 back and telephone to s9me of the farmers around bere. Some of them wJll lurely spare me a cblcken: ' '·But It wIll be too much troublll: ' "Trouble! Don·t you tblnk I'll willingly ,0 to 60me trouble to aave )'our dear old life? Just 11e Quietly till I come back. You Can groan all you want to, however. Our family , doctor lays tbat groaning Is a great lIelp In curIng anyone," Back to AU n l Tayior's tbe gIrl gut down tb t! telephon e book and called up ont! farmer after aoother aod In· Qulred about the cblckeo market. It was not encou'r aglng. Some bad chIck· ens and some badn't. but tbose who bad aoswer.ed 1bat nooe was for aale. 'rbe very last addresa proved bopefu l. Tbe call waa answered by a pleae8nt voice saylog: "Why, yes. we bave chickens bere." "And will you sell one?" ·'1-1 don't tblok we have ever sold chlckeos." "But thIs Is a specIal cnee. A cblcken III wanled tor Iln old lady who Is Ill." "Then tbat alters the cnse, and 1 can promllJe you a Ca~ ' puU.aL " "How much Is It Y" "No cbarge," "Hut I "w willIng to pay and want to. Ir you can sond It down to old Mra. Ryder's I'll gIve you 60 cents rOI' It. Have the man bring cbonge for a dollar." "As I said before, we bave no cbtck.' ens for sale, but- " "And scnd blm soon, please. Oood· by." Tbat messnge bad gon€ to tile bouse or Mr. Cbester's motber, and be It was who hod answered It. He b& \leved tbe \tolco to be tbat of a girl. He hadn 't bung up tbe receIver berore be beli eved bel' to be good lookln,. His motber hadn 't come Into thu 'room before be bad made liP his mInd to be tbe bearer of that cblcken. "I koow tbere Is an old womnn Damed Ryd er ', lIvlng about two miles down tbe rond." eald the mother. "but Rhe cao't bave p lelephone In her cot· tage. It might !.lave come rrom the Taylor'a. I'll . have Jam s kill ' a cblckeo and take It dol',," th ere." ' ''But I;ill " goln& ' to take it mys~1C," . saId t be )loung m an. .• " 'And 'wby?' " Belle of the Beach, .. "I ' wilDt to 188 tbe girl, who owos "I got my ' band st\IDS by Ii se$ net· tbat. voice," , ti c ," 8a ld tbe young girl "Noosf1Il sel Mra. Tatlor Is as Old "Terrible.: too· bad:" . a8 jam. .1 doo't know of 8 girl w.tbln "It ,wasn't 80 bad. J!'ol.\r young men I.t. horticulturist of lbe- Pyrenees has Dye miles of lIere." , . Inslstp.d on bO!di1.g 'my hand all at Invented s' cu,rlously formed that~bed' Nevert hel~II, the YOUog man IDslst· ol\ce." pr.oteCtlon 'or umbrella which' III IUPeel oli golui, :aiid af~r th.e UDb'a ppy post to protect hrysaotbemllD\Jl lroJ;D pullet bad bad ber .Deck · wrUn~ be Shining. frOlt. Ob~trler, tbe borticulturiat In atarted otr wttb the bod)' dangltDI "I aaw a brlgbt IIttl. fellow JUt.... question, claims tbat he obtaiDll ~ from bl. right ·band. 'Before bl. two- 'I d&1," . t10ularly large aDc! handsome Jlowera walk ba~ beeD accompUebed ~ "Wbat d1d be by reB IOn of tbese coven, I.t be d""lr 'tall!!- aU tbmOOD 'bad cOM I "No~lD", He'd juat b" ~ It &hat almllar _,lcea 111&7 pro". of.......
. mn.
B uyers : 0 f ]Jorttan I d e III CJJ t S l10IUd re-
Revision , Bultor- l am nfraid that I am n ot worthy enough for your daughter," Parent- Bosh! Tbe poInt nowadays la, Are you worth eoough for ber?-:Judge.
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle ot CASTORIA, a saCe and sure remedy for Intanta and children, and seo that It Dears the
Slgnatu~e of
• In Use For Over 30 Years.
Canadian Real Estate. Good commission contract. Lots sold on monthly insta\lments. AUrac· tive literature and plans. Com· mercial Travelers invited to investigate. Address FLEER &. WHITE
Children Cry for Fletcher's Cnstoria P. O. BOil 2106 A man w,b o gIves hIli cblldren habits of InduBtry provides tor them better than by IIv1ng them a tortune.Wbatley.
N, U., CINCINNATI, NO. 8&-1911.
en. ,
n'aTI:Je AND CUAItSES ntE SYSTIII lIOII EmCIEN1'LY . . . • ,AIt MO&& I'I.£UAN1' 10 TAK&.
In·1ft9 Circle.
on eve.., Pacftage of 1fte Genuine. ~
CALIFORNIA FIG CO. -- --SYRUP - _._-----------
Cur .." the okln and nrt." ~ " pre.entlYl! for o~h .. rR. liqUid ~1.eD OD the tongue. H"fe for broo,l m" re~ an,l nil oLb .. rH . 11,.. 1 kidney remedy ·tiI "fOnt" au,I 11.00 .. l oUIe; '6.00 "nil '1 0.00 th e d07.~ n. S o l,1 b, all dMl~II'I~" and horse gooda houHes, (lr tieDL e.l: vretlli pD.ld 1 by the bla.nuJacLurera.
Cbemiat ••
W. L. DOUCLAS '2.50, ·a,oo, '3.50 &'4.00 SHOES WOMEN wear W.LDougla. atyluh, perfect fittln." ea.,. walking boola. becaua .. they Wi" .. 10n8. wear, aame ~ W.LDoual.. Men'••hoe ..
FOR OVER' 30 YEARS The workmanship which has made W, L DOlJglas shoes famous the world over is mainlained in every
Iqe to t~ chrysantbemum grow~r!l ·ot this country. At all tivents. 'hls scheme ' II so cheap . that It l16ems well worth
trytq. .
Tre.. to ·Buy. AI;'a,. buy clean. BtraJgbt treea with abort ltema, alld even then do bot . be afraid to plalltiq.
vnua. bero,.
.. IH could lake you iDlo my large fadori~ at Brockton, Mass., and show you how '
are made, you carerully W .LDouglas would them understand why they are warranted to hold their .haPe. fit better and .wear longer than any Othermakefor the pnce The pnotno lilllVtl W, L . ;;.;.;,;;:;.;.=:.: _me aod price .tamped "0 Jr ,"0 OIIJInot obtain W. r. DoI)II ...~ 10 . JOur W1m, wrUe ' .. r oat Int(. Rho" .ent direct ONR 1·A.18", m;r BOYS' . . . . . . . from f-;~~ w w...... r ...11 .'bUilM prel'1ld. W~ P,IIO 8ltOt:,..01 P,OIIU..l;,·01It. . . . »000 1M .....k .&.0 Jll've1Ro-. . . . . TWO l'AUIB Gl odbI&I7 ..., ........
Consider! Why not use the beat possible when' YOU pay the bill? .
Hanna's Green Seal Stands (or everything that is best in paint. The pigments used are properly proportioned and thoroughly compounded.
"HANNA'S GREEN SEAL PAINT is Made to Wear" av
J. E. JANNEY, ..Waynesville, Ohio County Courts Com non PIcas Court. New Suits
The People' Building Lonn and t)o.vings (Jompany of Lebanon, V8. Alber~ 1>. Brl1ndenhurg. B. W. Ivins uUoroey fo r plainMfi', foreolosure, amount olalmed ,500 with interest, 11 oeots per WEek on el10h lIDO from Jonul\ry I, 1910, prem o 111m of Ii oents per week from Jan nltry 1. 11)10 subjeot to oertain aud. Us.
Probate Court.
t====,L I V E'R tT £5==:::::::::::=1
~aa u .
I===LIVERIT'ES Only ' 1Oc,=====
\JIl t rn ot ('11 tor od with ' hllr\ s l:i elld !'twu ful' vutt i u~ iu u 20 f uut all inoh ' I:l W r by A 'l'otihuntl' r 00
OregoDiR> alld Niohol farm, fro Bl·1I1/.( ,. 1ll'J)llDy, , ~9() . l!~lI r . t I j isL aod "ouor te fl oor "Dd ru:1 log wlI.lIs wi h oouorut nent· th r si n e of J ohu nt,ter}> on tb \ ill\Jing.ll)n" I)l k~ fr om O l'egu DitL Briclgo 0 mpllOY, [i 0 . For t eel b tLlU bridge wit h 0 0 or te Uoor and rai !!ip g wall s with ooocre t'l1 Il llr All en Kiblilr' fflrm on WilY nu v iJl e nnu Ot'Agonlu r Olld frum Orugouill I:!riti!{6 oompa uy ,
m inor. First account of John P. Harkrader, guardian oontirmed and Ilpproved. Estate of Edwin F. Harkrader, ruioor. First account. of John P. Harkrader, guardian, oonfirmed Qnd approved. ' Esttlte of Jvseph A. Ha.rkrader, minor . . Firl!t acoount of John P. Hllrkrader, guardian. oonfirmed and approved. E tute of J. Myron Harkrader, minor. First acoount of John P. Hurkrader. guardian, oonfirmedand approved . Estate of WilHam H. Clement, deoeased, Second accoont of Henry t:!. Clement Jr . and Elizabe~h
t:i. C. Seavey,
trustees, approved and oonfirmed . Estate of John Debold. First Qnd final aoooont of Ueorge Dcbold, udminlstrator oonfirmed and state ill fullyadmiois tered. JCstate of Louise Lindemnn, de. oeased. l:Iixth aooount of Henry Reed, admiaistrator, oonfirmed Bnd approved. . Estate of Anna Leonard. imbeoile, first aooount of Perry E . Kenriok approved and oonfirmed and estate is fully Ildministered . 'Estate of Wilbnr H. Jnok, de oeased. First and final account o~ Frankie A. Dunhum, a.pproved aod oonfirmed and est"te 18 fully ndminll1tered. Estllte of Elizabeth Jaok. Firat and final account of li'rankie. A. Dunh~m approved and confirmed and eatate is fully administered. Estate of Earl M. and Lucile L. Clark, minors. First acooont of Wal&er A. Clark goardian approvod 'a nd confirmed. Estllte of George W. Lewis, decea,sed_ Eirst and final 'account of Peter S . Lewi8 I'pproved and oonfirmed and 'estate ill folly Ildminis teredo ~tate' or A. C. Bowman, deoeased Nt.th acconnt of Nannie Bowman, executrix approved and confirmed . Estate of Amanda J. Conklin, de08&8ed. ,'irlt and fioal acconnt .!'.' Ed 8. OonkllD, executor, &lIprovM . and oonfirmed and ell tate ie folly adminiltdred. FAt..,,, of ~mith ~. Conklin, deoeaaed. First and flnal aocount of Ed S. ConkUn exeoutor, approved and oonfirmed and estate is folly "d' ministered.. Estate of Ralph H. Cuey, minor. First and final aOQount of Anno. L Carel confirmed 'Bnd' approved and estate J8 fully administered. James DaVIS, administra.tor of es-
lheuu .rl'r e r ond lI.od concrt~ te beau wulls: rllising Ilbutments to ::!btlkol' bridge; r pili riD ~ ooncr te fl l)or. OD Muin street bridge 'Inl1 r epa iring bellrt wILli to se wer on Houth Llih unon pike at esti mute of'105. Uont~uot enter ed wlth George }l~e ldk nmp for oonorete toe nnll ro layin g 810n6 abutmeot at C. B. Corn lI\1s /lnti mising wing wnlls ut Dan !::ibi Id ' bridge Murdook :lml Loveland pike, at est.imate of ~56 . .J ii. Contraot entered With Ed Beeob . le f for oonorete toe chunging ohEln. Del and bruflh prot !lotion to. abutments ne/Ior F. Mana's farm on Mane road at estimnte of '27.00 Contract entered with Bert Reed for pnttlng in 26 ft. 36 in . oorrugat ed SAwer by James T0dhuntElr 00 Cinoinnati pike; 34 ft . 16 in . sewer at end of t;outh Lebanon pike on Cln. oioutlti pike; 110 ft . 1 in . corruglited seWl'r near Albert BunneUs on Mo.· son and Kings Mills roact und oonrete head wallllforall In Union and Deetfield township. at estimute ' of ~117 . 25 .
COlltraot en tered wit.h Oregonia Bridge (Jomp&ny for steel beam bridge with oonoretEl floor and nis· ing walls witb oonorete near Allen Kibbler's farm on Waynesville' and Oregonia. load at their bid of ,ad5. Contrao. entele' wi th Oregoni" Bridge Company fur steel joist and $ onarete floor and raising hell.d walls with ooncr~te near tbe res~dence of John .nttery on Wilmington pike at their bid of ~5".. Contraot 'entered with Oregonia Bric ge O\>mpllny for IIteel benm bridge ·witb oODotete fioor and rais ing walis with conorete near Zeoher and Niehols farm a~ thei'r bid oUtt6. Bills allowed :~J. B. Woodward; .services Oll hurial oommittee '1; W. 1:1. Robinson, eervioe. op burial oommtttee, It; E. Wi1~ersoo, ser vioes on bu~ial oommlttee, ' IS i HQemeging and Hleker, ~all paper for ' probl&te judge. ot,lloe, 123 It'i M. J . . Farr, bnrhil of Mary E. Bornet, 175 i W. H . Stanage aud oOlopany, mdse., tor olerk, . 112; Galion Iron Works oompany, col. vert pipe 110S.8t; Afvie Wlll, bridge repairs, 139.61; Osoar (Jain, bridge repairs; 116.75'; Walter A. ~aker, oon traot. 159.5'; Bert Reed, oontrtlot. ,7 ; John K~ ~peno~r, con traot, ,121.6'; Nathan H,rvey, pon.
Being pr par d. from P urc . Nati e ~erhs, t hey I Ilns the Systelll .and P urify the Blood, and '1'ol1e the System , awJ thus ·
P::::sERlOus··s~;:;; ~~"",~",.,,"'ft,.."""""""'''''''''''~~
Ll ERITES- A pur Iy ycgetable La,xative, cme bronic onst ipation, Liv r a nd Kid ney Troublcs. Ask your Grocer for it. Manufactured by ALPHA CHEMICAL CO., Springfield, Ohio
One o f thc largest and most up·to -date plants in the South. Exllibition and Breeding Stock for sale of the foll owing varieties : Barred, Buff and White Rocks, of the hig hest quality; S ingle Comb Black l'vlinorcas, Blue Grass Strain. A ll tock bred from trapnested record-layers. J ~ds, Single Comb, of good quality: Orping tons, BuIT and Black, (Cook's best ) ; Leghorns, White and Brown, regular egg-machincs, of exhibit ion quality. Ind.ian Runner Ducks, one of the largest and fin est bunches in till! South. Stock and eggs (or hatching at all times. Your correspondence solicited.
SOUTHERN POULTRY FARMS, LaGrange, Georgia. E. v.
Notary Public
B;trbed Wire
All kinds of Notary Work.:PenRion Work ~ t;peuiult.\". GUA.RAN.TEED to henl without leaving a blemisb, or MONEY REFUNDED. 60c and $1.00 ei7.eB f r fr h wo,mds old sor .' Bore back~ and shOIlI.ders.t!>urns DR. J. W. MILLER, and brUises. 25c 8lze for Family use. DR. COX'S PAINLESS BLISTER is painless and guarnnteed to cure ~ . . DENTIST..• pavin, Ringbon , Curb, SweenYJ Splint, Puffs, or i\IIY elllarg ment of oooe or Offioo III mu ~le, or II!0ney refund d. ' Price 500. Waynesville, 0 NatIonal Dllnk Blllg. "' 17011 SALE av ALL DRUQGISTS
JObD A . Rebold, adnliniatrator of flsta te of Ada Flennar, deo nSEld, file. final account with vouohers for settlement whloh iR ordered sus. pended. , Horace E . Wilson apPoin ted ad CARE OF PIGS 'mlnistrator of eiltata ot Riohard P . Beil's Antiseptic Galve Windeol' nnder' 1400 bond. Good fo r all Skin Olscns"Be sore tha·t thet e are no oreep EdmuQd Retalliok as admini8traholes nnder tbe fenc;leB or gate. If tor wlth will annexed of tbe estate tbere are. the pigs wlll find them and of Ellen DAki.n;· deoeased, vs Waroaose a lot of trouble. Pigs that ~AFFrI, ren B ,' Dakin. et ai, Pla.intlff orlife apt to have "dlfferenoP8 of opln dtired to sell real estate of publio A8le ion" sbould be separated. FlghtiDIf Undertaker and Embalmer, . on.~. thlrd: · ~~h, one-third in I)ne, ~kes off flesh. Bogs do' not dig in Wilt be found tn the 01(1 and one-third in two yeafs from Banli BnUdlng. opposta.. the earth altogether for the fun of date of sal~, deferred payments to the National sank. it. They get a lot to ea' thll.t . way ~e jjecur~ by mortgage on premo Telephone tn house and or· -gra8s, roots, worms, bitea of etnff . fioe where I can be called ises. Good' ROad. Enthulla.te Find of dUre.redt klnlls that help to make . day or ntgbt. F. Y. Ctuan'lngham, adminl.tra Much to Intlr••t Them "'''11 Y'ar bone aod mU80le~ . •. Valley Phon'e ~ tor of estate of John R. Drake de·· In an Inlplotlon ef · MII.~ of I'lne - ••- - DrivewaYI Throughout the Qro~nd .. ceae8d .filee inve~tory and apprsieeM,a in· Street. Waynesville. Ohio READ YOUR HOME PAPER ment whioh ie :ordered reoorded. Which Are a.lng ",.lIrI.clef Under F. M. (Junnlnghom, admlJ1t8tru.. Direction of thl . atate' Highway .. . Commle.lon.r. Every' live olerk sboo\(l ol\refuJly ' ~or of eltate of John' R . Drake, de. , , read his town paper. I Keep J)psted. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey An .Idea ot the Dia~ltude io ... blah oeased, vS. Ella E. D~ke e.t 0.1. Ad FOfl Coughs and Colds. When oustomer8 oome in show min18trator ordered to sell real . the Ohio Stat. Fair. AUI.. 28 to 8ep. them you are POll ted on what tht)y estate at not · Jess than ap. 1. I. expected, to at~1l can b. had by . '. '.' conteml)latlng the creat cattle uhlbart! dOing, If yoa relld a g(lod ar. praleed '!alue, one.thlrd oash, one it bulll1lor. Alr.ad7 on. of · the most tiolE! or • good edltorilll menti~n" C.W.H~NDERSON,M~ third 1n one and ODe third in two eomple,te':iltructures of Ita lrlDd 'In the to the editor. If a onstcrner is years .froa date of ~le, deferred country. and which acC:ommod,.ted one building a new hoose, talk to him .• Waynesville, Ohio. , . paymente tei be seonred by mortgage thousand head of cattle laat year, .11 abont the hou!!e . -Exohl\n~e. 'on premises. ' belnli ~nlarge~ to care for sixteen . . hundreil t.horoughbredll. It now. beValley Phone 153 Main StreIt ~. ~. Steve~son, exeoutClr of es · comes. probably the greatest cattle tate of Nanoy J. Davis files first traot. 11'7.75; Clint W . Stanton, tateofAmanda ·D. Lyoo, files flnal nhiblt ' butldlng In the world a::ldtbe and final &COOunt with vouohers for COJ;1tru.ot, ~67; WlI.lter N. Allen, oun and dtsttibnUve aooount with cattle Ihow tbat will be .tag~d within 's ettlement which is ordered sos· traoli, $ii'; Gharlt's L . Hendersun, .vouchers for eettlement whioh is It during State Fair week 'wUl equal, pended. DR. BELL'S ANTI·PAIN oontnot, '8~. 5.; John Wolfe, oon· .d It n.ot exc~, any exhibition ot the .Perry-E. Kenrlok. as adrntnistu· traot,llll .9'. For Intemal ancl Extemal ,...... , .. ; ordere s1l8~nded. kind. ever attempted In the natlon. tor o't estate of Anna Leonard, de· ~-... -In matter ' of e~tate .of Augusta . Ent:1~s, wblch "close Aug. 12, are beRoohmer. deceaL'e", i:!elma KraQ8e, Ing r~celved bourly. and already it oeased vs . .1:ohn LeOnard et 0.1. Pe· GO,OD WORK BY GAME WA~DEN Anl~ · appointed administrator wIth wiU II e.vlfl1mt tbat the exhlblta of · other mlon for .sille of real estate. Case WAVNESVILLE CHURCHES. .naexod' under IS·.O bond ),earR will be far exceeded this )'ear. let;for-September 18th, aHO o'olook. Vhas. C. AJton, t:!tate Game . A new high water-mark will be &tIn matter ot:estate of Joel Evans Worden, of Cinolnnatl, has been Ir In matter of Joseph Brose Cor. tallied for future fairs to strive for. St. Augustine's CatJlolic Cburdl. deceased. William ' H. .AJIen and Warren oounty olellning np thlogs rington, application ma.de &0 Snper. Citizen SoldIery_ FutbC!r Geol1le Muvenhoefer. p .u tor Muss eVc.'r, second Sunlltl), of tb mOlllh a The cream ot the Ohio National Aaron B. Chandler exeootors or- nnd had in bis possession t·wo large 'InteDdent of ' Dayton Insane Hos. The largest Importers and breoders O: UOa. m . pital for his admissloa. Guard, In full soldier unlto~,m, will d(\red to distrlbott? to R. Carrie seines when seen last week. These In estate of (JJayton W. MuUin do police duty at the Ohio State Fair Brown a legatee under 'wlll: three were forluerly kept by Frank Bloks, of draft hOI'ljea In America are located St. Mary's EplSC()pal Churcb. . , Aug. 28 to Sept. 1. General Wey- sbares of oapital !!tock ot WBvnes wbo . lives on ' 'fodd's .Fork, nesr In Ohio and Indiana, ' and the prize Rev. J . F. Cudwallnller. Reell". deceased, final aooount of John B brecbt has cOIlsented to select them vUle Niltional Bank IIDlonnting to Morrow, and are supposed to hl1ve animals ot these stables will be exulIllay $Ohool. 0 :30 n. m Morning ser Mullin exe(Jotor approved and es and they will be drawn fl'Q{D every 1 di been owne(1 'by 111· m . Hiok", before ' hlblted at the monster Horso Show vic. III :fIO a. m. Holy OOlumuQllln Lb o li n t " which Is always a teature ot tbe Obl~ Suudu1 01 each m oull!. to.te is fully administered. company In the state and wlll be the 180v as partia strlbotion to her on Squire Jumeson, of Le bll. non , plellded 8tate Fall'. The horses sbown at this In estate of AIioe Ditmars 1m pick ot our citizen soldIery. In addi- acconnt of her share io elltate. tlon to dOing pollee duty they wUl exguilty to two . oharges of having year!s tafr wll\ total a value of more Metbodlst EpISCOP41 Chura.. beolJ~, eighth Rcoount of John 1)it· hlblt a regular army camp on the Manlare Licenses. seines in bis possession Rnd was than a mUlloD dollars, and no other Rev. H. W. Dalley. Putol, mars, gua.rdian approved /lnd oon· ground. and will appear on drell pa· Suutlny SchoOl. I} : 15 · n. m . Mornlug st:r . Harry T ~ Mlder 211, brakeman of These seines were 150 and 100 ' feet exhibit ot horlles wlll anywuys near firmed.. . . rade dally tor the edification of the It, not exceptIng the great '·Iee. to :110 n. tn . l1pworLh League, 7 :00 p. XeDla, and Mabel L. Tufts 22, of fined '1;0 and oosts In eoob case approach New York Horse Sbow. III . l£,'olling s ervice , ';' :00 p.!D. MltlwQI'\r Estate 01' Alioe Ditmars, imbe . throng. In a.ttendance. . In length respeotively. The Horse Show Is. only 0\le of Pr lyer MOC!Linll. 7 p. !D. Foster!!. '1 fi I t f J h D' Fire Drill. 0\ e, Oil aooonn 0 0 n Itmars, Ano th er fea t ure 0 f t h 1s year'. fait . , Warden Aoton stl\.tes that he has, many big features ot· OhIo's l:ltate Clarenoe Lipsoomb 21. wa.tchman, Christian Church. trustee, oonfirmed and estate IS will be dally exhibitions by two oom. u.t different tirnes, captured R ltttle Fail" The cattle exhibit wlll be un· of Middletown I\nd Gladys Gribble, Rov. L. 0 , ·TbomJlllOD. Putoe. fully administered. pan los of regular city firemen . A I 11 f ' . exce 11 cd in the nation and lJrobably BI/>lo School. 9:80 a. m. Social meetln rnore t lan a m e 0 semes from the . only equalled by the' International. ~O:II() . El!tate of Mary C. Clements. de- ma,gnillcent new ftre department 26, of l!·rank\in. a. m. Ohrlstlan X'n deavor 7'O() II .:' (Jharley Ba1119, farmer of Ken- vicinity of the Little Mtft.m i l'iver. The cattle exhibit buUd\ng alrend7 one l eO~~()on by paator evel7 alterDat.G S·unda). oeased. First aooount of W. H building Is nearing completion, and . " a . m. IUId 7:90 p. m. . tn ' It will be housed two tull com· tooky. and La.vlna Uailagher 18, of He has lately. DllI.de some 20 ",rrest!! .of the greatest structures of Its kind panics of Columbus firemen with f II Allen, oonfirmed a.nd approved. along this river and Its branohes, In tbe country, Is receiving a $20,000 Kings Mills. Hk.ksl~e Friends Chu~ Estu.te of Margaret E. Harkrader, equipment ot fire fightlng ~pparat~s. the aggregate of fines arnoun'ing addition. which will enable ' .he man· c!jrst Pay M.ociIO I{. 0:00 B . m. Firat Dar They will be on duty to guard the . . 'gement to houae and exblblt no Ie •• Real Estate Transfers. S . 001. 11 ;0(1 a. m . ll'oUnll Day MccUnct to sometbIDg hke 11100. Ilhan Ilxteen hundred head ot cattle. 10·0011. !D. millions of dollars' worth of buildings Mary M. Graham to Samuel Glp While watohing the river near The building on tHe State Fair .' and exhlblta, and will al80 give da.lly Thirty Years Together dr11ls tor tile pleasure of the ' speOt SOD and Ca't herine E. Gipson lot in Fo~tar, Acton ollught one Ch"s. crounds <'cc.up,. more than thirty Orth~dox Friends Churctl. . Mrs. &lIJ:abetb Larkin, Paator ~prlDgboro, Serviok. ' a dampa ... sbo ltlng song aorea. and the machlnor~ .exhlblt. Tblrty year!! of assooillti9n-tblnk taton. Good ROld. Exhibit. Rabbult SchOOl, 0 :30 lI.m. Reguiar obureb Da vtd E D h t f '. . Ibo~t of which will be In the open of It . Bow tb'e merit of a gOJd thing Good lpads enthusiasts will ftnd \ • on am a8 ~xeoo ·or 0 birds. ~ervlok very, onwllUngly will ' occupy ' fOrty acree A 5000 son' leo, 10 .oao a. III . Obr/8Llan Endoavor ' 1:30,,_ • st,Ilnds out in that time-or the oODtrlboted 126 to tbe State-sfnods ftrework. dIsplay, . depleting p!r~y'. wortblessness of a bad one: So much t~ ~nterest them at the State I estate. of Marth~ . A.. ~onha.m I ' there!s no goes!! work in .thls evl..: Fair thle year ~n '4ln Inspection ~r ,the Emm!, 1. Dill I,nd Nettle Roberta' . '1,'h~ State Flsh Commissloper& Victory ~~ ,' Lakt! Erie, wl11 be the iJ will 10 a few days place ijOO 000 fieh . grand bale of each evenlng'lI exhlbl· deMeof Tbos ArIss, Conoord, Mich., :,Ile. of dfl119T' dbrtvewaYB thrc;)Ughout Hart 19t i.o Lebanon, ,L060. e groun .. ese roadw/lYs are all An ,T , WI kl . t E d ' , . .. ' . UOIl. wbowrl\es: "'1 ha.ve used Dr. belpg resurfaced under tbe dlreetlon n~ oL.!_ , n er 0 ward 10 ~Jle .J.lttle ¥ttI.l'Di, conststhig of .. ' ,'. . . . · King's New'. Dlsoovery for SO years,' ~f " the Itat.. highway commiSSioner. Fr&nz and Lt~la Fran!l lot -in Salem bas" blaok bass, marbl" cat and INTENtE 'INTE'REST ATTRACTE'D " . "'Dd. i,ts the be~t oough and cold nure and are deve1ol~lllg In~o the, most ·pel'o towDsblp, ,250.. , .. ' . . ' oroppies; and, they propose that.oDo .... So great anll wldes' p d I . '. j . .' 1 · I ever 'QI,ed. '.I . :Onoe ' it finds ,en 'Of utP"hto-da.t9 ' btOal,d' Thomas and Anna Shot- of them shall be ' terest In this year'l th:t 0 Subscribe tr8n~ In' " hllme 'yoo ' oan't pry It t 0 _ e .roa. d en. well 'to JOhD J W'1l I t i M .. ".. n a oncommllilioner " , h ' • ' oui. Many fami1i~ h~ve used It thu .. treateiJ,'·t4e 1& put' . 1 son <:Jr- river" megally.-Warren · ~,onn~Y:. :worth ' , . of posta , ge w.111 ' ,,,e'l'equlred to ' . " " fbr~y years: ' It.'!! .the ·most. Infalli- ting In short .~ctl.on. or .e~tlreI7 . row, I~. · . , '. ,. . Appee.l. ." , , " , , .:.... :.carr~ ,o.n the ,correspondence relatl'~. .' . · bl~ .,t)ir.o.at . Bt~d l~ng " medioine on drlveway. 84 speclme~ 'of ~e ·Iate.t · " . " ,. .. . ' ", . • - • . to It. t'lve th.o u.and .dollar. Is ~elnr , . arth. Un~ualled ' fdr lilgrippe,. ad . most apJlrovecl method. of hl,h~lJIIonen ProceedinIS., . ODe of the eeorettl of popularity I :~::!n~r ~~n~e~::~' Wthlth whJch to - . (ls'hma, bay-fever, 'oroDl>. quin'iy ·or way conltruotion. It wDl be ' worth B1111 eoei d If . I " , . . ' " .7 e leore. ,of '.; ' r " v~ ~ or ...:.Iteel . bean). 18 to. tallt to the o~ber. fellow a~~t 11',,( .exhlb1t bu'hnnl~, and hundred'. , ~ . ' SOI'tt l~DIf8. Price 600,' 11.00. Trial the '. whUe or eVeJ'1Ol18 Jntereatecl to . ) brt~K8 with 'CODoret4t ft.oor . and rala. ,hlmi8Jf and k~8p , ..your O~D III . of ~~Itai painter. and . decoratore , EIII'r 111.1' t; bo'il~ free, Guaranteed .byaU drag · ... aDd .ud,· them. . _ ._ __ _ . tDI~ "alia wl$h oODor. near Zecher fain In Uae back.ronud. . ' ",m "~empl01ed rll~t up to the '~ lor. .. . . •
'larger Building Equr,ment Required For Exhibits. I
rand Exhibit of Pure Bred rnals at Ohio 'State Fair.
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Th e fi'T[4 t lll.w of good sAl esmanHESSIA N PLY WARN ING Ishi)) is to s bow a k e~ n inter st in DYNA,J\HTE, AID TO GARD ENER IL~ WnY Ii v III , O hi o ~b~ ' u~t,o'me r. Wheul; gr ) wers~re herebywarued '1'0 oven np the SOli to a good depth - - . , -- - .t,h ut. b . !! iun fly fA rabhe r ple n tiflll ofte u I~ d iffiou lt ploillem t o t,he I , An .ol~ man onoe 8ui(,\ t o . m : In n 'ood lUany seotion s of Ob i!) ~ a.rd eIier "-nd fa.rme r : while its ad. My Avn, Y Oll will mlLke II. s uoces - thiij ' ullll nd in·tbos e loca li ties w ber e v lmtage s a re well unders tood, We It you will wOl'k " I it i k no:R n t o be presen t it' wi ll he have no t o(i in thelle oolumn s how -~ . D. L, C lt ANF., Edi to r and 1v1nnag 'r u'l wiae to MOW wb eat anrly. IV' uera d y nll.mite h ,~s been s uocessf olly e m · C roup . 'tl lild I. 1.1 I been r onRo(Jo. bl P~"P.1fl W I 1 0 I t' ployed abunel. i n t r reu s l OU u rea p rlttufttl l blls ee p lun t in g, ditchin g _ . \ bott Ie of Ur . Be ll 's Pl ne.Ta r .Honey a nt , t be Illes ' Rates of Subscr iption may be. e~peoted ~o ap. and rll.ising s tu m ps . And n ow the 0" Y nr ( 6Lr((~lly Iu 1111 vnn 0 ) ..• .. .. . ' I. On on hlln d l~t Illl ti me . Cr oup is worSEl peur u.t t h e .,nor m!!l tune uuu the gnrden er j'l n d~it useful io brenkln g 1 1·.......--- --- --- --- --- --- --- -- 8h'II 1 'UIIY . . . . • . • .. . • • . . • . • • • . • . . . • • • O~ '1t. uigh t w h ri It, is somet im es bard foll owin g dlites f or seeding In the up a llllrd soil thu t ref uses to respond to get, IL p h . v !!i ia ll . Look fo r the diffe re n t pa r ts of tbe 8tate ure lOng-----~-t u piok a Dd spude . A gur d ener in I.J 11 a ll th., bott.le _ _ _ _ ._ .. nates of Advert is ing gested b y t he Oh .i O A g ~l. o u ltonll Ex.' [~ o ruin 0 unty t e11/:! i n 'rhe Olli o /I ,"/lnll Lucilln . pur lillo. ...... . ... .. I>< All greut win ds onm e fr om gr at parimo o t .tlltioo liS sa fe fu r t!uch Fa rm er his I'I xllAriao ce wi th thi8 II Ildinll L UCl1ls. blnck ltu:o. per Ii lie ... . '1lLSlIlllod AO s. II Ot to "ooll O\'tJ II ",'" 11)( m oth ers, Ima gine a great m other dt t r icts: N or th ern thi r d of t.he po werful Il gent : t'5tn t(l-Spp tem ber 2' th to 25th, t,l1e 'I'hreo InKortlDlI1I 2r., dr essed a III. m ode ! " In !letti ug ont two t ll o\1sllnd ()bltlln rlc•• Ih'o hwhf'S I~'~';' ~;.~; ' f'I;'~ ' . latter date for tb e sou t b er n countie s &spor ug us roots thi!' Sell.80n we du g lurh es. Iltlr IIlJo. .... .... .... . . 114 ol ~y ",hat y u please, an optilllist. of I hi s Ilr eR j Mi d'd le thir d of t he t.r e no h 8 two nnd a b alf fee t H~I'(\U ~I t hnnks ... . . . .. . ...••••. . ... . . 2!1c I1lwu ys en ooumg deep . es wbil e a pellsl. "lute- from Se ptembe so u ou.~ . . . . . . ..... ... ... .. ... , . .. Mk r 2iJth to 00 T he fOoi l \V1l 8 lllell ow for Ilbout ll . - r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ __ _ -. SoclnlR01 '. where chnrgo 18 lUodo ... .. . . 2C>f mi tl t a I 'WI a y s Is depress tober 5tb i S~Hl th e rn tbi rd f Ura II. f oot in depth . in g . JJ IBpluy Ad vu rtl ~l u l; per i neh .. .. .. . .. , . 11k: 'l' h en u bard 'llny ------~.~ ------ 'tlLt,e- from Ootobe r IHll t·o Octobe r illl b!<oil WIl H I'cfl oh ed . [)l'!CO unl~ l!'Ivuu UII cou t rnct. W h en t he Interna lly 18th . Nei g h borhood s whiob ure first trenoh W IlS fini sh ed tbe sid es Dr. Bsll's Anti fain cures colic, AUli fl ux, diarrho eB ,oru.mp s and till bowe l oe rtAinl y free from t he fiy may 80W Ilnd b ott·om look ed fLbout 8 S impe rT 30. lOl1.~ five or te n duys earli er t han t heBe vio us as II. s t one wa 11 , a poor oompla lnts, pros E Xt'E rlN LLy:- Cures sor e hreu!\ts, da t es, w hile nei gbborh oods m or e or peot for Il pluo t whose roots make OrElam s d u n ot. t! upplun t t us kll. oo rn ~ , bunion R, too thaohe, ne urillgi ll leqs infeste d with fl y a nd h 'lv ln g 11 w ide la teral gr owt b . and all puins. oold everyw n er e beeu affiioted with d ro n t h doring "The one thing tb a. t seemed able Work is toh e Ourse of the drinkin g It Is antillop tio . s ummer und full , will be uftl r fro m to oouC} ner t,h e r esistan ce olass es. of 8uoh ---It ta kos oomml ln sen8e, patien oe, 11y a t t aok it "owin g' is d one a few s 'Joil W U i! d y oumite . 150 we tried We Do Not Recom mend ooura ge, perslste noe Iloa determ ina days lat e r· than the dates h er e th e effeo of u Quarte r of a s t·iok set 8uthe.r lunrl 'R Ea gle Eye Sa lve for tlOn .oh eduled . Dry weathe r r etn rdH off at tile dept.h o f o ne to s ucceed , foot . The a.nythl n g hut the eyt's. It IS a speedy t he devel opme nt of t h e fiy witho ut oh n.rg ;j proved too light - - ' - -.... to b£' far and harmless oure for 'grl1nul ated Dou 't plame fllto when ~hln gs go destrov lng H, exoept In CIUles of ex · r ea ohing ; but whe n the quanti lId R, HOrofulOUR s ore eyes, styf'!', ty w oak eyes /Lod dimnes s of vision wrong. Rather look t o y ourself for treme a nd prolong ed drouth , a nd th e wus inoreal.led to half a stiok dis 1501d everyw here 250 belnted brood ma y appear in n UIll · cha rged at a depth of betwee . the 'ability to .rlght them . n one bers, follo wiug the fall rain8, a week Rnd two feet at interva ls of -. five feet. When y ou fllU IIsk yourse lf where ('r two luter th un tbe;r uBual tiOlf3. the results were 'm08t sati8fa A Clean Salve ~tory. you laok? I8 dellrab le. Dr. Bell'" Antisep tic -Ohio Experi ment S tation . The grouud was thurou ghly pulverbalve is a oreamy snow white oint ized to th6 r equired depth, the etiff Sentim ent ill no 8ubstit ute tor mentan d guaran teefl for 111\ 8vin dlsease 8, such as em<'.ems, saH rhe ulll , oltl.Y being oonve r ted In~o a mellow THE LAKE GRAPE CROP Gommo n senile. oblips , eto 2Go. ------ - --~~------soil at the same time that the labor We Cuaran tee Every Box '1'he lurger 8upply I)f the gr apes of prepari ng the trenohe s was A "maoh lne" olerk simply ·retioh . of Dr . Boll's . Antlsep tlo Halve to do app earing eaoh year in our oity ml4r· greatly I I:l!mned. what we oll1lw. rry it for ulce r!'. e s down t.he good8 from the Ab el ves ket is brough t from Lake Erie, and It is said that the 80il on whioh bOils, runnin g s oret:l , tetter, ring anu then takes the money . t b e fi nest of the g rapes are ra ised dyna.m ite hua beeD used will never worm , eCiIlSmtl, s uIt rheum , fevel 80r es, cuts, bruises , pimple s, blllol! One t on of averag e fr esh mnnur e in Uhautu uqua oounty , Ne w York need to be brokeu up ngllln : It 18 heads, Ohll'IS, felon!!, burns or any oontaln s ten pounds of nitroge n i An intellig ent writer fr oUl thfH alsoclClimed thllt. by this treatm ent .kin disea8e . 250 8 box. on(l ton of olover. ay, 40 pounds of oounty SIlYS that one of f.he fin est the phosph orous in the ~oil is set ......~---orops ever grown will be hllr vested fre e so that the orops under its in W M 0 mnot foroe our ta tes and nitroge n t h is y e tl ~ . · It. will not be q uite fl uen ~ mnk s a phen omenal growth . oplDloo s upon the people. Dr. Bell'. Plne-T ar·Hon ey equal to the gr ea t orop of 1.89 when ., Is the best for oough8 ,'oolds, or up over 7,3" OIIl'load s were shipped to A King Who Left Home· If you want ' to 108e a oU8tom er grip. whoopi ng oougb, bronoh £:et the world to talking , but Paul just hire his son to work for yon Ii8thma and nil tbroat tlnd bronchltit!, tile mllrket , but will equal tbat of Mtlthul iul I"st year when ka, of , N . Y., says he over 5,"0 clI.rs wer e Itlways KEEPSBuffll>lo troQbl~s. Sold every where look ------~.~-' AT 'HOME the King shipped . for the bell on the bottle. A Cold of all Laxilti ves-Dr . Kit.g's New Beside!! t he g rupes whioh 81'e Life Pllls-a nd that they 're tI. bless· III not neoessl lrlly 8eriou8 , provide d ... Man's life oonsis tetb not 10 the shipped away a'1 imm ense amoun t In g to all hill family. Cure oonstip a. it 18 taken .oil r e of . It is frequen tl l' ti on, headao he, Indiges tion, dyspep the startin g point of many dnngez:. II. 'undsno e of things he POS8e seth a re taken up by the local demlln d sia . Only 250 ous di~ e llt!e8 . When it comes nSf but io the nut:nbe r of .o hores at all druggi8 ts, The Weloh (Jrape J nloe- oompa py , he hath Dr. Bell 's .Pine Tar.Ho ney. J... ook ---~ --~.~----to do . ut Wellt.field, in Uhl1utl luqua oounty , for t,he bell on the bottle THE HUMB LE BOOK AGENT --------.--+-----~ . Remem ber there is more money will use thi8 · year 10,000 tons ·for Napole on Bonll.p srte was . onoe bottlin g unferm ented . Besides t·his ~ben II. s"I~lIwonil\n pleases thf cllllring to" ouet,o mer about hi s af. a. large amoun t will be mnnu~llo IL book, agent; Jny (;oold WIU~ a oanoUlitom er IJhe (lle,,8e8 the manlla e fau8 tban t&1llng him about yonr ment. . tared by smalle r oompan ie8 '1'here vasser: George Wa[lhl ngton in hi8 own affairs. ill (I, growin g· deman d for thi .. whole · youth eold over two hundre d ooples 8~herland'8 EaKle Eye 8a1ve some drink, and the sales Bre reaob- of 110 subsori ptlon booa ; Gen. Grant Accuse d of Stealin g Ie-sore l\my snow white ointme nt for a time earned hi8 Iiviug !lsa Bub. E. E, Chflmb erlain, of UlintnD , ing lin _enormo us figare . 'rQ mee~ put up an Illr tight sorew O'lp tube., soriptio n agent i Webste r and Bis. this d~ mand Me. b91d1y Boonees Back Ion 's Arnioa tile Weloh oompll ny Will oore 110Y osse ot 80re eye8 ond will not injure eyeR of a babe. 801d ~alve of atnl1n g-the IIting trom hat! added to its faoiliii es 80 that its mark ond ex·Gov . Frank /d, Blaok borns or 808lds -the pain from SOrttl output will be everyw here 2110. double that of lust of New Yo~k paid part or their 001of all klnl1s -th distreB8 frOUl boUs lege expenll es throug h 1:1. book agen. .-. year. The "Bellin g" olerk knows the or pile8. "It robs cuts. oorn8, bruls : oY. PRE SIDE NT gOOdll, sbows them, talkll them, and ea, "praio" and injurie s of their ter. The gurden er should try t o gruw It mi~ht be well-to remem ber the ror, " he says, "08 " healing ~emedy nut only Inoreu8 es silles, bnt brlngll its equal don't exiet. " Only 250 at. the oar rot qulokly i~ order to 8~cure n uxt timE' the subsori ption agent good wi II to tbe stor~. aU dtuggl~t8 . tender, sweet. uulform speolm en8. o.lI.l1s that pe.r hllps YOll ' are haYing the privile ge of enterta ining a future Washin gton, Nupole on, Bis hlblt. A school no c.lth:en should Illark or STATE FAIR NOTES. a govern o.r. More to the fall to attend. . SEC RET ARY . Lovers of muslc will be enterta ined plin t , ho ,vever- don 't f 0rget that Farm Boys' Camp 19cated north of t,bis a gent m l\y be 'giving by band you thE! con rts and plapo recitals . horse 'exhlblt bulldlng. Interes ting and educati onal dis· one chllnoe to make II. Web!lte r, ill. . . . . . . Twenty free feature acts progra.m ed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . plays by Ohlo's most pr ominen t aud a lian. lirunt or tI. BI, mark daUy August 28, Septere ber 1out of __ _ _ _ _ _5 energet ic mn.nuta ctllrers. Seven hundred head of horSes In y our boy I When the subsoJ:'iption one bl1lldlng. The largest horse show a gAot knooks , don't bolt the dO,or SPECIA L ATTRA CTION S, In the union. Band concerts . free circus a.cts. fir. ou Oppo rtunity -Lesli e's Money and An unsurpa ssed display ct pure works ' and Allan's stupend .-. bred cattle. No less than 1,600 ani· cle, "Perry' s Vic tory on ous s pecta· ~ . =::::::=: :::: Style by Readin l MeCaU'. Lake Erie," Attack Like Tigers m~s wUl be on exhlbltioD. -are the features of the night enter· Mnga' z ine aod Using McCall Pattel'Dl In fi ghtlDg to keep the blood pure $11,000 In speed purses. Three talnmen t at the Ohio State Fair Col· the wb\r.e Jorpu!l )les attaok disease ;..,--------~._T'I McCall', . . . . . 1•• 11'11 1 I races dally. Fastest halI-mUe track umbul!, August 28-Se)ltelDbe~ 1.Ohio's sixty-first annual State FaIr MiCAU:S M~ZIH£ h llip yo u dress sty l· I,;l:!rmfl llke tiger8. But often germ8 ls ill y ;H n OI01 lo ralo will be held ' '1 Columbus, Aug. 28- In the state. Grounds and buildings will bG brll· II1ull.1ply so fast I' XI) 'IJSIl by k oo plu l( the little fighter s 100 picked m n from the State Na· lIantly \l1umlnntell. AIJ Sept. 1. The exposition w1l1 be open exhibit huil YOU d· !,U S LOd 011 Ibo 01'0 oVllroo me l"lOst ra s h lOllS III ' day and night. Demand s· for exhibIt tlonal Guard w111 pO.lice the grounds . Jogs wtll be open. Reduced ~at e ac.- b " i1 ~ . eczGma . Then see plmpleA, , sait rlleuw clm hl1s Blld ha18. l,c, and sorES apace have already exceeded the ca" ' W f'8shloo Doslglls u.ultipl .V and stren~t,h ~nd appetit e III one h Issue. A l!j(l , pacity ot the handsom e e xposition fnll. ThiS conditi on demnn ds Eleo \,1I111. hlo Info rmallol: ' bulldlngs. The 'most ~omplete exhj· t ric Bitter8 to regulat e stomao h, l1v Oil nil hom o Bnd per·' bltion .in the state 's history Is as· sull nl manors. . On I} ' er /lnd kidney s und t.o e xpel poisous 60c II YOll r. Inoludlll il sured. Novel educati onal features from the blood . "They Ilre the beet n freo paltoro. Su\)· _ ..... _ _ _.... scribe IOdn y or selld will be found In each of its 20 blootl purifIer ," writos C. '1\ Budllhn , for freo sowplo copy. district departm ents. An elabora te <If T r uoy, <..:uli( , "1 buve ever found . McCall P.I/.ra will ollBbio YOU 10 ril ~ke In YOtlr amusem ent and enterta inment proI'hey make rich, r dd blood, stroog 0\\'11 1)(11110. Wllh yo urowlilm uds. ClOlh loll f;or gram has been provided. Harnes s yoursl' lf lIocl c ll .w hl c h will be p OrflH! L nl:'fves and build up your health. o MCI" 1,LUR E, (' IlI s ly la n lldlll.hlhlrll I'rl hhlhorlh anl racing, band concert s aud Ire ... circus ALTE .or \ , COII lS. oull fu r freo ell-lIuuo Try them. 500 II.t al~ druggis t8. Palte rn Calalogull. • b acts are dally features . Allan's stuw. W1I1 Cl•• V•• fl•• P,....b for Ilotlln\! 8u h· scrlpll olls am.ung your fri e nds . Saod for froe pendouS llpeotacle, "Perry' s Victory r rc ml n ru CatalOguo and Cosh Prlle Olrer. Fune ral Diret:tor. WORLO:'S BIGGEST BABY FARM on Lnke . ErIe," wUl thrill the crowds each night. EJach perform ance . of the .. Wonder ful Foundli ng Aaylum in Mo. IIpectacle followed by a $5.000 lire· Teleph orie day oa night. cow Started works display. The Ohio State Fair Origina lly by Emprea . Catherl n. II, ' \Is 'the pride of ~uckeye clth:f;ns. Its Valley phone No. f. JA»Da purpOlle Is t.o educate the pflcple in DR.H.E.HATBAWA~ Distano e No, 69-').... advance d farming. Th e biggest baby farm In the world, : The annual exposition ' Is held un. k I II th "h • th WAYN ESV1'L "E OHIO .playing nown oca Wfl"ue sville'. Leadin '" DeDU. ' aa .8 Isome o. .. ..;,. cardy babies" de r the auspi IcesIt 6t theach situated Ine Ohiomember State Office" in KeY8 BId.... . ,. MaID f:r . .Board of Agr eu ure, e ' ful toundllng ~toscow. This wonder Branch Office, Barv" nbura . O. . ~~~~~!!'!!~!!!!!~~!'! .. !'!~~!'!!!!~ . asylum was started orlglnall), by th. ot which Is charged jWith ImPQrtant . HORSE' EXHIB IT BUI'LD ING-O HIO 8TATE FAIR: ' Empres s Catheri duties ne that IJ~ . the and Is exh maln-I~! blUon !!!!!!~~!'!!!'!!!!~!'!!!!~~~!!!!!!!~~~ b ' ht to luccecs ful 'lssue.lJlo.y be A model military camp will be ealab· : .. ddl b )' miSSion t'ax will. prevail. Ip.terurb an Imll t 111 ne,,! 1 1 S UbSCl'l'be ;.LOr t h e G roug 0 , ~, 0.are the 1911 deparun en. IIslted, wltb Ad jutant a on p a~ na . GO I)eral uette ,Wey- steam r.oo.qs will run speolal' trains, oards: In all aome · Following . . brsoht rn Cll al'ge. · bablea P~I ' . .. . . that all may avall ·themselvfiS of .. through . the InstitutH,OOO ' lon every . year· :":-. ta~as8 ,., :r~en6s' H Ganson Urbano. ' olle tlve 'ounty displ ays will be night visit to Ohio's Exposit "" res en - . . KIl or~ Londo~ . . foun ion. ·The a'a tlum; whl~ II under the patd In the agr icul tural buil ding. '"" . . ~. Treaa!1re~~. W. ron age :.of the roraltY. copslata Dt an g 'W . 1; liOn sb e"'p and ' swine ",1.l\1 be quar. STATE FAIR R~CES, rae.-'-E L Lybarg er Ins~tutlon .tandl~i In a hollow aQuare .. a.rsaw. " .u 't . . " Ho . ' <ller ' Willoughby. ler d In tlie · hilndso tl !3 stru llll·es . ' . ." • .de· The hr.riless : events Bchedul§ 1 I"t .\d I~ roun'd· o. garden, w Ith' I~vey. ., Oatt.~~J. A. ~rosa' ' Washin gton ,'oted to 'th se 'dl jllays: reea~..A ... ' . . . . . conneQt Jbn: willi the OIilC? St!l.t.e Fair. lawns, ~here the cblldren pia!. .j. . · ~,,~e.:;...J. F. .. , WQmen 's tree tiny -Monda y. August. CoJumbus, Aug!lst 28.,...,.S~1> ' TM_ CRKAT UT ,',. . teJ1!ber I, .great teatur.e ?t ~1' r asYlum II t~.,.t aU 'l'lml .'l':DT~ I tT· c~ H. '. 11' -.Tacob DeaJ:l. 28 . . Chlldr.en' s Free DI!Y. Fl'lda):, ~ep. P,l , ' D1:D, prolillile to bring ~ogethe r the,llee .,She,e p.. and Pou t y " . tellt the e tllere wear . the ,red "". '~'N\,lI..Li, . ' terpbet: 1 . • . . ' , ' horse~ now campai~lng ,over tJIe .e,r:y' ee"ant lU'"~ !3f ., the . royal ta}llQr" aDd I~ ~ , Cbeater . , . . ,W ' . . I~ ,.THK WORLD Thousa nds. of machin ery dis plll}'s: half-mUe rhl~s. As t.ae .' ExposlU on count. are audt~ecl and k.p~ b,.. th, · .~~rleultnret~ aWn~te~~~~.CUlt\ITe- , The 'latest lliventio .~ WEElLT. SUO, ra lUI ns fo~ your lnBpe~· .follo!'B . Immeill ately after .,the cl~I!.. eJRp••l·fD .:~::e~~rJf dfl~·bDt.bl . Oh1~-. H. ."e, _DRUC~ a..KOIALIeTe. G . a:.m.wo-.:~..:. . rt. East tion. . '. . . . -.- of the OoIU~UB Grand Maklliln~ry P . O. EW a \ Open ' day and night. August 28, mg) many .~ t~e hOrBes Clrc~~ Me~~ , ren , ~ . '- , .~. rom w.. •. •• ,are coeTU T'-A . . . . . OA. be,-:e. aDd Ule,.. have th~ beat .IID ' . ,• • •IlYIOK GA. '-PltbP1? Akron. " ~-'J,' E Cromley 'Septemb~r 1. M)'l'lada ot amusflmenta wI.1I ,co~pete ""lth tb. the~. ..ntere~ · ,te~d~ 8D Uld "baiNnU era" , .~. who.leeom_ . f~ ' .V UII.O 1T8'ADv ••neIIiO ~..u ••• Woma n. an~ .. . . .• . ' and ."ttraotlOnl. 'Oountleaa ed.roatlona) for'tbe llber~l J>urses, The .()Ing wUl, ~"vlUe. are . rec""~ . dl8 la a. ' . SAMPLE COPY: FR£E . . . , . . . be laat, and, a& one of ~be f9nowe rl .• ,. 7 . ~, - . ~r a. lOjoum or'" Mule and ~Jercb~dl.e-:::C, W· H~ a ,' AIW. . . II. . YOIUl O~ : . ~ _J .....;.._. --.........t Statlga d. ..a4 ..there wlll be .0_ . ftrJa1r.4 . IIlODth JU, Glli'll!l.d. Dunes ~. thea to til .... ' .. .". - _.... · ~ ~",:",,", .L •.. . . . V.....'II, Y, -" _.~-~~ . ' ~ ,~ ; , ... , rA
P uh l hdl(~ 1
Th e 'G re at
Mont ornery Co.
September 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
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Splendid Free Attractions
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Par ach ute Jum ps Gre ates t Racing Pro gram Eve r Given
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$,?200.00 in Purses
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G. J{. CE TO NE ~ _.
~,el OIs~ays
In, Each of lis Mammoth Elhlblt Buildings.
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I~~TH~f~M~cCAU~~COII~PA~N~Y,~239~~Z~49~W~"'~3~r.~·~SL,~NEW~~YO~RIC I.
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The Miami Gazette D. L. CRANE, Publl8her. VolA YN ElSV ILI. B,
VERSATILITY IN THE ARMY. 18 tbere a nyl hillS t hat can pot be done by 0111 era of the (1J\lt >c! :::;t nt<~s Ilrm y? And clout! exC' ptl nally w 1I! Th<'re Is nothing. For xnmpl. tnlle {olou I G tbal !l Rnd WHICh him ·on· IItruct ~11e Pa na Illn Cannl wlt.h aBe nnd grnC'o aft!'r "urlolls ch'!I Ito B had trlf'd tbelr hand s ut the job wlthollt ~chi ' vlng uny ~li ll ring s ucc SS, Til J\ tuk e th e five b, ('ll lor llellt nnnts at ForI SC" rlvf'u. Geor!\,la, who gllve 8 chafing !Ish Illl rty . tbe flllrtlcIlin18 of whi ch we I1ml In th e Army nile! Navy Journnl. It was a surp rise party , Il was given In 't he nllchelors' <; Iub, Th{' servl e publlcntion whl cb milk s known th e nchle vem ents of tbese heroes jus tly remarks that great denl of pra Ise Is due the bac be lo rs for having given 6u(' h an elaborate party without the assi stan ce of the ladles of the POBt," saYB the Chicago News. For xllmple: "The dining-room and den. In th mselves very hllnd some, were lavIshly decorated with carnatlons and (e rns. The beauUful pale pink flowers were ma ssed In profusion on the mantel and IIbmry table In the den. In tbe dining-room a large vase, ftlled with tbe same gorgeous flowers adorned tbe 'table. As a souvenir of the occasion a large bouquet, tied with pink tulle, was presented to eacb ot the young ladies present. A delightful Welsh rabbit was served with dafnty snndwlcbes, and a mild punch was served during the evening," Is It not plafn tbat theBe hachelors are artJsts nnd poets as well aa warriors T What bacbelor outside the service could tie a bow ot pink t.ulle around a houQuet? Doubtless, also, ,any 6ne IDt the five, like Cyrano, could compose a ballade while preparing to transfix an enemy on the point at bis service aword, Gentlemen, .a toast, standing, to tbe army men who can concoct. a Welsh rabbit wh.l ch will not kill either at close or long range.
OUST MUlCH .HELPS TO. HOlD . . 'IllimB W~:~ ((J)Jr ~ UTENT MOISTURE IN THE SOIl 1Pil([3)]\!vrf1e CCffi,\IDlID Harrowing and Cultivation Check Evaporation.-Crust Tha~ Forms Aft ,. Ground is B aU; 1l Hard by Rains Should be 'Broken Up,
Evapor»lion of wnt pr from th e su r fa ' 0 of tb e soil ill p.()ln~ n 10 It ~I'('at , e r or les!! I' rlp~r('., 1111 th t!mc; If thp Il'lrtperaturo ill h l!'! h- m,m.' ; If It Is loll', tlll'lI l'OIpo ratlon II; II'!:Is, Uur lug th o ~ro\\'lll~ ,cu so n th e I mp rat\lr is hig h, ,'o nsf'fjlle lltly g rea t lost;cs fl'011l C 1'(lPorlltlon will 01' IIr If 110 m as ur ' l; aro reso rte d to to prc\,cut It. BC llea th a board or stone In a path. the soli Ie
Drawing to Show How a Mulch Checks Evaporatlor, wet; water could not pass rapidly through the board , But It would not b practicable tor ~he farmer to place boards over his fields. Straw or leaves wllJ prevent evaporatIon. Tbese are used In berry patches and sometimes between rows of potatoes,. 11 a new Bponge Is thrown on the surface of water It seems to resist tbe water's en-
The object of the organization which calls Itselt the Non-Smokers of America Is to secure tbe enforcement of laws, ordinances, regulations and rules against smoking In public places In the United States. The man who endeavored to Incorporate It In New York Include several distinguished educators. However. they were care, less In drawing up their application, There was no statement tram tbe WOUld-be Inco rporators 'that they had not made application for Incorporation before, For this reason, Judge Gieger, Ich denied the application . But· the nO,n ·smoke rs cnn begin over If they choose.
(: np, Kl'lltn(' , y.- "T Buf-
The Single DI8k Furrow ' Opener 's Beat for Hard Ground,
Solis a I'P rO Ill pllcted by hea vy roll rs lO Induce th e euplllary rIse of 1110 ls ture a nd a r the n harrowed to fill e the so li to PI' \' lit the escape of moIsture, Sall s tha t have be II J fl te n hard by raIns , rus t 8 being form d In some In· sta nces, permit rapid evaporat io n. Harrowing or Bhl1l1ow plowing wltb tbe corn cultivator prevents the esca pe of moisture. Tbe harrow s hould follow the plow Immedlat e'y to prevent unnecessary loss of water. ' Fall plowing assists In holding the ra!ns anti snow of win tor. Early spring Illowlng ca t hes the early rains and the escap of moisture Is prevented before higher temperatures are experienced . RoIling crusheR clods. but tbe end In view should be the preservatlQn 01 soli moisture a nd the e xposure of soli particles to root balrs. Harrowing and cuIUvr.tlnr; k11l weeds but only InoldentallY. These HERE Is nothing easier lu tbls processes should go on It th '!re Is not world than to criticise Monte a weed In sight. Carlo. Morally, socially, cliA. B. GRAHAM, matically-It Is an obvious tarCollege ot Agriculture, Oblo State get. But from th e point of University. view of administration Monte Carlo Is beyond .tbe crltl.cal range. ,F or even the , most carpIng oan scarcely cavil at perfection, and that Is tbe word that best describes tbe government and tben measuring off corn by rowl ot that empire within a prinCipality, or otherwise a half acre Btrtp I nd de. whlcb Is Monte Carlo. fermlnfng wbetber the drill 1s lowing Monte Carlo, be It unders tood, Is too much or too little. the property at the Societe Anonyme A better way, however, to test the des BaIns de Mer at du Cercle des drill for accuracy Is to block up one Etrangers de Monaco. The Dains de Bide ot the drill, leaving the wheel Mer exlBt, but the Society Anonyme free to turn. Fill the grain box and would possibly find dlmculty In Inditurn the wheel through the saine num· cating their wbereabouts, They torm, ber of revolutions that it would make In {act, a more than Bubsldlary eleIn Bowing one acre. Welgb the grain ment of a very mlgbty organization, delivered and Bee how It correBpond. wblch consists at tbe one Cercle des with the setting of the dial. The wri- Etrangers In the world where router haa found drills to vary as much as lette and trente-et-quarante are play26 % from the amount Indicated. ed under conditions whlcb, while asOnce out of the seed cup, the grain suring the success ot the bankers, asmust be carried to tbe ground In a re- sure at the same time the security of liable tube, There are many kinds of the player from anything even aptubes. The rubber tubes were at one proaching fmud time used more than aay other but The roulette wheel Is for anyone they wear out or become broken so to Inspect. It bas be~n photographed as to 'Interfere with the free pas8age from every possible pOint of view, Its Q,t the grain. The steel wire, steel rib- mechanism Is too childish to need de1;Ion, or steel cone will give better sat· scription-It Is mechanism In Its babyIsfactlon, If properly cared for, than hood. As for the croupiers, were eacl! the ' rubber, ' one a Maskelyne or a Devant they The turrow opener Is an extremely could no more direct the fall of the Important part of a grain drill, To tatal ball tban that at the house of have the seed deposited at an even lords. As for the posljlbllity of fraud deptb In a Bmooth, regular furrow at trente-et-quarallte, that has been means much to an even stand of eliminated long ago-by tbe casino wheat. The hOi! furrow opener Is hard In Its own Interests. T~e packs of to beat for land thoroughly prepared oards 'used In the game are specially and tree from trash. The single disk printed, and once used they are Is perhaps the best for seeding In harll burned. And from the moment at the ground covered with more or less trasb. printing to tbe burning they never In the purohase of a drill remember leave the watchful eyes of the veritthat tbe feeding device Is the vital able array of employes, detectives, If pal't of thIs Implement, The bearings you will, wltb whom ' the Societe of the disk furrow openerB Bhould be Anonyme des Bains de Mer, In Its dust proof and easHy oiled. Plenty 01 own Interests, as well as that at Its patrons, surrounds Itself.
must sow tbe seed In the proper quantity, (2) It must open up n nent, shal· low trench, {3} It must cover the seed at the proper depth. To secure the first result, that Is, leed sown In the proper quantity, drill manufacturers use various devices, of eltber the "foreo feed" type where the grain Is forced out of tbe drill by a constant, positive motion, or of the "gravity feed'; type In which the grain simply work!! Its way through boles In the bottom oC the box . This latter Btyle of teed Is more common now In the grass seed boxes all drills, although the force feeds are used here as well as on the grains, but grass seed feeds by gravity much more even· Iy than wheat or oats. The quantity whIch the drill will ' sow per acre Is QuIte accurately determined In the factory and a flnger point and dia l nre placed somewhere on the drill, making It easy to adjust for differe nt rates of seedIng. But these settln gs are not al ways accurnte, especially after the drill bas been In use tor a number of years, he nce It Is very necossary to test Its accuracy for hath grain and grass seed. This may be done In the fi e ld by putting enough grain In tbe box to sow one-half acre
I ~Q:'!~~.:.!....:....:.~::::"":~'-"::=!!~~~:J
'" The Hoe Furrow Opener i8 Hard to Beat 'In Well Prepared Ground, all should he used as it will prolong the life of the machine and make 'II work easIer. Clean the drill wben through using It, DJ'sks and hoea should be hrlghtened up and oHad. Ii. C, RAMSOWER, College of Agriculture. Ohio State University.
A Brookl yn woman refused to obey an order of the Supreme court to ~I' Jaw her dlvor,ced husband to visit theIr bahy, and th Ju!;t1ce wbose autborlty was thus defi ed. asl<ed: ~ 'What are we VALUE OF TOADS. varlous kinds. We can well arror j to going to do about It?" Being a jurist study toads with u view to glvl!1g Ulem of WIde experIence and knowledge of We have heard the stat me nt made protection. They should not Le k11led buman Dature, he admItted that all tbat each toad on a farm ls' worth sev- for sport as many animals are, for they the courts going were no match for a eral dollars a season to the land own: are too valuable" , JAS, S, HINEl, woman once her mJnd was made up. cr. It IS difficult to III ace ' an ' 'xact value on 'a ny benellcinl s'p ecles, but we Asslst,a nt Profc3s0r of Zoology, Chic aTe laa n11ng mOI'e IllId mOre to appre- ' ,State ' UniverSity. Tbe ,alJ1o unt colle<:ted at the 1J0rt of (:,j nte tile n atural en ml es of our de, ' New Yorl! fro,m tines , penalUes nnd atructlve l!ls eta, and \\'Ilen pne ot It pays to use fertIlizers on wheat tn torr Ilures amounted to Oy r $2.000,- til m shoWS such distinctly 'benenclal much , larger Quantities than are 000. Hon sty , ( rOm thlB s hOWing, 1s hnblla as does the t.oad, ·It deserve. ! ullually applied, -"'our hundred ( -10,4 m'i xture Is not onl)' the b at POliCY. but also thp. special consideration, ' Slla Is, grass- pounds of a hoppers, -e-rt'cltets, ants, wire worms, po- giving - hlgh- yields and 6xoel· ch allest ll1-tbe end. - tato beetles, cutworms, army worrnB' 11ent profit at the OhtCf exD~lmef\t ,tont uterplliars, and manr others ot stalloll. On a Boll well \Ito 'ked with A Wasblngton woman has I\PI>,l led to etJuul 1mllortallce hl\ve been tound in orgtlnlc malleI' tbe amm~nll Ciould til the courts to get h r alimony Iner 8S' tll e st ma bs of toads. ,dearens d bllt It 1s~)rolJable that. on ed b4lt'ause Ibe Is unuble to !lve on Tonds have many natural enemies, most farmB In the'state, t'de' above m1'(o 100 .. month. The courts might ree- lIuch IUS sl1n.ll. II, hawk., ().od the llke, ture would pay bct~r than a t;l1eapE'r omlllend 8 . cou~ II) domeaUc flCOD nd numberR. of theUi He killed , by one-PrOr~B80J ~rJ'ed 'Vivian. CetUeall , fOr 'b~ lac!7. lawn mowers IUId r.rm' mt.'lblnerl 011 Ol Acrlculture, Ohio P.iiw UlWen'~
with 1'(' 1111110 1I1 RMciors, my hl'1I1t b WII !! very utili !LIIU J Imd a. tiuunl ba ckache wh iP !. was si mply , a wl'tt!' I coulu not ", !Ita wi Oil my feet " ' , IUU R enougb to cook .. "moal's victuals ~"'N',",':',:':," without my back nearly killing me, lind I wouid bll.vo Sit ," drag,nng sensations I could ~...-~--J,._--:"--' h t\ rd Iy bea r it. I each Bid , could not tI~ht d nt hillg, !lnu was irregular. I W:lS ('Clt\tpll':(lly run do\\-n. On advice I to k Ly<1l t\ R Pinkham's Vegetable ompoltn<l lind Liver Pills and nm enjoying good health. It is now more than two yCa,l's and I have not bad an ache or pain sinco I do all my 'ow.n work, washing aud everything, and nev r havil the backache any more. 1 think your medicine is grand and I praise it to all my neighbors. If you think my testimony will belp others you may pnbUsh it. " -Mrs. OLLIE WOODALL, Morton's Gap, Kentucky. Dackacbe is B symptom at organio weakness or derangement. It ' yOll ' have backache don't neglect It, To get permanent r Iielf you must reach the root of the t rOllblf . Nothing we know of will do tllis so surely as Lydia E. J>lnkham's Compound. Write to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, l\IasII" for specia.l a.clTlco. Your letter will be ab80lutely con1ldcntial. and the advice tree. I'
. . .;:i;;.:::~.-"
In the selection of a gratn drill it Is "A little harmless !llrtlng with nloe well to keep ' In mind that this ImplaJ)eOple with ' whom you are acquainted ,ment must do tbree things: (l) it will do much to relt the Ured mind after tbe arduous duUes ot the school, room." This II one ot the luggestlonl to young women Ichoolteacb~rs made by an elderly lady on rellnqullhlng . her Polltion ,al teacher in the BOlton Jlubllc Ichooll atter 49 yeara' service. "Be a llve Wire every minute, and don't eat too mucb," 18 another bit of advice. ThlB kind of adllce from a learned anti experienced 'Iohool "mann" wll1 make most people "lit up and take noUce," tor In our opinion It II much wOflle than Indllcreet, to lay tbe least. saYI the New Or· leanl Plcaqune, AI a oure for brain fag, flirting Is entlrely new to us, though lome ye'a ra ago we heard it highly ' recomme.n ded tor other aUments. and' we thougbt It pleasant ,to "take," Wonder how this teacher held her ~ob tor 49 years? She must have bad a ItTangle 1Iold on It. A Hindu philosopher and Icholar who has been visiting this country de, clares we have aU the heathens we can manage at home, and that the money sent abroad to make converts fs wasted and could be better spent In mtsslonary work among the "Oreeks at our own doors." He also made some caustic comments on prac· tlcal Christianity In the United States, Sometimes the orlental' mind displays une~pected but comprehensive accur, acy of observation of Weslern super, lorlty.
Cured by Ly<!ia E. Pinknam's Vegetable Compound
tt"'lns or p:l ils lnf: up"'nrd throu g h It. XOI\' th , denllnc a f:'rit'ulturl!ll Ii liS r!(> I'I,.pt! a "'IPIlP nnll CIl.JY 1,lItn r l' pr I'('nlin g- L'''lporatlon . Frcll uC'I1L sll r I'} n;.: IJf 11)(' ul1l1ei· s urfne'e l11alws 11 lay, e r of \'C'I'.I' dry lioil Just (IS Is r ep' e5pl1 t!,11 hy Ih dry I; J)OJl l;C . or just s uoh U!; 0111' lind !! un til outsld of e vory sa nd plio In Ilry wen lhl' r. A Ihr'l at o t t il e hall(1 11Itl' thp sall d pil e l0l14 olle that lh I'l' Is plpn;y of molsturo b III th re; so it Is untle l' tp l" soil mulch thut has bp('11 l11u(l", by ha rrow ing and SlI lIlIolI' c ultlmt!o n. Thi s mul'h l11 ay lIu muciC' by IIs in g a hoe or rake or ll" l1 lIy snatc blnJ; t he soli wltb one's tl ngpr,
Detectives Are Everywhere. For one out of five of all the employes of the casino of Monte Carroand there are over l,OOO-ls more or less a detective, and with reason. Access to the casino, be It remembered, 18 free, One pays \'.lear for It once Inside the gaming rooms, maybe, but that Is one's own affair, Entry to the caBlno Is one's own choice. and the authorities stand elther' to lose or win by It. That they win on the average Is obvious ; otherwise tbey would scarcely be able to pay £ 1,000,000 per annum In divIdends. But, wblle they are content to win, they do their best to protect those Who provide the winnIngs. And while protecting the poor of. Monaco, the casino helps those who would have helped themselves-if luck bad willed It so. He who 18 fool enough to lose more ~ than he can afford bas only to make application to the olllce Bet apart for the purpose to be given a second-class ticket home: be the distance as great even as that whJch separates India Cram the principality. Not that the casino gives as recklessly as their patrons gamble. Application for the vlatlque, as thIs free ticket home - Is known ' 11;1 oaslno langusge, Is Invariably followed by Invet;'tigatlon. If 'the Ifll.mbler hilS ,been of ,the big order, his s,takes-a'nd tills , has hitherto hee n known ,to the feware caref~lIy r ecorded by a watchftll employe, lind the am~tint of his winnlngs or 1088es eacb' day Is known to the, authorlUes, Be the gambler of lesser Importance,: he haB none tbe 'Iess , been noUced;-- and should ' he ptove a IpseI' a fafr1; accurate estl-· mate of hJB losses. "!II made by an employe. Wherefore, when app(lQatton 18- made [or the vlatlque' the authort. tlell are Dot _allY humbugged. " Tbere are BOIDe ' . ,h o .Wl cberfab Uae delutlon that tile ''bUlk'' .. "oate
Carlo Is th ere to be "broken ." and that the sensational feat of whi ch harl II Cobu rn, the muslc·hall artist sang muny years ago Is oue really capable of nc ·ompllahment. As II matter of fact. the "bank" of Monte Carlo Is antJliog but the fragile thIng of some people's Imagination. Tc "break" It consists m rely 10 WInDing the cas h allotted to each table at the ommencement of play- .£ 3,200 In the case of a roulette table. £6,000 In that of trenle-et-quarnnte table, where tI~ maximum allowNS Is £480, dou ble that p rmltted at raul lte. If the player be luc ky enough to clean out a tuble-"br ak the bnnk" It one w1ll - all tllnt hll ppens Is that a furth, er Bum Is fetched from the Casloe coffers, He who boastB of "breaklnll the ballk" at Monte Carlo might juill as well pride blmself on brenklng the nnnk of England because a cashIer of that Institution ran sbort of gold III cashing his check and sent for 8 fu rther suOply. But, then, there, still exist so many delUsions regarding ' this, the most famous casino In the world. There are p ople .who believe that a croupier cnn be brlb d to spin a c rtaln num· ber, that 'n ghostly' hand IB to be Been by the fortunate hovering over aceI" taln table and Indicating the manner In which the player ahall stake. and that the occupation ot a particular room In a hotel near the CaSino brIngs fortune with It. Percentage of Proftt 8mall. While the average gambler loses his money at Monte Oarlo; there are many who leave winners. He wbo Is content 'wltb a reasonable percentage on hlB capital and ,II posseBsed ot a strong bead and a will of equal power has a very fall' chance In biB fight with the wheels or the carda. The percentage taken by the CasIno Is small- very small In comparison with tbe terrible cagnotte ot the bacC!arat table, or the even more ImposBlble tax levied on him wpo Is foolish enough to, risk his money on petits chevaux or boule. As 'a matter of fact, there Is Quite an Important number of reg. ular and successful playerf at Manto Carlo-people 'Yho ' literally live by vlay. Tbey are, needless to say, gamblers of tbe most careful ' claBs, players of systems, which reduce the pOSSibility of anything but 8mall losl to a mInimum. Bnt that they ex.lat Is not t'l be denied, T.be re exists alao In the prlncipallly of Monaco a eel" taln few wbo draw regular , penslonl from tbe Oaslno-gamblers, once rich, whtf have lost all and their for. tune dn the board of green cloth and upon which ' the authorlt, , have' tak. en compaSSion . They are ~ot, at oourse, allowed to o-.ter the rooms, but the Initiated can often point' them out to one, moonIng about ,the plaoe and gazing with hungry eyes at the forbidden salles de Jeu.
His W.y of Life. "'Var Is hell ." "You se rn to believe tbat In times ot 1Jeac on shoulo prepare for war." A Hopeful Fellow. "What Is an optimist 1" "A man whose bump at hope III big· ger than the rest of his hend," Crafty.
"v. hat does the veterinary surgeon next door advise for your pet lap dog's sickness?" "He forbids my playing the ,plano," -Fllegende Blaetter. On Second Wllhlng. 'Tve just washf,ld out a suit for my little boy-and now It seems too Ught for blm." "He'll fit It oil right, If you'n wash the boy,"-Meggendor(er Blaetter, EA8Y.
Jessie-How does Sue rna 'WIn so many guessing contests? Joe-Her rather Is In cbarge of the HE WROTE THE "OX" MINUET local weather bureau, and she getB Haydn the Compoaer, Writes MU810 him to predlot the result of the contest, and then she guesses the other for Butcher and Receives Beef way. as Payment.
There Is no sensible reason for the titles attached ·to many pieces at mus ic, some of them even classical seleotlons, Most generally . they placed there as an attempt of somo Ilubllsher to "boom" his Btock and sell hIs goods. Then, again, SOOle pecu, liar titles may have their origin In Incidents about as Important as the foUowlng: Haydn one day received a vIsit from a butcge l' who saId that hlmseU lind his daughters were admirers' of Haydn's mUsIc, and as the young woman wus soon tQ be luarrled, he .Dlude hold to Q$k thut the composer write a minu et for her wedding. KInd i'Papa Haydn" consent d and In a few days the man 01' meat obtained bls muslo. Not long afterward. Hndyn was surprised to Ilear thIs sal,n e minuet played und er his WiD' dow. Op looking out he saw a band of musicians formIng 1\ ring nt'ound n , large ' ox , taslefu lly rlecorated with flow ~ rs.' . ,89on -the hutcb I' eame up and presellted ' the ox to Haydn, sayI!!g , that for s uch eite,cll ent Jhllsl~ h~ 'tbought he Otll;;bt to nialte the com, posel' a preselt t of tb e best ox In htll posResslon. Ever s fter thIs mUe c~mpoBltion was I:tllled tile ,''Ox'' min. uet.- .. Fl'on cls Gates, Anecdotel df Gtea:t-M uslclal1s.
AT THE PARSONAGE. Coffee Runs RI~t No Longer.
"Wife and I had a serious time of It while we were co tree drinkers, "She bad gastritis, headaches, belchIng and would have periods of slck- ' ness, while I secured a daUy headache that became chronic. "We naturally sought relle! by drugs without avail, for It Is now plain enougb that no drug will cure the diseases anotber drug (coffee) sets up, particularly, so long as the drug which causes the trouble Is continued. "Finally we ,thcught we would try leaving off coffee and using Postum, I noticed tbat my beadach~s disappeared like magic, and myoid 'trembly' nervousness left. One day wlte said, 'D~ yo'u know my gastritis has gone?.' ' "One can hardly realize what .postum has done for 'us, "'Vhen we began to talk fo others. Wife's tather and' motber w~re botb cofTee '.,Irlnkers and slliterers. ' Their' hendaches lett entlrel,t a. ' s,b art tf~e a({41r they ohanged frpm 'c orree to Postum, , "1 b 'gan to enll.ulre; among ,my: parishioner,S and found to ,IPY' 8stoq:lshment that numbers of them u e Post- · um In Ilisce of coffee.. ' Many of the ministers ' wlio 'have visited , ou\, parIon age ho.vo become ebthUIJlast1c cham· plODS" of Postunl." Nn,Die ', dven by Post~ln Co.) Battle Creek, Mich. I nherltal'lce. Rel,ld, the -little book, ..~ Road tQ "They say his father got bill start 'n Ufe by olleratUIJ • three-card Wel1vlJle,~' .In PkP" '~erot. ~ feaeon." ICYft ' at county falra." , •11 wODder If lbat &ceou1Ul tor _ fact that hf ~ & t1Jt~lIlOtf
- ,n u /l d A
Mou ntai n Top's ' f! Joy
PeLW lo ne ni .BY JYARIlLiv
and Val leys
sf Dep ress ion
r;?5;!~"IlERE Ilre all SOrls of
CaUlps. from the busty voyage ue r bivoua c or tb How Great P ic kett Charge Looked to a blg·gam e ,huuter l a the T IS very pi Ilsant at tim es Spectat or on Union LeftsereDe lI umm e r retreat to c limb tb o mou ll ta tn top~ Gathere d Up Wounde d. when on e InvItes bls or joy a nd rrom 1I0llle 80ul to ease In ' atu ro' s ~Iou n t Pisgah to vIe w Iho On the rt rs t day at Oettysb ul'g S dg· Lotus·lund - lhat " pl a ce Inn dscarJo !Jeneath . There wi k' lI 'ixl h ·urps. IU wblc'h I wns whero It seemed al\\'ay s Is j oy h l so doIng, a nd our arte rn oon ." a u Is f e l r err s hed. As II rul u It Is attach d. WU H at ~lllnC'hes( 1'. About I nutled, I think tbat the Qulnte sll Dce of cam ptar s up erio r than d we lli ng lu tbe val· I o·(· Jodt a. ru .. Ju ly 1. 11163 . we reo eel v ed orde rH to nHlku a ll hasle to Ing Is rea ched wh e n one kn o ws th e le YB ot d ep r eB~ l o n . (;<'It),sliurg. PII ., 1I'I'I I eR F'rankll n n road· gamo thoroug bl y e noug h 10 be alJl o E ve lln n.- I alll tlorr y, but I cannot Tb mOll ntaln tu ps o r Joy are l u sl Il e Huudre d Ilnd Nl ne- marr y a nlfl" of you r c baracte to draw I'rom Natu re al one all tbe the thing on whi ch to ta ll a Joy·r Sl. hell . uf t ho r. lee ll th PC'nn sy l \' llniu. nuw 1I\' Ing In comfort 8 that clvl1l 7.atl oD alTo rd s. In E dgllr- Wha t have I e ve r done? It Is my d e llgbt to ta rry Ihere an d to Pltilu tl plph la. ' In tho Nntio nal 1' rl b ulle. addlUon to tb o th ous Rnu joyS whl c b E ve lln n- I h uye just lea rn ed tbat eujoy 'tb e s piri t ual scen e ry . lI ow no civili zation can give. It Is far de lig htful It Is t o len v e IItI ca re bR. Th e ;n m il es \\'1IS made In 17 hours you are a dir ector In a lire Ins uranoe el\8ler to do this lhan ont! would 8Uphind and to take a bll tb In lh e qulot· w llhout a ha ll. We ar rl v II on th e com pany. paso. for tbe reas on that most of tb e ude and grllnde ur or 60me mou n la in fi eld al 2 o' loc k In lh aft moon or drawba c k8 of camp IIr come from n g . The Fly. where your medltat lo u s nr e n o t d is· J ul y 2. nnd occ u pied posi ti ons on Lltll e Ilounu To p. "Whe re on earth do I hose ril es corne lect at simple cleanllu ess nnd ord ln. turbed and whe r e onl y th e w h I Rp~r· I. wi th n n umbe r of m h r ~ . was rroln ?" Is u fl' queu t and despal rln. ary bodlly comfort s. s ucb as hom o Ings of nat ure come to you r bal'l dP.lll llet.l to. b"lllhcr III tit , wounde d Question . sapiens h1l8 becom e Ilcc USlomed t o and ears. T ber e Is joy on Bucll fro m t he w heat fi e ld, lh e ndjn{'en t T hey mny ('orne dow n the c himneY'll. tram bls cradle. mounta in tops that CIIOII Ot be e x· wood bac k of tl lf' D e\' II't; De n a nd n wuy If l b e fi rep laces hll ve ti ppi ng damper Tbe subj ect of cam ping Is really 80 s. pr essed In ward a. Such a place Is th e o ver th e ft elds t owa rd I he Tro stle T heee sho uld be tl ghlly closed In 11yVllst tbat It canuot be eve n appruac h. place In whlcn to s ing tbe ti me. Au RpP I'eclablo fn ill ng off 1n ed In a sla gle arti cle. It s trlk 1I a t praises of God and co unt ove r his l.be lr numb er will bo the res ult. A floor spn e tbe ve ry roots or life. At Its bes t It man y IDe I' ·Ies. It th e cb lmne ys h ave no t tbe Upbald s up a mirror to us all, showing at 8 . by 14 feet An hour spent th ere Is mos t ref res h· pIn g dampe r, a scree n 8uch a8 Is uled bow tar civilizat ion and ove rpopul a. Is a mp le tor Il Ing to both bod.)' a nd so ul. It YOU uo for a w in do w can be filled Into the tIon have combin ed to se pa rate us bunga low or this not bolle ve me try It on ce, and illY fir eplace; or , e as ier still, a bundle at tram tb e eaRy formula or lire wblc.h klud, wltb a word tor it, you will be nnxlous to try !laper mny be' s tuffed up th e chimney . tbe Creator Intend d ; how tbey have gamLre l roof as It agaIn. E llher metbod Is 8uccess tul, and no drIven Ihousan ds to s tarv a ti on wltbln sbown In tbe nDrawn Nearer to God. trouble Is too great t o ge t rid of these a stone's throw ot tho tubul ous ly rlcb. lus trall o n . It But 1 am not ce rtain .It s ucb enjoy· summer pests. wberea s Nl1tur ga ve e ve ry m a n the 1'1'111 have a door ment 18 as beneficial as tbe expe rl. equal stre ng lb at bls own two hand s . In eacb nd. a eDces otte n received In tbe valley of OrigIna l "Hello Bill." wbl c b were once ampl e to win blm window at each depress Ion. It takes all kInds of situ· William G. Meyer, who died la IIvelibo od and bap plneu. side; do o rs and aUons to make strong men and Pbllad elphla, Pa., January 7, 1911, la women. In tbe valleys at depress ion When one Is acter trav eling game, window s made said to have been the original "Hel.lo tbere are many things tbat draw us or on a canoe trIp, or Buch nomodl c at gauze tacked Bill" of tbe Fratern al Order at Elk&. ne arer to God; our bearts are softeoe d camp lUe, th e less at eve rything on tb o same From the Masgzln e of Amerlca D tramnln !lnd we g as re tbe new our Int e ntion s to live taken along tbe better. A good 8lee p· History. oe /U'er to blm . Tbe valley of humll· pane la, Ing bag Is preferab l e to a t nt ; a sin· main Ity Is a good place In whlcb to grow r;le sldllet will pro vid e tb e ulons ll to ra uvas aWnings Redakln In Family. oook wIth ; nnd rifl e. hatcbe t anti knife and In grace and culUva t e repenta n ce. porc he s ove r window s and tbe gable ends are measur Wblle examIn Ing a bole In a 8udlY' ed !Lnd are really all the necessit ies tLIIt can door s , anu a s tone and concret e mn de. After putting tbem In pOSition. What a benefici al chan ge Is brougbt underga rment a woman noticed ber bo menUon d. I e ve n on ce Wellt on a floor. To build It comple te you Ihe saplings can be kn'ocked away and about by Intornal e xamlnat lon's wblle bands whIch looked very red and anchi t k dw ~ lIlng In Bome valley. will It Is bave to brIng out Into th e the weight at the roof always amp w e re nothlllg allowed to we ll to know thys elf, gry. "If you'd throwa way that yele x· woods six rolls of Indurold nr Rubbe r. cept a lloteboo00 k and two al.>ng. and what place sbeets or v como o n tbe gables . Hooks will be Is better calculat low stuff aDd use Hewitt' s Easy Taak blank mus ic paper . A bully tramp o,'er old rooftng. cos ting e d to do It In tban In 2 ~ cents a square ueeded at tbe eaves to utilize the lop LaundrY Soap ae I do:' smiled a the mounta In s It was. too. and 1 sle pt foot, 100 s Quare feet tho valley of humilit y? A r eside nce to th e roll ; IlPU lI'all's trlp as a tie. trle nd, "you'd cut your wallhln l I II t I ror a sbort season running In that valley bas of dressed No. 1 soutb The doors are made just enougb n p es 0 eaves raked up 10 dr y ra·. ern pine,feet troublel l In two-sa ve YQur clotbee . soft maple or hemlock . 7L tbe effect of making the mounta in I ad 1111 d V in es tbat w r e lid III s maller than tbe openIng to permit a tops more enjoyab B re and my! bow nne your handa would y e a 80 by 2 1,i, In : bes', 8 ya rd s of "obblne l or foot deel) wltb dry le when you g e t leaves_ I had on u sIll and linte l at bemloc k to be nalleeS ' there. It Is always feel. You know It'l tbe original wblte. ga uz , 6 ya rds after of So()u a seve re nee duok ca nvas, In tbe doorway . Tbey are covered canvas huntIng slollch bat, ' and and one-half sack of Portlan pure kind. Your ·gt'e.:er sells It." slorm tbat the sun sblne Is best appred cement. gaite rs. In tb e Bult. s hootlng.coat pocke "The Musket ry Was Terrific ." ts N on the In side wltb gauze or bobblne t, Ciated . No r eal Borrows were a Du tcb '" In e rwur8t. bait . a me an no ot a very heavy layout of eithe r lacked 10 tbe trames A s ordId love of money Is certaInl y d b ilion y or mate ri a l. sa y, $2 5 all tolu . lack s. The window wltb galvani zed real joys. Coming out ot darknes s hous e, .wb ere General Sic kl es was so a ozen I,I rd tacks. three potatoe s, and and " .ry se useless tblng, tor tbe mind s are made 1n ttle Into light ye t It will gi ve yoU' a sULrt ror ~ Is a a bunk of bacon. In tb pleasur b adly e we all enjoy. wound ed and los t a leg. It was mu c h occo pled d!tty.bng. with It Is blind to ey· sam e fa shion except that the lower Tb e s badows of trouble without wblch I n eve r tnk any trip, p ra,lan ent bungalo s have tbelr weary wo rk [or us to do a f ter our ery tblng el se.- Dlphllu w that you Clln al· tbre . r et Is fill ed In with a 801ld s. were little prlm e r.boxes flll ed wltb ways come back use. and biassed Is the long man and' or a woman rduou s m n ~c b of the dny, to wIth ln c rea s lng pll ne l of roofing materia l and a similar b who ean profit by them. but a t'fecllon many . huma n lives were at stake. On arriving at your s ite. piece le t In up above to permit utter. s alt., tea and ' s ugar, and th re tb e llrs.t tblng It Is the bus in ess ot thlll 1Ile to the . I know as we ll a s any man bow d e- A re w mome nts' tim e m eant life to do Is t o "Itc b your were a lso a va riety ot books a nd Itn es. or ma ke e xcuses fo r o the rs , bul none for ... window to s wing clear of the eaves. ligh tful It Is to live on mounta in tops ; death to many o f th em. Amid th e nts. select the very bes t s it your M t r s win g ing tbe a s teel 'possom book and a pi c ke r I gteround ourselves.-Ro be rt Louis Slevens on. door and window but, n eve arrords tor the s bac k clear rth eless, I hnve often fe lt wicked whirrin g of tb e rifl e balls and I b 00 k for f rog g Ing. 1•• was th ' awnIn gs with "rus tic" frames cut In that a res id e nce In s ome on y a li llIe s pa ce to make panels In, and ' explodi ng s he ll s th o wounde d were vallev Is tramp In whi ch I ba d no IlInern r y, sn w your pine up Into Ule right the ·ood~. tbe house Is rea dy for oc· lood for my soul; for It bas th e e b II 't nect searc hed out aud carri ed to th e r ear . a n auy Id ea 0 f ge ttl IIg an yw be re , I n"tbs. You will cupancy e xcept for the fioor. It I. IJt putting down s plrtual prIde and of of Li ttle Round T op to an Improvi need 12 pa nels 7 . Id t b sed an d cou s op w e ne ver lin d us Iong feEl .. t by 36 Incbes for • "e sides, and wort h whtl to ta k e along a can of makIng ne w r esolutio ns to serve God hos pita l, whe re t hei r Injuri es we r e nt · LU I t hi n k I W ll8 a II one tbe powd 8S I p I ase d . e r at Bom e good cold·wa ter (our more pene tal ls t 16 bfully t eet (t In the future. by 3 6 Incbes for tend ed to. Man y d ied on' th e stretch· I t II II , ernoon go ng wo m as arou n d tb e th roof. paint. 60 fl!I to finl s b off the , . A tumble frOID a mounta in ot Joy e rs wbll e be ing ca rrl ell oft t he fie wood· Ge t out the wa lls firs t. The" Nine times in ten when the liver II' na k f ld . . n 0_ one moun tn in d , 0\\' n In t a a ar qui 1(ly a nd s trongly joined byJ work o f th e pane ls. In to aome valley Is not ve l'y pl e ns ant., We be he ld scenes tha t day whi ch right the stomach- and bowels are right. ravlno and up th e. brool, to tb e sp ri llg. dri ving In balt.lnc h corruga ted Iron Tbe e as ies t floor to make in the but It· Is yours to rIse up aga in on can neve r be e ffa ced tram a !lebold. CARTER'S UTILE wbere r cam p d for tb,e. ni g ht. I WIIS lustcnel's, wblcb art) driv e n across tbe woods Is to choose some lazy after· plnlous ot f nlth and enjoy th e lmcurt es e r's me mory. Up to ml rl nlg ht we reo UVER PILLS go ne two days ; bagged m ost at t be joints wit h a bamme r. s Inking the m noo n wben .e ve ryone Is tire d of flsb· Ilgaln or helng far aw a y from tb e maln ed on d eta il. W e lay do wn on gentlybu tfirmJy spe oles or troos' at th e mid dle s tal s flu sh with t.h e surface at the wood. In Ing and floor tbe wbole .of It wltb Oat world and all of Hs Borrows and th e b are ground and fell asl e p, to be pel a lazy liver east at th Appalac blans In tb e note- th is ,.... lI y til e ' wbole cares. 12 can be quI ckly stones take n from tbe natural rock awa k ened by the boom or th e rebels' do its duty. of book. and scrawl d tb e t11\Js lc·s be I.S and s tron g ly knock Cures CanWhat you Ilke a nd wbat Is bes t tor cann on In th e early mor ning of th e ed tog ther. Tack the rares t. s o full at wriggly black noles Ihat the t ho roolln g mate rIal .tip_tion , Inyou are t wo to' the. baCKs or tblrd dIffe r day's ent tblngs. battle. Though God the tbree-fo ot window waln· diae.lio n, publl!<b er got era s· yed t rylu g to tb e pnn e ls a s fa s t as compl"t ed, liS scot pe rmits four cots to. be arnlig~ kitowa best , so be content and trust Ear)y In the . afternoo n, away orr to Sick ' read th e co py. Sucb n camp·tr amp th ey a re ve ry wobbly blm always. and w~ak side- nlong tbe sides at the sback, I preter our r ight, we could henr the boomin g Headach e. cannot las t more th a n two da ys. or ways without tbe materIa l. ThIs lat- this space for living room, and sll)' Proflt From Hard LeSIon. of th e cannon and see tbe long line and Di.tre •• After Eatin., you are apt to s pend th e night hug· lOr Is gra y In color There are lessons to be learned of Pi ~ k e tt's forces emergin g from the SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL wltb a leathury the beds Pullman car fusbion, Just a PRICE.. glng 11 tree. wblle the rain de luges surface, and In each roll comes the little under the roof. Tbe easiest wa, b"th o n tb e mounta in tops of joy and woode d s lope of Se minary Ridge, to Genui everyth ing tbrougb out the woods. ne must bear Signat ure needful nails and cement .tor Jolnta. to do It Is to cut two stralgb t foul" In tbe valleys at d epress Ion. Learn s tart on their ever memora ble but For the light wee k-end camps, or tin CapS, etc. Space the nails about Incb bemlock s, trim. and gain to posts your lessons well Ilnd profit rrom fa tal charge upon tbe center ot the fishing trips not lasting over ten da ys, three In hes and run the cement set uprIght tram tbe floor td ceiling .tbe m. A change Is good. To live nl· Union line. I always take a sma l1 t nt ways on th e mounta in tops of joy ahend as you 1)1111 . The bard war. for agnlns t the front nnd We watched ' tbelr lines advan c ing rear walls. Tbey But the ncme of camp life Is to 11.1'- this bouse will be two do~en stout thus make a sort of rusUc Inside door· would stunt you, and to live contlnu · under the storm ot IIhot and shell rall&e to spend tbe wbole sumDler out Iron books.a nd.eyes for the corners , jamb, 80 do not take any ulteful room, ally In the valleys of depress ion would Crom the Union cannon. Great gn.ps of ,100re, bes ide Borne fa vQrlte lake or and two dozen three.ln opened up theIr lines. wblch w ere ch Iron nat wblle tbe bertbs can be made In the be InjurIou s to you. river. To most at us tblll must be hInges tor doors. Atter bathing In the cold waters of promptl y filled up, and by the time wIndow s and roof spnce behind the [opr·lnc b log by somewh e re wltbln commut ing dis - panels. Both binges and naUs are tacking across len-oun ce duck with depress Ion what a bappy change It Is the Emmits burg pike was reached we Past experien ce ahows great profits IQ tance ~f -iome- large city. To a few best galvaniz ed. n investm ents. especial ly town 20·ounc e galvaniz ed Iron tack!!. spaced to bask on the hilltops or joy; to feel lost sight of them In the gre at vol- Canadia It III given to be able to live tbus In tbe presenc e of Cbrlst and to have ume of smoke which envelop ed them . lots. We are exclusiv e sales agents for H I tbree Inche s apart. B good 'g ame country , leaving the buslthe ~ost meritori ous proposit ion, lots av ng the U panels to bRnd. the In at the middle, tbusA spreade r Is let your mouth filled with praIses. The musket ry was terrific. Tben oPPosite making two sixn6l:l8 cares for the winter montbs. It ne xt step wIll' be the new $7,000,000 shops of the As human beings . we need changes , came orders tor our brigade to mov e Grand Trunk to nail a strip or root bertbs on a side. They are filled Railway, which Is this kind of camp of wblch I .wlsb pine 14 teet long to employ the top and bot· wIth several Inohes of balsam browse and It will be well with us It we ' can to the rlgbt. But the c onflict was 6,000 men. Lots sold for cashwill and on tho particul arly to speak, for It Is an Ideal tom of eaeb four panels, get Into tbe habIt of takIng pleasan t· over before we could reacb tbe BcS'ne. installm ent plan. Present prices from making two and /U'e then ready for the sleeping llf,e. ~ Id e s at tour panels eacb. wltb 2· bags. Tb e wbole floor space Is, b, Iy all tbe clrcums tance8 that God sur· w.. were then hurrIed back to the $7.00 per foot and upwards . Safest and Aa B matter or facl. tbe bungalOW foot window space In Round Tops to protec t our left flank. sure9t money maker on the market. th e middle of tbls arrange me nt at sleeping accom· rounds us wlt.h . Injhe woods should be the cleaner eacb. In tbe same RejOice and be glsd that you have Our next position was on the rlgbt, Governm ent titles. Write for particul ara. WilY tbe two ends modatlo ns. Ilvallab le for I1vlng room; an nntUer of the two.. It you cnn ara assemb led wltb strips at pine canvas camp chairs, log tables, etc .. enougb to eat, clothIng to ·wear and a General Russel's Third brigade being & roe a board noor, 80 much the better t eight te et long. nailed WINNIPEG. MANITOBA to top and bot. can be put In and one has a · comlort a· borne to reside In. Do not walk about to tb e te rt of tbe Taneyto w.n pike. taco P. O. Box 2108 but be ve ry sure that none ot the tom of two panels wIth a 2'(00t door ble loungin g and eating roo'm (In bad with your bead hUDg down, but 11ft lng south. boards reach out under the walls of apace In between . up your eyes to · H eaven and 'drink In DurIng the nlgbt or July '3 our regl· They /U'e now weatbe r). the tent, s~ that tbe water can fpllow ready to raise up, all the pl,lre pleasur es that come YO ~lr ment took up a position near the sum. but first n founda. Such a bungalo w, of course. has no tbem InsIde. The best way Is to r e nt tlon must be prepare h,u 'o .. bUlich o r brul AO on hla A..nkl. d, and tbe slm. fire any more tban any summer cot· way . In thIs world, In the langung " mit of Big Round Top, where we your ground. or buy It outrIgh t with plest tblng In · the Hoek. SUUe, Kn o o or Throat. woods Is to drIve tage or seaside bungalo w bas, but of the negro hymn. you will be "Some· spent our Fourth of July, 1863. On all mucb of the surroun ding woods as In four a·lncb stakes , about three teet wblle· a canvas tent seems to bave a times up and sometim es down," hut Sunday mornIng , July 6. the r Sixth ABS O,R BIN E YOII cnn arrord. and buy or build a long around . al\ four sides, bavlng two fatal way at getting cold arter the sun do not get discour aged, knowin g tbat corps receIved orders to follow Lee's small bungalo "' . If you have the stnk es at eacb corner. four Father's hand Is ever extende d army on Its . retreat. Leo's r ear guard ...... lftow ..lit 01....., thom oil' "Itbou. ll•• Saw tbem all goes down. tbe bungalo w will hold Its to keep you from railing. homing Instinct you will get to love orr flat to II string was encoun tered at Marsh Run 12.00 per botrl';.r'd'.~~;,,!;':' 'W':~~I';;tlD~O~~ ~:~~ run all around and heat 110 as to never have the damll In myoId days my testimo ny Is Bridge, about tbree miles from Get- IP.1CJW;G~]·M-'ir,·JI'4~. t~~k~~ ~.'~r'!~irlnd. a.. "bat l1tt1e sback like you do your boy- leveled at. say eIght Inches above 'tbe chili of the forest In It. moYo. p .. lllfu\ S .. elUll8o I!inlarKo el GI .. nel .. tbat goodnes s and mercy have fol. tysburg . A tew pIeces at artillery be- GoItre, #tood town. and will · put in all sorts soli. On tb e se the WeD .. .Brul ....) V.. i1C080 VOiDS. V"rlcoalll ... panels can be ~t The prIncipa l use ot sucb n wood· lo,,!ed me all the Old 8 u l"O l . A1I.,..I' alb. P'r l (1., ,1an<1 12 a boUle .t of spare hours Ilnd rainy 4ays In 1m· up and booked at Ing hrought days ot my past life, to bear on tbem, they 4ruS,I IU ordell .......eI. Manur•• tureel onl, tbe corneNl , nalls · land aback Is In the promot~on or what b7 and why should I not trust blm the soon skedadd led. At Fairfiel d, Pa., !:.~.:!.OUNG,P. D. F: .310Temple St.;Sprlngfteld, proving It and making It blore com· being driven down N.... tbrougb the foot· Doctor Van Dyke baa aptly. name, remaInI ng daya of my ex.l stence1 we had quite a lively skirmis h with fortable . The cheapel lt one 1 know of strip Into tbe posts. To make the "daya off." Withou t It, many a boll· them, after wblch tbey fell back Is to lak a half dozen rolls of ready· corners stancb and roofing and some 2 by 1 Incb hemlock sbould be nailed to tight, three cleats day, especIa lly the combin ation one. through tbe mounta In passes towards one at tbe panels, occurri ng on Tbursda y or Friday, lI'orBa!'kaobe,Done Paln •. SwoUen n .... o~ Th. Beam In Your. Own Eye. joist Into the woods and tben build gtvlng sometb lng tor EmmIts burg. All along our line or I';o"t ••_ularll"t lJoln .... IIlu.ol" Nor"no ... aud the books to pull wben Saturda y and Sunday are thrown Nou .... llI'lo P .. lna of anlClnds . Thu m"".roll .. ~I. Human ity Is Inclined to creep on march tbat day every house and barn Ino1 the , shack yoursel f. It ,Is surprisi ng agnlnst. There will . .. tlsr" cl.oryl:lomo n oruod1 OY O' pl acod beforetb. be cracks at ttie In for good measure , are wasted b&P {) b II ufor lbo perulan on t cu ro o r t his trv Ubloaomec on. Lb. 1udgme nt seat, and judges rashl, w~ filled with wounde d men of Lee's 21110 bow' far Into the backwo ods 1I'0u can I corners and joints, 0 . A trIal .. III no.ell. nppolnt J oU. H lUJ to takeand to protect cause one feels more or less unpre- er ubjustly the charact er or conduct army. At abo\lt 10 o'clock that wing 9.mnll 4oso- Prurupt rc au hla anel Modem ... PrI .... get with thIs stuff, given a cOUple of tbese from the wenthe ~ nll""l dl recUOllS- Doee-Ulo L nnd ~01l"rt.1 Jnaltuor and at tbe p'ar~ and dlslncU ned to break a new ot olh<ers. It beebove s us best. to be- received orders to report ' at Hagers. ~I o nl "I t.b canoes and ' a day ' or so's Um~. 'IIame time guard against "'le b pack.,O . "'1«:. b, ••U.i(k;1tth: M.J."," ."" the Inevlla· trail for so shtJrt a time. But If It t. bold IWd consIde r the beams In our town, and tram thence we marche d to DR• WINT ERS HOME REMEDY CO. Pick out a pictures que sIte, where ble warping .or the jol8t In-... tbe weath. merely a matter or packing some. proSchenec tady, H. Y. own eyes, and look to Jesull "bo gIves face Lee's army at William sport, 011 t~e outlook will be a pleasur e er, you bad best hunt up stralgb t 4. visions and the sleeping kIt. whlstUn g us the vIctory over all our weakne sses the Potoma c rIver. for man), a lIerena bour to Incb spr.u·c e or cedar sapling s and flat. up the "pups," and takIng ' a train to and fallur.s 'b y which we ao allen come, and illicit tbe . s.h ack up ' agaInst ten the backs true and set them up In tbe n'eareat jumplng -off place In the wound and weaken , or even cause our a rocky slope or IIteep turn o( tbe front ' of the cracks, . Eats Meal. Standin g Up. securin g the pan· vl'Clntty of "Loafer s' a.orr," ,or wbaLbrethre n 'or alstera to tall. 'I'!:ose wbo mounta Inside ",lth a souther ly out· els to them wltb nails J. F. Aylor, aged sixty·nl ne, bas drIven from the eyer you have named the ahack. tou ~bor most success fully In advanci ng neIther eaten frOm a 'table look. . You will fttId that the eight. or Inside. The roar' panels come neIt, w111 let out of It ,many: a 'pleasan t nt. ~e.lr own splritua i warfare are beat down to a meal with any qt~ernor sat ·.ten tel.lt ~a9k ' or' the bouse, between 16 feet long by person " approxi mately 36 tie ouUng,' each one a diiunoil lt·polnt fttted It and the wall, ' will soon grow Into ' Inohe8 wide;' a .Iap to ~ us,1ul to ·otherJ. ·-R. s. since the close at · the CIvil war In being lert over at In your ·memotl ell. ',. , . . . . ahelb-. nhiab'l e . "lIntet" , and m~y Some day sbown tn the detail 1865. ThIs remark able condItio n was ' o.t ·lbe toot-j'ol nts, The beauty ot makfq 80m. ~ott' of alford po.alblU tJ ot a Oeld:sto ne eblm·. 81) as ' to leaYe . no re,veale d when Aylor and ) his son, R. ' place for ' the rain a begtnnl DI ·for a ' tONtlt·_ home II that The Divorce Bvll • ney when', YOU .~av.e tbe. time and '.a to work In. Th~re B. ·Aylor, both of Bouton ~ount)l. w~re are 12 hInges, tou~ 'each year It . leta bett.r ·aDd · more Who .Iell~ns the. iacredn eas 'of the arraIgn ed before Federl)l Judge Speer eanoe load of qillckUm e brQu,ht out at each joint, and the frame III dial" lehlcM ble _ you retUJ1l to It 1 mantas e Itrlkel a blow at the bul· at Macon, Ga., charged with 1IIegaUy from the cleartn ll, ' The frame pan· onated· .1 with the wan panela. To' afWi-.... -.,..,. . . or ·, your tummet warD of Datlona l freedom . Wh. leUlng liQuor. Tbe' eider Aylor had . a ell wlU wo,it o1J(""much' a. the lketeh ,et. the roof on, 11ft ft up on the Walla, outlnl and u.p oD t1x1ns aDd tmprol' CloW'll the home, teua dOWll th. knap8ac k s.!~ng acroaa hll .bouldel'll~ 'Thei are of tbe width of the rooanl, raise the rICJ,e ' unUl about U ..Jacb.., aDeI 1 reet bllb, ella,ona lecl, . . . . o"erba D" ~~ tb. lteiH,. 00; foOt of tn, It. It'' one of the cheapea t aolta: nation. ed rro~ presellt JDdleaUODi anel In It, he sald, -,rere pronelo ne .ut aDd nail tiona of U all ~lIlDler bome aD4 . . . the 41.orc~ ••U tend" to . . abo". to ..ue them rlctd, aad the ~Iht .p11q l to the accomp li" ftclaDt to Jast him' untU ble cue W&I end. to hold til. pereJlD.l&1 lumme r JlroblllD let · .Ch1a mult. -a... A. Lew". ~ dltpoae d ot. - He pv. DO reuoD e. ...... .. ~ &o-1be baoU or Itnl la Ita Jlf0D8l' polltlOIl wlall•• YIad. IaII e.traDle conduct ......U.t. W..... . lIMa. .
Mak e the Liver Do its Dut y
D ~
ua... ·...
SprtOg Valley '
Mis!1' Milt.lre \ Hnln R, ofltlobm ontl J" II ," l lI ~ J.lt\llClln p R v T,. d we ' k . \.\ I h h r grlludw()th r, Mrs. 1~; \i,7. a 1),· "It !:labls . ' M s. Lucy Donuhu' 0111\ on .1 'llue WATU gnO!!18 In t wor k of Mr. /I Id Mrs. Kingnnd fll w tly . 1i N EV'l WII''' tli ul(, of OilY ton , ' . itoli \ !t il Mr n ll(.\ M r ( '. M . J' u l k !) I'
falllll\' 1
1 wlIlI l..
'Irrlngton, of North~lJle, Mi oh , pnid /.L, vil'it t J. K. l:!penoer lind tUlllily.lust w ek. 1\0113Y Stepheos, of Cinoinnati, spent one day lllst w ek with hIS futher pere. ~I ia~ Lenll Mve rs r '·nrned toO ber b OIll ,,! in MUl te r, Monday m ortling , Mis>l EdnR 8 p no r left und~y ulU ,u lng f o r It, vi it wiLl! Mrw E IIIIlllI 'fllw uBend , at Martiosville, Ohio. Muster DWllin HolJlngsworth, 01 Lud low Full!! is vi 8itiug his aunt. Mrs Will Norton . Dr. nnd MrR. 811nokolfoTlI and' J ollo 'horwood lIl ot uroll 10 "ayt:>n 8uu dn y . Mrs. her wood nnd Miss MalleI returned wi th tbelll . Mrs Clllls 8pence r nnri obilllren, Ott 'l nnd 'leo, and ,1 0110 Spenoer, of Leha non, 8ptmt ' nnc1.IY with Mr. and Mrs. J K. Hpence r. Mr nnd Mr/'!. Clnrence Hh erwood unr! ohildron peut ~nnd!\y WIth Mr. nu d Mrs. n.. B. Emmons cmd danghter Warren Smitb, of Dayton, visited th e Sher .vood fumily lust week . - - ... - - -
' r Oln
THE GREAT WARREN COUNTY fAIR September' 12, . 13, 14, 15 1911
Mr. lill rhe!' roceh'tlll t hEl ~ 1I 111l ewa F no llY ElV uiu g libut h It:! fll tller In y. II .. ", RiJrlDBt! f 11 fr olll II )lllllr tl'et! lOl oa kinl! his neck. 1'.11':'1 Van ' Vio kl lIn d Olh' AnnIlf\e WAro hiit,OfMIII X tl UIU 'l'hursllll Y· Th e tow n"hip tl ncl vill agfl t'chools 1ltlgl n MOOtl ll,V, ppl'e mber ·H.h. !\II' . ullerVl' ood ill spend lug soy· Ar.d w "I[s with h t; r dll llghtnr Mrs: U . V. ' lllI ~. Mr Krn g WII '" t h e J.:11~H t. IlIst' w. wk uf r Ill tiv s in Chil licut bo . Mi s H rthll ~lI r loy, of H.Ilniltoll, W IIS tbe g ae!!t, Ill!!t wee k of roltlti ves h ere. Miss Annu Bolt, of PenIlsylvn.nln, iAspendin g !level'lIl wee ks wit,lI reI· nt.lve here. Mr. and Mrl:!. 'L'lrimer are enterNew Burlington taining th ei r son fl,nd fawily . Memberll of the Conklin flLmily Mrs . Elv lrl1 Truman Is spendin g n few dllY s wi til relati veH bere. in tbis vioinity attended their ram John Bood lind bride left Satur i1 y reunIon lust Friduy. dll Y l/l orning ufter spendioK t·wo Mrs. Ibbie UolJette and Miss Netweek here wi th bis puren til tIe EVltus, of Barve.n burg. were Mrs G. V. l:!im and daughter, guests last week ofT. C. Haydook Kllte spent se verul weeks lit the ,and family. Flllls, Penn. a,nd other pllloee reMrs . Horace F. Compton has been turning Illst t3ullrlny, liss Rute 11e· quite siok for several days . log verv iok . I3he I S slightly im 'rhe Friends Missionary 800iety J)foved now. Dlet at the home of Mrs . Alice Wal Mrs. Or ville Bood and daughter ton l3aturdllY. Bre the gue ts of Mr. and MfS. Cluy· ¥is9 Floro. Harlan wn's in Dayton t.on Holl efs uud fumily . last week attending Te!l.chers1ntltiCbarles !Jill a.nd John Walton are tute. e>J1endlug 0. few days at Norfolk and There will be an Anti.l:)aloon vlnioue otber plaoee . ;.ellgue meet.ing lit the Friends' Mr. and Mrs . Philit-l Hawke spent ohurch on ~ondBY evening addressed ' u,nda.v wlt.h her parents Mr. and by Rev. Wllllams, of Columbus. Mrs. E. M. Copsey. ------ -~.~----Corwin. Marsh B"rJey and wife, of Dayton 8pent . t!undllY with Arthur Moon . Rond family.. . Mrs . Alloe MoKinsev and Mi8s Miss Milry Salsbury, of Wa.ynes- f.illie Nedry enter~aiued at ,d inner ville, Bnd George Ken.t, of Bellevue, Saturday Mr. and Mrs. W. W. were gu sts over Sund!'lY of their Weloh and eon. of Harveysburg, grandparents, W. V. Luce and wife and Mr. and Mrs . S. Weloh, of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. MendonhaJl Fort Dodge, Iowa. Mrs. Claro. Graef, of Troy, WIlS took . Sunday dinner with D. W. Anabee and family, a reQent guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. Graef . Bellbrook. , Mrs. James MorlJan has been serio ously ill but at this writing she Is Mrs. O. R . Peterson will enter- mooh improved. tain the Ohl'istltul Endeavor BooiAty Mr. ElUlI Spray and family atteDd: of t~e Presbyterian ohuroh at het ed the Olea ver Rioh reonlon near . home 00 East Franklin street next Wellman Saturday. Wednesday evening. Mrs. May Johnson and Uttle C. W. Kason who ha.s been poor. daughter are Visiting her parents, ly with rlieomalism ill now oonfined Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Morgan. to ' his bed, bot is r~portell better Mr. and lIIrs. P. Hainea, of MaiDa· Mis~ Carrie Kemp, of Dayton, is ville. spent liuuday with Mr, Vl8iti.n g relativee at th.s place. James Raines and family. ' Mr. and Mrs. Chu. Brelsford enMr. 1. Sime and wife were 8uo. t(lrtlLined the following last week: day guests of his Sister, Mrs. Hope Mr. ,and Mrs. Harry WAaver, of Stiles. Da.yt )0', r. Brelsford aDd niece, Miss Mies Inis Davis is 03pendiDgthis Mcibel Roberts, of ll'ranklin. week with James Vandervoort and .resse Conner, of DetrOit, Mioh., family Ilear Corwin. ' is spending his 'vacation witb his Mrs. Delmo Helms'etler visifJed parents, .r. and Mrs. Ch"s Conner, friends in Franklin and Middletown of ·this place. last week. . Mr. R. M. Martz has. purohased Miss Luther Reynolds is Visiting an automobile. her grandparents in Dayton. Miss Metta Mills has gone to Ports. Mrs. M. Blanton, of Horrow, viamouth on a visit. ited relatives here reoently - -- .... ----Balbrook will hold tts annual Bome Coming on Labor Day, Sep. LOST ANOtHER OAME tember ~th , Everybody attend, 'Miss EdDa Dinwiddie has re The Miamis went to Xenia Sunday turneJ home from 0. pleasant visit and lost their game throuah bad urn· with ' Miss .Nellie Cunningham, of piring and intimidation. The boys GreeDvlllle. played good ball and would have Mr. and Mrs. Will Decker, of Belmont, visited friends at this piticn won with a good fair umpire. The last 8undll y. score was 6 to 1. Mr . and Mrs. James Turner Ilnd LABOR DAY GAMES fumily of Springfield, are visiting his parents, Mr. Ill1d Mrs, .loho There will be a double-header game 'l'urner. Mr. Harper Bla('k and Chtl.s. of ball here Monday. The band will Brelsford viSited hiB parenta near probably be out, and a good crowd XeDlIl Ia.st Sntutdn.y and t3nnday. is expected. .
.,- .
Greatest Racing Program Ever Given. Largest Display of Exhibits ever on the Grounds. $5,000 in Purses and Premiums.
Special Trains and Excursion Rates on all Railroads and Traction Lin('s~
SPECIAL Women with Babies will be admitted FREE on Friday. Baby show at 2 p. m. $5 in gold for prettiest baby girl; same prize for baby boy. Second prize for both boy and girl, $2.50 each.
Splendid Free Attractions. Send for a Catalogue. General Admission, 25c. Automobiles and Vehicles, 25c each. Membership Ticket, $1.00. Children under 12, 15c; Children under 6, free.
w. o. GUSTIN
[=[J1~~~~~;~!~~~=I]il Miss Audrey Cleaver spent last I Mrs Edith Harris vi ited relatives wef'k with her aunt. Mrs. Chas. Gray. in Cincinnati Friday and Saturday.
I Stokes I Miss Olive Kellison, of Springboro, I
Mjsses and Ethel spent Sunday with Miss Mary Par. l is the g uest of many of her friends j here. lette. Mr. H. H. Wadsworth and Dr. , Miss Whittake r, of Dayton, is the C. W. Henderson were Dayton vis- guest ·of her sister, Mr. Joseph itol'S Friday. Hormell.
Tho Tru8t.o08 ot Wny no Tu wns hlp will 8,,1
to tho IOW08L nl811OIISIbio III,hl ol', 011
Everything Cood to Eat Canning Supplies of All Kinds
Saturday. September 9, 1911, At :I o'clock p. m . • ou Ule ground •. the ('UII tract for 1\11 labor n llCossnry \.0 "ut clo WII Iho Harrison Cornell hill , on the Lytle I'iku. l) lnll~ and spociOcatlon8 011 Ole aL 'r ow ll sWp lerk '8 ornco. DOlld of 1400.00 18 required of sllct;IlS><III bidder. The Trultl,lOB rcsorve the rig hL I, nlJoct any or all blell!. Uy ordor ot tho 'l'nlstooll of 'Vayne TowII a/llp. l~ . O. UAUEY, Olerk.
·Pure Paris Creen "
Mrs. Grace SIT,ith is attending the Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Gilmour have returned from their visit to fall mHlinery openings in Columbus South Lebaoon. this week.
Coarse Salt
Miss Laura McKinsey spent atur· Mrs. Ellen Nolan and Master Robt Nolan, of Newport, Ky., are guests day night and Sunuay with Miss of Mrs. Mary Wise. Mary Gray.
Moores Oil- That Cood 011
Mrs. Stanley Sellers. of South Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Frazee, of Sardinia. were the g'uests of Mr. and Charleston, spent Monuay with reI· Mrs. R. G. Cross Sunday. atives here.
It pays to trade at
Mrs. J. W. White is in Dayton atMrs. Charley Kindle, of Cente~vi1le spent a few days the past week with tend ing the annual conference of the M. E. church. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Burnet.
Notice to Contractors
:' cnnsylvanlH ~..... . --LINES--'
\ I
Springfield, SSc or
Columbus, $1.40 NEXT
Train leaves Waynesville, 8 :48 n.DI
SOME FINE FRUIT Mrs. Emma Chancellor, of near Miss Nellie Smith, of Wilmington, Wilmington. was the guelt of Mr. is the aue.~t of Mrs. Annie O'Neall I. Satterthwaite sent the Gazette DR. E. H. COSNER, and daughter. and Mrs. George Dakin last week. office a branch of apples Saturday that was fine. There were 12 apples Mr. James Holland. of Dayton, Mrs'. Merissa Redfern, of Xenia, on the branch, it beif)&' about 6 visited his sister ' Mrs Louise Wool- spent last week with her brother inches long. ley and other r~.iative; here Monday. John M. Phillips. ' J. W Hisey had a cucumber at 912 Rcibold Building, ~e Gazette office Saturday that Ruth Murray will preach at the Dt:'. J. A; McCoy returned Monday Orthodox Friends church Sunday after a week's visit with friends in beat them all. It was 16 inches long, Dayton, . . • Ohio 5 inches around and weighed 8 morning at 10:30 o'clock . Come and Washington C. H. pounds. It wall a sight to behold . hear her. GnWuat.o Anierlcllll School . Klrks\'llIo, ~rn - - ----Mr. and Mrs. nert Easley and famTOWNSHIP SCHOOL NOTICF. Mr. and Mrs. George Funkey, of ily, of O.x~ord, Ohio, were guests of Chicago, arrived here Monday eve- C, G. Wlllu~mson Sunday. The fownship Schools be~in MonninI for a visit with Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Olassilled Ads Lester Surface, wife ~nd son, Her- day, September 4th. It is desired J. • Funkey. ' man were gllf'.sts at the horne M.r. that pupils who will be six yeara old v................•..........................................r......r......r......r....................................... .,..........................................................................-.•. before January 1st, be started at Ails will be insened under thl K hc;,.d for Mr. and Mrs Mason. WiJliamson George Surfae'e on Sunday. lwenly, lIve cenls tor Lhrce Ins rtlou .. the beginning of tbe school year and Mrs. Nettie Watkins, of Centerwhon using nOl more titan live lines. Mrs. Jennie' McClelland and daugh- Pupils six, after January 1st, should ville. spent las't Wednesday with Mr. ter, Louise, of Uniontewn, Pa, are not be in school this year. ' and Mrs. O. J. Burnet. gu'e sts of Miss Georgia Hadden ~ .F. C. Gilmour, CIDER MAKING SUitt. Township Schools. Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Cadwallader arrived home from Winona Lake Mrs Laura Mosher returned home , cider Dull Itt Ind., Tuesday evening, "according t~ from Morrow County Friday evening CIDER-UYdr~ullo Sprlne VBUey. Will operute LOST FAMILY HORSE after a pleasant visit with r~latives a card received by us Saturday. every'!'nesday uud Friduy. Albert , While Edmund Retalhck and wife Crew. Rev. George Hall, who wtlS to have Mr. E. Hixon, a retired farmer, of were ,attending yearly meeting at given ~ lecture at Ferry on Wedn·es. ! near Clarksville, Ohio, ~as rented ~he Wilmington last week, their horse FOUND day mght, has met with a serious Caskey property, and IS now movmg (which had sef\Ted them so many accident and cannot fill the engage- in. years) was taken With mdlgestlon, ment. and .died in a short time. Mr. ReOdlLO'S COA'l'-Owner oan r~. THE ,S HADOW OF THE CROSS tallick regretted the death of the cover same 11y callIng at tillS office. proving property and pllylng R. A, Cross is in Cleveland, Ohio, h th I h d ed h as s e a serv em ong for ad. orae, This wonderful ~icture has been where he went to meClt the directo rs secured from 'the National Capital, and well . of the Ohio Hardware Association, ------.-~ -----WaShington. It will be shown in the to make arrangements for th~ shO\v picturesque auditorium just off the PASSES ABOLISHED FOR SALE at that city this winter. Woman's EHilding. A small charge, . . . will be made to t:!ee it, but all those I F or years the Issumg of free pass, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pugh and son who are dissatisfied may have their es has been a curse tQ the State and TO.MAT OE8-Wlll 11e ready to put Harry. of Cincinnati, Mrs. Mary . . Co t F' Th Oh' St t B d .,up i n a few days. They aro mon'ey back. The picture is a mys· un y . airs. e 10. a e oar fine; .CaU Obas. W. Frye, R. D. Pugh Wildman and daughter, of tery. It arouses curiosity and mak~s has .recelVe<i many c?mph~ents fO.r 4, WlLynesville~ Phone 49-1 L 2tl. Philadelphia, were guests of Mr. those who see it think of the super- havmg voted to abohsh thiS permLACK f i . . t and Mrs. Thad Zimmerman Sunday. Th h Id b t Ilm ly mare for sale oheap natural. This auditorium will be CIOUS sys em. ose w 0 cou es H. Gustin, Wayne~vilJe, OhIO. Dr and Mrs W. H. Bailey left a quiet resting place and you may sit afford to pa~ often receiv~d. the f~Tueeday for Doyton. where they will and gaze at this marvelous work of vors. The b('ket o~ admiSSion thiS HOUSE of 0 rooms and summAr are restecI and refreshed year will be a silver half dollar for G ~itoben, formerly owned by attend Conference this week. After art until-you . _. _ • . old and,a silver quarter dollar 'for eo. hompst)n. Inquire OQ pram_ .a short visit to relatives in Clinton t' k t . 'th IS6fI of Miss Manie Robioson . . · young f 0 Iks ' . Brmg your IC e WI . . THE O~AHAM RE UNION , county, they will 'leave for Tampa, Have yoqr piece of silver GOOD 80 .... · Bod Pigs; all io fine ' you. , Fla .. their ·f uture borne. The'Graham reunion held at the ready when you come to the' gate.s. , oo~dllion. · ~Gr· narti<iohI.f8 ad-' ' Joseph J: ' Smith and wife, of residence of Elmer Earnhart last By so doing you. wiU avoid the ruSh dreR~ r.&anrice Silver, R. D. 4, WhY, Fowler. Ind,: , ~rs. Emma Johnston,' Saturday, was a remarkable one in at the ,change booths' and mistakes nesv lie, ObJo, ph~ne 49 2r. of Hoopeston, Ill., Mrs. Margaret A. that . there were ' fourteen persons will' not be made. . pAPER N A PKINS-Tb a Gazette Pierce, ot r..ebanon, Ind.. , Mr: Joe ·present ov.er 75 Y,ear8 of age, 'one " .- • office b&ndle~ tbe plain white and MI8ses Ella and Sadie Ebright, ~ 88, and 2 aged "82.- The oldest Notic.e of.Appointment.. an~ oolored ila-pklllll. Call and lIee of -Dayton,' Chp,~SmjtJr. and wife, one, Uncle . John ' GriUlam, aged 92 . . them. • Harry &nith, wUe ~nd daqg1)~r, ot Yei\l'9, 'o~ Franklin-; w~ unable ~ be ENte 01 Anna ' Leonard, deceued{" Th~ Tl~UE PAPER-If-;ou "' ..n' Springboro, and Will Smith and wife tere. There were about . 170 pet- ,:,Qd'::~~:'r ~h:p'=':e~fara.?:~"! Any oolor of flna "sa,ue p'lper of Fr.nklin, attend~ the fUDeral' of sONdn an.resent. and an enjoyable ~WW~Dd'Qo':l1UIY'. drta: call a' 'be tlar.e.te ~tIlce . . We have ~IIi!I"""iIII."-!III"_"" ~. Thomas Smith Tu~.. day h08pltablehome 'PERRY a, \a;~~K. ~nifeftcor. It on baud all she dDie, .
Osteopathic Physician
.. - ..
. -.
B .
We clean your Seed Wheat any day, and Guarantee results. .
for . Seed, · Olea'n ed.
Waa8penhtthi l
D YE /\H .
-......--- ....- -........... .,-
,F ormel" Citizens ."I
.- _------_-_1 :
Th oma 1 H ..' mit h. who waHbu ri ' r1 in M iarn i cenH,·tel·\IJ last "'J. lI esday , wrote th e folluwing Hkf'lch of hi:; Ii r<:fnl' the Hoo p 'stor. ( III. ) Daily 'hl'u nicl ' :
.... _--
WHOLE N U MBElt 81 23
. -----,.-- -- -
f····-·-····..·····-+.. ··-···.. .......-.. - ........ ..... ···+o_·..:~~..~"1 !. Persona1M· i I i j . entIon Column ii
and th en move .' to a littl e farm nea r ·-· ·-·-·-~.--· LaFaye t l. ·From th re we w n t to • 'j .................,........ _ .... H
............... _
. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
F'owler. Ind .. and f rom th re to Ott ·rb pin. Aft r a short time we moved to Hoopeston, land ing here aL ! L_........................ _ ................ ,,~......... IJ b I ' I I. 'i . .......'............------..: 1\ out twe ve 0 c oc~ noo n on t he ............ (~I·f.;l day of March, 1 77. I have T .. . .. ...........'............- ••• _-lived here ever since , My wife d ied , ry M.aple Nut Icc Cream at Try Maple Nut Ice Clcam at March .7. 1 93, a nd on August 2. 1 94 ~chwartz s, 'chwartz's. I ma:'ricd Elizab th Dewitt, my pre ent wife . A. B, Sides was in Lebanon Satur· Mrs , J, M. Thompson was in ayda p. t "N ow the b L of all is thal when J on Mon d ay.
Following is the letter s n t to the Cleaver-Carr'-Rich I'eunion :
Mrs [i'1' d Hart.'>ock and Mis.q Monro~ia. Cali, Edith Mosh r were gues of Miss Deal' Friellds of the Rounion:Being separated from you this re- H nri tta McKinsey at dinner Friunion d ay by a distance of 3000 mil es day, causir g it to be impossible fo r us t~ , attend in person, we would send thi~ Miss Ke;: ia M I:lI'l'iLL nte rtained at· word of g reeting, w ishing for you tlinn e l' last Thursday v ning, Mi . [ s l3rteu in to lea l'l1 1Il.y trade I, Gef) l'l~'e Zell and D. L. Crane were Miss Pearl Cal' y, of Dayton, was a pleasant and happy day. Much a.< Dora Elli ~ , Mi .·fI Ma ry Bi s ph ~lm and we would love to be with you, and Miss Addi' B. Keys, s() lIghl lh e~avi()r. and on t hec v'lI in v, I ill Ll'ban r' lI Vl'itiay. home over Sun day . enjoy the pleasure of meeting k ind of 1 l'ct' ml'PI' 2• • J S" at , prin gl ic ld. ' iI), th e Lu rd conve l'led lil Y sou!./ Mrs. ". A, BI' un el' al'l'ived home A nice lin of tally and place cards f ri et;lds, w atfl being very much 1 lHl\'C liv('d ill HUllp , ton n w twcn from Mason atu I'day. fo r sale ~ t Ka ther ine Alexander's. pleased with our we!lter n v isit . I I M I MI ' . Lee Hen d erson ell'II . r. ani ly· nin' y a r.' Ilnd I ave th ' I eupl ' of . WI not attempt to g Ive you a de· It t ' d d D dM ' C . t' f h b ' I er alne un ay , 1' , an rs.. 1l')() I)('J.;t."11 lo ju dge me, hoping they Eli But'nett and Elhan Crane were Mesdames has. Rye and F. C. SCI'lP IOn 0 t e eau t les we saw A H d d f 'J Mr. an'd I en erson an ' amI y. will b' a s ea'y as pu!> i I on 01' . [ alth O 'ounty Seat Saturday. Carey were Davton visitors Friday. a ong the way, fi rs t, because 1 am M B H en d erson an d f amI'1 y' ' , I rs,F. . .' I'XPl'c.l tu reach the Heavenly it) a poor h an d a t rnaIclIlg pen pictures , ·. all d Mrs.R,A . Cross, aft I' wlJile." Or. and Mrs. oope r', of Dayton, Mpssrs. George and James Dakin, secon, d th ey must b e seen to b e ap. In addili In to lhc abov{, it may 11.: W 1'0 visiting relatives here unday. of Middletown, spent Sunday and preciated , only one t hing I will mell· . a id l ha i. t 11> st! 11 I MI's ,' mith e1i ,r1 tion. Of course, neVf'r having sepn Mrs. ha.'3 . Cornell was the g uest Monday here. tee ncean. we were very anxious. and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ellis enter· Ft;'hl'tlal'Y ~~, Hll t, and her hody Wa!:' of 0 ayton reI atl. ve::; severa I d ays la t Fred E , Hartsock, of Cincin naLi, our fir~t sight was just in time to tained unday at a family dir:mer. LHk, n L lJmnchvill . N·w J rsey, I wee {, spent Sunday and Labo l' Day with f<JI' inLel'l'nent. see the Run set and the moon rise Those present were: Mr. J. E. Jan· his family ·here. M,'ss Nil'Ie W I' lk e rson. 0 f S over the water. fhat made a last. ney and family, Dr. and Mrs. J. '1'. prmg lJ ill is th e g ues t of I elatives , and Mr. EIi'King and fami ly, of Acton, ing impression on ~y memory for it E llis, Mr. W, E, O'Neall and family. La\\'rence A. Mo ran, f riends he re . Ind .• are spending some time here was ind eed beautiful. Cr >ek , Co l.. ent u an ann iv rsary We arrived in Monrovia on the with relatives. "M y 11:.l.l)lI' is Th orna! H o!lo\i,lu.' nUlnb ' r of the rip ple Creek Tim es. Mrs. E. H. Colv in anti daughter morning of t he 13th day of Septem. Mr. and Mrs . Edward Roland enSmilh . I \ a~ born in WaIT n COUI1 - '~he paper is twenty years old . and att ndecl t he Com pton and Mills Re. Miss Agnes Schwartz , of Ci ncin- b,er last at t he end of a journey of tertained a t dinner Monday the folty . hi. near lhe LiLtle Miami ri ver i a cred it to any community. The union Sa~urday. nati, spent Sunday with her brother, SIX ~nd one half davs, very tired and lowing g uests: Mr. Lee Woolley and J una p ' , 1 2 1 Iy faLher s nan1t' t.ypographical appearance of the paF. C. Schwartz. ' and family. f eeltng that we w~re strangers in ' family, of Dayton, and Mr'. Clem has. Moore. of Washington, D. C.• w a Ob dial! nd my mother's nanw per is good, and a ll the latest im a strcin g~ land fJut upon entering Crane .and family. ~flS MUl'gat· t . My grandpRr n ~ proved machinery is used in its can· is the g uest of relat ives and friend s Miss Anna Reibold and Mr. Carl the home of Will Gard and hearing < w I'e (~uHk I'a. · 1 lived at hume until stl'uction. The iss ue has halftone here for a couple of days. Cleaver. of Day ton. were gilests. of Mary cal1 from within "welcome to 1833 or 1 3.l, wlten my fat ',cl' eli d . portraits of the leading townsmen, . Mr, hnd Mrs. Lee Wool1ey. of Mr. Chas, Gray and family Sundar. California," we were indeed glad to I then Wtlll t to live with J, M. Had and a sho rt description of them. be· hear a familiar voice and' see a fa •. Mr. and ~tS Clem Cra~e lln~ f,a m.· d n in Waynesville, hiD, and clerkerl sides several good views of that sec- Dayton spent Sunday and Labor Day lly entertall~ed theJollo.W1!"g guests, miliar face. Messrs. Chas. Cbrnell and F. H in a dry g' ods stor untit 1 36 1 lion, We thank Mr. Moran very with friends and relatives here. Monrovia is a beautiful little city Sun~ay: ·Mr. . and Mrs. Roland ~nd Farr, and Misses Luella and Lucile .th en learned Lh addlel'yan ham . much for the pap~r. Mrs . Frank Hathaway, and son, of Cor'nell were Dayton visitors Satur- of about 5000 -inhabitants · Ying at famtiy, ~r. and Mrs. Lee Woolley tl'ad(l rf Robprt Harrison & ons the foot of the mountains ' eigb;teen ~nd family, ~~. and Ml'6. ~Y .fI~~, Springfield. Ohio, were the week-end ~ay. After the first year we moved fl'om Mrs E lla A. Harford. wife of g uests of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hat~. mill'S from Los Ang:eles overlooking gens, Miss H~rle Stayne, MISS Olhe Waynesv ille to p1'i ngfi eld. Ohio. W. M. Harford, died at her home in away. ~ Mrs. Florence Huddle and Mrs. the far famed San Gabriel valleY. BeUPobst, MlSS Ma~ Jud~n, .all ~f " 'John Trainor and daughter. Kathand th n back to Waynesville 8g-a i . New Yo rk. Long Island on the 20th We have apI nd~d ' churches. We Dayton; ~r. Roy Nlebel, !f )baml and wen t into bus ille fo r mYRelf or of Augus t, and was buried in the W. O. Gustin, sec re~ry of th eHne atten~ed .the funeral of Mrs attend the Biptist church bein~ burg:; •Miss Pearl C~ry. of Leb~on., the 4t h da pf Ma ; 1 ! 2. in ~ small FJusl!'ng cemetery, She was born Warren Countr Fair board, was i R~th pavjsT~ur!!day . . more i~teres~ J)D account . of the Dllrmg th~ afternoon 0: ~" . Rl~ge. , r om about 16 ,,0, owned by Robl:!rl - ctober 26, 1848 and for 38 'years of town WedneSday: advertising the mjniilter ' bio nan ' e <ot ~aynesvlll?'J took their ,Plct~es. ' Mrs . Roy Irons and son, R.ss. re- Methodists -avenowun er constru~. All presentieQJoym.theday Ilnmen~H I'd, Ii tailor . her. life was a falthful member of the coming fair. turned home from Lebanon Sunday, tion a new churcQ building at a cost Iy. "A fle r bing in bu in ss about church, and was always ready to do . Frank Farr, Mr. Irons joined them here. and of $28,000, Messrs. Chas. Cornell. f9ul' yea t's I cOllcluded to get n:arricd good and help ot hers when sh l:! --I mar1'i ed Mi qs Hope Rogers Octo b l' could. During her life she often H. E. Hathaway and' C. A. Bruner stayed over Labor Day, The school system of Monrovia is Mrs. J. A. Funkey entert.ained 26, 1845 . and njoy d a very pleusan talked of the boys and girls who attended the Lay Conference of the The regular monthly meeting of considered one among the best of Friday evening in honor of Mr. and wedded life wilh hel' until her d eath were her pupils in the Waynes ville M. E. church Thursday. St. Mary's Guild will be held at the Southern California . A new high Mrs. George Funkey. "500" was the 'fo l1 S f.) ur children wer e .born, an d schools. She tried to set've and Mrs. Caroline Hogers, of Lebanon church Thursdav afternoon at 3 school building is almost comp ltd e e feature of the evening anci delieious they 8 1' all living nQw, l\l argarE:'t honor her God on earth and will reap at a cost of $65 000 a ne " G , . attended the funeral of Mrs. Ruth o 'clock, A full a ttendance is de- . ." h ram mar refreshments were served. The Ann married John L. Pi er ce, wh o her reward in the world where t1 ere Davis Thursday and were .the g ue ts sireJ as important business will be "SChOOl at a co t of$27.000. guests were \1r. and Mrs. J. 0 .. died in 1904, and now :ives a t Leba i neither sorrow nor death. at supper of Mr and Mrs. John discussed , ~our p,rosperous banks, one now Cartwright, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. non, Indiana; J oseph J, Smith lives •- • bem? bUIlt at a c~9t of $55.000, a new Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith,\ Coleman. . OOT THE PIANO in Fowler. Ind iana; Emma H., wife MI'. H. H. Wads worth and fam •. tOUrist hotel costl~1;f .$20,00{) besides Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Henderson, Mr. MISS Anna Merl1dlth, was the ~uest ) ily I f t Monday morning for tl e numerous other butldmgs. and Mrs. W. H. AJlen, Mr. and Mrs. of Jam !l W. ,Tolmston, lives in J H ormeII was th e h'19h es t b'd 'h' os 1H oopeston., an d Ch ar Ies E" S mIt of Miss Corneli~ Hill, of Lebanon, outh. They will spend this week 'l'~e Pacifi.c Electric railway gives F. B. Sherwood, Misses Edith MoshIS f d ' d t th W d ' h' h ' b' er an go e ar e plano, w IC · . h WOI' k II1g Wlt me.lll my usmess. h'b't' ' t W ' lte M a fe~ days durlllg the past week. with rela tives in Kentucky, and will rapId tranSIt .east and west. The er. I??nna Hawke, Stella Lemmon, arc· . was on ex I t JOn a (The later has Slllce removed to I CI 'ffi It ' . d' t Miss Meredith will teach at Pleasan t arrive at their new home about Sep- Southern PaCIfic and the Santa Fe Jessle Marlatt, . Messrs. Harold Murdo , South Dak t a ; where he n ures s 0 ceo .IS a goo illS ru- Ridge the corning year. tember 12t h . systems both enter the city. , Howell. Ronald Hawke, and Dr. r ·l.1 h' f 'ly Ed ) ment, and there will be another conA.gain wishing for you an enjoy· Miller. IV s \~ I 1 · IS amI .. test'later on. Watch the Miami Ga. Dr. H. Q. Alexauder, wife and . Messrs H M . Clark, R. G. Cross. able duy, Frank and Marjorie ioin "After. being in business in zette for particulars, and you will AT M. E. CHURCH little son, Drue, of Dayton, Ohio, Perry Coo);. Clifton Burnett. A. me in hoping that you may have Way~esv lll e aeventeen y~ar I took find something that will probably Messrs. W. E. Alexander. S. E. Alex· I Maffic, 'Mr, C. T . Hawke and daugh. many more reunion days, and that Rev. C. S. Grauser has been electa noltoo...!:o go west, a nd III 185 w illterest you in pianos. ander and F .. M. ~Iexander. of Mid- ter, Sybil. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Sides, we may be able some time to meet ed to fiB the pulpit at the M E. - _ _ ....._ __ moved to Thorntown, Indiana where dletown, spent S,u nday at the' home Mr. and Mrs. J. B, Chapman. and with you again. church. Rev. Grauser comes from we stayed t hree years. My wife be· NO BAND CONCERT of their mother. Mrs. Alethia Alex many others attended the State Fair Elizabeth Howe. ing ick. we moved back to Wayne · - --- ' Preble county and is a young man of from he l'e last week. There will be no band concert this ander. ville. Ohio, and stayed there a year, promise. He will arrive here this We came west Qgain and located at week on account of circumstance::> , No man knows much about whot week with his wife and 8-year-old Try Maple Nut Icc Cream at Try Maple Nut Ice Cream at be can do unless he knows II. good son, and will preach Sunday. both L ban on , o0 0 n county, Indiana. WI) The regular concert will be given ' Schwart~'s Schwartz's. dealllhou t what ot,hers have done morning and evening. , stayed there ~llltil the fall of 1 Gn. next ~eek, weather permitting. + . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A Scene at the Ohio State Fair Last Week
T~ 9.~bove. 'p icture ~hO~R the'Fiji 1' :and 'l~W ' ~ark~ wer~
f eatu.res ~re: ~hown. The' displaY .The attendance, while-not to fife in full swing during ' th~ races of track; " " " of bo~, c~ttle, swihe •. Uld high-water ms.-k.was go.od, and the last week. 'The s~ ring. wu full '. The exhibits in every departmel)~ thickens 'w;' excellfmt and very In.. management have no r~n to fear 'of eventaand ~m~ gpod l'acina w~e (ull to ~e brim,<ud ~new structive. a deftclt such as occurM lut1ear.
A ~slt to the State Fair is a1-»8Y8 ILJ[bjng, the're this ~ea", ~nc! ~. great education. arid we are glad ,to this wonderful show. ', ' S8J many of our ci~Ds availed Secretary Sandles is the. ri&ht ~ themselves 9f the opportunity of in the riabt place. . <
·The Miami Gazette IOLD •
Experts or the federnl hospltnl serv, hu\'e beeu t:omplllng data from tbe C<l nsus rellorts tha t make 0. strikIng showing o~ the cost of disease In thl~ cOuntry and e mphasize the necess ity of more rigid en forcement, partlcular,y In cities. at laws and regu latlons designed to safeguard the publlo haith, Tuberculosis Is stated to cost Ibis country In the value of l1.es de· .I royed , $250,000.000 a )'ear and the me re expenses In medIcine, food . medloal attendance ood IOS8 of wages III $90.000,000 annualli, saY8 tbe St. Paul Pioneer Press. Tbe census reports' estimate tbe volue of t he 33,000 lives , lost an nually from tYllhold fever al , 212,000,000, The experts estimate' that the tota l 108a fJ:'om contagious dlseaees" Illcludlnc tuberculOSis, Is $760,OC:;,tJOO n year, of whIch ,.0 per cent" or '30~,OOO,OOO, Is . preventable The cost 01 preve,nUon would be a mere fraction of tbe cost of pr~vent&. ble dlsea£es and there should be' n·o CalBe eC9nomy In expenditures ' for the cempalgn against contagion. , The ' bealth of the people Is the greatest 811' eet of t ile natIon, • "~e
Tbe tboughtful observe r" espeCially J'
If hIs jonrney lead:! hIm to vel'Y dl s-
lnnt landa. wUl not return boastful ; but be ·w)11 be grateful. 'rhe weighty problem of asslml1~tl6!1 s eems heavter whon one Ihl"ks on t he possibilities or maki ng American cltfzens of' those peoill a now coming bere ' RS he contemplates tbem In tlte III ace of origin 'rhe estheti cs of a European journey are :1 deU ght, ,But on American vII lage 'outweights an Alham bra In the Bcnlos or opportun lty lind of human tty, A clU1.en of Deu\·er whose appendl:!: r eeontly was remo ved. Is awakened at '6 o'clock every mOl'nlng by the void l eft by the operation, Owing to tbe c' hea llness of alarm clocks, however, '. the practi ce la not 1I)(ely to become t;eneral. A l\IUSSDClhusctts mltn reflOrts bnvlng batched eight eggs from 0. dozen cold "LOrage eggs Poor stor y, An orlg , inal liar, like the Wln stc<1 genius. would ha vo !!lid tho ch lck~ wearing earmuffs and ml Uens, In Prussia R governmcntaJ decree hns becn Iss ued a/,l'Hln st long hal pins on railroad trains, The authoriti es thln l. It woulc1 be woll to have room for som e.blng Ise In lit e cn rs, -r ~, C!usand s of mar ri ages by R jUi!l' flce 01 rhe peace In ' hl cago have been cl aclared Ill ega l, bul the legn llty of Ch le,,!!,o divorce!! re mu ln s uDqu &Btlon, ed uft er yenrs of nol nrlety,
In days to come the fool who rocks tho bORl will be succeeded by the fool 'Who ro ItII the aerop la ne, TheY aNi Eome wllat alike, only one II more LIO, It the profetl60r would ·pusb aRlde psychology and gct down to common. lIenr:e Ile might b e able to IInderstaQ,d ""by women conceal the ir ages,
Shocked Nicodemus
TJ1e president ot the Collere of the Clt7 of New York finds that one pereon In every SO adults In tho ruted States holds ,Iublle QffiClO at some degree, "a public servant wbo Is goLnl up and down \n aome vicarious capacIty for tbe otbor 29," Se, large an esti· mate at the proportion 01 function· 'aries to tbe total adult population, msle and temale, S(lems surprising un· t il the variety and bulk ot the classl· ficaUons Is con'ildered, says the Provl, de llce Journal, School te achers, ror exumple, must be counted, wblle the d volopment of public hYGiene. of so' !ological enterprises, or t he; pure food laws, readily come to mind flDl ong e leme nts newly () Xllandlog t he publi c service and employing a grow, 1n$ nos t at p rtorm rs 01' vlc'a rlou!! du ties, Dr, 1"lnloy submits n partlsl c11re lory or the thirtieth man, \ He Is tile man who swee p tho strOfllS us ,....ell as the one in the WhIte Hous e He ga thers and dlstrlbul es the le t, tel's ; foreca s tlJ heat nnd cold ; tastlls tbe mill, before lIle blld may drlo1, it; I<ecps watch over torcs t a nd stream; !s s Ullen'lsor, doctor, nurso and guard In bospltal. pl'lson and almBbouse ; Is mayor. juc1ge. sberlff, eallor nnd GoldIeI'. Illlbllc librarian. collector of taxes, guardian to tb e child who com es frlendl ss Into t be we rld and cbaplnln at tho burl nl of the man wbo goes friend less Ollt Cit It; nnd eo on,
BIBY BOY OF Practical Fashions OURED SEVERE EOZEMA An Illinois Motl1er'. Case. No one cnu teli the tOl'ture of soul Mrs, p , Cox , of Chi cago, went th\,ougll whe n her little boy wa~ s lIlTel'lng from E ez ' Inn, ,Sh~ tri ed ev el'ylblng wit hout s u oss until she ll11A;Jy bit.. upon Rcahuil. 'fho {a llowing Is what s he \Iuys : "I connot ' ak too highly or R slnol Ointment und Sonp, They cured my bltuy boy of El zem:l. - He bad a vcr'y llevere casco NUIlI rous olh e l' I' medics hllcl b en tried nnd failed to d any good. 1 would not be wllhon th em In the house." The ftl'st Il[lpilcatloll will rolle\" t bo Ilehlng nnd Irri tation In sl(ln dl . eas('s , aud stop the pain in burns or scnlds, hafiDg, SunhuI'll, Polan I .y e ruptions aro often cur d by an oyer· ' night a.ppllca tlon . R sinai preparations nre sold at all drug stor~s , Reslnol ChemlcRI 0o., naltllU,Dl'e, Mil.
H I:: mlud of thr
fl esh Is enm ity ilgaln ~ 1 God; for It , l! Is not ubjt'( In 1 I lillY W or God, n~ llh N Ind eeu (, U. lI It be." Thi s Is n tru th • whi ch ov ery 111 11 0 who h as rea ll y u'lod to live n Chr l t·il ko life must have di scovered by eXIJtJl'inll.'e. Our naturnl IDlpul s 8 nnd des ires leu d a way froUl GOd. not towa rd Gou, lI y nRt ure \\'e des ire plea sure, \\' 0 d c ~ lre , olltward Sllc cess, wc des ire to bU"tl our own WilY, we dos ll'e to usst'rt 0 111'se h'es and to mn .. a Ihose about us feel that we nre ns good, as Sillart, ns ('apRblo as any of tbem , And wltbln prope l' bounds-that Is, ull uer subjecti on to the d€8lres th nt s hould ho up perm os t In our hca rt s--some of A 01 FFERENCE. these nllturn l dl's lres 111'0 luwful Ilnd 5506 wb olesome, Dut tbe trou hle Is tll llt Cleaning Out the Cav ity Prepa ratory to ' !lI lng With Cement. th ese natural Impulses ta lte Ilosses, T ho klm on s houlde r Is used on ( By T, L. Wheeler, College of Agrlcul· lhe edges or tbe cavity anti wIre wove n sian of our henrts and croll'd out I he thl!1 Iittl fro r lt. Ihe nec l! lJelng rO llnd desire for the only kIn d of lire that ture. Ohio State Unlver6 Ity.) caylty , Some times null n are driven In with 1\ turno"er cnlln r und Ihe s leeves Is \\'ol'!h living- a IIrJ of eacl'lffro lind With the Increasing Interest In for- across the ope ning to nct In the Bum E of lovlu£: service, And for thI s renson or Ibow leng th, II'hll e Ih e sldrt Is II kilt 1,lclIa'rl 0110 RttR h 'tt to tile wa ist es try, cOllslderaLle a tte nllon Is being way as tbe brick wall. theso Impu ls es, wblclc Paul d scribes at th e be lt. ashm ere. c halll ~. ginA' Tbe concrete for filling Is made by AS "the mind of the lleeh," In stcad g iven to the preservation of mnture ham, linen . elc" are lI ~e d for Ih ese Ing one pnrt . )od Portland cement, us shade and ornnmenta l trees, It hus at being belpful to us, hecome harm- dresses, been found that by tbe nse ot cem ont two parts- sand, and Cour parts rush, ful; thoy antagon lz., every effort on Th e pll tt(>l'll (5506) Is ut In sizes old. decayed trees cun be preserved ed stone, This is maue so it will pou\, our part to form blgher conc eptions 6 to 12 years, r.l edlufIl slzCl requires and made to last for ycnrs, The prac- Into tho cavity. 'fbe outside of thl' or Ihe meanIng or lire nnd to live In 2 ~ l'llr(] s or 3G-lnch mat eri al ti ce of tr e surgery has spr lid ove r filling Is nlwu ys coated wIth n thin the IIgbt of these blghe r conceptions, To pro ure thl ~ pnttl.'rn scn,l 10 ~p ntll It (allows therefore that "tho; that 10 "Pultcrll 0 pa rlm en t," or t l1 1M p up r , the country to sllch an ex tent th nt exnllme and f\ddress pla inl y, nnd II" Bre In tbe flesh cannot please Ood." Write Iu ru to give 81 z~ u nti l1uIIIII",' DC IlUII .. ..u . amples oC trees treRted by the tree No man who Is under the con tl'ol at surgeon are a familiar slgbt In lUost of his natural Impulses, however Innoour la rge cI ties. , While It Is more or SIZE .. " .. . NO. 55C6. cent these mny seem to he, can live lesa In tbe experlmenlnl stage, there a me ot subjection to th e law of NAME , ,, .. . .. ,, .... . .. , .. .. .. .. .. .... . ... , Is every reason to believe that the r.o d or of service tor God. practice wlll be the means of preservTOWN ... .... " , ... , . .. " .. ,, ", .. .. ... .. . An.wer to I'roblem. Ing many of our valuable trees that It Wbat tben ? How can a man ~I!' \ STREET AND NO ..... .. . .. " .. "" .. " , ______- J .hange his own nature, so tlla t Inhas lnken lUany yenrs to produce, stead at covetIng Ilnd striving alter STATE .. , . " , _" ... .. ........ . ... .. ..... . Mrs, Jlnks-Mr busband t& making . ',I'ree surgery Includes the Intellithe things of tbis lite as his ' chIef ob, a collection at .teI1l8. gent protection of a ll meoha nlcal Inleot of pursuJt, be wUJ lake (teUght Mrs, Boorle A. Lott'"7"Uy bUlband r. jUl'les nnd cavities of trees. In ftlllng In making saorlflces tor tbe sake of LADIES' AND MISSES' COLLARS. making a collection ot tbe content. o! up the ca,v ltles, formed In trees by tbe ChrIst, and In t.rylng to promote the. .,lelns, proces8 of decay. the tree s!lrgeon proof Cbrilit T' iflory The Tree 8urgeo~'1 Work Complete, ceeds In a manner somewhat slmllnr to Remar~. ble FI.h, " There Is qnly one ans'Yer to tb'a t " I tbougbt you, said 't here '\\'~re\flsh tbat used by the dentist In fillIng a de- covermg of cement made by Using one quesUon: He canno~ do It. "Not what ' nrou nd her ." saId the dlsappotktec1 cayed tooth, The decayed portions of part cement and two" pam fine [ would, tbat do I practice;" Saul !'portslllan. , the cavlty~re completelf removed and saud. ',('he edges ot the Q4vlty are cui says, "but what I hate. that I do." "Thero 81'e," l' pl!ed Farm~ r COl' the Interior scraped clean. Then the smooth Ilad the ftlUng made so It wil l "For the flesh Illsteth' agaInst. the loslIel. "Illlt they o.ro experlellc c! exposed surface Is thorousl}ly washed come flu sh with the lnller bark o~ lh _ Spirit, and tbe Spirit against the fi ' h. Moreover, til fre Itlnd and can· flesh; for these are contrary the one tree. 'I'lds Is dohe so the gro wing tis, tv the other; that yo may not do tbe sldel'ate," ' sue will grad ually co,'e1' the filling. It things that ye would." "I haven't had a nI bble." ' ' "\\'ell, y.()u don't thInk tb y',d bite Is us ually the practice to either rmlnl .' The case Is quite · h9P~less when • at that lirand-new fancy tack-Ie, do the ' surflloe ot the filli ng wIth tar or looked 1I.t only in tbe light of our own . you? They'd s tand off and ad~h:~ It. capabilities. Unaided human en· cover ~t with tin and th n 'llalut It, but Lh cy'd never tnke a chance on deavor cannot possibly tit ' man tal' Men who are expert In the art ga tlIn' it.. \l\\ls8E.d up." ' tellowa~lp with God. ' ~ tree surgery ma~e a bWilneae or mepd· Indeed, not .only do man'. naturaJ Jng old trees. M~ny excellent exam, Impulses ·Interfere witb any attempt BI~ Featller. pIes at this worl; are to bo scen In Co' on his part to draw nellr 'to Ood. 'h ut " \\ hat'll Iho bill for · fixing 'my mot~r lumbus, s everol on t ho unIversity cam, they tend to allenllte him trom God. car?" asked the strange patron. f pus Ilnd 0. number In the state hOUSE s o that he has less and less desire " It figures UI) to '110, sir," replr". ,, longer ' be yard. While it takes caretul work tc for fellowsblp with Ood the garage man. "W he w! I'll bave to gi\'e you a llroIlerly fill a cavity, It III not so dUll, allows ~Imselt tet be governed ' by check. 1 Idt all my mOlleY In mT cult but that most anyone can do It theBe Impulses. Mixing the Cement. clrllg ijl ore." The principal rules to be observed al': • ThIs Ibows the absolute neceaslty with some antiseptic solution In order to get ail decayed port Ions -completely (or the knook-dowil. blo,: wblch' Jesul " \\ by. nre you a drugglllt ?" ' "Yes, " , to destroy a ll fun gous gro "t,h Wl!";:h Is removed. tho expOsed surface well ga ve to Nicodemus, He met the ploua "Oh. In'l hat ('nse the 1/111 will be l\ responsIble tor the decay. Copper wnshed with the antiseIltlc. and th t 'b ut self· rlghteous~ Pl)arlsee with tbe·' 5500 i' : dollnr 8ml a Quarter. We fe llo 8 Bulphate and lime are good tor this ceme nt packed tlgbtly Into the caVity, startling declaration, I'Ye must be born again." It Is n\. _ merely someought to s toud t ~ge ther ." Collars of every Itlnd are essential purpose, After beIng made ready tho. Tree surgery has r. }II ace on tbe thIng Dl.ore than the rlghteousnes. fashtons of the coats of the day and cnvlty Is filled wltb ccment. made air- farm as well us In tbe citIes, Many which you already possess that ·you Character In the E~e, • tight Ilnd he rmetically Ilea le d It possl· valu able trees around fnrm home~ need, but an enUrely new kind of tbey are often made detachable Qnd jj(',\\'aI'O of tb~ man w,ho. doel! not pInned 'on as wanted, The'y mny be might be saved If mended In time. Olil ble. righteousness; you need a change at mado) of satin, foulard, pongee and lOOk you oleRrly In tbe eye. bu The melhod of nlllng the cavIty de- fruit trees thal are be~lnnlng to give bellrt, a change of nature. And that linen embroidered or plnln , Tbe II, poss ibiliti es of evil In hla 'nature, away under tbe process 01 decay mlsh! II; what every man , needs. ' ' pends upon It.s size. If small It ,Is simtu/ltraUon show8 three strles alld Thes are eyes which are l\unlno\JfI. bo preserved fOr I11l1ny ~-eal'S at URe Beginning of New ' LIfe. ply " lied with cement, bu t It large, a fulness, Cement ia comparllllvel) these are ' ilultaMe not only for jilek· othel's which seem io be veiled beJesus described the needed cbange ets but also for many stylos of hind a curtaIn, • brick wnll Is built up on tbe outer edge c heap, ·and ot tbe many use.l to wblch M n nud women ' at tbe world are to act as 0. retaInIng 'IIi'all for the 'can· It Is put. the preserva tion of trees Is a. a now birth, It Is the begInning dresses,' of a new me, a -spiritual life. ADd The co11ors are cut In three sizes, aoc;ustomed ' to judgo human nalure by crete whlch ·ls poured beblnd It 10 the not' one at the lenst. this new birth 'Into 0.. new "lire ' 11 s~al1, medl9m and large', For No, ·1 lhe xpt'ess lon ot th~ eye, M'1'ny ' J:lt}~ brought about by the IncoruJng and In, Ilia yara ot 3G·lnch material will btl Ille rend cJlal'aQter by ' the oyea. and dwelling of the Holy Spirit, who re- I'AQ,oll'ed ; for , No, 2 ll4 yard of enn thus dis ti nguish the false from tl1.4t" news and Vitalizes lbe spIrit of tbe the lame width, ond for No. 3 ll~ loyal, tho fra nk from the deceitful, We. man, and so g!ves blm an Impulse yard 'eIther 27 01' 36 ' lncbes wide, hard from th e tender, the . energetic toward O<ld , that Is strong..enougb ' To procure ,thla pattern lIen(! to cents from the Indolent, the sympathetic overcome th e no.tnral impulses whlcb t(> "Puttern Department," ot thIs paper. from th e Indifferent. WrIte name and address pltlJnly, and be lead a way from O~d . I Ut", to alvo else ' and number ot oo,ttern. "Ye are not In the fl esh, but tn GET POWER, tbe splrjt It so - be that , the SpirIt The SUpply Come a From ,Fooel. 5500. SIZE" , " .. , .. ..... of Ood dwelletb In you. But It any man hath not' tbe' Spirit of Ctirlst NAMliL ................' _ .. " .. .. ". ...... . 'I l we get POwer tram food wby 'not he Is none ot ills. And If Christ Is atrlve to get all the power we CBn_ In you the body Is deM obecause TOWN ."" . .... " ...... ... .. ........ _....... That Is only possIble by uso of akll. sin; but the spirit III ·111e because of 8TREET AND NO .. ........... " .. ..... .. fully selected (ood that exactly ' fl ta ' rlghteousnc611." the requireme nts at the body "The body Is dead,' ~ dead to spirit· STATE ... .. ... . " ... .. , ' ... ' ,." ' .. ..... .. . ' Poor i uel maltes 0. poor fire' and a: Ilal thIngs. "because of sin," AI· I,L_ _ _ ...J PO.~I· fire Is not a good stel1l1l producer. though the man has been born again, I From not knowing how to select and has become (;, cblld at God by the Had 80me EvIdence. , the . right .food to fit my needs, I autIndwelling of the Holy Spirit, the de, In a country pOlice court 'recently fered grIevou sly for a long Unte from t;lres ·a nd Iwpuls-cs ot his VhyslcaJ na·, a man was charged wIth shooting 8 sb)mach trou bles," writes a lady from, ture stili lend. away from God, " but number 9f pigeons, tb" ,f1ropel·ty or 8 0. IIttio town in Missouri _ the spirIt Is life because ot righteous· farmer. ' If! giving bls evl.derce, the "It see med as It 'I wO~ld never be. ,. ness." He has been oW.asbed In the farme r was so' cllretul tbat he even able 10 find out tho sort at food that blood of ChrIst and made righteous In seemed · nervous, 8n ,~ the Bollcltor fa t WIUt best for me hardly anything thal God"s sh; ht,' and bls spirit has been the derense endeavored , to frighten I Could eat would stay all my' stomach. qulokened and filled with bope nnd blu," "\'Ijow," h~e remat:ked. "are you Every attempt gave mo heartburn and brougbt· Into harmony with God, and prepared 'tQ swear on' oath 'that this filled my stomach with· gas. I got., his whole life Is !nsp'lred. by a nen man shot yo'ul' pigeons?" '" dldn't say Ullnnel' and thinner until I lItel'ally ,:ousciousneBs of 'G<ld's love. be did s~oot tbe~." wa'a tbe ' care ~lllI,. become a living skeleton, and I.n ~Ime. . wor,ded reply. '''I.:Bllld I auspec.ted him was compelled to keep to my bed. Sufficiency of Grace. 0" doIng 1t" 1 "Ab," now we're coming A few mo~tbs ago I was per8ii!ld~d Tbe eufflclency of God's grace givo. tQ ' It. : Whal n;t,a de ' YO,U luspeot that to try Grape-Nuts,tood and It' h man 1" "Well, firstly. I caught blm on· good effect from thl3' v b ad sucb, ground for genulnG ,gralltude. !' NQ ' my and :wl' a ' gu· Seconi!I'Y .: beerd ,tbat I '"ave ke .... up Its 'uery eglnnlp~ Hore la One Solution of the Wag~ Earner's Problem, , condition of life llil too hard for Itl! ". " .... , .. , , '" se ever since The great problem of the day for f~d stufr~ mrty be g r('wn 4Wltb' p,ope"i gen~r')'ls belp. , N~ task 'Is t~ " re,a t.', I wali .!Iurprlsed at ~he ease WIth ,Which the wage-,e arnlng elMS. particularly. 18 care and management. ,One acre welf' no '!,In ls tOO,1 s.trobg, no ,1!~~, II ,~oo ~:~~~~!~!d, It pr~ved to be just: to mnk.e th'l Income reach ~round 'tbe utl11zed sh.on)d produce enough .vege- '.eyer a' tor the one , wbo ,ilterolly ' abO "~1I m tables to provide. at least. n people lovl"gly lean , s u . pon .. God·s grtl,ce, . I unp lina l!B8nnt sYmptoms 't"~' "eceslal')' ex. pertse, accountS. Hence. 1 h heartburnY the t d t . . , • M.l .. toJ' ohe year. , ' Such M estimate does ' mat~Clrs . I t~le ,w n~ our . '.' , . ' a e eeUng which. ' ~ny plsll ' whIch Is capable of deoreaa- not merely provide' a taste , at' evert. are, I~ In, tbe spirit ,of· bill' ~ gave me S9 Pluc~,. pain' '~Isappeared" tng' ,,"pedses or; ' Increasing the lnco~e thing usually ~ound 'In our best .gar. are before Go~ , offering, u~ a r.dPe, ·for a ':itiC,cw'ul pia),. aD~ :~t · welgbt 'lJ'adu!llly ,SncieaBed , 'ro'lD '" will ('~rtalnly work great henefit to dens, but, sufllclent to supply, (h{' Yt!8r ual sactlflCCl8 acceptable ~o 1m; b,; tbls~_w~ii ' bl.' 'rep,lr=\ "Therl,-Arl two Qut,U:U;~ir:';;:S;' my bftgqre .roundec\ . cam~ aclc', ~'d 1 am , h .08e Inluylduals who have to s-ee ,that· ~ound. an abundance ot vegets.ble deli. Jesus Cbrlst. f T~ J~IUl .I!:U cIrcum· ~.yl,V Or,,,,I!aV.IDi ', a ~uC!C!itl'ul 'p,ay., now able to every , donar doea 'tull service. , . caele". ' , " ,stances are oJ)port~tte.- o~ !'ea!l,Da PDI Il , lO maliit' m'Olle., wllb It: ,(1)./ joy It. Ora ,do my : hou.~w~rk .nd To m·auy 8ucb the garden :offers am· The ao1u.tlon of tbe wage earner'a God and aervlne Christ.. 1\, 'otlt,r ,. not . to Ij')Ie ' moDe)', Tberl lI' Biven b, pP:tNuta cioOOd did It." Naille. pIe rem.uneratlon for tbe tlJolight a,n d probb!m lies ' just herto. Eyery 8uell " ' , ' : - ~,~_ DO lure reel", lof tb. fonne.r. To .• ~ Mlch ' 0 Ulll ., Battle Or..ll, '~ber~ fa DO plltC41 of~t.1' •• 10Iutell-.I0 .Ul'e' , I~' latte~-~oD't proA itlD dl • tri 'l 1I,bor bestowed upon It, wheUler It be famlly ,uould ftnd lOme convenJen. ~secl '~bt? ~J:c'uolY~ JIl~al of aup. plac. of " nmclent dlme.lOn., to JlJ'Oo .PoJl.lbl1lty lbp, t~&t of Ute mc 41uOI lb' , play." . . 10m. facta !:OUt tJ~1I ,Ihow aIlY~II', port or .. .,n aid lD bIlluclq the fain· duce;-' at 'eut, .ja tile prdlll <"~UCU "lao cJalma to a.e;. CIu'IatIaD. Read _. IIi expenM accoUllt. ,,' .lbey can cOlUname. Wei the "tUe - .. "The Road to The uao.llt of dalrable Ylg.tabla L. )I. KONTOOIIIIIRY. ' .!:1.... ll~I!I'e••• reuoia." that CaD be pJ'OClaced lIPOD Ul acre of Proleuol' of HortIC\Jl~ ..... ..... ..... . . . A __ ~.
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Too' much should not be, expe ·ted Or • ball tea.tfi before ,It Iii prop'e rly crlp '1JI1ed up, One 01 our aviators Ia)/S ~e II lolna be married 10 an areoplane, 'juu .. .ttl marriage In tbe ordlna,., wa I not '~aUn!ous 40oult!: ~o
comet ~ efa ..lfteCl &I .8IDc8lbfa ,. lraIIlp tbe maD III lbe mOOD lIIou.., ~ It oat ••UDk 01 c......
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POUWEED .'USED AS A REMEDY FOR ITCH AND:SKIN DISEASES Pol8onous Plant Is Native of United States ~D4 Found tn Rl<:h. Motst Soils. From Maine and No~thern Illinois e.o Florida aDd Westward to Texas. Eastern Kansas and Southern Minnesota. PUblication of Regimental Journal, Was Prolific Source of IntereBtSome at Papers Rocalled. SOlD e of th e "soldl r boy" n ewspa· pel'S at 'h·il war lim es a r e reca ll ed In lin ol'Uele by Ma rt ha PlC'lI cna Halscy In tb e hlcnco Dully. WB . Subjccted !Is he WIIS to Lho monoton· OilS rou tine of army life . recrentlo'n WR S In dlsP(> ll sab lc to the well ·b elng of th e soldi er. 'on ,'e l' ts werc give n wit h gr c at sUcl!es!!. IOS11Y of the men hs vlng DlU si cnl instrum ents with th e m. Tb ese w ' 1'0 guurded Jea lously throu gh the ex· Ige nclos or lit eampfl ign. To those· who were of a lit erary turn of mind tho publi cation of tb e I·egi · Ol e nla: newspaper Wll8 a proline source of Int er st. ·It was eagerly r ead nnd Its daily Issue was a waited wIth keen pleasure, Its aPPE'arnnce being second only In Importance to the arrival of lhp mall ( rom hom e. Som e ot thelle old army pap ' r s are now In the pos· session of Lh e hl cngo Hislorical soclelY . It Is Inte r csUng to note the variety of topl s treated. Poems, grave and gay, udverUsements, some of th em _ve ry amusing, In ci dents, jokes, ardent BPlH!u l s 10 th e publi c sentiment. ' noti oes of entertalnmenfs to b e given, racy descriptions of encounte rs with pretty J'eb els, gibeR at the qua lity ot th e tood supplied by U Dc:le Sam, are all to bl) found In th se old·tlmc publl· catlolls. As an offset to th e "poetry side" of ""ar Is quoted a "hard prose" side (1'om th e pen of one at the boys In blue of the Nlnetecnth Illlnols volunteers wrltt cn ror the Zouvave Gazettc. ,"Those who thlnlc It a romantic life to So n·soldl erlng would do well to talce a blnnkl'l Into the buck yard to sl eep U~I;; 11 Olle of tbese cold nights and tb e)' would soon discover the r eaUty by trying to kee p w~rm under BUch circumstances. Uncle Sam furnlsh e8 liS with an allowance of cloth· Ing and blankets, but for tb e vicissitudes of camp life It Is Insufficient. We wouJd suggest til th e fri ends of our soldiery to suppl.y us with warm unde r lothlng and warm woolen socks and we would then gi v e the enemy 1\ warm r ceptlon." The editors ot the Zouave Gazette were W. B . Redfield, ' form erly of the Chicago Evening Journal, and Lleut.
BEl dl!ve lopment Of a few CMes
.Tubercu.l olal. PatIents Neglected. Out of more than 226 public ho., pltals f or th iUllane, with a population or fuJI~ 150,000, only 70; dr .led Ihan one·tllll·d. make any provisIon for for th eir tube r ulous inmates, and this, too. in s pite ot tbo fad that the p rcentage of d st.bs tram tills disease 18 ve ry high ·among this ' laBs of peo· pie . Such Is the s ubstnn 6 of 1\ state· m nt made recently by the Natio nal AS!joclation for tbe Study and Preven· tlon of Tuberculosis. Seventy bos· pltnls In 28 slates. p rovidin g -a ll t old about 3,!l50 beds tor tub er c ul OUS Insane elUti nl s . 8ums up th I>ro \'islon made for t hl ll ' Isl\ s of sut'fer rs, al. thou gh I he I) rcentnge of deaths from tuberculosis nmong the Insane rtlDg R tl'om 51) to 200 \)(>1' ('ent. highe r thnn lI mon g the gr' ne ru l popu lation.
Tho Poke Weed. Tbere III a large number of polson- count of the poisonous substance can· OUI plants In tbe United States wblcb , talned In It. Tbe [le sb ot the berrlel on account of theIr limited area of Is eaten with Impunity by lome blrdll, growth, add someHrueB of tbe unce r· but Its UIH! by bumnn beings cannot talnty of our knowledge concerning be recommended. tbelr evil et'fecLs. are comparatively PolsonouB Character.- Most Inlillie known. All poisonous , plants are stances ot pOi sonIng arise from overnot equally Injurious to all persons. doses wben the plant has been used as nor to nil forms of life. Tbe United a medicine, but there are also acelStates De pa rtm ent of Agriculture has dental cases due to the eating of tho gathe red Information concerning tbose root, which bas been variously misthat are well known and widely spread tallen for that of tbe parsnip, a,1J· In growth. Tbe well known poke root choke, and horeradlsh. A few fatal bas various local names, to-wlt; Poke; cases of poisoning of childre n bave poke root; garget; pigeon berry; co· been attributed to the fruit, but cum; ja lap; sboke; American night· whether denU, was really dlle to the .bade; crowberry; cancer rapt; chon- seed or the pulp IB uncertain. The gras (La.); red weed ; red ~lnk plant; evidence is chieflY against tbe seed. pocan bush. ror It Is known to contain a poisonous Description and Where Found.- A substance. Poke weed Is a vIolent but slow actIImooth, rank, succulent, perennial, lib: to nine teet hlgb , with a tb lclt Ing emeUc. vomltlng beginning only halt·woody root, purDlillb stems. large aCter about two bours. It also alfecta alternate leaves, and numerous elon· the nerves and muscles, producing gated clustel'll of small greenlsh-wblte retcljlng, spasms, severe purging, and flowers. wbJch blosBom tbrough the sometimes convulsions . . Death Is ap· snmmer, and are tollowed In autumn parently due to the paralYSis of .the I by sblnlng purple·black he1'rles . The respiratory organs. plant la native to the · United S~te s, and grows In rich, moist salls, especially as a weed In cultivated and waste grounds, from Maine and Nortbem Illinois to Florida, and westward to Texas, Eastern Kansas, and Soutbl-IaU' Darrel Cleane4 and Re-ern Minnesota. plenished Twice DailY WW UseB.- The poke weed hall many Serve Nicely aa • boule bold uses, but some cbemlcal or Drl~ TrOUSh. Ineobanlcal manipulation seem I neces· , Cal ves, Uke otb;;' tarm anImals, get Bary to prevent 111 eiTects wben It Is eaten. The root and the alcohollo ex- tblrsty even though milk forms a tract ot the fruit are quite commonly large I,lart of their ration. CaJves used as a household remedy for the tbreo hlonths of age wlll drink as Itch and other BlUn dlsealH!s, and for much as Ove quarts of water dally rheumatism. The fresb shoots · nre per head. Th ey JI1~e to drink otten, rather wIdely esteemed as a sub tltute sipping a little at a time. tor allpal'llgua, but In tbe preparation A holt barrel clean ed and replen· conlliderable care Is exercised to re- Ished twice dally, will serve IIlce!,. Anotber good ject the root. tor smnll quantities 1m· as a water trough. part a bitter taste to the mess, and device Is an automatic waterer which larger amounts will prove dangerous. may be easily cleaned., sltualed a lltThe water In , wblcb the Bhoots are tie above the floor to keep oul the first boiled 18 also rejected on ac- litter.
"Whi le attending IIchool at Lebanon, Oblo, In 1882, 1 uecame affilctcd with bolle, wWch las ted for about two yelll's. wb n the affilcllon assumed tb a (orm of an eczema on my face , the lower part of my face belug Inflamed most of tb e time. Ther would be water·bllsters rise up Rnd opcn, and whercver .the water would touch It would bnrn, and causo anotbe r Olle to rise. Atter the blister would op n. tbe place would scab over, and would burn and Itch so as to be almost un · J:Jearable at times. In tbls way tho aores would spread fl'Om one place to another, back and forth ove r tbe wbole ot my upper lip and chin, ~nd at times the. wbole lower part of my fac e would be a solid sore. Tbls con· dltlon conllnued Cor four or five years. wltbout getUng any better, and In tact got wot'se all the time, so much so that my wlte became alarmed lest It prove fa tal. "During all this time at bolls and eczema, I doctored wltb the best phy· slolans of this 'part at tbe country, but to no avail . Finally I decIded to t ry Cutlcura Remedies, wblch I did, taktng tbe Cutlcura Resolv ent, applying the Cutlcura Ointment to the sores, and usIng the CuUcura Soap ror washIng. In a very short time I began to noUce Improvement, and continued to use the Cuticura Remedies untll I waR well again, and bave not bad a recurrence of tbe trouble since, wblch lB over twenty years. .t have recommended Cutloura Remedies to others ever since, and have great faitb In them as remedies tor skin dlse/Jses,'o (Signed) A: C. Brandon, AttomeY·II.t.Law, Greenvl1le. O., ' Jan; 17,1911. Althougb Outloura Soap and Ointmimt are sold everywhere, a 8amplo of each, with ·32·page boOk, wlll 'be mailed free on application to "Oull- cura," Dept. 3 K, Doston .
ever taken a direction different from or Asiatic cholera In tbe guv· that of commercllli or military mo\'eernment's bospltals In New ments, There Is reasOn to believe tho York barbor, as tbe result of polson does not enter tbe system Infection brought from abroad, through the lungs Or tbrougb any resu lted In calling to publlo attention other cbannel tban the gastro·ln test!· , two Intensely Interesting dl sooveril!8 Dol cannl. Lunde In, recent years In connection The danger of tbe Introductlun ot cholera Crom one pon to anothflr Is wfl l\ tho dt sease. ' The. first Is that the ailme nt III not not so IYuch by typical caSeS as the neaTly as , likely to spread In centers mild or irregular ones, which orten whe rc It Is not actually epldemlo as POlIS unrecognlz d, Cbolera may aph s . generally been b ' Hcved hereto· pear III the Corm of a simple dlar· . fore; the second Is the fact tbat rhoea, whicb excites little or no dUS-. there are persons who are "cbolera Illclon,. or It may appear In a more ob· carriers," · accounting In many In· scure manner, and simulate some stancea for n longer Incubation period other a fft!c ti on.. While certain articles tll,an the tormerly accepted one. whlcb of toad or drink brought from an In· fected district may contain .he ope· was from a few hours to five days. Tbese · gains In knoWledge ahould clOc organ 18m ot cbolera and may have 1\ most r OMsurlng effect on tbe s ubsequently act &8. media ot .nfec· public mind. It bas been learned lhat tlon, tbere Is reason to' believe that · cbolera Is not carried a1cng by the tbls . Is not at very frequ ent occur' ~ wind; and persons wbo bave been In rence. There was some agitation In New the vicInity ot cholera patients do not ca rry lbe germs of cholera away, with York lost year as the result of the tbe m In tbelr clothing unleBa such presence at a tew cholera cases at the clothIng bas been contaminated by fn· quarantine station, but tbe lost real feeted discharges from the sl.l fferers. cholera sonre was late In the summer Tbe disease must be taken In ot 1892. In the 60 years preceding 1892 thero tbrougb the moutb. so tbat. altbough cxtremely virulent Rnd fatal. It III only were five epidemics of cbolera In this lureotlous In the same manner In country, resulting In 16,000 deatbs. which typhoid and some of the other The f,lrst outbreak was In 1832, the fevers are tr8llsmlsslble. . second In 1834, the third In 1848. the The recognlUon of a class of per· rourtb In 1851, and tbe firtb Ir. 1866. .... --~- ... Aslatlo cbolera attacked with great Rons known 8S "oholera carriers" has reeulted In a determination to extend virulence the 1,000 soldiers stationed the detentIon ot all personll suspected at Fort Dearborn (Chicago) In 1832, ot havIng been In direct ·contact wHh tbe first .year In whlcb tbe Ealt Ill' the dliease until 'its presence or ab· dian destroyer appea'r ed In ' NorUa aence CRn be .certlfted to after search· America, and 200 of tbem were ad· Ing bacterlologlcal lests. Tbls es· mltted to hospitals In eight 01' nine . tended detention period goes a long days, Tbe troops at tbls point were way toward eliminating tbe danger of- young and In good pbyslcal condition, t>ermlttlng the disease to ,aiD a foot- but the polaon germs had been brought to the country In Immlsrant ,shlps and bold wltbln our gl\tes. The dlsease-figbtlng macblne built 'they lind round vlctlml In many Cana· up by Dr. Alvab H. Doty, the health dian and United Statet! cities, Fatnloftloer ot the port of New York. In bill Itles at the fort were large. but phYIIlong years of service has kept the city clans by bard work got some 7011 of ' and, to a I::.rge extent. lbe entire the men on their reet again. and - In Reglmenul Paper Wal a Source of Interest. country rema~kllbly free trom Import- September of that year tbey were ordered to march to the Mississippi ed. contllglon. Asiatic cholera. Ii IIpeclal Irritant river In the neighborhood of tbe· pres· Lyman arldges. Wblle tbe Nineteenth poillon, wblcb acts upon the gastro- ent city _at Dubuque, . Tbey bad not Illinois wa's stationed at Elizabeth· Intelltlnal mucous membrane, la re- ,traveled 60 milos. bowever, before town, Ky., the paper was published for garded by . some as a contaglou. dis· cholera broke out In tbelr ranks again several months In the oftlce of the eaae wbloh progressively loses Its and before the command could reach Democrat of that Illaoe, then out of virulent qualities. It Is a native of tbe rIver: the percentage Of deaths business on account ot the advent ot . 'Hlndulltan tbougbt to consIst of cer- was as great as It had been M tho tb .. tederal troops. Another . paper bad tbe sounding tain mloroscoplc germs which, on be- fort. Fl'IUlce's cbolera death roll In 1832 title of tbe War Eagle and Camp Jour· tng received', Into tbe system, propa· gate their 'k ind. oause ~n Intestinal was 120,000, and of thIs vaat numbH nal of the Army of the West. It con· ftUlt and destroy lhe epithelium. It 7,000 passed away In Parll In 18 daYII. talned the touching little poem, "The Is believed by ,many that tbese minute Tbe disease crossed the cbannel to CountersIgn," tbat ,beCame so popular, One of the makeshltts during the bodlell are products· of the rice plants Grent Rrltaln In the aprlng and sum· mer of that year and sent thouBondi ' war waB the utilizing of wall paper on the banits of tbe Ganges. Rapid depression ot all the mental to theIr gravell In England; Walell and taken from tbe houses for printing .a~ d physical faculties Is an early Ireland. From LIverpool, Cork, LIm- Ilurposes.. it will be recalled that Con· -eyD1ptom ot most caBes of obolera. erick .and Dublin tbere sailed ftve federate mocey '.Vas prInted on thll Tbe senses are Irritable; the bead . steamers filled .wlth emigrants, Ipanf 8llme malerlal. A facBlmlle of a page .acbes and Is contused, there Is a dIs- of them bavlng taken filght trom the of the "Uncondltlollal S. Grant," one lncllnatlon to sleep, tbe limbs totter epIdemic. Cholera broke out on all o~' the ole, -campaign publlcationB. undor the w~lgbt of tbe body. 'the at them and ..,179 at their passengers shows on tbe otber side a specimen ot died on the vpyage to Quebec.· The mural decoration. llulse III rrequent and feeble an.d It Is divided Into sijua'res, perhaps 'to skin Is cool and bedl)wed with per- IITlng snd tbe dying 'Yore burrl'lld bY .repr~lIent .a kind of trelliS, and upon It ,iJ1)lration . . All tbo attack advances the the steamer_ Voyngllur to ' MontNlIl, 'mmense roses are' blooming In profupatient talill Into a . dull, IIs0ess anti wber~ those who were able to, ir'av~1 sion, ' , moUonleBII. state due tp tbe exbauil- ,w.ere scattered . up the St. L&wrenee ~o a halt .hundrea .ln. l and darladlan· a'iuS "tIon' 0; ,a)) the tacultlell ()f tbe mind 'Wo~t!Q Wt.fJ Soldier. . .and body. Blood accumulates and 'and 1.1nlted S~tell towna, Almolit In Mr~. L ..E : . BllslI Augusta county, 1ItAgnates In the veins: gtvlng to the 'tlie t~me that !.t takes ,to te/l tbe st0l'Y eh:O~era .brok~. out · tit J{lnsston, 'To- Yl!rmopt, ha • . 'm",de appllcatlon for a . 'h anda an'd .teet; . nOle and 11mb. agara 'Falls, and 'a cam. _p ension on tbe g~uDci that, drelBed as ,b lulab, . leaden or violet tint Uke. tb~t ' ronto ,and pallY Af United et.a·te. sbld!era'.aboard a m~, IIbe 'served .fouf yearl In the , ~r ' ~ cyanotic ohlld. ' , \. ' " Tbe caule of obolera la unknown. 't he .teamer Henry Clay ' 'took' . tbe tedefa) ,.&r!D,y aa a. me~ber Qt Company deatb-d~a\lJiI .:. epidemic to Detroit; G, ~Ixty-tblrd llUnol8 volunteer infllDhIgh aunosphe'r lc 'temj)eratur:e . try. ,,'-' . 4tycir,.where associated wltb' fta pr.elli- wllence', It . sprea!! · along the Tb~. a,pP{tcant .1" an~ olll, decrepIt ..' . ',Jonca and . It' alw811 attainilta "iNto tall:ei to '-almollt eyerr: ,.place 'of woman, w~,nkled by. age, an.d l1er brow ftt Illte~llt1 durtn, tbe ' bot ~ci~th. peG.))le •• rU ,.a .tlle ':~." , " !ltmal .• ta&.oe8 II the ptlce or by bro,ociing over or tbe year. Jt Is ' m~t apt to be' . . b~m~ life 1D. ~e b~tUe.'-wftl! the ft~t ber eff~JIta to keep .tbe' wolf ftQtis- her YeN wbell exeeul ••ly 417 .father u.rafan.t . to the u.DcleJuiker;,· m,anll. On ,o ne cbeek Ibe bea" an qly .et perl~. 80me p'b"lc~8D~ .. 41 b ' ,cal"' which' ahel 1a)'8' ~4e by & . • . . . . tho.uSht .eb\'lle1'& polJoD to be n... ",p ~- . '. " ,t he ' ~ontede1'1lte -.bel' at :the alele Of RUleDIC! -oQ( ail aerial Dature, bat I~ 41ffa1oD ''''llti!l."C~rd of. mill.. Ucl 41.... Vlclrabu.... . Tbe 014 woman .p~r... ........ rescue .. of little riJue for dry out It glnl lood reaulta. the . IJA)' ....atlGD 'wb~tner to the ... _..uftllll ...,.... tJIeH to. _!e' DO tro~1e ~ IIIb~tlata nedl'" _IDee It take. aboUt planta belq reUIlled bl all ,.... : . tile 4Inc4Jcnl ., ..... . ~~ ~ =~ laer oIahD ~ tile t..... J.arI ror _ Plila to pt weU ~k. It Ib01l1d baTe a plaoe ,III'CI. . . . lila Ulat
An Experiment. Nurse-Wbat Is the matter? Jobnny- The baby 18 a take; threw him on the floor, and he d1dn't bounce a bit. '
................... -
Cement Talk' No.2 Portland . Cement does not come from Portland, Mai,ne, or Portland, Oregonl and it was not first. made at either of these placeso It is called· Portlanti because it was given this name by the Englishman who first made it. He called it Portland because he thought it resembl ld certain natur-.ll dcposits on the Isle d Portland in En2land. P,rtland Ct",mt is the fine powder produced by pulverizin\t the clinker resulting from the bummg to~ther of varioul material. of proper chemical com,Podtion. In the case 01 Uni'llUla/ Portland Ctmenl. thele raw materials lire blast furnace 81,,~ and pure limestone. There are ·many brands of Port/and Cemml on the market, produced by different manufacturers. Unl'llerla/is one of the best baWD and highest grnde POrlland CnnmtJ. You can always tell it by the name Uni'Verla/and the blue tr.ade mark printed on eae h sack. Forty million sacks of Uni'Vtrla/are made and used yearly in this country. If you have any {'onn-tlt work to do, YOll will milke no mistake hy uling Uni'llerlal Porlland Cemenl. Uni'Vlrla. i. for sale by repreaenlative dealers everywhere• UMIVERSAL PORTLAKD CEMEKT CBICAGO·PJTTSBURG
AlfflUAL OUTPUT 10.000.000 BARRELS
Don't Persecute
Your Boweis
, tOno•• ·
"'H."'~" .''-''__
f~rr?wed doo~.·
~r.e ~d
OIl IIoIa . . daat .. - - permuu& JUt.... ........
~~ PRJe&:, .
~llIline must ~ SigDaQD'e ~ ~ we.. ,.--"A' ~"
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1Ia.... Irl.-~ . ~ I ~=r.. . 1v,.;;ar~~
Coupty ,Courts Com ,non Pleas Court.
New Suits :- dna Borb va H ory Berb und Ilttornoy for p oio t,iff Putri ' k U'lynor. DiV OT l' a Id ahmonv 01:1 'grouDu8 of willful a ' Quoe. burts "8, AnI'" L Heur)" ~ II UTtfl, II t,t,oro ey !I for plfl.intiff, J Iblllilt,on nnd rO\"n i nl-t.orueYII fer d.1fenduuf., Brandun aod Ivins. In· j ·lnct.l on to 8et aside judgru n t and li ther equitable relief. Tbe 'tate of Ohi o ex reI , Al ton 10' Browo, proeecut.ing nttorney of W neu 'ount y VI! . 1'h l'ill moati, I:.Il\wilto n Ilud [Jayton Rutlrotld '0, nodiker und Murshllll, attor neys for plnintiff. Appelll by de· fendant. James M. With ram VS. The Inter urban Ruilway lind Terminal oom pllny. Hamilton & Brown attorneys for pJllintiff. Moneyonly Amount clnimed *150 with Inierest at 69 from JUDtI 12,1911 ,' Wl1llum Millard vs Mollie Millard M . Gebll1lrt attorney for plaintiff. Di voroe on 'gro unds of negleot.
" Ill! J;\dn\;lotI Bug '0,
Marriage Licenses. Harry EIIi, 22, hodoa,rrler of B lJefontaine and Mary E Bumner
20, of Lebnnon. Eugene E. Ruby 27, teaoher of Owensboro, Ky, and Edna May (Jonklin, 29, of Lebanon. Wtlliam Il'. Broole, 50, boiler firemflo of Franklin and Elizll EJiza heth Mitchell, 49, housekeeper of Franklin. Albert B eston H , farmer of SpringbQro and Marj{aret Jane Ruoo han 27"of SDriagboro. , ~e'roy A. M~Ca.be 22, maohlniat of J.ebanQn and .Gladys Shurt." l B, of 8out1\ Lebanon. Harry M. LiDder, fbtmer of Utica and Ethel Brown 18, of South T.ebanon.
'uutrlEl t entel'e,d with Frank B. EI'b\}u for bridge ropairs on WaynesVille und OJ; it ni" road !lnd in Wayne township wben 008t of any repa if does not exoee I ten dollllors, VRlid uutll September 'a2, 1911. 'ontrIlC$ entered with Walter N. Allen for oleanlng and ptlin~ing low trw, stool bridge near Henry Dook erl:! Oll 10¥lor Spri ngboro road, to fllrui tlh oil and ouunty to furni!!b pnlut !It estimate ot '2,1 .20 , (Jontraot entered with hurlel:! H . GlaDoy for putting in 30 in 22 ft : oorrngated ewer by 800tt. Pence's tflrm on BaFt scboo l house and Red Lion rOIlLl l\t estimate of ICi 85 , 'ontrH ot enterr-d Ritb Bert Reed for concrete proteotlon Willis to lower wing walls on Mil On oemetery aroh on Montgom ry pike at esttDlat o f 'IG8 5u. (Juntrllrt en tet'f:d with 'tj bbe fo r oon()I'ete toes Imd raisin!! wing wall and extenrllng one wing wall on Oregonia road near Dr. Jobnson's Ilnd ex·tra oonorete work I\t Earl Harper brldg~ on Morrow and Lebanon 'road at estimate of $176 17, Plans and speolfications approved for oonorete abutments and top of -bridge near Wl11iam Meroer's on Batfield road east of GtlDntown, 'a nd contraot let td Charles t3tl bbs at elltim~te of $90.10. P lans and speolfioations for oon. orete aroh snd painting steel beam bridge near Clint Butt's on road north ,of Kesling oorner on upper Springboro rosd, approved and oon· traot let t o Walter N. Allen at es tlmate of 116B.IIi, Contraot entered with .P. M Monoe for oonorete headwftl1s and putting in oorrugated sewer on Couden sohool house and ~herbet road at estimate of Ilf9.25. Contract entered with B. B. Monoe for oonorete head walls and putting iu 3:a ft. 24 In .. oorrugsted sewer on Couden &Iicol Honae and Sherbet rcad at estima.te of '85.75 ,
THE GREAT 'WAR'REN COUNTY FAIR Septembe,r 12, 13, 14, ' 15 1911 • • • • LEBlInOn Greatest Racing Program Ever Given. Largest Display of Exhibits ever on the Grounds . $5,000 in Purses
SPECIAL Women with Babies will be admitted FREE on Friday. Baby show at 2 p. m. $5 in gold for prettiest baby girl; same prize for baby boy. Second prize for both boy and girl, $2.50 each.
Special Trains and E~cursion Rates on all Railroads and Traction Lint's.
A rattler singular reason gi ven for preferring barrels before bl')xell for fruit paoking in the middle west and east, Is that Inferior fruit may be paoked away more easily in barrels than in boxes. The stundard box oontalns one bushel, and by the limitation of spaoe there is less room fo r paokin~ away the oulls, t.be wormy, kaoUy and soabbv stuff, whloh barrels so often oontain. For · j . th thl g Not t his b arre1s are as. e n . knowing which end may bE' op~ned firat the paoker begina at the boUom with some of the best apples, These ,Not a Word of Scandal . go in for a fe" layers, ' then oomes Real Estate Transfer.. . unt1'} tern h iddl'e i s weII ma.rred the oall of a neighbor on the on11a Mrs. W. P . ~pangh; of ManvUle, filled np. Now oomes the good au Emma L. Rogere to Elwood J . . Wyo , who said : "she t )ld me Dr. pIes again uDtil the blnrel ia foll to and Jennie Murray, real estate in King 's New lAfe pml had oured her the top. Warren county, II. of obstinate kidney trouble, aad t oon· Florenoe B. Wright and husband, made her feel like a new 'Woman." ~OW il) not the b arre i amos to ,O hester D. Crookett, real esta te Easy, but sure remedy for stomaoh, venient instrument for fraud? But liver and kid.n ey trOubles. Only eve~ in thie game of fraud the pack. in Warren. oounty . 260 at all druggllt8 , ·er oom.es out beaten, fpr he never , Emma Debold aa administratrix realize a for hia fruit wha'i an hon • of esta~'of George Debold, deC688ed POlltlvely Rudel est paok woald bring. In addition to WtJ1iam RQmohr, real estate in Becan.. Ibe wanted everybody ell. WarreD county, '''00. to know aa weU aa lb. knew tbat Ibe he 100881 hili reputation, ~or the buyMrs., R. J. ·Tiohenor et al to 'Geo, had Imall teet the woman who· h\ld· er oaloulates on fra.ud. He loses 0 ; Maroh,'tr08tee, lot in Lebanon, offered t.o lend rubbera t.o a friend, allo hit! ohluaoter, for the man who added ftPologetlcally: "But they are paaks:to deceive and to oheat; has 80 bl, 1 don't luppose you can k..p no olaim to oharaoter for honesty . them on." . Commllslonerl' Proceedln&•• "Oh, 1 cuels I can." aaJd the trlend , Bo.d of '2000'presented Josiah larenely. "I have bll' teet, too." Holbrook, ReC9rder-eleot app qved. SInce then the woman with small Between ~he dust of autumn and BUls Allowed :-J,," K. B,pencer. feet baa refused to see her friend, the dnat of spring ie a 10Dg time to .-ren when ahe broul'ht the rubber. lumber, 'IB8.09; ;WtlUam Evans, wait tor ohiokens to get a. good bath , Ilom•. lumber, '9.18; J . V. Banklnlo.n, - - -... - -To supply this need and oontribute lumber, 111.81; Ohio .O orrngated FERTILIZINO ORCHARDS to the oomfort !lnd health of t·he Oulvert Co., oulvert . otpe. 18240; fowJa ODe wile man gat'hin:s up dust Ed' ~aohlE?r, ', br.ldg~ ,repairs in The Herold has at various . • ime8 from tbe publlo roads, as he tells FranldlD iown8bip, . "2.40; George oalled attenUon to ' the importance about it 1n the following; ~eldkamp, bridge repairs in Hamil. of enriohing the soil ' of orohards In the fall when the roads are ton towDshlp, 122.80 ; George with liberal applloation. of barnyard deep in duat, I take a lot of twenty. ~eldkQmp, oont1'!lot, '58.'5 i George mannre, lome of the early or· five-pound paper fiourbags, and T . . MoKtnn8y:, ' ~ridge repairs in obards are llk'9 Some of the on wells strings, hoe aod Ihovel and go to Turtleoruk lowIUlhip, 17 50; Bert in the early 011 reglons: wells that hauling road.dultt; for a bath for my Reed, oontraot, '117.15 i 'Bert Reed at one time yielded hundreds of hens in winter. One bagful is all bridge repairl in Deerfield township, barrels per day. and npw yield c.nly you want to Jlft into the wllgon and 121.25 i Ed Beaohler, oontraot, four or five barrell, while other. a dozen makes II; one horse load, for '27.bO; Ubu. Henderson, oontrllot, ha ve gone wholly dry Mapy of the it is heavy as stone. I dump in '105; F. M. Collins ooatraots, orohards of early planting, whioh a tight barrel, and set in a dry oor1272.50 i Douglas lioll1ngsworth, onoe were noted tor the abundanoe ner, and sooop into the ' wallowing. bridge repaira In 'i'urtleoreek town. of apples, have through neglect and bin 8S I need it. ship, IS3 i Frank Stokes oontraot, general bad treatment almost oeased ------... 1501.42 i J . Q, M.ulford, tiowers for to bear, In many instanoes those COBB WENT OUT OF HIS LINE oourthouse yard, iB.10 i The 1:1. Fred old orohards are found oapable of Co" table for Recorder's offioe, '4; rejuvenation . Work done in thie Fake Storie. Are Accepted, But When Writer Sendl In a True One He James I'ollen, Sr., IIIllary as janitor line is thus referred to by an agri II Dllml ••ed. at Court House for August, '50; oultural paper: Raymond Harshbarger, a9s18tant "For a. number of years there hlUl Years ago Irvin S. Cobb, the humor· janitor, '40 i State ot Ohio vs. been an . inli8tent demand by the ous writer, was 8 correspondent for James Hutohinson, 11205 i Inquest oroha.rdists of Ohio, that the Ohio various out·of·town papers while over dead body of Mary E . Marsh, Experiment Station take up the working In Paducah, Ky. Not a greal • 8 85 i Bam D. Henkle. fees and ex- problem of fertll1z1ng orohardl' . deal of genuine news for out·of·town consumption Is manufactured at penses as surveyor for July nSQ 35 ; This the station has done on the Paducah. As Mr. Cobb needed the Elijah TrovlJlo, exoe.8S paId on Rudy poor soils of Eloutlleastern Ohio, with money, there was a period during farm through error, 125; John S. results tliat Ilre wodhy of trll.vellng which It appeared that Paducah had MoNutt, olerk supreme oourt oost mDny miles to observe aud study. become the 'news center of the mid· dIe west. Not a day passed that printing reoord in ' 08se LeWis, In the Fultz orohlud is one of thu some astounding story was not print· Treasurer vs. Stilwell, 18. several experimental blocks of fer . ed under a Paducah c1ate. "We stood Ulizer work being done under the for them," said the tormer telegraph station '8 management. Two yeRra editor of n st. Louis paper, "because Forced to Leave Home ago this orohard was oonsidered by ' they were so good, even though we knew they were fakes: But one day Every ye"r a Jarge number of the owner 88 valueless_o hioum. the boss called me In. 'Who Is this poor su1ferers, whose lung'l 'are Sore brance 00 the ground. It was not 'man Cobb at Padu'cah l' he asked. and racked with oough8, are u.rged· oni y sufferinK eXtremely frqm lao~ "When ' I -had satIsfied his thirst for to go to another oUma'e. ·. B~t thi8 of feftilitv, but 'f rom fungus di~eQ8e@ knowledge, he told me to fire Cobb. 'I itl cOstly and not alway'll (lure. know all the stories he has written '.\'h.e re's a better" way. ~t Dr. aud inseot pests ' whioh tiourished are fake,' sa'ld he, 'but 1 can't , stand KiJlg'~. New · Dis~6;vqry cu~e ' YO.1i at unoheOked by, 8praying. 'Phe.re has f.or tliat one he sent us yesterday. I hOme. . "It outed me of lurig ~ou. beau a oomplete. ·. transformation in llke 80me sanity even' ln a take story. ble," W,rtt8!l W·; .·:R. NelllqD, of O~'a. two seasons' tJme. The orohard It must sound as though It might, ( mine, Ark, "when all else ,failed arid pos8lbly. UDder ' Certain condltIona, I gained 47 pounds ., in weight. -Its Is one of the most' I riking ob~'eot partly true.' Igre}~ ,the king ~f all- ,c ough and le8sons ; n tbe tield ,of hor'i~aure . "E!O.'' ,aid the e:a:.te18~aph ellitor. '/ . lung ouras. ' ~. Thou!l&nds owe th~ir today. The owner, within a few "I fired ·CQbb. He plnde ·no protest ltv.. an'd health to.it.. n~ posltl.ve- years. wil Qe on" of the 'forem()8t ' about.gettlni fired In a letter he wrote lygnal'llonteed for , Ooogbi, Cold'j orohardists of our etate and ht8 0)). me. It lerved me right tor gettIng "",GriP"" . AetJ;.ma, ,Croup-all out ot my' line,' sald he. 'That waa Th~oa' 'and Lu~g troobl8111. ' GOo & servant ntll"hbors wtll become his the onl,. ItOry I ever lent you that 1 ,,-Of': hlal bottle Cree ". all dl'1l~ worthy oo.workerl through the Jea-. wu whoU,. true.'· _ OlevelaDd '110111 1~IU'Ded tD thl. orohard~ Le&d.... .'
.-- .
~=====LIVERITES=======I Being prepared from Pure Native Herbs, they Cleanse the System and Purify the Blood, and ,Tone the System, and thus
St. Augustine's Catholic Churcb. Fl\lher George Mllvenhoc f r , PaJltor MIUlH evt' ry Kecood Suntllll' of lbe moulh a
0 :00 a. m,
St. Mary's Episcopal ChurdJ. H \' . J . I". cnt!waltl\,l cr. Reclol , SU1Iday Sohool. 0 :3011. m Mo.rnlng ser vIce. IU :30 a. IU . !:Ioly Communion tho lint SundllY ot eacb month,
I===LIVERITES Only 10cc:::::::::::= P~ultny
J. w~ MIL~ER~
.•. DENTIST••• NatloD~Il]{:IJtrildg.
laGrange, Georgia.
Waynes)1i1le, 0
E. ,
..,...-.-.... ..-
. -'"
... ..
Notary Pu~lic
'B arbed' Wire . .
A~ MAFFI'I, Undertaker and Embalmer,
All kinds of Notary Work.: Pensiun Work a ~pe'btalty. .
Will be found in the Old Bank BgUding, oppoai&tt the National Bank. Telephone in hoU8~ and of. tioe where J ~ be called day or night. Valley Phone U-2.
!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!..!!!!!..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~_ !!'_ ~.
GUARANTEED to beal without leav- ' ing a blem ish, 'o r MONEY REFUNDED'. C. W. HENDERSON, M. D 60c and $1.00 sizes for fres h wounds. . . old sore~, sore bnck~ and Shollld.ers~urn8 W and bruIses. 250 sIze for Family use. aynesv j II e, Oh Io. DR. COX'S PAJNLESS BLISTER . . M~in Street, Waynesville, Ohio is p~inlCE!S and Curb, guaranteed to c~re VaUey Phone 153 Main Stre£t' j ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Spa'i).Il, Rmgbone, Sweeny/Splint, _ Puffs or any enlargement of Done or , muscie, or money refunded. Prioe 600. J . . . • FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS I 8ubsc~lbe for the'. Gazette Good for Nothlnc but the Ere.
You Can Look Into This Oven'·~. ,Without Opening,the DoorMoore'. Glasa Oven Door is 'without doubt the handiest improvement ever added to. a cooking range. It saves half the work of baking,. ~esides jnsnring .better results. It ,enabl~s you to see the condl.tlOn of the food 10 the oven without cpns~antly stoop1Og over and opening the door, which causes considerable discomfort as 'well as loss of heat •
Moore's Range really costs 1,ou nothing in the end. It more than pays for its~1f on its fuel·saving features alon~. Each stove is equipped with, a Controller Damper which positively saves one-third of the fuel. Moore's RanJre is the oiily:one havini a CODtroller Damper. ' , , ",
Th~ Everlasting, Fireback, · whi~h is patt of th~ range, still expense by ,providing for the burnini up of. al~ smoke,soot af.ld ias Moore's· Ran ge actuaHy teaches cooking. It is, equipped with an accurAte·Ov. . Thermomet': ~d a 'Th~miometer Guide, prepared for 'Moore 's Range .~xclusively by 'Mrs. 'Sarah -Tyson R.orer ': the . ~ckr1owle.dg~d fore~ost cook 0'£ the country. It· t~ll!l. tij~··' exact ~tengtlt' 6f, t~ple ne,!!essar, fo; , bakmg any klOd of food and. the tempc;:rature required. ' , " '.. : ' . :', ' . . .
. .
~tb.er reduces your fu
/- ~~t Us 'Show ,):OU' T~ w o..d~~ful Rfind~. . ''',
' .
, , " " . . . . . AJ.
LIVERlTES-A purely :vegetable Laxative, cures Chronic Co~ stipation, Liver and Kidney Troubles. Ask your Grocer fo r 1~.
Manufactured by ALPHA CHEMIC~L co., 8prlngfleld, Ohio Methodist Episcopal Churdl. Rev, H. W. Bailey. Putel. SUDIIIIY thoul, 0: 111 n, m . Morning sor, vlue. 10 :3 0 Il. m. EPlfOTth L engue, 7 :00 p ' m', Evening service, 7: 00 p . m . Mldwook Pr lyer Meeting, 7 p. m. Christian Church • Rev. L. O. Thompson, Pll8toe. Bible School. 9:80 a.. m. &cial moetlnll. 10:30 a.. m. Obrlsthu.\ Endeavor. '1:0U p. m. ~on by paa~r:evOl'7 alternate . Sund~" O~e Qf the largest and most up-to·date plants in th~ South . " 10. ao a, m. IWd 7.30 p. m. ; , Exhibition and Breeding Stock for sale of the following varieties : Hidcsite Friends Chur4. Barred, Buff and White Rocks, of the highe t quality; Single F irst Day MeeUlII(, 0 :00 " . m . First Da, choot. 11 ;0 0 a, m . FOllnh Day McoUnlt Comb Black Minorcas, Blue Grass Strain. All stock bred from trap 10 100 a. m: nested record-layers. Reds, 'Single Comb, of good quality: Orpingtons, Bl;iff and Black, Ortbodox Friends Churc:te. ltIts. EUzabetb Latkl.o, Pasta]' (Cook's best); Leghom~, White aDd Brown, regular egg-machines, of Silbba~h Sohool, II :80 il. m: Uegular liU_ !'eb . 8 rvlco, 10 ' UO n. til. Obrlat1an Eml.cavor. exhibition quality . 7:30 p _ IDdian Runner Ducks, one of the largest and finest bunches in the South. Stock aud eggs for hatching at all times. Your correspondence solicited.
.."....,.......... . , . . . . , . . . · w .. w · ·
- ..
President BAR~ELS
Splendid Vree Attractions. Send for a Catalogue. Membersbip Ticket, $1.00. Single Admission, 25c. Membership Ticket admits Vehi- ' . cles; without Ticket, 25c. Children under 12, 15c; Children under 6, free.
w. o.
We haven't roo~ here to. teU you aU abOut th!, alumi· · nlzed oven, Which 19 the lightest $nd most ilanitary on the 'D;larket; or thetMoore Hinted Top, 'wlilch oVercomes the troubles and inconveniences of'.bromng steak or touting bread; or the MooreADtI..$oardaCoYw, which pen'Dltlthe boiling of IQUk 0.1' lubstanceS which burn eaJUy, with '
.1\0 ~lt\rrIDg and :lIVlt~O~t the I~t danger. of .bur,nlng. . There .are·.d0Z4Snl of other ncl~ltve featUres of the ¥o~re Range wblch we wtll ~ glaJ1 to lIhowand. eJqIlain to you if you will call "t our Itore. ' . ' We won't. urge you to buy. Call NOW whUe Our Itock, i. cOJDplete. ·. . . ......'• .."... . . . . . ,."" Ia Cait I"", or SIeeI
For laI~ b, 'J:' H•. 'COLEMAN, Wa:Y~.viUe; Ohio. .
- - - -----------11 2 _ _ _ _-,-_ __ ..,._ _~___o.__
D. L.
CkANE, Editor
and Manager
Rate8.of Sub8cription
uo ,~ (strictly III adVUllC L .... ... $l.un Slligle OIly . . . . . . . .. •' . . .. . •.•.. " . . . . 06
Rates of Adverti8ing n
luling LoI' nI8. per lino . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 1M Hondlug Locul8. black fal·c. per IIno .. .. ' Or
Ads. eOL to IlXCUOO nyU ilU(!8 1'btell IllfJllrtlOU8 .. . ... . . .. . .. . Ubltuarles. IIvo Iliches frllo ; ovor 11\'0 , InchOH. per IUIO .. ....... .. . .. . uN! of thtUlks ..... . . . . .. •. .•.• . . .... UOSOiuLlollll ...•.•.... . ...•...••• • , •.. oclals otc. whom chargo Is mndo . . . . •.. I lIt1plny Ad "ertlal.ng por Inch ... .. .• • . • . DlBcouu(.~ IVlln on coutract. I
~6c 5(.
25c 60c
An ' xohnnge Ilpeakt.l of two tBrLD. ers, boighhor s wl!o htld eaoh a small .bard of six cows, tbe entire milk prod uot of wbiob was sent to n. ohees faotory. At tbe end of tI. oertaln perlud the oheok8 of ODe flverltged $50 fqr ef.wh OOW. Tho e of th" otJ.u:lr tell !.L little below 118. The dlfferenoe WIlS ill the grade of tbe oows . Many OOW8 kept on fltrlllS burely pa.y for the food they CODsume, wbile others yield a. olelln profIt. The losors sho uld be wE'eded out. 119 they call for labor bnd oare for ~ blob n o return i8 made. Their places should be 80pplied with S\loh us ' ret am profit. Better Rtock is what· il' needed. Let tbe mongrel be worked oot and the pure bred worked in.
- - -...
- ..- ---
No Need to Stop Work SEP'rJtMBE R
6. 1911.
No good mlln will stBY in a bad busine8s.
The hliher you elimb the harder it will hurt you to full.
Wbeu your doctor orders you to stop work, It 8tagger8 you . "I 04D't" you sliy. You know you tLre weak, run.down and flliling in bel\lth. day by d!.LY. but you must work 0.8 !'Jog a8 you can 8tand. Whot you need i8 Eleotrio Bitters to give tone. 8trength and vigor to your 8v~tem, to preven~ breakdo~ n ~nd build you up. Dou't be weak. siokly or ailing when Eleotrio Bit. ters will benefit you from .. he fir8t d08". Thou8ands bless them for their glorioua healt.h and strength . Try them . Every bottle ill gUtlran teed to 8ati8fy. Only 60c at all druggists.
It Is sometimes uld tbat tbe hog nu'turlllly loVe8 0leanlines8, Por. haps it is true, though we are in. ollnell toward doubt. Dr. Johosoo. of earl,. EnlJ1i8~ Ii terary fame. WIlS said .so have posse88ed a learned pig. But teaohing pigs has generally beoD rouad a ra.tber dlffoult undertnking. But possibly, . hogs ure oleaulv by natural iostinot !.Lnd do not need lu· strl1ctlOQ in purifying. Tbe f!.Lot that tbey do not &It a rule appear oleanly ml~y not be due to a Inve for unoll'11nllness but to 110 lllok of proper f!.LeiJitles for bat·hing . It is oortain that hogs love to buthe. For in tbe ab~enoe of a.rtistio bt.\th tube they plunge, and with the most evident delight, 10to a ny I\val1/ible mudhole. Now this natural dl8position to batbe must ha ve its root in some natural neoe~ 81\y And tbis i08tlDot ~eems il) ue h·e redltary. and . to be trAnsmitted through the oenturies. In pro~ f of this may be olted the Apos'le Peter, who spoke of "the ROW that WUI! washed returning to her wallowiog in the mire."
In period8 of high tempera ture the hog Beems to find in its mud.bath It hi8 folly did not betray the fool, a oooling I1pplio'ltion. The hog does the det.eotlve oouldn't mah hluaH. not like extremes, neither ' severe oold or greati heat. In winter he 8eells shelter. II.nd espeoilllly "0 keep Dipbma8 from the sohool of ux. him8e l f in olose oon&tt.ot with his .-----perienoe are 8 enerl\lIy worth !.LII fellowM tbe rflfre8hing of the mull they oost. CUT SEeD CORN EARLY bbx . To provide fOl' this 8um· mer oOilvenience. and to promote t·he If yon would keep out I)f the un. Getting good seed oorn for next oomfort and the bealthfulness of l1er&alrer '8 haod8 BS 108g as possible Rprlng'8 planting may In many plaoes beoome a problem. In . order the hog. it has beeD 8uggested &'Iat 1BOg h more. to S80ure the best it is suggellted that bathing pool8 be provided. prefertl. tbe oorn whose tlar8 8how the bAst bly of· oement, and 10 oonstruoted No mBn expeots to be a 108er in be oot in advanoe of t,be regular thll.t they may b. eQlP~ied onoe e noll tbe en~ when he beglu8 to bargain time for oottlng the crop. It ma.y day . . A spaoe around tbe tank with the de.U. . I be done a@ soon 88 the Knlns an 8hould 0.180 be of oement, lest. tl e weU dented even though the 8talk pl.lrker8onmtag wet from tbe ba.th oonvert it irito mtttbole8: A wind. There i8 " olass peraon8 whose be a little green yet. The slled will fill ou," and oore properly in the pump, with ita elen,ted tonk, woold motto would 8e8m to be: I, Whe. ahook. It is olaimed that the oorn 80pply an abundanoe of water In donbt, baok out ... wUl show a stronger vltll.lIty than if. The tbnk. would be useful also for le tt IItanding for oomplete ripening watering all the 8tock on the farm I I on the atalk. We h .u 'e not aeen aa well alt for purpose of irrigation The longe!'t pole always knookl Doe! it ptt.y to keep hog8 ·0Ieao? the per8i mmon, no mf\tter how un. tht8 tried, but 8Uggest that farmer8 make'a te8t by preparing some of The question posae@ses interest from Bkillfully it is hl~nclled. their seed corn in this manner, the peounlary 8tanllpolnt A gen. .. 8uffiolent to de*ermine wbiob 18 tbe tteman at one time well known in Modern · adverti:dnR i8 a game better way . thi8 oity. p08SeBtied a herd of StO pla.yed by merohants. and paid fur, • _ • head . Be had' .them · thoroughly ultimately. bv the 108er. TO CURE BEEF TONGUES wa8bed, and 8upplled with olean • bedding. Be sold them one h tllf , . Trim and drop them jnto boUtng oent above '.he ourrent . plioe, the Some people .contend ·it 8 "lways , w .. ter for a few minutes to "plump" i dealer deolarlDg they were the finest the oream that rlse8 to the top i but them and 010l1e the pores 80 as to lClt of hogs he had ever looked upon . then. as_In. thore'lt frotb I re'al~ th~ juloe8. When 0001. rub I A8 they averaged about 300 pounds, • them With a mixture in the prall or his .premium for oleanliness WI\S tlon of one pint of aaU. one tea . . somewhere between t400 and ,600 Aaron was not tlie la8t eloquent JOan who m"de a golden calf in an- lpoonlul of Bait-peter, and a quarter ; A Dreadful Sight Iwer to the olamour of the, people, of a pound of brown 8~ar to every :I twenty pounds of tongue. Pack to R. J. Bt.rnum. of Freeville, them In an earthen vessel. not a lin I N. Y , was the fever (lore that bad \ . 81e8l!ed is tbe lawyer, for whUe or iron one' 8prinkle lightly witb ' plagned hi& lite for many year8 in of many remedle8 he tried . the famlly lICJ'appeth over the In salt and put, a .weight on top. Turn spite At la8t he u8ed Buolrlen '8 Arnioa bernanoe, he ruerrily spendeth the them every osher day, putting the , Salve and wrote: "It has eotirely bottom ones on top and paoking healed wi th 8carcely 8 soar left." aame. them olole]y; Let them lie about : Beal8 Burn8, Boils, Eczema, Cuts, \ : Brui8es, Swe11ings, Corns and Pies • tb Women lue Inoonsi8tent we koow ; ten day8, t h en h ang em up, an· l Uke maglo. Only 250 at all drag. . but whd abont ibe man who 81ave8 when dry put ·them into bag8 to , gists. · • - • 'he greater' part (\f hi8 life to make keep from the fiiOtJ . If you 'do not Anything that is worth readin~ fit 'y million doHart!, and thfln ao· wtsh to u,e a wbole tongue at onoe, i.t does not hurt to out one In t~o. at an. 18 ~orth reading again . quiret an ambiUon to die poor. ',,- . c ~_ . ' . .
_U.-.-.-•• --•••••••• I . . .i
'1 • -I • I
BY V . A Ill!lslan t
1 ~omt · anb Set ~ut "
DAVIS, J r,,!'lI e ult ural o'umhuli, O.
Roots and s ds aro carried In farm machinery. The roots and under· ground stems of the Canada thistle, horse nettle. pea ,'Ine and all weeds tho.t spread froUl these lIarts Ilt t! scattered exclusively by the cult ivating tools. The bulbs of wild 6tarUc s pread "ery slowly until SCl\ttfl r d by lhe plolV and the harrow . Wl,lIe the wcod. of this kind are not very IIko' Iy to bo carried ocr the farm hy the cultivating tooll, seeds are like ly ·to be carried by l elt-blnders and tbreBh· Ing maohlnes that KO from farm to farm wltb~ut cleaning. By Oa ... In Selecting Plant. and Nursery Stock. Bee~ &nd bulbi are oarrle4ln 'plantll and nursery atock. The polllbllitieit of inttociuclng bad weeds In tbl. way ue ve,., ,ood. The nut ,r.. ot the Bo.thwe,t and We.t ~me to New OrlelUls from the We.t Indlee with .wden plant. and was introduoed Into Arkansas from New Orlean. with Itrawberry plant•. By B.rnlng Packing Materl.'. Weed M8ds are often carried In pacltlnge of various Jtt"ndll. In the pacidng of crookery, glassware, cast· Inga. etc .• 'oheap hay or straw I. In· "arlably ulled, and the preaence of weed seed In It may be taken as a matter of ooune. Thll material u.ually galns a wide dlstr!bution and II finally thrown out Into some va· oant lot or reach.. the field through etable manurel. The common woolly mulleLn probably came from France in crockery I?aoldng: . 8y Oeatroylng Weed·lnf•• ted Hay. Weede are carried In h&y. Thill offer. a mOlt ready and ' d&ngeroul means tor the dllllelllination ot wl/eda. · It Ie 10 danseroul becaul. It 18 110 hJr4 to control. Tradition haa it that tbe Cl.IIAI.da tbl.tle WeAl firllt introduced into the United Statel In uorthern N8IW York In hay 'bro~ght over for General BlIrgO')'ne', hor.llell durln« the Revolutionary war. Be thll as It may, It 11 alw,),. belt to ayold hay from rqlo., Itnown to be Intelted with bad weeds. liy Oare In S.I.otlon of Clover anll Timothy Seed, Weed o&re ~rrled In commeroiaheedl. Thill afford. by tar the mOlt important mean I for the carr)'lnr .o f wee&! from place to place. It 11 aafe to My that more weede have come to u tbrourh Impure field and rar· den .eedl thaA from all other lOurOO8 combined. 'n order to b. exteDIIlvely dl,trtbut..t with a commercial eeed, the wee4i Had mUlt be approximately at the same sile, ahape, weight and eoIor .. ~e former; otherwlae It will be . eeparated out ealllly by the mGdWll methodl of qleanlng or ...111 be readUy detected. By Not Ullng Them al Ornam.ntal Planta. Weeda are introduced as ulfllul or ornamental plant.. A. number of our most' troubl.some w•• dl fall lilt<> thll category.. The.eed 01 the olt-8y.d daley waa brought ' to Rhode Island In 17l,1I and IOW·D for bor.e feed. Wild garlic esoapei trom the ,ar4ens 1of .. t!Joe early Oermantow~ settlert, where' It was used aa a 1Iavorl8g. Purelaln Wal culthated tor grl.4n. tn MUlachws_tt. and wa. later takea to Michl,an, where .It Will srow. lor the .ame purpo... WlId enrota, mornln, Clory, poppy and otb.,!', ha,.e eeoaped to the ...11. irom tbe · old ve,etable aM 10..... ,&rdena . .d bl man" ..... h.", becom,. •• nOd puts.
ornery Co.
I .......
_ _ _ _ _ _- : - _ .
September 4, 0, 6, 7, 8 Dayt~n, Obi~.
Splendid Free Attractions Parachute Jumps Greatest Racing Program Ever Given $7200.00 in Purses
McCall' s Maga~iDe and McCall PaHerns . For Women Have More Friend. than any other mag-azillc or pattE:rns . . McCaJl·.s is t~e reliable I"'ashion Gutde monthly In olle million one hundred thousand homes. B"sides showing all the latesl designs of McCall Pa~tcrtls, each hs.ue iR brimful of sparkling shot t sh,nes and helpful' information for women.
.How to Prolong Lif. of ~r\ll. 1IA0uid not be .pared OD 1117 ' part ot t.he drill. .A iirUl I. a "'1"1 S ..e Mone,. and Keep I. St,l. "tsubscribin, hea"y draft machine wltb llu:1Jeroul for iIIcCall'. A\'11:"7.i.. e al once. Cu,ts o" ly So bearlngl to beoome tilled with dirt, ce"ts a \"tar. including ally one of the c.l.brnltd McCall Pallt r"" frff. rUII~ etc. 011 tbem ottell and weU McCan Patterns Lead all ol h." In Ily' •• Ii" and tbe Ill_ of the machine t. pr~ limr.HdIY, t'c;4ll1omV .. lid numher sold. Mor~ longe4 more .mclent work 10 •• dea era .ell McC.,1I Paner". tha" allY uth., two make.cnmblned. N one hig}l.r Ih.u ,se."II. II .. : ollred, and the work made nitty . WALT E R MCCLURE, · from your deal«, or by m.n from . euler for the team. ( Above all, do not ne,lect ,. 01 ... McCALL'S MAGAZINE FUfleral Dir~:tor .. Qe drtll wol1 when putting It away 236.246 W. 37th St.. New York City In tI•• fall. Some tertlll&ers "at Into N~ __Sntpl . COPT. I',..i". Cat.IOCM .... P.UUII Cat&1lp. bu . the metal part. and .hO'lld be L--___________•__ ••~_.m~ ~ oleaned ~ut. Dllu · hoe. ,houle! 'felephone day ow night. be brl.htened up and oiled. Till. . Valley phone No. '1. fAng wlU eave time neJ:l year. DIBtanoe No. 69-'k. . How Oeep' to Sow. DR,. H.E.HATHAWAY Wheat Mlould be IOwn ahout one WAYNESVILLE, OHIO • Way.u e8ville'.· Leading DeUla Inch deep. The quantity varl•• from .Ilt to el.bt 11"41ckl per acr., with reo Branch Omce, Harve,.lIburar. 0; Office in aldg. . Main St lu1ta tin.hUy In' favor ot the lattil.r. . It alw.a,. pay. to reclean .eed wheat. This , caD . ·be done . Oil ra~nr 'Subscribe for 'day. If a raanlng mill is at · Iland. It 1110014 b. cleane! 'for two ~·eaeon .. to remon (l) all ir'aah which clop
I' t r ! ' 1 '1
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Dopt .• O. S. U.,
1 jfor :tint art tlrinting
The Great
How' to Prevent Their Distribution.
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ttl. drl11, and (S) t~e . • mall tnfertor : : : : ;h~:ea~~nhotpro4I1ce· thrift)' ,
Pay. to 'U.. · a Gbed Grah' Drill. But ao matter how good tilt! 1 . .11 Dor 'how wen prepared the ••d bjjd,
'I'IIe A -rol" AI
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u ,the ,ra,. I. 4eptll DOt e,.enly I1M,"'UI.L · .AI='~ ~~~ll~f~t~J~~~~i~ 'at a walfC)rm in .t hedlstrlbut.d'~· .1011, .!lr . TtlK WO."D . . . iii.;iA.~:!!.ii~-!~'~~rr. , labor ~U I:Ie ie niJl. We' Iho\.l1l1 . . ~ JWQlLT. _StIOO m ~ to it ~ we have the belt drlll that Mont.. DRUooIiTi. ....OIAuaft, · DI••Joan buJ 'and Ihonld cot be OO.TU . . . . ., .T.A.·....... OA& . eatlda4 wtth uJ'tblq .....u...uJ A" ••.,. a.blo. OA. PIlOn:" boffOW from oar nelpbon .. ObtaiD 8Y .,.1.0 1ft All'. . . . . OOW." . at ..... 00It.
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HEN If YOII wan t to go In a l3Iue Rldg benr I' ace, here's yo u r chance," said the ch lot bunter u[ Li nville Mou ntain ono cloudy day In O('Iob r. " It's gol n' to be n. mig hty rough chnse a nd III bbe too much for you, bill YOII cnn sta r t, a nYII' IIY," patr onizin gly con tl nuod this slnowy man , who ('o uld cli mb a 1lI 0u nlaiu C'ovcvcd with . rockfl, briars, thic k IS li nd fa lle n li mber wllh less t rou ble th un man y a city dwe\1er fin ds In walking 8 IIl'ore of bloc\ls to his o lllce. J oh u U! a mOllntain product. Three ge ne rn· 110n 8 of hi s ancestors hll VIl found WI1YS ' lo live In t hese bealltl£ul North ~ arolln a mOllnlalns. I.,ltll e a ppret'lu· lion lbey have for the sceni c cha rm \ ha t captiva tes th e visitor, and sends him into ecstas ie s over the wlld erneSR. Th natives, ot the purest Anglo-Saxons 011 the continent , have lleen too much concerned In forcing food and raiment out of th e barren hills and narrow, fertile creek bol tome to give thoug ht to- the beaut y all about them . Hardy, selt-rellant, and resourceflll , within the ir limitations
By PHILIP KEAN ( Copy righl.
'QII .
by Auoc ia led l.ilc o·ary Ptcu, )
Jo"or hours the girl hnd walked through tho city streets, hot, dusty, tired, hungr y. She soug bt wo rk, but could 1I0 t tlnd It . ETeryw here sho wa s lurned a \ :1)1 . T hey wan leo onl y those who hao 1I (' ld similar positions , a ud VirgInia . fl'l',;h from Ihe country, could c la im no Imowledge which wo uld be at us to he r In tow n. It Bea med to bor thn t the t all bu illl· Ings on each sid e ot t he slr at frow ned ominous ly. As evenIng came on ~ hCJ grew afraid . She hated to go back to the ta ll tene ment where she had paid a we k's ren l for a ro m . Din· u r was out ot the ques Llon, Illld s be had bad no breaktast or lunch. It was wltb a gasp of relie f. ther('· tore, th at she spole to a boy who II tood on the corne r un der a street Locke." she Bald, "Is It r all y you 1" "It Bure Is." he said beartlly and gras ped her hands. "But what on earth are you doing In Jown, Virginia ?" She told him her little story. The aunt with whom she had lived had died, and Virginia was unwilling to be a hurden In the homes of outsiders, "But I can't find work, Dilly," she (IBid.
, "
dogs and ve rified lIuolher of the crafty .Jolin's Ilr dl (' ti ons . Two ot the best hounds had th eir bllCks bl'Okeo In the bear's 1I0we rfui jaws . It wa ~ now nearly 1100n, alld whllo my spirit s tili d s ired to go on, my legs r ebelled. So the ca ptain at the chase put me on whal he ass ured me was "a right likely stand," and told me It I heard the dogs pass toward the river 1 should follow. wb ellier 1 lIaw th bear 01' not. He would go ncross to anoth r stand and between us " we orto come mig hty clost to thl\t bear," lI e concluded, after outlining the secret hopes or bls plan of campaign . V. Ith some niisglvlngs lest 1. too, migh t be sidetracked IIk.e the un· rortunat Max, I sat. down on a log to e njoy, 1 think. the sweetest and most welcome rest of my whole existen e. The walt was only ·an hour. Hearing th e unmistakable crashing through ttl brush and the voices of the hounds, I climbed a great rockno, nol tor sarety, but to get a good look abou t. 1 could he ar the bear, l1ut could not see him until he burst into vie w less than 100 yards away. I got In one shot he fore he disappeared, the dogs close at his heels. He seemed to bo going slower and making straight for tbe rocky gorge. It was not loug before I heard the report. ot .lobn's gun and the sounds of another figbt, which soon died away. The pace was too fast (or mI? and by th~ t!m I re ached the edge of t he gorge It wa8 all over. 'they are contented, hOBliltable and e x· mountain a s easily 8.1 a pig c rosses The bear had . passed close to John, l/'f!me l,; Independent. It meadow. only lUnch taoter. and he let go It charge that must h.ave li'1'OIU October to May they nl'e "Now's the cbRnee tor youI' .30-40," missed , for the mountain hunters do - keen sportsmen, pursuing 'coon an(1 suggested one of the boys, "and not pretend to much skill In shootlug " possum, wild ~urkey ! quail and pheas- quick, or he'll be over th e ridge." at mavinS' objocts. His presence en· '«nt, but, most excltlng at all , the 1It- It was about 600 )-ards, but 1 gave It couraged th e dogs and they 11000 ,tte black bear. Ownership or a bome a trial to satis f)' tbe boys. getting rid closed In. The old bear was very 'snd several mongrel hounds seem to or tbe five bullets befor e tbe animal ugly by this time, and as John put It j'be essenUalB to tile happiness ot the dlRappeared over the horizon. Hasten- he " whupped the dogs clean outright :mounLalneer, for more than nine out Ing the bear's pace seemed to he the now Bnd went on . But I made 'em lOf every ten are so provided. only eft'ect, and comments were con- go to It agaIn," he related to me, "an~ tollered 'em aero at that Inst hoi· "l reckon th,ls bear Is the 'd addy ot slderatoly withheld. 'Now the' ain't no use gain' down lar as fsst as I could, and found " em all." ,lohn explained, "tram the -:traoks they tell. about over the ridge , In that holo and up again," command- where they bad cornered him In a :t\nd the war he's tore up tbe fodder ed John _ "We'll divide here, and. rock den on the edge of tbe gorge. 1 .Bod made him a supper 011 Rom Max, you 'g o around t.bat ridge and seen blood on the trll.ll, so I knowed 'Vance's fat pig. We'll bave to burry come In by Devll's Oap and we'l\ go he's hit, and .It's lucky he was., or 'if 'lI'e want to do any good-the other the other woy, towards the tails. If he'd 'a' killed lily best dog. But you bOY" baa started ' already. Flue day he goes on north the way be'B p'lnted, see hi" jaw WPB broke, so he couldn't for a race-little damp, so the dogs you gl t 'lm, an' If he goes to the river bite. As soon as I got liP to the flgbt 'It work fine, and there's no wind to we'll glt '1m , lin' whichever way be I climbed down where tbey was, and goes. one ot us 'II head '1m ott and got up within ten teet ot the bear, and botbet'." GeWns my .30·40, and putting on mebbe glt a clost shot." With but had to give him three loads of buck· t be ilest aTallable armor against the little argument this W811 agreed to shot afore I was Bure he was dead." And tbere was the bear to prove It .'brlarl!, t started with John to join tbe and the party divided . It appeared Tl'st ot the party about four miles later that John's plan was a deep one. An examination of the broken jaw .away. Eleven bounds and thh'teen' He bad hunted beara In lbll,t locality showed that It was done by a rlfte, a 'tuen and boys took up the trail where until be kn e w which way they were terrible sort-nosed bullet. AimIng for 'the bear hno last been seen. The dogs most apt to go. He counted on Mex , the shoulder 1 had overestimated bls were led by tbree good trailers, and also an old hunter, heading the hear speed nnd held a little too tar for'heforo noon we wer.e near ella ugh to oft', but being such a hlg one, that ward . or the bear 'WOUld have stopped tltHIlIt'e Increased speed In both bear It would do noihlng less than whip right there. !l:ow tho question was. how to get Rnd Imrsuerfl. All that afternoon the Mex's dogs IIno get I\WUY, perhaps, with a wound t1\llt would make capthat b!!ar to the settlement. We were "sce went on, across rt~ ge s, dowlI holloIVs. liP steep mountain sid es. ture ens ler, when he turned out o[ the only two miles away now. lUI the bear t hrollgh tangles of briars and thick· way of this obstru ction to seek safety had run In a big seml·clrcle to get Into the gorge. But such miles as ets of laurel and occasional loc'ust In the gorge of the Lin ville river. This almost Impe netrable rocky these were ! "The worst briar patch thot nK. At nig h t a truce was de· l'1 It red , for th e ouly hloor! thu ll fur fastn ess has been the refuge of anl- In the country Is between here and d rawn In the chase was from the ma.18 neelng from pursuit sin ce the the ford," ne of the boys pointed out, f aef's , hands, and legs ' of the hunters, t\JlIO when " ' lIIlam Lln'vllle and his I but that was the only way. Remov· whorl' the variou s trlnds of thol'n!! son , early In the (~ I g hteenth century . Ing the entrails to lighten the load, chased II deer Into It, only to fall ttle paws were tied together and the had fOllnd the m. Ibemselves into an In'dlan ambush . burden carried on a stout pole. After It Wil l! not long aftel' daylight next Roth lost their lives. but won endur- many resting apells and- much rend. nlOrllln~ when th e party reassembled Ing [arne by g iving th eir name to the Ing at already ragged garmentll and 11nd the hounds were let loose ullon crys tal stream and tbe long. ever- bloody, stinging fiesh, we got· tho bear Ihl' tra ck. Olf they went. 1I00n send- green.covered mountain that Ilea to tho ford, waded the river and sent l o ~ li S back word . 10 ,~ flhort, s harp alongsid e. a wagon .to 'brlng the troJ)hy to the 1) I'k l'l that It smelled fr es h to th em, Mex knew all the s hol'l-cuts, so he little store at the settlert),ent. lin Mr. n eur had . vldently also taken decided to", gct well ahead at the race. Just before we came In sight of the u rest whe n rel' i\,ed from th e urgent leaving his fourtee,n .year.old boy,. 01- houses we observ ed the ' mountilin need of keepin g dlst an(:e b tween ready the hero at on e bepr .Ilght, to custom of 81lnoullcLng o~r success by blmself nO'd hi s )'elping e nemlal!. wat ch a nsrrow . paBS where bears firing olf what ammunition we had' .. ee where he I rt hl ~ mark," ob- often crOSSed. The boy bad not long left, as rapidly as llpsslble. When a ~c n' cd Oll ~ 'of 'lhe hunters, poInting to to walt befol'e 'llle "hlack beauty" , dozen hunters oome In together this J\ flIII C fresh scratches on n chestnut CRm e ' 'teluln'g througb the bl'ush . and : lets everyone know 'w hllt . has·, hap. qnjl, :' V ii, and he s ure W{,1I 1:' up tbe for t hirty or forty ree. was In 'Cull paned.. and the whole t,lOpulation 1ret'. too:' e.'c:lllim ed ,another . "jf we Vlfl W. n.o t t.hlrty yardR away. Edgor, p urns out 'to welcome the nlmrodll. , flBd q't cAlI(:\" th ~ dogs In , tll Cy'i! 'a ' the boy, brought hili slngle-ba,rrel luto What was left of ·the bear weighed t r ed hil'll j i\ a little blt." . nf tlon and san~ a charge of bllqkshot 2'51 pounds when brought In, ' and tbe ~1 eon whil e, th dogs wer getting after Bruin . who did not seem. to mind hide melUlured seven feet from nose' far I\twnd hS we ome to a lItU clear· It- at all, tbe dogs Were prellslng him to tilll, a very Jarge bear for ~hf Jllue in!: In Ihe torest, where \Ve could see so closely. He mer.ely Cillllngi!d his Ridge. According to Ulouptaln beat BIl II dAC P , wide ravine to tb'll ' cO\lrse, Edgllr and t'he ' dOffS purll1ln,I, hunting law: a plec_ of the meat wal -tJrlaN:o.vprt'd tnolmtalnslde beyond. ~d started tor the river. Leav1D'" given ·to eve,.,. man Bnd boy In tb. . RCIIr('blng ()"er nll visible territory 'Edgar- and the dogll and .two three r41c~, wbUe the -proceedl of the ,sal. wrore Us. tbe keen~)'ed John BUdden-, ot the other hunters wbo h~d Joined of tbe pelt were divided equal., II, \:AJI~ out: ' "There be .I!" an4. bim far beblnd. IlJId Mex Itlll turtb,r. -.uOJlr ~e four 1Q@1l ;rbo Jlad 4l1li1' ilaWo I.,. btl dlreet10b •• loon could out of bearla& wltb tbe" wlad qalnat tb. ·cb".j reprdJeaa qt w.bo 1Il0l
toll o"jelct. trurrrtq up ~'l . lal.. Ule bear at Jut ~D"'" ~ the
He was (iti IY t"" enty-one but he had man's discernment at a woman's need ot protection. "You oughtn't to be running around Ihese streets alone," ho said gravely; " you'd better let me take you back to rour bollrdlng house right now." "It Is not a boarding house ," sh e 10· formed him . "1 just have a rooDl the re and tnke my me als out." "Rave you had your dlnncr?" he demandod. Sbe ftushed . "No-o." s he stam· mered. "You come right In and have 80m~ thin,; to eat,'~ he commanded . She would let Billy order notblng for her but a glass ot milk nnd Borne crusty rolill. He urged upon her 8 more elaborate feast, but lIer ' Inde: !\
her to go w,th hi m ' III Sulu r cJay nlghl to see a pillY at a nea r·by tb"lI ter. This was tbe kInd of Inl'l IlIllon shtl Cured by lydia E. Pinkham's craved, an d gho ncce pled gilloly . On their wav to tho t hea ler th l'''' Vegetable Compound. passed Rill y L~cke. Ht bOWl!d, and crr.s t Oll, TO,,"I\.-" I was t roubled for Vi rgini a saw th asto nlslJnlllnl 10 hi .; lung' t i mo with i ulla mma tion, palnti eyes. " Serv eR bl1ll right for not t uk· n;;;"";":""';;:""'-.".,---:, in my tli d l' 8 lck Ing rue hI IllHelt," was her though t aR headaches 1\11(\ ne\'!lllo lossed hel' hcn d, hilt nil ltJ 'veu, VOU8 I1CS8 . 1 ha d taIng bls mlserablo fnce bllull ted ber. )w n so many mediTh e bea d·walto r proved to he poo r c ines t hnt I wa R ,. d i sc our aged nnd compan y. H o was not III Virgin iII's t.h oug ht I w o ul(l clasB a nd his conl'e rsntlon W IIS li mit ed. n ever get well. A Virg inia, howeve r, mado another f riend told me ot engagoment wltb ht m for the foll nw· !-yilln. E. P inkbam's Ing Saturday , 1I0d Ill e nCllt dllY I~ h n Ycge taLle Comshe went wl lh Billy Lock to tbe ;lar k, pound n n d J t resh told him of It . stored me to health. "H e'll awtully nlctl, he Is so gene r 1 ha.ve no morn a:.,..I:..lJ....JI.iD'-y.J..T-'\e'-r~"-"s .... aro stron~r nnd I can ou s," was her sta teIll311t. my own work. Lydia. E. Plnkham 's "Pe rhaps he's' generous," poor Billy ssld, "beca\lse ho ' hasn't anythlnf, Yeg taule 'om pound allred mo aftl'l r ove rytblr~g else h a~ fail ed. and I fCC;; ahead ot him to saV9 for." ommencilt t o other BufI'eri!lg wornell. ") should think a man who cared -Mil . 'W~r:~' I::ALS 606 W.l1oward St .• for a girl would wllllt to give he r s C roston, l own. good time," said Virginia. of unsolicited and gonuFor a moment Billy was sllel.t. Thet IneThoUSl\llds t.estimonla ls like the above prove he faced her. "Look here. Virginia," the efficlenc r. of Lydia E. Pinkham's he sold, "I want to take YCJU back Vegetable ( om pollnd, 'Wh ich is mado home and put you In a little house cf ('Xclusively from r oots and berbs. your own, and care for yml tor the Women who suITer from those dJBrest at your IHe. And I can't do It 11 trcsslng Ills should not lose sight of I spel)d money on you now. I cannot these fac ts or doubt tho ability of Lydl" bear to see you In a place that you E. rink ham's Vegetable Compound to don't belong, like that lunchroom . It restore their health. . Is not the vlace tor a lady. like you . If yon want f!pcclnl advice write and that head walter Is not a gentle· to ~lrt!. Pinkham, at Lynn, MasK. man . t don't like to Bee YOIl with him She will treat your letter as and I don't think you ought to go strictly confldentlnL For 20 years she has bcen helping IIlck women with him, Virginia." . He spoke Wllh a vehemence that air In this way, free of charge. Don't tonlshed Virginia. She had not dream· hesitate-write at once. ed that Billy had It In blm. " Why, Firm ness Is femInin e nnd ob stinacy Billy Locke," she gasped, ") didn't supso suys a womlln . ,nile you thought about me thal way." III 1lI lisculln ' ''Well 1 do," sald Billy, earnestly, Ilu . Wln K\""'·. SootblDIf "ynlp tor C hild ren l eeLhlull . RU n,.n. t.h" ~ uo:u~ . r educes lnn . m mu.· "I love you, and 1 want to marry you, lion, ,,111\Y. p .. ln .c uru w illd ,.,lIe. !!be. bonIa. VIrginia, and by tall I shall have enough to take us both hack where we Prepared. want to be. Will you walt till then, "Gra IOIlI!. what Is all tha t cre pe Virginia 1" to r?" Sbe hesitated. "Oh, I c",n't say what " I hacl n hn llce to got It a t a bnr· ) will do right now, Billy." ga in , a nd, YO II llIlOW, my husband goes She thought It over and the vision III for fl ying!' ot the little home among the Waca came to her 9o' ben, on the hot days, IIhe 'LAOl ES C APt WEAR 81101"..8 olar >tunllu. arte. alln . Allon • 11001- & ,tile served luncheons to a ravenous popu· aM AuU se pliu pHWaf'r Itt bn a bAk nn I nw tbe __ btw", h lace. mnkce Uab t o r new ~bnt''' l ee l cas, . OI'f f\1 r~ _ .net rt . n,/ u •• • ub. lUlIl,. For )' IlKII \rIal In vain did the head·walter whlspo r towr" IN'Ckalo. addre •• Al lon I!. Olmlt.od, I", BOT, N. Y. In her ears dreams of tuture delights. What had he to offer her that couil1 WAS IT ABSENT·MINDEDNE88f , eOlilpare with the dreams Billy had put Into her bead? TrlpB down the river. and to amusement resortathese were things of tbe moment. But Billy's promises 'W ere for a ~Ifetlme. The n~t Sunday In the park sht> told the results · at bel' decision to Billy Locke. "It la because you ' are ' so gOOd, Billy." she sold. "Somehow trom the veri moment I saw you atandlng on the corner, 1 knew that I could trust you." "You bet you con," eald Billy. fe,.. venUy.
WHERE "You Wouldn't Take a Poaltlon Here. Would You?" penderice made It Impoulble tor ber to accept too much ot tbe boy wbo bad heen only a casual aequaJntance In ber home town. "What are YOll doing!" IIhe ..ked blm. He bad a fairly good poslUon In Ule packing department of a big store.
Famoul Old Church In Lcndon Hal Innumerabl. Other Hlatorlo Aa,oclatlcna.
Mr. C. A. Montague Barlow, M. P.; Mr: E. O. B: Berryman, mayor of Dept· ford. and Rev. Arthur Hart. vicar of Deptford, write: 'IMay we earnellt\y commend to your readers tbe ' serioul condition of the great hl,torlc Cbureh of St. Nicholas. Deptford. The churcb bas been condemned aa. unaafe by the "Some day. I want to go back home London county council under the dan. and have a s~ore of my own." he aald. "I don't care mncb about IIvln, In tbe gerous atructure.. act. In conlequenctl the poor have been deprived of their city." . "It would be iovely here It I only church. We appeal to your readers to bad money," Virginia Ilald. but Bill, help UI In tbe work of reltoraUon, sbook his head. wblch will cost ' £ 5.0QO. "It ain't any place for people like "The hilltory of the church Is unique . us. We. 8J:e better 011 In small places." It Is bound up and Identified wltb tbe Spanish Armada and Ita deteat. It ,Vtrgl'lla did not dat:e tell blm h~w was In thts' parlsb tliat Btr John Haw. homesick she bad been. . "I have just got to find work." ahe klns lived and deToted his energlea to said desperately. -rben ber eye I brlght- fitting out the ships for war. In thll ened. "I believe you bave brought church the admlrall of the fleet met me luck." sbe exclaimed. to worship before setting out to meet "How!" BIlly demanded. the toe. Here Evelyn and Pepya (lhe She pointed to a sign on the wall, diarist!!') and Sir Francis Drake were "Waitress wanted." constant worehlpp·erll. In thll parlsb BUly, remembering her rofined home Evelyn dlacovered Orlnllng Olbb()DII surroundings, expostulated. "Oh, you (the world renowned wood csrver) , ."ould~'t take a petiltl!)n beret would nnd some of his greatest work Is to you!" be lIeen In the old church. Including But she did take It. Tbere wall a his magUUloent representatlon of head' walter, a young man of some- Ezekiel'S vision. 'The Valley of DrY, what sporty appearance. who passed Bones.' Th'e church Is rich with al' her on, wbe~ she questioned blm, to BOclatlonll In tbe 1,Tlaklng of tbe BrlUilh tbe woman at the desk. Arrangements empire. It Is the Westminster Abbey were made for Vlrgln'la to come tbe of the ·Brltlllh .navy. Within Its wa1l,1I next morning, so ntliy took ber bome Peter Pett (the In'ventor of the frigate, promising to lIee 'her soon. the precursor · of the ' modern crulaer) Every day after tbat be eat at tbp Ues buried . . . "Mim1 :of the 'gisatest' naval beroes table where' she served. and «!.ve~y day and' .tbelr r·elt1n. place here, William be begged her to let him wrllb ,.to hlB U people and make arrangements for her Hawkins.' br'o~e.r to Sir John ~a'!l' to go bome. · '1t makes ' IIlck ' to klnsl ;Edward Fenton, the notable see you working "~re:' be aald. · EltJ:abethan explorer. who ,cClmmanded "It needn't," she told him. "We tlie admlral'lI flalshlp In the fight' wltb good things to' and. I .baTe . ', Com- Spain: F,roblaher. "Slr' Fran'ols Hoiler, fortable room; and tomorrow I Captain. 8he~voc~e. and m·a n,. , of J)e. coing to buy mfse,lf' " new C\r.t?!lI , · TOD'I ~ ..va1 notablUttes. ar~ bul1td a bat," .. .' .~. be;e. Alae, wlth~ Ita cb\1tcb1al'd reltt !;he hoped 'w ben she told bJm that . Kit· Marlowe, the celebrated drama.U I. that be would ask ber to &0 out wltII aDd C<.!Dt.mp~ry of SJ;lak88rtear..;U" b,lm 'to ~e ' thllater or ~ .eo,a le of ' tbe der Ita .badaw Peter the Oreat.; the restaurants where aOme of· the other emperor .of RU.lla• .Iearned tile art 01 Ifrls weDt.~ IhlpbUlhllD•. . The DQke W.llIqtaa But he 'did not do ~q., ' cJu. ofteD' Ylatte4 'the church with th. Trtn· IIID.. He .btu• •4 ud " ....P4!.ftId. 117 ' bre~~.";....~ , DalI7 .Tel.. "WUI J:o,. ~ In tIa,. pUll with m. .I r&.,h•
Mra. Nellon-My hUBband Is awfully abscnt-mlnded. Mrs~ Bnllon-In what way? Mrs. Nelson-He went fishing ye.terday. When he bad finished h. threw away tbe flsh and Ifrought bam• the bait. LIttle Pltch~r. Lady Vlsltor- 1 Rm coming to your mamma's company tomorrow, Tommy. Tommy- Well, you won't get a goo~ tlupper. , , Tommy's Papa- Tommy, what do you mean, talking like that? TommY-Well, you know, pa, YOIl told ma you'd have to get som" chicken teed for her old' hfm party tomorrow.
A Large Package Of Enjoyment-
Toasties Served with cream, milk
9r fruit - fresh or cooked. <I
OD 8~~t" ·
• • 00III1IIitII...
Crup, golden-brOwn bils .of ~hite co'rn-deli~ioul : and whol~ ,
A flavour that . Youag and old.
.pPw. to .
"~e' Memo.., LiD.e~"
.~~~ , \M"'-;~"~~~l£ik ~ '''UJ r ., ,,"!J:f.!ffl .
For Infants and ChUdren.
,.,,,,,,,,_ .
~ ."
....LCOH OL-,3 PE R CENT A\~~table Preparation for AssimiJaling IheFood llndRe~ula
(CopyrlCbt. A..
Co HeClurlf a: Co., 1910.) ,
som e what larg er, IIrr ulI!>I ,, !; lh e bench Itself so II!! to nlTor,1 the ne ces~ lIry levernge, lIut en' u til n bls en t ire .Tack K tt~, Il Vir g InIa n . n ow It ho r weight fuil ed to Ilh er btnrl the Cl..r plltlnlm !lt', 18 rldl"" nlulIl; \lff' Sall la l i tl'nll ur, t . 16 l ouh,out for .. utlrn'll~ wnr splh es , or cTuck n.c (lianle orne al· p UI't! 8 o f RO""IWd H.> IIOU C ' 8 IL ('''Ill!) tercatlon lJ ga n In th e otllo r room, th fi re at & "~W I ...ncc nnll 11"' 11 S '(' M n 1t" lI" nUo 'llCd t o IL ,,-u go n un n UI (\l lt I;rdl" I' so ul\ ll or an gr y "o lces and ehumlll il PU TH U,," by " leI' On !)o lll~ . n ' I" ' 1I 1\ ,.\( Ii r e t bel ng p lainly audib le. It was cl ear r cnclW8 Ih e ~ 14 1t1JII I h t! r n illt' r s h,,\'o ' f1 ,L.Ha cred two Ir ..' 11 ~lI tl rl"~ ll rl .,1. l i e ~ (ll r~ h 'l\ to K eith t hnt th ey mu st t ake th l! t he I'lctltl'lll in' Ing p a lle r M HI HI u 10 dl, ' 1 chance of a 1I 0 1 §~, :llld no b tter lime w Ith U W 1\)f\;l ' P, I' r l r " l. I I Il r,'""II' l 'R t o )\\mt nown t il!' m\lrt.l ~ r .. rs . \{ ,' l lh III a r than this coulu be rbose n, r ested (I I _'-r , on ~ It>· . ~hn r ~ (' I wllh t h,. "H re, Neb, lake hold with me. aD'] J1lurd er . hl ~ otf C IJ ~p. r 1... lnl: H r u ( UII H """H' lI bear down - put your whOle w('ill hl on plnell Bllrt. HI' .. O)"~ I e, J" II tull y r ",lil z· Inlf lhe pel \I A . wltt IIo l'il c r J\I ~ I Ir'C . 1\ It. boy," (!lIlnpulliOrj In hIs c ilI a " ncy, I'o w ho t Itll hI m h , ~ ",,'b 'In ,1 Iltll l I" , knew tho The two !lung th om scll' s up on t ho Keith tumll r loI1ek In Vlr!;'lnl ll. end of lhe bellc h. leapin g u p :lnd .Io wn CHAPl EA V.-(Contlnu ed,) so a s to add weight to Ilower. "ome' thing had to gil'e, ell her the Gto'.! l .. t dUDuo, t.lussa., I don o he rd 'o m wood or tb elr Improylsed le l'!:'r or e101<. talk SO)11O 'l.o ut d y plans, lin' 'hout the hold Ing of t he plank. For (HI In· eome. gal d. y' wan~ed t er flu' , bu t I stant It seem d Ilhely t o b~ th e for dldn·t glt no righ t ense to It. De mer; t hen, wllh a shrill screec!I, tbEs Oln.'ral, he was II might s tili mnn ." long splltes yl c>\,h l all el th o Ilou ra "The O e n.~ rnl? Whom do you 111 all? sudd enly gov . Itt i'" should er s 111 Not Waite '!" fI~rted ben nth , 1\\'0 m en II 3v ed It stili hi gher, ra,um lng th e b ench btl, "J9Jm 81M y don e coli II him dat." Then Ke!th r 111 IlIb I'l' d- just n low so as 10 le ul'e Ihe openin g cl ea r. dim. mis ty thrend at first, C'l ln.ngl ng Tole was now suffir.lenlly umple for slo,.,ly Into n clear reco il ctl on. He the paHsage of 11 man's bod y. on.1 was riding with d 8\latches from Long, Keith, lowe rlns hlm sel r. di scover ed street to St() l\~ wa ll J ockson, ond had the earth to be tully tour feet be'low . Tbe negro lo sttultl y join ed hi m, un,\ be n s bot throllgh Lhe side, The they began cree pin g about III t.h o da rl ~· first of In ~ son'8 troop8 he rE'acil ed was a brlga,le of No rth - lIro llnlans, ness, seek ing some \\:ay out. A l'llllel )' laid fOllndatlon of lim l:ston e a long ob, command e.! Ily Oeneral \\' alt Gen· structed th e ir patch to the opell 0 ir. ~rs l Willis Walle, He hud filII en fro m This hud been laid In mort al', but ot Jlls horse at the ou t posts, W8.8 brought InfErior quallly, 60 lhat II tt! difficulty bell)1 S8 to lh~ Genera l's te nt, and an· was experl cnced In deta ching s uffi' olher seut tlJl. wllb l ho \lllpers. An d clent to ohtaln baad hold , Working !)frs, Walle had dressed lind bandaged silently. not knowing what watcbei's bts w'ound , 'rhat wa s 'where he had might be already s tationed without, lIeen that w(Jman's flLce before, with th ey succeeded 1n loosening enough of I(s haunting famili ari ty, II dr w tbe the rock to allow lhem t o crawl locket fl'om bcnealh his shirt, and .through, lying breathless In tbe open, lazed at the count nan ce revealerl, Accustomed as they were to the "IYllh new Intelligence, There could be darkness. they could yet see Itltl . JlO do~bt-I t wa f! th fac (if ber who Tbey '\\'ere upon the oppusltll side had eared for lliro so tenel erly' In that from the town, with no gleam of lights t ent at Manassus b ,fol'e the fever visible, prairie and sky blend InlS to· came aJld he hau 10 l consclo1\s nc s, getber Into spectral dimness, wltb no .And thnt, then, was Willi s Waite Iy· sound audible but the contlnued qual" tn g In t hnt ijhallo\\, j;rn\" lIear the rei In l he (ront room or th e jail. Keltll Clmm oron CrosH ln g, li nd for whose crept along to the elld of the building d eath he hnc! b n arre t ed. 'Twos a frOID where be collld p rcell'o th o st rang e world, and a smll.ll one. What t.s of the town tw lnkllng dimly '. miserable ending to a life li ke bls"Land's Salle, You Doan Mean to Steal Oem Hoases?" through tho Intense blackness, Evl, a ' dlvls lon comml\nd'c r of the Anuy or dently the r egular evening saturnalia North ern Virginia, a LI utenant.Gov· ernor of bls slate, Wha t strange "Wl1l1n'! Why, Massa Jack, J'S8 and his cronies, Keith was loon con- had not yet begun , although th er e WM combination of circumstances could overjoyed; t ·aln·t gwlne leave yer no vlnced they we re unknown to Hicks. already semblance of 'lIfe abollt the ever Ilove brought f uch a man to tbls mo', I'Be sho' gwlne t er be yO' nigger. who bad e vIdently been deceived Into numerous saloons. and on occalllonnl plaCe, Rnd seut him forlh across those What yo' gwlne ler do?" thinking that tbls las t arrest · had shout punctured the stillness, A dog howled In tbe t1ls tance, and the pound, 2ndlan'lIcouted plains? Surely notblng Keith ran his eyes over the walls, crelfted no excitement. ordinary. And why s hould those hor- carofully' noting every pr..cu)lsrlty, "That's wby we picked yer up 80 lng of swift hoofs along the trail toltl , cler desp radoes ha\'e follow ed, "We')\ remain ,bere quietly just 811 e.a rly," he ex plained, genially, "Bart of fre sh arrIvals. An bOll\' late r and tbrour.h sixty miles of desolation, .to long £.s It II daylight, Neb." he replied said It ""fa got to yer afore the bOYII tbe single street ot Carson City would .trlke blm down? It wa'ti not robbery, finally. "but wc'lI try every bolU'd and woke up the y'd ne\'er hear nuthln' be alh'e wIth humanity, eag I' for any at least tn tho ordlnnry sense, Wbat every log to dlsco\'er some way out. 'bout Jt, ' an' so lbar wouldn't be no excite ment, ready tor any wild orgy, then? 'Alld how WM . "Black Dart" In· Just the Dloment It grows dark enougb row. H e didn't cven think thsr'd be If only once turned loose: That It ' 'olv 'tlT Why s bould he be sumclent, to Slip away ' w~bout being See? we'v~ enny need 0' ke epln' a speclnl guard would' be turned loose, anti also til· ly. tnterested to swen r oUl a w:lrral1~, got to hit the prairie, Once south of ter-nlght, but I reckon I won't take rected , the man lying on his race In and tbpn assist 'In his arrest? There the Arkansas we're safe. but not until no Bucb cbance as that. an' I'll have the grass felt fully assured . He s miled lIlull be I!omethlllg to 11.11 this not ap· thell. Hnve you matle allY eftort to couple o' deputies prowlln' 'round fer grimly, wlsblng be mlgbt Ilebold parent upon the surfllcc- some obj ect, get Ollt?" luck, When Carson does wake uP. "Black Bart's" face when he s hould 11scove r the flight of bls Intended vic· lIomo purpose shroudecl In mystery, The nllgfO came over to him. and she's hell," No ~ero quarre l, no ordinary feud . no beut down. . He left tbem tobacco 'and pipes, and lims, But th ere was uo lime to lose : accident of meetlllg, no theory f com' . "I W8.8 layln' on a board what I'd went away evidently convinced that every moment galued, atld ctl to their monplaco robbery. would accouu t for worke!1 loose at one end," be ' wbla' he hnd p rrorm ed bls full duty. Tbe cbance of Bafety. "Are tbose borses lied there by tbo the deed, or for t he desperate e fforts pered hoarsely, "baCk ob de bench. two prIsoners, puffing sDloke-rlnga Into but 1 c ouldn't jerk It out wld'o\lt the air, heard the beavy' clang ot tbe blacksmith's sbop1" he 1\ ked, point, now belnlJ made to conceal It. SOme way, these questions, tJlus something ter pry It up wId," Iron bar falllpg Into Illaoe acroSB tbe lng, The negro stared In tbe dlrt ction In· "Wbere Is ,It ?" ' door, and sat lookIng tnto one anotb· aurglng upon ,h im, became 1\ call to live, to fight. to unra\'el their mystery, er's (aces through the deepening twl· dlcated, confused by the s badow e " Right l'ere. Massa Jack." It was a beavy twelve-Inch plauk, Jlght. In the mind of botb black and thrown by tbe dim lights. 'l;)Je inenlQtY of that swoel·fuced WOl\1' "I reck'n dey am. Ma ssa J ucl(; I - . an who llad, bent abovo him when the part of tbe floorIng, and the second white reposp.d tbo same thought, 'Fbe dOlle make out fa· ... rever began Its mastery, o.ppealed to from the sldc;!·wall, Keith ruanaged negro wna first to break the silence, " 'Pejirs t er me. Massa Jack, like , "Then two of tllen! DllIst be long to him now wltb tho opportunIty of servo to get a grIp next to the black fingers, lee, lie mlgbt bc allie to clear thIs, and the two pressed It up far e'nough dis yere Bart pusson nm mlgbty anx- us; come on, boy ." He ran forward, crouching bchln,1 brfn~ to her the truth, snl'e her (rom for th e white man to run one arm lous ter hab no suspicions raised," ".Anybody but Hicks would see every cbance cover, and k ecplng we ll despnl,r, and hand over to justice the through the opening up to his sboul' that." acknowledged tho ether, the back bchlnd the- line of shl\cks. A murderers of ber husbllnd , It was up dcr and J;trope about below, "There's a t'\\-o,(oot space th ere," be rings of smoke circling hIs bead, "but slight d epression In the prairie helped , -to blm Rlone to accomplish ' this- no one 1IIse k,new what he kn e w, sus pect, repo rled, as they let the board settle he , hasn·t any br8.Jns. It was pure conceal their movements, and . neitber • oed wh t h (lu5nccted, And tb el'e wa£ sil ently ~own Into position , "The bacll nerve that- got him the job, Well. tbls spoke until they were crouching te· 'b"iiTOn. _"'Or-1'ii%iig'h eBeOI c', Tg.. re·. 'ill-Tol HiTs ' llUildlng must be set up on liS one time tbat 'Bart pusson' 15 going gelber bcsldo tbe wa1\ of the shall. main there In wenk BU1'l'ellLl er [0' fllte plies, I reckon we could pry tbat to find an empty coop, We'll get out, Tben !'leb, Lcetb chatt ering, Ulnnagl't\ , could ha.vebut one ending, anti that plank \J'P' with the bench, Neb, but.lt's Neb; iU Ht us soon M It gets dark to blurl out: . "Fo' dO) Lnwd' s 5a1\(>, yer don ' t actu· Ilwlft and sudden, He had no doubt IIl1ble to make considerable rackot. enough, HIcks Isn·t likely to put on to "Blnck Bart's" purpose, 01' of hi s Let's bunt about · first t~r somc otber hIs extra guard for nn hour yet. and' ally In(lan tH sLeal dem hOlmes?" Ke'!l h glanced about at the ollw r's the 'Red Light' bunch won't lJe fit tor ability to UBe the "R ed . Llght" outfit weak IIpot," ' Th e)' crt.'pt across the noor, tostlng bus iness muoh before midnight. By dim, blnck IIh udo'\\·. as desired, Tho wbole plan wus clerw "Sure not; just borrow 'em." )y evfdent. anti tbere would be no do, ,each se parate board. but wltbout. dis- that time wc'\I be In ' llIe sand hills, "But ds t.'!! a hangln' job III ,lis yer" . lay' In 'executlon- all they were waft' covering li place wbere tbey could ex- heading south, Ilble to give tllem a ,t ng fo~ was nJght, un!1 a lax guard, He ert 11 leverage, The thick planks were run for th eir mon ey- we'll have country. Massa Jack," "SUre It Is If they calch us, Dut giilnced about ilt the walls of th e ti ghtly s plltcd do'\\'u, Nor did the horses, too, If we clln flnd tbem." we'd be strung 1IJ1 aJ}Y\\ IlY, ond W'3 The negro'S eyes shone white, ', Nom. bls eye~ grown hard, his teetll walle ofte r any better encouragement. Keith Ilfled hlmselt to the gra~ed "Fa' de ' Lawd's sa lte , Massa," he can't be hung twice . Besi les th er e I~ c[enched, ' .. Neb .... he !laid shortly. "1 guess thot window, getting a glimpse of tbe proteste~. ' ~dBt'd sho' be u hangln' Job a cba.ncll for us with tbo ponIes, and none at all wllhout. An h our's sta.rt was . your 'c uUlt a\1 right. but t.hey worll1 without. but findln'g the Iron tm- If ebber dey cotched us." Were not kJlled by Indians, '{bey momble, the sc·rews solidly Imbedded . J<elth laughe d. ,knock lug out the In the saddle. N b, nnll .this bUllch back h ere will n ever c\'e:n find our Were tun dowu by "n gang from tbl s In the outside wood, He dropped to ashes from his pipe, OlUe, liar, "Wltb nn bour's start that wlil be trail; I pledgo you that, 1Owii':'.tbo sume fellowa who have put' tlte floor, reeUng bamed and dls.cour. the least or my troubles," he sold, stay close wIth me," ,),OU BUd me' In b!ll:e. r don't llOow aged. , (TO DE r:ONTtN UE I1,) . :wba,t they were after- that·s to be , "It wtll ba\'e to be the plAnk back- quIetly. ----. fO'u nd crut later,~but tbe fight you put of tho bench. Neb," lie announced The Pancake. ·.CHAPTER VI. up at the camp spoiled tb~lr galne for brleny, wiping tho persplraUon from The pancnke 18 n dlrlUnclly Amerl, once! and led' ,t o your arrest. They hIs fac;e, "'Get down tliere. ,and' work can lu stltuUon, I t Is · eaten only JD , fnU~· tcJget ' ''fha~ Wall. wanted 10 It as oose as you can without makin, secret 'In 'our best fammes. any noise, while. I keop my ear to:' the 'C_raol1, anil eo they trailed ·,the party . It would be ealen openly. and above" .,' to tbe Chn.maron 'C l'Qulng, rbec c I, door ,and Ils~en for ' any Interruption." board .~ere it 'not tbat folk of the up' , 'Tliey' took:' tuma· attbls 'labor, dll-,>t On th~fr~traek, fUltd .fear~~ tbe ','Nt" pe~, Clrcl~l!. hilV~ tel maintaIn ,tb,elr dig ~lt, " tb6:J '~'e :' lnndel! :, tile 'alllq. . Now cov.erlng a l008e nail which gave al\ nlty . oo(ooo the sorVllnt8. . , , they'U set rid 'of UII both' as b~.t the1 opening, p,ur.ch~e;· at the crac~; tbus ' 'P roperly ma(je~ tbe , pancake Is , ea". ' Tb~e fellowB \Von't , ,,{aDt an1 enabU"g the Insertion ot._ 8t1)all ~ood' t~lng,.of beauty IlIid U loy for the tim, 'bloclt~ and <in8urlng ,space tor .a trlai-~hat wOuld ~ liable to give' 'the 'belni, . IOOd ftnller . grip "'b8n· tJ1e tlgbt tlD!e ""lIole ·trlck· awa1-:-but ~tiey have mpJ:operl1 made, ~.II . rt usuall,. tl, II A 81eep, M~xlciat1 broullbt In , to P~ w~.r.e we! won·t ·~k. fa :;t. bU,bt "}lOn Ufe ' and a bara_ ~ to do, tlltl, atnt that II! tbelr: dInner, aDtI let It down".dD t~e mert to th. atomacb, A yroql1 pr. bench without a word; hut on hll reti, '. ' tJgeIlIQ , ~, . Do you ,18t~y . paneue . c:an Ita, ' wtth 10U turn with supper. ~.e ' marlhal aecom; .rUt. Neb r,o " '. tban ~h8 after elreeta of pile.. . TJl.e wliJtal of !be llel1'O:~ . , . were paDled hilli, uel rem""" _while they. ate; talfdnl, t.o . Keith. .lId ""1Ild hi ~!1eaee, hi. II'l»r aboUt the' room. ftl'tulllltel1. the ~ ~ ,.Deb OIl 1,'blch be ut; , ~. de Lawd. II.... .Ja4k. 1 ,Ie wlDdow . . . 'to th.: ~_ of tlje .UD ItrUck, ,'lae ODD_lIte vYNOP S IS,
u' '11'." .... "'1 a'
The Kind You Have Always Bought
'U( , ~\
If ..~ . .
i~"" ct, .....
tIae 1ft,
I-=~ tiar
Bears the
ting!he Stomachs and Bowels of
Promote s Digeslion,ChecrfuJ ' ness an d Re st .Conlains neilher Opium .?-1orphine nor Mineral
Apcrfecl Remedy rorConsliPll' tion, Sour S lomach,DiarrhOec:l,
Worms ,Convulsions ,feveri~h ness lind Loss OF StEEP.
For ,Over Thirty Yoars·
-Si-mi\(-_S ..gnaturt _-of
f AC
~~CASTORIA Do Y011 Wanit one of these
31)000 Farms? Prices ra nge from 25c to $6,00 per acre: President Toft has issued a proclamation throwing open to seltlemcnl tho Pine Ridge and Rosebud R eservations located in Bennett and Melletto Counties, S. D, The land subject 10 ('ntry \.;iil approximate 4&6,562 acretl. Poi nts of registration ore Grel{0ry. Dalla!! Ilnd Rapid City, Soutb Dakota, Time of registration, October nd to 21 s t inclu-
4 Acres
Excellent T rain S~rvic~ The Direct Rout.
sive, 1911, Drawing begins at Gregory. S . 0 1 0 to ber 24th, 19 I J. The la nds to be o pened to IlCl tlemrnt are 60me of tho choicest in South Dakota,
The Best of Everything
mutter an d rull parliculo •• .. pp1y
A. C, JOi-tNSON, r • .,enller Traffic Manaae, t, A, CAIRNS, Cen'l P ....'r Dod Ticket A,ant
CIJirogo 01111 .vorllJ /l'rJ/~"" Roi!<tvo.1 2!6 11', JlultJOn Bo/liMJfm l, Chirogo, III,
The OriSinal White
LaundrY Soap
JIt allJroeers
5¢ - -.
NEVER ". ._- - DISAPPOINTS -_._- _ - --.-_- .. _--- - -
w. 19 DOUCLAS 82.50, '3.50 &'4.00 SHOES
------- .
WOMEN wear W.l.Dou::lu ,lyli,h, perfect fitting, eMY walhinll' boote, becau.e they ai",e IODlJ wear, aame u \V,LDouIr1a.. Men', .hoe.,
FOR OVER 30 YEARS The workm~ship which has madeW.L Douglas shoes {aolous the world over is maintained in every If I could take you into my large fadories at Brockton, MalIS.. and ehow you how .care!uIIy W .LDouglu shoes are made. you would then undentand why they are war, ranted to hold their ahape~ fit better wear longer than·a'n y It)theUl)aIi:e t4Dt tine Imc:ei
.,air. '
CAUTION .... UID. ha.... w. L. Dn'II.I,.. =;.;.:= The nam••n'I ..... .tamped 08
,tlU iiann!lt o\)ta,ti W. L . DoUllu ,bOM ' \', ,our town, wrlle t'"f ca~~, Shoes' aen' dlreo' OllE PAIR of ~t BOYS' . .,~ from '~ to weanlr, "U,cblUg'" pH"pilld, · ~,L. ...00 880E8 will poe . ltl...lyoulw.... ' DOUG ~ 16a tip~'" 8~~1do~~ '1'WOP~oI~~l.·.-.. .
l .
\ \
,------_._._---IK -:
rAb6~t p~~;i~ 'T ~ BEAU~IFlIl TR~;UTE-' --' ~ +"'+~···W''';~·D++-S·''+''''I A
Th olJ bt'll in th s hool house o-"":'---:---...~---":"o 1'!1E:l long':X1 ~L u, thll in \'ilab~ " tow I' c1an~cd f rth at 8: 16 Monday has happ ned . Judge A . W. Doan . • + Specials this Week l11o l'ni ng, and the pupil trudged on Mr. and Mr' . F'. raer isited is d<:,a<l . 'fl' r som y"ars oh l a~(' h~s InJ ': or Wh I Tin 'ans,lloz .. !lO at th call, ln o~ t of them anxious and Dayton unuay. IJ en l'p.li!ping upon him, al1d hi' Sl,u'r Tin an::;, lfoz .. .. .. .. .. ...... hC eal.{et· for th coming year's s tudy. . . rfriend s, with 'ver incl' mling satin ~~. +1 MaRon Q Ul:ll· t J rs, d 7. .. ...... ijOc Th scho I op n d in good shape , L. A. 7-imm rl11l1n in in Innatl have noted th daily shrink ag' of hIS _ __ _ Sl'alin j.!' Wax Qt J a l·. , ooz .. .... 1)5 ' today n bu si n ss. ' and it is hoped ha this will be the pOWC IS. Long after hi s power l BY V. H . D/\VI'}, • KZ. Li ghtning Pt J a rs, doz ... (lO' (o;-Z Lightnin g Qt Ja,' "doz .. , 70 mOil!. p l'ospel'OUS y ar ever enjoyed Mrs. Mille t·, of X ria, was ag ue L work had failed he con.ti~l~ed to k <;Jl Agric ult lll'l i R. 1,'11"1,,,, I\~I\I\ II - : All kind s of una a re advancing'. by lh Wayn s\'i l,le schools. of Mrs. 'l1fi ~ti e McKinsey atu rday. up the form of his acllvltles and (lid 1111111 1, u , S , I' " ,''':I1 11,IoU>I, 1. :-10 you had b tt t' buy at th se The total cl1I'ollment for Mond ay not miss a day at his olTlce. But his .Lot _ , ••• 1.' "_'I. • spec ial pri ce!'!. +++-l'''+++++~T''.' ''' ....... '.. T · . ... r ' r IVW! ' _3 , divid ed af foil ws: Mr. Wallet· Ie ,lure ·tay Lher e grew shorter day by tiny . SnnlosCoffe nllly ......... ~Wcalu and gratl ually he ceasetl tu vbit it. \\'t r1~ InJIII~ lhl' 1':11'1\11'.1' chl"~IY till arl were Dayton vi:>itot·s Id Rt>lial>le Colre only .. 25c a Ib " . two Wil)'. ~"I IHt . lIy OIl"1I0111!\ b l\ , . . t:racle 1- 15 pupils ' t ill hI love of hiS profe ' lon , hiS Id <!11 ur th e \H 'Olullful. 'J'hiH IlIjll l')' Walrus almon only .... .. l ~c can Crad 2- pupil H uben R Le rts , I f 'outh Cha l'l e!l- ense of duty a nd the life long hab~t I ~ 11 11 illll'ol'll\nt r 11 ' 111 1' ill lit" \,alll' :I-Ib Halt d Bellns o r; ly ..... 1O an .nde 3-10 pupils tun, is t.he gue t of M I·S. Ella Mirh- of work poss ssed him and turned IllS uf lIlt' 1.11111. 1111, 1. rurt!h'1'I1lI Ire, It Is Qu a rt Jill' MU Rlard only .. Hl , rade 4-11 pupils 'hi le 'on arne only .. .... 10(: 'un en r and f amily. t houghts toward the town lung after U111' tha t Is f, 'll by Ihe II lillIe .j ~",ll1 : Grade 5- 6 pupils · f 1.1 f l. d Ii d him IIIunlty . \ fllr lll 01 en 'Ill 'I'll It II u lI M l'W b'ustel'n Swel.lt r la to H, I Is 11M '0 1:11' It!~ :; \••I1\1l1bl ... \l~ ' If, but Mi sses Louella F razee and Anna -\I eeu ness 0 uO y con 111 Grade 6-11 pupil s Fancy ll'ish Co bbl el',· It'ish PoIt mak,' ~ ;" I'l'T)' otlll ·r (:lrllI 10 th" Stephenson, of incinna1i, at e guest to his hom. Grade 7- 12 pupils ta,toes, N \V Be l'lnu la Onions . His long andactiv lif wa bound- ('01111111111 11), I.. ss I'lIl nl\ltl<" ~:"'(' mlli. lJ:r abbag(', ranges" Melons, of Mr, and Mrs. Thad Zimmerman . ed by two childhoods . The second th' ('roll I() ~ ~, Tld~ Is (Ill' h. 1.1 lhat Grade 8-12 11upils Bananas,' Fancy ~aiden Blush Hig h School- 3 pupils or these. though causing sadness to r ()('l'h' I'~ Ih , 1I111Te ('011111 '1111 l!~t1 mnl O Apples . ' Mr. a ni] Mrs, W. H . Allen, Miss T he openi ng ex rcises of the s l:hoo l G orgia Hadd en and Miss Elizabeth all who kn w him was not less beau- Profits L essened 111 N u mbe r 0 1 Ways, PECIAL FOR SATURDAY 'f I d t I" tl tl c til'st. T be ' fal'lu ',; prollls arl' h '~!lI' lI, 0 In upt. Bruner had Slewart were Fran klin visitors un- t"I u li n " ou (: llng . lan 1 w >re ueauliful. La!'!.! ' I::natn el Dish Pan , ~, ' a nllmber of lIa)~, tllu 1110. 1 dllllor· I'n r, as 111 IllS first childhood , so III tllll t oC whlt-h ure tit!! (ulIUIIIIII:\: e ' e g t'ades to meet in the auditorium, day . 1 III (' an B .l~ Irl g- l'\l wd r, his second, he wall with his paren ts (1) W ",('cls rull the 8011 .,f 111011ONLY 3ge afte l' the organization of t he variou Miss Rach I Ridg , of incinnali, and commun d with them as thoug h tur. Thl;! alllolint of wll ter tlHlt IlIli st Sale ill for on(' day only and ,l'nly g rade, and an excell ent program of he r ' broth er Mr they weI' cons tantly at hili side In be tnll . U li P 1.0)' Ihe roo t uf IIIIV IJI :l!lt "n' to, I':! 'h j'us tom r. was I'end ered" consis ting of chorus was,' Lhe guest -. '.." . and exhnl d Illto Ilia aI r th roll gh ,et tit ' hah it; lrade at. singing, piano duet by Mi es Ru t h Ma lion I{ldg and othc r I' ,Iallves the tin s of ~lIS s.ecOl~d h.olpl.essnes.'I tho leanl8 Is n rmuu~. H:X\ll.rlI1ICIIUa here unday ,and Monday. . h~ turned WIth IllS. h rst m stmct to , bnll ll shown thal for \IIost of lhl! cu i· Hartsock and Ruth Zimmerman, vo hlS mother and With he r he walkeri t\vnt d grass 8 from threu to live cal !lolo by Miss Marie Miller, I'eadMisR Et.hel Hosi I' lef t Tue -day and talked unt it he filII asleep and hundred pounds at ",at I' m,ls t I\C- 1_ ____._ _ _____ ing by Miss Glenna Hoblit. The ex' th rough the plants tu _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-:0_ _ __ morning f or Iowa. whe re sh will wcn t t 0 J..In h e r, . tlll1l1)' produce pass 1\ s in gle pound Cl f My III I" , __ e rci ses were very much enjoyed by vi it relativ . Mrs . Bj ron Ii art.Evel·ybody kn ew Judge Donn, and ttlr: III sensous of drouth , 11'111)11 thc·re lAe different g rad es. sock accompani(!d h l' as far as Chi- everybody loved him. His , hear t 18 s 'urcaly Dough molstur u 10 SliP' Supt. Bruner is very anxious -th at cago. was made f ge"ltleneRS and kindnes.'I ply the Cll lt Ivat d ('rops, It It! ellsy the parents visit the schools this year, H~ never t u rned away a request for to uuderstand th Injury don by the o and by so doing will help the teach· .::l:'r --. &eais Vu WW eere hta~nj Born to Mr. and Mrs, Horace Roy I. d pres nce of 1\ Iflrge num be r of uddl, ers in their work, and also encourage help. H was gem'rous e. ven ueyon llonnJ weedy plants. Th is Is doub t. - 0 It? Nm4 yxvzar!!gu d-- eet ~ Graham, of KnnSIlS ' ity. Mo., 1'''1' 'I'rll'i" "Or \I'lli'll 'l' , '\lI~ ' 1t1 1l \\'ill s," t the pupili; to greater endeavor. a dau g hte r, Seplembel' 2nd Mrs his m >ans. 1-1 e wOI'e .h IS h ear on I(>ss the UlO t Important o[ the weerl 10 I\I ll I()w "t I' '~ I ~l ll .. ilJlu h lo ,II 'r. (," his sleeve, careless of the fact that Injurl R, for It must nQt be forgotten DRAOG E D DOWN HILL Graham was form e rly Miss Wanda SattlnlllY, l= jltl'rnh 'r 9, 19 J I, some who were unworthy would that lh e moisture In the soll"ls the LABOR DAY CELEBRATION Eg bert. l 2 (I' • 'It'l. ". 01,. nil tit ,;: unn<ls. t IIlI /'011 abusehisgentlequalitie. AsaJudge a\1·lmportant th ing. Ask th n\' rage Thu rsday evening, as a young rl rill' ull I \ lJ(\r 1I ~"'''<l \\1'Y III "\1 L tloWll I h lt . . .. farm er why h cultlvnt II his oorn , IJlrunr"h,q ll 'nrll,,1t hil i, II litO I,y tl l'lko, A celebration in the way of man by the name of Wills was com. Miss Dora Ellis left Sunday morn- hiS sense of Jusllce was tempered and he will SII)" 'To kill tlto w ads; " l'It,n. anoi ~ "" l'I\\cl\th) IlS UJ' lito uL '1'0\1'11 8hip 'IOrk '. "Ilk. a double-header game of ball was obing to town, on the big hill above the in..g to resume her du tie at the Ohio with mel'cy, and he sought the cor- when. as n matt r ot fnet, It: III or Bout! ur g 1011 UO Is rOflUI .. II (I f IIll("·,#II;111 1 'J'I1\' '1'ru81"os res n 'u thu r l/tbt lu three' bridges, the horse he was driv- served at the ball park Monday, and Experimerrt Station at Wooster hio, rection, ratller than the p~nishmen t, should be, for the purpose of CO II- blrltlcr, roJ.,(·t Gil)' 1,) 1' ult hirls, Il y <ortlur o f Lho Trll~\.OOII of WaYIl 'f,)", 11ing kicked and threw him off the the games were witnessed by a good after a pleasant thr e weeks' visit of the guilty who were brought be- se rvln~ the moisture In lhe soil. Th e JP, O. 0 HJ£ ~, Clork . , w eds are ktlled purely as an Incl- . hlp. cart , and he was dragged down the attendance. lhe Cadet band helped with relatives here fore hun, . . dental matter. A perfecLly clean rnI,l, and rendered unconscious for to make' the day remembered, by And bow devoted to him we ra 111. cornfield n eds 'cultl\'atlon as badly Wilson Edward anived , h me soldiers, his "boys," the men of the as a weedy one. a, short time. Some one pic~ed h\m marching to the park and giving Crowd Out Cultivated Plant., up, ~nd ' br ught him to town , but several selections before the games. ·from Colorado Monday evening . He 79thl Over the bo'd y of t heir dead WI,le,ds crowd the oultlvated plants, DR. E. H. COSNER, New Burlington brought an aggre- went to Colorado about four years Commander they w pt as they had his injuries wer of a slig ht nat ure. d prlvlng them of Ught and space In The horse was caught near the power gation of ballplayers: also a crowd ago and took a ,quarter .ection of no t wep t bef"vre. A n d the people of . botb soli and aIr. It corn or wheat of rooters with them all to no avail I?~d near J?enver, and. has smce .been the whole county on the day of hIS are planted too thickly they can not bouse. hvmg on hIS ranch. HIS many frIends burial paused to honor him, develop properly, because the plants they losing both games. COUNCIL MEETS A good man is gone. do n~t get enough sunlight 'lnd the The g,a mes were mat:ked by hard are glad to welcome him back home ' roots do nQt have lulnolent le!)dlng hitting and numerous er,rors, but again. - - --. ,. UNRECLAIMEO LANDS space. Similar resulta will be appar" Council met in regular seSsion Mon- was hqgely enjoyed by those present. 91 .. Rcibold Building, We are not vel'y good unless w ent It 'the elltra plants are w eds. day evening, and quite an amount of The first man up in the first game, are II. good detll ba tter tban mosll A stlltement from the United Dayton, Ohio Rob 8011 of Food Elements. business was done, Marsbal Lewis Smith proceeded to hit out a home tolks think we are . Stntes Department of Agricnlture Weeds rob ~he !lOll of food ele. resigned, and Elex Emley was ap. run. The Miamis played good ball, ----. - • tl!l1s us that t.here Ul'e in tile southern ments required for other planta. pointed to fill the un('xpired ' time. Omdllnto .\merlcal! chool. RlrkJ!\' Jllo , l\l 11 1 I h Vh ' " " ,WhUe there 111 usually more tban WI h and several sensation~l plays were len e rea y n Aet 8 t, I e ris ~tll tes wet In.ndtcl Ilggregat\ug ;)4,0 /0,- enongh plant tood for Illl plants In' ' Work will be commenced on the made on both sides. tlltn hus /18 muoh right to pray for 40& !lores. 'I'hes land nre general almost every soil, the amount In a south side of Main street crushin~ The !'\Core by irmings of tl)e first gold as for graoe. Iy riob in soil. but await redemption r,eadlly available form 1s limited, and stone, and making the road 'in good i'ame is as follows: . . by effeotive drainage to m ake th ID' the greater the number of plants .... Ads • condition. . a.mong which it Is dIvided, the slower '" ~"" y 12345(i789 , Bills were allowed and other rou tine MUST WEAR DARK CLOTHES avaIlable for oultlvatlon, .,The and less vigorous w\1l be the growth _~ 'V' ..............._~ present rel\11, a. vust dt)D1 ,lln for of all. N. B. ........... 0 2 1 4. 0 6 1 0 4-12 work ciosed the segsion. Render Farm Product. Un.~lable. AdM will be Insen d un(1 r Lhl~ h nil fur Miamis ....... -... 2 'I 1 • 3 0 0 4 "-16 An AbIlOh.lte Requirement In . Factorlel future oooupunoy by a larg~ aut} twenty·U,·o ce nlK t,r ~h re e 1r1 "I'rtl'J'l~ Where Work " Done WIth prosperous population. Weeds renller certal.n products of whlJn U IlI g l,lotll10r ' llta n til" tin .s, ARE SUFFERING BADLY Batteries-lII. B.-Hickman and Gold. Most of these lands pan nllt bp ~::u~:r~t! ~na~~~~b~:d ~:o::es~~c:~ _ •• _ _--.. _ _ ~ . Wilson. Miamis, Smith and Burton. Light 8uits of clotbes are not favor' drilined by indt vIdua.l enterpri.;e, S f' weed seeds In commercial, farm and ~ay.fe~er suffer~rsare having ahaI'd Hits, N ; ~. , 11, Miamis. 11. UmCIDER l\tAKlNG ed In factories where work Is done on oon<;1uits' ruu t be 'out In ffi llDY in. garden 8 ed not only reduce Its time thIS fall, as the weed~dust seems piret'l, Lewis and Shane, gold. In t.act, In ,many sucb fac tories sta noes tbrougll ' ftralls dIfferen t ly value, but open the ' way tor tile In· to be more than usual. Handker·' a dark suit of clothes Is absolutely.·' re- owned, and not only the oonStiut but troductlon of a weed pest Into I) new IDER-Uvrlrllullo 011101' null Itt chiefs are in demand , and a great Sprine ·Vu.lley. Will operll tl~ <lui red and even a lIgl1t waistcoat may t,be active co operation of nll tho loca1lt1, from wblch It can perhaps The second game was called at tbe lose 1\ man a job. The reason tor this deal of suffering is endured. never be eradicated. every 'l'uesdl~y aDd Friday, Albprt ,.. end of the seventb inning on account Is that Bny stray grains of gold tbat owners would have to be SI::cured Crew . SEED CORN, may get on the clothing CM easily be before the work oould be snccess· of darkness. The score: New Burlington caught on a darlt sutt, while they might fully proseou ted t:luoh 00 opera . t b " More Bushel. of Corn Per Acre. 1 234 5 6 7 get away Crom the estab1lsbment If t i on u su l II y cn,n no FOUND e 0 bt,11 i ne d a l\ One of the most effective ways of 'The Delta Alph, 0111088 spent light clothes were worn. N. B. ................... I 0 Q 0 0 0 03 a pleaslmt day Thnr~dllY at the some of the owners flu.tly refused to increasing the yield per acre of the That such a rule was enforced hom~ of Mr . and Mrs . Fred MoKin., Miamis .................3 1 4 0 1 , · -13 amollg gold workers one man learned bear any purt of the expense. corn crop Is by an Intelligent seleeOd£LD'S AT- wner o,ln 1'('1· ney, ot Xenia. . It would seem us if the work ca.n tion of seed. It Is not always the Batteries":"N. B.-Stanley and recenUy when a Bohemian gold beater oover sn me by o~lllng At: t,hi!! Olass No.8 of t.be Friends' Bun Craig, Wilson and Haney. Hits- applied to Wm for a helpIng band. Tbe be success fully aooompllshed only large, well proportioned ear ,tbat ~e office. proving propert.y and pitying day Idohool was pleusantly entt' r Bohemian saId that he had only . rewould nalu l'ally Ick when lelectlng for Ild. talned at the home of' Audrey Crew N. B.~4, Miamis, 9. Umpires, cent\y come to this country, that he by the stnte, perhaps in 80me in from the crib, that produces the Lewis and Shane. Sat urdt\y enning. bad had a chance to obtaIn a good job stanoes by j uint uotion of the gen. largest yIeld. In many cases these • • • at his trade, but that tbe place hod erli.l government. But when onoe well-appearlns ears havii been proRobert Reeves, of Itlohmond, Ind , FOR SALE OBITUARY been retused him becanse he turned up it is done these mllHon!! of Bores duced under extremely favorable conis the guest of his grandparents here ditions. Pr-obably III a hill ot only Quite a number of Methodist. I I with 11 light coat and waistcoat on) will offer homes to thons~ilds Who Ner William Haines, sixth child of and they were the only clothes be one sta k, netead of three, perhaps brethren tue aUending Conf~renoe Ner and Sarab Sides Haine3, was had. are now emlgra.ting to the oold on eome unusually ferUle spot, or OMATOE8-Will be rendy to 'P llt in Dayton . The man whom be approacbed was regions of '\Testern Cllnlld~ . In StlV- oyer the tile drain, or under some up in 1\ few days. Tbev nre U. B. Ohrillty and daughters. of born near Waynesville, Ohio, Febru- struck by the story and otrered to help eral of tile southern statel! ·drll.inllge abnormal condItion that was favol'flne. Oall Clllls. W. Frs e, it D. Ellerton, spant Tuesday of last week ary 15, 1874, and died at his home in bim out If It proved true. He went to trlWS h!l>ve,been enaoted. How fnr ablo tor their growtb. The merits of 4.. W~ynesVl11e . Phone 40-1 L 2:1. with A. H . Harlan and fu.mily. Day ton, 'Ohio, Au&,ust 21, 1911, aged a down town factory with him and the Ie ears wtll III all probll.bllity not .l the luud ownors have tl\kon advan. b. reproduc d In the progeny, unl ess BLAOK family maro !or 8n.le oh ea l! The annual reunion 'of the Oomp h d foun';! out that the man could have the tllge of this laglsilltion 1:1 not stuted, planted under the favorable condl. B . Gustin, Wllynesville, 01110, toq Miijs families was held' at Ihe 37 years, 6 mont san 6uays. He was married to Bertha Thomp- job At he presented himself withIn an • '-.... tlons that produced them. usual p1uce Saturday. Those prea DEATHS ent from tl. distance were: Mr , and son, 0.L~ W aynesV1'Il e, ' Decem ber 3, hOllr wlt.h the proper clothes on. Two Select 8eed Corn Now. enabled the man to rIg himself Mrs. Jebu Rugan, of Cn.rmel, Ind. j 1896. To them were born four chil ' dollars out In the dark coat and wai stcoat to -_ Do not walt until atter the corn Is Rebecca Cloud, of 'l'bornton, lnd., dren, Paul, Kathleen, Joseph and go wltb his dark trousers, and sllre Mrs, Ruth Davis, widow of the nuslted, but go Into the tleld and se· and 1~lr8. Eunioe MoMilll1n also of Wilbur. He is survived by wife and enough he got the job. late Edward Davis. died at the home lect ears from stalks tbllt Ilre growIndiana. T' ttlg under averagefleld condltlous. "You may think this strange," sl\(el h d children, aged mother, ~n tree of het.l:!ister, Mrs. oarlan, in Hal'· Tbe l11~I'l t which enu grown under BUQk Run reuuion will be held 011 the man at the tactol'y, "but It means veysburg, Tuesday of last week. The th se Cbnd lUons wIll possess Is hethe ~ohool g rouuds n ext Sllturdny brothers, We~ley, Samuel and Ells. quite It little to UB . ' Every mAlI 's after-noon . worth Haines. ' clothing Is caretully examIned when b e funeral was held at the chapel '£hurs- redltary and will IIk€:ly be tr,lDsmlt· Mrs. Le wis Robinson lind soos Ilre His entire life wa'3 spent in Waynes- leaves bere at night, and the gold day morning, Rev _Sal'gehtofficiating ted to th~ progeny. 'In .,.,a test, cou..I' , 't brushed of! whenev ' I d ' M'" d,"cted by th e Ohio Ext)erlment Stu· visitlUg Wm, H,oblullULI IInll wife '11 Tbo .DlOlt lH!lU'lIfnl, VI e an.. Vlcml y except one year er we see any on nterment Wl\S rna e III laml ceme· tivll , eIght )llots were pIau led 1'Ido by mOlt ,Inrl\blo .lIver. in Jndinnll.. p IlIl e II t l'r\ct, Apoona in Cincinnati and the past year in hIs clothing. tery. .Ide on un lfol'UI soil. Tte 8eed used ....- - - an~ fllllC1 111ll'v ll11l 1.11"".. Dayton where he was employed by "It Is ImpoBlllble to hide ovon ,tiny ---on four of these plots \Vas selected are 8141111lflll with Iho roo' grains on a 'dark baokground, but take ' Public Sale. nOWllc4 l~auo mull, the Natio'n al Cash Register'Company. I d Cilas, W 1(I'ng, t'h c 2.ye.ar-o' d 'froD) ths wllgon without kn)~' te~ge Il m xe or a light !,Iult, nnd we mIgh t · of. the , condltlons under which It llad He was a painter by trade and was ~!l8Ily lose Quite 1m amount oC gold, son .of Mr, and, Mr~. , Firman King, of been grown. The seed used on the I will SClJlLt m,y residenoe on Third a careful and painstaking workman; and gold Isn't nnythlng you want to Ridgeville, died Wednesday of last other four plotl waa seJocted In the ever anxi<?us'to please his employers, lose, even in smalJ QuantLtles." week. Funeral s"rvices were held l1eld from .talks that .had grown unstreet., on ... SaturcJay, . Sept. 16, 19H The funeral was held Wednesday in the eh'apel ,Bt, I,2 : o',clock., :Frid,ay. der aVersge field condItions. Th e Beginning tit, 2 0, ,'olook the ,follow,. 'af,ternoon, August 23td, at 2 o'clock t 'ave"rage "Ield ' of tlI e , pi os t f I'Qnr 0 "dl Chicken Bonn for ' C~ Idren., ' ' ", . " J1ith,,'~~k'onl;coin~oq ing obBttel~: Hair Oloth PaTlor Monday morning marketers learned Interm.ent-'in Mi~i Cemetery. , h'a ry ~electlon was ' 69.26 bUIlhtll8 par: , dl8)J11l1nlllt. III ,orlWlnKI Sat ' oonsitlting of :.1 Sofll, a amaH at the borne , of his brother, W. -S. throl.!gh a stgn In the dellilatessen store _.... ,a te, anl tbAt from the plant 'elec: nOJ!er. ~~o ' t6,':'~U1ft(lotn .''Ra 1M?), a'lIl."".nr.,~ur";i( .. ~, Haines hi Waynesville., Rev. L, O. 'window tbat the proprietor ' had choice TOO -MUCH BURGLARS . tion was 72.49 bushels per acre ' or a " I ' , Chllirl!. 1 'RoQker. , 1 Roller Oonir, :bUlte .bCal in qUAIl!" Thorn , pson, pastor of the Christian chicken bones for sale. . " ,; lAin . of , ~.~3 ~usb~ls , ,for: , the plant Jlbl.b and d,OIl11n. •, ' . , . , ,.' ' I tl ' l:iet ,ot pining ,.Room Ch~irs, 5 Cline ~ , church, offiCiating, Burial was fuade I, ," For "oup?" some one RSked. • James Day.is~ sori 9f ,Mr.' :ar),d',Mrsj .e ea On, . " '~ " " old ieA.liil" 1 lnrge Rooke.r ,'·1 in!diamicemetery; _The pall. ' " , I j, th e , cornen, ~~Id Ih Beat.eq 'J b"trl'l" deal rn.cr:twberit: "' bear., ··No:ba,b!e8~"besnl~. ''It:ls 'n oteasy, OHieDavis. 'o.f:,COrWin,had~ :Caseof 0 ptO . , t , a ,brush SeUd M ca~t'oti"'. , Elm all, Rook~r, ,~ good S,ewing MI4. " H . 'B '. to r'1\nd , a nutritious bone tor the" baby " , " ' " ' ," , and" a, <ian 0(' black V nt and' mark . "O-Li" l1li0"l1li obft) • 1 Extension Tn.bl.e, '1 8afs, 3 ers were W, S. ames, Saml. a~nes ' to «nnw. What he wanta Is d ' . b,a J dreliins-Sa~utday night. a~d fell thos ears tba.t may 'tie deslro.bl" "fbr. all ~Irui: ' ,i . Beds and Bedding 1 Wash Sta.nd,.2 Ellsworth Haines, Jas. Dinwiddie, sUc1c of a.. young, juicy fowl. a It ~Uu~t ~6t, tlM's~cond-stQry 'windo~, at his d that ar~ growing pti., vIgorous, (Jenter Stands, 1 Bareau, r Wl18hlng Linct;)ln S'jde~ and Earl ,Connef. be fresh 'ali\! free ,from 'tang. Even tbe ~o",e, aligbtin~, on !,tis ,side , o~ the me,d,~ u,lli .8,bnJkr lllan;s, with ,gb!)d leat , '"" family that prlde~ lUcri! 'Oil" ,!ettlng' porch, 8tid 'ha~ly 1bruising:' ~i$ ,boay , ,.u,-C!lco, and ,' Ill'e ,growing , wlt)1 , two MllOhine, liro,D ing ' Board, i Kttoh. CABO OJ-THANKS .~ , table may buy a' c1tlcken whose.lS 'b . ', ' ~ , b k n ' but ' h'e is oth'or stalks ,ln a hili, or ,U th~ eo~.n en Table, 1. Boiler, ,4 irons; 2 Gaiva We wish to thank those' who so drumstlok Is too old . for the _ch!li!~ ,0 . o~es , .,~r~ ~~ e ~ h I. drllle'd,' 'Whe.re , ~here Ilre DO',mlaslng ' niz8d ' Tabs,' a 10. of Disbes, UIM8. kindly Usistecl us at the time of our' Enr1 saturday I ('oak whohi80me eel- :pre~t! sor.e.. ~ , ~~ ~ ~ was .talk., ,At hUlklU ,Ume. throw ~hese . . . .~~~.IIii 111111 ' . . " 8J'7-fed 'roa.ters. Their bonel, , When 'fightmg bu,rgl~. '. Iinto a bOE attached to ~ 1I"&gol1 tor "'! " d war., an Kitohen Utensils. sad bereavement, F~mily. ,.trlpped, malt, ezcel_ent t()O~ B~ " '. ' it • i ' thl. Ilurpo.e~ Th1a Iii ~.. . . tep toTerms-Ca.h. , . - '. ,. en ror~. babin, and 807 mother 01.. Th~ m_n who pftJdUQeI excellent War4 rrowms ' more. cOra pel' acre...,. ; , ', .. ' )(1'8: Bankl Da-IdD, It ilia folly did Dot bekay ~e f~ll ~' b~ can hav.them tor DattO wrI~a UJaaUp, Uoee 10 ID abom~..· ,tho. L1ma~.. Dept. ....... ~Il" Beli' $ Ahtirsept;c 0:'• ..,. ._ _ C.T. ' DaWkef Auo, '~e deteotive oo~"r;ulfe,"'~l ~ We watIDa. ". . ' ." of ~ ¢ .. ~.. GIIOd fo~ ~ ~ ~
sha(1eli If ni. hI, WCI" falling tas \Vh n thl'.l\lgh I r. J~tli!; ' w()ods t.hey , plUs I. . Th e '011111 t :lb(n-e hft:- ,a g reat signitkance to nn ,' 1)f)l'f;0n , jf llot fill'. On(' !Iii;' laRt w k I>to. ',;lIiR hac! P l'ty 10 ICC ' ut down a 'ar~(' tr in his wood_. Llltapp 'ned thal the tr e hao a lal'j.~" (·(lI.;ny of Ita lian b~ l~ l'et l'd th 'I'CIIl, tlnd tit no ,tot· hop d t\l lind n g-n,' !t ;\Il1l,unl .. f SW' ' l hidden in t h' tl'L1'1k, 1 I' 811i!:! took ~lc ;;s l·.. l' nce. Wm Z('ll and ,li nt on iray out to til woods as I he afMe 'aid shades of e\' ning were full ing , and a ft ci' nearing th fallen tree, Ihey p roce d d to advance l ndian fil e. With Rlow a nd CRuliou;; ~I l'p: thej· p roceeded; afraid uf dis turhing th' "1,.nlzzel'S" lind havillg' a "~tinging " tim . Wh en almost rcady tu get at work tu gat h r the II flC)" the WOlllls wa!:! filled with a rousi ng noi. • that. waken ,d every thing al'o ~JI1d. MI'. Gray had b en tick led back of tile a r. and he though t a be had hil him. The oth CI' gentlelllan f()l' a few moment s could not h found . HarmollY was soon resll r d, how(,,'er, and up n examination found tho tl' e nJpty, and th four men LI'udged \Y arily back, and ' came to t own . What t hey say now look!; om thing lik e the following:
'How They lessen ProfIts t t. Oa the Fari.l.
+. . .
Notice to, Contractors
----- ..----
---_. -- ..----
Osteopathic Physician
. .
The Mark-on
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, Form er Citizens
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r r+................... _ .. _ _...... .._ - -........................... ........_ ...--1 i \VA YNE TOWNSH lP SCHOOL ! Pers ona l .Me ntio n Column 1 in ~;Ydne I:~~:n;~~~da~~o~:p~:~~:~ -'··~
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:;::r tion of sufff;!ring. The funeral took 1_.·..........:.........................__......................................... _.... _..l • 4th. an enrollm ent of one hun· place Saturd ay afterno on at the t ."'.....................____.......... has . 'ornell and family were ..._ .. _...................................................1 a l'ed with and eleven. . Chrilltia n church . whel'e a large cong uests.of 0 1'. allu Mrs. A. D. Claget t . Ml. Holly at presen t has th e hi g hon was in Day ton course of friends met to pay the last. o. W. HamIlt Ml'!:;. Ell n Sides is recoverin g a t din ner Su nd ay . • es t enrollm ent. I Ch . t' Sunday . sad· respec ts t 0 a b eau t'f from u seve re ill ness. Iu n s Ian . . . Ag l'lcultu . . The lll'st lesson In Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burch. of Sid· life. ,The large. offering o~ flow~ re gw· rs Miss Clara Keys has been quite Mr . and Mrs. A. B. id es were at ell by Miss MeKinsey was in the deney. Ohio, are spending two weekfl atteste d to the hIgh esteem.In Rev and Mrs. (;I':lU!~e r and son whIch siclt but is out again . . I the Dayton Fair Thursday . at t:he Orchard Island hotel. Lewis. she was held. The remam stru ction of some giant burs whi ch' wer g ues L<; of MI'. nnd Mrs s were . J. W. : town reservo ir.' adorned th e . laid away to rest in Miami Cemetery. The Cadet band furnishes Hill school Whit a t tl i ll lWI' Tu csday . the mu- ' Wm. Thorpe. of Dayt on, was a ground . They Lowell were the common sic at the Fair today. Waynesvill e visitol' Monu ay . CARD OF T HANKS species but uncomm only healthy. I . . . . . Mrs. Maggie Pinkston, of San Mt. Holly was dIsmIss ed three days We want to express our appreci a. MI'. and MI·s. Eli as Barley. Mr. Rains the past , week have don . MI'. anti d h MI';;. R. G. ross .attend ed of last week on accou nt of the death Diego, Cal., in sending her subscrip tlOn an t an I{S to t h ~se who . . J h Ba I th M t M C d M t so kind- muc h. goo d t0iate crops. F' W H I t e on gornel'y oun y . aIr a s of Miss Davis' mothr-r . The sympa- O n r ey. r . an rs. . . tion says: "I have taken the Miam i Iy remem bered u~ ~urmg our Allen were th guests of Miss Georgi a sorrow. F C S h ., b' . Thu rsday. Gazette for 17 years. and would feel Also to the Public Schools thy of the schools are kindly extend ed Hauden at d illner Tu esday. c :vartr: , Balld, 't '. ·C. WV; a~ a dusIness VIS- M' E lost withou t it. I get it reguhirly Class of 1880, M. E. Sunday H'II f W'I . Miss Davis in this her !'ad bereave - ' School, I or In 1I1cmna tl e nes ay. . ISB mma . I. 0 Ch I m1l1g~o ' r n, h h t A'd S· d ~very Monday mormn g. Last weel, the g uest of Mrs. Agnes Wnght men. Int~ 18n cdufr~ 'd 'fl hO~lelYb an Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D. Mills attend- was last week It came wi thout liny wrappe r or ad- re a Ives an rlen s or t olr The conditi on of th~ school houses MI'. and Mrs Earl Conner eau- ed the Dayton Fair on Thursd ay . ' of Wayne Township at the beginn ing tainecl at dinner Sunday the enlerdress on it. That has happened sev- tiful floral tribute s. followTh e Rev . . Mr. Grause r was lhe of the school year was certain eral times, but I have not missed ly ing guests' M I·S. Rebecca Wolcott. Mark Davis and chilure n. Dr. and Mrs. P. n. Clrgel t and J. guest, over Sunday, of Mr. and Mr s. excellen t . Extensive improvemen ts Mr. has. Wolcot t, of Miami a numbe r sfrlce you have had th(county, E. Janney were in Lebanon Weunes- J. W. White. Gazette ." welle n<? ted at College Hill and Sugar Mr. an,l Mrs. Harry Munay , · afterno on. ~r. and Grove. • - • Mrs. Chas. Sattert hwaite and Mr. Saturd ay mornin g, J. C. H a w k e . Mrs. J. H. Caskey ~all the gllest Th'e town!?hip Schools have adop TEACH ERS' ASSOCIA TlOND went to Mr. N. B. Anthon y's home ted Raymond Connel'. ~r. WIll Russ~m, of Dayton. spent of Rev. and MI·s . J. F. Cadwallader a system of perman ent record by to get his cow from the pasture . the week-end WIth Mr. and Mrs. O. Monday night. The Warr n l!ounty ~eachers' As· adoptin g a school registe r keeping J Ed ward s. - -sociation will meet at University ~hen he discovered Mr. Anthony . not only attenda nce but al so the ~ Mr. and Mrs. J. A . Funkey gavo a Chapel, T ~banon, 0111'0, on Saturd ay, lying out of his. door.. M H D K II' Mrs. R. Smith and little daughLJ.,: essrs. . . e Ison an d H orace monthly and te rm grades for each Mr. H k e d . 1 September 16, 1911, and the follow . dinner last Wednesday evenin g in · ~w e Imm la.E\ y ca lied t 0 tel'S v.isited relative s in Elida, Ohio, WHson. of Spring boro. attende d Ma. I'Imen t 1 M' d M G so. me. neighb ors, and they removed dUI'I'ng the past \""ek . pupil. Thus the kf'eping of al I comp ing progra~ will be rendered: 0 r . an r8. eorge sonic Lodge here last Tue3day night. grades gl'ven pupils wiII be a matter ~ '" hIm mto the house. Funkey . Those presen t were Rev. . " of perman 10:00 a. m. ent record for future ref- and Mrs. J'. F. Cadwallader, Mr. and It developed that he had lain there Miss Stella Sliles, of Morrow, was See the dIsplay of be~u.tlful hats erence. Pupil should strive hard to Mrs. J. E .•Janney. Mrs. Devotional ......... .. Rev. A. J Kelltl ince about .6 o'clock ' the night be- the guest of Mrs. Hope Stiles Edith Harris and ~or ev ry body at the millmer s tore keep these grades good. Inaugu ral Address........... ...... .. .... so that they Mrs. Laura Mosher and Mrs. F. C fore. for his clothin g was so~ked by daught er, Miss Dora. last week. . aturday ,. Septem ber .16. , . ...... ........ Preside nt Geo. R Franz the rain that had fallen during may neve . feel ashamed to have Hartso ck . . the Grace LIncoln Smith. these Recorda consulted. Address . .. ..... Supt. R. M. BradfQrd night. Mrs. Lizzie Kauffman attende d the Address- " Health Proble ms" ...... . . The Teachers of Wayne Township Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Cartwr ight A physician . was called who after wedding of Mr. Gordon JOY and Mrs. Mrs. Kat~ McComas, who IS ~t. met.on last Saturd ay at the .... .. ...... ~ ......... .. .....Or. T. Keel or an examin ation pronounced Townvel y pleasan tly enterta ined a fUllall it a Ellen Thomp son at Lel'ado, Tue~day. presen t makIn~ her home at Hamll- ship hou •! • • se Plans and adjustm ent company at dinner Saturd ay evening• MiScellaneous Business.. . tOll Ohio i· the guest of Mr. and paralyt Ic stroke. He never regame d • . , . ' 'I ,. . of courses of study consumed con'sciousness', and dl'ed at20'cl ock .MIssM aryGe orge,a fterade . ' l .'30p . m. , the en- The guests were Mr and Mrs. Geo. hghtMrs.J H.C<>emal~andother rlends t' f ' l "t ' f 1 k 'th . 1 ' h Music . Ad' . ed.a t F un k Monday mornin g. Ire mormn g J ' B.('h sessIon . Journ ~ VISI 0 severa wee sWI re a- ere. ey, M an d Mrs.. ' ap. noon to meet the Second Saturd ay of I man, Mr. r.and Addr~ -"Rural School Problems," The fun~ral will be. held tod~y. ~Iv~.~er.e, Ml'l!. D. L. Crane, has r~~rne d to her home MeSs Ch . B tt Prof. B. B. Harlan , Steele' s High Wednesday at 2:30 o'clock from d E l October. , \ Misses' E,clith Mosher, and Donna the in 1 mIngton, 10. Co ; s. ed~' SchOol Dayton Ohio. u;ne t~n R ar house. -- • A memoi r will be printed Hawke, and Mr. Ronald Hawke. l • . ~ re urn om~ rom eserJOY-T HOMP SON Mr~. Emelin e Peacoc k, Miss Em vOIr Monday. havmg spent. e a week George R Franz, Pres . next-issue. -.. _ . nla Peacock and Mr. Will Peacock reo They had a fine time but Mr. Gordon Joy and Mrs. Ellen , Alice Cooke. SeCretary. AT THE M. E. cHURC H . . . ' . • '. here on accoun t of the' illness and ob, the ks. 'T. H. Rogers ~ ,... , Thompson Were united· in marria ge .. ~h~ ?anclh(r.clu~ bav~ Just death of N. B . Anthon y. at the bride's home in Lerado , Cler- In~lta~lOns for theIr series .of l8SUed c. W. Williams Execut ive Com. The services .at the M. E. church dances Mr. Harry Anthony, of New Jer- mont county, Ohio, 'I'ue:'da» C. A. Bruner , Sunday were enjoyed hr. all who at- { Mr . . ahd Mrs. Jesse Compto Sep- thl~ Wll'lter . . The first · WIll be on n, of sey,' arl'ive dhere Sunday evening, t~m~er 12th; Rev. LeVI. NEW COUNTY ·OFPICl,o\LS Mills offi- FrIday eve.mn g , ~ePtembe.r 15th, tended. Rev. C. S. Grause r, preached IOayton, and Mr..Harry Wel1in gton . having been summoned on account clatmg . . The co~ple two good sermol'lS, and tbe.cho ir did i of Chicago, attende d the funeral will of of his brothe r's illness and !!Ubse- Thursd ay at .the ~arren Countyspen.d and t?ey w1l1 contmu e through~ut --: - N t ffi' I J . h H ) od k FaIr the wmter every other w;e~k. Re G ' I f Mrs Mark Davis l'le Saturd ew coun y 0 cia s, oSla ay quent death 0 - ~o w?r. v. raUBer ane ~m. and a receptIOn will be held at the feature of these dances WIll . . brook, the new county recorde r. took lly arrived bere Tueeda . be the home of the room Thursd a even in music furnish ed by home talent. y mom mg th tb f ffi 1 t Md · M . db t k ' th' ' Mrs. L. S. Rhoades and httle g e oa . 0 0 ce as y ' Il. Harry .o~ ay. ' Prater . r . IS~ ave a en uP. . 'elr resl'd ence-a t Id left Saturd . ay for The Gazette extend s congratulatIOn. s. h K h' MISS Hazel Gustm f 111 Holbrook succeeds Pluhp Spence, the parsona ge, WhlCh h~ been d at the plano and .. . . -... . new- aug ter at enne, 0 Mr. Dean Howell , drums. orwoo , W~lImg ton! Kan., and other. pOints who held the position of county re If. papere d and put in readine EASTERN STAR ss ,for w~re guests of, Mr. and ~rs. R. G, of mteres t I." th~ West corder for the past nine years. Mr. them, . . He mtends Cross from Saturd ay until Tuesday. l~ see what the West has In store for Holbrooks daught e'r will dssume the The ElUltern Star met in regular . " •- • Last Friday evening a crowd. of him before he returns ~ position of deputy to her father. DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS LOADE session Monda y evening, with a large D The Misses Daisy Down and Minyoung society people tend~red Mis~ . , attenda nce. One candid ate was ini- -nje Lovern, of Richmond, Ind., spent Lesli e E. Carey, superin tenden Mr. ~y~on~. Howell w;: sworn ~n t of tiated. After business the membe rs Donna Hawke a surpris e. A hayAllen Smith: son 'of Mr_ and M.rs several days last week .with their lh schools at Lytle, has returne d adjourn ed to Schwa rtz's as COUll Y reasu~er. e se:c~ s ClarencEl ~mlth, of Lytle, ice cream ride was the diversion, and was fully Mr.' Wm. R. LeWIS, who has been a mateo and droppe d it into anlighted friene, Miss Kather ine Clark, of from a long trip through Old Mexico parlor, where a social hour was spent. enjoyed. After the ride was over, empty C . and to the Pacific Coast, and took up ~ounty treasure~ f~r the past ~v~ whisky barrel SatUrday evenin the company went to the Cadillac - - -... g at orWIn. his school duties last week. restaur ant where they enjoyed a reyears. hMr . LeWltStWlll act as assl.s t- his ·home. .' An explosion occure RIKE·K UMLE K CO, d and I will have no formal millinery ant to t e prese!~r;.asurer .. past prepare d by Catere r Denlin ger. bu.rned the .boy badly on the hand openin g this season, just an inform al Miss Pearl Hill has returne d to We call Those attentio who particip ated were: Misset' FEL.L SIXTEEN FEET n to the above and one side of his face. While the ' early showing 'of beautif tl fall and her home at Mason, after a week's lfirm's ad in anothe r ('olumn. They Donna Hawke, Stella Lemmon, Edith wounds are very painf~l, it is though t I :winter Millinery, Saturd ay. 'Septem- ·vi it with her friend, Miss Pearl are the foremo st dry-goo While Wilbur Clark was hangin g he will 800n' reCover from the ds company Mosher, Luella Cornell. Alma Wateref- \be'r 16. Every body made welcome. p1ith. She expects to lea~ in the in Davton, and can supply your ev- house, ~mma Hawke, Luella Fomor_ tob8cco-in his shed, the board on· fecta of the explosion. " Grace Lincoln Smith. near future for college at Delaware~ ery need. in, Martha O'Neal l. Henrie tta Mcwhich he was standin g slipped and Kinsey, and Mary Salsbury, Messrsprecipi tated him to the floor sixteen Edward Ricks, Ronald and Fred feet below. His head struck on the Hawke; Wilson Edward s, Ralph Mil. •• •• •• •• •• •• 'Wagon ·wheel and rendere d him ' unleI', Leon and Russell Sa.lsbury, Warconscious for a time. No bones were ren Keys, Harvey Rye and John -broken, but his left anlde " was . . . . . sprained so'badl~ that he' will be com- Sue Satterth~aite Davis, Lf:mmo n. fourth sh~p . tender and swe~t. WIth her.! her h.ouse In order. . ~n her last ho~rs And chanted tlmldly WIth pelled to stay in the house for seVEll'- daught~r of Giles and Mary d(luut and Sat- . prmclp le was first, pohcy, last. she dIrecte d the detaIls of her demIse al weeks. fear, terthwa ite, was born May 3, 1862, I She gradua ted from the local . hIgh wit\:l the coolness of one startin g on To busy crowds who scarcely pause lone of the pleasant events of. the - - -.... - . in the .vlcinity of Waynesvillp., 0 .• 1school, and spent some time season occurre d Wednesday evemng , teach- a joumey . Uke Joseph of old ~he , ~ W,LL- HOLD TRAINS to hear, and died at herlate home in Wayne.q- t ing. She was gifted as a when Mr. and Ml'S. · M. V. Hoblit thinker , gave comma ndmen t concerning her I These are not lost. , . . ·ville. 'rhu~day mornin g, Septem ber speake r and ~'riter', and enterta ined a party of their friends had she cen- b(lnes, and her obsequies in detail are ' T~e D . L. & C. Will run a tram,. 7, 1911; at 'the age of \\ ith a hay ride to their hospita ble 49 years~ 4 te'red her excellent talent in this her O'» n plannin g. . leavm.g ~ebanon at. 7 p. m.,on.T hurs- months and 4·days. I The happy dreams that gladde ned country horne on the Bellbrook pike. work no doubt would have \von dis~ She called her pastor some hours ~ ~ay m.ght,toaccom?d~~ ~he patr~ns . She was marrie d ' to Mark Davis, tinction all our youth, The evening was plea18ntly spent, in . She was a useful woman. before her dt>parture who read her I When dreams had less of self, and social of the.Warr.en Co\!nty F~lr, who hve May 20,1885. From this Ihion chat, and basketf uls of musk_ . were A natural leader and organiz er. The favodt e texts 'from her own at Waynes:vIlle and pomt.s on .the born five .childre n. Eva, . Mary, more of truth, . melons and waterm elons were served Ray- church and Bible school that has con- and asked her Christ and o.urs Bible l t.o ra- The childhood's faith, so .t ranquil , to their gue!'lts. D. L. & Go' . mond Arthur Mark and Minnie Sue. Those who enjoye d so much of her though t, time ceive her spirit. She smiled as she Ii'. M. S~ev~n9on, G. P. A. Arth~r Mark died at the age of ten sumell ' and so sweet. . the good time were: Mr. and M;rs. and energy has lost a mighty power. pressed his hand goodby . She \Which sat like Mary at the Master'!; F. C. Carey, Mr. and . .. - •.. . ". 'months, the· 'others as well · as her Bu~ before laying down the Mrs. J. C. reins she straigh tway sank into restful slum- . feet- . ~,o\sONIC NOTl~E. husband .remai nto mourn her de. had· driven over the rough steep Hawke; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mc- . and ber. Sh.e had fought long and hai'd, The5e are not 'ost. . .' . ., " . PI'Lrtu·re .. Her mothe'r . and·~three sis· .waded t~edeep ford. She Clure, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kye, Mr. worlted, and no.w conquered for her sufferin g ' . '. All M~ns. ar~ reqlie9ted at: . ~~e~ ter~a'80sut:vive her. aesid~s and Mrs. F. C. Gilmour, Mr. and alarge .and is , now at rest, but her works was o.ver, and she was ready to enter The keenly plan devised for others' Mrs. F C. Schwar tz. at the. ~8&OI)lC hall Wedne!' Y, 'hP circle , of friends in tbe church Misses Ed~~, ,· do folloY{ h~r.· ,. tember 13th the biplane of death to be wafted to at 1'30 to .attend I. good, ' iety.wbohavefe • ; ' .• ' . , . lt.her • ' • " h t 'e sc~ools, l\nds~c Jeanet . te and ..' Francl:! ~ s Janney , Alice d i S h Ab?ut~w? ,yeal'S a g ? ~erru~ge gory. . . els~on e; th e commUlll'tY S?seld om guessed, .s olittle under- Carey,' . :. ,un,et:al 0!}3roth~r. ~. B. ~~ ~ny. pr~sence",often, and: ~hose ' Kathle en. Gilmour and ~~Ja~lOn- constltutl~~' ~eg.a.n to ~aJl her. Smce su.ffers a great loss, but: Carl . . sto~d, ~. 13. Hend~ .' ~ ~. o nSe' i ' " s"i:p was .;such as ·to, ca)lse 'them ,to an operatu~' '/iI,oon after. she, McClur e. . ' . • ' . . • J:I .. V·' Barn •.,..rt . has' been . c ). , ~'. . . .' . ' . The qUIet steadfa st love that strove · .. . t N THICIR' OW· N BUll DINO . . .mQ.qrn £Ol', her ~.n' s~~~r:. . , .1. . an inyalld . . ·and . ·c~~stan~. suffer~r., "The look of sympathy the. gentle ' to. wm . . I... '" L()ST·VA~UABtE ·.CHICK.ENS ..... She lintted Wlt~ ~he', "9hl'lShan.. Though ,wrer:t . . . ..• Fh~~~lt h pa~n sb~. , k ~p~ .' . wQrd, . ' Somewand~rerfrom the ;vayso fsm- The Xenia Daily. GaZe~te,.. • . one ,;ot .-. " , \ .. '., " ' church: J~~~~4, .1~~4, b,ut had ,~!l.~e I.a .~old on 'i~e _~~~: ~u~y: •. , ~or. .. ~or~ Spokf'n so. low . that only ' an~els .. ',J1h£se are !lot lost. . ' . Mrs! J. '~, Ch~pmari <~ad ~:l~tof c.onfessjo~ .t~.n :yeaJ·~, Qef~re ana . the best exchanges; ' that comes. t~ }:lad tban.ay eat\s?e. . WIll!. ca~~I~ .~o t~e . . }i'ear~; · ' . ., . . . . v~l~le l\luio,,~as stoll!p'. one .~l~ht p~n :baptize'!i. by\ ~I.de~ our tabl~, : haS ptoved. 'inh>itil' owrt . g; .. ~b~tch atJ~. (hr.e~ted" tKe .t0~ces, a~~ The·.se~r~t ac~ 9fj)\~~e self .'~: . lut>, ,week. It 18 a shame .,.that ahe .sb,~ w~ a, ~orna~ yn~ , ~ ,.. ~~sho.n. sacrifi~ ~, No~ l<;l~t, O. Lord. , f ~r . I~. ~bY c~ty bu~ldi~r: The dai~y is 30 y,ears old r ' ~md ' .. to .Whell , 8~~, co~ld'~o io~~er .sup~~m. Unseen by man,' , "'. camno.t have a,lew, c;:bie~en~ .:pnl~ th!n~, and· when ~he., wa,s !ed milrked by an~ .. bhght.. , '. . ' " ," . . 'and ilia good, clean, reljable pgpe~ .. .to,~e- t~nd,._ .t~~' ..~o* .sbe Je~.Ju!~ ~~~,n ,~er, ,1.'- gels eY~.....J. .•but ,' , . '-:" . . <:>ur .eye~,. ~ha~l .se.e .the ~~t by cle~r~ If· alw~Ys .has the best 9£ ne.w8~. ~n1e.tlil.'-eotii~aJ.onlto~k~them •. l~e~etha~,80?w · part. )l~~ · re~i.glOn 8t~~. :~d: 'W ' ~~~~ ~ 0~~ ~o,.n ~d :\n.ese' arenob'\o~t.; . .:' " . A'load 'of ~inl-shorm'ighl;~tllp' 8OIbe'IW~ 'im~~teet, ,~he :" · D1. ' . : ' . ~r-l.l~ht'l. ' .. .. . : , . ' trusttb e ,G~ette· m'~ flourU ihlqr tl'afrh tway~ ·aK cO~(lCl1 ~_ -... ' . .... . .. J . ....... ' , . '. : ' . . . ' " . ' ,_ • ' •• ' • ... • '.. '. ~d t~It:'!nI . )ong hIdden f~om . 6ur, ~Jan ·~ore · ears, ' .. '." . 'did Paul, Bought the' M8;8teJ"S':'wm Sbe ~as realIZed f~r;m,'anY, ~ont~s .. '. " . . ', ' , . .' .' ' . . . ' .. ' .. g~ be~o"w- . ' ,More tb-m!7 ~ ~, o( .thalota l' and obeyed'. it. A:lthoug~' ~ : ., ' . Y' " y ~\_. ,t dQi~, that ~.~ w~,a por.~"~ll t.o open: The~red .t:n':llllc.• f a.tefi~e '.:'. . ,r : stra.ID, lhou'w dt rev~al! ~ and we B"~lIs.ur~;. 'Th,". for~.~iD 'r.. pi'odD~OD 01 G~.u al(0)lolla :?b. ~)U". ~ewa:" O,pU~ : to tDrI,' . ~m "'~ .:~v~ : ,her.~ ~m&D' ~~~ Slie ,never , ~ talD~~po.&oeI• . " : . familJ~ltio~,~~~ : reIatiQll· p~a~t, but ~ to ..let. Wru~fro?l ~ ~t'8 1i~~bY'a'rlet ~ IY,lc~ow . . .•.• . .' . . . 8~D' ..iD O""·.1?Q~·haa. tl08.~W* ' ... , ~dpa . ··b.... ·
Mr. Ethan Coleman hM establishe( a photog raph gallery in Wi ImingtOl and is advertised as the "Phot< Man. "
--- --
Mem oir of Sue Salt ertl iwa.i te Davis
. .. . .' :.>._. ."". "
..... ..
. . TheseU"«?~Qtl08t. .
e,er,o~ " rut" ..
.. ~ ,
Practical · f~shions A NINE·GORE PLEATED SKIRT,
Big Success Shown by Numbers of _Caller;.s at Philadelphia ' He~dquarters.
CHAPTER VI.-(Contlnued.)
hausted thal their rid ers finally dIs· mounted, and !taggerell forward on The npporent 8uccess wah whloh Proroot, leadIng them stumbling blhlllly fes~o r J \lntea 111. Munyon, th l' 'worldaCtel'. Once the n eg'r o's horso t"mous henlth nuthorllYj h ns been' meotIng hos slorted much d scu91\lon. Evlry dropped, and bad to be lashed to Its IItrerl CR r brings dOllens ot . Clal1el'1l to hll feet again; once Ke ith's pony sl um· Laborotorlell a t 63d nnd J etter!!on Str ell, Phlln!1 lphlfl, Pn .. nnd ever)' mati brlnp bled and fell on hIm, hurling hlm face lhousnndu of I tlerR from peopl InquIrdown luto the sand, and he would Ing nbout Munyon's I'omous Menlth Cult. Pro!eHsor-tr!Unyoll'l\ corps of xpert phyhave ,iled there, lacltlng sumclent For a walltlng s ld rl tbero mllst be a slclan8 Is ,....! pt bUBY lIeelng clllJ n nnd strengtb to IItt the dead welgbt, but certain amount of play around lhe Bn8werlng the moll. P cu!tnr to I1OY, for Neb's assistance. As It was be bottom and III the model Illustrated 111 080 ph)'81 Ions prellcrlb no medi cine I\t nil for 60 per cent. ot the collors and w4!Ilt staggering blindly forward, tbls Is prov ldel1 by two sD1allpleats at 1tIl\ 1I Inqulrl ~; health,. hInts. hoolth ndllruls ed. tuld faInt from bunge r and ench seam where the ulne goreB form, vice amI rules tor right living ore slven IIb30hltl'ly tr e. }\of dlenl ad vlco und confaUgu e. ., Ing the skirt are j61nod togelher. The .ultotlon absolutely trea. About tit m night finnlly closcd In, front of the skIrt form s a panel and . Munyon'l! followers seem to be onor-. mnus. Th ose who bell ve Ir hIe theorle. black an,l Btnrl e!;s. yet for tun ately In tbe back tbero Is the usu~al r eversed sec m to thi nk he poascsses thll moat WIUl a gradual dying away of ths box pleat and here the closing Is ar· morVOIO\lS powers for tha hcallntt of aft lIortll of dlscnsc!I. Mun r-0n. I)lmself, storm . For an hour past they had ranged . Th e s kirt w\ll be handsorpe laughll nt thIs. He saYI: '!l'}le ]ltlndre". been struggling OD, doubting th eir dl· In some of tbe soft woolen materials of urlll! wlil h YOII lue bearlns IIbou;t day In Philadelphia l\l'IiI'\Jlot 'ln any fectlon, wondering du\1 y If the¥ were no w being worn, sucb os vlcunn, baske t every wny duo to my personal &~ tII. It .1s. my not los t and merely drlltlng , about In w\lave cloth, chUfon broadcloth and remedlee, ~llch .qprellent the combIned bru iT'S of Iho great1P.lt medl 01 speclallllt. a cIrcle. They bad debated tblJl the like. IIclence haa evor krio.wn, tbat are doln" fi erce ly once, tbe ponies standing de· the work. J have pllid thousands of dol • • The pa ttern (6319) Is cut In sizes IBrB tor 11 IIlngle formula ft.nd the Oltjectedly, tails to the storm, Neb Ilrgu· 22 to 32 Inches waist measurd . . Me· olullivo rIght to nlanutaetur ft. ' I · hllv. Ing that the wind stili blew from the dlum sIze requires 61,{, yards or H · poll'! t nil ot thoulinndl! or dollnrll tor oth~1'8 ot my va rloull forma of lreatme·nt. south, and Keith coutendlng It hn.4 Inch material. ThIll III wh,. I get lIuch remarknble reshifted Into the westward. The white To' procure thts pt\ttem Bend 10 clIntl .Uttll. J have sImply bought thl! beat products of the b~et brains In the world to "Pattern Oepartmenl." o! this pnplir. man won his way, and they staggered Write naml! and addr0811 plajnly. and ba an" placed lhl' knowl~dge wIthin the on uncertain, the negro gr.ulplng the lure rell ch of the gencrnl public." to elve 81ze and nuru ber ot pattern. first POny'B tail to )teep from being Amon", 1\Iunyon', cal1~" "eeterda,. " ere mnny who were enlhulllallUc In separated from his companion. Some tbelr prILl Ie of the man. One of theeft 6319 8IZE......... ..... .. Instinct ot the ~pla.\ns must ba\'e guld: snld : "For II\)( YQat'll I lIultcr~ with ..h ~u ml\tt"m . M~' ft~ IIJJd ~a were af· ed them, for at last tbey dragged NAME ....... ... ........ _ ...... : .. ........ . ftl "ted so bae!ly that J caulil hllrdly work. tli~selves out from the desert, tbe and J coule! not rlll"e mr armll to my The patn wall mos severo In the cruncl:l1ng sand under foot changIng TOWN .... , ................. . ............... · h"Ad. hoek, however. and J wall In vert.eot tor· , Into rook, au.d then to sbort brittle I trIed In mony ways to g ilt: curell, ture. 8TR&ET AND NO ....... .... .... ........ · or "ven to lIecum temporarT r llller, but grass. at which the ponies nibble d eag· nothln", lie med to holp mo untll..I _a erly. The slope le d gradually down· 81'.-\'1'111 ....... ... ...... , .. .. ............. .. .. persuaded by a frIend to try Dr. ,Mun,"on'lI rl Acle! Coune. It WIUl the moat wafd, tbe animals scentln! water, and I.~_ _ _ marvelousl,. aotlnjlf Temed,. I ever lIaw. struggling to brea~ ·away. S"'~>,lnll within a week the JI!lln hod mOllt sone lind Inside of II month I conltdered III,.· In theIr saddl~, the riders Jet thero ' A CLOSELY FITTINO CORSET ,elf entirely cured. J ('I\n ,now co out In go, and they never stopped unUI be1l1 COVER. the wont . weather-cold. . wet 01' IIny· thln« el.e, and I hll"" o.ot fett any 11"11deep In tbe stream, th4ltr noses burt ell, olcton of a return Of the dI ~De. J ~hln'k The men sblvered In ·thelr Bad die., ~hftt every P non who hftll rheumattsm and doea no t take th e UrIc AcId Counll until, at last satisfied, the pornes COD' I. maklnr a ~I\t mllltake," .• sent~d to be forced back up the bank, The contlnU01l11 lJln!"m at catlen and · wbere they 'nlbbled at 'the 8hort tutu mAn th'lt corn ell to PrOfNIIOl' IemeJ M . M"nyon at hlJr 'Ilbotl\torll!a Ilt .\53d, and of herbage. but ,Ill' a manner ·e)pre1l· ' ll" rllon 8t8.. Phlflldtllphlll. PIa.. .~~( slve of wentlness. Keith flung him· Dr. Munyon and hI. enonnota co~ 0 expert phYlllclanll bUilT' Self on the ground, every muscle of Wrlto today to Profe8110r .Tamea M . his body aohln-g, his' exposed ftesh stili yon . Pel'llortally. lIfu'n)!:l1n's Labora· smarting trom tbo ballot saDd. . 53d and J(ltfenlon 8U.., Pblllldel Give tull partloulal'1l In rdenHe had' not the slightest conception ea.s,,". . 'Jour Inquiry "ul be as to wbere tbey were, except , tie cO nftdentlal and answered In I) t\mr'lqJIq will ~ c!v,n l.he this must be the satt Fork.- Ul· l11el11c81 vIce. aoo - PIle.4 lJIo~ ter~y conf~8ed by tbe. maze of ahUlIng QU~II Uon". Rem~ber there la no Clharge or. an, I(lnl1 fcl' cotuluttatlon. 'pr m .cU~.aJ 4une8, tbrough wbolle intrlcactea thny I!\lIvlc:e. Tho 0,,1:v c:h8r~ .Kuytyon )11&"" had 80mebow found pallsage, tbe black· III. when ht" ph)'1llclanll swe.erlbe- hla rpmcdlfll yolt pay the re~anlle1ltn. prtce. neSIi of tbe ntg'bt yielded no clUe as to It ttl Immlltel'lllI whether 'You bqy from their POInt of emergence. The vnl· him Qr from the neRrellt t'lrug,tet. ume of water In tbe 8tream alo)lo Men Iron Bettel' Then Women. suggested that In · th~lr wanderlnp That..men are to take the place or they must havc drifted to the eant· wGtllen ';'1 hand Ironers in St. Loul. ward, anlt come out much 10 er dOWD III predicted by some of the laundry ' tho.n had been origInally Inten~ed. It me n. It Is said that the ",ork~ ()a1I be I 80, tben they might be alJllos t dlreotly done better by men aod t/lat they clUJ soutb 9f Carson City, and In .a sectioD 4797 staud th'e 8traln very much better thaD wIth whIch he was totally unacquaint· A corset cover above nil other un· women . . ed. One thing WWl, bowever, cer~1D - tbey would be. compelled to watt fot dergarments must have nothing to Knocked OlAt by • Womsn. dayllgbt to ascerta1n the ' truth, Ilnd mar the fit of the waist of the dress -Last Monday Mra. John BOl&l1. aD decide upon tholr future movemeJlta. and this means tbat everything around It' must be flat and well flttJng. Thlll Ohio womall, did her waahlne In two Keith arose relirct!Ultly. and rem/IV'. ed the saddles from tbe animals, bob- garment Is cut on the lines of a dreBs houra--a Job ·that had alt{a)'1l takeD lining with two darts In the front and the' whole morning. nut'tbl. tlDle she bUng them so the>: . could graze st all the regulation 8eams, front. un· took the advice of several friends &Dd will. Neb was propped Up bene ath an out·cropplng of the bank, whlc/l- llartly derarm, slde·back, and back gores. uled Hewltt'l Eal, Talil SOap. whlbJa protected ~ him 'from the wind, p. mnre The neck IB cut out round, but 'tbe does the hard part of thO work &Dd ncck Is perforated for squQ.re neok. doel It In half 1he Ume required by hulk of a Bhadow. Keith could 170\ If IIreferred. The c:orBet cove.r the old·tasblon~ . bolUng and rubblDS " tell whether he slept or not, but mMe also, may be made ot na.l nsook, catnbrlc, bletbodi: Flv. cent. a cake. no eUort to disturb blm. A moment long oloth and even muslin, It a strong he stared vacantly about Into tho garqJent Is desired. SuItable. • , black silence. and then l~y down, ·pll. The pattern (4797) Is cut In 81zes ''Those dress uniforms have a. lot , 01 lowing hIs head upon a saddle. He 32 to 44 Incbea bust measuro. Tbe (t"Jgs." found It Imposs ible to sleep, the' chill "Then tbey ought io look well at a of the wind causing him to turn· and 36·\nch size will require one yard of 36·lncb materlal. a yards at edgIng, twist, In vain search after comfort, l~ yards of beadIng and 1% yards of mllltla hop." while unappeased hunger gnawed In, rIbbon. . The next tiille feel that _allowiDII cessantly. His eyes ranged abOut Q"er To procure thIs ('M aorn lIend 10 oenls IOnsaUon anrtlle Iamlifti Wi.rd on 1m·. the dull gloom qf the skle8 until the, to "Pattern Depar mont," at this paper. mediately with three- partl wat.er. It. will Wrtte name and Ilddr08ll plainly, and b. lave you day. lind perhape. ~ Of W. fell again to the eartb level, and tb~ JurI' to .Ive al.e and numbor or llattern. ery from lOre throat. .'\ he suddenly sat uJ?. bait believIng blm, selt tn II. dream- oown the stream, boW "Do 'you See That Straight Ahead of You?" Many 'a ma~ ,loellp't reall~e \that be far away he could not judge, thore ' NO. eizE .. ... .. ....... .. married an angel until 8he beglo.a to word!' spoken, but the black and white rolled wearily from the saddle, bur· gleamed a steady, yellowish light. It do the harp ao~. . . NAME .... .. .. ........... .................. . was no flicker of a camp fire, yet ra. bands clasped sllcntly, nnd then Neb row ed und er the partial sheller of a crepl back Into the sad dle, shivering sand dun e, aDd oalled upon Neb to ml1lned stationary. Surely no st.n! TC?WN . .. ,......... .. ..... ................... In his wet clothes I\S the cool night fol\ow 111m. With tbGlr hands and feet could be so low and large; nor did h, STREET ANO · NO........... ............. GlUCW .., .... wind swept against hltn. Keeping they mafie a ' sllght wlnd·break, drag· recall any 'wlth that peculiarity 01 color. If such a miracle was possIble close In toward shore, yet tar enough .glng th e strugglln·g. ponies into Its Not only aDd ~ III . STA.TI!I ................ . ............. . ..... .. alit so that the water would bide 't h elr protection, and burrowed themselves In the beart of that .sandy desert he the taste. but pntly as,aweet• . trail, the fugltll' es 'tolled steadily up there, the clouds or santi skurrylng would have sworn It wns II. lamp spin•. erUng to .the .,....'Synjp ·of ·F. anc! stream, guided only by the black out· ove r them so thick as to obscure the Int; .through II. window. But be had , Had Burglar'a Sympathy, EIWt of Senna is putjcUIarIy. adapted . never boar.! of any settler 00 tbe S' I I1t sky, Rnd 1'ltpldly burying them alto· line of the low bank upon their left. A burglar a few nights ago ' entered to I.die. and cbidren. and bcOefia.l ill gether as though In a grave. Within Fork, nnd almost laughed at the the' resIdence cf Judge W. W . · Black· ell caIeI in wlUch a wbo~.......;.;.~ , aD hour tbey were compelled to dIg thougbt, believing lor the Instant hi.. man at AlexandrIa: La., aDd findIng • __ ~ -~ CHAPTER VII. themsolYes out, yet It 1>roved partial brain played 'blm some. elfish trlcJL thut the pockets of the jurlBt's clothes eDJIl8 IUKI effective laxative IbouJd be In the Sand Desert, escape from the pltlles8 lOBbing. The Yet that light was no lIIuslon; be ru~ contained ol)ly one penny left a note '~, .I~~e at ~ times a!'d I':! &Del ~e p&IDI Sudd euly Keith halted, brInging bls wind howlcd lI\<e , unloosed demons, bed £lIs eyes, onlY ~ee It more clear" condoling with tho judge, and saying' cIispda . reality. Mil he would petition the next legislature ' caUied by ~etboD · .,nd tc:IIJIIipaligp 10· pony's head sharply obout, so that the and the all' grew cold, adding to the ly, convinced no'lN. of two fnc ed one another. The wInd was sting of the gTlt, w.hen Blune sud don strode hastlly .a8toss, and shook Ntlb to have tbe salaries of judges In the promptly mel df~ that it ii,tho one . rIsing, hurling c1o).1ds at sand Into eddy hurled it Into theIr Wiling plaoe. Into seml·consclous.t iess, dragging him state rlllsed.. . perfect falDalluative whicli pes .... . their eyes, and the plaInsman held one To endeavCtr turther travel would bodily up the bank and polptlng dowb factioa ,to apd ia ~ by'''· Ila nd bo[ore hIs fac e. ~ean cerWn death, for no ODe coulcl tbe stl·eam. . o 'ne Ci!UI. for ReJoIcIng,.· million. Of families 'who have u.ed it 'Ioa Bee that 1" be Inquired .u.n.t . "Do you "There's no need or keeping up a bave guided a course for a hundred l.rlsh Doctor-Well. I've knooked th. who havc·Pc;nco.al boW~' Of 'i ii 'Go lous~y. j'There. straIght . abead. t,J fayiter out 0' !ilm. anyhow. 'Wlfe- ~enC.e. ~ . __ _ ,'I. \.. wate r tra.1I any longer," he said quiet· teet tJ!ro\lgb tbe tlllnpet1.. . \ ' , -' . Oh, doctor,. do you think. there II an1 I)'. ','By nil the signs' wo're In for a It was l.broo o'clool ilt!fore It died yp~ 7" Ita ooderfuI ~ 'ty Ii . . bai " sand s torm by daylight, and thnt will sufficIently down · tor them to venture . J"he negro IItared, st:.nlrlng wltb collt. hope? Doetor-Small . ch~nce, rm • I , W . an " ~' • .. afeard. madllm; , but you')) have the ~ . V~ , .en, to." Offer~. , cover 0111' tradl<.s 80 the de vil hlmsEllf out. Evon tben the aIr remaIned fuJI and sOarcelY· able to e'tand IIl0ne.. .' " ;'Mavbe It am d& lD'o'oti~"M assn: Jac k." satlsfaf.ltlon of l~nbwlng tha~ he dIed' couldn't tallow th em. Got 1\ water bag of sand, while constJ.uttly 11" shifting ~ ~CtOri11. beo~ on 'your saddle. '.' " rii'~3 \!S mado ,·travel dlfllcull .O nly he m~ttered, thlC)I:lY, "or Q gobltn'. cured'7 Detrolt S.a turda)" .,Nli'bt. i _~ eo ., _~ th~ ' «elfuD ~ . 01 ~--...-::-"-...;.'" c:uec~,_aYl Dote e. . name .the , "I r eck'n 015. nm. one, ·sah ." grim ' necesslty.-tlle suffer ing of ihe lanfern. Lil\vd, .' I 'd'ob't - jost like d.,. ' . ,.' ; Courage ·~nd . Dut~, . Co~- ~~ ~~ K eith {elt of the objoct Neb .held ponies 'f or .water, and their bwrl need IOj?ks bb, dat .t1!lg.': f th ' . , 'for Boon' reacliln'g ' the b'a bltatlon <;If . "Well, 'I c1Q," Dlid Keith laugbed uti . To' be str9n', In dull nnd ,dreaf1 OIl ·the ".,... Of 8'J!!!I1.or . . . . . ' 1110n apl! I\Cqulrlllg tood- dro,v e easlly III lhe negro'!, fears. "A)I , . dot, ts ~lqlo8t the hardll/it· tasl~ 'a. m~ . ~~~ Of · the ·Pauine ~ .. Fait ' "Yes , ano ' /l bIg one" too; fill It Il!ld · to 'the e atly '·venture.' .• 'I1hey must at. wante'd to know Was If YOU f.!aw. whnt c~ tnce. " It II' f- nQblo' thlnK,'to bellDd EIilrir'oi Semia..' . , ' ' ... etrap It 011 Ug~t ; . we .v.e got a ' l~nc, . tn.lrJ the .valley ot the Sal~ Fork 1bat. I saw. That's a lamp 8blnlng throug' ~rav" lu ' tractC mqarcnts, but ~rh.'PI . F«..ie-.byaD l;;diqcll":'" PdCl . dry ride ailead.' . iil~ht· or 'else .ptu,ish ' In tbe desert06-. ~ Window., Nilb. Wbat In ~ellven'C (~ere , II eomelhlng even noblet tban 50 ~ "W~ar' yo' propos,? galli', Ml\sSQ ihere~ remaine\J qo: ot~er ChoIce. 1"y. name It <laD l)e, 110lng lieI'. I am." ull . hat:. . IVI . to be brave and 8hi~; a~d - - - per ~ . ' • .' , Jack? , ' log neckerchlefe :lver ' their horses' able ~ 'gue!ls, t)1,lt l~m going to ond 'Oul .t.roQ~, end tende,. ~~e'l the IU · 11 "To tbe '~a \' X OD Ute Canadl~, eyes. and lying flat themselvea, they means 'abelter Ud~. Jaor{even II lI'ay 'an4 wben the road II. drelU7:I'v,e worked wlt,h that outfit. They U succe'"de" In "'ren ln BloWl forward have 't o ~irbt (or It Coin. Oil, tlIf George H. MorrtaojS. '. . give us wbatever we need, and ask ... \I ... g , " • bor$es ,.re- lI.ate. , nn~ ~~'lt · d18cO"* no quel5t10usi 1 clon'~ know of aoythlng wtndln~ In and Qut a~OIII" tb., ~hlft.. beblnd that llpt JOllild .~' 1D between. It's going to be 'a , liard Ing dunes, with on11 ' the wtnd to IUlde wbat' lIl , ('1'0 ,UIl CON!I!JNUlIID,t .' rJde, boy, lind ml«bty Uttle to eat u. · them. It _ .. au a"~l trail. til. booll
The men c:ould see 1I0lhing but this solid aheet of water rushing down toward tbem. from out the black yold, and the n vanishing below. Onl:e Keltb 's horse balt fell, pl ungIng n080 under yet gaining footho ld agnln be' fore th ~ rid er had descrted his saddle. A dim darkness nb ad o.lready reo vealed ·the nearncss of the sou thern banlc, when Ne b's pony went dOlYn sudd enl y, swept fairly oIT Its legs \)y some fi er ce e d"uy Inth o s t r oam . Kith e heard th o negro's guttural cry, and caugbt a gl1mpse of blm as the lwo were sent whirling down. Tbe coiled r Ope of tbe lariat, grasped In bJs rl gbt hand, was burled forth like a shot, hl·t came back empty. Not anC/ther sound reacbed him,; his own horse went steadil y on, tee llng his way, un· til he was DOSO agalD~ the bank, wIth watl}}' ..nwrely rippling about his anklell. K eIth drl v lrl ~ fe et again Into the stir· rups beaded him down stream, wadIng close In toward the shore, leaning tor· ward over th e pommel strlvt~g to soe through the gloom . He had no doubt about Nob's pony maklng land, unles8 struck by 80me drlCtwood, . or \)orne to the center of the stream by the shUUng force of the current.• ;Pu If 'Neb had falled to retaIn his grip he might have been sucked under by the sur«e of ·wattlrs. A hundrfld yards below he found ~bem, dripping and weak from the struggle, yet otherwise unburt. There were no
aVNOPSIS. -JI\ It Kei t h. 1\ Virginian. nnw I. bor· ' I'!~r "lnlnsmnn. Is riding nlollg the SlLnttl ).'" tra.lI 0 11 the lookout for ronmlng wnr pnrtl 9 ot un\,llge.. 1I0 1I0t! PH 11 camp f l1'L' nt ~ tllstnne nnd then sces a toam nt lnched to a waion ILnll III .tull gnllol! l"II'"u06 by mcn on ponleM. '\, he n l{ellh r ~ " ' 1ll'8 tho WIII<011 the rll ldcT" II l lVo m lUJliI' ,or,'d two In n anu depart d. Hil seaTchl''' tho \ Icllms nndlnll' papera nnd n. lockol with a woman's portrait. Ho r<'solves to tlU nl dowlI the murderers. Keith I. nrr lIted elhis 'orson charged wIth the murd4.'r,j., nccuserCity, b~ lnK n rutHlln nnmed JlI llck Llart. He &08S to jnn fully reatlll· InK tho peril of 8wlft border Jus tice. .A compll nlon In hla eell 1& n n ~gro, who lo ll ~ hIm h e III Neb and lhat he knew the Kellh family bnclc In Vlrglnln. Nob II·II.YII .one ot tho murdered men wae John BIIJley, the other Gen. Willie Watt~. for· mo.l'ly an otllcer In th Contll-derat e army. Tho plalMman and Ncb esdl'lpo from lh.
It was the quIet, confhlen.t volcs of e ssured command, of one satlsfteJI wlt.h his plans, and the ohedlent negro, breathing hard, never dreamed ot op· position; .all Instinct at slavery held him to tbe domInIon of this white mas· ter. KeIth leaned forward, staring at lh e string of deserted ponies tied to the rail. Success depended on bls ~holce, and be could . ju~ very little tn tbat dal'kneas. Men were trag· «lIng' in along tbe street to their right, OD .Joot and horseback, and the sa· ~n on the cor-Der was being well pat· .ronlaed. A glow at IIgbt streamed forth from Ita wlndoVfs, and tbers was the Bound at many volce8. But this "arrow alley wall deserted, and ·black. ~be fulltlve stepped boldly torward, afraid that otherwise he might startle :the ponIes and thus create an alarm. (}ulded by a horseman's Instinct he swlttly ran bll bands over the animals and made quIck selection. , "Here. Neb, take tbls fellow; lead 111m Quietly down the bank," and be ,'tb~t the loosened rein Into the . tlack'a band. • . AD mat.ant later he bad chosen his oWn mount, o.nd was sf1ently moving In the same . direction, althougb lhe I1lght there "Wall · 80 black that .. tbe obedient Degro had already enUrely ;vanIshed. The Ilope at .tbe iand not . only- belped cover tbelr movements, ~ut also rendered It easy for them to ~nd oile anotber. Fully a blUldred yards :westwlLl'd tbeY ,met, where a gully· led .oJrectly d.own toward the river. Tbere -.was no longer need for reinalnlng on 'foot, as they were a sutftclent distance cway from the little town ' to teel no lear at being discovered, unless by sOme drunken straggler. At Keith's cOmmand the negro climbed Into his • saddle. Botb ponIes were restive, but 1D0t vlclou8, and atter a plunge or t1l'O, Ito test theIr new masters, came easily under control. Keith led the way, movIng straight down the gully. wblch gradually deepened, burying them In Its black heart, until It fina\1y de· bouched onto tbe river sands. The rlQtouB noIses of the drunken town died slowly away behind, the night silent and dark. The two riders could scarcely distinguIsh one another aE they drew rein at the edge ot the wa· ter. To the southward there gleamed a cluate!' of lights, markIng the pOBI· tlon of the camp I of regulars. Keith drove .bls horse deeper Into tbe stream and headed ' ftortbw_ard, the negro fol· lowing ' Itke a shadow. i Tbere WWl a ford directly opposite the cantoumed, and another, more o(jaogerous, sod known to only a few, threo Innes farth er up stream. Keep· fnC ",.. 11 wIthin the water's edge, so ae to thuu completely obscure their trail, ,et not darIng to venture deep for foar or striking quicksand , the plaln B' m.sn set his pony struggling forward, until tile dIm outline ot the bank at hIs rl&'ht r endered blm confldent that they had attained the proper poInt for cr08slng. He had been that way only once before, and rea lized tbe danger of at~empt\ng p8$sage In sucb dIIr1m e!iJI, but urgent need dl'Oye him forward. "Follow me just as close as YOll can. boy," he 'laid sternly, "anli keep both your fe et out at tbe stirrups. It your hors e goes down hu.n g to hiS tall, and lot him swim out." Tbere 1¥ft8 little enough to gu ide by, mere\)' 11, single faInt star poerlng out from a t1ft of the clouds. bllt Keith's r emelln'trtlDce was thot tho ford led slralght out to I.he center of the stream, ,'nd tben ~ee r ed II 11 gh I Iy to· ward thf ~Igbt He knew the sand ri dge waE :)nly used by horsemeu, not being ·wld·) enough for th Ba fe pltss· age of wagons, but tbe dOJltb of I he water on either s id e wos entirely . problematl 'al. · He was taking 1\ big cbnoc , yel dare Dot walt {or doyllgbt. E'ummonlng all bls nerve nnlt a lert· ot'SII, be urged hl.B. horae slowly . tor· . a rd, · th e In telligent aulwal seem l n~· Iy compreblindlng the . altllllllon, anti teolillg carefully tor. footili g. T he nco ~~ons ci the an 1m 111 gave lbe rltlor .greater confidence, . ·and . he 10Qsened . 'ule grip on UHI reill. leavlpg t he pony's lns~lnc ~ to ·control. 1·be. lall r f~lrly er pt forward. test \ng the santi llefore .rt! ting MY W. ight npon the hoot. ~be .~r,o's ml)Ullt [ollowlng: clbsely. ' :rile Wltt~" \Vas 1Ulu8uaUy high, and as thoy .a"alIced 11 ~bore down ag~ltlllt ,t hem' 1D .~II.ldu&ble 'Volume: lbell, as tlley ted Ie. th . rtwht •. they were co...• . II t to pus'b directly aplnat Ita wbat laved " ....,..~-l (.'_. :. . S9 ard ...... .cept ' ''UO\\! tarram It
"A bundred and fift y miles as the ' ro w fIIcs. a nd sand all the way. ex· cept for the valley o[ Salt Fork. Come on now, nnd I<eer close, for It's easy lo g t lost In these sllud bills." Keith had rldd u tha t bundred a!ld fift y miles of sandy desolation betore. but had ne \' r been called upoa to make such a journey ns lhls proved to be. lIe knew th ere wns 'little to fear froD! human enemies, tor they were riding far enough east of tho Santa l. . e lrall to be out of th e I>ath or raiding parti es , while this d sert country WIlS shunned by Indi an huuters. [t con· s lsted of bu d' hill after sand hilI. a dreo.r wnterl 88 waste, wher e no\hlng grew, and mlu the dread sameness ot whlcb n traveler could only find p a~s· ate by the ·guldance at stars' a t nlght 'Or the blazing sun by !iay. . Til y had covered te n miles of It by day break, their ponies traveling bellvl, Iy, fe tlOCk deep, but could advance no furtb er . With the first tInt at r08e In the .east I be brooding storm bltrst upon tbem In wild uesert fury, tile fierce wind buffeting them back. lash· Ing theIr faces with s harp grIt unUl they were unable to bear the pain. Th e flying sand smote tbem In clouds, driven wI t h tbe speed of bullets. In vaIn they lay flnt, utgotng thelr"poil1 e~ forward ; the beasts, maddened and bllndlld by the merciles s lashing ot the iill1\d, refused to face the stonn. Keith, a1\ sense of direction long since lost,
-::=======-___. .
p'a.:.a:...:...:.'arlv ·the La-die.'. Jlleasant deansina
~kbl& deep
~ ' DOIIlI"
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", .
HARVESTER AT' WORK Uncounted Miles of Bountiful Crops Make Glad the farmers 'of Western Canaria.
'YIELD WilL BE .RECORD ONE Practically Beyond Roach of Accident, the Fruit of the Fertile Fleldl Ie Being Gathered-Elevators and Railroads Will a. Taxed .. to Their Capacity. ;:--
On a beauttrul Saturday A cternoon rou,r weeks ago. tbo writer started to;' a t,w enty·mlle drIve IntQ tbe country; from one of the bundred or more new towns that bave .been well started durIng fhe past sprIng. In tho Province Sas katchewan, In Western Canada: Mile after mile, and mile after mile, wal traversed tb rough wbat was one contlnuou8 wheat field. the only reller to lhe scene beIng the road"'aY8 that led baele Into other settlements. wbere Would ha'o!e been repented tbe eame "reat vista of wheat What 1\ wealth! Here we rs" nun. t1reds alId tboul1n.nd •• and mllllon8 ot bUllbeJa ot what was declared to be a quality of &raln equal to any lhat bas ev~r .belln grown In the prOVince. As we drove on and on I tbougbt ot tbose tellowa down OD the Board of Trado at Ohlca,o, st. LouIs, Minneapolis and DUluth. While they were exploit. Ing each others' energies the ratroel' ot SaekatcbewlUl, Alberta and Manl. toba waa , contemplatln, bow much he woul4 "ealtle out of bl. crop. now paat aD; d&lll8r 'ot accIdent, Over 'What bll . anticIpations were two month. aro. One man saId to me: ·'Tbe prolltl of that field of wheat "'Ill • ctve OJ' luftlelent moqey to purcbale 110 aorel ot land, for whIch the ratl. 'Wa, ' comPany Is askIng '6,400, and ~ It ID cuh." Anoeller. with • Geld of flu-It w.. ~y. izo acrel-ald
• ,leadI4· eouJlit7, all ODe IIlanuM ~ 'lurepIUl4- auch aD qpportunltt 0 u•• on.'. IlIIqlDo.tlon In fllUJ'lli.. up the 'lJlOunt'ot 'the !>Wealth of the crop. th\culb wblch the trip Illto town toolf lJ8, wu' not to be enjoyed ever)' day. .. And away we lltarted. It was delJ'lltful. W. droye and drove througb avenuel ot · wbeat. whlcb today, havin. yclfowed with tbe beneftcent lun. II beIng lald low by tbe reaper. atacked and tbresbed by the tbousandl of bandl required to do .It. and In great wagoDI la belnl taken to .the elevator. A nigbt's 'rlde by traIn took UI through 225 mllea ot thIs (reat provo Ince of Saskatcbewan-lnto tbe south· western Pllrt-and rrom appearances it mIght bave been III though a trans· rer bud been made across a townsblp. There werll wheat fields, oat fieldll, barlcy fields and 118x fields, and many more that could not be seen. Yet there tbey were, and durlDg the nlgbt we bad passed tbrough a QOunt17' 11m· , ,~ . lIarly cultivated. It wilt all secure a market and get Its way· to ocean or local mUl b,. means ot tbe great rallwaYI whose weU·arran ged 'Bystems are penetrating everywbere Into tbe agl'lcultural parts. Proli'peroul Alberta , We arterward went over Into AI· berta, and bere agaIn It was graIn and cattll' cattle and grain. comfortuble farm 'bomes, IplendJdly built clUel atld towns. the best ot churches and the mo~t tboroughly equipped schools. Wblle talkIng wIth a Southern S8ft· katcbewan (armer be said' tbat the land he wal workIng, and for whlcb he' bad been offered ,60 a.n acre, bad been purch'ased ftv,. yearl alo for an acro but "be won't eell. He Is makIng' a ~oo'd proftt on bill land at '60 an acre. and why sbould be aell? Farther nortb. land WSII lIelllng at from 'lIS to ,18 and 20 an acre. It wal learned afterward that. the BO\1 wal .Imllar to that In. the louth. the price ot whIch today II ,00 an acre: The climate wal Ihnllar and tblt mar· Ireta' u lood. In ~act the only dUrer· e nce wal tbat today theae northern landl occupy the aame position that tbe more lOutherly olles dId (tva yeara Iro. and there are found lIlan,. who
A PHYSICAL WRECK • Given Up By Physicians-Cured By Doan'l Kidney PIIII, Edward Ouoke!;. 612 S. 14th St., Mattoon. Ill., lays: "I could scarcely .Ulnd the terrible pains' In my bnck Jaclsmenu .s ' to the Tt~e ot Plcktnsr and Good Care la and 1 grailuaUy ran down until r was Paektnsr Are ot Muih I ,. portance {or the Best a pby s lc~1 wreck. Results - Gra4tnsr and Branding My kidneys were In t erri ble condltlonHelp t.he Commlss.l on Men. the urine passing too ' freely and being a (By JOHN W. LLOYD.) to pIck conllidernbly b fore this poin t cbalky wblte In col· There la consIderable dIfference or liae been reached , In order to run 110 or. My np~etlte tall· opinion as to the exact stage of mao rIsk of tbe melolls bel~ ollling 110ft In ed, I lost flesh rapid. turlty at whlcb melons sbould be transit. ly and could not pIcked for shipment. rr allowed to In fac t, some growers ma ke n ' rac· Ileep, Tbe doctors thought I had only I becomo too ripe betore pIckIng, tbey tlce of pIcking the melolls befol't! a a short time to 1\ve. I was so great· 0 1 t beaome sort by the time they . bave c rack uvpearR about the stl'm or uny Iy Improved after sbort use of Doan 's reached the market, unll otten mUlt cbange of color takes place, cv n on KIdney Pills that 1 continued nnd was 1 be IIacrUlced In order to efiect an 1m: the und er side of tile fr uI t, completely cured. I am positive thal 11l$dlate sale. That ·.pr:>per grading results In the. Doan's Kidney Pills will cllre any case pr u rr plclted too green, tbe melons secl1rlng of better prices than Indls, of lcldney trouble U tal'en I\.s dlr cled ," Portlan roac h tbe market In firm condItion, criminate packing, Is evidenced by the Heme mber lbe Dame-Doan's. t but are lackIng In flavor, and are not experience of certain growera wbo For snle by dru ggists and general CellJell W , desired by the best trade. It Is a bave departed from the usual cUltom. storekeepers every wher e. PrI ce fiO e. nice Tlolnl to pIck melons nt sucb a aDd practice a regular system or grad· water. The cemellt is the madegree of ripeness that they will Ing whereby tbree dIstinct gradeR or Foster·Mtlburn Co,. Buttalo, N, Y. reach tbe market In firm condItion, marketable melo na are made, and terial which binds the sandt A Wicked Lie. and yet possess the requisite flavor. shIpped under tbree dll'te rent brnnds, William - -- wa s sa lel to be the gravel or broken stone toTbe tartber trom the market th p. Suc.h a system or srndlng and ugliest, though the most lovable, man melons are produced, tbe less mature br4ndlng mnkes It possible for tbe In LOUisiana. On rettll'nlllg to th e gether; this binding action is tbey must be wb en pIcked. F\l.rther- commission man ' to plRce the dltl'er· plantation, arter a sbort absence. his produced by water. The terms more, the rapIdity or softening ntter nl grades with tho dllTer nt classes brother said : H Cement" and " Concrete" pIcking varIes with the temperature ot trade, lustead or beIng obliged to "Willie , I met In New Orleans II thus have different meanings, to whlcb tile melons are subjectllri. sell tbe entire sblpment as ungraded ~lrs , Forrester, wbo Is n great admire r The cooler they can be kept after stock to undl scrlminalhlg purchasers, ot yourlJ. Sbe said, lhough, t bat ' It- although they are frequently used plcklng. tbe longer tben can be al· While cement i, As a res ult, tbe best grade often wnsn't so mucb the brilliancy ot yonr illtcrchaneeably. lowed to remain on tbe vInes and tbe mental attaInments as your marve lo us only one of the materials in loner,t,. better flavor they will bave. physical and taclal beauty which it is perhaps the most important. To It Is, theretore. e!lsentlal that the chal'med and dellgbted he r.I' insure the best results in {onrrtte work, melonll be plaoed In the sbade til "Edmund," crIed William earncsUy, the highest erade of Portlalld (tllltnt eoon as possIble after pIcking, and be "that Is a wicked lie, but tell It to me should be used. The {oncrtle ~orkcr kept sbaded untll they are loaded Into again."-Everybody'B Magazine, may rest assured th:lt he hili the be.t the car. rmllnf if he will malc.c.certain thllt the word UNWERSAI. is printed on nch tack of For the Bame reaaon, rIper melons New Rug. for a Nickel, rmunl that . he buy.. Representative dealcan be sblP1led unde r refrigeration When the rugs and carpets grow ers eVerywhere handle UN1YERSAL, than tn ventilated cal'l. It la also dIngy, don·t throw them away II:s long UlUVER8AL PORTL'AKD CEMEIU CO. true that melon8 sblpped durIng ex· as the pile and nap remain. You can CHICAGO·PITTSBURG ces81vely hot weather, unleslJ under renew the orIginal brlgbtness ot color AKKUAL OUTPUT 10,000.000 BARR£J.a. refrlreratlon. will sotten more rapIdly without taldng tbem up-scrub the than those shipped durln& cooler Crlte Holding Twelve Molone. rug or carpet with hot suds made weather. rr'om Hewltt'l EaBY Talk loap. just DON'T CUT OUT A VARICOSE VKIN, -The condition of the vines and ' tbe brings 4~uble the prIce of ungradec! as you would Icrub the bare floor. U~~ ABSORBDfEJft..!:~ A mU4, -ate, aJltllOPUo, 41108rapidIty of rIpening of the melona In stock, so that the excess In prIce reo, then wIpe up the Iuds with a damp . tlent., I ". eb~lor 1I1111h1.u,1I4 .... 0t., allo. tbe 1Ield will also bave a bearln, upon eelvec1 for the hlgber grades Is prac· cloth. pro'fellr etlO. re mlldy .1 .... ~ !lar ~roubloL Mt. R,o. Kollo&fp the stage o'f maturIty at wblch tbey tlcaUy aj) clesr gaIn al a relult. o~ Hewltl'8 Easy Task loap acts cU· D ec II"... 14 ...." before U.IOI UII. , romlld1, Iu lrorod InIMlIOI, wIlli lP'odlng. Ibould be picked. ' rectly on the dIrt alId grease. Try It painful u,nO 11I1Ia ... ecS "0111.1 The Quality of a melon '18 the prl· next Um&. It'. only a nickel a cake, Ill, , ,,~ro s"ollen, IlDoued aM Early In the Ihlpplnr season. wben bard. Uo "rllea: "Atler ",lOll ,\~ 01111 nnel C,\oe-b&1l bettlm or .the vines are In rull vigor and tbe mary. factor wblcb d~term ln es Its .. ' AUSO~lUNB,JR"tbenl~ grade. tbougb size ani] condItion are . The Brute. '!lelonl ripening IIl0wly. the fr¥lt~ " ro re4I1CecS, In1III\uruaUon !'od' .,..Ill 1100.0\ aoel • bael OU recurreoce of tbe trouble Clurl"l lIMY "Men are loeb rude things." snld bJIIl.."e may. Bately be lett upon tbe vines un· Iillio to be considered, I ' ilia y.anl," A IIO_rolIlQ"OII GoUre. Pdlnfll~ tll. "lIInp 1Wooe, C1.I-~ . 04l lou 1011 , Brul_. "BlaCk Extremely hIgh Quality nnd' uniform tbe supercilious gtrl. til more mature than woule! be . late uod 81uo· di800lomUClna, ot.u., In u, plO4l1llD1 manocr, "Has any of them dared to alldress I'rlco !LOO IIJId r.I.\1O" boWnolOru,a!aU or4ollv~~ later In the season wben the planlll alte and color are alwa)'s essential In Uook 5 0 free , Wrlto forllyou wr~ ... ut an Introduction 1" have become somewhat weakened. or, tbe making or a fancy rrade. ". r. YOVNO, r. II. r .• 110 " •• ~I. '~I, IIpriqkll, .. _ "No' but in a crowd one got his Tbe ' slze must also be normal' and by ' reason ot exceslllve heat. the mel, the pacltlng perfect. The No, ~ grade 'tace ait mlxed up with my hl\tl/ln and ons are rIpenIng- very rapidly. . 'Vhl1e It Is true that no rule can should be or Dearly as hlgb quality as never even saId 'excuse me:" , b e. given tot' plckJng melons tbat "'111 tbe fancy grade. but may Incl.:de odd Vva guarantee a $400. 00 piano at a cost to Important to Mothers &pply under al1 condItions. and that l\zes. thoUgb the different speclmess Examine carefully every bolUe of you of from one ' to $250.00, One out of the grower must exercise judgroent In .n a glve.l package sbould be fairly CASTORIA, a safe and sure r emedy tor 250 c1 uh member.; secures a piano each reftll'ence to each day's pickIng. ' the un1torm In s ize, Infants and children, and Boe lbat It week. You cannot lose. ' Send $i .Oo for Th~ gt"de ,lll1\Y jnclud e melons toe.. Ideal will be attaIned wben the con· ntract aod membership in Ihe Dayloo Piuc. ' Bears the /,~ ' cClub. large or, too small [or the fa ncy gl'Me dltlons are such ' that the ' melon8 will Addrm4U-414Cuby BIde., D.,loll, O. S1gnatureof~~ rench thl) market In the ' best condJ· The No. 2 grade shou ld consist ot Hon ' lt plckCld B8 soon as tbe trul t will the balance ot . t. 3 slilable melons, In Use For Over 30 Years. pDrt peadUy trolt) the stem when' tbe ' These should be ot folr quality and Children Cry for Fletcher's Cnstoria latter la preBsed wIth the thumb or tar euperlor (0 tile flavorless culls For &..." kInd ot (Jouah or UJ'ODcbJD11on,,Atter a mnn has had n sma ll nmbl· m finger, sometimes shIpped by unscrupulous .. Uon at ..ny a01U1UU. o\CI110 or chronlo ooodl · Uun. llold promplly to ibis 81andl1'l1 ",mecSy. Q~ tion gratified he Is ne\'er blljlpy uatll growers, Tbere IB a tendency Ilmong .growers oqu I b enGaL ,W YOllnll' Of old. 1tAS¥ to tako. perfeet, be call dig up a larger oae to center In resu lt.. modoralA) In price, A 81lU.t1lQlOry bem. ... ,.,.. - ..... remody at IIllIbclt. merlL It ....e dlreotlo n. _1m caoia-' bls hopes on , PIlOkallC, Prien by Mllll, 6ikht3llC Box.,. V CO DR. WINTERS Uo'::~e~fo~y. °H. y. '
I Cement
Talk No.'
C n ere Ie s h''e hardene d ro c 1{- 1°1{e
od ct made by usi n, some brand of l'th sa11d gravel or broken s ton e and
Your Opportunity
Stea", be could, do the aam~ and atlll bave a balance In tb" blank. Flu produces ' 'Wonderfult, ~eU, ,aDd the pur rent ~rlce Is about $2.60 per .,u.bel W.e then drove over .Into anotber t~WJ1' IblPi .ettln& .further back from the rallwsy, and tbe maiD traveled road. Here we to\lnd ourselves In the center of ~ SwecUab ·lIettlement. ' 'l1boso 'form· · flJg the aet.tlettlent were orlelnally' trom Nebraaka. Invited to .put up our ' horaea and stay OY8~ fo.r dinner, and , a dInner that WILS enJpyed not onl,. on , account or~ the . *enel'Oul . appetlte' ·cre· '.t¢ by th exhUaratini drIve; but also beeallll. · of the clean linen, the we11.preputed dl,bell of roalt fbwl, potatoea. cabba«e. and a deU,htful de. .ert. lome onbe ,hl.tory of -the le.tUl' p\eQt 1al leuned, Tbe t )lo.t · abd bOlte.1 "ere mode It ,In descrlblu ~belr q,,,n a~btl.'f'l1Jl.nt.. ~~4 equally . modeft al to ,·tho...·of' tbell! friendl, but enough ,11'''1 earned. to laU.t,. ~. that they ' had C01De .there about three )'ears ago. ,Iil moderate. almost pQor. clrc\lmstancea. 140st of them bad reo cel\'ed tbelr' homesteaelS 118' ~ gIft .Crom the 10Ye~m~ilt; and : by earetuf...djll· «enee hli.d purchased and paid for .d·
WEEDS; GRASS TIMOTHY BEST .PAYING CROP . AND· POTATOES We.dll Cause Farmers to Become Farnaer Compelled to MoW' GraDS aD4 Weeds Flrom FiveDiec:ourasred ou A«ouat o~ , .Acre Field to Fbad \t1n,turY- Plao ~or CorTuber Crop. rocUDir Evil. .
61nt. Wlnalo,rlJ 8oOt.II l tlIf SYMlP f or C!lfldren J!(Jt18n8 tbe gumM, ",duer<! luQamm.. &lOti, aU678 p.uD. c ...... w1Jld colic, ~c I. bolUe.
. ~thIDIf,
Man mlgbt live by brend alone, but womap must bave some Ice 'peam.
(Oy ANTO:-' WAG ' .Il:R.
Tv;o years ago the writer observed a farmer mowIng gras8 and weeda from a five-acre field that had evIdent· ly been clIlth'ated early In tbe seal on. Tbe fa rmer Informed us that tbls was bls potato patch, but that tbe grass and' weed!! bad gro",n so hl~b and
Do Youit WMit one of ·these
3,000 Farms"? 4 :TryIng to Find HI. Potatoes, thIck that ho was obliged to cut thom with a mower and rake tbem oir before he could dig hIs potatoes. After the crop bad been harvested I ascertaIned that I turned .o ut about 72 busbels per acre,' The ground walJ rich, mellow, and It It bad been prop· ~rly cultivated the yIeld would hav(, been more tb nn doubled. On an adjoIning fnrm lea8 than a balf milo trom thlo field, three ~cre of potatoes yielded 718 bushels. See the dJft.rence? Help. for the Hog Rlh.er. It 11 common sense tbat a mature BOW will produce larger and more per·
rect pIgs than a v.ery young one. . Do not attempt -to raise fall pigs ' wIthout having first prl'pare(l n . pel" fect BY stem 'ot houshl, for tbe wIn· ter. Spring pigs can get along very we)l wltbout'shelter except frOID rain 'untll rall' then It you are so shiftless ;.1 t.o t~1J Lo ~royide s llelter, th(!y are 1Iet· ler' ablo' to i tabd .cold and niln, , ' ~ome PeORle ; <lla.lm that a bog I~ a· scave,nger bi nature. but be certalblJ lh~ h'es better on '/,llean feed ' and do c~nt' surr,oundj~·gs, ·· '. ,
66,562 Acru
Excellent Tram Service
The Direct Rout.
The. But of EOeTythillll
Prices range from 25c to $CS,OO per acre: Pre,ldent Taft hal iuued a proclamatlon throwIng open to Bettlement the Pine Ridge and Rosebud Resltrvalions located in Bennett and Mellette Countleli, B. D. Thlt land eubjoct to enlf)' wUl approximate 466.56l aCres. Polnto of registratlon are Gregory, Dallae end Rapid City. South Dakota, Time of registration, October 2nd to 21st inc1u. slv.e. 1911. Drawing begin. at Gregory. S. D., October r 24th, 1911. The land, to bit opened to sltulement are some of the choicost in South Dakota. For
mattu and full partlcul.... apply to
A. C: JOHNSON. r ........r
C. A. CAIRNS. C.a'IP...·'aadTic... t APet
Chicago and North W,sftm Rpi/'W41 2Z6 11.'. Jilduo" BouLtva'rd, Chuago, III.
'. \
Coupty. Cdurts. \. ..
- ------r .,
'l'I}e idea of reforming .the ,Prus '''I dldn't expect any b tter trea What is tankllge.h 'reader hlquir s tiginllted, it now ment 'hI•• thi s,". saId the lady on 1'11 ell/lU ge of 'onnt,y ellio rs tllk It Is '" by.produot fr.om ~ho ltLrge 810u gYllInn. in. oon. trl1nsplrf!~, 'with the medioa} profe . the pier lOllnthiQ giy to t.be in ~pe~ { .nr.;- P I (l00 tllIS .wee k b 118 ijo mew b'1\ t Sl\logbterh use. Itlsalllghly ' ' t ' "nd ntrllted food, Ilnd ie URed only in 81 n. ] il4 a DlI~tt.er of OO I~ m Oll tor wh om !llle us p£oted of .rudeness r,· t lin1SfI III I J uroll I on rlOl! ... . , u ' ; 1 1 til ' t of very Olll\l amount; It i8 vory rl 11 kn owledge · that- f 111 te yenrs tbe " You OIl n ' t mn.\te !L silk 'purse out of c .UlIO'l n~ V mil a e U/n CIlD . . ' • . armans whos Ii. sow '!:! eBr " . . ' b d Cf e""od In pr t III and u h, elomenttl In Dum ber of YOllng ( · ' llr~ . n \V8 vtlry lU U ,.., ey ilIh~ is wellk Bnd who ar on ".As totbllt [don't know, mlldaUl ." ' . I whi 'Il ('orl1 I poor t Ill S we '. . '1 'L'. ' 8 tatl' n alliu to serve th Ir yellr in the 'nrmy sald tbe iospeotor pluoidly, " I do 'li o AJnuu 'O I~ =\: perlment COIll lion Pleas Court. r ' fltI.Y I\\nl1o ~ tost to n.soertllin the owiog to f)hYflical Incll pl\oity has not r oull u~y ruling of t~o treasury vnlll f te.nkll~ for bogs, u od in st.8lluiJy irH:r Ol.I-!:lI)U, Iluil 01 S 8 of sui UUlIllt'tulUnt 011 that }Joint. H yo u New Suits cOllnection witb co rn . a lot of pigs id IIolllung sohool boy s h , ve ullio be. lue brio~ing in any of either yo u 'd , .' ,'nrllh M. 'l'homp80n \'8 . Fannie wer e fed during III days with oorn oome ver y oumerou . better deolare th em and 100lve the Th e w odical UlAn attribute this ol'lssifioati Il to u. " - Hl1rper'a 1.'11111\ bu d Emer Oil Liddil Bnd the Rloot:. A eoo ne': lot woe fed durin g IlIrket 8livingE! Bllnk of Day ton, the 8/1 Ole period with oorn Itnd tan k. tette of Ilff,drs t,o the ltcessive de Weekly. (Ibio. R.I . ' huwhlln 11ttorDey for ag e, iu the propor tion nine. tenths mands made UpOD the brllin f'thl,'l - -- + )Jlain tiff Money a neI for e olo ~ llr e . oorn ued on . tenth t/lnkagA . 'fhe pupils inthe gymntlsitl,aod ooosid. . SARCASM BY THE..WAY oorn fed pi gs nllldo ILO avnrugo da ily er tbat a remedy is t.o be so ngh t " Look out," snid t he woman,with Real Estate 'fr, nsfers. glliu of .1118 or not qai te one fiftb of ouly in r eduoin g the Dumber of Olen · the determined look, 'or that dog LIlUrtl BORver unci A HowlLrd It pouud . 'fhe tllnkllgo.fed pi gH IUlLdtl t 'llIy st ren uous lesEloos and devotiDI;C Heu r t-u ll tlru e rt ohmu, lut ill II dllil y .!l2i', or nourly ono p JUuu. mo.· t.iUle to bodily E'xeroise . · They will bite a piece out uf you." . "Well," r eplied P loddi ng P ate, Le lm.ll oD, U . Th e lligt:l nvorllg 'd ;15 Vouud !:! n I II lIr01l0liu t i pr viou~ ly mOD· I, r memberiD' du.t btln uout you LI ~zie May Dllvis et (\1 t ~V i l1ilLru wh u tllo t6 t began. It WILS t.he tifJued, to substHute . EngJi h for passed me lust week, I wouldn't B. Davis, relll estute In Warren Ollio i u ut· th e stlltio n that wi t l.l Greek lind to gi v.a le:ls time to L!ltin . II An interesting showing' of the newest Dress ) arne d e pup f ur go i n ,.IU d espera t e oonoty, ItL. gel IlDimlLls thA oorn would QIl ve W I\S h lUg ' t on In thl R wuy tb y h ope that t he f ur 11 0 h ange a f f 00 d" and Semi-Dress Hats. . eorgll O. M~rch t o Elbi nger beea wore. Sit ti f Ilctory. devel opm ent of Ul ontlLl powers will ( Sta . M I~ ' b oe Maonfo oturing '0. , lot In th is test, r okonin g corn at 70 be.lIossi ted by th devel 'Jpment of r. • _ • These are characterized by all the exclusiveio Lepllnoo, $1 oents u bu hel (lnd tankage £It $4t pbysioa l fo rces, and YOUDs lIlen wi ll LOCATING HIVES Williaw B . Allen and Anr.o n f5. n ton, the cost of 100 pounds of tllnk . b e altogether better p\'epnrell ft;>r ness of their originals, most of which were inspired handler, 88 exeoutors of \VIII of fl,~e feel pork was just a little more ~ be bRttle of lifo. The emperor, it It is !luid thn.t beBs olLnuot profif by the head dress of the cavalier period. J oel Evaus l decca ed, to Duvid t hem ooe half the cost of the oorn. is s tat d, is Ulore fa\'orllbly inolin ed tLuly tru vel m e re than two miles for Evuns, r ea l estate Itt Warren ooun- fed pork. It \vIlS found a lso that 4:3 toward the proj eoted reform , while neotllr. If they bl\ve to fly a grelLt ty, • 00. pounds of tauktl~e ot 2 0entsapound the ministry of ed uoation is opposed tlr distanoe and carry bl10k their load Charles E. Monroe and Edmund 84 oents was equnl to 363 pounds of t o It -Berlin ()or : London Morntn g th y oannot bring to the hive enougb M Jubn8~on to Jllmes B . St Joho , oorn oosting 4t, or that a ton of Post . during the working' qoors to make real estate in Warren oounty, tankage was equal to about 300 it profitable, 'fhe hives must there. AUSTRIAN PARLIAMENT Louis V. Wit·haw I\nd Emmu M. bushels ofoorn,!ls indica.ted by these fore be placed wit·h this faot in mind . Wit'ham to Louil!l E. Paokard, r eal t,ests. Acoording to informati on supplied AN ENTHUSIAST e tILts in Warren oQunty , A general inferenoe may be drawn by the deputies thernselve!l, 'the new . MalY E Dnr~ el l et 0.1 tf'l Lnren D. t ha t feeding hogs on corn alone is Towne-Ob , ye8, he's q uite an enRanders, lot in Warren county, f ceding at a loss. The farmer who AUE!t.riclIl parliament Is oompo ed of 120 landed proprletors, 69 Ildvo thusillst. Be goes in tor things in '1800. fllttens his hogs on ootn railed Herbert Nell'on to OharlAs E. on h is own farm does Dot osu ~l1y oates and the·garue number of Rnth. Teal earnest. Browne-Yes j if some Lewis und Bert Drake, lot in Leb· take the prioe of oorn into aOOount OfS and jOllrnn1ists, 41 publio offiolal!! one were to seod him on a wild goose 40 ~ rof es s::> rs, 86 persons in private ohl1se he'd speak o ~ himself atter. aDo~,'L. He weighs the hogs when slaught. employment, . 22 business men 21 warl'l BS -a sportslDt\n .-()al-bolio F. M : Cunningham itS adminlsl arod, but d oes n ot weigh the oorn, tl,ator of estate of John R, Drake and is sati. fied if the hogs are well judges, 14 manufaoturers, 11 burgo. ·Stnndard. - - -.....~- • to F~orenoe y , T~ompson, lot in fattened, But while td.nkagA has masters, 10 teachpr!!, g dootors, 9 37 Creen St. Xenia, Ohio diet members and 9 former oablnet HILLSIDE FARMS · Leban.on t22QO. ' . a superior value other forms of mlniatertl nnd privy ooun :lillors, . Walter Soheook e~ al to Chartes food may be supplied so as to make The averRge hillside farm usually euglneers, 7 merohants, 5 'politioul . OlO't'eng~r 'ldt .10. E)'ankliu, 1875, a .m ixed ratioD. ara ill _ • 1"'" . S8, I. a natural OfJiOlllls, 3 private persons, 2' olergy has enough plant fO'Qd wheu it can Forced t~ Ltave' Hom~ . food tor hogs, anti as long as it is men and an aotive oabinet mlnir.ter , . be properly relea ed. Tilll\ge 'win WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. a vallllble they should ha.ve free ao IUl artist, a town oounoillor, an om. 110 this in every case. E very YAIlr a large number of ______ __ 'poOl' sufferers, whose lnagll are 80re oess to it. Other forms of vegetabl.e oer aod a workingmlLn.-Viel,lJla and raoked wU~ ooughs, are urged food should. be snppUed wh ~n grass Cor respondent PaJl Mall GIl~ette . St., Augustine's Catholic Cburdl. A FEW HOG NOTES ' . go. to another oHma e . But this ol;'n no longer be had . Soy beans FDther George MII\'enlloe for,'PaHlor . • iA costly (Lnd not a'waY8 ' Elura. make au exoellent teed in oonneotion It is perfeotly feapl ble to use green Maas 'ever, ccond iUlldllY ot the mooth a BATHROOMS IN PARIS ,,: 00 a. m. For Women . There'.s a better way . Let Dr. with corn. So do any other ve~et o.ats for silage. Klng'e New Disoovery oure you at ' Hue More Friend. than nor other · An observant Eoglish joornl\l1st . St. Mary's Episcopal Ghu~• home. "It oure~ me of lung trou. abies that hogs will tiat. maga~ine or pntterns. Mc.Call s is t.~ e in Paris has-as a h ot •well-ther , Whey i8 worth· about ·. one ~alf 88 Rov. J . F. Cl)(\wallader , Rector. ~ ble," writee W. R, Nelson, of Oala· • - ••- - reliable fasbion u1do m o ot~ly In one million one hundred thousa.nd unday Sohool. 9 :30 n. m MornIn g ser mine, A~k • "when al1el/l~ tailed ",nd PLANTS BREAKING UP ISLAN am\lsement-made B. private. oensos muoh' as sktmm')k for pig feeding. ~ ____ . ,vice, IO :~O a. m. Holy CommunIon 'ho Orat barnes. Besiaes'showing nl1 the latest ,I gained 47· pounds in weight Its o f bathroom8. He caloolates thllt • -undlll ot each month, designs or McCall Patterus, each issu e eurely the king of all oough and Th~ ,layman would e~roely 8S80 in aU the fia.t-e and private honses of is brimful of sparkling "hal t !itories The hOBr should be kept to a pen IUDg ouree." Thousands owe their olate great strength with eo delioate and help£~ information f r women, Methodist Episcopal Chun::ll. Paril!l there are lLbout 2,800 b!lth . and 'yard some dtstl\noe from the liv. and health to it.· It's positive· Rev, n. W. Ballo)" Pasta •• and fragile a thing 8S ma.idenhair Sa". Mon.y.rid Keep la St,l. b.1_.ubacriblnA' room8. And thilt writer lying. in ly guarlWteed for Coughs, Colds, lOWS. (or McCall'. ,Map>:ln. at once. ColtiOii1y 50 . unilny Scbool, 9 : ia D. m. Mornln,. ser' ------~.....~~~ LaGrlppe, Asttma, Croup-all fern, yet if its roots have not sum his own bath and muking a noth&r cenl. a tur, includIng an y.otl",o( lhe celebrated vIall, 10 :30 a . m. Elpwor Lb Lengue, 7 :00 po McCall Patl.rn. (ree. .PI"I WIll begiu to ~ftt at four m. fl:vc nln g se rvice, 7 : 00 p . m. Mldweear Throat and Lung trouules. ' 500 & oitmt room they ",lit break the pot oaloulation, will bet II. bathful of Mce.U , P.U_ te.d all QIIt .... · in atyle, fi l', " .90. !fila1 bottle (ree r t all· drug io whloh the plant grows. Blades water that he oould ~ t up and plt.oh weeks old, ond eooner if sow is Pr \ yer Meeting, 7 p . m. alm pllcity, .canomr and num ber IOld. lif o", gists. deale.. . . n McC,1 Pancrn. lI .. n any olh r I WII of grasl will fGlroe 'he ourbstones 9. orinket bl.l.ll from the garden about a poor Buoklllr Christian Church. [ m&kucomblntcl. N on. hialte< Ihau '5 Cel1l11. Huy ----------~ from your dtal. r, or by n.. 11 lro m Rev. L. O. Tllompaon: Putot, betweeu whioh they . spring up out hie modest fia' thl8 way and that CAMELS ARE VICIOUS The ShO'lts should not be kept Bible School, 9 :30 •• m. ~ !octal mootln,. of their place, and in a single night over' u.s many bathrooms . . It is in thEl88me enotos'O~e with the brood 10:80 IL m. OhrlstlllU Endeavor; 7: 00 p. m . McCALL'S MAGAZINE Sermon by floator every altern.1.e Sunda)' at A peoullarUy of .the camel is his a orop, of Bmall mushrooms has been a ourious little dlffereDOtl of nlltion236-246 W. 37th St., ~ew York City 10:89 a ,·m. and 7:30 p , m. sow. dislikeS: LU~eB he ha. none, save kuown to .tl~t a lurge stone. In ILl Broel,eotllre. And the quahitnel4s Pon-IS-pl. 0.,1. Ptt.'''. ~.ad ......... C..t&l.... 1M, ""'0.... Hk:ksite' Friends ' Chur"for the mi,mol8 thorn and, perhaps, deed, plants are on reoord as having of the dlfferenoe oomes with the <iet the young pigs out on the F irst 'Day Moetlnll;. ' 00 II. m. F lrsL Da, for dying. ~ He hates red, and wteo, broken the hardest rooks, The is- fnot thllt you see more people in ground 1\8soon as the weather ' will 0\;001, 11 ;0(1 a, m, Fuunh Day Me LIng 10 :00 a. m . . year. ago, lome geuius of the British lane! of Alda»ra to the narthweRt of London who look-yes-dirty thnn permit. ~--'army equipped tbe sqnadrons olthe Matagasoar, is beomlng smaller In P"aris. Even the beggar io PlIoris The 8will or feed, barrel should be , . Orthodox Friends Chure •• . camel oorps' with bright orimeon through the not\on of the maDg~OV6fl is olell.n in finger Dails aD,l olothes lIfre. Elbabeth Larkin, Pastor well oleaned and soalded every week, eaddlea the animals so resented the that graw along tbe foot of the ollft's, ":"'London Uhronicle. Sabba tb 'Ohool, U:00' a . m. U\lRular ohuroll Undertaker and Embalmer t at least. ['vlco, .1.0 ·<10 1\. "!I. CbrlaUao Entloavor. outrage \hat Dumber" of them guve Th~y . eat their way into the rook in --~.----------Wi 11 be found in t h e old PESSIMISTIC Hogs enjoy being sorubbed ~ith 7 :a9 P Up ~he ghost in pure di.gust. all direotions, lind into the gaps thus warm water Clnd soap and it i8 good Bank ButIaing, oppoll&.. The oamel always, of oourse l hates formed t.h e waves foroe their way. , the NatioQal Bank, . ma.. and ' sODie~im~ displays his In' t,ime they ·w ill probably reduoe Optlmist-A gran' mornin ' the mOJ)n! ' . for tbem. • _ .' HATH A W A 't vindtoUvebess in no uuoert~in man the island to pieoes.-Scientifio , K eep the sleeping quarterA and ' . . . . '" -- .... ',. Mil!lanthrope (grudgingJy)-It's no nero A dignified "nd elderly Fritisb Amerioan, . Wft,yu<>svUle's Len ... ~ .. nn.n · ... ..t... dR.y o.r njght . .. ' ~ a'tbeglther ill-(brigh ening) but, fseeling plaoell cle'~ n and tboronghly '" ..........P'.Lrp UlRi Valley Phone 1'-2, . oftloer Me been seen to toot it all - - -....~ .--...- - <:>~oe in,lreys Bldg. MlLin' St eh, moo. think 0' the natlo~al debt. disln·fe'o ted. Not a Word of Scandal round the camp tn blue silk pajamas • .. • , Main Street, Waynesvill., Ohio with one Slipper and !Shaving brush, marred the oan of a neighbor on -London / _ Sketoh. _ _...___ ...._ _ _ Sun and ratn are the agano!es ,that 0108ely purslled by his own animal, Mrs W. P. I:!pangh, of Manville, SUIlRhine is good for. the plga3 destroy the y;a.1atl\bility Bnd feeding with: hi8 long' neok stretohed to the Wyo , who said: "she t )ld me Dr. Keep them In it, Subscribe for the Gazette val~e :of bay. Good for NothIng but the E:,.. King's New LlfA Pills had oured her utmost and bie .vage mouth muoh of obstinate kidney trouble, and to(\ near that Ileeping lIuit to be made her feel like lL new woman ." ple88ant. At length a fatiiue plLr ~y EllSY, but snre remedy for stomnoh, wa~lfummoned, who, with telegraph 11 ver and kidney troubles. Only 260 at all druggists. . poles, young trees, ra.ilway ties !lnd .llUoh oajoierles, prevaUed 'u pop the LONG ARROW FLIGHTS beaet to desist. As" mount the oamel i8 Bllid to 'rhere ~vas a marvelous arohery pl88eSS di"tinot advantages ~is fellot perfoJ:'med some years ago by galt Is oom~ortable when one has ~lr Ralph Payne Gallwey on the learn~ to rIde hi~, lLod for reully links at Le Touquet. 8h~obing wuh long .j ourneys, WhlOh must perforoe a Turkish bOW, he oovered a distanoe be made at Ii 810w paoe. he is muoh of 367 yards with his ·b es' arrow, 188s t~lng th'ln a horse. Be~ides, he thuR breakiog all reoords aohieved , caz:ries with him a~l manner of in: l~eoent times. 'fhis performo.not), 'hinRS the rider ill .hke.) y to nee~ however, seems · to have , been ex. en rou,te-canvAl buokets of 'Yater, oeeded with the old national weapon Gre~test ;Racing Program· Ever " . in whio.1l bottles stand to 0001; of yew.' Neade, a famous aroher Given. a ,wr1ti.~ desk (uot neoessarily 0f nnder Charles I, 8tates that the or : .th~. oftl~e tl.'pe), but stma~ e'tHoie~t dinarY 'fange of the bow was from Larg'e st 'Display of.E~hibit.s-e~er ~tlb~titut~ ; o.lunobeen basket, r~fi.e~, 320 to 400 nr~8: 'rh.e '1o~geet shot , on the Gr.ounds~ .,', t' : , ' , '. t~le~oopes, ~ m~unt~in gun,~f reo, 8uthentioally recorded in EriglaD'd is , quir~'. an<1- other needful arti~les: ,that of B seoretarr of the Turkish ; $5,000 . . . . 'ISLAND < OF .' HONGK@NO ,embassy, ~ho in 17~4 ~h~t ,ap o.rro~ SpeciaJ.Trains 'J;uld'. Exe.ursion" ' .1 ~~ ., . {, ,. 463 ,yards with the wind" and 425 . : .". ·R ate.s . ' aU'· Raib:oilds1 ~Iid ., ~obg¥~g : i8 .. an , island}. ':' about, yards 8ga\Dst ; it ' i~ :" the pres~nQ~ Traction Lines. '," . ,,', ·'.f " "-ele,v en ~lle8 'long; witoh a wldth: of o(' 8ever~f meznbeia. of : the .Ro)'al ., ,.' • ,r.. t .', . · • ttOtD ~~ t~ t!treo mi(es; ' and ob~ . Toxophilit~' eQo{ety',"" ~ho.' measur8d alata alm~t. en~ir~lY : .Of ';' eerl~s .of. the diatYQo : and J>re~~ned .the'.ar·hlUe. , Th~~~ le'& t~ road . a.rp~~1i rO~.~PIII1J .lclal~ Gazette. .' apprflon of the .i81I1.u,4 on'· &lie sea' ' . ...., . • ~ • . . f'Q..~:-buUhe ~a'd~. up ilie mo~nhogs '8hould no~ 'b-~· iUlo\yed .t o $alnl..,. too .~p fOr practloal aotti become lousy. . aDd 'ute .tre~~ 8'81ierally .' .'.. ~ ~ ••....,.,.. . .."...--are ~,~.~ eaqh POIJtl~D0te4 . Manv a m~n hile too mtioh thunder ", ~. ~ ,' Of "heav" < '~.I1D hla rlU,ton aDd Dot'-~alf. "UUIUI(,I~I •. - ", . !lah'aIDI· ' ,. , ,
Thursday, September 14
Friday, September
Saturday, September 16
. _.
Inspection Invited
McCall's Magazine " ;md McCall Patterns
~~ ----~ ,
--------.. ..------
' ,D H.~ H. ij '.
- -- ..
..- - -
September 12, 13, 14, '1 5 191
LEBlInOn ·
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i~. Purs~~ '~ml. Pre~iUlns~ I
' ~P.EC~AL
I. '
GAZE~~ ~' I\Yll
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V .\ IAJ&Y ')'EL&l' l:l
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groWEJ8 are bereby warn ed
It i s a. curiouB fao' thatma .ny m t'n.
h il.t S eslIl lln Oy i's I'llther plentif ul level hooded en ougb I\oont 'b't ber in a g~od DlIUi y ~eo'~ ton8 of Ohio th Is thing!!, lIeem t o lose their Wits en · flill and in tuos~ looalitl es . where it tir ly w'hen they beoome i,nvolve d 18 l,t nown to be presell t it WIll 11e un In lllwsnl ts, In a oaile recentl y oon·
O ur
Fa ll
Op en in g
D. L. CltAN Ji:, Editor and Manag er ..... ill£' to flO W wll6at ea.rly, Where olnded in ~be Germ'a n oonrt-s So Ber. rllillfll1l111ltl been reason ably Ilbun lin meroha t)t p aid out over l!l.O to lian t, t he fllell m ay ;6x peoted to reoo've r the vf\lue of a fhe.ce n t post. Rates of Subscr illtion II pp 1111' I1t th e normal time and Ui e age stamp, Be had written a letter 110 YOlir (strloUy III ndvnu ·0)., •. . ... :5 1,00 81nllio Coll y • . •.. .• .. .' • ',' . • . ...•.• .• . ' .O~ fo ll owing dl~te!! for se~ d i u g in the Bs king for an addrea s and inolosi ng diffe rent ptlr te of t ua Stllta Ilra sug- postage! for r eply . Fa iliD g to get ges telt by the Ohio Agrioulturt11 E x an answer , he sued for Rates of AdverUsin ~ the stl\mp . p rlment Stl1tion as sllfe for sDob 'l'he famous Missou ri watorm elon HOlldlDg Local8. I r lIul! .. .. . . ... . . .. . 5c' distriot s: n onc1lug Loenls. black rue . "or lIuo ... . t Oe Korthe rn tlilrd of tbe oase was J' ust,as t rifling and even And for the Rem aind er' of this Wee k IlIIIBlOod Ads. DOt to Il. OOCJ 0 \'8 lilies ~tate-8epte mber 20th to ,25th, the more . disastr ous. 'rhe seed .was Tbroo IlIlKlr tluulI . .•... . . '..... . ObltullI'l OII. Ji ve luch t roe; o"cr 11\'0 20l' la t ter date ' tor t.he lIollthe rn planted on one (Ilrm, lmt the vin a InChes, per Uno • . .. . . .. .. . . . .. Gc uonut.le s of this areA i Middle third 01 ept throug h a or 10k in the r,\11 Oo.rd of t.bAnks •••• • •• .. . , .•.• . .. . . • . . ~1Ic of the ~tll.te -from ~eptember 10th fenoe and the melon grew on R0801ut101lll . . , .. . . , .. .. . . . . ... .. . ... . the ~ Oc to' Ootobe r 6th i Southe rn third of otbE!r Inde. 'Both No expos ition of new merch andis e we have eVef Soclal.s etc. where cbnrge ill mlldo .... •• . 261: farmerl l olaimed i t l DlfIlll ay Advertllllllg per Inon .. . .. . .. .• . 10e th e ~tate-from 'Ootobe r 5th to attem pted the can comp are to this Fall Opening'. and instead of peroeiv ing the bumor DlscounlAi i ven' on Ilont.ro.ct. 10th. Nelghborboo..ts wbioh are of the situatio n they went to law. The Old World style cente rs have Leen scoured for oertain ly tree from tbe fly may SJW To odd to the puzzli_ g fea'ure Ii' s of SEPTEMBER 13, 1911, the new, desirable, exclusive thing s throu gh OUf Paris, Lonflve or t,en days earHer thon tbese ~he questio n Of owners hip there was don, Belfa st and Chem nitz offices. datep, while neighb orh Jods more or the further oompll oation that the less infeste d with fiy and hiLving fence stood on 0. county line, where. Out millet for bay jutlt after bIos. The marts of this count ry haTe been visite d by our been aftiloted with drough t during upon a questio n of tbe jurisdi 80ms fall. • ction buyer s and we cordia lly invite you to see the result . summe r and f~ll, will be ad.,r from o. ~he oourts oame up. rhe farmer s fivatta ok if sowing is done a few bankru pted themse lves withou , Borller lldlsh is propag ated easily t obdays later ·tban ~he dlltes here tainlng a deoisio n a8 to the by root outt.lngs. owner sohedu led, Dry woathe r retards the Ship-G reen Bag. . develo pment of the fly withou t de. • • Horser adIsh . ie genera lly in de- stroyin g it, o~oept in cases of ex SEVERITY JUSTIFIEO mand, why not &row it? treme and prolon ged drouCh and the Esta blish ed 1863 Ninety days in jail WIlS the sen· bqla'eJ brood may appear in numtence - given by a Chicag o jadBe to Tbe olover belong to the 0las8 of bers, followi ng the f,,11 rain8, a week R. sooroh ing ohauffe ur, who took hi:! or two later 'hau their usual time. pll\nt. whiob are nltl'OKen gathere rs. employ er's antom\ )bil. withou t per wlssion for a. ride and ran it at a dllnger oo; speed , ' One may feel After the oorn is ,Ianted and beNo Need to Stop Work fore it 18 np,lt Is alwaY8 advisab le to this a severe pnnish nt f6r suoh When your dootor orders you to !Jon offenoe, but whenmt.he numbe r of barrow . stop work, it stagger s you. "I .. oan't" yon say. Yon know you lire lives enrlang ered by this reokless In tbe seeding of eprlng grains, It. weak, run-do wn and famng I A bouse wl fh n t ronts gives I= in driver ill oonslde red, any sll-nepersou excell ent ventllacullrL.l on, Th an vIlS L hell.lth, day by;dav , but you must will oome to the oonclus lor burlap cu rtain s may be se on fram s ion that o,r fir.t import ance to sow 8S early work 8S I'lDg us you .08n. 80 that th Y 'UD be swun g to the stand .. only ' just sentenc e was impos'e d as possibl e. . What you need is Eleot rlo Bitters to ceiling or rcmov d during the sum. . . .. give tone, strengt h and vigor to . The averag e ~IU _.wner operates mer months. T hey should alw ays ~ ]I! tb 77 per oent or tbe total I your sy-,tem , to praven t breakdo~ dropped-In frout of t he roost during n bill mllohin e at a safe and ril'lSUIJlHllle'l rod':':tt oo":f Germa n aloohol is ~b ·!\nd build you up. Don 't cold nlgb tl , Too tOuch glass surface ~. wellk, spetld, and it is genera lly the bhoffe~r p , slokly or ailing when Eleotrl o BIt- who hal! no money out the warmth at investe t. Have Ii tamed from fotatoe l. t • . lets walll and cetllng- as freen l~h terti wlll benefit yon from tbe first Inter 'st hi the automo biled or jlirect as possible who ex, .. dOB." Thousa nds bless tbem for of holel, crevice s nnd cracks, which . ' . • t<belr gloriou s·heall.h and BY C. R. TITLOW . caule drafts and furni sh harbora for Testa hl\ve 's bpwn th'e viol~t tinted Try t.be m . Every bQttle IIstrangt ih . oeeds all speed limits and tne8 to mttes and lice. anaran see how fas' he can go withon t an AulsUln t In Agric ultural Extcnllm i. . vat'l etles of white potatoe s to be the t e.d to sa.tisfy , Only Ohio Sta.te l.Jntveralty. 606 at all accide nt AD '6J[amp le shonld be . Interior Arrange ment. hlgbes t io nutriti ~e value. drug gistS .. _ • All roosts should be about tbree made of suob peraons , and other feet the floor. About 10 inobel judges sh )uld be just ~s severe in To make a SUCCClS at poultry oul· belowabove tbe ro.osts should be a tI,ht. CHANGlNa THE VARIETY imposi ng Beoien.oea . ture'. aa much care and attentlo n smooth platform to ' catch A '{ood deal of oult ivation 'OLn be the dropmust be devoted to the fOWls b to pln,l. Dropplnga, should done on tha sUl'lllar farma after the ' , . ( bo removed Many farmer s malle tbe mista.k e any other live ItoCk. The lelectlo n every few 'days, A Dreadf ul Sigh~ oorJ) la planted and be'fore it ill uV' . of iJowiug year ntter year '" variety of a ·Jlreed of fowls sbould be careNes.b lIIay bepl~ced bene atb the · to R . J . Btornnm, of Freevil le, .fillly coD.lldered. If but little care l·JOost platform of whest whioh yields severa l bnsb N'. Y , was the fa~tened .to the end lever lIore that had and to be gtven walls or to the walls opposite the Bed and w~lt,e Vtdent ioe buooh e18 lesl per a<lre Ilniler theIr condi plagne d hi& me for many years in poultryattentio n It la 'poallble tha.t the ' com- lroolt, Great care\sbould be taken to beaQ8 are bardy and mliY be Bown tioos than lome other v"rtety wOllld splt.e of mllny remedi !,s he tried . Ilion barnyar d fowl ~ll yield as keep tbe -neets · dean and free from At'Iut . h e Qsed BuokleD 'S Arnioa large returns . IlJJ any standar ju,t III HOon lU.I ~be grpnod til wurm do under tbe same oonditl ons, 89yS d.bred IJee ~r mltea. .The hay , or " lItraw e and wrote: "It h~ eatirel y fowll, the Maryla nd experime~t stllotit)n 81\I\' ILnd dry. healed wi th soarce~y ' a Roar- left. " customefOr/ the old mongrels are.. ao. uHd al IIlallng materia l should ft. d to ne,lect and to unfavor- ' Q\Mlltl7 be remm-ed and replaced Of ton .tbe only reason why II par· Bet.le Bnrns, Boile, Eozema by , Oot." able conditions and can beUer shUt a clean lupplr· "iooll1or Brulsell variety , Swellin has gs, ' beoome Qorns and P ,les tor themul vel. But one popnla r LTo prev.an t bl,okllo ke" Maine flum· breel\"'sbould Drinking ~o~l)talns like magio. Only 2.50 at all drl'1g- tie kept on (lhould.. be er baa invente d a j lnted hoe to in oertf"ip locallti es is beo"Ds Rhen gists a farm nnd that breed placed 00 ·platforms several Incbe. . . should be well suited to the local throwp ot"\08l ' Into 110 no' with wbioh 0,~8t Introdu oed it ,g ave au extra bi ~b .from the 1I00r to prevent tbe water .--~.~-----oondltJonl aud the purpose fo'r which ' from becom.l ng dirty. D1~'iase yield, aue ·more to exoept ionally it·is provid d fowla r~E USUAL MOTION , ed, 6S.tbey are dug .. · tbef' are kept. 1t should alao ault .hould ne\'.e r be allowed to drInk RO~d "treatm ent in a favor"b le sea the fancy of the keeper. from the fountain ~here water Ie son than higli-y ielding qna1lt1"s of fo B: lndge at St', Joseph , Mo, an . kept for the other fowls. , ' Breeding Stock, Feed troughl and hoppers made out The 010 era and oatil, wUb oorn the variety. When ne'w' variety bId negro .onoe applied for a war The henl In the breedIn i8 g introdu p~ ,of common boards' or boxes may be oed in a oommn nlty or. on riage lioense , It was not tbe ~rov-' for b~oklng; and t}\e use of sanitar y should be yearlings aDd shoUld bear used for all feeds except wbole oqndltiQnll, .,8hool!l llrinlJ the 1L~lwor a ftum it shonld always be' grown hioe of the judge to iSsue snoh a pa those charact eristics that Indicate gruD, wblch should be scattere d on In the ~ am~ field and beside' a well per i bot, knowh lg the appUo aot's that th eir offspring will be high pro- .everal iaches of to incat !twine I)roduo ing pro1l1ems Utter Large wal· , known ot' standa rd VAriety . . It is history , he asked: .. dimonl t to determ.l ne the pDsslbi lity . "Ephra im, ware yon ever :.o:.:s marrie d shQuld have al read y proven ' them' ,peolall,. during the winter monthl. Rye grall8 iA believe d to .~e the old. of · allY variety when ' oompar inll before '" . .' • Belves good layers. Th ey sbould be In ,wtnter the ' feeder sbould, est .gra88 grow,n 8I!pooiallY for for , field on oue end of the farm with "Jes' onoe jedge," was the reply . active, have bright eYI:!B. a long, .. tar a. JM)llIlble , make T~. ORIlAT nT age, havlo/J beeu onltiva ted for thlLt anotbe r on the other end I or. ,. what · "Waln'~ $hllten ougb 1" ' gracerul n(o (' k and hend and a long, ' Ilmll_ 'te ,thOle In .• prhic condltlonl o,r summer 'I"IJ'C -;l 'l'Dl~ I r P,I1m D angulal' back porp()8e in Englan d tor more : than is still worse oompa ring one mlm's and t al1. Ir meat 18 bJ' 11m, a variety "Mebb e, jadge, bnt .l ·want ~ new feed and com- l.lJ.J6 ti.l ru~ llI" ~ ,sought. then h ~' ll s sho'uld be selected peUm&, Ule fowl. to ofeJlercl field with tha~ of his neighb or ;' two centuri es. ••. Fowll, ! trial. "~lit Louis Republ io. IN ,THE *OftLD _ wIth ch aract rlal!cs oppOSit e to thoBe 11_ penona , ~o much .bett.r work , . l'UBUSHED WEEKLY. $UIO PER _YEA! deSC1·lbcd. ' Oil a nrte"" .f toodl. HOTIL I, DR~ccii8Ti, :ep.OIA.'-I''', The male Ilhould have a Btrong OOST UMI'.. II, TRAN . . . . . . OA. 'constltullon lIud 'vigor, but shou!!1 AND 'BUI '8ERVIO I OAN PItOF'I"; not be too large In comparison with BY UIIHO ITI ADVIItT IIIHO qQa.UM H8 the eWl of the bens. He should SAMP LE qopy FREE have S· short, masculine bead and BarbecJ Wire Add,. •• HIW YORK CLIPP.I R '" neck; a broad;" lleep breaat; brl,ht LWUIM~ 41'___ ..... And wAUlu.. . Hew York. N.Y. L&, &.&, & ii~ 'should- be selected trom a GUARANTEED to heal withont leavItNlIn that bas proven itself a hlgll ing B blemish ,or MOmy REFUNDED. producer of eggs, If egga are the 6()0 and .1.00 sizel for fresh wounds, A LT E R product sou,bt In his offspring. Be- old L.n R E • Boree, sore backs and ehoulde rs~urns cause he reprecentl\ half of the pen, and brmaea. 25c.size for Family use, he .hould be of tbe highest type . that OR,' COX'S PAllf.LE SS BLISTER can be obtalned. Fune ral Dire' :tor. Is painless and guaranteed to Cllro Experim entl han , vroven ,that the Spavin, Ringbon e, Ourb, SweenY l Splint, or any enlargement of Done or progell,. of the first crossing of dlf- PUffs muscie, or money refunde d, Price 600. Teleph one day or night. lerent breeds Is oUen satisfactory, FOR SAUE av ALL DRUGGISTS and profttable, but · further brae,d ln, _"!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~ Va,lley pbone N o. ~ . LoDIr ~~ crol.el should never ba Distanc e No. 69-'''.
Tu esd ay, Se pte mb er 19
. . ..
---_. - ..--- -
···················· I····· TH RAISING . Of POU LTRY
'ttent-on Is Necessary
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:r~t:!~n~n:::88saO:~. -:!' ,J'
EII081' GUPP'E' I.,
D·R.; C ' , OX IS
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All kinds of Notary Work.: Penslo n Work II , ~peoialty.
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I .
'T he' Miami Gazette
D, L, CRANE , Publllh .r. WA YNElSVILLE,
When in Roasting Ear Stage Should be Used Only in Limite{'Quantity-Little Profit Secured Cooking, Grinding Soaking.
Oa r Lo rd Ba ild ing a Ch urc h
it 'Ve shun them at every oPl1ortunlty, tbose tius},bodles who pose as au' By Amos R. Wells by ' frleuds wben renJ\ .• they .. re Quite the contrar y, nnd who seem to think they 01' . are ndowed hy a special oct of Provl· • lurprlsl ng thai T Is not denre with regulati ng the atralrs of Jesus; wished to bow wbo Indian corn t. the commo n swine bave produce d lT6ater thelt n 19h bors oe well as of those and more eco. men thought him to be. rood in tho great pork·pro duclng dis· nomical gains . . ",btl \\'ou ld rathcr not be their neIgh· Tllat t8 an Importa nt mat.Tankag e anil lin seed 011 meal are bors. It Is ensy to com pr ~ hend how trlcts at Americ a. In - he. Corn · belt . h~I' In aorone' s urA most ot the corn 18 Ced on lhe cob, n about equally profitab • It . such per!;ons earn th eir cho rnctC'rlza' commen le dable practice , since It In.' to corn at present prices. lIupplem ents made a great dllferen ce to Napoleon Soy beans whethe r men tbo~gbt of him as first t lo;) lIud casler stil i rl r us to apply valves the lenst la bor by the feeder, Ilnd cow pP.IlS may be used with profit sud r. d(,9(' rl pllOD to all lhose who 10 nnd la accepta ble to the animals . In la feeding hogs, but lbe lupply Is lim· consul ar an empero r. It mnde a great dlfferen cs to Edison wbethe r an~' woy dl s pluy wbnt \\. ,~ may rega rd the early tall. corn may 'be fed In the Ited. and la sold for seed at l\led men thought of him os a telograp h ns an unduc Interest In ollr aITalrs, ronstlng ear stnge, In limited quanti· operato r or aa an Invent~r. It made l5ays the Chri st Inn N WB and ourler. ties. It much Is eaten, digestiv e de· a vast differen ce to ' Jesus whethe r 11 Is 1'0sl>l\)le . howev f! r. thnt the cap range ments toHow. Aa the kernels men thought of him as the 80n or whkh 11'0 pia e so unh es ltntlngly harden, the corn may be suppliel l In Josepb o'r the Son of Ood. It made larger quantiti es. Pigs that have b en upon l be heads of cer lnlu persons 11 dlfl'eron ce to htJU because It made pasture d during the summe r Incur less would prove 0 bet t r fit for us If we !lI1 Infinite dlfl'eren ce to men. risk tram eating new corn. {'auld pC' l's lJade oursel\, eJ to "try It Christ's church conslats 01 1l1l Many teeders believe they clln on," nQucstlonably tho mere sug· tain better r esults from aort than ob· those tbat think him to be the Son from ges tiou to some oC li S thn t we could sound corn. As sott corn contain s less at God. rhe Oreelt word for "church " means "tbe ca lJed:oll t." ever o\'(~ r s tep the Jlllllt of our friend· starch than mature corn, It Is advlsa· Christ's church consists ot those tllnt Me Iy Int ~ res t In others Is dlstnste ful, ble to feed some old corn for f\nlshcalled out trom the persons that bennd In many 'nses probabl y unwar· Ing. lieve Jesus to be a sage, a pro.phe!., Numero us ,experlm nts have lleen mnted, ~' el It Is true that one of Ihe a hero, a marty r; and t.he calied-out dlstin(' IV6 chnroct erlstlcs of the pres· conduct ed In rec.ent years on the va.lue persons believe him to be God. nt nge, wllh Its fre edom of liVIng of corn prepare d In various wnys. The For the Sow Deed II Chrllt'l . ,' •. With Pigs Corn Should most commo n of these nre cooking ; nnd It s consequ ent sacrlnce of many grinding , Be Supplem ented With Rich II Is Cbrl.t that caUl OIit. that se· and seaJdng . of those rennlng and restrain ing In· Conc·e ntrates. leets the atones tor-:. his church. He Experim ents wltlr cookIng ' corn tor fluen ces tbat were so vHal a part of hogs have unlnrsa lly d~ons ated' prices. A small amount of barley may alone cun tell whethe r the bellet 10 nnolher and moro distant day, Is tbe that It la not a profitab le method of be profitably (ed In combIn ation with him as God ' Is' mere I), -an empty beHet of lbe readlne sa 'VIUI whic h we Indulge our prepara tion. In nearly all casea, It corn. Darley kernels , being smaH and bellef, aiso. head. or a heart:.and·lIfe He alone ('urloslt y. r\ot saUsOed nowad ~J/1 h a - proven decidedly unprofi table. bard, should always be grolind or U{e stone, cut trimly,can see througb wltb shlo Ing. with the bestowa l "f a conflden ce Grindin g In sante cases hnil been prot, crus bed before feeding , Wheht mid. which Is 6unklen t, perhaps , to pique !table. It has p1'o,'e n JlI'ofltab le when dUngB or germ all meal are neither III smooth surface8 , and dltcer tbe bid· our Int erest It Is not unusual tor lome It 1& desirab le to tatten pigs quickly . etl\clen t nor as profitab le lupplem ents den fissure that will crack or the hidden pyrite that wlll ,WII. Jlersons to solicit fllrther details and Boalrlng corn haa In Bome casel beeD. to corn I1S linseed oll meal or tankage . And, of, course, the first stone ' that For breedin g stoclt, com bould ney- Christ aelected . tbe Sn olher ways to evince a too eBlrer done with prollt. It 14 aate to atate first cburob thlH tr lIOt unusual ly hard. eorll-'Is at er constitu te over balf the ration; tbe membe r that he cClncern III the afl'alrs of othera. . best but slightly Improve called out, waa the d by soak· proport ion being smaller with young first man who slncere l, and open17 VERY Bummer thoulIAIlds at warmth commun lcstes ltaolt t.o ,hI. Inft has been tound tbat by SUPPle-' animals . For 10WB giving America ns make their Initial cold bones- It It is winter milk. cpru believed hlni to bo God, That It wA;I Gustu Frensae n's "Klnus Hlnrlcb Liley In'ft , should Peter be need supplem not ented' surprls by a rich COD.UI, (or that trIps across tbe Atlantic to tour lIure to be li ke Icicles- he Baas" remilids one of "David Cappel' meuting co.r n with feed'u hlgber In pro- centrat ea aucn a.s skim , milk, dlacov I'll mid. apostle 's faults were all on th. aur. Europe. teln more All econom bad ical 80.\101'8 gains Can be so- dllngs, ground oats, aoy know t bat It Is de~ntlyel1 I1gbt and field" In Its long delibera tive unwind· cured. The principa l deficten cles ot peas. and linseed meal · beans, cow tace and could be' trlume d away, the momen t wben It Is bCRt to tl8ek loualy romtort a ble. In Bwltzerl(f 1 . 'n~ ot a lite blstory up to' middle age, to furnllh III. The Inner part at hIm ,va. all rl&ht. a Olialr Jln~ and keep s tili, tr the tl10 bells attaIn a little more height, "tuld a IItUe, too, In its general plan. corn a. a food tor growing swine, ap- tro~enous matter. Water Ihould lie and it Is tbe Inner part .o r a stone atioD Is to be saved . The mull In the but It Is In pear to be a lack ot proteln In proper- added to form a thin 810p: German y thal . U~e,. become, with Ila unhappy 10\'e marriag e tol· As th pigs ratber than tbe outside that counta picture bas reached thIs stage. All or luch an nltitude as UOD. to other matter, And a :Increas e 1.n IIl~e and the demand tor perman to lowed by a more slitlsrac tory . unloQ, sbortag e of m,l<,>rganlc ently. In a bu11dlbg . would probabl r be well had not the a paIr ot step. to mount nacesslt a.t. neral elemen ts, tbom . Wal Peter surprl.e d ··at U118 bonor woman with the baby 8ays tbe London Times. DII~ Frensse n de,flclenclell may all be 8uppUe These nitroge nous an~ ml'n eral matter badropped tbe d by the comes leslI, .more corn can be fed, un~ from bls .Trlck. · Played on the Tr.vale r. Lordl ,~ .1 thlnk · 1I.ot; . he feedlng· bolUe. Her' mald, In tbe plow. 4eep In the tleld' ot mo'r al anf use of supplem entary feeds. backSometim e. In at tattenin c time It may torm moat woula ha'Ye been fa.r more 1500lal problem s, ond bls plot Is COD· In experLm ents · c,ompar lng ~ corn tit aurprlse d ground, Ie paat hOIl6. 'The mall's duty tourist Is taken Europea n hot.eJtl th& f th ratl n T solemnl y to one tilde tt It bad not been BiTen, It, af,er vlnclng -we are not obliged to ' take alone witb rations supple mented with a bI. III clear. But, tbon It he moyea't eo. , " and told that by paying A tew trallt " whole-h wheat: earted middlin adhello gs, linseed 011 ~ea1, li . be had not One of the mest Interest ing reatur~ or lire more ho ClaD bav.e the facte on tbe honor of tbe narrato r. E. EVANS . thE! royal The hero Is n peosant 's 80n-a piece tankage . soy beans. cow peas, barley, OOnege o'f Agl'icu}ntre, OhIo Slate b een bu'l lt Into the cburch of Christ. of un Amerlcan'lI first EuroJ)ea n tour bedcllam bor. A certain botel In Sal'And Indeed sermm! the whole !al, Gospel etc., the atory. mixed Is the compar ison ot transatl antic eus· \'cnto. where a dozen or rations . Univers ity. of tough, proud, full·blooded North niore royal proves that he receive d no lpacta! toms hOtel and railway with those heads hsve lstn In one SeBeon, II Germn~ humnnl ty. In on8 ' mOlI)ent 01 O'\ltlJ? honor, no more than John, no more or t he land or the brq,ve and bitter disillus Ionmen t .he RS)t1l hlmselr than JameR. ltO more 'than Paul, no of the free. 'fnny_ Ullngs the bomo more generou s, tor If thlt roolS).s arB that to tbe mpty tbey mnl.s no (Ultra , cf,llrt;e. whilt Itla 100 great' t achers, School more than you o~, 'me It ~e ma.ke 1 , ."".~.~u,,11 travt>ior have become am· And the travel r lives to recount w~ell Peter's confcss lon at Christ. and' hurch. bad done ror him except monplllco 10llg ago . lItrlke the tourist h Is back on hlB naUve heath how bl.'· Ours Allo the Autho"rlty. mislead 111m. They had kiven bl!D on his tnlUal trlp as highly amnlling heek . pressed the some pillow fh at . But were not the keys or the klugfables, Impos,llble Ideallsm a; "two gos· Convers rtloDs . with a n~ber of also bappen s occasJo naUy' Col. Brother ton of Rent.u~kY, tor In· hsd been lIeed by tbe IIttla that iI. ,tree dom at Heaven glve~ , to Peter! Quee n or pelir, . the gospel of the Savior and farmers recently b.rlngs out the ' old. of a good variety Is Were utauce" bad been recomm euded to a Holland or the barren. liut p-rol) • not his binding s and kIng of 8a"on1', But looslng s .to be Quiet ltallnn hotel. . Returni ng la.t e tha t I the g08pel ot Sebll\er , but of true, and }Insatls factory qU~6t1on ot why bly Ilnalngou8 to the nQl a purely Europea'n cU6tom,. anlll!R\' kingdom . 'ratified In Heaven ? ,Yea, and all th.1s ,rom San Carlo, where almost every for to t his germlne kri()wledge ot life not aves· certaln in'.lvldu al fruit trees faU to Here we would probablY 'd o well to darm-r certaln Boston hOo reauthori ty Is oura also, on -the same tourtst goes on hla first nlgbt In Na· tel the tlge." no~ be gets this ImoWted ge produce fruit. Much conjbl;t ure Is oft· pl,!-ce the tree. It may hll ve been the sacred chambe r occuvle d by terms. When stones are built Into a 'ples, he was amased In passIng along given oJ. this allbjE.ct, lind hortlcul · faul~ ot the budcler or grafter ts tbe th eme at the book; a fine nnll Prince Henry of Pru6sln ts lil ted at In se- church, the saloe key that admits crfUciac to tho, d because corrido r to· see outside uearl y v· nbout $10 a dn~ more than any orher they can not curing his stock apd clans. mavin!; IIlory ' whIch fig,wa\; on In a the block at marble or lapis la.ull err door In addition to hroad IIti'eam of Inciden t and chnrac- nlw'nys tell "why" and offer a cure, Impoten t Pollen. admits to tbe block of granite or the floor 8un~ry dress~s: tll e boots en room In tbe house. \Irts nnd trou. ~108 t Americ an travclus on t,belrTrees Too Vo·ung. ' ter tbat gil'es a singula rly nowerrul A ratber ' commo n cause ot blU'ren IImeste ne. Those that ore one with lers bung upon large braDchl ngbrl1s s tirst irlps abroad are astound ed when . There are several reasons why impres.s lon of' tbe mns's lveaess a'ld a trees Is the- tact that they arc "self. Cbrlat are one with bl. learning and A, garcon who WIlS Giltlng In upon t1~e day of tree may not produce frUlt, w41ch may aterlle." Tbls again Is tbelr departu re t l"CllJl "arlet)' of life: somewh at dU o authori ty and ' J)ower. Not the the corrido r tl,'led In broken Eog1\sb a hotel they nre pros\lntB be occasio ned by many widely dlttel'- flcult to explain because d with tl\<M' blest child ot the cbureh but may llft to exploJn It was the cuslom for tray· . of t.he yarla,. bill by the head walt r tnstoad of by ent causes. A man otten become s . bllity of .dlfferen t trees. hll bead wllh the lordlies t. Sometim e. . elers to leave the clothing tbey hod the landlord or by Ills chlet clerk. nut New York Is pretesti ng agalt;lst a .v ery Impatie nt with trees whlcb Ilre the Kiefer pear "The glltes of Hades shall Dot pre- worn during tbe day Is selt ferllle and outside their It Ie ~be custom and lhll lmporlo nt tn. new danger" ln the recltles s driving ot too young to bear. We have m'3t men sometim es selt sterfle, and the snme Ii nU against It," said Christ; 1lI~lnst doors to4be brusbed . Bllt the co\onel divldua l Is thul assured of hl' UP. automo biles by boya and girls through recently wbo were :l~out to cut dowD true of ma~y otbers, whIle some the churcb; sgaln~t you, If you are a w,a s Incredu lous. "Never al. saw any. The tTaveleT thinks It' n little the streets, nnd lega l means arc to be ways se6'111 to be S It sterile or leU stone bunt Into the church. But was tHing like It In Americ a," he said. sougbt to pre\'ent tbe 11ves of cltl, fer £He. It Is 0. commo n complah\~that not Christ, the next minute•....., 1&7 "Ukely as not It's Borne sort of skin strunge tbat .colfee Is nllvaYI mrr. at ' lunch~on and dinner. but wb~n' he orzens beIng put In danger by children . 0. p~r80n bas n fine, big fruit tree, Iternly to Peter, "Get thee behind me game, and nil thosC! tools will wnke d 1'8 calfee, at an aYersge ' 0' .5 or G Satan'" w)l1ch Is healthy and always blossom . Was n'o t Peter, Dot maDY ull In t.h e mornin g and' tlnd The n~tol;Iloblle, hi Bome way, seelXla thetr ' (lents extra, the cup, It Is freebly madE!' lull, but never seta any fruit or . ver, 1I)0nth. tbereaf ter; to deny Cbrlst and clotbes stolen. Not II J'll bruah to be associa ted ~· lth disrega rd of tha m~' exprell! ly tor him and I., not the cor· lItUe. ' ' On Inquiry, it Is learned ' that go out weeeping blUerly ? Yea; but own ." rIghts of pedestr ians to on extent, fee that bas stood for houn In t,bltnot lnto It stands alone with no chance of oro•• the outer darknes s, Th. wblch has . rend~red It a menace ' ot Wouldn 't Leave Her Ksy. pot. Anothe r' tblng tbat st1ikes WIl1-,fertiliza tion with ' other varietie s, power of Hades may shake the MIIIII Clarillsa Blythe of Vermon t IlS fllnllJ is the fact that dVlllzat \on, Da well a8 OOB of Ita lux, tb&re are fli cburch. 'There but Is the a big m. o chance rtar hold.. In thla case that No wa~ perfoctl y astound ed at bavlng ber Yators to 10 up, urles. Dllt as tar 88 eh IIdren are can. llul that be, 'c annot the tree Is aelf' sterne aDd It can be Itone that bat ' been built loto tlM chambe rmaid rusb after her liS sbo Ule them to &0 down. On,e ccrned.. they sbould be legall), recorrecte d only by l!lantln g another va· Itructu re 8bnll eY,ar tall out. ca'reLully depollte d the key. of her sigu In a Imall, hotel reads', EuropE,a n' straJned from beIng allowed tn cbarga "No on~ rlety neM b,Y, 01'. gro.fUn~ some otber!, room , In ber ' beaded rettcule , and ex· 11 ,l\lIow.d to dillcend of IIny veh icle. They are too fonll of Be Hone.t With' Qod. In tbe eluvatorthrougb the bra.n'ciles, wlieD It will b. claimed : but 'Invalld s . lind the IIged." In the Do we lonc, for Itrenlth- wlth :QodT any kind of power and too Irrespon sl, come quite product ive. "But, madam ! Pleale lellYl.! your lar"r hotels .the lifts are ,used as' Tbe only way to win It t. to be boneat ble In Its use--.:an exceedi ngly ·dangf'r. One Way 'of Making '. Inlecta and Dllea.e l. . Tre~a Bur Fruit with him. Tell tbe millerab le w~k', key besIde the door. I muat hne It they are In America , but 10 lellUrel y ous combIn ation. -Spray ing for In.eetl and ·Dl ....e ••. . Some' trees loee practica lly all to 10 'In and do 70ur room ." are tbey (bat ' one u8ually .prefers ,to neuee and alk" him root' tbem "But where la your passkey !" ahe TUn down.ta lrs on··shan k"JQare . Norther n Spy ap~lo trees because they frutt through being Btung by Inse~ta, at our lives and glye UI power In- demand ed. E 'onomy In IIghta js anotber trait. Now ' lt 18 dlecove red that .he fa· had been planted fifteen or ~av~nteen such as a bact outbrea k of curcullo 'OD dead. Own up to him how , footlln "I have none," the maid .replJed. and where. 8JI usual, thel'e plum . or ' peacb trees. A thoro),g b we are at be.t, 'and beg are tllio. torA be wi. "See:' she said, pointing mous pirate. Capta!n Kldd, \\'bo, aI." .yean and sUlI had J)foduce4 nC? ClOP sprayin g and jarring ~t the trees will .Jom that maketh not ubame to the hook electric IIghtl In tlie room, one OVf" worthy .of mention d. Whl . Yet it ,WilY be overcom .. at the Illde 'of the door, tbe 'same cordIng to the old song, "mucb wick, e , tbls trOUble. . hook the bed to read ' b~ and anotb~r In per In his ear · the poor, wretche d m'l' edness he dId a.J he sailed." wos two, three or pt-sslbly five yeara yet If the trees are detollat ed year 'a fter takea we hava made, and pray for . dedicate d to skirt!! nn!! trousera , "you the celllng, one canuot be turned , on. before thoee trees will produce a good must hang your key here wben you wltbout turning the other really no plr~te at all. but an han cst art. But, bIg cror, "'ceause It Is just afJ natural year by peach leat curl, ' /lcab or leaf strengt b to keep In the old path go out." lind goOd·tem pered old Ballor. But for ,the young AmerIcan enginee r -Iolviid th& ' Spy to be slow coming loto apot of the apple, or some other trou- tbrough all the daYI to J;:ome. So An Englhlh man ' who was salling difficulty by unscrew lug the ' p'OrC!elab" tbere are some ches-Jshed \11l1slona to bearing 8S It Is ble, the trees may eventua lly become shall we rlse newnes s of lite. So. from Boston to be red striped, '. not long ago \Vus reduced CIlP of ' the Iwl!cb and 8t1e\l~ng hl wli eh the mind will always cling, and Otherl complaI n ot cheNY trees and so weaken ed that they oan not pro- !!hall we grow braver and better. 80 fa one pair of I'~ally comrort able hairpin to makg the connect ion. ' f\ jt will requIre more authori ty than I. I few time ; we have fc.und they we~ duce vigorou s fruit buds, and If an, ahall we be blessed In our service 9(;' boots. These be placed outside bls had two Jlghts, alit no ' roe w.·. eYer gIven to Induce the popular Imagina- Louts Ph iII'Ie, Olivet, or Bollle other fruit leta at all It dropa pretnaf urel, for the master .-Edga r L. Vincent , 111 door to be polished on the eve of 'his the v.' I.e~. And. hIs cCJlllel.e nce? r.llrlstle.n Work anc) ·Evange Ust. tion to Dccept · a romanti c 'and pIc, varlely requirin g "l'ourtee '" or Ofteen from lack of -vIgor. It; . .departu !e, and he w~ke In tbe cold never troubled him at all; It .was Qlle ture!lque pirate as an unlnteTl,lallna years to com,e·.ln to 'thelll 'prlme. It we Frosts. gray dRwn to find ' htB boots gone Rnd of those elastic ones you read ~b1l~t. want early bearing trllfs we must Folly of Belt·Plt y, nnd commo nplace good honest man. Frosts often cause lack of fruit for not a pOrter III the hotel who could It doea not ta~e . long to rememo or" plant early, bcar~ng .varletie s, a certain season; but we would not ex,' Anyone wbo II dillposed to be a mal' traee them. He waa ' Corced to descend after . you once knew, .tbat If )'o~' Poor Varletle l, pect It to occur several 811aaoD8 In .uc· tyr can find stOoke and . ta.iotB await. In · b~s III~perJ and buy a new paIr of waut.to buy .al ~n Italy 'you mUl t.·,o We may ha.ve secured poor varle· cession , Ing him at .ever.y cro...roa~. , Start Itlff. uneomf Anothe r rl~h Amerlc: ln girl Is tQ o: ~ able boot. to wear to to 1\ tobacco shop to' let It; for 'bo~h ties out at fruit, In the whlcb mornin will g'· never produce eXPectl n, to be the .teamer , and to tbls, day marry an ElIgllsh noblem an, Tbe A study of tllese vlU'lous causel ina, he baa eal~ and tobacco are ' goveniment....mo.. Jlext generat ion of the British peer, good crops. The trees may have been reveal the . trouble In your particul ar nbused, and you wlll 'have wounda,. and Dot ceased to CUJ'lO Americ an 11otels. nopplle l. , And It Is .: pleasur e to lea.rn secured III usage by mistake 1n plenty nnd betore their fruiting the day la case. 'J. H. GOURL EY, . In,' German IIge will be IlS much AmerIc an as Eng, hablte not learned until later. , Gratt- ' Col1~ge at ,Agricu lture, done. Self-pity .t. a .magne t that · a~· botel. has y one 0; the liP to' d~te tbn~ .. In France you can ' -bllY stampsOhio State a ,little locker In . every and postcar ds at tobacco sbopI: which IIsh, It these Intemat Jonal marrIag es log would be waYI attraqts ' har~lbl~ aDd trou",e l; (\jest room . the cure 1n that case. -It . -Ulliver sity. between the l:edroom ana are under" ~overnm'nt jurlsdl<! t-I~J; k eep on, and wltb such an Infusilln of It c)'r aws to Itself 1111 tbat t. bitte~, the ' corrtdor~ ' with a door on either there as well, Also Americ anism, even the famou!f Brltlsb ,bat In 1;loth ,counkind and bard II) lite, '~d mlikea. Ita open I the door In bll ·room. trle,s ,ou~:cati send · te~e~auil at 'I,s THE COMN!ON STINK BUG. con'aerv atlsm lind love of traditio n posSess or ' mlser'o.ble . __ cau~ . he 4\X' p.ut~. InHe to~ bl,'.trous<.'l'8 and boots or wl,.t. ;\. r:ato· as H cent8 fo( ten WOrdl, may gIve way to a startlin g extent. and pectt .to be. We 1lI!~ w~at . we' look, e'Ycr clotl1lng needa I\ttentlo n. ' Tho that .peclal )!~IJv,ery · letten villi io tor arid it Is the dootll ·a t whhlti .". But the nation aeems not to care ' lor et ' pal8es' along the cbrrldol7~' ope!}._ .for , ('.(Inti In Parle I( ·,ou It would seem that an unuaua " numrememb er.. .. kn~ck ~hat are opened ' tQ uB.-.:....Herald tbllj .Amerlc an danger liB long RS It ber of kinds of Insects a.oor wltb his own pass key 'and .to 'w*'lt,. 'aC!O/lB your en-velolle "Pn~~. and dl~iuiel : and.. ~re8byter. . can assimil ate ~ o mucb of tl)e .10 mer· bo.v~ put I~ , th,e lr appeara . remote s the ciQtb~fl to . bi'u,b tt;· nce th.ls sea· ·~aUqucl"~ ·wlll.cb meatis' tbat: the lelter tcan cotn. tu~lng It and locking tbe door car.. wUl~' Bbll~ted . ~brougb a. 'pnellmktic,,' Wt1at We Mlg·ht . Do,' ,r' full)" llppn It.· ~n~ when th~ ,lube In ' 0,0 ~l~e . a:,~ . ,an: .and dellveret1 ' W e mlght aee 10 much mi}re. oeautJ awakes ' lie haa 't)nly 'to ·open his A dreadna ugbt 'Is a formida ble ·ob· ~mb8~ AI .~~ . a~ . a' te~egrJlm. ' . , W":mtl~t. cau~ mall,.. door. an4, theJ'e ' are til!l .c1otlies ·,ect but Itnlford 6 a, shIning marlt tor . • fot: him. · " . a ' IUtl~ aeropla ne fllHlng hllher and EIlf'9pelUl tied al".,. , Itrtin · "A~ sllIong ille clouds. I n a. few unlniU.Ilted ' 'AIJI.erl~Ii'D, iniv'eler I's a · Jests .. ' perllapR. se.mebody, will bund joke. -J~ France·,they"co mmenc e · an . aet'~ Dlane .(lestrQyer. . Imp~s. him , with their· ,h.eIS,h t ' ao.d barrolJDella l}ld · he 400k8 4u1»lOu.ly .at the· eDormqua 'l'urkey~red 'COUOD ' "couvro-jllel1" o! ' . ,lderdoWD whlcll looka. lome hJq lUce a mounta in; 'anCl be "pad.... . how be la eyer. iota, to b.., all 00 Ill. I
to ,
! OD.
'R,.'IOO ' ',duSilllI'o'·eud ;~ Ai8fe1te ,J fi rt
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Love W ork s byVVire By .... ,
1010, by Aasoclo. ted Utero.ry Preu, '
"Hello," sold NelJ Blandln~; "Ia thIs HIs heart sank \.0 his bools "ben Broad flve·nln e-elght·seven 7" he stopped In front or tbe number, It "NIne" and "Ove" sound mucb nllke, was a small dlngy brick store In n especla ll, wben the line Is not work· neighbo rhood or small, dingy brIck Ing well, A girl's voice at the other stores. Over the store WIlS a big end or tbe Une said "Y es," in tbat fnl" , s ign : "Frank Zollnsk l Fine Wines nway, eerie, Imperso nal tone that a aud Liquors ." ' contrar y telepho ne will sometim es 1m· He rebound ed bapplly whe n b e part. saw that tho 111ace waa em pty, 4lud "Tblll Is tbe WlIIlams·Valen tine l'lIa' lbat a "To Rent" s ign cblne compan y. Please send one of promin e ntly In the was display ed window. Of your trucks down for" pi ckup." . COurse! 'rhe phone number hnd been "Just a &loment, please," returne d transfer red to another s ubscrib er, tbe other 'folce, a little more dis tinct· wbose naOle was not yet in the book. Iy, "you have tile wrong number . This That day he called Broad 6587 with· is Broad liTe-five- Ight·sev en." out subterfu ge, The girl was ple~sed "Ob!" e jacula Led Blandin g; _ "I .to be' serious. wnn~ed fiv e-nine Instead of five-five. "You mustn't tblnk I am doing Beg pardon. somethi ng 1 chouldn 't," - she sold . "Grante d-Mr. Blan dIng!" "Mamm a knows I have Blnndln g secured the express com· And since we are acqualtallIed to yO\l. nted-" pany's office and delh'er d his mes· "I know you7" Interrup ted the m)'~ sage before allo.wlng himself to pon- titled Blandin g. der Qn thlll most surprisi ng rejoinde r. "Yes, Indeed. How easily you torget The girl with the faraway voice knew your friends! " his name. ' , The bablt ot talking with tbe girl He was a 'humble unit In the big or· dally was "now establis fice force of tbe ' William s-Valen tine were not long chats, neverhed. They more than company. He knew , scarcely a Bcore a few minutes . But they brighten ed of persons In the city's swannl ng hun· bls !'abors materia lly. dred·thousa.nds, aha certainl y, be raBI,andln g made no further efforts to called te.;blmllelt, not a girl wltb so discove r her lC:entity. He bad a balf· pleasan t and well·mo dulated a volee. supersti tious feeling that In time It Blandin g looked about the omce would be revealed . specula tively. Was It a joke of one InSeDl'lbly she grew deeply Into his of the stenogr aphers, using anotber confidence. Ho told her of his bome, phone crossed wltb his? No. All his hopos and ambitio us; of 'bls moth· were at their accusto med placps. Pel" er 'lnd father. haps, tben, bls convers ation bad been In Blandln g's mind a certain dt:eam of tho future began to form Itself, a dream in wblch h imself and the gJrl _whoso voice only be knew were tbe central figures. And that dream spurred him to promoti on and more pay. , He was pegging away one evening , long after the others had left, 10r there was work which could not be p'ut over, when the preside nt hlmoelf came In. Mr: WIIUams started at the sight of the shlrt·sle eved figure · b& neath the siegle light. "Still at It, BlandIng?" he asked. "Yes, sir." "Well, don't work too hard. We're going to need yoU In the future more Uian we do .now. I guess you've dune enougb for tonight. [want you to do a little errand for me." "All rlgbt, sir," said Nell. "I'd !Ike to have you go up 1.0 tile house with 'this package {or Mrs. WlIIlams. It's pretty valuable , and 1 don't ,..ant to _entrust It to an ordl· nary messen ger. You can ride In my M
Novelis t- I'm so sleepY 1 can bard·
Iy keep my eyes open, and I must fin'
Ish this bapter ~onlght. His Wife-W alt ti ll I get tbe butcher's bill; I'm sure that will open your eyea.
CHILD'S HEAD . A MASS OF HUMOR "I think the Cutlcur a remcdle s are tbe best remedie s for eczema I have ever heard of. 1\1y mothe!" b ad a child who had a rash on Its head when It was real young. Doctor call ed It baby rasb. He gave us medicin e, but It did no good. ]n a fe w days the head ~B a solid mass, a running sore. It was awful; the child cried continu ally. We had to hold him and watcb him to keep him tram scratch ing tbe sore. HIs sufferIn g was dreadfu l. At last we rememb ered Cutlcur a l\emedl es. We got a dollar bottle of Cutlcur a Reaolvent, a box of Cutlcur a Ointme nt, and a bar of Cutlcur a Soap, We gave the Resolve nt as dIrected , washed the head with the Cutlcur a Soap, and apo plted the Cutlcur a' Ointme nt. We had not used halt before the ohlld's hea.d wae clear and tree from eelema, and it bas never come back again. Rla bead was healtby and he bad a beau· tlful bead of bal.r. I think the Cutl· oura Ointme nt very good tor the hair. It makes the balr grow .nd preven~ talUng balr," (Signed ) Mrs, Francis Lund, Plain City, Utab"S ept. 19, 1910. Althoug h Cutlcur a Soip nnd Oint· ment are sold everyw here•. a sample ot each. with . 32·page book. wlll be mailed free on appltca tion to "CutS· eura," Dept. 12 L, Bostoll.
EAR Lbe top or a mna: 1 got out nnd, balanci ng on the 10g,\ grove tree three baby worked the canoe acrosll It. A swarm mind, Jackson , and then Invite you to grub," sold Frank, ~uets lay in a nest made of moaQultoes settled down on them. "'Taln' t no use rust1in' any more carefull y of twigs. 'fhey Not a breatb of wind could reach them wood that J knows of. Go ahead and were no t beautifu l LO and the perSpir ation poured from look UpOII. Their scrawny their bodle8. Pushing , llull1ng, poling ulle It. If you fellers bOB got airy bodies had ~aroely a and paddlin g, they advan<'J!d their milk and sugnr 'n' wlll paS8 out some algn of featber s. Their ' raft.. Lifting I~ over Bunken logs coffee with 'em I'll be mlglity glad heada were 1.00 bill' for a nd torclng It under low·han glng yer come. Hog and hominy 's all tbem Bnd their legs bruncbe a, they gained ground . by right fer a sllell, but It getl slckenln '. were too long and BO luohe8. ·_ And all this time they were Got er -plug 0' terbaccyY" Not only did Frank get out the wobbly and weak tbat flgbtlng a cloc.~ of vlc1o\la, blood· '. the poor Ilttl bable. hungry 1n.ecta. The handle of the canned cow Clnd Bugar, but he made biscuits In tbe Dutcb oven and the could only lie sUIl and walt tor their profess or's paddle hit a 11mb parent, to f,ed them. But, oh, how his head alld, trom a Hornet' jUlt over eyell of the hunters fairly glistene d at s nest at visions of tbe tenat, , hungry the,. were! When their motb· 11.11 further end poured forth a. war "Come ahead, gruh's ready," enid er came .to the neat with a fish or a party of tbese mercile ss n$titera . be; "b'rlng your cupe, we haven~t froc, tJiree yawnin g throats awaited "Overbo ard. QUlc)r!" Yelled -Frank, enough to go 'round." her. and isbe bad to decide to wblch and both men tumblel l into tbe water Never beCore In any ""arm IIbe would give the morsel. It seemed arid sank out ot slgbt, Impollli ble that from sucb poor be- juet enougb to keep noserlslng again have , I seen sucb appetlte B. , and mouth "I've got ter go over ter th island glDniD,a anytbln g beautlru l could above the surface , wblle the angry now," saId Jackson , after eating .~~. groW'_ aut MoLber Nature bad given Iiornetl buzzed arou-nel the Mean Man. them wonder ful appetite s nnd In such crawled ove.r Ita content canoe and III there wae nothing more to eat. I d s, ' &lk yoU fellera ter grub wltb us et "Why don't you speak to Mr. Mill 8. few weeks the frogs ~nd the fish The war party dlBslpated yuns any more?" and the IDalia would be changed to by Oytng blther and thIcker its energy we had anylhln ' ter yer." and mak· As hie boat approac hed the 1sland "Aw, he wouldn 't let me sboot hlm teat her. and bone' and fl esh. The ing the alr vibrate wl~ muttere d a cloud. of birds filled tbe atr. Two In the leg," answere d tbe F1orodora weak. little babies would get strong tbr ata of vengean ce, girl, "wben he ·knew It would gimme 'and able to walk and fl)' and ' to Quleted ,down and returneAt last tbey shots w~r~ fired and two birds fell d some fine advertis ing." catob fish for themsel ves. For those Slowly Fl'aoJi: lUted hlmsettto the nest. to f:hq water. At interva ls through from the the afternoo n the SOUlld of ahots ftoat· tew weeb the moth r and father bird water, reacbe4 tor hit. shotgun In the cd over us, and after each one there mUllt wor. ~arlY and Inte to bring food canoe, fired both barrell point blank wu a sudden burst of flying blrdB for their ba.bles, car." beneath the ",aler. But there was no from tree tops. Thor,e Was Work to Be Done. Away ' upln the air' Ule mother nced or the second submer "Yes, sir." sion, for That evening we, eat In tbe lee ot gret came tlylng to her nest. Her til shots had destroy ed "I'll tell them you're comIng," and nest and In· the camp. tlre, for the mosqui toes wero carrt~d on wltb t he private oft\ce of - leg. were held close to her body, her habltan tl. _. Mr. William s or Mr. Valentin e. be took the telepho ne receive r down. legion and t~e smoke lcss · at an evil long neck. was folded over Itself a.nd But tbls guess proved Incorrec t. "Broad five·five-elght·seven, please." _"I>onn erwctte rl ~ lAt'a ~go back, "be profesa or repeate d his ques· The dool,'8 were oven; trom the presIlar fttlt ber bacit.'be~ Sllowy plumes Frank! " exclaim ed the drippin g So that was the solution . of hJs myl!· II\nn UOll of the morning , this tlm,e to dent's ftoated In tbe air. Sho wiis 1\8 beauU· at the bow of t he .canoe omce came 'the urgent click of teryl _Broad 6687 was Mr. William s' as Miss Peters' typewri fuJ as It whl~e-rob C!d angel. BtrRlght aboard. "lan't tbere aome be climbed Jackson. phone; then the gIrl wIth ,w hom he .otber way "Are the mosqui toes always as bad otber room sounded ter. From the had ahe ~me to the nest wh ere three yel· to tbe rookery 1" been talking each day for weekI! tbe steady drone ' 8S this 1" of Mr. Valenti ne's voice as he dictated was tbo preside nt's , daughte r, Mary. low throats 1I'_e opened wIde and "Nope. Tho plume hunters keep "Nope, not ·al·ers, but som'tlUjes to Mlss ,Marlon. three Uttle birds called a welcome. the creelt blocked up, ette WlllJams. so's' to abut , they Is a heaD worse'n this ~ere . RedP e rhul)B ahe \Va~ already trying to out olher ,fellers . .' We're Nell B1andlng put the mystery awny He had ' met her ence In the over the bugs worries U6 sometim es, too, and for ponderi ng during ,less urgent mo- wltb her mothe r. To him she hsd omce decide to -.hl h baby she would give worst now, we'll soon been be In the bay." b'tween 'em things Is tough." . ments . There was work to do now, a beautifu l vision as unattain able as the green frog in her beak. Up Even obstruc ted creeks of cork. "J don't like tbe killing ot blrdl, Upped lIer wings, out went her neck ,screw tendenc ies have Be lay awoke half that nlgbt In his tbe farthest star. And yet - she By Lydia E. Pink ham' s aDd or teet were· tHrust. down to take 'and an {!tid. We Onally a beginni ng ,b ut . I sure think YQu corn the money narrow, stlllltlg hall bedroom , Bui." Uked him. Their dally talks proved emerge d In It you , ll Vege table Compoun~ througb this sort ,of the baking heat seemed more bear· that. . bold of the edge ot the nest . Her a bay about a mile !n dlamete .r . h, thing," rePIl~d tbe profess or. able than usual. He had the Inciden t lovely pll.llllea waved In the air. She the middle were two While he-he loved her, because small mangro ve '·Yep. we do, eVe"rY C lit." of tbe' day to thInk about. was ,jult r.eachlng out to drop the ke)'., ov,er which a mulUtu sbe was bl~ mate, Intende d for him de or birds "Can't you get.. an easier job!" - g~e'en ,tro, down the throa t ot--, were soaring. The The next day, when ' the hands ot since the world was fashioned. She shores of ihe bllY "Tiley ain't no other way fer ma ter -when bang! went a gun. A terrible W6re IU1 unbroke n line at green; make er IIvln' -an' I do It tbls&way. the clock pointed to ' 11 Blandin g was near to loving ' him, too-sh e pun In her breast, 0. dizzy feeling nruther entranc e nor exit round It necessa ry to call the express would care for hIm dearly: That glorl· and 'ahe feU, fell, teU _to tbe grou'nd. for the mangro ve trees was Visible. I ain't , erlow'ed ter do It ollt'r this compan y agllhL,' ous certaint y thrllied him. • . extende d to bCII-s.tly place, so I does tt here. No, -: He smiled aa he' tqok ' down the reBacl! In the oft\ce Wllllam s was say· the water's edge. ' sll': I want tel' llve je's's much 88 Y(lU ceiver. It was jUlt tbls hOUT yester' Ing over tbe phone: Two canoel Ilowly pushed their 'lVay Even as looked It puff of smoke dol" "I've just sent young Dlandln g up 4af he had called,' and had been given througl;l tbe maas of lily .pads that came from we the little Island, followed a "If you can't leave the, place', how the 'wrong number . Of course the to the house, mother. If you Uke hlni, , second later by th'e report of a gun. call you can'y on tbe mllrked the I)ough leading from lhe trade?" asked Inciden t was clOSed, as far as he was Invite him to call. He's wortb Glades to the head of the rIver. A We saw a stricken bird a dozen fall to tbe tbe curator . There was genuine sym concern ed. In due man 8toodl n the stern of each and water and t\ cloud of Green time he would un· Qf the average cbapa of the day. Ho's white, blue and llllthy in his tone, and softene d by this doubted ly find out who tbat girl was. got the etuff tl\at llartnel' s are ut IIba with . a long ' pole forced the heavy pInk oues rl8e suddenl y trom tile trees I and th e. tSpel~ or tbe camp fire, tb!) grew all the "Numbe r?" said Central . made o{," craft ahead. The ,o ne in tbe forward oC lhe key. man wen on, "You've prejudic ed me already In ~~~~~-'tlme. Lydia E.Pink . Blandin g replied "Broad. flve·fiveClt,ooe wal nQt an eepecla lly heroic "Gosh! The plume hunters 're here "ut' .... "'n Oompo und was reo"Why, I'm staked fer this work.. A elgbt·seven." his favor," replied Mra. William s. figure, Face, neck and hands werc now!" exclaim ed Frank, OlIlm4lD(Jleu, and after taking tbree bot. excited ly; ,man comes down here and 'puts t1:I~ , He realized , before tbe "J qg~'t tanned to the copper color of the "look's like we . mought S~pP9!!e he words h.a. s $SOO to hll tIes sbe had regaine d ber health, thankll have lrouhle. gun Inter my hanl\, glVe~ ~e hog n barely passed bls lips BelDlnole. HIli teet were bare, the You.all better get In t'other to your medicin e. I can recomm end it that he had name," mused the presiden t. canoe and hom.l ny, a. llttle cartee n a lot er called tbe nt mber wbich His wife's voice .t:nconsc lously tooll for all female, trouble s, "-Mrs . L. A. brim of his olc[,stra w hat was ragged lemine go alone and talk had been to 'em" shells. Then be pays me fer the upperm ost lu hIs mind for 24 hours. on a note Bnd one Iide . hun I. down until It hid tendern ess when she re- CORKR AN. 110S Rutland Street, Baltl· F ,. ddl d t ward the ·Island. plumes [ brings hJm. 'Tln't bealtby 150 . ran" pa "Bl'oad ' lIvo·tlve-eight·se ven," saId plied: "Neithe r bad you, Fred, when more, Md, e 0 fer' me ter the Bide of hla tllce. Across the beap A charge go none outslde , so he of tblngs so's I don't havs the girl's voice, as familiar to Bland. we were married !" Hundre ds of such letters from mothof c"mpln g supplie s, Indian sl)ecitnens . b d of himshot spattere d the water .. Ilrra llgea , a ea. ers expressin~ their IrJ:atltude for wha' lng's waiting ear as tbougb he had ter." Rnd uus of rood, Bprawled a man "Heigh, Jackson ! I?on't you .know; Lydia E , PinKha m's Vegeta ble Oom. "ilotten busines s-who's lit the bot- beea bearing It for years. Tl'ue Bond of Mllrrlage. burned even . darker than bls ,=om· me? I'm r.~rnnk Brown. pound has accomp lished for them ba.Te " "Oceani c Express compnn.y?" he Put '!P, YO t f It how'" ':Sncred things not perform ed sin· been receive panlon, He 'was Itrlp))ed to a sleeve· gun, ,we're 1101. a.fter d by the Lydia E, Pinkha m yo~!" ahouted o~YZr w~:~Hi n folk . Wbat does QuerIed, craWly . cercI,. as they ought are In qp way Medicin e Compan lesi ' ~nder.hlrt nnd 11 pair of khaki Frank, standin g up In y, Lynn. :Mass, Came a little ripple of laughte r. -a.ccelltnble to God In th his canoe with they keer fOI' us' fellers lIyt'n' In this eir outward Young ' Girls, trousers , A small canvas hat that al'DlS outstret ched. "Nu, 1dr. Heed Blandin This Advice . g; you have bell tbe down. (ormnll ty . It persona l duties be not h~re, r fer Uie little birds once had been "' bite rested upon biB' wrllng numbe r-agatn." A grUff, \'olce mumbled somethI ng thet starve ter ,deatb Girls who are trouble d with painful truly done, the Cault Is In oursclv es; heclluse I've shot head ahd comple ted tbe picture or that dldn t , reacb us "Who Is , and we ' hea'rd thclr pappys and mamm'y ? I swear this?" he demand ed but marriag e to be a tI'ue and ploll or irregula r periods , backach e, heads ache. draggln g-down sensatio ns, faint. disrepu tablene ss, His face was re- Frank sny: s boldly. mnrrlag e Is not In the single power 01 ing I'd \lite 1I0thln' blletler 'n to sbow them' deemed by 'a pall' of gold·rim med spec· spells or indiges tion, take "Put up yo' gun! I'm any coming person; to the wlmmen essence • "BrC?ad lh·e·.flve,eJght·se ven," came how us fellers got them whereor IIJl immedi nte nction ami be should mcles. ,Not handsom e, by nny stand· restore d to Y k the " demure reply. • talk to you" I of all other covena.n ts IB, In relaUon ou now m,ebealth by plumes. LydIa But E. Pinkha Lor' ard. but 'alert, r_ecepUve and thought · m's Vege. no map.ner A skiff, swiftly coming from behind er Ilee. they gotter 'lln't "Yes, , but who is that 1" , I another ; tbe makjng and ma,Intal nln8 table Compou nd. Thollsa nds have been look Ilurty, aad tul. .I n , a' WQ~d ! a German · t he Iilland, just showed 8S It rounded ,the"'s goln' tel' do ' 'Why don't you restore Icok "It d up' to bealtb In tbe by -causes its use. scientis t, To supply a vacancystudent thereof are all mucual, It. Let th' young. In the , ' . must" be a commun Ion ot spl~ltllal and Qollectlotl o f t opresen taUve aborigin and al a point. Write to Jlrs. Plnkb am, Lynn. book?" 'Was the retort, III a voIce talr·, . 'uns sta~ve tel' death.'" tempora l co.mror! s. If, then, either o( tribes. this curator bad Invaded the , , ",TheY'r e two "to one, now," l'e· "l',m' dead set agnlnst tho wholo ly bubbl.lng with ' mischief. He them cannot or obstIna tely wJll not be MEISS., for advice , freo. Dig . C,y press swamp and eX\llored the marked the pr~!essor, "1 ",'Ish I were b\lelneas, Jackson . but wll~ll I g~t beard the r~ celver click back on the answera ble In these du' tles, so as that' Ever,g ladel' or F lorida. to, their Inner- In 't1lat , ca.ooe. -,' ok hOme rm going to tell 1011)6 book., the otber can have no peacetu l livIng, mest ~<ieflaes: had ,followed ~he , "You're a good slght be~ter ~~ right pbpople ; Why, ·Indeed ? It would be a -mono or endur,lng the , want of wbat he jl1st. wbere l th1l1k the 'troubl\l lIel! Be,J'Qll'IOles to, thaiI" ca)llllB atld beguile d here; I,tnd .. so Is Fr nlc:' ''' commen ted -and ' It's not wnh yoi! . hunters ' umenta l ,tss k, as- be dh' lned by a IV ,seeks and see,s -'no hope, ,then frOll! from them costum el, ' lmplem e llta and the mlln ,at th~ stElrn glancie .at U!e .pondO;l'OUs, bhie·bouud, tllnt d~ ~mJl~ love, which Is of ,my canoe. ' eltbert" the soul. orname nt s , !.:Be· bad risked hts ute ' r;mlt , kn_o ws those tl!lIers Il;nd Cl1-n _ /fllat night t.lIe mosqul ;,; " b~ok. , , " . ' "' or wedlo takes h.ls- ",~ht. leaving Prom~t -Relief"":"'Permanent «'..ure tbel ' held II , tba~, th.e vacant nlcbe In hlsmus oum f~lk to ' m, but . they B~ndjng Ipl~ ~ed that ~Ight unt~1 only sorn,cck, ,woul~ ,lqad, -Yo~ ~ollcel't Mou,nd my bar. t could hardly { cold ' perforin ancee of civ il CARtER'S UtTtE .. "might be ' 6U~d. . " , ' . with sl)ot. first and .ta.lk , nlt~rw,a ~d, sleeP becauBe o( ,t ho nolse " and~be- lie, as tb~ ~a~~ ,per~pn ,In ' the office,., :nlld, , cpmm,on respecJ s, but- the 'true LIVER PILLS'never ' . "'\vblch Way now, F'rl1nk' " he , as~ed. Then he ~<1ok , tli~ tele,D.hQne ,book bond of marriag e, If · there wer At last Frank appeare d paddJibg hl,Bcaus~ I r emember.eQ t\VO bunters ,.wltb ever faU, PurelYvcgeta. ' ~e - lth 'b I" , from ita slioff and hurrfed~ ou~ W!~ . - craft anI' our ,way. ' " ' . ,"'. ': ba~8 ~ fiJled w"t" bqles. . ' ' any t,b,e r e"ls -alreR4y burst' like' a rot. ble - 'a ct surely man vi t e po e. , ' ''Fellers , .It'sr, all rIght:. 'l h,ey 8a1 . Wfien we I ft ' .the ' • Arler midnigh t , be fOl1nd the Dumbut gt!htlY, op', ten thread."-:L.lohn Milton , e(l~1l ,In , . "T;hrollgli 1M 'cl'OokedeBt ere, k 1m! we can come $114 cpmp ,r /lod Jts c0lI!ple ment': ," IJFrlink zo. '" y,'llh' 'em Q~e morn'liig lil'l ,t1\e sull~n,auspl~loUII. the Itver. " ' i " " .~e-r ' sa.'W. O'e~ rogs ' a~d-. under . .tree8 night. lJut:1'I\ -be ski, ' 328. Twent,..fiftb ~tr.eeL "':' , a /lIght "1'I!ller in my ha'd . come back'tl l the face,, ' of Stop a~er 'TI. Fa'ae, \lntll YOU 811'd \vtsh we h'adn t come." 'mind whf;ln ~'re ~Ielt:" 'Dbat .dlc1,p.'t , IIQ)lDd Yer.)' enci.Ourag. ot '~. I dl(h(t bunter8 : They were glad til bave :'9h8' C!a1II!B ah'Ii ' can ' fjrOVe that a, dinner disThe ~noe toward tbe nol1.h, «:xpect ,to fiild 'em here Qf I wouldn 't 80, b tress-cu re " but ~~~~!!!!~J. I' wonder:ed I'f ~)l(ly didn't, thlnl- 1118: ~J.lt t 6l!,. ",ltb s~n' ~oyalfy be the tlme the crJme was (,1Ommltted ber indigest ~r~l.ed a ion. bay aod en· 'a' come, That:. tbe llvin' tni~, "'b~t )t: D1i~bb'_ ... told himself tll~t It .,ould ,be all . rI~t. little gli'I' was bru&hIn . be eafet to g ber "t>lantr , batr," \.011 'lJriprove flah tared a thc'com pleJdon, brighten,the cye& "c)odl, There wall, no' CeUer JaQ~on Iii ""anted by the sbefll! He fell ,sleep And dreame d _bout a there \'1'h&t ' I ptona , felt aure an aUbl tbey fOl" relro!tte ber d tb balr, SH.UL 'PILL. $MALL DosE. SMAU. PIlat. ..ttn -of 0, 1I~8I1l1ew.tr tro,m sotnelhl~' flare., 'and be:II ' a bad ~Un' tbaw,'n of wond!irful beAUt, Ith' a voice ' but how aboQt beJ:le~f'" i ' otit ·of U.e nlgbt before 1m 11-:1 Df, ,!Old, tbeo· tiat~ _' w.ere tblck and .rlibl Ho~e"er, ,re'n ""our ' aDd' muai beat tbe lBheai c. flf the e&IIlP ' In. ha, at Oil_ tbe. He " . . two ·. aln~· Ukely ~o do Dottllol ~lIlfb. lilel !IN'AID , . II, aftllia . plII'tllaUy Ita ___~ Dlen aDd ' tile, ~r.tbt " • . .,..
Constipation " . VanisheS ,Fore ver
t:~M~ _~tII1~;, ~~!f~~&-f!~
'e "
Siinatuie .
·t· ~~~~~~~~~~~ , ~ , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
her Two Thing's When You Paint: The paint is f\ s mall par t of the cost. It' s tl1 painting that cOllnts . . 2. Tt os ls I '5S to put on good p nil1t than ' 11 ap . because it's made I
you ~e t th e best res lllts at l east co t. You wi II remember the bi g-h quality long afte r you have f o r ~olte n th cos t. eel color cards ~Dd pamphl els al oncc,
1M' :';'!i\;I'iaI':I
Nlr Gr ft' I1S prinOlpal and Miss Laura KI Iller n itS istno t. B. . How Il was in Cincinnati rast k ' Miss Mubel Sherwood llasrotornod to Mitltnis btlrg. we . Miss Uorll. Kersf:'Y 'ha s gooe to Hawl<e was in Chillico'the Oguoo, nnd Mi tI E,iua ~penoer t King!! Mills whoreslle will tonob tha Sunday. sev nth tLod igbth grndes and the .th Eh gh ::iohoo1 Latin. Mrs. Grace Sml was in Da'yton Mrs . D'l vid Milson' .tLcd son ha.ve Monday. been viSiti ng her brother fn Foste r . , The U. 1£ society held its mon thly Dr. C. W. Henderson was in Leb· bu iness meeling at .tbe h ome of aoon Tuesday. 141 s Luoile Nortoo. Mr And Mrs ('r If have mov u C. G Williamson tran acted bus· Into th hOlll!e vtloated by Mr . /Lull iness in Lebanon Tuesday. MrH. Weutlter WilliILOlS . George Siloker, second t r lok t 10W. H. Antram" of Lebanon, was gra.ph opemtor, is enjoying bis vacu- in town one day last weeil: . ti on, R . B. Emmons is now elIlployed Mr. Clay Warwick is very sick at at Kilpiltrick 's Gal'age in Lebau on. the h ome of Mrs. Cynthi~ Evans. Mrs. Wi ll Norton is viSiting in r.udlow Fa lls. Mrs. Earl Conner and Mr. Charles Mr . tlnd Mrs Z'Iin Armit.uge w re Wolcott visited friends in Lebanon in KlOgS Mills 'unday afternoon FI'iday. - -- -+- .. - - -
better. If you use
~ -"b~'1 n~~::g:::a~.Dd'Y:I:I ~~~~~ ~~~~] ~.;,O~O~O:~~:_:'::O:;::f~ (liU
- For sale hy-
J. W. White, Waynesville, Ohio.
Spring Branch
Ray Hawke; of Dayton, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs . J . C. Hawke Misses Bertha. Smith a.ntl Alice Sunday. Chenoweth enter tnIned Mrs . ldlL Adams, of Da.Vton. Sat-UI'day night.. Howard Trout, of Springfield, was ~everll l from this oommunity Ilttended the fnDerl~1 ot Mrs. M" rk circulating among old friends here Davl8 on t:;aturdIl.Y. ' last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Dakio, Mr. Mrs. Hannah Colvin and daughter, and Mrs, Ernest Dakin a.nd sous. Russel and Uar old, ~lr n.nd Mrs MiSs Pearl, are visiting relatives in Fr!lnk Daki n und dnughters Lois and Hazel and son, Carl, M)·. lind Xenia thi week . Mrs. W u.l ter Oa.kln tlnd son, Bnrry, Mrs. Mollie Edwa.rds. of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs . George Prntt were en tertained Su nday nt din n tlr by Mr is the guest of her son, Mr. O. J . Ilnd Mrs. Edward Gook. Ed wards and family. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Ln y and family enttlrtain ed Mr . ,md Mrll Miss Edith Mosher left for Chicago John E Ubenowel.h a.nd son, Earl Tuesday iftorning for a three-weeks' and daogbt,er!l, Milry lind Alabel, visit with Mr. and Mrs. FrlJ-nk Taylor. Saturday ~igbt . Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Clark MA-son enterMr. and Mrs, Elias Barl ey and son, tained Mr . and Mrs. (iuy Oheno eth Sunday night . Mr. John Barley, of Macomb , 111., . Mr. and. Mrs Frank Hawes sp Ilt a-re guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. HS Saturday night Iln d ~unday with Allen . their son Natban nnd flllOily of Spring VaHey. Mr. and Mrs .. John F r omm and School ooma; enoed on last Mooday Mis!! .Ethel Stokes is the teal·her. daughter, of Dayton, were g u ests of Tobaooo outting is the 'Order of the Mr . and MI-s: J. C. Hawke Saturday day. and Sunday. Mrs. Ada Dakin entert-Bined t he lAdies Aid SOCiety or Mt. 8011.1 on Mrs. F. H. Le Grand and little last 'fhorsdllY afterno n . . daughter, Mary, of Norfolk, West Mri! . .Emma Cheno'Heth is spend· . are visiting her parents, Mr. iq~ Mouday with her brothe r, lva. ' . 'fhomas Lnoy and fa.mily. • and Mrs. F. W. Hathaway.
Sprjng Valley
No. 2220 R~~PORT
I .,. ·
ates from our high. chool; Ie t ast w k for vadous collt!g to take. special course in th ir various Jines: Messrs. Lyman ilve)', Ross Hartsock, l' enneth Hough anti L e Earnhart lh 0 U t k go to e . . ., 0 ta e a course in agricu ltur ; John Lemmon to Antioch to take Ii COUI'S in civi l·engi. neering; and George Waterho!lse will go to Ohio Wesleyan . It is a fore· gone conclu sion that lhe boys will make good in their s veral colleges. ._.. • • • • • • •_ _• • • • •_ . WAS AWARDED CONTRACT Clyd e Wharton, of Lytle, was awarded contract fo r cutting down the Harri!Jon Cornell hill on the Lytle pike, at 25 cents per yard.
ZIMMERMAN'S Qanning Supplies
Star Tin Cane (Uolayoo) The best- made. Don' t buy tin Of t~e on~ , li n of Ule WaynesA number of our people tlttendetl cans unless there is '8 Star on the v~lle ,NatlOnlll Bank, at .Waynes the ::itute Fuir at UOlambus last bottom of the can and a Star on VlII In the S.tate of hlO, at tne weak. the lid . close of bus mess, September I ' M ' E ll b tl H i d d 1911 188 Z e · I ' IL nes an gran Red Virg in Sealing Wax-No • RE 0 R E , duughter, Mildred spent Wednesday Brick Dust. . LOnns and Discounts ... : ...: .. .. 219 ~6;1.3' with Johu ~mith , nellr Bellbrook. Ovur<tro.f16. 80Cured and UII urad 1 1~56. 20 Mr , and Mrs . Adams attended the , School Supplies u. 8. Banlla to !locum circulation . . 50.000.00 funerul of Ed Buokles whioh was Pencil and Ink Tablets, Pencils, Bauds, securities, ew ....... . ... .. 96.'111.20 Uanklng house . .. ..... .... . .. .. ~,500.00 held in Bellbrook Tuesday morning. Pens. Ink-prj:es right. Ouo from approvud I'CSUn 'o IlS nta 29 109. 38 . . ' Notos at otller ·lItioull.l Blillks .. .. 2 ~.OO Mrs Elizabeth HalOes and grand. New J ersey Sweets, Cabbage, };' ractlonnl Jlllpar currency. ulckols. n ohlldreo, Roy and Mildred visited and comB •...... . . ,.... . ... 10u.4 & d . D t Irish Cobbler Irish Potatoes, Lawful Money Rescn'e ln Dnnk.vlz: t:!lln "Y 10 a.y on. Tomatoes for Canning. Onions, SJ>OCle ... · . .. ...... .. .. 14 ,017.50) ! M d M R E 1 took din Legul·tendor nOtcli ..... . . 1.000.00 1~.077 , 110 r' an rs . ay ILg e . Metons. Apples. HC(1emp~. loll fuud with U.S. TrellSIner Sundu.y with Mrs. Emma urer( ~% of ctrculntlon). . . . . . ~ .1l 00. 00 MoGrew. Fresh EdgPnlont Crackers, New Mild Cheese, Pure Cider VinTot I.......... ........... . 478,58 1.07 Mrs. Flora Milson entertained ber egar, ,Whi te Wine Vinegar: LlABILl'J'JEB Sunday lobool olass la'3t Thursdn.y CllplLalst.ock pnld In..... ....... 50. 000.00 evening. Quart J ar Sweet Pickles, new ~';f£I~~~iOftt8: '1088 . ei.lie'_ 76,000, 00 Mi'3s Oli ve J\ nil bee left Sunday goods. j u s~ .i_n...;..,.;;;.l.;.. 5c__.______ aUd 'taxes paid. :. ... . . .. ... 10,4117.39 evening ,t o tBke up ber sohool work Natlclnal Bauk notc!i outstanding 11'0,000. 00 Try Krug' s fiutter Crust Bread, Dlvldenda unpaid :. . .. . ... . ... .. 2/S0. 00 ip Bath township M.ond a y. Due to other ~~tlonlll Paying ~OC for Eggs. Blankv ld!!:;" d' ;';';"sl','ft' '11' UbSjec ·O~O.QIl lib, Elgin Bolland WIlS hurt about lnd tp his check ..... . ... .... ~7 8.9!H.~7 d mouth WhUd loading logs Fri· Ever ything good to eat and our Demand ccrtlftcat.ea... 8.9(2.41 29~ .89a .8 By. prices are the lowest. Total ........ : ...... ... . . 478,G8 1. 07 · . A number of teaoherll from th.if; STATE 0)' OHIO, :WARREN OOUNTY,SS: place attended Institute at, XeDlB I; :r. O. Oartwrlght. Oashler at tho above llLst wE!ek . named b~, do IOlemnly 8wear that the ~itiS Kate Sims remains "bout abOve statcriJent III true t.o tbo besL of my the same . "nowledge and beliet. . , J. O. OARTWltWRT. IIShlor. The Alexanders held their annud Subacrlbed and sworn before me- thlll 6t.h reanlon at Clear !:;prings t:!aturday ' day of 8ep~mber 1911. E.Y. Barnhart. OorteC~ Atiilik ,. No~ Public. Rev. Hershey is attending con. J. W. WHITE. f eren. oe S. LEV OAR'l'WRIGHT, .. W. H. ALL"EN. DlrectOl'II: Mr. and Mrs A. C Mepdenhall HAD T06S MASHED . There will be no .bnnd conc~rt this ~ and dango.t er spent Sunday with week on account of the Lebanon .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hury Cook and famlly near . Oen tervUle. A block of w-;d fell on Mrs. Mary fair, bu.t. weather permitting.' the Miss D8(lsie Ennis, of Wilmington Buras foot at the Canning Factory co!}cert wlll b held next Thursday Public is visiting friends here. Friday and mashed two toes badly. evening as usual. I wllheJ1 at my residenoe on Third Carl ~e8s, wife, and baby of Da.V· 8treet, on .' ton, were guests over Sunday of C. Mrs. Burns is able to be around again Miss ,Cora McKay, who has been M. Fulkerson and family. at her work, however. Round trip from Waynesville ~ Saturday, Sept. 16, 1911 spending severa) months in Califor· -. ll:OoMnntna at 2 o'olook tile fonowMr . aud Mrs. James PhUip.. of, nia, has returned to Xenia for a Next Sunday ~OAO e . " near Dayton, Ipent Saturday WIth il1g ohattelEl: Hair Cloth ~arlC!r E. M . Copsey and wife. . .4MIND YOUR P'S AND Q'S" short t ime, and visit ed Waynesville Train leaves at 8: II a. m. Set ,' oo~si~tiJlg of 1 '3ofa, a small • '- • friends last week. Chairl. i Rooker, 1 'Roller Chair, Bellbrook. One Theory Is That tho Old Saying Met of Dinlng Room Chairs, 6 Cane OrigInated In the Printing Mrs. Rebecca Wolcott antl g rand- - - - - - - - - - - - - - son, Mr. Charles Wolcott, of Lena, Seated ' ~balrs, 1 large Rooker, 1 . Mrs. Laura Raper aooompanied Office. DR, E, H. COSNER, small Rooker, 1 go~ Sewing Ma· her grand.daughter, Miss Marguer. Several eXlllnnatlons have been. Miami County, Ohio, were 'guests of ohine, 1 Extension Table, 1 Bafe, 8 ite Raper to Cinoinnati last 8Btur given of the origin of the phrase Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Haines and other. Bells and Bedding., 1 Wash Iiltand, 2 day for Ii" few days visit after whioh "Mind your P's and Q'9." One Is that relatives here last week. Oenter Stands, 1 "Bureau, 1 Washing the latter will leave fur St, Louis to It is derived .from nn old oustom of Maohine, 1 honing Boartl, 1 "Kitch· make be~ futllre homl,'. hanging a slate up In an nlehouse on Among those who attended t he en 'l'able, 1 Boiler, 4 Irons, 2 Galva · Mrs, ChBS, Ryne and ohildren which was written P or Q-that Is, . 9t2 Rcibold B\Ilid ing. nized TUQs, a lot of Dishes, GlaEls· spent; laRt l::Juuda.y at the home of pint or quart-against the name of Dayton Fair were: ' Mes.qrs. Chas ware and Kitohen Utensils . her mother in Beavertown. eaoh customer accordlng to the qunn. Cornell, A. Maffit, L. A. Zimmerman Dayton, Ohio }l'erms-Caalf. Mrs. OhBS, Brel8f~rd entertlLi'n ed tit)' whloh he 'had dnlnk; to 1>e paid C T. Hawke, Walter Burnett, HerMrs. B!,nks Daki~. the following last Sunday and Mon · when the wpges were given on Satur- bert Edwards arid Frank Elbon .. a T. Hawke, Auo. . day: Mr. and Mrs, Barry WeJ.ver day night. . , Gradunte American Bchool. .KirlcavlfJe. ~fo , I of Dayton, Mrs: J . Il. Harness and Another e~lanatlon given In the All the ladies are invited to the ohildren, of Xenia. and Miss Nellie Dietetic and Hygle.n1o Gazette Is t h a t . . Conningham, of Greeneville. the sentence orlglilally was "Mind ea.rl~ dlspTay of up.to-t~e-mmute BANDITS OF MANCHURIt\ Our pubJi() sohools opened lllst your toupees and queue"." The tou· · MJlhnery for, Fall and Wmter, Sat· Monday wJth & very gooJ attendance pee 'was pn artificial look ot balr apd I u'rday , September 16. Dr . Will Finley, of Xenia, viaitpd -the q!Jeue the pigtail of olden tlme. Grace Lincoln Smith. Robbe... Themselves 'Conduct tho his brother, John Finley "nd family A riddle used to be In vogue a.s fol· . BUllne.. and Colleot PrelT\lum last Sunday. ' , 10WI: "Who is the beat person to keep The Loyal Berea'n s of the Christian Allll will be Inserted uneler this head for at the Inlurance Bureau. tweill ·lIvo cen ts for three In80rtioD' d? t I or An s wer '. A ' . . W ill Bolmes, who lives north 'of th e aIph nbenol' Will hold a market at the when using not moro lha.n live Uncs. Chureh b th own is dowu with ty.phoid fever bar er beeause he ties up e queues . d ' '1 I " IT h' H e Saturday Septem The bandits of MI!>.nchur1a a.n d Mon· t r;011& have a::dopted a new way ot ac· "nd is now in a serious oondition, an puts tOUPMS n ronl. owns IP ous P' k b d- ~-- '" wJ"_ _ _ _~ qu1r1ng at least a port1on of the goodi Harry Thomusand wife .l md Frank Charles Knight gives ' the most ber 16, at 9 a. m. les, ca es, rea CIDER MAKING of the traveler. These mounted high· Thomos and family visited Perry plausible explanation, as follows ; etc. for sale. Come give us a call. waymen in blUlds not only constantly 'I'homas and famUy near Lytle la~t "I have I\lways thought that the attack the peaceful native population !:;unday.. . phraae 'MInd YOllr P's and Q's' was ~e~ The class of 1911, composed 'of C~DER-I1ydrau1io oider IDlllat, A good many people frow here ' rived trom the schoolroom.. or I k ' I::Jprln8 Va.lley . . Will operata but even rob travelera In broad dlQ" light. attended the Dayton Falrlnst weeir. printing omoe. The forms of the . Misses Justina Hartsoe '. Glee Hess, every 'fuesday· and Friday. Albert As a provision agalnlt thhi danger, J P . 1 small P's. and ·q's hi the Roman type Clara Hawke. Emma Hawke, and .Crew. · Mra ,()hn. enflwH guve a reOi ta have already b·. en puzzling to the Messrs. Carl Hawke, Herber~ Ed • aa"" the Oriental Economic Review, -.,8 ~n WaynesvIlle last l::Jator<lllY .even ohUd and' the printer's apprentice. In an Insurance bureau where one buys 109 in th M. E . ohnroh and It WIlS the one the downward Itroke Is on the wards. Ross Hartsock, George Water. FOUND a banner, at a cost of about 1-600 of reported fine. , lett of th'e oval,' in the other, on the house, Kenneth Hough and Hugh the value of the property to be In· . .d Jewell is vislt.ing in riaht. . Ridge went to Dayton Satu . rday an Miss MlI.rtha lured, Is established there. D "Now, when the typel are reversed, had their pictures taken,at the studio Thts banner oarrled by a traveler ayton. UdlLD'8 COAT-Owner 'oan reo will save him from the bandlt's at: Wni. ~horbaugh8' are entertu.in. 6S they Bre when In process .of dis· of Mr. J . .'f . Liddy. They were ac- , cover same by oalling :at this tack; tor ourlously enough they them· ing rellLt~velS froOl Wilmington this tr1~utlon they are ret\lrned by the companied by Mr. and Mrs. C. A. offioe. pr-oviug pr.operty and ,paying . selves conduct this Insurance busl· week. , compositor to hljl case, the mind of . ' • for ad. . Mr and Mrs. Lam Ferguson wete t~e young printer Is puuled to dis· Bruner. • ____ __ ness. But It has Ita Umttations. "We ' paid our premium at the In· the guests .of their daught~r, Mr, tingulsh the p from the q. In sortlng sOME FINE BIRDS surance bureau," says a Japanetle and Mrs . Howard Berryhill last pi or a mixed , heap of letters, where SALE trav.eler, "secured a red b'.lnrier, and Sundf\Y, the p and th~ .q are not in connection . . .' , our party then started from Harbin, . • - e w:lth any other . letter form,i ng a w~rd, . Several ' frQm ,here ',i ntend to tliU5:e using several sturdy ponies fot: ourChauffeur a8 Critic. I think It would be almost impossible their chi~~ens to ,the Lel:ian<?~ Fair. A·· 1l0,Od.~;iO~ho.u8e oilldalo' 8t~eet selves and U1e carrying ' of. our lug· ' ''Dramatlo ,orltios 'could take a Ie's· for an 1nexperlence'd person to cUstln· Am . ,.ong,those. f:ron:t h~. rewho WIll take <lin "ood repair" .mell "painted, . A"t tr 11 b 't 18 miles . I .aulBh. WWCh II whloh flp6n the, 1n· .... gsge. 4 ' ~r ave. ng. a ou n son trom ta.x oab drivers In the art .tan.t ." . their fowls are!: Dr. C. W. Hena~r~' with a .. o,ew g:ldvanlied . iron roof. ::e~ac!:~:,~~m~~ !~w:n ~~df;~~~. ~a:.n~%n!d:IJ~~Y.~ ~:/ca;:~~~ ': __ ~ son, :Mrs; B. V~ .Smi,th, Walter Ki1 7. hyd~o.nt. and : olstern water. ' For night. In orderto ',dobuslnelli wlt.b ~ur 'they hil.V<e a ,peoullar. opportu.hitY 'fOf .. P~iltlv~IY Rude I . , ~ . :bon, Mrs. A.~; ;~i.d~. , and s,~ver~l ~'!!~:;:: .:p~rtlPul~rs i~q uire, of ,Alex OU8~meni there. .' . e,terolslngthelr. talent.· The other Beoause she' wanted' everybody else ot~~rs. . .', ' . " ." . , '. i •• ' . ~, ' ~'8,everal . ot these ..o.uatom~r8 ,came night rtold '& cbau«~,lir- wbo ,h~ ' drlv- to )mow ,al well as Ihe liDew that 'she ' .. . .- ~ e . " . ON~ .g.oOdE8tnteUakheating"tl)~e . toaee us in the, evening a~d warned $1 us to. a . certain · thf!atet: that he ,had sina))' feef·· the 'woman who , had , ' ' M~SPNiclNOTICE".·. one.'Rex storm ftont. ltood' uS " . . ulI. that there were ma~y ' ~~unt~d ~~~~t oall ,fo~ ,ua &~d ta.,,~.~s ,ho.!lle. . , offered to l~nd rub.~ra, to .'a · fiiend; , . . new. : Cbe~p tor cash·.. · ~iiquire at' , ' . bll.lI.l1lta In the netghbol'b,~. Wllen Very well, ~d he. j,bou~ what ·added apologetically: j'Bu~ ,· they are . Special communication of Waynes. this o!Hoe. .', , . ·we 'told t~eril 'therQ J'I'aJ' DO CQU8e ;f?r . time? At the end of, ~e 8~cond ~t?". io blS I " don~ 8UPPOS"& ;YOU, oan keep' -' . . ' I."" '. . . . ' '. .. ~~t:r ,on their acc;ount !becau~e of "'W.hy &t the end of. the teCOn~ them 'on~" .. " " . J :~ll~eJ.odge No. 163, ~,: &.A, f.'~~' Will , ,T OMATQJl:S-WlIl b.e ready to ,,\it , Uie Inlurance, .~e1 lDtO)'IDed U8. th,t aeU' I as}ced. . .' "Ohi I suess' I can," aatiS the friend I)e..held .Tuesd~y ev.eml1g, septern~e~ ' • .. up tn .. few day'~. ':they "lire bT it OI,lr utet, was g11aranteed only "I suess. the. l'8It. ot .the- ~JI7 18 ~erenel,. "I . have big feet, too," 19t1\. W~rk In ~~e E. A.• degree. ,tl fine. .CaU ·()baa. W. Frye, D. OIl the h~9ay., . but that the ..bali~U; no gOC?d,'. aaJd)le. '~b09, a 1004 Since then - the woman with s!I\all Sojourning brethren in~ited. . . 4, Waynesville, Phon~ . 49-1L- ,2a. bureau was DOt ",-poDsJble tor what part ot the audience- .1088 hom~ tUn.' .. feet ·h as NfUed to . a8e her frieD!!. ' F B"H d W' 'M .." , ,-,ht bappeD lbIt4e of &Il7 bu1.14~." -New York B~ wfaa brolliht th":rubbeia.: . . . '. ' ~__~~n; " , ' BLA()J[f~mllYID.relor.180be~p
.- .
Mason and Sealing Wax Jars . . Pints, quarts and half gallons
This is the time of the year w,h en you have Jots of small things you want to dispose of~ For 'the best, . quickest and ZIMMERMAN'S surest way'
Use the ..
Osteopathic Physician
Classified ' Ads
Gazette's '
Classified AIL. ~
· FOR "oF
n. ;'
'. ...
y. .D8I'IU18l'Ti, ~ ."
WaJD81'ftlJe, Oblo.
.: Former Citizens.....
WAYNRS71LLK, \)1:110,
WHOLE N U MBElt lil2
WEDNE ' \ AY ::-:EP1'EMBER 20, 1911.
--~-~ -~ --~ .-.~ ...-----~-~-~ -, ~~ -~ --~ ~ ~~~-~ .-~ . ~-~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • ...-.-. ....... _ __ __ "'1 __ .... .-.. ....... ~~-----, N, B ANTHONY f·+-·· .... ~········ .... ·· .. ~· · .. ·~:~·····-.---·~······ .... ·-······· .. ··· .. · .. ·· .. ·•· .. THE COUNTY FA I ~ ........... ..... . -.. .................... ........,_... __ . . _............................-..............._.."--1
I Social Events .
---It '. 'I'll funeral of MI'. N . B. Anthony ! 1 ! The Junty Fail' wa~ve ry unfortu· .~ ~ ....... ---~ • ..-.. ~-.-...-. ..-., .. .-. ..... -- - .-. e oul< l)luc a l hi la le hom e on Fifth II \: 0 llaL(' t hi!! year on Hccoun L of th in· i i clpmpnc'y of th weather . Mr. nnd MI'fI , ~. T. Hawke, en'11'. und M I·S . Cl w.' . SIlI:! rt U11 ,. {tn'e t: Wedn "day nr 1"1'1) ollnt !..: :~O . i l. ....................... ~.... ........ ~ .... famil y ha\'p I.. ft Wehl llll id. Ind " rhl:! Masons hHd chal'ge of ihe ser- i ............. _... ...... ~ .........._....................... ~....................~........................ 1 T hc fait· of toclay is nothin~ li kE.' tertain rl MI'. and MI'H. Eli as Batley i ec.!fl. A qUal·t t - Mesdames A. T. ut supper. 'ntul'C lay evening. nne l arC' hr \V loca ted at lI urt.wl:!lI , ~Wrig ht and D. L . Crane and M ~s l's' Wall I' McClu l'ewas in Dayton . un· Mrs. EJilh I !ani,.; i. in Cincinnali tlw fni r (If lwenly yeal's 3go . There Ol,io. In tI . I was practically nothing to see the p, U. Hendel'son and D. L. Crane l y. Illl w(,p {, spve l'al depariments being b u t one· J 1n 111 1l'I', a ndusl<y. Ohio . on un. r ndel'cd a'couple of vocal sel tion.. David Ev,uns \VUu I'n Dayton lao . t J esse Le\vI's \. V ,'IS a Day tOIl VI' SI'tO" f tl f II f I' h' ts d ' 'h' MI'. \Y. If Gard . Rev . and Mrs . . If " " , ollr 1 u 0 ex 11 I '. an m . . IS fi' . auwullatler w re O' uests of MI'. ' C" -11 d r1u.y,AII oc.Lr.w~ I :!.7 .1911,MI' .• tl':1\\'der Rev d J . Ff ' . aIl WaaeI'SIO(UCWWedn·day . TIlU1'S d ny. '" at di nner l ' 1 I yl'fll' 0 ,f Plenty t hh e. ort lou l tu ra Id 11'1· and Mrs. S. L. C.lrlwri"ht A. Pin ,...up I' w ,H IIn it"d 0 "in.m' . I'riurr . . In VO l.' S 0 C0'1S0 k at.lOn,. M an. I t 1e r ' , ..• ' . .. .. . I ~ Iay was on Iy par Lla IIy. fi ll e d . Wh ~ l . unday. . 'MiRS Fl,'a ncl-'S I';dn a Barth . TIll! many, mams :vere taoen to laml c~met.cI'Y li alils MI)!-;her IS spendIng a few MI'. and Mr:l. C. A. Bl'unel' spent I the cause of all th iS? Only t hiS f l'i 'nti H (If MI'. Ring ' I' wish him '1ry d laid .besHi. that o f hIS W I fe . days in Ci ncinnati this we k. 1I1l'ce uays las t. we Jt in Mason. ,I reas?n t he f ai. r bou: d ~ays mol' a~:. 01'. and M1'8. ' . W. Henderson a }H'OS p 'rou t! w('dtl t!lrl ife. Tht> new. Am I.nol.l' wrItten by II J)1 (!!11b ' I' f t. l t fa k d h I M I'S, .. L . Carbvl'i<rht was ill Cin.J . B. l.eI1 ...... (If Mt. t'lul ly. ,vas I'n I' ?n Ion 0 h . I.rks , SI e 's ows, d!11 e ( \- I had as th >.I· l' gU(lsts fo r Sunday din-. IY IS as f 0 II WiI: h am' f Iy married co upl e were af; hom nfter t ci nnati Thursday ant! b Friuay. St L '. M, , I' t . _[ 1. b' I clne· men , aw el'S, e t c., an b u t ne ro MI' , and Mrs . L. M. H nderson Sep l >I1lU r I IlL at Ilenni!'on . Ohiu M I;;MO IR '-. OUI. . 0 . , as v. elm on usmess. J passing, atten tion t.o other th incrs . . ... . and family Napoleon B. Anthony was borll in Freu Stanton, of Pitt burg, Pa. . non't forget lo attend t he sale of I In ~he art hall, t here were . no . MI·s. Mollie l~dwal' c1 s and Mis Liz· Phil adelphi a , J une 28, I 83!), dieu in was cal ling on fl'ienu s her last week . Mrs. fi'loren 'e Pic h ep tembel' 26th . pr elnlum s offer d atall , a new thm g , Accol'uing t) a DayLon paper howeve r, and t he school display was zie Carro ll wet'e g uest.'i a t a dinr e r Wayne ville. Sept mber I l , 'l Oll. t he en~ugement of Miss Maggie He wa the son of Ni11 iam and Maria Mi·, a nd MI'£! . J. A Funkey , atMr. and Mrs . Willis Marshall, of but part ially fi ll ed. and t hat was on· Thursday g iv n by MI'. and Mrs. McComas, of F'l'Unldin , and MI'. David nthony , who moved with t heir fa m. tend ed r ev ival s'e r vlces at Lebanon New Burlinglon, wt!re in town Mon- t il' Iy ruined by a lea1<y r oof Warren Bar nett. Armstrong, (yf Dayt Oil, hus been anily about 1842 to Elmer, N J ., loc t. und ay . day . . Ther e was some attention paid to nounced. The wedd ing will take ing on a Ii ttJe f arm. Here by th . . t he chi cken d epar tment, however , })Iace at the bride's home in l'l'Imklin eath of the father in I 55 seven Mrs. An na O' Neall had as her F rank Taft, of Day ton , spent sevMISS J USt.II1U Har tsoc.k has ent~red because a good j udge was on hand, on October 26th. Tile bl' ide will he hildren became orphan, Nap leol\ eral days I t week wilh MI'. and t?e School of Orat?ry. til l he U nl¥cr- anu because t he Miami Valley Poul- guests'rh u rsday for uinner, Mrs . r emembered by many Wayn esvi lle being the fou rth in age . ircum- Mrs J . W. Wh ite. slly at Athens. Oh IO. t ry A~o~ia~ion took a halld . i.n it. Kate E. McComas a nd Mrs . W. E. fr iends. who will cer tainly wish them e assoclatr on took all l he Prizes. O' Neall and ch ild ren . stances prevented his acquirin g m r Mr. and Mrs. Ha r ry Ham il ton, of Mrs. Ruth Carey and Mrs. fi'lo t he IJ t th ro is in t his life . than a common school edu.c\ tion of Daylo.n , spen t Sunday with Mr . and Dyke. of Daylon, wercguests of Mr . la most. . Mr. and Mrs. Nathan J ones en ter· that day as he early went to learn Mrs. George Hamilton . and Mrs . F. 6. Ca rey Sunday T he fall' board has lost money a.lIN MEMO'R lAM a. trade that 'of manufacluri ng f~ t'm" m ost every yea r they bay. Why IS tained at SUPPPl' Monday evening On Wednesday about noon , Death ing illl plement c mpl ete bot.h th Mis3 larlotte Tyson, of Dayton , Mr. and Mrs. Enos Hill, of Cedar· t his? In the fi r~t ~Iace t hey (10 n~t Mr. and Mrs. Elias Barley. Mr. and pass cl thi~ \\ ay. and plucking a li ttlt: iron and wood parts. H e maslered wa the gues!: of Mi 'QJessie Marlatt. aille , spent the week·end with hel" p roperly adver tt e It. Abou t $40 IS Mrs. W. H. Allen, Mt· . and Mrs. life, hastened away ,,,ith a soul as in· his t rade in 1860. but the impend ing a couple of days last week . mot hel'. Mrs. Amos Romi ne. spent in ad vertising the fair, and t he F r ank Zell. Mis9 Georg ia Hadden, nocent and pure as th su nlight of Civil War para lyzed manufucturing p remiu ms are cut down SO low that Miss Elizabeth Stewart and Mrs. Elva H eaven. . business cre!lting la It of employment MI'. and Mrs. E. V. Barnhart mo· Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Romine and people will not take their exhibi ts J ones. . , Charles William Kil'lSl', il1fant son so Mr. Anthony came' west ill 1 61 . tered t.o Cincinnati Sunday afternoon dauv,hter , of Ci ncinnati, were Sun- t here . of F.irman and Ota Clru'ifle King. was and engaged in farming fit-st in IlIi. retul'J1ing home Tuesday eveni ng,. day .g uests of Mrs. Am09 Romine. Next ye~r, gentlemen, cu t ou t t he Mrs. F . H. Farr surprised th~ born i.bru~ry l , 1909. an~ died nois later in Ohio. He settled perside·show~, pu t your money in premo band boys Monday e~ening by inMrs A. Stoops v isited her daugh- . d . I df . Mr. John Barley returned to ' his A ugu~t 30. 19 11. aged 2 y a I'S , 6 manen tly in WaYJlesvi li e in the sumtums. an gIve us a c el1n. g oo aIr. vi tin g them to Schwar tz's ice cream h01T.e in M\lcomb. 1Il. , last Thursd ay. t~r in Kin, gs Mills dur ing the past h h d months a nd 12 days. For ten .d ay mer of 1863. developinl/.' in to a car. SUC as we a years ago. parlors after their practice hour, . af ter a weeks visit with relativeS ;week, ret urning home Sunday evet his little li fe wa f ull of suffe ring, pen ter a nd buildel·. He has resided here. • nj ng . .. ~ .. I where 'an houi' was pleasantly spent. and death mu 't have been a portal here continuously since that time A GENUINE, SURPRISE I The occasion was ' the annIversary Of r est. And we all know t ha t ou r working at his b usiness mOle or Ie Mrs.!. E. Keys and Miss Martha ' Mr. and Mr s. Wm. Grimes have -I dar of her brother, Mr. Thos. Pierce ' iitt.le fr:iend,is safe f rom the t ro u bles actively up to the end . 8urnett ap n t last Wednesday iil' returned to t heir home "'in Oreg on. "A. genuine surp~i~e was r prung on The boys thoro~ghly enjoyed. the of this world. In December, 1863, he was married Centervill e, the guests of Mr. ' a~d after a d eligh tful three·months· visit Spr.ml!' Branch cltrzens last week. treat and Mr. PeIrce was genumely Thoug h , b rier ~hig. . yOung life , it to Mar~ Elizabeth Engle whose d eath Mrs. J. M . Keys. . . ) with relati ves and friendi:! in Har - when It leake~ out that , Mr: Frank surprised. was ufflcient to endeat' li ttle Charli~ occurred in Allril, 1909, after years ./' veysburg and Waynesville. H ess . a:n d MISS Bertha Sm~th ~ erE --.K ing to t he hous hold of hi yopn~ '0£. ilJrass, and uife riTlg through j(1 Stoops sllent I st week a t Van .' , mar rlep. It appeaTS that t hIS couple Mr. a~d Mrs. Gordon Joy received parents and com muni t of Ridgeville which Mr:' Anthony was·her constant Wer t helping a t the f a ctory of his The ~~hool was dismissed Thursday journeyed to ~entucky on June ~ 7th several of their neighbors and friends He waS t he idol of th~ homes a nd t he and fai thful n urse. TheY,nevet' had son. -James. Mr. Stoops says t his is an? Frid ay las~ week to allow ~~ e and were married thereat th~t time. Thursday evening . They were: Mr. people whom he had amused and en· ch ildrpn. and Mr . .Arithony'~ d 'ath a busy plant at this t ime and lots of cluldren·to at tend t he Count y Fair. . Bu t few. people knew of It at the and Mrs. A . B. ~ides. Mr. and Mrs. t e.rtained hi. innocen t ways. Char· left him a most lonely n'.'Ian- his f e';\) goods a re being canned. A g reat many at~ended Wednesday time, but It finally leaked out last V. Mart, Mr. and Mrs . . Harry' Mur lie was a modullittle fellow and will relatives living in ot her places, and and Thursday, bu t the heavy ,rains week. The Gaze~te extends con· ray. Mr. an d M.rs. F ran k Zell ,'IM' . , be sadly missed. tho:Jgh ' long and almost 'all of t he asiociates of earlier C. H Ray mond , of Haver hill.' Thursda y and Friday kept many at I/.'ratulations. • _ • and Mrs. Jos. Evans, Misses Lizzie kindly reme mbl!rf;!d by all who knew years having p~sed beyond the great, M.Iiss. , was here t his week. the guest home. , PUT UP SIGNS Moore, Marne Brown, Mrs. Emma 'him • . , ' Divide. , . of Dr. C. W. Hender son, ,Ioo.king Messrs. W. F. Smith and Wml Dakiri', nnd Mrs. Cbas. Hain~ and Beyond : the d oubts arid hopes and ' Mr: Anthony has been a fait hful over the fi elq fo r chickens . This 10· Kearns, of Day ton. were in town Mayor Cartwr ight has caused daughter, of Dayton, Ohio. . member of the Masonic fraternity cali ty is noted fo r its fine chick ens. M. onday on business. They intend to " spittiuO"signs" to be put up in con. At a seasonable hour ice cream and fearS," ' . . th lQ72 d I ... . Beyond the cares and' joys and t ears, ~mce .e year " , .an , f;\ ways ~n· sell the property known as the Allen spicuous places, and has notified cake were served and the evening.was Beyond the smiling and t he weeping , J?yed ~I!f lo?ge meeimgs and.assoCla. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Smi th .and place, on the hill south of the corpo- .Marshal Emley to lee that they are pleasantly spent in music and conver• _ _- - Beyond t he walking and the sleeping . tlO~ WIth hIS f:llow. ~ell ?ntt~ home fa mily, of Shelb yville, Tenn., are the l'a'tioh line, at public au~tion on Fri- enforced. An early visit along our ~tion. Our d~rling r~sts in slumber deep, d uttes and the mCl:eaStng m fi rmlty of g uests of Mr . and Mrs. B. V. Smith day. Septembe r 29th . streets in the morning by our citiEDUCATI(~NAL CAMPAIGN In silent and at rnal sleep. . deafness prevented . and famir~ . ' They will r emain here zens will show a good reason for the " He is survived by two brot hers, a couple of weeks visiting relat ives E vft ryoody wa.nts to read John A. signs being put up. All pastors, ·superintendents, counFun key's ad vertisement to learn the • _. F une ral services . we re conducted James~, and arry L. of New Jer.. and 'fri ends. t y and township officers and Sunqay by L . O. Thompson, a t the chapel. seYI one brother, TheodorE! of Colo . hu ndreds of the gr~teat bargains on Sehool workers in this county are corMUSIC AT THE FAIR after which little Charlie was laid to r.ad o. and ·one , sis ter, , Emeline E , Mr. H. L. Anthony,o(Edgewater the fi ve bargain count ~rs, and the dially invit ed to attend s a-reat T*,sch. res~ in b£l8utifiJ\ 'Miatnj ceme~ry. Peacock, of·Dayton, Ohio, and also .Park. N . ;r., Mr . J os , E ng le,"O f K tm- gre:tes t of ~ll is ~he Mi~hem Mill- The Waynesville Cadet. band played er Trainin g Institute. covering ·the ' by a number of nieces,and neph ews. sas City, Mo., Mrs. Emeline Peacock, E~( gOO~S shl P~ed III last week.and at the fair on Wednesday. For an af.ternoon and eveniqg of Monday. . • -. CHURCH ..OF 'CHRISJ' OARD OF '~HANKS Miss. Emma P eacock. Mr. Wm. thhls. Vi ~~nesv tlle never has glVen amateud:)and. they put up a class of Septemb er 25th, to be held in the Peacock, Mr. Albert 'R aines. of Day- t e bar gam seeker such a chance. music that is hard to beat. Those Ninth Stree t Baptist church at CinThe relati ves of t he la t e Napoleon ton. attended t he funeral , of Mr. N. ~emember Saturday September 23, who heard them were loud in their cinnati. Ohio. B. Anthony desir to express ' to his B. A.nt hony last ' Wedhesday .' IS lbe commencement. praises The speakers and instructors will b e Dr. Franklin McElfresh of Chica~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ go.Superin~ndentofili e ~ucatio~ ~ _ - : -_ _.:..---...C:---_ _ _~___ _ _ _ _ _ I ~ al Department of the International · Sunday School Association, and Dr. ' ~ MialDi ~ Joseph Clark, General Secretary of the Ohio State Sunday School A~o ciation. · These noted speakers and ~ instructors will insure the thorough· Whose' Annual Exhibit ill Be Held Here December 13, 14, 15 and ness and sllecess 0' the inst.itute. ~6, I!Hl, Took All Premiums in Sight. at ~ It is to be hoped that this county will be largely represented in the InWatren County Fail-. s ti tute sessions. - ,- -- - -- - - ~ Alex Boxwell, Pres. ~. R. Cowan; See'y well r epresented in tH is ,opponent was L. Nidtolson, who Of premiums however on Duroc hogs . Warren Co. , Sund ~y School Ass'n. The f a it· this year. got 1st hen and 2nd ckl. He got first on male over 1 year. old. 1s t 0'1 sow, 2 years and over, 1st.. LEBANON MAN · A DELEGATE
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1 ........ ,
p ersona ' IM ' entlon ' . C Iumn . H H . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _
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I Tt
VaUey Poultry Association
. D. E, Dunham has been named by Governor Harmon as one of th~ d ele·
The Miami. Gazette '
itll .'1.
D. L. CRANE, Publt ll'her.
l\ew York nnd New Jersey are mak· a joint study ot tbe evils oC cold storage. A bill Is pending In congreRs looking to a reformation of tbe same vII, snys tbe Cleveland Plain Dealer. Tbe question Is a large one, wlt.b many anglea. It Is not so mucb talked ahout os It was a rear ~o, but sUII merits (he nt~entlon "f leglllatlYe bodlel. Cold :ttorage or food product. 18 a modern necessity, Rightly u.ed, It serves the public by keeping prJcel • teady, by Blorlns In tbe leal on of plenty for use In tbe leason of nat· .,ral 8bortase. No one argue. asatnlt told Btorase .. an Institution, It I. ~hen tood ftI beld baek 'In order to maintaIn abnormally higb price., when It Is kept 10 lonr tb.t It · becO.me8 poleonoua, wllen cold ItorAge Is made a curle tDltead ot a blelllni to mankind, that lovernment must IItop In wltb a reltralnlng b:u:d.. The perIod of elorage ' Ihould te ItrlcUy limited, and the . sale ot .tored prod· ucts rilidly regulated. In ~
..~ •
. .:
CYRtbia PRINE!; or WALl
The Departm nt or AVlculturo btU come 10 the relief or the grosbel\k. H 18 a very much mnllgne<! bird, tbls b Igh 0 uthorlly n \'ere, nnd Inste. d of being d ltlructlve 10 Crops, la or gr a l !JeneHt to the farmer. A bulle· tin just Issued by Secretary Wilson UYR ttlat Rev D kinds of ft ncbes kno,>\'o as grosbeaks Bummer within th ~ boundaries or tbe nlted StateR. Tber nre eRslly distinguished fro m olhl'r !IncheR by their stout form. brigh t plumage, ma ssive blUs lind melodIous voices. Those ;'blcb moat Intercst the farmer nre Ove III num · bp!'-the rosll·breasted. the cardlnnl or r dblrd . th black ·bend d. the blu\! nnd I he grill'. The bulletin concludes nil rollows : "Presen t Investigation !! prove that Ibo serv ice.) ot tbe ,ros· beall In destroying Insec t pests are In· ,'alua ble, J<::nch kind paya especia l at· teullon to c~rl aln pests whIch it un· checked would ause enormous loss. Few of our bIrds are to be er dlted with more good and ,\'Itb fewer evils t ha D the grosbeak, and noDe more denrl)' des noe8 protectIon by the praclleal former." Tbe probability ill t hat the farm er would do better to prolect the \,;,bole race ot birds than to look wi th toleraUon on their Indl s· cTlml.na le slaughter.
I~ IINVtITITlJR.l or mE·
liT AuociaW4 IJlUaa,l"ruL)
Rem ington Ard 81ey looked ber squarely In lhe eyes before be spoke. "Tb en my daugbtera .ball not co to college," be 8aid. Cynthia laugbed . "You IIDtlclpate the tuture wltb flatter)' to founelf," Ibe retortl'd. ""1\ deal In the present, It you \l~ fer, Cynthia. Thougb, to be perfectlr frank. I waR bappler In tbo pasl," be 'aid eo r nes lly. Cyntbla's eye8 questioned him. She did nOl speak. «Yell ; ""hen you were a sweet. un· spoiled girl." be Dald deliberately "Defore you v,'ent to college," be add· ed . "Thank!!," replied 'C7Dthla, sharply. Th ey walk ed 00 In III nce. The warm aunshlne Invited a lar:ging IItep; It cal t over ' all tbo world or OJenmoro, a la1.Y .tep. Even Cyn· thla, usually e r ect nnd quick of ac· tlon, e l rolled. . "Four years ogo .... hen your step· mOlller lIent ' you to a Cuh lonable col· lege, Cyntbla, you were neither bard nor cynical," Ardsley continu~d. Nyou were genUe and hopeful and-wom· anly." He added ' t!le 6nal adJectl,e 'w lth lome mlsglylnp. He · wae not sure be dared ' to I!peak '.0 frankly ; lind be .... atcbed her ' rrom tbe tall ot bls eye. CYnthia r.laed ber eMn • trl!le blgber and belen Indllrerentl)' to hum
rled a ~' omaD we did nol care for-not tba t any v,'oman living could bave taken tbe ,.Iace of our own motherbut Sis and 1 dectded that, (or Dad's a"ke, we'd make the belt Of It. And we · ave. It ·s harder for' Cynlhla tblin for me...fs>r abe bu · In. Dan vers a\l day, and nthv tbat sbe's bome from college (or c ood \t'l beglnnlg to tell on ber. Ltllt night 1 CouDd the poor ,Irl In tears OUl In tbe boneysuckle arbor all by herself. Sbe .aId itte had tried, In tbe four yearl tbat abe'd been away Bt collele, to acquire a bllrd, cynical view ot life ao tIlat tbe little things at bome would not lar on ber nnd upse t her ao mucb. II aeeml tbat it II bard alld sbe Is un· bappy In being uoable to be ber own, old self. Now-wbat abAlI we do ? I bate to raise a scandal a nd break u p t be family by taki ng Cynthia away from bom e-and (ather- but. you know. old 'ttlan, rou ~n n't alt back apd see your only s Ister un!lappy because of family prid e ... • , The youn.g rna!) pusbed baele hili chair and wIped his forehead . It bad been bard-tbl8 confiding of a famlty trouble, even to 60 old a fri end as Remington Ardsley. "I-I hate to make • fuss, YOIl know, nem, but I bad to Ipeak or It todllY. Our famll., ts 10 old ' and 10 proud," be added. bla chin . cocon· Iclously elevBted. Ardal~r did not apeak for a fuJI minute. '" appreciate your situation and t.. respect yoill' conftdence. · Bob. but-':you don't know bow It hn. m ..... me reel. I would like to dllappear off tbe face of tI'e eartb a t lbl. mInute." "You 1 But It'l not. your famll." Rem," nJd Danvers 10 lurprl... . "No; but you don't know 'how mucb I bave to do with It," Ard.le, remarked, meanlngly, ........t1l ' tr., to t4!1J you more about It ioOle time. Now-I mUlt ru.b off." Tbe two men ~ep.rate" .a wa. tbelr c·u.lom after lunch. Ar~.lel • ought lbe Danvers · home .nd · CYDtblL He could not walt anotber hour before telllni her how ~e Judled her. how abjectly 10m 11. for bla unwonted critlclllD of tbe pr~edlnc day. "Word. o.baolutely tall me, C'lltbl~; to tell " ou· bow woefully -, mld)lidpd )'ou, C.n rou-wlll :you try to-for· Sl,. me'" He .poke eaTlleaU., .nd looked down , Into her eye. al all. .tood wJuj blm out OD lb.e III. loda. C'lDtbla cHd not aD.W" for a moment. "Why-what bave you" don.!"
"I take pleallure in te ~ \lr)"ln~ tn tbe most #elCo I!ent r Ol'lulta from t ho ul e of Reslnol, both oI Q tm~lnt. IIl)d .~P. 1 bl\d be II troubled fur f\loll\, ' or 1Iv. yeare wll h a very .dlsOgurfnr ~rupU o.Q on DiY face, and Reslnoi h.a s b elJled " 110 much. MISS QPA.L LILLEY. "Camp Greek, W, VI1.',' R eelno! Ointment Is the olle r co,· , lll.-.ed safe and sure remedy for every kind ot Ilk In trouble, from tl\e comMon plmplO' or IIIcra.tch , to eC&e~a, tett€r, shingles, mllk·crullt. dandruff, PIO,.. III Sls, bolls, burns. scalde, carbuncle•• felons and sorel!. It cannot IITUate the most dell ca~e akIn. It dOl'I not contain Ii pnrllcle ot lead or lOerCury, or -other polson, It Is lUI hArmles. and as easy to apply as cold cream. Reslnol Ointment Is put up In sorew· top opol containers, rctalllnl' at flfty 'c\! nls lind a dollar. n e Inol Soap s Imilarly m edicated, Is In mnny respects Ihe Oneet tolle, and bath soap possible of produCU.,u, 1l Is delightfully rofreahlnl' and III thoroughly ontlseptlc. It pre... enll Illnclthonds, pimples and many otber al<ln troubles, oud tor shnmpoolns and cleanSing tbe scalp there Is nl,lthlnl bolter. It Is especially recommended (or chllfll'en ond Infants, tOI' Stl con· IInuous uee will keep them exempt · Crom ma ny ot. tho common skIn trou· bles: It Is pleas ant, r eJreahlng, sooth· Ing nnd preventive, Tbe Reslnol prepnrat\onB ate 801d by all ,drugglsts a.nd dealers In flne toilet Ilrtlcl~8. . Ue!i{nol Cb~m-. cll'l Co,. Daltlmor.,){d. .
By Dorothy BJaclqIlorQ
"Famllr ti el, love. nntimcn t and tbe like count ror lIttlo nowo.dtlys," remarked Cyntbla. " 00 tbey tpacb th nt . t college!'" Cynthia Danvers raised her .ye· broVo·s. ebrug«ed ~i!,. sbouldera Ind :~~::;~,d, ".Perbap8 tbey do. Wbo
A Gleam of Hope, "I bear that Biller's dll.ughter elop4li
wltb lIls (:houlteur." "YeH, .and BUter wrrell bls forA'I". ness." "Wbat did lie do that · tor!" "He Buid he tbolllM nOW tbere T CaUllU'Von casUe, Carnar· democratic love Ceast. The living, buo might bo II. chance for Will to ule bia von, Wale •• tbe InTe.Uture of men luggeatlon "'a8 Inten8111ed wben car."-Puck Prlnce Ednrd ot Wale. tbe klog and queen. the princo nnd pal.ed from • IJo~lnl .pec: Prlnceis Mary. with her almple frock Chlldl.h WIlda"'• tacle ' JDto • brilliant aDd IID~ and tlutrr balr, At under Ibe canopy , Now aDd, then tbe .eemli... l:y ca.ual portant cbapter 01 Iii.tory. Three and Ilanced frotO one to Ibe otber remarks ot the little ' oile. 1Ilu~b Imftnal I",eoe. "ere the tbree pre.enta· Uke a happy famUl', pressive I plrltual .nd Pl1cbol~eal tion. to the people ' outslde' the ca.Ue, The king, ID admiral's uniform, depths. Little Je.n. for In.lance, natfrom hlah polnta In dUrereDt towera, looked as brown toS ony ..nor of, hI• ened to tbe convenatlol) of "two adults 01 the Dewly inve.ted prlDce. In his fteet. < The queen was In a plain, neat with silent Intereat unUI one ot the garb, of 'purple ~d ermine, by lai. "tUns dre.s of pale·green IlIk, embrol· ladles; speaking ot .• n . I!.DlaUa.r.ctorl father and motber. KIDS Oeo~.e v. dered with lace and accentuated by pbotograph, relDarke(l Uiat fe" motIl· UDd Queen lIa..,.. · etrlpe. ot black .. tin about the bod· era were pleased ~th poTt,." ta of What a dll7 It "u 'for the old coun. Ice. aer moderate aleed hat wu dec· tbe lr children, for tl)e reuoll that lbe l7 tOWD of rock.rtbbed Carna"on· orated with white feathere. Her ap· children did .Dot look to othet• •u tbe)l shire I Bow the pride of ' Wal .. was pearanoe wu mOlt graceful and ml)lt clJd to tbe lovln.s mat.ernal ey.. , , • tlrrld and Ita b"rt touched I Tbe motherly. Tbo Wellb, bavlng keen Sotd Jean. eac.r17: , Ilower of the peerace w" ther_~e e,y ee for I),mpath,etic racel, dl.played 'No, and cblldreD dOD't look .t 01" meD In tb~lr court 'v,e lvetl the ladlel ~In and asaln tbelr lively admlra· ef people a. tbe, look .t. tllelr. motla· . In their ' uUn. and peart.: LoDllon'.,. tlon of tbe queen. A. Prlnce Edv.'ard er., eltber!" lIlJlfh~e.t were dellpted to be the ~ 1melt OD a Joo!JI tool befor., bl' father Long ago tbe WalP waist, conlld· pe.la of Caroar.voD-tbl. Uttle com· . to receive from the king'. banda tbe N ered 10 falblonable, departed from mWllty of -.lIDPle louf. OD the Selnoul ,mantle, Iword, rIng and coronet, bl. feminine favor. Now tbe small foo t C&l11 a rvoll ..... b, the hundred.. In bead wali . bent and the back of bls la followlnl In It. wake, " 'bleb prove I abe asked, tbe old ,(rlck u~1t acaID, '. 10I'leoU" eonc~tratloJl', ' fbe ' 'mo.t neck, not ql11te far enoucb IInder the "Done? 1 aceuled ,you of 'belng mapUlceDt 'uniform. known to t~e' canopy to be sbaded. look'cd as tr It tbat wo.manklnd Is falling Into line In ADd CinaAnOD law much were; bUaterlng In tbe lun. Tbe boy" anYthing but the ·. weet, womaDI., &1rl w'orhL apPf'ovlnt safe nnd sa.ne lublons. you are, CYntbla. I .bouibt-ID n y more. It a.~ the kine aDd Queen' .ttalgbt, fair balr w.. combed ftat Occ8l10nal freaks like tbe bobblt! creat 4IIoUsm-.tbat • waa tbe one to come. brtbgtbC ,their ' beautilUl . chll.' over hla he~d, HI8 8urcoat or ' tunlo' Iklrt may appear, but In the main name your faulta, to Juc1p ,OU. I dl,t dren. aDd baef tbe tather 'It,Ild mother of royal purple, dra-v;n In 'at the wailt women are decidlol In (avor ot com· not undent.nd what :you bave to-\o preaent to ' It their Jlae.t ' IOD a. with a purplt? band, and ""Itb a fringe mon lense . and freedom 8 S opposed to "You Were Gentl. and Hopeful". put up' with. I dId not know ·It \VaB prlncel ot ermine on the Iklrt, waa very beau· the ridiculous and unbeautiful rcatrlc. • • nil done for a noble purpose. Oh. . tit I HI hi I In operatic air. She ~wunl ber parC hi Altolether It was ·tlne Imperlal bUll· u. a .w , te aat n Ught', white tlonl or other. day •• a.ol, to aDd fro aa Ibe etrolled. . .,nt a l I am SOI'I')'." . , ~ nel': '. . The Wel_bman doea, not 11ke silk ",tocklngs and patent leather "Don't be, Remanlt,.,n." sbe l&1d, . pumps reveale I b I h 11 "At lea.t. Mr. RemlnltQo .'''rdale-, ' rou for think· the , ..'i ( a doy I! gure of . # leneroua Iy. "I forgive , EDIIl.hmap; to mil: their . temner· Y Id I A woman In Pennsylvania got two Jr .... ,.he sal', Arter. a . -bile, "lbe" . aments I. to mts water and 011. Wale. ea proport lon8 an Ibapellne68. HI. " ~ # Ing· I bad put on 8my alrl .Iusi to f I ncenBes . Imultaneously- one to get laUlbt UI, .t col,ele, to be polite," sbow tbat I bad been awar It eol. ' ace, 0\'0 and boy lib. is emphatlcal\y married and one to , teacb. Thlu waa MP~lItelr pellimlltlc?" be aaked. lege." attractive. He 18 almost D8 .t:all 8.S Sbe' nodd.e d . • "Perha"l-even' tbat." · bll father and promises 10 develop a wise provision, lUI In cale one failed .. . "ou've ,tak. Ardlley Imlled gral.efull., and took Int 0 a man 0 f mue b sturdier av. p(>a r· Ihe .ald . . "But I'ID sorr" there was tbe otber to (all bacl. on. , # . # ber hands. "Do you! And-:"w II I .,ou ance eD tbe Jrouble to look me up again· If b I . I I'OJ 10-110 dilrerenL" prove It y prom sing t~ b! my wife!" The queen Is dlsllnaty taller thnn A western avlalor wbo ft ew over "It's only on lle Burfnce, 'I lblnk-I ' Cyntbla dre.w back-pot too :~r the king, Princess Mary might be Ilny tbree atatc/! .In an afternoon ' ~al em- bope." . . ' back. "A!D I Dot too cynical r 'ab. swe.et little 8chool girl ot fino birth. \ . Th t d II braced, ~ept 'O\'er a nd Ids8ed by Mme, ' Cynthia turned on him. 'an anlT'I asked. ~ mos au ng SCene (If tbe day "You're ' Cvntbla," be waa wben the kl d Bernhardt .wben he Innded. Nex~ Ume. ftub In .h er .... "Add dlsb .one · It", ~~ .. , , nn tqueen, leading '<# • T ehoucIJ for me.... Prince .Ed\V d Ing hi I probably ',he will keep on flYln~. hnocrlllY t~ · my list . of .cqulre~ , ar n sra ned mantle faulll! I'm lure . you'ye heaped com. of investiture,. stepped 'Crom u~der the . ~, tead this arternOOll DANGER EATING ·.VEGETABLES canopy Into the full bJa zo or tbe sllln·t· A Philadelphia womnn '8ays tbe na. pllment8 ing. western sun. Tbe IIn''''ertng tlon's . best cooks a~e form e rs' wives, and DO miStake," Ibe declared angrily 'Ihowers of diamond light "" 6Te almost And tbe old dinner bell makell sweet. aDd quickening' her '1tep. ''Even lbe Believer In ' Me.t DIet Putl Forth oldelt or frlendl cao go loo far In Some Novel If Neit . Particularly t~?rbmUchl fornth e naked eye. er ~uslc than tbe b~t e l orcbe8tra. frankne..... C I I e co ~r ood In tbe castle lUI'onv nc ng. A.rgurn.nta, d I I b' . Ardsley bit bla lip to keep (rom ' ut. paale nrc Des's nnythlng Else that A hlgh.batted and opera·cloa ket;l terlng tbe W9 dll of fQrgivenes8 be The vegetarian edJtor ~aa bavlns baa ,been seen In connection with th e burglnr was given th~ option or lenvlng rain would beg,r but he (el~ It hI. duty' an argument wltb bls meat.eating cor,o natlo,n. The gr~at choir ot Welsb the country or going to Sing Sing. It e to give Cyntbla an Idea of how ber reo colleague. women, sitting or standlog In a squaTe , . . ., " . . ' > on lofty' soots at the enst end o· ' ho chose to go abroad. a8 tbey do not II I d I cen y acqu re not 001 alrected bel' "Wltb an ordInary mixed 'dlet of V I l nd It h d b oung Princi W.ar.1ng HI,. Coronet. , castle, wus" ,d ress ed In high black bOlli, dress Cor dinner at Sing Sing. (r a I . W81 ar ut be had ~ .' , ''. ~ I,.h narr,ow vl\lld green baods nod . de- bread, butter, eggs, meat, milk, sugar, ' terml ne d t 0 d 0 J1. H e bellaved he flsh , pot.a toee and green ,vegetable.... baa rell neglected. No~lnallY tbe lIea'r let capes Scarlet :2 Id When It becomes necelsary to al' un~efltood wOinen l,nd · be felt thll lo said the m... t eater, -an avet'!lg'" mA.. \ftUe country ba" • p.lnce but '~blii' I ' ' . an go u.nl· .... r., D .... .. t'b ? ·n....ld 'h ' .\ ' .... or~8 appeared In spotl! throughout . I I I I Id d rest a man tor sobbing too lOUd at a be Aft l hi - ,'d u., a own. vi , 111 eat about f<?ur ' to flve' ",.. Mund's , tv"s e ule come to tbe tbrong ql 10,000. people. The unl· bt JI an., h ..e ever '," . er t at t ere wa,. little saId be· weight dally. . ' , WaleaT. Wu he ever aeen un de .. .the, forma abo itt tho royal rune ral we begin to 'Bua ct tbat tberG "11 be depended on potatoel 'alone lblUlow or' Sl,lo-t,.dOD '! J)ld be know ~ll;ly·: center of color so In.t canopy mnde a Is lometblng more tbnn l orrow In btl twee", th~m I.~d when' be left ber at her• f.,".r:. ate It w" wIth a . dl.. he Ibould eat. at' le~st ten. pounde' ':hI. ng a b ou t .W e Is b hi I 1of)" qr ." ~ ....e .tbe · eyeL The wom ensef as to pain lI),stem. t an" curl wo,:d of farewell', ,,"om her and wh'en he aetas cabbage. turnip; Wellh h~tt1 . Wale. wil.l4!tt · qut of erid ' of the c8l\le :nid rom end to . . .be llallened up the rOle·patb and caullfto",era ao. d ' otber wate.... -ege: 'mllerlal IUn,e rarle.. It '. Jia.· Dot . a ;eve ril Imaglnabl 'b' e TPharasolB ot A I'acbe lor puts blmself up In a ral. dIsappeared trom ' view. ' , ·01 • I b d " t . br ', ,,, ' d ' # . e ue. e df(~BSeS Tbal nlgbt be ,thnugbt on I" of C"n' tablel, hili conl!umOtlon .. mlgbt . be' )eop., a on · rou ~.• , ..ollel!!e no, aod bals exhausted tb i fie , the proceeds to apply upon a cburcb ,.. # # twelve or ftfteen pounds' betore ,b e ItlnllibIUU ..: Wales· wal a buncb of' tnim Th final t : so ar apec· debL Tbls Is taking commercial . aOo tbla and tbe more Le re,lewed his had 'really f,lnough W keep blm In con. , moul\~na and hlU ... ' So! cberl.iibtn.1 cending ac:ne was o~~oe~ ~o ~he alcount ot a well·known and unromantle own attltud,e and recatlea. bis own ac· dlUon. Thll meanl ' a -«iad- '. en. ItIL~,~rolc "memor.le,l!. !!onl~lng It. 'trU t ' t r '1 y .t.he euiatlonl the more he listed himself. larg~d, .. stomach 'and otber'" dl,"el·tl-.' hlali aplrlte.d .. an~: potent tndlvI4uall\y ·' mp~ en on he tower heights, In estlmnte of marriage. • 'Wales ·. regarded lllngJand . with. 'aulleri , their . g~ld conts and pertked purpl(l Wbat rlgbt bad' be to ilt tbue ' In IUdgment' of berT. He had been .bru. organs, . ' . dl.lI~e> . rinal11 '~ame ' k1Di .with' caps, b~ldlng .th e.lr slIver trumpeta A moriument bas been erected In lall) f.r .ank-cruel · e.ven-and ebe had ' . "Look ' at a c~w or .a horse. 'They Idll'l tn ,. hfa . hep.d and energy . In b,s' ,dr~ped w1t~ emb) 91dered Bilk. OrJly London to' Wllllnm Penn. It Is up to tried a.t Orst t~ talte hlin In Jelt. He ..em to be neat.ly · ali st.omacb and '\;~In~. and 'in one da~, be rep~lr,ed' lbe .one thing wa. , above them-the royal PhiladelphIa 10 go tbe Londone rs on. b.a d RccuLad ber of being not only un. other abdominal parts. ' A8 .a matter :mllSillon ,at centurlea!. Walel .. now· "Iftt~ndtll"ffrd ft,OIl.thln g fro.m Ibe vertical better and ralse'a monument to COD·' ""omanIY. butli·yP<lcrIUc.1. · '. ' ' o~Jact; abOu~ 2~ 'per cent, or !:1De.ftfth 'h~ . a 'p rlooe _n'd CreatlADiloD. must ags a. on. t e apex of ·Eugle tower'. nle Mack. ~o lIt~e Carn~"on to I~e tbe . Tbe ne~t da., be r\1.,t Cynthl,n's ot :ttte enUre: body of vegetarlan anJ. brother ,a f tJl,,::· ch!b ; ct luncb'. ' The ' mals, h i 'digestive organs. In . nesh' t placed oli Jill head.! . . ~emarklb,e "Remedy." Another attempt will be made to lIy two men ~ad : ~l"ay. bee,. friends, eating animals ~be f1gure Is" ab~ut II ' . . .- :'niuCh' , Hum~~It~ ~a8 always had n wcaka~r081! the Atlantic, thlll Ume witbout but 'iomehQ'" today when Robert: Dan. per. c,e nt. ot one-twentieth ,' of ' llle ~be .ness for medIcal prelcripUons, Here: ~n equilibrator. How do tbe y expect ,er'to6~ ~b, aea't o~PQt~": Ardsley a· / :~.olty.; .·A:.~d' hi maD. It.~ l~ ! to 8 p", fo~ ~xample, II .an old ScotCh, remedY,. to prove au alibi In case of fallure? U~e _mall table,' lhe, IsUel" fen ·cen.t !. or . about . one-fOUrteenth· of 'oli ' fO.1I cOl!eumptl~n ~bat .y<as Once much ,'. ' .trang,I': JII "at 'esst; How c'o uld ' '~e ; 'bot'· . ,,' ;."...'. . ,l~, yo~e: You. c.t.cb t wenly·one· large . , A Fre~cb aviator' baa l ucceeded .111 10C?1I, In~o t~e ' eyel of • . mlln wbci.. . B';lt Itv?getarlaa d'etlng ,were ~r. e~rtb~orm~ . ""bl~b ~1i2-r tie . "wljle/l .ftyill. J02 mllesr lb _nn ' hour. L.'ckll,· II.tit, h~. hl!d' 'lrea~ed ' .0 bQdl.,T, ," . t~~ed. .trQ.IXi,. f~~ber a~ eo~ .'for· ;8 ' a~d c.~an:!, ' Soa~ the~ .. ln a ' quart of oi d .. U . Luncbeon was"well under wa, when b"r ot·' ge.n~ratlone, :ttie end wourd peer· ' MaLaga fOI\ t.welve hours, Tqeh be didn't do 'allY or tbe ·record.break, Danierl, looked." up .t~.:Ardsley: ;, .,v.eO" Uke1r:, .... tesembhi'rtce to the ' co. 'fOi ,"~I~ , little .t1:'e m "Qtr ,'and ' Add to Ib'~ wine n 101 comJng. duwn, . . , ,. .. ,"~~m, old ·.aian, rf?u'~e a.i",.~.; been' ,I~". tl)~ , abdo~tpal }:~,i()n, ·~n.CI . ' ~ e ,~tr~~~ wbo ,!~re ·t.llr: nutmeg, a Il'ttllt lalfron•. and ' ,a' piece .' 1.~ :was ab *n·"round· ,e~~ O~;" gol~ leaf: .,.!t was · t~ , tio ·taken In . ' " , ' 'a (rle~d ~f , tlle. ,.IDII)'; hayen't ,our;:,. ,e rable dlfJIclilty In,.. gettlDI' , '-New. Jeriey' haa iilken to' :d in'imlUnI Ardisl~1 nocld~d,. a' Mn, of IhalDel . r,.oadoll ,Anawera. . ' .~,-I.b . da" ., and , lal'go glalle~ . al lo,:!g al " you lhl~k mo.quLtoe.a. . Tbe .cJ~tlflc cralacSt ,brUni throusb ·bl. ,wboht belnl. ~dr' l' , ' . • ton 'Yerybod~, blp co.nvenl~~tJ' By leaving out the ,eartb· for Useb" exte~.Uon haa.p arenO' ' ~urae," b ••~ld. . . ", ) 7" . A ,."'~• .,of (tle,Pat. Iplfd,: tbll c:aau~, w~rm, It J. easy to belleve .tbat thll ttotlCd up ID dea~r.aUo p ~ . ·We'r'~ ~re~ty . pfOUd, rou ' ~.w. • ImnUpton ~av. · tOUIl' tb.. roo.... ~11hf. .tOu. w.. a good. alld comfof(able lOedlclne . q. , Rem, .. a. fa!BU"but IOID.Um.,1 J. 1*I.ple "'bo b!l •• blJc~ .,.a ar. 11D-1t01,...,...1 .au. &lid ,aDd tha~ It Would prove "C()pvtnlilnt" -:----r'--, lblnir It!. ''''Ie, prld" .Dc1...... ~eJl; CI'It-.' tu~u.. .' " )Dto.:' ~t from- for 'lli~t•• 10... t\mtj.' AJiotber ·fayor. . ' la ..... ~ ~1. b.... 1IIt1":' -til. ~~ . ,:e.8d, ..... lb.1! ,bJlle4 'tlnp IOm,e people "'lIe"e, ~~pllcJU, •.• 'lbla I. ... "".... a. froID it aiL" . tile ","'~I~."f lb. kat,J.,Jd . w..... .....c,.,... I.r ~.,..t" Arda~.,. · Ia· • . , ~taCk '. e,~ : aa.••. be4ID ' tIllJet"ina~· "'" IdDdIr . or - ~ wltb "btt. IU--) ~ 10 . . .,. ftltber .... " .... "'HOW"'." DO tilt... rot . cat III tar .;. - . lle_
-. ', . . -
..,.... "tu., ...... ..u ........' ~. ~1W'aId.
COID"t.~ .
or •
pmK YOUR SEED CORN BEfORE HARVEST S~lect GO'od Ear5 from Standing Stall(s Eal'iy in FallDry Thoroughly B('fore Cold Weath~r":"-Pfoper
Storage Very
No matter how carefl11 i/ selected, Hangin g In one of the cars of the corn may be wort~l ess unles s eed B run recently agricult ural SI)8clal train, The par· over Ohio railroad s by lhe ol1f.ge of properly .cured and stored. doe8 not Agl·lcul lure. was a placard bURrIng lloular method of storing ry Is that the words. ··r.'leld Selectio n+Pl'oner mutter, all that il. necessa dried be· bly thoroug be must corn , til Idea Th!\ Care=Good Seed Corn." New corn 8!lggest ed by Uli s wording Is thnt In rare cold weather comes. mol.tur e. ot order to haye goo\! seed Ilorn 1\ t least conta In s a large amount· eze while In fre to allowed Is t I If and lile viz., done, bo two things sllould germlna~lng power sced e:lrs should bo selected ea rly In that cond!tl on thedestroy ed. Th ere 10 the ftl,)I, pl' re rably (rom til s ta nding or th n kernel Is contain ing corn, and tbey silould be t:ared ror In !lIRO great nunger of corn. and heating e. moistur o[ deal at gr :i dried hly lhol"OlIg be to sucb II wa y as before cold wealhe r comes. Thn usunl way of selectin g Reed coru is to go to the crib In the spring and pick out lhe best loolling ears. By this ' I!'ethotl on~ may be able to pick out nice lookin g carr.. but the chances are .It will not g lvll sallsractory r suits In th e t eld. El-ren It the «ermln atlng power ot the crib corn Is not Injured by Imprope r curing, the \)u:ge, n ice looldng ears may not have .~hc r eproduc in g powe r possess ed by 9ma.lIer. inferior lookIng ones. It has ~een proven that often the finest lookIng ea rs of corn are likely to be the res ul t of extra favorab le coudltlo ns In the, neld; they como [rom the s tal1(s In IIlJ1s which contain only one or two plants or are adjacen t to mls81ng hills, or have bad more than tbe .averag e amount of sunligh t, plant food. etc. So
Why .uffer backach e. beu llacb, dlulnes ', wearine ss, urinary Irregularities and other trouble s that arts. (rom disorde red kidneY8 when r& lIet· Is so near at band? Doan's Kldney Pills bavE! curell ' M r a. thou8ands. George Earl, Madl· Neb., says: son. "For over a year , was afflicted wltb terrible kidney trdu· ble. I was sublect to hot flashes. became dlz7.Y and felt tired and exhaust ed. Puf· fy spots appeare d bomy ey s and my feet were so swollen I cou ld scarcely wear mt shoes. I notl cd improvement after ( began taking Doan's Kidney Pilla and was soon cured. The swelHn , Rnd bloating dlsapp ared, 1 can rest like n child nnd have gained ten pounds In weight. " Remem ber the nnme-D onn's. For sale by druggis ts a n d generat storeke epers cVeryw ht'fe. Pri ce 600.. Foster-M ilburn Co .. Buffa lo. N. Y. GENER OUS.
ANY student s or psy, chology ond the 'oc' ctilt sciences, as we" theological RtU8S deo t~, make the claim that we ore living In Select Corn •• Good or Better Thiln a oy~le ot unusuThll. · awaken l al splrHua ' the blggeat ears of always lIot Is It IDg, and al our beIhese remarka ble records Mr. oorn that make the best seed. For Spent loved Herber Seed corn should be selected trom ReInwald bs.s received It beautUu l dl&' dropped bit me on tbe head. cer contend s that a one of the finest the standin g stalks In the field at medal. gold and mond The Brickla yer (on the scaffol d):wIll. Thill y. lound body must supmaturit of l all yet pretent ed to a moun· about the time trophle all rlght-]' t)u can keep It. Thal'l mind, stalk th., aound g port a long-dl .tance runner. give oppor.tunlty of studyin and climber lsln we mIght also olalm choose tho plants " Dlah Washin g Made ·E •• y. It Is a work of art . (rrmt ' the w~! .. · as ,,'ell as the ear; yto and a!iapt-ablllty that a, great wave of phyalca l dev~l: bouse of NeW of proper maturIt jewelry Tiffany known II a tactor in bome life whlcll Tbll opment fs1lke",lJIe beIng uperlen ceCl, top Is . the great Amerl. and to pick ears (rom billa contalu lug the Importa nt. as dilhee frequent.At mOlt II York. CQm. Seed Drying for 'tbe of Rack Good 811d wbo laiOWI but wl1at we a balldBoine Ma· three plants, .or In drilled corn from A of the accumu lation of dirt permit bearing 17 eagle, can where there' afe no mIssing twentie th ' centuf7 may, ~lth our (oUowlng this nrc breast; ~bicb are. bealth deltro, · Ita In grease and mond r Select the ears m'qldlng, ' e8l)eclnlly . It piled topthe era It not properl , remove d. side. achieve ments,. ,et make lome or tbe eltber on 'stalk!! chains, gold 011' strung .bars gold seven ment. an j so there Is a poor circulat ion of alr, . Dnctent Oreek and Roman athlete 'ltlr The snow wblte audl ' of Hewltt' s bearh!g date, ·.:ct lstance and time r.eo- that anawer aU requiresome wa1 .IIO' For drying IUld storing seed coria • In ear r 'stalk-'o uf\~s.IIY In their lalt lleep! the ountaln .cUmbt \4; m~rk Taatt soap entera ever1 crevice E.ay rerentm ofthedU ord a at husking room ' wblch ' an be , provJded' with. zed recogn.l l'e The love ot athletlo I"orte I. not "ill It Ulat or; dOli the of a ihoroug h cleanse r, pro'Vldlnc Is picture alid 'tbe Is baae at the located over a confined to anyon e lection of ··the time. P f rhap8 the 'be8t, way ·would be circulat ion of air anll ' wholelo me and clean effect Iweet, the Fo~. K. Ricbard .. Mr ears The pla~. Ideal an Ie 'ready to cut•. kitchen Is glo.,!' nor to aDY ODe lleo~le: .but, It · and glallwa re which cblna the to oC the most recent advent ur.. to walt until tbe corn ' One' sus. so or be' placed In racks would .eem that In. a lAnd of eternal WOI the alceD~ l.then cut olT the stalks tbat bear the IIholl\d [rom the ceiling' that they will rlvel a cbarm and lelt to the meal. cUmber IDtrepld thla of wished Cor seed. carry them to pended .ummer , a land of lorty mount, lns , Hewltt 'l EaSY Task 800P ateamof "Old Baldy," ~e.. great snow-elad ' a ".. where clhl~bl.nl Ja a IlorloU i e~erclse. of the fi eld 'and sllDc.it them ' not touoh each otner and will80allow edg the anow which on Ih~1 alt tbil because It doel Lt.pI ln,·. .mounta Anlonlo San they .,cent • the atr m.ile of t1u ion ""bo EverT one unUl dry enough ·lo huslt. It ,should tree circulat up a land "or nat plalDl where • ID&~tm· of poundl 41 ltb work and leavel no trace. bea,lly-w on perpetu Uel wlU iand 8wUlell the ears should wlil tlloroug hly dry before freezing bitu!.· It la clean. pure and effective. that thon ma; be run any a.ontb In USe of the Mlltterh orn III tlred rememb be ouUtt photo a, blaq,ket two ntla, ftw miles of that pe41me T. L. WHEE LER, . ot be -'brok.en fro:n ~ the s~ilIks until weather. year, • land bor4erf tll the vast 09..0 rememb er the last\ When an.d cOltl no more than the "cheap" neadng tbe ' I1Pd'. ""ovfl~.ons tor three days" aft(! ricultur e. Ohio State a ..rdou~ "c,l lmb. Ag of Col\ege ~raln tbe or , matured and ~1J.h ' Innume rable .~11 '6&1", have stallts the iO'd~ft· an 'Wltb night. at kinds. alone, thli. o~ out hewn , III p Univers ity. properl y. wbOIl8 boatlnlr. ~no,'II' or yaclitln l ' s\lmmlt, evety Ii ,-.BoUd nlte ~1'al1, amlll enow ' !lnd rain, wltb wlH not be rIpened equally or rock loUd 'tbe eltber fa,. l, es~lal ,was enjo,ed A Sandwi ch Filling. . mlgbt be notlling but . bill own indomit able eoUf', passed III rope . a now and glacier, A dellclol,ls filling tor sandwic hes or • ore(J ot tbe godll. and attache d age to help blm tbrough . Tbe last cracker s Is mado by mlxJng equal . And tbls ta '"hat e'fer,. loyal Oallfor- around "tbe novlce's body . one In tbe three miles or the ascent was o~er an 10ya1)- claim!! t,o a guide. In ,tront . and parts of cream cbeese and snappy 'ohm and the7 are Icy ·patb. so sUck wltb melted snO'W ' . . .renr. ' cheese wJtb French dressin g. to a fornll state. spiked and tock arpen.s When but fifteen yearl of age, ReID- that 0!lly b~8 our~ eount;ff a .tew ,elirs. mooth paste, then stirring tn It s Coming delayed Is protQ our cllma tJc condlUoos, It fall plowing, rr plo wing Vnder made tbl8 climb alone. wltho~t Bboes made It ·posslbl e for blm red peppers or chopped olives. chopped 8g0 •.....as .one Paul Relnwa l!!-ali AU8- wald Is company, when one ~eed to tbe toP. wbere tbe wlnel wa. frequen tly happeo s' that Lbe yIeld of ulltll the ground Is bard and dry. It paste should be very Oreamy and This t!'l~n bYe bJJ-th. but now an Ame~lcall guides or other and r(lduce an ~o bTe mllea 70 of ImpoBsl lly rate the practiQa at ned )llrg,e ly by the meant death. blowing c:IUsen, Wbo In his youth IPent'.m ucb little !Uliatep would have of the .cele- bour. His greates t da~ger wal e?- wheat Is determi le soil 'ltlolstu re at thoroug hly pulverIz e the clods t\1at put on thickly. at least a quarter ot Of Ryallab sup»ly Having climbed most ao loch . It Is nice between sallall . ~f Ilis time scaling the hlgb peakl tbat to counter ed In tbo descent , ~hen lie seeding tlmo and during Ontobe.r and !Lro ~ ur to be turned up by the lllow. waters or on thin rounds of brown at came .he abroad, ns mou~tal ~rated borne. vlUage his upon looked down conquer ,.lind rall Into a fog, or more properly . Novemb er. Ruln8 are u8ual1y Infre- Repen ted roiling and hllrrowi ng may rye bread. He 'thus -laId the foundaUon .for bl. Americ a for new Oclds ·to fine, moun tf\ln oloud. so denso that he could not see quant and 'uncorta Ju at thIs tlme, 80 reduce the Immedi ate slfrtace to alayer tor recorda more ll d this eplenill~ pbyelqu e \ and ~11 a bAU~1 . to be . b~l. below own but hla n, ot conditio lengtb the meJlow hIm upon ot abead depend to otber ry any neceasa than Is ia it Ulat Nothing con be so Inljplrtng to B endul'e'" 'conUnued bardshl ps without climbin g In Californ the moiatur e ot bll rec- body. the water stored in the soil. Th e tile clods will persist and being as the Idea thl;lt be Is ot human otr, cut be apparen t Qxbau.Uon. He claims, ail eUmber. Here III \l U.t will below ouslY from miracul upply s 'W8S deep At one tlm~ he' mois ture whle h Is stored In the his help Is really anted, tbat value. capll· by doe. Job.n 1. Hayes. wbo 'Won tbe ordl : rille not can round t~IP8 III brought to a halt when anotber etep laye,·s of soU mus t rlso by caplJinrlty. sLnce the water hree Lowe-T Mount Lodge. r that -OIlYc gamel. Olympic the at between tropby the large spaces In 10 \lour. 65 minutes ; and be would ,hove gone crashin g to the slled bed. where It Is needed ~ ~ larlly thrOUgh nlso fiud that tho molslong~tstance running II a lure cure one dllY. mode 3.000 feet, and- Induce t\le sproutin g of the grain and l he' clods. We ot e precipic a down n, elevatio 'mlles; 42 · . dilitance entire 1 have lived long enough to watt fo' from for Imokln g and one ot tbe bealthle st but tbls Is aootber . but not a warmer to supply 'the young plants wIth not·-- ture supply Is sometim es cut oft . - . Des till tbey come wltoout ~. misfortu thick 1\ of under M 'Well 81 pleaslln telt ot all physica l G.10t) teet. below by tbe plowing trlpa In Itory. Arter this experie nce. he pre- Islunen t. round -Two Wlllon g them,-S ydney SmUh. Mount tlclpntin crop. a heavy cover exercls el. A well pulferlz ed. compac t furrow layer of manure or miles; time, 6 pined the tollowln g notice for plnnln! ploW' hed. seed eal d l. . an Wb~~ but thirteen ,ear8 old be one day; dl&uuic.e. 29 secure To sUcre with a thin layer of fine. loose n. 6,OOU to hil toat: ellmbed one of the . hlgbest pea~1 In bours 3 minutes ; elevatio and lIoil ·,Over tbe surface prcsent s condl· early afid follow closely with ·the roll· 'WaR, lost In a hea?"y. fog 'II _ tl' feet. Bell," .AusU1a, the GrolsglockJIer. "Dig s se: ' am tlons that are favorab le for the con- er and harrow. It is good prac tloe th( ~ount Ban ~~tonlo-Round trip 111 for~ed to stay, up bere. In c' g. mornl:1 ch a e. . harrow' and .roll soil , whlcb . tnkellt ta name from . !til! peof ent . with JlO-pound dead, bury me right nt this place. and 'servatl on and prope movem slIce Is land ~lowed the day before. The dlslc-' enHar :cQjltour! Ita he.i~bt ta ' 12,700 8 bours 1\n~ lIO minutes ruy possess ions to my sillter, moistur e. • When the turrow distance . 34 mUes; elevatio n, ,serid paCk'; glorlou8 tbi f . ld · ' ma Karbler ,' Rosenb ach, Corlnth Ia, well pulveriz ed and compac t It makes Ing of stubble land beforo plowing is Em th e leo I feet, Itiri,Is on 1n ' the pro, nt· an ~levatlon ot 6,000 10j840 feet. mouJilta' '.\ good contact with tbe subsoil and freqUently 'n decided belp PAUL REINWALD." ound trip ' AUBtrla . dino-R Bernar SaD Mount wheat. calltor ground Wll8on. of Mt. of paration belgb't rIse (the feat And now he II plann,n g a . trip ,laers conditio ns fav orable tor the ; distance .· A commo n rotil.tion In Ollio rfJQu!re t ' fornfa,) tbat.tb e Roman ,Cathollo lil if bourl' and ~:20 minutes reet, ' with around the world to scale Its :hlghes t of the moistur e from below. The fine, 11,S80 n, elevatio mtiellj corn ground should be seeded t( tbat le favorab Is surface eburch of the "HeUlgen Blut." or ~O the at layer peakll. Bod carry the United State. loose' ,.. pack. d 40-poun man, The best r esults are obtalue d and , wheat. slJ;uate~ pla:lt I~ Y,Qung, mood" the of "lIo1y Co the develop ment nd trip In ,flag with him. w~Rou Gorgo San and fitting the ground, If Mount plowing annual by make s rains, zealou8 churob member Courage ? WeJl,] guess yes! Patrl- roots~ readily absorbs ' the light ; dIstanc e, 66 eoll Is heavy and compac t, bill H the of escape the prevent 'pilgrim ages here to receive nbloluUon. 18 bour. aDd .SO minutes to help' nnd be 'Prepare d by elevatJon. 11.900 teet. '''I~ 40· oUc? Well. r guess yes! from their slos and obtJlhl n. blesain s moistur e by evapora tion at the sur- light and open It may S~cceRs to Paul and Old Olory! barrowl ng. aud pack dlsklng pound hly thoroug from the boly: tatbers. ___ face. ___ _____ __ A. G. Mc.CAI.L, __ . 'lhe .Ideal ·seed bed can be >obtaine d Ohio state will! expendi ture of the le~st amount College of Agrlcul~ul'e, ity. Univers early ng practiCi by ot ;ihn,e and energy === ==:= ===" • 'f • === ==.=.= ===::::;::========:=== ===fOR \ . the en strength and stretch will that ed WINDB REAKS . Interest be must TREES she e.tlns. tR. uninter GROWE T WHEA WISE (h,at' I~ ~t THE why " Have you 'ever tho 1J ght tlrM musoles. Sbe also needs., plenty ]lolnt a 'it Make : world. oU~lde e tIl. .Iil fotty sO'm e woweD.. are as 70UO'I at you of fresh air. A .brl.k :walk 18 one of O. 1. D., ot lItarlon county. asksl '. to gO. Boqsewhere efeo- day. It. baby the best axerclse's for be~• . Walk part 'Jhere was a mlln In our town 8a others are at twenty- live' Andn.e.; p the Pllt ene, g ennhln dQ cannot Is .U\e best 'tree for plllnllng In "Whlit wIse, a~ ils wondro (rlvo.lou • not wal ·.And be ... wean "young :' a few blocks. of the way to 't he oIDoe; It po~slble walk &lilt cart theIn a~s1". .four wjndbre for Ohl~ ._malnlng young mellDl ' keeping are too busy. It 'i8 ' and keeP your eyes ollell lor, the tn- Ue knew that If he wanted wheat no~ 'I.,. HConcrete in the body In a perfectl1 bea~tby condlU~n Do " Ohio was at one time covered with . lth and · you .terestl nl 'thlllgs YOU " plis8?:tU ae your a he, fertilize to Jour or., ~ave' . I\J .He'd . n80eAa t t .~tWith few 1. very ilio!')' -bs1'D1(ID were I~ \lte. ~he ~ere O)lod g . and your "It·. . ~Itro~.~il that makes thinga h~rd woods and will lind the. feW' 'm 'h uiles' outins will Imatina tiQn In . gu~ssln g T try, Coun latllr In yet (entlon to certal.n .laws a .woman ~n gl.e Y~ii rep8~ed energle s and -belp or those. you lJl~et.. ~ Fo~get . yoursel f here, tound ens evergre . gre~n. . 0 and othen. , -. utilract· ten ,ear" from' her ale•. She i~ III ed many IDterest that nr (ound years it hos b~eu 10~ to eee the Inver ~1~lng. If. po~.l. br be.coml .Sald tblll man of active .,raln; t8. It tells '. c an do tbla by treaUng herself,. al a ble, II)'! to' 8boi~1 affairs .. where 10U YOU wut ~ surprise d at the . etrect tbe conlfero us" evergre eus will gro'W things out of concre strong good,' the makes potash teD, • ~And' . ';r'ake . slave; a ~ot la t I .1It~. ' on , friend aDd not . ~ outloO.k your ·tbe ~~ri have . your they . to If thera stat(l, Q . ' well In this lIleet ~eoP",." rDTI~ age how : mlnutel , IU . down and think bow 1~u bome, . but ~ do Dot ttre -yoursel f fJnt~r: worl( that ' rqakes ' the bU8iDeili 'lfrl . water , ~upply I they need duriog tbe in plain, simpl e langu struct ing endur old ~nd careWGnl al muab' as ·1t . co'uid improve Y0ID.'!8lt bl a l~t~e et· · tAtlllq them. People' .who · are" boardpent, summer . ' Where tbere I.s a so.ft\clent perma Y0!lr on Ina bn~ty .' b, fo'r.lre~ ' ber ' w~r~ clu, ,,' fort. Perhaps ' lODl.,e of the. "ol1owlDII ~nr ' eaJOi a .~mple 'a.cime-coQked. meal. &uilt be can rires cedurs and vitae water 8uppIY. · arbor '! Bemem e;"; relttlm or j)la, . n .ucgeatf oll.l wlll..belp .ifta:'· aDd questio ,enjoY' no is ' tbe,. ' atr there '' and ''homey well , II tb~ will do sand, gravel tliat ' Ev~rJope' neells exercl-e . ,tUlt w~at It -II !h.· imali:. tJilllp of about. thes4l '. trees' ' I)elng " anlong ·,the place with,.cemfflt, e18110rllte 4ecorat lCill.: ot meDIL' . :.;' ...... . u~n ent..: will pay 'y ou It :enjor.m . I~ s~one. ·up lIla~e. crushed fOnQ >.tbll .• , .....,.. I.~ ;~ otii~e..Deeda best for' windbre aks .tor all year boole ' today and it this. for .~ write cJi~~~{ • ods' • o ' ; hardwo l by oW ~h8 ' ·"Ul~ ; t· rule b ' Ii' a A.S '.~COPYt1 use. the around . Bu 11!ee4~, to d~ . cost you nod~ln~ c;xcej>t the·pos tal· ) " wom~n ar.~ or ,use ' on17 ' 1~ t)le · 8.~~mer . s~~d Up-to-d ate p'eople . are ' nOW ' r . ~~tAOlt o( ""hen tbe.wln dtireak· ls moat needed In fence poSts, barn. floors. IItYtec: .aud It abe little b~t ' turn1~h I~'e>: 1r!n~r, ', . ciaterhs , .sidewa lks, cellOns f')tlnt1lat be CaD Ods tbat hi:rdwP, UOIL " Any toge'tbe r ,.wlll '·· ~ke .. . . so S "feedinli floots, . and stairway ' , . .' ... ",' ,corra,/;. ......in . of Pdrtla."J mil . . a ·wln:dljr~'k. "f!>r lI~meI . ... II .. .-c ". . C'. 1L OOETZ~ .,' ",' , of-co.mll are euil,. eonltNo ted, cheap .). ' , ure. ~~I.(j ~Stat8 tl~ and ~verlallUig• . ' They ~.Dol tiC, ~~trole!l _ \,;Ul' .. ..'.o:t of .A:stlc....ll by 6fe and niU:e .p~~ lw\iltorue 1IIl~ ' .' p,ro've'1'mtf.on aoy, ~_ 'W rite lIl . t<idal . forethe free ~k •. ff.i._ 1 PDi1/ariiJ~, " ~berc:_ ' 4tive., "'e"'e IiIIldled'1)1 rcprclent ' , l'
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YO'W ig
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Wants to Be '"
Cement Tal k No. 4 We will send you requ est, free upo n 116
h ds age a an orne book. with illustrations, entit led b d esc i . i n how to b u il d va ri us '
. 1 ••
" QI~~
'\I"*' *iJIc*****"~~,* *'*'******'*~'*, ~~{c **"'*** , ' , ?to ~ " C' C' N '" ,'
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Com lIon PIcas Court. ' New Suits
Will itl m E , Beeo le V8 . ,John W 'oW ns t a1. Roilert J . ' h n wbnn nttorn e for lllnin t,iff, pnr titi on . Edwllrd \' on Ac l1nll VS. Petor E Rpurlin g nud Auble 8p urlmg Ilnd John ~ e beurn ::iilas F . Gurrett, a t torn ey for pili in tiff. M.·ney bDd ' f oreclol'ure . Am oun t clulmcd ~u 2 {j nnd inter est nt 6% from Mar :>h .1, 11l 11, payable sem!-AnpOBlly . Jobn 1. Gelger vs . Villng e of F ra nklin, Char) s Mun ger I\ S Ma y or, Robert C. Boy as olerk and the ti. E , Oarley Company, P ow ell & Bn~e11 nnd ~atrlok , lin y Q o r, at·tor neys for llluintiff, Injunotion,
--- -
___ _
lelll eut whioh I~ oI'd ered suspel\d il Will of EI:Zlll, t h Il'. Uarn r, do ceas d 1iled llJ;ld n otie. ant I (1 kin , AppJi(lIItlo o
Ul tl de
~unflrilltf'o d
o n t of tnte Hospital fo r t he in o,n for ad mittance of nth el'in c Fuu by Emma t)uITev n uwini 8 t l ~\ tr ix of !' tuto of Le wis S, Dun ey , deoensed, illes first nml flO1l1 Be o not with t Memeu t wbloh i ol'd r U Ilspend el1 . Appra i mOll t, in est/Ito of Eliz _ bet,h A . Bm ll n, lI11beo il e, npprov t1 nnd .Tnme L , Urown R g\l[udlun ordered t,o exe n te a. bond for $308u wi thi n tell d l~ y . . J . F . Lnlt en tl nnd D . li. Wi! 0 0 purs unnt, to I. w appoin ted examlD ers of Wttrr en 'oullty T r ell my .
Marriage Licenses.
Probate Court.
RIlY II wigert, 31, far mer of Mor. ' ll row and Samauthn .E lt ~ro th. 138, WI d omestio'of Morro w, of William S. Griffith, deceased VS, Albe r t R..... f . murpb y 21, arm er a f Mary Ege et 81. Sale confirmed and 'L b ... P I N , e I.oon nu enr e wman a f p r oceeds dist,r lbnted Rocordlng to Kings MiI1s . , f , R . B . S ny d er ds exeou to r a
law. . . . ' h Vall appointed adminlstraThis is t e time of torA.ofO.estate oJ George W. ROOK,
the year when you deoeased u~der "3001 Qond nnel In _ Monger, AI, E . Emley and W , have lots of sma1l a ,William Berger ' appoint' 4 apprai~er8. H. Newpor t , admtnt tu. .
eorge Nevills , ·· 27, farm r ebanon ond Minnie M . sborn of Blanohe tor . .
Real Estate Tm nsfers.
, Mtlry Dal'IDody to William Ungle tor files first ane final 1lo1oount in es· by, lot tn Franklin, $ 1. t~l tate of uhatled Medl ook, deoeased SUBunuu Meeker t o A nnn M. Se.aner l ot in Franklin, $4.,00. .iL whloh is ordered 8us pended. E lfl eta M Eaton t Geo~ge E, ~e WrigM filiI appOinted Ildmiuis. 61111, lot ill Fa'anklin, $1 , t rator 6f estde ef :ruDles M.onnts , deoea ed' uoder '1250 bood. J, G Trimble, Jaoob W. mlth nnd Harry i::\. Smith, appolntedapprnisers. , VV"mia~ H. Newport. admlnistrn, tor of estate of hflr] es Medlook, de oeased vs, Cora Medlock et Ill. 'SIIIe oonflimed and proceeds 'dlstribute,d aooording to law. Will of J oho KellAr, lieoea ':led, fil d 'lod admit.ted to prol1flte. In matter of w11l of John Keller, deoeased, Ma.rgaret Catherine Keller elects to take under will. Margaret- Ca herin~ Keller ap. pointed executrix of estate of Joh~ Keller, deoeased. Samuel Yeakle, Ildminif;ltrator files first and final acoount in estate of Llda Ade Yeakle, deoeased witb vouohers for settlement whiob 'is or dined suspended. Samuel Yeakle, gtu\rdian of es· tate of Margaret Rnd Willa Yeakle, minors, ' file8 first acoount with vouohers for sattlement wbioh ~8 ordered suspended. John B Clement, exeoutor of estate of Florence P. CIAment, deoe"8~d: ' files eighth account ' VOfith vouoherH for ' settlement whioh is ordered snspended. , John •• Clement, trustee of 68· tate of Caroline W. Botaldo file8 thirteenth acoount with vouob,ers fo~ settlem('lnt ,whioh is ordered 8US· pended. . , ' John B, nnd Henry S, Olement exe,o utore of estate of William H. Cleme~t, eceased, filee fifteenth aooonnt with vouohers for settlement whioh Is or dored suspended. Will of MtLrgo.ret M. RYl\n admitted to record. James F, Brown; guardian of 618 tate of EliZubeth A" Braden, imbe oile files first aooonnt witb vouobers for settlement .vhioh is ordered sus · pended, ' Marga.ret M, Reed, administratrix
thIngs "you want , · ' 0 f . , For d18pOSe ' .. best, qUickest and
lut,lUg In'! ges nt
J ht,rl1ot . l t to K 1, 'ollil'l~ nt for , 90ucreta , bnt m ",,,I,g n PIl"n. Il ti Pillin ronti ' ll ear \''1. 1.
. . .*'*'
o.u rt , ,e ws
A Lot of Business Ground Out at the Hall ?Ie ., • _ of Jus tice This W eek. NotWlthstand m g Counter Attraction . "i"
of~)~ 01, ] :1:l!l ,
Long fnrDl. · , " ~ll1 trnot Q tertlu wi th B r t R eod f<;>r lellOmg aOll pn!'nUog bri'dg I! nt ellhm ~e Of $,1 .
U nt,f(IOt Ie to
Stoke f r OODl!fut ulvet:,ou Kirhy pIke at,os. tllll ll t of ~1l :J '; '0 . '(lotrnc t let to Audy B \ka 'to puiut hridgos flt ti nt oC SO. \:mnt.y to fnrni b pOint, Bid f('coi v II for ate 1 joist nod oon rota Hoor fo r bridge ou Leba n nn (\TIU Otegonil\ pH,e, from 1'h e <'h egouil1 Bridge Co., $4.3 . Let to Ol'l>gouia Biidgo Co. Blu r eo i v d for steel joist an d ou o ~ rote fl()or ,fo r U nltY ,ohuroh bridgE', from the Oregoniu. Brllge 'otUpnny, "590. Let to Or gonia
Thursday, September 14 Friday, September ' 15 · Saturday, September 16 • An int~resting showing of the newest Dress and Semi-Dress Hats.
ContrAct enter d ,with Z d n Arm i. tag 0 1' cleaning Rnd painti ng bridge ut estl ma.ta of $12. Cou nty t o furnl ' t p 'll11t . Co ~tr /lct ent,ai'eel wit h F rAn k I uk er t or erecting- ' gUI11'U r nili ng IlMr Ed wards ville school bOll e on Micldl boro r ond lit eatiwllte of ~ 1 5 , 16 Contrll.ot utered with Walter All n for re pa ir ~ork and painting bridges at estilDllte of $~35 . 3 0. oo tra t let to, W . 1(. Allen f or tl bntmentan4 sew r north of lipring · Qoro at estima te of 'I 0. on tnlct let to Oh flr les Bender a ll for 0 nOI' te nroh n ear Ed Ont le n's nt estlmute of 1,63 , Pllms alld peoific I1tion for reo PMI' work on' b rici'ge o ver Plok'lI C1' ale. In F r n klin ,tow nship ap proved and ordered posted in Andi. tOl"l! offioo. ,ou.l ed , bid to be reo oelveu u u til 11 o ',olook a. m., Sep. ember 25, 1\)11. '
These are characterized by all the exclusiveness of their origmals, most of which were inspired by the head dress of the cavalier period.
Inspection Invited
37 Creen St.,
St•. Augustine's Catti~lIc Cburdl. The UOO l'tlU t of tJ:te two " c')6~osi. toties, Th!! Lebtlnoo Nati(),oa, Mid Qitizens Nati n a l Bank woroauclited and found-carreotl.,
(Jorced t~ l~ave, E v [y yP.ll r It !l\rgenuh\bElr of
p or ~el' rtl, :~vh<? 8 lung., 'Gr e s~r e Ilnd rno kad wltn oOllg hs" ur' u'r~ed t.o 'go t o'un ol·her climlli,e . , But tb,il' is oost.ly and n ot (11 ways ure. 'Phero' lL better ' w ay. LtDI', Ki ng ' N ,w Oi ooyery'ol1re Y9U tlt horne. "It ourl;ld In of lung trou· blE', "'- writ s W . R . N J IlOlJ ! of (JIlJaruiu , ~ r k , , " wh (\n all lse fall cl unQ 1 g i lled ,17 V Ol1 od ~ " in wei~h t. It ' Bu)'el,v t1).e king of Illl ooogh li n d IUtlg oor ~ ; d T h ouss'ods owe t'b Ir liv S I\n tl b nlth t o it. I bi po Hive. Iy (.( Il/~'r./ltlte d for u on'gbs "CoJr1s, ."fl.Gr lppo, ' As tl'mll, rOllp- II Tht·Qat nnn LlIll g t ronli e. ~ 5,00 & $4,00. frill ! bottl ~ free i) t all drug ,g ists. _ _ _....
~ ,
• .
],' atber Ge011:fO MllvcoboeC r, P 8tor . M I¥IlI overy lIOOolJd SundBY of Ut mOllt~ a fI ;OO ll. Ill. - \ \.. ~. J . ",
St. M8ry~s Episcopal ChurdJ. , _ Rc\', J . F . Ol\dwo.Ullder, Rect o,'. unda)' - obool. 0 ;30 II, PI , M;' rnlng , er v lco, 10 130 11.. m. Roly. COlXlIDuuton t b o Urat. liullny ot eacb mOMb,
MetJ:aodls~ Episcopal Churdl. Ro ~. . , s. Ornllsilt-, Pa"loOr, • una l~Y c hool , I): J II a , ' tn , ' MOrll.lo 'er · v ice. iO :30 n. m J~Il\Yorbh Longue, 7 :00 ptn. Bv nl1} g ae p ' lcc, 0;' ; 00 p, w. Midweek P nyor 14oetl,oi:, 7 p. ro. ,
Christian Church. Rov. 'L . O. 'l'l1ompeon, PIIII"".,
Dible Sohool ; 9: 30 n. m. ~c1111 meetlnt. 111:3011. m. .lorlttJBU Eu/leavor. 7:00 p. m. S~~on by Jllllltor ey ry nltcroBto SundllY .. 1-:.. aO
a. 01. ru'ld
7:30 p.
' boo!, 11 iOO a, w ,
1~ : 00 :1.
II . tn.
and-,McCall Patterns .. .
For Women'
I '
236·248 .W. ~7~ ~t.• New Y ~rk
, 1i'ourLh ,Dill' MQetl ng
Orthodox Friends Churctl. 'M rs. EUznbeth "Larkin, Plllltor , Rnbb,n t tJ ' Choa! , " :30 a. m. Hegutar Qhu ~Cb 8o ry'l,cc, ,10 , ejO n. IXI . ChrLcnl an '1i:nclo,a,vor. 7:30 p ;.. " ..
' unta. a rear, Includln, any ope of the cclebnled McCaIl.Pattena free. ! McCall' P.It;.... Lead ' ~II othe .. III 1I,Ie, 'fit. Ilmpllc:lly, ec:onomr ,and numbn IOle!. Mor,e . dealetl .. II M.CaI p:\uun. than ~liy ·olh.r .lwQ malcClCGmbl.... d. Nc/nc blAh•• lhAo ' $ eentl. Buy froID YOUI duler, or by ~IJ fro!,, ' "
Subs.cribe o{ the t r ee will be dlmoul t to oht~in next "pring , ~ n OIUI?ulou~ ibdi vidun.Je pUJ:'l)(\r t. lD gtorop~esent reliable nursery , or t·l1ose r p r e~enti.rig firms c;>f'nn Irqown or lluStllbl«;l reputation, ha.~e io' ~he past.cE111vasaed tbe " Il~a~e,dis trilJuti~ g stook: '01: ,the' spudoua or', OOmm ODoa talpa . unfit for' 'oommerCl!l:] us'e , !l,t exorbtt-an t p;rloea, Tb,e love 'ti gn~ioiJ~ of , th~ :Ohio', jhqierl. ment Btlltlop indioate thnt ,o. great poroon t tige of on to Jpa. stoo'k E1i'etrl buted in the past has b en purlpu8 au(l 'ou "Ilcoount of 'the s40ttage i,n a~d 'let's t. yel1r, tbi!!'prILOtlce may be expeoted to .nssb~e muoh greater prejportions': .' { ,'\ " , ' '> , , '
Hay. Mor. Friend. than tiU'r, other maga71ine or patterns McCall s 'il:l th reliable . Fas~li<il1 Guid fllonthly in 01)0 milUon on 'hundr d tbou~d liollles. Besid showing all the latest de igns,o£ McCall Patterns, each issl\c is b~mful of sparkling ,short stories and he1pful' informatioll {or women. P!I••r Iiad Keep ill '&.:"bsoribln, ' for McCall'. Mag...lne al on II ouly So
City '
""_ ..... 00"., " - I. . d. . . . . . . -..ilo_lIoo,
Hid<site Friends Chure;'" Firs t Day Moello ct. 0 :00
McC'~II's Magazi~e
i---~""---""---DAYTON,. 'OHIO..... ---- ----..........~..........
From the Orned Stales pepartm ent of Agriculture D. L. eltA -
• dilor
O ur
antI ManAger
rhf1 Investig ll tion cnnied on lllst wood with tbe bad, nnel it is year by tile U. . Depart men t of WI\' t,e d. Agt'!ou lturo, co pe fILtiu~ with lurn RutctI of Subscrilltic;n The pm-otioe of markl~ tlu g odd • 00 Yoar (8Irl '(,l y 11IIldvIIIlCO). ,'. .• ". $ I .OU lIer lu tm u fn turer~ In tile SO)Jtb, to len gths t\S well as ven 18 m.6l1nt to \I\g lt~ COl1~· ... . •. ..... . •. . , ..... .. " , .06 IO~lll:mi n o the Sd ving thllt olm he l essen tbill waste. The s!l.le of odd Iffuoted by t1 iog oM lengtlls ' of len gt·hs· of lumber WI ll freqne~tlY Rates of AdverliKing I UID bel' 1\8 well II even , I1U 9 be~ un 1 s ' b U wuste in the woods nlso i It ad hlg LOClIls, \'lOr lIu6 .. . , .. .... .. , . t baul' fruit. Thnt invel!ti u.tlou f.:>r examp le, II 199 may b e uut 6fteen Honc llllg J..oenl s. blael. tile • per IIlIll, .. . .~ howod that a materta l sl~ving wafl ! fe et. long whioh, followi ng t he IllI:iSlllOO Ads. not (0 axe It!t1 f\\' Ihl(' ,'lId . 'fhl'elt ltuwrUou s .. . .... .. ... . . pmctioable, l\nd at t~ r eoent meetln g \ oustolD would be out oo l y fourtee n I OblLu!U'1 . five Inch ~ (" ; o\'cr 111'0 ' r a southe rn lumber U1anuflt otur. Rnd the extra foot. would " be 10ft in lu ·hos. 1>Or 11 lie .. . . . • •.. . . .. .. ers' ussooia tion the fnot wall brou g ht. the \voods cuU of tllnukll . .... . . .. . . , .. , .. .... . . " 1l080111 t1ollS •. .. •• • •. . . ..... . .. '. . . • •.• uut t hat 0. beginni ng h lHI beon mude '1'ho' introdu cti on of oud lengtbs oclals ew. whoro chargo III marto . .... . . IU putting t h e ne w pllln In to pruo moets ' with oPllo iti n from 'many Dill])lll)' Ad vurtlslllg {lOr III '11 .. . . .. .. . , . ti ce, nod that. an iuor Clse in the sll ie bnllu ers who Ilre pre5 1luioed DllIcouut.! Ivou au conl mct. in favor of Odli lel'gths is Ilnti8ip ated for t h e of even lengths Simpl y btlOl!us e they nellr futuro. 8El:'l'E~ LJjER 20. 1911, hov'l never u lled nny other kind , It WtcS former ly the custom , !lDd Neve rtheles!l, there u.re lllfLDy plaoes gtmoru lly Is 1;0 still, to sell lumber in in whioh odd 1e ngt h lillre toO e eeo 80me p{lople never loso' an o}l11or ev,m len gthtl on.1.V. W 1l<8te l'eSUlteti l n omleu.l t han oveR ones-f or in tunl ty to find fuul t. fr orn outting off the enda of odd l sta,noe, where nine foo t studdin g is longths to muke them even. A oon i used. Follow ing former ou stom, iderabl e peroeut.l\ie of II. SIlWlUill'S ! the ends must be c u t from even Amon wbo don't ndvertl se is output is 'defeotl ve , Tha~I!I, bOA.rdS l lengtbs to make t ile timber s fit . have bnd kn ots, deollye d s pot, or Marne manufo icturers of fi n at oompllniOl1 for a mumm y. oring sno , spli t ends, and the de feotive pl\rts \ oe8sful ly sell odtl and even len gths, are out out To make Iln even thus le·soni og waste 10 the ' wood!O, ' length of wha't . rema.in s, it is often \ at the rutll, and In t he oonstru otion A weed pQ.toh hilS no r e!ombl ance neoessa ry to out off 0. foot of go(\d I of buildin gs . to a fall go_rden - remem ber.
Tu esd ay,
en ln g
19 ,
And for the Rem aind er of this Wee k
No exposition of new merchandi e we ha.ve ev~l' attem pted can comp are to thici Fall peni ng-. The Old World style cente rs have been SCOLlr ed for the new, desirable, exclusive thing s throu 'h our Pari , LOl1~ don, Belfa st and Chemnitz offices. The marts of this count ry ha.e been visite d uy our buyer s and we cordially invite you to see the resutt . •
THE RIKE·KUMLER COMPANY Esta blish ed 1853
Public Sale.
Dog Walkl 140 Mil" to Reaoh Favol'" TLte und e rl'ig ned will offe r Itt Pob Ite Spot Behind Butcher lie 8 al e on the farm known IIR the Shop Stove. WiJsou Kirby , farm. (. m iles south ....... ....... .......tt.., ...... ++·++ot. It you've ever telt the pangs ot homesickness and have longed for the vtlJe 'anJ Utictl. Road on Evory ftmller h onld d n his quie t or a small town in contras t to Tucsd y Se t be 26 1911 the 'hustle and bustle of a big city a, ' p em r , . :i: ' lCt.hiDkin~ ' OilP" with his over ll1S, your symputhy will go out to Dewey, B ginning at \) :30 8. Ill., the 101 ;. n white bulldog wbo. pining tor his ' lowlllg ohattel s: Nine Borses oon- ~r ... personal Bart spot behind a meat mar· sletlJlg of 1 fine Ptt,ft t ealD, Mare ; k~t stove In La Crosse, Wis .• .wall~ed lind Uehling, 5 years old, Dice work. A man no d e tlO su ooos ful that Ihe enUre dlstaD\:6 from Bt. Paul to erR ; 1 general ..l!urpo se biln re 7 yellrB ' that city. old, used ns R fllW.\ly wue, be' cannot impr ve sOlllowhere. ° f A letter from La Crone teUe of tbe 8 nioe worktn ; 1 Rensru, . lA-od is l. rgamzatlon >0 e 10 nrrlval there of the dog, whloh Is the and fille rOl'd Mar, 0 yellrspurpo old i 1 ! Stet U ° Ity t Ilroperty ot Oscar Baum, a St. Paul drufl Mitre IlDd ·Co lt ',by . meatolltter wbo. formerl y, Uled In foxtra good dl'llft Colts ber III.d e; ~ , omltlg 2 , In Il genera l w,~ v lillY IlS ooi d d the Wlsco~aln 01..... .' ' years old, 1 nioe' Uolt, {j mouths old "J F U d U 1 2 t d " ' lI The ftret law providing federal aid Dewey is no- sl"-pin " behind the oar.utll l effnrt 18 00· psm t.lve Iltt e, Bex ra 89 0 1 ... , C 1 " "" " () " n " if slove to atate InsUtuttons of learnin g was In the meat market In , La ow", '" ,young ing fO cr tb r . ' c ers; " new. rOBBe. which hts master formerlY DeL~vtl.l t,ream Sepltra tor: 'twenty . passed by CongreFs and d • 2 Sows wltb Pigs at p. residen t L "' coin's approval receive owned. Al~ough Mr. Baum brou~ht Six , Bel'd, tiogs Lu 18.62. . . ' U the dog to Eit. Pnu1'ln the express enr sld o, 11l:iOWS to larrow 800n, M PJ gs. It ts· known ai the Morrill .Act and Abou t tiff! fl~. t. t,lling I b ave ro Ke of a fast Ihnlted lroln and ottered.bJm ~u.rm mr1em euts-O ne I{o~d provlded th n:t there ah.ould be · grantall of lnd~cementa and dellca. on, 1 ne w Tl!auk Wttgon . With Wllg m on ' ron lut) wh tl 11 Luys Iln cles kinds n t t . be h d i a amall town form,. 1 fil\y.rlg~lng, , 2 Rub~er, PI~t,. tire ed to ant c') moplh~ II!! d bt.. De e 0 a . a n , BogS I 8, (one new), 1 Phaeto n. 1 land each state an amount ot public equal to 30 ,OO~ acres tor eaoh w y Wftl not haPP1. . Binder \n good conditi on, He ran awar and appeare d . unex, 2 Corn ·Planter .s, one of 1 Mower , &-anator an'd raprese ntaUye In con. whioh is greea to whlcb tbe state was entitled p 'c ted at bIll old home. Waggln!f his new with ol1eokrow a t t aohme nt 1 by the apportionment of the cenllus short tall .turl.ullly. he aoratched and Diso E:la~row, 2 Breaki tJg Plow!!: 2 of 1860. The proceed arising . irom, W.ben we tie Home ~elf ' mutl e men whrned tor ad.m lttance. Rldin~ ultlvat ors, 1 Barrow , 1 '1'0- tb.e salss at ' thIs lands were to conTbe 140 mUea be had tramped had b/lcoO Plante r, 1 Tobaoo o we 0 nnot h olp 't hln.k in g wbllt pO(lr Pres!!, 1 sUtute a fund that' &boula become a made him footaore a.n d ",e!lry. Hill T Obacoo Plow, 1 Plttt form wodun eQ thoy \vHr Sou le, 1 part at the Irredualble aebt of t he tongue waa ' hanging far out of ,lIl,! Bellm 8ol1l ~ , 1 Tobaco Q SprllY.e r, 1 tat d th1i' 1neome mouth and he waa panti ng. "-, U<7wey s new ooo~ Ar and !:)team er 5 tiets of sean a.r 1"1 n g there, eyos were bright, however, an d be " Qod work Sarnell s, one from should go to the ma Intenanc e a r of thelll ..... d .. providin g the Bta te, bY ao t Lnen d- new, Callari' , Bridles , Lines, 'Halter s a f .college, 'l'he old' Iroo uga, 11le nge of s llper was not too tired h yawn 1nil. frl 1 I I p. the . 0 Iy manner at bla 0 1cl truat ed t8 leg .wou ld ncee. en , S 8ets Duub e 'froes, Single' Trees. grant and a ature, s tition alld tile ShLV\!jb worRhi p of the market pledge faltbful performcat. Log Chliintl . \ bont 2 tons of 8a,y, Its p ro vis,'ODS tratl\tio n are' golug- golle. When hI. '< master telepho ned from 200 Uhioke ns nnd (l. lot of ' chi oken ance "f , Th 0 ,I co IIC ge th s "o.'Iluded should , St. Paul that he would 80 to La ooops, 1 large U L' , Wute r Hogshe t\{l,l wIt I t 10'1 exe l.tCroaBe to get him the gaunt little pormbl e (,2ranllry. 1\ lot of u " lI1 g se leotlfie and claa. Ca.rpen ter s IC nJ 6l Ul11 os nnd Includllig mlllt·ary fighUng pot was sleeping t.be;peacef1l1 Tool!!, Boes, .Forks, Sb ovels, H kes, 8C I enue, t h tllose branches or P. ll!',.. GoodD e s it: relutive . A good sleep of tho weary. Betwee n ble and Ulnny ot·h er, t blngs. I earn l ng I 1'. t d to agricult ure and paws wall r a dJscard ed bone, and the . Term - A or dit. of 10 months will the ruec!' lIo l C . horse trag"t· , or" good "JlllltIolau , sllUs1led arts, In sucll manner grin on hili battle-scatTed be given on ttll sums over '10 with , os th t! >1t. Il' I 'gll! I:M;';tO lib ould .premBY ~ f~r troO} beiog ft good citl. ·told more plain1v than . " 'orda taee that approv ed seollrit y. lLO,' Dud under, , ,,. r 0 promo '" .... a liberal scr I"u P., III II r"t zen . u ' be preferre d a meager bone In La oush . FloI' nOIj Rloh ; ' and pl'ac llm l {' ucat\ou or tile l/ldUIi' Crosso to porterb oule i~lI: m St. elll.ssG!!. h T B k A~ n ~ of , Will Rioh Paul. v , awe, Auot. O h io Aceep.ts. M~kB the . whole hmily pllrtio! W. Z Roll, Jerk. , --~---.~ ~.~----Lunob et'llod nserve d' In Ohio Go\' I'DOr 'rod brought · the paot» in the pr oil'" from the farm matter to' lh Not a Word of Sca~dal Uti OIl of the legiSair well ~8 ebf\rere io ite WOI k (lnd lature and In ,t.'ebl'U:u·y. 11164, the marrell t,he oall of 0. nelgbb or ' on ,A Dreadful· Siglit worries . Delano bill w s passed acceptin Mrs, W. P ' pangh, ·()f Mllnvil le, to R . or. Bbrnam , of F rae vl)lf' , grant. It was over six yea rs g the later, Wyn , who sllid : "she t lId me Or. N. Y , WIlS the fe ver I'ore t,hllt bnd however, before the legislat ure pass· Kin~'8 New LI f." , J:t11s had oured her pltlgued hl~ lite for. many year tn ed the laws necessa ry to carry into 801ue farloe n !lell their oorn of oOsttnlt.t.e kidney trouble , Rnd spite of many reltw d ie he tried . ell:eet the provisions ot the Morrill shelled ,. s dllle dltlpuile of it. un the mode 'bel' feel like it. new woma. n" At last be \l ed Buolrlen 's ArnioA. Act In order to estahlls h tbe college. ea.r·" but the most t.hrifty OIlI.S 8,,11 It EnS)" but sure remedy for stomao b, St\l\'e .and wrote: t'it hilS eo t irely In 1S70 'a n act to elltabllsh and .' . liver GUlt kidney trouble s. Only. healed with scarcel y n tn~he rurm of pork or milk, Roin left . " maintai n an Agricul tural and Me250 at all druggia tA ,... ' Beals Burbs, BoHlI, Eozam' l, Cuts, chanlcnl Oollege was passed. Th~ Bruises ,' SwelUng!!, Corns and P .les lnBtitutton was located in ~lumbus , like magio Only 250 , u t up Ii rng· and was opened for the receptlo n or Women on SohooIBoarct.. student a In Septem ber, l87U. ' 'gists. , Former Mayor JOII$ QUincy said nt · " Irrigllt tpn hy the gov ~rnmeot. is .' . Tho State, Unlvarslty. not'preoedeCl ~y any' questio ns Ilbout n meetlnc the other day In Boaton that In 1878 an act reorgan izing the the law: should require at least two aohool was passed WhiCh, among wllo o.wos th" Il\nds tri'lgl\ted: Irri. wowen be members that of the sohool things, provided that the nam'8 gati~n Bt pnbllo oost should ue of board. AI It la, :whpe women ha,ve the thereaf ter should bo "The Ohio State land~ whlob the publio OtLll ho ve uc· prlvUege of voUng ·for soh~ol oOplmlt· Univers ity." With the reorga.nldtiOD toe. they are praotloa lly m eh1;1t out fr:o 088S ~ at low bO'~f, for such lllnd. came a larger , and broad'8r, vlew of membership, as the numJler at women the atate's relatlqn to the univers ity, voting are few; B.e, lays that ~hen and flnancll.ll aid !iegan to be given the terin8 of' the present member/! ex· by direct appropr iations. In :1890, ~y plre it should be ao arrange d' that tw.o act -of congre! Js.a rperman ent annual' .Be whO h~lpsto bring t.blll 11l~PI Y womeD be elect~d and rec?mmen!1I' 'a grant ot U6,OOO was .made to, all the oon"dUlon QI Pl'osp~~lty ILbout Ifl law to that etrect. . ,.land-gr ant .oQlleges. . Aftel' }9~11 thll ~ benef~o'or Ip ' the brot\de st sense amount \\rill' be '60,000 by ae~ cf 1907. aDd shouid 'h~V~ a monum ent ab,o ve " .... State Ald •. " bl~ ~ ..ave,"tQ,etLV D'othl'lll{ of the 10v , . In 1891 . the st'a te)eglslatl1l'e e~tap. , oonfide noe and:eeteepl of his 'tellow. liahed · a·" peraianen:t ~ a.nriu!Ll ~an't to , m~'n ..t~,. the ' unlw~slty bllsEld on , ,a ce.rtal~ ~ "'~ pero'8n(age: o~ .tile !nlp.er~ ' ~ dUJlI~ cate;' ,,' 'llllll'..,percen tage has ' be~n creftlred '; trom' t.lm~ .to tlmtt .utitll 'r~1P;cbed 'th~ ,presetl t rale ·of ,16' Never allow yonr stook to prnne your orohard ur other trees.
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Their Origin and En- i dowment. i
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t his year. Tbe olh~li(l or Ar l~ . PhilOSophy and S I Dee I'll! rs t.ho >;\) ('oll fa'!f1 .tb llt nre des ign'll tn flll'l Ish 1\ SLudllut wbat ls comm only 1\110\\, 11 OCl 0. 11 bel' Il.l edu atloll. Tho wo rl Is in Llle' Ian· gunges !Iud lHe l'at ll r 5. lhe sclenc s, mathem atics. 1>1Illotlophy. history, IloIlU ::s: aCml11 lsl.-rnllo ll, conOl:nlcii. sociOlogy, and omruerc . Eight bundretl and twcuty stud nla are enrolIed In tbls col1£'ge. The College of \);,l ucot!on is design· ed to meet Ule Ile \IS err tIl'ose wao wlsh to follow tenchlng as a profes' slon. Its purpose Is to assist th e atudent In acquirin g a ltuowle d ge ~ t t he branchell b e wlsliGI! to tell.eh, o. give him a rlgb.t att itude t(lwal'd educaUon and to establls b In him a sklll in the use at etIlclen t ' method s ot tea.ohL.Ug. This coll ege b.as G3 'atudents. The ,College or Enginee ring otr&rs TFlAt£ MI,.RK, !DetructIon ' In elgllt fields 'of engt· ' V CS IGrI.!i ' neerlng work: Arc.b,1t cture, ctl ramto, C C)F'YF' IGHT8 &0, AlI1. 0no Rcntlll'R It ~ ltel rh n,,,t <II orlr,!lOn ,..a, ' cbem!c~l, olvll, el elrl aI, mecbanlcal Qul akl, Bloorlal ll ou r 01unrh n ( r "u w to ther. &11 hI'. nUnn 1s IUOUn~)1 11' tlLOl\ltlhl" •.Com munlCAo-BlJd 'TOlne enginee ring, and IndustrIal Uon •• I.tIOU1(!()11I 1 ~ !>Lltli. lip OS!t.IK 01\1·8I.41n lOIlt. froa. OIt1Cl t n+-=cftCI, f () _ Ii CU I lug .$1 ... umo. "arts. .E lgbt .liundred aud forty atuI'nlonUJ tAk en \IIrn l\~h ~II\II" I< Co. dents are taIling work In this col,!i<'.lalnoU.... "'" houtcllllr tto. lul .O r<lcol. . lege 'I'h'e. Ooll ege of Law~ tn'ec ts tbe deIIlres ~r those who wl'sll to enter th'8 A "nn<'l,on,011 I\tIl.tr " Ir(l .chl,. r .nru".t elf· culut.tml o r unr fl f"IiL.!1IllO o JqlJr-nnt. ,. 'j'Qr11111. u,. pra' ctlce of law us a prof sslon. One Uf hundred and slxtY'SIX student s ar~ Brau[ Q(!,co, 626 II' Bt.. Wo"" n.. enrolled The .College of Pharm acy otter. every fnei lity for a training In aU .. s to the subj ect of tbnt pertnjn pbar, .. macy. It.. prepnre s lbose who wIsh to prft~Uc e th e prore61110n so that they IJ"sY pass the required ' examlnlV h1 11 tiona for registra tion. T a co ellhaa 81 etudent s. • The College of Veterin ary, Mediolne endeavo rs to equip young men to , IN T.HE WO!tLD " meet the growIng demand for I kill · ed' 'I'UBUsHED 'WEEKLY , 'eter1narlans. This college baa 1811 . $4.00 fER ~ ,(lunl men takin, Its work th1JI ,.Iar. HOTELS , DItUoQi 6T8. ~PECIALII"',
,StltHtllit J m~\·itan. miiNO&CD:3~~ D~~~~t' ~l ~ewdf' rl IIt~'I. W .
Addroa. NEW YORK CLIPPE R ~ow York.
Barb ed Wire
NTEED to henl withol1t le,w· ing 1\ blemish , 01' MONEY UEFUNDED. 506 and :j!l.OO sizes for f~csh · wouD ds • old sor 8 , sore backs nnd should rs~~\lrns and bruises. 25c siy.e for Fnmily usc. 'DR, COX'S PAl"~ESS BUSTE R is painless alld I;.llllmnteeQ. to C!-lre Spavin, Ringbo ne, Curb, Sweeny] Spllllt, purfs, or nllY enlargement of pone or muscle, or money rcfUllded . Price 5Oc.
V. 1
MC(l L1JR E.
Pune ral Dir,e -:tor. '1'eleph one dny OJ nigh't.. Va,lley Vbone No.7. J.oOIC Distunoo No. ~-9~.
Famous Silv erw are
Dranch .offic~, Harve7l1burJr. O.
DR. J. W. MILL ER, .
...'DEN TIST.••
'$1,,006' on th~ '
~,., ~ . . _
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tbe·:, stute;'," ' 1I!.
fO~\ e':v.~rt tlloU~B.alld ··
, of.
" ~' EO' .V. '",;:8AR N'tiAR T, ' '. ., ""y' ~,' ~ , , " Nota ry " Publi c ~. I,,,. . ~ .. ' ~ • "# 4
" ,All kinM.o f Nrjtar~ Work .,. ~e~Blo~ , Wior Jt :,,\8peollllt;v;. -.' ,
~ ,'",
SPEED LURE, KILLS' Two U fortunate Victims at the Chicago Aero Meet. St. Croix John.tone an" HBllly" Bid. ger, Young Avlatora Who LOlt Their Llvol, Were Sklliod and V.ry Popular. 'hlclIgo.-'1'1Ie two aviators whc thell' lives while taklng part lu the fourth day's program of the Inter· naUoDal aero meet h ere had careers filled with thrills and comparaUvely ahort liS bird-men . . A desire to attain WOI·tlS we're so liD xpecle.1 that. for 6YNOPSIS. the momeut he fail ed to realize their 'a record £01' speed In travel lured botb full IJUcport. 1o' llIal\y he 8tr~lg hte lied young mell Into tbe aviation game. J "e k K eit h . a Vi rginia n . n o w .. b o r · lip. St. Croix Joh stone was a Chicago <I ~r pla in sman. Is rldllll;' u lolll:" tllll Sunln "I-I accept any t erms you destre." tiny. He came here a few yellrs after J"" I rall nn tho lookoll l tnr r oam ing wnr p n rU l'8 o r SIlVIII\' 8. I-In II QlI c(,K 11 ,:am p he gasped 1\' IIkly. "It- If you will hJ8 birth In Toronto, Ont.. and was 'h'l' l\t Il fti s t flll Co. a n d th e ll SCf'H U I t,"' t111l only give one r 'turn ." the only 60Q of Dr. Stuarl Johnstone II U n II d to • wagon alld Ilt filII ga ll c\p IHII'/lIJ t'!1 by m e n 0 11 p o n l .. /I . W he n K "lIh "Oue return ?- what?" or this city. Having won honors In ..('/\ ' '' (,11 I ho IV ll,w n Iht) ruhJ(>r8 hu\'e mllga· "Food; w hll ve eat n notlllng for otber parts of America and across, th~ Hr r ct l t wu rn e n (\ nd dpPH r t {"d , H o 8t"tl rt'ht\5 sixty hours." thf "kU m s 11ndlnl( P"I'I'''" [l nll a loc k e l sea, tho a dator, just twenty·tour years \V llh U WOlI\ ll n '" lilII'lrll I. JI,' r 08o ll' e s t o Her fa ce. which had h eo 80 wblte, old , hlld returned to his home city to hunl .1.. wlI t he ",,, rel,· r orR . I': ellh Is a r· /p AI N I ot o r 90 n ("It\' . c h a r ged w illi th e fiu sll'ad t o th e hair, her cl ark e~'e s soft· distinguis h himself further. It was JlIII I'd (' r. hi s Ile U8rr h ;! lng U r\lf n tl l1 ntun ed enl ng. his IIrst appearan ce In Chicago as an Ill u' ·I. Burl. H o J:(WS t tl j,, 11 f u l\)' 1"(." lIz"Why, of cou rse ; lilt down. I ought all' Dllot since he bad obtained his II· I II' fill' p e ril o f swi ft bo rde r jllHII'·... A ' ·,)mpllnlol1 In hIs ('1> 11 Ie a n eg r o, wh o to hnve known froOl your Cnce. There cense. 11'11" him h e Is N cb It n(1 I hil t he It n,' w tl h' Is plenty here-such as It Is-ooly ynu ](,,111 , Camll)' hnd, III \· lr/o( lllln •. Neb says Jobnstone obtained his educatJon In On c-( t he n lurdt' rf'LI n 14 n \\' 0 ); J ohn must wult 1\ mom ent." th e Chicago public 8chools, later tak· Sll>ley. th e o tl w r GIl II. Willi s 'Vall o, fo r · m o rl )' nn ortleer In th o ('o nrcde ra t ArI11Y. Ing a ' ~ur8e of IIlJtruction at Lewlr' 'I'h ' plnJnslIl n n a nd N"h '8(,O pO (rom tho CHAPTER tX. InsUtute. While subsequently em· (·,, 11. n n tl la l r r th e tWII ruglt h ' ea beco m e 1000 l In th o sane! d ese r t. ployed In tbe advert I Ing buslne8s -tbe The Girl of the Cabin. young man became a motorcycle en· Ho Raw Neb drop down beCore the thuslast and at eighteen was known .. CHAPTER VIII. blazIng fire place. and curl up like a tlr d dog, and observed her t ake tbo a "crack" rid er. Johnstone decided to onter aviation lump, op n the door Inlo the other The Wilderness Cabin. room a trifle, and Slip Silently out of two years ago. He wont to Pay, The lIgbt was cOll sl,lerably farth er slgbt. He remembered staring vaguely France, nlld became a student In the away tbnn tb y hud at firs t supposed, about the IIttl room, still illumined BJ erlot school. Upon completion of and BS tbey advanced s tcnd lly toward by the flnmes, only hal! comprehendIng, this course he purchased two monoIt. tbo Dalure ot the gf und rapidly aD,1 then the reaction Crom bls des· planes tram Count de l.eBllep8 and c hansed, becomIng Irregular, and lit· perate struggle with the elementll gave several exhibitions on the can· tered with low growing shrubs. In ove rcame all rc.solutloD, and he drop· tinent. Last October Jobnstone went tbe darkness lhey stumbled over out ped bls b ead forward on the table, und to Elngland to study aeroplanes. He CI'Ullplng8 ot rock, nnd ofter Il fall or los t consclou.sness. Her hand upon became a licensed air pilot on Deoem· tlVO, were compelled to move forward his shoulder aroused blm,' startled In· ber 30, 1910, the day before John B wltb extreme caution. But the mys· to wakefulness. yet ~e scarcely I'eal· Moisant los t hl8 ute at !;lew Orlean!5terlous yellow glow continually beck· The young avIator came to America Izett the situation. oned, and with Dew hope anJmating last spring and beCore hlB return to "I bave placed' food for tbe negro the hearts of both men, they staggered be s l~e him," s):Je sald quietly, and tor. Chicago had appeared at Long Island, OD, n erving themselvell to the effort. the first time Keltb detected the sort Detroit, Havana and Toronto . . He wa~ IlIId tollowlng closely along the bnnk 'for Bome Ume a teammate 'of )-Iarr, blur In her·.speech. . of the 8tream. N. Atwood, tbe Jon, distance Oyer. You arlO from ' tbe South!" he (i X , " At last they arrived where they Johnstone's flight at Bavann ts «In. claimed, as though It was. discovery. could percetve dimly something of the "Yes-and you 1" . sldered tbe most daring feat or bll nature at this unexpected desert oq,sls. "~ty boy'hood bogan I.n Vlrglnla- career as an aViator. He soared ave, The IIgbt shono forth, Dlerclng the the negro \\' I1S an oI4·t1me alave In night, tbrough tbe uncurtained window our family." of a log cabin. which would otherwise Sbe glanced ~0.rOS.3 at the biaelr, baye been completely coDc_led {rom now sitting up and eating voraciously. vlew by a group of low growing cot· "I tbought he had ooca • been a tonwoods. This waa all the block, en· sbroudlng nlgbt revealed, and even Ijlave; one can easily teII that. I d,es . tbls was merely mado apparent by tbe not ask blm ' to sit here beeaule, If you -do not object, we will cat bero ,ellow illumination or tbe window. togetber. I have also been The cablD stood upon an Island, a ilt.r1p of sand, partially cOvered by wa· long wltbout food. It was 80 101\eIy lIete, ' and-lind I hnrdly understood ter, separating It from tbe north 8hore "1-1 A.coept Any Term. You Dealre!' m)' }!ltuation-nDd I slmply cquld not on which . they stood. There wr.s no forC!~ myself to eat." , . sign of life about the but, other than tho burnlng lamp, but that alone was at the slender, gray clad figure, the 41. "A . cowman?" , ,He -d11lt1ngulsni.ld ber -Warda olearly "A ' ltltle 'ot everything, I reckon .... a enougb, allliou'sli she IIpo.k~ low, al It 8l1mclent evidence at occupancy. In most gIrlish face Wlder the shadowing spIte of hunger, and urgant need, Keltb dark balr, eXliectiog the marvellous ' touch of returning . bltterneslI In ·the Bhe preferred what ""as sa,ld between besltated, uncertain as to wbot they visIon to vanish. Surely this ' could tone. "A plainsman. who baa puncned tbem should not reach the ears of tbe mlgbt be called upon to face. Wbo not be reall A woman, and such a cattle, but my last job was goveni- negro, yet someho~, for the moment. could be living In this out-of.the-way woman as this bere, and alone,. of all ment scout." they made no adequate Imllrel810n on " "You look · as ' thougb 'you mlgbt 'be him. "Like a flWllsbed wolf he bE)gan spot, In the heart of tbls luhospltable lliaces! He staggered from weakness, desert? It would be no catUc ou~~ almost lerror, and grasped the tabl& more tban that," she s~d slowly. on the coa\'8& [Rre, and for ten min· ' post surely, tor tbere was no surround· to bold himself erect. The rising The man flushed, his lip. pressilic lites bardly lI(ted his bead. Tlien " ~f,~~Ji: Ing gr.nzlng land, while surely DO pro- wind came swirling In tbrough the tightly together. .' cYes· chance.l to meet bers acrosl tbe / / 'JIJI" fesslonal lwnter would choose 8uch a open door, causing the Bre to send . "Well, 1-) may hove been," he 'con· narrow table, "and 'Instantly tb,e, ,en· Aviator. Killed at Chlcilqo. barren' spot tor headquarters. Either forth s Dlrals of smcke, and ,he' turned" fessed unwllUngly. "I started out all tJem~n. reawoke to l'lfl) . . the narrow streets, 'w bere the 'o Will 1l bermlt, ondous to e8cape all Inter- drngglng the dazed negro within, lind right, but som~ti(iw I reckon 1 Just ('ro DE CONTlNUED.) no possible landl!!g place had a n ac course willi humanity, or some oullaw Slil1IlDlng the latch behind him. When 'went adrllt. It's a bablt In thIs coun. . cl(lent dccurred. . - . biding from .arrest, would be Ukely to be glanced around agaln ·he fully be· try." ODD NEW ZEA.LAN.O LIZARD Johnlltone was married tbree year. aeleet so Isolated 11 place In which to lIeved the vision confronting him Apparently those first words of com· IIvo. "To ·them It would be Ideal. Away "'ould have vanIshed. But no! there ment had lett her .1Ips unthinkingly, for Tuatara Orlgina:ly 'Had Four Ey••, ago.' Ills wUe had been ' pr~sel\t . al the ' Il!eet bere each day and was from all trails, where not even widely sbe yet remained, those wide-01>en, she made no ,attempt to reply; mereJy but Has Lost Two In amQng. the -1ast ones to give up hope roving cattlemen woUld penetrate, In frIghtened brown eyes, w.lth long lash· stped tbere directly facing h.lm, her Courle of Agea. when word' from the ' rescue liarty oul midst ot a de8ert avoided by Indians es half hiding their deptbs, looillng 'd!· clear eyes gazing frankly Into , 1118 In the lake .was awaited. . because of laok ot gam~a mau mlgh~ rectly Into his own; onlY 'now ishe' bad own. ' He seemed to actliaity see ber The tuataI'a , 'lizard, found "' In N~'I'l "Billy" Badger, a . native ut Pitts hide here year after year wlthout Slightly eb!lnged ber poiture: ' leanlD'g now for the 6'1:st time, faJrly-a snp- Zealand, Is ' one ot the most ancient danger of dlBcovery. Yet such a one toward him across the table. Like a pIe, slender figure, 81mply dN,-slled, torm8 ot nnlmnl lite now foun<t on burg, was orlly tWenty.four yeara old, would ,not be likely to welcome their l1ash he comprehended that this wa" with wond"rfuIlY expreulve brow~ ~n!tb. Originally tbls lizard P9,sessed (n hJs ,home city . he was popular coming, and t,bey were wltbout arms. reaUtY~flesb and blOOd-and, 'wlth eyes, a perfect r<e·~lth of dark hall', a tour eyes, but . In the oourse or agel! among his assoolates\ He was l\nmar· But Keith was not a to hesitate tbe' IIwlft IU8tlilot of a gentleman, his olear complexion with sUgbt ollvfl tt haa lost one parr. Tbe tua'are rled andi followlng the death 'of ·both Jong because of possIble danger, and numbed, nerveless ftngers jerked olf linge to tt, a strons, Intelligent face, Iny eggs wblch nre remarkable It parents; became a resident at-,.t.be be stepped ' down Into tbe. sballow wa· his bat, and he bowed bareheaded be- not strictly beautiful, yet 'strangely tbat tbey I'oq'ulre Courteen montlia pittsburg Athletic dub. He Inherited ter. . tore her. . attractlvo, the forel1ead low and bfoad, to batcb, -tbe cmbryo passleg the wh ,260,000 from tbe. Jladger e.s tate . When he becilme ot ale three yeius ago . . "Come 9n, Neb," he commanded, "Pardon me," ho said, 6.ndhl8 bls the nose straight, . the lips . t\lll ' and jn· ter In a sta~e of blbernation. The Badger fortune 'Is said to bave "and we'll flnd out who lives here." voice wlth dlmculty. 1'1 fell over the cI1D.ed to emtte. Suddenly a vague reTbe smail survivors o.t past agel been 'amassed by Uie young avtator's The window taced tbe west, and be 8tep, but"":"but 1 didn't expect· to' find mllmbrance brougbt. re~osnruon. are found only In a few localities 1\.4 came up tbe low bank to wbere the a woman here." · "Why, I know--you now." are becoming very scarce, collectorl grandfather, Dr. Thoml18 Badger" as He h!lard her quick breathing, mark· "Indeed!" the slngle word a note of tram every part 0: tbe world beinG bl1rb doctor. Badger's fathl1r conduct, door fronted tbe nortb In Intense darkness. Under the shadow of tbe ed a sllgbt change In the expression at uiliJlsgulsbed surprll!e. 'oontlnually on tbelr trail. They are ed a "clgar Btore In Pittsburg. He clled "Yes; I tbou'ght you !poked odllly about two Cept In lengtb and, !n com. several years ago and the aViator's cottonwoods lie could see nothing, the dark eyes, and caught the glitter groping bla way, with hands extended. at the firellgbt au a revolver tn her tamUlar all tbe time, biir couldn't tor mon with other lizards, have the fol' mother, subleque~tly marrl~ to JobJI His (oot struck a nat stone, nnd he lowered bimd, the Ufe of me connect up. You're tun ate cbaracterlstlc of being ab'le tc Ooettmann, a restal1rant -~an: die" . Jllunged forward, strikIng the unlatch"What did you expect 'to flnd 1" Christie Maclalre." replace portions of lohel:- limbs 01 la8t wInter. Badger was a sraduate of Prlnc~ -ad door so heavily n.s to swing It open, '''1 bardl, k.n ew." he explained lame4'Am n'; her eyes filled with curl· tal\s whlcb 'have been destro)·ed. It and fell partially forward Into the Iv "we stumbled on this hut b, accl oslty. I. asserted that one of tbere IIzard8. top, He bad prepared for PrInceton 'at . "; • "0 . t course you are. You' needn·t Toom . . As be struggled to his .lmees, I ld -k th by a naturalist, bad tbe mlsfol' . tbe Lawren~,.me . academy, .·.at La?;, dent. d n't now ere' was . a . be afraid ot me If you want It kept Neb's black face peering past him Into 1 some time ago to lOSe! an e1e. rencevll)e,· N. Yo' ·.He seemed . ..n·......... seeret, but I know you 'Ullt the same. lbe, Ilgbte' d lnte~rlor, he seemed to per. cabfn In a 1 tbls valley." • .and that a complete Il 1V: eye, perfect ed to g'lt ae much speed as IJOlal1'bl~1 -celve In one swift, oomprehenslve "Then you are not here for any Saw yOU ' at the 'Oalety' tn Indepeii: ' In every way, bas grown In tb" place out ot· automoblles', until last ' lIulmnl~r ', glance, every revealed detail. A laDip purpose? to meet with any oneT" dence, maybe two months ago, I went of the old on c.-Montreal Stan!lar4. Wht!n ·.an avtatlon meet w'a8 lJl)Ild ' ~D burned on a rudely constructed set or "No; . we were lost, and ~ad gone three times,' mostly on your acoount. PUtibu,rg. Theil h'e delerl1itued· to ' at· , , i ". \, /1 . drawers Dear the.' wIndow, and a wood Into 'camp up above, when we dlicOv' You've got a great act, and YOU can E.tablllhina . a R~putatlon, . ' lemptJ. ftytng. tire blued redly in a stone llreplace ered your light." · sine tOo.~· " "If I knew how . to " lio about It, I The young man decided , to tiUY -b OIJl)oslte, *the . yellow and red light. "Where do you come !rom '1" She stood lD IIlIence, stili looklns would bave every dog tn .m:' swn aeroplane and tTy for an avIator'. U. blending In a peculiar glow of color. Kel~h hesitated just a~ . la.tant, yet bedly at blm, ·her bOIO.m· rls.lng- and .t ried before a judge l1nd jury for., al- celUle. He !;lought' a machine and ·~t.e. Under thl. radiance were revealed tbe falsebood wall never easy tor blm. and falling, hel.' Ups parted aa it to apeak. sRUlt 'and :battery,,4 said , the anilD&; for montbsl " Finaijy :, he'" hi&!1e ·rough log walls plastered with yeJ\9w he saw no occasion for any deceit Apparently abe 'did not know what to dealer. "Unless he wlii conylcted ,,'ntf, seyeral Buccelsful flights -· ~t . Mlneor.. olay; and hung about with tbe skins now. d.o. 'bow to act; and thlnklns ellecute" I ' could' get ' about tbl)lt L. I.: tbulJ obtalnlD, hJs ' lIcen,e (rom ot wild ' animals, a roughly mad-e table, "Carson City.'.' .wlmy. . rt f hi tb~ Aero Club . of .'A'Dlerll}-. . :~He Il~ bare except for a book lying upon It, "What brought you bere'" - "!dr. Keltb," .sbe .,ald, at las~ In ~.,:. , p ,~:~:; tlmU:; ·a.dOg II baled to 'tourl plan.~ed, .up~nJb~ clO.lle ,0,(. the : C)J~19 and a few 'ordlnary .appearing boxes, "We started for tbe 'Bar X' ranch oillon, "I am going to ask .you to· blot· o!l the c'6lirge::O, ·baVin. ' bitten. IOD1& alr .meet, to return .,to . Pltt,buri a a . . a.ftlg~t In··~ bll bome' cltt. . ' . ' evidently utilized 'as seats,· together down below, on the Canadtan; ,ot that 'an otii'-:'to ,torset tha.t you ' eten body I aUend ,' tbe, trial and tak~ 'pjl,s1 . . " , . wltb • barrel cut s.o /l8 to make a co~· " caught In a sand.storm, and .then Just suspeot me of fielns · Cbrilltie Maelatre, In the .r~~eptlon th~ b~.ast' "hol~1 .'r~, fortable cbalr. In. the back .w all w~ a·rlfted. I do not know wltbln twe.DQ' ot tbe Oalety." . " " :lils aCQ.l\lttat: . A dog."t.hat baa eao.u,t' a door, partially open, apparent1y mllell ot where ' we are.'!.' ,. ·"Why, certainly) but w~ul4 loti.' ei~ elap· about htm to .p'rdclpltatel, a·J8w~ leading Into a second J'ootp. That waa ' She' di-ew a deep breatJi 'ot un cOn•. plaID tOO ," • • ,,' j • 1 ',' Butt- eouli:liN .60- bought for ...love : III all , except the woman. _ cealed ).ellet. . . ':There 18 little to explal{f:' li money, ,but It ,.b'ts:--mlistei., " . to Keltb must have perceived all these I.- lumclent t-hat&1one ,wilb bl I' -", 1 10 that .tlr.at hu'r rled glance, (011 they "Ar. you alone?" ,~u; '' '. ltD· CIOU .d uO' 89 t qMU 'Were ever after closely aSsociatecFto- · " ''Th~ " ne'i ro' !1~d I-res.;':" ail~ JOU "ether In bla mind, yet at the 1D0m!,~l b,al:en~t ~,be . .' sllgbt'e~t , r,~a: ,~p to r..t ....tlnit ]Ie p08se8sed no 'clear thought ot ·any~ afFald at nll-we·re .IQuue:" ( hili" '!Sce"pt her. Sbe stood ~lrect.1Y · Sbe ·looked at. biD) leuchlnel7, i1(lhlnd the. ta~le, where ,sbe mus~ ha~ .lo.metl1ins fn ~Kelt1i'i , eleall-cut ~ ~Jlrung hastily at the tlrst soun4. of -.eeniad . to br,tng reass~raDc." coDa·., .tbelr ap'Proaeb. clutchlDg nt the rude dence In tile man. -.nante'-aJ;love the ·6.Jteplace, and slarlJtl . "I ~ Dot arral~i" . toward blm, bel" face whtte, her' breatb- comtnc \owar:d him arowci: th. abort ', <com'~ Ilrsot;a.,At f\ri!ti lie thoUllit t"ble., i,"-O!'ly ~p. · .o IOD8Jf~ ~ere; ' aDcI tlUt vilSlon a dret,lO, a delirium born y.ou '"tatt:ed ' m,e.- buraUila In wttla~t fl'Olll hll IQDC .tntu1e: be could not warnl.,e.· Bllt. YOI1 lO(jt .u a4 c-OaC8l.ve tbe potlllblllty of &ucb a pr••· I am COlDS to btU..... JO'If ID thlll tane17 pta~e. Ind. ..t&fP.f· WbaU., 7001" !Jam."' · . 111. fet't~· . .sed . wtdl,. clumbl~ "K.ttb~Jnk K4fU1a.M . 10
Alrynort-¥oll rou up In my balloon; now ~ou want to go down. Do you want tbe earth T Nervlsll-You've guessed It. That'. lust wbat 1 do want.
HANDS · WOULD CRACK OPEN "About two months ago my hands started to orack open rmd bleed, the skin would scale off, and the good flesh would burn and Itch dreadfully. Whon my hands tlrst started to get oore, there were small bUster8 like wa· tel' bUsters wblch tormed. They Itcbed dread(ully, It just seemed a. though 1 could tear the skIn all olf. I would-scratch them and the skin would peel off. and the flesh would be aU red and eraok open and bleed. It war· rled me very mucb, as I had never blld anything t.lle matter with my skIn. [ was so afraId 1 would have to ,I"e uo my employment. "My doctor satd he didn't think It would am9unt to anything. But J~ kept getUne worse. One day 1 saw a piece in one of the papers. about a lady who bad the same trouble with her handl. .she bad used CuUcura .Soap and Olnh ment and was cured. 1 decided to try them, and my ' bands were all beale« before I had UBed one oake of Ciu·u· Ointment. I am "truly thankful for the good results trom the CuUcura. Soap and OlntiDent, lor thanks to 'them I waa cured, and did Doj bave to 10110 a day from . work. 1 bave had no return ot the skin trouble." (Wined) Mr.. , llal'1 ·E. Srelg, 2622 Brown Street, Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 12. 1911 . • Altbough CIiUour" Soap aDd Oint· ment are sold everywbere, a sample of each, with 32·page book, wl11 be malled free on application to 'CutlcUr.," Dept. G It. Boston. ' Worrle. ef RIch Women. Afler receiving request&.. (rom beg· . glng letter writers for lIunl's amount· IDS tn . all to ,22,000,000, Mrs.' E . R , Harrtman of New Yorlt, the widow 01 the railway magnate, has appealed to the tiutealf' municIpal research to 8uperlntend her mendicant mall and to DSBlst· her In wisely dIspensing charity, Sbe Is not nlone tn dlscoYeI' log b('rself the target of Innumerabll profel!slonal . begging . letter writers. bliss Helen Gould has received ID the last twolve months 60,000 such lot. tel'$ contolnlng rel(lIests for sumi ,nruountlng to $2,000,000. Wedding rings ' nnd olfers of marriage : ~rom poverty·slrlokell correspondents nre a dolly felltu re of Mis!:! Gould's mal~. . Would Puro.h·aae Index Finger. One or the queerest advertisemontl which has e,~er a\,peared In a: neWB' paper was 'onf) which · the otber dat made k,nOWI) the wlsb of Mrs. Regl· nald ,Watdo,!.'t, a ' we&!thy lady ot Pbiladelphia. for a ' new Index (oreftoger. · M~. Waldorf's rlgbt toreflnser wat amJ)ut!\led aft.or, l!ecomlng InfeC)ted 'b1 ". nn llocldentai cut wltb a 'r ulty knlf • . Sbe aDPe~ied to Dr, ' Fre4 B. West. ' who advertised for a finger. 1-1. namel' ' nn price, but "ays'. ~18 patient ' Is ' will· I.ng . to pay IlberaUr" . . ,
Important to Mother.
Exam.l ne carefully ' every botU. of C.ASTORIA, n lare" and lure rllmedy .tor Infants and chUdreD, anll lee tIlat·, tt , . . Dear.lhe ' ~<SlgUtureo.f . ' .. • . ~ In Use EoI' aYer 10' Yean:' " OlfQaren Cry for Fletcllef!s Oa8tor~ , , ~.
Cesspool 19 .~es~ and
Plan-Anyone Who
~CaD PUe Ol)e Stone on Top oC An'o ther Can Construct
.. ' Tank. Whlch Should be Larae . Enouah to Hold One Day's , ReCuse.
' .
If the' 'Pastor Falls Down
IPractical . ra;.uonsi
MOlt Marr.!ed M.n Will , Understand JUlt Why That Particular Hat W.., So Becorrilng. LADIES' SEVEN GORE SKIRT. " Mra Jones came downstairs o~e evening. after dinner, and dIsplayed herself to her husband, embellisbed w1tl1 the r csult ot her all·doy skirmish· Ing In the milliners' sbops. ·'·John." sbe aaked. "bow do you like lhls hat 'on me?" "011. 1 don't koow," bo answered. " Have you bought It 1" "1'\0. not exactly. I brought It home on approval. 1 Intelid to take eltber thlll or another one. wblch Is five dol· lars more than this. but I tbought-" "Say, }I')oreoce." ho Inte rrupted. ·'tbat·s tbe most 'becom ing bat 1 ever lIaw you have (Ill . Telephone to them first tblng In .the morning thnt you'l\ take it, so as to make Bure lh ey 'll not sell It to nnyuady e lse."-You tb ·s Com· panloll.
, Rllked 'Punll"mene , . Dog. '.' > story of a ' prtisUle.r·. 10.,. for his dog comee , from N')J1h J ~ ma, Wasb. Michael Short, len,tenc", to the street 'c ba'n lang to. work· bls fine. escaped with two other men recently. but sOUlewhat to the SUrp"" of his overtlee rs turned up again lor work tbe next morning. M.lke ellplalned to...tbe officer that acts aa foreman thllt be bad Ject 'bls little doC' li ed beneath his bed at borne ond that be had stolen away to liberate It. as it bud been three days wltbollt food 07 water.
A. plealing
Your Liver Is Clogged Up
TO,P and gh'e a mlnute's clear and booel!l thougbt to what a vaTlety of ablll· ties a mlnlster's position ,'" I' x ,. That', Why Y ou'J'e demllnds or blm. -Han 'No Appetite. oeeds to be a smootb, nuent orator. He ougbt to bave "Dot CARTER'S UTILE ml'foly words,' ~ut Ideas. toO; be very LIVER PILLS dtddedly needs - to be a thinker. He will put you right in a few days. Well Arranged Ceupool fo r Sewage-ero-. nelllla a lot of book know ledge-thea Section. oloJ;Y. phllosopby. blstory. and the The do Unexpected Company. their Many have been doterred from hnv· field. wiler lhe 'oos(>.jol nted pipe Is like-ali tbe time; people won·t atand Does It "break up the day and pre- Cure lng batbroqma. etc .• becauso of lack of to be locnt(!d ror blm unlcslI he Is also very mucb of vent you tram gettiog your work stipation, a way to dispose of the sewage. A Mix 'la ir n Lus hel of cement with a "mixer." perfectly at bome am'o nl . AII the tallor·mado 6ll'les of slUrt done" wben unexpectcd callers ' drop Biliousness, Indigestion and Sick Headache few have water systems In stalled. alld thr " IJU~he l s et gravel. Do sure tbere men. .' are if ' present trimmed wltb panela In? Hewltt's Eaay Task Soap will SHALL PILL, SHALL DOSE, SMALL PRle¥And. of eoutse. tbe modern pteRh.tho wBste has been ru~ Into strean' <; ar~ no streaks In It wb en mlxed. or pleats In8erted In some uncommon help you make up the time lost while Genuine must bear Signature or old.fasli,oned cesspools. wblcb are tb clI odd cnougb ,vater to mnko a fir should be an organizer-masterful you entertained. It makes II. nice, da.ngerous tblngs unless very far re· rathe r thin paste. Mix tboroughly 8S a general thing In tilting people manDer. 10 tbe illu stration we sbow lOOTed trom, the water uJ)ply. A ngaln. nnd. after placlog a layer of Into the pisces where they belong. a model wblcb bas tbe pleate 'at ench wblte; .ftu'try suds tbat goell after the dirt and gels It. It's BS good for the I'roper cesspool Is the best and cbeap· s tonc In tb e bottom of tho pit. tbrow Fi e' doesn't dare. bow eve. , to show a sIde, a strap covering tbe , re versed dishes 08 It Is for the laundry !tnd ellt metbod of dlslJoplng of the In the concrete ina level off. Lct bit ef a g.eoeral·s spirit of commnod; bOl[ pleat. Tbe front gore nnd tbe won't burt your bands a bit. Five Ride back gores are ex tende d to form sewage from th(! farm bome. Do not s tand \llItll the next morning and pineo bc's hound to manage peoplo wbolly' cents a cake at the grocery. be scarod oU.t because some Bclenliti c t e box nn (!qual dlstanco from eacb by persusslveness- wblch takes enor· theso 5tr,aPII and tbe back Is In twe full length pleats. Tbls sty le Is good felt'ow bas caUed wbst ~11 wnnt an b'lnll of tho pit. Cut holes to eacb end mous persunslveness. Tbe prencber Young people sbould reverence WeIr anaerobic tnJ)k or a septic tnnk. It Is of box for Inl et snd ouUet pIpes, snd should be an n.cute. accurate. discreet (or linen. pongec. panama. etc. The pattern (5114) Is cut In sIzes parents when at hom e. strangers wben rally nothlJig mut a plnln. ordinary place tb cse pipes In poslUon. buslnes8 man-In order to keep a 22 to 92 Incbes wai st m asure. Me'· abroad. and tbemselves when alon o cesspool that dees not "('ess." IYI'ltes Pul In n layer ot !itone nround tho church "temporalltles" out of tangle dlum size requlrcs G~ yards of 36· and at all tlmes,- Mnsslllon. Dr. E. M. Santee of New York in the oUlEltle of the box. and then a layer And above all. he 'must bfl a spirit· Inch material New' England Hom st<oad . Anyone of mixed concreto. mixed as before_ ually·mlnded mnn, tbougb at tbe Bame To procure thl8 pat\l!rn (lend 10 cent. Happiness. 1I1ee tbe snail. Is never who Is ablo to pile ooe IItono above Alternat e atone and concrete until the time It Is hlgbly Important that 11e to ''Pattern Departm'3nt." oC tblll paper. round from borne. nor wllbout a home.' anolher can make aile. It Is a tnnle top or tbe lJox Is rcacbed the last mU8t not be a visionary; people won't Write na.me and nddr 118 t>lulnly. and be made ·tlgbt, so the liquids arc held uu. Inyel' be ing concreto, "0 th~t It may IIsteo to blm If he Is not practical. ' .ure to elve elae ,and number of oaltern. -Judson. til the fecal matter ls converted Into be choked 'off level wllh tbe top of Many, Qualltlel Comb ned. Just see what a tremendous bundle IIqulde or paes by th grow t h of th l! box. Put the stano back tram tbe 6114 SiZE , . . .... .. ...... . NO. bacteria thnt all fecal matter contalus. box and use spa()e or sblngle as In oC qualltiea you've got. You could NAIIlD ...... : .............. , ........ ....... . J.t . should be large enougb to bold t.he s Nlng. 1:0 tbat the Inside may be make a lawyer. a ~olltlelan\ a busl· all of tbe sewage that accumulates In smoo th. Tb() top mny be covered with nel!s man. a teacbe.r. a.- .Bettlement TOWN ............... ; . .. ...... ... ... .. ... ... . a day from tbe bome. It f hould be plank or n concrete slab. The latter worker. a popular lecturer. an lIutbor, STREET AND NO .... ....... .... ....... .. made longer ~an' wide. One sbould costs no O1O:'e a ne]' ls permanent. To a philosopher, a man·around·town. 811 never be made le811 than six rect long mllke tbls slab make a ben tbe s lze out of tbat comblnat!on, and bave a IITA.TIII.... .......... ............ ... ... . .... . by tbree ftlet deep and tbree Ceot oC the aulElde of the t!lnk aod four lot of qualities left over to ' distribute wIde. ,Thl.a I. large enougb ror a fam. Incbes deep. Put If! about one JncRa olong a whole line of o~upat1onl lIy of . six crown people. Add one In dcptll of concrete. mode a8 before; Crom family pbY81clan to ch'u rcb Jan· VERY £.ADYLIKE. , foot to tbe length. for ea(,h addltlooal Isy In old pipe or' old lroo of any ktllct \tor, PefllOp. Tbe eecret of success I\es 10 about elgbt incbes apart and extend. Yet Jou're supposlnl, tbat you' •• the w.a y that the sewage go s In and' log nearly across the box; tbe~ 1111 hlred the whole com~lnatlon In tbe ... u f t with ftoocrete and stro'.· e off level paltor of your church. and are expect· b oW' .... e ele.r, water comes out. The'" ~ " I b fi f b top of tile tank iihould be below . tbe with the edge 'o f the box. ql to get t e bene t or each 0 .. e!le The Change of Life is the most critical period of a. le'el of the., polnt ",'bero tbe 60wer Alter tbe concrete III 'tboroughly dry varIous elements of .treDith~a11 'out woman's existence, and neglect of 'health at this time: pIpe lea'e8.' the cellar. As tbe Inlet remove the boll from the- Pit. wet tbl of cice man. In side wallll and floor, ml- lome clea.r But you won't: somewhere In the invites disease. pl~ elite"' , one end of the tank. It .. II' d f dl I t Ibould hove .a., elbow that turns down cement and water to tile cOnlllltency It you re ue or a sappa nt~ben • Women ..everywhere should remember that there is no . to within 18 Incbes of tbe bottom. or ·batter. and. with a tro1lel ••mootb If JOur mlnlllter II a creat preac er, other remedy known to medicine that will so successfully! T41I , pipe IIIoul4 be rour IMhes In ' up tbe Inllide wltb tblll mentar; tben It'lI more tban Ilkel,. be won't be very carry women through this trying period as Lydia E: . 4hlmeter . and have tlSIi 'loItHs. The take an old wbltew,sb .bru. and. pu~ lutrone ,on organ~utlon. bit be'll a len· e. comrortlng- pastor. e may "ery - 'a pb mado of clear Aement and Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from native roOts. I" It , Ibould be not less tban one· on a " .. b . , d I ' .. I ,ouftb 'tach, (0 the toot: 1\'ater about' llke thin cream, Tbll proba Iy tie a ' &ood · ea lac ..luc n Here is proof: . will mBk~ tbe Inside smooth · and wa. the pulpit. If be III a deep student. Natick, Mau.,-"I cannot expres. what r. , The ouU~t pIpe sbould d'ip down. eo ter.Ugbt. Place 't be cover OD. cover be ma, be a.kward out amonl men. through duriDg the Change of Life betoN' thAt ~e lnoer CliteS III 12 Inches below It UP. connect: to the bouse plumblnl If be', a beart1 lood fellow to meet. Lydia E.. Pinkham'. Vegetable Comthe lop, the, tank, .ana tb outer end and. the ' looee-jolnted pipe In tbe 12. he may lmpr... you not .ery dlle.. I iD .ucb a nervous condition 1 IbGuld be onl,. about one Incb below Inob ditch to -t.he overDo. pipe; oover Intellectually. or e,en splrltuaUy. keep .tllI. )1,- 11mb. were cold. I the top of the tank. This tanlt may all and ~l1ow tbe sew.ce from an Som'e day before · Iong you11 flDd a ~~IJIY aenaationa and could not Bleep be located Ilnywbere outside ' or the parts oJ the bome to fiow In. weak III de to hIm. ., nh,ht:... . . . . 1lnally told by two phylicialul "lellat :"a)l wbere the fall may be had. Do no :add dl"lnfeetant8; tbey will Every cburcb, wben It calli a new I had a tumor. TJii" water from It has \0 be run Into Slol! t be ncUon ·that.11I eo necenary to paator ought to watcb parrowly to read one cIa,- ot the wonderful cure. made. a 1001e-Jolnted ,pipe about 'elght feet lIuci:eas. TJUs tank ""1Il not h&ve to 10 see \'\;bere be III lolng to faU down. E. Plnkbam'" Vesetable Oompound~ 10111 f~r eBcb pereon In the family, lie cleaned,as all solid matter Is de- nut not to cet a cllan.ce t~ c;_lIlalnniUlallld-lll84~lded to try It, aud it h-. made me a weUl lInl~1 tbe aoU be hl'A'y clay. wben strayed except tb8 minerai portion. God forbid! . Wben a pasto, raUl ~~~~~~~;!::I~~;' Hy nellrhbon and frfentt8 declare It; t)le le~gth ~houl~. be .doUb.,led. It , wblch fs 'ao, small In farm .sewage that. down. ltJen .tbe church hal dIscovered Ii miracle for me. Lydia Eo ·Pfnkbam·. Veget&bJ8J Ilhould · ~e 1"":1 10 a ditch 1" Inches It would not amount to one.balf Incb wbere It can help blm. ' worth1t8 welgbt tn gold' for ""omen. th" W. · .how a waist wblch will meet . . ow He Should Be Helped. deep. TIlls p.lpe "hould at least be In 'depth In . Ii year, H It will help othe..., )'00 th.s 1 tile ,pproval of " ap), woman wbo m~el tbr~ .n~bea In dl.a meter. and , larger It the preacber sbows up Inem::lent JeIHJ~.···-J!llftI. Nathan Do Oreaton, lSI No. Main to have ' ber clothing Just a8 neat and III ' llet\.er; It lIhoutd hue a rnll ot 'In organizIng the I!eOple for work. Turkey ', Breeding. about 1~a2 of an Incll to the roo~. &Jjd The ' turkey crop batohed ptevloua then that's tbe signal for men In tbe 6m~rt &8 possible. To begin , wltb ANOTHER 8IMILA.B CASE. tbere II tile customary yoke. It Is I may be ' Ioclited anywhere Lhe eoll Is to June ' 1 'hould · QttalD 100d growtb cburcb .wbo are strongest In tbe squa.r e lD cut. somewbat deeper In tbe Comwallv.lUe. N. Y._" ( haTe been 1001.,:, f.t. vegetpl>ie garden or a IOWll by tbe last .of NovcmlMir. tbe 'cock knsck ',of organb:.atlotJ to turn In and front tban In the back. Around II Lydia E. Pinkham'. Vegetable' 'lJ()'DI,PO'UDa Is Ideal 'for It. , It should be eonnec,t· birds reacbhig ten. or twolve 1I0'unds. 1I0e up tbe membersblp ror el!ectJ'e tbe rest of tbe waist Is ' nat the ceJge " "me time for Cbange' of Life, nervoU8Dess. .. ect wl~, ~'- o,te.rflow pIpe ~y tfght· Tbe turkey la pot fuily mat,ured un. reaults .. outlined by 'a ~ralded ,design. At tbe a fibre :d crowth. , Jointed. ~ewer pipe tbat has ' a fall o~ til two Jears or agel aDd Is Ln bls If Ule paator seems to get. tan~led sboulders are deep tucks wblcb con· "",.,0 doctors advised ,me to go to " no~eali than 1.16 loeb to tbe, foot. and ' befuddled when money matters ,...~ Nlme at tbree years, and , nenrly ~a Unue to the alsl In tbe front tbere hoopltat. ~ )ut ·one day wblle I wu 'l:.he tank. wbeli' ftni shed. I.'ho·uld be good nt lour l'ears old, It" III tbererore are to be dealt wltl!. tben Itt .nen 18 & little tulloess wblch 111 held In at , '/ , ullcd to handling dollars ste,p forward lll\et a WOman who told rno ,to tak,e t~gbU1 " covet:ed. wltbout ,"cn.tllatlon. n ml~take t osel1 off all , the ~Ider d .t tb . ff tb ' t,he belt. but. to tbe back tbere Is nooe. Plnkha.m 's Vegetable OompOund• . I did 80 Wben it Is , Qrlrtng rlgbt tbeT(~ \ wlU ' blrds aud rt>taln . the YOUOK ooell fot .Rtn. gfl de money worry o . e )lll" , 'flie cut of tbls waist Is orIginal In as bow it helped me wonderfully. I am ·w'"',....... ' . or s ID l n .' b e a green cum cn th_e , su rrRc~ of ~b. e breeding purposes. If the, astor Is slow about callln mucb as the peuant sleeve Is cut In thankful that I ~ was told to try Lydia . 1I;Qulds ..... U do'es 'nof freeze In winter Young turkeys are of ,a delleat!! no· '... ' t . P d dlffld t I tl .If one wltb the side Ijleces of tbe waist. Plnkftnm's VegetablE! C' .o pound."-M!'s. Wm. Boughton.,. . btC\,,~e bJ:At· 18 genernted ,1,r the de· ture unUrtbElY are fuUy feathered nnd ,vn 8 rangerslBtn th r lekn tnb m (lornwnllvUle, N. Y., Greeno Co. t eeh ng Tbe lleam ,wblcb joln8 tbem to tbe 'I COk!lp06ltIOn; oiId tho' water that I:; have ,thrClwn" out tbe T"ed , tb.e,~. ne~vcolDelr81' ,.e 1\ e 0 III to '. arve front and back being concealed be.' ..' .• , ' II t - b t" ellsy soc a gr ('es go n e rO;)1 or The makers 'of Lydia E. Pinkhamts Vegetable Comneath the tuckll. A long tlgbt fitting CODsta tty. being em"U~d loto It Is rar, he,a ds. ~hlc~ usua Y occurs 0 . a. ou CrlcndlT vlsltln~ and, handshaking. pound have thousands of such letters as those abovesleeve 10 match the yoke In material • . above ,the, .'reellng pOint. Tbls 8),S· three . month,s,., of age. After. tbat (her If .' the' Sunilay chool lags or the tem 18 not ·aJ.1 .~xporlmen~; It . bn~ been nre bardy. ~~d nllly be allowed u.nllm. prayer meetlog III dl\lI. nnd the pastor extend I from the cap ,t o tbe wrillt. A they tell the truth, else they could not have been obtained IiUC~e$s,fl;'ll1;.. \I •.ed fo~ m\lny y~rs. Ite~ ·. range a~, all ,tI~es. dOt/SD't seem to know wllat to .'., wallt ot tblll character Is' sultable fOf for love or money. This medicine is no stranger- has Provld~ a ... load o( field sto~e. not • ',' about It. let Ibe congregation boom silk or any ktnd. . stood the test for years. ' , Tbe pattern (£»094) Is cut In elzes 32 . too large l " load of grnvcl., n~t too Trae~ fo~ 8~hool!lhlldren. I.bOt!e features or worll with their own to , 4'2 Incbes bust measure. Medhlm . coa~Be. five, ~a~ka :or ceme.nt an~ , a Stark t!rothers" wb!> ~wn a largo effort. POI' 80 JeaN Lydia E. ~ll)kb'am'. Vegetable bo~ the rlg~t , leDgt,ll ' for. tho family. nU,Tsery .nellf, ~oulslanll. Mo .., gave to 'Flnnlly. here's a rule . for a. golnA lll~e will require : t~ yards of 36 Incb has bleen ~e ~~ remedy tor ' material or 1 ~ . yarda of 44 Inch aod t. e illI. ' No aiel( woman does justice to ,tl!~.t!O . teot wide ~nd ' t..bree feet' ·'Ion«. ' tbe scll(~ol!-!bll~r~n ' ot n~II.TbY towns a and r;rowtnK church: "Count qn yeiur S yanllot 18 locb all·over. h,enelf who .wIll _ot trythl.e fMllO'" medkUle. 'wlQl JlO boUpm, IIDd Ule o.c ordloG to carload of fruit trees, all qf ""blcb pastor's I\bllltlell as bls chance' eOUD' Made exa1ulveJ.y:, from .roota attd.:h8rbI, An4 1'0 .,toC:', ",, ' thl~ J)II.ttern eend 10 cents ' tb~ ~1af.anc~ away fr~~ the h.ouse. wore planted, and yet .~heT? were !lot 'on bll abilities as your chanc~:" hall thoUl&nti of cares to lt8 credit. to "Pattern Department." or thl. paper. Dli .~Il aU"Qst (our , feet deep, four haH enougb to , So around. The c~r ., ' . . ' Write Dame &JId addh!1\IJ ~llllnJy; and be MrS. PiDkham,tnTlte. all BIek 'h feet , fo,~ Inebes wide, an,d 16 Incbes c.ontalned .,.0,00 ap'ple treell; ~,6~ w~r. MUST PAY ' FOR 'EVERYTH'ING '':Ire to «lve alee and number or Datlern. ,to ~te~ ther tor a,lTAoeo She haa ,IODKer ·tb.m t~e bo~. ' Tbe depth sbould trees. 4,000 chorry treel, ,2,000 peaeb ocl thou_nWl to health tree of c~ nl'1 , acr,r.rdltiK- to leogth at Jail be- trees. lO,OOO · trape~nes and 1.600 r0.8., Ad4l'eu IIn.i ·Plpkb .... 'LJDD. 'HsSIe' erzm ... ........... . N~ . AII·'Thlng. " In Liie. Both Worthy anrt t,r....'~ the · bou~e ·~ anI!' the dll.poaal lIu.sh,eB. ' " Unworthy, Hlv. a Price Set NAlla ..••••.•••'••..••.••.••• .••. . .••••••••• • Upon ,Them.:. " OWl": ..... .. .... .. ............ .. ....... ~ •••
By Lydia E. Pinkham'. Vegetable COmpound
' on
STRUT AND ,NO .. .... r ... .... ........ . 6TA.TIII' .. .. . ..... ..... .. .. ................. .
w. L.· ·DOU,C--...~ '2,50, '3.00, '3.50 "4.00 SHOES WOMEN w .... W.LDoqw 1tJu.Ja...,&ct
flt~, ...:; w~ boot•• becau.e tb~ ....
1000w..... _ ... W.I.DoQl... M.o·..lioea. TIlE STANDARD' OFQtJfd.Jh'
FOR) OVaR'. 30 YEARS '
L. AI Zilllm \~'malil' i~ in bit~cif;nali lodllY.
Mn1. ByrO~l ' Ilartsock k. Athens, Ohio, IMt
Another' car .: of this High Grade Cement to arrive next week. Special pr~ce at car.
Mi sS ~yb il Hawk
. . IIIi.""
return ' U t o In I'n illj{.
Harold II,,\\, \.I was in 'incinnati Wedn sdny and Thursday c.r I n~ t week.
seh 01 at D la\ are l\londay
Mr. anti Mrs. Mull Ion Itklgc were 'pring all 'y Vhlllot's SU Illln .
1 Mrs Evelyn Rowe, of lJa yton. i ~ viliiting at tbe borne of hAr rel ll tive:o \lr . Ind Mrs . Willinm F rtlme. ' Mr. !lnd Mrs. Jonn ll Groff Rnd Mrli. \lr8. Mllry SWllrt.z, of Glllesburg. E VfdY'l Sac ker ApAnt S uncll\y after · 111.. ill vleijin g her mothe r, Mra II ou witb Mr. Iln d &ira. Z ' \0 Arml. Naomi Barlao. t age and M\88 Edoli Spencer. ' Mitis Mtel\fl Lemmon was ", guest Mr. and Mra. E'red <love and of .Henrletta MCI{lnsey Sat nrd tly dl\ogbter, Dorothy, of Bethel. bl\Ve I bt been visiting Mrs. Sue Sherwood . n g . Is vis. ~ .. Mr. aut Mrs . .W.. O. KArsey Bod . Mr. Ed. QrRef, of Pit ""borg !Ion John, were 10 Cinoinnati, Bun. iting his brother, Mr. F . ()f~ef aD d dilY. . wife. . MIM Ednll Spenoer attended tbe The Mi8S8S StaHl!. Stiles and ,JCdne, 'l 'eaobe,s' A88oo1a'ion 10 Lebanon, Winfield. of Morrow, spent sevn 'n) ISdnr".y clays ~ith Mrs. Bope Stil~8 r eoent-· Min Rothe Kersey, of ....'inoinnatl, ly. . Sllsat' SQnday h arn. George Waterhouse left Monda Quite a Damber froUl here Rttend. morning for Delaware ool1ege. f\(~ the F.tr. . ' Mi'Js 14ellie Chenowa~h, Xeni,,-, The IltUS8 M~bel .Sbtlrwood and lIpent iOunday with 'Miss l..anl'R ~dna S~noer spent HundRY at home MoKinsoy. III' ao4 Mn Will 'Nor'~~ and Mr. ,and Ai 1'8. Fred 00., of South d LUlh'e~,. Lu~l1Ie, haVe beeD Tlsltin.g LebanDn. are visiting· their fJ' lendl'1, a ~ Ludlow· Falls. . Mr. and Mrs. (Jrnthers. lira. Bento Keraey called 0., Mrs , ' • _ • J . K.' SpeDoSt' Saturday Ilf~erlioon , DEATH .Mr. G80rge .... ~olter Js I;\Raln at watt t t!C? wealts vacation: Mr. 0 :- J. McElwee died at t he •- • ~rwln. . hQme of his ~~!1ughtel" in DaytolJ~ . ' "..! " Spnd..y morning at ,12:15. atter a M~ . Viola. 'Bart,n' a~d ollHdren 'long s i . 'of Suffering: "The body have ~nr~e~ ' hoo: 'e after spending ' ab' ped 0 d d the lummer wlUl her ellter at a.l81 w,as l~ to g en $ uIl ay eve. burr. ,~1t...oI8.7... ' . '" Dlng . and the fli~eral ,was held Tues.' . -.". Beqrlet'a.: IlQkH118Y> &Uend~ · day morning at 10 o'e ~ck;.. a u.t;ial ed .~~ LOti..non )f~l~ T~orad&y : y.raa maQe in Wilmington ceme~ry.
Mrs. Harry Williamson j spending a few da. s at lmli an La\{e.
J. W. WHITE Oregonia.
was in
Hcv . and lVII'S. J. I. Mel{ 'Ilidt' united wilh the .11I·iHlian. hUl'clt Mont.l oy ev ning .
Mrs. F. ene 'ke w,tl!'; sliKhtly shocked uy li g h tllill~ Thu l' day nt the ol'win elevator. 'l'bere will I)e :1 mc ling o( SL Mary's Guilr! in ll~ c chu'l'(~ h Thursd I I ay aft~rnoon fit' ~ 0 (' 0 L M F C £"1 1d hL . rs.'. . vI moul' an aug el' Kathleen, were visit r~ in 'outh Le a non sev~ral days last week. Lebanon failed to get the ~atural g8S plant they coyeted . Wl\1g to sickness of official it i claimed. Mr. and Mrs. Benj . Hawkin , of Ohio, spent averal days with l'elatives here last ·w eek. Bl oomingtoI1~
Mi.ss India flanker. who has b en
theb g uestt of l Mr. tand Pel'he Mrs. h C.' A. . L b
ry as re urnec 0 rome m e anon. J R t 11' k M' M . d . ~. an , ~~ 0 n e a IC " ISS Gl'~( e Ret~lhck; of . Lebanon, , ~l'. and Mrs. Ed Retalhck and f~m1Iy. of Or~gonia, were Sunday guests Mr. and .Mrs. ~munclRe~lIi. ~~. .
ur f11 t contract
with nn ea ·tern llH\\1ufactu r' r ag nt for the salc f their Mill-'End Goods for t his part ot )Jl iu. which comprises a rl1 st omplct and up-to·date line of
Calico, A~ron C ingham , fancy Dress Cinghams, S hirti ng s, T oweling, T icking, Tab e Li ens, Damask, Tennis a nd.S.tt aker flan nels, Qimi ies, India ino ,white Cl nd fancy figured Waisti n~, Ble ached a'nd Unbleacheuslin, Scot ch Plaid Cin·g~ ~m, solid c olor English llambl'ay,O", ing Flannels, fancy or w h.ite Mo h air, P laid uit ings, ater 00 laids. -l 'he a Ie].. rl 1400. 0 f ollr I1C\V ~ l 'Ill1~ ..!.lI(1 ,1 ycpartrnellt , new goo~, . evt'ry wee k f or S aturd ay. T he 5. ccut count.crs groaning under th e lu(ge ssorlmcut 0(5, 10 a n 25c bllrgaips. III six thou an doll nr Shoeancl R ub. her stock. the best (uld the la/.'g st in tltis I art of Ohio, 'fhe Ramilt n Br \Vn. The' Brown Shoe Co.. T hc Hars h & 'EdlllOU 1, aHed th e L on 'boc, the l~amou Red H.all Band F It and Rubber Fo twcar. every p air ~nranteed, It ·e,nal.>les liS to D'. I; I\o.t ouly the lar&'e);t a ~ort~ept in. tOWl,l b';1t many exc1~si~e lines,.buying . dJr(~ct from tnat\L.f~\ctlJre "thu IUSlIring every article Ilt the sa1l1eLow Pnces charactensbc. of tIll store, 0 tir clothing; L dicsllud Gents Furnis ling" 'Ha ts. ap. Floor Oil Cloth, 'Mat ing, Liiloleuin .
Over·,· 5QO
. Solid 'Coh for't Re~d R~cker~
. The corner·atone fo r .the new Ma-
Bonic 't~mpl~ ~~ laia in Wilmington TUeSday ' afternoon. , ;Dr. 'and ~rs . D. , Mrt and Ml's. J. O. . . . ~na Mr. ~. A. Zi~mer~ man attended. , .. NEW F.NTE ~PRI SE
I "
B~g pJlrt of Section No.6, Town No: 4, and ' (1.1 Range No. 4, .M. R,' S. Beginning in a line of Samuel Roger.t' (late) and about the middle of ·the C;.ncionati at,ld ,xenia ' turnpike ,road and ' comer to· ~3 . w. B. ~cC~l1and (late) thenc: ~tb Ius. line North 67 20' West'10.~1 chains to said McCleltand's N.W. " . comet; S. 25 20' ·W. 2.84 .chains to a ston.e ; · ~hence' S .. 61 2<Y E. 10.31 chains 't o a point in said ' RogerS' . lineanc:i in said tumpike road;thencewiths.id Rogers! .; ~ line and in said road N. 34 0' E. 2.85 chai~s to the , {f, 'beginmng, containirig thr~ (3) ac~ of land more or less. ~~/' I
Improv~ments . .'
A. 9-i'oom ,' frame house, stable, weU; city water,. all the' w.itIJ.out li~t: The owner of the P10peiiy lives inDayt~n and : ne~er ~xpects to occuPY it, therefore it is 6pportuity to buy:' I:'...V';,,··~::',I("·:'I. ·· sotn~UUng at yoyr ,own '. price. ". A deposit requi!ed on d~y of ~~~ bal~~' ·when deed "is dl!uvered. . '" ' ,. .Por inf6nnation, write "
... ,
i'- I
. . .. "I
d. . .
.a.d• ., .
.Pens. Ink- prices l'ig.ht. . .' ,0 :1 ,a,,S,.Bi!,f,' i..",.. !' ••• N~w . Je~sey · Sweets', Cabbage,' . , Id h obblel' Irish Pota·taea. ! ..............-. ~ .-~.~ T,omatoes fot Canning. 'Onions, Melons. Apples. .. , .
]'resh. EilgPlnqnt -Cl'ac'kers, New Mild . neese. Pure Cider Ving'lr" Whit( Wiile Vinegar. . Qu'a i-t J ar - S",(eet . Pickles, " new ' ~QQtls ,
just:in. 15c.
~QJliR-d.Ydr!~UI !O ' cider mul /it' Tr.y I\ rug's Butter Crust Bread. . ..: ' Sp r!~6' V:all ey ', . Will, Ol)e r"t~. Tu~dliy and Fr \~ ay. Albert . 'p'~Yini· .. 20c for . EJ~ 6ver~ ~r",w. ·" ." ', .. , . . • ,: .,~. o!I~.~ ' EverYthing good to eat- ~d our '·
pri!!es are the lowest.
t "
ou~d«; i~pr?vements. This prope~y is .especially adapted' as,' a ~uburbati. home and will positively ,be sold to the bigh~t ·bidder'
~ P .. ncn : and ·Ink T blets, Pencils,
De.~iption ~f 'Property : .~
are ·anxious t o , ..
, " dQH~ ~.'.' F'UNK'E¥ . :!' ": ',' :'..
- .'"1' . ' -;O' ·••...;, :~ . ...;,S-C~ ).h-d-O-IS...,.U...,P...,.p-I-le-s.-
, •
nnd' dor(t:fqJ'get
, ' . ~'. 's tar Tin Cans The beilt mild'e. D ·t cuy t in Gans, un.! there is a Star on the uo-ttoDl of tMcan and a tar on . the '1)'(1. : . . i k ed Virgin Sealing \ Bl·l~~ ~DuBt. · ' . .' 'l '~~"' -~"""-~~~--'
.Begillil,ing "at ' 2 p. m• . II'
. . Please accept thi!'i us ~ ,pe~~ual jl1vitation to ~0i1' and your'friends t~ visit'our ~~?r~, to lUspect our BAl'GAl 0 l .ER CUld the MIJ.L~END DISPI~ . Remember, w p lease. cry respectfully yOUT~, .
. ,.'1
We ba e givCI1 away ilP, to o.ne hUlldr¢d Solid Cbm,fort .~eed R9ck.e~s aQd "we 'tlt'e anxious t llt,\ce ;HI'r ne or two in .e ery llpnle. Call ~ud get the C'.lrd .. whetl you. have the card star~et1 the r~t 'is eo. y yC frjen~s . will help you . • crybt'>dy will be.glad to SCC\l re st)ni.e of ou : gr ~t bargain . , E~ery few days th~ fr!!ighL bdngs ew G'Ood . . Each depa rtment will be·eq\l\ppeq to it utmost capacity. . lit -(0,1' is 100 feet ' deel, th~'d erest in.the e.ounty. q11r neW line will be the'largest.. )(o~ an.; w Il!oxne. . · .' ~. . .'.
\Yaynesyille, ·Ohio.
Revs. L . . O. TholllPllon' and J. I. From Inte.niatiollal Tailocln~ 0., ·the fam()llS Made-to-Measure lilts ~nd ver<;oat. WC" gll~m~tee . McKenzie will leave this. Wedne day every gawl 11t LO b right: If it i. not rigl1t you have no right to tal;je it. In L010 we to k . 7 rder·. · In· for ' Sl\bins. Ohi!). 'where L011 we \vnut ttj cnd in 100. ' Wi1~ you help .us? \ill anel , :ee s~\mples . . ~. t hey will attend a, convention of the . \{ Brotherhoo4 of the Christian chul'ch.
o'f AIl:.rWq91 ~uithlgS ,.
............ '..
........... ..-..-.....
-. ..-.....-.~- .-..
' 1 Former • __ _ _ _
Citizens "
___ - . ____. __ - I f
We take the . {o)lowing from th New York Churchman of September 2grd:-~
I The Rev. W. E. Dakin, l'(>ctOl' of St. Paul's church Columbus. Miss., has resumed his duties after a vaca· tion in the 'l'ennessee mountains.
-----_ ..- --
TREAT SEED WHEAT FOR SMUT To treat seed wheat f9T stinking smut of kemeh" before sowing the grain seems very necessary in i911. Reports received at the Ohio Experi. ment Station indicate that the smut is present in nearly every county of Ohio in this vear's wheat crop. This smut is caused by the spores of the stinking amut fungus which adhere to otherwise healthy aeedgraill. To treat seed wheat the method of sprinkling it with a solution of formaldepyde (formalin) in wa.ter (1 pint.of pound of formaldehyde to 40 gallons of watert is recommended
.rr.. . _. . ... .. ..... .. . - . . . ...............·. . . . ... .----.............-.. . . .-. . . . -1 ! Personal Mention Column !i ~··
·--·--..~· I II"
~BOLE NU.MBlm lSi:>'
• • • • •- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
• • •-
. . . . . - - . . . . . . .-. - - - -... -
.... . -
. -
is the' c~ncert program : .i forfo'oll,o\~ing Thursday ev mng, S ptember froln to clock:
I l _..................~ ...._.._.~.._.. ~~._~._H._.... _...~_._ ._.~ ..._ .• ~i
7: 30
A delicious dinnel at the Barnett . home Salurday was enjoyed by the Mar h--= " how Boy" ............... Huff . following guesu: Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Agnes Wright i . on lhe s ick I 'eorg-e Thoml1sOII. of Dayton, was . el ction-"n. olden Prince" ... J. H. Colemall, Mrs. Kate McComas list. in I,/)wn unday. .. .... ..... ..... ...... .. ................. Los y and Miss Elizabeth Carroll. Waltz s-"Flowers of the Wild· unday will be Rally nay in the wood" Op.14 ..................... Skaggs Mrs. A. B. Sides was a Dayton v;sior Thursday. County Sunday schools. March- "Hail to Old Parkesburg" Mr. and Mrs. Emmor Baily enter_ Mrs, Loui~e Wooll ey has b en havMiss Katherine Prendergast of .. .. .. ... .. ............................. Miller tained at Sunday dinner the following an at.tack of grip. the Gazette fOl'ce spent Sunda~ in Selection-"War Songs .. ............ .. ing guests: Mr. Israel Satterthwaite Lebanon. .. .......... ....... .. ........ . Mackie-Beyer and family, MI'. Chauncey Bunnell. Mal'~h -" Cradle of Liberty" .. ... ... Messrs. J . Eo Janney and J. M. and family. Ml'. and Mrs. Lincoln ...... .. . ................................ Hayes King. Cook were in Lebanon Thursday. Miss Ke,da Menitt will leave this Wednesday morning for S'pringfield, Selectipn- Migonnette" ..... Baumann Mr. and Mrs. Elias Barley speJlt to vi sit l'elalive. . March- "Endeavor" ............... Huff Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zell had as Monday with relativ s in Spl'ing their guests Monday evening fC'f supMrll. David Adams, of Kansas City, Thi!:! will be the last concert for Valley. . Mo. , is the guest of Rev. and Mrs. this year, and from the I oks of the per in honor of Mrs. L. A. RobinMiss Elsie VanIlal'lingen, of Dean, J. F. adwalladel' . program it will be the best of the son , Mr. and Mt·s. Nathan Jones, Mrs. Eva Jones and Miss Ethlyn Ohio, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. season. U. M. White. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. EverlY; of - -- - - .. - - Jones. Dayton, spent Sunday afternoon IMPORTA~T TO OWNERS OP with relatives here. I PURE BRED LIve STOCK Miss Kezia. Merritt was the pleasant hoste..qg at a delicious Miss Emma Heighway is in SarThe Ohio Department of Agriculdinia, hio, the ~uest; of Mr. and ture is preparing a roster of Ohio Junch~on Thursday evening. Tpe guests were Mrs . John H. C(lieman, Mrs. J. A. Funkey will enter- Mrs. Marion ampbell. owners of pur" bred and registered Mrs. Kate McComas and Mrs. D. L. tain the W. F. M. S. of t he M. E. ; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen and Mr. live stock. This. roater when pub- Crane. church Wednesday aite moon. anq M'rs. Elias Bal'1ey were guests lished will co~tain ,the names, c1assiMr. Ray Hawke and Miss Bertha (If relatives 1n Xenia Sunday. tied by counties, of ~all owners of Lutz, of D~yton, were guests of . pure bred animals, giving name of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Keys, of CenMr. an~ Mrs. J. C. HaWke. Sunday: . '1)r. and .Mrs. Gray :md daughterj' breed, number of animals and ~ost- terville. entertain~d at dinner Sun___ .. ' of Oolumhus, spent the week-end office nddre~ of owner. All owners day. Thos~ present were" ¥r. 'and The state warden Oharles Actol'l,. Mr~. E. ~~ Colvtll and daughter, with Mr and Mrs. R. A. Cro>s. . of such anImals are ~equested to Mrs. Samu~l Butterworth and little is hot OP the trails of all violators ,of Pearl left Tuesday evening f r L'unh send above informat.ion to the Secra,. grandsqn GIlbert Frye. Mr. and Mrs. the game lllws. Last ~eek he cap. berto~ to attend the Haines·Telfair Mr. and Mrs. Elias Oglesbee and tary of the State Board of Agricul. O. J . .BuIn:et, Mr. and Mrs. Amos tared two more having seines of un- weddmg. , qaughter, Miss Josephine have re- ture, Coll.lmb~s, Ohio. No chlO"ge Cook and httle daughter. . M h tu~ned from a delightful, trip through will be made for this publication. att e\\ s G ad - - Hyde Park, were ~ a. NOTICE , Mr. and . Mrs. 'F. B. Henderson . . entertafned Suhday at dinner. Those and Mrs. Fred. Barnard and The members of Miami Valley who enjoyed their hospitality were: Poultry Association who have not reo Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Coleman, Mrs . . sporided to the letter sept out by the Kate McOoma'3, Mrs. Louasa lVoolto do so as ley. and Mrs. ' D. L. Crane and ~n, Eth.an.
•-.-.....- ........ -.-.....--......................................~ ..- ............... - .......... _....__... _.......j
AFTER ~~.~~?~~~.~~~ ?~~Q~D~~1YEARS SUFFERINO
aller. ., O. L.. ,CRANE,Publ . ; OH"
Corn bIB decided to do without t he 'i-el!ll~t IUId admiration or the people
Tbe pr9mlee at the crop at tbe period rolla '1 ~ e.atly seeding was unex· c II d. en~ \' ry eater of meat nnd eggs in t,be land cou ld cougTatlllate hhuselt that this promise was equal to the reallzat fo n o[ last year. The 1mmense op oC 1910 bad cheapen d 1'000 consJdru-ably, and a.notl1er large ono 'his year wollld bavo bad 8 ten· dency to s ettle prl 0 8 ro r a coupl e ot yean; or more. provid ed no relll shortage occurred In tb e crops or those years, says tb e Prov1d nee Jour· Dal But the currell t stock of inforOla· tlon abou t the 1911 crop IDaJces tb e prolH/eCIS ror 8uch a substantial arrangement ror trade nn d businels whe-rever de pe nden t on the crop any· thIng but br1ght B ef and hogs, with poultry. w111 be the coru·eaters most d irectly all'eoted. Th re Is da~ge r ot o repetition ot tbe IJlghest prices tor them. a.nd of. the possible maximum cbarge once more tor eggs a.n d fresh fowls. Three months 'ago the promise , under blcb these a ll ba.ve been aold Ilmce last f-all brougbt a large 8upply ut cb enp corn Into tbe market. Today the indications are of a d I e to the . ligures ot last s ummer and of .S epteJb: b.~r and October of lut year. It Is pos· sible tbat th~ warm weather and droug ht condi tions ha ve not l erioueb burt the crop a nd that the quotation. for com will tall 'off correi pondlngly wbl'n lbe' real facti are IhoWll to bs luore propitioul.
Ears Should Be Dented. or Glazed and Leaves arid Husks ~eginni ng to Turn Brown- Fill ing the Silo Is An Operati on That Req ui res Much Care,
Root. 3,000 ' Dozen Flowers and 20.000 Small Root.s ~or Plont.tng· Mt.er Those {or Drying Have Been Gat.he r d.
prQd uce We st.audard crops with suo Tbe or-rls p!o.nt IB a beauUCul Iris. cess. Worn 0 nrc f(lnd of It, and the beauTIt ra are or this speCies 01 plants .00 varleUt I . Some of the m hloom ty , of th e ·plant. s eclally when In under t he snow. Some grow In water. bloom. glv s It R.h a ttraction tor per· Tho Howel"B of some at tb em yield sons ot wsto and r efioemen The orris·plan t IJOsaeSSell three an Indeli ble liquid dye. Some of tbe m have on exquisite per'f ume when In s oul'ces of Income .rOt toe grower. An bloom, One or tbem Is tho orris plaut. acre Is capab le of producing ~ .O OO Its leaves are long. thi ng, tough , pound s of dr l d root, 3,000 Qllzen flo w· wide III the mlddl • a nd of a pille· e rs a nd 20.000 snla ll roots fo r plant· green color. It produces. on each Ing art cr t b OB for d rying have Ilee Bt em, seyera l sweet and fragrant In.rge gathered, Tbo Yllllle of tbese prod· ",·hlte or blue flow ers In the ea rly ucts ma y ex eed S2,000 per l'par, . T be plants ar e cer tain I)" Lf:rdy In spring. T he root. atter beIng dr1ed. po ses· our mld tll latitudes where tbey grow les a deUcnte perfume, whlcb haa the peculiar character ot permanency. the s trength of the perfume increasing wit h age. F O.r these t he plant Is g rown. Orris Is the commer cial name for the dried root. Perfumers and ma nutact urers of perfu m ed specialties use It powdered and granulated as the base of their products. It MIter!! Into every face powder , _ aaebet powder. tooth powfte'l'. violet Flllln, the 8110 la an Operation That Rlqul,... ea.... powder Ilnd e very other pe rfumed pow· del". I t. Impa r ts to the perfume or Filling ule silo is IUl op erollo~ tbat A a Silage enter s the s,lo. it sbould the e powders the Quality 'of perm a. re qu lT~ great ~are. As silage Is a be e ven ly dl lltrIbuted. U alar e hea., nence . T be seat of the fore ign orris Inr;reen t eed precer ved In Its natural Is a llow d to acoumulate frem the oml state-<l r nearly s o-In order tor It to of th e cllrri r or blower. U:e pieces of duat ry Is around Florence and Vienna.. keep well It must be put a way prope r· corn wm roll dl)w n the sides. conEL" In ltaly. from whe nce moiSt o[ the Iy. Before fl Uln'g , the silo should be Que ntly t he grain will not be ev n1, orris c omes. gone over carefull y, to make sure that d lstrlbll,led and s ome feeds w1l1 be Like aU the varI eties ot tbe IrIs It Is air-tight: Wherever the air has much rlcbl3 r tha n others. Tbis 011· family. the roots grow near the lIur. access, we may e xpect to find n eer· jeoUon may be overcome by keep.lnr; face of the SOil, are tough and tenactaln amount of spOiled s1ia.ge. the s ilage scatter ed 8 S It enters the IIOUS. so that the plant Is extremely Com for the sHo should not be cut s\10. For thIs purpose a distributor bardy and easy or propagation, The AmOllg the olh~r Interesting pie Cell tlIlui It is 8Omewlat' ripe. The ears or conveyor will be tound very conv& plant will stand the rOU8hest kind Qf . lJ'tlatment and stUl survive, of news act afloat thr. summer is one IIhould be dented cr glazed and the went. Care shOllld be taken tIlat tbe en· WlIJJe moisture la good tor It. waler , comlo, , trom . the .hoemakerl ot Do.· leaves and huaks beglnuing to tum brown. In other words, It should be tire Burface Is well packed. FJ-leUoD Itanding about tbe .roots causes them JI~ll to the effect th",t women's fe.e t at sueh a stage of ripenes8 t' :lt it let along the wall:: prevents the silage .to becpme soft IllId rot. Manure. or , Orrl. PlanL "re KJ'OwiDC lara:er. The Ihaemaken tand a few daYlI, It would do to put from setUlng, thus leaving air spaces, allY moist substallce, produ el a 11m. DOt, Uk'e thIs; as mpre leather Is Into t he sbook. If c ut too green. not unless It 18 carefully tramped. It the Uar effect. and for thb eeason all on varloua typel of soil, ~,eclajIJ ,bulI .reqwred for ~very pair of aboe. only wUl the yield ' per acre- ~e mucb enUre cen,ter is not kept well filled _nurlng muat be Ln the soU and be. well. perhaps. on graTen, loama: The, multiply rnpldly and are propagated ..-rned out. Chicago, J,laving lIeud tbe less, but a poorer quality of sllngo will and packed. it wUlslnk down, aet tlJng . fore the pJantln from tbe eQds 01 rhIzome.. the ; 0result, as It wlll be mOie acid. It aiaway from the walls. Ii· "ord trom BO.to~ hu ~JanatloDIi Aiter filling. tbe Silage will s ettie Wben there III a drought, bo~ever. called bulbs. which are cut oft at the ready. A laree retaUer ot wo~·. lowed ·to get too ripe It wl1l trot pack well and the danger from mold will some distance, 80 tbat a sooond fiUlpS tise plant doe I not die. The roots l1e Ume the root Is dQC ror msrket. ' Thl rootgear 1D tbe ,Wind, Ct.t, admits ' be .. much greater. I!, tor any reuon. wUl l)O necessary a day or two later. dOl'lllaat during tbe d,ry apell, and root not requtred for planting tl- peel· that womeD'a feet are srowtng 'larger, ,the corn ir aUowed to become So rlPe Howe !l', it no roof Ia UBed. wben when rain cQmes new sboota spring ed, carefull, dried, and powdered. but ' lilY. thI. I. · due to out1Jip and 'a. to be 'somewhat dry. -water dMI4 nearly ' hill ·old 'boat4s may be' set up UP. and In a lbort time the .plant Is athleUea. For lever.f ,~ra. he ,,& be added as the sllo la lilled. . lDslde the silo, projecting elgllt or ten fUll, r~vIYed. Sweet Corn. aares, women baYe been takl.ng more Whatever t.,pe ot cutter I. . . . . . feet abOve the ' top, and tbe silo filled W'l8ds . that . eompletelr envelop' esQolden bantam' aweet com 1s cou· uerclle. .doIng more waJltlDg, playinl corn should be cut very fine. 'fte up to the top of tbese. In a day or tabUlbed plants do but UttIe Injury. Itdered to be our belt variety. 10 lar length or the pieces 8hoUld never ex. two tho s ilage wiU ha~e settled to the becaule , the plant II a late tall aDd aa' QuallO 18 concerned. Tbe earl are IDOTe lamea, c eed o .•e·:-,.al( or th ree:rourt!W ' of an top o[ t llEi s ilo, and the . boards may be earl, ' aprine crower, not larce, but the aweet, tender keJ' Inc~, Then the silage will not Qnly removed. .T he top of the Silo should It Il'ow.s after the weed. tn the nels make It , ID,ost desirable for the , : .....t'ear U1er~ cJ.Il'd JD tbe U1)Ited llll.(lk b Lter, but th e cattle . wUl eat It then be le~t t1nalsturbed until feeding tan u.e died. and I. at It spin In bome ta1l1e. Corn of this Tarlety ma, etatel . of, P bDoDarT t.ubet'CuloaU ~ore co~pleteJy: cOllseque ntly. thllre begins. '" . ' ",th~ Iprln~r~et~e the' weed. app~. be bad throughout the lIeuon by pla:Dt. abOut 180.000 people , "ultJp), ...... Is les8 wns te. Tbe most convenient Unless feeding from the 8110 i8 b& ~ a compUatlvel, mUd climate tbe 'l~ In aucC6sstOn. Thla la a tboroul~' llebel' b, three and a fractJoD-the way o[ cutting 18 wltb, the binder. If gun. immf)dlate1y. a tew Inebe8 at ,the toPI remain creeD thtoucboDt the en· lJ' PrU~ pl.... and abould be ,morl raUo of n'd la', ~palaUon .to · our ow,p tlie corn' Is 80me what green, It may i() . .~~ tk · ~("\e&"- $1.1:.. .wuu... -' ~, ' EeneraJ{, uaed . . JfplanUogl are madl -«Dd 10~ wm flDd that tbeae wntbl. be allOWed to wnt, ut Qot to become ~~ ,ott thll ,re.non .t t well It mak.~ two dt.Unct crowth. each 'every 'two weeD Ulere should be • e~ea cOTerJnl tJle 10.1 of lite frOm · 4rY_ If cleah:ed, ·tho twine .may be re- to go lnto' tb~ fte14 ' and remove the .,.ear, aendJpc up new Ihoo~ In both ~onatant aupp.ly Of ears In prime CODthe plalUe In lzama. ' when' anaJJRd. m~vea) at ltbe . cutter; IItlthougb ~be ears ·from the ~ast tew loads that are falJ aDd Iprlne. ,",e root formatton 18 dltlon frost. . After remonD, the ; abo" 't hat out of & thoua&lld meo, usual practice Is to run it tbrflugb Ule to be ·Placed at the extreme top of ~E repar -and elrcutar, new s~oota and [odder from the early p1&DUngs, tbl . , nili.ch. Ine wttli p,e com. silo, roota croWIDI from the oute,r r~m' ~s ground caD be used for turnipi 01 ·womeq '" &114 ch~cJ.reJl 1D the ..United . the pl~t IDcreaees In lise, and eacb St,a.tea~ pra~eal1, .. man, die of . ..-.on'lI grow~ remaiDs attacbed to other late cropl. (ny u n. c. A. G,I'l;CHELr.. VlrKlnln.)
( By E. F. Rineh a rt, College of Agr1culture,
Oh ~o
I Was Cured by Lydia E. Pink,. ham's Vegetable Compound
State Un iverelty. )
Waurika, Okla.-"I had f omalo t-rou.. bles for :seve n ' '"8.S aU r un down. and so nervous I could not do anything. _ T he dootors t r at.ed m e fo r d1ff r ent t hings but did me no good. I got 80 b ad tbat I could not ·sleeJl day or night. W hile in this condition I read of Lydia E . Pink. bam's Veg et ablo Com p 0 un d, nnll L-'--~I-_.,...,.~bcgan ita u s e and Mrs. f or advice. In & short tUne I had gained my average welght and am now strong and well." -Mrs. SALLIE S·rEVEN!!, R. F. D., No.. 8, Box 81, Waurika, Olda. bother Grateful Woman. nuntirurton, MaSs.-" I was tn I!. ner. TOus, runGOwn condition and tor three reara could tInd no help. .. lowe my present good health to Lydia E. Plrikham's Vegetable Co~ pound and Blood Purifier which 1 beUeve saTed my lite. "Yy doctor know8 what helped me and dON J)ot Bay one word against it.'~ -lira. l£Am J.un:TTE B.u'E80 Box 1M, Huntington, Mass. Because your case Is a difficult ons. Goctora haVIng dODe you no good, d() Dot continue to sutler witbout giYiDr Lydia E. Pinkham', V egetable Com..; pound a trial. It IJOrely baa cured man1 cases ot female Ule, .ueb as i~ ftammation, ulceration, displacements. fibroid tumors. lrreguladtfes, periodio pains, backache, that bearing40ml feel\Dg; awlncnolll proatratioD. Efflclen·cy In the Foroat. The Bsbes tn the Woods were loat; "Tbere la no hope." they cried, .. they 19111 try to ftnd ua b,. a SlUD, ays tem."
DISTEMPER In aU Ita torml .mone .11 acu of horan, u well u dop, curea .nd othera In the . ame .ta.blo 'prevented from h.~I~ the · dlleue with Sl'OHN'S DISTEMPER CURE. Every bottle cuaranteed, Over 'l5O,000 bottlea lold Jut yelll'. Best reme4y tor ' chicken 0001 ra. 60 centa and f) .OO & bottle $5 ..DC!' '10 the doaen. Any a'OOCI c1rucCl.t. or lend to manutac.t"rera. Wrtte tor tree book. Spohn Medical Co.; Spec. CGDtaclous Di. euel. GOlhen. IDd., tJ.1l.A.
A 8enate of Lawyera. In lhe lentite of the UnIted Btat. .there are 61 laW7ere, 6v. bankei'll. elebt bWllnesl msn, tour farmen. three JournaJllts, ' two mine openton. ,".0 m&Dufaclu~ra, one author, em. doctor and lour membe,.. WbOM eali· Inga are DOt ctven. Of 'the rolll' farm· era, two are from the aame" ltat., SOUth Carolina; The, we Tillman and S.i nltb. Tbe la.,er. clearl, outDum'b er an othef8'. ,
, ~neumptJo!i JQ! t1!6 ordl1l&1T" ,ear·.. cJ.te4, o,f tbe pJaCU~ In lndla d~rlq the . ,., p.t' ~ montbl at epidemic. It feai· ' , ., ~~. al If clyJlI,a ed ~mertea ou,ht, t9, be able ~o dq a UtUe better thlUl -t'• . '..' th .. , , .. ~. .. /Lu. practical Jok,r "at' AUIdlUC Cit,. ~aDteci ~ scar. the ' cr~w4 .wlth an InUtaU.Qu,. pt a ~ro 'bing 'JDp. '. It 't~1t '0 hpur to m tilrehim atte):' 'ilI,a ICars bad. become '. · r~ . o'D~·. water II' ~ element' w,hlcb' doe8 'Dot l~~d 1t.elt .'odl), (0 peculiar form ' of·bu'm ar.
,GEr.' CHILDREN I.NTERES , TED 1" T.·H., E, FAIR .theAtIfOwtb of the preVioua aeaaoQ. " the enei ofa ,ear: the .mall teed· •.' Fair boards tbllt, have Doticed a 'decllnlng lntereet 1n tbelr home fa/tbave found a ne ' w .enthus las'm . --anltes ·· t In , au boUl young and old by having educa. hi . ,. tional' eX""),l)lts o[ t be work of ,the pub,
Tbe' bl~l1elt paid woman ' In govern. Cll\eot ' !lervle~ .18 ' aiWounc~, tbOU~b · ~m~~b~t D'~edlessly, ·, ~o· b~ ..~gaGe~ Jo the oClipaUon ,. ot maktng money, charge ot. making . , elle, ,II In. . ,actul.1. ' -:>1' , coin I r lit: th.·mint. , .~
wlU be there; too. together wlUi tbel: Iatl d I hl>o reThese v~s elthlblta an pe g generally '. ~ conolst of Jna~s and, ,miscellaneous drawings •" . specimens of penmanship. note. booka, examlnation manu~~lptl!, composl. tIona, kIndergarten work, speolmens of sewJJlg ~ndagr1culturaJ..dlaplan. TJ;le awards are usually th~ be,.a t ot books a?d ~icture~, cbosen by t)le ' wln· n~rs In .consultatIon wlt~ some competent ~rsOn whQ, sees to· it thnt the work Is only ~rst.class . and 8ultable to. the age oi- the pUpil It ia DO un· common thing for small ·",lIlage sohoo1s . to receln premiums amount· ing . to '100 and cammc;>n collntn llchools baIr that amoun t. Ono' can nof overestimate the vast amount ot good that Is done by a school 'dlstrlct rccely· tng such a stock .of good lIlerature .. In many schools 'i t is the only BOUrCe from which they are able to draw in order ·to secure· a library and yet by patle~t effort a list of books bail been secured that would be a credit to a much larger and wealtbler district. C. p . STErNER, College of ,AgrIculture, Ohio State University.
.' .' , , An ~xhiblt Made at a Coun~y Fair bV J,.8ch~~1 Children. · ' A rich ,womnn trom New )'ork an· «Tlly 'd eclhied to become .: patron or llc' sobools. It Is vel'y easy to see tbat · a Los ~ngeles hote, wben' sb'e was In' when' boys a nd girls are eichll1ltors a.t forme,d : tbot bel" d~ggie would not be a coun t~ tall" they wllJ be, Interested, "emitted to receive mlUlsage treat, In tbe fall". to the extent tha t they 'wlll . mentl lil t1;le ' barber IbOP. Aren't not be, satis Hed unUl they can attend wme hotei , keepcl"8 Independent! nt least a day or RO' during Its session,' Parents wlll natllrally be interested After ·she bad jabbed her ba'tpln In what their children do 9.nd so the, Into ' Ii mail'S eye Ii Ssn ' FrancIsco FANNING MILL. USE, THE woman s colded he'r \"Ict lm lor bavLng POIN:rERS ON BREAD BAKING. . ' his eye wllere It Intertered wltb .b ~1' In mak ing bread sma ll loaves ca~ There . i8 I' m Imple:nent tound or IlIltPin. We fe el almost Bure ~hat she belongs ilie class ot w()'men ' w ho be more thoroq~hly bal,ed than large mos t fnrms tbat is not utled as mud ones. Loaves baked In single as it should be. and that 18 the fan rega rd' all men as brutes. have crl!st all around and 'n well baked nlng mill, or seed grader. It uauallJ, ' -., ~~------'tbo chicken, as well as the dog, bas crumb. wbile if several arc baited in sta.nd. In tbe barn. away back· in thE bad Its doy. A St Louis be n bumped one pan the ins ide leav es are rarely ! corner, covered with hayseeds aud cob webs and only comell to light whe& Into B motor oar and wrecked 1i.: 'P·o s· baked thol·oughiy. . Tllo ordinary sillJy (h1$ Is the lolution of the old gle l,an is about four by [our and ·ohe- there II Dn e8p~lally urgent need thai size seed ,w heat or oats · bo . cleaned. Wb, COlluDdrum : . "Why don a cblcken bait by nine Incbes. A loaf of I eas ily baked in forty~ftye ml.uutes. not use it every setlllOn? Many ot tbE cross' Ole road?~ A lar ger loar will require lo~g~r bak. experlmen~ stations ·ba ve ' found altel . , careful tellts .that the 'l arger,' plumPeI ' A' New Yorlc woma'n ~aya 'she Iiangs mg. ' I kernels of wlieat give the· beat yluldt ber bead in sbame bei~au8e Amorica Atter !laking, place the loaves In tbe whe,O' sown . .. · The lIOeds (bat are · weI' .ts· not . pr~ducln'g Iilore . great 'poets a ir to cool. Du not cov-er with a clo~. Dourlabed, •• 11 stored with p{ant t906 Poets 'ate born. but we can't expect '1'0 . so!te~ the crus t, It fs . better . ~ 'tbem ' /ltt.he rate· of ono a ~Inllle. 1:I'v read It. ~UghUY WI th butter. Covering the bre ad ' is -apt to maKe It soggy A PennGY I\"8.nj~ : m'iQlsler bal quit nslde. . The loaves 'muy btl set across Illa PU'l plt ' ~o ~ocOme 'a carpenter,' the edges of tJle. pan to CClQl. As soon ..Hat~ to · tblD~ ,,'bat Il',,'n say wben b~ as tbe bread is cool, place It in .8 ·tight tin· OOx·'01', a jar to keep · iUrom blu bla thumb lJistead' of th~ nail. , .1dl''ytJ1g ~
to '
Meaning "Whoa." . Some tolk. let so tn tbe bablt ot Ira attaclllns to ·the uDder .Ide 01 the a.,IDg : 'Wboal" t.o their borsel .heD roots , P~aJ. y cUe, ~~ t.bl. portion. the, do not meaD It, that these ' faithatter - aendlng tortb the fiower .tem. ful animals can~ot . teU wDen 'lbell become. lultable ". ' It • b -_ ..for It Idr»fng t '1 t 'master. dQ really mean to have them ~atllo. at'~"'bed·e .. to thll DC? t"OI, ' aa..!! 'ItoP. 80 Uley keep 10lDl, Wben yqu ,r..... nl a ...c e 0 uer pa~ ... of tbe laut 'b . all U .lIay: 'Wboat" mean it. That t. the onI, ~L II , a~. co~ec liE Way ,our horses' have of 1U!0.lng what Amcmi the many 1000 polntl mllY to do. be meD~oned the f~howing: , It wHI tbrlve t:D OJe op~ \ field with. Value of Mule •• OlJl ally protectlQn In' wlnte'r~ , . Some ED.nab farm tire are Pl11lDt aa The pla~t la not injured b, bUIS or blgh aa ,.00 'p er palr ' 'or · .. n'Ar·..... n molel; It hal ilo fungous enemleL mulea to send to . the Al'gtllltine It, will succeed OD laUd too poor to public: , , ,' "...,_ _ _.0-..___,;;.,._......._ _ _................- . : - . - - - - - - - -...... 1'0£1 A of time and strengt.h. Let the UJ\I',ft '. . " be cheerful' and cozy. but cut out ~ brlc-a·brac and thing; wblch oal1 11 catcb the dust 'and ~ake work: This overhead' tanJi Is placed on tbe Overhead Taak. Made '0 1 Gal.~. second Iloor In a bed room. Aa It r. tud Iron. Will be Fouad c~vered witb matcbed lumber ' It Of Much CODvul' . se"es as an excellent table [or tbl, 'enc;e. room. Water' Iii 8upplled to thIs tank from the eave. trough wblch runs Inlo one corner of the tank. The overftow pipe IR located on ODe "Ide of the tank and consists of a plvanlr.ed Iron pipe ,With a ,funnel about two Inchel lower than the top of the tank. Tbls run. through the slde .of the house and hal an elbow. then a straight pipe to con· duot It to the g'r ound and a\\'8y trom tbe bouse. At the opposite aide of·
e ' Overhead T~n~. , the' ~n~ and from ~e' botltlm I. ·'lbl pJpil C:'Ilnn~tln, with tlie IEltch at I. ' " .JCrUWIIIIM '-' .......'r••• "Ilk IIi provided wit.'! ~ :~at:.r 4rain ;ptpe 80 tb~· nGl water 11Hd ~ CL ...." dtal ' . e . . ~ ..e n · PIp~ camel aU "ater trom. th bOU8e. .
.* l
~~:!1IWt\~~~.J "..,.~
She-Old .,,14 Il, be ' wer. tweoty-fh'e ),ears )oounger he would , . marry me. . H ....Twenty·f1ve ' )'earl yoongert Wh" that's just my, nge. She-Qb. CbarU~.. thll fl ~o IUclo den!
A LADY LECTURER , Feed. Nerv.. and Bralns ScIentifically A lad, lilcturer writes trom PhUadel· ' phla colicer~lD« the use of right tood and how ahe II enabled to witliBtan4 the strain and wear and toar of !ler· Ilrduoua occupation. Sbe 8&7a:' ' "Tbrough Impro~r tood; Imperfect. I, digested. my health wu complotely wreckefl. and i attribute my reco;. ery entirel, to tbe regular use , of Gralle-Nuts food. It haa. I assute ;00. proven an Ineetlmable boon to me. "AlIi1oat Immediately after be'ilnntn. the use of Grape-Nuta I 'found a Itatl. ·.. '(ylog change· in my condition. The tar,rlble wealmess ., that formerly Jll'Qa' ·' '., trated me atter a few bouts of 'Work wall ~C~Ptl~ly lesseoeeJ. .-.nd '.8 now ' .onl, a memory-;tt' neverr6turDS.. • ' "Ten ·dV8 after .bestn~log. on Gra~. Nuta I expene~ced a . wond~rful '" tilct.... In . m~taJ viaor' ,I).od: pby.led " e~ergy, -aD4co~UnUed Ule hu' eJrtJt6. ' IY .fNed . tne tJ'()ID th. ,mllerable . . .omnJaud ', DI"OU8Dela trom wbloh 1 u'e4 \to\auler 80 much. ' . . .~"I bel OraJ)&'Nut:a :YeD" pala'-ble and WOuld . II~.t b,' ;. wItho'u~._ ,."_. ,---·~PI ", UIG WI8 deUcSou.. 'f~ tor: .YeIl • 41", 011 1117 CODSIderauoD " 1Ja4.... 1.,..,. carrr It wJtJClIle OIl m, leotJl3 ~- ;.
tie laule
SEA,ElEPHANTS'REAL ~xplorers Fo'und One Th::lt Was
21 . Feet Long. Three Herda of Theile Animals 01.prove Theory That They Were Extl~ct-Many SpecIm ens Have Been Found.
Shall 'Young Ghildren Join the Church?
YEARS IS SUICIDE Prof. Munyon Says Ignorance of Laws of Health Explains Early End of Ufe.
Los Angeles , CaJ.- The recent gam est HI!:RE. Is IIlU e difficulty III ll Museum of Natural His· Americo flsh water ot s nIt saying bow early a child NOTED SCIENTIST HAS ia Californ Lower to ion expedit tory ld become a disciple ~l1d the one bat shou ' tbe was ss ENCOURAGING WORD ?board the U. S. S . Albatro atrords great sport 0/ J es us. Just os soon as and inter,esting ' sclen. fruitful most FOR DESPONDENT to tbe angler 1. his mind can receive the tlOc trill ever made In the southwe st. unseen great a or tbe blacktls h ot Idea able InesUm of are ries MEN AND WOMEN and Its discove as bls na· eastern waters. value, accordi ng to P. 1. Osburn of rrleud. just as soon Thel'e are those Is capable of loving, Just Pasaden a, who acted 8S guide for the ture as soon must he be ma de tamUiar claim that who .. before 100 yesi'll of aa. hu "D eat.. lls and with party. The cruise covered practica lly with the fact ot Jes ' salt wa't er Oshlng b..n reached la Dothln" more or 10sa 'b th tbe Cali· of lov1D" Gulf of I the d th In I II duty s an s and e t DUg a .. than .Iow lIuJcld". A man (or WOmAn) lacks one ot the Id rornla. ~~~ ~Ii~:; f..nw:s~~ e~e!l'& .~~ II1lJlply lanGas just friend. unseen great a essentia ls of true of ea By far the most Importa nt find was rather Bucb WIlS tho orlgtnal andProfe.'Q loy· of capable Is beas bls pature Bllort, there r nt made by tn a large hIdden cove on soon ltateme lDade startling made be ' he must soon as just lng, tng no casting Or other fine rod work ~ame8 M . Munyon, th" famoua PbUadel and Jesus, of ract the with familiar ts scientis · the Guadalu pe Island, where phla h e~ th authorIty, who 18 eltabU.b to be done. They maintai n, and not '. upon three herdl of sea el('- with the thought and duty ot loving Inc health hea/lquarLer. In aU theofI .... came needed 'ls skill much get· as unjustly , that h and obedien ce to blm. This cHI.,. ot the world. tor the purpo.e p ants, about the present · xlstence aurre nd er to lure lome ot the tresh water ,.art. about so early as to ~Jr~o ~~e~t!~Cl touch with hla thoUJIanabrougbt l>e can serious been haa there ot whIch a Uvlna embod!· eUes to the bait as to land them after P.roCes80 r Munyon \acreed le to one who bos ment Incredib almost be ex· 'be to ho preachea. of tho cheerful doubt, many believin g them a strike, and that one misses the b and energetic, active po180.4, well Unct. Virile. IlDd look to med accusto een not Instinct alalnst ,.alUe ot wit look. B8 though he would e..l1:' at· tor It By the grace of Go~ he The first Bea elephan t seen was a work the century a8'e limIt which he detaln ,natural warines s. All of which, whll'; th d sapd .ald: gigantic bull lying vrone on the as 'a the normal one. He worb! ~I~rea worktnh spirit bls of power e an he tu Boon ~ue, doel nol alter tile fact that surthe under a .t owerlng clift. As our human faIth. k 1 want the peopleonof the through and with of part lubjecl ortant p all·lm' an oplnlona 'OW mr ~undlnga play I J f for made of a UCe·time sighted the ell:plorera behereached bealth, 1thlch are tbll trultlick It can be wroulb t · .devoted the , u ness and ove,Imperce Itn the full enjoym ent of a da1'l out. I peopJe or to heallns tb. the water, but before ptibly to th. so gently, even e~~I.UY: J~lIlI8'p 'lnlJ wIth rod an<J reel, ,a thing even the 1::l:u:'u .;;~.:~ ~~er~;and Meyer B. F. Uke that, l child, edge he wall Ihot by one of the nat' lDIost enthusl astlo angler would soon have found health who alonll State tbll m.ysthe In deep saint : many another !eome to realize were It P088Ibl. to clams, only to reVerMI , urallsl8 In the boat.. It being Impolal j ~:~fl~ln~ blackfts h. Here groedlly on terles and power of God, he never f~ro~:; ' t~~e :~~ anImal Thll a\lve. him take to ble b"" re !CAtch the , highly prized varIetie s for the haunts ot tbe oured patient. in therefo m" has It boWIe to later. hours enou.h feW hi nod tu he when eel· hour' day, the all knew remain largest Been and measur ed Itom the unplctu tesQue docks alonr they anchoi' and 8 thll olt)' alonll. found wisdom to ofter them both haiti wal the ' tace heavenw ard. H e on Irk in length. Tbe weight '" want, moet ot all, to talk to the .sok dom faUlng to land a fjOod catch. about 21 feet y , .n owl ' . the water fronts of our clUes. once. t a ' ul enormo was be lnvalla-, the <UIIcounce4 peopl_t fixed l7 glorlous best are the eyes hie make . DOW s that launche Small a ' ot n.".-wea~, bod,,· There Is Inborn wlthlu all 01: us tb.dIvlctlml on'!ll a blackflllh with rod and klnj,.'s Landing the In Is he and Lord, bls they upon , \1P because ...... and allmena .."or tbea. round nce, to d RClOns conveya d keen love of the beauttfu l In nature m~D8 of Is an interest ing and exciting pas- ftyThe11 party manage 1 h t reel whom lbe ID_S. ot to .. on the are parent n Cbrlstla e"ery t And likelies . . the e ve young Ilea e ep an a, ~ ,country Is so Iud. bait tbe :and In the appeal made to It by the el!able one to reach for will br1Ds the .....tdash Ria beat 1 c:.. time. ~rb.:.'!\ II thla y precisel and that are pretty the swift that one \beae were t~en. a~~~~4. They dfd must underst eounlr) ' Into which we are taken ledgea (those near lhare to den and his retreat "I want to that when hJm betore their let task because the ' , and elepbant out) . Oshed velo~d OD_ Illes much of the fuclnaU on of ang. .well · trom taken unawar es. There are not show the well-4e ,urr.r.n otten t Is th d arm his Into put Is run· baby and theIr of ults a the ::; IID.C, We are lltirred by -the swish ot shallow dratt permltl no warnIng nibbles, no quiet' swim. like mout or trunk of begin with the ~'hl':'1 pe~ r!~:~~edI W;~ttht!t the rocky places Ill· It Is a caae re.embl ed the Cautorn Ja sea lion. he must lDline. the ~h. wind through the swaytnc trees, nlng sately Into with oft bave mlng wbo om.n ..... eftortl his Sailboa ts are flah. and wallowe d lIonallty, and nev.er cease ~ murmu r of the brook, the aUence hablted by the u~h:t of grab and run for- cover. Therefo re They all ahowed 1Ight :~.:t, ;,~~ then. not d-and reache Is and Boal the respect U11 thIs In Their us ngly. b~ of the deep pool amODA' the rockl the rather dangero ever alert and stop hIm about the deck unceael (lo::n,' whol. b.alth Queatlo n for Conalde ratlon. nce to see one ,must one be bites. LuckUy, there is call, hard to delcrlb e, la a ooncert ot , he ,lacld Jake, the fragran ce and ~YI_ It I. no rare occurre as aoon rr as u.!~:a :~;;'~ alwa7s not Is But anotber question hupg up high aDd dry by tbll falling Itery of the wild woods. . spItting out the balt; Iharp cries and barklnlB . beglnl to Qlutch or "rlou., conven ient no fear of hls The 1arIJeat ~ercl ot thele water ele- 80 easy A young dllcLple and general ly hookl, ADd 18 Dot the sea every bIt as faa. tide. ' ~wboats are very ~oldlY lIelzes he =l\~em, '''~fc~~~~~.t age, ..:~ early very a at pfien rather bll~!lelf, but . aU ftnd want to .1 ou.... neJ~Olml.MI r elDatlng 1 Indeed, once experie nced, for near'lhor~. fishing, tp come up himself fast. The aanger lies In an. ph ants comprla e :lbout 1Ifty, ofIylnl thin... Ie-I" IU"" cburch the of bOlom yery In the "ere and tbey • - Iho,.,lns the ...cord ' ' and Itles, on-_In bls great strjlogt b ages one neller again escaPee the 8ubUe rlaky. SQualla are likely dlrectl other Th "'A"~"'the thro)lsb on high theIr make mattera _ey were so round.ed by God'i people and . ........:n. Ipell It weaves about One .wtth ila salt.- at any momen t aDd cunning . He has you for the 1Isb· nnd wonder ful the nat. love, with .the SII-viour's admonI Uobs" "I baye that Inactive and ,Iugrish sue&too him stop you If laden breeze. , Ita wonder ful aklel, the more than Interelt lng hath wa,.s. to open disCIpleshiP and 'the exampl e creat body of water sparklin g In the ers. denly he wUl throw all hls weight on desert to never Id .. Is b ot parents and old'e r friends and comblackfts The roob , lIuDshlne, the aUvery beaches llne and snap It oft befote you the that· faet a Is It and panlons before bini. ' He ,feels the 1mwaters home hie ledges and luzurlan~ green shoree know It; If you try to play him 1008.' th. do tllllle and desIre (or open, ~e(lDlte, delike rivers the visits never be t~at es 10calltl s snarl. The blacldll h Inhabit Iy he 'flU dart behln.d some rook, his lay clared dI6~I.pleshlp. What Ihall _b,8 to n sturgeo the Dnd salmon so Is ahow tbe lea at Its beat and he the line, and It wtll either snap or .a.ttltude at parents and trlende cold the the at ad,.ent the when you try to (ree It. One came and' crllfty a flgltter as to leave spawn. At toward this desIre ' wblch will' nprtorpid and goes I8W off s become the), he r weathe Icore. this on hly for tborolli wllJh s to busines DotMng Let me mall,.. express Itself In the wish for emergin g again must know one's and also be con. ful kt Is Dot (or nothIng that he has' won Into, hlberna tloD, not .. " success Uk ba to churc~ membe rship? ' April makes ItreatD . of callers alttl tor hlm~~u tbe name of ::bulldo g or' Into life· untllap rlng. e and fisber- stanUy on the Qui ·vlve. And even then be could there Jam.. H. If r as Profeno seem l;o might , cornea It appetit bls wlS81 nib. RIB large, powerfu l ' jllw the" return of the sea at bl. lahorntorle., Fltty-tbPlrd r· acciden ts w1l1 occur. Tbetackle wi b one an!'wer fk> this questlon . ,but reappea his of period .... the ttme ph1a. men Phlla.del e,ery ' etreet.a, In rs'( dlsput~ "elre w111 he has extra fa of 1ron, and ,"Sul[er the little cbUdren and forbid MUllyon and hla enormo u. ·. ;' g of the dog· erman al.ways him. 1nch _ o~ If!ie.. resortin g to n11 man. ance with the flowerin bill", nl phYJlcla eltJ)Ort them not, to come unto me." IlUt Novemb er be Munypn make. no cbarse tor -ner ot Cleve,r trion In ()t'der "to 'free ·wood. From then until It ls general ly conce1e d that blllck. 'there are ' pnrents to whom .It occura AA~!2:tt~~!.·, 01' mecUcl.l · adv1cei. not & ' til a tlnte tbere thougli cauglit;, tie can you until and 'caught tide er lDg ~e III rls He the on best .h{mse,r.r. bIte O,sh Addre.a Prot. J. 111. Hunthillg, one I. Jesus to. the excessl ,.e ,that the comIng 'Muni,o n'. Laboratories, FIfty-th Ird have him lately ID the boat anll the In mld·sum mer, dUring one cannot deny tbat excepti ons prove with church, the Into by ' CQmlng PhiladelphIa, Pa. the tempted be ,and Itreete, only will he when heat, .~rmlah between .,),ou wlll likely end In more than . ana In; ee. By Sap- the rule, but Its profess ions and demand s !lnd reIII his getUng rway willi the best Dart the dalntle/ lt ot . dellca<;l ,.oracio usly stance the wr;lter has hauled 111 good I!ponslblllUes, Is another . . The Drst Is THE BRUT! . , . '~e til ·feedlng -.& your tackle unless ;your hand II tember ho~ever strings on the ebb ·tlde, an'd the lars. they besecond, The season safe. slack always ' the 80 , again, r. unwave evN' wltnes sedak.llIed and your attentio n he catch est only lasts a tew weeks. . ,lIeve, may be full ot risk. It II not Ing. , not In slze--w nl made duro number In proper or wise that 10 solemn and Mack· for used ly common bait The 'alOng fallflll' Ii found 'ct be hours to The blackBah II Ins the Orst three weighty a thing as declared and ac· t.. fldthe Elephan and 8e. clam of ll Herd Boft·she the Is fish .. tide. the ahores (If New York, Connec ticut dlsolple shlp and church member live va· awe'ar anFlen g Knowio Weathe r conditio ns are said to I,n. RI~ode Island· anlf Massa~huaetts. Ole( dler crab. they reason, should be under· sand· ship. and crab, flaherm en olnl.m that hili IlppelU'anca rlously ~y sbrlmp, bermlttilll'end of a fiueDce the biting ot tlla.qltftsh. A "well. urallsts walked among thems. Tbe taken by one who does not pn~er ·the sketche and and clam aphs hard photogr worm, made aUveas It C\)mpar gives 18 writer on game fish north of Rhode Is)and These lrreslstl~le _mor· known hollow roarl atand theIr full sIgnific ance. 1~ of recent date. In days gone by, chicken lObster as his opinion that Ideal condltlo,n s are ftghUng bulls let outught toretho .he to honor do s scruple well, or biting. onea g not are terrttyln fish skies and sumcle nt breeze to much like ' the when the Indians roamed the terri. sels when the clouaed who ' parents tbe of nce conscie and ty Is no necessi they emitted t~ry at ~1Il. he had plaoe among their. but: as a rule, there just rume the w'ater Without sUrring caged lions. At times But they are tar them. fee! really or clouds • small I moutbs bait. thelr al l spec. trom,. (or that It. The writer's experie nce and . oolcest table delicaci es and we are The "ecurln g ot a soft-she ll clam on o( several of his angler trlends baa w~lte vapor and rolled their large .trom decisIve . told that the Mobega ns, Who called CoercIon Never Wlae. cons eyes ot the ·liun. that require been thnt weathe r makes very lItUe black eye9. The·three • him "tautog, " held him In blgh el' the hook ls 1\ tuk" It' must be concede d that no child dlam. tn the Inches lives er than Wherev more skill. te were summa . (ood tall . dlfferen oe. ' t eem . as a spring and at any age, nor adult either, sbould also In great Tlte name ot blackfts h, evident ly blackfts h 1/1 to be found -calted the - A common :bellet, In no . way sub- eta,. In any sort of way be coerced Into a shot Oaburn Island 1Ish qva 1\t Plqhllln slantlat ed, Is that bla-c kBsh have a due ,t o. the Osh's color, Is not a pa,...: abunda nce the sman professI on of religion : and uutold in erse the berr;alt found nowber& tlcularl y fortuna te o'ne. Thollgb: the berplt or cUDner, and 'for cmms keen . sense of hearing . Novices are a black hare, has been done by · getting chll· harm lsland snother on ,s .except fondne. r .. l world ~he partlcu a little bas I1S alwaYI caution ed to make black Is ot a dark gray nnd mottled "join tbe cburch, " who bad to drell on blnck ing coal eeparat har.s, 'in sl! These claverne by. noise as ppsslble. It I.s also said that ~ellr the . sides arl! deolded ly lIghte f .and and flendllh But IUP"joined Christ." ftrst not · tho abC?ut and Is he caves sea tbem (rom. a ' llo~k._ While . thufi~er so frighten s the blnckfts h top, Inhabtt the ' tbe .un~er part almost . white. a child ot that be to case the llQSe nlbbles anll iliat they will cease from ' biting at rocks of the cUtts and mesas. Hun· The blaokflsh Inhabits Uie 'VICI~lty It you, fo,,"1 a few gentle made a deOnlte and volun· , was who birds, rare atlizards, no pay mense m j' You ot dreds c«:~see. the 1Q0tlon fot' the flrat peal; and to this Is added Wlfe--J obn, of rocky led res, reefs and rou 11 b'ot.- · the.n to Jesus, butl,lft er waJtlng legend that after sharp crashes of 6abes never betore seen. and an- un· tary commIt ment. of hlmlleU an hour last -nIght, while YOQ halt genIal toms and sbows a . decided vre:eren oe tenl~o.n,forofa course, and loving suoh by wbo: ·and Inspect to de<:lde bite you vainly . tb tJd sleep. lor places whe IJghtnln g a number are to be found olass,IOed . deer were taken. tests as may apply to a chlllf'a re wera talking In your the bait 8tld lind to J'9ur ~urprlse thilt surface dying the on around Jy. Here ho ~~ll l~ l e runb~' ~"'Ift. t10atlng for your le·I f.. · dear, as hanks, Jobn-T picked Is clear· hoo /s IIglon rather than "n adult's, e n am ush be. .It Is gQne. The . , BLOODHOUN· OS AS TRACKERS" Iy ' • He re·s tra lnt. dea~. or Christ. ot r 11 whistle ' A motionl ess line as followe clean genuine aw.alt n and rock ng shelteri some hind No t the least • good )'Ioint· at tllG come to Indlcllt~ desires to enroll hlmseIr as a dIsciple the passage of shrlmp, and small crabs tree from' nlbbles bas h Is ~s toothso meness . Fresh the blackOs of seeker the to book balUess n be In ChrIst's church. ' Caee "WHY SHOULD I USE . Murder Kana.1 a In carried , down by tbe tld.e. When Ion Convict be , ' caught nn!! cooked on the embers of Peter, "Can any words the In Bples hIS prey he darls out with light· blnckOsh ltantlal Clrcum on d Affirme III ' ' CUTICURA SOAP? " otters a morsel fit for the gods. Tbe _. ' nlng rapidity , pounces upon It and man forbId the water that these ' Evidenc e. The Il'\ost e1fectlv~ way of (!heckln g flesh Is Orm, silvory and possess'e d of re~ darts back . to COver. 'Tbls predllec have who ptiaeiJ, bbe not should - 'ry hlStlnct of tbe b~rgalt a deltclou s flavor. But. to the ,vriter, tlon for .tldal fiues has wah him tho. ,the predato celved the bol)' spIrIt as well as we.?" "There 1s nothing the matter wJth al ,clam, shell the greates t charm In blackfls hlng name of "tide runner" In certBln 10. Is to 1:I t with the ent!re es before my skin, and I thought Cutlcur a Soap 'obstacl more any tbrow To tbe g by '.osertin calltJes : MEl Is also found In.;lde the ' and' all . . Tl)~s Is d~ne Ing \'Ieok of tbe Ues l,n the beautifu l nooks and en. 9)Jch a . child tban tbose tew , nnd was only for sWn troubles ." True. It ' Uie protrud cbantln g little blands about his .andy bays along the souther n sbore hoo.k ,Into Is a,lIgbt ones whlc,h may be necess ary Is for SKin trouble s, but Its . great misIt 1 untl. around It twlsting _, 'clam, " ashoro go th "'d d one can o t Long Isla .. an on e ocean ."ankl fi 1y I!ll b,e dd ed ' Into the . ~ard mus· baunts where to assl1re ourselv e, ot the genuine- 810n Is to prevent skin troubles . For elther tor a few hours or, If the "pirlt oft Sandy Hook. In (act, tbe lal'gest rm neS8 of his rell,lon , 'this ' Is Indeed 9 moJ'l& • than B generat ion Its delI cat. then c~nclt. moves, [or a~veral dnys of cam-pmg., specime ns are to be caught In these cle of , the blval'1.e · and 'tIost serious "Invlftllon of tbe person· emollie nt and prophyl aotlc propert fea lightly. Pr6par~d this inore dellgbtf ul' tt.an to Nothing ' localitie s, and thIs, added to a sUght Ing the .,shell. negativ e tllougb It be. Thl9 bave reildere d It the standar d for thl. the allty," Into takfjn easily 1s clam the way . dlfference 0 f co' l or be- bl ' . . 1 Idle Il way the time In such plp-asaDt h' f til soul. made In God:s ' Image, purpQI8, whUe Ita ext~eme purity and al but n'o tlc e abl e Imm-ort prebut g '.mout 0 , a b ackfts~, sl1rrOupdlngs, fishing, baihlntc and tween · tbe rock and the sand c'l1tchel by the power ot tbe refreshi ng fragran ce give to It all tht re·made Rnd , to. the begalt boating ., And' tbe catcb will 110t be hns led to the belief that ' there ar~ Bents a~: armored Bl1!"ra~e has entered Into the most sol· advanta ges ot the best ot toilet soap,: spirIt, break to vainly s at~.ewpt · he and which strong • Is h k wasted, tor ·the blackfis a It 11 also Invalua ble tn keeping the two dtsUnct ,.arletle s ot bla c A_Ii, through emn and glorious persona l reilltion wIth hIs ' heavenl y Fntber. and deslre e bands sott and white, tbe balr live o~ blackOs h hardy and will sufter no tll enects y maJorit ~ast The ft· one ly n O, case. the not 'is which to express thst relation shIp In tbe . ' filherm en ~rather than " . ·· bslng tats . an.d Clossy, and t.h e scalp free from anglers trom being confine d alive to a tan It 11:1«100.1, tbe appOinted way. Who enday's the g. cpuntJn nd a . en, sportsm dandruf t and lrrlta.t1on~ or sm"U , pool tor' & few days, Wondro us tales are told 111 joymen t onlt from ' the standpO int . of ~!~~I h~~ t~~.'::19 n~~:lre~hO w.1II not )"hUe Its first COlt Is a few cent. the catch: scruple not to minimiz e as mON) than _that of ordinar y toilet #~ much as' posllble the6aft 's chances ot ne Bluff, SOl11)S, It Is prepare d with' such care TeleptlQ A s. Holines of Fruits The eSCaR!. They use heaVY ' hand . Unes , In and ot · such 'materla ls, tbat it wears "He tbat abldelh In IDe: and provide d with two or three good to a wafer" otten ,outlasti ng several much forth h brlnget ' Rame . tbe hID:!, hooks, !\nc;t when ~ !lsh . s!itk~s It ~e caJ,<es at· other soap, and milking Its · Ii. xv. ·frult." -John comes . morely ii matter of hauling It uso, In prnctlce , most ecltnom lcal. cannot Do not be dlljcournged If YOlt . ' In,ban~ '_~vei' hand;." CuU()ura Soap IB 801d 'by drug"rJ,stslU\d ' but . tqlnps, plrlq18l s of enlly fip .talk There are olhers, thou'r b, who have , ey~i-ywhere, but tl;letru th ' ot dealers ,ciJrrent strpllg the Is It lllat It look to the' rlght slloithi g bloodJi nd beUeve In these'. claims may be demons trated , (equaliz ing matters' 80 ' tbat skill wIn 'ftthout cb&t..by !'lendIng to "Cutlc'ur!l;':' bave ~o be, .bro'llght !nto -play. ·Th~y D,epk~3 ~; . &~top, (or Ii. lIber'al llse ltg~t l.- rather thl\n", stlft . polea;. cake,' . togt!tlte r ,Wtt;ll ~ . t~lity.~(» ; preferab ly ot spilt bamboo , and " bals' . .boo~ .011 the lk1,n, and .~afr. ': ~~ee .' , , , ' " linea.. The blacltOsb, 11.11I1·~ a Lottom flsb-; , it -til neceali/a~' to , @l.I!~lior th~ ThIll 1.& 40ne by eebutli:lr a .'f':a.",..... u~· e~ to the e:ndj.Abofe ft are: ie&deMt' a · foOt' e»r 10·&~fil Gqb lng ' book, the .111. of "hlc~ ',depeEI~~ on ttie tildlvldO al'. Id. of _,hat Ii 110NG the
--.- ... _.,.----
el'tjeat1y \.. ....,
ruaD.lla llIeD.
, belt ftI1
The people of Idaho are ,olnl to ... !'.., .... ....:-.._"'w"'... _ _.........,..,.._ _...____~_~---..;.~-~-,.,...-~...-..,..,..., do that caD be doni In ' titfhtinA' ComiDon cOurt. .. WUford C. Hudeon and :wife to .• ' the 1I1'rodoo'1000f I~NO' peetlio , Olark Vao Oamp, lot in Franklin DUreery ItOok al)d allO &0 INk a. New Sultl, '. 1155. ' far •• poe.ibl. tile enermlDa.lon af SUlie Medlener VI. George M~ Wilford O. RuClson ' and wlfe to the &D J088l1OAle. Th • •tate bor. leD9r. Jam" D. , Mil~er, a.'orDey Rober' Van lJamp lot in Fran,k lin, tlouUnral inapeotor. IIr. Johu N, for pl ..intiff. divorce 011 Rr undtl of 1165. BY MARY , KOMONOS, MoPberelln, i. a man who 11 thor· ••treme orueay. Oharlee N. nUatuah. to Jo~n W. ,Ap1"ultul"I\l Ext n"lon Dopa.ftruent, oughlj 10 earDeet ID eotarolol the Robert A. MoOutoheon va. The aho.whan real estate Ul ,Warren Ohio State University. laW8 r'latiog to ,thi ••ubject. We Oblo Eleotrlo ~atlw ..y OompAny. oounty, 11. ~ ,..~,..~,..~,...l.¥J 88e it ltated &bat "heh... notified Ule appeal by defend.llt. J • Frank O. Robineon and Lizzie B. The hou., aerves at a meanl or tran.port..tloll , oompani811 In Idaho lIary E , Cody vs. Mlohael Cody, 'Robin80n. to, Sa~ina Gltlel lot in exprenloll ot tbe senle ot beauty of to bold ..u nuner,. "ook for Inlpee aa1M aQd 8ayee. aUOrlle18 for WayneevUe, 171)0. the people who dwell In It. JUlt AI "00, and evel'ythiDI 11 eingly 1"1 plailltlff, divoroe on grounj8 of Ida M. Grieet. to George A . .ROII~' the . ;,od, llin.1 u a meul ot ex~ .peo$8d anei aU .took affected wlt~ oroelty. " man lot ip FrallkUn. 100. l prellioll ot the aoul. Victor Hugo or foniOO. pee" ia ooc· Boward F. 'l'ansey v•. 1illla Tan8ey Abram F~olll ,to Wa8hington D. tell a U8 "JaOUIJ4lS are like tbe 'buman demDed. Be bu forced Ilow.n to et a1. Munlel: & Kennedy, and Varder, real eatate tn Warren coun. spray with llmMulphur and oom Br.ndob 86 Ivlna, attorney 1 tor ty, '1,700. ' ' belngll who Inbablt them." Muoh Ume. labor aod mone, Is pelled everybody . who hal an apple plaintiff. Partition. ' r E. Trovillo to Arthur C. ConkUn epent In the endeavor to make eur orohard to apr.y for the coddling Probate Court. ,real estate in Wa.rren County, 11. homes beautiful. It very fitting. moth. Mr. 1l0Pherion recently had tor they Ibould len'e not only u • 'oslle in ooor' where" promluan, Report of trellury e:nmlner' j Commlulonera' Proceedlors. place where the child may develop In had not l'd_troTed" the filed and reoorded. I 11' B. Simpeon, &oiuel L. Irona pleulnc and artistic .urrouDdlnl" San Joee IOale. al the tree. were (la' Gaor,e E. Yoong appointed gaar· and Frank D. Miller took their but a1110 .. a PI~ce wbere tbe older dowll o..er a month alo, bu' bad dian of sitate of Dor.thy Dofty plaoel on tbe board. F. S: Simp. 80n alld &moel L. Irone being their member. of tbe famtly ma, find re.t, no' beeD burned \ "an 'pr..yfn, for minor at ,25tO bond. comfort. alld InlpJration. Failure to Sd JOlt! IOal. will be enforoed ao· Wilson Ungle8~y .dmini"ra~or of own saooetl80r. aQd Frank D. MUler make our bomel reatly beautUul hal OOrdlDi to the .tate law. whlob re ..tate ot ThlQd~re MoOardy, de. being thiuuOO8880r of i. M. ~eever. beell to tbe fact that home deco- qulr•• ouatom .prayer' toapoly .. 3 ceased, tllee Inventory and ,appraiee- The board organized m1tkipg Mamn / , raUon Itu Dot been looted UPOD u per oent lime-.ulphur 101utl0.. ID ment WhlOh 18 ordered reoorded. el L. IronB pre8ident. . &Il art In the tTUe aenle, cJependlq addUioll to ftaMin, I9&le iD the Of. Mary JC. Mulford, ..dministratrix Bil1~ Allowed :-The Btakalta upon deblte law. and prSllc1plei. oh ..rd, Mr. MoPhenoD III bealnntDI of eew.te of John Y. Kulford, de (;0., S,a pplIes for probate 'judge but I I a promillcuoul &441n, at mueh to battle "Uh tbe IO&le OD willow. oeaae<l. ordered to d1ltrlbute tq Mary '5.10; The Sanapan Co., disin. material ~d ' color wlthollt r.,art for on 'he hi,hway. and dlklhM. Nu E , Mulford all .took8, 1l0tes and fectant for 'jail, Iii; U. H. Hookett, approprlaten harlBoll,.UPO.D ,&laceet.. .. mlrOUII an..". anei oODvlo"OD. ba'Y8 morta. .ea. bro,oms for l'al1, .4', J,. M. Keever.' delMlndl, III ••• lar,eor maullr.. . .. Mary E. lIulford admint.tratrlx .erviee, on Board of ReVision 1911; careful obl.nange or · tAe law. of ~ made for no' aheDcUDI to tb~ ....ht Ilropor.UoQ, harmonloll' color work of properl1 .prayial diHued ot _"'te of JohD II. "ulford, de- Ohio' Corrugated ' Oui vert 00.,' oul . onlecl, fll88 firat and flual aooount vert pipe, 162. 40; The (lalio~ Iron • oh,me, iltoe•• to IIIUpa. . . . .4 elm· treel... illiCit,. Throbah the ."'te 01 Ohto ~hl~ whiob '" ordend .uepended. Worke 00., oalvert pilJe, 117.60 i C. RIght Prop.rtIe". atill rtlmaiD' aD Indur.NDOI 011, the ·.ar1 »o][ione" ... executrix of W Hudeon compensation and ma, U tbtelollll~hotl! :.oo~ arle nb~!!.4! IUbjlO' of .praying boreI.rlDI 00 .tate ot Mueee W. HolUngaworth, te;ial for 1ui t25 " Walter''N Allen d.cora II • au.. a ,,_..., ' . '•• 2 50 · ., " Ulem ' lnto ,l.IlIt proporUoll. A cellllll the almo.t , 1IDIvenal. MeanwhU. authorized ,C?.ll 1&00. at... l>ridgerepairs. lIi6 ,28; George \W. wbleb 11 tc*, Ja'illi ma, b. mael. toO the ooddUng mo~ eDjOJ' Ilea' (ne p,r .hare or ·total of $4,175. . Robert8on, bl'tdge repairs, 'S; Bert ..ppear ~Ilcl lower , b" 4ropp1n' the dom In p~no1... WOnD, apple., W .. S. Stelflted appointed ad· Rebd; bridge repain $11 25; Her celltu Il&Plr onto lbe .tde wall a while tbe li$an JOH _Ie extends mintatrator of .*ate ofForeet !floe "'an.Kenter bridge /epaCra '1850' ~oot ot .. foot aod • ball. Oil. "JUGb ~' d ' 1000 bo 1 I ' " l , • • AI .too :low. m.., 'e mad. to appear annul17 the u.wld 01 tu operatlo. . , I, deoeuecl un Ir ~ n·. n Frank Kunker, contraot, '138.91; latcher " UIIII ,ltrlped paper GD lb. and ...k • . the dea'b of tbe t .... "8IItol'1 dlIpeued wltb. (Jeorge Feldkamp, oOJltrao~, '5~.~5; .,all r\UulInl It ~p to the '''IIMII,... MarrII&e LJc:enIeI; W. A. Brown, oontraot. $18 i Frank "Il.~ '.ld. • ..11 &Il4 celllq • - • I::It k (, h~ ot 172& 96 Bert 1Il..t. ~e appareDt. .11. or a ' room , No Need to StOp WCII'k M&rUn alln, ., ...tlonar,. e~· ,on. a'4~ , " . . . , be U&nl-.. A I.,bt »aPer "UI . . 8IllMr,ot tranklln, ,a04 lIary A ~" oon rao.,. . ..at. Oe rqom , .eem larler thao Wltlen 10ur dbotor orden 10U to: Boeroer sa of J'raDlI:llD. The Firat National Bank of Muon darll 'paper. A lUI. de,lp In . the a\op work, tt ....pre 1on, "I' lC 11' It tarm~ of as In inaotJve depo8ttory for 125,tOO " ... paper mau. a room look 'lDaI)" ~'tU "O"I&Y. You kDOW1QUare,· nD . ompeon, '1' .' Colll and the LebanJn and Oitizen f • N 'd .r. · Laqe. · Il.... ou 01 funiltve ~k,rD1l-dOWD aDd fatUbi tD "a11l.nU. and BeMte &41 nl, lonal Bank of Lel>anon alldepolUor . doQI4 be ' . .e4 III ,~,. rooaa.. u heAlth. ~1 bt day, but ,1011 mOlt 11. of 0NlODIA. ' . . ' .1 " . ae, tn4 to da.IDIIIl"th. al•• ., a wart.. .. 1001" 1011. OlD -Dd. . ' t811 for active and Inactive deposita, . . . . . .I'OOIIl and IIaUt! it loo~ 0",:" What ,.ou need 11 Jal~ Bit. _ ' RIll EItaCe Tr~ preeen'&ed~bei~ bOlld• .Whloh ' were . . . . . . . ~ ell....... room II ,.'" . . 11.... lODe, .tre~ aacl !'lIar to JOD E. tJernicllo' to Lebanon. approved. ' ...........,....autq a . . ., 10111' IIYttem. to bNakdoWD t1 ' ' Notice gi,en to treMurer al ....... la ..... CIO,.... 01 th ..... anA baUd 10a up. be welftk. • . ' . .. aat UOIDtUteil' lb. .'uar...... .lokl, ~ alllp, wbeD IIteQIrto Bit- Mary B. Dtokey ....l to Wilford c1epoeitortea. . ten wlU 10a froID til, A~~ '0. Hudlo" loHn I'rankl1D, AQn~l report ot oom mia.iouerel fa .... ..leoUea of tU • daM. Th01ll&D4l w.. lb_ f~ '. WUtON C. BndIOD ~d wife to pree8llted. approvel alld filed wl,h ~. III. our bOGIe we aw. ...../ '~J" IloriOQl __lUi ..d .'real'b. WIlll&m 8~~. iot In . I'r~k~,~ O!ert of Gour... ' , .tuN fer ..... DWIq the ......, 'fty .elD. lC'fel'1 bottl... panD '1!lft ~ Annual report of Commi8sloDer. 10 allah' 0nJ, 100 a' aU ~. . ", " , I • ~ , " "'Y~ ~ a peU ..... or cIt-plL / ~" ." " Wtlfor.4' 0,' BudIQn and wife to ordered pnbl~lhed' In We8&ern Star ~!.~ ,,!~ '0,..... D~lT'" ?' . I'red Pollook, 10&1 In FraDkl" '.210. alld LebaDon.P.triot. : ' .,..,. - wiUL. 'lIT "uvw or , " , , Me ...... ear ft II a' ~ar. ...... FEEDI~O WHEAT ,TO HOOS ·Wllford C. UacllOD .nd· ....1(41 to Andltor directed to pabHeh Audi. Ia winter IDGDtl:ll. ............. "~ , Rober, O. 8Ql' I' ..1.10t. In traD~ tor'. aDlJaal exhl~~t and" ltatement ...._ ' .. ' takell ......,. W. h,.. Not maD1 frma. ., 'tire ptelQple' 1in, tl418 at. " of hal.noel In treasury. ' - , tielUlUlul abaci. or t brp1fD, ~on1d Utlnk of feedllJl ~heat to " _ - .... '1IlllDcli4 0010,. for lb. hop. aut oU' farmer ilMI iii e!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!.!!!!!!!!!!~!!'!!!!!~!!!!'!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IOOID8 .. ",1 11•• ..oat. .. tile I' ,.;. ro... O ' ha ' -_..a . • . !!!!!!'!!!!~~~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!! UbruJ "tUQ ' iD 0,. IIYlDll'OCl1ll. "",u"ty" hlQ, • UlDUe ., 'rom Iu• • THE HARVESTS-,OF THE, WORLD ,:-!!!i!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!e!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!t---,.....-,. .,.. ,1i!et. ",araa ~. &Dd bra,,1UI. .be~rlmtl.'. · aDdtel1e about It Ja ".rUn~. "Blue BIni,.', Uttle . -....~.... WAYNESVILLB CHUR.CHES. . C. W. 'H EN DERSON. M.· D · wllea .... forj loor, u4 wal' 00••,.., In ."e Qh'q farmer: < , . ,• ..,. IGeI (o lIpID', faNJtr, hea"DI~ Th ' I iIi " d b 't th . '. " " " ..... ,. ~. 'molt nl"'~~ bMk0 .. Jul, 31.' 'we ' $"11184 8 ho,. 4J1aoi I to 1..... ~ that loft ablel.. with e ODg 'p rev & Dg ~_ r01l~ , ~\ h " ~'1e.4tI .fo,r '. 'c~u"re . I. ,tUDl , . ~l' ~ ,--, ,,'btnl ,~~,'80 ""',no"'- or abo , ut Iaba at hCIIIIJe. TIl. .' h• •~ Molber United St ..~e whio~', ba8 o~t short i ~' Auguatrne~. Catholic Chua. . .' Waynesville,', Oh,lu.· __ lII'v...... ..... ·Lo.... B • ...". he wI.h. to.t&7 with' _be general average of oar .merl FalberGeorve M"'eDboefer.Puto~ · ~re' -44 .111 ~. brUUant 'colota 17~ POUDda apl4toe, I~to ou~ fHelinl lae,r al1ra7I. wb~ Ill. Ioo~ 10 beauU· ·oUi:oro~ ha~ \lvrollgbt limila~ damr Muli.everr IIOOOnd Sunday ,of tbe 'lDOD\b' a J "'I a II" .eeu ID the autUDUl ot, 1ard. Th.y bad bean, ru~IDR OD f81 to Ia1aa. Sb. . . . . .n; But ~t's age wldely ovel)' ElaropO. ' In '(Jer 9:00a. m. ' ' , " til. bt.Jl1,.U.ted .k)t bllt .. w&'8a& .ttibble from' which , abey jut '1il. . .m. ~tq: I alll down ,.. . , 1 . a 'r~ UK laour at .1ID~t al .Ub: ~.cl, pthered ,agoocl4.1 01 wb.' ...,.', ,,..... all 40~ '11O'W. , • • :. maDY" B~anoe ,~nd EfilKland' 'he • St. ·Mary'. E~ Cbutda. , ~ : Thl, bJ1lbt.r cellON my be aDd were In lood ooDtU"OD They' You hav. oom.llpll.... onJt to w: he " crope are maierta)1:v reduced, Re~. J, F. Cadwallader, Roctor. ' ....... til. P......."..,. ad iooma .. ' ' . &Ild, to I~ !INttor all. ho,.. ' ~o 'I taly and Bpaill present. I&I'.tlf~.og Sunday Soboo1: 9 :30".!D ,Morillo, Rer ... .L . _ ..... f - -ound wh-t -hlob -.. ~..... V1C;e, 10 :30 •. m. Holy COm~unIQD, tbe urat ID wlalC. we ~o pdt .~Dcl 10 much ....a .. ~.~ - - . .. ... . , . . . . . . uen lOU ... IDe ..,.WD below. exception, Fr()m South .' Amerioa SuudaT ot each m~o~, ,J " u.e. ... II ibe color or IOG4 Ibe.... poqred,into the mnllhd.,y . .d aU'· • • • Do rea 1IDdlJ'ltaD~ TrIt,I, . ., ad tel ' ,;J I , r .i t 1DQ ~ ~ed " lR' the .front ball ·tle '" .t,t.aCJdM. In .clclltlOD 'Uley ....., • • • 1'Oa'beUne In' ~e repor 8'of a m era y fl\vo,r. .' M ,~, , ,4Inlq . ,-"1Do ~~,ere welcome ..~ w,re "ven ~ . JlUle whole wheat ___... : but, Ia"na la. ~h.,....r '1ou ..ble oo'I~Jr. Ar".,ntina. i8 Qbe of ethodi~ Eplsc4?P8J Cbu('CII. , 1I01"'~·" are o.lr,e ..ed~ ., ,Tb.,. roelD, _.: _.: .1.._ . Tb ' :'.," &D4 I Id_ -.eli other. • • • There the 'grea' whed produol111 oou'Otrlel Rey. o. a. Grauaer. Palitor, , . • -.. .., j ..wo. ~ ey were feci .lxMen I .Sunda, SC;bool, 9: l' a.,m. Mor'llo~ ser' ' thiU' " .,ell .IlPpUed , .,.th Iu,n ul.. J ' . ' . • ' . . . . DOt two aoth..... &:all 7011 ~Y • •no of the world, and tbe pr08~onber:. vl~, 10 :.80 a.!Di EpwO,rth .League, 7 :00 pc Ill. . . J ,.per:ed Ill. th. ~ler ....,. 4a~, ,I ,. ,whloh 'Ime.,h.,. oo,o.~mecI ~ chJld h,u only 6a .repori.d eeem8 fair. Betng, In 'In, lllvenlog lIervlcl!. ~'::00 P,!D. Midweek ,,~.., or ",MD: wl!lle a IUnl ..1 DOrtla l' bOllsel. of 14 ,roilnd' .' and ODe, aD~ It ta u..t Ame ODe, t ' , . Pnyer ".eet1o.. 7 p. lD. ' ..00. , ' a~.uI4 .. be brl~b~D.d b, 1M 5.whoi ••' When 'Qlct',tbel w ....hed and aI".;'- the mo.t bea~Utulj but, h,e Bo~ther~ ~ h~mill,~here the b"r, Ct....:.;. ", Cb h ' " [ ...W._III -~ , J "'I'''' '" r ... _A " I • - . hai•• I, " Ulb.d.-..°.r I."" .. IVW_. ,~, &D.. 1700 po"_'-A_. a~--'D..... po'O Dd..'.,. kDo" her &Dd to DO. veats. are yet 80m.e mooth,8 "bead, . R L.lutUan 0 Tbo . un:, P . ._ &VWU lUI... .. .. b~ to look. ' . rea.plog tilDe oomlng tn, , DecJembell Bible Sc:hool, e v . .8:10 .. m~D. aa_. ' .._rti;:&U:"iLl;~;et.~lrie; . . ' Tb I 8.... Ad ' .. 81 ' .,' . " ~ m. t'IooIa/ ID8etlq. ". , Till 'e~r " !bou~ ear.., the .d.....elt ~ g- D..... 811111 !'W.po1ln... Of '.... aDdJ8Dnar1. lo:aoa.m. . ~ .Kndea.or. ~:Of) p. m. ' ~ ~ tb~ color. the , ,.ns th., .... POOD~ per hoa per. day. , ~e:r.w,re • - • '.' Iu the northlJtn half of 'be 'w orld ~.r::r:~tMn.... . ~ ,,diu. . .4 Ji ~~. ceill... tile Up_L tiold for 17.8& pel' h1lDclrecl. aDd pal4 ·.boliid ,be on. IlredomlllUlt u. '1.3' per bUhel for our ' wheat. WHEN TO PLA~T FR ~IT .TR.BES Canatda :be~re to ~htheh fat~ored Hldcslte F~d. Chu.q,. 1 eelor, fa lbe room. &Dd ba~., ,ID.., 'W ' h . teD' ' th 't 8d1 . " ooon ry II year. e w ea ,orop, 11'1 '~t b~y Me ti 0'00 .' 11'1 Da . be O~~'lD,. ·: bt · comblnl~1 with It ft ,e aVI ~re on • .e nl The qUestlOD al' &0 ,t~e tall'. or ul W88t~rg Canad~ ill very fin~. and ,SOh!l. 11 ;00 a~ ;.~. J'oa.~ ~~)' ,'o;m~:,;',;,"';'" -~ 01 ~..rl" related tone. ,Lll1nc oor 1l0~ and 'hey are ~lI:tng Blm .~IDg p1anttD~ of fmit tr~I ' wlll that of ,_he wbollJ Domtnlon is reolr 10j OO a. ID. sa .. room ·"ttb brllll.nt red walll U.r ,atu, . ' , .' , ' . , .," . . " . ! I. I1t., .-,. The' r.u16• 18eDUl' . to f aIr Iy "u 4 61·. .. probably for "80me ODed'ra' J'..0 ...All alaln8' 77 last ._ year Ortbodox FrI.endl Churc:iI, -··4'·Ir ;.. .il' .floor, oo,.rl"· ,- ,,' .... L.. • not ( be0' .e"led l " . • J n IDI to' eat.rte.l , .• t the lam. time, feecll ' UlIl 1 bl . '. - 'itue tq come' p 111001 among tD _ •- • K3. BllIal,leth LarIdJ,a, Putor MAF·FI~ ' . t,.o PeOple wbo ,are at. eaml" wllb ~, IDOIt ..a ua ,e amonl telllpntoi'ohaidl.t8 are ., firmly an. ' ~ , , ' ".' , Sabba~b Sob~l. '~.:30 a,!D. Regular oburell • .acb ~laer; ." : ,/ '. ~ufr I~reall.• WBU'ld' 'h! q~Uf~ l1l &8Ionll.lo; b"Sed toc)·upon per'Qn'a l , ' R~SB UP AO~INST MOTORS . ~:~~':'~O'II~ a~ ~:. Obrlatlan ~Ddeavor:; t1ndertMc~d , . '. \. \: · , ' A'ppro~rlaten'll an'd Simplicity,. • a r one. ou no. ooru, ~ D e~rlenOl. , ,tlo~e~dedly , ,Prefer . ,. '';-;- .' ' Will be 'fotmd tn ~.h8 old , " I~ . the I..w of approprlatene •• ~ere the ... ~e 191',.. and. with 'he .HIDI the fall. whtl!! oth&rl aB ' strongly , fte 'YfUage ~om~D of the United , '& lnk.· .Bunii~ng, oppo."" praoUM' milD, thlDls would be reo ~retn1 no&lng ,of proportlou and ad te 'he ri " j the s rln . ~Id~ h~l'e ,jut . Il.Utloned the the ~ati6n.l sank. ' mo,..i. ' .... m our bo~ell.1 ,:W••houl. qoaDtit,., produce equal, or ,ven , ~~ . '. .p . ng. n , p g, CJueen~. belp them 'to ret 8o~e TeUer Telephone, tn hoa8e .nd. 9t~, ,bU. ~OtbJDI 1zl 'iJie~ 'whIch '!I,e do better reeul.. aDd .,' I... outla of ·they 'I&Y, e"err,thIDg I• .wlllt~~ ~o from. lb. m~tor CIU'l, ~b!~~ ba,.e , 'floe whe'fe I oAn be oaU • . .not blow ' to b. ulerw or belle.e to' , .' . . y , .bow Dew lIt~. "nd tree. plan~ made our Uy.. a mill:rJ: !' Our .chUUj'Vi" nigh,t. " '. '.' \.: ',be' ~aatlrul.;· Beaut, ud ' ullefulliea. value? An. experUneD' ooDd1:loted then win at once begin togro". · . d~D," ' the1,' oonUnue, , "~ alwaYe In' Valley fhc;ne' l~D•.'~· '. " ,I " , .hovld, ,so' b.rl~ ID ' blJld •. b\lt u.e~" on .Sh~ • ,~e farm, aDd .wltJa , an tall planttng . o. the of,het'1iand' 1anlrer~ ~u~, tbt,n~ , aret'~lned by the " ' , .. ; 'a~t. we ~aDh.ot open our wtn~owe, ~ur D.... · I••dll .thf/ ,w a,: , In ·the ..lectio. equal "number of hOI' out ot the " ~.l~~t~ett · JY.,,,~vi'I Ohio : '. .' ~ •• er,. ",.oe ,qr :tia~lture "e .bould Mme, 10' alld, about equal welSh•• , hUlOme decldel. ad~Dta~~'. ~.el ~M~ ~ ~Ued bY,.the nol... ·at ~ght.·!. ~ , 100," fo':·' ,oo4~.; .lmp,. Uill , and de. , . ,. groudtB "~~ly to be 111 ~~re fa .. ~~; " .. • .We ~ .0nl7 P90r lleQplQ, ~~ tton ',~,. " I~, duratil!1~', and an , .b•• DCe of mt,~h~ 8e~le • , .l»1.~ : Oondt'td~, a~ ..tn ~l1~' 8pring IU. , ~~ If~~ 1~.ajOrttT" o~ th~ ~Jio" :dis\ b~~~r•. ''. 1Dre~ artlole Ihoulel ,", . " " " ..,: ,Ol&t;D too."et tor 'prl>e:er tiap,dllllir. ,1D0tpl' ~ ~ llD \Cc;onn~ ot ~, be ~ ml.cl. to· Jut aDd to' ct •• leryloe, ,. i", , .... n)" hy. ' d ,I . tb 'I · loCi ' be, .' f 11 1 ~~ ~~tn, be. ~Qr~ ~tlletlo " ,The ~:Il,b.t ~~pbol'tel'ed chair .mI.,. , . ' '. Slr,'Jc.ep~ Ba~ ,WU tJie ~ .w.~ , ~~OB ." e ~., ,. " " , ". ~e~_ a'.\. I '~ ,-peolaUi ~mlDC ' trom ,a. ',' '-"'t~, but n.J,tboutd ft!lel ' '/10 .,I~e ID ....~... the oDC~\ f&llllllAr : ~\I ~~ ~,prlnl, ~,~un~ .,~, ~!JD~. " 0 " ,hOM 1b.. are ~~ at thel ~uf , lIralJl room. C~.alr!l "ItJlIID~. "BO~' ~." ; H."'~ thi ~t. ,..t.le,01.1j,a~at,'h~roqt8,athID' r ~~ aD.cl to ,,-Iioai. a .·
Depends 'UpOn Laws and ,P,rjnci pies. . .
..". . . . . . . .
For Correct
Sale Bills
Gazette Office
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r, .
1»'8DoG' "-. *
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twl.~. \,· ~ ' t~elt" I~'I aod "baa. ·att:&eW ... ~ ~pe4lUia C)I .ca~ ,
~ ~4 'l~~nl~.~ on ,tbelr a~~ . ~~lcJaj c"o_i tU "A~~ ' ~Ulll~"" ~ ."n9t~e :~le"alhd.I &\''' b'iltter, .• u~ted ~.4b.~t thl', kJ~ cl.., to tb.·,p~ to .tbe c~rlcr 'DOI)' ' Thllt furniture II, ....t ~1. ·ot 'f01iDd aD '>'" ' ~o.t ~eautle.ul wbJj:\i II Cl?m~,or~"bl., a."...&Doe...,., .~ ....~ ... .. .,. • ,r.tbe~ ,·for",al,.,gil lerv(ceabie ... tlaat ' ~. UIOeIawt , '0. ,.
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'wbp'! .",,' I :.: " ., . ~. . ,", $ I TD. ~ of . the'~ lIl;Ulllilon POi;'8I ,I(D~ .nature IOQ'1~ th ~~~ I ~ . . QI'
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aL"~re' iate '~ WI": t~ Io; .~ ~ -and ft· . . . . tuae BotH)' . . , . . . .
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Ute ,Y0UDg" ... tIOn .,.. 19"a ~d7. &0.....~4 '.., o~ a~d pul ' WOIDID!J~ n.D.11)er;t~ '!lr~It~1i:~IPC~atJlP!l;! .~:\if!~r,e"f!~nb t~"· '''''I:'l''t~. . :-', \ '. ..',J aPPe~ .
for'tb ho.•
~ '1DO.1I7IDOIIJi' Ill' ...,....., ,." l' 11 .....~D8 til ~;o~ fa I, .t~ ~Dtq peo~~Pl'""!e~··'··'&' ........"'. dt4... ~to,.: .... AI~ Me .~ ....t · ...... ~.' _ ' ~be; fA;"D8f ID ' Ih', WeI' tllelf -wtD40". opt!D. ad oth.... Ik. . . Ill", ....... ... ~' ~ -traql . . . . . . . .. tit IPrID" 10 DlAD7 ,llaiap_""", ~ to dOlt tIa• • IlhDpt8 IDIUIi trt",,~tbat,.. I ............. ~.. It . ...... ~ BUb l.·.~"" ·1111 "me td to. ~ to IJD~ thtIr ~,.bJllth .. ... ..., . . . . . .,. . . . . ·tU bIIIIne ' ... ,. - ., Yote to ... ·. . .fal plaDtlDI ...... b, •• of tIleIr ,.,.QI- ... 4.... Ml!I'rl.. GD_. of . lbe
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JaU... ...... '
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, :l '-_=-;a;l:;JU1~£llllltlS
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.Public Sale.
1 will offer bot P\lblio H"lf>,l mile 0()
~ vf Woyn aville 00 tbe W'aynea
ville aud Bll1'v~Vflbarg pi Ice' on
Thursday, October 26,' 1911 Be~ hlOing at 9: 30 a.·-m •. the fol. lowing bb.,ttela. . D. L. CRANE, Editor ~nd Manager Eight tlors89-1 G ye~r · old geoer. ,,1 PIUp08~ .bors", weight 117£1 Ib9, ~tlnt:le a.nd well . broke, no~ afraid of Rates of .subscription ' tlutomobilss j 1 gnod 4:year old geld ,' O no Year (strlctl)' ln QdvlUlce) • .•.• . . . t1.00 illg. weight Ilbout 1401 ' gentle and "8IUglo Oopy .. . .....•• " " . . . ... .. . ... ,00 .nicely broke j 1. 12 yeor old general purpose geld1!lg j 1 12 year old gen· eral purp08e mare, 0.. good brood ~te8 of Advertising ma.re ; 1 2 year old diaft mare, extra n ac1lng Local~, per lIno .... .• .... ·.. . . Oc' good i I I · year Old draft mare oolt; fl;ell.{lIng Locllhl. black tIM! ,'per Iloe . . . . 101' 1 bay lloue, 11 y~a.rs old i 1 4 year· Olll881600 Ada. DO~ to 8xooed fl vu jinll8 211<' old general purpose mare, partly Three IwIertlolllJ ..•...•...... , t:roke j 1 Mule, weight 1480 tbs . Obituaries. Uve Inches free; over live Eight Oattle-1. Cow "nd (Jalf, a 't. Inches. per Uno., .••••••.. • . . • Gc Oard of thaw., . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . .. :tile good Milk OOW8, 1 Belfer, 1 Steer ROIOlutlo1l8 .. ... . . , . . . ...........•.. , OOc and 1 Bull.
. The' QenRus .of 1110 ooold . not
DiIIoountll Iveu on coutl'l1ct.
SEPT EMBER 37. 1,911.
Jew me n knowenooKh not to give adv ice. Even oonltoienoe may be over. worked. A 8wltob In time hilS saved man) ,acoUfure. . .. Energy ba8 made more men f amonl' h Iln mer It. •
There is 00 hunger .8 keen a8 tbr hunger ~or sympathy.
Lov4S ueed to l"uah. at Lookllmi the Now be laug~8 at gas b1118.
annua' /oooeump"on of wiDe In )j'ranoe is 28 gallons a head.
&llf.8Mertlve is only vaniay turoed ~he wrong eide oot.
SoiJleti~~1I a man
tl88" • Kirl &Iaiol' her ·will. agalns' bit own will.
n · omethnes
happen. 'hilt ...ill· who heaitate8 woold be lest Jf she
Ita f!gures on the orops .of that year, but must ot n~ee8lty take aooount of 1919 Th ti t d of ·h ~ oile . e ell mae Yl1lU8S of tl1e orops for tbe year were, in round numbers, tor oorn 182.000,000. Bay Ilnd other for.aJe were reokoned at 142,OOD,000; wbeat.,
80clalJ el.e. wllel'e charge II mado. . . . . . . 25c DWplay Aclvertlall1g per 111M •.•. .••• . ,. lOe
'31,00',~Q'; OlltS, 123,00(',000 j potll. toes, ",100,000 j tobaooo, 19,000,000. Tbe total yield of 'cor!!-,wa8 placed at 1157,000,000. with "n average yield of 4' boabela to the aore·. In the la8t 11 year8 tbe acreage of htl.Y and forage InoreHed 7 9 per oent Tba.t of wheat, 'showed a. de· oreaae Df 43 per oent. Oats, on the other hand, inoreased its aoreage
weeQ Out thl Board.r:-.
Succeta Ue. · not 1n the number 01 cows that . a man keepe; .but rather. In th . kind ot COW S he keeps, It t. more proHtable to keep a amalJ nwnber ,of good cows than a Ilrge nWDber of average cows. The foliowi .... may be cited Il.B an ' example: farmer had 23 COWl Wlhlch he had been keeping for a Dumber ot .year.. He finally reaUZ1ld that he wu DOt making as much money as he should and bepn to keep recotds. As a reo .u1~ be found thnt 20 of these COW1l produced 7.000 gallons of mtlk In 0111 year . and It COlt him $1,760 to feed and care for them during that time. It coat him 2~ cents to produce HC~ gallon or milk and he re~jv" tor It an average llrlce ot 13~ cent. per Iallon ·t or the year, In addlUon to thls he was obliged to pay l~ cent. per gallon freight. wl1lch le(t h1nl1J~ oen.ts per gallon for his mUk. Now I~ Is plaiD to be Been that on each gallon of milk he lost 13 cents; CODsequenUy at the end of the year hi had lost ,910. The othe r three cow. produced 2,400 galloos of milk, and the actual cost to keep them W&I ,240. Every gallon or mtlk that these cow. produ~d cost just 10 oen.ta. Il 101d for 12 '~nta. Thus til... was .. profit of 2 cents per galloD., « $48 on the total amount producecl by the three cows. Th1I la ••t a ftrT large .Income ·from a coW', but It IIboW8 such a dUference between U. returns from the three COWl &Dd U. ..eturM !Tom the tweDty co.... u.a It makes a good example. Scrub stock 1a more 1I1lproMaMl 'W'Ilen prices are high t.han ·whea . , ate low. This Is the reeAlOll thet III &he put farmers made mone,. ""'~ ordinlUT Ifl'&de cowe; wblM Wd&T 1004 00,... of hlgb producing QuI'u.. ......t1a1 to profttabl. 4alI? .....
. 60.' per oent. Tbe aoreage of pota. Forty eight Bogs-4 80W8 Ritb' toea Inorftued 17 per oent, and that , PiKa by 's ide i 16 nice Sboats i 1 good of tobaooo 49 pel' oent. Boar. Bog. . Among tbo oerell.18 'Jorn ehowed 'l'pirty.four Sbeep-lS of them the lU~heat average values per aore, are ewe lambe. d tb 1 t ' About 510 bu. Corn (not hUBked) Ion rye e owea . to 8ell by the boshel, 5 To08 of • - • Mixed Hay. A Dreadful Sight rrhe undivded one·half of 41 aore.. of IJtancUog oorn. to R . J. Barnum, . of Freeville, Implementll-One Walon and N'. Y., Wll8 the fever (lore that bR\l 8taok.bed, 1 Hay.rllglng, 1 Spring plagued bib lile for many years In WAgon. 2 BORglell, 1 Road oart, 1 spite of man,. remedies he tried. \ new .Dtierlng Biuder with truok, 1 At last he used BuokleD's Arnica Yower, 18teeltooth B~, . ralte • new Salve and wrote: "it has entirely Bay.tedder, 1 Cprn Binder, l Grain heoled with 808rcely 8 sOllr left." Drlll with fentUzer attaohment , Beala SurDs, Boile, Eozsmll, Cute, a 1 horae Wheat Drill with fertiliZer Bruiee8, ~welHngB, Corn8 and P.le8 attaohment, 1 Gale Corn Plainter, 1 like magio. Only ~Go Ilt 1\11 drugD1s0""0ultivator, S Riding 0111t~va. gist.!! . tOt'tI,l Gang D 110 Breatlng Plcw. • - .. 2 Sootch Cltpper Plows, 1 Diso 8801'row, 1 'Stalk aake, S double Barrowa.l Dralf, 1 neW Tobaooo Setter, 1 Tobacco Pre81, 1Tpbaooo Sprayer, 7 ~t8 Work Barneu, S Sets Boggy Elameu. , Sete Double Trees, I:UngJe trtl88, Log Chatns, Salters, Linee. DR. J. W. MILLER, Bridlell, Boe8, ForkB, Hhovels, lot of amlin 'ools. . •• DENTIST••• The above namod IItook .trades above the average, anil a great many of the implementll are nearly Offico In .V oaCAR Eft,.., Waynesville, 0 Natlooal Bo.nk Bldg. n8w, having bQen used b~t mtl o . Boul8holdGoode-Tablee, Louoge I'rote..or of Da.lryIDIr. COil' •• of Ohalr8, (""upboard eta. Agriculture; O. 8 . U.. Colu.m bu.. .Terms-AUlume of 110 and under ouh. 00 aU oyer no" oradU of 9 E. V. BARNHART, mon*bl w11l be given by purobuer Jriviog note with &pproved 800url Notary Public _ $let. Armstrong MoCray . I C, 'r. aawke, Aua'. All k.lnc1s of Notary Wort.:Pen810o Joe. Chapman 1. OJe~ka Work ~ ~pe~lalty. Wm. 0 Neall ~ Lunub stand reserved.
Sare and Profitable larket In Dairy Cow.
ForCed to
could cook u well u ( if you had a Moore Ran ge-it'a an a bloIUlely controllable rook·
ing. machine."
Moore's Range is a cooking machine that you can cootrol as easily as ·an engineer can control a locomotive. . Tl)c exact tempe{a~ure oven thermometer-it really tells the exact heat and i. al useful al a Itcatn gauge to a boiler. Then Mn. Rorer's Thermometer, Guide teU. Itow hal to keep the oven for a certain time sufficient to coo.k roaU beef-stuffed chicken, ham, lamb ..9..~arters, bread,' tiugar cookies, most everything in fact. Then more than that"'::" the Controller I;>amper en- DIIII·. ·. ......... abIes you to keep the heat at the desired point almost indefinitely.
Moote'.' Rance IaYea 0.. third , to ODe-h.lf on the Coal We ttll all about thia t'JOnatru~on that
una 10 much fuel in a litile boo6: "e h ••_
and we'll IIn~you thl. book upoa netipt of a pOilal. Wntt ..Moore Brotlieh, Joli~1 111., for Book on Fuel SlYini. See .Moore'. Ilanee at
Barhed Wire . ,
GUA'RAN'!'EED to he.l without le.v-
Moore'l Controller Damper make it impollible for me to lpoil. thing.- and 1 i nc much in fuel belide.. Yo~
One of the . early 1II0rnioK 811h~ 10 aoaton 18 the IPlaU army of women flLrm labore~. etutlng o~t\ ' Don't blame a woman for wearlni! for thetr 'day'S wor~ on the truok htti' h_tt 01\ ber sleeve. The new ~lterm8 or garden. to ' the ' flub.n rbs .' .tyle.le&ye her .no other ' p"oe' to Pllt .U. bottbelr 8eason Is. ehort, \', ' i '• The 8igM of women working In ~ome people' look ad tbe brigtt' the fields bas ooms to be 80 qommon elde of thtnp @o . perale,ent" th8t tn 'be ~~den farming distriot. a8 to , the,. Wlod 'up the proJ1d poIse88or, aUraot no special att8qtloo~ IIlYS ', of a Rold briok. the Boston Globe.. Almo" all of theae women ate ltllUao8, the very ,. I . . .A .OMan oanir,o Into the blgg~l!t pipture pf ·l\e.l lth, lIbort , aDd stordy, , .dep~eot awre on e rib, and with Straight bl\oked aDd sttalgM I1mbe~; .QUi b~.f .,lng, ..k for 10!-lle'~I.ng, an~ tbey cao~ handie a hOe or e~en a fork of llpltdo w!tb 88 muob dex' . !they ' Ila~. . 't got. • telUY and ' etr~llt~venees as tbe &v er:age man. . f 'I'II4t defaul&ing bauk ~!1shier ~Il~ . Bot when it oomes. to weeding 'taO "'M'8~er otitio' than 1be'Dlan wilo theae :women ' $eem ' to be I~ a (11"88 404181 ' ".ylpl, hll 8treet oar 'f are all by themselves U is,' a ~lo'ul" ., "Ii~"er.he DIUI,thft ohaooe, ' I ' I
. , \1 ~ ,..-. ... .
range tell. rot how. Moore Range-I .. uart temperature ther';' mometrr - M". Rorer' . Thermometer Guide and have a
Being good ie Uke u.ing an um , b,ella-yon liav ~ ~ _sep U 'up In order to get any ooneflt oat .Qf t t.
:. I
Mn. FUII-"Ho" do YO" manage to cook thinc.1O ; well Mn. Cookrigbtl" Mn. CO'okrigbt-"M{
.. ..------
FIm anti Mrs . .Codrigllt
., And you can' actually: lee your food eooking tlirough Moore'. fire-telted OYCD door. co.t ooc-third to one·haU \ae to run • 'We believe nery houte"i'e oUlht to kno" that wbile cenain nngea ell up coal like a houte afire-oJher raa", #a."
'Not a Word of Scandal marred tbe 08)1 of a neighbor Qn lio matter bow I..ya mali. may Mn. ViI. p ; ~pan8'h, of Maoville, tie bl. lazioelll seldom ede nda t<> Wyo, who eald : ."Ihe t )ld ~e Dr hl~ tongue. . ', KloR'a New lAr., PUll had o~red b~r • of obstinate kidney 'rouble, and , . . made her feel Uke Il ollW woman '" , The Utan who.gets up 'eQrly enougb Easy, bot eure remedy or stomach ; _&8 catol1,$be worm . . olnally epend" liver and, kidney ' ti'ollblea. Only the rest of tbe day fl@hJng. 250 at all druggiatll. ~
Stov •• Alwa". Pl....
' .
meAL ,PAPER · I.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mEA i..
THI WOIlLD PUBI.1Slf!'J) ~T. $4.00 PEl ~
HOTELI, DIIUOciiiii, ' .PIOIAuaft. OOITU.,.III" ;-IIA . . . . II-Il. ' OA. AND 'aUI '''VIOIl . OA. P,IlO,r. . IV ualNO .ft ADVllln'''II!O oo""M ...
. ' SAMPLE ' COPY FREE ' . Add.... ... . VOIlK OUPPIlIl . • .' ~ " ..... yOft&.... yo•.
(CGpyrt.bl, II.. C.
\ ' , Jack Keltb, •. • Vlr~nlarf', no" " borr IIlaineman. I. rldTn. r; atong tbe- S(\tlta trllll 0 0 the lOOkoll1 Cdr roamIng wu art1~ ot aavages, He noU eea a oamp ro at. IL dlatance lind the n . /HlM It. team ttnch~d to II. .,,,gon and at (ull gallop "Ued J,lY men o . 1\ ponlM. When l{elth ell. the wacoll tho raider' have 0I1L118 ' cree! two men and departed. fle aOllrch(lll. e Vi c tim. findIng papers llnd a locket
~ .
ltll a
Vo· OIDllIl'. 1I0rtralt.
He reso lV;Oll to
unt down t"e murllerenl, KeIth III arled at COnlon City, oharge(J wIth lh e rdor, hia aOI;. Il.Hr beIng a rufllo.n nam M la k Bart, He SQe4 to Jail tully reallzII' the pari I of .wlrt b:9rdcr JUjltl c~. A ompa.nion tn ttl, oell la a negro, who Ua him lIe til Neb and tIIat he lmow the th raml~y ba.ck In' "'i-ginla. ' Neb lillY. no oC the 1nurdel'ed men "."" John
Ible')'. U\e either Oeri. WillIs WaIte, for · e.rly an officer In tile Qonfoderat(! 6fmy. • lIt&llUllmlUl and Neb eseap!! frnm the IL &lI~ tater the 1"'0 tugltlve.s become t In the ...n4 de.ort. They co me upon cabIn and find It. ICIne. o'cCupant to be a
oun. "11, whom Keith recognise' u ~r Ii, eaw at c.taon CIt,.,
CHAPTER IX.Continued.) • .. : ••• 1
:. ". bave been a perfect' brute," be acbDwltjd,. traDkl" "w~b lio tbo'!lbt ••cept Cor m,self. Huo,er lrU my ~..te.. &ad I uk your forgtTeoea., M1A lIaolalre." I Her erea emllecL "I am '" flIfT Ilad ,to Haye an, ooe bere-&DY one-In. w.JI!im I, ~I eyen • Uttle eoddenee-tbllt Qotblni etae "'eatly matters. c&o 'ou~ both eat. All d
, Keith. nOdded. lila . ,.. M\ of Int.r,.t. · .earall~ Il~ rae.: !. " "Wb'oevet' I ma," be! 'lit ·~elt.b, and really that lieeml oolT Or, amall 1m. porwace,.1 diD, to 1j;rt ttfoed. a~k' ~ IIOme trace . of mT. oDTl: ~ b~~f.r, ~hom 'te.taat.b8ard ,~ ~. "be, Ile 'bad faDen, titcrev\l:oompamonsblp. OIl t1)e tta~ trtp 10rtunate enoti8b, to fohn an' ~ctu&1~ wit)! & JnaD who totd me be' ~.~;~wbere I ~Jil. JDeet Yrecl'r~ut' t~~ti ttii boy wa; .ldba« becau,. of IJ9me ..ttnouble . he bad latel,. c9tlen IDtO, and tbat • .hollld ~&U; to' pl'OCQtlcI V,e.,y carefullY. 110 tiot. to lead tb.~ · :Olftcetil to dts· Cov'" bla wberea,liouta. ' ' 1;~ra gentlemall w.. .eniqed to some l)uaiDess at Cvaon Clti; . but, tle employecf a ma~ to .brln, me to Qta place, and prom· ", bed 10 '.et.Yrecl. 4Ulf 'm eet me here tbe fOllowllll d~. There mUlJt baye beeh .,~e failure III the,iJ,I&IlI. ' for I ba.... .~ bere aUre" alone "now for three ·lIan. It baS beeD .yery Idl1esome. ,andl · -and r.ve been Il -Ultl.e fri,btened , .~apa t ou,ht; not -tillilav8 oorpe, ,~d '\' • aDf))o~ eertafa 1II~t. ~ -d ~, a !llaCe Is. 1Mi.f:ral j!'beD you ', eame.: 'l nit I ~ , ~o.t afraid ..ow.'" . "You ~o peed to lJe:.~ be said . IIOberly. Iml'r.IEId ,.br . the , ,Innocent c:aJldot' or r~ ,Ii'l. aDlt feellng tbank· tnl t~.ti )te V .. preltni,t to alCi bel'. ~'I eould not ."mug one .of tM $outh." I "ltlY tather fold "me J could · b'ult a Southem, gentlemad' ·tlnder. any' . eI msf,aneoa. . iJ~, ~awl~ was from , ,~y ow'n. St&~,. and kneW'. rii'aQY of our. olcl frIends: Tbat W811 why ( ' telt such IID,UlIual eouftdence In ' bim, ·altb0l.\gh ~e w.. bnt a tra'Vellog acqualotance." I ~,Mt. U.wle~T" I' " ~e ~ntteman holP ( met Ob the
tblnk of anylhlng I!lse, only bow tor· tunate [ wna to tbus m et hlm. Surely som thing B rlOUI! musl have happeoed, or be would bave be n bere b fore thIs. Do you- do YO ll BUp:;lORe there la nnythlng wrong!" Keith did not smile nor cbange posture. The more he delved Into tbe matter, the Dlore serious be relt tbe situation to be. He knew aU tbose rancbes lying Bouth on the CanadIan, and WRB aware that tbls wu no out· station. No callIe ever came across tbat sandy desert unleslI drlven by rustlers, nnd DO bonest purpose could account tor tbls Isolated but. There bad been frequent robberies along the trail. and be bad overbeard tales of mysterloul dlaappearances In both Larn d and Carson City, Could It be that lie had noW', accldentally, st.um· bled upon the rendesvous of tbe J8II'?' He wu not .a man easily ataiUed. but thl. thougbt !lent bls hart beatJng, He knelr enough tp reatile ,wbat luob a &aDg would oaturltlly co~slst ofdeserters. outlaws, rustlers: both In· diana and whltea, no doubt, combined ~oder lOme d88perate leadersblp Gu: 10, Into the glrl'a quesUonJng eYeI be could .careely retrain from blurting out au be suspected. Yet why .bould be! What good could It do! He could not bope " to bea~ bAr .oqtb to the "Bar X" Jtanol.. for the Ponle. were aiready too tborougb17 8lI:bauat· eel for IUch a journey; be dareCl not turn noTth wlth bert for tbat .oald
Cement Talk No.5 Th e te'rm "barrels"
Co.. WOo)
"He shoo am, Mlssus: dar aLn't nutbblgber In 01', Virginia dan de Keltbs, Dey aln·t got mUcb money sence the Yankees come 'down dar, but dey's quality folk8 jest de snme. I WAS done born on de . 01' Co'nel's plantation, and I reck.'n dIU' wan't no finer man ebber \Jbed. He was done ktlled iD de "'ab. An' Maua Jack he waa a captain ; he rode on hossbaok, an' Lawdy, but he did look sorumptu· oua when he first got bls uilI tonn, He done fougbt all tbrough ' do wah. an' dey say Gtnral Lee done sbook handa wid bim, au' said how proud be was ter k.now him, You kin sutt'nly tie ' to Masaa Ja.ck, Mlssus," Tbe negro's voice bad scarcely ceas· ed wben' Keith came tn again. closln~ the door securely beblnd blm. "All Quiet outsIde," be annouooed, speaktng with new conOdence, "I wanted to get IUl understandln, of the Burrounc11np In cue of emer,ency," be explained . . . If ID answer ' to the queltlonlng ot the brown· eyes gravel, upUfted to bl. face. "I aee'l there la quite a corral at tbe lower end of thl. Isl.ad . • ately bidden b~blnd the ~riale: of cottonwood.. And a 10, . atabl.' bat!k of the houae. II tbe creek turd· able both W1lys T" '. ' "I tblnk ao; ~e JDan who brou,bl JI1~ bere rode a,..ay south." , "And are you gOlDr to trullt your~1f to m,. carer' • - tme aame , around the table with ·balld. , ,-:x~ended. He f40k tb~,m IDto
.,, 1'' '
UN,CLE CAL ' GOOD REASONEIII . \. . ." . .' Fired 'QueaUon at Camp .Flre Ad'.II., • omer Ttiat Prab_tily W•• 'Hard to An_we;'.
"The ,late Geor,g8' C"fT IiJggleatolJ ~ald • New York edltor;, "lLDd, as Memorial day , approaeb~, be would ,narrate at the Anthon' club many a' memory 01 war tImes. ~, '. '. . . ' ''I llke'dto 'bear bla iarns .aboUt the cbild.lt'~e ' miD'de ot. slaves . . ae once told me. ·tor example. about a grizzled', slave named' l1,ncle ,Cal, boi!; 6ervaIi~ .hla coloi)el. '. ... 'lAs' E8'clestoil Bat , betQre a eami!' are one . 'CQoUsh lI.utllmn evenlnll. watcHing Uncle' Cal mend tbe cole>ne l'.:coat, t).l,e . j:rim'l0D ~d ' gold g10~' ,of autumn sunset tUllI1ed tbe tal) to astronomy. and IDg~lesion saId!' •• Iyou see. ' Un61e Cal, tbe world I. rou~d : . like an ' apPle~ . 'and It go, • rQund~ 'tocp-t~npli!~"a~d .-ound' it go" all 'tbe ~I~e.~ : .' , ·... HIt.s round an' lllt gpell roun4: '. said Uncle Call, ilkeptlcp.Uy, 'Bu,. whl\t 'I wanh~o 'know 1s, \Y()lat bolds It upt .' '; ~W);1,' ,YGU ~ee;;l]ncle Oal: e"ld lilgglettori; . 'the world goell round til. sun; an". . ~'t .a un ,h.Olds it up-by at•. ,tract(o~ you know.' .' . "U~~~ ' ,C.l: gt.!l~c~.d . trom, his \ coni ' mepd~g' to .Eggl!!ston wlUi a pa,tlU!r Izln, ' ~mne. t., , . . . . , . . ... n ·n.,. be ' sal«\ 'Ah reckon 1ri. hatti~t:;.o~~ (aT ,'nOU~h in 'yOU' r~s~ ·in'. . Fri'. it ·~o' · B,urml,8at,Joir ' WlIZ coJl r:ect, :whaf, ",o\lld keep de' ""orld ill. w'b en ' the 'a1)tl went, down? Answ"J me dn~ lion I''' · , . . -.l-.~,____ . , - -_ _..,..
, wall tn. ,tbe Confederate army,"
. "OlJ.. YOIf: you liald he W.aa In bual· ., •u~s. l~ Carsqn ()«7. but f don t seem to reJDfJmbcr any-oo'e 1>( tbabiame." , "He ' 'was ' 'not ib~re ', .p.ermain eotly; .clDJy to complete 1I0me bUIJlnes8 ~eal.'· " MAncl your brotber! I may possibly lIa~e knowu bini," , 'She. be81tated an Instant. ber eyes . droppIng . . until Co~l1letel" sbaded by the lorig lube*" , "He-be was ...ather a w~ld bOY, and . nIl awlLy from borne , to e~Ullt , tn tbe &rmy, But be got Into a bad' set; and - and,. dOBoJ'ted, Tbat ](fair oart oC ,tlle Flung. Both Coat and Hat Down With the ' Intentlon of Remaining. ... trouble 'wb{cb cll,used him to hide. ' He , " enlisted under the name of Fred "Wtl· menn hIs bwn ' arresr, Iel!-vlQg ber· in his ' grasp, looking down Into her eye!!. Joughby.. , Ur, Ha~)ey told 'Ime " tbls "Yes," 'sbe said . softly, "1 am goln~ dondltlon- than ever. If 'he only much, but t am ' afraM btl dJd 'not teU " ~1io this man Hawley was, his to trust you, Captain Keltb." ~e laugbed. . , . purpose. and planll! Yet wtiat pro,be s'P~ 'IOU wou1,d ' qJ~t bltn ~~lo,n C?Quld' be, and Neb.t prove, alone " " Cap~ln: bey? "y:ou must hllve' bee~, bere!" ' ,, " ;bere, and wltho.ut aTm8? All thlll , talk~ng wltb that . ~l«c~ rascal tber e. , . ~e~th gaz.ed ii'bout: the- bare B.Ur- tiWlb'ed througb bf~mlnd iD an Instant. · The swift color tlooded b.er tace. but l'Oulldlngs wonderlogly, 'Wbat wa.i! leavIng him ' con (used WId · uncertain. ' ber bands remaiDed Imprl99ned. this place, blddE:n away In .tbe mldl,lt , ..,[ hope not','· he managed to say l iD ~'I jt1~t dOlle t,ol' .ber who de ..Ke~U~JI ' ~f the dl!set1, t8olnt~d In a .llpot where IUlswer, to her q\1 er "nut It is ratber Waa dow~ In 01 Vlrg!n.~a, Sall: bUJ1Jt I)ot e"~n tn.1l1'll8 ro~e4; , 90Uld It, ~8 P.o stFan~e mllt·up all arcJuuq, and ~ con,· In ,Neb , IndJgnantly, . 1 aha . don~ a secr~ Tel)dezYoV8 ot ,\,c rlme. ~e feas .1 Ian to .cQmpreh,e nd ! Its rull v.;ant nobody to tblnk t g,C! trapslq . headquarters ot desperadoes, of eat· meanLng. It Is hardly llk,ely your '.round w,ld any low white 'trash:" , tit) rustlers. of the blgbwa~en of the fd~nd8 ,wm ' shoW' up to-nrgbt, and , by. Tbe gray eyes and th~ b;rown. gllZ~ , Sante lie 'Trall-a point' to ,whlcJl ' morDlng perhaps ",e can deo'lde wbat· .Ing In,to o,n ~ an~tber, IImUed wltb un· Could ride wben hard prossed, la best to do. Let me look nro'u nd de~lItandl~8. ," . , " tatn of hiding bElI:e In saCety T He be· outsIde a moment. , "Ob, well:' Keith , •. . ~ gnn .t o susPJ!ct this, f>ut. 'It sp,: ,wbo . Her ,o ye,s ' followed blm .. ~e .tepped g~nlaIlY;. /;1 anoat $a)" I .!lm . , ,,! .then Was thiJl . Hawley. and 'with what througll, the door Into Ule dar kne8s ; yo'u ·know :sO!JIet~lng of my PB!!t ' obJect blld !;te .sent thls t • girl bereT then ;lter head dropped 'Into" tbe S9P" rles:' U on& can't bave a tulure, ' ''very way 'he .turned was ,to ' confn'il.t port 01 ber, bands. Tbere was IIlIence some source of PI"!!:> to have ~ 'pallt mystery. 1:£1 face a new 'tiudte, Wbat· except for tbe, .crackllng ot tb~ ~re, 'remember;, ~ut , noW' ' ~~~t the pres. evett/ ahe might <be~vetl 'tJle ' Dlu.lc untll )..[';b moved ' .une.Bslly. : At the e~t; . We're not muqp protection tq Jlall ' eln~e~ ~e' beUciVed...,....sJle h~ bt'fo!n sounci' tbe I$lrl looked up, -seeing. ~Iear· aily Qne. fho ,\Wlly: we:rtt fiied~ 1 as we .Jnelgled lteT~ Jl:lnocen~~: ..~bO\Jgh 11 ,t,!l" g'o~ci·natured ·,tn..CQ ,o!. tHe, negro.' un.armed." " , .'. :" ' .,~ , "Y88( 5h repUed. "be saJd ·tbat ,tbls "Yo' don't ,Debber need cry, Missu.... "There la' a bIg revolver ljanglng. In W&8 alls of t"e, at-Uonlt,of' a -l1lg' rant!h' be . eald lIoberly. '/130' long as Maas. a ·holster ,'ln .th·e · o~e.r r90m: ,' ~he ,a~. on, wli!'-:h Frl)d.. _lUI. e~proJ'ICd\ :aU,d ,tba,t' Jack dODe' '.gree<l ,trd bok ,~n8r Y.o·.!· . Bwes:ed, I ~'arid a shod.' Ilawe·d·oft 'IuD ~ would"·certalf1.lY lie , hare- ,w.ltb£D,: .1\ . \'H!ive-:-bafe/ you knowD ',blm lous?" ,ot som.e 'l Und, b"t'ldoQ'( '1mow" 'about 4ay: Ot; ,two," . .'. ,r • HBas I kno~ed till;.! long, boney?' alDmunlttoo.'~ ·. ' • "':You,. ·met Hawley pn . tbe , stage ' Ebbe~ seilpe .beto' :,de' wah. My I ':.r.ta)' .we hm~lIilgate?'" . eoacb~ How ,dld you beqome 'acquW.nt- 'doi'l~ 'knowea Musa Jack _ w~eo be "1I4O!lt pertalnb/~ and . sbe ~brew .cI'!" .' . ' . _ wan't more'a dat blgb "a~d, be , .the Inter.venln* .door•., . As the , ..<w~, weflS alone Cor 'Jneatly IUt1 ,w.. a ' lively ),ouRster, but m.fgh.tt two stepped fnt.~ U.e otller .I)artmeltt· l ~f tbetr ,mnet." .\If!' Voice falterin, ellsbt\,. good hearted .t o UII- nl~ers." ' sbe 'h eld tbe lamp' ' In ine wbat JOt1 dlil." She healtate4 to queStiOD a ae".~t, s,arCb. "T1I~.f'~" tb~. 'I'tIv~y~r' . -ebrtlUi.':_I.,.;lstlrti r~ . . aDd yet felt .be mlUt uncover t'b-. Walt.. all!! 1\1'- 1a ,· 111 tbe oPIlCiatt1 ~. . ,to tblllk he truth. . ',. OOl'Iier, "Who II ~ut .eodedio. help . ' '1IitWb I tlMqbt be-:a W'IICKInl&
speaking of quantities of cement. However, cement is seldom actually packed in barrels. A barrel is the unit of measure
' ~56"
Tbe model abown In the accompanying' picture ts slmpllclt,. ItJe~ conalstJnl.,ot • ptbered troDt .ROII back, wlth' tbe II de back gOfe. 1 Ded. At the ned: ' la s~.l1 ·roUII~ TQke, lob may b. clit "11'&7 aDd outlined b, Inaertlon .. w" bays Ibown ,It on the SlUr.. or ,;;tt and made' of a different m.terlal, lIueh aa lace '~r em· broider,. Tile s1tKt~e. mar b. ·, short or long. ~ preferred. Tbe p.ueru (",$1) I. cut In lllieI 82 to 4J locbe. buat me•• ur.... UHlam a[ze requlreli '7% y.rd. of 38 Incb m. lertal. with 2~ yard. ot InsertloD and 3 ,ard. at rlbOOD to , trim.. WQ.trated. '
. To Prce'u N ·tllb!" ~ttem ~el'ld ,0 j~~ta to "J?attem Departl11l1nt," ot tlila.. r.
Write ' name _nd &dd~. pial Diy. u be fUre tnctve file ud DUIII"r ot· ~ N~
Rlld simply means four sacks, ·e ach sack weighing 95 Ib~. Universal Portland Gemellt IS packed in 'Paper or cloth sacks; lD most cases cloth .Backs are used. iJni'lJ~rsal is of the best quality of Portlafld Cement posable to manufacture. Forty million sacks are ' made and con8\§med yearly in this country. The railroad. usc hundreds ofthousands of barrel.. It is uaed' by tb~ binest architects and coritractort in the citie3 UMl the SOftmment use. it ntenlivdy in aU .oputnIenlf. ' U you ~yu .ny nllCl'lfl "ork to do, ..k your dealerl for,U,,~m4l. II It &be 6dt for tMtnll "o'r k of kin1L
ClllCAGo.Pl'I1'UUIlG ~' OOTl'U'l' 10.000,000 B.UJtEI,S
'1800 =t ~d~ll.:~C.t';,~i: U::~~11)l.,...~. M,RAN MAN.
EJ' W.,.,, •r
81Z.... ; •••••• , ••••'••
H~ .. ...... _•••••~ ••• , ••••••••••••••• , ... .. 'I'O~ •••.••• , •••••.••• •.••• , •.•••••••••.• ~ •••••
~TIUIIII;'l' ANt. NO............. ..... .. eTA.'!'•• ; ••••• , ••• ••••• ••••••• , ••••••••••••••
' t
, ~taae."
Mr. Hawley Reveal. ·Him.elf. I A fr gment of candle, stuck tightly Into ·the neck ot an empty bottle. all' peared 00 a low .ahelt. and Keith light· ed It. tbe girl returning the lamp to tta former position on the front room tAble. InvestigatIon revealed a dozen caru'ldges 1Ittlng tile revolver, ' but no ammunItIon illS discovered adapted to tbe sawed-ol'l gun, wblcb Neb hAd already appropriated, and wu drag· glng about with blm. peerlnc Into eacb black corner In anxious sear"b, The two were stili buslly employed at tblll, whf:n to their earll, thr.ougb the stillness' of the nlgbt. tbere came tbe \lnexpected noile at splashing ID the water without, and then tbt\ 80ulld of " borae stumbUng as he atruck the bank. Quick as a flub Keltb ~Io ...d the Intervening door, extln~labed th dim 1Iame ot tb.e candle, and ~QaPtUl the startled negro's arm, bushed him Into slienr-A, Crouching eto841 ' bet\iDd' tbe ' d~ through, a c~ek . of which the l llikt streuned. yleldln, "• .,gbt view qf tile Inferior. the plainsman atlX!oUI,kT awaited developments. Theae Ilfrl" mu.t certaloly. be some of those COl· nected wlth tb~ bOU.e; there, coqld ~ little douot .. to that. Nevertbelea. theT mlgbt pro,ve ,the Wllae followlltS tbem. wbo bad ·cbanced to stumble accidentally OD 'tbetr retreat. In elUl· er' ~e they coUld'. merely ~"t, alld' leDl'Jl. Bom~ one ewore wl,t~out, and 'Vas .abarply tebtJked by ~ an.other voIce. wblob Ildded aD order . ~my. 'rben th.~ outer latah ~Ub'ked, and a aln"le maa· iltepped 'Within. immec1lttel,. al,*, In, tbe .Cloor" Keith could !lot Me ~ ~I 'tbro\lgb email 1I:p~e, but t.beat d ber Quick 'excll\matlon, . , "Ob, 'Is (t yoq? ' ,I am lIo ' ,IAdl" The m~ laughed Ugbtly. · . "It la nlce to be welcomed. altboull, perhaps, afte.r your t~e of 'ene\ln... &DY' arrival ,wo~ld prove ~ reller: Did YoU think I wei never eomln', Cbrt" tleT" ,. . could ,not unde.rst a.,a;" IIbe I'e' ,eJtdentl:r with mucb leas . . ,tb'us111811,D. ~d to ~el~h!l$.. ~hlntillJg, .• ' r.ese.n ttul tbe r~llIarltf.' J "bqt .. aturall,. lIuppoaed you must b~ unex· rectediy delaYed." '. . "Well. 1 Wll.... and .he. app&t41nUy' flung , bo~ . ooat and .ba~ . oD ' a bench. with the Inteotion of remalnln~. "The marshal, JlJ'~ ted a tellow for a md... · ~mmm'd ·out on tbe . 8ap~ A and required me ' as· a .wlt.i}eu.' tb~ maD · ~ot ; aw-aY before we)1 .... any cb~ce to try bJm l and I , bay' bllen 'on 1:IIa nail ever, since." ero BE CONTnfVElD,)
is usually used in
If· I we~ to die ,;'011 over me and tell evary. bocl,.· w~..t ~ goOd '!Vife I w..... , "No, 1 woulCln" beltev• . 1118." , . ~'Well, '1 woultl fot ,OUl just for decencY'. uke. And that' aJjOW8 I'm bO~ balf U me,ll a~ tau ' are:' '
, Q~E.w "
'. ,"
W t""cheunell -I-!;. ' " ,:'Th : e .. re ·f ·C · . ' ·
Ohlc.go Worn.n Experlencel TerrhU. Sufforlng from Kld~er Trb~blo. . , - ,: Mrs. Emma Kunze, IU9 N. Bal· .ted St., Chicago, m., .ay.: ..A crlok t~ok me In my· ~ack and the pain 19&11 terrible I could not straIghten. I was confined to bed and could not turn without assistance. I grew enough better to sit up but began to sufter trom rbeumll' tic palus, so bad! otten cried out. Kidneys were In dreadful condition aDd secretl on s suppressed. Finally I began using Doan's Kidney Pllls nnd was cured. My bealth Is now l 1lne and my kidneys act perfectly." "When Your Back is Lame, Rem ember thQ Name-DOA N'S." For Bolo by dru ggists nnd general I ... .torekeepers e'Verywhere. Price GOc. ~ oster·1I1l1burn Co., Bulralo, N. Y.
0CaD quleldy ·' onstlpation be ', ov~ttOmO
CARtER'S LmB UVER .rILLS, . r PureJY v etable -~ct '8ur~ art'd gently on tlie IIv~r. Cure Biliousness.
(Cbp)'f1llbl. ~OH. bl As.oc:lated Literuy PIU ,) Head"Sorry to ' botber you, Miss S\11, .. ·. most of all. bUl't at the treatment s be so ld the managing editor In tb e heer· bad r calv ed frODl the general UloiD' Jless.pnd Indigestton. 'They dothelrdut,.. t ul tone ,of one wlJo has simply to ug~r of t.h e U. T. &; 8. sMALL PII .L "lt~tC:ooSE, SMAlL PRlCL ma.lte uls wants known to Il ove tbem ··Oh. my <l ectr," Bold Molly B 11, her G 7"f' . . filled, "but tb ere Isn't a mlln frc e. ltostes R "['ve got til e nicest wun for enumc must bear S1gnature ,Ybu know It's jullt out til at young YO\l; and you're just the sort to appeal ~ Jame/! FloYd·Jam es. whose uncl e cut to him . · Mr. Flord.Jam s, corne and ~,,/ him ott without 11. ' pellny because be ·me l Miss Sl ll- )'our dinner flartne r." . ~ wouldn't ploy tbe SOciety game bot Mellla recognJzed tbe tull. thin flit. t;-----;:----'-.,."---.....- - - - - Insisted on beg lnnJng Ilt tb e botlom ure before her. She looked wltb a STUP8 and working his way uP. lias been little embarrnssment Into James LAMEN£'lIS made genel'ul manager of the D. '1'. & Floyll,.Jam es· clear bluo eyeR, ~~3r.!t,"'(J~~,o ~S:"~~.)n!U~f :~D:J S. Rail way. Do you see 1" "1 have benrd of YOII, Mls5 Sill. nnd lro\l~l" "nO.OL"{!O"'~ ""ll1f 1101100. ' Vu,!! "Ob. corne now." coaxed th e munng· wanted to weet you." said n vibrant. ~~r~ · ~~rk~~o;:1I'! ...111\..b~, each~ liotUe IAIlla · "o". ~"'nb~T>:rel ' $:1.00' a bottle ng edItor. "You're as shy as my quiet voice ; nnd Melita started. sur. 4en ... ",d. Bono nook 9 Urr.... ldou hI M II B t l I d ABSOnlJl'Nl!:...JR,.lInllJlentlor mILt\g er 0 y. ut I o.d you; there's pr sa , to make sure that this wus th e IIlpd. Reolj)'ftitl'.rllflll:l"cllln• ..,llD"'.... not. man free wbo COUld han dle th e ' voice which only a few hours berOl'a N ew Disappointment. ;:~~~~:h~o~~ua~t,~~·eJ!:~ec::ll~f~1~ hltervlew. YOII know what 1 want. bad pettishly stated Its own er's opln. Flrst Summer Girl-So you thougbt WJlI \.01\ 100 \Dote IS'you "rl ..... '1 Anet n. boW. You can do It. Go 'down ond see the Ion of "prying wom en." · a man was com ln,, ! tJa.eoJCntQ,dOU'lltCd .. l!fGtlll{l'etn1fld0Dl1111...... w.F.YOUNO:P.D.F••310TemploSt..SlIrlnall.ld Second Summer GIrl-Yes; but as man. Get II. good story. rm no end For tile Ol'!\t fi fteen 1J1JUlltCS Melltn ' . ' sorry to ask you. Miss Sill-but what had n mlsel"Uble tim e. Sbe was Dngry we got a closer 'VIew we saw It was CAn I do ? Can't go myaell. and can't wttb tb e man at b r side. He had 110 only a blrd.:-Puck. go to pross without th story," rl~bt. ·sbe Ilrgued to berself. to treRt 'A cold on the cheat wenkclI.8 your IUDIt1I. , Mllllta walked slowly baelt to bp.r a poor young womnn trying to earn Genns attack the weill.:: spot•. ow ,\ room. She would go. of course. her bread and butter In n perfectly 'l'uberoulllr Keep. your lunRs stron..s by cur. inl't colds There ~yaB notbj ng else to do wbeu bones t way as he had treated her In quickly with fTamlill8 Wizard Oil and you th,e big lDanaglng editor said "so." tbe afternoon. and then to treat bls will not aot CODJlUmption. "But I just hate to hit rvlcw peo- dllU\ r partner. just because she had Two thIngs operate to rid us at a pIe." muttered Melita. ''It makes me on a pretty dress and looked as If slle feel so-well. so like tbe way 1 used ba'd uever done any tiling more stren· friend-pleasure In which we do not to feel wilen I forgot my ' penny a t uous that eat chocolates aud do em· need them, and trouble In which we Sunday ' school or ate W)' soup with brOidery-Melita knew th at sbe dId do need lhem .-~eU t·Senn. the ~I'ong spoon anti tllen had to eat not look "overhearIng" or "mannish" WlnalO"". Boothl0a' Synip tor Ob1l4reo my pudding with my ~oup spoon~just -as, lle waa treating bel' now. toetlllog. BOttenll tb."",UIJlII. reduee. lo.llllmm,.· But CToduaJJy ber stubborn dislike &i.o.u. .11&.7_ pain. oure.. wind coUc.lI6o .. bottle. uncomfortable and out of It and bor. rid. Oh.' bother!" wore off, and abe acknowledged to Melita worlted on the womnn's page. llerselt that Mr. Floyd·Jamea. what· Tbe more virtuous a man Is, the She liked the work. and she IIkod tbe ,ever he had been. was now tbe plelUP more vIrtue doe8 he see In others.:- ~ :=:=:=~~~~~~~~==,:==:;~~ Scott. r, office. and sbe 1I1( d. uboye all, the ant.est sqrt of a companion. kind, Jatberly managing editor. But "And he need never know I worlt," several times. in counec!lon with hel' she promised berselr. work, she had gone to In.tervlew prom. , "You work, don't you. MIss 81111" in nt women, and. fOrtunately, as sbe be Bilked suddenly just t.hen. "Yes," said Melita. "How did YOll tbought, sbe bad made a success of these Interviews. So when the editor know 1" HE hot wave ot tbe.' paRt lum· July ll, 101; oh the . 8ame dateSt. ~as rushed . with 'work, Q.nd all tbe reo "M rs. Bell told mc BO; we're old , . Iil.e r, wht(:hl c!lused ' much sWfer- ~~u\s, 10~; Knoxville, Tenn., July, 13. POrters were busy and, tbere was a friends. you know, and he admireD lilg and many deaths ~1J " Qve'r l Q3; Charleston, J",ly H, 111 (1G, special ~ntervlew to be mad~. ):e some. you tremendollE\ly." tbe .countrj ,bas· blldinimy slm· de;&ths); , DetrOit, July ·]6'. 102; NoW Ulnes called Melita to do It. . < ~eJ1ta lOoked nervously at ber tlal' /Uld It would Be.emeven York, July 17, 101. : "y'ou mQ.ke a better thing of It tban plate. T~ought the E",d Had Cortle. those alUy young subs," 'be would say, "So do I." iald tbe young man con· . more dlsn,t'rous preclec8aors, ' and in :del~tng Into ~hQ record's ot, tile I;llUt In 1881 It Is said tbe heat : pacify her. . fidentlaJJy. "You know I have no end ' ~he . sorp~wbat surp\,lilln$ (act Is 41. out, the' United 'was It walt . painful for .M.aUta to ask of res~ect for a young woman tbat ()Iosed tbat the old ' world' ha, lutrered est' on record ," " ,a nyone tor an"lntervlew. 'n seemed to c:a~ ta~e care ,of herself In a womanl), milCh more tban' the new, :." ': 'm ' any plAces ' her th ' b I ht f l ' sQrt of way. You· write. don't you? . . In the ~e1l!'8' ~~OS'... 'tho,. Rhine, Loire ~ " . e eg () mperUnence' for :Tbings that . women are lnterested III. and' Seine .rf\'era went drj. The beat In the .hade.. In ber-Inexperlenced, ploddlng. lItUe 1 tblnk Molly saId." J , th .l. , Frenoh " pro.... ·ncel I'n' cury,: .....eea. In ~eUta ~.nd of lome leader "Don't · In sooier • ' a'l "0 .' . y" d rarl'ged.' troin '90 to 101 de •• the SUI-to' world ofdePl' .u~rage tb"e ' date · ... t . J" I aid M , e llta • t urIous Iy r · r 1705 was ~u&J to that of a ala'S8 fur" a~ .to Parl8 93 degrees. ,The h.e at .. u denlng. ,. "I Just liate YOU;, Don't you ,' naoe. . ~e'at could ,be prepar~ tott tile c~tlD\.fed with 'brief , Intermission b~r birth, ~dhow abe did ber balr, ever dare speak to me agaln!" ta~}~ by. mer,IY",exl,Toslng 't It~·· tbe tll!oug'b 'J~b; anef~ugust Into Septem· or 80lne leader' _0 the. ·world of poU-, Mr. Floyd·James looked up astonl,un. No ' pe~on' dared ,to' Yeliture out bel'. . (U Rlc~ond tbe, thermometer tlca · what ' h, Jlked belllt ' to u and Ished. of' lila hOu" between the hoUr of noon registered 106 degrees; ~n Wa8hlng- wbether or jlot U had ,ever heen III '.'1 don't understand," be sold; ,,'w bat , ton 10.' InBattl Wil I v lov.e. And Iii, would dig her natls cUd 1--" . ,"Jld • p. Jno' . " . • . '<> , . ' more.. . , m ngto~, I to h l' In .tbe ,.&11'118 many Iho))i had to 'Philadelphia, Rocheste.r and .~}sewhere· n . er pa ma and ' hide behind ~, tbe ', B~t 10lt then ..MoUy IUlII tbe otlJer' 'cIOlle. 'aUl 0\"810 ,Ffu.l'ope. Not a 'drop of from 9? to 100; .i et On' September 'I elevatpr sbaft eometlmes tor, 4\ve ,ml,n- ladles left the table, and Janiea Floydrain teU tor rOUl" montba. In 1773 the Inow rell ' In bead wood' S. D. to the ute, before .ahe' could calc courage to J'8m~. was lelt ·to a vef)' gloomy cjgar tbel'mome~~r ~se to 118 degrees: In ~eJl£.b Of , fiye tnch<;" . ~d at Bald open the forbl4cUlic door of tbe omcs wlth bls bost ' -llZ8 th~ beat In Bol,o pa was 10 In' .mou~taln tbe snow W" two teet cleep. or th, '81'eat man or ~oman to be "I wonder It sbe minded my 8aylnr teil..e "tbat ' ecoree .of . people ' wete During ~a ·montb of September the' talked ' to. I , I admired ber pluctT" he asked hlPl· .tlfte4 , ', ' '.' .," therlpomet.er, In. plaO,elfo; regiatered aa Worrylj1g about tbe. con:Dg Inter· lelt. "Some ,gJrls "fa sensitive like "" .. , hlgb aa 106 de ....e"" ....... ,.; 't ' . t ' vl~,'Y .d,rov.. . all ,thP." btc Of. the plea-· th"t," ~~, ..119~., the.'1!.~at aga,jn b,ecalne ' .. ~ c - y .rea · tores r rr .. I n eJralJle. ,,· ~Dtol. Vegetable. 'were buni6d fl~es b~o,~e out an4' nYJed' lil different Ibe bad I)eell loo.~lng forward to Whe:', ,the meo' ,w ent to the drawup: an<i"',.-.u drhi'd 'on the trees. ,'The partll o~ tbe co~try:, On September 1 at ~e dln1!er pattj that':nl,ht, Ing room James sought Melita. 1t woo"dwork . Ill ' dW.eUlnr: ' a d.y o~ daJ:kpe•• broke ' . over , ~ from Meuta'l mln~. .ADd. It, waa a t. "Ir~ " lorry, "Mlss Sill, tor anytblng :' . 'ut'nl~ure aD~ , l' bollaes cracked and split aod meat be- co.untry"beJb~ · ~orie .. ~ver' hie New nellvou' !nd , uncomfortabht;' . thougb 1-..:....J· ' . came' tainted' In al\ ~our. T,h e FIre, nchEq;Iand statel, and the 'IuperaUtloul determl~~d iqung woman who. at 4 ,', ,"Ob, don't;" begged Melita. "I wai ~ ·...e'ra badly frlgbte ea' Th C ,p'clock. walked Into tbe 'Qm':'e of the. a":"·n" , r·ude-a'n:.:. )'m 80.......... ... . ~h"n at t~~ ~eiKb't of ... . n. e onnectl· ... ..~ .. , y .. " , ~t:evoltiUon t. bloody , .camvil, and , ma!}y luper. ~t legislature, In' 'a belfet that the B. '1\ " S. aallwaY. ' , "Then:, you" C1o~lt mean ~at-thnt .• Utto",llperscml thousht that, tho ,\lave end of tho wor~d: Wall approaching, ad. l'I'm from the Morning "Ledge~," you ~ever ·want·to see me again-that , of heat,t(il.owlh8..Ws"mighty .upheavaJ. Journ~.d. ',A "str.ange gree~lsh-1eilow said Melita Iternly to tbe omce bo)'. you ha~e me?" . ~.. .thth~,urae of God. ' . :. pall 9versprelld · the beavens, . and 'sO "I should ,Utee to see Ml'. Floyd" '~,Ob; I don't know," buret out Metn .lllOO 'SP!lbt was "lilted by a ,dark.e ned the light ' of the ' lun that lam~s, .If·you pleue." Uta. '. "You' don't understand. I'm an , te.rtng.te~llfIlrat\lre; Madrid and oth«!r JaJ:Qps and ,gas wero )lgbted • . schoOl. , "W.hat for?" demanded ~be lIoy. arrogan,t, overbearing" maunl8h 'YomeltlAI wertl-deserted anA the Itree' a , and ractol'lea closed, and mul~tude. "Tci aak him for " !'I"atement for aD and I go prying about wbere no... . . . . . of tb l t d ' the Ledger." . bod'" wanis aie ,' don't ~ou see 1" ".. titl C ~tl 'I!lent. . "~ ", e poran an iluperatlttou8 be. ' .A..~other 'd i.astrous hot \¥ave ' a"'ept lined tbat the day or' Judgment had, " :w~n,) dOii't tblnk he'll aee you; Floyd.James gazed mb stul1ldl), at Me· over ~OPA In 1851. In , the Cb!UD" ps come. , J ' . . , but )'0\1 can ~It down if ·you like wbn, uta. , Then he relDe "r6d. , , "!' I k A" '' " I teU him vou're tiere." "Was that ." ou !" do l.flU'l~ Par. ls. dunng a Dilllta~' . 00 'and un· , " M-'It'a. 7' , '1 f ~"'.' ,,"'qlla,;,,!ed f! h ldellta I.a" ~k tl...c" .. n· the. '''earelt ' "ves," nO,d4ed . v~\,w'" so dlers by" the score fell aoe~ Uf · t e 'people . on ., ': .''\" u 'I .,. '., U,~s '#i:~~~ttp!t~i an!! at ' ghastly; 'the gas lett ebi11r, an~ "atc~ed tho boy , disappear t ' '!I!u,t . w~Y dldn·t , you let me 'know' , England,. ~en 'ilropped. dead ' ' Instead at 8ho~lng yel.· throl,lgh a door that was ,marked "Prl: I th,onght YO\l weI'" one at tbose--" :drI11; "co~p~lUQ~ ,t1ie omcer~': to were as wh(te ,and·' clear as ,oleO: ,~ate: Oen~ral Manager,'" . .' ....Arrogant. · overberirlng--'" began .' pend t.lie ex~r.cliles . . ' . . ) lIgbt~, and thousands ot tile sect "Won't Ilea you," sald -the b01,l~ellta. ' . ,' T , : as: the S~cond A~!entl8ts· gatb, emerging from the same door a mo· "Dou't," eald Mr. James Floyd· , . ':I . hi:. Oount,l'y. .. • ered ,I~ tbetr places .o f wQrshJp and ment later: . James. "MIss Sill. will you see oe ~ginal rho. s~mmer o~ ,usa was e~ClePtlo~: cO,nftdently awal~ed the .appe.a rnnce ot Melita rose. ':It's 'Vcry lmpQJ'lI1nt," , again IUld let me ' c:Jnvlnce you .tll!lt ally ~ot ui , ma~r parts of this .country the Lord. The dark da.y wns more .be laid. "Please teU blm so," I'm · not ai-Coolish as ) seemed to· ~ , Ne'Y York the thermometer . wonderful tn tlie' (lolintry. The I~aves "No use," lald· the boy, "but 1 'Will day ?~' ,'.range,d for . senn . days r~om !l5 to' 9.8 ~nd withet!1:l1: foilage assumed 11 molit If ,yoil want." And Melita. looking Into James ," degre.e .. ,In ' dne Iweek ', 214 .persons 8ln~ular :tlnt of ~en. obllnglng like, .He went, apln t'l \.be. door and .heid 'Floyd-James' hDnest blue eyes, saId, died clf . sllns.troke ,In the ltJetropoU,a. that of grass 10 a tlrownls'h :b ' . It open wbUe be repeated Melita's "Yes." ,The Y,ear, 1864 'l'(as', ~ot Illld ' d,r), , ~d ('iV(1$ ,went' to rOOllt, aniL the ' anl:~ meSSage. She saw the back of a tall, the .tieat ,seeU(~ fto conc:entt.~e _n tli~ cfea~IQn,;~ust'.have been' ~ea'tly my!, stooped figure seated betore a huge . The Ame~lean Woman. This Is . one tiling the American l\outl,1wes,t; "')ll ..:~U~s~urf,from Jl,lne 17 tlfleU 'b,. .a pbeii'Omenon .suCh .. tbey desk, p~ed iwltli ' a I~tter 'or papelll, ,to', the :fq~lowlng- year not a drop ot h.1!-:4 ·h.~yer: be(ore ·~Itnesse·d.'" ' . books, mapa and cbarta. , woman Butrers from~xlernal pUb· raIn ~elJ. ,._ I.~ .'1~'12 ~e'W , York expertA ,curious ' feature of tri'18 ' lumlnou~" "She ' aays--" began William lI.clty and the penetration - of publtc; en~ed a ,.,tor:r14, '.vlsltatlon .. bt feadul WU",that It caRt no .'s h'ado'W ;'I t' bravely. ' noise. No ' ~onder her face Is les8 Intebsl~1.. " .'OD ~ Jul~ i ~', 166." c8~es:.,~f ' as llgb~ .under .the'. tiee~ IlS~ ~~a1 , "Get ,' out of bere, . WlIllam," came placid and Quiet Ulan her E~l!sh sla· . them', ' Ute ' 1Y:~ole 'unnatural np-' tpe"volce ot thO' man at tbe delt pee\,. ter's. Secondly. she copell 'year by "aunltr~ke . ,!~aurred nn~ ot. these','72 J'll'ove.~ filtal. Tbe,..prlnclpal. tbQro~A'h- ~llrIince of thln~ most JUtely beIng IslUy. '. ' . . year wltb Instability : of tbe home-lICe. r~res . '~ere, ~lh, ,fields ot .battle. Men due. to ~e ' I~menstl forest, flr~s. 'wbich, "But she laY6--" Tiler ' are tewe servan.tll In Amerloa, fell ' ~~ ~~e score 'lInd nmb\llances ' we~e 'Were raging In marly ' parts "of . tlie : '1 don't. ~are what sbe saya. .1 won·t 'a nd tbose Uler are n floating and un' ' !~ 'fcobSt,ant . t:~QuI81t1on. , Dumb beasts cQUJ} try. ' . '.'.' ' 8ee the . lac!y." . rellable - population. 'N o AmerIcan ~o~ . b~ ~be 'Ways~de ',aod pan~d ' . Ot~er , V'l litatlonl:: " ")3l,1t," 'cool.pla,ned the boy. '''sb" e weiman feels " fah'l)! , IUIlllired (ha.t sbe , tlieir lives a"ny.. · Sleep tor . t:w o or . 'The )Dontbs , o~. June and, JulY':-l8'82', ,won't."go" What'l1 I tell her?" wpl 1;18.,,0 "~ext, year the ,~oqtc nnd tbe' thre~~t. tbe b.o ttest nlgbts. was 'Wel~- ·were ' no tfi ti1 r "oppresslve. On the 13th "'~el\ ber the truth' lt ,yOU 'want to. itJald''1lbe traIned this year. AmerIcan July,' 8~ cbndl'~n , In NeV( , York city .WilHam," " Ju~pped the man. ""Tell domestics ' 11Ieo to give unskllled labor IttlJX)8slblei an~ 1.'1' the tene~ent. .•H •• hl,,, ...· w~~.~ n IUld chUdr~/l" wE!re from tbe e~ects 9f'tbe ' hea~Ca:r her ~.\ ,about blne billion ' report,ra and wben tl:ieyere adequatel~ taugbt the/oots, to wl\loh' they, . fel1 ')~ U.e.l r traces : ! ' drlve~s bave' beeD:,II~l"e lb~.·,~ornlng; tell her to serv.e ol:ie ·fq.mUy's ·ne.eds they like ""U'IqIU~I:tlll l1i the bope ot getting droll~i!cf t.r.om , their seata'. on ' ·1 h~ye 'cot ,"ythlng, to saY :to move and give tent~t1ve h~lp In .cool ,nir., :,Tlie .s cenes In. apd. W,Il~o.ns.,;: Brtlad . . 'the !lew~ba:i>~rs tQ jj8)' for a , new situation. Tbere . 's uo such ~zens tlf great . them) ~ow; .' and tell "ber tblng as pride In a , pla.ce long held '~der 'nos8 'was t~,e .thlng . ~I!d n.. ierv:lce ever .~or~ lIat.ls~ylllg rear . workshops 4lD ' ar~o- and worthy. Thel'ef.o re e'Very woman parta . of !o'6mlln' Whb "ls at tbe' head ot hpuse 'Is liot' . . west , " sbe .o~IY a , ge.l)eral ovorseer, an'd often an , ' J.lolI~e foi-ce; but sbe, Is on 00' .. '. ' . ,co,Ok,' gardezle'l', , bQIUB'I!DlI.lt~ ; ,JIlolber, , wife. ahe" lDEI·>demallll·. upoh · alie 'be aU ailli. UJtlIUU!IO\llilY~~iiarliel·'8 . Weekl):'.
.. ' T
e ' d
the White. LatmdrY Soap
- 1-
lIMMER~AN'S Specials this Week 25. pOlinds Granulated
$1.85 a Sack
Tin 'CimS'. a doz .. . ...... . JOe Mason quarts,a doz .. .. . . SOe tandard qu~rls, a doz ... . SSe
E-Z Seal quarts, n doz ... . 70e ~-Z Sea. pints II doz .. .. . 60e New rar.1 'ake
New 1I0 Ul' .
Fancy I'rillh obblpl' Potatoe , Fancy J ersey. weets, 'abbago, Onion , Apples. '
3 bbls. White lover CakesThink of it - A Honey ake, 8 for 5c. Aeroplane Cakes, Choc and Va· nilla. 15 for lOc: Fresh BaltImore Oysters They are extra fine this year; we will have them all th e lime now. All Oys ters, No Wat or . Sanitary. Fancy Celery, Cape Cod Cranberries, Fresh Edgemont Butter Crackers. Full Cr am, Brick & Limburger CHEESE
Everything good to eat at
ZIMMERMAN'S _____________
l __
AT POWDER MILLS - - - - - - - . - - -
~\VdCl' I Ab~ut ', People t
i Ullll at th
The loss Lo t.ho (' ;ll pany will be slight as the mil 'hinery was not damaged .- Xenia Gazetle. - .- -
J. W.
\.v .
hlte madu a bu.lncss lrip
to incinnati Tu day . Walter Me ,lure mn Ie a
Memorial to Famou. Women.
pool cathedral, whIch Is to b open next summer. has a scheme or beaut1· ful staIned glass wIndows commemol'l\· Uve or the noble deeds or good women. BesIdes the famous women of the BIble the followIng lU'e comm emora· ~:~:e l~d ~~!I: ~:rrveIIIV:d f:;1 t~:I~ slste!'!, Orace Darling and a ll coum. geous maidens. Josephine Bwtler and all brave champIons of purity, Mary CoUet and all prayerful women. Loulee Stewart and 1\11 the Doble army of martyrs, Christine Rosetti and all .woot IIlngers. Catherine Gladstone and all loyal·hearted wives, mllzabeth Barrett BrownIng and all worn n who have lIeen the Infinite In thIngs. An· gela Burdett~CouttB and all worn n almone!'! of the king ot beaven. Mother Ceclle and all women loving and large hearted in (lOunael.
Mrs. Long, of incinnali, ill s taying at th Friends' Hom fIn' a f w da} S . Richard Kin aiel
;; I'S .
of Sardinia i. , R. A. and It (;
St. Mary's
, . ;,
Cards are ou t ~nnound'~'g :th ' <:on;.( ing marriage, Oc'tob r 5Lh, at 5:aO p. m' l in Dayton, of Miss Chari!) Le Tyspn to l',ir. H owarcl"'Lowman.
h.v. hid !'. " oth'.... .fO.·y ..... becau •• ' th.y glvo puoh unl"."'.' •• *tl.f.otlon~ U,... of • Qulok M •• I;~ st~•• R.ngclli ... ouP v.ry b••t ·.dv•
.u..... . . . '.'QUI~K
cr ...lnrn
RANGES are con.: astrncted on\' 'scien~ tifio principles th~ir ,m aterials ·distrilluted in.: a way lis do 'mo,!3t good.,.. "QUICK M,EAL ~~ are j Iir;!~~r , RANGES heavy enough to good, d1lrable and lasting. The parts strengthened are the parts where the most wear is. ~1~~ The walls are so -~ well lined witb Asbestos that rio heat islost, it b .. . , ing radiated where . "QUICR ~EAV' STEEL RANGES are maie almo~t entirely of steel, c~;nsequently CaDllot crack ~d are·stJ:onger.
October 16, 17 and 18, '
at ,";
DAKIN~S, · Harveys."'urg, . . needing a st?ve can't possibIY,.do .better than' .
AllY:?l1e , ~~~ .t9, our ·~tot~, on . :q.n.e of these days, for. these stov~ ar~ a?S6lutely up t~, d~te. . Noth!~~ petter ~O1! ,~be n:i0~~Y" paI1.; ,l~~ bo:ugh~. . , . ., " " ",.' .' . '. ;' "E\l;ery"one' p4r~asjng i a ·R.at;lge on these ·days 'will .be giveq::a ~et of pU~~ ;i1:uriUPum ware. .. '. A: ~fiv~nir for ~very. l~y ,V"isitiJtg our store 011 thes~ days,. ' ".: , ' '! ' . : . . • • I
Mrs J .. W. White is in Spl'ingfield', 9hio, where she g'oes as 'a delegate Of the Stewards of th e Sprihg fi eld District of the M. E. church . Sb will be there for two days. Mesdames J. W. White, .Eva .TunE' and J. E . Janney attended a me ling of the· W . C. T. U. at Maill evill e Friday. There was an enthusia tic meeting, anQ it was lar,g ely attendElu.
ST. MA'RY 'S CtlURCH The Six teenth Sunday aCtel' Trinity October 1st-Sermon and Holy um: munioJI .at 10:30; Sunday S<;hool all 9:30. The Sunday School isgl'owing; in attendance and interest. 'orn e and join tls in the study of God' ~ Word and in' wQrshippillg Hirn in th service that follows.
There will be a, competent person from the ,factory to . expllilin every de~, of ~e Quick Meal Range
Thursday will probably wind up the Ileason at the Canning Factory. The sfi!asqn bas b een very profi table, and a large &mount of coni has been canned.
-, '
~egular commul}ication of Waynes ville Lodge No . 163. F . & A. M., Tuesday evening, October ~rd. Work in' ~he E. A. degree Brother W. H. Blaik, W. M. of DaytotJ Lodge win beber!!. Sojourning alld
912 RCibold Building.
IDR. BELL'S ANTI.PAIN for Internal anet External PaIn.
~============= -
· ElilD WBEAT,-Reolollnud. Poole S ",heat, busbel. Call W. E, ~l Ll
O'N all, R. V. 3, Wl\yn6sville, Obi?
good' Brick house on Main 8tr66~ in good repair, weH pain~ed, with IL new gll)vaDlzed iron roof, hydrant and cistern water. For f.urther particu~al8 inqaire of Alex Emley.
ONEnew.Rex storm Cheap
Saturday, Sept. 30,
We call ffef Y u good
E heLve oolored and plain PIlW , pel' Napkins at the QIlsette .moe.
f>ayin g tmp loyment thaf you will njoy ·find
room next to the \ at home. Write to-day .Gazette office.
. ~ Tbe .utlel'lck ~bnshlng Co. D1JllepleJ.< ~ul1dIDIJ. New YOl!k. N. Y_.
fr nDt, good I\S cash. la-
quire at this office.
New Burlington
_:::::=c::::II:C:"" twcllly . \IVU CentR tor ~bree IU8c rlloDil
IMarket ra~"""
Ails will be In8crL (\ und er ~bls bead for
I ·L
Will Hold a
Mr. and Mrs. ChBs. Mendenbl\ll, ~ ,. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hawkins spent The Missea Boland, of Sh~ ' . ,Geo. Smith and Emo~ R.QIIIJ, ,t~o 8atardu.yanli Monday til Riohmond, Crossin~,' have been the guests of country boys', we~ :fined .by Mayc>r' Ind.,. attending , Indiana Yearly Miss Ons Strawn. 'Cartwri..lit Thu,i'sday.for fast driv- MeetlOAf. . ' ' . The Methodi t church will hold a ing through the village. . Frank Rooney and 1100, of Dayton, k t' th "1 h' H . :- _ • , visited,over 8t1ncav with hIs moth . mru: e m e owns IP ou~el at· MOlt of us are too~. busy looking er. . . ' " urday, October 7th,: . for toDiO~()~'!I po881btIU~e8 to see Mr~. 'Thos. 'Haydook was the Messrs. Lou Whiteman and Danl. thoae of today. . . gn~8t ol h~r .1~ter.)llra. E. D. Bar stewart, of Xeni~, \Ver~ in town ~. - . ' , lan, of Wilmtnlton last week Tuesday on business ' Notice of Appqin~ent , Chas. Bentley. rnsil·oarrler was ' \ . :' " ' . opera$ed on in a Dayton hospital for Born, To Mr. and ;M.ra. Earnest. Tb~~::a::r~ B~~~~~~~d ,app-endl.Oiti8, last Tuelday - npd is r~~ Mannon" on Flatfork. ,Saturday. ~aUfI~~ A~!'lf:1Ja~~tor otJ,be ,1lII'ate o( (lovering -uioeJy," . September 2Srd a daughter ~Y~bJo. a~~n1. .ate of ~mm OOun· . . \vol. Harlan baa entered EarlhBtn " " . ' 1I1'l~~ L~~~~, ~~~LY;I~~ld!lr.D. ~lege .a8. 8~.udent.,· ', . . ' . ' Mr. and Mrs. S. L, C8:l'twright an '..!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!~~'!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!~!!!1!!!!'!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!~!!'!!!'!!'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!~~ rvfaster Leverioi Cartwrigh tal tend:::is; ed , the 34th O. V. r eunion' 'at : Dayton Tuesday. I Read the di play ad of W I h & Dakin on 'page 8. They will h~ demonstration at their . ot·c n October 16,17 and 1& ~
A larg crowd f p oplc was in attendance at the W. G. Rich ale Tuesday.
ayn e S VI-IIe · M ills--· .-----------------Guild ODsR · oEp'·aHt·hcl~CSNER, I --~~~~~& 1 te 1
MI'. anJ Mrs. (\l'I1011 .J oy h a v l' been visitin g at L'!rad, for a f 'w days.
th rUe. t of M ross.
Feed for five cents a Have large capacity and give \ you quick service.
&1 And I';;on, of Day tun. ~ p e nt Sunday with F. . Gilmour and family.
:, : : : : : : : : : : :
J. H. Coleman and E. V. ' Barnhart were in Lebanon Tuesd ay on . . Mrs. Ctaa. Peterson, of Dayton, busin ess. B. V. Smith has traded hiS farm spent Sunda,. with relative. here . Bllrt Blair, who has .pent se~eral Mr. and Mrs. J. H. oleman and west. of town, fo;. Xeni~ property, and HI all probablhty wlll remove to months in the West returned home Mrs. Kate McComas \ ere in Lebanon the latter city to reside. Sntur4ay night. ' Thursday.
M '
n e l~y~Qcl orllien~U"~ ~ip~ incinn~iW~n ~dny .
- ---0__0- - -
Miami CompanY'1! plant at G I Ohio, I t (1,)- - - - - - - - - - - - - go at noon Friday, caU ing eonsid el',I d tr R Stn 'lth : \v ~r '111 ~~G_ _miJ ,I,bl ·t tf . ' ", ' tu 1 1'. all c U u e XCI em n . or a time. .1'or nt ' 'Lrs. , I ,,:: atoly no one was injured. but til, ~nc.mn~ I onuay . mill was wreck tl. John Heeg and MI< and MI'. ' Ii Durnell wer in Burkhart Geiger, two of lhe whe I Dayton Til l>dI1Y. WE HAVE OUR mill men. mploy d at th e plan t, stepped out of thA building just b B. ' . Howell was in Cincinnati BALL~BEARING fore the explosion . lI ad they be'll l'u stl ay on ull sille. s.' in th e mill at the time th y would . (,. William 'Oll was 111 X nia have been terribly burn d if not Running every day. We grind any 'kind of ,1\\. nJay II bu incss. kill J.
ol(1er mtll at Will opente eT6l'~ Tuesday and Friday. Albert Orew. ' " 8prh:~1J Valley,'
rmw CENTURY CLUB I~==:+··-·"···~·:'···~····· ·~:-:+-=·=~:~·=~·:~·~·:·: ······-··11 -- HU OGEL-CA I EY , ~ur ' Neighbor s I , 'rh~ ~.' w .~e:tury CI~b 'h !il .its'l i r~····H·-P·~;~:::I"~·'·:~~···i·'''~·''C·''I-··· r ........... "', ~ I In k t. Mal'Y~~~I' at, ~ o'dock I.-. ....... -.-...--. ...... ..-.. ..... t >pentng me~ting. at the beaUtifUl l ! .t· . . 0 0 umn f . l ·ul.'. clay mUI'Jlillg' ill lil o PI' .: ' nce of Or.egonia.
+ ...... ---~..--. .......-.. .....~.--.-. ........ •• . - - . . - . , -
!O\.~.ntl·Y h ome of Mra. Cha::;o Ho ugh . i .-...................... .,..........-~ ............ ~ ..... ~ ..... ...... -. __ ........ +o .. . . . . . . . . ._.J. the ~ro(.>I)1 ' ~ [JuI'cIII!:! and n vel'Y (' \\' Til lU c mhar~ of the " . R. hnrol! 11hel'e WliS a large attendunc ami ... ..... .. ..... ..... ,............ -:'-...... ~.... .. ~': ., ................. ........................ .....~ ..... ; fl~it·,H.l S . li!'ls ' Flol'CllC'e iludge!. of
willlloid tl reception . Clt·. the hom o of All en KI1) ll! r. Su.tnrdny oveolng o toober 7th, in h onor of th~il' new mIni t( r. Rev . .Reber u,nd his wife llh. nod Mr~. Fl'uhk 'l eLl.vtJ!', wh o hl\v II en living ill Lt'bu .noD, hlL V r turn ed to th ir phloe h a re Dr. OIH} ira Kl'iegh lJfi' h tw (' moved It! t· hl'j,. u Vi ll vu!lO' on the , fl1.l'w . Mt· . ~ud Air orge Ha lUi 1 halve IU vel1in lO I,b~ h uuse v oul ed by tl l'lll . H" B. Emnt oo · n~d fllmily 111\,\,e mav d t o l.. ebtlnOD. • Thf,l Mi SIlS M bel l:311erw not1 1l.~ <1 JDllntL 'p ~(}aJ' spuut tbtl ut hOID a, · Mill MUUlie -Fiuoh iss!> D(liflg • aome t>illla with he r is'ter. MrH };tLi:uh K l' (J~t . who ls1.11 poor 11 /11th. ir. uull Mnj. Will Norton (tcd dau ghter, L uoile, have returu cl frOlll n pl 11 ao t vi It to Ludlow
Fall '. ~r. ur.J Mra .
Willi T Uoderwo ()el _ und d ~ught r hnV'e b n Vlllitlu g Dr uod Mrs. E. P. Kriegho1f.....
V rn Arwitltge , bILs l'~tUl'n d 11' W Ii fow dl~rs v.ls1.t III Duyt n.
BellbtQok. !
It·. am! Mrs. . Maffit entel·tained \'cry pl ea'antly on Friday Ml'S. Kate ClJlnntllus. l' I ., becaln> t.h e wi fe of 11'. Ie 'ornas, MI'. and Mrs. J. H. Cole· • rut. ,.\ , Ca. key. of MU l'i 'tta, Ohio. Th~ Ct'l"'n1 I)t1y \\'W~ llel"fur I 'tl by the m n. He,· . .1. F. Cud\ nll!I'](·r. l' 'cLOl' of the ·/llll'l·h. lla > bt'k he illg' giv n away Mr. unu Mrs . B;lias Barley. MI'. by ~Il'. S. L, ~a l·lwrig'ht. Mrs. l~red an l Mrs. W. H. lien We t··! gues~ r:, h nvood pl·IJ.'i cl (J(l at the (H'gall. of Mr. and Ml's I!:dmund Retallick and pt·C'cedi llg·. ulll'ing' and fullowing ! at SUll pel' F'l'i lay. . til • ceremuny I' ·mJt.1' d " 0 Pl'orni,so i 1\1"- H 1\r . 1 I I " 1' 1\1f h
the being J . J:>... Jann'uy. wa . iii r...,'ifl"I'I'I\'ltl . I, I" . h weather hl . d tideal h ' t ho latties ,, , , ' I' ;'Y"11' . ( '11\' t. J 'v\'".. I' WI\!~ very muc !I t oroug yenJoye e dl'lV to anu Wednesdav . il .tt~'r fro m, and words cannot express lheir ~ \ . ~reat pleasure wbile there. • Mr. W$rr'n B:u'nelt has b en I ;\' 1'-;. Cl'. Cl' bmith was in. Dayl\) II 'fhe, 1'00111S were tastefully d co· quile ill, bot is much bettel:. 'rUt:, dllY. rated with Aower~ and frui . The follOWing most excellent progTarn ,1eorIfe D.a kin, J r. , of Mic.1dlet own, Thad. Zimmet'lTl. nand s n, ' hal'lt\ .wa:;\ given: ,Response3 from Hiley. ti t l'J)cnt ~lInday ~tnd Monday here . WElte in Cil)cinnaLi, 'tullsuay. r_oll·call; the reading of the COlI litH- l M ' r;" [ • /" 'I 1 . d b I' . . r s . l'u nny 1 wn . Ol 0 11m lllS .. Dm.'l fail t~) atL nd J, I . (;h::ll)' t lOn an yaws; an mtel'cstmg I' jh t . f 1\1 1 "1 J ., ", Cll ue :5HtI III Cu( In!! ~a )'c . , ~ketch of James Whitcomb Ril y . Hy ~l l~/uCS I) r. am "rs. . ;~~;; :~ biK s,le. Saturday, ctoher be, Mr. a1ld Mr . Thad Zimmel'mari MI' . Ward, and a reading, " Wail.i n' 1 . . 11l11l1£1lliatoly f()lIowin~ t h ce.re. and family . Mrs arah Smith Mr. fer·· the old ca to d i ." fl' rn Ril ey, i M'i: (If:! Winnifr d and E(htlHl ~a1\1 , :, . c; 't)l'g" Ilitwk ~\I\d Mr'. 1 (n- ~~OI1Y ~ tthtlPlJY Icoupli~ aCCOl1lpallleJ and Ml's. Edmund Retallick 'wE're UY auto pi usnntly cnt I·tained ahhe Mather PY Ml'~. Hathaway . . I ('y visit d I' Ill tivCR in . '6n1,,1 :'alu rllay ~Id Haw he \\.(, (. ' Dayton isitul's Ini'll ' r~tt( j ~ J.:tR\. II .llll'I('ln.;I(~Y H lllO D1.u'mg th pleasant oClal hour a and ~unda)·. Frid I\', . ~ w lC : II r '11 ~ ~m. at hom Unday . eJiciou two·course JU.nch (In was . L~~all m . of wbl h lns ItUlIOI1 th J " el'ved by the genilil hostess assisted Rllymond Davis hal'l b en. [l'1) in g Mis!'! CIs ia Au stin .81l nt a few S 'Illor l> I ~YH are t.he superinLend·· --by Mis p M'Yl'a Baird, Mesdames J an- . ~vet'id du~s with r(:lativei> Hmi 'du:y~ I ~L we k wit.h Mrs . Cha:;. J ohn nt ~~ ll?hb'lm . and Wedn sduy ! .Mrs All ' M K . ney and Ward. . fr iend s in Dayton . .of Lytle m rnmg ~{'III Pl'OCC!C 1 t )}\ckson ille ce (} I~ ey a~d MI 8 The following invited g uests were ' . . ' .' " jI'ln:.! wit 'I' Fl' 11 h; temp I'arily en- Ll l1.1 ~ N dry olltertlllp d at · dinner resent: Mrs. Chas. Grauser. A-hs. ! (}all Rus um , of D1;lyt.on, was lhe MI' . und Mrs. has. Johns Sf'I nt gag' d. The 'l1011'1e pf the newly w~ 1. / 'I.'hnr da,y Mt· , J , hn V. H . Lewis • MauriceSilver MissDuil'd andMI's u~tofMl'.andMrs. O. ,J. Euwat'ds Sumhlywith· Ml·. a\lCl l·s.J olm·o(lk J~d. alrady tl1.l'Ili·hod and, mad . au\l dllugll tel'. I\'lls 1!lvf : Lewis, of , Babb, of Dayt~n . . a nd family last week. f ichmond. Ind. ' . ' I l'e~dy will be at 1\>1 dntta. . I Lebll.DOn, R DII Irs. ,Dr . O(lodhue, of t' 1C ) b d 1 Kall It City Mo. •J.I ret a ( y w~ urn an rare' . adet bund wil l give a ~ael'·d nIl'S, Vova , 11)0r FI,tUlks. of Col-,l ill Waytle vl'l / "n~ h" a \w"ys be n . MIC;SJONARY ,MEETJNG l ' I co . 1 ... u . . .. c n.c r L at t il st.anf ,.,Ullu UY . Oct . un.1l>us, h If n t.o 'olol'ado f I' t hl! I a. fU\'()l'ite wi th ou r peop! . Mrs. Mr and Mr A. L Shutts .e ntAr. 1.> r 15th. \~ather permitting. 'vlnLer ( r h . h" Itl t . l, .. . I ., 1. . Ua ,Ii Y. like hel.· husband . is a. grad. u· The W. F. M. S. of th e M. E. til I S U t taiued lu st. Wedrieadll.Y M.r " and hurch b~Jd a.~erY pleasant .meeting ~rs. Elias Barl y and Mi ' Geol'f:"ia I . a e u t1I II> tat.e mvel I Y, Ml'a . J Oe (J ri~ ea, of Val ;. Mrs Cora Wcdne&da.y a~ternoon ut tho home Mit 11 spent Thursday aftevnoon The I' , yhil: mOl ,tllJy mectl.~g or I ~·trld p~gses!ie~ (~ualit.i 1:3 of mind and Iil!lrri ,Mr~ l\{Rtttle ' Finoh" Q( 8"r' 11'.. k h· with Mrs. W. C. ornpll (If Lytle t Mar:: s utld Will be h 1d 11\ th helll't that win' t hejr way with a ll roo voysburg, Mr ~j)d Mrt:! . .{ , W.lJi8.e y c•f . M,ts. J • A • q-ln ey . . l' e 11ew , \. Y , hut'ch I ln1l' oay aftllt'nuon . 'f rtunll,te to kOQw ho I'. ~resid ent ·, Mrs. N. L. Bunnell, , . . .. nnl,l. 1dill . ~1t1r:·iO)'i w~l1 . · '. .: .opened the meeti~g with cle~otional Mt·s. J~ate McComas went t.() itt. . 'fha Gi,lZetl j Qins a hOI:; of hei r exel'c.i aftt-r SVhich the fOllowing cinnati unday n1 01'ning aft l' a I as- t M' :m~n)e Pc&~O~~ ~nd dRI)gh frienu ill cOI;gratu lating thiAmo t an t three weeKs' visit with fti ends . r, IS .,..m.ma 0 a~ton , spen w rthy Y ullg COlipJ~ upon thi 'ap· · . " rnteresting pl'ogram w rendeI'd : here. ' .che wec:k·and In Wayn el\v~lIe. y v n~ l1l.'d wi h fo.J· hem tbe ~ M ISS. S hena Lemmon enler~i.nw 8 . o d' "El . G d' R el'S b Ii, .thl'! yoal' can..giy . ew'frl.e n.dg .~n.last ThQ~sd.ay"evening ~~ea Jng- . ~ve\1 00 easons A E r h . ) ":h. ' h M sdames A. Maffit and J , U. . at..a chaftng·dlllh partY,'. In honor of > • . Why I M;tend the , MissionarY , n. . ng 1. . J YY W)lC. a !.len C I ' , . 'h . . ' .. ~ b'l'owmg on Ebzn eth MoC)'~ s hOl1se man spent 'Iuesday \ It , M~. h er fri~nd, Miss Thome . Thegueats ' . ~'j eetlng; .............. -... Mr . Janney .. 1:1 U ,l Ll d u '• t. .... n. . . M R ,1' "E'\ . G'fo r I1Hl.tl\' year!! is now in bloom f Or ''-0 u O. • 11ear ~Lal vey our", . \V.ere Misses J:Jonna Hawke. Mildred ~a... lng..,e.ven ood Reas ns tbe first' time. . ' . . . 1'11 , me (),I~, 'av d , l)." same Old Thpma, Messrs. Ro~ald Ha'Vke:"LeOn . ariey lore grounu$, lE! , e. I ', team • .with. Salsbury and Wilson Edwards. Miss LOlli ~e Wal:....iick. of Defm'nac , ~ ~ur<1ay moruing f(II' try,eil' hom in tw ticit\; an , . "/IM:,latnis took 'r. . '., ,. , . \ ltacomb. 1Il:. uftet' a 1!1eas 1. tht·ce· ~lUothel' game, ' i.today ftQ1Jl th8'D~y-' "' '. r ~aliv~s and old tot) CuPs. ·'l.1lnts l'e l\!iami~. G, Mi.'. Edith HIlh'is and· Mrs.· .J..aiira
I ."
Mr .. anti 1~'S Elrp r Latchem. nee Magg) ' IJUkl", and d u ...ht 1: a!'\1 now h) 'at· at M~lbOln:n(', Fla .• her Mr. Lutchem IS m:mag l' of a ~ .
'The"'A," m .. el:sl'Natio.nal 'n g'l'esSwill ,t. .,... hold i~s tnir ty-4;rst an~ual S . ,·on. ill ~ ~. ., Coh.1tr\bUs. 0 .. Qctober 12 tCi 16.1911. 011~ day. ~aturday.. atober 14th,
.New Bu~l~ngtoa:t .
' lta,y 'Mills J~fl W lItr sdayf\)l' I).a~,'ton, whf'I'~ h( has nCl,!cpt d a p c}.,"itJ llll ( a.a .cha l' .~l' 101' ngt';lltL>nlUl? ~h )1: . f . 'Ol'ahlc t,l'IP . \ Th e a.lltOlsts at' lind het: \ III Ray' he h as buil t ll lJ' finc I'('t)- ' M1'X. [11:. H f'. !'I , .of Mill I' viII , Pa. utati<ln a.'> Il ITlli ·hin hlt. S fl n 11;1 l 1'huraclay w~th her cou. 'il, \ 1\ 1':>" $\lC. l:; berly. It ~~ i n v l'Y Miss Mildr d. Thol'h , II , R /J ~ V~"l t, as thpy hau n t s n
.. "
shaep hittin~ wa done. Th~ . mallnel' at "dinner . Thursday. The ha,d the be$t of the g'~mEi up to the ,guests were Mesdames lt~ McComninth inning. t'h !:ICOl'e V1trl'tldillg 4 as, J H : Co~eman, ();. W .. Hawke 2 hI fa or f Da t 1Il, bul;< by good and D .. L. Crane . . , .... 'oatltin~, at 0 fuw Li01 hi ts the' . : . score was ,oon c~ang: .d. .'The · bat~, :;.. <' led 8 W j'e Gllbs-. 'es')ler ~n<.l '. , t " ~ 't " Mil . MJ " . S ' ~I ' S' '. On onc)I'Y Mr , Alic~ ¥oKt~8ey l · · .ri.nddiii:l",b ter hact !ls' ·their . ';'tiest!J, trl · ' l UOl lS~I .tll ~nr urtor . l eo emu ttIUS ,qu: . 1l~ eas6n has 1 " ~ ' y P. Mr. VI'a 'Cu.1 2.~' game nn d ·' J st' tin 1 " ' A I.t M. Egbert. , .of.Kansas City" " TI' k ' tl ' . ' Mo. ; Mr. (md Mrs . I. It, Barris, of ;Stb pe}t'~entagbe ' columl;l Da.yton, Mrs.' J. N . .~OKinsey and . on e level.lls ~n e equal~d mtle. 00, of Morro'w, Mr. and Mrs. b, any 0 het· team In the ounty t hIS W ,rn. Wilgllf:,,' Mr. ThO~ ' Wijg~8 yea r , ,,-_ _+ ILOd wife, Mrs. liarriet 'Oogaol' ~r. Will WUgus and M.r, Roussel1u Wil~ . ,. DEATHS g ns ,'Of' 'l'roy. ,.
. lh , auel Mrs. J. T. Lilis U HI 11'. ~\I d Mr s, -Frank J!:lbon motored ~() J"nlmtllith • K y, •. hlst · \Y ek . an1 ..."t. • tcnucJ the ' l'Uces. rh y hrUl a vel''' • • .J
uL 4. 'the ~atne1v~\& nicely.p1ayed, ~ogher assisted>by Mrs..Fred Hartbut:few el'1'ol'lJ tbroUg'hout, and sbrne sock entertained iii Ii mOat cbarmil)g:
j '
.. . 7!/tt;<1 :,1
(~:tI'h th .d ·rovel'tweIlLy·(iv y a~.~
'. . . . ' }Vhile. n \let Wfty to L uisv ille, Ky . · 1\[1'8, 11.' l). Hi;ll;tso~k. j ih d Ii t ' ~~erL ' oll~tt • .n l' all ctcd ano. an .!I . h I "In ~lIlC . •ll1 'natl; ' . , un<Jlay mOl'\1- .'iV ,', ll-kn"\vn ""un. ' I.I! b"rv U'lllustratea . . ' addr~ .. ~ I ven In th stoPP(?(1 hcrQ W tine :\l l ' ., VCl1Ill li S an( , " ... . n.. ysbu"'-'>' , ~ .. ! mvel,'~tty .!!hup ! .at2.o0p.~ , ,he an lwos hegu , t of M'is.~ L .mI)H1Yl in/-tl . . 1\ . 1' Lh y:' wi1l malt th il: fu. aged·7 1, .dl'OPI'> d(lel;\d 1'~1,ll: <yaf- ~V? L1y pleasant! social ' llf\;a.ir , r~t of the day WIll be 8pen ~ lIISP C(;..l , , .: ('Ul'! hOlm'. M )'~, :EJt.lith Hap'is :.le. t~t'I'I~'m dl 2:, 0 o'~lo'ck, \ of ~~eart F.rlday evei')iD~. was t he rec~Ptl6n I ' " tit " J. S. Leam\ng Q{." h <lte M and tbe ' iJnivera1t~ , I " Illllfln i tl her and will rema'ill a f ew dlsea~: Mr.' ?1.lett w ~ bel~v.ed by gl~e~1 ~y th tnemb~rs of tbe M. ~. , I to the Llluies Ai~ ooi~iYI ':i'btu (lilY Ruth Murray past l' of \ h . "tho. Ll~\Y~. . all wh ) kne w hun . flnd his legIOn of church ITt the Masorilc banqu.et. f~Om I\(terno u , , . , or-" <lox Fl.'ierl(.h dl ~ I'(!h X <,nus a ~)(:cial 1 • ' Cri ench; ~ver .sbod\ed at his sudd n t their new pn tor and his wif,e.· Rev. · .1.'be.li'rlends ,v:; . .Il": M. $,• •met at . IN A ooqo CAUSE illvilation . all II 'opl c ~n ami UI' llnc1 ; Owin r t ) th :' condnued iIIne~ (rf (lcath: He J ,a~es a willow ~nd . five and M,·s. Grau e~. A 'larg.o ,number t,he .bo1fjEl of- ~r >Roy, Carl' 8/1tqr' . Wayne ~illc tlmt arc l1lo n~ thulI50 . N. Hal li Id, ' Emrn l' Baily will .!.)n, Iian'y,~l'n . ld,aoward/Robelt of Lbe co.ngregatlOn and frlen<is red > V, ElV ~I,ng. :"', \ " . / . . . ' ~\" arl W .. H,~rv y", repl'~iI:nl- year. of ag ,·to b I)t"e~l'nt. Ht . ncx. t lIu(\ aft rthe inte r sts of Bunnell &. ~nd .\I1ol'l·is to rn urn hi dem.jse, spond ~Q t~ t he genera~ i~vita,on and · Mi .' M'tll'thi4 Gomp~QQ.l!\. anff .J·iog lllg C~pt. , Arcblbald Bruin; Of the , Sa~b th ll1ol'1iil)g ser~'.ic at 10::10. fh\ti~ld. Any,on having hogs or .Itt' t unerallovk place MondllY morn- a mQRt ..e~J qy?ble evenIng was spent•. , f~OO) , ;':l falon.. / " : • Xenia Corp's of ~he .'Snlva~ioh , Al'.my ' Conle~ a special ~lles;lag .fl)r ~'O \l, for I Gk ~o sell.' pie se. trail l\1'1·. Baily mg a~ 1~ 0' clo.~ It at .th e J onah ~Un A ?,Qod mUSICal, p.ro~r~m w!1S r~n- , M!8~ Bernice Hu.wkln.8 . attended wasjn to n t!le 29th soliciting fund both young nnd old . and get tbp ,prices. . . ~apllSl chul'ch, R v,, Sal'ge~" ffi~lat71 dered as follow&: :plano .solos by Miss• tho ~hnton . couDty 0 .· E. 0 lIVeotioD for ti:tat w-Qrk, M~. Har ey collect_ _ mg. ln t ' rtnent wa mad e In 11ami es Edna Janney, . Ruth " Ha~tsock. i it. Bl iLnohe ter, _ Frlqt\Y, ·t::uturda ed about·five or six dollars for wni~h - - ~ !..111 t I'y, Mrs. Fred B. Sherwood; -piano duet; Rod J:)Qndny. . he see~ea' ·grateful. He' sa,id that 'Misses Irma Hough Ilnd Alice Carey; · The ba.nd to6~!b t wo DeW ' ro m- el'?ia was the prop~r ' corps of t he va al 8010s, Misse Fornenn • .Marie beriJMondtly. eye~hitIt EIl,Der al'''vey. nr.my for the peol?le here t9'heJp with M~lIer and Mr. Amy; duet. Messrs. and E'rv~n ~lnir : , ., 'WQney and is ' of the firm oPlnion ' . A my and Bruner. · The M. f" churol.r w,iIl.. b!, re~del1i the..t people wop,ld brive much :!ll i'e . ~ftel' the pl'ogl'am, ~ short social · ~ted nextJ:)u'uday. ~ey'j ~ ffdl 11, t.han they do if' tht;\y fully und erstood tIme was sp nt o~er light refresho'f X~~illt. wf)r , Qeliver~he .'8er~,on '; th~ t,.ee~ ' 'a~d ~h~ pl'acti~l . DlSe t n.l ~ts. , . ~ . W ., ·P;/:lY~.ook..: r~t~rn ti.<l . rue 1 whIch lIlQney . 18 "p(Jt byl tQ~ Ql'I'ny:
F.'e. C;OIDllto n. ·wlfe "lid d: ugll. .
".11 ....,"u n tte ........."'.e·;l tba ,T IfI lf' l'. · .er 'I " LU ....~ ... .. " <\.l Et ...iUOH .w~d~hi" ~n iJ.'r ~\lui\)a t on, WO.lneSdil Y, Q~ 11l8~ WE) ,k , . .,.
' ,
', day' f.r.o~ Q sevei;lil ' weeks ",
-f '
vIsit •• ' -
tlio ,lioril.e .,C ~ · M . .~atter~on ~:Od I f!l.J1l1lynear (Jenfervlll~. .\. ~
• I
or. .~.
•.• • "
:'- ' .
FO~·.SALE " . "'.
i.nvite . our ' read~rs to '
their, items of" interest, ,
· The Miami Gazette O. L. CRANE, Publliher: . OHtO. i
Bho.uld .a man &.0 about w1tll a suIt ease bear1ng 'prlnted. nollee. tbal he had been as tar away trom bome ·.. California. and had been to ew Yorl; Dlore Ulan once and stopp d at & botel charging "three doU "' a day and up' 'Ward" or "patronl&ed b)' weaitb 'nnd 'l1shlon"-or sbould be employ somenn to announ e suell tllot8 at rnllroad ltaUons. or t country house8 ,,' here b arrives ~ ltb his luggage to 8pe.nd the week-end. ' be would be considered "Imposslbl." Yet this 18 the sPlrlt In which Inbel-adorned luggage Is enl" ned ~bout by more than balr ot tbose who carry it. 8aY8 the Louisville ' Courlel"JournAl ADd Ulat Is why they are not onlY ",Ullng. but w:nous. to IJive torelgll botels ,dven.lslng space OPOD theJr trunJcts. bOX6& and bag8. Bragging In red, wbite and green letters of having Cl'0811ed the AtlanticaI' the Pacific-and having been qU8.1'le~'ed ~ blgb'prtced hotel8 wbUe abroad fl not very good taste. It may b~ said truly eqough that many trn ele.... Pl'eterred a . rust:)' and well .WOrn portmanteau or "kip bag" b&: tore the lnltirutlon of the label adver tl.ement, but' tbey. could at lea8t plead moc1elty and a8sert that they did not like ol~ IUgpge for Its' traveled ap. pearaJ\ce. but disltked new bagl be,.aUle of tbe attention ·t bey attraoted, The only 'e8~ape for the bearer of Ia· bel-plastered baggage .. to usert that tle object. to the' cUltom. . ~ wakening China b.. taken another
from. the experience book of the "e.t. Sbe I.· colng to ntabUI" plaYl1'Ounds In .her ettfeL -It ' •• 1 cl~, the ,recent' ravagell of th. , , 8SU' In ~e 9l"Qwcled empire . that .um. of the more enll,ht.ened of her ftllera made the obler.atloD. that w~at· clviHlatton .... tree from ncb ;..td.IPrea4 ,deatrucdoD or Ute aa Ohlna ha(l witnelled, '~YI the land Plain Delilel'. When .t he), 10lllht aD d.Planat;lon ~t the .... ~ree~om o.f . . .tel'll people. : trqm ' 'deadly epIdemlca, thet did not loot far until tOu~~ In ' the' at~eDtton liven to pJ'OdUclDC beal~ful ,lvinl condi· tlon,:' Firat or all the recent 1m· p~efDents they decided' (0 .el&e w.as that flit the ,8Catt~nl o'f breatblns apots in the cltIe8: Now AntUna Is 'to Iia.e t( ~laygTOnnd operated .0.11 th. mOlJt moc;J,eru ot barlcan planl. Pn~, Pc ~UbICr1,PtI9n p~~t4ed: 'for. the v,ur c:ba.e of a !arCe tract , of land, wtilcb Iii belDI ~ ted In such a wlly' ll to meet the 4;erhands oi e ery clul qf the - 'qtJ" 'pOp.I!I~U~n . . pro~IY.
" If thos~ . • teamB~Jp companies con·
tfnue . to tncrease the size of their Jlnera, we a.!lall sQOn be able . to walk from ODe end of U\e J)oat to the olber .pd be half way aC,rQsL ' . .
A man baa succeeded in ' crosllne f'iOm Providence. fl.. I.: to G'lbraltar In a 'twenty·root )'a,vl. Ooodnesll, bow he must l1a.e wnnted to get away from Prov'l denoe.
HELe ,¥OUH' eOU~TRY DURING MOLTING rnm~(Gjn~®JLN@J1~ Proper Feeding and Care Hastens f.t.e · Shedding. of Feathers-Keep Their House and Yard Clean ·and Free From Parasites I'oi.lllt'y r aisers are no\'f lIegirmlltg to adapted for tb.G molting period. A vel'Y Wand r bow to secure a ' Bl'eater lIum· good ration consists of three Ilarts ber or ggs during the ,,·Inlel·. Polio wbole orn, two part.s wb a • one-balt slbly polblng better can b dOli at . part be ( s raps and olle·ball' I)U l't 1111. thl Ume to help obtain tbe desired reo II seed mal. TallIe scraps I' llor,k 9crnp~ .sults than to assist the b \I to shed . may lle used instead of the beet her old coat of feathers and as ea1'ly scraps. . uoflower 8eed~ may be us ed lUI possible to have a new one. Many ins tead of tbe Uuseed Ille'll. Wltb this nlethods have be n tried to foooe eal"ly I te d pleney ot gl'een food, ('lover hay Dloltl-ag, but the best poultry breeders and grit. . cOllsider aU of til 1\1 cOJllrary tQ nat· 'rho molting ration will be more ef· ural laws and of course Injurious to , toc~ve If tbe fowls bav lle n fed :J the b n. Sucb met.hods us PlUCklng ' vcry light .atlon fcr onu week. ,prevl. the featbe~B 0 1' stal'vlng the ben for j OtiS to fila rlln tbe hens wllh the ' molt· ten days or lwo we ks and theu lead· ' Ing rations. Male birds should be r. Ing a beavy ratioll may bring the de, slt'ed results, but they are crude meth· ods and usually In time prove a loss to th poultry keeper. However, nature may be assisted at this period to complete the molting rapidly and' at nn early date, The fil'st IItep shot;ld be to get the' poul t.ry bouse and yard s In a perfeotly clean and sanitary eondltlOn. Too many poultry ke pel'S forget tbat a olean and sanitary pluce Is ne lled for fowl!! in the late sU lUmer. Dirty and IIn- I' sanitary conditions ause tbe fowl to be dlseas d or to lack vigor. 'l'he Proper featbers also become stifTer and hu\'e a ~ndency to stick tigbter. If a fowl Is In this condltlon mdlUng ill relAn!- moved from tbe hens at lhts senson. ed, All f alhers dJ'opped 'by the hene The second ~ssentla l 18 to baye the should lie ga~bered nnd burned . ben tree of Hce Iln4 otber parl1s!tes. Durhig tbls period the ben!l w.I11 la, Once a week sbe should be dusted few eggs, l1ut will begin betore winter with 11 101lse . p~wder. or &. liquid louse sets In and, if given proper care. will killer s hould be ,sprayOd Lnto bel' produce eggs dUI'lng :,the entire win· featbers. If she has scabby legs they ter. No hens more than one year old shOuld be washed dally with soapy shonld be·' kept tor 'wlnter 'e gg produc> water and rubbed thoroughly with car- tlon Now II tbe time to sell aU hen. bolated vaseline. It she bas a disease over .one ye8.1' old_ Early matured pul. use the ax· and theIr burn the 'llbay. lets nnd 'young hf!llll are tbe best proThe third and posaU,ly the most duce~s of eggs during tbe , Winter, and Imporlant as/llstanee 'than cal) be glv- of course the profitable ones to ;keep, en is to feed proper m~JUngJ ratlpns. , C. R. TiTLOW. It bas been leai'ned by uperlonce that CqlJe~e of Agriculture, Ohio state Unj cer,t aln kinds. of , feed are espeolally versltY. . . .
. Facta ahoW" tbat It I~ better to be .haken around In II. steel car that leavel ' t)le . ralls l~an 8Quee~fld and creUlated· \,l1 it wooden ·c ar that col· "'PIIe8 and J!urna, Hardly .pjlroprla1. to- ~I an aeropJaoe a "toalilter:' WOUldn't "cloud ...... ~ betterT
--..:---.to become legal tn.
.....t.n wW baY.
1.0 __
()ne at \JUWP'UU;UU, as I was afraid t o 800n."-l!rL SADIE
a. of 01110. gra8shop- lowIng: '''Durlng the last 01 Seplem· para ~ ~ laUm ' rOul!. tJl¥I /leason as ber" llnd in October fhe temnles 'will to cause , bllclernble, damage to be ' found depositing eggs. a proce a crop8 FaI'Dl. are wondering wbat whIch may be ~811:7 observed ill ' al· to ' do ~o' r t lid t them, as they are · moll~ IUIY pllature. They !lelcct ",paths lnjurlng s onl" th~ pastures ·bllt · or places where the ' earth"!s paoked groWing' orops !La :well.' " Tbere IS ' very quite ba.rd by tbe trllP.lplng of tack; IIftle than CftD be ~on~ t.hls seaaon, o.s-. tbe il~OJll~n Is 'j'I\{shed down 'Into ' the ~e main part of their damage Is 'done, earth, the sharp egg guides serving and cooler .W ~ther will soon put a as a sort of augur to bore In~o , the' atop , tq tbelr activities. Jt 1.11 VI 11, gro nil, ' '1 he egts e placed at a depth oC one-hn1t to one Incb benentb . '. the sur[l\OEI •. and ay!! held together In a compact mlls~ byn. glulitloull substanae whIch hardelis and ilerves as 1\ proteot! e covcrlll'g for tile eggs durIng tbe w nter. The hatchlIl~ of the eggs does not occur until Mayor June of _tile coming fjeason," ' -Foil 'or winter :Jlowlng ~vl1l turn thel!e egg lDnslUlS up where they Will . freeze durhlg Lhe winter or . 1.! eaten by birds. d Jickens, eto. Dlsklng. whlle not ''.\8 good as ploWing, will also s~rve to destroy g rasshoppllr eggs. 0\'l\.(lsOOPlIer8 are never very ntjmer. Yllmal. Gral"hoppera . Laying Their ~ggs. ' . otiS ~urlng a wet se!tson, but It nex~ h1wevcr, tor the farmer to ilnderstand summer shOUld b dry tbere Is pretty the life history of lhe graQsbopper. as r.pt t'? be plC1:ty of theIl!, Ina$mucll ns hll may gain some Idea of ' the best thQY' are so ~len~ltul this summer, . a:cthods of controlling . thl-s llesl EXTENSION DEPARTMENT, Professor Herbert Osb.orn, at tbe College of Agrloulture, Ohio Stat. y O:h=IO=S=t=ll-=te=u=n=lcv=e=rs=l;::t=,:::g=l=v=e=s:;:t=b=6::::!0=1=,===U=D=I=ve=r=Q=lt=y=.=========
. .Dellp·e radoes who tried to rob a fteatment of SeCld Wit" Formafln and Rotation of Crop. 'NIII Hold man tn Seattle recently ran away It lri CheCk. when theIr inteQded victim begnn to recite tioe.try. It may pay you to rend Scab la a very common fungul dlopoetry. pus of tbe potato and undoubtedly Is doing mucll to lower tbe annual , ChIcago ball an EJnocb.. Arden wb.o riehls o[ this crop. But I\. is c'om: came home after an absence of twelve paraUvely easy to control this dls ea~e, years. tried to · smash tbe furniture. 1'l'eatment of the leed and rotation of .and was fined $75. The original lilnocb crops will bold it In check. To treat was t1y all odd,s tbe lUcki e r of the t~o, aeed potatoes for scall. mlx I1P a solu~ tlon of one pint at formalin in thirty A movement has sprung up to bave gallons at wllter. This formalin can ,tl1e clocks roll ott 24 bours straight, he purchased Ilt any di-ug store. It Is . and Ii man muy yet try to use his not poisonous. Soak the u.ncut tubel's latch key at 22 o'clock wbJch would In·· tbls formalin Dolution tor two hours, then remove tbem to a plnce here be by no means unduly late. they wUl dry. It is a goo(1 plan to sterilize tbe A St. Louis j:Jdge says be finds llaskets or bugs In which , the treated ·n ewspaper rep'.o rtel's as bonest and potatoes are .t o be held, .1 otherwise reliable as lawyers. S9me of the re- chey may be relnfected: Tills treat· Jlorters wfll consider It a left-hunded mimt sbould be given just a few days (!o'w pllment. before the potatoes are pluuted. Any treated tubers that are not planted A woman In ConnecUcut ordered the may . be used for lood and given to aa"lngs of ber UfeUme to be spent aD slock. Rotate the CI'OPS UJat are her f,u neral. As the sagaclou8 man grown; that Is, to put some oUler. crop on the land tbat 'was I:l potatoes last In "The Mikado" remarked. there waa veal', and put potatoes on laud that .plenty at fun. but she dldn't lee It. .dld not' h'llve any on It last year. Thls Is espeCilLlIy linp'o rtant on soils tbat 8t.. Paul's ,.buslness men who plan al'e faVorab le to the growth of the lcab " to ,1I!0ve the bed at tbe ~lIsslsslppl dls~ ue, river perhap~ put It on easters,
turl$t can !lot walt. He re80rts dig. ding a trencb from two .and a half t,o three feet tn depth and above tbe Impervious otratum; In · tbls Is placed tile at 1\ size neoessary to carry &""IIY' rapidly Ule free water that rifles abo'/e ' tbe stratum . or bard clay or roclt. 'l'h~ fUllction or the tile drain Is not so much to remove water as It passes dowllward 8S I.t Is to co.rry away \Vater thnt rises In (\J.e soil to o~ above the tile level. Slpl';e the rO,otll of most plants that are ot ImportllDtl8 Lo the farmer will not develop Il. root system In frE'c soil water, the shallow layt ng of the tile drain prevents the development of 11 lurge . root system. Deep laying of tHa provides 11 large f.eedlng area for tbe roota. 'Deep druinage n.nd frequent shallow cultl· ,'atiOD smile at 1rougMs. . A. B. GRAHAM. College of Agriculture" Oblo State Unlvorslty.
N MORn: senses tban one Engllln~
N. D. St•• E)..
wood, Ind. . Why will ~omon tIilke chances with an opt'ration or drag out a /Jiok.lr.. half-nearted existence. m1aslnf thr 0tQurthl of the joy of llvinlr, when t~eT Cl3.Illlild healtH til L)'llia E. P1oltbam'a V~~ble Compourid? ' ~'o~ thirty years it has been th8i ataDdard rcmeily for temale 111J. and .hu cure'd thousands of -.romen wb~ ban been troubled "With .uoh ailments Btl dllplacement8, Inflammation. ulceratlon..fiproid tumor~ trre1@Jarttiel, periodIo Pain.. backaCbe, iJidJ~ tiou. and ne"ous prostration. . It you have the aUarhtest dou" that LydJa E. Pinkbam'. Ver;eta'b le CompOund ' wtll help you. T.'l'ite to Mr& Pinkham at Lynn.
18 aald tbe Olympic Is I~ bod ve8sel ' for economisIng head ot the eatina; !1epartment. because the -\'ery steadl· ness at tbe veslel helps Jl paS8enger to eat tbree lood meals per day, and maybe four. WhereBtl If the chief stew· Brd collld Oldy rdek bel' a bit, you know-well, quite a number at the for advice. Your letter bopeful. woul4 be eJutchlng tbe rall. HA88'1 w1l1 De BhItolutely eoDAdmltJaJ. gulne at tbe sea and tbJnklnl about and th~ advice free. a blblJeal elprea.lon that Ie quite apr~ poe. The prlnclpal ftema of el'penle True PhltolOPIlY. In moving the Olympic from South· To bave what we walit III rlehel • ampton to New York· lire:. but to be able to do w,tbo\1l ta PO,,'el". , ~eorle Macdonald. . tal ....... ......... ...... _..... .. .. . ... .. Q!.400 al'" ot 1IDploye..................... 15,000 Laundry ............. , .................. t.OOO LI!'gtrlng. Meal. (~r ftr.t .ca~ln paIIaelllrne . .... 17,COO "DJd you have a ' trial betore ,..,. Meala tor IMICcmd Cl'btn pueengeM!.. ~,nl ll;f!edloz the third cabIn. pueencers.. 8,950 banled that horle thleU" ~~eillnc . the tl/llllloyee .. :.. ............ 6f OOO ' $'hteen tup tor docklnA': ...... ..... .ao ·· ..We lure ' dld," repUed Ptute . Pet .. "He wai a mighty bad man and Trau8r..iTtnA' thIrd tau cabIn to EI. Us 18lalld .............. ............. .. . 15 wanted to give blm all the uupleu· Tranarerdnlt thIrd ca,bln baIrP~e.. 75 ADt IJlspenle polllble," Here is a. lIart ot the Hat tbe cbler ateward made Ul) to ·relltock his lArder l",portal1t .to Moth.,. . before sailing again.: 'l'hree tboWland . l!lxam1~. caretuU,. . evert: bottle ot poundll 'of PhUadelphla broilers • . 3.000 CASTORIA, a safe and lurenmed,. for I1O~'ds of Pblladolpbla \tQaator8;' 2.000 lnf\Ulta and chUdren, anet.... ~.t It POUM8 of capons, 3,000 POilDds of Bearsthe',.", ~,~ err ducklings, clliery. ted; 2,OQO pounds ot s,patureot~~ towl. &00 p,lnea chlc:keplif 100 dbzen ~I. Por OTer ao .y~1'II' .... ~Q.uabs, 7.000 pound8 ot Jis.... ao.ooo O~ildren Cry for li'letcher's Outorja. eg~8. 7,00(} pounds of butter, ,35,000 pOUnds of beet• .:tO,OOO pounds ot mut, . A Trlfl. Wlthere~.· , ton, ,tItty spring lambs. 3,000 pounds In his naU"6; tongue no ODe couht of ve",l. 3,000 pOllnds or I)Qrk •. thirty bave nladQ more graceful speechestons of potatoes. 1.600 quarts ot Ice that ?tonslour Blanc. but when b. ' cream, 100 Virginia boms. 100 dOlen escaped compll~ent8 111 EngUlb be ' sweetbreaclJ. 1,000 sheep ldd~eYII. 60Q was Dot quite so sucC8eaful; ox k1d~ys, 200 'corned 01' tongues; '. "Have r changed In tbe o.e .7ear& 1,000 pounds of sausage, tbJrty bal" since we met In Parlll?'~ alked the rels of cilams. 100,. dozed 60ft sbeU elderly woman' .who deslre~ abo.e AU qrabs, 200 barrela of flour. 100 dozen things to be thought younpr. much llsparagu8 600 dozen lettuc.e, twen·t y· ,-ounger. than sh~ ~as: . , . ' four boxes aprtcots, 100 bOles Newton " Madame," lIald the courtl.", hi, pippin. 109 banI cooking appl08, ftfty band on )lIs beart. "you look Uk. crates cantaloupe, 100 bol'ea crape a ),ose of 20 years I "-Youth'l . Com fruit .. fifty boxes . lemons. 20/) :boxe8 vanlon. . . oranges., ftfty boxel peaohe~,"200 crates strnwberrles. ftfty bOlel pea,obea, 200 COJ:IITAUIOU8. crates strawberr,es, ..,fty cratel wtt4Jf.. mc\1ons. twenty dozen crate8 plneap· pIes. . • . , The Olympic Is the largelt velsel eVQr coratructed, It Is 882~ . teet: In length, 100 teet more than tbe world'lI tallest bulldin.g. and bas a width of 92 teet 6 incb~lI. It. dlaplacement II 60,. .............. u" .. ····ooo toliil. 'From the bottom of the ke'e l to·tbe top ·ot the captain'. bouse 11106 ·feet and .7 Inchel, whUe from the bot· tom of the ' kul to the top of tbe' fUD' nel UJe hlght Is 175 feet . . • The vessei Ie supplted 'w lth elec trlo elevators. 'I'urk1sh bath and 8WIm. mlng pool. 11 squasb rac.quet cou~ ~nd hand-ball court. a golt courseJ Jlalm court and sun. parlpr. ,I~ ~IlS a ·dlnlng. room wltb a 'capacity of 56~ ' guelts and a dance hall' accommodatfng 200 couples. It can .corry 2,600 passengers und erl)W of 860. It. b~8 ?OOO '. ~In. .~ -~ dows and the number of Ita floors fa I •. ' The, Olympic'· WIlS built In ' Belfal!t. ' .Oo,yboze-W)len my w!!e 1Ia,v 1he " ireland, and coat' approximately ,$10.· condltlon I waa In "(hen I lot .hom• tram the club last night It JUIt. IIlag000,000., ' . " g~red her! . . Martlnl-rm not surprlaed. , . 'lioU!. know you drank enough tor tW9, ' o~d
and America are dJ'awJng nearer to each otber. The lateat phase of this ' approach1ng nearnese Is foretold In a geographical senle by Sir Edward Morrls;premler at New. foundland. His scbeme Is geographical because he propose I to out olf a whole day In tranllit between the two countries. The savini of a d'DI, 24 bours ot time. Is the lame thin, as ta~g UP the UnIted Kingdom by ita rootll ed planUng It In tbe middle ot the Nortb Atlantic. at least a thousand mUes nearer Oanada and the United statel.
poaltlvely .our lowolt tenr. s. ;rake 'elD or'·leave 'e!lJ," . "How about the rlak 1" '. '-The'r e will b'e no risk. To avert !'IusplcloD you Diu3t take Ole In al an employe. YOu yourself caD be n8 fap awa.y trom Chicago as you like!," W!th that Jacob produced bls arson contract. 8n extraordinary document. ~hlcll assigned to: the sll:oonkeeper 700 of the totlll Insurance on tlla 'Dr yfUB place, Tbe mercbnnt fell In with the plan. He filgned tbe agret)o ment to I>flY the 8aloo:11\oepor In the eVent of n Ore, a!lcJ hand'ld ·In.cob the ,300 earnest money. Tb e Ingenioul conspIrator was put on the employes' roll and Intrus tell with the door key to lock up tbe store at nIght and "pen IUn the morning. On tbe Saturday ba!f·bo!16..!, ot JUne 3 .Tacobll admitted .. Im~tr to t~e store ofter bours and op oed six live· gallon cans of gasoline whlcb bad been sent there concealed In Uie Inno· cent·looklng sbll?plng ,casel. used by the firm . Starting at one end ot \.he shop, he poured tbe 011 In a stream tbnt meandered the length of the fioor, with tbe partially emptied c.ans distributed st strategIc· polntl among tbe lIlies of stock. At rlght·angles to the s tream be stretched a balt·bour time fuse, lIgbted wltb a m:J.t~li the end farthest froDl tbe oil, and, locking tbe door behind, quIetly went on bll "'ay. . '\ ' In all tbese operations ,Jacob bad applied wltb his b'e st skill tbe prln· cJples of sclentlftc management adopted by tbe arson truat. The tentall! ex· celslor shavlnga and glv8-llw8.Y keroBene soake'd ,paper bave long since been discarded by tbe Chicago savants In favQr of tbo quick, sharp, succes· slve exploalons of gasoline, which destroy tbe exploding Cians nnd the stock of merchandise almost s'l multaneously Not only Is the evidence burned Ul). but tbe flre'inen and salvage corps have no cbance to ' save allY of the stock of goods. wblcb salvage WOUld. reduce Lho amount of the Insurancli
~hOUS4\\dB surrer f.r om b~okaobe. beadachll, dizziness and wearlnells wllhout sllspecUng their kidneys. Henri O. ' Leon. ' Development . ~ the Tractioo ' E;os!oe Enormously· Inc:reasecl hardt, Liberty St.~ Value otEvery Farm Implement Drawn by HorsesSturgeon . Bay, ;WIs., Many ~1aus Wher~ the Animal is says: "My kidneys ~tt11 NeCessary. were II) . eucb bad shape, the kidney S& creUonA passed every (ew minutes, '1 doctored with the best physicians and treat· ed with a prominent specialist, but recel ved on'"'!l~y-"te·m"-'po""ruary relief. Doan's KId· ney Pills helped me at once and soon I was permanently cured. I really feel that Doan's Kidney Plils saved mY. lI~e." . . I'When Your Back Is L~e, R emem· ber the Name-DOAN'S." For slile by d ruggists and general Itore keepe rs everywbere. Price 60c. F08t e ~Mnburn Co., Dufflllo, N. Y.
PractIcal illustration. To lib orten a long Sunday afternoon for Fred, aged eIght, bls motber told blm thllt be might Illustrate the twenty·thlrd Psalm In any way be chole. Quiet rl'l lgned for a time, 88 Fred, .' bUBY with pencil nnd pad, drew '''shepherd'' and "green pasture," "roct Tractor at Work In California Field. ,.. ,apd staff." Th~n Ii silence ensued, Thll II tile. age of progress. But ~n extensive farming has been to 4'6' followed by a no lay cratter, whlob wltb aU the world'a advancement ' In the cutUng of 'the. grain by po,,'e r, t his mother to tbe room. Freel Induatrlal methoda It was not until T~e trouble In attaching binders and bUsily a'rranglng a train of cara. the last decade that any practical ·Im· other Implements to an' engine has toy gun, marbles, etc., on tbe table. provement over horae6 for pulling lain In tbe dlfflculty , to ~emo\'e side ' "What are you doing, Fred 1" farm · Implements waa devIsed: Farm draft. But tbls bas been removed. '''Wby,'' be answered, "theae are ttl. Implements tbemselvea were Invented Last leaeon (ound m'any 'farmera cut.. presentl of my enomles." and Impro\'od-the binder. the gnng tlng gra1n by tractiOn... P9w~rl AI . Two ThIng. at Once. plow and tbe drill-but the practical shown In the accompanying outs, five Everything on the table sbould be value and utUity of ' eacb was necee- or seven binders can lle attached to aarlly limited by the IImlt.ations of one engine. Tbe engine travela don thoroughly clean and iterlUled. Hewthe power used to pUll It. Ever 'slnce tbe side ot the ~ln fteld and the IU'a Eaay Ta8 LauDdry loap II • HE remarkable death in ,factlJrers who sold tbem goods were It was Invented these machines have blndera follow., eacb one cutting Ita cltanler and aterlllzer. It Dot ODl~ Jersey Olty of a "tire-, preSsing fo r settlement been capable of doing a great deal full Iwath. The hitch Is 10 arraDged thorougbly cleanl cut glals, crock~"". bug" who was kJlled This I!QnfldentllWl Information was more work tban boraea oould get out that tbe operator .c an , .by meana ~t a table ware, but It paralyzes germ a anel ' tbrough bls own ' clumst. carried by aecret agents to a cortaln pI them. Tbe development of the lever, throw the binder out or IDto mlcrobea and lenda them down the ness while letting fire to Slav saloonkeeper In tbe poorer quar· traction engine enormoualy Increaaed the grain. If a binder Is out ot orde~ link spout with ~e ludl. .Alk you .. a building which he blld. tera of the town. A glass or two of the value of elery farm Implement 1\ can be run In behind 'the ouo abead grocer tor a nickel cake of HewlttJ. , been, lil~ed to bum down sllvowlt·z waa drunk, tbere waa mucb drawn by horses. . of It, and the whole outfit proceed Eaay Task, tbe White Kind. ~~;;~" lias not otten been ,ur- conferring and nodding together, of . Nevertheleaa even the traction en· without 1\ atop. A, beavy dra~bat QUllIned Prayer. pallled, aa a~ ~xample of bead, In tbe b~ckr9.om or the bar. and glne does not completely take the passes below each binder. Tblll tbrms Marlon'a mother was Ill, and the prompt rettlbutln ·. jUl' ftnall.y the aaloonkeeper saM: 'place ot bore ea. Tliere are . many a bitch for tbe next · bInder. The tlce. ·'Bolat. with · bl" "Send Jacob to ' see LeoDOld Drey· place a wbere the .borae la a.tlll necea. draft ,18 thua established direct ' from aunt ' who took her place at the hea" own petard" 1a luch a 'fua! " lary, but Improved . machinery Is be- . the engine, saving .the strain to the of the hQulehold piled ~Jle , C)hnd~Di ..otD old phrase that one hesltatea to Jacob was the prmnomen of thJs 1118 Ilmpll~ed and made steadlly to binder frame that 'would result If one wltb unaccuatomed and aomeUme. die· ~ee It' llow, but Frank W8.lab. burgl~r Io-between, wbo was beUeved by bia r binder, .... ere fa8·"'ned to th'e back of ltked artlclel of diet, One day. atte.- ' "Dobbl ,.. eat b enc!:'OIM: on n s r ma 0 another" An Int':relttng Item., to note. tielnc compelled to eat oo1oDa, MutOD and 1l1celldllU')', mUll have felt jllat family and friends. to b6 a so)lcltor h b refuiled· to !la~ ·grace.' , • But , on this occasion something or work. ' . .tbat Way when tbe oan of PaoUlle ot fire Insurance, And who could tb~ greatest displacement In connection wltb the hltc Is t at "Then,You mUlt a.1t at the table unwhich he brought with blm to ' ipne doubt the appearance borne ollt by other · ,,' ent amIss. The fire -fllShtera. bf Probably ttl Y\111 are reldy to aay It!" was the liorse power Is t~ . the develoDment, no side .draft Is occasion'e d by 'the omce of the LOng Dock MIlling' the policies ' and a~acks of papers that arrlv1llg quIckly, s<ren'ted tbe 'odor, of of meana for attBclllng Implements lOng striJ;lg of blndera.. T~la 18 dU,e a'UD,t's etern dudgment. An hQQr 0 .. oC~nnplU!Y ,uddenly eJ[plocled and he. carried, bla famt~larlty with, rate!! gasoline.. Mter tbe tire waa put out to Power ' tradOr!. . . to tbe peoullat mechanlam ' of . the so later. when the brllllant " UD8hlne .... rapped )ihn 10 de'a dly flame,. HII and hla glib line of talk that Indlcat- Bnd an InvesUgation' made, an unel[' \ Until recently tbe great~_t hllndlcap ~ llltch, no~ easny eXllh~lned on paper. 'loJld JmpatJent calls, ot her com,raci,. .gonlled yella brought help ' aumclebt ed long experience In tbe "uslnesa? ploded caJ1'of gasoline was found bllck , ----...~-~--~-----.-----~,-'.~-.-...... ..-. ---.~ t()~ther comprised aD Irrealatlble ap. to aaYe the bundll18 ' ~ut no~ to a~ve I~ waa' thna that be approacbed tbe Itl a corner. Mlcbael F. SullIvan. tbe ........... 'a life. .JJe bad 'been blred. fOil ,1'0 ,to, elder Dreyfui,. remarking on the .arge. fire attorney of, the city. aent .for tbe &.·crs ~ onerbaU strenJth, two pellete three peal. Mar.l on capltulate,d - thu,; It. . . . , times a day for' two a three daYI. "Ob~ Lord, make me t1faD~l ~or ..so the job In order to cover up ,stock of, good, and e~ylnl, "Let me brothera 'Dreyfu's. , Leopold bad sllont fraudulent ellttlea 'In the calbler'1 write )tou an additional 'policy of the da1 of tho bre at GraY'a Lake, 'A D , 'Olir.l' ' To avoid thele tro.ubles tbe ,' boua, baving bad 'to eat horrid ..old onio.na. rellort My miles distant, but La ~ard HIJ U' mtfst be d'" Cleao free ttom d..1..~. tf you 1bookt(,' but be Mopped hie clprett; In, '10,000." , •."~,, ~a&'" 't" CAD, do, It.- But I QO" . '1OIt and bad odors, and It 'q'lIfat be prope CA:l , ibe guoUne caD and thua '!clumped . "I'm carrying ever" cent the com· had worked 10 the .tore tbat aame Av0t4· D .... Hota. . " M';", erly ve'n~l1ated. This refera te ' pure, tbe, ~t 10 tb~ Jlre" wltb a veDeeance. pao1es will allow me to," replied tbe · SIlturday nlornlng. ' fresh air ana' plenty 'Ofr, It... , Roup Iiaa After more' tbCln ,six hours of sharp • Be ' Dry•. C ••aD aDd ~rM But ho~ever , dM\Dlatlc the fate of merchant. From Draft. · aDd , a ~ltlDgulq,bIDg mark that DO one ~lums.J' Waleb and the conaequent 'ex. :'But Inluran~ , Is good. In tbesil .exllmlnatlon by the Ore attorne. an'd . Well V.II,~1&C;.ed. sbould mtstake-that is a dlagusUDI pollure bf bis accomplices may be by tlmea..~the ylaltor baited bla left eye tbe police Leopold Dreyfus broke '. .' odor or smell, and • Uilok, yellowish themaelves. they bave a d~eper 'slgnltl. jUst a trlOe:-I,yoU can never tell wbat down 'aJld con.tessed that ·' be hIred Roup Is a contagious dlsi!'a se. Wben . dlscbarge f.rom · the nostrUs ·that · III ~ IUlC9 wben vle,wed II ' the lfgbU,t'the will happen ~a ttr~, for Inatance. wltb Jacob snd . the aalqonkeeper to ' de. l' cent discovery thnt tbere exlattJ a total lOllS. In that OIlse the $28,00'0' stroy Lbe store. He told tbe story of It, comC?a Into a flock In Its ' wor!l~ for.m tbe ~eatb spreading element. Thla It la be" to de,s troy all that have tbe gets Into water pans and feed and ~ountl'y"wl~e araon trust, with' head. you ('3rt,. noW would be too IIttJ_" It substantially ns given above, ', He dlaease . and burn the bodies. but . a spreads to' all tbe flock It it' {s perImplicated many otbers In a wide oet· ' Quarters 10 Ohlcago and represent8· " "Look be'\,e!" said I-he merchl1nt, cold Is not roup. Tbe symptoms .of. a mltte(l to continue. tJ\'el In nearly, all the 1arl19 ciUel, tbe auddenly. ' "I don't bol(e"o you are ail ",'ork o( conspiracy ' that startled even cold are tbe eyes closed and water the detecUves by the astoundIng reve· . ~ell1ber:a of whlcb mll,k e a b~lneal of Insurance man at all. Wbat do yo'u flowing, at times a frothl1]<e discharge setUng Ore, to bllll~,ng. aldlU.ully, In wnnU" . . latlon of a systematic, aolentlftc arson 'rom f,he ey~a. running at tbe nose. If SatMub for . Mulel. . ,' trust. . It 1/1 ltated tbat in a lar~ coWer, order to eriable the ownera to coliect ' ''Vel')' ! well, l'Iir, Dreyfus, very well. neg.1e~ed It may ta~o a worse fo~m. Througb the furlher confessions of large s"ms o!Jneurn.nce.. " LeV. get down to ·buslness. rf your This may come from expv:mre to In Peilnaylvanla a concreto bflthtUb. Murder' aa a fiDe art. Ute ,.clentlflc place' ahould burn , you would get th., the older DJ'eyJ'us It wna hoped to ex· damp or eold drat~, 'from overcrowd· 40 feet 10ng' lmd five feet deep haa pose tbe wbole crooked I,eague of dis· ,1Ild.nagement of arson, 'together , wlth '28;000, eb? You 'qwe more thaD that; bonest merchants and paid sett&rs. of· Inlr In bad'iy ventUate'" hous!)s, or been provided ror tbe uee of tb~ the J)t:opet' strategy and .conduCt ' or It Is , true. but you ,n eedn't go Into fire, a ' leaglle, It Is laid, tbnt bal! from a ohange from roosting In tbe mulea that work In 'tbe·mlne. 4.s eve. . bankruptcy; "When you"llave collect· opeD to a . warm or closed housl;!, To, nln~ approaches tbey , ,enn ,hardly be prlVII.te warfare, are 8ubJecta perhaps .ed tbe ,28,OQd 9,11 you nee~ , to do Is to caused at least a rutb (more thnn 7001 . oure this, flrat remove the cause, then restrained In tbelr eagerness to reacb better understOOd In Chicago tban any· make a compromise with your ored:, of all the Cblcago fires In the laat feed equal partll' · of . red pepper and the 'ba.thtub. 'It II beUaved that ibis wh~re' else In the world. L~it any of Itors and you can retain the larger 4aoade. 't bat bas extended ttll opera, D:1ustard tn the mash, a tablespoonful dally bath prolong the vigor and from New' Yo'rk to PllrtJatill, vitality of the mulel. i her great sister cltlea sbould reel en· part of ,the mone, ror youraelf. YtlS, of eaQh to thirty fowls. Onions and .101.\1 of Obicago; le1 l( be , admlt~ed ,a. fire would be quite timely just.· now, Ore" and that ho.... reaped a yearly ftd peppers cJlop{le~ fine and mixed • J. ' that Berlin an~ Vienna allo ba\'e tbolr and ·you know 8S well ~e I do th",t .In· profit of ,769,000 for the laloonkeeper ttl the maah are good, and are beat Deatrpylng Hickory Tree.. , , Fred-l love you a whole lot , '. ftre ejlhs" Parla exblbJts a pretty luran~e companies are tl;l 'the ~\Illneal 'wbo Is Ita bead. 1/rben fed alone. if the fowls wtJI eat , The, tad for makln~. ~IUC ' furnl. Tesl-Frank told ~e yesterdllY th.~ taste In 'Apacb,es, N~w York tOlter. to pay 10I8el' -" . . . .. . ' " Leopold, pr,yNlB, bowever, ' kmed them. . • ture Is rapidly deatroying the hickory he loved me a whQle houae' and lot. hlmselt next morJllng In bla , Mloblgan .p'aul Kelly anocliltlona, 'Madrid ~lia8 .' "What! You co~e bere and tell m'e A. l'attltnlJ in the throat. if accom· treea In thl.s country. In one year Ita ,anoters nnd C~tob Ita hlgb· to let my place on fire'! " ·answered the avenue bome. whltber a pollee detec· panled wltb. a , c&ld, Indicates that ille a1)out 1 ,200 treea were )dUed In· tbe . A HIT . · , blndera. ' Vet the tollowln, tale IIhow. clotl;1lng dealer. \. . ' . " , ttve ·bad taken him at bls own request fowla bne bronchItis. A 'rattttngwltb- vicinity or Bloomington, ' Ind., b; What She GaIned by Try.'r:all All""" , to Gee his wlte and children before gothat UW ChIcago savanlH ia:ve N1PII~" ,Not a bl,t . of It:;' said . Jacob, . '1t out, the cold "a usually ' harmleis. atrlpplng tbe· bark from them.. . ,l bus1ness Ilr,lnclplel to crime In a mRn· Iin't done tbl\t. way. You . enn go 'ollt tnS. to t~e police co·\.rt.. The disco\' When this (a beard feed bread soaked A failure at ftrst makea UI e.teem el')" of bls arson ' an II th. e ta:,glo of bls lIer Car excell1ng' the' co"r~ etrlll1:/l of of town while tbe .:Job la b~IDg pulled In hot beer, with moisture pressed . Good Roade ·In Florida. flnal aucceal. , theli' ,r ivals: off, .Mr. . ore),f\.la," aDd be looked .. the flnanolal atralre bad driven him prac, OU'" before . fee~lng, lAd give p!.!ls of A family tD Minnesota tbat now, en~ Florida haa 2,120 mllel of bard, tlcaily ·loaane. The laloonkeeper and . On the fciurtt(.ftoor of1:'lo~ is:.! South m,rcha~t .8.(lu.rel1. In, Mle eye• ."1 will qu~lne anc) Iron! the same as peo.p le well'lurfaced road, 624 mllea ' of fOY8 Postum would never have knowOl Jacob vanished .. Market atreet. l'il ,the . WI~dy CI~y. "at t/lke· all tbe 'reaponalbLIJt, and do the talre. Ol.e oDe' qf tb s. twice ada),. graded and 300 mllos of other 1m· bow go04 It II It the ·m.o tber b'ad beell. .t lltllated tbe gopdly clothlog e~~abltlb" job' for '6.000," . ! ' l CQld when ftrst 'c ontraoted ' can us· p~ved roada. Clayed roads ooat discouraged by tl,\e failure' of her . , i}leJ)t'of L. Dreyfu, <I: CO.j wholesalers. . J«cob laved blmself' (rom being put first attempt to 'prepare It. -Her 1001 . uall; be c~red with "~ht~lUa1 t.Ablets about $S60 to 'GOO per J;Illle. It waa operated by the brotberl ' ~el'- out of the,:olllce 111 a haaty exIt. 'He tells t~e story: \' (. ' .1'014 aDd Lazard breyfuI, wbo liad 1lJ)- s'lDDI.edlatel~ reporte4 IIl,.Ok-',9f pr9,gres~ "We had never uaed Postum il),[ ~t. parentI,. utenll .. clti trade. 'Tbe to the' saloonkeeper ' . The laUer bad ' spring when father brought homb . " .\bro~er. were extremely 'Ubet:al ·buy· · a man oreier Ilepar\ment as a brancb package o"e evenIng Just to t1'7 It~W• ~r. of clotbl.n g atock •• and the store of hll aecret ;lSuslbOIlll. rAl,Ilons' tbe Jlad heard from our nelgbbora. anll ·ht vhilt~d , b" iI"arms ' ot oUliomers, co.nfldE\nUal letten lnalled to m.,r· fact everyone · who use" It, hOlV ~ell .Go_sip had it that more goods w.e·re chants by th'e cbler of the araon Indtls; tbey liked It. • : , I 'V -1. 4 '·carted 10 tban' could ' ever: be dlspoaed try 'went ~everal to ilie head of the l'We11, the next morning 'Mother o of~ 'and' that manl < of the cuato.m era. Dnlyfull ftrm; and ' meaqw.hlle tbe dlt. brewed I~ about ftve minutes, just atl .0 called: carried away ftctltloua bUls ficultles of thai eitabliabment were tn, she . hlld been In tbe bl\blt "o( doIng ,of ·sale. · ',.. croaaln•. · CredJtors ··. ~breatoned sulta with 'cotree without payIng Illeclal Ilt··, In' the. spring of ,this year a ' set of ...nd uJ;ls.atla~ed 1lUd~)epta . m~aDt ·teJlt1on . to the ~lrectlons ~rlntcd. OJ,t IIriV8~e 'In:,esUgatorl besan to pry IntP bankruptcy. ' The .arson ,orowd kept package. It lopked . w~ak ~lDd , tbe affairs of . Drey(ua ,<I: Co:.' Inquiry tAba' on ~very move, wh~t"or of,', the t have' a veh promllling falor, but" at 'DuIi~I 'and ~!,ad.:tr~et~. ~ro~.bt. out broth'e n or ' of ' tbelr angt, 'creditors.' father raIsed 'hit! 'clip " tbe ' fact that lhe. l1rm 0",e4 'Ita credo Finaliy;. tbe 'correct' momeDt~ . an air or e'Xceptancy. It {)ertalt". ltor, ,3,6,000. An expert who vlalted ftlled ~opold Drey(~ on ' the give blm a great surprise, but, tbe' ,JItbre hi 1be': INI~e of a retan~r . phoili and :PIade ·.B.n ~JlP(j!ntinent ' afrnld It wnsn'r a very . pleasan~ ,udlecl: that ' ,oods. ~al"ed at' $20,000 renew the dicker. . 11e Diet tbe .mer· for be .put down bls cup with a. JILl ~~n Ita !ll\~l'{ee. and 'cQuntera, . ' Tbe cbant,. ~ hi'• .offtce ~nd mad~, tb ~tol: of disgust. , tnluranoe cam~d, totaled '~8;000. d1· lowln, barlt1lltt· offer: , , '.~ ; ;\ ." ' ' _ Mother wllsn't dlsco'ttragi!d thougb. , ytdWct' amoti~ ~leveq C!Ompantes, IJiclud~ : . "I'll; ,b urn .th.' whoie' P'llCE~e"ei" ·a'~~ . next , mornl~g gav.~.1t an?th.e~ tr.lal~ tile Unltf;4 St.tel Fire, c)r New IU~t' of ~lothtl1'; ev~,.,· . l!!tUng It sland on tbe stOYO t11l 11611· York. ' ,AI ·the ,reault,o( furtber snoop' ,no r;a!,a*~for 111 began and 'tben letting tt boll, 'toP ' .~ al'O~nil amoliC ~e clothlq trade ~e ,$300, down ftfteen or twenty m~nute9 ; and . ,·thls·l • it ... \119 ' <1l1co,8rtd' tbat tDr~y~ua, balaupe 'of time ""9 were all 10 , please(J. w~~b ~\ . :a.;eo. .....re ~ ~w pay! , ~d, Iq~~" .ur~n~. that we~' hoye 'used , I~ ,er'~l' ~In<le. . . ., ~~ "~tber was a cdnfirmod dYllpeptics and a cup ot ciorree Wo.s·tO I~I/D '1I,,8()l01son. So be' never dri'nkS It any more, but' d~li:Jk,:'p08tt~ regular'~, He J!1~'t, tr('lub1ed ~ Itb dYllpepela,' now ~nd III ' ae~ual~y grl)wuig .'fe-t; ··alid. .~ JlU~ Poatum·· ia tbe' c,4Use ont. All.the obI). dren are ,aUowed (HI,lnk U' lUId they;', are wfect 'pIQtlJre& of healtn:' NaG!4' glTe~ by 'Polltu,m , BatU6 ,OH~ Mich. . ' . " . Rea4 the llt:~e book, "'1'b" Koaa,' . ,' WeJ,l"'.... ~~·,~~~~v !~~~·~
& "
ta.; The WelMl'n S&'r, pobJ~btng Whltaore .for making fill and ap.
report of, 'X&Dltn.~o': of ir....ory/ proaohea a~ Wind80,r ' .roh aDd, po~ .
• ,27.7G; Lebanon Pa'rlot 'pobllahing ~ &ing io ithree 'cornga$ed 8ewere '" report 9' eum,-'ioo of, ereuorY, estimate of IUS.50. .' $21,75 ; W. B. atao~ge //is ~ jobr j ~nirlo" Itit , to Orego~l. Bridge oal of warr.ota recleeo:(ed for~- Co., fOr ateel joist 'aod I' llere old ore~, 132 i J. 8. Mo~rll, lapp.l.. .ad ' wood top and oew nollers for bridge
....'.Iv. •
..........n .oth." fo, U.... 0'
, ...... ".oau.. . tl8faatlon.
blndln, aU.,.lor retorn,' for .ud.tor~ t51 30: J . 8 . •orris, . record aad lopplies for Speoce, reoQrd.e r, "0; Valley Telephone Co" reote aod
,uoll un • Qulok "'.11" Ste.1 R.n...
'182,1)0,. , Contraot .enterlHl
with Frank S&oltel for putting in ~hl'eeoorrn. ~n., 1~0 , '5 . gated aewers......oODorete and stoDe Cootract entert¥! wUh O'regoola headwalls, and re~ ..1rID8five brldRe Brhlge Co., tor t'epair of bri4..e o ...er fioors, ~D Oleal'oreek at the eBtima'e Dick'.Oreek In Franklin to Ihlp, t>f'118,36. .teel jot.t aDd 014 lomber ;or. floor UeDer,1 eontra~t eDtiered for re. a$ th.lr btd oft27'2. ~',patring bridges wh~n repatr on !loy .' bridge at any on. time In ooe year , Oontraot eDfiered with , 9regoni • .does oot exceed tie~ dollars. Valid Bridge Co, for repair of brl4re ontil September 22, 1112. W. 8. ovor DIGk'1 Creek Dear Fr~Dk Prees Whitaore, Worley pike, F. M. Col. ley', farm ID Fraokllo towulhlp, UnB Butlerville Wlodsor aod Wood. .,"1 jolt!, aDd [lew .10m bel' ~or 11001' vm~ pike, John'Wolfe, roads around at bid of t265 , Wellman. lieorge B. feldkamp, Cootraot enfiered with W . 8. road aronnd Mainevllle.
... ou, .." ...... . dv.rtl..... . . • • -- •
"QUI" MBAL'~ STEEL RAMOES are constructed on seientiftc principles and their materiala are distributed in such a way as "to do most$ood.
Dear ~rt:'ard , Add1l.t eetlmate
S RANOES are heavy enough be good, durable and lasting. The MEAL~~
, For Correct
Some Suggestions fot Its Observance Given by the
, State Fire Marshal Governor Barmon baa reoeo"y il DU'&OTIYJ: rLU&8 "r . , .~ed , . proOl"ma$lon &Gthe people of Def.olive fiael .werelhemOlt proObto,o.tUng 'hell' .ttienti!>o to 'he Ufio 1001'Cf1 of fir88ln Ohio 101901, .....' problem ·oonfrontlng 118 by the ~rcl.how1og 66i fire, 8Dtall~ the 100rmo~ flre 1 DI it 10M of onr td',ooO. ' Thil II There will b'e a competent person from the factory to reUon thrMlgbout tbl OO1lnh'y ' aDDoally, a daoger oommoo toot", aod oonn. " explain every detail of the Quiet Meal Raqe at Ud" ct.1goatioC . Oo~bel' Ith, ~ try alit... Floal, or ol1imoey, a..d.y '0 be ... . apan u4 ~ be Ihou14 be lookecl af&ar frequently. bown IIl'tre Preveotion Day. On N:o obtmney mould be buU' 00 job. th'- 4&1' the GoverDor rt[I08IDmelld. or poIM, but Ihould be built from , ~t 4. .11 OWDen of property take. '~he Ii-quod or bO a lO11d buemeDt INpI to !1M that their b1iildlogl ~ ~"ll. If b~nt 00 'j01ltl or otherwiae '~roqb1y ioapeotad .fol' 'he Pl'· Ulan from , 'he ~oood or w.llt"tot clleoo......,. .~4 ~c;»"a1 9f ,Ung of tlJe buUdlo,l1 very ~lkely aaillPl01lll ooo41l1ou ~ereln; tha, to oraok the ohlmney • • U 01....0 .. aaUlorl&l.. OOD08rDecJlIl But th01llh properly '~e prenoltOD of fl~ fak. ~lipI to u to fooDdatlo •• the ordloary obim. oaU the .....Uoa of the people df taey1l 10bJ80t tc)"the:' oa'~ decle ,belt' OOIDIDUIlI~_ ~. ooaua\on Ire of 'bi". .ther without ud aUll 4~en aDd OOoopente with them more 10 mill tJae ' aotiOIl of the fa " . , way ~lb1e . I" amolte whioh dtelDtetratea the uaoroolUllUou ; ud· tha,~ oar tar from' wiWo. TIl.. dillotegraaohoolaa'llorltlel, bOtIl pabllo ~ Uoo', 1.11I .• t . the ~p and follo •• Ptl...".1bll prcm4e eo.... meaD. of 40"0, finally r8~hlD*, the ' J:'oot lmpNlalD, UP,Oll *be pu~ iii 0..,- " _ . fi... ~J: 8011118 ' f"t1D lOme -!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!i!!!~I!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l"hoo1a the cJaDpn. ~f fire • .,d t ...~. 'puk wancledb. lhrough of , I.. fNftlDUoD; au to a dI'aOk wJaen the mor.r hu fallen ~.aa4 tb.t w. -.aonD01II ''''~ BaTe you e~IDed' . your , I ' • __' _ ._ ' . . . .1' _ J!!IIDecJ iDel eylOtDAlly oblmu.y 'lately?
October 1,6, l7. and 18,
. . '
,I "
Gazette Office
\ .;
'so~,/u~ a:::Oba_~:;u::; etoppe4.u · . """' , .... Prtoe. real ...... I.. W.... ·, CjOvlluoa's AO'l'IOIl
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Sale Bills
OBlO'S '
It lDay Dot be poeraU, koowo • , . IWW oOu~. .... . .'.' . ' that~blo enjoys the Ion.' aTeI'. ~ r,~ lWualtiblrUr oJ War . ~ B. ' ~ .. WAluAmli. , ~e aou~ of the Go~or l~ .t.e.. .... flre. IJl81Ira~oe r.te of ao)' . Itate , . UIjIua*1, 1'L ~ Boar4 of OoIiiaty ~ . .I ..... Ia Warnn OOD • •~,..... ~ lJIOO.....Uon .. ,~Il lIDe . ..of t~e, Oblo river. 1$ I" poe• . ~~. of\ lW . . . . CoUty. t7~ t1. . ~&b,that, ..k.D,by,~c;fo"!D0rl of, .lblefor her tOeDjo'y'helo"~t:r.te 1.;. K, ~ a'~ 10, PlAIn , ,W...... M. X.,... to I.~_B.D. a ,llumber of··the , ~' , - - Q~:'be eU1i o~ ~8!1' o~,that Itream. AOOD~ WAYNESVILLE CHUI~CHES., ·C. HENDBRSON. M. D Irq. ' tile 8oar4 'Of rt VaD4UToon nat ...... lIa War. 1D14el~e w~t. aDel .. I, ho~ th.t eolentloDl dort 00 the part ' of our . . ' ... ~.,. Q!-ml"~ . ' . ,00000ty. tl. " ' '. aDoth,.. year Wlll.., ~ mOTem.o' people, .oot oOIY '~ Fire ' PreventioD St." Au-.dlne" Catholic: " Waynesville. I ~blo. " Oa. . . . . ' 1IIrook ' _ ' , 114~r4 J!l~ VaDB~ to BaP TreI.. ~~qurated DattOD-~ I~ ItIl Pa~. bu~ every day, to ~uoe the l!'athe:;:~e.M.T.eDhoefe~.;:tor. ' . ~,., A. S....'!IOD. ahOnutl lor 10Uia I'atiIklba, tltG. TIUI d&e I tee! Ootobe 8th 1 lire wufie 'WI~1 '000 brlDl us to .h.~ KMI eYe" I8OOD4 8uD41.1 of the UloaUl a VaDey Phon. 153 - Main Stred ,~.... ell~oe . 011 01 ·........ ah Lelver to $be "'Ittmon • .. e c . 1 ' , !II happy ,tat.e. , ; : ' • D:00 a. III. " adil.. . ' ,, ' " , 04 Obi. ,liIoutll 1!V"'" ,he fonlet~ I~Yenuy of the ~t There I. a wl4"'prea4 fallaoy St. '¥ary'. ~,.. Cbun:la. ' Wft .......... vi Mart II. ~ Oa.,' rllbt of tUItO. . firej a oooflacraU9~ whioh 'ha~ .flre tnlorance.oompaDlee mak!, ' ~,. 1 . •11'. d.ctw~r.4er, Rector, 0, W, . . . . . .. . . , . '01' Jauu Brown .hUeHh. Baltl. rel~1Md. .. we ~ tc)1d, f~m. ~., .h. ,_te ot,lo!luraooe. ;. The~ do oo~. SUDda, School. 9 laO .. UI , MorolDe ~r' 4 1 - OD - - _... of - - ...... - ' . . . . aDel Oblo Soa$b ' Pl,• ..,. of a.rele.lIDeu. , . ' ,00041tlool make tb~ r.te." The vtc:e,l,! :BO-a. UI. Hoi, ~OUlIJIUDloD \he , Orat ,,,.,.~ . - - .",- ..... , " . Do'a btl"' - .....D.·-.lII. " "W 11 ' , . , .' , Bua,d., of each UloDiIl . ",1. . ~, ~~t u. WIUIUil 0, ~ ~ploY. daht ot ••1', " -- " .....~ .. ~. . ~p, ' peopleoan oont~Uhe l o9,odl'l~illi'lf,·. . ." ,"," .... , ''''''."~r:,,,._ ~ C. 8~ ~' ~......,. '01' ,.-00" \ . . .. , If I, bew . wll.t to 40J Ih~uld,. obo ''''1' ",IU, u~ ill... ooDHq~enC8 ·t be • ~~ · EpIJcQ.,.J ~urdl;. , plain.... Aiaout .clalmed BaDlOld J. IIrown &DC1 wII. ' ~ I81'T., th1l I'In. ........\11)0 .D ay • bu,' 1'.... ,. -' I -' • _ ,.... , Bev.' c. If. '0,._, 1'aItOr, ': . . . . IIl...... from It N.lI,on aroWD 1'_1 .• tate ul 1I.U rllh, ."ou~ hOOle, to ~ ~Th. Governor of Oblu h., deemed ~\lIIdfo, School! 9:1, a;~ UI. : MomlD« aer' reD' aoUll~, 'I. ' ~ 01 Wa .boUet~ t __e .. ubject of fire ofeoftioteot :~I~:~:~D:' :':~.j~~ .r:..~e.,.1~~ .' SultI Dedded . " ~cIa BaDcJall to I'recl ,,: Wa,lOp. poba' o~t eom. of ~e .ery commoo tm~rtaoD8 ~ '1i8t~'y ,him In" Ph1or,MeeUna. !,P .1Il. . '1'U WIIldIlOh Muhlbauer Brew. Ir U4 DIl. G. Warp"" lot III aN c1aDlI~ w~ by I'I&IO~ of d~" he people. upbn It by Chrlltlan Cbui'dl. ' . ' , . ' u). ,u ...... lIOhraaoeOWire lIUob,tl. . . the1~nryf.mlllartt,. ...e ~bleto ~al 'proo~~atloa, ,WUI 'liot ~ our " BeY~L.O,~)IIOII,P..- • . ... '_L. . . . ' . \ . overIOf)ke4. Uttle, fmore thao people reepood b- aotlo, nlVln b'. Bible JIc:IIool, ........ m. . 8oc1a111M1e&1DI. .,... -0111... II foreolOMCl Ind' I ! - , - - - - - . , n...o. "In -M ' • be ' < " " ......10:'01lo!D• . CIiJ1fiIaD KDdialW'. 'f:oo p.m. I ' ~ ~m._. Po nraereDOe o.n made to tbem reoommeod.tloo with __ ear'l sean 8erIDoD b,. ·~ ~ alWDate 81&D!IQ .. , l uuun...... Ih,dfrto IIU prc;rpe11Y ..... . , .. . NJaokohnaoe'willfo.blelbiOree1ab.. ' " ." 10.: '0 "!D. ~ 7:10 ~.!D. " \ . . .......: ··Il~~ · tel. . Btl'a Allo-·" • ".ID.. __t t _ Sr ' ... ., . . Joho W. Zuber, '" ' ~~l~ ' ,., . '!I'~'" "w:u.~ ~ vu_ ' . . .. . " . .tmeat.. l',.,.." " . .... litatie iI'lre Marlhal. . 'Hkkalte Ff~ ·Cbur4.' · .. .~ ~ .1 John B,. ......" ~ O)1U~ ho,~ jlDlto~ ~or , :' • . " • . , .. ;, .. '. (, PtrarnaJlo(eet~ij~.., 0:00 •• m. Fire'Da, , " Dl....rce ~tecJ; ~P. . .~, 160; Bal.~ .Banh, .. (, , . ".' .,' ~ $ " ? ~g~1; l!.;OO.a" .m•. i J'~iuuDa1 KeeliDIt. t40; Geo~. Appracil.... the ·..~~• . '.' j . .Averts Awful Trepdy \ .~a.:~. '" , •. ,. . .·, II.LOebl' ..... '.w1eO.Kemp hlrpr, 'U llltaot 'j•• • 1.l'&r'Itioo ,putecl. . Wt.afl:e14. ~.e ~bn .for G, A: A ~ lDala-t ooo..~e4 IIr tbe ' ,' .. . '. ,,' Odbodox' Friends ~, . .~., Ohl9 u. 1:Uohant P. a.~poe", "'.40; 0. ' ~ywoocJ. , ~. Watt.' IIabooII9 ..u.bww. IOD. Ot the ' 'I1lDely ~4vloe It~eo Mn. O. W,U , ' " JUt..Ruth Ji~, Putot , : , I BeekaM; .p1114 pUtl' .~ IDcllotm~llt pe. .UOIl, ,,; 00111. Walk." oo~ t.MIaen III'oaPt • __..tlNl .-s, roM ~ongbhi. MUdeDIO, WI ' 11, .(8. N:o. ',Sabba'h..Sc~ool, o:lJO ~ UI. Re~ar cbure!! - aIICllaacl-irA :l 00It.t pe....tioD 110' Albert R Bena... to IICIbooJ. wIt.IoIa,. ' boIdlq up Won ) preveo_. a ~eadfn, trage4y!'Dd Mlrvlce, 10 to •• 111. CbrtIUao lilDdeavor. ,\ . ' - ~" , •. ' • • tile iICWan. 1M ...... "'Now, chU. laved ,~O Uv~. , bpotorl had aal.d 7:30 p- . . ' , . , -~ of c;»atP VI.lUobant P. Beak· ~ .. Peft'J' B. 1l000e, ooo" ' bow 01 ... bow wbat herfrlglitfulOollrh WItJ·a "OoDIll,m p "" " ., . '. .. ~". pI-f pll,y to tDcllo'r:arataDcl tn~ '2'5; John , Wolf" OOD'~, . ..... ,.0 ODe tlo," ooagh aDd oou1d do lUt1., to ~ tHuel 001". ' . lUI; 1'.•• ,CoUl..., ooa,tr~. t1l3.. __ JItMd. tq, ~I_t, ~~ce. .. her, After ,~aoy , . ' . . . . 'of _blo ~ JlWAftb S,...... .....--r I~' . Aaely "8altJr . OOD'raot•fBe· ...n . ' ..... ,~~.. Of..UW. .. u~' Dlfoov8IY urged ' her ,",- .."--. ' ~r - , n'..;' • . ..:....I • • Willi ~ , . \ . New pleld ....'1' to 1I,41"mea' .Dd ieocJ :il~ A,rmlt.p, oootraot. '. ti. '. 111- _ ·~t ,· It .tor lome \&ttz to 8ta,. Beformatory. ~!- a.denoo. oontract, 11.8 "'It'll the awfal oough . . " ..._~ B. ' Duk~ 10IDber'. ,N 10 t It<, at~ .·.~vecl . - . . . . . LIaaIeI. aa'lliD Iron Worb Oo~ , 001,.,. pipe, kkl!!o W1th~a II , ~v8MllirO'n. w.:....l..
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GAZETTE Wa7nOll vl~,
D; L. CRaNE, Editor I@d Manager Rates of Subscription
. -- -----...-.- - . ..
.- - ' ' - ' - - '
- --.-.._--.
Ex&n,.ination for Assistant Forest -. .-..-..-. .Rangers
-- -
MOore'~·R~nge ;
feature~ of a •. . -. .-.----.. _------e.-----______________.____.--_e IMPORTANT , Moore 's Range are-hrstFrom .Secretary of U. S. Department of Agriculture
Washington D . 0, Uotober 2nd ed, o.UQough laok of thl may be The Civil Servioe Commissiou supplied by exp"rienoe In similar will hold ,tl.n eXf\lllination for as8i~t. regions. aot Forest R8 nger on Ootober 23· ~4, "The ex!'mination of applioants is All you need' do Rates of Advertising glance occasionally Readlag LocBlB. per lll1e . . , ..•. . . .... . tic 1911. The U. ~. Department of Ag \o.lon g the praotioal Wnes indloated .leadlng Localat. black tace. per llne , ... 100 rloulture estima tes that 400 eligibles above. and actual demonstration, at your food through th~ glass oven door (llwUled Ads. not to eJ:ceecf fl v Un .. l 5c ,will be needed during the field sea· , by perforlWlnoo, i9 required. lnvaand you c. n see how , Three InIerI.lona ..... .. .. .... . son of 1912. Asllistant Foreat Rang. jUds seeking Ught out,of door em. (}bl~.arlllI, llve Inches tree; ovor five it's comi ng along. , .. . IDchlll. per IIDe ............. .. lie ers are paid an entranoe salary of ployment need noti applv. Ex~ri (lard. at ~htmks ... ............ , . •.. . • " Then ~ hcre' s Moo r e) $ f enoe, not book eduoation, is sought, B8IIOIu~IoDI •••••••••••••••••••••• , ••• : : 11,100 per annum. The examination will be held at although fabtlity to make simple Soclala ew. where cblU'll'e Iir made . . ...•. 2110 ex act t C:111w ratur c t hcrDisplay Advertamg per Incb .•...•..• , . 10e National Eorest .headqusrters in maps and write intelligent reports M rs. Cookri!!/:t (md Mrs. Careworn. ·momctcr-rh c m ost s 'm iDI.tooWlte lven on conlract. Alaska, ArlzoM, Arkansas, Oa11for. upon ordinary Forest baBiness Is es. tive Oven t hc rn10n1 e ter ir,., (' :rr\\orn - "I h l d ~ n:l\~' (u l t illle b~t cven in g M rs .. C\'II ~ k lir. llt . ·o •. bo\\,I1'" '''' ba nd likc" :1hroil c<! steak-'-:\OV dl' nia, Oolorado. Flollica, Idaho, Kl'n sentia1. ~~~I~~m:l J c _ Ivi :. _ l!orer's T il 'rI. tro.:d lil y ~lI'-: to b r?il 0 11 my 8tov~-ii nally I burnt it up~ OOTOBER , 1811, 8&8, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, "Fo~ duty In some ' parts of Arl. ~!II"l7~ mo m ·l<.:r Gu idI:! t'lls how filled my IU I C ' I~n IV III ~mukc a nrl J oh n hnd 11 0 8t~D k Dt long ri wJ at w lwt tC;lI;>crar:trc ,,:1. AIIl! '-lI,Y, bu t "'~sn't he nll~r)' when he hno! to go ~ev~, New Mexioo, Oklahoma, zona and New Mexioo the ranger to cook food. out all d buy ~ nother-which { fri ed -and frie d v~ ry poorly 'l'he fut man is preUy oer"'ln to Oregon. Bouth Dakota, Utah, Wash. must 'knowen:>ngh SplUlish to oon. a t that.': M oorc's CO: ,t ro ,lc r ~I nill p c.:r ington and Wyoming. No exami- duot Forest business .w ith Mexioans, f.n behind. ho lds a ce rt:1t ll Ji x .J h va t at a ~. Irs . Cou k!i,~ h t -" \oVe ll Mr~ . Carewo rn -yoll ce rtainly are nation wlU be held in Mlohigan. "Where saddle horseft '01' p'\ok . I to he pll,ed (o r your trouh les-particulnrly when you c e rtain tcmpe rzture as ung a s nced n ' t . h:I\'" !lny slI t' h :18 you c!c~c ribe at nil. Now OJ rhe law requues that when prao· horses are necessary in the pedorm. What three vowels expre88 troo. YOll wish'. answer II Moore' s R all!;C- H e r!"s one-sce- th e hinged top~ tioable, Fores' Rangers mOllt be , ! ince of their duty, ra.gers are reo ble? I. O. U. Moore's Range h as bee n \-VIi ,~ I gtt a ~oo~ bcd of g low in g coals I open the hin ged qualified oUlmens of the I State or qulred to own and maintaio them. d esc ri be d as an absolutely ! 01'-JUst80 - j>u tlll .mys l ea k ~ th elJ(I"e rlid8he lp!ocovet It and kee p the heat an - and every scrap of smoh goes up · I. Territory tn whioh the National The Forest Servioe furnishes no II bl k contro a e coo IIlg mac \tne. Ihe chimney. .. I~ wi,l1 probtlbly never be known 1I'0reet on wblob tbey are appointed personal or horse flquipment. what the hand.saw. 18 situated. 8h:ace 'he lis' of 100,,1 "R"ngers exeoute the work of eligibles mUI' be exha08ted before 'he N 'l tional Forests under the di . Drop a hne to Moore Broth t!fS C~mpany, Jol!et, III. for their free book on the construction of Moore' s Range showing hO¥T-q, means of lIS cousUuctlon-thi, great s:lving i. pOlISible-and sec M~re'. Range at \ Be lure yoo are right, and then eligibles re.ldlLg In ' other States reoUon of ~upervillors . Their du o can by appointed, 'be ohanoe of oit tieA inolude patrol prevent fire don't 'make a f088 aboo' it, lzeus of outalde State. who go te and trespass, estima.ting, surveyiog, ~he National Forest ~tates and take an' m"rkiug timber, the supervisexamination to 81.'0Ure an apppoint ion or oQttlngs, aod similiar work. Tltere Ii mllny & man who isn't ment Ie emall. Tiley isaue minor permits, buill WOMEN DOCTORS NOT NEW DECIDES TO KEEP A wor'h what it 008Y him to live. The requirements and .dotles of oabin8 and traUs, oversee gra.tng --Foree' Rangers are tbus desoribed bUSiness, investigate olaim!l, report In the Eighteenth Century There Wa. Woman Win. It at Brldgo Party a Lady 8tud.nt at HOlpltal Tell. Her Hubby All Ibery deg haa b18 day, and toc In "The Use Book," whioh oontains on applications, lind report 'upon Coedldul, In Florence. About It. CoocI Enterlaln.an7 of 'heAD ba ve theJr nighta al.o. the regolations end ln8truotions for and arre8t for.: violatioD or Forest , 1IIt11l,lctlve IJSU! l1li Wi ....... Illllla.Du "George, dear, I've got a diary and the DIe of the NII.tlonal Foresta: laws and regulations. " Women as doctors la not. & Pa.rIs The.. aro t ho th1n p whiCh wm make a mlllJ 01 your boy. made up my mind to keep It.'" h A ranger of any grade must ba The examination will oontdst or contemporalT oblervea, a product of l eeure hl. llv. lr IDterel1 and wholowome dOvelopmcn by IIlvlnl him ".All rlgbt. my love. It's a habit that 'l'be black.wlth may be an expert. 'horougbly BOund and able·bodied, questions regarding the 118e of the ~odel'D "fein.lnllD1e.;' It aeeml that in never becomes chroiuc. The diary t. . Tbe AMERICAN BOY forler without beingarres&ed for It. capable of endoring hardlhips and Forest, sapplemented by a field test 'the efg~teenth Centur)' there was a gUt-edged, I suapecU" limed ....11b IJne ftI.dl,n1l wbleh fucinat• • bon lady atudent a~ 1I'10renoe. She came RxCt!tlont 1I0rte. of a d"enNN!. travel, billori "Yes, dear, and with a lovely Ump IlI1clcurrcnt .Y.~ II. PltotOlrJ'Qphy Ilam ... eleeperfQrmtng severe labor under try· to ebow the applicant·s , fitoe88 to from Malta under the patronage of trlelly, carpentry, .portl, lIun.l. 'reI" bOY. \UII wbat to do And nQw to cJo tI. BeallUfUJlF U ..... ln~ oondit-Ionl, Be m,aBt be able to do tbe actual ., work of a ran~er, ' the Kntghtl of th.e )oralt&' Tbe ad- lIlOroQOO oover." every tine In barmony wI~h refined "And It matches your new walklq Irated,a!,<1 N ..'ol'e II a good doo&Or, but ,he take OIre of h\Dl58lf and bls bprses Efluoation and experienoe wUl be m1nlltrator ot the Majeur hoapltal home U'&IJllnll } e04Qned blll5O,OOO h~ UtI their .,.renl.l. Send 11 ,00 fo~ a flrlllle&r. OD ..1e at ' eult, of course'" ' aU DeWl·...nd . . 1I0CAlIII.. •. mak. ber .,..'ienta pay &0 tbe la8t tn r~oDl remote from settlement rated on the aBswer8 to thA ques . wP lomewhat embarraaled with· hia llIE PUCUE PIIUI_ CII. 101 ......l1li ........... "Why. how did you know that? And '1 new ,pupil, but he teund a means out an d .npplles. He mUlt tie able to ~ons on these subjects in f.be appli. or the dUDculty . It hILI a sweet UtUe pencll In a cunnlns build traUi and cablnll, ride, paok, cation form and on the applicant's / The chief Of' the Order of the groove,'" !!!!!~~~~~'!!!!~~~~~~!!!!!!! "Oharmlng. There'a a calendar InWhat .che corn beard wltb,lu own an.d d6ltol 'aotfull,. with all olalses of use of English in the written teat. Knlabta ot Jr(aJta tn IDtroduc1ng hili aide, no .doubt?" 1'1 ' ..... abe poiato hW Wil~ '"~ own people. He mOlt know aemething Borse8 for tbe tests in riding and ladT protege 'to the proteslOrs of the "Yea, dear. And there'l a page about ALTER C., I L:U RE. of land loneyiag, estimating and paoking will be provided b.r tbe J'lorenoe School or Med1c1ne '1fJ'Ote : forelp poatage and thlDga." , .6 b 1 I F S i , "It teeml to me that the matter "Great! And a llit of the Wed~tna loa11 air .Im er, ogging, and laWI, ,o rpst en 08. oould be &rnmcg without anT great Fun~ral Few men kaow wba' I. good.for mllJlog, and tbe live stock '~l. The exammat on Ie under the tnoonventence It tile TOW1&' lady were annlvel'llarlea, (rom 'soothing alrup' to 'dlamoQC1: " oontrol 'o r the 'Civil Service Oom· ,boarded dw1nl the period ahe waa abem 'd1li11 lome wi.. womau ball neel. "Y... 'George. And the language of .00n BOme Forests the ranger mus' miSSion, and not of the Foreet Serv. etud71q at )'OUr medfcal aohool With Cowers Telephone day a. nllht. told 'bem. ,and blrthltonee" be a speolalls' la one or more. of 100. Informa\lqn In detalt reprd. the nunl !o a oe1shborlns oonvent. t9i' Valley phone No. f. Long "FIne. And the code ~f bndkereblef • , ' which we would PAT eve crowna a 8frtatlon, no doubt?" Distance No. 69-",. 'lbtt farwer who 108' bia hlllf.bilab. 'beee line, of work, Thoroogb fa · Ing It, Inoludinll: 'he nlimes of tbe week. In regard to her tutnrction "CertafnlT not. Now 10u're makiq mmant,. wUh tbe region In wbloh pla088 at wbloh it w1l1 be held, will ahe ahould "Ilat tn operation at the ~l " . .or:- wu tn more thaD a peck OHIO • he 8MU employment, Inoludlng its be sent to anyone applying to the women'l hOllpltat. ootably tho.. per- fun of me. It'e really a dear llttle book. WAYNESVIL~E, of'~bl.. . at COUhe I coul!! exohang. It." 'geography and ita for8ll' and Ind118- United 8"'tea (Jivil 8ervice Oommis tormed bT ProteuoJ' M.annont. He Bran.ch Office, Barve,.nb1ll&'. "Exchange It. Exchan,e a dlBr)'r , W . Ihould alllO give her lome private les"WhJ', yea. You aee, I won It at .on. at the oonvent. tor It appears to The rloh are known by ~elr dol. ,'rial O<lndltloDl, ,I. uluan,. dema nd lion, ashingloD, O. C. ,/ ' me that Ihe Ihould not be preaent Sn bridge whlat at Mr•. Dummelgh'l, and IAn, but ' ,b e humble onion ia known It'l 80 nSce I think I'll keep It." claal.. with YOUD&' men." by U. '~But don't TOU Intend to ' write In or the hOlpltal. being The counoll OlVeI Aid to Strikers Public Sale. IU" . wen dilpoaed to the Knight.. adopted Sometimes liver, kidney. and "Write In Itl Why, t neYer thou,ht Th~ fooll.h 'r\iat '0 'be lafe'y. pin, the llUaeltloll. More tban a century otthaU" bowels' 's eem to go on a's'rike and elapaed before another lady waa en· bot ,lie wltle see to if 'hat . tbe bo," refUle,. to ' work right. I'llen yoo 1 rolled to the Ichool8 of norence. She toD.8 are well aewed on. New Ze.'and "Tattooed Rocka." n .. eed tbose plea~an' little .trike I Will a Ruaalan and waa ' admitted to For Women tireakere-Dr. King'. New Life Mr. C~ement Wrane who hal in. the Ichoola of Santa Mana Nuova. More Frieada than any other Pllll.;-to give them natural ald' and apected what are known aa the oitat. magazine ot patterDs. McCall's is the tooed rocke." on the coa.t near Rag\ W e' ar~ Dono of ue an,. bet'-r ~an gentlY,oompel pro~raoUoD. Excel· reliable Fashion , Guide monthly in lent' health 800n foliowl. Try them i'rom tbe Aztec tohotoolatl oomes lan, New Zealand, II tUatlnctly of opinone million one hundred thousnnd "'Ol1IU 'CI be and maDY of u are 21)0 at an dmgI1 ..... . Ion that they are the work of nelth~r h0tt;lcs. Besides showing n1l tb~ latest our word ohOColate. a areat deal woi'8e; deslgns of McCall Patterns, each issue TamU DDr Maori, but are the tnlcripis brimful of spnrkling short stories lIonl ot a Vf1!r7 anc~ent race ot aun = -worshtp peop~e. antedattnc the advent' and lielpful information for wO,men. HO~ ~IUIE WON THE PRIZE of the Maori bT .untold centuriel. The S.;•• MOIl" a~ K.eP fa Style bf ,lU/lccriblnl The far~e~. bait .. ,00II ,map1 for McCall'. Ma£1ltlne ~ t once. Co.u ooly SO DR. J. W~ l\'lILLER, ' lpiral cl~e" oftl.. CJ:08lel and ,ceol.l a 'year, luclGdlng apy ulle oj the c lebraled .nou'hI to f~: be IIIeven oblll8a H. ~ tlte ~ tven ,",OUII" HII Ide.e llquare., be !1&71, are moat eSpUIClUlt, , McCall l'Iltlcrn. free.: ' . ' l " Differed ,"rom ,the an ahrOqb-11ae wl.,.r: W feed ahe anC\ contlrm bSa oPinion that New Zea·' I McCall P","_ Lead all olhe.. In .tyle. fil, T ••oher'L almpllcily, tC:onomr aod number 101d. More ••. DENTIST••• .fodder oo"e,. . • land hu b8eo lJlhabfted by early man. cltale.. eel1 McCaI Pal1ern. than any oilier two H. oonatd... the IDlcrlpttona are makeaCOlDbloed. NODe hlAbe, thaD ,sccoia. Buy lAttl. Wrole. h,l1q on1T olJe eTe, from your dealer, 0' by mall frOID , Office In proba'bly , conneoted with thole at d... DDt like to attend ~hool, a8)'1l Waynesville, 0 Easter bland and Central and South Nat~onal ~auk BI~. " , It 18 euler to oUmb 40".,n a tree Mack'. ,N~t1onal Monthb'•. One atter. McCALL'S MAGAZINE Amedoa, and are Atlantean or Le, 'ban to ollmb UD, wbloh " explatn8 noon h~ etaTed home, and hi. mother 238-246 W. 37th St., New York City murian in origin: further, that the ',",by abe top is ne:ver 'orowded and lellt him ' to the etore ~ tor a loaf of ar-a..,r, Clen, r-t .. ColaI_ "'. ~pled . the aplral from tbe Maori ! '. , , breu. On the WAT back he atopped at ~ wby tbere 18 al~aYI - 'fOODi " here, the school.. The examine",' were there rellci or ancient people, and did not V. BARNHART, I, lo1t1ate . • ' , to award a ,prlle of AYe dollars In gold __ ' , . to the ,Ima¢elt bo,. or gilll'ln ·the ola88, Notary PUblic ;.t.ua money tbat a wom,,~ ..pend, JUlt .. WlDle entered the teacher held All kinds t)f Notary Work ,~ Pension ' b,p on. ~l9r.' Then WlOle held up two . :- II ...ver for the' bonnet, Work '& Speoilllty. DDt alwaYI for 'he f~no1 'hiDI" IlDI'8I'11. ' ,Thll time Ihe held ' up three 'fIle .UUnerpuy· on St, ble"" an4' ~lJllit b~ld up ,hla tlst. __ 1 __ . __ • Sbe bfld liP an apple. ,and Wlllie held ' ~ " '" 1':thm' ":'0 Snake. ·up the 1o~ 'ot' breacL Sbe callt¥ him to " ,."It .~ die dealE and l1,m the ftve dollars. I All 1!II1,U8hman had ODe day told T~ ,.&mlnera IUQutre4 9t the teachan ' e4I~r .e. ...rsl Inake storiel wblc'b' made tile newlpaper man la_h. and . Barbed Wire ~ell be ....d· .. a w1Ild-up,: . j'l oan't oa1l any more to mind JUlt at PNMIlt. Mr :wUe" t1lo~1 a 'lqt of lnak.' atorr..., but I forael 'em. By the W.,." UloUP, 1'.... cOt a rep!ar 1I,ln. cI1lrloett1 doWll Oil inT place. One ~AT my ..cleat 007 ,~aI .tttm,. on the' ~, .~P dotnc bJj luml, aD~ , he eodldo't ,et 'em rtpt. · He. felt 'IIOme-, (}u YelU' (strictly In advance) . . •. .. .• 11.00 81uglo Copy . . •.. , . .. . .• , •.• • •.. .. .. . .06
Moore's GlassOvenDoor is
Let u~ Tell You How to Save One-thi;d to One-half Your Fuel Bill-Send for Book.
J. H. COLEMAN, Waynesv,iIle" Ohio
808D" '
McCall'. Magazine' aDd McCall ·PaHems
0_ . . _
..'- IIPracticat 'ashionsllPROflT IN SHEEP
Feeder Sheep and Lambs Are Now Cheap.
A . Belf-Evldent Proposltlon-
J ack Keith. a VirgIn ia n. now a bor-
d er plalnl!man. Is rIdInG' nlong the Saota
Fe Irall on tbe lookou t (or rOlun lllg wnr
pftrUea CIt IIIwag II.
noth: ~ y n II oa 1\
are at a dlatnnco nnd th en
c amp team
allR llhed 10 1\ wogoll nnd at full Koll up
~UN!U d hy men on p on lea, W 'hen K eith f\eachea the wacon the r a Ider. have masse c red two m e n and departed, H s /lrch es til e \"Ictlms . t1ndJn g papers tllld a lock " t ""lth 0. worn n'l port raIL H e reso lvea to hunt down the mur,'e rers. Keltb Is arPested at CII1'1l0D CIty. charII' .1 with th murder. hI" aocuaer be Ing 1\ rutnan nam e.1 lJlaok BarL H e goes to jail tully r eallztng th ptlrll of swIft border j ustice. A mpnnlon In hIs cell la & n gro, who t lis him he Is N eb and lhat he kne w th l{clth family buck In VirgInia, N eb aan one of tho murdered m e n wa.', John Sibley. the oth er Gen. Willis Walt~. form erly an ottleer In the onfederate army. Th e 1)Ia l0801nn and Neb 8cape trom I,he ~II. &l1d In ter th e two tu gltlves b oome 1000t In the lIand dell rt. The), orne upon & cabin a nd lind ILa lone occupant to b a younr; girl. whom K eIth r eoogilh:ea u a alng r lie Raw a t Carllon CIty. The gIrl e plaIn,.. th&t IIbe cnme there In "earch of • brother who had desert ed from the arm, A Mr. Hawley Indu ced her to come to the cab'n whil e h e sought to 10~ate her brother, Hawloy appelLrs.
CHAPTER X.-(Contlnued.)
,.. ..A murder!
Did you imagloe _me thlll ·;wayr' "Not very Ukely; , fact of It Is, the .aud .tQrm yesterdal destroyed all traces, and. u a result, we've lost Iltm. · So I headed a few of tbe boYII OYer In this dtr~ctton. u I wanted to .t'elle,,, ifou of anxlet.}'." She W'U silent an Instant, and the ~au cr088ecl to the fireplace, where :keith could gain a IUmp.e of blm. Already aU/lptoJoUI the familiar :lOund of hla . voice, he waS 'npt .ur",rlsed to neaplse "Black ~" ,' plalnlmUl'sengerl IT'lpped tbe DestO"1 arm, bls 'eyeS b~ln,. So tllla' pmbl.r and blaokl., "'.. .tlie ,entl.man,y· Mr. Rawlel, ",lui be; well, wbat could be ilia little pme' Why had be' lD'felgled ~e .girl Into thiS lonely lpotT And "WhAt diet he now Pl'Opoae dolnc wl\h fJl'T As lle crouched there, peerlng through that oOn ventent cnu:k In the dOOl'. KeIth cOmpletel,. torlOt biB owl!. pe~, Intent only upon.' thlll De:w dlll~el'1. She came 810wly around the arod ot the tabl~, and Iltoo!1 l~anlog qaiDat It. her face clearly revealeCl In thellPt .of the Jam.p. FOr tbe fI .....t ' time, e1tb, rt!aU)'~rcel1:ed Ita beaut)', .. ...J tresh charm. OOllla lIuch as sbe W1ldered, "and dld.n 't bring' him' here Ibe "-Dg- and 'danc~r 1Jl a fronUer oon- with YQu?" .cert hall ? And • I( so, ~hat strange "Why Iboul4 U" and the mna Itepped pondlUoD' eve.. !kove her Into that forward, hla eye's flO ' her, bls IIOI't of Ufe? . hand. twitchlllg with B' desire to clasp "Ia-Is Fr.e d ' wlth ;you 1" ahe ques- her to 'blm. yet restrained b;y some un;-1~qJl,ed, d,onbtruUY. definahle power. '''While I believed 1 "No; he'l wlll.- aDother~ Jlart;y riding your brotber story. I could bave . play' tarlhel' welltll.' tbe man's , eyes lurvey· d the gped Samaritan most beautiful-Ipg her ~ttb m~Uellt apprdva1. . "You ly, but aner 'I talked wltb WllIoughby , I\re certaln,y 1,oOklnglflpe to-night, my I prefer blm at a distance." ,. I It'. dUliault to understand bow ':My b~other st.o ryl Do you mean I ever maDllged" to keep away from to Inillouat~ you doutit lllB beln, my ,,-01f 110 .long." . .. , brot~er? He told >,ou thatT" Sbe flushed ' to the baIr, ·her UPB . "He gave uptbe. whole trick. You trembling at the open boldnesa of his can't -trust a kld like thllt, QhrJsUe. A tOne. ' . , couple of dnnka ,'WIll loosen hi. ton"[-1 pret.r ' you WOUld' 'Dot sJleal gue, and put you In wro~g. Coine, now, like that'" .he protested. I know It all; be realonable," "And wby ndt?'· wltb a light laugh. App.arent1;y the girl bad ' l()IIt her "!Come. ,(jlirlsUe, not) fin., all'B are a power ot speecti, atarl.n g bUndl,. at the 'i rlfle out of place. If I dldn't know face of tbe man betore her. aa a btrd " you were ~ . c.on~l't,hall ,,a~8t, I might meets the aloi approaoh of snake. be more deeply tPlpre81M!ld. A" it ts, ~elth 1 coUld , see ' her" lIP8 ,move, ~ut I reckon 'you've heatd love 'Worda be- makin, ' no. lO.u,nil, Hawley ~Tld~tlT . fore DOW"· ".: lJ!,terpreted ' oller. 'sllenee u lhe.l~tlon, "Mr. Hawley, I have truated you U . doubt u '!to" hll real xne'anlna. " . tI. gentleman.' I never came bere ex."Ycu selJ 'Wbere you ~re' ,at now, cept on your promille to ·.brfng , ~e to ChrlsUe," he went on IIwlttly_ "But m;y brother," and Ihe stood ereot be- you don't need to be afraid. 11m 101111 tore him. "You have no right to even be a frtepd' to you, and ;you can be .:assume that I am ChrlsUe Maolalre." Igbty glad you got rtd of Wllloughy "Sure not; I ' cfdo't lU!,s~e. ' I have so e88lly. Wh;y, ( cu b~y , fOU dta. 1Ieen that lady 100 often to be mis- mdnds where be couldn't .glve you a taken. Don't try on that sort of thing callco 'dresa. Come on, let's stop this with me-I don't take to It kindly. toollshness.· I took a liking to you Perhaps II kiss might P\lt you In bet- 'back there .1n the etage, and the more ter bUo\'!)or." thought about you ,llnce .t he took a step forward, as thougb crazier I've got. When 1 sUCQeeded 10 \>r01'oslng to carry out his tbreat, but pumping WllIoughby ,dry, an~ dtscoT-tbft girl stopped him, her eyell burn- ered you wasl)'t his sliter at p.ll, whl Jog with Inrllgnatlon. that settled the matter. I , came down "How da.re you I" .he exclaimed pas· here after you. I love you, do you unslonately. Ilil fear leaving her In sud- derst8nd that? And. what·. more, 1 den resentment. ''You think me alone Intend to . have you!" bere Bnd helpless; that yoll can Insult He reached out, and actuall, grasp- ' me at your pleasure, Don·t go too ed her. but, In some manner, ' she .tore far, Mr. Hawley. 1 know w.bat you 'Ioose, and Iprang baQk around the are now, and H mills-as no difference end of the table. her c heeka ftushed, wbat you may think or me, or co.1\ mo; ber eyes' burulng. . ., . ypu'll find me perfectly ablo to defend "Pon't touoh me'! don't . dar,e · touch myself." ~e!" sho panted: "You' 'l Ie;Fi'!ed Wil.. h. In~ced!" sneering)', "you are loughby never told you that' '. If ·Y011 melodramatlo; 'you shou'ld have be~ come one ritep nearer, I'll .lcream; I'U an actress Instead of a swger. Bu~ . call· your' .wen here; ['U tell them ~he YOU wn.tIte your talent out bere on me. kind of a ('.IU yoti" are." . D<> you Imagine I fear either you, or He laughed, · Iea.nlng over toward your preciJouB brother ? Wily. I could her, yei hesitating, his eyeB filIi of adhave blm hu.ng to-morrow." Her very fiercenesa aRpe9Jed She Wad staring at h1m with wide miration to' him, 'ureell' blm on. .' " ol'On e·yeu. bel' tace' wblte. "Oh. [y.rou,dn·U' hi t he I1rst plac~ "What:- wbat do you mean? What they probably wouldn't bear; fall tll~y has Fred done?" are camp.ed , d~wn 'In tlie . cOl!al~ .,, ~ B~' H~ WAS cold ~d sarcastic. ,vfhat fIlakes DO' dlfferenoe; .It Is p,ec~ed you might:, b" . s.o~eth~lfg of ' . 'What t could .lnduce men to sw,enr tigrellsl .and . I1t-Herred te;, flgllt It ollt he . had done. ~ .It·s . easy ~nough ' to ",lth yoU , ·alpoe. .', T,hen. ' 'fl~en , If they' Co'mvidt hi this QOl1J) try , 'If . YQU only !lId 'bear\ theil• •\\10111(1 . tie no' kn;Jw .bow'. ( .slruply tell 'you 'thl,~. 110 teJ'enc~I've got thOle fe,lowlI U'1l\ueu(or. tbn"t. . Cotbe. on, Ohrlstie'; you w.oo't prees me too hard. Purl· too tanlam Is out of 71laee welt ot tbe Mis· you\'e lielplea~ here: ' _ , : , '~Am U,· " • ' fI,Ouri. (!apedally among ladtos ot your , '...J ' . ; p'rntesslon. O~ acme. now, ChrlBtie, .. .;y~,. you. ar.:· He took a atop to'Wvd her, bt. b,an.d a lII'oti·t I.r7 to 'put lIuoh alrs -Oil with me: · I 1rD01f who )'Otl are, all I'1lbt, 'and duDs out. Wltb on. qulok MOlv••nruit ean gUn",_"by 10U are "'.t1D .'tile " afte .. .lIbe .praDg. aMide "nil extlQ\lIe.:betl bio)'. III~p, plwialna ' tile · ~· Wtuoqllllt. 1 PUQl . d IDGit 't he truth. b{a~ of btIIi," dar1tD~ A.
tbuB locnte the girl througb somt rusUlng. some ollgbt moUoo. A kntro, koocked trom the table, perhljpll. a~ !lhe slipped softly put. fell ci4ttorloR to the fJoor._ nnd the gll.inlller leapl'''I Instantly forward, Keith's grip cl0 eel li ke Iron on his groping arm, while he sbot ooe fist out toward whero the mnn's hend ShOllld be, The 1l101l glanced. yet drove the fellow back· ward. stumbling against tbe table. aod Keith closed 10. grappling tor tbe tbroat. Th other. s tartled by the unexpeoted attack, and scarcely realizing even yet tbe nature ot hla nn· tagonls t, struggled blfndly ' to eBlOlape the fingers clawing at blm. Ilnd ftung one band down to the knife In his belt. Warned by the movement, the nssn.llant drove his bead Into the ~am· bler's chest, sendi ng him crasblnl to the . floor, falLIng himself heavily \1flOD the prostrate body. Hawley gave ut.· terance to one c~. hatt throttled' In his throat. and then the two grappted fiercely, so Interlocked together u ta: make weapons uBeless. Whoever tb. n.ssllllant mlg~t be, tbe gambler wu fully aware by now that be was . bellaC crushed In the grasp ot a flgbtlng ma~ and exerted every wrestler's trld\. every ounce or streogth'. to bnak tree. Twice he IItru"led to hll toeel!. oA~ to be crowded backward by relutle!l. p01\"er; once he hurled Keith .Id. ways. but the plal.namau's · masclM stiffened into ateel, and he p-aduall,. regained his poSition. Neltber d..-.d ,release a grip In order to strike • blQw; . neltber bd .1u1lhrtent breCLtb left with wblch to utter a souad. Thet were 1\gbtlng for, Ute, silently. de. peratel;y. Ulto wild beuta. with no thought but. to InjUre the ,other. Th., gamble"1 teeth aank Into Kelth'l .U'Il1. and the lai~r In return Jammed the man's head back onto the puncheon ftoor viciously. Perspiration streaJ:nW from their bodtes, thetr finger. clUt.cbo lng, their limbs wrapped ltoget~er; th,elr muscles stralned to the utmOllt: Keltb had forgotten the girl, the 6. Iro, everything, dominated bl the on. PBSsJon to conquer. He wu Iwept b7 a a~nn of hatred, a desire to 1dlL 111 tbelr fierce Sl!Uggle the tWo bad,. roU" ed close' ~ tbe tlre JI~ce, and In the. dull glow of .;thai dying , embers. bt, could percelte.. a -faint outline 'o f tba movements ot Hawley. as be telt bls way uncertainly .. alonl the table, man'a face. The algbt added aame swearing as he failed to find the girl, to hJs m.a d pslaslon, . yet be could 'do nothing except to cling to him, ja~ Then. Uke a shadOW, he Illded throu8~ bing hla lingers Into the Btralnm. the p~p;y open door 'Into the room. throat. '. '" , The negro ended the aftall' In bla CHAPTER XI. own wa,., clawing bllDdl;y at the OOrDbatants In tile ' darknesll. And &lm;y. The Fignt In the Dark. determl:olng whlcb waS the eaem7, rae Had tbe roo~ be.e n filled with men ,struck tho gatDbler with the ato(~ at Keith colJld have restrained' hlmeel' gun, iaitng him 'out UDconacl/DulL no longer. Whatever her past, might Keltll, 'ctasplng the table, hauled !PIa.be, this woman appealed'· 'to him selt to hla feet, guplJJg for .breltb. strangely; he could not. believe evll certain ' only tbat Haw'ley' wu no of her; he would bave died If need longer struggling. Por 'aD In,uml all be In her defense.· But as It was, the wu blank, a mist of black 1'1lP01': tlll_ u~ly boast at Hawley gave confidence a reallsatldn ot th~tr sttuaUon a.flle In tbe final outcome. of this struggl. In back In Budden ftopd of remembl1lD'*' the dark. even a posalblUty of eacape Even' yet ', ~e eauld · ~ee nothtns. .bUt for t~em all. The gambler, 8J/sured Of telt tbe motJonl88s figur. at bla teet. being confronted merel;y by a Itall "Quick," he urled. t1le lDst.,Dt _ be ~nd not overaorupulous w.oman,· bad conld make blmself ..peak. "The .r.tventure'd there alone; bad , statlo.oed low II oni,. atunD~d; ' .."e mUlit tie \~ bls men beyond sound; had aoubtJetll N him" I,B ~~ 100. N~b! . Wb~ 111 lnstruded them -'~rl'" . to ' Ignore any Dolle the .. . . ·. .r , '." of struggle which they mllht overhear ' "f h~, dapWil' Keith," aDd ",,. within. It wu thele very arran'p, . tie ~ft ~!!!_~rla mentl for evil wbloh noir aJforded 011" .beatd · tth -, ' acro.. e room. ......... ' Ii:'-' .. l~ ~_ portunJty, and . Keith crept forward. :do'" .' . . :~:rth~:~ ~::Yio:I:o:~::~ c~~~~~~: , "'A.eoll of rope, or 80IIle mapa. WID thi;ltlgb he .ur"rlsed h!s ~tagonlst. It a piece of C!,ot~:- ~ ~- ... was going to be a fight for life' he la, handa OD. . knew ·.'Black Bart," brbad..~ould~red. . S~e wu lOme ~0ll!entB at I~ ~ . quick U a cat accustomed to every ruled bl th~ ' darlmes/l. and Hawlo)' form of pbyslcal exerCise', desperate moved !UI~t1J:' ·blil labofed br.th~ and tricky,' using either knife or gUn growing . plal.nly l)8tC8pUble• . Kef". reckleasly, Yet It now or 'D.ver ..heard her gro.,I.~ toward, hlm. at!d for all of then'l, and th!, plalnBman ~el~ h"l~ ~ut hi. h~dS.: Sbe .,.~ed ' .. .~. no ~ercy,~ el' perlenced no reluotance. thuaf.unC1:p9ctecfl;y touohed her. ~ " He reached the tat)le. and . straight-· mad,e no e~ort to· bl'eaJr aw~. 'oned lIP, Blle.nt', expectant. ' For an 111"You':":'you fiishtened me a neue.,stant' there was no further sound; DO Ihe confessed . . "TbtJJ hU all. happ.. ovldellce ' of movement In ' 'th~ room: ed so quickly I hardly yet· Haw-ley. pu.nled by the IUence, wu. what, has occum,d/! . " (TO ' BE: cONTlNUBD.)' Uatenlng Intently In an endeavor to '.' .
"&use J"'"
Good growing stock of any kind that I. aeUing below the oost of produotlon la IIlwa,. a safe Investment, It tllB purchlUler Is prepared to take good care of It. He who buy. and develops sech atock Is almost cettaln to mnke B good proflt In doing so, b cause production wlll Dot long conUnuo at a IOS8, while consumption of Hraple s must go on steadily. Not many others are buying sll('11 atock or else it would not be selllog 60 cheaply. and It follows logically and consistently that when It hos been grown nnd finished tor ma.r ket, there will then be a comparallve Icnrclt;y of such'" finished stodt and such good prices will be realized for It that a handsome proflt will reliult from the deal: This reasoning Is self·evldent, and appllea with especial emphnsls to the present sltuatlon In feeder sheep and lamba. Last year's conditions are now r.• versed. Then tlear17 everybolly Wal crlZ;Y to teed sheeD 8.nd lambs. and · an Immenee number were sold and sblpped to the country at about the highest prices on record. Thta torether wUh an enormou. corn crop of hJgh feedlne value, a world of perfeotly oured rou,hage and a IIplen· did wloter teedlng seBSon were faotors that oomblned to produce a heavy supply of fat Bheep alld Jambs for market durlnr: tbe ear17 part of . this e U1u8trate a Toke model wltb • modern cut, The ,.oke la not very deep ,.ear, "hlle retailers of meatl held and the material below It m&1 be a .. up prloes to OOllBumers, .0 that oonranCed In either tucu or gatherl' a. .umptlon was limited, with the natpreferred. The lei 0" mutton sleeve ural and logloal reBult of low prloel Is very becoming to the' arm and may and teeders' 101les In malt instancel. In coneequence of last year'1 un· be trlJ:DJDed as Ihown wltb bands of In· Bertlon, or It may be cut off a~ the el· proAtable aperlenoe and present bow 'ed worn .bort. 'l Tile .klrt Ii... IcaroJl7 of erua ucl bay, mo.t farr.... 7 rorea find thelle allow the cu\tlng ot erl and many profeaalonal feederl of 1t advantageousl" even rtom the nar· Iheep and lamba are DOW avoldln, the market, and very tew are beln, "hl~ rower matErials. T"~e pntter.n . (4622) II cut In slles aa ped to tile countl'1, ~hne prlcel arc to 42 Inchel bUilt mealure. Medium tbe lowest since 190., 1n fact. feed· sl,:e will reqUIre T ,.ardll or 'materlal er sheep nnd lamb. are eenloe on the 86 Inches ' wide. with 20 )'8.rdl of Inser- market today tor lesl than the coat 01 production. ' '. uon. If trimmed a_ f1\ultrated. Theae factI mean that early next To procur:e till. send 111 centl to "I;>attem Depa.rtment.' ' of thl. p aper. year there wtll be a Icarclt;y of fat Wl1t.e. name and addreu plainly, . and be lute to .Ive..lse and number of oatlero. libeep and lamb. at markflt, and com- . paratlvel;y bl,h prices will prevaiL Those who haTe the ne"e to go cor,. 81Z8 •••.• _••••••••••• NO;' 4622• • trary to the cro1{d anel IAvest In. gOod, NAKB: . .•••••• _.••.•• _._ ..... , ............. ~ thin but .thrlfty feede!' Ibeep and. lambl at th. IIret1ent lcrir prt~e, will ,.OWN .••.• , ..•.••...••••• 4t . . . . . ~ ••••.• :" ........ . bave no caule·to regret tllelr ellterprl. I 81'RIlElr AN~ NO . ............ ....... _ ,~ _. iDC Ind~peqc,tene• . when JJle,. ·"'pm., '. to ,market them .n ,entahed CODitttlo~. 8"1'ATa.. .............. .'...........'.. .. ...................... _ .. · Tha-..concelUlu. C)f oplnron pf the belt. mlndl In tM trade si that Ilnce TUCKED PEA;;;..:;--;AI~T. both prJcea for feeding .llock and PlOllpecta for fat atock are' muoh better tban they were last ,.ear. therefore the opportunltlel for . profit are con. lpondlngly. better. In tact. the 'whole Iltuation .Is the reverse of last ;year. · No" Is tbe t.me to buy. becau". rang. ()Obdltl~na .• .-, auoh' that ma.t: of the sbeep and lambs will come to market from the range' regtonl read;for slaUIMer, while rewer of the feed'- ' er 0la88es wUl be marketed durlne the 'remalnder of this year; and .the sUD»l)' T(lll not equal the probable Fall 12.. mand. 10 .tbat prlcee ille IIkel,. to be materlalb' higher In October and No> ftmber. I' . On. Cure for &lrcaam. Bunaen alll'ay. WU larcasUc. · One even~c lut week when he lot ,home bl. wlte had a new hat to ahow bIDt'. It wu ·.. . om• .. haL . Anfbod,. ealU\l haT. ~D that It ".. ~e flDal >phral. lJ\ fe~le headceat. ' But Bunsen' .tarted to · make .re! marks. . He .ald IUOoked 'u IUt had been trimmed by a C~HI,ed m1lliner ' on an empt,. lltoma'ch. And h. made' 52'02/.. ' .. a lot of other' dllparagin, remarks: ',' jay.li· ln rather plain .htrt walata th. Mn, Bunlen wu atmOit in teara~ 'peuant ,boulchtr I. iII.uch WOrD. IIId Bunsen -had to SO Into the other roolQ It II sho1{n on luA • .model ID our to have a quiet laugh Ili ber eKpelUl•• lultnUo~ Thll wallt I. cut with The next day he had forgotten a~I ' .. .bodl an.d IleeTe. ID one and croUPI of about the hat: ., small tucks eltten~' aC~lo • . th,e ahouf-, \" The ,da,.. after that be waR reminded dere.. l"Tbere II ullO an orn.menta! ". tt, . ~ra. Bun~n handed him bill fect lp ~e arra~gement of tuoks ID ~e for .retrtmm,nc' that hat;18.84 · .t . '. ",... center of .,th~ 'troa~ A ),oke Is .uped came to. In _ point in Ironto.,but In the back It Bunll8n paid . It without a munnu~' , II. of 1'01l~ded ' ouUt~e ~lId this lIla,' ~. and .Ia(c! the, reTlsed ~IUon of the hat of lade or other mst~rI~L rhe 'al.e,!el wa. JUlt eucU, rllht .. ' He Ia not are puffll and ,are ~hree-quarter ' lenlth. crltlolling hat. anJ mor•. . '\ Silk], an~ man),.. wad mat~rlar. are! suitable for .th..i watlt and lace or· em· Grand Oper. Plarilllt. brqldery ma;y b,e ua,d tD trlmml~~ It. MverUsement of a LondOn emplo~' "he patter~ (5292) II out I~ alze. 82 men~ . agency: "Expert craucf opera to 42 ·llIches 'bust menure. ' Medium plat/tst; ·male .or female. One apeak. sIze requires ' 1"14' yardl of 8a 'incb' mao Ing French, preferre~.'" . . , terlal al\d . ,. . ;yard of ' I'll .
. . _--=======--_....... 10 . . . . ..
Inch~ ' wld~
Personal Work By
(COPTTIRht. 19l1, bll Auoclatecl Lltel'at')' Pre... )
His name, In fuJI. wus Jay Gordon S(uutord. but bls InUmate friends sel· dam got fart ber with the name than J. Gordon. . J. Gordon had aerlously contem· IJlnted matrimony at the age of 17. ShorLly lifter be WIUI brought rudely out ot sucb contemplation by being softly Informed by lhe rQclplen t or hll adoloscent nlrecllon tbat lIer heart WUII In tbo kee ping or one much bls senior, one to whom sbe hud been betrothed lbt'se ma.uy years. . MUIlY years! Why bow old was abe raaU/! He afterward learned. sarno 1% Illore than hlnl.!lelf, Perhaps It helped him torget her. At 26 J . Oorc1on was a~(ually en· Itaged. The girl, thla tlmo, was his own ace. She was energetic, Sbe went In for woman's luJfrage, for r. (orm 01 many kinds and J , Gordon amlled Indulgently, althougb after the closo IntImacy of enpgoment days ~t In, be dId begin to t it up and notice tbat sbe had faults worse tbsn want· Ing 'to vote. Wben It came to ullna; ono'" handkerchief tor a wbole week. and ' wearing soiled ablrl walstl out In company, he did hint a tew WM hlntl of surprIse. H.. also found Ibe bad a temper when. after a little lecture !rom blm upon wearing wblte sllppera on mud· dy trampl. Ihe flung hIs rlne 10 hll face. Tbe rell,' he telt at this noUoll upon ber Part frlabtened him. Had be beeJl fool enouah to promise love to a ""om· an be bad not loved? It made him caUtiOUI, At SO J. Gordon wal It1ll UlImat'· rleel. and bad taken a auburban resl· dence to himself. Olty 1I0leei dillturbM hla reat. he, told him friend I. and' he loy~ to look at ~wlng ve;olablal, t:ruIt. IlDd the Uk.. ..It tl IlUiPl, oue of .lln. o!, ~1,,'eDt c:he1orbood.·' the, told
know. alwaYI squawks If anybody cornel In tbe ·bouse. See' It's ber safeguard against burglars. Poor thIng, It 1 were so afraid of bur.glars I'd marry a- well, a. great, big brave man," Hor laugb was co· t bing, ber smile Ir resisti ble, and J. OqrdoD found bim· Belt planning 1.l ttle tricks with her on' (hat gQOse. to tbe vexation of Ita own· er. Over balr the Ume tbey held It for raDsom. wblch ransom the poor woman would send by ber maid, and whIch money Mra. Mumford would .end back, And how sbe sang and how well aha 'p layed the plano! Each nl~bt J . Gar· don went to lileep to sweet tones floa t.. Inc 1n at 11111 open wIndow, and eacb mo'r nJng awak'oned to tbe same, He bad DOL known Mr.. Mumford could slUI. Twice J . Go'rdon, how, ' he n"er could tell was tolled oVer to the Mum· rord veranda, arid eacb UQie came aWIlY wonderlDg If It Were possible fe. a man of hll re&ulated mlDd to lall In love wIth another man's wife. A tew uipre dllY. ot \hIs merry uburban !.rlen.dahlp and be pulled hllNleU tQgether to flee tbe IpOt, for 1:e teal. Ized JUlt tbe power Ihe wall exerel.,. Ins over him. It was nol pretense at love all bls pnrt, now. It wu a geou. Ine caee tp be foucht out u he woul. tlgbt It. He would ao away. Next m~~olna. after thla. l'esolve• .he saw Hr. Mumtord on hla •• randa. H, wu borne alaln. , Out in the bUlb.. Mn, ~\lmford wal .silentl,. tTiJnming lome . IDlItU Ibrub.. Mra. MumfoJ:'d, her clten of ',lbdued color. her, manner reUi'm,. She. ralae4 her .,el to him, then aQ4dad d.murely, : ., '. He lpoke to aft a look mto Iter tit... The, had lurprl.ed him. He bad tbO\llh't' them blue. but tbe, were. clark bazel DOW. "Mr. Mumford · t. blm. · batik." SU. alanced up and he bad And now he really began .to be an, excellen~ ,1&Dee Into tbe changed • ~ubl$d: Was It a fact that be "!'ould eyea. In fact tbe chance tha.t' .bad not Ion tlte rllbt sort ot a ,woman? come IDto bel' face ,wal actullll~ .i.rt11111. He waa alad of It. Bett«: eoul~ be forget ber now. But wb, ~.
8cholal'l Would Not Stand to 80, Much·Loved Teacher Not Getting Her Right •.
Th fOllowing Inclde)lt told of a p\lb· Wt)lIe Travellno. Motoring. Yachting Uc t scbool teoch r of cheery manner or on the Vacation. and marked ability, noted for her 8UC' C(,8S ,In leading ba<slt\\'ard or unwilling In any emergency, no matter wbo pllplls along t.be rocky rand of knowl· you are or wber~ you are. you ahould ec'lge. ha.ve with you the Indlepensa)Jle stand· In laboring with a.n especially try· In,g class she was wont to encourage ard remedy for all sIdn troubles. from lLe members by sllch confident reo the common pimple, cut, scald, boll or marks lis "or course we can do It!" sore, to carbuncles. felons. eClema. "I)! course we ~an learn th is lesso n os mllk-cruBt, sbtngles, barber's Itcb. weil as oth r people, If we try!" As psoriasIs and every abrasIon ot the elCamlnatlon time d.r ew n ar and tho sldn from any cause. Reslnol Oint· little ones became more nervous, sbe ment can be Instantly appUod and Its changed her tune to "or course we're elreet Ie Instantaneous, It Is put up going to pass! l, The cblldren did pass, In screw,top opal containers, Belling <luly. but, natural pleasuro In the un. at· tifty cents or a. dollar, accordIng to expected sucoess llRvlng evapoTllted, size. Reslnol Ointment hae the ap· were sulky and disagreeable almost be. proval and recommendation of t hou· yond belief. It took their new teache r sands of our best physlplans. and hun· a lo ng time 10 get at tbe root at tbo dreds of thousands of tamllles are mi sunderstanding, ove r whlcb they never without It. Another tndlspensa· \V'hlspered tn corners a nd because at ble necessity 18 Rcslnol ScmP. one at whlcb they treated her like a bitter the fin est. most sootblng and refresh. enemy. At la8t, however, sbe drew Ing toilet soaps tn tbe world. It Is a from the most pliable youngster thIs preventive of most of the Bkhl. trou· bles. Inoluding blackheads. pimples. ~Ildlgnlmt, te rtul admIssion : " We ain't a.goln' ter study no more cbapped hands. I~ II especIally adaptIn this darned ole 8cllool. Here, we ed to the tender akin at Infants and come up trom Mls8 Blank'a room. an' children. Nothing la 'b etter for sham· sbe stays 'down tbere all alono. wben poolng and cleaning tbe scalp' and tor sbe knows so mucb mQre than we do. tbe prevention of falilng ball'. The ft's a plumb shame, that they didn't oIntment and soap are tor sale by all arugglltll. Sample lent tree 1f you wlU let ber paas too' " _ _' __._ _ __ mention tbe beadlljg of thla article when wrltlnc. Rellnol Chemical Co., ADDED 'EM UP, Baltimore. Md. .
Cement Talk No.6 Repairs are the
QTHING counts like per· Ilonal Interest In ",ark or In play. The teacher who caD put himself III tbe place or tbe pupil and work with him towa.rds tbe higher at~lnmentB. Is a tencher Indeed, When we can live agaIn tbe first experiences of public prayer or the ullerances of R few words that soon he jumbled on our lips, we are In a position to heJp those who aro coming Into tbe worlc. We all know how muoh Illora effective a personal Invitation is tban a ge~eral patching? Why not build one. . Personal Interest sbown will those things once and for otten win where, aU else falls. Per all, using concrete? It will sonal work Is somethlDg that we can all do, and It Is what going te s tan d th e frost, rain and reacb the people. l?rlnA' In tbe revIval, sun for years, if you mako and build up the churcb. Young people. here Is our op~ortunltY to de . it carefully. Use clean. work for Cbrlst. No one can reaeb coarse sand, well grad ed tbe hearts of the people. or ~In iravcl or crushed )tone and tbem, more effectively. tban tb, young. A "88tor cannot reacb and UNIYERS,fL ' PORTLAND ' CEwin all In his parlab, but be mIght, M ENT and stop that repair nuisance. wltb your belp, win.. good man) The Troublo With Humor. The best dealers seU UNlr.ERSAL more than be does. You, even tbough EI. N . Brown. president of the Na· and are proud of its record of suew~ak and ' Umld, may be ahle to win tlonal Rail way. of Mexico. dllouallng ceuful work, A.1t them for .helpful book.80me one that be could not reacb, In ew York a r.Uroader wbo was al- let. an~ prices or "nte UI. Tbe mlnlster'a work doell not lessen ways out at work, .aid: "He II too IJmVEUAL 1'OJn'LAJQ) CD&lff co. yout reaponclblllty. But tbere are . quick with hi. tongue- tbat'l the trou· ClDCAGO-PmSBmtG conditions tal' the succea8 of a person· ble. He hal a ready wit that he I.e .1 worker. ,W e Ibould be right with too apt to ule upon bla boss," Th~n. .u~AL OUTPUT IO,OOO.OO~ BAJUU:L, "ad and Ibould cODstantly Implore willi a laugh Mr. Brown uttered WI epigrammatic and true layIng: bll guidance. He can use tbe bum· , • "Repa·r tee has lost 'as many men blell~ efforta \0 'wln loula. II tbey are tbelr Jobl as It baa made othera tbelr made In bill name and tor bll lake. reputations." , Let UI teRrch our heart. and see' it tbere be any e,,\1 '!Vay tn' UI. 8fn My friend I. dear, but my enemy II breakll the connection 'Wltb our Uv· alib use!ul; the friend ahow. me what Inr and lovlor Sariour, IUld leavea , J an n do, tbe enemy sbowa me what I UI powerle/ls, Tben a lIersonal In· oucbt to do. -SchWer. terelt cannot ' be sbown ~nlesl felt. We mUlt bave the Cbrlst .lp1rlt w'ltho '. u:~ Wtn.l,",'. 8oothtDI' .Syrup fO? Chilli..,. In U8. and truly l.ove tbose we wish HIx"'.thlne, ItOtuon. lhe ~Ql" N4uC!eII IIla.mllla.. belp; and never forget tbat it. II IIIaG. allAJ. paiD, ollftll ..1A4 ~c, Uo. boUlA. for ,~htlst we are' worklnr;, If we too ".rds. , Dlx~I know I did, could ,alway. remember tbat. we .60 Sooner or ~ater most of UI get wbat would be I,e sl otten dlaiourqed ,alld . HJx"'7U's marked to aboot only we dele"e. dJlbeartened. And let U8 not rorr;et "ardl. Dlx-I know • . but there I are two ohlUl&e!,1 :we are q do our duty. and God .. Ye.... IIb,i replied, "We came ~c" himself ' wtll see to tbe relults. Let barrela; last night: He went two d8.111 bflfor. us not w'orr), over tbe result of our I dId, Some bUllnea,:' took him a' 9ffQrt. 1 have ,even' llnown a leem· PHYSICIAN" SAID ECZEMA out of lbe w . We bad a dellc~Uul Ingly uller tollure to bring abOut 'CAME fROM TEETHING . .cation. ' Bell YO\1 belped be. mucb 'good and the. can verI Ion of : , PUll lome of the lonely hours i I u..nk SOllie. , > ,,;. ')'ou. She kept ·boul. for me." ,,.,,Ult Hive ·Coflftdence. "When'my Uttle girl W4I about eight '~BeU!" l.lg~t was breakine. "You, We can do ,ver~ · 1Ittle e lfecLlve per- monthl old, sbe waa taken.wIth a very twin allterT'" Bonal work . \lnless p~ople have eon lrrltatlnr brealdng out. whlcb came on "0 b.. DO, I never ~ad, a twin slll'ter, fldence III our religion. ' We sbould bel' fllCe; neck and back. When llie Be ll Is my co~.ln. Tbey do I.Y wi tberefore be very cat'ef~l to live lives first came down with it. It came In look v.e ry mqcb all~." , positive for God /lnd, the rJght. little waterY·llke ,festers under her And 110 t!ley dId, lacktn~ the 14va, Then, It we should lead peoplo to eyes. and on her cliln·. tben after a few City. the hlue.n(lSB of (lye, the pIn. 01 Cbrlst" we must . Itudy- the Word of daYI;tt .would dry down In s caly', 'Whl~e cheek luid' IIpa ~n part or Mrs, Ood. We muat be able to tell the .cabs. In tlie daytime sbe waa Quite Mumford. tbelle were the ooustn'li loat soul what' Gad I 'message ' III; worryl!ome and ,,"auld dig and Ie ' atoll charm, And Bell wal nOt · marrle!1, wby we are Beeklng'. to re~cue tli" her tace nearly lal ,tbe time, I . . In Circle " .Wlt~ elation· J . GordQlI . lu ....4. ft, lost; and we' sbould know suitable' . "I consulted our ' pbYlllclan and and lUes led rlebt. text.s to meet dlfflcultles with, And found .I he 'ivai sUlferlng from eczema. , Sbe , WOI cominG' alan, tbe . path them tbe spirIt of the divIne ,'\Del' whIch be 'laid Came tram h'e r teetblng. . • bummlnr. Catching 81G'l\t of him', 'Ihe sa~e. aa It llomes io ' UB In, a careful ' I ulled the olnim~nt he gave me aD'd 00 NOT LET ANV :OEALER called: . perusal, will fill U8 to ImpaJ;'t the mea- without any reller lit .all. Then ' I '-rbe WOlJlan w1th the loole as IN)d1 aago. at life ' to otbers, Personal work wrote tor a book,on Cutlcura. and pur. PECElVE YOU.,. cuar.d waln"t an old 'm aid. She 'wal, In a .revlval means everytblng. chaled Bome CutlcUTa Soap and Oint. ,cbarmlniJ TOun. ·wldow, Yer.tetday When the members at a congrega· ment at the drug lI~ore, 'I I 'cUd ... I Ibo WU married, and tbls' morolDA' .be 'tlon get tbe burden at soula , upon fo~d dIrectIons lQ' tbe Outlcura Book.l1IUdl me the looae Witb her COIJIPt'" t~em, 10 that they wm lIersonalJy let, and wben she was one 'year old, menta. What. am I to do with It! Wm urge and. Invite people to accept alie wu enUrely cured. Now IIhe II you belp UI ~at IV 1f '1 ~alt IU'" ChrIst ,then there III elferl cbal\c~ tbree yea~ and/four months, and Ihe "Oome here. very clole:' he ca,11ed ror a re"lval. GOd ' reaches ' peoille has never bet!n troubled. with eczema. • l ·tll,I'()III!·' h people. IUld perlonal ' work IInlle Ibe was cured '" by .the OuU. , acros. the· fence. , \ , m.n Ibe came. Ignorln, ilia I"08a makes a re"lval sure. In my own cura Soap ond ' CuUcura Ointment. queaUon, he !liked: '''Why dtd , 791l~' eXPB,rl@ce f enterqd a revlta!. a ,lew (SIgned) Mrl. 'Freeman Crave". 811 Ibw me to , call )'ou MrI. MumtoJ1U . I years ago' In wblch my sister and ' J !Jewll St.. Syracuse. N. Y.. May 6, eame pretty' close .to talUng In bye ,were t,fae ' only., young people . tbat 1911. Altbough ' Cutlcura Boap and ftIImD STaAICHf 1H& IIITIcnHL w.iili· anQther ~ab'. wile,'" . ~ were Chrlstlans. In tbe ftrst· of tbe Ointment are 80ld everywbere. a aam. "Ab: no. , you didn't... No ~anr.tIf· of meeUpg ~e ,. pe r~uaded a cousin of pIe of each. with "32·page . book. 'Wlll till ClltCLl.JtiAa '111& 10f or ~y P~~C:~=.I!!!:!!=~~==,--. CIHUJIt!. ItEQULAR fItICE . . PER 0 ONI IIZ& tbllt. You simp-I)'. feU ' In IQv~ 1t1tb ,ours to ' gI"e blmsel! to 'G od, and ' be mailed free 00 application to "CuU. aa.Y. ,FOR~n~ .~. ~ me., .nd-" sbe paused, her e)'etI n}lul' tben 'we three formed a little band cura." Dept. 2 K, Boston. Ing. '.' \ Cor prayer. We prayed earneB.t1y 1$ 1M! MOST PUASAHI', WHOl&o .STOMAQt uoua&.ES. ItIADACHD . ;'I~ It ·IiIl', I1!fbt· ~at I.dld?" ~t1d £.0". fat the ~alvatlon' of other young , 'Order of Inaependenti. NCD 1llU0UINDI DU& 10 CONS'11PATION, AJCD TO GET m IIIM!I'1CIAL IcrOSI tbe 'fence btl right band WQJ people In · the placo. , We entreated Larry O'Neil had no love or dlsclpuncn IT IS ICICISsAl'f TO lOY TIIB OIIGIIW. ~ ONLY ~ reacb\ng out " to . her. She nf.d iled , ,tbem personally. outside . the meet· tine' el1ve as he administered It. When WHICH .. 1lANUl'AC1VUD BY 11111 ' ' yes. Ings and, tn them, and soon added he decided to "Jlne · the p'rade:" be tk;oee or foul' more to our band, We breathed defl.ance· with every order tl' met each evening ian hour before Bued by tbe mlUtal'Y leader. ' . Bervlce for pratett, Bnd urged each "Here, you! Look ou~ for yer teet!" ~ne at Ihe band to pray fervently, muttered the man nex~ ,!ihn. "Keep and ·to reel , glad and free to leU :what eb.tei>, can't youT" , 001;1 was ,doIng for blm, Dy ,so dolng • "Get "lODg wid yer shtepiB." sal~ Lar~bey. were bel ping and .enc~ura,lng ry, turning ' on bini. ;'I've 11 .htep 0" e~ch 'Otber; aJ}d , they were sooo, all llle own. an' 1:11 · tl1ke It or 111 ve the WOMEN ..... W.LDo..... atyUeh, peafect 'doIng ' personal work Bnd ' brInging p'r~de to get on Wldout tnc:'~Youtb'8 ftttiq, ...,. waUd~ boot.. bec&u.. they eI•• ~helr . frl~nds to Oh.Mat eacb eyerbK: CompanIon, . I-.w ....,. __ .. W.LDoqlu Med.ahoa.· and I ' cllf!. . truly sqy 'none of ua had .,spent a happIer o,r lJlore blesled 'THE STANDARD. OF QUAIirY , 1)on'~ 'Bury, 'Yol4r Clothel. t and It Is ' needless to al11 ,nag baga are old clQthel cemeteFOR OV,ER 3D that we 'felt ' tbe revival , was ' succeI8, riel. !Jalf tho olji 'clothes are sent r~. :. \ there bt rubbing: ~d Icrubblng th,m ' . The worlanuisbip'which has madeW.L. ~th It,l ong, p'easy,yello'W' .oap. That DouPa .boea f&mOm the world over • ~el clothe. rot out long betore maintained,in mtypair. ' their time, ' , If I could take you into my faaorie. "It's the M'ber way 'round wIth HeW'· at BrocktOo, Ma.., 'and, .bow you how Itt'l ElaBY T~lk ' SoaP. the original wJUte . kind. That lendl ibe dIrt. fl,· carefuIIyW,L~ahoeaue made, you Ing. aud how much ~ longer the cloth.. wOuld·then ~enland wliy are war- ' . able fa aII.I:IRrV-·llrlta IUtl Five centa .. cue. at all ~ rant. bold their thaP,e. . cie....'· " .. doe,. It mean! · !t Is. tbel _1I'1oI~tbaD ' .,..--,,-----'-"-....,. ceut lIromile an~ , propbecy,. : ever vQucb.,afecf out ot hla heavenl. It . ~eanl tbat grandeur 01 buma~ nature \s. qat,meant to-'be apent on tbe eartb·llte 8lone~ ,b\lt that ,lomewhere, .ill1 Il1ld' tta cdmpletlon and aat. !8raet~01i. "Ble~leli a". ~ • .Y .Whlcb all bUlll8r and tbhllt after "'IB~~eounel~: . totf Ute, sball ~. IlUed,",-M. J . Blvlce.
bane of the prop-
erty owner. Today it is new porch steps, tomorrow it will be a new sidewalk, it will a well curb. Why not cut out both,e isome
on eve., Pedt+ <1f1&e Gonulneo
..........:!!!;!.I-........,..'":':"".;....:...iil::i.........._ - ... j
w. L. DOUCLAS "2.50, 'S.OO, 'S.50 &'4.00 SHOES YEARS
(" uneil · m ,.
i~ Ii~g'ular
ROUl me: b usrn >
• '. '
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1 will ~11 1Ii P'ubli
Au(~t.i (IIl , llt bl . Livery Burn,
: turday, Octobel' 7, l!fll
. ,
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t Ab()~t Pe~pl~ - - ':· 1';",'
tleS$li n
'·nihg. ·:The. 1'1.11 tlhllg ' f G]i--~- ~-- ~. ."1 ' .t' .,r d 1uld ' dlnf l'tl\bla bot l' im'poTtance~ was the talsing' ,of ' ~ha T r. P : n. lagett w.~1 In L~b!1llon itO(, ilH II.h ·ul tlOn,11 lOij to tho 1. ('t . m:arli!lal" ~a~l'y · tfom $ . to $!W,! ;uOSllay. '" ' . f
11(1 0\"(,;'
,W ,Ol'J(' HfJJ!t'",
"y . ' A(ldl'~
T b a , P ate r
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. ,: ;'1'} I; ny. D I)'lt l,ment. lOu, "11n ' I wing ~f bills. f ftn1g1d,'tobe grat. ·· L. A: ~irlllnerlllat1 w~ in Day ton • ll l:i, o hili. , . . l ifyi tlK' 0 our ' reader!! t lmow that 'l'u ~suay Oll business. t he pr esent cou cit not on ly ~ ets , LT otice of Appointment , wi th ~fu l1 m.emb r &hip present, .bu t Thoro is an epid~mic of bad colds HORSES.,
I will hav another P ublic S ale of
t hey discuss ways and means for Ih goi ng' the ro u nd~ hel'e no",. . , t J2 \l ' cl Ck,811,ll'll . I~~ ni.l , ,f ':tllnh"m n. '(1)10 111', ,1('1'1'1\ ·\,,1: I.Jet t 'rnlt'nt fl f th villag. The PLEME NTS, HARNESS, ETC" Ttl., IIIJUI' I",iKUI'U h u~ 1 I} ppolu k tl til d ' t' .. " >A t' .l ' wenty H ead of Cood '1U1\.I11I"11 a' A' IJ)lllJl' lrtllu r ( / f t b o 1.'S\ uP li t mec ln b"S al' vel Y ]11",,1.' . m g , a h u Mf'SSl's. S lh Furna~ and Nathan . , ty~I:W~~,~1 tP 'cC~ ~I\~II~'Il Y . h' l o [ Whrr " C U UII - each )u ncihn an feels lha t he miss s Gray transl\ct U b usin ss at th D r aft a res, At my resideD. c on t he Waynesville aod Wilmington Pike, on cI I," I'll thl ~ ~'ill\ ,IIIY,C)! • Tl lelplol'r ,l)' \ u g l'eat clea l when he mi ~ a cOllno Ul' l~' !:eatTu ', Jay . ' half mile east .of P ennsylvania , R ailroad Statioo , ~ Wayn sy i11e, hjo, on lIJo: l'lIC \\"hi d, aft' til U :'11111 ~dl g 'f)llti I li tl. J ' lI l , II. l \lt, I'J, l i\~ .\(""r. , . ' ' J "\J t'I~('I'"c':ln. Ill' ;t· ' n t l, tin y lilll ' __ cli me I itlK'. ~- ~-- --lVI I'S . J . H . Ol)p, who r ecelltly re\,n tho ... am uf'! 'alkl:l' f m ' m , tHll' l ' . )n ile north f Willull\ "to n, 130. ' oc t Al. . turn d hom from 1 et l'oit, Mich., is .'p<:! nui ng a f ew days in olumbus. .\;: , \\ f'klo l \ U6 ATll Y .. .. .. .. _ .. .. " i, I . ):1(1 _ __ Th re will be a box social a t ugn l' , j I ) OIl 1,ln.·k . , • •. ••. " ..... , . : , 1.:"1 11 G 1 I I th B lIb I , I" ' ~fny , •• . .. , . , • .• . • . . , ~ J.~ ( lti \ u \II'IHunn,'o II ml'udltl!l ,' (I '!JOII )to . '4 I,r ! rove sc 100 louse on e e roo (' M1'5 . Sadie Hag n has r eturned ::~~ill ~i~~~\;'l;·. ·,: '.'..., ., ' ~ .: . :. r~ ~:;:::~ ()"JllIlll1l'(1 Nu. ~!. JI('() "lrJ lrlf1 II r Lho 0('1\' 1)('11· pike 6n 'F rid ay evcn'ing Octo bel' 6t h to her homc in lumb us , after a " r. Sj\tI<JU ro' m arshl,ll "f lbo 'IUu/:o M W UYII ·I ' , ~: Beginning at 9 :30 a, Il l. , ','en llllJro wu . • . , ... , . ., "Jlu • ~" .;", \ 1110, (l ith, All are cordi ally invil d to utt ntl. d " I.Illy • ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ~ 1.4 . 0 ~d. tltlll l - Tlu It ordailllJil IJY 111 • HUI('II I l" casan\, i it with her 'parents, Mr. , .Juo h~y .. . .. ..'...... .. /: I. 1:'0 o r ~hl' IUngll or \\" IYIl \'i11Ii, Oh ilJ. I hil t ~O<;. lin IJny •. . ,.,." ..• ,.. . .. ~ I.. ~t'i 1I01~ '0. 3 o f I'd lll ll ll(,O X u. ~9 p orlul"ln;, to I\\ A /l" "OTH GAVr. c CURS I0 alld Mr s. J . H. Opp.
Ordinance No. 68.
;10 h lll'·k .. ... , .. .. .. .. . ~ ' /JI,I p;ra y . ,,· • •. ,. , • , . ,Ii \l uo I.m y " . .• • . •. . , ." .. I , Ill IJltl k . .. .. .. . .... .. .... I , IUO browll .. , '. :'. . ..•. , . I
1, ltl V lit • " Ill ltijallOIl nr Lha ulani!ttll o r Hll"! \ 11_ ' 1,400 IIlI«) 1.11'1 l\u\c lldod jj{' U~ I" r ' lId I~ rolluwlI :
l;- ,
'0 \
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L 3 11 'f ll" :('mllllJlSlltlOI\ oC t ho mnr~ h al o f tllO \ II · • , 1. ~(IU 111.jtl: ~ h a.1 I l)IlI\lJ(l l lt r(' \)sstl rn ll ts l.loroh y t\ " ed Pcnnsyl vuma I Itl C:; , ctober 7th . I. 11o() I\ L '1' \\' \1 hlludl'~ 1 (lUll fo rlY d ()lltil'S po r " UlIum . , . , ~, I , ~~ 11!n',\ l\IIl IU Ol\thl v, h ll' pnrtl cu lal'!'l cnn>lult t Ick et llg nt. l ull t!r(lInl. ..... ...... .... ' 1111 sClr m l .. .. .. . .."... ~ J. ~" Ii \ ,'\~,' II'H1 2- ,\ 11 <11 11 r ordhUlI)(' (/r tx' tlC)1I ___ _ _ IUC 111Iy , •.. . . . .• • • ' . • 1 ..130 .. t bNliuulto'1l1' c'l llllim l llg w ll h t h is llrllltlllO Olltl buy ... . - " . , .. " . " . . 1.0110 (II' hottlh y ~'Op\l(ll()cl . . 80111 t.i W 6!1 wh n 1\ m in j J.l r (!~ 'fE RM ; - UNit. "I' NI'\ m on llJ,S' 'tIm !) WIth .l 'C h on 3 -'l'I\ls nr(j Ln~n .· sh ril l t l1k u r· hunknlJl IJI)l\) at s ly ])01' • ilL Im-uNSt rrom j !OCL 0 <1 :11.1 n Ct !)r II\! flrdL II ). fi r J. llflll l\rY t u tJi n g to b Jdo k ill g fo r tL Ifr! h e '\uto, t 9 l 2. I'rltl'lO'l 11 0 ( n uuclt Chu lubo r lIl l.ti tho ' 2i1d IJ ~. or Ot' LlI! iJtr. lO l l. . j 111 r Iy hll n t.in g fo t' n good cook. , • . , ,Qo.l·tw rJ!:b t , May r . I ,
14,. 1911,
!J r, and Mr . H. Q. Alexander hav B lack P erclleron Stallion I 10 years old , from inlp rted sil' alltl fl Elida . Oh io, and are li ving in Dayton, where the doctor has g"one dam, sure breeder. fine dispositi on, work s auywhc r . $om b ig na tive wo rk H o rses. '!'eam B la ck Mares, in foal, w iglll 1400, a nt.!] 0 into the cereal b ll ~i l1 ess . years. Bay: Mare, blemi hed, 1100, 12 years old, go ld 17 a rOi Marc , B ig MI'. Drand , rep re en Ling- a Build - Black Gelding , smooth, sound,good worker.
Many Be.au. tiful Western
inK and Loa n 0. , of C lumbus, is Mares in foal b y good r n 'w ing acq u ainLan c~ship with sires. ' ) ~in lot of ye r~~~~~~~~~~ ~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)~_~_~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ - o ~ ~h i ~d s h r efu rn fu w dQs. ~ i np and ~ym~oW,3and 4 · ~M · ~d MakhTrom s ~ s ui tan y II " . T he e hor,ses ar easil y broken, a k any o ne who has ha d them; try .them fo r you rself. . Unbtanded' Colt I. anothe r cha nce to get a go d Mr . an d M, . Si meon Denk n u'1d ho r e at your price. \ ~ . ~ gran ddaug hter . of X nia, attended Three fresh Cows, g iving plenty .of mi lk, ncar full -blood j;;t ~ ser vice at St. Mary's Sunday morn· Jersey, fresh last mont!1 . Black J\ berd en Ang us, fr 'sh by ~ • ing, ancl spent the day wi lh friends . day of sale, ~ ed Half-blood l f resh this month, 2 (at steer J 'veig ht 1000 each,l y ung.Calf. Mr . and i rs. Robt. Smart: of ,.Tttree SO~SI 3? good This Sale is o~ Go d Stuff, and Shuronvi ll • Ohio, and Mr . and Mrs, Weanhng IgS,. we are gOtng . ( 0 ell. ~' . ' ~ \l et t , of Columbus , Mr. a nd Mrs. '{ L . 'i\' M. bU t. I.. "
. D, H
d. ' I" rlt.
B ewIH'( of PU h .
·., , IS ~
S ale.
~ ~
, .
~. ~ R1?~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~
Wagons & Implemen t s
'rwoRoa d Wagons , 'l ew Bart I elly , of Cincinnati , Asa E g· TruckWagon,bedand Gra\'el 1.> r t. oU an attended t.he ~~ fun ral of MI'. ' Robert oUeLt ut Bed, some New Fl\rm Implements, Plows. Disc Harrow, etc., l b raud-new E. ubb r-tire "Peters Columb~ls" B uggy , t hi is a s well new j b I got ~ Hat'Veysbu rg Monday. in cXGhange for borses from a dealer, 1 Cincinnati Buggy, 1 Carriage, .
BIII$··Gazett~ ~f IC~ ~ .
38 Hogs
I .
'* ~
' r
'~Y ,
st~nt H arness
Dean tried a new Mont;lay evenmg, and one whIch mi ~ht have l'es u\ te fatally . While cl eaning the show window at the store, in some way his foot lipped and he fell full force again~t the la rgeplate ·gJ ass window . He man -
~I ~
,~,~ ,
. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~!~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ q~~gt ooh ~ fuet~w"~~t
cracked the \vindow 'b eyond recall.
Line" ()'f I
2 sets Work Harness, 1 set" Ing le B uggy Har~ess, good ones, lot of n ew aatters, Hor e •B lankets, 'Whp , 'CtC.l , ,I
An Indian Rough Rider a,mi a ~olo:red Or chestra will be on the grounds. ." TERMS-Cash, or approved no te fo r Nine Months. ~J: ~ft~ffE ~ Auctioneet·s.
Ml'. and M rs. N . L. Bunnell autoed
·tu Green Fork, Ind., Saturday to at-
tend 1,\ bome-comin ~ Sunday. at that p lace. Mr. Bunnell I'ea a paper and made an addr ss. He was much pleased to find an old lady preSCh t t hnt had taug ht ,Sunday choot in Hie Baptist chul'ch , t here for sixty. -thrpe con 'ecuti ve yea s , and had a t on e time b een hi abbal h ·school tescher , The Bunnell's fullye'1. . joyed the t ri p and tetul'I1cd hom Monday. --- - - - ~--
Next Sunday , '
-A f ew Polun - "hl1)11 pi!.;!! , gooi\. boos ,fallows I n.Jq Ulr ufS. F, E lbon, WAY Il vi ll e,
Roun d trip f rom WaynesviIIe .
Ohio .
at..8:11 n. 11l'. 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ leav~s
G ..,.. \\roo ,T
l'!lIJ Y, '
fllll -bl
(1 \
bOl\ I' iI"ga, Jl:ood , g r ow l,o S" Iud 'fhe Methodist churchl wiIJ hold a ;; stook . 1n nlro f Tbl\rl Zhumarket in the Town hjp Rous ' Sat· I~-------~-----~ 'brloy m\.ll' ml~n; ~ 1I ~ t1 tlvil, bio . . ~l:d~y mOrTling , October 7th. Your patronage is solicited . EED WBEAT,. Re l~aD~d. Poole ' ---.---~wbe ~t"$l G bn bel . Ott.1l W . JU, ./ O.'Neall, R . .p, 3 Way nesvill ; iJto. · WERE MARRIED QUIETLY
.Ray Schwal·tz and Miss Zaislee $'hethen surpt;iseq their many friends when th'ey 'wer e' :quietly tl)arried Sat- . Ul'day' at the .B~ptia~ p,a rsonage nt L banon. Th re was no 'wedding, TlO ' n~ b ut · t he ' i mmed'i at~ f~milie9" being pl;esen t at t he'.ceremQrty . . The I young- couple lef t · fo t.' a shor t vi!;'l it t wi th the brid e's sistel' in , Ma l'ion, 0 The brid e is well -known' \ her~ having Ii ve~ nea l' h er e f or 'se~e ral '.. .. ' t I I I f.' I " " I 'll E , 1 G 0 0 d S f o r tlliS ' . par t 1years. I Tbe- ~ groom is. also Our fi rst 'contract is 'wl.lh ~ n .L~as te m l1 U1HU actu rer a. getl t, 0 ): t le sa e 0 t lelr . ,11 - • h.,. . . many ' frlen ' wedlls' , ' .f mown l er e. a'l d t h. elf " • f ' o( l1jOj Which comprises a most c~)]l'l plete and up -to-date line 0 ;'. here wis h them happin~.
----.. .
bll! ~:;~a~~m~:~;~~8s~!!~~' ·~~:IYw.::, taught selt'control and the value of tt. It Is ossen'tlal to discourage emotlo~.
qUIre t~t t~iS amM.'
... '
new .
onioa .
'lor/a '
We can (jf{cr yciu good ,~ Payin g E f1? plp)r1P eh t
tl}at you will ei1jo:r..~nd at home'.
. dtetU'"U~y
. ',""
X" 8t,~ I'~
Ii: .R
' :I IE
Ism and never:'contenance fits 'oNemo ' Ad4r~" per. Pltm tr ,o frre~h air' and SUpUght ( . .. ~': '. ue"great aids. to naturally nervou. \. The .BuUerick Publl!!!~fJ Co. eh lldren, '1lnd ,a ll rloh tooii.· ~ouid bt ,. DUller'ck.· ~ ulldt~g. lI!e:W,York',N. Y.
:..-- • For Nervput ' ChIJdren.
t "II. Dew gll1v"~lI~~d , {.rOD roor, byur ant ~ nd 'olstern . w at r. lj'(lr further p"l'tionJo'rs tng \lire Of A lex Emley. '.
'. 'Oay'ton,
CaliCO, Apron Cinghartt, f ancy Dress C ,i nghams, Shirti~gs, "'(o.w ellng, Ticking, T~ble Lin ~ns, Dam~$k, Tenni$ .and 'S haker F lannels, Dimit,ies, Ind.i a: Lin("~;~ w.hite ' a. n~ fancy. figure.d ,Wais:tings, BI~~che'd and . Unbleached . MUslin, ~ cotch. · Plaid Cingt:-am, Solid ' color EnglishCham.bray,.Out ing F l an nels, 'f ancy or white Mohair, Plaid s uitangs" · W r P l od ' at er 00 .' al .S~ , '.
A. go d Brlok b onAe.n ~j rl tre t q lJl g od repl~lr. w eAl e~inted ,
912 RelboId
. .
~ good'
,Oh ell!) t o'r oOl:lh , '
'Uy '
In. ' , :
• , ha'\"e 'oOlOrfltl a nd p ll\ ln PIl:.. per N t pkins I~t t he GII2ctte
-. WllOLE NUMBElt 1I12 •
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· · · , · · · · · _ · · · · · · · · · · _ _ • • • • • • • •. .
Persona1M· ' entIon Column
------'- -----+
:: I
' .
. .' "
Ball Not~s ' I
~",aQ~n Taylor, son of Aal'oll and I I ! ! : Amy ray lor, was born in Geo l'ge- ; i Wa\ l~esvlllc Luugc . .No . 163, 1 . ~'i1 +____ lown , Burlington ,C. , Ne\!oJ J el'.sey , ,I 1I :i !· A. MI . had a fine m . .·\ lI1g at, Lhelr The infant child of Mr. and !\1I'S! January 28 1825 and d' d The Girl's lIi g-h chool Basket Ball . . i ._.................................................................................................. i I' 'gu rtl' comlllun icat IOn, '1 uesday , Ie near •.~. .. .. .. . ..... . ..... • . 0 1. h ' h II Ru fus Drake, residing on the B~Il Centerville, . 0., September 3D, 191 1 , ' ...... · ~ ··-· · .... •.... •.. • .. evemng-, ctoue r ~rd, at t elr a. team r1<'fcalc<i t he HarveYllbul'g brook I'oad, died 'l'hur day afternoon at the age of 86 years, 8 months and ' hapman' s hi g hor::le ale Sat urday. hup111nn' s sale o f horses Saturday . Many Masons were pres n l from oth- girls Frid ay evening by a score of at 2:30, and was buried in Miami 2 days. H e was the last Qurvi ving ' " cr pl~ce::! , Daylon. ~cba~on . New 1:5 Lo G. At lh e same t ime t he Hig h cemetery atu rday at 10 o'cluck . member of a large fam ily . . Mrs. C. L Hawke has been very II'S. J. I I. Marlatt is 0 11 th e :>ick HlIl'lmgton and Xenia IIC1\1g I'epre- .'chool lJ()Ys won a game of base ball Mrs. Ruth Murray officiating. lis t. s 'nled Aboul ~5 . w 're present. from lill' lown uoys, score 12 to 11. He waR married to Mary Brown , >lI ck. July 30,1 848. To them were uorn " . ., . . , . ' . I HroLhcr W, H, Blalk, W. M., of f h'ld J I' A ' 11 All' Mrs. Lva Mtl ler s pent las t Thurs, IJon l fa Jl Lo a tt n ~1 the bIg' horse I Dayto n Lodge was prCSl.!l1t, and conMr. 'alvin Zell, aged 70 years wh lV: ltC 1 ren] , L~ IU S, ~rll a, fl8ohn , day in Dayton . sale at J . It hapman' s SatUl·uay. If I'red the E A degree Ul lOn Mr Failure to hit l:i r ton and Yingling, IIlC DIn . '1ree 0 t e , work was put on. coup Ie d Wit . h a b ar,' case 0 f scarp. , was an inmate of the Solcli J'S HomE Wa er anc , R alph Mi ll er. . 'fhe at Day ton, died Thursday and was sons, th e d aug ht er, e )even g randMI'. and MrR, Hixon have u ion vis· 1 h Harveysburg- s hoal s losen bl ' . . was the reRul l of Sunday' s ' game h'ld d ' . , " 10 an a e mann PI' asslsled by a mlxp.d brou g ht to Waynesvill e, an,cl buried c I ren an seven g reat , g rand-chtl- lting near Blanches ter. ru p. uay 0 11 acco unt of scarl t fever . . . . with Lebanon . The Miamis "went . dren survive him anLe- Ioom qu a l tet, wh Ich was an . in Miami cemetery, R v. ,J. F. Cad· ... enJ'o" aule feature . A fter th e work UIJ' ) 111 the ~ I a l' t a.nd nwver lamled . , " ' . . . By occupatIOn he wa.~ a farm!:'I, Miss Ed na attet·t hwai€e is att 'nd Mr. <lOti Mrs . A. B. Sal es alcended J • Sm ith howevel' pllched good ball wallader' conducted ser vic at the continuing to cultivate his land a ing High School in Springfield. l he fail' al Ham ilton, Ohio, last was over the members repaired to , striki~(T out 11 Lebanonites. 'lh ~ chap I Satu rday afterno(;m . I h' h . I d' . Th d t he banqu et hall. where the Eastern ., ong as IS p YSlca c~n ItlOn would Mrs. Otto HOI'nl'cl<, of Xenl'a , wa urs ay. "'t I d' h·1 . d boys will tlo bellernext lime. Score. ' J ar a les au p repal e supper. ,. . 4 ellmit In his habi ts of life 11e u'a P • , n II t f 1\1 G H k M J Th tabl . t d ' b 'f I Lehanon 16 liimlS, . Mr. I. N. Hatfield, aged 67 years decidedly domestic faithfully per- le g u S O l's. eo. artsoc ' rs. ohn Bakel', of Dayton , was e C$ presen e a eautJ u ap," died a t his home Friday ml)rning forming his dutie 'as hushand !\nd Monday. th e guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank pearance in th~ir autumn d~essSaturd ay afternoon t he Hig h nft I' a long ilIne~ . The funel'111 father. ' As a neighbor and fri end, Z II la, l we k. ~utumn I aves ~nd flow ers dec?ratwas held at th Christian church, he was sy mpathetic and obliging. The pl'ing boro claools we I' 'closed Ing t~le tabl~ . fhe menu consIsted School ball te-lm went to Kings Mills where he had been a faithful mem He sought to know the M ast~r 's will las t week on acco un t of an ephlemic Dr. J . T . Elli, , Ml's. W. E. O'Neall of f1'le~ c hl c~en, sweet ,Potatoes, for a game wi th the High School bet almos t ali his life, at 2 o'clock, and t6 obey it, uniting with the Pres- of scarlet feve r. and Mi ss Mal·tha O'N eall were in g ravy , Jelly, pIc kles, co/fee ,lc cream t here. '1t had been ag reed that thtl pitching shotlld be done by Hiq h , Rev. L. . Thompson Officiating' byterian church at Carlisle, 0., sevDayton Mond ay. and cake. . ~rs. R achel Pug h a,n d d augh~e~" Aftel' supper was over cIgars were School boys but after ou r boys got Inte rment was made in Miami came· en yeal'S ago. MISS Mary, of Lebanon, were VI 'ltMr. and ~I·S. ChaB. Co rnell and lindulged in and an hour was pleas- a lead of 4 to 0, another pitcher was t ·ry. daughte r, MISS Lu lIa, were Dayton . tl . f '1 .' . Since the death of his wife. June ing fri ends her Saturday . run in. thus taking away the confi23 19tO he has been one of the famI, k elll y spen t In raterna Intel course. . d ence af the boys and a little later Mrs. Turner Welch dIed at her . ' . ' . .• . VISltOlS ast wee . home, near Harveysburg, last Ily of hIS son Julius. In the lastfew I Mrs . LI ~ a McKms y, of Dayton , - -they developed a full -sized case of Wednesday. "The funeral wa.'1 held weeks of physical weakness and s uf- :spent several days last week wi th Me. rl:'. Th , s. Pierce and amI. A SERIOUS 'ACCIDENT r attles , allowing eleven runs in one at the Friends church in Harveys- fering, he continued to express to her sis tet· Mrs . Eva .Jones. Sm ith attended 1. ' . O. F . lodge at inni flg . Final score 19 to a in favor h' h'ld d th ' f '1' I' I L ' I t F id . ht ' Last Wednesday afternoon as Mrs. burg on Fr,i day at 1:30 p. m. Revs IS c I ren an elr amI les, 11 eonnon as • I' ay mg . of Kings Mi1ls. gratitude for the many kit.dnesses I Mrs . Ed B rgdall. of Dayton, wa Will omell and Mrs, HalTY Cornell . ..~' CQok. Sargent and Mills officiating d . th t S d f h Mr. and M,'s. Firman Gallaher, of were I'eturning home from WaynesIllterment was made in Miami ceme an attentions shown him . e gues , over un ay , o · er parSACRED CONCERT .' ent.CI , Mr. and Mr . Philip Hopkins. Lebanon, wer e guesls of Mrs. Ev a vill e, one of the front wheels ran of tery. Mrs . Welch -was a highly re- "Peaceful be th~' silent slumber, Jones and daug hter, last Friday. the buggy thro wing the fo rn'er, who Miss Leah Adding ton, of Rich- : . W2S driving, out. The ligaments of The Cadet Band will givo a sacred spected lady, and lived for years at P13C1ceful in the g rave so low, Harveysburg . Thou no more will join our num ber mond. Ind ., has retul'ned home afte r Mr. and Mrs . A. B. Chandl er and her ankle were torn loose and she concert Sunday, October 15th, from hoo1 • --Thou no mote our sorrows know. a visit with her scho Imate , Mrs. D. Miss Elizabeth arroll attended the was badly shaken up. 2 to 3 p. m. on the scr campus . Yet again we hope to meet thee, H. Hockett. ' Ty on-Lowman wedding in Dayton The tap of the wheel was found in The followiug program will be renOBITUARY When ~ha day of life is fled, las~ Thul'flday. front of Zimm erman's g rocery where I dered: Isaac N wton Hatfield" on of Then in heaven we hope to greet t hee, Mr. and Mrs. D_ H. Hocket were the rig had been !!tanding and they "All Hail the Power." Morgan and Marra Hatfield, was Whe re no f areweII t ears are sh e d ." h Mr. Chas. Ilett has ret urned to Ill' h a d d riven . among t e number from Waynesville as far as T . J. Smith's Grami Fantasia- Gospel Hymns . . born November 13, 1843, died Octo, who attended the Lo\vman-Ty'son home in Indianapolis, Ind.. after laughter h h th 'd t . ber 6, 1911, aged 67 veal'S, 10 month Funeral services were held at the spendin(t a week with his uncle, Mr. s ,ouse were e acci en "Shall We Gather at the River." and 28 days. . ' borne of .his son Julius, Tuesday. wedding at Dayton last Thursd~y Chas. Brown. occurred. __ ... ,"Tell Mother I'll Be There." evening. "The r.Tol y City;" d R ev.. Cotto~,. p~s to r 0 f He lived near ,Centerville, the place O.ct 0 b e r 3r., ' n of his birth. until h .. became a man. hlS church m Carh le, ,officlatmg, afBryon prendergast, of MonongaFOR SALE Vocal Solo- Band'Accompaniment. ... Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ridenour and h I P . d' h" ' s --dJ " e a, a ., arrIve ere un ay morri"Safe in the Arms of CRUS. . H e was married to Lydia C. Youn,,' tel' which the ' remains were laid to .. family, Miss Edna Satterthwaite and' d '11 d k ' hi' Owing to the state of his health F F d' " April 22, 1865, and soon after"'ard rest i'l the family lot in Bellbrook mg an WI spen a wee WIt lIS Overture-"How irma oun atlon w Kenneth Conn, of Springfield, Ohio, t M - Mr J P d Saml. Davis is going to offer his dray moved to WaynesvI'lle where they cemetery, s. as. ren er- route, horse, jolt and spring wagon "America" h Y were week-end guests of Mr. and paren t ·sd. f r . '1and T'll W M t entered the hotel business, and conOBiTU~RY Mrs. I. Satterthwaite. gas an amI y. lor sale. Mr. Davis has served the "GO!~~i~)yit ou I e e e tinued some ten years. Since then ._ _ Mr, and Mrs . S. L. Cartwrigh t ,· merchants of this town for many If the weather is suitable the conhe has farmed and pought andaold The death angel has visited the Mesdames Walter McClure, F. C. started last }I'riday morning on their years faithfully, and they are sorry stock, more recently under the head home or' Mr. and Mrs Rufus Drake arey and Cnas. Rye returned from annual pilgrim age to Chicago, taking to see him leave the business. This cert will commence promptly at 2 , of the firm known as Bunnell & Hat- and taken from them their infant t he Lewi town reset:voir Saturday their grandson, Levering, home. is a good chance for a young, fellow o'clock and close pro~ptly at 3 o'clock. field. He united with the Ferry' babe Thelma Francis. She has been evening . They report a large catch This fall visit to Chicago is always to get a start in business. ---- --~.-----Christian church some forty year sick most of the time since she \\as Of fish, Mrll. Carey being t~ e lucky looked forward to with delight by - - _ . -- THE COW KICKED ago, and for many years has been six weeks old. one to secure the largest fish. both parents and children. Subscribe for t he Miami Gazette. connected with the Waynesville But sb!3 was a sweet and bright :::::=-:::.::: :=~-~~.::::::::::::::::: ;:::-:..~!":::!!:!!::::::: :':.~ :::::::-::::::: :::="..!..!.!:::::::.::::;:::':.::':':-':::::-:-::::::::::::::::--:::::::: Mrs, George Brown, of Ferry, . Christian church. little baby when well. She was born met with a bad accident . Monday , He, for several years, had suffered May 81.1911 and died October 5, 1911 eweni~. While out milking, the cow fronl heart disease, which seemed to Age 4 months and 4 days. she was milking. kicked her off the have be.encommon i.n his fh~ily; and No more will father and mother stool, and fractured her hip two a~out SIX. months ~go met With a se- ,greet her littl~ smile when they entel' inches below the joint, She is getrlous aCCIdent, which hastend the or · near' her chair where she would be ting along as well as could be expectganic tro~ble that tes\llted i~ d~ath. lying. And no more will little broth~,d, and it is hoped that her injury In the later stages of the dl!~ea;se he er and sister find her in her bed when will not be a perman ent on e. suffered .u ntold misery. Often, ,be they awake at morning. :.: .. .......................~.................... _ ......................... ....:.+:...•.!":.... !i..................................... '.-.'- ...... ..•._................................ ...................... .......... . ,-, __ ................. . . . ............,-, .......... would say he wished j;o live, but if it NOTICE TO HUNTERS Thou~h has gone little darling, I had to be he Was not afraid to die. Mr. and ~rs. Geo Zell entained MJ·. a nd Mrs. Will Hartsock, of I SevE'ral of our young folks went Gone from us for ever more , He leaves behind a wife, who is Gone where there is no more part- Sunday at dlllner. Mr. and Mrs. R . near Mt. HollY, entertained Sunday to Spring Vall ey Friday evening to We. the undersigned, positively now left alone in the world, and sufing; J. Murray, and Mrs. t.:has. Anson I at di nne r t he following guests: Mr. a t tend a dance. They were as forbid all hunting or trespassing fers the loss of a husband that' was and Mrs . Seth Furnas and family. follows: Misses Louisa and Ethel' upon our premises or farms. The On yonder bright and golden shore. and son, of 'alifornia. ever thoughtful and kind; also two ~___•• _ • ___ , MI'. and Mrs. Davis Furnas, Mr. and Stokes, Winifred Macy. Pearl Colvin; law pt'ohibiting the same ~i1l be half brothers and two half sis~rs, MEMOIR Mrs. Chas. Anson and son were en. jMI·s. Saml: Meredith and famil y. Messl·f:. Bert Harb<ock, Hel'bert Ed- strictly enforced: besides many friends and acquaint· ---tertained Sunday at tho home uf Ml"l wards, Emmor Baily, Clarence Rye, C. B. Lewis ances . . He Wa.~ a go.od neighbor, a . Calvjn.Z~lI was born near ClaL·.ks- and Mrs. W. S. GrahalTl and MonRonald Hawke, Russel Salisbul'y and Names ill be added to the above kind and thoughtful husband"and of Ville, OhIO. 70 years ago next Ch1'1st- da t th h f M d M Kenneth Rid!(e. notice for the hunting season for a cordial and friendly ,disposition. .mas. ' His boyhood days were !1pent Ra ' YI la L e. orne 0 r. an r:3, MI'. and Mr s. Chancey Bunnell en25 cent~ each. ' .-. . W ayn'esV1'11' P 1 eWls. Le L' t all1 . ed S un d ay a t d'Inner tlle fo· l O n Iast t¥\i l e d nes d ay evemng . a Iarge 1'1 e, 111 w h'IC I1 SC h 00 IS h e - - - -was ~n '~pt and earnest pupil receiv _ 'low ing guests: Mr. and Mrs. C. E. number of neig hbors and friends PLANT MORE PEACH TREES ELECTlO~ OF' OFFICERS ing while still in hi!! teens a certificate On Sund ay Mr. and Mrs . H. C. Ridenour and fam ily , of Spring fi eld, gathe red at the home of Thomas Hess The Warren County Medical ,So· for teaching' in tpe public schools, Harvey had as their gu ests, M t·. and hio. Mr. and Mrs. I. Satterthwai te ' in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hess. ' The f!tir orop of pOi\obes b!~rveqtciety will hold its annual elec.tiQn on, but he chose rather a busine career Mrs. Samuel Butterwort h, Mrs. Lou- and family and ' Mrs. Lydia Sat· Games and music were enjoyed dur- ed ,thi!:l yl:'!~r will , it is boped. oper. T.uesday, October 10, 1911. , The in Cincinnati, where he took a place isa Burnet, Gilbert Fry, Mr. and Mrs. terthwaite. ing the evening. At 10 o'clock ute liS a !:Itbnulus to enoourllge tile me~bers will dine , ~ogether at the when a very YQung man as a book- Francis Hartsock, Mr and Mrs. O. a dainty lunch of ice cream and cllke Vl<tnt,ing of more trells the coming Lebanon House at 12:00 9'c1oc,k n90~ keeper ,in the firm of the Gibson J. Burnet, Alan and Helen Hartsock. Saturday evening at a G o'clock was served. Many beautiful gifts of spring. One good orop of pel10l1e8 and adjourn tQ the ,h otel parlors, Brothers' the oldest plumbing estab" dinner, Mr. and:Mrs . George Zell en- china, si lvel' and linen were received in fonr or five yellrs. or two or thrfle where the electi9n will lie held. af- Iishment of the ,city of \vhich firm he d and the bride and groom take this orops in tbe lifetime of thA traes, ter which tlie se~iOti' be devoted finally became a member. At the ~r. an~ Mrs. J. E. Fr~zer enter- ~ertaine very pleasantly the follow- opportunit, for thanking each one makes ,the Invest,want ranuwerlLti va talned Fnday the followmg g uests 109 gues~s: Mrs. Chas. Anson and J to hearing case reports and a discus- age of twenty· six he married Miss in honor of Mrs. Chas. Anson and son, Mr. and Mrs . Walter Lacy and for the presellts given them . Among Not 1\11 tllrmers r~re oqu,dly Ilun,pteu SioTnh~f, th~ s~met' b ' . t t' _Adhdie Henley of tbis town . since son, of Los Angeles, Cal. Those son. of Harveysburg. Mr. and Mrs. those present were Mr. and Mrs. for peacb growing. But lUllny fllrm~ 1S promises (I ,e a very 10 eres· w ose death about 12 years ago he t . M d M F d J. E. Frazer and MI'ss Neva E. C . Hartsock and SOil, J . B. Bar- bAve more or h:. tlt! of hilly ~ronnd . , ' lOg . mee t·mg. Th e ch ange' Jrom t wO h as· pursued no ' defil11te .course , on pre~en rs. d 1' he1le,' espeol ll II y If tuo I, 1· . hte E SI were. d d r. .1 an M red Yo' ung . Iowan d f amily. T'Imot IlY S mitI 1 an ul' 11II II Iope t 0 . , t' t . I ' . , , . , ' . . . ' , , lerwoo an uaug t·, r. an session me~ In~ 0 SlUg ~ sesslOn~, ac~ount of phYSICal mabillty, and had M' G Z 11 family, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hart- the nor'b or wus t, are auwira.bly preceded by good <liimers, is made,to been for a time in the Soldier's Home IS. eorge ,e . sock, Clifford Maxwell and 'family, adapted for thhl Kervlce . Growing ,e nable all ' members to be OQ, ,I)~n~ neil' Day~n,' in ,the librar,Y 9f which . ., Mis es ijelen and Ethel Haines en- Mrs. Emma Grubb. James Smith and on the oolder Kille of the hillil tlla promptly. . , . " . ." ' institution he spent most of his ,time Mr. and Mrs . U. M. White enter~ tertained on Friday ~vening a ,few of family, Chas,Squires and family, Mr. bods have B Illter c1ev~lo»rDent tlnd , N', ,H~mi.lton, Pres. ", foll~wing in"Ule ' cou~~e 'of reading. tai~ed ,l).t their home l'hursday e~e'ri- their schoolmates, it being Miss and Mrs. Fred Barnard ' and son, IdRS lhtbllity to injury. The ,north , st~d~~: Whic~ ~,~ : always loved" i~K in' fionor.o{MiSS'.~ls~e Van Har· ~t,hel'~ birthd~~I : The evening was Chas Smith' apd, family, Mr'. E.-FeJ- t4ide of - buildings is o.lso f"vorR>ble . Herschel Fish~r.' ~ec'l'.; ~rom 'iy.hlCh ,department he passed hngen, of Dean.. Ohlo~ Those Pfel3- spent In plaYing games. Refresh- gel', Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hess, Mrs. . Peet pelLOb trees tpay be pllLnted suddenly ~nd q.ulet;y i~to the Grea.t ent were' Mj~ses. J?onnll H wke,. ments' were, seryed. "TQose preSEl{\t ' Dan'iel Cline and son, Mrs. J:eS!1e also on level gronnd, though. there . Beyond to whiCh three Sons and StellaLemmon \Jessl~arlatt,Martha were: . Mi$Ses · Minerva and J.osie Smith, Nathan Austin and family, is .niore d~nger from !oprlng frost". Young women of eigh~eo ,yea¥'ll a wife proceeded , him, and 'Y'ith O~Neall, 'L uella COmen, ' ~uth and Harlah,. Vernia ~nd Molly Beck~tt, Thonlas Hess ' and fn'mily, MisSes YAt it i& qnite wO,r th while to·take ", ",,1\ ovet. Work 11gb' aod oleab~ .whose dl;lst our beaqtiful Miami Marie M;iller; Messrs. Wj.1son Ed,- Irma Daughters; . Luther Reyno)ds, Lelah Hartsock, Elsie Smith, Glenna the risks. Lltte ripenin,g varietietl. .WO\lteLl ~ood and oomfor~ble hptel cemetery-a wot he,loved so well - wards, Edward Ricks, Harold ·How- Rachel Davis, Kenneth Kilbon, Hobblit, Rena Smith" Blanche Shea- are in,least danger, aDd 'herefbre RC f ' mtUodatlon(l 010.8 8 to 'be ·f.Qto it was hi~ , chief ~~il'e to '~ingle-. 'ell, Ronald ~nd Fred Hawke, Ralph , Jam~ D.avil', Evert Harlan, Herbert han,Lena:Conner, Rose Davis, Hel~n (best plaot. ' , .n. Allt\resa The Pe'en. Pa-1'tridle Be leaves a daushter the only reo Miller and Dr, J ,. A. McCoy.. D~inty Smith and Charles Davis. They all McClure, Josie Smith, Messrs Lamp. • - • \. ·O omPl'ny, Depa,tmeo' 168. kinge mainlns ~u~mber.,of hia family, who refresbmentswereiJervedataseaso~· went,hOrne wishing Miss Ethel many ton. Sm\th, Forest Hobblic, Lealie :ro do two 'biOI' at oooe t8 AUllII. Oht9," ' · vias u!lable to 'attend the twl~. ' able hour. " , mor~ happy bfrtbdilys. ' Smith and Olifford Davis, , Deither;~PQbllu. Byrge. ~--.
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Th~. ~:~:p~e!tel SilVERY IMOOnUNTST[PS 'TO .
W:Y"~:':~~RK IN 8UMMO:~.O.
A gfaduate of t he UnI vers ity of M'l nllesota bas asked t be New York Post and lbe Chicago Tribune to al.r hIs reasons wby commencement sbould be he ld In th e raJl Inst ead 'or t n Juno. He le rt scbool In J une w lt.b. e uch hQno~ as Phi nota Kappa dang· ling from ilia sbcepskln, but, like Daw· eon, '11, suys be bRB found no ,work yet. He bliste rs tile paper wltb a ecorchlng argument tbat summe r Is not the psycbological time to bnd em· ployment . But suppose tills young man had bee n rei ased from tbe (ll as8rooD} Rlld campu s along In September and bad to trail tb e jobless route for Ul following stll months, ...,ou ld be Dot. along abou t the bolldaY1l, deplore a bleak world's unki nd worldlin ess ! Would be not prerer to be kDee deep In summer, wben, If be had to remaIn Idle, be could at least ret.aln a degree of pbY1!lIe..1 eom!ort ? Tbe trouble wIth too mall Y ot ~ present-day «TII4uates Is tllttt Uley e merge t rom tM de ar old alma mater thinkIng desUny baH a greaUT ~ carved out than II really tn IItOI'6 for them: the,. a re oot willing to begtn at tbe bottJOm, SaJ'll tJae Indianapolis Btar. Scbolastf(l tMltlllns til tile greatest as· \Jet a yOu~ man call carry as be 4ltrikee out fol' himself, but with It he must haTe t he deter mtnatlon to begin wtth lIttJe tblngs If 118 bopes ulUmat&Iy to reaeb «re ater tblnga. A college degree III 'Dot always, a pass port to the tlresidency of a btg InduBtrial corpora· tloh• •thoUSb It Is oftentlmes a con (I!. UOb prececsent. lfollow1l1g We store rObbery anct .hootlng ot a policeman In Cleveland a boy. Inftamed by stories of WUct tWeet life and blgbwaymen, a eouncU· ~ of that city bas Introctuced an . ordlDauee probJbltlng tb8 sale of truby and Immoral' hooo to the ',ouu.. There Should be luch legtslat10D 111 nery elty. S878 the Ohio State Journal. W~ . spend mUlIon!' to ectu· ~te a boy rlgbt; wby not do lOmeWng to keep him from beI.na educated wrong! We ,bave lawe ,.to prevent p~ ' 1I1e from potlOnklgthelr bodIes ; why Dot a reKUJatlon to restraio them from PotllOnlllg their minds' To give a tioy a book tbat will make' a blgltWayman of him a ,black offenle that. should 'Dot be permitted. It Is :au attack on aoclety that society should not tol· erate. We: are greauy . exctted upon the questlon wbat seboolbooka aball be furnlsbed the cblldren. We sbould lie a areat deal more excited upon the QUflst10n of kee~lng barDL!U1 books away 'trom them. Ordlnanceu are neect· ed tor thla purpase. The ... III a Yast !UJlount ot bad cltlzensblp made 'by ' ..ad books, and ttlere are ltaCO ot bad boya.
MM~ 1MU\~1t'~~)fISHE 60T ®If1r~ ~
Maximum Crop Production Is Depelldent Upon a N~mber of Factors and Drainage Is Very Essential---Rotation of Crops Is Very Important AllY permnllcnt sY8te m of ngrlcul· ture must be on e tbat lead s to 1m· pr<l"ment. We lire not fa r mIng fo r a day or a year. We do not kno w but tbat ....·e may ha ve many thousand ~n rs to CODle In Which this same la nd must be ta r med. Any fa ll In c rop pro· duction, no matter bow small, will eve nt ually lead to laud ru in. The de· crease of on e-tenth of a bus he l of corn p r YPll r woul d !ne Rn onl y five bus h· e ls in fi ft y years, the average ma a's l ife In acUve farmi ng. T his decrease of five bus bels woulCl not be noticeabl e, but In five hundred years ~ e re Would be 0. fif ty·buBhel decrease, pro· .Idlng the rate of decrca.ae rema ined the same. T his serves to''''how tha t any decrease In yIeld, no mutter ho w small, wtll soon lead to unprofitable
·~Cl ...
!i<'"..r~ _ ~
The Stairway to Maximum Crop Production. production. It Is Impossible. howe ver, to so thoroughly exhuust the land 811 CO ma kA It absolutely non-productive. On the other ha nd we have not r eached the maximum production on any fa r m. Too many men are farm· Ing more acreB than they can tarm well. BeUer smaller acreage and larger c ro ps. One thousa nd busbe ls ot wheat fl'om t.hlrty·Ove acres Is cer·
ta lnl y mor e prOfi ta ble thAn the same amount fro m sev nty acres. The lat. ter Is about the a ver age yield ot the stute of Ohio. The wri ter has noticed this dl trerence on a djoi ning faMls with onl y a [e noe bet wee n. Let UB assume t hat we we re placed on a far m which we ha d never Been before, on a ty pe of land wit h wh ich we were unfa milia r a lld told to go ahead and produce the maximum corn crop. H the soli was a n ave rage of the sta te we could e xpect to get. n yIeld ot abou t thlrty·fl ve bus he ls per ncro. Our friend J er ry Moore has shown that un ac re of soil Is capable of pro· duclng t wo hundred and t hlrty·ulne busbe ls. GI ven IL series ot yea rs to get ready for t his maximum 'ro p, wha t would be t he process e mployed to al!cure It ? It IB e vid ent tbat It could not be reached by any sudde n jum p, but only by gradually e limina ting the tacton wb ich limit crop producti on. The fol· lo wing IndIca tes the steps neceaaary, and In t he order ot llIe lr Importance to secure tbe largest yield: The soil must be drained, well oultl· vated, the organic mutter must be ke pt u p Bnd increased, crops rotated. a nd clover or some legume grown. Tc this must be added phosphorus, It w. will a pproac h the mll.xlmum yield per aore. Whether or not we use nitrogen or potassium depends on the kind of soli, t he crop grown. a nd tbe prlc. a t which they can be purcbased. Tbe Inte lligent farmer can use all three o. the m to advantage. F IRMAN E. BEAR. College of Agriculture. OhIo State University.
This Woman Had to Insist Strongly, but It Paid Chicago 111.-"1 suffered from a female weakness and stomach trouble, and I went to tbe store to get" bottle of Lydia E. Pink. bam's Vegetable ComP<!l1nd. but tbe clerk clid not wan' to let me ba'Ve 1~ he ao.ld it 1'&1 no good and wanted me to try 80metbin, else, but knowin, all about It 1 Insisted and finall, a.:;.:.L,;:;:":""';~~~ got it, and I am 10 cured me_ .. I know of so many CAses where woJnen have been cured by Lydia E. Pink. ham's Vegetable Compound tbat I can say to every aufferin, woman if tba' medicine does not help he~ there 18 nothing' that will."-l{rs. .JANlI:TZ.IU. !~ Arch St.. ()b1cago,l1L , This Is the age of substitution. and women who want a cure 8hould InaJs' upon L~ E. Pinkham'. Vegetable Compound just as thill woman did. and Dotacceptaomethlngels8on wb1ell the druggist can mate a little more profit. Women who are passlog through tw.. crittrAl period or who are autrerin, from any of those distressing Ills pe. cullar to their lies 8hould not lose Blah' of tbe fact that for thirty ~ra LyCiJa E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. which 111 made from roots and oerb.. haa been tIle standard remedy for female 111s.. 'In almollt enry community ,on will find woinen who bave been relltored to health by Lydia Eo PJ.DJr.. bam'. Veaetable Compouwl.
Most Expensive Hat. The most expensive hat lD llIe HE navIgation or the aIr! How been a dlscouraCing obsUlcle. Such tbe ve ry Idea of It thrills! To a treme ndous surface presented to tho world Is satd to be a wonderful CI'eI'I' rise above the earth and flit wind more llIan offsets the power of Uon belonging to PrIncess Mlheson trom city to city and train con· llIe rudder to control. except In a com· Bukbarest, one of the richest and most . , Unent to continent! To travel paratlve calm, and the Invariable dis· tatih10nable women in Roumanla. The tree and untrammeled as do the bIrds! aster which haa overtaken the most bat. which Is worth ealUy ,1,000, Is of black tar;al slraw and II very large. This has been t he dream of mankind elaborate and expensive nttemptsIt 18 lined with sliver lace aD4 cov· The capb n growa, looks and acta other testicle. All blood should be tor aKes. those of Count ZeppellD of Germany- ered wIth a nUmber ot perfect wblte .ery much \Ike other k.lnds ot anima ls absorbed by usIng disinfected cotton . ImpossIble of accomplishment? Do presumably wUl discourage further et· ospreys. that have been castrated. They are Great care III needed to avoid cutting not be too sure. Tremendous strides fort along thIs line and concentrate lazy and have no tendency to fight an artery juat back of the testicles. toward . t,h ls splendId, this alluring 'Inventive genlua upon the aeroplane. Caus. of the Excitement, other ' fowls. They seem only to like Remove the Instruments and wallb the Soel bave been made within tbe past The dlrlgtble balIoon, howenr, Is by The sona of the rich were eft,. to eat and grow fat. They grow wound with a dis infecting solution. ' tbree yean. Already have darIng no means a complete failure. much t~s ter and fatter than 0. cockerel men of 'the' alr pierced the blue vault The ordInary balloon retains the thuslastlcally following lIome on. Care After OperatIon. of the same age. They also become of heaven to astonishIng altitudes, al· pear·shape ot the original, but the down the IItreet. After. the operation the towl Deedl -'What's up?" some one &liked. much larger and sell at a higher price a QUiet, shady place, plent y of water ready have they dashed from metrop· dirIgible Is elongated or clgar·ehape4 A rather more accolDJllodaUIIS per pound. oils to metropolis with a speed rlnl· and braced along the sIdes to give It and a s mall amoun t at rood for a weell The Qperatlon, Ing the fast.st uprell1l train, already stablIJty. The control Is gained from YOUD, nabob thaD the others turne4 Cockerels from two to four months bave tbey leaped over mountain a rudder extending trom the IU. around. ''Do you . ee that taU fellow up old and we ighing from two to tour . rlJ1,ell and erolls~ bodies of water pended car, which contains an electrlo lIOunds IIbould be a,looted, If po.. which aeparate naUons. If the prol- or p!ollne motor. Walter Wellman's front'" he asked. "Yea,'· IIlble select from the large breeds. reu I. ' to be as creat during the next trultless attempt to reach the north "Wen," he saSd. "lie s discovered a IJUch as the Brahmall, Coc;hln. Lang· three yearll, then, Indeed, will marvelll pole and later to croas the AtJanUo ' Ihan. Game8. Orplngton and plymouth bave been accotnpll~bed beyond any· were among- the InterestlDg but glgao. new way to llpend money." tblng ot which today we permit our- tic taUures ot the dirigible balloon. THE DECEIVER. Bel veil to dream. The Flying Machine, GenuIne aerIal navlgaUon. or Ind • Much depends upon the attitude and activity ot those daring and Ingenloull pendent ftlght as distinguished trom men who already have elevated tbe aimless ftoaUng In the air, really bad science ot avIation ' from tbe purely Its birth when men abandoned the experimental and speculative to .lom4t- halloon Idea and sought to mimic the It III a base libel on llIe Amertcan thing at least apPJ'oachlnr; th. prae· bird.. Otto LlJI('nthal In Germany • ..en to charg.e that sbe Clould lay about tical. If t belr talents and tbe talenta Hiram MaxIm In England and Samuel twice as many eggs all Ibe does every of such IIclentlftc men as now are or P. Langley In the United States ex. Jear, and Is llIe,efore slothful. It 1& hereafter may be attracted to tbe perlmented and conitructed machine. unbelievable th.a t tbe Amertcan Poul· problem of aerial flIght are devoted with planell and wings and rudderi, try IUIsoctatJon Is responsIble for thJs to the making of a vlaUon more nearl)" . but their 8uccess was , Inconslderabltt, re tlect~on on ber powera. Tbe truth Position of Fowl When Ready For lIate and therefore more useful. for tbelr maeblnes were either too IB, the hen'l! egg output IB automatlc. rather .than toward outdoing the mar- beavy or too frail. Operation, being regulated by tbe treatment her Invent~rs ' constructed veloull records already made In altl· - Different tnvnerli give be r. On a PTOper diet, Rocks. Give the fowl nothln ~ to eat tude. distance, speed and duration. winged machine•• large . and smaU, then will the world be the gainer anil light and beavy, ~ut the most tbey ae> .hlch Inc1~1efj sbell·malling materIal. for two day. previous to the operation. travel and comz.nercc be helped compllshed were sbort and uncertain .b~ works with great diligence, ao- It''should bave plenty of wate r during througb thlll new means ot communi· ftl l\hts or gll~es' trom ele,V alelilltartln. ('..(l.r dlng to her breed. It she is expect. these days. Lay the fowl on Its left upon a table or barrel. Hang cation. places. F:nally In 1903 Octave Chanute ed to plok up a Uvl,p g about the barn· aide Salety! That Is now the thing to be began to attract attention with hi. ,.arc! and to keep bersell warm In ex. weights from Its legs on one side ot .T oois Needed ' for Caponizing Fowl. the ba rrel and trom Ita wlugs on the aimed at. Not tUl a full measure ot long glldell amOllg the sand duneB ,ltI JIOlIed wlnte.r Q\lartera, her tally lIat. other s ide. at: ten days. No roost s hould be pro· It Is reaehed can the conquellt of the the vl(~lnlty of Chicago, but hts mao ,'rally suffers. Tbe ben la a gOld mine The teathers over the last two r ibs vlded, aB the fowls should not jump IiJr really be claimed or aviation be chine had no mbUve power and wu only wh.en ber owner c()-()perates wIth should be moistened with a two per or fly. Each fOWl should be carefully IItted from the spectacular to the never nnythlns more , than a ' play' be·r. thins. oent solution of creollne and l\ few of watched tor several days and If wind utilitarian, Serleant ~ 'Altl Take Murpby'. the feathers plucked. Pull the s ldn puffs gather near ' Ute wound, they Conslderlnr; what bal already been In Dsyton. 0 .• two brotbers named 'l'lle new minister ot war In I-"rance, towarda the hlp. With the knlte make Bhould be stuck ,,'lth a nee<\le. Some accomplished In aerial navigation, Is Wrlgbt. bicycle repairers, tiad been name -for talkin' In the rano; Corporal-W'y, serr;eant,·. weren't M. Messlmy, Is growing unpopular an Incision' of about one Inch, between fowls will die during t he operation, It too much ' to say llIat even greater 'experlmenting with planes. Chanute talkln·. wIlli tbe Fren ch om eers. TakIng an the IIrst and second ribs. In this In· even It the operator Is an expert. How· discoveries will be made and appUed turued over to them all his Ideas and Bergeant.-Wa8n't·e! Well, crp, . 11luBtrious AmerlcaD ellemplar, be hal clslon insert the spreader so that t he ever, these fowls are just as gooli to I,n the near future? Wbere ' sball w. they belpetl much In solving tbe prob. It hout and put '1m In tbe guard room In 1903 the hook ends will catch between- the rlbB. eat as If llIey had been bled In the place the limit upon an age whlcb lem of equilibrium. 18sued an order that the xamlnatlon Tear away the thIn membral\e which mouth. bas p\oduced a machine that talo 'Wrlr;hta took a ' machine to Kitty [or decelvln' me.-The Tattler. for promotion to seneralshlp shall In- covers the Intentlnes and the upper The capons should . be fed untll and IIlngs, whlah propels loaded carll Hawk. N. C.. and o~ December 17, elude severe pbyslcal tesUl, and an· testicle will be seen cloBe to the back· ThanksgIvIng or Hie holiday seuon, up and down h'm by meBJ1s ot an In· atter aeveral trlal.8 and carr)1Dg WU. FOOD AGAIN other by whIch corps commallcters are bone. Push the Inte ntineB to one side when they will have become very large visible fluid, which takes protographl t)ur Wright, It left the ralls on whlcb Ito. Mighty Important 8ubJect· to Eve,? to report om!!ers who are unftt to tak. and slip th e wire of th e cannula over and will sell on the market at an ad, through solid substances, which has it gained Its momentum and ftew 1;162 On.; the field . Anyone wbo hilS seen an the testicle and gradually saw It vanced price. Inlltant communication by wire be· teet In 69 seconds-the ftret actual C. R. TITLOW, tween tbe moat widely separated can· ftlsht by man In an aeroplane. A Boaton lady talks entertalnm,l7 army review In Parts, sllY July l4, loose and remove It from the body. College of Agriculture, Ohio State Unentll, which has made conversation SIDce then tbe Wrights bav. reo of 1004 and the changes that can be Unl verslty. and observed tbe fat generals ' jolting 'rhe same should be done with the possible between New York and maln8 prominent In the work ot all' made In bealth by sOlIle knowledge OD IIl1e jelly In tbelr saddles. wlll sym· An Important task for the 'fall Chicago and whIch, thinks nothing ot lIa'Vlgatlon and . tbelr namea muilt aJ~ that ltn.; Bhe san: FEED YOUNG STOCK WELL, pathlze wIth M. Messlmy's etror~. months la the cleaning up ,of fence sending wlreles messages tram land waye take tront rank In any hllltory of "An Injury to my spin81n early wom. One of the most s erious fa ults to be rows, cutting ot weeds and burning 01 to vessels h' u ndredB ot miles awa,y at aerial fllgbt. . anhood. left me subject to severe lick Every d weller In tropical or eemt· trash that has accumulated during the sea1 After all. Is a certaIn and Rate It would -"utre many columns headache I which would lalt three or d t t h -~.. I tropical countries knows that windows ·found with man y stockmen Is the un· summer. There are several reasons paBsenger anre g t service through merely to mention the marvels per- our d878 at a time, and a violent . and doors sbould be closed In llIe early d erfeeili ng of young stock. Orte n men wby It Is Important to do thill, but the the all' more Impr 0 b a bl e t 0 our near formed by nearly 3,000 aviators wbo co urBe 0 f d rugg I~g b rought On conatl. hours of the morning, and not apened who teed 10 the limit maturing cattle, two main reaBons are thllt It 1m. future than was the automobile and bave fiown during tbe past three years. patlan with all the lila that follow. agaIn untll sun set if the hOIlBe Is to be bogB or horseB, 'Will let their young proves the appearance of the placs ,the electriC express vain to the future Record after record has been broken. "¥y appetite was always light and kept r easonably cool throughout tbe Block ge t a long t.he best they can for and aids in the cont rol of Injurious In. ot tbe man of the ox-cart and . the wonder haa plied on wonder with !leo' uncerta~p and many kinds of food dl. wllderlng ' swlftnesli, until today the tresaed me. ' day. They are opened widely enougb R Cew months, even thougb they get sects. Many Insects pass the winter pole propelled ftatboatT The Drifting Balloon, . " people az:e not ,8urprlsed at any te'a '; '1~t!pn ,to eatGrape-Nuta foo4 two to llIe breezes of the night. but dark at unted, a condition .from wh ich they unde r weeds, trash, ote., and 11 t !lesll' The balloon Is 'the elder brolhher' wbloh the birdmen may peiform. Dur. 01' tbree years ago, because I ltited tbe blind s and closed sbutters are tbe Sl!- n ever tully r ecover . It. is nrgued that hibernating places lire r emoved the, aa bas' tallte of .It; and I kept on beeau.. t D' .... cret of keeping tbe ' temperature. low. feed fed to young stoCk does not give will not find winter quarters 80 easll-J >t the aeroplane and Its discovery we:.. 1I1g this briet period tbe prD"""e and will be klllcd by the freezing Lbe cause ot fully as ',reat 8.. sensatloD.. been t.ruly , s~ggerlng and the last 12 s~n found It Wils doing me ·goo.d.. How"yer. one can never convin ce an returns. Howevel . the re Is IltUe weather. .. d h owever, ' with the I~ter aIr " ·tnonths hav.e ' been J'ICber In aobJeve-,, "I" ' Compare, . , . t It.,. re~lila~ly at break{ast, fr&Engllll billan at this fa ct unl ess be a lse doubt ~ut that ,feed containIng plenty craft, . It Is very sl1l!ple and Its P9sSI. ment' thaQ 'any precedIng slmllar pe- quentJy ~t lun~heon:' and 8catn ,before , ha s seen Its demonstration abroad. of bone and muscle builder Is used to . Ji'ew farmers plow deep enough'" bllltl~s, are limited. , ".:: ' rlod: Such nl\me~ 811 .8anto'tDumbll~ ~olhg tcq;ed-and ha~e no tro~ble la.. better ad vantage by the young animal Deep plowing incr eases t he de1>tb, 01' To, Stepben' and Josep,h M9D~lJolfter Glen~ H. Curtlss, Cbarles K. HamU. aleeplng· ,~n.lV It bas relieved my con· An In teresting sIgh t 111 Lond on Is than by 'the anima l during any other ·\h~ . seed-bed 'and consequently' the be~ong the ,d lstinc.Uon of ,m aking ~he ton, Lo,ulll ~a:u~an. James. G; (aud'~ stlpatJ~. ,my .be~dach~. ,.haJ.e ' prac,U.• r teedln, area of · the roots: , inc;reaslnl! O... t balloon. ' Ther: w:e~e p~ti!l~'akers ' Marll. Grahame·Wblte. ·' Walter :Brook. qallJ' c . .. . ~nd I am ,bl better IIhysl~ .. one of tbe grea t periodi cal sa les of period of the teedlng Ilroc,e ss . \\ e sbould always keep in mind the t~e detJt.h of plowIng can be done more otAnnona", lI'rance, a~d they ' eSP,erl· tna, ~. u bert Latham. ' Loul'.,· Bl,rlot; cal: cQ11dltJon at ,~e ' age ' ot 63 ~ ~ . re,w skins an d fUrs held at a fur fa ct that the cheapest and quIckest satlsfaotorily In tht' fall ~itan In the men~ fat rearsll~tor~ , th,~y sucaee? ~ou~~ .Jacques "'e , hesseps• . ate~art ..,.. at ,40... ,'. ,I' , . . . . ," ~ ~ arehouse In tho cIty. Tbe magnItud e cains are made ' with young anlmals, l spring. The IIUb-iol't that III tta'Decf 'lll ' ~Incauslng. ' .IIk' b.... ~o. rise to"t,lie _Rolls, John B. r;loillsan~~ J~J Arm'tronc " ;~ Jive Grape-~ut8 cl'ecl.lt for.- restorof the tra de nnd the vast amount or and that If we" are to get the mOllt l ln the faU will be- Incorporated w~tb cellln!, of theIr "or:~hop. · ~e ftnt Dr:exel, Eugel!e B. Ely., Altred .... ·r.e tns D»: ·,b~lth. It not ...l1ns mj ·Ute. Ulan y Jnvolved would surprise an,-, . . , the surface lIoll by treezi~ and thow. me,n t~ make a )laUoon .Beenlllon Were I Blancl' Louis Del&gJ'ange, Henr,t.ll'al'll. and "OU caD "make ~o a.aIm for It too one who yls lted one or tbese sales for Dut of our stock, when ma.lure, tbey I in'g, ·whlch are excellent ' agenclell III ~latre .de~ Roslers. /Uld tbe lIarquia ham,~ . A. n. McOurdy, !DuPn. Lao ,!I~' f9t ~e a 'd one," Name _ t;be IIrst time.. At tho .vremI8es ' 1n ~U8t he well fed from blrt'b, also that pulveriZing lbe 8OU.~. LhlAgaton. . 11 Al'htndes. They; went up tram Pe,rlll. te~vre • .cUtror4 · Hannon," ~h :Jo~: ",.en b, PoItum 04),; _We Cre* ' Great Queen litreet One Oln wancter pot.-r tJevelopment r8sUlUnc from un· College of ,Agriculture. Ollio State on ~ov.emhel' 2l, 1783 ,and remained .tiOne, Arcble ,Honey, UDOO1IlBeqbn ' Mlell. . , ' alOft 26 miDutes. ' Harry A. AtwoOd ~d a . .t 01 ou.'" Rea4 tu 1ItU. tioQ1r" "The J;to&d to from ftoor 'to floor pUed wltll tbOu serfeedlng «;ontrnu.e d for several) gen· University. . " "be effo~ t~ ~at1'UC\ an aIJ'IIbJp . ar.; t~Ular to aU. " ,. .wen..m.,·· III .!TIl....... ~.... , , un' " upon thousq,nds of s k1Jls UIlUi erallons "'UI gain ". cumulaU ve effect ~s~1;lce to. th... b~. . . ~tet ......... A .... b. I1na to wonder wbere all LIlt .trong enou~h to 11811~y : tbe ~erlt8 ot, . Plant bome ~/)una. 110 U to bide ,IUbJect to, contrOl, ~.. b.Jen ~ JO~ and the best blood UJ1ell,-----Exten.aloD 1>& a111111y Wnp in t he le ndscape. at the' petalsteal line. 'but the Deceaarlly only b, the amllQDt of fQel "'"tur .. theJ Me. clothed Uv~ partmen t. ColleJJ~ of Agriculture, Ohio ..me time beIng careful DOt to II'. anorDlous ,bullr or au billoou " .... 0&1'17. ' ' ' . .. . -:.. ~ . Blate Ulllv~slU', , alQ'WDI Uaat II JJea,""gJ. .
'.Po. . . __, =-. ala., ... e.;:::.-::. -.-=
L.... ....
r71""~-~--_ "IUlO.OlILiI. WITH.PIY"r
HIS FASTID10US FIANCE ' GRQWING TRUCK GARDEN STUFF qeeD Com~tU.loD and Constantly Inc:reaslnsr Demand High.Grade Products Out of Season Makes tL Nec:essary to Provide Special Facilities for Securing Vegetables.
ICoPJrlllbl., lUU. lIT .Ioa_laled J..iI,e~ ........ )
Mrs. John Dunha m was what mIght be te rmed nn overlooked widow I She was only thI r ty-eIght years old when ber hus band dIed, and sbe was by no means a hom ely woman, and yet at the age of forly-slx she wal lUll a wIdow . Such thIngs do happen tn vIIlages now nnd then. The ~Iano man may praJse a wldow'l eyes. .tbe aew.ng machine man praise her hair, and the ttn peddler look at her wltb admIring eyell and slgb, but that may aillo lead to notblng. It bad led to bothlng In tbe wIdow Dunha m's case. A wIdow or any other woman must bave an offer of marrIage berore sbe can retuse It. The time came. Mrs. Dunham WBII BUll hanging on to her rorty-slxth ,ear when along came Moses Frazer, JIvIng In a v\llage six miles away. Moses. would have oome years looner, but tor clrcumstance!l over wblcb be bad no control. He had a wlte and liavlng one. the mOlt he could d~ was to sigh and walt. When the wlte WBII gathered In by the Reaper and a yoar ot mourning had pasllod MOlles was free to call on tile widow. When sbe looked out of the window at the ClUck of the gate latch and aaw him Ihe ltDew hili errand. Mosea entered the bOUle and talked about thla and that, and It was a long time. and be bad croaled and reCfCl!lsed his loga many tlmell before he got up the courage to lay : "Widow, I'm 'alone In the world, and 110 are you," "Oh, but I don·t mInd It." wsa the reply. _ "Hut I thought you might. It somehow ' llIn't natural for a woman to be living alone. As the Bible saya, there ougbt to be a man around the hou.e." "1 neyer read that In the Bible. Leastwise, I shouldn't want a man around under foot. It must be a relief to you not to bave a wife musllna around," "But It aln't wl\1ow-lt aIn't," replted Males. "1'11,1 80 dlnged lonesome I don·t know what to do. Sarah knew
"But It Ain't, WIdow, It Ain't-it bow I'd feel &bout It. and on ber dyln. bed abe laid I'd better .ret married ~ agaln:' . ''D1iI''"iihe name any oneT" "Well, no, . but Ibe might U Ihe badn't got .bort 0' blleath. I guel. the naming wu to be left to me." "AIld have you picked the pereoll out yeU" ." "I have, widow. and that'l what brought me here today. Yea, ber name Is Dunbam, and I'm goln. to BIlk her rlaht out It she'll have me." "Why, Mo... Fruer." exclaimed the woman 'a l IIhe threw up her band I III pretended aatonlsbment, "You e&n't be Ipeaklng to mel You can't mean wbat you lay!" "Every lallt word of ttl I'm here after your beart and hand I" "My stare I But this .. no waf to court a woman!" "I'll 'allow It's a l1tUe Budden, but theo we · ain't youns folks who have IIOt to spoon around. 1 thougbt I'd tell you how I felt. and then glye you • week to make up your mlDd," Widow Dunham neither encourared DOl' discouraged. Mosell let It go at that. He was back In a ~eek. The widow kept blm talking about laogs and pumpklnl, and buckwheat aa Ions .. ahe could. aDd tbell said: . "Moaea, perbap. tt'l my dutt to marry you." . . ."1 know It . i •." "But U I ilo I'm I'Olng to han. my certam ~loP," ·"You shall, widow." . "We mUlt 'be marrIed 111. a balloon; ,fm no~ .at all 'romanUc. tlUt , 1- .want .me~lilS ' dltr~reo~ frpm JUit ClWlDS ' lD .the mlnllt.er." ,;. I \ "liut I bow- am': I' soin. to ax tor • baliOon 1" -he .uked. . "i ~4on't kDOW, tiut what ~ciu'~ taa1'e to eto. No balloon. no ,marrtage; . J(o.. e~ ~ent rt41na thrOulb all Ue ~~4!8 rot t,.eutj n:itlea at'OUDd .u~, _ : ~.~o,n• •bout ,balIOODa••IUI It ....'· t1ro w'eeb before b. retUflled to tile wJdow, to iat: . I, ~ Willln, to ~bleep. but". caD't 1Iit·1M ',,1ooIl ~.....~rt of • ~ou . ... . . . . aa4 ••b~ tloi for .tllAt.
..,.. .oout
Even it we COuld. no preacher would go up to marry UII." "Well. Moses, 1 don't want to seem over-partlcular," replied the woman atter a little thought. "It we can't be married liP In a balloon how about down In a coal mlneY" "That mlgbt do. If 1 can Dnd one." Moses went Inquiring again, and by and by ascertaIned mat tbe nearest coal mIne was 160 mUes away. and a ve ry wet place at that. Besldell, a mInis ter told blm tbat be wouldn't descend Into a coal mIne and marry a couple tor lesl than a hundred dollars. When tha wIdow Dunham bad been In. tormed of bow tbe matter stood she replied: "I had rather lIet my be art on It. but I bave always been a woman to sacrifice. Wby can't we be marrIed In a circus ring before aU the people1" "Why, 1 never heard of sucb a tblng! We'd be almost took tor a couple of camelll or somethIng! No, no." "Mosell, we must be marrIed In a cIrcus ring or not at all." Moses made hIs rounds again . It WIlS now September, and no clrcua could be expected w1thIn ten miles ot tbe vmage unUl the next summer. When he spoke to hle mlnlater about performing the ceremony the good man exclaimed: "N~never! I should be put aD trial for doIng sucb a tblng!" "You don't seem to tie a man or much energy." remarked the widow when .he had heard his tblrd excuse. ~;r~esa we had better drop the ma. Mosel begged for another cbance, snd after takIng three days to con· sider It tbe woman saJd: . "Well, perhaPI I'm a Uttle too par tlcular to want balloons and coal mlnea and 110 I'll be content with a flying machIne_ You call surely _. one of those. 1 rend In the papen evel')' day of their carrying panen. gers at the rate of a mUe a mInute. Why can't we be married at the r-ate of a mHe a m.l nute?" ' "Landa, woman. It would cost everJ dollar we are both worth!" groaned Moses. "And It we got a machine and went up It would be tbe prenche' ogaln. We couldn't hIre one to go with us. Preachers aln't lakin, chances. I don't B.e e why we can', go to a 'preacherl house or haye on. come here." "We must look at the sentiment 01 tbe thlna, It's for a woman to hav. her way about such things . . Moses. If there a tall tree anywhere aroun4 hereT" ·'Yes. there's a bIg elm about I mile beyond tbe bi1dge." "Can you build a platform In th. top and then run ladders up!" "Lands •. but do you want to be mill' rled In a tree-top!" "I do. You haye cUsapPolnted mt about the' other thin,.. but you lI,lusn" about this. Moses went out to surveT-lhe tre. at close rang." and to talk to carpeno ters and th" ministers. Tbe carpeno ters lIald It could be done, but whell the minIster was approacbed he .... piled with a shiver: "Wbat! Climb a tree to marry • cO'lple! You can bave Uttle re.pec1 tor ·the cloth to propose such a thing." The good man consented, however, to call on the widow as a mediator, and . be did call, and after argumente lasting two hours a compromise WBII etrected. Tbe mar riage was to take plnce from a platform on top of a bnT.tack. alld two weeks later It came off with the wbole .... lIage as lpeC' tntora. Later on. wben the bride wal ukecl wby ahe WBII so bent on the .unul!ual sbe amned and replted: NWby. I IIUPpolle I wall put out , to think 1 bad been a wIdow for elsht ,.earl before an,. man a.ked me to mury blm \ ..
Consensua of Opinion Gives Credit to Edmund Ruffin-Ardent Seces· Iioniet Committed Suicide.
Cro ••-Sectlon of a Pipe-Heated Bad.
my k.
R .. BEATTIE. UnIted Bta.tfl.l De- cowpeas
pllrtm e nt of A«riculture.)
IntenslTe gardening under sash or covers haa become one ot tbe most popular and, In certain 10caUtlell Nhere the condltlonll aro 3ultable. one )f tbe most , profitable lines of outloor work. The trucker and the mar't et gardener ot tbe present day have oeen compelled by kecn competition llnd 0. constantly lncreaslog demand for high-grade products out of season to provIde special facilities for IncreasIng and Improvln~ the product. Ils well as to take advantage of eTery favorable natllral condition. Many localities are especially favored with an abundance of sunshine at all s easoos of tbe year, and at tbe same time their climate. due to tbe Influence of large streams or near. by bOOlell of water. Is mild and free trom' extremell at temperature. In such 10callUell It woule:' be po8llible to grow lettuce. radIshes and similar croplI during tbe entire winter with· DUt protection were It not tor tbe rew cold days and nIghts. A . very • lIght covering or tbe application ot a Small amount of heat wlll, as a rule. tarry the plantS through In' good condition. Tbe greater portion of the work with framell Is C<inducted on light or s&n'd y loam sona wWcb are naturally well drained and adapted to Intensive trucking. The original soil Is usually employed. but wben necellsary rlcb soli Is hauled and placed In the beds. Tbe first essential III good drainage. and If the land Is not naturally well drained It should be tiled or provided with numerous open ditches to carry ~tr the water. Tbe surfa.ce of the 11011 sbould be graded and all depressions filled In and leveled. For. best results the land sbould be subjected to two or three years ' of preparation by maJuring and planting to leguminous =rops. . _ ,. Tbe presence of plenty of organIc matter In the soli Is very Important, especially wbere large Quantities of commercial fertilizers are to be used. This organIc matter may be added In tbe .form of stable manure. but more aatlBfactory rellults will be obtained "here leguminous croplI are Included In the preparatory treatment. For green manure notblns III better than ~Ioth
as a aummer crop and cr1mson clover as a winter crop. The crImson clover should be turned under about the time It comes Into full bloom In lhe spring. the land planted to cow peas. and the resulting crop plowed under or mowe4 tor hay dul" Ing the month or August In ample time to prepare the land for trame work during the autumn. When hea vy crops of greeo manure are turned und~r It Is eBsentlal that lime be u8ed to Improve tbe meobanlcaJ condition and to sweeten the soil; a dreeslng of 1,000 pounds to the aero sbould be suftlclenl Wood ashe. cona1t.tute an e xcellent source of hoth potaah and lime. especlally If they have reBulted from the burning of hardwood. ABbes trom pine and other soft wooda are of little value. Much ot the yalue of wood ashes may be lost by leaching. and while a ton or strictly fresh hardwood asbes would be suftlc!ent to appl:r on an acre. 88 much aa ft.e tons of leached ashell couId be used on tbe lame area without fear ot burnIng the plants. Where asbes are used less lime Is needed. although the per· centage of lime In tho ash Is com· paraUvely small. Large quantltle~ of stable manure are ulled In growing «opa In frames, BomeUmea BII mucb ILl thirty to sIxty cartIoads to tbe aeroe. Tbe manure Is generally spread In a broad, flat pile to compost before It II applied to the soil Oll wblcb . frames are to be located. Where ~nuro Is employed tor heaUng the beds It may afterwards be mixed with the BOll tor the growing of subaeQuent crops. In the. work with frames around Nortolk,. Va.. the manure Is placed In long, narrow pllell and turned two or three tlmel before It Is used In the beds. Care sbould be exerclroed to avoid the U!le of manure In which tbere are' abavlngs or sawdust, as tbeae have an Injurious effect upon the growtb of plants. Poultry and .sheep manure are excellent fertlllzers for frame work. hut t.he Quantity obtaJnable Is very IImaJl. (n the application c( natural manures of all kinds It Is essential that the manure should be fine; that It be wbat Is termed "short" manure,
men 1Jl
;Teat d em a nd. More Clio' ••old 1Jl IGII. There Is always a tascl nlltlon about 80 fa" tban In an1 pre"oua "ear, tbe fi rst. whe ther It's a bab y. a pair aDd IgIII modele "'110 DOW b e lna 4e1lYof t rollsers. a hlgb ' ha t or the dlscovered. TraIned Men are ""'Dted. More tban 110 D.en (InclneStnlr 18 NIli'" e rt'r of th e nor th pole. ula, mombeu of OlnclDD.U Pollee Department) ba. . ' oompleted our cour.. And so it Is th a t. witb t he fiftieth 1&1. &mnmer. Obauffeur. earn 'rolll Il nlll ve rsllr5' of t be Civil Wll r, tbere Is II6t' I<> 'UII • mODUlo N e ~' II ...eek.' C~!8 . _ .oon. Wrlie today tor a particular In te rest attaching to the boe7tlet, "Aul<>mobtllDIr Wltb 1>110"." mlln who ftr ed t be first sho t. Y. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SDHOOL Ther e has be n BOLD e dis pute a bout .08 WALNUT CINCllllfAn, OHIO It, but tb e consensus of opInion hsa settl ed upon Edmund Rumn as tbe one .who "fired th e s hot that Creed the s la ves." A book that t he pasSi ng or yea rs lor Backacbe, BoDe PaIne. Swollen a_cia 110," has mad e Interesting Is In the p08ses· r.-::~'t.,"'~T!.":I::tIrr..~~:,.:~u:~ slon ot Cap t. Noble D. P reston Or foDcl l "tll'''atory HOllleBelllecl,uer pl".,.cIbeforeu.e Publlctortbe pel1D&lleDteureottblJltronbl...,m.oo .... Philadelphia. It 'Is a bls tory of t be 41t1o n. A trl,,1 "III notdlaappolntJoa. ""to~
OR. WINTERS RHEUMATIC PILLS 8mall clo _Prom\l!. rela I... .n4 lIIod .... ~ Pric ... Vull .., dlre.Uon .... Do ..... D1et aDd lIIIIa.,.1 wtna ... tton."ltbe ... bpaok.... r.t..., •
.u._.Ila ............
DR. WINTERS llcfn~~~~.r:~D'.09: u :.~=~~: I ThllllplI.'.
Er. Wat.r
And Ho'. Not Alon •. Howell- What do you thInk ot him' Powell- He baa all ot the eccentJi. clUes of genius w ithout the genll1l.. Didn't Break It Around Her. Ella-our friend. tbe pitcher, haa • "glaas arm." Stella"";'I didn't notice It when he called on me lut evening. Folly of Vain Regrete. Tbe late John W. Gates, an 1nc\1II able opUml.t. harped continually OD the fuUUty of penlmlsm. One of Mr. Gates'a epigrams. aUll quoted on the Chloago Btock Excbange, ran: "He wbo nurses foolish hopes mq be an ass, but be la not Buch an au sa he who nurses ,.aln regrate,"
Ruffin Fired Firat Shot. American revolution. and waB the property of E dmund Ruffiln. Preston, wIth his comrades ot the Tenth New York cavalry, was near the James river In May, 1864, when. one night Aaron woke his master up by throwing the heavy blankets on him. Aaron had been out with a party on a foragIng trip. But he never told where be got the articles. AI CaptaIn Preston never allowed his men to enter a house except to get eatables. he took the negro boy sharply to task. But . wben the eap. taln looked at the blankets be noticed the initials "U. S." "Well. whoever had tb'ese blankets stole them. so you'r e all right. Aaron." be reo
Masculine AnxIety. Teddy's mother had been taken aud· deniy 111 one morning while he wu at .chool. On hili return, be wal admitted to his motb_r'a room for • few minutes, and found hiB ' Aunt Alicia alttlng by the bed. "No, Teddy," said IIhe, "motber hU been very tlI, and must Dot talk." "0, my! I'm sorry, motber," guped Teddy. Mother smHed at him lovingly. Master Teddy seated himself OD • large cbalr directly oPpollte, and, 8i~ er wrlgglln.g an:xloualy around for a minute or two, delivered hlmt.It of the Ipeech. "Mother dear-Dow don't tr:r to .peak-but If JOU mean yell, nod JOur bead-tb1s wa)"-ilnd if you mean no. shak. your bead-thlll way, Have YOIl aeen mT bueball bat f'-Lippincott'. Magulne. , NATURAL 1i18TORV.
KEEP ' PULLETS MACHINE FOR BY THEMSELVES SEWING BAGS EspertlDeat& at Geaeva Statton ShoW' Better Resalta Where Cockerels are EltJD·
Some of the very early hatched pulleta will 'bo laying In a short Ume~ and tJ10se poultrymen who are In tbe bualneSs to produce eggs for the market wlU be Interested In 1I0me of tbe experiments conducted by tbe Geneva (New York) station. Theile experIments were for the purpose ot finding out what etrect tbe keeping of males wltb the pullete had on the egg production. Many poultry raillers, and certainly moet farmers. believe It Is best to permit the cockerela to run with the pullets at all time., but these expert menta show that this Is not true. Loet the Lake. Several penl of blrda were made Our Brltlllb cQ(Jslns bave been BO' up; In some ot them the malea were CUlled of being d01'old of humor tor kept with tbe pullptB and In others 110 long that the following yarn II told to remoye the linputatlon In a the pullets were kept by tlremselves. The nElt resultl. • bow tbat the pen meBllure. · Not so very lon~ ago an En~lllhman. Just a.cross, visited Band. ot pullets kept wltbout a male p~ point. ~ne at the large lumberln, duced eggs at about 30 per cent. lelll towna hi the oortbwellt. PracUcall,. cost than an exa.ctly sl~l1ar pen where ·the enUre town and . country W88 own- the cockerell were entered. ed by a company, Tbe Engllllhman In tbe pen without a male tb", hens, was' taken out Into the great pine fol" during the first three months laId eatll, wbere Immenle wblte pine' about 30 per cent. more egga thaD the tower on every Iide. pen from the .ame hatchlns and "To wbom doe. tbls torest belong!" ~I!der exactly .Imllar conditions exbe II.IIked, cept that they were kept with a "To the Humbird Lumber companT'" cockerel vas the answer, In aU tbe experiments tbe pens oS: He was shown through the laip pullets without the male birds belumber plant and Informod that It be. gan to lay from on'8 to two months lon,ed to the Humblrds. · The ftne earlier than In any of tbe correBpondbank building, the great departmellt Ing pens. In wWcb tbe male birds were Btore, rOWI upon rOw. of dwelUnl kept. ·; , bouiel. all i)e1.ont1l1. to the lame .cor:No attempts were made to torce 1&7poratloa. . • . Ing and broody fowlll were allowed'to AI a erownlng treat he· was taken lit. at thre belu.· p1eRtT of nelt for · alpin ajopUnd l.~e Pend d'Orallle boXes In each pen. In a sw,~ la~ncJ;a,. - UPoll .tbelr return, About the same .number became while.tandln. uP,OJi t11. dock, h, ~., broOd.y In the pens bav.•JlK :th. :mllea ed: t, .. I,. ...... I ' " ' ' Ith ou t.,' ., ' ' &8 In th 0 i e ·w . . "1\1-"" :1" ·"k ""hi. .> O.".. ....I.tht.· lake.. efldence . -, '" v 1 . Thl. I. pretty coliclu"t"e ,. :Ob. it b~lo.n" . t!) ,God." . " that tbe youns cpckerela alltnild beA",. real17. lli,that ~oT :t'fow, wout4, ."parated from :th~ pulletS jUit . . .00D. 70u. ~IDd. telltnIE: me .how h. manq~ . aa they are . old eJlOusb "to '; be ellato ~ . It aW.7 from ~r. Hum~lr4 r- UDcuiabed. , It , would . be." better U OutJn. ~~IIe, Ul.y ~ould b. ; kept 'hr' .. aD ., eD' . ., clolu". 'oot ',far from tile. puUeta} p..... W.II-P.....rved Itatei",e", '.' UcularlJ at USe beatnulu. or .&eIl iQ. . 'T here ate tblrt1·a,.. ielUit'.on t.lul Jq '.eUOIl. . tOl'tJ' repreMDtatl1'e III COIlItI- wbo -. .err coc~Nl that. · I. ,Dot kept are 10 or .• en. aDd tile)' '. . . . i." fOr breec1IJll ,~ ~t to be III tbelr · .uoDIHIL
»tl... .
Tbe history has slnce been In tbe relic chest at Captain Preston's bome. and he didn't take It out until a few days ago, when General Pryor an · nounced that be bad been first dele· German InvenUon 01 Muc:h Inter. gated to fire that first sbot. Tbe oap· taln pasted this recent newspaper eat. to the Farnlera &Del Grata Men 01 ThIB clipping In the back ot the book heCountry. "Ide an old. yellow clippIng. whlcb cbronlcled tbe suicide of Ruffin. The flr.t clipping on the baok cov. From German,. comes an In,enUoll of Intereat to rarmere aDd grain men er r.eads as follows : "Old Edmund Ruffln, wbo flred the. In thll ·country. It Is a machln" for stitching grain basil sbut and nWI flnt gun on Fort BUf.'ter committed them up after they bave been filled. suicIde on Saturday last • near DallThe ftlled bag, wltb the top open, of vllle. Va .. by blowIng hili brains out courae, Is placed on a wbeeled plat.- with a masket. He had become ,.ery form whlcb ruos back and forth palt low Iplrlted since the capture of tbe lewlng mechanIsm, which can be Richmond . and did not wish to live rallied or lowered to lutt tbe height under Yankee rule. He 'Ieft a note "00 giraffes catcb cotj wben ' the,. of the bag. A plate over wblch the .saylng: '1 cannot survive the loss ot wet . tbelr feet,' papa'" the liberties of my country.' '' "Of course, my son-but not until . Then . atter 46 years. anotber clip. the next month!"-Heltere Welt. ping throws a different light on the ~, ftrlng ot the flrst sbot. It Is thIs statement of General Roger Atklnllon Pryor. tbe soldier, editor and lawyer. It .readll as follows: "The first sbot on Fort Sumter freed the slaves. but that WIlS not my Intention when I viewed the cannon'l tuse. prepared to'touch It off. "I was then a lawycr of 33 from VirginIa. and had made a sp: ech In Charleston just a few days before the A bowl of crisp 12tb of April. 1861, In which I said: 'StrIke one blow nnd VIrginIa will se. cede In nn bour by the Shrewsbury clock.' It was In compliment for thlll sPeech that General Beauregard be. stowed upon me the honor of firing tbe first !lbot . . 'Ruffln had a paper. ot whIch he had been odltor tor many yeaJ:s. He was the I1rst advocate ot secession as dIstinct from Calhoun's GraIn Bag Stitcher. doctrine of nullification. Virginia did and creamnee~le works presses down one .Ide tlot favor Ruffln's notion strongly. of tbe moutb of tbe sack wblle an· Tbat Is why Ruffltl went to South the thmg's donel otbe.r plate presses agajnBt the other Carol.loll to propound . hlB doctrine. went to Ch.1rleston In April. He side ',where it II beld hy. an arm tbat Appetizing extenda , over the LOp. The machine Charleston WIlL bel aguered with makell a pecullar se_m of aUtcbe. .3.0aO to 4.000 young southern gentle. Nourishing that.lnterlock andfinall1 tangle. 110 at men. all In flghtlng trim. With these ~he end ot tbe' Tun ~hat tb,re II lIO hoys'Ruffin enlisted . . He was .present necesBlty . fO,r tTlng a ,band knot to when General . Ueauregllrd Ilsked rno keep tbem from ' unraveitol. 'At the to ' fI'r e the f\rst shot. I Introduced iame Hme, the aeam can be~ulcklY him to the general nnd told' the gen· . . Readytoservenght ~pepeci by cutUng one of the " loopi ' erlll :what Ruffln ' had done tofurtber the cause of ..the south, and 'p ers uaded of th~ of the thread and ;'UIUDS It oat. . . ' ' . him to allow Ruflln to 1)re H. ' .The (eneral was persuaded. Ruffin fired RafoNltatlti" ' In Nof'thwut. . ,he'. nut' sllot .. 'Virginia th.el"~upon .se. The attempt 8:~ rerorea~atlOll .oD ·ceded. · uniting the entire sou.th:" . , The taking ot. the. old book from , • l.r••~ .• e&le In. the Pl!&et ,Qund country Ja now goln. 011 In the OIJlll' ,h1B eliest bas brought ba-ck old memopi.C HaUoaaJ Fen-at reaena. wb.... · ....... to Ca.Pt8f,~ Preaton,. and Once bu~ 01'''' land. -are ·b.... plUt.d aplD be w.olldefl wut became of bte w1U. Doqlaa Gr. ' . . 1a1tlCul ' boy Aaron.. ' . " .
Easy Breakfast I
Post Toasties
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =~~~~~~e~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~22SE~e
County Courts Com ,non Pleas Court.
E~dlng , , '
in mat. \ Report of Wayne. Township Sch:S for Month Sept: 29; 1911. sborJl, _ _____ ~. _ _ _ ~,_ ._ _ _ - ---::='=:;:;==;:::= = 61'es fluill ocoouu' wi~h vouohers for settlement whioh is' ordered suspend No. No. No. No. No, No. NC? No ed . , 6 10.- • 2 ...7 13 5 " 1 Mulliun G llhill"
U SigUtl6
t t or ,nsslgllUl lit of Barry
,Ella '1'llosey appointed goardiao of ~ ~ tIl ~ ~ ~ UJ ~ . ~ ~ ' ~ estllte Ilf Catherine Tilnsey, ioslln,A m f? ~ Iii' f? en f? '0 !Z ' ~ !$l € A. I Sohwab vs. Ev(\.loene tew. under ,UOO bond. ~ ~~ ~b ~c::: ~~ ~~ ~ tlr f, Edwin I:itewBrt, Eltzabeth C. Edmund R'etalliolrv8, udminlstra· ~.~ i~ E!~.~ g~ ~~ ~ C' 'I'hompson" Charles W . Thompson tor of estnte of Ellen Dakin VS . War . - ere;') ::::::e;') :l I\). t:J:j "1 (\) ::! 0..... 0 "1 "1 '"'''1 (\)~ 0 MId W. 8 . Penoe. P. B. Rue, at· ren H . Dakin . bale report oon. ~ ~ ~ '< ~_. ~ ~~. ~ tllrney for pltlintlff, Brandon & Iv firm ed !lnd rlistriba.tlon of funds ----- -·_---- - -1 - ' 1 llR attorneys for W. So Pence ordared. . 12 144 uit& ble relief. 18 6 126 Boward Collettr Ildministrntor of Enrollment .. ....... . .. ....... ......... 21 20 13 22 14 Evalyn Glurett, VR. Dwight Gar. estILto of William ' Collett, dlloelLsed 2 1 7 4 3 (i 5 8 Rank in enrollment ... .. ' ...... ... .. 1" tt" Hamilton Ilnd Brown attorneys V8 Berullrd Y. Collett et ILL Ad. for pllli Dtl ff Divoroe on gronnds ministrlltor ordered to pay widow Neither absent nor tardy .. ..... . 5 12 61 4 5 10 2 7 16 ur adultery. '500 froUl estate. Eliza v,. Bernstein, guardian of Per cent of enrollment neither Suits Decided absent nor tardy .................. ,24 54 56 73 29 42 56 38 est,atA of Joseph L. and May Moun tR Leonard Mount8 et al vs. Pra. minors, fil e~ seventh aooount with Cases of tardiness ........ .. ....... . 4 0 0 1 8 0 0 ,lence Fenneman et 01 demurrer of vouohers for settlemont whioh Is or . 7 petition 8ustl\lDed. dered suspended. 3 0 0 Number of pupils tardy .. . ..... . 1 3 0 0 Rioharu M. Cunninghu.m VB , John fl. C Jleman appointeci ad . .fobn T . Cunningham et al. Bher- ministrl\tor of estate ot Nilp l\eon Per cent of attendance. .... .. ... 84 93 99 94 85 82 99 64 Iff ordered to sell premises In sllpar . B. Anthony, under '1500 bond and 4 4 6 5 4 5 5 ate lilts. . . E. V. Barnhart, D. L . Crllne and John Q, GeIger vs, t,he Village of Olloar Euwards appointed apprllisPapil8 in Township Schools neUh Coli\1ge Hill Franklin et al demurrer sU8tained tlr8. er tardy nor'absent during Beptem. 8'nd oase dl8IDIssed Edmund Ev~ns\ Flora Barbee .. . & W 0 Joseph tI. l'rimble administra · ber,lUll . G~yle E"ans Herold MoCoy F. Desormoux Co, vs. . . tor of estate of Raoh£l L Badley, Sugar Grove Bertha Barbee Hazel SI\Uabury (Justin, 0 ~se dismissed without reo. deoeased VS. C<1lista B. E!I.8tmlln et Olyde l:ihutts Lulu Roland .lames Eva'ns Adria Cornell ord. P b t Co rt 01. Servloe on non· residents or. Marien Surfaoe Earnes~ Shutts Marie Barbee Charles Evans ro a e u. , c1erad by publioatioQ, Milo Null Mary Roland Spring Branch Will of John M. Longstreet, de. A. C. Vall, administrator of es Inez Thomas Lowell Thomas 088sed admitted to probate. tate of Hugh D, Td.ylor, deoeased Roy (Jreen Opal Gr~y Clara Berryhill 6etiev~ tlurtis Will of Anna M. Johnson, de- vs. Rn ~us Taylor at al. SalA of es. Paul Stokes Marie tiurfao6 Ednll LIloy Harry Conner Otll18ed, filed lind notioe Rent to kin . taHl ordered at not lebs than two ' EliMbeth Null Everett Thomas Lowell Hill Will of And, ew Kohl, deoeatled, third of appraised value one· third Eva Prater Burnett Butterworth admiUed to probate. cash, one.third in one and one-third Bert,h,a Urndorf Helen Barris Mt. Holly ClI.tharlne Kohl elp.ots to take un· In two years, deferred payments to James Woollar)! J0geph 8hutts del' will of Andrew Kohl deceased bear interest and be sooured by Pauline Marllltt Albert Marlatt Henry Orndorf Pearl Q,rndorf Lena Marlatt George Smith Bnd is ' appointed exeootrix, John mortgage on property. James SnedaJler Florenoe ~oollard Joseph Haines Kohl . Oharles (JuUermuth and J, M William Chaney executor ' of es Oreen Briar Harmony Grove Van Vyke appointed appraiser8. tate of William II. Young, de· Flora Longstreet appointed ex· oeased VI. Mary Young et a1. Be uorona Weeks Jennie Warner Catherine Burnett Clement Rarner 800trlx of ee$ate of JI-'hn M, Long . port of sale oonfirmed and distribu Marla Simpson Olive WHSln Walter Smith Howard ~hitah:er .treet, deoeued and F. B. Douglas, tion of tuads ordered. Eugenle Whitaker lthodee Bunnell Alice 60n8 .Mar~h. Ridley, adminiatratrix of Albert Wilsou . M.abel Stanley B . A .. Gallaher and J. O. Byers Red Oak Marybelle Barner appointed appraiserl. estate of Marth... Ward, deceaRed, Roscoe .I.!'ornas Henry Burge Lewi. C. M.han, Ildministrator flies first and fiaal acoount with Ru@sell 'j$anley Lawren~ ~impaon Anna Burge of estate , of Sarah E . B~ider, de- vouohers for aeUlem~nt whioh is or ceuecl VI . .WilUam B. Ma~an et a1. dered reoorded. Notice ot 681~ ordered by rubUoa Estate of Joeiah A. Brown lde- ce$iled to Rooort A. MoOotcbeon lowillg persons for repairing bl'1dges tion. , . 0888ed. Accoont approvec;\ and oon. lot in franklin, $500; when repair cn one bridge at any .erry Kenrlok lUI administrator firmed. Willlam Chaney. aa exeootor of one slme in one yelll' coes not ex· of ee'-te of Anna Leonard, de Estate of Joaeph S. Moore, imbe esta~ of Willi&JD M. Yoong to oee<1$10. Valid until September 22, ceaeed. VI. John Leonard, Mary oile. lI'i.,.t and final aoooont of O. Perry O. Griswold. and Olga B. 1912. frloes as follows: teatn Ilnd .Bornl and Joll:b O. Hawke as ad. C. Moore, guardian ' oonfirmed a1)d Griswold, lot In Warren Coun'y, one han!! 13 per day. Gammon la· min1ltrator of ..taw of .Prodence E. e"tate ia folly administered. 15046. bor 11.50 per day. SkUled labl)r la Siele., _t00eaee4. t;Jale 'of ~tate or. Estate of Jam~ H. Moonw, im. 'I'he Ktami Valley ~eapital tio , per day. Bert; Reed, roads in Deer· dared a,' not Ieee Ulan 'wothlida of beene, second and ,fioal a(JOoont of olety to 4lioe O. M"loney,· lot in field townshtp~ W. T. Wllson;rollds appraised value, ,OD8-lhlrd down and' Wright .BUl, adminiStrator oon. Warren Oounty. llOtO. In upper part of Ellst Wayne' sown L. C. Anderaon et al to Alioe O. ship, Alvie Webb Mortow and one-lhl",tlin one and one-third In two firmed and estate IS folly admlnirt. yean 4eferred·p;.ymente to, bear in. tend. ' ' Maloaay 10' In Franklin, 11. ' Stub~town, ir,{orrow and Leb:\non, teteIit aad b818011red by modga18 ,Estate of Reheooa V. SheQPard John U. Ba~OD to,Franois M. and Morrow and Mlllgrove, Trovlliopike on p!'Opei~. , ", firet aoooun~ of John g. Sh~pp~rd Lao~a E. Price 10' in Morrow, II . and in Salem townllhip, S. F, Elbon, ~ proof of publication of ad. administrator oonfirmed and ap.' D, Mau.rioe Morgan and a. 0 , roads around Waynesvillo. Albert . " 'mlnletratdra , In" ~ol1owtng eltates proved. M.organ to Joh!) U. Bilroll, lot 'in t\hutte, roads southeast of Corwin . Ed Beaohler all roads west of filed and ordered r800rded : eitat3 of EState of Lafayette S. Roe, de- Mol'l'ow, Theodore IloCordy, Willon Unglel O8alled, fir8t and final account of Great Mi&'mi River. C. E. Fox, Commllllooer,' Proceedln,s. 'all roads eallt Elf Great Miami by. 10 e.tate of John R. Drake, Perry 8. Hue, admi~i.trator oon ... II. Cunningham. In ee'a'- of firmed and eetate il folly admi.ieBlU8 Allowed: Galion Iron Worke River and north of Olearoreek. ' EI lam.. ~. Moonu, Wright BUI. In tered Co .• oulver~ pipe, 'lSS 40; Frank mer Rowell, all roads north of Low • tate of 'John Kellel', Catherine Estate of Ada Flenner, de1e!l.8ed, 8tokes, eontraot, In8.35; w,. s. er. ~prlngboro roadllud west of Bun Keller. . fuial acoount of John A. Rebold ad. Wbitaore, ~on'raot, 1147.50; Wll. nell 'Oill road. A. D. Sbultz, Doe proof of publication of notloe mmlltrator oonfirmed 'and eetate is Uam Constable, oontraot, '20 i Per. Shakertown pike Bnd west part of of eetatea ,f or s.,Ulel:Qent filed and fully administered. ry Wolfe, . ' bridRe r"p'lira, '9.50; Union tOWh8hip. l'eoerded. , John Wolfe, bridge repairs, 116 80; A general oontrao' WI\S entered Jo~ .Maloy exeoot.:Jr of estate of Marrlap L!cenJes. J. w. Liogo, supplies for court with John K. Spenoer, B. H. MUls Boobert Cook, deoeued, $ .. final IloO- Olaud Lenville 38, railrolldmlln of house and jail, III 21; C. V. WU· and Joseph Niohoillon for lumber. ooon' wUh vooohers for eeUle~ent Ludlow, Ky., and Mary Cavanaogh, llams, freight and drayage, I' 45; A general oontraot was entered which is ordered luapended. 18, waitrells of F_ankUn. The Western Rtar, poblishing oom with W. F. Eltzroth furnish Wright BUl adminis'rator of es· 011nton Gravel, 24, brakemal\, of mis~\oners aDnual report, 1115 62; sewer pipe, Portland ce~ent and 10. taw elf .Jamee W. Mounts, deoeaeed, Chillioothe, and BeBBie Toler 21, of The Lebanon Patriot, pubU,hlng 008t poats. Valid until l:ieptember fil811 inventory and appraleemeni Lebanou. ·' oommis8ioners annnal report, 1115.. 22, 1112. ,which I~ ordered recorded. Boae Ford, 24, ~armerof Level and .62 jOan P. Bone, fees from July 1, ]i:ollowlng tran~ferfl made to re·' Selma K,r aUe, administratrix of Alioe Walters, 21, of Level. to Sep\ember 50,177.59; Otto lutzl, imburse a Plut for transfers pr~ e,taw of Aogusta Rohmer, deoell8ed, Vernon Beel, 26, maohinietof Mid, wood for oourt hoose, $7.60; Ed. S, viously made: From Probate fit.. fint and final aooount with dletown and Katie Egan of Frankltn. Oonklln, .tamp. for auditor, 17 i Judge's fee fuad to . oounty fund, vouohers for settlement whioh is or Walter O. Bombert 21, farmer of L 'M.. PrInoe, euppltes f.r 8urveyor, tl000 i Auditor's fee fund to Co. fand dered sUlpended. Lebanon Bnd VerlL M, SimklDs, 19, III 4S ; Qayton Paper Novelty Co., t26. From Auditor'8 fond to Judioial Will of Elizabeth F . Garner, de. of Lebanon. aupplles for court house, 16; W. B , (und, $425 ; From Sheriff's, fund to ceaeed, admitted to probate. Harry Thompson 44, dairyman of Anderson Co., Whittaker's Code for Sheep fund, '160; From Clerk's fund Fen~n Slifer appointed exooutor F. I . StookSon Texlls, ' and Jennie Judge Clark, 15; Burroughs Adding to Sheep fund, ISOO; Erom Treas ' of ..tate . of Elizabeth F. (;larner, Tea, 41, of Lebanon. . Maohine Co, repairing maohine for urer's fund to tiheep fond, 1«0, deceued 'at 11100 bond. , Blaine 'Gustin,2.1, baker of ~eb. treasurer, 1276; The Daily 'rimes, From treasurer's fund ~o judioial Applioa'ion made . to . Boperin. ation and Myrtle MoElhepey, 38, pubhehing auditor's exhib1t, 128.5'; Judioial fund, $410; From treasur· tendent of lnetltotitn for Feeble. l!tenogra,her of Lebanon. The Daily Times, publlsl1ing state. er's fund to Oounty fund, 11250; minded yoothl, for admiUatlce of ment of balanoes t20; J. B. Smith .. From County fund to Judioia}' fund, Ralph Swallow. Real Estate TranaferL lumber, 151. 1600. . Ida M. Bookett, administrator of Mary .1. dauk to Mary Etta Pugh, Aooounts of two deposltorie8 The • - • estate of or. C Booke,t t, deoeastid, real estate in Warren Oounty, 1886. Lebllnon and lI'itlzen'8 Natlonllll Is the World Growing Better? 11188 firat aocount wUh vooohers for Emma I:i. tibartla ",nd husband '0 Banks for month of September were Many things go to prove that it; is The way tho08ands ar" trying to Bettlement whlob la ordered SU8. Addie G. Hankinson, lot in Frank· audited and found oorreot. panded. lin II. Finanoial reports of Auditor aDd I help otpers 18 prol)f. Amo!lK them , is Mr8. W , W. Gould of Plttsfield, Court ordered 1.00 to 'be set aBide Barry F. Anders,on to Nannette treasurer preeented and placed on N , O. Finding good health by tak in a88iKnment of Harry Osborb for M. Anderson, lot in Morrow, 13400. file. ing Electrio bitters, she now advises support of ohildren. Emma Crist and John Criat to Oontract entered with Barvey N. other sufferers, everywhere, to 'tllke !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fiorella l:itepbeoaon lot in Warren Bornett for making fill and ap. them. "For years I suffered with , . ' ' fi stomaoh and kidney trooble." she CoOllty, II. proaohes to new oODo~ete oor writes. 'Every' medloine I ~eed Averts Awful Tragedy Lola B. Borsk to Mary Woodrey bridges neal' Allen Kibler 8 farIP, on fnil6d till I took ElEotrl, Bitter8. Timely adVice givell Mra. C. Wi} lot In. Mason, 'I. Waynesville ant Oregonia road, at But thia great reme4y helped Qle 10uKhby, of .Mat,engo, Wi8 .• (R. No. B. W. Dudley Keever to Ida W. estimate of *12. wonderfully." They'll help ~ny 1) prevented a dreadflll tragedy and Keever lot In Warren County $1 Contraot entered with Andrew woman. ~eY're the best touio and lIaved two Uves. Dootors had said '. . . . . '. fioest Uver and kidneyremedyth~t's herfrightfoloough wal a "constimp ~ason , J. 8heehan to Benjamin V. J. Baker for oleaning,Bnd ~ain"ng made. Try theuL You'll ' see ' 500 tion" oo.gh and oould do IUtlA to SmIth" lot I~ Warren County, 11, arqh. r~il near StubbtowD river, atall droggtatll. · '. belp her. Aft~r many reoied.es Wilford O. Buds on and wife to bridge, and stqel . beam ,bl'ld8e by . ,~.~_-:--_ fatled, her aunt· urged her to take Charles E. Eaton lot tn , J'ranJdin Worley ..ad 'rrovillo farm,on ~tabb· 1<•• niy Ob••rvant. ' Ur. Klng'l ~ew Di890very., "I have *120. ' . . ," ' . " , ' town and B;ld-epor'TOad and a~oh been 118lng it for lIome tillie," .he . . . • "Do you think ~at , coU... pPOf~r ~te "and the awful oough haa al , Wilford C. Bodaon and -wife to rail by g~v~yard on ZOllr and , Mo~ ' I. correct Iil laying P"eft7 ~ ~ ,mcit Kone.. It al80 laved my little Ada~ E. Bridge lot tn FranldibJ row pike at ..timate of .16. .,come obsolete?" . ~ . ,,' boy 'when ",ken. wiUl a 'levere bron. 1242.50. ' , ," Contraot entered with Zaln Arm! "I IIhoul4D't. ~e ,IUrprilecl," npUecl , "'-1 ....... 0· ~la ,. TbJI ma·-hl .... • . Wilford O. Budson and ' , wife t8 tage for oleaning , 1 Dote...... . " . DOW that 0 ..... "!Av U . ' 1 "" -aud pain'lD~ river, 'Ml'I. I ' cumta .' ..... . medicine 'b as 'no equal for ,throat " , " t II very , ....ona_ ..a4 'lung t.-oublee. Price GQo aDd .AlUe Rober., lot In FrankliD, 1116, bridge,at_Or~la at eUll!!te of, • - • .1 00. TrIal bo"le ' free. Gaaran Edmuud Be'alll.ok as ad~lb~ltr•• ,780. , Ooon'7 to f~llh paint. . . EJne.Hfe'IA little .1eam of tlm, 'be.... bJ aI. tor of . . .te of Ellen Dakin, General OODHaoM ~ade ~Ul tol. " ween ·two e~~~.~1.Jle.
New Suits
[: g.m g. :::
I will have another P ublic Sale of
HORSES, CO·WS, HOGS, WAGONS, ' BUGGIES, IMPLEMENTS, HARNESS, ETC., At my residence on the Waynesville and Wilmington Pike. one· half mile east of Pennsylvania Railroad Station, Waynesville, 'Ohio, on
:: SATURDAY, OCTOBfR' 14, 1911,
Black Pe rcheron Stallion. 10 years old, from imported sire and dam, sure breeder, fine disposition, works anywhere. Some big native work Horses. Team Black Mares, in foal , weight 1400.. 8 and 10 years. Bay:Mare, blemished, 1100, 12 years old, good Farm Mare, Big Black Gelding, smooth, sound good worke~. Mares in foal by good sires. Fine lot of yearlings and 2-year·olds, 3 and 4·year-old Match Teams to suit anyone. These horses are easily broken, ask anyone who has had them i try them for yourself. Unbranded Colts, another chance to get a good horse at your price.
Many Beautiful Weslern Cattle
Three fresh Cows, giving plenty of milk, near full· blood Jersey, fresh last month. Black Aberdeen Angus', fresh by day of sale, Red Half·blood, fresh this month, 2 fat steers, weight 1000 each, 1 young Calf.
'3 8 Hogs
Three sows, 35 good Weanlintt Pigs.
this Sale 15 of Good Stuff, and we are going to seU.
Wagons & ImpIement s
Two Road Wagons, 1 New 'TruckWagon,bedandGrave1 Bed, some New Farm Implements, Plows,Disc Harrow, etc., 1 brand·new Rubber·tire "Peter's Columbus" Buggy. This is a swell Dew job I got in exchange for horses fro~ a dealer, 1 Cincinnati Buggy, 1 Carriage. '
2 sets Work Ha,mess, 1 set single Buggy Harness. good ones, lot of new Halters, Horse Blankets, Whps, etc.i
An Indian Rough Rider and a Colored Orchestra will be on the grounds. TERM5-Casb, or approved note for Nine
C T HAWKE I WM: MILLS (Auctioneers.
DR. COX·S Barbed Wire
. GUARANTEED to heal without leav· ing a blemish, or MONEY REFUNDED. 600 and $1.00 sizes fot fresh wo~nds •
old sores, 80re backs and sbotilders!l>riros
and bruisee. 260 size for Family use. OR.
i.s painless and guaranteed to ' cure Spavin, Ringbone, Cur}), BweenYl Splint, PUHS\ or: any enlargement of DODe or muse e, or money refunded. Price 600. FOR SALt: BY ALL DRUGGIStS
St. Augustine', 'Cathollc Cb\lrda. F&tb~r Gci>rge MneDboder, Putor. Ma88 eyery l100004 SuJJ4ay of the IDo.\b a
9 :00 a.
St.Mary'a ,E pta.,.. Chwdl. ,Rev. J. (0'. cadwallader. Sunday 8ohool. 0.:30 •• ~
Mol-nllls .... vlce. 10 :80 a. In. Bol, OomIDunlon ·'110 Una'
~~!!!!~~~~~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~!!!! Bund&1 ~t
M.CC1L U RE, •
Funeral Dire-:tor. , Telephone day or night. Valley phone No.1. LonR Distance No. 69-',.. WA YNESVILLE,
Christian · Church. Rey. L. O. T~IIIJl1OIl, Putol. Bible School• • :.0 . . . . · IoclaI ~ 10:80 .. III" OhrSatlan .£00_1'01'; 7:00 p .... ' Sermon b,. putor e'Yer,. allenJate 8W1d.,. .. 10:.0 .. III. and 7:'O'p . III.
Hldcsite Frieods CburQ. PUlt Da) Meetln!t. 0 :00 a. m. Flnt Dar
80,11001,11;00 a .ID < 10 :00 a. m.
I'o,unll Day Keealq -
Ortbodox 'FriendJ Cburca. lin. Ruth Murray, Putor
, Bra . nch Office, HarveYflbufir. 0.,
u.ch mondl,
Sabbath 80hool, 9:80 a. m .. ReI{u1ar ollurell OlIrlatlan Endeavor. '
&erv1oo, 10 ·AO •• m. 7 :30 P _
Du.H.E.HATB.A.WAl: '
WRyuesv1Ue'. Lead.bijr .DeId1d Office in Keys Bldg, MaID 8t M~in Stred ~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!'!~!!!!!!!
Waynesville, Ohio. Valley Phone 153 .
SAMPLE COpy FREE Add..... Not YORK OLIPp,1:1I ,N .?, YOrk. N. Y.
DR. J. W. MILLER. ••• DENTIST••• Office In
Natloo ... BIWk Bld(r.
WaynesvUle, 0 . ,
BARNHART, Notary PubUc
All kinds of Notary Worlt.-PflnatuD' Work a 8peol"lty:" "
... _
at ,w lI.yue.lvlUe, OWo Ofo' INOE
.- --
- .---..-..--.--.--~.--
I · Look for the -.:tee Can kers aD the 1- ~ --'~-- Apple 'Orchard -- '--- '.--
Public Sale s We will Ae]i at publio Sale, 1 mile weet of Oregon ia, on the Stites plll.ce,
0 11
Tuesday, Octobe r 24, 1911 Beginn ing at 10 o'ol ock. the fol. ,D. L. CRANE , Editor and Manag er lowing stook and 'obattel s : Foor Borse good Brood and Work Mare, 1s-l good Work Horse, Rates of Subscr iption There II appare ntly urgent need When thetle surfaoe s suob aR those 1250 lbs " 1 Yearlin g Uolt. 1 Welln. 'One year (strictly In advance) . , , ... .. 11,00 . ' l i ng (Jol t. even Head Cattle- II Single COpy . .. . .. , , .. . . . , .• . , ... . .. , , ,06 for early reoogn ltion o~ oertain oaosed by the sawing off of branoh - Milk COW!;, 2 B eifers. will be fresh branoh dlseaties known as oanker s etl, or by 8havin g o1f all canker ed by day of sa le. Seven teen Sheep In th~ apple orohard s of Ohio, and tissue, bave beoome free from Rate8 of Advert ising moist. 1~ Oxford Down Ewes, , Spring, for promp ' prepara tion to deal with ure and the surfaoe 18 Heacilng Locals, per line . . , .. . , . .. ... . dry they Lambs, all good . Tw enty.nne B og" Jtct.illo" Locilis. black taco. per 1I11t!. .. . l~ them. Where dying branoh es 00 should be treated with melted as. po~~J~.Od Sows, 1 Pigs, w ... igh t., CIIIIIIIlJl6ll Ads. uo~ to exceOO fI va linea onr, the oause of looal death shoold phalt or aBphal tum; tbe branoh es Three I.DIerLloJl8 .. . ... , . , . ... . At t,he sllme time and pillce, ~Dc be learned ; if from a 1000.1 dread should ObltUlril lll, live iochee fret! ; over five be remove d and the bark Elwood A ult will sell 15 heRd orDc area ,'" with roughe ned dead bark one from Oankerll should be prompt Incll6ll, J)Ilf line, , .. . . . . , . .. . . . ly Young I:lhtlep, 2 Oolt!!, 2 year.ol ds, Oud of thanks ... " . .• .. ,',., •...... . . nloE.' Dlti t.ch tOtiDl These Ilre Mo ReIoluttoua . . , ... . , . . . ..... .. .. ..•.. . 26c may teel reBson to suspeo t appi a burned to destroy the apores of the Ore~or oolts , Finmin g implem ents SociI" etc. whore cbarge fa made ....•.. ~~ oanker. It at the same time dead fungus, When prunin g in the fall .. -1 Farm Wagon. I Suy Lrtdder , Dppl17 Adver~lalog per loch.,. , . . • " " 10e prunin g stub. from other years are it wlll be e8SY to seoure the dry 1 Corn Plnnte r, DIIIooUQt.a lYon ou contract . 1 MoCorm iok Mower found surrou nded by an area of tludaoe s spoken of, u s ually withou t 1 Hamilt on (J ultiv i~t ,)r, 1 Toba cco dead bark or w . ood, tben suoh iufeo prepara tory dressin g. At times PlOW, 1 Roller, 1 I III pel'1u 1 Breaki ng OCTOBE R 11 1911. Plow, 1 Diso Bu.rrow tion of the prunin g wound s would when trouble arllieB from moiBture Uream 8~p[lrll.tor No .. 2. One Tubui llf indioat e tbe preva.lenoe of thill di8 the freshly out wouml s may be oov· TermB of Sale-A ll Bums of 16.00. When a rogue kisses you, oount ealla. The sporell 01 the oaaker ered tempor arily with white read cash. All sums over '500, a oredit fnn~i are ol\rried by suoh agenoie!l pBlnt or Jlnseed 011 and Jour teeth . Venfltl an.red of Ulne months will be given with ItB wind, rain, etc, Betwee n now Bnd later treated . Perma nent oov. avprov ed lIeourit y. Elwood Ault .J . E, Magill and next ldaroh 18 tbe proper time ering of all wound s Is reqnira d to The longest stayer doe8n't always Doug, HolHng llwortb . A oot, to seek out tbe canker 8 and pre protect trom Inleo"o n by wound wtn the gld, Ed, J effery. lerk, Pue lor their de8truo tion: better parasit es _ = = == = Sbowing Fire·Te sted Glasa Oven Door , We offer at Publio ~l\le at results are promis ed by early fall 1'he . asphal tum to be used for the latewill , r ealdenoe of J . E Hooket t, The man who despile 8l1ttle thinKS remova l, Wblle pioking II.pples dresaln g hll.e a high meltin g point, deceaBed Mrs. Cookriglzt and Mrs. Alway s Working one mile east of Wayne s. "Idom gets rioh. keep eyes open for these oonw.gious ro.nin g from 2500 to 280 0 , or even v1lle on the Wayne nille and Har•. Mrs. ~hvllYs Working -"Thllt seems to he :1 good feature Mrs: dlsea8ee . 3000 F , Thl! is oareful ly melted veY8"n rg pike on Coo kn ght - th:1t Glass Oven-d oor-the thin gs look so good in Three form8 01 ornker are quite nntll thorou ghly liqutd, fece'lsa the oven." rily Saturda y Octobe r 21, 1911 Men are bat ohil IreD of a larger frequen t over tile state and one of In a metal ves8el, and then in tbls Mrs. Cook right - "That doesn't merely enable Ihings to loole Beginn ing at 10 :.0 a., m , the fol. IrowU l.-Dry den. ni~e-it save, tim ~aves mat eria l ~ 3nd help, to ma ke these, the blister 08nker , haa been my cooked ohattelt t : things perfect. All I Heed do to sce how my cooking is coming oonditl on is applied by means of lowing Two h ead of borses, 1 a black found by tbe Experi ment 8totlon a shod bru8h, swab or stiff along is to look through tht door-no openmg the oven doorbroom mare 12 yearB old single line mare no jars to make my cake fall, etc• oro do two thing' at onae Is to do to be exoeed lngly abunda nt es- to the surlaoe one desires to oover . work any pluoe, 1 1 -montb s-old oolt peolaUy upon bdarlng orohard s in When tre(11y liqnid ,'thin llelthe r.-PDb llus Byrus, ooating Is ~even Head of Cattle, 4 milk oows, ,outhe rn and eastern Ohio. The in FebrUl \ry, ·3 steerB, ooming run over tbe Burfao e-tbis Dlay be fresh 2-years old Farmin g Implem ent8blaok.r ot oa.ker and 'he canker s Inoreas ed by a second ooattng nfter OnE> }toad Wagotl , guod aB new, 2 Tbe two Doblt!8t tbing!, whioh are eausM by 'he pear bllgbt organis m the fifst has partlv oooled Of Corn Plante rs, one II. flutll zer , • HarIweetn8 88 and lIght.- Swift. are well dIstrib uted. Other oanker ooorse, the Ilsphal tum shoold be put rows, II Breakin g up Plows 1 MII.rk. form, are Ihown by death of the over Oft the edge of live ~iiji~.,,~ MO ORE 'S Fire-T ested Glass Oven .. tlssut!s, ingout PlOW, 1 pllir Doublo BarsheB r bark anti threate n the life of the . Door isn't merely an ornam ent Plow, l 8teel rootb Hlly.ra ke. 1 whioh wllJ usoal1y not be iujured It Sleigh 6 T<l"'loCO Boxes. 1 Tobaoo o Envy 18 merelv awkwa rd homage bearlug orohard ; they are~in -it a way the asphalt um 18 ot the right grade, • etter, 2 Uisk Hl1rrow is one of the features of s, one a TnngoA paid &0 merit \ly Inferio rity. to Infilot heaTY l088es if negleot ed. A8phal tnm of low m~)tln Moor e's Rang e that will make you a g .polut le8s. 1 Roller. 1 Fodder SIed,2 Rid. Blls~r ~nker ae8ms to enter wbtoh hal been good cook if you'v e 'n ever cooke d in tbinne d with ben. ing ' ultl vators, 1 Tongue less H lm· throug h wound s wblob are unpro i h 1 I lIt·on you,r Corn life before, Plow, 1 thIrty glillon . W, drink and, be merry, lor . to. teoted, To meet 08nker , early z ne, suo as OOB tar or regu ar Cooker , 1 pII.lr Platfor m BOII.les ,5 roofing pa.ints, wlll injnre the living ton8 pure Timoth y HAY, 1000 The other features -the exllCt temperature thennom etermorl'OW' yon may 1Mt marrie d. Toblio. prunin g . and burnin g of dying US8ue undern eath the bark. 00 I:)tiokll, more or le8s, 2 Sets of ;=;===;=;ii~~;makeRorer', Guide andan theabsolule Controlllyercontroll. Damper Moore'. braaoh es and remova l of ol4nker Range The best grade8 of Rspbal tum we double Harnesll, Coliors , Bridles able cooking machine. It allO .avet you time and spote on llvh:~a trunks and branoh es know at presen t for tbis and mon~. pnrp08 e Lines, 28ttts of Fly nets, Qtlrrlag e Proper t. hu Its dutlel as Wen.8 .. " Pol~, 1 Tobaooo Press, Forks, 8bov. are urged, The,dls eaeed barA, etc" are for sale Send for hook '"How 10 'S ue ODe-tbInI to by the Wells Oil Uarigb tl.-'f.ho mo.a Drnmm ond. Irom 8uoh epots must be bumed If Ing Co, Oolumb u8, Ohio, Reflo. els. Hoell, Srades , LOg ObBlns, 1 ODe.balE Your Fuel BllL" Ir.,..... by tbe lawn mower . Hou8eh old Goods • 8poree &l'e to be de8troy ed aDd tn (Jleve)a nd Trinda d Paving Thi, fuel-savi ng ability i. all In the construction Co., One Helitin g Stove, 1 Cook Btove. 1 . , of Moore's Range- and the eonltruction i. explained 10 Clevela nd, Ohio, (Texas Asphal t) Kitche n Clibineti, 1 "la8s front Examp le i8 the eohool 01 mallktn d, feotion reduce d . Cup. u can see for yourself. Drop. po.tal to'Moore BIOI and they wllll~rn at no oiher.board, 2 St.ands Extens ion Table, THB: TRIIIATI IEKT oliel, Ill., for thit book-a nd call to leo a M_ and br Byedy & ions, lllevela nd, 6 dining room , 1Ohairs, B 2 k"ohen l'!~;! ;::;:: ===~~'" Inge at ' The treatm ent 01 apple orohard Ohio, This is pu' up in drums or Uhaire, 2 rooking Chairs, I ·Platfo rm urke.. oanller . involv~ also tne treatm ent burels weighi ng 36. to 400 pounds Rooker , 1 Buffet good as new, 2 Iron , of large wound s o~ prunin g wounds and i8 not 80ld io 8malle r quntU I.. Booll and Sprlng8 , 1 Mtl.ttrells gnod II.S When lumme r pdee., the GOld. IlS well al th088 caused immed iate It will 008t from 1~ to IX' cents per ;::Js 8~f ~::~ ~~g R~~r;~:P:!'v!~ .doUr ,000188. 8e 18 the h.,klo ke. Iy by U~e remon Ilof oanker 8. Dead pound f. o . b, at place of ·.htpaie nt, been oat, 1 ihJIt CI10, 1 spt"ing Cot, made o,or. IImbl wtll require to be out off ololle but '\t this price ts muoh oheape r 8S good B8 new Bnd - other things to _ . . f lve white lead paints numero us to mentio n. &0 the trunk or large b ranoh , Tb e tban the expeos . ' 'Term No matter how hard tlmea are, l!ame applies tn all sums of $6 and under Unde rtake prunin g, No graftin g wax, or oompo sltions of oa8h, s-All r and Emba lmer, aU over $5 a creclit of Bix 60 yean hence "heee wUl be "tbe dead etub 8h mId rematn &0 opeb the tallow and rOSin whlob mlgbt other- montbl ! will be given by pUfoha 8er Kood old 'ImeR, '~ WiJl be found in the oJd way for turther lnfeotlo n. ",ise be u8ed . Where asphal tum giving note with approv ed seourit y, Bank Buildin g, opposU., Where 1000.1 canter e with bark 08~ not well be obtaine d a r081D . For Wome n and 1' _ the Na.tional Bank. Mr8. Ida Hooke tt dead to tbe wood are dlsoove red tallow mixtur e may be service Haye More Friend. than anr. other Teleph .. ble, one 1.n house and of· Be 91 . . a man who ltol. tbe livery upon brao~hee or , tranks, or in magazin e or patterns . McCall s is the C. 'r. Hawke Auot. J . B. Riob floe where J can be oallAd Oommu nioatio ns with respect to reliable Fashion Guide monthly in of the oour' of heaven to serve the orotcbe e, tho dead bark .hould be raday or nigh t, one million one hundred thousan d apple o~nker8 and their treatm ent I will offer at Publio !hlp, 1 mile detil In.'':'Po llok. Va.lleY Phone 14-2. homes, Besides showing all the latest moved with a ohisel, elrawin g knife, may be addres.sed to the depart men' eUbt of Wayne 8ville on the Wayne s' designs of McCall Patte rns, each issue ville and BarveV 8burg pike on or other lattabl e tnetrum ent back to of Botany , Experi ment Main Street. Wayne sville, Ohio is brimful of ' sparklin g sbort stories Station . 'he eouDd, heaUhy ; living tt88ue. Wooate r, Ohi:>o Thursd ay, October 26, 1911 a.n d helpIul informa tion for warneD. B6~iDning at 9 :30 0.. m. the fol LauKb and _he world laug~s with SaY. MOIl.y.1 Id K••p Ie StJtl. by lubocribln , lor McCall'. Mapd.. at ,once, eoltl only $0 lowing ehllttel s ; 700, Qnl. . you haw m to be JauSh. cenla a year, Includin, anyone of Ibe celebrated Eight doree McCall PaUern. free. s-l Are 5 year You Loo king old ' generTAKE UP OERANIUMS tn, at yoUI' own 'okea. Olves Aid to Strikers 0.1 pnrpos e bOl'se, weight 11751b!l , McCaD PaU • .,.. Lead .11 olhen In Ityle, fit, Someti mes liver, Ihnplld lf, uonqmr ' Ind number lold, Mor. s slid gentle and well broke, not afraid of de.len .. II McCoI Pauem, than any other two Gerant ums that have Brown In bowels aeem to go onkidney a strike and Rutomo blles; 1 good 4-year. old geld make. combined, Non. high .. thaD '$ conll. Buy from your dealer, or by mall trom " Ibnya man who oompla tnl tbat pow aU.um mer are in beat promis e ·, r.eluse to work right rl en you ing, weight II.bout HOG geutle and " for wlnt.r bloomi ng, that i8 if the Ineed those pleasan t little We can offer you good strike nioely he neTer had h ..lf a ohaJpl wouldn 't broke; 1 12 McCA LL'S MAG AZIN E ,. I "ed' ff breake rs-Dr. King's New Life purpos e geldlDg year old gj!neral ' ; 1 12 year old gen· Payin g Empl oyme nt reOognill8:awh ole one If he eaw tt. flower budB have been p Oa 0 , , Pills-t o give tbem natura 236-246 W. 37th. St•• New York City l atd and efl\1 purpos e mAtre, a good brood and the pla~t8 not permit ted ~o I gently compel proper aotion. Copy, Prt:.1 . . C. . . . . . .4 ....... c-.w.p. fMt, that you will enjoy Excel. and mare; 1 2 year old dratt mare, extra .. ' bloom'. Treated thUII their bloilm. lent health soon foHow8 . ! ........... Try them good; 1 1 yeur Old draft Diare colt; Ttle . .,........ ". at ho~e. Write to-day tng tV>. weI' has beaD oonser vep and 21)0 at aU druKl!1 st,S , .&. man. 'upon ~lq a .man 1 bflY horlH', IS years old; 1 4 year ..,.. • _ .. old ~eDerl\l purpoBe mare, .....footIe4 lacS plaTina In the etreet they will .do fine work in wtnter, partly Add,... troke; I Mule, weight 1480 Ibs . of a "..tera town ODe cla" ap. If none have reen kept In thl8 PLANT SPRING BULBS NOW Eight Cattle -l Oow an(1 UBlf, 3 \ The BaHer ick Publis proachecl him aIlcl wI!: "YOWl. mall. way plants may now be taken hing Co. out good Milk (Jows, 1 Heifer, 1 Steer DUHerl ck Buildin g, New York. N. Y. I'W~Y aN you not attend lq echaol to- 01 tbe ground and potted, taking Ootobe r Is thfJ montb for plantin g and 1 Bull. Oood for Nothing but the Ity.. _ , . . . . du. wllell TOU &row 1IP, oare to kee'I, if P08Rlble, a. ball of aU spring bloomi ng bulbs you will rent aU thl' wut.4 tlm.... Rfa. Forty eight Rogs- 4 Bows RUh '"Wen. 111 .U Jer, mi,ter, H 1&14 the eadh aUaobe d to the roote The olnthp, tulips, J·onquU., narciss us, Pigs by side; 16 nice Shoats ; 1 good Thirty four Sheep 15 of them ~hap, ~ a Jona-dra'WD ...h. "me leave8 8bould be remove • d excep~ oroouses, and all other oulbs that are ewe lamb!!, , mU4l4 .n aIok. me llrother IIIllJll, a few latest ahowln g tit the tips, IVE~ and flower In the spring, Bhould go Into Ahont 500 bu. Corn (not busked ) broke 11.1. arm r-f.erd a,. aIld ball,', the plante tllarge Beiog ' p,repar ed from Pure Native Herbs, they Cleanse the ehould be severel y the grouDd this month, Br early to sell by the btlshel. CluttlDl teeth, u4 me oWe.t lltater'. 5 Tons of System and Purify the Blood, and Tone the System , and thus plantin g tbey will seoure a Kood Mixell Bay. pttlq aIld. be.t4e., there trimme d Water Ireely and Bet 10 , ~ Tbfl und ivded onA half of 41 oeres aID't 1Ich001 ter-cl~ It'. teacllel'll' (l ahady plaoe lor .ome day.. A root8y stem belC're wluter, and the of standin g corn. . OOIlMIIU OIl daT, anI! ctat'a the ~UOIl warm atlDo~phere w\11 now deveI op flowers will be the larger and ' flner Implem ent8-0 ne Wogon and I aID't '" achOol teHa7." -NatSo Dal new leavea, and blos80m buds ... wUl In the sprlDg. IItock.b 1 Hay.rig ging, 1 Spring KoatAl r. . , Hyacln tbs and jon'q'li lsshou ld be WAgon!ld, , 2 Buggie s, 1 Road oort, by and by appear . Gerll.nlurn8 are planted at a depth of four inobes ; new Dt;erin g Binder witb truok, 1 LIVER ITES- -A purely vegeta ble Lax tive, cures Chroni c Con· among tbe best 01 all o~r plllnf,tI to &lower, 1 tJteelto oth Bay rake 1 new depenli oUlor ft.oweri In seallon and tuUps and oroon8e8 three, F stipatio n, Liver and Kidney Troubl es. l1 Ask your Grocer for or the Bay tedder, it. 1 Corn Binder , 1 Grain ouf. of sea80n. bes're8 ults the ground 8hould be' Orl11 with fertiliz er attachm enr,', Manufa otured by ALPHA OHEM IOAL 00., Spring field, Ohio rlob and well mellow~d, Only a 1 hor8e Whea.t Drill witb fertiliz er Carou ;;-Man Suggests THE ONION· CROP e ~fdln t~orou n ghly deObyed manur e 8honld r:ltao~ml~~t, t1 Plc 1 be u8ed, .A ny kind ot 8011, olay or • Remeely. so a va or, ,' og a va· . tOl'tI, 1 Gang Dil!o Breaki ng The Plew, g..a.t drollth Ol'$8uboro. N. · O.-'To l' of thtl 8Umme r IlILndy wUt'do if it 18rioh , aad mel. 2 Scotch IODIr, Ollppe r Plow8, 1 Diso Bar. time I w.. ,80 run do~ anda deblllpl.y,eel 'ha'Voo with ~he onion orop low. W~ haTe had splendi d effeot. row, 1 Btalk R~ke, S double Bar. tated that I oould hardlT ,dtas aroUDd. aa well 'a a wtth 'othsf orops. ts tn hoth aotIs: rows, 1 DraJr, 1 new Tobacc o Setter, :iI7 'appeut e was poor and I could not eepeoially noted th..t ontoos 01Itthe For tbe ~eat vartetl es 00['l8ult tbe ,I Tobaoeo Prees; 1 Tobacc o ..... p DI,h.·. I had fried dUferent,' 100. 8praye r, lIl"i'" ,. ~ ' t b ""at. I __ 8e~mucla olale, whloh nt!Wllly grow ttets Work Barneil8, S Bets BoSgy oalle4 toDica witliou oa' alogu8s, and then. - b uy of looal 7Barne en.... ..es.' Bets . Double Trees, ~Ing/e aclYllad' to. try'. JOur. '·oo4 ,Uv!ll' ~~ to 80 large; a e~~4re thll year ,.,.. quite fl,?rtst~ and seed. 8tores. ,.)0 not.",. Trees, Log Chilins , Balter8 , Lines, Iron toDIo. Vinal. ,and I alJl ~' a~ J •,maH. ~he pou~d.. onteme a~e , nC?t, ~tsled tnto puro~...illg very e~pen:" ~rldles, Boe8, Fork8, Bhovell!l, lot of dJ4, ~ It pTe mea' heart)" a~petl~e. among them. : O'h~r' "htte onlon8 etv~ bulbs, :onl888 mot;aey i8 ple~ty : s~~ t~~~e named stook gr_des 1 IIOQJl ooJllDlen~ to ~reep 1O~~4 T. broo,h ' '0 our ~ark8t1ai& "mall in ' , .,- • above tbe averag e, ~nd " great ud I f~ :o~c:;~~;;e~ prOp<)rttoD, mOl' of them l.lUng be- ", It's Don't Exist m-ny ot the implem ents are nearly 4eb~~ted, lI;8ftOn . ahoulcS low., w~IDnt tD' ~'" . _ '. _ . ' No' one. 'P.qual h~ ever madl{a l/llve, new, haviDir· been U88d.·~ut lUtlo, ..... '-'"e Vinal a . trial.'" It. Allabrook>' " The.Ber.JDu~ ontone 0..1'8 of .Spen. oiDtme nt .o,," ,blilm to ' ,oompa re wtth ' ..Bou.ebC!ld Gooda... ... •• I Tab~e8 , Lounge . What VIDol 414, for lit. Allabi'ook lah ortgia. , and In Otipbo ard eto. . . ... tlda811 ·..nd I,Buokl en'l Arnica Halv~. I t'8 Jhe .Ohatn, . Terms -AUla rnl or tl0.nd 'It wUI.do for" "';''' - ~own,or Iweatn ..- are far, . • a~rtor under , to'our on'e perfect healer o· Oate; CorJie, oaib. On all over d'tbWta te4 ....,.. ID tbIa 'rloIDltT. TO commOD kind.. :'l'he l-riZeta .10 a 'oredit. ol g ker., Stirn., Bl)ulae8 , I::Ior~ ec,,14a, Bott., '. onthe will abow Oar taltia fUrDIah, tb~ tbe .....1Ie "detY , aDd ~h8 Glbr_l- Ulcera. 'JCoSema by puroha Mr , Salt aboum. 1'01' 1Ile4la1ae ,.... H It d_-~ do .. ~ t8~ a. 1I"le 1ater1, ..ob, oIt. _.a . ~hllde4 'Sore £y_. ' 0014 ~l'8II, Ubap,* , note ~rm:~:Y~o:'::.rt . 01abD. ODaae til _Itt a ~e ~ ,1l. ..IDQI'8~.pSedrOl'pt~llqlb ".Jl,_tlan"I~Spralnllte~preme. ,Ua. O. T. Bawke . Auol .... , 0Id0 IIcnhYer! Trjl.. Club
I From Ohio Experi ment Station , Wooste r, Ohio. , e--- :--_ __ _ -~-.----, - ,_"., ___ ,__ •
M oo re 's R an ge U
J. H. COLEMAN, Waynesville, Ohio A. MA FFI l,
McCall's Magazi~~ aDd McCall PaHerns
for a Posi tion ?
II= == =L
p~s-SERUfOs $cl;D:~
11REO RU-':O,OWI .PEOPLE · ANort!1
f:t' 1:====LIVERITES 0 n Iy 10C=====I
Cor rec t
IT ES == == I
;.:.~aalttT, ..
~:aao ~~~~~ i,
Gentleness in Rebuke -"'
J a c k Kel t l!. 8. VlrlflnllUl. 0091' a bo r <fter plaInsmAn, 18 riding along tlta 8unta l~e tmll <In th e lookout (or roamlnll' W/U' ;port Iu ot aavage.. Ho noticll" a onn'll IIr,· a t 1\ 1118t(\ IICO and th e n eON' II. t .. am. • 1I A.-hod to a w ligon ant.! al full ga llop pil I ~ u{'(l b y mOil o n ponies. Wh e n K " lth 1rf"H, hcs the wBKon th ., ralden ha,'o mllS8 · . r r~ .t two men a nd d epart od , H e sea rch e" ttl,· "Idlms find Ing pn'\len 1\1\(1 I. lock ,,! ~\I h a wOlllan's portraIt. Ho reso lvcs t o "U llt down th o murder e r.,. Ke ith Is sr· res ll'd al 6rt10n Ity, c hargell with th o lIlrd"r . hIs oce usor biling 1\ ruft:lan nam ud lu .. k Bart, H o goes to jail Cully r~ r.lI. · II' the p eril ot swl tt border JUllll co. A ~ompanlon In hIs oe ll la a n otrro: wh o 'tells hIm ha Ilf N band thM he kll ow th "J{el th f amily bacle In VirginIa , N c b Itaya ..,no ot th e murdered m e n WIUI J oh n fllhl r y. th e other Gon. WIllis WaIte, Cor'lJI" rlyan oCO('er In the' Co nted rat e army . "rhc plalnsllIan and Neb eso"pe from tho ~II. and later th e hYO tug\tlvCII become 10, t In tho II nd d".ert. They como UpOLl . & c nbln an4 ftnd Ita lono 0(\ upal'll to bo n '!rollng K1rl, whom Kolth reoocnl1l08 tI.II Ii , .Inger lie 118.\\0 at Caraon ,C ity . Th o «Irl , _xplnlDlli thD.t 8he came th e re 1n " arch ot • brother who had do.arled from th o .ano y. A Mr. Hawley Induce/l h e r to •comc to the cabin while hI! 80ught to 10· CllItl.' her brother. Hawley appears. and lC" lth In hIdIng r ocolflllllell him lUI Black 2Inrt. Hawle y trIes to make love to· tWe rL The ... III a tarrlne battle In the nrken d room In which 1(eltl) overcomes lack Bart.
-..- "'The actlun haa only really begun."
naclously to an Ideal of womlluhood which could lIOt: be lower d. How e ver luter~s ted he might otherwise feel. no Christie Macln.lre could ever find entrance Inlo ·tho deeps of his heart. where dw e lt I110no the memory of his mothAr . Ho found the other horses I urned Into th e corral. and was able. from th Ir restless movements. to declde they numbered eight. A fire. nearly extinguished. glow ed dully at t be farthor corne r of the enclosure. al ,.1 he crawled close enough to distinguish tbe recumbent forms of men sleepIng about It on the grollnd. Apparently no guard had been set. the fello\\'8 beIng worn out ~rom their long rIde. and conlldent of safetly In this Isolated svot, Besides. Hawley had probably assumed that duty. and told them to get whatever sleep they could. Hol'· ever. t.he gate of the corral opened be· aide thetr fire. and Keith dare not venture upon roping any of their ponies. or leading them out past :where they slept. There might be clippers in tbe cabin with which he could cut the wires, yet If one or the gang awoke. and discovered the herd absent. It would result In an alarm. and lead to early pursuit. It was far safer to use their own ponies. He would lead Hawley's bcrse Quietly
Iy any trail. a od even that little would be quickly obliterated b y the first puff of .wlnd. As they dre w In toward Lhe river valley this plain would rh ange Into sand dunes. bamlng and 0 rusIng. but no mattel' how hard tbey pressed forward. It must be daylight long before t hey could hope to reach these. and this would give blm oppor· tunlty to spy Ollt some familiar landmark which would gu ide them to the ford. Meanwhile. he must head as directly north as poss ible. tru l:l tlllg the horses to fln.1 footing. It was plains In stinct. or rather long training In the open. whtch enabled him to' «'etaln lUly true Seuse of direction. tot' beyond the narrow fringe of cottonwoods along the stream. nothing was visible. the eyes scarcely able eveD to distinguish where earth and sky met. They advanced acrosl a bare level. wUhout elevation or de·presslon. yet the sand appeared luftlclenUy SOlid, so that theIr borses were forc ed Into a swing· Ing lope. and they seemed to fairly press aside the black curtaIn. which al Instantly swung s~ut once more. and closed them In. The pounding hoofs made little nOise. and the,. pressed steadl\y onward. closclT bunched together. so as not to lose Aaoh other. dim. spectral shadows ftlt-
" I posi!ess a passing acquaintance." D'e ans we red. ullcertaln yet how mud to tell her. but t empted to reveal all in test oC ber real character. "Few do not who live a long the Kansas border ." " 00 YOI1 mea n he ts a notoriously bad cbarnr.t Ar ?" " I Ilave uever heard of his being hf' ld up Ill! a mOuf\1 to t he youn 8. Miss Miss Hope." he returned more so berly. (~onvln cetl t hat. she truly possessed 1\0 real knowl odg r gardlng the m.'l. anll was not merely pretending Inn" cenc . " I hud ncv r heard him called Hawl y befor . anti. therefor e. fail ed to re ogulz him unde r that res pectab le name. But I kn ew hIs voice the moment he enlered the cabin. and r eal· Ized t~at some dovl!ment wa.a atool. Every town along this frontier 'has blu r ecord. anel I've met him maybe _ dozen tinles In the past three yearl. He Is known as 'Black Bart;· Is a gambler by profession. a desperr.do by re putation. and a cur by nature. Just now I SUsP! ct him of being even deep· er In the mire than thIB." He could tell by the quick clasping of her' hands on the pommel or the saddle the e ffe ct of his words. but walteel until the silence compelled her to speak. "Ob. I dldn·t know! You do not belIeve that I ever suspected such a tblng ? That 1 ever met him there unde rstanding who he was?" "No. t do not." he answered. "What I overheard betw'Oen you convlnoe!l me you were the victim of deceM., But your going to that plw:e alone was a most reckless act.'· She lifted her hand to her eyes. bl.:r he d drooping forward. " Wasn't It what he told me-Clle out-station of a ranch 1"
IMON. son of Jonas. lovest thou me?" (Jolin 21.:15.) No word bere of the erring disciples pnst fa ithlessness; _ .hls guilty cowardice _ unmenUoned; - his base denial. his oaths and curses" and trescherous desertion - all unmenUoned! The memory ot a threefold denial \s suggested. and no more. by the threefold quel!-
~:::: ~~~~:.r~~~:!~nt~~~e!S~;:.slmon.
When Jesus finds his (1Isclplell slee~
Ing at the gate of Getbaemaue. he rebukes them; but how Is the rebuke disarmed of Its poignancy by the mer· clful apology whiCh Is added-"The spirit Indeed Is, willing. but the ftesh Is weak!" How dtrrerent from their unkind Insinuation regarding him. l In tbe vessel on Tlberlae. "He wa. .sleep-Ma.~ter. carest thou not that We perish I The woman ot Samaria Is full or earthliness. carnality, sectarianism. guilt. Yet how genUy the Saviour speaks to ber-bow IPrbearlI!gly. yee faithfully. He dIrects the arrow <>t con.,lcUon to that seared and hardened conscience. till be lays It bleeding at his feet I Truly. "He wlll not break the bruised reed-ho will not quencb the sm~ng l1ax." By "the goodness of God. he woul4 lead to repentance. When others are speaking of mercl· less violence. be can dismiss th, m.ost guilty or proftlgates with the words, "Neither do I condemn thee; go. and sin no more." Comparllon Jelul. . How many have an Un ~~IY pIQa.ure In finding a brother In tbe wrong -blazing abroad bls failings; admln· Isterlng rebuke. but with harsh and Impatient severity! How beautifully " did Jeaua unite Intense senalbllIty to siD, along with tenderest compassIon for the sinner. showing In thls thAt '\be _ (TO BE CONTI NUED.) knoweth our trame! . Many a scholar needs gentlenees In chatiUBement. The reverse would TRAINING IN GOOD MANNERS crush a senslU"e spirit. or drive It to despair. JeBua tenderly "consldera" Begin When Boy II Young, and P~ tbe case of those he disciplines. "temlitenelS II Bound to alcom. pering the wind to the shorn lamb." Second Nature. In the picture ot tbe good shepherd bearing ' home the wandering Ibeep. he Long before I had any sons of m7 Illustrated by parable what he bad own I made up my mind that, If I often and again taught by hla own ex· ever had the tr,alnlng of a boy, I Ihould begin, as so()n as he could un· ample. No word of needless harsh· derstand anything, to teach bfbl the nesi or upbraiding uttered to tbe erIngratitude Is too small thlnss that constitute good man· rtng wanderer! ners. So many boys I have known. de'epty felt to need rebuke! .In sUent and men. too. who at heart. aNI goo4 love. "he laya It on bls shoulders reand kind and really refined, yet lac" joicing." Gentletnell In Rebuke. so large n part of the little courteslel Reader! seek to mingle genUene~a that It Is hard to believe they haYtI been well brought up, In mOlt ...es In all your rebukes; bear w'lth the In· It II the fault of the mothet-. Bhe tlrmlUes ot others; make allowances feels that It Is much more Importaot far constitutional fra1ltles; never say to torm t he character of. a little bo,. harsh thIngs. If kind things will do as tbat his manners can walt till he 1, well; do not unnecessarily iacerate o.l der. · The result Is tbat one SC'M with recalling former dellquencles. boytl and men wbo rarely forget to be In reproving another. ' let, us ratber poUte outside of their homes~ and yet feel bow mucb we 'need reproof our· seem to think It unnecessary to treat Bolves. "Consider thyself," Is a search· Ing ScriptUre motto · for dealing with theIr own mother In the same way. ~ view, Is that t!iere Is no ne~ an erring brothe.r. . Remember thy to negleot the character, bl.lcaus8 you Lord's method or sllenolng 1Ierce ae. pay attention to the manners. i thlDIc cusat!on-"Let him that la without S,D I' bave succeeded. ;As soon as my first cast the first ·stone." Uttle boy wore troulers 1 tAught him Moreover. anger and .everlty· are . tha he must take .ff his bat al loon not the successful JDeans of recla~m· as be came into the bollae or when a Ing the backslider. or of QlelUng the lady spoke to him In the Itreet. That obdurate. LUte the smooth stonea he must rise from h~ tbair _eD I with which David smote Goliath, gen· 'c ame at the dining table, tsut ~.r Ue rebukes are generaU,. the most walk out of the ' room before to ",." powerful. The old fable or the trav· and all'the other little polite waya .... eler and his cloak hRa a moral here Uke to see In men. It baa never Hft as In other thlngl.' Tbe genial Bunany trouble to keep him up to tb .... shine will effeot It. removal sooner tblngs; he learned 80 young that It than the rough tempest. It was said soon hecame .econd' nature.-HarpV' of Leighton that "he rebuked faulta Rode Relieved Him of Anxiety. Baur. so mildly, that they were never retJng through the night. a very part of pented. not because the admonished tbat grim desolation surroundIng Very Taking Platform. were afraid, but asliamed to do 10.'" t.hem. No one of the three felt like Governor Dlx. at a dInner ' In ' ',e sp~aklng; tbe gloomy, brooding des· Hotel Manhattan to New York. uJ4 or ' A Mean. of Grace. ert opprelsed them, their vagrant polltlcs: Prayer CIces not always remove pain thoughts assuming the tinge of their "Sneering at . pollUcs. the GonCOl:tb or povert,., but It accomplishes won· surrundlngs; their bope centered · on once said ·that no party could ....r. ders .In enabling a ~hrlsU8n believer escape. 'Keith -rode. grasplng -tbe -Teln 101e- otBce It It gave the . people 'rree to bear either. If 'tliat II bls appointed of the woman'l horse to bls left band. fireworka every night and tree vaul,. lot Sometimes. It Is true, a prayer and bendln~ low In vain effort at pick· ville every day. whlcb' fulfills the spiritual condition. Ing a path. He had nothing to aim "But I heard or a G'tP.n('ildate In tbe of luoces8ful praying brings a literal toward. yet sturdy confidence 1n his south who went the Goncourta ODe answer In Ita own kind. but when God expert plalnscraft yielded him suftl· better. cannot give tbe precise tbing asked clent sense of d·l rection .. He had noted "'F'ellow cItizens,' he Ihouted from for. he will supply the grace through the bark of the cottonwoods. tIle dlree- tbe stump, 'my platform I. just thf.l: which a belieVer Is enabled! to do "all lion of· th·e wind, and Ilteered a course First. no pay for allY elected canen things" that need to be done. FltouUa accordlngiy straight. northward. alert date. Second. penelone .tor 'a ll voter.. ' .. tbat heart which Is strengthened by to avert any; v'a rllitton. prayer. Those who have already The girl rode easily, although In a On Ice. prayed ' In humble and trusting spirit man's saddle. the. stirrups mucb too "Yes." saId Alkali Ike. "a couple 01 know In part. at le881, the worth 01 long. Keith glanced aside with n1ft cow punchers Indulged In a very prtt- ~rayer-and to such as have never yet approval at the erectness with wh.lch ty scIentific scr:ap down at Bad experLmeQted with Its power and dl. she sat, the loosened rein In her band. Bucke's yesterday." vlned Its riches of lI'ace and bl~BSID8. the SUgl1't swaying ot her' form. He ''It Is wonderful how ' cool those ftol, cornea the call to try and prove Ita could. appreciate horsemanship. and lows keep under the clrcumltances,," wondrous worth . . the easy manner In which she rode remarked the eastern tout1at. , relieved him of one anxlet.y. It even ' ·~Yaas. tber certainly hav,e to •• caused him to ' break the IIII"lce. ketp -cool. stranger. , I bell~v. felr ",You ar~ evidently aCl'1:stomed' to some reaso'n ,or -·other.' tbelr fUDeral. riding; Miss Hope." ain't to' be for a .couple 0" day. yeto" .~he . glanced ' across at bltil through . ' " .' ..' the darkness. as though suddenly s~r- ' . " ,Mlatakof' ' A1fa~lUty. ·prlsed ', from thought; her words ' not "What made 4»U1' pirate . chief eo. coming ' quickly. , . . pe~ the' prisoner to 'walk- tlt'e p1ank,' H .' "l~' cannot remember when' 1 first hastily?" ..ked tbe pirate. mounteiJ' a · horle; Iii earliest chUd' "He waS one' of those cheerY IIl\4 hood, surely. ' although [ have not rid.' famlllar ready-made humorists, ''1'Il• . den m:nc1!- o~ lat.e; _ ~!lIa one Is .11k. a li...t thing h.e old when ·he , ..w 1-ht ' rockIng chair." . - 'cb!ef 'rae: ,- ·Oh. ~ ,C&ptaID Kld'··"Ht! 'belonged to :your Mend, Mr. ' Hawley." Hla Tr..... , She dr.ew: • gulok breatb, her face. "A deo.Ust In a WaT tlolcla Ut. Ie . agalD tUl'Iled fo",ard. pther, ioea't be!" .<.. "Who-wl'co Ja thai · DIU! ~ wb,t . wQr
lie assured her • .,ill retaining bts hold upon her hanel. "This W8S merely a e»rellmlbe.ry skirmish, Rnd you must 'lire pare to benr yonr part. tn what ~OllOW8. We bave settlec,l Mr. 'Hawley ~r the pr1!8ent. m4 now must deal .. Jth hla cang" "Oh, 'wbat would I han done If you fIIsd not been ltere?" "Let UI :«Iot tb.1Dk abQut tbat; we ''Wore her~, and now have Ito busy night 41e10re us tr we get away ..fely. Give Ole the roPe first. Good! Here, Neb. IOU mut know how to ule thte-not too tight. bllt wfthout leaving any play .to the arms; take the knife out of his belt. lIlow tor the cloth. r.USII :lfaclalN." "plea.ee do not c,a11 me tbat!" "But you sald it dldn·t make any <4ltrerence "hat I called you." "I thou&bt It didn't then, but It does Clow." "Oh, i· lee; we ar:e already on a new footing. Yet I mus't call you some-thing." Sbe hesitated just long enough Cor tllm to notice it. Either she hl\d no .ubsUtute ready at halld. or else doubted the IldrisabUity of confiding ber real name under present clroumstances .to one 60 nearly a stranger. "You may call me Hope," . ...A name certainly of good omen." /be returned. "From tbls moment I ,.a hall forBet Christie Maclalre. and reimember only Mllis Hope. All right, :Neb; now tum over a chair. and sit l~our man up against It. He will rest ,all tbe ellsler In that position until hls ~g arrives." He thrust his bead out of the door. :lIcerlng cautlously forth Into the night. and listening. A single horse. probably the one Hawley, had been riding. , ~as tied to Q. dwarfed cottonwood near <tbe corner 01 the cabin. Nothing else llY1nc was visible. ' "I am golilg to round up ou.r horses. and ,earn tbe condJtlon of Hawley's ClUtftt," be announced In Q. low vQlce. ~l may' be gQne for f\lteen, or tnulY minutes. nnd. meanwhile, Miss Hope. cet r.eady for a long ride. Neb. stand bere close beside the door. and If any <lne tries to come In brain bim with your gun·stock. I'll ' rap three Umes when I raturn.'· The E..y Mlnnor ,ln , Which She He sllppell out Into the silent nlglrt. and crept cllutlously around the end through 'the water. and they could Clf the dark cabin. Tbe distinct change mount on the other shore. This plan 10 the girl's attitude of frlendsblp to· seWed. he went at It swiftly. riding ~ard him, ;1,\er every evident desire the captured animal ,while rounding 'that he shctiild think well of her. to- up the others. and faatenlng the three .,.etber wltb Lbo ' provlde~tlal opportu· to stunted trees on the opposite bank. Jllty for efIC4pe. had left him full of Everything within the cabin remained ClOnlld~D~e. The cam bier had played exactfy as -he had lefUt. -and ·he bt1efty 1I11l1dly (; nto their bands, and Keith explained the situation. examlng Ha\\"tWas .qltJck enong'll -to. w:cept tbe ad- ley's bonds agaln carefully while do'Vantage. It was a risk to blmself. to Ing 60. lie sure. tbul turning again to tM "He'll remain there all right until northwarn. rot the clear duty he owed his men flod h.l m." he declared. posl.· the girl leU sucb ~ cboice almost' tm· tlvely. "and that ought to gtve us a peratlve. He certainly· oollid not drag sood six hours' start. Come. Miss h er atollg wllh blm on bls Hlgbt Into Hope. every' minute counts now." the wild Comanche country extend' He held her arm . not unconscious of Ing beyond tho Canadian. She must, Ita round !Ihapellness. as he helped her at the very ' lel\.8t. be first returned to ' down the rather !lteep bank through the Ilrotectlon of the seml-clvlllzation the dense gloom. Then the two men along the Arklllls&8. After thal had ~olned hands. and carrying her be· been aecomplll!lhed. he would consider tween them. waded the shallow his own BIllely. He wondered It Hope stream. The horses. not yet sumclentreally was her name. and whether It 11 rested to be frisky. accepted their was the famUy cognomen. or her given burdens meekly enough. and. with name. That sh& was Ohrlstle Mw:lalre sr.arcely a word spoken. the three rode ' he had no, Question. yet that artlstro away , s ilently Into the gloom of the 4linbelllabment W&8 .probably merely night. ' .:lUisumed . for the \\-ork oC lhe conc:ert ;hall. Both be and Hawley could CHAPTER XII. 1I0arcely be mllltaten as to her Ide~t1· ty 10' this relpecl, and, indeed, 8b'e bad 'Dever openly' 48D1ed · tb~ fact: Yet she 'Through the NIght Shadow •• did not at aU ' seem to, be ' tha~ klnd. Keith had yery little to gUide him. and Keith mentally: contrasted '. ber as he coul~' not . determl~e wtiether with· numerous , other.; w.hom be ~ad ·'thls mysterious cabin on the 88.lt .Fork aomewliat'lDUmately known atqng :tbe ..,.' to east or west of tbe ullllal' cat~le. lborijer ei~ult. It w.1Ui dUllcult to &J' trail h'ladtng ~own to the CanadllUli .acl.t~ ber ~'lth :that claB!!; sbe mU8~ Yet he · felt reasonably 'ass,ured that :1t.."e orlClDally ,from some· excel· the ieneral ~rend of the country 1,'l1g I.nt , f~~ JDU't. ,and ~n drlv~n to between tile small~r streU!l .and tbe d. life b, necetl8lt,.; abe was ;Dore to ~Iey of tb.e Arkansas would be-atml· .,. pttt~ tban .blamed. Keltb he14,·no ' tar to tbat' wlth w)llch be ~iea.clY eurJtMlcaI "Iews' of ute-bls Ol'D ex· aCqualntea. IJ.a ' merely a lIfid »erSences !lad been ~ J'Ou,b and 8tretcb of aandy desolation, acros~ AI.2tocrailc , . that--7« be ciuq teo wbleb. theJr borset would leave searc.. !mow'"
..... ,.
..... II.. tb......ej~
BUY SHEEP AND LAMBS NOW But Don't Be a Sheep. A COMMON EXPERIENCE. Don't Follow the Crowd. In chasing the market tor profit, the fellows whg. blindly follow the crowd are generally the ones wlio get lett. The successful man buys when he haa the least competlUon, at the lowes\ prices and with the greatest margin for profit. which usually 'brlngs his 80lllng time during a perIod of co~· parutlve scarcity at market, and he therefore gets higher prices and most always makes a good profit In his dealings. He",'. a Chance for Gain. The present ver, . . , ,.,.rket val· ues of feeding sheep and lambs, being less than the cost of production. offera such an opportunity to those ""ho are prepared to properl,. care tor them. Feeder. Are Seiling Cheap. Well·bred. thin but thrifty lambs o. tbe growing kind can now be bought on the Ohlcago market for f5.25 tc f5.50 per 100 pounds; wetherl of slm· IInr description. '3.40 to '3.75; year· ling wethers, $4.25 to ,UO; ,.earlln" breeding ewes, '4.00 to ' •. 60. and rood feeding ewes at f2.50 to f2.85. These prloes are about ,1.75 lower than a ,.ear ago for feeder lambl, and the lowelt slnoe 1904. .Feeder Iheep prIce I also are unusually low. Now II the Time to Buy. In view of the tw:t that prices of feeder Iheep and lamba are now below the COlt of production, and that prelent prices ot lamb and mutton are cut or Une with all other meata and mUit therefore soon rtae becaule ot the inoreased consumpUon tovtted thereb,., the conclusion la Inevitable that noW' .. the bost time to buy feed· .r Rheep and lambs for all tbOh who. are reUT to prepare them for market during the early part of next :year. A Madlng obeep owner and dealer ..,..: "Fat II made pretty cheap 00 th. Fall feed that otherwlae would be wasted, and the Iheep and lamb .teedlng proposition from the ltandpoint of fertility II worth,. or mOlt careful conilderatfon." SILENCE IS GOLDEN.
Mrs. Role,.":"Poor dear, he hasn't .ald a word tor threeweeka. Dr. Bull·Frog-Well, :VOU don't WAIl' him to croak. do :vou ?-Exchang.. Don't ae Embarralled. Nothing CD.U8ea a person more em. baiTal.ment than the knowledge that lOme· part of their attire need. apolOD'. Dirty linen Ie the mOlt commollt and lnexculable fault, and al long u etrong rosin soapa are ,u.ed In tbo laundry, streaked wBahablel are ill· entable. Hewitt'. Eay Talk"':'tbe ortCinal white laundry loap-Ia the best clean lineD lUarantee obtalnablo. MqlUtude. of women ..y 10, and you'll &lree after a trial. Ask your srocer. 1'1.... centa .. eak~ Unfortunate Man. A tourist In the mountain. of Tee·
neSMe once hlld dinner with a querulous old qlountalneer who yarned about hnrd tlmel for 16 minutes at a stretch. "Why, man," laid the tour· 1st. "you ought to be able to m.a ke lotI of money sblpplog lI'een corn to the northern market. "Yes, 1 orter," wal the sullen' reply. "You have the .llWd. I suppoae, and , can' get the seed." "Yes, I"gUeeli 80." "Then wby lion't you go Into the!! specUlationr' "~o use, I~anger," sMi,. ·replied 'uie oracker; "tbe old woman Is too lazy . to do the ploW'ln' aild planUn·." 'Ready for It. , "Young maR, have you made any preparatlonl , tor ,the, z:a,ny da:),.r',' "Oh. Jes." replied . the aon ot tbe prominent mllllonalre. "In addition to my roada~r, ,I have a corking 1000 limousine that will easU,. hold six rtria;"
'.', '
·Practical Fashions GIRL'S DRESS,
WHEN CUPID WAS OFF DUTY Lover's Bad Cold Thlt Led to MOlt U nfortunat. r~ Isunderatant!. In g With Girl .
Swe et was the lass, low was the gas ; It was the e vening sbe expect ed him to put a cross the big Question. He did not look well. SomethlDg seemed to be trou blin g him . He trie d to say som ethIng, but the words s tuck III his th roat , Ilnd t he glrl, noticIng this. t urne d t he gas even lower. Suddenly he turn ecl to ber and cried, "I' m a du b!" " No," she sa id , fondly. "Yo u don't .appr eclate yourself as well as s ome othe rs do, !Jerhllps. Tee hee !" "Yes," he perslsled stubbornly, 'Tm a dub !" "No," she maintained. "Yes," be a lmost shouted, "I'm a dub l" She was a sensible girl, and so, r enl· tzl ng that he oug ht to kn ow best, s he tha nked bl m klDdly tor waralng ber In time anu h ande d blm his hat. It was only after tbe door slammed behl Dd him fore ver that she realized the awful truth. He had, contracted a nasly cold, nnd what he had been tr ying to say Here Is Ii fr oc k tor the littl e girl to was, "l'm in lovel " "'ear when she must appear In dressy IIt yle. A pretty yok e and Btandlng col· HANDS BURNED LIKE FIRE la r trim the neck and a round the yoke Is a trim mi ng which taltes the form HI can truthfully 8ay Cutlcura Remof shaped reve rs. The side port ions of t be bodice open in t hl' center to show edJes bave cured me of four long a little ga thered front and continue Y4!ars at eczema. About tour years dow n tbe ski r t In long tab effects, The ago I noticed Bome little pimples skirt has a reversed box plal t In the coming on m y lItlle finger, and not center tl'ont nnd tb e balance is goth· giving It any atlentlon, It loon became ered and at tsc hed to t b" wa ist. Th ere Worse and spread allover my bands. are short CliP sleeves and lon g tucke d und r s leeves. Linen, la wn. orgs ndle, If I would have them In water for a etc. ) will ma ke up nicely In tbl s style. long time, they would burn like Jlre T Ie patt ern ( 5318) Is cut in ' s izes and large c racks would come. I could C to 12 yea rs. Med iu m size reqnlres lay a pin In them . After ualng all :ll-{j ya rd s of 36·lnch ma te ria l IlDd % tbe salves I could tblnk of, I weDt to three differ en t doctors, but aU did Yll rds of 18 in ch tucldng. To pro ure t hlA P:lI torn el'nd 10 cents me no good . The only re llet I got was 10 "Pu ttHn Desa r tm nt," of l hls puper Icratcblng. Writ nama an n(iclress pl u lnl y. und b .. "So aft er be aring 10 much about the SlirE. 10 It l\'e alr.e nnd n um ber of oallern wonde rful CuUcura Remedle., I purchased one complete set, and atter SIZE .• . .. ....••••••• NO. 5318. ualng them three days my bandll were NAME . ... .. . .... . ... . .. ... .... . .. ......... _ much better. Today my hands are entirely well, one let being all I used." TOWN . ....... . ....... . .. .. ..... . . .. . ....... _ (Signe d) Miss Etta Narber, R. F. D. 2, STREET AND NO ... . _.. , ... ... ......... . Spring Lake. Mich., Sept. 26. 1910. Although Cutlcura Soap and OintS1'ATE ..... ......... . _. .. ... .... .... ...... .. ment are lold everywhere, a lample of each, wtth 32·page book, will be mailed free on appllcaUon to "CuUcura," Dept. 2 L, Boston. LADY'S COAT SLEEVES,
~~ ' alle l to Doctor Ma c Dougall's Haverhill experiments. and suggestll once more wIth a wes om e e trect th at deatb maY not be merely u cessatI on of bodily forces. but that It Involv es lhe de· parture from lhls bou se of clay of a myste rious visitor. Like MacDou gall . t he bl cngo pby· siclan wat ched tb e 'Ias t moment !! o f a dying man . To hI s prac tised eye tbe aura of the sufferer . a pat ien t in Mercy hos pi tal . was plnlnly outlined with It s dark etbertc do ub le and Its luuer and outer band s of li g ht. For half an hour or 80 O' Donnell k pt his vigil. T be Inl erne In cbarge of tbe case fin all y, unnou nc d t bat th e patient was sinking. "I ke pt my eyE'S fastened on the patie nt ." says O·Dun· nell , In his a cco unt of the w Ird e~· pe rlence. "Suddenly the llU ra began to spre nd a way from the body. th n It disappeared ! At tba t 11l~ l ant the hou se pb yslcian ann~llIn c ed thllt t he patient was des d. What for ce prodllces the allra we cannot sny jll 8t yet. Every living person has one. It I. go ne the Instant death coanes." T his Inquisitive Chicago <lClctor has no mind to be made a scientifi c mar· tyr by announcing s oul·he resles, but he Is firm In s tnUn g his be lief tba t t he . aura, so e vident In life and vanishing /1 0 ghostlike In dentlJ, is n ot t he reo sultant of me re bodily magnetism or electrical force. He he lleves be has 7 discovere d th e vis ible e ffect of some ~. ."""" HE myste r y ot life! Will hues of tbe speclr um, tl'us tlng that liS yet unknow n humnn force, differing science ever Boh'e that ri d· Borne change In the distribution of the wide ly fr oUl th e play of e lectricity or die? W11I It beed "The bands might mark the passage of the ma gnetism, and sp. pllrate d as If by a Spblns" Ln Eme rson's fa m· unknown, mys terious factor from the gulf fr om th e chemical a nd mechani cal ous poem wbo bade thtl frame of the dying man . ,"V ha t color reactIons of th e bod)'. ]n n word. eager Questioner behold the soul mIght RSBum e. whnt s pace It it Is Insepar a ble fro m life . for when blmlelt, t he· IlnBWer and cov ered In relation to the body, whe th· life goes the a ura goos also. As to the Question, too ? ]ncred· er It emanated fl'om the lips 'or from wh ether it be the physica l sldl! or 311· ible aa It may seem, BcJentlsts Bre the head alone-lh ese were some of pect of the soul, he r etuses to expreBs e ven now doing that very thing. In the momentous Questions he tbought his private vie w for publlcaUon . Over In France they are more outtbe near future you and I should be to se t tle forever. .prepared to hear them announce mOlt But neltbe r the pure white light nor spoken. and they are te lltng of marlearnedly and BententiouBly the reo the spectrum bandl told aught of the ve ls the pbotograpblc camel'a has wltbody's departing guest. Tbat It nessed and recorde d which as yet dlBcoyery of the human .IOUI. Here and the re, In hOBpltal labora- showed no refraction to light was not. have been denied to the direct vlslol1 tortes widely Bcattered, men of s ci- atter all, surprising. The re Is one of tbe unaided eye. Cons ider tbe eSence are ,roping Into the mYBte ry. lubstance or force In tbe universe that periments or Doc~or Bar aduc, a well· Uke the mediaeval I clenUm who Is totally devoid of Ught refraction, !mown savant, concerning the IIgbt lived In dread of the ban of Mothe r and that Is the Interstellar ether, the phenomena above and around the bod· Churcll, they are mostly worldng wonderful, perfectly trans parent me- les of the dead. Doctor Baraduc Is a psycblc a s well McreUy and are not telling balt they dlum In wblch IIgbt Itlelf movel unWhat If the a.a a scientist of repute. Between him· know. For Iclence, that marvellou • . cbecked and unbent. self and his son Andre a strong bond . macblne of modern lIrOlTeSB, has It. loul were etherT While the revolutionary theory of of atrectlon existed. Fre quently each churcb, top, u It were; It I orthodosJ' and Ita heterodon'; Its hierarchy ot the Boul al an actual e sillte nc~ of had remarkable telepathic exll'irlence. estabU.hed rulers who escommunlcate ether or ether·Uke substan ce was set· with the other, and both were Interest&Dd .et autoa-da·te for e:tpounders ot tlnK tonKUel wagging In Boston, a pu· ad In the study of the BOul. Wben III pll of .the ramou. Dr. Walter J . . KlI· 1907 AIIdre died, hili father took a pb~ here.I •. 80 tar the evidence these bold In- ner of London, w.. performing eSllert· tograpb of the comn afte r the boy had Ye-tlptol'll haYe unearthed Sa cbleny ments just as manelous In Chicago. been dead nlnu hours. nepUve, yet 1M11'erthe1ell highly s lg- Doctor Kilner II a believer tn the hu· When the plate. was developed It nUlcanL In the first place, one of man aura. He holdl that every bu· wal dllcoverE'd that emanating trom them fOUDd that pbYllcal death Is ac· man being Is lurrounded by an en- the body In tlle comn was a formlesl, companied by a sudden 1018 ot bodily velope of a peculiar kind ot light misty. wavelike ma.s s, radiating In all weight Yaryln, from three-Quarters of whJcb follow. and Incloles every can· direction II. wltb considerable force. ail- OUllce to nearly an ounce and a tour of the form. Thu. anolber 1m· touch Lng the bodies of those wbo came qaarter. 80me CUrtoUI eXJ)ertments agined myth-the halo and encircling In close proslmlty to the c01l1n, as It 5540 of thla kind were ~ade by Dr. Dun· glory that the superstitloul agel at· attracted to tbem by Borne magnetlo Dy altering the aleeves or last years trlbuted to the lalnta-may be dem- force. On one occallol1 the force of coat we often succeed In saying tbe' can MacDougall, of Haverblll., Mus. ru. fint lubject WIUI • DiaD dyln, onl,trated by a Queer sclentlJlc revers· contact with this mass ,",'as so great price of a ne w garment. The modei. or tuberculolls. He selected a pa- at a solid reall~. that Doctor Daraduc received an eleo- Illustrated herewith sbow the tWQ Kilner's pupil III Cblcago Is Doctor trtc sbock from head to toot, wMcb styles most In vogue, one with a lit· tient bing from tbla dlle.88 because 110 lTeat an exbauIUon charactertl6s Patrick 8. O'Donnell. . He bad from .,roduced a temporary dizziness. tie fullness at ' tbe shoulder, the otbThe Bavant's Interest was so arV'.sed er with no fullness whatever. All coat ita Jlnal atages that death occurs with bls master a set of Illdes specially delItUe or no mUlcnlar movement. With Ilgned to ma~e auras vl.lble. These atter his photograph was taken that .materials, reversible clotb, tweed, . & 'patlent Quiet, the beam of the acalell are merely blta of ,laBIIslued togetber he attempted more concluslve..*,xperi- cbevlot, broadcloth and tb~ like are ' can be kept true and Bny losa occur- with a lolutlon. more or lesl concen-. menta Immedt&tely upon tbe death of appropriate. traled, ot a dark blue dye termed,- bls wlte who died six montb!! atter . The pattern (5540) Is cut In sizes rln« will be eYldenced. In thl. expertment the patient was dlcyanln . . The oblerver Drst looka at her son. He .et a camera at tbe bfld- i mall, medium and large. Medium size 1rtnl on a bed arranged on a light his lubject through a .tronger glals, Bide and at the moment of ber death requires for the plain sleeve of a framework wblcb was built on very and then when he has IdentlDed tbe he pbotographed the body and short- yard of material 40 or more Incbe. delicately balanced plaUonn Icales. aura as a nebulous bllle lurroundlng Iy after developed the plate. On It w.lde, fQr the gathered Ileeve, % of a Ue wu under observ.tlon three bours the subject he tran.tel'll to a weaker were found three luminous globes rest- yard of 50 In b material and 1 yard and forty minutes before death. He glass with less blue plrment, which Ing a few Inches above the body by of braId. JOllt wel,ht alowly at the rate of an sbows him tbe aura as "a dlsUnct flne luminous tbreads. procure this p llttern send 10 (,pnt.. Ensuing photographs sbowed that toTo"Pa ounce an hour, due to the evaporation blulsb gray ring estendlng completett ern Department," ot tht. pllpt<r. WrIte name a nd address plaInly. and b. of breath mollture and persplratlon. Iy around tbe body." After the eye thele gradually condensed anll became lure to g ive si ze a nd number ot pa tte rn. Keenly the physlcJan watched the bll.8 thus been accommodated to the more brilliant. Streaks of light like estreme limit ot Its villon, the lenses flne threads were allo seen darting fa~lng bours and mlDuf.e1 of tbe alIIZE . .... .......... . most lPOllt lite. And then- Iuddenly, can ~ dllpensed with altogether and hither and tblther" A pholograph talt· NO. 5540. colncJdent with death- tbe beam end the unaIded, naked slgbt will discern en 15 mInutes atter the death of bls wife sbowed Doctor Baradue that NAHl!I ........ _. ...... _•• _... .. ............ . of the scale. dropped with an audi- 'by Itself the aura's bluish glow. Doctor O'Donnell's Jlrst demonstra- fluid corda had developed partly enclrTOWN ... .. ....... .. .......... .. .... .. ...... , ble stroke, hitting agalnlt the lower bar and .remalnlng there with no re- tlon W&.8 merely to establlsb the fact cling the globes of I1gbt. An hour atter her death a PbotOSTREET AND NO ................ .. ... .. . bound! The scales registered an In· of the aura to doubUng Tbomases. STATl!I .. .......... .. ........... .. ......... .. mnt lou or three-Quarters of an Twelve prominent Cblcago physicians KT'Ilph then taken showed the · can· and Sis sisters of the Mercy hospital densed globe which obs<lured the head I L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..I ounce. WhJ!.t bad lODe! It could hot have WItnessed tbe trtal.. MOllt of them of Mme. Baraduc. Cords appeared In been. evaporation of Iwent, he decided, "ald the demoJUltratJon WPoI a com· the shape of a .Jlgure eight, closed at 'Myth Concerning the Salamander. Nowts and salaman.d ers are pretty for that bad Ilowly lett tbe body at Illete succell8 and that they saw dla· tbe top and opened at the point neal'the rate 'o f a lIDY fraction oC· an ounce tlnctly tbe bands of light enclrcUng est the body. FInally, .three boura and much like frogs and toads, only they a minute, whereas tbe ludden 10sB at tbe bodies of the giri art models who a half after death, a well formed globe bave a tall and look Ilke • lizard. and death bad been many times as great had consented to pose. Each aura was rested abo\'e tbe body, apparently beld then In some breeda the pair of hind It could not bave been, further test. vlslbie In three parts. FIrst, next to to~ther by the encircling luminous legs are small and In others lackIng. aatlllled tlie doctor, tbe air ID the tbe body, a dark band a Quarter of cords, which s"emed to KUlde and con- . SalaDianders often get Into old rotten lungs. Dr. MacDougall wu s tarUed at an Incb wllie. which II known as the trol It. At laBt the cords sIlapped one logs and It ·put on t.h e Ilre run out the weird phenomenon. Something etherto double; secondly, the Inner by one and the globe floated away and wllhout being hurt In many cases, be- ' cause they are more or lesa damp and Immatertal, yet evidently forceful and aura or band of light, a.n d Jlna))y the vanlabed. . Are these ",elrd and grewsome lum· may not actually pass tbrough mucb or weight, bad departed with tbe lite. outer aura. Wben one of the pbyslclans drew Inous phenorr.ena connected wltb the fire. But folk tblnk a salamander Is What tn the world was ItT Tbe phYlilclan repeated his esparl· his baDd along tbe undraped figure departure of the aura? ADd can the right at home In the tire. menta lD the lalt hours of various oth· ot the subject the aura follow.d It. aura be the phYSical manifestation of er tuberculolls patients. Alwaya at Bister De Lourdes noUced there were tbe soul? 'rbese are two QuestloDs Test That Falied. the supreme moment tbe stroke of the dlsUnct bands ot Ught between the that need to be authoritatively anJean 1s a very matter·of·fact tot or beam came down with an o.udlble re- 'd octor's finger tips' and tbe body of swered one way or the other. and tbe three summers. Her motb er ODe day, 'aild each tlme the scales told tbe model under observation. With· experimenters will not rest tl\1 the while boldlng In her arms the wee the Joel of about an ounce. Conld drawal of the hand leem'lld to 'pull the answers are found. baby sister, wbo was very delicate, rethis thing that 10 suddenly departed color Uke putty away frOm~the body, marked: "Dear -me, sbe- looks' ~o 'frall sbape In Cured of Flirting. be Mealb]y viewed I·n 1t8 upward causing a decided change 11 breath would bloil'1ler awaY.,N 'Jean, tho . aurt .. , .whlch, however, 800n refllgb t:? . takJng a long breath, purred It Budden· "What cured him of filrtJD,!" Selled ' with a new hope. the experi- sumed Hs original poalUoll 11' Into the face of t:h6 little slater, Curious' alt this ' Is, It Corms but "He started a flirtation with a lad, menter 'dev18ed a clear wblte light to and. stepping back. ",alted a moment r8llt aJ~ng the body o~ the subject In , a prelude to the truly extraordinary wbo turned out to be selling s n ency- ,In silence. Then In a dis appointed 9'Donnell ma elopedla at £40 a lIet."·-London Opln, expe\lfment Doctor . the dyfJig hour. Ill : other cas ~ s be tone she said: "Well. why don't n. you go?" eovere4 the bodies with. the rainbow little later. This offers a strange par-
..,~~ .... ...,~ ..... .,.,~
Tho Firat T,hlmb.le. ; · ·As yo~ Go. The 'thlmble of pJa1n' , Iewlng W&.8 MCI~ ~p': ail you.co'" Is In excellent text to' worlt., by,- a parallel to "N.,'V· Invented In the year 168~ ,"b7 " a gallant . young Dutch Ilold.mltb of 'Aml~erdam. e'~ put, air till' tomorrow," , &c.-and one that manj ' a . mother would do who· deviled the "tbumb-bell",.,-for wfill .to keep over before btl' and IIv. this' was ItS otictnal name-Ill order' 11]) to. , It II the puttlng-off bAb1t that to protect his sweethean'llbumb tOil' ~ . leads 't o .CcumdlatioDI. to burry, and, .. when *lii wa. enp,eil with a ' nee4Je ·eoDaeqi'aeDU,. til ba4.lr done worlL If. and ootton. n6 "-thumb . bell;' bas. hOW • .yet:, ~CIOID' & ..ftDaer-~I.I." out til .c loth.. Deed repatrfni •. let them b..... onl7 UtU• . c~,. baa takeD PaIred at OIlce' If thhIP .are out ,or ahape pJace JD it clae.' the Imbl Haul tWr' ,i.c.i, put .. them back plaeecl the lint thlmb1e 011 8 • .dlu.' of tIlll ~ ;]~~===~.:_;b.:a: be:
Snail Mlilloni Qf Vearl Old. A p(ltrlfied "prehistoric snail embed-
Vouth'. Commercial Instinct. A boy of nine. who had never 'pre.10uBly witnessed a collectioD In chureh. waa deeply ' 'Interested, and ·wben . ilie bags w er~ finally borne orr ~y clergy and cbolr In' proceSSion, proclaimed In a loud whtlper ot sympa· thetlc; !~em e ~t, "Now tbey're gOIDI to share It outl"
ded 10: th, heart ·of a large Il!eee ' of. blue lias stone, wu dl8covered a few daY'S ai o 'by . quarrymen worklq, at Cheddai' C1Ufs, : Wlllo" UPO.ll·, Bomo, .~arJle. bould!!ts ot.-!!.ontl wb h:h , .e~ dl.placed .1D tbe land,lIde which ()Oo curred some years ago. Tbe d~cOY. ert I• ..4n8UIi~tiy in~erelUnl to th The Pr••ent Crusad •• leolo~stt · on account of th" poeat age '"Marie. let m,e do some gallont deed ' cir the ,and, ai, alto.ited UpgD a yerr to prove myself your _knlgbt." "Swat the flY, .Robert, at e very pOS' low .trata, It ' matt be 1IIAWo.. 01 t ear. IIDce tJae Alli itYed,. alble oPPClrtun!U. Tbat's all , BQ.'·
Cement Talk No.7 Newspapers print n ear:" ly every day the story of some fire disaster involving the complete destruction of great property values and sometimes the loss of human lives. The annual fire losses of tho United Statel are measured by the millions; in fact, it is stated that O"fel' two hundred and firty million donal'll
worth of property WlU ~Jped out by fire ia the Un ited StlittS lu t year. While It .. tra. that tlle precautions to prevent /ire and ~ fighting Ifl teOla are often inad~ua1C. th . mllin trOuble lin in jli",V. ..":ftrq....f hui/ding ronltruditnl. Expencnce hal prove. that fireproof cOlUtruction il both practic:abl. and economical. In. lome indultriel fi~ building i& compelled by law. Reinforced trlrl( rr/I hal come to the front u the m oe important agent in buildi~ v.UD1t fire.. ~ Ute of <nUllt In buildil1i JI becoming .JI'O~ and more common. due to jta ' fircproofDc~ durability and economy. Wh~ buildinr ~ thing from the back porch ItCpl to an ofJi~ buildillf. concrete coa.truCltion may be: "'eJr adopted. The ute of U.kJwllll ~ in the (O,,1TttI wiD inl\lJ'e mwrrlol d.. bert quaiity pouible to'maDufacture. U.",.1 il hlllldled everywhere by the belt dcakra.
AJOnJAL 0tm'U1' 10,000.000
----------------------- ~
Make the Liver
Do its Duty when the
Nine Urnes In ten Uver .. right the lltornach and bowela are
trentJybutfirmJy pel a lazy liver do ita duty. Cures ·c_
aDd Dletreu AIt., IIL\LL Plu.. SJlAU, DOSE. SIWJ. PIUCL lt Is no great matter to uloclate Goouine mast bear Signature witb tbe good and gentle, for thll Is naturally pleasing to all and everyone willingly enjoyeth peace and lovelb thoBe best that agree with blm. But to be able to live peaceably with bard and pervene persona, or with the dl.· orderly, or with such as go contrary to us, IB a great grace, and a most comBT .... olSlolI' up • sprlo •• ~ , «Ira ISle wlllllli11be bab1 \0 .I~ mendable and manly thln&,.-Thoma.a aDd, •• 'be _me. \Jllle opua" a Kempls. a.taD II 4ealNcl. A Oroat . Grsoe.
~~~ZI!' SIII·SwiaciD, Crad'e
The FInMt1'hlng Ever Invented fDr the IIabv
Plcturea Th.t Pi ••••• Every once In a while you read about , ,ome Jjlcture leUtnl for maDT thou. .ands of 'dollars, but you enn lecure • beautiful reJjroductlon of some of the world'i masterpiece., ready for tramlng, absolutely free, by lending the Hewitt Brothers' 80ap Company. Day· ton. Ohio, a two-<:ent ltamp and twenty-five wrappers from Hewitt'.· Easy Task, the pure, clean, original white laundry soap.
an4 .1 a .ftl'1 . . lA eo.I Oftr
Not All 8moked, L. White Busbey. secretary to former Speaker Cannon, Wal esplalnln. that the lpeaker did not Bmoke BO much as people thought be dld. "!lfy understandlng," suggested one ot tbe party, "II that he gets away with about 20 clsal'l a day." "Oh, well," said Busbey, "but . he eats balf ot 'em ."- Bunday Magazine. Important
to Moth.".
Esamlne careful y every bottle of CABTORIA. a safe and .ure remedy tor Infants and cbUdren, and lee that it
In U.e For Over 80 Yeara.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
_4 ooake 10ur ...,lec'lon aUw ..e"... .. be...... Play It or Raile Itt tuilloe ot !lAmpl .. wblcb _ ,.1II..,od 10n " A German composer has wrttten an WeC01._,ltIJIst!llSeelre4. 'IIiot.oll .75 perJW'4. alU80nant piece of mualc called TILTON WOOLEN MILL ··Hell." Tbere ",,'1lI be any number tOO MILL 8TH • .,.. TILTON. N .... of people In thll country able to play It at a slance.- Houlton POlt.
The Pure Food Law Itopped tbo we of hundreds of fraudulant medicinea. They ecoId not stand invratil{ation . Hamlinl Wizard Oil baa .tood t be teat of inve.ti· ption for nearly lid,. yeara.
If a man smokel In tbe house and hJa wife la afraid her curtains will be ruined, he should be obliged to take them down.
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w. L •. DOUCLAS '2.50, '3.00, '3.50 &'4.00 SHOES __ W.LDou.Ju .tyllall, perfect u,. walkin, boot.. becau.. th.,. !pYa IOlllwear,_... ..
FOR· OVER 30 YEARS The workmanship'Which hal madeW.L
DougIaa ~oea f~oUl abe world over is mainlaine<l in every pair. , . If I c.ouJd take yOu into my larie rac!ories at
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you 'how
e&r!!fUDyWLDouaiusboes are awIe. you woulcltheo undentaod Why abey are war-
....ted to bold their ahape..& better weatlonaerthanenyoah.makeforthe ~ CAUTION :::r.:~p-::" w. · J!Cr~IJIl"
II J01l .aDOt olMla W L. 001111.. ....,.. yov klWD, Ydle Inr oa&aIo& Blaciel ••, 4heo1 01(8 PAD& of 1r-.:;:ailO-,aQ~Ja.... p""'...w.J,.
-a........... ...
"".'1VUWUI ..
sa."... .................. 'nIO
t,:- .:.' "..;.-:
.. ~.
have led a ll oth ers fo r yea r. , becauso they .give such u niv er sal satisfaction.' U ers of "Quick M eal " S t eel R a nge. arc our very best a d v~rtisers.
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New Burlington
Woman Shopper Finds Many Thins, to Complain of In Drug Store.
Chus . Mende nhall has bought ~he Abij h Andert;on farm on the Xenia pike three miles north of here. We will give you $:)5.00 worth of F. C. Schwartz was in' Cincinnati Mrs. Ellen Sides is very sick. EXCUR810N TO Thoro Bred Poultry free of charge "Give me a' t wo-cent stamp, please. Joshuu Inwood went 111 t week to S unday and Monllay. as per our Combination Poultry OutHere's a ten-dollar bill- It's t smaH- Sooth Bend, Ind , wbore he bas ac A. Maffit was in Dayton WednesOffer. Write for full particulars. est I have-what, haven't you any oepted n pOSition in tln implement d ay on business. Tne Litt le Miami was dangerously .Beautiful colored "chick picture" more convenIent cbange than all that , or near t he flood line Sunday. free. sliver? I can't carry that about with fl1ctory . t occurred 01' .y years ago on ay F d M me. WeH, the idea! Are you supNello tlnn Glynd on McNeHen terposed to be running a drug store, or tained t·b e me.m bers of their ~undfl,y the great Chicago fire. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnhart were what? Let me use your telephone. Schoo l cltlss, l'bursda,y evening or Mrs. Edith Harris returned 'h.ome in Lebanon Sunday afternoon. No tree 'phone? Well, this III the Itls t week. 932 Harriet St. Winona, Minn. train leaves Waynesville, 8:48 a.~. from Cincinnati Saturday evening. jumping oft place, I must say. If I 'rhe M. E. chor .)h WIlS redetlioated Miss Irma ' Mills, of New Paris, have tp drop a nickel In I'll have to have change-please give me, cbance on SundllY, Rev . Hoffman preached Henry King is in Acton, Ind., Ohio, is the g uest of Mr. and Mrs. in the forenoon and Rev. 'l'rout at tor this five-dollar bill. making a visit to his son, Eli, and George Mills. FOR THE DOMESTIC HUSBANC "Well, they don't aDIIwer. Of all night, family. DR. E. H. COSNER, the servlcel Is there a city dIrectory Horaoe Mendenhall Ilnd Mrs. J. The WaYnesville National bank Attraot ve Patterns Are Obtaln_bie ,here? Where? For goodness sake, O. (Jompton returned ll\st week from For the Man Who Will Do Mr. Lou Whiteman, -of Xenia, was) will be closed Thursday on account tbis III last year's cUrectory-haven't Hie Own Sewing. ' you a new one? Huh! Give me a lit- Il vi'!!it ~ith friends .in Hew Paris, a pleasant caUer at the Gazette office of Columbus Day. Ue piece of Ucorioe--root for. the baby O. Tuesday. Our new Une of ,p atterns for men to bite on. Why-, tWs 'seems 'Wormy<::lhl~s. Bentley is reoovering nioely Mr. Clay Warwick is convalescing wlU be found extremely useful for the hav.en't you a smooth piece? How do from a reoent operation for uppenMr, Jos. MarshaU spent last week at the home of his sister. Mrs. sensIble and thrifty young man who 912 Relbold Building, you seU your magazines? No, i don't preters to do his own sewing. For In· want to ~UY one-we subscribe for aU diciti8 and is expeoted home io a. few very pleasantly with relatives near- George Daugherty. stance, No. 9868 Is an easily made Dayton, • Ohio Spring Valley. the good on••, and you don't seem to day~ , evenIng suit. lIuy seven yards"""':say ...- - have tbose. I'll 'just read this one Miss Clara Lile, of Xel lia, spent seven and a halt-of nice, black cloth. whUe rm waiting tor a frIend. 0, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Aus tin, of Oregonia. the w~ek-end with Rev. _ Mrs. Lay It out op the floor and pin tbe, Graduate American Scll00l. Klrk.vllle. Mo please give me a wide-moutbed bottle, Bellbrook, spent Sunday with Mr. p~ ttern to It wIth the bIas fold on bolding about go much. What-five J. F. Cadwallader. The reoeption for Rev. Reber and and Mrs. Frank Zell. the ' creaso of the garment. All percents? You don't mean to tell me " .' c forations ar,e allq'IYod, and the seami 'that you chattge for empty bottles' I his wife was hehlat the home of Mr. Mw. Jas. Stoops and son, Holmes, ,Miss Martha Burnett and Miss mny be run up by hand. Trim with know, but when a penon has been and Mrs. W. 'C. Kersey. Quite shopping all over your store, it seems a numher were present and pa!clsed were visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. Emma Cartwright spent Thursday braid and a tew buttons. This model ,Ol~sBiBed A4s may ~ carried out In pongee or tan to me you mIght be a l1ttle accomStoops over Sunday, with Mrs. Will Dinwiddie. linen It preferred. ..;.,. ••• ~ _"..............:. modating about little things ' like- tpe evening by Singing Rnd playing ~. Pattern 7886 Is ,for a man's kitchen Baby! Put that thermometer down- gumes. Mr and Mrs. D. L. Crane and Mr. and Mrs, R. G. Crosq left Fri- a pron . This · usetul garment should Ads will be inaerLed un,lor ~hls ' head for Misl! Rathe Keney and Harry throw it down at once! It might , twenty -avo cenlS tor three Insertl?u'l whe n using nol mO.r o lhan Uve Unell. poiHon you. There-I'm glad It was DlLbllng, of Uincinnatl, spent t;an. Etban were week-end guests of E. day and drove through to Sardinia, be pulde ot art ticking and hound only a cheap thing, or 10U might bave dllY with Mr: Ilnd !'drs. H. F. Ker. D. Burnett and family. Ohio. They are e.xpected to return wIth red braid. Cut aooording to the pattern and place the triple notch on wanted me to pay for it because she this evening. the stripe of the ticking. There \s smasbed it. Thank goodlless, there's sey. FOR SALE Rev. Levi Mills will preach at the only one pocket pattern,but twentymy car! wm .you please hold /the . Mrs. ' Will Kersey WI\S in ,Lebanon Orthodox Friends church Sunday 'L ouisa Antra m, of near Harveys- foor pleees of the' materlal are to be door open tm w~ get out?" Sunday afternoon Mrs. Ohlls , 'ruok. morning at 10:30 o'clock. ' , burg, died Monday evel')ing. The cut by this. as a man requIres a great = = . ~== . e,.. and ohildren, who had been visit, BALE! 2 foil Blood Hamp- funeral will be held at ,b er late home m!1ny pockets. All seams allowed. At-ing there return'eel with her. ' , shire Mille HOKS: ' 2 ' SOW8 with tach th,e ,pockets on any p~rt of the Quite a nu'mber of Masons went Silent Wlrele81 Now. ' The MiRtles . Helen Iilarris and to Dayton today to witness the big Thursday mornini,t at,10 o'clock. ' apron unu~ all are used up,ca.tstltch young Pigs. Also a. ft~e Puroell Men along the ,,(ater front have had them tp,to place, 'nnd finish the topa ~ri ving Ho.-ee, 4c yellrs old. J. S, II. chance to see an UDUllual form 01 BertbA. Harlan, of Harveysburg, KniK'hts.Templar parade. . On Wedne,sdav, Mrs. E : H. eol- with a button!lole bar. Attach t/lpes at ,Learning. 1 mile 'west of 'Ne'IV Bat.. wireless apparatus. ThIs outfit, wi th called on Mr. and Yra. Zain Arm( the triple perforations to tie the thing lingwD, Uj three sets bf antennae Instead' of the Mrs. Chas. Anson and son, of Los vin had as g~ests, Mrs. Oliver Moon, on. It Is advIsable to wear the apron usual two, III aboard the UnIted States tuge, Sl1~day al ternoon . from Tippe~noe City, Ohio, Mrs. cable boat Joseph Henry. 'l'lle preaohing servioe at the U. Angeles, Cal., are the guests of bohlnd. as when worn In tront It fa HOGS-A few Poland.China. boa. l' Isaac Evans from Roxanna, and Mrs. apt to be In the way. ' _ -pigs, good. JlOUY feHows. luThe Henry bas on board Immense B, church was well attended, San. relatives and friends here. Joseph Mason from Spring Valley. A knitted Tuxedo dinner coat Js one qUi.re of S. ,F. ElboD, Waynesville, roUa of steel covered cable to be laid da y m orning , . of the lates,t and most fetching of tbe UhlO.. _ ' Mrl;J. Seth Furnas arrived home .. • _ ••- - Miss Lncile Norton spent several between the various harbor forts. The ·wlreless of the Hen ry Is of 1\ varlely d 1 ' laqt week after a pleasant seven- OWNERS OF DOGS TA~F- N()TICB season's models. ' Choose a chlnchlJla . r~06ntly adopted, In which three sets tLYS tl ~t wee k w,ith Mrs, Wlll WOr8t~d bf good gua1lty. Cast on one, HOGS-Duroo Jersey, fall-bloou wee!,<s' visit with relatives at N. C. of antennae are used, the tbh'd set be- Mormev, of Turtle Creek. , hundred Ilnd ten . stitches. pU1'1 three; , bql&r ¢.gs, good , growthy I&nd Owners of dogs must keep them narrow, two; sllp'; widen, bInd.' Repeat bpny stobk. inquire 'b f Thud ZimMrs . W. C. Kersey visited Ilt Ing placed about mIdway on the main. Misses Marie and Hannah Harper, off my place on account of the sheep. backward until It Is finIshed. Crochet merman, Waynesville Ohio. mast. Thfs form ot wireless Is so ar, Branch HI11, FrldlLV. 'c; B ', Lewis a pink border In shell pattern and ' , • 'r anged that the .usual noIsy crackling of Spring Valley were the guests of sound" absent. and the only sounds to - ••- - • • • , ' .finlsh ~wlth a gilt cord and tass~ll.good Briok honse on Maio street ,Miss Pearl Colvin Thursday evening. be heard whtJe tbe apparatus 18 work. Self-Made. Judge. ' in good , repair. weJl painted AMERICA'S FUTURE Ing are those that come from tbe oonA large maJrn:lty of the good and • - • with II. new gl1lvanl7.ed iron rOOf' Mrs. Ruth Murray, left Tuesday densor, and receiver. so that the ma.. • Laugh and the world laaohs with , hydrant and' oistern water. Fo~ Th e q oestion whether the Amer- morning for Cleveland, Ohio, to .Tespectnble women In this' world bave chine III practically notseless_-B08ton SUcceeded In being so Without you, .unless you hl&PP :~n to b~ luagb- farther partionla.rs inq nlre of Alex Globe. ican national lifa can be held united make a visit lo her sister who reside3 Iistance of ~Mperons. , . log a.t your own jokes. Emley, pure earnest lind forceful is Il ques- there. tion of the power 'of the divine word N,E Rex storm fro~t: good ' 118 The Highest Kite Flights. . new . . Cheap tor ba~h. InThe art of lIylng kites Is carried to thut quickens Imd of the Pliesence of Superintendent and Mrs. J. H .. qu~re at this omos. Its greatest perfeotion at the large the spirit of trutb thtlt renews the Caskey, of the Children's Home at ':"'"'-:---......---...;..-~-.-~ serological observatorIes, and the oommunity. Union n.nd liberty Lebanon, are . attending the State lia~e oolored and ,. plato Pubest reeords ot altitudes up to date htlve been defended and established Conference of Charities at Toledo, per ~apklDs at the GUllette have been made at Mount W e ath~r , ,. ' ' Vil-. and Lindenberg, ~rnlany. The Will the dfty of any kind of kings Ohio. Fresh ' Baltimore" , An ordinanoo amondlng Soction No 20t offi,oe. ' , tormer station Is 625 meters above . D~a come Will . Ihe dtly of " eoolesinsti_ Oyste,rs QrdlnanoonlllJ'Shal No. 29 01 provIding tor the c(\mpen," . , , Batlon~ot the VIllage of Waynoslevel. the latter only 120, a. circum- oi'3m come with its formalities a.nd Mr. and Mrs. Luth~r~ Mills and vUle, hlo ' it ordn./ncd by the Oouncll C f ' · " :r.o.l ' - " '.Sect on t-,..J)o , C I s tan ce that s houId be remembered - III superficio liti s ? Will the duy of c h ildren, of P orl William'; and ,Mr. eery" r,anUex:rles, '.l!..!Igemont . ort-be Village of WaynC8vlUo, Ohio. that 1IIlC.. comparlug the records made' In the and Mrs. J. H. Bailey, (If Ne'w 0urButter CrackerS~ " ' tloll No.2 of Ordinance No. 29 perto.lnLDg to two places. The following list of the morlll deoline Ret in? Will demor. ,., Fancy Solid Cabbage, fancy Irish f~:ooog:,pe~It~~'!Jr,:':!s m~rs~~d ~ 8::18~~~~ hlghEl6t llJghts, recently publi shed by a.lizll tiOD be a swift " endiug of peaoe Jington, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Potatoes .' fhe ~omlr1nsaLion of the maMbal of the vII: Dr. Msmann, gives, the alUtude abOTe und power? , If it cost ~he prophets George Mills Thursdav. , . . \.. ' ~ d~g~~~~m~~: :~~7:,~ry8~~f~~bY fixed the ~und, ..not a9C!ve sea level: I, suchtr,enooUB eWort to 1\' tav. the de., Peac~les, Oranges 1l8},8ble,molltbly. . r.an.uu~, M .. W th 67 ~ R . d th d f W" h &-' D k' '.. ' l:jt!CtJon ,.2-All other ordLnances Or sectionS .\ , ounu ea. er, , 40 meters; 2 Lin- olin,e of 8., ohosen peo,Ille wha't sh'o'uld ' ea e a 0 elc . , a m, Sh t Sb 11 BI k S ot ordinances COb/l(ctlng wIth tbl rdl ' If '' 1..11\;k ' ," , d~ber&'" 41.660 meters; 8, Mount l' ,Harv~ysb'urg, tlJen go and see -their 0 -g9l\ . ~ s, ac ." emi.. arc hereby 1'8J1.E!aled.. · ~ 0 , nance ... . ,Y9 1l ~ou~~ ue ~O~l,1~PIY , . Weather, 6,619 , meters; ., Mount ba. the effo~t of those wh~ I.Ita~d"fo~ Quick 'Meal St4lel Rang'e dl'spl'ay , ,smokeless and Sroolieless Shells fec~Oc~I~Ff~18r ordinance 'oshaU 'take ef- '.~(')ur. ' t, a• hIe. WI " • 'this, ~l·gh- ' Weather, 8,484 ~eter8'; 6, Llndenber'g, falth [i,nd rlghteo08I,les9 t, n a mi~hty ," i .' .' ,<', .' '. c, 19U?n p~ t Jllo ~rt Qd~y \of Jnnuall)' J, ' 61880 metel'll; 6, Mount Weather, 6.379 nat,ional horowth llke- thllo' ot'tbe October 16, and,,18. , Ah"aou~en, lr New HominY: ,New' ROlled Oats, ,'2nd Day Of~~bo~~~l1: hamber th~( t~e, , grade'" .free of twa 0 to eve~ lady callmg at t e t r , N~w Pan Cake flour, ,New Syr0 D Reed OJ Iic 0, Oartwrlgllt, Mayo~. ' me. • _. ' Ameriotln people.-Watohma9, s . .o e. up. . , , , . • , er.. _ • . . ,', l , .c?~t~ wr:it~' US ~circ'~~ 'Spct-
Springfield, SSe
Western Poultry Farm Colu!,,!!u:~ND~}AO
Osteopc.:thic Phys,i cian
.. -
- - -_
ZIMM:E RMAN'S' Ordina~ee No. 68. 'WE
.,silverware '.
• -. " , Owing, to the death of I. N. Ifat.. There 'i s an anoient:ea.ying; fallious field, of ~e flrm of ' Bunnell & ,H~tpaid to merit l,l,YJ nferiori ~y_._ a m~nK men; tha t ~hoo 8ho~Idsi not field, ~mor Bailv will i90k after • - • judgef, ally , of/rman'slifeb8f~)fehe 'thefirm'sinteresta • ..Anyone.h-av-ind' -_ Eat" driDk and be merry., for ·to. !~ieth, whether it shonld be cal,led hogs ' or stock to sell, plea ..... . Call . .M ..r. .l .-orrow JOG may pe '!Darrled. 111est or wretol: ed!-Sophool~. :' ,'Bally and get top pri~~' ' '" Envy is merely awkward homage
N~w ,qoOds in ev~ ~,aY. . ~~ the h"b~i and ~o to
• ,
Notice of Ap~tinen 't r~
~at4! 'Of Napoleon..B. ~ h
,I '
,,~~ •. ~fter. , Addr~.. ~ ,
, .'
' " ','
SImARD-'FAS. . . emANi
The~tleraJgned hU'4leeQ'a~~n:'=-::d . . . y. . ."y. 'Jlua aa Admtnlttrat:or Of' the 8Ita",. ot ' It.11 . > ' ........ --:t a'8lUleo~ B, .Anthony, late of,Wat'I'IIIl 000- ' ~ . )"D~ d_lled. " ' • ' 11111. t~Jf& .a~otl-~Ptember A. ,D, '(., , " ,
LSJWf~Admr. S~_ W.for 'tIa~ ,, ~
atdle I
+-----------] 1 Ball Notes rO~n~I:~;~s~~~;;;~~:;Y'f~;. Lf7-~~:::=~~~~~~~~~~'~=~~~~~::--::-lll W;;eN:ea:::::::,,:E;::n~:: S~ci~lE;;nt.-i ---~--------~~--1\ SO. CALLED OAME
-+.-.... '. ,....... J
A Lebanon team of so·cailed ball players came to town Sunday to pl~y a return of so-called ball, and went home again after a so-called number of innings. Thev evidently thought the Miamis were so easy that any old crub .could beat them The score was 23 to 1 in·favor of the' Miamis . . . Leban('n put in three pitchers and they were all t he Rame. Girton went 'down as easily as the rest, and the Miamis played horse with ".im. '1 he featurea of the game lay in the fact that Lebanon had thought they had the only team in the coun· ty. Another great feat ure was that they claim a ~enti-professiot)al rank, simply bec&u!le tbey had Yingling . back of th~m. The Miamis were almost exhausted wh~n the game was over, runlLing bases, and t he boys fattened tbeir averages con~iderably.
KINO'S MILLS AOAIN The KinWJ Mills High School ball
team played Wilynesville High school a return game of base ball Friday '.afternoon, and therti was nothing to it. The game was too one·sidefl to be interesting, ~d the boys ha~e nothing to, RaY~ The score was Kings Mills, 20, Waynesvill~/ ' 6. ' .
member of the forthcoming Con ti. 1 I t. __ ..~ .................... ...... . -. - .............. -~•• tutional Convention] believe it to be _ _ __ ........ __ ................ ..Ji my duty to publicly declare my posi. . _ ....... ............ __..... t!on o~ some of the matters which F. C. Sch~ J l Lz was in Columbu s 1£ you have a farm tc;> sell, see C. G. William'ion. seem to attract general attention. ' Thurstlay. Prominent among these are t~mper(. .' . N. L. Bunnell was in Lebanon ance, the initiative and referendum A. fI ~l.l , h t was In Xema Thursday . . 011 bu Iness. Monday on.business. an • 11 AI so re f orm In taxation methods. d reca. 1 f t th f . . Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Joy were in Chas. Chapman, of Springboro, n .re . erenbce dO e ormber It IS .my Lebanon Mond,ay. w~ in town Saturday. con VIC t Ion ase upon 0 servatlon and experience that a system of Mrs. Belinda Rogers has been vis Mr. and Mrs. L. Nicholaon were license which will enable the legisla. iting relatives in Cincinnati. , visitors at Xenia: Thursday. ture to enact reg ulatory laws in the , f I' 't' th b f r,;JJ-We have Lime on hand at all Mr. and Mr~. S. D. Everly, of Dayway 0 Iml mg e num er 0 permits 'to a given ratio of population. times. W. H. Madden & Co. ton, were in town Sunday afternoon' Al h t rti f f th s~. aCt a~~c e~ qU~ I .en ;.on 0 d e List your farm land with C. ' G. Messrs. Albert Ebright and Wila?Pbl~an, ertie't~ e ImAtnatl~gt un e- Williamson if you want quick results. ford .Matthews were in Dayton Sats rIc comd sl"a e compe 1011. pliance with a municipal ordinance MI'. and Mfs. Kneisley J ewell. of ur ay. to regulate the t ime of openinR and Dayton, were calling on here O. N. Hamilton was in Springfield . Sunday visiting the (. O. O. F. ,closing, or selling on.election day or Sunday. Sunday, prohibiting the sala to mL Home. oors or re~istered per ons. The en- Mrs. F. B. Sherwood and children, forcement of an anti.treating system Dorothy and Chalmer, were in DayMiss Anna Th·omson. of Dayton, and such other . restrictions KS may tOil Saturday. spen t SundaY'with her parenti. Mr. and Mra, Wm. Thomson. be imposed for a proper control of _ . MISS Mary Hawke. of Lebanon, the business. And should any of these rules be wilfully violated, the spen t Sunday at the ho~e of Mr. and J. B. Chapman is'in Staunton, Va., penalty should be a revocation of Mrs. J. C. Hawke. where he will have a sale of Western' license beyond reinstatement. . ho 'ses later in the week , I. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse WrIght, of . . d th " 1 mm e eVI s resu ling S . b ' . 'k d ts 4! T o my fro~ intemperance can be held in prIng oro, were wee :en gues 0,. T.. C. Madden, of North LeWis-., burg,wQs the Sunday . guest of, ~r. abeyance more effectually than by Dr. and Mrs. A.T. Wnght. any attempt to enforce prohibit'Ion 1IKr and M J h D' V and Mrs. W. H. Madden. rs. os~p e ore, TI e license clause with its attendant of Chicago. were the week-end . '. ' . ' . .; safeguards would in no way it)terfere guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Fun key , Mlss Berth~ ~enr~ck IS e~J.oylt~g a .with of 'option j , " . ' , y l.Slt WIth. relatIVes and And anv statement to the contrary br. and Mrs. J ..T. Ellis anrl; Ind. '
. • "':' • •
, .u.
th~])rivilege "Io~l
erroneous and mu.leading
met In regular sessIOn on Saturday. - _.- - - - - - - - -- ' October 4thAllat hthe home of Supt. Mrs. J . B. Chapman an d Mra. G'I I mou:. t e teachers 'If the Geo. Hawke entertained the: card township were present. club very pleasantly last 'l'hursday The forenoon w~ taken up by evening. well-prepared reviews of the first chapters ofthat excellent book for young teachers Colgrave'8 "The Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Funkey en. d at Sunday dmner . . honor Teacher and the, School." Reviews tertame m were made by Misses Earnhart of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph De Vore, of Sh.kes, ' Strawn McClure Cornell' Chicago. Mrs . . Angelina Miller and . ' , • D J N M'll and . r.. . I er. The question .of atte?dmg the --O. C. T, A. at Cmclnnatl, Novem' . ber 10th and 11th was discussed and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wright, of rs ' S· b I) d MAT agreement madE" to attend asa body. Wpr:nhg orod'M , r. dan C .. . • . After noon Miss Davis talked on rIg tan r. an Mrs. am were "My Problems in the School Room" guests of Mr. and MrS. Emm.o r Baily Miss Davis said she had successfuli y and Mrs. Lina Devitt at dinner Sun' d solved some, others are as yet uil- ay. solved. . ' . We ~ho ha.v e had ~ ears of. exrerl- ,A ple~nt ~oclld affair took place ence .nught say to MISS DaVIs,:, Thy at ·thercsldence of Mr. and Mr~"J. fate Isth~ ~o~mon r~te o~ all . . B. Chapman Saturd~ evemng: FoUow~ng M1SS DaV1s, !dlSS Mc~m About ~ couples were present an.d sey to~d m a very .~Ieasm~ a~d m- the evem~g was ple~ntl.y spent m stru~bve, way of . T~? Teachmg of conversatlCm and dancmg. Begmner s ~o Read The Ward sy~tem wa~ hIghly r ecommended by . . . MI~ McKm~ey as t~e only plan. !homas Lacy and farady .enter: ThIs system IS taught 10 each of the tamed Sunday the following eues~. schools of the township with marked Mr. and Mrs, Frank COOk and . d h M' M' Ev La su~ce~.. ·. . ,: .' , , aug ter ' a.n.a. IBles ea. ' cy .SuPt.~. A Bruner. oftHeWayn~ and Hazel Ktrby, Messrs ' Wllbu~, Ville Schools gave an excellent talk Charles and Howa~ Lacy. "D' . r h Wh b Wb on ISClp, me; ~ e y, t e ~re, th~ Ho",. Mr. ~runer sa~s dlsci~ D d '14 " A T W " h phne for 1he good It does the ' boY.in, r. an rIg tenhis, cha.raeter; 'whip as littl. eveni,ne,
tw~wee~~ ~"'. M~s: fr~,nds' in :et:re. ~a~te: .formiD~ tertain~ at.c,U~ner ~on~ay, J. E. Janney visH.ed relatives at But.' . . '.' as pos8l~l. but If ..._ry do It. tbe OC!C:08Io. betq. t1!e ~""",tb terworth Stati~n Sunday and Mon'Mrs. Elizabeth K~uffman re,t urned give.a g~ one ami do not , tell the annive~rY , of theIr weddlng ~e
pie would still retain t h'e right of "home rule" , day.
·home Sunday evenmg, after a pleas- bo" It ~.ur~ you worse than it hurts gu~ta were Mr. and. Mrs. Jesse an week's,visit: withfrienda in Day- him. ' . . Wright, ofSprhtgboro, Mr. ~d Mra. my name on . , ' t " ,. .' .' Ad' .,' ' " ' ' 'IO'-"'or ·Bailey M~' Lina Devitt an.t ,n connection VI I 1 tbe fi~ket will appear · the.~urance' !dr. a~d, Mrs. Theodore Cri~~, ot ~n. ,. . '. Journm~nt ~omeet a~ the can iiri:~J·. B: ~~. 'f . t" that ....I favor . ihe "eeparate aubmis- Mtlton.,. ~~d., have sP,6nt the p~t .. ' . of ~he supenntef,l~ent. . '. . . ~ _ . .' .B. ~enee]e~t .Satu~day ev~~lJig BUOOlE-S. CO-LI ,IDED TIt ·& .ti ·ftltmlat' 75 sion". of the license clau's e for the weekvnll~tngrelative9mandaround control of the liluor traffic to the WaynesVIlle. on a to Mmneapohe and· '" e D 01' . f0 . . '. St. Paul. He Wlll probably be gone . . , . hl0 for theIr deterrnmaGreat crowds are the ten days. . ' Satl,lrdily even!ng, . Mrs. Byron 'There ,is' no· way. to , bon. . . .. . store of Welch '& Dak~n in H!U'Veys' " . Hartsock was drlvihg to town, and $l.'15 an4. get' ~ mu~ In laIti~g e As rega!'ds the IDlbatlVe and refer- bura' this week, d'u ring the demonMrs. Anna 'Harria, who has been Ronal~Bawke, ~D~ the Mi811e8 Dc;>nna pl~u~. for ey l1,.meDlber ofthe .1 endum, I am an earnest.a~voc~~, sb:ation of Steel Ranges. I here since th~ death of her brother; H~wke and Mary 9,alisbury were famdy u fot a year s. 8Q~ription to but ~em.and a reasonab\e hr~llt ~ Ita ;r Mr. ~c Hatfieid, returned 'to her gomg .bqme, their buggies caUideci The ~outb'l5 Compam~n. , a?~hcation. The pereentage of P7 Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen, Mrs. home in.Cbicago Monday'. ' throwmt.tbeoccupants . For the boys there ~ the . .fine tltlOns s~~ul~ not be 80 small that It Wm, Newland, Mrs.~. O. Cart'. .' The accident took p'1~c just articl~ by experts 'in atJ.tletic spjIrta would lDvite j 'requen~. elections,. 'Y'right.a.n'd little daughter were Leb-' Nothing ,iii ' .the . unluck'y 13th! of tow~~ night ' 'Was 80 , ,o n, the .best ~racti~ in f~tb8lJ; ~e ' From Wednesday, September 13th, that neIther driver could ;see, and ,kn:ack of i)ltcliine, new 'kinks" in" the.reby e~taihng needless expense. anon vuutors Monday aft;ernootl. . .. to Friday October 13th, C. G. ·wn.' both were driving slow at the time. swlmminaand sprinUn.~erythlng , NeIther shoQld It be so large as to be - . . - - -""";' burdensome i~ leeking. needed ra- , . One of. the .finest cars of ~arn Hamson moved $61,950 worth of Mrs. Hartsock's face ·was 'bdly tbatinterests tIleaetlve,.lil(h-minded NOTICE TO HUNT~RS boy,,' iI'or the girla ',there lao~cour(orms. I. Whi~e the 'recall posse~ ~Idmgtba~' ev~r came' to: l,o w? Just ,property in ,Warren and ,Greene and her left limb brui~. The We, the ' undersigned" ",.... i+.;.,;...l,,,,1 ~any. excellen~. featu~~, ~ am cpn •.. ~n~ Get,ouI' prlc~ bet~r~. buym,g.", counties. ' , pant:5 of the other rig were not hurt ~eDlent for'~J ~hole;&Q~e ~~'1ti~ torbid , hunting or '. thatpubhc W. H. yO. very' milch The mie'b.t mdoof8 and ;'fout, from dab,lt)' dishes upon our premises or :farms. 8~~C1ehtJy ..nrya\ah~~ to ~ake the , , . , The wifeof.6.J. McElwee, recent; have been wone, I;lo:wever. to ~~nty d~~1 For the household ' ' law prol)ibiting the tl~e oPP9rtune for Its adoptlot). , Messm. F:,B. Hend~rson an.d H. A. ly d~ed, .Will . leave Waynesville • -. ~ere is goOd advice abOutPMAAing strictly enfj)rced: ' The 8ubject of taxation ·is an i tri- Cornell.arf:un Dayton attendmg th~ and return to he home here. Her WANDERED OFF ban:ly contrivances, WIU" of st,etchC. ' B. Lewis eate one, and,calls for .Ieep and csea- Gr&nd Lodge of Masons. Mr. Hen . son WIll continue the blackHmithi~g . . ing the nlck~ls ~d dimes. Edward S. Furnas fulstud~ 80 tbat the' b1,ll'd~ns ma'y:be a~rs6n is ·the ~el~~ate from ~ay~es- busin~ ih :Wayne8viUe.--Wilming- J ... ~. Thon,tJS9n ",andel1Ml oft . This reading is all in 'addition to W. 11. Frame ' . ~ually distributed tOsucb &tl extent vll~e Lodge No, 163. " . ton' Journal. . Sat~rda~ ~veniri~, and almOllt ~he the ordinary treaSury ' of stories~ ar- '( 'HartY Stokes as as consistent wi~h iMustJ;'i'al activ- ' ' , entIre populace was buntine for )Urn'. ticles by celebrated m·en' and women Names 'will be' added to .'t he ab(>ve' ity. These wi th many quesJ' A, lileSday Mr: . and ' M:s: A. A. LintOn . He pnally·.,was .lQC8ted in . Robert the unqeualed miscellany; the 1, notice ~or·. the ' bun~ine, '8eas~n 'for tio~e involve! a great reSp6qsibility. ~~~I.ng" f or eve . ~~ , 0 10, wh~re Thursday. t~ .Vlsl,t Dr. a~d Mrs .. ,J . B. Crew'. barn, fast ~leep:.' 14,. uable d<?Ctor" artic;le, the. notes' , , 26 cents each.' " ... ! " • upon~,those ' who B1'e delegates with s1,le V'? lll, ~t,tet~d the St,afe.1!-ede r at}on McKepkme': ~n If.!lDIJ8S Clty,.M.O., antl Tbo~~n h~ been faihng . rapidly on what ig ' going orr', in .all fields of • ' " .-:. > ~uthorit1 ' to act: For this reason c;>f.W,orpensClubs,asadeleg~te !~om ,p ther reia~~ves,nKansas,City, Kan- .in·the lf8t few weeks, an.~ er&ye human endeavor . . ,. ' STlUCKEN~ITH PAIULYSIS t~e' law wisely forQids th~t .p arty ~e N~~ Century club. A fine time .sas, .ex~ectmg ~o be away a ·month. fears are entel:'taii~ec1 as to his recov- It will c08t ~ou nothing to sehd for . - Wllmmgton Journal. ery. th e beau t'f' 'atl'o n' sh 0 uld b ~' a f aetor'm d t er~ IS antICipated . ' by Mrs. Funkey. ,. I u1A nnouncemen t 0 f Th e' ' affill Companion for 1912,' and we wilt send . ', FridaY momine wh'le at brealdast, mining the availability of candida,tes" Mr. ,F,: .iI. Farr, 'hlld a stro}te·of'par. thus 'd efined my pqsition, '1 ' with it of the paper. ; : : : : Do not , forget that ·the n~vt $uQ" ' " aiysm, While ~ating hiS breakf~t; e~rnestly ,sdlicit t~e respectful con- :: ., .. : One ph~ of the work being' (10M by the extenslon department of the CoJ1~e of Agriculture, ' ColunU5u., Ohio IS t~e laying out and m~ng of plana for the planting of school grounds. Among the eehools that have obtained the servi~ of the expert lan(lseape arfuts of the college ire the 'centraliZed school at Selma, Clark cOunty; the centralized school in Jackson townShip. Preple county; the Riley tpwnship high school, PUtnam .C!ounW and wpumbel' of IImall district schools. This work~s done free by the Collue. • .
~ .th
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'v~ters .o
bU91~ess trl~
~ll '
~ntlment has,no~
Crunlke~ le~:
~:~~!:O~~~'~:;":~ ~end'erB9ri:., ~is
'~mple copi~
~:::'::\'h!' ~~:o;o~~(St~!!,a~~: ~",,"", --"Corwin. --~-;'-'-' ~ ~,~"'"'"~ ;;:!~':':~i~~'!~-:~: ~:::I~f ~i1l New B~'IID,to~
~tJtict. ~ve
rightSide is me,their supPort be. highly is resting It shall be easy QIl . pOBI!lb'~, .It 'JS r. hatd to , ~say tQ ~8ill;tain a decent r~pert for .the what the result be. '.'rhe Jpany <minion's of those who withhold th~ir of: the , tliey a difhope ~or hl~ S~y recovery/ ., f.,re.nt;~ntiment. · At any rate I '. hq~'to retain ;theirpers9 friendna1 ,., t,. " ,ship. ': .~~~pectfully. ~up,mitted,· .. , '. " _( I.. . J Milton Earnhart
ed,' an~ whil~ Mr. :~a~r
~ .appi-ecia~e<l.
lithographed' in ten color" .8J)d gold: ' . and' all the issues for 'the retn8Jning Mr. 811d, Mra. Carr'!thera, of near 9f 191~ free from the'time,the ereenevtlle; ~er8 tbe tCo.~te of Mr ' subscription"is received. : r , . lIrs . J. Orville Compion : . Only $1;75 hOw fo'rUte·' 52 .lIrs. 'r, C. BlLyd~lnUld daoghll!r issueS but on January 1,1912, the SarA were the Ruests of M,r8~ ' Ibbie subscription price 'will be advanc.ed Col1ett, of ~~ryeY8burg,' 188t week $2.00,' The Youth's CorilPanion, '. . " , 144 Serkel St ·· Boston ·M . MislI lbrJa stont, of Wftyne8vU~a, . . , . . . ~., '. ¥Ill spent Suuday with M. W : MeridenNew · Subscnptio~ ReceIVed ,.a~ , h.ll and famUY. ." , this Office.
. . . ' . . . ' ~bs. E~tl]. ~ol~ett and , MI!!8 ,a O?tbM~8. Obas. AD80~ and 80.n, of LoA erhu. uenr. Hl1rveys\!urg, vi81'e~ . A~ge)es, Cal.; · b8'fe been viaiting. ¥re. Alloa MoKinsey '.rhursd"y . trle.nd8 bere , . 8n~, ~rld;'vi B ' ~.. n h Mr8. ft ,. F;.,. ~.er8ey ta spending r. t~n : rll enJIlm.lO 1 8 w~re t e weflk 10 \.J1~olllDati. , gl t1etl~\J CI~relllth'eli at l:;priug VaHey n M'rs, Fr}ed :,ove all.d daug.hter~ ,lst wee • . . ... _ ' or.ol; y, e t t ..nnda.y for th.e lr new • t •• ... ' / ' .' . ," . ',, ' , .. . ' Mr8. Obristie MuKtolleyapi:lnt-ia&t hom.,tdn ,Rouellvtlle, Ohto. ,. ' ._ The ldlaml Valley" Poq~try rueoglltorda · ~tth l'fU"Uv8s 'a t 'Kill s ' Th 0 E' ij ' i · . eiation . has d.~cid'eO to hol~ corn , . l' ' , ., g , e . . , ~ aty b~ld UII Octo. M~1l8. . . ' , '.. ber bU8iness ~eetlnR a.t the bome ~f , .., ---.. , " . ' "show i ' connectibn with the exhibit :' of ' urtr ;'.' . ",.:. \~' ;.... ". 'Mr~..,J!', ~~~6f , .wa~ 8bopping .n ~tss . !bbel Sherwood, Satt;trday~m. Moon a,:,~ ' t~~Uy ~ave ~TRIK~ i ~N. WAIt~E~ ·COt)NTY ~, ~ ..y', t ' ,f t .'" th . I,. "'1 lJipoionat 1ll8t Frlda.y... , ·evenlng. The Bonday·eveillng meet- moved to the tenant honee. on the, ,:. r, , . . .,. C8im"prlzes age Unef, WI ' seve a , : .' , .' " ' D I • J ' ... . ,,' .," i • . . s" eclal "rlzeS,'will ,be off6red lot ~fth 'M~s~ .Do~n~ \ ~~~ke . W.~8 ,. g,b.~s.t Ing8" ~Ill. i b'~ di8doriti~~ed for ttie . ~~ ~a~. ~o~~~vt:ea~ .oftow~. _, . Jfh~ enl!.refq~e' a~ ~~~ ~~e saw.' n , P 'Co";n ~ the' differeni' classea~ of Miss Benrl~tta MoKln88,1 ~uDday • .,r~8f:!nt: . ". . " '. . :l'be Maeol1S held an , in'~.~ttn, :nult,. bave, ~ttuck ',fo~ ' l ebe,r.-wages . . ,~! is,th fime to lOoklor'the prize ,W•. ;J. ~UbO.~ w$8.in ~a}'toQ bne &ally D1Io1. eervlo88 wtll be'held,a' , ,~~'i~, T~e.da".'· e~enl~g : of 1ut Tbf! m~ll ilJ 'o~ed ,by . F~k '?~ke" , , • ',L ~ , '. . , , ' dllY lu' week. 'he' U. 8. Churcb, nex' &UDcit'Y' woeJr;.. The II. 111. 'delt'88 'WIM and·He bu ~larly: emplo)ted seyen I ". ,. tt ' w'li-be-.' went ' to . . 's mornIng. J n', • '. fe't\oed ui!n BadYoOt a day, Tnls Wettkaa '. Q ce . '; 1 , . " ' hill miii lodged ' him people of, .\ be · Or889nia .., "r"!VOf <?: Ba"Clook . ,(lay:, ,.,tfl ',,W ... " ' .. , .a , : ,..' . jail," lit': '.(jell Wotks, .,lIpen$ I ,ijnda, at atieillted by ,::t'h.0I• ,; 'fELL AND .BROKE .HIP catered ~ur8day," : . ' . Stokes vl~i&ed in ~~nia lA8' &'nr- h9Ple, . , . . dook,, and . a~C?lbe~ bfO,~·~t, . o)1tco~e i~, ~q .eqerly ,: At the preUmina!.'Y . trial at l~ba.· day. Ib, a'Dd lira. Bd Jeffery and Ba1~o.ok. After ' ... wqrk refr. as/(trik.ln tlillcomm~ty . ~Pecited. ~n Saturdq, ln" Wali lein1ed that P~lbea8 Collt~ and fami17 ,' spen1 ~~I~dren apeo' Sonday ~Ub lit.· aad ~ente oo'nli8~~g of -.n4,.wiob,e ~Dll very . UDuaual..-:-l)Qto..a .. Dally, snnldav mOlmmlir' die m&n'sht.l \\r"~ MerarPpy 8nnday ~l&' Wee B~JJI••~d falDny,M,., · W:~li Bie~1. . . .' . ~ff"" loe ,o...m' "~il '"Ire w~ , ~4 his bOftle II iD. ,n~. Mra. \11011\ ~a,r1&DYltl"Nla"v.. .1_ ,all" Ota44~ of¥~.oIi, ..ned. . .. ~, "ife bad' . . . with while D.AytoD Olle 4ay we8k,_ ' t:5Qn4ay wl\b lit. Bmaltne WOlrldl1R at waIVed 111111 In.- Pavia .11 teaoiitD" ad WellD1aD,
cb~l1' postniast~r, 8u~port·bec.use
' ~::~th
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'iv~n ~ext .
~ ._
Consu.~le Jot ~d
Jo~ Oh'ap'Pa~ I.
8~e , ~ttraoaoo I
~ big.or,~w4 o~\ ~a~t.~"Didat. '~r,,~k O1~vert ' ;Bog~n 're.: • ~),s, R8ede~ ,an~ )(~.: Rol'.~!, ,B,ldg~
' Oli~-;
·~.la ~a$ber~
'wbi~ Tb~ pl~t ~ ~t p~,~
Dcgeneta'~d. ·
,rid ~lc oy . tile hero of 125 ball t 8. III I ope:1 A ellnltarlum at' !:>tamfol·d. ~l tHud tho olbe, day II? a New Yor~
SYNOPSIS. J(eltll. n \,lr/:"loll\o. 1111\ 1,l)r· nl,'n ' tl \I> 5UIIIII rnr n'IHu ln/: wllr ..... nr(lM ot 1Jl \' .igCR. '.~p not !t·~~ u. C:lln p tire 11 \ a f!1 ~tll.n cc nnd \h f' l1 ~iL'( ' ~ H tt~' \1n Ia.ttl\cl\cd In 1\ wogon ono III (ull ':-:111< .1' !pur.tluNI b y m t, n on . l'onl f'~ . \\" !: "n ((..tIll Joel..
der 1'18 l1IIml o II. Is r ltlln~ ,~c
trnll on II,c Il)okour
t'"eue1,etJ t he n' na-on th .·
l' ai dl' t"N hHV4~ mll !'C!"
cred tw o m e n t Uld c]ppn rtcd . J I l' s~tlr\.~ lu ~~,
vlcllms tlnd/ns: p ape rs IlnJ
., :\'Ilh 8 wo m an's n urfrHit. It ,-. n'""h"':t to tnlnt ctown th(' n HlrtlC'tl!rs. J,~lth t~ arr rstrd nl or on ('II)' . .-1111</;"') w!llt I \I •.
tJ1u rclrr. h is Jlt'Clio rr h ehlR It rUrnll1l IUlrJh 'c l 1Ilo('k Bnrt. If.' 1:01'» 10 lall full\" r,'" liz · tns th p prrll o r swIft hllnl .. r lusli e,·.
Icom .... n nl on In
n. n,' \.;rc.. .
W1 H '
toll ... hIm hn Is :-'c· h RnJ tiull he 1'01" \1" 111 0 iB"t'lth (1111111), b,,,'k In ' ·lr"II1II1, .· ·b "" ", on of t he n lurtl t' rcd mpJ1 \\'a~ JnTlf1 :6itll l'. til" oll\l'r Ge n. WIlIi !< \"\'n ltl' . fnr· m crlv u n off(c('r III Ih o Cont",l"rul' Rr lll)' IT ho 'plnJnsll}on nnd N cb t!t\~ ~' fI" frol1' II I' celt and lil t r Ih" two rUg\tI\'cs 11" " 1)111 (> '0'" In th c f!tl ilfl d~ er l. TIII' ~' COIll" UI.ll''' .a cR llln Hni'! tln<l IlS lone 0 ~ p llnt '0 be n )'ounG ·"Irl., whom K eith r cr(l;: nlzt'oI n, II 'IIln ~" r h IIIn \\' at nr~ (\ 11 City. Th" 1:1,. 1 .exptRln9 th ut 6/1 umo , hpr, In sen ,.ch or ~ brother who hnd de «'rtN ro m LI,,, • rm y. A Mr. Rawl e)' Indu ce,l her to c<>n.o to the en In whll l' h e sough l to 10· r-li le hrr brother. Hawley opp03 r8. Ilnd I< 1111 In hIdIn g reCOgnlzDs hIm 'l8 ili ad; Bur L Hawley trIes to make lo\'e 10 IIII' Ittr!. . Til TO Is n t e r rltl c betlie In the IIsdtened room In Wlllch T{ Ith over om" Bt/!,ck Biln. Roral's nro approprluted. and .tho Girl " .ho Sn)'8 th ol her flumo Is Hopo . JOins In ~he escaDo.
CHAP1'ER XII.-(Contlnued.) "'No; I baNe ridd en tbls country for years. and tbere Is no ranch pasturIng uUle a10nl the Salt Fork. Miss Hope. I 1I'ant you to comprehend what It Is 'n" bave ellcaped from; wbat you ara iJlq.... >fIeelq from. Within tbe la.st two relilra an apparently organIzed body ~ ~tlaw. have been operatlnil E:bOUl this entire regloD. Often· · ee dJacullecl as Indiana. they bave .-d tbe Santa Fe trail tor two . hundred miles. klUtng travelers 10 _mati ' parttee, and driving off stock. ftere.u.. ~e" ~ohea a.s far west aa tiirt theM ,have all suffered from ....... ,TIMIM feUow. have done more, te Pf_It&te present IncUan war ~ . aDY ac~ of the 8avases. They ..... ad,ayored to. make. the author1· tlet 1)811."e that lDdlans were guflty of their deed. of ~urde'r' and robbery. Path !lnd' VOIUJ:iteerB have tried to tio..tr:oope l a the cau, tip. but .they scatter _4 ~~. .. though IIWaIlowed . ." tilt -dent(. I have been out twIce, I ~ on ~etr trail, only. to c!))me back lbaGIed. ·' Now. I think accident bas ct•• me tile clue." . ( 8ht! etr&lplened up; glancing Ques. ~IIY at him . tbrough tbe dlU'k· .... "n,a .1. what I ~ean, Miss Bope.
w ..
how us cles9 It ""ould bo to eXfl\:lIn nnd a lIltl ashamed at ber own III· defined fears anCl tbl1s th ey roele on In eile nco. He dId not notice that she glanced ns ld o n.1 him shl' I)·. mu rkln g Ibe outline of his clem··cut fenlllr s . It was!\. manly fn.ce. IItron!;. all\" e. full of cbnracte r, th o ,,"cll.sllilpeci heod flrmly poIsed, the broad Hhoulde rs squared In 1I1llte o f tho long nl g bl of wea ry exerti on. Th e ,Iepth s or her eyes brIght · npLi wll h ap prf' lullon. " I be ll evt.! yotlr s tar)", ~II' . KeIth ." s h e> !mlLi ot Inst !;O rny . "My stor y?" \fu estloillngly. u nrl t:uru· Ing In s luntly lownrrl b r . "Y 8: all lhat you ha ve toh~ me about whnt haJ1IJ n er!." "Ob: I blld nlmllst fo rgotlen h. Vlng told It. bu t I nev r r It ntl)' cl o llb~ hilt what YOII wOllld hpll ev ·. I don 't thlnl! I coul«1 He to yo u." It was no COll1p llm nt. but "lNilen wltb such vlclent hll!leKty t ba t her oy 8 n1Pl his wltb f raillm !:lS. "Th er could be 00 ncc68Blty: unly I wanterl yo u to know tbat I tru st you. onel am gra te ful." She ext nded her hnnd thl9 tim e. and he took It within his own. holding It firmly. ye t , wllhout koowln~ whBt to an swer. Tbore was strong Impllise within him to qu es tion her. to lenrn tben Burl tb~re hor own lite story . Yet, someho"·. the reticence ot the girl restrnlned him: be could not d eJ1 bol" ntely probe benealb tbe veil she hept 10werM between tbem. until abe cbose to 11ft It berse lf \·olunt arlly. be possessed no rigbt to Intrud e. Tbe sentlemanly Instinct!! of )' "nscr years beld him silent. realizIng clearly that wbatever secret mIght doml· nate her life. It was bera to conceal just ao long a. ahe pleased. Out of this Iwltt atrugsle of repreliMon he managed to eay: "I appreciate your confideDce. . ..c1 mean to prove worthy. Perbaps ·lOlU. clay I crui' brlD' you lh'e proofs." ". need nOD~ otber than ,.our OWD word.': . . "Oh. but pol8lbly you are too .... convlDced; )'ou believed In Hawley." She looked at him searchlDgly. be. e)'et! 1l1owlnS, bel' cheeka lSulhed. . : ..:I..... ahe aald .10w11. conylnclDC' ly. · "I \mow I did: 1-1 ,.,·u 80 anx· lous to be helped. but"":but thl. tl cUf· fereDt." . . (TO BBI CONTINUED.)
Big Word M~a"t an Effort, but Thl. Llttlo (,Jltl Made · Brav.e Attempt.
I'e:,ottcr: "I bllpe In my sanHn!'ilim to restore lots or gr umpy mlddle·a ed peop)" to Thl 8 Incident occu rr d jllst nrter a (l rf at h 'u lth. and It J glvo tbem b!1{'1l Je,,' ls h llollday. It· Wn8 In a thIrd perfe I h "ltb ("II ' glvo them tnlck grnu(' s hoal In C I volnn4 In a clla'outb and gayety and rOUllln,Je. it 11' Itl · trt t of nU l:Islan and Hungnrll)D Jew8. cli o ago I~ 8lUllld. tr mlc\cli llge Is [lro· . Tb tr-acher was explaining tbe sulc. It Is onlY heCllU80 tbo b nllh 01 moaning or "the wOl:d ' judicIOus. ~Ihe 'uldclle agll Is poor. a k d the children to give ber etorle. "Th e wom nn." he contlnued ... I\' no about t he word. ~e nd s h OI' grumflY mnte to my AAtnb· A ft I' sev ral h ad given Illustra·· lIshmcnt will 110 longer have to ,nako tlolls abont tho judicious use ot tho bitter omplnlnt of Mrs. Ulnak, mon el', th teucber suld : "'lIIy hus bulld. ]6 yearll ago: salCl "No\\'. g Ive m ' a story about some· Mrs . Blnnk. 'us ed to Idss me ovel'y thing judlc OU B. without .money In 1t," tlmo w ........ ed through a tunnel. But A lillie gIrl finally. volunteered. She no\\r_' said: . "She gave a bItt er lough . "On our holiday we hnd rOB st gOO!!. " 'Now ,' sho snld. 'be takes a long an() a whole lot of othor Jaw dlshes," lufl at his traV eling Ilask,''' About the Sl~e of It. "Why It Is?" qu eried th e YGuth. "that so llla ny people tull to mind theIr own busln tis ?" "There mpy be one or two reasons. "I !!utrered ,,1tb eczema on mT neclt or both." answered th e bUllle·grow n for I\bout six montbs. beginning by lit· phllosop ber. "Tbey may hll\,o no mind tie pImples breal,lng out. 1 kept or no bllslness ,"-Phllnd Ipbta Pr 5S. ~crntcbln~ lIlI tile blood CII'lle. It kept getting war ' 0. I couldn't slcell nights IIn y more. It kept llclling for about a. r. onth. lben I went to 11 doct()r anll got Gome liquId to take. It seeme'u a s ir I wus going to 'Jet belter. 'l'he itching topped for about threo dnys. but wbo n It started agaln, was even worse t han before. The eczema Itched a badly I couldu't stand it auy mora. "1 wen t to a doct.or and he gave me soma medicine. but dldn·t do any good . We have boon having qutlcura Rem· edlel! In the .houso. 60 I decided to try them. I had been using Cutloura Soap. so I got m o a box or CutJcurn 01ntment. and washed ott the aft cted part with Cutlcura Soap three Umes a dny. and then 'put the uUcura Oint· men.t on. The first day I put It on. It relieved me ot itchlDg so I could sleep 611 that night. It t.ook about a week, thon I could ·see the 9cab come ott. I kept the treatment up for three weeks. aDd my eczema was cured. "My brother got his tace burned with (lUn·powder. and 'he u8ed Cutlcura Soap and Ointment. The people &11 thought he WOuld have IIcars. but you can't Bee that . he eyer had his face burned. It was IIlmply awful to look at before the CuUcura Remedies (Soap and Ointment) cured It." not only the sidewalks, but (Signed) Min Elizabeth Gehrkl. Fo1'rest City, Ark.: Oct. 16. 1910. A1tbouS~ the steps, cnrbs, fence-posts, Cuttcura Soap and Ointment are lold cisterns, .fonndattons) driveby druggists aDd dealers evernhere. a sample of eacb. with a2~pase book; ways, cellars and so aD, of will be matJed free on appllcaUon to concrtt~. Build of CD1ZCtTie finn "CuUcllra," Dept. 17 L, Baeton.
Cement Talk No.8 The appearance
of any place can be greatly' im proved by
using concrete w.herever possible. If you have a nice home, whether "in the city or in the country, you can add greatly to its attractiveness by building
use UNIVERSAL Portland Ce-
Such I. Fat,. ment. Co'!Cf'tt~ is ch~p, ~y "Wby do you rock that boatl'" to use, clean, fire; rat and rot proof. .Ilted tbe wille man. "Because. in caae of accident," ..... CA",,.dl is the aimplesrbuUdin, material and the most.durabJ ;. YcSu "eed onl,· pUed tho rool, ''I'm always la.ed." UNIVERSAL cement, ~, ~I or eN.hed ...... W.... Bootblal' 871"DP for 0II114na Itone. But remember to ute"lJNIVERsAt,-it la the belt mnnt. It i. alwa,.. of UDifonn col. \eeUllJJ~. IOf~u. lbe IJUIIlII, reducell 11I1I.m ..... &&oII.~. p..ua, ClU. . w1D4 colic, Il1o • ~\l.. or and areat !ItmIgth. Aak JOU1' cIealcr for it.
"I don't bell.ve It-you-you do not look like that," .he exclaimed. ........... _ ......",....""•..,....._..............._....,............""•.;.'--._,,_ ... ....-....-.........-....................---""~~ .... - ........- ...-..... - .....--.-... _ .........-...-_.......... - ...........: -... rors of that lICeDe wltneued near the, wbole enressloo tbat of pure alld Clmmaron Crossin,. but making sum· "dignified womaohood. She pun led clently cl~ar his' very sllgbt connee- hJm. aod he stlarcely knew what to tlon With It. and tbe reason tbole w-ho believe. or exactly how to act toward were KUllty of the crime were 80 anx· ber. ALAS! THE POOR DUCHESS loull to ge~ him out of the way. Dbe "Our frIends back yonder Sb01lld be ' . OIQVEltSAJ;' POJtTLAIfD CEIIEIn' co. Wheo & man baa a lCIear coD_cleoce I1stened Intently, IUIldnc few ques· turnlog out from the corral by DOW." ClllCAQO.PI1'T8I1U1tG tloDa. untU be ended. Then tbey bOth be lIald finally. anxloull to breall tbe She Thought Wea~thy Ceup'. We" ne doesn't >care 11 people ~do lee ", .. kIng . Spo~ Preient. of Her Weltdlnl . through __________________________________________________________ him. AJUroAL OUTPUT 10.~.OOO ILUtItEU ____ .Iooked up, tCon8clou8 that ' dawn wu silence, for she bad oat spok81l sInce. becomln, gTay In the east. Keltb's be ended bls tale. "U will Dot be th I autipect ClJat eabln to be tbe reno fl t b -de.' Vciti. of tboae .fellows. and I half . ra t oug b t was one 0 f re11' e e loug until they discover Hawley's R@cently. when tbe we~tby Mlle. ell, beUbve Hawley to be their leader." brigbt slty showed blm they were rid· predicament. and perbaps tbe welk1n R. was to be manted. one of our good •.q,·l ieo you .will report lill thla to the Ing straight nortb. already rIngs w1th profantty. Tbat ducbesses bad to malle her a present• .au.tborlt:,••'" may even account for the blue haze JUI'. little prelent. 'rhe ducbeal CHAPTER XIII. outcn.yonder," thougbt It would be useleas to expend ~e . 1I~ed . arimly, biB I I1>8 comDUe turned bel' eyell toward blm. muab mODey for aperlon 110 rleb. Bb. Il!~:!.dlv· thlnk so', at le·a st. oot for The Ford of the .Arkan.... and tbe allgbtest trace of a smile ap- tbougbt If sbe would look tbrough ber I oJ ...- able to flnd the·. nre,'lent. I am not blood·tblrsty. They were It IU In t be m Id st 0 f t be peared from out of the deptha of their vut mansion sbe would .,.. lomet. bin". .. _ . enamored of man·buntlng. but I yeUow featureless piaI n. b ut t b e weary wearlne8S. . ., lom'e trinket, to wblcb tbe "If tbey would only remain satisSle(f addition ot ber ca"d .... to,.liaY8 ... personal 1nterest In borBes Ila. d s Ioweu.• d own t 0 a wa Ik• • would II-e • 111-' w I b&C)pt'n fouad In ber this. partkular affair which I should t h e beavy san d ret ar dl ng progress. It wltlt tbat. Will they follow . UII: do clent glo..... ., Sbe "nall,. u ."refer , d-k an InslD"ftlftcaDt cameo to -etUe al.one." Be pauB.ed. was a g 1oomy. d epress Ing scene .In th e you tblnk? And are we far eooll8b wrl"ng u "'. .,r .. Id 0 Irc Ie O. f away by this time~ to be eafer' . that ehe u"ad once "oro . . ... 1ftll' reviewing the ctroumst.ances spectra·I gray II. It b t. awe .. "It Is hardly IIKcly they ,11111 let us Tbe fOllowing d,a", sbe reee11'ed from · of their . • hort aoqualntance. . Rod as InteDse 1oue II ness. un b ro k en by e Itb er ot .-asl .Ildden'- .a-termtn,e.d to trust her dis- d warf e d I b ru b '0I' . buncb . . . . a esoape without a cbase," be aDswered ber. 'Young ., fr,eDd a letter of eathuII· ~ U<J . t bl to th ky slowly. "We po!!lIess too mucb lofor· .. tic tbanks: "Ob. you liave beeD 'ver, Cl~tlon. , Dflep down tn bla heart ~e ,barren expanse s retc ng e s . motion now tbat we have thetr reno foollab! Thi. . . too, too bea.tlfu.... from w...-........ _11- enta' .._ In.....l._.. to .:..:.....ate~ to 4-"'8 na-........4 atl."r wanted be.I' t, o knoW'. "The fact . Vague cloud 'sbadows seemed to flit. •' ... v~D IWUU wn 't'At ,.....,.. au JI." I f I f dezvoul located. and 'Black Bart' WIU ete. . ad..1----here given. ·or~..nwu YVWll'tive proof tha£. Tttrll • 'lJI Dlnkham'• . 0' tbe matter Is. that Neb and I liere ac\'oll8 the leve Rur ace. Bssum ng an· u..L~ ~" A"'~ .uo. .a; . - - - 1- nl_. \I D se. ,'were ~ b b II f th j d 11 bave a private grudge to re1'e I "'SIlo Is ma'"ln .. ,port 0'- my IIttl, 're .... tab'r1-mPO~"'d cl~ . · 9" .... fe"'::'_ ' ' the ' oneil that partlt'Ular ' pollse tastlc s apes, ut a 0 e san e U a .. # or' .._ M:IO ""-' ~ -_.... ~.ulO were ' tral1lD,," coloring. Imperfect · and unflnlsbed. wooder If he suspects· wbo attacked pre.eot," tbou,ht the 100d duchftL ......or BemoftCl. OrpDJe Dbp~ I bu t hlml But dori't worry. Miss. Hope; Tben came a lecond letter. Ulle time Blmo ••11. o._1lr8.8anIlJ.8'1I&n~.D.lfo." Black n..A" )lIaa -Kn. ..f.aDa ~-- . "YO"!" ber voice faltered. . "He N ot bl nc ' seeme d t ang Ibl e' or rea. BOa . -. - -.... po t I' 0 f d e- we have miles tbe start. and tbe wlud from tbe liuBbaDd wbo was .., be: ___ . _"n l.wolln.OhrlItfn.. "'---,lIJIlIIOaDd8-. . _ ..BoI.!P.I·., ....... -~... ~ ·.. ~-.";r :,.I. ' .&14 tbose n1en were under arrest ra tb er · some grote IIq ue pI cue ~--....... .... ,.... ..._.... T. _11.101 ....... ..u • has beon IItrong enougb to cover our "How eaa we tllauk "oU! We are d. )(a&lok, .lIluI. .. Mn. ~ALIu&A B.: OrealOll, 61 '1'reuton llo.-Mn.W. ~ g1 I t b (or-1llurder. aod bad broken jail." IIrlum. ever mer ng n 0 snot er yet tr II Do tb" k I ' Noi1b Maln S.. . A.,.';'uo. ''He also said It was elUlY to con. more bideoull. The very silence of a . ynu see at unr Ine&11.... Ugbted. Tbls will spoil u.... JIPI_IIk~WJ._Hra.Emm .. Imee.8S3s.tI5-. camdu,N.J_Mt-a.ElIaJMDeIODo_LIbel17 "The ImpertlDeat fellow," .ald tD. QaiC!lllO,lU. ' Mra.AlYODBSperllDi.l.aOI,st. -'let men in Iblll ~untry ,If you only those Burroun dl ng was t es S'3emed bur- Ity abead?" bODrn.Aor.......... DI "'_.." ..._to ...... .... "Yes; II It a cloud?" dUlChelis. "be wantll me to IIDderataDct ..... _.n.,Kan._Mr .... "B.~'f1JXI-.a... ~o:!!!." ••- ....... ,.m. .....,. -.ya -ew how. It 18 '-" true we broke j'all. deosome. adding Immeasurably to the ~ _... ..._..... Th b t k I "No; tbe Arkansas sand dUD... I that I have been nlgsard),." Vlo&orla,lIfu •.-¥n. Wllllo _r<\JI. . I '"-ut only In orde.r to save our IIvas', It borror. ey were u spec 8 craw· (llnclnll.U Oblo-MnW B JlOSIb 7J!:an. PaInful PGto4a. U tI th th k th I II ' am going to try to keep the hora. Nevertbeless sbe weut to pa,. • • lltt ntnr AT.. ' .••• . .... _ . e s y- e on y y. movlnl until we arr1ve there. Tben to tbe R.'s before tbe marriage. There In.-n~or L"e OaleclODle, ...... tbe oilly way. Techulcally. we tng un ernea . . ........ Bos 64.WlI.-...... l'h.8c!battDer,Jt,B. .... '-re outla·"s. and now run the risk of Ing. movIng objects In all that 1m· . .Bpptq, N.H.-Mn. eU. E. 111'drS v 'I 0 D"" . ..."'... t .. ttl I I d b We will bJ!,lt and eat whatever Neb tbe' mldilt of the presents. eSpoW!d .{r. .tOr.ln.-llI"loJ.H.(llUllpbell,~Nort1a "" aDj ...O.-DI'I. . • " ....~_ .... o. . 'i mmediate re.arrest by returnl'-1g mense cIrcle a eso at on aD deat. Second 8t. . , '. . N. 01ford,M.....-MI.. AmeU..»UaOJjoz.e. Keltb turned In hIs saddle. looking has packod behind blm. an4 rest (or to ' a moat promlDent plaICe. she salt" tbe BroOklyn, N.Y._M... EYen., B24HalMr sa. !IIlUmMe~I;I!~.-~~A·~~!'PI ..._~~H.F•~ north of the Arkansas. We came to b- b d I an hour or two. You look very tired. little. cameo placed upon her card. An Noah XJ _~tI'l.LtuI.BoIWld ..,epunecaJlU...... -IOISW.... you fugitives: I was cbarged wIth brick .pa.st Ne w a Bwaye n hl8 but I Ilope you can keep un for tba't . H '&lb&met·Wuh.-lIfn.ElyaDllrber Ed_rd.~ OrrTl1I", blo._Mrw. B. P. w"'-J . seal. with Ilew!" lolling all bls breast ... old lentleman approached ber. e (laoleTUhi OlUo -Hlp. AUceX1rUa asa A~".~ Oblo.~)ls.. MInnie Moe~:r." murder. the negro with a.ssault. So. os ·tbo.usb Dsleep. his horse plotldlng distance. We sball be safely out of WIUI a mem ber of the Academy of la· HUlto~ St • PraIrie uc..'hIoil,Wll~.ruu.. chHll. sight tben." lerll/tioDs and Beilesleltres. !a.l:.mo'r~:.-.,'bJ!.":!~u;,eGIIU~~~l:;!i!~,Ui~ BoNo. L I.tTeplarlt)'. . you see. MIs8 Hope. tbo desperate ..clas9 of meo you are now a9sociatlng after tbe otbers- along tbo slight traH .., ~ .. __ -Alb." tbey had made a(.ross the desert. So "Indeed. I am tired; the strain of "Wbat a wonderfUl' preseot ,.Oy bl,.. Terpsichore 8t. . ... .....lo,N.Y.-Mn.OIar.DubraJt.,17.ut~ I In tb a t ea bl n, an d a II I Iven' t IleBe c hlld reno u"'Ia d arne ' I'a d .IJ~'b • l1lIh&w"k· " ,lDd.-MrI. Ohu. Bllaer,Sr.,G:lI Wbicbeder.Jni!.-!lfI'l.1of.,.DeAI mont St. . DR.No.f. tar a9 eye could rench !lothlng moved. n'altlng ~ A. one EaeUluton8&. The slight bitterness 10 bls tooe nothIng apparently existed. Fronting that happened last n Igbt. have trIed ess." be Ilald. For forty ye8r8 we baye RacinbJV1 ••-Mn; Kelt. Kubik. a t. BOll lit. 8l. Bolli. }'&lll, N.Y.-Mra. J. IL 8reJero. "'~ng the girl jnto reseDtment~ She agaJn to tbe north he looked upon tbe me severely. But-Imt I can go beeD seeking ror thIs very cameo. ', BeaYerEItI~~~::l.:!:~O\lt4.i.Y. t~'!~"o~~.:'~~'8~:1!';..~l[N~'" Wlls lookIng stralgbt at blm. but In Ilame grlm barrenness. only lbat 'tar tbrough .'· 18 of the era or Trojan. and tbls trln· Brou'IIIIb,lIlo._Mr••D.II'. Aleehlre. Boa 8:1. . ' "h ' I be C ouJu·· not' discern tbe air. against the lighter background of Her voIce I'roved 11 el' weakness. al· ket III valued at two hllndred tbous ...... Ph.nu. ILL_"in, Wm,p. Klnl, 80... ~ e g oom • ().u~~ N..t.~. LOuII PIioher,I:IUaa.)t1ll'Tllf!\lIe, OYariall DI._Mra. ~b1e. CbIll.MOO!'e B. at. -expression of her eyes. distant sky. there was vlslblu a faint tbougb It was detarmlned enougb. and {ranes." South S.nford :M,•• -Mra. Cb"rllll A. A\Ultla. "hi~~~: P_Mra. Cbu. DoeU,lI2l1llf. "I doo·t bellove It." s be exclalm en blur. a blulsb uaze. whicb he beJleved K eIth. yIeldIng to Budden Impulse. put Ah. tbe poor duchess.-Le Crl.. Sohr!lOlIid1,N~Y.-lIln.H.POrkJ','83..ublLDl Kblne.JlOui. MIIUL-Mre. Job a. JIoI.cIaA. 'decJsl\'ely, ··l·on-you do not look IIlle to be the distant sand dunes border· out his band. and permltted"lt ~o rest Paris. Tal ';nu DI lira. JooGranUuua, IlS W 2115SecOllc1S,.• NorthL . . tlle.t' " log tbe Arko.Ds8s. The Intense drearl· upon hers. clo.sped acrOS8 the pommel. . • ._ - ,~ :rVlUld.~"r;... • fvadeoll.Ohlo.-Mn.Len&UlU'tIIoo'IDO,B.F.D.7. "My appearance may be sumclent to ness at It all left a feeling ofdepress\on . Her eyes drooped. but tbere Willi no Primitive C~n.dl.~ College. (liJacA1~:!~ ~~~~-Mn. 80pbla HoIf.lIllU,ro- Be'::J=':~-':::!' j~t.=:"~;:n. L ! convince you." be ra.turned. ratber dry· His eyes turned Bnd regarded the .glrl change of posture. A ~eat InstItution In embryo Is tue .B.. . allD< Pr..-"M1"L W. "Poolei'. . Fem.... "W.ab_ . 11. "but would ..... el8\1 little before a riding silently beside him . The same "Your nerve Is all rIght,'· be said. remllrkable EmBQuel college at Salha· l'lUllId.~bl'" :Pa.-Mn. lL dollzidoD; III W.TerreIr&ut•• lud.-Mn. ..... &.BaID1U... · Western court. Un Cortunately. the look of depression wau visible upou admlrfngly. "you have sho ..... n yourself toon. In .tbe diocese of Saskatcl)ew&n. BJea 8t. B.-1<acL,be.. • Elmo. Mo..'M ... A•.O. D"VMllt. ~ ~,ta D1-JInI Clara 0 lIWIb, LLNo, lA... f .u08 lo.... _ilr... JulI&A.8ncn!tB.NO L C At · th~ present time 8Ix~,. you~l .men . .. iOz·e:a; ,,' ,". . ~&,Obo.,...MhI.M.ry.r.fWlue,.l<.I'.D;L ·evldence was strong agaln8t me; or bel' faoe. anti she was gazing off Into a brave girL" would bave be~1J ·had the ' cuse 'ever the 'dull 'dlstance wltb lacil .luster eyes. "I could not be . 1l coward. and be are being trained tliere unde·r.·Prlnc1:, AlIIUI.!t~-JInI."'DftBIc1~I'.D.2. DY~,\),blo._Jlr"O~M7ChQ~BJ• . -come to a trial. The strange thing ber slender form leaning forward. her my. . fat1lIlr·8 daugbter." sbe replled. pal Lloyd to meet tbA ' raplclly grow· . • ~ "~brlJ::S,?"r... Mil, 1~ B1at~.1lI.'..itl'l.Jl..hrJ.~.•7a~l , ..bout It ' \'0'85 tbat both warraots were bantls clasped across the pommel. with an odd Mcent of pride In. ber hig :d~m~nd tor young clergy~en)o . PUtabur:l' Pa.-~ .G. J.~.~ ~4 8ob&etferatc"n".Pa,...;&a.oria"Blier1oJi;' .-wom out b~ the snllle co.mplalaant. Tbe long wearlne8s of lhe night" had clloklbg ,·oloe. "but I have. been afraid • . the vaat territory at·",eilteren .qanada. ';.' xe~~, ,:~._Mt'II.TboID"Albllrry. · O...... n,p"-- Mr•. EIIaB.&k.l' ': . A pIcture of this college ·lIbow·. a' lot Blu uw.:t1l1.~w.. .~ 8ob'll'artw, 828 . :li'alr~ee,l',,:,-Mra..J.IIolla£~." a.od apparenUy [cir a slmllarpurP,Ose- len traces on · her young face. robbing a.cd- and I· am ' stili," <.Black Bar;' Hawley." It of some ot Its fresbness. yet Keltb "Of what? Surely. npt tba.t 'thoBe of w~odeD·" huti . of tb,i ,1~p.lelt.'·II(le: ":~t~""-MI'II~kGns'n'LJOD,~..D~ N.~~lq1Io ". . :' "What lJurpolJc?" .. fO'u nd I~ ' more attractive In' the grow~ tellows w1lJ ever cntch up with us.1L· . dies. standing . on tlie ')opi!n pralz:l.. ~..toa,lt~~~':~1r:n1~:t~:!· 1tiIonm\lo_-Kra.OIllt'ftPtankll'~.n. .. "To keep us tram te lling wll!\.t we. -j1lg daylight tban amid tbe lamp sliad: , "No. I hardlY !tnow·. what. onty. t~ere' T.Wo tutoi'~ 1l~~' IIi aback_: aillP .' ~"~~~8.A..W!1IJ_,l~W~ g=:.Nt;J::=-\~1!V=~_LtaJ ," DCw rel;8nJlng a certain crIme. ' In o"'s of the eveDlng .b.efo re. He had Is a dread I cannot suem ·to sbalte off. .. . ' .. , '. CbI-"7fu..lrlrI:W All 2239W"t st. eoln :.b8ln~e. · , ' · ""Ucb eltber be. or 80me of hl8 Inti· not previously realized the \lecunar. 09 \J sqtpe ~vtl · lm~"dell.· the coming ' . ,A Bo.to" I; . .ul~t: ."! i· BeU~~ .obto.~ -dC:'WlelM<I."_ . :::!~Yt~~;'t~~:..~.t!lt~iruiflcill;· mAte friends. were -deeply tnterested/' clearoeHs of ber complelClon. lbe rose ot. w.~lcli I, can .feel. out nQt see. Hav~ / Mrll: ~wler-lhlt ..Qow, 'In the !,0r:1d . " , JI~ ~~~... '. ~ . . PltcbTfIl~flOblll.':"JlI'I. 0. Oole. · . . '~But It · would 11.11 come out &t. ~he .tlnt sbowlng' througb the olive skin. you 'ever ' experlenobd any IUCh pre- . did' you nianqe.to b~re tJ\1 • . ftat .. wb~IS" .~i!:iu.4=~~ I'h1I:r~~~"",:,ra;~OIutJ'_"1 •.tna.I 1VouldU·t IU" Qr the l;Iott and sl1ky \lnenes .. 6r bel' monIU~n~" . J • ·the. lllJIdlord ..la· lIO.et aplnlt ; ra~lIIo~ " . 'these only a f~w "Tbere .lY~ to be no trial; JUdge balr, wblcll. disarranged. was I$lraDgeHe . laughed. ' w,lthdrawlI~, hl~ ' hand. ..tll children! ' . ', . the;power Of LY.cllaE. Piilk'hal\'l'. ~~:Ji~~~~~~~=~~ . LY1Ic:b settlea thb majority of 'such Iy beDoml~u ' uodp.... the broad brim of "I tbtn.k n~t. I aD;! far too \11'08B;10 Mn. 8mart-:-.1 tol" "1m my eMl,,"'1 ' Not one-of these womene'V9J'; .. . . . Ollt bere .t. pl'elJent. It II ea:· 'the bllt she wore. drawn low until It a mortal to lillow dream. to worty me. Wer. ,II undllrgroi1nd. the ' of · . in thi8 ely (11mI'll:. LI8tA!n. and I will tall ahado ..... ea· her eye_, It was not' . face So far I have dr&co.vered autllcl"~t M~ It.-But, tb.t ~~ .erW9 ~oa,~ "" . tbe atCW1." • to be easl1l' associated with frOu.tler ttQuble' 'n reaL life .to 'keep' m, btasD ' un.:.8.-0 . . ~. It _ qUite true. .,.,. . . H review.. brtefly tbose occur't concert hallll. pr any . lurrender 10 ~C)tI~e. Even Dow 'l cannot 'fOrpt boW tea. at tbe. time • told 111m. r:d ...., ~ · I~.dlnl dln-cUy up .to bls Ir· evil; tbe chiD round aDd Irm. tbe lIpe hunan I am." ,CIa• •blld..... ridlirl tbroap ' , . ~ UUIe l'epl'dlq tbe bor· . fun. ),et.· IUtllcte1Jtil compreuecl, &be She dl~ '1l0L auwv. compr~eA~ - ••- ' " IIMia1DI ~ .. ~
I\rJ_....... • .....
•. ,'. \'
ii := . .
,ToGe. Its BenefICial ', Effed& Always Buy the Genuine
people sUffer from. All Caller Wanted WaG Mrl, Smith's I How Number ; and Surely :That Wal ache. headach es and dlzzlne8 s with•. EallY to ~lIt, out reali zing the cause? These lIymP. tomB at kidney t.rouble are too serious "H a1l08, tI e . l!. central! Is this cen· "Eon,Rmt. to negleot . fann. • ? It. Is? I hought It W8S. but 1 tral Charles Mrs. T,lbASl>rf saya: ollldn't quit bp- Bure. Tb., olhOl' day Minn., Osakis, "From ~ hu'ge, healthy I s upposed 1 WlI S talking to cen trill , woman, I ran down until unll here It wus' only my grocer. I do I 'w as n. mere shadow . I think there lire som e queer mlxuDs could not walk across In this t elepbon e Bcnl ' t! o What I want GRIM INTERCHANGE the room without falling now Is to !lnd alit tb e tel phone num· into 0. chair. utterly ex· ber ot Mrs. Jobn • m ltb - S · m·l~t · h, Colonel How Generlll Sherma n and bausted , I spent hUn- Smith. l find ' thaI th e re are more Wattl Exchan ged Flowers Ind dreds of dollars on doc· Ib a n 100 pors on s of tbat name In the Newllpa pers at Vicklbu rg. tors without relief. Since book, Rnu I dou ' t kllOW wllieh au Is lakIng Doan's Kidney lh e h us bllud of the Indy I ' wont. She AI!. interchu nge of rrlm wIt between Pills. I huve regaine d my I~ 1\ Irtrge Inlly wllb a 1I00'!" fllc.d nnd erale Confe.-l It. a.nd n e /ll~ru l Sh ernlllll do not have a mo- Ilremlltl lre ly while hull', and I 1I1lnk and weight lost colon I tJ c ror e th o ta ld ng or Vicks· or puln. They ac· h r hu s band Is II It'll pIIng man. nnd ess burs. wh lrh a Ul'l' e utl~red July 4, 1 63, ment's uneasin a broth r·ln·ln\\' or h ra. nnm ed Jonea. 111 1'(![ll c mb ' j'ed In detail by on e of tile tually sa"ed my lire." on M 8 tn~ e t - a slout· IIVOR Rom e wh e r · Rcmem Lame, Is Back Your "When Col. w. e rvi person s [.) ~s ent at tbl' inte le mnn with Hid e whls· gent y l'l e nltl h, Is S." DOAN' Nllmethe H. It. nrlnk e rhorr. U . S. A .. reUred. bel" bavc l\1,.!!. :mlth 's For sale by druggis ts and g\' lleru.1 II I' R. KIndly I t til nll d Illlo mllllsry tr as urel' of P()rto hU ll It on II s lip I . once at r t' num\J 60c. here. Price Hico, who was nt that ttm a iI. lieu· Btoreke epers everyw pap r that I cll n't IInl1. Seems to of Y. N, Bullalo. .• 0 llburn Foster·M t... nan l III all Ohio \'oluat.c er I' ~Jment. ru It wa s two·fou r-slxle n r ing three, ' I'he IlIdd E' ut. w hh'b h e l e lls II'S fol· nOl1 e· l wo·slxty ·fl)ur rin g tw o. You or ON. WAS HE 50~ D lows, I'ouk 1,lace 011 tlle .\1lss1ss lllPI know bow onfu s lng te le phon e llnm· Vlclls, U!iO\' : ' < I'lv r r.l Khor! dl lllan<' s ' ----~-LUith 8 --~-M,.R, -----Ila\'e me Let \Jers are, I,1JU I'!; : SOON HERE Is TIt-1E num cel' right nway. !)I eas ," G TRAPPIN "1 I' C eil' d \J e rml llsl ltll t·o 0 ,o OlllpnoY SoGET POSTED WE fURNI S H FREE. Co RREC?,' COll l'lral Sh e l'llll1 n le U m bel1ng or tb e 'Slmple LIfe. The QI,IQTATIONS ON ~AW ftag ~ that bnd bet!zt nl'r~d for a Ann Murin Wllhe hnlllll P ll'Iler!ng , c!!l'I.nln hour, OUI' , ' (,b'S!'1 Ilt/'1~tnl ed rap, son r he In her " Me lllolr>I," clllt\jtl by froOl Young's rtv~ I' Idl~' dowll I h '~ tells M 'YuJ'I(s blre Inciden t which con · flew We lay. ll l OO \) our l>ohlt. whll r talns II. gl'~ut deal of burnnn llatllre. . II '~ I'e n t whll· Hag 1l.t Ine C'll aslhend Val'l ty spl c life : th e plain Is monot· 'I:be Vl'l<sl'l soon ~ac bed III point 01· onoull. until Its extent cntltl eR ft to mO ll l uJlPo~;lle lbe U{} pe ,. !"hOl1e baUer! S the nam e or vralrl e or 11 serlo aud It bope the I dnllu~ .hU<1 I bad IJ ~ un goills Inte ~s l through vas tness. Illint we wou ld b e ~1e..1· 1ll11t (,d to Bleam The re \\'U!I IlD old couple In tbe \,1\. 'lli,wn rar 'uouge rIO got II look at the WhOlll I' used orten to go to see. l8#;e 1/1Ity, wb c ll Buddwd y II Lttt.Je cloud at 'CAlc' da.y. wh en I rOland them sitting. the TH[HoUSET"ATRARElV LOSES A SHIPPEA,I of ' ~blte Bmoke cur1.ad u;P o-V61' one 'ane a ll ~ a(:h s ill e o( the tire. tbe old l>abe l batterie s lUld ,lIll'ecUly nflerwa rd lOTZ BROS.113'1 15 ELM 5T. S'tLoU ls· t 11ll1n salil to me : 'the boolll of a OOlvLV gUll ~ame thUll· , t' mlssel! a.nd Dl ' , we' ve been "Well lIierlng over the IWkt 1', \'W(l stopped murrled night 011 {to years, :uul we' e und a rOWboa t .cIlm out:fro m shore. never hll.(1 one Q.utL'l"'tel." lIJrJn~lng OUI' ,iidtor.tI , (}(llcmel Walls. The 01(1 woman looked al me, wlUl . :the Confed emte 'lUIsJstaot UlOmmlsslonSAVE ONE-T HIRD IN COST ' Il twinKle In her E'Y e, and said : and ....lttl ),ollr /'Ielccdon at bome ltom a Ileo.u'" / .er of (!x<:hnug e, I/\otl au ur:t Ul ry om· t1uL ous, nti conscie veri "It war ful Uoe of saDlpl e.. whleb we wlUseod ),011 t,·H. cgrace (as dod~ strikes t2'>-GI 1l' .cer. ion. OOUIPllU Weea1.any lengt.b desired. 'I5d loll ,'I1I per JIU'd.. Youth's l."doo vie botl.'1'5 tb How "Arter SOnle l\Jusllless (wfJver satfo. dOOB! TWell'e ,olclock . nLTO N WOO LEN M'LL , ~oncerlll.n g tbe <e"... cbauge ,ot prlsonel 'll halve flowll . tOe MILL STREE T. TILTO N, N. H.. A Ptcefere nce. has fai!ber your .anll s; 'U'om-Y , ra.( \ the euU r" party oentercd lot() gene "Man-Ia ge Is 1\ lottery," said the some. tWo. I've he.sn6 hbn ~ saUoll. (HxJonc1 WalEs and Oen- bEIlped 'em <conven doudian La8tooluldttY8T..onenldo more coat .!lave .ru:iob lew OtDl:~ a tae reruv·m ade pbliosop her. tiliSerln g With. :t he .clock In ~ lGH!' 'oDd lIIOIee :fr~ 'the Ihore this dlt&)endl ng -ernl Sherma n (Uacuss ed the probabl e ,.. the last tal D11:!lutel. 0. It IBn'4" Ifevllcd MI'. Growcb er. ' .. .. ba\'O (been 'em.plo.yed ,to gu1de ble the latter amount . .• .... in 01l 11'01' CooaUp atloo. Tol'P,ld constru oUon .equlre d results of , !.be 'Ilal". Tho dhicllS81 "In ~ 10ltery )lIIU can los onae noll , e. BIt"- ........ lfeadaeb leameo 1tn mlllQiQg harborS largely ~n the ijoQI' Stomach ,". ' Colon!:1 WatU! Inl! I 1\ d .() r b av.ne BI'ell!Ujr:, ~ . t 1\b OUt " fQ.... Blood. 0 ...... 01' IIOt they tbecamo heatted ~nd r SealL to! al wbethe '8'Il lly Cln'lltm especlDl CI'OG& and ,'Red .... y r ..,3 !hIdden wbeo 'lbey were I. QPenlng ..,••• ureA..... . e by fl-reIIDbl mrl'ilect .....llIIr.,htlJ) flltorDMIr .a reef or roct where ·hanged the s tatement deru'lng the I'fil.OeDt .lIe- ·put'lJp alimony : daJttroetJI '01' tOg Slller·sln ce man ore 10CMed on -.u.rael< ''iu S....II400e, motl ..... iif...... ln.L perr • • t wltb blm, brough Ihad be tbat e ,}lockag '~J are .ar ww>rk IUI ment the In d abandon die Inv.mlve about l.~ ':".:ll!te.:: Jf::= U e-tef7 PM..... PrltII , tlnst dllCOl'ol'ed that tbe auld traYel fhe baZlLJlda cent pCnIts great Such bu\ldlQ&;'s In n tUld exposltl!') to jew n, m.gnl!l ' lI'llc fact tha1 b a.1I ty .I s only sktn ~ Cross Ctlrlstn:lIlS seal MJe hlti> HOMa- ".MaDY (lO.I . 00 water -1m <B boat. 'In the long ago unuBua1lJy How_s, of l -, Itouque line nre. of <courlle. , .ohen.c tadr. N. :V.. been .issued by the NaUoaa J bsoo1n d~ shouldn 't Ilnt\UCD(\P Ii WOJll&ll, to be l ....eat fires 'Were kept IlP during U.e r.,OOo-mfte coaat 'Oenera . lmed la ' e he " 'Thertl~' HOIl for t he Study and Prevent t.on ..r; shallow , otght and tt 'the night wall rog.bou nd compar atlvely .few. to -glye ~.1U these '1."uarcrculos1s. 'rbe Iltateme at ciecllme sl Th . 1<tgbthouse territor y ~ tbe l't'lllber toll told me seen 10 that tit l1res could 'flat be ~l mall r how 'hanl the ruhlll into dlBtrl~t8. fll1w rs wit h hils kind l'egnrds .· tha.l. not only will die sale be b e"', mon bllvtnt; 'bellvy. eonl'6 nnd p De- UI.ll ted States Is lllvidedor an In8lpect or "'Oener ul Sherma n bostene d Ito take tbk 'YeaI'. as In tbe ~ast three y~6.i b , tb y're a;; tall' tOI' rge cba In dl~lct each ,u· the ut 'trallng voices WGu id sttmd ent an!! lUI eu. tbe bouquet au 2t ,ooce made an \lll ' b lft rtlhat It w\11 <\le conduct ed ,on l111'Oall-, :rest of tlte r;tUl~ ter's edge GAd One .. ftar abo <otber ttl y und er the navy dC\>arfm departm ent or m8116e ado over it llul be ld It In his army glucer under tbe would. lltt tlKllr voloes to t'be blghe tbe lite sav- ·baud until the 'flsbors bad take&\ t hei r orde~ Issuod by the p:lstofHoo dep,,~- ! 'pitch' In tbo "lJfJlI·bl·lI·bo'!" Marlnel' ll the g ov-emm enL Unl1ke Red. l the amount de arlur. In re. UI'U. a pack~e or er t he sale Tbof c«wvl for Ilgu!lJes ch bears lbe ewer onbelore. vblthnn service. ment 'hi Hmes Ing know woU'id benrlng \be 'Voices eacb lYea r ne_pap ers was &li-V.ell .to the · ODnred· eros.. seale WII.S sent out on J u.ty eave8 lt y propert imd Ilf 'In of what dlreeUOIl to 1rteer bml' crB'ft. e.d. but «luld eratoe otnccr. ' A' .... . those dl,\J'lI\. ~~~r, 1\\$ !\\' ').e <Ii pt cnn Dot be rend lly COIIIlput 1l11 0 1'0 , .. ,au arc bl)rt <of ,:aJ)usemeDtlG lu ~etters fin 11'01. Ihe lOalSa would o\t and, ts paclcag til usees 61 bearing written I·Y.fllte tO and PDDlllbl foile tile l' ov au eent '"Oloes , <or 'burning' ' • s-altl tbe adJmtan t po.al.age stamps on ' \be Clce. sud a iM BIIP[IOS I $Y. the ' , ' . water 'WlIen 11 boot was expecte d, umes. . to an}' mall beartng SI!IIJS wllich re-' On tbtl gr.eat lakes. tllree dlstrietB gencral. which was not oroon, 'LaLer. the wmcb cioIlo' e Ih ToeIJ1il.sd 80: r e rutb either Y. ' " used If tbeue semble ostsge stamps, ftL ..... _ _ 'tower WitS added 00 thll 111'1e IlTId 1'he nr~ repr,ese nt d In the s e rvice of Infante b.a\Vi! a millta"y on the en e or bacl( Tbe ned 'i'osll UIlU~_ bodies of waoor- the ninth, tenth and nel. ·Howev er. we voIce signal . l' perfOrlt n1ghUy and hop evt'!'I'Y wee k and geal to bo uscd I.bls yesr has been f The ' nlted &iaf~s II gen.cr;il ly reo e leventb . Ve3eels "'Itlt supplie s \ wClirk Bnd mnk~ !loces at tbe theate r: aul;Jm1tted to tbe postom e depart.. ~a"ded 1lII IL'fldlllg tho \vol'1d In tb e Which do constru ction " 'Good~' !:lold the gen.eral . "Wbat to the ' ment and approve d, IUId lhus ulay be protecti on whlcb ISbe affoooa to her repa lrll Ilrf:' pl.ing ·onIlLAntry· th ey !)lay for you'! ' do . dlltrleta tb!!!!e In . used, but ouly on the hack or letters llses to ilglltho -comIng varloUIl tJtxlse w .(IWll madner s aJid tragetUld leti " 'Oh. dralUas -comed COIlo and paokage s. Tbt' deslgU to be used bel' eboree tram otb l' counlrle s. Like The one Wblch looks after new e dIes: replied tbe colonel. tbis year depicts II pr etty winter scene It Jl;lany ot1Iel' of our In.t1tut tonl. tbe de- strucUo n Bnd repair work Is under tll " army ... '\Vell, well!' said tbe general . 'I'm enclose d In a heavy I'ed cll"cle.' The tbe In nt epartme d ' com· ng111~ers tbousb service, tblll of ent velo)J11l : Qblonel up, It Keep it. hear ef· to glad '!Ornerll are white. tbus , giving \be Ilaratlve Jy recent. has been both .... pld service. It UI). POlslbl y fect wbeu affixed to a ~ ettel" or Ii lhe eervl.e e oil theBe Inland aeoll Is he COJlUnu d. 'Keel) and thoroug h. ODd In lome respects come over some time to see lor pad ,age or a round sea l. marvelOUs. Other countrl el. boweve r, very Importa nt. as It baa to do with a I ma~ tli~ tha.t greater I. 'along which ca rides lit camm,er notabl made 11.1110 halve Ilze Lell.o n In Good Manner s. tbe same Hne with the relult tlult the of any bodies of water of slmllsr e When the "Boy Scouts" movem ent old cton~rs of travel upon the leas In. llIe world, In , front or the entranc Promotes Digestion,Cheerful' a of tIle " 'orld Mve been · greatly .r e· to all great hike ports there la was nl ~ts height. three of the youn g ./ nessandRe!I.Conlains neither . ' lig hthouse and on 11 line wltll It duced. ste.r s joumeYlld from Baltimo re to IIgbt, Opium.Morphine nor Mineral Wasbln ston to be Intredu ced to the More t1uui 200 Years otter tbe · dla· further Into tbe ~arbor a range the mariner NOT NAR C OTIC .' presiden t. Whjln Mr. Tafl sbook bands <lOvery of AllIerlc a only one IIgbtbo use ThIll arrange ment guides the lakeB be dowll g fellows n IIltle Coml. the port. ot Into oqe thouSh em. th coun~ry, \vlt~ fbi. 10 ~ #F()M o,SANv Et/m;1R built. been had Ii POlilt Gtuck out his lett bsnd, the value or aueb an aid to navigat ion continu es unUl ' he comes to ~S-'the where he Is nbout on a lin e with the "\yhy do you give me YOUI' left bad been known alnce the days } • '• •& 'AIII:.t-io /iW,/hJ'J then IIgh·t. range tbe Illld se hand?" !ll!ked the presiden t. ancients . Since they began to mulU· llgbthou A",i~J•• J • and to ~,itt , . , '1,'llqt's tho wnYUII Boy Seouts sbake Illy. many almost unlurm ountabl e ob- turns 'and begins his journey ,~~~t.r•.r..t... han.ds," said the boy. with pride, IItficiea have been overcom e In estab· Into the hnrbor. , In the dl1rkne ss of .t he night. the ·l'1.~;;il"1! ~ , "Well." commen ted Mr, Tart df)'ly. Jlshlng lome of the ' iD08t ImportJ lnt _ : m~I", ~~."., l!ghl's and not a ,little heroism haa captain ot Il velsel determi nes the par" the sooner U8 Boy SCOllts learn lJet· ter the nicer us Boy Scouts will be." been ch ronlclcd In the work 'of con· ticular harbor from Which the light Aperftc t Remedy rorConS lipa. -Tho Twlcli'·a ·l\fonth POPlliar Maga' tltructio n 11.8 well as In tbe subsequ ent shines by' differen t cho.ract el·lstics of lion . Sour Stomach.Diarrhoell, are wblch Flashes most Some . lights. the various zi nc. daily tasks 'or fhe keepers Worms ,Convulsions .Feverishnotable feats of enginee ring skill bave made by revolvin g arms passing ness and Loss OF SLEEP. ry ' around tho largo circular stationa ulso been chroni cled. What a Husban d Replied , the him give se lighthou lhe at lens The greates t hel'olsm and aklll blls. Amoog tho bargain s to ue lound far Simik Signalurt of The uumber of of course. been exhibite d 'In tile erec- name ot the port. th ese clays nre wOO1nll's ha.t8, and a of duration the fJon of those lights which Btund upon !lasbes ~ minute and fas hionabl e young PhUnde lJ\bla wife, governe d by rules the reefa or on huge boulde rs. Pas· tbe total eclipse are who bas 11.11 the hnls she (~ on wear tb e mnrlner s exciting suspicio n . cou ld IIOt seu gers on passing ships watch th-e ot the departm ent and without key or oode to wo "es Ilnd bell. "y seas dash over theae have a copy of tbe resist the t elllJ)tuti on to IIdd "Just one tao hly thoroug until rocKa on which now stand staunch which tbey r efer moro" to lho c ollectio n. Wben sue Il ghthous cs, and marvel how they mlllar wltb the same. reached home, Bbe produ~ e d It 1'01' In connect loll with these lights the hubby 's a!lmlrnt lo ll. 'I'ere ~ver built. The history or euch "Howu.r d, Il'S a pOii'm! " sbe sa id . ' hous s usually Includes the loss by fog lIorna are operate d. The dolefl11 be drownin g of several of the bulJdcr s uolso of one 'of Ih ese horns may "Yes. bul It doesn't rhyme well ".. . . . .au ••••MIIY. _ . . . . . . . . " . ,.. not \0 spt-nlt of exposur e a.nd -unuslla l heard rqr 20 miles. All da y lon g and wltll lilY pocketb ouk nt th l>! lime, " be la sound e lh ory Nor ,U(!CeSE . If 'a ll ni g ht hard ab lps on the pllrt of all. ('om mented. \J ave nil lhe"obs tacles been upon tbe heard. the born being run by auto- "To Give You The:;e Flowers With '-._- Failed to Scare TIm. oc on coosts. On elle ot tbe five great matic mnchln ery. Like th e cllffel'en cc HI. Regards ," of tbe re\·olv· WUB formed to !lCllre 0 cer· plan I n l(cs~ I"llk e Huron- th<!re stands ' a In tile oumue r of Ha Bhes A I1(U)'.' can follls ur yo myself· how well lIghlilou sl) au Specltlc le reef whjcb Ing light, tbe number of blallta or the Tim 'usey. 1I,'lng In 1\ vi llage Tbe n. artel' II pnu s e, be a,dded. slllll · t.aln tor nearly forty yearo hail been wi ttl' toIC hbrn and the Int crval followin g Ing liS lie s pol!e, ' )'11 bring all my near Belfast , on hili returnin g Irom s landjng not only . tbe storms and tell th e Cfllltain of a pusslng or Incom· lnllrltet by night pn~t the churc hyard. 1I0~' s wltb me. c-lIloncl. wh c- n I come: he went by, the usual turnip, white As hen vy sens but also the vressur e of Ing \. Gscl tbe name of the port. lIle crJ 'Y.LDe u.lu'*tJ1Jah. perfect ':V<?M.!N..wear " 'Heaven Cor ulll!' oX'Clnlru In ' one' of the IIghtbou sea or tile nnd lantern or Ihe (!onvcu tlon· shflllt, great packs at ice. watkin. boot., beealUe th.r ii" r to e Iwrry flttina'. wfully a be sl1lll1 W ' and colonel. ssor compre r boe.. til ghost were 61lbmltt d to hili gaze, Otber IIg h~houBe8 built under mu ch lakee a 20·borll epowe long WeIU',a& lIle u W.LDo ql.. for tbe slrCD have YOIl como [hat wlIy-nw fu\ly so r· wit h tbo cust.omllry Weird howls, '1'lm, le88 difficulty, howeve r. are of the engine r nlsh the nlr we t t10 lhe do wc'lI But t ime of fog. ry, tim sure. TH,E STA~P~R[) OF QUALITY how~v(ll'. IIlm))ly 10 k ed flxodl y lit the greates t Imflorta~ce, Buildin gs or wblslie whlcb In us ed In 20 obllQlI ly ca.n to <l nt erlaln YOll, geu('ral . We'lI tl l}pnrillo ll fOI ' n moment and reo mucb less s ize built not upon rocks Tbls aIr' IB forced throu g h 30 FOR OVE R revolve at u {I III), n. tI' lig'ctly (01' YOll when you Illarked :' " AITnh. now , nnd Is It R gen· . .s=e==: 11ut pe rhaps upon artificia l cribs fl, cut ' Blots -making th e disk . minute ns per como.' e l'al retiurroc UQ u. or Il.I'e yet Ju ·t LaIC· mile or so trom shor are to be fo_und spe d pf 2,.400 .r~volutlo The wor6.an ship which haw madeW.L mu<;h as a "l'lIe "IEitors lto rl, and we H aJllocl In • n. wnlk by yersa ln" at many points, especial ly on tile .Th~1 It Is rorced nr04nd t a tll , Douglas shoes famous the world' over is nates rrom back to Young'l! point. From g reat ·Iakes. _und their. lIi;hta illumine windmi ll tm d the sound ema FetieHII maintain ed in ev~ry pair. . tbe ot ent ' movem ng. · tll oo 'revolvi s Is pl It Tnflllm~n_tor:r Rheumntinn TII:l" mall/'! ,the paths Of the Immens e, ste~1 sblps It wben as. Rpni llr s ontly ,b ' gan, e udlug not loug rOll ~ cripple. ("n!' life . DoII.· t ""ni t' .(pr nndhla IIgllt the .. keeper If I ~uJd ,take you into my fugeEadones The Su" Lake from ors the which cn rry, traged·Y, In.llnrullln~i(m to set in . ,\V11C!1t ' thl' fir t d I>roDlIi;e tbo e no th. In Just rd watohes aCtcl'wa on ' are Some Iilrle. ' s.Jltant ~rOdtton, Mass., , and show, you how Lake at . perlor to tb e porta,on the g~tes 01 HI\l:ht paT'l. nl)f)e~r. driv\' II! ', poi OD out' ,a , lak(l ·wltli· tbe bntile,g rollud W.LDouglaa shoes are made. you Oil. I'd carefully '\VIm or thO.SIl DOW building ,00 these waters c'~Ptal!l rt'lP h,s 8ss18t8-1'1ts Hl\mUnR wltl! . nces aro the c it y Po" the. stage:: uncIeJJtand whY.'they are wa"," Jhen ajoe Iloja to be n :ff1rerU n ller of r;llIinr IIbtp tn~e ~ utIlS " Their resid e woulcl anel fort.h f~'b,ere IS a certnln ' Il~OUU~ ·of lye' ln" " .ranted to 'hold their Ihape. 6t better aod 'others of like construc .tion WI,d\!h . tbe, on '"bore ond tbey go back , Baking for an Army. 1I0a}), , bllt; thst Is . 110 . reason why It JOVernm ent will build within , 11 rew to the Ill~fhduse In il' small bOllt wearlon ger.lhan anyothe rmalcef orthe leas are so .hlg\l No '(catnrf) '.af ' the -oited Stlltll8 sltould be luJe ted. 11IIo"t ho Ildvert1 .e' ~)'etH'a. They nre con~trueted ot. otoel Oft~n'; bowe':,e r,' the TIl. ptfuiDe bti'9. w. L. ~'IRIlIIaI AL' aod Antoulo aallorc alIll go . t to 'a p ble mam'lIv er cam ments. ~ .... 4 price 'tlllPped OD anl! (!oncrel c along ,Ihe lIn~. or ii mod· that Itl ll I.~P<i88l . ' . . (II· tbe hi .b<W8 Ie tro ctecl I OF nttentlo n Lbon ~---\_ -Ji 1011 -eouwot obtain W 1. Don,au ern omce build mg. On8;Or tbeae mod· lb"'YJ~.otb !"tunal,, : ~t tJ1~ 1Il1titboutle. of.., BOy.... e:a;,o_ . ~"'n "l'l~ fl,r dhlol 8hOO!l lont direct 0 0 PAJB OVol visIon battery. Tbe' bakery bas n ca· lOur break 'lieall avoids e tbe ·wh~D ~rl1dUat ted (all collcge 1ate a· cornplll ~be -_ been many But -jul\t 4II'D bulldlng a bas' 8BOR/I wW ...,..u" "!aI_,, W,L. ~'Uo-:L&i-~·~·arllr, aU II 1U'",.PNpald. II Dol unulutJ .for d"ln~, rlob.. paolty of ·2U,OpO t)Vo·))ound · Joaves the dl.gn,ace at --.:;. _ ....park 8&.. ~IIWD, . . . . . TWOR A:lUar ~..,...... ~nlll~ knoYin ~o mllrloer ll u the Wb!t. tbe IIght~oule It .__....:-.__ __ __ .-:,.. . .' "''7-.-.J,.~-"" ba.,,' lCeepen the and Sboall , IIghtbou se. Steel Inltead .of water to WIU!1n tbe IIgbt. to cut their , IIUIne aD~ brig!!: Jll'4!I'ni al' tb~ tee.,.. ar. 11nn.' bUlIUllU le 'lllUlM!tlJ'D lJgbthoU i.... Gtber IndllJIUelal: d~1IItIIIrtl.... oew....y, ~.IIa... ",.,. "'elnaal CciIorI8Ol'eIlflCidl briIIbWAACI falterRlo nt!utft aftyatber4:;e. ODe lOe Pldc.iIe b IIIId MIx.GoloIa. _ ..~. .U. . ."'My..... ",.. , . . . . wDaUt dppIaa apMt. \'latA foI' hi ~HoW to Dtalll4!lC
iS i( ~f SYRu . Dna
fUXIRofSfNNA mnnvfoctvred byihe
GuroRNIA fl6 S-~. -Sold
ItY all leadinq
DrtJqQists Bottle> OneSize OnlY.
fURS 'i
;:;~;;;:;:;;;;;;;;:;;;:;~::~~::-:~-::::::: (- . ~~ ' ::::::,;:~~::
lba Kind You Hava ' s".8ou";h! . AIWaV
--_.,, --..; .
For 'Ovar
Thirty, Yaars
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W. L. DOUC.L.AS '2.50, ·'3.00, '3.50 & '4.00 SHOES Me,,·..
rA i)i 5L Es s
'D YE _.
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wRshln g, 52"1,72 ; A. D. Btrl aler, trom r~turD8 ,r ecei ved f rom the offi8er vi oes Ill! iofirmu'r y directo r r olal oorr s ponde oco of the Depinto New SuUs 15 80; J , R . Ruuter . , ser vlo ~ flS m ont : Ray OHue vs. Mabel Ollne. T . r; . Obapla in at Warren Ccunty Whell t-·E. \imnt d ~rea . bUl'Ves t In. brl tie diToroe OD ground s of wilfn ,1 tirmnry , f,25; Det~oi t Gr ll:phlte '0 , ed, .2,032,139 aores; pr \lot per ,tiore, MANY ISSUES SAME ,AS NOW WERE CONSID ERED BY GATH· ftb enoe. paint , '40 0 ; hio Corrngt Lted <.:ul- 15 bushel ; t('\t~ 1 ust.lllln tod produ~t / Suits Decided ERING OF 1850·1851. for 1911, 31. 0112,3 vert Co. , aul·vert pil'e, ~2 0 i I. V ~ b ush I ' LlVER ITES- A purely vegeta ble r.axative, cures Chr nic ~0~1Out~-ArO!\ IlS returne d by t wn· stipatio n, Live.r a nd K idney Troubles. Ask your Grocer for It. Ada Ni cely K'ir h VII Ml,Lrtin L Hu.nltin on, !lImber , $2877; 'Jbn Nicely et a I, reol estaie order~d sold Wa n t,z Lumbe r Co, 6U,; Wllrren :lllip 1\;' et!sor 1,403.0 72 tiores; tot ILl POLITICAL PATRONAGE AT F~ONT Manuf acture d by ALPHA CHEMI CA L CO., Spring field. Ohio Urton, bridge replLirll, ~25 25; lfrtlok' estima ted produo t for 1911. 46,442, . at Imblt oRuc tion . 742 The busbels Jud Iciary . an d Corpora ti on Come . Mile F. Loehr v. J.Aw is C . Kemp t:;tokel!, cont.rao t, ' 11 2 7G ; Bl!rt R6ed In for Full Share of D iscussio n, Barley -Fal\ nud ~!lrl ng-are ll '!ls At III real e!ltato ordered Bold lit oontrao t .. It ; Harvey Burnet t, OOllCrltlcls m and Defens e, trllet. '1 2; Anuy Bnker, contrJlOt, ' 6 ; r eturned by towo hlp Ilssesso n, publlo au tlon \Villiam B . Newoo rt vs. James Th e W tero 8ttlr, publish in g 8wunk l:!4,182 11 0 1 t!; tottil estlmt\ tell produc t 1100GlNO CORN WAYNESVIl.LE CHUR CHES.' BY PROF. C. B. GALBR EATH, M. Keever 3t 11.1. Pillinti ff ordered rond notice, ~1 0.62 i A. C, Vull, act· f o 11111, 621{,S37 bU!lhels. Forme r State Libraria n. Rye-A retL 111'1 ret,urue d by !·own &0 make distritm tion Rccordl ng to ing ooroner'~ fee, U 7'0 i Vn ll ey '1'01BOf,'glng oorD does no\ commo nd Methodist Episcopal Chura . In tbe cOllstltu ship tloonl onventl on 01 itse lf I1 S 11 Deat wily of disposi liS essorR, 66,111;3 erhone tiar AS, Co, tota t olls l e. · law. 60 cen ts . ng of 11 01'. '. . (;I'IIURor. PIlIiI r. 1850·'51 . on the day followin g tbE a orop: But there lue aHiO pe rmllu l: nt,ly timlth Monufn ct oring Co, vS . A . tr'lIJHfurr eu tllUn t d prl1duc t.for 1911, 1,045.3 <1 1 election of om ers flirmer s who !'ulI,1ay S ho nl , II : U ;t , In . ,l l ul'IIllIl( ~e r and wbilo tho ap. CornPro poot OOIIl\lureU with jJ tite lor llatJ'oan "Iue. IU :UO n . no , Jo:l)\\,urLh L CUIIUC. 7 :UO jI' B. Sid os. Case dismiss ed withou t fr om t'uor }j'und t·u C l eT!~YOla n 's ge wn s tili keen, moke pln.u::lible olat'm s for It. Chief- m . 1~I' o n ln Jo: Mcrvltc, ';' : 00 p . U1 . l\J\(lwCl)1r normtl.l yielu, II I per cent; cut up for Mr. Sawyer . nn neUve nnd somew FUlld. reo'lrd , hat ly it Is a Iii bO,r Ba viog llletbod , as PI' 'yer l\Iae Llu ~, 7 II. ru, loquncious m Illber from AuglnlzE the hogs do b~h t he huskin Rflport uf vi'lwlm; un S . A. ::lwouk fodde r , 80 pur oent. Heury Co 8h~t.Z vs. Annll L. g tiod St. Augu.stin~'~ Cathol ic Church, P otntoes - Pr uhuble tolill yi(l ld county. roso autl relDlu'klng that a th o serving . An I it tiburtz m otion su tained aud plain. rOlld publicl y reod (o r first tllllil is bElll tbl1' 11IIIJlic I,'uther GellrK' M'LI·coho -for. Palltor printer ought to be Illliloint ed. Gene rill oontrno ts ent,ereu for oompar ed WIth la 8t yoar, U:.! per declare tiff gives n otice appeal. Pond MIL "ev~ r y ~()I!O Il() Sumlu)' of tb e luouth a d that he "had no dlspolI.ltlOD the v get all of the corn as olea ll 8 S oent. repair of bridges, where OOSt of suoh U,UU a . w. fixed at '200 , to dl tlgul se tho matter and would when fed from t·be or.))). Tobaoo o-Pr ospeot cowpti reu with frankly stale that he presum ed trom r epairs on Bny one bridge tit ooe After the hogs art; tbrou gb With St. Mary's Episcopal Churcb. tile compi cllon of t he conven tion thaI teelr part of the job time in one y8l~r does t:ot exoeed I\n Ilve l'ltg o, 75 per oent·. Probate Court. the ground mtiy R I'. J . I? ' I\,hvnlhul 1', Roctnl . Samuel Medary wou ld be cbosen prlnlt be R lwec1 to Pastur es-Con dition oom pa r ed er" r ye, and plove r Ot· III Sunllay S ·hool. 0 :30 1\, III Estate of. Amand a D. Lvon, de ,to Valid until Septeil lber S2, 19L2. Morolllg ser and proceed ed to make 11 motion f!\lf~ in the spring, the rye uotlDg as · v i e. III l ao a. Ill. floly COInmun loll tbu Urlll ceoe('d. FIDal lind distrib utive tic.. Ed Telllpli n. r tllu pitn pik e a ncl Good- with tin 1.1, veragll , 08 per oent. to that efJect. Suu<lll)' III each month, Apples -Prosp eot oompu red with The contest over the printing of tbe LL nurse orop oount of H . 8. 8tevenp on Ilpprov ed win pike, Clint Bntl, roads west of l!lost convent ion consum ed much time, the ye'lr, 125 per cent. BuoDel Hill unfi bel ·W Lower S pringIt ill nllt ~ood polloy to Ilttemp t t·o Christian Church. and oonfirm ed "nd e tate is fully Ohio's es tiwtlted v. hent produo domina nt party under the leadersb lp finish hogs by this method boro road and Pekin and Rod Lion Rev. L. O. Thompeon. PlUltoe. , atl a olosadmini stered. DIllie School. 0: 80 a. m. !!Iocial meatlo,. Bur.Jh Jucob, rORds in 8. W. part of tiou fo r harvell t jn8~ Ptl.st WI.I,S 31,· of Mr. Sawyer ovldently guarding er attenti on to feeding is requlre'd 10:3011. m. ObrtsLlnu very closely the Inter s ts of Mr. MeEndOAvor. 7:00 p. 10. Eat'lte of Nanoy J. Davie. de · TurUeo reek Sonnon by p lIBtor ovory nltornato Sunday 'l'owns bip. (" eorge 092,382 bushels , This is an approx ~ dn r)'. The l>rice to be alJowed " pro- n.fterw llrd for a while t o brin g them 10.80 a. m. and 7:30 p. m : oeasoo, flrs\ and tina.l aoooun t of Robert son , roads along river by Imate shorteg e of 136,000 bushels voked milch discuss ion. Contrac ts to prl)l,er oonditi on for the butohe r. James Davis IIpprov ed o·nd 000 'I'elegra ph Mill s. Thoma s Hur..no n, oompa red with the estima ted pro had been llIade for lbe publica tloo 01 Hkksit e Friends Chura . firmed and estate is fal1y admlnit !· roads In weltt part of tbe proceed ings and debntes of the Fir l DiI.) M OC llnl(, 0 :00 B. in. F'lra ~ Day 'rurtleo reek duotlon of oue year ago . The a,v c hool . II ;0 (1 il. m. ion In the Oblo Statesm an and l "ounh Day M ee\lnK teredo erage produo tlon per aore is 15 bush convent townsh ip and north of 8hBkers. 10 :00 a. m, the Oblo State Joul'llal . The milk EMtI1te of Cuarlee Medloo k, de. In Contra ol enterel l with C. L . els. The quality of tbe Rrain Is es the cocoanu t for Mr. Medary seemed oea"eil, first aDd 'final acooun t l.f Wnntz for lumber Va.lid Orthodox Friends Churc•• Barb ed Wire until 8ep. timll.te d at L1 per oau~. to arise tram tbe tact that he bad only William B . Newpo rt approv ed and tember 22, 1912 at 13, and Mrs. Ilu t h M u ITI&Y , PI",tor P otatoes are Q failure Tbe pros to 11ft his tYI10 out of tbe olulUns 01 13.25 per Ra bba~b !'ob ool. \I :Ilu :t . U'. " 'gul:lr cbureb OODfirmed and 08t&te is fnllyad min- bu.dre d. the Statesm an alld run oft tbe proceed· P911t for the state tiS a whole Is est.l. nl cc. 10 ~o u, w . r, hr l"~lall F:ndllavo r . Ings and debates In book form to get GUARANTEED to heal without leav- 7 :aOp_ . latered . Cont~aot was entered with L . U. mated at 62 per ~ent oompa ree with full pay ing a blemish , or MONEY REFUN DED. a second time for Il is work. Will of Anna M,. Johnso n, de- Anders on's Monslo furnish 600 and $1.00 sizes for fresh wounds, . lumber 1910 produo tion. l::i1xteen oountie " "1C Mr. Medary, ns is true," declared oeased 'r ecorded . at marke t prloei. Valid until Bep. report pro, peot at les s than 35 per Mr. Sawyer . "has type set up fo r tbe old sorcs, sore bocks Dnd sbouldersL!>urn8 and bruises. 25e size for Family use. Martha B. IrODII Il8 execat rlx of 'em per 22, 1912. oent, while In but 12 countie s i ~ publica tion of his pllller and If he can DR. cors PAINLE SS BLISTE R AL'!1 ER 'MCC LUR E, to·morr Mtate of Ell F. IroDS direote d to Contra ot entered with Ohio ow use the type for the publi· is painl ss and guul'llnt eed to cure Cor. prospeo t. reporte d I.I,t better thtl.n 70 cation 10 boo ll forUl, It is not hll! pavin, Rincbon e, Ourb, SweeuYI Splint, d."ribu se nolell and .too/[. rugate d Culver t Co tor oorru8 "ted per cent. The faUure of this orop fault." l'uHs or allY enlarge ment of Done or Applic ation made to lupertn tend oulver t pipe. Valtd until F~neral o'ire' ;tor. 'rhe ' BUgge8t1on or sO,me one that musc\e, or money refunde d. Price 600. ~ptem. Is Ilttribu ted to the serious drougb t en& of S'ate A87 lum for the Jnsane ber 22, iG12. ' Ohio's apple orop is most bountl- ' the printing be given to the lowest reFOR SALE BV ALL DRUQGISTS . a~ Dayton for admi&t&nce of MIle8 Contra ot entered with Bert Beed luI. Compa red with la.st year the sponsib le bIdder aroused the right· Teleph one day , 01 Dight~ eOU8 tioo Of Mr. Farr, a MeAlfre'd ~ompeon. for putting in 18 feAt, 18 inches cor- prospeo t is estima ted at 126 per oent , dary Indigna Valley phone No.1. J.oDlC support er from Huron county. , ..", B. Dinyrid die, . adminl slra$()r ragated sewer and oonore BARN HAR T, te head Tbe awaken ing G( the people to tbe He snld: Distollnc e ,N;o. 69-'''. , of es'a~ of Saml Dinw1d dle, de walls on Batler County "This matter of bidding for work 01 line rO:ld at ~ood eil'ecttJ followi ng soieotif io or. ' Nota ry Publi c oeale<l" ~l4K1 ..ftlda.. lt of flnal settle estima te of '19.75 . WAYNESVILLE, ohardi ng is sb )wn in t.he· presen t thl8 kind is EU:ceedlngly contempti, OHIO • b1e, and when .meDt wblo~ .it ordered reoo~ded.,. a man makes such s All kinds of Notary Wo~k . :Pension Cootra ot entered with Frank apple harves t. proposI tion Ilranch to me, as a printer, 1 will Office, Barve111bullt, O. Jlary A. Blood, adniln1 8tratrix of St.okee for puUing in ' Work a l:3peolalty. . oorrug ated haye nothing to do with him:' ~t&te of )lei. . I. Blood, deoene d. sewerl 'In Wayne and Clearor The result, of course, was that sat eek b the World Qrowing Better? flJ~ flrat and fin,••. ,aocoun t ",Uh Ifowne hip at 61tima te of ,134.68 isfactor . Many thinge go to prove that it is. Medary.y provisio n was made for Mr. ~. W. HEND ERSO N, M. 0 TO_ , ohen. for "ttlem ent ", hioh '8l Con'ra ot entered With, DR. J. W. MILL ER, William B. The way thousa nds Bre trying ' In ordered recorde d. , . Graham for oorrug ated aewer and help others i8 proof. Among them Q.uatethe limited scope of this inadesurvey, not even a brief review Wayn esvil le, Ohio . itartha B. Ironl" adminit'ratr~x conore te headwa ll8 and flll& ia is Mrs. W. W. GOUld, of Pittsfie ld, at the debates on the more Important ...DE NTIS T••• N. B. FIndin g goo<l health by tak subJeot .of ea...,Jell F. 'Irolll, ~led firM and W~yne Townll hip at s can be given. A glance 0 er Valley Phone 153 e",tlma 'e of ing .' Main Stre<l Eloo'rl o bitters, sbe now advises flnal AOOOuot wl'b Touoh en for HtJ ·19666. Office In the proceed lngs reveals the »I'ogres- "!"!'!!!'!'~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""!~!!!"!!!~! other eutfere rs, everyw here, to tli.lte slve8 !!!!!!!!'_~~ ,thtloollol Bank Bldg. Waynesvlll~ 0 . tl~ent which Ilordered.uapend~. and conserv atives In battle ar· Contra ot entered wUh F. D. them. "For years I suffere d with . Ella TaDMY B~llln,of' eetate of Halnee for olea~ing and paintin ray, aand often nts issue read g the stomao h and kidney trouble ," she like transcr ipt their from argume the latest , Cat~erin. Tanll8Y i08"ne, filed in· high trual bridge and all steel '. work writes . 'Every medioi ne ,I used of the Congre ssIonal Record in whiob failtld tUl I took Elt.otri J Bitters . similar Ten'or ywhlch walord eredre oo.rded . on lower end of village r~. HAT H A W 'A '\' princip les are discuss ed. III of Frankl tn. . THII OItIATI lST 'J~.hn Butler appoin ted admtnl s- County lo furnish paint. Esthnd But this great remedy helped me eulogizing th e judicial 8yot em of Eng· 'rlJ'C e wonde d_Hy." Tbey'll help any land, DCD . V!\ ,~ :les ville'e Leadin v Dellllil~ "'ator of 8Itb~ of Johann !, Butler, '72. a promin ent conserv ative of the &.DJ:. li. ' woman . 'fhey'rf l the best touio and lU'" &;.1\, Office convent in Keys . Bld~. ion said : undtll' bond of 11,' 00 and W.:H. Ir~aln Ht IN tHE WORLD Oontra oteoter ed with F. M. Col. finelt live .. and kidney remedy tibat,'8 "The fame of her learned and In· I'UBLlSBED WEEnY. $4.00 made. Try &~4tm, You'n lIee GOo corrupt win, H. D. MoVay ~d ~iohard UOI for ooocre te abutme PER YEAlt tble judges has filled the world. ote on Zoar at all druggl.... Boal appoln W appralaera. An'd why 18 It? They have fellred DO Ho:rILa , DRUOO IITa, aPllaU "...T8. and Union lIChoo} houle road at el. earthly power, but have been left to ooeTU Mil Ra. TItAN I F' lilt. 0 AB ~ TIUlf en. tlmate of "73,25. ppl8e the scales of justice with a firm AND 'BUI e.ItVIC E CAN PROF'I':' ' Con'ra ot entered with the Oreand steady band.· 'Let justice' be c;lone BV UIIMO ITS ADVER TI'INO CO,",UMNI Ev~. R. ~~ and M. 1.. Fusee Ionia Bridge 00 .. for tbough the heavens should fatl' bus . steel beam SAMPLE COPY FREE Charle e. B, Conn, lot In Lebano o. bridle, lay inK of old floor been the motto of her judges. They Add..... NIIW VORK CLlPPIl It and new have been able to dispens e justice' un· New York. No v. ,taO. ' . . ~ CtA_ natIerl near Union Gaor,e Loar to Elmer A. ~on estima te of 1178.60, lIohool houle as der the Inllueltc e of a conscious se- ~=====~=~~=~ ' ~~~ What ia the matter 'With. the cour· curlty against I)opular excltem lot In Lebano n, 11~ en.t and . age of the advocat es of' the inltlativ e royal displeas ure." . . . MIU'J' Je. Borlk to W • . N. Cox, and referen dum who are leadiDg the Continu ing, the same speoker said: Averts Awful Tragedy lot In JlaIOD , '1. movem ent for the Incorpo ration of "I believe th nt the people of the Undertaker and Embalmer, 8o-called "dJrect legislat ion" 8YS- state of all parties desire Irene H. ,and Cbarie . D, Heald, Timely advioe Rh'eu Mre. C. WH · the an Independ· tem In the constitu tion Ohio? Why ent judicIar y and that they regard ElijaH 'l'ro~llo, lot In' Le~on, II. louihb y, of Mareng o, W18 " (R i No. Will be l found in the Old do they 'Oenry -:W, )leeke~,te Louie ao.eIi. 1) preven ted a dreadf ul tragedy and Bay are run away from what they suoh a system as ImmeailU 'nbly ,more Bank Buildin g, opposi kt their own principl es ? What Importa Baved two Uves. Dootor e had aald nt than that the will of a popthe Nli.tion al Bank. 'eiD 10' In Frankl in, . 6ltcuse can they give for refusing to ular assemb ly her frightf ul oough was a "ooDsu mp a particu lar 10caltty Teleph one ' in house and ot. ~rpret 1I.1ller to (leorle E. tion" ent to the eminen tly talr and sen· or neIghbo rh oodIn express 'oo_gh and oould do lUtlA to cons ed on a given floe wbere J ()8,n be called YOUOB lot In Warren couoty , II. belp her. After .many remedi es sible proposition that there ohould day under excltem ent, should be ~r· da.y or nigbt. be a referen dum on ·the referen dum It· L O. Andert on to Alice C. Ma- falJed. her aunt urged her to take selt? rled Into the jury box or be delivere d Vlilley Pbone 1'-2 from the bench In the form of a sol· ' Ur . King's New Disoo.v ery. "I have loney lot in i'rankU n, 11. • It there Is merit In the direct leg· emn judicial been determi using ' nation." it for some tla e, to IIbe Main Street. Wayne sville. Ohio Rebeooa Long, deoeue d to MoUle wrote "aDd the awfnl oough has a,l. Islation program , the people of OhIo here l.ong, lot in Butlflfv llle, , another 'reply ot aIsprogres moet lone. It 'Illso saved my little certainly have a right to pass judg· tbeAnd siveexcerpt 'or that trom day: ., ~ • ~======:;:==:::::::;::; "J sa.ld It was much to ask our opSeth LoDg et al to May Chaney boy ,wheD taken with a severe hron· Ill ent directly and express ly on. the chial' tronble . ,. This matchl es8 direct leglslat loo system. If it must ponents eveh to vote for tho election lot In Texal, Ob!), ,600. be pushed Iota the constitu tion by of judgea by tbe people, but was too John H. Bradle y et 11.1 to George medici ne has no equal for throat stealth and shielded and mnsked be' and )ung troable s. Price 500 anrl much to expect them to go t)1e entire hind Loer, lot In Lebano n" t36G. other intereot s and other propo- figure on the subject. t1 00. Trial bottle free. Gnal-an Sitions. It makes a Borry start on the election of judges by I said that the Adam Bridge to Mar" B. Buo&, teed by all druggi sts. the people was road to public favor and suppor t.- asked for by MIe people lpt tn Fraokl in, 1~600. for the pur. We can offer you good Cleveland L~ader. pose of bringin g within their control Berber s W. Smith to Earne8 t CONSTITUTIONAL DELEGATES. more tully that departm ent of our Payin g Empl oyme nt Weet; lot 10 Lebano o, 110. TOO MANY ISSUES. governm eot. which alone of all deBroad·g auged, educate d and 8ensl. that you will enjoy and Bomer Sima to Elizab e'h WI8~ partmen ts of AmerIcan governm ent, bl e men, unfette re d by class or Intel' 10' io Baney .burg. 110u. The crowdin g of so many Issues had not felt the chas tening and reat home . Write to-day h II h hand of Americ an public opm· Wutor d O. Bud~on to 'Albert ests, w 0 rea ze t at t hi s Is the tWen' Into the campaig n for delegat es to forming Ion." Ueth oentury and that there Is more tbe convent len that Is to meet" the Lawi. lot in FranJlJ ln, '66. danger from over·go vernme nt than un· first of next year to prepare a new der·gov ernmen t, and that as a people ' anstltut lon to suhmlt to the people Commllllooerl' ProceedID," Conserv ative cltlzen8, who are \ The BnHer iek Pa.,Us bIDg Co. the va8t majorit y of us are for the of Ohio, Is bound to work Irrepara ble Bometim es disturb ed at the recklesB ; Duiterl dc Dulldla g. ·New Vork. N•.V. Sub~cr ibe for upholding and mainten ance of deceo· harm, for however badly the Gazette we may need atU • .AlIow ed-H. AI. Oswald , cy, honor and Witheri ng a.nathemas hurled at and honesty , and willing to a new coostitu tlon, there Is little likecorpora te wealth, should console them· barial of Mary E. Posy, 175 ; Ai, H. acquies ce readily In all laws requirin g Jihood of our getting 1t thIs time. So I selves with the though~ that there Is Ojwald , burial of John L. Trump " these things, are thoBe who should ,lUlICh bitterne ss and acrimon y have nothing new '7f) .' M II Olwald barlal of John prescrib e what our mode In this manifes tation of I of legislati on developed that there 18 a strong proba- hostility and dghteou s IndignatiOn., R '0 . k . 175' M W O l d ' and governm ent shall be.-Ma nsfleld blllty that the J.>eople will reject , . ra e, the In the conventl.on that tramed OUl' , . . swa, New8. whole thing when it Is ollered to them present . constitu tion, the orators oh81rs .~nd table for oourt houae, next fall. These questlon 8 should be ~ra!eIY assailed the citadel '104.3G j M. B. Otwald " . cotll for of "prlyU· 'A GOOD CONSTITUTION. voted upon at separat e elections, ege in languag e ao trencha jaU, '19 26 i George B. And~rson. nt as ~ny where each should be decided upon hurled from the husting s tCHIay. Here burial ~f 'EUzabe,b Laymo n, 175 i The forthco ming con8titu tlonal con. Its l11e~lts without defllatln g some oth. i~5~: sample" under date of :Juue a, <' a ' yv. Gnchr~', ~eDt'for . Pro.eo ut· ventlon , everyon e may be sure. wlll er needed refOl:m .-McAr th'!r Tribune . "Cor~o,ratloris, 8!r, ' are deBtruc~lve be a real, conveo ,tlon-no t a packed tDg Atto,n ey ,.. 0 ftl ce, thi r d quarter , body • • • ':playlo g tricks . with the fundat0 r equa Itt.r ao d' h 08 tile t.0 f r!"e t nat· 125 ' t.bano o Ioe aDd Coal Co ' 'Ioe mental la-; pursuin g fads or klilins 1f your , house '.', W81! 9 ~re . would , . tutions, n and their exlstenc e sbould nbt TO. . f.o rcourt hO~" ,'S8t; Wes~ I)ieln- time for th~ purpose ot drawing a sa~ y~)1 tl1ro,w more fire on t.t to extin be tolerate d in a Republi can gov~m. . ment. They confer' prIvilegea and teOtinl 00., mertlha ndlBlt for court .ary. ,It wlJ.l be a ;world~ g ,. !lo.~j 17.50; ~~nla : Work' ,Bouae, 'be9aua~ the interes t of the 'ga'tberIDI' g~18h It? Fooli8h ' you say? Bllt benefits on . the 'few Which are not en. people in, I"ve' aeen people calling themse lves jayOO .,!If' the many. Ever, epectal act boar~lDi ~pr~n.r durin~ 8eptem c~~:::~~~. h~e been arOU8ed~ 'men .\'Ih,o would try til drive fear of incorpo ration' Is . " graat of-mon op. biu'. t7.1i1; A • •. Monfo rt. eleoklo , .• _ • out o~ a ·tright~ned horae by' beat- olY-8 cb~ of . prlvilel . . " ' ;. e8 ,to a iew . , ......,. , .,OOUI"~oUl8.tlO.V..O;, I'. P. . .., indIvidu als, 'Which are not CODferr See that. the ool~ do not I,olle tngl)t ed ' m""etu l~gath im apd IIOarupon the, commu nitt at larIe. . Sucb '.... ,••aID~tDI !lor:- ap4. Teo' 1181h ~n Ibort or frod-bi UeD . PM- Ing him. , leo·. that maQh the lame \lqWaUoD II, eo~aen tl7, utterlJ' r& board _ tGI'ett. thIDS" , SeemI eo to-me. p\Jpall t to the ~t lteJQb llau _ , , Com ,Don Pleas Court. · >
Prev ents
I== =LI VE RIT ES Only lO c= =
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.I ---.•-
...- - ..... ..... ..... ..........
THE REFERENDUM I .....REFER. ....• ..... ..... ....
A. MA FFI l',
Are .You Loo king lor a Posl Uon ?
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&rIM " , , - ,..,.. , •
4oo&rJu tMl
D H. E.
"RE M,AMl G .7.ETTE • l'uhl lKh 'II
W hk l>,
W '·Y l1c.; \'IUIJ .
1)11 "
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D. L.
Elli tor and Mult ug r
C il ANE .
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~ub5 c rip,lioll
()u o Your ,I "ld I>, ill hllv lLU '0 ) ... . .. .. \I 1. 1111 IJI~ h OilY .. .. . . ..... . . . , . . . . . . . . •. . O~
Rnt es of f( ",IIU "1l
I.ucu l~.
Adv~ ti si llg Jior !l no . . .. : . . , . . . . . .
no ·
H UlIlIiI l Il IMeld H. IJlud , fa, '" . 1"'1' 11 110 , ..• IV" C Itw<! lItld Ad •. 1101 (0 tlxec .~ 1 11\ " 11",,~ 'I'hl'C C III~ohh\UH .. .. . , .. . . ... . , 2~1' Ulol~ lInrl os, I..· lJH"huo; fr'(\tI; U\" OI' lI \'u I ' .
Inl'llUs. per
1111 0 . • • . . . • • •• . • •• • 0.' . Corel ot ~11II1I1' s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . .. 2!lc . H06O lu
Llollll ..•• . •.. , . . . . . • . . • • • • . • . .. ~OC , SOCllll8 otc . whor e c h u I'!;O IN ll1uliu . .. . '. .. ~ !lc I lJlsp luy A.h·u rtlsi ulC jlor Inch . .. .. . . .. .. 1\Ic ' il lBcou lI\·s Iv u "u coutract.
T/~6 Onli n ll f!l Hot
R 'mue -
" We ll , w ha.t do you t hInk of tlw.L? All s poil ed."
1lJUU t't • :;
llO t
M Irl!e t
tb ~ tlllI
"Mu s t get n e w I' tLl!ge. I will look: ali no Muore."
2'/1/; 0Tf1l JlnI'V "''''Vc-
, T ho 11[ uo re De,\ lor 'X jJJaillilll{" prill ei pies ."
1911 .
plUM... took .
The CUP " lll1.\ng ",Busun if now eDd ed.
Pet er . Tum bl dow n's . gruw io g stoo k are runtH. AlwlIY s do you'*r' bt' to, bnt nev er Y6u r bes t frie nd .
Ear ly mat urit .y is the key note ill 800 0e8 sful pig bun dlin g.
AN TIC IPA TIO N ··S tl up in the kltcl1en." The 11 reo ies ted Glas:> ove n door.
, ,*,
D1·; r l'\,'T H AT [ ~ "1\u w W ( '11 see H i L' ' s g'oud W:I
Let the hUIfS tUrn all the "wi ndf all app les" Into high prio ed pork .
VE RIF ICA TIO N 'M rs. n or r's Gut de tells how h ot to I,eo p the oven. 1 '1\ fulluw hcr inst ruct ions ."
OO N'rR OLL L\'rIO N "Th e Con troll er Da.mper lcee ps the h ea L !i xed a.t a. cert ain telU pem Lure it dues It tLl1 rl lrh t . "
, 1st - Absolutely sen siti ve. oven the rmometer. 2nd- ·Mrs. Ro rer 's Cooking Gu id e- th temr.erature an d how 19?9 to 'co at tells 'at wh at ok roasts, game, fow , bread, cakes, etc. 3r d- Th e Controller Dan1per wh ich keep Mo ore 's Ra ng e at a certain enables yo u to temperature any length of time. No te: --These three features make Mo ore 's ng e an absolutely controllable co ok ingRa machine.
"The best bak ing I ever had . ' I
4th -M oo re' s. Everlasting Fir eb ac k-w fect combustion and saves one-thirhic h makes perd to one-half of fuel. 5th -M oo re' s Hi ng ed To p- fo r fee ding the fire-broil~ ing -to as tin g, etc. 6th-~oore's three-piece fire-tested Glass Oven Door. 7th --M oo re' s Anti-Scorch Lid. 8th -B ea uty an d simplicity of desig n and durability of construction .. Th ese features ma ke Mo ore 's Ra nge s sup eri pr in every way to eve ry oth er range made -T hey save tim e-w orr y-m on ey -fu el, and give the bes t pos sib
Eve r noti ce tha t'*'the woH gen eral ly com es to the doo r disg uste d lUI Il 1.1111 oull eoto r?
'*' SIl to roud /lust , If we 1111 ve DOL uJOe We ml1Y tull e som e field eart ll, fiue aud free from lum ps.
Flied just e!)oo~b-bav6 the pig 'to bed olauu Illiet I)lilfortll ble tiO Iw '.V1ll lie 1I0wu,llnu sltl~ V, liull p~n on rllt: t'tl
19ives Aid toSStrikcrs
le coo kin g results.
Som etlm !! Iivtlr, kidn oy, bow el" .I'IL m t~) go on n I!Itrl ko nud rcfu lle to wor ll righ t rlon lIod nee tl t.huse _pleUtlllDt littl e striyut ke br like r -D r. Kin g'a New Lif Pil ls-t o give them !l8 turl ll aid anll gen tly oompel prop erao Uon . Exce ~ lent beil lt,b soon follows. Try tbem 21)0 at ,,1\ drug@19tS. , ,*, .
REAT~ l Z TI ~ "He at comes up quic kly. "
Moore's Range has ma~y exclusive and su perior
'*' not; bao helo r , A 1l10uksUlIths nre in tlpite of tbe hot tba t love ItLU ~h at tbe w .
Kee p the st-a bles dry and olea n. No anim ol eRn tbri ve if oom pell ed to stll.ud .ond Bleep on a reekin~ bed of mtln ure.
g'ua-ra,uW e."
Moore's Range is a Perfectly Controllable C ooking Machine
'rhe on~ pllrt.iou \nr brlll ld 01 lov e tha t is n't bllnLl ts Bolt· love .
"". -
Mo ore· s Sto ves . Alw ays Ple ase
Let Us TeD You How To Save On e-Third One-Half : Your Fuel Bill. Se~d for Fre e Boto ok. W.r ite Mo ore Bro ther s Com pan y, Joli et, Ill., for thei r boo k of (".(lnstru!=tion of Mo ore' s Ran ge sho win g how -by mea ns of its con stru ctio n-th is itreat .saving is possible "':'-'a nd see Moo re'S Rane;e at-
Mo or.' . Sio ves Alw ays
Pie an
J. H. COLEMAN, Waynesville, Ohi o
.....«4!................... i AWORD TO THE WISE i J.:
\ AFTER THE DROUTH let's, 1 Rol U's Equal Don 't xist .' ler. der Sle d,2 .Rid Imp lem ent s-O ne Wa aon and ing 0l1l ttva tor81, Fod N o one hILS eve r mnd e II. s . 1 Ton gue less ' Ham - 8too nlve k-be d, 1 Bay .rlg gin g, 1 Spr ing . oint men t or b~lm to oom par mo ' . e n with Cor .. n In Plo w,l thir ty gall on Wa gon . .... vi~it .. to the oou ntry we hav e . Buo klen 's Arni CtL ~n.1 ve . 2 BUggie8, L Roa ~ cart , Coo ker, l' ••• pa.lr ••• ft'!, Pla ••• ••• tfor t,h fl m No mat ter how guo d a hor se is bf'e SOlt n im .le8, . . preR . Ii . sAd . new . . with . Dtle . . one p l'feo t hellIer a dot.s. rlng Bin der wlt h truo k', l the fine oon dl- ton8 pnro Tim oth io . It is alre Cor ns, ! tiOD alfaHl1 field s spee ady app aren t ~~lat a lorge I HUf Its eRrl y life, Us ugefuioesR is dily .atta ined 00 t:!tlokEl, Inor e y Hav., .000 Tob ao- Mow er, 1 8tee ltoo th .eay . rak e I new ns, Bru i eSt 'ore s. 81' lid!', B oil ont num ber of· onE:!·ldened men or lesB ~, , ' will en· \ Ulo abo rt if it I!ln ot pro perl y oar~d Eoz IJlO.• l:)olt Rh oum For I llf t e r t he d t~ ~th was brok en. In dou ble Har ness , Col lars 2 Sets ' of Hay tedd er, 1 Cor n Bin der, 1 "Gratn for. dllllvor to be delegnte s to the comins. '01'0ers. . Brid les and Dril l with ' fert iliz -roycs. Gold Sor e!', Ult.app er atta ohm ent. Till s 18 "Ier i))u s 108S. constltutlonnl conv ention. The Lino s, 2 Stob of Fly nets , ·tJa c1 f:l ct, Illflllrl~ stun ds dro uth rrla ge a 1 h orse Wh eat Dril l wit olle I::I.lI n(ls "~.b or ette pm r Pole ins its , 1 s Tob npr m b. Un- t.htin olov er !Iud acco Idea otfj ome of those will be Qlllt fert iliz er Pres B, For k8, 8ho vatt.a ohm ont., 1 Gal e Cor n hPIlL otb er grll8 e dlf· , rivllleLl fo r Pllt's. Try it nter, .l rere nt'r onl tbe one leJea ot othe Onl y :Uic to thfl grout I dep th!! Ses, owi ng els. Hoe l, Spa des, Log OhainB, 1 Dis o Ulll rs tlva 01 of tor, n t 1111 its roo No wom on Itl oom p tent to adv ise them, but euch a Rld one of them will pres s · drtl g~ is t.8 . The y ooo tinn e to find moi ts. IBwn mo~er. Hbn seho ld GO Od8 - torti, 1 (lan g Diao Bre ipg Cal tiva . st ure One Hea tmg Stov 1 Coo a. yon~g cirl ln her love nffairtl __ __ _ . tor recognition of hi s ono Idea, to dee p~ r d own , who re the k Hto ve. 1 2 Sco tch. Oltp per Plo Gki ng Ple w, !l13 · the roo ts of Kitc hen (JlI.btnet,· le,glas exclusion, if necessary. or the 1 Diao Har . leeB the.afor etla ld womlln hilS 8 on fron e Id n t Cup - row .1 I:)tallt Rak e, ws. The penn lty l?;eeo of each of tho othe :i dou ble Bar rd, 2 St.ands, 1 Ext ens ion Tab rs nnd of the Id ns I qne ntly Ii Ii or H Rtol en 10 1.8 Is fr t) . clov e r ontl tim.)t.hy ure put out of bOll mar ried llt 161lst fou r time s. le, row ~ 1 DrB lit, 1 new 'I'ObIiOOD Sett er, 6 dini ng roo m Oha irs, 2 'e Hen t.eno e ll,t. llIlI·d h\b r bu. inl."R of nil ot.bors put log thor. kito ben 1 Tob acco Pre ss. R. 1 TobllOCO ~prayer. Uha lrs, 2 rook ing Cha irs, 1 Pla tfor ~ The re ure 19hty·eight Ohio coun _ . • m 7 tletfl Wo rk Hln nes .. , 3 Sebs · Roo ker, 1 Buf fet goo d ~8 new ,2 The re are t<ev eml sigu 8 t.b~t inLlI ties. The lnt res ts. th u eds, eveH Iron Har ness , 4 Sets Dou ble 'fre BUflgy . Bod A nnd Spr ings , 1 Mattrel! the whims. of a'ny one of these es, tiin gle !! I:(oo d us Tre es, Log ObfliDS, Bllltllrl:l oate goo d bell·ltb- Il brig ht red lll ll Y : : :: oom n dl [er from tllose of the othe r eigh . t,.inee. new , 80 ynr( js of Rag Car ty· pet, 25 Brid aott vlty , read ines s for foo.1, •• : : yar ds of new Ra,g Boe s, For ks, ~hovels, lot of (l.nd s vent ofte n. no doubt. \ll1rCH50 1l1~ bly ...,. ..... ,--- - ...... 'Uar pet, nev er sma1llel', toole . ., beeu cut, 1 Mtl k CII.D. 1 spri ng & glos sy and swo oth app earl l.nc e of so. All I.h snOle, ench has its right Cot . , The abo ve nam od stoo I will .offC'T lit Pub lio Hil I! a.t us goo d Bsn to ew be and hear d, oth b how e er : ever thin At .the pIiI'lme . tim e Rnd pluc gs to abo ve the ave rage , unll ~ gr(l des loftily til e man luH lretl ldfllJc .of the feat hers , o, num el'o n8 ~o men tion . MI:!:!. JI)R . W. AD- ~ El wOO~ tL gr of tho single Idea muy ll'y to toss ll l ,Jl ult man y of title imp lenl onts Olle uell tit It SAil t,l·t1m . rloo 1\'-101, .111.1116 fln ~ t ,O f 1t1 hell d of Ter ms- All suU ls of $5 rlDd und nslde. Hllr I Ynu ng It op, ~r nl.'w, bav ing bee n nsed but littlrly 2 If yon are feed tng olov er, rem em· Such bein g the case of the !ort hcom VBy, sbu rg, )"lell t t h o Jon .lh RUD ) nl ee ~Ilt c h t"tln l olts, 2 yetl r-ol ds, ollsh, ull ove r $5 1I cred it or SIX ", HOUBehold Goo ds-1 'llbl es, Lou nge Th · ~se 'hul 'oh are 0 Mo 11 ber to oo't dow n thA bulk . Tbi mon th!! will be gtve n by puro baso Gr ~O [ oolt s is It,g convention, the dan ger 18 tltat the r s Chl Fur iirs, mln Cup g Imp boa rd eto. lem ent·s givi ng note wit h npp rove Satu rday October 21, 1911 . a hea rty lood ·It.nd yon cnn 't ust) one· ldeuod man-a nd til ra wlJl rl 8eo urit y. :-~ Fltr m Wu gon . Ter ms- All sum s of $1011nd und n·1! ellOugh be · l! ghm i og at, 1 o·cl ock er ot them .and thei r .clam ol· wll1 . tbe fol - I (Jor n .Plllnte~, 1 ~oO1 Sur. L\l-dder, MI'R. Ida Hook~tt . cash . muo h of it. 118 yon can of tim On all ove r 10 u ored it of 9 ormlok Mow er . l t I . othy even be ont of prop ortio n to tb II" 1 Bllm llto n CuJt.t vn.tor , 1 Tob J Dum· lOWing' 0 1/\ ,00 S . . B, R10 h ' wit bon t doio l{ you r hors e har m mon ths will be give p by C. 'r. Haw kc Auo t "" ers- the dlinger l)o lnt will \) thut hlls er Plow , 1 Rol ler 1 Imp erllil BrAI acco 11 one b,o}f e f 8 flOroS?f Plo givi ng note with a-pprovepnro lhe , Uod.ivif .c1E'11 g w, 1 Diso S'ar row . On" 'l'ub~kin n t d seo url· one 'Iclell "viii Insi st on being [.tnl o tl 11 1" l ., I ulll tl r on . ' I wil,! swn llo·\\'· C l' I"O III LJ offe r ut Pub lio !hlf '.l mile eS ly A ny n I ' t " ' I 'ld '" " I ed, even If It mak es th peop . r';lls ron g Milcmy. v r eltm Sepaf eo. t uf Wll yns s"ll le on the Way uOU f! 10 . uOO l18 -· 1 G U t or N 0 2• l who n.· I l ow. C 11 . 80U r ~Drl'JEST nes. Haw ke Auo t 'r 3 H rws '1 · of CT 8'o v ua 100 SIl,l e-A , lI Bums of $5.0 ~ ne nU~I{O " . are to have the JU!lt say In the .ma . J os Oha pmu. tla ,. J;l .... "' . 'Or .(.. 0k vntA n. ~ nike on cllsb. AIl 's\lm s ove r '50 0, B ored0. vill e and Bar vev Hbo rg ... tter t.o,:,e. 3 luhl es. Wm ' O · -so ·slck that lhey ' wl11 Ne ' all ~:oo Cle rks k it l ... g . ,Jhl Thu \~r8, rsda thro of y, w moe up Oct the obe mun r [hDl thE. 26, D g-I"OO ". . ""'o wl1\ be give wit h 1911 i.ltutlon nnd ' let the 'stu te CbU II A. 1. Wa sbln g aep rov e". . "u le con" " "eou rl· ty. Elw ood nAul -lUu.c hinl1. ( , n1'1)j f r r11'4, DIII h t BeQ inni ng at 9 :30 a. m. the fol !'!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~!"!'!'!~~ v " 1'8, C arJ.. p~mlnent. citiz en of Evansvl1le, wallow on for tbe nex t twenty yeal'B, pa t.s . Onr . . IoWl.Dg b tt I . ,1. jt~ . Magill d~u lm p\t' certainly, and p~rhnps for the . n ob 11 1'1 0 Ii e s : . Ind., wrl tes: -''1 w¥ m for Dou g. Eiol llng sw! )rth . Auo nex t Gllrdliu Pl r WII, Rill! s,ul~enb t. -;. five sixty Eig onfil. , ht a8 Sho !:Io they vlils r!je hav s-1 " , e fi yeo r been doin g for the . I:lpodo!< , null Ed. Jef1'ery . Ole rk. mon ths with pulmonary trou gen er· · oth er 'I\rtloltlS to:) n al uur pos e bo!'se, we .ght01<1 and lust sixty. .... . . 1175 Ibll " had the beat of doot9ra. I had ble, "H' rOll S to uilil lti n. hem gent or.l~ aud The • thorough·paced fadd ·lst. the tYlr . We rba:ge8 anti waa In a vory liad offe r u.t Pub lio 8:11e at Qutomo~l well bro~a, no " afrl lid of l'en ns of R,de. ·IIMIt. 1es i .1 goo d 4.ye lu old g~ld tb~ 1, te rSl;lLle uoe 'Qf J E Hoo Through the adv ice of a friend I way.. teal . man ot one' mea., ~YIU tnke tJle kett F A AlItrtllJl. Adm r. , I~g. _~elgbt llbo ut 1400 gen tle tried risk ; 'he ne'Verse es IlI~ytb1ng d on osed 'ou mile eiL~t of Wa. Vlnol, and ,I feel tha t It s8,ved and Wm , Mll ltl. Auo t. . . u~e. ot hIs own narr ow range . . Theoutside . .v.l.llA on th e _Wa yne ,vil le ' lind ype s. ~llcelll" \lro ke; 1 1.2. yea r old gen~ral It I. all . you reco mm end It tomy r~ nTe Har be. . pn_r 1 p~8e but two ways to geicilngj 1 12 'yet lr old .g':'.n. believe it Is the grea test medicin veygl 'ur~ pike on ent b.bn. , Out :;. e on 'amI the Salest..!-lsprev er.al pu.r po,s e m",..e, ~ ,~o~d • . ~ ,not ,., ' " arth . i' hav~ advlBed o~bers ' . broo 'd W wlJj Aullllt pub ho SI~1 be " to tq The othe r Is.,. to ' B.u bmi t~. send him. re i 1 2.ye ar old dra ft mar e, ~ltt d .' 1 nl~le ') atu r ay · .Octo r 21, 1911 -.' . ·~o. t th~ •.yol'i OIlB I ~el:'t of ' reg( n.itl, v~not. .and they D ,v e bad ra , t1\e sam e one·ldeas sepa rate ly goo d Ol~ j ll· ~bA yea tlte, r Old pl~o · dra e. ft .ma re colt ; ~ B~l;i~nit:l.l~ lit 10 ;00 m ., t,he fol to .8. vote of .tb e fOU ,. r~ulta.'~ '. (N!,me furnllb~ .. on 1'& . • . . 1 ba~ " borl le, .peg . . l~ .y~~f8 . old.;··l 4yea r ' " ple, so th~t If. on~ <!f, tbem Ls reIOWllfg.oh·l}tt!)IH : Queet.) '. ' . '.. , .. . ,Tl,Jesday; October ~'" , " Tw o ' b a.rt of bor~el3J 1 a . blac old ~~Derll~ ptll'po,se D;lare, paT tly We "'nt eve t7o nel Dtb lti. VtclnltY j ecte ~, the rest of . the obnstitutlon J3 Sinn lng .nt, 10 o: bloc k • ~ bro) te i 1. Mul e, wei ght 14&0 I~B .. . m.ay not fl)\I. Aslde , from th em who Is troublt!d with chronlo " .. nU" j. wio gt:ltook1.lnd· Oha.ttel!4t . tbe ~ol. mar e 12 y'~o.r8 ull:\ .sing le Hbe mar e · Eig ht Oat tle... :..l Cow A.nd Cal f 3 . ' , wot ;kRn .ooq1ia; . or. pulmoD&1I7 trOnbleecolds, , It mus t und wlll con~ln mi\ny vaJ'.l1ly· plnc (',1 1-~o ., ntb8 ur ~01d Bor ' Qqlt e\'.goO l . · gQo d to tl Mil · BrC ble thlngs,~ thing1! uPOn. .w~e aU k , Qow 8,1 Hei ler, l Ste er come &!ad get. a bott le of VJnoL 'oan WOl'k Mur e, 1 good Wo rk lod. apd ...Sev r:\ Helld·of Cat.t Ie. 'mi lk OdW8. and 18.ul1. ' agre e as neoel1s nn : to "the geIih~ral ' ·lj QlBe , fres h :in Februl\~y, 38t eers .' . ' '. . If ft 40ee DOt io to the .ea t wei· , 121" m Ibs: "o,o' , 1 Ysu r!iu g UCllt. 1 W t'Il{l·l2- yeal m ing of troU t fare, an.d whlon should m~t Fort,> eig~t Rog s-4 ~o~s HAt e !~ oJd • Far min g Imp hie. ·h...· b .•.nfta mm atlo ll anet be, ,\Y'holly I\tuR <.kilt. b lem ent seve . ~(\_a~ .c& ttle -5 On6-&o .toll " 10Bt because men ~Ilfe "- tb,e .C OII". . . Wl1I Cli. o(t. W!lgO'l, goo d as new , ~l Pie s bY side ; 16 ntCE! Sb< *ts ; 1 goo d r as ~o othe r lMUk Cow,,; 2 ~elfenr.fI, ...tu n, Jetu1'll . thin gs-h owe ver .Imp Tbl rt.y .fon r wHI be freS hjC orn PllI.otel's. one~ orta nt: t e 14tt tlf by dB,Y'of 8Ale ' a\'e1'1 aebt-Ja14 118 tor tt. ~ fertllzer,. 'Hali· are e~e18mbll ' She ep- lCi Of. the~ , .s.ev~nteen Shee~ ·rnw .mal' be.-~u .Tt.mes. , s, 8 , .' out ' f,altb, an4 8r~ ,. ' , ' ~in g .up. . 'Plo ws 1 Jlar k.· 'Ab out 600 bu. .Col'D Oxf ord DOw~ 1liWee,., ' . S~rJ~a ~t f01l tab , . '. 0 (no t hue ked ) • -11)1 • DO oba M'l . · Plow " ., I 'pal _ t pou Lam blo ' c U., all gOO . d. Twe ~n. nty· obB Ho p Plow . ~ Stee l.Soo ; by ~e bus hel. ,r; TODI of . Put a bo., . 'pIg ~y hlm,eelf . AllO th g"" .ra) e. -1 MIXed ~v. w..;.;a Bro od Sow.. 18 Pil i. wei ".I .l'A KBY, . . ,,'h', lSI ~1~lh',8 T~~ Bu .f Db bID ,-t' cloelD" 1*-'. ' .. . e .. 1 Tob a04'O The aDe U", '" OJlft.ha1f Of pouell. I ,. 41 a~ . . Sttl t1' JDl ik~.n'C)"'t0D8a ToP~ of I""D IOO I'& l ' ~. ~~-..~~~
.COml·ng ,Publ.·c Sales a
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II s MC.C a'
an'--d' McCall .Patterns
t?H . .
.nIlearita .
Miami Gazette
D, L.
Cut 'Ollt cath'utica nnd pu)rR8ltl"iII. brutal.I.IIll'!lh, unnecessa.ry.
Beekeepers MeaDS ot TakiDSJ Oue. , of LIVER PILLS 'Purely able. Act H .l ves Combs Loaded ,With HODey aDd 01 ReturD~ liv~ r, icnlly and eliminate Ins Them Wlt~out Damaslng Them or 500thethe Injurins ODe ;a{ Busy LHtle Insects. Itlem brane
tuve~Uon Affords
INDUSTRY AND EOUCATION. I!'or some years th e Lenll enl~Y 01 yOung men sceltlng blgber t'du n ll oo b as bell n tow ariJ law a mi Ul el1i clo e, Schools or tbe s\.' 1)\'Or el8l3~ n !1 , bave In, creasel1 tn nllnlbe r ana tOO He lll s ot occupat ion bu ve hecomc (Uore overcrowded. snys th e Omu ba U(' , 'c r, ,tllin DeW tendonck's In Industrr lind tbe sclellce of trea llng human Ills a rc: at work whi c h suggest lhe postllbillty of 1\ chnngo In 'the drif t or th " edu ca, tlon a l current, J ublle lUl(l private e n, t('rprlse are e Ull s ted In 1\ 1110\'oment t,o wor k out n ew 0 11l'OS fo r 0111 fi t's nses and Improve slIoltaliun th 1'ougbollt th e ('oUinry, VIIst progress 1I1It; t'e U, and 1U0re \\' 111 b ~ . ruad e, Aloug wltb thIs , th oug h d is tinctl y IIpart 11'0111 It. goes th e effort of the gu vcrtlm 011l -aud prl Vl\te capltnl 10 Iwrn o!;_ na t llro ror til e noeds of In cl l1s t1'),: to open up Irrl· gatlon an d water·power p l lln l ~ for ag· rl cultural and ID d u t rI a l purposes. Tl.le New York TIm es In vlll>F; to tb e ne w fie lds or sclentlll e j;cn lco the ntlentlo n o f young llI ell contemllln : lng tlb ls b d e du ll tlons. Th yare. undoubte dly. prolific or opportun illftll. Wbllt will tbe
Either Lump Burnt Lime or 'Ground Stone May Be Used With Beneficial ' EHects---Best Applied With Special Dri!l, But Manure Spreader Can Be Used.
bowel. , Cu
(By O. Merton Kll e, College or .fIgrlculture. Ohio State Un iversi ty.)
Applying LIm e With Special Lime Drill,
' An entlrejy unro~abUc Aus trian count. who ' bas lived In New Yorlt ·80me years coneellllng ' bls title n.nd earnIng bls bre ad. bas Just found It neceS81;lry hi gettIng' n mart'lag~ U· conse ' to reveal bls aecret. He came to America to e sca(1e tbe dull conven· tions lmposed ' by bls rank at Ilome, eel Is so we ll content wltb socIal freedom tba.t be will never r,e turn to Austrta. ThIs Is not the kInd o f no, bleman tbat marries nn Ame ri can belress' i n a cburoh decorated with nQ.OOO worth of roses. but he wl)1 make nl? worse American cltlllen on ' that account;.
Harrow Should Follow Drill,
Its etfects , bu t t he to tal, final etfects wlJl be th e s ame In bo th c a ses . Unless th e farm er possesses a lime drill. the g round limestone w ill be found th e most convenient to app.l y. By placIng n little s~a\V in the bottpin ot n manure s'p 'reader an d then placing. have taken on conSIderable Importance the lime on top of this , the manure to the farm er. spre ader can be used very well for When buy Lng lime. either th'e lump s preading the lime av e I' I the fi eld. A Durnt lime or the ground limestone little experimenting will he necessary should be purchased. The choice be- to regulnte the amount delive red. In tween these d e pe nd s lipan tbe prlee the absence of a lime drlll or spreader. of each delivered at your stnlion, al- the lqmp lime Is sometimes placed :n WaYB remembering t~at It requires pUes of from 35 to 40 pounds each at about two ions of the ground stone suitable Intervals (heaps ot· thIs slzu to equal 'in aaid correcting power one 20 feet apart in each dlr,e cUon equal ton ot 'the burnt or "quick" lime. Tbe about two tons per acre). anil theu cover the plies with moist earth. In "quick" lime w1l1 be more r npld hi a few da ys the lime w lll be so thoroughly IJlacke1 t hat It can be 's pread directly wIth a shovel. Whenever &lacked lime Is used. It Is important , that It be thoroughly hnrl'owed In Immedh(tely :i!ter bel~ spread on the ground. ' , Lime can probably be best applied to the corn land In t he spring aft er .plowlng nnd thorougb ly harrowed In. U spr ead before plo wing , th~ lime 'f1l\ be ' placed too dee p In the ground 'fo( best r esults. The' amounts to b used will, of Effect of ' liming acid soli a, 7he oollrse, vary with the local conditions, but one lori liEU' acre of lnmp burn t large' pile of clover shown at t,he left IInle or two t ons 'of the ground stone Was grown 0" limed loll. the very ' mu;, be considered 11 fair applloa tlon amall ·plle next to It being weeds. The The u se of lime has In most 1118econd pile to the right ShOW8 clover sta n ces b roll ~ht about r e markable r eo on sol, whIch reoel,v ed no lime and s ulls with the' hny Cl·OP. but Its u ss the pile on extreme right being weeds should no t be substituted for good that grew wIth It. (armi n g an d good fertil ity ~etl1Od S ,
DIRECTIO~ ' FOR MAKiNG - ----..--- --
Persons who g row ValsUY diljconte nt. with their .I ot if tbey jU'e not promo~ed: or otherwIse elevatell in po,'vet and reqJune raU\>n every year or twc may be Interested In tbe announce· ment , that Prli!.clpal CbarleS I,'. Hat· man. wbo has Just retired from aerv· lee " I~ New York cit>', fias beell a Butto",!hole8 With Rounded and Will, Barred End •• IIchoohnaster lor firty -four years ond only :'mlssed" two day!!, Hl.s boya Always try to havo (1) Cutting.-A bu t tonhole IJhould barred ncross. gav~ blm a reunion dinn e r. Tbey be· be cut a little longer tban the dlame· tllread long enough to finish lieve. and r Ightly, thnt be bus bad a ~'orklng at button!l0le. It thread ter of tile button and should be careproves to~ short, put tbe nee dlc g reat Influence \lpon t be cIviliZation fully mellsured and m a rl.ed before cut- throu gh the slit. turn to wrong IIldo 01 the city. ting. It Is very n ecessary to c ut the of cloth and fasten lightly. 'A. ~e r goods by n thrend, oth e rwI se It Is im- threadin g needle. Inse rt It beside Uto According to re )lorts (I'om Onlled possi ble to make a nellt, even button- las t stitcll. drawing It up through tli'! Slates COlls ui Charles Ad a IUS Holden hole. Use single thread, number GO. I a;; t . purl and proceed with bUttoh of Rou e n the , m uch di scussed project ', rdlnary machine t.hread. Buttonholes hole Etit bes. of eSlabll Ablng a tra!n Terry service Ordinary buttons should never bo between Dloppe. France. li nd Nt!w, should be cu t pal'all e l with edges In sewed down tightly. but the thread bolt Illa·;t and ucross In h em . as In ba'l' en. Eng., is l:Ioon to be como an a'C' s hould be loose, 8 0 thnt In tlnlshln,; complls hed rac t. At prese nt pnsse n, back of wnist. the ltohllu g I,hreads may be woun,! ge l's nnd freight :lW tl'lll1 sfeTl'ed trom (2) Overcastlng.-Place Rlit across , around, thua protec t ing , them (rom Loose sewl:ng can be mos l t h e railway C'Rrs to steamers, trans' the cushion of left forE"fln ger ano ove r- ·;I£,ar. ported across th e l'.;nglls h channel, c nst raw edges, t aldllg up t wo or ~'as lly a ccomplished b y placIng a pin an o again loude ll on til e r ollw ay. Uy three threads of c lo tb. b r1.l'I'ng r rry st eanwrs on whi c h a n cas ting s ides, bring ,mtlre train cOllld hn lI'un s port~d . all starting point. th e anuoynn ce. xpellB' li nt! wltlH e 01 (3) Buttonhole Stltch.- Dra w ti m e cou ld lle uvo ld ed. ne edle halfway through at lhe side, tllkin g liP abou t four threa d s o f A 'woman in :'II'l \\, Yor~ In u 110 /) ul( the clot.h. With th e needl e pointin'g "I\lrt Ch11Sp,d nUll anght fl pl c l{pockl.! t towa rd ~' ou. tall e t he two thread s from or coursC'. In the Illt er !st s 01' reRson eye of the needl e Rnd brl ng th e m to· and 10""lc. III hohbl e s kirt s hould ho ve ward 'You at t he r igh t of t he needl .' lll'On!Iht It s weara r to fa ilure, but 1\ then under t b e poin t of til e need le a nll How 'the Buttonhole Stitch 18 Made, wus t rl elly In t be na tum of IIl0gll:a l forefln ger. Ura w needl e I\nd threa,l femini n ity (bnt 61lc triumph ed. and out at ri ght an g les to til e openin g a.nd across th e top of ~ h o button and se w· so tIlal t.he ~ ,~ist , or purl comes on Ing over It. When button Is sewed 00 rl Uc lsm Is ogaln u!:ns hed . edge' of s lit a nd <lrn.w t hreal! toget.he r. securely. removr; pin; this "'Ill loose't, Never wilu' b no nlr!lhl D, 0 lbnocertl tn 0I8\:'lug th e purl ~h e thread wlJl t he stitcli. Jm, e rt nee ille from under· form In the fi gure elglit. Oo ntlnue In neil-til. bring It rlut ,he' wee n l' llttou aild ' bys~all~ r , ' from t /1 <.' tractl of tux lell bs this ma r,ner, leuylng the width of c lotb. puH up bu tton. and ' wl.\d t hread or. str~iet ca r s , thread b~wee n !;'u'h Btl'tc1I, and make ti g htly , n"'o\lnd, 110ldlng t,lil'eatJs. three 'stitches oven. Group tbre e ,'or fOUl' or fOlir tlm!6's, to Corm a neQI[ fot: t~e AD ' ontll tcl e itlUplre Ilccla l'e!; lhat sti tches, tim ,shllped; around outer en(L button. Faste n thl'e~ds oQ und~r Ell,dCl _ N~w, York hus (' leane r f\ lr efl t ~ ' than ot buttollhole wber e chlet wear CI)me$, of clot h. " , ANN'A FRANdES BLNiM: Me-ago, Bnt Ul e wes te rn meiro POJla . (t) ·F'inIShi~9.~When , ., ,, 1.5 I,IOl to be o,ut<l ooe In . omot hlllg 8 U hole, haa be on worl ed n il lirounit. the : -, p~ rlI1tl,vO'. It J!IlS smllll er mosQlIlloe. Iln(l may, bll ' I!OlO Ji '~l~t1 with a liar 'College of 'A'gr.lculqar.e; Ohio : atate Ul1lveJ;aHr. " " ' thnn New' Yorl. e v r dl'eame!! of. and, 'madu by taking t wo (>r three stitclle/! DlO'r C(lVer, u~ :l' nre a s If-C\l ltllrE!. !lcroas tho end ot tht! b.uttonholEl_ TllIs bonora arc C',Y n. }>ar. is thon ' uovered with bllUon!tole . , ¥Utches woried (',\ose tQgether, 1~lrl 'v.)\v~4 hole. aDd caught tbrouzb -' IMo It I. bt!llov~ Ullit Lab • ,U cblgall the cloth, The tbread II then securel)', ClOD" 01[ OhIcalO. wblle il WIlMl1S the ral~Ded OD wroDK aide. .,.... of .aebllan. Could au" In mak1Dg buU.onboJel In lIos »laIt
afore .-lalalilf
or .h1rt w....t. bcltIa .1UlI·lbolld be IIW. the . .
III11.un ....
D y F. O. HhJ(lMAN.)
Since it has become quit e genern lly e tfect be In tbese two c hann e ls'! Will rhe current be di ve rt ed rrom JSW nnd known thn t prac ti cally a ll soils 10m dlclue to th a t of tec bnl cal or sa nl· cated In the eastern bal f at Ohio are tury engineering'! In n eed or lime. questions concerning How rapIdly th e aeropinne Is becom· the kinds of lime to use and tile Ume. Ing practically useful Is sbown bY tbe amount and m anlie r of application plan of the Eng lis h pos toft\ce depart, lIlent to ins tall Immediate ly nn aerial post ' between London and WIndsor and the r eport thnt tbe French postal omelals 'iotend to employ ,the bydroneroplane ror d e livering mull from In· c oming steamsblps, says tbe Cblcago Recard -Uerald. Not more 'than two )'l~ars ago men of aftdlrs nnd SCientists s llw little pOSl!lbtUty . or the beavlei'· than-all' macbine s becoming more thl1n 11 meana ot s port. 'fbere seem. 'not much to be gaIned In time in s en'd · In, lettel's by a e roplnne ootween Lo~~ don and Windsor, but th~ experlmen,t will dOubtless lead to the establlsb· ment of other lines if successful, The dls~nce Is only 21 mUes, and It is expec~ed th~t tbe U'II1 will take about balf -an liour. ' A ratlway expr ess train eould tr,avel as quIckly. As regards mall ",am s't eamShlPs , .the transfer tllere seem, g reate r possltillltle ~; .severl\' bOU1~ mil)' be ~alned . I
Tbe IU I'elltion o f the movable fra m e nnd of Ihe hon e y-extra ctor, hilS afforded boe koepers th e means of tnk ln g out of th e hl veR th e combs loade d wltb honey, nnd of re tlll'lling tb e m to th e b ees' wll II em l l~' without damngIng the m or Injuring a si n gle beo. Extrac ted hon l.'Y comes I1 eal'e r beIng a sta ple articl e than does comb. and I be li eve It we fO xe rt ollrselves more III rh e introducllon or e xtl'8cte d honey tho future will see Ih o g reate r PQrt ~on of our honey Bold In tb e li qu id ferm. It costs so much less to produce It and pre pa re It for marllal a nd we cnn produce so mucb more \1 r colony th nt We can eell It fo r a bou t hnlf what we ge t for the cOl11b boney nn d give us Ih e s ame profit. It Is stl mRt d tha t It talces abo ut 15 pounds o f hon oy to multe one pound of comb, H boney Is extra ' It'd from the combll with o ut mutilating the m an d the ('ombs repla ced In th'S bives. one ca n obtain nca rly twi ce as milc h hon e y. Ext rac t each n~ rl ety of bone)' by. Itselt. if poss ible , but It Is not a lwa ys possible , ror the bees will persis t In working on sumac when we would llke c lover honey. I prefer to do t he extracti n g In Its season as s oon as It Is fit. One mus t be guIded by the thlclmess ot the houey- It s hOUld be le ft with the bees until ripe enough to kee p. I believe all beekeepers 8ho~ld be very particular about this In order to be able to have a reliabl e art.lcle. It honey is extracted whllo raw or very tllln, It wlll soon take a rank, .trong tliste and really Is not worth half the prIce. hi;, honey Is all Jett on the hIves until the latte r pint at S eptember. Dy this time the bees have thoroughly
t\Dd we do not lI'ke It. They Co'" sticky Sick lied, 104l1•• II.n, .. nnd leak more or less ; the y nltraN leb. the mice and robbe r bees nnd the SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL J;:RICL. IIqul I 1I0ney t ti at s Ucl{' 10 them Is Genuine must be:!r Signature IIIlfJ ly to be so ur. Then wh en the s pring comes , If W~ happen to \lut th em on the hiv e d ul' Ing t he duy or a s ho rt crall we \1 a\'8 sOlli e ri sks agai n fl'om the excltem nt HIGHLY AMUSED. c:lused. and sO.me dange r 01 robbin g . . We \Jave often k,~ pt extrn ct('C! boney, one. two. tlnee. and cvC' n four yeu rs. wltbout lOBS wblle with com b hone y tho leaJinge a nd dang e r or tllo In vasion of ,th e moth mulies It very un,nO vl.s ab le ~~ b.t'ld It b eyond th e liea· son of its prod uction . In pili ting e xtra te d hon ey up on the murktt. use some small \lUdl uges. A glass pael,nge Is prefern1>le ' to all othllrs. with a colored I I,bel ne ntly printed wit h the o wnol" s nnm e und "pure honey' ' It, ,
Mcudo'W Lar~ Has <Wonderful Record to Its Credit ·{or ' DevourJQJt Harsnlui Inacet.s. (n:: T . CULDERT f'EAHflO!'> ,)
The m e adow lar ~, or, ·a s It is otten called, "Fec Lark ," Is a raml1\llr ac· QuaIntance of vlrtuall}' ev;'y farm boy In t he country. Its loud. clear call In the s pring Is' known to all whose busIness or pleasure t a ltes them to the a elds. Its clear, far· reacblng whIstle o f "lazlnells will 'klll yOU" is enough to arouse lD, the mind of the hearer more than a pnslling noti ce. LivIng. as It does. on the ground, It Is seldom seen pel',c be(J aloft unless fOr the ,purpose of Singing. or whea res ting atter Its sear,ch tor tood. 10 Hying It proceeds by alternately all· Ing and beatIng Its wings rapidly. The nest ' Is an ove n-like stntcturo conoeale d' uuder a tuft of gri\~s 'o r s mall' bus b ~d the eggs, which lire rOlU or five ill number. are 11 autifully spottcI1 fro m nat ur 'R bounte ou. paiette. • The la rk Is essentially a bird at' tb. fields . Whe n on the groqnd ' it does not ho p like ·ruany s mall birds , but w a lks like a crow or . chik e u. oo.cn· atonally 'expanding Its tall , rather. \Vlt~l a Budde D 3erky movement wh ich dIS\IIlYS 'Yell the oitter ' whIte tall fea he r s of that membe r. - The meadow ' ark Is a decidedly han,ds ome b~rd, Rnd alIords a rathe r eas'y' m a rk for th e gunne r . Fe w bird a are Ulore constant e at· e rs of Insects than the Ia.rk. IiJ ~ en In wInter when snow lies thickl y on the ground ma.ny stomachs have been Extracted Honey at Meadow View tound to be filled la rgely· with Insects ApIary. whi ch have bee;) procured ab,out ' t he rIpened It and it has become so ri ch mnnllre plies , the e dgell of st raw and thIck thllt it takes 11 good right stacks and t;lmll!l rly exposed places. . 'rhe UnIted States Blologlcnl SUI', arm to swIng It out of the combs. When the combs nre taken from the vey examIned 238 m e adow la rk s tom· bees tbey are carried to tbe honey acha, durIng an ~lt perlmen t.. to deter· mine as accurately 8S possible the hOllse and leU there until evening. :Before beginning to extra(:t. I take facta regnrdlng tb_s blrd's food. The the uncapping knIfe and hone It on blrdlj ' were kille d In varl.ous 10cllUties an oUatone until the edges arc g80d and Ilt 1111 seasons of the year_ The examInation s hows that ne arly and keen. Thla w111 preven t tearing the comb!! tbree-fourths of the men do. Jar\t' to a great extent when ,sha ving the, toad (or the yea.r consist!! ot "lnsects, C81)plngs oft. The knl(4) Is , occaslnn- about 12 per cent. of weed '*leas and ally dlped In a. pall of hot . water 15 ' per cent. ' of grain. The record of which gl'eatly expedIte . the work also: g~ain ,ma'y 'r aise ~ quelltlon as to the crops, but the Two frames of nea.rl'y e qual weIght birds' possible Injury are selected each tlmo so as to bal- dnte of the flndlng of the gt.aln 11ho"':3 llloe nleely In the extractor. 'rho. crank that almost the entire amol\nt ot Is turned rapidly tor 1\ mluute or so grilln was eaten during th e months February. nnd the honey is whlped out of the of Decem ber, ,January, March and April. combs. SU1)p08e the lark does o ccas ionally It Is th e n drawn oft at the honey gate into , nn a,ga te pall which has a ,pull up some sprouting gl'aln ? The sieve 'ove r It to c C\tch the bits of cap- one fact alone that ,the bIrd eaU pings wblch fr e quentl y get into the chinch bugs Is enough to make eve',';, extractor. The boney Is, then poure d Into livegallon tin cans, ror the' wholesale tr a de ; and some In Mason j a rs a nd tumblers, for re tailing, Before exlracil,ug Is begun. the ~ombs are beld up to t he light and grnded, TIle white honey Is sele c l:ed nnd extracted first, next the ambe r ond th eu the dark . The un capping ca.n Is In I wo 11art!!: the tal) section te le£copes Into th e 1>otThe Meadow Lark. tom !*lctlon. The top section bas ' a sieve bottom which catches the cup- farm er hIs friend forever. [or we <'.An not lose s ight of the fact Bmt this I!llIgs a s they tall Into the can. Tbe honey draIns from them I.nto troublesome bug in the United States the lower section and nothIng Is lost during the past haif century hall de· or wasted . Tbe cappings, after draln- strayed graIn to the e stima ted value lag for a few days. are rende red Illto of over $330.000,000. An~ ,or late It has been dI scovered /that the me adow the most beautl{ul light-yellow wax. 'rqe emllty combs are set 'llito the 'Iarl, Is a great enemy or the boll ' home aD,lilry ' and , c ieaned up, by tht, weevil, too. What n wonderful record tal' good ooes nnd s tored '· awny· until ' ne x\. spring. , .when they are ' hauled to ttie the m end,o w lark . has to Its c red it" outyal'ds a~ll used ther.a: . 'J tlil~\t it Is , qui te lp1porta,n~ t hat oxtractfng combs ., an!1 ' unflnlsh j!d ' s ec't rons tbat are ' extrac ted. s hOUld tboroughly oleOlled ' lt tb ey to be used , a gain next year: · ,', , ' I do, not' know, ot'any \I'llY ,th OY' caD be ' clenned , uioro,u~ly e i.ce·pt bY ' the tee,,: . If ' th~~ · .ta ~o, bone y " hi . the; 't\eldlS at the tllne . of- .. ~~aotJngJ ,we ~~I~ ~tU ~\'eil1ng to r~t!lrn tlle ' ex-, t.radlng Bu~rs. so ibllt the ' beeR mllY l.I1clted' to rob. " , ". . 'lI,,in,let Is good time. 'ex,~ltelnel'l't prevalla I~ cUes
d4ri1age , ,, done, ' ;fbI! 'a ll 111 quaet. ' tried QttPbila ;~~ ~~F+:~~
HIram Greene-What did your 8t.· tel' say when you told her I WaJI gulng to malte a speech In the town 11 ~ ! toni g ht? . Willie-She dldn·t say nothln'; Ih. ,UBt laughe d untll ' she had h yatertca. Wise Uncle Joshu a. " Be you the elevator condu tor ?" asked l Jncle Joshua, who had strayeo Into town out of the sweet rus tlolty at a comic paper. "Yes, slr:~ grinned the boy, ·'Well. I come ter this vl11age tllr leo the ,h igh bUlld1n'. ~110W hlgb liP d' ye go?" "To the top- twenty-tlrat ttoor." "Take me up to thO 'leventh.81lo! What's th' USQ 0' rh:kln', my IUe an ' I:!oln' all the hull way · when tbe tollta t<J hQme '\I ' never ' believe I went n.DY hlgh~r tha n ten storle8. no matteI' what I tell , 'emT" " Exit, From Every Roo l!' . A school buildIng In wlilch every
room bas a dire ct ,connectlon ,,' I"b cb e ground, wi,thout Ilrst entertng t,b e llIain ha ll , bas b een. built j ust besll\e the site or the famous Ccilllnwo(ld (O.} BChool in whIch' 175 children perlSl1ed by fire Iii 1908. It represents mnil,. unIque rc atu~e8 of construction nnd tJi said to be as Ilreproot and pnnlo-proo[ , it Is possIble for n ' school to be.Poplliar Mechan ics.
Usual ThIng. taxing your eyes I II In" t\8k d th e oculist. , "Yes," replied the patient;, i'r looltell' all througtl a newspa,per o f 144 page_ whi ch came 'through t1~e . mall tQ :In. bearing t he words "marked COpy: " " No wonder your eyes smartt .. "Ob , but thnt isn't the ~Orst of lL didn't find anything Ularked."- 8Uf>o falo fl.:X\)1'6SS . • " B en
A Truth Speolsllat. , "Biggins' says ' he Is for the _ "Iala . truth." :'Yes " replied the frank p1lU080pher; ·~bllt ·so many people think. tbey are standing uJj for, the truth wbeD t.l-.&Y are merely stn.ndlng out ror .. dltreren ce of' opinIon;;' ,:
SOUND ' SLEEP Can E.811~ Be Secured.
~ - -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
T 15 wrlttcn twice In the Old T estamen t that tb ere was ~ strong city. Ca rc lie. mlsh. on Euphra s . wheu Phllro.oh Nec ho tought with Ne buch ndn ezzur or Il a by ~ lon ; ' but In rc 'orda of much earlier lim 5 we r end of t h (' plact us a Ilt rongbo ld or the lI atl! or Hittlt 8 . Th e ~iiilC;rJ EgyJ,t1ans r ooche)d Cnrchl'.. ml s h. on a murc h to Ull' far north (as lhe north s eeUl ed to tb m l. ve n betore the HIttites estnbllsbed tb em' l'Ielves th ere ; fOI', us W O la l\'e hHel v leanled In disputably from tbe Flog bu~ K e ul tablets. It was nOl till th o curly part ot tbe 1 til 'cntury D. C. thot
l\: 1~
W/IC~£ H£LJU{,h'A/lHE.z.zAN .IlfiPfi£(WO
or E6YPT
I, e y to the Hittl t t! tlcript.
the Euphratea subtend. The vlcw II aU bare and treeless nOW. but one of the most attractive that I know. by realon of the changing lights under tile desert aky and the unCallIng Caset· naUon of the river. The excavators have found tllat tbe earlleat town. pre-Hittite and a fo~ tlorl pre.Assyi1an. iay by the Eu· pbratetl bank on 11 rocky knoll whlcb III the baat. at the ac~ual · Acropollll. Its' IDbabltants had hardly got beyond the neolithic use of chipped flinta and flakea or clear obsidian from Inner Atlia an!! of band·made potterr which they burntahed . wltb pebble·pollshers and decorated with Incised designs. .But they were b~gfnnlng . ·to know bronze Implements and to 'Paint tbelr Vases wben the Cappadoclan Hittites came down upon tbem: These built a fortress above tbe ruins of the early settlenlent. railing the mound somewhat, and at Its londward foot . con· structed a: roynl resIdence. A broRd flight of stone s~lre ' led up to the Acropolis. and waa approacbed by a spacious roadway lined·' wltb mouu· ~ental reliefs and Inscriptions In the peculiar .Hlttlte scrIpt. Thel Jerablus stones alrelldy In the British MUBeum are parts ot this · lIn· ing of stalrll and road. and to them must noW be added a dozen or more great sc~lptured tllabB-records apvarently of tbe exploltl of a king, wbo appears soated before the nude god· desll at his people. wltb an Inscription by bls head. On another big slob. decorated wtth Iftxteen bands, slgnl· fylng probably the number of the vanquIshed clUes or trlbell, and with three headll of royal captlve'l. he has written what Is doubtless tbe story or the war; and tblB. tbe longest Hittite Inecrlptlon In relief yet tound. Wtt may hope to read lome day when a blllncual In cuneiform gives us tb,.
* Child bones. This deftclency renders the leg
bonea loft and 'pliant. ." Coupled there· with Is the known fact tbat sucb cbll· dren are precoclou/l. They . wlah to It III a faot. gravely asserts the Bal· walk before they ca'n stant! , alone, "fJmore News. that the phytllcal co·otor· They are on their . feet before the 'ttlatlon .usually described aa bandY· bones are hard enough to Ilustaln logged, Is but tile outward and vlDlble them. and hence the cnrvature. This 1llgn of an energy and mental activity physloal restlessness Is but an evl· whlcb always reflect luster upon the . denco ot a mental vigor whlcb wll1 posliessor. In the mellow maturity of not be denied. We hazard the opln· 'I1ch~eveJJlent. when bls , legs have -Ion that tr the trutb ' were known It .ceased to excite wonder and onJt bll 'Would be found that ever,y bow·legged genius Is . regarded, his "fellow·towns· child ever born has wan~d to go to ' men point with pride to his name In se~, Otherwise he has Wished to JoIn blue book_ and r ed ,bqok8 or carved a clrcus ,or go wellt and flgb~ lndlans. .01\ ~~erstones. . .Trlflers wl\,1 ~plY that· thIs. Is true Lellt Pbllflltlnc rejoice. ,tt .bould of all boys. ,1iut tbere la no room for b& eiph,lned ' that this crescent IIha~ t~ftlng In a grave q~es\,on 'ot ,ethno. at the lower limbs ,Is due to the tact logical ten~encle9. , It would be ellsy. that natoN has not compounded ~ .moreover. to prove thnt It. ·Itl only an ' <lb.Ud ·Wlth the usua'l amount of' 'What un~.ducated eYt! .wblc:h despIses tbe are . known · as "earthly ..alts" In the ' graceful ct,lrve ot the Umbs rat.l!er·
of the gr('u'l fundam n· tn l trulhs of Cli rlstia nlty l ro. Is til li c it \' of Ch ri st. This I _... Il' llth Is O~I! or the fou nda· liun doctrln eH o r Ihe ""hole • Blbl (' ; an ll yet this tru tb. mOin pla inl y ele pr fise d in til e 8 1IJl e, is dl ~be li e v c d lIy I hou snlld s or pl'ofess lng Chr h-aln n!;. I hay oft n wO llll e re d liS to wha t t ll ere Is a bout Chri s t 's dt' lty wh l('b s hou ld I!'ad any i)rofesslng Chrl stln n 10 dril Y It. e rminl\,. noth· ing can ·tw gu ln cd iJy the denin l. but. on 1(, cO:Jtr:Jl'j'. a great deal I ~ IORt b y It. Th e rac t Is, there neve r woul d lin v0 h ' n II Ne w T es iullll> llt . such liS wo no\\' ha V(' , hat! not eh r "it bee n verily God In flp.sl:. Ind eed. t he Iii TC!; t::lIll nl wn uld h e Illr~"'ly \'nlucl('Rs lind Int!O nl ll gless If hl'i l WNe not 111" ··" lI1 ln nU y (1" ·lne. eve n Uod . lIis deity wo~ fO I'l' s hado\\"('d in Vo.riOllfl way s by the Old ' T ntu rnent prophe· d es. tYJl s . n.nd ol'din a,nr /I . And t b.e !'\I!W T estnm nt ve ry di s tin ctly proc1almll brl s l's deily. In t be Gospel of .J oh n. [ : 3. 4. tbl s trulh Is ulIlue r emarku bly cl ea r nnd prono un ced. Rev , Dr. C. I. Scofie ld , In ref nln!; to Ulat 11IJ.s6age. says: "We have Ihe annoullce m Ilt conc rnlng the de Ity of the Lo rd .J eR us !J11st 'h at 'In th e he· ginnIn g wall th e WOI'(\, and the word was with God. and t!le word WIlS God.' Now th e re Is no e .(~) lalnln s a wny at thal IItatem e nt. and I belie ve that th e hostility mani fes t ed by th e forc es doBtrtlctlve to Christianity. within nnd ·wlthout th e cbllrcb. to the Gos pe l or John. ill due prlronrlly to the fa ct that tbere Is no avoiding or evad· lng It. Queetlon. I)f ' Delty Settled. It the Gospel of John stands as a dl vlne book. the question or the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ Is aettled In the very flrst verse of It. I do not belIeve that the proot of the deity or the t..ord J csus Christ reats only' upon . that atatoment. t onb say that open· Ing verse. there Is gathered up tbe amtmative. which bas many Illustrn· tlons and many Unea of proof In scripture. that be Is Indeed very God. "The same was In the beginning wltb God." Of no otber person on earth wu It ever . said In the Bible. or bT divine authority. tbat be existed with God beforo tbe foumtatlon of tbls world. No prophet. prleet. or apolltie ever had tbe preiumptlon to aaT. or even the desire to 88Y, that he was wltb Go4 before , his own birth. Fur· tbermore. If Christ were not God lD human form. then he WRS the greatest Inpostor that this 'World ever knew of. , He oould not have been ' even a mortal man.
T h lls f:. f no s lt t: h b!lIl1 1,rlla l ' hu s UPP 'a r cl . tho ug h ol ('ral! II ll. Ito of a capltul on the fro nl lc rs of t lte two H -rlnts, should pro":u 0 one, I( on e l her t1\'O !was. Severa l frag ments of cuue iform mon ll me nts h fl v e, Inde e-J. como to ligh t alrea(:.l' to e ncourage 1101)0 l pan Ih \! Hittites d ese ed u In dne Ume tb(> Assyria ns. They fi rst wreck. ed a nd th e n I·ellalre d th e great stair· Way and pa lace, and over the Hlttfte fortress pil ed a hu ge brick erol" tlon of their own, [\rlcl{ stumpa how that the co nque ror In 717. B. C .• Sargon Ill . took a hand In this erection: HI li prefect seems to have had lIucce!· sors down to tho .dawn ot the Perslau epoch; hut the I' e atter was de 8 a I a tlon. till sue c e s s ora of Ale x n n de r or Coretunners ot Roman occupantll relettled the place .. In part. to be fol· lowed l1y ' a much more general set·. tlement under the eorly BYZaDtine rule. A great temple rOBe on the summit of .the mOllnd. and a town wltb broad colonnaded streets 'was laid out below . . By what name It Willi known Is uncertllin. It fell at laat Into ruin II. was again used for mean habitation, by medlaeTa! Arabs. and tben wu abandoned to tbe jackalll. Tbe explorations so far made have let In a Hood of Ught on the darkness of the southern B)ttltes and onl'1ohed science wltb most · Important monu· m ents at a rare clasll. whose publica. tlon will excite the keenelt Interest of ancient hietonaul. Would that we lVere better able to re"d tbe new In' scrlptlons. of wbleh. whe ther In reo Heved or tnclsed chara'c ters. over hQIf Il hundred bad been found before ALL MANKIND OWES SERVICE 1 left Carchemlsb. · and more yet. well 88 new and finer sculptures. have been brougbt to light by my SUCOo!!· Words of the Apostle Paul on ThIs Subject Should Be the GuIdance !!or. , of the Chrl.tlan.
The Call From Jlmvllle. "I understand." began a rnend en· terlng Into conversation with a ele rgy· man or our acquaintance, .11 under. aland that the people of Jlmvtl1e are anxioUs t o have you tak!) charge 01 thtl new ehurch you have JU8t built." "Tbere has been some talk abou1 It, I believe." answered tbe reverend gentleman. "but I don't think tbat I sball go there." ,. . "Don't you thInk that the Lord Is calling YOll to this new Held of en· deavor?" "No. I don't believe he Is. If be were. he would certainly put It Iota their bearts to offer me a muoh bIg· ger sal.w. I 'perceive no divine oall. and I _all continue In my present fteld ."-Cleveland Plain Dealer.
than the severe perpendicularity: held ul>'-"properly garmented. to be sureall tbe bel\u Ideal. The navy, wbl~h turns down coldly appllcantll who own to curvature or the shank bones, could do no better than man a squadron with recruits whose Bea legs T"~r€; 'born wfth tham. It Is tho ' fhloc rea son lng, Bnd not the bandy logs. wbJcb shollid be set straight.
"The world owes ~e a living," Is commonly heard as tbe pbll080pby or stranded , life. The Apostle Paul had a different tbeory of life. "I am debtor,'- he said to blmself. Each of us haa but a smalL part In maklnl ~Imself what he Is. The .eneratlons past. the environment nround. the G04 above. the Chr1llt within-these are the ,prlnclps,1 tactors In tbe building up of every' really great and wortby lite. "Whai hast thou." wrlWII Paul aagtn, "which thou dldst not recelve1" Every man owes such B debt to the race from which he ' sprlngs. the world la which he lives and the God who bstb tollowed him wltb blessings from th. Jlour of bla blrtb. that It can only b~ dlsch'arged by the complete cona& cration of "all hEl bus and Is to that wilt ot God which. wben It Is completel1 accomplllibec1. will fie ma';lltestcd a, the reign of righteousness and peac, tbroughout R.I~ human lire. 'No word. can discharge our debt. No mere can trlbutlons tc> Inlsslonnry and pbllnn lhroplc objects , (n vIew or what we bave received. tor which we are debt ors. the yIelding even of our bodlcG ae "livIng sQcrIHce." is oUI¥ :'ollr reason· 3.ble service," Tbe mall Who believes thnt the world ow es him a Hvlng. sadly needs to chnnge bls mind. Most adhere nts of this pbllosopby find 'that soonel' 01 later It .Iends 'to shipwreck and dlsRS' ter. · Only the roan wbo has come to see thnt he OWOI! the world u life. and i. living to pay the debt. has secured the etcl'nal pUll.Ce bnd pl·ogress at his Ufe by linking himself with "Tbat IIv· Ing Will which shall endu'r e ' vi' hen all tbat Seems shull ~utrer shoc.k."-Rev. Ch!lrles B. Ml'<4h ell.
Favorite Fiction. "PortlllDd e meut." "PI Rste r of Paris ." "Loud and Long ontlnued CboeJ" Ing." "Fonr Bottles of Your Hem~d1 Cured TI.s of Cbrenlc Indigestion," "Laillee and Gentlemen. LIttle Miss DaIsy Muggloton Will Favor YOII with a Pleasing ReCitation EllUUed. 'ShUlI the F1owln~ [loW'I!'" "l-1eredltary Nobfllty." "Waiter, I'm In a Hurry; (',e Oot S.rvlng Othel'l . . to Catch' a Traln:~ The greateot tiling. says somEl one, "Your Order WUl Be Rea:ly ui • a man can do for hIs Heaveuly Fa. Momer: Btr.'" , fher: Is to be kind to soine' or His alb. ~.~.~.~~~~.~+~:~.~;w~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~.~~~~.~-~.y.~-~.~~~-~~-~~~~~.~.~~.~~~~.~_. er chl~rei I ~on~r w'~ It ~ that K . Tit ' hI t '. . we· ·are" not · llll kln~ e r: tban we are' , . \:1p to Date. , , , WOUld, ~each p.r.ent~o~d. \, new ep . II : " , Row much thl! world needs It. . How , Rivera · (slowly evolving ian article Mr• • ,)'red.rlck ScliOtr, president of .' TIt~phI8t-Wblle In P.arlll I paid ou~ 'enBI~r 1~ Is donI How IDstant~noou. the Nati9Dal Oongress of Motbers. la , oil :1vt"t1pnJ-Bro()u. gh' e Me a ·mod· 13, ~or .t1ps ,alone. Wal,ter (IiSB! st~n, ,If, lt act.. How Infallibly it Is remem. him . ,!Ith .coat) -;You mu~t ~nye lived bered.' How 8)lperabundantly It pay • .worklDS to,' cet ' 1,\ 'Jia~l~nal enllo;wment ern 'synonym for ",nlp ant! ~uclt." Brooks ' (atruggllng with a Rlack tb~r~ a good many years ••lr.-BOlito. Itself back! for there 111 0'0 debtor In tor ~. Icb~ol ~nd ulllverslty ' elt~itJi""o~ plaD rOr' ~e .d~caUon ~f' Amet1~s ID, Hand a'aslgnme~t) ......~b · aDd. c:tt'-..nt. TranscrIpt. l:t1e world 10" bonorable. so auperbl, PateblbOod. ,It I" proposed ~ .bave tOU lunkhead! Don·t bother JOo! bonorable. &.8 . lovo.--H. Drummollcl. Uld Beyond HI. Year.. b'."QUarters til· WBstilnltO~ ' .IU. . ~dtll tbe Ufcl. f,loy ' cr7!na brauOl.,' ta each _t~te ID tbe ' UP:01L Th. Glory of cOd. .bout1~, . lin. Seiad baa beeD .t u.. Il~ ~ To • ralliious man eYel'J'tDlnr .!'nat ot1lar kid • .-tpecS bll caacl7.II dould be reUlioul and Itl. eDtlnt w. IIIUIT for lbe of ~ 70U .b."e t,be 08nclr~· . aD4 bualn... for tire .01'1 of God.-
- .
Munyon's Stomach Treatment Performing Mira.cles.
, Brains Go With Bowlegs .Alway. the Mentally Vigorous Who Wishes to Walk Before He Should.
10 the Prucha'. HoJ{l<"
Taurus th
~pp~octuo HMt~i~~:I:I~re:d~o:v:e:I~'~=;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~
to stay. Th real ter 011 nOl't h· ea s te rn Sy r i:1 C;lDlll o be Imown us Hattl Land, and so Tb cunelCo rm texts ca ll It from tilO fil's t ex pnns lon of th!' :Slne vltos w ·stward to l~ uphra tcs. uml er TlglRt h PlIesc r 1.. a buut 1100 B. down to the d ays or Nebuchadn zzar. III hi s Hattl Lan d. arche mls h always a ppears as the ch le t city, the flrs t at· tacked or um lnOD' ed to rend e r tribu te, the rlc he s t In loot of all kinds; and moreover, a s a plnce ot mu ch trade. (or n we lght.me1l8ure. ased througbout Mesopotamln. was known as the mane h or Cnl'chemlsh. All 8000. nB Hittite history and an· Uqultlell . began to attract attention, Icholar! d1llcussed the probll ble s ite of Oarchemlsh. It was evidently on the west bank or tbe Eupbrntes. not eo very tar trom Aleppo. but south of Taurus. A largs riverside ' slte had been known a~ a place called J erablul e Ter slnee the end or the seve nteenth ~entury; and wben Hittite remains were reported tbere In the early '70s the British Museum organized a ten· -tIItlTe ellploratJon of Ita great mounds. 1'hl' exploration was not very sattl· tllctorUy cllrrled out. hut It yielded reo 'auttl whlcb went tar to confirm 'the tdentiflcation of . the place ,.-tth the long·loat Carchemlsh • . and enriched ·the coUectloD with lome ten of tbe best HUtlte rellers and Inscriptions then kIlO"!'D. 1/'01' 'want of proper rec· ....... however. the excavatJoD did not ~u.lIy enrich scIence. Tbree yeara ago I wu i ent ,to pros· ipeet tbe lIlace. and wh~n at lost pe~ Imillion to excllvate was granted by ,the Ottoman government, I WIUI com· mll.loned to begin the oampaJsn In .the earlJ,..sprlng of thll year. t stayed II'J[ weeks on the site. and then hand· 4'd 'oover the dlreotion to Mr. Campbell 't'tlompllon. ,'DIggIng has thus been going on at Jerablus for lome four months. and already we know l\ 1rreat tle'a l more about the eouthC!Tn capital o f th o HIttites than has been known tllnce It passed ant of history. Jerablu8 Is Immense, n8 B),,/\Ian 1Iltes' go, botb In area and bulk. Th.e PIlCO etlcloeed by walls. whlt!b for mOtlt of tholr circuit sUII stantl over t,,"enty fe et blgh, Is nearly two miles 1n circumference. a.nCf yet II!. perbapl. only the royal city. outelde of which the babltatlons or the commoner talk' _pread tbemselves far over tbc,t plain, Thfl. Acropollll moun4, which Is at tbe northwest of the clroult. right above 1ilupllrates. Is about a ' quarter of a mile tong and rises a hundred and thIrty teet abcu.o · mean water·level. It II magnlftcently placed. (ust at the head of a majestic curve or tbe river, which sweflps down In flood time nearly a mile broad. Landward It looka over a broad. fertile plain. dot· ted with mounds and bounded lIy on arc of hUJs. which shIning reacllea of
Practical Fashions
l'ID 4. little tid'. . .
.... a .•R.Co~ . . ..., '
""'''''''1Il , .
5537 This simple wai s t is exce ll e nt for lli e light wc lgltt fl nnll els a nd s imilar fuhrlcs usell In cu rly aul umn . It hns th e kImon o sho uld er. tb un derarm gore nnd th e now f)Opu lur Qual(er col· lal·. In addit ion to fl a nne l. It may be malle of was h materials and also of s il\{ nnll satl ll. Th e pate rn (553 7) Is cut In sizes 3:l to 42 Inc.hes bus t mea s ure. t edium s lzo r qu!J·os 314 yards o f 27 In c b ma t eria l. with of a yard at 27 Incb contrast· Ing material to Irlm .
'f o proru re thIs p.,tl ern I!!nd to conte ··Paltern D nartrnent," of this pupor Wrlto name anti add rel!8 plaln l)". I1nd be Hure to 1!"1 ,' O . lze I1nd number of pattern. 10
81.Z ll: ............... .
N AMJ!l . ••••••••••••••••••••••.•• ,...... .... •
TOWN .......... .... ........................ . STREET
NO ........................ .
STATI!: .....••.•...••••...••••.•• .••••••.•••• CHILD'S KIMONO.
@:' .
" A f ew dnYl! ngo T reollJved a loiter trom a young mllll. who Blntes he Is 28 ycn rs of Il g.'. Rud tl 'lll o~cu pl od ~e v c rlj,i Importunt l,osltlvII8. loll I olYi n/i" to Indl!I,'s llnll IlnCl IlIlllllii ly I .. 01 e l> Ii has been IIna bl\! \0 co ncent rate his 01 1m1 upon hI!! ",orll and hH ~ co nscqllently been dla· "hn r!:~lI vn the ground of IIl'1; Ic-: l at dull·. II, SOCR on 10 BIll' l ho I h l' Is u. young !tHIIl o f .s lendy hablt8, bill fo r yonrs he hu s 811 rr "rNI [rmn dy s jJe p~ iu.. whi ch has 80 alTe.,ted his non'Co Ihat he Is unablo to 51- p. " nd IhUl It la not nogl ct u·pon htH Il"l'!. no,' I .. " I{ of lnt pres t In ell bu ~ I· ' np"". bul stmply Jl hyslea t W eaI1ll ~!l9. a. 1Ir1! " my tllt\'lc· hi lhi >! mna r. . Vo r Iho b"nem or 11 Inrgo num b()r ot those siml! I' ly situ t(',1 I prop0>le to ans w e r I hls 101\ <1" J)ulJ lk ly. hoplllg Ihnt 1\ ilia ' b· Ih o Im'll m' o( helping ma nv who llIay bc a.rrcl'tc(J In this w ay. . ··In th o Ors t place. Ih e Mlomac h must b p m all ~ w (' it h foro th.J nerVes cn n be made slrong. The n n ' " mllSl be mado IItro ng hC'f re ollo'on slee p w e ll. No on >? 111 Cll llUbttJ ot doing hl H Iwst wh o Is In lin)' wa ), troulJ lll(J ,,,Illi Insomni a or tiny form ot n rVOU Rnl'SI!. 'rhe ","catea t 1I'0 n t'TIlls hu\' be 'n men ot Ir'on norv e 0 ,,4 Indomltnb lo w ill. TI. y have had perfect dh;-es tl on, lng ablo to eat well. and dl~ ..est nil l hl'Y nt e. "'I t Is sl1 ld lim ! Napoleon 1 0lJ~ the bnttI ll of " ' ut"r loo ' beco uge ot n Ot or 11\111geRlion. Grant's enormous reserve power waR due t a w e ll stomach. Abruhnm Ltncoln suld th ot'b did not know that he hac! n atomnt· h.' Grover CI velanll, It Is. saId. could work 18 hours n day. eat a. heurt y meal at ~ or II o'clock In the mOrnln g go to bed anti 81eep soundly until 9 o'c j ock BOO get up refresbed. reaay t or a new dny'" work. "Pr~. Tart III another tYllO ot henlthy manhood. Who thInks tor ono moment that he would bo tbe' President of the United Btatee today had he been 'a dy~ epeptlc 01' affected with IIOme nuvoull aliment? I claIm that two-third. ot all the fallurell tn profelllllonal at/II bueln!!.. Ufe are due to weak and deranced stomachll . "No bUlllnelltl houlIlI would care to employ a dYllpeptlo repre.entatlve to lieU ~odll tor them on the rolld One· halt the men who IItand behind eofl1lters 10day, earnIng trom "Z to S15 a week. WIll never s et beyond the.. ftlf\JretI. for the nallon tllat they are phYsically wealc. They lack the nerve power and com· mandln .. stTenJrth that come tram .. ~d. .ound .tomaeh, "No !lne carllll to hear .. dYllpeptlC! preacber. No matter how plou. he mal' be. he I. bound· to renect hI. bllloull ana jaun41ced condItion, H will unconeclou.. lr Inbculate hla hearers wIth hi. melan. ' chOly teellnp. "No one 'Woul4 think ot entrulltln~ an Important lepl ease In thll hand" at • dyapeptlo lawyer. any mora than he woul4 csre to entl"Ust bIll own lite. or that ot a dear one. In the hande ot .. ph,.. .,Ielan who Is nervous, Irritable or a 4yspeptlc. Men must have COOd dll'Mtlon. atrong nflTVee and vital .J1IanhoocJ tn 01'> der to rend!!r a clean. crear·cut declaton either In medIcIne, law or bUlllne••. "I believe tbat mora than halt of the divorcee eRn be traced .to lit health. I want lIVery dYllpeptlo to tr)'l my stomacb treatment, (or It con-octs nearly-all torma ot Indlrestlon an" nervousnellll. It make. old _tomachs nlmollt .. ~ &II neW'. Itl marveloull power tor dlce_Ung f004 ana !Jetting the best out of It' makes tor 1r004 I'lch. -red blood. Thle. In tum. atren!rthenll the " ervea. build .. uj the ..ene~1 BYIItern. aneS will lltirel,. \ jrrolonlf lit. an4 make It & pleuure to live ~na 'do the t,hlnp allotted to 1111." PrO(!!."or Munyon makes no cb,8l'1I'8 tor eon"ultatlon or medICAl advIce: not a 'J>8Ilnv to pay. Addrelll! Prot. ~. M. Munyon Munyon'" T.. o boratorlC's. ' Fltty·thlrd anil -!effersoD streete. PhUadclphla. Pa..
This novel lItUe garment Is among tbe one·plece artJcles ot d ess. it ,caa he cut wlthou.t seam tram wide materials. or seamed down the back. The sboulder Is seamlesB. Cotton crepe. sateen; cashmere and .many simple wash materlafa are suitable for this style. The pattern (5550) Is cut In abea 2 to 12 years. Medium size requires 1% yards at 36 Incb material. To procure this pattern eon<1 1() conte to "Paltern Department." of thle lIUpeT, Write n",me and '&eldreu plainly. and be lure to elve .llIg alld number at oattBrn" NO.
SiZE ••.•••••••••••••
NAME ....... .............................. .
TOWN .• . .'..••••.•••••.••.•••••.•..••••••••.• STR.EET AND NO .....•...•••.•••••••••••
Mr. l{Jdder-EvGry OlIe IIpeata .oi MIss Antique as beIng a bargaIn. Mla8 CauIIUque-Well. her age b conllderably marked down.
STATE .•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Too Late. "Hubby. T found a lock of balr amoug your old pa.perl!. I never gave LightnIng Blinded HIm. WIth the sight of one eye totnlly It to you." " You ueedn't worry. I don't rem e m· destrpyed by . IIgbtnlng Bud but little hope of sllvlng tbe otb e r. I-larry Ad· ber who dId." oms Im bmJtted 10 a delicate surgica l operntior at tbe home or hla rather at Atlantic City. N. J . Mr. Ad· ams. who Is tw enty·four years old. Is Interested In a Phllail e lpbla auto truck cpmpany and ·WIlS In tbe omces or tbe can co rn whe n tbe severe electrIc storm ' broke. StandIng' berore n large mIrror opposite B window . on ttie Broad street side of the building. the refle ction· of the vivid flasb of Itgllt· nlng so affected bls optic nerv es tbat be rell to the \loor unconscious. When he wns revived It wns found that uie young ma~ had lost · bls sight and be wns rus hed In an ambulance to 11 bog· pltn!. Later he was removed to bla home In this city. Speclallst9 Who GOO,D SA'LARiES made the operat1ou fear hIS IhJUrles Ohautfe.urs l\nd ·proge men In jrrea' demand. lIlo .... cara .,,14 ID 1I~t1; are ·permane nt. aD fllr! clIan In an,. pre"lou. Tear, 110'114', Ii • mOdQIB a t:e no.... belli, 4ell,. end. Trained Men are .... aD~d. Engll.h · 'ce. You Knpw. Hare lbau 1150 mell' (I ncludJll1r 11 re,Perspiring Customer":'Ph·h·h! Bring "IAr m ~mberll or OluolulIA\I·PoUc'; 1>i. llBrtmef)~) h"" 'CI.oD1l!let.ed', our cO" .... me something cool. ' . . ~bJ • .'lIuDlliJer. ·· CIl",lIlfeurB 'earn holll Wa1trcss-Yes/ 8Ir; WOUld yoU ,like laO to 11$ • Jnoocll. Nen ,II w"k.· el.... el&rill BOOn, Wrne ~ for aD . lc~1 booklet, "Au~mobl\1A1r With ' I'Q'." Per.pirlng Oustomer..:.N:p, no; so~.. y; •• Co A.IUTO.OBILE SCHOOL thina- cooler than that.~ ·Punch. 101 .wtUT, ~1~1IIUlI. 0""
. -.. !
ZIMMERMAN'S New Fall Goods ooOd T.hings .to Eat- The Best
SINGLE TAX MASK'I-Ab~;;p~;i;~l •
'. Qoods- Lo\ est Prices New Grack d Hominy, ~ew Flak Hominy. N ew Rolled Oats, New Pan Cake Flour, NEW CORN MEAL N w Mince Meat New Raisins New urrant.s . N w Benns New Syrup. New H.oney New Mild hee ~ N w Ph:lde~ N.ew 'an ned C()1'n New Calsup New ann d Peas Ncw l.\1IneU Tomatoes Jersey Sweet Potatoes, LRrg White Irish Potato~!'I . abbag.e, Yellow Onions, rmuda On· . r nS,Oranges. Grapes. Lemons. Fresh Baltimore Oysters }'ancy ranbcl'I'ie, Fancy elery Fresh Edgemont, Star, Oyst r and Butter r.ack e rs. Fresh Fig Bars and Vanilla Wafers, p r pou!1d .. ......... JOc Quart Jar Sweet PI ckle's .. .... Inc Large jar Pr plll'l'd Mustard JOe Ham's Celebratpd Lanterns, Shotgun Shells. all kinds. School SIlPplie. , Tablets, Pencils and Lunch Boxes We Sell Moore's Oil- That Good Oil - also, Standard Oil Co.'s Best Oils and GasoleM. Bring us your pro!lu.ce. ·Paying 22c for Eggs today. Get the hahit and go to
______ ...;. ......... Ie. _ _ •_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ •
E. V. Barnhart is in Chicago.
Almost as Good as Tex~s
J..ee Hawke was a Dayton v'i sitor In itiati ve and Refe rendum II Declared Sunday. to Be Cover for Common Own· (Portland Oregonian.) ershlp of L,and. Mrs. A. B. Sides was in Lebanon Thursday. Tb only activity In the sele tlon It Is just as well, Indeed, It Is nec· Sam\. Meredith was in Dayton of del gat s to th a»»l'osrhlng 011essary, tbat I he people of Or gon sllLlIl lolJlI l COil" 'IILlon, aside from tbat 'aturday. should be candid with lhemselves oC "", til" aud "drys," Is sbowli by about the chnuge of tho conslltutlon R v. Horbert Bigelow, who has In Mr. and Mrs. A. B, Chandler were Since Wednel:4day, eptember 13th to Friday, of the stale trom tho rep res nlntive n urty all tbe count.les contai ning big Dayton visitors Saturday. October 13th, C. G. WillIamson has moved ~51,950 to lhe InItiative and l'efereudum sys· cities or a ' large lubor vote formed leagues," "progl'esslve constitution tem. Were It to be offered nglliu It worth of property in Warren and Greene CountIeil. Dr. J. A. McCoy was in Washingsuys lhe Cbardon Republican , would not carry. Impallence with Uul'lng tbe yeurs in whlcb. Rev. ton . H. Saturday on business. abuses could have beon corrected by Big low covered tbe Slate, luul n wil· LIST YOUR FARM PROPERTY WITH ME Insistence on the character of repre· Mesdames Chas. Gray and Walter papers wltb tb e doctrines oC If 'nry sentatlves, under the old syslem. By George undor direc tion or the late Jordan spent Saturday in Dayton. the new system a new sort of abuses 'J'om JJ. Johnson, IIlIHIY wond ered It or evlls has been Introd uced, with no Mr.' Johnson lIen;ona lly patu the exMrs. H. H. Williamson was the present means oC correction. peoso. guest of relativcs in Dayton last \\ eek It WIIS not Intended that represent.a· wAYNESVILLE OHIO A pamphlet whoso front. cover bears Elijah Compton, of New Burling- live government s hould bo abolished 1______________________________ tho port.ralt ot .CIJllry O('ol'ge. and the WOl'lIM "Slugle 'rux onrerenc. e Held by the nelV sytilem; but It has !J oo n In NelV York City, November 19 and ton, was circulating among friends aboli shed by It. Any group of persont!, 20, 1910, Under t.he Joseph Fels Fund here Saturday. from the cave of Adullam, or oth er PIERCES COMINO groups ot persons ot Ill·arranged Int.el· Commission," Is in haud. Messrs . J . H• Coleman and E. V. Iec l s can propose In IIt at Ive mensurel! The finnncial report shows that . . I Tom L. Johnso n was given $30,000 by Barnhart were in Lebanon Wednes· or call tb.e referendum: and there Is The PIerces are commg. They Fels In 1910. 'He gave the Ob.lo DI-' day afternoon. danger always that the crudest meas· need no introd uction to the public, • rect Legislation league $3,295.42, and ures . may pass Inlo law, through the having been bere several times. We will g ive you $a5.00 worth of Miss Clara Hawke was the week· Inattention of the voters, or that prop· Mr. Bruner was fortunate in secur- Thoro Bred Poultry {I'ee of chargl! on page. of tlle report It Is com· "'1 I d th t I 1909 "'328917 was used 'Ik er legislative measures may be turned . . . P It 0 t .. a ne an,., . end guest of Miss Nellie WI erson, down through tb.e referendum. The 109 them for a date-Saturday eve· as per our CombmatlOn ou ry u In Ohio "with barren results so till' I . 0 b 21 Th '11 Offer. Write for full particulars. as legislative action was concerned." of Spring Hi 1. situation Is the crank's paradise. mng, cto er st. ey WI apBeaut.iful colored "chick picture" These Items put visible means of supTheoretically the system Is plausl· pear at School Hall on that evening, free. . Miss Emllla Dakin returned home ble, and seems qulle rll;,ht. But It and tickets can be procured at Janport undat' Mr. Bigelow. c!eU"ery. Who Is Fels? The report of the Friday evening after a visit with doesn't ' prove so In fact. It opens a ney's DrugStore Thursday Ev-erySingle tax conference Indicates the friends in Day.t on. door to every description of Irrational . , . quality ot his personality In this para. legislation and obstruction. It pre' body come anr.lsee these fun-makers. graph: Messrs Chas. Stansberry Carl supposes a forbearance, balance. judg- They ;will give you have an l'vening 932 Harriet St. Winona, Minn. Mr. Josepb Fels, being called on to . ment and ~Isdom not sufficiently es· ot rare enioyment. . CHURCH OF CHRIST Hawke and Harry Cleaver were 10 report European condItions, said It tabJlshed yet, anywhere. Perhaps our BP'le C!Ahool 'at 9:30 m. Preach. bad been but a tew years Since the Dayton Saturday. anoestors, who oommltted themselves CHAPMAN'S BIO SA.LE Of "'" light of Henry George's philosophy to representative govel'Ument, and who at 10:30 a. m. and 7 p. m. We broke Into his "befuddled brain." Con. Mrs . Jason Sheehan a'n d the Missea lIupposed they were establlshlng It for would like to have you all pre.sentat Unulng be said: "I want no consldera· Annie and Mame Brown were shop. the benefit of their posterity, were not All roads led to J. B. Chapman's DR. E. H. COSNER, so r,Teat fools, after all. : 'these aervi<:es, .Being absent several Uon tor the money 1 bave contributed ping in Dayton Saturday. residence last Saturday to' his sale Sundays we are anxious to see you. to thls cause. I want no consideration Now, however, we are obllged to be The grounds resembled and' SOUl1ded W h . tant t: .ave that which Josepb Fels may be Miss Kezia Merritt arrived home vigilant and active, In every election. eave lmpor announcemen R entitled to on account ot bls own to keep crazy Initiative measu.res like like a fai.r, and the sale was the largto make. Our Pleeting is upon us. work. but none for his money-damn Monday evening after a three-weeks~ the new Bcheme of taxation down; est in the history of his sales. PeoWe mU!t 2et busy. the money," visit with relatives in Springfield. and to defeat suoh calls of referendum ple were there from Xenia, Dg.yton, The Ferry meet,ng has been one ' Why fan't the "Henry GeQrge" mono as that for starvation of the leading Wilmington. Lebanon and oth,er 912 Relbold Building, ot the basI; in the history ot the ey belne sp ht In preaching single tax A fresh car of Portland Cement eduoational Institution s of the state. places. • . . Instead of InlUative and referendum? . The aystem does not work out In ac· Dayton, • . • Ohio ------~ eh ureh • ,Sunday mght. scores were For two reasons, a good one and a bet. Just m. Give UI a call. tlon and practloe, as lhose who voted tUl'Jled' away f.or wlU)t of room. tel' one. Mr. Bigelow could never get W. H. Madden & Co, for It lupposed 'lt would. It could not HELP WANTED - - - - :,- - . - - - There have been,nineaddition9so far. organized- farmers to work with organ· have been supposed there would be Ot'llduAtO .-\.morlcll1l School. Klrksvillo. lifo -:----- - • ilad labor with the ultimate object of Sam Davis has sold his dray route so many 'groups of persolls devoted to Young women of eighteen yel\cEI putting all taxes on land. to Homer· Carey, who will take IItrange and multifarious crazes. Yet tlnd over. Work Ught lind olauD Tbe better re~son shall be proved charge of the busineSs November 1st there remains a sane majority. That Wllges ~ood und oomfortable h otel by ,sentences from tbe report of the majority would not now, alter It has aooomOlodatlons 0}08e to the flloto New York meeting, of whlch J, gained this knowledge, vote for a syaMIDer, editor .of the Single Tax ReMessrs. Chas. Cornell, F. C. Carey• . tem which proves to be the negaUve ry. Addres8 The Petere.- Oartrlc;lge 'lew, was secretary. . F. H. Farr, F. C. Schwartz and ofreprellenta'tlveanddellberatlvegov, Company, Depurtment 166, Kings _ _ _ ... .. - . . ........... From the report of the commiSSion: Harold Howell autoed' to Lebanon ernment. . . I MUl8. Ohio. " Ad!! will be losert.e4 unllor lblQ be/ld for "In order .to enlarge the ·nat of the Wednesday afternoon. AgaJnst the primary law, wblcb. Is - - -_. _ ••- - t>rentv· U\' O cc.,18 for tb{ee IOllOrti 11' states In wbloh we might bave a bope'part ot the new system, there Is les6 wben u81ng not more tban ave line•. fu1 'lIeld tor efficlen~ work, and to objection. Snch opjection as may be POUL TRY NOTICE strengthen the PQsltlon of our workers . Messrs. L. A. Zimmerman, C. M. made to it rests on the tact lhat It _____ ...... ~-ol/the Unfted Conatltutlon commltteee In Oreg~n and Missouri, we complied Robitzer. J. E. Janney and Dr. J. To' too reJeots ' the representative prlnclMiami Valley Poultry Association FOR SALE 'U_ ·....... to _. Alle nR. Foo't e . With the &_ requests " ot single tuerll In• EJlisareamongtho8ewho' willattend pie, and will meet Saturday afternoon. Octon coun.~, b dpresents . . as partyb nomJnee I of naUlU dlscUSliad .th sUbj ct of taxation. ~.ona. ATkansas, .New Mexico, Col· tbe Grand Lodge meeting at Dayton men woo not represent t e r party, ber 2], 1911. Busines..q pertaining to e e orado and Minnesota ·to send epeakers but merest fractions or factions or . . . . "U,aW' 0)110 bas revilled its , cOn/sU, Into tIleM atatei to &8s1Ilt _In the cam. this evening. fragments ot It. This, however, may Annual Exhibition to be diSCUSsed tutiOD by' taktng . away the taxation palpa tor the InlUative and referen. be borne, and perhaps may correct It- All members raquested to be pt:'esent, RSE. Bl1ggy fmd B"rne!<tI. retltr1oUons~" said ;Mr. Foote, "she will dum. In every case In which thlll W1UI Mrs. W. N. Newland and two self In time. But when It presumes C. W. HendersoD, Sec'y. (}00d-9i'"dd work h.lrse not ~ot be able to keep pace with other done, the request came trom earneat daughters, Mildred anel Ruth. of to follt upon . a Jaw a statement or • _ • \ t., (rlttclof lmtOtt. ruhber tired bl1f;{~Y stateJ. , Tbere a,e effective la",s In wort.... tor the alngle tax, who Intend Palisades, (:01., are here for an ex· pledge. to be taken by a .candldale for almost. Dew . Inqaire I)f A. Mllmt, torce ~ other lltates that Ohio can not to use the 'people'll power' to acblave tended visit to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. the legislature, that he will support Jlave beoause of their obatrucUon. In that Nform. . . tor the highest political office, lu a . OR SALE 2 fnll Blood Hamp. New YO!'k two laws bave been passed "Thi. Oregon campaign was merely Allen. oontlngency likely to arise, a man of shire Mille HOlf8 2 SO\9~ wtt.b ' ~he opposite pollttcnl party,. !t goes to wblch have greatlybenellted the state. ~ne or p~paratlon tor a figbt tor young Pi1l8. 'Also a .tine Purcell Mrs. F. H . Le Grand and /laugh- the extreme of Irrationali ty nnd ab- In pursuance of an ol'ller of the ProblU~ Driving HOl'lIe, 4 yei1rs old. .J. Ii. One of ~hese Is .t,be · n~w InberlbJn<;e IItralght .Ingle tax In 1912. tax lawj ';WIUcb prov.lde8 tor a graded "'The election ot members to constl- ter, Mary, left Monday morning for sur!1lty. The man of good sense spits ~~~~~f C:~~Il~~Ir~~t':.::Ur '~rl~lle th:St~f:°~r LeaUiloR. 1 mile west of New !lllttax and texemptlons according to_the tutional conventions in New Mexico their ' home ill Norfolk Va after at the whole scheme. AiIDa Leonurd, doceased. will ofTor for alo a~ nature 0 the bequest and the amount &'_1 h ' ., . R . ~ ttl ' t ft pubU auction. on tho p1'6mlllOS. at 3 o'clock Iington, U. f t t f ' ed th It- and~' sona gave us a c ance to create a few weeks visit at the home of Mr' epresen a .ve governmen, a er lu the afternoon, OU .• o prop~r y rans err , . ~s perm two new openings for .t he single tax, " all, Is a pretty goqd thing. Oregon ' OG8-A ~8W Poland.China hOflr tlng non·resldents of the state to de- through the election of ' delegates and Mrs F. W. Hathaway. will yet return to It. Advocates and Saturday November 18 '-11 'pil(B, good, bony fellow!!. 10,. Do.at bonde~ aecuriU~, stocks and pledged to put the InlUative and ref. ' supporters of representative govern' .' ' . ' quire of 8. F. Etbon, WilY DOIjvllle , moneya 1D safety dePD8.lt boxes and In erendum'- the new conl·tltutlon" M J E J ney J M Tay ment th"se thousand years have not the foUowln" deecrlbed real e.~ate . banks ot New Yor. without fear of ... . . essrs. • . an , •• .' r ' Situated In the viUago of \Vayneavlllo In ' , '. ",. T ' N P . lor J H Smith T. R. Smith Mr. been such fools as our new statesman, the county of Warren, In the State of Oil1o, Ohio. an I.nber!~ce · tax to be colleoted Singe ax ow oaalble, , .., ' . . ' ship may a~sert A hoodoo of sprlt- lloclbelng.plU'tlloflotsnumb4retl&wenty·threo upon those depo~ta by the atate, The Dr' William' Preston Hill of st. and Mrs. W. S. Graham. and Tmaay Ism foun dedb' andvillllgO twenty·f9.ur (24) of Rogen' Audltloo E have oolored "nd pain Pu. . . y a n a d ven t urer upon to3a)8Illd Cl' Waynesville. beginning at other 1a the mprtcaie recording tax of Lows sald, because Qt the tact that others attended the Knights emp- the wreok oC the estate of n pioneer the most ealterly cotner of lot numbered per Ntipkln8 at the Got.ette one-half ot pne ~'8J'\c cent 0: ~e value the people of his state .bave the In· lars parade in Dayton Wednesday. tam1ly Is not going to 1a'st In Oregon. ~':~tr~!og{S\~tllaGt~~n~I~I~lg~~eb;lj~s~~g oftioe. . . of a mortgage. Wnen re!)orded and ltlaUve and referendum, It Is now P08' , Rogors. olle hundretl ( 100) tee~ to tltelluo bethereafter it Is eIpmpt from taxation. sible to make an effective campaign bo ' . tweeD IO~8 numbered tweutt-two . ( 22) B~~ Recent amendments bave extended for the land tax in MissourI. . Mr. A: C. White, of Owens ro, PLACI NG MR. BIGELOW ~~~l~fii~~~ ~)ij~~rlu'irtr::: 10:ldhl~~1~~d the operaUon of this law to apply to John Z• White, of Illinole' here Thursdayfor a few " aud ( 125) 'eet· thence parallel . • "The in. Ky .~ arnved •. with twenty-five Sixth street one hundred (101,) feet to LOST Rev. Herbert S. BlgelQw, pastor of the Frallklln Road; ~henoe ·wlt.h thollOuth. bonda secured by mortgage and all lUaUve and refer~ndum Is not single daY8' V1SIt with Mr. and ~rs. U. M. other aecured debta." . tax. but It Is a p!lrt ' of the great dem. , White. "Cam" is looking fine, but a "liberal" ohurch without a creed or ~:o~~.Je: (n~~!lftorott!, °Ce':P::I~~~ a.o4 . Mr. Foote then discussed the. new ooratlc movement, giving the people hiS- stay here was too short for manv an ~dlfice In Clncltinatl, Is traveling Said hit8 are locatod on Sixth Street In said income law ot Wisconsin stating that the power to govern themselves and I • d • over the state In the Interest of the vUlage of Waynesville. aIIid lot .No. twontyOST-Wl\tob,sllvAf wlt.hQut crys, , of his olel fnen s ' . four (24) bollllJ alao located Oil Franklin ~&d the students ot economy agreed that thus .tbe power to substltute the land Inltlatlve and referendum. For years Said real eetate hall been I!. praised at Six ttll, lost a.ther In- Woyne.. vtlle .the taxation of Incomes Is the most· tax for the present Iniquitous system . 'Mr; Bigelow was Tom' Johnson's paid Hundred ahd Seventy-five DOIPaI'8 (167 6) I\ni! or Corwin. Flocter ' le"ve Itt t.hls just that can be levied, gnd urged it of taDng industry" F . C • Schwartz left today for missionary for the "single tax" cause It will oot be IIOld (or less than two·thlrds of ollioe . . . 8ald appraised value. 8S a substitution tor a tax on personal Mr. Whit. got $1,514.9.3 for work .In Columbus. where he has accepted and be Is stili under s'!-lary In the Tho terms of .ald .sale wUl be WI follow •. property. R,hode Island, and the Single Tax a ositio~ with the Herpick drug same behalf. All his effor~s for t~e Ouo·thlrd of the J:urchase price c~h In P . In conclusion Mr. Foote said: "A1~ league of that etate got $3,740.41. S~b- t . Th n friends of Mr. Initiative and reCerendum are regard· :::~I~; f6~ :gn~:lt~~ ~hoO~e~;~i~ .• ~:~~rnf though Dot contemplated In the word- . sequently Mr. White was sent to New sore. e ma y . ed by him all steps toward the single one-third thereof 10 one yoar rrom the day o~ Ing of vour resolution 1 ask your per Mexico and Arizona "with succesllful Schwartz are sorry to see him leave tax Mr Bigelow who was the Dem"- sale. the deferred payments to bear 'Interest ." • h' f .., .. trom the day of lalo at the rute of·slx (6) per , mlllsion to JUake reference to · one results. . , town. .He Will not remove IS am~ ora tic oandldate tor secretary of state con.um per annum, and tho payment thereof prohibitive proviSion In the state co J. H. Ralsto~, of Washington, D. ~.: ily at present, however. a few years ago, Is niore politician !glr .oeured by mortgage 011 tho pre~lsee stitutlon which Is the direct cause "As for dlreot legislation, It bears to than pI:eacher. This Is written with , PERRY E. KENRIOK . blgh taxation In Ohio. 1 refer to tbe single tax as close a relation aB a lock a vIew ' to placing him right with the Admlulstrator of the fl8tate of Anna Leonard proylslon limiting the state debt to does to the door." . The Guild of St. Mary's church people he solicits. He Is aotlng within ~::'~''Browll. Atterhey: If you would like to. s~pplY ,750,000. This llmltatlon compels the W. S. p'Ren: "I read 'Progress Ilnd will have a social at the home of Mr. his rights except -that he should not _ - ••- - - your table with.' this high-;: state to pay the entire cost of all per· Povertl" In 1882, and I went just as d M F B Sherwood on Fourth give the impression that he Is doing manent structures and Improvements crazy over the single tax Ideas all any .an rs... . . ' volunteer servloe, or trav,ellng In tbe grade silverware fr~e of out of ourrent revenues. In camng at· one elBe ever did. I learned what the street Tburs!lay eveQlng, October disguise ' of a minister. 'ot the Gospel, Notice of Appointment cost, write us for our spetentlon -to this point I need not go Initiative and referendum Is, and then 26th. A good program and 'Hallow- when oarrylng on his propaganda. Mr. ____ further at the present Urne than' to I saw the way to .the single tax." e'en games will be· ·features of the Bigelow Is a S~clallst by ' conviction Estate ~f Napoleon B. Anthony, docoued cial offer. Address ask the ~I?pl~ of Cincinnati If all Ita Tbls gentleman secured the pro- evening. Everybody come. ~nd Interest, a re~dy talker, an eager ~~:ltlJ~e:,.gXfml~:Crn~~nOfl\~C::ln~t9a"o1 ."1, -. 'permanent improvements were paid gresstve legislation tn Oregon. The scrapper and justly commands a good NapQleoo B. Anthooy, late of. WIUTtIIl OounSTANDARD FASIION COMPANY . out of the current revenues derlyed ftnanclal'report for 1910 shows $16.775 .. Mrs ' . E. H. Colv'l'n' :and daughter, salary fo;r .hls polltlcalla~o_rs.-Marlon tY'nO;~ ~tr!~Ii , da of fle tember A. D I!.... Varid. SInd, New Y.... No .Y• . from taxation. In doing this you will given blm during that year. Star. . 11111," ' . JOHN H. bOLEWAN Admr. . .' .naturally realize tl1e 'restratning ef· , BUJ;ton J. Kindrick ~ri McClure'e Miss Pear). will remove to Spring '' By order of the Probate Oourt.· . t .\. . t~ct" ot such .a law... upon the prosper-MagazlJie f~r ~~st, 01J ' the Initiative Valley, where they ''will make th~it \ . ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!:!! ...... !!!!!,,!~~ '·tty and growth, ot your. olty. What and referendum 1D Oregon; Bays: .... future honle, ' The Colvins have FREE· DELEGATES NEE.DED. ~ , woill\J bappen to Clnclnn!lti under "The mos~ active member of the .•. .. • .. W . '11 . .. . thea~ conditlons baa happened to the People's Po er league Is thll IDevltB-. made many fnen~ ' 1~ ayn~Vl e . Whlma and fads ' are . by. no means atate." · . . ble William S. U'Rel,l." .' , and it was ho~ they ,w~ulcl rt,main d9slred. In the c0o;'lpg c~nstl,tut10Jl of ~lJico1n Steffe a,' the magazine here . . Miss Pearl has been organiSt Ohlb. Jt will be found 4es.l~ble to ~ .'Keep.a record otevery cow, .every er, wall .pilld $2 1D each oft flye in St. Mary's chllreh and' .Sunday tnake It ao "sa~ec(n.d . sane" tha~ thl] month. In 1910 by the. single tall, COil: . . . f '''\';' h" people . of . th~ .tate ..wUl J'at~f1 the day, with peDoil ' Baid pa,p er Bnd fer,e nce for publicity.. '. , ~h~l ~d the mel!lbers 0 . w,e C 01r l.l , dooUment at the .POUII) ..That · Is, the . Itolil"!l. Ii .pply take8 a mlpnte, ' aDd . Tbe longest. speeCh J'eport9d 'In and congregation ...ref very mUch, teatllr~l neC4t881U'7 and ~at la t~e 'po{~t . "'AU pal' 100, big. p~oc:eedinp was #l&t o'~ Henry George, Ito lose her. to be conaldefGd.. ~tween ~ow and '. • - • J.r.. who made a pair at ~ p • . anel .,' - -. • election lime there muat be a great . , . _:II 'l'oI.tol. . ".; . . deal of educational work done ' and 1t The OtlW I'04lda have m ....e it l&11t· It will be JDter.tInI' to '. Dot,. . OWNER$'OF ~S TAKE NOTICB I. Dece•••" to '•• that'the T~t.e~ un• • " i!ent&D4 . &be 4f.erft~ between pro. tie more dt~oi1Jt for !Cine of all to bappeU In 'tIle eyent 01. til. Il'aDPi'l ... 411ft tor our bot almOll' GatcbJDa the od~r of ~phtha loap 'OII . Owpen of dop mUlt<k~ them INialTe Id... which are merely
.......,.................. Nothing in Unlucky friday the 13th .
Consider this 'Offer
Z !e~l~ ~u~~~~:~
Western Poultry Farm
--- ... - - -:---
O\$ teopathic . Physician
Olasailled Ads
Sale of Real Estate
1847 Rogers
are Ii.... pJaOII·wb• • JIr. ~'-G.I!'-'dlOO·..... tIIa:r ~:
tbirebr 18U'1llq IDID who O f t .'
Iftt!,1DY place OD.8CCQUIltof the ibeep..,
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Jdeas Whlob of tlie
'-Former' ' ,- Cit~7ens 1
I! !r-·· ..··..--··++~ ..--...·++-·····-·--···..·----..--..i I "ersonal Mention Column . :!
~-.............. ---••- - - -••~- ••- -......... , ...... _-......-, The Best KI d
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-----. - - - - . g:. - Social~ Ev;~ts I
Auditor T. C, Patterl'1 on com· For your home where the right in • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • menced his second term last Monday : 1 I I fluence counts for so much, choose William E. Smit~ of Englewood , morning. His fir~t act was to ap- I L_~_ ........... _... _...........__•••. _ ........................................... , .... ...J~ the rt>ading that quickens the . pulse.. Miss Martha Burnelt and Miss Jo.:mwas elected this morning special pOln . t as h'IS depu t les ' M'ISS Anna Ga i- l.................... ...t ' t..... en l er talnl:'U ' -...I a t d'm ne l' .•• - -....................................................++~._ that tells of deeds of daring, that rna C ar Wflgln. judge of the' Independence divisior. Ia her an d P ro. f L . F . C0 Ipman, botb Sunday. Mr. and M';". Lawrence nooth' !:! B Oysters a t Wh't Mrs. Ray Smit h has been qUite .i takes the reader into strange par ts C .~ of the circuit court to !lerve in thE f h d' eJ:;L l e's . . h f D M I E o W om are ~xtraor mary good depsl· ck. of the world, and yet with all its artwflg t, . 0 ayton, rs..'. absence of Judge Walter A. Powell ' . Wh 0 d oes \. u t les, pol't l :e t 0 everyone RllY Hawke, of Dayton, was in \ power to entertain. depicts honor, Keys ' Mr and MI'S. E . D Burn-tt ., . During the four years ended las1 b ' . h A d't ' f f i' d Fleischmann's compressed yeast at true manliness, gentleness,loyaltyto usmess In t e u lor s 0 ce an town, unday. December he was record clerk of thf carefl ' a II d etal'1 ed wor. k They Mr l tN. .H. Me K msey ' . d u 10 White's. principle, as the things of chief im_ entertame division. One of his first judicial are thoroughly competent in every Our postmaster. F. H. Farr. is Portance in life. It benefits while it at dinner Thu"ooay in honor of Mrs. acts after taking the oath of offict respect. improving rapidly. Chas. Shidaker, of Harveysburg entertains. David Wilson. of Martinsville, Ind .• Au d't . a we II k nown . t own on d ay. ' . th C gues t 0 f f rlen!! ' d In Harwas to grant a divorce to Laura Fielu I or P a tterson IS was In You will find such reading week wh 0 IS from Dr. Asa Edgar Field, who haf offi' I h t d I t MiSs Sybil Hawke was home from veysburg. The other guests were cia. ones an scrupu ous 0 a after week in the pages of The an office at 220 Hall• Building. Doc d 0 t • H e IS . kn own as a f aJ'thf u I sup- Delawar e over Sunday. ' Messrs. Ronald and .Fred Hawke Youth's Companion, contributed by Mr'., WI'II Welch and son, and Mrs. " • • n t or ~el~ IS c1asse ,I,n the .dlrect<n'le.s port..r of his {riends.' and conducts Mrs. C. A. Bruner visited her were in Davton Thursday. the most popular story-writers, and Ed Dakin, of Harveysburg. as a chlropracter. -Dally Repubh· his office as he · would his own bu~i- parents I'll Mas ' on last week. bv men and women whose names are can Sentin I (lndepende Mo ) . D.. W. Meeks is driving a new # e nce .. ness. There will be no money lost famous in every field of ente.r prise On Friday evening of last week . horse, the gift of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. The subject of the above sketch is to Warren County during his in cumMrs. A. T. Wright and son, AI- Chapman. and scholarship. about fiftv friends of Mr. and Mrs. a Waynesville boy and will be re- bency in office.- Western Star. fred, were Dayt.on shoppers SaturSend U8 your address on a postal Eddie Woollard met at the home of membered by many as the son of We heartily end orse t he above. All day. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hartsock and card, and we will mail you the beau- Mrs. F. C'. Schwartz and from there Harvey M. and Irene Phillips Smith who have had dealings with Mr. Pat. . daughter, Miss Lelah were in Dayton, tiful P1'Q8pectua ~f The Companion went to the home of Mrs. Hester Mrs. Walter Reed, of Chlcag?, IS Saturday. . for '1912, to~ether with sample copies Hobinson where. after ext(>nding con· who with their three sons went West terson will say that they -have found to Kansas 'in 1882. him and his assistants very pleasant the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E . V. of th~ ,apeI'. gratulations and presenting quite a In 1893 he graduated from the to do business with. You will always Barnhart. W. C. Phillips will open his mov· We think you will agree, when you number of pretty and useful presents Kansas State Agricultural College find a hearty welcome a t the auditing picture show Saturday evening, have read them, ,that there is no oth. to the newly wedded pair, they spent J. T. Liddy, of Dayton. spent Mon- 0 ctober 28th. His educat ional work, his intellectual or's office. er paper that ai~es quite so much of a most · enjoyable evening. Dainty . --day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. a b I'I'Ity to perform t h e d ulies set b e such a high quality as The Companion refreshments were se'l'ved. fore him soon won for him the piaci LECTURE COURSE 1M. C. !'iddy. M s. Lizzie Yeazel. who has been and it eost.aonly $1.76 now for the of superintende~~y of the. public .. . Mr. Lee Baker, sbn- in-Iaw of Mrs . an invalid almost all summer, was 62 weekly issues. On January I, Wednesday evening, October'18th, schools .• In addItion to thIS work Smce It has been deCide? to have Ida Stokes is seriously ill at his hom e down town Thursday. 1912, the subtICription price will be a number of Ernest Hartsock's Mr. Snath prepared himself to enter a lecture course for 1911 - 12, t he-,in Springfield M d M F B H d advanced to $2.00. frif'nds unexpectooly reminded him the legal profession He was ad- committee wishes to make an a n - ' r. an rs. . ' . en erson ' Th L __ 'b . 'ft of his tWt:ntu-fifth birthday. After . and dau htel''' K th n and EIther e new S~uacn er receIves a gl ~ mitted to the bar as an attorney at nouncement :hat all may know what Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cartwrig ht g . a ry of the Companion', Calendar, for a very pleasan~ evening in th~ 'usual ed I I II t h b I ted . were Dayton vuitors Saturday. . . . 'were . · Iaw. H e was attract to ega an exce en course as een se ec . of Dayton, spent Sunday WIth . 1912, 10 ten colors and gold" and all social way. refreshments jlerved studies by his active interests in pub Pro!. , Pier~e wa.q v~ry loud .in his Wayn esville relat ives. Messrs Walter Burnett and. D. L. · the ',remaining i88Ues of 1911 free The company parted wishinl" Ernest lie affairs,and w~ at one tim~ Sec praIse of the 'talent. There WIll be . . ' tb e gues ts 0 f Mr. Ethan the time the-subscription " is received. the beat for the future. The blv1ted ~ · . h'l Crane were 0 r. Ch am b ers,o f S ar d mia, retary of the Kansas City Bar Asso· fi ve num b ers as f (, II ows: W I e Coleman ai Wilmington Saturday. The Youth's Co~~anion, KU~ts were: Mr. and Mrs. <;eorKe Balmer's Kaffir Choir of Africa e?route ~rom Dayto~ Sunday took . 12Z Berk~ey St•• ,BOlton. Mass. ~artsock. Mr; and Ml'R. Fred EI~n. ciation of which he is a member. -. Inl907 Mr. Smith took charge of Dr. D. Z. Y. Davis. lecturer dmner w~th the Cross. Masters Donald Henderson a~cI, . N~ ~q~Ptiona lieeeiv. at this Mr. and Mrs. Ha~~ Earnb~rt ',and the record work of the IndePendencp Sylvester A. Long, lecturer Mr. Will Peacock and Miss Emma Ethan Crane spent Saturday at the, office. ' . ' b,aby Ruth, Cehstaa Austin, Eisi~ Division of the Circuit Court acting. Ed d Etr t I' t country home of Mr. anti Mrs. Lee • I • - • • Hartsock Lucile Cornell, Ethel anil .war lOt, mono oglS . Peacock. of Dayton. spent Saturday H d -'" WAY~E ,TP. S. S. CONVENTION Loui. Stokes Mary Darlett uarvey in this capacity until recently, when WIlbur Starr Quartet Co adS d . W. '11 en eo",",n. , , ., ,.,.. , he is now a' successful lawyer in an n un ay In a~ nesvl e. . . and Clarence Rye. War,en Keys and . office o~ his own. Mr. Smith ill Tickets will be out the first of nexl Mr. and Mrs . Walter Cast have W..~ 'Y~~ very sorry to see Mr. ,and The Wayne T~wna~ip Sunday ~esse ..!~oJ!las . . ;1> ... . a nephew ~_ f Mrs._Ro.~ert Braddock week, and thll cor~mittee are an-:c-ious been having as their g ue;ts, Mr. and ~ra. teroy frons and • 8On, Roes. Sct[(x)l Association wln'liola its annu- .-that all who promIsed to buy Will be Mrs. A. H. Stute9, of Wilmington. leaving town last week 'or their new al'convention at the Christian Church The frie"as of Miss Lucile Cornell . NOTICE TO. H UNTEIl.S ready to take them up home in Dayton~ Waynesville, Sunday, October 29th planned a complete surprise upon The above list is fine and everyMrs. Jos. Hawke returned home Mnt. Earl Hayes and daughter, at 2 p. m,. The secretary of the ber Thursday evening at the home We, the undersigned, positively body should get a season t icket at f Ch ' I k f I Greene county Association will be of Mr. Harry Stokes, where she is f b' d 11 h f t ' ' rom Icago ast wee . a ter a p eas- Emeline. of Sardinia, were the ' or I a un mg or respassmg once. . ant and lengthy visit with her chil- guests of her uncles, R. A. and R. G. present. and will speak, also Judge boarding while teaching school in upon our premises or farms. The ' • d th Boxwell, president of the Warren tllat district. Although busy with law prohibiting . ,t he same will be TO REVOLUTIONIZE INDUSTRY ren ere. Cross last week. County Association: Eacb school is school work it was laid aside to aestrictly enforced: . Miss.~~anda ~allimore, who h.~s C. T. Hawke is the possessor of requested to hand in a report of the commodate the fanlily with music. Edward S. Furnas Frank Andrews. a restaurant man been vlsltmg frIends here for some brand-new Cadillac auto, of the 1912 work of the school from October I, when completed she found the house C. B. Lewis W. T. Frame Harty StokeS of Leb~non, has perfected a mach~ne ti~e, returned to her hom e in WiI: pattern. It is a beauty, ,ami Mr. 1910 to October 1. 1911. AllO to well filled with her friends. Games. John Cummings Wm. Cummings b~ whIch. h~ can manufa:-ture, Ice mmg ton last week. Hawke manipulates it fine. select one from the school to give music. pumpkin pie, sandwiches, a five minute g reeting at the roll pickles and sweet cider made the W. M. 'Orndorf J L Mendenhall Without the aid of any chemicals rh tl Eli Dean J' ,O~dorf machine will fr~ze a two hundred H Mr~. J' Hawk~ Mrs Fra~~ Mrs. Ralph Lewis and son, Leslie. call of the schools. fllease name one evening pass too quickly. May the f g fS W. H. Orndorf R' ""'ires pound cake in four minu tes or about Car~'I~' 0 f Larbveys ur •. B • I Mrs. W. S. Graham arid Miss Zillah to represent your school to act (\n pleasant ' memories of Lucile's 18th M N . H. Hamilton Simkin~ 40 tons of ice a day. Ice men say ~n tn, 0 e anon. ISS erba · Githens were week-end guests 'of the nominating committee. birthday long remain. Those present . L'M Henderson that it will revolutionize the ice in- ~mpson and c Kerm~d~. of Mrs. Vema Kelley in Springfield. L. O. Thompson. were: ,Misses Martha O;Neall, NetW E O'N I J.' A.' Shut:: I .. . ' dustry - Dayton News. orrow, an d r. , M. 0 Itzer By request of Pres. Farr. tie Earnhart. Mary Salisbury, Mary George Har"!ulton Mr. Andrews is to be compliment- lef~ Tuesday morning. for Cleveland, Everyb'ldv is invited to the social • _ _ Parlett. Emma Hawke, Ruth Hart~~tn~mr:y Isaac W •. ~mcoln ed highty if this proves satisfactory OhIO, where they 'WIll attend thelat the eome of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. THE PIERCES sock, SteUa Lemmon,.. Ethel Stokes, Wayn~vil~'people are interested i~ Grand Chapter of the Eastern Star Sherwood Thursdav evening. A Irma Stokes, Alma Waterhouse, . . ~rgeGlllllan~ J. W. H.lsey ~1Ome SatterthwaIte him as he married Miss Loraine which conv ~nes there Wedll esday g"ood program. Hallowe'en games, . Laura McKI'nsey, Josephl·neO."lesbec d i d t' 'ihe 'e ntertainment Saturday even· ... . . d Th d ~ames will be ad~~ to the . aboye H~milton·. <laughter of Mr. and Mrs. an lirs ay. ' an a genera ~oo Ime. ing at School' Hall was fairly well Eleanor Earnhart, MesSrs. ~(mald notice' for the huntmg season for George Hamilton. Hawke Edward Ricks, Emmor Baily, atronized, and the Pierces' enterP h 25 cen ts eac. • Russel Salisbury, Rayraond Davis, wned the people for an hour very • - • HAD A FINE OIN~ER DEATH • acceptably, judgin« from the apo aert Hartsock, Warren Keys, Jess plause they received. Thomas, Clarence Rye. Leon SalisThe members of the 1. O. O. F. Tb N t d S' • E t ttl Ch' tI Ch h Mr. Bruner introduced them, and bury. Harvey Rye, Emerson EarnAfter a week of suffering, death e' 0 e mgmg vange IS ,a Ie rls an ure also made the announcement that hart and .Mr. Geiger. of Columbus. came to Allen Joy Tuesday' morning lodge sent Mr. Allen Haines a dinner Sat urday Mr. Haines has been an . All Next Week there would be a lecture course this at 3 a. m. Mr. Joy was about l:I3 A goodly company of guests asseDlyear'S :>1 age, and his death was due Oddfellow 53 years, Saturday ~ and winter. • • bled at the hospitable home of Curtis for his long and useful service, his mainly to fallirig and breaking hi~ members made this donation. fellow IS BUILDINO NEW HOUSE Tomlinson Sunday last to, celebrate hip, 'Sqnday a week ago. The funer· the nintieth birthday of Mrs. JUlia Everything that co~ld be thoug ht al will take plllce Thursday at 1:30 p Jesae Lewis haa his new house A. Underwood, of the Friends, of graced his tabl e Saturday. and he m. at the Orthodox Friends church west of the Friends' Meeting House Home. An elegant dinner was and 'his e.qtimable wife f~lIy appreciFurther particular3 next ' week. almost completed. and expects to served in the large dininl" room to ated the gift. Long may he live for get into it before snow flies. eighteen, while the little folks, eight similar events. , WILL PRESERVE ORDER, ----.~ - - • - • of them, were ' having the time of . ST. MARV'S CHURCH OreO'onla. their lives at a table in the .n ext Mayor .C artwright informs us that ... room. After dinner all assembled the town will be policed as usual HalThere will be service Wilh an ad · A Box !looi"l will be hald at 'he in the parlor to listen to tae l'eadinl" lowe'en. but we hope the boys will })e on their good behavior as las' dress by the Rev. John E. CUl"zon, 8ob.,olhonseberenn8atnrday eve. ofaverycleverbitofpoetrywrit.ten Diog, Ootober . 28t·h. T'le mODey for "Aunt Julia" by one of her year. ·The,usual number will be out, ' of 'Chi' ca'go. I'n St. Mary's el,UI'c'h thl'~ in' costume that evening Wedn'e sday evening at 7: 30. MI'. will be 1l8ed to pnroblu~e DeW soog friends, Miss RebeccaJ. Mason; after - -_ '. - . - - Curzon is secretary of the Fifth books. Every I'oe is ourdlally tn- which Httle Doris Tomlinson, of InSUNDA V-SCHOOL OROANIZER Missionary Department, comprising vated to atteod diana, sang a pretty song, and Aunt 12 dioces :s in' Ohio, Indiana. Illinois, The Rally Day lIervioes of tbe Julia herself recited a pOem she had U . B. oborob were poorly attend".!, learned more than eighty years ago. Mr. Harbert Davis a Sunday School Michigan and Wi:'!consin. · .Every body org8nj~r in the Quaker ehu~ch \\as. invited to this service. Chme. . OWIDg tile inolement weatber. The afternoon was .spent very ple&&hel e 'Sunday anti spoke at the brtho.' . _ .- _ K888r8. J . K. i:tpenOflr, Zain Ar. antly. while each and ~II expresse~i' a dox SUDd~ Schoo'. , . .. WOOU.ARD-ROBINSON mitage aDd EugeDe Qard attended wish that Aunt Julia may have other ":, He' pve 'a good tal~, which was en. a mee&iDI of the Modern Vi oodmen birthday8 as delightful as ,this. . • 'J ~oyed by aU wbe b~" bim. Mr. Eddie Woollard and Miss Edna ' . " . , ill Le~noo, Satnrday eveDing . Those who were fortunate enou8h to' .. . \' . :,..-- . , . RObin,son, two of our popular .young , C,HRISTIA~ CHURCH . 1I.... and M1'8. DelUng. of Oaka. be present were: · Saml~ Tomlhl80n," i .. SOl,.D .ANbTHER FARM . folks, 'were married very quietly at A Y ' T ·... ed f ' th BI'bI ' 8 "h · I· ·R.< AI t ' I~, Iowa'. ate .la"t~g W:, O . .and family.,. ~f Plymouth,,f'nd,; John _ •• ' .' 'r . . '. " . , the J)Jrsonai'e of Re,v: I •. O. Thompo . re ou a.~ .' ~r . e.. e c po • ~ nex -'Unday th. 8teddoDi and famil1.ornear Ore. Gillam ind f~ily, of Port William, . " Chrtatlan Bible 8c"~I? ' Konla. ' , Mrs.JoHestonandfamU"ofSprh1gC. 'G. Williamson~ldthefarm- of, 80,! !1tu!'lfday' eyening at. 60'cloc~. .. L r ,Nichol80n to Xenia.Nl'tiee recen~ The G-.,zette extends congratulations. .'.:....- ' " Ma: Mary 8,ohenok" of Oay~n~ bOro, Elihu LJnderWood ;and; 'wife, Mr.' Willi_n.ia'lp&ldu 'a 'bit witll, ' .' • -.;. •._ . . Mr. Crabtree should be.gf.~~ by a. m. 'Evening im.'vicee ~t 'I o'cloek. ~Id a bref 'i'iait t9 h!,r llater here, 'J!d (lumas anJ fuiilt,: q,~ WJLrren 'County. ~ ·tliillal,l. ·. . ffAL,l OWE'I;N ~CIAl:. .' every ,member of the ~hurch and Servi~ eve~ 'nltrht throu.~ tb~,f~l~, 1.1' :week ' , .' _ . • Haiaes ~ :wi(et . Mr. and Ml'IJ,.-· , • ~ :- '. .' " '" , many more. . Don't let im,ijiing 'Iowirig week.. ' . .' 'l1te Mlesel oora Kerley, of OgdeD, Thornton -Oaini , ~ ~tber Stout. " F DOOS or AKE 1IJOTIC~ Tb-e Gran- will' TY II "' • , . ', ., " ,. .. . aad lWaa 8penoer of ElnRa IIU.., and Ltale,Carroll. .d h ...MlfII OWNERS 0 ,I " " Ito . ... Clve aDa . one en stand ~tween yc;u the meeting ' the Wayne townabip Sunday . ' UA .' I .•lla" . : ,muked""aocial sat.urday night, at . ' . , .' .D~ the week.e~d . wlth . home unt expJ ••• Oners.of dop ~ k.., tb~ their ball. 4dm1lll0li, lOe and ~ Babl, Sc~~I. at ·~:~ ,a. m. The ~ool convention will be held at the, folb. , ~ bad ~ ...oet .p1eI.... b11Pt11i1.~ place on 8CC81IAt~ EveqbodJ" eoJ'dlalJi Invited to at;. 'Loyal QlU8IIliitiould.wear tbefr~)ora ~ church S u . at 2 ».~. lIiIa ...bel 8herwooct 1rP a (Jla. d., of her PniChfna b,.Brother ~ 10:30 Tq to~ be;rtIIDt. . ala..- ,.11l_ ••afdaJ. the ~ of al1 . . IIiII'ttw:\ij;~~ --.-.~----..,-.--~~..-....-..~--.
E Ed
the'". .a. ' '
,--.-,...--~-. i Practical Fashions1 I SPl.ENDID .CANADIAN _ ~ CROPS LADY'S 28-INCH DOUBLE BREAST· ED COAT.
8YNOPSISJae.tt K ith. • Vlrltl nlan. now a llOr d or p hu n s lIIll lI. I, rl drn ' al ong th o Santa Fe trajl on the lookout Cor rOll mlnt; wur parties of 8Iwages. He notie"" /I. cam p lire at A dlsUl nc(; lIod thl) n 8ces /I. l fun attached to a Wlll;Qn a nd III Cull gall np pursued by men on poul,·,.. Wh en K e ith reach '. the wOlgon tho; NllderN have mass· a cred two men anrl d parl ed. Ho Rellrt" hes t.h o vlcUma nnd lng pape rs and a lock .. l wlth • womau'8 pertraje He res olvas lo bunt down the nlurdore",. Keith I. ar· ~ t ed at Ca rtlon Clly. chnrg d wllh th cnurdor. hi. aceu."r ooln« .. rurnnn name<! J)lack Bart. Ho 1l0BS lo Jail tul I y. rcaU.· Ing the purl I o( .wlft bordor JUlIlIoe. A. ClOrnparuon In hi' c II Is a nogro. who tella him ho Is Neb and lh/l.t ho know the Keltb fa mily baok In VlrJ:\nla. Nob lIay. one or the murdered m!'n wall John Sibley. w e other Geo. Willi. Waite. torm erly an oCnoer In the Confpdernt e arm,.. "The pl.Jnllman and Neb C8 ape trom the -cell. Ilbd lalcr the two fugltlv Oll be ome '1011t In the aand d~rt. They come upon .. cabIn and nnd It. lone occupant to be a S'ouog Kirt. whom Keith recognlzell lUI a ,"nger fie PW at CanlOn City. The girl ..xplain. that .he came there In 8earch of • brother who hact deserted trom the army. A Hr. Hawley Induced her to ClOUle to the cabin whUe he aought to 10eate her brother. ·Rawley appeare. 6,-1 KeIth In hId In" recognl_ hIm lUI Black Bart. Hawler. tries to mako love to the temfto battle In the «Ir1. There cJarkene(l room In which KeIth overcomes Black Bart. RonOl! are Ilpproprfated, .. nd the Sirl who lay. that her name Ie Hope. Join. \n the cacape. Keith eltplalna hla ~n and the ruKttlvea make for Fort
CHAPTER XIII..-(Contlnued.)
It was nOOD. the pItiless aDd bot aboYe thein. before they strnggled within the' partial sbelter of tbe sand dun08. and sank wearily down to tbelr measer ·Iunch. Thelr lupply of water was limited. aDd the eIbausted .,onles tDUllt watt until they reac~ell the rlYer to Quench their thlrllt. Yet this 1I"1lII ..ery tar off now, and Keith · bad ..aeen l800qh of their .urroundlnga to locate tbe posItion of the ford. 8low .. they Gut prOceed. three houl'll more would "'ely bring ' ftIem to the bank of the They dl8CU88ed theIr ,planll ~efty ~ the three sat tOBether on tb. sand, reytYed both by the :food and the brief rest. , Thero was ·aot a ~eat deal to be determined. .-Iy wbero the gtrl should be left. and tlow the two men had better proceed 10 escape observation. ' . Fort LarDed as the llearest and melt place for ' ell' (lbarge, nOne of the party expresSing any ~8II1re to ad· t'epture themielves within tbe Imme· •• tate neighborhood of d.rson City. What ber future plans mIght be were lI,ot reyealed. and KeIth (ore bore any .Irect quelltloning. His duty plaLnly .nded with plac~ hl'l' In a safe enflrooment, and he felt cOnvinced that Mrs. ~urphYI of the OccIdental Hotal, .ould turolsl1 room, and. K necesltary. ,eompanlooshlp. The ' sole 'problem ro' lDUlfalog-nfter sbe bad ratber IIstless'1 agreed to such an nrrangement.... to so plan the detaUs as to permIt the negro and hImself to slip through the small town clulltered about the 'post without attracting undue atten· tlon. No doubt, the story o( theIr es· cape had already renched tbere. em· bal1lsbej! by telling, IlDd serIous trOll' tile might result from dIscovery. Keith Wall lIurprised at tbe Slight Interest abe exhibited in these arrangemenls. merely slgn\[ylog her aCQulesconce bv a ~ord, but be c~arged It tO t phYl!tc~1 weariness, Il~d the reaction from hor a 'lgbt of perU; yet · he took palnll to ·exp'a.!n fully, bls plan. and to gain ,ber ~nsAnt. This finally lIeltled. tbey mounted agaIn and rocle 00 through the lanes trave!'Slng the sand dunee. keepIng beadftd as straight as posslblo toward the t1ver. Tile ford sought \nl8 some mller. down IItream. but wIth tbe borsftB' thirst mItigated. they mnde excellent ,.rogress. and arrl ved at tbe allot early In tbe evening. Not tn all tbe "a.y had tbey encountered a Ih·· mg object. or seell a moving tblng .amld tbe surrollntJlng desolation. Now. <tookL'lg Dcross to tbe nortb. a (ow «leIUl!lng lights told of Fort Larned operch~ upon Ule opposite blulrs.
CHAPTER XIV_ The \.andlady ef the Oocldental. Keltl·, had crossed at this point BO trequ el!tly wltb cattle that. oo('e lIav· Ing bIll hearings. the blackness of tbe nlght loade very little dlfference. NevertJ:eloss, In fear lest her t;IOny might lItumble over some Irregularity. be gavo bla own rein to ~eb . and · _ent forward on foot, grasping firmly the tired IlI"llmal's bIt. It was 11 long etretcb :If sand and water extending from bank to flank. but the wnter was .ballow, tbe only dauger tieing that of strayIng 01r trorn the mora. "olld bottom Itto quIcksand. WIth a tower,log cotto;\wood lUI guide, oddh· mls~bapell ahd lltandlng out gauntly acalollt tl!,. slightly lighter sky, tbe plalosman Led nn unbesltatlngly, \lBtU they begar. to climb the rather sllarp apllft of th.. ftortb bank. Her.e there wu a plaIn trail, pounded Into sntc\Otb· Desli by tb" boofs of , cualry harses rtddeD dowe to water. aDd at tbo Rum· mit ' they e",~ withIn ftfty yards of &he .• tables. . . Tbe few' Ilchta vIsible. !\Ome IltatJODary, witb ethen dancing about like • m~'-tb.wllp" revealed Imperfectly tJJe CC)ntDllr of vario... btdldlngll. Keltb cura" sbarpll to tbe rlgbt. aOl. Iou. to sllb .....t. .Itboat, betn, chat...... . , a ...atry. 8e7oDd .the brow .. til. "hI~ etlalr uPta DO' bee.....
will gunrd you as t hou gh you we re ber ow n da'lghler. She Is a bit rough, maybe. but a blg·heart ed womn n. aDd desplsoi:! Ha wley . She nursed me O tiC through a toucb or typhoid- yes. by J~ P '" g!lloclng Ilbout In s udd eD recog nition. "uuII \0 til II. \'c ry room, leo:' Th o glrl's ~lal1ce war.de r ad o \'e r the plain. nea furnis hin gs. IlOtI th a rath e r pathetic attempt~ lit decoration. yet wltb ap l>ar c ntl y no thou ght for them. "'YOIl-YOII have not told me where YOll we r e goln:;." He laughed. a 1Itt1.. un easily. though he prefe rred to make light o( th e whole matte r. Tbe double breallted coat will be ··Really. I have hnrdly decIded. the world Is so \ylde. a nti I ba d no reason much worn during tbe autumn aDd winter and the illustration shows a to suppose you In lE'reste d:' "But I am loter est e(I," resenting bll style Otted by Ions seaml In front and tone of ass um e d In rll rre ren~ D. " 1 back, leaving panels betweeD. The wuuld not want to fe el tbat our ac- neck hall the new IIhawl and reyer. comblnatloo collar. · Clotb. latin, Berse, qua.l ntance was to wholly e nd now." pongee. linen aod the like are app~ . "00 YOIl r eally meRn thnt?" "Why sbould loot? You have beeD prlate materials. The pattern (5666) Is cut In 1I1zes 33 a r eal friend to me: I shall re member you always .wlth a gratitude beyond to 42 Incbes bust measure. Medium words, I wan t you to know this , and size requlrell .3 yards of 60 Incb matetbat, tbat I shall ever wIsh to retaiD rial. To procure thle pattern aeneS 10 centa tbat frl e n,lsblp." to "Pattern Department." or thl. paper. Ke ith struggled with hImself. doubt· Wrtte name and addreae plainl)l. and bit ful ot what be blld best say. swayed , ure to clve .Iae 3.nd numbor at Datte.rn. by uofalDlllar e motions. "You may be s ure I s ball never for. NO. IIZE ... .. ........... . 5566. get. " he blurted torth. desperately, N AM . . ..................................... .. "and. If you really wish It. I'll certainly see }'OU ngaln : ' TQ.WN . ........... ,,[ do." earnestly. "Tbeu, I'U surely find a ·~ay. I don" STREIil'l' AND NO ... ...................... . IIDow now whlcb dIrection we wll1 81'ATl!I . .•. . •••.••. : .... . .................. .. rIde, but ['m not goIng very far uotll 1 clear up tbat murder out yonder 00 tlte trail: tbat Is my particular Job CHILD'S D"ES8. jUllt now." B9Iore sbe could answer, Mrll. Mllr· pby re-entered IlDd forced her to drlllk the concocttoo prepared. tbe girl acceptlog wIth smlilng p:ootest. ·TtH land· lady. empty glass 10 band, swe'l.t ber eyes about the room. "Bed ad. bu the place looks betther than Iver Ol'd belnved, wid the gyurl Ol've . got tlndln' to It. Sbo's that I lazy sbe goes ter slape swap In' the flure. Jack. would ye molnd, hl1plo' me move the bId; sbure. It's rale rna. bogany, an' so beavy It breaks nl. back IntolrAly to push It 'round : ' He · took hold willingly enough. aDd the two together ran .the henvy 'enn. trlvance across the room to tbe po_to tlon selected. Once a leg caught In the r~g carpe t, nud Keith lifted It OOt. bending low to get n firmer grip. Theil be held out bls hand to tbe girl , "It Is not goln!; to be good·bye th_a, MIss Hope: ('U finel you." She ,smlle,d up Into bls eyes, mil"" of tbe weariness gone from her I.c_ . "I am golog to believe that." IIhC! aD swered. glndly, "because I· want to," The 110ye' feature of tbll lItUe, frock Mrs. Murphy lingered until his IItepl souoded 00 the atalrll. as he- II10wl, II the yoke cut 10 one wIth the panel telt his wny down 'through the d8111 front ot the dress. There Is also · a square, stralgbt yoke aCl'OBII the back. oes~ . I'He do be a molghty folne bye• .l1W1I The balance ot the dress Is gatbered tbe Keith,'· sbe sald. apparently arldrell. aod attacbell to the lower edge I tng the sIde wall. "01 'wlllh Ol'd • yoke_ Ba(lste, lawn, dImity, c~mere knowed hIm wbln 01 was a grutl: aod fine chevIot are aiProprlate for shure, It's not Murpby me oolme'd be this style. Tbe pattern (5!i66) ·Is cut In IIllell 1, now, Ol!m t·lokln· ... 3 and 6 years. Medlurp Blze requires Left alone. tbe girl bowed her\ llnae! . on her haods, a bot tear stealing dc"n 1~ yards of 36 .' Inch Ihllterlal. To procure th.IS · pattern Hnd 10 oenta through her fingers. As she ilanl.led ''Pattern De . partment." of thIs paper. up ' again. somethIng that glltterad oU to Write nama and addre. plainly. and ~ aura to "Ive alze and n~mber 'ot Datte~ the lIoor beside the bed caught ber eyes.. Sbe stopped and pIcked- it up, -. holding the trinket to the light, IItarNO. 5556 8IZE .............. .. Ing at It ns though fascinated. ' It wa. NAME .......... ~ ........................... .. th e locket KeIth had taken froUI the neck of the dead man at ClmmaroD TO\~N·· ••.. _ •••••••.••••••.• t •••••••••••••• Crosslog. Her nerveless Ongers "resaed the sprIng, and tbe paInted face STREET AND NO·.............. .......... . wltblo looked up Into her own, and STA.T~ . ... .. . ...... ...... .. ............... .. "Shure W. Safe It Is Yer Goln' Tar Be Here." still clasping It wLtbln her band, sbe sank u.,on ber knelff.·, burying ber fapa t1 nate trIck ye played 00 tbe lolkes rOlles back to the chee ks av. ye.'· She 011 the \1ed. • Queen Alexal'!dra ,Happy. 11." 'em, Jack, but this Is a dom poor ~as gone. bustling down tbe dark "Where dId he g)lt tbat 1" her Up. Queen Alexandra III dellgbted to place fer ye ter bide In. Bedad. tbere's staIrs, and the two were alone 10 the l[ept repea.ting. · "Wbere did be e,er thInk tbat sbe wlll egaln bave the roya balf-dozen In tbe parly now talkln' room. tbe gIrl looking up Into bls fnce, get tbat.?" al chtldreo under her care while tbe about It, wid n couple av officers from her bend renting against tbe cushIon: (TO nE CONTINUED,) Idng and queen are In India at the end ed ' back of the chair. He thought lie tbe fort. la tbe nager wid ye?" of the yeaI'. Chrlstmall will be pall sed She Probably W.I Worth It. "\'08, but we have , no Intention of saw a glimmer of tears In tbe depths "I proposed last nlgbt and' tooa, , at Bandringham. 'and almost ImmedihIding bere. I'd rather take iny of her lash-shaded eyes, and ' her atelY afterward her piajesty w1l1 bring have to see the gIrl's ·Cather." chance In the open. The fnct Is. Kate, round 'whlte t.hront seemed to choke. ber grandcblldren to Marlborough "You wl1\ ·be perfectly seeure here," .. A paInful ordea. I ,'· . we started olr tor the 'Bar X.''' bouse In order · tbat they may vIsit "Yes; I feel morally certnln that "AY course, ye did: 01 was sbure av be said, soothingly, "and can remalo tbe pantomImes nnd otber entertaInas lon& as you please. Mrs. Murphy Is going to borrow at least $50." IL" ments. Tbough somewbat Indulgent. . "But down on the Salt Fork ·we ran Queen. Alexllodra maintains dillclpilne ncrORK a youlIg girl wbom Black Bart ~~ . " among her grandchildreo, nnd even hnd Inveigled down that wny on a lie. ~J-------.!~_J' the prince ot Wales wlll ftnd that be We bad 1\ bit ot a fight. nnd got her bas to submit to her mllog, It ,bad away from blm. This III wbat brought ......... ..., w .............. been suggested . that the prince of us back here-to put the girl where Walell and .Prlnce Alltert sbould ba. . she wl1\ be sare out of his clutcbes." a small house bold of their Own at The door wnD wide· opeo now, and York c'o ttage In the abse~ce of tbelr . ~~-------------------------- parents, but his maJe~ty ball decided Mrs. Murphy outside. bor Interest at Musclel ot the Forearm Elpeclally fever beat. balf a mtnute. At four daYII old til. that they are too young for thIs, so Seem to BII PowerfUl, ·Ssy. a cblld's IItrt'Dgtb ball tocreued, uad that the two princell wIU IItay at SaQd· ~'Ye bad a folght wid Black Bart! Londbn PeriodIcal. the ttme Is two aod a h&Jf minute. rfngham with their IllIter aod youoger Ob, ye dfvU! An' ye licked tbe dlrthJ, • f<>r 9B per cent. of ·. ,ablell. ne · m!L~ brotbers. . . spalpane. an' got away wid bls lYurl! Tbe DlJth . of tbe I~fant Hercules, · mum I. ttalnecl at a 'folltDl bL Fa,,'· Glory he! And would 01 take:' herT wbo stranlled two 'serpenCs In bl. , a j, .g . .Ca"fornla Tree. fbi Egypt: J • Well, 01 WOUld. ·NIYer doubt tbat, m. cradl may Dot b'ave been a myth , at In~anta. can baD, on .or ~ore , lb•• ~, , ... I 'one and a balf mlnutee, thou,b '011. . Frul~ tr~ell from California will bye. She may be tbe Quane av ' eHaba. ao' !lhe may be a DIgger Injun Squaw. all! bILt a fact, U'I tb .. L?lldop T. II:' etc.lItlon..1 ),01111, Hereul .. remailltlll planted hI Egypt b" an Eoellib COlD'but the IQlke. av him 'h&d better !tape ' crapb. Modero .lIClence bas pro.~ luspended for 'two ·mtnut•• and 31 paD)' wblch h.. lIt!eu.r,ed " iar" tract away from !(ate Murphy., It'll gla4 tb!lL It II quIte ~ IIMllhle ., feat.. Tb" IeCOncis by bll rI,bt; band. . After tIIM of Innd wIth .. vle~ to 'eng~lhis In tbe ~uch he still bUDI OD with bls lett for I' trult·gl'owloJ InduBlI'7. 00 aa. eIt.uln 01 am ter ·do It! Blllns her' 10. oi new-born bab~ II -:elatlvely wn maD • ..,. ieecmdll lmipr." strouser tban a h It ,s at eii.t.4 Icale... don't want ter bear l!O more." ' . cordIng to ttle reeult of medical tee~: .-b II babl~. we.. put throb.,. tbH' "Jullt a word, Kate; I don't Imow. "Tbe mUlel,s of tbe forearm are sur- ' W . a.... ·. ttftl• any ~ODey DOt. pri.ln,ly vllOrOtlL A few bOoI" arter !Orlaolltal bar DmllallUca at lbe eaN ,.&ettrer sbe The mOlt praedcal and •• of from ODe bour to a ' tIll,bt, but I'll pat ber bill, as SOaD ill 1t ·18 blnb • .blib)' IUlponded by rtl nD".r .ffectlJal remed7 for bee -ate 'or m. to r.om. bae"'· to a Itlck, or to tb. IIlIler of .. ~,.. . -."..~----..:.;..-. put ammonfa OIl tbam '01), ean bO~d I_If ID til. arr tor lall A · , .omllD rarel, u •• tOilet . . . . . "Ob, the ~I,D take ber bill ,Sb.'1 thl. I. a ,·slmple ~.. of partJdao ,a id 011'-1.• .b. 4N111D8 hay. tb" belt ID tbe bOUIe, aJlnFbo". "'HOOnd., A"do tD . pll~tlo. orr ~::~~ u' OI'Ql oDI7 boplD' tb~t" t.Uo" WID lull ,trOll. ' IDruttt for .. 10" U ~.Im iaItA-~
vIsible. flicke rin g be r ' au d tb er e . marki ng wlH re 0. Rtragg l1ng tow n had s prung up und er th o prot 1:lloD o t th I.ost- n town gl1rl sh n ough In t he day light. conllJosod mostly ot s hackS a nd tents . b itt now with Its d fic leu· cl s m r clfu\ly concealed by tb e e n· veloplng darkuef's. Th e trail. eas ily follow pd . led directly along Its si ngl e stroet. but I( lib circled th e outs kirts through a wildern ess at tln·cans and heap R of oth er debrIs. until he bal tpd his charges beside the blnck shndow ot th e only two·story e difice In tbe plnce. This was the Occide ntal. th e hospitality of which bo had freQ uently tested. A light stream ed from out tbe front windows. but. unce rtaln who mIght be harbored wltbln. K eith tnpped gently at the back door. It vnlS not opened Immediately, and wben It was ftoally shoved aside the merest crack, no glow of light r e venled tbe darkened InterIor. The voIce which spoke. however, wu amply sufficient to Identify Its owner. "Is that ye agln. Murphy, a playln' av yer tllrthv thrlcksT"
turn UIJ huntln' be r. .:i·d lolko te r take one I'hl 11 a t t he spalpo.ne." Fully COli vill e Ii lUI to ~lrs. !\Iurphy's good·wlli. Kith sli pped buc k Into tb l! darkn os . a nd r turned wltb tbe gI rl. lutrollltctlOlIH w rc S lIlI rflll ous. 8 S tbe mi str ess of the OccId ental cared IIltle r egn rrllng cc rflmOIl),. "Au ' Is tbls yo u. my deor?" s he burnt ou t. purl ovorln g to c urb hor voice ~ o secre tiv e sort ness. "Shure. Jacl{ Ke ith bas told me all Ilbou t It. nD' It·s s ufe It Is yer goln' te r be be re. Com e on In: 01'11 gIve ye unmber forty ·two. th et's next behllit me own room. an' we'lI go up tb e back s thalrs. Hllp the youn g loldy. Jnck, ter s hure I ye know lh e way." Sbe dlsnppeared, e vid ently wltb some hospItable purpose In view. and Ke Ith • .c lnsplng the gIrl's band, uud e r· took the delicate task of safely escortIng her through the dark kitch en, and Ul! the dImly reltlembered stairs. Only a word or two passed between th e m . but 118 tbey neared tbe second story a light suddenly streamed out tbrougb tbe opened door of a room at tbelr left. . Mrs. Murpby greeled them at the landIng. and for th e drst time Sll W "No, Mrs. Mllrpby," he baste ned to the glrl'lI weary white face, her eyes 4txplain, "thls Is Keith-Jack Keltb, ftlled wIth appeal. and the ~arm Irlsb of tbe 'Bar X..''' heart res.,onrl ed Instantly. "The Lord deliver ua!" was the In· "Ye poor little lamb: It's the bid stant eIclaml\t!on, tbe door open Ins ye want, an' a dhrap 0' whiskey. Jack wide. "They do be afther teUln' me Keltb, why dldn't ye till me abe was to·olsbt av tbe thrcuble ye was In done up wid the bard rIde! He re. over' at Carson, .a n' 01 t'ought maybe honey, sIt down In the rocker till 01 ye m01gbt . turn up this way. It was r.;et ye a wee dbrlnk. I t 'lI bring the
o eo • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Streegth of the New-Born .
NUe' uti
Wheat, Oats and Barley Unl· versally Good Throughout Manitoba" Saskatohewan and Alberta. TlIe reports th at orne to hnnd from t he whent fie lds of tbe w s tern Canadian provinces sho w r murka hly .good )·Iolds In ull parts. Yields are r ecord· ed of wh eat going 35 and 40 'bus hels In many places, nnd OllIs from GO to 100 busbels per acre. Da rle y ;}nd Ilax a r e sple ndId . The thousands of AmerIcans throu g hout th e United States wbo have fri e nds In Manitoba, Saskatchewa n 01' Alberta will be pleased to lenro ot the grent s uccess that hns fo'llowod tbelr efforts. Many of these have not confined th e mselves to tbe growIng ot STain , but have also gone Intl> tbe cattle Indus lry. On tbe luxurious grassos tbat are so Q))un· dant th ere , In almost all dIstrIcts, make tbts Industry safe and proftta ble. The land snles reported by the railway compnnlea and by tbe dIfferent land companies show tbe great Increase that w1l1 likely take plac. durlog tbe next year In tarmlng operatloos. What bas been snld t1mf. and time aguJo may now be well repeatecl, that there Is no place on the American continent where the same opportuoltles are afforded the mao looklnr for a home, for tbe youog man start, Ing out In lite, the man with a ~ow Ing up tamlly, who deslrell wIder scope for bill ambltloD . The Cana· dian goveromeot agents located at dlffereot pointe In the s tate II will be glad tp adville tblS reader of tbe conditions, and relate to blm Inlltances or the gr.eat succels tbat bas followed ftlrmlng In Wealeru ClUlada. Be lure your sorrow Is not Blnog you its belt, unleBB It makes you a ~ore thougbtful peraon thao you bay. ever been before.-PbllllplI BrOOD.
D6CTORS FAItEDTO HELP HER ·Cured by Lydia E. ·· PJ~am'. Vegetable Compound , Pounel. Wta.-"1 &lIl glad to an. that 1 haTe' ,b een cUred of drs. pepsia' and female
troubles by·your
. edlo1ne, 1: had ,
troubled with
for fo.urteell and consultecl different doctora, bnUaiJed to get any . ~rs
table Com. and Blood W/l1>,,·..tA,u'! can 8&y I a;.;,~~~~:f:1 express a weU "o~an. T my thana yaur medlclile has done me, maypubUllh thla ~ yon wilh." -Mrs. ;HEllKAN 8I.ETH, Found" Wla. The succeD 'o f Lydla E. F1ntham'. VegetableCompoimd. ~fromroota and herba, 1a unparalleled. It IDay be used with JMlrfect confldence br,,,omen who 8der from displacemenbi, tnJlam. mattoD. ulceration, flbl'old ·tumors, Ir. reJUlarltlea, perlO(l1o pains, baQ~he. bearln!r,~Own feeling, flatulenoy, mcBReatlon. ~U; or DenOl18 pr08tra. lioD. l'c)r ~hlrty .J8I'rI Lydia E. PtnkbAm"
.t.and1\rd remedy
lins been· the
for temale 1118, ' and
8uJrerlng"w:omen owe it to t~ernsel". l~t give this medicine a q-taL Proof 18 abundant that' it ba8 cured thousands of otbers, and why should
to at
It not .qure you? If 79U want apeclal advtoe wrtte
JIrs,;Plokbam, Lynn,Mass.,forlt. It .. free and alwa)'B JaelPfw.
aDd moke )'0111" eelectlon .'lIom. hom. beaut.. fulltoe of eamplea.wblch 'In "Ulleud l'I»ulree. ' Wecu,~y~eo8thd.aIJPecl. ~to'l:",Pei)'ar4; ,
tOo .... ILL; STR.aT, TltTON, ,
,, _--:.~......_
Dr. Wlafers I,..d li~G 1•• fo~:.~r:.-:,=o'i~~.A crliYt!lSa:'M3.e .,.~.J "::1::. !fta~fyJm.\..\:.&TI: .~= t ·~
ut' 1.;.. ,...
WI\mJ"lmefal :otlllla
lii'altI.lN -""''''~''rf r.ceQ' BloojI .IUp",,"UMIi .a BII\lIla".j '
r· ...... . __ ilia" la ~{,:-- b I ~.... furUli.. . . " ,..... ~. ~ 0 ... WlsftaI . . . UIIDf ..., .1IIII1C'I'UY, • w,
MONEY.• • ~!_
Temper and Temperance By CLARA INE·Z DEACON (CoP7r1lbl, lUll, b, A..oclaled Llterar, Pre ... )
John Titus . wbllecJ away the first Sunday aft rnoon of his vaoatlon on tbe porch or the little cottage where he was a paying guesL The greateet excitement or the sUII afternoon In the prlrnlUvo Mall1.e village seemed to be tbe passing or country lads w!tb their lasSies IL the family buclt· boaru . For a time Jobn Titus was Int erest d, b~ presenlly. his hand· kerchief tbrown ncross biB" taef> tor protect-ion from flies nnd th eir Ilk. he droPI>cd olY Into a peaceful slum· bcr. Soft Iy the strnlns of mus ic began to Issuo frOID the ..... Ind ows or the 110use next door. An old·time organ was belug pla yed In accompunJmont to a woman 's voice. At firs t It seeDled to the 'jozlng man that he was dream· ing. but as tho strains became DlOM familiar be removed the handkerchlet from his faco and sat up. "No-It can't be," he snJd. almost audibly. Then he turned In the dlrec· tlon or the sou nd a.nd listened atten· tlvely. "Father. dear tatber, come born e with me now ," rnn the song. "tho, clock In the steeple strikes three." Tho young ma.o slapped his knee vigorously. "Am I awake?" be Bsked blmself. "Or can I: be that some one really sings that song yet? JtIt seems In credible." Hut the voice ra.o on even to the Incident of "poor brother Benny." Then the sJnger, evi dently loving to hear ber own VOice, began again at tbe beginning and sang the old song over to Its melancholy end. After a while, though the voice that lang was unusually sweet, It began to get on John TItus's nerves and he paced the porch. "I suppose sbe will sing 'Where Is M1 Wandering D01 Tonight" when
Whiled Away the Afte,noo". Ihe b.os had enough or thl.... he eoUloQulzed, ' AZlil all It by a men.ts~ message received acrolls . the garden. the old prgan began the very song he had ~readad . ' "ThIs is too much," be saId, B.s be went Indoors and Bought quiet In the cottage parlor. His temper was , rilIng. , "Mr. Titus," began a voice In the doorwoy wilen he was becoming In· terested In a magazine, "~ I wonder tf you wouldn't like to escort me ton"lght. My brot her unfortunately can. not go and-well. I tholJgbt perhaps you would see tbat I got sately , to church and back:' ,Miss Patience i:>areons was the spinster ot tbe ~ household of which Tltl\s was 0. temporary member, and he could not retuso so· small a request trom 0, ,woman whose joys In ute bad been so evidently few. ' "1'11 be only too glad, Miss Par IOns," be said, smiling bravely. Miss F1lrsons stepped In ond beamed down upon him. " 1 am sure you'll enj01 the . meeting-It's the soml·an. nual, temperance meeting or our churc:h, and we have epeclal speakers . and stereopticon views tor tbls even· lng," she said enthusiastically. , Titus groaned Inwardly. Thensuddenly every~hlng became clear to blm and be knew . that he must sit through all the verses of "Fa~her, dear 'father:' ag!l1n. The perSOD next door bad been practl.blg tor tbe meeting. Too courteous to show his dlspleaa,ire, Titus told the splnstllr that · he wQuld no ' doubt find It ·a mOlt Ill· teresting evenln'g, ' !. , Then ensu~d a dl,se.rtatton by Misl Parsons on ' temperance. Bhe exhll»' lted proudly her whJte rlbboD. . Tea time cut short MilS ·faI1IQn.' remarks, and afterward she, escorted b1 ber, young · tl'lend. found ber ' wa1 , tQ' the pretty vllllilf~ churqb at the • f()()t or the hm,. . Pretti girls with their t;I~nda1 beaux were strolllnl( tbward tbe vln .. coverjt4 building h:om e,el')' direction, aad' Tltu. and Mis. Panon. ,fOUDd themeelYes ,n the aUdit of • cro'Yd of 7~UIl& people at Lbe cloureb door., ' 'l'boup' t.r from lateI'Mt", Tlbaa
he had been drendlng, but when he looked up to see woo was ·to Sing the song-who It was that he had listened to that afternoon with such Irritable patience-he wae talte n back. Stand· Ing on the platform by the Bide ot the great sheet on wblch were being I hrown the stereoptlcoll views stood a beautiful girl. Titus ' rubb ed his eyes and looked aga.ln. Yes-beauUful was hardly the word; she was far more than that. No wonder her voice had Bounded sweet In the afternoon. The girl stood there and sang until there was hardly a dry eye In the room, and with every verse that she sallg Titus fell more dee piy a slave to her charms. She was BO simple-itO good,-so different from girls he knew back In the city. Then a happy thought carne to him - she lived next door. Perbap. he might meet her-even on the monow. The rest ot tbe meeting was an".. thing but long to him. He feasted his eyes on tbe girl and was sorry wben the little minister had pronounced hie flnal benediction, and he, with Miss Parsons, was being elbowed about by the departing crowds. ' On the way home be asked Ilbout the girl who had sun,. "That Is Miss True," his companion told him. "She Is at home for her vacation and we begged her to sing for U9 tonight. She Is studying music In the city." ' "She has a wonderful voice," Titus said, trying to keep his own tonel from sounding too enthusiastic. ''I'll tell her you think so," Mise Parsons laughed. Miss Parsons told everything Shf heard, ~o Titus had learned In his few days' residence In the house. When they reached home he beard voices on the porch n ext door. Thers was laughing. and TItus wished he mIght jolll the gay party. He heard the rIppling notes of tbe girl's voice and RI1 night he dreamed of uifIJD. It was at breakfast the next morn· Ing that he agaIn ventured to speak of her. "Oh. here she comes, now," cried Miss Parsons. "She'. bringing over the eggs. I'll tell ber what you sold," the spinster giggled. Havins been deprived of romance In her own life, she Immediately ecented the begin· nlng ·ot One here. "I did ,enjoy your-voice," Tltu' found blmself saytng, atter he had acknowledged the Introduction: The girl laughed. ' "You save your· 8elt," she said. ""ith a reprovlnl ftnger raised toward him; "you saymy voice. Can YOl: honestly say YOIl enjoyed the song?" she asked. TItus 'Joined her laughter. "AI you sang It-yes," be admitted. ,"Though J didn't think anyone In the world ever sang It any more." "Did you ever -cry over It when you were little?" she asked. "I dld," John Titus confessed, "Thl\n we're even. aren't we? W. have something In common wlth-" be thought she wa'll going to say "eacb other," but she continued-lithe whole world," Atter a half Dour the girl asked Titus how long ' he Intended to remain In tlle lItUe village. "For a Dlonth," be told ber quickly, though only that afternoon be had decided that It was too slow and un· Interesting to .epend cven another week In. When the month was up he took home with hJm the promise of Margery True to be his wife. New Kind of Snake Story. • The subject was snn ltes, and C. ' J. Young ot Talbott avenue remarked: "Rattlesnakes are by tlO means ex· tinct In Indiana, We have two well· defined ,species, the pralrte or swamp· rattler. a sbort, thick snake, and tbe rattler that nlakes hJs home In the weeds or among the rocks and I. longer, slenderer and more active, There Bre 'yet many rattlers In the prairie lands of this state and IIli· noill. "A good many years ago I paId a visit to a relative In Illinois. . He was breakIng up some new pralrte ground and was plowing with oxen. '['he place' was alive with rattlers. HQ had protected the. legs or his OXf!n wltb sbeepllkiQs with the wool turned out, and ' he had protected his own legs In the same' manner. Whpn a rattler would etrlk9, he would hang b1 his hooked teeth caught In. the wool. He carried , a club attach cd to the plow and no' snake ever got away, "rndlanapoUs News. ' -'.
Not ~" Circulation There, An error ot a new clerk hi the mall· tog department of an eastero publish· "r lV1>S reisponslble, tbe other day, for the matllng at a prospectus to a world·famous statesman, who had been Not Let The Road Get Bad Agatn, Says D. Word Klng- dead for some yenrs. The letter wus ret urned a tew days later with the Farmer Should be Greedy to Grasp Every following Indorsement: "In Heaven. Will purify your blood, clear Opportunity to .Drag Road .When SurC••ce 1911. Gentlemen : As your your complc,oon, res tore your I. Softened-Get a Drag Ready. publica tions are not permitted to elr· appetite, relieve your tired feelcul nte bere, I beli eve It would be useI t leads all I · ss for me to subscribe for th em. .ing. build you up. You rs r espectfully," and he re fol · other medicines in merit. low f'd tbe uame or the famou s s tates· Get it todny in Il Runl liquid form or. mnn. cho olnted tnblets ('Ailed 6ar8atabs,
A Reader Dures His
Gonslipalion- Try II Free
Simple Way for Any Family to Retain H.e Good Health of All It. Members.. The Spllt·Log Drag. (By D. WARD KINO.)
Keep the road good.
The protract·
ed drought has permitted the ordinary
roada to wear smootb and hard. Not for many yeats hae so la rge a mile· age at wagon roads been so unusually tine. Ot course, the dragged roads w re smooth ""Ithout wear, and where they have been dragged for a series ot ycars they are notlceabl1 less dusty than undragged roads ot tho same soil. In fact, even the roads that bave been dragged only a year or two show a marked decrease In du ~ t. Now that the roads a.re s6 generally g~d It would be almost crtmlnal to let tbem go back to their old·time sott, rutty, rough. mud·hole state, when so little effort Is required to k eep them In fine condition. Get a spllt·log drag ready and accopt the first ~aln as an Invitation to smooth the road and push a little dirt to the middle. The breaking ot a long drought Is usually a long process. I mean tbat moderate rains come at first, a.od that
tbe par hed rarth dnnlcs thc moisture so greedily th ere Ie not much mud or washing or tbe soil. A choice op' portunlty 18 thl'S provided tor bring· Ing a n eg lected road.lntc proper shape by drar;g!Qg a little trequ en tly. So get a road drag really. URe the drng when .the soli Is "moist but not IItlcky." Go-after evcrr good shower; be greedy to grasp every cbance to drag the road when the surface Is softened. Do this and the road will re main good all winter. But thE! work niust be continuous; If you fall once, then the rnlnwater will 10dr;e In the road after the n ext shower. And water ·remaJn· Ing on the rond m ea ns lOft spots and mlldholC!s. Build a light dra&": build It accord· Ing to the dlrecUoLi!. which may be bad for the asking from the omce at public ronds at Washington. It 18 aJl very simple, Get a drag ready now. Do nQi lec the good road backslide.
Til .. " ""ors o r " !l en lth lItllt s " nn" 1 U SO ot en lta, walera, slrong cathart tc. "(.,l ucs tlonu n rlll A n ~ \V t! r M" hov on QU Cti· Rnd Hu e h thlngll. Sy rup Pepsin. by tral lltlo n th a t Is put tn Ihelll mor'C ort"n Ih"" In g lh e Aloma" h and bow e l muscles lei> nn y IIlh e r. nn I w l1kh , IItra nge ly "nough. a~al n .10 tholr work natu l'u ll y . a nd with Uley find th o mo!!t <llrn c ult to a ns w ~ r . It " lonit! 'ngred l etl l~ s tre n g th e ning t ~ That Is " H ow C ~ !I 1 cu r e my c on s llpu- n rVCll. br in g!! uhout n l a s ling curetl o n 1" A mong Its ., 1 ro n ges l s upporters are Mr. Dr. rn ldw e ll , n n c mlnpnl s pe c lnll s t tn J ohn -: rnvcllne or D8 Mllwnukee Ave.... di s ascI! or Ih " s l omol·h . 11"cr "nel bow els D plrolt. Mlc h " Mr. J . A. V e rnon or Okla .. h as looked th e wh o l lI e ld ove r, has pru c - h omn 'Ity and thoullAnds or ot hers . I~ tl sed Ih e 8fl c lnlty ror ro rty yonr!! nnd 18 can b o ob taln cd or any druggi s t at fUly convln ("ed tha t Ih e Intrredl l!nl 8 con ln ln ecl I'e nls nnd one dollnr B bottl e. or It yoa. In whnt Ie ailed Dr. a ldwetl' s Ryrllp want to lry It flTll t B tree enmple bottl., Pepeln has the hel!t claim to att e ntion clln b e obtalne(l by wrllin/f th o doctor. trom constipated people. For the tree 8Ilmplo uddre8s Dr. 'W. B.. Its Buccesa In the (" lire ot stubborn con- Caldwe ll, 201 Caldwell bulldlng. MODUaUpatton has done much to di s pla ce Ihe clio, ::.: 11:.:: 1._ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _
DISTEMPER :-h~!p~:;·F~~~:oua
Catarrhal Fever
. &
44 Bu. to Ihe Acre
A. 'Me"" Method Described That Round Egsr·Sbaped Type is the Qu~klY Recomau:nds ltseU Best to BuUd £or Several t'o All for Quickness Reasons- Made ot aad Cbeapaesa. Concrete. (By M . COVERDELL.1
Tbe old smoke bouse method of smokJn~ meat Is too slow and botbersome and many do not like the con· donsed smoke. The (ollowing method readily recommends ItseJf to all tor qulck.nell8, cheapness - and effectiveness, We bave Itept meat treated by this process through tho entire sea·
son. Bore a one-incb bole In the bottom
ot a barrel. Invert tbe barrel, bang· Ing a piece ot meat tbrough Ule bole by a looped wire, passing a small sUck through the loop. to hold the meat In place. ' Next; scoop out a shallow basin In the ground-a . llttle smaller than t.be barrel. In the depressIon build a smold·e rlng Ore ot ch1ps or coba, whichever Is the more convenient (we pre.t er the cobs). Now place the bJirrel and the meat over the flre, leaving 11 smalJ opening at the ground to form a draught, and you can smoke your meat to perfee· tlon In a very few minutes. It severaJ pieces are to bo smoked any number ot barrels may be operated at tDe same time and with 'pqual results. It Is advIsable to keep a constant watch during tbls process; In fact, It Is necessnry that one do 130, lest too much draugbt be allowed and the meat get too warm, or the barrel catch fire and bum up botb meat and the barrel.
In reply to a query as to what would he the beDt and cheapest way ot bulldJng a cistern tor the tarm, Prof. R. M. Dolve of the Nortb ,Dakota Ag· rtculturai college makes the following reply : "The round egg'sb,aped cistern Is tbe best type to build for several rea· IOns. It Is the strongest. requires the least amount of matertal for tbe vol· ume contained, can be pumped en· tlrely dry and Is easy to clean. Whether a cistern built at small rocks laId In concrete III cheaper than a concrete cistern wlll depend upon how readily the matertals aro avail· able. The concrete cistern can doubtless bo bul1~ with less labor It suitable means for mixing the con· cr ete are at ha.od. An egg·ehaped cIs· tern can easily be made ot clWlcrete. "To do this. the hole ebould be carefully excavated to size and a form made or lumber or lumber and sheet Iron about three teet In height. The concrete ts' then poured between the form and the earth. After the con· creto has set sufficiently. tbe torm Is raised and supported In place above the concrete when a new secUon ot the wall may be completed. Each Bec· tlon ot t.he concrete should be left rough and Irregular on top so as to form n good surface tor tbe tresh con· crete to adhere to. The bottom can be given the desired · shape with a spnde and the concrete Jlut In place as when making 0. sidewalk or bam floor, It It Is desired to taper the top, a lumber support may be constructed and the concrete laId on. The sup· port · Is removed when tbe concrete has had proper time to set. Where the soli Is firm, a good concret e cis· tern can be made by plsRterlng on the soli with a trowel. Several coats may be put on until the desired thickness Is obtained. Each coat except the last should be left rough so OIBt the suc· ceedlng ono will adh ere readily. The writer knows ronny cisterns made In th is way · that have been In use tor maniY years without '~kll1g or requlr· Ing any repairs."
Sirea of Horses. Among b~M!es such 'anl'mals only as are from the sanie dam a.od different sires nre known as balf·brothers, half· stslers, etc. This plan was adopt d 80 8S to enable persons to distinguish rea.dlly and b.rlefly or without explana. tion between animals by the same sire and dllferent dams and thoB~ from the same dam but by different BIres. Most of the popular stallions get from five to ten times as many foals as are produced on an avernge by a Single brood mare. Rysryk's Hambletonlan 10, for Instance, got upwards of 1,300 foals, one of which ",'as the world's champion Dexter (2:17%). If the sexes were eve~IY divided tbere were upwards ot 650 ot each sex. Without the distinction aboye named there would have been not less than 600 hal! brothers of The Horse May be Completely Dexter (2:1714).
QUICK HITCHER AND DETACHER From Vehicle by Movement 01 the Driver's Foot.
The Man and the Farm. FarmIng Is, fortunately for the world, . one of those oceupatlons the satistactlons ' at which do not depend ' on the · amoul1t of ·money to be made In a year. There Is, first, the satlsfac· tion wblch comes trom tbe ownersblp of a tract of land: It Is the most sta· ble or Investments and a sateguard against numberlesJl llnxleties. It, to the skill of the 8.lTlcu.lturlst, the farm· er adds the taste of an artist ' he ma1 find a JOY In so directing the torces of nature along tb.e llu~a ot beauty as to make his farmstead and ftelds a aerlea of picfures more allurlng tban cu be !ouud In ·any. ganet:)'.
. The arrangement shown In the I11l1s, tra.Uon Is designated as a lightning bltcher and detacher, says tho Popular Mecha.nlcs. The lugs are ot epeclal design, <,.arrled along the shafts, At the outer ends of the tugo are speclnJ
Population of Europe, Census returns 'show tbat the deus< Ity of population or 'European COlIDIs as tollo~s: Belgium, 64l! ' In· 'h abltants per square mile; England, 667; Netherlands, 461; Germany, S06; ltsly, 30,6; Austrta~ 2.:t.: 'switzerland. 220; 'Frrimce, 202; Russia in Europe; 194; Detpnar.k, 171; Hungary, 163: Tu~k~~ In Europe, 166: Servia, '160: Fat Hop, Quick Hitch., and ~oher. Portugal, 148; , Scotted and Ireland, 137; qreone, 132; ROumanJa. 177, and Fat hogl are elttr~mel1 lusceptlble attachment means, which are engaged Spain. 10L to .uDstroke, . . the, eaDnot perspire with the harlle.1 by a .Imple move,i:eel1 ,and Ilave their tempera·" ." ture reduCed bT the evaporation of .ment. The horae ma,. be completelY World. . L-.npat Aqueduot. the ptirsplrattOIl .. CIUl the borae, AD dl!tacb~ fro~ , the veblcle Ib~ a !D0ft> Tile {oq. .t· ACluecll1ct OD earth It ezcellent' plan Is to lreqUeDU, .wab ment clf the driver'. foot, uader OoU~CUOll lor Lot An· willa water to heP ---,...tlat8Decl atteDttve11 to "- . . . ...... Will. .IO,OOO.oot tt --I cool. bodIeI A bol( Pt'OIItrated bT the ·udtoolt part In tbe 'Jr'tU)' ....,ce of of from the abou14 be CIOIlY.,.ed to a abad1 III .c burch, He eYeD ..11Id btl ..bem 1001 . . . . bit 10 . ~..",,_,..,...
Hoods Sarsaparilla
tile ,"0,,:
Ina, _t
The Love.r -Den )'OU say dat my suIt Is In vain? J . The Lass-Not exactly, but I did say If you little, bow·legged. pie-faced mut didn't quit to11erln' me around I'd bpunce a brick on yer for l'headl
RASH ALL OVER BABY'S BODY Itched So He Could Not Sleep
Self-Swinging Cradll!
"On July 27, 1909, we lett Boston tor a trip to England nnd Ireland, takIng baby with us. After being In Ireland a tew days a nasty rash came out all over his body. We took him to a doc· tor who gave 1111 medicine for him. The trouble startud In the form of 0. rash and ""as all over haby's body, bead and face, at d.ltl'erent times. It InltateCl. and he would scr&tch It with all hlB might. Th(l consE!1Iuence was It developed Into tHlres, a.od we weTe afraid It would lea,e nasty scars ' on bls face. "When we reached England we took baby to another d ~ctor, who said his condHlon was due to change of food . . and ollmate. and gave more medlclnc. TI Ie ras h go t no b et t er, an d It tl se d t 0 Itch and burn at night so bad that the child could no t sleep. He was com· plct ely covered with It lit diffe rent tim es. It wns at this ti me that my m ther advised · liS to try CUtlCIlr:l Soap and Olntmcnt. Arter usi ng Cutt· cum Soup Ilnd utlcura Ointment for about nin e months the places disappC:lI'ed. Thc r o ar n not any scnrs, or otb er kind of d!s llgm'ement, and baby Is completely cur ed b y the CII! Icurn. Soa.p lind Ointm ent. Vve have no fur. ther trouble wll h baby's skin. Nolll· • Ing stopped th e Itching, and allowed baby to sl eep but Cutic UTa Soap and Cutlcura Ointment." (Signed) Mrs. Margaret Gunn, 29 Durrell SI., Ro x· bury, Mass., March ] 2. ]!l 11. Although CuUcllrn Soap and Oint· ment are sold everyw hcre, a sample or each, with 32·pn g book, will be moll cd tree on appli callon to Cutl· cura.,) Dept. 14 K, Boston. Two of a Kind. "Going abroad t il ls Slimmer, Mrs. Leeder?" "Why-ah---:" . "Isn't tha t u coincidence ? I'm not, ellher." A man who need s the money bas no time to meddle In other neople's af· fai rs.
IIy wludlng up A spring, lb.orJ1.tllc will lull tho bc.by 10 e leep#
anti, .& the SAwe Uwe epe.raw a fau It dellired. -
The FlnestThlng Ever Invented for the Babv aud at .. 'IIel'Y small ...JIn C08t OYer u..... l or.allll!\ry crAdle. Made ao,
ma.de ",eluted by clr.n .. I., r the heal c mJor~ or t ile hllbT, appro,,'cd by tbQusl\ud8 or ugcre " Ince 1117_ Mn.ny of tho u cr8 MO.)': "11 tho people 0U1.T knew the !trent a(\vnnt!\g(ls or Iht .. ('radiI.' lbey wQlIllt n ~vc r bo wlLhon' 0114.' . " ETC.,. cra<l
1& fnll~ WiOrtaDloil ' And .01[1 ,m""r .. polll".... . lIu"mrnoo Au IIl fO onU..., ftnLiKrU(lllnn • • t 'ur ani., bT \ I'UmI L'lrO(lCnlurtl. ){,oOt,IOII IC'r duN! nui lteepu...... , ...11.0 for cutal"lJ alll! apeela l Illtrodl!cl ol orr"r to T1ltAulo!DallcCrldI3M!r.Co.. 23SII.'I1Ilrd$l.,SI._"lIIf.~
I -,.- ---- ..:.-------- --.
IConstip'alion I Vanishes .Forever • . ,
IPrompt Relief-
Permanent Cure
fail. Purcly vegeta· •'ble - act liurely I but ~ent1y on i the hver. after II Stop dtnner dis. , tress-cure I indigcstion improvc th~ complexion, brighten theeyei....
SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMAU. PRl'CK.:.. Genuine must bear Signature.:
I '
",.. .
"1 "
, •
P,rfhrSfye:8'aN~ , .'
W, N, U"
IW .-L. DO'U CLAS '2.50, '3.00, '3.50 &'4.00 SHOES MeD and Women weQl' W.L.Doualae abeel bec:aule they .. re the belt aboen produced in
thil cOUDlrJ' for the price, Inlilt upon bav:.
ina them. Take no other make.
FOR OVe:'R 30 YEARS 1he usurance that gOel! with an estah-
liahed reputation is your assurance in buying W. 1- Douala. .hot'&.
If I couJcl take you into my large fadories , at Brodcton,
and show you how
carefully W.LDousIaa shoes are made. you would theb undentand,why they are w:arruted ~ hold theat fit better '
, I
.... . . -
_ _ _ ... : -
EWS ' • · witb~h
Coin non Pleas Court.
I-=======LIVERITES ATTACSHKoSuU,L~DONCEBAUSSEINESS Being prepa~ed from Pure Native Herbs. they
6 1l-lion Iron Work8CO ., for i
Vilolid until Contraot enterl'ld with Charles A, Grl\bam for stone and broRh 'pro-
~088om Boger'~
&aotion in Ol"roreek by H<ll\ow bridge ou Joe farm Leonidas Simonton to liarry H . nellr l'eeidenoe of Charlea liraham Be.milton, lot In LebanoD. U. at eatlmate of ,24 61. W. H.Bepplng and Rebeooa Oontr8ot entered with Oregonia D h t St t f Ohi 1 t I Bridge Co, at ~8timate of '193 49; nn am, 0 a e 0 0, . 0 n i l Lebanon, $1. for Ilteel beam bridge and ra s ng Arthur 'I, Eldridge to Vornelia old Wo.11R with oonore ' e 2X yards on B. E. 8ohenok, lot in WarrAD Coun Lower t:;prlnglJoro and Franklin t 51 r,Jlld near resldenoe of Ed Fox . y,William . Report of viewers on road pet!R . Brenner and wife ~o
Real Estate Transfe....
- - ,P r o b a
A. t;. van admlnla'rdor of 81 fiaber Co. repairing typewriter us. • _ • &Me of George . W. Book, deoealed, plate for reoorder, '15.40; .lohn C. Is the World Orowlng Better? Al- lnventpl7 and appralJement VanSorn, servicea on borial oom ~.bio~. II order.ed I'8OOrdeel. mit'", '1', George MoLane, ex- Many thinge' go to prove tbat It 18 . The way thoneand8 are trylnR &0 CJeorp Kinl el.,,, to take onder peneee for Paateor · tr..tment,1134.- help others la proof. Among them 'WIll of AnD P. IIllle, deoeued. 85; t'uemeoloR & Sieker, rug and is MJ'~. W . W . Gould, of Pittsfleld, Il. 11. Bon,an, gQardlao of _tate mat for Jndll8 Clark'8 otllce, $48; N. B. Findiog good health by tak 9~ A , moe Ronyan, Imbeot1e fll_ I.. Sam D; Renkle, f88B and expensee ing E18l)trlc bitters, she DOW advllea to A It other 8offererl, everywhere, to t~ke ven roy .n~ aDPra ement whloh It and IllrVflyor for SepMmber tI58.'5 j tbem. "For yean I 8~ffered witb ordered reoorde!S, S. G. ADdenolt's Bona lomber stomach and kidney trouble," she · Oeorp'. Boby', goardlan of el 13.0,11; Oblo' Oorrl18a ted Oolver~ writes. 'Every medioine I oeed tate of' WlUard ,.~ and Emma B . CJe., oolvert pipe, '56.16 j W. F , 'a11"d ttllI took Eh:otrb Bitters. BOb "min fIlda I~ f fl 1 t But thl. lreat 'remedy helped me I oy, :n, • 1',.0 , oa H Blmoth, lomber and liDeeed oll, wonderfollY." They'll help any uequmt w lob', ordered rllOor~ed. 130.6'; Galion Iron Work 00., 001- woman. They're the best touto and Appllattoa made to 8Qperlnten~ veri pipe, '184; J. V. ~ankID80n, finest liver and kidney remedy that's ell' of DaytqD aate BOIpltal for ad- lumber. ,77 46; J. K , SpenOer,lom- made. Try them. You'll e88 500 ml~oe of'l'homu.A. Bill. ber t142.21; Ell V. Bu~neU, bridge at all droRRtst., ;' In Ca h ' .. .... of , t erlne Moonll repalrll, '7.70; &1 Beaohler bridge • - • m~»>eJ, deoeuei. Certain JODrnal npain. t28; Jobn J. lroD~ bridge JEWEL AND 'ART THEFTS 'EDbT cit dammon Piau 001lrt made repairs; " 6; Alvia Webb, b:ldge re. ' _pari of noordl of Proha'., Coort. pain, t25; .ert RMd, oontraot, cUrlo08 tbat gred jewel robberIn .tate of oatberine M01!lJltl tl9 .75; William 8 .. Graham, oon. les aod great art tbefts often near. _.I 1 b ~bbel. ~lidame.. t of ~m1Jlon traot, t95 65 . . Y 81no ronlze. Galnlboro.ogh'll PI. . Coort approved ID fln' ao Heneral oonb'aot entered with "Duoheaa" was stolen in May, 1876, OOOD~. AUorney. f881 redoced tn following penone tor repairing a few weeke after Hattongarden was I8OOD4 aoooont. Cue 'all:en to elr- brldKee wbere the OOBt on anyone relieved of £25,000 worth, of preototul oolt Collri and dl~'ued on error. bEidi" at aDY one time In aoyone stone8. Mr. Wertheimer's plotores WlWam 8 Ungl_by, Koardi&n y_r doee not exceed tIl, valid until ",:ere lifted in :Febrnary, U07, and of ..tate of Oeoll Watlit~1 and Rloh September 22, 1912; Perry Wolfe a month or two later £50,000 worth al'd W ..tklnl mlDora. fll~ flnt ao roade arooDd Fort Aaolent ; Charles of state jAwel. were taken from OOtIDt 'WIth vODoben for seUlement I3lmpaoD roadl around SOllth Leba- ' Dobltn Qutle. wbloh II ordered l08pend!'4. nOD i John Irona, Lebanon and In January, 1908, Qaeen AlexAnJohn B Col ad I I Hat .. b~- ,., dra '8 minlaturee diaaphAAred, £5,000 • 8IDaU, m n .8 or 1It~0 lilt _ml road; &1188ell L. ,,.sate of Napoleon B. AntboDY Brown Pitman pike and Lodlom worth of jewelry dia&ppeart~g 800n deoeued, fllee Inventory aDd ap avenue; O. lrl. Hopkins, Hopklnl after from Wismore atreet. Tbe prallem.nt whlob II ordered r8 road; Walter Jonel', ROI8boag and o'rurnere" whloh were bagsed in oorded PI ~ PI i iLo 0 Maroh thta year Immediately pre. . . ealan. a n p Ae i scar B. Cain, Anna OberJln, loardlan of estate lrlatoevUle and Gillis corner pike oeded the VBnl'hlng of £2,000 worth of JIm.t V, Oberlin et aI, mlnore, and ' GIIlII corner ' to Cozaddale; .of jema in a train journey from file. fln' aoooODt wltb vooohere A. D. Bond, all road. ' looth of Rugby to Eust:oD. And now we for eeUlemeot whlohll ordered 808" Clear Oreek ' etAst of .reat ·.... -ml bftve ·the oaae of the Loovre "01' _an V pendecl. .,. I river; John Lear, Botlerville Rnd lnol" and the Dalston haul of dlad Lo 0 wm of Bmmor Osmond, deoeaaed Morr~w pike. mon a odon hronlole. Aled and Dotice' glven to kin. A general oontraot was entered • -. Jobn ,Brlnxer, pardi an of ..tate with B'. H. Doke for lomber at 'S 25 HER SECRET of 8.unoal Brixner, minor. flllll flr8t per hnndr~. Valid ontll 8eptem . Oae day a pastor waa calling upon '..ooount witb voooher8 for settle be r 2"'" 1912 . ment wh'ob I. ordered 80lpended. A general oontraot was entered a dear old lady, one of the "pUlara" O. S. Biggins appointed goa.rdian with Joho B. 'Hankln80n for Port ' of the ohurch to whioh they ' both of llltate of B_ter Uinard, Imbeolle l..nd oement and loo\18t posta at belonged. Aa he thooght of her
d~eed. ~e~r::~ i:;~~R.
Valid unm Septem. ,en&ered to Proh8&e. A general oODtract was entered Bamoell. Oamon~ eleotl to t.ke wUb B . P. Blair for Sewer ptpe and under will or Emma Olmond, de· Portland oement at market prloee. oeased. Valid ontn September 22, 1912. Wtll of Luoinda Aotram, deoeued A Reneral contraot was entered flle. d and notloe given to "'In. ' ..
~ystem 'and Purify the Blood, and Tone t
Cleanse the
System, ang thus ....... ~ ........ - - ~.. .... ........ " .. " .. - - -
It Is remllrknble thnt the volume and value of business In the United States malntala their magnitude' in view of tb e existing uncertainly a8 to legali ty or Illega iity of immense opera· tiona, concernin g which up to the )lRs t few yeul's th ere was no Qu estion as to th ei!' stat us ill the vlow the la w. We hav had n arly ten year s now or co ntinued II ltUC~ upon business forllI method and wh iles itand may business be udmltted that s. certalu
Frank Peters,lotio Warren U.,unty, tloned for bV S . A. Swank and otb'I. ers read for second time: Nimrod P . Dawson to Vlotor W - - -.....~-....- -H HOEBE BIRO Tompkins, ' lot in Wllrren Coonty, T E P ,5510. Carl L Duke and wife to Samuel 'l'bla 68rly bird of spring Is to Harper, lot III Warren Cou~ty, Sl be distinguished from the pelA wit Its arrival Is earlier, oomlng when 'S uits Decided George W. Ertle to the Baltimore lber{\ are yet snow squalls In tbe aud Ohio t:iouthwestern H.ailroa d State of Ohio vs . l;itAphen Burnett, Company . right of way, '50 Ilir, and tbe gruund even mbi be plead gulUy to indlotment and fined George MoBlaok to Obrlt'otlna Der. oovered again with snow . They IU12 and ooatl. weater, lot In Lovtolalld. 11. rive before the summer Inseots on . William E. Beedle vs. John W . Laura J. Glbbart to the ClnolD whloll they ftl8d, bave oome oot or . I P b I I· th I "rtltlon ordered. natl and Springfield Railway Com t e r w n~er quarters. or e r eggs Co111nil' et a. State of 01110 v •. TbomllB Ballard pany. rteht ('If way, S200. are hatobed. At this early day et Remanded to oostody of Eliz.. F . H"ln"a to Benjamin IT. they feed on the female of the oankaheriS! untU 1500 bonda were given , Smith lot in Warren County, fS828 _ er-worm as it orawls up the tree Wtlliam E. Beedle va. John W. 50 ' trunks to deposit its egga. Thoe CoUt '1 Sal r 1 they destroy not only thla motll, ns a a. eo rea eatate by Eden B Tbirkleld deoea8ed, to . publlo aao"o~ ordered free of dower Georf{e B Thlrkleld et al lot in but also from 8ixty to a hundred ..'ate of .lobn W. CoIJina, Franklin . ' oaterpillars to be .batohed from tbe a._te 8. Swaney VP. C .... l Swaney eggs whloh U lllYs. GeorKe fl. Tbirkteld It ai, to Ar Tbe ory of the pboebe bird reeem· · ted divorce K1'& n • thur 'fay lor et allot In J'ranltlln, 150. May Ill. Ea}'ly ve Charlee N' J . Warren Wood tl'\l8tee, to Os bles aomewhat t.bat of the pee wit, PeDM , at a1. sale prooeetiingtl lip and 80 ~he milltake la sometimes car W , Riley. lot In Lebanon, $825. proved and distribution of prooeedl made of oonfounding the two . U Emma L . O'Hara to F . O. Wrl"'ht made .. belong8 to the aame olaas of birds a8 Ie Court. et ai, lot In l.'larksville, '1. the bee· mart In, whi 0 h aome tt, met! E, II. Ronyan' appolD~ guardian CommlJllonerl' Proc::eedln,s. pioke up .. bee when foraging among of Amoe Runyan, imbeolle a* f7500 Bills Allowed: George H. Ao. tie blol8oma. ......e birda are very nseful, All ·h bo n d . • """ being In8eota. or thele Willi 0 ' S UII Id f denon borlal of IItlton S. Milla, their food . a.. Atue exeaotor 0 '75; Alton F. Brown, expense. as ..tate of Pettlr 8. Blitfleld, d~led prOfleontlDg attorney ' for 8ttpMm eaob deatroyil hon4reda in a day, AI. . .lsth account with' vouober. ber, '4.60; Joeiah Holbrook, expr8IR and ao belp to proteot our fmlt and for .tHlement whlob 18 ordered 8118- paid, 800; J. W. Moody repairing othEr orope. 'l'he Ireateet care pend~. ltamp' for audl'or, '1.75,' E1lio" should be taken to keep them with •
(CI~clnnntl Enquirer.)
Insurance Co., V8. The Pittsborg f'1lnolnnatt, Cbloago and St. Loula Railway Comp!'ny. J W Mooney d G E Bib an . , bee "Uorneys for plaintiff. Money only. Amoont olaimed _.2682.83 w.t.h 69 interest from November 21. 1910.
I ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
--=-... : ~~~t~:: ;;~le9rl;IPe.
Fl'&n~Un and Renllo B. YoK'inney, 23, of Frankltn .
New SuUs Franoea C01l\ns va M. Collins. Arthur Bry.lDt attorney for pllllDtiff. Divoroe on ground8 of 5l r 0 18 negleot of duty Ilnd extreme oroelty. , Earl K . MoUle\1an VII. Eugene P . UlaJ:k. Patrick Gavnor, attorney for plalntlft'. Money and attaohment. Amuunt claimed '1025. uavld Maaon and "he ""re • Bartford ~.
Ie '
SERIO US Sickness
Jt.w~"-"""-. """"-~"""._
LIVERITE8-A purely vegetable Laxative, cures Chro~ic Constipation, Live r and Kidney Troubles. Ask your Grocer for it. Manufactured by ALPHA CHEMICAL CO., Springfield, Ohio
I=:::::::::::=LIVERITES Only 10c==
reforms nr ne ded. yet no olle deem· ed It possible that reform would as· surne such radical shape, attempt such organic changes or cover the elltlre II Id of prlvllte business a ll It is now doing. With so·called reform In municipal· illes ba.ve come henvler charges and additlollal costs upon many busines s IIl OIi Ilnd t hoi r b ' llslness operations. With reform In tbe slates has come 11 0 r e li ef to ta xpaye rs, nor lifting 01 burd ens trom enterprise, but, upon the contrary, a searching far assets upon which new taxes can be levied or the fllrmer taxes raised to a greater amount. In the nation there have been In· augurated cl'llsades against tradesmen or nearly every degree, trom the huck· ster to the largest Importers, and scarcely R business. from the manu· facture of flour to that of~h'e solence of steel making. but has be~ the subJect of scrutiny, Investi gation, penall· znt!oll and official ch ange. For bu 8 Iness to h0 Id up to I·n ..., pre. ent flne status, ' under such adverse action and drastic proceedings, Is most extraordinary, and the reBson oan only be found In the soundnell • th e bns Ic or run damen tal coDe1\· 0. tlons. , Much bas been attempted , in the name ot reform that has thua far 1'& suited only In Injury, and the time II at hand when the business Interesti. of the country, the property ownera of the oountry, tbe men Who have most at stake In preserving the welfare of the country. wlll have to ' CI\I\ a halt llpon official Interference with the1J private rlghta liberty. Ib canand not personal alwnys austain Business
Urgent Demand for Telephone Booth 81idlng Door That Will R .. lly Slide.
Methodist Episcopal Churell. n \'. C:. S . OmlitICr, Pastor.
!"um h•.v ch,nol . II : 15 :l . Ul. Mornlog aer o v loc . III :ao :\'. Ul . I:: IIwo nb Lellgue, 7 : 011 p. m . Bv onln g Merv l ce, ';' : 00 II . m . Mhlwealr
Inventors are requested by lutrerln8 Pr lye r t4oeLlnll, 7 p. m. New Yorkers to exercise their Ingenu· Ity on a telephone booth slidIng door St. Augustine's Catholic Church. that will really slide. Heading the pePI' l lle r U co rllC Muv c nboc fe r. Pa~tor tition Is the nnme of a woman who had Mus" c Vl' ry lICUUI.tI ~uu<1l1l' of the mouth a \l curious experience In a drug atore 0 :00 a. m. booth. St. Mary"s Episcopal Chun;b. "There are two booths In that atore I~ \'. J . Ie. Cud'wa lllld er , Reclor. side by Bide," Ihe sald. "They are Sunday Suhoo t. II :alla. ln· lIIornln g Ref about as big &1 match boxes and are vlco. IU :ao a. UI. Hol y Cowmunlon lh ll d rllt open at the top 10 wben there la a SuudllY of e a ch m o uth . lul1 In street nolsel t.he conversation In each can be heRrd In the other. One Christian Church. dny when listening to a long and In· nov. L. O. Thompsou. PutO•• teresting communication from tbe , Billie School. 9: 10 •• m. 8oc1al meoUIlI fri end I hid ca\1ed up, I heard a man 10:3 0 IL. m. (JhrlaLlau Endeavor. 7:00 p. m: by pllator every altornat.e 8Wltlay .. In the adjoining box aek for tbe num· Bennon 10:10 a. m. aud 7:80 p . m. ber ot our own telephone up town. Presently he laid: "Can't you get Hk:ksJte Friends Chura. them, Central Til Of courae Central FirHl 011.) M oetln l{. 0 :00 Il. m . Firat Da, couldn't get us, for I learned afterward Sohool . 1\ ;0(1 a. m . Fourth Da), I\!ceLioK that not even the maid was home. 10 10 :00 a. Dl. he rang 011: and left the boOth. Ortbodox Friends Chun: •. '1 was mOlt IUlUOU8 to detain bim Mrs. Hllth lIIurray. Pllat.or and learn hll message. 1 Insulted my Rabbath I';ohool . 1/ ::\0 a. w , I{c ~~ ular cburell trlend for life by ,aymg: 1 can't lia- 8e rvlcu. 10 ' III \\ . U1 . ~ br !~ tl!lI l I!lndoavo.,.. ten to any more now,' but might jUlt 7 ::.10 1) _ al well have let her Cullh. for 1 couldn't get out of that. booth. I pulled and tugged at the door, but It wouldn't budge. F1~ally a drug clerk WALTER BE, let me out. but the man had .ot away by that time ' and I don't know to thll day who he waa or what be wanted to Funeral Dlr~;tor. teU 'WI. ImaBine baving to go through life with. myatery like that unsolved. The telephone COlI\pany cannot eQillp Telephone day a. nlgnt. their bootbl with movable dool'll too Valley phone No. 'I, LoBI( selt under luch constant. numerout soon, I think." DistaDoe 'No, 69-'~. and unnecessary blows as have been given in the past few years. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO LIttle Willie Again. • Enterprise Is already paralyzed, cap ltal ia timid, inactive and uncertain. "Pal" came little W\l1le's volc. The energies of the most advanced trom the cJarkneaa of the nursery. Branch Office, ~~"e"lblll1r. and shrewdest business men of the Pa ,ave a bad imltatio.n of a snore. world, thoee of our country, are He waa tired &lid did not wish to b. placed under ban by official action disturbed. and charges under new and atrange "Pa!" came the little voice .,aln. . DR. J~ W. MILLBR, decisions. "What II It. Wlllle1" replied hil faLabor Is the flnal sufferer, and hal ther, aleeplly. to endure more. and tor a longer ••. DENTIST••• "Tum In here; I w.nt to alt you period, trom any diaa8ter to bus!- e~mpln'," said the little Yoloe.nesa, 'from any error or hardship In So pa roae up from hie downy and. legislation that limits business ablllty puttlDI ,-Wa~esvUle. 0 on hla bath-robe and llipperl. to employ. marched Into the nursery, Legislation haa tor ten years beeD "Well. what la It nowT" he asked. too largely directed against the bus!"Say. pa." aald little WUlle, "If you HATHAWAY ness, against the capital, against the taxpayers of the country, and the In· waa to teed the cow on soap would jury, the disablement, the weakening she give shavlng·cream T"-.:.Harper'. WR,t'!lesville'. LeadiDjr.Delllllt of thea~ necessary forces ot pro.sper- Weell17. Oftloe In Keys BId Ie. Main At Ity. can not tall to have an adverse etfect upon the Intereats of labor. "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ten years of calm should fpl\ow at 'lnce the past ten years of at~rm. I' ~~4:..~'. • _ • , ' ..... . dYour b oy - -.--.I Barbed Wire , . . evelo HANDLING LONDON'S LETTERS
lome Ide. of the Big "ore. RequIred GUARANTEED to heal without leavIn the Great Po.t Ing Il blemisb, or MONEY REFUNDED. Offlc., 500 and ,1.00 8izes for fresb wounds, Sir Henry Tanner, principal arahl- old'sores, aore backs IWd sboulders~urD8 and brniBee. ~ size for Family use. teet In hla majesty'a office of works, DR. COX'S PAINLESS BLISTER ,ave an address betore the Royal In" Is painle88 and guaranteed to cure ' sUtute ot Brltlah Architects '-Lon· Spavin, Ringbone, Curb, Sweeny, f;plint, don recently, -delcrlb\n, In detail tbe PUff8\ or any enlargement of Done or new ,eneral poat omce to be )mown 101180 e, or money refunded. - Price 600. u King Edward'a 'building. FOIt UU .V AU, DRUGGISTS . Aa glvln, some Idea of the mapltude ot the work there, he mentioned that tbe removal of provincial maUa BARNHART, and ot the parcela ot Mount Pleaeant railroad to the main building required Notary Public 700 of the force of 2,850 men, leavln« only 2,1110 In the old build· lng" but tbere were at the date All klDds of Notary Work.:Penslon t I KJ Ed d b dl . Work a ~peolalty. 0 remon to ng war 'I ull nl 3,750 of all -ranks, Including 1,400 poatmen. Meanwblle the foroe at Mount Pleaaant bad Increased from C W HENDERSON 2,851) to 4.650. These numbere were • • ,M. 0 e,chaln of the temporary force emWaynesville, .Ohio. at Chrlltmaa. .plo18d The work dealt with per week wa. Main Stre,t .s tollowa. Five and a half mllliona Valley Phone 163 ot lettere, etc., delivered In E. C. dlltrlct, and S 600 000 to other dl.:
--- .
. .-_:)l]
I .
......Adlte(/.. .. ......... 11...... TIle.. are lb. tIoIn .. "'~Ith
...nt mak•• "'lUI 01 ,our bov. _--'~ lila IInb ..........1Ill" ..bol,'· _ _ de"~ ••lb'lI ...... blat .
Fliled ...ltb fin. ".dIIIl "blcb ~In.t.. bo" £".. Uen' .Iorl" or ,".,.nlU... tn.eI, ..tatori .nd CllJ'ftnt annt.. Ph. otO .... pb'....... mlle. .Ioc. t rlCU7, carponlt'7l .porl......... Ten. t.m .... , wh•• 111 do and DOW 10 dO II. • ....1I1Ialb' m.... tratedL ""~ •••.,, lin. III hennon, wllh Nflned homalnUUDlJ .nd~bll'qo,"bGr!aadlh'lr ""lila. a.nd tl ... ,.,. • IIIU ·rear. Oa Ale ill .............I" ClDIa.
,..... ,....ce.
E. v.
~~~ga':!~I;lra~l~f;;:::e~O:::ed:,:~. !~~t~~~I;o::~n~~6~i,~~0c;:~~c~r:;,: JEI " YOBI GOP'PER
foreign countrlel and tbe colonlea; " . Ing but tew.e.>kensof her ninety-twQ In all, 11,600.000. welghlD. about 388 " . vear8 of earthly pUgrlmage, he was tona. THa OItPTalT moved to a:lll: her. "My d84r Mr8. Wltb regard to the cost of the new , what hBlt been the ohief 800roe buildIng he found that I( built In the. ,IN ,THa WOItLD Subscribe .for the Gazette of yoor atrengtb and anstenaDce ordinary way with steel construction ~ WEEnY. $4.00 PEl 'f!All d the approximate exclullve but of ftt· . . DItUOOlaT8. ,--:, I"IOIALI'~ . ur i nglal th eae years •r Wh at has tinge, etc., wouldcoat. be £356,000, If HOTaLI, Flora Longatreet, ell800trla of ellapPB""led to YOllas the real bllsls of In reinforced concrete £296,000 woule! OOITU M altl, 'TItA Nil' . ' , OA B tate f J • • II Lon~t ree, t d, 1IC)M88d , Averts Awful Tragedy ' .. D '.UI IIRVloa CAN PROPr. · 0 your anusoa1 v i gor of mind and pro bably sumce. The latter figure A BV UIINO ITS ADVlltTlliNO OO&,.UMNI . .' POsI8~D? fllflB inventory ' and appral8ement Timely advtoe glveo Mrs. C. WU- body, and hBS been ' to yon bn on- had proved .to be correct. so .that SAMPLE COpy FREE . I .whioh II ordered recordetl. loolhby, of Mareo'go, Wla. (R. No. falling oomfort througb joy and th~re bad been an ' approxlm.te lav· f'b t~ E ~ ~ I • f 1) prevent~ a dreadful tragedy l i n d ? ,tnl .of £60,000, a~d, apar~ trom thl., Acld,..e Naw YOItK OLIPPI. We .can offer 'YOU '" afr- J' &.IWLe~a. execo.or 0 ee eaved two lives. Dootors had said eonow ,/ Tell tne, that I mal'" paSI .cona1derable apace had been laiDed New york.· ... ,V. taM 0 ~. ," ...... , decealed, fUN her frightful cough was a "oonlom . tbe ~eoret on to othen, aod, If po8- by the gl'eat redl,ctlon In wall thick· .. P~ying, ~in,plorment Ana and &al aopoon' .w ith voooh. tlon" 001lgh and ooold do lim.. 8lble, profit ~y It myself." . nelae•. .that y~u ,will enjoy ,. en ""lemen' "hioh Ie ordered belp her. After many .. remedies The old lady thought. a mement, The poet oIBae baa . at home. 'W rite anlpeDd8d. . failed, ber .aont urged her to take then, .lifting bel' eyea, ~Im wltlf age, nlahe4 ltatlsUoa of the YuleUde ·trat, . . '. B. 1..8peD08 eleotlto talre uoder beeU~:nK~~lgn. 'gS N'i1.ewforDiaaoOOVer,YI; "~~abve yetldndltng .witb sweet memorlea tic••howllic·that aU ..ecorda were u- 'Undertaker and' Embabber, 'WIll f -........... P S aJI. . . .... , • me . me, - e f h' . ~ed .In . the hup . 1910 Obrtatm.. ".' . . . . . ' . : ': '... o ·c.--oIU.I, • penuw. . ·wrOy ."and the awfnl .oough bu al . .~ t e palt, anewereel briefly. "VIO. "post b~•." . Th. g1'eat oflloe .. .' Wlll .be found. in the 014 ................ C. MIrrIIae .....,,'. ~oet lODe. It al80 8aved my liUl.,' torla. "-Prom Llppinoott'8. eq~lpped, with. ·the n['J' IatMt appu-. BaDk -BoUdlng, oppoat.. .. lK>y when taJEao wUh a' 88ri~ bl'On. ' • _ • . anc... and .an w.... workina up... ,to the ,National Ballk. . . , ' ...IWIeIc . . . . . . . . . . . . Y~ ... y • BeDlu 11••obaooo mer. ohtal trouble." Tbt. maaobl881 'rhe laogb aiwatb f 11 their tu1leIt capaclt7 4W1~ ChrlatTelephone In. houae and 01obill'oI MlamllbDq . cl P III ,aedlctn~ hlle no equal-, lor throat " ,,_.on , e e ow mae."..k. To IUit the .....t ,-Ieqtti " - flce'lwhere 1 Qa1l be oalJe4 of l'ranJrll an . ear . •' .and lang troablee. .Prlce GOo and wbo b~lIevlll In btl own 8XOD88I, .or the lIulldlq electrlo "ObDnren" day or nllht. . Ito n, . - ,1 00. ·Trlal bottle free. G.Nn. An eZOQ88 It a devil . of .. traitor to ~Y" been lDatallecl. A new ad, laValley '~h~e 1", .: 8ei,r.~I~T· ~OIWI , flU 31, fU'lll8l' of .teed ·by all draafa", mankind. . t.I ~~ ... .:~: IIaIa _ _ W.,.. . . 0 .... · . ... ..
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thr01lgh n long series ot years; and] , believe tbere Is now a delibera tely formed anll well settled public 0111nlon MANY ISSUES SAME AS NOW among the m'nsses 1n this state 'whlcb D. L. CltANI<:, Edi~l.Ir and M hnl ,b· '.!r yWERE CONSIDERE.o BY GATHl'ellulres of us as tbe r preElent atives I of tbe people to say to llle g ne ral as· ERING OF 1050·1851. Rates of Subscr iption selUbly, In t.be organic law of, tWs commonwealth 'No more special Oue Yel1r (strictly in advance) ........ $l.00 POLITICAL PATRONAGE AT FRONT acts of Incorpo, rations -no more speSingle COPY . . • . •... ... . . ... .... . .... . 06 clal legislation.' A di stinguished IS I The JudicIary and Corporation Come American statesm an has said. Ilnd ex· Rates of Advertis~ng perienc e has , proven In for Full Share of 0 1&C.ll8&lon, the truth of the Relldiug ~ILla, Jltlr lillll., •. . • . . , ..• •. declaration, that 'In this country , cor· 6<' Criticism and Defense. R0l1dl0lr Locllis. blllCk fnco. pcr line . .. I u,· lJorutioll s~ are like so many citadels , OllUl!lUloll Ad •. no~ 1.0 eXl'ccd II vo 11 11(\11 in which tbe enemie s of RepulJllcan 1' hroo InB4lrt.loU8 . . , . , . . . • . . . . • 26< ' sY PROF. C. B. GALBREATH, govcl'I1nJ nt cntl'ench and Obl~uarlee, Ovo iuchllll fro ; over Ih'c protect Former State Librarian, tllems >I \' >5, an ll CrOI1l wblch they "'~ , Inchllll, per Iino. " . .. .... . . . . . 1M' I Oard of tblUlk.s •••.•. . .. :, ... , . . .. .. . • carry 1.11 II' warfare against the In the constitu tional convention 01 Institut011 ResolutloWl . . .. , . , . .. . . ... .. .. .. . , .. . 2~' ions of treellom and tbe Ilber. ~()(. 1860·'61 , on the Ilay fo llowi ng the ties ot the peop le.' Sir, I l>ropose , by Soclall et.<:. whure cbargulH made .. ... . . In additi on ) the exact tempe rature therDilIPlay Advlll'tWng per Inch .... .. ... ,. 21k: election ot officers and wblle the a1>' a problbltory !i1'ov lslon In tbe consti. f:1o!n cter-M rs . l ' orc r \, Therm omete r Guide lOt: petite tor patrona ge was still keen, tutl Discount. Iven ou contract, on, to storm those 'ci tadels,' and : . :~ d ~, l o0rc 's Contr o: k .. Damp er are other Mr. SawYer, an active and somewbal to ro ut the occupan ts from tbelr enloquacious member from Auglalze trenchlllent and tbelr strongh Latur .... s that make old, so UC'l'OLlE I~ 26 1911. county, rose and remarki ng that a that tltOY may no longer be thus en. Moo re's Rang< : t1! c public printer ought to be appointed, nlJled to 'carryo n their wartare declare d that he "bad no disposition against tbe institut ions of freedom only perfec tly con Life itl larger tbl~o monlit y , to disguise the matter and would und tbe liberti es of tbe people.' " trolle d cooki ng m:1Mrs. CookrigM and Mrs. Careless. frankly state that he presumed from or course we have applied new tbe complectioIi of tbe convention thai words and phrases . We chine . You can regu' Mrs . Careless- "Dear ml', Mrs. Cookri ~ht, byll never rcnlnow speak of ro 80Ule Ult:\U tht' re Is flO exoust' Samuel Medary would be chosen izcd fluw lHu eh I WlIS spe nding O il fuel untLi th e ulher day print· the "tyrann y of , privileg e," "predat ory late the heat as surely for noth·ing . 1 added up nil my coal bill! for the ye" and found I hod er" and proceeded to make a motion wealth" and the "tentac les ot the mono spent II whole 10 1 of moncy'... as though you turncd it o n to that effect. • ster octopus," but "blighti ng, wltber. Not so dlffioul t i<l the dOing 'IS 10 The contest over the printing of the lng, contam inating effects of these Mill. Cookrighl- "Yes,lIn d you could have ha~ beller cook- at a faucet. Then Moore' s h convention con sumed much Ume, t e 'ulcers upon tile body ing- more time to yourself and a better looking rang.1! and fire·tes ted glass oven.. door is the plannio l!. domina nt party under the leadership doubtle ss a satisCac torypolitic' " Will! have laved from one-third to one-half your fu el cost If you avenue for • further help and a saving. had had a Moore's Range . I len?w the k.i nd of r~nge of Mr. Sawyer ev idently guardlnll the release of tbe pent liP and right· So the eestest wily ill as 11 "enerld very closely the Interest s of Mr. Me- eous wrath of this "friend of the pea. • you own-it' has caueed more domestIc unhappll l ess-rullled You can see your food all rule the 'longes t WilY , more cooking -put more women into untimely gravea than dary. The price to be allowed l,ro- pie." the time it's cooking . You was called for. You'll go along IIpending Ihree t!mn at "oked much discussion. Contrac ts From anotber delegat e of tbe can· much as you ought-a nd ruining your health until aotne don't need to spoil your had been made tor the publication 01 venUon we get an In!>lght day you'll be unable to \cerp up any longer- then it will Into the A fable 18 liD o'len·faceLl lie witl1 the proceedings and debates be good-bye to you-an d a eorry life you will have made .. baking by constan tly openof the cause of this early hostility ' toward a moral attl~obruont,. convention In the Obio Stat~sm an aOlI corpora tions In Oblo and of it," ing the oven-do or. an lIIumlnatthe Ohio State Journal . Tbe milk lu Ing exposition of the devious ways of .. the cocoanut tor Mr. Medary seemed leglslatul'es sixty yenrs ago: BUI- Send for Book that Tells How Dootor!:! ruBY tllke lifft ellsy Ilnll to arise from the fact that he had only "It Is well known that special Drop a line to Moore Bros., Joliet, Ill., for their ilIustra te4 and descrip to tive rane;c book, and be lure to ICC • urt his type out ot the column s 01 charter s are always 'got througb' our etill mallagu '0 aVl.lld arretlt. the Statesm an and run off tbe 11roceed Moore '. RanKe at · legislat ure at wlll, and It must be ev l. Ings and debates In hOOk form to get de nt tbat It always will be Nothin g should be owned wbICh full pay a second time tor bls work. absence of a constitu tional so, tn tbe provisio n. "U Mr. Medary , as Is true," declared When was there evel' an Instance may not be destroy ed a\ ~ill Mr. Sawyer, "has type set up for the within the recoll ection ot tbe old est . . publication of bls paper and If he can legisla tor on this fioor, wbere a si n g l e . . .•• . BOV CORN OROWERS to-morr •• •• ow use tbe type tor the pubU· special act ot In corpora tion was de- -.,..~_ ..... _0 .. _ _ Malt ollbl~ news III Ire~b, •• _ ..,.. ...... ___ ..........~ _ _ even cation in book torm, it Is not hil! Ceated. It is but too .."...__ general ly ' known after passing throng h salt water fault." A 15·yea r old high sol1001 boy, .J. tbat these special acts are . 'got I will offer at Publio t::ale at the I will offer Ilt Pnblio Hllp, 1 mUe Ham Ullftln, h the o t1/mlp~On corn Tbe suggestion of some one th a t ~hrougb' by a log-roili ng , • , eabt ut Wllyn6 8ville on tbe W Rynes· grower IIf the ' printing be given to tbe lowest re- Is called. tbe friends ot system as It Iato res Id eooe Of . LN B • An'hony Luoas 'oounty , 0 , In one bill vot. deoease d, on Fifth street on Olves Aid to Strikers ville and Harvev sburg pike on sponslb le bidder aroused the right· Ing for tbe bills of others a oontel1t -, held In .t the Luoaa oounty conside r· Saturda y, Novem ber 4, 1911 Thursday, October 26: 1911 . Someti mes liver, kidney s and cous indignation of Mr. Farr, a Meot their aid when the final voto la'r this faU, be Beginn ing at 12 :30 sharp, the fol won Ii first prl~ of bowels 86em t,o go un a strike .nd darY support er trom Huron county, atloli Beltinn ing at 9 :30 a. m, the fol. Is taken upon tbelr ~n. These acts lowtng ohattel s : ' t20 lor having ,grown , at the leaflt refulJe to · work rlgbt , r1 en you He sald: . lowing ohllttel s ; wUl 'always pass a leglslatlv~ bodyUou~ehold Uoods -2 Beds'ea ds, 1 Eight l!lorse s-1 5 year old gener. expene e, the greates t yield 01 corn need those pleasan t lItt.le Itrlke "This matter ot bidding for work of the dignity and bre~kerll-Or , King'. New Llfa this kind Is exceedingly contemJ>tl: eral assemb ly to'purlty' of your gen· Single Bedstea d, Mattre ss, 6 cane al purpos e hO"S6; weight 1176 Ib.. , on an aore of ground , He also the contrary, not- seated Parlor Uhain, 4 8itUn~ .. room gentle WOII Plllll-t o give them natura l aid and ble, and when a man makes such 0 wltbsta and well bro,ke, nor, afraid of a flr8t prlz8 of ndlng. Any associa t6 tion oa of 12 capi· ears "nd of oorn 6 Rookin g Obalrs . II. lo~ gently oompel proper aotlon Excel proposition to me, · as a printer, 1 will taUsts wbo Kitche n automo biles; 1 good 4.year old geld ask tor a rlgbt of way chstrtl ,l InvlI.\id Uhn.ir, 0' best qalll1ty shown in th .. 01••• lent hel1)t,h lIoon 'ollowlI . Try them have nothing to do with blm." through any part of the country wl\l Tllble, 1 Extens ion Table,1 11I111ell.I ing. ,weigh t II.bout 1400 gentle and .2Fio at all drngl! lsta. Kitohe n nicely broke; 1 12 year old lenera l for bOY8 uD.ler 18 yellr. In the The result, of courBe, was that sat· always get It, and ten thou Is factory provision was ·lD1lde for Mr, monstra nces might be sent Band re- Table, 1 old style Bureau , Book Uaae porpos e geldl1l g: 112 year Old gen. acre oontest , the second priM of US up In vain. and 8eore'I1I'Y combin ed, 1 DreBser, eral purpos e mlLre, a good brood wa. won by Ro.8 Kasper Medarr . A single r could carry It .2 Wallh StandA, some lIe4dlDg, suoh mare: It vears While t,bElre tl! Hie tbere i8 hope In the lImited scope of this Inade· througb themembe 1 2 year old draft mare, extra old, legislat ure, if each other as "heete, Pillow Cases, Comfo rts an elemen tary sohool boy. good: 1 l.year old draft mare colt i for everyb ody but ~h. undart aker, QUate survey, not even a brier review membe r bad a blll of his own for slm· Ilnd Spread s, 1 Wall Sweep Ulf')ok In 1 bay hor.e, 18 years old i Th ~ 8e bOYII both Ilve In Rtohla~d ot the debates on the more Important liar acts of hicorporatlon." 1 4 year good order, 1 Wardro ' Mantel old genera l purpos e mare, partly wwnlb lp where, for the palt two subject s 'can be given. A glance over The people wbo are wont continual· Cleok, Kitche n Cupbobe, ard, Cook broke i 1 Mule, weljlht 1480 Ibs . the proceed ings reveals the progreso Iy to despair of the leglslatqre8 they H'e ollly wben aome IDeo !let yean, agriou ltore haa baen tanRM ' Stove and Utensil s, 1 Aoo'brdion, Eight CaUle -l Cow "nfl (Jalt, 3 tillbt thllt tbey turn f.ht'tn8elvel! slves and conserv atives In battle ar· elect, may gather comfor t from the t4ewing Maohin e, Moore' s Air tight in the high eobooJ. 0, M. Lebr ia : good MlJk Uows, l Heifer, 1 Steer ray, and orten their argume nts read evidence bere present ed l008e. the superln tenden$ . like a transcr ipt (rom the latest Issue bodies are not much worsethat these O"k Beatin g Stove good Ol! new, and 1 Boll. now tha'n 8heet iron Heatin g Stove, small • r 'To lurther ehow the resuH of 'he Fortye lght Boga- 4 Hows Rl&b of the Congressional Record In wbJch In the long ago. sqnare Heatin g Stove, Tu.blew are Plg8 by side j 18 nice Shoats n il the eastollt way out aod ItUOU IIlmllar principles are discuss ed, In Of course. In 1850, 8S now, there sooh i 1 good teaohin g ot' t"lemen ta ry alnool 'ure, as koives, Forks, 8pooos Thirty.. tour Sheep- If) of them this sllme high . way. all. have be trampe d over eulogizing the judicial sY8tem of Eng· were stanch defende rs of existing in· es of all kinds 210n8 Coal In , D18h.. sohool now hilS four shed, are ewe lambs, land, a promin ent conserv ative ot tbe stltutlon s, Including the oharter ed cor· loord again . of its gradaa Stove tas 'Wood, at the Ocllege of lot Kin dUng About 5~0 bu. Corn (not busked ) convention 8ald: poratlons. Among was the dele- 1\100d, 1 Buokbo ord 1 Buggy, lie to sell by Agrioo lture, at Oolomb al', 0, tak. "The fame of ber learned and In· gate from Carroll these .he bushel, G Tona of couoty. Here ill .BuggV Harnes s, 3 Lap Robes, about Mixet\ If it Is necessa ry Bay . Ing a four year oourle In IOlentif io burn your corrupt tble judges bas fiUed the world. wb.a t he ba8 to say: ' 100 oans of Froit, 100 yards Rllg Car The undlvde dtoDfI·hllll of 41 aoree agrlou lture . These boJ8 brldRe l burn tbem In front of tho~e And why 18 It? Tbey have feared no "It has been Bald .that tbere Is no 1,,' t D.nd 50 yards are Carl Ingrain Carpet of standin g oorn, earthly power, but have been left to dispOSition among tbe people I)n your trail.' Tomp~ln8 and Bert W8.hborD~ secot the C~rl>60 ter'8 'l'oolsPlilnel l of a)l Implem enttl-O ne Walon and poise the scales ot justice with a firm state to embark In works and steady band. 'Let justice be done Improvement, hence tbere of Internal kiodll suoh 118 Fore Planes Jaok st(}ok.bed, 1 Bay. rlgging , 1 Spring oud year studen ts, and Dou 'irUBn is n ecessity Plane's . !;mootbin~ Planes, Tongue WRgon, 2 It'. F.qual Don't Exist and Olareno e Butterf ield, firat year tbou,h the heavenS should fall' bas for sucn action by tbe legislat ure as Ilnd Groove and Floor Planes, Moold new Doorin Boggle s, 1 Road.c ar', g Binder with tl,'uok, 1 Itudent R, No, one ' hWi ever made a sillve, been the motto of bel' judges. They would Invite capitali sts to Invest their ing EII1n PfI S3rew Clamps dlft'ere nt Mower , 1 ijteelto oth Bay.ra ke 1 new olotme n' or balm tt> oowpln e wif.h bave been able to dlspense justice un· wealth among us. It Is said that this HiitlH t 8 ,;iog Maohln e and Bitts, Hay tedder, 100rn Blnde r,l Gratn A HIOH RECORD JERSEY Baokle D's Arnioa I3alve. It's tlie del" the influence or a conscious se- III an age of progres s. Well, to some Brl\O~~ and Bitts all sizes, BQ.nd Drill w,l th fer,iUz er attaohm ent. one perfect hellier 0 ' Cote, Corns, curity against popular excitem ent and extent that Is true. The practice of Sa ws 1 two mILn Angela of Bltlakh oute, E!l.lIt Aa. CrOsBo ut Saw 1 a I hone Wheat Drlll with fer'tliz er Bornl (Srublel, ~res, Sf''ildl', BollI, royal displeas ure." the early pioneer s ot the country was one ~I\D Uro 1I00t Saw 1 good pat. attaohm ent, 1 Gale Continu Corn ing, the same speaker said : to Invite capital into the state by the Pl.nter , 1 roro. New York, I'ftOenf,ly 10mple~. Ulce"':, Eoaem~ : &Jt. Rboum . For ent Mitre Hox, Batoh'e ts, Ohle.- ls, Di800u ltlvato r, 3 Riding ''I believe that tbe people of the establl8 bment and encoura tiora J!)yes. Oold ijoree, UUllpped Oal\iva · ed ... yel!-r'e test, wltb. r8flult entltgement of Ihmme r@. 1 ex~ra loog Derriok Lad. ton,l Gang .Dllo Breaki ng Plow, ling her.to Ibn". or Sprain s itA! lIuprem e, Uo. etate o't all parties desire an Independ· associa tions ot wealthy Individuals; tbe Amerlo an Jenoy oat. dA r ;J 16 foot Ladder s 1 9 fo~t dou· 2Sootc h Ollppe r Plows, 1 DilO Bar!'iTilled for Plies. 'fry tt Only 250 ent Judiciary and that they regard and. Sir, tbe state Improved 'Ie olob'l gold medal, an award for ' , under h)o ·L<.dlle r n lot of' LUlnbe suoh r and a system row,1 as Immeasurably more that bealthy system -that wise and ' Cutting Hte.lt at all druggi st.. 8 double Bar.. SOIt pounds or more of batter tn ,., '~t of Brlloke~s ILnd sOaf. rows, 1 Drag, 1Rake, Importa nt tban that tbe wlll of a pop· Car·slgbted l)ollcy. I am new Tobaoe o Better, unwillin g to folding sllob as oarpen ter'8 use, 1 1 .Tobaoo o Press, 1 Tobaoo o Spraye r, a year. Ber milk u'l ar assembly In a particul ar locality take away from the ' people yiel~ wal ~»,3V8 the opo ~o od shOll a.nnon 8tove :.I Work Justl'.le il probab ly repr88e nted aa or neighborhood expressed on a given portunl ty aud priVilege of bavlng rall· Benohe!', Tool Ohests, To~l Boxes, 7 ~ets Work Harnel ", 3 Sehe Buagy pounds in · th" twelve month s Harnes s, C Seta Dooble Trees, ~ingJe The \est was autllen tioated day under excitem ent, snollid be car· road or turnllik e roads ~Y any oth· I 1 Gllri n Plow a woman beMu98 It ia some,th lna rled Into the Boes, Shovel s, Trees, Log Ch"tn8 , BaUere , Lines, eight jUry bolt or be delivered er Improvements, If tbeyor find .ift'ere nt melD repre8 en'. men Rtll[o'~, I1nd lots o'c other t.hiogs. a .mau Ie alw.ys arter, Bridles , Hoes, Forks, 8hovel s, Ipt of from the bench In the form of a so!· wllllng to bulld them. 1f it Is the It T e rms. cash on day of 8ale. smsll tools. emn Judicial .determination." tng Corn en Univer sity. , ight purpose of tbls convent ion to prevent .J. H. Colema n, The above namod stook grades hundre d poundl Is an averag e of 15 And here Is another excerpt Crom the people Crom bavlug these ImThe thoagb ts, tbe ideaa, tbe the reply of a progres sive of that day: provem ents made, they could not, in :\dmln i&trllt oroltbe estateo fN, B above the averag e, and ' a great· IItndue arlyone .qaarse r poun4a per Anthon y, decease d'. many of the implem enh are iearlY 'w:!8k lnoludi n8 'he entire "I said it was much to ask our opo .my judgme nt, adopt a .more method a whlob eaable meo yeat. judge ponents effectual C. T. Hawke , Auot . evell to vote tor tbe election plnn tban to support the section new, havinll beeo used but Utll> , Aogela 'ilreilis try numbe r la 236,250 now E V . :Bllrnh art, Ulerk . rlgbtly oome from hard 8eriou!l of judges by 'the people, bilt was . Househ old Gooda -Table s, Lounge to~ under consideration. i am tor le'avChairs, Gupboa rd etc. , work. much to exjlect them to go the entire Ing it to the, people and the Tbl. tl an exoepti onal reoord, Sut. legislat ure I will ofl'er at Poblio 6&le, at the .. Terms -AUlu figure on the subject . I said that the to settle these matters by themselves. lateTel!id noe of 1 N Bft.tfleld, de.. oash , On all ms of 110 and under why may no' every farmer ' have election of judges by the people was Let the people, by tbelr over tl0 A $ruth ~lI.y be formul ated, but It asked nta· oeased, 00 the Frankl in Road, _on months will be given a oredit of 9 cows that will produo e an averag e for by the people for the pur· Uves, grant special charterreprese by parohll ler ot 10 ponnds per week, reckon tng s and put 18 not true 'ill It i8 felt and acted on . pose .ot bringin g within giving note with approv ed seourl. their ,control upon them sucb balances and checks Saturda y, Octobe r 28, 1911 . ties. 'more fully Armstr ong MoCny . departm ent of our as tbey may tblnk prOller. the eDti~e year? ~U i. entirel y pos · con· and 088888 W be true when It oeases governm ent, that Beglun lng at 1 o'olook . the fol. which alone ot a\1 de- venUon should not attemp t toThis C. 'r. Bawke . Aoot. .tble. prevent lowing ohat.tel s: ConSis ting of 1 to be teU and ao...,.. ._.. on. Jos. Cbl\pm an ~ Olerks partmen ta ot A~an government, the people from 10ylUng ' '1· -: h f capitali sts 2-horse Wagon , 1 Buggy 2 B rea.'-i ni Wm , 0 N el\l I I ' had not felt the chasten ing and ra- Into the state, for to discour It require s a mos. aa muo oree, age the Plow~, 2 Uult-lvlI.tors, 1 50 *ooth Bar. • _ .. forming hand of Aiiierican public opln· Investm eot among us ot of oharac terto be a ~ok agent &8 to eastern cap- row, Orosso ut S"w, Barrow , Ohalos , Regula r dlshone 'Jty is eaRler to 'urn one down. Ion." Ital Is to strike at tbe polley Forks, joIhovels, Doubletr8!'lI, Single. manag e tban 'wblch bas made directly irregul ar di8hon esty . ~=============::, the·stat e ' what.lt istro'e8 Barnes s, Fur Rob88, 100 feet conserv itlve citizens, who , are tbe tbtrd In wealth and greatne __ -+----~ ss in of ' B'ose. Iron Kettle, "Grinds tone Alling the line lometln ies disturbe d at the reckless tbe republic." or tbe least re~lst and other artioles , too Their numero Lives PrO'long us to Bnoe we filld the m'>st wreoks , anc1 and witheri ng anatbem as hur'led at va" ~ " mentio n. " "orpora te wealth, , should console t bem· . f il h'l th HE MAN NEEDED ' e, ...... ' Terms, Oasll II more ...Belve's with :At an ~'VaDIC on .day o· ...... eU ' -·"e -·te le. .. thl.is w,hy 80me aWl \ 0 .. the thought tbat e 0 era T . . . . Lydi~ C , BAtfield. suoceed . rapid than repair. The organs aot nothing new in this manlfes there 18 ta~lon ot The man we want tor that constl- Wllbllr N , Seara, Auot. more .Iowly and les8 effectually .t han hostilit y .and . rlghteou~ In ·7ontb. The elreulat lon' IB poor, tbe In the convent ion that IndJgnation. tutional convention 18 the man who ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!'!!~ framed our will pretty nearly let It polone. A tew .'!= ~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!! bloQ1l tbhi' ane! wate.." the atl~t1te p~es~lit · cO,nstitut!on" More Fri.ada than an1. other the orators changes Is all the ,old one nee~s. Too LOSS' IN WEIO ftt poor' and dlge.t1on weak. · magazine or patterns. McCall s ill .ll~e POTATOES oen$ In eix months . The potatoe s . bravely assailed the citadel of "privll· manr changes ., will brlng reliable Fashion ' Guide monthly 1n , We "ant ~ were .tored In orates In II. QOOI ()( Uli-' tothaetV~ acl,::r~~ ,ge" In language ' as trencba nt as any at tbe polls. To IIIlve much ofitait defe/lt one million one hundred thousand Iqn Iii tbt.' T-Iolnlty might 'When 0 , 'farmer hurled s store from ,their the potshusting There s to:day. were no Iprout l to whioh 100e Here the better be 'dons by numero us sep· , homes. Besides showing all the latest Old Iron (with- I~ a sample, under !late llolo~ 004 UT~, a.. Uf ' tonle It cr... . . ..... A th 1. of June 8, arate submissions b'y clauses . It will toe. tn the tall deaignl 'of McCall Pattern s, each ~ue . for.hillber ' p rloes io mlgM o'Jt ~"l) ~ prolopC e. . ba . a"rlbQ . ... ~, · 00 er 0" ~~ " II brimful of sparkling shQrt n"~dm~n ·1850.: li'ave 'to run severe gauntle t b"fore tile spring theY .do Dot alway. take kep' an appetl~ ,aldl In barrell JOilt 12 per oen' in n: "dOrporations, s~r, arjt 4e..structlve it 18 adopted .-Ottaw a Guett~ and helpful infotrnation for women. t",o accoun t the 1088 ~I weight, 'hat leven Dlon,ba . Tlla Ioocl blood! , In ~ I ~~ 1&081 to· large equaUty .. ' 1018 and Sa .. M ~oitne ... ~ .. ~.. . .IIIcrIWn, to fr~e :Insti. .VfIu)l J;8tai'cb1 , wa.te an is Ukel,. to oooar. Tile ;dUfttr ent :wae. noted to follow 800D , p . 1M McCaT. W.doe - a, oaCi. loy tutloDa, and their existenc e should not CI!aU _Iy so • TRAQINQ VOTES , ,a fter dilr wean.1 with .ttenlrtb , slvIDI _ II rOIl', IDClu<ll", aD,. _ 01 1M ~ .. new be tolerat~ 'In' a :Rep)1bll~n. govern. lltll b ', ..t ' . MCCall i'Illleru fiee. . V4t:iet lu d <) not aU loee eq \ I!,. to tb, 'WorD .• yeteDl. __I . . . .1- '. ment, ~e7 cOrifer prlvlleg ?, u ".ng. • __. ......-_ _ ee and MeCaa' , ..._ A membe r ot · the constitu tional all are subject to 1081. ...... all odIIn \a .,It, It. It P89Ple III ~~: c:ia~1e beneate on the fe~ 'Which, are Tempe IiIDPllclly, ra ICODO., &D4 _ _ lOla. , 11_ t 'Ii I 1 not, en· \ convention who ' thinks one change ture and degree de\lr.. .11 McCall P i _ dian a.,. 0Ihw _ of mols'u re are 'be Ilfle! . " vs.a til: Is an outcom e a t . P I" m· I~ ~Oyed b7 the m&D7. ' ~ei')' epElClal act more Importa nt than &1.1 otliera .... _bUltcL N_IlIa.......S_...., whicb ohtef ellmen ia contrib uting to 'he pulll8,ae bohUle r ..t~,tb. "e wOal4 DOt be abt~ to np» . .... JMr' _ . ., or '" _0 Ina of IncorPoration t. .. grant of monop- Ola), be ' advocate\l, wID '" , exuber anoe trade TOtes lou, higher Mmper ature and .reat .of en... . no' u;~aQll ted ill the 'McC wtl4I of ALL' S wlth MAG AZIN e I er O&ulU I ,be greatel ' lou 1."....1. fol' 41. . . . . . . ~ J8III' - . : II1-I4I ~ y . .., ., U.e OOD1m1lllltJ' at Jarp. Such law eqUitable to all . olUaelUl, No "par. Jkperh *leatl ooDdno . ........ . If ft .... 11 *~ 0Jd0 ~OD ,.. I amoWlter" lhoulcl ' be ~1CtecL-1Iauo [I)Cl Ibowe d. 1011 ...s at Illta- ..-a':'..--n.- tor the UI."':I 13........ ~ ~=-..·of 10 to 11 JIll' a:rr 1iKI-.;& '1_ I. . VA L LEY T'E LEP RO NF. -
--- --- - ,t:-- ---
VIN G one · thir d to one SAhalt on an ordi nary rang e's
year ly coaJ bill no unu sc:J achi evem ent fo r a
Moore's Range
Saves One-third to One-half of Your Fuel
Jr H. COLEMAN, Waynesville, 'Ohio C ml-ng Public Sales
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a, '~lfIY1 w.,aemJ.....
McCall'l Magazine and 'McCall Pattems
N;;""'~....I!'"-~~~_ _
~t .....~
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The Miami Gaz ette D. L. CRANE , Publish er. WA YNF:~V tl ,I. F..
flH1 0
. PHILOS OPHY AND PLAST ERS. For the most part mankin d hal! learned to accept the vari ed bappet' !nge or life In a pbllosop hl al splrl •. But tber always will be peo ple who. forgetti ng the Inspired adage which recit es l bat sufficlen t unto Ihe dl\Y Is tbe 'eVil thereof, continu ally look ah ad for trouble. The oth er dny a big snake In the Dronx zoo was foun d to be suffe r ing from bronchi tis. The ordinar y reme dlea were gi ven and In addi t ion the reptlle's tb ront was wras>ped with adhesIv e plast r for a distance of six teet-th o unu sual space being cov r d. perbaps because It Is dtfficult to tell where I\. snaite's t hroat ends and the res t of him begins . And now an 'Ineasy corresp om! ent wrlte!l to hJ s dally pape r and asks bow tbe eloctor and the attenda nts propose to remove tb e plaster. It Is ;108slbl e. that till s Inquirin g person has had trou ble with plaste rs and knows ho w unpleo.s · IUlt It Is suddenl y to separat e the stlcker l from the buman skin. But, why worry about the snake? Why .ook tor trouble even before tbe plas· ter begins to draw? Wben the propI!Ir time comes and the usefuln ess of the big mufller Is ended, It Is possible the cobra will slough the plasters as be mIght his skin.
7llb@ WCIDml1Ill/S) Q
iURMERS SHOUlD USE CREAT CARE . 1., Kidn'~II~:: 1.1 ®illI&MITSTIr,s)'TffiIPI1JI IN THE STORACE OF ALL CRAINS Crops Sl10uld Be Kept Free From Dampness and Vermin to Prevent Damage--Kill Weevil by Fumigation--Carbon Blsulphide Is Best Liquid for This Purpose E I'ery farmer sh ould exercise t he ut· moat ca re In tho storage of hIs S1'nl ll whe th er It is to he used for seed or f<!ed. T he principa l th ings to bo3 consid e red In lhe II tor ln g of grain s IIr tre dam rrom dnmpne ss, v rm ln and ins cts. The ease or handlin g the grnlll Is al 0 a very Impol·ta ot facto r In s lo r· ing grain. Wheul a nd COrll, when in a dry condi tio n, ure no t Injured by cold. but graln·lo vlng in sects can not thrIve at low lempera tures. Th e more ex· posed lhe gra nary lhe beller the pro· tectlon against losects, and the larger the bul k of grain nnu the l ~sB expos· ure the less will be tho injury from insects. It Is ud ylsa blo to Slore b'1'al n In bln.s 80 cous tl'ucted as to have smooth wnlls, a ud th ese prefel'll bly painted , so ns to ofter tb e least opportu lllty as 0. lodgme nt for In sects. From timo almost Imm emorial tbe farmer has been trouble d with vermin Buch ns rals and mice. Tbe grnn ury should be b uilt so tha t it olfe rs no cha nce for tbe m to hide. Ra ts and mIce enjoy seclude d plnces. The gran· ary should not h ave opell air spaces simp ly beca use this Is just tho so rt of place where vermin hldcs. Wheat s hould never he stored In bags wbere It cnn be avo ided. It is
nl\\'a)'s a dvl Hab le to store soy bean& in bugs beca use there Is us ually Il gr at loss du e to hentlng If tllp. y ure Iltored In bins of gren t dep .b. Granari es s bou ld be thoroug hly clean· ed out nllu fUllll gnled befo re putll ns uew gruln Illto tb em. If th e gI'Dll arles ure Inrested with tho grai n weevil or th Angollm ois grain moUl. the only Wll Y to get rid ot them is by fum ls l tlon. Carbon bl sulphld e. wh lcb ca n bt bOllght a t UIl Y drug s tor . Is the be ~ t agent for fuml gn tlon . It Is a henl"Y, ally liqu id. nnd the fum es are dea dly pili S Oil If brellthe d In excess. It va· porizes reaul ly when exposed to the IIlr. und, being heavier than air, It set· tl es to th e bottom of the bin. Creat caut.lon sbollid be t aken whe n bnndlln g It to keep fire a way. as It IB hi ghly in· fla mma ble. About 1 pound of carbon blsu lpbld e Is s ufficien t fol' 100 bushel a of grai n. The g runary should be a ir· I'ght aud the liquid poured III s ballow puns and plnced on the s urface ot the grain. The tumes being heavy will ponetra te downw ards through the grain alld d es troy all Insects present. FRANK T. McFAR LAND, College of Agricul ture, Ohio State Unlvel' slty.
Martyra to Kidney and Bladder Trouble Try Thl. Remark able New Treatm ent, Free.' Here I. a treatme nt fnr kid ney an" bladde r diseases 0011 rh uml1l1sm that Is 1It.,ol ut uly guarant eed, tha. t III Illl'o and poail h'e n nd t h n t you can teet yoursillt wlthoul Inve!l!lnfl o~o ponny. It Is 1\ lIew, 8clentlne . snr~, powerful rlellnaer ot tho kl uneYA. Tho \IOW
treatmen t, Dr. D ~ rb )··. Ktdney pm_. will save your kidneys, upon wblch your vcr,. liCe depcOI.hl. It you h .. \,e ruelfy lng or dull pain. In the bn elt. Brigh t'. dl8ealle, . rheumatl m tn any torm, paIndlnbetel In the blndd"r. profuse or scanty urinatio n, or discolored. Coul uri no. do not let the dny go by without getllnlt a of ' Dr. Derby's Kidney Pills nndpnckall'e eee a tremendou8 dttrerence In yourselt hourI!. If you wunt to try th m tn tint. tell any druggIst to clve yo u n free lam· pie packll /l;6. Dr. Derby's Kidney Pillsand 60 cents al dru lf slores or we 2£> wll1 s upply you It your druggist hasn' t them. Addrrea Derby M dtclne Co., Enton Rapid •• M.lch.
HEN and where cotton was the · cl08e of the elgll t eenth contury first utllh:ed In the Indus· Whltne y's gin waa Invente d. t rial aotlvlU es of tbe world Th e benefice nce oC the cotton plant cannot be d efinitely estab· as an agent or clvlllzation can hardly IIsbed. It does not appear be ove restima ted. Its sudden develop to have been cultivat ed or woven Into ment la almost unparal l eled In tllb fabri cs In ancient Egypt, and expert blstory of e<:onom lc product s, chemica l analysi s of the cloths used enormo us importa nce today and Its In tbe (or wrappin g Egyptia n mummi es agricult ural, comme rcial aud proves that lbese materla lll were of trial life oC the world renders IndusIt dlffi· A writer contend s that for the defi· linen and not cotton . Tbe records of cult to believe nlUon of "bome" as "the place where ]ndla, on the other hand, demons trate than 200 years that scarcely more ago cotton was pracHe B31ked at That. a man can do as he pleases. " There that from time Immem orial the cot· Ucally unknow n to the civilized "] pos itively and absolute ly reton plant was culUvat ed and Its liber tion e of the west. The s uperior na· I might , be much advance d In Cavor of ity of fu se! " cried the candida te with I:reat the propOSition that It Is the place conve rt ed Into wearing apparel ,and em· raw cotton for th e purpose s of textile emphas is . ployed In tbe useful and orname ntal manufa cture consists In tbe fa cl that where woman can do as sbe pleases "Re fu se whllt '" asked the campaig n at least she general ly does. Well, why arts. Cotton has also been known and th e fiber at Its flos s b~s n natural ,manage r. Ilsed for a thou sand years, at least, In t fi lst possess ed by no otber vegetab le oot? Who makes tbe home? Every ChIna "I've kissed all the babi es In my and Japan. In the rich lItera· Obers. whi ch renders It peculiar ly Ideal home owes ItB greates t charm. ture of India district. " he r eplied. "but I'll be gum· There are too many narrow· Ure d tire cut rut ftv~ to six this benefice nl plant Is adaptab le for s plunlng and weaving . Incbes deep. swoggle d If I'll to woman' s part In Its makIng . Man bardly more tban Inciden klsa Mrs. Alltorbllt'll tally men· Cotton and cotton "'001, In medicin e, wagons used on farms and counlry Broad tire cut rut one and one-hal f to poodle. even If It costs tbe whole suf· 'Is aware ot tbot. and the Amerlo a n Uoned. Its t exUle value and uses surgery and d entistry , ha'Ye au ever· roa ds. The follo wing tables ' complie d two jnches doep. doing no damage . ~an goneral ly accepts woman'B exclu- were known to tbe . Hebrew s and IncreaSing number or applicat ions_ from eXhaus tive ex perimen ts on roads Narrow tire require d 6119.1 pounds to frogette vote;" and farms prove the beneficl nl effects draw the load. Broad live dominio n In the home of ber un- PhoenIc ians, and probabl y, through Finally , goods manufa ctured tire require d out of of broad tires Import ant to Moth .... both In regard to tbe 323.6 pounds t" draw the load . D!aer· luestlon ed right, his privileg e b'elng the latter, to the Greeks and Romans . cotton are relative ly cheap. Extullin e caretun y every botU. of draft of wagon and rutllng The Arabs and Saracen s Introdu ced of the surto bance the enterpr ise and to enjoy e nCD in Cavor of broad tire 246.6 CASTORIA, , sa fe and Bure remed, , for The usefuln ess of cotton does not the comfort whJcb tbe preSidin g ge- cotton Into western Europe in the end wltb Its adaptab ility for spinnin g face. The narrow Ures were olle And pounds, or 84 per cent. tnfaDtll and cblldren . and see that It one-bai nlnt)! century , but It was not unUI the and textile manufa oture. ' Its seeds t Incl\es wide and the broad It will be seen tbat 1n only one test ' lIu8 provide s for him. Bears tbe ~ ~/tr \ --fifteent h century. when mercha nts of furnish an 011 which Is edible and of tires six lnchea wide. The load In out of Cour did tbe narrow Ure have Slgnatureof~ eaoh ~. case Genoa brought cotton to England , In Industri al value. was 2,000 pounds. includin g the advanta ge In dratt, and that Willi The Btems and It fs ' reporte d tbat a New Haven exchang In Use For Over 30 Veara. e for woolen goods, that its leaves furnish an ,admira ble fodder for weight of wagon. whero tbe s urfaoe of the rand was sott, maD recently bad hll eye put out by possible commer cial aDd Industri live stock. Indeed. there Is no par- 1. Dirt Roadbut the subsurf ace was fairly hard. Childre n Cry for Fletchl 'r's Castona a lady's hat pin. which protrud ed 'rom Importa nce was realized . . Althougalh Uon of . (a) Surface dry, free from ruts and Tbe na rrow tire cut througb to this the plant that has not a hlgb the aide of the "Ud" luftlelen Uy to con· Columb us gives no descrip tion what· value. AWFUL 8URflR I8E. dust. Narrow tlrea requlre1 137.3 hard surface whlle Human Ingenui ty has the broad tire reneet with anyone occupyI ng tbe same ever of the cotton plant, later Spanish stantly discove red new applica con· pounds to pull the . load. Broad tires mal ned on top. --r tions In all of the testB on ..tlleet car lleat with the owner of the and Portugu ese explore rs found cot· of Its product s, notably , the manufa c· require d 104.8 pounds to pull the load. meadow s and plowed land. the differ· d . .d1., orname nt. Whatev er may bo ton garmen ts worn and cotton ex· ture ot ,guo cotton, a blghly explosiv e Differen ce In favor at broad Urel!, 32.5 e nce was always In favor of the broad aald In favor of "mllady 'a" hat orna- tenstv" l, cultivat ed by the Indians on ,substan ce, obtaine d by soaking cot· pounds or 31 per cent. tlre beoause on them the load wal (b) Clay Road-S urface soft to much more easily drawn ment, a creat deal of damagt nl testl· the Islandl of the W \ilst Indies and ton In nitric and sulphur Ic acids, and and did mucb This sub- depth of three or four Inches. Narrow less damage to the fteld. One trial, mon, can be bfoUB/lt ac.-Inst It, and' lt In Mexico, Peru and Braall. Cortez then leaving It to dry. speaks highly of the skill of the Mex· Itance, when dissolve d In a mlxturt tire cut rut OYe or six Inchos deep. four horses pulled the ton load on nar· Is reasona bly ce~ln that It it W&8 ~ lcan natives In cotton weaving aud or recUfied ether and alcohol, yields Broad' Ures cut rut three and one-bal f row tires with an overage draft of 876 .a daptatlo n ot "mere" man It would "pinnin g. Pizarro found cotton fAb· an adhesiv e liquid called collodio n, incbell deep. Narrow tire require d pounds. Two horses pulled the same lone ago have betn forced Into the rlcs In ancient Peruvia n tombs 3tO.1 pounds to draw Joad. Broad tire load over the same, road with an aver· which much used In surgery . ·'~.been" class. But woman, wltb 1I0me modern archaeo logists trace Every republic in Latin Americ a require d , 490.8 pounda to draw load. age draft of 37,9.9 poundll, showing tbal her luprem e power, and her bat pin, back to a ciViliza tion antedat ing ~at grows cotton. In spme of them- Dltreren ce In favor of narrow tire's, the same load was lela difficult for 160.1 pounds, or ••. 8 per cent. make a combln aUon dim cult to de- of tbe Incas. Early Portugu ese his· Peru, for .Instan ce-and along two horsea on brood Urea tban for four varlou8 2. torlans describ e cotton as they found parts of the Caribbe an Meado w_ feat. . hOrBea on narrow tlrel. When it Is coast, cotton (a) Ttmoth y sod, molat but ftrm: cODllde red , that most It tn Brazil. Is an Indigen ous plant, and was used of the hauling Narrow tire cut rut three and one-hal f done by farmers Is on The cotton plant Is a membe r of their farms and ' ~knd·mouth dlBease, which broke the l\falvac eoe or mallow family, and Inche s deep. Bro~d tire cut rut one- not on the roads , this out three months ago In the provinc e savIng in draCt lIuarter to one Inoh deep, doing Is qLllte, an Item In the course of a of · JIaute-S avole, has spread rapidly the total number of specleB act~allY 0.0 percept ible damage . 'existin g Is very large. In Its wild Narrow tire YOar. When the protecti and ll , now threaten ing central and state It Is apt required 420.8 pounds to draw ·the and roadbed Is conside on to the field to be a perenni al, but red, It seems Nuther n France. Pigs, shee~ and cat· when cultivat ed It frequen load. Broad tire required 306 pounds strange that there are tly be· so many nar· tle are a1rected . The best policy with comes an annual. In size tbe to dra w the load . . Differen ce in favor row-tire d wagons In plant use. reteren oe to this scourgo la of broad tire. 116.8 pounds, or 38 per keep varies from less than a foot blgh to Magist rate-Th is ofllcer S&y8 10U ap. H. C. RAMSO WER, cent. It out of a country by the most Itrln· sixteen or more feet. The 'oowers are . proacbe d your wife, spoke to her and (b) Grass and stubble tbree Inches College of Agricul ture, Ohio St,ate she fainted. pnt . Inspecti on system for Imports either single or In clusters , varying high, ground sott and spongy. rJarrow Univers ity. of live stock. The ~xa'mple of France greatly In s ize, while the color ranges Rastus -Dat's right, Jedge, Magist rate-W hat did you say to demons trates that the disease Is bard from a yellowi sh while to a pale yel· low and a rusty red. There are In· meDt stntion recomm ends burning the lIer? to. fight when it once gete la_ Onlte vlU'laUons In the form and size stubble In tbe spring before clover Rastus -Jes' tole her dat I laved or th e leaves, some being ,smooth and s tarts Its growth, tbe powlng of a . va· ber, sah. , And now the pure food experts are 'gloSSY and others A number of Inquirie s about the hairy, but tbey are wheat joint worm bave been received riety of "Iheat adapted to the 10oll1itJ arter .ome of the soda tountaln drinks, al'"IIYs lobe. bavlng tbree, Ove or Thl. One I. on Hugh. b] t his departm ont. It may be of gen· and using plenty of fertilize rs to In· charglL g. among otb er things, that 8c" en lobes. What Is known as the "Wben I came Into tbe Unlon eta· eral Interest to give a little Informa· duce str9ng, vigorou s growth. they ' a~e bablt forming . Corrobo ra. "boll" Is. for manufa cturing purpose s, EXTEN SION DEPAR TMlllNT , tlen the other morning , atter tra1'elln g tlon concern ing this Insect which tlon might be bad from tbe s wain or th e most Importa nt part ot the plant. College ' of Agricul ture, Ohio State all night," said Hugh ReJU" Ilt the ',fte n causes cons iderabl e loss to the the Bummer girl, wbo view s with as It cont.aln s not only the seeds but UnIvers ity. Comme rolal club, "t went Into the wheat grower. ..arm tbe rapidity with wblcb ono Ice ulso th e flOSB. Th e pure white va· barber shop. 'When you spend the The wheat joint worm , Is the larva rl etles of floss. obtnl ned by careful <:ream soda follows RDbtber. night In a sleelllng car," I lIaid to the of an Insect that looks somewb ot like cu ltivation and selectio n, nre prebarber, 'It doesn't Improve your perferred . but a mong the brown and rustOpen Boll of Egyptia n Cotton. aonal appeara nce, does It?' A good (leal of sympath y' h~s gono colored varietie s there are some at Differen t kinds of work require dlf· .. 'Well,' aald he, as he Jooked me by the natives beCore the discove r, (lul to H ·tty Green's Bon because In high Industri al value. terent kinds of horses. , A horse Is 01 O1'er, 1 don't know how ,au looked of Americ a ; In lin Inca utious mOUlent be announ ce d otbers It hal! been InCotton 18 primari ly II native of the 'no particu lar value except for what be when you started, but pe,r hapi ,ou're that be Intende d to murry within II tropics. and the number ot species troduce d because the soil and climate can do. To fulllll his mission he must rlght."- Washln gton Herald. year and bud Dot ptcke d out the girl, diminis h rapidly In direct ratio to were round to be particul arly well travel. It he call draw a buggy con, ndopted to all the needs and tllelr requlre· distanc e trom the equator_ The Hut he now suys he will not marry a talnlng one or two persons at the rate ments of success ful cultivat ion . ' of ten mHes an bour be Is valuabl e ae New YOl'k woman . And be 10 care, cotton plant. whethe r wild 01' cultl · Mexico, Brazil and Peru are thf vated, III found h'l a belt of land en· a roadste r. Anothe r horse, that can fully remaini ng In New York. circling the globe between 46 de· three repuullc s 11;1 which cotton cultl· draw bis sbare of a load weighin g upvatlon bas the widest extensio grees north latitude and 30 degrees n. ]n wards of a ton, even though he moves Mexico the native ootton was found Tbe latest fish story comes from south latitude , 'though only where along slowly, perform s an equal amount of lhe eastern sbore, but every Eff~ct of Joint Worm on Wheat Pine Brook. ' . J .• wbere. It Is cl aimed, local climatic conditio ns are favorab le Straw. actual work and is just as useful to his an angler nst for tl sh and pulled up can cotton be raised as far north as state In the republic oan grolV or Is owner ns Is the roadste r. Since all actually growing cotton today, and (\ smnn winged black ant. The adult horsea are valuabl n cbest or sU verware . The fact tbat 45 degrees , as for exampl e In AslaUc e because they the annual yield would be very much temale lays ber eggs In the young travel, althoug h at various rilles and the story dues not I;ome from Win· RUBSIn.. which has the same latitude greater even than It Is If otber cropa wheat plants In the spring after sev· under widely as Massac busetts. varying conditio ns, it sted. Conn.. I{'ods us to place Bomo not prove at present more proflt· era I joints have become exposed . The The chief cotton'p roducln g arens of did wlll be Interest ing to make a atud, of able. faltb In IL , eggs hatch, and tbe young grubs; for:m· those parts of the horse's the world e mbrace : In the United body direct. The same assertio n may be made Ing oells, feed In the walls or the stem, Iy connect ed with bls looomo tion. States, 1he Bouther n states. Includin g In regard to Brazil. Ev ery state hall reacbln g maximu m growth by the A recenl order prohibi ts profaul ti .a ll lhose parallel time It Is not difficult to underst and that with or so.uth of Its cotton fieldS, but only Carollnn . as far west as New AUantlc ' seaboar d of the ' along tht: th~ straw become s ful\y hardene d and wltb tbe borse as with ou'r selves, 11.11 on tbe part ot those engllged In the Norlh mld.trop l(' Mexico ; pr:l'cticlllly nil ot BrlUsh In· slate Is It cultivat ed motion Is tbe result of the action 01 constru ction of the Pana ma canal. The dl sufficie ntly tc r.lpe. d E t,' hi h k thl The effects or this Insect are seen In the muscles . About forty a; an ' gyp w c ran s per cent of rd as torm a staple tor export. IIl'lvlleg e Is no doubt reserve d for crll· a cotton·p roducln g country Almost , ' Collowed every state In Brazil also has cotton the abnorm al growths of the straw. the weight of an ordinar y borse Is tCB of the work.. Tbe straw become s bent or twisted ; muscle. All muscles Can be 88rV8d by Asiatic Russia. Cent rill China and mills, and these form concern ed with a ,very pros, there are enliuge menta and bardenl ng looomo tion are ,attache d to bones. stan Taplin, Brazil, Mexico and Peru. perous Industry In the tly with ,crea m and country . One- of the stem, causing It to A stra~ ge r Ivlys $100 by betting that I\mong oth break over. when they contrac t they caUBe tlie er countrie s where consld· third the entlre_ lndust'r lal capital or 01 "choir" and "qulre"~!!.1l tb!3 same arablo quantiti es of, cotton The affected stalks either fall to head bones to which they are grown, the are , fas~em! d tQ thing. Will dictiona ries now have to or cnn be grown, ~re Paragua y, Colom· IB country , repres.e ntlllg $6Q,OOO.000, ou~ or bear aborted heads. In tbresh· move. The Jower Investe d in cotton ' mills. ' Part of the. horse'. It mahe s br~ tng., the hardene d portion s of th~ stem leg Is nearly all bone. but be seized as gamblin g poraphe rnallllf bla. Venezu ela and Central Americ a: Before ,tbe time of ' modern , com the muscle . 'fast or blnc break up into pieces that go · Into ,the In tbe body and . upper h sO au~e Tbe Latln·A merlcan flel<l..!;as remorle · merce tbe manufa oture lJArt o( the of the raw riot' 'to the· ,otdln $r)r. lImbB are attache d to varloul parta' 01 materia l Into the finished product wn£ crain. The Newpor t soolety ~Irl who eloped able Ilosslbllitlell_ , For the cO,n trol of the wheat Joint tbe' bony conBtru ction In the eevente enth century the ftrst necessa rUy a mattel' of by. tendoD l and th8.~ It. . ~ ,beCo me domesti e al';Uv worm, burning 'WIth a cbauae ur Is away beblnd tbe attemp t to grow cotton wa~:. made ' In Ity, but ' as' the mechan the stUbble Is general: can thus produce motion ot' ~ \cal arU! Drag. 17 cODslde ·timea. The prover /ltunl now Is to tty Virginia , nnd we1COIn~t . ~thtr.Y red tbe mOlt etrectlv e. How· locat8d some di8tanc e awa,.;:, by 1653 the stnl?le bad ressed In the United States and The Eu. ever, this Is 'not ft""&1 with an aviator. eces slt¥ ' In. . already become of much nationa l 1m· rope raw cotton was ~... . always practica ble' oD mUICle8 we are dUloual lnc, exporte d, mlU),\I' wben -co.. account of young clover. In ' this case traoted, are ,bout pOl'tance In the British· colonies or factured abroad Into Of three-q Uarten' at cloth, and 0... It 11_ been dl.co1'e red that an octo- North Americ a. : loch Importe d by tbe countl1, gn,n; It mlpt be well to rake the stubbJe Jong as wben -at reat. Tbe lUDout cd addS co~ott 6etd Cotton and In burn the 'oosene d .stubble motion pl'odU~ by the &ctlba Englan d became a: com· In,8' It. The United States even today pu ~ be scared to deatb.. Tbls it 'of p18ea W'8 life. tnae oal, Ih the ulmal world. not In petltor to . the then strongly In- continu es thla practice , aa creat quan- that Ia thUII gatlaere d up• . The, atraw mucles 'of· one <If the -.one'. trenche d wooten IndUstr y, alid ttl! title • . of raw cotton .lIould be wo-ked throu&h the stable I~ tor ezamPt e. will t . . lDClu.~a1. !U'8 expotteCl U d.,.... tIui miut~facture being made proOtab le tbo IIplndle . of Europe to be returllf i aDlS Into ·the mannre , whicb sbould be lellllb or ~e muclea IUld tM U .......• tbroup the sreat InYentfoDa of Ark. tranlfor med , Iota pned up aud alJoWed to beat. and d. . . . the relation or the clelleate fab,rlc.. to ·W bn ebolera prma tackle c:a.lat Wl'Irltt and otIJ.en, It ...eeI.ed govern· ' 9Omp The same prOCHa III «oiDIa . In LeUD .. W1ltle tllere' ",UI be 80me dIe1... ., ~t!ICII.~j;~i;j _ . ~ loe c.be7 camuaa DOlii' mental IlrotectioD 04 8Ilco,.r qemeat , Amert -. The factorie s of tbele coon JOS8 or altro«e n bJ. tb1I ,=~~r== Arkwrlc bt'. aDd odie. Eqllab patents trio uat ,11 -ere IDtrodalf8ll Into Americ a. &lUI at .-4 _ olotla.. . pac. With 0. df "'11
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, Sav~s
Worry Tillie and .Trouble,
Toasti'es_ f11-
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CIaD_. _..,
hom'" an_
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to Uui
. When a Shadow' Was Withdrawn
Cu. of Six Months' Standing Entlrel, Heall!d. 'Alter long sulftl ring ~d the use ot many InetrectulIL medicines. this CBBe from Augusta, Me .• cornea to IIgbt as e ntirely healed. The autbentlclty of the case Is ap parent when YOU apllr~ elate that the bearer of tho tale Is a graduate nurso. The following 11th. letter, as received: • "I must write and tell yOU lbe good ReslnoL Oint ment has done. I applied It to an ulcerated I g at six months' standing. Almost e ve ry t hing bad been tried to heal It. Reslnol was applied twice a day tor tour weelts, and the ulcers :ue entirely healed. It Is now elx montbs since tbe treatment and no Indloatlon of a return ot tb. troubl• . I bave used Reslnol tor erupUons on chlldren's races, and for everythlnll that seemed to need lin ointment, with eatlsractory results In every case." I Mrs. I. III CAMERON. Augusta, Me. Tbe first application at Reslnol will relieve itchIng and Irritation In sidn diseases, and 8top pain In burns and scalds. Frequently chatlng, aunburn and polson Ivy eruptlona are cured overnight. It 18 h~blY beneficIal as a general ekln remedy. and after one trial YOIl will appreciate tbls to sucb an extellt that you will nSTer be without It. . You can procure Reslnol Ointment. Reslnol Soap and Reslnol Medlcat" Bhaylng BUck from IIny drullJ\st. Sample sont rree Ir YOU will mention Department No. 69. Reslnol Chemical Co., Baltimore, Md. .a
DtsrgOYfD . B~AI"S.
.I "-;rho good work went on, and I "a. .OQIl ready to return to bu.lneae, aDd ~ye been Jlard at it, aDd enjollng It Iince. '. ' "Oommand me .t a~y ti!De ant oil. J .~qalrea 81 ' to the ' merlte of On,.. You wJll ftDd me ,a IwaJil nad)' ·to testify." N.me bJ' ~ 'Co., Battle -cre.k. l!lcla. lbe Uroe ,bOok, "TIle Boe.d to
New Association Gaining Many Members.
OOLING !loath! That Is jus t wllllt It amounts to.' It i'\ o~~ of Hawtbo rn e's we ird Is happenlug every s tories b pictu res a ma n day. In bomes .~ who ould not cas t a and hos pitals . In shndow, lind t Qe wonde r· m nt he cnll sed wh en he tents and sanltarl· • wnlk d forth on a Ilunn, ums. day. No lesB strunge Is th e I1lbl'.! A wblle ago II. story of th e shadow that went back· young t. Loulsan wa rd . became e mbrolleli It was a rever sed sh adow . to con· In an argument firm a r eversed prophecy. Isaiah had with another younth. Tbere was a fight. Young Lawles was stabbed In told the s ick king Hczekl nb to pre· pare for death . Then th e godly klnll tbe beart. He was placed In an au~o wept bitt erly and prayed eagcrly for mobile Ilnd brought several miles to a life. his tace turned to the \Vall on hi li bosllltlll. This took minutes and many bed; and God heard bls cry. precious ones. When the patient was Why tbat prayer for an extension finally plaaed on the operating table ot life was answered and so many oth· he was stili conscious. So startling ers bave remained unanswered no was the nature of tbe wound that the one can guess. Ouly ho who searches oldest Internes paled when they saw of the type tbat used to be hopemen's hearts and Is acquainted with the extent of the Injury. Twelve less. Four ot the vertebrae all their lives ,can t ell when It Is best stitches were required to close the were smashed. It was worsa for men to die; and when. bearts be. gash through the heart muscles. The than a broken back. tor not one. Ing changed or condltlilns being patient Ilved. He was living when the but tour the chain of bones changed, It Is best for men to keep on . hospital authorities heard from blm were crus bed. living a while longer. There Is notblast, and that was but a short tllI\e It was considered amazing Ing for a cbUd of God to do but ask since. His cbance of lite wben be· tbat be sbould have survived his ratber earnestly for longer llfe. was brought Into the hospital were the faU. Naturally. then, It was less . than nothing. It was a notable stili more amazing wben he be- to utterly deatroy tor two or three lt be wants It, and then willingly take case at tbe fooling of deatb. gan to grow stronger atter the years at least all danger of neur:1lgalo Death·s hand If tbe Father sends his HIS MONEV'S WORTH, Men are hard to k1l1 at. times. Llt- surgeons had done their best. By pains. Others bave managed to exist dark messenger after him. , No Man May Tall. tie Andrew Ceralnto was accldentalJy a seeming miracle the grayish white without a stomach. Tbe keen knife of And why la It that the answer to shot through tbe head. There was no spinal cord was preserved. Sensation tbe surgeon having trimmed thl.s o~ doubt tbat tbe ' ball had penetrated remained In hJf Ilmbs. Fifteen pounda gan trom the body and nature bavlns that prayer . was so plaInly and the brain tissue. No one expected tbe ot plaster of paris was made Into a come torward to ald. they live to promptly manIfested, while the an· child to live. Ten years ago death Jacket tor hIm. He was' Incased In years with but little Inconvenience. awers to mOjlt other prayers are lert would have been more than certo.ln. that and kept In the bospltal seven or The enormous tumors that are aom .. often for montbs In cloudy suspense! But surgery, and especially brain sur- eight weeks. He lived and was dls- times lifted tram the cranial cnvlly No man knows that. either. Isalab lery, has made long leaps In that time. cbarged. not sound. but as sound as 80metlmes destroy a part, at least, of had not crossed the city. going away These leaps have bee~ torward. When any man can hope to be who hall tall· the groy matter. but somehow or oUl· from the palace. before God's mes· death did not ensue the eager In- en headlong from sucb a belgbt IlDd er tb" patient goes on runnning like Bage ",'as clearly sounded In his soul. ternes saw a chance to save a life.. broken tour ot the bones ot the spinal an engine upon one cylinder. ThIs la bidding blm return and assure Heze· They did. Little Andrew Ceralnto column. In this calle death was baf· tbe most daring T,;vpe at tooling death. k:ah that he should live. And tben waa dlscbarged from tbe hospital a fled. Twenty years ago there would A generation ago there were ten, that marvelo'u s sign was given. the reo few l1aya ago. He was apparently on have been a runeral wUbl.n a decent fifteen. maybe twenty dlseasea that cession of the shadow ten spacea on the road to a complete recovery In time atter the fall. were looked upon as absolutely Incur- the curlou" s'telJ-dlal that ICing Ahu spite of the mutilated brain tissue How long wUl we live. anyway. able. The number has been gettlns had brought to J erus/llem from .for· that was plowed by the heavy bullet. when tbe world has been entirely smaller. Every now IlDd again some elgn parts. ,In addition. there was tbe Death was tricked of something that gone over with a sterlllzer? When mIlD finds a new way or attacking all Dg poultice laid on the boU and the eeemed certainly his. the germs have been hunted Into theIr old. dlseMe. Others aid and the fight . disappearance of tbe ulcer; but the There Is wonderful vitality In most ft.n al hiding places? When the Infected goes on. Anotber at tho Bo-culled In- .w lthdrawal or the sbadow. perhaps human tissues. It does not want or and diseased tolk are kept carefUllY curable ories are vanIshed. Just bow for as tar as It bau advanced all day. Intend to die. It fights against dls80- separated (rom the rema.lnder at hu- many tbere are. this day. no one likes was a token that the ulcer would not lutlon with the Inherited vigor that manlty during the term of their IU- to say. Sometblng might happen by return. Rnd that the cure was deeper . "Ha! ha! bat .l.nd I wus just regret. may have come down through ten nessT tomorrow tbat would make any state· tban the surface. Lessonl fol' All Chl'lstlana. The United States army bas started ment ridiculous. tin' that I'd spent a whole cent fer thousllDd generations. In order to How tbe miracle was performed- "tool death" the scientists have fooling death on the Wholesale. Troop that bananal" We used to die ot typhoid. septtle.rned to take advantage ot all these by trooP. battery by battery and bat· cemlae. tentanus, yellow fever and mao whetber. as Bome think. by. the down. Soma Mosqulto.e l. thlnss. They have trained tbe war-' tallon by battalion. the regular omcers larla. The fighters were firing and ward bending ot the' sun 's rays Into "Yes," said th e traveler who bad rlor cella. the white blood corpuscles and soldiers are being vacclna.ted qtabblng In the dark so fnr as any real the shadow hy a peculiarly refracting Just retuTIJed from South Atrlca. "I to do things tor them. ag!\.lnst that curse ot the camps--tY- results were concerned.. The under· atmospbere (the wise men have It all wane doy so annoyed by mosquiThirty-three years was once the ' av- phold. Death has already ~n cbeat- taker looked complacent and the grave figured out). or ' whethel' It was altotoes that I was compelled to · take erage lite of mIlD. Wars. rlUnlnes ana 'ed ot dozens of · lives by this action. yards wa.xed large. Some man work· gether a break In the oourse ot na· reIuge In an old Iron safe wblch lay pestllencea helped to cut down tbe It Is hardly wortb while to keep a list Ing In the fev er swamps learn'e d bow ture-m.a kes no difference In the les· dlacarded on the veldL duration of man's span. No one knows ot the typhoid deatbs.ln the army any to tool death In typhoid and yellow fe- son we are to learn, which Is thia: "My first emotions ot JOY at my now just how long the average' life more. at least In tbose divisions that ver by studying mosquitoes. Stili nn· That .It Is as easy ror God to remove happy deliverance were hardly over Is any more. It Is changing all tbe participated In the maneuv~rs on tbe other man ' watched the fly and dIs· shado'Vs lUI to all,ow them to lengt!Jeu . when tbe mosquitoes. scenting me. time by getting longer. Mexican border last spring. Tbere are covered that death In typhoId would and no more dlIDcult for b!n to erase began to drive their stingers tbrougb Death used to reach out through not enough worth mentioning, and be easy to baffle It the housefly couJd . (he shadow from a lifo than from a the safe. Fqrtunat,ely. I had a bam· appendicitis o.nd claIm hls victims In those who have died were tbose who dial. It our Ufe Is In shadow It Is bebe eliminated. I l mer In my pocket. nnd as fast as their .plte at the best effort. of tile man for some relUlon or otber were not Diphtheria. Infontlle paralysIs 1Ul<l cll,use we ha.ve not Hezcldub's faith stingers same through tbe Ir-on I who fought back at him with the given the vo,cclne. others ot the diseases of childhood and earnestness. or It Is because the clinched tbem. until at length such acalpel. There Was 10methJng wrong. Tbls one atep alone wlll make wars bave been lind are being graduallY IIbadow, alter all. Ie best tor iJs. a host of th em Wl\8 rllstened down In Thll was remedied and the death rate harder to fight. Fewer men wlll die For shl1dowhas Its blessed usea al this way that, when they ' atarted to Bank and contlnuel to alnk. The good In the revered camps. and there w1ll walled ott and. made helples$ by a har· well as the sunlight:. -Out ot the rlllr or ser.ums. vaccines and solutions fly a·way. they carried me and that lurgeon haa fooled death so orten In be more tor the bullets. that aeem Quite simple enough no" .hadow . comes raIn upon the parched .ate alx miles. appendicitis C8a~ that It Is no longer Death Is being fooled by little bot- that we bave become accustomed to earth. and verdure to the gray fields . "Tben, one by one. they died with looked upon aa "a particularly serioul ties. He la being cheated by little them. Death Is being fooled ' datly lind beauly to the flowerB. and fruit . tbe exertion. and I waB able to come operation. tubes of thin II88S. 1111ed wltb yellow· with some colorlells fluid and a tiny to the trees. Out of the shadowJl. out with sllfety. Yes. wondartc.. too. ('oIDe strength and wisdom and Before tbl't Ume. In the days when Ish. sirupy fluids. that are more pow- hypodermic needle. things happen In foreign part....beauty and trultfulness to our human the war boapitala were deadly beyond ertul than anything else on tbe chemsouthern illinOis, twenty ;years In Ide ... the telling. an operation ot any sort Ists' shelves. They bave within tbem ago there waa pluch fever and ague, lives. WeU may we rest content In In one of theae places waa grave. poaslbtlltles or lite or or dl •• olutlon. oftebtlmes resulting In death. The the shadow, It God will not bave It His Blasted Lite. Tbey bad not learned as yet how to They are so small that you could liame conditions then existed In south- wlthdra,wn. "You refused me ten yeara ago." round iJP•• Iay and utterly destroy the . carry dozena ot them In a side pocket '1 remember," saId tbe helrea •. pUB germs that were ' creeping evel')" of your coat and never feel thf)lr east MIl!sourl. These two localltlea Safely Kept. . are being cleared at the timber that "You said It would wreck your life." . It Is possible 'to get beyond atum· wbere over the unaterlll2;ed beda and weight Ilr bulk. Possibilities at Ute covered them. The sun Is getting , "It did. I have bad to work tor a planklnl, cuDBlDg to the clotblng or and death tor a whole city might be Into the 'lowlands w·b ere Ita ray a were bllng. The way to do It Is to give out ,l1vJhg ever-1llnl;e." the Burgeon and fioatlng In · the bos· · placed In pocket case. . strangers. There Is not much ma- whole attention to tbe things In whIch pltal atmoepl\ere. They do not elist "Tbere are 60.000,000 dead mcteria laria In these two localities any more. tbel'8 la no danger or atumbllng. The A FINE NIGHT·CAP more. Tbey are guarded against fn this Ilttle vial," says the bacterlolThe sun bas sterilized the earth so Psalmist suggests a sare and sure rule ." ,. Beat Thing In tho World to Go to any and watched by every attendant, op- ogtst. "I can palm 'to hide .It. almost 'far as the ' malorla·breedlng mosquI- when be sings: "Great peace have Bed and Sleep On, .~tor and Interne ot any hospital. Tbe lose It In my hand. and yet there Is toes are concerned. They do not breed they that love thy law; and th'e y bave aeath perceptage from this cause ball more power In It than yOU' might put any more In such number. and there no occasion of stumbling."· There Is "My wlte and I find that" teaspoon- sunk low and la siriklng lower. It III In a year's ordinary treatlJlent." Is not the cbance or Infection as there nothing In the law or God ever to fula ot Grape-Nuts and a cup of hot an everyday Instance of puzzling, bar. That Is the way they are fooling IIsed to be when Bwarms or them new couse a man to atumble. Tbererore milk, or some cream, with It. makel fllns and fooling death. death. It Is done with sIngle" things out at the creek bottoms at · :llgbt- whenever God's law. his purpose. nls the tlnest nlght·cap in the world," 1587.e U you love Ufe you do well to be tbat are really complex In their work- tall. plan, his wlsb ot us. has our whole an Allegbany. Pa., man. liVing now. You hllve a better chance Ings. Into the velna . a solution at Death Is being baffled and puzzled a.nd undivided attention. we are I(e llt "We go to sleep as soon 88 we atrlke to see more ot It and live out more dead tuberculosis germs Is poured. by such Instances everywhere. Men safe. Tbe apostle John says the sllme the bed, and slumber like bablea tUI yeara 't han you would have had If you They do not kill their l1ve brethren. want-to live and they are studying tbe tblng when be writes: "Whosoever rising time In the morning. had lived yesterday. You will have What happens Is this: The body real- means and methods by whlcb they abldeth In blm slnneth not." One wbo "It la about 3 years now slnoo we be- .. tlll~ better. cha.nce tomorrow. for some Izes that tbere Is something poisonous can fool denth and live longest. Tbe has really yielded his life to God In gan to use Grape-Nuts food, and we Iclentiat poking around with 'u mlcro- floating around In the blood. A ape- scalpel alld tbe little vla.l or serum are Christ cannot. while that ylel .Hog Is &\:waya have It for breakfast and be;- . ,cope may fln I\omethlng today that cla\ effort Is made. and m9re of those the worst foes of tbe rider on 'the pal. complete. sin at any kno\Vn poInt. The sIn comes only when we cease to yl e la. fore retiring and sometimes for luno~ will Increaie tKe /loverage llre span by never-say-die warriors, the white cor· horse. I waa so sick · tram what the doclors . all()Ui'er, deciule. Bome Metcbnlkotf la puscles, appear from somewhere and wIthdraw from the abiding. love somecalled acute Indigestion ~nd hraln tag . "pl to. go to a step turther and sur- aet upon the dead and the living Damon and Python. thing ~18e for tbe moment more thlln before I began to use Grape-Nutl that 1 vrlae the secret of livIng a tew years gerws. Detb lets go unwillingly. but A certnln great publisher or rather . liod'a Illw. And we need never dQ could neither eat. sleep nor work with lonlf er from outraged nature. You the enraged white cells never cease exacting temperament and not espe. !hls. For ChrI s t. wbo never stum· any comfort. bave a ·better chance to awlndle deatb theJr warfure. clally eallY to get along with. secured blcs. and In whom tbere Is no occa· "I was ~Ictetl at the same time out' of a few, years right now tban "Autogenous" Is the name tbat they an editor atter mnny other editors had slon of stumbling. will be our enUr. conscIous life' If we will let him. wIth the most Intense pal_DB, ~ccomJMUl- you wo.u,ci 'bad you lljoed In the days have given tbls particular type of dls- passed tb.rough, bls office. .Ied by . a rucklng headache and back- when lemi. were unheard of and ease relief. It fights Its own breth· This ellltor tamed tbe exacting and acbe, every time I tried to eat anJ· bleeding was the moat sovereign rem· reno turns against them nnd breaks sOmetimes querulous publisher, . and God II Our Help. tblng. Notwithstanding an unusual ed'y at t)le Command ot the healer. them. It Is using "like to fight · like." they beca~e great {rlends: Tbe ed. Tbe eartb and the sky do not meeT preasure from my proteaslonal duUe.. Edward Scbnelder, a Hollander or but the wholo nature of the germ is Itor. apparently. bac! the stutr In him anywhere; the horizon that seems . to , I was compelled tor a time to give up .mlddle age went up on a smoltestack changed. It 1a so new tbat dflnth bas to 'compel pleasant treritment. bar the way Rnd sbut us In Is only iny "ork altogether. " to do lomb' pa,nting, . He 'was working not become' accustomell to being One day the ~dltor and lhe publlsb- a seeming; there Is always room In .1 •...r,hen ~ P,ut myself on a diet . ~ 60 .feet tn' the ~I~ when the scaffolding fought In that way. . er came Into a lu'ncheon' c;lub arm go on. It Is a comfort to think thaI Q.~~e-Nuts anil cream alone • .wlth au gave , way. , A rope, poorly fastened. Men have been living wJth lt4lt their 'In' arm. It Is the same with all tbe buman <1lt· . 'oOOUlonal, cup at POljltum aa a runnel" let. knot allp and he fell the full 110 bralna gone. With the openings ,where ,. "!.oak at them," said ,another pub- flculUes and probablllUes that someup••and .sometlmea a little dry toa!lt.. I feet to the top ot a shed, and bound- the nerves come througb the skull IIshor. "There dome Damon and 17, Umes make an apparently Impasslblt> IUIlure you tbat Iii lesa th.n a ",eek I ,ed thence to the 1T0uild. It W88 a case plugged " with par~n castll. In order thcin!':-Sat:lrd.a y Evening Post. biurler 'acrosa our 'Ute path and shut telt Jllte a new man~ c~~ I had ~e~ gainedwe~ alz _~_ _~_ _ _~ ' us In to trouble and danger trom wblch , ~~_ , ~ w~_~ , _ _w . _~~_~~~~~~~. ~~~ .w , _~~_~~~_~ ~~.~--~ . ~e~~ oo~~~~ ~b~~~o~
aDd thInk· well.
.' Ke , rt\ight 'QueiL . "~d Where," dl!maJiill1d . bla .~lfe, with fta,hlng eyes. !'w'ould you be now _0Dl1 for met'~ The:t maD .claD~e4 Ilt tbe clock. It was 'riIrstng on' mldDIIh~ . a~ ~llf;hed and ., f" ~eni:-Puclt. l'
__ __ ___
Vaa, and How ,\bout Plnlt · · • "Notblng Is e\'ler lost or totally de,.troyed," ai.ld the prorea!lor of physlca. "In tbat case," saJd the IIlmplo ana .frank person, "how cio 70U esplaln tbe tact that .,,~n-body " Ios~s Qm~rell.l. and you. never meet anybody wbo baa found one?" ' . \
""" Llk.n....
. "If em... coQ1d nar, ,vliat klIuJ 01 . Amerlc.n Ihoee luperlor, • political ptIWrlq woUld their. Ian· European eboe · maDufacturera' &l'e • •wm..•• .. pIIp. "TIlero'''.~" ....... nNlDbJer . , UDabk to compete lucc~aafu1ly wllb ...... ......., ..&... ''I auppOee It wOaIG be lOiDetblq of Amer'CJIl ~U1 In the dealanlnl of
..... ....... " " ' . . . . . .
FAITH'S CURATIVE POWER NOTED HEALTH EXPERT GIVES REASON FOR BIG SUCCESS IN MEDICJNE Tremendous su cess has ntronded tho oraanlza llon ot the new Mun.yon "Rope Cult." Prores80r Munyon claims. tbat h& hll.9 secured more converts than no even antl clput ed. and eays that hIs "Hope CUlt" Is growing In leaps and bo unds. It 111 !laId th t the total membership ot the IUIsoclation throughout tho UnIted State. IB now well over the h alt million mark. In a statement tor pubUcatlon Prot. Munyon eald : "I want to talk to every alck. ailing and despondent perllon In thlll city. I want to preach my new creed to tbom. I wllnt to tell them about my new phllolOphy ot health. whloh '" {he trult or & IItetlme or Btudy and experionce In de&!. Ing wIth sICk tolk. "I wa nt to expound the Oreat Truth that 1 have learned thrlt there ,. morlt curative power In an ounce ot .Elopo than In pounds or Dope. That elck people shOUld not take medicine except u & med,lum throurrh which tho rrreat curatlve power ot Hope may be made effective. MedIcine. are necessary In the present etate of the world's pro&'''''81 becaueo they give a PIltlent physical IUp.port an4 elrendh and renewed vll'or with whIch to '6race up the will power. One know •• from the action ot , ths proper medicIne.. that he or ehe III tcoUP. bet. tel' by this lnaplred hope an4 tallb, whIch complete the cure. "I think that probably a million pel'eone at leut In the United Btatea have declared them.elvee cured by my medicInes. and 1 know that'thele people have had the beat rem!!dles mec1lcal .cience had to . otter. I have always COIItended ~at It there la any virtue In mec1lclne my tollowers should have the best. but I verlly believe that more than one-hillt ot thoao who have been IItted to health !rom the .bondaS'e ot chronic IIInen, throul[h takl",r my medicines. have been reallyf(:ured . by the knowledl'8 that they had the utmoet In medical lore at their oommand. and the Hope tblB Inaplred. "{ am not In any nnae a practlcln~ h"etclan. I employ at my laboratorle. n PhiladelphIa. a larp .. talr of expert ~hY8lclane and "chemIst.. and I have many o.t her physicIans In various cIties ot the United St.a te. detailed to clve f~ .dvlce to the sIck and afnlctl!t1. ..,. beadquarten are at Munyon's ' Labora.torles. 53d and .Jelre;oson Bt. .. Pblla.. Pa.. and 'T have tbere a starr of duly re«!sterad physicIans and consultlnlr e~rta, iln4 to all who deall'8 It I otter the ben ot medIcal advIce . abaolutely tree of charge." . ' Write today. "dd~s!llnl\" Prof. :I. K. Munyon p rllonally and your letlar wtU hav. 0. specIal care. .
'l'he Parson-Rastus. ef de Lord OIL . day should say to yo'; "What yo' done do wit all dose chickens 70' atoleY" What would yo' say? Rastus-Parson, 1 might say dat mah wife done .cooked 'em, but yO' know ' p. man ain't compelled to testl,tT agio' his wife. . 1~dgmellt
LOST 20 POUNDS, In Oed Seven Weeki With Terrlbl. · Kidney Tl'oubla, . A. Dearth, MaIn St., Camden, 0 .•,aaya: "I was In bed seven weeks wlth,1 kidney trouble and grew worse In spite of all the doctor could ' do. Kid•. ney secretions were. 1n terrible condition • . Ir lelt standing they thickened 'Ilke glue . COse and bad 't o be . removed with a knlte. 'My own doctor gave me up. I ., then called hi a spe- . claHst who said 1 was .. beyond recovery. I had loat over ~9 pounds and was but a shadow of my , former selt. 1 used one box of Doan'. Kldner P1Ils and soon felt better. Continuing, I was eured and have not had the slightest trouble since." "When Your' Back Is Lame, Remem: ber the Name-DOAN·S." For aale by druggists and senefBl Itorekeepers everywhere. Price 60«:. Foster·Milburn Co., Buffalo, N, Y.
A Pal'aphrase. "You take cl08e notice or tbe places to which people are Invlt.ed." . "Yea.:: replied Mrs. Cu'IDI'DX; . "SQ our circle InvltaUons are the Ilaeer est flattery.' . " . ForbIdden Fruit. ing.. God 'haa . sUIl uncounted doo'r s Why is It t.hll ' 10 many p~Jlle ~~e.. . Mra. Jonea,White-Your luncl!.eonl · In beaven and on earth througb wblch with ;).am., Hnclc? TTnmlins Winr'" Oil al"ay • . so successful. dear. Do tell relief may I'ome. He .! mOW8 no "tm. ",ill (lure i and for ' Achca, . flpra~~r me how you select '},our menua." ,;osslble," oud the sou; that trust. In 8rui_~ Cub. DUTnll; eto., there 'u not),: ' . Mrs. Smlth·BrolVn-.My phyalctan bllJl cannot be helplfl~a.· -Rev. J. K ina ~tta·r. . , , ' lave ' me a list of thing.. I sbouldn!t Mtuer. It. man never gets too old to ,.lIliam. ~t Dnd, I chooae the d~lhes (rom t~t. . ber 30me or tbe thinga that· Rever . . Out ,.at life III Dot past; It :Iyes curreci Yo·hen. be was a bor. A Bibliophile. olD ai lealt ~o ways: "In 'due ,.ea80D "Be baa .a collection of boob that we ,ahall real"" H.aven lies bidden lira. -1vtaatow'e Il00\111,,. 8TJ'11P fIIp~.... almost ~1 maD mlsbt enV7 ," lD our dRily deed, evell ' 8S ~lIe 01111 a.eud"•. IIOtteo Ute 11'1111" l'M _ _ baa.."huleed''' " · with all Ita "enturtes of IJ'OlVlb an~ u....u.".............. wbaddolkl. ............ . · ..Y... . Tbe, abo~ .• . sum total at all 1'- oumrher ,.Iory aleePIi III 'II, A .bmaD'. IctN or a _ ..............:;
Jut. ud II au outtl.\l or
'10.000 Ja
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bWll de~4a .. bow _1I · ~a..Ia ·
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~.~.~.~.!:~~~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.=~:.:.~I: _____ ~------. ~~mK~~~_v~~.I~------------------------~' ZIMMERMAN'S FAILURE OF . Lt-boutPeopl~J m~~.:tu.;: ~.:r:~tereM~:t~;1 ~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,
L. A.
~:::;: :~C:::ti
white with it.
Almost as Good as Texas
M~. Ed Macy and daughters Win· ifred and Edytha were shopping in ' Window Glass and Putty at White's Dayton Saturday. By Senator Sutherland lri a De· Cabba~e bate In the United Statea Store. Senate. b Mrs. Edith Harris and Mr, Har,is On ons A. Maffit was in Harveys urg Mosher were visitors in Cincinnati New Hominy, Nf'w <?~ts, New Those who favor the Inltllktlve and Monday. Thursday and Friday. bl f fer Mince Meat, New, Ra1SlOs, N",w refer IldUlll are in the ha . t o r I 1- Messrs. Wm. and George .Zen were Curran ts, New Canned Goods. Tlng to the Swiss experiment w t 1 . Mr. and Mrs. John Fromm, of Specials this weekthose melhods. Ir It should be con· ID Dayton Thursday. Dayton, were Sunday g uests of Mr. ceded- as It by no mellns can b f n t Since Wednel.iday, September 13th to Friday, Fancy Santos Coffet', per Ib .. .""c thal the Initiative and referendum are Miss Myrt1~ ~utz, 0 ay on, was and Mrs. J. C. Hawke. October 13th, C. G. WillIamson ha moved $51,950 Io"ig Bars and Vanilla Wafers sucoessful In Sw itzerland, the cond l· the guest of MISS Clara Hawke Sun. Messrs. C. T. Hawke, Chas. Cor- worth of property in Warren and Greene Countied. per lb ...... ........................ 1Oc tlons In that country dltrer so radical· day. The last Barrel White Clover ly from conditions here that It does nt."ll and Dr. D . C Coburn attended not follow that they would be auc- Mrs. A. T. Wright and Mrs. J. H. a big sale at Oldtown Tuesday. Cakes .. · .. .. .... _........ .... 8 for 5c 4 ... • LIST YOUR FARM PROPERTY W ,ITH ME New Pancake Flours, New Buckcessful In the United States. Coleman were Lebanon visitors Tues. wheat Flour, New Syrup. The cantons in Switzerland are GETS WHEAT YIELO small In area IUld In IIpopulation. The day . New Goods every day. h eous people are. essentia y omogen Cbampaign Coonty. Ohto, bonEts l Everything good to eat at and conservatlv. Their 'leglslatlve Mrs. Walter Reed spent the first 0 one farruer wbo has been produo. I needs are tew 'and simple. None of of the week with relatives in Cincin· wAYNESVILLE OHIO A ing over forty busbels of wh88t per leMI ~IIIM ono ~ ' ouRr ol!llol'8. NQU'S ICk the legislative checks wblch exist un· nati. "" der our system of government exist a ore for sever41 years in suoo"ssion. I d there. There Is no executive veto, no Mr. and Mrs. Eli Burnett and Mrs. This ts (ieorg~ Btandisb, soperin, judicial power of setting aside conatl- S· herman Dyke were in Dayton t'Utional law, and there Is only a single tendent of the ooouty infirmary Notice of Appointment legislative cham~r tn each of the Tuesday. farm. This season he grew 285 cantona. But even under these condlbURbels of wbeat on six Ilcrea-47 ~ Eatate of Lucinda Antrim. doceued. Tbe ' AN EXPLANATION tiona thoughtful men wh~ have Inveatl· Messrs. J. E. Janney and J. M. boshe"" poO r -ore. 'rhe Oollege of underslgDed has been appointed B:lDlln\lltra'j . Ih, <> .. tor with t.bo will anno. cd of the IlIItate of • ga od the matter agree that more Cook were in Lebanon Tuesday af. A I It . t Colombus 0 Is as. Lucinda Antram. lato of WalTOu Ooun~y . "Your nephey lR 1\ college grado- barm than good has reaulted from t gr OD ure a , ., Ohio. deceWMll1. , We will give you $35.00 worth of . ernoon. at.e, ian't he?" their employment • sured tbllt this is no~ a "happen.:\o ,. Vated tbla 19~r::01e°~. 'i.c.::~~~. fcin!~.II. Thoro nred Poultry free of charge "Yes," OODftiSled honest Farmer Mr. Willson (go,{ernor), already Mrs. Emmor Baily and Mrs, J. B. bot ta the reeult of the ose of PlOp, Publl8hed by order of tbo Probate Judgc. as per our Combination Poultry_Outt BornbllDk ; "bot, 1n jnatioe to tbe quoted, has gl ven the subject very er methods. -- • Offer. Write for full particulars. thorough and careful Investigation. Chapman were in New Bur 109 on .....----~.--c olle1l8, I'JI own up tbllt be hsd Spealdng of the referendum, he says: Tuesday. fr~atiful colored "chick picture" Just as faots are skehttons of no' 8Untle beforehltOd. "-N.>vember "Where it has been e~ployed it has . . . . tru'b8ao words are siogle bonea and Womao '" Bome Compaoion. ' not promised either progress or enMiss Leah Smith, of Cmcmnatl, IS t·he diotipnary is a vast oll8oary. IIghtenment, leading rather to doubtful visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. - --experiment. and to reactionary dis· G S 'th A man seldom knowlI who his "Igned~ _as admlolatrawr of tho 08tate of 982 Harriet St. TAX ON LAN D. pl~Y8 of prejudice than .to really u~e- ~. ml . Winona, Minn. IAlOnaru. deceased. will olrer for lale at friends are, bot his enemle. ,are AilDa P, U bl , lC auction. on tbo preml8oli, Q~ 3 o'clock , fUk~g;:~~~nt~ the fact that In ·t he Messrs. C. T. Hawke Frank Zen more coDsiderate. In the afternoon . on , !!!!!~~!!!!!!~~!!'!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Will Benefit :Holde,. of All Property canton a ot Zurl,ch and Berne It led to and Dr. D. C. Coburn were in Da)· - -- •• - ••- - Saturday, November 18, '11 ,____________~ Except Eatate-AQueltlonl For the abolishment of wlae health regula· ton Monday. BEWARE OF TREE AGENTS the foUowin, described roal e.tate : to nlwer. tlons', that In federal legislation It Herbert Real Bigelow Celery . Cranberries '·Ora· pes
Nothing in Unlucky friday the 13th
c. G.
ZT h'O:
C·ODSI'der lb'IS Offer
Sale of Real Estate
.. .
Oo~tPgr~~~~nof~~r;~obl~:o.th~he P~~~r:! Western
. Columbus, a.-Allen R . Foote, ~res. Identof the Ohio State Board of om· mlBllon8l'l, baa made this statement: ~r. Herbert S. Bigelow. the Scrlpp. McRae league of newspaPers, and all . of their following of seJt-callecJ I "Proto ht &reUITe... are making an as nang effort to 'Impose upOn the intelligence aDd credullty of the people of thl. ..- b proolal-'ng ....Ith Im"···lon uu.. ..--' eel o.,atory and scare headings: ''The I Ohio State Board of Com· In thl ' meree. • ..ught to remo-e • all tuaUon ..feauard. from the Ohio Collltttution. The), want ' tbe legt.la· ture to be glTen free 1COp& 'in olual· f7lq property for tuatlon. What I. their O "JectT . To haTe .toeb and
Poultry Farm
in WalTOn. the vlUage of WaynoavlUe, In DR. E. H. COSNER, waa used only to aim a blow at the Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Allen were, 'rhe attention of tbe Obio Ex~eri. theSituated county of In the S14te of Ohio. Jews under ' the guise of a law for· in Cincinnati Thursday and Friday meot B~tion haa tnqoently been r~\~)~~=~fo~:a(~~fo~i:'a-!~l!DiadW~ bidding the slaughter of animal. by . tQ 8a1d viUage of WayullIvllle. beglnnlnlJ Ilt bleeding. He says: · of last week. oalled ro the faot that onsoropolous the moat ... terly corner of lot nunloomd , . t 0 represent'• twenty·four (2t) and rnnuJng thenCe!b,.with the "The vote upon most measurea .ub. . M Ell S'd partieI' purportlDg WllIt line of Sinh Street. as 1. ldout Joelah mltted to the. ballot Is usually very The condition of rs. en I es noraery' fir"". both 'of known 'a ud Roger., one hund~ (100) foot to tbe1lne ~ I • a Iarmmg . t 0 h er m any fn'ends onkoown ... , twoon lote uumborOd twonty-two aDd light; there Is not much .popu1ar dt .. is qUite repotation have been twontfi,.throo (28); t hence with .ald (n) line aUd 912 RelbOld Building, cuaslon, and the referendum by no and relati~es. . selllna for.,.'ry noree~y stook at ex. ~~r~':e=~rv~ ~~~~ ?:e~tth':.~h~~ means creates that quick Inter~st 1il .. with Sinh .treet one hundred (100) foot to ' hl h tt8 0 rI glntor. bad hoped the of FrTonkUn Road; 'hence with the lOuth Dayton, Ohio aaaIrawe Miss Letitia McKay is the guest of orbitant prioe.. Theae .operations d IIno the Franklin ro&tt one hundred and to see tt ~xclte. It baa dulled the f apply almost wholly to looo'Jt an twenty.Ave (125 foot to tho beirlnnlll8. sense of responsibility among legl.la· ber brother. Mr. Ho~ce McKay, 0 oatllolpa ' seAdling! Sald lote are located on81xtb Street In said Graduate American 8ch,ool,Kirlcavillo. Mo nln· " yUlage( 2') of Waynesville .•ald lot No. twenty. tors without 1 n. fact qu Ic ke . .the 1n d'lanapoI'1S, I n d • The ~tatlon has ' been informed four being aI.io IOCt.t~ 011 FrankUn Road I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _J people to the exerctse of any real con· . , ld' dll f thl ," StJd ror.lllItate bu been apprtJlOd t.t Ix ·trol In aftalra." . Mr. Herbert Davis, of Xenia, was tbat ODe.yeltr.o see. oga 0 S Hundred and Seventy.Ave Dollars (1675) and !!!'!~!!!!!!~~!!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It It haa thua failed In the compara- the &'Uest of Mr. and Mrs. li'. E. ltoak are belog aold at fr:om 120 to ~1~I~p~~~~~~ 1_ tban two·tblrda' of tlvely .imple affairs of .mall sWlue"'l ood S d . 1.0 per thonaand. In order en. The torIM of stJd aaIe will be u fOUOW8. lan'd, how much more dis~al mUlt be Sherw un ay. I t t tt f On~th1rd of tbe purchue price caJIh ID U sa es, obaraoter m arepreeen ·a On8 0 ' hand:'on tllo day of .ale ono-Ulird thero-of .bonda and holdinp .of corJlOration. the failure in this country, with ita D (ill tt W T Frame hanoe the '"'osaest ha'Ve been 10 IIx (6) mODthS from the day of lale .. and _ _ _ • ..,..,............. ___ • """""'" toed Dr. P. • ",age. • • a· ODe-third tbereof iD one year from tbe day of , of the at a lower rate than the home Ta.t and complex atralrs. "'orklng man. UDder .uCl,h a and Robt. Mosher were in Le},anon made, espeoially wltb reapect '0 .ale. the dofel1'8d paymehnt.li to be,!. Inte)l'88t. A.... wlil be Inlerted unllor 'bls bead for .,. , , tram the day of.nit! " t e rate 0 f ..x (E6 118,1' _ _ , _ plan It would 1 be 1 poBilble for Big Tuesday on bual·n-. rate of 61'0 wtb of tbe o~tll.lpa aDd centum per annum. and tbe pt.yment thereof tweDty-lIvo cents tor 'line Insel'tlOll" BusID. . to rei eTe ·--11 -- 0 fa i mOl "I am a .l""le taxer."-ReT. the nom be r 0 f' ren reqo i r ad per 101d t a11. to be. MlCurod by mortcaae OD tho prem'wbon Ulln/r not more tban Ove Unes. • _- b·· ........ • and Ih' " them to the d .. PERRY E. KENRIOK. i,';b ';r'th; peopl.... on Herbert S. Bigelow. Dr. and Mrs. D. C. Coburn, of acre. Btatem8D~ were ma ~ ,,0 AdmlnlltNtor of 'he mate of AlIna Leonard. Mr. Blplow' macle thla statement In Zanesville. Ohio" are guests of Mr. the effeot that 'he catalpa tree docoued. ' FOR SALE -ould reaoh post size in three ye"rs' Beth .W. Brown. Attorney. an acldnu before a mae ti ng 0 f the •••••••••••••••••••••••••• .and Mrs. C. T. Hawk e. ' ... UDlted CooaututiOD Committee of • - • time, and beoome pole lize, tn six FraDJdln· count)' In Columbus, Tue. Calli That Everybody Must Make Mi~Josephine Hormeil, of Spring. year9. No sooh o.aes are on r~ord, 'da), enDlq, '21, 1911. uked "Are )'ou AUl!IIJlt a lingle-taxer'" boro is spending t h'IS week the gues t and a' o'oh otteranoes are ab"olu'ely BRAND Dew Apple Butter' forsal t) lOme one In the audience. In a praoUcal &alt on everY-dar of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Janney. . fat.e Prospective plantera wore .Inqulre of I . Hattertbwaite. '- '·Y~.." anawered Mr. Bigelow, "but eUquettein the NOTember Woman I told th&t 5000 trees a.re rrquired W .. yn a8Vill~, Ohio. .'nDOt"'1DeDforcem)'Tlew.on~e BomeOompanion'heaothorreoorh. Mr Maynard Alexander, of Mid· peraore. Onetbird'hlsnumb r Is peop,e uu.. majority of them want OA R-OnlY oue Daroo ,r"rsey Who we~abue the lDl~~Te and 'he calls • tha' one most postt.lvely dl. e to~n , Ohio , ill"1 visiting his grani. too mauy. One individoal operaf.ing It. B ~oar' leU out of my lot. Bett r referendum. then we'U preacb the atn· make. , moth~r, Mrs. A. J. Alexander. in northW estern Ohio makes the !toe me rlKbt aw.. v. 'l'ilad Zimmer. gl. tu Idea' and 'Dot be uhamed of "Certain Itl\ted O8IlS most be made . s'-tement that hia oompany reoeives man, Waynesville,Oblo. Mrs. Alethia Alexander, ape~t last 10 oen's per tree for elloh one sold,. . It." . ' The oall d leae' onoe a year upon I now uk Mr. Bigelow to· an.w.er 'h088 on yonI' oalling hI'; the call week in Middletown and -Cincinnati che porchaser pRying two oe~ts par EARtk-1 bave II lot of Rood Kill. the foUowlq que.tIou for the 1~0'" after ha~ng been enterta1ued a~ returning home Saturday evening. tree and 'tbe tI'llte 'of Olilo a bonos R d ,trl from Waynesville fer llears ror sl\le. 500" bu-.h. matioD of ~. people of thl •• tate. , dinner ' or lonoheon oratau eveninK of 8 cents to enooorage ntAottng (1) . I. It the object of the .lnal. ' ,> ' t" OlIn p e1. Inquire of F . W. BatbawllY, tu.... to haTe Itocb and bonda. arid enterta1ument.; the call of oonlP'a'a.. ' N. L. Bnnnell left Thursday f9r Thia ."'temaut til talae. Farmers Next Sunday Wayntlsville,O holdlDp of corporation.. and aU prop. latio" .fter a marrillge, or" blrl·h I Philadelphia and New York ort bus- who have oootrac'ed for treel onder ~~T~r~a~ln~J!!ea~v!!es~~at!!!!!!8!!!':!!I!!1!!8!!! " !!m!!!!!.!!!!~ ert7 eD!.pting land, ~~we'fer 0'tfll.cJ. 'he 0'111 of oondolenoe opon 'hOle in iness. He expects to return today. thOle conditioD8 shouid not ao.oept '!: 'CBICKEN~l hlLve a. '11)t of . Bu tt' exempted from taxation' " . lorrow; tlie call t)f iDqoiry at the tbe stook. . Orpington OOOkS aod htmll fol' s 'lle, Cook IItrHi,. · 1\\1 pure blnod. t. !:z:!p=P8r:!!t hoole of the oall upo" the Mablon Ridge left Monday for C .. "'lpa 116AIHln.gs one year old, Mr.. Aona Ttlorpt', R D. 8, Wllynes. can the theorY of the .lagle ~ be newcomer toro yool' neighbol'laood, Fletcher, Ohio, to attend the funeral lS-inob t,o ll4.iocb stook, mn be ville, Obio. ' Ihen practical appllcationT or upon a s'ranger who has bee~ In- of Mrs. Ridge's aunt at that place. p'urobas~d from reliable nur~ery ,(8) Wh.n the law proTidea for one 'rodoood' to you bY. a friend; the re· . . firm!! for rrow '" to IU per thooe, ORSE. Buggy "ud Hllrne~ . tax only, a .ingle tax on land nluea, "torn oall Wheu t\ first 01.11 hhRa been Attend the picture and~. )'or the I Itler prioe the stook will DOt "Big Buslne.... be relieTed " show at Phillips' I Ouod.si"t1d work b rae not rr.om all tu burden. excepting the made opon you,-none of t ese can ruesday, . Hallowe en. evemn!t, a 80 hI delivered .to f,he poroh..ser's neltot',rrlatd of 1l0tOli. rl1 bber "irud boggy .. I~os' ne;w. Inquire I)f A. ~hftl t.. Ilnale tax OD the land It may ownT be evaded. A first ~1l shoold be every Sa\.urday even 109 durlOg the eat. R. R 8t1:ltion. I t. , Can :rou gtTe any logical reuon retorDed witbtn a week, or at ~orig ! stason. . An~tber mat ter .or fllr gr8tLter tm • why the adoption of the .ingle to wlll est a tortnIRbt.· a dinner oall or in portllnoe to the ' plantar is t. be faot Ort SALE 2_ full Blood HIHUll. not benetlt "Bla Buslne•• ?" , fact. auy o'be;~ of tbose namec Mr. James McClure and daughter, tbut tb' e' lll,raer "eroenl.of stook "or. sbire Mal a HlI~" ' II IIUW~ wlt-h The direct p~ctical bearing of th8le • , d K i f B lIb ' k re ..... .. vlll1ng Pil(R AII4\J Il fio& PurO(lIJ Mrs. 1 a e sey, 0 e roo, we ObOHOd io f.bi" IlJfanUlIr ht not dnly " qoeation. upon , the ' Intel11gence and sboold be pa1d promptly. , last tonaer throuah 1wder Drlvi'og H !r~.', 4 yOll,rs 1111i. .1 H. eervIc:e than an, otber be.. .incerlt)' of Mr. Bigelow's view. II obo "If two women 0,,11 toget.her, it is guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter ioferlor as regards quality. I U' tt< ~use they have a round LellDaIOg, I mile west of NOoN BUI. 110"",/ whid! does a~ Yloua. . tbe ohler of tho two who m4kes the McClure Tuesdtiy. ftpOriOOd .. nil not trlle (0 name.; Itng~jln, O. J(lth antrp corotfl (w...,." r NQUO.t him to give anawer to Ilgnsl for de..... rtore by rising or f b tb i e . .de iJ Joined to IWidlel r. Mr. and Mrs: D. W. Meeks ' were ort erml) rl', ere " no 18!lUrllflO wbere wear I. COIIItant and them through publication In the Iwdut. T)l!1 Is but one 8crlpp.McRae league of new.pun, giving a significant glllnoe tp her the guests of relatives in Franklin tb&t 1& ill fUfnlbbe.l by tbe Daullrv OOd-A few Poilmd.Obinl1 boar 01 maar notable 'ealuru 01 and to read and alllwer them to aD)' oompanion. ,. 1 t k M Meeks remained oompany whiob tbe agont oilliml! to ,1.liI(l4, good, bOll.V relll) >Vtl. 10'audlenoe he ma)' addreas In the fa. "There is DO need for great tor· as wee. h ' rs •. It represf'Dt. 1'ne Ill "llt. imlJllrhnt qUire IIf 8. F ElbOIl. Wliynesvllle, ' l)hto ' ture. 'Dlality of oondo,o t in oalling The over for a sort VIS • fe~tore reg$rc1ln~ o.lblp, grqwing ~: which live 11111111 ._en Ice and satisfaction. - • weH.bred woman who is at ease in Clay Warwick returned to Dayton 18 tbat 'or tbe Renoine Jflimerous . pattern a are E btl,"1l oolored /lnd pillin PII._ effered In this {~1I10UI "stl· Dano~. at Oerm.n Court .all. her own hQna8 need have no fear Gf M d af ral ks' illness ,o 'ltalpa speOl08f\ and the rlMk of, ob• ' " Plate that WtGta • .. ve r N'I,pklnll "t the Gil.etta "Do TOU re~el'lleT" wa. a Que.tion appearing awkward in the honae of on ay ~er e:ev~:!Jee ch 'Iioing Inferior viirtetiesj is too graat ~ Sold by ludllll dtlltn IImoa .,f ' ;. , evemvhere. Send fonat· 'of the 'lOs. 'ValUer. at the Buckiq· another. To oome in quietly after here.· He . M Improv , ve~y l1,lu to vrarrILnt promt'Mouoo" purob~.e of alo.JUc "CoL" abowiDa aU <. ham palao. .tate ba1la are debarred ' I i' h d .. tb d ' t lately, and Isabout well,agam. dHIana. · ' "fro. "reTel'lllng." a.rmaD court, eav ng er ollr I... e oor ; 0 a toO It ,P lanters lire urged not, to " IHI!IIIIIIITUIIII ~ (IlItenlaUoual SII.. ·. ncuJatlo~. &0 enn f\lrtHr, aDd 101"0 ,speak firs' of all" to her boste's. Mr. and Mrs. Lindley, Mendenhall buy froin U~II:Down part.tes, ,od e1l- . eo..aa_.) b~4 waJ~. altocether. then to reoognlle the other perSOlll had as their guests Sunday. Mr. and peo~al1y agents. \ 'l'bla nto elate. bacJt to 1851, wbeD presen'; to ohat wi~h thOle n~are8t MrS. S. E. Strode, son and daugh. Good fo .. 'Nothlnc but th.,I ana 1 lamp..... IT.d.rlck. then croWD prID· the seat ahe haa taken avohUng , f Col b Oh' a.c oeu~ '1r&Jta, wu tripped up by h_ partner um Ohio us, State 10. Food Corp• .• ....• • • • • • • •I.iwI...iu• • • • • • • • ..._ • • • • • • •!II!I..II1I. . . . I.. &04 fel' at the feet of topics whioh might lead' t e ~r8u.riso of the the . her mo~fD.law. lDmp..... Aupeta. men' or diaoosllon i to take her oup mission. a dMpot on the ~re of etiquette, tor- of tea and bit of cake or sandwich; . ~. the 1D/31u.lon of waltsee th4lnce- to leave at the end of twenty min. Mr. Abram Shoem~er and son, .:'~ba::. ':~:t.:.e ::~~:; ~t8lt or h41f aD h lor. aftor . 'ha~tng J~ee, went to Goes ·StatIon. ,<;>hi?, .. ,........,.11.... ....,u.ht 10 bea~ 9n blm to h~n'" with her boa., an~ bowing !l'ue8day, tQ attend ' ~~ funeral of the "walta. Danclq at ·the farewell to o,herl preeeD_,_herell Mr. Sh*.laker's nephew, Mr.. Geo. 00Ut aI,w ay. ~peu wtth a all t~at'coDsmute'l a oall. .A 1I"le Shoemaker, whOle death ,~Qrred In ~~illOIaIuJj.'1I::: ~:. famiitar. ty ro~ oalliDg of ~1' te~. Chicago ~tunlay. .' the IClbottiach.. ad tIM ron it IDay poII88II for &be bUbtnl, . . >lDUVbI. or lor 'hOle aDaOO1lltom84. to 10- Mra. MarY'Proctor WlllOn, of the OiM1' ; and one 1_l'IIal, la Jut the Lebanon fatriot. was chOlieD .. o)J.ttme 'afternooD ?iJW with a _Dew '& .ember . the committee on Or,. name." . aaniution at the meeting of the
Osteopathic. Physician
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Ola••Uled Ad.
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Plated . Knives
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State'. Obarfti. abtJ CoiftlctiOD in
EF'Sua...Cribe for the Miami GMette Toledo ihfa WIik.
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THA YER- STOUT Wednesday evening, October 1 th ( at eight o'clock, at the home of the Clement V. Mason, a well-know n bride's mother, Mrs. Charl es E. resident of Bellbrook, was adjudged Thayer, Pasadena, California, a very insane and taken 'to the Dayton Statt' hospital yesterday. Because Ilf his condition the inquest was held at' the home of his brother.in.law, .Frank Dinwiddie.- Xenia Daily Gazette. The many friends of "Dick" in Waynesville are sorry to hear of his misfortune.
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Social Events·
!. 1Township Sunday School work tho . - - - - - - - - - - - - .. l'~ I ..- .. · -·· ........ ••...... .. -·- .... •• .... • .......... ••·.... · ~· ...... ••... • ....... _ .. .......J workers d the several schools werE.' Mr. and Mrs . Wm. ll av cntP.1·tain tl ...................... -. _ - _ ..................................... ....................... - ...... called together on October 29, 1Dl1. l co untl ay at dinn er til.! followin"
I t
pretty wedding occurred; the conI ,:)' ' ' ' tractinl{ parties being Mr. Isaac Booth's Bl.'bl Oys ters at White' s. I Fleischmann's com pressed yeast at by Rev. L O. Thompson bv order of g uest : Mr and MI·t!. WIn. PhillJp;l Marshall Stout formerly of Waynes . White's. Mr. Frank Fa rr, president. Mr. Farl' and son, MI' . and Mrs E I Hanb:', of villp-, Ohio,' and Miss Flora Lorinda ~:'iJ" " N0 Hunting" sig ns for sale at 1 not being able to be present the Dayton and MI'. anA r t! . Lyman Thayer, of Elmira, New York, both this offi ·e. Ray Hawke, of Dayton, was in meetinir was presided over by Mr. Dav. _ .__ now residents of Fasadena. M'ISS p carl Carey , of"Dayton, wa towns Monday Thompson. ' R tat' f t h M tl -1 1 ]\1 t.' V' B h t The decorations were beautiful. eprcsen Ives rom e e l· n r . fi n< ' r~ . 6 . arn ar en Festoons of green and white grace- home Sunday . J. W. White was in Cincinnati od ist, Episcopal, Orthodox and Hi~ks· ter tain d a small com,iany on Mon· fully decked the 'ceilings, with wed' J . M. Earnhart, of Lebanon, was Thursday. ite Friends and Christian churches day evening in a mo., t Jelightful ding bells prevalent. Roses, carna- . t F 'd and the Lytle M. E. each gave rA- manner . "500" wag th ~ main diver· In a letter from Mrs.!Nettie Clem~ tn own 1'1 ay. . Edmund Retallick has been quite ports of the schools. While good sion, and an elegant lun h was served ents, of Long Beach, Cal., she says ill in tions, geraniums, smilax and ferns profusion wtlre attract.ively ar. Mrs. Harry Williamson has been sick for several days. wor k h as been done more might be Those present were: MI·s. Wal ter part:ed th h t th h visi~ing friends in Spring Vall ey. done and it is felt that this may be Reed , of Chicago. guest of honor; , We like to have our home paper rang roug ou e ome . Mr. aDd Mrs . Horace Kirby were hIed b . . f h M d M J H C I D Behind the marriage al tar was . Dayton vI'sl'tors Sat'u l'day. ep y reorganIzatIon 0 t e l ' an rs . . . 0 eman, I and hear from old friends. We cer, a bank made from the boughs of the. P os t mas t er F . H . F a rr IS so mu ch T ownsb'Ip Assocla . t'Ion. an d M rs. A. T . W1'1' 1.ht , Mr. an d Matt McKinsey ~il1 arrive home A committee for nomination of Mrs. Geo. Hawk e. Mr . and Mrs. tainly do, all, love Long Beach, from beautiful pepper tree and scarl et Jm~roved that h e walked down town the younge$t to the oldest. Mother eraniums. ' Frl d ay. C M. D. L . Crane, M'ISS Emm a H elg . h way, Thursday, after a long stay in Cali- 0 ffi cers composed 0 fM essrs.. Clements was . hastily called to the g The bridal party proceeded to th e R b't 0 Ed d M' M' EI' t... th C II fornia. 0 I zer, scar war s, , Isses ISS Iza" e arro an d M'188 bedside of her only siater Mrs. Edna altar with solemn step to Lohengrin'll Oscar Denlinger has sold hi s res· EI'Iza he th Carro. II E D ' d M B' d va aVIs. nn yra au' . taurant b a Mr. Cross, of Bowet'f!- Mr . and Mt·s. Clarence Bentley Edna Stout were asked to withdraw Sherwood, Yel!terday, who i~ very critically ill. She lives at Los Cruseu ~~:in~e::~~~, r~~;~e~e~%h,~~l~ ville, Ohio. spent Sunday with relatives in New and do their work. A farewell reeept ion wasgiven E in ~:~~~~:~, one and all attended There was a look of dignity and R. G. Cross attended the Vehicle Bu~lington. Reports from six of the eight Sun' Mr. and Mrs. Arnold. just before the Thayer.Stout wedding. . quiet joy, on the face I)f the g room, and Implement show in Cincinnati day School in the township were giv - their leaving for the East. to mak~ as h~ stood in the archw.· a.v und er the two days last wee". Mrs. Lu ther Sellers, of Davtcn, en, all showing that good work is be- their permanent horr.e. Those pl'eJ I wish you and yours could see this " w a s the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R~y ' d W H M dd d'f wedding bells, beside the radiant, Sml'th last week. r mg one. ent were: . ' . a en an Wl e, beautiful and prosperous country sweet-faced bdde. She was gowned Th e conven t'ron was encourage d t I Cast Mr. and Mrs. Jos. E vans attended 0 Robt. Crew and wife, Wa tel' Charley's face is ever radiant and he in a handsome robe of purest gauzy the Armstrong-McComas wedding at 1. b 1\ an d f amI'1 Yi J am rs H'atnes . Mrs. Stanl ey Sellers, of South d 0 grea t er wor~ ~' J u d ge Boxwe, and f amI.\ y was very fortunate in buying out a d . te ,. t lk T h 'B B i d f '1 C A Charleston, VI'SI'ted her father, Mr. an In res mg a s on eac .e rs ert ar ow an amI y, . . white over silk, and held, a hu "'e Franklin, Thursday. '" T .. d . I k . R Id d f ' 1 k K corner, close to the ocean. with many boquet of bridal roses. The brid es 1. E . Keys last week. raInlftg an speCla wor were gl~en eyno san aml y" ~'41I\SeS at h erapartment houses close around him by Rev. D oug Ias 0 f th e P rf'.8 by t er1.an me . Miss Marguerite Thompson, of an d AI )' ('e Cl ark " M, ra . , T . J . 'd looked charml'ng I'n whl'te lace He a)so has a steady trac.te from all mal d R Crab · Smith. Mrs. Tinney 'and" d augh t el' b Dayton, spent the week-end with' ,..Mrs. Jam es Beirne, and daughter, ch urch 0 f F ran kl'tn, anev. . d' d carrIE' an Immense 0 over the city and has more than he gown, uet ofan carnations. The groom, Mr. Ed Macy and family·. of Cincinnati, are the guests of reI a- tree wh 0 h as h ad experience in coun- Mrs. N: McKinsey, Mrs Alice Mc-' q can do with two steady clerks and a and his attel'\dant, wore the conv~nt y work'm G reen coun t y. Th ese K'msey, M'ISS L'II' tives here for a few days. I 16 Ned ry, M{'s. Wam~n are energetic, earnp.st workers terhouse, Miss Laura McKinsey . boy to help. • _ • tional black. Miss Edith Mosher arrived home . OBITUARY A very impreSsive ceremcony was Saturday evening from an extended' Mrs. Louisa Woolley attended and their talks were especially help- Mrs. Stroud, Tom Craig, Mra. M~ud performed, by the Rev. F. W. Rey. visit in Chicago and Cincinnati. a family reunion in Xenia Sunday. ful. Crane, Mrs. C. M. Brown, Mr . land remained there for a couple of The nominating committee brought. Cw. Crew, Mrs. Spray, Mrs. B H. Allen Joy, son of Peter and Eliza beth JOl was born in Shepherdstown nolds, Corona, Cali. Mr. Harris Mosher left for Cincin~ days visiting relatives. for\J.ard names as follows:-C. A . .Mills. . .' Jefferson county, West Virginia, on After congratulations, the guests nati Monday morning to take Bruner, .res.; D. L·. Crane, vice pres.; November 19, 1828, and departed were invited to partake of punch, a course iT! Nelson Business College. Mrs. Mary Decker and infant son Edna Stout, sec'y.; Eva Davis, treas.; At her beautiful country home this life on October 24 . 1911, a{ed followed by dainty refr~shm~nts were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Mrs. Martha Creighton sec'y El 'thursday Miss Celestia Austin e Ice cream. was . "Mendenhall \ t.ertamed . '.In a very charmmg ' . manner n,served In UnIque M r. an d M' rs. Wa Iter J ord an, OLIf r:> ~ . GI'lm our F rl'd ay an d Sa t ur d ay 0 f Dep't .· Mrs. GeorgIa 82 years, 11 mon tbs' an d 5 oays. He came to Ob'10 Wben t wen.,/' h. form of cupIds btldal roses hearts W 11 h d th' ts Th last week M D k ' . t ' . ' . . '. ' , ' , e man, a as elr gues urs- , . rs. ec er IS a SIS er sec'y. Int. Dep't : Mrs. 'May Hames, a number of frIends In honor of Mrs . . years o( age, and spent the remain and han~s, etc. • day, Mrs. Chas. Gray and daughter, of the superintendent. sec'y AdultDep't. · Mrs. L. O. Thomp- Bertha Hess. . . der of his life in or near Waynes'ville . ~ebrldeandgroomwere the reo Miss Mary. " 0 h' · c6QD sec'y Home'D.ep't; ~Mrs.C.A. Anelega'lt'ourcoursedinnerwas He Was the last one of a family o.f Clplents of many · haRdROme and Evanston, B runeI', sec ' y T . T ram. . Dep: 't M1'8. serv. ed Co vers' 1.._" " "d'f M J St d M S ' M n t delr M return S L from ~ t ' . ht uelDg al or t weIve . ten·children. . use f u I presen ts . rs. ane ump an rs. ue r. ·an rs. . . "ar wrlg en- Ch H h 'M" Dep 't Th ta O bl b t,j·t il Y d ra t d They left f,or a short trip for Sen Suydam, ot Springfield, Ohio, at- joyed a delightful visit of two days M as' tOhuJIl , sec y ,lssTlons D t;' eed e wdas lelau gM he?Ot e He was married to Angelina Gor· D' d '11 b t h . t th' ded M D 'I S 'f I 'th P f d M J 0 '(,. lk' rs. R u anney, sec y emp. ep; In r an ye aw. " u(' m ereat cion on February 7,1850, she having lego, an WI e a orne 0 elr ten r. an. tump s unera WI ro . an rs.. . ra m- M A C d II d. ' V"ta tak i tb tt' fth b Id 's a many friends after November first a t here', Wednesday. · bur<Y'atHomeCity. t.rs·Dnn't a wa a er,Becy lSI - W&i ere en n ecu mgo him ' to the better world .. Ion ep . , receded k P · · St P d ' . ca e. 715 M ago asat ena. - EI' nl'ne and a half • . To thl's 1 G lBSlon., ts f M d M J H Cask f Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Janney and Th e repor t 0 f thOIS comml'ttee was Th e d ay waa spen t·m H a II owe ' en , years union were born two son&, Orner and ues were presen rom mIra. r. an rs... ey, 0 d ted b th t' f .". . h' h # rd ~ h y e conven ~on. estlVltIes " W IC . • auo e.. ~uc New York, Empal~, Mexico, Los Lebanon, attended Rt. Mary's church Mr. and Mrs. Lindley Mendenhall a op Gordon, and one daughter, Martha Angeles, Long Beach, Corona and Sunday and were the guests of Mr. motor.:d to Richmon::!, Ind., SaturWe were ~avored WIth a ~Io by amusement and wIll be one Ion. to E. all of whom. survive him. Pasadena. and Mrs. D. L. Crane. day, and were the guests of Mr. and Prof. Amy, Do~ Jesus C~re? be remember~d ~y tho~ wlao were Having been an in~a1id for several • _ _ . Mrs. George Thorpe. They returned The County Sec y, Mr. RIce Cowan there. The IDvlted , gu,ests were: yeaN, and feeling the infirmities of 'SOUD ANOTHER FARM Mr. Chas. Haines and daughter, of Sunday evening. was acceptably present and his en- Misses Eva Davis, Ellen Sherwapd, age, he has often expressed the de Dayton, and Mrs. Hertha Marks, of . couraging words were well received. Rosa Davis, Nina Scott, Winifred, 8ir~ to depart aM be at rest. C. G. Williamson sold another Columbus, were 'guest:! of Mr. and Mrs. Jennie HUnter, of the Coun· The meeting closed with congrega- MeredIth, Flora Berryh'ilI, Pearl He was a kind father and neighbor, farm last week. The farm islooated Mrs. Gordon Joy Sunday. ty Board of Directors inspected the tional singing, and benediction by Smith, Nora Scott, Fay Hess, Rena, and Ii good citizen. near South"Lebanon, and 'is known jails . of WaynesVille, C,Qrwin and Rev. Cadwallad~r. . Josephine and Elsie Smith, Mrs. Besides the three children he leaves as the Kibby farm It comprises 270 Messrs. Frank Elbon, Jason Shee~ Harveysburg on Friday. They were Edna Stout, Sec'y. ·Goldie Hartsock, Mrs. ~Ila Smith' one gl1lnd80n, and a large number acres of good land, and was formerly han, Oren Strawn and Sid E\lis at- 'repor;ed in good condition, Harveys·. - - and Mrs. Bertha Hes~. of neighbors and friends to mourn owned by J. M. Earnhart. tended the mule sale in Lebano.n burg being spoken of most favorably POULTRY A.s sociAliON their lOBS, • ~. Saturday. They all made purchases. I --. --. PART FARM CHANGES HANDS ~och White, of Owensboro, Ky . , The regular monthly meeting of One of thepl~ntest social cuncMi!lS Charlotte Antram, who h18 arrIved here Frid.ay evening and was the Miami Vallw Poultry Association tions .of the ~ason was a I\u~se L.E T US DO OUR - - The State Fish .a nd Game CommisJoseph Tinney has bought the been the .gues t of Mr. and Mrs. the . guest. of hIS brother, U. M. will be held Saturday afternoon. warrmng and In honor of the tlurd 'sion Jast week liberated OVl'r 7.000 Geo. Sales farm on Caesar's Cree.k. ' George Hartsock, left Monday to WhIte, untIl Sunday morning. Enie November 4 1911 at 2 o'clock All anniversary of the marriage l.Ji Mr. bass and cat fish in the Little Miami This farm hR.,! been in the ale flllUily \ take up hel' work She hal! a travel- had been attending the Implement members r~quest~d to be pr~sent. and Mrs. A. B. Chandler, a~. their ' River in the vicinity, of Morrow, and for many years, and is a flne home. Ing position. and VE!hicle Show in Cincinnati. J C. W. Henderson, Sec'y. cozy and delightful bungall.lw on , later will send more to that place \ Fourth street last' Friday evening. The Little Miami.Run and its tribu _ '! The affair waS planned by Mrs. Chantaries are considered as, among the dler and assisted Oy Miss 'l'1Iame best adapted streams in the state fot' ' Brown and Mrs: Harry Murray, t'e the propogation of game fish, and •• •• same was brought to good ·effect Of the Commission will gladly assist in •• • the proceedings Mr. Chandler was stocking-any part of same if they can -:: " .:: kept in the dark. Wherl upon ente feel assured . that the residents of ng the house after bou$il')g the aut the county will do their part to asmobile in wh~h his son ,W itl ter a /Jist in the suppression of viC'laters of wife bad come from l)ayVl1: f()r' t thefish and game laws. The· con· During this summe,r, Mr. George instructive as well as entertaining. diametrically opposed to God and festation of awakening to the better occaSion. his eyeS beh~ld . the, g 8i~ment of fish to the lower part of S. Sale had the pleasure of a call being a reader of the best in litera· His Gospel. This was the.state of life. Friday and Saturday had scene within, he was pio:!& happi the county is by WIJ3 of recognition from tht> Misses Hubbard, of Belle· ture and also a thinker. More ,re- Simon Kenton 's mind when the tide passed. The divine influence and surprised. Hand-shaking and co ot' assistance rendered the officers at fontaine, who had been to Miami cently a letter came to the Examiner, of emigration entered into the al- power seemed as a wave to roll over gratulations were hearty and .since that point in the enforcement of the cemetery to see the grave of their from Mr. Sale, nicely. written by him most uni.:>roken forests of ' Logan the assembled multitude, and earnest and joy was unconfined.: .' After c laws regulating the t:aki~g .of · fish old school teacher, the lamented on a typewriter, and enclosed was an county and crowded around him. desires ,for salvation were felt in dial greethgs a beautiful "divan -'---.'" - . , Coates Kinney. The Misses Hubbard article entitled, "Story Of Simon Many of them wel'e pillus Methodists, many hearts, and expressed without the gift of esteem from their ' iAn."IS,;~),~::~iilt,;.I FINE SECOND CROP are reporters on the Bellefontaine Kenton's Conversion." Mr. Sale. say- and soon had their nei~hborhood blush by many. was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Cha . Examiner, of which their brother, ing: embraced in Mad River CIrcuit and Saturday evening General Kenton dler by Rev. J. F. Ca~wal1aaer. , Miss . Orpha Hockett brou •...ht in Mr. Thos. Hubbard. is the editor. "The story of the cop version of supplied with regular preaching, requested ·the Elder, Mr. Sale, tQ At a seasonahle hour dainty. ,. a bunch' of fine rashb,erries Friday .! .. I' The poetry appended to Mr. Sales' Genera I I{ enton WIIS wnt"en many Th'IS was a b· out t h eyear 1807. After take a walk with him in the woods, f resh ments were f;erv ed tw.ter VI bi . They were a second crop, and ' ~he article was written by Mr. Hubbard, years since. in a biographical ' sketch the new settlers 'had passed the busy as he desired a private interview. two productions by MisS Rebec vines were fairly loaded with them grandfather of the sisters. . of the life of John Sale, by Dr. Tay- period of operiing their farms and Having reached a point where, as he Mason of · the Frie~.ds Home we A few 'were ripe;' and they . were ' We print the story and also ·the lor of the M. E. church and pub- roads, and organizing their settl'; thought, no person could see or hear, read, one a . poe~ d~icated to ~.A.u sweet and tine tas~ It w~ too poetrY as it apdaared in the Belle. lished in the Western ' Ctirlstia~ Ad- ment in the' wilderness they deter- in his eccentric manner, he began Julia. Underwood on h~r ,D!m!tie bad the fto st ca~~t.tllem. , .'., fontaine Examiner. ... . vo~ate. You will no doubt want to mined in 1810 to hold a camp meet- a rehearsal of some olthe prominent birthday.' The other . she 'call N MEN'S MEETlN'Q The Examiner had : the pleasure. know' wha~ rela~iQn I w~ or am. ul. ing i~ General Kenton's neighbor- events or' nis extraordinary. history: "Cnronicles," rel~ting to th~ .:!ou ' UNIO \" . . . ., a few weeki ago Of mpeting a most the fait~ful old pio~eei preacher. ~od, which he !ltten4ed. John' S~le . "Sir;" said he, ',.'1 'WiSh to o,en'my, ship and, ~ar~i8ge~.of ~~. ' an,'! ,~ Thete will be union ~eetirig for inter.eetlng old gentleman .in· the He w~ thy fath.e r's b'rother an.d died one of the very early . pioneers of miqd to you freely, but must ' enjoin Chandle,.- and the deparfut:~ 0 ~ men only' at the Christian chuich, person George ~le, .w ho has long nea~ Plqua, Jan~~ry 9, 1827, when I Methodism in ' Ohio, was Presiding u'J)Onyou the mojltprofound secrecy." Chandler from tbeFriends ~qn' . Sunday at 2:80 p. m. " been a a reSident of a town named was ~ 7-year·old,kid," . Elder r an~ , Saul Henk!e and Hector. 'He beg'an; "I have bee~ a wretched Both pap~J1! :",~exc~~Iy. clev . All men and boys of Waynesville, COrwln. (in W'arl'~n county, Ohio), STORY OF' SIMON KiJ'NTON'S CONVER- ~f~rd were th!;' p'r~hers. Qn the si~,m~r. out· the' Lord , ~~ ' ~ . At .'l0:~9 the :.co~~~ disJ?e • and'v.icinity are ,ery. Cordially' in.;"ben it was laid out, ·in honor of" , SION , emmlt. Th~re was much close DlY tile•. I have been In so ~any aU.feeli1'lg· ~pPle.r lo.r biVJnif'·v vited. Evangelist Crabtree, . and Tom Corwin but which of late years . preaching, and . mlny eloquent' and battles, e~eountered so many "dan.. their pr«sl!ence to so happy an Rev. Grouser will deliver ~dtelies .; Jtno~ 88' ~t Waynesville. AI· Whether men be dr.easecl tn buck- powerful . exhQrtations,. while' the ,g ers. 80 many tim'e s been-.' tak~ aion~ 'M'&Y 'Mr IU)d :.Mn.~CluulL , . The niale q~ : WIll ' reDder tboqb he is in his .94~. year Mr. skin huntini shirt or regimentals, or H~ro of the Frontier listened . with · · · . enjoy many' happy re~ ~,~1',pecial niusic. " m~ol7, Is aeemiqly unim~ the goftreous COItumlll o~ the Roble m~ked and ~est ~tten~D, but . ,~~ y(:~ ~ ~.- .~~~f1J)~~ Co... come, comel pelted and In collv8natlon he ts'Very and the ereat. th~ carniJ mind Is' as yet bad, mat!~ no outward mBni· (Continued on' pap 4) bom~. . .\ f;'}1~
Practical Fashions LADV'S SIX G9RE SKIRT.
once. Anp;cls av Hlve n. It It iI,"·t tbe' same the at' Gloeral was IIhowl n' mo In the parly," TIle other sat up suddenlY, ber wblte sboulrl erll nnd rounded throat gleamIng. "The old Genera l. you eald 1 What Gen eral! When was IJ& here!" "Shure now . be alsy, !louey. 9.I!' 01'11 ttill ye all there III to It . It'lI not bl. name 01 kno,,; maybe 01 oher beard lIlI av It. but 'I was Ihe 'G lnera l' they called him . nil right. He was her • mllybe three <lays outtlttln'- a nolc. !lpoken 01' glatl mlo. wId a gray beorll • BO' onc'l be s howe d me th l! lockelbe tht' Ilowers. tr It do be hili. tbere'l an onenln' to II . 110' a plclt'r InsIde. " Tb e slrl tOllche,1 the sprIng . reveal· tni: the fac wIthin. but ber eyes were blind ed with t eBrs. The landlady look· ed At her In alarm . " What III It, boney 1 . ~at Is Itt Old YOU know blm!" The slender (orm s wayed 1orwnrd, shaken wltb Bobs. "He was my fatber. s nd -and tbll .. my motber's pIcture wblcb be alwa,. carrlpd ." "Then wbat Is your nameT' "Hope Walle." Kate Murpby 10d'k tI at the fa.:e bat: bIdden In tbe bpd-clotbee. That 1I'1LI not the Ilume wblch Keltb bad ~Iven her. but she bBd liv ed on the b<.~der too 10Dg to be Inquisitive. The o\J).r lifted ber bead, fllnglog back b.., 100eeDe<1 balr wltb one bAnd. "Mr. Kcltb dropped It." IIbe exclal~ ed. Where do you SUllpose he got Theo she gave a Quick. Itsrtlt>d cl'7. ber eye. opening wide In borror; "Tbe Clmrnaron Crossing, tbe murdcr at tbl Clmmsrori Crossing! He-be told m. about that; but be nover abq1l'ed m. thls-tbls. Do' you-do you tblnk-" Her voice failed , but Kate Murph, glltbered ber Into her arms. . "Cry bere. bOlley," sbe said, u If t. a child . "Shure an' Ol'm' telllo' ye If nlver was Jack Keith what dId It-· tnurtber alo 't bla stoYle."
aYNOPSIS. 7-.dt Keltb. • Vlrl1nllln, now a bor· pl&hwman. t. rtdl .... ilIonI' th .. 8anla ..... trail on lhe lookout Cor rOil mIn. wllr ....-u- of aav...,e8. He noticea a camp ilre at a dlatance a nd th .. n a"ea a leam J&Uadled' to .. ",agon and at Cull gallop ,pUrSUed by men on ponlea. When Keith , ~bea the walf<'n tho rald"rs have \111".... • ...&Cred two men &lid dllparted. lie aearcllea .• IM: vicUma ftndlna pllll ~ ra aryl Ii lock"l wUlI 11 womlUl'a portrait. He re80 lvQ to . hont down the murdorcra. Kulth la ar· ~d at C .. l1Ion Clt)'. charlled \Ylth lhe •.DlUrdef. hla accWtllr boln. a ruUII<n named Black But.. H" lJOea to Jail fully reaUa· b'blc the ' pee-II of .wtrl border Junlce. A . eoIIlI)anloo 10 lila ~.ell Is a nelfrn. wllo , c.u. blm be t. Neb and that h" kn .. w the 1 Kodlh family bllck In VlrRlnJa. Neb 81lya •_ of the I¥\urdered men waa John l8lbIey. the other Gcn. WIlUa Walt". for· &0 of6eef' In tho Cunfed"rato arIDY , 'l'be pla1neman and Neb eacape from the -u. &Gd later the two fuiOUvcs become -t..t tn the aand deserL They come upon • ~lA and find Ira lone occupant to be Ii :-~ 111i. whom Keith recolln l...a as a ~r lie .aw at Caraon City. The trlrl • eq>laJlI.8 tbat aho came there In aearch of . . Of'O~ wllo blld deaertcd from , lhe army. A Mr. Ha",ley Induced her to come to tho ca.bln while he aou!; .. t to 10_ ber brother. Hawley Ilppear.. and '8I[ath 10 hldln. recocnl_ him .. Black j,IIasL Hawley tnet! to make love' to the . ,.Id.. There I. a terrillc' battle III the ~ room In whIch Keith overcome. Siadt Bart. Horaea are appropriated and I.tIMI ...., who Baya that her name I. Hope. , . . . lu tho _cape. Keith eapluna hla 18IMuaUon and the tut(1tJv.. make for ..ort J.amed. wbere tbe &:Irl la lart with the 1I1er
CHAPTER XV. ~a.ln Chrlatl. M.cl.lre. 1[elth poaeued '.umolent meanl for _nral ..ontha of Idle.ea, and eyen If be ba4 qot. bla reputatlon u a .....- ""'.ould fnlure him emplo,· !JIIeIlt at ~ of the more ImportaDt .-attered posta. Reliable men .ex- ...da "",08 were lD demiLod. Tbe ~........ . or the Yarioul ' Indlan 'Uibee. ..... ' ·.peclally maDlreat by l1aWa _ &be more · My___ ced aettle· ~, . . . '. .undine oye» a coDltant· ;_ . . . . . . . ten1tory, requlred cooUn· . . . . . law,cbuiee of ,communication ....eea MmmlDderl of detAcbmenta, ftckJ.... Iplrlta bad flocked to the tJoti~ to th!)H da,a foUow· t6lc 0Mt CI.ll War, .,et all were not of -a.e tt-.,. to _~ur~e confidence ID ~ autborlt1ea. Keith bad al· , . . . , b'eqlleDU, ..nod 111 tilll ca· .,.at7. ~ abo4antl, iiroved hll "WGftJa un .... "&oro"a demand. of both ~urance ud tD,t.e1llPD~, and l lle _14 reel 'auarecl of 'permanent em· plDl"IIUiDt whenever dealred. N'o t a , -few of tbe m~re ,prqmlnent omcel'a h~ .... .at l)e1'IIODaI., durin, tbe , latJ. ......·~~_'lujUDg Sberldan. to whom be ..... ~ bOrne ~' ftag or truc&-yet 10Ie IlPiFl' ot tbe Confederacy , stili lin· .,..eel 10; ba. h~; . no~ In any feeling Of either ~tred or rt;lvenge. but In au ,. .WUUqu aa to serve the blue unl· ~• .ad a , m e mory of antagonism ~ would not entirely disappear. 'lie bad B~rrendered at Appomattox. _CJuered • .yet be could not quite ad· . . . . blm~1f to beCllmlng C(lmpaoloo· - - . . wttil tboae agalost wbom be .... . .......t ,valiantly for lour yeare. ~ or tbe trOundl 01 that Mllftlct .uD moarted. A oatural soldier. au· . . . . to belp tbe bnrassed setUers. . . . . . eDoUib to be acUvely employed. ......11 beld aloof from anny collnec· . . . . escellt u a vOlunteer III case ot
.w ...
I ..___
Dr. Plefte', P ellete, 'malt. lU.r-ooated,
to take .. candy\ regula to anil Ua.ifOrate .tomacb, liver ana howelL Do not crtpe. A womaD thlnkl a mao la aellilbl. If be t,Us ber, that Ihe II handlOme.
Introducing Doctor Falrbalft• Aero .. Ita Face Waa Plainly Written, "MilS Chrlatl. Maclalre." Headed u they " 'ere. and bav!nl _ _..,..• • • _--_ ...,..-_....,.. anee to hll own Imagtnatlon: tant crazing ilntelope, but to the north other special objective point 10 view. It ." Dee" I does!" the tblck YO Ice extended more broken' country with a was oll-Iy natural for tbe two fugitive. 80mewbo.t Indl«nant. "I reck'n faint glimmer of water between tbe to drift Into SherIdan. ThlB was at that know a de real quality when I lIees It. bllli. Satisfied tbey were unobserved, time tbe human cesspool ot the plaiD. I'ae 'lOclated ,wid Quality white folkl be slid back again Into tbe depression. country. a seetblng. bollins maelstroll! bero·... As be tume4 to lie down bll took bold of all tbat was rougb. ev1l. aod brazsll "But. Neb. sbe'i a singer In dance of tbe saddle belonging to Hawley's along tbe eotlre trontier. Customarhalls," borse. In tbe unbuckled bolster bls Ily quiet enough during the bours '" "I- don·t believe It. Massa Jack." eye obletved tbe glimmer or a bit ot daylIght, tbe town became a ma. Tbls little frock bas the yoke In two "Well, I wouldn't If I could belp It. wblte paper. He d re1l' It forth . and I'aturnalla wltb the approacb of darkBtylcs, ojle Is square. exteodlng all the She doo·t seem like tbat kind, but I gazed at It untblnklngly. It was an nesB: Its ceaseleas orgies being nolsll, way acroa8' tbe front and tbe otber recognIzed ber as soon as' I got her envelope. robbed of It I contents, evl. continued uotll dawn. But at tblc makes a sballow point In the center. period all track work on tbe Kanaal rnce In tbe IIgbt. Sbe wal at tbe dently Dot sent tbrough tbe malls. al Tbe aklrts are plainly gather,ed alld PacIfic being temporarily slIlIpended Gluety In Independence. the lut time It bad not been stamped. but across attacbed to tbe lower edge of tbe yoke. ,I w.. tbere. ' . Hawley knew her too. Ita face was plainly wrItten. "MIss by Indian outbrea~s. the graders mad. Batiste. lawn aod glngbam are the mao and called her by· name." Cbrlstle Maclalre." He stared at It. botb nlgbt and day alike bldeolls. and terlals usually employed In maklns tbe single <lIrty street wblcb COOlNeb rubbed bla eyes. aud slapped bls lips firm set. bls gray eyes dark· tbese dresses. JlOsed Sberldan. lined wllh shncks. biB pony'. nank. unablo to answer. yet enlng. It be possessed any doubt. Tb3 pattern (6647) Is cut In sizes ¥.a stl\l unconvlnced. before u to ber Idenllty, tbey were crowded wltb 8aloon8. tbe dul} dead prairie stretcblng away OD every Bide to . 3 years. Medium size requires 2 "I reck'n botb' ob yer mlgbt be mI. all thorougbly dissipated now. to tbe borlzon, was congested wIth yards . or 36 Incb material. wltb 6Y.1· tOOk." be Inllsted doggedly. )"ards of InserUo.n and 1 %. ,ards of , "NQt likely." and Keltb's brief lau,gb AI be lay tbere, wltb' head pillowed bumanlty durin, every bour of the edging. . wu not altogetber devoid of ' bitter· on tbe. laddie. bls body acbln, from 'twenty·four. To procure thlt. ')I', :tern lend 10 centB ITO BE cowrI·NUED.) nesl. "We botb ' called ber Cbrlstie fatigue yet totally unable to sleep, to ''Pattarn DeYlartment." ot thla paper. Wrtte n..me tlnd Ilddreell plainly. Ilnd be Maclalre. and abe didn't even deny tbe starlDg open ·eyed Into tbe blue ot tbe sur" to !rIve aile ..nd number of Da.llern. Strict School Rul ..: _raeacy, ' naDle; she was evidently not proud-ot sky, tbe girl tbey bad left behlntl .I.. DOW other considerations It. but tbere wu no denial that Ibe awoke from uneasy slumber. aroused Jobn Wesley beld tbat scbool chU. .ca...8d him to desire freedom. He W1UI tbe girl," by tbe ·entrance of Mrs. Murpby, For dren sbould do wltbout boll day. alto8IZE .•..•••••••••••• NO. 5547. 'JIacl beeD 'a ccused of murder, Imprls· "Dilt wasn't like no nome dat you an Instant sbe failed to' comprebend getber. Wben be opeoed K.lngswcod NAME .••••••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . . . . . fDr It. and In order to (lBCape, called her wben we was rldln'," her posltloD . but tbe Btrong brogue Bcbool In 1748 bl! announced I bat "the It.ad Iteee compelled to ateal borses. "No; sbe dldn't approve of the oth· of the energetic landlady broke In cblldren of tender parenll, so call.d,' TOWN ...................................... . 1IIa.e moat belnoua crime of tbe fron· t'r. and told me to call ber Halle, but sbarply : bave no business here. for tbe ruLea STREET AND NO ....................... . 1Uier. Not only for bll own protec· I reckon sbe's Cbrlstle Maclalre all "A bit BV a cup av colfce fer }'1l, will not be broken In favor of anJ "CIaa and safety must the trutb of that right." boney." she explained. crossing to tbe person wbatsoever. Nor Is 8ny cblld STATIC.. ...................................... . GCCIIITeace at the Clmmaron Crossing Tbey rode on tbrougb tbe block, al· bed. "Sbure 1Ul' tbere's nutblD ' loll\e receIved unless his parents agrJ!e Ibat iM made clear. but be al80 bad now a lent nlgbt al rapidly a.s tbelr tired It when ye Orst wake up. Howly he aball observe aU the rules of tb. ~aI alralr wltb "Black ,Bart" Haw· borses would consent to travel. K eltb Mlther. but It's tolrd 'nougb ye 110 be bouae; and I bat the, '11'111 not talttl Early RISIng. :Iey to be permanently settled. Tbe, led directly across the open prairie, lookln' yet," him from achool. no. not for a da1, . It Is a foregone conclusion tbat eD'Jaa4 already Clasbed twice, and Keltb guiding his course by the stars, and "I baven't slept very well:' tbe Birl till they lake him ~or good and all" elely during Ihe coming seasoo will 1lntended they should meet agaill . purposely avoiding tbe trails. where confessed, brloglng her band alit from Further, no pia, days were permit ..Memory of tbe girl was 8111\ In bls some suspicious eye mlgbt mark their beneatb Ibe coverlet, tbe locket stili ted. and no tim€' was ever ullowed tot find Itself up and doing at a much -1IfIn4 as be aod Neb rod\) silently plUllluge. His first object was to get tlgbtly clasped' Ln her finger. "See, I play, on tbe ground tbal hI! wbo play. earlier bour' than bas been Ibe case Early riSing ~ OD the black prairie. leading tbe safely away fTOm tlJe scattered settle- found tbls on tbe Hoar last nlgbt after wben he III Ii cblld will pl"y wben for muny a , long year. bas not been muc~ practiced or recent .....::tra kone behind blm. He endeav· ments Iy!ng east of Carson Cltr. Be- you bad gone down stairs." be· becomes a man. Every Friday tbe .ared to drtve tbe recollection trom his yond tbelr radlul\ be could sately dIs· "Ye did!" setting the colfee on a · cbildren nad 10 work till tbree ID times. but where the Engllsb court m1Dd, 80 be might concentrate It UIIOO pose at tbe borses tbey rode. dls8P' conv(>nlent cbalr, and reacblng (Jut (or tbe . afternoon wltbout breaklD, til",,, leuds others foll~w. Tbe klng'S morn. log canter In tbe row Is evldf!DUy to . . . . .8 tor tbo future, but somehow sbe pear from view. and find time to de- tbe trinket. "Let's have a look at It last. be made fasblonable again. anti royal· ~rloualy wove ber own per80nal! · velop future plans. As to tbe glrlty rides carly. If IlOclety rides eeV Ioto tbose plaus, nnd be WIl8 ever well. he would keep hlB word with lore breakfast It may Issue Invlta· aemaa the plendlng In ber eyes. and ber. of course, and see ber again tloos to that meal and tbus establlsb. Ifstenloa to tbe soft ~outberll accent. sometime. Tbere would be no dUB· or rllther, revive. anotber Corm of eD' of bel' voice. Of late years be bod culty about tllat. · but otberwlBe sbe tertall}ment.-Londfln Mall. . . . . eaaccuatomed , to ..~cl"tloo sbould retain no Influence over blm. ..~ _men of blgb type. aDd there ~be belongod rather to Hawley's clas. Women .1 Jeweler.. .... tbat toucb of tbe gentlewoman tban bls. t eIIout thIs- girl wblcb had awakened It was a lonely. tiresome ride. dur.\ - - - -...........,..,...-......4"'.......-----..,..---.......-.""....-...-.........""-...-... -----' .........- ...-.,-..... Womeo as allversmltba' ,and Je:wel· erl are Increulnc In number, and , -cleep IDtereat. Of ~urse be knew that Ing wblcb Neb made various ·elfortls many are abowln, beautlful work ... lier cue It 1I'.S merel, an Inberl, to talk. but finding bll wblte com· "Had oat St. HaloP tried again uo Mill Brooke ciarke of London baa * - of ber put. and eould not trul, panlo. uncommunicative. at lut reo Vicinity for Many Veara a,aln to reacb tbe rJumr..lt 10 order to ' done wooderful work ID tbe tr·e almen, wevresent' the prelent Obrlstle Ma· lapsed Iota ratber sullen IlIen08. The People Conlldered It I Helghtl Imp". silence the akeptici about the erk. bat of cl'JSWS and In mounUn, amethY.\I da:Ina of the ::uslc baill. However boraes plodded on steadily. and .-hen Ilbl. to 8cale• found blmlelf eacb mor&~" on wat. after old 'Florentlne deslcDI, MI ~I .... I.atlnl abe ' mlgbt be. sbe could daylight ..Ooliny dawned. the two men IlIg quietly depollted at : tbe bJle, V1ea and AlliS Remlnlrton ·abowed In raot lie any aerioul ·cooslder....· found themselves. In a depre~slon lead· "Ararat la not a mouotain that II wbeocl' b. atarted' FlDall, aD aD ••1 London ·.recentl, remarkable dellen. .1tIIL ......te 01 bll rou,b lIfe ' lIle log down .to the Bmo~y, RIver. Here ..-dU ..,edt of the old South wu 1m· the, came to a water bole. where tbey climbed every da,. or even ner, presented biD) ~Itb a piece of the ark til Ilecltlace pendaJItl! aDd nld sUYer. . ..~ ID bla blood. and no woman .of could aately bIde themselves and tbelr year." lay. a writer. "SeveotellD aa· tor hll , pain I. but told bUD to e.... ' , 'Work ' on' atilt.. . When I bla atte'm:ltl! to 'reach tbe forb,l ild. . . DIll a..... couldtiold blm capU.e.-·Yet, _tock. Wltb botb Ibdlanl and wblte eentl! have been recorde*.!. ' abe refuled to be ballllbed meo to be cuarded BlaIn at. they took Jamel Bryce, ,unaccompanied, mllde ,roulld. , Tbou.andll of .meD 10 ED,Iand una ·''Tbat ID the fourth etlDturr • . tbelr 1I;'lnl durllli. a coDllderable por" ... lIIft· beblod. Bveo to{eb muat have all 'the oecelllU, precaUtlool. · picket· bll remark.ble aaCaDt hi 1876 be wal ....•.......tI bl a ,llmllar aplrlt. tor tng tbe bora~1 clo,el), under the roe~ told ' br everyone ..,hom be 'met ID ' our era. but the Plec. n# the .... It tion .of tbe ),ftr by the.1r abtUty (0 . . . .,.deol, ohsened: ' sbadowi. and oot nnturtq upon tbe vlclnlt~ of the mountalD tbat the atlll to be IIMI!D a~ th. moae,terr ~ , .alll and work on tal! .tUtI!. MOlt 01 ':Oat .uU·ol' a mtabt, Ilo'e Pt. buntlln, aDY ftre. Neb threw ' blmletf top had De•• r been reached. and, tbe Ec:bmiedalll, wbere d••1L, UMI t.,.m e~plo,.d In th,e 'b op-lields of . . . . . . . . . I aln't Mea ootblD' to on lbe turf and wu InltanU, uleep. wbat was more, It- Dever "auld be. cathoUeoa or. th. Armealaa abDre'. Kat aDd other clfatrlcts. where the, ~ _ _ wId IuIr alDee I ClUlt 01' , Vir·,' bllt. Keltb ellmbed ,tbe lteep aide of JIDOI and Iluda ud .. aota had . pre- Tbat auufau or · a 'atra, lou Eal' ba.. dlaplaced the ~leb IItep-ladde... - . . . .-:-...... I ~D·t.N tbe lUll),. and . made ...rc~lnl IU"~' vented tbe rueall, Kurda from e••a IIlbmaD b4 reall)' ratcbet. tb. tot formerll , ID UIl8, Dunng tbe pol.. back at hla black of the bONOL The wJde are to tbe attemptloc..to acale the t.rrlbl. mauD- of Ararat wa. Dot to be ~bOlllllt of, ~ atrlDllili aeuon tb. litllt·walkera. ~~ ___• baN., ' able to daaUIlP,ib lIOutb, ealt aDd w.t revealed Dothl,De talII. Qd tee.t frorp Ua. lround. perform tbw .the ark crouDded th.... ' - -'- - . . . ; - .............. oatOo.. , to lalaaearebtue e,ea. ezcept tbe daD mortal maa had lIot ,be•• . allow';' to, TM . . .ho pia 4I~ ... worlt j wl~ . ~ ~ wlthOU\ •.l~1 ot, or m06on, ~ A (rained aUltmu ~ II 1U7. tbear he browD of tbe IUptl, roUlq plaIDs. treaDa.. OIl tile .ar..a b.t.b&l. It. . . . 'ttie' IIMD wbo bla .. Ule tiaII Let UJr • .. . . . . . . . . tbouPt. . . .u.- w~ ao lIr. appareDt ..... 10m. . . . . laformecL will Ilo t1a. work 01 four or. UYI miD t, ~
Sacred MoUnt of Ararat
...... ""ee4
aa...r ...
Peoullar I ndultr),. An Important Induatr, and one p. eullar to Sp,1" n II Ibe manufacture 01 lute alld bemp sandala. H I,
..... w.,.
A Remarkable Treatment That 8ave. the Kidney.. How You May Cure Yourtelf QuIckly and Thoroughly. Wltb the protrreslI of science cornea ono remul'l<a.blo trellllnont tor klllntly dlti ~ el! . Il htll been ao thol'oughl, tested nnd Its reoulta hllvo pI'ovon 1Ic) revolution .ry that Il well·Jwo\\,n Orm In Mlchlglln hu andortlLkon Ita dlstl·l· hUll on InlO every J)llrt of tho oountry. . Those who ButTor from kllln ey troubla .. nd lho diseases res ulting (rom It will be plens d 10 know that every pncknp ot thIs treatment I. thoroughly a-uartlnto d. ThIs should aasure Ilt lut a pOll· tlve curll 10 every lIutTercr. Every man and woman should know Ihn t backacbe la uSUIllly n. well·deflned aymplorn of advanclna' kidney dlsolUlB whI ch may end fatally unleslI trOllied In lime: that rheumatl.m ami bladder troublo D.re cllu80d trom nolblna' more nor 10lUJ than khlnoys that do not filter tho polson trorn the bluOO; tbat droPIIY. Brlght's dlseaae. dIabetes a.nd blllddar· Cotones \lre caused by bnd kldnoys. Once tlley a rc 'mi1.de to work propar· Iy. theso dlBeaaes IIhould Quickly dletlp· poor. 'rIds II done by the new treatmont. Or. Derby's Kidney Pills. . We urge overyone who baa pain In tb. .mall ot f.he book. profuse or acanty urInation. palna In the bladder. cloudy or fou l urlno, not to fall to get a pn.clt\life loday of Or. Derby's Kldnoy p m., nnd drop all othor kldney ·treMmenIS. 8enator Slevonson of Washington writes Crom OlympIa :' ''Thore I. nn <lues\lon about the etftcacy of Or. Del" by'" Pure Kidney PlUa In curlnc kldnlll and bladder trouble. t know wboreof I .pellk." Or. Derby's J{ldneY pma are now soll1 at all drug etores-~ and 50 ~n t<l. If YOU would like· to try thAm Orst. allk .l0Uf druggist for t\ free sample pncktll{e. Then buy a. pa.oknge; you will 'lot relfl'et U. Derby Medlolne Co., Ellton Repill" Mlo,,"
No skirt Is more Dovel than tills One, It hOB a panel front nncl buck and clr· cular sIdes wltb n Hnunce sect Ion at the sides. Tbere Is (\ lima II IInderturn· ed plall st tbe lowc r edge ot eacb pao. e l. Comblnatlon8 of mal e rlal sbow well 10 sucb a skirt. the 81de fiounce sectlonlJ being or contrallting satto, ror In s tance. or plain goods and mixtures may be used. Tbe pattern (5504) Is cut In sizes 22 to 30 Incbes waist measure. Medium A Fly ParadIse. sIze requires 3% yards at 50 Incb mao First Houletly-Howdy, .old pai ,. terlal. To pro ura thJa pn-Hero lond 10 cents Wbat 10rt of a ,eaaon bave 'OU badT to "Pllttern Department." 01 this lID.pe r. Second Fly-Mucb tbe lame u ''''rlte name and addresa pllllnly. ILnd be uaual. Didn't take any outing tb.l . !lur~ to II'lve .1&0 and numbllr of uatter". year. I'm at myoid Quarters 10 th_ Itver;r ltable. 8IZE . . . ............ . NO. 5564. First Fly-Pretty dull. 1 ahould lay. I've bee n In clover. That's rtgbt. If NAMlI: ..................................... . tbere ever was a fly Eden ( found It. Listen No Icreens. bald·beaded own· 'tOWN . ........ ............................. . er. bald·beaded baby, fI,paper ealY to STR&ET AND NO ....................... . eat and three tat women wbo couldn't swat an elepbant. I'm ,olne baolr 8TATlI: ..................................... . -:::::::::::::::::::::::::==:-___~ there next lummer.
Backache lelnl O,lne .Kidn.,.
.or~ wl~
Made Safe by Lydia E. Plnlduga', Vegetable CompOund.
~~~~~;;;'~:!'d~~~ E.done ['"IWIJ;Uaw' " V l:lG Complete meaos 80 mucb sake ot other suffer• am willIng to make 1m, so you may publish "-MM. ClIA& BARCLAY, .D.• Graniteville. Vt. ' No otheor medlcme for woman's Illlt has received such wlde-spread and un. guaUficd endorsement. No other med. Icine we know of has 8uch a record of cures as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Ve[6ta.ble Compound. For more than 80 yenrs It hns been curing womnn'sills such aslntlammatloD, ulceration, fibroid tumors, irregularities periodio pains' and nervous prostration. and It 18 unequalled for carrying wo~en safely througb the periQci Of change of life, . Mrs. Plnkbam, at J... ynn, Dlas!!., ~vite8 all sick women to write
her for advice. Heradv1co1sfreo, .
pil aIwalS helpfuL
-- ---.---- - - - - --
Th. Farmar'. Son'• . Breat.O
. It Cure. Wh.n Drug. and OperaU6nl Fall.
.......1 _... del for - _........ • ....
WllD'ftout ' .
~ "'~ J;IAM,............
Dutra lo, N_. _Y_. _ _ __ Not Surprised. "I a m sorr y, my dea r yo ung Indy, but YOll hnve a bluck rut ure bero re you ." "Tbat's no ne ws. I've jus t bee n prO. moled to th e mourning depa rtm nt In tb e store wh e re I nm emlJl oyed."
1A.' r t hln R' , r\O ( lf'n R l iH" U U1 U tt . ...·fl llcc'"' Iu.tlaCll~ lio n . .. Un ) " pa.io . c ur~s win d " .. II ~. 26e .. boUlo:J..
be S ome me n ue ver succeed to th e ir bes t loot forw a rd he2a111W ~ a re unab le to de cide wtl le l'!- o ne it ta .
,DR. W -'INTER-"S'R - HEUM '
SYRUP dFI6S anel
Idlll.JA:lditcli1:1U;U., ~
rm: .......' "--,"-.ntP H ~
.. ... Dft u IDa wUl Ia.... III ..... ...,. ..,. Ole __ ~ . . . . .t ...... au 40 It 10
"1 W AS tr ou bl ed with IIcn e for t bree ,ong yea rs. ~1 y fnce wa s t il only part I t'fec ted, but It t' ll used great d is fig ure· ··I l! . 'IC . · ~ M,t ~ mc nt, nlso s ufferIn g a nd loss of s leep. or BIlckaohc. ))ODO P a l _,SwoU .. ",UtoeoolIc-or At first U,e ra appea red red, hurd roo t, li: ''''Br~".1 Juln/. lIt _ lCl..JlloJ'e._ ~ The Plain Facts. OUml~l(l )'.. 1,," or .. uk'i ...... 'J'_..........,."""l... I pi mp les wh ic h lut r conta ln c-J whltc "DId YOll se t' t he p l'1 6 o ll ~ r s tr ik e tbl s I ~,~I'~~r::~r~f'~~r~,r;,'::~Jl~~.!,m:.~~::a ~ . w Ulter. 1 s uff e red a g rea t dea l cu used ~:~I~I~' d~~~1\~~~~o~~~:lt'f"~~J~.:r.!";::-..;: by I he Itch Ing. I was In n s ta te of man In (h me lee 7" pe r ple xity whe n walk ing th e st r eets "No, I BCerl him s wat him Oil the ~~~~ilf~:;-:'t,°~J.l::~~!T,~:~~~~=:'~.... 01' a nywh e re before th e publl . nose." OR. WINTERS 1:'?J'!~e~~'::~D~~: I " 1 ' u ~cd p ills anel other rem edies but Money mal<cs the aIrshIp go--and ~e!...:~l';':,:,!.~ th ey fa il ed co m )Jlet e ly, I t~I O tlg h t of .........~ . , I giv Ing tiP when nothi ng would he lp, come- down for more gas oHnl/. --I but some th Ing tol d m e to t ry Iho uU· cura SOB}> nn d Oin t men t. i s en t for 11 CuUcura Bookle t w hic h 1 r enll ca retull y. '1 ' hl' n 1 lJoug ht some Cu t lcurn Soap a nd Ointment und by fo ll owing Modern Cement Silo on Fernwood 0 aIry Fa rm, Royersford, Pa, th o di rections 1· was r elieved In a fe w Some of tbe failure s of sllol\ hav e t wi ce Its di ame ter , and Is s tronr duy s. 1 used ut ic ur a Soa p for was h· been duo to ca r e less ness In fllJI ng, enou g h to wi t hstand t be n atu r o,l prcs· r Ing my fn ce, a nd a llpJled th e C utl cura but more otte n to fa ulty constrllctl on s urc at Its co ntents wben full. Th le OI nt men t morning a nd eve n ing. Th is FOR COLDS AND tIE.A.DACHQ. INDIG£ST10N AND ~R of th e silo. ' press ure Is g reates t f rom tw o to s ix tr ca tm e nt brou g ht marvelou s r es ult s I STOMACH, CAS AND FtRMEHTAnON, COHSTlI'AT1ON AHD Formerly many silos were made by da ys a fte r fillin g. T h e s ll nge a t t hIs 8 0 1 continued wit h It for a fe w weel,s ' 8IUOUSNES5. WITH MOST SATISFACTORY RESULTS. flh eatblng CIne of tb e bays In tbe bam. tim e be gins t o h eat nnd settl e, and, It a nd was c ure d ompl etely, 1 can WIth th ese silos and othe r form s of th e wa lls nrc n ot sufficient ly r le-Id to tr uth fu ll y ilar th a t til e uU cu m Re m· ~ j ~ ~ woode n square s ilos n Un lng m us t be preven t any bulgIng, a coccJc!Mllble edl es llI'e n ot on ly nil, but ma rc th an built acrOSB th e corners n.nd the silage loss of sil age wI ll result. The waITs th el cla im to b ." (Slgn etl) G. Bau' l well tra.mped down ::.Io ng tbe edges s hould be a s D arl y pe r pendi c ular a9 mel, 101- W . 20th Place. Chicago, Il l., or tbere wlil be conc!de rnble 108S of POlis lble, a nd th e di a meter should be May 2 , 191 1. Alt hough Cutl cu ra I IN THE CIRCLE what would othe rwise b e va luable til sam o · t rom th e bot tom to tbe ~op . Soa p nn d OIn tmen t [I re sold by d ru g· ON EVERY PACKAGE OFTHE GENUINE stock feed . Thl 8 style of s ilo, how· A mis take s ome times made was In gists n.nd d eale r s eve rywh er e, a sam· ever, has b ecome les9 common, and building th e s ilo of too la r ge a dlam· pie o f each , with 32·page boo k, will tHE WONDERFUL POPlJURITY OP 11lE CENV!NZ SYRUP but fe w square silos of any kind arc et er for tbe s ize of the herd so that be ma iled f ree all a ppJl a Uon to Of nC5 AND ELIXIR OF SENNA HAS LED UNSCRUPULOUS built at the present time. E ven when the silage spOil ed by too long ex· "Cntlcura," Dept. 28 K, BostoD. MANUPAC1\1RERS TO OFFDt IMITATION!, IN ORDER TO III au are built ' Inside of a barn the y posure of th e s urface. ]n one case a IIAU A LARGER PRom AT 1HE UPENSIt OF 1lIEtA are orten circular. The octagon s l\o man with a ama l\ herd built a silO To Farm on Copper Land~ CUSTOMEJtS. IF A OI..ALER ASkS WHICH SIZ& YOU Wl5H, II &.n Improvement ovor the sQuare In his ba rn 18 t eet s Quare and 16 A par ty of Houg hton ca phaUsta OIl WHAT MAKE YOU WISH, WHEN YOU ASK FOR form, but as a rule the 'l\a1l5 of W., feet high, Arter two years ' t r ial he bave und er co ns id e ra ti on tbe estab· SY8l1P OF ncs AND ELIXIR OF SENNA. HE 15 PREPA". IH,;~mmr~';;.-I!1I form of ,JUo have not ~.:!ril made gave up th e use of th e silo In disgust lI.shm ent . at a point on tb e Copper INC TO DECEIVE YOU TELl HIM THAT YOU WISH Tl\1! rigltl e nough. becau se tbe silage did not keep. RaJl ge railroad south of Hougbton of CDlUlHE. MANUFAt'TUItED BY nu: CALIFORNIA f1G Too ott~/\ the y;i\lls of Sl10B 8rt! not A year or so la te r b e sold his rnrm a (tOO·a cr e ex perime ntal farm . The SYIIUP co ALL RElJABLE ORUCCISTS KNOW TlIAT made alr·tlght. Unless the walls of to a more pl'ogresslve man, who built Innll s hnve already been s ecured, but wooden 'silos are made alr·t1rht. with partitions across the same s ilo, m il (. are at present h nvlly timbere d. fAC1\lREO BY ONE 11lE CENUINE CAUFORNIA SYRUP TlIER£ IS BUT ANt>no THAT IT to 15 OM.Y tar paper, relt pads, 'or cl{l1 worked Ing four small sllol out or thc large Steps wlll be tken during the com· Into the joints, mucb silage will be one , and had ' no diffic ulty In obtaJn· Ing wInter to cut the timber, and NOTE THE NAM,E waited. Ninety per. cent ot stave Sll08 Ing good silage for his stock. The silo early next spring tbe stumps will be IU'~ Bot alr·tlght at the foundation , should be deep, Toe deeper the silO r emov ed and the land made ready for The shrinkage and swelling at staves the better tbe silage. culUvJl tlon, It Is hardly probable thst . I'IUHT£D STRAIGHT ACROS5,NEAR mE BOTTOM. AND IN The dlametel' sbould conform to the crops will be planted before 1913, bu: breaks the cement, which must be 'I'H£ CIRCLE. NEAR mE TOP OF EVERY PACKACE,OFTlfE ~~~~~~~~LII frequently mended , Some losses bave size or the berd , and ' It two In~h e s of the enterprIse wben establlsbe d wlll CENUlNE ONE SIZE ONLY. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING t:: orPACXAG&" occurred becaus<l the ' endll ot the silage are fed eacb d a y there will be prove one of the biggest from an agrl. ""UCCISTS IWlULAIl PRICE &0< PER BOTTlL cultural standpoInt I nthe copper cOlin· no loss from surfa.ce exposure. ltaves bave heen decayed. It Is deslr~le to prevent silage Iry.-Mlchlgan Manufacturer. Tbe Iron bands of a Itave silo must 5Y1tUP OF FIG! AND EUXIR OF SENNA IS ESPl:C!A1LY ADAPnb TO TH& NEIIlIS fir . be examined frequently, or they will from freezIng. The double wall can· uotb AND CHILDREN, AS 1T ·\5 MUD AND PLEASANT C£HTL2 AND I!FRCTlYI. .... For Crampl. crsto silo and thos e built or rectangu· tall down as the staves ahrlilk. Some· ABSOLUTELY FREE FROM OBJECTIONAILE INCRU>IEHI'!. IT IS EQUAU.Y ~ A piece of old·Caslllolled candlewick times the Iron splices rust. Unless n lar buildIng tile accomplish tbls o~ 4'OR WOMEN AND FOR MEM. YOtING AND OLD FOR SALE BY ALI. i..£ADING ~ Itan silo Is well anchored It may be jeet as well as any. Stone silOS pr.e- worn around th e leg In the garter moved trom It I foundations or even vent freezIng, but many owners or place, next to tbe sllln, will prevent. stone silos do not like tbem b~cause or cure, cramp In tbe calr or the leg blown down. or In the foot. I ba ve proved tbls by The walls of a silo must he rigid moisture coll ects on the Inside of peruonal experIence ; 1 bellev(' this ..--. or they cannot stand tbe pressure, the walls and rots silage along tbe would prm'e errectual In preventing edge. A roof helps to keep out the When the IIldes begin to bulge, nlr swimmers' cramp; tbose liable to can get between tbe silage and the frost, snow and rain. cramp while In tbe wa te r would be walls. wis e to try It. Cotton batting. wrapDon't Burn Off Pasture. Brick slloll without reinforcement ped round th e body fr om tbe arm·plts In th e opin Ion of Professor Ten bave ~ee n failure s because of the downward, Baved the IHe of a mon Eyck, It Is a poor practice to burn off sufferIng a gony tram painters' cramp; preslure from the insIde. The modern sIlo Is -n structure with the pasture In late fall or earl1 It ga\' almos t Ins ta'lIt rellef.-l:I/a· alr-tlgbt walls aud a height usuallY sprIng. 1I0nai Magazine,
8olentl8tl WIll RegIster on a . Meter the Work Men -and Wom· Portable Gasoline Eosine CaD en Do. Used {or ShreddiQJt COrD, Saw-iDS Wood aDd At the etoRe of every day one ,may Other JoJ>s. be prIvileged soon to sit and flgure ,out the human energy that has been ex· pended, the percentage representing In (D,. L. O. JOH:-; "'O N.) Those who have nev e r used a gasa. ' detail the ceist of resUng, of worldnl 4I1d tho output In the work accom. line engine cM hardly realize w,)1at· n pUshed . The secrets of the' human labor saving und profitable machine body are beIng disclosed by Carnegie It Is on thc farm . \ scientists In Boston through Illstru· To do any and all kinds of work ments which r egister the energy nec· the farmer wants at least n ten·horseeSl!ary to breathe. sleep, a'\Vake, eat, power as the purchasl3' price and the walk, thInk, work and dream. cost of running one Is but very !Jttle more than the cost of a smaller one The score will show al80 tbe amount and wltb the larger engine you can "f vitality leCt In the fitting room at a do a great deal more work than wIth ~ressmaker's shop, or on a' street co·r· the smaller one. ner when the trolley hIlS r6fused to With m1 engine I can drive a corn. $top, or' at a theater when commuten shredder just as e8slly 88 8 steam en. hurriedly jump for a railroad atoUon, line would . and . with much less cost 'i)f at 8 race track when ~he horle ons all the engineer's wnges are saved , hIlS plcked loses by a nose. belldes tbe COlt of fuel tor llteam Boston Iclentlsts, Includlns Prot. .power, which Is greater than the cost Onno Benedict a.n d Dr. Thone M. C.I'- ot I&sollne for the same vower. penter of the Carnegie laboratory,.are , FOr ten hours' running ot my · en· of tbelr In· . I In the e arly ' Ita"'e on)' .. stne. which II ' ten·horse power, It tereet.lng Investigations, " but , have , tak ••' ten ,aUons of 011 per day. This SbOWD by th~lr experiments that . the ~ elnen centa per gallon, makes the new way ot measuring energy ~ay reo coat of JlUnning tor ten hours ,1.10).ult In thl!, SUCC8llful treatment. ~r the that 18 wben running up to Itll full ' ..... tual o'get'thl'Ow' ot ~lI~l'8el which cap'acl.... -b"" bave bamed pbYllc1an.!' alnce the eo B~t. when. the work II not ao heavy elnDID, of mankind. lOU caD rUD on Ie•• QU . .Thlll depende r Children, . altosether 00 ..,hat 10U are dolns, or Bed fo iIle power Deeenh7 to do It. . ' A correspondent aendl th~ follow· Thla ' ...m. enliD. may 'be uled (or IlIg clipping trom the ··' Wet" ClOlo 4rhl,oa a wood ..aw. AU 10U need II amnl or a contemporal'1': .' a ...w trame, <i ,sood..lled , clrcular "For excbanle or aale-one oak beel ftt-olf aaw ~cl .bout 40 feet ot ~. for cb11dN/D." . Inch beit ..." lOU.art well equipped · - e coJ!i'elnftnt!Gt ~I" . " .-.AA __ .~';.. ,.
... to es<'lWlae abttel.... or
'. II.~
.e1lI1dftD ht uk...ho woaIeI be
F ox ( to ht'nr ) - Com e over tomor· ro w s nd we'll IlIa )' a ga me 01' golf on lhe Ii nli s. n ear- All rlg ll t. I do n' t kn o ll' w ha t 111(\ ga me Is , bn t If th e re 's a ny job )'O U Cll ll put up o n the l y nx I'rn In wllh you.
~~ J..f1£. ~'"
ProfessBor Garner 'lI dear gorill a hu· m llla ted blm In public the othe r day. Sadle-thnt Is th e · lady's name-was brought over f rom Arrlca to conduc t the first gorilla kInde rga rten at the B ron x Zoo. Garner Is to be her ODly pu pIl. "I can und erst a nd some ot the thlnga s he saya to me," snld he, "and sbe can und er s tand some 01 the things I S8Y to her. But our conver· satlon Is' slow as yet Our talk Is necese:lrlly of materlJll things," All .tbls bappe ned on the deck of La Lorralue, while Garner and Sadie awaited Uncle Sam'lI permission to come aahore. Sadle , was sitting on h~r Ilatted box, looking as sour as Is pasIlble to a perfect larly. Now and then .he glanced at Garner al though sbe'd Uke to nip him In the ankle. "I ' CDD ask Sadie If she Is hung""," sald Garner. "Lllten." And he addressed a combined click and honk to her, "And If Ibe were to say that she Is tblrsty ehe would make tbls sort at • nolle." Whereupon be added a Dutcb roll to his voenllzatlon. All the time Badle sat mute and III11en. "But I cannot talk to her of Intangi· ble thlngl. Her range ot thought 1. limited," Near by Itood a French saUor, J'&o ,olclng III the Internal polBelslon of a Quart ot BOur wine, He cast a tbrtl1~ glance at the gortlla. "Come «eev me kIss," he Bald to Sadie. Whereupon Sadie broke Into what passes for ' a smile on a gorilla, wad· (lied forward, thrust out a tHIck and hairy hand and ga7.ed into Jean's face as soulfully al She knew how. Being a good, game Iport, Jean went through tbe motions of kissing her. "Her range of tbought Isn't as limited 8S I feared." said Oarnet.-New York Letter to the Clnclnatl Tlmes-Slar.
:.:' :1~1I::"-:: bs:erhmll~~
Rhecfo '.'and ,.'r.t to Ha.......... . Rbo'd e Island WOII the Drat .cal... . . . create a navy ot Ita own. ane) ClE'PtanrCI tbe Orat prize, 1\ Brltlsb fripte. . . New!><'rt. See ing Ita IUCUII" Ute .,..,.. IInentru congress cllolle Rbod.e ~ to ex ecut e plana for n colonial ~ and Eae k Hopklnll, lhe ' first co.......... e r·ln·chlef, a nd three· rourth" ..., .aD I he officer s were from ,bls shit... Iatlt e later war or 1812 Il wae Ut.IItbat:·. I1hode Islund er, Commt!lll.r & ~;. who fought the Immortal batt!« ..,. Luke Eric whe n he "m e t tlla eae.IY and tb ey are ours! "- NtHI01!lM lBllP'zinc.
1Allant Bluff of a French Sailor Wal Promptly Called by an Ape,
There are two ways to tell If you have weak kidneys . The flr s t II through · paIns In lJIo back. The seo· ond by examining th e kidney secre· ~'" tlol,ls. If YOll 8US' peet your kidneys, b egin us ing Doun.'1! Kidney Pills at on ce. Mrs . J . L. Warrick, 406 W. Mulb e rry S t., Leha noll. Ohio, sa ys : " No tou gu e can t ell th e ne onles I fl uffer c tl. My feet DelusIonary. Ilrel s s and t here Eve ry ma n bugs the delusIo n ~ were wee ks whcn I co uld n ot pu t my soo n e r 0 1' Int e r he will Illve ll( .orneteet to th e fl oor or stunt.! alone . As n th Ing tha t. will mnke him rIch. las t r esor t, ] bega n \I s in g Donn's 1{ld· n ey P Ills. ] n si x wCl'k s I waR au Th e re a l'(' now three thmnrund lifre e from kidn ey trou ble UR If I hnd llIe In tli Dew S wo!ltlka ~ lIlri"I:ims: n e ver h ad It ." c'R1np, thl rly·one mll ea Il orth (lr the "When You r Back Is " li me, He. ' oball Hll ve r nre ll . me mber t he Num e- DOA /I:' S." 50c, a. I box at all ::;tores, Fos te r·Mllburn Co., &I r" . \Vln. lnw'" Aoothlnl( RyrlTt' f O T Cbftft.........
partnsr :I'or Outward Pressure 'ot Silage-Walla Should Be~s Nearly Perpendlcular As Ie. Is Possible to Make Them.
lIIetelte Most Commonly Encountered Is '.I'hat of Not Pre-
Have you talled to reACh .uee... in life' Arl' your powere of mll<d and body deell nlng? . R ave )'ou 100t your oontldence ? Are Y O U a ll illacourll8 d 1 Are YOU Dervoul, sleepless, deepondent' Rave you heart trouble, diaalneu, trem. bllng, cold Ceot a.nd handa. with loss at memory ? Your cond1t1on la dlLngeroul and I(Irloul enough to be up and dolne. See to youraelC be Cora too late to eet the benellclal etrects ot mod"rn Electric T1'entment. Exumln ati on anel conlultaUob FREIIl. Dr. 0, F. H rmann'a elec trl o treatment ror Catarrh III th e m08 t mode rn that eel· enee llU.. yet dis 'overed, 8.lId 18 the onl y trta tm III lhat IntrQd uce8 t ho nlectrltled me'U c ln e ~ dlr tlc t Illto th e lJlood currunt. This 1111111 rorm or mild,. plellsn.Dt Ircat· mell t Is uqu nll y powerrul llnel ,,08111vol 10 A Hthll1u. Bronchitis, Ch roolc PneuOlonla aud Co ns ump llon. th o OZOTI treatment, IC useJ ul!ror.. tbere Is uts lrucllon at lho L u n~ 'l' I9~ U " . H un dreds ot t""lJrno.lInl¥ cll n lJ s hown 'you ot Ihe Instlllllc. DISEAS r; S 0(0' WOME:N- ACf cr y IU'8 ot ox p e rl c n c ~ I hllviJ dis O\'er tI the g roBt. >CB t cur" k nown Or dlseallea pecull ll r to ","a rnon, withou l op rnt lvo Inlerference or wenr)" dr ~ nl' y c1 UYB III the hOl pltlll- the trellll11ent Is perC elly IlIlrmlclo a nd cura.tl vll, Try Elecl rlclt y, properl y a pplied. a mI be c,)O\' lnc d. You w ll. exclaim, lik e hundreds oC other poor, 8u ft erlng womun : "Oh, I roel Ilk a dlfCcrent WOmilTl." 1)u\· len t" wum"n nn tl child re n tAku !.he trentment wit h unse. Li ve r Stomach Bnd Bowel Disenaos. B lood P0180 11 cu red witho ut WIll or Injurious dru gs. Hoarl, Blood nlld Sklu Dlaenlie1, Icera. Soree. Pimple.. E czema. Drain, Spinal &od Nerve I I lIe~ l. luch lUI P a ralysis, LocomOlor At'L'(la, Ep· llep8Y, Fits, Ne uralgln, Sc:lallcil, Hund· a che, DI&&lneus, Drru n and Nervo Elx· hnulIUon, etc. E lootrl clt y ror Rh umallo conditions Is t he most BUOO ~8 rU I ltnow n to medi cal science. Plltl ent n cont ompln.tIng Ireaun ent will pi tlIL8 0 brlnlr n NP C1. meD oC t he mornin g urine for ana lYIIIl!. CnnduNo rll of tho Aubu rn-Zoo, Vln Ilnd Clltton, Millcreek Valloy w ill 810 P nt th" otft ca. 29 U Vlno 8treet, Write tor boo" Freo. Dr. George li'. H rmllnn'l Electro·Medlcal Inslltut , 2911 Vine s trl'e!. Avon 1179. Remem ber, thll! instltu le 18 t hll most up to dal e ("llBlno of the great medical on· terti at. Europe. Now York or Chicago.
.. aUlc
_ . . . . . .., ~ I 11M
When the World Wall Made. Through my mille house 1 have a \"hen Lottie re turned from ber first line shatt and by means or s mall belts \'Is lt to Sunday s chool she was asked and pull eys I can attach my cream what s be hud learned . . sepa rator, my pump and a grlndstone. j "God ma de thc world In sIx days, By means of tight and loose pulleys a nd was arre Rt ed on tile seventb day," I can run one or 0.1\ of them ut the was hcl' Ve rs ion of til e lesson Impart· same Hme. ed.-L111pln cott·s. Tbls line ahaft extends through the mille louse nnd s ix feet Into th e sbed . ! In London 900,000 pe r sons arc livIng To this end ot the sbart I connec t my more th a n two In a r oom and 26.000 engIne by mean s ot a clutc h coupling pe r son s arc lIylng six or mor e In a al)d when 1 want to lise a ny of tht! Ingle room. above·named macbln e ry all , bave to do Is to turn on th e QIl and let It go. I Whenever you hove n TIR in think ot . Of course to do s evera l kinds at lT li mlill ~ Wi m /'II Oil. For Hcadache. work with tbe same en gine It Is Ilec. Tonth ochl!. Enrnchl'. S t"mnch ncbe, and t n n Tl~" (\ther painfnl ailments there i8 Dotb· ing better.
About the only proof n woman l needs thut s be is In love with a man Is to fcel perfe ctly sure thai sbe Isn't.
w. L. DOUaLA '2.50, '3.00, '3.50 &'4.00 SHOES
. . and Women wear W.LDouglu Iboes bocaue they are th .. beat Iboea produced in tIUa COUIItry for the price. Inaiat upon uy.. .... tbellL
Take no other make.
W. L Douglas shoes.
If I could take you into my large fa<!toriea
at Brockton, Mass., and show you how carduUy W.LDouglas shoes are made, you would then understand why they are warnmted to hold th~" shape, fit beller and wear longer than any othermakefor the price
CAUTiON The ' gennlne ha..e W .. L. ~UA:las ==-==:= Ilame aud price stamped on IU ""' cannot obtain W.
Consider th e running expensea of • fait young mnn.
ruE STANDARD OF QUAUTY FOR OVER 3~ YEARS "The assurance that g0C5 with an estabIirbed teJ>utation is your wurance in buying
Douglas aha.. In
JOu town, write tnr aatAlng. Sboc8 aent direct front f..,tory to wearer, all ,.)IUII"" prepaid. W,L.
UOUQLAB. 1.5 Spark 8L, Brockton,
Nco Man t'S ui, C'J."~I1~ ':;,~'
eSlary to hava the machiDe aD POI'table skIds so as to be able to move It from one place to Il-nother. The skids should be larlJe and 10Dr; enough to place the engine. and tanka on the 18me bale by having one end or the .sklds slanUng like a lied run· nero It II an 'eaay matter to ·move the en· ,Ine tram ODe place to another wltb a nalr ·.of horael. .. Outbreak 0' Chol.ra. When an , outbreak . of bOIl ebolera occun 00 a ~arm the herd Ihould " Quarantined aDd. all POlllble precaQo tiona taken acalnlt the IPreltd of til.
.~Dfectlon 01--
t_. nellb~or~ood.
try:.. ~~. ~=fd' ---
A ItroD. mIlD I" ItroD. all 0 - . No. _ _ be • • .~. Itroog wbo II .ufFeriD' from weak Itoc.GIa with Ita ClOIIlequeat indiieatioD, or from en the ltolliaob IlDd ita uwociated 0. . . . . .WcIa .... pain'di&atioa aod nutritioa: ForwbeD tile ...... Ie week or d _ _ there Ie • ao. ai tbe..mtioD CODt~iaed in food. whie.. is the 110Il1'08 aiaD . . , . . . Itreogtb. When. OWl .. doen't W ... ~ .. "beD be doeaa't l1eep~ weIJ. ta.. _ maE ~ Wi.., lD 'the Itomaoh after eatiDC. is ........ acrvoaa. Irritabl••..d doapoado Ie Joel . • C""""" eDt. be ' DC thie autritioa Deeded . . . . . ~. ' . . . . • . . . . ._-,. . . . ".. ......... Go'll•• _.""MI ",,"oor.,.,. It ..,.. ..,...... . , . . .IHI . , . . ..,.,. . . . , ~o• . . " . . . . . . . " . . . . " . . ,a. ~.
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RAanY tRla-.ShiM
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flU, aYOl4!ecI bec&uIe th'lOUDI plUta
T'L Ut'S ~.l.i"WM~~t. I. fli:lTl III tJl.V" "",,,0
Ten·Horae Power Portable EngIne.
Wi' .:.tI .
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Simon Kenton's Conversion
....._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _IIII!
By special arrangement with McC~ll Co. McCa\1's Magazine, though selling fo r 50c per year, is posi tively worth 1 per year instead. .call a t this offi e any ti me and see late issues. The F ree lJatterns arc ordered by post -card fro m New York City and can be used any t ime you n ed on e. This offer is avail able to auy one who subscribes, renew s or extends their time on the Miami Gazette. T he only pereq uisite is that you " pay in ad vance." Cal\ a l t his o mce or send 1.50 by mail.
{ New York City, we offer every one t h opportull i'ty to ecure T he Miami Gazette absolutely free for 1 year, by merely subscribing to t he McCa1\'s Magazine for 3 years at t he rate of 50c p r year. In addit ion you iel'eive :l Free 1St Mc all Patterns. M~ami
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Now is Your Chance- Subscribe Today.
Waynesville, Ohio
I 1 -·- - - - -
pri ooer by the Tndian@, ron t h e. ga un t le t , t a ken in to s b e woodll by tbe InrBanll. Rt ripPEld Bnd tied f~ !lt on toe bllo" of It. .wild colt. 8tr,,~obed and lasb ed fast, with my hands under his fla nk, my beels under hili brOllll t , and le t loose to t be III roy of the wild a vl mll l, u nti l sOllle uf m y Hrubs wer e brok en and I at lu st Dlir!lo nl o ~s l y esoaped I h l, ve been wouu de d so oftp- o, I1pd enoountered so many dinioolti68, amI aft,er 6\1 I ·h ave been firm tn my purpotle, unsh a ke n In m y r esolu t ions aod de terminations, and now, 8tr, by the heJp of U od, I am dete rmined t o sEek religi on, a nd t o ser ve t he ~ord. Do you think, si r, t hat I will e ver giv e It up ?" After Borne furth er oonversation wUh the E lder he rflpeated hitt injanotion!of seoreoy on the .Elder's, and then they re\urned to the encampment. Tbat , night the General was 80rely wrougbt upon. Tbe Elder kept bi8 proml8e of (leore
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ oy, but oar resolute 8eeker knew'
: COUNTY COURT NEWS : · I........................... •• ..... ~ •....---" _. ~ ~ ........ _~: I CARDINAL GIBBONS' rllh CODlltll ble t o C., W Common Pleas Court. Bllrnes. lo t in W'H r en Connty, ' 800. WARNING AGAINST DIRECT New ·Sulta Em erson to Ed ward Walter Ellgle VII . Aunl\ Fehr .Ea gle' Em er Roo , lot In F ran k lin , U . LAW.MAKING AND RE· L . Plllfuy to Ella Runnell .1. W . O'Nl'al, at torn ey for plu.in Eh ~ l1b et h
tUft divorce c n Io;I·oood8 · ) f wtllfnl absence. S. Clay Teal vs. Peter B eisel and Barbara Bels81 and The John Kauft'. lOan Brewhig Co., a oorpor&tloD '1' p . Breeding and W. A. .Ioseph. attoroeYIJ for plaintiff. Money and forol08url', amount olaimed, ,2500 aDd interest. Obanoe Luoaa va. Editb Lucas VI. J. Wright ar.torney for plaln\tft'divoroe on gronnde of extl"eme oruelty. • . AIlOtf II. Howard,. . s. tbe unknown ' !leln ~f William Ramsey, d~18d and the unknown belrfi of Andrew H.n, ' deoeaeed. ' EltZrotb and M.ple a"orney's (or plaln"ff. PeUtion.
~ll m\1 e l
l ot in Fru.n klln, ' 1050. En~ene A. J effery et al to Ed. w" rd C J ffery, lot In Warren Coonty,
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• Cardinal GIbbons' warning againllt
llt~le of, himself, he having b~Ein humbled at tbtl foot of the Cross, The next morning his companion ·of the e vening before, . bebeld the 60- ' stl10y and heard w\~h joy bi8 ne I'f
disciple wUh his stentorian voioe publishing to all the people on the ground what great ~btngs the Lord blld done ·for bim . On some aocount not known to the writer, ueneral Kenton removed for 1\ time to Kent·uokv . . On leaving be ohtlrged bis brethren to retain bl8 name and that or bi~ wife on the olass paper until bis return. It Is believed that General Kenton en· dared ellrdship IlS II. good soldier ot Jeeus Christ and Wil.l faUhful uatll leath olosed biR mortal oareer . Be was certllinlv one of the moat. :lingnlar and ex'traordtnary men tliat ever Ilppeared in thE Western
~=====LIVERITES==~===, . Being prepared from P ure Native Herbs, they Cleanse the System and Purify the 'Blood, and T ne th System, and thus
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LIVER ITES-A purely egetable Laxative, cures Chronic Constipation, Liver and Kidney Troubles. Ask your Grocer for it.. Manufaotured by ALPHA CHEMICAL CO •• SprIngfield. Ohio
-===LIVERITES Only 10c===-1 Still throbbed wltb self·rt'litlnoe WAYNESV.lI.LE . CHURCHEs. s trong, whloh dan ger oould no t tame. Methodist Episcopal Chura. Yet fought he not that he mig h' win Rev. O. S. Orllwler. Pastor. Sundny School, 0 : III a. m. MornluJI( ser· tbe splendor ot " fame, vloe. 10 :UO a . m. I!:pworLh LOllgue. 7 :0 0 p . Whloh would in ages long to come m . Eyonlng Hon-Icc. ';" : 00 p. m . IIl1dwllol< Pn yc r t.&eIl Ll mr. 7 p. m. IIbed glory on bis naa:e .
Be fought beoause he loved tbe land 'where first he a It. w the light He fougbt beolluse his sonl was trne, and idolized the right; And eVtlr in the fierceat and thiokest, of the figbt. The dusk aud swartby roeman fea tbe terror ot his might. Are these hl8 oountrymen who dwell wbere long ago be OIlmo? Are these the m en wbo glory in tbe splendLr of bis fame ? And OIln tbey not ftfford to give a I!tone to bear his nam s? Oh, never la' them more presume the hero's dnat to olaim I
St. Augustine's Catholic Churcb. 1"lllhcr Dcor!!" Mnr cnhocfor. Pa..llor Muss every II :OU a. m .
~CCO /l ,j ~ uudn l'
o f the m oulh a
St. Mary'S Episcopal Chu",h. Hov. J . I". C,ul wulllL(lcr. Heclor. SUDllny Suh ool. 0 ::10 IL. m Morn Ing Her vice. IU ::10 a.. m . Holy COlUlDunlon Lbo tlnl SUUllu}, ut each m onLb .
Christian Church • Rev. L. O. TbomJ)llOD, Pu tot. Dible Scbool. i :B O a. m. 80clal meetlq 10:30 &. m. Obrl8tlau Endeavor. 1: UO p. m : Bormon by pllBtor every alternate Sund&), aa 10:3 0 a. m. an!1 1: aO p . m. ,.-
Hk:ksite Friends Churca. FlrHl 011.,11 M oe tln ~. Sohool, 11 ;0(1 a, m, 10 :0 0 a.. III.
m. FIrat Day Day Mee"ng
Orthodox Friends Churc:a.
A Father's Vengeance
111"11. Ruth Murray. Putor would havt! fallen 00 anyone who SabIJ:nh Sohool. U;:10 a . m. RCRIIlar ohu rea attaoked ~be sun of ~eter Bondy, of acr vlco, 10 . 0 1) IL. Ill . Cb rt~ ~l a n E nlloavor. ~outb Rl)okwood , Mioh , bot he was 7 :30 p _ powerle8s before attaoks of Klduey trouble . "Dootors c ould not 4elp him," he wrote, "ao he improved wonderfully rrom taking IIlx bottles WALTER MCCLURK. Ite tbe bpet Kt.ney mediolne I ever saw." Baokaobe, Tired feeling, Nervou~nflss , Loss of Appetite, Funeral Diret:tor. warn of Kidney trrouble tb'\t may end in dropsy, .ti ,betes or Brlgbt~s' disease . Beware: Take 1!:leotrio 'relephone dRY or ulgbt. oountr1, and whllt could bave Bit ter8 and be Rafe. Every boUle Valley ph~ne No. i. IADI( reaohed bis 08se anJ. eo effeotually Ruarantreed. 500 d all dru8rist8 Di8t.anoe No. 69-'" .~ . nnde ~ God resoned him trom sin and duth but tbe a~gressi-.e power of WA YNESVILLE, OHIO THE SINGLE TAX •
the referendum, the recall and t~e popular election of United Statee lenRepor t of vie wers on 1:1 . A . Swank ators. sounded In bls regular Sunday r oad publioly read for t·bird thne sermon at the cathedral in Baltimore, and aooepted and trustees of Bam- waS all forol ble and 10gtcal as Itwas i1ton townehip were ordered to open unusua 1- a some thl ng no t 0 ften pro· jected as a part of a religious cere· road 85 fee~ wide . mony. But the cardinal feelll deeply Btlls Allowed :-Jame'J 1!'one~ Jr, on all three of theae revolutionary prosolary as j loitor at Court House posals and deemed It to be .i n strict during October ,50· Raymond ' Une with biB duty to give bls people . ' the benefit of hi8 matured opinion on Harshbarger, .asa~stan' janitor $40; the subject, "If," he argued on the Wrigbt and Thompso~, attorneY'1! proposal to amend the Constitution 10 foo, 110; R"ndtlll and Monger. olot.b.. aa to crea te United States senators at ing tor prisoners, _1215 ; Yale and popular electioDS. "you can not trust Toune Mf~ Co. repairing t ime look your leg\~lature to elect senators, how Methodis m. s o well BdllPted to th El Branch Office. H.rveJ/lbn.... O. Tbe underlying motive for the Inl· , • can you trust tbe United States sen· frontiers or t he West ? In Treasurer a offioe, '10; Aome a~ Itself? And It you can not trust The writer of tpi!l htld the 8atls- tlatlve and referendum Is the sIngle Stenoil anrt Engraving Co .• stamps the United States s enate, how can r~tion of seeing the grave, 'he last tax. This Is admitted by W. S. U'Ren of Oregon City Ore., the man who Is for treasurer's offioe '580; The you longer trpst our form of govern· }:dwiud C. Woollard, 21, oarpen- li'rlinkUn Chroniole, statiooery for menU" Througb a cen~1 and a reat.ing plaoe of Btl that was morbI responsible tor many of the Oregon DR. J. MILLi:R, ter. of WaYDesville aod Edna M. oommlssioner,l $14. T C P tt _ quarter the legislatures have been the of Simon Kenton In tbe oemetery at r eforms, who saYII: "We ha ve cleared the way tor a , , . . a er creators of the United States senate Urbana ~eD ~ember 3, 1867, aod 1 RoblD80~, 18, of Wa;,neevtlle. .. . DENTIST•.• 800, sob lOl abstraot, t85; Valley as the Constitution dlrects, and duro regret to lilly tbal· no lIuitl,.ble m OD- straight single tax ftght In Oregon. All the work we bave done {or direct Telephone Co .. rents Ilnd tolle, 117.95 Ing all tb'at long period the lenate of Probate Court. . Oftlco In F . B. Duke,lamber, '10.20 ; H . ~ . the UnIted States .h aa 110 impressed ament yet marks tbe tlpot where legislation has been done ' with the single tax In vie. , but we bave not NatIonal Bank Bldg. W. B. Allen. tmatee of e,lAte of Conover nailll eto 120.60. Oregonia Itself on the nations and tbelr peoples the hero is buried . T. J. Balo... 'benefiotary, files fir" ' , , . that it has come to be recognized as We oannot now know whtit wall talked single tax. because that was loooun' wUh vouoher. for eettle- Bridge Co , oontnot, $418; Oregonia "the greatest deliberative body In the sahlin the fnrtber oonverllat.ion be- not the question before the bouBe. t hi h tJj d d d RrlJge Co ,oontrl'o~, '136; Oharlel world"-a distinction that It could tween tlle Henerlll Bnd the Elder on Now that question Is before tbe house i(. BATRA W A.'\' In Oregon and we wl11 dlacuss It. , meD W o . or ere 8uspeade . Graham,oontraot, '24.63; ~tate of never have aohleved had tbe system of Ohio ve. Jerel Mahoney. $15 50 ; under whlob it exists .been 8 danger· 'heir wily btlok to the enotlmpmen', "In that Btate, since we first began W 'B All"n truete" of eutate a • .\Vn .~ !.lssvtlle'8 Lell.d\np De.."., ' BII_he'h l:iaines, benefioiary. filell State Of Ohio VII. Willia Cl If oua or 8 faulty one or one eallly open bnt there Ie good grounds to 81lppO '8 our work with the single tax as the MalIl '"'t fln' acoount "1$b vouober. for 8et. . m ar, to corruption. And yet our "reform· that tbe fa ith ful mlnlst·er wo* not goal In View, we have conllned . our· Office in KeYII BldK. . .'181Jl80' ",blob i. ordered suepended $9.85; ~tate of Ohio vs. Mont Settle", ers" talk seriously of "reBtoring their hi! to instruot. the · humbl~ ptmltent selves to the questions to be voted on at the next election. To do otherwise ,~ 35. power to tbe people"--of a "return to Victor VanRiper, admlnis'ra'or • __ popular government under the Consti. tn tbe plain dootrine of jnstlfi a ' inn Is to confuso the voters. • "The Joseph Fels fund commission 'o f ....\eof JCUzabe'h Van Riper, deSaved Many From Death tution." All If tbe .people had ever by f8ith, and pray with, I1nd fO l: ceased, flleelDv8n'ory and appralseW aurrendered or lost one jot or tittle him . And wheD Jqhn Sale reo ive8 began Its work with the de llnlte aim , L . liook, ot Mook. Ark, be. . , put the single tax Into oper~t1oo men' whloh 18 o!,dered recorded. Heves he h6S saved many live8 In of their power I Aa If there could be hl8 orown froUl his unerring Judgt" to somewhere In the United States Sunuell. OemoDd, appolnted ex- hil 25 Jean of experienoe In tbe a "return to anything from whlcb brilliant with many 8ta.rti, Hlmon within Ilve years, and It will succeed d b there had never been a departure! in that work." eouk>r of •••\8 of Emma Osmond, rng u8iness. "What ["lw,ysllke "Tbe power to -.eto the acts of the Kenton may beamong thnm deoeaaed. ' to do." he wrltell, "la to reoommend le&lslature by the proposed referen- Approprillte in this oonneotlon 18 r Or. Klng'8 New disoovery tor weak, Oeorle MoGlll. guardian of eatate aore lungs hard ooldl, hoar8enel8, dum of luch acts to the people," the the poem, "At· t he Orne of Simon HOW TO MAKE PULLED BREAD of Ma1'le II. MoGill, minot. files obstinate oough!!, lagr~pe, oroup. cardinal proceeded, "I. not represeuta- Kenton," written a number of yellrll flnalaocoon' wUb vo.obers for let. astbma or otber broDohlalatJeotlon, U-.e governmont. It la mob law." aiO by the Itlte W'I\l1am Bnt>bllrd Reclp. 'by HIgh Authority Mak.. Op"The reoall of judges," he added. "Is ' eration Ea.y and 8uo· tll'm8n' whioh ie ordered snependlld . for I feel sure that a nua'! ber of my an insult to the integrity and selt-re- of Bellefontaine, tbe saD:le being ee ••tul. ' WlUlam L. Barv.V appointed ad- neigbbors Ilre alive and well today spoot of our judIciary. Better a venal penned when tbe grave of Simoo heoanRe tbey took my advioe to nRe miD"tra\or of tbe eltate of Ru'b It . 1 honestly believe itl the best Judge here or there than to have all Kenton WRit looated near New Dam; deoeaeed, onder bODdof $1500 throllt and lunll mediolne that's the judges on -the bench slaws who Jerustllem. In tbe etlstern part of The followlngnclpe for pulle4bread " E lit with tbelr ears to the ground to Logl1n oou~ty wher .... he liv d d la given by a blgh authority: Hue ' d Le~l Je18op, W. W. Weloh and mil e . a8Y to prove he's right hear the people's w111." It Is seldom ", '" e an ready a loaf ot dough such as would be J. B. &saD appointed appraisers Get 1\ tri~l bottle tree. ;'r regular that in so few worda have aU three ot died, and wbere he h~d requested to use'd for ordinary bread. Divide the J:xeoutor in estate ot Robert 50c or $I gO bottle Guaranteed by these drastic and revolutionary prop- be burried : loaf Into eight equal parts. Roll these Cook. dQOeated, ordered to distribute all druggillts. osltlons for the Improvement of a sys· AT' . . pIeces Into IItrands the length of the • -. tem of government that has time and 'IHB: G RAVE OJ' SIMON KENTON bread J)8n. Braid these strands as If t 8tock and ..eeonrltie8 to distributee, th Jam. Cook. CONSTITUTIONAL CHANGES. again demonstrated Its wisdom, Its 1'relld lightly thla is hallowed th~: :r:lrdeedlltrmIPassaOfunttI81P8lt·IIPrabeOsllut °thue To the EdItor: praoticablUty and ita efficiency re' \\1tl1 of Luoinda Antram, deoeased In perusIng the varlou. article. ap- celved lucb a body-blow or their llpon. gronnd; tread reverently here I size ot the pan. Let it rIse In the pan pearlng from day changes to day on the subject ,.. It Ilk e an or dl nary I0 at• admiUed to probate. of constitutional desIred to be sors and advocates such a deserved B enea t·U t hi s so d , i n 8 il enoe sleeps, an d tben baall Dlranois Antram appointed ad- mnde by the coming convention, one rebuke. The criticism ought to go a tbe brlll'e old Pioneer, Atter it comell trom tbe oven let It ta d dl t b d f b t t .of • thing I. very evident: The people are mlaistrator of eHtate of Luoinda taking an Intercllt such 88 will Induce long way toward bringing thousands Wbo never qUlliled in darkest hour B D un s ur e or a ou en or u them to examIne the present constitution ot emotional Am8Tlcans back to their who h • f I ' teen mlnutell, tben tear It apart Into An.' ram, de08l\8ed, nnder bond of ftn~n~ec~~:t ~or:h:r~l~:e~<lJIy~ ln\eda:I~~ senses. . "Remember," said Cardinal, se RRrt ne er e t " t. lr; long. thin plecea. Spread tbele over '2000. the oPI~lon that the more th e people elt - Glbbons In clOSing, "that every change l'retld lightly, t,hen Bnd h9re bestow the bottom of a large dripping paD or Almira Boyd appointed admiDls- r~~~lIf~hr:~srr~e~~:;tt~n~h~hn~~ert~ II not a referendum, that nery man the tribute of II. tear . upon a tin sheet. Bake apl~ this I Perhaps condi tions bave changed In with a panscea Is nelt a reformer." He time In a very hot oven, until crlap and . i 'ra'r x of e .• tate of Albert Boyd, B orne minor fea lures B lnce our IlUlt c&nAh I thl b th t h I br· o ". ·'n It 11' III t a k e a bou t a qu art er 0 t d d d bo d f -2 IItl'ution was udopted, but the constl- la muoh more likely to be a quack or Jlln It e e spo w eres eeps . eoeal•• uo er no .. 00. tutlun ot 1.851 W IlS drawn with the ut- a orank or a slick. self.seeklng dema. the brRvest of the brave? an hour. Serve hot. This bre"d. so Frank 'Y. White, adminilltratoT, m~~ ~:n ar~e 1~~~I\ Cnb~:t~d ~~B a:re~ gogue.-N. Y. Commercial. ' 18 this rnde Blab the only mark of popular with a soup or cheese coune, of es\ate of Ellen V. White deoeased from lIectlonal p8.8810n8. harrlng that • _ -. mar also be lerved at simple lunch, of lhe Quelltlon ot humnn sla.very and !::limon Kent.on's grave? eons with cofree or chocolate. To be filell flrst and fillal aooount witb all thllt question bu been removed f"om D.s.rvlng No Mercy. 'rbese flll}an pll\tngs, lire they all ble just. right at meal time the work of . public controversy we sbould be very vonoh ere for 8ettlement whioh is ellulIoUII In chnnging the organIc laws "Here," said the poUcemau aIt... be ingrate oountry gave preparing it must be caret~lly timed. ~!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!! ordered .oepended . ot stato. 'l'hjl constitution ot 1871 wallourlIubmltted to Ute FooPle nnd re- h a d h u mOOI y entered the denUst'8 To one who ·periled life eo oft hbr Th e b read soou Id b ea red , to .lIp ~to· Subscrl'be ~or the Gazette jected for the r ellllon 0 Itll not being reception room. ."-hat'.......In· on1 the o"en about one and thr~uarter. ' 1.' equal to tbot of 1861. and trom the ".homea and hearths t08&Ve? ~V'6 ' spIrIt manIfested by IIOme whose art!- You've had a man In th.r. bollerfn' boutll before time for servin,. The :~5::=::::~::~::~:;;~;;~ Real Estate Transfer.. cles have appeared should they be dele- bloody murder for nearl:r balf an Long, long IIgo in manhood', p~ime bread, however, may b. p.r epared. 10 gates to our comIng convention and form t -, W. O. Gron to Emma ~ Mhartle, I} new constltlltlon to their IIkJn&" I tear bour. 'Why don't TOu live ·hlm ~ when al1 . w"s wlld and drear, ar as It I ftral b~ldng II concerned, at . ld meet the. same fate ot tha t thIng to Itop bll paln TOO lol in Fra~klln, $1. . ~\ Thoy bound the hero to a 8take of ,aD' time ~d then rebeated wben d. . Mary E. Bn .. -~.- John D. Smith. Tbe Initiative. referendum and . recnll I'm". hlm IOmethinc to Itop hlll savage torment here- · Ilred. bu.t It .. not quite 10 nice .. ... DA... will not put II loaf of bread Into tile painT M3" dear lir, 70U don'" unde ....when newl:t prepared. · . I , lot in MaloD.· bouse ot any man, neither wtil It In- stand. I had· oc....Lo-. . to ....... a t ..._ Unblanohed . a~d firm , hie lIou.l di.e .. 41' creMe tbe bank balnnce ot any one; It ....- ua& IIMII · John b. ~mlth 8,nd Annie R. will not Increase nor deereue the prIce to lunch one da.Y laat WMk-ob. I~ dained iL lIupp'~ioating tear.We can offer you good SmUb to Georp Be~oliland Emma ~~J~nlutOO~tW.od:r m~e b!Vep~t ~~y tg~ was a bUllne.. matter, nothtq 'moN A tbonllllnd demons oould notdaunt eonstltllt\on. create a cond1t1on In eon- --'6n\1 thil chap ...w me. Well• .. the . t .. e W~stArn ·Ptoru:er. . , P~ying Employmeht J,l.ebold, Iota In' Muon, fl rii~~r:. ~~~o~:rpE~Wce~}u~~:e~o::: :~f;h next' 48y h. 11,p~ned to· meet. m, . " .. . Barbed Wire that' you will enjoy and ' .' • ',. Gol~el) O. Hu~t 'to Jerry Sprinkle we would bave no relief ' for' a Ions term wife; whom be bew betore .be wu Tbey tied bia handtr Mazeppa Ukl' ' ,to W ~neu ConD -•.1,' .1 ' . . of )rearll. shOUld It proYe dlllQlltrOus to ----'-" ' d h e .ha d - . and , . set . him on a ' BLeed . . . .. 10 'our state gov~rnment. It appears to me WAl"""" ~. 4· h e .mea tl one ' .' . at·home. rite to-day.' . ~ar'haBo,. to W. a. Berger ', . ~~:e::l~re C~~t~:/owrt~ra~~I'~f~~I:t~r~_ O::r ':'b~OO:~t Wild a.e tb.8 moa&ang on the plains' ~GUAbRANTEEDb , ... to tbont leav~ lol tD J'IIaukUn, 1600.67. .' wlt~ power to pas. such ' IaWIli. and, then, I~ . •.' • d ki b d hi' ". I I . " . l~~ '. or :.u.O~EY ~DED. ' ja'..... tn V' ..•' 8m,... u b .u0 L. au ', ·call In case reterenaum " · a~. moo 'ng" and ., doellthe notInlt1atlv~i rive saulltactlon all or ' re-, b ' " . . a e . ttl .sROed , . .....00 lizee for free· b'Woun . ' . dOl....' BeD au . Whltemat;l, Jori ... .· WaneD .'ConQty,. par t .. tbe people C?booe.. ·~. oJfe~~_ . ·~h. -n"... ~4. ·. Go ab~ and T.benll~ tbat oourler like t.he oJ«!t~~rebaQks'ande)lOUldel'll~ul'D8 .T laeBuH....eIc ............ ee. Yo" .Jlealed. , . .. ~ hlm."-CbJcaao Jleocml-BeraJ4. wind or ourb 'I\nd 'bit all f ....:...... - an • 260 ei" for Fapilly use. I ....--!::.. ............ N_ .......... Y. ,. t1. ' & W. LATH.UL . '" • . ) . oraau, DR. PAllfLE8s -- ----_ Col _ Ilmb':W• .:--. . • . ~ ._ • . '. I O'er ftoochnlt fle~d, o'er,hmMJc1 'dl'l~, Ie .p.ap)6111 and " aranUled~Mary II. ,.Ear}y Co. CharI.. N. . , S, 0lI'0_ '" ..""I h q ""' <.&... '01__ 10; _'(.,::u Pe., all . A horll6 i. Dot ot any O8e nntl1lt ' rauger : """Ii yon direct 'me .• 0 ', 'VII.4ere,""r ' ~.Doe mg. lea , ,~r'·-' MIIJt§~. .=.8W~YI"''''''''' 01 • . o. to. W.rren Coun'y, la bi'oke~ b~' i~ Ie dlff.rent '"ith a huk?" VUl~~: '\Soi'ry, .alr; 8Q' ~ in evef7 ulal hour, hi. :te~~:nJoney reta.J:l o~~ or "",.11. a plow. baa I'm DO' a : b..;n " .. aU" til" . ",·, ,"'111 CiOo.
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Individ uals; add. sir, the state Inllll' v d und tba Il eal~hy syste m- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . t b tWig (tlill (ar·slghted }lolicy. I
~1()()rc' SGi~lSS Ovcn. D()()1 . ..
or a ny th ' I' Impl'Ov III nts. if th y ~lAKES VALLEY 'I'll:LEI'HO £ - - ALL ' 0. 112 l lind men wi lliul; to llllild tl1em. If It . Moore'. I lfj th purp y or thJa cOllvelltlon 't.o NEW IN ATTACKS ON lJl'UV nt th I) 'ople from huvln g tlJ se Stoves D• L• C,' HANE. Ed itor ant! M.. nq ;cr- . NOTHING BUSINESS AND ENTER. imJll'Ov III Il ls III tlrl , th y co uld no t. Always By Hon. Samuel W. McCall, PRISE. 1n lilY judglll(Jul., uuop!. mol'~ tiff c t· Plea.e Member of Congresa From Rates of Subscription Uill plan Um ll to llu\JIJor ~ I he Ii ction Massachusetts. Mrs. Fuss atld ODe YOllr (IItrlctly In adVIIDC ) . . .. ... . 11 . 011 ' 1I0W under co nsidl' l'a lion. I IlIU 'f ur lIlr . Cookrighi Slng\o Copy .... . .... .... . .. · ..... ... . 0 0 ' CONSTITUTIONAL DEBATES lea vIng It lo Llt fJ [ltlo!J le u a d lhe legis' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _.___ _ I lature to selt! til se ma LL r s by them· Mr~. F u s- " Ho\\' <In you. . fI 1\' II . L th p opi e, by lh ir l' p. At the thr s hold of lhe di scllss ion at llIana" c to cook \hin g~ ~o Rates of Advertising I In Fifties BUSin ess Was Jumped on I I' 'sent.nt.iI'el!, grant s ptlclal charters direct legislation We e ncounter the "til ~ li~ . Cuukrighl ?" Just as It Is NOW-C rit icism th e , lind pUl upon th 111 s uch lJalauc s and ' usual epilh tHo Tbe advocntes 01 !Woolllg LocIIJa. »Ilr tI1IO . . .. . . .. , .. .. . 11<: Mr •. C n nkr i ght- " My ]loudlng LoCIUIi. bIll' luCti. IJCr lIu • . . Same But Language Was Dlffer- 'h 'I:I(s as tll t: y may th ink proper. change are npt to seek .popular fayor ral1l:c Itl Is me how . I tlllUlllOod Ads 1I0~ to exe !d O,'u lIlics ent. Thi ll 'onve nl!ll ll s ll uld not a ltempt to by decornllng thewselves and th Ir hnl c ~ Moore Range-ilS 'l'bree IlI&Ilrtloll • . . . . . .. ... . . . , ))1' v nt Lhe I'c'op le from inviting capproposed Innovation wltb some lorty f XJ C'I It'mp eralUre IhaUbltuQrlOll. five luchcs froo ; over II \'0 'lIom"lcr - ~1r" Rorer's ituii s ts hl to 1'" :.l tattl fol' to dillcoul" lulj e til". i nel in u similar fa shion to ~. lochOll , per Itno ... •. •. ... . ...• ~ I (By Prot. C. D. Galbl' nth, T he rmoilleler Guiele and Slule Librarian. ) ag tho III VPllllll out 'a ~ous us · of nat· over their opponents with ,obloquy: llM ot tllQnks ...... . . . . . . .. , .. : . .. , . 2!k: ~1 ( ' O r e'5 Con troller k dlr clly at the 'rlIe qua II ty assumed by tbe propoR08OluUODS ..... .. .. .. . ...... . . .. , .. . DOc onservallve citizens. who are some. 'rn capital i t o Dam per make il impo~ 800lala etc. whore chargo IN mndo . ••. . • . ~G' tillles disturbed at the reckless I1ml poll y whi ch hal! I e t.be sl1lle what I\(»\ts of one 01' all of this t.rlnlty 01 " I' lr fnr ,nc to spoil DII/pIIlY Ad \'Ill'thilug por loch . .. ...... • . tOe . it Is- th ll'd in wea and grea tness ' f U! Ih i n ~~ - anrl I saVe milch Withering anathemas hurled, at cor· lu th l' 'llUbiic." 1'6 0rms y eXllrellS In the word "l>roDlacouutli Ivou. ou (,'OIlLracL. · ill fll el he.id es. You porate welllt.l), shou ld console lhem· ~r ssil'e." '1'bey are aelvocatlng "Jll'o("",101 cook as wdl 3j selves wltb t,he thougbt that there I ~ Against Special Charters. I; r :;sil' e" metbods of government. I if yo u had a Moore nothing now In lhis manirestlltion 0 1 Th leng thy nn el interesting discus· . while those who disagree with theUl I NOVEMBEU I. 1911 , I{ l1 n g c - i t'~ an IIheo· bosUlity nnd Indlguation. )n lhe cou. slolla on corpornllous were culled ~ tnnd for r eactionary methods. "Pro""el y clJlIll'ullallle cook.I. vontion tbat frallled our PI' seut con. forth In larg mea sure by the proposl· gI'6ssl\'e" Is an ullur lng word. Elverv. ilJ~ iaulchiuc= . ' M ost rllt llll\etl will bel\r I·)o ki ua l ud e In tbe constitution ttJ,e b 0 el Y b elleves In progress it It be of ' ... slitution, the orators brav · Iy assailed 1I on t0 inc ioto. the 'CItadel ot "privilege" in lun!;,ruag (ollowlng sections : - tbe proper kind. and a due amount 01 as trenchant us any hurled trom th "The ~ eneru l usse mbiy sball pass no \'ucltel'Otioll on tbe part ot tbose claim· Isn't the Iuvel' who bmv6s tlle hllsUngs to·duy. H re is a sample. spoclul act cou fe rrlng corporate pow· Illg a mOll opoly of th e virtue may ers. lieI've to buul ijh skeptiCism as to the und er date of June S, 1850: storm 1\ ruin lIenu? "Corporations. sir, aro destructive "Corporatlonll may be formed un· Idnd. Uut It the <Iues tlon were to to equality and bostllo to tree Insti. del' general laws; but all sucb laws b setlled lly epithets. tbere Is some It doesn't r eqoire Iln liKe t o oot tUtions, and their ex.isLence shouhlilo t may from time to lime be repealed." ground at leas t for a sserting that tbey Th e cons titution ot 1803 authorized shoulel be tl'lllls posed In their appll· lle tolerated In a republican goveI'D' an acq oatn tllnoe. tl tl • ment. Tbey confer privileges aud 1e CI'en on 0. corporations by Slle- CR ti on. R )lresentntlve government ia .. benefits on the few which ure not en. cial a.ct. Und l' this prOvision abulies comparatively moderu; direct govern· joyed by the many. Every speeiul nct had grown up lhal led tbe people g o· ulIlnt of lhe democratic kind Is an· OorD on the oob IS IDore LLoo9ptu ble of Incorporation Is a grant ot monoj)' rail y t 0 r8.vor u c h i t ango. A delegate c en ; an d t he latter was deliberately T than corn 011 th" foot , ' Oly- a cbarter of p'rlvlleges to a few set forth some of tbe reasons as fol· rl\ Rcf!,rd d for the former by the he exact temperature oven thermometer-it really Indlvlduuls, whlcb are not conCerred lo ws : found I'S of our government. I will tells the exact heat and is as useful as a steam gauge to a upon the community at large. Such "'rbe ques tion Is not what power not cite su cb a statesman us Madison. boiler. There Is no ilDproprlo~y Iu oslng legis lation Is, consequ nlly, utterly reo sbould be giv n to ussociatlons of men, no t because tbe heavy debt which the pugnant to the great republic doctrin but It is a ques tion of me thods- In caijse ot free and r gu lated popular Then Mrs. Rorer's Thermometer Guide tells how hot ' a spring wa~un In tOIj Call.. of equal rights- a doctrine that lIee What manner should charters be ob· government owes him can ever be dig. to keep the oven for a certain time sufficient to cook roast at tbe basis ot the fr e Institutions of lained uuder wlJi ch tbey would act- charged, bl.l t beca use In tbe passionate 1~18n 't very long befure the "guoI) the country. whether It sbould be by special char· rhetoric of th t' s Ir·styled Progres- beef-.-stuffed chicken '. ' har:n, lamb .9.. uarters, bread, sugar fellow" hi Il puor fellow . "Sir, the people of Ohio .hnve telt tel' or the exer ise of their rights un- slv s, be Is set down Il S a reactionary. cookIeS, most everythIng In fact. Then more than that- . tbe blighting, Withering. and contaml. d r some general law. That seems to I will cboose an authority who s tilI, the Controller Damper enlIallng etrects of thoese 'ulcers upon be th e question. And why. I sbould remains allov sus!>1 iOIl, and wm takE b body poIlUc' -corporatlons, ask, should tbe legislature be harassed the author of the Dec laration of lnde- ·a les you to keep the heat at Many 14 man Itlln grent tljl1r thu l the Moore·. he will get all tha t Is OuIDln g to hi 01 . through a long sorles of y ars; and I year aftel' year by Ulese applications pendenc, wbicb v u to-day Is con, the desired point almost inStove. believe there Is .now a deliberatel y for autborlty for charters to associate sldel'Eld r adi cal In its democraoy. In definitely. tormed and well settled llUblic opinIon companies? 'fhr e-foul'lhs of the leg- speaking of "tho equal rights of man •. Alway. I '[' honla J ff d I • And you can actually Ite your food ' slatlo r Women nre vuin, bUL men .ra among the masses In this state which ~ n or s vera yeai'S past has s e el'son ec ared tbatcooking through Moore's lire·tuted glaea. Pleaae ' muoh more tlO LInd wltb far IOlj8 reu. requires of us as the representa tives een responsive to the petltlons 0 "Modern tim s ha've the signal ad· oven door. Cost one·third to one·half ley ot. the people to say to the general mell asking to be associated fOI' car· vnlltage, too, of huvlng discovered the to rUIl. 80n . assembly, In the organic law ot U!ls lain specltlc purposes with certnln only device by which these"rlghts can We believe every housewife ought commonwealth, 'No more speclul nets powere grant d to tbem. Why not do be secured, to,wit,- government by thE to know that while ce"ain ranges tilt lip Bere itl ~ Ilood question for Iy. of incorporations- no more specilll all this under a general. Instead ot a people. acting not In person, but by COllI like a house afire-other range. la'll' oellWII to dl!lOllllll LQIII winter : "How legIslation.' A dlstiQgulsbed Am 1'1 . speclnl, law. We would thus get rid l' pr sentattves chosen by themselves." ju,l- therefore-aave money. can statesman has said, and experi. Ol this harassing of the legislatureThe framers ·?>t the Constltutloni Moore'a Range RVes One-third mllob is euout(h 1" cnce has proven the truth of tJJe deola. It would basten ilie lrunSllctlon ot leg· were enth'ely familiar with the fanurel to 0 h If th Co 1 ration, that '1.0 this country corpora. Islative business, and so much time of direct democracy In the government' ne- a . on e a tlon's are llke so many Citadels, III would not be spent by th~ h~gl8lature of numerous populations, and the), We tell all a~out t~ia conttructio,! tllat A hen will t'iJend a VI hole dliY gel. wl1.lch the enemies of republican gov. In determining tlll~se matters. It would were I~fluenced by their knowledge 011 !~VdS~~'ii~~~~u~~lun th:~II~:k~;~ ~-; ting up aD egg tbat" hungry 1111\\ ' ernment entrench and protect them. be In the Interest ·of economy and pru- that fa l}ure In deVising our own 8tr~c- of a r.0ltal. Write Moore Brothers, Joti!., '. selves, and from which they carryon dence to restrict tJJe legislature In tu.re of republican government. It Ie III .• or Book on Fuel Saving. ol1n eM. 10 ~ wlnute. their warCare aglnst the Institutions grunting these acts ot incorpornt~on." now prollosed to abandon the diB-1 See Moore'. Range at of freedom and tbe liberties oC the Wanted Fewer Corporatlona. covary of modern times, to wblch Jet· ThQugh w.~ 11111 y never b'L ve lObt people.' SIr, 1 propose, by a prohibi. Simeon Nash, legal writer and dele- terson ref43rred, and which he declared i . • 10 ' 8ny. w(J~t I ' t Uri IIru luo kiug tor tory provision In t.he constilutlon. to gate from GallIa county, opposed the to be tbe only method by which rights storm these 'cltadels,' and to rout the proposed change on the ground t'\:Jat can be secured, and to put In Its steaa mousy lilt tbe l114rUtI. occupants ' trom their entrellchment under the general taws cQrporations tbe discarded device of the anclenta. E. BARNHART, and 'their stronghold, so that they mny woUld multiply in the state. He said Who, then, ,a re the reactionaries: no loilger be thus enabled to 'carry In part: those who are opposed to the substt· , '1'l1e wille wao tioetl nut Iljt bis Notary Public on theIr warfare against the Institu. "A I'e gentlemen prepared to pass tutlon ot dlreot for representative gov· I will offer at Poblto 8ale a.t the wife hellr him boas' that he 1<\ it good tlons ot freedom and the liberties ot general laws for the organization ot ernment and 'are in favor of tbe pro- late residence of N . B . Anthony I it h d F ' AI kl. uds of Notary Work .. Peosiun gress ive pr Incl manllger i line knows better. the people.''' railroads wheneve!' and wherever in. Constituti p th es 0 t e American eoeased, un iUh street on ·Work a ~peoltllty. Th N E dlvlduals may see tit? By such legis. on or e supporters of dJ· Saturday, November 4, 191 I e ew xpletlves. rect government who advocate tbe r"'ItselC .ot turn to th reactionary policies whicb ".. S eg Inn I ng. t 12 :30 8h arp. the o f I • Of course we hav,e applied n \V IIlUon the state would divest When you buy & btllky boree you d s an d phrases. We now spen" ull authority over the 10caU'on of tbese thousand ot years ago d'e monstrated 1ow i ng 0 h att e Is : wor mtt.y not p"Y tor ~DY b~rne8:!, but of. the "tyranny of prlvllege/' "preda. improvements, and railroad corpora· theIr destructive eflect upon the gov. ttoullebold (Joods-2 Bedtlteads, 1 W 0 HENDERSON. M. 0 YOIl will be flore to get a hl1l~er. tory wealth" and the "tenacles of th tions would st.art up like mushroom s ernment ot any considerable popula. single Bedstead, Mattress, 6 cane menster . octopus." but ' "blighting, .I ll over til state just 8S emulation tlons? It does not tollow that to be a seated Parlor Chllir., 4 8Itttn~-room Waynesville, Ohlu. withering, con,tAmlnating etrects of between dil't'erent routes or the caprice reactionary Is to be wrong. The wise and 6 Rookln~ Cha~rs " 10& KttQhen Don't wl\it for 8UOOOdS \0 ooml' tbese 'ulcers upon ·the body politic' " and oupldlty of the Individuals might reactionary may sometimes preserve ohalrs, 1 Invalid Chair, l' tallied Valley Phone 153 Main Strari in ro~r yard. Grall tt by the 0111- was doubtless a satisfactory a.venu e suggest. Such It course would jeop- tbe government of a state and a Tlible. 1 Extension Tnble. Kltohen tor tbe. release of the p~nt.up alld ardi ze the Income of all our public Its civilization. Wbether 'the Inl~:: Table, ~ old style Bo~eao, Book Ulise !!l&l'!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!_!!11!''!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!~!!!!''~"=::! lar .nd yank it ioside t.he gate righteous wrath .o f tJJls "friend of the wOI·ks. works whloh bave cost tbe peo: Ove, Referendum; 'and Recall embody and Seoretllry oomblned, 1 Dre8ser people." pIe mlilious and would thus reckless- sound polltloal ,prlnclples must be de- 2 Wnllh some flJeddlDg, suob }f'rom another delegate of the con" 1'1 be exposed to destruction at tho termlned by otber tests. But their as 8heet@, Pillow Cases, C~mfortll Be, WllS an ambitiQu8 youth, t,he almple life WIUI not for blm Htl ventlon we get an insIght into the oravi ngs of private cupidity. . Is it advocates should not masquerade. 11 "nd Spreads, 1 ~811 t:Jweep Cll'l(lk In cause of this early hostility townrd right thus to surrender to individuals they choose to attach to themselves good 9rd~r, 1 Wardrobe, Mantel THK CIlKATKIT wae de~rmlned to go upon the etatte corporations In qhl:o and an . llIuml. the power to thread our state- with any lallel, they should frankly spread Cleok, Kltoben Cupboard, ,CoOk, Dt:D Rill perslstenoe won the ,lily . He natIng eJ:posltlon of the devious ways railroads. regardless of the public In- tlllOn their banner the word "reao- t:Jtove and Utensils, I, Accordion A.(" ~ terests and wants? Are you prepared tionary." t:Jewlng M~ohine, Moore s Air tight IN THE 'WOIlLD SlOW drives the stage between UII' ot legislatures sixty years ago: "It is well known th.at special clmr. to autborlze the construction ot rail. O .. k B.eatlDg StoTe good all new, ruBUSBED WEElLT. $4.00 I'EllUI h un 's (,;orner8 Ilnd Newton Center . ____ e __ ••- -- rs are always 'got through' our leg. roads along the lines of the canIs?" t:Jheet iron Beating Stove, amall HOTILa, DIlUCCI8T8, 8PEOIAL",.., ' B Ik d I n thl e connectIOn It Is well to r aIs atur~ at ,will, ahd It must be evident a e at Cold Steel sqoare I:iMtlng t:Jtove, Tilbleware 008 TUM E RI, Til A N 8 F Kit, C,A . Starts Much Trouble that it always wll1 be so, In the ab. ~en:ber that onr great manufactur"I wnul . n'~ let a doctor out my snoh as knives, Forks, ~peons, Dish. AND 'BUa aERVICE CAN PROF'I':" es of all kin:i8, 2 tons Coal In abeCl, BY U81NC ITS ADVIRTlalNC COLUMNa if all peopJe know tll,t nl'gl eo t 0 sence ot a constitutional provision. ng nterests have dev loped since the f t 0 If" id Ii D E h' . Iy, Buntam, loor" Stove Wood, lot Kindling SAMPLE COPY FREE oonllUpation woul i renlt In tltlvare \'Vhen was there ever an Instance adoption of our present constitution. cfl~in .: I ~Il t oug Q, horrible nloer Wood, 1 Buckboord 1 Buggy, se indIH8at\on, yellow jnundlol1 or vlru. within the recollection. of the oldest In other lines the demands tor cor- hI)' porate power hnve multiplied. It was I f If J en the PIlllgtuedoflmv life tor BoggV Barnell", 3 Lap Robes, aboot Add,.•• NKW YORK CLIPPEIt lent liver trouble they would soon legislator on tbls fioor, where a sin. tortunute tllat our constitution antlcl. nu," yea.rs . ns ell used Book. 100 f F It 100 d R e N e W York. N. Y. , 1 d oaDS 0 ru, yar a lig Br 'llke Dr.' 1{lug'" New Life i'IlII!, Buel gle special act ot incorporation WBS ated the needs o' tbe tutu"'" and pre. I1:111 S A rDlOI.l. ., oa ve, ~n my foot was t d riO d I i P . . " " " ' 00 c I t 1 d" B I pe o·n yar s ngra n" vllrpe t end It Its tlln only Sllie way. , 8e.sl deteated. It Is but too ..-nerally ~ vented the continued extension o.• B) r . B(m .l Ipee y . E e" SILrpeD e ter ' s '1'00 Is-PI ane. 0 f Ii11 ' H Boure t for blllonsne~R, belt Itlohlj,_tlYj;pepsia known that these special aCls are 'got special charter-' prl ' vlleges to corpo0 OR, 0 1 S, ,ore", ru 8e8, ozemn, ki a h F PI J k as It = Pimples C S PII 2 n s. 8UO UR ore anes, ao ohtll8 and dobllity. ~50 at 0.11 drug through' by.a. log..rolllng svstem • rations. It was follv to expect, h ". ' JornE!, urellt e oure 50 PI S thl PI '(' ts called, the {rlends ot one bill vot. , 0 ,Vat a II <lrog~18tS. . . anes, moo n" nnee, (mg1l8 gls~ . . ing for the billa of others In consld. ever, that the limitations ' prescribed • _ .. It.nd Groove and ~loo'r Plnnes, Mould Undertaker and Embalmer, ------_e~_~.~----'Alt\09q lOJII109l\I\OJ 8 eratlon of their aid When the final would p,ove a panacea tor existing TO AID TEETHINO BABIES ing Planes, S)rew ClnmpR difforent Will be found in the old vote Is tak.e n upon tJJelr own. These ills or enm inute "Iog·rolling'· and the sizeH, 1 B Irlog Maohlno !lml Sitts. JO .lchD'IS~ poos LlaA ~ BV pepJ1IS Bllnk Boildlng. opposit" t ti Statistics pr~e that a luge propor· B ,. d Bitt 11 ' B 1 vity acti .... al qalqAl 'l(JOA. AlaN us IIpJoaali acts will always pass a legislative 0 corpora on agents about ruoes on s I~ .lze8, "0( t.he N~tiona.l Bank. ' " 1 tw 0 mu.D C rOBSOI1 t S ow, 1 halls O•• th JO U-B ' aql 10 ItnJ0.119111 pu~ Inn body-the dignity and 'purity' of your the . . e geneI'll I assem bl y. tlon of all the babies born dle whlle Sn"W'" Telephone in hOn.RA u.nd ot· .IoJ em_qa. · at(l PG~IB9P 9t(S '1 391 general assembly to the contrary not. Regulation by general laws has led to teething: It becomes a serl~ul ques· one man .t;rosl!cnt · t3aw, 1 "ood pllt floe where J can be callftfl -ll{a.a_ 1111 ._ . lllll' 199JJ 1Vt( ot(Al lJIi wIthstanding, Any assocll\tlon of cap- united action on the part ot' corporate tlon to the anxious motJJer bow she PDt Mitre Hox. Hatohets, Chla.-Is, day or nigbt. na)c tor a right of way Interest.s, and it woulll be Idle to ·ex. cal) aid nature at . thIs orltlcal time. Hlltnmera. 1 eXITIi long Derrlok Lad · ital1sts who 'lJ0A. AlaN ,. III JloHG" A9A ISIW Valley Phone 14-2. througb anf part of the country will Dect this to be Jess effective than sep. When the tooth Is almolt ready to ap- der, :J 16 foot uHtlders', 1 9 fo~t don , ,. ·...""Ina pU.JO luDIUO a,ways get It, and ten thousand re mon. arate effol't ; but uniform laws have pear, a judicious rubbln" or allowing ble Ladder. Ii lot uf LUIn ber and Main Street, Waynesville, Ohio strances mlgbt be sent up In vnln. A promot~d the genel'lll welfare by tbe..Chlld to bite bard, safe aublltanceB, Cuttings, .I ot of Braokets and Moaf single member could carry It' throu h maIntaining lJetween the corporations Is otten healthful aod benetlclal: folding 8uoh liS oarp,enter's use. 1 the legislature if each other bl; themselves LL degree ot equality not Have you DeTer been alarmed at flood shop Oannon !Stove, 2 Work . .' .' had a bill ot 1;ls own tor slml~~I:c~ otberwlse possible. ' some lIulideD atto.cik of Ilelme .., and, Benohell, Tool Chest!!, 1'001 Boxes, '0 d' B V' l-H is Prcof of Incorporation" when your COOd doctor W&a ·.ummoned, 1 Gllr\len Plow, HUBS , Sbovels, ~re ' y 1110. ere led Ith The people wilo are wont ' tI THE TRUE RING. bad him a1llm the caule· to be teeth· Raltel!, .o.nd lots of other t.binI!!8. Wally to despair of the Ie' Isla . con nu· - - -Ing. wilen nothine In . the appearance Terms. 0811h on dny t lf sale eymour. Ind'""7'~ wu troub a chronlo .~mach· .trouble, ~nd five elect. may ' g8.tMr com~ort t~ey In selecting a delegate to the Con- of the mouth would IndIcate the com.1 . H . Colemlto, weeka ~ it got ,10 ,bad I had to gtv~ evidence here presented th t th he stltutional convention too much care line ot a new tooth, W. think aD7 Adminibtrotor of the elltate of N . B For Women up work. I.. bacl ~ed various med· bodies are not much worse :OW :se can not be exercised In selecting the ~otber who 'hal taken careful Qbler· AIl,hooy. deoeased. Ha •• More Friend. than any olher etDel without relief, an~ was tIn ally 1n the long ago. . ' t an best man possible regardless of poll. vattoo w1l1 say that ot~n, when the C. T . lIawke, Aoot . , fIlagazinc or patten1s. McCall'a ill ,the Indqo~ Ito trY, Vlno,. After taking the Of coUrse In 1850 . th tics, The fanatics and the ' ultra poli. 1 tooth, II llrst forming, the whole or-I E V . Stlrnhart, Clerk . reliable Fashion Guide monthly in first ~ttl, '1 ".,. . gr~tly be:'eflt~d . •~ere stanCh' defender~ ~~ ::I~tln ~:~ ~Iclans ' ~av~ no place In a conven'tlon ,an~aUon !s more 'cU~turbed than when .. _ . .' one million one hundred ·thousand homes. Besides showing ull the lalest . nbw on the~~.botp~:l;n~D~ 8t1~utlonl, includl.ng the chartere:cor- to frame a 'uew cons~lwtlon tor the', the tooth IJi about read,. to m~. ita ap- , , Ru~tllna for Tralnl. , I o rea,me wor , ra .. . ' porations. AHrong these w great and growing state o't Ohl,o. In pearance. . , . I designs of McOali Patterns. each issue is brimful i>t sparkling shott stories In we~t, &D~ .. Itrehgtb. Edw. Nle- g~te from Oarroll co~nt:'~ t~~r~el~ eXj3rclslng the right ot· franchise the ~ow. how can. we .~elp' mat~,r. ':D0.r e o·:!:~~~a:: ::~!:e~~~!:~I::n!j ,and helpful illf9rrrta~0.n for .wom.en . .m;&D. . What he' has . to say: . voter sbould use his best · judJ.R\ent ,than .~r ,suppIYln&, ·a chU~ ·what ttl 1I~. . rUt · 1 b .It la the .onratl;ll "It, has been !laid that thore Is no when It co.m es to' votlng ,for ,any ot the ,tle l;Yltem mOllt n"ds In tooua·makJog? :iua l:!ci!': menlt of the eod. Tert, ·.com ~f ' dIsposition ' among tht\ _people 'ot the cand!dntes .lletorfl·' t~E! people. Bury If'w;e ~~e . the trou~le to· look Into the 4trectlon. . With the ,~~hentq ,p .:rF":,ch .tate tQ emb~k In the works of In. fac~lonal strite o.nd, polI.tiC al preter· mat~r we shall 1104 that ·...17 toOth. "Oh. Sarah'" aha nld, "l hadn't ~nla !Mn '.f'ODtalD~ bt ~nir ,tAlrnlil 'Improv~meota, henoe there III 'l~cel b~nealh your better ,'jud~ent Ii. compolI~ ,wlfel!' of Hme. .1 • notlo'ed bow Ilate · It I.:, Go 'lI~talra mak~ it 80 . 81I~ nooeaally tor lIIuoh action by. the legis. and all ,wlll be well It ;YOU give th" . Aa ~!1. u ,.o~ .,.by bu' te&Checl &Del tell Mr: WhltDey to taurrr '. or ptirfeot 4JPetlon aD.4 at the UlDe , lature , u would inTite C&pltallats to clalma ,and tendenclel 9t eacb' can~l· • . Iuftabte alfe tOr' cuWq teeth; pat a ta.11 mJu bll train." tl~e it baU4t ap tle tired, ~, nveat their ~ealth, amoug UI. It Is ' 'date your careful oonalderaUon.-MOD- fe.., dro.I " of limewater tn blI m11) at --"'l baTe Qallecl . . . . Sarah .....nct WoI'~ ~~~'il'e u. /Uld ~at thil la ,a n age ot prog..ellill. roe COJlrler. ,. , ,' ,..ea.c1l .meaL B7 tIlua lupplJ1q ~UI' proudly, "an4 be :jatil, mao..,' tta&t l ""...... 0 . will be Well, ta IQme ettent mat I. tnie. 'rhe .. . . ~lel with wbat be needa at ~Ia 11 I pta tIMI p.p.fruIt Jut 6litatde ilM'8tI14J1aa tlaat JOID' of the earl, · ploneera of the CO~taDt aattatlon without olearl, ' ~U... tIlDe, J'OU .wtU ...·. .tun 1a ,1ler th. clool' ani the _pi OD the top ~.,. to IDYite Into the deQned pnrpoae for the public IOOd la . , ,ork -.l JnnDt IDUJ' atep del' ~ rolla aa4 ootree .. tile ~.".. ~~~II;r.~~==~aa:" the . ot 1II.clWl.... , U~~t~ ~ _. ___ .... _._.~ ~ 'f.11~· L-.~~_ _ _~_,_.~_,...-...)
Moore's Range
is a cooking machine that you can control as easily as an engIneer can control a locomotive.
J H COLEMAN,aynesvi W -IIe Qhv.
Public Sales
McCall's Magazine
aDd M,cCall PaH~rD~
""'"'-:.= ... - ..........
· m'
The Miami Gazettt: D. L, CRANE, Publiaher. WAYNES VILLE,
NAnCNAL AND STATE AID TO BE DEMANDED BY OHIO ' GOOD Recent Rumor. Have Prompted a ROADS FEDERATION . . Search by Mr •• Carrie Jayne Mc· Farland, a Sliter, but So Far J Without Reeult.
He Might Be Offended. "See that dog, Kalhl T It has takeD tbe firlt prIze at teu ahows and I. "alued at a thousand marks." "I wonder U 1 dare olrer him a bit ot laussge?"-Fllegende D1aetter.
Indians Carried Away Brown at Austin, Tex.
THE SERVIce OF BIRDS. Among the crent\lr~ tbat render .enlce to mnnklnd tbe blrda occup,. a for emost place. It II their tunoUon to suppress the l\lsects tbat pIa,. b avoc wltb the farmer's bard-earned crops. Flrty·tbree per cenl. of tbe> food of bIrds In one locellty was found to consist of tbe lanae ot tbe dIe· ease dissem In ati ng mosquitoes. Horse tiles nre tbe burden not only of borse ... but of other valuable stock, and tbe Jarvae of thIs tiy aro th natural fo od of several species ot bi rds. The fe ver "ok, so InjuriOUS to cattle:, Is the natural food at th o kllld eet and tbe plover. Corn, cotton nnd other (' ro.oo Bre destroyed to a la rge ex tent by grll8shOllrJers, and th ere nro at least 23 apecles at birds th ll t (ped upon grassho ppers. Grass landa and graln crops In gen ral sutrer greatly (rom varIous Insect pests, whIc h are destroyed In vast multitudes by blrdl. Tbe greatly dreaded ' boll weaTII II food tor tbe plover, th e killdeer and others of tbe feathered trIbe. It la a c;ommon eJ:perlon~ tn l ee birds rOI' lowin g the plow and consuming grubs that 'are destructive to garden IUld other Taluable plants. These friends of the planter sbould In every state be protected by rIght leglalatlon.
Le.d'nll • Dog'l Ll'r., "Tour busband I&,.,e he lead. a dos's life," said one woman, '·Yea. It'l very similar," anllwered tbe other. "He cODlel In 'wltb mUddy feet, makell blm se lf com[ortable the fire and wo,lts to be fed."-IDverlbodY'1 Magazine.
Are Good Cows, Rightly Cared For, and the Proper Handling of the Product- Too Much Poor Country Butter Placed on the Market.
Darlington, Okla.--.Nearly seventy years ego William Love Hrown, tben The Constltutlona! Conventlon To Be twelv e years old, was carrIed away by Requested To Amend the Constltu, 1\ band of Comancbo Indian s from tbe tlon So That the ' State May laBue home of his parents In tbe outsklrtll Bonds To One Per Cent, of Austtn, Tex., Rnd taken to tbe Co· maDcbe cam ps III whut Is now ~outb· Jamestown.- ,Not (or man y years west Oklahomn. 8\'er sIn ce that da y t be kin smen of the los t boy bave been have the sup/lorter s of bigger a nd , sear c hin g for blm, Rlld llOll lng tpat he belter thin gs in the matter of roa ds Sloail'S Liniment is a grcat I mlj!ht be fo und . Their InquIrIes were had tl uch bright prosp etl! as at tho re medy for backache. It 18telY renewed by reason or a ne ws· present time. At the aun ll nl meeting pene trates and relieves 1 paper st ory telling of au old man, long or tile Ohio Good Rond s Federation the p a in instantly-no ru~ I captJve among IndIan s In Okloboma, held a t Columhus there were presen t bing necessary-just lay repres illatives oC t he varied ollled who was trying to Hnd bls people. Mrs. Ca rrl" Jayne McFarland of it on lightly. , Port Lavaca, T ex., sIster of Urown, c ounty orglllllzat\ons, logeth r with of· hesrd or the story and bas written to ticors of farmers ' gr:snges, a utomobile Here's Proofo "I hAd my back hurt 11\ Ihe Doer War United States Indian agents In Okla· clu bs, buslness men's c luus, boards and In S... Fra"cillCo Iwo yea,. ogo 1 bomn, usklng Jr they know of ,the man. of trade nnd mllU utucturers' orgn nl za. ""as hit by a I,r~t car In the &ame plue.. One of Firat Essential s In Making Good Butter Is to Keep Good Cow.. 1 lricd All klneb of 'lop. wh ho ul aucTbe agents have no knowledge of Ilons tbroughout the t; tate. Address· c.... l'wo week. 0AU 1 !IlIW your lin!. "Ith Ihe de v~lopm ent of the cream· cow. A fairly gooll cow will produce hIm . Mrs. McFa rland Is being assist- es were lUade by the officers of federmeolln ~ drug 110'" and gnl ~ boule 10 Iry. Th. 6r.. appllc. 1 on ....... d 1I\"IIInl cry butter·makln g Ind ustry And the 300 pounds of butter In a year, There cd In her searcb by ber son·ln·lnw, 1". dion, to gether wltb reports from the relief, an.d nuw excepl for ol llulo ItiII· DCU, 1 11m aim"", well." 1 r en hln g out of cities nlong railroad a re many be rds of cows In Oh Ia pro· P . Penfi eld of HOlls ton, Tex. Mis. FLETCHER NORM~~I .. lines, fo r their mill_ su pply, th 1'0 bas duclng annually 400 pounds at butter slonarle9 among tbe Kiowas and Co- treasurer nnd secretary, Whllller,Uwr. per cow. The following ta ble will give manches bave been requested to QuesAll present seemed to reali ze tbat been a decreAse In tbe ou tpu t of farlll nn Idea of the dllYe rellce of Income be· tldn the old men of tbese tribes and, to the coming con sti tutional cOl)ven· butter. tween good and poor butler, mado If pOSSible, learn tr tbey bave nny tlou a g reat opportunity Is afforded As u rule, lho marke ting of lhe oul· with good and poor Co.ws, It the best knowledge I)f the attack on the Brown the people 01 OhIo to a dvance tbeir put of th dnlry In the fo rm at milk grade of butter Is worth 30 cents a home. comme rcE', Industry and Boclal COnlU. or c ream wl11 be found to be more pound: . I M'rs . McFarland lately told thlll tion s by providing tor n system of Poor 'Jut· Good but· story at the Incidents tbat led to the IMproved rOlld s throughL,ul tbe state. The announcement by n Boston phy· profi table than working It up at home is the ' best remedy for ter at 20c ter at 30c loss of ber brother: Las t winter when Gov. £'Inrmon veBlclan that eleotrHylng the atmospbere Into butler. However, the re are loculi· rheumati In, neuralgia, per Ib ller lb. "Some elgbt or ten Comancbe In. toed the law whir l! would have pro· ties In which a fe w cows are ke{lt as of crowded apartments wl11 make dull me from160cow [nco sore throat and sprains. producing lbs dlons rode up to Ollr gate Sunday, vill ed about three m 1111 on II a 11 or~ per pupils brIght and Indol ent workmen a Jlllrt of the stock on the farm, where of butter per July 10, 1842, and nsked tbe way to. ' year for the construction ot tbe Inter· market for e itber cream or milk Is a MISS E. Rm of Drooklyn, N.Y., acUve may be worth looking Into. It 1I'1'lIes: "SII",n', t.lnlme.n t Is the beat not available . From these farms year ......... . .. $32.00 $48.00 . Aus tin . Father walke d out near the county system at rand s, It was thought Is possible that 1t would e ven matte comes th e supply of "country bu tter," Income from cow for rbeull\lIlh nt. 1 h ;",'! Uled sIll botgate to dIrect them, my motber and th at Ih" ~o od roods movement had reo tles of It ;l~d It is Ilrnn!!." drowsy churcbgoers attentive to long some very good, some very bad, all producing 300 Ibs the cbildren followIng to look at tbe oelved a set·bacle, hut the governor's Sold by aU Dealers.. sermons. There Is a stimulating Influ· dum ped together In tbe country Btore, of butte r per painted races of tbe Indians and the objections to the bill were well found· Price. 2Sc:• .5Oc;,. and $1,00, ence In ozone, and tbls the electric thence to the markets, as dlsreputahle year ............ $60.00 $90.00 s hields they carrle~ . ed, eve n In th e esti mation of go~d "An IndIan' r eached ove r tbe fence road 'J proponents, and it Is for the current, as em ployed by the doctor, n food product a s is to be fo und. " As Increased value at ~:~ b~~:,: frg:;. . Rnd picked up my brother Amos and purpose or overcomi ng those obJec· Is said to dllruse In the atmolphere. poor as country butler" 'Is a comparl· on JiO_ I, year .....•.. ',' . . $58.00 I plaoed him behind blm and started to tlons t~at the con stitutional omeud· Ot course, It cann t be a substitute 80n orten mude, 'w hlle as a matter of put a belt round bls and tbe chUd's m ent has bcen suggested. So, for the JioCa',!!,"d for ·tresh air. Ozo 'e Is not oxygen, fact, the butter made In the fnrm dairy It will be seen that where good but· waist. In tbat way trying to strap the purpose of securIng this a mendment JPoultry lnd oxygen Is . Indlspenllable to life, can aud should 1:e of a Quality supe8<nl rr~c. rlor to that made In tbe creameries, ter Is :nade from good cows. the, In· r.blld to blm. Fatber stepped out tho the Oblo Good noads FederaUon w11l Adcll'dl It It proves as beneficial 1\8 the doctor c'lnduct a campaign of publicity for In tbe dairy the milk Is co.ntrolled, come Is almost three Umes as great Dr.&rI8..11ol" anlrms tbe world will give It a cordl~l from the cow to the churn, by one per· as tbe Income f.rom poor butler from throughou t tile state. It successful , Boston; Felcomu, but the estent of tta emplo,' . sao. while In the creamery this 101m· poor cows. It must also be noted that t.he valu e of the preoedent will be tar· lIlent necessarily 11'111 be governed possible. the amount of. skim 'mllk will be ai, reuchln g, for It Ollio deolares It to. be very largely by what It costa. Notwithstanding the fa.c t that coun· most twice 8S great as trom the good good bu s iness policy to Issue long· try bntter as a class Is known to be cow, and he nce an additional source term bonds for the construction of rand s throu ghou t the slate, It Is more Tbe l.'hlc·0l'o bealth hoard secretarJ of low grade, there Is an urgent de- of Income from her. Wby. then, keep Ulan likely tha t 1. .ller states will be who condemns all flats as bad morall, mand for fancy farm dairy butte r, poor cows and make the product into encouraged to fo llow a similar plan. and physlcally-untit ~Iaces for the even at prices above that ot tbe best low priced butter? creamery. Where such· a demand Is The quality of the butter . made on ThllS, instead of waiting years for rearing of cblldren-s tatea a melan· to be met, and where tbe skim milk the tarm Is a good Indicator of the roads to be buil t a few miles' at a time choly truth. 18.1ikely that they wlll Is used 8S tcod for cal ves ar.d pIgs, oharacter of the individual responslIn differ en t sections of the state un· persIst In clUes .. a necessary evil. tile manuracturer of butter on tbe ble tor it. Poor butter Is always the der dilrerent engll\eers, county combut parents who can give tbelr cbll- farm can be made one ·of the most result of careless, . shiftless work. missioners aod trustees, the state will dren the beneftt of tbe larler, freer profitnble farm opera~ons; thus mak· Good butter is the product of careful· find Itselt benefited from a thorougbly lite of a aeparate bome should never Ing it possible for one to profitably en' ness and Industry, Likewise, the pro: copslstont and rapid Im'provement of gage In tbe dairy business in almost ductlon of high class cows, and tbe besltate to dQ" ao. Its roads as a unit, unde r the specifiC a.ny section of Oblo. care necessary to cause them to pro: supervision of a capable state blgh· Poor butter Is usually found as a .duce 300 pounds of butter per yoar. way departmen l Tbe fed eraUon takes A rlcb . mlln In illinoIs. wbo round companion to poOr cows (which are can come only from .l ntelUgent elrorts. the ground that the lnveslment ot wealth too much worry, hal dlstribut· Improperly fed and cared for), thus Unless It Is possible to keep good t1 fty. ml11lons In good roads tbrough· ed 'hIs millIons. Here II a blDt to tbe combining a low priced product with co""'s; to care for them so as to make out the slate wlll bring a larger and otber millionaires wbo are always b. low prlJduotion. a most · unprofitable tbem do their best, and to care for quicker returns In Increase of busl: walling tbe burden of their money, combination. Fancy. dairy butter tbe products 80 as to turn out tbe best ness, greater development of natural reo but to whom the thougbt of sheddlnl usually commands from ten to twenty grade of butter, farm butter'maklng sources, Increased value of farm lands, Mri. Carrie Jayne McFarland, tho ' burden baa nenr apparently lUI' cents more per pound tban low ·grade. wl11 be found unpleasant, unprofttable better health and Improved moral can, Kate and took Amos (rom the indian, The average cow In Ohio producer 160 and uncredltable. gested itself. itlons tor the people of the slate, and tben turned to my mother and tban any other similar Invelltment tbat pounds of butter per year, A dllrer· A. S. NEALE, cnce of ten cents a pound menns a Conege of Agriculture, Ohio State told ber to take tbe cblld.ren and go Can be made by the slate In national Hlstorlsnl tell UI tbat Jullua Caesar gain per year on the Income from each UniversIty. Quickly Into the house. . governmeot. drank be!!.r, and a Ftench scientist "My mother ran with the cblldren The educational feature of the work comea to bat with tbe announceme.nt at ber side. An arrow narrowly missed her and stuck In tbe door of tile federaUon wl\1 receIve eonsld· tJ1'8t tbere was no such person .&8 . facing as she entered the bouso, My erable attention this coming wInter. Julius Caesar. But even tbo most They will endeavor to bave 0. reprefather ran, but was sbot, and feU In hardened skeptic would hesitate be• the yard near the door. An arrow sentaUve at nil (Jaunty meetings cnl1· Core cla~mlng tbat there II no luch' ed by the state highway department, passed half way through the arm of thing as beer. little Amos, just above his iert elbow. 'In which the metbod and .type of can· Two carpenters at work on th& bouse structlon of the various· county rpadb Menus wltb the food you eat picwere present. Ono ot them, Mr. Hos- wllJ be discussed. Effort wl11 he made to Improve un roads of dllrerent type In'Ormation kins. was shot aJld killed. tured In lively colors are a new thln8 ':I CJ "My mother calied to tbe carpell' throughout the s tate, and to s top the In a fa stllonable New York botel. waste resultant from antiquated meth· .ter In tbe house and they carried my t)uubtless tbe artist em)lloyed Is be father Inside. He asked for bother ods of construction, and wlJltul neg· who painted a large ;..... .! lobs ter te WillIam and ,was told by the negro lect of the malntennnce of roads decorate the walls of tho New Yorl! • girl that tbe last time sbe saw him throughout the state. ' aquarIum. The propaganda certa l.nly Is one that S 'tbe 'InJlns were takln' blm air: Father died ,In fifteen mInutes after Interests every citizen of the 'state I I Tbe rescue at a "rat" at a New be was shot. He and Mr. Hosklnl'l whether country man 01' city man, for Jersey resort reveals tbe fn cl that were burled across the road from the In addition to stimulating all Indus· as to produce the best results. bouse~ My mother kept boplng and trle~ In the state, It wJl1 be a power- We will be glad to give you fickle feminInity has forsaken a long . lOOKing for brotber WHllam's return (ul IDcentive If realized to keep the tru s ted financial de posItory for anoth rIsing generation on the farm Instead advice or assistance if, you will tor tblrty years or longer." e r, as wb cn the "tat" was placed In of following tbe lure of the city, thu!! ' • f . Th ' . tbe hands oJ Its excited owner sbe , helping to solve the mOBt menacing 01 , wnte or It, ere IS no drew from Its balry depths a roll or RUNS MULE BY ELECTRICITY .all sociological conditions. The plan I charge whatever-the service is absomoney . Now a woman will be sure of Owner Hal DevIce to Hurry Beast Is both practicable and feaslllle and lutely free. We make th,is offer purelY be r personal wealth It IIhe ooly keep' should receive tbe earnest support at When He ShowlI Symptoml of the people of tbe slate. to encourage the u~e of lOlll:~tl. her ht!ad- th at Is, keeps It Intacl. Hookworm, Tbe folJowlng officers Were chosen UNIVERSAL PORTLA!CD CEMEKT CO. CBlCAGO.PlTTSBURG Arter walking Ilome thousDnds 01 Forrest CIty, Ark.-Friends at Su, for the ensuing year: President, Arch Huston, Columbus, 0.; ist vice mil es across the country" a man and perlntendent ChUner of tbe city water H. president, D, S. Humphrey, Cleveland, AJnroAL 01JTP1J1' 10,000.000 BAftREI.S hi s wife are In , Boston grently 1m· and light plant are at • loss whetber 0.; secretary, Jesse .Taylor, James· Model to Show . H ow Cleft Grafting 'I Done and the Tool. Used, oroved and Increasea In welgbl Walk· to class blm as the meanest man In town. 0.; treasurer, JUllUB F.' Stone, Arkansas or the most IngenIous one. Ing Is decidedly maN healthy tbun Many farmers have some trees or Late November or early Decembel Tbe water department bas a Mlssou· Columbus, 0,; slate Buperintendent, riding In sleepIng cars, but It talies pll:'nts especially suiting their parUcu· would probably be tho better time for mule wblch possessed the reputa. W. A. Alsdorf, Jobnstown. 0.; cou·n· rl' more tIme and costs more money. un \ar tastes or surroundings, which can this work, They sbould be tied In tlon of being the laziest quadruped sel, Smith W. Bennett, Columbus, 0 , less tbe pedestrians rely on band·out. .Qat be secured from the nurserymen hundles of convenient size and placed Tbat'l Wh, Y ever harnessed until Mr. Cbllner In sawdust cr sand In a. cool cellar. -HanNo ........... Irom tbe agricultural popull-.tloo. rllged a· patent starter on the wagon at the present time. Often times. too, They should be kept cool enough to No WeddIng P,... ~te, CARTER'S' the prospective planter fears he will avoid any starUng of tbe buds and to tie drawn by It. He put a · small TIwle who are oppoaecl to the 11.' .Rallroods announce that after the not get the kind of trees b e orders moIst enough to avoid any !1rylng out, eleCtric battery wltb a swltcb COD, L1VERPIL~ end of the year they will not carry from the nurserymen. In ardell to yet not sufficient moIsture' sbould be venlent to the driver's band, and at: Ing ot WOOdlnl presentl will ball with appl'O'Y&l the step · ta~en bl, a ••17 trunks more tblUl 70 Inches long, Tbe overcome hoth of these difficulties It present to cause molding. Where a tached an Insulated wIre to the be'\d.· wealtb, Chicago IClclety: Ifrl. Wben theotrlcsl professIon and mercantile Is altogether possIble for the farmer cellar Is not avaHaDle they may bo stall of the bridIe, thence to tRie ber wedeUnl InntaUon. were ".uect. travelers 11'111 bave to make up for tble to propagAte his own trees In a saUs· burled out of doors In a well drained aD the bit. and then back to It. ~Il. ' tile,. CODtalped lbll lentence: ' "It la Now when the gans II ready to restriction by giving tbelr trunks ~f factory Iflllnner by the exen<lse of a gravelly or' Nndy location With excela .• peelal requHt that no lUte 111&11 alpect of Illy-scrapers. little gO(l!1 Judgment and ' care. Most lent results. They ·sbould be 'burled !ltaTt there la DO oranitlns. nor· borae: be .eDt.... Probabl, tbere are .of the 'fruits, wltll the exception of ~early "or quite below the frost Une; wblpP'lng to be done. · The d8~lc. . . . Who ,wU. ·follow I!er uamDi •. peacbes and · plums, can be. . readllt although some sUght freezing wlllnot reBoried ·to atter bt. muleallip threat. An "artist" wrltel to the New Yor" grafted during tbe winter or early .bjure them. Sclona cut and handled eneil·· to bankr:upt the plant . butlaa Moral 'n I!yolutlon.. eun r~jolclng In , the loss of t!le Monr spring tln\E~ If the right sort of stock In tws manner wUl alwll18 .g row bet· wblp.. Mr. Cl1tlner It.. applied ror The ~.tor7 .of e'foiutlon la OM loq patents. . LIIIl\, :lnd speaklnr with .meaeurel... la available. te~ and gl.e more satisfactory reault8 record of deta,., In the race.of appal'l ( ontempt tor the "crowd" wbo ' admlr> The 'art of grafting Is very· gener- than ·tbose ,cut from the tree. if Mol ..... KUla M.~y Flalt . ,fttl~ lDaqperallle obatacl... 'I!~ I. it. No doubt he bas' scores of bettel ally known among farmers and fruit work II doge In the IPrlrlgume', Belou ~ew ' OrleauI•.;,..Dead Bhrtmp i b, tile .IDU beca1lM he .. dolq til. hD: . pl.clurel 01 'b ls own palDtlnl- ' growers. but ii~obably ~he greatest Iho\lld be lnaartees: before any growth ~011 ~Dd . tMUludl , of bb .~.n~~ .tbat wbJeb .• ~. lUCIa to reason for failure Is due to the lIn- starts In tile ~ to be grafted. bu. .8 oatJnl em. tile ' ,uJf~e of 1.&lte POll . .~~• .to~.~,lley. -;Y. It . . proper cutting and handling of the tbey sbollld Dot be. luerted much 1» reed_ _a., ~ ':tre reuitlld 'OUt wortJly boultc scions. Scions sbould be cut when fore tl\e actiVIty of the ~,lant healnf, cIluttalD .. a nAlt or OD. IDO......, The diet fowtd Ita e bolder. bUI, wlUl tbe mltnltol4 calf poulbl& from bearing trees, ' thoRO ot)lerWIJ5e tile, may Ilecdm8 clrt8!l Ute cI~ .... tlaat • lDodern clylliutloD Impoael Which have e.tabl~h~ a recor~ for a ' beroJ',P the sap from the ltack .1I wu 'IJlto tile lab pUoi.l "OWed III ~ •• po )'em. that tbll I. • aood time I Dumber of ye8l'll tor good bearing flow Into the ac.oO& .,..~ ·Wtll. b"'D,of • . ~ V. H. DAVIS. ,oUr fumace o •• rbauled aad pU qualltl8&: The), ahould conallt Obly _IE. 'I'M. . . . . . OOIltalht . . . Gf Ole curreDt 1GU000'I wooa. wbleh College of AlriClIlttU'l" ~bJo BtaIfI ... GnJe}' for oomJq willi'" '· 4 lloUld \Ie weU rileDed before VDl.enltF. · .
Relieves Backache Instantly
Cement Talk No.9 I f you want to bUtOld ·somet h·tng
of concrete and need help and Instruct'IOnS, Wfl. t e' t 0' us.
Our Bureau is one of our departments for the purpose of assistf' d' . lng our nen In USIng ceme1tt in concrete work so
Your Liver Is Clogged,
.... wit. -.000
.., "' .at-",. . . .
Prof. ' Amidon With Finger. Reade MUllc ill Reildlly a. ~nother Doe. With Eyel.
Ec:tema All Over Baby'. Body.
',\Vhen my baby WI1.8 four montha olel' III. , fMC broil!! out wit h eC7.ema nnd at .ix~cn mont. h s of age his fnee. handH nnd Holton, Kan . -A lIlan who Is totally anne were in a dreadful s tllte. The blind Is professor at voice and violin ecze ma. 8(Jrend nil over his bony , We had In Campbell coll ego 10 thi s tow n. He t o put a 1118 ")( or cloth ov I' hill fnee aDd iiI> up It i hanrls. Finally we gave him , Is Prof. Cba rl es 11 . Amadon , Resides 1I 00d's ·~,""lIpllr i llll. ulld in n few montb. , blmself tl;lere nre, so fa r as he know B. he w.8 entire ly c'ul'ccL Toc\(I,v he is a on ly t\Vo blind me n wbo are em healthy boy," :'\l r~, I nC1. 1.(:lI' i9, Darinl
' played In teac hing, other lhan In the Maine. Hood's ar~n[Jn r illa eurC3 blood diseuea In s titutions at learn ing ror the blind IIDU IJUilda up the SY8te m, alon 3. Get it loday in usual liquid fonn 011 Pror. Amad on leads the choir In a chocolatcd tablets called aareotabe. church h ore, and Is tbe leade r of the • l'o:E or the most striking college band of 22 members. hesld eB ~ charac teristics In the life playIng the cornet, In whIch he . I. at ou r Lord WIUI bls Inter- proficient. ' In conducting the choir. 1 • est In others. He was he tollows tlie score, In Its polot HIRTY·ONE cllTIdeeply moved by the cOlldldren to b e enterHon of the multitude . Their tained- a gues-t need W8.S the magnet whleb dre w hlm . for eac h ot Octo'I T~elr spiritual de.mutlon m,eant more ber's golden days- and Hallowe·en. to to him than anything else , His Inter· be celebrated! The re ar e easier things es t Wae In those possessing no outto do. Sucb "stunts" a8 mirror-gazing I ward attraction. Many were men at Ilt the all very bour .of midnIght, as fol ' tbe basest sort, Tills profOllDdly 1mlowing a thread through a dark cellar. pre8sed the multitude, who alwaya Entitled to It. or pulling kalestocks ; non e of them ",T bnt young Mr, HtgbOy seem. to ' hea rd blm gladly. , could be called child's piny. Somebave II very lofty air." In studying hIs conduct with the thing had to be planned that was ' dlf"Why not? He haa broken aU the people we are Impressed with hili terent. 80methlng e nter taining and 11~ltude recorda." method of Individualizing. All classes ·'Hallowe·eny." aought hIm. We nnd him spending The Invltntlons, which were Bont , a night with the learned NlcodJjIDus: Important to Mothers t:xamlne carefully every bottle ot out a week In advan ce. r ead as folthen an Intervi e w with the lawyers ; CASTOIllA, a safe and sure remedy tor lows: again, tb e rich young man has his atInfants and children. and Bee that It "Won't you corne to my Hallowe'en tent Ion. He did uot neglect tbose who Dearsthe ~ //~ Jlarty. trom 81x to nIne, October 31? , - ; - : : : - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Jt.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-. were deemed socially and religiously Please wear play clothes. I unfit for his association . The blind, Signature at ~~ "SYLVIA HALL," I the lame. the ph ), 'cal aud moral lepIn Use For Over 30 Years. In the corner of each card was a I ers. the downtrO dden of every kind. Children Cry for Fletcher's Caatoria , tioy water-color sketch-a witch rIdmoved him. and be sOIlKht to bring Ing a broom, n blinking owl. or a I th em, without re,ard to their socIal Prof. Chill. H. Amidon. Where It 8elonged. broad wlnged bat. I standing, Into discipleship. His Inter"Where are you going?" Every response waa an acceptance, est '\Vas In men_ven men at thl morklng8, with one hand and uses the "To fetch some water, sorr." baton with the other. and atralp;htway preparatlon8 for the baser sort. "Wbat, tn those disreputable trou. Prot. Amadon teachea 1taJlan. Ger- erl?" party began. From a fai'm house we Tbe mIssion of the churob, 8S Je' "No, .sorr. In thll 'ere pall."-LoDdrove home ono day wIth a load at IUS gives It. I .. to be tho same as hili man and French, as well 8.B English, In his ' work. He devotea one day a don OpinIon. cornatalka. pumpkln8. and carrots. I' own. He says: "As tbe Father hath Everybody In the house wbo could lent me. even so send I you." What week to J t nlng pianos. and goes out Mere Bagatelle. ulle a jack-knHe was pressed Into servwas his mission' Luke 19 : 10 gives It. through tlie farming dilltricts alone. "But. fotber," snld tbe beautltul tce, Big pumpkins and lillIe were "Fol' the Son of Man Is COt!:8 to seek findIng hi' way wltb a cane. While Prof. Amadon bas all the girl. "remember, that he I. rich al well tran8formed Into lanterns, wrtb facea and to Have that whIch was 10Ilt." • . So tho mission of the ohurch Is to IItandard mualc 10 tbe ' point system as bandsome." upon which black or white paint bad "Rich nothln'!" replied the 8tern 014 seek and Baye ' the 10sL Our mlllsloD for tbe blind, he transposell for his sketched queer eyebrows or nerce Is winning C\1hers. This brIngs U8 own uae new music as It Is pubUsbed. man, "I'll bet he', h~n't more tAau mUlltacblos. They were distributed to the tp'eat question, How CIUl It be for thla purp08e he haa a small ma- $2,000,000 to hl8 name:" about the bouse; tucked among " rusBet oak leavell and green pIne dODe! To win otbers we must first chine like a t,pewrlter. called I To Mend Umbrella. know the truth by beln, energized Braille machine, after the man who bough, on each mantel, 8et lantern To mend an umb.rella tb t telU'll by him who Is the truth. We must 10Tented ·Il Amodoo'lI wlte dictates fa8blon 00 a n 1\'el post In the hall. or 10lle from the rib at the point.. wheR the musIc to him anel he stampa It in have esperlenced a personal touch bung here 'and tbere fronl overhead you are on the street and needle and wltb tbe Lord before we can bope to a sl1eet ot, pa~r wltb the machine. thread are not available, cloae the U'll· grilles. Cornstalks were stacked bepan It on to otbers. The water ot which leaves dots ' tn relief upon the brella and brlngln, tbe . cloth , In P,Oelde a fireplace at a aale dlatance from lite must be sprlnglog up In our In- sheel Rubbing the polDts of bl8 fln· IIUOD, IU8ert I!! _amall balrpln In the the tire, and the house wns lit dImner belog before It can flow out gere over theae dots. he can read the bole of tbe rib. ' and wlod lIecureif ly by pumpkln-beada or 'candles aet in hollowed carrots. • trom U9 as a refresblng stream mu.lc u readily aa a man who caD round cloth. Thl8 "firat aid to the hi' bringing bleBs In,. to other8. The see, The dining table was set wIth a jured" Is so emclent you will be Prot, Amadon la 29 yearl old. He tempted to leave It permanently.-N .. dl sclplea bad to receive the bread group or carrot cADdlestlckll nnd bowltram tbelr Lord before tbey cOl\ld was born and educated In BOI,ton. He tiou" MaglUlloe. full of apples. nuts, grapea and give Il to the multitude. came to HoltoD three years ago. The candy. Upon a fat pumpkin Willi The Angler'. Batt. flr8t year be was connected with.. the perched a Hallowe'en wItCh , holding a Abide In Jeaul. A. well-known angler at Peterhorllandful ot rama, which , come from Again, personal ooutact with J& college work be conducted "Rosa He transposed ough having obtaln~ a waspa' ne.t tbe mouth or a grab-bag. In he r black sus III essential In winning others_ Malden." a cantata. all the partl, 1I010s and choruses, with contaIning a large number or grubi. gown, peaked hat. and Oylng red cloak, We al1 know of men who bave been with a veritable brqomsti ck In her greatly blessed In soul-wlunlng" but the wordll. He and hi li wife. workln, placed the nest In the kltcben oveR band, she WOJ! the star of Indoors. On haTe IOlt their power. The cause together. tlDlshed the work In a week. to kill the gru bs so that he could 'ulle them for bait. the lawn. ready to orrer 1\ wel co me to lies largely In the fact tbat they haTe The next morning be went ,to get every guest who arrIved, was a greatnot been abiding In him as formerly. SAYS SHE SEEKS REAL MATE the gruba. but on opeolqg tbe OTeD Bo~blng for Apple •• er star. a lIfe·slze wItch, wIth a pair They have been content to give out door a IIwarm or wasps flew out. The of wInkling red eyes which could 'be tbat which tbey bave received by Mr•• Upton Sinclair, Wife of "The oven was oot hot enougb to kill Ule seen two blocks distant. Her rrame- tbem waa no end of fun, nnd the first end of the room, with boys on one contact and fellowsblp of other Jungle" Author, Not Conte.tlng grubs, but was sufficiently warm to ' work waa a rough wooden craGS with youngster clever enough to bring one side of It and slrls on the otber, It daya. To them It bas lost Its warmth. Suit for DIvorce: batch them.-London Dl\!ly M~U. was plnyed almost like a tennis game, up In hla or her teeth was given the one end hewn to a sharp stake which nnd 80 their words fnll without a girl blowing n bubble to her partner. power. If we are to be successtul was driven Into tb e ground. PIllows first plnce on tbe list of honpr. . New York.-Accordlng to Upton lrp apple tied to a strlug was ewing- who watted It bac k, The conteat tn winning others, we must 'go te Sinclair. author of the "Jungle" and DESERVEDLY EJECTED. were tied about her lath-It ke form for went down tbe line. and the children sbapellDess. whtle her garh wns a Ing In a doorway- It got bItten at last tbem wIth' a message permeated other books, Soclnllst and founder of nlghtgoWD. The pumpkin head was of - thetl 11) mluutes wore SI>9nt ove:- wbo kept a bubble fioatlng for twO ""Ith the compassion of abIding fel Utopian colonIes. his wife left blm to noble proportions. the haIr was a whnt the small hostess cnlled "candle- minutes Wall, At IMst 32 names wera lowshlp with Christ. It Is tbe mes- go on the stage, b eing Incited to the bunch of black raffin, and over It boats." It e xcited curiosity e,nough down on the referee's list and every· sage which grows from sucb fellow· step by one Harry Kemp, ao alleged perched a lordly hot with a peak nea r- when there was hand ed about a plate- body gathered "bouL the grab bag In s hip tbat the Holy Spirit will use 10 poet, of KaosaR. In consequence of ly a yard high, ..' Ide brim. and a cri Sp ful of walnut IIhel\ halves. Each one front of tlle witc h-doli. who yielded t he winning at others. Some of u. which, Sinclair declared hIs Intenscnrf of orange colored paper ti e d In a was numbered on the bottom with In· up' her reins ot raffia. Each boy and know by experience that the me8S0~t tion of beginning suit for divorce. The magnIficent bow at one s ide. The dla Ink, then Into It had been poured gIrl, according to his or her place upon which Willi born In moments of such couple Were married In 1900. Tbere bead wnB nailed secnTe ly to the tram& a .apoonful of parnffin. In the center the list, pulled at a black or an orange fel10wshJp re8ulted In great blesslnK work, aud inside · the candles Gared stood ' a bit or oil-son ked cotton string colored strand ot rnffin. One jerk to ourselves and otbers. But how brougbt. out a bundle wrapped In ti ssue often have we repeated this messagl paper- anel s u h qlleer things wore that once stirred tbe people with nc unwrapped, \,o!\' et cnts and china Ille- reaults In the winning of others? pbants, feRth red rooste rs or tiny dolls, Facto,.. Are Wladom and Tact. old women who nodded thetr henda. Then wisdom and tact are greaU, nnd old men who winked their eyes. "To sa,va long tailed mice. 01 tat little owill. blessed In 80ul-wlnnlng: on Immortal soul tram sin and Rud .Japanese 'u<ivellies without end. What n. stampede tbere was down wrath. to hope and holiness, Is han. cellar when the jolly llllnt, nppea red orable nnd dim cult work. It Is a with 11 corn-popper. tin IIiUll! lind 11 work ' for wise men, and we lack wIs· package of POPcol'li, UpRtal rR they dam." , On this pOint there III a First Parrot-WillIe Owl waa put callle again pres('n tl y wltb bait a 6peolal promise tram God; those who ou t of the theater last nIght. bushel or hot, snowy while kerne ls. need wisdom and desire to use It In Second Parrot-WlIat for'? Th en with bowlfuls or JIOPCOI'll and thla work will get It Cor the asking. Firs t Parrot-Why, he commenqed peanuts tb ey made a circle about the The wisdom needed Is very dlfl'erent boollng at tbe villain , jolly n\lnt, who unaoullccd that the from the wi s dom ot men, It la very las t haH hour was to he devote d to closely aJlled wIth the simplicity at a FROM TEXAS so methin g " ery weird and' "Hullow- lit tie child, Much of It lies In plAin· Some Coffeo Faots From the Lone e'e uy" Sh' Slit before n low table nes s and promptness. Star State. Again, we must remember that chanllug sof tly , while Into a saucer she tossed n tabl os poo nful of Bait and consistency Is essential and IndlBFrom 1\ beautiful farm down in TexTo say poured nl cohol U!JOll It from a s!lve r l1ensabie In BO\lI-wlnnlng. as, where gushing s prings unIte to flagon . . When s he toucbed It with It well and do 111 brings upon us crititorm babbling broo!ts that wind their mnlch It blazed up In a blue uncMny cism oC "an eloque nt tongue and A Mrl. Meta Sinclair. sparkling way through flowcry meads, TlIe most potent Influ· flame. Th on ah' began In a s low. lying me," ence which a Godly wife can use In bave heen rumors or disagreements comtls a note ot gratitude for delivery d ee p voice : between the paIr for some time. tram th~ oolfee hablL "Little Orphant Annlo's come to \/lIr winning ber ungodly busband to Mra, Sinclair, Is not contesting her ' When my baby boy clUDe to me 'brlst ,la, as the Holy SpIrit R ays: house. to ' stRY'" "A c haste manner at liCe coupled busband's suit for divorce, but retusea five years ago, 1 began to 'drink She hud s carcely r~l\cbed the laRt with fear." (1 Peter 3: 1, 2, mar· to admit that sbe htlends to wed Har- Postum. bavlng a fcellng that It woula: verRe when tho t;8l1cer lamp flared gin.) , 'fhls 18 In accordance with tbe ry Kemp. Mrs, Slnclnlr says that, ho better tal' him and me than tho old strangely and went out. The read e r prlnclple that It Is not what wo say like every other woman, she huogers kind ot drug-laden cofl'ee. 1 was not lit It again, with he r Halt and alcohol, we are, but what we are, that tellB. for b er "real mate," and that when disappointed In it. for It enn.bled me. a and recited : ''fbere Is no speecl. BO powerful lUI she Onds . him sbe will marry him. 8mall. delicate woman, to , nurse a~ "All around the' house In the let: blacl( actIons seasoned and governed by She does not know whether Kemp I. bouncing, healthy baby 14 months. nlgbt. "1 have since continued the use or crace. Uishop R'e ynolds says: "The ber "real mate." Kemp. Is said to It Btares t hrough · tl)o window pane," IItar which led the wise men to have, not worn a hat tor twenty years. Postum for 1 have grown foud o! It, Out the light we nt out 8S ahe ""hlsper- Chr'st, o.nd tbe Jllllar ot fire which winter or .s ummer. Qnd have dlacovt'red to my 10y that It cd slQwly: _ ' h3a enUrely relieved me at a bilious led tbe children "r Israel to Canaan. "All , tho wicked Bhadows coming, did not only shine. but went before habit which used to proatrate me two Three Eggi In One. Lincoln, Neb.-A Plymoutb Hock or, three timeJl a year. causing mucb tramp, tramp. tramp!" them:: St. Au~tln saY8: ' "Wltb , There followed J<~ugefle Field's gbost- their doctrines they ' build. q:nd wltb ben's egg, laid on the farm of J. A.. cllscomfort to my family o.nd Butrerlo, ' . Unslloken ac- Buehler. In Jobnson county, baa been to myself. Iy "Seeln' Things." with Ita "8cary'l their U1:ell deatroy." "My brother-in-law was cured ot refrllin. But a8 ahe ended tbe laAt tloD II mClre powerful than uoper· found to contaIn another complet.e Choos"n,g Partnerl ' for 8up~er, with IIbell and sUII a .trlrd egg In a chronic coo~tlpatlo'n by leavIng off stanza. the lI,htB sudtlenl1 hlazed uP. ' tormed IIJle.kln~. skin exterior. Tbe orl&1naJ eg, was .collee and using Postum. He has ~ Mfely. for 'the wltch's . ' was Hned to make a wick. The children, eacb real ,e lectric ll,hts luatead ot tallow nlDe and a quarter Inc bell In circum· come even ,m ore fond ot It Ulan ~. wit)! 88l!elltOlt. ,' That she mll4e Il h!t one keeping In mem'o ry the Dumber or dips In carrot eandlest1ckB. and the The Flag. 'Would .be praising her mildly: , If her hlB walnut ,lIhell, crQwded ' about the clock struc" nloe., Tbere ..... IUI a scurry rer~nce and the, Inner egg '_was per- wall of the old co.ftee. Let- the ,'uutb of our 'land. rl:lI.d In rectly ,formed and larger than tile or- , "In tact, the enUro family, from the feet had Dol been seourely planted ' in tub ot!' the kltchen, noer. aud on It II upstairs , for warm capi aD~ coats. tbo earth ' lIbe mlgbt bave been t,em'Pt~ wators WILl launched , a ftee~ of burn- "Good nlghr.,s · were aald, Dot OD1yto til. red ot the nnK the ,story or tile dlD8l'1 specImen. latest IU'rlTai (a 2-year-01d who always ' -4!d 'tbe . Quttlle1 trom lheattelitlon '8l1e In'g "and'le;l)Oatll. .All Bor~ " of ,exc!tlng the IlttJ~ fady h08leRs. her tall mother,' precloul blood that ,ba~ been !fbed calls for his 'po tie' flr-Bt thing ' IIi tile ~dve~ture. befell tlles:n: they b)llPP ,~ morning), up to the held ot the bOUle: Two Boy Cave DI,gerl Killed. and ' the 10lly aUDt; but to the witch dlat o\lr liberties ml,ht b,e ' aecured: re;~ee:. 111 .mall ' glrle ', 1l11d down· Into' each other. ODe or two were cap,- lady on the lawn, wholle ~Dd J,et tbe ' :white thrlll .:them \Vlth lbe ~",fordB\'lI1!:.-, Ind.-Cau,lft __ be- think thOl'e .\a ~o ftrtnk sO gooct or .0'th, sized, !lom. tQOk !ire and bUrned' uD, loltr"PurlU' of tbeth prlDclple. upoa ~entb" tPDa of ,r. .el and clay tbl' wbolellome as PoetUID." Name IfTeD ' , .talre~1ad.\b1' their, )'OUI1' hoatlills. ,t t whll.e a few .. ned ' .er.'~11 with atlll glow1!d, .ere blflliloJded one by one and each , It bad been a Tel7 joll, H..lowe'eD; wblch our ..aUolI la fouodeel; aod mIA, I ca~~ III upoo them wblle tbey w.re bJ Poetum Co., Battle Creek. MIch. Play"4' ' of bllndm.an'. bulf wltb tbelr little candlea :burntns 'up tbe lut even the witch ~'ldy Hemed to aCo tbe bl". lo.plreAbem wllb " ftdellt, ' pl~1ID.r ID a IImall cne 00 tile baDk or' Jtead the IItUe book. "The koad to the boJI1a the ba" tbe ODe Wbo· 1¥a. drop of ,~eat18. T" , lut lIu"lvor tplowledgo ,It ,Ule Delrt rdcrDll'IB wben to ~be "1,lNI aDd ~oD..rcr.Uon 10 lIl, DrJ ~och at 141111111.11 . p~tk. MJutb WellYl~e." 1D p~. ''There'. a ,euoD" a.•• A __ eallture4 ber partner for sup. w.... In.pe~te4 for tta Dumber. tbeD It. tprdlYllIe, Cectl HeaD bt:.ld w. ' carried dOWD C!e,llar ..ancI MrTlee of manklDd' at , bom.·. ... . . .JI~n . . . . . . . . . . .a- ftc7 SJer It aa lI"aDl lb_ owner-·. . . . . .. ~t ~hlrd OD lbe roll 1\81' que'er wdeD IeS bU1D.,ed' lU w., IItroad.-ReY. G4IoJ'P It ,a.avl... Pee. ·twelY StaID.,.. el...a ,eart . .re .............. Ic ' to be bmkeD at. The... ".. DO steater fUR aurlal tb_ at. Paul. old, erect to d•• &' e The 4I'Ow4 Wlta. ,niDI tbao • "peaJUll 08",." 'tile Q tile attic ,tal.... Ing bllndman's burr began to IIhrl ek with la UGhte r wblch grew to genuine hilarIty when the s ix, teenth girl ch ascd the slxt cnth boy Into a corner. There was a hungry ru sh for the dining-room and parlor, w be re eight small tables were Bet, four children beIng scated at each. The supper was a simpl e. one, consIsting of tongue and cblcken snndwlches, with stuffed JlOtatoell. baked appl es with whIpped c ream, gingerbread men, chocolate 'nute and gropes. When the evenIng's fun b egan. a jolly young aunt WIUI appointed r ete ree and r ecorder In the vnrlous games. Ttie first part at the program waa held In the kitchen while tables were be Ing cleared and dishes carried to the bulle r 's pantry, The re was. of course, a tub tilled with lukewa rm water (It was too c hilly a night for a cold plunge). and In It Ooated a score or rosy apples. Dobbing f9r
bOY8 chose partnerR anll were ran ged In two lines rrom , the dInI ng room to the purlor, At t he end or each line wns a tab le: one held a bIg basket of peanuts. besIde the otller stood th e umpire, with her pencil nnd paper, On It wall 1\ wooden bowl and twd' plates. When t ho umpire called a gtrl's name she and he r partner walked down the ce nter to tbe rarther table. Covering the bac k of th etr bands wIth nil the oean. uts they could hold, they carrIed them to the other table. wbere they were co unted. It sounds like an easy taSk. but the winner had only seven or e ight peanuts to his cred It. When tbe children began to giggle, when hands g r e w shaky, or a , walk quIckened Into a rUjl. l he peanuts were tumbling everywhere to the delight of tbe oniooker s. 'There WIUI a game at benn bags, then a spirited soap bubble contest. For this partners were drawn agalo and a ribbon 8tre t ched from e nd to
I !
"''''r .............. er,
ea. . .
. ....."
..,.bN ........
~~~~~~~~~~~."~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r=~~~~~~' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~"~S~5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'t~~~~'~?~S~~~~~~~, DEATHS
Frt>Sh Oysters I eceived fresh
8 times a wet'k' in sani tary cans '-pints .. quarts , I, 3 and 5 st'al\on car). We will have Oyster~ t hi!'! :, ason any way you want them, tail 01' wholesale. Solid meat. Fresh crisp Celery.Jumbo Bunch ea, Fancy Cape Cod Cranberries, Fresh Edgemont, Star, ream, Oy ste r and Butter rackerfJ , Heinz Pick l ~s, CatsuP. Olives. New Beans, New Oats, New Hominy, New Raisins. New Mince Meat. New Cu rran ts, New Corn Meal', New Cheese, New Pan Cake Floul', New Honpy, New Syrups, New Canned Goods. Cabbage Onions Sweet Potatoes Lemons ' Grapes Bananas Pears New Oranges New Fat Markerel, New White Fish.
Highe$t Cash Price ' for
Waynesville Mills
.. -.- --
Mig Geneva Rogers, of nellr Dodds, hal been tbe week-end ,nelt Mrs, Ralph LeWis. Mrl. Abe Jj'oa}ke and son, EDnest lpen' Jionday , at 'be home of Ed . Long'lore. , Mr. Lealie Carey ',and Mr, Ralph Dike were o.,&on visitorl satorday Tbe Ladie8 of 'he (2ol~"n EaRle gaTe aver, 8000es\"nl Hlillowe'en Mooia! on Fnday evtlnlnjf. The hall wasdeoora~ wlth .Aotumn.leavel, go!den.rOd, oorn and jaok. o.llAuterns, and tbe ,.blee "ith frnit aud Teg eSabl.. The flvening's enterta.iu men', abort play and a gholt drlJl wu enjoyed by all. The supper of ham ....dwioh\ pumpkin pie and ooffee, wu aerved about,160. IIr: aDd lin. O. Ill. JohDe entQr_ tatned 00 Suoday lIr. Thad Zimmer, man aDd famUy, lin. Sarah timU'h, lire. ADna Cook, Mary ~nd Perry Coot, of WaYD88vUle. . . Lee Earnhart of the O. BU. apen, ~torday and Bunday wiSh home folu. MtdneJ' Coon and famlly motored w Dayton OD Bonday. III'. aDd lin. Barry Mcainllia and daoghter, Leoo&, visUed ID! Bell brook SuDday. ';~ Mr. and Mrl. S. B. Baines left for Clnoionati 00 Saturday to Ipend a few: daYI with their ~on, Will. Ml'a. Jane Dyke, 'Sh8l'man l)y~e' aDd lamHy, Fore.' Graham aod famU, lpen' Honday at the ooontry ht)me.f Allie Taylor. Kl'1 , Adda aDd Letttia Kenri~k were 1D Oente"me " Thormay 'be ••elg of Mrl. Elmer Kontgomel'Y· Mr. WIld M.re. C. S . Lamb~ ' for their ' gUUt8 Sund~. Ibl. dah aanctolph, aud aon Rosl~lJ and Meelrs, Staoyand Btanley mb, of 1) ay'oD. O. B . KEinriok, of Centerville, apent Booday at tbe bome of his s Le ttl ' on, a r. Bert Saoy and family motored t Mlddl d o etown aon ay the guestR 0' Wm Laokey. Barry .Tohna and fa.nily, or Datvton, w8l'e anterSalned a~ the home of hll brother; J. R. Johns 011 tionda y. ~ Rev.-iJIB. prW. 08mpbell, of Centerviii" .... "h "h L"1 h b ", ... ....., a e y" eo uro next Sonday at S o'ol.lCk. Also Sanday I:Ichool a' 2 o'olook. Every bod i ited y uv . - - -... - ••- - -
New Burlln&ton
Tbe, Aid Booiety of the M. E. ohoroh m,e t at the home of Mrs. M. W. Mendenhlill, Thursday af. ternOOD of laet.... week. The W. F • - S . m'e"• a.• tbehome of Mrl. J.C. Bainel, fiaturday p. m . Miy I'lora HarlaD, of MiRmis ,~org, waa at home over ' 80n.ay. J ' aDd I4ra. OJarenee Bentley '" '; ~.• ve 'moved to Wayoesv1l1e. ,1, ,Elijah Comptoo and wile ' who . have lpent. several months here have moved to Waynesville. Dr. and ' Mra.' R. O. Whitaker went to. Bpringfield Wedn~sday to hear Billy Honday, ' A t81egra'i n to Ja8. Pe&erson, l~at Saturday asated 'hat h .. ·· lOll, Ray a~d wife are the prood pareQta of 'a U"le , 80n. &7, wu formerly a po~r 10Dq bua1DeU '!DAD of 0.1'
.'e:" lIr
people who are 00-.84 bl oorle,eltr ,tU1 .ar·
~ :J~nn" '~;~\V ~\ \U : .. ' __ ." ,
Columbus, $1.40
Bring us your produce . . It pays to trade at
Springfield, SSc
Steel L'lntern and Lamp , Burners- they give 8 powerful light and cannot smoke.
- - -...
COAL OIL-We bave all kinds , Rayolight, Eoceue. Moores.
w. D'*oe that mOlt
What o.her .Ch ristmas presen costs so little and means so much as a su.bscription to The Youth's ComFor ' Sale' Or Exchange 'pamon 7 52 \,'eeka for $1.761 It is a g ift which ' benefits not only I'~e We. are Ready to one whQ receives it, but every member of the same household. lfyou do not know The Companion, if you are at aJ. I uncertain , just send us a postal card asking ~o r sample copies. ·Try Our . Old-Fashioned N0 t on Iy .IS Th e Compamon . th e b est you can Chooso f or tb ' e money. but the easiest t o choose. Keep the loving Christmas thoug ht bright and unwearied by making your gift The Youth's Compa~n. The one to wjom you give the BUbscdp tion will recaive free The Companion's Calendar for 1912, lithographee in ten colors and gold, and you too, as g iver of the snbscription, will receive a copy of the Calendar. The subBCription price is now only $'1.76, bu t on January 1,1912, it will be advanced to $2.00. NOTICE TO HUNTERS New subscriptiona received at The Youth's Companion Calendar D. Cliff Ridge. of Dayton, was the " I We, the undersigned, , positively .i '1.; WI J D:L .l ~ • . 0\ ._ - ' , guest of his father, Mahlon Ridge, office. The p:Julisilt:rs of The Youth's Sunday. forbid all hunting or trespassing \... LIN E~· A PLEASA~T SOCIAL upon our premises or farms. The Companion will , 'as always at this EXCURSION TO Mrs. Cynthia Evans and Mrs. H. E season, present to every subscriber The social held at the home of Mr. law prohibiting the same will be Hathaway were Dayton visitors whose su bscription ($1.75) is paid f(,r and Mrs. F. B. Sherwood last Thurs- strictly enforced: 1912, a beautiful Calendar for the Monday. day evening was an extremely enDr. C. W. Henrlerson Isaac Wilson or new year . The cover picture reproMrs. Walter McClure and Miss joyable affair. Hallowe'en games Richard Brown A. E. · Chenoweth duces a water-color painting of a bit were enjoyed by the younl[ folks, ' a nd Lillie Benham were Dayton visitors C. H. Hartsock Wenzel Herl'es of New England coast, glvmg a fine pro~ram was rendered as fol- C. B. Lewis Saturday . Edward S. Furnas a g limpse of breeze·swept ocean, of lows: Piano solo, Mrs. F. B. SherNEXT SUNDAY W. T. Frame Harry Stokes sm iling sky, of warm sunny rocks. Miss Ruth Morford and neice, Miss wood; vocal solo, Mrs. A. T. Wrigh.t; John Cummings Wm. Cumm~ngs Trainieaves Waynesville, 8:48 a.m. which will come like a breath of salt Eva, spent Sunday with relatives in reading, Miss Edytha Macy; duet, W. M. Orndorf J . L. Mendenhall air to those who have once lived near Cedarville. Miss Fomerin and Mr. Amy ; vocal Eli Dean J. M. Orndorf the sea and to those whose whole life solo, Mrs. Walter Reed; .reading, W. H. Orndorf E. R. Fires Mis,,'1 Mamie Woodruff, of },ebanon, Mrs. C A. Bruner; quartet, Messrs has been passed inland. rhe picture N. H. Hamilton Ed. Simkins being in eight colors, the tones of Is the guest of Miss Kath,erine Pren· Amy. Henderson, Sherwood, and DR. E. H. COSNER, W. E. O'Neall L. M. Henderson ' the eriginal are faithfully reproduced dergast this week. Crane; duet, MeSsrs. Amy and Sher- J. A. Shutts George Hamilton ~-wood. Frank Sams Isaac W. Lincoln CANVAS Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sherwood, of MAKINO THOROUOH After the program sandwiches, Nathan Gray George Gilliland Lebanon, are spending a few days coffee and pickles were served. J. W. Hisey Minnie Satterthwaite with relatives here. 'the Constitutional League of ... Mrs. Ella Michener. 912 Relbold Building. AR MSTRONO·McCOMAS Wayne Township is making whirlDr. C. W. Henderson and A. C. windcanvas of, the township visiting Names will be added to the above Dayton, • . • Ohio On Thursday evening, October 26, notice for the hunting season for the school houses, and ~ood speak- Tomlinson were .in Harveysburg Thursday on business. 1911, at half past six, Mr. David ers are making speeches on this is26' cents each. Armstrong. of Dayton, and Miss OraduaJ;e Amerlc..n School. KlrksvlUo. 1\10 sue. -------.--~.-----Mrs. Bertha, Haines, of Dayton, Margaretta C. McComas were united Notice of Presentlng l ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- * ... was at the bedside of her father, J. in marriage at the home of the bride FREAK O,F NATURE County Road M. Thompson Sunday. in Franklin, Ohio, the Rev. Norman
We are still selling a fancy Santos Coffee at 23c, worth 30c, This prIce won 't last long; You are payiDg more money for Rio Coffee. Only 580 pounds at23c.
A GIFT WITH A THOUOHT IN IT . .---------~---~IIIIi
P. Th bony of ,died at the MasOniC Home In pl'lng. field last. Tueseay morning, . was Window Glass and Putty at White's brought here for interment wed.nes-'IStore. day morning. Mr. Stnm p r esided , near Harvf>ysburg for several years. Mrs. W. H'. Allen was in Cillcinand numbered his fri ends there and nati Monday. through the surrounding county by hundreds. Rev , Cowgill, of New Burlington, Mr. and Mrs. Stu mJ.! have htade was in town Tuesday. their home at the Masonic Home at Mr. A. Stoops attended the funeral Snringfield fOI' the last ten years, t' of a relative in Xenia Tuesday . wh rc they wero made very comfortable. Mrs. Warren Vandervoort, of ChiThe Harveysburg Masonic lodge cago, is th e guest of r elatives here. he Id servicei al the chapel. Fancy New Sorghum at White's Store. Wm . King, an old re~ident of Waynesville, c ied at the home of his Mrs. J as. Stoops and son, Holmes, sister, Mrs. J. M. Thompson Tues- were week-end guests of relatives day afternoon at 2 o'clock. He had here. been quite sick for several weeks Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Hawke wcre and had been gradually failin~ UTILi! death came to release him from his visiting thei r children in Dayton Sunday. sufferin2's.
'YI.~ ... - ,
e··· - _. -.,.. - ,- .•. - - - -.
Da~iel St~mp. ~ho 1:..~~~'!t_ ~~~~
Osteopathic Physician
- ...- --
------ --- ..------
Jos. Hawke brought to this office MOB EI f 'C" t ' Sweat, pastor of the Franklin M. E. T u esday mornIng . t wo amos l ' t per_ I. r . h more, 0 tsmcmna I,d church performing the ceremony 18 hereby given that a petition will h s. . . 't' M . be Notice preeented to the Commla8ionel'll of Warfectly formed pumpkin8 joined to- 18 ere VISI 109 er paren , r. an In addition to family and home ~r~:f.t~r.~~~~e'~r~&!tl=:nO~o=~~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ... gether on one stem. Mrs. J. M. Thompson. friends, out-of-town guests were tabll8hlng of a County Road on the following line. to-w l~ : AWi will be Ineerted under Lbls bead for -.~.-----BllIinnlog at tb" center of Lhe Gard road lwenly·Uve cenlH tor Lhree I08llrll.)u, H. G. Fitzpatrick, of Franklin, present from Dayton, H THE ORANOE SOClAL 1 ~~~~~t,:!:I~d ~eatrh~h:~~t~~:~" wbon ulliog OOl more lbaD live IInos. was the guest of his sister, Mrs. Middletown and Waynesville. James O. Saltlll' farm in Ellllt Wa)'De 'rown... .:1 coupIe Ie ft th e of Th e newIy marrh:u Cynthia Evans. , Sunday. ship anll'ln survoy No. 316 •• runnlq thence .. - - •• ~ ':The social given by the Grange . f or th' h orne, 521 W . of -~ of and nearly parallel to eald R. R. rlCbt .,. same evenmg elr way In a northerly direction tbrou,h the -'FOR SALE Saturday evening, was a huge sue· Mr. Leon Salisbury and Miss Stella Srd st., Dayton, Ohio. They ra- land of James O. Sale. Ill. Satterthwaite, G. !lUller. A. and H. Kelly and H. O. and A.. H. cess. Their halls were crowded and Lemmon attended a danee at Spring ceived many valuable presents. Kelly. to thencar center the Iide Kellyofroad In Sur_ _ __• _ • vey No.181 theofeast a bridge on the merry-making was fa8t and fu· Valley last Friday night dald Kelly roa" aod there to end. being a disriOU8 from the opening of the doors tance of about 1):2 mUee more or 1_. 110 great bllrgAh~ if taken 1'0011 . A SLlOHT BLAZE Slgn~ Hp~nc~~rfe5~oner. A Imall drug store stock. In to the closing of them. Many were Mr. Lee Hawke and family, were At noon Sunday our citizens were -aUraotive, roomy building, fioe dl ,,masked and many costumes were fine guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hawke, Notice of Appointment play windoW8,eleotrio liHht, ruonlD~ The fun of guessing was indulged in, of Harveysburg, Sunday. alarmed to hear the fire bella ringing. w&ter, well looated io bntllnetl8 oen after which they unmasked A good The fire proved to be at W. C. Phil- Estate of Lucinda Antrim deCeased. The ter ot Mllio Itreet A,jdress Bcx Jesse Thorn.. spent several days lip8 residence. The Phillips' were undersigned hllll been appointed a:1mlnlltra- ODe, Waynesvlllt>, Ohio. lunch was served. k' C 1 b d ' t ----~ . tor with ~he 11'111 annexed of the estate of · t h IS wee mourn U8, an WI n~ away from home at the time. The Lucinda Antram. late of Warren' CoUDty. ~ a good game of football there. fire was supposed to have caught .Jh~~~ec:'b~9th dayof ')ctober A. D. 1911. p R BALE-2 Cyole lilltotoerll. Corwin. Mrs. Salisbury , Mi8Be8 Mary from a defective flue, but the prompt PubUshed by !~:rc~~tlie'\.n:t~ie ~~~: ' nel\rlv new; few Pbilo colouy Mr. and Mrl, , Alvin SelJerl, 'Of . arrival of the company saved \he - - coops in good coodition; also fAW . Th I ti. C. Boff l.e[thorn8 and Wblte Dayton, were goests of tbeir daogb Salisburv, D.Qnna and Emma Hawke h ~use fro~ burnmg down. e oss 0 Rooks, ' obeap if 801d MOOD . RUII!lell ter, Mrl. Chas. Reynolds Frid&y were Dayton shoppers Saturday. will be shght. ParleU, Lebanon, 0., R F. D. 2. and Ratnrday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chandler. of , The Phillips' through the Miami Miss Ltllie Nedry Is vlliting Mr. In pUl"IIuance bt an order of tbe Prebate 1:'08 BALE" 2 full Blood Hat;npFrank Antrim and tamlly near WH. Dayton, .w ere guests of Mr. and Gazette, wish to earnestly thank Court ot Warren County. Ohio. the undermlngton. ' as administrator of th., estate of I'" abire Male HOKS ' 2 sows witb Mrs. A. B. Chandler Friday evening. those who worked so hard to put out signed Anoa LeOnard, deceased. will oller for lIale at Mr•. Racer, of London, spent one the fire . public auction. on the premlleH. at 3 o'clock young ' PiIS. Also a fiDe Puroell ... -. In the afternoon, on Driving Horae, 4 years old. J . ti. day reoently willi Mr. and Mr8. F. Mrs. Jo~n S. Thompson was the Leaming, 1 mile west of New BarGraef. gU:O>at of her daughter, Miss Anna . WANTED TO RENT Sat d N be 18 '11 M L . . . . ur ay, ovem r , lington, U. iss aura MoKinley left 1400· Thompson of Dayton Saturday and F II f b h f day to take a coorse of study at tbe S d " a past~re or a unc 0 young ~he followlog'dll8Crlbed real estate: Lebanon Un[versity. un ay. • cattle. Address H. E. Stokes, Phone Situated In the village of WByneevllle, In RAND new Apple Butter for 8ale M J H ' the county of Warren. lu the S~ate of Ohio, r. 11.15 . alnes has seoured tbe Miss Leah Smith returned to Cin. 22-2X rings, Waynesville, Ohio. ~~I~)~3~~~~y~101~;S(~~ro¥Wo'g~:'~~3dW:;: inquire of 1. RattertbwaUe. contrliot for oon veylng the sohool esd . af • - ---to saJd vUlage of WByn88vllle. beglnnlog at Waynesville, Ohio. cbildren bunk !l:nd forth doring the cinnati Tu ay · mor?~ng. ter OWNERS OF DOGS TAKE NOTICE the mOlt .Iterly cornerof lot numbered winter montbs. a pleasant two week'8 VISlt wlth her twenty-four (U) Bnd runnlng theoce with the welt lioe of Sixth Street.' l1li laJd out by Joelah The venerable Geo. B&18s. Mr8. parents. Owners' of degs mus't keep them Rogers. one hundred (100) feet to the lIue beEARS-I have" lot of good K eiW"terhonse and Mr. Jas. BRIel t ween Iota numbered twenty-two (22) aDd fer pears (or .sale. 500 a bUlh_ a ff I t f th h tweoty-three (3a); thence with laJd llne and were Lebanon visitors oue d"y last Mr, and aMrs. S. L. Qartwright 0 my p ace on accoun 0 e seep. :~a'~I!:e~~~rv~ n~~~ ?:e~\I~~e h~:~~~1 e1. Jnqulr~ of F. W. Hatbaway, week. , arrived home Monday evening after 4 C. B Lewi8. with Sixth street one hundred (100) feet to Waynesville, U Mrs, HannAh Williamson visi"ed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the lI'rBnkUn Road ; thence with the lOuth .... .. • a deHghtfnl three-weeks' visit with lIoe of the Franklin road one hundred and her brother, Tom Clark, near Bar. their son Charles and family in Ev· twsenaltdY-11l0tsV8are(1216ocfeeatedttootnhsblxbetllgiSnt~gt'ln -Aid CBICKEN8-1 have a lot of Buff veysburg a few daY8 reoently. .~ anston. I' ylllage of Wa)'Detlvllle. laid lot No. twentyOrnington oooks and hen8 for Wm. Danghtere and family have four (34) belJi8 allO located on Franklin Road I C "'k i h Said real eetate has been a pra1aed at Six ,S'I e, 00 strait. ,.l1 pure blood. move<! nto , e property re,o ently Mrs. Edith M. Harris left Monday ••• Hundred and Seventy·!lvjl DolP..l"II (16'76) and Mrl, Annli Thorpe, R D. S, Waynes . vacated by tiimpaons. . It will DOt be IOld for IIlIl8 than two·tltlfda of ville Ohio Roger Morlan who haa been nighS morning for Cincinnati and from We will give you $35.00 werth of said appraieed value. ' . .' there will go on to Chicago where Thoro· Bred Poultry free of charge The terma of lIald sale will be u foDoWI. operator has been moved to Xeoia . as per our Combination Poultry OutOne-third of the afeurchlUHl prIce caAh In !HORSE. Boggy aud BarneICti. aod Mr. Osborn is oow filling the she will visit her daughter, Mrs. F. Offer. Write for full particulars. ~n"~'!- r~ ~~n~:i~~ ~heonJ~~hl~1 I:~~r::: Good-si ...ed work h.:lrse not pla1e. • __ ~. Taylor. Beautiful colored "chick picture" ~:I~:tt~ a~r=lnp~;~~:;~ ~I~:el~~~ "lfraidtof autos', ro~ber tfired baggy 0 I free. fremthedayof8a1ea\ tberate ot six (6) per la m08 new. I Dqolre 0 A. !bmt. regon a. A report was circulated Monday ~g~:ru;;J'b~u~:~~\elnay~:'n~:!:~ eveningaway thatbut J. M. had The Wa8hington Township Sun passed the ThQmpson report proved A'?ld l I to f r~RRY Ef· AKENRLeoIOK. have 00101'8<1 and plaiD PItday SchooJ Convaotlon ",ill be held ' h is d':~~. ro t .... estateo Dna nard. per Napkins at the GaseUe .... t tbe U , B ohoroh, Sunday after. f.Mlse. Howe.vert Mr •• T. ompeon ·. 932 H arrlet . S t. .m Winona, Minn. Beth W. Brown. Attorney; oe . ., , . . noon, November Fith ' at 2 o'clock. m a precarloq3 conditIon, and hlB Dr. Fous, of Day*on, 'will be one of demise is hourly expected . tbe 8peakers: Be willlliso deliver • -"".---a lermon io the morning. RALLY DAY ." Miss Edna Bpelloer entertained Kis8 Bertha Wilson, an 1 Mesllrs. The Orthodox Frientls will observe Fra.uk Wil80n and George MeDyte, Rally Day aunday morning at their 'of Kings ~ill8, .ti~nday afternoon. church. Mrs. ·, Ruth MurrdY' will Mis8 Luclle Mason left for Leba· give an addresS ' on Mi88ion Topics. , , , !Jon tionday, where she will enter E bod' d" 11 " ted ' tbe Univenl'y. · , , very y ,ls cor la y mVI to a~ TM box 800ial , held at the sOhoolo tend this service... . hooae Saturday evening. ' "I.I weil u. C ' T~ U- N·OTIC ·E attended. " . ... • •. • , . Prof. and , Mn, D. WIlUams _ , '" . ' . and children, ;:flf LebaUOD. apent The r!plar meeting of the W~ Hun&ty with Mt. and lira. W: C. T. U. Will be held. Edday aftem'oonl Keraey. . . . . November 8, at the reaiden'ee of MIsa .. IIr•• George Saok8l' was ' U. Mor. Manie Brown. Mn~ J. A. Funkey. ruw lut week. , ' >1 .lead~. '
OlassiBed Ads
Sa Ie f ReaI Estate
·der lh'IS Offer
Western Poultry Farm
I •• · . .
~N ' THE QtalCKEST "F.f~E