Miami Gazette May 8, 1912 - October 30, 1912

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eI So --ci--ety--Eventi

Council met in re&,ular lleasion Monday evenin&" al mem bers bein &' pretlent. Rou tine businellS WM Mr and M F H Fa ' " tran sact ed, and the stre et com mitt :. ee t'~b eR~ wu notified to look out for the was tain ed Thu rsd rs. at d': ~. i.1¥~~~~ HlI.n~some pres ents cah be h· IClw in"' ....'est s.ayM seen at outs m d b th h ·· 1~}Mler, G8 ~,. , . f S ~. E " Jan ney 'l: &. a ~. e y e eav y nun 0 un· Smi th,' '. rs eo~ Qf Morrowr,; anu Mr. arid Mn . J. day . ~w.rswere bad ly waahed out. C. Haw ~e Rev an/l M e 8 ~ A. Zim mer man Wall in Cincin- not. bein g able to carr y off all the Gra use r so';'Ch I nati . Tuesday. wat er tha t f~11. I Mrs. J. W. Wh ite. ar est r. an . The council vote d to appropriat4 t . ~ $85 to oil Main stre et, prov idin g the - -own ers furn ishe d ;the oil. Thi s is a Mr. and Mrs . Sill Ellis ente~~ncd . com men dab le und erta king , and pro p. Sunday at. thei r .new cou ntry bo~. erly own ers should take hold of the the followmg cue ats: Mr. and M mat ter and push it alon&' rapidly. Ro~ Ear nha rt. Dr. and Mrs : J. .... T. Aft er allow in&' .iIls council ad. Elhs. ~r. and M~I. Chas. Ellis jour ned . and son, Misses Net tle and Reha Ear Mrs. Joh n Holden. 'of Mor row , was n- •_ _ Mrs . Earnel!t But terw orth' w~ har t and Mr . Clarence Rye . ' the gue st of Mrs. F, B. Hen ders TOW on. NSH IP SCHOOL DAY sho ppin g in·Day ton. We dne sday . Frid ay. On last Tue sday evenilU[, Mis Inn er tube s .vulcanizetl. Wayh Arran!rement8 will be completed a ~ . l'h~t new s~it. of you rs ~ee Net tie Cur tis was the Victim of 'a ds dby Thu ville Aut o and }fae hine ry Co. rsda y for Tow g nship .School I Th ' preBllm , . don t It? Tak e pea 221 2_ Thomus Pier ce and he will fix Itit to a y .. e teac hers .and ~u~tl!l are frie san t surp rise . when a num ber of nds gath ered at her home to reup ~est Gra de stea m cyli nde r oil. wor kmg har d on thei r .exhlbl~. for you. and mind her that she hall reac hed anWl!ylleBvi11e A,uto and Machinery by Thu rsda y everythm&, Will Co'. othe r mile ston e in life Sh bad Mrs . Allen W. Hajnea. of Xenia read y. Mr. Fra nk And erso n be . Lebanon, will make the add ress ' of t' ed f ' Mrs . Stan ley Sell ers, of Sou . ' e reand Ir . or thA nllr ht ~nd th v~ted Waynesville frie nds th gre at was ber , last '1 • Cha rles ton, visited rela tivf 's her asto msh men t on bem g awa ken ed to e prog ram . WI I H carr ied o~t e Thu l'Ida y. laat week. announced m last week'ij MIa as find the rooms filled with un ted . mi gue sts • t h Hav eyo ur Lawn Mower shar pen ed. Gaz ette . Ca nd ida cy ' for Re pu bli ca n I~h . ' u B e BOOn eQu t e for Co ng re ss -A Fe w of HiNo mi na tio n Havolene Auto Soap. does not in- WayneSVille Aut o and Machinery Co. EVJ rybody 15. cordially invited cas Ion and proved hers elfa ""a cha nnto s ing hostess M' . jure pain t. Waynesville Aut o and call and insp ect the work of N tt' ua lifl cf'" .t'o ns the .. T h' • \ I Machinery Co. h I Th' Q rPClplent of .man 1M e. Ie was B Pence left this m:>rning for busJ.ines ere 18 no ad- Music and !ramy" bea utif ul pnl!l8n(l'r1t~';. s trip thro ugh Illinois anda o.~s IPhllC 00 s. wer~ the fel1ltUNll i'~;'~ ml88lon_ Dr. Mar y ~ . ·Cook is in Day ton atc _ arg::...... e....._ • f th e eve nmg Milll!OulI'i. . lo and dain ty refr esh tend ing the ann ual mee ting of PA~ISH MEETING the men ts wer e llerv~. Oh io Sta te Medical AbSociation. M ra. Chas. Cornell is home afte r a Those pre wnt wer e Mill8e8 Mae I pleasan lt visi t·with her son Mor The ann ual mee ting ~f St. Mar y's ria You will find a full line of boo and . Nt!~tie Sco tt. May Ste war t, ks ana famil) in Dayton. pari sh was held in the chu rch, Wed ~ l J. E. Jan ney 's. - Ma na Simpson. Nor a Ellis, Net tie, nesd aye ven inlr . The repo rt8 o·f Messrs. Fra nk Zell and Chas. Cor the Geneva and Esth er Custis, - diff eren t trea sure rs sho Mes an,. Dr ThOR Sher";'ood is attendin wed the Gra nt and Cla ude ~ nell mut ored to Yellow Sco tt, Ch ad_ Spr ing s. chu rch to be in a flou th e Ohio Sta te Medical Ass rishing eon- Evans. Ern est .Hai ociation Wednesday nes, Car.l Ham il. diti on . It Dayton for a couple or days. ton, Lau renc e SlmplOn,'l Lewis Jack The ' following . ves trym en wer Don 't fQrJi:'f.!t to hav e that suit ree BOn: O~ar'es M~~t,n,;' Car rlng tOp elec ted :-W . H Allen, seni or war Hav olene Auto Soap, aid to hou se juve nate d bv Thos. Pier Elh l, Lm ley and.I~~ r, .Cur~is, Mrs ce. He' s . den cleaning. Waynesville Aut o ; J. H Coleman, juni or war den ; lhe boy to do it for you in good and Lau ra; Ih;B; " Nl,c , jack son , E. V. Machinery Co. Bar shape. nha rt, L. A. Zim mer man , Mra. LIZZIe S~~n, Mr. and Mn , \.... ~. I Edw ards , and 0 L Cra ne . G!ac!~~ f]1ji d. Mrr ud Mrs . >. ~" l .c;-V:'Mflg6n: "O'l"'B'eIlffrniOK.m;a;:+~:"J(';·l!f8)i -• _ • -" . Jam es filg·: edn: ·. ori> t'th eHil l;;: t; ~s a plea sall t call, Monday. "Di HAS BOUOHT OROCEItV ck ~ ' The pee tad epa rted at ala te bou l!l the sam e old boy. but is.cripp wiatiing Miss Net tie man y happ r. led Y. with rheu mat ism at the pres ent tim H. O. Cor nell has pur chu ed the birt hda ys. e N. A. E. ~erry "rOC'ery of Jas. ~omaa. He' Havolene Aut o Soap. bes t to wu HA D ~ BA D FAL L • mte h nds to kee p the bUSiness up to, harn ess. Waynesville Aut o and A goo d line and of boo inde D ed. for will go beyond the old Machinery Co. Com Lin le Cba rl •• ChapmaD fell abo ut men cem ent presel.lta at J. E. Jan - stan dard . and hopes to see all his ole lIev ney 's. en fee' off tbe drlv e ...y a'tb e cUJItomers and man y new one Mrs. Jos. Thompson, of Norwoo s. Lyt le elev ator Taellday Se w... Give him a call and he will convinc was the Iruest of rela tive s here d. e j bad ly bru ised ' ba~ 110 b~n88 sev. 2000 Loc ust Fen ce Pos ts for sale wer e • eral day s last week. Mr. Tho mps you. on. at ri!rht pric es. .Call o~ W. H. brokeD. Madcam e up Sun day , and they beth re- den & Co . • Cor wm , OhIO. turn ed home Sunday eve ning . Report of .Wayne TOMlship Schools for A nurnbter of our citizer.1 wen t to Ter m Endlor May 3, 1912. ~uy you r COmmencemm.t pr<!sen\.$ 1Morrow. Oilio. Frid ay eve ning of J . E. Jan ney . to witn ess the inspection of Mo rrow " Easter~ Sta r IOOre. Those who No. No. No. NO. No. No. No. No Messrs. J . O. CRr twri ght, Ray 6 8 10 2 7 13 '5 wen t 1 wer e: Mra Fra nk Har ria and Mills, Ray Smi th and D. L. Cra ne at- MillS Wa rd, of HarveY8bu a:: a::1ll a:: a:: a:: a:: a:: iii: rc, Mr. tend ed Masonic in:-lp,ection at But fil' i'e: i1' If en ler. and Mra J. C. Haw ke, Mr. and if fj' . ii' Mrs . ville. Satu rday +,vt>nin\l. Mr. Car t;! t- H .. A. Cornell. Mrs . J. E. Jan a::b' en::!. en ney , wri ght was in!'p ecti nlr officer. Mrs. Edi th Harrill, Mrs. ,_ McA. ttl ~~ ~ ==:=:~ til :::M J C H k !2. o~ 3 '<.... Gasoline Sto ': es. repa ir~d . Notify B . 0<" . ~ ~ iiiC ~III ::I 0a. I'un er ra . . aw e, who is :-::' < ~ the Waynesvilh! Aut o and Machine 0 tD ""'. P' ry the insp ectr ess for this dist ~ (II == It ::r ., c::: ,.. rict , in- - - - - - - -- Co. and they will call for tht'm . spec ted thE! lod .>;e. Enr ollm ent .... ..... . ...... ... ...... ... 20 17 13 21 16 16 8 117 Ran k in enro llm ent ...... .. ...... .. · 2 3 5 1 4 7 4 ·6



reM '" .d

A nn ou nc em en t

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a·~ S-~ ~!! g~ ~~ ~~~~.a::~i i ~


·A no th er G am e of Ball

Tot al d81ll abs enc e . .. ... . .' ... 108 No. of pup ils cali9in&, nce . 1.





















Per cen t of enro llm ent neit he abs ent nor tard y... ..... . ......... 26 Cases of tard ines s.... ..... ..... .... 0





































Nei ther aiee nt nor tard y.... ....

AB B B PO' .A. Goeb el. 3b .. . •. • •• , 0 1 Harp . r:t lb . . . . . . 3 0 0 ' ~ M . Bheeh,.. rf .... . . 3 0 0 V. YO\1lllDlUl. If . • , •o 00 1 1 . J. Sbee by. c: •• ..• •. , I ~ , 0 D....80D• • •••• •• • , 1 I I I Bren aer. cf . . .•.. . , 1 3 1 2 A. Younaman. ct . . , 1 2 a 0 8tea k. lb. p ...• .. . 2 0 0 SbalD. p • .••• •••• • S O l


Num ber ~f pup ils tart ly... ..... . 0 & 10 Per cen t of atte nda nce . ...... ... 81 I 2 1 ViJlits of sup erin tend ent. ..... ... 5


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The Miami Gazette D. L. CRANE, Pybll.her.



Wblter Ihould bave been llent to a aellool wbere stuttering II tur<ed. Botb polel bove ~n dllcovered , U8 preteI' to {akll a mlddll

l"lt mort at

• ' ex

PRESSURE MAKES THE WINO Common 'Belief That Difference In Temperature Is Direct Cause of Winds Is Erroneous, Says Director Smith of the Unit~o States Weather Bureau.


In lome parts of Spain tbere are 20C ;holidays a yeRr . T bls 18 beld to b,

(By 1. Warren Smltb. Pro feasor of Meteorology, Oblo State 1Jnlveraltl'.)


A year on Mara coelalns 730 days. .Ju.t tblnk of Ibe lengtb or tbe bal!eball season. It will rea dil y be observed tbat _ching tbe south pole Is no Sunday afternoon alrol l.

We ma y bes r nellt tho t tbey bave decided In Chln1l 10 do somelblng tor tbs ulUmate cons ume r. Yale bas gIven up bask e tbeJl. Wbat t~ III _rt of thing keepi up? SIi to become of au r colleges If

It tl all rIght to ta ck calling cardl __ the BOuth pole. but election pallen 4I!Iould not be paste d the re. A hlgbbrow Informs UB that a wom· aD tl at ber tK>st at the age at Otty.

Cbeer uP. listers; there Is bope. A California woman wants a dlvoroe llecatllle be r husband IB faultless. It

•-.DI heJa faultless to a fault. J!lBg1I lell tor nv e ecntB a dozen In

But tor ordinary purpOllll!1 dalna eggs are not worth e ve n that. Chine.

It III said tbat Sir Tbomell Lipton

wtt: get a Wife If be wins the cup. 'Tbere Is no limit to Tom's gumene'l. woman should enjoy a No, • eays a lady medIc. Thil III eepecIalJy true If tbe woman bu -,&



Norway appeare to bave ~n IItunR - , the dIscovery bug. A Norwegian altronomer saya be bal dlacovered II m_ ltar.

F,,:J.I'c 1.

"'Wbat makel the wind blow?" Most people will anlwer thle Important question by saying: "A difference In the temperature." to be sure," Indeed. we are given to understand Irom lIome phYBI~1 geographIes tbat tbe aIr movements are du o enti rely to dllrerences of temperature. "lie stlld ent who bae obtatned hi s Idt'as rrom tbes e "~thOT8 will exp la in the ph et:.:.u..",1i somethIng lik e this : "Whenever the aIr 18 he.ated It expanda and rises and the cold air rushes In to take Its place and this 8urface movem e nt of the air Is cnlled wInd ," It this we r e tru e. bow could we ever have southerly winds In the Unit ed States. especially In tb o win , t er tim e ! It Is so much wa rmer to the south of us than It 18 to th e north In the winte r. that we should hav e a high wInd from tbe north all of the time. But In st ead of this our prevail· Ing winds are from the wes t. and we have strong south erly winds (rrom the south) for da ys at R tlm p.' Ind eed. one may search our weal her lIIaps over day after day aud It Is \'ery dlC-

and there can be 110 eurrnce 1/:Ind . Hllre a diff e re nce In tcmperllture alone doee not mak e tbe wInd b lo w. As a matter oC fa t. how eve r. Jus t as soon as a body or air. at X. for n· am ple. It !Iftcd up by th e ex pansion of t h t1 warmer air be low. It tends to s lid e down tbe g radi ent toward B. e xn cll y as water runs down hili. and ror th l' samp r eason. The air at Z doos the sa me th ing . But JU5t as soo n a s th e air at X and 7-. etc ... lId es down to ' It s level. t h en, will be s n Increas e of air O\' er t he wal pr aod a decrease ovpr tll ll land , T h e preS8l1rl' or weight at th e nlr ove r til e WalH will then be g rent e r thall lhat o ve r the la ud aud the air' at .J will b e pu s he d toward I. Then. :l nd not till th £'n. will tb er e b a mov ome nt of the s urfnce air that we call wind, Th er Mo re. the wind blows becaus e at a d Itfe rence In pressure. It Is the dlffe re nco In press ure thut makes tbe movem ent of air tram the tropi cs toward tb e ecuator. which we call th e trade wInds; that makes th e wtnd blow to'\'ard the atorm centerl 01

A Iclentlst baa discovered that wine made of baD anal. It It atrecU locomoUon the way th., skIns do. tAke It away, caD be

That coming baby sbow It PaJm IIeaeh will not be a fasblonable botel .....CUou, but the result of local eD' t..rpd...

The loutb pole bas 'been apotted. h t U will prove no more valuable tIaaD III colleague at tbe otber end !)f the earth.

If the courts are goIng to decIde

JIow much a gIrl's hat may cOllt It will

Fi,urc Z.

GROWING, AND CULTIVATING POTATO CROP IS PROFITABLE Saady Loaui Soli Usually Produces Tubers of Better Quality Ttaaa Heavy I..aDd - Good Drataase Is Another Easeac.tal - Machtaery Saves Much Time aDd Great Amouat ot Labor. ule ot a machln(' It plants the pota· toes at 11 uulf orm de l)th a nd co vers them evellly. thus In6llrlng a be tter stand. Lnrge nu mbers of these rnachines a re nolV In use. and as they are made or varlollS th~ cost Is Within the r('I\(' 11 of tue av e rage farmer. A. hO!1 dy Iml>le ment fo r co\'tlrl ng lbt' pOlatoes m llY \.If' mnde at ,nch board s e ight In C' hcc wide nnd 2 'At ' feet long, It hilS 11 erof. s ·b:u of 2)(4 x2 feet .ong a t th • front ('lid nnd one foot lit tbe re a r. A smll ll c :, rt!n lS attac tl ed to tb e rrollt o i t ho T\llIn e rs for Ul'll\\'· lII g (\,I th a n'l rsl'. Utd Y)I OW han ules g uid e It. So ~l ml l .6 li n \lIl plp llleut cn n b e m l!de b y eVI:n a n tnc~perl ~ n c e d band . Beed Potato Cutter. EI l' \ C'n IltlSIl e: ls Is a mare pron table l]ua ntlt y vi seed jJ{llllt CtCs to u sc pe r because ,t Is urteD more (ertlie. b llt Drown rot of th e ~uh e r s .s apt to b !Icl e th a n !lve or :!gh\ bu s he lS, PotatO '~ B o ((c(' t<'l1 with tlrow n rot worse on sU l' h 80l1S shO \lld Dot be J8e d for pllultlng, Soli which has pruduced a o;cnblJy Polato growe rs ~ho\lld fnl low n SYScrop or pota toes s holl id be 0 \'o lded, tcm of r otatl " n ,n which the potatoes becau se the Bcab s llnr es li ve ove r In the soli und wll\ cause more or teBs sca b aD the tubers for five or stx years afterward. i'otatoos grow well on any slop e. but a nortbern slope ,8 m ost desl r· able. be<:ause on It the CrOI) will sur· te r less ourlng bot dry wea th e r. Pota · Good d ra inage Ie Importan t toes '/I'IIJ s tand less exceslI of mois tur e than othel' common fa rm ('raps. nntl artificial aralnnge should be provld cII wbereve r lIoturAl draInage Is at all deflclent:. POtotOCIl rot more In low. A Potato Coverer. wet land thiln In well draln('d upland In year!! wb e n rot occ urs . T he same follo w ClOv er Tb ey s houtd a ls o pay Is true of heavy sall s compared with more a ttention to .,otato c ulture In all Ito s tages, Potato growers can Improve thetr " s ced" slack b.l' I,roper s e lection o. potatoes Cor planting, TIl e m os t practicabl e Ineectlcldfl for tbe potato bee' le Is PlI.rls grf'en, It snould be us tI nt the rate of not less than one pound per acre for eacb. application. Mos t farm e rs do not cultivate their potatoes the most profitable numbe r o f tim es. It must be remembered that the potato crop sullers readily frol]) A Convenient Potato Mapper With drought. and that rf'CQuent clllllvlltion Board!. ilnd Knives Fa.tened In Is practically the only means by Them for Cutting Seed Potaton, "hlc h the mois ture can be conserved. light soils. which Is because heavy l~ re lJllent cultivation al so Bets free soils do not part with their excess moIsture liB rapidly as light sall s do. No best time for planting can be gI ven that w 11\ fit every yenr. If n dry 8PE!11 occurs early In the season. and Is :followed by plen ty of ro In. Inte planted potatoes yield the best. wblle on tbe other band. when a dry Ipell oecurs In the latter haH of the grow· Ing season. early planted potatoes do beet A n umber at mll chi nes for cutting I"ed are available on the market. One A PotltO Planter.

A saDdy loam eoll usually produce. potatoes of better quality tban a h.eav· ler loll does. It also bal t he ad vantage of ..emalnlng In a more mellow condition during th., growIng seasOn. thus giving the tubers a cbRnce to become more sbapely. and making It eaeler to dig th a crop. A heavi er 1101\ will som.~ tlmes produ~ a large r yIeld

. . ItlCky tbat women may not le"e ficult to lind any polDt where the nreas of low pressure ehown on cu• wind movement that Is recorded Is dally weath er maps; that makes tht _ the Jurlell. thl! caus ed by a dlfferllnce In tempera- prevailing westerly winds In Chicago .... 111 bave ODe at tbe ture. Surely. then, thlll cannot be t emperate latitudes. etc. What makes a dIfference In pre&aeroplane meet. e'fer held. and It hal the true answer to our Question. ' . '., Let us see whether the accompany- sure? Answer : A dllrerence In tem· arranged already to furnish the Dcce. Ing diagrams will not help solve tbe perature, together wltb the action 01 .aJ7 Iky room. prohlem. If the temperature of the gravity. and what 18 more Important. A lltatlatlclan tells UII tbat tbe per !and and water be th e same and the the rotation of the earth. It IB the ro.QlItta debt of the United State. 11 air Ie stili. layers of all' of the same tation of the earth that causes the " 10.83. Now. If we could only can· density will e xtend over tbese areas low pressure at th e pol es and the on the same level. See A. B. C. E. F. westerly winds over the Unltei .IDce our tailor-. It 19 the rotation or th. G, etc.. In' FllI:ure 1. It now the Hun States, Amerlcanl complain tbat tbey are comes up or hot Mummer weather earth tbat causes the low pressure iDOl tate In Mexico. but tbere I. no eomes on. the lurfac9 of the land will over the equatorial regions and thl Jaw eOtDpeJlhlg Amerlcanl to live In be heated up faster than the surface trade winds, and It Is the rotation 01 tIIat forsaken country. of the water. the air over the land will the earth acting In some aa yet un· be warmed by condUction from the known way through the large air About tbe meanest way a man could heated land, and It will expand and currents, that causes the succession waa experIenced by an unrortu· will 11ft tbe air above It until the Bur- of high and low pressure areas that aate one In the aoutb who wall ticked race A. B. C. Figure 1. will take the move In an endlen chain across the 1.0 death by a dead mule. posItion A. D. D. FIgure 2. and the couutry from welt to east. We know surface E. F, G. Figure 1.- will take these &reas aa etorm or fall' weather CoulllderinK tbelr familiarity "Itb the position E. F. H. Figure. 2. etc. area8 and It Is tbele tbat completel, ..II. languago shouted by railroad ata. But If up to thll point there is just control our surface winds. tiGtl announcers alJd litreet car call. 8S much air over th e land as tbere What makes the wind blow' .acton. It Bellms unreasonable for wall berore It waa warmed. and there Difference In atmosphe ri pressure. AmericaD! to ohJect to grand opera ID Is Just as much over the water as What causell the dIfference in pre& ' Jo'reJIeb and German . ~ there was before. And as the Bure! Mainly the rotation of the eartb; partly, difference In tempera. amounts were equal before. the Arcbaeologlsts claim tbey bave dl .. _ ..ered tbe BrOAdway of PompeII. but weight of the air over the land i8 stili ture. together with tbe action 01 RICkl. Showing How Seed Potatou May Be Stored In a Small Bpace • ..". do they account for tbe Jar 01 Just the same as that over the water gravity. water tbey found there? ===================================================~ trouble with most oC them is that they In transplanting sbade trees three Scabby legs of fowls Is caused by a Another aviator threatens to II, mite that burrows und er the akin ot or four years old. the roots should be leave pieces without eyes, . A rapid method or cutting seed po&erOS1I tbe Atlantic, bllt lip to date. th e and after a tIm e pass to pruned as IItUe as possible. Care tatoes by hand Is to stick a sharp ~o newspaper hAS bought the exclu. otber birds at tb e flock . To destroy should be taken In taking up tile kril~llrmly Into a board and cut the' .t.e rights to h Is story. tbes e mites. soak the le gs of the af· trees to leave as much of th e root tubtiPlr by pushing them against the rec ted rowl In strong soapy water for system as can he done anLl whpre the A Pennsylvania fnrmer has dlscov. a few minutes. Remove aOlI burn all lateral roots must b e cut tbe wound knife. This enables the use of both bands 00 the tubers. When using tbe ered & conI mine In bls cellar. Thill loose scales. and th en Ihoroughly should he smooth. knife In tbe hand for cutting seed pohall been A. splendlrl wInter lu wblch grease the legs wltb vase line or Baity Dig the holes Cor th e lr t'('s large tatoes. tbe best method .of cutting Is to make BIICh a dIscovery. grease. Rup eat the treatnlent each and deep enough so that th e trt'e will to begin at the stem end of tb.e tuber day until cur ed. stand like It did In the nursery or and cat pieces air diagonally . turning A Philadelphian swallowed polel)n. forest. Tbe BO\l must be packeG tbe tuber on Its 8."(ls liS necessary Jnbak!d gaB and r.ut his thront_ For B One of the ('seentlall tn producIng Ilrmly around th e roots and the wIth the cutting of each piece as the realdent of that town he see ms to clean milk Is to kee p th e cows clean. branches trimmed to corres pond to bave been In quite a hurry. An occasional brushing will help do the roots. We are Informed Ibnt a plot to de- thIs. but should not be don e before Uroue the king nf Slum has been dll' m ilking beca us e of the dust. Wive The extent to wblch mo~t or OUI ' ro.ered. Chowra Maha VaJlravudh's th e cow's flanks and udder with a hillside farms hav e e roded shows how c lean. damp cloth just before milking ,name la not tbe only burden he b8ll frightful has been th e meaeurt:< 0: our to make the dust. dnndrulr and loostl neglect In this matter. Had proper tQ carry. hairs stick to her Instead of failing care heen exercilled In plowing. cropHiram Maxim Inrorma us tbat wIth. Into the milk. Clipping the balr on ping. deforesting. etc.. a large share U a few years srmor plate '11'11\ be th'e flanks and udder Is advisabl e. at this ".lIght .have been avoided, alO mOJ:o effective tban cbeese. And Wben plenty ot tresh organic mat,.et we bave met somB blgbly effecThere Is a fund of wealth below thE te r, lIuch a. crop resIdues. green mao tive cheese, nures and farm manures are each surface of many SOI1B. whlcb bas Nearly all Doston girl! are reported year plowed under In a clay Boll. we never been reached. Deep hreaklng ~o have bow legs and big feet. But can ellpect most or the potash re- will reach tbls. But no soil will con· tltere may be Boston glrll wbosB left <Julred for tbe aeeds of the crop to be tlnue to produce heavy crops unleas Jlllnulder blades are pretty. mad e a'vallable from the large Bupply It be renewed. Any bank deposit wUl found In luch a eo 11. This Is not true be overdrawn, If there be no more de· Potato Marked to Show How It Should POlitll. B ve you figured out jUlt how much 10 II sandy soli. ae Cut by Hand, and the Individual JOftat propOied national tn 1 per Plec.. of Another Tuber Cut In .eDt, OD all Det earnings In exces!! of The .mal'ketlng of-poultr.y -PI'oducUSame Mallller..._ The smooth·bodled pig 'o t mucb ;.&000 a year II «olng to COllt you? :o'-=Quality kills O\lt in the most saUltac- Is a 'sllbject that the farmer Bhould tory manner, It properly fattened. thoroughly understand, If hI! 1.. to work Pi'ogrelll!8 toward tbe other end. W. bid lie"er bf!ard of Lt Yuell Such animals, no matter what the make ~e mo's t profit on hili !lock. ~4 wbell the "eel end II :reaehed eil' - . . until he 'WRI elected vlc»preal. breed or ,type. If of acceptable weight, !\lany men are abl~ 'to produce a high· It ID ' ~o, 10 aI to dtvlde the extra ·...t or China. It II different 'In thl • • WlIIm8nd a premium. A standard Clasl product, but do not realise the" ~tuDlller ~f ,e~el there tound. . enIl~. W. b .... gf bhll In. . welgbt for a Diarket 110. ' Ii about 2215 belt market prlCM becaUII of a lacll J~ planUil&' potatoes In large quan· ,"-',.....,."""~.;;-'.~ , 'tI.tln ~ . tremndoll' ~oun~ . of time )Ouna'. . of knowledge of market tOAl\ltiOD'" ad Ilaar4 worlt 0l.Il De ~~4 111 tile






mucb plant food that would otherwise remain locked up In the 8011 . Pota: toes sbould be cultivated once a week from the time the rows can be fol· lowed until the cultivator wheels In· jure the plnnts.

CHOLERA AMONG FARM POULTRY A..Uaa Btrde:Should Be DeetroYed or




n.etrlbuttoll of

the Germs.

POINTER HERE FOR FARMER One Good Thing, It Least, That He May Place to the Credit of the Auto . T he farmer may not venerate tbe a ucomoblle. but h e must admit that . ultbollilb tbe Ilutomoblle teaches others extrnv ugllnce. It haa :a ught blm ,) very \'aluable less on In economy. /<;verybody know s how plant lice. or Illlhl s, overrun and dest roy plants and holY lbe 80 le protection ngalast plant II<:Il bas heretofore b ee n (latent pow . .Iera lDore or less costly . 1:11 l of Int e years farm e rs U(l ve notlcec! that. while all th e plant R In fleld 01' I( nrc1 e n we re covere d with apbl R. ,. 11 t il !' road side g rowUl 8. white with dust rrom flying autolllobll ~s . had no t a ~ 1" !: l c a ~ lal s on IlIc m. H"", e an oxpe rlm en t. Turnills. pea B (,nd cn \.l augcB wer e (;oa te d with ordl · n a ry el us ! In stclld of cos tl y !lowder, Hes ul t, clls ll l)Jlearnn ee of Illl In sec t par~s l ((' ~,

Tb o ""tom oblle. In a word . blla tll Ul\ hl 11. (' lurlll e r thut dust , wbl ch ('ORl S ltu lh in,;. \\' 111 IHolec t his pl uUlA : ,. (Il11 pl u nt li ce and ot he r peSlS Jus t H ~ 'oll . pl pl"ly llS th e 1ll0 ~ t " llpe Ds lv8 I,owll e r eH It.

ALMOST CRAZY WITH ECZEMA "I. the unde r signed. cannot give enough prnlee to the Cutl c urn. Re medi es. 1 had b ee n doclorlng for at least a ~'ea r tor e cz cmu 011 my foOt. I had trll'd d octor aH cr doct or all t o no anll!. Whe n a young girl I sprained my a nkle thr ee dlff c re nt times. paying little or no atte ntion to It, w he n Dve years ago a s mull spot showed upon my lett nnlde. I was wo r rie d nnd eent for a doctor. He s aid It ws s eczema, H e dre w a s mall bone fron; th e ankle about tb e size of a mot c h snd a bout an Inch long. The small hole grew to about th e 81ze of an opple . and tbe eczema spread to the kn ee . The doctors neve r could heal the hole In tbe ankle. The wbolo foot ran wote r all tbe time. "My husband and my lions wero up night and do y "'heellng me from one room to another In tbe h ope of gIving me some r e lief. I VI'ould sit for hours lit a time In front of the fire place bopl ng for day brea k . The pnln was so Inte nse I was almoat crazy. In fnc t. I would lose my renson (or hours at a tim e. One day n fri e nd or m ine droppe d In to see me. No moro had she glanc ed at my fo ot th an s he exchLimed : ·1\'Ir8. Finnegan, ,,' hy In the world don' t you try the Cutle ura Rem· edies!' Delng disgus ted with the doc· tors and their me di c ine s, Hnd not b&Ing abl e to sle t' p at all. I ' decid ed to gIve th e Cutlcura 80ap nnd Cutleura (lIntment t\ tria\. Arter us ing them three days tbat night I slept as lIound as 11 Ell ver dollar for eight long hours. I awok e In the morning with but very little pain. In taci. ~ tho ught I was In heaven. Aft l' r using th e Cutlcufa Rem!'dles for three months I WIl S perfectly restored to health. thankl to the Cutlcuru Soa p and Ointment. I '11'11\ ,be slxty·four yearn of age my next birthday. hale and b earty at present." (Signed) Mra. Julia Finnegnn. 223. Hebert St., 8t. LOllis. Mo .• Mar. 7, 1911. Altbou6h Cutlcura. Soap and Ointment are lIold by drngglsts and dealers everywhere, ... sample of eacb, with 32-po'ge book. will be mailed rree on application to , "Cutlcura," Depl L, Boaton. Found Imitation Difficult. Bert. a freshman. closed a lette r to hIs cousIn, Joe. five yenrs old. by sayIng: "Now. 1 must quit and write Ave pagel on Esther." Tbe next day bls tather found Joe armed ,,·lth tabklt and pencil. trying to hold down his youn" brother Robert. and saId to him,: "Joe. what are you dOing?" "I'm trying to write five pages on Bob, but he won't be sUII," rcplled. tbe lltUe fellow.

KAUPP. PathologIst Colorlldo Agricultural Collell8.) The symptoms usually noted IIrc as follows: The bird begins to mope. remains on tbe roost with feathers rurfled. head down and wings more Health I. the rub Ion. Take Garfield Tea or less droopy; tbe bird present.e a the herb lantlvo which purifies the blOOd "ball" appenrance. Tbe bird aDd brlDg8 good be&lUI. ".,eak. and dlarrbea Is present. dillcharge Is at a greenish-yellow col· can be I<entlmental e,en A way Abe eats plcl(tell. or, The bird ususlly lives tram tbree days to a week. We have studied this conducted eX(Jerhpent8 with It chickens, turkeys anr! ducks. When the abdominal cavity Is opened. the liver will be noted to be much larger than normal. and darker. The spleen , may be en larged. The In· testlnes are congested and may appear InHaml'd. As to treatment : The henhouse and yarde should be cleaned tborYou can have the pretoughly. The house and. so far as tiest walls in your town. Possible. the yard. should be sprayed at the lea.t coat. Our, once a day with a five per cent. 801u· expert dcaignera will plan the work for you tlon of carbolic acid, zenoleum or creFREE. olin. Blrr!s should be watered from drinking fountaIns. These should he Get Thia Book ' cleaned and disinfected once a day, 20 Pretty Room. using diSinfecting solution same - we wl1l ..u you • cot, Fm:. strength as for hOllse and yards, The k tcu. ~o.. 10 ba.. tbe bat . . . feed should be given In troughs ntloc .t tcut """ It tull '" IICW colo, IICb....eo and abe... _ whlcb are so constructed as not to '" tit. U4.lIke Alabutleo ~ allow stepping Into them. The~e fa .. 0., 10, IbaI, ooIL "'DOd QUlIda. should be cleaned and dllinfected once 'or twice a day. As tbe germs escape from the sick bird II from the dlscbarge. the birds. as lOon aa no· tlced to be ailing, should be deBeaurN Woll TIIIf , stroyed 'a nd burnell. or at least Bep· arated BO 8S . tO prevent furtber distribution of tbe germs. As · treatment sulpbocarbolate tablets , contalnin~ the supboearbollte at. calcium, sodIum and sine, han given u. the best reluUI III OUl' esperlmeotal ,w ork. VaeelDaUoll. bu ' .Ia.o been Bueceaafully cartlecl OIl. " .. , ' (By B . F.

free. Color Plans

for any roolQl you want to decorate

AJ,heH. n.

Fe!I~lnl , Fowl.

. . .

91.,e ' ~~'. fowlS ~ ~~tIuI · of th.a t clialr from' tbe .bot~m of'th. bQ1DClw.

T~y..,ua ~oJ ~JdDII&

.JOur. ,toIL-

,e . . ,

oyer• .u to




Untold Agony. A.hamed to Be Seen Nothing Helped. Rellnol Inltantly Relieved and Trouble Palled Away. S lIch Is tb4! story ot Tboma s G. Hull, N e w Ho ven, Conn . Eve ry s ull'e rer trom torm e nting skIn t roubl es s hould pro fi t by hIs ex pe ri en ce, told In bls own " 'ord a : "For twe nty years or more I wa.. troubl ed "' Ith t e rrible itchin g or the body, a rms nnd legs . I Bu llered un· told a g(·n y ; eould ha rdl y s lee p at nl g bt, n nd w as nct !lolly Ds bam ed to be soe n . ] ob tnlned a small ja r or Resl· nol Ointme nt . a p plied lIa me . a nrl was i n ~ lantly r e lie ve d . I th en p u rc h n~e d a c aIre or R eslnol Soap and used It In connecti on with th e Ointm en t . Tbe It ching soon become les8 , a nd In a Bhort tim e e ntire ly prulllc d a way." As Mr . Hull's le tt e r s how8. Reslnol Oin tme nt s tops it c hing Ins ta ntl y. I'soo wIth Retilnol Sonp It 16 the Qutrk e~l. eas iest. and mos t eoonomlcal tre at· m e nt for eczema. rashe s . te tter. ring· worm, pimple s and othe r Rkln a trec· tion a, as well ns for burn s . s <'a ldll, bollB, ulce r s and !t r lllng. blNldlng a nd inHamC'd plies . Rel'omm c nded an d Bold by your dru g gl ~ t . (Soa p, 251' ., OIntmen t. r.Oc. and SI ). Sampl e of ench sent rroo . Address De pt. 1 1<. HeM ln ol Chemi cal Co .. Ba ltimore , :\\d .


SUFFERED EVERYTHING ~mE--~1 ~IfO'lJR In Justice Is the Foundation of the Moral Structure

ARPER and I we re hunl · Ing coyotes and bears In the backwoods of Oregon, writes Frederick V . Coville In th e /'iatlonal Geogra pblc Magazine . Tbe re were seveD dO GS In our pac k. They hnd boon s pecially s e lec t e d and tmlne d to buu t ooar. Two were pure-br(JrI fo xhound R. "" hose (la rt It was to find the tmll and lead tbe pa ck on It lin· erring ly by th e ir Dlarve lou8 kee nness ot fl cent. Nlg . tbe old en e. wa s scarred and partly crIpple d from en · counte rs with bear. Rover , two years old, t bough with less ex peri enc e. was In th e prime ot activity, keenness, w as e ndura n ce . Range r, the s taghound . was t.all and strong nnd. when the game was In slg bt. very Bwlft. In t he o pen I.le could catch and kJII a coyote. Tlge, the bloodhoUDd. wall tb e he a vie s t of th e pack . His nose was keen, and on a bear tl'llll he was true and tIre· less , and savage In the operations a t tbe finish . ID otbe r gam e be bad less Interest, and whe n be slept be growled and dreamed of bear bunts. Jule was a mixed bloodhound aDd bulldog, and BouDce and Drum we re ber two year· ling pups, ODe ye llow, tbe other brln· dIe. For two bours one morning we bad followed the dogs without pickIng up a fresb trail. We were posslng rrom aa open ridge Into a forest or ftr and plDe wheD the YOUDg foxhound, first snlMng excitedly wIth bls n08e to tbe grouDd, raI s ed tbe ooa.rse hair betweeD his Bhoulde rs, bayed sharply aDd plunged Into the timber . The oLber dogs cles ed In be hInd and dIsappeared. Carper tore atter them through the brush. S<:n.UDg the slippery logs without danger by m eans ot hll spiked lumbermaD'1I shoes , and I rollowed as bellt I COUld . ApproachIng a little opening In tbe t Imber,] beard th e sound ot a genera l tight . Carper yell · Ing. cursIng snd ki c king among the dogll, tb en a rln e 8bot. and then an· other. Wben] burs t tbrougb tbe cha o parral Carper was stili yelling aDd kicking tbe degs away from the car· cass of a porcupine. grazed by bls IIrst bullet 'and pleughed open by the sec· ond. "WelI." saId he. "W4! are ID tor It now." Tbe porcupine hnd taken a position beneath a log tbat was raised a little above tbe ground . As the dogl at· tacked hIm he turned and struck them terrific blows In the tace wltb hie short clubbed tall, almost as mUllcu. Jar lUI a g0t;lIIa'B arm, and at every Btrote be left a mark Uke a cUllblon"lUI of barbed needlell. Dog8 11'811 fterce would have quit Booner aDd lIuf· fered It'ss, but that bunch of bear· dop had beblnd them a thOusand yean of the fiery panloD at the slayer. The docs that could reacb the porcu· pine bit him In th4! back and tall till mouth and tongue were a bloody. qul~rlng maBS of barbll. Only by tbe fiercest oDJIlaught on tbe dogl themllelvy had Carper beeD able to open them up 110 tbat he could 'boot the porcupine. The dOli! were now pawing tbelr taeea aDd ploughing their nolleS along the lfT'0und In agony, breaking 011 IOm4! of tbe qume at the surface and driY· IDg th4! barbed points deeper Into tbe flellb . The old dop, who had been through a similar experlenC4! betore, would come up and allow tbe qu1ll8 to be pulled out as long at tbey could 8tand the pain, and then br4lak away to paw and plough again. WbeD th4! few superficial Qulll. had



t r uly good ma n Is anxi ous to b e JUR I to hiS ne lghhor tlr "1 all, l I II b o kind t o h llU se lf aft er WOrtt. ThIs Is ge ttin g tb e 111 0 1'

' II ~

For fourteen Yean. Restored To Health by Lydia E. Pink. ham', Vegetable Compound. Elgin, III. - " After fourteen yelU'1ll of ruffe ring everything from t emale com· plaints, I am at last r estored to health. .. 1 employed th e b e Bt doctor s and even went to the hospital for treatm ent and W illi told tberewas no he lpfor m e. But whil e tak· ing Lydia E. Pink· ham's Vegetable Componnd I began to improve and I continued Its use until I was made well ... , - Mrs. HENRYLEISEDERG,743 Adama SL K l!amcys vilIo. W. Va.-"I f eel it my du ty to write and say what Lydia E. Pinkham'lI Ve ge table Compound hllll done f or m e. I BUffered from female weakness and at tUnes t elt 80 millerable I could hardly endure being on my fee L .. After taking Lydia E. Pinkham'lI Ve ge table Compound and following yoar special directions, my trouble is gone. Words fail to express my thankfnlnesa. I recommend your medicine to all my friends. "- Mn. G. B. WWTTJNOTON. The above are only two crt the thou· b311ds at grat.a.ful lettera which are conBtantly being received by the PInkham Medicine Company of Lynn, M..... whleb lIhow clearly what great thinp Lydia E.. Pinkham'. Vegetable Compoand doee for thOlie who suffer from woman'. llI&. . It J01l ",... t IJK!Cllal adTlce write te LJdla £. PiDkham .edlclne Co. (conJi. de DUal) LIJID, JODr letter be OpeDlld, read anel aDs"erecl bJ & WOID&ll and hIlld 1D atrict eonJIdellae.

n llt leR In the ir pr ope r onle r to 8~ ud me b o tbous ~ gra rles o r lace va le nt lues till he baH sell ied li P ill Y ju st bill ngalllgt 111m I prefe r 0 li ving sa ini')' tbr ou g ho ul lh o ye llr to a s u mp tuo us don allon pa r ty li t Chrl s t lll as. In oth e r word s. JU 8t lce tn ll cs pre!'ede nce or charily In my d eRlrcs nud In th o ~ e . I b II e ve. of m osl rl~ h t · ml o d e d me n. In tUf' e igh t h ce nt ury B. C. I here liv ed II Il rOpli e l wbo put rOft h a de ft il itio n o r n ' ligl on l hal a p pe ars as wonrl er fu l n Il eflil iti ou o f ~ e ulu 8 lUI tho a rt of P ll it! Ius or t he sclenco or Arl ~· It IRn 't any wond e r tb at a man I s !o tl e . Th e pr o phe t's n ll me WIIS MI · a n noyetl " ' be n he ge ts th e wors t of a cah, and hero Is bi B d e finition : "H e 11 0"se tra d e. a !l th " t wus wb at h e wa s bat b show e d th ee . 0 man . wba t 15 try l n ~ t o ha nd th e oth e r fe llow . g ood ; a nd wbat does t b e Lo rd r eq uire o f th ee but to do ju s tl y. nod to love Gnod hBU lth cann o ~ be nla ,n tai n~<l "bere mercy, alltl to wn lk b umb ly wltb thy tht· ,.., I. .. COn SII\JOl('(} bllbl t . ti llrllc ld Tea .... God ?" o r e l'COInl"!4 oum~llpatJon . Tb e l..o rd de monds fir st ot all lhst m eD be j us t lu th e ir d e aling s with A WO mll n Is ao usecl t o pinning th eIr fE'Hows. With al ju sti ce Is a tbln gM th a t s he cnn 't unde r s tand why prlmnl demand thnt men moke or ea ch a man ~ bould moke 110 m1l('h CU811 a bout bee n rE'ffiov ed th e real work ot sav Ing Ran ge r. tb e .tagbound. wns In by otbe r . Tn e rich Bometlm es wonder a miSSing button. tbe dogs' II ves bogo n. We look 011 tar lb t3 mOi l ,,,riOUB condItion of R.DY that th e object s ot theIr bounty rise our caa La. se t our guns against a tree ot th e tlogs. He had more quills In In re yoH agaIn st various weltare What Make. nnd went at the taBk. One by olle tbe his f. ,ce than any otbe r, rlOd some scll e mes d esigne d to b e lp tbe working Tlttl c - Ha rdu[J bought hili wi re a dogs WH e ('a ught. Slttlng upon the were Iles r. tbou gh rortunately not In, class. Th ey cannot see why tbelr kInd · m acblne .' nnlmal' s croucblng body. Carper held bl s ey,~s. The y we re liable at any time bearted plaDs ra il to arouse enthu sl· Tuttle- TourIng. ta lki ng . s e wIng or tbe he ad bet ween hie knees. tcrlpplng to worl! tb e re. bow eve r, tbrough hi s asm In the be ne fi ciarI es. Th e reas on watl hlng ?- J ud gtl. We cODBld ered In m a ny cases lu plnln. Workingmen, ear and Jaw In his powerful grasp, agonIzed IJowlng . shootlDg him to e nd bill mIsery , but lik e e verybody e lse. want justice be· wblle 1 pulled out the quille. A Cerrectron. The main part at a porcupine quill Carper bated to do It. We concluded tore th e y wunt klndnela. One In par· "We nrc drlrtln g toward a pnte rnal Is sruooth and wblte and bas tbe to go back to camJI. get Bometblng to tl c ular I re member we ll. His thought ro rm o f go vernm ent," saId th e e conotough , t\ollhl e texture at tbe Quill ot eal and decid e tb e dog's fa te arter, was alway s along thi s lin e. and a! mI st. be would come Inlo tbe anvlng IDstltu· a blrd's featber, but tor a distance ot war d. " Parl.on IDe If ] c errect )'ou," retlon wh e re he was paying for hIs lit· about bait a n Inch from th e n eedle· Bponded tbe s urtra ge tte , ge ntl y; "to On tbe way bac k I asked Carper tie bom e. e ach Saturday evening, he s barp poInt the QnllI Is bard, bl ack, be accurate, you s hould sa r a mate r, wh ether th e doge ..... ould not learn to slender and armed wIth Innumera ble le t u porc upine alone. He replied never tailed to Impress those about nnl fo rm or gove rnment ." barbe . Tb e Quills vary greatly In' that th e y would not, that tbe older blm with thi s particular Idea. Basic Demand for Justice. length. thickness anli amouDt at barb- dogs had be en through the experIence Smart Little Soy. With th e spIrit ot tbe KentuckIan Ing, the s horter aDd stouter ones ba \'. rE' peatedly . Ibougb b e had never seen The s m a rt little c it y boy love d to Ing tbe loug e ~t points and most elfec- II. Ila c k Quite so tborougbly don e uP. he nllvaY8 pointed out tb a t working· put conundrums to Uncle Josh and see tlv' bB;rbs. the large r. thlnDer Quills and that If they ran a cross a porcu- m e n ,... ould ratbe r bave a d ecent wage the old n('g ro's s truggl es to unde r · gradually merging Into th e lonG, pine th<;) next day they would undoubt- than all the model ten eme nts and I tnnd, but on e day be receh'ed a bona ple asure pa rkB and band CODce rts that coarse balrs of th e animal's pelt. Ud e onswer whI ch la s llll perlJle llng e dly tackle hIm. th e b o ~ s could devi se. long·polnted Quill with the barbed A him . portlon fully Imbedded In the nose of Evide ntly dO bS or this figbtlnr; qualPre:tldlng on one occasion nt a mas s RHave you got any brotberB, Uncle a dog orte D re Sisted the IItronge6t pull Ity are no more dete rred by sucb an meetIng des igned to a id some char· Josh ! " the S . L . B. Inquired . that either at us could gIve. notwltb- experience than is a bulldog deterred Ity, Jacob Rl ls looked at a plac ard on "No, bone y," relill ed tbe dar key , " ] standing nn e xcellent hold ou the body trom figbtlng a second time becaulI4I the wall whlcb read, "CharIty cever· alD't got nary brothe r. but all my sIs· of tbe qu11l bet weeD tbe thumb and be has ou ce betore beeD bitten In a eth n multitude ot BIns," aDd el· terll hae." claimed : "It' s time to toke that cover tbe bent forefinger. The pa in mUBt flgbt. 011'." have been IDtense. The most resls · AttE~ r our meal W4! decided to ghe Stery ef a Bible. There Is a wid espre ad di sposition to taDt quills were pulled ~Itb'er by the tbe st:aghound a chance for bla lite, A case that had to do wltb the tbett teetb or by ImprovIsed pliers made at tbougb neither at us relished tbe pro.. agre wltb tbls sentiment. Mill Ionaires ot a BIble was berore the grand jury a half,.pllt stick. In the cmc k at wblch pect ot lacerating his bead to do It. who bequeath magnificent sums to cd· 1I0me tIme ago and arter It had beeD tbe quill was caugbt and tightly beld. His tace wall beglDnlng to BWell and be ucatlon or phllantbropy mus t expect disposed of, George W . SeIbert, foreI Will assured arterward by an old dozy uDtII we stirred blm up. He to ba ve the girt borse looked In the man of tbe jury. related a story In woodmaD tbat an Imbedded Quill could was ready to tight u. all. We tied moutb. It wbat Is Klv en to the pub. whlcll a Dible figured prominently. Mr. be removed more .easily and with leu hIm down UDder a log, and one man lie represenls sharp practice on the blebert Bald that bill mother had glv· pain by roiling It between tbe thumb held his body, the other hili bead, part of tbe gIver, It It Is tbe rrult or en him an old-taabloned tamlly Blble and finger aa It Is pulled. To ule his wblle I pull4!d tbe QUills with the eteel extortion, Icgal or Illegal, the a~ when he married. About two yean plau ae Is. faInt todoy , and It Is golnll: expression. the barber point . would pliers. atter hla marrIage Mr. Siebtlrt needed to g et ralnter sl1 tbe tIme. We are. "unscrew ." A mll(ute examination of By actual couDt we took 568 Qullli becoming ethIcally s ensitive to tbe money, h4! sa1d, and bad almollt dea Qulll·point did not show any .plra! cided to dispose Of the Bible. When arraDsement ot the bar.b s, but It did out of that staghound. Elgbty-one or way In whI ch money Is got. no leBs sucb tbollghts were occupying bia show that the barb8 are not rIgid, but thele were Inside the line or hIs lhlln to tbe way It Is gIven. mind , Mr. Seibert picked up tbe Bible It Is more Uatterlng to one 's lelf· flexible. and I bave no doubt that by . teeth, In bls gum a, the r,oot of bll one day and began turning over . the twlStlDg as described the barbs would mouth aDd biB tonsue. At ,east thirty estoom to play tbe role ot Lord or leaves of the book. He bad pallsed be bent to one side and the Quill be bad beeD pulled out at odd tlmell be- Lad;r Bountiful tban It Is to stanli tor OV4!r leveral pages wben bl s eyes fell much more easll), wltbdrawn. rare the count began. and during the even·handed Justice to all. Tbere are on two ,60 billa. His motber had The doga varIed ID tbe maDner In following da,. over twenty more work- pblJa;Jthroplsts who could not pOlle placed them In the Bible when sbe whlcb tbey took their punishment. ed out of his misshapen head at va· as almoners to tbe poor, a s they bave had presented the book to blm. Mr. Tbe yellow pup and tbe YOUDg fos- rioue poInts . The 8tagbound lived and dODe, If tb e), bad been willing to give Seibert still hlUl tbe Blble.-IDdlan· the poor a sQuare dea l In tbe Orst hound had only a tell' qu\lls, and tbeY tortunately lost neither eye. .~ News. 9lace. illustrations ot tbls general howled when thelM! were' lJultlrd. Tbe- ·- It was a curltnn! and a fearful principle are Dumerous. Tbe case of old fozbound was hard to bold and weapon tbat nature hsd given te thll .,. . THANKSGIVINQ PSALM Capt . Dre yfus of tbe French army has was Inclined to be ugly. Jule com· otberwlse weak and peaceable porcu· not wholly faded from tbe publlo A Rhythmical ~ Grateful Chlnt. plalned. but allowed th4! pulling to pine, wltb whlcb In detenBe ot hll mInd. After the victim hsd been par· proceed. altbongh ber Jaws were reek· libert" and hlB \lle he dealt a terrible doned and rele ased from bls cruel and " A teacher In a Terre Haute publlo IDg with lllood and Ballva. Drum, tbe retrlblltlon to seven powerful enemIes, IOhool jOlD8 in the chorus: unjust Impri s onment tbe novelist Zola brindle t>up. showed ble bulldog stock hnlt (It whom he would bave k\lled wrote to Mme. Dreyfus : "It Is revoll"Teaching 18 a business wblch rehy 8ubmlttlng to tbe long ordeal with . had Dot still greater odds been matela· Ing to obtaIn plly when one asks rOf qulre8 a Ileat deal or brain and nerve barely u whimper. ed agllln8t hIm . JUBtlce, and all seeml preconcerted to force. Unlell thIs rorce IB renewed . . brIng about this last InIQuit y. The tut a8 upended the teacher Is ezJudge s, wIshIng to strike the Innocenl hauswd before the cloRe of the ,ear. AI FllhOI See UI, Many resort to stimulating tonics for It haB occurred to one scientist to In order Lo sove the guilty, Bilek ref· reller. try to represent by uDderwater pbo- uge In aD oc t of horrible bypocrlsy "For 3 ·,.eara I ItruRled against altogrsl,hy the appearaDce or tbe out-of· which they call mercy." moat. complete exhausUon, getting Victim ef Accident Provided With F'lundatlen of Moral Structure, water world a8 vIewed by the eyes of Coli uloid Jaw Almest al Good what relief I \cou]d from doetorB' tODcouree would be Imp08slble, and a I1l1h. The results are said to be most Hnve YOll ever known parents whCl ae the OrigInal, 11'8. Tben In the 8prlng of 1903 I aection of the bone was removed. CUriOUIB, depend Ing upon the refractioD would crush out a cblld's InItiatIv e. Ig had an attaek ot la I1'lppe and maIn order tbat tbe mIlD might retalD or 11gb t by water. Dore bls ta~tes . browbe at blm genernl laria which left me too weak to con· A remarkable operatloD, which Ie his original features a plastic opera. For e xample, wltb a box filled wltll 1y. and th en giv e hIm a pnrty or out tlnue my work. Medicine tailed to rarely ever tried, waa performed at tlon was performed. Drs. Syms , CobeLl water" hayIng a photograpblc plate at log devlse.1 wbolly aft er th e nforesald give me any rellet, a chanle of ell· tbe Lebanon hOllpital, In the Bronx, and BenjamIn took cbarge. FIrst tbey the blliCk and n pInhole covered wIth parents' own Id ens and a t whi ch thO mate tailed. I thouaht 1 sbould never upon Gustav Dugnan, relatell tbe New made a wire bridge In tbe sbape or glass at the troDt. tbe situatIon or • youngs ter was e xpec ted t e be delight· be able to go back In acbool agalb, York AmerIcan. Tbe physicIans de- the mlslllng bone. For several weeki fish looking out of an aQuarIum Is Iml· ed, or app ear os an Ing ra t e ? It would "I ate enougb food (the ordlDaJ'J clared that In a mODth theIr patlebt tbey permitted the flesb and skiD ' to tated . With sllch an arrangement It be llIore hones t tr enl mC' nt ror Robe rt meats-white bread, vegetables, eto.), would be able to ge among hl8 grow over nature'll sub8t1tule. The. has been tound tbat all tbree sides or EdIth tr they s hould be allowed friend., showing no traceB of having other .day tbey decided to remove tbe and tbe comple te ceillng and floor or Bome sli ght e XI)ress lon or op ini on In but wal hungry after meals. "I happened at tbls time to read aD met with aD accident In wblch be wires, In tbelr 8tead placIng a pleCt' a room could bo pholographed at one regar!! t o t he matters vItal to their happIn ess. artIcle glvlnl tbe esperlence of an· lost a portion of his lower jaw bone . ot celluloid. Then they drew tbe flellb view. Dugnan ill a baker. One nlgbt over tbe artlftclal Jaw and Btltcbed Ju sti ce Is not the whol e or th e moral other teacher who bad been belped by Pla,eed st a point where three Grape-Nuts food.· I decided to try about ten weeke ago be was attend , the skin togetber. streets meet at a rIght angle. It gave struclure thnt a good Olan will try to Grape-~utl and cream, as an ezpen· Ing to an automatic oven wben tbe "It was one ot tbe most remarlt. a view looking down all three streets, build. bllt It Is a mIghty ~mportant ment, It waa a dellgbUul espenebce, door suddenly sWUDg opell and bIt able operations ever performed at Inclu~IIDg the ground up to the base at fouudatlon stone. Until one Is pretty and contlnues 10 after a year and hIm In the jaw. It tore away the thIs hospital," Dr. BeDjamln lIa.1d. the tripod lind the sky trom tbe borl· flrml ~ groulld e d upon It he cannot delower portion at ble C\tID, ODd be wal "Althougb a small 8car will always zon t<, the zonlth. From 1\ balloon sllch centlr add tile upper sto ries of mercy • halt of conltant use. "FIrat, J noticed that I ~ not removed to LebanoD hospital. It WIUI remain, hIs appearanC4! will be prac. a camera would pbotegraph tbe wbole and ot benevole nce. - WasblDgtoD ftret attempted to heal the wound, ticoJly the same as before tbe accl. vlslbl<e lIurface of tbe eartb out to tbe Star. hl1Jll'l'1 after mealll, "In a few dayl that tired teeUq left but soon the doctors lIaw tbat sucb a dent. horIzon on all sIdell. Ged'i Wisdom . me. and I felt. frej'b and brI&IR. In· ate14 of 4ull and aleep7, God knoweth best. I with articles of I rade for the people "Ill t1l1'" month •• more,tban my usual His wisdom ov erreaches ours ; . -eucb u American cotton clotb, H4! breaks the vase lItrenJth retunled, and 'I had I&luecl 15 pounda In welgbt. , wIre, mirrors, bottII'll for ornampnt., ADd takes unto Hlmselt the flower • . "I Jlnlabed the year'e work without Childs ' FrIck. aoD of HeDry C. AbY8slnla, but wUl extend Into Bnt· etc. But ra~ 8 t perfume stlll'p erv ode, tbCl ,lIr IlDf kind of tonica-was not ableJlt Prick., haa reeenU,. lalled tram Lon· Ish East Atrlca, coverIng a portion of MelD are never 80 ridiculous fNlm tbe And leade lIa OD to bappy unlona . rrom··4utt even half a 4&1, doq 1ftth a 1'11111' to making Datura! tbe area traverled by Col~el ~ •• . , !t4m IWl In best of b.•• with ' hlltol')' colleetlons In the AbYllllnlan velt two yearl ago. Tbe trip wtll In· quallitlel whlcb really belon~ to them where all 'who know m. 'wODderlDa ~t the... reaiOD. He 18 accompanied by LIeut. elude a vlllit to tbe 'vlclnlty of. Lake as fr,om tbose wblcb ' tbey pretelld to All blgbt Is d a y and te a rs ore ""Ipp'~ away . -.;lJlVYemenl . ; · Col. EdPI' A, Meanl. ·U, B. A., retired, ,Rudolph. dl8covered In 11188, 'by Count have . -Rocbetouc8uld. -!la rdeHe L. MaiD. .~ "I teU ~ .~U '1'.., Grape.N~tal·i It. "oda~e sooloSrat · Of tbe United Telekl, but IItrle Bzjilored, It II • Tbe "IIP]e tree never uke the beecb ~aIIi. ilyell . ti,. "PdatuDl Bat~. Statn '}\fatlonal MUHUIIl, as Da~ural· wild and dnngeroul 'countr7, InhabitAll tb ln gs ore the Inh e rl t3nc"; . ~ .J llcb •.c "Thefe's ai'eucm:-· " . I~ ~d tWo other " - mpanloDl, one ed by' intelligent but u~lvll1sed Ha· bow he shall grO'l\' ; lIor the 1I0ri .tbe '. . . ~ ~t... '. " - .....' ~~ of. whom' JA ... pll,..tcl&D. .. . . .", maUc people,· pesldes ' pcrtobai er: bone how' .be aball take bll, ' ..rey ....:..I:th , ma'l wbo , fOl1~Wa Christ. be Itte41 W~lUam Blake. ·,I.;!JL..6 ...'j·.·<·_ . =~.=. ~~ * TJae),t4!V ~ttt .be pr,,~ tll.rolllb fecta, ' the ,.ck trajll 1ftU . ,

.- -..:...---


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down a chick's throat cure. gapes. .ol. few droPII In tbe drfnl< tng WOlter cures and prevenL~ choler ... dlarrboea aud otb e r c bl c k tllse a se • . One 60c bOllle make. U gallons er medi c i ne A t all .1rUII'1f.1 8t •. Sample an" booklet on 'DIsease. of f'owls " Bent FREE.

Bourbon Remedy Co. tuiapm,1,r

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hor 0'\: 1 '",II " ) , In ,ult,..r, .1 h: ~P ' JI"". (UIlI I,(l r . IJ It l h " r t "" .lI , f 'd " tl' l l ot" 1:5 Monoo. c ,nl,l ' 'nt, 6;:,5 vo

, \lll'

l'rful \'lIe lalln d .. ancl'. A!'. it roll s ~ ~ II; :!\I ::I('ro",,' the n'(HlI i t ~ ll c k s up 11 S tr01i1l blast of .li r tiJrl)ugh the carpet bring· P . R, illg l·\· .. r~ I arl l"1e out c, '.h.. t ext.u .(' ::;ll to of '. llllll "'~ . 1 " ~(J"r LlIlIlIl, witi1'"i1 lak in g- up I he "Ilqwt. \0\ hat (\f), t~ , U U 6.3 Ihrrtl t.t I.3r r)!'( h l lJ dr~ is m ,lI',' it ha.; ~ \I\:11 a ,,11'(jllg ~ uCl ill n ( " r p J' ~b"r>l j lll f(", f1:J :, .I u rll e~ ON EVERY PAC Ii..AGE that it a,'llIlll l}' \lu ll " tit· (lUdt of t il. Mo ',l ll ilell . ~ eo r o t"r.v t'x l' l·m"i ~ . ' 110 11 001' up thl 'l u):h til ca rpe l , '('"in i, "f it ! Nv 0101',· 'aRillg' 11 1' of C<lrl'('[" . S L Curtwl'lJ.(ht,:1 rviot' ~oo \ ,. YUfl 1-2. (!f)JUIll l> l1~ k lnn k ,I U:,ll'un til .' t " ".\' r u mill).! ha ll b,·ar· townsh1 p, Does This Mean Anything to 'y ou ? in)! Dtll1le~tir \' acu um Cll:!ane r O\'l:'r Huo k, supplies, ".,. AOlUe t;te octl ... them e\·er.\· tla,' UI' " " and your car· Eo g rll vi ug Go , 30 Cf O '" !J4?L, are tl" f l" ' ,11 a ll d el.. an as !lew It expreuta the maker'. faith in the product. en!ry oay in t h· year. :lnd the colors Escapes An Awful Fate are alwa y" brig-lit ,1I 11i fre ~ h. Labor is the principle COlt ill paintiDg. The material should be the belt. T he n;'IlH'..;til' is the (Hlt ent.('1\ It ii i · A tb ou,,'IUl I tllnjl'IlCl:! otlUld n ot ox heat'illg- r ull .'r !luzzi,' It 1',1 11" l,\'c r 1)r' ''1'8 t h" gmt,lt uJe "I' Mrl:! J E , tlw car p.. L ;Jlld d,w'l IIU (I!'all ;J nr! \ "s, lO t .Juli .. t . Ill., f ll r her wo nder YOU CANNOT AFFORD ANY OTHER KIND. w l:!a r ouL the ca rpet as imita ti ons do. 111 1 del! vorlluce fJ ODl /I ll Ilw f ul (Il ' e . "T.v phoid pneu Ul oll iu bll rl ltift lil t; H d re .. dful co ngh," sht) w r\t e~. Price $16. Hoze NOZlle At- willl ' so mlltimllil l blld !! ucb .. wln l coug htachmen t $4,50 extra. in l{ 8Pllll s 1 thougbt 1 wou ld <l ie 1 co uld got no bfl l IJ fro l\l d ooto r 's EDWIN SH E RWOOD, S o l e Age nt, MONROE , OHIO t. rent·ment or other meuloin"!! t!lll l1 sed Dr. K io g'~ New ~i 800 v e ry . ~'-"'-"'''' . -.''''''~-~----~~~~~~!","~-~-~!'''"~~~~~!".!"..~ But I owe mv life to t il l!' wonderful relll ,)dy for J ~( aroe ly cough at all STRETCHING A POINT W AYN ESVILLE CHURCHES. : now " Quick llnd sufe. its ~h e most •• •• H ATHAWAY roliable of a ll thr o ll ~ aod lon g med Br 'er .h sper dIed and the other Methodist Episcopal Churdl~ _ " " '......._ ·......... w .... w ... w... w... w...w"""'_ _ _ _...,.._ _ _.....w.....w~w"..w"..w.,.w_w.... w ... w... w... w....w....w"" ... "..w.,.....w'""w..... w ... w... w... w...w....w"'w"w"... icinIi'j E ve r i bottlo gua run teed . WtI ,V'lesvi ll e 's Le adin~ Den"s' ReY. o. B. OraulMlr. P ..,to r. FlOo lind U . Trllli bottle free lit Il IJ delloons told Br'er Jobnlon he mU8t MarrlaK'\! Licenses. Office in Keys Bldg. Main !!it New Suits drulo!gist,s. slloy soml&thing good IIbout 'he de . SUII<lB), Sehonl , 1/ : 16 a . m . Morll lllg st r "Ice , 10 :ao a.. m , F;\'c n l ng serv i ce , , 7 : 0 I> -------- ~.~.~----E onor B. !:;mn ll filed s nit Agn.lnst Marion A,' RO!l~, :!2, 1,lhorer of RUI{Al CARRIER EXAMINATION oeased on Sunday night. At fire' w . M I <1weol< P TI ), . r !\IeeLl olC. 7 p. III. Arthur Smnll for di vor ce on th e Sonth L",bulJollllnll FtO,\fl Cu llins, 19, he deolilled , but finllll y oonsented. St A tl " C th Ii Ch ~.. . . ' . ugus ne s a o c uro.u. Sunday nighS, when ttme for the I' F&ther Lolli. Y~UB gr(')Qnd of n.b&ndonment . Pill in tiff of Routb L bllll OIl At Lebanon , Ohio, for Wllrren G len n B . l:Ioovor. 21. Ol r)uldflJ' of eulogy arrived, he arose slowly and M.... enr, .econd S unday of l be moutll ~ WALTER MCCLURE, prAYS for alim ony during penfienoy co nnty, t:at urday, May 18, lUU. 8lt.ld: "Bredoren and IIIBtern, I ' U :ou a . m . Fra nklin a nd B E'!'~ ill Urny, 1 ,ot Tllo Un ited i;tates Civil M ervioe of oRle, so ffioieu t ahmony for h er F ran kli n promillee1 ter Uy sump 'n &,0Q4I 'bout Funeral Uir~;tor. two SIO&1I ohild ren Ilnd other r blief . St. Mary·a Episcopal Church. Uom mi8s ion /lnnounoes an examoombl er . 19, Dtlaoon Jallper tODlght, lin' I will " iller Cliffor d F. ~o ll th , ul! Re v . J . Ii" , C" dwa1Jud e r , Recto r . 0 , .... J is attor ney for the Inl!.tion on th e dute and a t the plaoes Lebatlon nn~ h: j:;ie M. Ho lsman 19. lay we all hopes be's gone whllr we Su n<l"y Sc hool. 0 :30 B, m Mornin g Rer plAintiff, nUlOed 8 bove, 0 8 a result of wbioh vice, IU :30 a. m . Boly C omm u n lo n tbe Unl Telephone day or nl gb t. of Socialvill 9, Ohio. it is :expeoted t o m"ke oertl ficati on kn owlI he aln " . " -KoCl\l1's Mage- S unday o f e acb m ont b, Valley phone N o.~ . J~nlC I Common PIcas Proceedings Rea l Estate Transfers. ~o fi ll a Vliclt.noy in tbl3 position of zlne. Distance No. 69-'j .... Chrlltlan Church. ThomllB Bro wn to Rdbecca A. rurn l oarrler at ~aynes .me und I n the Olllle of Orle .Jorda n and ReY. L. o. ThomJ)llOn. PaatcN . tT-hn vs . Robe I t'" OHIO School, 11:1 0 &. m . 80cIal meetln •. WAYNESVILLE, B,u ne V na Do.n Ig ht tbe . Bro1lltl , t.rnot iTl Bllrll\u t ow ns hip, ot her vaoanoies as they lOayoccur ClassiBBd Ads 10:Blhle 10 L m . Uhrlatlan Endeavor. 1: 00 p . m . I In titf Is en· I I n.nd oth er con3id " rfl tionll. on rurtd routes at £'ost Offices in the j Dry fi n d I th a ··h Sermon by p llAtor 8\'el1" ..I \.orn ato S un d ~ .. • • e p., Branda Office, Harveynburi'. 10:'0 L m. a.nd 1:10 " . m. tUled to the possession of., horss Thomas Brow n tu Emml\ Bill ncb Iltove.ollmed oouuty, unless U shllll Hicbite Friends Chur~ wor Ib · l1fiO • MoMulle n, tm ct In Hurlnn t own- be deoided in the interests of the Aols will be Inserted u n(ler Lh ls be a d fo r t we nl y · flve cen l. f o r Lhree Inserllowr lIer vloe to fill the vacauoy by rein Fil't!t 0&3' I4cetln ll:, 0 :00 G. m. Flr&t nllJ The jury find!! that the plaint\ff is ahip, ' 1 and other oont!lderllot\oDs . when us ing no t more t ban t1ve Hnes. Sc~oot. 11 : 00 a m , Foun.b D ay MueLl njt entitled to the po88esllion of the Samuel B. W hi t..- ker t o J"mes T . statement, transfer, Or promeUon, 10 :00 a. 10 . DR. J. W. MILLER, Itti/":¥w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The usnI'I entrn.nce II&lllry fer rural property deloribed in the petition Glbsotl trnot In Harlll n to wnf blp, carriers is from '600 to 11,000 per Ortbodox Friends Churea. til lb. oue of The Jaooby Delaney $1 Ol. ' FOR RENT ... DENTIST..• Mn. Rutb MI11T&),. Pastor Lumber CO . TS. Perry Rohmore , Lizzie Houlleworth t o W . Leslie annom . Sabb aLh Sch ool. U :UO a. m. Hegul ar oh ureb Age limit, 1 ~ to 55,. on the date of Jury was unable to agree In the Gilbert, lot In I\(allon, 11 10, "" rvl ce, 10 " 0 a. ar . CbrlJl Ua n E n<lea vor. omC8 In OUSEl and blt.rn, wUh 1 aore' of 7 :30 p_ Waynesville, 0 oelle of Earl K . MoClelllln V II . EUlene Mary 1\1 , Th umpson a nd William t be examination. The maximum Na~lon&l B ank B id". ground, for rent,a' Venable'tt age limit Is waived in caBsll of per T, Tbompson to Wallace E . l:JooU, P F . Clarir. Ita'ion. Inq uire for l-ar&iculars . m 21 lot in Lebrmon , ' 1 nnd :)tber oon- 80n8 honorably disohuged from the Lebanon phone 101-5. Protlate Court. U nited Sht8tl militn.ry or naval ser. sidera tion s, vice . HE property oW'bed I\od ooODpied Aooountll were approved, allowed SophIa Sohlotman to Elsie A. An applicant must lIa \fa hilt aotual Barbed ,Wire by the I~te IlkUlo Hatfield 10· alld confirmed In tbe foll\>wlnI88- Brown, quit olaim on tract, I I . quire of Mrs. A. F . DeVitt. "hone N Y I mi A braham C. BO 'Rmlln bnd Vlotor domioile in the terri HI I'! supplied 86, Wava88ville, Ohio. ~ 8 'atee :-:. eBava OUDg, et a 'd ~rs, ao wman , traot in Burian township by a pOllt office In the county for GUARANTEED to heal without leavUIlBer, de;)8asl! ; ""ep. ",hlch the exa.mlnation ts an ADDa -. ROPERTY of the late N. B. An. Ing a blemish, or MONEY REFUNDED. zibah Marlatt, dsoel""ed ; Tebophi]os I !lnd other con8ident\on s nonnoed . 600 and IUlO sizl!fI for frl!fl h wound8. thooY, lith st. Good house,barD,- deceased; Henry M Bunt, A\1raham C, Bowman to Alfred ben hOWIe, pasture. For partioul&rtI old80rtllI, sore backs and eboold el'8~urne '---iI Ch 1 N d ed C Bowman , traot In W.8sh' ngton The examination 18 open to all lm~ e; ar es aylor, eoeas ; male oltlzens or the United ~tat.. see barry MUIrIlY, ageot for E , L. and b~. 250 lIize for Family use. DaCOrSPAm~B~ Ksry ·B. alalr, mlnor; Jennie Nloe}y and Salem township, ' 1 and other P eaoook, 1,0 Linwood st., Dayton, O. Ie painle88 and guaranteed to .cure who oan oomply wUb the require e' aI, minon. oonslderatlons , Spavin, Ringbone, Curb, SweenYI Splint, mente. PnUs t or any enlargement of Done or B. D. Kellison "'Be appointed ad· Jennette R Tnomp80n anJ ti. D. 'Applioa"on Form 1341, an,j full mWICle, or money refunded. Price 6Qc. LOST miDutrak>r of 'he 8tltate of Ellen Thomplon to tieorgo L. Miller, traot fOR sau: .V ALL DRUGGISTS Information oonoerning tbe requlre.Jan.'Fox, deoeaaed . in Deerfield tOWQship, Ii and other menta of the examination, oan be .lobD Brianel guardian of the es- oonsideratlons B90ured from the seoretary of the E'rWIi:EN Waynesville and Bar BELL'S ANTI.PAIN 'ate ot Samuel Brlxner, min )r, Wed Jamel Borlle to JltWell B DaViS, mony Grove, a good lea'her looal examlnlni board or the POB*. his seooDd and final account quit olaim on lot In Lebanon, '1 and m8 For Internal fII1III External Pam.. master at any of t~e plaoes named baiter. Jj.... O. Gilmour. Coart grant8 leave of snle of other' conslderl\tlons. above, or from the U. 8 . Uivil Ser. '!' t",entysharell ohtook of The WeltMarths J. Wn.lter to Barry V. vice UommlBBtoa, Washington, D. era Htar Publishing Co" in the es. Walter .nd Mlt.ry W, CUDnlnghllm, C. FOR s.LE tate of Mar,ha D, Penoe, deoeased . lot in Lebanon, II. Applications Ihould be .roperly Cour' .......nte leave of IIl\le of 16 William L. Graham and Charles .-exeouted aDd filed with 'he Com_ 'hares of the Winona Telephone Co, 0, Graham to L&fayette Nioholsoni WO p1!lre bre4 Aberdeen AUlrus mission at Wa8bington . As exam of KDox, Ind, In the eltate of Re . traot In Wayne township, 'I and buU,,; ready for lIervioe. C. ination papers are Bhipp ~ d direot L. Reede, r , CI~rk8VUle, O. Phone beoca A. Danlel, deoeased, other oonslderations. from the Commission to tile plllOBil 4.38 . m 22 of e.ami.It.Mon, it is neoeslary that 'phaeton Buggy, recently pAin&applications bs reoeived in ample ed, and in good shape. For time to arrange for the examination particular s inquire a\ 'his office. PUBLIC SALE OF desired at tho plllce indicated by the m15 IIpp\lcant. Tbe Commission 11'111 OTATOE~Bome grown late Po · therefore arraage to examine any appliosnt WhOM applioatlon is re- P tU&OOIl, for seed or eaUng. In· .--.-----~. quire of Borton Earnhar~, R. O. 4, oel ved in time to perwit tbe ship Wn.ynesville, OhiO, phooe 12-tX'. BEST OFFER ONLY $1.50 ment of the neoessary papElrs. m15 I McCall's Magazine At Wayne Farm, located at Waynesville. Ohio, o n This is the best An eJigiblo regit!ter for the posi , i is ,positively worth offer we have ever N DIA N Runner Duok Eggs; from tion of rural leUer ourier for ellch $1.00 a year. Submade. Send usyour white egg 8~rain, beet Inyer8 oounty will be maintained. A per cribe now and get name accompanied 750 per Betting; reduoed rates on 1i0. 80n must be el'umined in t,be oounty I lharles C. 8troose, WayneniUe, O. the~Miami Gazette with the money. Sale will begin promptly a t ] 2 o'clock . In which the post offioe thllt sup &R . ~ J5 80 head will be catalogued, consisting of cattle of plies his h ume ill flitult.ted. As a re all ages and both sexes, cows in all st ages of lactation, lIu lt of such BXllmlnation he may lOWS ..tnd pigs . Poland China in officially tested cows, butter bred bulls and their sons go(d oondition . Inqoire of beoo.m e eli gible to appointment all and daughters. This year's auctio n , like all form er r n m l carrier at a ny post offioe In 811m lienkle, R . D 5, WaynBllville. years, is a veritable Jersey sho\\' , on ly more of it. m 8 snoh connty . A rUlalletter 08rrier Ohle, Centerville phone. In this sale will be offered the greatest collection Ilfter one year's satlsfaotory servioe ORN-.A orib. of yellow t;8sd of Jersey cattle ever sold in So uthern Ohio. No thing may be transferred to t he position Oorn. This oorn grew fiDe I \8t like it has ever before been app roached in this part of olerk or oarrier in a first or year IIDd sproutl well thia year. of the country. For you to secure the ' Miami Gazette absolutely FREE for st:oond olass post offioe, to the posl . For partioulllrs inquire of 111111.0 We have spared neither effort , time or ex Pense in one year by merely subscribing to McCall's ' Magazine for Kelly or ChaB . Begeuiler, on Kel the development of this h erd, and in t he selection of t lO n of rllil wtl.y muil clerk, or to Iy farm, VVliyne8vllle, 0 . phone 83-3 three years at the rate of 50 cents a year. In addition you the cattle of t his offe ring not on ly have we remembered other p()sitlon in the Oln.Bsified eer. receive three 15<: McCall Patterns FREE. productiun but we have a b o remembered t y pe and vice , 8 U bject to suob examination LD CORN -I.eamlng nnd t:larThe Free Patterns are ordered by post-card from N ew beauty . idge vt&rl ety. , Inquire of J ~. a8 Dl UY be required by the civil ser York City and can be used any time you need one. Will also sell four head of high -class Shetland Vandervoort, RD ., 2, Wayn8tlville, vice rule!! . Ohio. Phone ::$3 3. Ponies of good t ype, qu iet a nd gentle for children to D1 8 . This offer is available to anyone who subscribes, renews John C, Hluck, Prel!ident. hand~e . Th~s stock will positiv ely be sold t o the hig h· or extends his time on the Miami Gazette. The only perquiEli gibles on registers established 8maH, ooal oook 8&ove. good est bIdder WIthout reserve pr any protection whatever site is that you "pay in advance." ODe. Fo,. farther partioulars prior to Maroh 1, 1912, oan be 00 • . by the owner. See below what you will save on, this extraordinary offer. 011011 lit this office. m 8 sidt'red tor appointment only at the ~ months time,.ba nkable not e drawomre for whICh they were examined. mg6 per cent lOterest from date of U. 811ff UrviDgtcnll, beUer 'han Sucb eligibles may be examined sale. Transfers given when settlement is made. • ever. Write or phone for wit tl ln one year from the date of prioea by the 8im.g or lOt. B. V. . BrConveyances meet all trains at Waynesville We Will Clve You their former examinlltion8 npon l:!aUk, B:)x 75. Phone 71-4, CorwiD, and Venable on day of sale. No post ponement on acm 8 filing Iippli08tions ' showing that Ohio. Mlam(OazeUe 1 year, , ••• $1.00 count of weather. A cordial in vitation is extCllded to all to come and be with us. \ they meet the requirements of the McCall's Magazine 3 years. $1.50 GUB from pure Fllwn an. White newexaUlinatlon. their old ellgibil · For catalogues and other information , address the India. Bunnilr duot., choice lay J Free I Sc McCall's Patterns .45 ity for tbl'lr heme offioes not being owner, . ~ ing strain. t1 .50 per aetting of 1». oanceled. • _ • Ii. D. BeDkle; R .R . fi, Waynenllle, Total Value, •••••• '.~ • ~ t. $2.95 .1 0., ()en_ville, Phoae 721. ma 29 ,l .... Now Is the tim. to let rid of your ''\' ., COL. D. L. PERRY, Auct. Waynesville, Ohio. rheumatism You Clan do it by ap · , ' . . $1160 ;'.; . 'rbM' DEMPSEY, Manager. plying Ch~mbellahfB Ltnhnent and NA'p~·s.,...A oew-1lf;ook of ' D8IIklHt---' " .:' ' , :...::: ~ ' ~:'I W. E. O'NEAL~, Clerk. mlltBBaginl tbe par&8 freely lit AaOh . ~ 'J~.' ~ ; , Beven ~11D'. &0 ' . . :'c " I~; applloation. For sale by all dealere.", plo~ ~iOmi' Qall8tM ~~. ' • ' ~.7. = ':::;j ' ?==;:~;.'~-?: .'. ='9,':9""!f:"'#'="="'=======;:::Z:'F'=~~~:1!

"The Made-to-Wear Paint"

F I< lRMuLA.

I. J. E. JANNEY, Waynesville, Ohio.

IDu. H.E.










A Wonderful Offer!



Now is Your Chance


Registered Jersey Cattle







.-_. -. --..-......-..







This is an Opportunity













&1l 1"0"-





Why loose Shoes Make' Your Feet Hurt P " hU sh,,"

· - M,\IN



Caesar's Creek

---_ . ------

senlllble "bOA II In tho ),IIlY W ()011l n 'f! fiome Uompau10


'Are You Satisfied

111'!,; olr. ,,1\


wit h your jn\' e~tl1l(,l1t:; ? Is yonr interest paid pro mptly ; I s yo ur 1ll 0 Jll' y a vailable, if y o u s h o llid n ee d It ,.11 ~ h o rl n ot ice-a nd arc y\ III ah su lll te ly protect ed a~a ill st I l ' ~ "? Write fo r huo kl e t d e scribing th e m a n y ad va nt a~c~ fl f nllr 5',\ Di \' itleml Accounts , wi t h "Sec urity

M d "" ioo, M'~y Aout : of ten s uffer ., . et! am!!!! W . '-'. vorne II an d" v . I ...the ven,~uthor per1:loIJil \Y" ; I ~ O'Neil II! s'uwly IlIIprovlng Ii: J " hn R .. p~ot l'ull1:ldllY in Lebo.non i t" ti n. L. CItANI;;, Erlitfl l' and Ma r.agP I' I' '' '' .I' "/l\,e Illl)v eli hor to t.he bum t' I ueat f M C ' I R exoruo a, mg P"IO , III one me or t ld < I(M 1:l o U IrsL' tHO in e ogerfl ILnother. wit.h their feet. A ;ti ngle vi Ut lr .,. duug lnl\r Ml ~, W E Bogt1 o 1111 ra. R an e . . of SILnd, oorn, 00 lItr~er t lllln ,~grulIl that IS Absolute." ltatellOf S UDl!cription .\ 1r. ", vn l'tl lt HUlll eH lind hIS m otu Cllirenoe t;;rnith I!nu fllmi l .... and nan tuke .. 11 !.tJ e 'snllp' nou vlt.alit,y OIH~ You r ( ,Ijlrh; ll y ill nth ' h ll ('O ) . •• •• , . • $ 1. 0 (1 ur "'ere s hop\..IlDg ib Xenia, Sat,ur M rs. AnDt~ l:jmHh were Dayton right out f' t ','" n. Sill~ lu CUIJr . ' " . . . ... . .. . . . . . .. . .. .uo lill Y . t!hOPPOI 8, 011 Frid'lY , 'Tw o I.hirus of ,c orle m fnot· ,'he childriln nnd their parents, o f AIlJert t;;tuo,V Iwd wife lIIr1torecl to tr onbles IHe dUll to tIl!' tuut thut BuDding and Loan AssoclaHoD Rates of Advertising l:I ,r m ony Gr e ve school. tmj "ypr10 D'lytou, all Hlltnr lay , Oaylon, Oblo almollt ev erY Olltl-llll1ll . W 01lllln lind Honl1 l/lg Lo\·al•. ve r lIuo .... , • ' . ' , IUe \..I 1. :oio F~' lduy, it beiug lu eir l,ul t dlL.f Mr.1 Dvl' ll McCr .. y nod children , ollilli --w"u.r~ blt1 Hlll,e to o lOMe I ORGANIZED 1887 HO'\l1I 1I1I I .oC\,I •• blu"k r",' ~ . l)t,r Ilrltl. ASSETS $3.500.000.00. SURPLUS 1100.000.00 of lIohool. " f IIdludlel o wn, ','I !litCU her pllreats, The ijhoe i t ~1l 1f ImlY hI! oorreot "9 t o Ulll... lIl~d A tl ~ , not 1<' 0",,'0<1 l1\'u lIutl<l 6 North Main, OppOSite Old Court House 'l' bruu IHSOrLl U llS . . • . . . . • • . . . . 25<: .\lllrth a Compton IS Illl g ht,ly im- Mr. unll Mrs . .\Ibert Cornell, on size llu,l shllpe. but i t ill n (.t fatit.eoed Ul>I~Ullri"" . II v" IIId IOs lroo: oYor 11\'(, \..11 'l v.;u but not li hle to ~i ' t up mucll ~u turduy SnndllY · loch.... ver lilll>. , .. , .... . , . . .. Ck Cl1rd or t1l1l1lk. , , .. , , ' . . , . , , . • ' . , , . . . • ~5c Yl'\. Gllo rge Duvis IInJ Edward Long- num tl~lrtely, lit tb!'! 1l 01 .... }Joint of control; ~~===========================U tb e instep 1"',,;uluLiull!I , . , .. , ... , . . ... , , .... .. ' . . DOc l'h e two organized S uodoy 1:1011001 Il l Ie, of Cinciuuuti, 8peot Sunday "~hen you Ret your foot upon I ______~_-_~_~__~_~_~_~_~_~_~~_~.~_----------------______________~-Socl ... l. uLe. w h e ro c hlU'1l6 IJi mlloe .. , .. ,. 1 5c D1811111), Ad ".,rtlsln" I'<lr IIIcb . , . , . . . . . .. l Oe oLls!'es had IL 8urpriile on Mrll, O"iIlY wit h homll folk" . the fl oor or pa vernent In t htl act of Discoullts 'voo ou cOIII.rue L. 1:::1 .in es and EVlin Bogun FTlduy Frftnk Woollay unEl family, of walking, tbe IIhoe Ildheres I1nd, if It BARNHART, ni ~ ut , A very plelllllln~ time was OilY ton , ~ere Mlitnrdo.y aud liunday be 1008elv fl!.lltened over the instep, Notary Public el .joyed by all , guests of Mr. lind Mrs. William the foot pUlhes dowD Into the toe MAY 8. 1912. J Ilhn Wilson aAd fll.mlly took din Brown. of the ~hoe . .A.~ oertaln sp~ts on All kinds of Notary Work , Pemdon ne r witb Jesse Batne's. SundBY. Prof. L. E. Cllrey was the guest the t oot tbl. sllpplo" friotio.. 0, the ounning littl e chloks ! W ork a ~peollllt:v. Mr. aud Mrs.•Joho Belloh wers ot l:!to.nley Lamb, o.t the home of Thesl spots are the sale. of tbe feet; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~11111111"!!'" No need of a permit to set an old oallinS nn her sliter Mnl , Ed Huff Mr . and Mrs. E , R. Rllndolph, io the tope, ends. and Inner sides of -, A handsome blood bay trotling mu.o, In New Bur~loRton, SnndllY Dayton, Saturday evening and 8un- the toes; the grelLt and little toe stallion. 8 ye irs old, 15.3 heo . evonloK. ~oth Mr. and Mrl . Bu1l- day , hands high . weight 1100 lbs., jolnta, and oooallionally even the DR. E. H. COSNER, will make the season of 1912 August 140rriR o.od ROO, of Tippe , baok ()~ the heel. Lame baok is u~u'llly oansed by nllLn are very p(orly. up to the middle of July, at rhenmatl8m of the mu~oleB of the Mr. and MfII . Wltbur Rudouck ollnoe, took .tlnner with Barry 140"When the frlot.ion thus oaused I. Corwin baok, for whloh you will fiod noth- ond two ohlldrep and Mr . Oscar Gianls o.nd family, on Sunday. oontinued hour after bour "nd day ing better than UbllDl OOrll1ln 's Lini- Chuk to.k dinner wl\h fionoe Perry Wade and family spent I4Her day', one or more of tbese 's pots Terms, $10 to insure livinR colt ment. For slIle by all d t' uler~ . C.lmpton's,l:)nnday . Sunday with Mr , and Mr8. William are almost sllre to beoome Illfiamed Mra. Leamlng was lu Dayton 81lt , Uolem"n, 912 Reibold Building, and !lore. A ['light thlokenlng, Broiler prloes are Bomewbat beUer urday haviog her fOyes trellted. I' " Mother's Day" wlll be observed oalled a 'callou8,' i8 formed As than they were month. Dayton, Ohio 81lnday Bobool next 8und",y "" 10 by the Lytle Munday aobool next the friction "nd prell.ure go on, tbe o 'olook; ohuroh servioes 11 in ~ Sunday "fternoon. All I1re oor- res ulti ng ou.llous may thioken up The geese should be layini at obarge of Ed 8o"an. We oorc1ially diu.l1y Invited to attend this servioe. Black draft stallion, with good nnavenly it.hen it is nailed It. ·oorn.'.. OraduaUl Amer1clUl8chool. Kirkevllie . Mo their best now, BDd tbls is, IIlso, the Invite action and style, Bplendid to oome. Mrs. Effie ~ral\am. 8 , ii. aalnee - -- ....~-bone and feet, weight 1900 mootb In wbloh turkeys begin to Pr"yer meetlog Thursday 'nlgbt" aad family and Mr and Mrs. Wal · will make the season of 1912 lay. tielps A J\ldge In Bad Fix Marianna lJomptoo, loudet . Come 1 ter Kenrlok attended tbe fUDeral of at Corwin. Eli Uberry , of I"Hllttl Milia out we are having excellent meet- 811muel Arohdeaoon,lit his late home Poor appetite Is II. sure sign of imTerms, $12 to insure colt to suck Teon . Will' plainly worded . A bad in O&ytoo, on Friday. paired di!estion. A f", w dosel of IngA. sore on hi!! leg had baffisd several . _ . Mr . ",nd I4r8 . J. B. Tbomas enChamberillin 's 8towu.oh and Liver dootors anu long resist.od 1111 ram · Tablet.. will lItrengfhen your dige., The Demonl of the Swamp tertaiDed on 8und£lY, Barry J ohDS edies , "1 ~hought H w~ .. 1\ canoer," Undertaker and Embalmer" Both of the~e horses can be tion 1L0d Improve your Ilppetit.e. Il,'e mosquitos. A8 tbey "tlog they and family, of Do.yton, Mr8. Oatb- be wr()te •. At lust 1 us ~d 8uelr Ie ') '., seen any day at the Livery Will be fonod In the old Thousands bl1ve been beoefited by Barn of put deadl.,. m&llUla lCerml! 10 the arioe .lohns and Mr. and Mrs. Jamel Arnion! bBlve. and w"s oompletely Bank Bunding. opposU .... taking these Tablets. tiold by all cnred , " CureR buros. bnils. uloers, bloofl. Tbeo follow the ioy ohi1l8 R , Johos. the National Bank. dealer8 . ontB, bruil;'I" I1nd piles. ~5 cent!! at lind tbe fires of tever. 'l'be appetite _ _ _ _• _ ..._ __ Telephone in honse and or· all droggltitol. files and the strength falls; also fioe where I can be co.lJed Of all towls duoks are the easleat loo.l.ria oHen paves the way . for Harveysburg. day or night. ') ro.ille. I The eggs are more fertile deadly typhoid.. Bn~ Eleotrlo Bit. Valle;, Phone 1'-2. ONION INDUSTRY ters kill Ilod Ol8t ant. ,he malaria Mr . and Mrs , Brlmlon Seal and than those of !Loy other fowl. Main Street. Waynesville. Ohio germs from the blood; give yon a little son, of Muion, Indiana, are fioe appetite and renew yonr thA guests 01 IIr. and I4ra. I, N. TUf. Bermudo. onion lnduoltry ~~~~~~~~!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!~ In mollt latit~des tbis is the month strent!otb , I, After long su1lflrlog," which lallt nmounted to over 1,000 .:: to hatoh oa.t IlA muny ohioks as pOI. wrot.fl W m_ Fretwell, of Luoll ma, 6eo.1. The Kingman il1gh ~chGol Ba8e alble. It IItllrted well In April, tbey N. C ,"tbree bottles drove &11 tbe IIhould 111.1 by the first of ~ovembtlr mlllllria from my aystem, and I've BI\I1 Tell'l1 pl"yed the Harveysbnrg The luge celery InduAtrles of und good health ever alooe." Best High ~ohool Team ]t'ricillY. The at least. C-ltoa. for all tlklmaoh, liver &nd kidney lSouthElrn aod Central CI11ifornia. ' TH. OIl.ATIST GeM blerl.I.soore W&d 9 t) 1 iu 'I1vor of Bar· lilt! . 1i0 ota all drnggi8ts. . . . ,.lctJve UN 01 \Vere iI.eveloped during the past delUI WI'. .ad 1111 Ilaqdl It wonld snrprise you to know 01 vevsbur~. -. Tha •• are the thh'~ whleb 1:.1\, will make a m .. n 01 )'ov","bo,. the great good 'hat i8 being done by Mr. and Mrs . Charl68 Gordon cade, There ba'3 also grown up in IN THI WOIIL.D Sec:ure ht.II'f'C!lr Intere. t and ... bole· Spring Branch ChaDlberlain's TlI.bleta. Darius oonne(ltion with the oelery IndUlltry l'UBUSHED WEEILY. $4.00 PER Y!AR ~ome de..e~pmeD bl8'lvinll blm 8pent Sunday with Mrs. Laura Bllr Downey, of Newberg JunOtion, N . 0. IsriEl oaulillower Indtiltry. whioh The AMERICAN BOY MOTILa. DItUOo.m, 8PEOIALlsTe, M '" b Ian . B., wrltel, "My wife hA. been ulilug Fllleci with ttno rea4Ja. whkb I.,clatte. bo... 1,Ilioell a produot in the Ellstern CO 8 TUM. It., T It A H S ... It, CAB ullY C enowe'h IIpen' last Mr. and IIrs. Ed. MoFarlu.nd "bd ra, £Se.Uenl noriH of ad'f'enture, traTel. "leto,., Chamberlain '8 Tllblets and find I and current e ... nta. PhotOlJf'tph.~'r.tamPi. elKmu.rketl' at 11 aea.on when they lire AND '.UI IIRVIOI OA" PROP"" Wedn8tlday with Mrs. J . H. Cheo M d M eh I 8bld k trldtF. """",/' .pon•• lam... on. bop JUlI them very effectual au.t doing her oweth. r, an fS. ar es Il er, what to do an now to do It. aeauUtuUj Ulu..not supplied by tbe Long 18land..n.nd BY UIINO ITS ADVIRTI81NO CO,"UMN8 traled., and I!Te..,. line to barmony wltb nftAact Iota of good . If you bave any bomolralnlnw; endolWd by SM. .... bo,. ..d Iller. u Ch 11 L f Os. I .lsUOO Mr. and Mre. Bernie Mhld SAMPLE COpy FREE ,rouble wltb your stowaoh or bowels ' ",r. ar e aoy, 0 y.on t a parent.. Seno 't ,OO tOT. t1I1l ,'U'. OD . . . at up-Ita"e 8eotions ot New York. ~ker. of Lebanon, liaturday and aU n.w....tand. a t 10 CoeD". live them 0. trial , For sale by .. II spen dt ng a I ew d aYI w i t h bl I par- S d There has been at least iii per oeD' Add,... HIW YOIIK OL.IPPIIt TIlE m.IM ruu.I Ct. 101 ..... N.w York. N. Y. .. nn ay. dealeF!l. increalte in the area devoted to the eDb .. r. and Mrs. thowas Laoy. Mi L' d BI d Cl i . sles \ , gooyan eom ne prodnotion of oelery in Florida duro Mr. and ' Mrl. Arll Chenoweth If your poultry yard hall not .1· '8 t d . h~ d t f lIull spent Saturday aDd iunday !\D a par a with tbelr parenta. ing tbu last d_da, and similar eX-IF==::::::;:===L S======a ready some shrub. or trees, plan' IlpaO 11 ur ay nlg tension of the potato, tomato and !:Sunday with MI' , lind Mrs . Guy M F k W 'I f D t 80me for for the fow!.1 00 IJhanoweth. .. ,r . rlin 11100, 0 ay 00, strawberry interelts of tbls state. Being prepared from Pure Nati~ Herbs, they Cleanse the hot days. It is well to have two M Ch li L . vI.Iled Barv8yabur", Monday. rbet'A has been a nry large inSystem and Purify the Blood, and Tone the System, and thus r. ar e aoy was Visiting • _ ••_ __ yards, and 80W ooe witb grllell while cro,,"s In t,b r> ncr ... ~e of trnok orops Mr. and Mra. Guy Chtlnoweth, MonWhat Texaul Adml~ they livlnr in tbl! other dlly. ' 10 'be vlolnlty of Norfolk and POI &s. Mr. and Mrs. Ari!l Cbenowith ill hearty, vigorous life, aooor.ting month . The 'Hea de,. lteci to apia to Hu"b Tallman, of ~"O Antonio. Tbere never Wilt' a tlms wheo , people appreolated 'he real merlta llpant Sonday ai'ernoon with Mr, •.' WI! flnd," he wri \e8, "tUl1t' Dr Rob and kale hilS been greatly In King,s New Life Pills surely pnt oreased, "8 well Be that de ... oted to of Ch"mberillin'jj Cough Remedy and M1'8, Wllilam Chenowflth , LIVERITE8-A purely vegatable Laxative, cures Chronic ConMr. and Mr8 . Oscar MowlIl'Y spent new life and energy int·o & person, tbe IItl&ndl1rd truok orops, luoh all more thl1n now. rhls is shown by stipation, Liver and Kidney Troubles. Ask your Grocer for it. the.lno.ell.!l8 in Sll.les and v~lllntll.ry Auoday wUh Mr. and Mes. rhoma8 Wife ~~d 1 behAve thAY lire the best potl'toos and Oa bbllRe. Tbe 8nooellllteltlmoolals from per~onl' '/lho h&ve Laoy and femil made. Exoelhmt for I'tomaoh Manufatured by ALPHA CHEMICAL CO., 8prlnKfleld. OhIo y. liver or kidney 'roubles. 26 ots at ful de,'elope.ment of truoll: IntereSH been oured by It. If you ,or your on the eastern qhc·re of 'Vlrgint .. wal \tr. Howard Cbenoweth ",al the all dIUggiltll. children are troubled wIth a ,o ongh or oold give It 0. tri!ll and beoome ao- guee' ef Mr. and Mra. Thomu La.oy developed in the laet few ye!Lr8. .. ~ • qualDtetl-wHh- t1.s Rood qOllhties. and family, Snnday afternoon . Corwin. For ule by all dealers. ' Yr. Howard Laoy SpeD' Sunday . Mra. Alioe M<J KiDsey lind daugb- WAS WARPING FROM HEAl wlth Tbomaa Liley and family. ter were week end gUll8t9 of rH11l Pu' the windowl in the poultry Bandy Leg. of Man Watchln, FIre Min Altoe ' Chenowetk wen' to tive!! in Morrow. honse low down to tbtl floor, so tbll.t Uayton last Satnrday and returned Ray Milll WIi!:l in Butl",rville, ~I\t: the 1:ena will get the benefit of the 'Iueeday . . nrday. . light and sunsl1lne when eoro.toblng Mr. and jArs. F . Gruf wel'1l in Cln· The grcat Chicago fire is recalled New Burlington for tbeir feed. The trouble with olnnatl, last ~tl1rduy. by :M r. F. F. ('ook in "Bygone Days w1nd:Jw8 S8~ higb up, is that they IIr, B. V. Smith and flLwlly were in Ch icngn," lind h e tells this amUB00, I The state In8peo~or Wall here las let tbe 8unshine in on the perohes guests of relatives near Lebanon, ing story of J sallc Spear, a welltt when the bens .aro on the 1l0or week examlOlng onr sohool l.uild recently. known watchmaker in the early aays. loratohlng, and when thev are on inga. Mrs. Viola Harll~n Bud l11i8 Davla Mr. Spear \Vas vcry short, and so ab. Th\l Friende have sold their old the rooa' tbe sun doesn', shine; ao ohuroh obaira to Ada Mission, WiI- were in Lebanon, lust ISllturd&y. normally bandy-lugged 88 to attract there Is no equill brnm in sooh pl"nl, mlngton. 'l'l1e walls of the ohur)h Mt's. Cbristie MoKinley attended instant attention. ~. lie was in the forefront of the Ev,erybody should read the Gazette ara being painted I\nd they expeot 'he Eaatern Stoar banqust lit Morrow crowd, wotching the fire, and at one the new aea's aoon. Friday night. Mrl. Ennioe Mendenhall. of Ray Mills was 10 Cinoirlllatloo time becume 80 absorbed in the spectacle that he stood at a point of im8priog Valley, who ba8 been vllit busin..., one day IlllIs week .. lng ber danghter Mrs. AmV LumpRobert Beckett· and fl1mlly were minent danger, like one transfixed. A kindly newsboy, alarmed at the To Whom It Mar. Concern ' . kin, hal retnrned '0 her balDS. vlliting at the home uf Lon Beokett, aituation, rushed gallantly forward The Delta Alpho. Clatls pleaNntly t!unday. Bluevale. Ont., May ,1910-". was Ilok lor two yean with ohronlo bl'On· lurprl8ed Miss Bernioe Bawll:lnll Minea Henrietta MoKinsey aD~ und, tapping him on the shoulder, chitta and a consequent run-down con- i3aturday afternoon In hODor of her A~ma WaterbC'u~" are home fo,. ShOll t.ed above the din: clltion. • received no beneftt frOm doo' ' hi e r summer VAcatIOn. t h e Ir "SIlV', mister, if you don't come tors or from a trlp wblch I took for birthday. J my health, and J had' to give worL Roy Jones, who hat! been)1aving sobools bavl,ng .o!.::~ IlIs& B'ridlY· away you'll burn!" Vlnol was recommanded.1lnd from the a lIieKe of blood polson, tll be'tter. In eettin a h~ns In May, It IIIIItlJl a The caution not having the de.econd bottle I commenced to 1mII 1 MM' df " sired effect, the youngster sprang to ",rave. I a -Ioed In wel-ht and streogth, r. anI rll ••eo ornsll~ am- good plan to I(i va n05 more than .., -" il fD t ... d t the reseue a second time. Once morn my bronchial trquble disappeared, aod y! a loy ,on, wore Ree--en guel t! eleven eggs to a hen, for tbe night. 1 at work. again. of reldivel' here ' are 8tUI ohilly IoLd tbe hen Is ap~ to he gave 'anxious warning, and still ,It 11 the oomblned action of tbe . Mr, and Mr.. Geo CTltig Rnd Cl1rl orowd out lome eggs to the edge ot Isaac Pllid DO heed, cu,.Uve' elemenU of the 0001' livers. F h tl f Il f WI ' On returning to a place of safety, ,;,d by the , bl-...- .... lng and bO . llm Y. 0 . \ IOlng tbe nea, ' when abehas too many to th bo ~ •..-.. t !log8p81nt~. 4 . ht d ", ' e ~r, to his horror, observed the ald" ' Btringth:.creaUng' propertlel of tOnic on, eo otLuur ~y Dlg IlD .,un oare for. J lro~ contalD~ In ~VlD01 . whloh maltes df.~ w1th r8Ia'lv')l' here. • -' • little man's defonnity. Screening OFFICE IN 01..0 SCHWA~TZ D~UO STORE It .eO ' anOCletlsful In.loarlng broncblUI. Del"l&Mslro~ tbe Frlend8 S. 8 Mooner or laterthb ohioJi:en thief his faee with his arma, he charged ,?no~ "f~ .'·con8t1tatlo~' ~med7for .itendf,d l,,'beeter Twp. oonve~'ioD ge~, bil due, but tba& doe. not reo . 8~in i~to tke cons~ing heat, and, " 'c1u' c~!I~e, ,!)Old.. IbronchitlJ and Sundar .fterooO , ompoUle one for tbe . lost! of hie whde hterally draggmg the watch. putmoaarr ti'Quble&-not a ·,p&lJtatlve . ." . maker to .. place of safety Ibriekeci " .lUte' <~ .Q'l"qpe. J ' ~.,(. ~ .~e ~ell4e .r~us{.g tbe room .took; .herefol'~,.i~ bOnO~D~ o~iok-. • .. • . ' ,." . ~ VbIO U,~)'01I . ~"t thfilk It o'fer BeD Lellar!s ,rooer,. for ItCSr. en bOlla., oar. 8Iiould,'''be i!xerolaed' m hltl ear. . Yalley Pboae III re ·~ w~ wt~ ~7Oarm~ney.. .. ~,i 'flIaUl ·~eI~ obUrch :il:~IDlt,iu their, ·looa,.oo . l1d oobA~~"oa~~OU!!lUst ~m,e awayt , ·t.,B.' ~D~U Wg.-m.t~( ~9 ~~W·,.' ' .', ~ . to pre"!DU~' ~"to...b .thle'f" . ..,.arplDgl,-:-!~~.~._~~n. , . ~ . <to .. ". ~ ;:1'. ~.:~ ;'~ ~':~.. ,~ "~. " '>";~---; '"r"""'" ' I.

\Yu .LTn .,hut to UDllouoce thAt, Mrl'l.

Gem City

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-----------------. Kentucky

E. v.



1-----------------· Osteopathic Physician










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~iDrrlfy ~~~:~!r:-V°uld-b.





Bert A. Grant, Tinner and Slater, Furnaces, Roofing and Spouting, Sbeet Metal Jobbing of all kinds.






YauHave T ned the Miami Gazette's Classified Ads. Haven't Yau? , They * G ave R esuIts, T D·d' * n t They?: Be erry T It A' P ** gaIn. I't W'II lay.

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Ob, no- I auur_certalnly not, I _ Itanlme red has Wy. Daijh It, I nevel waR 80 rebuked snd morUfted In ah my lire. Wbat an aS8 I ba d been t gee m to no"ce at all! G Sha lollolle d troubl et! . "Say, do yor mind 111.\' weaJ1cg them!" ehe IIlQulred " [ .., Ce rtaln1.v 1I0t- weli. I sbou l!! say not !" I r ~ t o rt ed . almost with In. dlgnatt on .


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IV-(Contlnued ).

ny Jov e. I har! my own ollinion .. bollt tb a t ' I I(ne w b(' mll~t havo fI(> 11 011 e belore: \tut I j u~t w"n t on Q ue~ tla nln g. to galll ti me. yOH kn ow, Clnll wondering 1111 Ul e wllil o how [ f' hltuld eve r bo ablo to hreall th e tr lltn fO the poor re llow . ~Te ll me Bgnln wbat b e w a s 11110." I "n ld. "How did you kDOw he w as a 'hlnnmnD?" " Wh)', by b[s lon g bl ac k pigt a il, Blr. nnd hI" on e ry color. Aut [ n ever saw no Chinaman B S ug ly aa tbl e oue - no sir. Oh , be wae just too awflll borrld to 10011 at, s Ir. H la rorebeall s lop~d away bock, or mayb e tho front (Ian 01 hIs hend he ln g all s baved cnade It look tbat wny . And the s kin "bollt his eyell wall paInte d white wltb red Iltreaks s bootlng arOllnd like rnys or IIgbt.' "No bea rd or mu eta cbe. I s uppose'" 1 suggested , reeling my own moothshnven race. Je nkIns ' rep ly was a _ surprise: " Yell, sIr ; tbe re we re long black kind of rat tails tb at dropved down from the IIldes or hie mout!!.. And then his neck-ugb-all thi ck with woolly hair." "Oh: It .. as, eb!" I saId drily, thlnkIns of the Ions red strIpe that my collar concealed . "I suppose YOIl relt thl_, eb, when you jumped at bls tbl'Ont!" Jenkins rubbed hiS chIn with a pUI· r.l ed aIr. "Wby. that's uncommon Queer. sir; but now tbat YOIl rem ind me, I do remember tbat hlB neck felt porfectly Rmooth-and It wasn·t so bIg, eltber. Wby, I should Bny It re lt Just nbout like yours wOllld . sir." l eyed blm ruerully. "By Jove, 1 don't doubt It R minute!" t commented wllh 80llle 1I1sCUBt. ·'Well. go on wltb your yarn. You were telling, wben I Interrup ted. about ruBhlng Into my bedroom ." "Yell, .Ir," he resumed with anlmaHOlI . "And whon 1 didn 't Itnd you, I was Just franUc, ror I didn 't know you bad cone out, Blr-never tbought of tbat; 1 went for the ugly monster with tho hiS pistol tbere In tbe cabInet-whloh, by the 111'11" Blr, tbe low down vUlaln 8tole wben be locked me up nnd lit out." [ had an InSDlratlon . "I lIee," I br~e In car~le88 IY; "apd then you demanded to Imow where ' 1 ",a_that itT Tben you backed him to that window, and be told you be bad cbucked me Into the .treetwhereupon YOU tried to blow off biB bead and knocked the jolly dayllghtB oat at the lady wltb tbe fonclng foil." Jenklne, his mouth ngaDe, viewed me with distended eye8. . "I didn't tell you that, sIr," be faltered. "Ho\1l'-" "And when you dropped tbe weapon," I went on, "tbl8 chap collared It, Jabbed the beastly thIng Into you, and told you to look at bim . And by Jove you wouldll' t!" Jenklnll groaned sllgbtly. The apologettc cough wltb whlcb be strove to mantle the sound was dry and spiritless. "No, @Ir; [t seemed easIer to dIe, '.Ir," he muttered-:-" what wIth him «tinning Uke a ftend and bls long teeth a-sticking out oyer bls IIpuch!" Then he added wonderingly: " but what gets me I. bow yoU sbould kbow, sIr." t loO'ked at ILIm gravely . "Jenl, lnB," I sold gently, " I know, because It 110 bal1pens I wus here all Itbe Ume." HIli eyes bulged In credu lolls ly . ! "You. sIr? You meaD In this room r' . 1 Dodded 810wly. ' ''1 m on n rlgbt In thIs room- l waa a "' Itu ess or tbe whole tblng." Jenklng JUBt gulPed , I molt oned to a chair. "You may lilt down, J e nkIns, my PDI;lr fe1.10w," I sa[d compnsslonately. J poure-t! out lIome wbl s ky and ga,.e 1t to him. "You mUlt brace YOllrset! for a creat I!lOOlE, m)' poor Jenkins," I saId lIOOthlnsly. And tben I tbougbt [ blld bait hurry on, for I could tell by tbe wa)' bill eyes rollett nnd the blue oolor of hll tlPIi tbat probably I wae Just tD \1m. to bead orr nnother attack. AIl4 then [ told blm all . : "AIld bere," I conCluded, "are the markl of ),our ftngers \.onder my col,lar, IUld the platol Is on top of the . bookcatle,." .. J,mldn8 Juat aat there, ki nd of huddled up, )'ou ,k.,ow, and hlB face al wblte the' 'what-you·call-It Inow. Di4n-t Hem able' to say a word. By JoY.. ft ' .~I too much ror me; mr ~., ' ...Tt Jallt weDt~ out to blm. . aU tllllt: '~In'." I laid klad·



Iy. nnd I Ilatted bla knce. "OoosU't mnko a Jolly b it of dltT er enc.· to me. ro nally . .Ju s t told you b<!ca use I thought you o ug ht to know . You j ust ';0 rlgbt :I long an d continue you r dll' lies. ao far II~ I am conce rn e d." Jenkins' hand s lippe d ul ons hi s lin eo and \'entu red to tou cb min e lt mlllly . lie rose beavlly . " Mr . L1ghtnllt , s ir." he sntd husk il y, "If you're; not goIng to need me ve r y lllt:cb , <'o lliet I be e xcused for a while tonight ?" "Dy J ove. yes. J e nl, ln s ! Go ou t and e njoy th e e \'clllng ; It wil l do you gOOd. Stay Ra ' loug <1S YOIl Il k£' , .I ash It: You know I r!lne lo nl ght Ilt tile c lu b. Go to a roof garde n a nG ge t somll fres h IIlr." A to ~s or th e h"!Id broke .J enkl ns· calm ; bls fl st s t mel( hlR palm . " It alll 't tbat. s ir ." he excla i med " I don't wll nt 11 0 fr esb nlr. hilt I do w'a nt tresb rllSOl lltlon IIn(1 ' 8 fres h Rtart. gOin g to Ond biOI ." "Him:" I WDS start ler!. Da s b me, I ha lf t boul;;bt be mcaJ]t tbe Chinama n. "Him, ~ Ir : thot t e mpe rance lec tur. e r, t m('nn. ['m going to ge t Ollt a pa per lIgn ln st tbat o ld e ne my th ere!" An d he shook bls list at the wbl s llY decant e r .



The Girl From Radcliffe. "Long dlstn nce call rrom Mr. Bill· Ings, sir," s old ,' ankln8, Ilttlng tb e r~ ' celver. By Jo ve. he bad Just callght me as I was a bout to leave. "He llo! 'rbllt yo u. Llgbtnut ~- came bls .. olce . "Say, old chop, YOU remember you said you wouldn 't mind put· tln« liP t be kid overnlgb t on Ule way bome rrom coll ege. Remember? Wants to rest over anll come up the rIver on the day line." . Yes, t reme mbered, and said BO. "All rlg bt, th en! U's tonlgbt. HfI there abou t nine from Boston . Don·t go to an y tro uble, now, nor IIlter any pillns . The 1,1Il will probably be dead

I'e" t SE'n t my chnlr lb 'ILl tllug oac k· warrl . "\\'h y- er - Koort t'vl'nl ng ." t Ulan. ng,'d to Ht nll1ltltlr . JUSI III 11 IlUgert . you kno\\' , for. give you my lVonl . 1 nover \I as PO lIowl " ,l over In my 11ft"ne \'ar! Aud 011 t h", In 8tllnt I guesser! wbnt It meant. Tbe " I<l d" tbat 11111. In r;5 rcf('rred to wllsn 't U k id brotber at a ll . hu t a IIld s is te r - gIrl . by J ovo: " A rll rOll bu s y?" I s n IV tb., ft asb of bel' Ilurfpct li t tl e teel\.. a" h ll r 1I 11~ par ted In a sm ile. " If no t. ,"a,' t tulll to you a w bll o~" I mllmb le" 80IU Olh l.lll; de ~ l ~ n ll " to be plolloa nt- rt As b Ill" \( I hItOW wbnt - an d ma nuget! If) ~ tlmm fln ~('I\se e nollgh 1.0 1111 t(lwarrt her II. wicker nrm ·cha lr. Th e n I da s hed Into my bedroom to Chll(' 11 th e s mokl n g·Jack et nnd/tl' t loto a cont. Anel OI l! Iho wtllie I WOS thinkIng hncll e r t hun I e \' e.r bad thought It po ~s lbl e . JlJst Ib e thing to h .I\' (· f'~i,,· (· t~d or an aS8 li ke 1I 1111I !g ~- a ((' lIo w ..... lth no ~e n sc o f tb e p rop rll'tles: 1\ Is 1,lnLl 01 m int! had nC \' er got a n y fu r t her th on tbe fnet that I had n gues t·ro oin Rn et a q ui e t llpartment. I'll further tact th At It wae In a bacb e lor apartruent bOll se and I a bllch e lor- a nll not ye t out of my twentl cs. dash It- wo uld ne ,'er bl'.ve prE's(' nt ed I t ~"l r 10 a '11l1UlP like Hlllln gs a s bUI' lng any beari ng on the mat ter. "01 COllrse, I UllJ Sl g et r ig ht O\'ar to th e club and leav(' hor In \l os s esslontt 's t he only thing le ft tu do." Tll1 3 was my tho ught 8e r s lipped Inlo my co at nnd gave my balr a tnuch- juet a tOlIc b, do n' t you know . Tbe tble~ to do Wfie to carry It orr n8 natur Cl lly a~ p08Hlbie tor a few mInutes, and th e n s lip OWU Y . Probably s be hadn't counted upon my be ing In to wlI at all - b llli ta l, en It fo r gra n te.1 It was som e port or family II vartm ont- wltll housekeeper, st! rrant UJl\lds, all Wat sort of tblng. "Now , ju ~ t a few mInu tes o C con· versRllon to pul hor ut b er ell8e," I ren ~c led , "and th en I'm o n:. 1' \1 get


"S lIre'" Ry Jove , wblll rip pins eye. .lIe hat!! "O f " ollr ~ e lint ~" emphuth::atly. He r au u ny bead uodd ed satlsrao tlo n. "T bllt's ull rlgllt, th en . I wa. IIlrald YOU wm tl dn't 11 1<0 It - afraid yoll woul d think I wa s a cting a IItUe fr~ lillt you r lllan J e nkln s- Isn't tha~ hi' IInme?-Ha ld ho th ollght you would li ke for me to wpar th e w ." I Ig at; [Jod. "J e n- wha t's that?" I waa amlU"d, Indl ~; nnl1t Rt J1'1I111n8' e lrrootery . "11. - he s ugg ested that YOH wear_rSbe nodoJ ed. b('r glor loull ey!'s Hhln Illg "'\HU LI lIy .

" '1 m ! s ee. I wen t to a rrat dan ce 14&1 nI ght In Cambrldgo," Nh c c lp laJned; "an d In tb e hurry th l ~ morni ng, Bome l ho \\' , nne o r my bags-a Buit.casewns lof t ue hlnet , Anti when I go t hen If' nl ght out! hl'gan pIling tne thlugl Ollt 01 m)' oth er lIag- we ll, I saw I \I ~s lI D a tree. :-l ot II tblng to 11111 In to. you knOW-not ~o mll cb IlS a ,lrl'ssllng·gown or even 11 batbrobe. Theil }'OUT DI a n .. nved my II!e--sulJ· ;;e"te ,1 thesl' paj amas. See r "Oh, I SCC:" I sa id so; but, daR h It. I wasn't su,.. did , for I Itn t'w 80 d e"llIs b little a bout J;lrla. " I IUllst ell t Along now ." , tbought : "Iefern ul s bame IQ be taking advaolll~ e C.' f he r thle way !" And then : thoug'bt J would juM walt a wee mIn· ut(' lo nr,er . Just tb e n ebe turned townrd me, her e lbow on Ih e arm of tb e wicke r " hall', be r d a int y. maulcured Hnger. til' S SUllpOrtlng b er chin . " You know , Mr. Llghtnut. 1 wasn'l ti ure you wOllld re me mber rue at all," s b(l sa id. " I was such n kid when you saw me last ." , "Oh. yes," I ~n ld , Irylng to recall t he nlI he r bo ydenl s h children I hall see n on tb e motor trIp to Billings' home five yr ars be rore. "I r emember you were Quite a li ttle glrl- weren't



I th ought be r rn<'e d a rkened a lit. tie ; tb en be r emile flashed througb, like s lIn sh lne thrOllgb a cloud. Hor 1: "<; '1 C)am(' on toP. like th e mellow rl p[l lt) o f :I , ; •• y hrook-tbat IIcn 01 thlng-- ob, you know ~ "OlL, I say now, Mr. Ltgbtnut, Cllt ou t th.e jos h," s he remon s trute d; and I t bollgbt she grew a little rell . " No more ~ or mIne tllotie s lsoy , gIrlie WaY8 - I've got wo ll ove r aU of tbat ~" Sbe toss ed one kn ee over the otbel "nr! thre w herselr back In tbe cbulr S h e s oemed a li t tl e piqued . She went ou: "I just t e ll you wbat-tbere's noUl· Ing 1II1e a COli pie of ycara oft at ~ol · I c~ e I'or tougb e nlng yo'" Geta all t hose mamma's ba by ways out or ,OU, you b.!t your lire, and all the S1U4h~ ness )TOU get rrom trying to be Uk, your Ilistera. Sbucks!" I caught my br eat h. Of course, IIbt bad no Idea bow It sounded-tbl. 80rt air talk; It wus jU8t ber Innocenl frunl,ness, ber-what d',e call It~­ bor ID,g enuousneslI-dash It! She continued musIngly : "Gee. bu1 [ W US B.Ort wben 1 IIrs t went away-. regular pie-faced angel-child!" Hel' voice bad In It a sneer. 'l'ben sh" s tralgbtened up, whirled her chnlJ taclng me, and gave me a soundlnl' slap on the knee. "SIIY, maybe lb.. rellowll I met didn't educate that ou, of me mlgbty QuIck! Well, I reckolJ yes!" And sbe nodded, eying me 81de wIse, her pretty chin In the aIr. Bllt, dash me, I \Vas 80 aghast I couldn·t get out II word. Just Bat there batting at ber and turnIng hot and cold by turns. Came devilish neBt losing conscious ness, by JOTe, that', what! Of course, I knew abe didn't know wbat s:be was talking about. Hadn't any alsters myself, don't you know, and Hover had learned mucb abOll1 other I'ellows' s isters ; but, dasb It, I knew Is omethlng about facolI, and I would bave staked my lite on herll. You can nearly always tell, you Itnow. But, anybow, 1 thougbt I bsd beUer go now. I got up. "I 80.y, you want to JU8l make , 'ourselr at home," I 8ald. "And If you don't mind, ['11 see you at Ula hoat 1111 tbe mornIng." She stood up, too, lookIng rather 8urprlsed . "You're not goIng awny? " "Ob, no; not out of town." I tbollgbt tbut w.aa what s be meant. I added: "And as I go out, I'll stop down-stain ~nd ha've some one come up and stay wltb you." She dropped to the arm of tbe cbalr, be r pretty face sbowlns dlsrpay. "Ob, but see here! I'm runnIng YOU off-I know I am. Say, Mr. Llgbtnut. I don't want to do tbat. I thought sure you were goIng to be here. Broth er InslElted you would be." BroUner! Nice brother, Indeed, to' her-poor little thIng! "Oh, you'll be all rlsht," I saJd reo alluringly. "I'm just golns over to the club, don't you know-not far away," She came I'lsht up to me and plaCe<! a hand on each shoulder. "Hon.eBt Injun, now,'" she Bald-and her smUe wa!l raTII~lnc_ "Honest, now, ;)Ir. Llshtnut, you're .0111& jU81 becauBe I'm here. Say now, own UD!" And, 41\Bh It, tbere was nothln, ,to do but. a:dp11t. I

tired and olr to bed before lOU sst tbe janItor'. wlte to come up and home from your dInner." stay near her." "That·s all rlgbt, old cbap; Jenkins And 1 dasbed back, murmurIng 80me wtll look after the young one." jolly rubbIsh of apolcgy. And tben I I beard Billings cbuckle-I remem- jus t brougbt lip s peec blese-almoBt bered that cbuckIe arterward . fe ll over backward. For us she stoOll. "Not much of the young one tbere. there IInder th e light, I sa w that What EIsbteen, you Imow. Never olr to 1 had taken for a dress or black silk school, thougb, until last year-and by was not a dNlss at all, but a suit of Georse, It was Ume! Between my najamas- black, Hlmy pajamas, wboee mother and my sIster the kid was be- loos e elegance concealed but could Ing abllolutely ruln~d-petted, molycod- not wbolly den y tbe goddess·llke llgdied, and was getting eoft and IIIUy- ure wltblu . oh, IIOmetblllg to make you sick. Well, " I'd have known you anywbere Mr so much obliged, Dicky. You know Llghtnut." And thAn I tound tbdt w~ what these hotels are. Oood-b)'." were shaking hands, my lingers I explained to JenkIns. "All, crusbed In a grasp I never could have slr," be I8ld. "I won't 1'0 out untU thou g bt pos81ble from tb at tiny b und. after nine. It'll be time enougb." " From hearIng JlIClk tallt, your name And 80 I went off. I returned early, Is a sort of bouse bold word In We about ten, and sat resdIng. Jenkins Hllllngs family ." was IItllI away, and the door or my I mumbled Ilomethlng jolly IdIoticguelt room waB open. some acknowledgment. But I waa "Good enning!" pink about tbe earil, and I knew \t, The ,.olce behind me was 110ft, mu- while ahe was. cool and ..erene aB a aleal, delicious. Illy of the wbat-you-catl-tt, don' t yOU I wblrIed about, and tbere, ~Ithln know. I was trying not to Bee the the door, lean Ins against the frame, pajamas, trying to pretend not to no,.... the moat beautiful creatuN I tlce them, but dashed U I dIdn't only ever 'aw In all my life, make It WOl'le! A elrl! But oh, by JOT&. auch a For she looked down at berself wltll (TO BE CONTINUED.) pI! A JOYely, r~lI), blonde, I!ash' I,t ! a laugb-rather an embarrassed ~. ". .; I ,G9ldsn-halred .anpl-Iong, dr09JlY1laugh, I thought; and her little shru« Nleed: OrIglnat Thinks,... . kind of lubes, don't :you lmow-eY"1I 'and g1DAce· cUrected attention to ner W. 'WlUlt today ,men· and- women t< IIIre dreamy Ba'pphlre le~Jl,..ti\at attlr~. ·· _ ', Ihlnl: 110r ' theinaelvea; worldn.. , meD aort ·of ·thlng-a .l)eacbl .. ' -" r ' . " I lee ' you're-' loOklDC at tb. pa. ha,. been\ too &pt to. accep, TIle leap tJlat broUCht me 10 1D7 Jamu," IIlle: 1&14 IImtllo,, ' ' ., ~ tbOl2lhtd of otherL' J!lscliaq&. -




II _







W(JMEf1I AND HEALTH. Women are


to realt".

more rully that good bellltb 18 not to LADY'8 ONE PIECE WAI8T, be fOllnd In tb e use of collmetics &Dd face powders. The :lppearance or health Dlay tollow facllj.l treat m~nt. but bealth Itself lies mucb deeper t!laD the 8urfllce . Most Impor tant to th e health of every woman Is regularity at the bO\, e ls and diges tive organs. Tbe w"ary e yes, bad breatb, fre quen t l1ea duc hos, plwples and gene ral air of ~1l18ltud e , Is In mos t every case dlle to con s U, puLlon or IndIgestion, nr both . Tbere ure various re m edi es proscribed for this condition. but the easiest, 1II0s t pleasant and certaluly e ff cctl ve, 1& a co mbination o( sin. pie In.xa tlve be rbs wltb l>ep.ln knuwn to drllgg ls ts as Dr. Caldw oll's Syrup Pepsin . . Tbla s !mple rem ody Is fnr ll refernble to barsh salts und cathartics and ,'Iolent purgattve wate rs tbat dl s turh tbe wbole syslem wltbout arrord lng more than ternllorary re lief. Dr. Calr!well'R Syrup P e psin Is 110 tonIc loxallve, mild In Its nc tlon . pleas ant to tb e ta Ble and positive In Its el'lect, stren g thenin g the musclos oC s tomach and bowels 80 that uftor a abort tim e th ese organs r egnl n Ibe pow e r to perform th e ir natural (Il ne· tlons wltb ou t ass lstnncc. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pe ps in la aold by dru ggjs ts everywhe re lu 60c and An except ion ally dainty blouse, and $1.00 bollles. It you h uve ne ver trlo.1 oll e ('us y to (as blon Is s hown In thl. deSign. Tbe garment c loses at tbe It. wrlle for a s amplu to Dr. W . B. bnc k and Is mado eapecl&ll, ror tbe Caldwell, 201 Wns blngton St., Monti · uso of bcrder~d material s. Tbe body ce llo, III.; he w\1l gladly send II tria l Is Cllt In one wltb tb e aleeves and a bottle without uny ex pense to you skirt extension or pepillm la provided, wbatever. ~_ _ _ _ _ __ wblcb Deed not necessn rlly be used. Mon ey , om e tlm cs tn llts whpu yo u Th e pa ttern (6743) Is cut In Blze' wunt to Ilel'p It qUiet. small, medium and large. Medium alze I . requires 2\ii yards of l!4 Inch border.·or tmphl, Inactive or dlsonloreU IIvor, cd goods, or 1 yards of 36' Incb plain IAku {larUe!'1 Tua. All drugglhla. malill1la..l Re'.... ced. To prQc\lr. tht. p a ttern, .end 10 cent. t() PotasL1-Cnben Cltll nerer make a. '4P a ttern Department" or ,h i. paper. Write name " nd .dd,", plai nly, aDel b • •ure to Id.,. goot gollur bloye r. aile. and number o( pattern. Perlmutte r- For vy not! Potasb-He Defter boilers (ore-al· ways he yells drce nlnety·elg ht. -WIs.. SIZE ...... _.... _..... NO ;743. consln Spblnx. NAM E ... ___ .• _____ _____ ___ . __. __ ..... ___ .



TOWN . ..... . _____ . __ _• ___ . . __ _•• __ _. . ___ _ STREKT AND NO.. _.. . _... ___ .. _._ .. ___

ST ATE .. _. --- ... --- ... - .... - -.-- ... -- ._ . _.

yo u~"

GrInning Like a Fiend.


· at FashiODS ractic


He Hopsd bo, Too. Nellio McCoy te ll s the story or a n advance agent ot a ba rn 'stormlng sbow that nearly elOS(ld every Satur· dny nlgbt, but rested over Sunday and started In brlgbt and rres h Monday morning. His molber was a Qllaker. and wben be wrole that he wall the busIness mallage r In ad vance ot tbe s how , s be wrote him : "My Dear Son-I am very lorry th at thou art In the shoy; business , but I am glad tbat ' thou art abead or the show! I trust tbM thou wilt al waya s tay abead of It."

"01111::11 Millinery. "People Bay there Is no reason. no logic. In Easter milline ry. WOOt a falsebood." The speaker was George Ade. He continued (the oCCllslon wall an attertheater supper In Chtcago): "Hats, wbether Easter or otherwIse, are full of logic, full oC reaaon. It. little boy Bald to hili fllther one day : "'Wbat's a wid_wake but, pa!' "Tbat Cather 10glcall, and reas on· ably rOIl lied : .. 'A wlde·awake hat, my Ion. Is, of couree, one wltbout a nap.'''

Thill atlracUve little coat poStleSlle. botb excellent atyle and almple COIl8tructlon, and II a I8nllble carment wblch can be' fa.bloned In woolen or wubable rabrlcs It 18 a good delllcn for wblle serge trlmm.d "Ith wblt. silk or bra!d. Tbe pattern (6738) III cut la alze" 4 to 12 :rearll. Medium "ie -requIre. 4 yardll of 27 IDCb good• . To proClln thl. pattet'n, ••n4 tQ cent. to -Pattern Department" o( thi. pa"er. Writ. natne Mnd .d4reu pl.lnty ~ and b. aute cty. .be, and Dumber or patter.,.


81Z1t . ___ _. _• ___ • ___ _ NO 5738, NAME ._ ... ____________ : . ______ ____ _ • ____ . TOWN . ____ _. _____________ ._ ._ . . ___ ._. ___ • STREET AND NO.. __ ___ ____ ___ __. _. ___ _

BT A Tit .... __ __ __ ___ __ •• _. __ ___ • ____ • _____ _

Kindly &crlbe_ "Tbe editor of tbe Weekly Plalll Dealer Ie II cbarltable 1I0rt of feller," ('ommentBd bonest Farmer Hornbeak In the midst of ble perusal of tbe vII: lage newspaper, wberein be had encountered an example of the linotype'. peculiar perveslty. "In hIs article 011 tbe death of Lare Dabsact, wbo betwixt we nnd you, hadn't much to recommend him except that he .. alln't QuIte 1\8 bad Bometlm81 &II be W&II oth· ers, he 11118 that 'the deceased W8II generally regarded as hIJJdyt89mfwrdetahrmfwbrtadryp! " "And I gueBs tbat'll about as near I\B anybody could get to making an estimate of the departed wltbout hurtInlt his relatlvell' feelIncs,"-Puct.

Every Crisp, Little Flake 01

South AmerIcan Wildcat Skfn •. An Importing ftrm recently recelyed a sblpment of tIger cat BkIna from Paraguay and the Argentine Republic, and plaCoed alongside a lot of North AmerIcan wIldcat skin. tbe dIfference In color and marking was very notle& abie. Botb snlmals are oC about tbe same size. bllt the Soutb AmerIcan cat Is covered .. ltb round black spota' much like tbose of the leopard but smaller In Ilile. Th ese spOtll contl'8l!t strongl, wttb tbe Burroundlns fur, whlcb Ie of a graylsb wblle ' color, vel')' dIfFerent from tbe reddish color of the North American wIldcat. The fur of tb. South Amerlcad wildcat Is not , ao thIck as tbat ot hla North AmerlcaD cousin. but tbe sklna are BRld to dr... well , and make good robe. and rur"Fur New •. Tax on a.chelo,,- In Hunga"., . A curIous ta:r Willi recently IDtroduced In Nacrper Rata, Hungal7, to be levied on bCcbelol'l oYer %4. Til" amount varlel between 40 centa and $20, accorcllD, to .tbe pecnnla.17 ct... cumatancel of eacb unmarrle4 man: The proceed_ are to be enUI'1I17 d. , 'Toted to tile foundlnl and malrite....~. of an u,lum for poor'. homel_ '~ cIaJ). 2d~ ., ' : " .;


Post Toasties baa a Savour aU ita own. "Toaaties" are made of seJ~ted white Indiaa com;

6rst c:ooked. then' rolled into wafer-like bita and toasted to aD appetiziD8 80lde D brown.

A fa .. orite food f·or breakfast. IUDch or supper in thousands upon tbouaands ot home. where people are puticu1u. ••


,. ~TAe:M.n.or., Lu....!· ( .








By JEAN DICKERSON ( 'PI.. br "-laloed



Conveno was out with a scouti ng Abo surprl.ed llim by replying III I.arty when be cume upon Ihe little biB own IlIngllnge. Ihalched but hulf bidde n In tho c hAIT "I have D rlsht bere!" 8be breather! a rral. In tb e IIgbt oC a rull moon 61ft· In bls ear. "A better right than YOll Ing down through the foli age he wns have!" Inclined to beli eve thnt Ill e hut WIIS "I bope so," h e 6ald ferT e ntly; "but II c rouUon or bls fun ey un d tb p white YOU know th e Amerknn troops are g-ow ned form tbat \'nnlsll ed lit his up· camped below here on tb.e plain 1" I.rouch was oC tbe Ballle Illu s l ve mate· "Ah!" Bhe rrl e d bitterly "do I not r~l. " \vh t' b ." I k now •. Hnve I not been' avoiding u s ~ , ~t, m utWrf'l\ Mur\lhy nt ; their PNw lln g bonds tor thrt' e days." hlR s ide. 1 bought I saw II hut-o r "You ure Mexican!" nskerl Can· III It thi s confou nd ed mo onllgh l thnt'.! '\Ierse. dl!(·",l vln g me?'· It e pN) rcd tow ard Ibe . :I "An C1 Ir I 11m ." 1• utWbw I t II his I· n<'or·s lghtt'd eyt's . " II . . )Uu ure Mex Ican you IIrc In a at WD~ t IIUlt pronllJt(ld ('on- d anJ;cmll8 ~I tu atlo n bNe on the bor\' cr se to deny the prese n('e or th e hul ? (It-ra wher(' th e re Is c'ontlullal fl gh t· H erelofo re be ba l! tJO<'n mon t ~,el\.luun In):. YOII are nOI alone'" He 8poke acel untirIng I Dlatter·of·fnc t way "dth b. h In hIs searc h for M<'ld· 1n a I)r ISt. ~nn thtrps ooters on th e llorder, an unrlcrton e of kindness. ' ":-<0. I am not nlone " she IH'swered , orne ng beld his lOngu e from admilling that he, too , hnd scen the hut, cnln"y , "M}' Kr:t :-tdfatlll' r Is ~Ithln­ an.d m~re. h e Is ~lr lt, perbal's dying . W l;en the y ~~u re ~ ... el ng dOllhle lonighl, Mur - I s he lled lhe ci t)' our bom~ de· I>by, he laug hed. "I\1 01'C nlong 10 Ihe ~troyed nnd lVe fled . We hoped tn east a nd let us thra s h Oll t I bat cross the riv er Into th o sta l es, We thlckel ." hav e re latlvc b tn EI PIIRO but Il' e ha"e "Then you be tt er du e ll If YOII see had to a voId the rehels ~s '\Veil as tho me Rh ootlll"" rptort ed th e Irishma n ,\m t'rkon tr()op~ . \Ve lost olr WDY grImly , "Wlth thcse dec·elv ln · eyeR or nn" hnl'e hi dde n in this r1li1lf'd hilt mln o I'll U<' laltln' my se lf for one of 6 11)(' (> Yf'ste rday m o rnln ~ . 1.1 j' grand · Ihem Itlli e woolly burros nnd comm it fatll er hus hnd littl e 10 elll-- 1 came Gll lc id er" out now to Boo k so m e thing. There, '·1 11 lu ke th e risk ," assured ('on - Ih at Is nil!" She thrP I\' out J. 2 r hand versc leadln !'; the wny In thC' ~~i t<' with Ii deflunt gc~tu r(> . "Do whal you dlrpc Uon. will!" "Thl' first th Ing to do Is to g.!! so me· Toge th e r tbey moved n olst'i<"l!R ly throu gb tb e mesqu it e g rowth . p::shlng thing to cnt." sold Converse Ilec lslve· I\sld e lhe shrubs . with halld s wnry of Iy . "AitC'r thllt. If you will t rust to the long thorns thul Ec rap!'C1 s kin and m)" f{ulclancc I will escort you fnto the rlo lhln g IIn,1 relarded th('lc progress 1\ mer ira n ca mll und see I h 1I YOll N1l1rh El PIISO at once." at every step. "You are ve r y kind. sir," said the When th e I wo lO on rf' turned to the "I am afraid 1 a m A merlcu n calllp the m oon wall sti li girl brokenly . bave been brlgh.t. Betwl'Cn them th c)" escorted a Rcvere- rud e- but we prIsoner : n slI rl y. halr-brt'ed Moxlenn Illllrmed and harnssed Ilnd earlier this who ha d leujJ<,d u t Ihem rrom be hind o\'<?nlng our retreat was almost dis· a trt'e on ly to (all a vI ctim to thei r covered ." "I was the one who startled YOIl lIu perlor numuers lind swiftly moving arms. After thi s bloodl ess skIrmish then - thnt Is wby 1 ('nme bac k again." their thorou gh sea rch of tbe hili Willi said CODl'erse in a Wkwa rd I!xplanaended and flO they returned to cn mp. tloll . "How did you know- how I1lcl y ou lo stead of see king tll e rest hlB wooAry body de mand e d. Blake Converse guess thut we were not shar psh,ootwaIted un til the confusion Inc ide nt ers?" she IIsked. surp rised. "Why did upon tb e lr arrival hnd di ed away and yOIl not Investigate?" "J don't Ilnow!" he replied slowly . wh e n tbe sentry's Bteps hod dlmln· ..It Is wt'll ror us that you waited Ished to a dl s lant sbuffle the roung BcOUt Quietly roll ed under a loose flllP until you were alone," she snld In low of canvns beside hlB bed and dlsaI>- thrilling tones that stirred him strangely. "Another mlg-ht not hove be('n so kind as you have shown your· self to be:· "It Is notbln g," d cc lared Co n \'prso bruskly. "Moy I see your grandfa. th er?" "Certainly- he Is within. yery sick ." Sbe led tbe way to tbe tiny hut whosf! rooC was half torn away, Through this great aperture th e moonlight flow e d brIghtly, Iigbtlng up a grnsB bed on the ground whereon an old man lay cO'\lered carefully with sev· eral blanketB, Converse bent over Ihe otd man lind addressed blm In halting Spanish. To his surprise the rerugee IInswered him In fluent Engllsb and In a few words lubatantiated tbe words of his granddaugbter lind ad(\ed a brlet ex· planation. ' HIli name w.. Juan Barros: a reUred merchant of Juarez, He W08 II widower with thla one granddaugbter who had been educated In th e United Statel!. They bad II ved ba pplly tagether untll the revolution bad brougbt hostllltlee to their doors. Tbe 108B ot tbelr home followed and now he Was on his wuy to EI Posb where he had a brother; onco there he would make a home for himself Dnd Almeda. If the kindly Amerlcnno would help them-the old man's voice had tailed bere. Blake Converso did help tbem aeross the border and d e livered them Into the bands of an escort which Wla .HInd Cloled o'n the Warm Round· would Bee that they reBelled El Paso betore , lho clO1!e of anotber day . When nell of Her Arm. beautiful Almeda's grateful glance enpeared In the dense shadow eRst by countered 'Converse's nrdenl eves there Ilasbed th e spark thnt Indl ca·led tbe adjacent bar, Now he was Impp tlent of tbe detain- that two more unwary ones hnd ven· Ing fingers put forth by the mesquite tured wltbln the borderland ot love . II was not surprising thllt the tblcket. More tban once he heard tho rltlpln~ of flannel DS he Dulled bla young soldier Bhould obtain leave or ab8(!nce ond hurry to EI Pnso to make arlns tree. At last be stood forth In a little 1\ ceremonlouB Inquiry concerning the open sp~ce that seemed familiar. health ot Almeda'a grandfatber. and Strong contrasts of moonllght ~d such wns Blake 's solicitude ror the black shadows produced grotesque old Mexican and so warm were tbe effects. What be had supposed to be greetings tbat be rece ive d from both the mysterlollS hut tor wblcb be WitS tbe refugees that hc was e ncouraged aearchlng proved to be a huge rock to repeat theBe calls until old Juan patcbed wIth moonllgbt and when be Barro. Mmtled Into his beard and was proceeded to touch the white surface re ady with hlB blessing upon them It moved nnd sbrank away from blm . ·I ong berore Blalte fOllnd courage to He rubbed bls e,eB and looked ask It. clollely. The rock wal tbere ImmovHer Size. able. Against" ItI! surface and blend· A physician was tbe only passenger Ing with the ,moonlight cowered tbe torm of a woman dressed In wblte. In tbe surface cnr until tbere entered When he spoke her face turned to· a mecbJlonlc, wbose bands were extend· ward him and the IIgbt fell full upon ed Btlbi,., about flrteen Inches apart, It reftallng ber to be young and beau- In the position of holdIng yarn for tiful, In that Iwltt glance he saw grandmother to wInd. Artsl' the con· that ber balr waa black aa tbe deep. ductor hcad taken a nIckel from tbe lt ahadowa and that her eyee were man's rigid f1ncers, tbe doctor's proUlky ~III aet In the marble pal&- fessional Inter-elt was aroused In thIs netla of ber face. . CBBe yf unique paralyals, and presently "Wllo la there'" he alk~ abarpl,. he ventured to sa,.: "Have you been A quick drawn breath Uld a fright. like that long. my good man 1" ened : ~b Inlltant., luppre..ed an. "Nope," waa tbe atolld anSWer • "Do you hayo treatment for It?" .Iwe~d ,hllll> Tllen the white' goWD ~ov aWOl' ~e rOc\: iu It to "Nope." Tbls lIeo~eu dJa~u,¥lng, but .the him" C~"l'IIe folloWed Iwltt. IT .and ,o ".rtOok ~et .~ ' \he,d~r'· Ot 1M doctor wa.. ~nt Oil lnyelticatiOll. ~ dl }D. - ~~ clOI;e4 .'on the warm ''DoeS It cauie )'OU paln ,." he InquIred. , ~n n~" of ~e~ arm. '.' ~, ' . . . T~e Itranier grinned, "Wbat , aIW , . . driYtng ·aU" . b. wanted to know' .'iJ ,!PD, IlJrrt. but')q)l.'.qult ioit rho TO. are BIll! ,,~ 1PU .... dolQ 'TJb lObi. tb bu, . Ol1 ...,. Ot . . . .'! II. "'4 III • fh:tD tone. . 'recJ .uppers ,,*d t~'a b~r' e1 ... " ., ~.



Ha('k ll<'i,t' Ihllkl'/l tlto tinily toil, for Mrs . S. Clete (t('n cllll lj1, Ul'r II bl ~t) I tJ" .'Il ..m l l d~. lin ll\-: vny linn] to ~lIdllre . ,I ,\ lIY or ti H'~" p"nr 81l1li'n..'T!I hove -Hnve YOIl any dl nmonC1~·~ kid lll'Y tr"lllt l.· nuo d ,1J\'t kno w 'il, Mrs . Newrle hp·- Wpfl, I g lJ(,"~ rl',> ~\\""II"II, Ili'ltil ')! kidllf'YH 11"llally 10;0 got ll ('n r ly $·I O,UOU wo rth 01 ·em u\J· ha nd III 1t :I I"l Ililit irrl'):"lIitlr kidn ey IlI ' tIl I H, 1I!·;I\ IIII ·III', di 1.z i rl (~, l1crvotU~­ sta irs. )Il'!'<o."t u w l dl ·.... p.II ~( !I· n l y. ,lll ot I ry 11 hOll( "f U"u II ' /j K iJIJ('Y Needn 't Kls6 Husband , P,illt4 , lilt' t )l \~t-n; ":: "Ill'!ltl IU tiI~'(:iu l Supre me Co urt Jllst ,,"C .\ltll·(':llI tn k ul lH'Y .. 'nH"dy. fi lII! gou,l ll11xllCIIlC Drooklyn , dl s1Uis ~ ed till' ,,"tl of l;a11l l I:til l.'IlTl'tiIItOIIHunUR. uel )\I arkowllz , tl I'\('w Yo rll r ·tll e~ · tatc brok e r . 1"01' the allllulm e ut of hI s ' HERE'S ~ TYPICAL CASE.J . 1.. I( idIIIJ"(J,illlI, H"d ]' I!Y, lull. marring" to ~ 11I<lr e d Murkowllz I " It III abs urd to fr a me ... u ~ h Issues ." , "IlY~: " :1 1I' bm·k ac),,'ti ns if It ,,'ollid un·IlI:. l-culIl,1 not IIWY O withoni. inJIIsti('e ~Inrenu sa id . "Practi cfl ll y tllf' tl 'II ~I' I," in. Tlte kidllt' YH wcro irllllllch plnlntilT naks au a nnulrnt>nt or his I 81.:",,, it \\Il~ n(,('I»INn rl' lu dmw the murrlag e to Ih e gIrl lJ eC:UIISIJ she ro- I Hl'cn-li " u". J'IlIl11'S !, idnC'y l 'illIH!uN'd Il l\' "",upll'l ,'ly nlt('r UOI·tlll.,. gnvc Ill' fuse d to ki s t; him ." I· It lll'e lIud I huve not h ad Iho IIlightl.'t!t The YO llllg woman \VIIS (' Ightcen troubll ' ~ illl:t ~. year~ old wll(,11 obe marrlNj Mllrko· Get OOIn'S at DOY Drug store. !IDe. II 80:1 \\'lt2, who, II ~ alleged , had ulready hat! rour wi yes, of whom two htl" d ted and t\\'O we re divor ced. ~-~ <>--




Important to Mothers Examine caref ull y ev,' ry bottle of {' ASTORIA, 11 sute and ijtl re remedy for luf:.llltB Knd ch ildre n, and sce that It





~. •



a palr



F' ON"; drops In at the office of w . ' J fe lt ju s l liS we ak UH a II tl'" child" '1' . Shelton, uge ut ot tb e Navajo InThp. I ndi a ns bOlb tbrew <l~wn th e ir

dia na Ilt S blprocll, N. M ., at a ny gun s at Ih e tr ader's direction . and urt time of tbe da y or evening the er he ("onfiscoted th e weal.ons he l'odl:' c h ancc~ are be w ill Hnd one or Oil to I be nea reR t fo rt, Ilud lhe l'UW · I wo blue-clad Ind ian poll e-emen on boys were re ll e l·ed . 8111('e lhat d;..)" hand . They represent t he "central old Ya·be ·nee llns heen "slrong'· fo r ~eLU II" of the reser vntlo n po li ce force t be gOY. rUDl e nt. lllld most of th" tlO1<l 1 h ere liTe eIgh t or len others 8ca thas bee n a "ealous and e fll cl ' nt m emo tered a mong th e bills and mesas alid be r of tl !,-, :\u\"ajo pOlice fo r ce . Othe rs tbl s littl e ba nd bas drive n thc outlaws on th e fo rce bav ··Te,' ords" whl c ll Il nd wblsky »elle rH out or a territory tb ey 11I\\'e il Ion <l fur by tallllful fi<'T V · of 6,000 square miles In ex tent. Ice In bebalf of the law . Tbe I'\ava jo lndlnn police are hard The c h ic ! or the Navajo Ind lnn po · riders, game fight ers and nbove all li ce Is Do('tor Jobn, ou o of tb e be s t things e lse, faithf ul to tb e ll' agent. orators IInu most Influontlal men gen whom t bey rega rd as a sort ot walking erally In I he t ribe. Th e ludian has a edition or Unc le Sam himself , says a weakn e s,; for omtor)-. aoo Doclor Jo hn writer In t be Los Aoge les Times . Tbey Is a H\.Ica k er wbose nueuc,v wou ld core lillie about the munificent salary rous o I be en vy o( Borne of Ollr fnmou s of $20 a month tb e government pays "stiver longueu" sta t esmen . Out h is tbem for th e ir services. It 16 tor gift ot e loquence Is not all or Doctor "Non·ton·nl·n ez" (the tall captain). as John 's qualifications. He knows e ye r)" tbey term Mr. She lton , t bat they fllcc hole and corne r at "(h e resen-ation. more dange l'S than tall to the lot or and whpn he Is told to "get" an Ind tnn the average city policeman, to Bay he brlog s In the culprit, no matter to notblng of hardsblps 10 which the com . wbllt unJrequented part of the mouo· rortably boufle d metropolitan ofn ce r Is ta ln s or plains be hns to travel. n total stranger. Above a ll , h e Is strong for th e gOY· There Is a certain ele mcnt oC pride ernment and the wblte man's ways , In Wearing tbe gov.ernment IInlform s and II ses, his powerful Inflll e n~o III get· a lso a nd In tbe authority It ~lve8 t he tlng tb e India n s to spend less tim e wearer among his tribesmen - to 60Y danctng and more tim e cultlvallng nOlhlng of the dellgbts of a life In tbe tbelr crops . Doctor Jobn speaks few saddl e whlcb ap peal to any ot tbese words of Engllsb , and mOBt of his or· horsemen of tbe deserl ders are re ceived through t be aSf'ncr It would seem Impossible for less Inte rprete r . but he Is more valuable 1.0 than a dozen men to Iteep ordc r and the ageD.t I.hllo many 'of tbe men wbo enforce the laws In a range or t e rri. boast education at the wblte mnn's tory as extensive as a New England sc hools, etate, but the police under Agent Shel. Se\' e r r.1I times tb e Icdlall )loll ee hll ye ton bave done It ror eIght years. Only had com bats with horse thieves who once was It necessnry to call upon the hs ve un dertaken to run 810len berds soldiers tor assistance and that was In Into tbe fastnesse R of tbe reserv a tion . subduing an Indian outlaw, By.a-III-le. So man)' borse thieves bave becn ca l' wbo bad gathcred a number of SUIT tured b y the Navajos that tbe horsc porters and was bent on leadIng a stealing gentry now give the rese rva RobIn Hoo\! existence In tbe most In- tlon a w ide berth. acceSSible part of tbe reservation Shlmplng Out Bootlegging. When By·a·IlI·le was finally captured In stamping out bootlegg ing the the Indian police were In tbe vnn and police bnve rendered e fficient ald . bore brunt of the ftre wblcb tbe There 18 little or no liquor brought on outlaw and hIs retainers directed at the Navajo reservation. Tbe white the re.presentaUves of law and order. ngaged In tblB trnftlc bave had Choosing Candidates for the Pollee_ a lad el(perlence at the hands of tbe In cbooslng candIdates for tbe In. governm e nt IIge n t and his pOli ce, and dian police Influential men among tbe stick to Ibe "dry" tOWll9 adjoin lug tb e Indians are picked. FollowIng tbe ex. resel-vatlon, where tbere J!I less \1 lgll· ample of tbose who selected frontier nnc e In ev idence. marabals tram among tbe "gunmen", "If tb e Indlon pollee err", all, It Is In early days. M.r . Sbelton bas In aev- In e xcel!S of faithfulness In carrying eral Instances picked as pollcemon In- out ordE'rs," said Mr. Sbelton rece ntly . dlans wbo have been lcnown as "bad ," "I bad I hat proved ·In a laughable mun · Some of the most valuable members ner not long ago . A trDmp a ppli ed at, or tbe force have be en engaged In tbe age n cy for worl;, but 1 told him ugly outbreaks In the past, but the ther e wns nothing Rnd he went on hIs agent has b een Justified In hIs shrewd way . That nIght I thou g bt of s ome· cbolce, for the donning ot tbe official tblng be mlgbt do If LJ'e were really blue has In every case served to ellm. In earnest abollt earnIng an honest Inate the " broncbo" In the redskin's dollar. a nd I told one of tbe Indian podllposltlon. lice to c:ateb up wltb blm a nd tell blm tbat I wanled to s eo him One ot tbl) most ZftlOUB members or "The tramp didn't Imow wh al tbe force today waB a leader In an outbreak In wbat II known 88 the "Foul' wante d and refused to come, Wb ('u Corners Country," wbe re tbe states of be pers isted In going on his way tbe Colorado, Utab, Arizona and New Indlau ),ollce man roped b lm. ti ed him Metlco meet. Some "broncbo" IndIans band aorl (oot Bnd came jogging back got Into dlftlcult, with a trader, who to the office wIth the tramp on bill quIckly rallied a dozen or more cow. borHe. The tr:lmp wns furious and no boys to his supporl Sbotll were ex- explanations tbat I could make would changed and the cowboys were com- sootlle his wounded feelings ,' He pelled to stand at bny In the hllla spurnedl the work I offered and nnally wbere It Beemed probable that the; I had to order blm off tbe reservation would bo manacred unless they 1IfI. by the sbortest' route-w blcb dhlD 't happen to be the one was takIng cu~ ald. Tbe trader ,0lWlteered to when tbe Indian po1lceman caugbt attempt to get througb the enCircling . IInell of Indians and laid be would blm. Ther'~ are no frills· about the Nav;o10 holBt B white bandkerchlef on a nearIndIan pollee. Tbey rIde hard mOI,th · bT hill It 'be got throtlgh. ed little ponleR and ride them Wito Wheo the bankercblef ftuttered on little mercy. Some of the polle" a,'e tbe bill the Indlanll .. wit and Nal. .beep owners and wealtby. Ml\::r or lied wbat It meant. Two of them tbem I\.re tanners ond own little struck the traU of the trader and atart- bunches of cattle. BIg · Man, Hlg ed bI bot pursuit. One of the Indiana Horse, Sborty, Red Goat. Black 1I0rBe la DOW a poUceman. He teUe toda, , and Ol.!ver Jones are tbe nR mes 01 how be punued the trader WIth mu~ lIome of Doctor Jobo's asslstanlJl In der In bll beart and felt atronl enough preaert':ng the peace of Nnvajo land . to kill ~1I the whIte mell In the world, SIlt th. trader balUlcl jUit after-round. The Return Journe)' . . Ina the brow of the hill aa4 Wilen tJw 'Do ,,,ou belleve In tbo Da rwllllllD lDdlana came apoll bIm II. had them ., . CIO'feNd WIth r. ....e BIld ordered til... theqr". Mlu 8tuckup!" "Tel; but 1 10 further tban DarwlD to ~ aD their bUlcla. ".WIIa llOab4 ·blto the barrel or 41d. '01' I belleye aome of ollr ,pecle. P* PDt" .~d . ua, ,poll......·n lr..... ba•• 8Jta.,..d on tbelr returtl jourDe,." ~. "J ,>cJlc1n't: ~-.I Itroq 1IIIT . . . . -:Jl'etlGr. . '





il worth a pound of cure"



Do not let auot her day

B:J.lhc I he limbs well after han l1l'0rk or violent ex ercise, Il nd you will fle reow:uucct hy a healthy, natural circulation. \' ou lillIe realite how much belt er you will feel


Family Elixir kee,,~

the II1U ~C lel pllabJe and rellableprod.uu's a 'lllh... k, ttpec..'<iY nnd permanent fl om JheumJti!\nt, sprai n:5, bruise5, sore l hro:lt t toothacht.; l UlubJ go and many s il1lil:u dfJwruck.5 wltich df> pri·,. YOll uf good

Tr ifle Sensitive

Ab nllt thf' N1Zt;· o f your

~ ! IIW~.

ruu (·u,.

.!; tiIZ(' !s fn(lIl ~ I ' by s lmldng AJI ~n'jC. J'oot-Euti ." t ll(' ulltl ~ .... pt lc ))1I \\'d'\1", Inli.1 thl?ln. J II~t the t iling fo r iJan c:1 ng 1-' ur· 01'0 llUd t o r H r("uk ll1 J:: In :"j~\\1 ShOt..'M, Gh' ("'H 11I s t:t!11 r,· lll' f to (' u rns lI l lI l n\llIl"n~, Sum AddrNI~

AI: .. 11 S , (1l1wHt·cl


he~l th.

C; u.ran teed llnder Ihe pure lood laws, I.:om-

posed of gu "'0, oils and

~P l.u·

pl l' J' Rf:I '~ , H o)" :\ . 1.

pas.~ wllh· TUlTLX'S


Women's College l or BUddhists, A ulll\"(~ r s lty 18 to be fOllnded b y tbe lluddhl Fts tor Ihe Illg h e du ca tion of women . A meeting Is l'C'ported 10 h11\"e tnl;en place at th e Nl s hl· Honganjl t('mple. Kyoto . In wLtlo-h It WIIB IIn a nl· mOlls ly deelrled 10 ('uny on I hp und e r· tail Ing as a \\"orl' of th e \\"omt'II 's As· sodation of this Budclhlbl seC'!. Tbe (·ost for the Instltlltf> I ~ ('"l lmnt er! at ?80,IlO O )'e n. ;I

getting a bottle of


ChiidrelJ Cry for Flet ch e r 's Casto ria

If You Are

An ounce of prevention


SlgnU ( UreOf~~ In Pse For Ov e r


v egetable extracts.. A s"· your rl ruKxi:H. If he su pply }' OU, !\.end ua W cents ill al.lmp. , togethe r wi :h his namc , dud WI! will .rnd )'ull prnmpt l vlllt~ p."\itl , a bu;c d:.c oollk. Moncy


L to-


He W au. Norah . \\ ha tare YOII doin g on Ibat po li,·c' man ·s IlIwe ~ Norn h- Sure, m u m. he'" n·n·llIln '

If Ul\dliaf~


Tuttle Elixir Co..

:\ll s lrl" ~ - \\·hy .

:l.f IIovorl7 BL, »oltmt,_.

i Make A bette r thill/:' th an t Clot h powde r to cl pllllse :m<l \\ hlt en Ih e tcHII, r E'movo Inrtur and preveu t decllY I.s a prepara' tlo n cnll cd " Puxtlne AndSt'ptlc, :\1 drugglsls, 2~(' n box 01' Re lIt pOFtpnld on rece lpl of price tJy The Paxtoll Toilet ('a., BOSi on, ::'.la6 s.


the Liver D0 l~ .• DU ty


Nine tim es in ten when the liver lit right tlle stomach and bowels are~ ht. I CARTER'S LllTLE g



gentlyhutfir.mly In Fash io n. ' I!el a lazy liver Husband tsr'B tblngl y) - Yoll Iw t n ar. 1 UOcltS es duty. row(,r every dny . ur Con• . I .tlpabon, In"Ife (complnl' pntly) - Yps, ! bav!' diee.tion, the fa shlolla ble figure . I Sick I Headache. t!yX.l~'. (..' roU1J H (' ''UHt y rl ., (',,}I.p, C'l\lj:h~ I,"G1.lId Di.tre •• After £adD•• P ' ~'\:tunl.(h lit I hC" tA' I" 11 "U I T I',~~ (,11' 1111 n)' "lU~I~ ' SMALL PILL. So. &1 • DOSE. SMALL 0 0 ...... It' , , ' " neUQH.nta . J)rUIil~ "" ~ , CIJ 1'1' 111.,. ~..-~ -

- -- - - -


The man with mon e y ltuth UrA.

Wl o.l" ... ·" Bootb ln/r




SODl(l well neve r tJrng


tn em· 1

!'w l\' (:s- nud dou 't bl anl o tb en) ,

~ O hnrmrul (lrolls in G~rtlt~ ld T 'n. It Is l'on;.



Syru p (OT C:'lldrelJ

OVER 100

tf'f'1bln ft . 80('''11 ", Ih e U' um ~. rI:~ lht ceu Irln"mma'

UOll, .. II,,),. p"ID.<ur •• wind "olle. 21><: .. buUlo.

must bear


Pettit'Ive Salve

;"~;~~~~Jt-8;;_;~"I'-;;;;';;;~;:;~-;;-;;;;';: ·

~:~:~W,ItJt.!~J~~r~:~t\rJ:~:'~.'.'T~~~~o:e~~.~~; IHCN" E llSUN A

"I ' UUI~, U er~ lwer.

N..,w lurk:

AUKAX~J\R "·AnM 8-OaAt..·~~~'l~:-;'lI:;-~;'"

pt.ffit!tl .... bully uf KI IlII, I., h~tll t.ll-g l\' JIll{ berbs. _ _ ___ __._ _ _ TIle IUOI' (! bJt't IHI!l Y!:l 11 WOIllDn h aM

aU-atl_ uDd or now law. COIi.S. J.,DCb, l·otll"rew, .Ar• .

~I~s~~~.e_ hilS to ~ay

W. N. U.,



uta.h'; pun., ft'UI,'r : l",rh~CL llcnllh : t ff.O "'OIce; 1'Iractn f ur.,,, t : Ilr"du CL"" ., blll\;" I,) ,10 Dcre. ... ',.ollumo-

~;~~·;-~N~T-I,- ~~: 17=1111£ ---~


HAPPy THO' MAKRIED? There are unbSPlll' mArried lives, but II large percenta,e of lheee tJnbappy home. are due to the iIIne~s of the wife, mother or daugbter. The '-lingl of Dervo.ulness. tbe befogl!ed mmd, Ihe ill-temper. the pale end wrinkled face, hollow and Circled eye8, result most allen from those di.orden peculiar to womeo Por the :>T?mon to be h.ppy ond good·luoking she must naturally have g~ health. Drogllmg·down feeltngs , hystena. bot-flashes .or constantly returning pains IUId achel-;-are too ~r~t 0 dralO upon (J womaD'S vitality and IItrength. Dr, Pierce'. Fa~of1te PrescrIpt_laD reslores w~ak ODd sick womeD to eOUJId health by regulatIng ~d co~ectlDg tbe locol dIsorders which ore generally rcopon,ible for tho above ..It,tresstn!! symptoms.

"••"fI',..,d Jrl'Mtly foT' n Ilumbe of ,oan and tor the 'PUt throee

~eaf'fll wo.a v bad that lifo W&!J Do misery to me '. writes MRB.. B F Dlcx.-' OVIOR. of UlIca, Ohio, Houle 4. .. Tho u oc","; WId me 1 "ould havo to go to a ~OGflltnJ ~(oro 1 would ove r bo better. A year ago thla winter

and apran" I "'fiS WO M O than CV('T ore. At period 1 BujTered like one In tonnent. J 11m th o mother of six children, J W_ 110 bad tor fi ve month. that t knew p.ometh in$t' mu"t bo done ItO 1 wrote to Dr It. V Plert'c. w llin \: him as ne..o.rly :.J!I I could hDW 1 .~fraral. He outltnal .; cou.1"BC of ,lJ"entmcn ~ whl~h I ,followro, to the letter. 1 t.ook two bottles or Favonte PrettCn)?tlon Ilnd DIm of Golucn ML'llico.l Dlscovery ' and a ntty-cen t bottle of Srnurt.-WLoOO.' and hllYt) neve r ulItTered much .In~ 1 wlah I cc;»uld tell tfVcry auCferhur we,man th e world ovc.,"'!" what a boon Dr. Pierce. medicine.. orc. 'There I. no U IIC w ..~ umo andmoow doctoring with anythin g cl9C or tiny (mc elac.'·

The Medical Advise r by ~. V . Pierce, M. D .• Bulfalo. N. Y.. answers nosls of dehollte qucetiona about wliiclt every ,!omoD, single or married ougbt to know. !leG. ~ P

w-: ':.~"'D 'o'Oi{c SHOES

'2.25 '2.50 '3.00 '3.50 '400 & '5.00 For MEN, WOMEN and BOYS THE STANDARD OF QUALITY



You can lave money becauae they are economical and ..tiafactory: in atyle, fitaad wear than any othermaka. W. L Doqlu ......e and .tamped on th~bottom and protect. the wearer a.IIUIIlJt anc:Jinf.wio.r ....oea. l~utl~pcl'nha!i~.lthe IDOre





E ~ !L

____ ___ _

i-Iow to Vo te for Roo sev elt The nam '!>! or preside ntial candida tes will not app ~ar upon the primary ballot. T he only way you call vote for Ro~se­ velt i ~ to place a cros!! mark at the left of t he followl llg name, on the official ball ot. n~Ic",,"I.·

. h erul\ to


Aller ua lo


Received fresh by express dai ly . P in eR pple~ . Ot·a!l g(l~ . Bananas, Lemon s, Grape Fruit, all kind s vegetab les In se!t!'orL

Havole ne Auto Soap for oil cloth . Waynes ville Auto and Machin ery Co.


D,\I~~ B t e


:F. c. Carey was in pl.1yton Tuesday, on busines s .


Car quin ez Can ned Goods

Mr. Fred Hartsock . of Cincinn ati. joined his family here ove r Sunday .

These mell !HP O'C l{o()sel' ('l t "and idates for d.el l.'ga l l.'~ lind a itt'rnal t:'ti 10 the h',cjJ ll bl icU Il Nati onal Co nventIo n fr" m the 6th Ohio Cungrl'5:!io nal Distric t cO lisil'lti ng of Brown. Cle rmont. Clinton . Greent'. Hi ghlanu and Warren C.() U Il es. They are pledgE'd t.o Roosev elt and a vot e f()r tlwm I ~ a ti vote for him.

Cheape r t han whol esale $<!.OO

Read the atl of lhe Domest ic Vacuum Cltmner in anothe r column .

Keep This For Refere nce


Gasoline Sloves called for and repaired, Waynesville Auto and Machincry Co. . " The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. IL. S. Rhoades will be pleased to know t~at they have recent Iy moved _ into their uwn home at 5135 Mam Ave., Norwoo d, Ohio.

W a~


CANDIES The good kinds,l iickok' s and Nurtnully's. to $2.00.

lIh. and Mrs. J. E. Janney and daught e r, Miss Edna, were in Dayton, Thursd ay .

Prim ary Elec tion, May 21, 1912


Fancy boxes lOc


By the dozen only 80c. elected to Congress, for the six th distr ict, in l W6, by II plurality (Sf 4,002, and re-elec ted iu 1898 by II plurality of WESLE Y Cl. UB \VIN~ . 3.m O. W as never defc:lted by the peoIJclng nominated . l\wH, I:JY afternu on t hE' V.'c~ I E' Y p It! for any office ufter 21 Fresh eac h clay. { '[ • I J[ nominated o n .t he . st 0 ,'ny, It . S Clul, hase ball t eam lll l't Hnd defeate d Ill:lievcd h iS election In Novemb Fkncy Tpnnessee er WIll Ia tea m r allt'n t he " Business 1\len" be ru.slIrec1. STR AWB ERR IES I by a ~eo ra of.1:\ t.o [, in a fh'c- innin g !l ll v _ __ • _ • _ _ _ this week I conlC'st aL Phdl lp sPark. II W <l:; th e WESLE Y CLUB ENTE RTAIN ED We are ca rrying a full line of EVERL AS'flN G and WEAR New Potatoe s fir ~l l!urne fo l' the t lub lJoys and also CHANG E OF TRAIN EVEP. The first cost is th(' only cos t. it l as~ II life time_ New Cabbag e Let u~ show it to you. the fil'st (and some of them say th e New Texas Onion!' Th e WOIsley Clu b. whose entel'ta inNo'. 7. due here at 11:46, going New Green Beans last) game for th c "Business Men. " ment came off at School Hall, Friday west, will stop on flag until the Lettuce , Onions. Radishe s, Cunext The features fl f the gam e were th e ovening was wi o:n essed by a large change of SChedule. This will be cumber s, Pine Apples . Ora heavy hi tting of both t~amq. the and apprec iative audienc e. anl'es , Red Banana s. trial stop for this train, and ought re rnarkab le pitchinlt' o~ "~u d e:: Th e s holV started with singing , the to be liberall y For Friday and Satur day Only Hen Feed, Chick Feed , Cracke d patroni zed, as it will LeWIS lhe re fonn ~d umpIre . Doc ,uoys using half R dozen college Corn songs. be a ,Ilreat benefit for persons goinll We hav e mad e a rrange ments wilh the B. J. Johnso n Soap Clayton 's first oatil.' play a mI base A co llege sketch entitled Ramese s either way. Co to adverti ~ e their famous brands , Palm Olive and GalSpt!Cial Thi. Week running . ami the altoget h er rotten II. of Mumm y Row, was good. In --v~lc . With each 2;) cent s' worth of Galvan ic we will give Large Gal. Wash Tubs work of the umpire . free one 10 ccut bar Palm Olive, one of the best 10 cent this act Thos. Pierce, as Bridge t Subsc ribe for the Gazette These Tubs are made for a Washtoilet soaps made. The two teams lined ul' lUI followll : Flynn. proved by his singing and ~~~~!"!!'!~~~~~!!!'!~~!!!! injt Machin e Co. They failed Wesley Club - ~~a~ Howell, 1st base; acting, to be the particu lar Btar. We are still paying the hl2hest price for bulter and eggs. and our Wholes ale House Raymo nd DaVIS, 2nd base: Robert After this R clown act was bou.rht all tht'y had. They are Bring them to put on. Burton , sho rt stop: Jesse Prende r- A take-of t "Not a Man in extrR lar. e- blg handle s and the HJousc' are worth 76c to $l.OO. we will rrast, 3rd base: Rev Grause r. left was very clever, conside ring the ",t", field; Prof. Amy, center field; A~bert ladies who put it on (1). sell them thill week only .~. " Cleave r, right field; Forres t RIdge, Willie Haines and Lee Lemmo n ':l' at 60c each 'JiC ca~;her~ and Fre~ Furnas , pitcher . did anothe r clever stunt and were SUBJE CT 'TO THE REPUB It pays to trade at BUSines s Men - Dr. Clayton , 1st loudly aPlplauded. The star act of RY base; Lester Petflrso n, 2nd base; the evening was a satire on "The LlCAN PRIM A, Herber t Edward s, catcher and short- Kaffir Boys." Mr. Amy was exMAY 21, 1912 8to~; Dr. Hathawa~. 3rd base~ Ralph tremely happy in the role of the lady SMIth, left field; WIlbur Dakm, .c en- pianist , and especia lly in b'r field; John Stansb erry. rIght duction oftheb oys. Alvin his intro- ,*,ic'*,,*,,*,,*,r:.Ic Earnha rt, fi"ld; Lawren ce Brown, .sho:t.s top Lou Printz, Lee Lemmo n, Russell Breede r of and catcher . and Jesse LeWIS, pit cher. Salisbu ry and Chas. Grause AUDIT OR r were C. A. Bruner , (ar,d the ~Ie~cher the Kids and Emerso n Earnha Frank B. Forgy rt was fans) umpit·e. The score ~ mnlng~: in the role of the white man. The Will R. Lewis 1 2 3 4 6- R. H. E. boys sang and arted a~ much like Charles Madden \ Pure Rinclet Straia) Wesley Club 7 2 0 1 3-13 13? the origina l as could he and the song Albert Stubbs Business Men 0 0 1 3 1- 56? "Swing ing in the Grape Vine 'Swing" Stock and errIB for sale. Eggs for - - --. - • was particu larly fine hatch iq from first prize winnin g To a ll nearb y towns a nd REWA RD CLERK OF COURTS pen, $2 per 15; other pens $1.60 per Little Chas. Grause r, waS, of cities, at rcason ahle rates. 15~ Valley phone 9-4.Y.. R. D. 3 Dan P. Bone A libetal reward will be given for course, the star. and his song was For partic ulars, call 011 or loudly applaud etl . Lee James Lemmo inform S. Tatom ation n leadin.r to the arrest of phone to Morr ow, Ohio . the person who cut the bark from came in also for gellero us applaus e. The show dosed with a song, in yuung tree at the side of my resiwhich the boys introdu ced some} COMMISSIONERS dence, on Saturd ay night. hits. W. H. Allen. Phon e 71·1~ A. C. Baker Corwin, Ohio - - - .... Altoge ther the entet'ta illment was J. C. Hawke I SEEK A HARDY ALFAL FA very credita ble and lit netted the S. L. Irons club a hand~ome sum. Too much ~rwln, Ohio. With a ViAW to develo ping a praise cannot be given Ed. c. Jeffery to Mr. Amy, hardy IItrain of alfalfa for Ohio, the who spent Quite Sylvan A. Le\vlll Ii Jot of time proCol1eie of Agrlou ltare, Ohio State moting it. Frank D. Miller Uolver llty, will mlike 8eleotl on. The boys of the Wesley Club desirE F. S. Simpson this Bprlng from 'he twenty or to heartil y thank the public for their By day or week --the thirty vartetieB of aHalfa *bat have genero us suppor t at this enterta inbest of service. COUNTY ~ECORDER been growin g on the Univer llity ment. farm. The prinCip al dlffioul ty in - -Josiah Holbro ok Liver y and Feed Stabl e 'h18 ~ork ls tbat, under Ohio oon- BACCALAUREATE SERVI CE" dltlonB, many of th" variet.l es do In conne ction . PROSE CUTIN G ATTORNEY no' produ':le 8eed. Howev er. a The Baccal aureate service s will be We have just installed a new cracked .ambe r ot the alfalfas tb!l.t have held in the M. E. church , Sunday Frank C. Andert on been introdu ced from Europe ba ve night, May 12, 1912, at 8 o'clock . William McDon ald corn outfit, which takes out the coarse b?en very produo ti va and It 18 from Rev. C. S. Grause r will make the and fine and gives you nothi ng but Want ed of all Kind s LheBe tha.t the Oollege has hopes of annual address an(1 the mu sic will be develop ing a. hl&rdy strain. The given by the school under the leaderPROBA TE JUDGE the pure Crat>ked Corn. past 19111 ter was un us .:1al1y !!avere ship of M ra. J. H. Linton, l1lt1sical Alton F. Brown on olover Ilnd IIlfalfll . Roport ll instruc tor, ' Martin A. Jameso n froUl over tile !ltllte Indio1t e tha.t MW'lic .. March of the Sphere s" CorwIn Drake Propr ietor many field3 have been oom plete ly .. .......... Arrang ed from a Symph ony killt'd out. "Shade s of Evenin g" .. .... . .. ... ... Apt Invoca tion-M rs. Ruth Murray REPRE SENTA TlV~ ... .. Heaven s are "Tellin g" _...... -.. Hay tin ••• Thos. E. Hoovef Scriptu re Readin g VlctorS .Loer Rt':v. J. F. Cadwa llader John Marsha ll Mulford ; "The Spring Song" .....Mendel ssohn's W. Z. Roll .. .... .. From Oratori o "The Creatio n" Sermo n-Rev. C. S. Grause r "Call Upon Me" .......... ........ Werne r SHERI FF Benedi ction ~ ~-James Follen Attenti on Republ ican Voters Waldro n C. Gilmou r For deleKa tes to the Republ ican County Conven tion pledged ttl the SURVE YOR suppor t of We pay you one half cent over Elgin Board price for your But. ter Fats, and we pay the transpo rtation charge s. A. M. Bower PERRY H. RUE . CARPE TS, DRUGG ETS ..... ALL KINDS OF MATTING, Sam D. Henkle for Common Pleas Judge. BEDRO OM SUITE S, BUFFE TS, CHIFF ONIER S. Oscar J. Edward s DAVEN PORTS , SANIT ARY COUCH ES. LIBRA RY Harry C. Prater AND DININ G TABLE S, BOOK CASES. COLON IAL TRrAS URER. Harvey M. Burnet I acv. HALL TREES , AND A LINE OF MATTR ESSES Last week was 3l'y'c. Buy your milk.ti cket in regula way, Byron C. Howell, Jr. 'and price will be atlded to your check. Besl~es, we pay cash revery --Monday , and if that is not quick enough you can have a check A VOTER AT LEAST JUDGE MARC every US day. SHOU P hereby . h ft' That can't be beat in the state for Quality and II This price makes you aDout 48c A un t Splnst erly-l hope that your announ cu.s his candida cy for the od eae on can over selling at home; you need ship only when conveO\~nt.. Can Price. Call and be convinced. opinion s uphold tbe dll'nity Jf our He,ubl ican nomina tien for Conafford to lOBe thiB differe nce when you can, get It WIthou you t Bny sex, Mamie, Ilnd 'baa you belieye Kress in the Sixth Cen~ional extra cost? ' . that every woman should bave a We handle Distric t, Bubjec t to the primMl'1 calves, poultry and eggs also. Marke ts todav. Calves, select 7c, firm, will likely adv~ce a I~ttle .. Hens ISc, egK817Y.c~ vote? election in May. . Write U8 for cans anti tags fo~ trIal shIpme nt, or use your mIlk Maml e-I dOD't go ,quite 10 far .. cans and agent will furnish you, tags .· , . tha.t, auntie i but I belleve tba' Ivery . -Dem ocra tic Tlck.e t 'woman IIhould have a Yoter I-Mo· Call'. Magazi ne. W~ynesv





... - ..---


***' '*'*''*''*'***'*' '*' *'*'* Cand."dates '*' *'*' ' * ' * ''**' '**' '*' *'* *''*'*'*'*'



H A W K E 'S Gro cery

Bar red Plym outh Roc ks

Pan Handle House

Automobile Livery Service





Graded Cracked Corn

--- _._ ..


A. McCRAY, .....

For Sale or Exc han ge



--C all on --

E. C .S to u t


.- ...

Get ALL tbe Profit out of your Cream

_ _for _ _

Our Price 'This W~ek, 30t c at You r Stat ion.

- ---.- ..

Mrs. E. c.

Stout~ ille,




Everyb ody should read-th e Gazet te



JOllil E. HoldeR • (Warrea 00:)

MIAMI VALLEy"CREAMERIES . .fA. Waln'ut.St. ' f>."~...



- - -- - - -

~- --

Sixty-Third Year


1-----------1 Personal Mention

Whole Number 3159

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~






\e--- - - - - - - - .

Society Events


Thursday, May 9, 1912 was an, Our community was shocked beOur Miamis are certainlyemulat- : Id eal spring day, MId it was marked yond expression MOJlday morning . - -.. - - - - - - - - - - . ing the victorious example. set by • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e Mr. anrl Mrs. F. B. Sherwood anti At the tlrst meeting of the-Bates by the displays and exercises of the when it became known that Miill Mrs. HarYey Gustin was in Dayton the Cincinnati Reds, in great style Sunday afternoon. in spite of the children and Mr. Er~ est Amv wf'.rl~ System company. a Dayton adver- Wayn.e Township B ools, at the 1. Ruth Morford, who had been house· MondllY. of Mrs. Ella MIchener Rt dlTl tUYnlr firm. incorporated in Colum. O. O. F. ball in an all·day meetinK, keeppr for the late MrB. Eliza Raines, J. Eo Janney waB in Cincinnati disai/:reeable weather . they defeated guests ner Sunday. the speedy Daylon Mascottus by a . I bUB recently for $50,000 in the office with an ele~ant joint dinner at noon had drowned herseIr in the cistern. Monday. . and Mr~ Ab Evans e nter t'\ I~ r" of James StoOP!!, Arcade buildin"', in the banquet hall of t6a\ Masonic Miss Belle O'Neall, who had been MiS!1 Nannie Moon visited in Day· score of 1 to. 0' in a fast , snapp". at Mrdinner SUrlday the f,)III.VIIl : • tou Tuesday. Btaying wi~h Miss MorfQrd since Robt . Cross transacted busir.ess in game that WIll be the talk of the guests: Nath ·.J.n Smit.h ' U\ I f I'n :j,· Tueaday night the following officers Temple. fans for many a day. Earl EvanR and fllmil y..J IS. ~ / \ , : were elecled: James Stoops, presi- Superintendent F. C. Gilmour and Mrs Haincs' death. arose Monday Dayton.n Tuesday . The ga!!fwas primarily a pi tcher's and family. Ralph Eva rt!' and fa n i:,! dent; Rudolph Roehmildt, first vice hh corps of teachers had taken no morning, and on cominK down Btairs Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Cross were at battle. Gebhart, for the Miamis. Dr. and Mrs. A. T Wrijcht elltl' r ,resident; H. C. Delscamp, second eDd of pains in. planning and ar· lIliesed her, but went over to Mrs. Ringling's Friday. vice president; W. C. Speaker, secra- ranging a dis,!ay of the work done Anna 0' Neall's, who remarked about Inner tubes vulcanized. Waynes. struck out eleven of his opponents, tained at suppel' S'l l\ll'da~' I'v,m irt,! allowed b~t two hits and four pa~es . Mrs. Dudley ((('evc l' Ilnd E l w~' r.I tary; S. W. Sansher, assistant eecre· by the pupils, and the ~anquet hall the shutten beinar closed BO late in ville A.uto and Machinery Co. . Keever. of Centel·v lllc. MI' . arlll M,'-; tary; H W. Requarth, treasurer, of the building was a bower of the morning . Matthe'\ Berryhill was 8tricken Emerick, for the Mascottes, struck Je.iSe Wright. uf Sj'l ri llg'l)ol"' . M r and M. E. Bates, advertising man. "eauty. besides being the center' of Mi88 O'Neall began an invesUga- with paralysis last week. out thirteen batsmen, allowed seven and Mrs. J. B Chapln lln and 1\ \ 1''' ager.-Dayton NeW8. lntense interest and amazement of tion, but could not find Miea Mor· Albllrt Stubbs, of the LeBanon hits and three passes, hit one batter Lina Devilt. the large number of visitors. ford anywhere in the house. She Hou~e w~ in town Tuesday: . and made two wild pi tches. The Mr. a'ld Mrs. J. B. Chf\;:J.uan en. The eiKbt school8 with their called to Frank Zell and asked bim MIII8I Edl~h Crane, of Pekin, IB the fielding support accorded each pitch. tertained a t dinner Sunday the fol· .. my m'oy old fn'endl' ' . ' Kuest IOf MISS Martha O'Neall. T. er was extra fine. considerinK the lowing guests: Mr and Mrs. Jesse ..... . teach en had chosen the folloWIDK to go to the barn but Mr. Zell first . . .'. . ' . MIlS Charlotte Antram 18 the guest miserable weather conditions. The Wright, of Springboro. Mrs, Dud:ey I hard Iy 1mow h ow to teII you h.ow dlstinQ'UishlJ1C colors: Lowell HIli, went to the shed where he saw her of Mr. and Mrs. Geo Harteock. Keever ami F.dward Keever, of Cen· I . I f I appreciate your eft'orbl in ma~lng Miss Henrietta McKinsey, green and skirt lying near the cistern. A, Have your Lawn Mower sharpened. wet ball was d Ireet y reaponslb e or t.erville. Dr and Mrs. A. T. Wright. my 80th birthday Buch a clonou8 white; Collelre Hill, Mi. Helen closer examinatIon showed the WaynElsville Auto and Machinery Co. all the errors- bad throws. Mr. and Mrs. Emmor Baily, Mrs. Tha lone run of the game was Linn Devitt Ilnd Emmor Baily, jr. day. Nothlna- COUld have pleaaed McClure, blu«f and Kold; Sugar bOllrds to have been recently reo Mn Leslie McCune, of West Va. me more, ,ince I cannot aee all ot 9rove, Mi88 Lucile' Cornell, lavender moved. and he calle:i C. T. Hawke i. the guest of her mother, Mrs. Eva scored in the last half of the sixth - - innin!,. Aftf'r Surface had struck OEA TH ,.ou, than to have heard from you in and yellow; Mt., Holly, Mit. Mary and 'Adam Stoops. The three men Miller. . that way. Many nice cards reached Davia brown and gold; Spring made a closer search and finally M~. ~verett M~Elwee. nee Edl~h out, Capt. Bergen singled and was . Mr!'. Ellen Murray, aged 79 years, '. . k an d found the body . . DaVIS IB very BICk at her home In safe at second when Peiffer threw dIed In Dayton at t~e h,>me of her me an d I't ·ce rtaJ n1y d'd I me Kood to Branch, MI. Ethel Stokes, pm In the cntern. Wilmilngton .d . ff h h' h daughter, Mrs~ . Chnton Grubbs. reM those names and see the old blue; Harmony Grove,' MiBB AI~a It is not known at what hour the Rev. C S. · Grauser attended the wil In an e ort to catc 1m at t at Tuesdav morning at 6 o'clock. The familiar places. I want to thank Waterhouse. purple and whIte; deed was &fone, but she was attired Minill~larial Association in Lebanon station. Evans and Harvey were body WllS brought here Tuesday and given passes, Berllen, in the mean- the f~neral will ,take place FriJ~ y.u eVllry one and to every oue I 1&7, Green Briar, Mias Eleanor Earnhart, only in her niKht clothes. She at- Monday and Tuesday. the "latch etrina-" hangs out. Come pink and' white; Red Oak, MilS Or.a tended the baccalaureate service at 200() Locust Fence Posts for sale time, going to third on a passed ball. ":lr rnlng ut 11 0 clock at the qlr1S and see me, l see you have my ad- Strawn, blue and white. the M. E. church Sunday evening, at right prices . . Call o~ W. H. Mad· Cap scored on a wild pitch to Brown tl'ln church.:...--...____ _ _ dr_. My childl'f!n. who live here It would be impOilaible to ieacribe IUld after returning home had sat up den & Co .• CorwIn, OhIO. while tat: latter was strikinK out. I M. E. CHUR.CH in Denver, lrr::anrlcbildND and one at length the diapl 8J made by each until about 11 o'clock before retirinK. MI'II. Reub~n. Roberts •. of South Aside from the pitching. the fea- Sunday School at 9:16 a . m . th . Bal'd 0 t one, IS . MIBB - Morford, accordmg . to her ' VISIted her Sisler Mrs II'ttle grea t arand eon,· were WI me. school, but what 18 last week. tures of the game were the splendid Preaching by pastol·. 10:30. ReOf COUl'8e they all remem~red me equally true of all the others, that cloBest'frie"ds, haa been ina mel an- Tom Foster of Butterworth Sta work of the two catchers and first ception of probationers at th;s ser· bannomely and a nice little PJ'eaent thfl exhillits were made up"of raffia choly moed sinceJhe <leath of Mrs. tion. was the g.ue8t of J. E. Janney basemen, a splendid throw from left vice. Prof. Am~ will praac. field to 1I0me plate by C. Coppock jat 1:30 p. m. ThiS! .wIlI be Prof fo~ Ita way to me from Utah from work in uniqu, tlMigns. of sewing. Haines, and the general opinion is and family Monday night. . ' Amy's last Sunday WIth us and you 'Ute dallchter and BOn·in·law who embroidery. practieal resulbl in the that her mind became unbalanced, Rest ~rade steam cylit:Jder oil. and the batting of Bergen and Evans: will want to hear him. colltd not be with me. My wife en· qricultural- COUl'IIe recently in.tra- and she choose thjt method of end. WayneSVille ~uto and .M.acb~nery Co. &IABOOTTES Clarence S. GrauBer, Palltor. joyed the cardB and the day equally duced' of burnt · wood proiucts of ing her misery. . Mn. Henrlet~ HopKinS 18. spendAB R II PO A ~ · If Al h ' 80 . . ' ' d 'Ik . -,.. InK a few days In Dayton With her Btevell8Ou. ab . . . . • , 0 1 1 3 0 AI mueh as myse. t 0 ,ean cotton. eorn, petroleum at:J Bl; Mlsa Morford bad been .hou Ie- son Howard Hopkirls and family t;.:;eaM.I~: : ::: : : : g gig g Work In the Initiatory degree old I .m n.o t an old man yet. The displ&)'8 of skill and .ta1ent in car-keeper at the Hainee home for more Mn. Dudley Keever and BOn Kmenck. p.. .. . .. G OO 1 a 0 scheduled for Thursday night, will , Lord has been irood to me and blest penter work. corn teaters, illustra- than 20 years, and it may have been ward, ,of Centerville, were week.end P"I/Tor. ct. .. . . . . . . ~ 00 00 °0 2 01 be TVWtponed one week, on account H . Coppock. 2b .. . • ..-me (n Kivina me health and streT1&'th tiona of impollt8 ud exports of the the thought of leaving this home visibl.,s of Dr. and Mrs. A. T. i:~~c:~.~:.~~:':' g g A of CommencemTh~. Pierce, N. ~. and I am' able to ,.t diseharae Il\f United State.. Indeed the children ,tlult made her do the awful act. Wright. • - • duti. as polieeman and cuatodian at of Wayne Townahip shoW' that they Coroner Carey was at once notified, MrB: Sadie Gahagan. of Columbus, Heck, rf.. .... .... I 0 0 0 0 0 Total .... ... ... 2~ --;; 2 H -; 1 WHAT THE! STATE EXAMINERS Sloan It: Cooper Lake park for the have been well ~\lnde& in lractleal who deputized O. J. Edwards to take and MI88 My~t1e Opp, of Tfledo. are .•- I I'k Col rad . h . f ti d th 1 6 ' of theIr parents, Mr and Mrs. SA V OF THE ACCOUNTS OF Cl"" . . I e ~ 0 veil mue tn onaa _0!1' aD ~ reau .t re ~ts cha~e olthe cUe' . . • H, 9pp. MIllIlS ' cnUNTY , SURVEYOR . andU;bu..beeD voodJto..... · aad for -creat-ffe(llt upon PrOf. G~mour ~d 'Ml8I Morfaril Willi held IJ1 the Mr. F. M. Alexander, of MiddleAD R Ii P SAM D. HENKLE . ql.e. but not 10 much that I can ever the teacbel'll, as well as the pupJ1a, esteem by all w,,~ knew her town is Bpending his vacation with Bltlleld. 2b.. . ... : g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f~rpt the old frian" back bome. for their untirin.r Efforts toward this aaany friends are deeply his m'other. Mrs. Alethia Alexander. : : : 'rti:::::: : 4 0 e 13 0 0 =-c I iUao thank the Gueue forlta part end over her aad death. . and Mra. Jesse Wright, of I=~'c~~:::: : : : : ~ ~ ~ Il g Z Owin¥ to the printed statements in makiD8' the day the.rreat allcce& Mr. Anderson in hie address apoke Miss Morford's funeral was held Spring'boro, were guests of E. S. Edwarda. ab •... •. . : g 8 g ~ g that have been made aphiat me by it Apin I lIlY to you all if aDl of 80me live questions vital to the this afternoon at her late residence, Baily 8.n d la~ily from Friday until ~~~k ~'. '.: ......'. 1 : ~ g : & certain individuals I eesire to place of IOU evel' viait in Denyer M lure schools. pleads for good waaa 'Rev, C. S. Grauser, offieiatinc, In. Sunday.evenmg . 8~~~p : : : : : ; : : : 0 0 I S I before the people of Warren County and hunt me up for [40 enjoYlW!8inlr for the teacher, no lowerin" .f ex. torment was made in Miami ceme. 9'asohne Stov~ called for and reTotal. .... . .. .. 29 7 2·1 hI '2 the actual fads a8 shown ' by the any ODe from hack home. My wife ...,enaes-it the coat of better schools. tery pa!red. WayntlSvllle Auto and Ma· Offidal Statements of the Exam..__ al .. i"l.. k' f H ' --.l·d . d' • - • chmenr-Co. 1 2 a 4 ~ 6 1 8 II I'ners ''''nt to tbl'B county by the d an "aIW Y .lom me n IllIr or e PICtu~ the I eal teacher an . MI'BB MI'nnl'e Satterthw"'te was the 0 n 0 0- 0 "" • E ... ~rco~te. · g 8 g 8 8 1 0 0 x1 State Bureau of Pubbc Aeeountinlr BACCALAUREATE SERVIC the m8D1 nIce eard II. told hQW on ly the teacher cou Id ap· of her brother· in- law and yis. lID •• .• \ 'ery sincerel,.. . prec:iate her work. He pleads for a ur, Mr. and M.n . Jeeae Compwn in summ~-8toJeD b~-Alucotteai ,: AlI- - the highest authority in the State, AV8ry Needles. better understanding between the Commencement week was .ushered Dayton ~"riday Bnd Saturday. ~~~J~D;cr!:I~~~~ph:n. D~~~ men whose duty it is to make minute • • tearher and the home He told how in by the baccalaureate servIce SunMrs. Olivl::l' Davis and 80ns have h~~::r l~. 0t!'y o~~~!~:. 2i I B~= and thor~>ugh investigations. I give TO THE VOTERS OF-THE SlXTH times had cbanpd a~d how now the day evening, at the M. E. church. been visitina- her daughten, . Mrs. W.lt1b~~I:':~· 2~: ~~b:e.'i~ what the examiners have said about DISTRICT I ' 1 d ' I.. i aI d I In spite of a cold drinling rain Fred Everhart, of Franklin, BUDlllDg. TIme ot J&D!8.1 :20. Umpire&- me in the two examinations that mora. menta an p..,V8 c eve opo th h h . ded be.vond I'ts Mrs. C. R. Adams, of Trenton, Ohio. -A. l'rlee IDel J_~"a.. have been ' made sl'nce I became the ment was lelt to the ~her hence e c urc was crow ~ . ---I recret that the Importance of the n8C8l81'tY f ban ' bette eel seatinK capacity. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Hawke. Mr. TO THE VOTERS. OF WARR.EN CO•• urv~Jor of Warren County. the ~l~q .day. of the ConventioD an d bro_..1 ...~de4 :!chers r ram At the appointed hour the class and:M(I~. FrlankdZeMJI, MJr. EandJ Mrs. F. H. Dovle and Th09. Q. Bowles . dera I't i Im~fbI" to Me lila ti~dlinr au~, .. • . b t h' iOrne l anparaderIl... anney ad berst fi .. ren ~ "or me of the question, how 0 f .1912 WIt. elr tea chera t~ok Ringling's at Dayton last In making my canvaas of tbe met exam i na t'10D-ex t end •


: l






t .

'JOu pe~~I.y, linee the reeees to best to reach the bo, and Kidand \ tbe22nd waato a-!ye the Committee pt NIIults was IPI~did • . ,Mr. An. ~olrY time to put the aeat- deraon has a .rood voice and fine . tered work in Jepi form BO a8 to .. er d anded th . ' L.t b" Th·· Ivery an comm e .avoid all lPOMiu e am Ia-Ulty. II of nttentlon which Bpoke well con J a the mOlt important feature of t.he slderinlr the fact that he had a1moflt ' Conv~tion work. Th~ Co~ittee one hundrtd children in bll audience. haa'had aesailm8 of ,:me hour D_t' g....a T.ter--Earneat Brad. . . ,._ b t ~ , Itor ~e put f!~r wee...., ut mW! dock. Sprinlr Branch, fint. M~i80n have all the ~me ~ro.fn now to the ~,$uaar Grove, ,MCOnd. Z2DIl. to complete Ita work for the Beet Embroid.r,--Gen.~ Curtis .final aeaiiorl of,the Co'!ventioll. 9 riqb BranCh firat. Goldie Con: " "., lIem~ of thla 'COmmittee are n:r, Sprina- B~c:h, IeCOttd. . -'Prof. CoUc)D,.Dr, Knilrht, Dr. E1lOo. Beat PlainSewin~Eua-enia WhitAntrbD~ )otY, '. J.ampaon. Judie aker, Green Briar: ·fir,rt. Olive : ' ~.,v.0tth~~n, J Nye and fD1I8lf. WIlBOn, Harmony Grove. second. , l~.ijew·of1hb'I do not Beat Loaf of · Bread-Jennie War, f ..nUltiji~ '.;n · i~ IIe!IIi~M ner, GreeD Briar, ',mall loaf. firat. t> ~tq lthai . jts wo.-k. I FrancellSq~ii•• CollqeHilI,aecond. ~~I"". ;""'" 01!)'DII'I,i'tlllnit:v to , ~e part Beet Cake-Opal Gray! S~r Co'llvlmtlon the' hia-lielt honor Grov~bfirat. qeneva Curt18. SprlDg I icret the Bn:nc ,lIIiCOnd. . . f

.a1l,,'p,~iv8lIltsW. ~iD8' It

I con· L... ,~~1~." , ~~en~_

bef~re. '.~ ~eslre to

I must


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theIr places while a chorus of vOices Friday. . . county for Auditor I found a very ing over the peri9d from . March 1, from .the Hig~ School, under the Ml'rllnd Mrs. Jo~ph Evansvisj~ general exprellllion that a new man 1~ to March I, 1909. Th18covered direction of theIr most able Instruc· Mr. aDoli Mrs. DaVId Armstrong ID in the court bouse every 12 or 15 the time of Surveyors P. O. Monfert, ~resa Mrs. Linton. sang "March of Dayton last week and attended the years would be very acceptable. I Walter Henkle and myself. The h S' h .. Th' f II ed b State Assembly of Rebekahs in ses· I . k b t' f th t e .p e~. IS w" 0 ~w" J sion there. ., have Been ani talked to all the voters fo lowing IS ta en ver a 1m rom e a · c~oru8 Shades of EvemnK.?y Filte:red Gasoline for Auto's at the that 1 ~ould rea:lh and hope I have Examiners' repqrt. puptla J...m the lower grades, m· Waynesville Auto and Machinery Co. said or done nothing that will clange ObBervation8 vocation by Rev. Grauser~ . chorus M d M Ca 10k d h'l thilJ feelinK 80 far Il8 I am personally "Some of the earlier bills W96 " S ' " II' ." Sc . t r. un \ rB. r u .e an c 1eavens ~re .e mg, . rip ur~ " Mr Harvey Gustin, Mi8lle& Ha- concerned. In leavinK my case to not Bufficie~t1y itemized to enable reu1ioR' ..Rev. J .. ·F . Ca~!"aIl8der, ~nd Elsie Bnd Muter Howard the voters 1 wish to say that I have the Commissioners to make the al· • chox:ua,The SpnnK Son~. Gustm, Mr. and Mrs Earl conne~ made a clean and honorable canvass, lowance The method Rev. Gral,lw ~elivered a very able Mr alld Mrs J M. Taylor. '.Mr.. an, that from the start to finish 1 have of preparing billB laa8 been greatly and impr~ve acldreas on "IdeaIB." Mrs. G,~~~:y~~ y~t Rmghng 8 atood on my own responsibility, haye improved upon by the present ~n. The aervlce was concluded by a M dM Ra d E d been a member of no caUCUI, com· cumbent Sam D. Henkle." chorus. "Call Upon Me," b~ ~e' M/&~don R~nda:' ~f Pi~buS:g, bination or erpnization and that ~p C.ompensation lower Irrad~!!, and the benedIctIon Pa., were i'Uests of J. E. Janney and to the hOlJr the votes are counted .am "Examination of the vouchen. b, Rev. Cadwallader. . . family over Sumlay. Mr.. ~nd Mrs. free of any obligation or promUle, files and records pertaininlr to·th'\. Tbe chu·~ looked beautIful With ~vanB Bpe.nt a pleasant day In meet- personal or political except a deep services of the Surveyor, baaed on decorationa of pal~B, snow b~lIs and 109 0!~1~~1~~:~ 1:~°h:r:~ilYr~~~ Kl'8titude to all w~o hllve taken. an the proyi.ions of the statate. a. wiateria. . ' ago. .. interest in my candidacy and a faIth· eoaltrued by the Soreau of InapeeThemUilc was fi~ and too ~uch Dr. H. Q. Alexander, wife and son luI performance of duty. tion and Supervision of Public Ofpraise can not be lIven, Mrs. LImon Orlle, Mr. and Mn. Howard Lewis, Thanking all for their 8upport and fices discloses the fact that the sevF!:rHS::r~:;t: ~t lfi~t~~t 0 for the excellent work she has ac- of D8J lto~, S. E. and F. M. Alexan; with confidence in the final result I eral SurVeyorB have drawn their For School havln" Best Exhibit of complished durlnlr the past achool • of .Mlddletown, spent Mothers am respectfully your candidate for feeB in "onformity to law. . . I " , Day With their mother, Mrs. A. J. . '" Busy W~rk,-Red.Oak. .. year. , . • _ .• ' . Alexander. They reInem~red her audItor The next examination ' by a State W::~ ~=~ ~~he:,~:fi ' ME{\\ORIAL DAY with' Belv eral dozen. of beautiful car- adv. • ~~Ies Madden. Inspector covered the dates Match 8m . ' .,~, _ ._ . 1.1909, to May 1,1911. and.. was F~r ~ · 'Dj.epla,y by any , The Memorial day 8enices Mears. Thad Zir'!'merman.t \yillie HIOH SCHOOL BALL OAMES made by W. R. Mehaffey. HIS re. -~1..·;'-1 ' Lo U 81il1. . I...i.. .' • • hill Halnes. ebas. Lewa, Jail. ·.uennalll. f II ~UN:",:", we ' .' : year wIll ...... unIque as t e, w . Ollie MisSildine. Phil Hopklll8. Jr., Last Wetlnesday ,afternoon the 10- port in full is as 0 ows:~~~b~~I~ lh any ol)eSchoo~ pa~ticipate4 in by. not only tP~.~. Geo~1 Pratt. V/, Thos: cal High School ball team went to County SurveY1)r '.For1:.t Ex"ibit of Manusciripbl A. R., b~t the ~" of P. ~d ~U!,IO~ Roml,n~. ~ugh }(idge. Albert Cleayer and defeated the Hlgb "Bills of the Q'untv "r,"Ve~r -Green B'ri '. ~~ " t · order LOdIfel as weU. The com,. D.~. (,ran~, Etllan Ctabe !lDd Elliott , . th were earefull,. eumin ed alld ' , ' .' Prof R: ~:B adf rd Leb anon 'lttee .in dw,re cOMlats of L H W.n.a-~t wer~ amonK ~~ , wh~ fiBW School ~ of that place by . e and found eorreet.'~ . . '' . , . " . r . , 0. 'U·· , ..... . tv 'R R1n.rlllla-'. Cl~!lU8 at ' UA¥~~n, Friday. ICON of 8 .t o 6. ' . ' .tell' . ,.' I~Mrs .. C.M,Bl'J1Del',Wayneevl e., 00leinab, ·S. t. 1'" ~ ". ·ea' d·-:.,' · f M Tb 1 I bo tillthnkinlt I now leave It to the in 1&'811, e <'~~'j,P!l~k" .por~in~.' 'r. Judges. J. ~,aftlt Mrs. C1ar~e, ,~~er 0 ' . ~i ~ sJ~.a;~~. Je:nn:y ~d of the ~o~rs ~~ . City, Rev, Graueer for th~ir Idp~nesa, m say :, ~ ~r . ~erence ~lani"lll~~·'




~f.dC.~l~~:;.~~I~iti8,':ttll~e~"~ln;~L~~'r;j;f~; \~ e-~1~~J





~~~~i~~;'i~ii~~~~~~~~· in.autoe. ' ~""da"17them'tq' CentetvilJe th Ire , was an en''

to- leUr! . The

c!r~~latfd .'

ave pre reports '.


The Miami Gazette' ~~~~~~~~~~~~i%~~~ D. L . CRANE, Publisher, WA YNES\' Il... L E ,


The Wayfarer




SL Loul. dealer dt:Clared t.o a COil' Y(,DtiOD of egg and poultry men that "It Ie tbe cold·storage men wbo In· aure cbea p .,gge Instead of blgb·prlced Onee, as Bome leglsla tore would have \18 believe. Were It nol for cold atorage, e!;gJI would go to one dollar Ii dozen In wInte r, nod In some plneea " 'ould be absolutelY unobtai nab le. aays the Omaba Bee. Of course, cold elOt:age boosts tbe price occasionally In the Bum mer; bul It It did DOl. farm· ' en In tbat season could not get more than two or t hree cents a dozen for thei r eggs.'" No doubt mucb of tbls Is strIkingly true. Tbe cold'storage plant la, IDoleed, a leveler of condl· tiODS, not only for eggB. but many other articlea of produce, ' and. when properly conducted, wit h t be purpole of serv ing natural n eedlJ snd condl· tlonlJ, tbe cold s tora ge becomes a most valuable economIc factor. Tbe trouble Ie that It la not alwaY8 ao con· ducted. 1\1J potential harm eQualB Ita potential good, and, unfortunately, aelftah m en have exploited thll fact to their own sdvantage and the con· aumerB' detTlment. It Is thlll mleman· Agement of the cold'ltorage lIystem Stllelf agalnllt which remedIal legislation Is dIrected. A

A poor worldn, man told bli w1fe on awakenlq one morning of a curl· oua dream he had dur1~ the nl,ht. r .. lates th. Marquette Tribune, He dreamed he Ba" coml~ toward hIm, tn order, tour ratL The drat one Wae 'Yery tat. and wu followed by two 'YO". lean rata. the rear rat being blind. Th. 4J'eamer w.. creatly per· ple.x ed U to "bat e'Yll ml,ht follow: a. It bad been understood that to dream of rall denotel calamity. He appealed to hll 'It1fe concern Ina tbll, but Ihe could not belp blm. HII 10D, who beard the father tell the Ilory, 'Yolunteered to be tbe tnterpreter. "The fat rat," 1M lI&1d, "Is tbe mall 01'·de.r !lrm wblch sellB booze. The two I ..n ratl are my mother and me, and the blind rat Is yourself."

( Cou,rla bl.

l Ull,

b, A "OC la. U~ d Litullr, P r e ... )

Ceclly Was born ror romllnce. She bated anything that smacked of the com monp lae. Hence when ebe saw Bruce Esmond, tor t he first time, she believed herse lf madly In lo ve with him . Bruce wns nn attlst with a lean in g to wa rd illustration. He let up his easel one April day on th e edge of a newly pl owed field . and proceeded to make a s ketc b of Ceolly 's father . Mr. reBc nte d not only the Im pertinence of havin g Illmself put In 11 plcture-hul In being put In one when he wns nol dressed In hi s Sun· dny best. So he t old Uru ce Esmond to go elsewhere for his In spiration. Th en Ceclly Int erfered . "W by. fa lher, he paints sllch love ly tblngs," sho said. "Ju s t look a t those borses." Drake grudgingly admitted that Re mlls and RomuluB looked well, and compromise.! on a s ket cb In which he should be lett ou l. "You cnn put In th e fleld nnd tb e sit.}' and th e horses." he stated genero us ly. "but not me." Then he went on plowing and Ceclly and Bru ce Esmond proceeded to get acquainted. Bruce said tbe conventlon&l tblngs-tbat Ceclly WAll too pretty to be hurled In the country, that he was tired ot cIty women with their feath· en and furbelows, tbat C4!ctly rested him and pleased blm-all the fll8clnatIng compllmentl that m en of his class UBe to lurn the heads of the unBophlstlcated. Th UII, Ceclly believed hel'lHlJr madly In Jove wltb him and If It bad not been for tbe Wayfarer Ihe would eltber have married Bruce to live unho.pplly over after, or she would not have married him and would have felt her· ielf broken·hearted, The Wayfo.rer came slouching along th e road In old clotbes, wltb a fishing creel alung ove r his Ihoulder o.nd a rod In his h and. He did not compll. ment Ceclly at all. He simply o.aked

Vienna can bOBSt a curlouB eccentric, who turnll life upside d ~wn, a rIch young Pole, who lives In sumptu· OUB Btyle, but alwaya summons his I!'enanta hy bugle call. His tavorlte paetlme Is drlv1ng an omnibulI, at· Ured like an ordinary busman. 111,a, though he Is eald to spend a fortune each year In clothes. he wears no garment un~1l It bas bee n worn by his '- vale-l He halJ alltonlsbed the gueste at a ball by appearing tn a costume ot pure white, aave for the shIrt and tie, wblch were black, To complete bls oddltleB. when dInIng, which be invarIably does alone at a table d'hote, 'be reversell the ulual order, begin· nlng bli meal wIth th. a"eets BIld endIng with th• .oDp. A weetern woman lecturer OD pel' tect love Is aulng for dIvorce. Her husband was mesn enough to tell her ahe had better Btay at home wIth her own family than to go abroad lectur· ing ~he,= people ahout the perfection ot theIrs, which, of course, constituted enough extreme cruelty to 'ustlfy her plea.

WOlI1en In Wasblngton got together and organIzed a succeesful war on the high car step. New York Is the next city to capitulate to feminIne de· manda. Two such signal Victories will encourage feminine oppOSition to the blgh Itep everywhere. A. Maurice Low In a lecture at Yal( aald that newepaper reporterll art ' 'men of trlv1al minds without per· IIPectlve and wltbout education." W. Infer that Mr. Low Is not exactly pleased wltb the reports of hI! speeches that have appeared In th, newspapers.







I ',


A passenger on a New 'York Itreet Cl\!' hB8 dIscovered the way to deal wttb the hatpln peril. When the points of two came perilously near hll eyes he IInlpped them off with a pair of pincers. A paIr of pIncers will DOW be the equIpment of every man wbo Is eo fond of hIs eyesIght tha.t he Is blind to coneeQuences, Thirteen per cent ot college girls In a Wisconsin university have heen found to be flat·footed. Tbere II no doubt whatever that thle Is an un· lucky percentage, and Bclence Is to be uked what It Is goIng to do about It. fJ'he hlgber education II! not worth .uch apparently dire elfects. A Hunga rIan doctor bas succeeded iu trallaplantlng living hair to hald beads. Here Is a real benefactor to the human r~ce who makes a whole 'fIl8 grow where no balrs grew b.

. fare.



NWhat Hive You to Say About IU"

paint 8unllgbt on that sliver pool, or to make love to a girl like Ceclly ." Esmond ttlru ed an angry face up to :.:m. "What yo u to say a hout It Y" he fin a rl ed. "Somelhlng," said the Wayfarer, quietly, "I know you r reputation In town. Es mond - and Ceclly 18 to o sweet to be hurt by you." "In love wltb ber yourself?" ~& manded Es mond. "Per hRI1S. BUL that has nothln~ to do with t he case. You'd better p ack up your pictures, and run along h ome." "I'll take Ceclly with me." Bald th e e tber. "I think not," snld the Wayfarer, "because when Ceclly len m s tbe trutlJ I dl'n'l t blnk she will wont to go." "It' s a pretty small thing for on E man to talk about another." "Not when the other Is usIng tbe hor pltallty of n gir l' s rath er to aC'· COr.J lllish blo own e nds. I sha ll tell Dra ke .... bat 1 kn ow of your past. He oan de cide whetber It Is necessa ry to warn Ceclly. Persona ll y. I don't believe that Ceclly will miss you & YOU hav e been away It week, When Ihe really fo.Jls In love she will fall In love wltll a m an ." "Like you!" NAt least I csn olfer cle an hand. and true and steadfast atrectlon ." The next day the artist went In town. After his departure Ceclly drooped and fad ed. "Can It be that she really loved blm?" the Wayfarer otten allked blmself. He tried In every wa;r to make her bappy. ''I'm an old fellow," be laid, "bllt really I know Bome Interestllll thin gs." Ceclly began to enjoy the walke with blm. He did not talk to her at Bruce had done of tbe beauty of her eyes and tbe charm of her smile. But hI' had a way of telling her thIngs that WEre? delightful, and all tlme went 011 Ceclly began to feel that she wae In c1nse com munion with a wondertul beart and mind. "You don 't paInt your pictures." she saId one day, timidly. "You tell tb em." Such a aweet comradeship al It ~rew to be! The Wayfarer se nt to lown, now and then, fo r booke, ane! once the re was n box of candy, ane! at another time a wonderful buncb at viole ts. "How extravagant!" eald Ceclly, snI ffin g the flowers with de light. "But you like the m." sai d tbe Way· farer . One day Bruce Es mond came back. "I h a perfect right to come," he said to the Wayfarer, "I am free." "Legally?" was the Question. "A divorce," said Esmond. "Now I e hall marry Ceclly." The anger at the Wayfarer burst out. ' YOII sball not have her," he said. " You will break har heart all you broken the hearts of other WOll,en who have trusted you-you shall not have her." And Just then some one saId beblnd t.hem, "Are you talking about me'" Cet'lly stood thefle, lookl\ll; at them wltl) grave eyes. It was Esmond who answered her. "He says 1 shall not marry you," he saId. "And probably you think I treat· ed you badly because I wooed you !lefore I was free. But I loved you sO n,lIc ll, Cectly. And he-he has noth" Ing but bls money." CE'c lly looked up at the Wayfarer. "Does he mean-tbat-tbat you are rIch ?" she asked. "Yes," snld th(' Wayfarer. "Hut you came tramping along tbe rOllCI Illte a.ny common traveler." "Deco use I was tired of the thlnge that riches could brlog. I-I wanted other things-like love-Ceclly." And so tbey stood before her, thelle two men, asking, pleadIng for her favor. Ceclly sobbed wIth her face In ber hauds. "Go away," she said, "go away, botb of you." But as tbe , Wayfarer went slowly, s he cried after him, "Oh, I Bhall mllJl our long walks together, and the books." He turned back. ''Why sbould my mon ey stand In the way?" "You deceived me," she said, "and -and It I should say 'yeB' now yoU might think It was becaule I wllDted I to be rich." "I should think It was beeauae you loved me," he said. From the other side of the bedge Bruce spoke, bitterly, "It's al,;aYI wealth that wIns." But Oeclly smiled at hIm . " He has taugbt me 1I0methlng that you wtJI never know," sbe laid. "J ask only that we sball be good com· rades along the road-wayfarerlJ to, getber-untll death parts.'

for a glass of water and Bat on tbe stone hench and drank It. He looked very tired and eeCny InvIted blm In . "When father comes home we'U supper," she sald, "and he's always glad to have company." The Wayfarer tbanked her and, for tbe first time, he smiled. Ceclly liked hlB s m tie. It lighted up bls tired face, and seemed to warm the obse rv er. . Ceclly sat by blm on the stone bench and chatted of many tblngs. She talked most or Bruce Esmond, "You've heard of him, ot course ?" "Yes. He has a promising career ';)etore him ." "Oh, I hope 80." said Ceclly, sr· 1ently. The Wa.yfare r said nothing. "How long has be been bere?" he 18ked , at la st. "A month," said hap py Ceclly, "and be's goIng to stay another month. He wante to get the light of the Ma y moon on tbe apple blossoms." " Humph!" laid the Wayfarer. Mr. Dra ke was very enthuslalltlc ebout the Way tarer that nIght. " He wants to board here tbrough lhe fishing season ." lIald the farmer to Ceclly. "I don't know but we might as well let him." "or course," said Ceclly. But ""hen Ihe told Esmond , he raged. "How can I bave any Inspiration with him around! I want only yon, Ceclll'." "But you see fatber needs the money," saId Ceclly, gravely. "Tbere's the Interest on the mortgages to be met." Not If Hs Knows It. . Esmond laked lit her kee·n ly. "I Mrs. Jawback-You're a wFetcb, but though t your [ath~r owned the farm;' I suppose It I bad to JIve my life O'fel be saI.!J. I agaIn I'd marry you just the Bame. ·.. "He does. But tbere'll one mortgage. Mr. Jawback- I bet yOU n dollar And tl1hes are bad and the crops have wouldn't.


"When my baby wRe .slx months old, bls body W811 completely covered wltb large sores that seemed to Itch aile! burn, lind caule terrible aufferlng, {By L . M . Montgo mery. College of. A lricultt:re, Ohio State Ull:verslty .) The eruption began In plmplell whIch would open and run. makin, lar. . lIorea. HIs hair came out aDd !lnger nails fell otr, and the Bores were over the entire body, causIng little or no Ileep tor baby or myself. Great scaba would come 01% when 1 removed hil shirt. "We tried a great many remedlel, but notblng would help hIm, Ull a frIend Induced me to try the Cuticura Boap and Ointment. I uled the CuU· cura Soap and OIntment but a Ihort time before I could see tbat he wal Ilbprovlng, and In six weeka' Ume he was entirely cured. He had snl%ere4 ahout six w~ekB before we trIed the Outl cu ra Soap and Ointme nt, although We had tried Beveral othe r tblngll, and doctorll, too. I thlnft the CuUcura RemedIes ..,111 do all ]bat III clalme4 for them, and a great deal more." (Signed) Mrs. N oble Tubman, Dodson, Mont., Jan. 28, 1911. Although Cutl· cura Soap and OIntment are lold by druutst. and dealer8 everywhere, a lample of each. with 82·page booll. C:abbage Plant. :iet In Cold Frame to Harden Off Befc .... Tranlp:.ntlng to 11'111 be maned tree on appUcatioll ~ Open Ground. "CuUcura," Dept. L, Boston. The practice of transplanting th e the "Iants to wilt. \lmmedlatelY pr. A kitten Is almost al friskY uel several klndll of garden plants Is ceding the tim e of setting In tlle open th e plsnta should be well wo.t· .BnBelell as a IIlrt. amply Justlfted by tbe beneftcl&l re- ered, In order ~o prevent Injury to Coa\BCI tODpe, 98rtli<~ OOD6UpaUOD U'I su ite obtained. Chief amoug thesf' tbe roots wben Lhe plante are taken 15 tho production of luperlor p:ant8 up s s well &I to caule IJ( me 11011 to &11 n llend by O.rfleld TCMto. fo 'r Pltrly crops. adbere. The garden 11011 sbould have Tbfl more promlsell a man mu . . "'b lie mrmy plante will not ,,(Jr' been dee;lJy and thoroughly pulver- tbe more be doesn'l keep. 1II:1t of transpl"'l&ting, many otbel'1l h;ed In oreler to 'II.k, · neceaury moll' m".lce quick relponae to thlll trt'at. ture. If poulble a damp. clot:dY day . Tlk.. a Week. Bhould me sllleot~ for the w,ort. If "I tboucht your dnughter was comm a nt. Cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, luch oondltlonn are not In evidence, Ing home from the beach this week." egg plant, onlonll, celery and caull- the plants may, with extra care, be "We had to let ber remain another fluwer, are succellfully and pl'oflt· aet on dry,lunlhlnny days. Cut hack week In ordel' 10 fInllh sayln, ,004ably 'rausplc.nted. the leaf lIurtacd at lout on>-balf and by to a 10UDI man." Ruch crops as lima beans, ou mm- provide 'water :or tbe r:>ot" If POI' bt'rs , muskmelons, beell, and Dweet Ilble, b!lt take pains to lee lhat the Th,y Draw' lnte,.,t. ".It. tlll8," he lIald atter just haylna had one, "18 the moat precloull thin" and yet women give them away." "You erl mlstaken,i , Bbe s!LId. "WI neYer give th am away, we lDerel;r 10Vellt them."-Fun.


Before PubllCltlon, "Patsy, bring me a paper when 1011 come to work In the mornlcg," a w~ man wbo lived at the edge of a 'Y1l· lags told her man of all " 'ork when be went home at ni ght. "Now, dOD" torget H," she lidded. "No, ma'am," lall! PatlYo, "I won'~ I mIght forget It If 1 left It unlll moroIng,- \I\)- 1'1l- ,et It tonIght. ..

Was Sure Ho Knew It, Tte pl:yslology ClB6S In a cOllntry Ichool was stud)' lng about the baall· bone. Teacber-Wbat Ilre the pieces ot cllltUnge for bet ween the vertebraet A little boy ra ised hie hand. Paper Pot and Berry Boxe I Uaed In Tran,plantlng, "Well, Eddie, YOIl may tell us," the teacher laid. oorn, are less commonly subject to ground doce uot bo.ks, by drawIng "To take the ja rs 01% Ihe Jumpe,M trllnr-plantlng methods, tbough the)' loose dirt nbout th e vla::lls aftor the InBwered t1~'e triumphant Eddle.-Normay be succellsfully grown hy tbls '\\'8ter Is appll eC:. Various tools 8re of eervlce In man E. Mack's ,Nnllomil Mon thly. IDleans wIth highly gratifying resulte, provided proper precautions are transplantLng. Th ) , hund dibbl e and THE OU> P&.EA trowel are commo., while hand trans· taken. He "Didn't Know It Waa Loaded," planting machlnce a re In fH:CCeBlful In order to successfully transplant Precautions shou:a b e taken any kind of piants to the open use. The coffee drInker leldom realize_ ground three things are. eesential. to see that the 11011 1s w'ell com· that cotree conta.kns tbe drug, catrelne. First, good plants ; second, good soil ~Dcted about the lower part ot the a levere polson to tho heart · and conditions; nnd third, good methods. root system, partIcularly that no nerves, causing mnny forml ot 41.. Good plants are thole of strong, large air epaces remllin due to the eaSi!, DoUceably d)'lIpe)lllla. atocky growtb \whlch have been prop- hole made by the dibble 01' other ':1 WBII a lover of coffee alld used II tool. erly hardened before shIftIng to the tor many yeari!, and dId not l'8Dllze tbe In the 'case of corn, ben us, melonll open ground. Stocky plantll can only bad effecta 1 was Buffering trom Itl be produced under oondltlons which anc! cueum bera ~xt.ra care· and special These UBe. (Tea Is Just as Injurloull as cof. provide an abundance of lunllght, air, methodll must 'le employed. are best started In berry bonll or fee because It, too, contains caffeine. mll)ieture and moderate temperature. the same drug found In coaee.) . "At firet I was troubled with In4lge. tlon. I dId not attribute the trouble to the use of coaee, but thougbt it &:olle from other cnuses. With these tttackll I bad elck headacbe, naullea and vomiting. Finally my stomacl\ was In Buch a condition I could learC6 11 retain BOY food. "I consulted a physician ; wal told my trouble I came trom Indigea. 1I0D, but was not Informed what caused the Indrelltlon. I kept on wltb the coffee, and kept on with tbe trou. bles, ·too, and my case continued to grow worae from. year to ye nr until It developed Into chronic dIarrhea, nalJo lea and seYerl' ·attacka of vomltlnr. l could keep nothIng on my stomacb and became a mere sbadow, reduced troll 169 to 128 poundll. "A lpeclaUst Informed me I had • very aevere case of catarrh ot- the .tomach, wblch had got sO 'bad he eould do nothIng for me, and I beeam. &.'Onvlnced my days were numbered. . "Then I chanced to Bee an arUcle ••t. ULig forth tbe good qualltleB of ~o"tUJD and expla.lnlug how calfee Injured peoIIle 10 I concluded to give Poatum • trial. I 10011 aaw tbe g09d effect_in, \eadachee were lesl freCll!ent, nausea . aad vomltlng only came 00 a t long Intervals and I was eoon a changed man. ~eellng mucb be.ttel". " "Then I thought I could stand coU•• a(aln. but as 10011 "a I tried It old troubles returned and I ...iJn . to POl tUW. Would YOU (lid thIs three times before I enough to Quit coffee fOr k4)Bp on wl~h tbe POlltUm. I well .man 1Vlth no more b'e'l~~:Ch,eti.i:tI'~llII~· itoniQc~ or' vomiting, read,. gaintMl back to Name ·c!~e.D by 'B attle ·Or.e~~, Mlcb:; ' .• , Look. IiCpq" 'for A'tbr1'==~ book, ~e RqQ~ to W


Plantl 8b1ned In Shallow 8 ox.. Ready for Trantplantlna. Tlle lint transplanUng IIhould com· m lonly be gIven as loon al! the flrst tne leavea are deYeloped, giving each pilant about four BQuare Inchell of IIpace. A BmaYer amount of space wUl lumce for the slower growing plants, luch as celery. Later tranl' pla.ntlng to greater dlBtaIlCell Bhould bl!!' made as BOOn as the.. plant. begin to crowd. The hardenIng procels conillats In gradually eubjectlng tbe plantl to condltlonll of t..mperature and mol ... tu:re which tbey 110'111 encoun~er when eet In the open . For several days prevloull to Betting In the field the pllants should be allow:ed to remain UIlcovered day and night In the boxes or frames In which they are grown IU;l.d molatura wltbheld sufficiently to check the ,rowth Without causing


TWI> weekS liLter, the Wayfater, com. Safe, lug u.p from' tbe s tream, stoPDed be. "I am 'alwa~s sure tha t nOllody, bled Elmond'i elise.l · . "'J'bere ~arl'l jUst eYer p/.tempt to-kick mydelS ar(,u.aI.~~;I..c:ie'btiii:'w.III:tei~f' two:) tb fDtts you lihould try to d.o," be I'Wl-y, noU" . ' .• a.l~, Qu1~tl1; '7on' abOlltdD'~ tl7 to "Beca~ tb,e~:r. ~. dop:-'" .,:. .'

Fle" 8to..,., Knlcler-A- mon t l! 1,0 I told a lie on the water. Bocker-Well' Knlcker-I cut ope!! the nih J caught today and found U had IWal· 'owed It.

paper boxeB several weeks ahead of tbe lea80n when tbey may Bately be se t III the open . Plant aeveral leed in each box and thin out lea'll· Ing only ' two or ' three of the bellt. These shCluld receive the aame gen· eral treatment as descrlbe1 tor the more commonly transplanted klnda In bardenlng olf :\I1j soil prep.ratlon. When setting these In .the open It Is bellt to tear away the paper !iOlI, but the b"rry boxeB need not lJe dla· turbed as they soon decay and al· low the roots to spread freely. In nil such cases set the plante slightly de eper than th e contB1ners In whlcb tbe y were b'l'own. The abov e devices may be IIled equally " 'ell for extra early tomo. toes,

Ih'w .... t •• · IINft --·~-'. . . . ppea,. fr.e.. tI",,! Hi·;:;ii....; - . : . .

::'::"lI* ~ ....

mllllel do WllS IItoptblng thiS 1I0w of m,. hiltl MILe!,to and tbe tofirst Ro-

ot blood Ilnd pack miS up lomehow


out of the way ot ewarms of anta lhat already we re bus y at work. Havlag madf! m e ft8 comtortable as possIble, Homanes went In searcb ot the camels, bl s Ide a bein g to strap ~ to oae Rnd get aWIlY without de-

In the mornIng In Increll ~ d numbers, neltber of Os would eve r leave tbe spot. Poor John, he little knew tben what a burden he h.a d aSflDDled In finding me IIllve! Boll e f for him would It ha va been If I bad f(~ally d!ed thell and be could h av(! buri lld me. ODd. unhampe red by a deliriou s ms D. OU will not lind have hos te ned to safel y. His first the name of Jobn dls npp olnlme ut ca me wh e n be s tood Romanea on the up tu 11 9 4"' 0 [o r llle bell s oC th e cam· Bcroll of honor, e ls, whlt h sh ou ld i.lnv c beeo benrd. tor men wIn the He ts lled to ca lch tb o t ll lDt est tinkle, badge of tame In HI s disu ppoi ll tme ol beca me alu rtJ: mllny Wl\Y8 and whe n Dil l three huud re d Yl\ rd 6 fro m the r e are mall' Ibe camp be foullt! our park cam el d~fec s of vlllor dead, with sove ra l spea rs s ti cking It, and many vary· and th e oth er Iwo, flrty yards ruurtl\{:r Ing rewa rds won OD, ho pell!681), wounded . by Itll His determlul? ll e D not to leave me "Peace baa ber pla ood him In t h is predicame nt : he beroe a, DO lesB rehad tlr el of a ll to s bltt me to a pia eo nowued than of safet y hefor e morning brou ghl the war:' III the as· r.a t I ves all ua 8 gain; and alone be IM:rllon of tb e \l oe t, but thIs muat had tb e n to get me Into tb e De Grey be qualified by th e omluton ot the depo t, a dlltance of nearly elgbty word "DO." 1t Is 80 Ilt Dny date In miles, th e beal part of It over wa le r· the CII.B6 of John Romanea, for his le611 country. II wo s Impos61ble Cor ceed was perfor~d in the allenoe me to mo ve or my own lultlatlve, ror HOM Ne w Orleans we carn e or :';c pte llliler l tlUb, but nos bee o retlJld solitude of the great Auatra· tba t hDd lert me a nd .I lay like a log, le is urely to Mobile. 140 mil es pa ir ed Rnd Is now agalll In cO Ul mls· llan buah, without a .Ia~le apecta· sen ~l<: !s , dellrtou!. If my life Wfl S eas t aud nortb. s topping by t be . Ion . Tll ere Is a gooll hard COlllltry fOr who could beer wltnese to Its to be &al'cd I hlld to be moved from way at Puss Cbrls tlan a od UI· rond Ib ut lea ds to U, e lIlurrs, wbere nemplltude or courage or tbe tile spot wbere I fell and be ca rried loxt, resorts ou lbe gulf littoral, the s he ll road In 118 o rlgln'\l beauty hlgbeat quality, deyotlon aeldom to a pla ce of ufet)' . Thot was tbe popular with th e New Orleans people m ay be e ntered . FOUf mil es be low , at equaled. and Il selt·lacrlOce eo conc luslolll RomlUle8 arrived at and and not unknowu to northern lourls ts, South E nd, It beco mes a Wild, rom on· rare that few men unacquainted before anotber dllwn broke we were as well, wbo nnd tbe te mpe rate ell· lIc lorest road, lead ing down to Uog wltb the perlla ot the bUl b can apten m lleg awe)' from the acene of our mate more bracing and enjoyable tban rl ver, where tbo f.'rench took possea· prel:late IL laet camp and J was .arely resting \bat of lbe reBorts fartber south. fll on of th e country, a nd wb ere 1'010All th, lubject of Roma~.' heroIn tbe Ihade of a bUlh. wbile ROo Pass Cbrlsllan Is neareet New Ur- bll e's fa mous Flah and Hunt c lull bas lam It Iball be my duty to tell to manes we ut In searcb of water and leans, and 57 miles distant, .says a cor· an elegant clubbouse, wbe re til e vis· a wldar drcle of r'l!aden tbe eventl food . respondent or \be New York l!:venlng Itor with tbe proper I!fed entta ls will which earned for a bero uo ~r'l!ater In the dark hours of tbe Dext IIlglli Post. It III Ii very old town, of wblcb lind aB good sport and as rree·bandeet Mward tban m), own und)'1nl ,rati· Romaneo carried !DC! anothe r twelve botb France and Spain hsd the found· hospitality a8 can be desired. tude and admIration. miles anci collapaed' · be.ld~n. .r lng, and bas a reeldent population toIt I~, bowever, of Moblle's comtng It teem. fltran~e to ine that, 10 Bn old Millve well. . day of FrenCh, Sponlsb and I£ngll8b commercial greatness tbat we wlsb far. te~ per.ona out.lde of AUI' How l()ng Into tbat day he Ilept. origin. It was named-tbe legend run a cllleny to speak In \ bts article. tralla have ever beat.d ot the .tu· Romanell never knew, but when be -from the old Spanlah explorer ""bo "Just look at ber position tor a mo· Dendou. dort. tbe IOY6l'nDHInt of awakenedl. probably aa tbe I't!ault of first discovered Ule deep " pass" or ment.. .. said one or her busluess men Weatern Auatralla baa maIM to my ravings, be eaw a native coming channel In front of the maIn sbore. to tole writer. "We are bere on Moprevent the Incunlon of tbe rabbit along the fcnce scarcely two hund~d Its admlrer8 call It the Newport ot tbe bile river, ",'bl eh Is :ormed bl miles pe.t Into tbe farmlnl and paator" yards aVl'ILY. Ills nTit tbougbt waa south, with tbll advantage over Its above us by tbe Junction of tbe Ala· reglone of tbat .late and ......... jlly to Ihoot at IIllht, bellevlus that the nortbern namesake, that It Is eQually bama and Tomblgbee rivers, both no.tor,. h.. to do ..ntb that mam· black mUlt be ODe of our old enemlell. beaumul Clnd deelrable In botb winter ble streamll, navigable for etenmboat8 moth work, I fee"! bound to .peak but feel1nc certatn that the black tel· and eummer. Tbe drive of 14 mliea for 40 miles. and piercing a countrY briel, of ' It. low coul,d not have seen ue In our over Its firm. IImooth sbeH roads, wlUl rich In all agrlculturlll producte. espeFor anT IItt, ,.4I&rB the rabbi:.., ret~t. be decided to W.lltt till he the blue waterll ot the gul( on one cially cotton, In lumber, naval stores, Impo~d to Auetralla b, lOme mi. with him I abould go out two da,a dllson IIlvapl In all their war paint. aulded Imml&Tant, hue been a feal'- later. TJiII w. did, takIng with ua I roN and IIterall,. tbrew mnelt at cume rlg:bt up. The natin wlla ap· side, and atatelr-1lnd beautlrul real· co~I, Iron, cement anc! otber mIneral parently foUowln. our trucka and wall dence!! '?~ ~~ . 9~!t~r.)s one long to be wealtb. We have four trunk IIne8 ful aeou",. to tile eaeteru .tat.. of the two beat camell anUable for the · oelU'eat .. ddle, aplnet wblch a alrea.dy turuins olr Into tbe buah lUit remembered. centerIng ID the cIty, traversing tbe the liland OOIIlliant. N41t r.noM bad rldln, purpoeel and a third ,to cam aeeond Wlnchuter M8ud. With that where we had left the fiSnC8, wb~n From Pass Christian tbe railroad richest and mos t productive etates of pro~ed a IUece.. ill the ...t ud tbe auppllea for a fortnlcht'l lourney, In my hand I could mn. a bolt and Remanet recoluieed him aa a Dlltlve skIrts the gulf sbore. at tlmea cross· the UnIon and putllng us in toucb wltb. IOvemDl8llt at once entered on the BefoN leavlq the depot I .aked protect mYNlf In a ruunln, lI,bl. But be bad E.llen at Turnbull'e Ita.tton. Ing wIde bays or bayous on tresUQ ever: section. We bave four miles ot .tupeD~QUI tau or Nnntn, a rabbitbotb Rom~.. ud the mall f.D ell..,.. that Wat not to be. A MOOlld apear, "Hullo lbere!" be yelled. work, then dallblng Into pine foreste. water tront, a.n d can enlarge It above proof fenoe rllht aero.. tbe countff 'Wh~r the Datlv. . were "bad" along atmed 1I1tb halt a dOIiD oth4lrl, wlnt The bllack fellow IItopped, lIaw tbe throullb whose leary vtstas one catcbes or below IndeUoltely wbenever the to act DI a Ja&rrler ~o th, Inndln. the ttacJL tbrough m,. lin wrlat. IlDd, at 1 In· atrang. and dlillpidated wblte man the distant gleam of the gulf. Ulloxt, need arrives . We have a 20·root chan, bOlte. · That' teuoe ltaq4' today, &. "Q . .uland Charl~. that . 'bor or ....oluotartly dropped tbe rifle and ... ltb a TiDe In bl. band, and turned 22 miles farther eaat, eet up tbe claim nel t ... the gulf, whlcb we are about to COIlUlt.ted and neoeHfUJ obetacle to Tumbull'. at. the Ve Gray at.atJoll, grabbed at th. .~nhaft. a waddy tbat It 18 the oldest city on tbe coast. make 27 feet, and we are 100 miles the lDroaej. 01 the peel. It ta 0ger told me that 'MaJor' and 'Toby' weN deaoellcMd on my head and my eenaea wltb a yell to bolt Into the bush. Romane. called to blm to halt and and, Indeed. In Louisiana territory. nearer Panama, ·tbe West Indian, 1.500 mU.. lOllI, ud .tMtchla trom looN .... In and beading thSa ' wa,., bllt ~rt me. at tbe Bame time UNd Turnbull'lI Probably Ibervllle and BienvllJe did Soutb Am e rican and Europqan ports Starvation Boat harbor, In tile ONat J don't beHne It." laid Romanaa. What actUally tr8nlplNd from the name. alld dropped bla rille. At the erect there tbe first fort. but Mobile than New Orleans or any dtber large ....u.trallan Blllhl, to Con dOll, In tbe Nlnlt,. Kill Beach, away In U~e "The,. would makoe back Into We.t moment 1 loat touch ..nth mortal ex· CamJllar and aaelnl that be contende that two full days berore gulC port. "In 1860 Moblle wss the second cotaaJ!!l1 J.I!.. b~ Ihot Inlla,!!ter, the na· they had landed at Do&, river, In Mo- . .tropic Dorth. It COlt tile coDntry Klmberley ' to dodlle tbe police, and t.teDce until I found myaelf a.a aln In an,.way, It the,. do get down heN tbo depot 1 had to ,lean from the un· tlve atood atlll while Romanea walked bile bay. and had planted tbelr Illy ton port of the soutb. We expect to over '1,500,000. Turubull teUI me he bad word tllat willing anllwen of Romuea to m)' toward blm and told blm ... ho he waa. lIag on tbe site of tbe first permanent get bock tbere In a few years more. To malDtaJn the barrier In a .tate the,. are not arDM4. ~ don't reckoa queaUon. and fill In tbe blllnki Irom Tbe bladE accepted tbe peace over· fort. which they called LouIs de la M~ Furtber. a movement bas been Quietly of eaecUveD"1 allalnlt tbo dep~dl· going on for the last two years tb~t we11 lee anytblnr; of 'em. bOil." my Ima,loatlon. tUNe. and wben Romanea learned bile. Uon. ot tbe hOltlJe natlvet. t:be bUnd However thIs may be, Biloxi Is a pte. will mnke Mobile th e greatest coat that he ' W 81 makin, for the De Orey , "Well. I b'Jpe not," J sald, "but Wbell he left me to follow tbe par· attaclla of emua Ind kangarooa ItlCl tureaque old town. reminding one of shipping 110rt. of tile soutb InsIde of the ra......,a of flood, tomado and lire. we'll take lome enra cartridges and rotl, Roman.. dId not antlclpato go- lIetion wIth the newa from an outing more tban s quarter or a mUe, at alaUon that tbe warlike naUvOl were the Frencb Quarter of ./" ew Urleans. two years. I mean tbe ImJlrOVement a wbole ~rm,. of men aNI employed keep a Iharp lookout." AI eventl proved. m), fenrtl of moat., Into tbe Icrub and expected to sbout, Romanes decided to truat him and wltb Its bandsome resIdences and or tbe 1'0mblgbee and Dlack \Varrtor aonltanUy patrolllni IL trouble wltb the rovlnll band under be back In camp within fitteen min· and cOllducted him to where I WIUI abell road along tbe ten mile beacb rIve rs by a serIes of locks and dams In ' the tar north, bowever, VI' bera well repay II a vlslL Between tbe two wblcb will enallie steamboats and "Major" and "Toby," two escaped na· utel lit lhe outalde, but before he lying. the fut di.appearlng blllJde of black He Illspected my wounds with many lies Beauvolr, alld a short distance barges drawing six fe et 01 water to tiYe prleonorB and tbe woret cbarlle- could get a abot at the bird, tber aborillDeI are ItIIl In grcat numb an tera tbat weN eV4!r loolle, were bet· had led hIm on for a mile. It, WaR grunt a lInd exclamatioDII of concern, from Its station la the fine old country run to Mobil e from tile Mulherry and and a ... livaae and treaeheroue. the ter (roun4A!d ' tban I knew. wblle he was on hili WE.Y back to He mlLde a native plaater for my seat In ample grounds, to whlcb Jer· Locllst rorlts ot tbe Warrior In the boundar, rldera alwllY. work In palrl. It tooll ue Olght daya to make the lbe camp tbat be heard a ehout. wblch wounds, composIng It ot leavel and rerson Davis retired after hili abortive richest 0001 alld Iro~ measures In the They bave ,1'I!at hardllblps to encounone . hundred mllee of our ea!!twa.rd NNmbled very c10aely the yell of sticking It on with wet clay. over confederacy went to ruIn, and In world-a distance of 400 mlles. 1f yo.u 'ter and areat dlln&,ere to brave-coajourney, 88 we made a caretul Inllpec· triumph the naUvei Jivi when they wblcb 'I'/'as bound the piece of IIhlrt· wblch be lived and died. After hts wi sh to learn more of tbls. call on Mr, HQuenUy they are plckd men Ind retlon of the fence, wWch 1 tound to be have eaptul'ed tbelr game. be it lIu· .Ieeve v;'hlch Romane. had IIr.t uaed d('ntb tbe Daughte:-! of the Confed· William W. Tbompson. who can tell oetve hlCh Wlllee. Tbey ao anneel aJ. ID better Ibape thu 1 expected. al· man or animal. to IItaunch the blood. Then with a eracy B.Bked Mrs. DavIs to sell It to you all about tWa and ot another arUW&1I, and In tbe IplnlfelC country. lhouab we bad to do a lot of etrenatb· Approaching the camp cautlouely. mel.lce to both the depot and bll tbem for an old veterans' bome, to cle destined to add not a little to Mowltb . 1fbj.cb my ItOry Is concerned. employer, alklng tbem to baaten to wlilch she conllented. takIng up bor bile's exports-cement." the,. are mounted on camel_. becaul4t enlDI to the temporal')' repairs wblch Romanea caught alaht .of the natlvel our 8Ssllltllnce and telllni tbem where abode In New York, and tbe old homf!l We had a very Interesting IntenlelV' Roman" bad effected on bill previoul raiding Ihe outllt, tearln~ open the of tbe acard..,. of water. At the end of my section near "grub bap" ud 'aenorally makin, they would find ua. dead or alive, th. now sbelters a number or those Who wltb Mr. Thompson. a man of con=- L.l[AL.....llocltted In tbe early da),1 trip. fougbt tor tha "lost cause" of 1861-6. 8 truc~lve ability, 'I1!lth all tbe ' ener.,. ),fount BNCi! we met the two boun· tbemlelvel acquainted wltb every. native Will dllpatched by Romanel. of the con.tructlon of tbe fence wltb dary rider. who bad worked Boutb tblns 111 the eamel pack .. Jour bours rrom New Orleans we Dnd enthusiasm necessary to eatry RomElnell tben picked me UP again, the IIdnnced lurve,. party and. on and. footsore and elEbaulted as he rcacb Mobile. at the bead of tbe bay out biB plans. from the D,ext leetlon to the north, Havln, "tumbled to wbat bad bal)the completion of tbe Itnlcture. Will c&Jrrled me another nine mllOl. of the eame name, and lhlrty miles Age of Cement. Induced by the blab pa,. to accept tbe The:; bad heard nothing or tbe mov.. peneel. Romane.' lint thoutllt waa to There for tbree wbole daya aDd from the gulf. A brlgbt. alert. pro· mente of Major Ind Toby and report· open fire on the blacka and before thl "We bave had the stone IIge," be be. pollition of Inepector of a length of greaslve and pleasing city It Is, of £>3,· ed everything quiet. We parted com· DatlVeti klMlw wbat bad ba.ppened a nlghta we lay. myself In a hlah at ate gan. "the age of gold, of Bllver. fence In the tar nortb. A "length.. I. paD;' next 4ay, Romanel and myeelt donble cbafle of parrot abot Itruck of fever" bapplly obUvloUli to aU that 000 Inhabitants. a city which. like Iron nnd steel, alld now we are comlnl .' tbe Dame -elv,en to a lectlOl1 of the bappened. and RomaMa InoolBant!T mOllt of tbe gulf port8, 80es tn tbe to tbe ago of cement. Wonderful (enoe whlcb III patrolled or ridden prooMdln, OA wbat abould bave been them. With a ,ell tbey aroM, the opening of the Panama canal an op· wbal Is being done Just now with tbla a IIIC~" trIp blck and tbe other men leader (wbom It aubHquenUy tran. on the ~vlltch for black.. by 0041 ' boundar,. rider. or two. II the On the morning of tbe lourth day portunlty for almost boundle Rs com· oew building material. ! retumlDg· nortb. IIplred will Major) srabblnl tbe WIn· ea.. m1cht be, but an Ina~tor'l "Now, 70 miles up the Tomblgbee We made a ,ood da)"8 marcb and cheater and IIrlD' wlldl,. In tbe dlree- after our arrival al the lIbed, relief merdal expansIon. and Is pulling her· ....natb .. ma, conllat, at In m,. Cale camped at a rain Ihed about e!&bteen tlon whence the abot bad come. Ro- came. Wben poor Romanel, by this selt together to takd advantage or It. river from Mobile. Is St. Stepben'S, ' It did. of three ordinary lenlth.. a site of tbe tll'st capital of Alabama ter-_ mllel out. jUlt .. It wal gettln, dUlk. manea bad taken ab4lter behind a time half·lnnne all tbe ~IUIt of ble Famoua Shell Road. dlltance In tbll InltaDoe of olole on The city recently bas been newly rllory. now wbolly deserted. anll wber. Not a Ilgn nor a Ilgbt of a natlviS buab which. wblle It oblcured blm bardlbll)I, re.. bed Urat be actually tbree bunelrod miles. The Inlpector had either Romanel CJ1' myeelf seen. from view. cave blm no pro~cUon eaw wblle men and tbat the hordel paved and sewered . 8be has an sm ple Is perbal)5 tbe g.;eatest depOSit of ' eltabUlhet a central 4.epot where In tact, we bad 80t clyeD tbem a 88alnlt bulleta. He llred one abot of furlo-UI lI ....agea · rusblng on him water eupply of the best Quality. cement roc k In thIs country. Fo-f-' Itor.. aie .kept, . 11 decent well aunk thou,bl. ] lit a fire of mulga sticks from bill rille, and. duhlng from bla wefil m~!rely the creation of his blood· BIenville water being 80.pure tbat It tbree-quart ers of a mile alon/t nnd where the boundary rldefa meet behlnd a clump of gti!gte bush and cover, made for a tree a hundred eboi e),cell. he broke down and wept. Is used In cbemlcal emulsions and In river bonk It ris es. a 1101141 clll! altiSt wO,l'lI;lng back alon, their Three days later I awoke to con· photograpby direct from tbe bydrant. 75 to 100 feet blgb, and ex'teEI41IDa"i'I wu IIOOn bUll1y 4tngaged on the task yards away. the natlvee follOWing In . lenlltlll, of malting a "damper," or bread baked a body. Once beblnd a ItOut trunk he lIc1oUln~!SI and found my ...lf In com· The cIty 18 IIgbted by electricity, bas tmck [rom the rIver no one kno,,". It Will In .... pril. 1908, that 1 lolt Scp· In the alhe.. A 1I0ck of Nor' WeAt brought hili 110e Into pla.y and emp- paratlvel comfort at tbe De Grey de- ; n excellent electrlo street rallwRY far. A company bas been rolrmlec1. araUon Well. the 8Outbemmolt ])OIDt parrot, ftew acreechlDg overhead. Ro- tied tbe maganne wltb IIUeb effect pot, wbc~re the lurveytna party'. cook system. good schoolS, good 1I0teis and wo rlt tbls bed. It will build' of my leaUon of' the fcnce. and promanel bobbled tbe clllriels and tllrned that three of tlie natlvee fell and tbe - a ftrllt·rate amateur aurseon-bad Government Itreet, naok<l4 on eltber Slephe n's a colossal plant, ahlp - n:a~'o!R!I ceeded nortb to thiS De O... y river. a them loose wllb tbelr bells makln&, olhers, meeUnl lucb 8 atout foe, bolt. patched mo up and doctored me In side with fine restdeDcc.s In ample product by bnrges to Mobile, ...,......... dlalanoe or !OO mltiSli. wbere I bad my a monotonous ·'clamp·clamp," 01 the)' .d Into tbiS buab after vainly, burlln&' areat IIt,)'le from tbo outlll'8 medicine grounds, will compare ravorably witll to tho Pnnama cUDal anet otber m.l~;{~ main depot. There 1 Will to meet RO- wont 'In elarch of young and tender all their Ipeara and spendlnc wbat cbeat. I wal at111 a helple.. wreck, the residence eecllon' of any city In kets. 1I1111ea and bll mate Gregory. who hlld " Beginning at Demopolla , on Iplnlfex bueh. . cartrIdges were In tbe captured Win· but my brain wa. clearln&', and when the Union. ~ to patrol tbe lut bundred mllea of Mobile Jlee tow on tbe bay, so 10IY, Tomblgbee (from wblcb town tIIer4."."~~ "How would stewed parrot go, L'cheIBtelr. 1 roallHd where I 11'111 I asked about my ~n1tory, When 1 !leached the boel?" Romanell alked me ae be Romanea. Tbey broulht blm to me In fact, tbat a IItrong soutbweat gnle now good water to Mobile), a depot, then tn .charp of two meil looked after the rowdy birds, wblch and It " .. barder work for tbat brave sometimes backa up the gull IDlo tbe sevell locks bas been co:nst,ru:l!t~!d 'Wbo were kept ·'lbere III a relief, 1 had lett led In a 80lltary gum tree a · fellow Ito IUlIwer my qu.eIUon aa to bay and overllows the contiguous the' lack Warrior, opening naY1i:J.tII~~I~ found' RamaDel In camp. '\¥Itb · ble couplo of bundred yardB Inllide the bow I lIot l&tiS tn ·from Mount Bruce Rtreete, but the land rlsee rapIdly In to TU8caloosa. Othere' .- .ate, who 'Wal 'V«)' 111 with . malaria felice. tban It bad been for him te carry. me tlle rear unUI In tbe Buburbs one linda nnd It Is expected that '&n4 «llliu. unlit. to' t!l1Ke the. track tor "Prett)' gOOd," 1 replied. "Take tbe high pine lands. wltD flne country Yllars there will be all the tbe bellt part ot the journey. altlloullh bll oOndltlon lUll ,and ·bag a few ." . . It waa a montb before 1 wal well nats of merchants, green vegetable navIgation to tbe Mulberry aelrlOIUe, _. 1, wa. partlcululy Romanea pIcked up my double-b .... enough to traTel down to Geraldloa gardene and fruItful farmll . Spring cus t forks of tbe Wao:1or' "u'~.'I'IlIUt''''!I!! &IlK1~!UI ~lO. the northerD MCUOII' of re1ed GreeneI' CUD. stu Ired a eouple '' and tb·e... ciOnvaleaoe. but before • Hill. eeveral milell westward and above Moblle. the . fence. lM!cau~ ' tbeN of ' extra cartridge, Iflto · iii. pocket. "When the Improvement left 1 br.d the IIlUstaction of knowing reached by trolle)', ball lIeveral fine old Ilood a' week ' "or aDd was about to tollow up the PilI'tbat lotajor . and Toby bad met wltb COUlltn' mllbslona and estates of tile lower rIver are completed ' UUW;;",W lIP: ......_ . . ...... . , _ a '.o.Y8ri..t.d. wben ... advlM4 him to take the tbel.r Inevitablt, fate. Tile,.. had ".tuclt: .old reglm_two. at least. owned by probably he cnntlnued up ~t~~lI!~~ WlneJ~.ler ·t oo, . .ylnl thai b. might upt' tbcI TUrke,. Creek atatlon. and, titled forelgners-wbere tbe bospltal· bam, Ilnd It Is certain that the. .tall ot a -y~: buon beln. beaten of! b,. the lltockmen. tty of the ab~ebel1um da,. 18 dis- cement and perhaps 011 ran lDto 'tll!c arml of a pol~ce patrol. pell!!ed. Here In wide. well kept then be laId dow~ on the cfoCkll"iil-JiID\i.\ any ~~~~I':~U'.J.~ )dUId .~ roOf Ple DaUV~, In· (rounds. Is lhe J"ult college. founded bUe 'cheaper thaD , the . and captured. '76 ,.ears alo. the south, tf not of pae "1l\IQlII.E" :·;~~;;' Tbe trueler wlU tlnd m~ excul'able to Ilona b1 water ()f l!l~rll!t. · .Boala PI7 to ' Fort lhiflllJlcand IIttie townl' alon~ the ,"eUtel1L.bore" 0[, tbe ba,., ad t4)










... , .~.,.. " ~8IiaP~' I»ank.~. ;.·..)(obO.'.


In Ita ~Iuo

ramoo- .heU road• • tr a,tritcb,4" cUrr.. of tb• .~; ''Wu partIaIl~J·W~tcl4"' III Ule; Dt ~lU'I1C&lIe



57 ?


fiudsl)O aDd Mnrtha I . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ •

R. Bullilon to AUHUi!tll T 118i~I! , lot . t n Fra n klin, I 0 .len ni l A , 8'\11.~Ar (~rA oJ n t.o Ca r rie K. Iroos ~cov i1le, Iut in Frankli n , nn d other conllldufll t\ PtHI Ly, lin C. ~lLllfi e hl t·o Augellna F Dev itt., tmot tn \V ay no tOWlIllhlp , Ullu :l othor ouu;I\llont Ions J ol1 o G . V"il tv L',uallou l"udgl' N o . 122 B , p , 0 E lut i u Lell!lU On,




MR. PROPERTY OWNER-Stop! Con.icler! Why not use the belt pouible when YOU pay the bill?




C:ounty Auditor

Hanna~s Green Seal


Ltl nll

He has never held a County Office. Mark your ballot thus:

!Lnt! J ()hn


Stands for everything that is beat in paint. The pigments used are properly proportioned and thoroughly compounded. ,

ChtLrl el! Ff'hrtllAtlO, t·r llM \ n Idllmiltou ;own sll tp, H 110,1 ot.her oonsllIur,, 1ion ,; Alber t B,uu t 11111 1 ::;11 1'111. E Brtllt! t.o .l olln 'l'uroc \cu lll rt n n, tru ct ill Tnr! leor<-ek tuWDll lllP, '1i ~1 IlI AIl t.1l




I:t"u ~ m l\ n



" "HANNA'S GREEN SEAL PAINT is Made to Wear"


Bill .i-A ILer t Aoder ~o n. lI l'fEmuln g G b" r l e~ Thoma s, $50 .J uhn Baoken, lIorviee;l on burtal ~ om -I mlt.teo, *1 J . J WtHbin g ton, ~ er ­ vlo6/! on buri u I 00 111111 iUee . E. Wil kerson, services on buria loom - - - - - mi LL!!!' , $~ J ll .. ~t. .I ohn, trees for cou r t hootle y Hd , ~ .. lIO George WAYNESVILLE CHU~CHES It. HATHAWAY fi . AnderMon, b urial. f7 5 Aom e ~tenoil & EngroAlng Go . n 1lG. H. wwwwwwww • • w.w.V' • • • • • • • MethodIst Episcopal Churd('\ Wn y''les v111e'8 Lea.dina DeDUe' E , Wa rwlok, SO llP , liL J , R. HuntRey . O. 8. Graueer. Puklr. Main I:!t Ads will lIe Inaert.ed under Lb l s bead for ' Sunday Scbool. U: U a.. m . Morning aer omoo in Keys Bldg. er. Ber vioes lUI obupllllD, ':t5 Lebtwe n t y · llve cent. lor three . Inse rtion. ' vice . 10 laO a , m , Evonln g s ervice. ";' : 0 p wboll uslllg not more t ban I1 ve lines. 1m, MJd week Pr ' yer "'ee'lng. 7 p. m. !lnon loe and Coal C.o., loe and oGal, *7 ,76. Ed S . Conklin, poBtllge i St. AUgustin~'s Catholic Churdl, sbamps, 15 , B. F. Wude & SonB LOST I Mus eyeryFather Leula Vaua WALTER MOOLURB, Co, repairing stamp, 12 liO Xenia second SUllday of the moutb aa o :UO a. 18. Oity Work lIouse board 109 prison AKD ~ATCBI!:L, with Ilraw. S Mary' E I _ I Cburcb. erB, 125 90. F , P . Forgy, bOllrding Funeral Difel!tor. string , PaIr of lady's blaOk t. • P SCO.... and washing tor prisoner~ , 159 96. "loYes, 13 in bills and 80me ohanlB, Rev. J . F. Cadwallader. Rector. W, H . And erson Co" oivil oode, 15. pook at k 11 if.I\n ' d some ot 11"'1 Sunda, So boo\. 9 :80 a. m MornIng 8er I.'r .... 01ea , vice. 10 :30 a. m . Holy Communion t h o Ont Telephone day 01 uilbt. Hul Sttovens POB' U. A R . appro- Finder please leave a& 'hll offioe. Sund .., ot eacll monUI. Valley phone No. i. LoOK m 2~ prilltion for Memorial dllY. 125. Dlstanoo No. 69-". ChriItIaD Cburdt. Ghar lea Henderson,oontrl\o', 177 75 Rn. L. O. TbomJ*)D. PutGI. WAYNESVILLE Ed Beaohler. oontraot, 11750 OHIO FOR RENT • BIble 8clIool. 11: .0 .. m. Sod&I mMUIa, , 10:.0 .. m. OhNtltoD Bndeavor. 1:0U p. III. Charles I::!lmpson. oontraot, 113 50 Sermon b7 puklr eYIII7 alwnate 8und&7 .. Branch Office, Hane",bul'lf. O. Milson Lumber Co, oement 1380 10:.0 • . m. and 7:10 p . m . ASTURE for 'hres head of I'oct WillllllD Evan!!, lumber, ,176 in ':be oorpora tion. For par. tlkkaite Friends ChurQ. Warren Jl!.ok, oompeDlllltion tor inquire at this office. m 2~ Fi... t Da.) ltIe"Unlt. 0 :00 a. m. FlraL 1>a., road, $10 , Ueorge H. Feldkamp, Sohool . 11 ;00 a. m. Founll Day MeeUol( DR. J. W. MILLER, bridge repairs, la . C, A , Ungleaby, OUSE and barn, with 1 aore of 10:00 a . .... ground, for ren', 80& Venable's rerunder, '1.15 Ortbodox Friend. Churea. IIt8UOn. Inquire for partloulara ------ ~--~.-----•.• DENTIST... Kra. Ruth VWTaJ. Putor LIlbanonpnone 101-5. m 2J Escapes An Awful Fate Sabbath Sohool. 9 :80 a . m . Regular oburell


Automobile Bargains for this Week Qhio Automobile Company,


Dayton, Ohio.

Stoddard Dayton Roadster. cost $3200, 1910 model. Price, $750. Buick 2-cyllnder Roadster, food condition. Price. $275. 1911 5-passenger Cadillac Touring Car, fully equipped, includ· Ing . .t covers, fore door and oversize tires Price, $1200.


............ ~ ••

U.'berine Wager, as administra trix of .be eltate of Catherine Tiln. 118,., flied 8uit lll{ainB' B. Woodward for $1180 alleged to be due on a promlllllOry DOto). Robert J . ShawhaD Sa ."oraey for 'he plain tift'.



• •


New Sui..

Common Pleas Proceedings

· Charl$)' A . Fuller was grantl d a dlToroe from 'r. O. Fuller on the P'OQDd of IroSll negleot of duty and ;W" liveD ber mll.iden ,name of Chart,,, A. flt&nfleld. ~~.:,r.,...~. " Prooeecll of Mle of proper'y in. , ~TOlvea In Clue of Aaeri'l&n Seourity ,. Tn.t Co. VI Eurnie I. Wood were ordered cU8'urbed. J. D. IIlller wal appointed trustee of ReUle A. Merrltt,Inlane. '111. oour' oonflrmed the 8ale c,t , ., ..rJpe11'l7 iQvolved In the oale of Q ••rubaker VII Hamuel Rook a dlliributlon of pro.







............... - - .



Dayton, Ohio





G. W. Shroyer & Co., ••




Second & Main Sts.,

D H.E.

ClassiBed Ads

1910 S·Passeoler Cadillac, overhauled and in perfect condition. Top, shield. clock, new tires, Delco Ignition. Price, $850. Alto Runabouts amI Tourlnz Cars from SI50 up.

J. E. JANNEY, Waynesville, Ohio.


14 N. Jefferson St.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _•

Iproparty in valved In the assl~ument of Caroline Vierling to William Chaney. Evalyn S Burna admlnLstrntnx of the estate of Jllmes M . Burn!!, de. ceaecd, flied her first and final ao oount. George L , Moore administrator of the eltate ot John E . Moore, de oeased filed h is iaventory and appraisement . Robeet .J. Irwin, exeoutor Llf the e!ltate of Mary 8 . Do080n, dp.ceaaed, filed hi'J seoond and finnlaooount . Due proof of publloation of notice Of. appOintment of the exe1utOrll , Anna C. C)'Nell.ll !\r.d Allron B. Chandler, of the estate of Eliza F . Haine"" decea8sd, was flied . Proof of publioatlon of the notice of appointment of the administra_ trix Rosa L Berryhill of tbe estate of Elizabeth H. Switll.

A thousfl nd tongues otluid no' ex press the gratitude of Mrs. J . E, Cox, o f JOliet, 111., for her wonder tul del1veranoe from an awful fale . "Typhoid pneum onl n, hlld leU me with II dreadful congh," she writes. " 80me~lmesl had sQoh u \vful ooaghin ~ spellB 1 thought I would di ..:I o~uld get no be!p from dootor's treatment or other medioines till 1 used Dr. King's New Disoovery . But lowe my life to thi!l wonderful remedy for r 8('aroely oough at all now" Qniok and safe. its the mOBt reliable of all throat and lnng med ioine'J Every boltle guaranteed , 500 and Trial bottle free Ilt all druggists.





owned Ilnd occnpied T BEbyproperty the I .. te 1911ao Hatfield in

quire of ftdr@ . A , F. Devitt. 86. WaVlleAvtlle, Ohio.

service. 10 · ~O • .

CllrlllUaa Endeavor.

Ill .

7 l aO p _

OlDce In

National Bank

Waynesvllle, 0


l"hone m 8

'PROPERTY of the IlI.te N. B. An. thony, 5th st. Good house, barn hen hou!!o, pasture. For partioular8 see barry MUlfay, agent for E L. Peacook, 140 Linwood st., Dayton,O.



-.ldInU.1II ..WIII ... BI......

...Ul~:: ~m~~· :r':~:-:!t.




Filled wllb

110" .


N'dIA, w".b fuelao ... . to..... of aclftDture. ""' •• 1. b..tsto". andcrurrent evenlL PbotoP'QJbJ'\...... moe. etnEll~ 1J e nt

ptue bred Aberdeen Angus T WUbuUIII; 'ready for servioo. O. L. Reeder, Clllrksvt\le, O.



m 22


trlell)'. carpenl?,\._




,0< ,

.,.110 bopuiout

;':1,,~lo':3 :~'f"I t~.lrn :at;.,~~Itn':i hDraeIralnJn8J.Ddo....dh . . . bo)' .....ltlMlr PllMlDb. Sud

ta ...

'or • IIIU 7MI'.

. l I n _ d. .n ........

00 oaIoo at

;';II;IrUCUE;;;PI.;I;;CI.;';.;;;;;~~;;: IaI DR. BELL'S ANTI-PAIN

Phaet;on reoentlv The gift sent by the city of Paris ed, a nd Buggy, in good ' shape.pain&For to the .czar, says a dispatch from St. partloularB inquire a' thle otlioe. 'or Internal and Extemal p.u.. mI5 Petersburg, Husaia, Bnd prescnted, to his majesty ot 'l'en rskoe Selo by the OTATOE:.:;,.-.Home grown late Po mayor of Paris took the shnpe of n tlltOOS, for seed or elltlng. In superhly beautiful Easler e/l:g in- quire of I\lurton Eunhart, R. n. 4, crusted wi th precious Btonea. It l'\!St- Wllynesvllle, OhiO, phone 12-1y'. m15 ed on a cushion of fincst silk. Tn(' egg is surmounted hy a small gelden DIAN Runner Duok Eggi i Irom crown of delicate workmanship. Bewhl&e egg strain, belt layer8 neath the crown is lin almost invis- 750 per set,tinl i reduoed rates on 60. Real Estate Transfer•• 'bl b tt It b d t . I :harles C. Stronse, Waynenme, O. "l e u all B Be ? 0 a sprmg. . R. R 6. J Ii Harry V. Walter to Kary W . When the button ,1s pressed Ule egg Cunningham, lot in Lebanon, and flies open, disclosing a cbarming porORN-A orib of yellow !deed other oon\lideratlons . Vern .. This oorn grew fine 118& trait of the little czarevitch. of lIar'lDW. Earhart, late J, 21. Graham and Kate E Ora. year aDd eprouts weH 'hill year. ---...---For parti(lularl inquire of lIaao ..._ _ _'...__ ....._. township was adm"~ h&II! to William Thompson and Now is the time to get rid of your Kelly or Chas. Begemier, on Itol , aDd Edgar A. lI:arh"rt Eltzabe'h Thompso~ 'lot In Lebanon rheumatism You can do it by ap ly farm, Waynesville, 0. pbone 83-3 ONLY $1.50 BEST OFFER exeouk>r. II and other oouBiderations. plying Cb~mbeIlain 's' Liniment aud B. Chandler admlaistrator GGS trom pure Fawn and White McCall's Magazine Bannah J . Lewll to Horace C. massaging the parts freely at Aaoh This is the best II.ppllo~tlon. For aale bv all dealers. India Runner duob, choice lay is positively worth .. of the ..... of Rebeooa A, Daniel Foulb, lot in Lytle, '725 offer we have ever ing strain. '1 50 per setting of 12. -I 00 S b . clMeued, 8led bia report of private I Ros8 W. Cheok, Josephine G. made. Send usyour S. 0 Benlde, R. R Ii, Waynentlle. • . a year. uTHE DISCOVERY. cribe now and get name accompanied _Ie, .. '" Check et al '0 Joaspblne Darmody 0 ., Centervi!le, Phone 721. milo 29 the~~lilUDi Gazette with the money " . a.orp L. Koore wall appOinted two 10tB In J!'rankltn, a3.000. Snobby--Aw, what did you find APKtNS-A new IItook of nap. "~ ~tr:it-trator of 'he e8tate of John DllVld I . Crawford to Jaoob Boholl, out regarding-aw-my family kins ;Iuet in. BaveD de81gos &0 ':.1:,' Moon. dlOMled at 11600 bond. lot In Franklin, $1 800 . tree? Coun gnD.leave for ..Ie of oer· Wilford C. Hud80n and Martha Genealogist-That the crop was a piok from. ,GBzet\e office. .tala ~ OD eata'-' of Martha D. R. Hudson, lot In Franklin, 195. fai1ure.-Lippincott's. \ James A. Allitlon to Charles E "..........,_. deo.aecl. !'doore, traot in Franklin, nOoo DR. E. H. COSNER, ~tella Ander80D Trovlllo to Frank ;-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• , l) , AnderloD, quit olaim on traot in t Halem towD8hip, $1 and other oon For you to secure the Miami Gazette a~solutely FREE for ",aDtl keave to 8ell personal slderaUonll , one year by merely subscribing to McCaU's Magazine for .three years at the rate of 50 cents a year. Ia addition you' receive.lthree 15c: McCall Pattenu FREE. 912 Reibold Building, Corwin, Ohio. The Free Patterns are ordued by post-card from New • Ohio York City and can be used any time you need one.


A Wonderful Offer!


Now is Your Chance


.. -


.- .





This is an Opportunity


Pan Handle House

J-Iow to Vote for Roosevelt The names of presidential candidates will not appear upon the primary ballot. The only way you can vote ff)r Roosevelt is to placll a croBS mark at the left of the following nama Oil the official ballot. ,_







I'.limary Election, May 21, 1912 :;Keep This For Reference

Graduate American 8ehool. KJdcnWe. Ko

By day or week--the best of service.

These men are the Roosevelt candidates for delegates and alternatea to the Republic:m National Convention from the 6th, Ohio Congressional District cOllsisting of Brown, Clermont. Clinto Greeue, Highl:md andWarren counties. 'Tbey aN Jl_awI to Roosevelt and a vote for them is a vote ')'10 him. ;r-. .1


Osteopathic Physician

Livery and Peed Stable in connection.

Teaming ,W anted of all

A. -,



Breeder of

Barred' Plymouth . Rocks (Pure Rillglet Strain)


McCRA~,~ Proprietor -

. This offer is available to anyone who subJcri.!>es. renews or ~tends his time on the Miami Gazette. The only' perquisite is that you "pay in advaace." below what you wiU save on this extraordinary offer.

FcI8 for

Stock and 88'18 for sale.

1latcbiq from' tlrst prize winning pen,-$2 per 16;' other jMma ,1.iO-per .15. - 'talley phone"WY.: ' R. D. 8 :






Mo rtoW," Ohio. .,t;". • ~J, f',


. ~.

We Will Qlve You MIam(Gazette 1 year •••••• 1.00 McCall'. Mqaziae J yean •• 1.50 3 F~ 15c: McClIl'. Pattern. .45

Total. Value ••••••• '. , • p.9S.

'+ ~.





l'uhU.h" d

W ooJlly


GAZETTE Wayucsv lllo,"

O llio

1- --The --'--+ -- -- -- - - - I Neighborhood New .~~


M A IN S'I' H F.E 'f



___ __ .-.__ ~.

Lytle 1'1 ..) Btl cco lan reate l:if' rv ioes wtll

C ltANJ::.

.. ... . . . .




Editur and Manab'c. n" bl'lJ ut Lytl tl ollul ch nUll' S liD. du ~ llvllll in g. ~ I Il Y 19. Itt l:l o'oloc k o,· rlll un oy Re v. C . S . lirAllsll r, of ,Rates of _Subsc ription Oue Yo~ r (dtrlc Uy In ndv au co) ... ... . SI. OV W ·,yoesv llle. HluKlo ~py .. .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. .. .. .. . ~o Ml'sdlLmes Luoy Dylre, Buld. BurE u tt 1L0d Bhloch eUrllhl lm were Day · Rates of Advert ising tfl ll visitors on Monday. llea,Uug Local •. Ptlr IIno ........ . . . :dr. and Mrs. William Browo e n Headlll!; Loc"I • . blurk t," ",. IlOr IIno 10<' tel·tlLiDod on 'l'uesdlLY Mrs Ellubt! th UI......IOoo Ad • . liut "" excood 'h 'c 110 .. 'rhNti i Il8£'r tiuIlH ... .. . , ...... . llric SII 'IIV lind lI:. r~ . F:.I RrolVn lind ohtl· Obltu.rt .... 11\'" Illc h.,. I"",; ovor tJ\'8 di ll ) . of Frtl oklln. ILnd :\in. Rlle ll el luc h .... IltJr lIuo .. . ... D. L.



BI' d w n . Card 01 tbauk. . . . .. . ....... . ....... . l 6c Cic

Mr! . i1 a ry Smith. of Do.yton vlsl\.IJd Mrs. B tl rriet Ashmo re Ilnd Mr. Warren Smith. la8~ weet . Mr. f\nd Mrs Lou Bears wer e Da tou visit ol'lI, liiaturd a y. Mr. Edwin imith attende d the tuneral ot hill unclo, Judge ChorfeB E Vf\oH , of Ciocloo fl ti, Thu~8dIlY. Mr . and Mrs. 'Amos Ellia enter. tained Dr. aod 1I1rH. Seal , Mr. ILnd Mr H. BrlLnson I:!e,d and 80n Taiwilg e to d iooer tiundo y. Mr. and Mr s. Robert Gray made a trip to Wilwin..:f.on, one day IIl.t week. Mrs. !:io\'\'lIrd tlrllham spent ~o.t. uldllY afteroo oo with Mra . Davis Gruhaffi . Mrl<. H!lTH.b Barlan is antloip atiog wltb much pleasnr e 11. vl.U from her aon Warren aod 'amlly, of B.avaoa, l:uba. Mr. and Mr! . Lou Sellra Bnd Mr . Bf)war.-t tleara were enterta lDed 8uodf\y as 'hi home of Mr. and Mrll. Alvin Fire8

- -FOR- ---

Pr ob at e Ju dg e He has nev er held a County Office. For a NEW DEAL, mar k your ballot as shown below:

Pr of L. E. COrflY lind t,be ttlgh t;ubllol puplll1 enjovtld Thursd llY ILt Dial/lay Ad verU.lug jXlr Inc h .... ... .. • . 10e Fr. Anci ent DlacounL a Iyou uu coutrllCt. MlLri on Clark, of \)IIJ'on . Willi Il Ly tlo visitor. on Monda y . MA \' I ~ , 1912. Mu Mllrtbo. Lonlfao re ham been spendin g 'be Pllst week wiab her Proverb Brought Down To Date son 18llao and wite. near Oregon ia. Mre. Abbie S~lrel eamt'l down ~he old ICnglllb prover b: rrum D.yton , on WednelldllY to , Lime and. Hme withou \ manure Makel bot·h farm and farmer poor." .pend a fe" daJ'e wi'h ber IIlster, wal lood dootrtn e in 80 far a. It Mrll Walter Janney . William Ba1oel . of Oinoln nati. went but l ' W&8 rather inoomp lete, Willi a tlundBY gueet of Mr and Yrs . eapeoia!ly in the light of presen ' day The Demon s of the Swamp 8 H. Halnee . kDowl In order to brinK 'be Mr.!. Sidney Uoon and dlmght ers are mosqul t08. As tbey ~ tlDg they prover b dowa to date. J>rofe880r .AI were Dayton Ihoppe ll. on Thur!!. put deadlv malaria Ilerms in the fred Vivian, .otinr dean ot lbo Col day blood. Then f ollow the loy ohllli TO HiE VOTER SOFW ARIlEN CO. ,. lela of Arrlou ltnre, Ohio 8ta\e UDI lIod tbe fires of rever. The applltit e Clareno e Oray me' with quite a l fiie8 !tnd the 8treDg th fal11 Halviog IlDnouuutld my oandida oy vereUy , who h! ot a poe'loa ! turn of i also levere aoolden t &n Toellda y while malaria often pave8 the mlDd, ha. reviled 1& k> read wILy for for t he DOllliollt·i:m 00 the D ll lll H<>re ill a Vacuum Cleane r tha t workln l at the I!I&W mill. Tbe ax Ideadly tvphold . But Electrlo lou l( s \il(P a carpet sweepe r and runs Bit. ocrRt,io Ticket for th e p f)~ iri (\ n li t "Lime, manur e and vll.>ro ol olover he was using IUpped and burled ters kill and OBst out the malaria Htate, ~e nl1 lik e a car pet s wpeper. yet is a powtor fr 0 111 the di ~ l, ti u t C0 1JJ Make the old flLrm rich sll over." , germs from blood i gtve you a e rful vacuum cltmner . As it rolls itself tn hla anxle, two arteri88 being fiue appe\it ethlland \lri!!illg t,he (lOUlItHlll IIf HUll nr. Wnrrenew your acl'oss th e roo m it f' ucks up a strong Lame baok II ulo'llly caused by 8Avered. He 18 vel y weak from lo!s l lltrenit h . •. A (ter loog sufferin g," reD , Clerm ont. autl Brown. !lud bl ast of air throug h the carpet bring· rbenma tiem of the mu~olel of the or blood but II II10wly recove ring . wrot.fl Wm. Fretwe ll, of LuolL mil. re .. lizi n ~ that Lho 11 ":'(1, IJ f' j(I ~ lrttl1r A ing' every particle out of the texture baok. for whieb you will find notbNorma n Wharw n and nieoe MI8s N. U , "three bottles drove wi thout taking up the carpet. What all tbe will 1I,,"e work of ~ .. ,·"t iUlpnrtllll cB io, better aban UhKmberlaln'lI Llnl- K t B t fDa F' malarie my lIystem, ILnd I've to \l ~ rf l , rlll, tl~ p p oi iH more it. has s uch a strong suction a e ure' IJ yton, _pent rhlRY had glJodfrom ,d l v If th " w .)r R m.nt. For "lie by all dpaler •. heAlth ever slnoe.· ' Beat that it actually PUIlR the dust of the with Lellter Kenrlo k and wife. for all IItomaoh. ltver lind kUney uf the present COll . tl : llt l nll l Co n fi oor up t hrough the carpet.. Think Mr. Lon Simont on. of Lebano n, tU8 , 60 Otll ILII droggi8 ta ventiou til appro vau bv t hu peo ple. uf it ! No ru ore taking up of carpets . COULD BE POSSIBLE baa l' ad oharl. of tbe Grain Eleva 'or 1 re"ptlct fnlly ~uhwlt m y cl ~llm .. tlK Just run th e easy ru ming ball bear• - ...- - ber. ,bl past welk. allir. Apple. in g Dom e.Qtic Vacuum Cleane r over to tb o purt wh ich I bllve t..k p. II in I Caesar's Creek them every uay ur so and your cargate I" out buying wool. thu CODv Ol ntlon . Hoping lUllt It pets are as fr esh and clean as new Quite a numbe r of OUI people at m'ly meet 4wilh Ilpprov Meeda m. Matlld. . and Settle lIl by t,ho every day in th c year. and the coiors Emerio k and MI.. Blanoh e Cornel l 'aDded Quarte r ly meetin g at Xenia, peopl e a Iod thn ti t be oo n ~ i (l e r e(l are always bright and fresh. Ii ~turdllY and Sunday . • peD' Thurad a, In DaytoD . The Dom estic is the patente d ballVILIllilbia "xl lflri e u co fflr g11l dnr: cCl of Everet t Haines was hOUle from POli ,)n, iC 1 ~ h"llld bearing roller nozzle. It rolls over Qul~ a orowd aUllnde d the be .. el eoted ti d 8 : the carpet and does not drag and "Kotbe ra Oay" .qrvlae s at Lytle Wilmin gton college , ove1' tlunday . ml'm hllr or the body which WIll he I wear lJut th e carpet as imitatio ns do. Mise Effie Mineha rt, elnglng expecte d t·u work o u ~ Ih e dutdil!l Han day Bobool, on ~uoday after01 noon. 'rhe Ibort p1'o«ram was eD- eVllngt'lliat, from Colum bU8, Oblo, the !!Elveral amendUleu til to the Con Price $16. Hoze NozLle Atwas with UR Bunday evenio g. joyed by all. stHnhe n \Jow beiog offored tor Uhrtlti an Endeav or wa. held in adoptio n l'he Conven ------~.~.-~.~----tachment $4.50 extra . tion OOn!lI!!~8 our .Jhuroh Sunda , eveDln g, 'be of Helps A Judge In Bad Fix 119 Dlem her8. AbOil t 341 pro . EDW IN SHER WOO D, Sole Agen t, MON ROE, OHIO Burling ton ohure." belnll torn up poaall1 were offer'!d , of \hlB numbe r JtlII&loe EU Cberry . of limll lIillll f(Jr a nd new _til . Tenn ,wu plainly worried . A baa 4.2 have p&lsed. The balanoe II ther sore 00 hillag had bemed eenral Mrll. Learnin g WlLlliD Dayton SILt. dieD in the CommltteeB or were dllotore aod loag reall&eci all rem Ilrday to have her eye traated . Tb p vote.! down In the ConveL tion. I OOlel. "I 'hoUlh& it wal a oanoer ," dootor tllib very enoour aglcl Ilnd tntrodlneed two propolalB, onl' for : Being prepare d from Pure Nati~ Herbs, they Cleanse the he wroM. hAt IaatI nlled Baokle'la'il tblnks Mbe will no' hue s8rloUIL System and Purify the Blood, and Tone the System , and thus proteot lon of B.ak Deposi tB, the I Arnica Salve, .nd W&l oomple kly oured ." Curea burDI. boUe, uloanl, trouble with It. ,., ".--,. ... other to reetore Botlds to Taxatio n I . . . . . . . . . . """'-_._ ... ww ........... . " . . . ....,. . . . . . Martha Compt on oontllHlK-fl>-lm- BoL1C were pUlld. - 1 took part in ';;-, First Rabbi t-I haven't seen your 00", brui... and pll... 25 oente at all droggl ltl. prove Blowly·. brother for several daya. I'm afraid the dillonasion and voted for oelirly •- • Sabbat h Sohool and preaoh ing every meaeur e whloh that goat ate him up. 9oa'lId opted, ..,.. • • • • • • - . . . . . . . . . . . . -.., ww ............... .. .. Beech Grove. ....... . . next t:;uoday. Rev. iloorm an In Notubl : Second Rabbit -Why do you tbinlt y tbe Inltlhtl ve and Refere nLIVER ITES- A purely vegeta ble Laxativ e, cures Chroni c Co~ohaTge. 110 p . dum. Uood Roadll. Lio&ulle for Con I stipatio n, Liver and Kidney Troubl es. Ask yl;>ur Grocer for Prayer meetin l tbll Mrt! it. we.k Efta tUeln att.ende d the May on trol of the Liquor Traffio, Judiola ! Firat Rabbi t-I heard' one of those RAf Wedne 'fm, Dlreot eday Primur nlgbt. Festiva Y Olear Aboliti l In CI.rk, on l.'tnoln nati, 18IIt weet . Manuf atured by ALPHA CHEMICAL CO., 8prlnSf Ield, OhIo huntera say he found . hair in the MI.. Viola Jordon , of the Well- leader. Everyb ody weloome. butter thia momin g. of l: .. pit.~1 Punllh ment, eto. I have •• • mlln IOhool haa pUled 'be Boxwe ll ., heen p~e!'urJt aL ev&l'y lIe"elo~ whloh What Texau Admire ,.. Dever wu a &tme WhlD examln at\on hall been held, Will a membe r of the people apprec iated tbe real merl" J . W. TAylor. wife and Ion lpent III hearty, vlgoroQ l life. aooordinjt lour followi ng CommlUe8ll: IniU .. W HUt{b Tallma n, of ~Iln Antoui o. of OIaamb erlain '. Courh Remed ,. Thursd ay aUerDOl)n with Mr. aDd "We find" b. wrltf's "that Dr tive and Refere ndum. Corpor ations , more than now. .rhll i. IhoWD by *he Inonu . 10 8&181 .a4 Tolua' ary Mre Ed Vaama ter, at loIaple L'De Klnl,l N~w LiFe PUl~ Burely put. other th"n Munioi pal, MunlciplII I · , lIew life and enerllY tnto .. pereon. OllverlllmenC II.nd Mil1081 ,-"moD lale from penane who Ian.• tarm, 1aneoul 8u b Unde rtake r and Emba lmer. Wife aDd 1 believe thf\y lire been ou~ by It. If you or your the beII& Melldamea lIattie D,,'ds. Dd Allah TH. CR.An;~ made. I t Excel !ent for tltomaoh jlote I a\tende d every t-ee obtldre n are 'rouble d wUb a oougb Talmag e a&tended Quarte rly Will m~etlr;l mee'· bd g found exoel)t In a the few old tlmea when llver or kill Dey trouble s . 26 OtB .t or cold liv. t& a ,,.ial and become 1'0, Bank Buildin g, OPP08Ue two of' tbele mel Ilt t~e lame 'iglell. quaiDt ed with U. ,ood qua II &les. IDI at Su,ar RUD, on . .turday and all druggi l"h IN THI WORLD the Nation al Bank. 8UDd.y . If uomlin ated and e110'ed It Ihall be l'UBWBE -.or ..II by .U deale" . D WEEnY. S4.OO PER lUI Teleph one in house lIud otNew Burl~niton lIelSr. - .It. E. Thomp loD, M, 101. y fixed ptffPos e to r.fleet the een· ~ HOTaLa. DRUcc iiiii. SPIOIA L"'n, fice where J can be called TfI'''Y, e"nd Cl!lTC!1Ce aD(l.r W 1'I1Y C08TU MIR'. TRA ....... . OA. 'OR oavlou e "eAeON& dllor or niglJ t. y; A lar,e Dum ber of Friends attend tlment 01 tholle whom I repTel!ent AND 'Bua saRVIC E CA.. PROF'':" . lor were 10 D.vton , 00 MODd.y. t~1 nearly al i8 In my .p o,.er to deVa.lley 'Phonc 14-2. BY UII1NO 'TS ADVER TI.' .. O COIoUM lle Head Stewar d (on liner)- Where Lon Branno n and ",If. were .bl)l)- ad Qaarte rly Dl "etlog io Xloi ... 00 tl!TDlIne their wt1l. For the benefit MainStr~t. SAMPLE COpy FREE Friday Wayne and sville, Saturd Ohio ay. would you like to be seated at table, pin. 1ft Barvey .burg, on &tur.iu ,y wun II I f Ii: Ib C I of thDlle who Cftre to inveatf gate tile Add.... NIW YORK CLIPPE R alteruo . ) n: am ar 'LU, 0 airP 'Lr tlm o. tlbove ,claimll. 1 refer them to the N_ Vort& ...... '1'. IoIrl. Allee JC. Terry. pen, MODday lele wae at home over Suodl\y Paesen gel'-O h-er--a a 1iInear the 80n. David Plero" and the Bon. 'III "b frleDd lln Lytle. Bohoo~ ololed for the !umme r VIl ::Hanle~1" ~h~for, dl'legRtea from door RS po~s~le, please. .ut II. 101. Te'r ry n.1~d hil unale Dear oa'lon, on FridllY · Tbursd aveven ler CIl BARN HAR T, ! "ddr"~A Burnilt uD, Ohio . W til S d Inl of thlll weelt &Ile oloslng exer· The Bou. Sprin g Branch ,ler"'D unn. Dele.. ate aYD.v e, on UD ay. 01181 wlll be held In 'he M Alexf\n E ' Nota ry Publi c We are proud 'o .. y 'hilt; 'Pie hue b .. b ' trom Clermo nt Uo addres s New . 0 uro Mr.. Ida MoAIl .ml, of o.y\oa , U'O Bl,h &lhool padu a. All kinds of Notary Work . Peo.lo n 'bi. At ,'be regul"r meeUn g of tbe Riohllll)nd, O. or 'he Bon. J. 'N. .... lpendlD a 'bl put weeIt with eprln,. Mi.. Edna Oedbe r.,e, 50 d' f Ed , Work .. ~pecialty. tl f U I V I Kelroe, Delela te from Brown Co., . 0 uou 00, 0 cpr nK a. \ Kin Alloe Chenow eth. gradoa te. from the OregoD ia Bl,h leyarTwp, Prof. Cuelok and Min addreall Georle town, O. Elder Gao. Ii. Brea. and wile IObool aDd Clareno e .AUtin from 'h. "'b ba b 1 will gre Itly appreo late the h. vor &.I were en$erk iDed by N .. 'hall .AillUn B .r. .,r b urg Bi I h lOuOO 0 am III were re-empIoy ad f or . of tholo who will give me their sup••"------------------------~----, .. K no .Dd 'amlt,., lal' t;a'ord ay nllht. ao]aoel bere. YI88 R.evea of .uar l..... . Tb omploo , Cliff the h h I _... t port aDd ope to retaIn the f r Ien d Mr• . J. B. Cbenow etb aDd daDih Beolle' ••d ia,Jerr ery .ttende d tbl t e nlerm.... late room WIlB no I'D t!hip of tbC'be wbo prefer to vote for t.r Fr......s viIIlted. her er B. E. !iwk81 Jer"' CaUle iale nelr appUoa n' and Misl Nae Ennll, of one of roy OOlonM ....,., tttore, Ae our .:.., d ' Sprlnl V~ney, wae employ ed a8 her lin. ADDa Lncal and tamlly, 00 'W aya.av l II•. on .... 1', or BY. lIuooen or. eleot-iolll 'm llohine ry Is 10 badly oom. I'rtday . ... U a. thongb quUe anum· MlHEm ma White was oonfined plloate d let me remitid lbole who Mra. lIollle Colmne lipan' l••,8a'- ber of our caDdld atee are I,oorln , ') her home last week, Buffering fa'vor lIlY oandlll aoy 'bd they can urday Dlalat with ber relatlv a 11111 'he farmar a and look In. ta....1 neu" r"I....!.. live t'xprflBBjon by voting ., the ' kafter the fr-'m "UI - ". primar Alioe CheDow.~h . y for Ilt'ltlgat to the Dem towD TOW.. Don t you now Tbe maDY frlend8 of I14r and Mr. ocratlo lJoul1~Conveee IIr. and Mr.. UlarenOll Tho.,pe oB Candid ate that Ul. farme ntlon who will n u 8 mlt, h 'VI' h 0 spent mOl.• suppor "• me tll, Ie .nd who will tbere aarley u. aDd Yr. JWdle ChlDow eth lpenl oount for jue' u muob all tbe tOWD of tbelr Ufa here are "lad to learn .. elecl (lelelliltell I b. d to tbe Benato rlal · --"b '0·. - " n I • an d" .. uUD ay WI Conven tion . Inform ation wtll be v -thd IIr. -Smtih ha. been -lira. J. B. CbeDow employ ed e&b .nd IIr. aDd GIO. YonD. , oandld ate for Ooa u Prlnol Ie of .be ~'n mao HI b given , p thethe name~ • AI tr of thoee ba I voted "'II forto at Kra. Ga,. Cbeoow e'h. primar y. attothe mOD Pla.a JDdge, Wa. here I•• t b I proper time tn e.oh preclDot. IllU Branoa e L'haDo '"'tb called week JooklDR anar hla interee t.. 10U:lton , 100 of W . C. tbntlb and ReepeoUnlJy Submit ted On IIr•. B. O. DaklD and f. .ny, n- Olln' Cleave r .nd Ueo'. W. Davll !'aIlUn ., dalllbt er of Barley amt&h Adv. J. aI. Earnha rt. oeD 'I,.. .re bi. dllep _ 10 tbUl, Ilaule Tp tb. oDly .Iuooeeafnl Boltwel1 It; woold lurp: ; •You to know of IIr.• Dd lira. Thoma . Lao,. and OrIOD 'l'bOlDpaOD, ruo a rna'y fr~ ollr .obool. . tbe ,reEl' good that II beiDg done by . f ••lly enter. taed Mr. Eddi, Cben Dall In.b" foot; 00 Hunda" whlob 1I • _. \ CbaDib e1rlalo'" T.ble" .· Darlue ... ow.Ua, to·SQn da,. dlDDer. OFFI CE IN OLD SCHW ARTZ ORUG liv'-. blm loy of uoull1. . Poor 'apped te 1.·...·lur. of IA- DowDey, of Newbe fl Junotio n, N. '. lIi1t .peD' War. Mr. ~4 ~re• •~., lIannOD palred di••tlOD. A 'fe~IIID d~ -of 'B, 1'l'rllea, "My wile haa been Ullng at...r II..... an4da~.h_lii. Butih BDD Oha.~la'D'!I _ 8'~mllOb aDd L11:er Cbamb~rlain'. T.blet~ , liod. '. _ .f"ne on witJa 111'. aDel lira will itreDll hea ~ODr 41g.... 'h!1D T8Q' elreo,, .1 ao.t aDd !ii , doing \ her impreT e . 1ODr ·' .J>~_•. lo.of .064." U 10D 11 • ..,. ' any ." __JDiIili ;JlI8rtlia _~~lpl4~'" LOD BraDnon. ' Valley Pbo~e '113 bave beeD 'be~efhe4 by' kOabl. wl$b YQq1' .~1i or bow"l. . ! ' "; ij~ :~IiIft.r.bU :, 0(;' " t:: T .. bl'''.~ ~14, 'lJr all p •• tlieliD' ~ip.l a . U1al ~.I}.~ •. , .01' . . '~Ie ~.;. . .l~~·;,l . . .b ' b, a!l :1" . '~ ',... ..... ,,,..,,~ '/ : d.l.~ · ....... , ' ~' . 1_~~_.;.,I___~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'f!'!'!J.~ RMOlutlo ll:l , . . . ........ . .. . ... . . . •... 6011

8ncl.t. etc. whe re clml'\lo I. mado . .... . . l llc



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I== ==L IVE RIT ES Onl y lO.Lcc= === ' A MA FFI 'I



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Use the Ga7 ette 's E. v. Classified Column I


Be rt Ae G ra n·t,'


Tin ner and Slat er, Furnaces, Roofing and . Sp~uting, She~t Met al Jobb ing of all kind••




SERIOUS Sickness

Prev ents






9il'. ;f., '/; -' . , "






Practical Fashions




Thouaand. Have Been Helped By Common Senae Suggestions.

aVNOP8IS. Rlchl\rd Llgh tnut. BJl hm e rkan w l lh I1n .tTec t.d EnKII~h n cce nt. r ."cly el n p re. · .. nt from a fr iend In \.~ hllla. Tho p r~.'m l 1lro V(\s tn bt' lL pai r o f pnJn mR8. A 1e tter 111nl l o r 8111'1 'rl8 to the w eo.r e r. Llghlmll d o n. t he pll j Amn nnd In te Ilt ni g ht ge t s u p tor tl ~ moke . Ir la ae r vo.nt. J e nkins. 1 ' '''11l"~ hi A 1lt1, l u g' t o r ec::ognlxo I..Jght . nUl. lll t-''' Ilt. to I.UI hi m out. Thinking th o " ' 1'\'Hnt cnuy. U g htnul chang08 h is r Io 1h4-'8 I nte nding t u " Ulnm o n h e lp, Whe n *,,, r<>n l p en r8 J e n k ins fal1 8 on hi. n eck whit jor. c o nll rml n g Ll g htnut· . bellet th a t h ~ 18 crn lY. J e nl<ln te lla Ll,ht nut ot the enrOllnlor he had with 1\ hldooua C' h ln Rrnnn <1re88<1<1 In Ilnj n m lUl. In a musngs ' rOIll hla fri end. Jtlt' k B I IIIDI{!II Ltgh tnul I. rutked to put u p "the I<ld' (or t he nl«ht On his way h omo fro m col. leg " . [,~ter Llgh tllut II nd s 0. b eo.utlful Itlrl I n blac k Ilu j s m .... In his r oom.

CHAPTER V-(Contlnued). "All rlgbt." sbe saId; and I thought her eyes fls8hed a II ttl.. "T ben I go

to a hotel- that's aliI" "A hotel ! Why, you can't do that ob. I say!" "Why can·t I!" Sbe 11'811 downrIght nngry- I could see It: and howells· trac Ungly lovely sbe was with that flame In her cheeks! But .he was Just a cbUd-an InnoceDt little chJld; and how the deuce could I ever make her understlUlcl? I IItammered: "Wby-er-not In N.w York. you know . Tbey won't take a lady In at this Ume of night. They-" Sbe .napped ber fingers. "Oh. I SAy, Mr. Llghtnut. play easier on thnt .lrUe and lady pedal; cook up a fresh 3q.! I tell you. I've put all tbat beblDd me. Bay, walt till you've known me a little, and I'll bet a purse YOU ~ever call me a lady agalD ! Lady I SQ', that'. funnr!" And It certainly seemed to strike ber .elllle of bumor. She gave me a lIudden punch In tbe side tha t ralrly lert me breathlflss, and her laughter rans oilt birdlike, joyous. Of a sud· den I felt deylllsh aWkward and 1001, 1BIl. "Oh, please stop atrlnelng me. Mr. U.htnut-don·t treat me like a kid . I wa~t to get acquaInted ." Then her brtllht face sobered. "Bay, was that on the level- tbat ahout your 1I0ing to me! See here. I'm not both· er1n8 you, am I, Mr. Llgbtnut?" " BotherIng me !" I ejaculated. " Both· erlng me ' I 8hould lIay not !" I think. I mUlit have 88ld It hurUlr and convincingly. don't you know, for ber lovely fac. looked pleased. • '~ecause If I am." sbe saId earn· estly, "I'll fade away Into my own lit· tI. room there." H er clance raogecl toward ber door. " It'll sure some IIwell, that roolJl." "So jolly glad. you IlIle It." I said . '''Well, I should say!" Tben her beauUful eyes lOOked at me full. . "You know. I dldn't expect tbls-l m~an baving a room all to myself. Neyer." ~ ~. ~d then, while I gasped, sbe went Cln, .veetly and calmly: "Wh,., Mr. Llghtnut, Brotber Jack would tbrow 8eventeen thousand Hta If I ,went to a botel, because-" Sh. laulhad deUctoual,.. "Well, I promleec1 bJm that U hot would let me come home by New York I would stay right bere with :rou and bebave myself." . "Beliavo rourself!" I echoed Indlg· n_nUy, ''Wby, lpok bere, do you mean to allY Jack Blll1nga--your own broth· .ar, J'ou know-thought you wouldn't ~o that at a hotel T" ''Tlou~ht7'' Her laugh thIs time waa e~I08lve. "No, be never thought; It; he knew I wouldn't! He knew I would be tearing around all night with the boYtt-tbat's what!" ADd dub me, If Bhe dldn·t tbrow heriolt back wl~h a kind of swagger, ''WlIr, you-rou wouldn't do euch a tbJngl" I uttered faintly. "Wouldn't I?" She straIghtened sud. ~enly. and her ·\ovel,. blue eyes nar· rowed at me. "Sa,., Mr. Llgbtnut, J don·t want ,.ou to get me sized up wronJ. I'm none of your Uttle waxy «anl.enlae-not much! When I'm In New York. It'a the brIght Ughts and the Oreat White W\y for mlne-,.es, tllr, every Ume!" ADd she gave me a blow on the s houlder that was 111te a etroke from a man's arm . . It Bent mO ' doWl1 Into my chair. "If you don·t beli eve me." sbe add· ed, her face sbinin, wIth excitement, ~ju.n rou ask Jack about last summer ",h.1l I eame through-about that Joy j ride to Coney with tbree Columbia fel. I "'lbW •• IUld how we got . pinched. Ob, m amma, but dldn'! Jack swenr at me'I hellrd a noise by the door. Jen· . kina stood there. hI' eyes sticking out ..•. like hard boiled e1Jig9. . I ';l-I'm bllCk, sIr," lie said ratber " Beg pardon. sir: Just want to know. I didn't 'm!" And wIth an odd little cO\1gh Jenktns slipped I scar~ly notlc.c d him at

"You've Had Me Fooled." ougbbred, a Queen-a lady, dash It! · 1 knew It ! And' just settled on that. and waB ready to die right tllen and tbere It anybody dared to dIspute tt. I didn't care a jolly hang how sbe talked ; It was Just nothlng-ju8t the demoralizing swagger of a .,utUe boardlng·sohool gIrl trying to IIhow off like ber brothers. And ber language? Wby. just tbe devlllsb. nat· ural result of havIng 0. coarae, slang)" brute Uke BillIngs for a brother. Poor little girl! It was a beastly sbame. She was watching me curlouBlr, amlllngly, as she Bat tbere, her devil· Ishly pretty mouth puckered Into a oherry a8 she softly whIstled and drummed her sblning nall8 upon the cbalr arm. "I'm IIfra ld I've shocked you." she said. "Jack snys you're so good." Dasb It, somehow I felt humiliated! She saId It In a wsy that made me feel like a s illy ass. YOU know. But sbe wasn't tlllnklng about m. any mprc. Her eye fell on the tab· ouret, and he little bnnd stretched toward U. "Ma,. a" she said wltb an arch In· QuirIng glance. " Your cigarettes look good to me. I emptied my caso an hour ago." And I proffered them wIth a show of alacrIty. "Pray, pardon me," I said. "I ~I never thought of you smokIng." A chuckle came througn the tiny teetb graspIng the Cigarette. "Thought I wns too goodY·lIoody, eh?" "Do-er-you smoke much 7" I ven· tured anxiously. "Cigarettes. you know?" She pulled a sparkling balr·lncb a8 ehe took ber little head. I felt all'· fully relieved. " Not for me," sbe remarked careiessly. "I prefer a pIpe." "Pipe I " J repeated feebly . Tbe golden lIead Inclined. "Bet you! Oood old, well·seasoned brIer tor mlne-well·caked and a little strong." Puff·puff. "Oh, damn your pateot sanitary pIpes. I say!" And a8 backward I collapsed · upon the cushions. she tbrew her leg over the arm of her chair and sbot two long cones of smoke from her dslnty nostrils.

Arcadian SimplicIty, A moment later I bad nnotber shock . ~ "I don't blame you for lookIng at me so bard." sbe saId. rubbi ng her chIn nnd loo kIng. I thougbt. a little confused. "For dId you !ver see a face lUte miner" "1-1 never dldl" I saId stammerIngly, for: by Jove. tbe Question was so unexpected; but I knew I said It earnestly nnd with conviction In everr word. She nodded. "Never got a chance to shave, you know-caught the tralD by such a mnrgln_nd my kIt' I in that other hag. Guess I'll haye to Impose on you In the mornlnl for one Of. your

"Oee, but It·s warm tonIght. lan't IU" she remarked absently. And there was nothlne to do but take the hint or lea1'e It; IUld after aU, she wal a guest. you know! "PerhapB You will permIt me to ot· ter you some refreshm.nt." I lug..t· ed, riling. I k.n.w It sounded devU· Ilh sUff; and I knew, moreover, that I looked Ilke a Jolly muir, In fact. "Perhaps I will," 8he chuokled. "S-,., don't urge me too bard. Mr. Llgbtnut ; you mIght embarrass me." I did not want to embarrass her. '" thought perbapI a lemon Boda would refresh you," I explaIned. "Or, If yoU 11'111 allow me, I will have Jen· klns make you one ot hll ramoua seltzer lemonade8. Perbaps, though, ,.ou would prefer Just a plaln-" I halted In confusIon, for 8he laughing at me. .. A plaIn cup of tea," she gurgled, "or a creme de menthe!" And then her Inugbter burst deliciously. "Say, do you know. honestly, I'm only just getting on to that dr,. humor of yours. You've had me tOOled. You do It wIth Bucb a serious face, you know. Say, It's great!" I trIed to smile. but I knew It was a devilish slckl,. go-the more 110, beoauae JUllt at that moment her slender lingers discarded the remnant of her laet cigarette and reached for a cIgar. Another Instant. and sbe bad deftly clipped and lighted It. I decIded I wouldn't .Ina tor JenIdns. . I felt ashamed as I looked In th. cellarette, and wondere(l what the deuce I should offer her. Couldn't thInk of an,.thlng I bad ever beard of boardlng·school girls goIng In for ex· cept Ice·cream loda; 8nd, dash It, 1 didn't have any Ice-cream soda. Near· est thing would be a lJttle seltzer and ginger ale. Tbat would do. "Ob. I say, I'm golnl to make you. hlgbball," I said, trylnl to aSBume a frisky. jocular air. Her voice lUted In alarm. "Nay, nay, Claren ce-not for me!" she urged hastily. "But It's only-" " No tizzy adultera tions In mIne-not on your lite." Sbe followed me across the room. "Just give me We straight, pur", goods_nythlng, JUllt CHAPTER VII. so It's whlsllY. ... And before I could say a word-if, Confldenoe~ Indeed. I could bave said a word-she T his beautltul ' creature bad p~ bad selected a decanter of Scotch. and posed to me! with cigar tilted upward In her tender' By Jove, that's what It amo.u nte4 !II moutb, was absorbingly ))Ourlng a pratcUcally; and now, ~JI ehe saId, it shIning stream of the amber fiuld. "a,s up to me, Yet I bouldn't· Bay To see the slow curving of that wOJrdl ., delicately molded wrist, the challeng. " Well, wbat mu~t I do Ing flash of the aauo,. eyes of blue, other Oitll.?f' _sb·o ~dBted. by J01'e, It made me Just !orget all . The' q~.eBUon · r~mlnde4 about wbat she was doing tlIl the entan.lery1~t to w~Ch fluid rnn over the brim. And th8JI, plle:lty, Ilad confesSed. ' before J could Intercept ber, ahe had pec:ted me!' ot all ·ot.llel~,;., IJghtly gestured her glaSB to msne, . Whllt to dol :: IIUD,!l~O. and In a flash the stuif waB gone: dlant, Gone! A full whlBky glus; and I for·ward .llJlI:nl.l7. n ..,r ' l .IUII u ......'nu recallecl with a shiver ot horrqr ~at eyes GIllgQII'---eX~ct.~,

razora." I stared at ber In horror.

It W.8S I very hlgbtoucbed proof lIquor-·somethIne seldom ' mYIle1f, bllt


"~~~i¥~~~'~'~:~~~~~ -lirl! ~





·lng. ~I~u, .....,."

. I' , "j



Surell anI


. - .

woman, rich or poor, should be glad to t a k 41 advantage of t.bIt ~eroua offer

of ualetance, Ad· dr.a Lydia E. Pinkbam MedlCine Co., (conftdentlal) L.J1Ul, TbJB beautlrul frock Is a front-etotIna model wIth the new 8et·lo kimono lleeveB and rashlonabl. slx'cored aldrt. It represents one of the clevorest Itll.s of tbe season. The wallt hu bl, nllor collar, whlcb II prett1 fash· toned of all,over emhroldery, and tber. la a band of embrOidery Bet In the Iklrt abo1'8 the bottom. L!nen I. pale blue or tao wIth whIte collar aDd band wcntld b. cbarmlng. tbou,h the dellgu offen cbolce of a wIde variety ot fabric.. • The pattern (6784) I. cut In Blzel II to 4Z Inches bust measure. Medium .Iz. reQulrel e~ yardB of 36 Incb materIal, wltb l'tit ,arda of U Inch aU· over. To procure thl. pan.m, aea& 10 cent. to "pattorn Dep ..rtment" of tblo paper. WrIt. aame .n4 .delr.,. 'plaJnly. and be aure to ~Iv. and n"mb., of pattern.

NO 5784.

IIIZE •.•••• ••••• , •••••

NAIIK _•• _..................... ..... ..... .

TOWN .• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• _ STRJUtT AND NO' •••••••••••••••••••••• . STILTB ........ ............ : •••••••••••• _.




IherJ WOmBD oagbt to hue

Lydia lilo Pinkham'. · 8O-pag. Text Book. It Is not a book for pDenl clI8tdbuttoDo .. It .1 too

upeimfto It.a free aDd only

obtaluble by mall. 'Wl':tte for


Resinol clears away pimples B EGIN thl. easy and economIcal treatment tonlgbt IU1d Bee bow Quick· ly pimples and blackheads "antah' and Jour IIkln heCOmel clean,olear and Yelv41tT, Blthe youI' taee tor aome min· ut .. "Ith hot water an4 Roelnol Soap and very . .ntly apply a Jlt· tIe Reillnol OIntme nt, and In a t ew momenta ... uh olf ....10

wltb, mo", R~al nol Soap ~4 hot wata.\', ftnlahlll.. wI th a (I'8.b ot cold.. ..water to- elOlie the po ...... Do Ulta ODce or twloe a day. al· way. wrIn~ Rc8lnol Soap tor toilet and batb. Your drua'1d.t aella .Realnot 80ap (1Ic) . and OIntlDent (15Oc and t1) &lI4 recommend. tbem tor an .orta of .kln and lealp treubl... tteblnp. 10ru. boll .. bums. IlCald'l ana pilei. For he. _pll 0 eacb ad· d~ Dept. IK, Reillnol Chem. (:o'! SalUmon, 144.

Don't Penecute Your Bowels


A &raceful .klrt I. prelented In d .. lsen 6737, wblcb dlaplalll the n.west OuUIDe In lUDiC .tyleL Th. tunlo II a three-pIece one and tbB GouDce II 10IDed to> a two-pIece foundation. Tbe wallt line ma, be mue hlgb' or In regulation styl.. The ' blgh·wal.ted ellect Is attractive for drelllY wear. Poqee, serge, casbmere or moh&1r can be uaed. The pattern (6737) I. cut In sizes '22 to 30 Inch ell waist me8lure. To make lhe Iklrt In the medium Ilze will r. qUSre a~ yard. of 86 Incb materiaL To procure .till' ~tt..... aand 10 cent. to Doportmen\ 01 tbl. paper. Writ. n lind adclreu plaInly and b. aura to ala., an4 Dumber r pattern.


....A.",.£II ,..,...... ,...... ....... .,Eadt .......... .. ..... ,............ "'-ALL~.~' ':"~T~E_SE. -Vlltl:lC DIE ......

n.e c...,.., ·"., ......... the .c .............. eI

SbJrkalnto Your Shoes

:.wen.. Poot-..... 1IIe UlbtDllc

..-..rr I.. .......

AnI loll a lrIIIe eenalllYe abollt till 11M of JDIU' ib... , )[~,. peopM .... a . . llllallet bl PaldAa 1'00lolE&M ·lDw. tbIID. U ~" - ...oUeo. hot,


fAI!I,aeI'lt4tt,Jlwet... FOOl-Ban

NO 5737.

81ZE . • _ •• •• • •••••••





NAMB . ........... ......... _ •••• •••••••••

TOWN _.••• , •• •••••••• _ •••••• ••••••• •••• STREET AND NO'::................... . STATE .... ...... ... ........... _...... : ... .


~.~-Hn.'IY.'~ illllllliIRiHlli~~li~~lilll~~lti~~~~~!~~~i~~~~~ ~~T~~~"rl~~OO~~~~_~

t~ed blankJ1'. . . bnzzlng like a denl· "MYBelt, you meanT Hne to·; 1 b~ ' d'.m ·t you know. ··Byha"en't cot a man to. do It fo~ · me." ..nll.; .....ttt tometblng awfull . .. ' $~e 1I~~1~ to sllh. ·..Not old ,~o:isl!l 1~.t,,:~tUll~'~lt~ Her frank; sweet ·yet to hl\1'e a mall! lac~ "'7'I:';-A:""':~ 'Olear; III~t Al)d !J.Ult here her aJtentfo~ s~~~. ~.j;~'SU~.KI~g. '· Tbere 1\'U , to eenter''On my ~lJarette o~.r rD·... WIUI 'iIl. tfoot. oorqeri ' ,.. , . " ..• .. ,;'; .

)'()U wero trying to Josh me abo ut. bllt not since tlleao two yenre l 've bee n at college." S be sbook her lov,"" Iy. bright hoad. and followed 8 long enjoyable pull at tbo cigar, rroJect d t1 ve pertect r lugs at II fre s co~d cherub In the cei ling . She leaned fo r ward eagerly . "L ook bere. I do wish you would lot me ca ll YOU ·Dlcky.' '' "Oh. I BRy-w lll )'OU 1" exploded rrom my moulh . "WII! n" Her look made my blooo lenp. " You jus t watch me-Dlcky1 011. say. tbls Is grl'at; maybe It won't tako II tall out of old Jack-alwa,.11 uJ'IIgg lng tbat you aUow only two or throe to oa ll YOII that." '" hope you will always call me DickY." I said - and 8Bld It very soft. Iy . By Jove. I could bardly keep froll) takIng her haud! "You bet I thInk It'e awfully good C"t you. I.Jghtout- I mean, DIckY." Thet\ b E~ r face grew penslYe. "Say, do you ktlOw, I need a ' friend like ),ou-)1I.I' neIli', I mean-oh, wQ.ret ldn\1:' " 00 you?" i saId · eagerly. ana hltcbed noarer. Sbe proceeded: "Haven't you lIa\J tbtn,a 10meUm81 you "anted lo talk about to BOm.. body-well, things you COUldn't Juat teU to Jour brother or BI8ters-ob, no.r even your room·mateT You U& de-rstnnd." I waan't sure that I did, for lIbe WIIS bluBhlne furlol18ly, and tn ber eres was aa appeal. By J01'e. some jail,. 101'e aftalr, I guessed .uddenly. III,. heart JUllt .&Ilk IIk:e a lump of wbat's-Its-name, hut ID1 w1l0le BOul went out In Bympatb1 for her. I mllde up III7' mind, then aDd there, to put mYBetr ulde. " DevtUBh glad-I mean deUgbt.ed to have 70U tell m~ anTthlq,- I Dl1Il'mured rather wt'llkly; "but_"'··1 ah.o uld think your mother--" " The mater-tell bert" Her band lUt ed . "She'd gfly the me out of JJ1e! Besldea, she's In Europe." She pa~ to the window and hack. II proteBted Indignantly: "I don·t _ . how any mother--" "Aw, forcet It!" .he broke In, and , ',"nced . .alll at .lanC from those Bweet lips. "No, air; rm golne to UD' load the whole thins on you, or nobody." And, by Jove. the nexf thing I knew ab,& bad perched on the broad arm or th" Morris chaIr ID wblcb I sat, ber arm resting IIgbtl,. above my shoul· dera. " Here's what I want to know about," I beard ber sl&b. "When you're engaged to one perBon and mtl6t another you like hetter, bow are you golne to-well, chuok It with the first, you know-and stili do the square thIng? There, that's whllt hIt me, DIcky: and I'm up agaSnet It for fatr! " Her hand gently patted my shoulder. "I'm telling you, old chap, he~auBe I know you'll understan4hecause I like you better than any man I eyer eaw-that.' 1 rIght I" I wa. jUlt afraId to movel AlTalO she'd 8top: afraid she'd go on. ADd all the wblle I was teelJng happier' than' I ever had in all my lIfe-hs';' pier tb&n J ever knew . people could be, 10U know, I neYer thousbt b'r bold-ilash It. no-lulew It WU jUlt he.r adorable, deltcloua, Arcadian aim· pll'c lty, b,. Jove! That explained rt. JWltt u It explained to me all ur otliler unconventionality. "So now It·s up to 7'Ou," she lJal4. "aud I want to imow what's tbe .n8wer." 1be anBwer! And bow could I glYe her any lin· 8w,e r' No, by Jove, I luIew jo~l,. ....11 I couldn't take adnnt. .e of luch elr· cUIDBtanees-of her arUeae conlesston: knew devilish well It wouldn't do, ,.OU !mow. MICJht reproach m.e In yeurs to come; and then-and tben. tbe~re was Billings! Ho I Just contented myself with looking up Imlllngly, but tt waa bardawfully, awfully hard, duh It-Alld ~ Just felt Ilke a jolly cad-or roo\. Couldn't tell w'b.tcb. "

Women lIIllJerlng from lUly fonn of f. male Ills are invited to communicate promptlywiUlthewoman's privatecorr. lpondence department ot the Lydia E. Pinkham M e die i n e Co., Lynn, Mu•. Your letter will be oponed, road and anllwered by a woman and held In strict conlldence. A wom8n can f reely talk of her pr!\'ate illness to 8 woman: thus hu been established a confid"ntial corre· apondence 11' h i c b h a 9 ex tended over many yean and which bas never been broken. N ever have they pub\i8hed a telUmonlal or used a letter without the written consent of the writer, and never bas the Company allowed these confidentiallettera to get o~ of their posses.lon, as the hundreds ot thousands of them in their fUes will attellt. Out of the vast volume of experience which they bave to draw from, It ill mors than 1)088lble that they possess tho very knowledge needed In your case. Noth· Ing u asked in return except your good will, and their advice has belped thou·


J rlemill. -_ . "I say. you know!'! I Detl4nilll.lJr.~}''(~~;i sternatlon. "I'm awfull1 wlll-er-Will-': .I .plped: w.o,rd·I•••il.,: " TIle coral 'lIp, Qune4 .t!Ortnlfu:l lvl , '. . m, . J!HCht :· 1Da1jlt4Ii1''':.~,"


.~bi ' .' 1



GOOD MANAGEMENT OF UMA BEAN CROP'FOR FAIR RETURNS PleDt III Easy to GroW' aoe! Not Bare! to Cultivate-Farm. . Shoule! GroW' Them all a Specially aa4 Sell oa Larse Market or Direct to C008umerExperleoce of Growers.

Basis of Worldly Happiness in Right Mind and Heart By REV. E. P. MARVIN



PIlOFESSOR In Princeton Theological seminary 8ston, Is bed us by sayleg that "nleet e eths of th e happlnoss or misery of home lIIe depeeds on tempor, Good temller Is 0 sweet. kindly and benevoleet dis position ot mled aed beart. It lecllnes us to be 811t1stled aed pleas ed with tbe treutment we r eceive In the relative duti es of lire. It Is an emlnont aed a. comprehensive Cbrlstlan grace. "Be ye kind one to aeother. U'onder' bear ted. forgiving one anothe r, even us Ood tor Christ's sake batb forgiven you," What are we to tblnk of thoso who always "lh'e In tile worst place In the 'World'" We can find friends anywhere If we show ourselves frIendly A bee sucks hoeey where spIder. suck polso:l. Do not he Irritable atll1 do not Irritate others. Avoid the weak and sore spot Ie your nelghhors and Imitate the mlgeoeette rather thun the netue. 8eek Only the Truth. • Open your eyes to the trutb, the beautltul and the good around you, and ,lIee It you caneot be sweet. If you .carry a BhQulder·bag with t1Ie faulta ot, otbers In front - and your own 'beblnd. Just turn It aroued. Forget lelf In your absorbing apprecla· lion of others and your devotIon to tbelr welfare. Imitate blm wbo "came not to be ministered unto, but 1.0 mIn· liter." "Ponce and lood will toward men" will make us unwilling to believe evel reports or . to circulate Lbem. Madam Rumor Is a liar and we sbould bs slow to believe her reports, which are false or d18torted. Her stoMel grow marvelously. We sbould be - very credulous of good reporta and Incred· ulous ot evil reports, especially con· cernlhg good people. "Trllles light as aIr" are to the scandalmonger "confirmations 8tronll . as proofs of Holy Writ." Some one says. "For embIttering lite. for break· Ing liP communIties. ror destroying the most sacred relationships . for dev· aatlng homes. for witherIng up men and women. for taklnC tho bloom of childhood, In S1l9rt. for sheer gratu· Itous mleery-prolluclng power, tbls In· fluence standa alone." LIfe and death ate...w tbe power of an III·tempered and uncontrolled tongue: It "outven· omB all ths worms ot, Nile." More fall by the tongue than by Lbe IIword . 10 It not well to follow the example of medical doctol's-examlne tbe tongue? Read the s cathing saUre of St. James on the tongue. chapt er 1: 1·10. "Debold how great 0. ' matter a little fire klndletb." A ft1ction tongue. like a friction matcb. may aet 0. city on firs. "Tbe hand that kindles cannot quench the fiame." "But I take It all back." You CJUlnot take It all back. Tbe &s' eassln takes bls dagger back from thv beart. but not Its deadlY work. All of us bave Burrer~d enougb to appreolate thIs. "A lie wl1l trnel from COOlt to COalt wblls trutb I. putting on Us boota. Wbosoever clr· onld be held respon· ulatell IIcandal sible, like thoae who circulate bMe col~o not let an.y one make your ear a sswert9r scandal. A dog Lbat brIngs a bone will carry a bone. Forgetfulne.. for Wrongl. Be radical concerning rlgbt and wrong, but· be wl80 and amIable. Be open for explanations tbat may palli. Ilta evil. A mistake la cot a lie. and eccentricitY III not sIn. Cultivate the grace of forgetfulness for all wronge aDd remembrance f. all k,ndness. and so make memory a fount of joy and 1I0t of tears. Suppose 1I0me one does not IIko you very well, probahly you lIks yourself 1.00 well. Tske care of )"onl''Cbaracter, and let God take care of your reputation. Live the lie down. A man basely IIlandered sbowed sucb good nature and even Joy, tbat he bod to expln.ln. himself by sayIng. '" am BO glad It Is not true!" Learn from an enemy wba~ your taultll are. Do not Chaae lcandal. If you try to talk it doWtl OJ' retaliate, you may 'bs like tbe bIrd that rulbel to put out the tire kindled b)' the bunter (or a Inare, and onlt fanll It to consume ber. Return rood Cor e~n and you get more .. than "even." It tbe report III true. conte.. It, and forsake the sIn. II false, pray to be kept from It. It In· fluenUal, expect criticIsm. Only cbat" alllel;'leaB ,people alcapo censure: BIrd" peck :at the falrellt frulL The beat apple tMe o'n my way to achool ID chlldbood WAS. all but clubbed to dea.tb. ·:'lbe woe of the Gospel II upon YOU If 'aD meln 'aPeak "eit of )'oti; and bene_ ' cllCtJlID .If{ YOU ..., . revlfecl and perse• ~ute4: Always forSiTe~ never J'ota1late, ; ..nc1 ·\never •ask nn ' IqIOlogy. Do not 'u k . you. • Re,


(By C . M. CLINTON.)

cd a year or two tban on fresh award

To make money With Lima beans one sbould grow tbem as a specialty Bnd 8el1 on the large market or direct to consumers, If possIble. If this Is not des irable, It 18 he8t to make an arrangem ent with one commission Ilouse wblch IJlllkes a specialty ot tllis clus or veglJtables and sblp to bim dally as long as th e season IRlls. The dwart Lima beans are sports at tbe climbIng variety. There sre three tyves or each, tbe moat popular of the climbing beane being the true Limas. large, fiat and sl ender, wltb broad pods. The dwarf Llmll8 are compara· tlvely new .. nd possess a\l the deslra· blo table qualllies of tbe pole Limas, while their low stat ure makes oultlva· tlon easier. Tbe ground tor LIlIla benns sbould be plowed early. but not until the soli Is In lOad coodltioe. Beans should he dropped In rowl Cour teet apart every eIghteen Incbes snd cove red lightly. Deep planting t. fatal. If ~he weath er ta wst the leaat possible soli, say n ~uarter aD Inch, Is enougb to draw oTer the bean. It requires about onehalf bUlhel of leed per acre. The Uma benn doel not need ter· Wlsers containing nitrogen, because It ceta all It needs trom the air, but sbould have plentY' of pholphorull. Ferillh:ere Ihould he pnt on after the plan.ta are up and growIng nicely. The plants should be well boed before the vines commence to run. Bnd 8S Iloon as the ground drlel orr after raIn, they should be Jlgbtly baed and the Bur face kept loose. It la Importsnt to study tbe demsnd of the market, becaulle lome con· Ilume'rl requIre the plump potato-besn "'hlle others wl11 have nothing but tbe large, ftat varIety. ' When grown on a lnrge IClle, tbe beans are sold In bags, and bring from ,1 .5() to '3.00 per bag, lhe low price being at tbe close of tbe season. When shelled and packed Into neat boxes, ~bey bring mucb better .prlces,

land. Manure well and mark out rows four feet apart and put ben manure In the furrow, cov ering It tbree or four Incbes-C, H. V.. Coen. "I preter pole bean s ror home U3e, as th ey are more prolific and profit· a ble. but grown on a large s cale tbe pol es are too bard to get and are too expenslve."-O. W . K., Ky . "Where poles are en s ll y goll e n, vole Limas are tb o most profltabl e. Tbey bave mueh larger v ines and Ilear bet· ter tban the dwarf."-M. A. S. C. "A pole Limn will outbear a busb bean and will not rot s o badly In Wilt

ot course, and Lf cbeap labor can he bad, this Is tbe proper way to dIspose

at tbem . Tbe LIma bean Is a lavorlte vegetable everywbere and 18 grown In all sections ot the country. Tbe experlence or rnlher, opinions, ot growers In varIous P3.l'lB of the United States as to tbe merits ot pole or busb beans

Naturally. "That child actor bll8 a p&rt wblch Terrible Pain and DllorderB :If the nt. like a clove." "Yes- sort of kid glov e." Kidney. and Bladder, Mrs. Co.rrl~, Sommer, lIt22 N. Hamilton Ave., Cblcago, m" lIays : "A seTbe Paxton Toilet Co. at Bost.on. vere cold settled on my kldn e YIL and Mass., will Bend a. large trial bOl[ of tbe pains through my back and limbs Paxtlne Antiseptic. 8. de lightful cleans· w.el·e so Intense 1 Ing and germlcldul toilet preparation, auld Bcdrcely Reep to any woman, free , upon reQu ellt. f rAJ m screamIng. The meanest trlc-k It lea p year girl M, heart trouhled can play on a ma n wbo reject s her me and I become Ilropos ul Is to take him at hi s ~ · ord . eo dizzy I could borely stoop. At Boxale'. CI"ODP ..Rem e d:r \.he o la re liab le II,. laat I took to my . ,u"r o f cbll4re o - pra ye DUt l"ne uO) uul ",. Nu u pl UlD - 0.0 DMUI~L c.;Uu.ranLet!d Dr A. . P . U o.n IG. 60 ceO \e hed and was In agony for two Even a woman nel'er le arns to hnkrupISlock "'IIIII Il' Rlrrl c_ weeks. tbe doctor sneeze gracefully. lil w er thu, n ~,t C' r " fTt're t! be-f ort . M.. flY Iln.,8, b r and II ~ W , IIIOUH'II. 8 10W " 8 110. failing to b elp me. U I"I o n.· n o w n.nrl "",· m O il ,. )' . Wrllt' rCl r "l)f cta ) ng of Doan'lI Kidney Pllln, I lJe· Tho . ystem ta ke. kt ndly 10 n6lu ro '. lua· " .. It' II·H. N'o . ft- anll S.h l Ylu· xp r tt,./A \)n tt1 ( r f"t Irla l gon using tbem and continued until tlve, Onrft f ld T M, whl(lb I. mi ld Iu IoCtioD u tT.r. TTPUn ITERtNSPEC1tON CO" 235 W. 4 UI. CIDGI... II.11.. entirely cured. For elgbt yenrs I have Bod "lwllYs ell'lMllh·o. START FA ( :TOIUF.8. 8ea(!l Aad no signor the old trouble." lor ('fOe boo" lJ u " \.u ,,"eL "*'U .eDta. Tbere are two kinds of ambillon; l'olOO( aocu ru<! ur toe Nl lUnltIG. "W he n Your Ba.c k Ie Lam e, Remem· 8ua. ~ COWPl\OT. UU 41" &., \VIl MhluJtlon .D.C. one Boare and tbe other crawls. ber th e NnDle--DOAN'S:' 60c nil stores ·lI'oster·MIlIJurn Co .. Buft'alo, N. Y.




How Old W .. He?

In a countr y sc bool tbe boys of a certain grad e wero devoted to Ibelr teacber, a youn g lady ot many cbarms. One lillie fello w or rather uncertain sge was cons ta ntl y proving bls devotion by little ac ts of kindness. which did not o 8 c a p,~ the notice ot tbe teacb· er. ComIng up to him one day ehe put her arm about his s boulders and Bald: " I beli eve I will kls8 you for belog eo good to DIe, bllt how old are YOIl?"


Large White Lima Beanl,


"Oh. that's all right." he Bald, "I am old eeOlllth to enjoy IL"- Mack'l NatlolJnl Monthly. Caul. of the Row. "!lfr!!. Bro9;'n had a drendful quar· reI wIth ber husband Inst nlghl" "That so!" "YeR. She bid elgbt on a hand tbllt was ,ood for ten, not thInking Mr. Brown would overbid her. but he did. It almost broke up the par!.y." Dwuf Lima Bennl, Rather Late. weather. Tbe husb Lima Is early, and that means a great deal In tbe mar· ket, and the saving of poles makes tbem cbeaper to grow."-L. B., Texae. "But few Limas are grown here on account ot tbe Bhort 8eason. Bush varieties are tberefore best, as they mature earller,"-A. A. R.. Minn. "'We bave planted busb Lima beans for tbe past three seasons. This year sball plant no otber kind. PIsnted alongside pole Limas tbey have borne rlgbt along during the dry seaSOD, while the pole Limas did very little good . The beans are smaller, but the quality fine."-I. E . M.. Ind . "The dwarf varieties have not proved as reliable as the pole kinds . In wet seasons tbe pods are too near the ground and th ey mildew, In very dry s eO Bons they do not do as well as the pole varletles."-G, G., Pa. "I have ceased to grow pole Limas. as tbe busb bean s have pro~ed more profitable wltb me."-J. J. K ., Ohio. "Llma s grow to perfectlou here. Push tbem In Ule soil, oye down. In early May. Can plant obollt four times as many busb b eons on same area as of the pole sort s ; but with same treatment a pole will make eight times as maey, and thus give twIce the crop that the bush beans does. The bush gets In market first and com· mands a better price, but the pods are scarce."-J. J ., Ky. "With me the pole beans have done best. but my neIghbor bas best sue· cess with bush Llmas.'·-M. A. P., Mlch, "Dusb beans have been a failure wltb me, while pole Limas bage been just tbe reverse. I bave grown tbem

will be of Interest. at the rate of nver sixty busbels to tbe "In this latitude ~Ima beans Ibould acre. 1 plant trom May 20th to June Dot be planted betore May 20tb. Tbey IIOLb, In drl118 three fest apart and do beUer on land tbnt bas been work- alx Inches In the drlll."-A. R. I., Neb.

VVhen Your Eyes Need Care

FallJDtr Remedy M .....t

Aphla, Onloa TbrIP. _cI Ot.her Suckla. Gardea ....' .. (By E. W. GRUSS.)

Kerosene emulsion fs one ot tbe .tandard remedies In tbe combat 1'Igalnst Insect pesta. It Is made by boiling one pound of whale oil, or caustic potash soap, or one Quart of soft soap In two gallons of lOft wa.ter. When tbe soap Is dissolved pour the solution Into the sprayer, nddlng two gallons of kerosene. Tben pump Into Itself until the compound baa the conalstency of buttermilk and Its bulk. baa Increased to nearly five gallonl. This Is th. stock solution. For epraylng dl· lute two parttl of the stock with 9 or 10 parta of soft water. ·1 cannot reoommend a stronger solution. Thll Is a never failing remedy agaInst tbe aphIs, onion tbrlps, and other suckIng Insecta. BIting Insects, too, will IUCcumb If tbe spray touches tbem. For beat result. tbe spraying must be repeated four or Dve time. In Inte"als of fi\'e to seven days. It mUlit not be used on vegetnblel of wblcl1 tbe leavel are estep.

Teach Dalr), Secrela. The UniversIty of Mls80ur! 11 preparIng to establlsb dairy de·monatra.IR.'t. lion farm s In dIfferent pa.rta or- tbe fol' .ta~. A tra.veling Instructor _w111 tarmers the llIIe of-the Babcock eelectlon or "animals and ~he'l'


..1!8Cr.ets . .

. .'

.' '

w.~ Ve~ LttU. TbDe

.., ooll'ere4 bam paID m>4er 'JIll' rtaht .obou14er ~ al8c> a ftIT C!OUflh," ..... )(Jl8. W. DoaH. of N_ Brooklab4, 8. c., to Or. R. V. Pleru. BtUJalo. N. Y. .. Had tott!' dlll'erent docl>DlllUld-wet .... an~ IJOOIl Some eaId I bad acmlumptlota, othen ..lei I would aaa... to haft an operatkm. I .... bedrldde, waab1e to .It up t<1r .Ix montlwo -aDd ..... bolt a 11.0 okel....... You odvl8l!d m. to tall. Dr. P!aree'. Gold... Ibdlcal DlIClCIV1II:Y IUId Dr. PIerce'. P .....t P.u.t&. Wbaa ,bad tabla IlIle bottla of the .~. I c:ouId oIt up tar ID. hour at • time. aa4 ...beD , bad tak_ tIt_ bottlea I could do mr _ku.. aDd teDd to the child"". I look rCIGrt.n boWeIlD all UtI WIll




III I'OOd health. M7 ...e~bt Ia _

lG7 PO\IIlIlI.


Correction. "We are drifting toward 0. pnternal Corm or government," said tbe economist. "Pardon me. If I correct you." responded the 5ulJragette. gently; .. to be accurate, you sbould s ay a mater· ~~ ~~~~ of governmenL"-Wasblng· ~\

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and Labor

.lad Prac:uc:aUy No Ex pea_ Haa4y Device Caa Be Made.

Wben tbe farmer begins to lave egga tor batchlng purposes, be natur· ally wonders how many at tbem are fertile and how many are wortbles. for bat.chlng. A great many make tbe ben the tester. That la, tbey set the eggs. aDd It they hatch they attrIbute It to good luck, and If they are all sterile they charge the result to bad Ull'k and wonder wby they cannot be"e 8$ pronounced success DB tbelr nelgbborli, Wltb a very little Ume and labor and practically no expen.. whatever the farmer can maks an egg tester wltb whlcb he can tell tbe fertne from lhe Infertile egga. By testing the egga before pIecing tbem under tbe ien In the lncubator, the farmer can IncreaRe ' ths percentage ot eggs batched-In many ca.aes tbls percentsg.. can al· mOlt be doubled. \


'2.60 53.00 '3.60 • 84.00 For MEN, WOMIN and BOYS W. L DOUGLAS $4.50 & $5.00


Do Dot a-p tbe , 01 lif.. by aeglect of t,"! b~maa mecbaal.m, by allowla, tbe accumulatloa of pOllon, ia the '}'Item. An Imltatioa 01 Nature', method of ""toring .....te 01 ti •• ue IUld imponri.hment of tbe blood and nervou, ,trength ia to take IlD llterstive ,Iyoerio ntnaot (wit bout alcobol) of GoldeD Seal sad OregoD Ilrape root, Bloodroot, Stoae IUld MllDdrske root ... ith Cherrybark. Over -40 yeana altO Dr. Pierce gave to the publio thl, remedy, wbich he called Dr. Pier",,'. GoldeD Medical Dieoovery. He found it would belp tbo blood in taking up the proper clemeata from food, help tbe liver ioto activity, thereby throwing out the pollOat froID tbe blood Ilnd vitellziq the ...bole lyetem al well .. Q'1I1yinll and aootbia, Q cou,b. No 01Ul ever ta!tee cold unle.. OOll.tlPllted, or exbausted, aad hlviog what oaU mll'outrition,whioh i, attended ",itb impoveri.hed blooll ead exbluetioD of nerve forco. The" Dilcovery" I, 1.0 ellround tooio which restores tone to the blood, nerves anll tieart by imitatin, Nature'l method. of reltoriog _Ire of ti.. ue, and feedio, the oervel, beart and luup 00 ricb red blood.

Promofts ~~tion.Churrul'

ntssand Re5tConiains neilher Opium, Morphine nor Mineral

Bears the Signature



""tiN ;I'OJ.l P"SANvEurJUI1t ~,:,S..'.t(Jl:.f_ _ •

AWWf",f• •


..J • ~~~~,.~. "'~J,S


c...r.OJ Jl,~.

".,."."... :n._ ... _-Aperfeotl Remedy rorColl!li~· lion, Sc>ur Slomach,DiarrhUf., Worms ,ConwI5ions.Few:rish-



ness and Loss OF SLE&P

-'--_ ..

fAC Simile Signature or

-~ "---



THt:'RAPlnN=:'~ a ....u· S::mK8S. CU&Ka &ID~, BUDDO DIIU!IQ" .l~.,

OHIalIfIC ULOUI, Bam nvnlOIlll-lD'l'llllR 01

La 01.1IIII: MaD. 00•• HATJ&I8'1'OO& aD .. JU,..)lN'rJW).~M.aK~

. . . . . . . ,.. . .~ Ibr . _ ......... .. DL

I~ep t that t h~ hoi=, p!ll'rr:ts mus t be ~ J'ERSEY CATTLE SALE \a member of the \.1':H1g'c. FOI' )~,, ' : y T1l :!D Th~ Waynesv ille Gr:ll1gl'l i3 pre.: f~l el' par ticulur.> sec Mr:l. laul'ice ! Foilowng i the rC.3ult of the . . . arin to !'end 'a boy to Washing ton, , Sllvel·. : Wayne Farm Cattle Sale. Sl ." • I \ _ - _ __._ I On last Saturd(IY through torrents Gasoline StoveSc. repaired. Notify P the Waynesville Auto afld Machinery aGndtne sa.~;cru:estastlpr~n~~~gl;~~(' l I~ . A. Hf,V f' iE, lofrainan ri mud kne e deepWavne Co. and they will call for them. azet te WI UPI' yale r " I ,Farm held it;; fOilrlh annual sale of

\ilgg Bllckfl.\·e lD Ouhfl (,or . 1(10iir,oo. Inqofre of Mr3 ,

P ~iCfl





- -----..-=- -- -- /

' Jer!!ey Cattle. i The clas~ of cattle was very choice and t he prices :I\ t which they sold ~ were nollluilc Uil to the aveuge of I some fortner sales. Every animal list.(d in the calalogue was sold, 15 Ohio's Candidate for the Presid em'Y \ head in al l, lJring'in g a t.otal of $6736 • The names of Presiden tial Candidates will ,~ o t 3(!Pt'31' up · " r a n average of appruxillntcly $90 on the primary ballot. The ONI,Y way to vole fo r Mr. Taft per hend . The sale included 10 bulls is to place a cros, mark at the left of th~ f' , llo win~ nam ~s . on the official ballot. of all ages. 65 females ' 30 of which wcre milch cows" 12 yearling heifers Delegates Alternates I and the balance rangi ng ill age from I X X E. M. JOHNSON 2 to 10 months old. Taking into consideration the un~ X F. H. SLAUGHTER X GEORGE McMURCHY favorable weather, the high prices These are the Taft delegates and alternates to the Rcpuh. I of feed and other unfavorable cirlican National Convention from this. the Six t" Congressional cumstances the sale must be termed District. A vole for these candidates is a vote for Mr. TaIt. I ,. a ' success. Th e cattle were all a son of Ohio. bou ght by Ohi o breeders and the Primary Election, May 21, 191 ~ scattering of such high·class cattle throughout the state should prove Cut this out and take it into the boolh with you and sec of much val'le to the Jersey cattle that you make no milltake in marki ng your ballot. industry. for i t is through the minI l\l r. Il nyr.c s. c.: il c r cl thl! DiSI):lteh. glinlr of better' blood in our herds !!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~ i lIillSb oro, Ohio. wha s o candidacy 101 that we may expect much improve•• . - •••• • ............. -...""-- Ithe Itcpu lit- an l! o:n I:1:t t:on tor Can· !:rcss Is 1I1 :1 \;: n ,.; r;rc:tL ga ins a ll ove r menlo ... _ ••_ __ Ilhe tl lslric t. n pu olk ans uro ra pidly coming to lhe oplnloll that !'Ilr. Haynes HAS bOU<lHT OROCEIlY I is the logica l man upon whom all can llnlte lor victory III November. He h:ls nC\'er oe(' 11 n c.nnd ld:tt c. has n ever II. O. Cornell has purchased the o en nflilillt cd with any of the !ac· Ferry grorery of Jas. Thomas. He I tfonaI t~ouu les or th e district; Is, and intends to keep the business up to, always hilS bee n. I! loyal Republican. and indeed. will go beyond the old He Is II practical business man. and appeals to practica l mono He has standard. and hopes ~ see all hit old mnde a ylgorous cllmpalgn, and senti· cUfltomers Ilndl many new ones. mont In nil cou nti es Is rapidly crystlll· Give him a caJl and he will convince Iz lng In his favor. H is nomination you, means certain \·ictory. \

_--------------------------"'( I

..)"--:' ;""".


fott Taft

Straw berr-ie ~s Received fresh by ' Express each day iii



" " ' ........ - _................_ _ __

WALRUS SALMON We still have some of t.his old reliable brand.

Per Can,






SOUR PICKLES Great bit; ones. a dozen ........ . ......... ... ......


CUBAN RELISH A mixture of sweet and sour pickles, cauliflower. onions. beans, etc. TRY IT.




_ _for'.' __

----- ...- - -





'Mrs. E. C. Stout,



..".ft.' b ,.1~ . S a I ~ ~



of the Illte H( 'D. 8 . S .



Frank C. Ander!On William McDonald PROBATE JUDGE

Alton F. Brown Martin A. Jameson Corwin Drake

· rday May 25th IBr~nu:~::~~e:o~:t\te~q~~~~~;s. :''.·,,Sa· . "t u "'~I' Be~IDD1D8 at16 o'olookoa



It paYII to trad e at

th~ following dMOrl~


. .· . '· " ·~·'·" '· DHAT·TEL PROPERTY

.- -.

';JleiD~ ",Jed




James Follen Waldron C. Gilmour




Gel ALL the Profit out of your Cream



We pay you 30tc at Your Station For Your Cream, and We Pay the Freight.

1111 inllls given', 'by'

LaSt week wa.q 30%c. Buy your milk ticket in regular way, and price wi ll be added to your check. Besides. we pay cash every Mond2y, ant.! if that is not quick enough you can have a check every day. , This price makes you about 48c ,on each five·gallon can ever selling at home; you np.ed ship only when convenient. Cim you afford to lose this difference when you can get it without any extra cost? . . also.' Markets today. Calves, . We handle calves. pon ltry and 7 Xctfi~m. Hens' 14c;. Eggs . . . WrI te us for can! and cans .i.\nd .agent will furnish . (... .. '

~,' MIAM I <¥,·,p · ~.""

E.x:cc.libl,r_8 J'tII.~.':·t·'a. ~,Wah1U't . ,-


' •

Scratch Feed. 100 Ibs .. ....................... ·52.00 Chick Feed.loo Ibs .... ....................... ... $2.1 0

Bring your Produce to

G. W. Hawke

To all nearby towns and cities, at reasonable rates. For particulars, call on or phone. to

RAY MILLS, Corwin, Ohio

Phone 71-H

REPR:ESENTAlIVE Thos, E. Hoover Vletor S.Loer John Marshall Mulford . . W. Z. Roll .

a larp .lot of household prop"rty. Handlome plec!'a of oldSURVEYOR I'1lrDl$ Colleotors of Aotiqoe Ooods ttlke notice. -ANDA. M, Bower Parlor .l'urDthtre-()on818Ung of :.3 uaircloth Sotae. 9 Bairoloth Chair", Sam D. Henkle t Balrolot.h 'R octer, ' ·l.rge Mlprorll, 4 MlSrble. f.op Ufloter l'tt.blel'. 50 suds Stock Raisers:, 'fake Notice! oarpet. A Domber:.of blodllom" p!o'.orel' of dif1'elent 8tyllll" lind IIlzBa . . TREASURER 1:.tbrary l'uroiture-:t Platform ~ookera anll ll)ocilible upllUlstered . AllY one wanting a good Boar pig Byron C. Howell Jr. Fla'-top Oftloe Desk. "Ith ~wlvel chan. d I I f .. I. '. DlDmg Boom ll'ornlture-J!lXteD8!on Ttlble. 11 Dining Cbair~, "et come un 00 { a tel It now. 11? I~'I JUDGE MARCUS SHOUP hereby Chi. . DtlhelS'one ware 018,bee, Rerrigerator, GlObSwarp, anei Illllny lend to castrate all of our PIgs In . announCl'S his c.andidacy for the o~~ai"olea'ofDlnlDgRoom 'servtce. June. The sires of all these pigs i<epublican nomination for Wroom l'url\1ture-Oolls18t1nlt of 4 Bedstetlds, HpriD@8and MIlt.trp88 nre pure br ed, big lyp~. from Iowa. lZ~e3S. in the. Sixth ConKl'eS!'ional ... 8111rror. of differen' aiz~fI end . styles. Whatnottl{lnd P,lppr R90k l.-l. 1the largest ~tock of hogs I ever Dlst~lct •. subject to the pnmary 8retlHn, Bureau. aod Wallh ~tallda, maTHe top and plain. 3 Fel1ther P I d eh' election In May. 8eda. BelllWn and Pillows. ,Tot\,e' Sets, 1 U\Ot,htl8 t:lawpcr. ,saw- 0 an m~s. - .- NiDe Mantel Cloou or dlffereot alzes aDd deaillol' . Democ~ratlc Ticket Abou' 300 Yarde Carpe'-In aU, consistlDg of differen t st~ les /lnd I STATE SENATOIl mat... . AI80 15 yarde Bru8881 oar pet and 4 good rogs . 1 Dro@~e' 8 x £I ft. . ' , i Drog,.' • x 12 ft.., and ilbout·20 rOlla of dUferent sizes lind st,ylrs. I Waynesville, Ohio. John E. Holden tJ'balra-8 Cene Meat., 4 ClOmp, 4 Porch, 1 Rlcltnlng, flewlng Rocker~, I (Warm 00.) . ArmcRooketll. Willow Rocker. and other cb .. lrs, Silk U{lhclstercd 80fll , '! Ba'·ftO~ with glellS. tUx Book·oaeee wl\.b glll1l8 front. . ..._IZl!::.mI'.l!lJ~C!II_r.sIlIRII_:_. . . ._ _ _ _••_ _ _ _ _ _ _• $to:.-.......loew larlt'8 Coa1 Rellt-er, 3 ~mall 1/ellterll. T.arlle Kitohen ... BaDI8. Cooking Utenplls, 1 GUlultn£ Cooker Ilud 1 COllI Oil Bealfr. 3 '3eIe ADdlrODt. IIlt1CeUaDeoufI- Lot CaoDed Fruits DDII Jl!lJil'fI. fonr Tdpe LinfP. 25 .abel 60 n. in length . Kttchen Hare, ~ lroo Wash Tulip. 3 Clotuel4 Bl.Isktltl.', im n. Garden HOlle, Bt'o',,' Alit, Lo& of Trunb. !suit l)ase~, bnd Medloine Cuell, Ii Dumb bells and 3 InQlaD . :lubs aod mauy uther Ilrtiolell oot here ~ Elgin Board price on Butler Fats today, 3Oc. meuUoDed. .



F. S. Simpson


., '. 'l:'he llDdentped exeoutors will ctfer at publlo I!Rle. at the 1aft>

IOc ,-

A. C. Baker J. C. Hawke S. L. Irons Ed .. C. Jeffery Sylvan A. lewis Fralflk D. Miller

Owing to last week. many m issed gett in g a Tub. We have just receiver! another lot and place all on sale this wt'ek at 50c. The!!(' tub'! are wor lh 75c Dnd $1.00.


Crisp and fresh, a lb .......... ............., ......




n.t4eDoe of Jilliu 1'. Sa,loefl, d,,08&sed, wid . ~'Dee, t~ WaYD88viJ\e. 9hi<', on

New Potatoe , Ca bb3~e Cukes. Lettuce. Radishes, Onions . Pine Apples, Oranges, Lemons. Hananas. Fancv Evqporated Peaches, large j lI ic~' Pru lell. Fancy Chipped Orie d Beet, ~o· log na. Baked Beans, Hed Sal mono P ickles. Olives. Krur,k l~ Corn l1'Jake3,t-:!le~b~i-gpackage. on ly ... ........ . .. .... lOc g·lb can Baked Beans. only .. IOe 3-lb can Plums. only ........ . .. lOc 3-lb cam Swel;!t Potatoes .. . 12; ~ c Special Rio and Santos Blend <L pound only ............. ..... 23c Seed Potatoes and Onion Sets, We still have 11 few of theRe left. Don't wait too longo.

Waynesville, Ohio



Fran k B. Forgy Will R. f .ewis Charles Madden Albert Stubba CLERK OF COURTS Dan P. Bone Jamles S. Tatom

Je~~l~~ ~~~~..:.I.~~~~:.~~:~.. ~ef2%C


. ' t·



Fancy Tenn. Strawberrtes

ean't be .beat in the state for Quality and Price. Call and be convinced.


lfuinz's, 2 dozen for .. ................ .... .... . ......

- Call on.- -

E. C. Stout


Graded Cracked Corn We have just installed a new cracked corn outfit, which takes out the coarse and fine and ' gives you nothing but the pure Cracked Corn. I ••

For Sale or Exchange . '




e. Oilmoult






Mr. Gllmou-I.'.A ha. -'8V81- lIele1. .s , ~ '. . , COUDt~ O~.b~j. ,~, i., . ._.' ~' I"

~.1-k VO~. 'b~I~~~:·~~\~" pll~",~,.~:~:~. . .. F.oR~· ·SMI;RIEF;>.. , '. .-.'


" a




Sixty-Third Year





Whole Number 3160

COMMENCEMENT ~;7=~;~r:~::CI;'1 ~·~~i~;~:~.r 11r:==;~;::':;~-:~7D~C'::-O''')' u ' : ' m ' : ' '::::::::::::~.I n . ~! L



The held in ! Rev. J. F. Cadwallader pronounced the coun Ly Tuesday was a surprise I Exercises Held at School the benediction and to the inspiring -~ I to many people. The vote was very dd tones of the orchestra. the larlre ..•.... •..... ••...... •_ _ ••......_ ·.. ·. ................................. .......... ....J light a. nd this it was that made the eetmg La.rg. ely Atten f Ball Thursday Evening audience filed out. each one declaring Many VI81tors Present h' h Oscar .:lmithis the proud pOssel8or Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hathaway were su rprlsetl. . . -Big Attendance ~:~~~:~ete:e~!d~ommencement of a Hupmobile runabout. shopping in Da,)ton last week. We herewIth give the tolals for At This Seflsion I th e cvunty vote. Treasurer. Re· The Auditorium was entirely filled. Ray and Karl Hawkef) of Dayton. Mrs. Euphemia Hough and daugh. corder and Co roner only had one LaafThursdayevening the school many lltandinlr during the entire came down to vote Tuesday. ter. Irma. are visitin&, relatives in candidate the refore the totals are The tw~nty.ninth annual banquet work tor the year 1911-'12 cl0se4 evening. The music by the PhilDay t on. . . . , no t Irlven. 0 f the ." aynesville High :;chuol Flltere? Gasoline for Au~ s at the Accordinsr to the Enquirer it looks Alumni was held in ~chool Hull Fri. with Commencement exercises at harmonic orchestra. of Springfield. School Auditorium. This marks the added much to the evening's enj!JY- WayneSVille Auto and Machmery Co. I Eest Grade steam cylinder oil. as thou&'h S. D. Fess is nominated day evening. May 17th , 39th year for Commencement, and it ment. ': he names of Lafferty and C. M. Robitzer I'S the posseD.or of Waynesville Auto and Machinery Co. for Conlrress in the District. The meetings of thp. alumni are wu characterized by being one of Hawkens, with which lIlany of our ..., Th I b I f h the the bCIIJt ever given hera. cit izens are famIliar. be in'" a ma'"'et Il handsome new automobile. Alfred Wright visited r I t ' · .e tota s e ow are or t eRe· always ~Ieasant, event.'l .and • 6 C '11 f e a IVes m publicans. The Democrat results twenty-mnth was no exceptIOn The class wu comPNM of six strong enou.llh to draw alarlrecrowd. . entervl e rom Saturday unti Id b b . ed h" . . airla. each of whom had vied with •- • . MdledSlAnna Thomson. of Dayton. at· Monday. cou not eo tam at t IS time. d'dHowell.'sorfchesthra fur01!1~efI sP11~hn. the other as to whom should stand ten Colllmencement and AluMni. ! . Dele&,ate8 to National Convention I musIc or t e occasIon. e LOST ONE; WON ONE . I LI eutenant Frazier and wife are regular orchestra was Bupplemented Gasoline Stoves called for and red' d . W. H. Baum ............. ............ 1139 by Mrs Sadie GalJagan a talented first in their clUB. and t"is friendly . al ry mad e th e cIass an unusua II1 The Miamis have 10lt one and won paired, " mg to ay 0 2 ' of Columbus. . nv WaynesVille Auto and Mil- spen S . With Mr ' and Mrs . . Ca r r 0 II E U Iass ......... .. .... ........ . 1 6violinist Ideh·grade one. one of the two ....... es played since chi Co " L. CArtwright. Robert Shawhan ...... ............... 1456 Th tiled .-~ nery . F. H. Slaughter ...... ......... , .... 1346 President Warren Keys called the e s ... e was pre t y arrane our last iuua. ' Last Friday after· B t Mias Mary Lefferson. cf Middlemeeting t. order and in his characand ciecorated with flowers. plants noon they journeyed to Bellttrook to El om-W°edM~~ and MMra 22Geo d rele town. h!lS been the pleasant guest of Representative in Congress teristic mlmner made a ahort addrese . an~ the local team and were d n...... ay, ay n I U Mr . and Mr sJ. .0. C t ' h t. Seth W. B rown ................ ....... 1275 wh'IC h rnad e up m . quail't y wha t't Atcollege I • I banners. k .h . I th enpose ... ar wrlg I o c ~ • Wit strains .rom e beaten by the 1C0re of T to 2. The aug er. Henry M. Brown .... ........ ........ 852 lacked in quantity. Philh.rm~Dlc orchestra. Spnn~eld, Bellbrook line.up included the local. . ... 1..' Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Walter and S. D. Fess......... .. ......... ......... 780 The prolrram was carried out u the curtam al'OH, when Rev. J. F. favorites Mill. Spahr Tate and MIas Mary. Latchem 18. vlslbn.. 111 Mas:er Dan Walter spent Sunday at R. A. Haynes ................. .... ... fS7 follows: Music by the orchestra; Cadw.allader invoked the Heavenly Myert, th'e Powe'',1 brothe'rs. (a first- fDayton, Xema and SpruJg V~ley I the home of D L C d f '1 Marcus Shoup...... .. ............... 8~ . I f 10ft • • rane an ami y. Invocation. Rev. J. F. Cadwallader; "Iesslnlr. baseman und IIIW _L·rtatop), of Beaver- or a coup e 0 wee..... Repre3entative General Aasembly readinlr of minutes and roll call. Aftel' another seleclion from tha town. and Maneheeter. a catcher Mi!lS Rowena Wright. of Red Lion. th Mrs. l!:mma Dakin ha.'1 accepted Thumas E. Hoover ..... ............. 1131 ' Durinlr the roll call when thename orchestra. the play "Py~alion and who plays with the Dayton Lilly returned home Monday after IL e position of gov~rneas at the J . M. Mulford.. ..... ........ .. ....... 91% of a dead member was called. flowe ... GaIJlt"a." was .riven. The play il a Brews. They were Irreatly assisted pl~asant visit at the home of War Warren Co. Children's Home. She W. S. Roll ....... ..... .... ..... ......... 781 were strewn. This ceremony wu classic in three acts. and the by a baker named Wrilrht (a very ren Barnett and family . j8SSumed her duties last week. Iinaugurated at this meetinlr of th. work of the participallts made it a Inappropriate coenomen) who es__ _ _ _ Judsce Probate Court alumni and was most beautiful and moit enjoyable one. sayed to umpire. - - - - Alton F. Brown .. .... ............... 1021 impressive. A mort syno)MIi8 of tile play is as The pme wu late in starting Corwin Drake .. I...... ............... 712 Mias Edith Crane in a neat &ddreas fOlio,?: Py&'D1alion a BCulptor. owine to oUter attractioBs connected b~N:~~.~·:.~·.· ~M welcomed the c1BS1S of 1912 Into the creates a statue Galatea. and with the Mass Day celebration. and Aluillni. to which Mis" Merle Ellis his wif.) is away, he prays to was .further delayed durinlr Way· • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.•-+ ____________ , Clerk of Courts respondeci in a very creditable manpda and Galatea becomee a Iivine neevdle's half of the third lnnine by MdM J H' te M • Dlin Bone .................. ........... 2210 nero After a quartet by MiM Lucy belne. She wants to know the the sudden death of Mr. Marshall. . r. an rs. 08. ~.mes en r· r. and Mrs. E. V. Barnhart en. James Tatom .... .. .. ........... ...... 568 Emley. Mrs. O. L. Crane. Prof. Amv ) "why" of all life. and PY&'ID&lion While Bellbrook is jU8t1y entitled tamed the newly .arrled coup.le. tertained at tea Sunday eveninlr in and D. L. Crane. with Mrs. F. B. falla in love with her. She eetranps to the victol'1, the ICOre would have Mr•.and Mrs. Herbert Satterthwaite honor of their euests Mrs. Walter Pro8eCutinlr Attorney Sherwood. as accompmillt. Miss the f.raily by her innocence in love be.n mueh 8maller had our boys at dmner. Mondav. Reed. of Chicago and Mias Rowena Frank Anderson ........... .......... 1537 Annie U. Brown read an excellent affairt. and when Cynieca return. been Iriven a .quare deal. Spahr M M h Se'bold d d 'h Wrilrht. of Red Lilm. Those who William McDonald ................ 1296 ,aper, "In Memoriam." She paid an to her eods and b, a solemn ahowed lOme of his old-time form. of H~~i1::~ aan~ Mrs Ma:f ~:: elljoyed ',heir hospitality were MiS8 Sh 'ff Irlowine tributes to the memben weddin~ pact Pypalion is blinded. Itriki"e out elaven of the Miamis reral d and ~n were ~esta of Mr Mary Lefferson, of MiGcletown, Mr. erl who have puaed into their eternal bllt after G4la~. ~d allowina them Jbut - aix hit.. F e ' 8. and Mrs. J. O. Oartwrilrht. Mr. and Jams ~oUen ....... .............. ..... aoo rest. Mrs: Sue Satterthwaite Davia wordl" abe _ -her faulta. returnl Errors It, his lU,port were l.. ~ely n!d H nijerson. at dtnner. today. Mrs F. B. 8herwood, MisaesDorothy W. C. Gilmour ........................ 1454 and Mi_Uinnie Burgett. to hf!r marble s81f. and all ends well. reaponaible for Waynesville'l two Mias Kezia Merritt entertained at Sh~rwo( d, Rhea Jeannette CartAuditor A piano duet by Mrt. Fred SherhiBM~Amy'dU '~,:alion" ~i'i: at ~. th th hand Gehbart t ck dinner Saturday evening C. M . :~~ht and Muter Chalmer Sher- Frank For".......................... 702 wood and Prof. Amy 1'188 ~eartlly t. an a~ e part e a n eo e r . I ru Cartwri"ht and IOn. of Chicalre, Mr. . Will Lewis.. ........... ............. .. 839 encored. '. veteran. out four batte... , alloweli elevell hits and Mrs. S. L. Cartwrilrht and Mrs. Chari. Madden......... ........... 481 Mr. C. M. Cartwright, of Chicap, ~ond Da~is had a dual role. and three puaetI. and his suP.port 1. E. Keys Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Cartwright en· Albert Stultbs...... ...... ............ 970 was called upon fol' a ~h and r&and .ade K'OOIlln both. showed a tendency to bobble at tlmea tertained pleasantly Saturday even. . sponded in hie ulual hap,y manner. Galatea. the 'Inimated statue. wu wh~ Itobblea .ant runa for the OJ)- ~r. and. Mrt. Earl Evans enter· inlr in C?D1Pliment (to their house Comml881oners (3 to elect) The last number on the proJT&lll tlnely portrayed .hy MillB Marie Mil· fJOIltien. The ICOre: wned at dlBner Sunday Mr, Nathan Iruest. M188 Mary !.efferson. of Mid· A. C. Bake~ ........................... 1076 was a comedy in one act in whieh ler, who recite4 her lin.. in ·.ucb a 1 28.5678 9""':R H E Smith and family, Mr. J\b Evans and dletown. ThOBe present werlt C. M. Charlea Ellis...... ..... ...... ......... .. 681 Paul Jennin .... (Ray ' mond Davis) ad manner that foretell. a futu .... tor Miami. ... -Q 0 0000200-2 6 i family. Mr. J?s.:Eval18 and family. Cartwright. Mrs. Walter KeN. of ~: ~:::~:::.~.:::::::.:.:: :.~.: ~~ his wife Edith (Stella Lemmon) a her if she ...hould choose the stalre Bellbr.ok-l 0120300 x-7 11. Mrs. Mary Stiles and d~ulrhter.' of Chica~o, MilS Rowena Wrilrht, of Ed Jeffery .: ........................... 1018 young marriej couple, of New York • . for her future career. Her ,oeine near Bell brook, Mrs. WlIl LeVI, of Red LIOn, Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wright, Sylvan ~WIS.............. . ..... ...... 870 are put to their wits end a, to how _L mad Batteriea: Miamia--Gebhart and Pelee Island, Canada, James B(>nnett Dr . and MI'S'. Clayton • Mr. an d Mrs. F. Frank Miller ......................... 1023 they can entertam . tlten . al1ltocratic . t I d t wu moe na I,1ra an 8IIe ea E S. SimpsOn ..... .......... ..... .... 1071 beautiful piece'of statua"Y. . vans; Bell~rook-S'ahr and Man- and Henry Evalls. E. V. Barnhart. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Harry So.thard..................... 737 ~uests. Dr. Craven (Lea Earnhart) Mi.. Winnifrede Macy. Pytrma- chester. . Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Sherand his mother (Ciara Hawke) with lion'. wife. who caused 80 much S d rte th M' . Wednesday evenlne Mr. an:! Mrs. wood. MI'. and Mrs. D. L. Crane, Surveyor their limited meanll anll onl, one 1_b h ' . 1 l ..l th un BY a moun, e lamls C A Bruner entertainN the gra- · Mif!s Myra Baird and Mr Ra d B id th J __ ..I mlDCrl y e~ Jea OUlY, mllUe e caJIle rieht back and defeated the • : . . . ymon A. M. Bower ....................... ... 1282 servant. r get (E elyn ones) lUlU . part a IUCClees. MiA MileY, who hal 0 to' . b f 8 to .. . duatme alass at their home at a DaVIS. S. D. Henkle .................. ........ 1407 Bhe not fiJ: for any thing outalde of ~ 1 • Id be ay mans 1 a s~'Ore 0 & In a Beven-col£rse dinner The tables . a ........ c ear. 8trone vOice. cou f.atanapP,"'ame Cap Be....... W88 • • I the kltrhen. ~ throu~hout the hall and wu back i h · d ' '.-.. were decorated In the c1asa colors. The younlr men's Wealey Class. of De e~ates to County Convention Fanny Jennini'S Paul's IIlster U roundlY applauded for he; excellent f to ~ t ~ r:"e ~n b7 ~e pl1me Measrt. Amy and Davis were ad- the M E. Sunday School entertained Harvey Burnet ......... .............. 116 (Luella Cornell) .arrive! unexpected tc r 10 ~_ rtthtis°U e P BYbesi°n.the ditional guests. Music and a general at a sumptuous dinner Sunday at the O. J. Edwards......... ............... 112 and offers to help them out of their -DJ'k. - ' loeal -= D h b M' 'K th rroun_ aeaaon. d.. "ood time made the evenin'" pUB h t M dM J D L. M. Henderson .................... 147 .p ne, .....en , 188 a ryn lea4ina hie team at bat with two • . kI .. T~me ~ . 1'. an r s . . . Marlatt, W. E. O·Neall..... .. .. .. .. .. ..... .... 155 dilemma .y actinlr as maid. which GlblKll18. altho'.llrh a minor part wa. hits in four times up. Ben Smith qUlc y. e a air W88 a farewell to their H. C. Prater ...... ... .. .... ........... 129 offer il finally accepted by her welltcted out.' h ed h h h ad h h't M J Ch t taO ed t teacher. Prof. E. F. Amy, who has Frank Zell......... ............... ..... 16& Itrother When the cuests arrive . ... I E ' l I' 'd h r ' I ow w y a 88 m e suc a I n. os. apman en er In a do h f th . Mill .er a 11881 er mes m a with the fanS by his fine work in the her home at Woods End Monday at ne so muc or e young men. al' the youn~ doctor proves to be Miu dipifted man,n er. and ber actinar outfield and his ,plendid two-~ue a roast duck diimer. Those present and who. by his Quiet: ?n~uming . Centr Committeeman Jenn~ni'S fiancee a~ ~fter. a series was well dope;' drive. Surface IlIId Edwards played were: Mrs. Walter Reed. of Chicago. ! mfetnner !,nd tru!y Chn8tlan hfe. has FWranSk GE1rahbonam'" ......... ......... ...... 173 of mIx ups the affair IS adjusted to le an lD' presslOn f or good on the Altoeether no amateur play hu . , . . .................. .. .... 113 the satisfaction of all concemed • • . their usual fine PIlle at first and Mias Mary Lefferson. of MlddlehtWn. ! r f h d .. - a • ~.,en.1O mu~ atlstaetJon .. th18 third anll contributed one hit each. Miu Rowena Wright. of Red Lion . . Ives 0 eac an everyone of them O. A. R. ATTENTION The ~Iay was very ",!,ell put on ed one did, Mn,' C. A. Bruner. who Harvey cauaht hll ftrtt full ,a.. e Mesdallle8 A. T . . Wright. Emmor, that can never be effaced. . . --. was. highly entertamine to the <!oIehed the pla1. worked hard for and played hi. part .ell Bat) Warren Barnett Lina Devitt The guests entered the dmlng Hoel Po.t, No. 230. G. A. R. wdl audler.ce. itasuccer,a. and too much credit c~Gebhart struck out ttine batters Hawke. E. \'. &mhart. J. O· room to the. sweet strail18 of music hold their Memorial services at St. The electien of ~fficers resulted as not be liven her for the lIlanner m and allowed flve hit. and three pa884III. Cartwrleht alld Mias Emma Heieh- !played by Mias Helen Marlatt. After Mary's church. Sunday afternoon. tollows: Ida Dakin Hawke. prea.; which the play was ren~erecl. Sink Maneheater for the visitor. way Rev. Grauser had returned thanks. at 30·c1ock. All Grand Army men. Seth Furnas. vice pres.; Martha After another ..Iection from the .truck out five and allowed . the guest. were Aerved with one of ex'lOldiert, Sons of V.teralll and O'Neall. secretary; J. E. Janney. orciieatra Miu Edna Janney pve an Beven hit.. The 1C0re: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lacy enter the elegant reputa for which Mes- the public are cordially invited to treasurer. • oration on "Woman's Suffra&'8." tained at their beautiful coun try c~alJles Marlatt and Murr81 are so attend. Grand Army men ani Refreshments were fnrnillhed by Ber...., ahowed mueh thoueht and 128" 5 87 8 9-R HE home at Sunday dinn~r. Mr. and Justly famous. others who march, will meet at the Mesdames Marlatt and Murray. atud" and the manllor in whi~h ahe Daytoniana-O 1 00000 1 0-2 I) 6 Mrs. Aaron Denlinger and 80n StanAfter dinne" Rev. Grauaer, on Township heuse and '-e ready to During the social hour Mrt. Ga. delivered it was moat atriklni. ibe Miami...... -Q 1 000011 x-3 75 ley, Wm: Younlr. of Sprin&'field. O"lli>ehalf the class. presented Prof. start,to the church by 2:30 o'clock. hapn delilrhted the company with a t.ld 1'1117 the women ou,bt to vote. Ed Merker. wife and daull'hter, Le- Amy With a handlOme suitcase-a Rev. J. F. Cadwallader will preach violin solo. accompanieoJ by hoI' and tha~ the da.Y was not far distant Batteriee: Daytoniana-Mancha- roy Lacy and wife, of Wilminlrton •. token of the boys' appreciation of the sennon and a a~iallJ prepared sister Mi. Myrtle Opp, who is a when they would have that riPt. ter and Marrow; Miamie-Gebhart Chas. Shldaker and wife, of Har. what he haa' done for them. prolrrarn will be rendered by the IIkilled pianist. Kill Int. Hamilton. whoee subject and Harvey. • _ . veYlburr, O. The house was dec- The company then adjourned to choir. And thus haa P88lled into hiltory wu the "Neg1'O Problem." told of orated in snow balls and ferna. A the front porch where the class • - • one of the moat pleasant alumni many new thinp that were beine SCHOOL BOARD ELECTS four ceurae dinner was served at phllto$raph W&!l taken tty Mr. O. M CARD OF THANKS m~tings ever held. done for the betterment of her ~. The Wa.)'1MIIIrille·Scltoel board met twelve o·clock. Pla.ce card8 of pan- Hi:lge The remainder of the afterI ant to thank all my friendll The officers to whom mueh credit and her oration wu replete with in rtHrUI.r aession Mon""'.' evenine lloon Will • ve~ pI~tly spent in thro;"'h the Gazette, for their man; is due for the success of the dair atatlatlca .l~ reprcl to what the and-;j'ted teachers for ~i: enauine . , conversation and mU8IC. kind :cts b6dtowed upon me dUl'ine were, . Warren Keys, pres;. ~ eountl'1 wu dd,lnr, eapeclaIll the year: Last Tutereadtai·Yed,~~m:. ~he J?nlor 1~7: preten~ wCelre Prof·MA.y, lilY late affliction, in the death of Mere<htJh. EviceJ pres.; Eva.:Dav18. seeSouth. She was ,roundl, applauded c 8811 en n • mon man . . rauser. r. ayton. esars. M' R th M f rd retary; . . anney. t~rer. Jor her efrorta. ' C. A. Bruner. Supt. eleput manner at the -School Bull. W. O. Raper, F. H. Farr. Louis UIS u or 0 • Eva M rf d •- • Mill Katbr,in . GlbbOna in her MiA Mabel Hadley. Print Houae. The n01.1'II were whiled Printz. Hueh Ridl'e. Forreat Ride.. • _ • 0 or . Ga:&tt_ ·ob ·'SUcce.'" .told lome pod Miaa Elizabeth Chandler. Aut. Plin away by muaic. pm.. and conversa· Earl Connor, Raymond <AnnoI'. Lee P. & D. MEETINO thinp;and: made her' .,..,lnt that all Un. J. C. Linton. Muaie: , tion, At 10 o'clock a three-course ~iawke. ~.n Salisbury. RUMell . . succe. to the hard lmocke MijaAnna V~derv~rt.!.4th room. luncheon wu ·ae"eel. Covers were Sallabury. Wdl Su.ud. Dean H.well. There will be a meetln, of the neaville Ledp No. 161. F. ad·labor .'ihat : ' ·ud ·"...,ooe MiaaEdnaStou~-3rdroom ;' I laid for twenty-two Tlteroom and AlbertCI~ver. Emerson Eamhart, Pr.tectiveandDeteetiveAaao,eiation ~1I tak~'.l.p)aceTueeday. v".'a ..... Jain Mill Lilla Derlh~--2I)cl room. - tabl. were ~ecorat" in thP claaa . Alvin Earnhart. Dur~rd Vice. Lee Saturch.J attemoon. The poetera Worlt I.q:~. ·F. :O"',Uqt"'I!fl11 Hisnrletta ,. McKinaej-11t ~lor8 aJ!d'Cllt flow..... u,Kl with the t I.emlDon. Fr,e; fuJ'naa, M~l have &rrived and may be IOtten b, ill&' bre~..... invit.s. i~lwIi!il.,.1Iid '." " .'~:~ ,.', ....: . , ' .~pl.~·~the ,tab~.l~~'f~ryi~•• · ~..~ D"~. :' ThOIl\U.pp)y1qtotheaecNtary .. . , , .F.B.lI.MI.~~., "r~, ',.:l'~-J"'~~, I ' , ' , 1PYi~"_~,,_';"""'" ) ' , Pi,rc.~~ter- Cbarl~ ~ra..... " " , J C. B~wk., ' . . ;: ~ . V. ,, ~.mb~. .. •.,""""'''''


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auo , ,' th e hl llc k HilI! , Bll t I th o ug ht tbo ~ o l t)r a ,l evll l sb ode! on ~ o mb e r, you kUtlw -- tor col o rs of 11 yu uu g gIrl '. scllOo I " ) I y: nlY :" ~ h(' mnrmured, -' wou ldn't I jll ,; 1 1, )\'" tl) /tv e III paJumas -Ju st gc nbollt III '0111 11 11 th e tllI1e, YOU know! Wh l' ca u 'l WoJ , I wouder 7" H er fllcu fllI shucl 1111 II TAI' l sh l llg 811111 e ; au d wh ll" I Wil S hl/llldll" O VI'r b .. r CJu ew· you ' vo go t 1':Il'llnUr Glyn bac lte d oIT 111)11, ,; h ,' w .. nt on : " P UU lI }, Il OW the ~ Irl " (' V ,' II ar" t lll, lu g to 'e:II - , "'en SIH til\' t1u llrol ~ , " " I'at',; " ' 111 :" Sill' l'IlUl' k l eu ' " II NM ar e She Wl-'lIt li n Il gl'Tly : " I d on 'l (' UI' O, 1111 1 th e 1:lrl 1'1\] I houg h ; RI II ~ hy 01' lI (l t, yU \II' p l clur o's I'(ra S' lIa nl "I II ~II" , t .. lll n ~: ,1' IIU abuul - shl' lIolI ' t ; Sis told jU~l p ~ rf r't' l for h..,. \l'hy , y l)u r girl thl' III" t,'r n uout II. It at'l) 1l1S tb nt Ii" 1I1 llM t be II rilt " ,, 1' fo r tll.' g Irl at Hallfil l'" ~ Ih' h'I t C1\I IlR, sOll Ie Illg h muck "'1ft.. . 0111 ,' th i ll ~ ,l'{11 1 Iet'l out was n 11 11 ... 1, ).::\\" , her govern or a ~ w e ll pulr th e (n.'ck lt" on ( he {' h l l l. ·· o r " ilk 1I11 .'~ - ~u ttl(· tbl n g lik e I hese, I F'r<,c l,le on 111 .. c hin : lIy ,j o v e, I g ll(," ", hil I I doU'I k ll Ow uf wb u t ('al a r It'ft It Oll t 0 11 I' "l' p U~". for I tilOllg hl Hilt , a llY ho w , Ih py \\' (' 1',) too c! ('Ih'lIt .. " he Illl glil not like II. I " ' I"Hit' ro, 1 Ir anll tllll' t o hI' WIlHII'II all un o l d Htl n all g ll'l ~ " I Hntlcllrre bnd Irec kl oH u u III, e th a I , l'ltl d 1:0 had Hl'!l Se el " 1ugh t o t II I ' !'Il l n,

1I,'r tUIl" wa s u lmoRI .f1l'ag(' I " traill ed 1 1 1('1','duloll~ly alt er h (' r tlIf'f1ll I ng " Did I IIn rt"l'~ta nd YOIl (0 stly YOII W('I'(, br ough t Ill' Iwfore tb l) presl d ellt tlt t' rf' at H urt dt tT(I,!" " n ad~' lIlT e':" lt N b('nd ~ tlOol< "No - Il nl' v ll n l." Anll I n odd pd , r""lIll1ng Ih" n fllll lllinn IIPI I':P'-o t il,· t\\O IIl " tHu l Ion" a t l'al llt.l'lotgf' Nl ghl'd lJud her hl'llll t lllli l aSllps oj 1'111 11'1'11 ~ Ill lly , fl y J O V tl, I Wa ti eO j o II y lIu r pt! I ~ n \ll rJ n' t mil nl! g, ' II \I onl


I k ll(· \\".

So ~. o ;J '. HR l.'d 'PIU dOWJl the IllIl' ttl htll-- FrHn Cl"'~, YUli tt1,OW . \\'(dl,


kn ow If .

('o llr ~e. tha t rlly h l'art "lLR btl l It n l lin ' t mult Pl' I IO l' I!d


' J' O r emove nIcot Ine rr.lm the teeth , dI sinfect thl! mouth end purity tbe br eath nft er smoking, PaKtlne la a boon to nil. At dru gg ists, 2hc n bOlt or sent pORtpnld on r ccel lJt of price by The Puxton 'follel Co ,, ' D08ton, Mus • .



_"- J.-




KISS BROUGHT BACK A LIFE Incident Showing Tenderness Heart of Martyred Prcsl dentScene Worthy of Art ist _


No sl o ry o r AbJ'nh um LIn co ln 80 w ell Illu strat es tho g r ell t t en derness of h Is h~nrt 8S that w hi ch te lls or Ih() kl"s ho g ave B wo unded Ilold ll!r -hero , In a 1I0rrow cot In tb e mllltqry bos pllal III 'Ity I 'ol nt IIll1j, e harll' s II , lI ou"hlon w as dying , H e hu Ll iJ.cC (\ 10 !:o rnrnund or I"on H ns k ell , a str at egi c POlll l In Ihe rear of Gra ut 's lIn ell, Ullulllst which n il II ", fury or Lee's tltta ck w us b o>i uj.( dlrcl,t cll lu an Irort t o brea l. t he U ni on IIn ('s, A gnlnst Maj , Ii ough t on, u m ere hoy nf 20 y ears o l d, w er e pitt ed th o s<:1 or1l'<' IIml at rill, p" i e knowlt" dge of Gen , J o hn B, GordUll, of Gcor gl a, Short l y a f ter, al 9 o'l-l ock on e mnrn· l n g, th e door ut Ihe e ud of ttl e wart! wu s oRtln tI and Dr_ 1IiacOon al tl, chief surgeon , railed : "A t l c ntion! Th e Preslde u t or tile I l nlle d Sta t es," Those on th e cots who hnd rb e stre ngth lIat c rpe! ; nurees proPI>ed otb erll ngain st plllow s_ H a nds ", ,,nt to pall ill for ehend s In th e military su , lu te and wt'ak ened heart s beat tllst ag aIn liS I n th e doorw ay aJ>p cured the form of the man who Btood for ull that th ousan ds or othe r m e n hod fou g llt tor , di ed for aud would live ror, , Tllere outs ide the door, the sunlight streamin g Into th e room over sQuare , gnunt shoulders, slood Abraham Lincoln_ Into the room he stalke d, bend , Ing his awkward form uugracerully, for tbe doorway w as low , At cot aft er cot he paus ed to speak Bome word of ch eer _ At Houg hton 's cot tbe two men paused _ "This Is the man," whlsper«l MncDonald, With a l a rge, uncouth hand tbe PreSIde nt motione d for a ch air, SIl entl y a nurse placed one at the cot'1! h AUd , lJoul\htoD did not know ; be could n o t. A s tbou g h be were afraId It would ('Ialler and hurt the sutreMr, Lincoln HOrtly pln ced hIs "stovepipe" hat or exuggernt ed fasblon ou the floor _ (ffintly as a woman be took Ihe waste d, colorl esa hand In his own sinew y one of Iron strengtb, Ju st the suspIcion or a pressure was there, bUl Houghton opened his eyes_ Slowly . dully be realize d wbo It was besIde him , A smile wblcb had forgott en sulrerin g answered the great President" smile ot pain, In tOiles soft, almost musical, It seemed, the President spoke to the boyan the cot, teld him how he hnd heard of hlB great deeds, bow he was proud of his fellow countryman, how he had saved an army_ A rew feeble words Houghton apoke In reply , At the poor. tone less voIce the President willced , The doctor had told blm that Houghton would die, Tben happened a 'trango thln~ , The PresIdent asked to see the wound whIch was taking so noble a life, Surgeons and nurses trIed to dlesuade him, but Uncoln InsIsted, Tbe horrors of war were for him 10 bear as well as othere. he told them, aDd

broK,' n , ';1 ,1' luy IIlI .. II, r e&!\ rdln g m e 11l " n ti ll() loo l, ij liKe tb al," HI !' " I t('l''' , II,' 81,11 .. 11 t o th o l.oo, li l~ h er j llst th e sn m e; I ~ h o\llrt a l wllY. ~ I ' r ll t " bly tllt \ ~"n l l "l I rI 4 ~. L I L!IIII\l1 tl1 I\n '; " )1 i1 t~ lo v " h er ; and ij he h ad 11'1('(1 t u Ipt IIII' I ' 11(' " l):h",I, " .1' 011 ollghl to lov e hel' an" half I.'n ll ,' t.! , h aH " I'r eb('d, IIPOl' ~ I n f I h'!oI fI"1 11 ·fl. lI l1J.; I tl l"IJIH I II Hf l h"l p "" hl~ll li e I'd):f' , n ntl I w a~ SO dIstracted k now ~ II P l o vell me het tl-r t fllln any very Intll ' h, nt d\ }, " b d f ,'uII P"a r :-t J'llkl1l:f (alb lIn 111ft l a'I' k :"d t h jtl~. j' l.nU rJl dlt l.; 1 .I~ll t lnl l'~ h f" l h' r Illa n s h(' hnd ev er met. \\'hat th o I I cOlll dll ' 1 S I1}' a nything, f o r "'arliN w ~ t " h ll l~ he l' g racef ul pai sI' auti g ,;. :t l nt 1", I N tTII ... ), .If· ltl,l ns It'J l;o1 1..1",II(nll\ Or re so <I~ \I" (! " Inad eQu al e, yo u know . tll n' ~, t h at: I l ost wb f, t she w as say lus, L!l n ('II "III lo lI- r h " h a d with u h t ..I,,"uU8 d uce dId anyth i ng ,' Ise 1I111 1t CT , IlIlYl- hl n n m n n dr l'~s ,'\ ( t In p ajllllln~ . In u how? W e would murr)' n lld gil o ut on /til t I JIINt ftl ull !' lin plTort t o loo k It oil, by .lo ve , f"IU· MutJ.:" (r l' lI l hl!it (rl '''HI. ,J l' ,·!< RlIlInlt,lI. It W >l8 tt l' r ! rll l or lau@:hter at som& a rn nl' h or SOlll Ihln g ,Of t blll Rort, "O t cnur ~ ,', " ~I ~hlllll , " yo u (J ugllt to Llghtn1l! I ~ :-tK!H"rt t o IJlIt up "th e k i d" for th e n l j.;h t on hili! wu y h " l\\ ~ ( "mn . '0 1w here Ibo (n i SI) , Iloll ~ h ed II'l lut-yo u- , ffOe l th ut Wil Y: nnd , I\IIO t b el' Ullng, t bl llg gh l' nad ~ [\ I II. n nrt the Qu es tion : \"g{' , l .u l, -,' l .h:lIt n u l ft lld :-4 II hcflu ttrul CU ll-it of ci v il izatio n dIdn 't COUllt Ilnd Dicky : you' ll ne ver fo rget wh ere you Ilrl In h l " l' k I' H J: I lII I UI I n h l ~ r l"hH n . I .tlot"h t · aut 18 811(wlce<l h y ttw g-tri ' " url ll king . no r ud e r c blll'r o r sneer or s';"' et y IIr' t sa w her , 11'111 ~'O ll') One of tb e .m oktn ~ lU l l} s I U Tl g'\" tll ll<.. wou ld ev.,r !:hl ll b er warm 11Il 1J1I 1slve- tllln g~ one nev er (org(' t s," n (' ~R, "Hi g ht In thIs r oom," I murmured ; CHAPTER VII _-(Contlnued .) o " ~he slIIlI ed nrchly, ' '' See h ere, "nnd In that wicker r h nlr," ~ A.nd ju sl IIwn Ill}' up wll rd 1' 8lIching " R(,lllly 0" H er surllrlse d ej aculaban d f ou nd 1I.' r g, A nd y et no, It UI CllY, I thou g ht we w ere goi ng 10 lell couldn't he b el' hllnd, ,!ther ; It relt Pil ch nth " r th e slory o f 0111' IIH'ij, Your 110 11 wo s d eliciou s, ny Jove, bow enHo w like th e cra sh cov er of the ~'lI s hl o n­ turn now; l ell rn a bow abe l oo l;s to t ru nrlngly coquettlsb of ber! rou gb li nd llhroll s, And }' et, by Jove, y ou , thI s gIr l Ihat cOllle at Inst - j olly cl(' ver! "Go on ; t ell me ho w she was It wos II hnnd , for It gave mI n " a grIp tb er o's al wo), s the on e g irl com es lit that a huo ~ t b ro l,e my fin gers nnd Inst , th l' .\" Ray , It YOII wllit l ong dr ess ed-never mind any more pl cth en dropped tb em , fly t b' ti lDe I en Ollgh, Go on-Ie II m e- what 's sbe tllre bus Iness ; ju st t ell m e In t our or live word s, [Jet YOU ca n'l do It ! " ~h e looked up , I sa w o nl y ber littl e palm. like?" " Of co urse, YOu don ' t kn o w : " I saId sllpl'ell uver aga lu to th e arm of m y r esting u\>warc'l on h r kn ee, chn lr , It v;o s f nnn y; but I hllll oth er tblngs slgnll1cantly , ":Iol e ? Of cour80 I wouldn 't kn o w[ n her ('yes was a cba ll en ge Rn d I to think aboul th an puzzles, Sb e si ghed , -' W ell, I'm the one that I wa nl y ou tn t ell m e, ~ ay , I s sbe t oo ll It up, " In bla ck silk pajamas," I said darcan feel ror YOU . D i ck y ," H er e the sigh r eall y so pr etty?" "Pr('tly," Indeed! [t was li ke t bl s In g ly , lifted nnd l;! er laugh pen l ed like a lI er blu e ey es op ened wide. Jl'or a chime of slive r hell s, " I g uess Rroth- adorabl e child of nature no t to uner Jack doeM n' t lenow ns much ahnut dl'rst an cl thut abe was th e most per- mom en t I renred sbe would be olfen dyour alfalrs li S he tblnk s, does h e- f eet nnd fau iliess cren tlol.! on l' nrtb! ' ed at my andn c lty, but bel' birdlike I l ean ed to w ard b er , " Is ti he pret. cnrol of l augbte r r eass nred me, eb! Why, be told me y ou w ere nlOrfl t y ~" I r epeated r eproachfully , "Say, YOll're uot so slow, Ilre you!" afraid of a girl than or n mad dog_" She ey ed m e sl yly _ A nd her bnnd cam o down on my And a IIl nppln g grip rell on my "Keep It O.rk_" "all, of co urse I kno w bow you bn CK With a force lbat mnde m e jump_ shoulder that mude me tingl e f rom roe I," sh e slIId, " but draw me I' pIC» "Onl y show8," she gurgled merrily, "Wasn ' l that fun ny7" that brougbt 'end to root. And yet I wished 8h' " how littl e ,Jack knows a bout yon , back to wbat sile wus telling me, wouldn't d o tlll1t ; I( sbe did It ngalo, ture o f her ," "A pi cture ! " I laug hed, " All !'I g bt, Say, you'd belter nev er tell blm about I should just 101le my head-I knew 1 "Yes, i!lr- 8ald she JUMt Hcared ber her e goes: Eight een, 'n dauglHer at tho~e black paja ma s ! " mald - oh., batty! Oecause sbe looked IIhould , Sbe spok e chol; lngly throu g h a 80 ugly III 'em-tbat'" what ahe But h ere she rose, slret cbed her tbll gods, divInely tall and mosl cllarms, and d rol'p ed tnto tb e wIcker vln ely raW- lhnt 80rt of tbln g , F oa- storm ot Inughter as sbe rocked tbere thinks, but or course-shuck s l uyarm-chalr_ She hltcbe d It neare r to tures clospl c- perfec t ovol , YOIl I,now, scaln st my shoulder , how, sheo n ever wore 'enl an} lIl\lre, "And say - th e joke at II!" Sb'e and a d ay or two later some (1oolle , and profile to se t nn arti st. m ad with me, "You see, It's like this," sbe began, j oy , E yes! Blu e ns H ebe's, hUl bIg banged me on tb e back with n clubllke stole thorn - sold 'em probably." ASsuming a confidential alr_ " You ana true and l end ~ r ; hair, a great, blow, Incredible from that litHe bn nd _ Suddenly sbe yawned. atretehfld her know my .. Ister's up at school at Cam- slll ning nugget of virgin I:old , ~'orm '1'be jolle of It Is, he thougbt I'd be arms above her bead, and Dashed me dlvln ~th e Id eal of a poel's dream- MO safe with YQu! Oh, mnmma!" a danllng smlle_ fly Jove, In the bridge too ," And air she went again, "A.t RadcHrfe college-yes ," I nod- tbe alluring, tbe elusive, tb e ullattalnloose-tlttlng garments sbe lOOked -for uble, tbe despnlr of the sculptor's "But 1'I1-I'U never say a word, sll tbe world like an OrIental houri, ded, Dicky ," she saId, coming 'alit or her or some jolly lovely thIng like tbaL " Why, yes , WeH, It's her room- chlsel." "My!" said Miss Hlilings, starIng, laught er Ilnd panting br ea tbl essly, "O ee , but I'm sleepy!" sbe suld b& m'atet" But I was not through, "Com- "Never! And don't you, Dlcky--don-t bind her IIttl-3 band _ "I( you'll excus~ "Eb? (don ' t believe 1-" I paused plexlon? H er skin os smootb AS tbe you ever! Understnnd? Mum 's the lpe, DicllY, I bell e\'e It will be oft to perplexedly , the springs- the bed springs, for IItUG '''fila t's right - her room-mate, I t ell h ea rt of a seashell and as delicately word!" "But-" FrankIe, Good nlgbt, tben _ See you you! And ill 1\ duy or two sbe's com- warm 8S Its rosy blu sb when ki ssed "Oh, but mo no 'buts'-promlse!" In tbe morning," tng home with Sia tor a vI sit. I w ant by the nmor.ous tide," "WhY, tlIen -er-<lf course, It you And wIth aI/other radiant emile, .b. YOU to come up lor a w eek end- , "Oee!" ejuculated my darling, I look ed III her ' clo~ely , "And In wish It," mov ed toward her rnom, won't you -a nd look h er over-I "That's right, becauae I want to " Good nIght." I ealct -wlatfully, mean, see' her and t ell me what YOU on e m alch less cheek a dImple dl'f1ne fly Jove, somebow I bad hoped sbe think or her. You'll go rrazy about such as mlgbt have been l eft by the come agaln-tbat Is , If you want m e, bllrued arrow of Cupid wben It awoke B ut If Brother Jack was on to you, would olfer to kiss me. now that wa be~h, I know you wIllI" I entered n protest.. "Ob, I suy now, Pfi yc'he from h er Rwoon of death , In Dicky, as I nm, he would soon er bave were engaged In a way , But tben, tIt couree, i t wouldn't d()--she knew tbat, you Imo;w, there /s only one girl I ever short, sbe might be the dainty faIry me at a hotel , that's all." prin cess of our childhood rantasles, "But my delir Frances- " So ough.! l. Perhaps In tbe mornlnll saw I would ca'r e to look al twice," "I t eli you I know, Dicky ; b e doesn't at th e boat! Sbe smiled ndorably_ " Ob, dOll 't I were she l ess superb In tlgu re, On But 0.11 In vain my early rise tht know ' all about how YOll f ee l? nut I the oth er hand, sh e might be tbe approve of young ladles In pajamas," Juat want you to see thi s girl- she's ~ unny - bnlred daughter of a VikIng Sbe chu ckled , "N ot even black ones," nex t morning, my careful toilet and my dash In a taxi to a florIst and the prettleRt and swell est that's been then to TllfallY's for a t'lng. At the around Boston I'or mall Y a ~ll Y; and pier I dodged about In th e crOWd, tile on Sunday morning she could give boy trailing beblnd me wltb the the nug to all Ih e nv enue, Why _ purple b oJ!: , but not a de vlll sb tblng DlcllY, sbe's from Ch i n a!" I' could I see of Frnnces, By .Jove, I "China!" I must have look ed th e nl most brok e my ,monocle straining! soorn I felt , " Oil , come now, YOII dlln 't At la st I was Bure she must be left tblnk a Cbln,' se gi r l Is- " for the InHt pnsse ngers were passlnR "Not Cbln ese, Di cky ," In her eRg over tbe gang-plnnk, erne ss. I!he moved 8 0 n en r . th e silk of " Hello, ' Dicky'" her pajama s bru sh ed my han d , "~h " ' 6 Tbe vo ice, coarse and hearty. cam. English, H er dati 's Ih e Brltlsb Govfrom an alhletlc young man Itl a hur, ernor Gener nl of li ang ICon g- Cnl unel rah 8ult. On hIs bend, pe rcjJed jaunt, Franci s KIrkland , YOII IlIIow - ·bec fy'l ly abov,; a mass or y ellow ball', wa! looking old chnl' wll It whil e llIutton a straw hat wltb a crimson band_ chops- I sow Ill s pl ~ tllr e , " I ~ t are d at blm through my glasB Hong Kong! I wundere d II she but It was any aile J knew at all, I knew Ma~term n nn , th o (' hll p w ho b n(1 looked I': t hIm coldly, ror there 's notb, eent me the rC11 pa,t Hnuls , \\' 11Y, dll ~ 11 Ing so devlll sb nnnoying as famlliarl, It, or course Hb e ,.oulol : fo r t bls r el tleB from strangers, I thought: could low Jlfnstermll,nn was out there on gov free ze \JIm air, ernment pu s l" £'~ S, 1I 0d he Ilnll the Rut he only grinned , "Looltlng fOI governor must ' thrown t ogeth er 1\ Mise B illIngs? " good d eal. "(-I hl\Ven't seen her," I answered Her mu sIca l l alll; b brok e In .. n my sUllly_ But his Question alarmed me Gently., , Woman HI! Took the IIpecuiatl01l8 , "nl:t th e f "nnlest thing Wa.ted, Colorle •• Hand, He cbu~kled In my face, " Oues8 Is, Dicky , bel' nSIlIE,a tb e 8amA a .. you don't know her In bel' clothes, eb, to hlm the wound was a thlug boly mine ." Dicky ' " And I dId not need th6 Bandagell long and stained were reHer nam e! Oy Jo ve , a nrl until tbl s pun ch be gave me In tbe side to mak e moved, moment, I bad nol thOllght and the President lIaw, me st.agger baclnvard, " A tbousand "Ob. 1 sa y," I exc lalllled ('ugerly" uOh, this war! Tbls awful. awful tlIanke, and good-by. old cba\>, 1 see war!" he SObbed, "what Is your n ume, anyw ay'! " tbey 'rll haullhg I u tlle plank," The lustroUB eyes open (' d " ' Id e, Down the deep lined rurrows of the He lingered for one bearllke grab homely, kIndly fnce bot tears burned "Wby. you mean to Bay you don't at my baud, know! ThOlu; ht you IInew I "'liS theIr way_ Slowly, tenderly. - tbe "And sny. don't forget-ror I kno" President leaned over tbe plllow, Darned aCter tbe go vernor , And sbe's Jack Billings better than you do- Now Ihe tears of which be was not ruuned lifter ber~ - ~'ral1 ces , trom don't laver let him know about all tbat asbamed CUt h eavy furrows In It and Francis, you l<Dow- Ju st th e dllTerScot ct~ laet nIght." eDC8 In a l ett er , See?" splotched t'he white sheets on wblch He eallet.l over bls shoulder with 8 they felL While nuraes and surgeonll "Frances!" I murmured IIn g erlngly _ grin : "Keep It dark-as darl! as tbo". and men watc hed tbere In the little "80 your name's l"l'Bncl)s '!" black pajani"'s, DIcky!" "Yes, Rlla berB Is ~'rllonces- odd. hospital Abraham Lincoln took the And. as lor.g ae I could see, be stood palUd foce of Houghton between bls 'm·t It1" on tbo deck, waving bla hat at me, a! hands and kissed II, juat helow the 1 assented , but I wIshed Rbe would [ stood ' here wIth my mouth ope~, m, damp, taogled hair, drop tbe otber girl-I wasn't Int er"Oon't You Think France. I. a ,.each of a Name?" eyea following him with horror, ellted there, escept just be ~ause sbe "My boy," he Bald brokeDly. kIng, Were sbe not too delfcately reafihe stood uP. looking at berself lU,d By Jove, w\10 waB he, alld what dl~ lowing, "yOU must live. , You lured and ruolded ," performlng a Itractlful pirouette ~ .. he know? 11\·e... That wos all I equid remember frnm fore the 10Dg pIer glass, (TO BIi: CONTINUED , j The drat gleam ' of ~al" warm, -, the de~crlptlon as I had read It In a "Now, If they had been crimson," tbrobb&n& lite c,m. Into the dud ,e~, nov el, bilt 1 was glad I haa stored It sbe ptoceeded, "he ,mlgbt hsve felt otbe. Houghton,' ItUfeDed, wlt!l ~ CoPSC(\l~.I. up, by Jove. for It 's uited her to a dot_ dltrerent_ Old Jack'. great on Harel.IUa tension -In the - eot. '-'WUba She didn't say a word tor a moment, vard, and 80 am I_" ' hi,j,ti-'I-..IlIu.uI",wan ,Imlle be" lQaDapd 'to but just sat tber~ eying me kind or ,o r ~ourse, All ~clUre gIrls were. . " hllnd' to hi' forehead. It - wa.. die sIdewise, her little upper lip lifted til I kn.w, ' , ·n.areat ~e COUI~ClOJD., _ !» ~;a aD' odd way, Then or a sudden SDe By Jon. ho,.. 1 -w1lihed I eould Ihow ~w,",litd' f~tm ~d8Dt shook ber, head and , IWUDg ber knee, ' her the lo-.:ely Grlmlon pajamu Ma.. 10weL,ud· lower, to catCh thi up o\'er thil a_rm of ber c;halr, ' . term"nn'- had Ijlnt, QI~' from ' O,h lnal, nIlllllle. c:latllu ' .OrdL ' ~:,: I , . ' ", ~ .~ "Well, DloQ, a.) deacrlber YOU Bu~ I ' W~ICI b ..... to !!ummon lenldU " '1I'i. '1I'liat lur. are ~.- .lwih7 ~ 9preadel'. .IJaJ';tO lind th~. aDd ''''Id'', WOUld 'be ou t.

allt'lIl p !S



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Children Cry for Fletcher'S

By MICHAEL J. PORTER (Copniahl .


b, A Nocialcd Lh eurr Pre,,'>

"I'll hunl him down, If I have to tlng ('Ie llr of the d epo t. and when he put bloodhounds on his trail!" lost bls passcnge r In th e way he rlld Knowledge That Has Brought "Now, major! " soothed tbe wife. he WII M too ns tonlshe d and rnttled to Man Nearer to God "1\:0"', pllpO!" soothed th e dau g h· do the ri g ht thing. There came a8 ter. inslant s us picion thut be hod some"Th e .<,outulrel shull not eS('alle!" how pi cke d up th o wrong youn g' lady , TI-UNKING IN Mil UONS roare d th e IUlljor Ita he pu ce(1 th e an rl in hla Hu s trallon he put on room . " I'll haVe th{> poll I'e Il ftf.'r him Blwed and dlsaplle llre d, 8T us IlJ lllk u lilli e In mlilioll ewithin lin 1I0ur- \\lthlu Ii quart e r of Arri ving h omt' , his e ~planatlou was no l. my HIJt'C lll tllll' c (rlc llO , mil· an hour !" Ihat ~1I6S Huth wns not n mon~ the IluliS of d o ll llr ~. bu t. to begIn "BUI, mll lo r! " Illl ss('ngers that got orr. Thi s J)nB,*d Wittl , In million s t, l miles " Ihll, IJIl I.lU !" nil rl "h t for linlf nn hour, a nd th f.' n Wlwre we re YO U Ills t year II I Marjorl had b~l'n u plow n to do [Ih e mi ssi ng glle'st s howe d up to dls- till a tlnlt" ! ·' .I l1s t wb ere YOII nr.' now som e s hup plng The mlllo r hll d bef.' n I nro\' It. lIur ry th e n own E'd un, and """ ~ Iglllll !; lo r sO lli e ( ' X P f' rI(,[J(' ('- ul IlIlkln g of bu} Ing 1111 UUIO, IIl1d f.' X- uf le l' a gn SIl of aston ishm en t. his sis· t ravd," 110 you Ha y '! Why . Ill Y d l'nr pec t(>d to r lO Sl' Ilw (j f'a l 111111 dn y. If le r su ld : f Ir, fi r mlJU o lII . )'OU hav e trll\'(·I.. 11 SOU It' 'be I)vO'nt rU III <.: orr tit.., mlldrlnp woul d "A runler t611 , s lim ~ Irl. e ll '!" hlll1<lreli s or nrlilloli s 01 ,," I,·s In lill " I\\ cl\' e rnonth IIl1d s tili u re trll "c ll o!; ho 1\ t th e <i e llot 10 nl!'<'1 b.. r li S ~ h e " VI's." " An d s he kn e w yo u were h('ntlcd Wh a t Is Pnu ll mn o r Con fi tuntl no ple or !'lIme h o m!' on th .. 7 1J ·(· tr wk Iraln . Sit., hud lIlI ly HICnp I' d off wh e n a mn n w rollg ?" Pcl; ln III cOIl' lJ arls(i[. wltb tbl s grel1t jOlll'uey nl Ul e slIn Dud Its nll e llll a llt " " .. s ." 10 ue il NI h<'r arm all d rulsl'd his <': lIP linrl 8"1<1 : " Tht'n It must b e some on e \l vl ng ea rtb ! While YOIl hav Ile ell lo ngIng " '1'1118 wu y 10 IIII' II l1 lu, "I.,as .'. " In o r n P/l r Ibe village. Sh e didn't to go from Bos to n to Ly nn 10 VI S Il . So ber fu I he r hu.1 l'Iose <l I he dpnl. ('Olllrnllnrl YOU 10 s top? She dldn't friend s, YOII have In Illct trl1V e r ~ell un Rnd W08 p ro ba bly s lttlng In th l! nulO cl elllllnd 10 know whe re you we re lak· unlm aglnubl e hr elldtb of, space. Tbe oUl s ld e wal llll g ber Itpp(:nrn nce ! nul Ing he r? " dIffic ulty 01 getll n s st art ed 18 In your he wasn ·t. Till' mn chln e \\'68 tenant· " /'.; ot a comma nd nor It demand ," irnaglnatJo n. T be ve ri es t Loll-lie-by leu, but the m Ull gave 11<'r n hllnn to 61lsWNl'd Harry, "She luet open ed th e -tire, In lh e remotes t barolet-eve ll l'f!nr h I he tonneu u, ulld os she sell I d th e door and Jumped. and as she that woman VI ho lived for s ixty yean he rsel( II Whi zzed awny . It didn't jumpE'(1 ehe screec bed- Lord, bow abe WithIn sigh t q( th e pa s sing tralDs ano I t/lke the ri gh t dlrec- tlon, but she s(' r eeche d! " neve r s te pped on board Of one 01 didn't noti ce Ihls fll c t for a minu te. "Weit. young mnn, thInk you thmn- Is a f nr trav e ler. Wh e n s h£' did s he called oul : Yes . but you sa y. Ibat cnsmlc trRve l ha"e got yourse lr In trouble. I he" You are goIng wron g! You must Ile ve the girl yoU trie d to abduct wali Is both I1n lmaglnable and un sa U$fac · turn around! " MarjorIe Grnves. only daughter of tory . Lynn nnd Boston are at leas t ''I'll get yo u tber e, all right." was Mlljor Graves. one of the moel pep- rea l places wh ere bou ses s tand and lbe reply. . taxes nrc coll ected. One gets tne ex · pe r y mcn In four counties." Then Miss Marjorie opene d th ~ clteme nt of tb e crowde d station and "But It was a sImple mistake." door and leaped s lralght out, to lose " Yes , but Ihe troubl e will be to may look out or tbe car win dow . I:IUI h er ba lan ce 8S her feet tO ll ch ed tbe make him beli eve It. And th e la- our world -s piral round the has tenIn g ground IlDd- fall and ro llov e r and m e nlable part of the wbole thing Is su n Is lik e going rrom nowbltner to ovO'r In tbe mUd . At tbe some time tha t I wanted you and tbat p a rtl cu· nowb e re . Tbe re a re neltber station. IIhe 8crllec lie d . It was n ' t a dainty lar girl to rnll In love wit II eacb nor s tops nor scenery. lit 110 tc realll , but II lon g·drawn olb e r." Two VIews of Life's Journey. "('an' t we do It just the snme?" It 18 Quite true, of course, In one " Why, Ma jor Graves won't le t you ('orne withIn ten rode at his bous ,\ ! sense. that the pleas ures or tnls And If you were to meet the young prodigious journey are larJ!'I>ty out or Indy e lsew h e re wbat cou ld you say?" sIght. But do not tbe world and your "I guess you 'lI have to match me fellow travelers take on a dllrere nt up wllh some one elsc. She ougbt to aspect because you are not marooned hn ve hnd n placard hung about ber In spme corner of the, universe, but nec k s taling wbo IIbe was. All he r tra ve l In the mids t at stars and suns'! Tbese thougbts may not appeal w fnull." The major's deal for the auto went you. P erhaps your Im og,natlon Is so Ihrou gh three days later. but he did rusty from dI s use tbat you cannot nol let Ihe e xcitement of It turn blm make It work at all In tbls direction from t hl! t rail at the would-be abo Tben you are like tbe ny that buzzeR du c tor. He made mllny moves, but In a moving railroad car. It Is uohe Got no cl E' ws. 'fen dnn Inte r he aware tbat Its car has moved from and Miss MlIrJorle were riding out Haston and will arriv e In Montreal Th e major hnd tak en tbree les800s In So long a s It tlnds lood and occuparunning the mn <'. hloe and telt thllt tion. tbe Journ ey Is a matter of Indlrh e knew nil about It. He had done terer.ce . Th e My Is bappy-Iet It bun. VE' ry well for a n hour at a slow paoe and nnd no fault with Its limItations. -so well that he decide d to 'blt ' er It will be Quite as mucb at borne In And 80 up" to obout thirty . Tbe daughter Cannda as Massacbueetts. protAlsted. but tbe hitting took vlace. are we. exce pt tbat age draws on. In' just the same. Halt a mUe had ~n a ll tb e stnges or our unimaginable covere d when the machIne swerved journey. The vlvldeRt Imagina tion. out of tbe highway Into an unfenced like tb e exactest researcb. cannot meadow and began to cut up a ll kInds grosp and IJlc ture the facta and 1m· at circus tricks. It wiggled and wob- IIll<'Ol.lon s of this plunetary and so lar bled. It rao In circ les. . It shaved IIlgbt-n 'ourney where to s tOI! wOllld be annlbllation. and In whlcb we bove tbe wblskers ott of stumps. - Young Harry Tburston heard Mles no blnt of destinnllon . Old we star! Marjorie's screams . and the major'lI trom anywbere? We can only guesR. We cuss·words and calls tor help, from Are we bound for anywhere? th e brook where he was flsblng, and can n e ver know. Some at our fnende. be was soon on the scene. He dodged th e a stronomers. bave rea soned tbat here and tbere and sbouted Instruc- we are bound from a collI sion and It Wa.n't a DaInty Little Scream, tions. but tbe major was repeattng ':Iltnstrophe to a colli sion and catas .creecb Ihat WIlS b ea rd a Quart e r or tbe Lord's Prayer and bill daughler trophe. Otbel'!! Incline to g uess tbat Tbe only -burrIng accldents-()ur Journey may Il mil e away und started men runnIng continuIng her screams. way was to take a flyIng leap tor the be endless. for the scene. The ItrRt elTect 01 tbls thInking In "Here-what's tbe mnt ter!" d e- footboard oa tbe machine came along. manded the drive r of the au to as It need ed coura,:;e and confidence. but millions of m lies was to make mall the young m a n \Boded right, and soon seem In s lgnlltcant and Uod remote . he came to n s uddO'n stop. dlecovered what 'was wrong and reme- Tbe poet Young. wbo told us that "Au "Help ! He lp!" undevout astronomer Is mad ," might Speed was put au and th e auto dis· died IL Mise Marjorie r eache d the ground come bock to Ilnd astronomers or till s appeared. e ~ George, Mls8 Gruves!" ex· t,o f ai nt away, and the major fell out de gree of madn ess not un common claimed n flrst come r, who nt least to gasp and ewe ar !lnd tell wbat he God. r egard ed as tbe ar tlti cer, must knew th e !:Irl by s Ight , "but thIs 111 would do to tbe seller of the mllchlne. certaIn ly see m lor away wh en we about tb e boldest tblng I eve r henrd It WIIS for Harry to act as chaulfell,l' consid e r th e unthlnlt a bl e dIstan ces we to l e t them home, and wben be had travel and th e greater spaces we disDf around here!" "Was-was be trying to carry me don e eo and been Invited In he mus- cern. Man see ms puny In the ltmlta · tered up tbe courage to tell lhe etory tlon s of bl s beIng and bls knowleetge. Dtt!" was gasped . How s lo w our ste ps beside tbe slie nt . "Snre thIng! Yes, ma·am. It was or th e att e mpted abduction. onrusb of tbe cartl1 . A mile n mInute The result h e told bls sIst er -In-law a bold attempt at abduction, and the Is tast traveling for traIn or 1IIght wonder Is that he dldn't have a con- and Miss Forest tbree hours later. "The major called me a scoundrel." But the sun tiles. tb ey e stimate, sorne lederate to ,choke you Into silence slx~ ec n miles a second-weH toward and he lplessness. By Ge orge. but be lIald . "And tbe n said be owed me hll a thousand miles while our ChlcaglJ this v\llage Ie getting to be ,w orse limited (l8 SSes from milepost to mli~ 1I1e." . than New York city!" post on Its journey. And tbo speed "And the daughter!" Tbe scoundrel bad b l*)n n()fl ced lit "She said I must be an Idiot to of light from star to star Is mucn the depot by men who thought he acted susplcloUBly. No one had taken make such a mistake, and tben added more tban 0 bundred thousand umee as grent as th a t of th e rOiling no Ill. the nllmber of tbe auto. and It was tbat she was glad I dId ." How s lo w Is mao In 1111.' mlrlst 01 the "And-and--" consIdered useless to tallow. The mujor badn't closed tbe deal "Ask my wlCe and me to v isit you swift mov e m e nts of thp IIn lve rse. 110w for the auto, and be waBn't at the about a year from now." IItli e Is man. ,,'ho tDln I<s lne IIlUE ea rth so la rge . depot-e ltber wIth or without It. Of Coloring FI.he •. course, MIss MarjorIe had a story to Good 'n the New Knowledge. Flowers can be artificially colored, tell wben she got bome, and It was Yet the seco nd and tDe real eIYeel we know, with more or les8 succea, tbe attempted crIme that roused tb~ fatber'e Ire. Was thla the twentletb by c hemical agen cy . Anlmsls general. of tbl8 new knowledge waR diff e rent century? Was the police force of I he Iy escape counterfeIting, wIth fewell' It belped di splace the tl10ugbt of UO(I v 1\1 age. consisti ng of two men. beIng cepUons. The latellt In counterfelUnll as tbe arUltcer. It gave lJIon rcal dIg· nlty and close relatton s In a lurger paid enormous Bulnrles to catch crim- Is the carp. In Sicily It Is saId that by Introduc' universe. How l\trle und cramped U1e Inal. red-handed or to ploy checke rs .,nclent maps Of tb e eart~ In ~pace! !lnd IIleep? The major asked a great Ing Into the water chalk. Iron and \I .' '! tact. spoce. as WE' tblnk or It. ha<1 tI e pent. colors will be Imparted to many other Questions that neither bls wife or daughter could aW'wer, and the carp . After treatment In a bath 110 renl exis tence for the onClentB, wonnd up wHh t.he tbreat to bav~ tbe at these comllants for a fortnight tbe Tiley dill not get de thp closell fish Is give n anolher chemIcally pre- bale In whIch sun, planets allli 6tars atate militia cal\ed out. Meanwblle somethIng bad happened pared bath Into ,,'bleb Is Introilucet1 went cIrcling round tbe earth . In all at II manor house two miles away. Iron Rnd tan. By Increasing or dlmln· good fRlth many of them be li e ved th81 Ruth Forest w~e coming down that Ishlng tbe Quantities the color can be Jerusalem 9.'as the pbyslcal c e Dler 01 evenIng for a atay of two wee,ks wltb either accentuated or dIminished. Tht! all tblng!!. In place of that con{;ell oor old school chum, Mrs. Tburston. process Is somewhat bazardous, but at OIlI buman Importan ce. we bove ;. bride of two years. Harry Tburs- we learn from a Paris conte mpOran gaIned tbe tboUP;lIt or <.lod as tbe soul ton. brother of the husband. bod al- tbat in th e end an apparently new of tbe unIverse nnd mude the olet r.eady been tt}ere a week It WRB for species of ornamental fish Is prodooed. doctrIne of hi s presence everywb ere somethIng InOre than a cold dogma . hlm",to talfe the auto and meet Mls8 wblch commands ,a 111gb prIce. If we cnn 00 longer localize the New Ruth.. .She would ' lurely be looking .Jeruilaj en\ t there was s man, I re'for i omebody ,to meet her, and 'tbere A CoIncIdence. cOuld DO ml.talre.: · _ ; . "I wonder why a !ban I1bonld eyer member. ~ho wrote a book to prove , 'WIlli" that Qlrlt of carelea8nelil 80 wIsh- to etenl a khlll'?" abe remarked tbnt the globe .wltbln the Bun wal our beaven), '-we are' lenrnlng to think ", pfli. "e.i1t .v.I.I~: :YOUpg men;- he aeleClt- · atter tb"" _bad ·been gazing In slklnce that tbli' eattti' ll1 gIV\ln '1I8 to make ae ~¥ .iI .Wl~.~ 7 ~JIt'I~ 1!'olte.uf ·'6t ;"~ 'I at. ea~b (!ther Jot' a long mucb Uke ·lien'v e n. can. AnQ an · _~rtl . lIt~t · ~ll·~" ~d. _.bO~ ber awn- , "It's ,t unny," he replied. ~Wh\le J these thlng9 ,the- ·-Good .QOOk lold : II" , H~ ,tu"l' . ~nt,.~ decl :·-to ).n~roauoe blr,l' j lIave boen sitting ': h4!re ':lbat' BaJDI . ..niurtes ago" oolio. ' Tr~·serlpt. ..If -and.. C1o e ~1JIq &fter " ~; ' thou,h\ ~ceurred (o 'm." , ..,. ~.

The Kind Yon lIavo Always Bought, and which has been ID use for over 30 yenrs, has borne the signature of and has been made under his personal 8upcrlislon since its infancy. • Allow 110 ono to deceive you In thLs. AU Counterfeits, Imitations and uJust-us-good" urI) but Experiments that trifle with and endnns-er the h ealth of lnIants and Chlldrcn-Exllcrle nce against Experiment.

~ ~


n "



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Promotes Di~~tlona.!tIfij ness and l1.t:lIllA.UllllaJI~S




Is a. lu\rml cl<s 8uhl<t ltuto for Cafiltor OU, Paregoric, Drops aud SoothLng Sy rups. It is PleU~lmt. It contaLns neither OpIWII, l\Iorrl hlne nor oth er l'ilLr('otlo 8ub!jt.ance. Its age is It~ guarantee. J t d C!jtroYfi " . ornl!I Dnd allays Fevcrillhness. It cure!!! Dlarl'hwll. and " ' Ind Colle. It relleves Teething Troubles, c ures Cons t.1pution and Flutulency. It al:HdmllBtes the I~ ood, r ebrulatc8 the StomlLc h und How!'l", giving h ealthy and natural !!leop. ']'he Cbllclren'lI l'uUlwea-T he .lUother'!i ]:'rlond.


---_ ...-




The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years TH& ceNTAUR COMP"AHV. New YORK



Revenge Is Sweet. "The drinks Is on me." su ld tbe lIltle mnn with Ihe gre as y v e~ t. "r' m (eelin' ~uod lind I do,, 't cure wbat hu ppe ns ." "\\'hnt's ma ller?" s aid tb e ba rkeep . "Dlrt hdIlY?" .. 'a." replied tbe littl e m n n. '" too l< m y wIfe down 10 tb e rIv e r to tbe Ec ho Roc ks and s he 's HO durn mild Prompt Relief-Pennanent CUN s he's spee<.: hl e ss _ For the Urat tim e CARTER'S UnLE In he r lire s he didn 't get In th e last LIVER PILLS never word , H e m's to the echo ."-Clncln- faiL Purely vegeta· null Enquirer. ble - act surely but gently on the liver_ DOES YOUR BACK ACHE r Stop afrer Ache. and Twinges PoInt to Hidden dinncr dis· tress- cure KIdney Trouble. indigestion, Have you a IllIne ba c k , aching day improve the complexion, brighten theeye& and nI g ht? Do you fee l a Shul'Il pa in SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE, ~ PRICK.. afte r bendIng over' Wh f!n the kidn eys Genuine must bear Signature s eem sore und th e acl lon Irreg uillr.

Constipation Vanishes Forever

ERUPTION COVERED BODY "Tbree years ago this winter I had a breaki ng out that covered my w bole body. Jt Itched so It seem ed lIS It I 8hould go crazy. It firs t caDle out In UtHe pImples on my bnck and spread till It cove re d m y wbole body and limbs down to my knees, also my armB down to my e lbows. Where I s c ra tched It made sores, and the t errible \t cblng and burning kept m e trollll slee pIng. I trIe d s everal rem() dlel. all to no purpoee. Then I conclude d to try the Cutl cura Remedi es . I u sed th e C utl(~ ura Soap and Cutlcura Ointme nt, als o tbe Resolvent, for about four months, lind they COIDplet e ly cure d me of eczema. J hav e had, no return of the dl 3ease sinl'e. J n ev'e r h a d a good nl ght 's rest after the skin eruption IIrst br~k e out till I comme n ced us In g the Cuti cllra Soap and Ointme nt. I h nd onl y used the m II few dnys b e fore I coull1 see the y were beg inn ing to heal, and tbe t errible Itching was gone. ' "Those tllat IIvel1 In the honse at tbe time 11llOw how I Burre r ed, and bow tho Cutl cura Soap and Ointment cure d me. I never talle a bntb wltbout using til e Cutlcura Sonp, and I do not be li eve there are better remedi es for any s kIn disease tban tbe Cutlcurn Soa p and OIn t ment." (SIgned) Mls a Sarah C'alltln s, Waukegan. Ill .. IIlal< 16, 1911. Although Cutlcura Soap and Ointment are sold by druggIsts and dea lers everywbere. a sample of en ch, wltb 32-page book. will be mailed free on 81Jpllcation to "Cutl· CUM1." Dept. L, Boston.

The SItuation. Kllicker-W hat Is the matter? Backer-The cook bas divorced us and wants nllin ony.-Harper·s Bazar. II..... Wtnfllow·. l!loolblnlt 8Yl'UP tOT o:.Udreu ~e,binA'. !IOfte o ' tbe Ifum~ , rednap.8 InnAmma.~... alla78 pala, eur ea wind eollc ,!IIiC abo",..

SOOD liS a woman dIscovers tbat roe Is unable to reform ber busband Eha begins on her n4;llghbors . . , Als

WbU. c.bore'.

. ,. " ,. , . - A feUoW can m.~e a t1\t . ~l!-h, a Sl~l ' b .t.elllnc bow I!lUcIl" b a ~es h~r. .

Why Rent a Farm ancS be compelled to pay to your landlord molt of your bard·earned proflh' Own your own




Secure .. Frt'e Home.tead In Manttoba Saak&tcheWAn or Iberaa, or purcha •• )Gnd 'n one of thelo dt . tttctl and baak a protlt of 510.00 o.

512_00 . a eV@,,- ",.er.


Land purchaled • yeo.ra -11'0 at tl0.00 aD act. hal recentl

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by cot tIe r.I.II'IQ' farming and Ifr.ln crow1nl[ in

the provlace. 0' MeDllub_.

S ..... lcb ..... o •• d Alberta. Free bome.lead .ad pr.-

Assuming That. Brown-What rens on have yo u for hating Blank ? - Weli , you see, he's n re la· tlv e of min e . andnrow n- Yes, yes . I /tnow. bll t wl1ut at he r r enson?- H nrpe r 'H !lnzar.

emptioD .reas, •• well ae land ~~Il~1 held by r al1 way and tand com..

f:~I~S;IIr:,~l••proyJde bOID\I Adnpt.ble soli, heallhfal

dim" •.,. apleadld scbool. Aud cburc b e . ... oodr ••:w.N ••

IIt~:~~l:~'~l.I·~ ~~tnN:",si ~~~H~~~P:::: ti~.~:i'!t;~',\~nrf~~u~r~~:~ ':,tr'~.:r:



D on ' t rn llke Ithlpwrr.,"' k (lr yo ur he.n llh whf' n Cilllr}=u o r uu r Ucl tl Tea CU,LI CUI'U yo u u l

H. M. WILLIAMS 4t3 Gardner Blda_. Toledo, O~I.

lod i ~l::i liun .

PlO&I'Ie WTlto to tbeageD' noarst:roo

, 1\1061 IlJ PIl huv E' yea rn e d to lI y or to be a little fly (rom th e IIrs t.




W . N. U., CINCINNATI, NO. 19-1912-



Some wome:l complain that they periodically .ulrer from dull and heavy &.el- I inlla, or dizziae., In the head, nervoul oe." pain and bearing.down feelin,....blola ! sbould oot occ.r to tbe normal bealthy womlln. But most every womlUl i•• ubjeot I to these pains .t lome time in her life, due to abnormal condition. in life, .uck · II' ~onet" over·taxed streogth, bod wr, poor or improper food, wet feet, .luUjala liv'er, eto. A regulator eod female tonio made from Dative medicinal rootI widII pure "yoenn, and without tbe use of aloohol, called

DII.. PIERCE'S FA. VORITE PRESCRIPTION, hili proveo iu value in tbousand. of cues, like tbe following: " MRS. DONA M. MARTIN, of Auburn . N cbr.. Route 1. Bo1r S'. ..,., I thought I would write you In regIll'(/ to what )lOur mecUcln_ ~ done for me. I have u.oo thorn for thirty yon ... for female tnlDh~ end lle nf!TIII weakness with tho very beet resul t.. and they hav,", .Y8d me hundred. ot dolh.... in docto..' bill... 1 huy the 'Favorite PTncrlvo I t ion' Ilml 'GeldeD Medical Dll!COvon" and take !hem Wi<other. 1 _ WH dlaappolntod In your remedl •• and take pleaaure In reeommendlllll them te any .ulTorlnrr lady_ 1 am noW .Imoot fifty yean old ; at tortfl. nvo 1 took your medtcln"", both kind. and I """oed Ihat period . , . , ..... tl1 and Icrt mo f.t and hcallhy. i f ..1 Ilke a young gIrI_ , If any lady carea to wrI .... me, I will gladly toU ber DIOZ'e . - . iroocJ work uf your medIcine.. " DR . PlsaCB S GRHAT FAMILY Docroa BOOl:, The Poop)e'.

Her Ch lef Characteristic. Miss Green. wbo wa s givi ng tbe e la s,s a lesson In mythology. turned sud.denly to ODe untidy lHUe fe llow and saId : "Srownman. tell me for what vlrtueEI Diana was especially celebrat()d ." "1'l'or taklo' batbs:' replied BrowDman promptly . K III the File. Now and Prevent dtsc....... A DAlBY YL \" lU LLER will do IL. Kills tbOUSflOds. L...18 " II 11<1\.&00. 15 (leota .8oh Ht dllfllers or six ICOt prepaid for tUM). n . 8o ~tEn S , 160 Dc K.a1b Av., Urooklyo , N.Y.


use Doa n's Kidn e y Pills . whi c h bave cured thous a nds, J. W. Pri est, Third S t .. MarysvIlle, Ohio, says: "I was In II ... ful condilion from kidne y tr ou ble. bavIng run d own In weight fr o m 220 to I GO I>ounds. The pains a cross my ba ck and loIns were constantly ......I~. .~... growlng wors e and kidney sec retions calls ed untold annoyan ce. Donn 's, Kidney Pills cured me after doctors fail e d and I hav e had no trouble since." "Wh en your BII('k Is Lame, Re mem· be r tbe Natne-DOAN'S ,"50c a ll storea. FOl!ler-Mllburn Co" Burralo, N. Y.

Hubby-I've waited an hour for you to gel your bat on 8t ralgh t. Wlfey-Well, I've ,,'alted longer tban that for you to get your feoe t on .Cralgbt.

Common Sen Ie Medical Adviser Dewly reviaed up·ta-date edition-ol 10\18 pagee, answere bOlte of delloate que.tia.. which every woman, sin,le or married, ought to know. ' Sent In- in clotb bindioll to any addre.. on receipt 31 . one-oeD!; .tamps, lQ !lOver !lOat of wrappiq ua4 ~ oaIr.



w.SHOES L~ DO~~~ '2.50 S3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.


W.L. Dou/tlu.s $-&.00. tU.50& $5.00 sboesequal Custom Beuch Work costing $6.00 to $8.00 0 ... pair of W. L. Do",Ia. $2.00 or$2 . &0 Bo".' •• 0 •• ",III ,."dtlu.'" ... , ...... , t.,o pair. of .,fI.r m .." ••• Wb)' doee W. L Do~lu mako ADd .eli more fine .boes


than aDy other _mclurer in the world 1 . BECAUSE I be his _oaD.d ~ee OD the bottom aDCllU&l'O.Dt~. the .-Iu .. whicb protec ta the wearer acainet hiah prlcu aDd inferior .boes of oth •• mak..: BECAUSE: the_t econOmlcaliDd ..tiaf.ctoly; yOu can ..... ·




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.1, I~ ,:18a :1<'1' ()V II' I l h l? lr! every 1.1' Y il l'S ,) illItl >" lI l' ral - I CONi- IIi. "No::, SUSP ICION. , "'I ' i nrc us fn 's h and cl ean :is ne w '.·\· el'.1' day in the yt:a r. an d the colo I' ; " " a"l' always bri g ht an d fr esh . Do ,""I 1"·1,, 1(' l he ~tory thnt ] h.e lJo rncHlic is t he pu te nLed bal l - _\li~·; Fl irl)' B ('j' ( brows nre made h'an ng roller nozzle. It r oll s o ve r up~" ~:,~ s:al'] lct a nd. d' H)S ~o~ an d " lnrlel' rl .] (l on't belie'" they are ."a r I)ut the ra l pet as ImItatIons d .) . n~- II I' tl . t l" J (I e . fl t' H 'V ore pom ' ('1. . rull lilt, t-:I " " !)U IIl\). t, C· \ ', I(;UUrtl


MOS8 ev~rv second Suodlll' of tbe month U :UO

a . m.

,\d. wIll b e lu.ened ull,lcr

th l. head for twcn ty · Uyc cents ror three tnsertioUSI whell usIng not more thatl live Unes.

L. O. Thompeo n. Paste • . For Internal and External Pam.. BIble School, 9: 30 a. m. !!ocJal mootlna . ..'!!!.....................~..............!"!!!!!"!!.......!!"!!..............~~ 10:30 ... m. Oht1at lau Endeavor. 1:0U p. m. Sermon by p Blitor every alternate Sunday aa 60 . (EAFfs· 10:30 a . m. twd 1:S0 p. m . EXPIf RIENCE I



tlATUHEL , w i t h draw· Po I I' of Ind y's blaolt HH:kslte Friends Chura.. I ~ Ioves . $:1 in bills aod so mu oh Boge, QlFirat Uay l'd eetlOI(. U:0011. m. Flr., Da, ' pocket koife Bod some ntller nrticleil . SoLOOI . II :00 a m . Founh Day MeeLltllI"! H'i ode r pleas., leuvo II t t his office. 10 :00 a. m . m 29 ~t ring

Orthodox Friends Churca. Mra. Ruth Murray . Pastor

!'.abbntb School, U:ao a. m. RCj(ulnr chure ll


service. 10 ·QO • . m .

Chrl8, Ian E ndeavor.

7::10 11_


tor three hoad of stock P ASi uTURE the oorporation. For parti o ull1rB inq llire at this oilioe.


o it. H.E. HATHA. W A.l'

m 29


OUr5E and blli-n, with 1 Rcre of \Vl\y'lesvUle'a Lea.dinll g rollod, for rent, at Venable'!! s lo t,ion. Inq aice for jJarticulars Office ill Keys Bldg. Le bllDoo pho~e 101-5. m 22



Main Bt


of the lute N. B . An. t.hony, 5t h st . Good bouse. bll.rn h on booRe, ptlBture, For partloulars ~~ e barry MUlrboY, agent for E L . P enoook, 140LlnwoodBt., Uayton,O

A Wonderful Offer!



Now is Your Chance

male, 5 nioe YBRrlin g h ogB.blood.1 goodInqnire Po l llnd · Uhin~

.J 6

ut this office .


SI)8eill l price on White Rook eggs. Inquire of Mn. J B.

1; llIljIUlU ID.


D. 2, Way.eaville, J 6



tlClres. Il o ns<! , blun and tubaooo

Rbed for sllle , Ground is [' Poted. will gl'lt lJulf the orop s . 1\ U 9e " CII n got p os~el:!siun at onoo, "Ilcl wi ll "'Bit "pry o b eup if so ld Boon. I u q nire of Cu. d tllJeBt8, Box 167, W"y oes v i!l o, Ullio. J 1i

lJred Aberdeen Angus T wUhull,,pure; rondy for sl:!rvioe, C .

L. R (·tld'HT, L.;lurlH!vil le , O. 43H

Phone m 22

t,on Buggy, recentlv pain'A J'bno ed, unu in good sh ape . For

\VIIYll e ~vll l f',

E 'l rnlll~ rt,

r-~'JL;n;;· I i


I 1'1

R I) , 4,

(lhio, pho ne 12-1 X . . m1 5

linD I or Ducl< EgglI ; from I NDIAN wbitE! egg I'trhin, be!!t layers

7i)(' p e r !lotting ; r edUOf' Ullites on 60. ' h u rles C St,rl' ,ISe, Wily nesville, O. 1.1•• H. !l . J Ii

CORN--A Ooro.

yello\v t;eed 'J'JlI-,J OorD grew fiDe I ,(It year B'nd ~PI' () '1t8 well t.his year I~or partioulars inquire of Isaao Kelly or Cha~ Hegemier, on Kel Iy fn rm, W RYUl'>ville, 0 phone 83-3 Crt

McCall's Magazine is positively worth $ 1.00 a year. Subcribe now and get the ~Miami Gazette

This is the best offer we have ever made. Send us your name accompanied with the money



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This is an Opportunity For you to secure the Miami Gazette absolutely FREE for one year by merely subscribing to McCall's Magazine for three years at the rate of 50 cents a year. 10 addition you receive three 15c McCall Patterns FREE. . The Free Patterns are ordered by- post-card from New York City and can be used any time you need one. This offer is available to anyone who subscribes, renews or extends his time on the Miami Gazette. The only perquisite is that you "pay in advance." See below what you will save on this extraordinary offer.

b of


new IItook o t pap. N A ~KTNB-A kine jOllt in'. Seven dealgoe \0 piok from. .Gazet&e. office. • . .-






GGS from pure Fawn and White Indta R on ller duok@. choioe lay i o g Btrairi. l L 50 per Betting of 12 . S . D Bellkll3, R R. 5, Waynesville. A oolt o!lpreciut p.s Ule co mp,\ulon- 0., Uenterville, PhoDe 725. ma 211



Chrlatlan Church. Re~




Classified Ads

q l1ire uf Bllrl " u

: . rl ' , 1l\,.:('(Jp; tn g

I'; i ,I'd"



t ' ,t oe~,

, .. Admi re

I · U~.

·t ro r


II HANNA'S LUSTRO FINISH" is al.o used on all kinds of F umiture and Woodwork io the home. Thil Finish doe. not fade and is ab.olutely durable. and on this you may depend . Many the ladies derive plealure in thi$ work of b eautifying their homes. "WHY DON'T YOU 7"

",".! do'l:lil . .

ll m e g r o wn lllte Po P 0l' A T()E;,-fur l:is ead or euti Dg . In




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Old floors can be refillished ill Mahogany. Antique Oak or any color no matter what surface you have. if you . work according to direction•• which are simple and easily followed.

I"'n- I J. E. Janney, 'tVa ynesvillp, OhioJ


a ' ".,"; t llt~ fVIIIIl If ,'i •• ~ I t" : llf ;ti r 11\1' l~; rh ' I \ ~ '.' I ll','"

nil ~I


t!,e ult- pll rti(;u lu.l';! illq n iro nt this offioe.

~!..i I I , r I'

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Jll ry finds 1764 20 due the pla iotiff ElizIl 111. 1 h f-l U;v 'ln'l lI.nel " ' I~( II .' ,., 1 ~ l in th Ollile of De~vey Bros, & Co W. EVllo :! o t, II I t il I!: F Cll ol!'r , 1d"":'~I~Il-. vs. Charles H. Morton . trflut ill FJ'lInklin t ()wlI~ !Jip, H antI o\bel' oonRid e ro t. ioll~ JUDG E O F HL.;MAN NATURE. Pre bate Court. Hebecou H"g o l to l:Ia tti ol3 B~oou Dog,. nrc U III'1'J'Ulg jmlgrs (If 11uR olxlrt J . Irwin. e xeO\l ·or of the lot In Fr.Doklio. 11 lio d other COll. Illun natll n'. I lI -tJ Ol'fi n 'J.;· II11'Y sput estate of Ma.I'Y B. OOD.on. deoeased, sideratioos fil ed hIs seoond and lintll account. U-'lonr W . EV tll1M H nd FI'Jre11l11l hYl'oIT i:;y, s!loLI '{' ry anll fl·,H. It is Proof of publloAtion of notioe of EVl\lIs t·,) W. t:l . ~ j e gfri ed , lo t in a II i~e yo un g lIlall "'h o III tha t, (;rit iral period of hi ~ l ift~ WIWll he i ~ appomtment of Anna. U . O'NtllJll Sprlogbor o, S I . and Aaron B Chand ler IlS OXtwo tors Oooilid P . MoMartin to p, & U . H·L·kill)! to d" IIIJlc h i~ (' x pl ' n ~('s lind • of the estate of Eliza. F . Baine ~ , de· !:!outbwes tlll'lI Rnilron,l Co , HuO t ill t1ividc Iii. iU collie in IlI lIlrimouy, t lll;('.' his dog with 1, ill1 when he cea8ed, w_s ti led. Barlllll \own ~ ltip, ' 175 . Proof of pub}i ol1tion of notioe of F . Marion HUlllilt on ,T r, aDd gll('S tnurt ing. [ f he 1,,1: t he dog app )intmen t of Rosa L. Be rryh ill Fra.l\k J . Brown to W l ililllll Butter piek oul lhe gIrl thl' ~' h !l n (;('s are sa administratrix of the estnt(:l of wortb, tru ~ ! in Hamilt un townllbip , thaI he will get a pu rugon of I'irtu c "'il h no di ,orce COU(lO U attuch ed . Elizabeth H . !Smith. deoeased. was '1080. rued. WllIitim tSebll ld R fl!\Jty Co. t o Till' girl wIlD kn ows th e way to a Court orders Bale of real estate in- Rov . l:Ienry &looU er . !,rus tee, lot in rio,., s hart haR a heart or llL'r own that is well \I'(lflll the winning. volved. in Bu it of W illiam Ubtllltly itS Frnnklin, 11450 anignee-'V1r CarOline Vierling et Ill. .1Rm (~iI G. SlJ he nok nnd Mluy E . Trll st yo ur u O.!:i to pi ck out the right wn~ of Abraham Bailtl,v lflte of Hc beook t,o Enois AliGn .. od Goltlie girl for you a nd you will lI cve r Lll'llw a Llllnk wit h u mu sil i' I' horlolte 8&le1O towDshlp was aooe pted t.o A Allen. lot in Ore~onill, $ 1. probate a n d UI ra Bailey WI1~ bop_ Cbl1 l l os C Brown nod Muud ru ~"l' chllrad,'!' 0 1101 c~nst it.uti nul pointed exeout·rlx. Br owo to 8, R . Robill/lOU, traot in olt jP('tionR to tlnrn ing 'fill o! sew ing on shi rL bultow;.- l\ ;nmyh'lillin Grit. 8&le of Ott-o W~ltl'r f\d ministru _ SI! 10 m town ~llil'. $2:.1:.1 05 ior of the estate of Orrie Walter. Li !liun Whll lon to William U. --c1eoea8ed, was approved First and K ey , trnot 111 Ha milton towoship, fl T I {:rc n nVt:1r WIIH a Urne w h tlll final aoconnt WI1S fl Ied b.V admiDis'IIIDcI ot.hElr con;,id e rllti oIlA. pfloplll II )pr t'cltd e u the reu.1 rtlflrils trator. Eli Craig to 1'; , M. li>lskill, 16t io of Ch ,,,nlHl rlIl I U'd Coug h edy E . A . Jeffery W8sllppointed g nllr Uo~~ ddllle, 11000. m o r e thtl n 0 011' . l'lIlS i~ s h o wu by di"n of William E, J 1fery, Elsie E. Lllura Silenoe toAllisou L. Spen ce tb fl in(;re.! ~ e III H: Ius uorl vo luntliry Jeffery, Theo . T. J effory and MaUr_ \q Uit clllim on traot in Bam 'lton t "HtilU oniu Is fr uUl p e l'l'WDR ",: lI o btl ve beoD c U1'1I,1 b y il. If you or your toe K. Jeffery, mlnOls . to wn!lh lp,l1. child r e o nr o (,rou bled with II. ollugh John W. ~i1S0D find JamB! T. or co ld g ivo jt. It t : i ll\ BudlJecollle no· Commissioners' Proceedln~s. t)ul1i llt ell with H I:! good qUllliti es . .MoClelland tull:e over t b e interests Ii'or IlIle by ull o Pllle r s. of W illia·m W ll sOD in the flrm of Bills-W . C. i'urt)o, coal, S10,53. - -Wilson aod MoUlellanc,l , Th e Timos. blunkI'. '576. W. B. LONDO N CREATES FASHIONS. An <le rf'oo Vo., hlw book, ' 13 Coluru · Licenses. I)IJ!! Blallk Book Mf!' Co, lll a nl!s Allh ollgh Paris 11lld oubte<1ly hus L emnel V. Btitt, 34, tool maker ~ 3 Gil. G Borg O H . An de l'soD, bmin ] ](ln g I'('(' n thp fa"lrio ll arl,it.-r .fo r the of Maineville Ilnd BeHsie Mi lle r. 30. of l'~lUml\ l(tTl[IJ.llLn, 'iV U llg_ 1r01l1< 11 of 1·:II I'() fl('. Londo n o f late of MBinevllle, I c~h.v , h lll'i llio f Mil!' }' Ii: ~t .1"hn, It:;:i 1.""11 I I I:I !.::II:,! I'i" a l ('!aim,: in Ih at. Cn.rl 08 Carpenter, 27, 01'lln e lU !Hl, ~,7ij .1 1'J R ,' IJt) i ll ,~ . iJllri ,ll .I f hlury 1'1".11'.\ Jllld III: '11,"' ill<; l iln l'~ ': 11,,1 li nof Franklin. and FonDie :... . M IlY, 29, T Uruh OlJl . :i.7:; j;~d ft ,.t u ill ,·k . 1<1 '1' '11.- 1 1" ,',1<, j,. t, . ' ra('1 Ii ,;] 1 II :'f're of Franklin, VI(,P,; (1 /' tlli n " 1';·: l l lIl t,, ·. >: 1' 1 ;; , 'I ;I!,,, ,J II;!:, 111 (11 Llt·king i (j, ,. ,r>(u U \Vi l ll " I'., ' JIl " : I i,' , ,·, II ', "I 'I :'. " d illl :1 Real Estate , r:ms f ers. II) 11r1l1 I (; \l WIli .lf t e(l , ~ J . T r l1 , I,,' " ' I., :.• ,,, '1 d"';:dA rt1!- ur Ross to ,I . \Y. Mar ks, Irll o t \ \V.) ·)(.ll' il l Cl'lnt'L,'1'Y ('lIr., .. f ,Dl d i, " 41 I I' .,! 1' 1"' '' '11( 1.; in Turtleerefl k tUWD t< li ip. ~ 1 'Ind ~ r"·'; I'". i:.l~\l l :i. Tr ! ,I,'.' .: [', 11.1, ., , .. n ,:,' 11\ \' (II' till' o tn or 0I1n8id61'It Li lJ n ~. ."\ if,'r:' , IIUl d II ,ul W ,oI " I, .}::,;. ;· I. ~ • ; J\41\\' Illd k .. •l ennie G. Brn llllile l .. t III t ~ Ir r G, ,. _; (. TI I IH~ t ' JU 1" ;' (i I.. , ' dLd l ,ur,·I}


"HANNA'S LUSTRO FINISH" "The Made To Walk on Kind" .



II '" '

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I "j, " I ru Iltll 11(' 11 11,1 '" II >'11 - !..o~ ..............."!_~_....... ~.._ "'!!_~_.......~~_ ~ ....... ~~_~_.~_ ~-~.......~~.....................~............................~..............!!!!I!! II'\ 'I'!' ('0 111111<111 ill t hosl' I .. , ,. 11( .II., t :' 1".';, I :Irtly III cl ) n:'~''1"(' U ee of th e WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES C. ,'t-Of' 'R ~1 111l"~ fi ~ I'I · ,· I.I· opl'rt ':isil" attitude, I'll :1'"'''' tl11 J . Methodist Episcopal Churaa .'10' • pa rt ly i I imilu l iol1 of certllin s(,l'ret. Rev. O. B. Grausor, Pastor • " :'\)1 il'l\' r it,' s. TUll tastic initilltion , und ny ScboOI. 0 : U a, In . MornWI': ser .• , _ I, "t .! I \'<'j'(· , ..·"nil's wcre IOllg pl'nct icrd by " Icc, I U :ao a. m . E" c nltl S se rvIce. 7 : 0 p i t 11' t II", I: ,I,',. UniOllH; hCllce th e ite m fo r m . Mldww lo Pr 'yer MeetIng. 7 p. m. 'l'I'" l t l l -I\ " "1 , 1' ,t!, ., ,' d " "·".:I';hing wrpliccs" which uppellfl·J St, Augustine's Catholic Church. In'I' olt la tl ,u their acco un ts. Fathlll' Loul. Ynus '; \.·d ugh~





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New Bur.lington


Dr. And Mrs . B. 0 Whitaker IIjJeut l'uelldtly of lallt week in Day·

'l'he Uomm encement of 'he Lytle l:llgh Sohool will be beld at Lytle ' tuo. Mll y!4 .Tohn t)llrllY ~nd !listers are enter B all, Friday evening, Musio bV the Stokes Orohe~t,r!l. of tal lli ng a OOUtd D, Mr, A . Htlrll1n , Oil Yton . Dr. Charles W . Bhlc1gutt, 01 Ullna.UIL . Our oltlzens have been hAving tbe 01' Cl ncin nrti, will deliver the ad . dress AdUlillsiuu 2!'io. Reslirveu ol 'llnrtullity of Iltteudln" a lDovlDg !'fl at!! on 8ul o lit r I I p dnre show the past w ee k Thll Mr s. L B Brocle lI [1 ont silve ral Sl.u w will be h ere mos t of thiS we ok ullYs last week in Dayton with her 0 : '10 . 8 i ~ te r Mr~ J , F"' J!'lttl r UlaKer , ~ Inr ~ e audience 1188embled in the ~llve l'1I1 frien,h from here attend M E ehurch 8tlturullY ev r- oiug to ed the fUD em/ of Mi>ls Ruth Mor . h ' " ~r thA o:;urrao e Quurtetttl, bUL DI et furu ut WRyneSville', on Wednosday . w,th disnpPllintmeot 1\6 tbl1 quar. J . M. Stl10y lI ud wife, of Dl1y ton, t ~ l, t, e never \Jnt in an oppellrllnoe . woro in attonuunO'j ut the Bllcca. rhe fir8t Commencoment exeroises !otureate sermon, bunday evenin~ our lIohool ever harl "'ero held in tbe Mr. and Mrs. George Soott enter· M. E. oburoh fhnr sdllY evening . tuintlU on ilIunday, R fl . Conover Three pupils, Esther Ahllmbllugb nud fami ly, Clf Venable. D"oa Reeves and Florenoe Wood Mas ter Lflslie Lewik is fast imreoel ved dipl o ill~8, b!lvinguompleted pr oving froill ~n aooid ent of last the two years Hi g b t:kbool work . I week He full on the 1,1 wn mower Everyone was highl y pleluled with I~I] d Hevered a portion of hia finger. the exeroit!ea whioh were a ImooadS l Our oOlDwunity WIlS Rbocked to HI every way. ' h UtLr of the ~udd en death of ono of A parry of base blll1 "f,I DS " SIlW I itt! resid onts Mr. Ed Marshall, whioh the ~ame between the "RadII" lind I oco uned at Bellhrook, on FridllY. o'Hillntlf" ill Clnoinn~ti, SUlld~ y . I Mr . ~nd Mrs. Willi" m Creig hton , MitiS Er m& Mende nha ll has been of Dayto n, spent 8uudllY In our vi I enjoying Ao vialt from har fri end I I ~ge . I

P U b 1+I



.P<1hIiNh 'ci

Eric1IlY "'H R quite a ga.Ja day at the COl' ~I'i U uJ" I IJ I, it beln~ t he Illst day . Th e paren ts went with well· fill od bn.!lli:ets lind surprised the

- - -- - D. L . CIlANE, Ed itor aud Man ag e r - - - - - - - - - --- --.-RHeS of Subscription Ono Yea r ( 1o ndvlluce) .. . . .... 1 1.00 RIll!{lo COlly ... . . . . . . . ... .. . • .. . •. . " . 00

t.e~Ohe1'8 ul1(1 children, Need less tv



Th e u ndprslj:tned l'XI!C utor~ will fl', 'r a t publi c ,.11 10, at the 1,,1 say the dllY WIIS g-rel1tjyelJjoyedoby r flBi dence of Eliza F Hllloe!' , dl1ceh~ed, wid JW " f th ll Intl'l BI n . l::l. l::l. IIoJInre!lenr BUlDes , in W llynu~vi ll6, Ohi o, on A. <X. H,t rlao, of -Alberta, Grm,. . and Miss Mtlf.r t,:prIlY , of New Bn .. · \ lin gton , !' )J i or, F ri dl\y with Mrs . ., Na omi du rlnD. , Ratcs of Advertis ing ' f WO !l S b oPlllog " Beginning_ nt, H) u olonk It 111. t ll o foll oVl'ltlg rle~ori h NI M rs . F , {~Cll ID CI'n· Rmullllg 1" ,'''10, per h ll~ .. oinnati Tn e~d ay. Headl llK Locn l•. "I nel< r,,, 'O, por 111111 . I~ B. V, Smith and family al'ld Mrs. CJlllll'ilUetl Ad d. (1 0: t,u 0 .\1004 1 OVI~ luu:M Throe i", urLl"' "... . .. . . ... . . . 2rK: Charles Brow D uutolld to Xe niu 00 Obltu arios, flyc illd u,'J'I Jreo ; O\' or U\'6 Frid ay . inches. pur IlJl u .. .... .. . . . ... . lie CIU'd 01 Llmul< •. .. .. ". . ".. . , ... . . . . . 211e Misil AlrulL W~ttlrbouse was in Being a la rge lot of bon lleho ld 11I'opprt.y. Blind Rome jJIPces f)f oltl " 08O lu ~iol1,oj . . ... . . ... .. ..... .... . , .. . 60c st y len ~'Ilrnituro . Colleotors of Antique lioods tukflllotioe. 1I0ciala aLe. wh en, dll.r~o Is millie ... . .. . 2lie Day tOll one day r ecently . . Parlor FnrDlture-Gonsist ilJg ot ;! ,I uirolorh !:!ofl1M, \I Hn l'r(, ' ,t,h ( 'lonlr~ , Diaplll), A d \'arLi Hiu j( [JCr ludl. .. ... ... , . loe Mr. "nd Mr>l. J ohn Zell speD t Sat· 1 llairoloth Rooker, 2 l&rge Mirrors, 0\ \lul'hl •. t.op CHot.!'r Ttl hl .. ~, r,(1 \ "r!l~ Discounts iva u on cU lllru.t:~. urd l1 ~' at; tho h ome of Mr. David otlrpet, A Dumber of handsome p' oton' s 01 dltl'p rAo t .Rt:v l n~ I' nil "' Z " Thomlls on the U pper Springboro Library Furnlture- 2 Pllltform Rnck uril lin d I tl"clllb ' ,' ..,ph "" I(' r!'ol F la t-to p OIDoe Desk. with t:lwivel Ollllif " . . ~rA\, 21 . IUI 2. pike. Dining Room B'uroitllre-J£xten~;(m lul.Jl u, II DIll"' !! , ( hll "'~, !" AI Ih,y Milia WIlS in Leua.lloD lallt CbIDl' Dishes, btooe wllre Di shell, Rl'fril(el'lttor, Glu .. ~\' , 1/ ", l\J ,d '1l l1 11y week other al!'ticles of Dining Room se rvice. . NOT A FRENZIED FINANCIER :MrR. Vio ll!. Hllrllln an d Miss Innis Bedroom Furniture-ConSi!:! of .. Bl' rl tltll"d~. ~ prl' L O;ll ,," ~I " I' rl'l\~ Davis were in Lebl1non Sllturd "y, e1l, 8 Mirrors of different SizeR Il~d t!t~ les. \V hll t Oil l ~ "I, d P I II: .,. ,R~o k s . George H. Heck'. Way of Heading • . . .'reS::lflrS Burea us Ilnd WaMh tltAuds, ulllr rle t 0P IIOti VI 'lI l1 . .~ F .. " lb er Mrs . . F . Col hDs und ch ildren, of Beds, BOlsterR and Pillows . .. Toi let t:I~ 1 , 1 Clotbes l:ialJopt' r Off a "Sure Thing" Speculation and Saving $1100. OregoDla , vltllted Ilt the home of , Nine Monti'l l Cluok of different 8 1ZPS an(\ li eSll!'O!l W . Biggs !lui family tlun day. Ab out :10G Yard s CU fJ1et-In nll ,oomllstiug uf uifIArtollt qyJpfol I,nll George H. 1T ec k tak es no ~ toc k In Mis8es Co rll Cree well ond Ada mukes . Al so 25 y uds Brussol oarpet nnd ·11l()od ro gs 1 Dru !!~M. 1:l x 9 ft Beokett, of Uyn t,bian". Ky .. are l Dro gget 9 x 12 ft. and about 20 rul!'S of rl1iJerent 1I 1Z f'1' und Mt..V],·>! . frenziea finance, nei ther cl ops he beChairs-8'tlea,t, .. Cl1 mp , 4 Poroh , 1 Rec liniog, ~ewio~ ROCker .. , spAnding t his week with H. . Beokett lieve in running un ncccsBnry ri sks. Arm Rock er!', Willow Rook rs und ol,h r obairs, Silk Upb oltltered ~oftl, ~n d faml l.y. He is rich, prudent nnd wise. Be I::II\t· ra ck wi th glall9. Six Book CI'S6S with g11l8!< frOll tll . WEl8 sitting in his office one day Stoves- l Dew Il1.r ge COI1 I Reuter, 3 t:lma ll lJe"te re, T II T!!I! Kltc1Hm GOOD ADVICE, Range . Uooking Ut.enllil!!, 1 Gllsolior (Jooker !Iud I Coa l 01 1 Fi llul",r, 3 when a young man, f ull of optimism g Mr. and Mrs, Walter Ktlnliok at. There are 80 fl'IV Sun ny Jim situ- '3ets AndiroDR , " nnd ideas, rushed in with this prop- MIl:!s Vida Brown, of nelir bprin Mit:!oellunfl( uf; -Lot· Uno ned Fruitll aDn J ell ies, four LIllt' 8, 2;) Vulley. __ • I tended the Alumni B,mqnet ~t atioDS that peoplc finoli tire of osition: !lDd liO f t . in lon:.c th . Kitchen ~(\fe,:& Ir on Wa s h Tubs, :1 Clothes Buskflt,l'. y c Springboro, on .l!'rid~y evening, Th e Demo".o f th e ;,wamp "Mr, Heck, if you will lend me ' . . 8unDy ,Tim ph ilosophy. But there 50 ft, Qurrlen }f ose, Bro'l d Ax, ;.ot of 'fr nnks, l'iuit \Jtlt'el', .bnd Ml'dll' lIl e . . AR tbey t"tlDg . theS . IspeDt YISS Ednll HendrlCKII, of Dayton, . thO I d $1,000, I know how we can make a lIre mo~qUltos l::l uodllY with Mr . and Mrs IS one InA' you ('Iln a \\,Ilys 0: Casel'. 3 Dunlu ·hollll onu 3 Ind Ian ' 'ln bs and ma ny other Brllol es not u ere tot of money, The thing is a cinch, put deadlv mllhuia germs 10 the . make the best of CH! ry siiuat iOll, and mentioned. blood. Then follow the loy ohills C<1rl Duke. 1 beg you to d o t ht;t, although 80 and we can't lose. It's like taking /I nd the fires of fever. The Ilppotite The Lytle Farmers Tobfi 000 Com. money from n child." fur us rli l~1Il co n('ern d. yon nced n't les Ilnd the strength fllila; 8.fISO pllny are now busy -makiog I::lorap whistle ar sin:!, 11 0 1' Ir;.ugh, whi le Mr. H eck re fu~~tl to b~ carried tIltIalarill of ton pa ves tbe W'ly or tobaooo ; Rre thrashing about 1500 " And 11 variet,v of go r-dl' nnmed b Alo \v. 1.' losed Carri age with tongne away hy eQthusinsm. d eadly tvphold But Electrio Bit. Ibs. per dilY All farmers interes ted about it; jnst l!l'iml.r makc thc best a nd Shn.ttR, io go;)(l order; 1 P ha eton uod 1 BuskE1t Phllcton, 1 !let BugllY "nOlI' much money do we .need t... rs kill I1Dd CHst out 'he mal"rlo of whatev er ('Oil (ronts ,vou. An op. BRJ'nesf:l, 1 d ou bl e Rst Curl'iage Ilarn ess uod ~omo old Hllrnt'Ss; II good to put t.his deal Over 7" he asked, in germs from the blood i give you Ii iv Lhe Silme are welcom , at o.ny timi st is 8 man \\'ho cll n t r:1n s rorm !:\ ufi'IJ,lo Robe, A ~ trn kill' Robt', a nd 1 Dew horl'e Blanket , A larlll! lor. ot fine appetite and ren ew your time . I d . ' d . . h' Drull ~ iI:.t>i BOUle", pHo k" d in boxe!!, Ropes , l a,r ~ A Log I h8lD, Lm,n her, a calm, judicial tone. s trenitb . "After long Bnfferiog," A very Ill rge orowd WitS in 8t- I )8 nc\\ S Il1 ~O ~oo ne\\ s, ~ cre arc Kindling 010 I ron II l1d 1 t on of olll pB ]JBrs and periodi on ls Deurl hed in "1 tell you," said the young man, wrote Woo Fretwell of Luau ml1 t d I te aer no real OptUllIsts. except bundles. ' H es, Ruk f'fI, Forks Shov!! I!! , ,"ooel,Corn 8helJer, lIat Double . , , e n ance a t t,h e B ucea aurea . III news. "we must have a thousand dollars." N, C , "'hree bottles drove lill the . , d ' . R pap er and mag8zlIlc artlcles wntten Llldders, lot Lead Pipll. Garpenters Trestl es. 2 CI:' l's hor"~~ , MI1tt.ook "How;nuch will we make ?,' pur- malaria from my system, and I've vGloe on d °l~n ~Yd eveDln g 'bl eVd' by young mcn.-E. W. Howe's 110d PIck, POllt Di ~J;6 r, Ditohing Spl!. ie ~n~ FODoe ~ tret'()~l! r, Gorilen Reel had good heolth ever slnoe.' Best noser e lvere flo very a e lion :M tJ I (lnd Rope, QuiltillJ Frames, 2 old Kpi nDing Wh eell', t; ld ~ Boddlel', Tool 8ued Heck, 8till cautiou8, for all stomaoh, liver ~nd kijney interesting address on "Ideals." OIl) y. Ch et;t. I\wllll Pll1U ur m SoaII:l8, Work Benou , 2 Lliown MowllrA, 2 HtOp Lad"Two hundred dollars, 'one hunIlls. 60 cl:8 all drnggists The muslo WaS rendered by the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ders, 2 big flower vittles. dred for ' you and ' one hun dred for AU sums under 13.00, Cosb on DIlY of SaJe OD un lIums Sunday_ Sobool ohoir.._ _ Spring• • Branch _____ mem." oj 13 (JO and over a ol'edlt of Ii months wtll be given, by ''Wait a minute," roncluded the purohaser giving note 'With two approved seourities. [t would surprise you to know of Mr . Uuy Chenoweth spent Sun- 'be great good thllt Is being done by ,older man, and went bock to his safe, T~blet8. Dllrlus Executors from which he took n roll Il f money dlloy with Mr. Ilnd Mrs. David LUOll8 Chamberlain 'II lira. Ada Dakin and ohildren Downey, ot Newberg Junotion, N. that looked big enough to cut a- dash A. spent one day last week with Mt. B, writes, "My wife bllos been using in Wull street. T. HAWKE, Auct. 's Tllblets Ilnd fiudl:! "Here, my 60n," I. e soitl, kindly, Bolly friends. them ·vory effectual an,1 doing her Mre. Effie Cook spen~ ODe day Illllt lots of good ." If YOJl bave any "is one hundred doll n N . \t' c will .rouLle with your stomaoh or Dowels consider tha t we hll Y mode th is deal 'II e"k with Mrs. Ada Dakin. --------------live them a triaL For sale by lill ~==~=LIVERITES,======~ and it has been a glith'ring success. d ea lerll, Now is the time to get rid of yonr Being prepared from Pure Nati~ Herbs, they Clea~ the You make your h unrlrcd uwl I save ------~.--~.~----By d~IY or week--the rheomatlsDl You Jan do it by ap . System and Purify the Blood, and Tone the System, thus nine hnndred."-Pnpular Magazine. plying Chamberlain's Liniment aud Caesar's Creek bc~st of service. .. ...... /lo:: ,. .. __ • • massagiDg the parts freely at oaoh Lame baok Is u ll u~ll y ou used by Ilppliolitlon. For sale bv all delliers . Chorley Barner I1.nd family called rheumatism of th u In 0-0}, ' 8 o f ~he on 'Chaunoey Bunnell 'II, Sunday ----~---- --,Livery and Feed Stable baok, for whio'b Y"II will fin d no~b­ afternoon . Bellbrook. in connection. tng better than GhllmbPrlai o 's Llni. Horaoe Compton's entertained men~. For 811 Ie by all d l' 11I {l r ~. cures Chronic 'fhe Commenoement exeroilles of Mr . an I Mrs. Garfield Peterson and ------------stipation, Liver and Kidney Troubles. Ask your Grocer for It. the Township 81gb Sobool wlla held ohlldren, of Xenia, SllndllY. Manufatured by ALPHA CHEMICAL CO., 8prlnlrfleld, Ohio TAMMY AND HIS STUDENTS. In the Town hall l!lt\~ Wednesrtay Ml. aod Mrs. Ervin Smith and \Vanted eveDlng. The granuates fielng, family and Miss Graoe Hurley were of all Kinds ProfeBBOr Duncun of , t. An: Mi98es Ethel Lllu!ling'3 r, Milrie IVel 'he gueats of Mr. IlDd Mr~ nay. I drews university wnll nffl'cio nntely ler, BeleD Brown, Ruth Ureagfr, mond Wilson's tlundav. ,called "Tammy." Oil onc occasion Ester Berryh!1l, Maggie Mwallow, Mr . Luther Baines took Boxwell ~ student in tho back lx' nc·h had JelBle Gibbons /lDIl Mes'3rs. Ra.y_ euminatiCln Saturda.¥ at- X eui~ . DR. J. W. MILLER; Proprietor WALTER MCCLURE , iDlsde himself obno xious to the pro- mond 8tuuman, Raymond Peune- : Mr. Paul ' Conklin !! pent a few !:feasor by interru p n.~ and talk. wit and Elwood Thom"a . days at bisJ grnnd f~ther'e Fr"oR •.• DENTIST..• ~'Come down to the :tront bench, :Mr. ' 'i'he oommunlty wae shooked to Stanley'S, last wetlk Funeral Diret;tor. - , " said Tammy, "for three rea- near of the IHldden death of Edward MI8S tlarah Hrtlliford WI1!1 a Sun. Office In Waynesville, 0 National BIlllk Bldg. Isons. Firat, you' ll bc nearer the Marshall, "hloh ooourred on the day gneet at W il bur Rudduok's. Telephone day 01: night. board; secondly, you 'lI be nearer the ball grouads of 'hia plooe lallt Eri Berman ann G~.} .Jones aHendcd Breeder of Valley phone No. 1. LUDIC '1ire~thiully, yQU~ll>e lIearer the day afternoon. Th6 doo~or Willi churoh here "nnnBY bUn '.ook dln..-l--BDistanoe No. 69-~ ~ . 'door." On another oC('osion n stu- oalled Immediately bn~ fnn,,1 hr Dsr with Zimr . Brlinel!. arr4~ 'dent called out in regll rd to the prob- hlld pal!sed IlW "Y, belirG \rou bl.. The men foll.;j fire very bnll.V try '. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO lem being worked ou UIC bl1lck- baing the 01iU8e. The funeral w,., iug to get theil corn pltlntecl board, "There's II. cipllf'r WIInting, held at the home of his [lIster &h:ol I Mrs . ;"eamillll', Mr;j. CIl:\unC Il:Y j Branch Office, HarVe7Jlbull(. O. Undertaker and Embalmer, \ F'ure Rin glet Strai~ ) , sir," on which the profcssor re- B. F. JaIDtlS, Monday at 1 o'olook p, Bonnell and \ ·. is" Mon ',. " ,t Bnu'JPIl Will be found in the ojd Stock and eg-gs for sale. Eggs for ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ joined, ''There'll no be a ceephir 01, Burial wall made In Bellbrook were at Day tOll , ' Ilturday . Bunk Building, opposi~ ha tching fr om firl't prize winning wanting as lang as you're here." oemeSBry by under&aker MolJlure, Prayer roeeting ~ bUISdl\y Dl ghl., pen. $2 pE'r Hi: other pens $1.50 per the N(ltioDIlI Bank. BARNHART, Telephone in honse and or· of Waynesville. Raleigh Bogan, leader 15. VallE'Y phone lJ·4 y' . R. D. 3 floe wbere I can be called Mr. aDd Mra. O. R, Peterson \wen' ~1rs, I:)~mutll Wilson is on tbe '.!ick Notary Public day or night. Morrow, Ohio. USES GRAND PIANO AS BED to Yello" Springll l&et MODday to at liat, VAlley Phone 14-2, All kinds of Not,ary Work . PeDAion tend the fnneral of theLr aunt Mrs Mr, Willden nnd faruil~. have Pltagonlan Chief'. Idea of the Utility ~~~~======~~~~~~~ . Work &- ~peollllt.v. i St.ree~. Waynesvill., Ohio Joho C4'herd, who died very sud- moved ttl Fr!lnk 8t,anl ey's f''''m of MUlilcal Inatrument Pr. denly . IIr. and MrR Boul'Y Lytl e went aented to Him. DR. E. H. COSNER, Ed Strain and two sone, of Duy. to Xenia Wednesday to 1160 and A Labrod;r tribe, it is soid, made ton, vlsl'ed hle''.!lster Mrs. Wal .er hellr Theodore Roo.evelt IDa May Corupt,on vi!!iten at Zimri the barrels stolen from the wrecked Weller, aouth of town, lallt Sonday . Willie 8lao" " ano wife and two Balnes' and Wllbur Rudduok'lI, last, whaler serve us chimney tops; the West Indians utilized Timothy Dex- ohildren viaited hie father nea r week , ter's warming pllns for 8ugar lnilles, Xenia, lae& I::!aaday. ~ t:laveral from our oomlllunHyat. 912 Reibold BUilding, Geo. Mma alld Wife, of D!toyton , tended the High Sob ol)1 oommence and the Shnnes find no worse use for Oa)'tOI1, English beer bottl es than to stick ..illited relatives here last 8&'urday mentat Bnrlin~toD, 'l'bur!lday night. Ohio .... - ---them up as houschold gods to keep and tlund&y. Mrs, W. B. Holme~ is reported Poor appetite is a sure !tign of im.1 Graduate AlioorlCll1i School, Klrk8vlllo. Mo Away evil spirits. But the drollest paired dtgestiol'l . A tew dO ~f)!I (, f instance of converted usage occ urred amonr tbe slok this week. The Townahlp Memorial ~ooiety Chamberlain's StoDl,Ioh aud Liver 1,. _ _ _ _•_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--' when that adventurous Frenchman, Furnaces~ will meet ID t·he Town Hall next Tablet,s will stren~fbon ."our diKes. _ _!S!±____ _ _ 'De Tonnant, while in Patagonia .,Ion tind improve your II ppetil.e. gave an old chief a wornout grand Thuraduy evening nnd Robert Pat. Tbousands have heen benefited by piano which he had bought 101' 85 te~lIoD, an anorney of Dayton, will taking these 'lablete . tlold by all o!;",e",al",e",r", R========== = francs. A f.ew days arter making deliver the Memol ;a' vlIY I1ddrest' ,d thi8 generous present, De Tonnant Helps A Judge In Bad Fix went one morning to pay an early Justice Eli Cherry. ot GIllis Mills, visit to the Patagoniano He found IN THE WOItL.D him sleeping peacefully with his Tenn., was plainly worried. A bad OFFICE IN OLD SCHWARTZ DRUG STORE sore on hie leg had baffied several I'UBUSHED WEEnY. $4.00 1'ER Y!IJl wife inside the piano, from which he dootors and 10Dg resisted all rem ' HOTt:L.I, 1)IIVQOI8T8. BPIOIAI:oIITe. had carefully ' removed the sounding edies, "I thought it was a eanoer:," COS TV MEllI, TR'AN." 1:11. CAB board, Btrmga, etc., and which, thul! he wrote, .. At laet I oeed Buokle~ '., AND ·BUS SERVICE OAN PIIOF'I~ BY UIINO I're ADVERTISING COl-UMN8 t1'8nsfotmed.,. -constituted a not Un- Arnioa. Salve, aDd was oompletely oured." Cures burDS. bOile, uloer8'1 Valley ~one III SAMPLE COPY FREE' . oomiortSbte . bedstead. - Harper'. ooa, 'brujs811 and pUett. 25 "'Dta at' ~eeJU.v:. ~l dru81lBa, AcIcn,8 Nnw YOIIK OUPPEIt . "--~~~~--"':"'-:-::-~-::--~~~1 -

Saturd ay .M ay 25th






T erms:


.. -- ..




-P;;;~~;:;"SERloljs ~~~~~~~.

.. ..------------


..-- ..





Only lOc===-


HENRY KUNKER d PI h ymout Rocks

. --


E. v.


Osteopathic Physician

.. ..



Bert A. (1.r ant,


JEI !~~!~!fPPER

----- ..- - -

and Slater, Roofing and Spouting, Sheet Metal Jobbing of all kinds. Tinner


Use the Gazette's, Classified Column





. ..


.... YCNk. II. y41·....._ - -.....- - - -


The Miami Gazette D. L. CRANE. Publi s her. WAYN E . VILLE ,

U 1l 10 .

CHORES FOR THE BOY. The great Ion at cIty bOY 8 Ie tbe 1011) oC duties. Tbelr spbe re ba8 b een ~urt&lled tr e mendpuslY hv lhe d raw · Ing of the c ity 1 1~ lt IIne~. When the boy Ihed on tbe Ca rm or In tbe email town. be round ple nty at thIn g s to do • ....·bl c b were s port In tbe doing and enl y In cld e ntllll y wo r k. sa"a tbe SL Paul Dlspatcb . He went a broad on bls d uUE's. iW' rCorrnlng bla ch orea. and 00 the way be ro uud rl c b treasure w bl cb be u ro ugb t bac k wltb b lm. and • to red up tor 11 life ti m e'. use. Did h e go aft e r tbe e Vl'n ln g cattle. be lett th e 80 rt pa r lb wove up be t w ee n bls ba r py toe s (lnd ex pe ri e nced a sen sa · lio n of t he ('om positi on, yes. and tbe poetry a t tb e 80il w bl ch t be c ity boy can ne ve r know . bowever mucb be bar cs fe e t to t he aspbalL E vory turn be made In h is chorell, In wood or fi e ld . In barn yard or stab le. b e tound eom e tblng to make It plea sur&-were It only lOe exercise of muscles. The country boy had hla limitations, no doubt. The cIty boy ha. his advan· tages , It he only knew bow to take them. He hu valltly more mateMal In band out of which to .timulate hlB ImaginaUon. to quicken his Intelll· .-ence--It only he could retaIn. or hl8 pareQt. retain for him. Bome of the dUlle. of old. lome at the chorel which would give ballast to his lite. ThI. may be the day of the "dlvilion of labor." and the hired man of the furnace and the lawn may perhaps do III. work more steadily Ilnd more ex· pllcltly than the boy of the house. But the boy ahould be conSidered In this 41Ytllon, and parent. should not make their live. 110 eRBY that they rob hllll Df doing his Immemorial chorea. BIBbOp

Anderson of Chicago,


POrted by a goodly array ot pastol'S





PracUcal Fashions LADY'S DRESB.




LL Cos ta Rica Is divided Into two parts Ibat whic h Is the sce. ne at the ope ra llonK ot tbe Unit ed Frnlt compa ny, a nd that wblcb Is not. Tbe first 18 hecomlng Americanized ; In the Bec· ond. European nallons now bave tbe advantage In trade. In the banana country the fruit com· pany Is everywhere and as a common carrier It has a powerful Influence lu the colree coun l ry. It hss d e velope d the AUantlc coast ot Cos tll Hlca and probably bas done more tban nny oth· er single ag e nt tor tb e pros pe rity and commercIal de velopment of t h is SID all republic. Costa Rica Is by tar tbe mOllt prospe rous of all the Central American r e publics. ond has not bad a luccesstul r e volullon In more than 30 years. t be corres pondent at tbe New York Sun, wMUng trom Son Jose, says. Am e rican s livIng here and Cos· ta Ricans are convinced tbat th e absence of revolutIons and the pros per· Ity of tbe country are In the nsture of cs use and e lfec L The banan as Ilnd colfee s e nt out ot Costa Rica represent practically the entire export trade of tbls country. The value or tbe banana exportations average about $4,000,000 a year. and tbe colree a little more than haU as much. The fruIt company eltber grows or buys and transports and sells all the bananas and carrle8 all the calfee produc~ In Costa Rica. In dOing tbese things It has developed a great number at side lines Qr actlvlty. whlcb make 11 tbe ~reat power It la 1D Costa Rica. These otber activities Include railroads, stores. telegraph an)! telephone systems. light and power plants. hospital. IIchools lind varloutl -forms ot agriculture and stock ralslng. In ad· dltlon It has Its fleet of shipe. car· ryh;Jg botb passengers and trelghL

In otber clUe8. has declared that the church should not celebrate marrlB&e unle.. the Intending bride and .-room bMng cerUflcatea of health and un· Ity. A Boston lady, the Rev. ,Mabel R. Witham. now purpollel to lubJect the candidate. to three other testl al well. She will require the cerUII· cate of a flnancler that tbe man II able to .upport a wHe; one trom a hou8ekeeper that the woman II able \0 take charge ot a household, and Dnally Ibe would have evidence that the palr are supplied with "love 1m· mortal and divine which will render thin II I(lorlous In tbelr JIve.... uy. the New -York World. ThNe are bard rule.. INo mlln ever llved Ihat wall pertectly , thy and sane In the opinion ot lIbYalclan. No young man W81 ever d~'!lmed quite competent to attend to buslnen by an old flnan· cler. No young woman was ever ad· Banana. Coat 40 Cent. a Bunch. 2u d led a good houlekeeper by a counThe company owns over 200.000 cil ot .-rand mother.. And who shall acrea of banana lando on the Atlantic .-Ive assurance ot tbe love Immortal seaboard of Costa RJca. On tbeae and dlvine7 lands It produces about 42 per cent. ot all the hananas grown In the republiC. It buy. all the bananas that naA Chicago ,udge baa decreed th&t a tive grower, can produce. Tbe an· married man shohld either atay at nual shipment Is about 10.000,000 home night. or take bls wlte out with bunches. bought by the trult company him, and addll thllt neglect of 11'1"41' at a fixed price ot 30 cents a bunch. II at the bottom of malt domesUc un. For handling the bananas the company happiness. ~rter hearing the argu· allows 10 cents a buncb, and tbe dementa advanced on varlou. phillie. of cl&red export value ot a bunch at ba· nsnas 18 fixed at 40 cents. the woman questlon.)t will not be reThe outlet for both the colfee and markable It lome shocked cMtlc. ot the bananas Is Port Limon. on the Utll bold judicIal detender ot woman'. Caribbean. When Secretary Knox r:lgllta hold tbe doctrine tbat a mar- snd his party arrived there recentiy r:led woman has III much right to have there were tbree steamers In part lun al a marMed man Is socialistic, awaiting cargoes ot bana!:as. To tap tbe banana districts Ihe main not to lIay revoluUonary. and III calcu. Jated to break up the homes of the na.- line of the railroad. leased and operated by the United Fruit company un· tion. der the name ot the Costa Rican Northern railroad. extends trom Port The way In wblch the Nobel prlzell Limon to San Jose. the capital. 103 have been bestowed since tbelr found· miles dlstan t and 6.000 teet above the Ing dooll not make good reading tor sea. From tbe main line extend anum· tholle who helleve that America Is at ber at branches and tram tbeae the foretront In all (arms of IIctlvlty. brancbes other lipurs and tramwaY8. Our country. with only two prizes to the whole tormlng a system of veins Ita credit. does not make a dlstln· and arteries tor tbe transportation of I'U1shed showing. At present Amer. bananas. Every effort Is maoe to get the banana trom tbe tree to the ship Ica II decidedly In the "1I180·ran" clasa. as soon as possible and with the min· OerlIl{l1ly has received 16 awarda. Imum of handling. France hall 10. England 7. Holland II, The maln line Is a common carrier and Italy. Switzerland and ot botb passengers and rrelghl Dis· Sweden • each. The United Stalea crImInation by the fruit company Is IInel up with Denmark. Spain, Bel· ImpossIble under the terms of Its lease. At Port Limon the company .-Ium and Auslrla, with two. has built a number ot steel piers (rom Wben women pOlice are appointed whlcb the ships are loaded with ba· nanu and coffee by Bpeclal machln. one pha8e ot theIr acUvlty might be ery. The com pany has large omces at tbe breaking up of the annoying pra~ Port Limon, and has In addition a tlce commonly known lUI "street maeb· wireless station, a bospltal. quarters Ing. w They could deal more elfectual· tor lis employes. IIgbt and power ly than the masculine part at the plants and wholellale and retail stores. rorce wltb the detection at tbl. parThe Costa Rican government has coticular clas8 of olfenders. because operated with tbe trult company. more unlluspected In their lileutblnl. haa put In many public Improvements while resistance to their authority and keeps the city clean. The govern. would entail the same grava conlle- ment receives a direct. 8S well as an Indirect, revenue trom tho rrult com. Quenee• . pany through an export tax of 1 cent gold upon each bunch or bananas sent Elfortll af?e being made to get Chi· out ot Costa Rica. caco women to a.-re. to have larger The big banana growing districts 1_1, but tbe attempt. wl\l probably be practically end In the foothills or the rutile-not, we Insist. because It would mountain range Which divides Costa be Impossible for Chlcar;o women to Rica. and where bananas atop coffee bave larger reet. a. the envlou. ones hegins. The hills lind mountains tor more than 60 miles along tbe railroad of, .other places will probably clalm. rrom Port Umon to San Jose are cov. A leun e d Judge holds that a womllD ered wltb coffee plantations, many. of em ousands ot acres In extent. ilIaH a right to go through her--hus' band'. pockets. POll8lbly the jud •• Theile are ,pJ:II.ctlcally all oWDed by the -doea nr~ realize that womlln has q . Costll Rlcanll. many ot them wealthy, Costa Rlcq,n 'coffee 18 cODllldered by wclled tha! right .eves- ~ce maD .,. muny to he tbe lIne.t I~ -tbe world . .• ,,"0 wear clotb• .,

England ta k es th e e ntir e prod uct ea c h year and I)(\ Y S a higher price ror It than t h" l -' nl ted Sla tee par s tor I3ra· COS I a Rl ca l! co l'/'(' e Is z lll ulJ !'o rree. Rtron g RBI! Illac k us se rv e d he r£> In San .Jose. fi nd to tb e writ er It 8ee ms to r Bupe rl o r to th e av e ra g e t' otl'ee provld· ed III A rn e rkan hom es and hot e lN. It 18 b elt e r w!lbout milk. It cu nnot lie doubl ed tbat If Amer· ICIU1 8 we re more ' fa mllior with the at· trac tions of Cos ta Ri ca more would vI s it tb e country. The cllmste ot San Joso IB cOIJ s lde r!1d Id e al. Tbe c ity hi 5,000 ree l above t be sea and the cool a ir of rhl s altitud e Is 1\ re lle t atter tbo beat and s ultrln e ss ot tb e Ca rib· bea n ports. Today the air Is as clear, ('001 nnd bracin g as a Se ptembe r d a y In Ibe North Atlantic elates . We are to ld t hat It ne ve r gets a ny cool e r, thou g h s omellmes warm r. so tbat th e re Is no n ecess it y for artlllcial heutlng In th e houses. The city I s pic· I uresqu e and Int e res ting and s urround· ed Oll all sid es by moun tains. the tops ot wh ich bn I' e b een lost In I he clouds 81nce lile arrival of th e Knok party. Scenery I. Beautiful. The trip trom San Jos e 10 Port Lim· on Is the more attractive beca.lI se of the beauty ot the s cenery after Ihe first bour of the ride. The railroad tallows the line ot a torrential moun· taln river from Port Limon to Car· tago, 14 mUes below San Jose. Tbough tbere are many railroads In tbe United States througb mountains of greater altitude than those ot Costa IlIca, none of tbem bave tbe tropical vegeta· tlon whlcb dJstlngulshes this country. MountnJns wblch In the states would be bare, bleak and desolate are bere covered to their very peaks with tbe luxuriant growtb tbat Is found at Port Limon. Tbe mountains are aJ· ways green the year around. Dry goods and a gre~t nl'.;1)ber of bouse hold articles are bOllgbt trom Europe. It Is trequently declared by Americans In Costa RI ca tbat It firms In the United States would study the Costa Rican market as caretully as the European merchants do and make tbe same elrorta to please their customers they would have no dllrculty In gain' log a greater proportion ot the trade ot Costa Rica. Tbe same applies to tbe trade situation In all Central American countries. according to opln· Ions expressed b ere. For example. tons or concrete Is be· log used In Costa Rica In all sorts ot constructlon. It Is said tbat AmeriCAn nrms would g et all this huslnes ' It they would pack tbe cement In Iron cans ra . .:ter than In the metal containers being oecessary because ot Lbe dampness on the coast. whlob s poils about balr or each barrel ot c&Dlellt that 18 not used as soon as received . Another criticism of AmerI.cans In Central America Is that they are too anxious to get rlcb In one day. As It IB, tbe United States receives more than baIt ot the total exports ot Costa Rica and sells Costa Rica nearly halt ot bel' total Imports. The general view Is that the sales ot Amer· lean made goods In Costa Rica will continue to Increase. It Is stated by Americans bere tbat lUI tbe opportunl. ties alforded In Costa Rica tor agrl· cultural development on a large scale become better known In the states more AmerIcan cspltal will enter the country. ' The opening ot the Pansma canal will also help toward this end.

Barere Can 'Be Dutrayed by Digg ing Out W ith Sharp· Palnted Knife or Probe or Palntlno With White Lead .

Th l. Can Be Supplied by Returnlno Manure. or Straw. Clover and Corn Stover to the So il.

«('on l lnlll' ll.l Orpen Aphl " (Plant lIt' e.) - Tb l'! .e 11 Hu al1y PIIS R Ib e willt r ill Ih e egg s lage. In Ih ls stag,' tb e y ure \Jar· Ually I! (>!\trvyed by lim e s ulpbur or o th er strong contact pol~onll . Treatm l'n t : It the liCE' appear on the yt>1Ing tollage. 1o:e rolene emulsion.

III It poss ib le . to build up a run· do w n [nrlll by strai l; bl J; ru in fanllln ~ \ lu u ns w(·rlu j; tbl s qu ct4f1on , wbl c b if a li ve on€' on lI1al1Y farms. tb ere 18 RU' u th !'r plirt wh ic h Imturall y gues w\t ll it. t hat is. call It Uf> dOli " profitably : Wh e r e a r1lndown rUTlII I ~ "'I'll d ra ine d, th t're are tw o th l ll g~ Ihal !DlIs t be don e In ur d or t u J; pt large r c r u ps . First. rlli s e th e " uVi'ly uC or· s alli c matt or ; . eco od , iucrea ~e tbe ti up ply o r pla nt food . T b o plan t tooll may be purc h Ased a s cOUlUl e rc ill1 fertllh,er and th llt part o f th e prubl em solv ed. l~ xp (! r l lll"nI 8 m lld e al Woost e r and oth or ex perl· m e nt s lat Ions sbow Ihat a prot1t can b e mad e by a pplicatio ns oC fe rtilize r whi c h will suppl y plant tood r emov ed by crops. At Woos te r, where acid pho s phate bas be(,11 Ilpplle d at th e rate of 480 po ulld 8, lI1urlal e of potash 260 pounds and ultrate o t soda 240 pound s pe r acre. In a IIv e- yenr rota· tl on at corn . oats, wh eRt. clove r and timothy. th ere has b ee n an Increase ot 18 hushel8 ot co rn, 18 bu tlbels at oatil. 13 bU8beis ot wbl'llt and mol'. tban a ton of hay liS a 17·year aver· a ge. Tbl s &\tIll has been obtained w ltb no addition or organ ic maLl er ex· ce !)t stubbl e and se cond c rop or g rallB. ('ountlng th e products at the tollo"" Ing prices: Coru. 40c 1'1'1' bus h e l; wheat. SOc; OatB, 3. c : ha y. $8 por ton; sto\'l'r. $3 pe r ton. and Bt ra w $2 per ton , t he av erage pro fit III 11 rotatloo tor tb e 17 years would be $16.61 . While th l ~ doe sn't show tbat this I. tbe 1I10~t eco nomical way to Improvf a rundown tarm. for tbat was lb,,; <,lon· dltlon of th e one at Woostpr when tak en In charge by th e e xpe rim e nt station, It does prove that It 18 pronto able to Increl1se fertility e ven though It must be purchased. The nitrogen supplied In the ferCI· Izer was only equal to about on~ third that removed by tbe g rilin In tb e crops an" the pbc,lI;,horas wall al· moet double that taken olf In the grain. It tbe atraw, corn stover and olover bad bl'en retur 10 d, enongh nitrogen would have been added In clover 110 tbat amO.lnt pur<:based mIght t.ave been mac!> IIma', ler a nd In tbe Belling of the grain only. IIttin potash would bave bee;! scl<1 8' thal this coul<1 he o'llit tec'. In t('rtlllzer. tbuB r e~llclng r.ost. As r. tarm practice. pro,.bablY the easlpst way to build up a ruud:lwn tarm Is te buy a consIderable amount of plant tood In concentrated reeds and depend largely on manure tor matter. but when tor any rea· son this Is undesirable thern III no dout t but tbat soli may be bull~ up by gralt: farming and the use of commercial tertlllzers. where eno'!gh plant resldll e In the form of 8tr"w. clover and 8tov ,'~ Is rehrned to nupply organic matter. O. M . JOHNSON. College or Agriculture, Ohio S\.ate University.

Th. ",."Ker Woo .... Showlnll Cha,.. acterlaUc Pau •. soap 1I01utlo~ or tobacco solutIon will he the most satisfactory re medies. Any material should be applied b &tore the leaves curl badly. and .. ndtlr h igh pressure. In order to reach the Insects. S mall trees . two or three years se t. may he elf!!ctlve ly treat ed by dipping th e affect ed bmnches Into a buckct of the materials mentioned above. Wooly Apbls. -Tblll I. a small, brownish Insect cove r ed with a g ray· Is h·whlte cottony cove ring. It may he tound either on tbe roots or brancbes, but does th e greatest damage upon tbe roots, wb er e It cause s gnarled and whr!y conditIons. which Intertere with the ir use tuln e ss. Trees should be caretully examined betore planting to see that they IIr& tree from this Ileal.

Treatment : On the bruncbes It la eaally controlled by spraying with kerosene emulSion or IIme·sulphur. When beneatb the soli It Is more dlt:ncult to destroy. The dIrt should be removed from tbe main root8 and the surrounding 8011. as well as tbe roots, tborougbly soaked with kerosene emul~lon, then IIprlnkled with tobacco du~t and replaced ('anker Worm.-Thls Insect JIves over tbe winter In the soil. anG wltb tbe nrst warm spell of spring comes out. the wingless temales crawling up tbe trees to deposit their eggB. The eggs hlltch trom early April to late May. dtlpendlng on tbe weatber con· dltlons, and the young larvae Imme· dlately begin to eat the leaves, wblcb are otten entirely destroyed. This In· ~ect Is one or the measuring worms and mllY be recognized by Its loopIng method of locomotion and the way In which It works Its Injury. Treatment: Spraying with three to flve pounds of araen.l lte of lead to nfty gallons of water will destroy this Insect. Owing to the tact that the female Is wIngless and must crawl np the tree. a barrier of cotton or some stlc1{y material Is otten placed IIround tbe tree. This sbould be don e about the first of March and should be kept fresh by two or three renewals tor about six weeks. When well done this proves an effectlv .. remedy and does away with the necessity tor spraying. Borerll . -Both round ~d flat headed borers are tound In orchards of the apllle. pear and quince. The eltgs are laid In Mayor early June. usually near the ground. but often higher up on the trunk or larger branches. The young larvae eat through the bark under which they feed for two or three years and then emerge as adults. WhIle these are ·e atlng Inllects. tbey dn their damage 'u nder cover wbere no polson <lan con· venlently reacb them. Treatment : The mo.t elrecUve method ot destruction la by annual :Inapectlon and removal ot the STub. 'wlth a eharp-polnted Imlte or probe. The moet elrectlve protective mil", ure III to paint the lower part ot the Istem wIth a fllirly thick paint of pure .'" bile lead and IInlleed 011 just he:fore the egg laytng period. A wash ' J>ropared by addlnc one pint of car. \bLUC acid and one gallon of wbale I[)tl lIoap to eight or ten pllons of 'water la alao used. V. H. DAVIS, ClJllege of Agriculture, O. 8. U. (To Be Continu-!d.)



The stylish dr oss bere shown cnn bet made with or wltbout th e peplum. la closed at tb e tronl and bas nVIl gored skIn. It Is e xcell e nt developed In pongee. linen or pique. Tan. linen nr ponge e with collor and cuffs ot black satin or lin en would be q'lite smart. Wblte lin e n m ay be us ed with em· broidered collar and culfs. The pattern 15806) Is cut In SI&e8 32 to 42 In c hes buat mea s ure. Medium size r eqllire s 5 ~ yarde of 36 Incb mao te rlal aDd % yards ot contrUJItlng goods. To proc ure tht . paltern •• ~nd 10 ee.nt. to De-fut. rtmc: n t" or 'h i' 'Paper. Write name Rod nddre •• gi ll inly, and be ayre to ~v. .be, and aurnbu o f pattern. .


SIZE .. ....... .... .. .

NO 5806

NAME . ..... .. . .. .. ........... .. .... .. .. .. TOWN ... ........ . .............. .. .. .. .. ..

STREET AND NO.. .. ... .. . .. .. ...... . . . STATE ........ . .. .. .. ..... .. ... ... .. .... ..



It farming Is to be made blghly remunerative. those who engage In It mUBt cO-Dperote In the seiling of tbe products of their lands. There Ie too A play dress In sailor fAshion with great a dllfere nce be tween what tbe farmer gets and what the conllumer Beparute bloomers II olrered In thll pays, Instead at senlng to the mid· design. The dress Is an attractive lit· dleman, who In turn sells to the con· tie garmeDl with the closing at the Bumer, thero Is no reason why rann· front. hu two tucks at the shoulders tln! cannot cO-Dperate and lIell (lirectly at front and Is finlsbed wltb a nice t othe consumer. BU81ness co-opera· turn·dowD collar and long sleevell com. tlon among rarmers w\1l come In the pleted with band cuffs. The walat tuture. altbough many are slow In Is the regulation blouse and the sldrt 15 a gal bered model. Tbe usual slm. taking hold. ply made bloomen Is Inclu:1ed. P..:rcale. glngbam. cbamb·ray B.Ild .Imllar Protessor H. C. PrIce of the Ohl,. materials mllY he employed. College of AgrIculture who Is In Oer· The pattern (6783) Is cut In sizes 8 many studying Ilgrlcblture says that to 12 years. Medium 81ze requires tor from wbat he has observed thus tllr, drells 4',4 yards at 27 Incb material he belleves. there la more tor Amer- and for bloomers 2 'I. yards of 27 Incb Ica to learn from' Oerman agricul- material. ture In the way ot buslnes8 organl· To proeure thi, pattern, .end 10 ct!nta to l&t1on than from anything eille. -Pattern Department" of thi_ paDcr . Write name and .ddrell platnly, and be aur. to cive The oulture cf the ruta·baga Is the and Dumber of pan,rD . aame as for the turnip. except that the tormer requires more room and a lon«er period tor Its growth. 'I'he 6IZS., .••••.••••.•••• NO 5783. rootH are qul~e hardy and will with. NAME ..... . ............ . ........... ..... . stand conside rable frost. The rutahaga Is uBed llke the turnip. and also TOWN ...... . ............. .. _ ...... . ... . tor IItock food. Two pounde at seed are required (or one acre. aTREItT AND NO................ .'••••••


SkIll ot Alaskan Dog.. Some of the Alaskan dogs are bet· ter trali rollowers than othera, and some better leaders. says a writer tn the Detroit News. In a blizzard the best of tbese lose tbe trail, but In· variably Ifnd It again. When on the trail they eat but once a day. then Ilt the end of the journey. After teedlng. like weary chll· dren. they tall asleep ond are never quarrelsome. It takes. on an aver· age. 20 pounds of meat a day tor a team of 11 dogs on a bard route. •... Fleetne.. Rumor. The dogs of the mall teamll COD' Tb.e phenomena or rumor-Its my. sumed Ias t year th ree t onll 0 t b aeon '-Mous origin and man-elou. spreadand one 0 t r Iceo Th e r Iee an d h aCOD I.., are COOked together with frolen fllh 110 Impressed tbe anj:llnt Greellll that and eaten bot. Tbe dogs are permit.. they made ot tt a deity, Phoe~ •• to ted to eat all they want. . whom .altars were rallied. Thill delt,. r WaH not. ·0 completely per· When too bot t h ey let It cool In' the I~oweve, snow. If near the seo ' or river they 1I0nined 1\1 th, late.r - Roma~ .F:~a. \~III cunnIngly pull the vessel . out' 'on' ' but colt8lde~ed rather all ~ ~:, the Ice and test the . lemperature of votne-the vox De). 118 Orot,e PUg · ~ the contents wltb tIlelr long fongue9 1IIIIIaing Into the vox . . popu~. . T~' k: until tile me ss can he eateq', ",Itbo~, f cll~.alc caBe,' tr·.~h~ new,' ~t \. ~J burn In!; the mouth. Frozen IIlh 'Ia the· l~otory . o ...r , be ~et'IIllIll&- ,!~ 'I'" 11 ~ . etaple food or ru.1 native ·do"s. :. .'t ..,. ~ eoeoUa, • .,'cb "~oem~ . ~~


Animals should b. c1ven plenty of water. It should be remembered that the anImal body Ie from 40 to 60 per cent. water a ..d mls lIercentage ~U be maintaIn Ad. ... \0 bave communicated \0 tha Or-Itl v ..... all they went Into action lit Mycall, on the other Bide ot tbe AegeaD. a few hours later. IIlthough there wu no telegraphy In 8 . C. 479. Grole compares Mlchelet'8 account ot th. lIt.armlne of .tbe Bastille, wblcb more than once emphasizes the fllct lnat nobody 'llroposed It--tbe whole papa-. lace iH!emcd Inllplt:ed. '. - • Land of L~~ .. j· ~ :R~~ '. LlcorlP.e ; root grow:'" In' ab.uDllanr"

lerrl( .7' or 'Rl.lulL 11Dtb. Ur&I. .. ~~ " .'

8TATS .... .. .. . . .... ..... . . . : . .. ... . .. ... .

Whenever the telephone rings. a seventeen·year·old girl Is always sure It', for her. Appreciation. District Visitor-I bope yOU apprecl. ate the fact that your laDdlord haa spent so much money to make this a model tenement. Don't yOU think It fine he hns p~t a hathtub on evell' floor? -re~~nt-Shure. memo Tiley come ao bondy to put tile coal an' wOod ·11l.

In the ,Parlor• . Min' We.r'elgb-..Harli~

ISlI't lba, the. churcb clock. a!rlklnll twelye , . · 8t&7lllt~y. .n"I'_ ~f. !.lQttI/DC to ' ''''~

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r () l1 ~ h ht 'p t 11 ..\ 5 n I. ·~s IJt' 1" l'~ nt u f Dug ar lh.lfl Ullt · of ~Y Il IJllelrlr-i\ 1 ~h(lpP ,

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I-IOUOJ-l tb e em JlrllBS 1,11111 . !' rillce Vi cto r 'S, pare llt!; were n~t btlt t o hal' on a 111"ln o vera ll and t o of Germany. the C7.a r- a li o gf'tller ple ased lit th e ir 60n!< he a ble to ru s h a bout lh e Ka rd e n wIth In a of Husa la UIIII the I "'J()I('e, 1101' h lH 6ubj P('t s eith e r. The y so me or h(' r II lllmuls Is joy. Once o n young queen 01 1101- 1 n llli e r hope d he would hnv e c ho se n tl1el r r{'turn froUl til e ('o uutry t o Illnd nil hunl th q rev· .o me powf'rf ul (;e rD1uu o r AII ~ trla n Rome lit .. royn l family drol' e In semI · utat lon of being Idea l jlrlll t'e ss ror h is wife. but wh ~ u Rb.,. Bt Rte 11(1 to th o pulace, aud PrIn cess mothe rs , It IR t he arr iv e d In lel y Ih e prill cess'd lovely Yolanda. In ber b est c lo t he s, bo wed beautlrul Quee n 0'1 fllr e, grll!'lllllS Bmlle !llld c hurm lng gra c ious ly to th e c hee ring people all Hal y who Is th e mo s t "il )'S ,,,nqlw re d everybody . III 1\ lit · the wa y. fre que nt ly udmo nldblng her devoted royal mamma Ii(' \\ Idl £O s he had won the love Imd you nge r s lst(' rs to do tbe same. When tn Europe. Yet It Is a ru('t lhut most admln.l loll or th e ~Inl,: a nd the qu ee n . s b e re a e- hed t he IlIllace she rushed U(l mod e rn Qu ee n .. are pa rti c ulurly arc- Wh ile hpr ru tu re 8ubJ E' rlK udo rell h "r. to t he Ilurse rl es In grea t baste to get tul mothers . They ha ve to be. Queen Afl er the trn g lc death o r King \I"m · a mo re 6<' r vlcea bl e rroc k. and noticed E lena Is ifIll , bas an Impos ing ca r· ber t. l'IIlK Vk tor and '"lueen El e na t ha t pupe rln g an d whit e was h ing bad r lngp. a gl rll Hh figure, 11 sple ndid ,nlo"ell Into the big . palace. lilld con - been golug on ann eve rytblng was weallh or dark h ull', wonde rrully ex· II nu pd. as rar as p08slbl e. th e ~llllp "" ve ry clea n u nd white eve rywh e r e . In prells lvfl eyeN. finely cUl fea tllres a nd life th EIr had rollowe,1 as crow n prln ('e ,lI s m RY ul IheK(l re arfu ll y c leaJl s ura mouth s howing c harac le r UIlIt neler· a nd pri ncess. Neil her o f th e m had rOlludln gs . whi c h ~be Imew meant mlnatlon . S he orte n declares tb at her a n)' li king ro r pomp and cl rc IIIll Sl anctl . more care about dIrty tlngers a nd lla pple et hou rs are spent wlt b lIe r lud eed. Ir lhe Itllli a llR ba ve any faull dusty hoot s . s he rlln out In to the garc blldre n . 10 find w ith their Idn g, It Is that be den to !Ind h e r c h ief pet. Toto. the As 600n all her fl rs l s Imp le meal o f I. In c lined to be stingy. Tblngs are donk ey. lin d said . wllb re li e f In every Nils aod co!l'ea Is finlsbe d 10 the ve ry dllTe rent now at th e Capo dl s Yllable : " We ll. It .. a bless in g they mOrlllng. she goes to their nur serIes ~fon te from what t hey were In the h aven't whit e wa s h ed you, too, and Whe n they were mu c h younge r It was tim e of King Humbert an d Queen pro mptly rolled In the du st to rId her· her grent de ll gbt to gl"e th c m th e Ir ) Ia rgbar lte. and the latter'! hom e now self of Ib e " mlnd ·your-Il's-and-Q's" tub. btll now she mNe ly pres hl eR Is far more gorl\; eOU8 t ha n th e royal feeli ng the whit e nu rseries had g Iven <lver t h eIr breakfast. And 1,Iays a nd palace . Tho u g h tbere Is no lac' k o f he r . Prln ('oas Mafalda . the second lomps w llb the m until tbey are r ea dy bea utlrul furniture, tbe present king child. 15 more lik e h e r father and Is to go out. The ('b lld ren 's roo ms are unn qu een chose t h e s Implest s uit es muc h more timid t han Yoland a.. orofurnished with Ihe utm ost s hn pll c lty, for t heIr room . Th e queen 's boudoir va n na. t he youngest. Is jus t a rat. d esigned to gtve II max-lmulU of IIgbt Is adorned by Q te w s imple pict ures good -tempered b n by. a nd air and a minimum or dus t -eon - and orname nts trom hor own country. The (let or tbo family, or course. IB ,alnlng drRPcrlee Ilnd carpets. Plain which s he prtzes more than all the Um be rto , tbe third c hild and only son . brass bedsteads and po lis hed wooden valua bles In th e palace put together . He Ie Ju st seven. has his rather's mild. furnitur e onl y ar e allowed. In the It Is the sa me wIth th e ir loclal lire. Qui e t way". but Is lik e · bls mother In playroom . Qlllt.e In expensi ve toys may A certain am ount of entertaining, of appearonce a nd pOII ~6ses mu c b of he r be seen - doll s. solnler8. engI nes a nd cou rs e , has to be done. In tbe wtn· Int e 1l1ge n ce and spIrIt. Though he - - 'be Ol"dlnary playthings de nr to every tel', whiCh III tb .. Rowan season, about hos ponies or hi s o wn ; tle-'Hkes to get cblld. a doze n state dinners and balls are on one of the bi g horse s In the Btable. Quee n Elena has earned the title of given with due ceremony. and all the and would go 011 alone If a strlcl eye the "babies' queen" In Italy tbrougb uRual accompa nime nts of !lowers tn were not kept on 111m. Already he her love or all children. Since her profu sIon. costly plate Bnd music. The can speak Frencb Quite fluently and Is marriage ahe has established many Quee n outshines everybody with b e l' lea rning German and EngUsb as well . chlldren'lI hos pitals an d creches . radiant beauty . seen at 'Its best In tun He Is Interested In the army and Hardly a day passes, when s he Is In even in g dre ss and Rparkllng Jewels . na\'y, bat hI s prerere n ce seems to be Rome, that s be does not visit one of nut beside these balls. the queen tor the navy, and h e has expresl!ed a these Instltutlnns . She has al No hold s only a , few receptions for be l' wlsb to serve on sn italian mlin~f· ca used a re vival of tbe lace- makIng hHlmate friends . AnythIng In tbe way war when he Is old e nough. Industry by establishing schools of gorgeous e ntert a ining Is di s t a steThe italian royal house bold ms y be where Italian girls are being tau ght. ful to both h e r and h e r hu s band . sa id to be one or tb e bapples t In Mllny of th e flne olrt patterns whIch Nothing pleaBes her h elte r tban to Europe. It was a love matcb between were In da n ger of bein g lost ha,'e r ide Into the country . wltb the elder the king and Queen . and King Victor been resuscitated throu gh l1 e r IDl er- c hildren . or If tbe weather Is not sult- Is as much In love with his bea utlrul es t . H er devotion 1.0 s ulTe rers d urin g ab le for tbl s. to lAke th e m 1111 In her wire now nM he was when be first saw the Messin a earthqu li kll and the erup- motorcar . ber: and his happiest mome nts are tlon of Ves uvIus Is ot too wide knowl No ollle r royal moth e r spends 80 when he ca n pu t 01T C/lr es of state rOt edge to need more th a n ' me n tion b e re. milch tim e Mtb be r c blldre n durin g n time . leave Rom e and spend long This beautiful Queen Is the dough· Ithe day . a nd she ~tudles them b efo lll summ e r days with his wIre a nd chll, tel' of the Blmpl e, home ly. old -fash· nn~· thlng e ls c. For their sake. a plain. dre n at Ib~lr country place, ridIng, lonet\'ktng--nf Monten eg ro . For the but s ubs tantial meal Is provided In ns hln g or boatin g. jus t as tire fan e, Ill'l!t ten yean of her life s he ran wild the middl e of the day, so tbat they takes him . like an y o ther littl e pellsa lit girl of muy s ha re It wltb t heir p arents. The the country . She could rid e an y pony choIce of th e menu Is the Bubje<:t ot bare bac k . but h e r favorit e r ecrea tion mu c h care wltb he r cbef every morn Science of Management, was mountain c limbing. Mont e u{\gro InA' a ft er breakra st. Ma nage ment. or tb e scie nce of elleIs full of mountains, KO the little prln · In additIon to the practIcal . 1'1rcul ton snd adminIstration. Is some('ess bad ple nty of scope ror he r hob- tll (,B . Queen El ena Is lin accompllsht hing which r('Qlllres a spe'lft c anel by. No climb was too dlm cllit ror {'d woman In many ways. It Is an di sti nc t tra ining. not simply R s upe nol her, as Ahe did not l<now whnt fe ar o pe," ser r e t tbat some poems that deg rC(l or skill In t he perrormance 01 m eant. When etlll qllite you ng a gy ps y IIs o<l to appea r In "everal Fre nc h and s ubordinatE' tu s k s; and our varied r etold her t hat on e day Bhe would be a Ru ssIa n reviews ove r the signature or Bour ces will not bo util ized to Ihelr Queen . Her fath er. who waR Inordln· Hllle ·Butt e rfly were berB . She Is very proper nnd full ex tent until tbls II a tely fond or hi! handsom e daughters . rond or painting. Every Monte negrin gene ra lly and ('omlJlete ly rea li ze d. The mad e up his mind th a t s he was des· woman lea rns to s hoot, and Klog Illea l man ager s hould h ave a broad. tined tor the thron e ot Russia. s o she NIcholas's dau gh ters were taught to liberal ~d u catlon ratber than Inlenwas Bent to th e Smolna Institute In handl e 'a rIfle as \'I' ell as a bow and slve e xpe rie n ce In allY one line. suct. Saint Petersburg. where she "tudled arro w almo,.st as Boon as the y could as nnancl e r , salesman. produoer or aeFrench. English. mllslc and the u s ual hold them. Whe n. a8 Princess 1l:J~ma . countant. It Is th e wrlte r5s bellet that I\ccompl1s hmenls (Jt a IInlshlng yonng s he first came to Naples , sbe bad tar· no adeQuate foundation for the work lady. Tbe present czar of Rus sia wns gets put up In the pal a ce garden . Is now being laid In any educational Introduced> to her In due course. but where she and her husband had many Institution In this country. Here InCupId Boon found there was nothing an exciting sbootlng matc b. In fo~er IItructlon In fundamental prlnclple s IB dOing between the pair and things da ys, too, she was an ard e nt bunte r. ot primary and In detail! of secondwent no further. but she gave that up when she be- ary Imp nrtance. Oreat effort should A !tttle more knowledge ·on the came a . mother. She was tbe 'flrst be mad e to train a mind to analyze. gypsy', pnrt would bave mnde thln~ queen to ride a tilcycle. to dI gest. to reason, to compare. to smoother for , the beautiful Elena. Princess, Yolanda, the eldest dallgh- deduce and. finally, 10 arTIve at wellSbortly afterward tbe young prince te l'. Is the ooauty of tbe family . She rounded. logical. wise decisIons. Much ot NapKlII, all KIng Vi ctor th e n was , Is exactly Uke her mother now and attentlon ,I ould aleo be paid to tbe on hIs travel II around the courtll of give. promise of growing lip · Into an art of I!O \!ommunlcatlng one'll decIEurope on tbe lookout for II wife. eQUlilly beaptlful woman . She bas the sIons to tbe mInd of anotber, wl~h recame, saw and 'Y1l! conquered . at lIame thick, dark balr. a lovely com- gard to tbelr degT'ee of Intellectual deonce by Elena's dark lovellnesll. ·For plexlon and expressive eyes. and the velopment, that the desIred Impre!the first few months their courtsblp 8al1'\0 gracIous cha ~m . Like her '810n will be created and tbe desired was carried on In a fOl"elgn lllnguage mother. too. she Is a thorougb tom- result follow as a matter ot courlMlall .be did not know one wont at Ital- boy, To be drelBed ~v 18 grief to her, ,Cassler's Magazine.




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,·1 bl'c i rail ed for b y p , . .ct P,r'rl hc ,1 as ll c lug

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-- --

On Ih e road to Bu cce8M It Iso·t .every mlln wilo knows wben to cbange ca r s .

of t.he p e lll"·

.~ pu rp. 1ll1"1 an" pote nt IUlI tiva. G.rfield o f Ihe l a p rout to a !; r" ll t TelL: All ur u g'a; i~l.s. Pos ition of Beet In So il. c1 ppth . It Is for Ihl s r('''sOIl Ibat " lib· s oil illg In t ill' (lr("paralion of a ll el ll P I' rh a p" Ill(' SUretil (DIng III tll la lir e symm e trlc- a l. alJo ut I hlrtl' e n Inrh es In fo r thl' growth o f " 1I l\a r h" .. l s is of I~ I he f.-l e nd )'011 ('an 't depe nd on ~!>::tll:th. prar lic a ll y fr (, I' from sid e rool s s u(, h gr!'111 Impor l:lnr:€'. If tlo (· u,, ~t . wh e n ; \111 re nl!)' need blm . an d weigh In g fl'llm o tl e to t \\ 0 pOllnd s. In liS g ro wt h. lih o11 ld m l''' ! a prnc· An eas tern dea l,. r "'ti d. with r pfPl'enre t ica lly Illlp" r vi ous soli at th" d ep th If You Are a Trifle Sens itive to th e Sill' of be els : " W e wou ld no t of eig ht. or tpn In chf'B , th e tllP ront Ab ou t ti lt.' ",Iz e o r yt,llr Hh u c}!, y o u CSU\ r efu se a tllrf'l·· \.IOun ,1 bee t . bllt twu will b" d d l .. I·tf'd f roll) II R nu tu n " w ear n tilzo tunal l ('lr lJ y shak lui: AII f' n ' s FOOl - E llS", th o untl Rl;! pt h: pu w llpr. Into po und s Is t h(> he'lt ll ay lUI; ~I? fo r I li u course. IUlera l root s will d evcloll, tt-e lh c rn . J ust tll11 thing tor IJllnetng Pllrfarmer to r aige; this we ig ht ('U U be til '" and ( o r U p ' uld l ll< In r-:.,w S hoP". Qlve. 1n ." tl\ l1l r pl h." t.l ('o r nM una UlIllt""M. Samoutaln ed by p ruper eu lth·alioll ." ple 1'1l F-1-:. Addr ••• Al le n S. Ulmsted., Le10 a ll (' Il~(' S b c 811re 10 liS!' ~t'e d l1v r . N . 'Y. ~ enough , Thi s var t(' s gr eatly b y dllf.' r Teli you r troll bI eR. Ro d your rrlet;l ds e nt authorltl ~s. sorue gl "lng flft ee n will se~ 10 It tbat you ha ve pl enty to pounds per !lcre a s th e rl ghl Q,I"ntit)' . t~lI . other s tw e lv e po un ds . und sti ll olherg c laim tlla t eig ht. pounds )ler acre of What Every Woman Knowa. good seed Is s uffici e nt. A ('I t!vela nd sc hol 't enc he r writes It Is a lway s d esirable In a !'I el d 01 that she as ked b er clnss what was the sugar b ee t H t o hav e a un ifo l'lll ~ tao d ; dl!l'e renre between the exp r e ssions . "II. I[ e very row up o n a fi e ld o r 600 a c res while" alld "a time." Nobody seemed bas a s olid sta nd of planta. th e farm · to ha ve any Id elUl on Ibe subJe<:t. e r ('an tbln to d e llnlte and unIform Finally th e Itgbt or Int e llige nce WaR spaces . \·Vlt h p~dlgree seed- I. e ." see ll t o shine In the eyes ot one little seed grow n by r ep u ta bl e pt'I'sons of bo y. and the tenc he r clll1 ed upo n him long ex perle nr e--the vIt ali ty t e st ~ d In 1.0 Rav e t.he Intellectual honor ot the advance. th e ground and weal he r in clas8. prim e condlt lo o. the Question o f sepd"Vllmorln Improved." This beet I. " I know. l eac her!" he crie d eagerly. Ing can ue con d uct e d on a. clo se r basis the result of th irty-fl ve years of me"\Vh e n JlIlPIl suys he'" goi ng out for a tban wbere some of tbese fa c t ors are thodical and pereeverlng aelectlon. wblle. mamma eays she knows he 'H not we ll settl e d . With a rew ye ars of go ing o ut ror a time!" eX Il!' r len ee In g row ing be ets rarmers beet will bp('ome di s figur ed and dis· Thnt's on e way of looklllg at It. cu nn ot onl y close ly r egulate th e lorted In shape, and th e upper port ion Cleveland Plain Dealer. a m ou nt of seed p er Rcre, but every o r It wi ll be pu s hed out of Ih e g r ou n d . d('tall In con necti o n with Ihe grow in g !i:x per lellce hil S sho wn tbat tb e co nlent How His Brother Identified Itlm. from . tbe fir st fur row till tb e crop Is o f sugn r In I bese port iOlls or a he('( Unc le I. ar r ls, an o ld negro. who baa de livered at th e factory. whI ch are pU8h od lIbove Ihe soli Is b ' en a serva nt In the ramlty ot Colonel Start the cu lU\, ator as ~o on tiS the very grell tl y dlm lnl "h ed . Sl ellllD ens of Monticello. Ark .. for the 11i8 1 fort y yeurs. r ecently mnde a trlv to Mem phi s . U pon bls r et urn be was telling the colon el's d Ru ghter ot hi. t rip nnd the dIscovery or a brother whom he bad not seen for thIrty years. 11116 6 Sle m lUe us a s k ed him how be When Packed Hard Wate ... Runa Furnishes Excellent Green Feed kn ew hi s brot her arter so long a time, 0 « When It Rains Inste ... d tor Chickens-Soon Kin.. and Uncl e Harr is r e pli ed: ot Soaklnlf In-How Out tI It Is Over. " I was wa lkin g along th e street to Handle. Pastured. wh l' lI a spare built looking man came u p to m e and suys: ·SIlY. ain't you P as tu r es s hould ue Im prove d. If Alfa lfa iR one of the best plnnts to th e n. wa s a good s tane! or grass, rurnl sb !,;rfOC It looll lor chl c k c n s . but. m y ur oth c r?' Rod I said , 'Su re I la. w eeds would n ot grow . 'I'he troullie ordlnurily It ~ OO !l ltills ou t \I' ove r- "Vhn Is ),Oll ?'" is , til e pa s ture I" packed bnrd. Wate r pafi tured. r uns 011 wh e n It rains l:l s t ead o r "oakAlfnlfa c ro wns tbat hal' e hee n cut Ing lu. In oth e r wo rd s. tbe pasture orr and plonglJed under and thut have Is sod-hound . l ll k en ro ot again are mu ch h a rder to Her e I~ t ho way to b an ell e Buch n 1(\11 Ollt. aR litan y bave tound by r epa sture : As s oo n as the I ro ~ t goes peatedly I\ruhblllg ou t tb e Bu Ul e s t oo l out or th e groun d tbl s s pring, and Ihat hu ~ tallC ll root the second tlm c , before we' get bu sy wltb tb e r egul a r writos I'bllo K. JlIlnn . alralfa specialfarlll work. W,e s bollid li se a di sk Ist of I be Colorado Ex pe rim e nt Stadrill a nd tborollgbly cut up th e pa,s- tion. SIII ·b croWItS SllC IU to put out tu r e . lit tile s a m e tim e drilling In sboots from ench pleco of r oot that Is When you donOt have 1M from eight to 1U pounds to tile acre left III tbtl groun d If lbe soli Is 11\ o r r ed clover s ee d on th e Illgh lan ds favorable condllion . and alsike c lo ve r seed on tU e low ThoRe who d es ire to establi s h alland s. , fulfa In tb elr poultry yards ca n sucH e re Is tbe result: Th e drlil loos- I'Ced In this way by piou g ll ln g or ens th e sod-bound condition of til« spadi n g U!lejAr a.lfalfa crowns that old pa s ture a nd le ts the a ir dow n 10 have Il ee n fr es hly plougbed out rrotn tbe ro'ot s . stimulating a Illore vi gor- so me lI eld n en r hy. Early In the ous g row th and Sllreadlng th e plants Hp rlllg Is tb e beMt tim e, While the so tbat wbere, on e pla nt grew last crow ns ure s tili do rmant. year. two will grow this yea r and Tlt e c rowns s hOUld be cov e rell from are skillfully and fully cooked both of th e m will grow b e tt e r. In four to Mix In c bes deep nnd tb e soli addition, the clover lIeeds wi ll la li on wet d own a lld k ep t. moi st and the at the factory-ready to serve those bare 6votS wh e re weeds grew chickens ke pt 01T until the c rowns direCt from package witJ. last year. and clov er, on e o r th e best have becom e esta bli s hed which will feeds In the world, will grow this be mu c h 800ner than alfalfa rrom cream and sugar you like. year. Cows will be able to Becure two seed and will lItand much harder or three times as much fe ed to the va sture. These · thin bits o( toasted acre. They will get growIn g and Charcoal for- Fowlll. mllk-rormlng materlal-proteln-Baye com (sold grocers) are Charcoal Is not a r'lod tor fowls, It the Farm and Home. II simply an absorber of Impure gasell crisp, delicious. satisEyiD8 and Red clover I~OWS best on the hlllsIdes and hIgh lands. Alslke clover that mIght gene ra.te In the crop or gizconvenient. Is a mJghty good (1"8811 for the low zard at the bird. Charcoal la a purIlands, for on Iluch land It will make fier, not a food, and many make the • wonderful I :rowtb and provIde reo mistake of giving cha.t'coal to the blrda markable pallturage and hay. Farm wItH their tood. Hne It pounded rathand Home Alia I&n .or«hum makell er ftn., atiout the 11.& of pea" and a IOOd crop for .ummer, feedin« of keep It In a clean ,1)0% near tbe feed . . . . Ity. 00.... . It II 'a be~,.y yielder and y.11l trough, and when the fowl. teel ·the Palla.. CenaI~. loW. Puft.ood~ • ftll'IIllIl teed ..lleD til. ' puturea are need of It they wtlJ OOMume 'all that tr~t l o n



What's the Use of Cooking

Post Toasties if


A Woml'!'. Humor. Strange T ..te. Perplexity. il)IBatlor Searl of Boaton lltar"Madam," began the man, reapect"TheN poUUoal problema are tel' Mateo b;r ..colng .on a fully. "I am very ' hungry.- Could )'ou ' r1ble," eat4 the mlUl Who wornea about blc)'cle elad ,tn give me a bit of IIOmethlngT" I ' , ",I will caU Ute do~e woman re- -ctammar. cilu~irtM1r ·-' ........ Wuhlll~n "Whu'. the trouble'" plIed. -_ , . "'1 . '. N~ne friend of 1111" after another "('"' ' li~~ " ello~ ~ to .~h~~ "a ~ned campalp bea4Qa.arte1'll. 40.;r.,; ·tiI. ma~ :" !lia, ~'~"'t , 1'4 rather ~t I ~n~ to know ..·.. b~... "be.. ha,.• •ometblnr elae," _ ~ . -AJlI- .wotbanllke.. ab. ",ut lDIlde lIuart.ra .. a ' .Inplar :r~;~d ~f It ~.~ taill. IUld ' tIl-. door, ', ,: .


fl plt1-sno n e r


II p.e t at 81' 1' ~ 1I 10 11 1" <' In c ll" S tllld s u COlll\.llIct s u ll th{' t pll de nl'), Is 10 lork alld grow lal J.: " ,Idt' r(J IJIS; th e III t l ~ r will car ry sa uel Ili lO t hl' ti lk<" r, li nd Ill('

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pert s Is

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But a Symptom, a DanKer Sianal Which Every Woman Should Heed.

th a u t h l~ s ho old til,· w""ti s s llil" In B&ckache is a symptom or orgaotc " dv ,, " n ' or 1111' io,· , ·I ~. Thl' I"' sl ' illll' w eakn ess orderange m" nt.. If you bave to k tll WPf'US Is b"fo l .. t l,,·)' hal'e lalr ly backache don'tnegluct It.. To ,get per6tarl e,l : tb t> w(,r k ,':1" IH' d,,, ,(' at 111I~ mhne nt r e li ,'! y ou must flls t!h the root "In~ , ' " f ~ r "wlh Illr tl,,· }"a H I ' ~I"'"~(,' of th e troubl e. Head sbout Mrs. Wooda nd niSI! k"I'!IR til" :<01 1 1,,0"1' a ll d 1111(' \ nil 's ,' x(le ri~n ce. to h ;ls t"I' lit.· grull Ih uf t il" nll l' l!,.rly ' /' K k "I tr d I tI II Morton s uap. t'ntuc y. 8U u e re "I ) It'1~"il~'1 I. ,l:;rll \\ Ili e; ' t':""Hl I"'I'I S two years wi th f.'m ul e disord e rs, my Il l' "l': It · health wao v l' ry bad s hoilld I... I' ldtly utl;' C\ ul l.·' · 111 ,·,,-11 to alld I h adacontinual le n d a ya. 10'11\' 1111; Ih e Hili i PI' ~"llI'llli y back ach e wh ic h was 1,·, .. 1 w il i! Ih(' lI"q .. ultl ,·ulio" , \\' h"I\ simp ly a w ful. I could th e I",,, <:~ "o\,,'!' th,' ~ r"",,d ,·"It I I'll· no t stnnrl on my feet t l"" >11011 1<1 ;;1 11 1'. \\'1 ,.,,, Ih ., 11\ · .' t ~ i long e"ough t.o cook ,.hnl\' I}, ,, (J 111' 11l If' M I I,,·), SIIIlllld . 1,0 a m eal 's victua ls ti!lll lie d III (I 'lt' l'l:ln l In Ii 1'1 ''''1' ,, '11 1 w ith out my back ,11 ",lIt f'lgh l IIlf'!\I's II Pllrt In I hI' I U \\ ; I 11 'ar iy ki ll in g m e , ,,,,1 ,-"11 11 1(, HI! fHr II, p" s~ llJl e , Ih ,· "" s t and 1 w o uld have 1'1 :1111 . TI lt' row s , hoHld I", a s ClllSfI fluch draggi ng "ensatUl';e l he r u,; wIll 1lC'l' lllit ur hO'-HI' " u ll ltions I could hardly !'ulion ; ~(l lll e or the ex per ts tia)' li la t bl'nrit.. Ih adeorel ilt' ruw. 81101ll d be l·i gll'l'en III1' h~s nes s in e u,·h s ide, cou ld not stund tight Ilpart. cl othing , lind was irr cg"tllhr. 1 Wl18 comSu nil' farlll (' r~ n(8)' d o ub t t h '> n l" " '8' ple t l-Iy run rhwn. On ad vic" I took ';il), of t h inll ing 10 one' plall III a Lydia E . Pinkham' s V pgct.ub le Compi:,,'!' DOIl 't ll111 k., a n y m l,;lfJ I(e li t tile pound and am ('nj uy ing good h calth. It OIlIRl't; Ih p ~ ugu r b('pt I ~ a t rt l!1' pal- is no w more thun two y enrs and I have Ikul u!' o n '0 III " p l)i nt ~. linn t ht· m an u- Dot hud an ache or pnin since. I do all ra (' tur «l'~ urI' H()lJl .. I IIll "~ IIl OI'(' ('XW ' I in/l my own w ork, wu~ h i ng and eve r ything, I han tb e I,e /·t . lli)!:lil Il e l',· h a~ 1I 1'" n and n e ver have h ack ac he any m ore. I o n e of th.· m a tll ,·olli s iton Ilol nt ' be- I think your r.n ('~ icin e is grand and I. praise I \\,PPU l1l : lIlll rac t,,!, pr~ and rar!ll e r ~ - it to all tghbors. If y ou ullnk my s ligHr COli I 1'111 of t he hept lind the testim ony will h el p oth e rs you may pubIlI l'l llI) II ur pa" ln" [o r th .. sa m " lish it.. .. - Mrs. OLUE WOODALL, MorIt i< illll'''..,';I1 1. II ot onl\' th llt a ~ lIgn r ton's Gap, K e ntucky. hl'et '~ h u Il I<l 1, 1" of Il pr~p e r s iz e a lld If you have the IIUghteRt doubt ow In t.hat LyC\h~ E. PlnkhalU'!! Vegcta~ h I\Jlu . hut a lso Ihat It b ~ g r . n j lll (1COUlP()IJIUI will hl'll) ~'otl,wrlto t; lI r li II Illanll ('r li S til SeCllr!' th.· jlru- toJ.yclllL E.Plnkh a mlHcdlclnoC o. t ee·tio n or th .. so il 1'''1' all it~ pu rl " ('x - (confide ntial ) J.,ynn, lHass.,foradr "pl I h(' 1I,' c k and lolluge. Th e PI'Ill>- , ·k .". Your Jt' will lIe ollened, pr 1'0SIl iO ll for a Il pel tu O{T tlP~· ill t he rrad anrl nnNwf'red hJ- n wornan, soil ;I t th t' I'llil o f /l: l'owth Is onl' whl c b and beld In strict confidence.

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... . ,


ZIMMERMAN'S ... Stra wbe rrie s ...

Haveyo u r Lawn Mower sharpeneU. a couple of days last week . Mr. and Mrs. Etha. Coleman, who Waynes ville Auto and Machinery Co. Fancy large P.errit's fresh every have been in Lancas ter, Ohio, tor Mrs. J . W. White hea rd Preside nt day , l Oe and 1 2 X ~ Quart. l-~ . B. Sherwo od and family left Wm . H. Taft in Dayton some time. have moved to Urbana . , Monday. Nice big Gand ys and Aromali, cheap enough l\ " w Po~atoeg Ohio. today to take up their residence in New Texas OnionB to eat. Messrs . J esse Thomas and Paul New Cabbag e Lebanon . Brown were in Cincinn ati, Sunday . Walter McKay finished his third Mrs. V\ Reed, of Chicago, i ~ Oranges Bananas sehool term in a medici ne college in CHE AP Miss Anna Meredith, of Pleasan t CHE AP the gneRl of Mr. anll Mrs_ F.. V . Colum bus last week_ He will 8118ist KuKo Crisp:;. 30 for ... ... ..... 10c Ridge. Ohio, wa.'l home f or CumBarnha rt. Our regula r 30c jars <,nly 25c. $c jars the head doctor at the heme for mencemen t. Honey Suekle Cakes, 8 for ... 5c Ft~ble Minded durillK the summe r only 20c. Misses Luella . Jeanne tte and v8lcatio Fancy Prunes , alb ........ .... . 10c n. at Columb us. today Mrs. I1essi e White arrived home France s Janney are spendin g from Chical"o Tuesday evenin&, after Fancy 8-lb. Tomato es. can .. .. lOe near Spyingboro. a pleasan t visit with her sister Mrs. A quiet weddin&, took place Satur· Sweet Potatoe s. 2 cans· .. · .. .. 25e Inner tubes vulcani zed . Waynes· Lillie Dyer Is advan cing. Bette r · Jet us sell you a hunday at Covington. Ky., when Misa Special Coffee, JIIOund ........ 23c ville Aulo and Machinery Co. dred pound s at the right price. Blanch e M, Jourda in became the MEMORIAL DA Y PROORAM bride of Herber t Sattert hwaite , a 15c &ox Krunkl eCorn Flakes 10c Miss Marianna Allen, of Sprinc ' All persons lionati~g flowers are Willi known young man of Waynesboro, spent Comme ncemen t week req uested to send or bring Welches Welches lhem to ville, O. The bride is the daught er Jersey Corn Flakes .......2 for 25c with Miss Luella Cornell. the Township House by 9 a. m. on of G H. Jourda in of East Thirll Now is the time to use it. IOc, 25c and 50c. Bring us yUill' Butter and Eggs. Miss Margu erite Thompson, of Memorial Day where the "It Pays" ladies street. Both have ho!!1:8 of friendl Dayton, was the guest of F..d Ma<'y interes ted will as:>emb lp. and prepa re who extend their best wilhes and Get the habit and trad e at Good Goods and family, over Sunday . congra tulatio ns.-Da yton Newl thf>m for decora ting. Good Geods Members of the G. A. R., Junior The happy couple came to Way· We are carryi ng in stock every thing you Mrs. Leslie McCune and Miss Ord er. and Knight s of Pythias are ne!!ville Sunday , and were the guests Marie Miller are spenain g a few request ed to get togelhe r and could desire in these fancy goods. of relati ves until Mon.d ay evenin g gather ~~~~~~~~~~_~~ days with friends at VanW ert, Ohio. up the flowers in their respective Try a can of Heinz Bake d Beans. -- nei~hborhoods. DEATHS IN MEMORIAM Gasoline Stoves, repaire d . Nolify The G. A. R. and Juniorll will rethe Waynesville Auto and Machinery port a t t he Township House Candies In Mercy Hospital, Denver . Col., at I Candies Eleanor, daulihl er of Absalom and Co. and they will call for them , o'clock sharp. the Knigh ts of Pythias on May 18, 1~12. Charles F. Reed. of Eleano r Cbenoweth, was born near If you want qualit y buy it from us. We have II.t their lodge room at the same Gardin er, Me., In the 63Id year of Waynesville. April 20, 1833. Her .Born- To ~r and Mrs J. W. hQur. The band will report at the hiB age. the exclusive agency. home has alwaya been in this town- GIbson, who live on the Cornell farm . Townsh ip HouSe at 1 o'clock to R. ship, but owing to ill health and the ~t of town, Saturd ay, May 18th , a G_ Cross, Grand Marshal. Seating himself on the ground to infirmities of old Kge she was taken ~rl. The line of march will then be rest after the exertio n of walkin g ~o ~heG ho~;: .of Dhe~aulgh~, Mrs, Mrs_ Geo. Morgan and Mr. Earle taken up .to the. Schoo~ House where up a steep hill to witness a ball We always pay the highe st marke t price. · . !'U '1n ~ In fasll be r wuere ... e qUiet y e ovlem- Hawke n, of Springfield, were guests the exercIses will bea-m prompt ly at &,allle at Bellbreok Friday afterno on. l' a s eep f M- K . M -tt 1 t Thursd ay 1'30 . Edwin S. Marshall, a prOminent as . . Tuesda y mornm g, May 14, at the 0 . htISS eZla errl The place to eade is where you alway s get All school childre n are invited to farmer livinlr near Lytle, auddenly advanc ed age of 79 yearea nd 24 days ma- . what you want at the 'price you oUj,tht particip ate and are request e4 to fell over dead in the anna of CharIe s She WM marrie d to Charles F. W. H. Allen is in Cincinnati today report to Prof. F. C. Gilmour at the Mills, a friend who to pay. Do you know where that is? was seated bellide Murray June 10, 18.1)5. To them and Thursd ay and will attend the School House at l :li, pach "ringin g him. Death was caused by heart If you tmde at were born three sonB and four daugh- Diocesan conven tion of the Episc.p al a flag to carry_ trouble . Mr. Marsha ll was a breth· tera. Hl18hand, one son anj one church . Everyo ne attendi ng the exercises er of Jeaeph Marshall of thl. plac•• dau~bter have preced ed her to their is asked to wear the nationa l colors heaven ly bome. W. H. Madden has some Rocking or a spria- of evergre en in accorda nce In early life she united with the Chairs on hand at his wareho use, with the reques t of the Depart ment Mrs. David Thoma s died at her Christi an church and dieci an honore d that he williel l very cheap. Go and Comllland~r, G. A. R_ home north of Waynesville Saturd ay r,nember of that church . see them. mornin g. May 18, qed 62 years. The following is the program : Her natural make-u p was a eheer· The funeral wu held at her late ful dI.posi tion. always seeing the Zimme rman, the grocer, secur.ed Ameri ca-Cho rus and audien ce Itria-ht lide of everyth ing, and we anothe r large orjer for grocerI residen ce Tuesda afterno on at ; .• • • • • • • •_ • • • • • • • • • es Invocation ••••••••• 2 o"clock. Rev. J. F. Cad~allader can say with empw is that she bore from the Childrens Home at LebaSongChorull officiat ing. Interm ent was made In her luiteri np with Christi an Ita- non, Tuesda y. Addres i . . . . Dr. S. D. Fess, Presi· Miuni cemete ry. tience and fortitu de. . .. .. . . . .. dent of Antil'>ch College HAS BOUOHT OROCERV A more extend ed accoun t will be 811NQ l'OLIR ANT. Mrs. Martha Compto n Siebold and Song-C horu!l CARD OF THANKS publish ed in next week'a ialsue of the little daught er of Hamilt on, are, Readin g of Lincoln'a GettJs burg . Everyday life is filled with a lot We desire to .expreaa our .Iincere visiting her pa;ents , Mr. ami Gazett e. H. O. CoMlIII bu ,urehu ed the Mrs., Addreaa . . . Rev. J. F, Cadwa llader very bard problema. Each indirid - F.,rry .rrocoery of Jaa. '1'homa thanks ~ our frl~ncls and neIghb ors Elijah Compton. a. He Star Spangl ed Bannne r . . ... . . . : . . Matthe w T. Berryh ill, a wealth y nal can 101ve them to a large eden' inteoda to keep the bulln whe, dunng the llineu and death of . . up to, ... . . Mias Lucy Emley and Chorus our dear mother . 10 kindly lent their Rev. J. F. Cadwa llader by a little inner rdectio n, by over- and indeed, will SO beyond left this • _ • the old farmer ef near Wayne sville, paBlMld t'oming prejudicea, b.y permit ting kind aMiatance. AIIO te Rev. L. O. mornin g for Cincinnuti to at~end ' etandard. and bopee to'" all hit 014 the PRETT V SMOOTH CROOK awa:v at 8:30 o'clock Wedne s4ay other people to enjoy their own kind ' Thomp son for his kind wonls of con- Episcopal convention of the c~tb~erB and many new ones. evenin g after an illness of enly Southa of dolence and the ain&ers who ren- ern Ohi<» Diocese. pleuur e. their own ideaR, and to GIve hIm a call and he wlU convinc . Thurid ay momin& e ' a traveli ng week'i duratio n. ~ week ago.he work dered such beautif ul hymns Also, out their own aalvation accord- you. man stopped at the GUltin house. suffere d a p~raIytlc stroke. ....... which ing to their cooacience. Mr. McClure for .tbe kiud manne r in Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Ridge, 'of Day· When taken to the railroad , he o'f. result:ed i? hIB d,eath. PrevaOI18 to LATE CLASSIFIED ADS which he IlGnducteci the funeral . 'rhe art of being toleran t is aimton. attende d the Alumn i and were fered pay his bill. asking Mr. In s~teh~ ~ ~~~ ~ ply the art of mindin The Children. guesl:8 of Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Gustin to g your OWD for change for $10. which years. e n 10 air y avvu busine88 and grantin g other people- - -....- . R'd over Sunday Eta .oak. ,. Inouba tor. PrIoe was forthco ming. He then told him h. HARVEVSBURO SCHOOLS CLOSE I Ke t.he pririleg e that ODe ub for him. .t1:~ 00. Inqaire of . he would live him a draft on a . Mr. Be~hill. was },om anj. mE.PItS. reared ~lf, Mrs. T . E, Cummi ngs and two Clev~land firm, which he did, ._ ..._ __ but m th.e locality 10 which he died anti .On Friday , lIayl1* h, 'he pUpUI BOna and Mr J. B Cummi ngs. of Mr. Gustin was out $9 . After com. was o~e of tho best It is the healthy , everyday, norN ti fA' t .known ~d. most mar or dle Banlly .barg Publlo Sohool . Xenia, were guests of Mrs. life that comea n.reat to Mary inK te town, Mr. Guatin took the proJJune~t farmen 10 0 ce 0 ppom men t , the viclDlty of pvo thotr final en'er. lnmen ' and Wise, lut week:. DetIIl, tbat lU808 and keeps frienda. · draft to the bank, but upon inves- WaynesvIlle. He wu tlae _ , .owner of abtbU . that baa the greateat power of enr- I\a~t".~~"b:m.~ tigation no firm coulll be found in 300 -.cree of !he best land '10 =S: Sugar· IilTery ohlld had .ome par' In the Mr. anti Mn. Thoma s Mason and Cleveland by that name. cising iduenc e over othera. ' =c:.."'~.':::a::tQ~.A. OrllD!:l: . creek .townsh lp. .. varied, weD render ed program . two children. of Xenia, were . Com· Mr. Gustin proceeded to get busY. ~e lallurvi vod "y hll wife, who IB One d~'t bne to keep raciDc ~::J'~~v::~'o~\ty Tho ..lecmone were good and the mencem ent guesl:8 of Mr. and :llong Wlth the futeat to keep in Mrs. and found the fellow was headed for qUite an aged w~mall. AL&xBb~ eLL. and on~ .0, obUdn n &,ave eylden oe of oanful Ed and family. Lebanon and he telephoJ)ed, Marahal Dou&'lu. There ' are no surv:t vin the Ilande of human ity.. 2& J~":' ~.t:lr;: &, tnlnlnK . Th. wo.. t in drawin l .nd na'nre Mr. anj Mra. W. H . Allen and Frazer. who soon got his man. brothe rs and .u.ters. After he had !teen told he imme- The funeral took place . IXPLO IIYI DIIT. Saturd ay Mady w.. n ..&11 arranK ed for in Rev and Mrs J . F . Cadwa llader diately proceed ed to put up the ten mornin g at his late reaidenee. Inapeotto n and abowed marlred pro. apent Suntlay afterno on the There II a young man in Lot Anguesl:8 and no questio ns asked. Harve got termen t was made in Bellbrook, gelee wbo 'l'be &M.ohlnjf of drawin g of Mrs Mary Caskey, at Lebanon. he keep8 young by it. and ditln't prosecu te. . • - • w .. Era'al toa OD the par' of the eeting nitroglycerin tablet.. He • • fI A BAD RUNAWAV . _&Ob. rl. U proved 'h.t, as the . now leV4lillt,..three and declan ahe Messrs. C. A. Bentley , Ralph A PLEAS ANT SURPR ISE •. IJaperi ntenieu '- believe d, "If luob Smith, Ronald and Fred Hawke expect. to li.. to be a hUDdled yean -AND were Mrs. S, D, ClaytOn an~ Mia Edna otd. Such a diet il all right work -.ral Rood for Lebano n and in Dayton Wednesday evening I for a at· The closing of Corwin achool was Stout started out fo~ a nde Su~daJ, man who doee not hue to huatle for Stock Raiaen, Take Notic w.ya....n... I' II good for HaneY I· t~nding a ahow, ana seeing Roosee! marked by a ,Ieasan t event on Fri· but. BOon after leavan.r the Frlenda a li'IiDg and baa no fear of automoburl. •• velt, etc. day when the patrons appear ed at Home one of the rubber tires became bile aeCidenta. whOle friendJ do not Patron e and friends feel 'ha' tbe Anyon e wantin a a eood' Boar pig the school house at the noon hour loose and hit the brse, aohool, wlatoh 0108811 with <lomwhich greet h4,m by .lappin g him on the come and look after A.out t~en.ty-fi~e bue ball fanl with baskets of provisions and It now, ul inan ~tarted to run and while turning back and whoee wife doee menee mea' ExeroiBea on the twenty . went to Cmcmnatl, Monday not d-.. tend to castrate all of our pip in ~ft~r. elabora te dinner was spread . McClu re's comer the bUKIY four,h. baa hl\d. in &he laandl of noo~ to see the New Y~rk.C mcm- The teachers, Miss Alice Cooke throwi ng the two ladies out. upeet, him into bugain counte r ruabee. -0; June. The aires of all theBe pip IIr. Jl.oadebu9h anlt hi. able ueilt· natl game. The late tram course ;, man who teeda himaelf on are ,ure stopped and MiSl! Maria Stout wishing to bred, bi& type, frem Iowa, The horse was immed iately stopped nitroglyCerin hu to liYa long, 'anY, JI1aeea Badley . BI80ny and fOlr them. for the l.r,eet Itock of hop I ever give the childre n a little surpris e haul by some men. _ Mrs. Clayt~n '. back if he ahould die there would be 1\0 .w-Po lanfl Cb~. lIull, a year of more than usual d d h ordered ice cream senl over W88 .badlY apraml!d. and MIB8 Stclut underta ller daring IUOO8U . enough to . tackle M.MrsM~~rna cat~ a.n fi r~g ~~r, about the middle oftothebeafterno on. reeem~d a seYere IIhaking up. It the jobot prepari ng him On8 Who WIS There. for burial ISS. mam, 0 . prml e G: h ISS Some of the men, hearin& of it, ~ill take BOrne time for the ladies to Still a diet which r • - • • Ida GIthens and MISS Lelya It ens, doubled the order. The afterno cannot ~ ree- S~M on recove r from the shock of the acci· ~.ded:.: tOOtDa-Uof Dayton. were w;uests of Mrs. Eva COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOL .... _. . d t Miller and famil, during Com. ~as spent . Wayne evlie, 0hI0. . -10 playma -.I"ame s and hav· en. . ~ y ----- - ---~.-----The Forty·r unth annual convention 109 a genera l good bme. mencem ent. • _ ...._ __ Notl", of Lot Owner s Meetlax of tbe Warren County Sunday-School . '~/ILL HOLD MISSION aaaociation will be held at the MethC. M. Cartwr Ight and son. Lever'Y 1'1)e annual meetinK of lot .wners odiat Epi!cop al church Butlerv ille. in~, ar~ived .here Lfrom. Chic!l~ ~ A mission will be held at S of Miami Cemete ry A880Ciation will Ohio May 23 and 24 1912 A Friday momm g, evermg WI . . t. , bee ' - ed s,end the summe r with his grand· August mes Roman Cathohc Church occur !llonday, June 3, 1912, at two lengthy proltra m has n JX'8p ar, t M d M S L . Cart Beginning May 26th and continu ing o'clock p. m. 't I . ~-.. th t f paren s, r. an rs . and I a. expecloCU , a m~ny rom wri ht. Two Truste es and a Secreta ry· Monday and TUeMay_ The w89iori Wa1n~vllle will attend t~UI meetg will Be in ch'uge of a mission prieat, Treasu rer will be el~ted and such Ing. Rev. C, S. Grauae r 19 ~n the Willie . Haines left last week for and some good sermon s are antici- other buaines s transac ted u will prOl'ra m for Thursd ay evemng for Dayton . where he has accepte d a pated. proper ly come before the meetln a. To all nearb y to~s and an adel... .. position with one .f the Kroger All are cordially invited J. O. Cartw ript; to these cities, at r~sonable rates. ~~~~~~=~==~I!::= groceri es there. LintUey Milia haa eervices. Secretarv. For partic ulars, call on or -'-taken his place in Zimme rman's - - -•• - . - - phone to grocer y. PREPARINO FOR FOURT H ST. MARV'S CHUR CH Mesers. Fr~ 8arnar d, Orange Prelim inary arrange ments are be-: Whltw nday, Mq 28th. Sunday Itaper, Harvey Ify., Lee Hawke, ing made for the Muooi c ,icnlc tQScq oolat 9:10 a . m.; ·Holy Coma.1Inoy . Chenowenh. Chaa. Sherwood be held at Ft. Ancient. C. PhoDe 71-11." M. Roe ion .and· ~ atJO:~• . At 8,. m; Corwin, Ohio . and Hallie Hathaw ay were in Leb- bitzer il h~ at work. n the pro- .t h. Mem~rIaI sennon for anon, Saturd ay, taking the_ Civil . lD ~J&..Jnd a bll crowd . Every """.,,"·~b. c l~~ce examlnat.ion., . peeted to attend. ..~" .



--- --- --






.. Hawke's Grocery.. YOU KNOW.

--- __ ..---













_A. ELtlS,


Automobile Uvery Service

._-_.- ..

Use the Gaz ette 's

CI...ifieci Column




Sixty4'hird Year


.-~,- - - - - - - - .


t For mer Citizens 1.. :--- --- --- -.



r'F::::::::::::::::===::::::::::'':::::::::=::::::::::::=:::::::::'::l l



Whole Numb er 3161


Rvm~~~~TCO""P.NC;-1 So~iet; -i~;s-


HA She il not but sleepeth. Entered into the rest of Paradis e Prof. D. A. Ferree, for the past her home near Waynesville, Ohio, three years the able lprincipal of the Saturd ay morDina, May 18th, 1912, -_ •••• _... . -~--.- .......... ... ... --.-••-... Washin gton «igh school, has ac· Mrs. David W. Thoma s in School was held at the Town Hall , Mary amI Nir.a Smith pi c:knicke the 63rd d 011 J. C. Hawke was in Dayton Sunday . cepted the superin tendenc y of the year of her age. Swee t Potato Plants- For sale by Friday evenin g May the 24th. It the mill groun,J s Friday afterno o n. Waverl y public Ichools, and will D. H. Hocket t . Sarah Elizahe th. eldest daught er was a splendid success in eve ry way . Go to Mrs. E. C. Stout for your lOOn leave for that place. The class consisted of five girls Rnd .f Mahlon G. and Eliza Carter MI' . and Mrs. W .T J ordan apd Prof. Ferree came to this city from Thompson, was born at Wellma H at. Ma:iter Holmes Stoops is visitin2' two boys . n, ua lo ).(htt' r, Viola of Wt:II IlI UIi . we't: his grandp arents. Napoleon, where he held the position Warren Co ,Ohio, March 218t, "A Box of Monkeys" was well 1BiO. Miss Leah Smith is here to spend rendere d by Anne Doster, Mabel Sunday gues ts or Cha.; GnlY of princip al, and has "made 2'ood" In the year 1867 her parents and Decoration day. O. W. Hamilton spent last week Starr, Gail Unglesbee, Clifford in the fullest senae of the term while moved to Mi880uri, where her Bu- family. father' with his ch ildren in Dayton. in Washina1:on . While the promo- ditld .. A year and a half zick and Clarence Allen. 8ach did later the Mrs. Lizzie Yeazel spent Fr iday Rev a'iu MrM. C. S (; rall~t:r ... ere tion i! merited by Prof. Ferree, and family returne d to Ohio in M d M A B S'd their part splendidly, showinlr ability impaire d with Mrs. Harry Sherwo od. pl easantly r. an.. enterta int:o at tht! hom e rs. . I es ~ere and skill. The audience was conthe Board of EduC'ation and his many health. Dny ton VISItOrs Thurs<iay and Friday . vulsed with· laughte r from of friends here are pleased to see his In early life and yi)un~ Mr. and Mra W Salis uury un Itart to woman . Filtere d Gasoline for Auto's at the advanc ement, yet they deeply re~ret hood the lubject of this memoi Tueada y . r lived Waynesville Auto and Machinery Co. fest Grade steam cylinde r oil. finish. to Bee him leave Washin~ton. in the homes of others caring for The class "Will" Wall well written Waynes ville Auto and Machinery Co. Last Wednesday w~s Ed Retallick '! Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bruner are P ro. f F erree's successor has not herBe If. One by Opal Thompson, K'ivin2' evid ent e birthciay and Mrs Retllilic of a family of four spen4in g the summe r vacatio n at k had a Mrs. Benj. Hawkin yet been named_ - W8Ihin~ton (C. childre n, !!he is survived s, of near Sabi· of a keen and brilrht by two M imai'in ation f~w friends in to dinner in rem t:m· na visited her father, I. E Keys last H.) Daily Herald . The many friends brother a, Chas. W Thomp The class poem. "L'Env oi", writ- brance of th e day . Tho~e aon, of ason. vresweek . • f Prof, Ferree at Wayneavillti, will V~rsail\es, Ohio, .ad D. ten and delivered by Audrey Thomp · ent were M- and Mn. Triad Corwin M, C. Liddy has put up a hand~im . be ~lad to hear of his promot ion . son, showed depth of expression ThomplOn, of Numa, Oklahom'&, IIIld some marker at hIs wife's S S M~rs . J . E. Janney and MadIson promis I grave in ing in one so youni'. • - • her liater Mrs. Jobn Zell, of Corwin, Miami cemete ry . . ~eKI.n sey , lef t on the 17th for Cal. Rev. C. S. Grause r, of Wayne.sville merma n, Mrs. arah mit 1. Cha~. "The Prodigal Son" Ruth and Harold Zimm erman . 0 hio. Iforma . . a f orcef u I an d' direct . On March 12, 1872 she was married In manner , Master Charles Grauller spent the A series Qf four sermon ! will be to David W. Thomaa, of which Mr. and Mrs. Chas . Chapm an, of spoke to the class on "Succe as" union fint of the week in the country at His Mr. and Mrs. Edmun d Retallick preache d on the abeve subject by five childre n, four SODS Sp. ringboro, atlende d the Haines sale re~arks were well cholen and and one the Salilbu ry home. appro~n te rta'lIed Sunday at their hospiSat urday. the paator durini the month of June dau~hter were born, all of prlate. table home t he following guests: whom, . 1912 In the Metbod ist Episcopal with the husban d and Prof. C. A. Bruner in his inimita · Mr. and Mrs. Frank ~Elbon, Mr. father are ?asolln e Stov~ fa lied . for and raIUld church , Waynesville, O. Hour of stilllivin~, her death bein~ Mrs. J. C. Hawke inspeeted ~ hi e way. with a few apt remark the first pa~red, WaynesVille Auto and Maa Mrs. Fred Elbon. Mr. and Mrs. Eastern Star lodge at N(:w Vieilria present ed the diplom as, thu service 7:00 p. m. in tbe family . ~ writing Robert Crew. Mrs. Rachel Crew. chmery Co . Thursd ay evening. "Finis" to the Harvey sburg High Misses Ruth Zimme rman and THEMIiS Baptized, confirm ed and a com· Hazel Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Lacey. of School work for seven bright young IGustin, Messrs. Henry and June 2-"Dividin~ the Estate" or raunica nt of St. Mal')"8 Episcop Fral.k al Dayton , spent the week·e nj with Prof . C. H. Young, of Lebano n, people. "A Father 's Mistak e." Observ er. Crew and Phineas Cook. Somc nice ehurch . she found comfor t and in- Mr. and Mrs. Horace Kirby . wal! the guest of hi" mother , Mrs. - - -... - • June 9-"Lea ving Home" or "Go- Ipiratio n In her religiouB life music was enjoyed in the afterno on. and Ma.ry Young Saturd ay. NEW CENTURY CLUB in~ to the Devil." lived consist ently. Mi88 Cecelia Snook and Mr. Cheste r June 1~"Goinl Back" er "The Sarah Elizabe th Tbomu was a Snook, of South Lebanon, are spend. Mr. and Mrs; Jerry Himes, of The New Centur y Club held Value of COnviction." very true help-m ate, devotin&, her life 'to in!! several weeks with rel.tive A few lady friend~ of Mrs. J. W shere. ~ntervi lle, were gU('8ts of Mr. and pleasan t meetin g at the cosy ahome June za-"T hat Elder Brothe r" or her husban d, home abd White ed her by walkin g in family. . on her Burpris last Tuesda y evening to celeMrs . Owen Burnet Saturd ay. "Little ThinII' Wllich Mar." of Mrs. A. Maffitt, on Friday afterCourqe ously and steadfa stly she Dr. J. T, Ellis, J. O. Cartwr \lrht , . . ' noon of last week. The response to brate her birthda Special mumc will be provide d in met the trials and vicill8itudea y. She was very of life I an4 F. H. F~rr ~ttended a ,?eetln&' (,asoline S:oves, repaire d. N.otlfy roll call were the names of connec tion with these servicu . Do and did Iler part nobly and Ohio much surpris ed and a very pleasan t wen'lo f the ~ottl8h ~Ite Masons In DaY- Ithe WayneSVIlle Auto and Machinery cities. It being the time of the an. evening ~as not miaa them. Her last iIlneas ef more than a year'! ton Fnday evemnlr. "pent with. !tames and Co. and they will call for them. nual election the followi nr officera convers atIOn. MM. WhIte Clarenc e S, Grause r, duratio n, she bore with patienc e was the _. I . were elected: Pres., Miss Elizabe th recipie nt of p,eyeral n~ce Pastor. and fortitu de,-ho ping for recover y, D M~B8e8dKaMtha~lneCoPrken and presen ~. dergasde dt, Ehva !d Mr · te Mdrs · L . dHMvlnsWon and Carrull ; Vice Pres., Mrs. C. M. Those • _ • but resipe d if God should order aVIs an presen t l~erbe:thMSlsses GeoMr&'la attle o . atten te l au:g h r. an Mr. an rs. INTERESTING LETTE R FROM th erner Hough; Sec .• Mrs. J. W. White; Hadden and E Iza e ' H I ~ b h tewart, eeSunday-school aonven tlon at Butler- Iof Dayton , were guests of Mr, and Treas Mias Marne Drown J. E. JANNEY dames Grause r. Zell, McClure, Carey, ~an~r:n~~hild~ ::~love=d ~~ ville lut Thursd ay and Friday . Mr!! J. W . White Sunday . M~~ E. S. Bailey reada~ excelle nt HOBier, Hou2'h, Smith and Farr. votion of a wife and mothe r,-a paper on "Ohio 's PrePide nt's" ; HOUlton. Texu, May 22, 1912 self I8et'ificin&, and eelf denyin , life. Mrs. Allen's paper "Ohio in Litera · At her pleaaan t home on Main M., lI&'ht perpetu al shine upon Dear Lec:-W hilat waitinc lor train • • • •• ture" was street very Mrs. A. T. Wright enterta,ined interes her and-he tinJ and r end in · be peace. _ _ thou&'ht I would write you reprdi ng s truct1ve. ' Mrs. Walter Reed fa· a numbe r of ladies with "500" aD , J. F_ C. tbinaa I have Been here and at Gal vored the ' Iaoies with a charmi ng Monday afternoon_ CARD OF THANK~ vestOn. This is a wonderflll city, vocal solo. At four o'clock a dainty and deWe wish to thallk OUf' relative s, ranklnK' Ut~ city as to bulk of bu~ i · Elegan t rE'fr~hl lle licious Its were lunch Wall served. served neiJl'hb ors and friellds for the kindDelli; it has more hOlels than Cincinby the hostes!! The , guests assisted were: Mrs. J . A. ColeBY neftS Mrs. and sympat hy ~!;own us during nati and much .larger; ita bank de Barnha rt and Mrs_Hathaw ay, during man, Mrs. F. B. Henderllon, Mrs. pOsita amoun t to over $S6,O(lO,(I00; the illness and death .f our beloved th~ plea~:mt social hour. The guest Edith Harris, Mrs. Laura Mosher , bave leveral more tall buildings than .wife and mnt.her : tu Rev. J It'. Cadof the hostess was Mrs Walter Reed, Mrs Emmor Baily, Mu. Lina Devitt, Dayton , and not 80 large, only ,bout walladtlr for hi!! con:lOling words, of Chicalr:!..o Mrs. J. B. Chapm an, Mrs. Annie :.,._ ___ .. _ 100,000 popula tion. Many of its tho! singer!!, ti'e underta ker, and to Thorpe . Mrs. Geo. Hawke , Mrs. BOARD ElECT TE~CHERS bankin a rooms are equal to those of all for the fl •• ral offeringll Israel Sattert hwaite , Mrs. Agnea ChiciIrQ • . The cotton cro!)!! or thill David W. ThllnUll; and It' amity. The Wayne Township Board of Wri~ht, Mrs. E. V . Barnha rt, Mrs. State practic ally all go throug h this Educat ion met in adjourn ed session Warren Barnet t, Mrs. Walter Reed, OBnU '\IH' market ; in fact Lhis port stands next 011 Thur~day eveni.llg and employ ed Mrs. W. H. Allen, Mrs. J. 0_ Cartto New Yorlr, greate r tha'l New Edwin S. MSl'Rhall was born March tl'acher s for the comin!t year. Those wright, Mrs. Cynthi a Evans, Mrs. Orlean s by $33,000,000, grt!ater than 16, 1868 and depart~ this life MllY chollen wei e: H. E Hathaw ay, Mrs. D. L. Crane Baltim ore by $100,000,000, greater 17, 1912, aged 44 years, 2 Supt ., months F. C. Gilmoll and r; Miss Emma Heighway. DiRt. No. I, than lpHa over SlOO,QOO,OOO. -Red Oak, Ona Strawn ; Dist. No. an d 1 day . . c- Galv~tonr- Us neighbol'illg city, He was the younge st of DEATH 2- Sugar Grove, Lucile Cornell; seven baa just comple ted itsailra ntic cause- childre n born to Jesse R. Dist No 5-Coll ege Hill . Helen Mc· and Ruth way, • massive link of steel .and can· !laraha ll. HewAII marrie d Clure; Dist . No. 6-Mt. Holly, . Albert Q. Bradstr eet, 68, a wellto Mllr". crete, connec ting it with the main- dllu~hter of Ch .. rll:ll MUO Lyuill Mary D/lvis; Dist. No. 7- ·Spring known farmer and florist, who lived Pint!, land. It is over two miles lon!t and Octobe r fi, 1904. Branch , Ethel Stokes; Dist. No 8 for 25 years on a farm near the Zion . Throu .h t\.r, courtes y of a friend in Ha"veyt;burg, for: whom ~ cost over $2,000,000. It carries ~ev· ch urch, died sudden ly of hearttr ouble '·h ey -Harm ony Grove, Eleano He moved to Sprina Valley where were written... r Earnha rt; we are permit ted to pubi ish the following verses by Mrs. eral steam tracks and eledric rail- he lived a numbe r of years. shortly after midnig ht Sunday . He Dist. No. lo-Low Hia Laura Varner Reed ell, Alma Water· . roads f?geth er with roadw~ and health failed and h. remove had been in appare nt .ood health house; Dist. No. IS-Gre en Briar, d to the pedes~rl~ . path. Galveston 18 ~he country where he resided two yeara and was about his place Saturd ay, Under the trees of the Avenue, Laura McKinsey. ..oat sullon&' exampl e of the lm- and mo.. but durin2' the ni';tht was awaken ed Childre n trudge on the road to school; Boxwe ll·Patte rson Comme ncemen t provem ent , of' phYllic;at, comme reial He ~ • areat IlUfferer from Lovers loiter along the way. will be on June 13 or 14. All per· by a nauseous feeling. He arouse d and munici pal con~lti~na. It was neura l. havin&' been cenfine Plightl n" the vows of the golden rule; sons who will take part please take his wife and complained of feeling d to one of peraist ant tenacit y tn, the face the hOUile abnc. the entire very bad, and after gettin2 ' up in the Neighb ors meet and stop to ehat winter. .notice.1: . . - - + _ __ of almGBt ap"al1in~ conditlo~, and So great was Ills lutterin&, that room for a few minute s 8&'&in laid Of crop!! and weathe r and lltalte of trade: many ita ~rd one of tile &,rea&test In COlli- times he prayed to be release ELECT down, ION quickly expirin g. Dr, J. L. NOTES The poor and needy, t!1e rich and proud d Carter, of West Carroll ton, was called mercia l develop ment. Have bleBBe411 aUke the beautif ul shade. For yeers )laSt he haa realized the Whe!) the official count of the re- but he arrived after Matt and I ~alked nearly th~ en- saving graeeo f bis Savior. This the man was waa turns of 'the primar ies was gone dead. Under the. trees of the Avenue, tire lencth of Ita wonder ful sea wall hia trust over, it was found that Sam'l Irons The grtlS!l grows &,reen in the days of Spring; of conere te 17 feet bi&'h and 80 feet Mr. Bradst reet was born in War. Beside:. bis wife, he leaves two WIUJ nomina ted for Commi8Bioner reon And web hid in the shelter wide at top, and flve miles loll&'. ing boughs , county , where he spent many listers four Itrothltra . and two instead of Frank Miller. al80 Wal· years. During Ria entire The n..tlng robins cheerily In buildin&' this wall the ~ity un- nephe~ and many relative s and residen ce dron Gilmou r nosed ~ut Ju. Follen in Montgo mery cou~ty Violets 'broide r the path with blue, dertook to raiae end" of city to a friendll to moum hia 1088 he haa lived for sheriff by a small majorit y. The winds come sweet o'er crowin~ fields~ maxim um height ef 19 feet. It has in the nei&,hborhood of his presen t • - ....~-. Althou gh the returns were not home on rural ro the poet taken teD yean to bring ."out heart and artist eye, route No. 7 en the TOWN SHIP TRUST EES satisfac tory to all concern ed, the Lama road, just off What a scepe of beauty the picture yields. conditi on at a coat of over fI,OOO,OOO. the Cincinn ati ones that kick the hardes t are the pike, about iour miles They .al80 have ' several hanliaome The ToWDlhip Truate es met in from Dayton . Under the trees of t.he Avenue , .nes who atayed at home an4 did not Besides his wife, botela. on. coatin&, 11,000.(1)0, the recular l88IIion Monda.r ni&'ht he is survive d by and Many have passed wlto are far away; come out to vote. Galvez, one of the finest I ever saw. transac ted a bie lmoun t of two daught er3, Mrs. Ava McCaaay, buainMB Some who walked in youthf ul strengt h, The attacks made on lOme of the who lives in the The oil interea ta of thi. State are The levy w-aa dlatrib u ted into same neighb orhood , the Are feeble now and old and gray; candid ates by a county ' sbeet, waa and Mi88 Nellie opl,. immen ae, . and .all of it is varioua channels. Bradst reet. who reiome have &,one .".ho will not retum regard ed as a joke, and many a jest sides at home. E. abipPecl throu, h Houlto n, F. B. Sher ood handed in his res· W. Bradat reet, The path &'I'ew cUm o'er the Great Divide; r W88 beard about it, wbile it had no Iatart this J), m. ft)r LOa ~1e8' ipatio n aatreaa urer, and it Will> of Xenia, is a brother , and Mrs. R~ acAnd thou,h they are vaniabecl from our sight, we~ht whatev er in the isaue. . . Yours ~ly. ' ' cepted. Eo V, Barnha rt waa elected E. Dearth , of Detroit , is a sla~r, ·W. f ..l they are safe on the other side. ~. J.'E. Janney. to the position. There were seven Numer ous distant relative s live . in .THE HAINES SALE - - -••"'~-:.".--.- ..,plicanta for the place. . Undete the tl'ee8 of the Avenue , Dayton . AnSNT ION O. O. F. The sale o! the chattel propertY'of The body will be brou&'ht toW~ The fol1o~ road aupermteDd. The d,reamer 4t:eam8 of mpre fair, ~. . the late Eli~ Haines waa heli Satur- nesville Friday anll tbeaerviC4!ll'W enta were elected:-Harry Prater, Where Love-alid Beauty reign aupre. e, ijI II., and·att 'l'acted alup numbe r of be held at the 'M. E: - And each man'a weI faN ilallm ;n's care; CharI.. Wm. 1IaJ, Eills pe(lp~e ~1I1 ladi". Bouse- 0'c1oc:k. ~e Rev. H, R ..i.". Bonlat t. Corwin RamThoU'~ ,d"'ppointDienta .~t heart, 1l~; I.~ltOlii)"~~'hn~~K.eIiO~.{~ ~. ~',J~ '.; hold furnitu re 1I01d at good ,ri~, 0," Mlamia,bur~, ictlOwa that It laat pod dr~:~.p~ true, &ad all . ~ "be .tlafie d j v1th . "S. · Gra~r, OfftC~tll~.~" -In.b""fD~'1 .'_TbOJJa:~ IU1·~ther an~ ~ii~m., ~alli· .. tiei ·;'Alone tlj.:~u~ul Avenue. '. ~:.. r.pQ ~ ' .' . -; " . "will ~ m.e ~ ,MtI~i ;'~~'i~ } t. -r /:',

I. ~. . . .~~~~~~~~.~. .~~~~~. -.. .~j



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On the Avenue . . . . .

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,hey 8aved HII Life, ' It pa, 10 stall your motor oar I art6r at: accide nt a.nd g.'~ back to see I D. L. CRANE, Pub li sher. wbat bas happe ned '! ' Two young mo-l I tor ls ts on Ihe south aide believe It WAY l\ES YJ L L I!:, 011 10. doe a. \',Itb [l g reen cba uffeur Ulese two boy s we re tr yi ng out a new model RADIUM IN HUMAN UODY7 touring ca r . Th oy were s ltUng In Ule In his IIl'"Cst IS.ll llon 01 t h.O r!ld IOnc- 1 p ·ROFF.S60R F. 8. JACOBY PLAN S SMALL BUILDING THAT CAN hack seltt wheu the greenhorn at the Ihl ty of the OrgOtlR or the b um nn fi tec rlng wh eel gs\'e It a twist and liE TAKEN APART AND STORED AWAY hod y, Ur . A Illert ('nRII of I leicel berg catue wlthlll a u nce or blttlug lin old WHEN NOT IN USE, has exnllllnl'd 4 1 oq;ans (rolll 13 d lfman at It crossing. The vl('lim W88 rer e ll! pI'rso n. , nlHI e\'e ry o ne or the lll s o ~ bo c ked UIlll be r ~1I to tbe pavement, lind It crowd gRther ed In an In· eontaln ed some subs ta uce t ha t lU ade By P . ! Jacoby, College of ~I oulture, Ohio State UQlverl!lt~.) . s lant. ·t ho nl r e ll'ct ri<' Rl ly co ndu c tive. a s Looking tJa" k , we motori s ts decided a bow n by the iJcrck e r emn nometer , that Iblngs look ed bad, but Ihot they, w "'It WIlS co nc lud ed tb ,,1 tb ls s ubs t:ln ce had better go lIack li nd see wh ether ! ~ (J • U1u st lie rn dlon c ll\'(' , t holiS h possib ly Ihe old party was kill ed. ,,'Indlng blm I Excited Customer-A mnn JUlt not radium Itse lf. Th e bra in . and all rlgbt, but wind ed, th4!1 took him dropped dead on the first floor. al so t he lu nge, pro ved Hry active: but lor a nice rid e around the parkS. 80 Floor Walker (In bIg uopal'tment Iho beo rt Rnd liv e r were less eo. and pl easant did th e y make It ror him that store)-Tbat's all right, s ll'. You'll when they took blm home to bls wire flnd t~e "Undertllklng Department'- on Ih e ki dn eys llU t! s pl ee n s ho wed only Tommy (~ (,cd elghtl - Sar, papa, he Introduced tbem liB "The two YOunl; tbe Hrtb Ooor. IIlI g hl a etl\·ltl' . Th e radi oa ctIve sub.·bl\t Is tho Cillre re nco betw ee n au ar- I men wbo sav ed my lICe." ------Btonce 6l'<l lll ed to In c reaso with age !ls an amI an IIrtls t? They are -now thinking or 0 l>plylng Surgeon In Ancient Time., DO li In d isease. Uttle ettect was Olle eats reglllnrly and Ibo l for Carnegie medals. High bonorarlums were Ilalll IIUrs ho wn from Buch cODdltlons as social olher does u't.. I geona In anclenl Umes. Wben Dar· I fUll, the ~OO or Hytitsspes, IIpru lned hla pos ition, occuputlon or manner or IIvHer Little Ring. 'I A Kind-Hearted Man. foot Damocedes wss called In , another lug , a nd e \'en locality of living was "Mr. Wombat!" surgeon of renown huvlng railed to Ma ry ha d IL little ring; 'tWitS gl\'en uni mportan t. Radioa c tive substancea b)' ber beau ; and everywhe re that "Couple of sutrra ge ttes out here e trect a eure_ Damocedes was auc- tbe etl'ect of wbl cb aD tbe vital acMary went tbat ring wa s sure to /l0 . throwing stones at your window," ce68rul, Bnd the king took him to bls tivity of tbe body cells remains te She took tile rIng with bet one day, bflwled tb e policeman . barem lind Introduced the doctor to be learned - might come rrom food wh en she went Ollt to tea, where . she "How loug have lbt'Y been dolO. the ludles or t:te court. The ladles and drink, or from the air. The testmight display It to the girls who _num- tbat 1" rtlle1 a vnse of gold with money and bered twcnty· three, "Oh, scveral bours." precIous pearls, which a eunuch ~al! :ng emanome ter Includes a receptacle And wh e n girl s all saw Inat ring, " Let 'em alone . Il amuses the gIrls ordered to carry t.o the doctor. Tile tor tbe asbes at ahout 100 gralnl at th ey made SL great ado, exclaIming aDd I don't be lie ve tbey 'll hIt the wIn· eunuch let tall tbe vase, aDd Lhe car&tbe organ under test, and this Is conwith one voice : "Has It at last got dow ." {ul hIstorian tells U8 that slaves gPtb· nected by eleclrlc wIres and a rubber round to you '1" ered UII tile Ilearls. (ube to a wire eleclrometer--wltb a EalY to Support. microscope tor line readings-In the Impolite, " Yes, my daugbt e r 18 goIng to mar· Over That Now_ circuit at a storalre baltery. "Why -woul:dn't you put out your ry a poet." "II (heir honeymoon ov e r ?" tongue for title doclOr tbls morning, "How- can you bear to see your "I guess 50 . She's stopped slttle. Knoak-Down Poultry HOUle Complet •. Tbe new Pulitzer Scbool of JournalY.ll'I?" daughter marry a poet?" up for him when hc's out late night .... "Ob, Emmy, 1 COUldn't. I don't "Ob, a poet alu 't so bad . He can 111m at Columbia unlverBlty IB not to The /'Onstruotion of a poultry houllo IIcult of construction owlns to the know him well enough."-FlIegende \\ ear myoid c!otlles and be won't eat EYen the abs ent·mlnded man may be tbr9wn open to \lOomen, It bill been la one or tht! most Important consld· doors and windows. A batten door Blaelter. much." have a good presence. decided, but the rellion given Is the eratlons In poult ry keeping. Fowls 2 ft. 6 in. x 6 ft. 6 In. is olaced at on. ~~~---------------------~--------------------.---------------------broader grount! of tbe unlverBlty polIIl'e extft'mE'ly susceptible to cenaln side with the clolb window adjoining Icy Illat does not admit womeD to diseases which are often traceable to IL A hrace 6 rt. 6 In. from the floor courses, rather than the narrow prlntorms the top frame of the duer, cloth poorly constructed poultry houses. curtaIn and glass windows and a sim. dple of feminine unlltneBI for tbe YOFor tbls reason, the bouse should be Iler one, 2 (I. 6 Ill., from Ibe floor caUon ."\ question, sayS U:e Phlladeldry, cheerful, we ll ventilat ed nnd rorm s tbe bottom framing at the wlllpbla Ledger. Some women have brilsllnltary . ~v and curtain. The 8ldln~ Is not liantly Bucceede6 as newagatberers; a There are a large number or poople put on untlt the rsft ers ha\'e been certlln con8clentloue persilltency unit· In the cities and villages of Ohio who cut out and placed In pnsition. Tben eel to the quality of humalt 8ympathy keep a small Hock of fowls In th e the siding ('an be cut to extend UI hal enabled them to lind their way back yard or on a vacant lot. There between the raftors and make the Ask IOlIlle pompoul person if Grape.Nub Food helps FROM THE EDITOR. wbere a mBll might prove a mere 1m. are also many rarOl bOYB aDd girls fran t tight. build t1~e brain. patient tresPBaler. Both In this coun- who waul':! like to have a small Hock The window framIng Is cut trom a He Forgot That He Had a Stomach lr7 and abroad there have been fem- of rowls for their own pleasure and piece of poplar % In. x 11 in. x 12 10. ChaIDCes are you get a withering sneer and • Talking of food, there III probably Inine edltorl who have nelth\l1' souaht proflt, and separate tram the tann A Dimple frame to lit the window Is of denUIltcialion. JlO profe8slonal man lIubjectell to & oor requIred IndUlgence bec"ule they flock. To meet this need, the writer nil that is necessary. The gla9s win' ..reater. more wenrlnG' mental IItralD w.NI Dot mb, On the whol., lJIo ed· bas planned a houle whicb meets the dow Is hung on the side to swing In Th~:n sweetly play with the learned load. than the responsible editor of & require ments not.ed above and at the against th e wall, the cloth curtain ltorlal rather than the reportorial camodem ne\\,Epaper. same time Is economical of construc· Bwings up agalt:st the ceiling and the As.: him to lell you the analysia of brain materi~l and paclt,y leeml better adapted to the To keep hla m ental ta('u\tlea ('ontlon and neat In appearance. door ewlngs outward. With tbls ar.tRntly In good workIng order, the womanly nature. of delicate luscep. the analysis of Grape-Nuts. ' 'fhe house II coustructed In Buch a rangement, there Is less danger or editor must keep his phyaical powe~ tlbllltlel and relhlement. But womeD manner tbat !t can eas ily be taken breakln~ or tearlr.g the curta!n. up to the highest rate of cl!\clency_ "Don't know? Why,ll~ you based youtopinioDl Ilave Bucceeded both u reporter. and apart and stored In a ~arn or IIbed A batten door Is not as satisfactory Natt.lng wm 110 quickly Uptlet the on exact knowledge inatead of pUlhing out a conclusion like you &a edltofl_ when not In use. It has the addcd ..d- ae a panel door. but the latter cannot whole- eyetem liS hadly Ilelected toad would a lDee'Ze." and a disordered IIlomach. It therevantage thal It can also be uDed as a be obtained In a alz') less than 81x fore follow. that he should have AL a meeUng ot tile Llnnean Bo"l- brooder houee by tlJe addition of one teet. The Biding phollid be continued "W'ell. now yout lire ia punctured. ait right food, Which ca.n be readily a ... Inside the door tor a height of 8 or ety of London, Prof. Poulton prelld- or two adaptable hov e rs. slmllated, and which (urnillhes tru. The bouse Is supported by two runlike friend. and repair iL" '10 Incbes. This prevents the Itraw .... a Jetter Wlla read from Herr Paul brain nourlehment. . Beh81'dlln. as follows: "For hundred, nerB 2 in. x 8 tn. x 8 ft. and fhe sleep from being scratched out wheo the "My personal. experll:nce In the UM Th4~ bulky materials of brain are water and albumin. ers 2 In. x " In. x 8 ft. Placing the door :8 open. , of years pigeons bave neated on tbe of Orape-Nuts and Postum," wrltett sleepers lwo reet apart (roOl center Tbe roof Is supported by five 2 x 4 ~e things cannot without a little worker... known a Philadelphia editor, "so exactl,. - --~Ire NtrasBburg Catbedral. They to center, the 1I00r will be eight feet Inch rafters placed 2 , feet apart. l8BTees with your advertilled claim a. as Phoslphate of Potash. de6ned a. a "mineral saiL" IDereased 10 much tbat many attemptl square. The corners should b'! braced These project 6 Inches to the front to their merits that any further abave been mute to extirpate them, with a piece of 2 In . x 4 In. material aOlI rear. The sheeting III laid per· poIIuon In that dlrecthm would Beem .' Onte authority. Geohegan. shows in his analyaia ' of brain. IlUt In vain. l)urlng the last few yearl 21,2 feet long. Tbe 1I00ring is laid pendlcular to the utt ,rs, wltli a proto be Jluper6uoua. They have bene53~·per 'cent total 'Of-minerahalts. over one-baH being Phosphoric fited me so mUCh, however, durl~ there hal been a sudden and starUln. perpendicular to the sl~eper8. It this jection of 6 Inches on both sides. An the tlve years that I have used them Acid andl Potash comb~, (Phosphate of Potash) 2.91 per cenL diminution In the number of tIlese ca.- material Is purcbased In III foot Inch strip is nailed over the ends of that I do not feel just:fted Sr. vdtblength8, lhere will be lelll wasle and the sheetlns. The rootlns paper thedral Pigeon.. I am of the opln· !Ioldlne my testimony, another authority. shows Pbosphori~ Acid and 'OD that tblll manifest red uctlon II It will take less time In laying. the (whl'c h may be two or three-ply) I., "Oeneral 'hlCh !lYing,' with &11 Potash ~[Phosphate of Potash) than one-half the total lue to the &IIphalUng of Ule IItreets 1I00r, Four-Inch lIooring Ie elU;ler to laid croBB-wlse or pa- ollel to the that the exprelllion Implies as to & lay and the cracks are Imaller than sheeting and Is carried over tbe strip - aenerou. table, b,'ought about In41. mineral 11Il1ts, being per cent in a total of touild the cathedraL Between the ""Ith a wIder Hoorlng. at both aides. Beltlon, tn my eale, wIth rest1eas.toDe leta at the paYement the pig. Tbe walls are constructed of light The droppIng platform, whIch II 30 AnalYlia of Gra~Nuta .hoWI Potauium and Phoandl at night and lassitude In tIM - . eons were able to pick up food lD material, conahltent with a well built Inches wIde, Is Bupported by a cleat mornlne, accompanIed by yorlou. phol'Ul (which join and make Phosphate of Potaah) ia .nanUt,._ In consequence at the a. house, and yet easy to handle. For at either end. Matched flooring Is the pain. and dlatre8lllng sensa tiona conaidelrable more than one-half of aD the mineral durlne workIng houl'll_ phalUnB and dally - watering and studs and bracing, yellow pine .trlps best material for this purpose. The e)eanslns at the places In (he Imme- 2 In. x 2 fn. ripped ·from 2 In. x 4 In. perch Is supported by two cleats, II "The doctor diagnosed the contUin, the food. . tlon as 'catarrh of the IItomach,' and dIate nellhborhood tlie birds bue malerlal, are used_ The rear and side Inches above the platform. The neBta prescribed varIous medicines, which . Dr.Geo.W,Ca~ an anthority on the corutituent elements walla are supported by five studs, are built In one section, which slldel dId me no 8'ood. 1 nnally 'threw each two feet apart. A plate I con- under the dropping platform. The of the body. says: "The gray matter of the brain ~ controUed physlcI to the dogs,' gave up tea necting theee studs at the top, neets are open In the rear, except for A Harvar!! professor IIlYI that ev, and co tree and heon' meat dishes, entirdy thein~nic c~~ Potaui~ Phosphate (Ph~sphate strengthens the siding and also gives a 4-lnch etrlp whIch keeps In the nestand adopted Oralie-Nuts and POll tum ery man III reepoDslblt! for hts own of Potash,. This salt umtes WIth albunun·and by the acJdibon of a uniform surface for the roof to rest ing material. The ends and partl· as the ehlet articles ot my dleL face, lUI It Nlflects th" I,\ualltles most upon. The height from the floor to tlons between t!Ie nelts are wooc;! and oxygen creates nerve 8uid or the gray mattet of the brain. Of "I can con8clentiouBly 80Y, and I ID control of the Indl.ldual. He~ I, the top of tbe plate if " fl. 6 In_ In the bottom Is : _ardware cloth (1-8 wish to lIay It wIth all the emphaall course, there is a trace of _other salts and other organic matter in . . .clentlflc Indorsement of tbe meth. the rear and 6 ft. 6 In. In front. Imi- Inch uaesb). This makes a cleaner, INIslble to the-Engllllh lanllUQe, nerve 8ui.d. but Potassium Phosphate is tbeClilel has od, generally condemned as IUperf1. tation lap siding Is used on all tbe .cooleI', nnd a mo:'e sanitary nest. The that thay have beneftted me as medlelnes never did, and more than dal, of .t aklng every· one on bls face sldeB. Double V eldlng or eo"e siding front I~ built of two strips, one " the pow4,r within itseH to attract, by its own law of affinity. other food tbat ever came on my could also be used It the first named Inches wide at the bottom hnd anwalne. lhing!. needed to manufacture the elixir of life." • table. could not be obtaIned. There Is com- otber 2 Inches wide at the top. A "My experIence III that th~ Grape• Further on he says: _"The beginning ··and end the The Paris police bne rulea that paratively little waste at siding It door running· the length of the nesta Nuta food haa steadied and etrf'ngthcare Is used In cutting and matching. Is bln~~d to the bottom strip and pugilists must not hurt each other, matter is to supply the lacking principle. and in molecular ened both brain and nerves to a moat The sides are held toge ther by bolts ope us outward. Tb ' s provides an ludglng by tile French duel, thll 1ft poBltlve degree. How It doe. It I form eXllctly as nature furni.hes it in vegetables. fruita and uBlng two holts In eacb corller ex· eaMY method of gathering the eggs cannot say, but I know that after· the only way boxing will ever be made cept tbe one by the door, where three and keeps the nests dark. The In. grain. To supply deficiencies-this is the only law of cute-tO breakfasting on Orape-Nuts food one popular In France. are used. An opening 13 In . x 12 In. Bide dimensions of the nests are 12x actually torgets he hilS a stomacb, BnLin i. made of Pho.phate of Potash as the Is cut In the rear wall tor the towls 14)[14 Inches. Straw or hay Is used let alone 'lltomach trouble.' It 0" In Tbo Geortrla obllerver who says he to enter nnd leave the house. my opinIon, the most beneficial . . tor the nesting material. Approxl· principiLi Mineral Salt, added to albumin and water. well as the moat economical food on aaw a llock of robins that bad l:M!en The tront of the house Is more !llf- male cost of house oomplete, US. the market, and haa absolutely no Gnlpe-Nuta contains that element as more than made drunk hy eating berrlel tailed to rIval," Nlme glvet! by Postum Co.. mention whether they were yellow or Generally speaking, fertilizers ap- fer to use a tertllIzer containing Battle Creek, Mlcb. one-haJjF of aD ita mineral ..Ita. blUe and pInt.. plied in the spring planting ~ea80n three dltrerent forms of nitrogen-a are expected to yield returns withIn small amount of nItrate of soda for Every day'. uae brain wean away a little. A college prole.sor tells Ull that It a tew months. Especially III tbls Immediate use, sulphate of ammonIa Suppose yout kind of food does not contain Pbosphate Potash. I. ImpoBBlble to live on less than true In the case of truck and garden to supply nItrogen a little later, and orops. For this purpoae fertilizers tankage t.o carry tbe plant to matur· '1,100 ,.ear. MUllons ot our citizen. Ho~w are you going to rebuild today the worn-out parts of yeaterday~ whloh dissolve readily should be Ity, all beIng milled togetber and ap. belong In the cemetery and don't used. For InBtance, nitrate or soda, plied at one time. Ant~ if you don't, why shouldn't nervous prostration brain - fag result) bow It. muriate or sulphate of potash, Ilnd In purchasing Yertlllzers, It III well Remember. Mind does not work well on a brain that is even partly broken down the acidulated phosphate goods will to remember that the nner the maThe hobble skirt Is to give way to a give beUer resultt! · tban will the otll· lerlal is ground the more readily from lac:k of nourishmenL wider garment, makIng the ealell ot er forms of nitrogen , )lotash and soluble It will be and, therefore. tbe oloth heavier, Uaeful reforme have phosphorous whlcb are more dlm- more valuable for garden and trnck It is true other food beside. Grape-Nuts contains varying quantilies of Brain a certalnt,. of coating somebody 80me- cultty soluble_ It would be lIseless to crape. This rule '\\'\11 apply equallY P1aj~ wheat and barley do. But in Grape-Nuts there is a certamt] •. expect maximum returns from the well to the manures. Every garden, ttlna. use, during the spring. of such rna' er knows that the well-rotted , nnoly And if the elements demanded by Nature, are eaten, the life forcel have The Wright brothers have Bucceeded terials as rock phosphate. ground divIded manureR. If -.veil cared (or the Deeldec:l material to build frpm. bone, ... r tankage on early maturing during the rotting ~eriod, give tat · la buUdlDC a fireproof aeroplQJIe, A crops. better r l:'sults tasn do Ihe frell\), A healthy brain is important, Dne would "do things" ill this world. P'8"I17·~oof aeroplane seems to be F'lr c::ropH which occupy the ground cOllrec r materials. O. M. Klt-E, tile Idnd tbat 1a mOllt wnnted. an enU~e SCOSQn Ulany larmerll PT" ('olle!!.) or Agrlcultw 'e.. U 8. 11. man who meers at "Mind" sneers at the best and leUt understood part of

The Miami Gazette


If You Like

a Little Quiet Fun biu























Massachusetts legislators prop ole a tax on cate. Another argument against

Moat Crowded City, more than balr behlnt. Now fork, and In a report to the Society or Medical London Is only one-thIrd as bad olr." JurIsprudence, Pror. Elgin Uould, S sociologIcal expert, says New York What Ailed the Poor Prelate. city Is the worst crowded metropoliS' A cardinal, In COnversation wIth a Ma".achulett. proposes to Hcense In the world, "The greatest evil In p~elate whose whole study waii how ,.. cllta. 'That's all right, provldln8 New York Is overcrow{lng," be says. to obtain promot,l on, bappened to til, lleenle prohlblte music after 10 "There Is no city In tbe world tbllt remark that he always o!Djored good compares wltb It In that respect. health, "Ab," saId the olher, "how do ~'~OC1L 'l'here are man~ b,locka bere 800 by 200 you manage tbll t? For my part. J am "Wby," replleii tbt ' ~~Le.!~~t,, ;N, y " has 4 ' clUzen wbo teet, In v' h1ch from ~,600 to .;1100 p~t· always ailIng." ,. fJt .t wo bearta. sons are IIv1n,g , In· one block In tMe· cardi:lal, "the reasOD' Is that r- " ~"eal negro district 6,O()() personl arp )IVlD" , .'my hat on my head, but' fOU iuiv• .Jl~ ~._ ~I B~mba!, next worst in Uils resPlMit~ I. Iii ,oui" heart." ' the ancient tbeory that music bath cIllU'Ins.

- ,.- '


' ~~ "- '~l"


' .~ .




That part which lOme folks believe links US to the Infinite. MUlld asks for a healthy brain upon which to act, and Nature hal de6ned a way to make a healthy brain and renew ·it day by day 81 it is used ,!p froin work of the previous clay. Nalture's way to rebuild is by the use of food which IUpplies, the things reqUired. •

IlTh.,re's· ,.

a · Reason" •


', • •


Get· This IFREE Book Before You Decorate It ,holY, ZO pre:ty rooone in' modem home. and how 10 get the very lateet design. fa, your hOl1le. 'vVe will le nd you' FR EE colo. plans n"de by expert de.igne.. for any roolilS you want to d~corate .


710. BearrtiFul WaD Tint II mOlt: 'ublonatJie cban .,..11 pa poe, or pa.1nt an., 00.ta, Ie... It t. t oo t~nl!f1 anJ ~ .. qul. l.e In eolot to C'CJDa ,s.r. .. Itb kind 0 ' It, hto cn !nr . Coa ' urt..ber 011 ~c ••Ila. d.ou not peel C)f rub of!. II.tU 'U tMtI'CI.




(0 Dlt.


ME!l10RIAL DAY rolla around . each year tb e thoughta or tbe veteronll of tbe notloo's mlghtleat co nlliet fll\'ert 10 tllelr comrade. tn -urms- tn tbe raokll or both the Otand Army of t ile living and or the doa d- ood to tbe Btltrlng In· • c lde nt3 they themBe lvea wlt-' . nes~.,d , To thom Meworlal Day (' :~. /) Is a day or recollections so vivid L , y / that etem lty atoll~ can e!race tbern: a day when tbelr dreama bark bllck to tbe old cam,) ground, tbe bugle'. ~all and tha cannon 's rOllr . And, 611 they fondle In memory th e scenes throu gh wblch tbey pal.' ed, they pay tribute to the God of battle, wbo apared them until Ibelr eyes could eloae on tbe hands of the ConfederDle gray IUld the Yankee blue clasped &erolls the OrInII' line In a UnIon IndIvIsible. "1 havo never been ablo to rorget an Incident that occurred on the battl elleld of Antle1am:' said ~eneral A_ W. Gree ley, U. S_ A .• wben 81!Ited for hIs moat vivId recollection of the CIvil War. "A nd each MemorIal Day, somehow , It prelents Itselr with Inerea!led appeal. 011 my WilY back to lbe Oeld surgeon', bospital for trea.lment-I had l5eell wounded twice - I met one of our doctors applying restora.lives lO n wounded Co nfederate. He WIUI a mere bo)-, nut Ii day over 15, I was but 18, !md he also had been shot twice-so tbere Were thIngs In common between ue. "But It was bls coura~e. hJs unflinching. unyielding spirIt th a t Impressed me most. AI! he tay there, borrlbly mangled, bls eyes were 88 ateady nnd Ill s mann e r BS cool as tbougb he were Idly loungi ng In hIs own home. HIli nerve WIlS not hroken: nor th e foar of dentb on hlm_ He seemed grateful for the attention. bul nOl In tbe leas t humble. 'Thank you. ge ntlem e n: he seemed to be thinking, 'but wben ] get wp l! I'll be at you 8galn.' If lhere are many more like hIm In th e southern umy, I thought, we are certa inly In ror a long, bud struggle 1 have wondere d many tim es IIlncll what beca me of blm-whethe r he pulled through or died on th e battlefield _ • hne n ever be4!n able to ~arn." before General Greely mad e two attempts h e WIIS nllowed to ·enllst. "You get out of here: we don 't want babIes, we want menl"

Gel !he FREE Roole-

of 20 Bealltif,,1



Wrilc lod"


Alabastine Company,

IS6 , was Iylllg In ~-a.lrtax Semlaary H06' pltal In tbo suburba of Alexandria, Va. I wa. IJart of the wreckage or tbe second battle of Bull Run, In the ward In wblch I lay and to the rlgbt of ' me was a com rode serlollsly wounded. He, too, was ' a son of Ireland. He was tile !Lfe nf the ward. and be smiled snd joked and laughed, confident of his recovery , "One day tbe surgeon notified tb e visIting priest tbat be bad better Inform Pat that b Is tIme was sbort. I was lyin g so tbat I hod A good vIew of hIs face wben tbe prIest hroke tbe dread lIeW8 to blm _ He c hoked In hI s throat In an eltort to masler himself. nnd then I1IIked the good fath e r to wheel hI, bed around so he could look out of. lbe wlndow_ It seemed 'II strange request, but wltbout besltatlon the prIest obeyed . And then, as Pat lurned hi e

gaze upon the world wIthout his windoW, we became aware of the reason of Ills request-he was the ob jec tion of enllsllng omcera. FInally wished to se once more before he di ed the be found one who Ilasaed blm, He served Oag fioating at the hea.d of the .tarr oulslde' throughout tbe entire war and Was tbe ftrat .. 'Darllnt: he breathed. fervently, 'there ye ~nllsted ma n n the UnIon srmy to attaIn the are 'an at th' top! Plaze Ood" ye sltlll wave grade of a general In the regular anny. ollchallenstfld from Mntno to Po[exlco!' "I recollect nn oxtremelr patb.etlc - meldent "Tbon (allowed In a rush of .... ord.s th e that occurred ou board the U_ S_ S _ Monongathings he had dreamed of Il before be bad hela," said AdmIral C_ D. Slgs~, U. S . N_, ever eoen It on Ita native 11011. lie had· prayed the hero of the battleship MaIne, sunk In H~ that be and bls loved one8 mig ht come under vana barbor lUllt before the outbreak of the It II beneficent folds to enjoy the perfect liberty Spanish-AmerIcan war_ "Tbo Monongahela, It promlsed_ ,,"ow It wall In peril and be wal cruisIng ~ong the Texas coast, had rammed dying ror It, unable even to rIllse hla weakand. sunk a Confederate Ironclnd down near ened hand aud salute It. He bade the glorIous the bead of the paaael In tbe MIssIssIppI river old banner good-bye. and, turnlt1g to' -tbe priest. and then steamed on to New Orlean. for relIald : palra. Oq board wa. a brother offlcer, Lieu· ' "·Father. ye'n' WTlte to her 'nd brea k ut tenant RoderIck Prentice, to whom 1 Willi parglntly a!!l ye kin! Sore will he ber hear-nlt tlonlarly attached_ He IlpokB- to me frequentlJ whln sbe knows thut Pat will come back no ~t a pN!monltlon of Impending dlsalter tbat he more to her, 'nd th' bhoya. Till her I chorge -alntply eould not olr- (n fact, It mlUTed ber wit ·'me.,.dylng breat" to rear th' bhoYll ~o bIll joyoua antlclpaUons oC mO,eUng bIB youn, that wbln manhood -comes to tbblm, and the =--------ue, hardlY more than a ~Jde, at New 01'- _ lIaJ .hould Ivlr qade thlm. they wlU gIve tblr leana, whltber she bad bastened from the IplveB aven unto death, as t'hlr 'fayther glvea North wilen .be learned hIs vesael was to hlB lolfe lbls day! 'N now. fayther, to mt> touch' that tlolnt. Tbelr devotion ··was IdealBoul's salvation.' fltlc_ ' "Tn the gray dawn ' of the followin g m o rnlnl: "They saw each other bllt qnee there bea commotion near my bed awoke me. Open' lore the call of duty dragged them apart. T Ing my yes l lIaw them 11ft bl8 !!releRs form lIad been trana(erred to the Brookiyn at M> and cahy It out of tbe ward." • "Old you ever hear of Tim Regan'lI Oag?" blle_ After a slIccessful plUlsllge of tbe fortll my first Inquiry wns for the welfare nf myoid continued the old veteran, who paId as his shipmates on the Monongabela - and especlnlly pr)ce or duty to ble country both legG . "No ~ for Prentice. HIe premooillon had come true. WeU: TIm Regan was a son ;or lbe Emerald He had been 8ta[\llIn~ In tbe gangway. which Isle who had gone to war wHh tbe 9lh Ma ssahad been raIsed somewbat above tbe level of chu96tts Voluntee r InflUltry. He, wllh mflny the deck . It seemR, when a abot struck lhe other UnIon soldiers, Ill)' In Libby prison 8M hammock netting next to hltil Bnd the fiylng tbat Fourlb t>( July drew near. Th ey ch'lled fragments Imbedded themselves In ,bls leg, In 8plrlt at the tbollgltt of passIng tho F(h lrtll almost learlng It from hIs body. lIe dIed tn without even a sight or tbe flllg . Tim concelved the Idea uf nmklng one. He had a a few bours. "At New Orleans \\'e picked up a little boy new whIte wool",n IIhlrt and the ollle1 S blu e named (she AIken, n tiny fellow. of wbom ones. They poole" their slender nmouut o~ Prentice. WB8 esp.e elaBy fopd. " Tb() lad wns cash and per8uaded an amiable gu:lrd to puralmp~ )eart-broke n ' ~ he ~at by the b~rth of cbase for them Ilome red and wblte wonlen Ills dHng frIend. 'Prentice u~ged hIm :_~ot to goods, 001 tbe pret.ext that they u'an tell to cry and to brace up and be cheert_III, Inllstlng make them up Into shirts, 01lt ot thlll mnwould soon be 'aU rIght,' -thougb he !.erIal tbe:r fashIoned a fiag, crude In ('onstrllc• thllt well linewatr tb., while tbat bls 'I!.d had come. tlOD, kit-It represe nted Old Glory._ But the lad'8 lorrow was ' no~~q compared ',,{,bey gauged liS well ac they could tbo door to tbat oC the glrl-wlte: Sbe bllllted dead of the loft of the prlllOn and lhe probable away wben told the ghastly news llnd never belght to wblcb tbe patrolling guard ml~bt afterward tully I'e!" ralso his \'Islon. Tben, tbo nlgbt of the IIrd, "Ano~er ' Incld~ nt that [ remember: QuIte they cl\lmhered up among tbe ratton ' and vlvldl,;",' continued A..dmlral Slgsbee~ "hap- stretched .thelr crude lIag In tbe apex of tbo pened ..A .t the assault on .Fort Flshe~. T~e man loft" Tbe next day they gatb~re4 In a cIrcle just abead l of me wa.. :k111ed lind _ano~er: on In the center of the chamber and lang patrlmy I~/ A big. red-battled man, groan!D" bor· otic 80ngs througbout the day, -The ruard& tlbly,:,. 'n d(kmly cl13t.q~ed- III!!., ,~ were a little curlOUR al to lbe cause of tbt' ." .~);! : tie eJ:Cllal~d. 'Lleuten.ant ~ ~ache unusual proceedings, but failed to dllcover the 'WoJADd~!" , banner above tbem . That , nlpt they took It down, eut It Into Itl'lPI and ' dlvided It among .. " ' " at e 10U groanIng" I uked_ ·,. re JOII hurt~ . ~ ~" themseho;es. Eaoh thereafter wore a IItrip of "_I.' be &IIBwered alo1l;ly and., :WlUiout that rlsg aroun.d W, b04y next hll skin, and ~.en ~\ ot COllcer:n rdr 111d1~: thlllk ¥ ea,ch "81 .pB.{oled be bON out wIth hIm bls I'm dffni.l.!.bb\ 'iobldlt ',pob.. n&Cl1e1'" ' tl'alJl1ent o~ til" b&, # • , '''AIi J1 k to eartli • . • ~Ul. . for aid "Regan had taken tbe p.l'ocauUon to !lscer. for ble ':0' ~ -olllc"r~ He -died .bartly after talD tbe llome' addrell ofloeacl1.2nan _ After the I lett'· l, ~.. '}~ldt~ " ',, ' " " war be _correall~~ed ...WI~ t~~. qr !fe,l! ,sur:.' ''Me,,; ; '~1.. ·to Pl,,;",I"lgc;..ta the .11 ..., . • ,I~.,. rel.t!..... , &lid IIDill1t:t'lt . ~a'~~ 11 werle , .al4 _," 0 " ~l ~s .~er~ kiOWD -tq ' n~!!l i 01 l,~.. I'IJ' J duratlo~....ba4,'~~~ry, b~t of , tbe II,R8 ' :'~J in ~o..t tl) ~qa.~ ,,~. -" : ., b~ck .~ln: 0-; _'~I~~ h. ,J oW.4 .•1t.:<itOCetlllr. " ,""jeloqueo:~ apoi' .Apln. he .!I~dat.l~~ .~ le~l>l. I.t. ' No," he y>lem bUr~8" ~ ' _~...._ ~D8 ~10{~ b~I " In the thaA · - t hIO~ ' ii'e,~ bat .lbe ~ -.: tie m'i.d.e II ~""11 :*lI1"IIl '~_~l'r..~~• •~tiir, ,, ~arc1e4l'.~ OJ,t lad. c1 ~, In .,• •tall case




,..hit coU· £Uktt teo

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r-ck..r". Full ~ - lb. gq .. \\'bh& SOc I kc:ruLar TlD.1I. SSc..



...... tet and pu I on. un full d irection.





at tbe Stephenson POdt, Q . A_ R, at ft o xbury . Mass.' " Ne ver so lon8 as I live ~ hall I furget lbAt dreadful day when 1 lay wO llnded on the batt1elleld , from sllnrls e \lnt l1 the shades of nlghl bad closed down on Ille dead nnd the dying," said Senator KJlut e r-.; elson o r MInnesota . " It was In tbe siege of P o rt HlAson. La .. wh en on June 14, 1863, an unsu r ('eRsflll attempt was made by Baoks' IIrmy to r. ll.plur~ , th e place by storm and my regim e nl led one or lhe chargIng columns . Just as tb e uun was (l~ epln!: over the hllla we salll pd forth In battl e army . The 'Charge' " ' 1\8 gIven and we tor e ncros~ Ibe open ground st.ral,,;ht at t bo (Jn e my'~ breastworks. Wben within eIght or ten r ods of the Intrenc hmen ts I fell to eartb with R bullet III my thlgb. My comrades were lIrlven back- no man' could long stand agulnst that avalan che of leaden death lhat p'lured out of the fortlficatlons- ond I was lert wIth only t he dying and nle dead to keep me comDany_ Th en begall my loug vig il In tbe I1;h08tIy Inforno. The crl.!s or tbe wouoded-the m er~ lIess stln-the torment or It all -and the thlrat, th e maddening thIrst! Only those wbo havo IlIln thus can a'pprecla te Its terror. In the same battle 'were two otbe r soldlersolle under thA stars 8LDd bars, the other under tb.. Stars Bud StrIpes-w ho now hold (losltiona of unusual trullt and promine nce uoder tbo ~ me nag. The (ormer was no less B per· sonage than Cbler Justice White . of I he United States Supreme Court. se nln g thon as aid to Genersl Oarllner, commander of the Confederate forcea within Port Hudson during tile slege._ Tb e latter was Senator ~'rancI8 E. Warren 01 Wyoming. At the time, 01 COllrae, no one ot tbe tbree men kn ew of the existence of lhe othon. lind Indeed It W8S not until tha past rew months l h y becamp. aware of th e facts . - Seoator Warren, who e nlisted wben but 17 yeafllOl9-g-e,--wnt!WILrlled a medal of honor ror co n ~ pl cu()us ga\1antr), In the engagement. "When 1 look bilck on the Civil War. a~ I frequently do, and especIally · on Me morial D8Y ," b'e said as h El Rat In hlH rooms In the Se nate omce buildi ng, "one tact st.ll nll~ out wltb IncreaS ing clarity ns the yea rs roll bY , and that Is thnt the grea t Rtrul':,,;le wa~ wnger! prIncipally by bOYA. The mnk 01111 fil e ot the UnIon army wns made UJI 01 me rc lalla . and In tllo Confed e rate forc es they were eVl!n younger . Tl, ey t\'ero trl e(1 nR ~r llR ps no at he r genf'tlItlon or Ame rIcan ynll:h hnll ever been tried . The horrors, the st nu;g!cs, the hnrdshlpR tb ElY faced, mode men or Ih E' m. N"p_rl:v all of ollr n r es ld cn ; ~ .in('.!) !tU'.1l Alld II greal portion n( our puhll e men t hrollghout lI'~ n!l tlon. Indlllllng lho (,(Ingress or Ih e Unllnll Sintes , hn ve been thosE' who Rel'Verl nR omr etR or enllslod men In Ihose tw o armleA or slrll)' IIn /:s." . War-time recollections crowd so lh lck and (net on Gen . !MOC' R. Sherwood, repreRentn time rrom the NInth dlatrlct or_ Ohio, that to "Ingle out one of t. hem Is but to omit otberfl of equal Import. H~ purtlclpated In 41; blltties, and th ere Is noot n soldlflr now living wbo WIIS under fire 8 gl'eater Itumber of dnrs tban he. SIx times he WAS ~ omplimAnted In ge neral orders lor gflllantry on the lIeld (If h.ltUe_ Today he Is the only Union v< ~er' nn on the Democratic Bide or the House, But, more ~emo.rkab!e Ihan all else, he 18 tbe only mnn wbo entered tbe UnIon army nil a private nnd emerged rrom tbe war a brigadier g eneraL ". BUPPoRe," Raid Oeneral Sherwood. "the ftglll at Franklin . Tenn._ November 30, 1864 , I, as vIvIdly Impre8sert on my mInd a8 flny: maybe because, conalderlng tbe size ot tbe torces engaged, It was one ot tbe moet desperate engRgements (]Ot the entire Wilt. Tbe Confederate 1088 was 40 per cent In a Ove-hour battle" . and a large: number of their general. were ktl1ed or wounlled than III Chlc)[8mau'~a at Gettysburg. where tbelr lorees ""ere twIce 811 strong. My r'eglment theOue H\lDared and Eleventh Oblo , :0" whlcb I was. colonel, loet mo~ · men ' In tbat battle tbao any otber regiment on tboe ,(J.n lon sIde, ,~ ... . ' ''Mj borae WO shot from 'under me tbree ,,tlllMI' In tlie en·gll,e,mebt, ·~ Pdf third horle fell ib' ;; gioet' · UDtJ.IUlll mauneI'. The ' llUllet that •

"J, I T'





killed him passed tlrst tbrough my le g Il lld tllen through tbe saddle before ron chln g him . I could not get another mount, BO I fou ght the rost or th e bat tle on toot. fls It altarward turned out, thl, was ror t unat e for me . for every mounted omcer on both s ides .... ns either killed or wou lld ed . When tbe baltle eloRed thore was not a mOllnted offlcer on (lltber line. "I hav e In my home one rl'rnlllLl e r of th e Civil War thal. s tlOuld all el sc rflil. wou lll r omps l rel' ollectlon at thnt mighty s l ruggle. It I~ a Confederate illig capture,l In tho two-day fight at Nashvil le In December 1864. Durin g the first day's fightin g we lIlulle a challge allll rupt llred s Ix 20-IXlun d gUllS, a nd 00 th e socond :1.000 Co nre derat e 60ldl ers and three stands or colon . I mm edlnte ly art er the batllc I sccllr ed on e or tbe~ e fl ags and sent It hom e by e~llrcss . 1 belle\'e I am the only ('rlvllle (jtiz en III Ihe ('O unlry today who ha s In his po~ seR 8i o n n ~nt) tllr et l Co nr ed eral e un n·

51 ti'II4>1itt 'tH, foIlII4 ....... IIIdtr !lew ,,,' Db, kIl 1. lIS 'oter YIlIt

The lIysp('\)lIc shou ld ~hoose carerully whllt he chews carefu lly . "T b at hn;-rlble weaL It"("r



r eally 1& who" yu u ~r. wull: h e l"o .1""111-

pI t"ft lo(flnt. I t

0 " rlt .I.1 Tea

- -----A Cilndld rJlan .

"A re YOll lookin g for work?"

"No . s ir ; I'm lookIng for money, but I'm willing lO work beclluse lbat'. the ooly way I cun get I\." Rather OI.lnterelted.

" me take your slstcr upart." "Do n·t. !:l he Is nil broken Ull. as It t8." Inhuma!, Fell ow. " Upon wbat grounds 'do you see k a dl vur c c ~" {"ked th e la wye r whom s b .. hud Just re lailled. " !'oI c, n-support , cruelty or-" " [Jolb:' sho crIed, tearfully. " He would lI'O t s upport my pusslon nte longItlg for a diamond n cck lace, and If tbal Isn't c ru elty I'd like to IInow!"I!athollc Stanllllrd and TImes.

Oh, Learneo Judge . Ca IHomla Juo.lge decIded tbat battle. T hese are lhe ,-" te r u ns of thc f;pnn · tb ere Is 110 judIcial au thorIty to" keep \o:x·S enRt or Coar les DIck . a lUaD from llI ak hl g love to bls wife, Ish-Am prlo-llll Wllr or Oh io . .-('rnlls a rather unusua l Incldeot In alth ougb It coulll stop bls benllng nero Tbe remarkable ca us e of tbl s remarkthi s. our mos l rece llt ,'olllllr l. "My rc!:lm ent arriv e d a t Snnllo~o , rtllla, able decI s Ion was tbnt a woman In just one ,,;ee k bdore Its s ur r en(! cr , being se Rt 1,09 Angel es ball applied for nn InJuncthere to r plnfon'(' G~ lI e ral Shafte r ." snld he. tion to re st rain ber bllsband froUl In"We, as a pgime nl. wcre .. a!,; er to he se nt on · sls llug on being att entive to her . Tbls to Porto RI co, but th e authorities In slAI ed on Judge was not n Solomon, but be rea lollr underg oing a len -day quarantine ror yel Ized that only a 8010mon could be low feve r. TIt .. y ('awped us on lOll or a hl!!h trus l ed to rule upoo tho wblms and hili 80 that we wl'Te comple tely Isolated . At Incon s IstencIes or womanklnd_ tho cx plratloll ro r th e time set . the doctors dl ~ ­ The Lilrge.t Bell._ ('0\'ered ,210 caMR or the drend 1Iisease omon /: "Greut Pllu l," t10 0 bell of Sl. Paul'.us . . This, of cours-e, s llDtt rell all hopes 01 our eVN going anywher e exc ept hom e, whE'n tbe cathedral, In London, weIghs nearly 17 tons olld Is nearly SO feel around. si ck oneR rccov('fod ." Th e Orst "Big Ben" of WestmInster wos cast more than 60 years ago lind wt'lghed more than 14 tons_ But "Big The Soldier Dead Den" bad a crack and \\'88 cas t over. Ha llo wed by a ~lIp r e !lt e Hanell ty are the losing some weIght, IlDd the clappei" gra ves 01 tbe soldier de ud. !::io It WI\S In th e we s made sIDnller, now b eI ng about days of the IInclenl ra!:es, and so It will be 600 potlnds ;ns tead of a ton . The whell tbe las t wnr /o all bcen fought nnd tbe great be!!, "Pe ler cf York," cnst $10.· baltl e-flu gs - nre fo reve r fu rl ed . Tbose wllo 000, weighs about 13 tons lind til 22 hav'! offerer! thom. e h ·es llS a sacrll1 ce for tll elr feet In d:llmeter. fisg nnd t heIr cou ntry, wtlO have c ntlur",d til O The largt'sl hangIng bell In the bardablps 01 camp and ' mar Ch , or wbo have ",'orld Is In the great Buddblilt monasralle n In th e red carnage of battle, IInve ape· lery nenr Ca nton _ It Is 18 feet In cullar cl ll im upon the grntltlld ll and. a\Tectlon heIght and 40 fe et In cIrcumference, of 8l1ccee/ llng gen, ra tl oos . bellOll cast or solid bronze. Tbls Is' one Tn 110 land ha~ thl. claltll bel' n more fre ely of tbe eight mOllster bells that weI'. recognl ze ll t ha ll In our own: and no people wa~ cnst by com1DDnd or Empero~ Yunc ever be for e so generoo:a In Its trlbut o~ 10 It " Lo nboul. A. D_ 1400. It cost the UTe. ralle n heroes. or 10 Its troutmont or tbose who of el~ht me n, who w e re killed In th. came hOllle rrom Its wa rs. When returnln!: " ro ,,{' s~ of ca s ting. s prlngllmo brin gs I he nowa rs. In a ll th ~ lr eloQuent benuty ;lUo.l ~ym Ioolfsm, we cpl~ h' "le " KNOWS !'-lOW Memorial day \\ hle h is ehnrnct .. rl~tlc 0 1 ,I,., Deetor Wac Fooled by His Own Ca.. spirit of the ropuhlfr.. For a Time, It Is I. OW all ev en half .:en tur y ~ 1I J(~e I bll !II" \ glnnlllg or th e H tll~"n'l"llR f' on llh' l tor the H's eaay to unders tllnd how ordlpreservation of the l on lnn , ulul Ill n llnnlv,-rs;oTl' nary people g et foo led by cotree when Is bdnglng hom e \I Ith ."'lI e w('d emp ll1"Is 111 0 d ocLO r ~ thems elves sometlmes (orget sacnilce R nnd th .. "l g ll'Il "~' H' " Ill' thw' c r\ ~ rk th o [ncts. A phy slct a n HI)(talls at his own ex~& tlays_ l-I a l'l'll y, It hrlllgs als o" grel'.l e l- "I,p ru c lll.tlo n 01 th e cOlI'\lll'te ""11111 1) 11 o t tIl l' R"verl'oi rl en ee' secti ons . onr! ot' til e \I ('lt C" 't lld III'O" pc rlty ,. ' . , f wbleb I; !{:s~ tI, c l:tnrl I bacJ used coffe_e (or lears and ollny d lrl Bot eX~ l'l ly believe It was Injuring B e torF~ Unucral L u g all \\,rf :'.· thf \ o rder. IU ISGR, whi ch WII _ t11l, 1' ~ l:llInlllg or th e pnpool!1r nl o il il io ollgh 1 had pal pitallOll of tbe linn ofn rIll I tl ~rlI C!l UI\II ur " ;oy ;101 to th c plltrl o r bClttt e vcry dny. (Tea contaIns cat· d e :llJ , a l CtHJ c r hllp ul:H'!. of wOlll :: nll o nd III 'hn (pllle- t ioe salt'e drug foullIl In coll'ee-strlcll !! 11 80111.b h ad tll' I-: OO tJ Ih l' 1)('Rooti1 I, 1 CU "tOll' "n (1 I, JII3 l as harlllful as corree.) "Fl na ll y oll e !l " y a. severe nnd 111of Rt .. ,..", Illt:. willi i JlO f' HIIIII ~ L.Ue P i IH ~ lflnll' :": ~ mounds Il lHIV O Ih ,,~o "110 IInll 1':oI If'1I It' 'h e m,l st futnl attac k of heart trouble fr lg hten p.II mo and I gave up both tea pll~s l on 01 I,"li Ie . The lIan ~c and til e O>l ROI'\ .. Ilc ll R of y ea rs a nd coffee. usIng Post um Instead. and! _ h nvc CI)I1A flcra tf'.r1 th e dn y aho\'{O our olh cl holl · sInce th3t time [ hav e had absolutel" days . Upo u It th er e .(' (' IU lIN 00 !( 'ory whicl, no heart I>alpltullon exc'ept on one· or IIghlens t.he pn~t, a nd wh ich ! <IlC1w ~ IlS tb lll tII o two occa sluns wh en 1· trIed a Bmll,u I>loorl nnd th~ l ea,.~ WNt' n OI. Hit I' d III vaIn , qu antlly of coNce,whlch caused s&VGr. lind til!!!. t I! c frllit Inll 01 tll o Hlll', llI r p .Iusttti es Ir rltalion aod proved to me I Dl1l8b let It a lan o. Ihe see d whlcb was E IiWIl . " When wc began u ~ lng, Postum It Beellled weak-th a t was beca.UA& The Heroel. did not maltc It a ccord ing, to dtrectlonl. Urlng lanro l an,l m~' rtlr. oa k nnrl IoH)'. -but flOW we put a llttoo bJ.t or b.utAnd wreaths of ro se ~. while fl o(1 gol" _ ter In the pot wheo bolli:Qg !md 11:110-. And cJrape their grnV l'g on thIs I,Oly day WIth tbe IIflg lh(')' I()ve ll In tile <fill' S of old; the Postll'll lo boll rull 111$ mtnutl\8 which gIVeS It tbe Jlrope!1 rich flavol' For the red la red or Ih e hlood tll ey /:Ilve. and the deep brown coJ.el' . Tbe wblte I s the s moke or the be lc hing gun . "I advised a &'nat many 01 ,And tb e hille IR the hlne or the sl,y th e y cln\'o my frI e nds and palle-nts to leave otr To gaIn th e Rtllr8 ttl I he c rown s tbey won. cotTee and drInk Postum, In fact 1 dal!> • give tblB advice," Name glvea bJ QUG'" Paradox. " TneY soya la horln g man cannot CnUose!l FOEt unl Co., Dalt1e Creek, Mlch_ , lob but must take whnt ho con get.:· 111 a ny thousllndli or pbY8101 u•• "Well, Isn't tbat so?" postum In place of tea and cblree ..1Il :' YCR, anll It·s odd, berallse All !l maHer ol their own homes and prescribe It lb .. raet be can ahvHYs t;lke bls plcl;." r..a.tlents. . < " J. "Tbere's a r eallot," and It I. e~Iabl-; The Other Plrt, ed In tho Uttle book, "Tbe. Rotcl to"He always kept lin eye on tbe ttltge," . WellvUle," 1n pkgs, , ' ,: OPI)1 be gel Ii Pllrt to lit 111m 1-' .E .... .: ... 04 t ........... . - ••• ,,"PWt'al'll trciaa , time '- "He _ ~d. EJ'e got. Ul~ hOok," aN .., •••••• u.., ....


n or ."



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A Wonderful Offer!

Ht're is a Vacuum Cleaner that Some Are tllo MOlt Potent looks like a carpet sweeper and ru,ns and Faithful Alilea of tho Human Race. like a carpet :lWl'epel', yet is a pow- I erful ' vacuum cleaner. A s it rolls I acroes tht' room it !lucks up a stron~ l'h erc nrC' goOtl 88 well as bad bac~ I ast of air thr~ugh the carpet bring . : !('rin. Whill' uneteria brar, in the !Of{ every partIcle out of the texture p"lllilar e!llillllltion an evi l reputaWIthout taking up the carpet. What . ' is more it has such a strong sucti on ~ lun by reason of t.he port they play II t hat it actually pulls the dust of tlll' In 8 0 1111111." rntH I d\~n 8l'8, not nil tho tloo r up through the carpel.. Think Iltirir rin in tlt e world are working of it! No mo re taking!lp of carpets. IIgllillHt llIan nlld his interetlt8. InJu st run the easy running uall uear· . ' ing Domelltic Vacuum Cleaner over dt'ed. BOllle of thum ure lU8 potent them every day or so and yo ur cl1r- IUI(1 flljthful allies. BEST OFFER , . ONLY $1.50 pets are as fresh and clean as new l'he minute organisms, for inThis is' the best McCall's Magazine every day in the year, and th ~ colors ~tllnct', that manufllcture nitric acid offer we bave ever is positively worth are always bright and fresh . The Domestic is the patented ba ll . as a rooli plant are of a.most benefimade. Send us your 1.00 a year. Sub · bea rinl{ roller nozzle. It rolls ove r ('(' nt kineL 0ne set ot bacteria busy name accompanied cribe now and get the carpet anti doe~ not drng and t Iterllse lyes iu converting ammonia with the money wear out th e carpet as imitationsdo. foullu ill lltc Boi l into nitrollij acid. Hoax--Wh at do you think ot [ 'l'herc their work ends and, so far this Salome dance, the dance of the Price $16. Hoze Noztle At- as the plants are concerned , it has --- .--~ .. Seven ~,' e ils ?" been ineffective, since plants cannot tachment $4.50 extra. Joax--A pretty good take-ofl. feed upon nitrous ueill . EDWIN SHERWOOD, Sole Agent, MONROE, OHIO At this point, however, another sct of bar t€'ria collie forward and from What Texan. Admire the nitrous ucid pruuuce nitric acid, 1s hearty, vlgoroua Itle, K which plants are readily able to HUllh Tallman, ot Hao '. 10. F or you to secure the Miami Gazette absolutely FREE for •• •• from •• •• to derive nou rislunellt. Still other t'We find," be wrl~, " tb.I Dr. one year by merely subscribing to McCall's Magazine for ' bact eria , living in t he roots of cer- KIDg,s New Lt 'e Pills aurely put three years at the rate of 50 cents ayear. In addition you oew life and enefl.l[y Inlo a per.oD: t~itl plants, ('nub le these plant s to receive three 15c McCall Pattern. FREE. Wife and 1 believe tbl'Y are the bee, Common Pleas Proceedings SOll, bnrlal of 8lllDton UU8\l n, f75 , a8~itnilnte nitrogen derived from the made. .. Exoelleo t for s'omaob The Free Patterns are ord~red by post-card from New . P A. etamp", repli lring 8hoes for air, and thus, iJistead of exhausting liver or kldoey 'roubles. 215 ott ai York City and can be used any time you need one. Jury Commissioners for Warren url .<une,., Jilmes MoMn\len,lIix all d I ogll~i.tll . County were appointed me ... t May m )Dtb'J servloel, 1-10 Ohio Cor thl! soil in which they grow, actually ........ This offer ia available to any ~e who subscribes, renews enrich it. or e~tends his time on the Miami Gazette. The only perqui37 aod seleot competen' eleolor" to rngated Colvert Co., oulvert pipe, site is that you "pay in advance." IT WAS WORTH A WHIPPING , erve •• jurors. Tbey are; H.once '2-& 96 LewIs Atkioson, bridge reI M. BDOO~, William H . HI~frleU, I palll ClearQreek t owDship, 1525 ABOUT QOING OUT EVENINQS See belo~ what you win save on this extraordinary oft'er. Colored Boy DecIded He Ne"e,. Would I Jamell . T. MoOleUand and Ell.. Elmer Howell, brIdge repairs ClclIr· Hay. Anothe,. ·Chan" to a .. Natural That Woman 8hould Want to O,le.bee. oreek Town.hip, '21 Slate o. Oblo Coun Houee Burn. Get Away From Scene of , Mllr, V. Wlleon wa, adjud,ed VII . WIllia m IIlIl ,r, oosts 17 70 Coneant Toll. We Will Qlve You : tl6U 08 In hllr soi' 8,.108' 8. B .. __ - - The cCiunty court hO\188 was bum. Woodward. In the course of a day's work a ing and the judge waa very anDOliB The Demon. of the Swamp MlamtOazetle I year ••••• $1.00 man haa many interesting d.istrae- to arrive at the acene of much of hit Nl!w Suits are m08qul'01l. All they I!tiug they tjons, yet he is prone to take tbe at- life work ae quickly a. possible, and McCall'. Mag.... J yean. $1.50 pu' deadly malaria germa In the J Free 15c McCell'. Pattern. .45 Tr"ollOrip' Irom JUIHoe', coart blood. Then follow tbe loy ohills titude in his home that he bears all post hast.e sent the negro bouae boy , WIU Illed 10 whlcb (Jeorl' W. (irla· and the fires or fever . 'l'he Ilppet-lte the burdens and his wife none at all. to saddle Sin tram, his horae. Total Value •••••••• , • p.95 The judge's lIOns; seeing Sintram wold .oed Jebu T. W.llmaD for a . 11181 tlDd. 'he IItreDltb flllla i IIlso The man retnrn8 home, profesaes 10m of '~7.'l5 w"b lnwreet flom malaria ol~n paves the WltY ' .o r that he is "worn te the bone," and in ' proce88 of being addled, predeadly typboid . But E\eotrlo BltAll $1.&0 ~,. 20, 11109. tere ldll and out ou, 'hi malaria somehow he "gets away with it!' It empted the remaining horlea and ,erma from tb. bl ood i give you a is refreshing to him to return to his rode off. The lit.tle negro considered Probate Court fine .ppe'Ue and renew your comfortable home, made comfortable the matter for a moment &l)d rode Tbe I••t ill a d ' t ' f .tren&tb . I, AUer loog soffflring," by hi s wife, and he rather hates to off, thus forcing the judge' to take e8 amen 0 wrott! Wm. Fretwell. of Lnoll mil, w n tbe lIary til. Power. of aa,ull. N. C, "~three boUles drove all 'he go to the tkeater or 80me other place a hurried, and, &I he considered it, WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES toll towoehlp wu eacered to pro malaria from my .yetem, and I've of amusement. He really wonders an entirely 11DlleCe8B&ry walk of half Ola••Uled Ada baw 'ao I record. MalKle L. Powe... had good health ever slnoe ." Best why women are forever wanting le a mile. Metbodllt EpIJcopai Chwdl To the eurprise and chagrin of .ooepHd cbe ' .. eXlOutrix ot tor all Ittomaoh, liver Ilnd kljDey be on the go. O. 8. Gnu.!'. Putor. ' ....ta"'. · me. 110 cta all drngglltl. The home, however, is really the the mall negro, when the judge Act. w ill be IIlHrr.ed under \hlll helUl tor SUlldl,Bey. Scllool, 9 : II a, Ill . Mornlnl{ ser twenty ·lln cents for three InaertlolU woman's bueinees office, where everycaught him he gave him a good vice, 10 :80 a. m. tt.,.eD1I1, HUlce. 7: 0 p wilen ua10c not mOA than live Une•. Coal" ord.ra a lurdlaD appoiote4 III. Wld_... Pr ,!er liI.uoc. 7 p. m. thing spells work. What means thrsshing. .".... ,. for Tho.... V . amtab, imbeoll.. WAS HIS KIND OF A SERMON quiet comfort ro the husbands meaDS When one of the young ' men reAIlJUIlfDe'. Catboltc: Cburcla. Boward W. hiD. eUOD'or 01 the LOST ~Low. Y.UIt ...... of AnDa M. Caffert" Old Darky EnthUllaatlc Over What He infin ite toil to the wife. It is but marked: II... enr, _ . 4 81U11lr., of lbe moolb II natural that she should want to get "Zeck, you .howd no\ haTe ridden Bled hll Ir.t asad fI •• 1 aOOOUD&. C."ed "Regula,. Get·Up-and·Walk. 11:00 ..... away from the scene of her const.nt . f~ther'8 horse. oft'; you might hue Bey. A . . Jamell Ke.&le aDd Mr.. Off Sermon." A~D HATCHEL, wl&b- draw · St. Mary'. EpiIc:opaI Cburda. toil in the evening when the day's known hlB would have whipped you, .trlD,. Pair ., lad,'. bl.olt Jane BUDyr werl appoln&ed RloyOl, III 10 bUl. aDellOma obao .., Rev. J. P. Cldwalla4er, Bec:1or. Mrve &b ,'--- d -'I . ito At tlte banquet of a 8u nuay school routine has been done. and you de&ened il" o,oo'bD y.,.,.r u VII •• a88OCiation the newly-elected state pooke' kuif. aDd IOlDe other anlol • . Sunda, Sobool. 9 :80 a. m Mornln, ser It w'ould be a good thing for the "I know dat, Mister Daye," re- rloder pl. . . lean a' 'bla oftloe. vIce, 111 :BO L m. Hol, ColllmnQIOII 'lie lin' ror. r - - 0 ree ,ear. . " B D I[ III 4 I ' -, t f secretary told tills story of the walle- husbands if tlIey were put-to house- sponded Zeck, "but I kin git .. mIlt Swda, 0' eac:b mOD,b, • . e IOD a ru n.. ... ·or 0 off men:" work for at least one or two weeks whippin' 'mos' any day, an' I Dn'er the .... te of Ellen "An 0ld d ar ky a ttended services . - 1d Jane Fox,. filed in their married life. They would will see de cote hoUle burn apia.-..h .. h h' h h h d ' 'ta RH. L. O. Tbompeoa, ........ ' uaYlaSor;y aD appraleemeot FOR RENT Anna C O'N 11 d A B w en a Ig c urc Ignl ry then bltve a broader perspective.- Los Angeles Times. BJbIe khool. .: I. a. m. 8oda1 IIIeIICIII& • .. aD aron . preached. 10:10 a.... 0IIrteUaD BDdea'fW. 7:01 Po ... Washington Post. a.- b~ PMSor allenlaw BUDd.., • Cbaadl.r e][flODtora flied 'heir io "'H d 'd I"k tl ASTURIC for three head of .'cx:k to:I' a. . . .... ':10 p. m. . WHIRl! ALL LOV. GAIID.NL ....Dta" aDd appral.emea& 10 tbe e.. I ?~w I kyolU I c 1e sermon, . unc e W88 a8 ('(. . ID 'b. corporatioD . For par. Hk:kIlte FrieIIcII Cbun:a. CAMEMBERT CHEESL .... of 1m. 1'. BalD•• deeealN . "' I l'k \. fi In J'p'aD every one gardeue, Uoal .. ra IDqulre at 'hi' oftl.,.. m H ' .....1 DIlJ IiI.UIlIt, 0 :00 L III. nne Da, --".8 B '" _... 1 I , I f I es t 1e sermon ne, boss. - - . f' J•• b, ...Bm at"I d ra.r d x 0 I t was a regular get-up and walk-off 8obool, 11 :10 a m, i'ollnil Day "ee&lrac. knows gilrden. and makes ,ardene. Camambert is the name of a com. o 0 D ya., .aea.e, sermon.' ROPERTY of &be laH N. B. An· 10 : ~0 a. aI. . The childlren amuae themeelvel with mune, a few houses about Camam. 'hony, 15$b .,. Good boase,baro ~-lied ber fint aDd ID.l aoooun&. " '.rh k d I k' d h , --o'-.A S 1 _... 1 I . . II en a8 e W 1at In t at was, bert church, in the prefecture Vi- ley garden. instead of mud piee, and hen hoOM, pae'Dre. )'or .,.reloDlara Orthodox Frierult Cburdl. . _ . . . nr &08, ... m n •• ra.or h l ' d 'I . I'k h' AI h lira. RaSh lIurr.r. I'UICIr of the ...... of Herbera ADderson, e rep Ie : t 18 let IS : ter t e l-doutier and the department of model relief maps in the and. of lIee barry lIuUa1, ..en' for IC L. 8abba,b 8obool, lI:ao a. m' Reltular chun. .eo.Med, flIed hl. firat aooou". good Lord he flxea u p th? world, he Orne. The cheese got its name from school playground.. In the recent P.oook, 1~0 LiDWood .,., o.,toD,O _nloe, le·eo L III. c.n.Uan BaIlIavor. Hale 01 bond. la ..'a'e of Mar'ha makes twelve men .out 0 mud aud the fact that it originated near ware the soldiers, after long march7 :110 p_ d _... . d stands them alongsIde a wall to dry. there, but there isn't a cheese fac- es, amUBed by maJdDa D • " ' - , eoea....., wa • • pprov. H h FOR MLE lD ooon e says to t em : "Now, you stand tory nearer than three miles away little home land8C&peI before their WiJl ~f ahe late H.nriet.. V. here until you are dry a8 dust and DOW, and not enough people live in tents. III mo;re remota timeI emARK of 21t 155 aGretJ, KOod b01lH Moun .., wu admi&ted to robat. the~ r.1l come back and put 80me Camembert to TUn one of any size. peron and IIhoguna .bdicated and aad barn ; .bed for 10 acr. to. --el ~---.. G i l " PRo brams mto you and make you men." Caen, the principal Camembert mar- joined or established monaeteriee in baooo, aU Jeyel, and weU feooed -ud Cora .."""nil. race ooa. ,er. "'w II f h h MOUDS. Coobraa < co8 &Id ~ , some 0 t .em t .ey ket, is in Calvados. 'l'he cheese is Kioto, that they might the bett.r wltb woyen wi..., 1}{ mU.. &0 R B . •" ' , . . "ri P and Walts to get their braIDS, while carted to the shore and carriro meditate upon the eternal trathl, aad obareh, aDd farm adJoin. IObool .... r1ll ... eXlOa. th th d 't I'k t . Dlavtba&loD of ....u 10 .tate of 0 ers. ey on leo wal~, and across the mouth of the Seine to .nd enjoy gardena of their own d.. IIrOGDIl If 1011 "an' a .mall farm ""__ T Whit 11 ed b gets rIght up and wal ks ofT Without Havre in boats. It is made, how- signing. Priests, nobl. an4 .,cout lD."",.te 'bia. Prioe 12700 for qalok ••)e. W. N. ~re, WaJsa.. · _r,e e WII' a ow 7 no braIDs ' nt a. II Th em's what you , . . ever, on the northeastern side of the ladiea all obBe"ed the conftDtiooe ~n., O. J 11 Oonr • call walk-off men! And a wulk-of! Seine, and from there comes to and practiced the rule. of landlCap8 Marriage Licenses sermon is the BlIllIe way-it 'hUB some Havre direct. The cheese is shipped art. J:R'I'lLIZIi:R OD hasad a,.n tim., for aU OIOpe. lor IDforma"oa t;barlea A. Mefford 45, farmer of ~o to it.' "-St. Paul Dispatch. Of the making of gard8D.I .and n. unripe, even to home markets ne.r oall Ch .... I'r,e, WayneavUle, Oblo. Level and Bertha R. Fo][, 29, of •- • . at hand in French cities. It is sel. lustrsted garden boob there wu litJlI Level. PI KE 287 YEARS OLD. dom over four weeks old when it erally no end in the leiaured centuries befolre the reeleration.-CenWlllia.m M. Blne., 38, undertaker nioe 1ArUDI bo... l,ood male, The pike is a fish for whi ch now leaves the fa~tory and is otten only tury. . Poland. (""bbla blood. Inquire 01 VanOeabarg, Kv., Ilnd Luoy Q. there is little demand. Yet Edward two or_t_h_re_e_._. _ ....._ __ a' 'htl oftloe. J 5 Tolle, 28, of KlnKI lIill •• 1., who regulated the prices of ditThere Dover w~ a time ' when St-ll STUMPED HIM. .pealal prtoe on Wblte Rook I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fercnt fish, that his subjects might peoplo appreolated tbe real merits Real Estate TraDelera egg.. loqulre of Mrs. J B. not be at the mercy of the venders, of Ch"mberillin'. Cough Remedy In a recent debate at the Wichita CupmaD, R D. 2, Wayaell'9illf', fi ed more than now. fhlsl. shown by Wilford C, HudllOD and Mar'ba x the value of pike highl' r tlJan the inorease in sales and velu otary high school the woman .u1frage Ohio. J 6 R. Hudson to Charle. H. Creigbton, fresh I!almon 'and at more thun ten tel!timonlals from persoos who have alPendment was UDder dilCUJlion. acree, bonM', barn and tobaooo times that of the best turbot. .Pike been oured by It It yon or yo or "It would be unwise to give woman 10' I. FraDklln, '260. 8bed for ..Ie . Groond il 800U Bigler lind Jda M. Migier et are supposed to live longer than oblldreo are troubled with a cougb the ballot/' declared a budding Dan. rea&ed. wl1l ,e& b.lf 'be crupI. WlaTI" . or oold gIve it a trial and become ac· . I W be . al &0 Mary E . 8obenok, traot ID any 0 th er fiIS h In spite of thei r for- qnalnted with itl! !tood qnalltles. Ie e ter, m attacking the propo- Ba1er ClaD I.' poueqlOD at 0008, ThOtI who'" perftedoD In 1i1..",&J'e InWAllhlDI*on township, II aDd other mer popularity as food. GeslIer re- For .alo by all dealers. sition. "Woman 'c ould not be re- aDd wlllael1·ver7 cbeap it lold 101)1l. Inqolre of Carl Hbeeta, Bo][ IG7. Yariabl,. eh_ forb, oon.14eratio08. • - • lied upon to ac'rcise good judgment W.,DIIAYilIe, Uhio. late8 that in 1407 n pike was 'c8ught J G lpoonl and faoc:,. ..". lIar7 Hunter Gate. &0 Miry P.r in Swabia with a ring attached, inin .voting.. She ch.n.... her mind lor pltcellWDpecI wId. . bed GROWING RICE IN MEXICO. --thinaownied bade !DIrk NDIAN RnUDel' Duok Egi' ; from el..,lo& 10 J'rukltn, II and otber llerl ; "1 was first put into this far too oJrten." The ned apeUftl' whtte .glf .&raID, beet Illyen ooD.14er.&1onl. Rice in considerable quantitiea fa W88 a yOlllng woman. She aroee and 760 per aeUID,; reclooed ,atell on 60. lake b~ the ha~d8 of. the governor of 'SDMDoa Meeker to Anna A. Mil_ the uDlverse, FrederIck II., October raised in :Mexico but the thod cast a pitying glante at her oppo- t lharle. C ~Uroaae. Wa'II.YIUe. O. ler and lIary (i. Bo7er, 10& in 5, 1230." Th~8 is the fish's story.- of cultivation is ~ost primiti:~ No nent. "I would like to uk my hon· R. B 5. J 15 I'rallltllD, 13180. London ChroDlcle. attempt is made at irrigation. Land orable opponent," she coeed .werily, I. quUt1 anel ""1It)' William 8 . . Un lie. by &0 Wilbur . I red b 11 "if he ever tried to chan- a WOOl. CORN-A crib of yellow l:Jeed 01 el.lp, th11 w.u. _ 18 C ea y fe iug the timber and .,Oora. Tbl. eora,rew IDe I ,ll' TOO READY TO 'QUIT• ... Co1rm.n, lot 10 riaakUD, II aod' bo". In,e.r 111IIIIIIrblirning over the field. The Iioil is an'. mind once it wu made up'" y_r . .d . • proas. well thlll yE'ar. ~ Its nmart. ether OO1IIld.ratl01ll. not plowed. Planting is done from The young woman got the decllioD. For par&loalu. Inquire of lIaao .111. dllnbiJlt)' hu WOIi it the IDJ1leta M. Eaton to Wllbur A. "It is very hard of you to . ask June to August. A hole is made in -..KaDau City Stu. ~ Ke1l1 or ClaM, Hepmler,oa Kel I ,Cofr...D, Jot 10 "'aokUD, Ii and me to be your wife; but I must ra- the soil with a stake, and the seed tid. "11INi ,,.,, 11 fllUD, Wa1Denl1le. pbonu 83.8 ; .,Glh.r ~.ldlra\loD'. fuse. I hope you will not hurry droppCd in and cOvered. It iii plant.' TH. REAION. £0011 from pore "awo ~ad W bite! :. . I!Way and do anything rash." . bout a 1001 ....... __ .' . IDdia Bao~erdaob.ohokle lay ed 4UIDn.Jl · '. Cpmpi~.., Proc:eedln.. L ".Don't worry about that. I meret-'" '4fJtama Jo me I am the · ,..... 11 50 ... ."'"DI of 1"bo 8 : D B ...~e. R.'B I .Wa,n_yUle ' . ',,1-.:-0. '1[. BrowD,. premlum OD I ly wanted to be. ~~re that we under. a ut the aame distance .part in for mrybody!' ro~s:. No culti~ation4a giv~ to the, . ~-rbaf:I''''~ you're aI.a,. bat- 0 ., o..nUIe,·Pb.,..' '1JI, IDa Ji ..•••. ....... ----t. B"b roo erl', stood . Ity each other. 'bl h -." ~N ' .'pJ[m80-A,..." . II'~ of ·Dlp;. _.-ctttor,'· tJ..60. ICd ti . ouare 8() BeI:l81 e t at. I am f:p~' !-thttemft ~ tiD, iD.~ " ,t . ~ . e:. ~ . 'a m&-. ", ' . • • kt. . . . . ID ..... 4IIl;'- &e ., ,¥.."..~ "'..· ......lpe, 18 ' O. 8 "'-... -... gOlDg to take back what I I;I1d 'an4 ..., "'.. •. . ~.-~ - accent vou.''- . ' . '. J ~teor.~~ . . .Tb.~ . . . . . ." . .uJ' .. ~~~ ,. ~.., .. ., . . ' ~ - ~-.--=---:..:... ~ '!. ~ . .



Now is Your Chance


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This is an Opportunity

--- -....---







...................... ....... .













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••Sil"lT Piau that·









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aL;aW aY llolIV ll1e.


AlA I N 8TREJ':1





Il r Iintl Mrll. W I£. B " ~: II11 III t"I1 llp,\ cllll l' oh lit, WRyu fl~Vl ll !l t'UIi D. L. C HANE, Edi tor and Manage. duy uud tCI)k iltnl"'r li t t:ie t h Cook'~ Mr d ud ~ r J . Cl1u r l.,y H ltr D r IIU' Rates of Subl cription d ' . u ~ htllr Mary ltelle villlt ild frl eurl. Ono YeU' (. trIctly In ad vance) . . , . .... al. OI in Ouyto n, l:! undlty "nd Mon day . 81oal o Cop y, . .. .. . .... .. . .. . .. , ... . , . 01 ~u mnll l Wtll! JU and wife "'''r(1 e o te rlllined Buoda y lOt t. h ~ b l)JUP , )1 Rates of Advertising Mr • . Anu" M o r ~a n, or HI''' '' !' VII I· R elUlloa Loc~ , per Un(' "" " "" " . . 6f Readlug "'uoal •. IIlack I.,'e , per Une . , . l U, Ie; . Mr . a nl.l M I ~ . l:Joruc·~ ('Olllpt () 11 li t. OlauUled Ad • . u,, ' to " ,, -S , the Uu ... Tb.reu IWMlrUuu. . . ....... . . . .. 26< to Id ed t he Wur rt' n (;lI un t y tiund "y Obltuui.81, ave lliche. I"", : over li ve Inebel. per lIu6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1M: tll'lwul uon vlln 1I0u II t Bit tIer ville. Oard at tbanki ..... ..... . . .. . , .. ... .. 26(- Thll r ~ lIl1y UU S l!'riduy R8IOIutJolII • ... . .. , .. , ... " ., . • , ., .. , &0. Juhony WIl~OQ lind MIf4~ Frl. no811 80clu etc. where charse III made •...• , . JIll.' b . Dl8pla, AdvekWnl pel' Inch . .. .. . . . ". IDe ",'dre iu WilmlDgton tiD 081nes8.

Bnrr - T o i\1,', ,,,,,1 Mrf'. (:11'(10 W b 'lt t ,," . M·, y ~ Ii. II ~u' l dIlY,

d:,',igb tl'r Mr.. Wn n'l."r oho< tr r .

VOlllilil', nf 11 ' ,, 1' .

Wll~ r.."lill ~

on ?Io an"y . Mi,A Z"S Duk "

lin fllI ' lIti, IlI' ,ol



!)lIy t lJ lI

rHas atood the leat of time IDd has ~D improved in quality with the passing yean. '. . . . Many brlDd. of paint are offered (or we and qUite often careful scrultDy IS not lI~ven the lubject with reference to the quality of the paint to be used. _

on I


F r lol n .y

It is • good idea to learn the competition of the paint you intend to use. There t o LaU/'I II HI 1111 1':' 1.1 1.\ ' . i&• difference. Stll l.t le.v L, m J, ,,/ ,U I-J llI' llIlI lI L,·wl!!. The printed formula appears on every package 0' Oa:"t on. ut tellllc,\ th e COlll l llo u ~e mea t. of Hanna'. Green Paint. Pte" GlIlJ l'~ ,d;I It I'.k. of AIIII A rt!lJr , Mloh., il! apeo uin g tbi s woek wllh • Thia ia IU of aood (aith IUd aUettI the confidence the makert have rel"tiv88 h ere in their prod\lCl. Dl8oounwo Iveu on coutract . ~utnrday. Me8dRIll01j Jane Dyke. Lydia Cule. Ina Muy Compton entertained m an and L IlOY Dyke spent Tues uay M Ao Y n , 11113. Mll!lea Lelah Bogan aDU Olive Wil In Dayton. .ou at dinner, l:Jonday . J . tn , Staoy and wife were in at. Several of ollr folk. d\ended tendalloe at the Commenoement on The ew.. thaa are luollllJag lam1» .bonld be fed very liberally. , ', e Memorial adllreil at .New Bur. Friday evening. I lin,ton, ld. IC. ohnrob, tiunday even· airs Harry MoGinols WAB 10 Day. Beech Grove. . 10" lIiTeo by Rev . 'lierrilllio .. rr, of too shopping, Thursday . I Being prepared from Pure Nati~ H erbs, they C leall~e the Good pal~ure II invaloable In ~prioIlValley . • Miell Reva WllllamsonoamedowD We ha ve six Box,yell g rlldull tl'Bi System and Purify the Blood, and T one t he System. and t hu s " arewlDI plill anoo.llfully. IIr•• Wilbur Ruddook entert-alned kom Day.on Frida., evening to II.t· Huel b:.( ore. of.. the Harveys burg .....w ..................._ ....._ .....w ................................,.... ..............,............................ w ........................ w ......... <A. ..... " '_ . _. _ " • "• "". ___ -""""'" he r au~' and .woooneine from Day. ~eod 'he Commencement and llpent eohool iVan RBtallio k, of the Ore ton, over Hunday. i;lltarday and t!unday with her ~onili lIohoo ; Uoward MoGllino and A oow apprenla'etI pU40lualUyin Prayer meetiog "hureday eyeD· friend, MI III Zilla Githenl . Barold Gil li am , of t·he Blokoryville mllkIDIf," muob a. a maD doellD ID", JeMe Baines, leader, We had &oboololoeed here on Fridlllyand sch o() l llnd Viola Jordan and Ray. ... ..... w ... ,..,.._,.,..,._ . . . . . . . . . . . . """'-' . . . . . ... neal •. a IpIIDdtd meeting last week. held the annual plonio dinner a& mond Hberrldatl . of t he W ellmaD LIVE RITES-A purely vegetable Laxative , cures Chronic Con· • ' . Come oat .nd enjoy th" leaeh with Lytle Hall, on ~'urd&y . There eohool. Tb" Commenoem ent wtll stipation , Liver and K idney Troubles. Ask you r Grocer for it. Lame baoll II ulu,1Iy oaa.ed by as . !tverybod, w,loome, 1"'&1" jtood orow" In attendanoe and likely be at the F. W, B churoh . Manufatured by ALPHA CHEMICAL CO., SpringfIeld, Ohio rheuma"llD of t he mntol.. of 'he Mi •• tiara HaloeA e&or&aloe4 her the dinner and prolram w"s enloyed here. baok, for whioh ~on w1l1 6n~ no,h. frlena Hiu RnUege from New Bar. by all. Mr,s. Mattie Da vis Bud Mrs Adah !::n~";~::li: ~;~W'::~i~:.~ LIDI. I D.lfon , a few day\! l&8t week. Mre. Ida Githens and dau~hter TlIlmage att,e nd ed the Warren Co. • -. Lelia, of Dayton, were guest. of C. S. S. Conveotlo n Il t Butle rvill!l, Illst • It would .urprile you know of W. (]ox and wife, on Friday evening. week . tbe urea' ,cod , being don. by . P I Vhf F kIt B8 lure 'here are ao lioe on 'he Cha:lberJain'. Table"'. Ouiue Mise E9ta Hlaoy Ie entertaining rl!SS ey an ~ D, 0 rllD n, ,ount( IItllOlI: when 'hey are tornad Downey, of Newberg Junotlon, N . her ooulin, Mls:l J.ena Wllllamp, of .pent ':)uolillY with his si!lt t1 r bert!, B, wrUes, "My wif.e ha. been uelng Piqua, Mrs Will Guthrie. '0 p h lUhl. Chamberlaln'lI Tabletl and finds Mr. anel IIrs. Allen Bole enter Mrls ldll C. Mallorm Imd dallghtllr them very effeet ual an.l doing her ' 1Ilned on 8undilY the following Mis!! Ethel, of l'ippeoll.Doe, are the I Gl ..nlln... II next to Codli...-- loti of good." If you bave any ' .> f Corwin, Ohio. 'roablewtth youretomaoh or bowels guests : John Bole and family, Mr, guf'ls ts of EII 'I'D EHlt M,IDuon a n" am aDd ahead 01 i* wUh 'he mUll In t !'lIrt Rin gle. Strain ) ,Ive them a .rial. For eale b, all aod Mil. Roy SIlker. lIeedamel l1y , lilt Chllrobvill e . .pecter. dealer.. Anna Montgomery and Maggie A I::( tilpm ye r l nd wife oalltid on I I Stock and eggs for sale. Eggs for • - • R oop, u l . Et·.A Hola a U d "har Uh tl R. E llis tind flimB y, of Dear Harvewlburg.. . - S88 , ; hatching from first pr ize winning MUll: Ie 'he hOIf'. natar.1 fooel, > # lotte Weaver, and Will Hole, all of I:Uokory vlllf'l, ou . uud", eveulo g . By day or week - -the ! pen, $2 per 15; other pens $1.60 per fltve him aU of is yoa oaD IOare up (DeIA,ed) Dayton i Misl Gertrude Wileon, of . K . E Tbompson lind daughter . 15. Valley phone 9·4 y' . R. D. 3 best of service. ever, d&,. ThE memberl of the Alumni were WaehluBtoa, C. H. and Wilbur Bears Mrs ,\111 hel Ttlrry a ttsn,le,1 the tau. \ Morrow, Ohio. delighted to hllar ,bat the lunch and family, of Waynesville . erul of Mr. l'hompllon's oousin. Mrs N6w" the tlm~ to &1' rid of your for 'hll year'l meeting wa. far. The Tenth Aunual Commenoe Lizzio l'homtls, of nea.r Edgewood, Livery and Feed Stable . rheama~lem You OIon do It by ap ment of the Lytle t:Iigh ~hool was on Tuesday , of lallt week. in connection. plllDg .CbambeJ leln 'I Liniment loud nl.hed by Mr. Carl Bhidaker. The BaooILlaurea\e addre.. !lIVeD held at Ly&le Hall, on lI' rldayeven. Chas . Thomluoo Ilud daughter m.......... 'he par'. freely a'MOh - - - - - -- -- applloaUOD. i'or ... le by all de.len. Sanday nIght by Rev. Ellison Purdy, In,{. The 011181 wal oomlloeei of Mre ,frsle Y OUBII, ot Verlailles, Undertaker and Embalmer, of Wilmington, waa excellen" three yoaog ladle.: Missel Es~1l O,uk Vo . and Mre, Net tle l!'awn, of Mr. haDk Bar~~• . ~~ t.~e hal,>pY 8&8OY, Blan~"e Cornell and S&olla Br'adf'ord, wert! the gueete of K E Will be foond in the olel .T he yoanlf l.a mb wl1l ,row rapid. p6eaeIeor of a new Budlon automo · GitheuI , Dr. Charlee W. BlodgeU. Thompson and family, on Wed nellWanted of all Kinds Bank Building. oppoal'e ly, 10 liv. him a ob. .oe. Tbere II bile, t he National Bank. of Clnolnnatl, gave a very able.d dsy . Telephone iD hou8e and of· pro6' in la. Hr. Jam .. Shumaker aDd famil, The mlliio liven by the Joe DavlR came down from OilY. floe where J can be called • eptnt Sunda,. in Wllminlton. Family Orohe.tra, of DaytQn, 'on 011 Bllndav morning to spend the day or night. The eheep qnuterl, a' lambia, Mr. and MI'I. Walter Lao, euter Wall fine . The ball wa. beautifally day with hill home fola. here. Proprietor Valley Phone 1i-2, .tme ..peotall,. IIhould be k.p' ... ell tal ned Mr. aDd IIr., Chloe. Bhl4ater in rOll88 of the olul oolora, J W . Thompsen Ind wife, of Waynesville. Ohio bedded a.4 very oleaD. dinner 8uday. and whUe; aiao wllh fernll , Wellman, A. D. Talmage aDd tam ~------------~......,;. Main Street, Many ..Uended the 1011001 exhibit ulta a large erowd wal in attend. lIy, of this plaoe, spen&Suuday with Fllday I '·ernon. 'I'he pupils made anoe and this marta one of .he belt Y rl. AmaDda Garner aod daughter BARNHART, OoDla~eJ'l an d«!D1&Ddil'I ' porll a very Oi l :!t"ble showing Commenoemen'" ever Ki ven her.. Mlu .I eelit>. WALTER MCOLURE, with .6re 1... mea.. Tbe feeder IIrs. Horace entertained 8 de· • - • The Miami, W .. rren and Clark F . Notary Public aad breeder monld cater to th818 IItrh U1l1 hoUle party of frlende from CANDY B'OXES ARE EXCEPTED, W B Yearly meetinlt will be held Funeral Djret:tor. All kinds of Notary Work. Peneton Clnolnnati Ind Cleveland lut week. at Bloluohester, Clinton Co , ,June 7. I requtre.en... Work" HpeolAlty . • • L.Mon Which the LIttle l!Ioy Drew tI 9 Helps A Judge In Bad Fix From the Old Story of PanGeo. W. Millet, Sr. and wife, of Telephone day or night , Poor appe&tM te a lun ItlD of im. dora'. Mlltlk•. I Jutlo,e Eli Cherry. of lillli. alllIlI] oelir WayneSVille, Sll~Dt Sunday ~n4 dlc.."on A few dOHl of Valley phone No. 1. r.onK DR. J. W. MILLBR, (,,'baabalaln'. tJ'omaob and Liver Tenn , wal platnly worried. A baa aHernoon with reioL'lvel here. Dlstanoo No 69-'J~. Detroiter two and a half ye!lrB old I Tabl... will.'ren,lhell your dig... lore on hi. leg had bame4 "veral T.on BrAunon aDd wife and Mrs. tlon aDd tmprove ,oar ap)J8tl&e, doctors aDd long ruis\ed all rem is just a little over·fond of prying WAYNESVILLE, OHIO \ ... DENTIST•.• TbouaDd. have baeD benefited bl edlu . "I thoaght Uwas a oanoer,' ~ into whatever bot or bundle he may K. E Thompson spent SatardlY . afternoon with Hre. ThompilOD'p &&kin. 'heee 'labletl. ~ld b, 811 he wro". .. At lalt I need Duollle'l '" 1I Bran~h Offiee, Harveynbur., Onlcu tn Arnica Salve, and was oompletely b~ppen to find abou t. It, w~rrles "I-ster Miss Lizzie Stronp, of Har Waynesville,' 0 ~I~ I National Bnnk Bid". oured. .. Caree barna. bon., alcen, hll grandmother ; she doesn t like to veY8bllug. ~~~~~~~ : oat., brolHI .Dd pU8II. 26 cente at lICe little boy8 so cu rious. So the . I ~~~~~~~~~ lawles Miller, ,. ho 8"ent his boy. other day she took out the big" "No foo& no bone." U won'l all druggll'•.• _ • boo)(} dBye nellr 'his plaoe, died on ------------------~ hright-colored l ook of l lllwthorne's 'ate 100, for all IgDoraDt Ihoer to Corwin, B'ridaJ' Rt bis home tn Mo. Hr. DR. E. H. COSNER, wonder etories lind showoo the little nlD .... bee, focK. Miller WI\S a brother 01 Geo. Hiller, 00 boy the pictutc of Pandora~ The THI cltiATlaT of n"ar Wayor8vllle way HawthomC' tells the story, you Will. lilillna\'Ro, wlte and Bon, of know, Pandora was n naughty, curio Look 00& for 'be yearling ooltl, Dayto'n. Robers I::3llauahan, wife aDd IN THE WORLD OUi little girl, a nd she openoo the Doa" le& them 1(8' a letbaok ... IIOll, M Annll , Mo. and Ed HhAnahaD, rtlBLISHED WEEnY. $U)O l'EIt YUI box that held 1111 t he troubl es in tl1l' Iprlnl approach.., 912 Relbold Building, wife lind I'(ln, of near Wellman, HOTILe, DltuociiSTs, SPIOIAL.I.,.., world, and they fl ew out in a hor. .penl, I:1l10 4l ay wHo D. 1:1 . Bhanllhan 00 a TUM lit 8, T R A " a F I It, 0 A B rid, buzzy swarm and stung Pandora Dayton, • Ohio AND 'BU8 8EftVICI CAN PROF I';'" and wi.fe A I'ambllolf bab" may be _uaed and Epimetheus, Ind ever since that BY uelNC ITa ADVIRTI81NQ COI-UM ... Mrs Maud Byerley aod children, b, poor IbOltnll ; or it may be o,aHd the world has been full of t.roubles. SAMPLE COpy FREE of Bllrnmerf" rd : Ipent Bnnday with GJ'8duate American School. KlrklVltIe. Mo b, Ipora.' or oar.l... bUohin,. Add.... NEW YOItK CLIPPER The picture showed the swarm of her brolher herp, Wm. Gu&hrie. New York. N. Y. trouble-imps . fl ying out of the box - - - .... and stinging poor PandorlJ, ever so Everybody should read the;Gazette A. 001& appreota~. the oo• .,.ntou. hard. • hlp of maD, eDd he .honld bl. . " "And BG, you see," grandmother ..,.,Ian,. c1nrlnlf tbe flret ,ear of finished, "it's II. very dreadfu I thing iC.. HATB A W A 'T ble Uf., for little boys or gi rle to open bOIl'S thlt don't belong to them, because ,.... .. ., 'lesn1le'. Le8J1lna DeaIIIt EJcapes An Awful Fate they never can..tell what's hiding in Offioe in Keys Bldg. Main 8t the bOIes." • A thOUMnd ,ongueeoooid DO' ex· prell 'be lramlld • . of Mn. J, E, The boy WIIS impressed by the COJ(, of JoUet, 111 • .(or her wonder story; he thought it over for quite 101 dehvennoe IIO~ aD awful f.'8. a while, slowly, seriously. 1'hen he DR. BELL'S ANTI.PAIN "Typbotd pDeumonla had lef' me Iintemal .,,4 External ........ looked up brightly and amended: with II dreadful (lOagh," Ihe wrltel. "Little boY8 must never open boxes, _I!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! must they, g'anmudder-'ceptin' ~ when they're candy ' boxes,"



J. E. Janney, Waynesvillp, Ohio.

I=========L I V E R I T E S- -








I===LIVERITES Only lOc====





Pan Handle House Barre~";i;:nouth RQcks Boarding


\ ~~~~







E. v.




Osteopathic Physician THEATRICAL PAPER




.- .

Mr. &lid Un'. , ·F"llnll Cook dau,hter lIarie ~o"'m~Ded h d.t n Thoma.

H. E.

Bert A. Grant, Tinner and Slater, Furnaces, Roofing and Spouting, Sheet Metal Jobbing of ,aU kindse







8c2olland P·rc.ftted by tho Leaaon the I "lOot Taught to It. Monarch. ScotilUld bae many legends that tho ebe<!pberderB Ilnd hIghland peasanta De\'er get tired repeatln&. A long time ago King Bruce ru e el over Scotland b~rore tbat" oountr)' became a Dart of \!: ngland, Bod he learned a le s90D from 8 spider Ibul e nable d him to lIuc~d wb ell othe rwise be would bave failed . King Hrul'e bad lost many battles. lie W88 ulscourage d . He bad mado his On a l e lror t asalnBt bill enemies lind fa ile d (0 vanQ ulab tbem. Deep In d(>sral r be went to a lonely room In his castle. Reclloing on the couc b und tbloklng. be hsppened to noti ce n sp ider drop trom tbtl cel lllls on a s in g le s ilken cord . He watched tbo ' I'ide r fasclnate dly. It now be&.aQ ~ uSt'ent. It silpped. TiQlt! and time "&aln It tried to mount, but each tim. It tailed . Tbe king wutcbed Inte ntly, rorgetful of all else. An hour pa8&ed. Floally tJre''<IIlIlli4ir 'UCDe~. It 'Wu An In.plntloii iG.r KiD&' Bruce. Wb7 .hould he get dlaoouraged, hulng I rl ed on ty a. few Umell and [all~d? Ht! mndc one last grand rail, agaIn lit hla e nE' ml('s and routed tbem, and from lIds Incident clime the old aaylng, "If Al !Irs! you don't- succeed try again,"

Important to Mothe,s

Examine carefully every boWe of CASTORlA, a sarc and Illre remedy for 'lJ~ts nnd cblldren. and lIee tbat It Dearslhe ~-Sisnature of . • ~ In Use For Over 30 MI1I.

L:hildren Cry for Fletcher. Castoria HI. Opportunity. "GOltIS to Wombat's wet.ldllll. O'fer ,n the North side?" "Not I. I waA engaged to tbat Ilrl. ",'omhat c ut me out." " We ll, co rne (0 tbe \Yeddlng: YoU OI/l.y gel a chonce to bllr blm In ' the IAw ~"Ih n u old Bhoe."

When Your Eyes Need Care

Try 1I1lrlne Bye neme<l1~ No8martlog-teet. ." I",,-AN8 QUI" .. I,.. Tr1 It for B~, WeA", EYeR aod OraoulMM Eyelid ... Itlus· W3tery Book <!'aIM In eaeb PAC!kap. Mllrloe Ie ~.':f-'~g~ra:~oi':,r~J:t:t;ln~b~;r.~~:'~I'::

."" fDr mao, ~~'!:.. Now dedlca..,,1 '" UNll'nf>.

Ltll~~ ~'!. ':kt.;''1~'~~~~r!.~~:d''M: Murine Eye


00 ••

Wilnted to Know. He--l\ly .ra ther welgbed only four Slollnda lit his birth, She-Good grllclou8~ Old he live? Paxtlno Antl8eptlc sprayed In to the nasal passages Is a surprisingly suc· cesl"ful remedy for catorrb. At drug· glsv :lllc 6 box or sellt postpaid on rf>· celpt or price by Tbe Putou Toile t Co., Boston. Mass.

- -- - - -

r~ very mao bll1l some good In him. but sometimes It tnkes a 10l of co:u· Ing La bring it out.

nail Dlue, ,,11 blue. be>1 bluloy "' n tlla wbols worill, mnl,"' th6 Inun · dreu smll ..



... IUD

Mauy a man 101les time trying to uplain a mista ke that be U11 util· Ize In malting othera. II·.... WIn. low·s Soothlog 81MlP lor


lec.Lbtng. aoftf:Q S tb e 1f"'Ile l redtlces lonamm .. -IJOD, allays palo. cureD ... lod C'ulk, 25c " bot.Lla



r I



Occasionally we m eet a man who 'Would rather work tor a Ilvln!; than .get 'oto poll tics. t I"sigh Us el'uptlons disappear .. tlen, COU . . .

-or Oarfield Tou.,

The man wbo wears .bouldn't butt In.


silk h\l

~:;::~~ -::':;:; -2 r~'-:=-J":"' ~::"::" ':-'-~ -::'= '


ew- Awe ,.,.Ion Free Bamp1e8 n.e

",.,." Awar £adl." " ' .

Cone,ant and Int:reaelttg Sa.... From Samples ftoo.. _ file C ...ulne /tIerI' 01

Attl.'S FOOT... EASE. Sbake Into Your Shoes All.., .. F~Bue.1U aatlseptlc _ _ lor IIac led. Aro you. t.rt.IIe ...... IU •• about tbo .1,. or your .boe. t Ibn,. peoplo " •• 1' aboea a .1%.. IIIIJlller by oh.kiDjt All",,'. Fool~1tM. Into thew.. It ,no have tlrrd, IwoUen , hot,,AlleD·.l"oo(·Raoe !:I7••

reliet. TRY "

TO·DAY. Do "o1

~~IW~~'80ld neTywb ..... 25 C!.d." &eft,,1 8lIJ' ou.baUlut•.

• I n RIAL PAOKAOIE . . . ~ b, mAIl.

"::1= Mother r"'-IaaC."

erny's Sweet Powders, bf'et mecll clJlf' for (o'(''Yert sb . Rickl y Children. t§old b)' Vru J:1:t. ~ eycr ¥ .


where. 'frl.AI paekiloC"J ...... .Ad4ru.






1\ llI s~ :-':O\\', thin't S6Y a word. Dl cky, "You llIa y nQt ca re tor tbem, but I've old cb ap. Cane. J e nkins! Oreat ple us. taken rath er a shillo to th ese buttons. ure, Assu re YOI\-- wou't Inconvenien ce MI[)d lettf ng Ille hav e one, eh Y" li t all. . Glov os, J en l,llIs : JUllt give He fla shed a QuIck glonce at me mo sO lD e thlng to Blue p In, and. be and then away . lUI comfortnble b ~re a s l ' woulO be a t " Mind? Why. certaloly not; take SYNOPSIS . tbe club-so don't worry Q[)Y ahout 'em all, old cbap. and welcome. " Yet J~>hard l,l,vllWII!/-. an ~ ",WI, aD. uJe, . .oId chl1p. By the way, '\Vant to 1 l:eBllolideu gloomily enough, scarcely n lTecrel! I!;ngllsh accen t . .r..c..Iv .... & P ..... · thnnk r t"'-< ent frnm /I rrl,... ,1 In ChIO£,. 'rile pr""ent )'ou or ..... ng oar. at the Illd. po lite. YOll know . And 1 relt too jotly los your frIend has sent you are ~rove. I" b,' n plLlr ot pl1jn.maH. A. IctLor Oat home Illl.-l1«Kt, 1 understand." \lrostrated to bo curious as to wbat fully rare aod old; and for dellcat .. 1"15 or s U"III'I"" lu th" w~arc r . Lightnut He "Iunked Ilk J II I ' . rio ... I he ~'l\j ,1 "H" "'I(I 101 I\t night gOt8 ... e a 0 y e epbnnt In· be, could possIbly wnnt wit b the dainty elegance and that sort of tblo, ,.' p rnr a 611l'lke. His se rvll"l. Jenklf1ft, .. to. tb~ largesl and moot 'comrortabh.' tblngs . Wa.lstcoat bullons, Ilktlly- tbey've got every tilIng else In tbe '~'""'t• In Oud. . talllnt: 10 reco!l:nlEo LIcht- obalr In tbe room and wbeezed for IIIll1ngs wns clven to loud dress and way shoved otT the clothes·Hne. Aut "U . nil mpt.. to \lut him ou t. Thlnklnl( b Ih~ "'I'\'Rnt Cl'I\zy. Llghlnut "hang" hla reatb. olher bounder s tunts. But be Just sat as to these jewelu. you enn Just bet CIOlheB Im e'"llng to 8umml>ll h elll. Whe,/ "And. Jenkln8~" He rnlsed one tat tb e re looking down after I spoke, Ilnd all you've cot that wboever pallsed he f"Cll PI H! U rS J (' nkll1" r e. lI s on hlft neck II wllh joy, (OnllrmhlK UKhtnut'1 beller nge r wblle be took a gasp. "Oon't prese ntly s tole a Queer glan ce at me. th e m on was not wiSe to lhem belnl tlh,al he I. crnzy. Jenk1 nR t e lls Lightnut or mind If I do bn vo a nackag6 or He sudd enly beld liP the row of red under IheBe co\'ers." t e lln (~Ountf'r h e h Lld wtth II hideoull ... Chlnnm on tl .... s.ed In pa ja mno. In a Ul ck)"s Koroskos and a Bloe fizz- not buttons asatn. Here be got to lookln~ Ilt one at messa!!\! !rcrn hi. rrl pnd. J ock 111111nll1l. too sw~t, YOU know; and YOU may-" "Look h ere, you blessed dodo, " be tbe buttons and murmuring .bls a<l~ 1.lghlnut Is a"ked to pui up "the kid" nil ror It. .. nheht on his wil y home from col· lings bro ke oil' suddenl7. Tben exclaim ed brusquely. "Have you reat· mlratlon-tegular tranoo, you UIo"'·. leg". T.1I1 ~ 1' l.IKhlnut find. u beaullrul he climbed beavily to hIs feet and Iy no Idea wbl1t tbole are, tbeBe ~Ioss " By Jove'" ~ remarked, Just In Btlr rlrl black Plljllmas In hi. room. Light· bl'msolf bu ttons you are yapptnS' about! ot blm Ul' a bit. And he unloadtd a nut In I... hocked hy Ihe girl'. drtnklng, without wurolng, ben V_A .,.. . lnoklng nnJ slungy talk. She tells him acruss the room and seized the button course you baven't. you jolly cbowder great runnel of smoke and cnntlnue'.!: her n a llll ' Is l~rH nels and puzzl es tfln1 I h :' My theory Is that during IIOme wll h n Blory Dr h r lo ve ' (or her sls tor's ad Ju s t uncovered. Dusbed Ir be be,ad, but I'm going to tell yOU," rO"In · ,m-llc:. nom e,l Frun,'e.. N.'xt lIlorn- didn't almost up&et me. He tbrew tbe coat Into my lap. • dallger, some mandarins' war. IIkel,.. " Here, I s ay'. " ("rotes ted . "Uon't Ing lh ~ girl ts mluslng nud Llt;htnut hur· "Tbey are rublel, old man, tbat'lI somebody ~ot cold feet about theu rl n to the bo .. 1 10 Be.. hor "fl'. H o Is DC· ... ...,,,led b)' II hu s ky college boy, who calla lose tbat cap." '" pi cked It tiP rrom all," be saId quIetly. "Oriental rubles. jewels and roped Ibl)m In wltb thelia him "Dicky," but he dO<!.. not the where he bad Jerked !t to the Goor. at that-Dowless and perfect-tbe bltl of silk-see how dllferent the, "rI. ':It'e .cover to btde that glau. you rarest and most precious thlngll In tbe are from the rest of the stulf! Theil, koow ." world ." when tbe rougbbous8' came, tbese Plio CHAPTER VIII, "Wb·a·a·t: " JamaR were swept alon& In the sacll" lng-sort of spoils or pillage, you , Rllilngs swung round, etarlng at me Her Brother Jack. CHA_PTER IX. "Good night, Dicky!" came up tb. with tbe most I;tlrloua eXllrelslon. know. It was a clever methocf or call"See bere, Dicky," he exclaimed .'e.ator IIbart. And then mOI1l "1'0041 cealment-clever because slmple--a An Am~zlnll Revelation. nlcbts," grOWing Calnter wIth tbelr ratber excitedly, but In II low tone, as stared blankly at Billings. "Ru· hldlllg place unlikely to be thoughf, or laugbter as the car shot down. he cut a side glance at Jenklng st· btes!N 1 gasped. because rlgbt under the er.. You re"Good night," called arte~ them. pbonlng th e fizz over at tbe ce llarette. He nodded . "Oenulne plgoon bloods, call Poe's story of 'Tbe Purloln.d Lei , "Devllls b sorry you fellows won 't lIt.Ily "WhM In ·tbunder ba ve you bcen dD- m :y SOD, no less ." ter!' " longer !" lug now?" "Ob, come now. Bllllncs," 1 protest· I asked BIllings bow much h~ Hy Jov e . I turned cold for a mlnuto, cd.. 1 teit a little mltTed, Just 8 little thought oue or tbe ruble" was wrl1'tb. "Jolly gootl lie, Jenltlns." I said, yawning sleepily, as I dropped back I was that startle d . I thought he was YGU know . So Jolly raw to try It on 1 bad In mind how dcY1l1sb bungrny Inlo my owr, IIpartDlent. going to uee the paJanuis I1S an Intro· that way. be bnd looked nt them. But be slgh"d, '· Yes . sIr," naR~nted J enkills demure. ductlon for reference to' last nlgbt. But "By Jove, old chap, you must think thell frowneO and anHwered Impalfent.. ,.. ~ Iy . " It·s ~ leE'plng on the divan the tn a minute 1 saw tbat be dtd not me a com mOD ass," 1 lIuggested dis· Iy: gustediy. othe r nl ht. nlr. Etl!:bt hours there mean tbat. "Tbat 's It! That's tbe trouble about "W h e re on earth did you get any· slu·t notiling li ke elgbt hours In bed 011 lings grinned at the "ery Idoa. all tbe rare Bod beautltul thlDga of thing Itlle tbls 7" . and In your rajamas." "You a common 6S9, IlIcl:y?" bo tbls life! ."Iways @ome debRsloi. "Oh, I say now!" 1 rOflloDs trated, ejaculnted . ":Nobody wbo Imows you prohibitive 8)rdid money value, dam"PaJll mas !" I ejaculated, startled . For 311 day I bad beeu thinking of a larm changing to a mild dlHlgeun. would ever think that, old man." mit:" h ·r . I wond ered tr UIiUngs would lJap. Billing s ' de vilish rud e manners nre 80 "Utlt. I 5I1Y-" He s quloteil at tbe stones again ana ' "Wbllt do YOll pe ll to Invite me up fol' tbe 'week end . otrenslve at tim es. "See b e re, Dicky boy. I'ID In dtlad le t tbe weight ot one rest u'pon bla !lut he bad so Illa lt y times, and I bad lllean? It's A presc nt from a -frIend ~ al'l: ()s t ," be , Interruptef1 eagerly, fing e r . He shOOk bls head. slgbln&. In China." n cv\'r gon e . " Don't you remem ber my one Cad"Well, tbey' re over twenty carata "Present!" [l!lIlng~' eyes bulged gems ? Oat enotlgh tied up In tbem eacb, and therefore, of coune, nInny " Uy .Ju ve; fllnl reminds l11e." I said. 'Uj'hose red s ilk paj n ma~!" qucerly . He stoope d to war d me, whls· to build two apartment bOllse8 118 big times the value of nrs t wator 11111> "Y es , s ir." J enkins ' fa ce llard enec1 poring : "Did be kllOw wbat tbls but· as tbls. Beat amateur collection In monds. After you &et above 1I1'e 10 n n odd , wc"de n wny . ton was?" New York, II 1 do say It. But I baven't car8t~ wIth relll Oriental rubino, dla· "Wby, o r comBe he didn't ." I an· anything like one or th ese rubles, and monds are not In n." '" "'n ~ wo nd e ring. JcnklnR, It those pa la mll s were to rn nny tn our little Bwere d Indignantl y . ." Neve r drea m od neither bas an y 01Ie .eI8e.-no on. e else With an abrupt cesture be Jluaned of it, of course . I (ell you, It was all In thi s country, anyhow . Tbere's the things away af\d tose. His pip, row th e ot her night. " Poo r .le nlllns win ced a little. "I nicely cll ve red. Wfl S what,yol! ·cnIJ·!t- OQthtng like !.hen1 in all New York. bnd gone out, but I ~otlced that h' tllink nol. s ir," he multererJ humbly- upbol s terp.d, you know - wltb devlllsb from TltTnnv's do\\' n to Malden Lane, did not rellght It. • beld the gem, " 1f' a Htwl se. th e y were all right lost nice ~ lIk . I cut It off accltl entally, :uld n ever has bee[) . I n8ver salT any·. full In tbe rays of Ule lamp, and BillIIl gb l '01'11 0 11 Mr.-- " He Beemed to oatcb trying to fllrce the thing through that thing like-n c ar like any or'them- Ings paused, holding a bungry gaite Itl m6clf abrulltly. " I mean WbflD I loop. T\lat len ,the marble e xpos d ." e~:c ept tho one In the Rusalan crown over his s houlder. BlIlhJg s took the glaso mec hanically of Anna Ivanovana. That's hlgger .. lomld them tbls morning, sir" "I rll\Y, DIlllng8, bow much did >,uu eay one waB worth?" I asked cateHe ret.ilrueO with tbe IfllrmeDts I tram tbe tray tendered hy J e nkins nnd but Il has n't the same Hre." hi\d re celvc'd from Mastermann, and' stpped It slowl y, eying me c llrlOllsly ngaln we Bpread them tinder tbe over the top. Tb en be set It back, lam ll on tbe tabl e . Tbey looked slngu. very deliberately, wiped bls mouth larly s mootb and llllwrlnided. Tbere wllh tlte hit of n a pery, and without was IIOt n stngle tear or break, not taking hi s glnnce from me. waited li lt· c vell wltil tbe Oellcale cords that ttl ,1enkln s bad le ft the room. Whe re. t wlsled 1.0 Corm tbe frogs or the seat . upon. nft er another searelling look n t "~.IY, ~Ir~ Out aln't they red~ " th(' blltton, he dropped It with the breath ed Jenkins . "'rhem cords look garment IIpon tb e tabl e , and with bands Jammed deep In hls pockE'ts . IIkn IttU" red snake!!." I Cllt 'In anxious glance at .Ienillns, (n ced me wltb a long·drawn whhtle. "Well, I'll he hanged'" be ex · Cor I did not \tke his re fe l'ence to s na.:t l;!s. S eemcd ominou s , somcbow. claimed. Just a CORree, vulgar out· But bls appearance wus composed anll hurRt. you know - no sense to It; no rea8> urlllg . And, by Jove, come to poin t at nil, you know- t hat's Bill· . look , tbe cords did lOOk ju st like tiny, Ings . IIc C3 11gbt up tho coat again . "And coiled ~ erpents of glowing lira. Wb,., they were 110 jolly red tbey hurt your Ihe ~ e others-four or th em-are thcy ey e ~. Fact! I~nd tbln as th'O beau· just the same ?" be demanll ed sharply. "Da sb It, how sbould 1 know? tlful t;lutT was, lblll brlgbter red ran all OVCI' the other, covering every tnch t. IlPllose so," I answer ed Indiffere ntly . of It n nd ronnlng the closeRt, IInest And I closed illY eyes anli lea n ed ba ck, wbot·you ·coll·lt embroidery . It was as fe eling a blt -ju~t a bit- weary . Some. (alnt and daInty a pattern as that on a bow, 1II11111g8 IR alwny ~ 80 e:tbauijtlng Roap bubble I Fact IB, 1 could not Wh e n be gets t;turted on somntl1lng. "Ob. cuI It out, old chap," I prote9tlrat:c It, C\'cn with my glass. Th e only part th~t wasn 't covered ed, drowsy·llke. "I Will," I heard him say . l'hen I with Ibl~ embroidery lJUs lness was the ~t.uff .u sed to cover tbe knot s , or little .gllesB I mus t have dropped orr a btt, balls, o ve r wbicb tb e cords were for the next tblng I lm ew ho wael meant to hoole In \vorklnt; with shaltlng me. " DIcky! Dick)' ! Say, look ber,,! some or tbos e cords, Idly fa stenIng nnll (,""os terling them, I got a little Look, I tell you~" I rtld look, nnd - well. I was Jolly llIlpall(> lll wllll one tbllt s oemed tight. you kn ow , un,J I used illY manicure vexod. that's all. "Ob', I say now!" I s pok e Beve relyknife to pull t he l;n ot throu gh. "Curdul , s ir," warned Jellklns . Just TJI P.t \·I1Y. you kn o w, I went (In . remonlltrntlng: "Oe\'lIl ab s illy jok e. i t ! " LIkely to rut sOIll.elhing ." lly J ove! 1':0 Hooner snld, tbRn I YOll osk me. You 've galle and l'uln t:11 • the tblng, Billings! 1"Ias hy butto m~ : dill It! The da~h e d blad e Slipped so mehow like thnt, you know - too tawdry, too . aQd cut Into th o threads tbat tied the cheap." "C hoap!" He ullllos t s ilo(ltetl It. C01'el'S or callA or what c ve r·)'ou·call· 'ems, ov e r th e Imot.. An d wbcn I 'fllen h e leaned over th o buck of the pull ed . th e hen Htly ptece of silk came Ica tber cbulr aud Ilounded bls fat bead olf In my finger • . against t_he ¢usblons, wrlthlog his big I lu ~ t bulle from 's ide to Side. And th Oll-ob, but r soy! "Qult~ , :Impossible," I aald i1rml,.. ga'l'e a sort of yell a nd dropped the whole thing: "Not en regIe at all, yeu know!" Aud FJver bu\'o some silly a~s try 1.0 1 fix ed my glass and sturetl glOODJlly BCMo you hy pokl[)g a r e d hot cIgar lit th e 'thIngs. The Ihe shiny ' buttons "Have . You R~illly No Ideil What These Are'" at )'OU in thl" dark? I{now bow you Just In), tbere ag nlnst tbe delicate I just laughed at tum. not ... J e~1t bucll? Well, there YOll are! 'l<'or, silk like so many lJ e r y crlmtion ch e r. ghe yo u my word, when I peelcd olr rtes. th. little cloth ca~I , regular blazes or li e leered at m e', chuckling. "Look cnm80n lIr~ seemed to s boot rrom cheap to you, eh'! What yOU mlgb.t the end of th e knot. call outre, 80 to speak?" ract Is, It wasn·t n knot at all, but "Uy Jovc, of course," I Ilnswered a butlon-a dO\'llIah gl1\8sy button, ruofully. "( can't sleep In the tblnga 80meUling bigger tban a dime, \ler- now, YOti Imow. Wbat would people haps, alld Wick as the end or youI' Bay?,' little finger. And tMre It lay agnJnst BIlIf,!gs stared at Ole dlMRsrceahl7 tbt silk, burning !til way tbrougb It a momellt and sold something Ilnder like a red COlli or It reo his br~ath. T~ e n be caught up tbe And It WBli just then tbat Billings buttons and tbe silk, and crushing roll~ ~. ' . tbem In his hands, burled his tllce til I say "rolled In.'' because It alwa,. tl!e moss. looks tbat way, Thllt's the ~ay HIIJ· "Oh YOB beAuties, YOU dar-lings!" ' I Ings III bu Ilt, you know. . benrd him murmur: "I say, Dicky," ~e panted, "JUBt - Tb'c n he looked at- tile buttons missed another Internal e:tlll'Ulll agalll, ) Uld', dastr It, he Pl~n~y more trains, b~t;! " h!ld _. p'eat Maudlin-jolly maUdlIn, I :::ty, ' • Inspiration strIke m'e that l'd let TOll , ask me! ~'J • 8ay. D}cky(' •put -;M up for Ul~ Dillit. Hat, Jen·






--l-:Mrs. Ray Tru,mer; 30 W, 3rc1 8t. New Albany. Ind .• Bays: "KIJne)' dl .. esse bad render8f\ me a Clbronlo In' valid. 1 lay In bed unable to move band or foot. My right 11mb '\Vas swol· lElD to twIce normal fllze. [ looked Ibe 1 :dure of death nnd my cilse puzzled the doctors. Kidney se· cretlons were highly . colored and scald ()(1 terribly, Marked Improvement follow· ed tbe use of Ooon's ](:ldney Pills and In six weeks I was n well woman . My tripods and relatlves marvel Ilt my recovery." "Wben Your Baclt 18 Remember the Nome-DOAN'S." 60c all storel, FOBter·Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N, Y. Milky Way Cau ... Glaclerl. Another suggested cautle of glacIal periods III lbllt they haye been due to the IblftlDI of,.1In! milky waY. such III known to hue occurred . ABsumln« that mucb of tbe eartb's heat comes troD! tbe stars, Dr. Rudolf Spltll.ler IInds tbat..tbe change 01 pOHltlon In reiatlon to the milky way mtght bove liven a dltTerent distribution ot tem· perature from tbat existing at the present time. The stars are not only crowded In the region or the mm.,. ""ay, but man)' or t em are of tbe bor ....... type.


411 He Wanted Wa. Ju.t Flaln Ega" A youtb entered one or tbe "bam· and·ro\l\·" cafe8 on ~and avenue aod orderod egge. "Up or overT" BIked tbe mini behind the counter. "1' lUI' want eggs," repiled tbe prolpectlve :lIner. "But do 'au want them up or ' o'l'erT" repeated the walter, and agaIn the guest alllerted that he iSM.' red "onl, eggl." Tbe third lime the part7 I'lf thll second part lnelsted OD 111. Query, wbereupon the patron. wltb a 81gb of despair, saJd "I guesl I'll take , Bteak."-Kansas Cit, Star,

Ap·proprlate. W!Ws-Wby do you eall Jour ma:ban8 a "sbe!" GUlis-it II said to be tbe "lallt "ord" In an aulomoblle construction. -Judge. Oal'deld 'tea keeps

tr ... h v~ r

In cODllltlon,

Il\surllljf a olear bead lOud 1fOI~1 b'eneral bOl1ILb. Drin k beforo nlUriDIr.

A friend In friend In deed.


18 not ' al wa78 •

Your Liver Is Clogged' Up That'. Why Yau'.. Th.t-()at No AllpelbltD.



will put you right in a few days.



Itipat BlIiouaness,lndlgestion and Sick Headache


Genuine ml.llt bear Signature



Every home should make springtime {or ita deliciousness and ita fine tonic propertiew. · roo~bcCr -in

_irMt........ fnlt_.I'_p... .... ,••,'u" ... WlII ...U ro." pad:.,. _ nee'" ttl ..... . ..a.... I ... BUlL ~I.

-.u- ,flU", THEC~ B. HIRES CO. Wriu 'or

N, 8*4



iSTANDARD ·.BREED OF POULTRY FOUGHT HIS WAY TO FREEDOM MOST PROFITABLE TO FARMER The Emperor (If Rome Admlrld the Couragtl and Pluck of Calractacua.

Erroaeous Idea to Think That Mongrel Chlckeos Offer ~y A4vaota". OVer Pure-Bred Stoolt-Maay 'mprove. lDeotA to Laylosr and Meat-Produc:lng Qualities o{ Birds. ..... . ............

Power in Using Kind Word.



Is Jlower In U81J1g kind warda thnt does nOl belong La usIng bOl'sll word s; for "a 8,l tt an s wer turne tn aw ny wrath." How mucb more good we ~nD do by talklnK IUndly to eneb 01 be r Ulan we can by lalklng barallly, __ It Is by uBIDg genlle language Ibat we persuade rolk to our way of Ihlnll' Ing nnd comllel them to lurn th eir tboughts Into other directions. How those who make Il Il pr" .. !I(·e to use banb laugung" lower tb elll ' selves In Ihe estlwatlon of otbera. and how woak tbey become In InllueDclng otbera. Tbere Is uo vower 111 a per· laD who permits his lougue \.0 can· Irol his judgment or gets' Into a pue· ilion ovor Inerc dllferenccs of opinion . .• Such peoplo are subjecled to tile In · dlfferenc" of others who did not want to get Into communication wltb tbem. To those who are In tbe bab\t of not using kind word s silence Is golden and tbe less they Lay tb e better Lbey are off. To some folk the perpelual temper In whlcb thoy are found Is very dis· agreeable aud liard to be put up .... Ith. and the more they are let alone Ibe better for aU conceAled. They 'are a Bource of anno)'ance to alt tholo w bo come In contact wltb tbem. Train the Children. There Is nOlDlng more dlealll'eeable tban to find I.n cblldren a disposition to get oaslly excited. children wbo are leud In tbelr talk and demonstrative In their aellons. Such cblldren sbould he carefully dealt with and taugbt bet· ler manners. Tbere are many way. to cure tbem of Buch n bad bablt. wblcb cau easily be found out by experlmentlug wltb them. Be patient wltb tbem and worlC wIth them until they show Improvement. It wIlt be bard work at tbj) lieginning, but time will tell If proper methods are used. How mucb It addl to one'lI useful· neaa to use kind wOrda In all conver· latlon, It lOoks so Cbrlstlanllke to bear kind words coming from the lips nr those wIth wbom YOU are In con· versatlon. To bo Ilweet In talking, to others IItamps you as a lady or genU. man . Uncouth exprelslons gtve to othera the Imprenlon that you are deficient I.n good manners as well a8 laelling In I}ltellectual toree. Be of a cbeerful disposItion to aU with wbom you come In COD tact II.nd Bbow tbem how w en bebave yourseli even lD debate, You ought to bold firml)' to your opinion I. but never lose your tompers "ii'lille- debaUng llubJects. GIve BtrOng IIfgumente. but express tbem In tile cbolcest lancuage. 801.ce In Time of TroUble. How sweetly kind wordll are felt In timet! of trouble; how the), heal the BorrOWB of lIome and -what a glorious effect they havo on the nen'es or tbose wbo are amlcted with slckne8s or trouble. They act upon their hearers better than medicine and help tbe oneB wbo hear tbem over many dUll· cultles. Kind words can never die, but have tbo power of makln. the lives of 1l0ml people eweeter and tbe passage tbrougb thlll lite more easily traveled. Better ' to use kind words to nil with wbolJl you hold conversations tban to alve offense by loud and boIsterous talk tbat Bounds barsh and unfeeling. B1esBed are the men and womell who k1mW elElletiy tbe..> time when bareh _words are In place and when tbey can do lome gooJl by uttering them. The Judgment of !Such people . Is worth possessing. How pleasing ore tbe oneB wbo know wben to say words tbat are en· couraglng to' othors, and who bave tbe gUt of lIaylng the right words at tbO right time. Sucb people aro wortb as· lIoclatlng wltb at all times. Keep fr.e e henceforth from all barsb talking and lot your conversation bB tn language that w1l1 win tbe all'eetlons, of all who bear you talk.'-I::lab· bath ReadIng.


SORROW THAT BROUGHT JO't God'e Leuon Nece..arlly 8evere on ThOle Who Will Not Hear Hie VQlce. Certain par4lnt8 had very advers8 "leWIS concerning tbe education of tbelr children. Tbe mother was QUlot .nd Goc!·fearlUC, the lather, however. waB IIght' bearted and Inaccessible to any serloll4 consideration. "Ohlldren," he would say. "beware leat you become like mother." _ But tho oldest lion became IU and aoon the evldoncel poillted toward hla elld'. The patient wanted only hla mother to be around ·hlm, who knew how to 1111 hlB heart with consolQUon and readlnes8 for hll approaching' deatb. · Tbo ' fatber wae all bro~en down and ""ben he oDce happened to stand at the bed of tbe bopeleSlly ".'ck tlO~ ,the young man aald to ~Im: .' "Fat~er, I know tbat I

Prize Winning Slngle·Co mb White Leghorna . (Dy OSCAR ERF.>

Pure·bred anlmall are tbose tbat produce tbelr form. habits or otber dlllllnct\,'e qualities with uniformity. In order that we may get offsprings IlIle the parent and like each other we must bave anlmale wbose ancestors for many generaUons back bave been of one type. Tbe more generations of Buch unUormlty, tbe more certaIn It will be that tbe young will poases9 ~lmllar quD.ttty. The wild anlmalll of any ' one kind or ~pecles In one locality buve been of similar type {or many generations anel may be considered all pure-bred. Hy t be law of !}atural Belectlon. Indl· 'vidunis not suited to live In tbat par· tlcular locality have been weeded out. When animals are domesticated, and moved 10 other climates. and are fed different foodB, only such Ind,· vldunls wlll live and produce young us Dre suited to the new conditions. nnt another factor changes domestic animals more l·allldly. Men breed ani), Bucll speCimens as please tbelr fancy; and tbls artificial selection replaceB naturlll selection. During tbe many centuries of domestlcatlon tbe cbtck· ens ot dIfferent purts or tbe world h:Lve developed Into different types. Wbf'u these radJeally dlfrerent typea arc brought together and cross~d we have produced young tbat are very dllferent from tbe parents and from eacb other. Nor can tbese young be clcllcnded upon to reproduce oll'sprlng lIke tbemselTec. Tbey are said to be crosB·bred, or. If tbe mixing be for several generallonB. tbey are known 1'.& mongre)l, By selecting from craBS. t>red or mongrel stock auch chickens as are desired. and breeding tbese together for many generations. new breeds may be estabUsbed. One strain of chIckens may be se· lected for uniform color 01 featbers, another for a certain sIze and sballe. anllther for laying' large eggs of n. certain color, and yet another strain for belng--l1roducers of many eggB. lllacb of these strains mlgbt be well·bred In these peculiar traits, but would be mongrels when the otber consldera· tlons ".. ere taken Into account. Breed. ers at pure-bred stock. In making tbelr selection of breeding animals, try 10 consldor the deSirable .qunlltles In due order of their relative 1m· portance. ThuB. with trotttng horses speed Is . glven prominence above eVerytblng elso. wblle In the case Of 8"'lne or beef cattle attention bas been given to the qualities of growth and lattening that make for tbe profitable ~-_---_....".,.-

traduction Of meat. Only such unl· formlty at color and wlnor points are deruanded a s will sen'e to disttngulsb Ibe breed and give uniformity of appeurance. The standards odopled by Lreeders or this class of animal s give \'elul1ve~y smnll consideration to fnncy pou.ts, whereas poultry breeders con· sider about one·ball of tbe value or ~helr birds 'to depend on color at leathers alone. wblle the ' judgment of t;bave Is baeed upon tbe outline produ'c ed by tbe featbers and not on the tI'ue body sbape. Tbe standard bred poultry fanciers have not been mainly concerned in producing breedS of cblckens for tbe use oC the Carmer or practical grower. as bave beeu the breeders of cattle and swine. Men wbo pursue animal breeding for pleas· ure alone do not cboose large. slow· breeding animals. such as cattle; neither do animals wbolly 1I'0rthless from otber standpoints receive much attention from breeders. But the ben. variable In form and color. Inexpen· slve to secure. readily reared Dnd capable of producing In brief time large numbers of orrsprlng, and yet wltblll capable of paying ber way In food pl·oducts. has rendered possible the development of tbe fancy or atan· dard·bred cblcken business ' Into the most universal and Important fancy or artistic·breeding buslnesa In the world. From tbe nttentlon thst bas been gIven to the breeding of poultry for tbe show room. many people wrongly inler th31 stondard·bred poultry Is no better than mongrel stoclC tor com· merclal purposes. The mongrel chicken Is a productton of cbance. Its ancestry represents everytblng available In the barn)'ards 01 tbe nelgbborhood, and Its offspring ",.Jtl be equally varled :- n-Unr pure breeds there hae beeu'a rigId selection practiced tbat gives uniform appear· ance, Tbe size and sbape requirements 0% tbe BtAndard. altbough not based on tbe market demands, comes mucb nearer producIng an Ideal carcass tban does chance breeding. Ability to ma· ture for the fall and winter shows Is a decidedly practical quality that the fnncler bl'eeds. luto his chickens. Moreover. poultry breed ers, while still keeping standard points In mind. have also made Improvements In tbe laying and meat·produclng qualities of their chickens. ConsiderIng these facts. It Is an enormous Idea to think that mongrol chlcl(ens offer any advantage oyer pure·bred Gtock for meat or for eggs.

_____ -_-~-::ww

One of th e most unique cnptlves ever broug ht home to Ilome by Jullull Cacao r was Carn cta cus of the ~nrly Britons. Thi s great chlet lost every· tblng 1n fighting to drive out the Romans a nti w aR ta ke n prisoner wllh bls wlte an,l d d ldren. Wh en brought before th.:! Homan emperor tbe proud rule r at th e pf'lmltlve people never s howed th e le as t rear. His Brms were cha ined, nnd th e e mperor roared to Iry to fr ig hten Camctacus. but the braYe cbi er neve r so mu cb as quaked . Instelld he looil ed I be monarch In tbe eye nnd Bald : "You lI~ht to Il uln tbe whole world Ilnd to rna lie en'rybody your sin ves. I taught 10 kee p my own land and for freedom ." The great coura ge the chi ef sbowed finally lou ~ h e tl lbe llenrl of the em· peror, Bnd Ih e ruler at llle Romans resolved to s<'e If ('n ractncuB would be 8S brave when facing Warriors . On one of Ib e grea t holidays In Rome Caractacus W R S tnilen to tbe great open·alr amphithe ater wbere tbe popu· lace gathel'4't1. He was told tbat If he could defe at tbe bold knight tbat would be sent a @;alnst blm he could go bllck to his bome, Caractacus lougbt n s he neve r dl.d before; for something Bweeler tban his life was at Itake-Ihat or bls wife and children , Juslloo seemed to bave lempered tbe metal of bls weapons. and wben be .truck the strong armor or bls anlag· onlst gavo way before his t~arrul blows. Tbe l'eoult was that Caractacu8 and bls family r4!turned to Britain lind to happiness. Con'petltlon. "noyalty has Its dlmcllitles." remarked Ihe lord blgb keeper of tbe buttonbooil. ",Yes," rp.lllled the uneasy monarch, "It has gotten 80 tbat a conrt function Ouds It bard to compete with the I cenery Bnd costumes of a big musical cbow ." ,'. Lad)' H umorlat. "Who Eay s there are no wom.n Ilu· morlats?" "I don't know , Why!" "My Iypewrlter spells as fUllny al Josb Billings In his palmiest days." Cure felr In.omnla. -'Dlbbl e says he can 't Illeep," "He ou ght to read the war newl tram Mexico."

MRS. SELBY AND PRIZE BABY "I bave alwaYll used Cutlcura SoaIt and DO other for my baby and be hal Dever had a 60re of a.ny klnd. He does not even c:bafe as most bable! do. I feel Bure that It Ie all owing to Cutlcura Soap. tor he Is fine and bealthy. and when 1110'0 montbs old. won n prize ' lu a baby contest. It makes my heart, acbe to go Into 10 many homes and see a sweet·faced bib-y wIth the whole top or Its head a solid mass of flcurt. causee! by poor Boap. J alwa)'s recommend Cutleur&, aDd nine Umes out or ten the next time I see the mother she says: 'Oh! I am so glad JOU t old me of CutJcura: .. (Signed) Mra. G. A. Selby. Redondo Beub. Callrornla. Jan. 15. 1911. A1thougb Cutlcura Soap and Oint· ment ere Bold e1;orywhere. a lample of each, with Sll·page book. will be mailed free on application to "Cutt· crura," Dept. L, Doston.

InIt wben men ,offer you attentions )'ou 'lI give up tbe Idea tbat time Is much 01 n 1\yer."

Red Cross Ball Blue will wmeh douulo u many clothes a8 any other blue. Don'~ put Satec:tecI OIl your monoy Inlo aoy OLber.

I'hoae Aboat to B •• lO Wltb Grcnuad Shoold be Which to Gro'W the !.araest Poultry Should be Advleecl Pos81bJeVtetd ot co With Goocl Cora. SCO(:k or EirS80

Now Is tbe time to make arrange· ments for the ello, Ground sbould be selected on wblch to grow tbe largest I,osslble yield of corn, and as convcnl· ently located as possIble. for It costs mOlleY to baul green corn long dill' tances. It tbe old alfalla sad was plowed last tait for planting to com thIs spring. 80 mucb the better ; If not. plow as early as pOssible this spring, Ilnd 'p low deeply. u sing a dressIng of well rotted manure to plow under II it cnn be bad. Com Is a crude feeder nnd wltl give good account of any fertilizer you may bave. It Is not too mueb to expect twelve to fifteen tons of green corn per acre at harveetlng tlme, 10 the Silo can be- built tq accommodate tbe area Of ('om grown! bu~ be sure and blllld lal'SI; enougb; for when once uaed It '1'1'111 grow ,In favor. and tbe chances are tbe area 'of com planted and tbe number of anImals fed w1l1 be In· clenBoo wben tbe practise Is ollce es· tabllshed. Paralyzed Henl. - Hena thnt cannat IItand and have no uae of I1mbs, but aee.m to be other· wille healthy, are probably paralyzed, UWe can be done lor: , such ' birds ani! It Is ' best Jo- ' dJlpatch ' , them titd~y-



Some people ar'o such sticklers for form that they eltpect Dame Fortune to remember their "at home" daYB,

For Rheulnt!ltl.In, Gout. LUlnbaQ;o.



Camphorated Vaseline pta r1"bt to the seat ot the trouble. GI.... quick And "mtetul relief from rbeumlltlo and .Imll ...r pallia.


Put up In Deat, metal·capped glue IloLlIM,

Every motber Ihouh1 know .11 "bouL Ibe dltl'eroot "VuellIlO" \lreparaLlons. Tb~y are just ",bllt ahe IJc.d. tor

\be mloor 1alnUy atlmenu aDd accident ••

t:.,d P·':::I':.1 'i::l..:~r:pr.PK~I:.""1<l<I bookl.tChesebrough Manufacturing Company

17 51.1. Street

(CO .....Ild.led)

Oarfl eld Tea II unequalled eIther u OOCIUIloo,,1 or a dally Iuatlve.


New V.....

HORSE SALE DISTEMPER You know what you "ell or buy through tho Balea hall! _aoout one chance In nfly to esc ape SAT.E S'fABLE DJS'I'EMPI~1l. "SPOHN'S" t. your Iru e Ilrol cc llon. your only safeguard, for


Bure as yon h -eat a.1l your horsca with It, you wl1l soon.

rtd of the dlseu8e. It o.ctQ 88 n l ure pM!vcntlvo no mat· they Ilre "Hpo"ed ." 60 rents and 'I a buttle; ... "nd Ito do_e n h oltl o8, lit all good drllggiet8. hOr80 goods bo

t.r how

mOlluru ~ turertl .

IPOHN MEDICAL CO •• Chemlsl. nnd Blcterioloalltl. GOSHEN, IND.. U. I. A.


L. D


82.50 '3.00 S3.50 $4.00 ...~~~~~~!!!!J FOR MEN, WOMEN AND BOYS

W.L.Dou,1118 $8.00 &; $8.50 'hoes are worn by mllllous ofmen,because they ore the besUn the world for tbo .)rlco W. L. Douglll8 84-.00,84-.60 &; $5.00 shoes equal Custom Benoh Work coating $6.00 to $8.00 Wh.7 doea W. L Doualu make and aell more $3.00, $3,50 and ~.OO .hoea than other manufacturer in the world 7 BECAUSE: he atamp. hie name and price on the baltom and .-..aDlee. the niue, which protect. the w_rer agalnat hillh pdcea aDd iDferior .hoea of oth.r make.. BECAUSE: the,. are themoat economiealand ..liaraetory; you can aa"emon..,. ~ weariDa W.LDouala..boe... BECAUSE: they haY~ no equalforatyl-.fitand DON TTAKEASUBSTITUTE fOR u,.,.,. deal..-eanoollupply W. L. Dou,lu aboa,wrl.. W. L. DouRIa•• Brockton. M...., 101' alJllos.


Sbou oeD' ... rywh... dell..". e!we" propaid.

Tbere are times wben every Llan bas to take a certain amOunt or back talk from his consclenco.



hOU8Pd. or dell ve r ed by lh e

l'Ime.. "How long have you been a widow. Mrs. Weed?" "It wltl be a year the 4tb ol next month," "Dear me! Is It as long as tbat? How time flIes!" "Ob. do you think so? Well. tr you ---~ ::":'-=-=:"::"=-h""'rrl:nnnrto walt a year to look pleas.


Please Read These Two Letterl. The following letter from Mrs. Orville lWck will provo bow nnwise it is for women to BuumiL to the dange rs ofa surgical operalillll wbell it maybe avoided by tnldng Lydia E. Pinkham,!:! V ~ ge tabl n Compound. 8he Willi four weeks in the hOllpltal and (',sme II4IIIW !:luffc rll1l{ worse than before. Then after all that suffering Lydia. .K Pill k · ham's Vegetable Compound restoLu her health. HERE IS IIER OWN BTATEl\rENT. Paw 1'Il.W, Mich.-" Two yeanl ago I Imft'ered very severely with a di Slllacement - J could not be on my feet for u. long time, My physician treated me for several months without mUch I~ lief, and at last sent me to Ann Aroor for an tlp· eraLion. I was there four weeks and came home suffering worse than before. My mollier atlvisllu me to try Lydia. K Pinkham's Vegetable Q)m. pound, and 1 did, To.d:\Y I am well and strong and do all mr 0. wn housework. lowe my heal th to I.ydia E. Pinkham's Vage.table .('~mpou,nd and udvme every woman who 18 affiicted . Wlth OilY female complaint t<> try it."-Mrs. ORVIl.LK HooK" R. R. No.6, Pa.w Paw, Mich. .. THERE NEVER WAS A WORSE CA8E." Rockport, Ind.-I< There never was a worse case of wonlen'o ills than mme and I cannot begin to tell you what I suJIererl. For over two years i was net able to do anything. I was in bed for a month and the doctor said nothing but an operation would cure me. My father suggested Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable CompoWld; 80 to please llim I took it, and I improved wonderfully, 80 I am able to travel, ride horseback, take long rides and never feel any ill eHeeta from It. I can only ask other Buffering women to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial before submitting to an operation." -Mrs. lIuRGARET MER&D1TIJ, R. F. D. No. S, Rockport., Ind. We will pay a handsome re'Yard to any person who wi~l prove to us that these letters are not genwne and truthful-ol' that eIther of tb-;se women were paid inAnY way for their testimonials, or. t.!tat the OTlginal letter from each did not come to us entirely unsoliCIted. . For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound baa been the 8tandard remedy lor female UIa. No one 81ck with woman"8 'ailments does JU8t1oe to berself who wlll not try tbls l&mous medicine. mad~ from roots and herlHJ, it bas restored 80 maD)' 8uflerlnc womeD to health. Wrlte to LYDIA E. PU.I[HAI lIIEDlCllfEOO. (CONPIDElTUL) LYNN, .A!0i8.. for advice. our letter will be opened, l-eM and .... wered by a woman and held In strict confidence.


Pettit'') Eve Salve


ST"'RT ..... CTQIUE8. Belld for tree book bow tol8t ll'at..eo1.a .

....WDI .eouf'eC1 Ul toe returnc4. 1 _ " C:OmpaDJ'. NO Il~ II•• WaabIDA'ton.D.U.

IOJlETlllNO EXTRA-ORDIS A-RY -ll1l.area, I) 1.0,. ImIJroTe4. houee.. bam and 10011 urchanl. We all admire !~ man w h a says Juat .P!t.......Ir:•• mll.. I<>"' .. ~J.I mlletoochool, I'rloo what be thinks-a bout otber people. II.IWODtermL TlIOS. OlwVU, Olo"'Doo, Web .


The oeIebrated Dr. Abenlethy 01 Loadoa wa Irmly of tIM op1eioa thet dJeoIoo den 01 the atoma"h were the moat proll&o _ _ of humBft ailmmb iD poem. A reoeot medioal wlntet ..,... .. every feeliq, _otiOD end af'ection reporu Ilt the Itomaoh (thro~ the 1}'Item of aenea) ad the atomaoh I. "ectad aocordia&ly. It I. the vital _ter of the body • • • • ." He oontlnuea, .. 10 ",e may be


KId to live (tArolwgh) the atom.ob." OIl to abow that the ltomach ia the rital _ter 01 the body. For week ltoaaaobI IIDd the ooneequen. Iadigealioo or d".~aie aod the multltude of vaftoue d I _ which rault tberetro., DO

modicln cU' bO°botter wited a ~ curative .,eat thaD

DI'. PleNe'. Goldell Medical DJ.covery.

Fool Color

z.,.,.,. u..... ------------------

..-.~~.....-.- --.. . ,-






Quite a numuer of the fans saw the Miamis defeat the Dayton Pirates bv the score of 12 to 3. Sunday after· Mrs Harriet Lincoln is quite sick. n' on. The Pirates had slrengthenlild their team especially for thia game. Dr. Mary Cook was in Cincinnati, but were completely outclassed by Tuesday. the Miamis. w Sweet PotatQ Planta- F(·r sale by The redeemi ng features were the extra finll pitching by Smith amllhe D. H. Hockett. heavy hittlllil by Burton and Harv ey. Go to Ml'8. Stout if you want your Ben struck ou t fifteen of the tw entyfour batters who faced him. He al- Dreas made right . A Black Percheron lowed hut two hils and issued three Harris Mosher was in Cincinnati passes Only one Pirate scored on Tuesday and Wednesday. Stallion by l'iI()n him. He was hit on the head by a (54438) pi t r hed ball while at bat in the Messrs. Lou Printz and Kenneth seventh and. while he gamely con- Ridge were in Dayton, Tuesday. tinued in t he game, was forced to Fine bred Trotting Stallion, sired by Geo. Simmons. retire to the out· field and Gebhart A. A. McNeil, of Centerville, at· took up the pitcher's burden. "Geb" tended the Hnin" sale Saturday. had had no chance to warm up, but Inner tu~es vulcanized. Wayneshe struck out four batters, allowed ville Auto and Machinery Co. three hits and issued one pass, all of Foaled 1909. Und~feated Show Colt which r~sulted in two runs for the Mr. and Mrs. Drane Reed are the These three horses will make the seaso n at the Farr Tobacco Shed THE PROCESS near the ~tand Pipe You are always cordially welcomed at the barn. Pirates. Iruests of Mr. anel Mns. Chas. Reed. At the bat, Burton ~ecured two Come and look at the hOl sPs. and get a ,rinted pedigree. Full-ripe Grapes, freshly picked, stemmed, pressed on the spot where grown, juice quickly sealed in new 'Mr. and Mrs. Abram Cook, of sacrifice hits, a si ngle, a triple and a bottles. It is not diluted with water or any substance. home-run in five trips to the plate. S!)rina-boro, were in town Saturday. it is not boiled or concentrated, is without chemicals PHONE 76-4r Harvey hit three singles and one or preservatives. The Welch process saves the delBorn-To Mr . and Mrs. Clarence double in four times u,. icate fruit flavor and all tbe tonic and food prope~ties. McKain's pitching for the Pirates Hile. at Morrow, Ohio, a datghter. looked much worse than it r~ally FOR CHARITY'S SAKE Have your l:.awn Mower sharpened. THIS GRAPE JUICE was. because of his very poor supWayne!lville Auto and Machinery Co. COOKING FISH OUT OF DOORS ,port. The Pirates made ten errol'8 Is a food-a nutritious fluid for both sick and Warren County expended $43.701 in tlte field, while the Miamis played well. I nvalids, specially fev~r patients, find it not only Gus deiker'. of Lebanon, was in Re~~~ Produclnll a Dellclou. Re eult last year for charities and correction an errorless gam~ . palatable but and strengthening. It can w~ICh Could Not Be 8urp ...ed together with its shllre of county in - Our boys are rapidly getlina- a town SaturdslY to attend the Haines be talcen when medicine and other foods are rel~ted. by Any Chef. sale. stitutions according to a report made great reputation in Dayton as a by the Ohio conference of Charities speedy, first-class team. The paMr. Allen W. Haines and son, of Clean the fish, but do not scale; FOR SICK AND CONYALESCENT and Correction. trans may look for great improve- Xenia. visited Waynesville relatives, leave head, tail and fins intact, and The township trustees paid for ment in the class of the visiling Sunday . Add cold water, as agr~able to the patient. In put 0 small strip of bacon in each acute diseases take all that can be borne, beginning thus causing better and more poor relief $3,198.12 divided as folteams. of them. Dig a hole large enough with wine glass say every two Or three hours. closely contpsted games. The weakMiss Clara, Hawke was the lrUelit for the fish to lie in wi th severnl lows:· of friends at Spring Hill Saturday inches to spare. Build a fire in it Clearcreek .. .. ... .... . ...... ......... $226 05 er teams are fast learning the futility lind get a good, hot bed of coals. Deerfield ............................ 306'46 of any attem,t on their part to de· and Sunday. Rake out half of them, cover the Franklin ...... ... .. ........ .. ......... 712.76 feat the Miamis. Mrs Ohmer Lewis WBII the lrUest remainder with an inch of grass, Hamilton .. ......................... . 18312 FIn ATli:S of F. C. Sclilwartz and frmily in cover with more graBS, .and pile the Karlan .................. ......... .. . ::-- 236 23 AIJ R R PO A E Columbus last week. rest Qf the hot coals on top. Cover Massie.. .. .. ..... .... ......... .. ....... 98,80 Grant. Pat. It . .... a 0 1 o 0 1 0 Haker ct. . ... .. .. • 0 1 the holo with a 'f rying pan or anJ Salem ... ··.· .. ............ .... .. .... ... 75 .45 810aD. rt . ........ 2 0 0 o G Mn. G. J. Graham and dauKhter, a 0 other handy thing, as for instance 8 Turtlecreek .... .. ..... ............. .. 981.60 ~~~~:I':oUPo~' ~b~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ • 1 Miss Mabel, of Xenia, attended the o 8 . ..... 2 0a 30 flat stone. . Un 'Ion ......... ......... .... ..... .. .... . 210 . ()() W)'muth. Pew.lb3ll.. 1 1 Haines ule Saturday. a 1 In thirty minutes they will be Washington ......... ...... .......... 75.70 ~cJ~t~w.u!::: c: : . :.' : g g ~ : Mn F. C. Gilmour and daughter, cooked, Bild Delmonico himself Wayne ................. ..... .. .. ...... 111 .95 MUler. II. ... ..... 1 o · 0 14 10 are spending a few days with rela· could not make them taste better. Total . . ..... 30 tives in South Lebanon. They are partly fried lind partly DEC05tATION DA Y MIAMIS steamed by the j'l.ices of the gross; HAS BOUOHT O~OCE~Y .t.D It II PO A E Mr. and Mns. Chu . Corn~ll mothe bacon fat has fried (mt ana Everything is rounding up for the Edward•. ab.. .. .. ~ , a 2 0 0 . t a-morrow. Smltb. Bur14n.p ....... .... . B 2 J 0 0 0 tored to Dayton Sunday afternoon permeated the flesh; the gra88 Me.,o ri aI exercIses H. O. Cornell has purchased the cl ....... a 1 I 2 0 0 1 0 returninK Monday mominK. 1 juice add. & peculiar and exceeding- The G. A. R. and lodges participa- ',Hergen. .. .. .. Ferry &:rO<'ery of Jas. Thomas. He Ylcke.... 2b.. II...... .. a5 00 02 0 0 0 ly pleasant flavor, and when taken tinlr in the exerci8es are requested EvlLU8. c.. • • . . . . .. , 2 I 19 2 0 intends to keep the business up to. Mr. James Zell and dauKhter. of Surface. lb . ...... , 0 0 I 0 0 Coarl~ from the hole the grass which clings to 8e on hand at 1:30 sharp as they B"well. rf .. .. .. . . • 1 2 0 0 0 and indeed, will go beyond the old . . Harvey. cI .... ... , 2 • 2 0 0 near Yellow SpriniS, spent Sun4ay Car Coarse Salt on track Specto the 1lah can be easily pulled off wlll belPn prom,Uy_ Gebbart,p........ 1 0 0 0 0 0 witb Mr. ana Mrs, Frank Zell. standard, and hopes to see all his old ial price at thtt car. and all the scales and skin will come ' culltomel'8 and many new . ones. Dr. Fess. who will make the ad· Total. . ........ 86 12 16 27 S 0 with it.~Edward G. W. Ferguson, arellS, has 'a n engagement in ColumGive him a call and he will convince 1 2 a • ~ 6 1 8 9 Mr. and Mrs. John Siegfried; of , . in the Outing Magazine. Strawberries you. bus in the evening, and thi. makes Pirate• ... . 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 l - S Franklin, were calling on Dr. and it absolutely .necessary to belr in on Hlamll . ... 1 1 0 ~ 0 B 2 0 x-u Mrs. WriKht Sunday afternoon. Home grown and fancy Tenn. GREAT MEN OF SCIENCE. LATE CLASSIFIED ADS time. Summary-Stolen b_Flrateli I ; !UBerries fresh everY dav. ft '11 ami •. 7. Bacrillce WIAI-Mlami.a •. 'rwo-bue Miss Pearll Colvin and Miss Babb, · All persons h avmg · . owers W1 blt-llarvey Three-bue hit. Burton. Home l n recordi ng the d en th 0 f F rancls send or brl'ng tllem to the Tawnshl'p run. Dur14n: lnninl' Jlltchod- By McKain. of 8pring VlLlIey, were in town Tuetl- l"ew Vegetables of All Kind. ; tOO Egg IDo~bator. Price a ye ri P; by Smith. 7 ; by Gephart 2. lJaBe HIIAII II Galto~ somewha:t loss t II a house b 9 o'clock 80 the can be 0 11 McKaIn . 16; OfY Bmlth. l : oft Gehhart. a. day and made us Ii peasant cn . 15 00 . luqulre of Mu. E M. y . y out-By McKain. 6\' by BmILI!. U; ago it was noted hero that of tho 8"Uy . . III 21 Pine Apples '. . . . arrana-ed . . by Gebbnrt. ~ Bases 011 ba la- Oft McH,lUu . Mrs. Euphemia Hough and daughgreat men of science who gave dlSa;oiJ SmIth. B. oft Gopbart. 1. HIt battcrSweet Oranges . . t th eO V·IC t onnn . I ... - - By MclCaln. 2. by Gebbart. 1. J'aaBed ball. Jumbo Bananas twchon 0 era on y -Schrouto,. f; E'·lu,... 2. TIme ot game.l:fO. ter have returned home after a Notice of Appointment. And Lemons three remained-Hooker, Wallace POST OFFICE HOURS Umplrc&-Haddc... aud Lewl•. week's visit with Dayton friends. and Lister. Hooker has since died FIDDLERS CARNIVAL Chick and Hen Fee4i Katate 01 RuLb A. Morford. d~. NoMr. and Mrs Charles Smith, of at age of ninety-four years, and The following hours will be ob _ __ tlce" bereb, _Iv ... that J. B. Ohapman 1111& Cracked Corli • beeIl dUly appolDted aDd qualll1ed u I14mlllon February 11 Lister died. at the served on Decoration Day. The women of LeBanon are ar- Springboro, were calling on ~r and Oyster Shell Pearl Grit ..tra~r.1 tti. . .tate 01 Rutb A. Morfonl. , ate of Wamm Oo\luty, Oblo. d_UIId . Ige of eighty-four years. An EngLobby open from 7 a . m to 7 p. m. rnnging for a Fiddler's Carnival, to Mrs F. H. I~arr , Sunday afternoon Da'«l thll 20tb da)' of May. lin. . ALEX BOXW&LL. tiah journal recently compiled it list All departments open from 9 to 10 be held in the Lebanon Opera House. Mr_ and Mrs. W. S. Graham mo- New Cream Cheese Judaol Probaw Oourl. Fresh Peanut Butter 1I[a),-22-2t W""IIIftD OollDt)'. OhIo . of the ten greatest men of the world, a. m. the latter part of June. All old time tored to Springfield Sunday Pickles Olives Crack~rs and Lister would perhaps have been Rural carriers will not deliver mail fiddlers are invited to compete. spent the day with Ml'8. Verna Kel· the name on which there would hn1'o this day. Prizes will be offered for the be~t all Everything good to eat at been the most general agreement. Do not call when the windows are around fiddler; the bei!t rendition of ley. Like Galton 'and Hooker, Lister hau closed, you will not receive attention. the Arkansas Traveler; for the tallW. H. Madden has some Rocking diStinguished scientific ancestry, hid Frank H. Farr, P. M. est fiddler; the best family "string Chain on hand at hiB warehouse. father having been a fellow of the • - • band; " the best fiddler from this that he will aell very cheap. Go and Royal society, who, among many NOTICE county; the best from outsifie the see them. -AND. other services, gave us the existing county. cOmpound microscope. - Popular Patrons of the Waynesville Na· Other prizes will be announced Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sherwood and Stock Rai8~rs, Take Notice! Science :Monthly. . tional Bank who have boxes at the later. All ye towns put up yO)lr daua-hter Mary. and Mr. Nur Brown bank for. safe keeping are requested fiddlers. Who has the best? left Saturday morning for a week'a Anyone wanting a good Boar pig WOMAN CAUSE OF 8TRIKB. to take them away at their earliest The proceeds of the entertainment visit with relatives near Richmond, come and look after it now. as I in· convenience as we are expecting to wi\: be devoted to town illlprove- Ind. tend t() castrate all of our pip in Coal strikes have sometimes been bea-in work on our new vault very ment. AI.- who desire to compete June. The 8ires of all these pigs threatened on curious grounds. In soon. are requested to communicate with Ed Retallick attended the Memorial are pure bred, ble type. from Iowa. 1874 a woman waa employed 88 a J. O. Cartwright, Cashier. Mrs. JOlleph Owens. of Lebanon, services at St.-Mary'll church, Sunthe larKest Block of' hop I ever • - .. Ohio. chairman of executive com. day. After being hOUsM for eiKht mesaenger at one of the collieries saw-Poland Chinas. near Oawestry, England. As she Notice of Lot Owners Meeting months we were a-Iad to see him out commenced her day'a work very Where are the fiddlens? Oh whu apin. early, ahe often met the miners .on The an~ual meeting of lot owners will c~me . Meaars. J~lhn Strawn and Lawrenee their way to the pit, and 8S the mcn of M'18m.I Cerne t ery ASSOCI'atl' on wl'll To play In the carmval and make thO h , Furnas went to Columbull Friday on conlidered it a ba d omen to meet a M d J 3 1912 t mgs urn . wayneevlle. Ohio. . at wo Oh wh 0 WI'11 fid.ll h'l - th e their motor cycles. They made the · . the morning, occur woman ' tint t h wg w 'I k on ay , une, \l e a w I e In OC oc p. m. h 'I trip in three hours, returnin£ Sattrouble arose. B y t h Teats an d perTwo Trustees and a Secretarys ow. luuion they tried to get the olfend- Treasurer will be elected and such We nt'ed the money to make things urday. ing female to give up her job, but, other business transacted as will go. Hev. C. i. Grauser and Prof. C. A. f-m-~ iJi this, they went in a body I b f h' ---- - • ~ proper y come e are t e meetmg. WILL OIL THE STREET Bruner attendt'd the Oounty Sunday· to the manager and 1latly refued J. O. Cartwright, echeol convf!ntion at Butlerville last Q) SO down UDtil the ;woman. ba4I Secretarv. A paper is being cil'culated on week. Rev. Grause,r was one of the mt:I:T . . ~-~..;..~P~.;;~. ~.~-~~ J~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Main street today to ascertain how lJ!eakers on this occasion. !!! .=4:.,.::='..a::~!.~ much money can be raised to oil this






J. C. Simmons 2.22 }

- - -

4Sc 2Sc

Quarts Pints Small Size




W aynesvl·11e, 0 •

Dr. J. A. MeCoy


Always on sale at

..Hawke'.s Grocery..






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------.- --



Use the Ga7ette's Clauified Column

SAM J\..,

••*'**'*'*''*'**'* ,

*'*'*' . JACK



street from end. t~~d.




; . cla op an aver:,!.




h _


~ t ey. ~.w.









..Ire aerved.


Messrs. C. M. Robitzer. L. A. Zha. , ~ iii~.!! and F. .' ,:tellell·1 '


. ,. he fun.ral of Mr."""70hnIton

hv~happi1y . eve~ ~9fElde~ ·. and JoIu.~n ..lift . TIl partea' the! to~ JafondQ'. · .The

'*'**..**•••••:•• ·Deit ,:::.~ .80.~.

bY.a. L •.f1owlch•. Da)'ton. Ohio.

1JI!ii!j.,.. ..,.·.,~~.d~~,~-


• .


Are Strletly a Hand-Made Clgar.., . .



the relrUlar meeting of Wyomwa- Lodp, I. O. 0 F •• lut Thunt'fhe feeder should tl'J &0 keep 'he day evening, the Initiatory deane pi, IIteadlly Illoreallll, In weiSh' was conferred on Mr. HODler Carey. "",... from one-balf to one pound eaoh After ihe 1Iirork, ice cream and eake

* '1 . &p. t W B o .. , u-. • _W_._-.. .* ~

Automobile Livery




~ . ,;. >.... : ~of:tbe &GttI!dt" ~~\"'_J '



To all nearby towns and cities, at reasonable rates, · For particulars, ~ll on or phone to

RAY MILl $ - :. .

.. : . I""'nrin .. Ohio " ,

, ~,

" ." 1'1"...


,. ~ ...



Si~ty-Third Year


Mn. Clyde G. Hiatt entertained' at Bridle Monda), afternoon at her beautiftll new home on East South Itre,t. Sixty.four gue/!lta were . "-bl t there bei ng .Ix PreNll. ......n ta til. WhUe the invitations said Bridare one room ~as devoted to the playinar of Flve 'Hunllrecl. 'I1te party wu one of the big lOclal events of the eeason. EleKU1t refreahmena were llerved and a very pleasant aft&moon WIIB enjoyed. Amonar the Ilu.a were M_ Reba Warp, of Cincinnati, who is the gueet of Mia Ruby, and Mrs. Tom C. Birch, "fSidDey, Ohio. sister of the h.teaa -WinehfJllter aerald. •- • BAD STORM SUNDAY , Sun~ay at about 3 0 dock. after the h~ttMt d&)J- of tt!.e lUDUDer, an .ltlCLrlCl&I .torm from the east broke I~, ~d was destructive in 10... loealltifJII. At ~"lman, Ollv B~ and .OreeOD I&.'t IeemM ' particularly ~..... LlPtDin. Itruck the barn pf Luciul Frazier. near Olive Branch. ;-M lIumed the lwn ~ contents. Jfr. fruier l~t considerable ha.Y, _til, rye., famllDr implements, etc. Llptn~1lI' a1ao struck , a tree and killed .. colt belonrine to Eu,ene

Mr. George Carey, of Bellbrook, Harris Mosher and Ethan Crane Mr. Jesse Burton and family were and Miss Edna W...ller, of Center· were Lebanon v isi tors. Saturday in Cincinnati. Saturday. ville. were quietly married at the aft ernoon. M. E. parson~, Wednesday even· Mr. a .. d Mra. C. A. Bruner, of Inar by Rev. C. S. GraUBer. Mrs. Miss Mildred Lewis, of Cincinnati. Carey is the dauarhter of Mr. and Mason, were here over Sunday. is t he guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mn. E. A. Weller. of near Center. Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gustin and family . ville, and has many friends here. Hess. Friday. June 28th, a daughter. }{obert Ber'ryhill was the a-uest of Mr. Carey is a veterinary and is located at Bell.rook. Mrs. Henry Satterthwaite visited Russell and Leslie Satterthwaite A dinner waa ¥iven to tbe newly in Dayton and Bellbrook last week. from Saturday until Monday. married couple Sunday at the bride'a Have your Lawn Mower sharpened. Messrs E. R. Bentley and Oscar parents. Mr. Lou Printz, of Way Waynesville Auto and Machinery Co Denlinger attended a stock·yards nesville, wu preeent. convention in Dayton. Monday. Mrs. Eliza~th Sherwood and two Perey L. Reuon, formerly of Har· children, of tebanon, were in town. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Reed, ~f CinveYlhu~, now of Dayton, ani Ople }<·riday. cinnati, were the guests of Mr: and L. Otte, ef taht city, were married . MI's. Chas. Reed, Saturday and Sun. Missel Ruth Hartsock and Helen day . by her. pastor, on WedqfJlldayeverunar June H. at 8 o'clock. Shortly after Marlatt are guests of relatives in I . Mr. C. T. Hawke and family. and the ceremony they went to their Dayton, this week. . Wluren Keys spent Sunday with home on Summit It. which the ,room Mr. and Mn. Allell Hames, son. Mrs. Alice Hawk e and family, at had _I ready furnished. Tbe, were . peeD. Saturday Dirbt of Mr. and and daughter, of Xenia. were gUBl!.ts Lebanon. of relatives here Sunday. Mn Earle Hockett and on Sunday. Mrs. Schuyler Matthews and with Quite a little company in their Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Thompson, of bonor, were entertained at the home Cincinnati, are spending a week's daughter Lucile. of Cincinnati. were Ituests of Mr . and Mrs. R. A. Cross of their par8llts Mr and Mn E -E. vacation with relatives here. several days last week . Reuon. of Ha";eYlb~fJr. . The croom baa maD)' friends in Mr. and "rs. R. A. Cross and Mr. F. C. Schwartz. of Columbus, ie Harveyabu .... anel WayneaVule who and Mrs, R. G. Cross spent Sunday the guest of Jas. Bel1ham. Mr. wiah for him and bis bride an ideal at Hillsboro, Ohio, the guests of Schwartz came Sunday evening and future. fril'IDds. ' will spend the week in fishing and

. At ONPftla hail fell In alIundanee, and the com Ie badly cut up, while a · .....t deal of toba:eo ia ruined. At Utica and eOuth of there, tlie -.Jind dicl. IIN&t deal of ciamaare , . , • _.. • 1'*O~· 8.U.L GAMeS

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cornell, Mr. and Mrs. Will Cornell. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Cornell, Mrs. Oren Strawn, Ona Strawn, G. E. Riley, Blanche Riley. Mnl. Lottie Stokes. Stella Butterworth Louisa Stokes and Warren Keys attended Pomona Gt'BDge, at 'Lebanon, Saturday.


. , ~.



• .

will be twa ~ MIl pmea beN OD ••tJae Fourth at PbIUi,.' park.

. ....... ·the ~. 0(. Cincinnati wlJ1piq:tbdliamll. Tbe6ntDllle wID .,... .1ed at 10 'o'clock and the ~ at a o'clock. : Tbe ,Baerv_ betona' to ~ Ohio Leqae, and CUI bout WOIl 1'2 .traiPt pm_ and .1oaUW DOne. TIlia teui OUIbt to be a drawiDJr· • . card tor the Fourtb f B8 it is a very ucJuay" team. The Miamis ' will be \1Uenarthened and you CUI look for lOme peel



PIDM. Attend Mtb pm.. and you will .IUrely . .t your money'l 'w orth.





Dr. J. A. McCoy and Ilia MaMI Allen were united in marriqe at Wuhiqton C. H. on , Wedneeda,y evenl~, June 28. at 8 o.clock, Rev. LonK. of Frankfort, .ohIO, perform· illl the reremony. Only immecliat.e • 01 the eootnctiJlc partiea »..,..nt. A1tbOup Dr. McCoy hu been in Waynesvill. but a abort ti.e he baa made many frienda and has allO made ' a IUcceli u a veterinary. MrI. McCoy wu popular in Wuhinar B.'8odet.y and it. lOIS will be Wa,yDellYiUe'. pin. . Ttie 100111 couple arriyed here Thu.-a" mom1nc and went at once to bouikmeefinar' in th F. B. Sberwood ' ;roperty OD Fourth etreat. where they are at bome to their. On Friday evening the boys gave the.. ail old·fuhioned belling to which the doetor responded with ciKara..




viaitin2' old friends. Miss Edith Mosher left Monday morning for Chicago where she will join Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Taylor and Miss Josephine Hill!, of Kintdey, Kansas, and they will &'0 on to Charlevoix, Mich., on the 3rd to spend t!,e rest of the summer.



Mn. F. E. Milia died Wednesday evenlnar at her home in Harveysburg Mrs. Cora .. Thompeon, who Is a Th. furi~ra1 took pl.ace at h?r late member of the Intemational FarO' homeSaturdQ'aaem!llI a tloo clock, Wom~'1 Pre. AaIoclatlon, hu reo Rev. Sa~nt ofti~latiq. Interment c:eived tht-folltwlnar invitation: waa made an Xenia cemeter)·. You are berewltb invited to attend .andpu1.icipate in th. aecond annual Aaron Hane)" an qed and' ~ ~on 'of tbelntematlonal .Con(reII apected citizen of HarveYllburc, died of Farm Woaen. which will be held at hia bpl!l8 there Saturday aflerin Lethbridee, Alber.ta, Canada, ()c. noon at 2. o'clock. The funeral was lober 22,23,'24. ancl!5. 1912. beld 'Tueaday lIlomiq at 10 o'clock The .putpoee of this conarreaa is the and wu in charp of the q. A. R. \of u,lIft and betterment of the women WilDliqton to which poet he be· the farm. . lonaed. Surial was made at Sprinar· • - .. field RoOMe cemetery. : ~'/'



The mMtin. of . the W. C. T.U. win _ beld ·at the ·homeof :Ap. Wript, FridaY alter· Doob, ~ub'6th, ~t two . o'clock. A full .atteDdanee is desired. Mia ~;Keli;. x-der: :\ '-. . . ' ,. - •

Olear Stilet died at tbe home of his mother, Mre. Hope Stiles. in CorwiD, Frida)' .venin. at 7:10 o'clock. after an · iIIMM of llIout three montba. The funeral wu be1j Mon· clay momina at 10 o'clock at the bout RevtI. GraWltr and CadwaUa· r t • • '. " \ WIL-':"'HOLQ ~WN FETE derofflclated, A quartet comJlQl8Cl of MeliN. ·Ellis, Printz, Gnu_ and . : . ,~!ji;e. E.;)JQaJ.,q' ud ~ Son. Raper 81111 two aelectl~na. In~. . ~ .~. AdlW ~ chl1rda will bold a ment wag made , In MiamI cemetery. •''' ... • . ".. • • :Lan ~ .... 'he ~Undl in fnnt


'. . ,·:tX.,. ." -:., --,.,,~


>_IHI,-tM ".& .cb~.



Mr. Howard W. Ivins, the popuh&r ot tbe bar and the community as a and highly respected attorney of fair and hono able ,ractitioner. Lebanon. wu recently nominated .. 1 As a lawyer, Mr. Ivins has proven a candidate for 'Judare of the Com· himself well qualified for the position mOD Pleas Court, for the Third Sub · of Jludge. He ill a member of the diviaion of the Second Judicial Die· firn, of Brandon' and hins and entriet of Ohio, comprisin. the coun· JOYl1 a lar,8 clientage. A.e a citizen, tiea of Warren . Greene, Clinton he is held in high esteem and his MontlOmery.' ' . friEinda of,whom he hal hundreds in .Mr. Ivins was born on a farm n~r the. district, cannot pra1ae him too Lebanon and hu always resided in higlhb. WAS OPERATED ON ~~mIq, Warrencowtj. He graduated from Jo accordance with the ,provisions u,.. .I.... Burton went to Cia;acin- the.Cineftmatl· . . School and wu of the new law, pertaininar to tbe . week; where !!he underwent admitt.i to the at tbe age of 21. election of the judiciary, Mr. Ivins' y.... he baa name will apPf'ar upon the first nonia ~1lI' &loDI J!'or the pUt .,.; lu plet8:L ' . . ' bee!' ;hi .'practice of 'bis . . ballot pre.ented· th~ ~I~ton ChOleD as district. : ..1':.. ' is ~Iectecf tI)~ . 'i~1~"J'!I~~~ ~.\ltA).i~lj~~_:r I ,tl~e1:op,ll-qij~~'cin as to · hl8 at.Wty,p ..,..,......:::.. --_

_... -



T ,--st.e

Social- i;;.;t;-: e---________ .

terviJle, June b 26, ' 19J%. Although Mr F C lJ t "1 d f ami'1 y . . . . DI ~ ITV'1I an emg- a very uey tame of StlllS?ll. Wire lCues ls of MI' . and Mrs. Henry about seventy &,ave up the a cllve S tt lh 't t d' S d· . · 0 f th e d ay to enJ' oy one 0 r a a er wal e. a IIlner. un sy. d ut les !locia I nature. Messrs. C r. Hawke. Frank Stokes Mrs. Fred Harl'lock Iin.1 Mi!18 and H. M. Snook kindly assisted Mr. Edith Mosher were guest s of MiRa Keys with their au toea in conveying Henrietta McKinBe~' tit supper. I"ri· thirty members from the station. day evening. After the usual farmers feast. the afternoon was spent in a social and On Monday afler,lo"n Mrs Henry instructive way. Satterthwaite and MiS!! MalleI Sat. The flower committee had a beau· terthwaite were guests at a party ful display while the fruit committee from 2 to 5 o'clock, g-iven by Mrs. WkS equally &I inu-resting : they re- Perry Sackett. of near Bellb~ook . ported the fruit tWG weeks lale thiil year. Althoullh the essayist was not .Mr. and Frank 'Zell entpr· present, Mr. J~ M. Earnhart. a del. ~lIled at theIr home Thursdav "t egate to the Constitutional Conven. dInner and supper. Mr. and Mrs . . tion was substituted who brought Hor~ce Zell. daughter and son, of out many valuable points of their Xema, and Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Farr. work. The "Woman's Suffrage" question brought out a very lively Qu'lte a •< 0 001 y crowd 0 f fi S herman • . • dISCUSSIon. MIas Grace Stok~, of invaded the Little Miami TUl'8day. Dayton, gave two excellen.t read mi'!. Of course, it is not necessary to tell Abftedr. theedusua~ buslneaB. the the number of fish ..caught. but only cIu a Journ . gOing down on reo those h ' d th . '---t w 0 enJoye e OCca810n. cor d as one 0 f th e ue:s ' . They were Mrs. Thad Zimmerman, The g-uests were Geo. Riley and Mrs S D CI t M' R th f '1 C T H k d f'l ' " ay on. 189M u amI y, . . aw e an amI y, Zimmerman R th H· t k and ar soc . Fran.k Stokes snd family. of Way· Hazel GU9ti~ u nesvdle, Dr. and Mrs. Keever, of Centerville, Mrs. Mary Silvers, MI'!. Martha Hough, Mrs Annabell Phil· Mr. and Mrs. I Satterthwaite en. lips. Miss Ruthemma Cook. of Way· tertained Sunday at dinner the fol. nesville, and Miss Sarah Sellers. of lowinar guests: Dr. and Mrs. A. T. South Charlf!8ton Wri«ht. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. narri. • - ...~-hart, Mrs. Agnes Wrill'ht, Mr. and A PLEASANT EVENING Mn .G. W. Hawke, Mr. an d Mrs. Last Sat rd . B S 'th Emmor Baily, Mrs. Lina Devitt, . u ay evenmg. en ml Mias Emma Heil'hway and Mr. C. and sIster Edna entertamed about G W'll' ' f' d Th e evenmg . . I lamson. fif ty 0 f th elr n~n s. was Rpent in music and playing game!. Refreshments aonsiating of Quite a crowd of our young people ice cream, cake and lemonade were went to :pring Valley Thunday_ served. Those present were MiMes evening to attend a dlUlc.. Those Edith anj Rachel Sheehan, Ruth who went were: MiMes Ruth Hart. Cline. Pauline Marlatt, ~elen Me- sock, Clara Hawke, Winnifred Macy, Clure, Pearland Isabell Sml&h. Kath Grace Carman Emma Hawke Irma ryn GiltboDs, Frances Squires, Flo~ Cornell and MeMrs. Fred Hawke, en~ Hess, Gertrude Heea, A~b Hugh Kidge, Bert Hartaoek, Ralph Bernaard, Lela Hartsock, GoldIe Smith, Terrell Macy, Raymend Davis, Hartaock. BI~nch and Reva Sbeehan, Edwin Ricks and Emmor Bailv. Glenna Hobb~ and MeSIt'8. Forest Hoblit. Glenn Bees, Ralph Sheehan, Leslie Smith. Will Bernard. RayA pleasant surprise was tendered mond Hartsock, Roy Hartloc:k, to Master Rue Dinwiddie, on last Lampton Smith. Coleman Morgan, Wednesday eveninar the occasion Jacob Meredith, Linley Marlatt, being his ninth birthday. The even· Max Bama,rd, Emerson Dill, Walter Ing- was spent in pmea and a general Squires, James Gibbons, Wilbur good time Ice cream and cake were Nutt, Wilbur Marlatt, Charles Pen· served. Those present were Mia8es new itt, Chaa. Smith . Alvah Hart· Alice Carey, Helen Marlatt, Estla sock. Rex Vales. Clifford Himes, Haines, Elsie Gustin, Louella. Jean· Ellis SmIth, Jamee Smith, Mr. and nette and Frances Janney, Muten Mrs. Harry Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Frye. Howard Gustin, Elliott Geo. Smith. Wright and Ethan Crane. b .



W.. ~ T. U, NOTICE



Th C' Lebanon Farmer's club met : with J . M. Keys and family. a t Gen·




--_.- ..---





Mr II. L. Rhoade ... formerly hiarb· eehool pHncipal here. who went to Cinciimatl to IItudy 'Iaw, WU-SUCCeMful in his ,x.mination. and Wall ad· lIIittM' ~ tbe bar last week It is his intention to hanar out his shinarle at




Mr. Raymond Crda'er and Mias ! Elsie VanHarlinpn, both of Dean, ....J !, were married at Dayton by ! the Rev. Hale, Wedneeday evening L...-....-...--. ..._.... .- - -....... - ...~ ~ ........... _.. _.._......... --.-..._.~~_....J at 1:30 o'clock. Mrs. Creager is Miss Monimia Bunnell is q uite W. H. Allell was a business visitor well known here as abe was a fre· sick. to Cin cill nati , Monday. quent visitor at 11\e home of her ,i&ter, Mnl. U. M. White. Chu. Stansberry Wllll in Cincinnati Born - To Mr. and Mrs. John Rich, Saturday. Monaay, July 1st, a son.



·r--·. --·.. "--·--·····---· '_.·. _. · · · .- . . . . . . . . . . -. . -· .···. ·.__. . · ·. .·_·.._·-·.·. .· .·_·.·.. _ .··--l. .-, iI ITL_.._...Personal __ .... __ Mentiion __ ..............Column _...._. .

Whole Number 3165

Mrs. J. W. White gave an enjoyThe Ne~ Century Club held their able party on last Thursday afterfinal mt'etlng for the summer at noon in honor of her aruest Miss Jean th~ home of Mrs. N. (,. Bunnell, last Ferguson. of Dayton. The ladies FrIday afternoon. There was a were told to bring their fancy work . large attendance ~n~ a most excel· or sewing and the affair wu delent program conslstmg of a pa~r lightfully . informal. Other diveron Jean Van Dyke. by Mrs. Lma sions were "A Tea Teat'" and D~vitt; a paper "The Blue FI~wer," "Printer's Pi." Mn. Sigier, of MIBS MIURa Brown and a readmg en · Daylon very charmingly rendered a titled "The Musician Lover." by vocal ~Io. Raspberry punch waa Mnl. B~uner. ~ft~r the pro~r~m served in the dining room and later the ladlell were mVlted to the dmmg ice cream and cake were Nerved. room for refreshments. The room Those present were, Mise Jean Fer. was :v~ry tastefully d~~rated In g1lson, Mrs. P. N. SIgler, Mrs L. B. patrIOtic colors. A dehclous two Vinson, Mrs. Temple TOWJ18ley, of . course lunc.hean was serv~ by ~e Dayton, Mrs. E. E . Moon, of Wil• . bOlltes') 888ISted by her meee ~188 mington; Mrs. Frank Care" Mrs. Mary Stokes, of Lebanoq. and M188e8 Robert Croas Mrs Walter McClure Hazel Gustin and Ruth Zimmer~an. Mrs. J. E. J~nne~, Mrs. J. T. Ellis: Each. lady was presented WIth a Mrs. John Hawke, MnI .R1Lrry Mur- .' small Bdk flag. The guests of the ray. MH. J. O. Marlatt, Mrs. Harry at~moon were !'Irs C , S . .Grauser, Williamson, Mrs. S. D. Clayton, Un ..' Mlrs Emma Helghw,,¥,. MISS Mary J. W.Ward. Mrs. Chas Houarh,Mrs.. " Stok~. of Lebano~, MIsses HazelJ. A. Funkey, MrS J. O., ' Mrs. Clarence Grauaer, Mrs ~or: ' GustIn and Ruth Zlmmerman. Baily, Mrs. Lina Devitt, Mrs. Franl( " ATtENTION, I. 0.0, FI Zell, Mrs. P. D. Cillgett, Mrs. Gao• 'd ld b Smith, Mrs. F. H. Farr. Mrs. D. Next F rl av ~ur e es~ IDem er, Crane, MiSll E. Carroll, Mias GeOt'irla'I;'f" Bro. Allen Han~es. wlI.1 r~h the Hadden Miss Elizabeth 88th milestone In his life Joumey. MiBS Janney It baa lM!en IUlrreated that all • _ ..._ __ Brothers send him a JOst carel in PROI!ERTV CHANaSS ""'I'IIJ~ commemoration of the event . Please remember and do your'J)art. Jas. Stoopll, of Dayton, ':' Thomu ",. Pierce•. N. G. ~e Poet . office 1I1oc:k te J. '.: • - ~ . . , ~ .~te .d~~rs,}or U~ ... . Tile a ie paper ...1 Wa.YD~1 , .". ';," ,,[,1.... -~..






'81'.' ·'.mll" . .

.. •

I '


:1Practical ~asbi~ns I RECDRDD';~,.; .

\. '"



~ Could NotHeip Mta.. Templet,~D -:- 'e'~~Ded

Health throu,h LydUt. E. Pinkh-m'. CoI!l~UDd. HoOper, Neb~kL-"i

am vet, glad

to tell bow Lydia E. Plnkhaiil'. V".etabla Compound bal belpedmL Fo'rllveYe&ra IlUffered from female troableIlO I wu


"Good heavenB-oh, 1 eay!" I .... clalm,ad In consternation, U I hed. my glau on the garmentl. "It·. ),our jal1, then, you know-" An~1 Buddenly 1 made a I1lscoyeryr and l forgot about keeping atlll. "By' Jove, BIlUnga!" 1 exclaImed ez. cltedl,.. "Hero', 80methlng 1nllide tba collar-some sort of Jolly writing!·" "Wlbat's that?" 8ald BUllngs sharp. Iy. He Jerked the gannent (rom m7 hand alld held It In tlJe light. AJl round the olrcle within the collar band ran four or live t!arker red lines of Queer little crl8scro81 character•. "Ch.lness laundry marlta, 'OU Idiot. he commented carele•• I)'. And tha he ducked hi' head clollel' ...ltlJ • Quick Intake of breath. "By' Oeorge; DIcky! " he cried, hie voice tremulou8 with some exclt. ment. "Can't be that either; It'. woven In-awfully I1ne, neat Job, too. Now, what do )'OU 8UPPOI_" He broke off wonderlnl11~


Rtchard Llshlnul . .. ;, AmerIcan wIth ....

alTec ted EnaUah

fit'Cent ,




.nt from .. trlend In China. The pre.enl Prove. 10 bo a plllr ot pnJam.... A letler hlnta o( au rprl l e to the wearer. LlJrhtnul donI the paJamu ana lat. at nl.rhl geta up tor 1\ Imoke. HI. Me rvanl. Jenkin •. COrnea In and. tnlllnK to rocognh:e J~I"ht· nlil. attempt. 10 pUI hIm oul. ThlnklnJr tho ..enllnt ~rIl&)·. Llghtnul e hanilM hIe cl"thee Inl e ndlng to Bummon help. Whekn reappDa .... J onkln. toJl. on 111. nee .... ," JO)·. connrmlng Llghtnut·. beU"t Ih"t he I" erasy. J enkilUl l e lia Ughtnut ot tile enNunl .. r he had with .. hldeou. C tllnnmall dre•• od In pajama.. In a fIl . ~..~ trom hI. trle nd. Jllck BIIUnPd,: ld"hulUt I. uked to put up "thO kl (or the nIght on hI. way home from COIA~'I Ie.... t .... l e r Ughlnut nnd. a beaut .u gIrl I.. bl ..r.k paJamu In hi. room. LISht· nut te a h'lck ed by the Ilrl'lI drlnklns. • moklng And 811lntr)' talk. She leila him h~r nll.n e I. F,·anal. and pUI.leo him with • atory of "er love for her . I.te"'. .-ooQl· molto, nllmed France.. Next the g irl II ml ••lnlf and L1Sh\nul hurelee to Ih .. boat to 80e her ott. Ho I. &C. ""'''ted by If, h\l8ky college boy. who calt. 111m "DIcky" but ha dool not 1.0 the tl':'lrl. Jl\Ck Billings col" to Il)f!nd lhe nl.-ht wIth J.Jshtnut. They discover f,lrleele •• rublell hidden In tho bultoDl of tho paJoma.. Blllln . . dona the pajama. and ",ure.. L1,htnul later dlacoverl In ·111. Ilptr.rtm.llt a beefy perllen III mut· aon·chop whlllteN and we..rlnl paJaml18. .Tenltln. call. the pollee, who d'eol the InC mder to bt .. criminal, called "Foxy Oraodpn." 'l1Ie Intruder declare~ he I. J.Jgh Inut'. guat &lid appeal. to lhe I~\­ ler In \"I.en. He Ia hustled ott to J . In the mormnl Ltshtnut I. Mtonl.s hed to nnd Sittings gone, nnd more aalpnlehed when he gall a mearlS. from the Iatter demandIng hi. oloth... Lishtn t( boun d 'or Tarrytown, SlIIln,.. home. d .oover. ·'I"ranc8II," tho 11,1 of lhe paJamu, on • he train. LI.htnut apeakl to hor ano aIluOu to the nl"ht before. She declnres Indignantly that Llfhtnut nevor law her In blaok paJamu. t Tarrytown Francel , ..... et by a hu."y: colle". youth, who halla Llghtnut u • Dicky.' The latter 11f· no~. the boy. who then threatens to thruh hIm tor otte ndlnr; 'France.. LIght· !'ut ~ake. the next traIn home.





able to do my work. -I took doGo tora' medlclnea and uaed local treatm8llta but wu no' belped. I had aueb awful bearing down pallUI &lid my bae\l WII 8Q weak I could bardly walk and COIiJd nol rid.. I often had toaltuliDlahta.toaleep and my frienda th0lllht I ~ DOt "Ya Iq. At ~ reqUBlt PfJ~ pl m. a bottle of Lydia E. 'a Yeaetable Compound and I OOIDJDen~ . to Black and wblte st.r tped mohair can takl It. B, tha tim. I I1ad taken the be cbosen for the de1'elopment or til.. ..vanth bottJe my bealth .had ~~ad charming wallt with tbe ehemt..tte 01 and I bepndoina ~ ~ an~ waa • . all-oysr and tbe renrs of ..Un. Tile wellwollWl. AtOllatimefottbreeiweeb prment II mllde wltbout aboWd r I did all the work for elebteeD boarden seaml 8nd tbe 'CloalnI II at tbe b&c'- wlthmculp. of ID7 old troubW Ietum-. lac. 1IaD7 bave taka J.OGl' .m4!dlclDe The cbemlaeUe II NvenlblL appropriate materl,l, are IIDen. pllllM. aftN -Inc "bat It did for m.. I would. not take tlOOO and be "bere'J wu. YOtl COrded 11Ik ud Itl1ped madraa.. The pattern (No. fi78'1) II CNt In un ~ permiaalcm to UN m,J ~e It will aid anyaDe. "-lira. sua 'hK. IhieB 32 to 43 Inches buat m88l1lre. ... It ft.'a'ION.' Hooper, lIoeb~ -, - cllum 81ze reqUilrea I yard. of U . Illch material, " yard of 18 Inoh aU-oftr IlDd " yard 'of U .Incb ..un. '-

To """"u,. thla t:-ttom. _c1 It _ ""pattern Det/artmellt 01 tbl. _ ,. 'WwIt. n ....... aDd acldr... pla1nll'.1UId be _rw to ~ ..... &ad IIWDbu of

_ODe. .'Ia. obstinate


~~ • • ~~~wp~

tory ~the


thatc1ealwtdeapalr. ~~~ 1\ II a _tablilbed ~ fact ~t L.Jdla Eo

Pblkham'a Valret .. An In.crlptlon and a My.tery. NO SJR··.-··.---- . hleCompoaDdbur. BUlIngs rubbed 1111 Clbln perplel'" ltOI'ed~th to thou11'. "By JIgger. now. I wODder 'What .... of ItIm IUffe.. NAJrIB .. . -.... _-·--· .-_ •• --- . ---lhose hen tracts mean'r" he uttered lDr women. Why TOWN . ....... - · - - - - · · - · · .. - · - · mualngly. Then he looked up at me doa" JOG try It IfJOU ~,;;;r.o;:; with lIudden anImation In hla face. BTUBT AND NO. ... _ •• __ ... _ _ Madaucba mecIlclDel "Look here. Dicky," he exclaimed. STAT& ................ ,.,.....-----:-"do YOU happen to know Doosen. The ),OUD¥ man "ho tell. & ·c1'rl.lha berry'?" II a dream Is likely to bump up ....In.' I tll'led to remember. 1 abut one a rude awakenlnl .bortl,. after- maz-. LADY'S FOUR GORED IKIRT. lIye' and studied the marlll doeel' rige. throullb m)' glan, but hacl to .Ilake my head at la8t. For ~laUoD of tbe ftOmaoh "~lIly, man, he'a a .member of an the g reat 10cleUes of the world. Uot a .trlng at letters p"rter hla Dame like i 8wunl Aboard. a unhreua! keybotaid, 'a od Js the ma~ New York, condemned a c!t~lllt.rilo CHAPTER XIV. (ContInued.) ' j t d dd ....... • d t "L1ghtnutl" be caUed. I jUllt Itaret! to catch mJ 4uItna I e,.a at Iall UB an B ree8 ~e a, "u'l:1, an wan IQueelre, the Creat Boream, amollC aU modern type ot aoctet, tF0m&ll.i pu.b oyer tiere and !D, tfle sl:lentUlc up at tb. castle. on the bUl. · I felt as they eoned. And, by Jove, she me to send for my clothes or else , ''Thl. type. wblch. J~i IIn'\ denllah allnoye4, thou lb. 1 ",called ~ looked amuaed~d pleased. and send out and bU)' aome. nnally. a bIg. Eu~opo. Lots of dOUCh, but off hi. Il.umerou .... be .atd, "lly.. GIl ( 1ICItf- , trolley 'WIth learnln .... ... other day at tbe ~ As for U.a frump, ahe frankly brute came and threw me some dIrty rlet7. To a woman of lIll. tne • law-a conyeraatl on .... 0 ha hi la"_..o d th moved up raga and saId I'd bave to put on tii'ose "And In thIs building?" 1 said walt club In wbloll Van Dyne r.e mllrked ra y _ - . aD en . yer .. Id one daJ: derlna:ly. "What's he like?" that the InU'Jlaey affected now by a Bpeed, Jl1IIt I I a eoutll·bound ex or else bu)' Borne othera. .. 'Yea, m.4am, I CaD let· 10)1 "Awfully ' I arge head," said QlIllnp. in Insulferable preBe took the ataUon. "And I had just got Into the tog!! divorce 10U dealre. For '1100 I cu cbaulleurs wb grow g . And I IlWUDg aboard It back for lit· nnd stuffed the rubles IlDd pajamas elevating his hatld, some t wo 'feee pt a dlYotce-&l14 lit It l"illlout Declnred. bill man bad asket! lllm for tie old New York. Dldn't' eee what the out of sight In my pocket, when tho upart, "pear·lhap.eda1fal~bll euCl pubUc1tJ. too.' 1\ light that morn In.. chaulfeur dId. Wlln't Interuted, you particular brigand who had cllarge of up-bumps on It like halye. of araPf "She wrinkled ber .mooUl, wbt~. The fello'lf' .tared a little; then Ile hnow about UlaL my coop came back . He all;Doat ·threw trult, porcupine eyebrowlI, and-" • . weU·powdered foreb814 ~ID .~'P'oW1l; came towat(\ me. Imlrklng In a locu, , a tit when he 81111' me. 'Wbere's Twen"Oh, 1'luIow," 1 Bald. DoddlnC e&P1' she bit ber,i'olllhe4- aDd 0,,1'01'-.1 Upe lar, Impertinent · way. CHAPTER -XV. ly·aeven!' he wanted to ktlQ1!.. ¥d. I',j ."~n~.·a l't~le, a~l1vel~-well, ktnir ID annoy~~~ \ -.' '. . . •. "Bay, gt.oll your kidding, olt! lIIan." then, before • could sny a word, he of mashed sort of face, e),_ bea4111re .. 'But what would It ·co.t.· ih. muUere4: "gtrl. bave no lenle of Bllilngl' Symptom. Alarm Me. bluatered up to me wIth : 'And say, and jolly Imall. I've got -blm DOW I e~. 'with' pu~UcltyX' ~' . bumor, you how, ' Come alonl-I've "Most IDf.rnaI outrage of tlJe cen· what bUSiness you got ' ln hereT Clear I've gone down wIth him ID the 81. :lUlt - been tltune them 10U ate m), tury, [ tell ,.oo!" Dliltngs atormed. out!' And you bet I didn't 1018 I sin· vator." Willing to, ~ Iquare ~ "1;,, • best friend ." 'For lin bour 1 1aa4 lat there In m1 gle golden mlnute-I de~red. You BIllings, nodded. "You've lot btm BraDd WhltIOOJr. who doubJ,M aa I etole another look at the car, but rooms, limit aDd bewllderet! under tho IIhould haYe seen me beat It down painted," he said dril,. ''That', th. mayor . of Toledo and ~ -. t1lterarJ l"raIices aYolcled · me; 80 I came to a tempest of Id' wrath. The ' wlld ant\ ~ that corridor! Tb'o fellow followed me profealor; , onll, his. e; a ...a aDlytJllllil. The fashionable tunic elfect II NeD bad a Chtcaco ~~ wa. a deCision, 1 turned ehortly. on the Incoherent IJIUU'er over the 'phone a little, grumbUng to hlmaelf: Tblln b~t 'Jo 11'.' .'ve rldl\eil In' tbe .>If'''.lto.·IIn ,thll 1'7111h fOIlr1rO~ IkIrt wMcb' " m~,' repOrter OD th.' old Her-let whenJ'ete thnt JenklllA reported upon my return he called to· a cop who was jUlt com· with him my.elf; Always man.... tAl made. with front clOllnI. 1t may b. DunDa and Charl.y ·SeJmou'r· w_'ra"hIa odrlver. . "See bere naw. III}' 1004 fellow," I hnd BBnt me OIl a bunt for m1 frIend. Ing In: 'Sa)'. O;Keefe, run that young look Ilke he was traYellnl with a .,. as a part of a complete coltumi I1de-1dckl. Chule,: CilaplD yu \ ODI .atd sborply, "~ou .top subJeoUng I had foun4 blJD .wlenly dining alone lat freak out of here, 11'111 youT it·s Ime1l!" or Inlt, and can Ilene equall, " well of ' hll cit, editOr.." c ,.' thoee ladle II to Imnoyance. Drive on, oyer at the club. and' as soon aa lone of tbat bunch ot visitors that "DnHl8h senSitive, 1 4ar. lay." for leparate wear. Serge, pongee, ,Cbapbi II Dowl. CJtJ e4ltor' ot Ule .,r I'U report yOn to my trIends." entered he atarted to bolt from the went through just now. FreBh thlngDUllnall looked at .me aUlplcloUIIF. fqu'lard. mohair or Hnen II available. Ne. York EVeniD& World, r ~d tb1a . H\l Il.are4-B~med to be tryIng to room. Onl, througb the greatest snooping Into tDe cells!' but I had got hold· or-tha thIDg 1 WU . The pattern (No. 5767) II . cut ID .torY wu told to WbtUOCk lateJr b1 stare m. out of countenance, In fMt . pleading had • managed to coax 111m "And 110 the aame cop tbat brought trying'. to recollect aDd '1 went 011 Z2 to 30 Incbes wallt meaure. a ' correallOndent who 1Wl ,bJm :uiad.. "Wby. Dlcky1" he exolalmed In an back to m)' dlambers, hoping I ml,ht me there-the very same-wa. the QuIckly: . To make the skirt In the medium .be IDtentewlOl '~" lIiJll10ved ton.. " don't you remember screW out of IIJm lome explanation. OnO that sboved me out of tbe door, "By Jon;, JOU know, I bel1eY.: 'Jen- w.IlJ require 3% lardl of as Inch mateA D.w reporter had be:en ~ , OD me-:-4on't you 11Iow meT" [ had recetYe4 ft, b,. Joyel wllrnlng me tbat ('d best not go pok. klnll knowl btl man:'-feUow w)1o bu" rial the E:fenlnl W,orld. " aDd he went · "I certalllly do not," 1 answered Of cours.. 1 r~ed It all as 1m· Ing Into tbe pl1aoners' celli again' If ·Iera. !ll)d, belreve, c001l:l; ior .him: To pl'OC\lrc till. patt_ ...uS 10 CCDto to work on a WedneNa" ,1o Tha patAk, -wIth decIsion. t felt my face getUng PO,881ble and C1'Il&l'. YOU know, but I knew wbat was 1004 for me!" ... He aDd JeDkllls beloD. to 't he same-· ....ttern Department" 0.( \hI. peper. Wdtt on tha cpap.r. Is Thun4ar. " Ill 'th. _ c aQd add,aa j>Wnl",1UId be ..... to el... 1'8d with vexation. "And what·, mot., when I lal4 10 to BlUing. hi. remarks "S1 the way, old chap." purred DUI· how <1o they call, It?...,..ame club or ......... cOulise of a week. w:hea the r~lt ,.. lIulIlbc of pattern. mJ name II not ·Dlckr.''' were eo violent. alld Ile turned .uch a Ings, hla poIse ' and g004 humQr 1m· centiemeu'B gentJe·men.'~ , cetn4 . h~ I.l1.t ·en'felQ~, ,II • . fo1lIId H .. band elo..,ly Iwept hl8 chin and dangeroul apoplectlc purple, dulled tr proving under tbe apell of a clsar, . "~ . Blmn" br.o uaht hi. flit'- down. thatb. wu ~ da, .1!~rt: ·Be· went to lie whlsUe4. I didn't renoce. ,. was sorry to retum the pajamas torn "Let'l bave.,Je.nIdD. In:" ~e ·s,,"eai.eCI. NO 5711. Chapin and eomplalnect" oDlf., to let ~ ...... -.. "Wha·':" Well. I'll be Jiggered!" He "Bnt then the old man, you know!" anc! dUllt1 and wrtnkled u they\ we..... And "e did. , . , thla: '.. . ',4, .~' \ ~~""'. " ·NAM& ... _ •• _.~_ • _ _ _ .. __ • _hlrled toward the car. ' I protelted wealtl7. But )'OU aee. on account of the rubles, "I ,",J, ,JenldDl,.. ·• belan, ·'thI1 p.,. ".011, :well,. De.,.r. ~ID"" : When -I tIr. TOWN._. __ ....... ___ ••_. __ • _ _ BUlin,s leveled Ills blc arm at me, I 11'1111 leary a~out havln, them prosaed fellllOr- .DoOdlebug above n_" "On me, thl. Ume. [peBSI You're you; ,l'U fir. you. earJier and 'that· ~htl" mouthing worcll....,. for a minute. or fUBsed over, 80 I wrappod and '~Doolenberry!" Blllln.s sharpl, wID make 'It ~ma ou.t · e,~'" ITRIlItT AND NO' .• _ ••. ~_ .•••_._ Then hls face 010u4e4 IIn4 he moyed "That-that'll do. about that old sesled them mYlelf, Juat aa ODe doel corrected. ., -·04own upon me. man!" he elloked at lut. "Not-not a jewel paokaae. Got tbem. did youl" "WEIU. some " 0111 rum thIng about BTATS ........ ............. __ .. _____ _ OUTDoOR. 'i..'~; .,. "Here. you pt aloD, noW about IInother word about blm!" And final· I stared at BIIUngs througb . m, htm, dOD't ,"OU know, · Jen~ln-.aom. .WIII Not ' 0",,, the III ' !EffeCts of rour bU8lness, ;rrhoever ,.ou are!" His Iy he collapaed IDto hll 8eat from glaas. . 'thIng rou said 1111. maD told you-r. ~off.e' and. Te' Wh.~~n~ C?annot , hand wave4 al though sweepIng me sbeer exbaulUon. Juat lat there "DIdn't you get them!" he qu •• member, eh?" ' . . The Charming Woman. ' DIg!" tt;h;-( • .. ' .,,_. away. "I've a Inlnd to kick you for panting alid alarln, at me like a jolly ' Uoned In alarm. The woman who will charm mu.1 "WII" ~Ir, he tol4 ' me . that eyen ',,---- . ~~ ...anorlnS that ,"ung lady." bulldog. "Yea, yes-It's all right, old chap:' nIght he ha4 to turn down -the pert. . dev~lop In berself a power or 8elf~on. A rarmer ",.11: . • Ho IOQked tuward Frances and 1 OradunUJ be became calmer. I laid huWy aud ae pleasanUy aa 1 ser's 'becl' and-- go 101 over It wltlJ • trol tbat Is 8trong enougb to 11M to ~'For ten yeara "or In.OM I . ~lrered . sett-ellacement when neceBl8l'1. aD4 rrom~ d"IPepsl.. an4 •. atOm.~" "Tell you what: the only thing that could. "Eugene t!ellveted tha box to two-aalloD watel1na can-" -«nIld see he wU sbowlng 011'. But 1 >thougbt she looked a bit disgusted. leta you out, Dielly, I. 'tbe way Van JenklnB and I opened It m1Belf. bavlng done BO Bhe can start to play cauaed by tbe Us. '''WE~tel1ng can!" gasped SlIlIng•. coJlee (T~' con· .AIi for tlJe rrum,p, ahe Buddenly opened Dyue and Blat_leJ dId, In turu, wilen Thought It was-h'm-thougbt It wal ".'m tell1ng rou what he 'BayS, .lr. her part of a charmIng woman . witb talns catrelner ~h~ ~m~ .~1'~1. ~o}l,nd <the door, steppod down Ilnd then up • got them there." Bomethlng else." Then I proceeded Thon .h e coverl It all up again. and In Inlr prospectll of IJUCCeSl, Ir .hl can In coffee), un~1 • 10~ ,o: ~Il~ . I : ~ad to ....n. but tbls Ume bohlnd the ateer· He spoke Angely, but 1 brlghlenel1 Boothlngly: "But you're just a little IIbout a half·hour the perfelser turllA do thl8 and at the lame time ~tralD !lve UJ,). coffee en",:~~~,"Dil ~mcrpt ~h·. U. wbeel. a little. mIstaken about tho dust and wrinkles, tbe covera dow.n; . and If U's what , he trom obtrudIng her point of "lew aDd uP.. eating. There ere UJII~ ',1fpn I "If YOU t!on't oome on, I'm goln.... "Oh!" I said. "Didn't thay recog· old chap-and IIbout them being torn. calls 'flne'-that la, damp aU oyer-he more especially her own claim. to be could eat OD" :~boJl.8!l inll~:a~4 ,!ileac!: understood, flattered anc! lilted, IIhe and when I weD~ t(>: tfl~ .~4 ·to -:Work said quietly. nlze you, eltherT" Ha, hal Oood jollo!" climbs In aDd slecps Ilke a: top." "Juet a mlnutl":' he aald, llcowllnl Billings' 9nort made me Jump. . But Billings ' face was unresponsive. "Cold-water bug, you know." 1 ex. not only wins a reword of popularlt" ( bad to ~o ·.ome bread ~ aDlf"butter ba~11 at her. He far-ed me. "Recogull:e!" be bellowe(!. "The, "Why, old goop," he said with cheer. plalDe!!. bu~' BUllngs ehnigged hie but adde to the substantial 'Worth '01 to cglve me .treuth• .. ' .. her character, her reputaUon for C1ey. "Look here, If I hit you obea"- oe went back, Diad all bell!" ful contempt, "there's a .trianguJnr sbouhllers. "1· !Iootore4".teab-· and took, .lm08t "By Jove!" 1 eatd sootblngly. tear In the back of the coat )'Ou could leveled hlB fin'8r-~" .. ell, they'U have "ThlBt', all rlgllt. Bug or not, he', erness will not aurrer, and ber reputa- everytblJlg X,c6liI~: let for ~, ato~aob to pick you up with a spollge, tbat'B "That's not all:' continued BlIl1n,s sUck your head through; and one of the goods, all the same. Greatest tion will not be tbat of a colorl.... In the w~r of inildloID" 'but 'J~ r ..ot 1l1I! " grImly. "I was so Bure It was a put· the sleeves 18 In ribbons." ever." He IpokC) with Quiet convlo- slIcnt woman. ~n1 batte'rit DDtJ }~aie.4-...m~ ;w~lle. I Just opened the drawer of the ta- tlon. But, e xcept tor nilng my glass for up job, Borne ulnlne, fool joke.l wrote ( W&l almd.t a, '1\'&lkIng 'k'eleWn; . Il better study ot Frances, I never a cautious note to the governor. A.rter ble and took ou the box-glol'e bOx, 1 He deUber.atEHl a moment ancJ Duel H.. Happy Ending. "One ' day : r~d an.aii .t.Cir· PO$DII moved. Dldn't ocOUr to me as neces- a lot of pleadlnl. I got tbe fool8 to think It was-containIng the pajamal. turned to me . . At Edlnburgb two ' Italians met at ~cHold m'"'~,1.t\l1 ",6qJ~ ~ U',')nd as eary. you know, unUI sbe should drive aend It. He came.'" I had read Bomethlng .somewhere '''relll you what, Dicky: I'm going up midnight to settle II. dispute. ~avlng to ~e r61l0wlbt·~ct" '1f:WU1.iinike am~ -orr. Just stood leaning on my cane Bllllnga pauBed dramatically. about thc clearlnl effect-the reac" .and allk hIm dQwn. He's the ~no to but one pistol, they drew lots to Bee davit before iuJ, judie:'i~"'i=~'\ "1 'Qult colre wtlr 'J:r: . ·'Po·.. a nd wltb feet crossed. you know, In "Ob, yes. be cam.el" he went on, Unn, and that Bort of thing, produced g(v~ Uta the rlg~t dope on theBo bU1 which one Bbould shoot flrst. The win· . in, t ile way I had lonl!' ago found W88 tile .fixlng me .wlth an excited eye. "AntS sometimes by a shock. letterfl-Eh. wbllt YOU say, Jenkins!" ner Hred and missed, and ·tb,e o .poUte- . tuDi In fta pla:e. ..J e . . entirelY aDd "See for yourself, olel. chap,". 1 sal4 . "Be, paraon; air; I WIIS saying that Iy handed over the platol to bll 1east ellhaustlng. It ono has to stanl1 when I sta,.ered forward and dId tlle at all. But. by JOve. the fellow waa prodllal IOn act on biB neck, he hand· gently. And r luted out the the pElrfesaer don't vlelt nobody; aM The second sbot proving abortive, tbe ~lclO~tI1.lrat:~~oolllH ;,;:,>.:.,]'~.~: .=:.:t; rlgbt In my face now, almost! DevU· ed me a punch that Jolted olf bls aUk rabl'Ic8 nnd ogaln lipread tbefr arlm.· be nOl,ar.'eee·s nobody but nie big lit'" versary. balants fell upon elll;h Jsh annoying! tUe. Went atrallht up In the air wltll son glory under tbo lainp. BUUnl1l and 'sclentillc aiharpa.:' "Did you bear me, 10U glas8-&yed the wbole bunch down there and con'· ellamlned them eagerly, but JUlt "OIl,;;;JIe ·.doll't,.· eh ?~! BlIIlngs snorte' then quit tJ?e Held arm In foolf' he btlrked In m,. ear. "You tracted to do thlDlI fot them that will looked conl·ounded. \ t . cont~tnptllou.lY. "WeU;', .Jen~lns. l Dlllllber! By Oeorge, I'll mash you!" kee\l the~ acU.,a for a rear. Th~eat· "DOn't underatand It," . be said, beoD a ' ~r~ze ~sbllrm~n In m) And he looked at France8 IIgaln and ened to haye ma sent up for forger), Ing his noUs. "Wh1. bang It. t.h~1 nothing; I gueBs I ·~DOW ho1\!' b\llbed, ' but she WM looklna away -tbll lamJ own fatber now,. ~nd smooth, too. B8 though nev~r , worn. 'm y '·ft)'. . l knaw 'what wW . Mr,. · Lfgbtm~t'll c m1)( 011 up at the big Itooe casUe on the. . ),0.9-101',err of m,. own name! H,uh!" And the 'r ubJefl arti all rlgbt,. too.~· ·:· Pocanttco Hille behInd . Bl11lngia 8trode to the end Qf the He rcsted; bl ~ c:!iln . upon h~' i~d. 'lie b,e '1lI!~~I~Q Tbe car began to edge away. . roOm imd b&ck. Tben 'he sat ' down and gloomed nt tbe nd awoep, ,.' :; "Ali rlgbt-comlng!" he yelJed; and ....n, beatlDl with hi. foot upon tile 'I caugbt ·Ii . (ew ·. £entenc~s of'; n"I.I .·~.".'~ ·:then bo launched his blow. But 110 aoor. " ~ m,umbl!ng. /. .,' : ','-


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"ay lI'ap.t4-tust)lntan8O'lI, In fact-are- the ' ''Ther were preUy naBty .atU!t fatlJlOu, threl' movflmenta of the BI11Inp went ':¥Il ,Just the1 i.!imail." think ~-t1,· '''BDUet, • dOrj't remember thatgreat .t01 wou1dl1't Bend on forglOomily; aD1- one. ,else. eye ll"aD shifted Its grip upon the bad to sit 'there ID ~at ..Infernal 'illis· cann3" ~':and-. 1l:lllalL'reelaD:I~ iIl«!Dool~. :rQ?retore, 1 ~a~o ' back tlJ.e:W!t/l ' nO~I~ on.·. ~'Jf IIBJama,. ,iln'~1 '~e)'!~ ',a ~l~i~':, tDt~ the ~a~e poslllC?n sg",lo·' a8 . bta II ' Jlnl,r '~of _ ~m.:, altp,pera . . J!."VEt\,Y.. .', ( .~W'BlIl(UP



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. I

Constipation Vanishes For eve r


Nature Fakw. hUlband aald rniteful ly. "'Iou',.. a "Tomm y," querlrld the teacher of a But It muter band at r contrlvln~. .mall boy. III lIle JUYeIll1. el.... "wbst Is a swanr aln't the c'mpan y· .. 'fallit that I II'Ot "A swan." replied. the youthfu l ob· Promp t Relief -Perm anent Cure rul ~Ippled up with rheuma tism. eo's lIerver. "Is an · animal with a turkey's CARTER'S UnJ.E I couldn' t do my work." body and a c!rall'e'lI neck. and a COOIle's LIVER PILLS never "I'd like to know It It aln·t. Amos Rood!" sbe fllI.8l,1ed. "I'd lI!(e to know Crop Gene.... e.IIy Resar ded as Partic ularly Adap ted t.o t.he head." fail. Purely vegeta· the ble - act surely If YOU wa'n't kept all those years In South May Be Grow n With Much Profi t in Care but gently all a damp. undergr ound otlice and Ilot al· Need Eyes Your When -Pota sh Is Oneol the Most ImporC 4De. North el. the liver. lowed hruf the belp you'd ou,bt to 'rl7l1url u. Ere ~~. MoIlaar lIDS-l'e FerUl tzers lor Plane._ Stop after . I'IDe-Ac •• Qu·lokIT. Try II IDr Be4. "uk. hue bad f' w. ....,. Er •• aDd O""ul.~ II;yelldL J,lu.· dinner dis. "Well. well. Lucy." tbe , man BAld re ~~"b,I~U~~u.~Il~ .. ~~~ne el~ tress-eu m ove tbe =::ab~ pa.cUlcally. "The comp8.JlJ was good indig estion. loIDe"- but Died ID; ....IILIII .' While the eweet potato III general ly not b e li eve It necessa ry to ten . tYP,hold except under ~~·a~~r.::~ \r:".':i1:::.1::'~..\o~~tJ!.W~: I improve the complex ion. brighten the eyes. to me that time I had regarde d u a souther n crop. It Is vines to pre ven t rooting: ' PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICK. months three K~t J Dldn't ces. ago. tan 'yean cIrcums ~II unusual many MUI • • • , . 8&IYO III AM,uo ....- . ... &D4 100. I SMALL 11J::::============* grown with great success In tu S' ' G and pay O full that Ohlo.K •• with show 00 y ents absenoe Remed of ' experim Eye leave MurIne No rth ern enume must bear Igna re place! In the nortb. Tbe Island. of a take eoltld we 10 liece both p....e. for UI DJ MU7 Buren Howud Muscati ne In the Mississ ippi Is largel y th ere Is not so much differen .~ . N. Frolt. Th..... un· nloo. ·trlpT" up to sweet potatoe s and m e l· tweeJi r ows wh e r e the vines were stven Foote LI,ht& -lt I. eaI4 that th. . "Tbree montha ' lea"e 11\ twenty· flve ons. The form e r do well In any ligh t, disturbe d and U,ose In which the lIoutber n tip Df Florida I. the on I, moaned Mrs. Rood. "And now eandy soli. wbere the season Is not too vlncs were moved twi ce. ~============::::;:::;z:m y'e anl" pi . . . . . . ' .. k .... ~ Impor· take to most e th going. of r'l one IB manage pordon ot the United. Stat •• wblch I new Potash teacher that Coburn, Lller&!,), e <r.n•••• kill. .11 'hort. Miss Gertrud CCopyrisht. 19U. h)' A • • oelated ced. rro.t.. eltperlen ball YOll never It.. . Nea t, al-.D 0"know I al· s, Oh, . potatoe t penllion swee your for rs away rertllize tant eol· a Pre... ) n&m.nt.&,Lona . .at .. " of domesti c science In tbe law 10 18 bad It Too Brett_ SUI! Miss manure horse ersey bate J ~ust I New In but ·'1lre. bas collecte d some valuabl e data though :~":~~ D . '':!~:~r Mrs. Amos Rooa was bustling bap. thlnk I'm aw(ul, Amos, nl theatrlc tray~ our from away acre far peT old compan y at the rate ot 10 to 20 tons mella l, CA .. 'hpH lorUp I plly about he r neat kitchen . he r plellB' that graspin g. greedy ies. compan OTeri will no t loll or to death JUBt the Is lI st' d . It s hould bo well rotted. ant tace even more beaming than that workB ItsItsDl4¥l I njure QU,JtbID •• poor horses; so's to way It does Atte nllon to Ibe villes. says Mr. Uu."ntee d e«"",t"'''' uBual. lar. reoelTe4 fnrm 'boe.. uslnlr LotItlmoo If b, d •••• r. o. of Sold nd ... thl: with " Wells, does not s top a.rfi eld · Te • • re ot .1l1 ...lue, Garfi eld '1' ... e unt. prer-1d tor'L "Amos III Blxty years old today." save a llttle more moneyl ·tn:lk like laid. . you lion Zaoqh 1'hear to tOC' cllltiva . roell,. . . . . . . . . me ...... olt.lm .. " t .. hurtB Da&.n~ "b leO "It 400. IOMBllI. from n .....OLD ~he explain ed to th e milkma Rood proteate d loy· Tbey should be lift ed occuHlo nally to wbom she bought a bruf·pln t ct cream tbal. Lucy," Amoll preven t th e ir taking root. and thIs y doe8 th~ beat It Betore promleln&' to tl7 lrIth a young besides th e cUlltom ary pint of milk . ally. "The cOqlpan don e by th e us e man It Ie up to a c!rI to innsttg ale own." Quickly Its bEj of n ca work troublcs bas can-It nice e:ctra on Ket "an' I'm goln' to at a pllcbror k. Once a week Is orten hi. abllJty u an aJrahlp chauffe ur. "Well, I wdn'! lay another word If dinner." Amos." Ihe en ougb. The 12.0·clo ok whistle harl sounded . ~'ou don.'t want J should, bruBbln g the sed, promi In the north the black·ro t arrects 'woman little to B.. tbrlfty on little ~ Ilk. bluIn g. was wblch pie e meringu The ~aoh seen Don ' t ac()op ' " ..... r for bll..... Aall for Hod on Bo IB thts aln', 1 ." and eYCH. tatoeB. po ber sweet from teara angry bad feast be tbe crownin g tou ch or thc all.. coo4 'BllUJ hi ue. on the sprouts . Whenev er a plant ero.. Ball DI De, tbe but we'll get along BOlUe way. It bee n broug bt from the pa ntry and set afraid made It black. me mad to think how partly __. --_ :1 Is that r j ust len Il shows Blienee and bluabln&, .,.. the eloUDOn a 81de labl e ; tho ro n~t cblcken . des troycd. appre· nnd to up dug seemed be y hould s compan NATI. NO. 21>-1912. the CINCIN IItlie . bisque Proverb tomata ••• tbe was don e to a turn; Quence of women.--Chln Potatoe s from a rrected planls will honest and faithful you've was r eady to pour Into tbe turee n. clate how · up been. Now. you come and ",·asb rot qui ckly after b('lng d~g . As the and eat "our birthda y dinner before and a8 every bouse wife knows. lorna· ge rms of Ibis dlseltse r emain In the ' to bl8Que will curdle If allowed to It'B all spoiled. " so il ove r winte r. the ground sho\l1ll sta nd. , vallantl be us ed agai n for this crop. Rood not Amol though But ':1 do wls b AmoA would come," the to the IItUo the norlh tbe most popular vll r le· Justice In do to ed altempt . o· cream "Thnt . fluttered wnman lillie suxlou8 be t to' grow n are the Beneon. a large evident ties .W8S It feast. . eat" to fit be tDmalo won 't dalnt1 the yam typ e. ve ry smoo tb. with thst ite wh blm watched who wife ' Glancin g uneasily ou t oj tbe window with ed r yellowi sh sl<l n; the Red Jerprepa br..d brown. she .be IItarted ot 81ght o{ a curious ly ' vlnnd8 that pi nki s h r erl, short nnd ashes to and smooth. dust as sey. were oare Buch coming figure lar ulliamil familiar yet and g r~e nl s b · y e llow . sweet, esh fr slunned plump, lookcd He palate. his . bowed slowly ~p tbe street. S~re that . practica lly vineblow Florida d ; dry cxpecte un rather the by red The Bllnlon. . bent old man could ~ot be Amos! He bewilde . and as ho large yei lo wlsb wblt e . brownls b blm; B, les dealt been had whlcb wben even that lIk,e looked had never rrom tbe table, relardln g the table merits of the dlf· gray skip. rath er dry cnd very sweet: his rbeumat .lsm was at Its·wors t. But pushed back his chair ferent kinds of Bweet potatoe s grown slowly: the next Instant she had flung open he said 'Td calculat ed to nnla? up that job In the north . the door nnd was running down tbe of Brown's tb ls afternoo n. but when Mr. Theodo re William s of Benson. g llrd en Walk Filled to the brim with noi word 'em sent I a. and Mr. F. D. Wells. a letter Nebrask that got I a11s t "Oh what Is It-wha BUC' til very n bee equal have feel dldn·t grower. n me-I Michiga expect cold, clear purit y-no such AmoB~" she cried puttIng ber Il~~u~ to tacklln' figures today. But I'll paint cessful In the cultivat ion of the pota' about 'blm ta help 'hlm up the steps. of work the water nowadays . Lucy-I aln·t them storm·d oors you wanted done, to; and the results of "Don't be scar ed out tbere In the these Investig ators ar~ briefly Bum· • Ick ·' the man snld • wIth a braVe nt. Lucy. It'1I be Quiet Bring back the old days with barn,,, aDd I-I want to think thlngll marlzed here: lem ~ t at a rea~s u ;lng sm ile . the ation In Miss Coburn 's Investig list But once un der tbe shelter at his over. • glasl or bottle of Mrs. Rood looked aft e r h m w . soil on which the crop was grown was own root safe (rom prying or Il'ltylng grown sly bet. be previou would he haVing maybe rich. not guess neIghbo rly eyes Amos Rood broke fully. "I thought humbly; n urs ery.stoc k. It was not manure d down altoget b er~ Sinking In to a chair ter by himself ." she my everlns tln but thoroug hly prepare d. If wonder 't wouldn "I little the ho drnpped his hend UI)On Bome when be'. Mr. Wells says that the Boll best tabl e RO gayly decked In bonnr of the cabbIe bathe ted blm to think over, eulted to sweet potatoe s Is a warm. wants he thlngB got from pe heliotro and s lell.rose day ';'Ith around a nd stralgbt en ull modera tely rlcb sand. If It Is too rich t.he garden bed s. and lIIrs. Rood's We ll, I'll fly so't will look pleasan t to him when there will be e:ccessl ve growth of top be comes In . an' maybe If I was to 113 at the expense of root. that chicken Into a s callop he'd rellsb Before planting . the surface of tbe It for Bupper. He dldn·t. eat scarcelJ ground should be ridged, and the a mite o· dinn e r ." plants set In the usual way about the makes one think of every thing that's pure But althoug h Amos Rand bad found first week In June. and whole lOme and deligh tful. Brigh t, spark · the soHtude he crayed, t here WRlo Tbe most commOn way to grow the 80meth lng terrifyin g to him In the plants Is a. hotbed. After the first ling, teemi ng wid~ palate joy-i t's e mptines s of tbe great harn. and all heated period Is over, tbe tubers are task e th to not but blmself r, Bet ly togethe .htl resolute placed quite clasely your soda fountain old oaken bucke t. Yellow Carolin a. of . pa.l ntlng tbe "storm doors" ho had. touchin g. and covered with manure ; mention ed, he began ta wish vaguely they are then covered with three Yellow Caro llnll. vi gorous grower, Our new bookl et, tbat old Dolly were stili alive to stamp brc)wul eb yellow skin. very wet, white. tn nicker to and her IroD shod f~et e 11 i n g of Coca· wbllt coarse IIlld sweet. ThIs type. him socially from her stall . pr& Is north. the In ation at Chattapopular so vindic not Cola Then. with a Budden pang, he real· by souther ners to all oth ers fOI ferred asking. old the the for that , glad nooga was Ized tbat he table use . horse who had been biB aDd Lucy's o.-d the Genuine as made by frflend lind compan ion for so many how for month. last died had TIm COCA· COLA co years, could he have brought himself to sell her when their little home was broken The hrush dropp ed tram his up? nervele ss hand as he muttere d, yes. It \\~ 'It would come to that! Clrc:ula,J:" of Dcnar tment of AIP'I. ~/J'I (,ucy said lhat they ....ould mall' cultur o Which Exnl... .Iu .. nu ~ '/ age some way. but Lucy. wltb nil her AllPar atus 11l'Ventecl by / Prof. Shaw. cheery common aense and thrift. had r. ~ \ . flUlt grim tbe of ce a woman' s Ignoran r.1! 1'\1 "l'fT.Co;;:;;a~=;;~~~r;;n;;=;;~;, • that two and two always make [our. • Secreta ry Wilson of the De pa rtme nl \1 I a nd never by any cbance five or ew n a to ttention a lls ca ture of Agricul '" s ix. and salt In bu tt e r which Ie I'at fat 'lest ft~i!~~i1~~iii~~:::~~~:!!..1 PerhapB. by selling tbelr little place Found the SolitUde' He Craved. d escrib ed In circular No. 202. Bureau mlKbt Ibey s proceed 'the on ving li and of Animal Industry . just Iss ued by the cherishe d "weddln g" china, and his mannge to keep togethe r for a few pOft MBN. WO.. BN AND BOya "",no"tt '+ -_. departm e nt . a with shook million s frame big. slfru nltsn ts.OO ",8.&( hhoesa re worn by tbeprlc .. ll .L.DoU W years nlore, but the end was Inev· Roscoe This test was Invente d by o orldror tlDlbew &k.bea .... b.1I7 man's painful . tearless sobs. ec~uaet ofmen,b , dlvlAlon Itable. Sooner or later Lucy would Shaw, chemis t In th e dairy Red Jer.ey. Custom o.L shoescqu 5,oo ~a:·t His wlte silently uDclasp ed bls be obliged to go to the well·to- do sl& ~,oo, .. DOUKl W.L. and Is especia lly deBlgne d for use In Beno Work owUns .6.00 to $8.00 clenche d fingers from a letter whlcb ter who had never attempt ed to con. with creame ries. The Circular explain s the covered bed the $3.80 1011, ot tnches pretty, tion. the corpora tbat W. L O-.lum alle and .ell mor .. $3.00, great ion a doe. Wh7 ceal her conVict te bore the seal of comDle ives g and all del In uB apparat in the world 1 ..,. ...... lIIIUlufa..ctur"r and watered a8 orten as neces· ancl".O O .hoe. thaa and bottom the on andpric and as Bbe swiftly scanned the few energet ic gi rl might have done better glass _ _ h " I tampd t ... h SE, I BECAU Instruct ons or o pera t ng t e test, suy. curt lines It contain ed she walled than to marry Amos Rood. e. whldo prot. eta the wearer ,..ain.t hi.h parante l practica of 'hands the In placing The budll or IIhoots whlcb develnp aghast: pricea and inf..rloralt _ .. ether mak .... BECAUSE. the,. As for blm . there would be nothing to . the lIeld crenme rymen a simple. rapid and ac· arethem oalec:on omical .....tiafactol'}'; you can ..vemone ,. "0 Amos, It mus t be a mIstake ! Tbe left hut the shelter of the county poor Bhould be transpla nted Quite warm, curate method by wblcb can be de· only wben the ground Is irywear incW.L .DoucIu ...... BECAUSE, th ..yh•• e and compan y wouldn 't take your pen· house. fat of ae centa r pe d lhe o/J Altboug h plants are general ly set In termlne equal foratyl ... fit and wear. DON'T TAKE A SUBSTITUTE are you connec. because In Just WhIch yoU and from th ridges, some growers prefer to Bet on salt In Lulter. ilion In Doqlu .hoa. Mi.. W, L. DOlillu, Brocktoll. M...., for~ snap to seemed ' ing Someth 1/ "",r d ...l.r caIIDO' ....., . extra, e ing moistur someth little of the reliable able to earn a r_ 11".1. 11.",,oicpaJcL '. cWl~"" rywboro_ ....... SIaaH Quiet· • level. The ridge system Is prob. tlon wllh nne he 't _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ shouldn __ Why __ _ brain. __ man's __ _ now and then?" tes ts already 1n use. m a kes possible ___ of It ali; while the re was ably most desirab le In the north. out get Iy l of butter rIght ··!t·s tbe new malinge r, Lucy." Amos The center of the ridges Bhould be the comple te analysli ng to keep Lucy trom en· before the churn. Rood rBBI)Onded dully. "He's trying to s till somethince pros· like woman on a depende The Ilew test fQr tat will probabl y cut expense B. and he says It·s no part tire self'BaU sfted Jane Thorn r She of the compan y's policy to penSion perous. but knew, he would mourn for htm not require more than flve dollars' able·bod led m e n." death Is easier to bear than some oth worth of apparat us beside that already woman little e u' ed!" "Able·bodl on hand In most creamer ies. The same c:entrltu ge Is used as In tbe ecboed. with a hysterl cru laugh. "I er things. Suddenl y I~ paused, arrested In bls ruess ' 1 know what you surrer, Amos, Babcoc k test and the same acid. for the deed on even on your bes t days. But don't you grim prepara tloos The spec ial apparat us consists 01 . separat ory funnel of glass with a worry. dear-w e'll get old Dr. Moore' which he wns resolved wife wau call· a "Amos! Amos!" his ·to write thnt new mannge r a lelter capillar y stem. The separat ory funn el that will make him asbam ed of him· Ing. Is essentia lly a cylinde r holdIng about he and Ten, yes. five momen ts mnre and a half ouncell constru cted two .elt." have been forever deaf tolhat a glass stopper at the tap aDd a with "It wouldn 't do a mile of good. would and Lucy would have ck In a capillar y tube at the Lucy." th e man said. shaking his head. tender voice. stop-co, him-he shudder ed A special socket tB necessa ry . "He says he's rot proof I can earn a come and found bottom repulsio n. H e had been funnel while In the ceDtrl. the hold to rood livIng If I'm a mind to-but -I'm with ' a slok coward ly-mad "':"! But LUCY'II fuge, I can't. I'm pre tty good a t fig. selftshlight feet were running along tbe garThe principa l steps Involv ed In tbe urln', and when th~ merc ha nts here den paths and sbe was calling again: they're up ballet! s are: The washing out of the salt let their account test please Ob. Amos', do "Amoll tlpt to lend for me to straight en 'em from a weighte d charge of the butter , ~" out, but It's hard tor a man or my age hurry!" with hot water, the dissolvI ng out at Tbe man .tumble d blindly to the hot dilute sulpbur lc with curd the Ie ~~t a steady job. even I( I could nt. with Retinol Soap, atops itchin~ at once, quickly Ointme Reainol next Instant he wall stand. ion of tbe acid solu. separat the keep It ut;> ,day In .and day out. Per- door. The acid. rinewo nn. and euil, hew the IDGIt ilItrtlli nlr cases of eczema , rash, wa.rm sunligh t 11e had DJe"er Uon from the fat aIId tbe welghln & of haps I -w~1\ ~<!OU8h' to snap up tholl6 Ing In tbe rednea ads, blackhe , Lucy'l pimples with away again, feel tetter, or other enapdoD. and deatll the fBlt. When the nit telt Is to be chaAceB to a'dd , a -lltpe to . our In- tbought to tean happy 'her neck; of hll waite about a arm~ only proven have a nts with and d treatme come. :ADd yet." be ·~dded made t~o wash water Is collecte and rouehn ea, wbaa ...., · the ' I, ' ned, determi .I~b, "that pen.slon ·& ve.., ' bli' upon hta cheek.. Is it In Bait the .. A, Florida : time and money. "Oh. Am~." lIbe w.s bubbUn . J01' Ih_ln ll TYP.I of Leave one for two people 't o, live ' 00." 11Iual ebemlca l reaction . It. • You ·' lI u tMlrlnte ndent YelloW . C, Y: general ........ "the U8l", Vellow B, .. O But we do not uk JOG 10 accept our unlUppo~ed word for th maklJlg In acreed ed . t!" consum waen' · , Tbe time ;"r Ibould · MY It y perfectl OinthaUlS! the In Resinol la and rollna. himself , Soap C~ Resinol of trial l pret· than . b can lend today for a pDCrOU Mra. Rood vehem ntIy, ' ''J call It , fa~ tellt Is not much If any mor., . tell ear him .wear. He 10.11 whattor coat test no at careful a tion, make satisfac to te ty dOln'li! It lhe " euf 'On tlercely. comple required II own )'VUr plante and telC them to about 3~ feet .part, and the down. aDd all. tbe new m&ha,~r h~ elleeede d bla 0.110 " '·Her.e·1 'yOU ,Iatln c~m. by 'the Babcoc k methOd . Ht 18, tnc1l:elJ D .the row. cointhe that whi.le thquu ub wbo b~ye been cured b, R~I .y, "What and loever, er, ~amall alto.eth .o 11'&8 tharlt, , ths It • d . -' .; . cuI~",~o,\.l. nec....ary. Th~ A UttJIe in~:-e time I. require Go04 . t. appr~la ~ Jio" .. ialo 'l doell p&Dy it did 'for us, it .. do for Jou ,.. 811 'u Vlnc .al to aa-,,-,. percent age ,of .aalt IJ ...~ted. ballow .. and t trequ'!l1 ~. IIhould ~ " 1oura . . ... ~\1Ch: .. faithful ',enIC~ been. t/loroug bh ~ ~.! .Tbe. tKl.., teet ~d 01111 ~lD.k, tn.teed, at t¥. .mot.u.n, aDd It' win "10 acid " , , " trl~ o'l.t .ln ~omparllOD 'WIth tbe om, < . 1C!c,.. . P,8D,~n hl"f ·~~. to , "el4.· . : ~ "'~Ye ·ohaqe 4 elal IIlbo/at ol7 ;.metbod a aDd la Quj~

The New



. .,



The Old Oaken Bu.c ket


Free t






*2.50 '3.00 *3..60 '4.00



Rasinal hills Hehing skins and






It~ ·· .Wh", '.&motI, ......'U ,. tit


~.' -."1':',

I'~~~~,~~~~._ ~~~~:-:~~ ·Urem' iA~u1~ . ·!!oathe rb



\ '







F,.. . .pla:aU~=itIW=nt=~~=-~=





...,.. w .......


. .......


Nc:w Suits lAura B. BtrlOk filEid Imit agalna ' JIlmell A. 81nok for dlvoroe oharg. In .: willful nt'glttot . They wllre m Irrled Fobrua ry 6, 11103 /tnd have tour ohlldre n. :::Ih,,' praya for ali mony IUII1,,\11T' ou~tody of ilie -chl!· dren . Willard J . Wright. 18 attor. ney for 'he plain tifT.

Common Pleas Proceedings 'lawn Noah was graeted a divorce frOlD Paul S . Noah on groundfl of jlrOl1 n.,leot and wulden naIDe or D",wn Bowon lR re.,t(lred to plaintif f. Ib oalll'l of Lillie ~~I s'on VI! Clyde Els'on the oom" r!llell tbat the defandan ' have tne oUBtody of their ohildre n bu' that the plaintif f be allo~ed SO vii" 'bem a$ leaeona ble



· - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · \COD INDUSTRY IS GROWINlJ


• • • •

estate of Rlobar d P. Wlndlo r, de· oea8ed, filed hlB 811011'1 bill. . Phoebe Harner , guardI an of 'he 69$8'e of ElIzabe tk ~:. Mountt!, 1m. booilE', tiJed her eig hth noooun t .

Ola Bsif led Ada

IHftfoundlanct H .. WOMI",,,I A.... .. and WIll . . Great FIIh Dep.& Ada of World.

r-- --- L.. .--- --- --- -

Vlaude I.. Bnroh , 24, fllrmer of Masol! and Iva M. Bowye r, 21, of Lebano n . John l!:dward Osborn. 46 , engine er of Lebano n, 'Iud Lillie M. !:lou II , 4!i at Lebano n . . I Emme tt E. HooM, 19, bauk elerk . 1 or Maeon and Nnrmll B. Hall , of I Lebanon John Mills 21, nhaufftlur. of Lebanon and Marlo Murph y I~, of L.b anon, both colored .


•• ww.

unCier LillI bead

for tweoty ·llve ce lltH lor \bree 10""rlloD t wbeo ""Ing hot worc tb a n live lin e • .

The cod. fa probably the mOlt pro- . . . . . ...,.,.....-.. ....---...................................."......"...............,.,..,...... ti1l0 of aU aea flah, though ita haM. FOR RENT tat does oot extend over aB large

~r...m 6rc~ant PI PI" ~ '- . -- - - - o - - - - - ---!

- --,Ml'laarrlage license s

..,,will be In lene"

an area u other IIpedea, 81.yl tho Wide World. The cod fa onl,. found in norther n -waters, Bnd will live and thrtft only In certain temper atures. Some dar, owing to the wonderful ueet ~ Newfo undlmd pel_e .s in her ~ ftJhery, ebe fa dHtiDed. to be the great fiah depot of the world. It i. Dot alone on the greet "baDke," many mY. off her CoaBts, that cod are found in connUesa million -. but around the whole lsland---on the "'l.edgeI" and '(grounda'* oft the capel and promon toriee that jut IDto the Atlanti c•• e well u on tlla Labrador ~t. fQr a Itretch of 1.000 mil-. In theee regionl you require no hatcherlee to aid the woDderful fecundit}" of nature; indeed. it ia doubtfu l it you require any 1&.. OJ' regu1atiOlU to proUd theta filheriea unleea i' be in the ahoal f the bay. NotwithJ tanding that for BOO yean the fisheries of theee ... tere have beeD proeecuted by rin! ftIh. ermen of two hemiip hene, the l&r~ eIIt catch of cod eYer taken OD the Ne"fou ndland .nd Labrad or coot. wa. that secured In 1909, the yield being estimat ed in wel,ht at 1,800,000 quintal s, or 201,000,000 pounds; to which may be added 200,000 quinta la-the quantit y ' locally consumed in Newfou ndland during and after the fishing 1e.1On. The nlue of the flsh alone, 'lfithou t any reglrd to the uct...-o il, roes, skin, offal, etc.-a $10.000,. 000.

~ou would say that the man who

~ could boost his town and at the same time advan ce his own intere sts and still failed to do so is not a good citizen . And still, do you realize that if you are not doing your share in drawi ng people to Waynesville to trade, by offering good goods at right prices and telling them so throug b the newsp apers, th at you are failing to take the oppor tunity fo boost your town and your own intere sts? You must admit this- Adver tise.

bnllnf1811 buildin g, looated GOOD on. Main Iltreet, bell' looation,

and ront reAs ooa ble.

tlJiIi office

Inquire ,,' J 17

WANT ED RY homo RDd board; call COUNT aroOluodatto" few; olean ta ble,

bedl; :alry room. i pleD&Y, freBh air .nd Iprlng wILler; mill 'wloe a d.y i r.tflll ' 7 pllr week i 1l00d plllOCl '0 relt. Addrellil Box lilt, Vhynel Yllle, Ohio. J 17

Real Estate Tran:!lers Cour' rulee tbat plalutlf f pay 110 Rolllnd 0 Landi.. to Oeorge L LOST deleDd an' toward ber expenf e lu Zie~ler, two trllote In Barlan t·own. defend iDi 'he ca8e and 001 tin·ue to qhip, poly t3 eaoh week \owlird I!upport Cl.u-p lo or 19.8 Wayne ntlJe J ,f m oe1 J . GarrlBon aDd Cora M . o( 'belr ohtldre n In 08fe of Harry School!!. trlnder plealle leave t1rrjtlOD , 4;$ acres 10 Barlan town ., th. Miami Gazett e offioe J 10 A. MollulleD VI Emma Bltlnoh :"o ship, 12150. KaUen . Matthe w C. Bailey to Andrew 0 . I Probate Court FOR BIIIILE ;h~;~:.on, traot In \Vllyne lown. ~O Thoma e L. Brown guardia n of the Wilfor d C . and Mar'ha R Bud. "' __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _, utaH of Frank .A. •• ad E. Gertrn de uANT ti-Eag Pl .... , lIang08 l, Brown, minora filed his firel and BOD, lot in Frankl io. tU50 . .Uabba i. and remalo ea. Cbal . Robert C. BOYII and Ch.rleB E tina I looonn t. C. 8'lon~e. Wayne evUlI, 0, R.R. 6. Eaton, Cliftoo 'w Uoglea by and Lout.. Eltzrot h .dmlnIB trat.rlx of J a will encc1urage busine ss men tbe ellta'" of Josepb Eltzrot h, d " ,\Ifred )jrere to Pllrt 1'180e Realty I.' ::1 APK( N~A new .-took of nlpoe.. led, filed htl lecond and final ~o­ Co , lotI tn Frankl in, t1. . to boost their town, your town, N Jdol jOlt 10. ~ven d88lgnB to Pbeb. A. Wlrea to Frank B . oooot. if you will patron ize those who buy plok from. Glzette omoe. Patriok GaYDor, ILdmin latrator of I.e, 10' in Cozaddale, II. newsp aper space. You will encou rage the estate of Marpr e' Ward de ,ood Ewel for AI.. t. 50 per Joseph Young to Nellie Orace hODdred. F . 0 . ~win, oaal8d, diad hla fire. and fina'l ao· Cowdry , la, In Maineville, them in letting you know about bartSeo. Pbonl 811 ax, WavnlClville, Ohto. oount. Pete.r Grnber and Laura Gruber , gain when they have one to offer. J 17. DilVlblltiOD made tn . . . of J' 'rao' tn Hammo D ,ownsh ip, t18 . M . Cunnln gbam, aclDlInia'ca~r 'V~ Anoa A. Miller to a Meek· Curl . G. Jaokao n e' a1. WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. er, lot In Frankl ill , U. .----------------------. Rlpor••f prtvd . nle madA and Vharlea 1.. . lind Alfred R . Euley ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!~!!!!'!!!!! !!!!~!!!!!'!!~!!!!I!"!!'!!'!!!!!!" Metbod bt EpiIcopai Chura dlatrlb nUon ordere d tn OMBe of ~WII to ijanlUel J ,Arlte, Alpha _.- - Aunglt lewer oa Moonts pike and furnl'.! h . PLUMLEY'S BIG ..... 0. •• Ora\l8llr. P .."",. FISH STORY C. lI.ban admin ts'rato r of the tlS- and Edwar d W. IiIpren&" What Makes A Woman ? I Jt8 in Leb. lng oemen t aod gravel for same near BUDda, 8cllool. II: II &. III. ..oroln. ler , ' nk of Sarlh I:' t§DI"er VI William anon, ft . On. hundre d and Sweaty p<lundl, vice, 10:80 a . m. l!:ve"IDI leuloe. fi. L Kratzer 'B In HamiU on 'own V.rmont ICona,...."...n Tene 8 I J How He more or leu. 01 bone and 1110101 . m. Mld_. . Pu,er "_~I~. 7 p. m.,7 : 0 p A tI d Al h U. Ibhau ..t a1. Recoll, rId HI. Gold .mue W.tctt .. .• 40Dt make an a woman . ha a p and Double Eall'" tia.a Cook, pa.dla n of t.he 411. Aunltf l'to Edwar d W . lipreog • ship at the estima te t12 . fouoda tton . Po' 'iDto ts healthlood .nd St. AalUfl De'. Cathol k Cburdl~ , lot WIlU"m B. Urllham for puttt.g in tate of Georp Ceok, Insane, flIed tn Lebano n, tl. lnenllt h a .. d .he way rule a itlnlf. lI'atlMr Loulll Y lUi oornla 'ed lewer andooo ore'e head Fish stories are rife in May, and dom. BIl' tbaa's jUlt wha' Kleoarto ..... enrT _04 8uDda, of tile mOillb a har dnh aoootlD'. Lewis C. MahIn , admin iatrdor of wallB and grading up road .nd 8 :00 a . •• OpeD under the seductive inftuence of BUloerllltve her. Tb011ll I'raJUr ZeJl was appotn \ed goar. the elltate of larah 11:. 8.ider, 8ndl bINI de· tog dUoheB on Kenrlo k road, .110 balmy spring new .enion l come to ~~:zo; :;:n~!:~t/:I:i~.,!il\~~D:I~~d diaD .r Alben CI.. ver, .. mtaor St. Mary'. EpllCOpaI Cburda. oaaaect, H Adalln . Mahan, lot in pnttlng up iurd railing lit norah light of the &ame old stories we 08111. nenoa Rev . J. F . Cadwalla der. Rector. Catbar ine Fox, adlDln iB'ratri x of llatton, tI2116.117. anNl. baolrao he and end of Wayne lVilIe lint} furntlh tng have heard Bince boyhood dlYI. SUDda, Sobool. 11 :80 a, m "orolo, ler 'be ..... of Geol'Re 1'. lo'ox, de. Con· tired, 1I.S1eu, "..orn 00' 188U •• B1. 11.. Cunnin gham, .dmini .trator lumber , POltl .nd paiot vice. 10 :80 a. m . H0I7 Commun loD ~he lint for Ame gres&man Plumle y of V.nnon t, of " Eleotrl o BIUllri oeued, a1ed her I~d and fin 11 of th ••Itate of Mar'ha Jaokllo have done me a &UIIda, of eKII mODl", ll, de- I and work on Yay htu on upper portentou!llr serioua ed , Ch mien, a.saerted world of Rood," wrl&el EU.. Pool, &OOOnnt. oeaa , 0 ''1I el G . ' , ao k aon, tract. SprlDg boro:ro aci wes' of Wayn Depew. Okla, "and I thank you Chrllt1an Cbwdt . u to a Bmilillg group of colleagues that ",tth w .•, 8taafn ed, adlllin istrator of tn Bamtlt on town.h tp, t4000. all PlY beart, lor maki•• Inoh ville in Wayue 'ownlh lp a' 'he ea a couple of seasons ago he Bn. L. O. TIlnalpo a, I'MMI. lost his I rood 'be .ta.. of William Murray de. medloi ne." On)y 600 Bible 1JChool. l iU .. III. 8od&I, limete $64 66 . watch and a '20 gold piece oyer- Gnaran~ by an drugg! .'I. 10;.. . . . . 0brIfiIaD KDd....or. 7:80 'hIII oaued , flIed hll fint and fina'l ao . p. ..: CommlSlloner 5 Proceedin&s lInDon by PMtor 'YWF aI&enIa&e BWId&r .. J. T. DavilMln for white oak plank boonI whiJe waiting by a placid III: ...... aDd ':.0 p, III. pool • -. 8OQIlt. Con'ra o'. were en'-red ill'o "Uh deltver ed aa Morrow , ~bano n or for & bite.. The ned year, he deli. A. JamNO n, aclmtn tltrator of the follo"l n. :_ TOO MUCH "011 THEM. • Hk:kllte Fricodl Cb~ t!ou'h LebanoD at t3 per hnndre d clared under oath, he caught a f1ah tbe . . .'e of 8ta.tok Klubln lity, de. . . ftrat Da) MeetlDt{. 0 :00 I. III. Fin, Da, JameB William T.ylor f .n OpeD. •B ordere d by Conaty COlDml sllioD ! ill ~t llelf.eame pool-a "gold A norther n man made • nsit to Sollool, 11 ;10. II. J'oul'lII Da, ldeeUQI; OIMII J.-wu. gRukd-- leave to ..-ettl~g-up road dltohlll 00 O'Neal " :00 l ro.d er8. I flsh, the of plantat ion of a lOutbern colonel course -and he found "ith. a oJala, for d.m.lle a agalnl t the hill In Wayne townsh tp DMr Wil. OreKonia Bridge Vo., for a steel . in the finny umar of that Vermo nt and WIll alm08t devoured the l1nt . KinK Powde r CompaDY. Ordaodolt Frienda Cburd l. , lI.m Taylor '•• t the es'lmr 'l 11:.1 76. beam bridge wl'h old wood top on bU8 hie watch, the $20 gold piece night by moequitoell. The next morn. B •.M:. Wtl80a admini 8'rator of the , Ruaen L. Bl'Own for puUlng lin. Ru'b Kwray, Putor III Morrow and Stubb'A mill roa" near and 30 cent8 ICCrued interes l ing the norther n mall liked the cot. lIabbalh Iklbool. 9 :80 •. III. Renlar cbure_ Jolln WorleY'B fum as the elalma te ' Fish Commieeeoner Bowen .nloe, a. II. ClIrlllUa o ElldeavClr. In· 0l'C!d butler about the moequito 7:3011 U"IO . '16~ 71 . 8istl that thie is anothe r reSnlt of plagu.. "'Don't the .. moaqnitoea BtIIl-V alley Teleph one Co, renta his labora to propag ate thrifty hlb. bother the colone l'" he .lked. and to\l8 for Judge Clark, t2.eO . ita among gold flab. Be.., . that "Not mu·ch. uh.· the butler reo . B. Dolie Co, Iiquh1 1I0ap for the monetllry question has beeIl so plied. "The fult part of the night ooor& bonlle He.58 Tbe Rlioke ' much dlscuu ed in Waabin gton the colonel am too drunk to feel !:!tore, mdle, 'I 21. John A. 'l'homp that it hIlS affected the ipawn lent mosquitoea, and the lalt part of the 80D hOlle aDd awolDKI, U2 40 C. out throug h the country , and if night they fa too drunk to bother V. Wllltam l, freight and drayal e, these flah storiea continu e he will not him.. t2 .10. B.rreU Bro~hers bJanh, be responsible for results. At the t8.50. W. and L E. Gnrley . party broke up it ..u agreed that r .AKIN G ROOM. weight . and meuur el, '217. 47~ Congre88m~ln Plumle y deeerYe d the - - - - - -__JJ Alvle Webb, bridge repalrB, ,Sl 76. plum of the flah-lltory eeuon .-Joe , Diacuadng the univers al con4emjf----------,-., Nathan Harvey , tr.ot, t67 76. Wat Chappl e's News Letter. nation heaped upon Bruce Allen, oontrac&, t6'&.76. J . B \ and. the White Star line the f - ' - - 4 t - - - - - - e Smith, lowber , t3890. Bert Reed, tanie , & Ilea captain uid ID LEAVING IT TO HIM ONLY $1.50 BEST OFFER brtd~e repair.. , t15 76. Roy E. u.n. I )Tew York: "Bruce Ismay muet DO.. Jer, servioe . 118 deputy survey or, McCall's Magazine he remembering " lpeech he once This is the best' 15 50. Jamel is positiv ely worth Follen !:!r, ealary as made in Belfaat, & llpeach about peroffer we have ever Sl.()Oa year. SubjaDitor. t50. Raymo nd Sarahb arger aecution. ending with the ..onI.: made. Send us your cribe now and get aalary a8 as.l .. '8nt janitor , 140. 'When a man'. down hie enemi . :=~~~~~~~~~~ name accomp anied ~~ the Miami Gazett e K Miller, 8uleta nt aueuo r, '80. with the monRY .top kicking him-t o let hit friendt : - - - - - - - - Uer'ru de Miller, aullta nt atl8e880r, --lim... ..



tbe l\eaber






----- -




A Wonderful Offer! Now is You r Chance




t9a .




- - -... ....- - -

This is an Opp ortu nity




a. ....


:IIf![\\'''''''·. 1




• - •

... .


~" . :: ~.1'1 . ~ " ,.~~ . ~.~ tJlI· . . . -'.~ .,



I? H. COSNER, Osteopathic Physician DR.

Mall Carrier s Will Fly This la an age of great dlatJOverie8 ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Progre a. ride. Gn the &Ir. ~oon we H~bana '(cheer ily)-W ell, love, may (lee Unole l:iam'a mlill oarrler s have you bad " pleum t day P flylog io alt dlreotlo os, 'ranlpo rttDg Wife-O h, eplendid I mall. People &ake a "onder ful tn After I 'erelt In a dl800very 'hat beneD ts dreued the childre n and pt them them. Tbat's why Dr. KlnR'1 New For you to secure the Miami Gazett e absolut ely FREE fer off, wuhed the diabea and made Dl.oov ery for COU·· hll, 1J01d. and Que lYear by merely subscri bing to McCall's Magazine for lOme pI.. cleared any the luncheo n other t.hroat and lUOi dillMllea ts 'be three years at the rate of 50 cents a year. In additio n you table and anawered lOme Ietten. I most popula r medlol ne tn Amerlo a receive three 15c McCall Patterns FREE. .till had time enough left to darn "It oured me of a dre.dfn l oougb, " wrltel Mrs . J. F. Davie, The Free Pattern s are ordtred by post-ca rd from New my atocki n,.."-H arper'. Buar. ey I Corner. Me., "8fter dootor'.*I'lotn York City and can be used any time you need one. s treat· ment and all other remedi es had Willie -What yer golD' ter Dam• • ,M'L. LI". ALL "MOO N.HIN This offer is availab le to anyon e who subscri bes renews ", failed." For oouKha, ooIds or anv the babyP or extend s his time on the Miami Gazett e. The only perquitronoh lal a1Jeotion Ita unequa led. LuI "I l over here," 1 t'lrloe 500 and tl00. Trial boUI. site is that you "pay in advanc e." the u-Ool: n' ter let him grow up tou"..tDpptl "to enjo.. the ...I-ple ....... I free at all druggil lti. anll make er name for himlelf . See below what you will ' save on this extraor dinary offer. .:s::.~ the- n_~:.a.. i,1 • • Bird al.ugh-" c. ~ ........Md. """""e acOTL AND'. ADVAN TAG.. mooDlb lner, 'not 10 loud. Put y01ll'.A. etroq prowtt II baIDc m~ III mODeY on the ltump yonder, aD' South AUltralla aplnlt u.. ClOIltIDul At Belfut. I footbal l match .... tum -pi back an' out 1ft We Will Clve You .,... .laqht er ot IUch rare ~I .. th. played between Ireland and Scot- Quart or pIlon, air 'f.' Ibll, tbe qret. CI'UIII aDd .pooabWI land. One of the home IUppor ten,Mlam(Gazette I year ••••• $1.00 to IUpplT the demNldI of 1DDUaetw. The .I.upte r .. obJeoUouble not who w .. getting excited , kept about. McCall's Magazine 3 years. $1.50 A TALL ON .. oDlT al 4..tI'OlIq 101M or .the mOllt ing out: . ' lleauWal and tn*,-U n. or.tun a of 3 Free 15c McCall'S Patterns ,45 "Bit on 'em, Ireland P' ' "Talking .bout tall girIa, the... nllture, but. aeoorcl lq to tIae .Journal I AD old BootchllWl in the ao .. one ~1Ied our ahop the other Total Value •.•.•• ••••• $2.95 ~~ClUIt1lN, alao .. NDdert n. uitable to mud it .... Jm.... r cried day," 1&11 the Heriug toa Bnn, "Yh~ .A.utnU a ,.ylr JIlOlle prone to ~• ~ -":'It-' WU 10 taU th.t .he Ituck out £ . plqu.. of pueJaop~ aDd te a ou... . . •.. u All $1.& 0 Prtml ca... or tlae cIeottDe of.lta alb I "Ye might be .lI.. to lit on the f~()1r her Ikir)ta. WbJ, Ihe .... :rllClUNN. M the WUl4e rlq blrda elf. ,leek, mon, and mlbbe GIl the !Ole, 10 tau .abe coulan 't ..aIk UDder' her '7"~;; ;;;;;O;;:::;;;::;::========:;;;;;;;=====~~=E=:J! .appear the ~oaa , u 'DlulUta th.t cIeItroJ , i but 'l tell __ mon _ . . . 1(1&'" tDcII'eUa IlI.e _ ..i~ _ , cnm ~brell. ~tboat bend'...." . . de. . ~,"!, . ~ rl"'; - :n,," - - III• •_ .1 ' . .

911 Re1bold Bulldln lt


• Ohio

Ol'lldua" ~&II 8eboo., KlrklYIUe, ...

D K. H.E. HAT BAW A-" &

, . WII,YlMlllriUe. Lead'n . Ileatlla <>moe ill K87e BId,. ..... Itt




- - -,



at. Wayolln llle,

. ** *•**** * ~ • **' *******.***** •* . *** ************** .. .. t: EVE NTIDE (: *': :* '* -*Writte n by DR. M. w: LANG : : --


--------- ---- ----- -OFFICE -








D. L, ..CRANE,J:ditor and Manager

A. G ra nt ,

: *****.********** *******.****** * **** ** : ***************************************


Rates of Subscr iption Olle Year (strictly In fo(/va.noe) , , ......

II.0v Single CoPy ,. , •.• , . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . .. ,00

Rates of Advert ising

The sun has sank beyond the glo wing west, And western hill!! in golden robes are drest The evening embers, changiD& red to gray Tell of the passing of anothe r day~ The gatheri ng shadow's tell of nights return When stellar spheres their silver tapers burn, He-oIUUOM .. . ........ ..... . ........ . 61. 8oc1 ... etc. "hero ebar/l1l I» mlde. . . • • .. 201: When Heaven 's perfum es quench thirst of petals Vlapl.,. AdverUa lol per rueb. , , , ..• .. , . lOe sweet, DllIcoWito Iv .. o 00 conU'r.c'. And cast their pearly dewdro ps at your feet, IJ The red and gold that tint the westcrn sky, J U LY ~, 11113, Re8ect sweet peace and pleasing lullaby That soothes with soft caresses into rest, .IDI( "006 ot the boys" 18001 The hills and fields, with trees and verdur e drest way of Ketl-iol{ uld. The herds and flocks that grazed upon the hei&ht, Have sought the valley, and the shades of night ; 'rb8 Ide~1 and wlfl The soft sweet call of 'mating bird is stilled, )an'ID" 00e~ born yes. And all the air with clove red perfwn e filled, No sound is heard, save that from orean shore, AD uobaoK " lpeaks of 'bl eleo- Where wavele ts ripple with a muffled roar. 'orr.l oolleKe •• the "eleo&rloal" 001 All nature seems to sleep when shadows fall, 181e. IIIhookloil I And darkne ss hoven gently over all. The leaves that whisPered of their love by light, Boy 1& DOW. Okamb erlalo'l Collo Have gone to slumbe r with the closing night. Choler a and Dlarrb oea Remedy I. almoe' oertalo be needed before tbe ,umme r I ! over, Buy I' DOW The lazy stream that slowly winds its way, aDd be prea:ared for luob"o emer· Tbro' tangled weeds that bloom profusely gay, leaoy. For nle by 11011 dBlllel'l . Gives scarce a murmu r as it struggl es free, To glide unhind ered to the open sea. When shadow s gather, and the darkne ss creeps ti"r,\ work I. olalmed &0 be lJood Into the valley where the willow weeps, ~UO"!.I"II tor .. youoll IDea-b ut tew Spread ing its mantle o'er the peaceful scene, . Dare for a pel'·rr adoaH courae. O'er mouDt and vale, o'er rising hillock green, Sweet peace reigns over all in calm ,epose, .l m.a Iowa mao bal foroloeed a That deepen s as the fuller darkne ss grows . mortta jfe 00 a widow womlD ', No zephyr stirs from sleep the slumbe ring leaves, woodeD Ilg. tlbe Is aow on her lu' No rustle heard among the golden sheave s. III· No sound of ocean billows mars the peace Dyeeotery la alwaYI .erloo. aod That COmei to toiling man with days release. OfStlD a dalllerO ul dleeue , bUL I' l1li0 Tis eventid e, when, from all cares beguiled, be oored. Cbamb erlaln'l Collo, The toiler hies him home to wife and chIld, Chollr a aDd Dlarrbo ea Remedy hat oured I' nen wbeo maU"o ant and With babes upon his knees, conten tment fills epldemlo. For .. Ie by.U dee Ie .... His heart and life to brim, with Love's sweet tbrills An ..tronom er I&yl )ae bsl dll. oovered' a oomlt wltb a taU two Tis eventid e when Isis wander ing .creeps mllJlon mUlMl lonl, Tbat'l quia. a Along Niles sacred valley, where abe keeps A searching vi(iI: f?r Osifis' dead, 'ale. -Who long his lam asleep in coral bed, Tbo•• wbo wlith ki Dee .'rlolly When Odins manda te for the life and soul p."""k l· mlnutl I..,uale 00 10DIer Went forth in clarion clear, from pole to pole, ..y a per.oD "weD' up In 'be all' " When Thor'. great glitteri ng hamme r and his mace Be or abe ' ·a"late d" II .atl oorreOl Dashed highes t mounta ins to their very base, form . The shadow s feU, when Time's unerrin g hand Cast Druid cromlechs from the northe rn land, I'or IOHOIII of abe maeole., wbe'be r iDduoud "y vlolln& p.r- And Aztec's fire divine lies buried deep oln or iDjury, &berl II oltblD I bet. Beneat h its ashes, in a dreamless sleep, 'btlo Cbamb'l Llnlmen& Tbll Untme n' allO ralln . rbea maUo pUDI, For ..II 1>y all deale ... , CRUI!L REALIIM. HOW FAST THE

When sacred Cairus, fro m mounta in di1.zy crest I Fell into slumbe r with the deepening we.t/' 'Twas eventid e when Driad Maidens played And danced in forest aisles, by nature made, When Nyads bath ed in cooling summe r wave And Mermaids sank to rest in oceans grave. When mighty giant Gmer strode from the North And Bacchu s cast the drained goblet forth ,

He lLdlllll LociWI, per HOH . , . . . • . . . . . . . . II< ReadJolJ Local •• black fore . per Uu" .. ,. 10.ClaMllltld Ad • . ",It to u .....,... th .. 1111110 Thre4i l"""rtloD 8 . . . , . ... . ... ,. 21k: ObUulorleo, JIve Inch ... In>e ; over live Inch .... per 11118 , .. •. ... • . .•• , • Ik: (lard of t.hankl , •. . .. .. , . .. .. ,.'. , • . ,. 211<

Tis eventid e when siren mother s sing Those sweet old cradle songs whose echoes ring Adown the ages, bringing memories sweet, Of childhood's happy days In Love's retreat . Tis eventid e of life fl5r Autum n's dress That turns to red and gold with sun's raress, When grapes grow purple and the runner s bright. Close up their petals with the coming night. Tis eventid e, whcn youthful lovers stray Thro'l anes and fields that blossom by the way, And muse upon their lifel what it may hold Of loves sweet dreams , so often . often told , Tis eventid e, when melancholy reigns 'I n crabbe d and curious walls of jaded brains, And fills one's mind with doubt and trembli ng fear Lest we might fail to do our mission here. Tis eventid e when though ts of yca rs long dead. Comes to our minds, by recollection led, III fancy 's dream we live again the years, When joy and hope were mingled with our tears And loves sweet dreams that shared our even hour Float back as pe rfume from a withered flower.



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Tis eventid e. when bending willows weep O'er silent tomb ~ where buds and blossoms peep. Where flowers and scarlet runne rs nearly hide Where Patriar chs and bahes sleep side by side; O'er new made mound , with folded arms at rest. Where mother waits the rail to Heaven 's blest, Tis eventid e, when Hopc's great throbb ing star Shines out its beckon ing welcome from afar, ~ That penetra tes the gloom of mental night, And lures us onward, toward the golden iight. Tis eventidL. when babe's sweet voice is hushed . And hopes long cherished, are forever crushed. When voiceless lips no longer coo that song. That thrilled and ~tilled, and charme d us all day long. Tis eVQotide when silver locks appear , That tell of years of onward jonrney here, When ripened age, embellished by the Truth, Sinks calmly down, not plucked, as sturdy youth. And so thro ' alterna ting day and night We calmly wait to see that mornin g light. When all shall rise, the Master 's call abide, And enter rest acain -at eventid e.

Tin ner and Slat er, Furnaces, Roofing and Spollting, She et Metal Jobb ing of all kinds. OFFI CE IN OLD SCHW ARTZ DRUG STOR E

Valley Pbone III

Waynesville, Ohio

~~~~~~~~~ . ~~ - ~



,1· - - - . Pan Handle Hou~e -

Corw in, Ohio.

Boarding By day or week - -t he



servic e.

Liver y and Feed Stabl e in conne ction .

Tea min g Want ed 01 all Stem Father -Willi e, didn't you know it wos wrong to steal? Winie -Well, you was saying only yesterday dut you hoped I would I • grow up iuto ,a great Jilan. Propr ietor I



Kind s



Governor Dix, at a dinner in Al. bany, was congrat ulated on his veto WAL TER M.Cf lLHR E. of the milk bill. Of this bill, which would lIave permitt ed the lowering Fune ral Dir~:to,~ of the stnndard of milk ' purity, tho governor Ilaid: "The bill would be a long IItep backward in the fight for Telephone day or nlgbt . pure milk, nd he who can't see this . Valley phone No. 'I , J.onll' must be 08 slow liS Cornelius Husk DlstanDe No, 69-'~, of Quag. 'I always said old Corn Husk wos slow,' 8aid one QUllg man WAYN ESVill E, OHIO • to another. 'Why, what's be been doin' now?' the other asked. 'Got Branch Office, Harve, ',bullr, O. himaelf run over by a hearse " "




BARNHART, Nota ry Publi c

"Of course, you believe in the wisdom of the plain people:" All kinds of Notary Work , Penal<ln KYea," replied Farmer CorntosWork & Mpeolalty. eel; i'although tho way we talk aoout HORSE WENT I The Choice Of A Husban d Uie trusts and the middleman does . 1111 too Import llnt It. maUer fa," a wo- make me At a CblOlIO dralll. akera' 000, kind (/ suspect that us John G. Johnaon, the flmoUi law. -Llcklty 8pllt" laid thl Boy Wltn DR. J. W. MILL ER. ..I, mlln to be hllndloapped by weak plain people 'UD&IOD 'lto1 are golnIC &0 ,bow all yer and no leu famoul art expert, can'~ brag ab~ut the and the Judie .nd Jury oe81, bAd blood or fonl breath. \he ' dUferent "1111 of femlnl nl WI. talking, at a dinner in Philade l. 'Way W8 hold our own in bUBine8.9 Undlretood. A'\"old tbe8e klll.hop by taking ..• DEN TIST••• Dr. King's Life Pills e8 k eeria, appare l ,1001 'he d.,1 01 phil, about BOrne of Sargen t'l crn· New I'renlt b tranaactiona." fiDe ooml,II Ixioo, I,ore breath, oheer elly realistic portrait&. "Slrge nt ' Eve. ' Peek.l· boo I In the Superior civil court a little fnlepir itll - Iblogll 'bat win men Orne.. In fGI. THOUGHT HE WAS FIXINO PIPI!. N.tlonal once Plinted a Philade lphia wom- chap ..,a8 giving testimony in Waynesville, 0 Bank Bltlil. a case I",," their ole. EII8Y, 8afe, Inr•. an," Mr. JohnllOll aaid, "and when where an express team is alleged t a 2jc R'll-dTn ggtJI , "Consulted a physician tms morn. aDotGer &arp body that .. the york wu dniJhed, the lady'a have lrnoeked down Ind injured a ing and he advised me to give up IwloRlng around 'bl olrole. n wlll coachman called for it. A.. the - - - - - ----my pipe." make DO ltope In tbll .'ate, buw. coachmln wal atudying the portrai ~y acquaintance of ~he witness. The I t, little chap on the witness stand ~afl I "Give up your pipe, eh P What Unde rtake r and Emba ever, pfl)babl:v doe to De.leut on th .. Sargen t said to him: 'Ho.., lmer. do YOII ; asked how fut t~e t~am was gOtn~ MATTER OVER MIND. did he charge you for that P" part ",t tbe O<lDKrNllDiaD. like itP' The man 'an •..,ered thouglit. I \Vh~n he 1lnt n oticed It. He seemed Will be found In the oJd "Ten dollars. I guess he though t I' . ht b a bIt puzzled, and the attorney BUg· f u11,.• tnY'-' !lIttle F lorence had a very~ bad for the momen . n IN, Ilf, ,e mIg Bank Building. 0ppo8U .. ave ted h d . , t t he "I WIIS h a 't plumbe d l'ttl r!' . ~ 1.._ ~ a eane an a fire engtne a8, 0(\. IRC e nn was crymg DurlnlJ tbe Bummer month8 moab. rna de I a l e betterelOOk'. Nation al Bank. 10, me.... softly to f ' . 1 If had. 'd ha ilt tremea 0 comparl Ire of 10",n, 01111111'8D "bould watcb be' b t if Teleph one In house Ilnd or· llOD, The boy said H?rse . }I. .!r lunt, was a beINDUCEMENT. ye ye (ur aoy uonatu ral lOO8e0811 of abe it:" u V8 Ipo floe wbere J can lie called it ..,18 not going all fast as a 'fire Jlever in Christian ..,ho Science , went bOW8111. Wben give. promp t d. • day or nlgbt. engine .nd faster than a hearse. o~r to th{! little girl alld Wid: "Did dat man offer any Inducetea\ioD at tbie time "rloOl trouble Valley Pbono 1'-2,' HELPED HIM ALONG, The attorne y yentured again to Dla, be · a yoldlld Cbamberlaio'll fOIf YOII have ony faith, (lear, you menta to git you to buy dat mule P" Main have the witness state hi his opin- wOllld lulV!! no toothache," Street, Wayne avilla, Ohio Coho, Cb.Jlera .ad ma.rrbo ea &em. "Yass, ind~," replied Mr. Eras~0'W dl4l he manage tAl Heape ion just how fast the team ed, oan II.waYIL be depeoded opo•. was goFlorence continued to sob, but be- tus Pinkley. "He give me his memo :::se:: 1'01' . . Ie bv .11 dealef". from the peniten tiary' I thought in,. tW'!en sobs she rrplied : bership in a 'aociltion dot pervidea it WI. well nigh impoui ble." "It '"8 going 'lickity split,'" said "'Well, Aunt a race, if you had my a han'som's funeral for anybody d.t • "Well, lle figured it out on lcien. the youn gate r.. to?!b~~he, you wouldn't haYe 8Df belongs to it." There OlD be no bome wbere laob title linea. Somebody smuggled him From the. expressIOn upon the fahb. -.Judg e. I meabe r bat a lult 01 rooml aDd a pair of trunks, and .fter be got \ faces of the ,Judge an~ the mcmbers THII CItIlATI lST alGN IFICA NT. '-----eerYanal '0 attend to ner, ,..aD& outlide everybody thought he wu, of the jury It Will eVIdent that the, / PRUDE NCE. U I. ,bl rubblDIL &ollltber and per runnin g a Marath on." ''How long have they beQIl mar-understood the answer of the witness fermln l $boulh&(ul 'bIDI' for onl , I .. THII WO.LD thol'Ou ried P" ghIJ.-B oston Journa l. -Have JOu I'1JB1JSBED WEEnY. $4,00 rEa T!Alt ever written your meaDo'ba r 'b.., maw II home. I - • "I don't know enctly, but when moirs P" IIIked the enterpr iling DIlLIGHTP'UL PROIPECT. HOTIIL ., D.UCCl aTe, SP.OIA ue",. _ • ' llisher . uNo," replied Senator pubthey go fishing ahe baits her own OOeT e, T.A Sore ....... . OA. • "Do _". I&id ' the eoaDI8l InleCt Bite C~ lei A"a '.US SIIItVICIl CA.. Plto...~ Of teD a lDaD wbo III tlentle manl, ghum. U And I'm not goiDg to write hook." r... , , • &oe&on I loe' bls leI( from tbem Wb' .V Uel .. C IT. ADVIlItTISINC COLUM ... ---".wear that 10u 'Will tell the truth, the bite of anman ----. t . hi Inll8~t two year.. ba, eaoulb '0 I,ugh heartil y at a alor, the ..hole truth • ~.n anion 10 e"le1l'l. m· an-" SAMPLE COpy FREE fore. To aver' luch,C)ftlam\ lell from self there .'8 no chance for him to Subsc he hu belrd a dozeD will 110 A.rea. IIIEW YO.K CLlPPIlIt uGh. how ribe for the lair 1ri~ 1'lnlJl and bl&e,. of InMPol .. ulle Buok co~r a mistake the Gaze tte bome aad lei .roucb y wbeD bll by .yiDg he .... lI.w Yo"'.... v. iDterru ted. "Shall I be ale leo'a Arnloa R,lve prompt ly ktll miaquoted." wire IIID'I, rlmlad l blm of IOml nell P 'be poilOD aud pl'llve/M loflam ma. obore .bl bll al_ed him a dozeD lowed to talk .U the afterno on It I $Ion, IweUln l aDd , ••10. Beals ~. . . .~ attend to. 'W&Dt toP"-a tray Storie-. buma, bOUI, a1oer., pile.. , eczema, I •• ... F======LIVERITE~=====~ O'Qu, brul... . Only IG oen" a' all I CONllOLINO T,HOUQHT. • t Being prepar ed from Pure Natl\~ Herbs, they Cleanse the dral.I I" OOURTINO DANOIlIL • _. I\ !Ie-Da rling"-I have loatmy pod. U ,00 are 110 hOOllwlfe 1 0U OIDDO' System and Purify the Blood, and Tone the System , and thus WHAT IHI! WANTED. reuoG abl. bope to be hNllh , Qf tiOn. , "Who is that feUoy who jOlt DOW ' beaa$l(o\ b- wlllbin " d.llb.8, Iweep _1I_.:tI • • l - poU 1_ . , . • of on. DOb ~ She-N ODe enr .... mind. &!ar. ~ UI Iq aDd doior bou.. w~rk an dl\Y, M:IIWI_ Lady in Sl.oe Store,-Th"- ab- of ),"w IIm~1U Jour ckrm ", •• 1. _ _ • . . . . . . . . ""'" aDd OI'aWllDllu~ becl~ dead &ired at gen *y au - J -_ ,,8 pinch terribly. Haven 't . yOu any. ollrbt . '1roa 'lDua' ,Itt 00' lnkl 'be ' ,"Why, ~t'. • traYe1ed perIOn' thing IargerP I A flATI.NT MAN. ' a~roaa. SaIe.m an-you ..ked for Dumber "Well, be'd better be ~ ODe ,ttroa. madam. I eln:IPYe 'You Dum-I ~ you lID&ke JOUr wife an IIQf oar fatt. copa may ~t the ber threei or Damber tou..,,·~ , lowape e"' .' · 'lIIlpata~ion.·. , , 1Ad";""Tbt, W.I "i ftDt 'IOIDI- l 'q. never 'oeue' JDltk;iu ..n_...;.;....;: , • - • .1 .r..- " . . . . ,\ . .( " , :,;; ~-.:.. l . th .. ;.. ' ........·ID DIIIIlber t1roa.. '.;. ,oJ ,MIII". tn. .. a ...... ...... ." ...., naper y' ,.-1~.. ..,1.1." ~ --.r.:! ....__ ~. .wuv. . .~ ~\' .



A. MA FFI l',


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The !,Aiami Gaz ette

It'll hard enough to keep houss It fa perteet healtb. but & woman weak. tired and sutrerln g with an a ch ln. back has & heavy burdeo, Any woman. In this condi· tloe hus caus. to sus pect kidtrouble, n ey It especia lly tbe kidney action see m. dlaor d erec!_ Doan's Kldne), Pilla bave e u red thouIt I. nnd s. the best reokidney remedy . Madison St ., Shaw. n ee t ow n, III., says: "I Buffered Illten sely fr om backach e and headacb e and " ' as ,.ery nerVOU8. I was scareeJy able to attend to my hou sework and at tim es was s o bad I was con flned to be d. Dou n'Q Kidn ey Pills gave me QuIck reller and b efore long cured me co mpl etely: ' "Wh en Your Back Is Lame, Romem b er tbe Name-- DOAN' S _" liOc ., al; store .. Foster-M ilburn Co., Butralo, N. Y-

D. L. C RAN E, Publish er,


TUBER CULOS IS OPEN -AIR CURE, T he g reat 1Var agai ns t the "wblte IIla l;1Ie" bas had marked res ullll, SOLDIER'S BOOTS SAVED HIM chiefly tb rou~ h th e employ ment at out-of -(\oor treatm ent. Wblle It Is only How a Member of • Wagon Train compa r nt lve ly r('c en t Lbot tbl s treatMade a Thrillin g '::acape From. Band of Savage Indiana, lovmen t bAS becomo genera l, It bas been HE m os t exci t ement Ildvocnl cd for ove r twenty -fi ve yean Ing )'oun gster will nev· At Fort Kearney , hefore our t1'81n wlss tho noisy and N right here In Pbllade lpbla, aod III a 111 up th e Platte rher tor FOI1 stArted ve. ption exploal consum dange rous pen;ons wbo suO'er f rom In the sum mer of' 1867, each l LaI"llIllk (whi ch this year belin d Bre taking th e "bome treatme nt" driver that needed boots drew a pntr the of tblng a ('ome says , porches sleep In le nl S or InelM"d trum th e governm ent s tore. \Vh e n past In thousan d. of Be njamin th e Philad e lphia Capital. Peter Small's (a little tellow) turn hom es owing to newly Franklin , In b ls num~rous r esoarch es. came to seloct bl s bootJI aJl Lbe smllllions convict ned e wak a learn ed man y e lementa l truth s, wblcb er sizes IuJ.d been drawn, and the nearon t be part of pe.rents ) he band cd down to posterit y In his est his fit was a pair two size.. tD9 big d ne an pl II th e prope r substi tutes are wrl tlngs_ H e declared tbat disease for trim, but be conclud ed to take lor them Instead . them, as he was about bn refoote<\, and d oes n ot come from pure or cold air, dantbe for e Hut bst su ent ll exce One c o chanco to gel any more till we ~ot but from draug bts and the uneven ex- gerous sports of form e r yea ra Is a It through . blasts. Icy to person the of posure children 's a ll-day part y or lawn picnic Our train consis ted of seven wagonll Is bls theory wblch Is In a large meas- wblch mllY begin early In the foren o on ,,1th supplies for the pos l, IIlx loaded methpo-esent without the n lor ible sundow until respons ure [lnd continu e th e team, Ilnd we were esto mules bang at l nt e bavlng s o much as a mom Zoke Knew Ru'e. od or trea.tlng pne umonIa paUentl ten soldi ers to protect us by COrted Rufe was (eillng Zeke about a terth e J etrerson bospltal . Tbe ward on heavlly_ IndIans, by att..'lcks poasible against To Impress Lbe nationa l charact e r of ribl e escapad.e h e bad bad the nlgbt th e roof 18 an Innovat ion and is larg&writes Frooma n 0 _ Cary of Hamilto n, tbe minds of on again once da), the before after h e bad crossed the dam ItII rlmenL oxpe an at nature Iy In tbe Was b _, In tbe Nallona l Tr1buue . Each at tbe river Bud was making fur biB sllKgell· c ti patrio tbo rica, e Am young perman ency 11'111 be decided by the cabin nbout a bult milo tbrough the lion could commen ce wltb the notes of nnmber of cures effected . So far tbe !nvltatlo n_ wood s . dark proport ion of recoverI es bas been so " And Jest as I litepped Inter de thes e be Cllt from cardboa rd or groat and th e tatalltie s so small thllt heav y paper In the sbape of a flag or brusb I h ea rs a funny n o l ~e like & the pbyslcl ans In charge hepltate to DI a map of th e thtrteen original state R sboat sllortln'_ J looks up an' a IJlue give out Lbe ligures, le st they be and on them writ e the In vita ti on. writIIgbt Jumps out er de groun' and Ihapes Itself Into a ghos l I\bou t 81x tbought to be exagg'e ratl ng. Tbls Is ten In a general way lik e tbe one givfoot tall. Red fir e \vos n-lllc kerlu ' out especia lly encouru gtng, beca u8e of the en b e low : at Its nos e, It stood stili kinder, tben '.'You are cordiall y Invit ed to attend unusual fatal course so many caBes of lifted a long, bony finge r an' sa ys : Uncle Sam's bouse party , to occ ur at pneumo ola have taken this winter, '1 want you, Rufe Jack Ron.' tb~' Willows , 529 West street, Jnly the "I walk!! up to It and sb a ken my Fourth, from 10 : 30 to 6 p. m . R. S . Voung men wbo have complet ed the V, P." own lin ge r rlgbt In Its face_ 'You eourses of Btudy prescrib ed In the mind yore bu ~ lnl! ss and I'll mInd Cblldre n love search gall\es and min e: I says, and t urns on my beel Univers ity of WIscon sin'S College of when aU the little folk Cltpecte d are linll goes right on _ AgrIcul ture are In. demand at good Bal- on tbe BCBne a flag search co uld lead sive fla gs "Now, wbat'd you er don e , Zell e, In. aries, accordi ng to Ute statlsUc a of the of! tbe run , For It Inexpen the around hidden case lik e dat?" are &; kInds all at HerRecordCblcago college, aays tbe "I'd er done jest wbnt you dooe, shrubb p. ry and law n . Moct 01 little Oet taut. d stretche flag silk a the for ald. When the univers ity clOlled In porch, earch s a you durned l ying nigger ... . these will be the tiny stars and s tripes th e c hildren begin rd to hold 1911 the demand for agricult ural grad, which sell at a ce nt api ece or les s, torpedo es, which lasts tw en t y minutes . Contine ntal bats or cardboa end one s Toward e_ d'oeuvr uates could not be supplied and all but a certain number of wee flag s ot Ench white candy found counts one tbe bars DISFIGURED t:h e board have a cake made to the membe rs at the year's class had Dther nations should be In cluded . The poInt, each Ted wrapp e r, two points, or a float 'whlcb from fort, a suggest gyoun the , found places at salaries l'anglng from search begtns on a signal g iven by a lind each blue three points "Our little boy Gilbert was trouble d at tle;r flags, and at tbe opPlaces Lbat tin born and IRs ts IHt een minut es. The Bter whose score Is blgbos t win.t\lng number ,600 to $3.000 a year. a eczema wben but a few weekI In wltb flowers white posl 't e end red and gam e, 'Would have paId $450,000 In - salaries greates t number of fl ngs found by any tile His little race was covered with IIke_ old. tbe or bowl lue' b eat to things In the way of good could not be Oiled because of the lack one pe rson ('aunts game, ench ensIgn even to back at bls ears, Th. s the ' Bore of names the For place cards - hnve sandwic hes of dlfIeren t wholeof Qualllle d men. Thls sbowlng Is an round representing one point. ftags, fe llow suO'ered very much. penny on little poor written tribe of can squares In children wrapped nds ki e som For th e second good l! me. n version . to d objecte tndlcatl on ot the change that Is com· not Is 01.1egan as plmplell , his IItUe b trouble tbe sores little Have The a It Or paper. l a favorite old ga m e , tb e na gs are color ti ssue stlCkff cut tbem out of heavy art paper In tlte tog general ly tn agricult ural melhod s, a ed v e ry mucb. We candy disfigur s wllite wa and face red d fnshlone the In red ve sco di re we retained that Rule-or-thumb. hapbaza rd method s will precedI ng sport, encb youngs ter hold- lied in pretty "hay staelts" with blue lorm of "Minut e Men," for usc eltber They Were Gaining on Him Rapidly , hardly kn ew wba t he loo ked IIlIe_ Tbe fa ce looked like raw m eat. We tied not do on Lbe farm any more Utan In ing If possible on e of a dIfferen t nll- ribbon, towards th e four corne rs of without any cnlor as silhoue ttes, or to There rea m In re d, white be ·tlnled. II there Is ta le nt In the drIver was furnl s bed an army r l1le little bags of clot.b over his h a nds to c Ice e. tabl o tb some the well-ma naged factory. or er moth tess' hos The . tlon and ammun ition by tbe go vernme nt. pre \, e nt h im from scrntch lng_ He wal musl be truly sclentili c farming , Lbe other t::row n person tben tells a sto ry a nd blue combin ation Is pretty, but housebo ld _ d prepare We had hee n out a w ee k, when OD e very res tless a t nIght. his little race now many e ar picnics loners nnd conrect parties wlLb b most es eac b are s For combln atton of sound principl In w hich nil th e diffe rent countrie n about four - o'clock we Itch ed. of or alternoo _ ags fl of vnllablO! u form ure the llrs In fro It or the garden the results of experte nce. E;vldent ly me ntion ed, wltbout any geograp hical to serve on a small stream called Sa nd y ll e J eamped "We consult ed two doctors at ChI· stars for small ex tra charge, wi th otb e rs spe('lall y d es igned for tbe owners of fa rms see the change at sequenc e, howev er, I\nd as th e nation k. cree prealso plate wh ere we re sided at tb at time. china cago, blue a on sand. roll the she -on or ing o h play hand and are eager to avail them- Ie m ention ed whose fla g no seen bad atloll. we {'ombln dar tbat colQr to trying all tbe m edicin e of the Up proper Arter e th sents rises und wav es the enThe seflshor e Klondik e, wbere gifts lelves or tho knowl edge possess ed by holds the child as we called two do c~ rs Without any re s ult, we Wh en "All th e Salad s , c roq uettes. e tc., may be served wrappe d In tiny bundles are burled In I!lgns of Indll\ns , 80 P e te, tion. es qu In sIgn th e Wiscon sin graduat es. \Va}'_ conclud ed to go out on tbe blgh read at tbe Cutlcur a Rem edi es, and World" is brought In, all rl ~e and a In th e conv e ntional tbe sand , gu es ts diggi ng for tbem a s b.Jm, may wbich and see If he could kill aD at once bought Cutlcur a Soap and rs, IlraJrle souveni of y wa e th In good prizes, Is famillur , but always mOITY sc rambl e for new seals eneues. to as and have so me fresh meat, OIntm e nt. Followi ng tbe directio n. man pie, e a c Bntelop permit patrioti not tbe does In NThe law and exciting . This requlrl! s a special Detw ee n romps a. pa triotic r eclta- be b ur le d e and a few caretull y and prom ptly we saw the leave his wife just because she nags tl o n or nationa l song In wblch all join above desc ribed. bave Chocola te flre- Inclosur e which Is easily ar ranged by He took bls old Enfl&ld rln north acr08~ resu lt, and after tour weeks, tbe dear out liberty struck and paper e es, tissu cartridg ptns. flag s, He . cracker or decides rope a cbange. Marean le him ," Justice would make an agreeah means of four posts and plncusb lons. flag Ul'e creek. He had gone about half a child's face was as fin e and clean a. Anotbe r na g ' ga me, rlilTer e nt from b ells, star-sha ped tape to mark th e bounda rles _' m ea nt, a t course, Ute law of this state, . forth eo Ollie wben be noti ced over on anotber p.n y little baby's 'ace, Everyo ne wbo and blotters , amusing lly a qu e Ken, t bu In d a Mull. ts describe York fun those w Ne good Bays tbe Newer and equally the about halt a mile away, wbat at ea w Gilbert atter usi ng the Cutlcur a let table e til to Ing proceed In erent e tb In ln!; Here clam ridge, cla m dIggIng co ntest, tucky, Missour i and otller stntes, "un- Is ulao w("11 worth jolt grand a took to be a drove 01 aDte- Remedt es was surprise d, He has a for he line IIrst In form children ce. ren fe for future r e sbe lls, wRshed and mat c b e d In paIrs. lopes, but on looking closer he snw head at hair whlch Is a pride for any I:Overna ble temper" nIld "Indign ities" talner's not ebook Yanot melody g Inspirin In c losed girts For It Am e ri ca n fl ags of a r a lher mare h to th e are a cause no t only lur se paration , d Ban- .aro glu ed togeth e r to In Ind ians- te n or the m. boy ot his age, three yenrs. We can Or "for· they were ize are stu ck upri ght In the kee Doodle or th e Star Spangle s r large paper_ e tlssn In d wrappe nagging and , divorce e ted and stood be- only recomm e nd tbe Cutlcur a nem .. dismoun but for absolut were They ner_ July words the form to turf so as tunes " can be s ubsti tute d In case for bjnd their ponies, and th eir heads only dh!s to everybo dy ," (Sl g nerl) Jllra, H. always Is may certainl y be carried to the potnf ament tourn A Boap bubble F o urth, or for 11 l o n~e r lin e, Th o any reason girts arc not d esi r ed . Ilppeart ng above th e ir back s. Albrec ilt, Dox 883, W est Point, Neb_. of Indignit y; wblle In Oregon one mny Fourtb of Jul y_ flllndf oid eac h playe r. fUn an d If the IItlle while "dudeen s" These n rc burled In th e s a nd _ When As soon a s be had mad e s ure that Oct. 26, 1910, Althoug h Cullcu rll Soap obtaIn a divorce if the partner 01 take him a short di stan ce awuy, turn nre decorat e d witb red , white a,nd blue th o s'l goal for beginni ng the game is and Ind Ointme nt are' sold by dru ggists one's Jo ys, and especia lly of one's him a round twlco an d th en send blm stre am ers, a nd th e prizes are Fourth gi ven all commen~e to dig s imultan e- the y we re Indian s be turned Indians Lbe When and d e alers everywh ere, a sample of stores camp. the for _ flS started sorrows , "makes life burdens ome." to coll ect as m a ny a t th e fl ags a R pos- of Jul y novelti es, sucb ers are arm ed with the ously, The p~cnlclt decoy to draw blm lIach, with 32-page book, will be mailed year, r el the tb of n that seaso saw this t a carry wtll ome , d burdens confuse ly more each ete be lind compl sible. Ma ny , And what can sand shovels for tbe purpOS€ nearer to Lbem failed, they sprru:g tree on applica tion to "CuUcu ra." will tak e on quite a festive all'. t.han nagging ? Howeve r, there ougbt wa lk awny from th o goa l and ev e n contes t r eta ins the first gift or for tu n e or floats tlmt ponies and came pell·me ll Dept, L, Dooton, bubble e th for ze e Giv e a pri tbat Is capture d. [n upon their not to be dl vorce, nor even separati on, t hose who succced In _rea c hing tb be Inrtl cat ed ot:~er treasuro blm_ It was a race for life, st mll ofter line (a lurthest re gu fi g ln have alTlus n a es, l'ut fortun will th e case o f written for naggtng , because 00 court or jus· fla g line The Last Word In Defense , we rc fo r trophi es . For euc b ncross tbe r oom for thi ~ compet ition). theso e it h er In prose or rhyme, nnrl . .... Ith the odds against him. They tice can e ver be s ure tbl\t tbe naggIng g ro ping about acgry moth e r re turn s' home lbelr The which wlLb ships iry rapidly fa the him for e on trifl er gn1nJng anotb pll rportln g to ('orne from Father Nepflag overthro wn or stepped on counts s bop pln g tour d ow n town to a e th from for e on that olors, (' fa 1I0t ltlstflled . or a~t provoke d. Raw utiful he I!eet'(oo ted ponies, and on c poi nt olT, OJ' n forf e it may be paid s how most bea the Me rmalds_ or tune born are Tommy has broken Ilito the , tbat for instance fiot! her tor ot nd ye t an Some wom en, rtak e him unl e~~ for It llccordl ng to th e r e~ lIlotl on pre- larges t bubhl e a Nowh e re Is t.h e game 01 ringin g the they would soon ove little sisler till naggers . Some a cbl e ve nagg ing. And "Ious ly agreed u po n, A s ilk flag would that whlC'h liv es the longes t ot all. cane m ore qul eldy arran ged than on be could de vise aome WilY to h~ .." jam closet, teased his 6mll~bod a window pa ne , cried sbe inex are have ch rs e whi oth s. of r outfit numbe Soap buhble • cons ide rabl e mnll e an attracti ve prIze gift. . To adjust from four to six tbem In check. with hIs top, ti e d a tin can on the tall _ m:J.lte splendid the bench Be LbOI ght as he rnn along wltb hlB nagging tbrust upoo , them by a co urso Youn g children always en joy so m e pensive tOYB. wou ld dow e l rods In the or s ck ti s walking the dog Il ex t door, and then wouod ' of prlzes_ tt would not do to of conduc t which may be outward ly version of the donkey gam e. th e IdC'll sand Is th e worlt at It moment . The lowed sun that furth e r de pred ntlo nR by tra cking up s mInd little o Lbe h t g for temptin easier er IQ howev courteo u a, but which In Its essence Is of which Some tim e In advan ce of (he frolics rl n ~s can be r ope e nds. ' spliced to· Ehoot at them, purlor ca rp et wltb bls muddy tbe complimore dls of was Instnnt his rifle to gJ'U~l> thu ll ot hers 11 large fl ower pot, or lalllng gl~ th e r to form tltem, o r embroid ery lroark. for the Insuppo rtn bl y Irrltatln g_ e up sec "YOll yo ung vllluln, I'm goIng boots. for n ca ted ord e r. A lilve rtlng varlntlo t.bIlTged they would poun ce Upon him, with Rand. ' ln hoops or c ircles of wlr o will do _ fill and pall, tin a this, you till YOll crtn 't sit down _" whip 10 . n I,tltrlo llc oc casion Is one wh ere Unbe hanging to the latter place a fla g upri g ht . T o Anot h er game on t.he same gen erll l IUld his scalp would hold or blm .) ":-low what (Grahs the Ilnd ect Rh a rm n llrull' Is Sam e d te be So decided s Th e C hin ese republi c ha ed eac-h child In or der Is wh er e encll can e I,s surmou nt- nne of tbeir be lts In no time. you got to say for Yllursel e?" vorIn g to pin o n hIs pla y tb e ga m e plann ret'ls e Its langu age and b a s e ngaged flln lies In endea n and remove s a ed with a r llg do ll's 11ead, repres e lltln g ""atched over hi s sboulde r, and wben poo s tin a es rtk t turn Tommy : "Aw . say, mil. tbls looka goatee, the familiar ca re not A nt Hanna Sa mho or Topsy, accord · Lbey got nea r enough to begin shoot- like a fram e-up." Pro f_ So long Hello, who ten ches J a p. hl'a rd lps8 c hin taking , nrl sn the or l spoonfu e wny, ca n he fas barrow" (tbey an r Be and Chinese 10 the noya l In s tl, Thl' l ~tt(> J'. h l' th to ove rthro w til e na g In doing so. In~ to tb e f~ncy of ' the des ign e r ond log at him wltb th eir m ra ve lerl manilla rope. Th e fro nI'd Ia , turned and stopped be AW n guns) a no tbem had eneA the ClVl provide ses to cau tbe hit Naples, flnnlly A Gentle Result, to nt tut e The per80n who pl ltyers end ea vor com e~ nea rest to th e correc t who d ll h pick one off, l' to If as e rifl s bl leveled ) lt_ we drlCfl forle he a em pr ize fi gh ts 'fI'ere pay t s mu lightly thought ry rail ve to are She--l ign s hich (w alphabe t. Prof. Solong He llo , It spo t mIght recc> lv e a bonbon nl e re rel>. Instantl y checked their Yery exciting . they , lUll! dis· e ,.on Each y . ntl rious ball hila a[lllRre t rubber mos a name, h t but bts wi by imple s Or thi s are to judge J' psp n t lng Unclo Sn m, fi lled with anti hnng ove r on tb e oppos ite He-Th ey usually are. blackbo ard gnm e m ig ht b e Introdu ced Indged counts on e point for tbe pe r' steeds can g!'t things coming nnrl going, and t::oodi€' s . th ei r ponies ; Ulen Pete whirled of side djl1sted rea nre They ' t It. Sbe- \\'el1, this one I am read Ins adjune, hitting on B olroom ho Gc essal'Y nf'r job_ e th tbe If for e lh ed fitt oy uJ ll e e lB, therefo re, w . Childr en of a ay R>;P. would lind ron ror denr life aga in, and ab out could not have b £\c 11 very uround . de· the of me ga e a th to nnW nver planted ll s an tran over and ured sec !;lame of RllI g Toss r e nd e r ed aflllropr l- can be before t.he Indians could ge t their I\vely, for It seems rrom this I\CColmt Is bllnd- s ired len gth has bee n plRycd. " s t and lawn . F o r It each pla yer ~ tl,ft t t 0 th e day hy ha" in" ponl eR up to full speed be harl gained the fight enll ed bucnuse on e of them a" her beat lphia e Philad and In A womnn ch'cl to th e board ed an rl cnndll decoral ed with trl -col or r lbho n o r tape, fold 011 G lory. ""J cI k I a little on Lbem, and when they closed went to sleep. "e fl ag I Literatu re Today, btl s ·· · nd becall se he sq uand e red te.n and th o rin gs cOI' crert with the same, s aR cd to rllw cp again he rC';N.ated the tactl cs _ art d blindfol Ua thf' all In beRt d udge adj now~" g writIn you e nr er at "Wh tents o f tbe s lxtee'll-c ent-allo wance wonnd OVI'T and und Rdl flag a wIth Wben he reacbed tbe creek oppostt e Insteod of liquid antisept Ics, '.lIblets new my conrly or tor bo)( nts "The adV erllS4'm e A can dy to r ped o hunt. too. Is fascl - wlnR a IIh o had made him out of hIs e arn· e camp, where water was Ilbout 14 II.nd tleroxld e, for tOilet an d Ul edlclnal eth cm-cr_ the advertls on own player! my arc ents write m I eQuire r book. the tills For g. Paxtloe , ings. Wblch goes to prove tbat the nalln fee t wide anti a foot deep, uud e.-Iald uses, many peoplo prefer At d~u g. The feast that marks th " occasion m e nts ... quantity o f s mall bnnb oDs or ca rn- which Is c hcnper nnd botter. hesi te e P nd, quicksa down-tr odd e n Ril l( Is getting sam&o\IJI ?" ch, trcacher ces lun a With noti 11.8 press e midday th at ollt nb "How 8heet~ o f r e(1, white wh e ther offered gl ~ t s, 25c a box or sellt postpaid on Ttlwbat peevish with Ita n a tural oppres. mals and 8€ "ernl tated oat a mompnt , liut gathere d all relpt at price by Tbe Paxt~n Tolut "I'll do them next?" e r .. Th e latter arc or later on as n SllPfler. should be lull par8sue tl blue and and him tn was that IJ(Jrs_ the strength llon _ For th e <'en"And" Co., Boston, Mass. cut Into tin y "(juaros , or th e size of of llatrlotl c s ugges leaped liS fllr townrds the other bank with th e "The n I'll write the ,book ....... lon ed caramel rap c rs. rn thes e terpl ece 11Rv e U toy d~um old·fash sA ho could . Ho atrnc lt about tour Accoun ted For. A 1>l lIs sa,. bus et ts woman wants mar· th e littl e randl es are Indlvidn ally head r emol' pd nnrl th o InR lrl e fllleil reet from tbe farther ~ hore, and !anll 8atlona, paper Compen suo tis e blu anrl buttonB red wllfte te recl, regis by with d "'W hy are tb ere 80 many mon In thl, taggp having r IlJ<!O pd ri wrapped , each pape r wrappe nd. Quicksa and water In thIs nrc "Hav e your own trials In the clock- to hls waist In jl\l1?" aalIed the philanth ropic reformon t.h!'lr cont la pels . This Is another • valuCl acco rding to ItR colo r. Th.. shavPd In fin e strIps. I ' The Indians rushed up nnd com- n, PatrIoti c girts, the rib. milking b\1slne~s, . ~y? Some of your little erl burl there re, he en whlcb hidd on are subjecti does of rpe to baln c candy he t lin k In red tbe guide, "\t., tbe worklJ always on strike." shoot at blm _ One arrow answe to over glng guess," menced hall '" m the to attached bon grass, the d Is lJ el ng forgr.d for tb e so-calle and everyw bere througb "Ves but I am nevel' worri ed ovt'r struck hIs b.i.t and knocke d It orr, He chlel'y because tbey can't get out, .. and und e r bushes, sId e s or the drum nnd the wbole stronge r sex, whos e rights and privi, around tb e porch, of' my band s wanting an elght- twisted around and ralsed his rIfle aa unusual any nnd trectlve e nn formIng are e ven polse(1 In among tbe upon day," The Remedy . ed l eges nre fnst dimlnls blng to things lIorne 'hour plac be may If to shoot, and the Indians dodged rreel: leaves. When the bell r1ngs all borner pie. This "I see beet Is s till going up:' of sbrcds and patches . behind Lbelr pomes. Then Pete, with "Then the best- way to stop that II an energy born at des !lair, wIggled bls , prs, boweve r, shows that thero Is 11 toot out of his big governm ent boots to 1Ieep 1~ from gOing down." Th e o l he r day a girl lIew across the deplorn ble spIrit at reckless n e ss In th" and jumped asbore and ran bare: b'n gllsh eba nn e l a lone, and now an· state and that satety can be provide " headed and barefoo ted into camp, Hr.. WIDSlo.. '8 SOolblolt 8,rup for CbndrOD &eet.b'h lR'1 aottens th e. R1H1J6, rr" neca fun"rom, ,_ only by abollshl ng the cr0s8Ing•. otb e r gi rl has flown across the chan· shoutin g "Indlao s," A lowered gate and a flagman on duty crossgrade IiIIOD, ..1l.~7. P~~I Cure. wind colic. ~ a boltle. at ftagmen and . Gates Journal Engllsb noe Tbe nel as a passeng er,. came 190 late. Tbe d as a cbnllen ge to Provlde acoepte warning be to The seem Twots, acciden prevent not do cbannel must be beginni ng to reel a lugs A8 Roan as women lire ours, we life obstruc tion and dart ~Ioux galloped down '·!:lelow. _ crONee) tblrds ot tbe people killed at crossin gs duck under the More Publr:dt Y, 10coDjOo a longer tbelrs.:.....Mlchael de Monot ' -IU' front our In lOad dea l like a crtck. track bilt_een the In across rushed' year and past In !\Ialaac husetta during tbe most fortuna te the creek the is "" Plff~r "lItrs. \ ' " mlscal· ~ne, ~' d sUght a like g make n yel~I, who mule herd and Clj.1l)"" weTe warned or danger 'by gates .and Uve. Tbose , \" , ' . , ,_" speed can 41X- woman I kno1V;" ",haler lot. the and e 6ff ' distanc drove ot Tbey cuiatlon mons, 9nly peni! Kansas include the In reconJ, ThIs convicts When attenda nt., tj)n"l 1le med y;tor ~!!r,ea;na\ ! I ~I), what res~ect, ~y. dear' " i,,,. ."In ,' (}llrllilJd . would cui It and b~iiDg Clil}. . inJ~ry. or a,.,clolledeath .baiL only herd~ pect Tb41: d tenti ary refuse to behave they are not the . tat.aUth !s ' whlcb : occurre ·'Sbe!.& 8 . pl~nnlD,g •• a " trip to ~ew . oft, tOO. 'I~ut .b,II , "fleet ·b ~tdhjg . ,ti,on, II! lrregularhilill.tif ltORlllolt .llyer allll kidde,. .opera:. IHiem mat a " mfnute ot. waiting '11 an • . alJq\\'ed to see the weekly basebaU protecti ve ' appllaD ce.s were 1n &~ had. to , go to · th!3. hospital 1av~d . , ·Im. We bad· tcl" IUdber e two II Oo\llP~ ellt~rel1" ot:l!ua:ellerlls. York, . .~nd l'llre for ~,. to many penon. In.tIllJJlffl~ant-_ price ,_. '1" , -; -~. . t"ed ~ . elDl" b II. 'btl she could now pmea, When thoy become too trou, Uon, and 'It shoWI that outfit and another tolltead \lbt1l aeek.. the chance of be- lIoUDd ,'l!Odfell ' aDd 11mb.. T~e , , . ,,..'. :/ ~1!.~leD~e ~II :~W.)'8 gettlog ~D &la, u~,' tro.oi the . fort. ' "I~!lome , we p~l!8Ume that they art aTe willing to tAke' ~Inute ot. tim., • of the ~oard ot rafl~ col.DmJ.~19n• .abOnt twice as ~uaJL , .".&7 of ),our bJlv1u~ Ii c004 time.' -. save to killed Ing ,. ~.. ,-nteD(' .ed to .be umpu. ,







Dea ths at Gra de Cros sing s



.- _t




THEIR MOST JOYOUS MOMENT Of the T,~lo, Probilbly Repreaentatlve Redfleld Had the Belt 000.. lion to Smile. Tbe talk In one or tbe cloak room.




(Dy W. H. Darst, College of Agriculture, OhIo Stale Unlverlllty,)


NCLE SAM Is the peate.t sum· mer resort proprietor In the world. The national parkl that be ong to the United States " and are tor the en. oyment of 'the people have a combined area almOBt balr III great al tbat or Switzerland. Wlthltl their boundarlea ma,. be found every attraction that 8wltEerland baa to olfer and many other scentc maryels Buch aa no other coun· try In the world alford I , ' There are ..ant claclen, Inow-eapped mountalnl that Ilre 88' hard to climb al Mont Blanc or the Matterhorn, "eat tor-a'tII. lakes and mlgbtr rivers, wate .... falls more than twice aa hlg,h 88 the Metropolitan tower, geYlers tbat Ipout a thousand feet In nlr. huge caverns In whlcb a city mJght be hid, bIg trees 'that were forelt monarchs before the Pyramids were planned, tltanlo obums-tbe IIpt of attraction s In Unoele Sam's summer resorts Is endlesa. Many of them are unIque. Many of theBe national playgrounds :are In the empire of the weat. The "eatest of· them are ea.,. or accell, '¥ear by year the number of thole that 'can' be , reacbed by the raUway or b,. 'the troUey II (rowIng. A generatIon -or so from' now, when the United StateB welt or rtle' MIssourI Is more thickly ' populated, these breathing .pcia will OClCUpy the same relaUon to tl!Ie country at large that Cantral, Bronx and Van Cortland parke and' 'the -other open ' Ipaces In New York- bear to tbe metTopolls. They wl\l be sum· mer recreation grounds to whloh mill· 10nl wtil flock. They are 10 large that 10r oenturles to come they are not Ukely to be overcrowded. The Yosemite National park, In CalifornIa, II 160 miles from San Fran· ~IIJCO aa the crow files . It Ia not pos· Ilble aa yet to trolley thither from the Golden Gate, but It uia,. be wIthin the neKt few yeal;Jl. Already a stage ilne leadlDc to lte boundary haa been pnral· leled tit an electric railroad. The Yolemlte ' park II In the heart of the Siena Nevada mountain.. OrIginally L~ -tt...... flftei'n ' mUes In length and "one mile -back tram the maIn edge ot the precipIce on each side of the valley. H but the park In Ita entirety 11011' cov' .1 a domain thlrty·slll }ly tortY·elght mile.... . Like Va.t Hall. Crosllnl the threshold of lbe , great valley at the YOIIemlte 18 like stepping , into some l'8l1t house or hall CBfTed • (lut of the mountain. One passes sud· 'd enly Into a tranquil, restful region ,that Is enhanced by the power and , ~aD.deUr that encompasses It. .I'he '" ploture of sunny glndea and falls of , IU(lld w.ter Is Bet In an enormous • 8.!:anlte.. ~a(De three or. four thou9and feet hIgh, ornamented wIth dome. nnd spires and peaks that are stili higher. The Grand Canyon 'of the Yosemite Is a sublimity of a dllferent order. Com· Inlr from tbe petrlfted forest with 'Its trunks of thousandl of gigantic trees (lr . tree ferns that grew millions of , yeari ago. one gazes down lipan something tbat Is unUke anythIng ever ' knoWn upon tbe earth. It seeml like a vision of somo strange, colossal olty ca"ed "'Out· of granite that has been uncovered from the , depth of geologia " time, There Is ,a wlldemells , at' fempleILke forms nnd monumental remarns. '-klCtYVeli Rnd amphitheaters ' and noble ' tbat delight '1neY;'\"·lItli'\llUlcler the ·eye. Count· like ' laco ' agalnllt

g",del witb sUIl, clear winding water at the bottom and YOU will haTe a8 adequate a conoeptlon or the YosemIte a8 It Is possible to get wltbout .aeelng It. Several thoulanel. persons camp In thll enohanted valley every summer. Ita !loor 18' 'n early level-not a chaoa of tallen rocke. More than 3.000 ~rea are meadow 1 and paature. Trees and grovea make I~ a n,atur~1 park. Staae JInes a,n d an electric line run tram I the terminua at the rallrod and there ,are stage Unea through the parlL The tourllt lI8Uon II from May 1 to Navember 1. but the park Is accessible and botela are open throughout the year. There II' an elsctrlc road which lends to th.e Sequoia National park. near Yosemite. Here Ill, tbe home at the bl~ trees, although they are found In a contlnuous belt nearly 300 miles long, from Placer county to Kern coun· ty In Callfornla. _These big trees are the greatelt of livIng thInga and date back to the youtll of the world. 80me or them are believed tp be 8,000 years old. Tbey antedate the oldest olvllIza. tion of wblch the ar(lhaeolo.lst flndl any trace. They were foreet afant. before Mosel or QontUolus or Buddha we... born. Barrm, accident 'anel catastrophe. they appear to be immortal. There Is no eV,l dence that they eTer die 9f dllease, decay or old age. Some or them are d&ad at the top, hut tbey were blaated by lightnIng and tbe tr.UnkI are atlll al Bound aa ever. . Ralnlu Central Oem. RaInIer NaUQnal park, of whIch Mount Tacoma I. the central gem, Ilea about seventy miles loutheast of Tacoma. and contains nearly 400 square mllea. It wae set apart by the gov· ern~ellt on account of Ita marvelous scenery an4 magnUlcent forests, Other world·fa~ed mountains muat be viewed trom afar a. cold, Inac·c e.slble peaka, . but tile traveler may explor. every part or Mount Tacoma with com.. paratlve comfort and eale. Wherever he gqel Ita 100w-eroWlled head. tow· erlng nearly 16,000 teet abOve sea level. 'Illandl before hIm. It may be aaoended to Ita very crater; Into whIch the climber 1I)8Y retreat from chllly' wind I and have the e'Icltinc expert· ence ot comfortably Ileeplng on a warm lava bed In tlle mouth of a Ilumbering volcano. The Journey from Tacoma may be made tor a few dollars, and with no extra preparatlon. It la only a day'l trtp to go, lee the lIghts and return. An automoblle fine runs from Tacoma to the park during the lummer.. The tourllt seaaon II from the mIddle of June to the middle at 8etpember. In the autuinn the splendid snows that cover the .summlt of Mount RaInIer descend lower Blid lower until thOy cover the ~OthllJB at Its baae. What Fullyama Is tp tbe JIIpanese, Mount Ralnlel\ Is to the people of the far northwel't, ,It I \ giant mounlaln dome of snow leems suspended In the Iky and dominates the region for mllel I\bout. ' The Yellowstone National park II tlle largest of all these playgrounds of the people. It II nearly 3,600 square miles In area., oDd ra. In Wyominlr, Montana and Idaho. ' Atound It are mountain ranges with Pesks 14,000 tee.t IJlgb,. II;Dd wlthlp It are exhlbltlonl of nature'l frealts and 'moOds' such aa ti~ other Jan~ contains. They are all101\1t4l17 Indeacrlbable: '. The other Datlon~1 parks are tb" u,epal'llL. Qrant, In camornl .. Ilear the :, WInd C)a~e Natloilill park In South Dakota, whloh may · reacbed .b1 prtft~ '" :Hot sprinp.. Or' ; ,l'tIUJII". 'Hlll' l''a'rk, o~ Dev4l'I

ELIGION and politics are In the same worlO, the relr resentatlves of the two greatest Ideal In thnt world, and Bre yet 88 selr arate aod divergent a8 If belonged to separate worlds "Let polltlc8 alone," eays the pollUclan to the preacber, and tbll prench er cannot, dare not, must not say to tbe politician In , reply, " Le t religion alone," To the religious man wbo II In politics, the cult whose huelnefill It III to control the "1\!len ce of helng II citizen" for Ita own eods . eaya. "You are welcome In polltlcs If you will put your religIon In a corner wblle at the work we ba ve to do," So religious people get Into poUtlCI and, as the eaylng goel, "get their eye· teeth cut"- whlch III only laying lhey ore taught the trlcke. the de· celts. the 8baml, tbe Inslncerttles ot profeaslonal politics. and usually learn thelle lelsonB tbrougb person· al 108IJ or ~hame , Eyeteeth are cut In politics al "the lambs are shorn" In Wan atreet. Bnd It seems to be the law tbat the buslnells of buill and bears Is to sbear lambs. juat al the bUBlnesa of tbe politicIan, la to boodwlnk and deceIve the unwary man' of good princIple aItd noble Jjurpose. The two c1amoroua crtel wltb wblch tbe ears of tbe church are con· stantly assailed are. to the preacber. "Let polltlcs !llone; you know notblng of tbat subJect; preach the gospel;" and to the religious man who enten polltlca. "Leave your blblel, your prln· eSplel, your Icruples. your 8unday achool methnds at home; Ilmong UII do 81 'we do; sland always wltb one band reached forth for what It can 'get, and wltb tbe other behind you. open, wltb pallI\l uP. ready to close 00 whatever drops In .'' Against all thIs tbe time baa come tor prolest We wrIte from no partlsan point of vIew. We care not a whit whlcb pnrty wln8. The rulf or mepsratlon once between tbem blls become only a rill wbleh a cblld can 8tep across. The Ume bas come ror righteousness. The Insolence wblcb tan stand at the doors of n slate leg· ISlature and demnnd or legIslators that tbey elect to tbe senate ot tbe UnlteJ States a man wbo baa been named by a boss for bls own purposel, ebould be rebuked. Tbe ,hameleBsneSII ...whkh....JI.\UJ.Ju.l .1lnel. loole with pre-elecUon pledges should be drIven to Ignominy. Religion la not a thing for dying bours, It Is worth· lesll then If It bas not been tbe cbaracterillUc of living bours. "Wbat will be do?" was asked eon. cernJng a newly elected governor. "Whatever tbe gang tells him." W8I tbe answer. "For tbat he was noml· noted." "What will be do!" was allked can· cernlng anotber allo newly elected !!'Overnor. "Whatever he thlnkl Is right," was the reply. "What he sold before election he would do. be will do. or will break the leglslatu~ wblcb II behInd him.. "Let the Ihoemaker stick to bla ISlt." Good. Let him. wblle be alU on hll cobbler'1 bench_ But when be goea out ~to bls world. be It largo' ,or Imall. Sf he be a rellgloull man. let hIm then Itand by hIs principles. Tiitcorner wbere a man sbould keep !IIi religion Is the street corner. Let tbe preacher preach tbe go.P_l'c~ of Jelus Cbrlst In hIs pulpIt on day, Then when be goel' Into rougb.and·tumble world. as he let blm meet It In the ble way. A preacber wbo know about pollttcs In this hour II culpable. He haa a rIght to b&. long to any party. BelongIng to It. he has a rIght to stand for Ita prlncl· pIes, to rebuke Its ' evtl " practices. to remonltrate with ftl unwortby memo bers, to do all that he can to make It pure. The membera of a political party are n~t all scalawags-far from It. ma'orlty of the common people are true at heart, and that majority II great enough to cleanse any party Bnd to keep It clean. Sf It wl\l carry "the aclence of go(Uiness" Into "the Iclence of being a cltlzen."

-------This world ts so full of a , number or thtngs. l:m lure we should aU ,be as happy al Idngs. -R. L. Stevenson.

Wberever a mlln's ploce 'ls, there n. ougbt to rem sin In the hour or danger; 1M Ibould not tblnk,of death or any· t~lIg but disgrace. ' and this. meQ o!• Albenl. Is ,4. true aaTln~.-Socratea. • , I'. .. .

lhe ba pplest moments In one'. life. Senator Bnlley aald hla came the day he wore bls firs t pnlr of trousere. And Paul Howland of Ohio declared h18 bIg mome nt of joy was wben he w. . permitted once to drive a charlot 111 a pony and d og ahow parade. He llresentatlve Redlleld. who I• • wi se cb ap, even If t.... does ball from Drook lyn. snld 1\ was wben he was go ing to school abd trYIOg to waster long dh-Isloo, Three or Cour alII" over rrom where be aat a boy yawned. It wa R not an ordinary yawn. but one or sucb genuloe expression of feellna towarti things In gcnerru that It at· tra cte d Redtleld'a attention. He wsa rortun ate In havIng a puper wild rIght a t band , r eady for any emergency. aDd be aimed lbls nt the boy's cayernOll s mo uth . The Wild went right squ a re In to th e goal and-well, Fourth or July fire works are tama to the Btunt s tha t boy did In tbe next tew mInutes, He aays he almost smiled once on Bhlpboard when tbe vessel gave a lurcb and threw a platter full or beefs tead. gra cy and all, over the open-fac ed shirt tront of a pompous passenger ncross the table.

Darwin aa Girl. Read Him. Miss Elizabeth Marbury, tbe brUlIant and Buccessful dramatIc agent 111 New York. Bald at the Colouy club the other day: " It Is an error to tblnk tbat the Intellectual girl Is dowdy. Look at the girl gracklate8 about you. ThOle with the hlgbe llt marks wear usuallT tbe nicest frocks . .. ' How' henutlfully your pannier gown fits, d ear. 1 thought yoU grave · :. ' nod reverend seniors were above Buoh Life Cycle of The Cut Worm. Showing Itl Four Stage.. trltles?' ,. ·Ob. no: said she. 'We all believe The 88y lng "nn ounce of preven· worms live over winter In tbe worra tion Is worth a pound of cure" appllel stage. By brenklng up theIr home 10 here In the survIval of tbe bellt fI~ very well to methoda of Insect con- the ao ll aud exp081ng them to the ted.' .. trol. Some of the Insects InjurIous "" eatber during the winter. large LIteral ObedIence. to farm crops are controlled b)' a numbers are destroyed. "How I, It I have sucb bIg telegram special rotation of · orops, some by The Chinch Bug. bills ?" deep fall a nd winter plowing, others The first brood of adult chinch "You told me. sIr, to use dlBPatoh by pol60nlng and trapping, It Is well bugs develop In tbe wbeat fields , At tor farmers to keep a sharp lookout harv est time they mIgrate to tbe corn In that correspondence, 10 ( wlrod all the letters," and to note durIng the year tbe dlf· fi elds Ilnd often do consIderable dam· ferent kInds of Insects and tbe amount age. This march mny be stopped and Important to Moth.,.. at damage tbey are doIng In 'eacb tbe bugs destroyed by constructing lIlxamJne carefully every botUe o. !leld. between the wheat and corn fields a CASTORIA. a ufe anellure remedy fa. In determinIng the future crop ra- trench six to elgbt Incbes deep. with Infants and children. and lee that U tatlon of a fteld, one should consIder loose dusty sid es. Tb e treocb may Beara the ~ re the kind and number of Insects pres· be made by dlsclng and dragging Signature of .,~ ent. 8.S well as the oUler ractors tbat back and forth between the two In U.e For Over 30 Years. naturally determIne tbe best rotation fields. A fter the soli bas been made to follow. Tben again, thll knowl- fine to a sufficient depth, a pole Children Cry for Fletcher'1 Caston. edge will Indicate to some extent, the may be dragged througb the middle It II bard for .. man to mind hla OWD best time for breaking the land as of the strip. producing tbe desired many Insects are destroyed by tall depth at trench. Insects dropping busIness unlelll he haa both 8. mind and a bUllne8s. . and winter plowing. . Into thIs trench will be unable to get The Cut Worm. out owing to the loose, crumbly Bides Red CrOll Dall Dlue ghea double "JUt Owlng tel the s eason, the cut worm and they will perish durIng tbe h eat for yuur money, goea twice ... far .. aIlT may be m,ore troublesome this year' of the day. other. Ask your grocer. tban usual. Cool, damp weather In Small post boles dug at Intervale Tbe love of npplaule II responslbl. 'spring 'and early 'summer1lrvliJ'y n tbe bollom of the trench "Il[ fur· favorahle tor tbls insect. Growing 'her entrap the Insects and afford an tor many near actors. crops may be protected from cut leasy means at destroying them. Tbe Garfield Tea promo~u and en.ures h eal~ worms by poIsons. However, the trencb Is not elrectlve In raIny BOO· Try It to be can vlnced, Drugll'lll.I keep It. practicability of usIng poisons wl1l 8Ons. However, after a raIn the depend on the value of the crop and trencb abould be remade by dragging You are wasting time ever,. tim. the area that It covers. Very good the pole througb the old trench again , you tell your Borrows. A valuable corn breedIng plot may r.ellults are oblalned by usIng the tollowing: Twenty·five pounds at bran be saved from tbe , chinch bugs by [lr mlddllngB, one pound of Paris 8praylng tbe stalks with kerosene green. . emul810n made as tollows : Make Int.o a bran mash with sweetOne quart 80ft aoap dlasolved In ened water'. A small amount of tbla one gallon of boiling water. Add two mash sbould be placed near the gallons kerosene and churn with the plants, pre,ferabty In the late after- spray pump untll completely emulsl· noon. Cut worms attracted by the fled, Dilute with 10 to 16 gallons of sweetened maah will be poisoned. water. ' The cost ot tbls treatment II In order to control this Insect In about 34 cents per acre. The spray· large fteldll, the plowIng should be Ing soould be done In the -late ·afte r. elone In the taU and winter. The cut noon, at the rate of a barrel per acre.


That's the kind - Libby's - There isn't another sliced dried beef like it. Good? It's the inside cut of the finest beef sliced to wafer thin-


~ed Dried Beef FerUllzer Increased tho Wheat Vleld 18.2 Bushell Per Acre. No one will eeny that It Is expen· slve to talce a wornout and Impover· ished soU and convert It Into one ot high fertUity anC productlLn. To the owner with little capital It becomes a Question or making a living and at the same time cettlng enough InIn crop YI£1d.B to pay for the Imnr(IVe,mfmts. Money Injudlcloualy expended :Is beUer Baved~' However, If there Is somethIng wrong wl tb the BOll tlhls Interfeles with geUlng maximum crops it will ray to correot [to The Oblo experIment Itatlon, at Wooster, observing that the oolT tJilng a gooti many farmers were da10'C to keep up tb'elr yields W.' )I to to)1.atesD, their wheat with the paet 1ear'8l&OCllimulation . or "manure. deaired to what could be acce m,lIsh· e4 more approved meth, ,th~ manure


manure was Incr eased In vallie by Iinving forty pounds or "lIoat!3" add ed to ench ton. ThIs call ed for th e out· Iny of fl .60 per ' I'r, ':.1 a four·y car rotntlnn, 40 cents per acro each year, It bad been difficult to ra ise a good crop of clover ro after the land wa! plowed for corn one ton of limo waa spread on the surface. The n ex t clover crop wos much larger nnd. because of tho be tter sod plowed under, the crops followIng were also belter, The first allpllcatlon of lim o cost $6. For the second rotatlou the cost need net exceed $3. Thill means $<9 tor two.I'otations orabout $I per acro each' year, On acId solis, then, a per· manent system of agriculture oalh for the expendIt ure of $1.40 01' '1. .80 Jiler aore ellch yesr. A hlgb-grnCo complete tertl11zer may- be and prob, ably 8110uld be used on the wheat no matter whnt elee Is !lone. Tbe all' plication of lime nnd pbosphorla acId should Dot be C'mltted. : An • inorease of three bush"ls .of corn 01' 160 Pounds .of' hay . '\'I III Olrlot,' the \:mat "and, It haa '~eetr. sbown f1ia~ 'n, crtiatcl' 1I1ctcaa• . cill\,~ibDablY 1)e .expeet&c); ;., ' '



stands supreme, The tasty dishes one can make with it are almost numberless. Let's see I There's creamed dried beef, and-but just try It. Then you'll know I

Always Inaiat on Libby'a Don·taccept''ajulltugood.'' From reUsh to rout. from condiment to consorve, the quality 01 Libby'. Ready-te-Serve Foods III always superior. And they don't cOlltona whit more than the ordinary Idndl,

rat lIP In .te"lised "IIU or tla containen

Libby, M£NeiIl &: Lihh,

"J'! , M. ·A;·BAOHtjlELL....~, Utt.uidliU ' ~t ' Ap.;~~unUt~ "'~,


·a,:~'~~·~· r~:!55S=~==5#;:=.l.

Spring Branch

te. H . Pu rc el l


----~~I -... r-I PerlO,nal Men ii.o n


L I . V'

. ' tiS9 Alloe Chenow elh wall enter. (2!l266) talned by Mr. and Mrll. barry Co.~ . Kennet h Kilbon WIUI quite sick lut .... VICE n ell , IRst Snnday at dinner . LIVE RY iD. . . a out ie but week and Cllrl Ion I\nd Mrs. Ada Dakin The very Best at all Service at v.ry reason· dAughter i I.ols, Oa7.81 and Opal Tim.. Inner tu.~ vulcanized . Wayn... able rate•. ~ pent las t Taesda y tn Mt. Oolly ville Auto lind Xachin ery Co. with friends and relative 8. SIRE O F Miss Christi ne Kelly. ot CincinMrs. Clint Grubb , of Day'on , wae is the guest of Mig Leah iiimith. nati. Frank Mrs. er, visiting her danght .......... . .. .. ...... .. 2:27 Russell Puss 2:10Y. .... .. ....... .. .. ... . Purcell week Major HellS and family , la8t . .. .. ... .. .... .. .. .. .. . ... 2:26 Yu \ Ella Purcell ...... .. ....... .... ...2:11 Y. Toe·Calk 2:30 .. .. Th08. Pierce leans toni&'ht tor a .... rd reco ld yr.·o 2 MIBtI Glenna Cook was vllitln g 'r; 2:14 .. .. Te8:!ie Purcell , .. .. .. ..... .. .. .... .... .......... . Purcell is Lou visit to his mother at Lebanon. 'short her .randpa reDtto Yr. and Mrs. Louis Purcell .... ...... .. .. .. .... ;!:H:iY. ord ... ... .. 2:27Y. ·0Id·rec 3·yr :17Y. ·2 .... .... .. Ind. .... .. ! Purcel nnie week. Fa George PraU, lalt Uallll y B .. .. .... .... .. .. second in 2 :22 [l il~' Purcell .. .......... ......... 2: 1!lY. 2:08 in se('ond . .. ... .. .... Purcell Ella Mrs . •Tessle Mowr. r oa.lled on lira: 2:23y' . ... Celia P .......... .. .. .. .. ...... .. Mr. and Mrs W. S. Graham were 2:07 in second ... ... ... Purcell Cheno weth last Thu-d ay Major wm ReubE'n White-sock ......... .. .2; 13Y. Wilmin gt.n Sunday vilitinl ' in af\erno on. She 18 ImprO Ving·;' o". Winnie Purcell ..... ........ . ... 2:2-l y' I frlendll. Iy. Sub-Agent for Mr. Oscar Smith and Misa Nina Mrll . J. H. Chenow eth aad daogh. , , vilitin& :Friday Xenia in ter Fr"noe a waR the gnellt of MilS ~mith wer-e Ford the . Corwin, Ohio . Alice Chenow elh, lut ·WedDellday. friends any than Joe Phmips . ot Xenia, u Bick at is also the sire of more show horses and hig h·price d sellers a chance Phone 71· 1y' Mr. and Mu. II . C. Dakin and Automobile other horse in So uthern Ohio. and in order to gi ve every one home of his sillter, Miss AnD the Anna . Mre lned ent·erta ramily his of price tlw educe I will to .-et anothe r colt by this gre~ t sire. I year. to D.l< · l1 and 'son WUbur at 't\unda y hillipe. service fee to $15 .00 to insure a living CQlt. t he rest of the for sell will colts Purcell . now dinner from eurs ~ ur fo in and Januar y 1. 1915. attendbroken . I will enough to buy t wo draft col ts, or a draft team already red, Chenow e\h spent Bun. Mrs. Henry Sattert hwaite Guy Mr. or will buy 8ton Wilmin at , meeti_& e luflnz a ed al80 give thEl season free to ten mare~ that are registe day with bi t! sister Mn . Annt~ Lu. as a gift the season of same Now. anyone t hat would accept a colt week. last H. oae. alld family. from me and haR a registe red mare, will be bred to t he Great C. . Purcell , for nothing . Mr. and Mrs. F rank Dakin and Miss Laura Ro9na&'le. ot Spriq stands ASSESSORS' RETURNS " lin. C. B. Purce} has won 600 premiu ms in the show 'r ing andmoney ani 1ned Mr. and lire. boro is the &'Uest of Dr. . ent.r~ family the behind never and races in 0 $2000.0 over unequa led. Won Bert Marlat t .and daught er Lena and H a thOaway. trom the .arieua pnclnt a _f Warren Mr. aDd. Mrl. WUlh,m Gordon , of RetUrDI mad. b, the Gasoline Stoves called for and re- County for lfUi abow a ~t' piD ·.of .,167 over 1911, _ICI~ to a 11\. Bolly, a' Bunday dinner . M. table leCured at the audite r'l o~: T¥ tax on dotrl Ia 1_ b, . ., the Mr. and Mr.. Frank Beee are re- paired, Waynesville Auto and total in 1911 heln&' $221'1 and in 1912',$2201. Th. table ~.1I0'ft! • joloing over ~he Rrrlval of a 1I"le chinery Co . Wayn esvil le, Ohio dangh .Valley Phone 12-3X 'er on FrIday . lIo",er aDd 0110 1'13 J911 . Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Coleman spent Vlllqa ud TOWDIbJ,. well. doing both er daught lira. and Mr. with nd week·e the ----------Eut Clearer eek ToWDlbip·....... M8'lIQ . ,!I'l1O O • 28810 There will be preaoh lng a~ Middle Clyde Cci,leman, in Cincinn ati• 8'J56 108110 Weet Clearc nek Township ..... 294365 Run nex' 8atord ay a' »o'oloo k and 12l1OO6 &60180 ' _125 ------.~-----.-...----• · ... : .......... alp in A. ~Frankl Georle Bun day at 16 :30 by Elder MisB Manie Robinson, otWbe eline 61190 2578eO Corpor ation .......... .. . 2DM7O Bretz. of Indian a . W. Va .• retume d home Thund ay. . i87SO "0 140" S6& Towna hip...... ......... ~ Milll Alioe Cbfnowe&h enteda ined after a mort visit with friende here. ~'~--- . --~~..-.\ . anGlO lp .......... . ·.. · ....· 28alBO Townlh Union aDd Horba Joho Willon and family took din. Mr. and !lira. Charlie 26T182 282811 aip..... hOlM d Townal New Burli ngton retume reek Evana East Turtlec Mrs. Cynthi a ner :wltb Horace Compton ·e. 800 famtly from Day,on , at IiIoDday 686&8 19'11. ' 848t0f with hip... vialt TowDl a reek fter a . Turtlec day. W.t tlednel lut dinn~r. 45&78 ' 2tI&09 Rev . 1.. o. aar&m an filled the pol- day . IAbaDon Corpor ation..... 1U.'7931 h.r motlber at New Richmo nd. Ohio. - - -. - Mr. and Mrs. John Beaoh viei&ed t!69OI pit ..~ th~ M. E. oburoh , Yunday Il enCllnCOrporatlon ..... 258'l01. ·11" eltLAlL ISE SURP~ ABLE AOREE AN ,~t Q. 'r . Barner 'i Sunday . 16900 1700'l0 m, ~ 154110 ieputy . ........... Hawke bfp C~ J. TowDa Mra. Wayne at· Clark Oscar and Moon 'l'p. of Nerl 20180 fBmily, and t.tnnes 8 Spray WQIl.T ownall ip...... ..... S9t11~ ' '11700 Mr. Allen Haines will pass his 88th matron , ~ Star locl.e, inIpect ed nati 28a9 .2«58& ~k n:, Kau ., bave been v isiting rela- tended Camp mee'in g at Cinoin this comin&' Friday . the loci... at L7nchbula-, Friday on stone Township .......... ........ ., 21~ mile Salem 17118 a couple of daYI last week . tiVN bere. 1996Il Hill kinsman walked in on him and ing. Hamilt on Townabip...... ........ 182«1 2140 lIr. and Mrs , W. E Bogan and William Bar Ian Is ~ t bome from ~ takin&' . 1!06tO his faithfu l wife laet Sunday Wuhin ,.ton TowDlhip...... ..... i parent his 'Ielted Lellih Char· er South ummer daught B of . .140 the MiRS Barab Sellen Earlba m College tot them completely by surpris e. A M.-ie T.wnah ip....... .. ......... 114400'" 24OMO at Wellm an, 8onday .. ~7 . v8oaUon. w~ spreaa ~ which leeton, Ihu been apendin&' the put Harlan Townabip......... ......... 001410 ' -2d8O'1 feast ul bountif drove Wil.on lsa40 MT8. and ... Center M . at ....KeyB. Ueorj(6 ·M. of J. , -----. ~,lth WUham week , mara Mrs. justice . Mr. Haines weelr, all did ample $809377 ..t<>._a, vlaJ&8d with friends here thtl to Dayton, Monday, of ~bie though quite feeble, works in his ville. Totabl .......... ........ ...... ......... $441 .· en busines8. . fore ,par' of the week. tl earli88 !he has garden and general ly Mr. Irvin 8.wth and famtlv were of vegetab ies. They both are alw.ys MI._ Eva Stow. ud Edith Had.Rev, Fraok BarrsU preaobed at I:jllnday ·8. WlblOn Walter on oa1l1ng moro· .... ftnt cl-.nd and "uted .. Lest of Sprinc~re, wire · p.ta of Sunday ler. •. oburoh the Frieod '8 glad to have their friende with them BIO BASKET PICNIC lut dQ' ' on. MVeral afterbo Gustin :reu It pndYc ei over 80 bulhela of Bu.l MIa were y . compan evening and lni Those of the happy in were . Lytle Harry Mrs. and , ' . . The oreeka r088 very rapidly after ' Mr. ~~~teetiv,~. De~tlve Ai- c.m to the'iwe. . Mr and Mrs. Allen Hainee and two week. on ita "Herno to ay tlaturd IarlIl. Tcnniib~, wiU .. ~ brhwlIW- t.,bie lbe .&Grm _fjlu!..8da ~.!~oiJlg. Sev Xenia, children, df Xenia. Mr and Mrs Filtere d GaIIoJine for Auto'. at.ttle 11019&1:1011 of even ay Tharsd ..... g tion mee&ln cultiva .f Prayer &tate the hiP and ent , eral garden8 ,!ere flooded ik..rilitDrcffirtJj~Ii-lbeJratONle Jonath an Haines, dau&'her and t"o Waynesville Auto and Macbine17 Co. rUDillenn Saturd ay, July El1ia baa . . . &pod d. . ef~. oo"a and horses is ~ taken Ing. of thie weak. Roy Sherwood Mra and Mr, sons, con sohool lie baa ~.,Iiabecl thiI d....~..le in CorMil'. woods. . f~m 'he a'ables nearest the ort'8k' l Thel'e will be a Bible Mias -Jean FerauaoD retume d to ·Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sat.babY, and '100 gton Barlin New at held A hi. da7 of fUll baa been pre- Nault 1)7 fatteD iq beat About CnlY,rtll were washed out an" a ferenOB ite, ·Mrs. Abner Wright , Mrs. ber borDe in Dayton Monday momt~rt~wa •• 5th. p1ue hil JulT , froaa Friday IOld are next biiM ohuroh ~e by Mrs. paled. 'I1Mre will be a ball ,ood deal of damage .was done LIZZIe Yeazel. Mr. ud Mrs. H011ll- illl' after a wflllk's viait with on mne 1800 had e. baa 'Be weloom ody nUalI" Everyb .... y betwee li the ·town aD4l countr lI,htni nl· ton and child, Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. W. White. ___ - - time. one at place hiil a and . Mr. and Mra. Trevor U. Haydoc k • ations declam bers. Wri&'ht. . Mr. Elila hal aI".".U "ed on th. ented. loed on tJunday Mr. Ind Mre. Lytle Mra. Dei rick , of New BurU...rton. ,en.ra l pod time. h.~now occup i., · Ria father pllce . • • • Thos. &ay400k, Mr. end I4ra. O. E and MrI. Ocie Cl..ver, ' of Xenia. GAME OF FUll IS his il BRAZ pod stoekm an ud a wU MP A TR. Hay. LONG Jae. A "AD Baydook. Mr. and lire. of Mr. !pla" Mrs. C. B. pesta were . nT •• lin Carlllo that fa Willlam i~ Yfa. edueat and pod Mr. IOn a dook aDd "ulb' .r,.of Oaklan d . of Iv.". 0.. Bentley , Thurad a7. Fllh and Blrda .. re AnIlNI Brown ~Wtlllam h.... Mra. and Wore Mr. year er8' Tfle M'I. Alloe Mills aDd dallghl EiWht bo, ac:outa with a lieuten ant, n, a eortptlo n :::U~~v!:"lta Wood a 1881-h e 101d biatlra tbuaeh of. fat of Iadlan a. are vlaitlng ,,' the hom~ turned 80nday after llpendl O. Cartwr l.1tt went t. Colnm . puaed throu&'h town Friday at nooll. J. Th ud bOp and trom thea bM .peelal lsed • br8lltebrJv.olf. of I4rll. Alioe ·W alton and other reI. WOIMekfeatEtlh M'onday evenin . to help· They w.... lCOuta from bus nrll h~t i to ent ioves onel_p who e man za the . "For • lle7 at! M in perk preduc lq. FNID that time • Lanpo n tor &'Ovemor. twI trampe d from Sprln. ya ~UTY ate con. iae," aDd parsJ Il ndi is Cinoln Brazil i. d ftJh. I'riday anel and day Hunday g '~la~1 Qaar$e rly Meetin Ft. Ancient.. .IKI we... 4?ft thelr .., to· the . . . .t 1M baa l'tdI"e do not 1Up- Here II hoplnl' they can do it. "I . friend. ber Griffith of g Dr. weddin tinued the d att-ende In held be " 111 '~noe . ~obool. _Conhll '11'r.a29 f.r bOI't eo.ld. Conrad poM there 18 • part ot the world Mimi Sarah Sellers••f South Char- ~ F~. The bo,l were ot bo\lle .. ft . the Frl3nd l ohur~~~re Friday lU88 ;Graoe Rhine to Mr. b1.d~t: U Elliila iIr. 1000 a mad. ~. , ealliD~ ~tl7 b8av~ g. where game is more 'plentif ul or that leAton, was in town Saturd ay EverybOdy il cordial ly invUed to Boehner, 0'.1 Tb1U'8day evenin thlrtee'D rooma ani! . there are five ined on tbufl', lmpreMiOft on O!~I~. enterta Miami to HmUh . L route Ann . en Mrs fril81ld, ,on -. eaUsfac more aUead can be hunted under .~or NOIIIII in tbellalemenC. It has HAS COME BACK AGAIN Early and ~ . tour Aid 8O,,\eties of New Wedne sday Mr. 'A\ber~ tory conditions than in the state of wh,re Ihe will vifrit for a time.. an excelle nt ~ . of ~t . wa\H_ I lbor" MiDu Geraes, lay .. couple of hun· BurlinK ton Ciroult were enterta ined d'lught er Hazel, of Millml W Grubb ar wbo reeentl :rwent h_tiq wlth'OODJ Allen dred miles to the north of Dio J.. Raymond WilIlam.aen, of Dayton , at tbe home of Mr. aDd Mra. Boraoe Mrs. John BoJe aDd Mrs. and lIIIlo" acelJ.l with el lallght It Ia bride, jUlt to :.~ York teO meet hla n~iro. ;rbe prairies. and woods teem wu at ,home lut week. He had . of ~ot and . Oollett. t!atllrd ay afterno oo. Yore H~~y,~f garton . trip back apin at U. II. White' l bak~ry. baa a ~mplete Vitela l le severa favorah; a from Brook d . . . returne I anunal s an~ <birda of every deWIth Above 'haD two hundre d peraoas were recN8~_ ...... ieavill&' here Mr Grubb ar baa oo14·wa ter, aIao Sl days last week at LeWisbUrg anel t throug h Alabam a and Geofl'ia. tigers are pl'8llent. Them n. scriptio d.. erva daoih· l1aod a~j) ke Bergda Mra. William ___ _ _ _ w::ed at Muth'l 'aD4! Sa7der 'a all, a oo.e-U ' . an.el funny ,I ' . hnga wilel th~t and q hogs ~i ,,!ater 11 'l'hia place. the 1'f8&thu and tar Gladys are 00 the si Jk \lIt. little red deer about the BIle of a MeIId&DIea Monle Edward a, J. F. bak.ri . in Cin~tI ~11a 11 Mr. .buy. cannet _ ~ bread hie i ell qllite been 1 Caesar's Creek I tt an4 Also Mn. OR8~ia Cox has goat, and tan red wolves with long Cadwa llader. Warren ·Barne '11 UN n; justly proud of hiI h911tt and Kivea n and mp~~ with ay Thursd 8pent tt Bamha V. E. I days. are 8everal There for III are bodies. but very Blender Mr. and Mrs. Zimri .amek hil'plp the full credit,o f preYldln. WI ,ou : t~ ~n;:fi ay magnificent birda known as the ~~ MrI. Maty Caskey, at Lebano n. eOH'' 'atnID , their oon8io. Mr. and MrR. Adda P"rnel1 spent tlaturd it f~ him•. • ~ • 0 er. or ;Mr8. diz and the cadom&, which greatly . Mrs. L. M . 8pray anEl daught er and 8anduy with ber sist.r : R FINGP. NED POISO HAD r oil. Snrface, near Ridgeville. resemble our quail, only a great deal . Rest Grade steam cylindeery Co Ruth, of LaWTl'noe: Kansas . • Machin and Auto A. 8. Vornell and fllml1,. w.. B bigger, with .the 8ame flavor and the ~ WaYI~esvUle The Infant daughl er of Mr. Ray. W•• Fram~. tew ~ " II'O, ran d s IlInd family al\d Mle~ Helen Sqllire Mary nAmed mond Wilaon has been del.jcioUII white meat. Dogs Miss Mil4red Rideno ur ratume 8ame ot into a finpr of bit lett ha. tbom gU8IIts a _.1__ Sunday S . Hamilt on, werl! K ..thryn. are used m buntin g them, just 18 we to h er h i S tI _ Id baa had. ve.,. ION mnee and u~ .. Mr. and Mrll. Alll.1n Emriok 'tn~'telt ~ k? t UII8 them in quail shootin g in thi8 afte r' a ome anu _r. WI VIlIl B wee Elintis Carmo ny wae called finl'er, but Ia much better at preIeD • 'l f d aft rth Satt I M I . country • • • wea n unl y. 0 Chicago on Kunda y ~ and is now in "Then there lire ICOn!I of other rs.. Orad_ te' of OhIo State Ualwn lty ~OO .FAR~ BIO A 'ion HAS oon.eo a ng atreke Denver attendi Mrs. Han~h Janney had feathered creatuJ'el tmlike any ':1. - - I where he i8 prepui ng for a position of paralys is Friday , ani is in a ver:r -:re have ~e., and ~ the l,lakes ~, eoQ liv. who Ellis. Sam her f home. whioh he bas aooepted at Vdlpa mens the at on collditi and nvers myrJads of wildfow in. critic:al ORb at 'reIldeoC8 in F. B. SWr· lanD. bia hop'. ~y 'h~ Lytle. to1mO raieo, Ind. .7 wOCMl'. ~_, F.urtb St.... eluding ducka the equal of our . Bon. Mr. Walter Janney , Dear aaya: r rUllle • The _ 10 . Sidney Coon Bnd family, and Earl vaunte d canvubackll. There Ire Teleph o.e 28 .J~~~~'thin°" W.aI'NII visited at the :0( ~~I'f " . f ·.O.....u.&y and a big Mi.. Inzia Egbert • of KanIU Cit7;' baa New P.~aches 1 homBs and wi fll foreate the in New Tomatoes. pigeons wild arID. lAAa. a . . .Ko.. ~-.....·t·-.. ~ would r.ot;ro . · , ' '. .. home of Hr. and Mrs Cbarl!!!! Shee b 'rd th t l_ f ' laDci trM beecIt-' a on week thia Pineapples, New Apples, here arriv~ our .. a.llt a alr COunwu,,1 I. lle; OIVl ': O"I~ W.,D It bea . ef ban, neer CenterVille, 00 8nnday . an4 Lemons. Oranges. Bananas. beN tiv. protrac ted vialt torela . . ;' -turkey wild . w com s ere, Potatoe r pod inell a Cobble enterta Irish the New Albllrt Staoy and wife "The native BraziU lns IIl'8 not at Lebanon. ' Mia Fcbert 11 New Cream Cheese following gu"etl!: the Rnnd8V on FeAD lin. and Mr. of er daulrbt l"ea, New Jersey Corn Flakes very keen on ' huntin g themae Perry EarohaL·t and family, Cbarle ! oWn he..., . but DOW and thllD one can be found hert, who are "e1l1a1 • _ • Swenr aDd w\tp, William ~weny to make up a campin g party, anel 10 A lOe cake Palm Olive Soap FREE with 26c worth Galvanic and family, Halph ElI.rnhart and BOUClt"T OOOD HORSE ! .• plentif ul is the game, ' both on Soap this week. wlofe and Ernest aod Lee Earnha rt prairie s anel in the mountain&, that - -. FJ:llit Jars, all kinds and prices it .IB alwaYI eaay to get permiasion . areri....t. ot a landowner for shooting "'_... · 'I••• II·li..I ..... Sl:VENTEEN· YEAR LOCUSTS

E' R

Record, 2: 19 ·,






V · .1







. --- -- - ..-.-. -------- -·I

The Neighborhood News



,!a' :


--_ 0-" .---










J. A·. McCOy, ·Y eterl ne.,

speci- I

ZIMMERMAN'S Wat erm elon s






eatate!'-.8aI'#~re Am~i~


Studen ts of . entomoIoirV Say that lot of those lar&,e-size Tubs. ized .. Galvan , . the 17·year locusts 'have reap~red . this a)lmmer, ' and that ~ey-'btiitan ahowirig themselves .earJy 'm II n·. the thickl~ . woocJed Jlrr~J).eII.:. di~ .: ! rlcta they have ~n ·DpI··~~j~• .:atr l. ... ]rlDllll i ~~~~ii~'.!:~."~ ~!r:~ ~i!h thetr ;'JllIOI:i~~~~lia:~l~.~~ ;. ';"





Sixty-Third Year




Whole Numb er 3164:

_ _


rp ' "" i"M~~:- .". ~i------l i I SociaI Events I ::~~:~taO!::~. ~;V;hl~i::'IJ... . "e~80na ~ , IO~~""OIII:' ,~~ LI !~~:;~·t~:il:r/i!~~!a ~t~~:~~~ On. ofth....... .... Boxwell Com-


i_ _

~ .-

+ .. ~' •••••- . - -•• -.-.-. -.-..... -~:;1



.- - ----------.

Th,.ug h C. G. William.." age",

Mr. &tiel Mrs. Ethan CoTeman, Who . I "".", .... --;h:-;::::a-;:::::: were recentl y located at Urbana , are when e1a-hteen a-radua tet receive d - - .. " I"'" -.~ of town. this proPttr ty has been sold Stella Lemmon and Mel'Srs I IMW in Marysville. Ohio. their certific ates. . Rav to A. C. Thompson, of Brookville. Mills and Harvey Rye picnice The Audito rium was comfor tably Miss Mar), Latche m is in Cente~ d on B. V. Smith was in Bellbrook. Frj Pa .• who will take possession as \. soon the Collt- tt farm, near Harvey sburi', well filled. and would hue been ville. ; tlay. Mra·1tf1U'Y M. McKay and little crowde d providina- the weathe as all details are settled . Sunday . riWl . ' 1 .au,h~ Wi,lIa Marie. who aecolD· ,ermitt e4. . . . Mr. TholllPson jntends to repair Ray Hawke . of Dayton , was hOIll'r Chas. Burnet t was a Dayton VISitor, the mill. put in new machin ery and ptJIied hortae Hr. and Mrs. Edwin The .tqe wu prettily decora ted Dr. and Mrs: P. D. C1llgett entt,r. Sunday . , Sunday . make it one of the finest mills in tained delight .fullyat a lIix Il~ ~ntl daua-hte.r in their auto- with ftap and ftowers, and the motto Geor«e u'cluck =~~ t.t°tNew tenBU~~~~t?~t h~v~l~ of crepe paper, "The Natien 's Hope" Delawa re.Waterh ouae is home frbm\ Wm. Thorpe . of Dayton . waS in Southe rn Ohio. dinner on TueRday evening tht" fol· town last week. ,. .u er a .-.., VISI n 10- Itood out In Itold relief at the top. Since the Oreaon ia mill burned the lowing guests: MI'. and Mr~ .'red people south of town have been Hartsoc k. Herber t and ~ Csou"tr.- Weetem Star. A look u the curtaia rolled uP. with Ruth HartMr. and Ml1. Chu.-G ray :were ~ Hav:eiyo u.rLaw n Mower • -J:sharpen ed. takina- their gri8t to other places. sock and Miss . , . . Su,t. ft'. C. Gilmou r on one side of Dayton . ThUtM ay. FAiith Mosh r . Wayne~ville Auto and Machin ery Co. and this will probab ly bring Tbe ~ollowinc JIIU'aa'l'&ph from the U..·.ta pand a.v, C. S. Grauae r op· them ' . , .. 'W.tem ' Star . of • former posit... with . .hteen back to Waynesville territor y again. young Rest ?rade steam cybnd. r ow. MISS Sybil Hawk6 arrived home clUz. ~ f.IJciwa: S. A. Stilwell, faces, lUde a ' picturebrl"lat The mill living proPer ty is being Mr. and ~rs. J . L. Har.~k, ~f that really Waynesville Auto and MachiDe!'J·Co., from Delawa re college. Friday even· renova ted, and Mr. Thomp!lOn wi11 the XeDia .~...... &,e.n.tra~i~.."' for the Sen&'- mad pike. had as their Sunday •• e the motto, .taDd f,o, r all it said M'M-rtle Lutz. of n.. .. ton, wU: Ing. '""!'I' .~ " . . N ti H move into the houses .8100n as he dinner guests. Mr. and Mrs. HIlI "UpjJ Fred blllh Ink ~d Qo.~'~ " Mllwauk.., can a Oft. o~. Hartsoc k and daught er. of qinl'ill. the pest of M"Cla raHaw ke. Sun~ Mra. Eva Miller and daught er Miss Wla. (or \tie pUt" (g . yean Mr. Thomp Aftft' son. music who aud was here the natl, Mr. and Mrs. Archer Hartso ck. lnYocatlon tl}e day tIlpweek '~ihe ·Marie. spent Sunday with relative s foll.wl n, ,rotrnm was rendere d in• " . . 1st of June, was well pleased with 0f Da~ t on. an..... Mrs . •.•!i' ran k """'''lor ~ ;~~~~ comple te terapel'lled with music by the Wit- Mila A,GJ • Winnif red Macy has been . In Dayt.on. th~ pr.0perty. and thinks the. Little of Chicago. . . ' .~f ':~ : II.... departm ent ml~qn orchelt ra. ' speq~ina- the week at. Xenia with " C. M. Robitze r WE:nt .to Sardini a t!laml valley one of the pretties t he " ~ ~ "'"'i $GO men at work Mr. and Mrs. J. C. HaWKe had a Boue. ". the SIde of tbe Road" relabv .. 'Monda y and brough t hiS At. over. son Fffii, " as ever . seen . • Tile _ _ pro . . fllmily .... dinner Sunday . Those pre· !!"_"...:... ' .'....:......11 .a~_ ...... g,; i .. ....... . .......__ . nweel .... u rea M.P. John Fromm and two. ehil. ~erick .home. HAS SOLD A.I 'NY SHOES t. Mr. no.~ 1W _ B 0 ii I .nn " '. wvdf ft .ni sen were: . " . Os;,ork. an d Mrs.A ,. .. ur . o . ' ,n01l8 ... ........... .. dren.o fDayto n, are ~ests 0 f Mr. . Mr. ard Mrs. C. T. Hawke · Sides", Mr. ; ~ ' ( ' , •...,.".. and Mrs: Lee Ha" ke and and .... ..................8emard Gepha rt and Mn.+' C. Hawke . t d ..aMrs. J . E. Janney were Dayton '/_ ~ OBIT.UADV. " J A, Funkey has still a large as· famil)" Mig My,ttIe L .. "lndltl erence tGOne .' '.Coun try" u z an BU. ,.~. . sortme nt of Shoes to beeIose d out at Ray Hawke , 01 Dayton , , ", • : ~ . visitors Friday. .. .......... ...... Frect.r iekBra ddoek Meaars. S. E. and F. M. AlelWl and ilin der k • $1.79, former prices $250 to $3. Clara H awe. . Edna N . Uttle "~" ........... !ladiao n Earnha rt of Middle town, were a-uests '" of !tIra Mi88 Henrie tta McKins ey will be The remain der of the etock will be .f Mr. ua-M... ernie Houp . "Ai BW.,. Ju • Peem" ......Opal GI'Q Aletbia .Alexaatder, liIundily. the "'uest of n>latives in Dayton for cloaed out at a reducti on. b~-k" bora In ~~'j lanuU J,. . 2;1 )810, '..-L: Ell F UrDU I It is a ~D. ·DnIV Mr. an {Mrs. Geor"'e Hawke ~\te ...... ...... .. • '.' Bevera£! days this week. · ',uMiI to tIM GNat Beyootl June ti, "Nat• .Ba1e·';..~............. saIe t hat eh ou Id be tak ell ad vantag e a dinn .-, Sunday to• ·the .- r ni' Huel fol\qw-i Gasqlin . Stov. . repaire d. MoUf, 1912, qed 2 ~ 4 months and 19 '''11M KinJ.'a nd the Chili , .. : ..... ;. , the Waynesville Auto and ~inert . Mi. gthelyn Jones left Saturd of at once. It has attract ed consid· JOlest.' Mr. and Mrs. E. V Dahiay erable attentio n and the .hoes are hart/ Mrs Walter Reed cfa.yL · ~ 1. .. ........ ........... .. ,.Nelli . of Chi. , and they Will callfo r diem. . .: for Oxford coIlace where she will goln. fl.l!t. . Abeut ,three Ca~ ~~d look at them. M~ KIltt.ryn and Rosam &IfO ihe .... "Doinc hia s.t" ... ClUrol'd Win8ton . ~ ond DPf~ ;. ... ., ; 6.' ~ttend the summe r school. c.ived .• f~1 eauaial r epinaJ.meaiDlri· ",Ind '" tn Woman "..... ......... SCHOOL BOARD ELECTS Hannib al. Mo .• and Miaa ~mllla . M188 ~on d DaJdbj ' ....__ 0(, • ~an· "" , \ .~. - _ '.d-.t b. EYel'1tblq wu Curtia bat II. -"ri~lo.---- Friz-- even 'H . h .... ........... ........... ..1'1"";'_ Mr. a.nd Mra HODler Carey a n d ._ ~. D l , . .•• , . . ~uqw , ~ • .. ltioDe ). tha .. . t lovb.r maid ~~ A~ W . II ach I bo d FrankJ In" t .Ii eli' way.·· , 601t.! !ilit wlth're latiVII ~n Ml'8 , Effie Smith and MillB ~ aynesVI e 00 ar Emi~y were (n Dayton ' Satur- regular hick to health. aeaaion Monday night. me I ... ~.... MiIIBee :3tella Lemmfn , .Rut. Mil• . . d . , ...... doelb:a1l dUn.. "eli ' • tine Ituelnesa was attende d to, and IeI', Grace Carman . ~a Hawke . ___ : !y. J. O. Cartwr i",ht was elected on the Louisa Stokes and . to &k.llW .froDj \.is. Cball, .. ~v J~es McC1ure!,rrived horae .from board to ene:eed F. a Sherwood. Burnet t. '.~ Ohe h,*" .. Herbe rt. Ed . for ~O week'i ·reeigned. Hawke . FAlward Rickl' an I,.~mo..r Mr. and Mrs. . .- mlt - P.lCNIC Bailey went te.Har v.,sbu r, . ODIn - Meniq ., where they attende d a 01'



........ - . . .








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... ... ·.'1 ).'" .....r . .;

"wlao'I~II '.,.~d~iri ••Mi "", .

_. ~~! ~ .' ~. ho• ~ b;~,' Tbe; "a ,. teheci ht~ W, bJ 'l'bIa 10.,. little roee-bud. . Too down here to ataJ. . ~ So wblJe't b. .un . . . .(nlnC; . And motbe r_rtb·..... brilht Tbe took tid. littl b d rs u . Oil . .~ Win.. e,10role" · w hit.. .

Mrs. Walter and daueh~r M..,.I, leveraJ oflUt week. and Mr.. Ray Milia attende lt the Soudr s' piano~W in Dayton , hiliill-. UOIIl?Ol[ 1 MiNea, Marne Brown , Edna Jan- last Thu .....ay avenill&'. ·l.( ·~. ·CO ~ Graue r Dey Rachel and Edith Sheeha n. ~a ' ~;~l;~;itted thea. ~an·. o~ Rourma. Neva Youna-, Meedames Walter .McCl~re, F. C. ...•• '~.ry eNiitab ly aDd '. Mary DavIS and Ada Michener at- Carey, Chas. R,ye. MI'18 Ahce Carey deal of NII·tal ent was exhibit ed. . tend_ the Educat ional' Exhibi the iIi:.hoola onder Supt ¢ilmou r the O. S. & S. O. Home, Saturdt at and Muter . Carl . McClur e went to ay. the Reaenroll' Saturd ay to be ItOne d his~l' t ...... f 'teach They all qreed that the UJaibit about terl days. My! but the fisb an ~..i.:._ ~ eo'k'" and° . ,en. ...... ~tter than any coun~ ~ri• .tbe h~anda will have to lisare . - a""" wor. . ~ m a . . (., ded 't e to ' " t vel7 MtIthf ul conditi on. . k' . fair the" ever at en • .' .n nex wee • ~. . lot • • Rev.~ • .,. Grauae r. who pre.ent ed • the eerUftcatea. IMV a helpful t~


cia,. . it..



beckOnlnc band.

:~~~~~~II;~;t;b:~ ~ ~~~~I~==tt~~~~~~~~~~~ \~Mrl. Mf;~" ;r~ a~cl ~i~:~~~~~~l\:~ da,. .. . __ :jJfjjli!J '';'' ~


The 'and Detecti ve ' As. dance. lIOCiation are preparina- ftlr a bia- Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnha rt en· picnic on July l8th. No hu tertahie d at Monday eveninK been d'efinite ly decided upon. but the followina- gu.tB: Mrs. Walter they are arrana-lna- f(ir a hua-e time. Reed. of ChiClIfO, Dr. and Mrs. A, . .. - • T. Wright . Mr. and Mrs. J. H. ColeWILL HOLD LAWN FETE man. Mr. and Mra. Geol'le Hawke , . Mr. and Mrs. D. L. 'Crane and Mi.. The C. E: ~Iety and Loyal Sons Emma Heighw ay. of the ChrIsti an church !liIl hold a _ __ Lawn Fete on the &'fOund. in front H . h h tees .1 the church , T h u . eveninl'. Mia Emma "el&' ';-V~::-TU~J I , to an infonual 500 "" --u rs • evenin" , Her ' Pllt,- were


. .


1 Walter Reed, of Chicag o, ..... an~ Mra G. W. Hawke . Mr. and Mra. J •

..******.*.*******.*****: .'n:~· ailhe~lU«erlnir,.i·.r =::::':~~~:~~t~~ . ........... .... ..·.. ·.. ·.. ·...... ~·i:; ;i;:':':':I::::::::::::':::j i ~;a!,:l:an~~~:dAM;-:ril': Yo::~r: .· ~bo~r:~AayFri' end =':t!~t::~~;-:':: ' 11:::::f;;;;:;~;:;;1 'II"Goo...... ;; d 1 Roa d. Are Fas t Com ing 1 .... ::::::.::: .. : .. = upthel Jl,rprt blnpo fllfw. . :it~: '!~ ~~~Ba~!fH!~; ............... was ~. ~ *..*****' ....*** ••• *'I... *.l\~****** .'******I***************.. ~-we~ w. th~ en Y , ~ ' . _ • . . f peo~le g~neral With

ah. . .me




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The DNalc



tlWlk all who alllatec l u.· in any.a y dunq our IC?~ tll*lal ly Rev. GraUlt r aDd the'iln pre. . . Mr. " y~ ~:.u!h and family· . '. ~IC NOTICE . . •. f W ~f~ commu nicatio n ~1l . ; lIentll.~,. ~o... 1,61 w _the ~~' J~ne In.a1i ~r~ in ~~ M• '~ . ~l~' Sol llJ Wonhl P.roUbll ' . . . ' . Masler wi omon ,FNbe ' • of ~j~' 11.1 " b~~ ~ cl~ t .ork: · . . . oum,n., .; ,~


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. . I I

, ". Mel ~~....~Vl~.. ,Ft.B. E.



. " ':." . '

v. Barn!a~secty.

comet. jo ec!',tcfbjb 'all&lwln Bath'



of .

The Dayton StanClard*' did nol

abow up 'Sullda ,. ' owln&' to 'bad weather~ Perhape ' it Was a JOOCl thiaa didn't the 00,. were .ilD lOre over'tJaeli- defeat by the C'.rd1Da1a. . ' The ~. will be on hfmd Sunday. Ia ,t h. team that defea~ .L.-IlI --ia lut V_" by.tbe ICON of WIV .. . 20 to O. The 110,. will try to .-t reo venp for JUt ,ear'. *-re' apin.t them. . •







' ,'. ~ .'

, .

----,--~. -. Th.<)V"'~· ball ~ went to :Il[l~W"'Y ~~QI.; ' ~~ atte~n &lui q.~.)t.:'!'\lO\,Wb-rk.·'· "''''-~'' pl.,ecI~ ~~ • return .~ . tor & ~. ~rii~ ,betme vietora ·te the '»I:.o!I~ to th~ ~e1d "'id r. .. befo"'~ lQ·to·i • .' on tb~ ..(;... ~,~~.~!.f':!PI."'~ of town, Thu. .

BOthltiiuDa jut. up .~ better ~rti~le biN, .~ It wu ',i~,..j!I- - ••...,..,~ , became unman ap- . ,Yo • ilbl~; IUuI "iNd,· tn· ','nnt'".down .hill. a ·"rrWp ~ fJl'ffl~· -6..-"''''.' ...... _

of WI ~' p~~

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Wlltel~b.ollJ. :{~ . • cCl!J~.


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pleuir c and the





. .

It is omv a .ftlw years ago that the roads in Ohio w~re, l~ the eount.ry and alarp part of the urb~ dIs· tricte. alm(l8t withou t excepti on. a delusio n and a snate. The people bore the discom fort. which arose from thia. beeau!le they - knew of nothinc better and it had become a fixed custom to expect that when one went 'driving the wheels would ,rolJab ly link to the hublrin mud and a part ot the harnes s Kive way. • d There waa no though t in the wnm s of the people that annuall y (rom 510,000.000 $12.000.009 were beinl' loat ,*,uBe .o f the iiuUlequate lI)eaDS of trqapo rtation and thaOn the th thiDlai lvea were compel led to "~forthis•. They had . allV:aya : : rotAlj .and· accepte d the belief tbataurli"~ula eontinu e to be·the

We received a report 0 Warr.n in h~ve but Imall con· ~hle to ~a ~ro~uce to Rlar~et County 's Probati on officer. Mre. D. ceptlOn •. allld .for which they ahare no I but It mU8t he still In barn. or .cnb. B. WillOn ~ast .,veek. \1fhi~ ah~w. blamel !mee It has not been brough t I or ~ellar. throua-h the 10Dg wmter the good work done durins th, ,~r. to them .as a face. to f~e ~uestion. ; period. !'here .roads of ~odern It shoWl that the JuvenU . Court'o f the solutio n of which hes With them I C?nstru ctlon are In uae not a Warren County has inveltl p&,d 140 alone. • ! time whe~ the urban center IS out of cases andohll. ve reporte d 9'7 tuea. in ~hrough the operati ons ?f the reach. . which five boy8 were committed. to OhiO Good Roads Federa tion of / From every etandp omt and every th Boys' Industr ial School at Lanwhich Archib ald H HU8ton. of Col· angle. which looks toward s economy ca:ter four girl. to the Girl.' Indu.. umbus is Preside nt; former State and the public weal good roads must trial a'ehool at Delawa re, two hoy. Senato r W. A. Alsd?r f. of Johns~ apJJ8!l1. They mean a B~ving both and one girl tc. the Inatitu tion for toY(n. Sbl~te Supenn tenden t Vld phYSically and finanCially. The Feeble- minded at Columb us Vld one . h h'-I h J R. WIt W led sue ~en as ames . ht questi on 'IS one w h'ICh comes s t ralg placed in the care of a relative 'in anMarker . of Gr-eenVllle. State High- home to the pocketb ook and means oth.r part of the 8tate. ~ way Commillilionnr;· A: P. Sandles . of that the pocketb ook will gro~. It • _ ....- _..... ~ttawa. State Commiaaioner of Ag- is the pu~se of the federa.tlon ~ BOXWELL COMM llNCEMENT ncultur e;. J I8IIe Taylor, .of James- ha~e 1ft In use Buch uystem t"wn and others of promin ence are ultlmat ely make every road ~ will In the The twenty -third annual comoffieialI1cQnnec~,amovementh88 state a good on A, 10 that one can mencem entolthe~xwe~l~raduates been put under fuU headwa y to give drive ~f~m any poaition of Ol\io to will be held at Umvef tllt; Chlpel . this ~bate the best sy.tem of hiKh· anothe r and find no mud the entire Lebano n. Satu.rd a y.• June 22nd, ~t ~ . way. in the Union. way. p. m Fonow lng IS the gradua tion ~'t a' ~n~ has come. In a Now. there is bardl, a penon In At the primar ies in Septem ber the class: at .any 'lcicallties wh,n the hus. Ohio that ie not Interes ted in thi. voters wlll be called upon to ratify Waabin j'ton townsh ip ..... .......... ..... .7 K.... m leav- .his ··fari'n for town and who not be directly effecte d band man clause in the new Conetit ution au~ J,iassie townth ip .......... .......... "'. ....... . 6 . b h ' Ev Hd til .• th . hJa horae. trot alOng ov~r imp!Oved h'l t edoutc ome I ery .. v f $50 000 000 u~f . °bonzldnJf etllASua nce °i ' f'th Deerfteld to~h'Ip ....~......... .... ~... 10 hiahw q,. of m!)dem 'eonatru et(on t e roa a more or eIIJ eac., 'n year. 1 In n s or Ie earry nl' on 0 t! Salem townah lp .. ... ;.......... ..........,' .. .. be ~ ait in ' qui.t!t coDte n_nt not in ~ bUIUY or a w&&'On or an auwork. Thia aeems . lal'Je at firat Clearer eek tow~shl,?,: "" .......... ....1~:: th. landsca pe at tolPoblie then, on foot. Chihlre n a-Ianae but In reality the ave~ Turtlec reek townsh ip ......... ......... 41 .. . '~d the world. walk. to school and In the places CCl8t JM'l' capita ~m~al1~ will. be but Wa)'lle townsh ip.......... .......... ... , .. 18' " - lov. a where the roads are poor ·they ofte1;l and will be d~ Frankli n tOWDI~ip........ .. .......... .:. ..." tot4a are have a~OIit: vex,"o ul tlm~. Som~ Yided in propor tion to till. erman" meaDII. Hamilt on toW1lll~lp .. ~.....': .... .. .QW1lflr. for ' th,.~ad1ti.o... ia ~ch so that the~all ~rop~rt)'.,wn~ Will Uni~~ ~~ip ;.' . 1'/1' 1''':' .........,." • •e • laTe torced to ., ~n at pI) . III~ ~ ~~ ,pf a-re&ter Harlan to~p.. ' l .bl):• • :lolId thus If:!Cure holld~. wilJ ~ at








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Declared Lydia E.

PiDkb,m'. · Vegretable Compound WQwd Reatore Her.. Health. And It Did.

The Fruits of Creeds

Aabland, Ky. - .. FOur yean ago I bad thougb. But, al It Ie, I guess " Ps ba IV. It's not tbot." the 'otner tIeeQled to have everything the matter B, HENRY F. COPE: you'ro the olle DOW wbo will have to pan ted: "It's Just the way ho's slttlng, with ma. I had teset me r1&bt wIth tbeae peoille, You'lI Wb y. you can E OO ho nln't 80 very HAT whlcb III true of men maleand1Bdneytrou. bave to etand for me." big," 11 0 nodded to Jenklnll and, the la true also of theIr creedl ble and was 10 bad off Jenklna looked alar med. He ad· Janit or, " Here. you two! Help UI, , In at least one relpectI could hardly relt dreae~ the 08lClera eagerl y : ca n't YOII~" tbey muat be known b:y day or night. 1 doeSYNOPSIS. "S'belp me, ~ lie cried. hili glaoce And wlln one mlgbt)', uolted beSve. theIr frulte, by the elleeta tored ,w ith all the • ImpallOl tile prtsoner wltb scorll, "I tlley brougb t tb e loudly protestln& old which they produc., The beatdoctoraintown RI ~ h Qr,1 I.Ighlnul. an Am eri can with an • rrec t~d English acee nl. rv("e l ves 0. pre.· never lee t.IllI party before tn tbe ten man to his foot anll beld hIm there, alon~1 IN". Draxton-shut uP. 1 tel,! final test of 0. creed II oot whether It and took many kJnda enl from 1\ frl enll In China , The pusent yearB 1 b ... III Hew York!" you ! "' O'K eefe raced me. remains In preclaely tbe form In wblch ofmed1clne butnoth· . ruv~D I II be f\ pllir o r puJamM. A l e tter And witt ull four of tbem behind It waa MId by thoae who claimed for "Call for tile wagon. Tim." Bald ,I nts ot surpri se to the Wf'nr f' r . l..lgh tnut "Mlght be well to take a loo\( ing did any sood un· ,",OM th e paJ:'lmU.B nnll la re a t nhc h t g e l8 IJlortly. IndlcaUng tbo a round , sir. nnel soo If you thInk of t be c:!large, tbey manllo(:ed to rusb tbe It n apeclal revelation. but whe\J1er It til I tried 'ioUr wonv p for 11 s," o k~, III. servant. J c nklnn, Q'Keefe ..,.... fool's going to gIve any tblng clae bo's stolen, before we loudly protestlog old mall to Ole door. II producIng worthy reaultll toda)'. "omes In undo CailLng. to reeos nl ... Licht· ·phone. de~1 remedy,'Lydia nut. attrmptB to put him out. Thlnklnr "I woo'l go without .:lY clotbe~ t How much better 18 our da, for the L-i."..,,!J.);....J.._..... Eo Pinkham'a Vege. 'oe sen'llnt c ruy. " Lichtnul changea hi. trouble. KaIIoka Apartmentl. tet! taka him ofT," Hurry; let·, get him to tho "Oood Id ea. Llgbtnut!" Old Urn· tell YOU, " be raged, ,· lo lh ..-8 hll l)ndlnJ( to . ummon h ~ lp, When them. creeds proclaImed. to ItT What elleeU table Compound. My buaband laid It . "a ppears .Tenkln. fa ll. on hi. n ec k street." But he did. Jo"1gbUng. lI"1'earlng and are comIng (rom the defense ot the would reatore my health and It baa. "ton stopped struggling and wblrled' wllh Joy , "onnrmlng l.Ightnut·s b ell" r He mll4e a cll.,. at ·Ole "lure In the hIs beael toward mil. bla race almost protE!s tlog, the Jolly old vrgabond waD faltb 80 far /\II the problem. of hq. Mrs. MAT WYAn, Aabland, Ky. I hu t h" 18 ~fIlZY, J e nkin. t ells Llgl\'t of 11.10 e n counter ho had wllh 1\ hideous and Jerked him forward , blael! wltb rage, "~l:I, ba! Wb), don't roughly bundled Int~ the elevator, man mIsery and deed are concerned f al'I probably hundredi of thou- , t.: h lnarnan dreJl8eel In paJa mu. .n IL "Uood night. Blr." called O'Keefe All The eolemn worda bue beeJi.-fllCUed aanda of women In die United Stat. But bl. grip .eemed to slip an4 be you hove toO searched~ Tbere's not message from hi. frie nd. J ack Billings, I.lghtnut I_ asked to . put up "tho kid " only moyed ble prlaoner a rew Inches, t1 pockst In tbese damn paJamas !" the l our of them dropped down war'. and tbelr elgnlflcanoel eIPounde'il ! for who have been benefittedbytbil tamoUi f,.r I he olghl o n his IVa)' home trom col. "An ytblng wbatever, s ir, we'lI bave " We'll let )!'llu ;)(now II It 8".. m. nec_ many a tbouean.d SundaYI trom man), old remedy, wbich was produced from lege. Late r L1ghtnul lind. a beal/Urul He tried acalll willi about tbe eame £11'1 In black pajama. In hi . room , LlKht· relult, sary to trouble )'ou ." blm leave beblnd." laid O·Keefe. a pulpll Ie life richer, .weeter, lr1nd- root. and bMbl over thirty year. qo by nul I. s hock od by I h" girl'. drinking. Once 8&iltn Inside, Jenl<1nll and I lIer' A~ men JUlter? I. tbe h:y~ ..woman to relieve woman'a euif4!fipe, "Oet a moy. OIl, TIm," llf; r.<\I4 "anl' - by 30ve !" 1 don't IlDow bow I ,moklng and alangy talk. Sh e ten. him her namB I. Frucl. o.nd puzzlea him Ingly, "He'l somehow, than ever managed to aay It. Fact la. tbtnge Just stared at eacb other witbout a crlte hated and tlie oppreallOr cast Re.ctWhatAnother WOIIWJ.t-,.1 with u s tory of her love for her .hiter·. . l'Oom·mal e. nlUr.ecl FraneN, N ext morn· be 1000. and awful beny:y; It'U take had Just suddenly apun round before wordl, we were tbat Ured anlJ da-gu.t- down U a rellult? ,t:amden, N. J.-"1 bad t~e \r0UJng IIIe girl I. mining o.lId Llghll.ut hur· both of ua. Get UP. Braxton. unlels me like a merry what·s-Its·name. For ed. To me. the onU' do.sbeIJ crumb Tbe creedll ha';' abed moce blood ble a .erlow. dilplacement and wu riO's to Ihe boat to ...e he r olf. He I• •c· oC c()mfort In Ule whole bUIIDCIIII wa. yOU want the alabl~ I did recognIze sometblng! Tbe old an\1 ooet more human trealur. tb.n ('O.!Ited b1 a roll..!.o boy. who calli anddlacouraged and unabletodomy !11m "Dlok y," but hB does not see the Tile mu tIIIltlei #~i!)7 la tbe fellow'e unabSBbfld retw~ne to pa· the wonderful fact tbat SUlinp any other modem metive or c&UISe. work. My doetora told me I nllVM could Ktr!. .IH.cll DIllini'll ~a ll. to .pend the Jamas w~" VAat broucbt It to 6:Y at· lIeemed to have atepl like a JolL, Rip They muat JUlltlf, themllelvel In tbs be Cured wttbout an operadon. but nl s ht with Ughtnut. They discover deptbl of tile clalir. throu,h the wbol. beaaU, row. priceless rubl.,. hldll ,," In lh e buttons or Ufe of toda:y. Unlee. lOme ODe .han tlWIka to Lydia E. PInkham 'a Veetabl. ud II• •an,ed!" be rep!led t<mltOb. "Club th e puJamal . Dlllinp doni the paJILm .... "1 won't go In ~Ha!" O'Keefe nodded, ''There Ia abow u. tbe Yalt human Importanoe of Compound I am cured of that ~,cf;1on .n4 relll'e., l.Ightnut Laler dllcaver. with a anap of hla In 'I la a pnrtn.cnt a bed)' pt'rlon In mul· any dlrtT PQtIea wlIIQ_tbat's ftat! sometblog! JUllt 881 the word, I1r." CHAP'fER XIII. kn\)wlnc encti)' the Intrlcaclea of an· and haft recommended It to more thaa tOIl -chol> ... h l~ken and wearlnl pD..lamaa. [looked helpleslll)' at Jenlflae. and cient and Bubtle phllolOphlel ·we Dta:y ClMof IDJt'rIendia 1tItIi the belt I'tfI1lha. ~ t1e"~ln. call, Ihe police. who eleclare the You IUI7 take me In " Il •• ,ae IIrat. 'ntrud e r to be • crlt"lnal. called "FoJl1 Get a cab or a taxi. If I bay. to.o then 1 law tbat of a ludden he reco.· Fl'llnce" learn to IIID0re them all aDd ,.0 -lira. Elu ,k)BN8TON, B2t VIDe St. Orandpa ," wIth You'" nlzed them, too, HII e)'es rolled at By Jov •• It leemed to m. I had bMD Itrallbt ahead wltll . the buatnell 1of U fOIl wut "'flee write te "Oamey oN aport, anybow, by me under8tandlngly. &IIle l9p about a minute when 1 :aaW tryIng to make thll a beller world to CHAPT~R XI , (Continued.) I.J41. It. Pi.......e4Iclllfl Co. (eoal· Java!" I tIIoaaM with .udden admlr, "What Ie It, sid" deme.nfJed the suo'Ugbt aplasblnc tbrou,b til. live In, "Ob. come nolY. Braxton." .ald the deDUal) 10... letter win ' lt II eal" for many In ,on03U1 be e,.8e11, nait ad ••lWered " • • olf1ct'r to a tone or disgust. ".top Tour aUon. 00aJ4D'l ..elp tt, dUb It I O'KeeCe respectfull)', ''Tile law r.. blinds. Jenkloll stood beside me with 80m. tonel to reclt, thelr fallh, with n ce . . . . . ad Jaelt! ID .1rIct eolll. . . fo:llery; you're JU llt ulling up Ume. Heart Ju.t w_t out to hIm, somehow . qulrell-" I lenlb' bat..rpJaed U O:Keefe pre· I ewallowed hard. "U- ·U·£ U., P'" thlnll In hi. hand. attention to the. lu.t ollable aIltf tb Ain't It enough that )'ou're In thll Jamas," 1 8ald falnU)' , "[)IQD·~ t.'\)\.~ (lI1!. did you. .lrT" he .. leu.. of Yal1an\ ..I1l,ln~.'1 _ ~o . Hibernian. , buildIng nnd ' in thle gentlemU'1 pared to lap qa1D. '1'U .tad tile cab for hllll. otl1cer." Tbe 01,4 rllscal ,ttered a roar and w•• atlkln,. "I.ald t ~ipt lbe ad- fend It. lalt IoU: anci 'UHin to 10 'KJ:iloter-Wllat JI a Il"pl... cart -rooms!" BoclCer:-A Itep In the rllht cll~ drell looked like Mr: BllllOla' t;&IId· and 'arlDd dOWD the f.ce of the "ID hi. roomsl" explode(! Foll, I nltl wltll • amu.. "If YOu I rules, tried to get at me. t!oa, ' . make them.. .tronll out kJIow, fir wbatner It II, "You cold·blooded .coundrell he wrIting. Aod be'e gone, Ilr." : Grandpa , " Why, you lunkhead. thl. don't bellowed . "So this a- why-" "Gone?" weabft. of otben, an!1 tum the ip,ntleman ,. ,IU tell ' you I am hili wlll alIow.~ WhIch wln.t a.meld Tea alwaiYa win. I added III a IOweHCI ,olce: Dut here a jab of the night Itlck I lBat uP. rubbln, the IleeP fro. DlJ of a 4eyll to fhe appeala of eomlllon ".cuest!" I-Ie turned t6 me with a IOrt on ttamer!tai.. the be.~ ofherl,>patbartlca. "Mak.. It d. .11Iell ualer for 'ou. took blm In the aide with a lIot;r.:: :&ke eye., I had a befogged noUon. that bumanity. , ~r angry laugh. , Lack the ....ntlal Thing.. Economy. In Ate,,"'n. ''Tell hIm. Llgbtnut:' h. raeped. don'lyou know, aad ..,oldl eucb II. Jol. a blow on • puncbLng -bag. Wordl JeDltlns looked a little queer. Iy row. And-1l'-l want to ask )'OU left tbe old man and be gaaped de&"Yea. air. He'l n.o t In b" room, Dor "'I'TO batl enougb of tbls I" TIM! trouble With .uch -confeSlIO~1 4n' AtohllOn man 'I aQ~ ecQtlomlcal Tile IJlg poHceman's teatures ex· and your friend to .c;fept from me a peratel)' for breath , O'Ksefe frIed to In t1~e apartment an:ywh.ere. of rel1gion I. that , tbey bay. npt. \e won't 'IO to a ball ~e lJIll.... b. shake- him. "Elli-how-:.-w .t'. ~!'ti" For. Jan· en.o~.h', cq~*~t ,vlth real llylllg. .JIbt pia a ' PUI to a dou~Ie-Ma4.r,pandedln a grIn. while Tim doubled little tokeD of m)' .ppreclatlon/ · The policeman ellchanged a glance "DId you get tbose pajamae In ~In s ' hnnd extllnded In' enyelopa. ~nqup. conoem .bout real tlIlnp to Iltoblao Globe, • . ,,,, forwsrd an " Instant. hili blue gtrlb bere?" he demanded fiercely. and be "Perbaps YOU would like to read mu. a iDan ~1 tbelr bean ...., OIl ~ "abbllng with Internlll apprecIation wltb Tim and' COIIaldere4. "Well, air," be ..Id, "aa to tbe cab. drew back bls stlcit as tbouSh ror aD· thla now, sir." 11,., • Tliey are guJlty of Umltatloll Joke on t~ Dootor. of lhe ~OllF ooe'8 facetloullness; .nd of cours. If )'ou're • mInd to want to otber Jab. But the old geezer nodded It Wall from Bllllnl;s-I knew bla (18t .peculatioD. Ud anal:yall of ttie Del 1 .the Janitor -8ntekered. ' The ph),llelan. In Mankato had qUickly. glaring at me and trylog to In an Inetant. It WkS very ehort \Uld tnstead or lndicatina coDduet, lu'p Jenkins looked shocked. AI for me, do that. It'. ),our own ,atralr." ~creed t~t durlng ttielr Chautauqua He turned to hII eompanlon. wheeze sometblng. wltbeut headIng. In fact, above - .111 Ing to rlcht rel~U~. and noble dolftg ....embly theT would emplo, a call dllsh II . 1 n(>ver 10 wlahed for m, "JUlt C&nA61 " That'll enougb." old the,' omcer. nam,e appeare d JUlt a hatt·dozen plJl. of duty ID and .mongsl humanlty. ! bo)', and eacb wa. to p8y 'hll moooele, .uoo·t you know! - that. Tim" , he directed. He turned to me;" "You recognise ' ('li ed words. heavily underscored, anI'; O'Keefe's head angled a little to "Call a rour-wbeeler," Tb-, market and th. abop . • re tl\(! of tbe ex~nee. Thla bo, swaa to call ''T~an'' you, ~b,Jut. .. put In the tb~m, do you. Sl.~. ' , without, punctuatlon: &Ive me the beneDt of a aurreptltloua<e ttwl ~ !l~ed < ~a _~,. •n)" d~ .b.o-...'fa. ~~, Wlthoul old m.D arat.rlllli ;·You baYe got a I-I think so, I IItlIlIlmered, look· ....IDk. ' ten; .U the. rClllt, lpoten, IUD" Clr dlsturbbi, tb'e apeaker, as It was em. lag at Jenkins wbo nodded. "Tbey Damn )'9 u send me my clotbea ' " "Ob, certainly." he lIald, bls yolee grain of d~ ' len, by Oeor,e, after " "Pia c:othes7" I looked perplendlJ prlnt:.d, ~ I be b}lt empt, 'word.. ,.. bllrraeslng to him and iook~ aa If all!" beloag to a frleod t?,r mine who-a,~ man'lI _(ltual , b.llefa are wrouc ht out tbe, were doing It to adYertle. ,w1th· .!rectl"g a fine .areasm; "Ir the leD' must have left tbom here," at Jenkins. In t.he etresll pt life. He may take the out upense. 80.t all 'Went wen untll Meantlme, Jaklnl wal anlwerlo, tll'man says you're his frlerd-" "I see," Ho' nllbed out t1 He wa. hoklnl a tittle pale and of Jthe ' Moat High on hla lip. tbe aCternooD wben BttlcklaJld W. Gil. "He's 00 friend of mine," 1 pro- my Inqu\ry. "MInd glvl:lg me tbe name, sir? Just hel~1 bls eye~ Dnelly to the pIcture mand .po". All he' ,wa. talkln. away. claimed IndIgnantly. "Neyer Baw blm "I don·t belIey....... )'OU haye a bit a matter of form. you know7"""" He moldlnc acrotls the room. He COIi.bed with accenta of I'OnreaC8 .nd demqn.trat41 b1 bla clark creed 't hat II!' a certain doctor ~d ' . 6a~-,:tom the ot cash In !be aouee. ,"You told ' me licked ble penctt expectalltly. before In my life." genitl),. • bellevea 'onl, ID tbe wortb and power be ' walked out ntber . 1nstead of belog confounded. the aD Wh.u w.e ""rlog." "Ob, 1 eay. you know-" 1 gatlpecl "~~ell, etr," he uttered falDU,.; artful Old villain (ell baole wllh a the , de~lI. \ 1~iteli~t:louaJ1. ~' Som~ , of tIM! ~ople B)' Jew.. I lWIHIDbt!red nowl The at JenklD.. "I don't think aho-I-" "thc!y're In hll rdom, ' bUt he aln·t." · All we IU our hano on ODe anOUlel', tM ~gement laul{he4 ID U. ennIng'! ill'taat air of astonlsbment and dlama,. poker He Itepped. bllck. IBIlY1q IOm.runa: as VIe mark our WI)'I 't,brou,h Ufe, ~ "Certaln!:y not. elr." .ftlrmed Jen· and the llpeak!!r J lot IL a., Joye. he maDqge4 to torn falrl, 1 wu ~I wheth.r Ole)' on t lie stand by my beil. kIne. lolemnl)' looking upward. purple, . we leave th. Imp..... of ounelftl 0\1 : "Don't lau,h. folD, That iii · could u. . . dlecll. when I Ipl.4 BUI· "She?" Tbe note-book elowl)' "Wbat·. thaU" 1 qee.tloned .. others. we are writing our real creed!!. tbe W'Y 111)' brotb.r lot hi. ' .tart.. .. ·'Wha,"·t'll thllt?" be gasped atranc· Ings' wallet OD tM tabla. cloaed. tben with tbe pencil went alarm. "o\\nother Dote?" , HIgh h.ay~n. laqb. at our fooUI~ ~d.vel')'bodT roared, ,ll11l1ly and clutcblng at tbe collar of The . .ry tJahlg. 11)' Joye I mouthing. of worda and watcbel tIM! 'Jlls pajamas. "S.y tbat again, DIck,," Examination ~e4. firet thlnll. a ~a:y we '0 and the worb We do, for Lamb'a . Te n'u I'll of Life Not ~Ilong. 1 looked at him severely. ' wad of )'.l1oW·bacU. freah from the tbe.. prove tlMl Ipi1Dp .of our lIvea, A ParU' of prlYlleged" 'alehta.era "Oh, I IllY, don't call , me ' Dlck}',' bank, I ~ ~ two and puahed tile.. reveal ..,. lhlll" w. deelll,.. were admltted to a prl.,.te y(''If of ,. ,..Ither," I remonstrated, quietly. "It·. them Into the otllc.r·. hand. truJlb,Ue,..;" , meii'.ferJe between lierfor~cl!" "This beIoIlp to • fTlend ot mIne." '. name 1 on 1), like to bear m)' InU· . If a quul . ., . ". bellev, In G04 t." and _.!Done oth.r tbln.. were :~o'lf. :mate 'frlende u8e." I remarked; .~ Juat the .ame aa ,'!, then he aure"; lIy. ' .. "hat ~:w.. called a "HapP1 taiuu,," He kInd or caullht the back of a my own. dOD'l,OII know. Uld h. won't who bow. ~.t be Ia III ...reat tliat. 'III to lay, In one alld tbe ! kllte ellalr .nd glared wild I, at m. from mInd. Dull It. w.·r. SUit Ilke brotlafamlly, 'tb&t " the UnIY41r,le' 11_ a bom. CJlce there w~ a . tootIJI,. , . Uoii. I uil4i1r ha- busby wlntr)' e:yebro" • . The ers!" ,aJid not • jun,le; tllat mille aCl tru~ tiler, lomewhllt tile wane for· 'wear, beef:y rolls of bll lower Jaw actqallT A howl _ auJacal laupt.r from and rl,bt and' aOodn... ~U.tpr.evalli an'd • balf·famlabed woli., Beltdl ~Jiibled. the old fool t. tM chair ltattled UI \ba~ the OWl W!l:Y of IInq Ia th.~ theae wild anlmale, eurl.d ·tUPla. Olal "Don't )'ou-haven·t YOU alw')'1 both. ' wllleh . all nS- , clo~rT to A!ae oorner, a 'cUmlnuUYe llaiDb whlcb elUled me as that. D1o-.r-Llgbt· "ReKUlal' DaaIoD and Pythlas, damn that wblch we cill, .. It slumbered, DUU" be IOrt of whlepered. It I" he gabbled,. pinnlnl with hideous 1001 b'lfe' tllii animate lly6d B, Joye, tbe effrontery of lIueh act· face contortIaM. "One for all, and to.reth8irr' alted oDe of the part,. ' Make Sure of tha Fouriciatlon. , JOI talr\), dlsgu.ted me. t looked him all for on.1 AM Juat belp YOurl.lf; It would be i. 1004 thl., to turn " 'A)lout twe1.,. mO:Dtlil," replied tb. oyer r~m head t9 foot wltb meall1red don't mllld me. WII),..-hell!" frolll looilni back oyer Dill' creed. tea ehowm~, O·Keef. ~ ~m eharply In the m.k. ', lure of , tl ..!r fqwL,4atlon':-t~ "~h)'," exclallned a la47, ~. am Iboulder wlUl b1a .Ight aUck. t.te a ·,OQd,lona.. c1ear..loq~ to JD.I'ke lur", tbaUltUe'lapab I. 1\ot u old .. ~'Stop JVII1' ~Jarldnl . l)oW, Fox),." lure of rruttage. ~. . the,. an, th.t" • h. admODl8bed ailgrll)" "and eome etreflt on ' my ' me t ' It 'tHe:y lfaye ' riot "Oh," .ald tbe IbowmiD. ' quite 1m. on. H.... ua. psaUem.n'a lone and they .re dI')'U r up th. 1 very -heart moyed. "tli. lamb h •• to be renCtwel put up bla 1n0ll87 for a cab for YOU within, me e,,"r)' time I utter empti ~callOD.II'," and )'ou ouabt to want to ,.t out of I word I. ' ......- - - - - hla way 10 be eu ....t. .. Alit, It there Ia an, ~. In me, to DIII'II'ERENT HOW• .. H.·.· .ore been kind to ),ou," sup. wh.t creed ta It' du41f To that whJob' llnee the Slugg.r, Co,ae, W.. Aba... plemented TIm. wl10M e)'e had noted 1 repeat In tbe na" ,Of the ',.iISton: '( danN, ' . the pUIII., til ... )'ellow boy •. or to tba\ :,!blch I am. wortinS . ; ,.~~":,,, 'I . "Klndl" IDOCl84 the old lIeezer, ~rou,h IIf.·. 1."IO}lI,11 What are ., Colfee »robabljl."c{au.e. IDOl. blHou· IIbowlnl ilia IOIUered teetb In a ho .... tblnga' I cberf.b mOlt! . mit r;i.~ anel .o-c-.Ded :malarla 't bu ,aDY rlble rnD. "w.,. b.·1 a lu·lu, a reg· purpole of ~l Jily 'Iti1'f1bi' ~ther tIll~~,Y~~ · ~. c11~..t" ular 8a~_I" \Ie lbe dee~ .11~1. rot· coliduet" · (Tea 1.-Ju.t u ,lfarmf\U- .. coif.. be"No n . . . . '.. warned O'Keefe, .ucb QuHUon. I. to anco'v.,'!1iI.ute It cOtJtalna ·~If.lD., 't~ d~ la. aUghtl)' mUq ilia IlIgIIt atlDIt. "Come our domii1arlt·: beuet.. . . colrlle)'. ~i " ", on to the atre.t--you .eem to for,et ,The e~ to cberl.b II that 'Wblch A _Ft. Wotth 't;nan' 8IlJ'!I: )'ou'r. und. art'dt. .. atreqUa for.. 1Vortby Uvtng; . "I baye, anr.~., 1H!en 'or a ~~oua,t~ . ;"". He a4ded 1IUtU1: Im~- ~ ~ ~~au..~on oI.oUl 'laDJ.H,.t- tO· ~ .... Up , . ·t~ ','And I 0IIIIlt to Ilay. w.rn.d YOU an,-boat"that wlllch be .... ~ ' ~~~J~ ~ cot. , . that u)'tbl. ~ III8J .." ,Fox)'-" ', ot coelUM' iJildnea., lov., , I would-ba COl'.",d ..,ntll , ' NOh, )'OU P ~rooklJu'" 'anarlecl bope ;Ior all ,ou1' fel'9W1: 'that ,of JDaJarial ~..:w.. I'OIY. "For two plu rd knook "our ' . ~~)af. ~~.¥Ii!J" 1, . bes~, ,bej"'l ~~_~~~~ true. block olr, ,OIl fat·headed Irt.h fool! ali~ : ~!=t¥ " ~~ ,~.I ~d ThInk I'm IOIu down to th. aId.. "In Hla Roomal" Urat ,lu "behllld t~ ancient word. walk without., clotJl. . r anlS brIDs to pU'i tIl4ii aoo4 Of all "Are )'our cloUl .. IOmewher. III t.IlIa oootempt. "I don't know JOU at alI,oar peat tamlly-here.": , :' bulldln,r I uked with .om. 11'IIl' <1 II81d oolcUT, turning aw\lJ'. t ,odll!" h. wbeeled, c1lltcllJ.D, pathy. ,He wblr'" _ me IDHrtqly aDcI at. bla ..-tazled' balr. Flllhtlnl, . ,we.rlnll lind ProtHtl!,,,, Jeered Un a joUJ 8Crwech OWl: "Oh, no; DDt aactly In the build. CHAPTER XII. "No, .~llot ' uacUy, Bat iDC-th.1"N cia D., Iagpol. on the lDIIy lune.t-='wlthout o1(eDQ, III'I lend • M." .. A", roof, qI _ I BH.bel Blood': 111M~ out. I ~ :tIM ~ _~ II I' .. TIle two polIcemen .bJfteG, ..... rood". . ...-t Itr"
















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' ' 41






I tat oil .U.'edP _ the table w......

"'riaat'll abOut 40,')1'0&1," .ro~l,ed 11,. <rEMf•. ''1~'. eJltei1abi~ bat _Gap

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tit. old ,.~


' .'



tII.·pollceman'• • •,


.' ,



Heart r

By bola Forreater (Copyright,

1912, b y

A05ocllllec1 Llterar)'


Russell did not look up 8t the Ichoolbouse window ·wb en he drew rein. He knew that Bhe CUllld see him rrom ber desk. and the outer door was wide open. It wss welt arter four, anti all the ciJlldren bod vanished down Ihe four roads lending - from the 'schoolhou8e corner. They were Quite alone, If one ex cepted the r ed squirrel who W08 tenont for lite In the elm thnt was king of the piIlY· ground. a was hal! a mile to til e neur est farmbouse. All about lay 'J une fields, rich In lush graBS ready almost for mowing. Tbe air was golden , warm. hazy, lazy, wooing one to fOl'gel duty and day's ?ork. RUBsell ·. was hea v· lIy burdened wltb both at prcsent . As superlntend'ent of scbools In 141· verJle county. It devolved ~ on his , shoulders to I... the teacher go at the I.HUe Flaxy Bend district, because of Inlltt~ntlon to duty ond general laxity or conduct. That waB exactly the warding of (be charges In Mrs. Doacon Mabry's l4!tler that reposed In his COllt pocket . He didn't Intend to Ihow It to the r;lrl. So simple II seemed, 10 bard It , was fo do. He had fought against It ror nearly a week, remembering ber Up' turned, earneJlt face, 10 warm Ilnd tender I~ Its brunette tinting, tbe blS, brown eyes, An-d chlldlab moutb tbat drooped wfaUldly at tbe corner!!, the dark balr bound Bmootbly around thft small head; wIth a bla, black velvet bow on ODe Iide. That bow bad been ali oKenle to tbe enemy even, at leallt on o.a e Ilde. "Sbe alD't Itlddy enougb to teMb," old M;e. Mabl1" bad Intilllte.d. "I taugbt cODII8.emble after Afyron aod me were married, but I WIIB Itlddy. It'l a known ract tbat sbe'l settled rour or tbe boy I th.l s winter." "SctUed them! You mean expelled them'" , "No, 1 don't, Mr. Rusllell. Just wbat I W. She's carried on lirl·raablon with ' N.te Hoskins and

Since her comln« the wbole p!lIC'6 bad, bee'l changed. 'Tbe children bAit given little entertainments and earned money for u new stove, for new glohes und window boxes, and little fresh mUlllln curtains at the windows. At · the schaal eXllmlna· tlons they ha4 led the Other township 8chool8. snd before her days , Flaxy Bend iilstrlrt bad beeh IL p'roblem In education. "Yes," Bold Russell , wltb almost 8 IlgII, "I came 10 lIay goO~ .b)' . " . She waited a minute, chin raised. eyes questioning. . "Where did you tell me your borne wos, Miss Pbllllps!" be asked , leall ' log over tbe t op of tbe Inll desk, ann fingering a pink rose thllt was neareBI to him. . "Vel'mont. It'a onl)' Q ,[ltt!p ' blt of ,& place wbere th trllins stop tr they nrc flagged . We call ., ft .. phlllips' Crossing" "I 8uppose 1ou'll be' ·l;lu4.' '10 ~el home ... · . "Not 80 very," Sbe spoliP 'rc luctsntly. · wltb a little up!Ht of her shoulders. "You see. I have a SIE'I" father, anll I am the ()lIly child I, om the ftrst marriage . alld tbere are fel'en littl e ones now hesldes. Tbe.r don't mlsR me a hit, unless I!'. .a · guud mls8." "Wby did you come way don'n I!c:rc In the call n try '" ,. "Because ·1 "'·as In a hurry to go to work. The cit)' schools won't. tnke YOU unless you'\'e been through )l;or· mal. )'ou know. I like It nul here. Tbe work wos hard , but the victory wss. BO much greater. snd I do think the ~hlldren love me." RusBell caugbt the little wlstrul touoh In her ,·olee. "Th~ old folks are peculiar. • ren t they? Hard to cet along with." " I'm afraid they"llon't like ml' \' ery well-do they?" "They aay you're a good teacher. but-" Rose waltell ''and looked up at biOI quickly. Her brown balr was "ery near, with IbJ 80rt Batlny braids.. Be· tore be re.lly meant to, be had tuck ..d the pinAl: rOBe among tbem. "It locka mucb better there," b. added, ..nd wondered wb, bls own pulsea were racIng suddenb: like brookll In April. "But what! Please-pleaes ' .tell me?" IIbe pleaded, drawlll& " bp.c~, but Dot remo"ID.g tbe roM, "Wbat do tlley euT:' "Tlie,. laY' you're a .beart huntel'." Sbe leaned 1!ack ber head lind IJghed, ber hands clalPed . back or lbe 'rOlle, bel' e)'eB . looking pae~ hIm out or tbe ftrat open window. "They mean tbe boYI, I IUPJlOtlei Nate IUId tbe reat. Could I belp In Now, truly, could I. Mr. RUlllell! You kno.w jUllt what boya are, Tbey'd come here e"ery day, and bl'inJl; all sort. or tblng. lo 11M <that I dldo't want. Why, Lonnie even uee!! to bring me fOlC pelta ror II cloak, 0' all tblngs. Boys are alwaYII boys, snd they set over It HO quickly . I WBI just ae nIce to them as I could be." "I am not blaming you-nor them," aadl RUllell a bit unsteadily. "Only I agree wltb the deacon's wire that you are a very dangerous lind die· turblng InBuence to bave around the .. peacerul :>arta," The tears glistened In her eyes. "Oh, you don't really mean thut?" IIhe laid pleadingly. " yo~ tryIng ' to tell me I cannot teach here agaIn!" Russell .tared awkwardly down at ber bead, 'aa sbe leaned It on fold ... !! arms, and ber should ere Ibook wltb 80bl. "I've tried 80 bard, and the chlJih'en all love me," ebe ~ald brokenly. "I dIdn't want go back bome at all. I was gol,ns to board bere all 'suin, mer, and rest-" Then luddenly It dawned on Nell RUllsell Wby he bad driven ten miles that afternoon to make all fit and due explanaUons to tbe teacher In· stead of wrltlng. He knew juat why he had tbougbt or notblnA but her tender IIpl and dark eyes and low contralto voIce for weeks past. He knew wby he had nved every IIcrap or wrltll1ll sbe had ever lIent hIm, and wby he carrted In an Inner pock. .,t a IJtUe tan suede glove he had found bellde bel' cbalr alter • board meetlng- Qne day, Db, yea, he knew now, and be Imprisoned b()th ,her In hJs 'and railed 'them to bis


. -I'm Afraid They Don't Like Me V~ry Well-Do Theyf" }lBI\ny' EverItt and 'Walter ~Dnlnl., and even ,!Itb ~n'lIle ~urra1, aod thy-Vq', eyety one of them lost' heads over ber an4 pro'posed, and abe's refJl.ltl,d ..t,)lem alt" - "W:en?' ~ Russell tried to '1 a)leU mlldly,- rememberJnlthe nrlous at· tractiODS , ottha -aroreiald Jour boyS, "maybe isbe' dld'n't Inlend to have them tUe-· b'ei' eerioullly, 'M ra: Jdabry.': "Alld If l1t1e 'elldn'\, then slie's light· minded, and a beart hunter-, If I aay It mneH, ' 'htr. RUBsel1. Tl!at'. • what we always u86d to 'call tbem, . heart hunteN, and their ' minds don't go any" furtlier tban bunting them, and .lettlnl- them 10 aa loon BI! they're caulhl" R~IIII!!.II, femeJJ:l~r!,d ' ~he wbole COli' -q,natlon now a~e ' stepped Into tbe Uttre shQ'dow, .Icboolroom, low-celled, cool, .ftltli· fem boxeS at' .tbe windows and < 'bilbcbel or J.u~e ' r086S On ' tbe deske. ROle wal ber name, too, be . : , Pbllllp.. Sbe


"Rose," be said. "Stop crying; I've brOulbt you - anotlMlr heart, dear." . She etopped lobbing, but did not ralBe her head. . ·· .. 1 baven't anyone In the world mYllelf. · I came up bere from New York and sot alonl well. Tbere'l enougb I."ed In the bank to buy ua a good home In tbe rail, I . thlnk J could make 'you bappy, Rose, If J may wear you, dear." . . "What w.ouler YO}! wire and-and-all ~ke4 ralnUy. "That 1, had to dlemls8 you because 't let my wife work," he .' "Wbri't that do ror •




Ceremony Closed by Bride and (lroom Jumping Over a . .Broom-Wed at Early Age,

London .-There are tl;lldltions of U,le marriage ceremony among certaIn lfypsleB In England consisting simply of lumping O\'er a broom or besom . lind It Is only wltbln the Iss t fifty years that that custom hae be en ex· lInct In Wale8 . Tho besom was held by lh'e fathe r )r the bridegroom or bride, and first the young man jumped ove r It, and then the young woman, whereupon tho official would make some s uch rema{le as, "Now you ure married ." OYI)8I$19 invariabl y marry at an ear· Iy age, and as the pare nts are loath to lose th eir daughters, the girl, fl'e' Quently rUlls away with tho youJjg man ot h e r chOice. numbers of case s there IB no marriage cer emony. Only Ilcople who have lost th~lr character


Ph -='

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L.NaGr"-'~"""6A""d j


( ""ASTORIA has met

oeutioal . authorltles.' .It ' ir _J.U'~ftw ~ll" · '.D~ ~ .. \teIO .1 f results most gr~J UA,,' .+~ ..1t+~.~.n~~~ ,. .. J) .. re,sult of three foots: .iadispu.tabl& . tiY'll.t"noe 18acond-That it not only i£llaYl(!tP~:l~' -=-'' ' ' ~ ..''l1T'flates the food.: rMod-It is an BglIiQ&bla"ana tm1'1'l'\1·H.... +~ It is absolutely safe."-- It does not oontain and does not stupety, , It is unlike Oordial, etc•. a good deal for a. '" eyer, Is to expose dange~ .and record the meanti" Qr for poisoning innocent ohildren through greed or 9rrstI..."'n,., our knowledge, Castalia Is a remedy which produces n..-..a regulating the system-not by stupefying it-and our 6 1b .Ulu COUei the information.-HalZ'a JournaL of Be.alth.. , • .• IHI:o .... .l ~.- Letters from ·P rom.nent Phy.~t~~~ . ~ : .J .

addressed to Chaso H. fletcfae(\l .

.,."h, j4

Dr. B. Halstead Boott. of Chicago, Ills., s ay s : "I have pre 9c~~ . Caatorla often tor In.f&nta during my practice, anel finel It very BI\t!Bfsit ellyl\" • Dr, William Belmont, of Cleveland, Ohio, S:lYS: "Your Castorla stanl1a, \'" ftrat In Sta class. In D17 thirty yeaTS of practice I can aay I nevllr have ,,, tound anythlng that 10 Med the place." Dr. J, H. Taft, of Brook11D. N. Y., says: "I havo used your C8storla and found It an excellent remedy in my household ant! prh'ate practice ter many rears.. The formnIa is exce\lent." Dr, R. J. Bamlen, of Detroit, MIch., says: "I prescribe your Cnstorla eztenalvel,., .. I llaft never found anything to equal It tor children'S troubles. I am aware that there are Imitations lu the field, but I always ice that 1111' p.tlent. pt Fletcher'a." Dr. wm..J KoOrama, of Omaba, Neb., BaYs: "As the father of thirteen chIldren I certa.Inly IOmelhlng about your great medicine, and aaldo tram Jn7 own faml17 aperlence I have In my ycars of practice found eastorta a popular and e1Ilclent remedy in almost eTery home." Dr. J. R. ·ClaUND, of PhIladelphIa, Pa., says: "The name that :your Cutona has made for 1t8elf In the tens of thousandB at homea blet!sed by the presence of chUdreD, aearcely needa to be lupplemented by the endorsement of the medical prot_Ion, bet I, tor one, most heartily endorse It and belle1'e It an uCellent remedy." Dr. R. M. Ward, of XaDau City, Mo., BaYS: "PbyslcllUll generally do noC preser1be proprietary preparaUona, but In the case of Castorl. my experl· ence, IIQ that of m&II7 other physicians, haa taught me to mako an exception. t prescribe JOIlr Cut.orla in my practice because [ have found Ie to be a thoroughly nllable remedy for children's complalnta, Any pmlclan wbo baa ralaecl a famIIJ. &8 I bave, will join me in heartiest recommendation of CutorIL..


A Gypsy Home. go Into a church to be married, said one of tbe Hearnes: Incidentally he mentioned that Oerman IYllBles like \0 have theIr chlldren' baptlzed aa often as possible, and the practice of successive baptism IB not unknown In England. In both England 'and Germany the rood of a gypsy must on no account be touched by a woman's dresa. On One occasion, saId Mr. Thompson, he was having tea with a family wben a. boy' at 16 hurled back a piece of bread at his mother because she had allowed It to touch her dreBs while .he was cuttlq It. She remarked he wu rlght not to eat It and' sbe cave It to the' dog. The COllY held very strong views .on the value of chastity. As recently as 1875 .n old SUffolk gypsy eald the' IoDclent punlsbment for Immorality lWall~ burin I olive, and he described '. cerlUln spot where, S8 a boy, he saw a girl undergo tbls punIshment The corpse at a. gypsy Is usually car. rled to tho grove by the mourners tbemselves, and the day after the fu· Derlll everything whlcb had belonged to tbe dead, except money, Is destroy· ed. Three vans had been bUl'Ded dul' Ing the Inst year. The harness and everything was Jllaced In the van, loaked with paramn and set on fire, and tbe ashea and the parts that could not be burned were burled, or, prerer. ably, thrown Into a rtver or the sea. Crockery was broken and the rl'llg, ments dropped from a ferry Into tho Mersey; tn' '-Jlother case the unburn, ed portlon~ af':!i\ IJllsy's belonglngc were carried miles In order to bo dropped Into the Tyne. Only tbreQ JDQnths ago, on the death of ,a baby n few months old; the family burned practically a neW wagon which had cost £80, The custom of destroying everything was. due to the gypsies' fear that un· Jess th18 were done the ghost of tbo dead person would return and haunt

Jt. .


"By the oath of my dead grandfath. er" IB the most sacred oath a gyps)' can swear.-London Chronicle.

BONUS OFFERED FOR TEETII Unusual Activity to Collect Fals.\ Molarl In COUTIty FolloWI, Mass.-"Wanted - OIri Green1leld, raise tee~. Send old artifiCial tee~h , I mall you Immediately three cent~ tor each tooth received." Tlilll>advertillement, which appeareu ~ tbe last Illsue or a ON!enfleld week: Iy newspaper, bas clP,uBed unwontecl activity on the part ot Franklin COlm ty reel dents, . The outgoing mall hn3 aSBumed sucb proPQrtlons thRt tho poshnasters ot several hamlets ara ~oP'!tul ~at their receipts will bu swelled lulJlclently to secure them /I higher aa1ary rating. Old _ tee~ ire being resurrectell from atttcI'i",:barDS, and abandonee A 'Co :brain youth admltB rob· bing a Ic~recroW' 1u \jIB great·uncle's cOfnfhild 'Of "'Ii a great·grondfather'n false teeth. ~'~ In one local cafe JD~reet In th " bll8ebal1 poolla overebll4owed by heavy wagere as to "")10 'Collect the great· est 'number ', of ,artlftclal, teeth which have aeen actual ·8 6"lce. . .






'" ~od' .~ok'. \o~ Mlllllon.. N IIW" Y()rk.·-,]~lie iA,me:l'lcllII




ALWAYS !em the Si::'gn;a;tur~e.;;o_f_~_-

~~~,~ The Kind You Have llways Bought· .

In Use For Over n&CT, 30 Years. .,... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "


Poor Glrll. Mra. Willis-What do you tblnk of that Highupp girl marrying Mr. Bul· Ifonf , Mrl. GlIIla-Isn't It awrul tbe way lOme "rls sell the.maelvea for money? Mrl. Willie-And did you hear about 1\IIss !'olunney marrying that obaulfeur! Mrs. Olllle-Yes. len't that about the wo rst case of Infatuation you ever beard of! FEARED AN OPERATION. Found a Wonderful Cure Without It. James Oreenman, U2 East AdamB St.; Ionia, Mich., 8ays: "What I suf· Cered with kidney troubte I can never expres3. It was nothIng short at tor· ture. In bed for three months with terrltlc paIn In my back, an awful urInary wenk· ness, dizziness, nero vousness and depresBlon, r rapidly lost 46 pounds. My doctor advilled an operation but I would not submit. Grave! was forming snd the urine bnd almost stopped. 1 began taking Doan's Kidney Pills and after ulll,ng one box, I psssed a stone hair an Inch long. 1 continued paning smaller Btonca until torty bad he&n ejected. I recovered tben and wnll .oon S8 well as ever." ''When Your Back Is Lame, Remember the Name-DOAN'S." 60c. all .tore8, FOlter·Mllburn Co., BuffalO, N. Y.

MUll"'• •

ArchIe Finds a Sacrlleg.. The last time Pre,ldeat Tart was In Chicago he waB In vlted t.o the Inevit· able banquet. Accompanrtn« him were bla eecretary, Mr. Hmes, end hll mill· tary aid, Major Archibald Dutt. In the coune at the dinner tbe Chicago men Bang A parody of DixIe. Butt. ""ho f8 tram Oeorl(1a, bad his whole evening spoiled rlcht tbere. Somebody, noticing bill pained e:a:pres· slon, aaked him w.hat tbe trouble wall. "Oh, that song!" he exclaimed, .Bod· Iy. "You might aa well parody the Lord's prsyer,"-POJ)ultU' Mas:azlne.

,~l '"


... l ......



easeM of Fo~"1 8 tt sent li'REE. Bourbon Ram.dy Co. Lomp., "


doing the sights of the town. Boon they came to a show where a tlckel • "' , RUl1ounoed "Children Half PrIce," 8 No. 3 Oll"or Type..- rl",r_ ; like I,...",,) OJe .. ; "Oh, do let U8 go In. mammy," said HIKu ·Ornde VI. itol,' Writer.: cos t 1100; InkeD Bit Ret..'urlt)' t o r n tonu; must. I'cn.ltzu 1a:1.3..'l. the little one, unnd buy. baby. now amount lo n.oed on t'lu'h UHu:hIUl'l ; blglJRrg"ln; they're so cheap!" c ame direct (rmn ru£' t ury ; wlll ship "ny une tu ,)'011 O. O . D ., nllowLulil' yon to t.ry ABuie tbree ,lAY. before hu ylng. M 0 R T Q A QED I! PT . The woman wbo carea tor a clean, M6RRUO LOAN CO., OINOIII\NATI, OH ,O wb'olesome mouth, and _eet breath, will flDd Putlno Antlaeptlo • joy tor· ~r. ever. At drugglst8, 2lie a box or sent DAISY FLY ~ILLER ~~~ At... Jr(cet, el..o orpostpaid on receipt or prtce by The ~::t li.O::::D'~~ Paxton Toilet Co., BOlton" Jlaaa.

::l-:m:' ..

HIs Howell-l leG that Rowell has gone .. Into bankruptcy qoaf.o. Powell-Yel, faiUne 'I hJI failing. IUIlOLD .... WIII.low'l IIooW. It7nP lor cr..ndrell kethlDrr, lOfteD' tho rr'''''', ..... _ loll ......... l0l00, alIa7. p.Io, cun. wtnd coUo.llIo • bolUe.

The man wIth an lmqln.tlon IB alWIlYB on the ragge4 ~. of makin, hll mark.

DI.crlmlnating p"r.on ••bould kno",'> A Quarter Century Oarftel4 T_llla .melent Before tbe public. Over Five Million Free thllt Samplee gh'en away each year. l 'be con· remed¥ torllvel'tMuble. andcolt1venesll. .tant aD,d incrl'8sing ... Ie.e frOID rsomple. Marriage II about the only thing proves tlhe genuine merit of Allen'. Foot. ~se, the nntisepti~ po,vder t~ be shaken that will cure aome I(1r18 of clggling. Into the 'shoea for fIred; Acbln!!, Swollen Tender fect. Samille free. .Address, Alle,P 8. Olmated, Le Roy, N. Y.

Wilter In lilu 1.0R·l'slululteraUOD. - Glll,n sud mllkesllquld blue costly. Buy Red CI'OM Ul.~e!i clot.llea "bU.' \W " lIcnr. • I u,. . ~..,..:!:.~' ~ut what . ... · rlgh~, ~b­ -11l)tlIllnll wroDg.~A,p.~l'4w ,.·J.,~k.

clown a. cblck's tbroat cure" gapes. Ate,,, drolll to tbe drinking Wllt"r cur"" and prevents cbolera, cllattboea and otber cblck disease ... One IIOc bottle mutes Ii gullone ot medicine At all drug~AUI. Sllmple and booklet 0110 'DIll-

Babin at Half Price. Little Beasle and ber mamma were -

Her Advant.gel. "I eJJould tblll\{ Buggs made tblnge Don't buy ..ster for bluloc. Llqolcl blUe Is very uncomfortable tor bls wIfe when almost "II water. Buy Red Crou Ball 1I10e, be 8U 1\ habIt of storming allover the bille tbat '. all blue. the house." Pessimists may be men who are d18' "What need IIbe care how he Itormll, apl)Olnted In tbemaelvel. as long RS sbe I. relgnlng It?"

Utrlko Breake ... of Old. Elijah was belng ' fed by tbe' tIlVenB. "I ' do,I i't core If the walter. do IItrlke," lie boasted, . .

.KW . . . . . IIII'W.

• • • • 00 . HAd. of metal, O&D'''Ir>lllor lip OUt; . , .. not eoll or

I nJar. aa.:rtb 10, . Uaa,..nM!ed e"eat..,.. Bold b, d •• le •• or

. _OlltUIII.


• Mn' prepahl for 11. A ........IU~a, •.


COD Earn. SaIu7 Every Moatb Representing THB DKLt N BATOR, EVlIIIV'


BOoy'5 and AOVl!N'FVRB. Man 01' woman , younR or old-4f you want work for one hour or eight hOUr! a day, write to TOE BUTTEJUCK PVBUSBING CO,

BatterieS( Bull4lug, New Y_k










_ _z±2


' WAVN~VIl:.LE · CHlJRt... ES "



MethOdlit Eplaco.,.t ~b..~ , auocella of Int•.rnai Combuetton ' .".\ Vartoue p,.c.... Tried, on ~Y. O. 8 . GraUl8~. p ..tor, glirt. May CIUI. Aavollltlon In .ank Notea by the Gennan 1m. Sunda, Scllool, 9: II 11. lB. Mornln« .~r OGmmllllloner. fix Mlary at 8100 per EXPERIMENT THAT) RAlaED INNllw Suits 8hlppln" Induetry. perW Prtlltera. vIae. 10 t80 a. lB. Evening Hervloe, ... : 0 p montb bp.glnlltnl JUDI 17. TERnT1NO'QUESTION. Ill. Mhlw_1I Pr \yer M"lln" '7 p, lB. Charlo\to W Gnbam flied 8UU Bille-J . 8. Korrlt, Iu,p pllel fol' A revolution In the Ildpptas .... the Ire&t dUlleult, which IDOIt -~~-st. AUJUstlne', Catholic Churcll. alllllnit Elmer E. WltklnlaDd LUlie trea_arer'.:! OffiOll, '39.83. SonShard InduatrJ probably unequale4 III any people meet with 111 raprcl to blok ~3500 II _ .. t "'A period of ttl hlato,." wae pNdlcte4 nolea Ie that of bem. able to keep Father Low YaUl w \Vasklnl for. a el.... 0 .... NovelLy Co .. 1000 aluminum 8ea111, Mus eYery aeooDd 8uDda, of Lbe IBOQ\h It. 1 & Nobody, aa Yot. Haa BIMnIAbIe to AO> In a Ireoeut IDtJankw lu Loo4on by them, It probabl., come as . ' aur. due 00 promlllllory note. 8tanley 19 20. '1'._ L. Bigelow & Bona Co. count for the M'*'V8' Convol. 81r MllrCUI 8&moel. head of the Shan priM to , to lem tlicire aii 7et 11:00 a.... ~'" ol.y are .\torney'l tor tbe pili in · bu wIng welgb18 and melsur88 t~ tiona of the WeddtDg4RIRgTradlElg and Trauport company, ow· oUlere for .. bam the dUllculty 18 bow St. Mary'. EplS(Opai Churda. II If. and from atate hoult', 13. C . U . Try fw YourwaIr. Ing to the lucce.1 or tbe Internal eom· to «et rid of them. Tho dlmculU.,. enRev. J . F. cad.. &II~er. ReeL",. tatled ta deatroylnc lueb paper are Marvill merCJbaodllelor oonrt house bUSUO:D engiDe al a maUve power for Com mon Pleas Proceedings ~ucda,. SIlbool. 11 :30 a. III Mornln I .er , veleel,•. well Wutratecl In a 'ftIrJ IntereatlDa 350enta, IDqaest over deld body This t. a ~el')'/of the weddlag "It :Ineure .... he ..Id, "a ..vtq III arUcIe QPOIl paper deatructioll by UI.e vice, 10 :UO 11, lD . Holy CommunloD lbo IIrat 8uud., 01 eacll 0100'11. )n Ibe GaM o~ I!'rank P . ForRY of Eli MoKlnney, '8 40. Karn D. ring. CllD JOU aoIw ttT Nobody,,, COlt I,nd a grelt la.,11I1 of .pace. Oennaa tmpel'tal prID\era. thl xaa.u "'ht Nettie \I'orgy againl$ John Renkle. fee8 and t'xpeD~e8, '131 10. 1«' bu been ab.." to acooant tor Ita weight and crew. ct.anllne•• would CIt;,. JGamal san. ChrilUan Churdt. . OOIITobIl:kma, bat ma;,be 70U be InC'reaaed and al.o tbe comfort of Ktler ,he plain'lffe advlaN! the F 11& B n,ohinlloo, TbI IIII8lIIo4a prerioua17 available electrical repair!!, .U'aAIIe 'II "'L.. Rev. L. O. Thompeon. PIIItAIII. w. .... more C..,lIa'. VBslengers. It would IUlure wety ..... ~ boillll&' and ~ Cll nr'tbat the 8um of ,M2 HI lid Blblll Icbool. ':10 L m. 80dal 13. Xenia City Work bonse. bOiled What make. the ~ rtDa from 'b oiler exploslonl and lpontan. _ III &be ant PI'OCelI It baa be. 1.0:111 L.. ObJU~11W Knd. .1'OI'. 7:00 Po . . jlidged to be du. 'bem Dt!)em.ber 31, bl' PMtor evN'7 &IselDac. 8~" inl prlftooertl , t31 56 F , P Fq .. ·~." IW1D«T ou. C'~mbulltlon and man,. other ad. foaDd tIIIIt e.,e ..bere a lpedi,& """' s-oa 10:10 a . •. UI4 7:10 p. m. l\IOG ba. Dever bflAn paid and .Tames boardlnlt and "lIlblDg for prlaoDerl, Wb,. doea It Iwtac ODe WI7 for a vantat~e. , D&CII .... 1Ieml naed It h.. not tar.. aDIl quite anoCber wa,. tor & "Th h b t >1.- I F " lIell 8r. wal "PlJoloted Bone 193 ~.. Lingo & Blair, lIupplles, man. Hlcktlte FrIeod. Cbur4e woman' '016 w 0 arlue a ou __ n- ..-u27' ........ that .. bOe u.. . . . erea&e,d coat ot 011 do not underetand. JUta ~ )I&tCIIIMII were cteataw.. P~pAri on 'he defeadan' D&) Meetln". 0 :00 a. m. nra' Da, '6 &3 0 J. ]!ill ward", Botlng 00 ..II It the cmrere_ ID "bat wlee men You EIlU8t remember that one ton of ~ U. eoateDtII _n nO\ . . . . . . . . - . 8011001, ·11 ;00 It. II, FOIiN Day KOCUR«. 10 :00 a. •. oner. inqll88t over body of Rut·h I call "aurar' AII4 & ~wn Lon- 011 Is equal to tour toni ot coal and III dill __ at stamped or CUUDICl ,.. Re.I Eatate TraOllferl AnD Morford, ' 3.115 WUIOO Uog ckln doetor has reoeDtI7 delDODStratecl tbat the larger power Internal combu. per U. mattar .... lun - . . tor the Orthodox Frlenda Churctl. Iildward BreDDer et II to Belen leaby bortal of Ell MoKlnney 175. : that the aura of u.e male aDd female tlon elllglne makes for .reater econom,. ~ baked toptbor tote lOUd MIL RuSh Murray, p ..tor , • ! durer wtdeb. In using oil. I think It II a creat pit, bIodm. Cbe laterlon 01 w!dell . . . 8herrl", five aorea tn Dprrfield B P. I IlIlr. sewer pipe, • ." 20 . Al \ WeddlllC rings often make the people the United Statell. with Ita ImmeD.e QattIe IIIIt&d. . SabbaLb 8011001. 11:110 11.10. Rrllular allureD 10 ,'0 • . m. OllrlsLll1n Eucleavor. \OwDlhip, 11. bert HrllnC, vlew"r on 8pnrllng I'Who wear them. aDd e.,eD other per- oil rellources, Is not tuln, a more 1.0lIIl tile MCDID4 proeeu tM paper for .enloe. '7:31111_ A. T. lIoler aDd Emma A. Moler road, '4. Joseph Gilmour. viewer aons, beha\'e bI the most unaec:onnta- tlve ~~I't In tha development of th. datrocdOD .. placed III lroIl boIIen. to IImoo MoDoIJIIld anli Eva I. 00 8pnllin~ r01\d ,.". 1::1. . B t:!tokl!l.1 ble manner. but few of WI have ever Internal combustion marine eolf,ne lye la atdlled aDd the oaUente then . . . . ,lIeen a weddtng rlug ltaett tDdnlge ID and that the Il11'gelt aU company hai jectllld to the prolonpd adIon ~ Mo Doll ald. 101 in BontlY8burg, tl Ylewer on tlpurltnll: road, ,.. Ed mYllterious perfonnan~ ' not done more to encourage the trade. .t-.m. .... a deatrcicd". DIOCBU tor Samuel ~ Woodward 1\I'l! itli811 BellOhler, oontraot '15. tierm!lD I And this Ia not II trick. Remember "All an Instlnoe. tbtl 011 compan,. aman quaDUtiel thIa .. qaSte dactuJ. Volk Ie Loni8 Folk Pllrcief', !rllotl In Kenter, bridge repaira TurUecreek I that. went Ito Roumaola. but froro one poIDt .. la al80 that of pa'PDc. a p~ It Is a scleDtttlc experiment., wastrat.- or vle'lV It waa elngularly unluoeealtuL ID which the paper Ia art up tar IftabI'raDil\iD and C1811roreek tOWDfllhlp. '"wDsbip, '7 911 - ____ • lug the laft of pbyBlc:a, phystology or The J~roductlon after loma ,.eare' lag ltDlvea In '6500. psychology. , workhllg reacbed an averare of about In both 01 th. . euee tIatare I.. bo,,Luoie Pa~HI'80D &0 EnOl OverMan Coughs and Break. Ribs This Is the .. ay to fO aboul It: tltteelll tbou.and toni a month. We ever, uother dt1llcult7-Uaat at dI.poe. holllH 1$8.75 acrea In Wa"blngtoD After 1\ frlghtfal ooaghing "~Illllli Take a altt'er fork aDd place It be- went tbere yean later and our pro- lug of the product. It C!UDIIt eull7 man In .Neenilh, Wle, fea. terrible fore you on a poUaheel wooden table. ductlon Is 50,000 tona a month. I ha,. be 1014. It "W not P&7 to trauport • town.hip, II. lIary Arml'1'ODI to Mida M pnlnB tD bll side IUlll btl dOGtor [The fork abould be at right angles alwaYls maintalDed that the 011 Iuppl, and on hand the eocIde.. ...,. ID&U MlI1.. 3'.92 ao~eB iD HarlaD town. fOUDd two rlus had belUi broken trom your body, with the handle neal'- of the' world II more Ukel., to be met Illllckl¥ Co. bacl. , , What agolly Dr. &:1011:'1 New Di~- eat you. In thEI Borneo 1Ields than In an,. oth· The 'German IDiputal prIaten u... Ibtp. fl· oovery WOU ld have sllved him. A Seat youl'l!elf at the table. TIe a ar. Tbere we bave unUmlted IuppUeI, fore deeldeel to tr,. a .... ~ M1~ II. 6'l1el aDd . AloDIO i$llee fe .... tellpoonlful ellds a late oougb, piece of light Btrlng aboat 1ltteen 10 f]),e quelUon of 'prohlblUft ooet tn. It up d,.,. To tbia -.4 u.s,. .. to .,ary ArmltroD, et al '"0' In while perelIMD& ule roa~ obstinate Inebes In length to a pla.ln go14 ..ed· need :Dot entel' Into the NCJloninp of ltaUed • tortJ' boree ·pow_ mill. whlda ooa"ty '1 oou,las. e:ll1818 .'abborn ooIds or dillg ring. Alter the weeldlllC rlne the maintenance of motor drtven .,. . b,. • proceae of hurtlll&'. cnaaII.1q and , . beall weak, Il:re IUDffa ' ·1 fBAI ~ure has been Ueel to the ememe end of eele." teart,DC redDoee the paper to an atmo.t .JOb Arml'rOD, \0 ~u. Arm i'- a Qod leDd to humanity," wrHer the Itrlug wrap the other ewl of the • - ...- - po..derlike fona, 111 which It pauee l'roDIf, "act 1a OOUD'y, 11. lIrl Effie Morton, Uolumbia, Mo , string three t1mea around the ftrIt The Cat of at. P.u .... throiap a lIe.,e Into a co"ectlD, cbamWUllam Armab'oDR to Mary Arm- "fol' 1 NlIeve [ would have oon Joint of the t1rat ftIIger on the r1&bt Bt Paul's chapel and churchyard, at ber MMatJa the IIl1l1 rMb for pad• • 'l'oQ n al UArt ID OODn'" Ii. Iumpli')n tadllY, It I had not ueed Juuld. . Broadl,..., ud Falton ItNeta, Ne" tq. 1bla. bcnra•• r. ·.... aceompan1ecl b, WiJHam It to William A. tble grea$remedy" Ita lEUIJ.rlln'eed Hold the Itrlng ID pta.ce around the Yort. have a variety of aUUtSel. B.' t o 1II$l8(y, and :you can get • free fll'lltftngerwlth the ballot the thumb aldM beluc. Iho.. place of'hlltorte a Yert objoctlouable _ture, eapeelall,. Yoorlaeee aDdS.Ul.e Voorheet', tno& blal boUle or 50_00nt or 11.00 alze ot the ame hand. Place your rtcbt IDterEllt to the .trauger, the., e1ve reat "hen doaUna with CUJIlIIII8d paper In iD O1_..r ..k, 15. 000. a~ an dealera elbow aD the table bee1de the fork, and .,oothlnc at the noon hour to maDJ the crlDdlq. Such a dlllt " .. eraated , _- • ..I,th the forearm In a vart1cal position, a Wllllry ..orker In tile bllf buJldlnp that tlloqll tbe worDa. enlACed Undertaker and Embalmer, Probate Court AN ABSENT-MINDED PROFESSOR and permit ,.our hand to drop .t • wblelli surround them. Not tIwI leaat wo'r e , protaetore, It )'at . pereI8teotl1 Will be foaDd lD 'h. 014 right anele from the 1I'rlal Tbla aJ. of th'e lr ulefulne.., bowe.,er, In the IDled .od blocked their . , . and . , . BaDk BaUdIDI. oppoeH. p , .. Bo1l1 WH appoln$.. d ad )owa the etrlllf{ with the 'Wecldlu rtna opiD1(1n of a certato majeaUc Thomu trlla. or lb......... At- ot ·0 eDe A very abient_minded profesa.or atta-...... to .. ~-. "'~U, o-er ...t, I • .. ~t t"_..... IbID the NatioDal .Bank. .... the wOrk of 'paellJDc .... CID W. ml -"·t".-r 7""1"'.... -~...: ... I wal buelly en,alfed In 1I01TI'Ig a .......~ ...... '"""" • ..... ca II.... -y a ..o ... a p aoe w ere TelephoDe io ho~ aDd et· .'"..... he mlI,J dllport hlmee1f. Be la an 0.. aecowat DOt oeb' anlIaaIth7, un..lI1JqR ......pur. .r. "eoeawvu ftoe where J ClaD be oalJe4 CO..... lI'aa&ecl ADDioe K . OrC'ller, lOi8O"80 problem wben 'he Dune The rIDg must be aulpen4ecl abont Dameilital belllC of rteb, ,olden hne. Iy performed aud also 1IDICOIloJDIcal, da,. 01' Dilh&. _~I" of the ..taM of aattte Ill. hulU, opened 'be library door and one-quarter of an IDem abo.,., the fork, and he la b,. no meul una"are of hll efforte were made to tlDd eoiDe . . • _..... • ... t t II e t and •• -~.- •• _ ....... - at .. - - - beaat.,. With ltatel., - - be ltala ch&llical meua 01 clolq It. D1l11CS1lt7 PhoDe 14-9. deoeaMd, leaT. '0 traDB. aDDOGDO 1\1 a grea am Y VltD , - - & I - .............. . . . ........ .."!'b. little etr.nger baa arrived Wr. about tbe premleee, u ODe ..ho I. r. after dUlleuIt, uaee. MaID 8tnet. Wa,D• ..,Ul•• O.I. Amona ncb IUJ' be IIMIltloDe4 t1I&t aDd "'~'D oenaiD .&oakl of t i l e . . ' PilUle ,.our left band flat and palm .poulble for thelr proper apkeep, and IpJral t.eder harillC lIMa dnl8Id It ""''-4' ProfOl~or. down"ard upon the table beDIe Uta, PMI haughUly at men lauman tatna- aw.. : fouocl that the paper woaJd 1Ome- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- . "JIlh?" sald the profsftaor fork. ;00 ),our belt to keep 7OUJ' hand d~re. When eatt.fled th• ., an IUm. 1 MarrII&e Lk:eIueI "I". a little boy. " 1Il1d tbe Dnne. Itead7, an. Ulna prennt the ttrtDg. denUy cowed to al~mpt no daaaa&e Um. form IIlto balII IOIl4 .. bloeb I ' I . ' "Lit'le boy. 11"1& boY." mueed' with the attaebecl wecld1D8 rlD& from to hili eatat. ba mountl a UmewOni of wood, wbleb clde4 tM etrwte to DR. E. H. COSNER, ~'.a1e Wrilb' 28, borlemaD of , "W h InlfluctuK- In..u. of),our efforts, )'ou urcolPhqa. and curle hbnMlf ap for DlQIJ. th.a b, tM JO bone powtW m0Ou_ aDd ~Dlul'a HarU, 18. of 'hlle pror~r 'J ewll, as~ ,lmBWba' ..ill ftnd that the we4dlnc rlDllIIOY.-. btl aUeruoon nap. Uta ,.eUow coat. tor. TIle tIQIrI&I prlatan. ;tlWi...... aN oN,.ta, e "f!aDtl. - une oman e olPe H a man II boidbIc the IItI'hl« tile mUCI,led In a oe.t of wlndlnr 1'f'I, Com.,.oI01I . wedlllng rtll&' WUl commence 110,,1, to fairly mumto.,. the creen..., and no" to be eaacrata1atod IIpiOIl poe••• D,'( aarrleoD II, farmer of ) . - 8W17 bMk aDd forth alollC tbe fort. apbaJlt the memortal aIabI be Pl'8ll8llte IDe a ........ ~t · m Ita klocl. It the DIII*. pIDdI It up to aU Jilpr.1Daboro to lI:&IIel L. Stow '1. of Cholara 'n India. U a ..oman bollia tbe atrinc. the rIDg the comb1llatlon of era)' and cold of r,uaklla. Cltolera .... 1Irlt recopll64 b., t!le eWI,1 acroaa the fork. With lOme wbtdll J'reneh conturterw are ., foad. Il..~.dealnd aDd ..... IL 912 Relbold BulJdlnlt ' Port~e In India .. far back" the people the movement Ie 1l1ieht, wblle The 'rerpr Tbomu ~ to J'iull7• .~ the 1I&t* .. WI! mldclle of the alateoDth centUJ'J. It with otbera It Ie marbd, but at all lOme tenant III ODe of Ole blc omee form ·IetebM bat uWe CID aoooaat Dayton, • Ohio bu' ttle peeuU.rlt,. of followlu. a tImea It II uDJDlstabbie. buUdllbp, but he Ie • I'III1Ilar habitue Ita ~t I~ 01 fiber, mlU ta JIll DOt oalJ' D&JIDC oft, Now here'. the mClet cartOWl part. If of . th.~ chUl'Ch1ard. . _dUor T. C. PaU.iean appolDt. ..ell-deflDe4 route., ~ 1:I'00re•• JWlt ItJal oatla.7, bat Ie &leo -JIDc equal to tha~ • t : " 'G:· ~ .to jIMarDU a ...oman la bol4lD1r the .utnc "heD " " Ill. All.. Baff_D, dlpa'y ooa.l, . 0 a , .... III wonm.'I ....... .. toot. the movement IU!rQIII tbe fork hal OUI' 1_lIeat LIbrar7. i_~r . o; w.l,hie aDd mea.u.... aDd once been firmly eatablilhed. let. A C:nrloWl DtUe bnlldlllC Ie altuated man place' hIB' rllht band IrmI7 UP01l at Plneblulr, North CarolIna. and lli b. IN KY her left hand which r.aa UPOD the tao )Jendt to be the amalleet pubUe Dbble. T_ rtng WUl be _ aJowly to ..,., :bI the PlDebld Ie ClGI, There WH a yonD. mao of Jt, atop Ita CI'08I lD09emeDt aDd after a .• IDlIll place, "Itb a JOpqlltsoa 01 Wttb ladl. wu aim " Notary Public few IIIDmeata the moUoo WUl be ... :fewer' than onl Ilundred ID aummer, .• oe 00., vel'lJed. The rtu wOl I'Wlaig the IenIth and lI'lleo the ladles at. the ~. d. Wb....~1' he d . , . AU ktnu4)f No.. Work. PeDllOD of the fork. dde4 that they oucht to haTe a pablle · They would bother hiUl 80, Work .. l!Jpeotal'y. . A lImOar c:hanp ollllOY8meat will )Jbrart tbeJ' fOlllld thelDMl". wltll- By calHa, him "claI'Uo." an4 "4,.. I t occur In the eTeat or a maD 11014111&' ~out .~ buUcliq lultable tor t!Ia ~ -.JaDe Wom'D'1 BOlDe OompaDioa. the atrtIac while a wcn6an plaCee her :poee. J'bJal),., a ptDu.maa otre. J1Iht haII4 oVe!' hili left haneL . 'them a baDCktaad ..hleh be U4 baJ1t !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .DR. J. W. 'MIL~R, Can 'IOU aceowt for tIda m,..ter1ona :In tlN~ hope ~ PlDeblWl "ould _ 'beII&TIor or the ..ecJI1tq rtqT-chJ- ,becoale • clo, aDfl tile otr. ........ Adti ICI&P 'I'rtbaDe. 'e epleill "Ith thana. By. clriDC ___ . ••• DENTIST••• - - - - -_ _ _ _001 _ _ _ ttaJamlellta aDd 10 oa. the Iadiee ..... ~...... ...... •• ••• • ..... •







will man,.











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ta ble to raIIIe tnnda to pu.rcIaue....n. IAla till &1111 the opealnp of tbe 1Jata6. :staDel, and cenera1l7 at It ap IIIto a -II&' Httle 1MaJ14b1C. 0.. 100 1IiodIre :have been If,.,eD and the tIDJ lIIInI7, iClt wbleb Pinebluff la ..., proud. .. M;ceaU'. Mligazme DOW lill run workiq order.-ft'om the is positively worth 'J une Wide World. 11.00 a year. Sub------name accompanied cribe DOW and get ~~.-----Looking for a 0 ......110.. with the money the Miami Gazette 'l" Ia notlllna' quite ., ..., to ORATOR'S TRIBUTE TO WOMEN 'lind .... crle.,auC41. It c:an be mad. I:to OI'Iier In a aeeond'i Ume, ao ma&eRobert O. In"a,..,II'1 .Ioqulnt I)aeorlp. trial (lIther than the Imlclnaltou be1nC tlon of the a.lutl ..' and Virtual . ~lI8l'betY' ,,-_ 0-" • of the Oantla, a... u, U on .............. for III8Ulbl 'and IJllJnrleB one haa little time for the It tall.. 100 ;;;;; to mall. &11 en. ~weet~ enJ07meDu of life. ' campmerit, but olle woman CaD malle I Plent,. of work la the ~. remeclJ' a home. I not onl, .dm1~ womu u Ilor .,!uIUY'8 lndtvlduaa-work and the mOlt beauUful object ever created 11161t~j)ntrol--determloat1on and wUL For you to secure the Miami Gazette absolutely FREE for but I reverenoe her .. the redeeming ,Half of one'e p1eta ~e dIl17 lmac1Ilglory of humanity, the .anotuarJ 01. all IIrJ. Ha.,e YOU e.,er wIIhecl ),ou mIPt . ODe 'year by merely subscribing to McCall's Magazine for vlrtuel, the pledge of aU perfect quaU. i!have retumed to ,oa the predoaa, thrte years at the rate of 50 cents a year. In addition you ties of beart and head. It la Dot Jm Ihoan spent In ~ertnc o.,ar DCJtb. receive three Ix McCall Patterns FREE., nor rt,ht to lay the IlDI of mell at lac? . The Free Patterns are ordued by post·card from New tbe f"t of womell. It .. b8Cl&IlIe ",om. We, all need work. We aD oeecl red. York City and can be used any time you need one. en an eo much betMr than DIeD that :But .,boTe aU ..e ueed Uae proper IIIIIt 01 uderetucl1l11 that ollar their taulta are considered .....ter. fIOID Iu.. pita of ~c. the naDlIIII This offer is available to any ODe who subscribes, renews The one tbto. lD thI. world that sa !Of IDOrbJclneea the .auabiJD, bIoab 'of! or utends his time OD the Miami Gazette. The only perquiCODltaDt. tbe oDe, peat that rIHI "art"I' and site is that you "pay iD advance." abo". all cloudl, the one 'IrIIlc1ow' In _~_._ _ _ _ See below what you will save on this extraordinary offer. wblch the llcht romar bUIll, the 0IIe • tar that darJmeeI 'tlanDot Q1IIIIIoh tl H.~. . . · . Woman'l lo.,e. It rteea to tbe .,.atelt "'87' 30Te," MId BlDIle,. "that .... hefrbta. It 111111:8 to the lo1Net cleptM. toUlb. H ....•• a b. lot at pIaboj. de. It foflivea the Dloet crDIl tDJarIea, It IUWII4. b, are IIDID ~\11!8. '. TIle We Will You II pereDDJaJ of ·ute alld itOWI Ill_art are 4,e partmat . . . '1ItW17 h..,....,.. cUuiate. Neither ooldneA DOr.ll~ "Wlllat the." ,tJ08bJer ~ MIami.~tte I year ••••• 'I~ barehnell ..- - 1.... ".," ~----"h . .,.. It. A ~:Il~;; ~ tb; oil tile McCall'. Mapitne 3 . yea~. ,1.511


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Eaoh aKe of our IIvel bill its j \1YP. Old people shoald be happy alld ...- - - 4 J - - - -. . they will be if CbamberialD'8' Tablete are takeD to s&reDg' heD the dl BEST OFFER gestlon aDd keep tbe howel8 regular. ThI!8e tablet8 are mUd and geDt,1e io This is the best their aotlon and especially slll*able offer we have ever fol' people of middle age aDd older. made. Seod usyour For aale by all dealera.





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and oharm; oharm b •• the IDttiell L, E a . ea.r"ved Flndt'r pl. .e leave ., the aa.,t. 01l10e. J 16

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Cab"e aDd rOma&OH. Ob••. C. S&rOIlM, WalD8avllle, 0 & R . G. '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!~'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!

D R. H' . E _H'ATB . A.W - A. Y

J •

ABOUT I too Timothy Bay. W. . . . . , . Il O'Nean, B o D.3, W.7..... ' W• .r,..~e" T.MiIi... :De " .. _. .l1Ie, Oblo, 1 I. c)ftloe ill Ke,.. Blq, ' II&ba 8' .

80 8. ·Voh' Brol1nl Le,horDa d 44 ' "



100 ,;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;jj;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;_ _

ell. A r... n Cooper, So. LaHOOD. Oblo.


50 6:. .110....Wbl~ 1Ob ,bll•

86 5. Qr ad...... lin. AD~;t'e~-'1r.c~;;;;;-l

R D 8 W.-....lU.. Ollto. ' .'


~- .

. " .


LATJC s..d (,,,tetoM .or Olflr. . . . klo4l • . lin.· It , ,1 .. ' .

Wayp.vtl18. Oblo,phoulJ. 8 X, '. . ' ,,'. '. " It .',

•" ' ~ ' ~~,~". ' ~J;liil;61~;ill Wa'~'





W &),o..vllJ., Ohio •




The ' :Neilhborhood" News

.-......~~----- ~ : -





A vmB,o\OI\: PRloa

Wb .., per bu.bel....... ...... .... 1 12 " ., Cern ......... ........ .81 Berley ~ " . ................ .tlS Oata ' '. . ••. '.!..h_ •• _ ' ."g Bye ., It ......... ........ ."



Ba,.. pel' &on ......... ........ w .. -OJalo'1 I l l ' wbea' prodDOUOD will

be 'h. 10"'" ID • Gomber of y.aH ......." Vro.peat iDdlO&_ tha' 'be aftraca prodaotioD pAr aore wlJl be I daan 7 b b I III el, 0... prOlpeate fa _'lafaoktry, . ........"m.&eel a. i~ per oeDt, 1Iued upoa 80 bUlbeia pel' aore repreNDt. lal 100 per oeo' Ory w..'ber tb IE baa dDrlDr &be put rae wee • reo ...rde4 tSl Iruw'b aDd lOme Gelde are oowlDI1ellow apate. 001'0 plaD'hig la la'.. Ii larp aoreap nmaln. &0 be vlaDted. U'_ ' I ,_ ..... 0 Id bet _.y ~r y p ..a.... e I ar. DI replan,&eel owlllg to poor eeed and lOIDe ro.!lq or teed. Oorreapoo d ..... a * dam... by ohlaoh b.ll., a.~op--.1ll be Ib01't.l..t

".OD'~. droatb kUUal maD1 D." mea4owl •••4 lOme of '''e old meadow~ ara DOW overran w"11 wbl&' top aDd sorr.1. Owl••, blab prloe of feed, an . .roe, lIaDJ' farmer. are lieU lai off 'hell' horl • dae &0 obolen . .re. . OeDerally. fruit PIOIpeot. are loed. 1D lOme looaJll. awl.. are dropplDI ~l,., • • •


EDell Hant for RJda Olrl

OU8D 'b. baD' for " riob- wlte elida whea ,be . . b meeta a womaD 'bat 11188 J:leo' BUtera, Ber DI,.. &ell In • hrlgM braiD a.deYen temper. Berpeaob bloom oomptUlOD and rab,. llpa l'8Ialt ber 'PuN blood I ber 1IriRJat . ,.. from ...."01 aleep; ber .... nep from firm. free mUlOlel, aU"II. tDI o. the lulahb altd 4Ihen e lh Eleo trio 81..... 'tva 1& w"maD, aDd 'be rree40m from IndiJrelttoD, baokaohe. b'-4d.. f.iDstu8 .Dd cJlD.v lpe11a 'be1 ' prOll!l.~ ·•••r,."b.... th.J .re ··w"ia~' fa ..orite remedy. If wealr or .. .lUDI·"t' them . . . . . .n dl'Gl'..cIte. " .. :..l. •

"I'0Il. .rom



. CoMPORT foR aosePH : " ' . -~;.' " , JQlepb '. . l;a"eli~IDI the , f~'" ;., '.Ihia' he IuId .....~ .. "B'~ 00 hll ,




being one of 'be graduatel. lIi88 Cora Whipp, of Day&on, IB vlaUlag a' 'be bome of Mr, and M ra Pearll'ofUell. C),noenoe S.,l&b and famil,. were O..y&oa ...."on on 8dorday. 1 bree of our BObool puplla were gradoa. d the rownBhip Com oleDoemenl beld at WayneniUe on Fridayevenlns. DIIomal,; Min B I.

NednMday. Mrl "nh ' Cas&o baa retnrned Urll . Viola HarlaD ·and oblldren 'rom .IDdla.apoUI and will lpend were SODday Raeeb of Mrs. Beall 'he lummllr bere with ber daugb. Wblte aDd ohildreD Mi .n I II KI tar, Mre. BUa Brook . 88 enr eUa 0 naey lpent Mr. and Mn. Leiter KeDrlok at. Houday a' ~he home of Alber' ShnU8 ..nded 'be K. of P. Deooratll)n at and family, Csater.ll1e, 00 HUDday, Barry Conner, who former]y lived lin. I, R. Johal apeDS Tbunday b, onderwent < I8rl008 operation X I h ill k b Frldayln o.y&OD at the home a' tbe eo a DIp ta ai' W88 , .at of Mr, and lire, Ifarry JoJanll. bil maDY friendl will be glad &0 Tbe l..'btidreD'1 Oay el(~roI1l88 on know be i8 reooverlng rapidly. 81e Sandtly e,ellin, were -ODe and en ullole lJhal, BrowD villted blm a' 1 d AI ,all h . tIS d fie joyed by. arp orow . 0001 e OIpl It UD ay a rDOOD. OUr Unle folkl toot par' and eaoh Yr. Jas. (iraham was 10 Dayton did 'belr par. well. hoellen'musto one day reoently. .&8 readered by '~a oboir, Mrs. W811 Bigll! and Mr . and Mrs. • - • Ralpb B(ggs were reOeD& YI81&01'll n 18 II known tba' DO' nowODe wecue of rheuma'ilm lntb more '''an G Or~onia "'" relathel. ad iD seD rt'qaire. aDY lDternal treat. earle ~ lterboQ88 returo men' whatever. All 'hat tl Deeded bome from Delaware, Frida,., is • free applloation of Cbamber. Yr, aali Mrl. r. Onef were ia I.t.'• .uatm., .Dd' ~D.- the ClnolDDitl, Thurlld&... parta ., &lOb applioatlon. Try " •_ : d aM bo qulold,. l& wiU nlleve ---~:ft 'paiD aD: Il0l'.0.... 80ld by aU When your ohUd hall whooIJin(l d.alera oough be careful &0 ka..p 'he ouugb )• - • 100lle and expeotola&loD eu.1-by nft.. GO Branc:h vlnll Chamberlain 'e Cough Remey .SFa.. .... all ma,. be required. Thil reuled" 11181 Goldie' ConDer eDlertalned will alflo IIqoify 'be &oogh mooUl! III .... llinnle Davia lIar,' and make I' easter to expec&ora", ' I t b~1I been 1IHd 1U00000fall,. In Lewla aad Rutb Clioe a' dlaDe,. maDyepldemlOlandfaeafeandlore. Thunda,.. For fale by all dealers. lin, J. B. OheDowelh and c1"qb . • • • ..r li'ran08ll were eu'r:r&aiaed b,. Caesar's creek lin. Clara II Woollard .Dd daugh ' ter I'I0reDoe We IDleday and Wed~ M' • II J B I .1 a-Aa" DIgb., ~r; 10 rs . . . II Utili auu -.. .. ~ d ..., lit.. Alloe CheDoweth and LIDda ..qbier Barab aDd .r, and Mre 8ml&b traDiaoted bOIID8III1. Xenia. Barry Lytl. were la lIenia, Ha'ur. 1'horeda,., • d,y. , ' W Ii: BOPD llDeI Boraoe Camp. IlluCel..U. AUStiD II very poorl,· •. a,,118 time of 'bta wiUIDl, &00 a'&eDded the ~tat~ Manday Mil. AlloeObeDoweUlea&erialDed ijob',>Ol CoaveJlt!on at Coluwbull. IUcI.r Ballard aDd IOU and Mr, and laa' wee~. Mr•• KeatoD. of BlaDob..... ICIder ~. DereaD Sund'lY Schoolol&811 • - .-i d • 'b b , Dladle, of I'raokllD, IIr. and Mrs. were ea ...l'_ ne a. t' ome a Abnar PrUMb, n; """,,...·t.lO. MI(I~ EvereU aDd' tllther Baine!!. Bator CllDe aDd Ualter VerD'ln da,. e.eDlol· CUa.l!I&'urday DIgb.. KeUer Hoke Wall iD Dnsun, Hno. Mr, aD411r•. Ii, C. Dakin eDte.. &aiDed Mr, aDel lin. Ab EnD. au 8enral tram here aU6IJded 'hE' famllr. tklDclay dlDDer. OommeDoement ex~roill&" of WI' Mra, ' Gay CbeDoweth called on mlDR&oD ooneHe, FrldllY · IIrl, WlU CbeDo••'b, SUnday. IIr. aD4 UrI! Albert: H&6ele aDd .. very poorly a' &he time of 'bta lIi811 Edna were oa11lDI at wrl&u.., r.t&ber Comp'oo '8, Sunday "Iter Mlle J'loreaoe lAoy .peD.&liIuad&y Doon. . wUb b.r 1I00le .Del aunt. III'. and MIA Apel Ruddook II .. l.mag Wlb' . bSI aUD' a' Port- William tllil week lin. il l..'be,,!o:.~ . I The Jualor Sunday Sobool ola811 ~. the Nation Oup ... eD&er&.lned at 'be home of 11181 Lelab Bogao Tne8dllY after. The ••fallll' of IDiart.,. on a Fourth of .lull .& bamaDU,.. nOOD, , ..., 0"'" ...111., U, b9. . . .r, . 1a .be 8everal yoaDIl peltple from here wODd.~ullaealt"t b,Buotlen'. ar. were e ...r&.1Ded b,. The Loyal &n. Dlca &he, of ,lao....da, who •.of ot New BunoatoD Sunday Scbool fered hom bUDII, Dl.... liul. a' tbe home of Lawrenoe .nd Virao Ie' wouade or axploalODI Ita th. .. qQlok !Ie_1Irof bolli, DIoart., eosema, IIUob.lier, Wedoeeday eveDing. lIOI'e.JIPI or pU... 15o,uS.all clrall· ' Pray. meetilll Tbared_y Dl.he I ... . Compton• . leader, Everybody '. - • I T,.,.... to 0IM)0 ~ w. ~.e. . • _.


OIl" ..

~ ~u ' a ba;ddtna' 'lIIItJIor, aDd

.. .... ~M Uaat bll traIJl tlMJ.llPt .taooid ·DOt lie trammeIe4 clO.... 1I c worrs-.... to \be

Intcntlon.-u1O of Red Ink Brings Serloua Co~

The recent convlct1oo


a spy


tbe.EnI~IIBh lawyer, Mr, Btewnrt, ma~ It clear' to everyone who read tbe 11& count of the trial that German law t.



very different to our OWD. How different It requires a nllt to Germany to realize. Before YOU baTe IWed In a German town (or a week a paIk:emaIl calle. He politely lnqu1res 70111' age, J'OIJr nationality, and how IOIDC you intend to stay. Your answer he notee down In ODe of the small Ilbrary ot little ~ooka which he carrtes wtth


Valley Pbone III

hJ.m. U Y<l1G talte a house In Germany yon ml18t notify tbe police; U you


Waynesville, Ohio

Don't copy att er Borne rew oru. /. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .

ta.ct. 1cers Who hluster and storm with brave

yellaw ·blaDt.. and report the Wben IIhe leaves & ~n form must be sent to the pol1ce ataODg wby .she la dlamlssed. It 10U aee the telephone In Gel'man y }'OU m ust be care tu1 h ow you speak to the employes. At Carlsruhe a geotlemao, Impatient at long delay, called out: "Are you asleep, Was!" aod was flood five dollars for I derine "an unjustifiable InsulL" Whatever you do, ~ careful not to uae r8l1 Ink when wrlUng to the police. The pres ident of the Social Democrat society at Hetschendorf did so, aDd was summoned and fined for "lnettlng.the representaUveB of law to break tbe peace." In all small matters you must exer· dso th4! greatest care, so as not to run thEI risk of InBulting other peapie. A oertaln count .von Friedland had a Quarrel .... Ith an Insurance agent lIamed Joseph Bock. The C:OUDt presently ,ummoned the latter, because, all he alleged, the agent slared at hIm wbenever they met. 10 a manner which "reverued hale and contempL" Poor Bock was found guilty and fined $10, with the alternative of ten days' impriaon' ment. ~ Berlin iron worker named W~ .leek got lnto trouble the other day .in a manner IncredIble to EngUah Ideas. Be wu watching a fat pollee·man chase a rioto1l8 merrymaker, and the naJon of the former's Stollt lep twID.JtJlng .. - .... _ I along fIamused I Irlm h so that hf - uuno. nto a t of aug ter. T • was coDStrued as an 1n41etable otrenae -.erloaa'scandal-and the unhappy WlQecIt went to",prilloo for a week. The proprietor of II wldely·knoWD JI8~t medicine took a quarter of a coiQIDD (11 II ~rman newspaper. The pnbHw" was InmmoDed and tined DII1baat1c-adverUaemeM.~

waa eorulidered that



advertl.. too long and that It Irrltat·

meDt WI" ed the r'88dera. ~ (Je·rmau IIOldler was 'Teceotly buled up for the serious otrenee or ratune to wale his otllcer tn the etreet. For thIs the punlabmeDt ill two mOJllths' fmprillOoment. He plead· ed that he was short-sIghted, and at oc.ce WIUI sentenced to an extra tort-· nIght's conflnf'ment for failing to ~ POrt his condlt1OIl.-Londoll Ttt·Data. l

----- •


oaths. They peter out on the ftrlng I Une. Bot heads make cold feet. Be afraid ot the QuIe t kind. "Rub. YOllrself off the slate and you'll

Pan Handle House

get along wIth the men ot your com. I Corwin, Ohin. pany... It IB only the consplouous, fresh I'IICrUlt who taJluI too muoh with als mouth that Is sent on errands for i 'Iklrmlsh lIoe: 'asber ammunItion: "teot wreoches' and otoor Imaginary ordnanoe property. By day or week--the ....It you are easy going and a good best of service, ~,YOu will take these harmless Jolres In a good natured way and get along wIth your bunkIe and other I LI comradea. It YOIl can control your tem. very and Feed Stable per and have the nerve to stand a lit. in connection. tIe teasing wlthollt sputtering, you won't run up against any of the cbeap, hlgb scbool variety of hazing. "eWar your hat straight on your head, not cocked saucily on the side. I Don't wear It 011 the back of the head. Wanted of all Kinds Don't Itlck cartridges In the hatUllnd. Don't have the service hat used as aa I autograph album. I "Learn to stand steadily not Uke Ii ' ramrod, ~ut without strain.' Don't 8plt ' Proprietor In ranb; don't wIggle. Don't foUow I the inspector with your eyes. -- - -- - -- - - - -_ _....l "When your company Is dism1ased tram drllt, don't turn a handspring, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ howl with loy or flre ol! blank cart. ridges. On the other hand, don't limp WALT E R L IT RIi: • ol!, cuaslng ont your captain, thus ad. vertlaJng that you are all In. Just dla· appear; evaporate. Funeral Dire-!tor. ' "Don't roll up your shirt sleeves un. 1818 you are dotn« dirty work and want them kept clean. Never point Telephone day ~ ulllbS, your gun at anyone. Keep It locked. Valley phoDe No.7. Loall You mnat habltnaUy Imagtne that It Is mltanoe No 89-'~, loaded. When you aM on the range, keep the bolt drawn back except wben you an! a.ctuaIb' &booting. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO • "Don't fence with your bayOnet or about recldeaaly. aa It III &I Branch Offiee. Harve"lbuq. O. aharp . . a razor. "lIrttillUye tell, you wbat to do and ='=:'=:'=:'=:'=:'=:'=:'=:'=:'=:'=:~~ when to do It. It's the bralna In the bed, not In the heelL It'. u.e Ituff Ollt of which captalnl are made. When you're In the tl'eochea and YOU call't Breeder of hear Joureelf think for the rattle, It telll Jou when to caM tiring and when to duh forward, stooping low to the grouIJd IIDtll you come to the neIt cover. InltlllUye teUs you when J'OU'IW! to 'I01Jcnr me.' It dopes oat the plan. \Pure RillaJet Straill) It cant. It out. tnJtIIIUve III tbe lapp), thoapt put toto action. Stock and eggs for sale. Ens for ,,()bedlence. lH!I'1III..fnd InitiaUve, but hatcbinc from first prize winning pen, $2 per 16; other pens $1.60 per tlI.e ~ of Uaeel"111 tnlt!.at1ve." _ _ _ _• __ - - 15, Valley phone 9-4X. R. D. 3









HENRY KUNKER Barred Plymouth Rocks

Move On Nowl lI&y8 Il prOliceman to ... l&net orowd, and w ltlaoke beads if 1& don't. "Move on now," says tbe big, harsb mineral plJ18 to bowel oOOlee'toD Subseribe fer the Gazette Morrow, Ohio. and 8utrering follows . Dr. Klng'8 New Life PiU8 dOD't bnlldolle the blwell They gently peranade&~~=t-.~Ii• • • • • • • • •~• • • • • • • • • •" '• • • right RoSlon, aDd heaUh follows. .. 250 at ,.U jrogglll'fI, _ _ _ _ _ ••_ - _ "



th The aged father and mo er of a prominent Boston luwyer safely carried through. t}.e last two winters by


Ytm I


" "

lnetructlenl for the Making of a Good Soldle, That CoMaln Much Valuable lnUde Inf-.tJOII Couch" h' HOfMly PbraIeO!oD. Ir.wtnctlonl to a newb' enlllted ...... jWlt pubJllhed, laIued for the In· formaU<lln of the ol'lUlised mlUtill of Ne. yo,l'II, CODtalDll IOIDe IDtereat1D« Ics1de 1nlonoaUon.. £Aljutant General v...... It&tee Ia a fOreword that tbe ~ODI are eoaehed tn a bomely ~Iogy, Rch .. a drW IeraeAnt wellt 11M 10 a talk ' to a reaalt In whom be II Interested. .Be.., then, II tbe dJ1ll IetIBut I~


. "DOD't: «ft mad beea_ )'OD don't Ulldenulnd the reuon for a command. It _ bllYe a deeper m.u.f".. thaa A. apr.IDed anlue may .. a rol. -be oDreil1n from &0 four daya 40 It and let tt b~ .ppl1 lo l Ob_berlalD·. Llnlmen' "'Tbe l,bJeet or drtD and dI.ctpDile fl. aDd obae~a• . &be. ~I,ao"onl wltb . Del to Tb. captain III not eaobJ">"I•• . ~or·.8.1~ bv an dealera dttlD« up aD nlgbt 'to InMDt OODtrap. • ~ '. " )r. tIOu to penecute 708. "lr 1011 aN we~' ao., ...u7 thnnm olr )our b'ue, set bacIt lato coDtrol of n.:....tJf ~ QUick17 u .jog ~ If ~'I()lJil:ld7'""·J :-ilud ~ . ~ at


Tinner and Slater, Furnaces, Roofing and Spouting, Sheet Metal Jobbing of all kinds.

He ve lolf ,and HII

~e to another you must eomply with the BBlDe fonnallQ. 'It)'Ou htre of ber lIillter Mrs . 18abel Collen, of a "nUlt girl you must purchase a

HarveYlburg IIrli. 680. PhllJl)M Is mating semi· weekly trip!l to Dayton, where sbe i8 taklog dental treatment, • - • There ia no real need of .. nyone being ~roubled with oooBtlpatlon Chamberlain's Tabletll will OItW18 an agreeable movemeDt of the bow~l. wUboo' aay unplell8ant effect. zel MulleD. BerD&ld Gebhart. and Olve them a trial. For sale by all J _ Borle,.. dealer8. lira &.rry WoGIDDla and dauKh - - - . - ...- - ter LeoDa were In U':ytoo Ibopping, Corwin.

~: " "No". Jane, If' JOn waot' tIllq. alw.,. ~ to me. A" be . .. Boo'Irn ...... tm1eu .1 am

'b.". ,......

Mill &rah Baydo;,k wal 'be luelt of IIlss BeleD Barril, of Bar veYBburK, laBt week. Mrl. A, W , Reevel llpeot 1&'lt week with her lion B . B Reeve8110nd family, ill Rlohmond, 1001. The repairs 00 the Friend .. ohuroh hove be eo oomple'ed aod the re o d"dloaUoo 8'Jrvioee will be beld ned SlIoday luoroing Pres. Albert J, BrowD will prec oh . Tbe Masonlo JMJge will hold ler· vioel in 'be II. E . ohurob DIIX' Aun· da,. p m. Put Graod Mlllter AileD ADdrewlI,of Bawilton, will deliver 'be addresl . Mi.1I Bernioe E . Bt.wklol and Allbley Inwood were me/nbers of 'he gradndinl( Ollllll of WilmlDgtoD ool1ege, tbis year. Mrl. ThOll Bavdook ia 'he guest

Bert A . .Grant,




'fbe tolloWlnl report ill oompiled fro. re'urnl received from 111 oalotal oor....ponden" of 'bilt De panmeD': WhQa&-ProIPllO~ oompared wtab Dormalyleld .............. ~6 per oea' Oata-Proepeol oompared wUh Dormalyl.ld ............... ~G per oen' Rye-ProeJ)80t computed with Dorma! '1.ld ..... .......... 78 per OIDt WID"r Barley-Prolpeo, OOID pued wI'b normal,l.ld 116 per OIDt BprlD, Bar~y-PrOilpeo, oom pared with Dormal,leld It peroeDt (J)over-Pfo.peot oompared wtab Dormal yield ...... ......... " per oent 'J'hnn'iay- PrOllp&o' oompared wltb oOtJlI.d 'Ield ............... 80 per oent 8CllC~ - "'tid tor Sammer nlarkew ........... : ..................... 411 per oeD' BOill-OoDdlUon oomparecl .. Ub a. averac" .................. gl per oeDt 8prinl Pi,.-NnmbRr laved oom wltb an aver. .e .. 80 per .,.ot ib"~Cond"loll oompared wllb aD ave....e ................... ~I per oeDt iAmba-N:amber .. ved oornpared wltb aD .e ....... .. 88 per ~D' l'ruit-PrOlpect oompared wUb Dorm"l ,1.ld .............. 83 per oent

"......... ........


- +- - - - - - - - - - - - . New Burlln~on

Mr and Mrll . Wilbor eJark IPent rnesdllY and Wednl!ld"y In Del D. L, CRANE, Editor and Managel t _ _ l ware uUendiDj1; 'he Commenoe Dlent at Ohio WOlileyan Univefllity. Rates of Subscription Mre. Margaret JObDS has been Ono You (atrlctly In adnllCe) .. , . .. .. 11.00 810gle <lopy ..... ...... ... ..... ... . .. . 06 quHe IIlot for leveral day I . The RlI.ilroad otHolalll an:! IIr. Sf llddom. of LebanOD, 00 t\ flpeolal Rates of Advertiling Relldlq Locall, per lliI. .. ..... ..... . . Ik tr liD, yillted here on l'u8ilday lAnd RNcUq Locale. black faloe, per lliI• .... I~ took a number of plotnrel of oar OluaiCed Ad.. oot to .x c~ Jive linN yillare . Tbrae hllMll't.iOIl. .. .. , , • •• .• • •• lOt' litrl Char lei Clark lpent lIeveral ObUuariea. ftve Illchea trw: over Jive toch4la, per 11ll• • • , • ••••• • • •••• Ot' duy. 1811 w1811 with Harry MeDdeD. Card of 1.haDIuI • ••• . ..•. . ..• • , • ... • . .. JGe b'lll aDd fawily in O-;,.&on . BeIoIuUOa. •.• , • • • • ••• , •• , •.••• , •••.• GOr tLB . HaiDee and wile lp8n' Bnn 8ocIaa._et.O. where cbarp Ia mild••. .• ••. 1Ge D~&, Adveriillotr per 1IIcl1 • • , ..• • .• , . lOc dIll wl\h IIr. and Uri. P, K . Pence Dl.toouota Iveo ou OOlltrae" in 8pringboro. . Dr. and Mrs. L. G Brook att-ended JUNE ID, lilli, the Commenoement ~er()iBes of tJteele Bi~b 8obocl, Dayton, on DEPARTMENT OF AORICULTURE Tboredl\y nenine Their 100 GleoD

Pota&oel .•





The son sayS: (4 My father and mother owe their present and good health to h 1 Vino, During teart two trying winters neither of them had a cold. and. were able to walk farther and do more than for years. • k V' I' rf I d rf 1 It rtat ly is I thm mo IS pe ect y won e u', ceo n the greatest blood·making, strengthenmg tome hr old people I ever heard ot" . We

_aD' every lee...e old





WIaoL We WID reblnl IIIell' IDODe), wtlboa. 11"_ _ ...-lIOIaeeolDpll8ll all we eIaIaa 101' IL

J. E. JANNEY, Drugilst, WlU'nesvm.,

F=======Jl.. I V'E R I T E S~======::j Being prepared from Pure Nath~ Herbs, they C~ the · System and Purify the Blood. and Tone the System, and thua "

The Miami Gazette D,' L. CRANE, PubUlher.








Tbere Is a way In wblch e \'err ere... ture ehould wn lk. Tbe rlgbt wl\1. It sbould he the chosen way- t he pref erred wny . There sho uld be y long· Ing ror tbls way aD d a seeking nfter 1l nnd It Ie tbe way In which encll life sbould be (ound. There Ie Buch n wny nnd It "'as the lire plan ror fl."\ch of UB. Look At ou t lire. Everyth ing fr om the mos t min ute 1H0m DS well IlS Ihe \'s st occan bas li s course mark · ed out - the w a y befo re IL Not hing left to chance . says the ('h a rlott e Ob· s erver No hapba za rd 10 outure. Old God Int end tllat ma.o- tllo greatest result of bill creative genlus- sbou ld be l(' fL without definite course ? Sure· ' ly not. MaDY IIveB alrel\dy buve told t bo same story-rrom tbem we leatll t he Il'S60n. Their lives we re ordered by Ih o Creator and tbey me t tbe reo Qu lrement. No grealer Joy could be eXllBrl eDced thaD tbllt of knowing that we ure walking In the way III which God would ha ve us ,,·alk . All o r Ih e dltHcultlE's aud sorrOlvs of life CDn lJc born e It we know th at wo are In Cle right way. It 18_ UOI' nlways elUlY to discover the right way . In tact. It Is caaler to do right thlUl to know wha t III right. Many per plex. Ing problema besot t he man or wom· a ,. who' Is endeavorIng to discover the rlgbt In life. Solf-wlll often preverts one's judgment. It Is not always wise to depend on others. T be popular Idea la ,not alwaYII t~e right W8y. The 'Voice of tbe peo ple la not every lime the \'0100 or (}Qd. It II oftentimes DeceeslI!,), to eland alone U one would atand ror tbe rlgbt. A young laundry girl addrebslng the Twilight club upon the condltlona un· eSer which ber comrades live and work laId: "Sometlmee collego glrlll work In the sbops tor a couple or "'eeka, and thell go back and report that It Is all nonsenia ror working alrlll to aay tbey can't get along all the wagel tbey · gel But It Is a dlf· ferent tblne to get along on a week when you know yOU ca.o QuIt at any time." in tbe trutb of tbat ••ylng lies the chasm tbat separatel Ulo. weU-two from the very poor. B1 mo.t men and women of menns every ell'ort to nsalat or even to understand the problema of the poor Is made Ul\.der an Impulse or'sentlment. sayS the New York World. But to tbe poor themselves the problem Is one of dire • trugg1.e for elilstence, Including In scope the lire not ani, of tbe body, ~ut of tbe brain and the 10uL A working girl no more than a million· - alre'a daughter can live by bread alone. Tbe fragrance or white hya· clnthll smells Ila eweet In tbe alums . . on the mountain helgbts of for· tune. Why ebould the worker of the '.lums be judged solelY by economic




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(By ~1I18s

Marr EdnlOnds. College or AgriculturE'. Oblo State Unlversltv.)

·Uten.1I1 U.ed In Making Sal_d, and Salad Dre"lng •• A rewYears ago salads seldom appeared on the table, but today tb ey rrequ e ntly cons titute a course In the well·plann ed dinner aDd luncheon. They are now made In all endl ess variety of ways, fmm cold meote, fish. eg gs. ~g e tables, green vegat.:bl es. Crulls and nuts, and wltb the additio n or a dress ing. The purpose which the salads aerve In the diet will depend upon the ma· terlals of which they are made. F.lrst. tb')y may be very nutritious. Meat, fi sh and eggs are nil rich In proteid and fnt and are capable Of both blllld· Ing or repairing bod y tissue and creat· Ing energy. Peas and beans lire rich, In proteid and starch and contain BOrne minerai salts. Tbe Blilad dressIng Is also quite nutritious, o ft en can· tnlnlng eggs and such fai B as butter, cream a nd olive all. Secondly, they may be stimulating to tbe appetite, cooling and refresh· Ing. This Is pa rticularly true when tbey are mnde of the regular salad plants, such as lettuce, celery, water· creSB, spinach, cabbage, cucumbers, etc. Green l eaves ani In no sense storehouses of nutriment as are lu· bere, bulbs and lIeeds. The green vegetables contain a large amount of water, otten over 90 per cent. TKe,), all contain a small amoullt of mineral matter, which Is very valuable In keeping the blo.od In good tone and the whole bod)' In a healthy condition. Any or those with green coloring mat· ter, sllch Ila spInach, dandelion greens, water cress, lettuce, etc" can· taln Iron. RadlsheB, asparagua and spInach contain some lime salts. p0tatoes' Bnd cabbage lome phosphorus. The green vesetablell are stlDrlllat· Ing to the appetite, because they have Btrong IndivIdual lIavors, such as tbat of the cucumber, celery, onion and tomato. Apples, oranges, pine· apples and all other_.lulcy fruits are also largely water, but are perhaps a \lute more nutritiOUS tban the green vegetables becauBe they contain BU· gar as well as some mineral matter. Nuts are very rich In both proteid and fat. For thla reason. It Is well to add th em to the green vegetable and fruit Balad. Sal;:d Dreiling RecIpe.. (1) Cream Salad D"esslng. Yolks of S eggs, 2 tablespoon,ll lIour, 1 tnblespvon sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, Shake of cayenne 01' paprika, 1 teaspoon mU8tard, % cup vlr-egar, 1 tabl e8 poo~ butter.

Beat yolks of eggs s lightly. Ad" lIour, 811gor, salt, pepper and mustard . Slir until smooth, then add the vlll&ga r. Cook on ba re flame for six or olght mlnlltes or III a double boiler ror 16 minutes. Th e butter may be added Just as the dressing II taken trom the Hre. Olive oil may be used In place or butt er. This dressing II one which may be put away In a glasl jar and kept several days. Before adding to tbe salad It should bs thinned with sweet or sour cream . (2) MaY!lnnalse With 011. Yolk of 1 egg, Jh teaspoon salt, Dash of cayenne, % cup olive all. 2 tabl espoolls lemon juice or % CliP vinegar. Add salt and pepper to the egg yolk. Beal yolk with fork or dover egg beater. Add 011 very slowly until the egg anll 011 thicken, then pour In all and lemon juice alternately until all of each has been added. If the dr essing separate~ add to It slowly another egg yolk until It again thickens. A number of all salad dressing mix· ers have been Ilivented, but one of thc most satisfactory and Inexpensive dev ices Is a dover egg beater with a Cunnel attached to the handle. Inside ot the Cunnel Is a small acrew whIch regulates the size of the open.' Ing at tbe small end. The 011 III poured Into the tunnel and rUIi Into the bowl 811)wly or rapidly according to the WilY tbe screw IB set. Thesl Cunnels may be bought seperalely. and hooke4 on to any dover egg beater. The above salad dressings may be used (or either meat, vegetables or fruit salads, but some prefer a sweeter dreslling for the rrult salad. The following :s an example of sucb I dressing. (B) Fruit Salad Dressing. Yolks or 2 eggs, 1 tablespoon sugar. 1 tablesp~on 1Iour, Plncll of salt, 'h cup of maple syrup, Juice of 1~ lemons. Beat the yolks slightly. sUr In tbe sugar, Ilour and salt, add syrup and lemon juice. Cook over bare flame sIx or eight mInutes or In a double boiler for 16 minutes. U cooked over a bare lIame tbe dressing must be atlrred constantly. Wben cooked. cool and fold In one cup Qf whipped erealJl, . -

weeds, some of whIch may !>ecoma a decided menace to his looallty. Some of lb e weell seeds IlPpearlng In I'ed clover seed call be removed by t he farme r by the use ot a wlre·clot.h sieve conlalnlllg 20 meshea to the Unear In cb. Mosl of tbe clo ver seeds of medium size are held back by sucb n sieve nnd pl'nctlcnlly nil tho smaller weed seed a pnss tbrough. Tbe true clover dodder. wbloh Is a very noxious !>Cst In clove r fields, Is quite etrectlvoIy rem oved In this wny. Mast of the seeds oC the 1Ield dodder are a lso removed. Seed or buckhorn, wild car· rot, wild chicory, tblstles. /lnd others ot s imilar size nre ' mostly held· back by the sieve. The Bmoll·gralned clover seed Im por ted rrom Europe largely passes through such a sieve. An easy me l hod of sepllrntlng buckhorn Beed rrom clover has been devised. This met hod consists of ml xlug with the seed conta ining tbe bllCltborn thor.. oughly weUed sawdust. Th e buck· horn seed becomeB s ticky on being wet and readily attaches Itself to the sawdust. The e ntire mass Is then Immo,,~ dial ely screened, wben th e larger par· • ... tlcles of saWdust, with th e buckhorn 6J'JI attached, are readily separated from <II ' . AI 0 W": tbe clover seed. This work should be G,_a, • fI 0 • . .1' ". done Immedlntcly before sowing tbe ~ 2. ' 3 clover seed, whIch, with the Bmall .... ••• ]lartlcles of sawdust tbat pass tbe .., . . . ' . . ac reen, need· to ·be drIed onl y sum· • • • clently to e na ble the seedIng to take • . ' cs.:~. place readily. Tl\.la Is etrectlvo • A e meona or re moving pra cllcally all buckborn seeds and la eas.IlY accom., - _ .. • • • • • pllshed by the farmer who handles a . • • • .. comparatively smalt' quantlly of seed :~ which Is not necessarily bulked Im....... ..... .... mediately nllr the somewbat · damp ., ~ ..0 seed has been screened oql

(B y J. U . WESTGATE.) Ellber alo ne or In mixtures with grssses ror hay or postu .. e, red clover const.jtutea from one·elghth to onethird of tbe total Ilrea of cultlvllted fnrms lanel on most Buccess ful thrclUghout the north celltral and east ern states. os well as the western s tot es. It does not give Its beat reI ums In the cxlreme south. nor Is It always quite able to withstand th e more severe wi nters of the extreme 1I0rt.h. FI~ r centuries It hsa conslltuted one at the im porlont fnc tors In main tain· In g a pcrmanent system or agriculture In t he old world. In this country tor a ce ntury and a haH It has assumed a more onci more Importan t role In can· sen' ln g tbe natu ra] reson rces ot the s o il . th ereby t endi ng to mainta in th o protl tu ble yleldB of the staple agrlculturul products. Red clover Is utili zed botb as a ha y and as a pllsture cr op a nd orten as a soiling crop. It Is sometimes used as 11 gr een·manure crop to be plowed un-

..fl.. " 10

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Beeds of red clover and common 1m. purU:ies: ' 1, red clover; 2, trefoil; S, curled dock; 4, lady'l thumb; 5,lamb'. quarterl; 8, wild mUltard; 7, wild car· rot; 8, cloved dodder; 9, field dodder; 10, r'a t-tall plantain; 11, buckhorn; 12, planllaln: 13, ragwead: 14, Canada thllUej 15, wild chicory. der It the ground Is poor In humus. Even where It Is cut for hllY and only tbe 1I'00ts and stubble turned under It has a marked 1n1luence In Increasing the yields of su~ceeding cropa. It mak'es an Ideal hay for cattle and In the <Clover sections should constitute trom one-half to t~o-thlrds of tbe roughage raUon ot milk cows. Sheep



Success Through Earnestness




ConsUtutes From One~El6thth to One~Thlrd oCTotal Area at Cultivated Lands on Most Successt'ul Farms lD Central. Eastern and Western States-CUUzed as Hay and Pasture.

and young etock of aU kInds make excellent galns on either the pasture Of the hay. In addltlon to Its usefulnesa The smallest republic In the world wIthout contradiction Is tbat or Tavoae a rood for animals it .has a malt l~, a little Ialand situated about a Important ell'ect upon the land III malllitalnlng tbe supply of nitrogen In dozen Idlometers (seven and a half the 18011. ijy meana or the nitrogen. miles) rrom Sardinia. It la a little fixing organtam on Ita roots . the red more tban a mile In length, and haa CIOVllf plant la able to gather large .. ~Ilulatlbn of 66. Tbe lIoverelgnty qUlUltltles of nitrogen ' from the air . ~, ~J1e Islanl\ was ac.corded In 1836 by and lleave It In the loll In a. rorm wblch , 'Klng' ~barlea Albert to tbe 'Bsrtoleonl can readily be utl1lzed for growIng faintly. Up to 1882 Paul I. reigned cro]l6. If not Infrequently happens peacel~le ,0Tor bl.• little Island king. that the yIeld ot a graln crop can be dam, but at his death the Islanders doubled by the growing and plowing under of a crop of clover. -proclaimed ,republic, saYI tbe Lon. d.o n Globe. By the consUtutlon of the The most serious p~oblem at presen~ confronting the American farmer In "publlc tbe .. president II elected for many of the clovei' aecUona Is. the In· ten YeArs and women exercise tbe crea~llng dlmculty of sUccesafully franchise. tlJ.·aJiUUUU.UI5 stands ot 'clover upon the farm. With cqntlnuous cropping a~d the 'A Paris soothsayer announcea that consequent depletion ot the . soil of Pr,nce Victor Napoleon la going to be humus and plllnt food the dlmculty of accJalmed pl:ealdent at tbe French Government reporta show that fully Tile time of seeding Is from the growing red clover la greatly In,..£ubllc, after which he will decla~ 46 per cent of ' the area seeded to blmlleU emperor, this to be followed wheat In Ohio last fall mUBt be put first to tbe middle of June. The beanll !lreaaed. Thla condition muat be met may be drilled In 80lld or drilled In and Halved, IIlnce the loIS of clover or b ", an era of ' great prosperity for to some other crop tbls Beason. The rows 28 to 30 Inches apart ualng the Ita ellulvalent from the rotation leads i'rance. Now, It she had been satilio crops being used for thIs purpose . are wheat drill set tor sowing oata. When rapidly to a run·down form and un· fled to announce a future cabinet corn. oats and soy beans. The latter put In rowlI cultivation should be the profl.table crop yield. crlall for France abe mlgbt have been crop Is coming Into popularity In same liS for com . . The large amloun_, It 'should be emphasized, however, aure that her prediction would baTe Oblo since It 10 good for either forage of seed needed (l~ bushele per acre) that the mere IntroductloJl of fed come true. Some aoothsaren ar9 or grain and may .be used al a lolling and the danger tram weeds when the), clover Into the farm rotation II not are drllled solid, unlela grown for lD ltaelt a aufllclent procedure to main· 1'ery shorulgbted In their soothllll¥' or a greell manuring crop. hay purpoaes, warranta the drl11lng tain indefinitely tbe productivity at Inc. Those who ex pect to try thle crop In rows and Intertllllng during the the Curm. The clover plant adds only can e.a slly pJ'epare . the seedbed by early summer. the IIlltratea to tbe loll, Ilnd removes Common lien lie applauds the Fr~nch double dlsking the field, plowing In The best variety to grow depaDdI large quantltlea of potash, pbospborus. tor numberIng the haul'll conllecutlve- most cases 1I0t being ncc e~ 8ary . Thla on the purpose of the crop and the aad Jlme from the soli, elPeclally dis king should be dop e as Boon as ly tram 1 to 24. It would aound a lit- possible In order to conserve the locality. In the northern half of the wben cut tor·hay and the msnure retle odd at first to speak of "19 moisture In tbe soil. If left unculti- state, the Medium Green and the Ito suiting therefrom III 1I0t returned to o'clock," and so on, but we Ihould vated, large amounts of water will be San are the best for grain, WIllie tor the Iland, The Increaled s upply· ct 800n get uaed to It and tben the con. lost by. evaporation which takes place hay, Silage, Boiling or green man Ill" nItrogen may In fact stimulate the lng, the larger varieties, sucn as Me- IOU to Increase Yields, temporarlly. 1'enlence would begin to emerge. An. ra pidly when the soil particles are dlum Green, Hollybrook and m"a~ OW7 t o leave It, atter a lew -vears, In ur ~ other beneficial cbange would 'b e to . settled closely together. moth Yellow are recommended. a cOIldltlon worse than U ·no olover make the months ot equal length and . To get the benefit of the crop as a Bulletin No. 237, of the Oblo Experl. had been STown. have them begin and ' end Invariably I"guma tho first yea r, It Is advisable ment· Station should be cons\llted toi It Is Important that cOlIslderable on the same day of the wesk, says the to Inoculat .. the soi l by sprel'dlng on further Information on thla snbject. care be taken In chOOSing the seed to th e fie ld about 150 pounds of 80\1 lortland Oregolilan. Tble Is prac· C J GRo\.NT be ·sown.· If poor seed Is used, thll ~lt· . .OIUt> Stat. ' .pe p1"t81tl crop ma'" b" 'a' partial or total ticable and some time It will. be done. taken tram some fi eld that hall grown Collego of Agriculture, # .. lI"y bea.ns ror at least one yenr. TJn'~llrllltv J&llure. · . ' .-" It does not require any omclal fore. RM clover leed" m/lJ: b'e pOor r. Irable :trom.' aeveral points . ~ta or any CXpe,Tt knpwledge to be ======~~======~==~========~== . So,eh ~ Ii c!oDstaJitly: beln, aasul:e\1 In advance that this la gOing to .f.~~I'.> an4".shdyld ·be recog· to be a bot eummer, Nor la It any alid r ejected. tI inay btt poorly ~ret that the hlgbest temperatures "I bave been very · fortunate In de'rel(IJ)ea. many' leeds !~ the·~ leason 'Will be reco~ded I).t worldly matters; m~_ men have· Cbloaco and Ifllltimore, worked much hariler an'd yet 'nat ~eded half BO w"n; bpt I, nelter _tould AmerIcan· recently 'attracted 'at, bave donG wbat J MVG. dOle; ,wttbOllt tiy thrOWing money~' away 10 the habits of punctuality: ' . :s.III-:·• .~~e"" ,.01 LondOD. ' He. must"ha.1 diligence., wlthout" tbe ,c1el~"Dfillatl.i~iU i . ...,.'·i a '11!~,...,_""Ju .' "hp ~ Ici\pot ... to concentrate . ... at.. . . .' ,!I"i ; !Q1ijciltij~~ I.tI ~.ij'~ .l't':·JO;~.QJiI'cUlilIo .'• tb."- ,,oiltll.;01 at a time i" ii.tcce••or .



. T bls pa ltern provides ro mpel'S tor the ver, small child. eltber creeping or just learn lug to Wal k. Th e model Is easy t o carry out. the ro mpers but· toning at the leg Bca ms. Seers ucke r. na nnelette. gtngnum or cbomu l'ay can be used. The pa tt ern (No. 67 65) , Is ~ut In slzIls Yr . 1 nnd 2 yeOrB. MedluJU slzlt req uires 2 yards at 27 Incb good8. To pro(:ure thl , r . ttern. send JO cent. to "P" Uero Dep.rtmtmt" of tb io paper. Writ. name a nd addte • • p lain ly, and Lo .ure to a've eiae:. and dumber or pattem. · .

NO 5755.

SlZE .. ... .... _. .. ... _

NAME .. .... .... .. .. .. __ ... _•• ~... .. . _.. .. TOWN .. .... . _._._. __ __ ___ ___ _.. __ .. _. ... _ STREE T AND NO' . __ •• _•• _............. 8TATE . ••. ••.• . .• __: . _••• _ .~ __ _. . .. . :~ ___ •



Stettcly Spreeet asset DeveloplIlell' 01 the Crop Uaa DeeD AJrrl· c:al&aral M ... ve1 01 the . . ..




The steady spread and development of IndIan maize Into a world crop baa been tbe agricultural marvel of our IIge. The corn of the Bible, the com of Great BrItain, Is our wheat, not "king crop." But all the world haa come to knOW and blesa the generous grain. Though upward of' 86 per cent of the 8,500.000,000 of tbe 3,760,000,000 bus be Is, which . constitute tbe world'c yield, II grown In tbls country, Argen· tina, Hungary and Italy, yet the cultl· vllt!on of com bas been gradually dif· Cused around the globe. Next to our western hemlspbere and Europe tbe most Important areas aJle now planted In Bonthem and south· I ""~II.rn Allla, chlefiy In British India. Jndo-C1I1na and tbe Philip. pinel. In 1910 tlie Phlltpplne crop amounted to 14,276,8.6 bUBbels. Too culture of (lorn Is now general In At. rlcn. It Is the Egyptian fellah'l staft at life, and la even produced for port In the Union of ~uth AfrIca, Where the 'Product IS ' known as "mea.


lies." In Melilco the tortilla, prepared trom tbe grain, Is the chief food or the masses. Canada and Cuba raille com, and It Is grown In a small 'Way In Australia and New Zealand. Save In Ireland , It Is rarely used ae human food throughout nortbem Europe~ Outalde of the UnIted States tbe 'cul. tlvatlon of com Is most extensIve ,n Bonthern Europe-eentrallzed In I group or states comprlalng ' Africa, HUngary, Roumanla, the Balkan lItatee and BeeBsrabla, In sout~west Ruasla -where too production Janges from 600,000,000 to 600,000,000 bUlibels an. nually. . : .' '" Corn la not only kIng crop, It Is also lUI uncertain and ...rlable One. Lalt year, for Instance, there , was I great decline In the world "1leJd. Tbe aggregate product of the tour leading counlrlea WIIS more than 660,000,000 bushell leas than the crop of .1910, and 200,000,000 bushels IIbort ot the returne ror 1999. The yield In 1911 the United States was about 000 buebels and In Argentina about ' 148,000,000 busbell leB8 than In 1910, There were relative ahortagea la Hungary and Italy. Just wily tbll .II Id b f I I a au have. e BO our agr cu turaandstatlsticlans not made clellr, .the... hall 1!een no elnl8te.r rumor of an ,'Ia. ternatlonal <lo.mblnatlon to . r9ltrafa the a~reage planted.


pea. and . ~ere ~ere.ll '1- 'good marltet tor b ot h P!laa and ' tomatoci tbese QooPl" may be grown to«ether to good ad. vantage... 'rh!:! peas\ should be planted ... Boon aa tbe ground can,be ,prepareil ·and :the .tomatOi!s arcf eet a f,~r danger o~ hard...fn;>lt, WhIch,· In moat se'ctlebll 0 f .,.the . north ,. ''*rIO ;(.. . not be \.~efore ,th. ,.or ,tw~ntl!lth "of May. If the peaa are tp~r feet a»art. two OI'·,~nlMl9. • planta muet be 'removed Lll'.. n.o~.. nln ~Istancea. in .the:,ro"l __ ~ .~ '*""_''''' for each tomllto ,PUilIt; are to stand . "',the'\

The ltyUtb skirt bere Ihown IB On. of tbe newel~ d ••1pl1l and will ae"_ 1(llelldldlT for IMIparate wear or . . part of the Iprln, ' coat lull The model 18 cllt In alli perfeotly proportioned gores aDd the .closing II at tle lert Iide ot tbe fronl The · rashlolllble panel back III Included. . Mobalr, lerge, cheviot. pUn 'or linen can b. ul\ed . . The pattern (No. 11748) i, cut III ,lle8 22 to 80 Inchu "allt Dl~UI'fI. ro make the carment In the ~edlum sIze wtll require % yard of 36 lueb mat erial ' or 3 yardl ot 44 fnch fabric. To procure tbl. r,-tum, .call 10 oen'" to "P.ti.... Department' or W. p. por. Write n.",. an4 addr... plalnl,., .ad be I\l re ~ Illy. nulnber -of p&nern. "I ., ,


NO 5148; _. N. ~ .

81ZB ._••••• _ .. _.....

__ ... ______ • ___ • ___ -:•• _.____ ... __ ,

TOWN . ..... _•• _ •••• _•••• __•• ___ •• _.. __ .. aTRK&T AND NO: __• ___ • ______ ~ _._ •• : : .

ITATK . ___ ...... _..... _._ ....... _. __ ••• _••

. Automatlo atamp allier. Lon~op hal' found ret anqther piece at m~cbapl.m to dellght .. lta beart., III a new automatlc stamp lelll'har mao chine reoenU)' erected III the ' public omce of tbe general poltomce. It fl one of,. hu~dred. ~o be supplied to all tbe ' branc'b lIoltoftlee. In the London postal area. It ~~il1lea Iihlf'p4!nny .. well aa penn), alamp., IUId hal an tlI'I'BIIIremeut ·for d.tectlng arid >return. ·.colnl not of the same welSht .• lle .. pe~le. anel. ~lt.pennJea. Fo~lgl)' colnl, bad colna and colna t)t p,her Taluea ate automaU~1y .... ~t~. " . . " ,' . . ;, . '" ": M' ed"alnl ·_. C-';"I"~.: . • ... ""T)1e most . attract!ye ~lije~.~e ;~b­

ht~t~S ~9r t~e b~~~oom .:~~1 ~iDJl f!Om

~1\!,',t.Old ~o"ri o~ N.1lt~-'l'T'. .w..,... tlleY ~re !1~nd CB"eli lind, paln.t~ to lmita{e tbe~ fronts ot anclent, .bouaee of iJi.a(qUaln~ t~wii with. thelp ' ~arJlc- . lerlstlo' 'gable)! . , ,- and Chlmn618. , ".\ :,. f . . .' • ; .. ,'., • ,i . ~POO.n.I. ,.. ' . ) .• _ Youn• .Man (dining ' wlth .bls ( own. eat; own),;-~'Oh, .:wn.lter\ may. w~ b~Te a spdop _,l\ereT" .WIlJ(e~ . N~ ,0bJeetlon., · alr: "I,f. fou . don_'~ rii,uid' t6e otber. SU,elta;i',r .: , ....t ':;"~'




i 1

p '.

f{frffl·. ~ID·',rt ~Flt)nt.'~n, f Hac't~ OlDDlCKtE :HOUSE tl\.u j/.l; 0 'J LI~_yJ 'Ju '11(: ~ MOST PtQPll: DO NOT KNOW Has Had Every President as III Guest Except T_aft.

HID elephant la the belt known and at tbe same tlmo the least . known of all wild ani· mals. Paradoxl"al "118! thlll may 101lnd. It I, neverthe loss - I rue. Nearly every ODe haa lIeen an elephant and nearly everyone ImagInes he know8 what one looks like. But . lblll populsr Impres· elon al well as most of the beliefs about the olephant are erroneous. In the IirBt place the elo(Jhaots we aee bere In AmerIca are Indian elephant.. They are underslzod. even tho lurgelt of them. A full·grown AfrIcan ele phant Is Denrly three tlmea tbe aile of Jumbo. wbloh wal the largest elephant ever brought to America. I bave IIhot se\'eral specImens which Blood over thlrteen feet and which wolgbcd at least twlee .. ~U!lP al J,umbo . Next to the monkey. il.e elephant 19 tho wl/lest and malt Intelligent of all animals. I am not saying thIs of th{\ domestJcated Indian elaphant. but of the A"r.lea~ elepbant in bls native .tato. .\JIll tlte Afrlean elepbant II alw/l.Ys a huge. wild beast. He I. him In motion b d 1Hl~er domeetlcated. left him. . t e COWl ran 011 an Durlne the paat two yearl that r Ipent 10 · British Eii·.t Art'lca and Theile Ah1~ elephante have man,. Uganda Itudylng the elephant &II be slgnala whlcb they ule to communlllaa !lV,ed for centurle •• I learned •• v- cate amOJl8' themselvell: for Instance, eral thhllrll blm that entitles w~en a cow gets the wind of Ii hunter 11· d th - t In'-' II tile signal. "on guard," and Imlpehim to be ca e e mo. .., • . gen dlately eTe..,. elephant . In the herd ~epat!I...IDlmalll' th" monke, alone e:l- stopa ..~~" and Illtens -Ith trunk ~ "u D'." In m&ny -lpA~t. he lIur"allsel tbe to the cround_ They are U IUent al '" "" " the grave. monke,.. but the IItter's Intelligence Even when a Ihot amon, them more "early &pproaches our own. and causes a stampede and ·the forest refor that rllilon we must consider blm sound I with the lirat craBb of theIr the bl«heat type of intelligence. moving. they can dllappear wlthont MUQh to my lurprlse. I discovered making the Dolee. Tirey can th.t tbe bull elephant III rarely a tlght- move so IIl1ently that I have orten er. Indeed. thue II little danger from come wltbln 1Ifteen or twenty :rarda him. The generally acoepted theory of a big beBlt, mIl taking hll trunk that . tile big buill are not found In aDd foreteet for treee In the Jungle. the hi' herda Is a fallacy. On leveral oceaalODI the bealtl reThe bull elephants that are round ceded so quickly and 10 quietly that roaming alone nre almost InvnrlablY I 10lt them altogether_ lenlle gentlemen who have been cast When th4!y want to they can make ,orr. b, eo herd. While I succeeded In more noise than any Inlmals in the ptttD! three s'plendld speclmenl of· world. A berd or two or tbree hunbull elephants tbe finest specimen la dred will trllmple down an entire na. etlll at large. I was unable to let tI~e ~mage and all the farml around b~m. for 'be reaaon that he IIvel In It with luch nollel tbat can onl1 be the centbr of a berd of 700 elepllanll. compared to an elrthquake. Wbo 'CUIT" blm night and day. . Araln a herd. will elide througb the T.hele herdl of elephants hue eow f!)relt 110 Quieti), than you oan't henr 'lldera. The leader 1_ ullUally an old them ten yardl away. Aa their lenlel elmal ' wltll an ugly disposItion. The or 1m ell and bearing are acute, they COWl' protect the bulls. and the mo- rarely fan into the elephant pltl _ _ nt tbey lCent danger they crowd which the naUrH dig to capture them. at'OOJld them In order to prevent them I don't IUPpoe. OIIe pit III a hund~d . ~m belDI Ihot. If they elln lee the aceompllsbel tte million. WheD the buntere they will charge them. leavlnl elephants 10 through tbe forestl they eo.ouab. of ·thelr number to guard the holel tbelr trunkl clOle' to thE! «fOund. buUa. and by tapplnl eYery now and tben ftelr "nei of ,mell Is very'" 'Beute: theu caD · ~ lDIy ' pit, no matter be,.. ean deted the presence at a how IldllfuUy concealed. before Itep. Qlan a tbousand yard" ott. but unle.. pIns Into It. li,e II moving they cilo't see him. e~en The moment they Itrlke any ~und .tbe Ie wIthin a hundred yardl. When. that II the least bIt lueplcJoul they catch a whIff of wInd tainted by tap "It e!lrefu111 and make wIde de· . _ tile ..ow elephantl' In that tours: or courile. wben . a herd b 4lrectiOD and It· II a hundred to one ltamped~ they haTeD·t time to In· ~at tbey will loeate the perlon. . . teltlu(e; t~. cround :aDd then the, : I( It happenl that &.hunter can ,et aometlmel rail Into the pfte. .DO\l8b to .Ihoot a buU elephant -The ' leneraU,. aeepted theol'J' that' the COWl I&tbet around the bull aDd the cal,.el are 001,. to be found with t17 to earl')' him away. I saw leveral COWl Ie al.o a fallac,.. The COWl are ~"" nlDlF t.rJ to ·ear..,. olr a bl, bull the leaden aDd the Behtera of the IJ.~ant that. I had Ihot. hlrde •.10 It II onl,. natural that they .'. U,b. ~~ .~D, able to make an, ef- .ebould turn oftr ·thelr otr~p'I,D'i td, be ~I~ tliV· would have luoceed- CV~ fpr 'bT ,t he bun• . "'tlben . the), ,"" "hilt the bullet from my rl1le had them'eIYee are' bUI,.. ADel that Ie elt· b~. bllD, and. alter trying tor .. ~. aetly the .e.... val mlnutee to 11ft him up ' and cat I ha. . 1MB bull elephante p1a;rtn,

AncIent BuildIng In VIrgInIa Hal Long Been FamoUI for Ita Fllh and Chickenl Dlnne~nly Dwell. ing Left of City.

COmmonly IWOWll as "the Niagara of the South ," fourteen miles tram Wash· Ington . Is an ancient building. the old Dickie hOWle . -.:onnected with which Is the pl ens ln~: tradition that every p.r esl. dent of the U nited States has take n dInner bene at h Its roof tree. PresIdent Tart a lono ex cepted . The old habllatloo. long famous for Ils fish and chlclten djnne rs. il the only dwellln£' left of the departed City of Matlldasville. tha t was caUed Into helng by the construction of the Potomac Company Canal. or whIch George Wnsbinglon. afte r relinquishing his comm and at the clOSe of the revolution. was promoter and presIdent. Generations ago the canal was abandoned and MatUdasvllIe vanished from the map. The old Dickie house alone remalo B. George Washington often ate ben eath Its roof. When the BrltIs h clliltured Washlogton In 1814 PresIdent JIladison and hIs cabinet. at Is 8ald, tarried for a meal before orossIng the rIver. All the presIdents but one are slilid ' by the desoendants ot the orlglnn1 owner of. the houle to Ih have sat at the table In tbe., little dlnw t tbe calves and lookIng after Ing·room when visiting the falls and them on numeroull occaelona. The to havo partaken of fish and chIcken tact that you lee a couple of calvea cooked In a atyle that haa made the doel not Indicate th_t e cow II ciOl. Dickie family famous tor Its culinary by. Tbelr papa may be In char,e of accompllahmenu. Some are skeptical them. enough to question this claim. but it la It I. only a matter of I few yeara put forth '- Ith such stress that most til th f I Iep b III 'b " utln t. Me Atr cafD e h aftnt w Ie e:l- Vis itors dopart IItrong In the faith DC 01 a t e ne Ipee mens that they have eaten a meal In a room have bt'en killed ott already. The th t h b b db th herd a that are roaming the junglel a aa Elen onore y e presence have UtUe Ivory. alld .are. therefore. of all the presIdents but one. As yet Immune from elephant huntera. How. President Taft bas not eat In Judgever. AI clvlllaatlon spreads. the hlrd. ment upon a meal at Dlckle'B, and the are being destroyed. for the realon absorbIng ambition of the proprietor that they are a menace to the Illfetl' Of. the house la to make the Ust comor the natlvel. besldea beln' the de- p1ete. strayer!! of much property. Sinee t~,~ completlon of the troUey Now that they are suspected of car. line to the Great Falls of the Potomac rylng IIleeplns sickness. theIr doom this beautiful work of nature has atlIealed. For thIs reason I a.m anxious trncted a !great Interest among excul'o to return to AfrIca as Boon ae poellble slonlsts . rhe trIp to the falls ia one to complete the speclmena for of the most popular In the vIcinity of Jl'oup. Unless 1 do 80 no mUleum "m the national capItal. Last year. 170,be able to group elephantl as they 000 ex curs lonlsta vIsited the falls. In are In all their glory. addition. tlilousands of other Ilghtseers I lnepected hundreds of elepbantl made the trip by automo~lIe or carwithout finding nny really line specl. rlage on t he Maryland side. ThIs mena. Mrs. Ackley and I shot three route la tar more beautiful than the bunl having tURks each weighing over one on tlll~.vlrginla BIde. for the road 100 pouuds But what I am after par. Winds alollg the river and the Chesatlcularly la' a bull with tusks weigh Ins peake and Ohio Canal to the famous JOO poun~. Il full.grown animal. CabIn J'obn bridge; which was built Many elephant huntere baYe killed when J'etrerson Davis Wal secretary three and four bnndred animals wIth· of war. During the clvil war tho name out ftndlng al larp tuskl as ::~~,~;t-7:,=============~ but w~ we~ on . the lookout 0111, tor the finest specimens. These ftne Ipecl· menl are ~ery rare. tor the reason that when a bull developl tuake of ftfq poundl, which III Quite an early age. perbapa t .... enty-be years. he hecomea the target of every bunter. black or wblte. who eete eyel on hIm. Thus It Is only the more cratty bull elephants that. seeking tbe protection of large herdll or clinging to the more tnaccentble regionl luch al denle forestlr. managed to lurvlve to a ripe old ap and denlop a growth of Ivory. Tber~ "11- one old bull, ~rbaPl tbe mOlt Iplandld speclmeD In AfrIca .....,,11 /lnown In Ugandl, who hal been 8&1!n by many builterl. He II 10 ' well p~ tected b, a larlJe herd of aggretlllYe oo"s. who chllrge on the allghteet In. . tlmatlon of danler. that no one hae been ablft to reach hIm. --,.,.tie Niagara of the South." On my return to Uganda I Inlend to lind blm end e'rentually Inatal! him ot Jelferson DavIa. whloh was inscrlbo .In the Muaeom of Natural Hlltory. ed on the bridge. wae chiseled 'out, but a few yel~rs ago It Wal replac~d, an epllOde that attracted wide tnterest at tbe time. From liere the road cut. nerosa a beautiful billy country to the Great Fans on the Maryland Iide. where th~~re II a hotel ot ' advanced ProYOCltlon. ·Where He Drew the Lin.. I PredlgL' • "Binllcy. why doe I 0ldb01 rerule to 1189· "'I don't flnd you trying to 6e1l me "The CUmbleYI ha~. ad~ance4 allThe tallB are always changing. aclpeak to yOU" You u8ed to be greal "lu. paint when 1 as~ fqr blacll." uJd other ro~ on the IOclal ladder." cordIng to tbe height of the water. trl~nds ." . tile Irate CUltomer. . "How Ie thaU" "Yes, wben we were bacbelora: but Above th.em is a dam whlch bolde . "'I 'dOll't obJeot to you try Ins to force "They 10lt two rrleDele who "ere back tho water for the Walhlngto,P tQ, ~ .· I\lre~~rlv!lr becaule lOll Oret cabJD "~IItI~.JOJl the ntaolc:' be's married now." "And what difference doel that supply. A rise of one Inch at bayen't the lort ot· liard en hOIll I lDak~T" -' dam makes arlee ot eight inches ti, ... t,,, -, . . ." Why - Alkicl W_.. . u .. "ear .lJ'"--1 '" , ~'Well , the faet I.. I made blm a the watelr a8 It passes over the taUs . Sanr;:-.,·.am .IU'" ...ere :..... maJ»' l~b..Utution an you gIrls who could make 10U happier t~n. Dal~Q'·l·o··me wedding presbDt of a book. and down the gorges. The spllctaele Is one great majesty. The'. river and be haan't IPolleq.Jo me lillee." ~...t'f~l aI\.s··U ),0\J'ge1 away with It IU I could. " epUta and runs around a cragllY lsI· :'W~l : wal the .book'" ' c.uIt.,-. r!Cht. But' when you try to convince \ He-That's JUBt the and, aDd the two parta rush together ! !II. Lolt.· "-Tlt-BIU. . .. 'Para" .lIie eVGI'7 Ume I come Into your Itore COUld. but they WOD't. :;\. araln an.l pour thunderously between u..~ J !9.u~bt to adopt your poJltJea IIIcreat rockA wblcb. split the .ftood Into ~ of .!'I' own, 1 dro the .1.... have bee. three lelia rate lI'aterfalls. al It tum. ~ .. ~J:. ". blel. ovel~ the precIpIce into the. cal· " . lIi'dear: dron. l'Iere the water, ruBhlng In • '., Her Future. abo". m~ from three anelll, forma ·a Steat whirl. ! Charitable VllItOr-H.1 the Uttle pool and theuce racu -through a Dal' ~ ,...r worked In (raetlonl' roW ,genre with perpencUcWar walll ~{~.iu~t Dwetle1'-No. ma'am; but of granlt.e for about eo mile. whe~ It ' eh'e'. iOIq to worit :In a factory 1OOIl. . epreaU out Into a placid expaue. .~.; \->1 t '~~~~r;tiu~.b; u · ),011 com. 01 be chuln~ aft.r Cbulnl art." OPO dii.~UllltJ·...--P"'lt lam", U"'''~
















·\-,,j"1'ca,{ tr,.


Wlls hlngton .-On tbe Virginia Bide

at the Grent Falls of the Potomac.


There never was a thirst that Coca·Cola couldn It satisfy. It goes] straight as an arrow, to the dry spot, And besides this,

satisfies to a T the call for something purely delicious and rleliciously pure-and wholesome.

Delicious Refreshing Thirst-Quenching THE COCA-COLA CO., ATLANTA,


Our new booklet, telling of Coca-Cola vin~ication at Cbattanoo~a, for tho asking.





.. DI~



Cure. the akln aDd acta ••• pre't'enUnJ: lor olbert. Llquld ......D ... the toDlue. S.fe lor brood mare" aDd a l l other.. De .. t kl4ntl7 "med,. "eDU And fl .OO .. bo\lle: e6.00 .. nil 110.00 Ihe doz~. 8.>ld by all dna, ..... · aucl borae "oods houaeB, or lieu\' CI.zpre,. pal"', b1 lb. mOQUf60'unta.




Ea.y to Lick RUlala.

A. couple of llttle newsies stood In front of the Youngstown (0 .) Tele· gram bulletin recently reading tbe of thla paper desiring to buy printed lines and making comme nts on D. anything advertised in Itl c~ the preslI reports. "Gee. It 88yS here 'at the l'6's liable umns should Insist upon having what ther to be Bome' o' troubles 'Ith RUBsla on ask for.refusina; all subStitutes or Imltsti~ account ob de treaty." said oil e. "What's de dltreren ce?" 8Rld the other. "DlI country don't need to worry ." "Oh, I don·t know." said the first spellker. "It fIllgllt bring on a war." "Huh!" snIffed the second bey. "'Uncle Sam could lick Russia wId de Sal· If you have eczema 01' othel' vatlon Army ." itching. burn1t. g, unsightly Ikln or scalp eruption. try Resinol CUTICURA OINTMENT HEALED Soap and Resinol Ointment. BAD SORE ON LIMB The itching Instantly ItOpS and the trouble quicklV disappear. "Some time ago I wall coming up In even the severest cases. lome step. wben tbe boaril crusbed nnder me like an egg ahell. and my v........ ulti .... 11..i00i ...,. _ 0Iat_L taDe.... 1t, right 11mb went through to the knee, nnd scral>ed tbe flesh ott the bone JUlt Inside and below tbe knee. I neglected It tor a day or two. tben It began to hurt me pretty badly. I put balsam ftr on to draw out the pollon. but When t bad used It a week. It hurt eo badly that I changed to - - oIntment. That made It smart and burn 10 badly that 1 <:ouldn't use It an,. more. and tbat was the fourth week alter I was hurt. "Then I began to use Cutlcura Oint· ment for the sore. It stopped hurting Immediately and began healing right away. It waa a bad-Iooldng sore befoNt CuUcura OIntment healed It. and Nine times In ten when the Uver II I lIuffered 10 I couldn't aleep from two right the stomach and bowels are r\ibt. days after I fell untll I began using CARTER'S UTIlE CuUcura Ointment. UVER PILLS "CutlcurQ. Soap la the beat lonp I gently but firmly ever saw. 1 have used all kloda of pel a lazy liver loap tor wasblng my face, and always do Its Cures I~ would leave my face smarting. I .tip.lion. had to keep a lotion to stop tho smart. di,le. lion, no matter how expenshe a 80ap I Sick used. I ftnd at lalt In Cutlcura Soap a loap that will cleao my face Ilnd and Di.lre•• After leave ·no smarting. and I do not have SMAl.L PILL, SMALL DOSE, ~ PRIaL to use any lotion or anything else to Genuine must bear Signature ease It. I believe Cutlcura Soap Is the bellt soap made." (Signed) Mrs. ~[. E. Fairchild. 805 Lafayette St.. WichIta. Kan.. May 8, 1911. Although Cutlcura Soap and Ointment are sold b,. druggists and dealers everywhere. • lample of each. with 82·pnge book. w111 be mailed free on application to "Cut/cura." Dept. L, Boaton.



skin troubles

w_,..,... _ .... "' .....

Make the Liver Do its Duty


Why Rant a Faria

HI. Po ... loin. Hewllguli. what Ie your hu&band'a attitude on the woman Bulrrage queltlon?" "One foot In the air, of courle. one ot tIie chronIc kickers."




would say that the man who ei I v could boost hi s tOWII a nd at the_ same time advance his own interests and still failed to do so is not a good cItIzen . And still, 00 vou realize tha t if you are not doing your share in drawing people to Waynesville to trade, by offering good goods at right prices and telling them so through the newspapers, that you are failing to take the opportunity fo boost your town and your own interests? You must admit this- Advertise.

(!o tbe l\eaber U will encourage


men to boost their town, your town, if you will patronize those who buy newspaper space. You will encourage them in letting you know about a bargain when they have one to offer.


the mind, heart and soul. A few of the many attractions are: Han. Lawrence B, Stringer, James Allen Rice, Judge Aldt'n. Frank Dixon. Rogers & Grilly, Tahan the Indian, Ratto; and Hon. Harvey Wiley, the pure food expert. Thursday, July 11, will be Women's Day; excellent talent. The N ,ff Grounds affords a nat. ural amphitheater, and are wooded with primeval forests. Through them spreads the picturesque gorge, unsurpalJ8ed by any other East of the Mississippi. This gorge has long been famous to geologista, as well .as to lovers of picturesque nature. The lake affords splendid boating. Thet!e groundR have been famouB for over half a century. Webstet, Clay, Greely. Emerson, Edward Everett Hale, and a host of other prominent men, have addressed crowds on these gro'\mrls. Here stands the Kiant spreading oak, which tradition says sheltered beneath its branches, the first Methodist meetinl' asaembled in Ohio. The tree still stands, and will shelter Bome of our campers again this year. Dr. Parks Cadman has pronounced thegroundsthejJreat. est Chautauqua grounds that he has leen in Europe 01' America. Tents should be eni'aged early. Good board can be obtained on the Ilrounds at reasonable rates. Information can be obtained by writing Dr. S. D. Fess

... .


Notice to Water Consumers

Arrangements bave now been oompleted fo~ ~he grtlnl fiddlers' . •• oarnlval whl'Jh "til be "Iveo onder Ithe ausploee of the "Women of Leb 'T " h ·anoo" at tbe Lebllnon Opera tJoose M allY of the wakrconsume1'8 have oa I'rldlY evening, June 28 h . The not as yet paid their water rent for b1l810ell men of Lebanon have b~enIMay. Come in at once and pay it, DJOS* generoul In donatlDg pricel as the time is past for having the ·1 whloh will be awarded to the beat water shut off your premiBe8. !!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!'!'!!"!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!~!"!'!!'!!!!I playere in tbe vArloulI conteste • - • whi)h have been clal8ifiell as foJ · ICE C~EAM SUPPER , The Ladies Aid of the Utica church Beet IItrlng band, three or more WI'11' h 0 ld an Ice cream sup per at the I t p OO4la, any ODe. • home of Harry Emley, SaturdaY Bes* famlly "ring band, three or . J 22nd A ood . I evening, une . g promore p I'cea. gram haa been arrang".... EveryBfta& *wo players of nne famUy. bod invited. BatI' *wn playerl. y . 0 _ _ - -Bell, woman player. IS SERIOUSLY ILL Bes' boy player under '"elve Je~ra. Will Crane is very &eriously ill at Bellt ilrl player undcr twelve his home ~t Pekin with but little , ..n. hope for hiS recovery. Beat j1i dllnoor, .electlDg bis own •- • lu:~~ i'" I DefInItion of Tact. : ....... 'r Ca payer. Tact Sa a eomblnaUon ot good Wm· Beat len handed plsyer. . per, ready wit, QWctneu of perceJ)UOn aDd aJ)Iltty to taD In tJae extpD«:7 ot Bel' banjo player. the oceuIon IDat&nUy, It Sa of· Oldel' fiddler. teDld?e, but fa a balm a1la71nc 1II1spi11 ounlelt fiddler. eIon aDd .oothlng. It la apprec:lated. Bes* 100klD" fiddler, It lI»1aullble without belng cUabonest, Beat plaYlIr..iu oounty. a~ eonllults the welfare 'of th e MCODd Party, aDd d08l not mnDlfest Bes' pll&y.r outeide of oounty. any Mlftahn_. It la ne~er antqontl' you make the Datlt fiddler of the "Ariran"l tic, De'Nr oppoaea, never atroll:.. the mOlt of your garden and I halr the 'WIODg way and never ln1Travela-r." . .......,~ ...' orchard? Or will Beat fiddler · of the tune "Yoney I tatea. fOU allow fine, frelh II at " Tact. lUte a fine maaner..... the U . waf, takea the Jar out of the jolta, fruits and vegetables to Be8t fiddler of "Flllher's Born , olJa the bearlnp. opena doora barfed 'ItO to 'W4sit 1 Pipe. Ito othera, Blta In the dra'lVtq·room .Lea,n the secret of Belt fiddler of "Devll'8 Dream." I 1rben others lUust walt In the re~ .,. • ,,.1.', th Best fiddler of "Irish Walher." tIoD hall. leta Into the prtvate oftlce "Jarrm • .':"",",: e new, sa f e, , "wheo others are turned do"n. It adasllt fiddler of ' Old Zip Coon or ItII Into eJ:cluaive clroles, where ~y _w~sf~d.f ,.canning in "Tarkey In 'he Straw. It :eal~bounda, eMil thougb poo•. Best ,fid,iler of "Leather Brpeoh- It aecur.. the position when merit .. ea, .. i tumed aw.,.. Tact.. a l1'eat mana· ttweeplltak98, bellt fiddler In aDy gur; It eas.lly controls people, even ' when combined With amaU abfilt7, olasll all any tllne. where senlua canDOt pt alOD,. .

Use the Gazette's

Classified Column B· R I ey rJDg esu ts




, ," ,,'. iTLAs


World That W.. New to Her. In Tomm,. Conovan, a property Cleveland, poaaellllu among hll personal "prope" a number of amulling .torlel. Thla III one of them: "I ueed to be on the door at the Ly· ceum. One nl8,bt when JOleph Mur· plQr 11'&1 playing there an old Irllh lad,. approached with .a ticket In her hand. Evidently Ihe had never been In .a playhoul'e before and wall lIomewliilt bewildered. She WAtched the line' pa..lng b,. me and listened al I called out ·upstalr.' or 'downataJra' according to the tlckets handed mil, Finally IIbe .lowly approacbed and gave me her coupon. .. 'Upltalrl;- I called. "'Whllper,' .he Ald. a. Ihe leaDed tqward me, 'can you tel\ me on wbat floor I can I . . Joaepb lIurPb7r'·


twisting and turning.


Put up your: vegetables and frult in these new ,ai/a? jars, and you may know It will


No trouble,



risk. - the

jan that all




'rry pmerv~


Snl the':


~~!~~a! ~~?~~~l


have dropped the price on the following Feeds •••

Mrs. Amanda Hayslit, of Lebanon. visited relatives here last week,

$3.00aton · • $2.00 a ton Mill Run • Corn and Oats Chop $2.00 a ton • $2.00 a ton Oil Meal • • tOe a bu. Ear Corn • 10c a bu. Chicken Wheat • .. • Sc a bu. Oats Bran

Messrs. Georl'e and Undley Mills were Dayton ViSitOrs, Tueeday. " Messrs. Harry Sherwood and Jesse Burton were in Dayton, MC)ndl\Y.

in E-Z ,


of ill


Filtered Gasoline for Auto's at the Waynesville A.uto and Machinery Co. Misa Wilhelmina PUKh,of Dayton, is the guest of friends in and around Waynesville. Mias Marie Miller left Monday for Oxford, Ohio. where she will attend IIchool thi l~ summer.

Waynesville Mills

. Mrs. Frank Taylor, of Chicaco, her mother, Mrs. • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• paid Editha flyilnK HaJrris,visit lasttoweek.

thereattendedthe~orse Show.


-:t•• $".t. . . . . 't ., "t FOUR QUEENS AND A JACK ! 'J!c AIM ;

John Peterson was In Sprina-field ..... last Thursday on bUlLiness, and while Mr. and Mrs. Chae. Cornell, Mr. and Mrs. JI. H. Coleman and Mrs. D. '1c L. Crane were Dayton visitors. Tues- : day.


Mr. C. G. Williamson and Miss Susan Wrii'ht attended a reunion of





All Are Strictly a Hand-Made Cigar. ' .,

!. . .

Sole .a..eDt, G. W. Sawke. .



family in Wilmington, ; • • •; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;



W. H. Madden hae some Rocking ~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' ! '! Chairs o~ hand at his warehouse, Mr. and Mrs. B. S, Howell were Mr. and Mra. B. S. Howell vilited that he WIlli sell very cheap. Go and . C· . t' Tuesd relatives in Port William, SunU,y • . m mClnna I, ay. see th em. Inner tubes vulcanized. Waynes- Mi. Edith MOI".rarrived home Mr. and Mrs , Archer Hartsock, of VI'11 e Au to and .nac U h'mery. Co . Fri~A~ ___ , attera pieuant week-t Dayton, wore guests 0 f M r. an d M rs. , at Delaware J . L. Hartsock and family, on the O. W. HlU1lilton i. spendinr several Xenia pike, Sunday. days with Hlativea in Dayton. J _ Thom. . .tarteci" Monday for the Belervoir. where he expects t9 Gll80line Stoves called for and reMears. H. A. Comell and Harry ftah for Mveral dl,yl. .' paired, Waynesville Auto and Ma· Prater attended . the Horae Show in' chinery Co. II.... Mollie Edward •• of D.,ton, D.,ton, TuMday. ~ ~Inr the SUlllDlltr with Mr. O. Mrs. J. A. Funkey arrived home . . J. Edwarda and 'amUy. Wednesday evenini' from OxfoM, M.. Adolphine CalNteneen. of where she attended commeneement Cleve1atld. Ohio, ia the ~eet of M.... and the alumni exerciaes. Sarah Zimme~an:. . - - " - - - ....M ' MtJ. C~ A. Bnaner drove u, from ~n Fridq anti nma~ . M...... Ronald Hawk. and ~a1ph hen unttl 'Sundq afternoon. IIr. Mr. and Mrs. CW. Barbeau, ·Mrs. S i h tte d.-.l th H Sh i BruDer ,tarted to Oxford co)1ep ·' h • one ow, n 1 , ondaJ for an eljbt . J. O. Cartwrlg t. " mrs. F. B • H en· m t a D weeka M derson and Mrs. Earl.Conner autoed Dayton, Weda8llday. to Lebanon Saturday evening. t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!'!'!!!!!!!!!I"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!t~ ,.



Mlues Ho,x ie and Bessie Zentmeyer of Norwood. Ohio, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Patsy Curren, of Utica, Satultday atld Sunday ad attended High School Cominencement • . d Mr. and Mrs. Walter GI'Bl' an dauahter, . ,Marianna, of Haneya. bura, Mia Rei bold, ad Mr. Carl • of IDafton, spent Sunday ai '-'IIRaY'.' bome (If Mr. and Mrs, Chu. GraT. Me8111'8. C. M. Robitzer and J. O. Cartwright attended a committee meetinlr of Masons at Morro. Fri. day, relative to the picnic at Ft. An· cient on the Fourth. They report a very enthu.Biastie meeting•.





We are Sole Agent f~r. the Celebrated ',. '. Line '; of


Blatk CrosUoffees. fas, S~ces

, Mayor Henry Hunt and a party of

. .~ f C" ti . W autOJs... rom mcmna were 10 .,. neaville Sunday, and apent the clay at Kildare farm where Mayor Hunt uSed to visit his uncle, the late Capt. W. R. Hoel.

. Try .hIm and you wiD be

aMI . viJK:ed of . IbeIt Superiority, .


Munto•.,.. Affaire.

FroIaa7. • email town halfway between Parts and Amlenl In France, II sald to be the onl,. c\v\llmed commu· nit,. In which the munlclpal afralra .... entirely In the banda of women. The mayor II a womaD, and 10 Sa the ' pertntendent ot the- railway atation, the switchman, the mall carrier and the town barber. M!J1e. Leaeboro .. the telegmph DMlssenger' and Mme. Druhon·Marcbardln la the drummer whoae duty It la to announce eacli proclamation of the mayor. Mme. IlJ"Q. hou-Marcbardln II dellCrtbecl .. an 00togenariaD. who haa held her poet throngla wind and raln tor upWU'da of 20 years. The letter carrier, Jlme. Doubour, baa held ber 01llce for IDON than ten yean and IOU about with her letters reprdleea of the .. !ber

Not • Crlt.rlOft. Blrnum:_ .Publlo. "What makel you thlnk that man P. T. Bamum'i tent manaIV came ~y a ireat Ita~'" (0 him one da,. 1100' complained he. could not lUove the :c)'O,!,da ~ (be big. tent atter the Ihol'~ ' · . Barnum consldereel .a i.llDolneJlIt. " '(Ht .Bam to' ltand' ,I :lnd yell ont 'TtlII wa,. ;.Ie· a~Yllled JVltb ~J~~l~.= . '~hort t'forlu. ' ~-~~•..\- . - .~: ~ !Io • • \





They are al/ glaumade with the glass cap. No tin tops to taint tile fruit. The spring seal closes with a clamp-no '


The sixth annual Antioch College Chautauqua will be held on the famous Neff GroundsaL Yellow Springs Dr. A. T. Wright is in Dayton, to0hio, from July 4th to Juiv 14th. d ay. 1ThE' pa~t five years have demon· ~trated to the people the value of a L . A. Zimmerman was in Dayton, great chautauqua. Only the best Wednesday. tal ent of Europe and America ever Roy !r'ons Wall in Dayton and appea r on the program; this assures the people the rich treat in store for Springfield Tuesday.

.:$Mr• .:$Mertbant


Antioch Collejte Cftautauqua

. . . ""'' '.

UnitN,.Statee~Com.....,,-. li..o

~. NIlW",YORK, Replar ROUh~ Tread. .Priee.ln.t. teet Ma,15, 19)2. Guar.~t~ti~ , £1

CUb.II ..j:Ja

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Model T Tourlnl Car . FuU;


3;16 ,. 3 8Ii


fCl , . ..••• .... ·····, .. · .. , - 88 l6 ", • .• '" -S8X4Y. ... ",...; '.~ •••'..... ~ . 4.1,80 . ,11 . ,,', I8xJ ...... ",'" .;.... sa , 8 .• . ~.


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• per oentoMh :"~ J




Sixty -Third Year







Whole Number 3165


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Friend ! of Mrs. CI.rkso n Butter. t0 h and MI'II . J. W. White wert h WI'11 b e ig d Ii ear sh e home of Mr. _ ..I' ..... ,. . ,... ..... Th afterno on. Follow inr is the pro· tained at dinner Sunday the ill considerably improved since her on last Thtu,;" .y follow , even~ng. ere Ray Mills was in Cincinnati. Tuea. Little Novella Beneck e has k been fPara ,.ram: l' I t ' te were seven ~. wo presen . ing guests: Mr. and Mni. J . H. Lin· IIFrtr.o e {~I k l ick with malarial fever. lr~ The preeident. Mra. Lindley Men· d ay. Voluntary .. .......... Mrs. Mabel Terry ton. the Mi Mes Plorence len d var IOn isYSIIIas weUll asWin cou • . Moore. l b ' b8 ex ected of Welcome Song .. .. .. ... By the Children HeIen H am i·11 an d I nez H I denhall. In behalf of the c u ,In a Miss KI7.zie Merrit t was in Xenia, a e M. C. Liddy villited rel.tive B in Scriptu re and Prayer .. .. .. Rev. Miller Clarksville. p . neat little speech. welcomed the Thursd ay. Dayton several days last week. Song- "Freed om 's Flag" .. ... .... guesta. Mr. I. T. Cartwr iJ'ht. of New York The progra m on this occasion was tion-"W elcome " .. . Veda El lis Elijah'Compton speat several d.y. Rev. C. S. Grauser and Mr. F. C Recita '" City. writes us as follow. : "Ever above the avera~e. Mrs. F. . e - "L't Mrs. Warren Barnet t and I\1r~ E l'.Jtercls B. Sher· of last week in Dayton . I t 1e Wor k 61:8.. .. .... Gilmou r were in Frankli n. Thursd ay aince the "pring of 1857 I have bee~ wood. rendere d a beautif ul Irma Ellis and Leola Atkin. V, Barnha rt ellterta ined at dinner piano W • frcque ntvlsit ortoW aynesv illeand solo and responded. with asccon son ....... .. .. .. .. ..... ..... .. .. ...... last Wednesday, Mrs. Wiliter Ret!d • d Inner tUDes vulcanized . aynes· Have your Lawn Mower sharpen ed R 't fo - "A Little Stan«a Harveysbur~. I think they are the one. to a hearty r" Mrs. Laura Mo!!her, MrM ~mmor Waynesville Auto and Machinery Co encore. M rs. A. T . ville Auto and Machinery Co . eCI Bearer a I n "pnte n llpota" on earth. I am Wright . whose"Bweet voice " .. .... ... ..... Raper Harn ess B'I al ey. M rs J . B '. ('h ' allman. n. I' S. alw~ys Messl'll. C. M. Robitz er and F. C. J . A. Funkey was in Springf ield Exerci &radually improv ing." se-"Li ttle Friends .. .. .... Geo . Ha'Nke and MISS Bmwa Heigh· pl.eases. sang When :he Flowmg Gilmour were in Monroe last Friday . last week and attende d the G. A. R Johnni e Edward s. Paul Rich. Tide eo_es Inl' and "Sm£ Me Some way . encamp ment. Claron and Harbon Reavis Quaint Old Ballad. " Miss Elizabeth Mra. J . E Janney and MillS Jean· Solo-" Will the Roses Bloom in Accordlnt: to the Macon. Geor~ia ~arr~ll. read an excellent p.~r Mrs. J. O. Cartwr ight was the on nette Janney were shoppi ng in Day· Mrs. Susan Cook and dau~hter, Daily Tele&'l'&ph our former fellow Whithe r. the Quaker Poet Heaven " ...... .. .. . ..... Rena Smith charmi ng hostess to a company . . A ton, Thursd ay. of Mias Mattie visited relatiVe!! in Leb· Exercise - "Beaut iful June" toWJIJrrlan, Mr. H H. Wadsw orth. quarte t compoeed of Mrs. J. ... ... ladies Monday afterno on. "500" H. Linanon, Thursd ay. proprie tor ot the Southe rn Poultry ton and three young ladfea of Helen Hartso ck, Rena Smith WII.8 the chief diveraion and raspbe rry Clar~s- Mrs. Lina Devitt return~. ho~e Farm ~ran8'e Ga has become ville deliehted the c.mpan Mary Atkinaon. Esth~r and punch. strawb erry ice cream and cake y Wlth last week after a pleasan t VISIt WIth 5. L. Cartwr ight was in SpringMary Edward s not 0~11 an expe;t po~itry judR'e but several selections. They II&~ were the r'!fresh ments served. The " .i th. friends in Springfield. field last week as a delega te from P.ecitation- "Sunda y Clothe • 190 an editor He edits two col· out accompaniment and their s" guests Iwere: Mrs. Laura Mosher• VOICes M d M C T Hawke and W. R. }loel Post. G. A R. • .. .... .. .. .. ....... .. .. Earl DeatheraR'e Mrs. Llna Devitt , Mra. Emmor re. . umns every week for the Sunday blended beautif ully . MI'II. C A r . an . . daught ers attende d the Horse Show Misses Edytha Macy and Irma Recitati on-· "A Little Toad" ..... edition of that paper an41s making Bruner , at.n times a favorIt. . e. sur-. D t Th Baily. Mrs. J . B. Chaplllan. Mrs. R. • day ·'t noon ----.I h H If' h are b ditl d' .... hu..... f he m success ay kWi' h ....... .. .. ......... ... .. ... . .. .... Irma Ellis E. Hath.w ay. on onto UI'II a< . e r . PHUeU ou.,. e1'88 In spen er re.n !ng .~ t on weI!' o. Mrs. Israel Sattert h· a t . " 1 .. 'd d SonO'~usical mono .o&'U~, d~ VIVI e;~IP' Gasoline Stoves. repaire d. Notify relatives at. H a r v e y s b u r g . . "lf We Were You and waite, MI'!I. A. T. Wright . MI'll. S. D • You Were Us" ... Irma. Lena lion of the. Titan c ll!alter. . en the Waynesville Auto and Machin Clayton. MfIl. F. B. Henderson. Mrs. ery Messrs. Chas. Stansb ury and son. F'riellW!of Misa Marga retta Packer she had fi~iMed the perfect alienee and Veda Ellia J. H. Coleman. Mrs. Geo. Hawke. Co. and they will call for them. and F rank Sl.ansbury and sons. were Exerci se-"Lo vers of Jesus" . ed . itat' M t O th that prevlUled was the heartie st .ph .. ... Mrs. E. V. Barnha rt. MI'II. D. L. ave r8C8lV t mV fl°th U • e plauae any reader could receive Johnni e , Edward s. . Mias Grace Smart . of Hartwe ll, were in Da.vton ThurBday. Fred commencemen w~k 0 Crane. Miss Elizabeth Carroll. Mi88 e Olver· M Fred B Sh ood ery ably ed I' ' ty f M' h' d f ' d D epar· t rs.ed M . erw' 81 Thomp son and Claron Reavis 0 v IC Ipn. L'te Ohio I rary visit re Emma atlves HeighwaY and Mii18 M> ra an rum B s Edward and Wynne Keever. of "'xercl 'je-"On e By One" .. . Alma I' t J 23 to 27 1912 M' play rs. Bal·rd . . runer s acco.~. '" here and at Harvey sburg. last week . Centerville. were guests men. une • . of Dr· Harness. Clara Atkinson. ", clo--.I With a Packer '. major Btudy is Biology 118 - - -... - • in ment . The p1NWP>'G W . h '~~'-""" '1 S d . B rig t an d' ...ami • REMEMBERED BIRTHDAY y . vocal 1010 charmm gly Bung by". • un ay . Lena and Veda Ellis. Marie MISS Mr. and Mrs. C. A. runer came • "hlch Itudy abe expect l to take. Sybl'l Ha-ke . and Inez Rich up from Muon Friday evening to att r&d te t Mr and Mrs. Chas. Chapman. of .... poa C ua ~~ra: nex year. I wish, throug h your valuabl e During a pleuan t aocial time ice tend the New Centur y Club se-"Tw o Wee Girlies" .. . recep· Spring boro. were guests of Mr. and Exerci Irma Ellis and Leola paper Atkim!4 to thank my many friend. for m cream. cake and lemonade were tion. MASTER MASON DEOR EE Mrs. J B. Cbapman. Sunday . Son"- " [ ~ves Son"''' .. . Youn" Ladies their loving tribute s on my birthda y. .ervd. •_ • Mr. and Mrs . • 'rank Taft. of DayI can hardly convey to them my Mrs. Frank Frueha . of Cleveland I Exercise-"Sunbeams of TemWavneeville Lo4ige N~. 163 F. & CHILD REN'S DAY ton. we", lueste of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ohio. is the guest of her feeling s on that day. The aurpris e parenb i' A. M.• met Tueaday e~emn~. and ex· perance .. .......... ... 13 Little Boys W. White was at the comple New te as I never even Celltur ~ Club Mr. IImd MI'II. J. H. OPP. for. fe~ Exerci lle-"A Recrui t....... Lena em,lifi ed the work In ~h.e Muter Children'B D.y at the M. E. church I recepti on. dreame d of anythin g of the kind daya. Muon lieg-ree. Several VISitors were Wal approp riately obeerved Ellis. Rena Smith and Alma Sund.y j when I went after my malllln d there ,resen t from out of town. and Wor- .venin~. A lal1re eoncre p.tion Harnes s of Mr .•nd Mrs. C. E. Rideno ur and , JaJlRes l'rende rl88t attende found over one hundre d and fifty d the Song- "Learn A Little Every ehiplul Mu. of Lebano n· people wu PHMll t and the childre n family . of Springf Lode, 'was in the East durlnl 'th. acquitt ed thesue lvesve ry creditably. Sunday guests ield. Ohio. were G. A. R. meetin . in Sprin,.field. lut D.y" .......... .. ... Jrene Unglesbee cardh bearin .loving remem brances of Mr. fro .. so many friends . and Mrs. l. Thul'ltd av. Also a reunion of hiB old Recita tion-" A Little Girl" ...... evenin&. The work was very im. Fol1owiD~ is the proera a: Sattert hwaite . I am unaltle to write to each aud regime nt. preeaivel1 rendere d. After the lIeS .. . ....... .... .... Martha Deathe rage tell theM how I apPre<'i.te slon the IOlhre went to PhilliJII' and Proceu ional... ........ ......... ......... Recita tion-" A Little Boy" ...... Mrs. Charlo tte Edward s ana 'her Mi!18e8 friends Stell. hip. so uk you to tell them. Lemmo n and Alma - ate ice cream. .. .. ..... ... ......... Johnni e Edward s . ..... "Onwa rd Christi an Sol.. ier" claUJrhter. Mrs Mahlon Griest, ai'. Water III is house with are • heart fillnd with Krati. gueetl this w~ek f:)f Exerci se-"Go d ia Love" ....... .. • - • Twenty ·third Pul . ...... ......... Scbool rived here Saturd ay. and are . the Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Collett. of ne.r tude and love that I again thank .. ... M. Eo 'CHURCH .... ....... .......... . 4 Little Boya Son&- "Savio r Like a Shephe rd cuests of Mrs. Annie Burton . them Harvey .11 .burg. and w!shinl' that Goa'B Song"On Which Side" Lead U.......... .......... ..... SChool ........ richest bletlling may be theirs. and SUDda, SchbOI. 9:15 •• m. Preach Lord's Prayer and Prayer by Pastor ......... ....... .... .. .... Young Ladiee Mr. and Mra. G. L , Dumfo rd and Mr. and Mra. J. H. Linton and lhe Fl.", Drl'll in,. by Pal. mominK and evenin&' Son....... ........ ......... .......... . By the Children as the ~eninr sh.dow s g.ther and ... CAoir daugbt era Doris and Doroth y. of Mi88e8 1nez Hale. Helen Hamill .nd .. .......... ... Subjec t of mornin g sermo n.' Exercis e ........... By thl! Young Ladies the !rollien lun is setting the one Recitation .. .... .. .. . .. Helen Dinwiddie Morrow. were the lrUj!Sts of Mr. and Florenc e Moore. of Clarkaville. spent Exercise anli Sonl'-" thouj{ht that will cling to my memo Church Compared to a Vine... In Son,. ......... .... .. Miu Mirand a's Prepar inll' Clau Mrs. Gilmour on Wednesday and aevf'1'I\1 days here last week. ory will he my aixty·second birthda y. for Children·.a D.y.......... .. .. the eveniq . the last of the aeties on Son~.......... ....... ..... .. . Primar y CI ... Thursd ay. of last week. .....lI . al So M d 1\' Again with love and best wishes to F B S.... __ .I . S ·th the p ~18 .. .......... .......... .. Bv the Children n, au b'l8C t • 'That Recitation .. .......... ..... ... LoUI" r. an .. n . . . .'erw....... ml all d , I am respect fully. ht d f Leb Elder Brothe r" or ,•Li t tle Th'InP Recitation ...... .......... .Orville tSong- "The Hearbi Summe r F. C. Gilmour will leave next Mon· aug er an son. 0 Phillips anon. a te d d th N Wblch Mar. .. Ce L. NicholsOn. t CI b p. B Time" th .. .... By the Young Ladies day for Frankl in where he will as· n e _ . e ew . n ury u Recitation ........ Burn.t t utterw or receth tl I" d d Cl.rence S• Grauser. P u tor LesaOD Review........ cl Drill lume .......... his ..... old By -~..ztio the Young La iell n of post master on .~•n aye.venmg, an were e .. ....... M1'8. F arr pvDO . A FREAK IN HORSE FLESH ht f 0 d M T Remar u by Wm. H. Gard. of • - • Ouet ...... Jeanet te and Luell. Janney at the Miami Valley Chauta uqu •. gues .., over mg 0 r. an rs.. II'I'S Sh ood OILiNO THE STR E iii California RAleitation ........ , .......... ... 0 pal G,.y He will be there about six wPCu. Carl Sheets. of the Upper Way· erw . Collection. Song and Recitation Song ............... Mias Mirand a's CIIL88 neaville and Sprln,. boro pike. has a The oil for street arrived Song .......... .. ... Mi. Mirand .·s .......... . .......... ......... By the Childre n two-year· old colt the most wonder CIa. March and Collection.. ... .. .... .. .... hent Saturd 8y, aM work was com· Reeitation .......... ..... Charle sGraua full thing to be seen. It is a weller ,,- D!~ncecl Tu_da y afterno on . By the Childre n developed horae with the map of Recitation ... ...... ......... Louiae Smith - - _ . _. CI08lni' Song-' Till We Meet" Duet ........ llazel. nd Mabel Salisbury Nerth America OB one aide and a lam ll : Benedictlon .......... .. Rev. GtlO. Miller bunch of WILL CLOSE ALL DAY SOnl'........... Mtl!t'l Vander vort's Class r08e8 and a full IlUU'ked Recitation ........ ......... H.ue Dinwiddie chicken on the other. Anyone By Tom Pierce The Waynesville Mills will be Recitation ....... ............. Tacy Clae-et FEED PRICES DROP doubtin g this will call at his place t losed II d th Fourth of July c and a He . y on for himself . She Is of Ara• SOlo.......... ............... Franee e Janney - - -... - e • In last week's i88ue of the Gazette . w.,.,, ___. *-• • 7f"If"IT'"If' * ~***********.**. 71"71' ""'''''' Recitation ......... .. .......... .. Ross Irons bian stock our . ' readers dam is noted the spotted a drop of prices en I 'nollnat lon ... Get \"", 1Iuta. Lteeitation ......... .. Kathle en Gilmou r of Carl·lI. and the Bire ie the large ed hyc Iean. h The t O Gem i f f t CIty Let's Reserve feed s. and 0 mill ay· stuWs earn at the Waynea· ones e or . We aN all too much IIlcllne4to ..t Wand Drill to Jolm ton made their ,.,annual trip to Way- root aII t h e hII rd er. They are fi ville Mills. Mr. Robitze r is an up· white stallion belong ina Into rut.. For one thin. It II ...,. a ne • .. AddrH8 by Paster Stroop. n~ilIe anti defeate d the Miamis by bunch of gooo ball·players and ror 'DOther. lome of UI dllllke 401n. will to-date miller and is always the first • - ••- - . the tbe unulual for r.r of hln. talked SonA! ...... .......... ...... _..... .. ....... Cholr de f ea t ny of the best teams et. one in this section ~f the State to 1IC0re of 15 to 2. rna REPUB LICAN y CONVENTION take abollt or laqhe4 , at. wanel l. 1D4It. advant a"e • of all opp' o rtunitie a are sllveral reasons for this. The score: A uDlque part ot the pro£ra tn wu FiThere flNlloe. or ..U-coDlCIouloell hold. UI • t bo nutural ly a little . ItIC8&RVES . present ed. and he sells at the lowest ra • our ya were U.lIt aDd ra.t In the lame rouUDe of the review Ity M rs. F arr, Wm. H . Taft was re-nom in.ted I pnmar y bering their 20 to O · AD R . H PO A II: margin POSSI'bl e. llYl." r-r In IDel ,.ar out. class. They a", taught ttv pie~re ~:re:~f r~::~ear. Second for Presi"e nt at the Republican con· . Smith WeloYer. Sb.. .... . 6 a I 0 0 0 Womln Ihut thlml..,.el outot mucb 18BlOnl and the quick answer s IPven It is impossible for us to give any vention. last Saturd . ay afterno on. I JIIelbaur. p . . ".. that II II,.. and "Ital 111 not J01Dlla. by the intle . ~ 3 2 0 S 0 idea of the volume of business .ione ones reftected credit to was not quite 110 effective lASt ullua R~~. after four days of strenuo lOme or the ",oman'l club. tbat Ire ~ ::: us work. : : ::: : 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ at the Waynt'Bville MiII8. but it is but with good. clean auppor wou ld Bordewloch. lb . . . . ~ I 2 their teacller. , • 1 James S. Sherma n was nomina ted no", 10 ImportaDt a ~ of Ute. lied h h h 'th flying colO. Smith. If... ... 3 1 .• • ' was bette th f rm have pu 1 I 0 0 large. and at any time you want t e for The, Ire IbutUn. out ",bole unl· TIle slDlPnll WI either vice· preside nt. Col. Roosevelt r an o · 3 " 0 Th'rd t roug 0 0 • best f fl t f them hit Cuah.". Haddix. Lof.rt.. ....... .. • . . 3 1 1 1 • 0 0 b ........ ",beD tbl,. conIne them "'- erly. oWlDg 0 our or any th"n to the fact of mg I thel' r II'ne .nnoun ced himself 08 a candid ate on ors I . mos 0 DadlIlOD. •. ~r ape. Ib .. ... .. 6 . J 1 10 0 in tou h luck or left their batting Patrick. c... . . . .. , 3 2 O'f to one Une of "aCln•. 9 B 0 I you W I'll call there you will be a third party ticket. thus trying to h.VID~ mualc In our public schoolB•. AVes 'th da w'l th three TotaJ .. ...... .. H IDclMd. one can creete maDY DI" . ....,. a orne Ed war, 1 treated handsomely. U 13 27 18 • _ . _ __ split the party . ",orlda for berMlt 11,. brln"n l Into hit. in four times at bat. being the HAS BOUGHT FARM ODe'I We De'" IDlereltl. It 110M M(AMJS The Demoo rats are having a strenTHE MASONIC PICNIC only eonsiatent hitter Fourth . the~ of the IDOI& dectt,. . ",a,1 of k..pS." AB R HI PO A J: uous time this week at Baltim ore John Peterso n bought the old Hep- were continually hooted by some JOQIlI. of l~=·i.~~ c.:::: ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ Bryan !s tryinl to domina te his Ammg ementa for the Masonic .nd ford farm on the tractio n line be- the local talent who go to the party. ____ ____ _- games ~=o~. If . . ~ g g ~ : ~ picnic at Ft. Ancient on ...... n Spn· are .... Vallead Bellbrook. for no other purpos e than to knock 8m~h. 'P .ct:: tw "'" I K I ... J :::: J , 1 I 0 8 a about .... Nerwe t. n niltit. completed. The commi ttee EVaDa.II •. rt.. .. .. . 4 0 0 DEATH . 10., HubD of NonraJ' bu cr. lut week. It il a farm ot 110 acres. the bome teaM. 8urflroce. lb .... . . . ' 4 0 J 3I 10 00 hu arrauge d a fQlI day. There d .... An.- WatMD of the Ira of AD- mainly bottom land. tine half will f th th in Ka"ke. ~ ..... . , 2 .J 0 houle an 0 1 3 In the last 0 e seven • 0'0"1111. • • • • • • • • 2 0 0 • 0 0 be a Masonic band of twenty pIeces Malind I'll w..... Co. a lint oIUe blPt llank barn. and i. in good W. Allen. widow of Fran· condition. niq, after he had singled. Surfac e r!.. ............ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ g and everyth ing points to a fine time cis Allen, a puaed of the No........ . Order of It. Olal. It Is the intentio n of away June 24th.t Mr. Peterso n started for aecond on the third ball Total ... . .. .... 28 2 II '1 11 "8 providi ng the Weathe r Man will her home UI4 baa p ... Jala U. InMl",1a of the to move to this p lace in the In Miltord spring. . Obio. apd ,Itched to Hawke . Patrick let the Clll,Cer. I a I make it a fair day. • nearly 16 years. Funera l to be helel ball"" b" him but 'produc ed lID· a-rv•.. . 0 I 1 •0 I, 61 67 B I order, wblo1l .. ..-rr raral1 OCID• • 2 1-15 ... ~ I , 111l1li110 . ••• 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 1- 2 IIrN4 aOQt to XonN Itu.. Iau baeD at Milford. Thurllliay, L m;. June POMONA OIlANOE HAD MUSICAL SERVICE other ball and thew to ~nd catch· Stolen ~a-n •. 10' Xlaal.. ....... to IIr. W.... wttIl til. OODMIlt •. 27th. _ _ _ _ t1ll' Surfac e. The l,ocal team pro· 8acrlftoe hlte-a --., J; Mllllllilo. 2. .. The service at the Orthod ox .ct t»·.rlU U ....a d afte 'te nt -The Warren Two-baM hlte-~ ••• County Pomona teswu an r qUI an a-·nme '.• • Double pla ~~. WILLt tOLD LAW~ FETE I: ~. I. , .ftIa Friend s church Sunday was auI" P'lDt.cI"JI~re will meet at IAtllllon, .t the the D.,ton maDal'er admitt ed the ,; ~~~ . .. .an 01. the ..",.' -BT 1IbIIur. t. bT ImlUa, mented !...._ G . u b, Y , a trick fine ....... musica and l Surfac aerviee e · . wu ,declared B",Bl c.-otr Nllblur. I; olr 8aII&b. 7; Th,e C. E.. Society and :. t ~".al. """""" ' - 'able to Ball of ·lA_o n r:anP. on me-" f CI ...... ;.. ~ oil Bunatrd. .1, . ~~ , . ' ~• . Ladles Quarte tte. 0 . ........ . street, s.turd a; June 29. safe, . . of the Cbnatl~ cbilfCh 'c .~~ .~:-;;, ~ '..' t mem bei8 tO _lve' the We ~ ,p~u~ , that , n~n• • of~ -!' =::'o':' tt~I&'. Ville, ~deretlllOm •. v!U7 fine mUsic. Lawn Fete Oil 'be · l1~a:~~; theJ :a1; c=~ • I; ~ , Tb"re ~u, quite idarp '~.·'11le~(~~'IiIJ~;;~t.~ii@aI~J~~ta~ con~~ ef :the ehufeh , ..... - . ;-r;:~ ' ..•. '. ::~ preMfti .loth, ~la wo~.·IItOoP to IRlc}I a~-,~ . TltDe III '='1:1 _;i ~=::'=~lf~ dUree ' .... .... .. Int tncJi ·. Wbat O\Ir '~lI ·wet ·w Uaplre 0. .t! , O.D p~ .. ,.t . to h~ .t.,h ~. --: '.. ., .. \ .... ' ~~;l~;1~~~~~~~~~~2!!~.~ ., .

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The Miami Gazette D. L. CRANE. Pub lis her. W Ayr;ESVlLLJ:;,



Tbe wor ld Is fr ee r to cr ltl clso a mls· tails thlUl to ('on s llie r a motl ~ e. 11 I. work ing tbe tl ddle-s trlllg s 01 I'Ol1u, lar al1plolls e for fi ll thoy nre wo r th. The nlan wb o. r of ll.lng to piny 10 tho I ~n ll(>rl e8 . !;OPS 011 d (l lns th ~ h e~ t b o kn o ws how. nctln!; fr o m a s ln ('('I'o moti ve. 8Iltr .. r~ SO Ill U dbpllrage- ln e nL. lI e doe s nOL HII('I 'p('11 n( t .,n In p'lIln!: th e wo rld to e X<l ltllne tho whys and wb l' rt'lor s or I.lR nCI In n. because It III 11 0t In Iinc \\ I1I1 \\"1\:11 at t he (Irue the wor lll rpgnrd. flS proper. 83 yS the OmalIR lI ee. The' t rllth Is. wo rds lire o\'e nflillorl In th e war( or puhllc dlBcusslon and up"ds pny t hc pelll\!ty of the shorts. Th ere 1M IuD LIluch wn· l erert slOck 111 on e 11 11 (t too little at· tentlon to th e Intri ns ic vlllue or the oth er. "Words are good and only so when backed hy deeds." That Is tile mnxlO! of the man wllh a moUve to binge his "mistake" upon. h oweve r unralrly .ome of the old friends or t hla truism may be treating It. An an cie nt wise man phrased the lIame princip le nnother WilY : "For 81 he thlnk eth In b le heart. so IB h e." He wbo moves trom the etandpolnt of mern convIction. may make mistakes. but he Ie a much lIafer man to follow tban the one who trains hI. wlrelells to catc b the cUfl'ilnt.l ot popular Cl!ought.



IN THE CULTURE OF POTATOES Soli Is Prime Requ.tslte ene:! Conslsts ot Surface W lth Su{C1clc nt Admixture 01 Sand flnd SUt to be Re· s poDslve to Tillage Operations - Air Is Also QUite EssentIal.


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" I'm S(lrry. " he sal,\.

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~~~~~~' h . " Ilint [ brought YOII ' here

10. 1\

" Why . rfl(h r r?" RRli{' d t he YO llnger a boat In which SODl(> SIt>erllln E~ kl · mn n. I BELL of St. Lawrence Island. mO$ h a d arriv e d. he rouu'l a (tIlRnti ty ''I'm 80rn·... be r l'p lled, with n shrill! Alaska. who bave b ee n spe nd· of whi s ky whi('b h e poured on th e Jr hi s s houI Cle r" . "(hnt ~' Oll ha d to II ~ 'I In g a re w we-elts In th e stules . II:round . Defo re be lin e w wbat was lI'n to th llt ~ermon . I dotl', bcll(> ve In are enjoying their second va. hUl'lWn ltlg he WRS st ru c k dow n, mi ss ions. Th(>y're a 8tupld wn ste or cation si nce 1901, when they went trample d IJpou 8nd se ve ral ribs Ilnd mpn and m Oll ey ." You can buy an almanac now tor II. the r e to engage In 80cla l work among h is nose we re broke n . It m ig ht have Th o younger mnn m nrle no N'ply Ilt penny or lesB. and a tradesman will tb e EskJmos . Their wo rlc Is s imilar been very s erio us for th e doc lor. bad th e tim e . hu t whpn h e rf'n I' h I! (I home Bend you one wIth his compliments to that of Dr . Grenre ll . though t heir It not bocn ror a sbll>wre(;i(cd wbul· hI' a~ked bls fath e r nnd m oth e r to le t for nothing, but tbe first prInted Isolation Is even greate r tha n thnt of Ing crow In ('u mp on th e Is land . whl cb him te ll them a little sto ry . Object Leason Shown . • peclmen published at Nuremberg. I.n the workers on the COIlSt of Labrndor, ca me to t l l ~ aSS istan ce . Situated In the Ue hrln g Sea. two " It "' liS In th e nl gbt tim e. and tbe "A rl'w Y'l'lI rs ago." h e hf'~an. "II 1475. wr." thought Bu ch a wonderful thing that It was sold at oon golden hundred mlle8 f rom Nome and rorty Slb"rlll ll " had broug ht so me of th e ir TOli ng m nn l e ft his fathl'r's rarm to crownl a copy-more tban Its weight mil es rrom Siberia. In lbe s badow of peop l" \\' ho were sick OHr to th e do c- Rl'l.!k his fo r t une In 'hft Cnnad lrlll west. lhe Arctic Ci rcle. St. Lnwrence I s In· tor for ITI edka l trea tlll ent. And whe n li e got Into hml compnny . and was In gold. The tint English printed al· accessible eig ht mOnl hs In the yea r. I nwoli o to see my husb a nd standing lert on E' cla y 'by the roatl s lde drunk 8ml wall the "Shepheards' Katen· and the othe r four the only conncc· In lh o (]oo r. co ve red with blood. s ur- un ro nsciou8. du ... tranlllated from the French. and tlon with the outs ide world Is the round e d hy s trung ~ E skim os. I was "A t Ihnt IIla('(I. Ilvln ", In 1\ little so d· prlnted by RJchard pynaon In 1497, arrlv a l of tbe United Sta tes re venue very mudl n larmed for a momeut." cnve rpd s ha ck . th ere wns ft yo ung man and the tifllt popular almanao of the cutter, the s uppl y s hip. alld a cban ce Reindeer Industry . who had heen se nt Ol1t by a mis siona r y "Old Moore" type was the "Pronos· wh aler now and tben. and on on e or In rega rd to the reindee r Industry society. He \\' a" b rave. H e loved mC'n tyac10n of KaYlter Jobn Tb,bault, two occasions a gasoline bout from Or. Camll bpll Is very optimistic. not- Rnd BOllght th e m In th e Bplrlt of his withstanding il ll etr~r t was made a t e w divine m aster . He rou n d the drunken med1cyner and aatronomer of the Nom e . The Island Is a government reindeer y('a rs ago to di sc red it th e whole ven· re ll ow . w ho hAd bE'en lett by his co m· IIlmperyall MajeBUu of tbe yeare of panlons to di e from akohol or ell:· Standard Late Varieties of Potatoell. 1. Burbank; 2, Green Mountain; 3, Ruour Lorde MCCCCCXXXlJ." Desl"'e8 reservation a nd tb e m ost remote sta· ture. lion of Alaska ell:cept Point Barrow. "The government esta bli s hed a he rd poSlIre. "nd cllrl'led h im to hi s s ha ck. ral New Yorker; 4. Peerl!! .... propheaylna "war•• revoluUons and which Is the northe rnmost post offi ce of seve nt.y deer on tbe Island In 1900." pl nce d him II~ his own bed . Rnd worked the death of kin...... that early al- In t.he world. Yet Point Barrow bas b e says "and It now numbers s ix hun· over him un1'l1 h(' brou ~h t him buck to (By W . H. OLIN. l<lnho .AgrIcultural CoI- requisites are provided for that en manac told ;you the proper day to a relnde-er matI service t.bree times In dred and e ighty. and many Ilav e been con s clOl1SneEls . Then after be bad re" lege.) courage II. we ll d e" elo lled root system tAlle Monda)" was the day for the winter. while St. Lawrence bas kille d for food and clothing. ThIs may him. he remons t rated with him for The m easure of s uccess In potato by mea ns of whi ch the growIng tuber alIment. or ~ lega. for &t- but one regular mall a yellr. not be done lit Will, but Is e ntire ly un- wa Rt In J( hl.s li fe . nnd prarEl<1 earnestty growing Is the yie ld per acre and plant draws Its Bustenance from soil Quality of tbe barvested crop. F rom and air. leeUona of the head. etc. But what "As you know." said Dr. Campbell. d er government regulation. wIth him . the failures as we ll as th e successes Flrth- neep plowIng and thorough . "Only about thlrty·flv e at, present Beginning of New Life. ,the unfortunte sul!erer was to do '" am employed by the government to "The young ma n confessed hili IIlnll of potato farmers. nortb. south. east stirring oC the soil at tbe proller lime 'Wbo had a pain on the wrong day It teach the E8klmos and superlritend belong to th e government. the relit doea not .tste, sayl the London the care of the reindeer. For five having been given out to tbe herders Bnd sought pardon . HIli afte r life and west. the w rite r has hammered In sures 8 011 aeration. so elsentlal In out the follO Wing seve n proverbs as succeSsful potato culture. ChronIcle. You mUlt take palnl at yeare my wlte. who had been reared In lieu of wages_ Our c hie f h erder. proved the genu lnellell8 or his conv er Slxth--CRreful. sys tematic seed lieIn Southern California. where she Saplllu. has 200 bead from hi s earnings ilion . H e hn.8 become an honore d Rnt'. the Beven moat Important potato the proper Ume. lectlon IB all-Important In maintaInIng never Baw a Bnow tall. WIIS the only and theIr Increase. respected cl tl zpn . and aM the world n eeds: Flrst- A potnto Boll Is a prime re- Quality In potatoes. A s eed plot gro\1l'n white woman on tbe Island. but wben "The tea chIng In tbe public school goes. a prOS 'lle rOIl R TTlfln . He Is an of· That aome of the men who were we returnM from our first vacation III not unlik e oure. Includin g Industrial I fi rer In bl s churrh. nnd In ord e r to add Qlllsite ror profitable POtllto culture. yea r's crop wilt furnish the desirable nli'Ued trom the TitanIc were Ie.. the government sent wltb us a lady trainin g a nd music. In addltlon to this to th e rom fo rt or hi s aged pal·ents. h~ T his consis ts of a surface soli with a quality seed tor next year's ge nel'll! th e sc hoolhouse. which Is a lso our sends them gladly fhe b undred dollars sufllclent ad mix ture of sand and slit fi e ld crop. A dl'fl nlte system of using Ilerolo tban those who went down assistant teacher. or clay. to be responsIve to tilla ge 01>' hlll·selected seed pays rich divid e nds "There Is no authority on the lsI. hom e. Is open to th e public eve nin gs B year. IWtth the .hlp Is II. moderate way of "Fa tbe r and m other. I am that ma n . eratlons . Beneath thIs s urface so\l thla year f rom hlll-eeh!cted seed ot puttlq an unpleaan~t truth. Mn. and." continued the doctor. "rellgtons Rnd Is a socia l cente r In the fullest Htppach of Chicago. one ot the wom· or cIvil." The man who catcbes the I\6nse. From It e manates the Indus· i\nd 1 tremble to think what I Fbo ll!d should be a well drained subsoil. CIlP- last In Increa sed yield per bill and deable ot plant food renewals. to upper s lrnble type 8ought. Plant ror seed en .uM'lvora. said tbat · b~t In most whale may be called chief. but trlal. educational. buslneRs. aoclal and have bel'n b ut ror th llt fa lthrul mls- soli, from time to tlnie. the type nn d cbaracter of potato you he hilS no more control than others. retlgloull lite of the people. s lonary ." whloh ehe and her dausbter ty8R Second-Plenty of air, hence POI" desire to market . The devll-doctors have a certain kind " Besides the regular SChool collMle This Is bllt n s ingl e episode In , he • aved contained 81 women and two of power through their eorcerles. by tbere Is a good work benc h. black· lIIe of one or tb e dpvoted m en and oalty In I he tioll . Pot~s must have A tuber with but few and 8hallow men, one of the latter beIng a Spao· workIng on the fears and supersti tions - smith outflt. grindstone. s toc ks Rnd women lahor lng In thl'! fi e ld or mls- a ir. e s pecially after th e setting of the eyes. with skIn fr ee of fungus di seases lard wbo carried a poodle dog In bll at the people. but not otherwIse. The di es. pollsblng lathe (for polis hin g ~Ions; yet ho w mu c h It meant- In hal>' tubers durIng the pe rIod ot theIr mar whlcll prey upon It. and ot the form typlcllI of Its pa rtlClllar brood , I~ the anna. The women. who were rowlnl(. language Is not that ot the E Skimos Ivory). fur-se wing machine. laundry pl n eSB and com fo rt for the old Ileople. turlty. Third-Plenty of avail a ble vlant type of potn to most to be des ired tor ...ked him to take an oar and help. of tbe maInland. but ot Sibena ." Ilnd organ always ready for anyone In the vnlue to th e community of the Dr. Campbell has done what no to u Re." alert. efficle:nt. bonorRble citizen. who food . Salls ri ch In Ilotash with plenty seed. l . T nknown grocery potatoes . runbut ne lIatd he couldn't as he had to ma n has ever done before. ror he has On e of Dr. Cam.pbell·s pet schemes might othe rwi se bave die d 11 drunk· o! veget a ble mold - humus-are usual· outs and culls mu st. or should. be d18mJnd hi. dog. r edu ced the Ir vocabulary to a wrltten Is the Building and Loan Association. a rd ; above nIl. In a Joyrul lIIe or servo ly well s uppli e d with all lhe otber de-- corded for aeed It we would hope to slrable ele me nts In a vailable torm tor Improve the crOll or obtaIn sallstacFor the first Ume In the blstory of lang uage--and has published a book. whiel'l spveral young men bav e alre ady Ice. and the assu ran ce of life e ternal the growIng tubers. tory proflts In potato culture. le t con taining tbe alphabet. pi ctures established and bnllt sanItary cabins to the man who was saved.- Youth', the world, alfllhlps have been used al Fourth - A we ll fln e d. firm e d, but Seventh- A well ordered rotaUon ot or s imple objects and tranSlations ror tbe m selvell I1nd wi ves. Compa nIon. 'War machines. The Italian dlrlglblea from the Bible. ]t Is a language of porous. Boll bas an evennes s of tex- crops Is all Important for potato BUCDr. and Mr8. Cllmpbe ll are social -------'Which wiped out 8 Turkish camp by many sYllables. A sen te nce of six workers of th e mOAt approved stan- TRUE CHURCH EASILY KNOWN ture which e nables It to rece ive mols- cess. Potatoes should Dot be grown bombl dropped from above. them. Eng lish words ot one syllable eaCh. dard. dl'veloplng the na tiv e and do· ture and fe-e-d the same to the potalo more than t wice In succesl!\lou on tbe p lant. through _ ~lllllJw..L-..IUIL.l.LII.....1J.I!l.l.I.-t Bame grOllnd without rotation to InaelYel oat ot-Illnse. Indicate wbat s bas tWenty-three sYllables In Eskimo mestl c IIrts, teacblng sanitation and Th 0 I tl Whl hiD I th . , at rgan ora on c . 0 ng I s ystem shall have ne-ed. An earth Bure freedom from tungus dIseases. terrible thing tbe war of the near tu· The Whole Thing. h)' glenlc living and In c ul cR tin g moral Work of Christ Ha. the ' mulch at surface prevents too ravld Place pota toes In the rotation after true will be with atl the engines 01 In the absenoo of mayor, <,ounell. prlnctrles, In ad dition to pllhllc school Only Claim. evaporation or thlB desired moIsture. the legume crop wblch pays you beat destruction made possible by new In. Bchool board, police forc e. lighting In stru cti on and m edical ra re . What water and snnltnry commIssioners' this m ea ns to this most r est rlcted and Which Is the true c hurch! Jesll! conse rving thIs essential for the grow- to grow upon the rarm In almollt every "enUonl and new resourres_ . ' Ing plant ne ed8. Tbus otller essential loca lity. 1 ba nk e r . architect nnd bUilde r . bln ck' . - , wretche rl o r 1 eop les. Is beyond our sa Id man y tl m es . "TIIe S on 0 f man Ie _..... ...... ............ __ ... ...,... ..+- .... One little German town alone doe8 smlt.h nnd t h e rest. Or. Campbell nt- compreh en sion . they say. rome to sav e that whi ch Is lost." He an annual business In loys aggregatlnll tend s to any sucb matters as mny sen t the se'v(>nly out to eeclt and to arlse In addition to being physician . Artificial Lakes. save. He "'ave them a gospel or d~ ".000.000 In value. Amusing the little .., ~ ones Is more of a !l6J'lous buslnels en. ! lIrgeon. scbool tea ·he r. preac he r. and A (krman Inves tigator ha s round I llv(>ran ce rrom bond age. 8 message re indee r sUD!lrlntendent. He has a thnt t he la rge a rtifi cial lakes formed . that Hhould fr ee men rrom the ir s lm urprlse than many think. In tact. 11 most able as s istant In ~l rs . Campbell. for Irrigation purposes or to supply and r esto re th em t o th eir birthrIght lJ'anks among the trad e s of vast prOo who has thrown berself. heart and water for large cltlcs, are not with· RI t he c hild ren or God . He came .s II 'PortJonB. And It Is safe to say tbat Its 80111 Into the work. out In nuence on th o Climate of the sur· flaher who g ath e rs fish Into his net. Is Expressed by Comm.on FBrm MlXed With Shorts Bran and &altered Here Wordll aD Mellow. Lao_. product. give more solid satisfaction "Wbat do we teacb t.he n ll tlvps ?" rOllndll11': lor nllty. In ouo Instan ce He called those whom he chose tt, and There Will Do Friable, Poroull and ( in \be world than those of m,,"t any asked Mrs . Campbell. "0. e ve ry t hin g. tbnt came und e r hIs notice . tbere has found his church as nshers of men. the Work. Easy to Work. ' from how to wash their ra ces. to a be<'n during tbe t en years since tlle This wss the great task of the first other manufacture_ knowledge of God." s he explalne <l . dam was constructe d and tbe lake members. The c hurc h WAS known In To d estroy c utworm. fix pol80n In Land Is In good heart or good tel!Th, SwIss plumber at Zurich wbo "They must be taught the simpl est form ed. n decrease of 1.1 degree Fah· Greece and Rome not because of any bas been e9utenced to a year'. 1m. thIngs - to cook and sew and wash re nhe lt In the nvprage montbl y dltrer· claims It mad e . bllt becauee it saved ture when It Is In the right physical ahorts or bran, and drOll a handful t he Ir clothes and care tor the children en ce b e twee n maximum and minimum men to the Ilew life and way. It maltel condition Cor growing crops. says a here and there on the piece of grouml prlsonment ',or rraud. because he was and c lean their houscs and keep tbe lr 't(>mperntllres. Tn the nel~hborbood no dllferenee what c laims a church writer In the Country Life In America. wanted . ThIs will destroy every worm lound to he engaged to 16 girl. at the bodies rree from vermin. of another lake th e number or foggy may make today. The world 18 no ThIs means that It possesses the Quat- It the piles are not too lar . apart, and eame time. apparenUy n eeded a help. "But tew or them have stoves In da ys hns In creased from the ave rllge lon ger Interested In such things. It Itles expressed by such common farm Is the quickest and most reUable way er Lf ever a plumber did. It II only whlcb brelld can be baked. and ror or fift·y ·seven eacb year to eighty-six . watches tb e churches. and when It words all mellow. loose. rrlable. por- known. and not dangeroUH. The cutnatural that be ehould flel relleve<l fu e l for thes e the men go In the ir Tho German Investigator says thaI finds a church wblch Ie lIavlng men ous. easy to work; and Is not · bard, worm Is Illwaya traveling on top or ground during ths nIght, and wlll .. t beIng aent to ,ail. u .11 the girl. boat s flrt y or seventy·flve miles for thi s Increase can be assigned to no from tbelr 1111l1I It cares little whetber cloddy. lumpy. leachy . drIft wood." J otb er ('aU Be than tbe c reation of tbo Its form be ancient or mort e rn. Itl 't Is not concerned with the mere feed on the poisoned tood . What Is aUll 'Want to ma", hIm. Mrs. Campbell wall tryin g one time grad Ilrtltklal lake and th e conse- baptism Immersion or IIprlnkllng. ttl richness' of the solI in plant food. but left of tbe plies CIUl be removed In tbe morning. A PennBylvanla man lost hie life to persuade the women to di scard the Quent Incre ase d evaporation In the lo. creed long o r short, Its theology con. It II concerned wlih the way In whlcb To destroy cabbage worms tak.e an)" Salome Indoor costumer-which . In cllllty. -Popular Mechanics. lIervattve or liberal. It knows and feels lliat plant tood II lIerved to tbe grow· In the effort to win the proud record theIr cllse often conslstert of littl e InsttnctlvelY thnt this Is the true Ing c'rops. It does not mean tbe kind of tin can that haa a cover and of drInkIng 15 glaslMlII ot gin In 00lt! more than a Htrlng of bends. In favor Not the Shoes' Fault, thurch, tb,e church whlcb Cbrlllt amount of wat-er that a Boll contaln8 • punch h61es through tI,e same at a • Ittlng. And the wIt. of the pre •• or tbe American costume. She was ThIs Incld e ut should never have hap. founded . tho church where Cbrlst now but It does mean the tacllIty with few places. Flll th~ clln with shorts.. find tbemllelvea deadlocked over the told "we're too poor, It you'll give us p ened at 11.11. because It's so terrfble. dwells.-The Congregationalist. which that water I. presented t-o the Then put your cover on. Some mornIng, when thore Is a h ..avy dew.lhake q\lelltlorl wbetber be died In good 0' clothes we'll wear tb.e m ." Upon be- but It did happen . anrt this Is a newa. crop. 11&4 splrlts. Ing told tbey shOUld trlld e t heIr water paper. of course. So tbe bad newe God'. Hou.e. the Bible. Oood texture means that the ma- the can over the cabbage. and When hoots to the whalers tor clothing In. and the good must both b e printed. The BIble Is Ood's house. Here In chlnery of the Boll Is well oiled and the BUD comes up in the mornIng the The two gIrls were talking to the thIs book Is where saints bave lived. In running order; not that there Is dew and sorts will comml' -ce to dry A .tar boarder In PbllBdelphl1l stead of tobacco . they saId "well. our glue and kill man. And tile man saId, In order to Here II wbere ~oly me n have perss- plenty ' ot raw material-plant food- and become as sticky ~red hol .water over hll landlady ' stomachs like tobacco ." "Besides the time and perll of Becur. make conversation: vered. Here Is where men In great In It. out ot whlch a profitahle crop the worms. This will not atrect the 'Wben .be demanded pay tor his board. "r noUce that Mis s Blnks Is limping drlltrellll have learned bow vatlantl, can be manufaC~'red . I know of no cabbage. nor ' Is there any dan&er of '!'be remonstrance 111'11.8 rather novel, Ing th e seat skIns. and curIng them . and making the thread. It takee a this evenIng. Has s!le IIpraine-d her to endu~e 8.nd to aC?hle~e. This book better way of eJ:presslng .it than In poisoning the same_ but naturalJy. th. law proclMMled \1I'oman two or three days to make a ankle?" Is tilled fulll of dear assocIations the . language 'of :the tar~' The texto pour cold water on the form ot h1I pair of boot s and five pair ot these- "No." said the first girl, IImlllng. Here are passages that I walked ture pt the BOI.l .l . the ~ It "workS objefUon to pa)"_ they will trade for B box of tobacco '" "Her IIhoes ar.e too emaIl for her- through wb,e n my flrst-born dIed. »en up." Ev,ryltod7 who '''! . ' ' handled said MfS. Cau,.,bell. •.. don't you thInk 801" Is where l ,r ound comfort when' w aU at ali · kilo.... .. ~~ what is We abouldn·t be at all aurprt8ed to "Th fl e ret few years there was a "Nothing ot the ~lnd!" answerert In great' dll!tresB aud ' torment. H era m~.t . h)" ~,t. bear the man In Portlllnd. Ore., P,Teat de aJ of drunk enness. but ~ the second girl "How can you Bay i !first saw the Star :of· .:,( i Hor... . who . baa been fined '100 and .sent to twee n the doctor nnd the government such a thIng? Her shoes aren't a Lit ~ ~r aU: month. tor swearing over b as been ~most entirely- eUm1-' too. 8mall~theY're the biggest -BIle Many a i.uOW'·wOuld 40 belttJl ~ '!!be. dr~tt ~otl~ t. ~lie ~~m .p.;~~~et . '. madl!. It Isn't ber fault. · He~ teel ", . . . telepb.O~. la .PIIliDK IOttlT ' to na ted ." 41 b~ ~~d , III .1IC!~urila.m. .,: 1 ·~~~\.1a ~i1 ~~ cannot 'ClC/~~r Dor ."...'i'.>'.,;.-.;<·-' ~m~)~ .--;: " Once When Dr, Campbell Marched. '~re too large-that's aU!"






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. . , . , ofwl ',.ol-aft

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Every homo shoul d m ake rootbeer in springtime for ilS I" Uc iousne ss and its fine tonic propert ies.

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\rV,·;te for p'~mium PU% Z. / •• THE C t1I\ RLf:S E. HIRES CO. 255 N. Brood St .• PhiltKielphift .Pa..

I,PPLE SCAB IS DESTRUCTIVE OUTSIDE IS MOST UNIN~l.JING> :. ~!!!!!!~~ bl! Controlled by Spraying With Planting of Trees, Shrubs an d Flow· B ordeaux or L ime·Sul phur Mixture as Blo . some


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' I Ir'I · [II' 1 '.\ t J ]'tl 0 r ..• ~ pr ayiH gs at In t t·n ·ul s or The building "ta n os out In unaoornl!d I n U SNljlurt III I' erll r eln t i n g tll ei r ex· of r'lnll n; (:lId>1110n I f'. I "" .!:ty , \\'11 1 pr(' ve lll 1I11 :> d ls,' aK" . l-il' rt pn ""H of fog s. sil1l pll< icy. rl'OIll th e ~1!'·retal·.1' nf lilt tL'O' HU I ·-T h e Li l l er rot oI"l'el o ps " Ah: " sai d IiIlp olr! Rnlt. " Fl'e seen th l' UfI'·Y. o r tr Ih (· 'l eer! "It ilulr' g rlJwlI alld lI1alllrl'L1 fruit. :'>u · hal' ,· nol u"E' n refrf'.ill,tl wltb a new BOlll e pr Plly thic k f tJgs I n illY tilDe. ~' RS uf such Iwroic llllall t l e ~ aH to ("Oil t uf l",i n l fur ln ulI)' .\.~arH . Some Wh y. o ff t hc const of J'\ewfollnd l and t h e ~ [l (}t!-l. HlJp/·itl' wlih ~ ll rup· mt'rlt 81)f1C' lu l atlf' n ti on. uy r f' ('l'id ng r og W JlH " iHnctllllf1S su th ic k that we uf Ih" " hutt t'rR Ilre uff. alld ll<,rC'lIUIIC'ft tllI:olly sholl'i ng 11 d ethe Alm ' rt.-an tIl Pdll 1 o f h onor frO l1l Lh e 80111 .. Of till' w illdo", PUll "'; are IIlls s· n A.. r1 tu 8it Oil the flerl( rail ODd lean ~Il rll lli, I ' n {' (' lIltlo r. Th ~ bnndH or Ih ., prt's l rl e nt of Ih l! I ' nltf'rl ugalnst It! \\' 0 wem slil ing oue night States. Th E' Arn El r'lrnn m (?o,jal of IlonaI' tl i ~I'a~" IJa ""'" tllI'''II)!iI th., winlN 0 11 ill g. T\or' r h l llll1l' Y Is f311111~ <1 0\\ 11 . a BR u sunl, wI! h our backs to · the fog, r!lnk s \\ Ilh Ihe VI,'torla l'ro~R "f I': ng· tl ,,· "Ilt ll ll"" )" rrlli l H al ,,1 In 11mb r'n n · hri ck ut H 11m,· . Th,' gl'tJllll d ~ nlwllt \"h('n slIclll>!llly th e rog lifted, an d W8 l nOl1. or thA 11'011 cmSH of n erm!ln~·, I t is eXI"''' "H·ly 11I1 1)(lrlllllt thai Ih .. "uild i li /; tIl'e growing III! 111 I) r i art!l 011 went. 001> Into the sea. A bit thick, IIn,l It Is all hard . If not hl1r1l N. 10 will . Tilt· 1 1l~1 !'I '1I111f1nt or a WURIl ' t Il '!"-Sn n Franc i sco Cilro nicl e. Thl 8 medlll n l wIIY8 clLn' l e~ with It n ~" ( ' 111'1', if fIlle' E'r ,'r exi st ed. i ~ [1n Ib e ~ral\llt)' of $100, hilt to n illll'r mnn or plli nl o r 11Imlll l n).; IIH' r . 1'111' hlll'ltilig L aiN Of Life. omr"r It menns a good d {'a l more . Tw o me n w ere Ollt wal k In g one day ra('k .. lin> "I) "' PH I, anti ,1i1 :lI)I,lal t!L1 Th e pn thw llY for n me d al of Ioollllr n su n·klst'NI Callrornla. Suddenly, klse11"l t hu l Ih " mo~t lrU Rl y family mlln Is m a(Ie ens l (' r to ndvan ct' ml'nl . hu r se (':\11 hI' Ii .. " thprl' wlLh slifety . l ng lime h elng over , It begu n to rain IIlld nn ('n II Mf'd m an who 18 a ho lrl f' r , I n torr ents Ilnd they were miles of 011f' of tIl e>!.! medols mny tal(> eN " No rp('1'1l1 "rrOrt ha~ hN'n IT arl " to fr om th e cur 1I0e . On e man l augbed , amlnntlon ror wanonl Om('('I', 1111 mnl ' atirl 00 ( ' h it tor III'nHIl1 PIIIlIt iO Il t o t h o l ong and loud. Th e oth er wept bit· ter w h nt. il l s [l1'E'R f' nt r alln g Tilort! onl ~i, h- of Ih \' hll il rl ill~ ur to it ~ Hur· t erly . "Wby do you laugb?" b e nsked IIrt' cnS('R. IlOwe " ~'r. wh{'f e heroi c l'Oll l lfllll);~ 1\,) .llIw('rs an' g r ow ing bi s c hllckllng com panion . "Because (\('('rllI tH'en performed thnl ha" o t n ad,l their 8wl' .. 1 rf'll~rance to Ih o I am paying meier rales o n water, 1101 1>('('11 mari e I hI" slIbl"r'1 of It rpport . ni r nnrl t n rleli g ht Ih p ,' Yp of the vl~, \ nut why rlo YOU weep ?" "Be cause 1 .0me t lm f'R Ihrough I ~ nornll('(' of the ~ t"r. N Ol a Irf'" g nl\\' $ 0 11 Itt ", Iwpm. am paYlll g $1 0 a da::, for Cll m~te," reo (\anl!;f'rs PX Pf' rl encE'fi or of all th, ' CliO' lSI'S. T hn olll~ldp is uninviting, yea piled tlH1 touris t , On e man s meat dltlons . all1l o" t r"I,~ lIlll g. !l lld surely nothillg I s a.n oll 1er maLI's meat bil1. " Tb ..1.. 18 Ihl' cnse 0: l~\'ni!'fI F Its way u p, but wh€D my ff'el touched wal r'r ~d remai ned HIIOI·t of 11 hig h S(,IIS(' of TI'l i .;ioUR duty e~ott, a jI;11n n p.r' ~ n ,fite on t'he l l. R R. hott om I r ea li zed my mistak e. torP6'lo. Slow T~.vel. 1II untgom(,I' Y, who, knowing of hi s rl~n· "Th e tnrpedo was on l y four or nve "What next hnppened occu rred so wOll l d ('1','1' nllrllet a Rlrangl'r'to wor' Down la Oklaboma tbey b ave 11 rail· 1: 01'. obl'YNI o r d<.' rs unrl \\' Pll t to thl' f<"4"t a\\'uy nnd r esting tI t lin ong l e sn rl rlerl'Y and quick l y tbllt I hove not Khip I h en ! . so pron e Ilr e we to lurlge ro ad called th e Mldlan ,1 Valley, whIch hottom of l'\nrragnn sett buy In n <llv· "lIon Its lal \. the head slow l y swayi n g a clear r eco llf'ction of It, excellt that liw insie!' by t he app eara nce of Ille I s noted (or It s slow trains. It Is told In g Au lt . art!' r a Ins l t orpec\o. which 111 th e wa l er. Tt sh owpd me thnl I t IlI stln r:t l\,e l y I knew t he t orpedo bad oul siue. th at a YOllng man of Tulsa asked tbe h all slowly Alink aftpr bel n !( fll'e<l from WIIS rapidly ga inin g positive buoYRncy . slurted ort at fu ll speed and t h rew hand of a daughter from ber :larenta Now, d o not millIe Ib.e mistaile ot a subll1er g('d tube. and wbich might I stood still for two or three minutes ')lit my banda La sav e my se l f , thllt Is, and was r erused on the ground that a pea c h tree. thinkillg that th e \\'rH er rell ec ts Itart orr' at any m Ol11 pn t. Down h e 10 l et th e mud so ttle Dlld th" wat e r to IIush the l orpedo away . trom my t be daug hter was too yo ung. agalust tb o nppearance of 1111 coun t ry went and f ound tho lor p~do r!lstln g cl ea r so that I ronld 51'0 \\'11 st ! was b od y , 08 I te lall swung toward me. " My daug h ter Is going t o P awbulka ln 11 dan g er olls posll Inn. but Rpproach · going to (10. My f.. et had Bunk Into ~'I y hunds encounte red the arterbod~' abe diseased limba and mUlllm i"d ch urd l f'A. Nol so. npslde th e above. tomorrow tor a vlsll," sai d the ratner, ~ru i ls be, d estroy ed. In g- carefully h e Ins pec t NI It, and t he m ud o\'er the tops or m y diving and tho p r ope llera chopped tb em up. l I't li S r>ln cl' . by war or contnlKt, co n. who Is a traveling m an , "an d It ebll TrelltDl ent : The tr ee s should be ditions as I hI',' l':1n and orten do ob. doesn 't r emain more Wno a day or two thinking It st ili dall/1:er OIlB went up ~hoes: It "" 88 alwa YB hord walking Tbe torpedo..mpldly gained.speed and Rnd r l'port ed conditions. H e was down thero . I tool< my tim e nnd shot to t h e s urface wi th tremendou! l;p rnye,1 \\'Ith I10rd eaJx or lime-suI· taln nil over Oh io. As you nppl'oach s h e wi ll be old _eaough w hen Bbe gets IIgaln ol'rl er prl rlown to f n~te n a lin e Imlkect t.he torP<'do over. 'ca rerull .v forc e. passing wit h in a short dlslance ph llr onc ~ uerore the bud s op eD and the church prop(' I·ty trom arar , yo u b ack." t o It, !llIrl he went - but l et blm l ell bl s nnt·lng that tbe pl'ol1 l;)lIer I()('k was orr or I he m ll n t ending the lines and All' 1'l'eQ u elltly th!'renl't pr 1IIItii lh e rrul~s "Bul she m ay be an old maid by can see the o ulllnt' of th {\ building own story . - for 80 m (' tlmes It Is ncclrlently I{,f t hose , and I'll shed 20 f eet I n to tbe all'. (lrc almos t rip e. Bo r d enux \I s hould tb at time, " pro test ed the young man. Torpedo Practice. on and tllat slnk r, th e torlWtl o--a nd IhE'n ('\Irving down Into t he water ran - Kansas Ci ty StAr. rr h i I d be u se d nfter th e 1,,;1 \'('S come out. "It wns on ;\lIg. 24, ]~OO, nnd we · th nt Ihe slartlng l ev('l' h arl be ~n down I e cO llrse. d l v ng n nn out 'I'b e l ati t sprayiug sllollid be cO Pllpr w ere nrlng torJl(!dof)S on t h" rlln/1:e In 'trlp P('(1 nnil :,,~o that th() 1('ll k IIrt'und o r Ih e wat f' r . Th e m en In t hl' Illuncb The Worm 's W~y. ~arrngAIl~e tt Hay. I w as · wnrk l n~ In th e stop ,'al v t'l WA S l etti ng nlr out. Wl'r e so exC'ltpd that fo r the mOl11pnt carb'Jnntf' to avo id Rputl i ll~ ti,e frllit. "Th e Han. Ster>be n Coleridge, the llIot cll Tllls di sea se ca li se>; b lo t eh · a l \\'nl's I ~n"e n 1 ~'lk tl I I th l' .v for"ot tll ('rnsel\'p ~ an d r ell I\\\'nv. English nnt.l·vlvisecUonlst," said an the fn r wnril t o r p (" I o 1'11111" IlI'(' plIl'lne; ., . ' " " ,-, le r e n "~n o .. a n H .lnc h Whlt l'hpl\d t orpt'do fo r fir. t tonally . Noling tl1 es<, Ih l l1 ~~ I th en rrom th " pump , I f'avlng It ~ toppecl f or " S with Irrf'l!;u l aJ' f l'lngIJd IIl urgins up· nnt I· v lv l sectlonlst at Philndolphla, " 18 Ing fl'rlm lll f' Buhlt1(' r .~ I!rI l uhe. Th e knew I h~t (>llhpI' I II" m atn f' l1 jt ln f' had a mOI1H'nt. Oil t h e "ki n or tile frull. At Ill'st til l'S" delighted wl lh the r ecenl English v l"l. H is Air St oppe d, sect i on r eport, whi ch p romises to t orp ec\ o \\'flS sN t o r11n 4 .000 I' nrds nt sluck or tlJ(' lIIaln v al\'" ha,1 fn lJPlI to 1>.'.fJ t c h cs ~{'''' U1 Illlr~ l y sU IIC'rll<; ial aud .. ~ I I . fUnI'tio n. 11mI'll' thnt a II tt I t' nil' shollsh el'\!U the USe or the li ve bait la GI <llOl s per 101l r . ' \' 0 m:ltlp nil th e "At soon I\g I rnll pd tf) 'lear the nlli unimporlan t ; la t er tlH'Y 1'1111 l og'l:tl;cr flshing. AdJII stl1t\' nt s nnll pl ar!'11 t hE' t n rpf>llo In Inl/l:l1t se l t he engin e g oing. bllt was f ll,mll'l nr ('b n g ('h ll g of Ih e l\llmp T nud eXlt'lI d (it.:, 'per i ntu the li sslIe, "lIlr. Coleridge once argu ed here ta the tubp ready fnt' firing. Hnvlng I1rE" nfralrl t o try this, for If th ose pro- t ho ng-ht thllt th" air ),<>5(' had heE'n cnu sin g tlH~ rruit t o L' ra clt. ort en down '. Phllaclel ptJ l a about the cruelty of fisb· pared th l' tor l'(,Lln fo r Ihe run I \\'n ~ pe llers got m e--! 1'111 IJ ) ' th!' pl'lIpell prs of Ih e 101'11f'<l0 to th e cu rt·, r enu'r l llS it almos t tllIllt ". l i ng with wor lDS. I\lIttlrnll)' In lt'f'('sl pd In Its pf'rrorm· "Attl'r a 1110ml'nt or r e llectlon I nnd c l 08ed the rellp( " nlve to " " y e for sflle uuu valu, ·l ess Cu r stol'i 1lg. ...J "'O h: h is opponent Bllld , ' the mera an ,· p. nnr! WPllt tn t h., ro r(,~'8 1I e 10 ~lIref" lI )' slepped IIp tn Ihe t OI' "l'do what nil' I h ad III Ihe s II1L an " wall Th e tw ig!;, sp ll rs IIUrl sh oo t s ure ulijo . ' ' f act that, worlD writhes and wr i ggles wntc h I t. The gunner r emllined be· Itnd )lut hoth my han rls on It s nftPl" going to t ry t o r e m ove my sllol's. (Th e You can see he v utll nc of build i ng wben lonpal ed on a hook Is no pro at low til SPO tllnt nil w eill rl ~ht . liS h(' hotly "nd IIrt ('d It bodily h tl t ea sily w a tt'r WflS ~o Illurldy thnt [ ('ou lrl not aM',! t<' u, (,tItlsi ll >; t alll; ll J' spots witb Showl~ g th( cuQh the foliage of lur· tll a!. It I s actually ~ urte rl ng pain.' torJlerlo was to b o ftl'ed from the nbove my lTl'nd; thl~ was Quite ('nay, S€e \\'h oth er tb e hose had fall en to I'lIrruw(>t! ul1Il rOll!!h('IlNI llUrlc roundIng tr e~~ an d shrub bery . ' :>;0, ob, n o: ' sald Mr. Coleridge, =-_ --.lll:1.d!!' ~ flrhrn- IlPP·lI'atlls. Th o t orr('cln 118 the torp<'r1o wnij rflJllrllJ' Jralnl nl" I h,~ bOll om or nol-;)- As I was cln~I[lt: I Tr8atment : t'llrf'i'ul Jlruning to r eo sn r Cil sl lcally. 'B ey ond doubt tbat 18 I Aft thf'l ship .wlthollt tllrnlng o\'er Il s buoynncy . bll t It Ban i, slnwly buck to the r elic t' \'a l l'''' I I) Ilt\ced that mr , 111 0l'e "rfl'cterl Lwig!l . t ogl'th er w illi cl eal'ly sho w ing Ihrotl gh !Inc! nbnve jlls t tho wo rm's WilY or la ughing at en g In es, bllt w ent nbout fill Y!lrti g the b ottom . This WDS n " e ry rlrll1 l':"r. ! handH we r e mnll!!lerl I\nd r WR R ~o o n IIpraylllg, \\' 11 1 u Sll ully C<JIlt n o! lhlH (/is' the 101ial;(' of tb tl RIII"-' " lIorli ng lI·.' ·e~ b eing llr kl l'd.''' with Its o\\'n Inltlnl IrnpII l s(' h enuwllY OltS thing to do , knowing that th l' tor· mll (' h relif'vNI t o rl'pl th(Om hllll lln!! e:: s,' . Thl' nret Hllra ylll,2: \\'Ith J:u r. alld , llruhhery. Ilo\\' Ilwtl/;hl f lll Il !!'--..;.,----------~~~=~ Rnd tb en sl ow l y sanl( t o thl' bottom In ped o was charged li nd thllt Ill e sto p me 10 th" SlIrfu N'. GoIng Ill' I kl('k p() d cnux II f hould I>e mnll c; aboul Ihree about 44 tee t of water . floats w nre valve was open and no l o(' l( on tbe In.v Illgs t o s<'e If I ('oll l rl t E-1I If th ey w eel(s a ft" " Ih e ul(I~ ~ oms full, fulio\\'· w a~ of so m e-filII? years ag:ll, t o platlt r.a ll ('d In from, t.h (' range Illld b llo"s propell (' r s. but I r ('agonecl t hnt r{'l" were also ('lit. It h llPJlen.::d t h ~t I ed uy Ihr .. fI or llI o r e HprayillgR al In . tllO se tr<' es : Whal a d"lig lll th py hll\'E' been to tra ve lr'r anti wl)rsh i plwr alike, I wC'rp. <1ropJ)e'd o,'f'r th e Ill)ot whPre t he hn ps with tl IIttl(' stnrt It wOll ld ~O Nun" up IIl1d,'r the w"oll g ~Ide of t h€ t: ernll r of Ihr('" o r fOllr w ep k s. and h o w m ilc h t1wy atid 10 111 o Iltt r nc· I torped o BRnk . Tb e rll vi ll g 1!l IIn ch wn~ li p. I now took tho 50,potind 'll'I'I"'hl, InLlrier . !lnc! ba t! t.o w ork m ysptr " F II'(' Hl ig h t - Th l ~ I s s bacL"l'i al cli o' pr4'parpd n n(1 orderf'd IIWOY f rom th l'l wh ich \\'as nNlng " 6 ancbor for th e IHO'IIICI I t with Ill)' elb ows. A~ soon 'la~e Wil ich 8ttacl(s the a ppl e, peal' t1ven es s or tb e RlIlTUUllll l l1g tl b o t h in ship. 1 <ll rl pract.IcRlly all th " rll v ln l!: 'l hll oy lin e. Rnd pl a(,f'd It Rt the tall of Ins ! hnrl f;(ot cl en r T hf'lrl mr h n nlls 1111 lind (lui !lce. hut I" m ost. injlll'i'JlIH upon Hum m e r and III winter! Tho h or ses, ' on ~h e Monlgomery lor lost t or" oNI, th e tornedo and 81gnaled to come Ull . so t hn t til e m C' n In th e l alln(' h cOllld t~ h (' ppnr. The lea \' f's o nd t h e whole too. mu st aprrecia l e th ei r coo l shade there', II period when the for th e hit ching ra('\(s. str ong alld eo It W!lS T who wpnt Ollt with th e dl v· "I W!lS h .' s I ow I y t 0 th e Sllr r ncp. ~('e th!lt J ('ollid n ot h <:>l p my sel f . a\lI ('u bran ch es Rudrle nly Hhr lve l and die, kernels ere plumped out with 1ng l!lunch . We ~at $1.20 an hour ex· nn (I n ft. .(' I' I n y h eI me l wnR r emovl' rI r "\v h an til e toqwdo hart sl l nt ou t of gi "ln g Ihe Impression or fire In j ury. pl entiful, hnvp. been so pl nced th ey are Rh arl ed for a }Jurt of th ~ tlm o. May a vegetable milk, most nutritr~ pay for diving . YOll k~o\V. Bt 3led ~on dlt lon s to th e gll nn er In the t h e watel' Iher e WBS a ,::rl'at com mo· Tll p gf'fnlS gain II CCe8 S principally be eve n a h eltpr a r ra ngem ent h ilS lious. 'Well, tb e eXE'c lltive o ltker from th e b ont. I (old him I thou g ht that th e lion 0 11 h oarrl Ihe 111 on tJ{Cl 111 p. r y . O n e thl'ollgll wounds and t hrol1 gh th(, flow. bef'n provid e" . III I" 'lll ~ places we ehlp had seen bllbblcs ri sln ll; t o the tor pedo wo uld 800n · float. . anrl thi s ('aim IInrl c(~lI er: t ecl o ll1 ce r cried 01 11: I'r S. Th!l only Fa tl sf ac t ory m ethod n~ nnd large open sheds ~o I1rrnll~cd th a t As the corn ripens the 811rface from th e esC al)ln g air of the WBS m eg~l'h()nerl to th e ship. On the 'For Gud's sak e. pull th e d)ve'1' lip!' tl'( :11 111 <'11 t IR to Cllt. ant nne) hurn a ho r se and buggy ca ll be p lncerl en' "milk'· hardens, and 6nally torpedo Rnd ~\,!IB In 8 t errlhl e hnrry to 1 shill a littl e conferen ce was h eld . Or. He th en ran te;> thp ~ lIn de('I, o r the I~ very pnl'tlcle of blight as r api dly ae tlr el y und er eOYPI'. Sur c l v su ch get aft er It. I knew that It w' IlR rlan· d e I' S soon r ame to go down again n nd ship anll . m f' f'llnl!: the dnct or, bpga n !t appears. becomes almolt flinty. ch IIrch es de se rve to becom e f;lr m or e gerous to go a ft er a torp edo tliat hnd make thp huo)' line fast to the ta ll or drnggln g him w \thol1t fll ~ ll wr (·pre· Trelltm>!nt: A w eekly Inspectio n commo n th a ll th py 1I0W lire. The w eJlt to thl' " ottom th e WilY Ihl s one th e torperlo aft er r emov in g th e wel gll! mon y IOWA I'd the gan gwllY. Til l' tlnc· IIh onld he made tbro ug huut the grow· f en cllll( abollt tbe p r opf'rl y is sub. had . It might stnrt otT at any min · . tor did 1I 0t know i what the m atter tb e cut stulltl a l and well pnlut ed. Amp le ute. and besides It would probahly "We ll , once more I donn~ the bIg wna, but the oth('r p erststed In drag· Ing pprlod. In each case float of I ts own necord hy the ,,' ay hrass helmet nad stepped ort t he lad: g lng him o n , telling him ,,~ rnpldly nhoulrl b e.... mad e we ll be lo w any ex· walks hll.\' (' b('('n provil l c d, ,,0 thal the t ernal ev id ence of tho dl sl'allp., and mllIl nl1 l~ll n ce IB n~ d ll (:('d to a mini' the all' was escnplng from It. You del' Into th e wat ers of th e b ar anrl It's possi b l e ." know the compressed.alr chorp;e giveR fOllowed the b u oy lin e to tho lorperlo. By th e tIme th e doctor "rrl\'E~ rl at t:b e woulld (1l all1fec ted each t.lm e hy mum . Th ere IR a wpll I,ept lawn In wa~hlng It w ith a spOIlKe s9 "lrat ed place of briars alld wepds. Some Soon It appcarpd before m e, a g r ea t t b I b th h d I l\ I 1\ torpedo n e!!a tlv e b u oyan cy , bllt steely, wbtt.e.loo·)( l n " · de"11 which ree aUllc e men a l l~ r \' el' . nto 'wltb a solution of co tros l\'e Rnbllmat e sh rub hery prop erl y pl ac ed add s to the when a certain amount would I€Rk Ollt " the boat and were cullin!! tbe sIIlt Are made from thi. hard part If th e wound I s ~(' ne ral atlrllctlv€'ness. Fl o w e r s, too. the torpedo wonld have IlOsltlve blloy, minded m e o f the cold whltene~B or a trom him. The doctor Qulckl.v n)lpllpd i(l part to ]000). of choice 1Ielected com. aney and rlll(l to tbe surface. Tllls sbark . It w as nbol1t as 1 l eft It, but tourniquets to S coU 's arm ~ nn,1 he Ilarge, It shoulrl th en be pnlntcd wi th are found thare in propf'r seaRo n. III Ii I l'n d Illlint. Tn spectlon an d r emoval sh ort, t h e churc h proPl'rty Is as nlcel, Willi understood, but It waB Insisted I tarrlerl to look It o ve r ca r efull y was taken to the ship In thl! sleam It is carefull,y .:ook~; treatthat I go down~ altbougb I stated that again . Whil e I was ('l(amlnlng the tor· launch. As 600n 118 posslbl~ S('ot t Ilf dl sp. ased parh mll st be persi stent I< opt up aR t h e al'era~e of the b eBt homes In the co mmuni ty ed with lugar and talt; rolled we ,did not generally dive for torpe. pedo It so happened that on e or the was placed on tbe opera tin g t!lb l e and lit reBults ar. to b e secllr~ c!. v . H. DA VTS, tt . E. r.SWINE, into thin bits; then toasted to tibl!lI tliat Bonk I1ke thIs one did. It torpedo bo ats from the torpe do BtO· put und€r chloroform. wblle ODS flnger an appetizing brown-withWIUI thougbt, however, that the tor. tlon was coming up tb€ r an ge at full was removed and tbe others Se'<10" lip. IOolJege of AlP'lculture, Ohio State Colle!!,,,, of Agriculture. O'lio Slat. Unl"tl'lIlty. r UnlverHllv. pedo mIght get ·I ldrltt and that It lveed. This b eing noticed from th e Scott waB born In Cbarle"~\'\Vn, out a hand touching the food. would be all right: for' ine to go down Montgomery a signal was sent to her M a s8., but later lived In Wobur;:), Rnd If I went right away, to go rarther ott', but tbe torpedo boat wal the slIn of J, F . .SooU of that It haJ been aaid that Pod Mylterlou. Letters. Learn to Be Happy. not thorourl1ly comprehEmdlng tbe elg· city. Both hie parente are dea d R.c~ Toaatiea are the most deA Frenchman upon receipt ot a All men can learn to be happy: and nal and not SeEing th e diving Jt\Unchbe ~ at present. atUI In -thf> Nt:'I'<~ liciously ftavoured particles of 'lVeddlnr InVitation, ~a8 puzzled. lit the the tellcblng or It Is easy. If you live as It wae on the .o pposlte side !'rom cereal food yet produced.. lrDysterlou!! letter!! R. B. V . P. Atter among tboll4! who dally call blellllnl tbem-kept coming on ullt!! pallBe4 the bow or the 'Montgomery Yea. Pity tltll ItlPo'l. I~ long deliberation be ftnally can· on life, til Bhall not be long ere you when tlley Dotlced that th ere waa a ''It II a tMrlb!. tlIJrig," saId the c~uded Its meanIng to he: "Remember will caU blessing on )'Ours.-Maetel'> One can render an opioioa dlv;el' ~~wn. Tile tpr~do boat Imme- prtectl~r. "to k IrJ:lmf'n by ' a number tt. "eddlng preBent."-Norman Ill. lineii', upon trial. ,dlately ewung around Ibarply a""AT 'Detead of a ~&e, and , to feel tbat Illaelr·• . NatJonaf Monthly. , the laullch' lind>' 8to~pCil h~r en· all my II!. ,I '$ail ·be objecf pt IUeDeath Notice. Lf,..,.~'~~' . resulted wblcb plclon amoug- tile pOUoe.~ . "But you The Trouble. "Old Skade 108t eTery cent b. had SoIl " even on wU:· Il~ tie alone: tttend," · replied. ~ .the ' llme .. The ~\ITer ,lll!lq ~ tbe cloud ma, In tbe world yesterday," , Geel lUI ,to'rpedo, <.be iiI.iiititbroplc Ita tlIer.e: but tile trouble II, ClOUdl do helre ,,111 , be turlou.... '. "oil. ·( 40n't ,dovin oIi . t~ng h.ap~1 ~ 01'n .~~ 'i!l'Ot;'11ofl' '-r.Owid r turned lneld."'out;- thtnk 10."' J'Hew'd . lie' los."'T'..I- ~~ 'fAlIH tth .. ·'.nI6tilnn III tbe mObl}e~."·;:.' \.' . ' . 1~ok ' die~.;":""HDutiroD' .POI~ ,: • . ,,'. ' •• '. " .....:f~~. . I.

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"!',h'kl'U Hull

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In the Growth of Corn

Post Toasties


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IONED FOURTH OF JULY 10 the Jul, Aa.rloan Ihiazloe, Mar"o, 'b.lodlana fuooy wan, wriw of aD old.fashloned I'oarth of Joly. Following I. an edrao.: "Th' ape_ken' litand had been .et op 10 'he oourt ·hoole yard ao decoraSed with 8~rlpOO buaUo' an a plo· ture 0' (jeorie Wal'lhin',oo . Th' St. Mary's EpillCOpai Chutdl. [lev. J. ~', CadwaU ..der, Iwctor, great orowd had gllthered an' e.,er'. SUDday 1:;011001, \I :UO " . m Morning a er thing WU7i quie, while th' la(1188 0' vice, lU :80 a. m . Holy CommuDlon ~l1e Uut th' humaD 11&1 that formed t.h' 1>&,k tlund .., 01 each lllou~1l. ground .UDg 'Th' Star· Spanlled CbrlltJan Cburch. Banner' t' oem 'a ta aooompani. Rey. L. O. TbomJ*)Il, PUtel. meot . AI th' la.t .our ao'o died Bible 1Icboo1. ' : 30 •. m. IocIaI _ l l q . 10:10 L m. Ohrlatlan EodeaTOr. 7: 0U Po ID. awayamoDi th' bough. o 'erhead Sermon b, putor ever)' .ulerDate 8WldQ' .. Nil" Turner arole ure.~ed like 10:.0 .. III. &All 1:'0 p , III. a corp" au' IblDIIl' like a porpol.. HkkJite Friends Chu~ 10 'h' harvest .uo In 'h' tl,ht. .nr.t Da) 14cetlnll;. 0 :00 ... m. FIrat Da, fU&lD' PrlDoo Alber. he had gradu· Sol100I , 11 ;00 a m. FourUl lIay Meelln&. 10:00 a. Ill. ated to t"eoty yean before a' Ano Arbor . Jilt Nilea ru. hil 10Di, OrthodOJl Frlenclt Chur~. pale fiogel'll 'bro' hi' hair an' Mra. Ruth MutTa" Putor ~abba'h School. 9 :30 a. m. l{eKurar oburcb . I88rohOO th' outermolt edgee 0' th' oervlOll. 10 ·to ... Ul. Cbrl.Uan ~~ Ddoav"r. va.S threotr "Ub hll eyeo bl. white 7 :aO 11_ la"n tie "UI .hot a".y by a Ro mao DaDdle. LooklD' fear18l11,. in th' dlreotloD 0' a brat18 canaon he proceeded' 'If, Io ~h' oourae o· hu. . . , -jl' allD • .,en_ . 'heD a " bi-.... .....a,, .pllttio· rooke' atam...iled 'b'hu· t"'" mao 11I1,lIn' d6lO8aded wi'h ,rea' leloo1,ybetwlI8ntb·t.okporUono· th' .pesker'l Deck aa' hi. "Uted 00118r . Ever ,hoUKb,rulo·hl.can. dldAoy he oon'IDueci IlDdauated ta "falUledo 0' fire"ort., maay 0' bl. fiDer .flor'l beia' enUrel, loet la 'b' .mokeao·dlo. ~"uz . . .demo olum. 'fb' tQmal$ ~ubeldlD' fllr aa 101'.nt th' or.toro'. TOioe raDg ol•• r;'-t ' pro.,e 'hb.le'faotlbe t"-O "• • , caodid "orId' -110 , .a b m.-. 'hea a orllok.r 0' oaoloal lise and .treoa'h ble" 'h' Ikirt 0' hi.ooa' • Int' rlbboDI, 'l'b' lOene reminded yeo o· (JeDeral Wolfe en th' BellCbt. 0' Abraham, 'oopt Wolre had a Undertaker and Embalmer, ~be


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" .. 10 of prOJll'rty 1IIltd e " nil 1 i' l nro hI dfloltned !e~ .. 1 in rh A !l ujI. ol A IV .

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f a local newsI)ape r to patronize :. ; ,ithos e m eschants who are enterpris.. " I t dath an,1 who make lug an( up- 0 '", U knuwn whal they have to offer their h I - h' h th ese pa t rons patro ns t roug 1 W lC h I b' arc 111 t e l a it 0 f rea d'lng. W e b eI'l eve th a t our rea d elrs w 1' ll f'10 d th e artides of in ten·st .






find th e articles w e ll

worth th e little time



Every merchant and


l 'u IlIlUII I I' ('

. :" . to7l ('·1 ; l)rr gu l III flr ldg " CD., ",'n lrtlet, $1 !Ill : .J \ : Ir lphll rl, . count. . \ .ndlte I p" I. , "' "" ..... • uum ntl U.-" . 1'1 "" n ., _ _ _ _ __ I :: S ,\ It.l 0 f t>r (l nl1 ~ . I II \' I Jn{ t +!o> \ -4 II I~ . bri ll " " r .' I' IP' ~ ll ' V f' flY \\" JIIP ' I 10 \\' l·d hy ordrr i)1 (, " 11'" I I: ,-" t .lt ll "f " . , . ~f R!lC'\JI'l I:l/ldlr y , li re" .. ". d I '" I d~ ,· r ,'!, . 1.~ . ~ ~ '2 .j ; l'llIrl'eCC1, V ~ LOI I , 1,1i·, !.' . •II , · , .. ,-Iun l. /I"'~ H~"Or $o .IlI : , N tlll II Y "11O r \O~ •.~. ) U \· ~ \1 ' " . 1JIt1 . Al d h ct 't'l 1 J\ : ,\ blc ' :nte! ", 'u ()u troc: t, 'JIll. r,O ', - - Of e br !lACOn accoUll (I I' I " . I ' "~ ' r: II '['h lr!:. i ··, 1. " " "tro c! ~ 4:/ ~ O, til t e 0 f V es t 11 J , I,ur IIll/! , Ulll .. r ' I ii l' H ,,;, ~ ' · ' 11' j' Il " , "l"' ) ; Vrd Thomlls Brown t ! IlI U ' , :', 11 i, f t !1 11 \ . . Ir' \' 1""' 1' , 1 \ " 1 n~"' '' 11 1. 01 I,ull" . estll.te of Fmok A. c. ·,, 1 6 . \I,' r ll' u,I " I.; " Browo, u: ill ur >l U cd lll s fI rs t unJ ' fl I 1 'I ' l: i,': I1 ," t l'lO dT r I'B"'lr llr Rl) W A l DLo ~ocoEul~:' t I ' t t l' ' f ~ I~ Ih l' ( "" ' lI n "-~ " \ Il f'l''; j111~ .. od II re ~(I I'll a • .... rn ' ,Il{Jrn lr" L I fl r X " I " t t f J h "'1 1 II fi l (\ ild i" u f,:;t f' II .J IfH! r hu t ll ll e f li T ti l\' t uee,.l1{\ 0 'l!lf'\.' h' d uti I i!. :t r' t, 1, [lolY l11 l' llt (If t·: -" . t r,' n! .1n n .. 2 11 1,11 , 18 8 ~oon 110 IH. IInmioit;trlllor nC{;our,. I, P",trlck Of\ynor of I' to -July "~ '1, ' , d

oe,,~e.ueu.ulsu ! :-o t,


which we wi11 explain why newspaper ad \'l'rtisi ng is a good investment to the

M H(lis, K(]minl , trllt ol r of til ... ORIn'" Bl n le Bnnh: ell .. I l illllk:< I " T pr " ll" tll 01 J ,11 .. Ut\n r.v Brlll k mltD, tlpcell~ ,·ll j l1< ll-t " (,:.J;-:; ; .r Q Mull ,nd . V~ , Ntl lllfl Bnnklllllo e "I . , ' I [l ' I"rrH I " r Ch urt h ( lI\~" rllnl, :1' 1:, t'i"; Peter K U rt<'o, P d 1Il1Ols t rlltor (\ . r .1 H " " lSw"rll1\', (·" " H o d $I"U, t.llecstnttoofAh~lIhJ1m C. Un" man ' l \ ' I . .. . . ' U l I,,; •• , \ n I", 1I\lr'o('l .. "" u ; Io uI" ll ucI'ase,1 fil ed hl ~ 11\\' .'Ut ' f nod 0\" 1 I" ~ II " I IIH!!I''''UJllJ, Cllll l rr. rt· ~ I U.;. II; p l'lll~e meD~ . . ' . t , I ;." 1'1. " ~ Jn I).\ ~ Ul\ , (;(" 1 11'0 (' 1 , f ~, · 1 48 : F.,trlc \;; G ayr ll f" .1I '11" ~ t ll l l(l r " • : \': ., ' I " 1. (1I11 Io f! r IIIHI , ' ,,111 C'o , Inm . t.leestllte 0 f

art icles on advertizing in this paper,

the estllte of Mnr glll'ot W .. nl , de [ lilb l!lI ::t or l~kll (iir l oeased, fi led his firllt "u J fiuallllJ , 0 1: , I) 11111 l! ,'Il!, I ,) r Ii r k i, wilt. oouot . . 1" :1' 1.. ", lor n 111 " 1f1il • IIIP "\:< 1\ WUU II\O Marriage LkclI ses IliI " t "" "I EI ,,('l rlc l3 llte. R Del' - - -- - "lrOOI! nen·e,.; ttl lT ill II bril;lJt. lH llI O GMeorge W . dBIIMolt 01 Il.AD , J7 , It:r\.T\l~~ ! ~ od I.'V \' 11 11! 1llJ)n r. Ii {' r PPldC'lJ lli OOll1l NO SPOO KS FOR MUGGINS n-!~~ "'!'~a ~ ....._ 0pbr:~c:e~ IM ..~Ob'b~obxioent'Yla' "UaZ _ °tXD Will be fOODd lD 'he old O 0 r, orrowan r R. . nOli L In"- , r.cHna!pxi on IInu rnh.V 'I'S TCSll I , , uu ............. --. _ ~..... _ ~.,,,..... ," Baat BoUdiag. oppoll&e ler 02, of Morrow . : I rom h er I'nT'O lJloorl ; hrr brl~bl Wae AfraId of Nothi ng He Could Un- ,ago an e~ wM .... ewdurtdDc fl.amAI, Ibonld carry tb' ·work 0' de. Ule NatioDal Bank. . ' f t 1 8le p her ola!'ltio meetiDl!IB became.--y IDUIlIl aaoporat'oti S' 6h' d l " bl Lee M. Lellk, 21, farDl e r I}f PleLl8- eyes rom r l'!' I I ; . derntand, But Apparition Wa. -«1 bv of foIIta ~ to We I ro 00 • r,., Duamma e Telepbooe 10 hoUle and 'o f· 8tl' P frnm firm, Ireo Illn t!d(l ~, IIll tclIT M h f HI I bl" 1 'h' "b "h' . ., I f PI floe where I ClaD be oalJe4 an t PI a i 0 ao d Mane varro , 0 etH!- in!! nf I,he hou lill Hood tltrengtb Eleo \ 00 uc or m. and be~ the ~ tarDed" 1I • • n n. rear, .reupoD • day or ni8ht. aDt Plain . I.ric ilitLlll'Q . 1\'(1 II. wr mau, Ilnd tb e around to IDI* ~... tbeIlI .... a laolk aD'ladderbo,.. qUlokly relO1UHl Valley Phooe H-2, rr aert nm fr om' ndigestt()o, bllokllohe, Muggles goes lo camp with bis folJul new IIIIIr.eoL OIl. thIa ~ a til' old.r an more Infirm ve"'raDl Real Estate Transfers hen llllchf', fui'nti ug BO U dizz.v ""ells every summer on the shore of a large man Cl;me to Jat~Dde"el'7 ODe UIIDed an bore them ,eatly to,' a plaoe.' Main Street. Waynearille, Ohl. Inland lake. IUld ODe or lhe bulJdo«'a ... -..l they pr" U1 ()te EVMywhere t hf\y an.. Ita'""" t id 'h' h • $h' *d . , J . Mi1tODEllrnhart toU . W, Frllp- Ilre womuf) '" fll\' orite rempdv. If tavorlte amllsemeDts he ... III to cba.&TbeDthe-e_plW-toIdallO:lr7: tlt,am 0 "no oro . !!SP.!=-!!!!!'~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~'!!==!!!!!'!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ mao traO\ In Uoioo towosbip fl. wenk ()r ulling trj' th em SflC at 01 1 log lhe tiny cblpmunks w idell Ulroag few ~ IJB'O I_CJOtOll the pnJrIa • -13. iii. ROl!8 t Martha RoBI! et &1 to druggi!\t~ . the Wood\!. He Devel' was known to r1dlng my broJW:. .ad as I po.ed a A spraioed aakl. may .. a role . _ capture ODe, hut this does DOt to the. pra1rle ~II tIeD I _ tbe rwu.a.t be oored tn from tbree &0 toor da,.. DR. E. H. COSNER, JohD W, Cox, !:mma B Cnx and - - - . .. . I' least dampen bill eotbusla8m for the looking tblog ·wtt!LlOsbI&stIa7.,.. byapplyll1gCbamberlain'sLiaimeD' Elmer D . Cox, lot in lIlason HAVING TROL:BLE WITH FOXES pursuit. It III smllSing to watch that 1 got dorwu CD In......,. I be- aod oboervlag the directioD8 wltb ThomlUl E. Hoover to Otto lntsi gins bueOe ODe 01 these tioy creatures gan walklnc.aroaad u.t .... ...s _ I eaob bot'le. For .ale by aU dealere traot: iu Turt1eoreek sownohlp 120: Farmera living io !!ectlon~ of the up tDt.o a big tree aDd then aft 11&- , 'Walked that owra .,.. fMIJIt ..... ••• ..... II C B d HOV ' j8'llte where fOXi\8 8uollnd nre rail,. t1eotly at Its foot wafUng for h18 prey .me, bot, hie boct7 r-m-tw.I "'Hmwr7. _e 11& . aroer an u u • . " , tIl come down-wIIkb It quite otcrau '1 just )[ept on ........ tile ~ bvt ........ Oftt)' ChaRoe. Barnor to Sidney M Powers, traot Ing trouble With tbe !:!t,ate fitlh aDd does, but OIl the oppostte !ride 01. tbe bed IliDd the ~ _tne4 Jotus. the nrel ••rou-ol4 .,. 01 a 912 Relbold Bu IIdioL tn Mll88le 'ownlhip gll rne oomm\""\oo about tobe n ew trunk, wbeDce4t 8CUJ'l'tes away 'to pas- 'ary, uutUl. woaId' 108......... it. aa.r I ,,14.11' known ~ Ja1r)Jer 01. Frank Pelton to John Heoryand lllw that vr otects foxt's uod permits tares new, wb1le poor deloded MUC' ; had Wlllked U'OIlD4 u.- III' four KIIDIIU CIt7 w~ pubUe ute oftM Dayton, Ohio Emma Beory tnot iu Deerfield : killiog them only bet·weeo Septem. gtns. an unaware of ItIS 68C8I)e, tdta Ithat <l'WI'. ~ dftlMie4 04. bl'lnp b1a p6cture In u.. 4aUJ ,..... gastog Intensely upward In wld_yed "Somo of tbe8II'olcbb.- the ptapbet cal&lled hili father IIUadl . .-. ....... townlhlp 11 . ber 1st aod Deoember ltIt. They anticlpatton of hili quanTs mo-"--t fdb wOl be )oeIroIJII: aod ...... • wb_ be I'etUJ'1led borne from · k d • ....--, ~ ........ OrMu.1e Amlll1can School. K1rkaville, 110 CIl&rles Work liod Graoe Work to I\re killing I11m b II an d C h 10 eos an &.Dee. iuo4er tile I8ItotII for~ beId&"--Kaa- ee.bool Ute odMr DlPt. BuDD" to Kate Brookl . lot in Lebll.n .m 102601, 'he farmers OHoonot prevent It. Moggfns despisee water, but ODe day I' 'au City 8t&r. b1a faOMr bo, palDte4 to. pietare in his ea,ger rush for a chlpmuok be of IdIDaIIIt printed bt tIao 4aiI, papllr. ~ WII8 over tlie bank before be knew ' it MPa, I - - I Dl .......IlDd landed kerfiop on hla back wtth EldeMI_ UoooGl T..... f ' In tile ~-:-~~--JIoT' ;;;;i'; BARNHART, such force 88 to send hlm way below It III about &CI ,.... IIDce tbe birtJ'o. aai4. ... "OIl the tINt prbe III the the surface. DleguSt spoke trom every ; IdnctioD of tile eIeeUtc ' D ecbo,d cIebate." Notary Public featore of htB expressive coonteoaJtCe, Itbe B)'8tem "..kDown .. GIIa.....trJ' The bQr'e JDDther eame up aDd as he baiury scrambled asbore. I 'Up to 11:s aequIIdttoB b, Oe PI-' ~ )augb~ 1Idd: MWeU, ' 1 40 DOt think All kinW! of Notary Wort. Penst..Ia 0000 as Muggios' master stood tn'! Tbe lJI(ee now lo that to fair. Tow papa baa lila ..,. Work. Hpeolal&1 . .the boathouse 00 the lake shore and II acieot to 10 J'OUDIl tile DB tare to u.o ..... ., maDy aM saw hb favorite trotting toward hIm, tim.. Put In other - - . , ..... TOIl -.m. ~ call I 40 to pt :11 a mh:chlevou8 lhought came to lllm would reach the mooa ~ u.... m, p6etare ........... r DR. J. W. MILLER, lind be prepared to sul1lrlse the lono- , Tile total n1llDber 01. The.." JlCIDdeNd a momeat aDd , cent bulldog, HIISt!ly cutting h/o ' 130,000, wtth 118,000 ....... " wMeb tIleD ald' "Well. • I cae. 708 ' I I II round holes for his eyes IIf a big paper lend out 1UIDlII1~ will ba. .• to IItart ~ patoot Dledl... DENTIST••• ~~_ _ _~_ _ _.....:l flour bag, Which Lay at band, he pulled , -patc~ The ~ ~_ doe. Yoa eaa set ,oar pletare IIa It down over his head IUlti sboulden , grea:test use .. - - the paper thea.omce In and doubled over so lUI to look alto- I 'being estimated that for ~ . . Waynesville, 0 NaUonai Bank Blda. geter unnatural. Just as MugglnR en- ,·dre4 PeraDDII tbere are .-It clIIl m. f } - - O- - - -Q , lered the lIoor he sprllng forward with ' 'me8SllC'IlIL France foIIDwa, . . 111 1 , ' n dl 8mal "boo !" and the dog. who messages: nut co. . ~ .... I BEST OFFER, fcars oolhlng on tile foce of the earth , 118; B4BIgtam. wttb lCN, ad CJeIWaD, ., ' . " ~ \ whlch he eno \mderBtand, jumped :' wlth 91. The ~ tIIII..,.a a- ................ - ................ _ .. .. , McCall's Magazil!e ~I I fillS IS the lle., t 1 1J:lCk'Ward, rending thealr with aser1eB i tended over S&'OOO W'IIIr'da. 0CIIera 01 Ada will be Inaened under 'his bud tor I' is positively worth I niTe r \\'~ hrt\·c ('vcr or distracted barks, then t.ore ''1lldly ' .10,000 11"' meJl~ twenty· live cenu for ~bree lnartlou TNI OIlUTIIT wben u.alnl not more than live IInei. 11.00 a year. Sub· \ lIlaJ c. :.·end li S r O ll r away on n. raro tor Ws Ute. without • - • critie now and ge t nalllc accompanied " even n backwa rd glance nt the awful Man Coughs and Breaks Rib, .,..,.......... •• _ .................. the Miami Gazettc I wllh the money , apparition . He IIld not stop at camp, After" frightful oooghing Ipell a I. TN. WORLD ~ but fled into a field tllr above, where mau In Neenah, Wlo. fe)$ terrible LOST f'UIUSBD W!!ILT. $4.00 P!l 1IAl I I be In st.alled · hlmseH tn open and Imin~ i.n hill Bide .nd hi. dootor DllVOO..,... IP.OIAL••,... " _ _ . ~ _ _ _ _ ,,, : continued his excited barking ror ~ver found two ribs bad been br.ken. OOln • • It .. TItA ........ CA. Cl .... pio or n.s W.,.aeavIlJe AND '.UI 1.ItVIO. OAII PIIO,..-:\ three hqllrs, when be was nnally What agoDY Dr. .li[in~·8 New Dill. 8obool~. "ioder pl• •e leave .V U.llla In ADV.IlTIIIIIO COLU . . . . coaxed back to quarters by hts rOo oovery would have IIAVed hlm, A ~-----~---,- pen lnDt tormentor. fe'" tellspoonsful ends a late ooogb, at tbe Miami Gallet'" olBae J J 0 8AMPLE COPY FREE ,i wbile pereiltent ole rootl obstiDate MoIrM. . , . YOIIK CLlPP.1I __ YCIItl. II. v. The.n They Hit Up tho -SIrup, (lough!!" eXl1e18 atobborn ooIds or J:' band oharm ' oharm ha. the IS :' 1 "Wblle all 1\ western tOUI' In connec- hOllis weak, Mc re luuBl' . "I feel.ore cO iattlal. L. '£ B. '- ea.rlAved, Uoo wilh certain InvesUgalions of the itt! a (jod send to humaoity." writer FiDdor please 'leave a' the a.zeU. F or y O\! t o secure l1.c l iam i C:llctte ah ~nl. l t " l v foREE fo r ' iomm lt toe 00 Indian a1l'nlrs, Scnator Mr!! Effie M\lrton. Uolombia. Mo. ottioa. .1211 Carroll K Page ot Vermont h.aJlC)ened "for 1 t>elieve L would have 000 · & o n e ;.YU.H by u ;e lcl} ~ubscrib ill t: t o r.1 l'l.:~ tij' , : laguli ll'! f I , to get III conversa.tioo with a man at somptiolo todllY. If I had Dot ued three \l'arS .il tl ll~ rate o i [,0 ('rllt ~ n YC.H. III aod il io ll Y OU -V"'y!MIeriUe·. LeacUn" Deaat.a : Ashlaod, Wis. this great remody." It·. Kuaraa$eed reccive three IS~ ,\h;Call Pattern ::; l :fnE. • FOR SALE : "From Vermon l ?" chnekJed the to 8atisfy, and yoo cau ge' a free ()moe to :s;e,.. BId,. MaID Bt Til e [' rce Pa ttclns :H(, o rJ ( I. j by p o: ( :-urc! from N ('IV man. """'by, .l was barn at 9wlUlton. trill I bottle or 50-oent or 11.00.ize York City aud call u e t1~ c d a llY t illa: ~ ' (ill 11 (;'c:1 une. Vt." a' all !lealerl. " So was t" said the senator. • - ••- - LAN~En P,..... II.D,,*, This offer is l\\'rli!al>ie t n ;Ill )' Ofl C' who su bsc ribes, rellCws P Cab"e aad rlma'OII8. CbII•• " My falher ran a store OIl Mercho r extends hi ~ t ir r. r .. n t!IC iol iallli G :ll<' tl C. The only perqui, 8houldel'O .nd Delk.. C. i'ro1lH, WaJoeavUle, 0 ., a,R. 6, Ian t'!) row In Swanton." site is that yo u "r,:ly in i\{,h· U:lCc." JI I "So did mine," repUed tho Vermont Bynllln.try In tbe arranl'emont at See bel ow wuat you will S<l \ ' C Oil lhis ~~(r:lordinary offer, aenatoc. lleat. a'od desks la .chool room. work. "My rllther dealt In bides and wool." apJn.t the health ot til" ch1l4, accol'Cl· WD Tlmo'lI,. Bar. W. "SO did minc," echoed the senator. Ing to a recent statement b, 8uperID· J: O'Neall, B. D., S, Warn... "My father was a member of the tend8Dt of Schooll Xli. EUa I'Ian Tllle,Oblo. J I. firm of Page, Sanborn &. Co." Young of ChIcago. !Ire. YOUDg We Will Give You :,' "So was mlne," cried Senator Page. that miD, children *ome rGUD4· 8 U Brown Lethora. at &00 wlth a t1V~~k1e hls eye. . ~f- IhoulcJere4 hl a rrhart Urn. becauu . Addr.. lin RD,h And they shook hearWy. .sato are Dot of proper helfbt to aI· (!looper 80 Leba DOD Ohio J '2tS In Ws unexpected 'Way the soU 01. low pupil. to 'Work comfortably at ,. , the old Vermont partners had met \ thetr d,e .k.. "Hardly a ohDd la roun4· 3 Free 152 Mc Cal ;'s Patterns ..15 I nIter 40 yellr8; and trad1 . tion has It .houl4orecl when ho ooten tho' prt. t:5. C Will"'. Laahor~., 'frill ~ , l that they went o If' quietly arm In arm DlIUT 8:racle," rrhe 11,11, " , - DWly an "11 reelOn .ble. phoo. Total Value . . . ' , .•• , . $2.95 for n fcast of map~ lllroll. In memol'7 4ecl4_lly 10 betore theJ' roaaIa thl 801 6. or addr... 1Ir., Aal;lte Thorpe, of " '1J1dhood 4a,. at Swanton In tbe fourtb -. Sbe thbab that . B. D. S. Wa,.... Obl~ J~II ..!!!!!!!!!!!!!\!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Old Green lIfOUlltain Btata,-Ioe aiN- Idea of lJ'DQIleUr of 4Mb alaOlil4 lie ' . , : '; ... ", ' ,... . ., I l)le's ·New.Letter. ( ab~aOBIIl for tIlo· ld.. of . . . . . . . NAPJQN~A Dew . . .. ,~ up. BEL,L 'S ANTI t • - • 't .1UtrJ' aD4 hMltb .., ......... , . ., :. _ lD. '~~. . ' '.' •• . "















Oateopathic Physician

l'tImetJ, reappear-I


£... ..

A Wonderful Offer!

ert.t-we:.: ....

' II





: Now is Your Chance

soo.e: m::•








._~~~~--I Thjs

OlasslBad Ada









an Opport unity









:~::I·~a:~~~::'Ir~~'a; ~~~r~ :::~~. .~



Ii I I

80 "oh.



. All for $1.50 .

~~""'========iiiii"O~--=======~==... ' Everybody thoUld read the Gazette. I ". ( ,,: ~ - ,



... •

' . .

'4 •




',.:. ' " •



~ ;. "


'DR PAIN" J.' P,Iok'" ~.. ~.., ,. . ::,..;-.. ~ ....,.... ~ ~~.,.... ~. ~!






~~ ~.. .•


t. ~).o





r---Th; -Ne~hb~~h;;iN~~~ ---: --- ~U~~yM~t . W~~3l~~:! .... ....-....-.-----+_. . -

THE '.

I'uhll. hlld

- - MA IN

y .>.I.LEY





D. L. CnA N'E:, Editor and Manager Rates of Subscription 000 Year (.~rlcll y In !ldvaoro) . .. . ... . 11. 00 Singh. Copy .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . . · ... ... .O ~ Rate8 of Advertising


eo _ _ _ _ _ ~.



11<: RCWIIl& Locals, ver 11110 . .. . .• . .. . .. .. Readlog Local • . ",,'e, per line ... . 10\' UllIoMlQed Ad • . Ilot ,... exrtled ilv" IIIlM Tbl'CMl IlllIarLlollll . .. .. ..... . . . . 211c OblLuaries. 11\'41 Incb... troo; oyer 0". _ Incbea, J>IIr 1100 . . • • . .. • . . . . . . . IIc (lard of LblWluo , .. . ......... . , ..... . .. 211c He.oluUons ..... ... , ... . .. .... ... , . . . 60c Soclala etc. whero Chlll'&o la made . .. . .. . 211c

DIBpiay Advert.lslng per Inch . .. . . . . .. , . lOe DIacoIUl ~ lYeo on conLract. JU N K



Used Doclor's Throat Brulhel Prln06l!8 "Pat" of Connaught il a good deal of a painLer, aooordiDg CO a very Intlma'e and pereonal ar'101. about her In the June Wo lIlan·. Home lJompanlon. Eollo.IDg III .. liUle atory laken from the ar'lole about 'bil popular Enellllh PrinoeAII : "In fair w .. 'her on long voyagee. .h. i. bUIY on deok, paln'iaR or do. Ini 10m. simple hllndloraU . Muoh of thl. work fiodll ILl! way lI,ter '0 oharlty bazSIlrt, whose proceed I i' lDA.t eru.l\y helpa 00 a brief y.cht· Ing trip, Prlnoee8 Plltr"la viewed a ltol'Reou. au08e'; to let .Dob op portunity 110 Unlmprol'eli waa out queIl 11 \Jn . Bel' oolor box wa, tbere, bus bru.l1e. had been forgoUen . Not II woment could be 101' It ber • ke&ob would be oompleted . CaU Inl exaltedly for the doct,or, he 080011 runniDg. 'Your bruallea, quiot . ple...e,-'he kind you p.ln' people'. 'broau wUh!' And so 'he altua&Ion wal 1& ved. " ------~.~~~.~-----

Eaoh .~e of our live. hu I'" joys. Old people Ih{)uld be happy, and laey will be If Cbamberlain '8 Tab. leta are tallen to atrenKlhen the dl I8fItion aod keep thQ bowel8 regular. ThetM! ,.blet·s Are mild and potle in tbeir aotloo and e81)6()lall:r 8uUabl. for people of middle ag"'nd older. For ale by all dealllrs . ------~-------

BELIEFS OF THE IIOROCCOS c ............ III tlte ,....... RaprcSI ••


tba EareI\ ataap ... 0tIIar

New Burlington


Mn . Berne Jonea and Ion Therle visited In Centerville, WeftDelday. Mn. Wilbur Geesman, of Cblcago. Is vl.ltlng Mr. William Duke lind family. GleDn Brook left Friday mo rDiDg for aD extended vlllit with re illtivell In Indianapolis . Mr aDd Mr8 . E . R. Randolph aDd 80. RUIlIelJ, of Dilyton, were Lytle viel'on OD MODdI\Y . Ur8. E . J Smltb, of Wilmington, hall beeD here t h e pltlt week oarinl for ler Illtter, Airs. Margaret JOhDI. who hal been qui te III bu' i. moch Improved at 'hill time. Mrs. Ella KJob aod hUJe daugh . ter and Mrs. Ella Robln80 •• of Clnolllndi , h ll ve been lpendlDg 'he Palt w.ek a' tile oountry home 01 Mr. aDd Mrl!. William Coleman. .ogera, In oompany with Lellie Carey. of Ntiw Vienna, left OD Monday for Chloago where they expeot to .pend moa' of the summer. Mrl . Luoy Dyke entertained Mrs. Anna Mohr,' of Dayton , leveral day. lallt week. ~Idney lJoon and family attended 'he reol$al given by Prof. Delger Ind pupils at Aeolian lIall, Dayton , 011 Thura'day evenllllt, mil!" Bertha being one of Prof . Del~er'slloholar8 . Mr. alld Mn. 8 . B. Dalnel enter' tained on BUD day l'rof. and Mra. Borace Wilsoo, of 8prlngboro, Mr . U III DOW well known tbat Dot and Mra. J . •. Jones an 1 aon, .. nd more 'ban one OBI. of rheumatism Mr. and Mn. Walter Kenriok . in ten r"'qoire. aDY internal treatIUlint whatever. All 'hat 18 needed Quite ~ number from bere at i8 a free appllcetlon of Cham ber. tended tile aplendid Childr.n'l Day lala'. Liniment aDd ma8llaging the exerolse, Ilt the Ferry ohuroh, !Sunparte .t ..oh applloatlon. Try It dRy evening . Ind lite how qulokly It will relieve , - - - _.. _ .. tbe pain and .o orenell. 8«>1«\ by all dealen . There \8 no rea.l Deed of aDyone • _ • being troubled with OODll tlpa\loD Chamberlaln'lI Tablets will oaDle Bn Caesar's Creek agreeable movement of the bowele w!thout aDY unpleasan' effoot. alrl. Doily Bainee and loin. Ella Give tbem a trial. For sale by all C . aalnM aU.nded the Bible Union dealers. - -. :onfertlnOtl beld ., Dover, I •• , WedBellbrook. needay. IIr. and lin. W. Ii:. BogaD I\nd Mrs . Frank l.amme, north of town Mr . and IIrl. Ztmrl Balnee attended who hall been 'Jeriou8ly ill Is re'he Friendl MiDI.tIIrlal Cooferen08 ported a II ttle 'oday. a' Wilmington, laa'Tueeday . The fUDer," of George BarneU BorD-To IIr. and Mra. Raymond wal held at the home of bill slst-er Wilaon, Sunday, a danaMer . &in . Oarry Turaer, jalt Monduy Yr . Wr.n Barnea took . dlnn8r ."ernoon. He h.d been a 8ufferer with Horace Comp'.n and .family, rrom 'uberoulosia for almost two !:lunday. yearl. Several of oar member. atteDded Yr. and Mrll . Oarr]' Weaver, of the dedloatlon aervloes BurliDaton Friendl 011 ur oh, ~unday aorn. Dayto[•• villi ted hili slitter Mrll. Uba8 . Ini. Brelaford, laat 8at.urd~y and !:lun. MIIII! Elizabeth Reevell is attending tbe Iummer .elllion of the State Univerllity at Athena The young people enjoyed a box loolal at the home of Erneat Burley, !:l!lturday evening. Wm. MeDdenhall and family had aM "uelt. over Sunday, Woo. Emer10k al;ld family, of Ciermantown. b'red Shane h •• aocepted a p)attiOD with the lnterDational Bar. vl·, ter Co. I I man ,.lth head· quar\ers at OinOlDnatl. The Muonlc .ervloe at the M. E. ohoroh 8uDday p . m . wa. well at. tended. Vi.ltiD& .... IlIOD. prelen' from WllmlDlton. Yiaml,~urg, WayneniJIe, X ••la. aod Sabin •. Clallee )'our aDd Ei,hl, of 'h8 Friend'l RUDday I-'ohool, held a Lawn Fe'e at the bome of M. W . Mendenhall. Wednelday D1lb' ot las' week . YI'II . FaIlle Winter, of Madiaon. [nd ., W"I the gu.t of her nleoe Mn . Kelly ll.ndenhail, a tew daYI la.' week . l'ho•• Ha,.dook, .J. W . Ua1dOlk aod Jal. a'tended the State Encampmen' of 'he G. A . R . in IIIprlnelield, I. ., week. Wm. Ioenhower and .on Lea'er, who have been among reiaUve8 here, re'urned their home In W .... hlng'on. C. B . 801ld.y evenlDg.


----_ ...


'!'be ArabI 01 Morocco baIIe9. tM& ... IUtb Ie be'.Deed OIl dae borne of Air R"leljl:b Boltan and Marianna day . a tt..u reeCa c. a ... OIl Compton attended Chlidren'l d.y The Children '8 . . a.fMe ere u.. ... 1M _ be&q

..a. ....

_ _ ., ~



!laD .. tired be cbaztc- dae eartIa . . . . CIDII barfI to the othet', w1th the _


.. u -nhquak.e! n.tDc lleep the lIOI1I - , " die bod7 aDd nattlI eMber eoaIL Wbat We _ eat bear wbJb& 4J"eUD1D« are tM tIiIIDp widell UIe _ I . . . . UId tM ....... ...... lD wblch it taba part

. . . daM

II1iIrtDc Ita pereptDMiaDl. 000_ ....-ab. w. OUIht ~et' to awakeD a .....,. nIdet7, tOr It . . bappena to be .......... a\ !I!OI!MWl' hIa 10111 ~ DOt hav. time to return to «be 1bad7, aDd In CXlDINIQOeGCO tile man wtIl tea. wblarJtS CDMeod that gbosta aD ~ 4evUi, nl'l'ler the _la of -..s people. 'I'be1 are buman In ap,... . . . . wtdl die·tiIcspt!on ot tbelr 411-' ..hIch are dlreeted downwards. IIIld thielr feet. .. btda are forked or IIIlaped lIlIe tbe boot ~ a cameL Tb_ ~ ~ bot thll7 are Intangible. 'nMIJ are ~ all coIo~"'low, red. C1'geD. wtdt.e l1li41 blaet-ud their prtn.


cS~ GeCQpatIim eoodIrtIJ tI1eb 011 hainau betngB.

I'l:erolle. a' WolllUan tln.dII.y afternoon . Mr. aDd Mr •. !saso Willlon were ~anday vl.ltorll .t Reaben Jonea ', Geor«e Mills vl.ltcd at 'Stopbon IItU,' Bunday afternllon. Pr"yer meeting 11.' the ohoroh Thorechy Digbt, Frank lJolemaD. leader. The W . r. M. 8 . will meet at tbe hom. of li:aphamy Wlllon, ttaturday .tkrnoon, Jul,. nth. Mr • . Mary 80pn eD&er~ined her

.llaer IIr• . Inul. Warwtok aDd two

bUd f Leba h o reo, 0 nOD, t e tatt.r par' of la8' week. Mr . ~. 1'. ""rner'l 8ntert.hwll 'he following gUM'1 8unday; AIr and Mfi. )lahlob Selfel't'l, Mr . IIUO Mra. Cha •. Harner, Mr. and Mn.



At Manabeb there III a hoo. ta wIlIch u.e ownel'll placed • bath: bat the, were UDIIware tbat die propert:r beIoDced to tb. IIMII.. A JOUDI' woman came to ba.. a bath. but DO 1IOOCler U4 de stepped lDto the water t.baD.. d1sappearecl. Rearlnc ber «lea for help, the Delchbol'll ruabed to, !wIaereapoa all. appeared OD tbe IUrt· . . . of tJae water. Aa IlOOII al tbe rpeople tried to .... ber abe dtAP.pea""', ud eo OIl tor IOIIHl Ume. 'l'b_ _ _ nothlDC to be' done but to c:IoM tile boote, .. Illeb thus fell Into the 1laD4. of the taJebll, wbo bad .prea4 tb1a IItOr, amonc the creduJouI .popaIatIoa or the to..n tor their own ....L-Wlde World lIapaIoe.

.J Bllhllft8 I" Ixpo .... of M.nufuWNa.

Frank Barner, all of X8ntll, Ohio. . -...~-----

Makes the Nallon Gasp The awfol lilt of Injurlell 00 • Four&h of July staggera humllnlty lie, over .pill.t It, however, la 'he wonderful beallng, by Buoklen's Ar. nlca Halve, of thoQRanda, who Sill fered from burnll, ou&_, l.ruiletl. bul. let wound8 or explOlllona Ita the qalet bealer of boilR. ulcer8. eczema, \lore lips or plies. 26 ots at 1111 drug. glstl. .~-

HI. Job. lIIveI7 morolD8 a be let forth til wom a 7UUDC maD In WUIlIDct.on paued. a ClIeen. pleuant.face4. blacll:· maetaebed man. toIIo..ed by a jovial

looktq doc. Tb(I two met 110 replar1y that the:r 10& to DOdCiD, to each other, D81ther wltll tbe remote.t 141_ wbo the other ..... J'rom noddin, tbey pulelt to tbe "c004 morn Inc" stage. and one 4a7 the youncer man paulled to pat the otbel' man'a dog. They feU to dllcul.lnll dllferent branda of dop, and the black· mUltached maD I8ld he regretted that IUch Imall yarda prevail In W..blnc· ton. u he w.. uaed to bavllll . .veraJ doca around. Evidently be Ila4D't DYed In WUIllDctoIl lODe. "TOG're In the IOverllJD8Dt HrvIcI!" lDQalPed the JOang JDIIII. '!'be other maD oWDlCl .~ that be

Tha ..tlmate that a billion 4oUare' ..orth of maDllfaotllr. WlU be aporte4 In the OW'nllt f1acal 71&1', made b, tbe BllNIlu of ataU.tICll, DlpartmeDt III OommarCle ui Labor, I"IDA llt.l, to be jIllU6i4. Til. 0& ..1 allow for the nine monthl IIldln, with IIaroIa ,'10,000,000 worth of UWlataotU1'81 "POrted, tbue flcur.. belq III BOlA Of thoH foIr tile COrrNpGIlcUq perIod of til. pnee4Iq,...r: u4 .. til. apon. 01 aaau- ...... taqtuna III the · eD4lu Jua. 10,



.:',~.""'~.4!!P """. .

-1> -


When your ohild hiLI! wbooplng oough be carer ' 11 til klltlp tho cougll 1008e and ex " eotol/l tioD flU~:V by giving Chli1l1b.·r\l\in·s Cough Rf'm(lY aa mllY be req ·lind. Thill re ,.. edy will al(lo llquil:V the t.o uj{h mDOUS flnd make It o,,-ilir t.o f'xpnc!tnrllt... h h'ls boeD used .. u cu ,,~ .. · u ' Iy io many epidemIC. II lin is IIlIfe Ilud ~ure For ~ ..le by Illl d ea lt""





LtYe Your Life. W. 8OID8t11D08 wOnder of wbat use _ ..... aud wby we are put on earth. ODe clay la added to another and we _m to be DO furtber advanced on the paUl,...,. or oar lives. AI Mark Twain. ..08hl bave PUt It, we do not appear to be pbrlDg OD the Bcenery. Yet Ulere Ie room In the world. nnd need In the world, for each and every one of 1111. &114, thererore, we muat keep on colne to the end. Emerson b68 a poem In 'Wblch tbe aqulrrel billa to the mOllDtalD Ind lays: : "If I eBllnot e&rr7 foreete on my back neither can )'Ou crack a nuL" You can do sometiline nobody elBe can do, nllJDely, IIv. your Ule. You bave the chance. It JOa ..m ODIy take It, and I bave sniDe. U we can do nothlllg elae we cu a\ leut be some one's b1eDd, and there .. nothlD, that the world more 1reeD1, wante and .adly oeeda.-LaocUea· Home .J0IIIrnal.

Now I{irls ~lilt"how 24 ohapt er, H verHe I'or Uuy KIbler and Veroer Del1therage have new buggies. Mis!! Uraoe Retal\lok. ot Leb!mon, was th e gusst of the Mis8es Kibler a' Green Briar, lllst week . Rev . M+Her tool!: aUPI:l8r-wl'h Mrs. Aruanul1 Uurner !lud daughter Mia Jessie, on IDundliY evenlog. Yrs. Cnrpenter, 01 .~eb8non ill apllndlUg a few day s with her bloth· 1 er .\Od wife, A . t). Allen. J oh n Collins , one of Peturtl burg. U ., retired bUllln et!s meu was here on I:;un du.y sbakl ng h q Dds with old f riend s. Mi8~e" LI:lQa Myers, of LebaDoD. OFFICE IN OLD SCHWARTZ DRUG STORE anu Ru:t.h a.nd Belen Edwards, of 'hh p ltH'e , " pent !:lunduy eve niDg with Mrs Mubel T e rr y. MISS Ual'Oet Edw udll is IIpeDding Valley Phone 113 a few d,aYIl with Mrs. Ed Shanahan. of nel1r Wellman . M. M, Terry and K . E . Thumpson attended the Jersey Cattlll INle, at. Olllrksville, on W ednes(lay . LOQ BranDon and wife ontertained EAGLE en 8unday M. M. Terry aud wife NOT THE AUSTRIAN and Mrtl . K . E . TholUplion. Little VI.ltor to ttle Zoo Knew That Aaron Sml&h . our new dentist. Il t Th.t Bird H. . Two tended IJhi!dren 's OilY, on Sunday Head •• Corwin, Ohio. Mrs . Mattie Davi~ IIDd .\J11I8 Edith I Never try to tell aoytblng to a bOY ' Bogl1n, of Wellman, oal\ell 00 Mrs Ww . Gllthrle, uo Monday att.ernoon. wbo bas gonB to theae mod ern publi c I Mra. AOllf.nda Gllrner !lnd dliu g b . I echoolil. Why, those Institutions or ter .. iSII Jessie e ntert6ineu at dl oner learnin g teach mo re tblngs that you I on MondllY Air!! ..... Debonh VtlDder- ever heard or wben YOU were young. By day or week -- the voo·, Mrl!. Adll Oetl ther llge Ilud that you'v e never 'h eard or since you best of service. daughter Mi8~ Ml1r tha, and in the were Dot young. '1 Here's & modern In8tance: lifternoon they W.lrll n\1 entc>rtnined A sl)[·yellr-old b~ wal taken to tbe hy )irl! . K . E. Tho'"pMon. zoo laBt Sunday lJy bls tor ty,year-old I Livery and Feed Stable • ratber. They 8ew the elephaot. tbey in connection, OLD ~IBE MARTIN IN FLESH saw tbe monkeys, tbey 8aw tbe ox. , FInally tb ey got to tbe orlnthologlcal Saya Never Heard of K in Hubcollection. Tbe kid noticed an In ter- I' baird, But Know. All the eatl nl bird In the eagle cllge, and be Family. aaked: I "Papa, wbnt's that bird 1" Wanted of all Kinds "It aln' a'much whut yuh do ell Papa looked At th e label and replied, Trhere yuh arc wben yuh do It ." "Tbat la aD Austrian eagle." He wae Abe Martin In the flesh "O'wan !" said tbe boy: "It ain't no from bls brogan square-toed shoos to Bucb tblng." , the tbree haI rs awry at the crown of "Yes It la- It eays so In the oata- I Proprietor ble b ead ano! bls homely phllolOpby. logue ." " I don't care "'bat It says In th' .-----------------_____---1 "Hullo there. Abe," said Deput)' Prosecu tor McCarty, IIcannlng In a. catalogue. I got eyes . Tbl s b ere bird tonlshment tbe leaned figure. "How'4 alo't got but one b eed.' Tb ' AUlltrlan you g et Into pollee court 7" eagle has two beads. and I koow fer Judge C01llns looked hIm over trom I've saw a pitcher ot It on lings! " WALTER MCflLtTRE, head to foot. Abe grluned good n&tured1y ud continued: A. to Fate. "Fer los tance. It I'd took tbree Funeral Direr:tor. Corra. Harrill, author of "The drlDlu! down borne nobod,...!!' tbpt mucb 'bout It-up bere t' Ind'uplls the p'lIoe cording Angel." makoee Bome keen ob· arreat me 1IJl' I ain' !rOt a thing agiO 8ervatlonl on tbe oostinles of human Telephone dllY or night. b41lolIB In ceneral. Onl at the repre'em fer It, nutber," Valley phone No.1. JRDII The lemblance to Abe Martlo Wall aentatlve bltl of her phllolo!>hy tol· so Itrlklng In ouUlne that 10m. one lows : Distapoe No U9-"~. "The blogl'lLpby ot bumanl II made b~lIeved be bad found tbe original, the op more of wbat tbey plan to do artllt or'eator's original. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO than ot wbat tbey reall), scbleve, If·1t "Do )'IOU know Kill Hubbard r' "Sure, I know all tbe Hubbllrde down II Bet dOWD literally. You work hard Branch Ollice, HarveY ' lbu~, O. l' ClaytlOn-mlKbty nice rolks, tew. wltb a certaIn aim In ' view. You purV';'ho'd yub say- Kin. They aln' DODe pose to arrIve wltb your collateral all of 'em named Kin-not as I knows or." properly arraDced for tbe event.. It II I He denied , beIng trom clear sailing. Tben tate takel tbe ( Prown county. He Wall trom Hsn· grlpel and Inadve rtently kIck. you under the ftftb rib: and there you are, ddcka. h. ssld. Barbed Wire "An m'name's IIl1e my daddy before set bacll about teo years. Your g.randmother dIed without leaving you tbe me. An we're plain tarmer.. I don't IInow where folta cet tbla Abe MarUn Inheritance you had every realon to GUARANTEED to heal without leavthey all call me. I aln' never read expect. You have to get up and malle ing a blemish, or MONEY REFUNDED. your own fortune. Or, tbe ballot. are T!-llbln' 'bou( no presldent ·er conCTeBB' 600 lind $1.00 sizes for fresb wounds, man ut abet Dame. 80me one aald bls counted. and YOU are not elected. You old lIorcs, Bore backs and shoulderll~uro8 pkture WUE In tbe paper, but 1 ain't have to nlD again. Ood lees to It and bruilles. 250 size for Family usc. that you do n&t butt tbe ltare ever, DR. cox'S PAI"LESS BLISTER never sElen It ." And Judge Colllni dlsmlased the time you fetch a lurll'8. It II provl· la painless and gunranteed to cure dentlal precaution aplnlt JOur . . Spavin, Rin~bon c , Curb, Sweeny} Splint, c~arge 'o t drunkeo1leBII and let him Puffs or any enlargement of DODe or .truoUon ot the lolar .'1~· ~. mUIIei e, or money refund ed. Prioe 6Oc. '[be Ga •• Ue II a great family paper ~o" UU: .V ALL DRUQQI.,..








~;.- :


fo.. a


Bert Ae Grant,


Tinner and Slater, Furnaces, Roofing and Spouting, Sheet Metal Jobbing of all kinds.

Waynesville, Ohio

1·-----------: Pan Handle House I I










Re- :



------ ..-----

Move On Nowl a pollceUlsn to Il ai;reet orowd, fmd whuokll heads If It don't "Move on DOW." 811.YII the bi g , harllh minHrtll p!1\s to hewsl oongestion li nd sufferin g fo llows. Dr. Kln~'11 K ew Ufe Pills dnn't bulldoze the b'lwe)s Th,,:v ge persuadetbelll to rIght >lcti .. n, aod health follows 250 "t all .h11 g:,:l!;t!!. 8 !l ~'8

.-..- - -

The Burnt Child. A rural clergyman m1ssed one of htl parishioners Beverai luce_hoe Sundays rrom hJs place In chlllCh and ,..-hen hEI met tbe absedtoo one da7 be said: " W e ll, William. I baV61't seen )'OU at chur<:b tor some time." "No. Illr. I have re&aoDS for stayln' IIway." "Ob, llOU bave! A.ncl what mIlT your l"Ilaeons be? I should nile to them &ll{ay, It polBfNe." "Well.. sir, I doubt 70U'll 'mana&9 that. They are Vm')' deeIded objections. Tbe first la that I dOlll't tJ. lleve lu beln' where ODe does all the s peakln' : the second III t.b&t I dOD't tJ. !Jeve In so much t.ID«In' al ..e get In ::rour church: the third., aDd Iut, and most Importallt I'1BaaoD of all .. that It was In y?ur church that I &0& IDJ' wUe!" 11arclDeU of a DlamOftd • .... carpenter ruu. bJa pIaDe over a ,alICe ot 'Wood and OIIIt come the PNU7

c:udly alIavlDp. No.., U a pIaDe .. Very Fond of amlttl. "You are toDd of Smith. a...eo·t you?" macle with & diamond blade ~ at a lteel blade. and the bladli fa lilt jaat ~ert." r1Cbt. the plue wben run over cIaaa "He hUll't mucb character!" , w1l1 tuna out line, thlIl IbavlDp, ~ "No." thing Uke those made by a plane OIl MIDa mun. . are bearleh." .. y ..... woocL Thla glvel aome Idea of the wOD4erlrtll hardnea ot a dJamoDd, :ret "He II dulLthaN IllI eometlllnc harder than a ella· "TI1M'" ·Wbat~. JGQr ja111" JIQI'RIII the "Then what do 1011 An4 110 attract- lJDODdi :It III another "'.mDDd or eMIl 1.11, w. . -;aJ* at ,,",000;009, til. Qe . . . . . 4IaID0DcI, , . . !!III DDd JDa7 hoe la him'" acv.. at ......... to .01.....,. bid" poIIn,lIWI. lie atria- bard In ODe JUt aDd . . . , "Ob. I'm aeontaIr CII wu.. NDUed! -'He ba D8Ver &Ue4 me . . tJi&t<a. ...... ,. the . . , . . .',.a6 ' BUm~DO ~IJ. thlnl,'· N.".. . . til .&DOtber' ~ • • ~~~ "1"; .y... ••~ L ,-!;~,.~ '" :~~~~.-:.



exerehles were beld I\t \he II . P . ohuroh la8t t!uu day evening. Jeasa Weaver, who work8 for 'he O~egoDla Bridge Co, ba'l KODe to PRuldlng Co. to work for tbern . Mn W ' fl . Connlo"ham. lJl (;/ .. ojlJU vl\le, vlslt..d friend8 hbfl1 "'8t Thurllday. Oscar Bowland and wife .. nd lon, of Dayton, are visiting hit! pf\reot·a bere tbill week MI .. Magglfl I'.iwallo" is on the 11011 lis' again .


Beech Grove.

r-======LIVERITES======~ Being prepared from Pure Nath~ Herbs, they Cleanse the System and POrify the Blood, and Tone the System, and thus




............ --...--..... . . . . . . ..

Prevents ... J'Ioo;w . . . . . . . . . ,






... --- ...




LIVERITE5-A purely vegetable Laxative, cures Chronic Con· stipation, Liver and Kidney Troubles. Ask your Grocer for it. Manufatured by ALPHA CHEMICAL CO., SprIngfield. Ohio


Only lOc==::I

WARREN TOPPAN, Lynn,Mass. Cured of severe comp' lund cold and cough b"


"Prom DelC. 10, '08, to Marm ., '09, I had three ..d colda, one on top of tbe other. I lOt ao weak I could hardly pt around. Nothlne aeemed to belp me until I began to take VlnoJ. The ,blnle w .. millIe. Three bott"'l. completely fixed that compouDd _Id ••d . ltopped the terrible coudJ-a.d what IUrprll.. me most, at tTte . . . . tlmo It cured me of lI.even atomac:latrouble thlt hal bothered DIO for 'Z# )'..... Vlnol II certainly a wondfrful medicine." Mr. Toppan is one of Lyno's most prominent and highly, merchants, whose word is as good as his bond. The reasoD Vinol is so successful in such cases is bee ~use it contains the two lJl.ost world·famed tonics-the medicinal"strengtheniog, hOdy::tuilding elements of Oil and Tonio h'OD. YOOl' MODe,. aaek U Yoa Ara Not Sa........

COd Liver

J. E. -JANNEY, Druggist,



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CXJPYfi'/v"/T/ /5/>'/ BY L:iv,'JLJJ ~ II I

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Immense Fields of Yellow Popplel Grow as Far North as the Sea I s la ndfi,

N om e, Al n sl'Il. -0 n o of the ImpTOs.Iolls I" n wllh th e lourlst III Alll sit a I ~ 01 I h(, lu xurll1n t'o or lIro slimmer \' t' l · u l lr f· . t tl,. rlth j..tJ'('p u (h al S IlK KtJs t 9 11 11 1,;""llsil 1:1I"I'clIl"'. Thi s H · ...lure :o: (' r m S t5 t r:t n~e ill n la n ll n :-: s od ,.l'-' d " " "all y w ll " B I,OW l 'n l'l" 'I! 1ll 0 ll111 l1i1lK n ud J,;lr.l'i I·S. 'I'hn p ro ru sl oll o r Vtll'l, ('ullll'l'\1 1I<, w,' rfl ,, "d !{rn~R ~, lh f' " ('su lt or f!'olll (,'f~ "t et' I' 10 l \I'C' llly h Oll rs uf " " 'N h I Il P n d a ~· . JIla l;I'B t hl H cO l1nlry In 811 1l1 11 H ' r a 8 11f prl !-t ' a nd tl .. lI gu t. I '~ \' f'ry e)1I(' \I he) /:u es to ,\I!\ ~ k ll t ukPB fl. prum ' lIall, II It ' "g; t h" falllo u ~ l;;itlt 'l "' a i l,. l aid oul h y lh" Hlltis i an s Y("lrB y O \l W:llltl ' l! tn I l H'J; l'f I\b~JIl I th !.:! othe r Hg;O, Oil Ihu ~ I ,or" of Sltk'l lIay an rl tho IlIKtl t , H III I I hill'\\" )'1111 WH llt f'd m e l ( b l'III ,t1ful In <ll1ln r ln'r . Il Is Tl ot eCorgl't , t oo-" wortl, y, not a lon e b l'CIIi I SO gooll r and s " ( )h . pl, ' :1. sP - " Sh ~ s llr-un I\" h A,ck . I1 q;o S"U rI'C III tills eo ull t r,' bllt al so behN 1' '''"l1lru l , .\",~ Il k£' I I : ,, ~ I' or 11 11!~ htl ' lIt'd d"I ' r \ I U! It WHH lh p la::; t ('a ... nll 'l I Id 'l1" 'e cl th ,· "1 "1 ,, I \Ild ll 'l r~\ : IIt7.t· At t ll ll tlmp t ll al I wn s ttot ' ltl' II

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HOW GIRLS MAY AVOID PERIODIC PAINS The Exl)erience of Two Girll Here Related For The Benefit of Others. Rochester, N, Y,-" I have a d au gh. ter 13 y ears old who h us alwllYs b eeD ve ry h ~ althy until n ,ccntly when sba complained of dizz ines s and cram ps every month, BO bbd lhnt 1 would have to k eep her hom e from school and put b er to bed to gel r e lief , "After givin g h er only two bottles of Lyd ia E. P i nkham's V pgetable Compoun d she is now enjoying th e b est of health, I cannot praise yOUl' Compound too hig hly , I want ev ery good moth er to r e ad what y our m edi ci ne Ims done for my child, " - Mrs, RICHARD N, DUNIlAM. 811 Exchange St., RlIlchcster, N, Y_ Stoutsville, Ohio, - " I Buffered from headach eB, backach e and W BS vl' ry irreg· .......................................... ular, A fr iend nd· vi sed m e to tllk a Lydia E, P ink l mm's V ego n t a L I e ' omp Oll nd, lind he f or e I had t.nk en th e whole (, f two bot tIe 8 I . .............. fou nd r clief. I am :":::l2 }~t:~;\· only sixtce n y ea rs

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two or three y s, cann ot express my thanks' for what Lydill E, Pinkham', V egetable Compound has done f or me. I h ad tak en oth er m edi cines Imt did no' find r elief. " - Miss CORA B. F OSNAUGH, S toutsv ille, Ohio, R_F,D. , No, 1. Hundr"ds of such l ett ers f rom moth. ers expressing their gratitude for wha' Lydia E, Pinkham's V ege tabte Com· pound h as accompli sh ed for their rlaugho t er s hhv e been r e ceived by th e Lydia E. Pinkham M edi cine Company, Lynn, Mil8&. j,

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"Y ou N eve r Saw Me In S ·' ack ." " YII" kll1)II' - - II ' !; bl nl'il" I t '-trl c'l l .\ ' 1' 11 are pi l l Utlt wlth 11lf;} hrrnllAoh YO l1 "Oh:' Rhe 14:18 1",.1 l nl n l/\' , 1111' IHI; r aHll'r rO llnd li lt' gt lll,· t h (' l1 ex tI1ornll1t;. b ut Tllll t al l , III' "H id ;I t flr' t . n er'l " III Br l, " Sh ... " I ared. Il(' r PX'Ill l , l lf' h .. ,,<,> I 1.1. ,: .' 11 1'. I 1( \' lee l r"r lht' ""6 t big tdll\t t' Y" H \\'I ~ lf\ c11~ l\l n tlvtl , h er Ilp ~ )ot\ ,ul diI ' ~ IIl l, trt Il ht: 11 1~' two l't.of. dH l 11d. ·.. '1, I rl',/" '\11 <1 10 he l'lI 11, 1' M ll f \\!Jllt · ~lll v ed \\rb l t; "ll f,,'l !ll( 8oIH I "'· (I [be of 11 n t;e " \\ hy . I 1\ (.\ \t.1 1' \\' ule hIJ~ C~ ,I<lr.> . J 1'",,1/ '1'[1 h ,' n" " l!'I' r h-fi l .1r n rl,al l' 11 1'111 A " " Ih ',"!; h \" , be ";a " y In n' ~ lI!'e . Yu u klluW you u t' , .,r 11,, " : "-' II fI . n,), ,I" r l l ll g g i r l, I'l l I",,'(' r 10 ~ , . (\ Hl'e wn s "O llllllcl (> l y llu(l red 'Il 'U I' 111 bla d l." "lr'lIl io " II", P'Ij'""" , IlIlfl the Ulhel s('('lll l; 111(' I r,,11 hllr t . I Nlll l (ln t tJ lllllle b ('r ro r n I).; lit "fJt' \'t'r it j l Y JI1 .. n'- a~ loo p rHo W I; All d a" It WitH Il(' r 11101' ,. I Jll sl Sill \\' llIlUlIi': t u '\jlP ar to fUCllel nl1()u t It. 11,·1'. li a r 111 (' , II.: " ''''1,," n o r ,,11.::.1" no ' U ghtnu l 'tl g'\IO 't' 1 aU f ) .q,p, ': lhJ 10 t h(' tilt · tar In \' a ln. I I i' III hu !"tli.·t1 o rr to In.11. whlsl ;y . \ I ·hy . I .t(lll· t {'ar,· If 1' 11 1\ - - " Ii I nd of ~ r l lllll! ,g. you kilO"'" anJ 1101L!' IIlll ~ 11I 1 -'·,'arl' y t( \\ \' I - all ou t Il l r ' Tnrry tn g l a' (' li g ht wit h my I IlO ll'){·It" . ti~lu JlI th ; t hU \' (' RCt' U I llY f ;\ cc fnll, CHAPTER XIII . (Contlnuetf.) T IH' n hl' r 111, ,,"1, tlV lt"1! ,d II 11 11 ' for I l<n o "' , I,), .1 0 "" . I ('o ll i d J ll~ t l ee l tow n ~ ,. !·A nH' In n tJll-th ( t' n ot \' 0 1('6 A g oo d nlP lllor y I ~ essential to a flUl wll ell I t C'IP llil oll,' d liler st ;t ted 111,' Xl h er h ('1I1I Weill up " nil I h eard I t itlnd o f cll l lllj lSe. I WiI" th at burl fro m th . . . l ' r:1I of UtI' ~ 'a r u nd so nl ~. 8ucc"tisf ul II nr. th at Mr. H lliin g s h arl n o t bE'en a t t h e aga i n Ih u l d"l icl ulI " birlll , ll/:' C!ll'ul or lind ,IIHnplJO illll" l. lI er ruce Y,l l tt'lW(1 thi n e huwh' cJ 111 / \\ II lh ,~ ulr· lo HlId olub sin c e lasl e vening. Some .one 1\ 11I1I~ 1l . lI er e YPH Clllll e 10 r eSl 11 1'0(1 1; l lllllv lind I l ook rOll r :Il:;(', l or III )' Ill' tI-= h t rf l lll' n~ldt' It W IL ,t1 th E". f rump T!tc o ill f rlNnl 1ft I .d l f' f I hnn I h e Dr.", w ho a n s w ered Ib e 'pholle t bought 1\l r . t b e b u t In 10)' hu n J , I "ad Hl l pPl.! d , l e \'Jl I~hll' " INl 11, l lId jll Rt tI, II bit liP' "( ' on1 0 o n . Fr lllli~ R ' " ~ ht" P"'(C1Hlu l ~(1 (hrtl " IJ Tcu. I~ I Wt. ouh' 01,1 b ut. t rl" ll ILn ~ Billings WllS wl t ll his r rl end , !ltr. Ill y I l nrl'll r d band II rou lIll It, relll c'll - on allolh.' r expi ll natio n. (u uuJ truu, ~I I.1Jo (l r p u ro wh u h!SlJltlO Hurt. I re " ., lltlll .hn rp ly; " o llr sl"I I,lJ)" " exI I nH t1l1ll L1 gh tn u t , In the K aho lm Ap artm ents. herlll l': Ihe oll "dr>lll,," sbe b ad ell ' that sb e IHlII I lIoul; llt lessl,l' l ef l t be jlll' lhl',v IVN t' 't r" II I, I,, ); I l r"r I~'c door. Wb en n mnD hotls ls ab ou t what. And, of cour se, 1 kn e w l Oily wei} b e IHpHsed fo r oll r rulnr . J :Il r:~8 In u,y rUOll ' ~ . I also rp' ailLctl wl lh m e " /: (l od PP' ·"' ,It. I ~n w l.' rn ll 1l!l ~ era bl e slnll er he used t o be, I.h. "'as nol. "011 '" " h " "aid IIga lll, r.n d _b e with di smay lbllt Pux), (;r1ln, l l'a l1 ad (' ('5 10 .. 11 bf'h l n<l IHll' O Wltll --vb . 5 U('1l Wh ere the Wild Flower. Flourish, devil l aughs III bl s slee v e. As I tlirn C,1 rrom tl1e teler llOoe. loo it ('lI at j) " ~ " ( ' d I II di dn ' t sh rlv e: hesl l u l lq;l y . " ~l r . J aDes, pl'I ' II, I" "(i, o r ra t her II\(~ o!llrl' l ~ hnd :l 100 1,: l ometll ing tn Jenkin s' expre';ti l on ar- I" II nnt--or I s It - " YOIl 1; 1I 0 W- 1ha t ""n. And b,' cause of 1t8 beauty. Those who pone· pr(lllll H'd f o r IIltll . l ll at th ey sh o\l l d b e blu l nl n ",t CraM fllI l l Blue, oil blQ .., r ested my n ll entl on . trnlo t hi s "Lover's L nne." a" It Is I c bu ck l od . " :>01r . S mith , }'Oll IWe) w, " r etlln.ell l ,r l)m l ,lIy . And . h y J uv", I .1 0\'(', I IlII p\\' Pll g~I •.y \\'11 , r lg lll, , "';'56 In 1116 " hole ,,"urhl, rnukel tbo l.UD" Well?" J said I mpnllenUy, for lie I sa id . " !\Jr. S11 d lh . uf cou J' se.· ' I h ut I hlld fll ll E'd t il Pll t t h t' l'a ll o.,er ! cll lle d . IIru c hnrm ed wlt.h ils deli ghts, h aj 10rKo tt E'1l All nhu ut them! trosa R"U,.·. h a~ 80 lUany d e,' lils hly c1 e n~r l ll f l,lraI \VIIS n ot si x fp et belli" ., 116 tb l'Y Imm E' n se a nd uged fi r trees bor de r I t. - -- - - An d Ih en I JU Sl Wt' I1 1 011 d ,u l'kllng, ":-;evt'r u l l nn ." I ~!ll d , thlnll lu !; Womeu hal'e n o h"I1.1 for figures: tion a, you know ; an d , dash It, I like ro I til ol1gil t It 60 Ul' l'lIlsh cl ev er or nl o,', d, a ~ I !ref] up,"ly do. " I'll t p l c, s('r>lllll> l .. 1I I h rough th~ stal !on t o th o mos ~es Illld lic hens and "'ild flowers to encollrag e blm. i\N, so t"" I\ OJ'OIJ~ . A nd Jll M th.m t p1: ono abou t th e111 1\ 8 soon as w p ge t o lh l' l' ~ Id .. Wh PH' II ,a rge ca r 6tOl1l1 g ro w In tb e s h ade and tbe nlltlve b er- Y Oll cun ' t make tb em r ~ llll~ e th al th ey r sa w i,'rlll1 c('s c lutch th (. rle~ fr lllt:;e Ih e pat hwa y , Tb e nal llre ..~ e l en y enrs oldE'r than tb ey were "Pardon . si r , but do n 't yo u thln ll-- " th Ollg hl 0 1 1\ lI ahh d guo ,'1 repart oe: 10 W o lb u r st." Th l' n II terribl e Hhock pnl1\1ng . Here he look ed sl mIght up at tt.e ":>O l onth s-so mnny m o nlhs, YO U strll"k me. " O h . I sn y. you d ill n 't I'rurnp'e '\I'm Itrlll w h l ~ p f' r Ilomethlng. lo\' er Is enraplll r ed with the mile and ' ell years ago. li nd I b ea r d I tic fr ll lllp'5 revly, ror h ~' (L b ulf of sy lvun be aut)', "".. - - - - - - - - electroll er nnd cOllg h ed . "Ahou t Mr. know. 8111 (' 0 w e IIIE' I :" An d I \l1I' lI gb ', have' your nnm 'l all th em, did you'!" On e can und er stand th a t su ch & The Only Wly, Billings, sir; I wa s go ing t o suggest it d el lg tllflJl t h e WilY s he II tlch crert II l'r " On wllat 7" 1I 0 w II I III1\y . pv c n If \' ol c" w a~ l ou d a nll ~ tr' O Il K ly magCI! w alk may exlat in Si tka, whkh enjOY8 An elder w hil e bapll~lng converts at tbat t.hOll gb b e I sn 't over a t tile club, 10 1' el), 1It1le forehea d and l oc k ed fl't! f] ulzzl ca ll y . shC' WflS r ('gllrd ln g III C! lin e. "rraz y " " ~ h e r nFp('d . "N o n 5en ~c: W I1 TJ1I b re ez es from the sea t o su ch an '\ r e vIval meellog advnncoo with' lie's somew b ere . sir." Ol'('r . fl ll t sb e JU 8t lonked so devilish Th e b ig white lint ~ blft ed nn I ncll 01' Wby, d asll It, I tbou g llt that Jolly entic ing , I cou ldn 't k ee p I t III' m" two nellrer. I r eal i zed w Ub j oy Iba l Dru n k . m orp II I<ely i\lost or lbem a r e extent th a t tho air i s nlways moIst. .. Iry, sharp,eyed old cbap Into the Tbe surpri sing r evel allon Is to lind ",ater. H e a sk ed the usual Qu estIon, likely, my se tf! I sal(1 BO, sell. I l ean ed nearer and Ilpoke ~,,_ ~ h El was h eg lnnln g to f orget about bOo h air Ihe tim l' ." r dld,, 't Il n ve tI me to s~e what sh o wild flower s In th e Inter ior, In r egions ..; h e ther . tll llre was any · rea SOD wily "Yes, sir," sa id J en k in s dnrkly . t-Ind my h at, tryIng to 100:': the I" vo 1 Ing Pllt out with mu. .. \\' hy-- " I 100 lie" ahout cnllUOllsly l"efC'l'rs ll t o, rnr j ll>; t tb en w e r eac hetl wher e sno w and I ce l lredomlna t e for 'be o rdinan ce or bapti sm ,hould not "And Mr. B lllinga UGURUy kno ws re lt . wh ere be I s. I guess, elr, h e's In thla " 1)llln ' t ex p ec t to see m e, dId y o u ~" . an d dro pp ed my ,' ol ce, I hough It w as l hp s lcl •. of ,I 'fl enr . I 1 1dn't spe II man y months of the yeor. Thero are be administered. Arter n pau se a tall, neIgh borbood-h 'U1! " Sh .. loo k ed Rt me o ddly and hit ber not II k..ty anyone COll ld b enr nbove I:h l ng of Ili li i ngs, 11I lt til e cha nITell' acres of forge tmonots on mountaibs l,o\Verf ul .look lng m an who was look, I ju sl slI,t staring nt blm a minute, Up. But b er eYes w ero d a ll cllllf an d th e QIlI..- er o f Ihe traill . " Wb y , tn :hllllpl'd to Ihfl gcollllli I' nd l'ecelv«(j 6,000 fe l't ubo vo sen l ev el . so mAny or Ing Qui etly on remarked: t h p I" d l,," 1I11 d I1H'ir hngs. li e seemed them fh nt the)' mako a ca rpet or blue, "Eld er, I dOIl·t want 10 Interfer e In tblnklng wllnt a d ev ilI sh \\'ol1d ~ rrul 10 lIIe d" l' l lIs h l alllil l ar . 1'10. Ry .1 01'''. YOII co m e IIl'r ORS deserl e d Indian vll. yer bll sln es s. bill I wnnl to say tbnt tnlu g Intui tion I s for th e lo wer cl ~ sse 8 . t h e WRY h .. he l<l illY dll rllng's h n nd la g(>s whero tl.., bou so s . wblcb are thi s I s lin old si nn er you ba l'e got "Uy J OI·e. J enKins! " I Buld ; " tll en wu s th o " ,,''' l 'lllf<'l' n ally nlJda c lO II H. b uilt o f rou g h boards, are appro[lc he tl hold o f. Rod tbnt o n e dip won't do hIm YOu thlnk - " {" : t r ;II.; "01l " 1!lillg I CV t'r be held ! I I hro ugh w (,Pod s HIl II e pilobill m 8 0 hIgh Rny gooll ; you'll bnve to an cbor blm "I lh l nk :\Ir. lll il in gs, si r , nllghl p r e' out In d('ep wnter o ve r. nlgh t ," -Llre. FIII ,,,"1 bft"" II IH,I/ 10 j'l'"l (' h h1 s h ~"' t. a nd 6 0 rauk th a t It tI! n pl'cssar y t.o fer to find Ill1nFclr- h 'm! Y es, sl'· ... Ife h " II"''' rhl'11' I lIlu (h,! l unllea u 111 ,<1 part Ih ('m overl! ('[l,l In o r ne r to peneJ enk illfi lifted the iJ l'ell ltra ti t tra y wit h Not Rel i ably Intormed. w as ~() "u ~ :.. wit h h i s sil l y J:rckaKH t rnl e th em . A I'r cB at th e m agenta Tb e I!c nll c man who wore eve ning lie llb rn l1 on, rf'11I() " cd II rrr m th e c IHlt.\('!' I h"t lin .. IO ~ f'd tile d1)o r lo l'fo J'P Ilu e d e l'lloblum l e nd n hrlgh t note to rOOIll 1I11!1 r ' turr a' (I , lLl o v l ng It tlOlJl ln e c10lh es lind Ih e r emnHnts of a j ag at he 1',,'n "1i ",,01 H'IW Ill !!, I I\'n~ jll ~l ' h I' In n!1~C!1PO and It seemBl to grow I 9 o 'c l ock In th e mOl'nlng was cli n ging lurnltu r e IIno hU.' .r l ng 11Irn!;e lr w ith An St:l l1,Il Ill!; ti l " 1' 1'. !c:!II IIl!/: n II It1e ror'l ~v('ry\\'h e l'e. 10 th e rootbon rd or a crowded surrace aIr of my s ler)'. IJn, h It, I kn ew h e wa r d wil l! "' ." I''' "'), yo u I,nn w . anll F or lip to lhe nor th. n('ar l he snow ell r In Ch le:1go. As the cn r rOlluded a bad up hl" I;: "eve Rome olller d e vllh; b flxlll !!; Il l,\' ' 111), ,," ' 1(' rellruHclJ l'u l ly 0(1 !inc on th A blgb mou n l a ln s, "ro wll- sh a r p c lIJ'\'e with 11 j erk tIl e 1M!I'SOn In - cleve r Il oilo " . un(1 so l 'l'eseu t,y 1 Fr '""' E',, - lr'yllig 10 ge t bel' e y o, I ~..)w S , dwar f altl ers and blr('h (,5, while In con g ru ous app arel f ell Qul elt ly and spoll e UIJ ju sl tn 10 ,ell him otI . A n d Ih,·lI. IJ ) ' .10\'('. I r e lt n b low 011 " c l o w aro flr ~ p.nfi ~ p rUI'I'5, Born e of heaV i ly to Ih e cob bleslon e s. He wal "Hy J ove:" ! rC'lI lIl l'kell. m .I' ~ h f} ' !ifl<' r I h a t uln' o:, t bowl ('rl me the m hundrpr\ s of rears old. U nd er pi c ked UI1 by tI' e str ong handa or tba "Y I'!S, ~It" .,(,111<1118 r efil f cl the end ove r. f or I h:ld Ill)' Ic·gs cro ss ed, YOll lh(' m I ~ \'f' rdur!! cl olhln g tbe moun- condu cto r and abou t 20 p as"en ger8. of I h(.tii; " ;l ll l,rll Bll o n tile talJle &nd tnln sldes RO rall k li nd so g ret>n that In "Co llI si on'!" he ask ed In a dignified k now . (' oI)t= l d(' j("(l Ill e ~a rn t' sll y. .. Y uu It now. "\\'1' 11. I'! I he h all g-lt'S Dlcliy:' im agl nn tion on e Is t rnn8 1'1lln t.ed to t one> or vo ice . M r . LI~ l llll ll l . ' li Sl IIl g ht 'lS Mr. Hili, ,\ nd b e II' f,.S gr lnll i n g a t me 1\1, 0 11 ~ro pl ca l cllm n tfls, Tbl s 15 e specI ally "No," Bal d tbe c onductor. t ng ~ w as fI ' tirlllg . Ile 81l Y5 to me: what' s-ltH na me cU l . ' A nd "'ftll tll e g rin pleasin g to lhe eye, after tbe long, "orr th e truc k ' " fllrth er Qu es t/oned ' J E'IlI, l r·R. ~Ir , LiJ.;l1t!lU I. h ns p rolLlI,s ed \ rcl'ogn lzp" h ill! , It w as tb e rr t'lX ll hard wlntl'r. th o I'I ct i rn at Ibe lI(,:c lde nt. t o go liP h (ll1ll~ wll h me 10rn ' H'l'UW ror YO lJn g 1' 00\ wno hlld bet!1I ao d " vilrsh This luxu r i ance Is th e r l1s ul t o f the "No," said Ihe conductor, th e ..... .·e ll I' ll ri. T herf" s a t c nn (' r co m , fa. ln llln r III Ih e pi er the llIorn ln g long ,ummel' days and llle flll' t t hat I " "'e ll ." c ool: llICl ed Ir e o r t he ,ag, "1\ l ng y our way If he duesu ' t rc rg et ~'r:\II CeA Ir· 11. for ages t he forf-s ts bav e been unl" l1- I had kuow" that I wouldn' t have .ot shout I t. II C"H 10 go l omorrow , 1I 0W, Th en h ha nl;cII me agil ln, da sh It, turbed . On e log hall fall An upon an· olt ."- PoPlll ar Mag azIne m ind yo u, .I cnltlll s; nnd It don 't lIl at, and I r l e1l In ge t lily hUIlr1, hul I Iltlt oth er nnd d ec ayed. produ ci n g a rich ter w b at cO ll1 e~ til" You see that h e WELL POSiED, i t ur: hllill \l ,e. /t u l b e d id ge t Ill)' vegetabl e muc k In whi ch almost evg oeR up t OIUOI'row .. ~rm, an d h e t llrned t o ward the c al' er y lhlng will grow. The rl cbness nnd A Calltornl. Doctor With Forty Veare' " By Jov e !" I salil ns he plluB ed, lind Experlence_ , Ill s v o ll' e dropped. softn ess of tbe soil makt;!s Alaskau I srrl'we d m y m Ollocle tig h t er and ",'''e Iwrc, I want you to mee t ";ood d imcult to oblaln ar.d whEln any nod ded . " I ~cE' . " "In my forty yearB' experience as .. I,h ?" I-I E' IHoke orr, storing at tb e l a r ge enterprise ha s bepn undertaken , Of course I didn't ~ ee . but I Imew teacber and pract! Uoner along byf r ump , \\'uo was mak ing si g ns with as buildin g rallrond8, lIIe tlmher, for tbe (Joo r fe llow was driving at SOIll&Iler eyes, frow nlnK and becilonlng him tbe most part, has been shipped from gienlc lines," says a LOB Angelee tblng. an d I ""an l ed t o g i ve him a run . physI cIan, "I ba ve never round a foocJ wi t h h er green flow er ' pot. He l ef t PU l;et Sound . "Exnctly, ~ Ir " A n d he Rt oo d walt, me, mu rmu r ln" something, £lnd stepThe wild flowers In this northern to compare wllb Grape-Nuts for the Ing . "So, Fb a ll I pa c l( , sir? You'll ped to tb o l'unnlo (,;·iJo ard . I CoUld "e~ I country, along tbe coast and bllck to- benefit ot t:le g eneral health of aU want 10 l a lt e lbe f our·t en express, I t he lI owt'f' · p('~ hohblng about ener- ward the Yukon, delight '11lth tbelr ClaSS(!B or p eo pl e, 8UpPO ~E'?" "I bave recommended Grape-Nutl Kctl ca lly aI'" t w l c<:l Fran ces nodd ed. beauty and fragrnnce, Far up, n ear By Jov e, 11 was tile mo st amar.lng, It ~p" l1led 10 m e r eluctantly . the Seal JslandR, are Immense fleld!l O. for a number at yearll to patients wIth Iy, dasb e d cl .- v er Ru ess I ev er knew "C rnzy-dr'ml,? Psh a w, you're bal,. I ye. IlOw poppIes, unrl In other lIect lons the greatest succeSB and every year', J enklnB te) get otT ! Pact ! I knew ty:" he fial r1 to tbe frump rud pl y . tb ere are " 'lid geranIums of & bluish oX llerle n ce makes ~e more entll.usla~ tllat If tb er e wa s one tiling mor e Iha n Tben I h end IInotber murmur ond lint, yellow moceallin plants, saxifrage tic regarding Its use, anot b er In n il t h e w orld tb n t I "~n n te d "I make It a rdl~ \0 alwaYII recom· his h u r ~ b v')lce ros e ag ain. "Yf'~- and bluebells. to do, It WIlS 10 tnko that rm. r -t en ex ' m end Grape-Nuts, Rnd Pas tum In plsce L1ghtnlll. I I ll lI YOII-DICk y Lighttlut. press. T o th i n I< of seclng Frances or colTee, when giving my pati ents tn· Y e~- .Jn r k I :lllIn gs' great friend . You agatn, and tod a y ! SkIrt Prevents Wreck, just Willi ti Ll he's bac k tram the elty. I l eft J enkin s to travel by n Inter Moblle,-Pulllng off her red flan· structlona as to dIet, for I know both a nd \I Il e don·t get upon hIs blnrl- nel underskirt, Laurtl. Jones, an aged Grape-Nuts and Postum can be dIgestt.r aln, Imd II Illtle Ar t E'r f our I was Eb. what ? His n ame III Smith? HA t S!" negro mammy, signaled an Incoming ed by anyone. ",'b lrilng above Sp uyten Dllyvll and "As for myself, wben enga~ In All this tlLlle I w as ju st standIng passenger traIn on the Boy Shore raill ooking nbout ~b e ch alr,ca r to Bee If tbel'e, trylllg to catch Frances' eye. road ID time to prevent the train from much mental work my dIet twlml • tbere was anyone J knew . Bllt. by HII' Fa.:. Softened Klndl)" day consl8ts of Grape-Nuts and rich I telt Burll It I could cntcb h er eye dJl,shlng Into a. serious wasbout. Jove, tbere was h nrdl y a soul In the car-nobod y exr. ept ,U At wom en, you tbe delicious dimple In h er clleek your hlack paj amas 7'OU lett 1D m1 she would see how devilish sorry I Tbe .train was returnIng from an cream, I find It just the thing to wns, I moved back a few feet. for, Alabama coast resort, and was heav· build up gray matter and k~ep tbe know , and tb eRe Hll ed tbe w'h o Je place . twitched on tbe v erge oC l augbter. room ." brain In good workIng order. A Idnd of little gasp wa. all J beard, dasb It, without a sIgn rrom ber, J Ily laden with llassengers, "Ry J ove , Eb " could be IIpllred!" I She shook h er head . "in additIon to Its wonderful elrectl "Indeed I did not," And ngnln cnme and th en she was on ber feet and had no Idea now, ' of course, or con, thougbt, I't ud ylng u young 'A'oman wbo When tbe passengers learned tbat ,toad In tb e aisle b.,slde IDe. Sbe waB that odd look In ber fsce as thougb loo iling- not at me, but above my slderlng myself as one of the party. tbe old eX'Blave bsd perbnps lIaved as a brRln snd nerve rood Grape-Nuta rather b eavy Hel - wllat you might call she were studylrog, klnd of ' bBlklng, head- tooklng away orr down tbe Not finding BllIlng1l wltb the car, and their lives they to'lk up a collection. al... ays keeps the digestive organa ID egg,e balled . Her fac:e and h er h ea vy don't you kn o w . By Jove, sbe was length or tbe ear. Somehow-wby, 1 the Information I caugbt that be waf "Dis Is de mas' money I'se ever hsd perfect, healtby tone, I carry It with , couldn't understand-l bad a weird. still In thE' cIty, just left me bllffl In my born days," sbe exclaimed &8 me wben I travel, otherw118 I am al~la eBeB ~ee lD ed to proclnlm a mi ssIon perfectly dazzling! most certaIn to have trouble 'With my "My dearest!" sllpped softly (rom borrlble feeling of abasement, as and dry, you know . In \Ife, and the dowdylsll cut of bel' ahe shumed troln the scene, stomacb," Name given by po.tum Co., tbough I had killed a child , or bad "All right, MIss Smarty," tile yel· Mit and the r p. ckh~ss way It was hurled me as I betd Iht! h n l. Battle Creek. MIch. She stared . Then once more that done some other dalhed unreasonable low-topped cllaulreur rasped, addresit on made It p l ain t bat she was on to Deadly "Movie" Reali,,", Strong endorsements lIlte the abo," thing like that. Her face bad flUShed Ing tbe frump. "I'U just sbow you!" the fact th at n ature had made a bluo- canury peal of merrIment,' Hollidaysburg, Pa.-Roy Wilt and , "Ob, <le!\rl" Then ber face Bobered but DOW was deadly wblte, And then, from physicians all over t .h e cquntr1 He turned ' about and Jerked hb der In her S('X. and ebe waDte.i' We lames Sal yard, ten-year-old boys, were and . be almost pouted . "NoJi, you by Jove, [ lIaw ebe lookIng for bead, have stamPed Grape-Nuts .• the mod world to kno w sb e knew . playing "Old Scoul and tbe Indian," aclentHlo tood m 'the 'World-. "Tb,er.''':"Oh, Dick.yl Here, juat.Lm1D~ Sbe wa s talking t o the laoy Imme- musn't~lJIea8e, renlly- It gets so tire- another cbalr, 1uat as tbey aaw It In the mo~ng pic- a realon," . . I Jumped Ul) at ODce and moved tnto old chap-will you?' J '4lately bebt nd rne . At least, I dIscov- some. Don't you AmerlcaD c or ratber, . (. I Of course I took no Dottce of bIn ture show. Salyard pulled the trill~ .L ook .I n ered after HV(1 minutes tbat ebe was you Hnrvard men, ever talk anytblng tbe aIsle, of an old rlfI~, and W\1t fell 'WIth , . ' ''I'm so florry," I Bald mtsel'!lbly, "so I wbatever, [n fact I JOO~ed ln tIW talkin g . [l y Jove, liP t o tbat time. 1 to a gIrl but love! Why. It's 'a bsurd: ' bullet' I~ hIs body. Hi 1& d11nl a,t th4 Slle smlied, but ber lasheei" dropped' lorry, dear, [ burt 7'OU. 1 didn't mean other direction, . thollght Fh e was can vB8$lng for . a (TO BE CO~ . . , Mol&..1 ' Tbe oHler n evel ' got tn a .word, raproof. Dy Jov~, I was '~ken back a evel' to speak of the pajamaa, I co st .... d h~' cII III J.! " UII)' . \\' \I n l~. d ls ht rn " ll l,-\( r" 11 .. 11 Iw , 1I1 t ' ''4 0'" "'I'~ 1 1,,~ rid Jn f' k H lllI . t.; !<' nl1ll'\ III ~" . ".1 l td~ nl ~b l w ltll 1 .14111 11111 . 'I' ll .· ': d !!" ,·, ,\' , ·r p rtn ' I , '~~ nlhh'~ \ dol,J '1I n lIlt· 1,11\ r l\ lI~ "r t tw Vaj:UIIH:( 1;1I 1111 ~"4 ,h , l\:<\ t li l' , 1·\ ),tll1l1'"' .. ntl 1'. ' l lr '·~ I.h: t I n ill 11\" r t ll:-- l ·u\·(· t·~ 111 hh! unartltll'!H tL I .. ,or), p "If'lIn I n m i ll , l on (' hup \\')d~ kp r ~ d, .01 \\~' ~ Irill': 1"'11\111 11:-1 l e n kl ll ~ ca ll !-l 11\,"'" v n\ll(lo. \\1 11) ,1i.,· !. tri' 11\,.. I ntr U(J~r 111 .-.' , a ,-r!lldIWI. ,1l1l,·r1 " '·"o x)' O r aniJ pR. " T h(' 11I1 1' udt'r d"c ! f\ft'f<\ hE" If!

" "M











Jul.... ' ."





Job" Dll1ul1 laughed bait In amu. " m ent and partly becaulle hI' round tte girl's l uugh Inrectlou.. "nut W\.V.N hOI ' nake" . "are YOII riOhlg 1l!1 Ihl. ?" "I \\'II~ wustlng I\wn .l· If, a mere shndnw-becnuRe my rHlhl'r I\ollld nOI 1.. 1 nit' ha'v" Ih,- OIl1n I "allle·d ." !llnck· E'ry lcow f, nl ITIllllltind wa R In Ihl' 1.:1~ l"s voir !' nn(1 nlllnn fll it slil:lllly Irrll ;"erl .

White Roses' and-Pink

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..... It.DREN ·S DRESS.

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1,11 1101 II I' h.·r m"llta l hy ~h" " r I; "flrl "pnse

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Don't Persecute Your Bowels

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Hon , aJ lal. I"" IU, c.: u r c .. wind c u\lc. 2~


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sh,· Fal" stoat! all nbcout dllllll"'1I1g. 1I r • .


Ctlt out cat h a rt ics I br utal .

• . . ' h ll< I m~ nj' el.,or.-. '" . n .l· ••II1<'r bille. (J lo \ i('r h il!i hld w attiu I To ur IJIII IH.' ), IldtJ any utbt'r.

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I pr"l enllous lu odels Is here ~II' I!II The und h(!3fl upon li lt:, It" ~ : -I ~t'1 itl tl R Ill i lldl' d 0 fi(,,~ I rn fin l P llrr \ PI n froe' I · · . ThInk or Ihe surt l' r lng enlall ed b r Utll I AIII hurn "",'101 "1 011 or thp \\'nn<l~ h'" klrke d I (I"S eM II I Ih froul IIIId I,as twlly y ~ . IT I· • . . lind sle' c I"'s III o ne. Th e allarl1.<l DE'glecled 81, 111 11'011 11 1 5-- 111,' 11161 b eTbo 11t"'k !',)llUWIII~ Ih (' bi'l. " l l lI~ of 1 .•(In1' l'linn ,' 11 1 1I 1 ~ "lid 1 1" 1 "'1 Il1lr ln ~ I hp kl I . tI I 'I .,~ ,. I h 8 rt S 11 oll e·pl eco clrc'u lllr J l!~IL; II . rOllse of dl s tlgllrlllioli. I'h ),slo'ul u · bioi hOll es ro und J.)ll io ll " ~ r-, " l(Jilll-: 111 1.. pl"I' . 1 S I r ,nOl~ 1'1 I1l~ " Ira~'" d I I>HI' ' Id( 10 I e J'I "(I I I nen or simil ar IIlillerlal wlttl <'B USII or Illlin . 'I''' I"k 0( Ih e pl e/lsur. e tbe COlllll r y wher .. he wanlud 10 ru l' Ir!" 0 '. M p 1111 Il l" e ll rpn . A trl n,nd ,,' of wh l \\' • Rp nSl' Ilr flPf"'18hn('s~ stoll' n ,,<"r him I; t" or bile m.lterlal of a clear skin. ao(l . w"llll bunds. a nd . . . get t be l' llal oX I.reKsl on of bnld ~ ey e'" . wllh plok Irl m wOIlI.1 be v ory prelty good balr. Th ese b \ess lIl1o;8, so eAse n· l\.llU tb e c rlm sou ul Iler I\,,~ Tboll ","1 I,,· rPRII,,·" wi th [\ jl'rk of hl ~ Th .t (N 67' 8 I . tlal to hapJlirl('H 8 IIlnd ev en Mu c('{'s a 10 too bl a IlOok ' upuu " ( 'hll<l Life !.hAl h" j('nl ol1a- j('nlnu9 siz es e2 l;ao Igern o'T il)k Sb cdut In . ' or Ih tl h lld I h h 1':1 I y ears. 0 rna 0 t e r eas Ilfe. are ofll'll ollly a mu ller of a lilli e Mod ern Pll r"III:1ge" "ollld I'rugr cu8 I he ' \ . f' ny r l'E'n w I w om '. s'" In th o m ed lulll size will requIre 3~ tboughtful caro In tlle selecllon of llulC'kel' luI' tue ij,!"llI~ l u lI u f th e COIJII - I ns happy . Y' nl s of 27 Inch maler lal . or 2 '02 ya rds effective rl'll1 f'<llal ag ents. Cutlcu ra try la n clI. If,.. I'H'" " 10 a .101' In hI s WAlk . John or gouds 36 Inchea w ide an(l JI,s yards /:loap and OlllllnE'nt do BO mu cb f or It wa ~ 10 the heurl of Ibe WUOUM. nill"" \lIlK "')tIfr ont !'d with the ('er · nr t7 Inch cOlltl'asllng f ab ric . Iloor compll'xlollB " rl' d , r ough bllud s. wblle bll "'/iii lhu ~ "n l: r UKs~. I . Ihlll lalll hn owlen!: E' Ihl\l h(l hRd rnllpll In T o pr oc ure t hl .. p u tt ern. 6 ~nd 10 cen t s t o and dry , tbln and 'ru lll llg hu lr. nnrl cost wan.ey ed. an elllic. EIslI, L il li e pll5~l!d I"" e \\'llh n ~Ir l w\thollt r!'~nrrl fo r "" ntt~r n D e l'l lI rtme nt " o f th la ('''flt'r. W rite 80 little. thllt It Is alm ost prllTllllnl nOI hIm by. I' N Plrl tnhlilly 11~ R wir('. Il {l was nome ... nd n d drr~. 1l1n i nl y and be bu rr t o .::iv e to UBe them . Alth ough Cutlcnra Soall III.e. and DUHlbe:r o f p u ttern, John Dillon (' Ildt bllt Ii ncrlln b st nrtlo'd hy Ih" fact Ihnl h e \\'anle~ and Olntm(>n t are sold everywhere. a. :Jlanco al her : b tl WlIS In Il0 "'"" Ill ' h r for herR",lr , for h pr I\'h1ITI lilca I poa tal 10 "CUtlClHO ," Dept. L . n os· ~erestcd In glrlK MIII ,·C Enid hlLlI t ';I'II ... 1 ~1tI1l(> 111111 11 "r rn s(' lnall n~ Ir k kerl es NO 3758. SIZII 'ton. will secllre n IIh prol sHmple of him down. ann I('nst of a ll "'{Juld "/lre I n f vok" nn.1 ' ·r l'S . NAM E! .. .... ____ .. ___ .... ____ .. _.. . . . _.. eneh, with S2·pnge bookl et Q'l akin to rest his (>),,,6 III~nn lit " u ru u"III~ . ' In hi!' fl"Rl r<> In f or,,"1 h i s Innglng and Icalp trenlm ent. listl ess Il gure of 1~lah. 1.01111" . fo r hpr h p [\hlll,,"II Inl'1 worl( nn his TOWN .... _.... _...... .... .. ...... ...... __ Tbe ~Irl. In IlI r n. II·8.lrhed hllli hnoll n"lrl fOlln(1 th nt It progresl"'d Her Excuse. STREET AND NO. .. ...... __ .. _...... __ with COI'crt ticrutl ny . f{lIllI Dr lind It w l lh ~ II f'fISY now IOf lIn<lPrKtanrlln~ "Th ese peo pl e ba ve 11 plausible Bnd tbaL thIs mUll W'8S g(Jlng s\luut lh l! ",:rrkl,,!?: Its pngps . Wh'lII h e hAc! STATE ...... .. .. .. __... ___". __........ __ .. Belt-rlgbteous excuse f or th eir rul. · village expressIng 11101''' or I ~ Sij 1I11111!1 . " 11<' n I R rln .v nr "plendld work he f"llt deeds." saId SOllntor lI ankheud. 1\9roterlng opinion s reg nrdln g Ih e Inck 01 Ihal hp mu st a pproach the girl who POll or ('erlaln hypoc riti cal Inwbreu"ONE-PtECE LADY'S PLAITED well.bllianceu. h ea llh y \\ 0111(>11 In I ho hall Inspired him . ers. In an add ress In F ayette. SKIRT. world . On his way toward th e collage the "Tbey remind me, In fa ct of a cerwholp thing dn wned on him . tain parson's domineering ~Ite. Tbe Elsie bad taken Ille~~' opl nlong 1l.~ "Elsie L ane was the ono girl In tt.!! panon said meekly one day : personal. B enealh Ihl! t ewpornry 11 81· wOTld to Ht Into bls sch emE" of lire. " 'M y love. )'OU told me before tbll le8snes8 or her mann er Ih ere was R Any glrl w h o had the si r en glh to do wedding tbnt )'011 knew 0111' marriage Bomothln g that bad caug ht Or e at hI s what ahe had donl'-A ny gIrl who wua made In beaven, yet you now orwords. Elsie realized that she herself eould t u rn the white roses In h er own der me ahout as If I were a slave: wna wan~yed und pale, but lhnt WIlS ch('eks to pink mi ght tll rn n n ati on ot "'Order: tbe womsn calmly an· becau se bel' heart WI\B broken and ch ildren In to wbntsoev er she desired . Iwered . '11 beaveu ' s Hrst law.''' ber lite ruin ed. Ba,ln ' t her hlther reDlIlnn quickened his Ilace. fused to let ber marry .l ac k Hollins? Twilight b ad dimmed the gnrden Hla Changed Fortune. Altbough she was IncenM d at J oh n wben h e f ound her. She wna lust en· "Wow I There went Smlthkln8 In Dillon for bl s slurring r emarks. she tering the door IVI~h a basket of tresh ble new elI. Wb.m I knew him a few raallzed that he wna a eplf'ndld man, eggA from th e n eats. years ago he b ad a junk shop." who wa s striving 10 prolluce a better "He BlIIl haa. Only he moved It to "Ha ve on e. " she called . when Dillon a fasbl onable street. kept the Bame stopped at the gnte. stock. and labeled It ·AntlQuell.' " "I am com ing In.'' he made answer, Judgll. and th e n ew glatl note In his ,.OIM sent her glanc:e quIck l y loward blm . Deatlned for Many TrIpe. "I don 't want an egg." he told h er "I bave written a short story ." said wIthout preamble. "but I want evervthe amateur literary person. "Wbat thing else In the world - l want YOII:" Is tbe Ilrst step to take In seiling It 1" In the semi-darkness Dillon watohed "Buy ten dollars' worth of stamps," the hlood ruell up even 10 tbe gold of advised tbe old band at the buslne... hel' hn l r . She l aughed qllickly_ trille unsteadily . "Bllt I am not vItal. 576Z A very BlIccellsful remedy for pelviC nor st r enuous. nor- " catarrh Is hot douch es of Paxtlne AnJohn Dillon bad taken h er In bl s Here Is an at,racUwe skIrt tbat can tiseptic. at druggists. 25c a box or lent arms and his IiIIS Teatl'd on the ros es be worn ' with separate waist or call postpaid on rec eI pt of price by The thnt W(>Te h er c heek s. the viole ts that serve as part of a complete coat suit. Paxton Toilet, Co .• Boston. MI!-S8. w ere b el' erea, nnd Instly on th e poppy The model Is nIcely plaIted and bav· that WI\S her moulh . Ing stra.lght lower edge. the Slender The W IOrst of It. " Nor anJ'thlng, Elsie. but- mine." sllbouette. wblcb presents fasbloD'S "Do YOII keep a cook, Mrs . Subub?" he sl\ld . demands. Is preserved. though tbe "Madam. I not only k eep Ibe cook. skirt bas a li ttle more fullness tban but also ber entire family ." More Men Than Women . tbe ordinary deslgy. Panama clotb. Th f' tOlal popu lation of the world volle. serge or any of tbe available A large percentng-e of "II .Iok nees It.nrtl Is now estlmated at 1.700.000.000. Thl~ wasb fabrics may be utlltzeiJ. wllh unbeal t hy cODdlllOln. or tl,e digeilive Is hR se ri upon the moet rece nt clln' Tbe pallern (No. 6762) Is cut In orpna. O.rfield Tea ",III set tbem rlgbl.. 8 I1 SI'S. which nil civilized cOllntrl ea sIzes 22 to 30 Incbes waist meosure. It Ie possible t OT a man to be 1I0W tuke. with a careful estlmnte of To make tbe skirt In tje medium size the number of Inhabltant.!! or unclvll- wIll require 6% yarde of 36 Incb ma- Itralght and mll1re1mth ends lIH!et? terial or 6'-4 yards of 44 Inch fabrIc. lzod lands. 7h e proportion or the sexes Is T o procure thi e pattern, aend 10 cenh t • known for or' tbesc. the ·~o. ttern De,htrtme n t " of t hilt paper. Write nnrne Gnd ocJ d res 8 plai nl y. nnd be s ure to IClvt ratio being 1.000 males to 990 fe- lite. Ilnd nurnber, of palt e rn. mal es. The ratio varies co n siderably Railed Hla Hat When She Smiled at Itl differ en t · places. In Europe tbere HIm . SIZE . . .. _._ .... .... .. 1.000 men t o 1.027 W(llll en ; In AfNO 5762. In rnce of Pl'ople. Togetber with h(>r atl· Ica , 1.000 mpn 10 t .04 5 women; NAME .. .. . mlratlon I h er e was Il tleslre to a vellg a Am erl cn. 1,000 men to 964 women. In TOWN .. -.-- .. ____ ---- ____ ........ .. .. .. _Asia 1.000 m en to 961 women; In ber sex In hIs eyes. When she arrIved hom e lifter sef'lng Austrnlla. 1,000 men to 937 women. STREET AND NO .. .... _.. _.... ...... _.. Th e hlghE'st Importation of women Dlilon. she Informed Il er father tlull Is found In lIganda. wbere th ere arB STAT E ...... .. .......... .... - - .... . . .. .. ehe Intended taking possession of Ihe 1.467 to- every 1.000 men. Tbe lowlittle cottage besid e th e woods. "\ want to try the outdoor lire. dad· est proportion Is In Alnakn. and the England'iII Forest. Gone . dy: and rnl~ c hickens and eat ear· ;\Inlay Sta tes , where tbere are. In tbe The forests for \\'hl c h Englnnd wa g former, 391 . nnd In the latter 389 rota." 1.000 men.-New at ODe lIme famous hov e vilnlehed or Her rather glanced Quickly at b er WOUlen to every only exist In the attenuatf'rl form of York World . from under heavy eye-brows. Had his ca refully preserved wnods lind pnrks daughter's mind finally gl ven \\;ay unfrom wblch can be oblaln(>d only 8 Cultivate Self·Control. der the strain? Would It have been fraction of tlJe supplies n eeded. When Lllo worries and cares ot the better to let ber throw beraclf awtlJ' Promdtt! Djg~~·tion,Cheerrul­ day fret you, and begin to weur upon on a worthless scamp than - ! Had First to Find Himself. ness and Re'!!I.Conlains nellhu F,:lele'8 laugb Interrupted bls you. and you chafe under the frldlon Everybody who ever did an)'lblng. Opium. Morphine nor Mineral tbougbta, He breathed a sIgh of re- - be calm . Stop, rest for a moment. anywbere, had to find the grindsloll-e nnd l et calmness nnd pence aallert NOT NAR C OTIC lief. It ~ae the old-time spontaneous and run himself agnlnst It IIntil he Ih emselves. If you let theae Irritatlaugh that he bad longed tor. Aripr .rOIJ OrSA~ developed an edge tbat would CUi 001 only want to get back to pink Ing. outside InnuenCea get tbe better sometbIDg.-Herbert Kaufman. ~.;,.rHJ. roees-here." sbe told him, la)'lng a of you, you nre confessing your in· ,4bcJ'NUUI. IIWHh !.oItJ ' . ferlorlty . to tbem. by permitting tbem finger on her paJe cheeks. "and th ere .("S...~I . Beatitude. to dominate you. Study the disturb,-,.t • Is nothIng In the world like carrots," "He Is a humbl e· looking cltlzen ." . "~,,..r... It was tbus that John DIllon. pasll- Ing elements. each by Itselt. bring all of,.." • "Quite 80 . And yet. be bas acbleved Ing tbe c.otlage on bls way to the tb e will-power of your nalure to bear wbat he considers his masterpiece" "'I.~.,. woodll. lIaw a gIrl groveling In the upon Ibem. and you w1ll find that they "ADd wbat la thaU" garden wltl, trowel an"d spade. H. wil l . one by one. melt Into DothlngAptrftci Rf:medy for Corls1lcloll· "A row of spring onions." railed hIe hat when ahe smiled at him ness. like vapor8 fading. before the lion. Sour Stomac.h.III'~'TIH ..·... 1 sun .-From Self·Control. by WUUam ' rrom benealh her lallhee. because be W\>rms ,Convulsions .Feveri shcomforting Religion. remembered hllvlng milt ber at one of George Jordan. People like their religion 10 be what nels and Loss OF SLEEP. the Tillage musicales. ' they call comforting. I want' my reImportance of the Newspaper. , Thr.eo weeks later he saw her again '~Simile SicnatllI'C ligion to gIve me selt-respect and Can you Imagine for a minute wbat aDd this time stopped to admire tbe courage. ThJs 80rt of faith really life would be without the newspapers? riot o~ flowers ahe b.' planted besIde overcomes the power of death.-BerThe,p~r goes Into the home. , the wide veranda. . Dard Shaw. the omce. the factory, the IIbop. on the "Have one In r ou)" buttonhol~." ahe cars. on trainll; whereyer you II.nd liu· suggested bappl11- ' ~'You look..tbo 'aomo belnp. tbere you , N o b l e Practice. 11 .ln4 ber." . She selected '. j)ana1 ' and of- neWlpaper. More than that, 1!N will Let UI all re80Iv~flr8t, ~ . aUaiJ. u feNd it to him." 1"1 ~dUld l,ofter ftnd the ' newspaper II read .c arerun:r the ~~ of .\Ien~ ; second, to deem • qarrot 'a tso-but noorr·ha1~. .' onlf ·thl! · newI~'of peOple. aM ' aU ' fault-fl~ dlJtg -that dOea 'DO' goOd ' a '.theni ' lla.1I ,b~ut. tor ·. ~p; , thlrd. to prac~oe t'!l~;. &'tace aDd ~_,,_ .. ." ""'_ .1n't....Ii,.tlrlQ'·''1IfII'.will.;<'iIf . the Itor,i. . ·i lrtue 01 pralae. lIan18t 'J ~C~: Hamwn" lUJjjptou·iI. II~" ;' Stowe. > ,'. .

~ \' ''n I

in h f'lllc, u l Hlllt

.- -


116(-lr. \\'llh Ihls III I II'''' IIllI uli 11«01 On" Il1 lJ1'n lng ",111' 11 h., l ' n8 ~ I', 1 thl> pooou \I) unu III'I'n ICJtJ(' l ed In I': n l ll _, ('''11 1''';'' I·:I KI" \\'nH tOll 11\."' 01'1,1(' ,1 IJy II sh e h a \' ! ng l'II'I..-ell tu lH' MI LJW liol" h'\u I

nef · ('Fi~aT'.\'

rE'dnCl iO ' r In I as Pru fegso r

rh:II' :l1pd 11 1m nn \\" l'~ 1) f· th : ltl Ih/ ' lin 1 ,' 11: 11 ' :.:1111; \' Il al ~pn rl;\p In 1110' ('\'(.~ or I rr: l1 l d ' .



I prTnn 01' tH'p r \ ' man. Wn ttl ltfl L1IH! i .hll ,!


8f1n \\'ll h I h,' I I~'!I' COl llo' .Ii LiI alHI """ ~""r' p 111111111)' Intn FI " \f" " Thp "r. g lite I) e l lllil!C' Tu a' .wi "I,' her " IIh , :r r )' ,·r Ih" ."Ill ll l' 111 Elslf' l.:ln "'8 "yes

J . O. WlilA.

~hll"ty. " u (.1(1 l<: rruL I'r l<"o 1lUO,(Q. Pa.tIl .... bnrir. \'ti Nt Vlr" l ultL.

While stal e comm i ss Ions find other bodIes are trylug 10 (lnd a ll1 ('thod f or reducing th e ('o at of lifo l\Jsumn.:e. Prot. Jam es W . Clover of tb e t ' nl · I·(·ralty of ~I ifoh! ~ "n (j(,III""s tral es Ihlll f"'err poli n 'llU ld rr or a $ 10.000 or· dlnary whco le life J.IOli cy cOlllrl sll\'e about 120 a ypn r 00 bls premtulIIs If Iliberl'uloR is IOlId l\'pilol (1 fCI't' r Il er e ellm l ulll .... d . 1'lI he r, ·;1I0.l s nl"l1(1 "0 1l8"8 ! 11 IOS8 10 Slid! II 1" "(,-)' ""Ider of from $16 .70 at I"',·n ly to $1750 II I th e IIge or. sIxt y. At UI;" IIf tW~lIly , \\' il lI tht! pres<"nt h Igh d~Hr.h ra te fr rotll Ili h erc u· losls, I llIa n llO d ls e~se alo ,ne sl,nrt<! uA tbe ('utllpl elA e' I""" ' "111l11 of life hy IWO rea r .. H,"I I ;.~ rl"l'R \\' h ll e tho (I eath r nte f ro m 6"(>ln" 10 ' be dE'<' lInlll ~ Il,') ~1I11 " ' 1111 .\S >' ,I( ' I(,1I0 11 SUUl -lJlI.t ~IIHS Snowtlal(e , ~II ~ Rm fl fo r Ih(' >'1 "" .1' 11" .1 F' r{, I' t' lIl l rll' of Il ell ch . I Tutwrr 'ul" ,I " .")' . I lla l I!J ~ (' 01111 ,1,,,'(1 , I'elll 'Iong! She 11m a. wnlnhmll

f()r food .

~~t===========~3i •'.o ... " "~rl"I .\' an" ,,1< h,,'J!II' I ll "

01ll l'8 (mill fl tntltJO , l'ub llc mofllhrou,,11 land. 1m.

COlt of Tuberculoail lind Other. Pr. vent.ble Di seaael Hal P"en Put Into Flgurel .

.l ohn 11I 111l1I'R hno l( nn "~I(Hl p r" I'il r "nl;' I"'" rtld IInl nrollr f',;' "0 w.· l! 111 :11 I flll,l' nor tilP ' I<-Xl. In 'I,,"o1. he foolnd h illl"" I!' nclrn l rill ~ I hr' ~ Irl whco "coll hl

By Ilarmony Weller


ft' \\ '

Practical Fashions

WOI Ii" rI, ,," 1,: 1"1" "~"IlS" ri 1If'1'~"lf with Ih,· r"lIlal'" 11111 1 her I'h"'k"lI" were ("1'()WIII~





ADA RQ" IN-«lO ...... .... 11 •• no ... burv :I'8 nll . Uno lanll. pra.~t.l ea . l1Ie ... I. " ' " eoll , 0 au",. nnrtf'Jr culUTatlnn, runnlnlll' " ....... '~ lttuit lL nCl We" t "" u.ndnrl el. Yutue Imall Umber. 11





must bear SIgnature

bonl ..

Borne per!ple !Lre S O wfH.llped up In tbelll seh 'es lUI to sugges t human balla o f twlllE'

~\' e nil lik s 10 see a ITI nn .... ho 18 up nnd filli ng. wnl'i ,lIng be Isn't doln4;' us



I.1 'V"r t\ nd l.!. l fH'V (,Olll p\n.t nll; " III b(" grcntly belputl by Lab-lUll (iudll ulJ Tl:U rc"u l~rly .

In JlTNl( ,."rlf'tJ 10 r ale III I he 10"". '



" ISTIR. :n ,"8r., •• V" lm, . 611 " .•" ••• ,t! . , I \ U" . . .

W . N . U .• CINCINNATI . NO . 2+.-1912.


A vanished thirst-a cool body and a refreshed onCI lure way-the only way is via a glass or bottlc of



dellclolll-pure u purity-crisp Oa'"" booldt'! ... lIIor

Dcaw>d tbe Gcnolne at """'" b7 THE COCA-COLA CO . , ""JUNTA, OA.




The best dressing you can find tor wounds. bllea of Insects. abrasions. ete. The Carbollo Acid helps to prevent infec tion: the "Va8ellne" cleanses and soothes. E spedally vllluable wbere tbere are cblldren. For .ale ~v e rywb ero 10 bandy gl ..1 bottle.. Do lure yon get

"Vtueline . ..

Our 'IIHhHl' " Vftlf!lIn,," preyarntlonl mak.e -op a ()I.lm~I el4 mNtlatne JI~ow • . Write t o r troe bolJ let all

1:::'1 teilln. Chesebrough Manufacturing Company


17 Stat.

s ....t


" -_"..,.,,,""' ..._--





•• ,."


, • • ' .. ,.1,1: •.'



New Yo,k



_.._----- - -_._-DISTEMPER







and aparkllna u fr'OIt.

Free "J..od1.c:alloeu Cb.a.a:aftoop, 01for lhc CO<I.oColo I.IId..D&.


CASTORIA For Infanta and Children.

The Kind. You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of

p, ....



.u lC.'.,III. el_a .r-

t.una aDel 41.. .

~:~:~~~Ii.'::;:AI:~' •••• 0. ,

M.d •

• '

' metal, can·uplll ora. 0 "«1'1 will b ot . q,1I . . I nJur • • b1tb1D • •

Ou.,..nteed .tfoett . . 80ld by d •• I . ' . "

.... U

prepaid fur ta.

"'01.D 1I014&U. !DO D•• alb £'''-L.. IIro.llJJ'a. • . W.


Splendid Drops In Salkatchewan (Western Canada) 800 Bushels from 20 aores

of whclilt wa. the 'hr~.her'. return rrom • Llordtnl n.ter 'a r m In the ee •• on IgIO. MallY that •• well.1 other dl.trlcta yl~ld­ ed from l~ to IS tllJahel. of wheat to the acre. Other & .. ela. proportion.




ere &.bu. d. froal



v • II


STEAD LANDS ,-.,..____ _ . "C , •• ft . . . .

, '.bu~':.~



The very Best at all Times

Sllrvice at ver y reason· a ble rates.

J esse Burtt



Or. S. D. C layton was a Cincinnati visitor, TuerKlay. L. A. Zimmerman is in Cinci nnati today on b u siness. Fresh Bottled Mi lk Grocery all the t ime.




Sub-Agent for

the Ford Automobile

Ray Mills

Any kind you want. Read this ad and see what you can use .

at Hawke's

Firecrackers, pk,1 Boomers, 2 In., pkgs Roman Candles, 25-ball Roman Candles, 2O-ball Roman Candles. IS-ball Roman Candles, 8-ball Roman Candles, 4-ball Rockets, 2 oz. Rockets, 4 oz. Rockets, 6 oz. itockets, I lb. Balloons, No. 20 Balloons, No. 15 Balloons, No.8 . Colored Klondyke Caudles

M i~s

Clara Hawke is visiting- rela· tiive~ in Dayton, th is week . Mrs. Byron Hartaock, of Lancllllter, s t he g uest of Mrs. Mati lda Hosier. ~est Grade steam cylinder oil. WaYTlt'Sville Auto and Machine ry Co.

Corwin, Ohio

Born-Tg Mr . and Mrs. Raymond Wilson, Suneay , Jun e ~3rd , a daug h. ter.

Phone 71· 1Y,



is in Cincin nat i, to·


Dr. Gail Russum, of Day ton , ill spending a ft'w days at the home of O. J. Edwards.


5 and

10e 5c 10e 7Xc 5c 2c Ie 2e

le 5c IOc 20c


Klondyke Sparkel'f Snake Nests, I doz. Serpent., Sin floral BoquetJ Boquet Minea Vertical Wheel., 8 in. Triangle Wheels, 4 in. Wblstllnz Fans ~ed Fire Blue Fire Prismatic Umbrella s Rainbow Batteries j . Jewoll Fans . Boquet Bombshells Fireworks AlIIOI1ment

I and '

5c lOc

10e 5 and

tOe 10e IOc

x 5c

10e 10e 25c 25c 25c 25c

IOc Fr ed Hartsock returned to Cin· ci nnati Sunday nig ht after a two 10e 5 aad 10e The moca w... ralllq on the lak.. Bllt the Wltn ... Waa Fluatared and week's vacation. , "Dear.-t.· he murmured. Told Har Buat M... urement by 8he 'lI'*l happtly. Tbe moon w~ Aman da Gall imore, of Wilming· Mlatake. . tlll faiUq. Kia arm tnable4 I llsbtl,. ton, has been the guest of Chas. ,about b_ wala. OM of the court attAcbea telll of a Sherwood anti f amil y. "I w .. 'Ult ~ to proPOI_" he raUlI8r amualng Ineldent which 0 <>'VIII tured. "Ob," De .\abed &pin, and bl4 her ourred one day In munlelpal court. An Miss Marn e Brown spent Tuesday Important cr1mlnal cue waa pen41nJ. face on Il...boul4er. at Kings Mills , the g uest of Mr. and All the tMtlmOn,. wu In. and the at· "Tbat we Set. up and So bome"Ob,~ ",bed apIn. The moon tomeYII had ftnt.he(! their arrulD4lntll. Mrs. C. E. Bra t ton and f amily . It wal a tenae momenL Th~ court had 'waa ra~lIne rapldl,.. Karl Ha wk e, of Dayl9n, is !lpend· "In aboat four boun'" he en4ed turned to the Jury and wa. about to trtumpballtlT, brtnlllna til. other arm m.... hi. final cbarlle when a woman inc a couple of weeks with his par· bear. ADd tb••ptaab made by tbe aro •• tn the audience. "Can I a word T" l he ..keel the ents here d uring his vacation. moen w... plalD17 audible 60 mUe. Ju~. The eourt p,.. pennlilion. The awa,.. Mr . an d Mrs Frank Zell and Mr. woman bad be.n one of the chief wit_ I •• for the 4efen... Ilnd Mrs . Frank Far r are seeing the - -- ... ~! ~-":be 'or the Gazette "What .treet would It bM. on my Buffalo Bill show in Dayton, today. ~I I' t.eetlmoo,. It It became known tbat I \ told a bJaebood all the witness Gasoline Stoves called for. and re.talld r .he alueL AttomeYI for both 114.. lea.ped up paired, Waynesville Au to and Ma· chincry Co. 4 ----'-4 . No. 2220 an d th, • ury I 00 ke.'.......... "That an d.pende upon wbetber the REPORT ,...UmoD,. 7011 failined I, materlal' to Messrs . Frank Zell, J . C. Hawke, Watermelons .. tM I.aue," .. Id the oourt Mv_rely. Ea I C d Lee H k tt d-" Of th.e Con~ltJon of the Waynes"Bat I oouldn't b.lp ito" eald the r onner an Saw e a en Fancy Georgia Melons-Thvy are v!lle NatIonal Bank, at .Waynes · woman who w.. on the verp of teare. the Horse Show in Dayton , Vllle in t be Sta~e of OhIO, a t the I "The,. lIlade m. 110 exclted with their aay . ~~i! of bUSiness, June 14. 014 queltlonl. The,. ..ked me how Home Grown Ras,berriea. Cur• RESOURCES. 014 I 11''', and I ... 4 tblrt,.·fentr, but 1\ W. H. Madden has some Rocking rants, Goose Berries, Cherries, We have dropped the price ...... " ftu.t.erod thAt I rave my bUlt Chairs on hand at his warehouse, Pine Apples, Oranges. Loau and Dl800unw . ...... . .. . 1211. 6 8' .08 _IUNmenL" - Mllwauk.. i'I'ee . OnrdraftL llleu.rad aud WlECurod 1. 113.01 th a t he WI 11 se11 very chea p . Go and on the following Feed •••• u. 8. DoDda ~ 1lleUJ'e cIrcuIa~lon . . 60.000. 00 P,.IL J CantelopefI, Peaches OUier bOIIda to.cure POIIlal Sav· . . see them. ~. .. ... . •.... .. .. . . .... . a. ooo.oo New Irish Cobbler Potatoes Beads, aecurt'lell. etc .. . ........ . . 111. 610.6 0 hlhlon _ Ih, BIrd. BaaIdIIC ~ ... . . . ... .... .. .. ' . 000. 00 New Cab.age, T.matoell Marion Hamilton and ' dau&-hter D_ frOm alJ~vN.-rYe qen. 22 . n 8 . ~U ra.hlon II a my bird, and an ob- and Mrs. Elizabeth Mason, of LebNo_ or o"*, National Daub . . . . 310.80 Mason Fruit Jal'll ••rnnt orlUo h.. DoUce4 tbat taU· anon, called on M. C. Liddy. Mon· ~.=u~~ ~'. ~~: 112. 12 or. New Can Rubbers-Tin Lids are not ad?laIns the frock coat LawfullloDe7 ~. ID Dauk .vla: • • Tin Cans-SeaJinJ' Wax 8~ • • • • •• . .. . .•. • . .. IS,US ." and t:anc,. walltcoat, which .,. beoom- day evenin~. l.4pl.~ 1IOte. • • •• • •. 1. 000.00 U,1I0 8. 00 In. 1lDpopu\Ar becaulI8 Mr. Seddon Rtidemp"- tuDd wlUl U.8. Treuour Imperial Wine, Cakes, MiBS Annie Brown is home for the _ w.( 6% or cirouI.tJon) . . . . . . 2. 600.00 11''' 10 drel.ed 111 the dock. The I o, n ly 5c a dozen To\a! ... . ...... . ... .. .. .... HII. 102. 111 pa..ll1. of the frock ooat will be wel- summer vacation. She hal ~e­ comed by many, aDd .by man, who do elected for another year as ~r Heinz and Beechnut Peanut ButLIABILITIES not rem.mber the executloD of loire. at the O. S. & S. 0 , Home. ter in 10, 15, 25c jars-it's fine Capl\a!-'Oek pa14 In • • , . .. •• • • •• 60,000. 00 81li111111 fuDd.. ..... ..... ... .... 16,000. 00 Maanlq In lUI, who Iwuns In black UDdlY1ded prallw. IMe upeI18N Ple,n ty of Good Thin"" to eat aDd sax. paid... .. . . • •. . •. I S. 2U. 10 .attn, and made that ,matet:lal unf..b· MiM Edna Satterthwaite arrived TIMr. ... III NatIoDal BalIk 1IOte. OIIUt&lld.\q 60."0.10 IeAabM for lIlaoy'..... this wet'k. • DIv1denda UDpald • ...• , . • . . . . • . . 100.00 0pen!11. for reformer. w1to wllh to home froUl Springfield, Ohio. Sun· lAdlvldual dePOlllw nbJee' ~ Brin~ us your produce, we pay chane. the falhloDI u4 are wWlnl day. Miss Edna has been taking a cheek .• • ... ... ••. IH .• n . 22 DamaDd ~... . . 8.1187.711 the Highest price-Cash • POII\al Sa... l.... DeJKMIw ..•. 1116. 60 26' .880.6 1 to So to the .take tor their belief. mUl!ical course at Wlttenberll cOl· or trade a -...ed for 'ax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tU., 8 On. eaa forea" a woman wbo 11'\11 that city. lege in Total. . . .. . •. • •. . . ..... .• H9.102.19 commit a murder In or(\.r to be ha.nJ. It pays to trade at ad In a hobble 11Ilft. 10 that there • • STATE OJl' OHIO. WARREN OOUNTY.Si: .ban b. 110 more hobblo .k1rtl III the Mr and Mrs. Werner and two I, J, O. CU1wr1&bt, Ouhler or tbe above named bUlk, do IIOIIIDIJII,. .wear tba~ the f ••blonable world. And the enthulIl· children. ¥r. and Mrs. Frank Taft above _atemaD, Ia we kl ,he bee, or my ..tic ?aptartal1 mllbt kill lOme otb· kllOwledp aDd belief. er donkey and 41e III leather bootll, and Miss Jean 'Ferg1lson motored J. O. OARTWRIGHT. Cuhler. down from Dayton Sunday morning But.crlhed and awom before me tbla 20th with the Idea of brlnllns ?tIsetable 'da, of June. !tU. E.V. Bambln. and s,ent the day with Mr. and Mrs. boota lnto falblon. Tbore are OorNe' Atta': Notar7 PubUc Filtered Gasoline for Auto's at the • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. .iII pOBllblllUe. for the reformer. wbo J. W. White. MiBS Ferguson reJ. W. WHITE. wUl cooI.nt to w..r the wroq oloth" mained for a mere extended visit. O.~T. RAWHE. W. H. ALL.N. Waynesville Auto and Machinet'J' Co. DIractol', on tbe r1cbl oooaaton.-Lou4oa Ohron101, DeflnttIN ., Teot. Me!88rs. Solomon Fred, Abe Kauff'I'Ml1. a eom.....tJoD of 'pod .... man, Dean Stanley, F. M. Cunnin&,- 1*', -c17 wit, q1dc~ of ~ ham and F. B. Sherwood,.f Leban- a:.s alllUtJ' tv . . . ba ~e ~ vi. on, attended Masonic Lodgf't here the oeaaaJoa 1DItantJ7. It . . . . . . til· I ...... but .. a 'baI1Il ~ . . . . Tuesday evening. dGa U4 .-0'1".. It la .......1 ... (25266) It II plaualble without MallY of the watt!rconsumers have To every person (small childreh Mrs. J . F. Cadwallader. the Mill8el ~tJy eouulta the weJtue o t . not .. yet paid their water rent for excepted) who wi!: caJl at our Piano Department within the next two Anni4e and Mame Brown and Emma eecaDd JIUtJ, and doeII !lOt ~May. Come in at once and pay it, It .. De?eI' antacoa»h •. f . weeks. we will give a piece of sheet liIeighway, autoed to Centerville thi. aJI7 . . . . . de. BMW o~ INI~ iItJ'oII8II the as t e time IS past or havlq the music FREE. momin~ and are the guests for the hair • ".... WQ ad Ird- wattlr shut off your premises. In accepting this free gift you will day of Mrs. John Brown. SIRE OF not be under any obligation of an) tat.. • -. kind. You wlll not be asked to buy ill... ~ De • ItDe 1DaIIMI', - - tIM! f J I rd Foster nal a ,0 ellers, .entana wa7. tat. a.. Jar Gat of UIte ~ a single article of any kir,d in our Major PurceJl ... ......... .. .. .... 2:10X Puss Russell .. ...... .. .. .. .... .. .. 2:27 immense stock of PIANOS, PLAYER is the ~uest of friends in and arouni oDII tbe beatIIeI. ~ toon ItoarNd Ella Purcell .. .. .. .....•.... ..,.....2;1l~ Toe-Calk .... ........... ... ...... ...2:26,Y. WaYlleaville. Mr. Ballard formerly tAt .......... til the drawtq-l'OOlll PIANOS, or Musical Instruments. T~ie Purcell ........ ..... .. ....2:14X 2.yr.·old record ... ... .. 2:30 We know you will be ~Iad to have lived here and operated a butcher .... otIIen moat g , fa tbe JIIcep. LoUIS Purcell .•....... ........ .... 2:16X Louis Purcell, .... ... ... , .. .. .. . .. us show you thru our store. It is shop in the old Enterprise building tIaa..u. ... IDto the Pm.&. oat_ Fannie Purcell ........ ........ .. 2:1TX' 3-yr ·old·record ... .....2:27X . . . . . C\UIen are t1IIDIId ~ I t ' " Billy Purcell ....... ........ ...... 2:19X' Dandy B.......• .. ...... 8econd in 2:22 one of the largest of the kind in the State and we cia not allow any store . mila ' " batD del..... o1rdea, ...... Celia P ........ ...... ............ ... .2:23X' Ella Purcell ......, .. ...8erond in 2:08 Dr. and Mrs. J . T. EIlts and Mrl .... aIIouDdi. . . . tboaP poor. Reuben White-sock ......... .. .2:13X' Major Purcell .... ..... second in 2:07 anywhere to undersell us. We do a l very large business not only in Pianos and Mrs. F . ~ . ElDon started Thurs- It ........ tile poatu.t wbeD .,... ill Winaie Purcell ..... ....... ... ... 2:24Y, and Player Pianos but in Musical in· day'morning for Wooster, Ohio in t1lne4 ...... Tact Is a snat maDartruments and musical su,plies as 'Elb ' Th ey re t "... IW: It ...u, ooatrolI peopt.. e_ 'tNt wttIl...n aIIOIQ. well . We buy in large quantities Mr. . on S a~to. and pav particular attenKiw to or· Saturday mornmg, had I fine tnp ..... _ _ 0IUIIIGt ......... • _ ••_ __ pers by mail. If you ar~ thinking without any mishap, and were thorof buying any kind of a musical in· oUlthly delighted with that mode of The Ga. . . i. " .....' famU,. paper is also the sire of .ore show horses and high-priced sellers than any strument llee us or write us before ~.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!II! other horse in Seuthem Ohio, and in order to give everyone a chance y(\U buy. We have Hen in bUlineu ravel:ing • = ZL to .-.t another eolt by this gre"t )lire, I will reduce the price of hi8 in Dayton for many year. ami any Messrs. F. C Carey an. Walter service fee to $15.00 to inaure. Jivin~ colt, the rest of the year, to statement we make, tlr any of our '*'.~,~f.I~~d~ ~.!~.~ January I, 1.11. an. in four yeaars from now Purcell colts will sell for salesman make, you can absolutely McClure went to the reservoir Satenough to buy two draft colts, or a draft team already broken. I will rely upon. If the goods we sell you urday and came home Mond.,; alao give tht! eeason free to ten marell that are registered , or will buy are not exactly as they are repre- Word w.. brought to them by J .... the IIeIL80n of same. Now, anyone that would accept a colt as a gift !lU!ntf!li, we give you your money Thomas that the cottaae their wives from me and baa a registered mare, will ile bred to the Great C. H. AIM back. Purcell, fer nothin... If you are not .able to come to our occupied hili been broken down OD C. H. Pureel has won 600 premiums in the 8how rin&' a1\d stands store send us 5c to cover postage and account of the large quantities of unequaled. Won .ver $2000.00 in races and never behinti the Money. we will mail a piece of meet music tim blken by them. free to your add~.


Moon It",olll.


Come" fo


Hawke's Grocery --




Where you can get the Beat Goods at the Beat Price

- ..- - -





Bran Mill Run Corn and Oat. Chop Oil Meal Ear Corn Chicken Wheat Oat.





H. Purcell

Sheet Music free

'$3.00 a ton $2.00 a ton $2.00 a ton $2.00. ton tOe. bu. tOe a bu. Sc a bu.

Waynesville Mills

Notice to Water Consumer,


Record, 2:t9t

Use the Ga7ette'. Clauified Column They Bring Result.

C. H.


&4t+..........,+.'t'*" ••



c. H.

,V",IY Pb._


8URFACE ~ WaynesVille, Ohlq


~ixty· Third

Year '


. ------. 1Former Citizens I ::::: :::u::te~A:~hr ry·-:=;;~~~~~:~::~~-:-C::~u:·:.m : .n··:::::·:::::::ll"lfi .-.-..~---.-.--.-..-.



Whole Numb er :1167 BIO BASKET PICNIC



--- --.

I --_ ial Eve nts l .--Soc - --- -.

Arran gements ar e all perfect ed ing- the woods for a · team to play ! for the biar picni c of th e W.lyne Tp . ...... ...... here the 4th. finallv aecured the Cin- I · L._ .._ •..• ~_....._ _ _ _ _ ............................_ . _.... I Detective and Protect ive AS!luciation M r. ulld MI''' ' I"rael cinnati Reserves. a team that was L......_........... ___ _ .. --1 Saturday. The committee un ar· a nd dau~ht e l'~ . Edn S ltlt. e rthw ~ it p. a ulld Mnrgarpt highly spoken o( anci one of the Mrs. Adam Stoops is quIte ill. rangement.~ have worked hard to were dinner g-u e~t " . Sunday. of Mr . stl'ongest teal1Ul in Cincinnati. The r.:rs. Walter Killion is ill. make it a success. and it now reo lind Mrs. Chaun(;t"y Bu nnt' li. Miamis eot into the morninlr game John Pence was in Lebanon. Satmains Carl for the membe rs to turn uu t Hawke spent Sunday in Chil. almOllt at the start. and showed the urday. lico the. and do t heir )Jart. I desire to thlUlk m), friend. Reserves how to play ball. M r ~. W. E. Ogl e~het" . Mnl Geo. The line·up for the ba11 game is as Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen were in thl'oue h the Gazette for the POIlt- On accoun t of the IIlckness of Mrs. Smith and lVii>!s Eli zahelh J oy WHe R G. Cross was in Cincinnati. follows: card shower for me on my birthda y. Byron Frazier the eames were tranll' Xenia Tuesday. M:mday . Countr y- Frank Braddock . Burton the g u est ~ of Mr . alld MI'~ " Ii. ferred to Oakdale ,ark. which was July Srd. numberinlr 50 in all. And made Earnha rt. Ben Hawk e. Warren Keys. Farr at 12 o' cloc k dinn er Tuesda :,·. in fairly good shape for the Mr. Geo. W. Pratt was a Dayton MiM Elta Emley. of Lebanon. was F'rank Marshall. I al80 desire to thank MillS I va Carey E B. Rogers. Georlre visitor. Wednesday. here Sunday . for the beautif ul preaenta received d ay. Smith. Roy Weeks. E. S. Baily and Mr. and MrR. 1{ .. IJt' rt Cre vente r· At 10 o'c1ock deepite a .riule of from herself. mother and si8ter. Nathan Gray rain. thelram e was called with WelMtr tain ed Sund ay th e full()will g' g U ps t ~ : Miss Luella Cornell has beeriq uite Miss Kathleen Haines is visiting Mrs. Will G. Rich. Town- Geo. Th ompson. W. O. Mr . and Mr!-\. EJ I{etallick. Mrs. and Stahl for tbe Reservee and Himel! sick with tonsillitis. ...- - relativl!!! in Cincinnati. Raper. Chas. Robitzer. John Hawke. Rachel Crew and Mr . Charles Crew . OBITUARY and E. Rerean for the Miamis. Mears . A. Maffit and Orange Ra- Clyde Levicy. of Harvey sburg. Fred Sher ....ood. Hoy Irons. F'red was Himes played a aenaational Irame. per were in Lebanon Menday. B.. rnard. J . O. Cartwr ight. Fred in Waynesville Tuesday. OlCar P. Stiles. son of George and and did not lose his grip until the Mr . and Mrs W H Madd en had Henderson. B. . Howell. W. N. Hope IiItilee. was born in Greene sixth inninlr. when he pve two bases MillS Glenna Cook spent the week as their gues ts Sunday at dinner. Mrs. Ollie Davis is the &,uest of Sears and Dr. J . T. Ellis. County. Ohio. December 13. 1867. on ballB and was hit for a aina-Ie and with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Pratt. Mr . and Mrs Seth Couk. Dr Mary relative s Of ill ceurse Frankli thi s willue the feature n this week and died June 28. 1912. a,ed.4 yean. a two-baareer. He tiehten ed up for Cook. Mrs Bessie White and chil o of G months and 15 days. He was the the rest of the a-ame the day and as teams are all "has however. He Dr. and Mrs. A. Q. Alexander. of dren . and Mr Harold Cook Mrs. S. D. Clayton s)5ent the beens" a good game is anticipated. only lIOn in a family of four children. not only pitched a fine !fa..e. but eot Dayton. were Sunday visitors here. Fourth with relatives in Cincinnati. Hia father and two sisters preceeded three hit. with four times at bat. SUBMITS HIS REPORT Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Hawke and M M Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Cartwr ight had him in 'death. t these two· balreers. ts. ary J. Rail. of Davton. is two aL._ d . ht t W ed t D f h t 0_ Mon.• _ lod as d their guests Thur&lay evening aug era The deceased had been In the em.' ma or 0 ay on Raymo nd Davill. who mad e the the gUC!8t of Kev . and Mrs. C. S. e_r.o t e ",""""rves. exp e d ploy of the Adams Express Co .• for in the fourth inning. and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smit h and daugh· canvas for t he mo Kalb fin. ay. r.ey to oil Main Grause r . twenty· three yearB. - haviJlIr apent ished the &,ame. street. s lJbmi t.~ the following· report: ters, Lou ise and{ Caroline and Mr . Mrs. Jesse Burton arrived home Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Ridge. of and Mrs. E. V. Barnha rt. The even· Day. twelve years in Chieaaro and eleven Edpr Ber~en played a ltar Total collected .. .. .... . .. . .. ..... $25850 in g was pmI' from the Cincinnati h08pital Monday ton. visi,ted r elati ves here spent in a beautiful di"play Saturd ay years in Cincinnati. Eleven montha behind the bat and hill throwi 6031 gal. oil (.. 4c .. ........ .. .. .. .. 24U4 ng to evenine. and Sunday . of firework s. Mr.' Stil811 was compelled to second was fine . . leave ~Ia work on account of aiclmeat 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 i R H E Messrs. W. H. Allen and A. B. Bal.on hand ...... .. · ... .. .. ·.. ·$ 17.::!6 M:IIS Marie Sides. of Dayton. spent wbich finally caused hla death. Re8ervea ... O 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 0-4 6 6 Chandler tran.saete4 bUliness Eddie Woollard. the kid carpen ter. Friday in Leband This Saturda y with Miss amoun t was raised from proIt ill Aid that durin, his lon« ill· Miamis ... ..0 lOG 0 0 1 1 --911 put the finishing touches on the in2 anon Monday. Clara Hawke perty o~ . . ners and renters along Main nelll be never complained. expl'ft8 ine side of hi s neat cottage last week. . street. ar.d the corporation paid for ruJllMtlf as not heine afraid to die. The afterno on pme was fairly Mrs Ruth Car@y. of Dayton. was an d moved Mrs. in on Saturda y. On Sun· Mary Caskey and Mra. Emma putting the oil on. Hill mother . who will miu him mOlt. well attende d. and was the best pmI' the gU~t of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Dakin, of the Children's day they ,.ave Ii sumptu ous dinner Home. The balance left on hand at the were eave her teatimony to his kindne u of the day: The bo~8 p~a!ed ood e Carey. last week. 'Co t heir parents . Mrs. Heswr Robin· in town Sunday bank ' might . be used (or somc good and affection for the membe n of the ball and It was h81r·rallltnlr from son. and Mr. ana Mrs. Henry Wool· . cause. family or left th~re until next Mrs. Lon Burton and children. of ltart to finish. Ben Smith pitched Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Cartwr Ight when it cou ld be applied on spring. • the oil· lard. also Mr. Frank Robinson. and hili u.ual &,ame and kept the hits well Middletown. are vi.itinir relatives and M&I~ter Levering were in Leb-\ting for next year . Mary and Nellie Woollard . . CARD OF THANK S altere d. Edgar Bereen caulrht an· and friends here. anon. Wednesday. _ The oiled streets have ~iven sa tWe desire to thank our friend. for other fine earne and won out in the Adelbe rt McKay. of Dayton. spent isfaction .to down·town resi~en their kindn. . durin&' our late .mic- ninth by hi. flne three baner Mrs. Anna Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Chapman en· Vaughn . of Richmo nd. ts so . The tion in the death our son"and brothe r I box acor. telll the ltory: Ind .• i8 the euest of h~r sister. Mrs. a few hours with T. J. Brown and far. and It looks as tho ', gh It would tertaine d Thursd ay evening with family. on the Fourth . fireworks the following guests: Mr. Kain. at the Friends Home. be satisfac tory all seasan. Olcar. and also the you. men whol REs.av Es and Mrs. E. S. Baily. Mr. and Mrs. BaD&' at tbe funeral . HAS ISSUED CHALLENOE A8 R B 1'0 I. Sattert hwaite . Mr. and Mrs. G. . lin. -Hope Stiltll. &ppawID .3b ...... 6 2 3 1 A Ie Mr and Mrs J. W. White enter· Mid Marie Sides. of Dayton. was , I wned Rev. Dr. Story. of Spring · the &,uest of Mr. and Mrs. Sam'l The King's Mills bQRe ball team W. Hawke. Mrs. Agnes Wright . C. Mila Don StU•. Taker. lib... ... , I 20 I I. o' field. lut Wednesday evenin.... G Wal&en. Ib ...... ~ 0 Smith and fal1lily. last week. . . . II' W . H. Weber. rI..... S has issued a challenge to the Miamis G. Williamson. Mrs. Lina Devitt. I 1 I 0 • OBITUARY to plav for the championbhip of the Misaef\ Emma Heighway. Susan f~~ieJ:_:::::: : I ~ ~ I ~ Mr. G.I.M eredith · anctfamily.-o -CZaso linestoves, repaire d. Notify county . As both these teams have Wright. Edna and Margar et Sat· ..... -th. d"u&,hter of John U.aI~ ~:::: ~ ~ ~ ~ g ~ 00lumb Mary E1iu8. are at home with his par· the Waynesville Auto and Machinery won -. WUsbaeb ct.. . . .. , a majori ty of games this season. terthwa ite. 3 2 • I ~ enta Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meredi th. Co. and they will call for them .. and Sarah Hair Davis. was born near To~ . . . . . . . . . . 38 W B 20 ti it ill nothing more t ban right for 8 Red Lion. Februa ry 12. 1842' ani Dr. and Mn. Withalll. of Kin'"' Mr. Fdpr Bergan. of Detroit . them to play to aee who has the Itest Mr . and Mrs. Tim Marlat t. of Mt. Ul.UIIS .~ died in Waynesville. July 5, 1912. _ AB R HI PO A It Uilh,. were called here Sunday county team. Holly. enterta ined ()n the 4th of July Mich .• is the guest on of Mrs. Julia qed 70 yean, • months and 28 dayll . · £dWMt. . 3b .. .. .. 6 3 3 0 0 2 accoun t of the illness of Mrs. AdlUJl Ber~en ilnd other The Miamis will the acrept followi the ng guests: Mr. and Mrs. chal· relative s here. .tthe ..... ofnine yearsll hebeca me BUrWD ~ ....... 2 W"terhoU I I • '0 Stoops. M. U.... . .. 3 lenee. and a Stlriea of games between Earnes t Randolph, Mr . and Mrs. A blind and' throu&,h all these Ion&' and J. B4qeD. 2b .. . .. ,, 01 10 03 0 Thos. Pierce arrived home Monday these two teams are anxiously looked Barklow. Fred Barklow. Bessie Bark· p. ........ 6 0 a 2 aI 1I wearr y~ has been unable to see SmICll. H 1. afternoon Rimel. Cl'. • .• • • • • 6 I I I! 0 0 Misses Marie S'd after a very pleasant week for by Itase ball fan~ all over the low. Miss Tompson. ' Miss Cavly. I es. Clara , a" .. e • 8urface. lb . .. .. .. 0 and enjoy the natunl beautIes of E. s.p~ H k d Mr. Car I H I spent at his former home c..... 6 1a 05 • • 1 E in Lebanon. county. 8W ce Miss Gephart. Mr. Rol!ert Owens. this worl~. While quite youne she anlll. ••.• . . . . , 0 a I0 2 I mma aw e an ~ ~ attende d a dance in Labanon. Friday Inu. The first pmI' between the two and Mr. Otto Marlat t. all of Dayton; unltell with the Christian Church of Total •..•.• " . . to 10 " 21 II ~ evening. county teams will be pla,ed Sun· Mrs. John Rye. Mabel Rye. Esther I a I , 5 Miss Laura McKinsey ia takine day. July l'th. this 'place but had been unable to at- a-v..... a 0 0 0 1 e3 7I 8 II at Phillips park A Rye. Dorothy Rye. Mary Clingan 0:11. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mills. of le88CIM ill tend it. "aervlcel for many tean. Ul .... .. .. a 1 0 0 0 2 3 Arithm etic of Miss Mary big crowd from Kinlts 0 1- 10 Mills will and Mr. Frank Pence. While her health wu &'004 abe would Sprinar Valley. were &,uests of their Wileu8. a noted teBCher of math· probably come with the team • toten ~a-v_. ."UleinJa . G. . eon. Mr. Georee Mills and family. on ematics i.n XenIa. talk an4ee. m 110 cheerfu l that i~ was E~c.:e-hlt-le-~k:Ut. · ~Ilu. . h hard to realize she ceuld not He t e .... the Fourth . The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. . J. BeraeD. BeD Sml SHIP'S CREW ENTERTAIN .- hlle-li:. s-nn. flowen . the trees and lIunlight as we Ttu-ee-b Rye gathere d at their pretty home W. W. Crane. of Pekin. whoh=a:;::s:..t-~_ Str\Jclt ou_8,. Smith •• ; b, Kalb O. B_OD b~1f Smith l;otr Kalb. B. Mrs J . C. Hawke. deputyg rand - een very 111 for several weeks, ~d. Wild plkh_M lamla. 2; Reaerv... s. is Mr. Robert Gray received a pro- and spread their dinner from well matron Eutern ::star lodge. inspected out air8in and was shakin e After the death of her mother her ~:~\a::ia.I : IO. hands gram Bnd menu of a "smok er". given filled baskets on July 4th. Those the lodlf8 at Mllortin8ville. Ohio. with friends here this week. lIf. waa clouded, one affliction sue. by th6 crew of the U. S. S. WashinJ{· who partook of the delicious feast • • • Wetlneaday evening CM. anothe r In such rapid suc· ton. at Havana. June 29. 1912. from were: Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Carey ami THB MASONIC .. ICNIC Lebanon. Mason and other towns his 80n Chas. Gray. who is a membe ce88ion. togethe r with the bittern81111 r daught ers. Pearl and Alice. Mr. and Messrs. Marion Hamilton and south of us. are and darlme u that life became a b~r. revivine the·ques· of the :crew. The progra m was on Mr~ . James J ohns and two · 80ns. The MasonIc pIcnic at Ft. Ancient dauarhter Helen Hamilton and Wal· tion of natural gas-an d it looks the den and she often expreased a de81re Thursd ay. wu well a~tende vaudeville plan and the menu Carlan d Ral~h. Mr. and Mrs. Ailen d not- ler Rockhill. of Lebanon. were in rather favorable for them. too . to be at rest. She hu been battJin&' withata ndine the very inclem was composed of deviled ham. 8wiss Hole and two children. Mildred and ent town a short tim e fhursda y. .pinlt dltease a Iona- time until at weathe r; Everythinar went cheese. re!falia sandwich. IIweet Harvey . MrS . Ed. Hartsock and 80n off ac· The Surpris e Sture in Dayton is lut the exhaul ted aylltem would not cordine to achedule except the pickles. stuffed olives. assorted cakes. Harold. ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mcball Mr. and Mrs. Oti8 Hadley. of hav inJ{ 11 Public Benefit Sale of rally\ . Human !lid wu powerless and pm.. LodJ(e8 from all over ice cream. banana s. oranlres. sliced Clure and sons. James and Carl. Mrll. this Lookeba. Okla., who haa been visit· everythinlf in their line. They have death came. She will awaken ·n. section of the country were pipeapp le. cigars. cigaret tes and Ruth Carey and Mrs. Rebecca Hobrepra- ine rela&tives in Harvey sbure reo many values that ought to be taken more until the resurre ction mornin e aented at this ptherl ne. lit. of Dayton. and Mr. Jesse Thomas. iced tea. turned to their home last week. advant age of. waen her body 'sown in weakness" - -_0- "·- ---A feature of the day was the band. IIhall ceme forth in all the beauty of which wu Maaona pthere d tqethe DEATHS MUSIC CLUB OROAN IZED r Mr. and Mrs. Everet t McElwee. of Harold Cook. of Milwaukee. Immortality. Wis .• from differ. nt towns. The boy. Wilmineton. we re guests of Mr. and arrived here Wednesday for a short Word was received here Friday by Meum not that abe III gone but made eood mUllic. and it was Mrs. Bessie C. White has organized thor· Mrs. Ollie Davi!! Sunday. Miss Ra· vacation with hi'l parenta Mr . C. G. Williamson and Mrs. Agnes . Mr. and rather rejoice thllt she Iives- Iiv. in ouebly enjoyed by all. her pupils into a music club. which chel Davis accompanied them home . . Mrs. Seth Cook. He left Wright . of the death of their brothe r eternal Ii~ht. Sunday will Itudy musical history. the Ne arrana-ementa were made for 'evenine for his home in Milwaukee. Itiographies of the composers. Mr. Frank Williamson. at Seattle . with 1918. Mr. and Mrs John Werne r and I . Wash. The body was taken to selectio ns from their most represe n• - • chilliren and Mrs. Mahala Ames. of I Dr. and Mrs .Ieady. of Gle~dal Olympia. and the funeral was held C....D OF THANK S HELD SPECIAL MEET.NO Dayton. were the Kuesta of Mrs. I O~\o. Drs. Lamb. of Cincinnati. e. tative works. theory. tet'minoloIrY. I w1ah to thank all my friends . ~d etc. At the first m~eting . June 29th. there Saturd ay. A more extended . Sarah Raper and lIOn Oran .....e. on the I MISS Annabelle Pro.... ·e. of CoVIn" Rev. J. F. Cadwallader.· thNle who The WQ1le8vlll.e achool boa. , . f . . the Sonata form 0 musIc rd met was ·11 Fourth . I us· notice wiJI be given next week. ' ton. Ky . motore d here Sunday . anti Ban&, at tbe fllneral an. the cemete ry last week to c:onatder t~e re8lJ'IIatI trated by Miss Lucile Hormell. an..l on were tht! guests of Mrs Annie the Saraba nde form by Mri tpoanl for . ~. conaideration ahown of Mi. FA~ itout. teacher of the Mr. White and Mn. Harry Dodson atop. Thorpe Elizabeth Davis died Friday morn'me curiq the iIln_ and death of fifth and alxth arrades After • __ a peel off here lut week enroute to I ing at 8 o'clock at her home on Main lilY Biater. WENT THROL10H OPERA nON Samuel Davia. abort BelBion Mia Maria Stout. wu their home in East Aurora . street. The funeral took place SunN. Y. J. E . J anney arrived home from CA'RD T'itANKS elected to lIucceed . b.r. J. O. Cart- for a day's viait with Mr. and day afterno on at 1 o'clock at the Mrs. his western trip Wedneaday avenine. Ed Macy. who was taken severely wright was sworn 10 u a .~mber to J. O. Cartwr iSht. Christi an church. Rev. J . F. Cadand he is full.of the ~uti~ of the ill last week. was operated on Mon· IUcceed F. B. Sherwood. restarned. ' .I d..Ire to exprell l ·my heartfe It wallader. officiating. Interm ent was West especIally CahforDla. Mr. day afterno . on at his home. He il tbantul to the Brother&. Silter. and . has be fi ed ~ • •. made in Miami cemete ry. TbefotJowln. ,~from out-of- J~n.ey saYI the tnp reating as easy as can be expected. ne tt F~, wbo 110 ~indly remem Mred TAKE ADVANTAOE OF OFFF.R ~.~.----town, who attende d the funeral of him 10 mlLOY ways. ----.~ .... &J -~ Car4 Shower on my . A COMED RAN A WA Y OF ERRORS Y FROM Mila Ellube th Davi. SUllday were: M HOME ' 'w ' ' H be 1 d h L. • bi U ....,.. the ~th. it . d M J h Da' M' the For leye ral montDB Jen n arry Camp w~ have &'lve» I an t _r· an rea reo 0 n ~ III! - ebilclr~n .f Goodinir Idaho are the 88th ', • ' It was ~ a . Harry Leonard whe is at the The Waynesville Kids went ~eta th offer of the Guette nle ~ ~r. Fo~DaY18. of Dayton te : ta M d:M: I Childre happy cay 110 Imow that.l Dad n's Home ' in La_anon ran Lytle Monda)' afterno on and deand McCall'l at a very C. A. V"'le~ of Sprint V.lle)': Mr. ~:. C:mp~lI.anwh o :~ f:m: : away from that institution last ~~k. feated the Lytle KidS by the·lCO 'rI~. it-will cheap rate. Aft.... · 18th, w~ and Mn" ~- ~~bl~, ,of . Dodda, MiM J_e lrona, re will be in this 18(!- and dIked' to Midc;lle~wn. where of 18 to l~., .".......... The ~e , ~aa no~ .offer, 10 Il'~~JIk, of ~ . ~r~a ~nf tion ot' ,the ' , coun~ for IIOme time the authori ties got' him and "r:ou1h t: ~~r t~. numbe r et eri'o~v.imiCI.atQdeiQUlle. _.,0.,f.,', ~~ XeniLe IIC?~: }~ .. 0 , viaiti'q. ~I~ti.\'ee~ . ' . - him.~ ~ the Home. , • ." .: W,~~ll~- .~~,e , ho~.e ~.

Mrs. Clyde Hiatt and daulrht er. Marjorie. of Winchester. Ind .• ar.d Mn. Tom Burch. of Sidney. Ohio. are re&'istered at the Russell Point Hot~l. Lewilltown l<.eaervoir.

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IFRIENDSHI~I Mann er of Feelina That Brings Man Inlo Companionship with God.



il EN a man lal''' friend ship, I Capt. John A. Bunke r Whil e Aboard tblnk be utt e rs t he d eepest Coasting Sc hoon e r off Cha rl eston word In h UlDu n speech. It W llnessed Battlc. . rank s evon a little hlgber Is not ·BltUng dow n· re crudesceuce ··F rom a frl e od at Mr. Li g htn nt 'a In t hun love, he lng .. ~o rt at uns e l fc d Ou nn April tiny In I Sla, whllt! tllO bnck to (be pr l mord lal7"' l'll luu." Bill ings e Xllllllnod . '· H ·m ! In lovo. love with th e It c h a nd hun ge r ex· gu nR of Moultri e "u d Cus Uo Pi nckneY So Buying. be too k a plncb al my t h,- tle<' lc. IJror.· ~ s or- 1 II IEn n In s ld o Ul e tru cter!. wero tbunlil'rln); IIgaluHt th e wa ll o of s b·lrt fron t and ~te llp ed back again "Ilur," hI) Eflld, IIp\lroac hl ng t be tnWe do n o t love onr fr ie nd s; we like Impress iv e ly. lJl r.-- ··th Ct",·s titJl:\e k ind or fr ·nk letth e m . W e Ion) our c blltlr e n . wlr", and Fort Sumt Clr. th e r e lu y a t an c hor out· • ··Moreover , I am ro rc ed to co nr css, Th e n his gre at h end s bot fo rward In '('rIng IAlol,s foo llsb to me." pare nts, lind lclnfolks. W e like R\lp les ul<.lo tb e har \.tu r at Cbar l s t Oll, S . C., a g:entl,,'"cn, lIlat I fnll to find a sysfro n t of bls rigid n ec k- so suddcnly , Tb .. prt'fesso r look ed perJl le lted . nn d I·us tnrd p ie and a cozy fire and a C O:l ~ tlnK s chooner . I'Torn Its low·I)·l ng tJy Jove, th at I r eocbed out t o t ry t o ··1 lilf'an, lo o lcs IlIle It wus done by tem- an y rule gOl'eI"Cl lng t ll ese rl<.llc· good bod and sllppe r s- n nd our rrlen d. d l'c K II H O/l Ic"Nl nnll ere'W of haH II II SYNOPSIS. c utc h It, don't you Know. He mn<.le E Otl l\' o ne , \\" 11O \\ I\ S ba tt y - had wtleelB, u lous tro n8forl1tatloD ~ . T be bypotb· L llco goes fu rl he r In thnn love. Like doz cn Rali or H wat ched th e I.Irtlll~ r y jus t two s trilles to the table, ten ree t y ou I, nol\'; prolJ:\uly sO llle chin k who "e ps is Is, I hcrefore, t hot til e all egec.l /B a vo ice fro m lbe subcon~clous self, duel th a t proved t o be t bo op I'ulm; ItJ ehurd 1.lgll l n ll t. ,Ut Am " rinl n with an mlllerlnll w t lons mt' r e ly follow t ht} a r~cen o In lit e Civil War. aJre(' l t'd Erl!oill~ h n,',· ,· n t. n "' c h (' t5 u. Vrt"8- a way, a nd pou nced u po n the palumus 1 , I ~ cu lt was drlfty,, ' lI ounde r ed UIII -, ll lt mry capr ll"O 01" th e uragle." He a cry fr om Ih" Inward and unkn o wn Th e schooller W:l ti Lho I' e nn s y lv un ln, wllh ob vi ous ly t rembl l1lg Ilauds. lug s. ·· Yo u uutle r ~ latld! " ent fr o rl"'! a f r !" Hd t il l ' llln ,t T h e Vrt' ~ent m o. It lI eR bebilHI lho wil l. beneu th pro vea to he n t)i\lr Ilf p uj rdll ll8. t\ l(oIt e f " h arter ed by Il oston s blppe r s , lind And behind his lIncl< 1IIIII ngs reThe Jlr o l('>: ~ o r <lI<.II1" t . 1 kn e w 1Il!\t s ll ilo k Ills lt N<tI . ··Wcl l. Ge nti oD le n, 1h tnts o f Sll r l' rI ~I ' I II t h .· \\, 'nr.'r J. i ~ h tnu t th e Judgm e nt, In tb e far d arKn ass f r elg bl !.'!1 with Ice fnr Ch a rl eston . On e lapspd Into an arm ·c lta lr and IBn ned jo ll}' \1· f, 1I by th e way he cQelled Il ls rea lly, I mus t laugh! '· don a the pnJ ll ll. fl8 an .' hu e ul J\ I ~ ! lt f: l' I!;I our secrel sou l. up tor 0. I1ln u l, ,' 111 H ::; \· r n~llt . J " III,irlti, him s el f w ith a magazine . And be d id! I h ll dn ·t caught tbe of tb e c r ew tllat wn g th us IHlvil~gf ·d hend 0 11 n ne si ll e. sta ndin g Ilit e II. PU1r It 1I0"s nol Bay tb a t Po wlCo cannC)t "IJlCH In "'' 'I,i, fll tll l1l{ t il r. " I\!; : iI ~k I.igh t clr lrt of whnt It wn s ho t houg h t he '1'11 0 pro less or rumbllng ly so ug LH zlt·tI n o w, do u ·t you kn o w. ",ut, Atlt-mpl s tn PUt h im 01 ' /1 Tl d l1ld n ,l( h o nl ~ o Il rrl e nd ; but she rurely II; to bo ey c wltness(' s oC Lh e fl ru t OVf' rt r.h t! S \:! r\utll i 1' , \.7.)" L I,.;l.tI11H 1'l1nn': l' !1 h lp \\":\8 l!lug~l l ng IIt1 got tb e wo rds, but tbrougb his pockets, :lfld llro<.luclng a ·· ll a: I fe nr I do not as I 8Ilould ,,· Rhe Is uS(lIIII)' an e nemy, to whom we lI!"t of re lJc lllon IIga llls t Ihe UnltCl I ,1!)tI.~ ~ h: t "'n d lll L; 10 N l llfIUlH rI hC'I V ,,'h " 11 he r";:'P P("ul'" Jf·n k ln s ra ll~ tin hl!i n t" k pllir oC spectac les with phcnome nally he ,·a ir! wltb a n Ilp ol ogetlc co ug h. I \\"0$ t () tl h ~ l l'd ~Ie e ll :" :0 ~el tbo nrc tnO"t pasH lunat ely n llached , And !{ t ut lls govern m e nt. was Juhn AI I"n wi t :. J O Y , (' lt fl l \ rll l l lll>t 1. 1 ~ 11 n lll ' ~ h· ' U~ r largo le nses. a<.lJuste d the m shak ily. ··I'('I"II:'1 )S I do not Int ell igently allrt fi ,·ns e. ItlH I W!l S RII"f lllly glad I u u - If s he be a trlend . thl!n that Crl endshl p Blink e r . t hell nJ;e" ~:(, of Edgnrtow n, tlla t h e 18 (O r tu:), J " nk l n s 1f· lls 1.l f'{hll1 u l o f li e bent over t b e pajaU1as e uge rly . kg !.- " I)' fn llow yu ur c.I e tl llctlu us ue· <lNH t oOti thi s mut"ll -Lba t what he wa, has ~roWtt up Irom other sources, and M~ SH. U~6 en("otlJl h ' r h .., lIa o w lt l1 H Ilhl" P liH (,hlnR IIlHfl ,lr"fl l;,tI I n p :4J a :1I 1tS . III 1\ ··1 W~ H 2~ yeurs of nr;' · a t til<' lime '·Imposs lp le ! And yet, It Is, It Is!·' ' · HlISe yu ur p r(!ml~es are Insc ru wlJ lu attl' rnp llr1 g n ow lI"a,. n laug h . I neve r I ~ of a diffe r e nt t ex turo lind qual ity anefuuLi9 rr o m h is rr lr·nd , Jhl'l, flltllngs , servl tl !': he for o th e ma s t In tb ,) CI)I\:; t· h e mutto red . ··1 wou lll know the unll l I have ~e t' 1l th o le t te ring . Ah :·' 11"1l,, 11I ba vo kn o wn It . It w us more lJghtnll t Iii 1l..'i k(~ tI 111 P Ill UL> " tilt' k i d" lil, o a shr ll' l<lu g sqlt(!nk - rusty binge fr om Ih(' ~p x motIves wh ic h mnk e mnr· It lg t rade. r or t h e n l",ht 0 11 his \\H\' h n m~ f r o m (' 0 1. Our crllft, wh l ·h was weav e among a th ousa nd . It Is hers !lut 1'<1I1I I! gla s ll~R nnd lens a nd lIe yult know. Ihut sort oC t blng. ' I rl nges. No t many womell wou ld toler· 1"80. 4tl"r 1..lshtl1ut i b d. IL hCRu ttrul He ho<JtI('!" ·rIG!H· d. was OWt1('tI In Roclc· lIh doubtedl y, u o do utJtedly- t ho los t iJ('tll u Yer tb o r o llnr I'ngcrly . ~Irl In ~lL d~ PUJltillflB In his r Oom . 1.I,;h{ . Tb" professor loolte d up from t he Ri o comrrul es hlp from a husband . Per· In ud . Mo. E nrly In ." pdl , l H61. w.! nul I.e ' h rw )( I· d II)' th..., ~Irl'~ drlnkl ng. s il k at SI·Llng·C bl ! How comos It TI,,' I · r !lfes ~ "r ·s lips mo ved rapldl )· pajamas . Hn d fuld ln g hi s Rrm~ eyed haps thl ~ iR 1\5 It s bould be. IUld nature sail ed o ut of lIos t o n. cnrry lng 2:; 0 ton s am oklnt! unl! !f l a ngy lnlk . Sh ,~ tc·Jls hi m bere~" an cl hi.; \"Isa ;;e tw ls t cll Into a h orrllJl e her nam e la Francie Ilnd p llzzh·s him I:il llll;{" ,., Ith a clIn nl ng Iper.' tt eed~ fi ~ rce r fires Cor h e r n ecessary .tth Q. st o ry of h ~ r I tI \.·t' ror he r ~I s t e r·fl of Ice c OIlElgu('d to Imrti (,H In C harles· He g la red around rotber wildl y at frown . "lOm · rnat " , HAI IH' c! F r lLll l 'C!! !" 1" Xl m o rn · ··1 th inK I Fce ," he s nld , Il'veling rCBslu l1l18. ton , S . C . Of c'o urse WI' ha d h ell rd fo r ·· \\"hy . why - a-w llat !'· W ith m outh lu,; th " girl Is 'nl"~lnlr o.nJ I. I ~h t 1\1I1 hllr· e ach of us In turn. W ithout waiting hl~ ling .. )". ·'Y Oll bo ve bo th demo n . I rarer Is fr iendship b e tw ee n se vera l month s lItutl c rlng s of Impond · rlc l ~ It.. the h t'U l tu s('(' ht."r orr. li e 18 IL("-.. for a reply, ho whisked ba c k ~o tlio o p!'u , :~ : lfl g rlplJln g Lh e pajamas tight · ~trn t (' t1 how nonsensica l Is tbe n sser. l't1re nt !lnd c hild. It Is Rn am[lzlng In g t rou bl e, aud ...... kn e w that ~1 aj. CQ8tod hy n. hllslty ('oll~g . ." boy. who (" AllR Ilajarn ns, and fishing out a tbl clc mag- Iy, I,e glared lit UB eu c b lu turn . hi m "Pl t'lq,' ," bll t li n d oc " nu l !t~o the t l(l n ill th is In RIT lp llon. Dou btl ess you Ihln g I ba ve noll ec d hert', how warm, ~ rl. Ju et< Ulil lngw calla to apend the nifylng lenll, scrutinized tb e J: Ilt" nl ' uts ··OiJ , 1llllJosslble ! ,. bo r U R!1~ c\ hars h · d ~ Ire a n eX lll'rl mc ltt li pan my part In lelli ge nt nnrl cu lt urot,l fa tb e r and An de rs on ha ll trt\n~tcrr(' 11 hl ~ com· nlfjh t with I.I~h tn u t. Th e y discover c losely . It seemed tb a l he would cc r· Iy. s ~ l zlng th e l e o~ a nti ben ding again 10 conflrm your proo f or Its absurdity. son hoth s trh·e fo r frlendsb lp [lnd mand Cram th e s ho re fortlflca I Ol)~ to pr1l' (llr~R rllhl t ~ LIc1rJrn In th e hut t o ns or l lie pnJam au. nlllln g!'ll l i o ns th o puJ l.L ml1,.,9 talnly nod hIs bIg bead ot! Its jolly ·· In ne dlbl pool-a tJ s nrd - tu t, t llt. H.educl lo lit! ul>s u rdlltll~ h, genUe- cannot attain It. Som e t imes Ib ey s ue· Fo rt Su mt t'r nne! waH holding for antt r e tJ t cB. 1...Iilli tn llt later (lISe(H' e r S ceed, but so rarely that It moy ba l Jncle Snm, but I Ihlnll not a 60u l o n In his spn.Ttm""nt Q. b f'r fy p erson I n mut e hinge; and his q UiCK side glances at Wh M non sen se !·· boord the P e nn sy lvani a, ou r Hcboo ner. t ''' , .. c hop '~'h l~ l' ~ nl1t1 w earing paJ I-\Ina..a. Hllllnge and my se lf. toget ber w ith h1.l The glass r, wep t tbe lines rap idl y . l uc n ?" call ed a phenom e non . .: , nk lnM \,.~ !tl i9 the polle e. who de('\aro the ..\ ,Jc\'lIl ~ h qltCN look h ad come Into r grow ling and muttering, Just · r emi nd · 8udt!en ly , with a c ry. tbe prol es~or Wbenc e, (h e n, como friends? An-d ouli le d th o se ri ousness of tb £' 81tllll· lnq u d{"or ' u t • ., n (' r l lllln ll i. ('l1l1 od "Fox y 11 0 nodded , ga th ered C; . nrv1 fHl ·· ' .. ,.,~... InlrtJ (h ' r d r c lfLr,'e htl Ie ed me at a dog with a bone, by Jove! d rollPecl the lens. n vio le nt s tart nl · !ll iling-s· fRCe. who ure (h ey? Anll bow ran one make t lnn. I know I f('1t no hes itatlun a bout IJrhtnut'. r.;n.t ILnd appeals to t he latI Btar ed at Billings aud Billi ngs m os t lifl ln g him frOID tb e tloo r. th em' All answe r s t o th es o pathetla m a king th e trip. tE ,· In v[l~ n . fit" Is 11l18t1ed o tt t o jail. " Aft e r roundh'g Cape Corl we r on III I~. ~ mt." , r: ' n>; l.lg htnut I. aston ished to cta r ed at me, and tb e n he sl ip ped o ve r ·· JU d lculous, I SO )·! Poof!" fi e qUP 8t\ ons see m to me to be nn s atls· find (Jltll( g. gone. <lntl mor e n'l nn ls hed ) 0 th e d ivan· upon whi ch I dropped, snap ped his finge rs. ":\('c rownncy and factory . partial . In s u tnc lont. nnd by tbo d o wn th o coa 6t wlt)JOut sped al d e· ",h f'n ht· ~ot~ H m CHngo fr o m th o lu t tar d~I1lI\I"'lnlt 1\1. ,·In<h.s. Ll gh tnut. boun d comp letely eXhau s ted, Ilash It, from thaumaturgy transmit t ed In pnjamns : wny . Th e ru lcs or tho wise will 110t lay. RO fa r :lR I cun r emelt\ber. a nll ror l'!Jrrf\ o '~n. nltllng's home. <J 1 ~,·o ,· e r. sta ndi ng so long. Ab s urd!" work . W e do n n't mako fri e nds by be· III about fiv e days , I s bould sny. wc ""r nnc ... ~. " ~ he lflr l o f t ho pajam ll9. o n tb ~ Iroln. 1.' &' ht nut apeaks t o her nnd nl··Wbose did be sal'T" be wblspered. "Plme!" said Billings emp hatically . In g nobl e and good: friendshIp does ·were orr Charles ton, anel b eaded for Iud •• to th t night b" rore. She dpel" re. '·Cella somethlnlr,h I a nswered . " Don't know wbat they are:' he IVhls· not arIs e fro m s imilarIty at ta stes; Ih e c hann el leading to tbe city. fn."gn llnt!y .:hat Llghtnut never "" '" her '·Forl Bumtc r wa:; b e ing bOU1bard· Sn blat' k p j u m as. At Tarr}' t ow n F"Tan ce a '· Dasb It, I Illdn·t catch her surname. p e r e d to m e. "but I'll take a b undred· an d ot.he rwl se one ClIn, In actual ex· t. met hy '" husk y " olle!,. YOllth . who Ob . I sal', you know, this Is awful ! " e d . W e wer e four m iles nway but we lo.o ne s bot on an yt h in g h o s ays. T lt e p e rlenc e, drive a two-bors e wagon "",. lIe Lightnu l IL3 ·' DI <·ky.' Th. IOU or IgOut at the protessor·s multvrlngs professo r's a cor ker: ,. eore. the boy . who then threatens to throug b . all and any of the prescrlv- co ul d see th o fla s h of th e guns In thrnsh 111m ror offr nd lng l"ra neM. Llght - we. caugbt a random sen te nce. Moultri e aDd other s h o r o fortitl ca ti onH. ··fly Jove!" I r ema rked. "Perhaps tlons of tb e proverbia l pbllo Bopbers. "tit tlll< es th o next tru.ln homo. Bl ill nga Over · n il hung a grent vo lume or ··Found, found sgaln," we h enrd him P rol e~s or H uck le be rry won't mind _term, o'·or the out rllgc ot hi. nrr es l. He Much of • Mystery. moke. s and Lightnut lll~cove r my s t erious C hl- say . "Hers beyond peradven ture o f a telll ng us-'· Th e fact Is that tbe secret springs "' ..e oharacl.r. on th e psj<lmWl. Protes' ·\Vhat I tblnk , g ontl emen ~ What of rrlend s blp are wholly m l'sler lous. . '·W hat did we do'! W h y th e ro was _r Vltozenber ry Ie call ed In to Int erpret doubt. 1 am not ml slolcen." «JI. ~I.rog lyph l c •. S e [lrcblng tor tb em w e must report but one th ing for th e eaptllln to do"Ab , gentle men!" exc laimed tbe co uld 1 think but whnt I am su re Is profes80r, com ing back again, "what VOH r olVn co nclu slo n- tbou g ll you like the LouIsiana s h e rltt reported on drop tbe an c bor, a n d awa it lb e out· CHAPTER XVII. the ba ck of a wr1t ' ·duces t ecu m" come. It would b a \·e be en s ltlcldnl to a tb lng tbls little Chin ese woman did irav e g"n e rously a.nd considerately Ir;ft whIch b e bnd bee n gIv en to serve upon have attempte d (0 run th e ,.a untl e t tor civilization wben she Kave lbe lIl e to form m y ow n opin lo ll - nam~IY , The Profe.. or_ a negro who bod esca ped Into the nCC that h ea vy cro ssflre. Yes , we were world silk culture and Invented the t hnt tho c lulm of super nntur a l a t·· BlUlngs us be red In the profellllor swamp: "Non comaltlbus, up s tump· h e lt! up nll right. ond so Ihrou g h tbe loo m! No wonder tbe ChInese d etHed I trlbutos of these garmen ls Is pre pos· "WIth a flourlsblng IntroducUon . urn . In Bwampo." As I look over my afterno on we s wung a t anch or !l nd b er as a godlless." te rouH . Encbanted pa jamas ! Hau n ted Tbe &Teat man nev er spo ke, but frI ends I find I like th em as 8. dog " Ooddess! " Billings swallowed h ard. paj a mas! poor! Nurse ry lore; cO lipvo me the end of one finger, and "A nd did th eae--b'm- gorments I>e- dre n ·~ fai r y t ales! likes bls master. So J con clude that Ghosts, s e ntl e-· dllyllIsh gru~glngly at tbat. H e Ju st this e motion mu s t originate In s arno long to tbe lady7" Dl e ll? Tut tut- no n se n s e! ·· camo to an C'.bor snd s tood lb ero very Newfoundl nnd or 8t. Bernard r egion Tbe professor frowned at- hi m In surHe s nort~ d Indign a ntly . etralgbt and s tl tr, Ignoring th e choi rs prise. "G arments7" of my nal ur e, and , Is probabl y one of ·'Gbosts !" fa lt ered Billings. ~rust to~af'd blm from every point. those InstIncts no t yet e liminated by "Tbem, " s aid Billings In d ev lllsb "O b I say!" I rlltber gas ped. Das t! Qne band Wlls stu ck In bls stiff broa d- Qu est.lonable grammar, pointing to the m e If it <lIdn't g ive me a t u r n , r atb e r t evolution. somet blng ( share wJtb "I Think I Sell." . doth bosom. with elbow pOinting out- table. '·They are pajamas, you Imow."' Llo gs. Tbe pTo fessor shrugged his s haul· ~ard , and bls great lopb eovy bead t bo lJu Ja m ns Into th e professo r's armll "Ha!·' ejaculated tbe prolessor , de r s. . For all Ibot J bo nor It as the best -retired abo" e us Impressively. ' holding them up . "So they are . You nnd putted him on the shoulder In 11 l hln g I am co nscious of. J a m prouder '·Wba t other Inte rpr etation Is a d mls · way I tbou ght offe nsiv e ly famIliar . I addrea)ed tho professor bos plta- a re very observing, sir, very. Now, 1 of liking my frIends than of any other " You'v e got It, profeseor!" be said, of my small bunch of vIrtues. When bly: "Ah! won't YOU Bit down. pro- ba d not noticed that at all; I was 8 0 s lbie , g e ntl emen?" h e Questioned somewhat peev ls bl y, taking up the roat . fdllor?" Inl e r ested In the msterlal Itselr- the ··Here , we bave th o royal Inslgn l!l or grInnIng. I think of B ill and Llge anti Al and The n ne whI s per ed to me asllle : He drew I)nc k, frown in g . . "81t down, won de r ful s ilk of BI-Llng·Chl, genUeRalph and Newt I get a kind ot tb e cruel e ml)ero r , Kee, and we notc~ '·I\"ot -n word, DIcky great Beott!" .air?" b e .. Il estloned . And, by Jove, m e n . H[l ! Indeed a rare prlvll ep!" that th ese garm ents were gl ve n 80W'3 \lut he ucedn ·t have sa id that, even If wa rmth about th e cockles ot my heart no other contemplation call produce. one In bls cou rt by the a ll l'gc d 80r'· I bad hel' ll mlnd ·reader e nGugh to And th e bIggest burta I havo ever ce rer, F ub·keen . P e rb a l)~ It was rB"- guess wbat word be meant. It w a s veng e-- pe rh al)S some court plot In about all I could do to ge t out a last telt are th ose made by the dlsloyaltJ whi c h Fub-Iceen, fnr r easons of hIs ..:urd to the professor a s be went out of others wh om I thought frIend s and trusted. Nothing Is 110 sRlt and nau· own was an actIv e partIcipa nt ; It Is tbe door : seous to t b e soul as the taste Of JudB.II of n~ Irn[)ortance, tb at part of It. ~o ,. ·N lgbt!" In the mnutb at memory. mu ch Cor the first li ne ; but now we And It lIeems to m e--for thlB, after come--" CHAPTER XIX. all, Is a sermon-that religIon, rlghtll' He paus od to polish bls spectacleec. loke n, Is rather a frl en·dshlp for Ood "Tell me," be saId more cbeerfully, The Collilpse of Blillng•• t han a lov e for (}Qd. and that we would "do our free translations at tbe Ideo" Are you sure, Mr. L ightnuP" better translote all th e Bible's admographs 110 tar agree In essenUalsI stood, cap In hand . one foot on nitions to love Ood hy the paraphrase eb ?" the sidewalk be fore the Kahoka. the to he friends with God. "Like a. two pens!" Billings dE~ other on tbe runni ng· board o[ tbe car od = --_ To love God hss a conve ntional "We Swung at Anchor an~ Watc,,-,h-"C clared with mantrest enthusiasm. -a big doubl e·tonn eau r ed whale sor~ sound ; but to be a friend of Godthe Battle," The professor looked gratltled and of affair. Tb Is wae aa far as 1 bad Lbat Is a searcblng and swordlike bowed. been admitted to . the Yeblcle. word. It means to like him; not to watebed th e battle, too far away to "Now we come to tbe Bec ond llntl, , For the rrump was s itting there beavoid blm; to seek his preseDce; to be Judge wbether one side or tbe other or, more strictly s peaking. column," hind the steering wbeel, looking down at bome wltb him; to be cbeered, con· was gaining an advantage. be . said, straightening ImpressivelY. at me In a nasty, sidewIse rash Ion "Tbere was mighty little s leep on soled, Qlueted by the thought of hIm. ·'H ere w e find the astonlsblng claim Ever have tbem do you tbat way l the Pennsylvnnla tbat nlgbt, and when SpeakIng for myself, I can say tbot made that there will he a change olr Besides, I somebow telt thot she had the mornIng broke every eye was meta morpbos ls of any IlInd of snJmll1 a feeling to wnrd me as a man, an un- I nev e r came Into tb.comfortable reo straIned harborwards to see wbether latlonshlp until 1 had · swept away all lICe that tb ese h a biliments ensbrouc1. voloed protest against my existence [ bad ever been taught, dared to pre- the old fi ug was stili flying over Sum · Um!'· at all. It found ex pres sIon In her sume upon the debt God bad Incurred ter . We could not make It out, and Tbe great DIan breathed heavily and Suspicious, snltry manner. Dash It, I toward me by making me, and took our fears w e re realb.ed when later a batted at us ove r hIs gl asses. just hated that 1V0man from tile start! my rig htful place as his son at his ta· barbor pilot boa rded us and told us ··Credat Jud aeus npella- ~h, genUoe- I telt It was bad e nougb, b er Engllsb Sumter had fall en . ' ble. men'" And h e winked knowIngly . c lums iness In gell ing tbe Introductlonll "Unde r hi s guidance w e worked our It docs not require any assumption Da~hl'd tr he didn 't a lmost catch me wsy up th e channel pa st the now s l· twi sted as I advanced to meet tbe s wallowing a yawn, too! For I hadn't c ar, but n ow Twos ot hal f a mind thnt of holiness or slnlessness to n o thIs ; le nt fort s of tb e c·lty. Tbere all was It only ne etls 10 presume upon the nny l<fea whut he wa s tailcln g abollt s he bad done It l)U rposely. Could see exciteme nt. Nothing but tb e vIctory or dri , Ing a t, and, by Jov c , I did know with h a ir an eye that sbe was de- vas t n oble mlndeduoss, 1I1ndlieBs and g ain e d by the Soutb Carolina soldiers Corbearlng wi sdom oC such a bea rt as 1 was ge tting d evili s h s leepy . VlI\S talked about, nml a Yankee sailor t ermIned to m ake trouble about yesJesus r eveals to UB. It r equires a treTh e pro fesEor waved his glasses. terda}" . W I\8 not ('ntb usl llllt\ca ll y w e lcomed. mendous burst o[ mora l courage to be"Old y OI! e ,·er r end Rl! ch a chlldls:ti, "That port o fficers advi sed our cap"Hnv e n't we me t before~ Mr. Light- lI e vA Ood likes tho kind ot man I a m; rld ku louR, e xtruvaganl asseveration .!" n ul?" she hod ns ll ed . t ai n to disc harge bls clll·go w ith out d B"but I do beli eve It ; a nd Ib e result Is lay und get awny wbll e th ere was a bo dem a nd ed . But It struc K [Le tbat }o'rancea th o greatest elhleal dyu am lc 01 my life ·'Ass--('h? I s hou Id Bay 601" cbance, We took the hInt and lost no g l,\Dced at mo wltb a Il lnd oC wistfU L -the frI e ndship of Ood .-Dr. Frank wor li cd Ihl s off In dign antly. time In ncUlIg upon It. In consider· IIgbt In be r lov e ly eyes, and [ saw Crane. "To mmyrot !" mur mured IL li lln gs abo tbut the gam e W fl S 10 lie IIko a gentleobl e leas th an forty·elght hours our scntly . He seemed tb oughtful. ca rgo was hois t e d out and we toad s tl1d man - tbat sert of thing, you know, I was th oughtf ul , too--w onde rlng. And, by J ove , r was getting kind ot 'good by ' to Cbarleston. A Morning Prayer, by Jove , wlJe ther (h e professor wo ul d use d to It now, IIny bow- 1 mean s ince "The next time I salled to that port My Cbrls t. I am not worlby. My go soo n , so we could turn In and g,rt I bad brollen tb e Ice last nlgbt. Not ralth Is weak, my mind Is confused, was about ono year late r, I should eay, the ear li e r s tart tomorrow up the h ar e! at a ll, th ou gh, after a few goes- I am si nful and si ck. But I pray and tbe n we carried atone Ins tead o f riv e r . Hut chi efly I was wondering r ea lly ! lhee to beal me l..n soul a nd body. tor tee. You sec. It was this way : Tbe wisUully 11 J~rnnc es would s tili be have en ough So I stood out tbat I had never bad thou art my only hope and thou art government did not a n~r y wit h me. the pleas ure . you Imow-all th at sort my only SavIor. Call me tby Bon . armed vessels to maintain an effec··Moreover ," b rolce In tbe proCf)s· of l)ollte rot. And all tbe time re lt Bid m e be of good chee r. Dless me tIve blockade of Lbe long-stretching He Jut Came to Anchor lind Stood There Very QUietly. sor·s ,·olce as be turn ed aga in to the li ke a jo lly cad, too, mee ting a girl !II thou Beest Is best for me and send Atlantic seaboard, and It was decIded b7 thla lllne bo s howed his t eetb. And By Javel He stroked the stut! LIght- lettering. "to assert furtb er th at tb ere wltb tbat, when ~ be r e me m ber e d! But, me on my way to live for tbee. That to obstruct the cbannels leading tv derilleb white, .ven teeth they were, ly, tend o rly-aa one IIkea to do 11 lit- will be a semblance-- not a ctual, gen· b y Jove , It wa s worth sacrificing the I.. what I as k, dear Master, and I certain ports, of which Charleston was too, only they Cldn't fit. ti e men. inlnrl yo u, but an optical lIIu· frump flfty tim es oyer just to Seo know 1 ask Dot In vaIn. A'men. tle ch lld ·s hair, don't YOU know . one, with s unken veBsels. The govern"I never sit nown, Blr," be satd .W"Beautiful, beautiful fabrlo," he sian- t a king the for m of some cl·e a· Frances' fec e brlgbten and note ber ment purchased sixteen ships tbat had 111": "Never!" slgbed balf to blmBelf, "Only once ture or tbe same kind thllt tbls s ilken rai nt fiu s h Bn d smile as s he looked ai , been form erly employed 1n the wbal"B1 Jove!" I e:rpla1ned. before have I leen a piece of It- but l ene me nt ha s prevIously Inclosed. Illg business, pickIng th~ up In New m e. For, das h It, I knew tben 1 bal& Labor. "'To be aure :" ejaculnted Billings, It was enouih; I could never, neYer "In other words, gentler!len, If I d one the rl~bt thing! That there Is somethIng radicallY London, Sag Harbor, ' Nontueket and Iauldng extremaly IIlIIy . were to clan tb esa ~arment9 , I mlgbt [orget." Somethinr Uke a groan "Urn!" grunted lbe fnlmp. com- wrong with tbe . lndustrial sltuaUon 18 New Bedford, . The professor · tlppellred not un¥l'Rt· caped hl~ no lon gel· ...\oo\( lI\(e mYllelt. bnt IfJ{e pressing ber \Ips a nd look!ng It my proved by tbe fact that tbere were ,.taat "These sunke!L huHs formed oD11 a flAed with tile sen~atlon he bad p~ some on B eiRe who bad worD tbem.. darling . "'r h ere'.B one ~ thing: rear IIPproximately 1,000,000 In Wa temporary obstructlonw of course, for IIlId conde80ellded to sm llll; that upon some pre,'lous occllslon..,.-per· tbe experIenc e with Mr. smith will country alone In actual !i'ant, mall7 ot the cori B~nt IIbl!lIng .9 f . the sand on CHAPTER XVIII. .... If you call oall a creaBlnlJ and h ap/! last nllltht-perballs a tbousand t~ach FrancIs a .lesson!'· them tbrough no· fault ot· ~elr OWnI tbe cbar: and tile action o~~he w~ves ·wrinkUng like the cracked end of • years a go . . Eh? fa that wbat you un· The Spell of the p'aJamaL 'rbe cat! Nice sort of .ho.tI but u the · relult of .condlt1o~ o,.r· ·would eventually rouse. t1)em. to break bard·bolled egg a 11m lie. :up·~ ane)" wasb a;way,. bti~ I ·reck.o:n Tbe professor euddenly faced UI, derstand ?" . But ~e dear gtrf ·just latigbe4-\'.Qw wblcb they bav~ conuol.:"ltey: "YOIl say, 'Itt .down.' alr,- he lIald, bo!dlng up tbe pajamas wltb a gel' He duelled again over tbe letters ·18"8d. tlie ·.pu~e 1llteD,ded Ilt remembered ,tbat· laulJ1! R . To~rt~l1ot.; . . _.~ m~ " I ·uk you, la tam: f~l'e ot Inquiry. ' azul came up, iookina ·f:lhn~rl..ned. .time:';;' ; .-.t'>~ '. . (TO .B~ ~90~~ ' ,0'










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\I .

IPractical Fasbions I

stnlrs bedroom to see the presents. and there In the place or honor wall the sterling BllV'er. with bls own cnrll properly displayed. Mlgbtlly bewUdered, he bad not time LADY'S COAT. to puzzle ove r the explanati on of tbe matter. for a w blsper ran allout that tile fatal moment bad arrived and he found hlms elr huddled up against tbe wall with tbe o't her guests nnd waiting In hus bed expectan cy. wblle Mary Anne's sister began te drawl a wed · din g march on the organ and e very· The KInd You HaTe Always Bought, and wbleh has beeD body kep l s till and breatljed hard. In 1188 lor over 80 fears, bas borne the ttlgnature 01 After an Age, ' and strung out' about _. and baa been made under h1a perthree rodll apart. the wedding pnrty , . sonal supervision Bince Ita WanC7_ appeared and took pla ces betore the By Barr Moses gray·halred cle rgyman In the corner. Allow no ono to decelvo fOU in th1a. Tbe brldegropm's turn came. nnd he All Counterfeits, ImltatiOWl and "Jnn-as-good" are bu mad e an awkward. sidling entrance Experiments that trine with and endanger the health 01 (r.opyrh;ht. 1912. h l' A ~ ."c lnt cd Lllerary tbrough a narrow door. lDfants IUl4 Vb.1ldren-Experience agalnat Experiment. Pre.a.) ·'Hah!" exclaimed Orlmllby. tben Corlms bY's n ew s boes pl ncb ed hla coughed con(uBedly and blusbed . The bridegroom was · th e highway· fe e t. Tile road wns d uety and this du s t. min g le d wltll t be ye llow pollen man ot the wooded curve In tbe road. Cutorla .... harmless IRlbatl.tute lor Castor 011, Pare"Why on earth?" thought Grlmsby . of tb o rng·weed. was making Had work ~orlo, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It la Pleallimt. It of tbe lower part of his natty trOUB' and "W hat oli ' enrth T" and "Wh o on ~07 oontalna Delther Opium, :a-Iorphlno nor other Narc.'otlo earth ?" e r8. "'ldtlt/~ 81Ibatance. Ita ago fa its guarantee. It destroys 'Worms "Confound Marry A nne!" exc lll1med Tben he ISPBed loto seml·uncon· and allay. PeverlBhness. It cures Dlarrhroo. and Wind Grllllslly. sclousn ess a s th e wedd,ng marcb cam e Vollo. It relleves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation Mnry Ann e was hl u cOllsln nnd he to the e nd lind the cl ercym an cleared and Flatulency. It assimUates the Food, regulates the was on the WilY to h e r .... eddlng. He his tbront. Stomach and Boweb, giving healthy and natural aleep. like d Mary Anne th e I(>nst at all the The prellmlDa.r y parts of the cerefort y·seven fir s t cous in s whom be was mO ll Y were Boon gone througb. De ChUdreB'. Panacea--Jrho Mother's Friend. SO fortunate BS to p08 se s~ . but she " Martin," ~ ald the mini ster. turning The woman lookin g for a s mart coat wa s , ne vertbe less. tb e only onE) or the to th e brld eg room.,"wllt tboll have tbls list for whose we dding h o would have woman to be thy we dd ed wHe, to live model will Bure!.y be dell ~bte d witb Tbls felt It l1 ec e ~ sn ry to put himself to 60 toge th e r after God's ordinanco In the the splendid one bere sbown. mu ch discomfort Ilnd ex pe n so. This holy estate of mo.trlmonv? Wilt thou gn rm ent possesses more tban one of \o\'II S because Mary Ann e was vain and love h e r. comfort h er. h~nor lind keep :be lates t t as hl o)l features or the Hea· amllillous an d adored Grtm Rby a8 her b e r. In slcknesB and In health: and for· ~o n. It bas tbe new cutaway <'1os lnl/: one wealth y a nd cit y· bre d re lative. sa klng all o th e r . keep th ee on ly uoto ()utll ne and fasteos by a single hulton . The collar and re vers Is an item of 1-10 kll e w t hat to her mind her wed· h er . so long aM yo both s ball live? " Interest a s well IU! the new sbaped din !,: wo uld be but a poor atralr It she "I wilt." r es ponded th e brld egroom . sle e ves. Jo'or su it de ve lopm e nt wh ip. co uld not hnve him and bls prese nt to distinctly. but h e dldn't look like It. se rgo. mohair or pongee wou ld cord. "Mary Anne," res um ed tbe cl.. rgy· di s play t o he r a8sombled friends, and bein g abnormally cOTl s ldera te of tbo mnn, turning t o tb e bride. WWllt thou bl! rtPP,·ol,r inte. Tbe pattern ( No. 5S07) Is cut In feelln!':s of olbe rs . h e h ad ~oo s ented to have this Ulan to b e th y wedded hus· go. and hnll BPOllt flU' more money balld. to live togeth e r after God's sizes 32 lo 42 In c hes llust mensure. M ~ · :lIum size requ ires 3% ya rd s or 3G In ch thnn he folt Ju sllfl ed In doing In the o rdinanc e In the holy est at e of maLTI· material ond ')I, of a yard o f ~4 ID CIi purchase of a s(' t o f sterling sliver 1D0ny~ Wilt thou lo ve. h onor. and 'r'Ha O.H'f'AU" OOM"ANV. Haw VO .... O.TY. contrasting goods u llllewn r e In a neat wooden CBse. keel) him . In sickness and In healtb: w hl cb he had at (h a t mom e nt under and. forssleln g nil oth er. keep t bee only T o procu re lhl. pattern, Rend 10 ern'" to ~r n Df:'p ... rtmen' " of th l' p l\per. W u te one arm: Ul~d whl oh was very heavy. unto hllD . so long as ye both sball n··P11tl It 's dl melllt tor tbe Bverago man to HIli Mistake. LIFE 8AVERS. am r ond o d d r es, plainly Rod be !lure \ v "I ve In add iti on to th e weddin g present live!" Gertie-Angry with nlm! Wby._ unders tand why eome women are Jeal· .be, unci Dumber of P Q tl.t!r~ OUS ot tb elr busbands. h e was encu mb ered with an umbrella, "I wilt .not." said Ma.ry Anne . and wrote a lovelY poem to ber. n s uit caso and a ra in coal the emphasis wns on the noL Rose-Yes, but she never read . . NO 5807 . SlZ& .. .. .. . .. -- • . . •• I A p O!' (.n1 Mrd to Garfleld Tea Co., Brock. "What 1\ fool I was to write Mary There was a sensation. but It wasn't Bhe tore the wbole thing up 1n a tit . , I,D. N. L. Il.klnir tOI' blUDplo wUl rep"", lOLL Ann e tl ot to se nd to the s tation for a ll mnch or a sensation RlI It would anger. He called It "Lines on Mabel.. N AM& .. . ...... ... _....... ..... ..... .. _.. . Face ." rue." he growled . hav e b een It th e assembly had not S ome phllantbroplst should otrer II TOWN • •• __ . .. . _ . .... _ . .............. . . "Now I wonder how tbe deuce Mary been composed 'wholly of Mary Anne's rewa rd tor a college that does n 't need Ann e e ver found R man to suit her In lifelong fri ends and aCQunlntancea. It STREET AND NO.. .................... _ the mon ey. mAB5DRBIHE,JIl,u:o':~ th is Slee py Hollnw, wh e re nothing ever was Dot consternation, but restraIned happens? She always had b er h eart set bllarlty. which made the gu ests STATE .. ...... ...... . ........... .. .. . .. _. ~ CornsJ.. BunioD81-, Cal. A Prediction. on R h e ro. n mall wll h go od reu blood hreatbe dee ply and sway to and rro. lous Hunches, ·1 "Do you think Blft'e ls will ever In bl s velnR. a doer at deeds." Tbe c1erlP'man pa used . cia Bed the Aching, Swollen Feet. LADY'S COAT. ren ch Il green old agil?" By this tim e Grlmsby had arrived at book over his thumb. pusbed his spec· "Ilc s urely will. It be Ilvee long It allays pain and tak~ a bit of sf'q ucate red woodland through tacles back on his for eh ead and loo ked enough and doesn't know more then out soren~ss and infiamwhich th e dusty road wnnd e red In an r e provingly at th e refractory hrlde. than h (~ d oes now:' mationprompUy. Bealin. alml es a fnshlon. as If It had no clear Tbe bridegroom did :!Jot seem either noti on concerning the direction wblch surprised nor .Ilnnoyed . and soothicg-causes • I Easy to Cut the Price. It wis hed to pursue. Hardly bad be en· "Mary Anne," began the clergymaD better circulation of the blood A ml!.D went Into a Dutcher 's .hop te red this wood and turned the first sterllly, "did' understand you to saY through the p~rt, assisting nature and asked how much 8Ilusagea were curve' hefore a man. drefised ' ln II. ready that you wouldn't'" in building Dew, healthy tissue anel a. pounel, mnde and lII·fitling black rrock suit "You did," aIDrmed Marv Anne eU)oelir:ninatin\l the old, Alex Ahl. "Ab,'" laid the butcher. "der brice and wearing n stlll·bosomed wblte phlltlcaUy, with ftashlng eyell. ... ' vaa 10lne ups. I shall bal to sbarKe :; ~ ~ Gcao,q,_ d,o.. __ TobiDSRortt Ind., writes Nov. IS. shirt. n tall s tra ight collar ane' a pair ·'But she 'will Just tile same." declaJ'o you twe nty·live cents." "rst Shark-There'. a man tailing 1905. 'No doubt you remember or cutrs which rell down to hl8 thumbs. ed the bridegroom with confldence. "Nonsense!" esclalmed the customm.r..._getting two bottles of yoUI' l'erboal1!. strolled out from the shelter or some '" will not," reite rated Mary Anne, er, "thill t Is outrageous. I can get Second Bllark-We'U have to eat AHSORBINE, JR., for n bunioD ta1\ hush es. presented a revolver and ·'Now, Mary Anne. my dear young tbem at Sc bmldt'8 tor twenty cents." 00 my' foot. "My foot is well," Allo h1m or be"\1 drown. remarked curtly: woman." eXpostulated the clergyman. "Veil" vy didn't you?" valuable for any swel\inK or painful "Money 'r yer Ure! Hands up!" "What doea this mean? How does It "Becnuse he was out ot tham." The Shorter Route. Cra" en fear surged through Grlms· come that wben we haVe 1111 asse mbled "Oh, veil." replied the butcber, "It afFliction, Goitre,1rEnla~~: Lady Dull·Gordon, at a luncheon at Glands. Varicose veins, by. his knees knock ed together Dnd he here to witness your marrlagfl to Mar. . [ vas oudt ot 'em, I'd seU 'em tor tven· Sberry's In New York, told an anec· Leg, Strains, Sprains. Heala telt a strange. creeping sensation un· tin. that you flatly refuse him? You ty centl!, too." dote apropos of th~ divorce evil. der his bat. must· explain yourself or I'll go rIght Bruises, LaceratiollL "Two girls," Rhe said, "were cbat· Cuts, "Don't shoot!" he gasped. flndlng It ahead and pronounce yOU man and Needed No More Help. Price $ 1.00 and '2.00 at all drulItlng over 1\ cocktall and a cigarette. Impossible to obey tho command re- wUe anyway ." An American lIentieman got ac· "'Morrlages are made In beaven : gists or de livered. Book 4 G Free. g lU'dlng bls bands promptly a.nd drop· "I'll explain. Mr. Cutright." I! eclared Qualnted with a Frenchman wbo Willi ping to his knees Ins telld. "Don·t Mary Anne proudly, ""11 explain glad· very anxious to acquire tbe Encllsll IIll1d the IIrst clrl, and .he blew a W.f,Younlt,P,D.F.,310TempleSl,Sprtnafleld.I ... shuot! I'll hold up my bands as Quick Iy. I hove been the vfctlm or an 1m· language. The American In ord er to cloud of .moke Into the air and recarded It with dreamy eyes. os I can." position. Whell Martin nek e d me to Tbls pretty coat Is designed for tbE belp blm said that It he would send "The .econd cirl with a light laugb He gT'llsped his coat and umbrella In marry him I told him that I bnd only miss and small woman. It Is bls exelrclsea to blm he would willing· replied : one hand. slipped his thumb through one obJection, and that Was that he and fashionable, . and simple to can· Iy corretct them . "'Yea. that II true; but, thank tho beavy cord with wlilch the pack· waan't a he ro. a man to stir the beart s strucL Tb e collar and revers are Nothing WSB heard from tbe French· have nge containing the wedding present of til aBe with ' good reI! blood III their style features not to be overlooke d . man fot' some time, but flnally a letter «oodness, to unmake tbem was tied and taking It and the suit velna. Martin 8:1.Id he was a hero, PateDt leatber belts are greatly In came c .~ucbed In tbe followlDg choice to &0 only al far as Reno.' '' case In the other. managed to execute only he'd never had a chance to Rbow vogue, and the design sbows sucb a English: "In small time I can learn so many lIr•. Wtnelow'. Boon"". 8yrap tor CbtldreD Ihe maneuver clumsily. any of It around here. where things helt worn with the coal. Se rge, wblp.ottenA the I'um., reduce.· "Hum." said the hl gbwayman. T&- was always 110 Quiet. But be promised cord, pongee. pique or linen Is service· Engllsb rrom hili text·book and ber teethlng, Uoo.. aUa". JULiD, cure. wlu4 colle, I5c • bo\.Uediction a ry as , tblnk I will to come at fl ecllvely, "yoU mi ght bavo put tbem me solemnly that It I'd him, he ablc. down. It would have been easier." would do something real herolcal be· Tbe pattern (No. 6802) Is cut In the America aDd to ,,0 on ' the sca ffold Willing to "ye. Tben be walked up and unhooked tore the solemn bour and article of tho sizes 14, 16 and 18 yenrs. lIIedlum size to lecture." Ella- ANI you afraid to dieT the wcddl'l!: prcsent trom Orlmshy's wedding. requires 3 yards of u...mch.-IDa.u~:U.---1f------========:- - +-liH!lla-Not If I teel that the color --=-- extended thumb. "Now, Mr. Cutright, thot solemn DOCTOR'S SHIFT, la becoming to me. .tipat!on, To proctlTe .. thi. pattern, send 10 cenu. to "Tbat's all I want,'· he sold laconic· hour ·and article !las comc. I gave May· "pattern Department" DC thi s poper. Write Now Gets Along Without It. Biliousness, Indigestion and Sick Headache nlly. and walked otr. tin up to the very last ttJlnute. He ban name nnd uddre88 plain1y and be s ure to Irlve Hardly 8ultable, SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRieL A physician lIay.: "Until last tall I For a moment Grlmeby remained on tailed to do the deed and I won't mar· abc. ODd Dumber of pattern Settlement Worke r-Since meat iJI Genuine must bear Signature used to eat meat tor my breakfast and .0 bllh why not ulle ve~~bl.. , his knees. with his encumbered hand II ry him. so there, He has decellfed me. Bullered wltb Indigestion until the sUll raised alott, then he slowly low· He has tailed to keep the promise that ~t'r8. Grogan-They doo't do a black SlZ a: ......... ... .... . NO 5802. meat bRd passed from the stomneh. ered them and rose trembllngly to hili he made." eye no lood. NAMll .•.••••• _ • •• ___ •••• _ ... . . . .. ... .. teet. Mary Anne t.urned and pointed at "Last fall I began the uso of OrapeThe highwayman sbumlog all down her betrothed hnsband dramatically. Null! tor breakfast and very lIoon Unfortunately, the J)eOple Who are - - . TOWN • •• _ • • •• _•• ••• • • _ ..... .. .. . . .. .. . tound I could do without meat. tor my the road looked over bls shoulder. and In excellent Imitation of a trag· most willIng to lend are tho•• who DAISY FLY KILLER pi. . . . . ." " . _ ... body got all tbe nourishment neces· ha ven't &nylhln, "Going to the wedding?" he called. edy Queen she blssed the one word : STREET AND NO... . _ • ••• _ .... ...... . . .'ea. Neat. al~ nry from the Orape·Nuts and since "Cause If you be, you might' a8 well "Coward!" :::~taJL~;: .a STATE ....... . .. . . . .. ......... .. .... .. ... . ~ome o.long with me." "I aln·t. neither,'· said Martin ;m. then I have not had any Ind Igestion LIquId blo. II a _ k IOloUOD. ...old It. d~ He paused and waited. Grlmsby, too phatlcally, scratching tbe place wbero ---=======~---~~- and am teellng better and have In· Buy Red ero.. Ball Blue, tb. bIn. tbat'l all ... ot&l . . .a't.plU_" bewildered to reply. walked on dis. hie stitt collar sawed bls neck moet. creased In weIght. blue. Aak lOur Irrooer. i;r~:,~l~:~\b:~: HOUSEHOLD HINTS. OQ~'-d •• "1t.,.. trustfullY, until h e bad CAught up to ·'and I haln't failed to keep my prom, "Slnc'e finding the benent I derived .~ h th a t b ar be rll al1ll 80td d •• I ...... blm. He noUced more pa rticularly the Ise, and , can prove It by Mr. Orlma· , Never burn your old shoes In th e trom GI'ape·Nuts I have prescribed tbe T a Ik .. 10 c eaD , •••,by prepaid now &:tvlng It free with each Ihave. auOLJI 101lUI. 110 Dd&.I. a .... _117 .. II • •. man's clothes, the ' Sunday clothes ot a by, over tbere In the corner." food for' al\ my patlentll sulferlng tram furnace. They fill the air with nn uu· rustic. and the hone8t tan at his face He swung hair way about and ca~ht pleasant odor. Keep them to throw Indigestion or over·teedlng and also ,Tnlt ODe cop of Garfield T.a taken before find hands . Suddenly an explanation Grlmsby's eyes, then swung back and at the neighbors' cata. tor those recovering from disease HOMPSON'S 9~~~~(~lIo;= reLlrln/r "III next da, relle.e your ayttou. came to blm. The fellow WRB. like raced the clergyman. 1\1he re I want a food eaey to take o.nd b1 d •• t •• u" oe It the n1arm clock Cails to a.waken trontl, aDd tbofCllllrbl, ot aU IlDl>urlt.loa. wla.d. llookl., rz.. himself. a wedding gllest. and having ·'Mr. Orlmsby ""Ill testlry that no tbe blred girl at the propel' lime In certain to digest and whlcb wUl not .JOUN L. 'J'UOHPSOI'I SONN ACO" Tro" N .... no present of his own and no money Inte r than this yery day I don e a braYe the morning. get another girl. overtax tbe stomacb. When you are expecting an opporto buy one such as he deemed suitable> .and herolcal deed Rnd h e seen me. I "I always nnd thoe resultll I look for tunity It I. "ure to mlB8 tbe boat. W. N. U., CINCINNATI, NO. 26-1912An earnest. conscientious wif e Is - perhaps be was a dlecarded R.dmlrer don't like to brag and eo r won't eay always ablo to think at something 1\1ben I pre scribe Grape·Nuts. For - - - -- - - - - - -- ----'--- -- - - - - - - - - - or Mary Anne's who wished to make a what It was and I won't asle Mr. Orlme· about the b ouse ,that needs a job or ethleal lreasons please omit my name." sbow-ha'd decided on thla bold es. by to say.' All I Ask Is tbat be will repairing. Name l:iven by mall hy Postum Co., p e 4lent. ' solemnly before this here assembled It Is not conside red good form now Battle Creek, Mich. At first It s eemed that It would be congregation declare tbat wbat I sDy to keeP the old tamny Bible. contnln· Th/! resson for the wonderful an matter to denounce the fel· Is 110." Ing the re'c ord of births. elc., lying amount of nutrIment. and the eRSY low and reaover his property, ~nd then wIB this true. cousin Harold?" de- on the center table. digestion ot Grape-Nuta f. not hard to he law that . :woUldn't. SUSlPose the manded Mary ADne. facing about eag· Don't try to repair a reof lh a t has find . . There ncver W3!1 • ht' saw that It· 1vouldn't. erly. In th(~ lirst place, the etarehy Dart not been shingled s ince th e year 1 891 . thint that Coca-Cola couldn't In slJence he walked by tbehlghway. Orlmsby In his corner. finding all Move Into some other hou so. of the ,vheat and barley goes tbrough man's sldc untU tbey reached the front eyea upon him. blusbed and stam· aatisfy. It Koe,. Itrail:ht u an You can dlscourago tb e growth 01 yarlous processes of cookIng, to Der· urow, to the dry door at Uncle Nathan's aboUe. . Then mared. dandelions on your lawn by allowln!; t.ctly c!hange the starch Into dextrose the highwayman, throwing the door "It-It'll true, Mary Anne," he cried the Delghborhood boys to play tb e re. or grape-augar. In which IItate It Is .ADd besides thi•• open with a certain nonchalanee, rath. excitedly, "It'e true all rlgllt. I'll swear ready to be eallUy ablorbed by the blood. er amulns under the olrcumatancea, that Mr,-Mr,-" for the lite of him Believes In Advertising, eald : he couldn't remember the bcdegroom'a I am· a great believer In adve rtlsln/l The [lartll In tbe wbeRt and barley "Walk right II:. mlatl!ll'," and then surname-"that Mr. Martin Is-II a-a I bell~ve that an advertisement s houl d which Nature can make use of tor reo called more loqdly. "Mal'7 Annel hero-and a ,entleman." exactly repr:eeent the bouse Which Is building: hraln and nerve centers are Here .. Mr. Orlmsbyl!' "I can beUeve my coulln Harold," sues it, ·no,t only In tacta nnd figure! retalnedl In this remo.rkable toad, and BefO~ he had tlmo to ullect OD declared Mary Anne proudly, turnln, as to ~ts goods; but In ItB complet( tlws thtl human body Is' lIuPlllled with iitfafiea to • T the call for IOmethlDI thelo"proceedlngs Orlmshy w . . 4Ulfold. bact. to the . ~1e1'omaD. "[ am uth· cbaracter It should be 11 rellex or thE the polverr,,1 strength producen, 110 purel, delicious and dclicioualJ pure-GIId ed In: ~B buxom oO\lsln's lOving arm., fled." _ character of DeUonallty of the house.' tlotl~ed after ODe hal eaten wholaome. · -' and ~y. t.he tlmlt' be j ~ad ~~. ~ .~':Ahe~t,~ ~ten;tpt,~. ~e ,cl~rtY!Dan, . ,H, G, Belf.ridce; , I ,. . Grape-Null each day for .. week or . 0 . _ ............... uncle '~ aunt. ~ttiti; nlSliwSfini!l.i.h8:CI' .o P4u\nS" liI8 booII ·...rll'. "( suppose, . ~ I _. -. • ten' daYls. _ -ee~~~ , . dllapPAA~~. ; He .had' baret): ~~ up ~ ';.. ~, I ', ~ . r IUD;le thll ~~. . .. _Wh!t; , ' M~.hl!.etts _ Lea.d.. ·. ' '(There's a reason," and It tl ex~tIoeo.u..~lo)o . hili mJ.i,i . . ~:t.1II .!M:~:AIl'? ..?~. •..~ r .\.. . ,J ;}~; / ~rt~ , -.,) *~ .~~ ~"Pir ·. . t, cif . aJl' . yt plalDelI ' In the little ,boOk. "Th.· Rod TIIB ·COCA..a>LA ~ . . bad ·~ent ·iftt· by .~•. &Dd"tO~ lHI .' .''You ~.O! -.aCre:4td : lIaq . ADD" . hlcles In Maaaachuaetta ,' are motor to. We1J..,.m.," , In p~. . ' , .. " I <Y~ ID~,Isl!,R!!t aild .• .~i1~b~ 'beoau". b~ib't" .~~Ild"Ji ch~,e ",m, : ,~~~:*~I ' pro~~lIet!t a~"".~ ~~~o~ tIw'~. . ~.......... t h _"'"- , , , ,••, ....~ _""" a.lI~ tlie_ tit . . . . . ~ . 1~ 'bad ,not ~••d .oll.. ~!~ , .heD .. f,~Dl -'l ;tfl~ .b.~ tAP I WIlt-toof'>~ " ." . ill &Ill, QtDer,.~ '. , ' ,,' j aN ,..,.1IlIIe; trMt ~ ,... .. ...... .....-.t . :; ) .(' ' .~ I ~ iJlaJ't,h& too.X • . JIljb," ~ 110... ~~9tIb;&p_U}':....... QI'tJD!I~,: t '0. , . . (" "f""f" ',"::": '~'.. ~ " I'\~ ,.... .. . ~. '+~"'" ....

Mary Anne's Hero

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LONDON AS A NERVE CURE ~~1 : ;;~~~li~~oo~~~~!~;~~l'iC - - -..... ... - -AmerIcan Act,.... s.y. Itl Ch.lrful.

See below w~t·you will save on this extr~ordinary offer. ,

neal and Unruffled Calm Are 800thlng to SouL


It I" a Powerful Bleaohlng Alent and

We Will Clve You



The Choice Of A Husband 1M too Important & watter for a woman to be handloapped hy weak DI'8s. burl blood or foul breath. ' A void these klll.hopes by ta king Dr. King's Life Pilla New s'rength fine oomplexlon, pure breath, ohller fol 8pirit~ - thlngll tbat win men fol_ low t,heir use. Elley. sIlte, Hure. 2;)0 all druggi8t •.

Prlmltlv. and Dulng Way In Whloh Tho .. of the Gltalda Are Rung, In ordinary circumstnnce8 bell ringing is n pcact'lul oc~upation to which white-hojrc,i, vellernhle turn seem ideally Buited. Bllt the me? who ring the bclls ill tllO, fll mous Glralda of Seville llIust be young Illl'!l of unusual agility and stc8tliness of nene. When the city is to make men-y on feast days the ringers climb to the belfry, and then, by the aid of a rope and atepa cut in the wall of the tower each moun ts to the bell he is·to ;ing and abnds astride its brazeu shoulders. Then he pre6868 the bell with ' hia fl!et. , halding 011 t() the crosS-piece to which ' It ill nung. Gradually the great bell sWllys to the movement of the man astride it until it acquires a . mementu mt~at swings the hammer, first gently, and then with · inereasing force, lUI the swee~ of tho bell widena, until the air is trembling from the blow8 that 8trikc the massive lidea. 'rhe riders bend 'and rile and fall with the action of the bella, now apl>cnring to the ' obeener from below to be in a horizontal position as the bell reaches the limits 'of its swing, and again rfdiag gracefully to an upright position 88 the monster aways bnckwllrd with another thundering note. " The most extraordinary put of the daring performance is the sight of the bell-ringer calmly swaying the bell while it hangs fa~ut of tbe belfry over the city, for the outward swing sends the counterpoise with the ,ringer into space 'beyond the arch.-Youth's Companion.

Classifted Ad. WI . . . . . . . - , _ . . . ,.

• • •


. . . . . . . .

Ada will be! IUlerLal Un(lor ,hId be. d


lWt!o t y -nvti c~nh' fu r th.ree h Mie rUoQI

, wben




IlHlU nv .. line..

""'ww" . FOR RENT

bUllluess I,ulldiog. GOOD on Mltiu t4tr oot, best luoo tlUlI,

I()O ~Llld


Nlnt rlluun'llIlll.

fhi B olll ce


, IU

J 17

WANTED Y hOlllo /U1d botud; OUD COlJNl'lt (ll'oollludalu fow ; olean tIlbl e, 11

buds ; ~alry rouwlI; pleDty sbade. frelh Ilr Ilud lIuring wilier ; wall twice a IlIly ; ruttltl , 7 por week; KOOlI pltloe to rbst. AUlII'etl8 Box 16 .. , W.ynesvlllt' , Ohio. J 17






.. _






CIIUIII. piu I\lUtj Wtlynesvi!le SohooltL li'lnd .. r pltlatle lea ve at the Miami Uwt;tltte oftlce .1 I U

FOR SAl.": JerS8V oow aDd olllf, fur 8111., For furtber ollll 011 Lymlln Day, R U. 4. WAynetlvllle, J 17 Uhio.


new NAPKINS--A kina Jost In.

Rtook of nup designs tu UllzeUe omoe. ~ven

plok from.

good Ewes tor 8ale. 14 50 per Laura Nelson Hall, an; Amerihundred . F. U. ~WIIl, can actress, liIOW playing in London Mlam(Oazette I year •.• , . $1.00 Phone 61i 3X , Wavnetlvl-lle. Ohl". in "The EllBiest Way," is telling J 17 McCall's Magazine 3 years. $1.50 whJ ahe 1i~eII • London, which alie I J Free 15c McCall'S Patterns ... 5 finds "so restful alk!r New York W.wNESVILLE CHURCHES. city." --...- - Total Value ••••...••• $2.95 I ''1 love Dondon," she saY8, "beMethodist Epl8copal Cburcll II cause of its immensity, its endless MOST C:OSTLY OF JOURNALS SIMPLE WEDDING O. S. PULor. IN FAVOR SUliday Hly. .&11· inspiration., 8ild I think chiefly beSchool. II : 11 a . In . /lturnl,,/( "n cause it is the most restful place I'ye "Anlmatedl Newapap.r" of J<,..nch Quletar C....monl •• and Oathlrlng. v I(le , 10 :80 a . m . E\'onluc servIce. 7 : U p IU . Mld • ...,11 Pr Lyo:r Moellol(, 7 p, !D. MovlnQ Picture Showl A,.. Popever stI'llQk. People who don' t know Ar. Much Mor. 80mmon Than ular With the Patronl. Ameril'an cities talk of t he roar of H . . . .In thl Rul.. St. AapstJn~" Catholic Cbun:b.j Father LoW. Vaua LOndon and 'its nerve-destroying riol The "lUlimated newspaper" issued I M ... nery MIOODG Suuda1 or lbe woatb a The quiet wedding seems ,to be I smil~for I come frolll New York. by a French firm for display in mov11 :00 a.•• •• •• Londou •• •• I Why, it's a nerve-cure and ing picture establishm ents is said to far more usual now. No longer is St. Mary'. Episcopal Cbun;la. , w ........ 4 •• w. a soot he!' of ibe soul that <mght to be the most costIy newspaper i8i\uoo, it considered an &1arming Iymptom of cceentricity to be manied withRev , J . •' , Cadwallader, Kector, New Suits 0f Lebanon II.nd Arabell .. White 23, be recolllluended by every nerve spE)- f!'Om thestllnupotnt of the BubscribSunda, SchOOl . 9 :HO a. m MorDID, "'H h ont bridesmaids, be8t man, a chure • ~Ice. 10 :30 a, m, Holy Communlou Ihe IIrlit cialist who knows his job. I've been er, as one of these reels costs many , 1of Lebanon. lui of s~tators. red carpet, cabs, S uuda, .." ncll mObLb, Vma,8 of Franklin filed .Ui'l Jaoob Kampe, 21, farmer of Mor here three months and 1 lIn ven't Been dollars. 'rhese films' are very popuChrfltJan CbUKb. apl.' 'be Ohio El8Otrlo Trao'ion row, .nd Lnoy B. Smltb, 20, of a dog fight. This is TlIJ imputation lar with :& ' certain clllBS of patrons bllttooholed.cabmen ftouriahing beHey. L.,o. Tbom~ PutGI. of the ceurage of the British dog j ! of the "movies." They are edited ribboned whips, old jokes in the ves00. to I . .train it by injono'ion from Maineville, try weakened wiMl tears, rice, Tolley Blbla 1JcbooI, 8:10 .. ID. Ioc1al -uas. refaltDg $0 dop Us c:.rl a' oertaln I Orville 0 , Campbell, 111, oarpen$er it is the most eloquent tribute to the 1in muck the same manner 8S the .. .old boots·and sh~ an d 1lenD0D 11:18 .. b,. ID. putore~ ObJUU..a .Icd.TW. ID. of flowers, .J&erDaw 1:!l:dt 8 .. ..&ree, crosllnl. whioh II aUere. to of BarveYlbure and Lula E Lynoh, serene iniluence of your placid city. typical newspaper. A eorps of opel'- slippers, a parade of presente, break- 10:111 . . . . UId 7:10 p . a. All your dogs look cheerful, they reatois ill kept in constant touch be- iD .lola,lon of a oet:taln .Ulale 17, BarveYflburlr . H"*",, FrieDda flect the unrpftled ~alm of their own- with mallY sources ot news. As soon fllst, frock ooat,· orange bloBlOm, ordtDUI», Artbur Bl'1an* i. aUor. ' .. Jl'tnt D&) Meellol[. 0 :00 .. m. FIn, Dar ers, and together they form Jiying as a premising tip reaches him, the sntin. and ao on. for &be plain'IJr. Real Estate Traauerl llan hes alway. , quailed before ~:~~~.1~:10 & m . i'ourg Day ~eeUOI. testimony to those sedative 8l:lrround- editor sends ODe,41 two or as many ~toe B. IihaDk flied .ul' aplDI' Illch a catalogue, but woman apa.t.r K. tlliank for divoroe un thlt lsaao H. Hadley "':l~ Otis M. 8ad ings which have m&!:le so wonderful a men as he thinks neCess.ry for the pears to have reveled in' it. but the OraJaollox Friends Chura ~ pOuDdlofenremlornelty. Couple ley Florence 'L. Badley, 93 aOlea, change in my nervous system since purpose. Frequently the three films geueral fashion ' for simplicity inlin'. Bllt.ll ),(WT&J. P ..t.or I struck this favored land of beauty are patched together to make one . . . married AUluat 13, 11110 and in M...le townsblp, 'I. Rabba~b SGtillOl, 9 :90 a. m. RelNlar ohun~ red .enloe, UI " O a . Ill. O~rla"aD Et\doIaYOr. complete reel. C!,Trespondents , are volvea the simple wedd~. The oa. obUd W"lter aaltd oae Flora M, Vao Horne to Henry and quietude." carpet ia follo"fag tht leYeDoCOUrB8 7 :so D _ ~-jo. PI.lntlff pray. tor dlvollOl. Uhl8nbroolf, Frederlok Ublenbroolr, mai~ained at different points, and dinner IUld brideamaial are joining HOW SCENT IS MADE. t.hese are li88igned by telegraph to go ol1l'od~ of chlld and allmon7. and Barney Ullleabrock, lot in the other ghosts of the paal Brandon & hin. are attorneys for Franklin, '70. to certain points where their servThere ' are ~till, of coune, many There are BeWlral methods 6f mak- ices may be needed. Moine explotbe plalDtUr. Howar' F. Tan.ey to Ella 'f all elaborate weddiQgl, but they are not 88y 8' al by sberiff'l sale, traot iu ing scent. The cheap and tiasty way sions and railrond accidents are ra- by any meane io usual as they ~ is by mixing chemicals together to garded all particularly attractivl' Com~n Pleas Proceedln&s Salem towllshlp, ,533 J3. to be-particulltrly among the mId. Barley Merri" to Lovella R counterfeit the odor of flowen. This fcat-urea. la nd men are sent at once dIe claBBe8: Even at the mOlt "fuhthe low-priced and inferior to these whenever they are reasonis how Bal. of proper'y reported and dl.- lIerrlU et 81 by sheriff 8"le, lot in scents aro derived from the flowers ably accessible. Pictures of thc \de- ion able" churches the number of klbnUon of prooeeds made in oaae Franklin, '1100 quiet weddings increases It_dily. of P.oPII'a BolJdlng Loan and &v. Jamel! ijtoops W William J . t:Iohu themselvea. The blossoms are spread bris and the work of removal are . inl' Co,,. VS. The Dr. Uurry Canoer but $0 JOl!epb M. LeaRner, 10' in on glass thickly coated with pure always objects of interest to patrons T he typ~ wedding of the day II a little gatheri!}g of relatina. grease and exposed to the Bun. As of the "movies.;' Co. t Wayn8svllle,l1. they wither the floweI'8 are removed __ ••_ __ Biitba S.nns wa. granted a dl. Frank B. Farr w Jamell Mtoopa, lIaDY a married man thlutl h. i. and replaced again and again .by A w.o man always bas lome ~l18e .0r08 from John t:~vens on ~he lot In Wayn ... lJle. 11. bl. own bole beoaule be ean amoh ...0.;0...· of wiJIful ableDoe. Sbe Is Alvin Wallin" Jr., to Alvin T . fresh ones until the grelll:!e has be- for belDgdls8&'isfll'ld. It It I.n t ber' all 'be hou.e whee bil wife Is come charged with the fragrance. 'Iat i' may be blJr bosband. ----~IfH'. h~en Dame of Bertha Wallini. lo~ In Franklin, 'l,toO. aswaiIow, Jobn Jordan lind Ca'herine Jor- Another process is by CODstantly in. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~ , dan to Edward Jordan, traot in fusing flowers in oil, and a thlrd by Probate Court Maisie towDshlp, steeping them in ether. This la8t methOlI is the most expensive of all, . , _ WUllam Chaney exeoutor of the I Jellae Mentz Riohard E , Mln,e, and produces the finest results. By litay of W . M. Yoane, deoea.ed, lot In Frankhn, 1750. Illed JIlII lale bill Ilnd t1r.* account, A. W. IUrdlll, admlnllt,ra'or for the way, you may like to know that 80me of the best kind8 of scented W. H. tlooot admlnl.'rator of the John •. Brinkman to Nellie Brlnk_ soaps are made from the of A. 111. Browu. deoeased, man, lot in Lebanon, 13000, lCented grease. After all the scent The Moore Jilan~e is so handily built filecf.ld. tin' and tinal account WilJlam Sebald Realty Co, to possible hilS been e.d111cted from it that ~ou don't have to stand ri~ht over The wiJl of A . .HmoaMoDfort late Ohio Eleutrio Railway Co " lot in by steeping it in spirits it is still the .tove to feed a fire Ol' build a new one. of n.b&DOD was filed and r.oorded. Franklin, .1200. By pullini' I~htly on small chain fragrftnt enough to make toilet soap. I'}o 8. KODfort wa. ' appointld ex. John A. Halaey, admlailtrator of attached to the Pateot Hin.ed Top, the lOiltrtx. . . the estate ot Benry G. BeJJer '0 whole top is lifted out of the wa,. NOT A B08S. RObert J , Shawhan and Jobn V. Harry~. t;prong, 10' in Fll8nkUn, This convenient arrani'ement makes it possible' to Jaot exeou'ors of thcte8t.te of John 1550, ''You ahouldn't call me a boae," V. !Jaot, deoeaaed. were gran'ed Peoplell Building Loan & Saving. mid Mr. Wardheel. leave to IeJl 'l8 .harea of the etook Co., to T. C Chriatie, WllldroD Gil. "But you are a leader and an auof 'bl LebanoD National Bank. IDour and Arthur Gilmour, lraet in tocraL" , AOOOUDts were approYdd, allowed Lebanon, 19000. "Maybe. But & boBS ia a man who There'll no spillini of fuel, and .. the tep And OODlllmed in the followiDg e. Jamel Haokett and P4triok 8aok I make.a people work. My a~a1ty il when lifted forms a hood, the smoke, loot and 'atee :-8amuel Brizaer, Minor, AI· ett '0 Tbomas Hllobtt, trae, in Ihowwg lUlybody I take an mtereat odor are drawn around the tlues of the ranp fred 8lmldnl, de3ealed, Jamell )d. oounty, 11. in how to live euy!' alld cannot escape Into the room. With Moore's Range there Is no srnoke- no Burn., deceased, Mary B. Dawson, lOOt-no gas. And yet with all Itll cleanly deoeaHd, Orrle Walter, deoeased, Mall Carriers Will Fly FITTING NAML and time-lI8.vlng advantages, thlll wonderful Tboma8 .J. Mtevena, deceased, AnDa ) Thl8 tl an age 01 great dlsooveri61 ' range really costs the least of any range on the market. It actually ..,.a for itnJf by c.tUna M. o.«er*", deceaMld, John Byatt, Progress ride. on 'he ail'. IlioeD we don't ·Jmow what to DImI m, down fuel ezpensc. JBay 1168 Unole liam 'a mall oarrlars do.ll'." "deoeued, Berber' Aadenon, d", flying In all dlreotion., 'raulporting hNameirlm Detractor.cealed, ElleD Datin, deoelle4, B. J , mall. People take a wonderful tn. Ben'blen, deoea.ed, Jane 1'. IIlnkle, tere.t in a dilOovery that benell~ "What for'" deoeutid, Catherine Tit.8, d8OMsed. them. Tbat'8 wby Dr. King', New "Because the horrid little beat II oIaoob' CorDln, deoea.ed, Frank A Di.oovery for (,;OU .. hll, fJelds and a backbiter." " _ ' . Contron.r D_~ enables you to control the heat aed lOOt, tbus giyillc you tbe advantage of tbe extra beat otber tbroat and lung ditleases Ie tbe _ _ _ _ _--:-_ o{ the oveo us well nl YOIl caD cootrol the heat at a gill IUld tbe extra ..viol' OD your fuel. 1t II the ooly fIIII&'e DUa'aab, minor. oveo. 'Moore', Range Is the only ' co:al range bavlng tbi. baving three,wall, cllo.traction........... Tbll la 0111 lDQ8t popniar medlolne in Amertoa advllntall'e. ~n (l it saves fully _·1lIW of tile fuel. reallOo why Moore s Range lutsloDger t~ aDy otber. ITa 8TATU" "It oured me of a dreadfnJ oough," M__~. E...r\utiq FJaoe....... enables you to burn coal COlt· Call At our store aed let UI 1II0w you tbe manyeachl' iog at least two-tblrds leIS thaD coal used ill otber ranl{el. ·.Ive features of Moore'. Rane.. Call ' NOW "bil. OU writea Mrl. J. F. DaVil, HUckDey "Apropoe of the Turko-Italian afFurtbtlrDlOft>, it provides for tbe burDIDc up of tile .moke I.t~k la colDplete. ~ra8r.andMe.,aU"after d09*or'., 'Nat· 1m, what do "ou' think , of th. is bot.~1i"1,O , e, 23, of Mor. ,meD' other remeetl. had J , ~'. . . . . . . can 6. '-I ill _Iter c..t /,.,. _ aMI 1 -1 107 F. Haoooo.. , !!i, of . aned." I'or OOU,bl, 001", or an;v tling up buaiDell P' Ioronohlal aJreotioD ig .Qnequalecl. "I think it'a a 'corking lfury." ViIi i'>rloe 510 and '1.00. Trial 'boUl'l • _ ••--.;:'---' ~ 23, t~oher Cree at aUiruiglst.. . ' ~V~I')'body ~olild~





f'or $1.50












S d 0 MadoDl Don t tan ver a H ot F ire !




8roil and Toast Easier aod' Cleaner

-- ..


I Moore's Range Sa~es 'lime and Money I

' Ji'~ ' ~~le..'J;y~ ,~.· ' Co{~an, •







I · "





__ .. !2S ____ _ ._







at"WaJIlt!evllle. •




-_. . - --- ._1 _. . . -.--.. .- --- The Neilhborhood News 1 r .--------.-....--.. ... _.... -- -Bert Ae Grant,


___ ....,.. ~________

IGVIIll pelJllunllita OUD 888 tbe brllM .1\18 or a Hllver dollar.

Too maiDY howea hlne all the modern iDoonvenlenoell.


_ ._ _



._ _ _ __ _ _ !22!S





New Burlinfton



Tile Lytle tlunday I:4ohool will have a pinnle at Charles Bougb's Irove Tbursday, July 18. Evary body invttod Mu. V. I:l. Lamb III on the stok list. Misl Est.a Htaoy III visltlnl': rela. tlve8 at Pekin nnll I:lprlngboro . I Mrll. Ell!l. Rye and Mrs. Rebeooo Bobllt were guests of Mrll. J . R. John .. , Tuesday . Mr . an l Mrll. ti . H. Halnee 1I.11d lion Jtlm e,e returned 8atnrday atter spending the past w.ek with rela OFFICE IN OLD SCHWARTZ ORUG STORE tlve8 Ilt Piqua and Troy . KIIIII Bltulohe Cornell wae a Sun da:; 1lIJIIIl t of MI@s Mary Sahtbury near \Va,Y u!l!l\'tlltl , Mr. Illld Mrl! , V. E. Johns and Ion Valley Phone 113 Glenn and Wilbur Clark and family 8pent ~uDday wtth Mr .· IIond Mrs . _ _!L! BarvlY Burnen, near (ireen arlar. Barry MoGlnnl8 and wlf~ were In Bellbrook, Sunday, • The a "eRie wife hiD 't a politlolan, Everybody 18 geUlul( ready for Mri. Ihlrtha Woolley and ohlldren lnduatr1 III 'be m!llfnet tha'starA but IIhe III ullulllly the .peaker of 'he tile loe oream 1I00lai on Tlauraday Being prepared from Pure Nati'A! Herb s, they Cleanse the ot Dayton, are ytliting ,tr. and M.r8 . .&hlnl' our way. bOUle. System and Purify the Blood, and Tone the System , a nd thu s evenlnlC, July 11 . WIlliam !Brown . Vlarenoe Taylor. of Green Briar W . G. llalneA, of Clllolnnati. spent Neoe..Uy I. ahe mCJ,ber of 10,..0 .pent Sunday afterDoon with frlende Buy I, DOW. Cbamberlaln'ICollo !:Iunday with home folk8 Cbelera and Diarrhoea Remedy h .100 and matrlmoDY h the wother berl. Mrs. Jes81e Longaore and ohlldren almOl' OIr'alo to be needld blfore of oootln&lon. Bud Loyd, of RarnYlburg, called hel ve been visitiug st Midland, Ohio .h.,ummer II over. Bny It now on A. Belpmyer aad witt', on Son. Dr. aud Mrs . J . W . Ward t\Dd Mr. I and be prell arid for .noh an emer, LIVERITES-A purely vegetable Laxative, cures Chronic ConWhat Makes A Woman? day afternoon. .en01 . Fpr IIle by all dealen . lind Mrs . C . M . Bough took dinner &tipatioD, Liver and Kidney Troubles. Ask your Grocer for it, On. hondrld and tweoty ptlund'" MillS bunter, of Madison Co ,who on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs , Allen Manufatured by ALPHA CHEMICAL CO" Springfield, Ohio more or Ie••, of bone and lIIIolOle hili! been lpendin, aneral daya wi$h tCmrlok. Cold oa.h lIIake. an exoillen' ko' don' make a woman. Ite a good Ile-<eklah Evaus and family, of weather oomfort. rOUJIda*leD Put Into It health and the KI.I" Kibler, of GreeD iJrlar IblnlC'h "Dd Ihe wa1 rule a k1nl' .pent J'rldllY with the MI.lel Ed Day tOR, visited at the oountry home here ,. dom . But \hat'a JUlit wbat lCleotrio warde G WI!' df U f ot Mr. IUH1 Mrll SIdney Coon, Suo ll'rlend.hlp and oontldeDoe are Bitten live her. TbouealJdl blMI eo. Ion an am y, 0 day . planh of 110111' growth. t,hem for onroomlnl tain'illil and Kinglllall, apeD' tlanday wUh relt.. I i.t NO DANGER IN MOUTHPIECES Subscribe for the Gazette Alt I..n h t t l ed dlllzy epell. an.\ for diapelllng wealt tlves at t;hie laoe . ! III 08 I ens flll er It n on p Sunday, Mrs. Lydlll PlUe, Mrs. Mary Invelltlgatlon ShowII CommunIcation n8ll8, neryou.neu. *lraoh. and MI'38e8 ~arDet and Ruth Edwarde : Marehllollllond Mr. and Mrll W ill1'lne . tired, 1IItlll_. "" orn ou, feeltnl 0' Tuberculolli. by UII. of Tele· UYlleutery la alwa,.1 ,erloUl and "Ell'otrlo BIU.. r. bave done me a lpent Friday Dlgbt a.d Satur4ay C~~ th ar Ine J (IuD ,. d Mra . _rll "n phonea I. Unlikely. QIlw.. .. \4 .. o,a.oua diel", bOL l& OlIn world of load," wrlwil Eliza Pool, with their sl.ter In Leban.:Jn, Ih.. Cor J 11 U.8 apen t )I' r I"ullY a It,ernoon B M a o be oared. Chamberlain'. Co1to, Depew. Oilla. to and I thank you, An investigAtion made in Engarman u oar. W "'b with Mill1!0S Emma Hul"n and Adph Cbollra .~d Diarrhoea Remed1 ha. .vlth an 'bI1 heart. t()f maktnl( .aob Mrt. _artba . '.. ompaon and Wells. 4)dred U Iven wben mall.DaD~ aDd a rood medioine." Only 500 land to determine the possibility of epidemlo. For tale by aU d_len. Guaran&.ld by aU drullliata. Irsndohlldren ADdromeda ADd Or 'l'he QlllIrt.erly Uonferenoe will be the communication of tuberculosis Ion spent tbe Ula wi~b IIr. aad lin. he1d at Uentenil1e next ldaturday through the USe of telephones seems J W. Edwarll. and fami1y. afCernoon . Dr . 8 . 0 Royal, the to show that such infection is pracIf a maD ha. nev.r blln fooled by Bill oolllOtor. I18ldom duo .. ,hey • Wm . 6u'bde and mfa-were ahop 1>1.trlot tiupt, will pre"ob at Lytle tically impo88ible. The experiments would be Ilone by, a woman .... beoaole he I.D', worth ping in Waynlnml, )n hlday were ordered by the postma8ter genchurob on ttnnday ~t 3 0 'olook. 'h. I«or'. afternoon. eral, who appointed Dr. H. Spitta of ...- - A. B Tslmsg~ wlf. and .OD a~ Sl George's hospital, London, and EVID • 08' hal too muoh I8n.. '0 Corwin. Lawyen would probably .&ane $0 tended ~hll ploato a' I't;, AncieDt, 00 bacteriologist ' to the king, to mnke orJ oVlr .pllled milk. ,Ivalb If the fool klller wun't 10 far 'hI "Il, . the experimenta.. behind wUh hla work. Mr. lubell, of Wilmington, Was Mrll. r . Graef was In lAndon one A number of telephones, which bere OD t:aturday Hlling fruit; 'rell' day recently. Inled Bite Colt! Lee had been in use in busy London of· Mr. ChlU!. BrowD and fall1l1y wne • BOlton maD 101' hi. tell from All .Iher dOllare are the eame fIr tbe Weltz Nur.ery. fices for variou8 periods, and had "aao and Jao(.b IImer hlV~ 'rMt. Sunday iDellA of Mr. aDd Mrs. John rrecind no cleansing treatment 'he bite of an tnH,)' '190 yean be· fOri. To aver' luob O8laml I•• from aize, bo$ 'he far'ber yoa III' away ed their barn to a new roof . PetenoD, Dear New Barlinlton. than that normally given such e*lDIl a.4 bi ... of IDIIIOA ... 8QQk from one 'he bl,ger i' loolll. Geo. BurU, of nMrOregonta, Will a.y M,I)I attended' the Mllonlo ollier phones, were first tested. Washings len'. ArDioa.alaln promptly &o-JdJl • HATHAWAY lelln on our abeeta on liuDclay morn plonio a$ r •. Anoient, Thursday. ,be poilOD aDd prevI'" Inllamma. Mill lAora lIoKIDtley 19&8 In were prepared from the mouthNinl women oat of a.n onden&aDd lng , &tOD, ,wlmn, aad I_in. S ..I. pieces and teete were made by the W n.r 'les ville 'I Lell.din" DenSUlS burne. bqtl., uloen, pile., 1OI.ema, 'belr hn.bandl. bn' nO maD ou, of MI.II Ruah Edward• .!.c ~unday Xenia .evE,ral dayalall' week . inoculation of gninea.-pige to a8cer· Main tit ,9aA, brul.I, Only 15 OttDM at all 'en aDd.... &IInd. bi. wife. iobool ol No . J oompoaed of Misl Bessie ...... '''on and MI88 tain whether tubercle bal!\lIi were Office In Keys BldR. druill.h younll people wlllgive an loe orMm t{tamer, of Ky.~ baYB been vlli'lnl present. The mouthpiece8 were Onrlo, 'he .ammer moath. moth • • oolal and flnter&llinment a& the the w'e ek with Rober$ Beckltt aboWJl' to be free from these bacilli. .'Mr a bird ID tbe tueh 'ban two Ire of Y0.:&DI ohlldreD ahould watcb ohuroh hIre o. Tbundaf eVenlDIr, aDd famll,.. '-Popular Mechanics. b"A In 10ur belfry, ft ,r aOJ onnatural lOOIen818 of the Mabel C.'88 entertained her HnnWALTER MC(lLlJRE, bow_ell . . Wben liveD prompt ~t- July 11, 11112. Everybody invited GREAT 80UTHERN PROJECTS. • &lIn'ion .. a thl. tlwe aerloue trooble '0 oome and bring an of their Deillb. day Bohool 01... very ·pleasllnU,. 8durda,. aHernDon. A woman Illdom h8lln tbe &ra'h ~ay be ayolded ChamberlaID'. b{ln. Funeral DirO':tor. Projects to lJarncBs the etreama of f Coho, Cholera and Diarrhoea Bem• - • Mi!l8 Bal181 Simklnll wal a reoent .~ rom hlr ho.baDd-aad .be ed1 080 alwa1' be depended apoD . If ,00 are a hon.ewlre you can.ot ~l1eil~ ,)f hl,r ""~le aDd aunt Mr, and the BOuth exceed in magnitulle any ror eale by all d.aler,.. t.D 'alway. lore of It 'hln. reuonablY bope to be hplIlIhv 'lr ~It\. BeD ~Ulhh. similar enterprises in the world. 'l'elephone day or n'llbt, bea utlful by wuhlDI dillhes,1111a weep , !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!~=. Ini and doinl hOUHwork dl\Y, Mre, MillrY Ann ~::dwarde III villt- New companies have beeD fonned, Va.lley phone No. '7. J..oOIl with capit.&l aggregating $225,000,aDd orawllng Into bed delld tlrtld '" Inll rela$lves It tfarvlyabnrg. Distance No 69-"". nllbl. You mu.' get ont In'o 'he Mr . • nd Mrll. Lou St. JohD and 000 whose plans look to the ul tiOHIO OJMID .Ir and .unlll(ht. If yon do ohildren were Munday lue8'8 of Mr mate de'felopmoot of over 1,1500,- WAYNESV1LLE, • ' . . 000 horsepower. Financial interests thlll every day and keep vour Itom aob and boweltl In good order by B V. Smith and family. J!umbrr ~bJo Braneh Office, HarveJllbure. 0 &IIkintl Chamb'rlalu 'II fllblet8 when Mr Orlantlo Harlan la vlaltlog hla in London, New York and Pittsburg nleded. yoo tlhould beoome both rtll'-'tlve8 Uri. Viola l:Jarlan aDd control most of the sites for the development of water power. With healthy and ht an~lrul. For 8Ale by oblldren. BARNHART, .11 dealere .. _.. Mr . aod Mri . Rlllpb BlgglI wtlre In BOuthem streams turning the wheels of milIlI, running traiDB, ani lightXenia one dllY last week. Notary Public Harveysburg. Yrs Edi th MoElwee and little ing cities, the south may in time wrest the industrial 8upremacy 01 All kinds of Notary Work. Penllon Sabin II.Donalet b"e puroba..ed lon, of WUmlnRton, "re vl8lting her Work a 8peolailty, the co~try from the east. pairen,s here , the building tOI fierlv ueed tor II. Mrs, Underwood" of IiJprlog Val~ME business men get the idea drq .'ore &D(l will rua ke 1$ a. Dlod. THE ORIENTAL DANCER. ley, apent J..!lt Til orada, with Mri _ that they are so well known that ern bt.rber ehop, DR. J. W. MILLER, Rope Htile!l. Prof. Wllllaull waif In our 'own they need not advertiS'e. A merchant Charlel! Frohman, ata dinner at MfII. Nllomt Hllrlau hlu for her lalt weI. hunting a' hOUfe t I reut who figures that way is taking a shortthe Metropolitan club in New York, gue.i... thl:! w" .. " Mrs . Will Tllomp... DENTIST..• for \be eobool yflllr. condemned a certain outrageou81y sighted view of himself and is not see80n unet Mor!' . Sen Rl!d.Uok and j'ranll WUsoo, of Dayton, was immodest Oriental dancer. "She ing his business as the public sees it. Olllc" In bere looking after bls property, tbUd·ren, of eiu 'innaU Waynesville, 0 mlut have a nasty mind," Mr. Froh. Natlooal Baok Hille. This same merchant would not say that Be talk. some of moving baok to Mrs. Ott-I) HlI1tth and baby, of man said, "to dance like that." "Oh, ~he paying public is so well acquainted oor borg . VovlnlC ton , lire vl.ltlng Mu . Isabel don't be too hard on her," said a with his high-class stock that window Mr. aud Mr.. Will Wright, of 8ml~b . playwright. "8he may not underdisplays are of no value to him. ' But WllmlnR'on, 'pent ~ond8y wltb ber Mr. ~en Htil614 and daughter, of stand, you know. COnsider bow mo'her,lIrll. MUdrl'd Eagle _ Spriuwfield, vtelted lin. Hope titllell young she is." "I deny," said Mr. Undertaker and Embalmer, it would be just as reasonable. A prolin. Flora Blaokllbllw, of l>ulDtb, "nd (lan"b1ter,,laBt week. gressive merchant cannot afford to Frohman, "that abe'. 88 young as Will be fonnd In the old IIlnn8lO'a. 18 here on a 1'1111\ to her - - - - ••- - cater only to old customers, or to only you imply; b~t I'm boUnd to admit Bank Building. oppoalte mo'her, lin. Varner !lnd'otber rei. Rlltlling Catl for Fur. those who pass .his show windows. A tbe National Bank. ,,"ye.. . 'aeyeral buslnell ID8Il of 80utb that, even though 'not young, abe's Telephone In houae and of· growing business must seek new ~rade. B'Ookl)'n aII'll cODtemplaUoc the Incol' certainly a Itripling," floe where I can be oall"" lin, AnDa P. Sargen' Ie II ok a' pcraUon of a compan)' for the _tab. Newspaper advertising will bring the day or nigM. Tbe yooni maD who marries aD her home 00 Maple a'r86t. llsbment or a Dovel IIIdaatr)'-a eat new customers and keep the old ones. Valley PhoDe 16-2, heinsa way IIOt have to waU tlft1 . Mr. aDel Mn, n014 ADderson. of tarm-the tint of Ita JdD4 tn the na,.toD, lpent I. It wlek here wlS ••Unlted Btates. It ..' tbe IIIteDtIoD ol Teue In order to oelebray bla gold. ain Street, WaYReeviUe, Ohio tbe men bllck ot the .ebeme to purh er h ome r0 lk a. ellaae " tiBet of IaDcl oat OIl Lo1II en wedding. Fra.k 8hldaker and wife have a '-lan. abo'lt a balt IIdIe ...-re aa4 An. D.W .'ODe .e~Dda tn Iron' 01 e~ .."val bullcrus., tbe wbole't,o thllr 1'81ldeaoe. Itoa rirrooD4ecl br a IIIP CClDCNUt DR. E. H. COSNER, Mn. lIym Wrllh' and ohlldren, ~aIr'h Ithat prodlMle far far 00&.... ot PlaU.delp"a, are h.r" for a vi." . . . .';... necll ,.... are .... ml'n. TN.ORIATUT rih "Iaalva.. I ~ .-e~ Jear, eD4 cat aII1Da aN ~ME merchants will give you bet· B Y. Colle" haa a oe.. Bulok ~" ' bl cJemud b)' fantIn, ~. _ ter goods, some . win save you .N TN. WORLD au,omobll.. ~ PI" IQ04 _ _ fur tIMD. I'OIUSB!D wmtT. $UIO ra tUa money, some are cutting the profits Geo.... DelaD" hap • • •19 E JI. - - ••- - . NOU.... DIlUaciiiii. ,NOIALleft. way down to interest you, but you 912 Relbold Bulldln" 1'. teurl. . ~ . ,n d I... happ,. .. a AWA!TING IT. OOIT'UM ....,. TIIAN • OA. lose aU the opportunities if you ".skip AND , ••VIC.·· 'OQ ' I!IIOPJ":' lolldOwer. Day~on, . , ' • Ohio aw. U••• O M ADVallTlt.1I0 OGILUM'II the- ads." IIr. aDel 1In. ·1aaao BadlJtJ ha .. crIIia oomlDI, ,. , 8AM,PL~ ",ululcl to t.ti 'l i . (D 'LoobIle, r.... ' ""1'" we-", 1 ..... · '."1 ·told ,my·. wiI. io .. IOOil ~ I ~ 1cbool: 1bdtaTIIJe; lie Mdl'" " "' YOU. CK.I,"~"I. Ok}l ~~., . ...!." OD'~'" "~~"M( .",,,*ow 'oookh.aDdltt· tbe.~~ , : > , " , <. : , '

• A. B. Barlan wade " b081nesi D. L. CRANE, Editor and Manager l::e'l\ an u:oep&lonal .egotll\ wbo trip $0 Mlamillburg and Lebanon, Odn make bill "I'll" bohav.;. lilt' week. - -- - - - , - - - )fn . lIary Moon sufl'ered a aavere Ratell of Subscription attaok of Indlgeet.iou, :::iaturII ay ODe Y8&1' (atrtctly lu advance) .... . .. , 11.00 'I'be d8n'I., .hould ne"er hurl dtl· ntrht. tllugle OOpy . . .. ... ... .. ... . · .... .. .. .O~ fl~n08 10 'ha teeth of a pa'len'The Vhrlstlan Endeavor lind Ep worth LellogUH have arrllonged for an Rates of Advettiaioar I!'or 10,.eDe1lS of 'he m080l8ll, exoellent leoture oountl for next Readlnir Locala. per Un•. .. .. • .. . . .... "hether iDduoed l'y violent uer· year . There will be foal' 160'urea Re&dilll Loula. black face. per U"" , . . , 011e or Inju"1, 'here II Dathing bet. and entertalnmeu&8 and lelUlon (!!luaUlttd Ad •• IIOt to e>.t·- ' live UIltIII 1'hnIe IWNIJ'lJoUI .. . .... . . .... . arM' kr 'h.m Cbamberlaln'. Liniment 'fltll liniment allo reM. Vie rbllu tiokets will be l old for one dollar . ObltUaRlIII. Ihe Illchee tree ; o~er live Mlu BelIn Barril, who Ras been • Inch .... per UD • . • . . • .••......• lie Olatlo p"lnll. i'or 811. 1:.1 all dealerl. (lard ot tb.a.ui<a •. . • ... ' .. .. , . ...... . 2 lie the gueet of ~11I8 &rah llaydook He .oIutMlAl . . • . ••• . • . . . . .• . ....• • ••.• 61. baa returned to her home In Bar· »ocl", llLe. wbere chU'lla" wad" .. . ... . :~ It'l eatler to ,lMut a foolllond hi' veysburg. D .."II, A.henlalll& per lu.cIl . • . ...... , . w)ney than .. wl.e wan aDd 111' Dlatxluota I YOlO 00 COIIU'lCt. The Sunday I::klhool Conferen08 of wtscbm . Miami Q . M. held here Friday wu JULY 10. UIU. well attended, an th. IOhooll la the Do yon happen to know of any· Q. • . belni repr8l8nteci exoept oue . 'hlai more IndWltJ1olll1 tban aD Idlu ...- - i'lre Inlunn06 agllllb are 11,M . rumor? Beeeh Grove. Dlnl &IIllrar8.

Tinner and Slater, Furnaces, Roofing and Spouting, Sheet Metal Jobbing of all kinds.




Waynesville, Ohio








Only lOc:==


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E. v.




Co tbt 'l\tabtr


O.teopathic 11IEATRICAL PAPER Phy.ician


m"J:;:" :" . '"''!~~~~~'ff


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The Miami Gazette I D. L. CRANE, Publll!1er. WAYNESVILLE,






Thllt Was Dlft.,..nt. Ii. stMrn tather who had repeate4l, told a YOUDI' man wbo Wal 1Jo8yln. hi. to his daughter not to 'Ylsl' the b ou se &gain wltheut hll perml.. .Ion. whi ch he never In tended to II ••, ..-as surprised when late one evenln. ring at tbe doorbell late one eyenlllI to see tbe young milD wallin. on t..b. Il(' p. ··" Ir." said be In unger. "dldu't I tell you not to c all a ga in. eh. ai r ?" "Y ee." said the youc g mnn. " kno w. but I dldn·t ca ll to 8('0 your daught e r . I calDe au bc ll ilif of our firm about that little bill. " stamme red the " Ob - er--er--" .tern Ca ther. "call R,aln. will you'"



It ~ b e Inld d own aa a general rule tbat tb e ord Inn ry man never TRICK WITH SCISSORS k n ows when a wo ma n's dr ess fits or Dot- un less. o r cou rs e. It la an ext raor· lornethlng That Has Puzzled Many dlnary ml s tH. }lis re vil es t o Inqu iries People and Requires Practice to on I bot po int are . ao prac tically a ll b. Done Quickly. bus ba nds w ill ntt eo t. based on whnt be tb ln ks th e womn n tblnks at It. T bls Is some thing that has puz zled " ' be n a wife. for Ins l a nce. cornea Into Th. VilialiO Cut·Un. ma ny p(,O lll e. T b e tr le k Is t o place t be r oo m wea rin g n no w d ress. wllh a "C·llllrley Olllingsl.o, ulwa YI bat yom IlItJ e flu!(c rs t bro ug h th e h undl es lIo m et h lng fUBny to BIlY. no matt.r. IImll e on h e r fa ce. and t urns around 'If a pHlr o f " c1 ssorl\. palms UP. Rnd wbat uappens ." .eve ral tim es and nslla him what he Ih~ n t" Irl th e sc issors round toward "I know It. He'! awtully comlca\.~ thinks of th e fi l. he r e plie s without Never Ule lell th.:n twenty-five foot linea of hoac with an extension yo u a nd b rin g th em u p In front In "I orten "'onder h o w he thlcks at · u(' b a way tb ut tbe po lnt 6 will be up· hesitation tbnt It II a\1 rl gb t-thnt he the hum oro us th ou gutl be haa. He'. Anf'\le. ~ ward . us s ho wn In Fig . 3. If you don·t likes the pa tt e rn exceedingly and tbat just perfectly killing. I ne ver heartl kno w th e sec re t th e y will come up be doesn't think h e e ve r saw ber wear him cnll an umbrella IInythlu& but s Po\,<' Up wl t. b th e points do wnw llrd lu st ead . an y lblng moro bocbmlng. fr. on the bumb ers hool." The tri ck Is In tbe way yo u man age contrnry. IIbe comes In with corrugated 4S th el sctsKllrs Just a s you fl o p them brows nod Inquires In a distin c tly dig· BURNING ITCH WAS CURED o\"<.-r: If yo u 1,·[\ ,·e YOllr nu ge rs III til e ~ 8aUstled tone wbat be thinks ot the ba ndi es th e sc is sors will come up with dress. be Instantly remnrks that. I "1 deem It my duty to tell about a thEI volnt H do wn . In ord e r to mak e ·Gu"t- oh ~ Sh~. though It looka f&lrly nice. yet there ABSOLUTE THOROUGHNESS IS THE KEYNOTE TO SUCCESS IN tb E' ," '(l ll ll' p tl ln l ~ li P yo u hav e to t tl le e cure thal tbe Cut/cura Soap a n d OLnb · THIS WO R K-KINr OF OUTFIT USED WILL HAVE MUCH II sUIl 80metbln« about It that he your l'n ~ .. rs a lit of th E' h a ndles moI~t"emcnt ha\'e mnde on myselt. My trou~Ined TO DO WITH THE RETURNS. doesn 't like. He can't lIay exactly me nt nr ll y nnd le t t hE' sclsso rs turn 1\ ble began · In IIplotcbes breaking out ,,~ Wds'nt little be tw een th e palms of your wbat It III that seems out ot kelter. right In tbe edge ot my balr on the bn n d s anti th en put your flng e rs bll ck but t b ere II certainly something for ehead, and spren d o,"er tbe front (Dy V. H. Da ,·iH. l'u ll p!(C o f Agri c ultu re. Oblo S ta te (1 tl lv('~s lty) . tbrough th e otber way. The prlnclpM! wrong with that drells and It ought to p a rt at the top at my b ead trom elf to Thorou ghn esH Is tb e keynut e to s uc· tur e. Th er o arc th re o (" rm s of thi s be altered at onco. But It la only ear, and over my ears whi ch caused & no w re culllUl enLi od . Th e Just to the men to say that their Igno- c essful s praying. Any oth .,,- work of lTlu tt>r lol most fearful burning It cb, or eczemL rance ot wbat consUtutes the fit of a th e o r cbard OIln be poorly don e with h om bo il ed Is pr p. pa r ed as tallow !!: I "For three yee.ra I had tbls terrlbl. ~,.. dress Is paralleled by the remlnlne In· l es~ di suHtrou 8 res ultH. Th tl k ind o C 1f> pOllnd s s ulphllr : 15 to 20 pound8 bre aking out on my tor e h ead and sp ra ylns outfit used will h a ve mucb ca ustic lime: liO ga llo ns o f wate r . S:tl(;n~· abUlly to realize wbat goes to mllke e calp. I tried our family Joctor and to do with th orough a nd tim ely worlt. Hla l,e th e 11 m!' II! a s mall Quantity up a well·lltUng lult ror a male per- S ize and typ e of outnt will de pe nd be foiled to cure It. Th !'n [ tri e d tha or hot wa te r. g ra d ually adding t bo aw- As a rUle, II woman's advice UPOll the kind of " 'ork to b e done. sulphur. a nd sti rr in g. Cutlcurll Soa p and Olotmellt and used Inc r('ase the with respeot to n man's suit Is the C en e rall y. a ny ontflt ·small er th a n a wa tp r to tw elv e or f1 flt'o n s ull o n s a nd them tor two m onc bs w1l h· the r es ul' moat dangerous thing a man can take. . good ba rre l pump. wIth pro pe r noz· hall one ho ur. Dilu t e to fi ft y gal !ono I' at a com plete cure. Cu tl curn Sonp and Oin t me nt should ba ye tile cred" zles. " xte nRlon rods. etc .. will no t b e an d s pray. Thi s fo rm Is n ow be ing due. a nd [ ba'·o advi sed a [ot or pcoTo some. each new eprlng comel sali s frlc lory. and with fiv e a c res or la rge ly re pla ced by th e c om me rcial BIROS PECULIAR ABOUT EGGS plo to us e tbem." (Signed) C. D. wIth the freshness at a fll"1lt one. and m a rl" of good s ized tr ees. a po wer fur lTl . whi c h Is mad e In th e salli e g e n· there Is an evanescent charm about olllfit will he found econo mi ca l. A p ~a l way. but upon II lar;::e r scalo. !lnd Can Tell at Glance If Meddled With Tharrington, Creek, N. C.. Jnn. 26, 1911. Itc!1lng Scalp-Hillr Fell Out. It whlcb no otber lIeason posselses. pllmp with n s uhm e rged cylind e r unci is bought rendy to dilut e n nd li se. For and Will Almost Invariably De· l t:' Done "I will Bay that I h a \"e b een 8ujfe~ nil wo rkin g parts at braSH or pa rcc· sert Their Ne.ts. It Is a long aeries ot proGTesslons. lain Is prefe rahl c . It should be e quip· scnlt· Insects It bh oul.l l • IIl1utell at Ing wltb an Hcblng on m y scalp for th e rate or one gallou to e ig ht or t E' n beginning wIth the first Bort louthern ped with an agita to r which will stir of ,,·ate r. A6 a s umID er s prll)" the COUl· ca:n bes t be follow ed by trying It with the past few years. M)' hair rell out If you hove liv ed In th e country ami breeze. the meltlna at the snow and th e liquid with ea c h s troke of th o m e rc lal t'o rm Is he ln g used ve ry suc· a pai r at sci ssors . Fir s t s tick your In epots· pJl ov e r my bead. My scalp know som e tbln g about chIck en s you Hn ge rs t hrou g h tho h andles. with tllo the earliest warble <If tbe pIoneer blue ha nd le. The nozzles s houl d. o f course. c es s fully. part ic ul a rly upon th e lippi E'. Itart ed to troubl e me wltb sores. then bird. a Uny .patch of sky tlown down bc or bra sG. N ever les s tb a n twe nt y· p ea r li nd quil lCI) IlS a s ub ~tltute for s cissors polut s do w n and your palmI will not . need to be told that a hen tbe aores li eDle d up, and crnsts turns ove r the eggs In ber ncs t every to earth. the at mounta in n'·o-foot Iln ps at hose s h ou lll bn nsee! Rordeau x. at th c r a te of one gallon racin g up, as In tb e top pic ture. Th e n d ll Y while tb ey are hatchtng. U ntil torm ed on tbe top. Then tbe hair teU by a mov e ment of th e h a nds you cnn out and lert me tllree bald spots th. streams, the Batt pussy w\llow buds li nd itl c::Jse at large t r ees long l'r to th irty-fi ve or fo r t y of wate r . forc e tbe s ciss ors upw a rd a nd around ~I s se cret was di scov e red tb e In cu· sh a pe at a balf doll a r. I went to more kn ;:;ths arc des lrab le_ E xte ns ion rod s IUld the twlUght piping of frogs . There The t hird form Is self· bolled, used till th·e poInts Ilre n ear yo ur cb est, as ba tor ,,"os n o t a SUCCl'SS. e ntirely as a s ummer ruu glc lde . pr ln · In FIg. 2. Now Is th e time to tnke • By what In s tin c t a be n. or a n y otb· than oue do ctor, but could Dot get any Ie premonItion and expectancy In tbe will a lso be n ecessary. eipally for t he brown rot of fruits. It your fingers out for an lustant. Yo u or bird. can te ll wb et her an e gg has r elief. so 1 started to use th e Cut/eura air. Then. wIth alternating showers Spraying Materials. R cme dles. I tried one b nr ot Cutlcura and sunshine. the drearY·looklng earth Dire ctions for th e pre pa r:lllon and Is IUud e os fo llows : Stone lime. 8 eo:ntinue tbe rotation by boilling tb e bee n turn ed over or no t It Is Impos- Sonp and Barno CutlcUrll Ointment, po und s: s ulphur. 8 pounds: wate r to lblo to say; l>lll It Is well es tat>s takes on little by l1ttle a fre sh robe a ppli cation o r som e of t h e s pray in p; bandi es be twee n your pal illS a nd put lind fe lt r eliev ed rlerht awClY . Now th. of verdure. pale green at ftrst, halt ; olutlons used in combuting Ins ects m uke 50 ga llons. Place th e lime and your finge rs back tbrough from be- IIsbed that tr a bird find s Its ne s t bas bnld spots haye disappeared, aDd my s ulpbnr to geth er In a ti ght vess e! and hh~d. thus allowing the point s oC th e been disturbed. e s pe cially If one or nd fun gous dis ea ses arc g iv e n he· a hidIng the skeleton outlines of the Ildd e nou gh wat er to slake the lime. sc!lssors to come up wb en tbe hands more of th e eggs h a ve bee n turned holr has grown. tbank!! to tbe CuU· trees and wrapping the landscape In low : S tir thoroughly 111111 as soou as tbe are placed back to bacle as In Fig. 3. ove r. that bird will most IIleely desert cura Soap and Ointm e nt. 1 hlghl, Ar senat e of Le ad. Th is pnlson Is • mIsty dream of beauty. There are Iime Is we ll s lak ecl. dilute at once to Il must be practiced so It ca n .be done th e nes l nt OIlC C Dod n ev er r eturn to recomm e ud tbe Cutlcura R em edies to all that are suffering wltb Bcalp trou· "rylng shades; bere and there where ge n e rally cons ider ed s up e rior to all fi ft. y !,;:llIon a. st ra ining through a quickly. It. It s e elDs to know that som ethIng there are oaks. Iplotohes.or brownlsh otb e r s. It usually com es in th e torm selve w ith at leas t Iw enty mesh to Is wrong and that Its pl a ns for batch· ble." (Signed) Samuel Stern. 2S1 purple. and alnng the hIlLsIdes creat of a pas le. alth oug h It ca n lJe secured t h e In ch . This Is lho safest torm to use In g out thos e eg gs . taugbt It by nu· Floyd St .• Brooklyn. N. Y .• Feb. 1, In a powde r. Th e prope r a mount o n sto n e fruits whil leaf. ture. bave b een Inte rf er ed with. and 1911. Altbough Cut/cura Soap and HOW TO MAKE STEEL FLOAT malses of bloBloml, dogwood and s hould always bc t h luned In a s mnll Bord eaux Mlxlure l. Copper 8ul·. It Is u seless to bother about the eggs Ointment are troId by drugglatll and juda.s tree !lnd bl1\owy reaches of quantity ot water as It is add ed to the dealers everywhere, a Bample or each. pha t e (blu e s lone ). 4 pound!! : ground any more . Niledle .. Held on Surface of Water by ..... hlte and pink orchards. All alonl spray tank . Two to five pnunds to Wheth er or not It Is the s ensp of with 32'PQge book. will be malle4 uTen.lon" Juat as Sklp·Jacks the way In dooryards are white aad fift y l':allOn8 or wa te r. Ilol'deau x or h yd ra ted IImc . G pounds; water 60 gal· Cree on appllcatlon to "CuUcura.· sIght or or sme ll that enables the loi n s. This. formula should generally Run About on Panda. purple ' Ulacs loa.dlng the air wIth lim e sulJlhur. Is tbe amount commonly bird to recognize tbe fact that the Dept. L, BOlton. be us ed In cases wh ere Dorde aux Is fragrance. and the fields are spangled u sed . nest has b een disturbed Is not known. appli ed wbile pinnts are dormant. WlIl steel noat on wot er? A Changed Man . ..... Ith golden dandelions. Kerosen e Emuls ioll. Kero se n e Is Place the required UrI!onnt or copper Ask this ques tion In a crowd 1lD<> But eve ry tim e a boy me ddles with Mra. Knagg- You wet-e a dllfereat seldom used pure , but Is mud e Inlo sulph·a t(' In II p; lInn), RIlCk and su s ps nQ almost everybody will say " no." Then th e eggs In a nest no matter how careman when I married you . . That men of wealth In IncrCIUIlnll an emulsion wltb wat.e r and soa p. n csr th e surfa ce of t he wat er . Dilute fully be toucb es tbem. he sbould reMr. Knagg- i sin cerely hope so. fM' Doll one-balf pound ot snap In 0 11 6 gal· to fift een or Iw {' nt y galloQ9. Place tbe mambe r that he wlll probably be tbe Dumbers are deserting the ranks 01 tben i was a fool. ('!luse nt tbe motber leaving tbe half ""the Idle rich" and de·voUng tbelr Ion of soft water. Remov e tram the required amount of li me In another ba tched little ones to perish . time. talents and a part of ·tllelr fi re and add two gallons or k e roRen... v es sel. and dllule to fi ft ee n or tw e nty The Paxton Tollet Co. of Bostoa. money to useful public service, Is one ntir vigorou s ly for lIftee n minut e3 g allon s. Pour tlie two solutions toMaBs .•. will send & large trial bOlt of PROTECTION FOR THE SHOES PaxUhe Anllsept/c. a delightful cleu. of the encouragIng trults of demOl rIICY wh en a · cr('amy emulSion will be ge ther lind s pray. S tock Rolutlon of form ed whi ch may be ke pt Inc\ e nnl lely b oth lim e a ncl s ulph a te may be ma(\() Ing and germicidal toilet preparatlo .. In thIs country. Tbe charge has often It s eal ed. Wh en ready to use . warm by dissolvin g or mixin g a c ertain Lo any woman, free. upon ' requellt. Leat!1er Guard Keeps Motorlats' Foot· been mado that very wealthy men dll and dilute to the d eilire d strength . Fo r n umb e r at pou:lds to n definite gear From Being Rubbed and bot beor their just proportion of tbe lIort bodied Insects a ll g rowlr1l' pl llll tS. amount of water anu th e n ta king each 1IIany a doting tather has paid hUD< Worn by Pedals. public burdens. and (losslbly many of :m c gu ll on to tw e nt y or tw e nt Y·fh e of ti me n portion o r th e so lll~Ion or mix· dreds or dollars to learn thaL ~ \laugbter couldn't elng. them do not. Possibly many of tbem w ~t e ,. will usually be th e pro pe r ture whl r h will co nt nlt' t.he proper Those ot us who are fortunate lack a sense of responsibility. During f; t rp..ngth. For scale In sects 011 cl or· Ilm onnt of e a ch mat e ri a l. enough to own automobil es know how No though tful p enon UOM Ilqulrl blue. It'! Bordeanx II. Cop pe r sulphate. 2 the past quarter of a century. bow. mllllt Illllllts o nc ga llon to e ight o r l cn hllrd they are on shoe leather. This ,. plnoh at bluo Ii) .. IK r~" uOlLi o of wnl or. AlIi o f wal e r m a y be us ed. p01 lDdR : g rou nd byclraled lime. 4 ever, tbere have been In American sounds paradoxical. b4t It Is truo for lied ero" Ball Blue. the ul"" Lhlll 's .. l1 blue. Llllle·Snlphur. Thi s Is now cons ld · Jl Olllldo: wa te r. 50 p;all on s. Pre pared L..-_..;..:._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - l ~ wh ero a man drIv es hIs car himself. public lite. or In semi-pubJlc life. n The man who IIlng" his own pral.. In using the pedals and varIous other creat number ot men wbo feel that (' r ccl a stn ne lard rem edy for th e sca lo t h e sam e an t. P rc fcr a lJle to I in all Making Steel Float. foot mechanism a mon's shoe geta ...Idom gets an encore. ricbes. · ss well as noblesse. oblige, In sects and mo r oo'·cr is a ll e xcell eut c a ses after th o lea\·c8 arc out. e xcept· BayS tho. Boston Globe. It would be n fun g icide whl cb pro mi sE'S to r·ppla ce. in t; for th e blotch. bitte r ond black !o abead and prove that steel wtll bodl y 8cul'!'ed nlong the side s and on O"rtIeld Tea, tbe N" ...,.I LnnUI"e 10 madI 10 a !(rcnt degree, the Dord eau x mi x· I rot. the h eel. A. California llIan has defloat. - auper!luollR task to enumerate tbems igned a shoe prot ector to prevent enUrel, of e&refully seleoted puro b~rbL Take a gluss full of water and the men In whom a uoclal con~clence , Boome fine steel needles, perfectly dry . thi s . A leatber flap " ' Itb broad, stud· It you would discover t\ woman" bae been dev e lnped and wbo flnd tlle de d ends fits und er the ball of the LilY tbe needles carefully on the sur· weakne8ll. lIMP Quiet ond lIst'!n . performanoo of public dUties more at. tace at tbe wat er one at D. time. If (oat and comes lip on both sides. a tractive tban polo or galt. I S iu ce I:liil, Is n lI<1nlu In to wh ich lc rlul growtb Is prevente d. Tile tem· you ore careful enougb about It tbey narrow. end crossIng over the top ot· I d in CIl AY fa ll lind carry not Wily filth I:erature of ordltl;< r y w.:11 01· spring wm flont . The courts !md tbe ImperIous ruler I bu t bac te ria that w ill caURe It to s our wilter Is about 5Fi d eg re es ~'uhr e llhelt . Tbe needles are held up by tbe :\Iilk set in a li ghtly c losed trougb, In "siurluce t c nslon" of the water, just bYthdlVlne right do fnot always plnlloto- I .:..~..:.....,:.:.::.:.:...:...... which th e re Is runnin g wat l'" or a fre. as are the s ldp ·j~cks that rUIl on the ge er. as appcnrs rom a ca se n er· ( (IU ent change of we ll wa te r. cnn be surface ot ponds. many, where II tenant of tbe emperor .",~CI I'(' Pt for many bours. provided eued his lanulorcl and won In two I ~y'~\l '\. ,...::"....... eure has een tak e n .In the milking. Juvenile Booka a Century Ago. courts. There w aB a precedent Cor 1 "RO C "~Yo r ~.. ,. Du ck e t, straine r s . pans. or any Does the modern child count hla thIs In the r ei gn of Frederick tbe ", S/IV" ,". ~ "M .f;.,~:.III TWIL. VE H OUr.!i l\'~r~(I,., . n t hl'r ut e ns il s wi th wblch milk com es bll'sslngs In the matter or Christmas Great. who wDnte d to remove a mIll ' -l o--.i.r.o in c~o utuct sbould b e ke pt cl ean. In hooks? What would he Bay If, Insteall tbat ~pol1 ed hi s view from Sans Soucl. w<';q... f:~) ell 'an lng lh e ute n s ils. co ld water of one or the healt".}'. brightly written but t be courts upb eld tbe sturdy A dlagr<:: m s howir.g h ~ w tempera· ohould flr ~ t be used to rinse out all atorles that now crow() the booksell· miller through a controvers y wblcb ture affcc :s gro wth of bact e r i ~ In milk. nillll. th e n hot wat er should be used. en' windows. he received a copy of ~ appelllJng. Csrlyle celebra tes over s everal pages. If hol water Is used first. It coagulates Olle of tbe booles tor juveniles [n vogue Stili s uch thi ngs occur InfrequeDtly Qu ic l:l y, ,;rc!ll. l care ShlJlil ci Ill, ~ll. " C I1 to th l' nlbumen in the milk and th e reo a century ago? Tbe very titles at enougb III Oormony to get Into prlnl pre \' cnl th e c lltrallce of U ti) th lll !,; tha t H\oI lting parti{!/os eaunot be easily reo some of tbese old volumes would rouse wben they do h a p pen. wil l ca use it to l o~e ItB g oo d (In:il iti es. moved from th o corner s. All metal the back of present da y youth-"The Afl'·(" r 'a sonalJl !' c are h::Js hC't' n tn l, en ut e n 8 1l~ us ed for milk s hould be well Advantages of Education as Elucldat· rme (or a light luncheon or a It baE be en decl cle rl by a Chlca3"o t o l1I ale · th e co~v cl('an. !uHI th e ml l ~:(' r soldc l"ell so thut nothin g will remain eel in the History of the Wingfield hearty meal. Ready to serve-no Family," Elizabeth Ann Dove's "Tales fUdge th a t tbe e a rnin g ca pacity of a l atld ylile(' of III l l k~lIK ha\·e recc l,·ed a t· cooking odor to permeate the home, or My Pupils. or, ali Attern pt to Cor· performing monkey Is $300 .1 week. te tl l ltlli. th (' pn.rt Ul ll y co n !red m ille and economical u reet Juvenile Errors;" S . .W.'s "A Visit I I Ihl f \l ~! 1 ~ "01\ 1 :1 he li S"" . S Olli e da ir y me n If It s m pos£ e or one to be a ball 111;<' a Imil ha vin g a lin e wlr o screen weD. Makes excel-to a Farm : or, an Introduction to Varl· play(;r on(: may stl l! be s perform!n!! w llidl fII ~ into tb e toP. n nd ju s t lJ o. lent com bcef hash, Otl! Subjects Connected With Ruro I monk e)l. for I) tu ll ki ng. t lie y plnc," o n th e sc ree n E ,eonomy" (tbls reached a. fifth edl· S!1oe Protector." AI Evcry Groc.,. ll :.y<' r or H llr!\ f!C n' ~ CO lLon . Thi s la ye r tlon In 1811). and Sandham's "PemmA Bos ton c lerg yman says tbat of <:otlo n pr PH ut,; ail· ci rc ula t ion and bulatlons of a Bee and a Butterfly . In tbe foot and buckling to the otber American women wear too many I h e Pll lml1(·e o f sm a ll JlurLi e lc3 at Whlcb Are Delineated Those Small e r aide. A strap al s o' pass es arounel tb., j;, cloth~s at SlIlllm e r resorts. Either he du s t an d uirt Traits ot Character Which Commonly heel aud buckles to th e bacle part of Cbl.lla o Th e' In t roti'lc ti on of bae l !'ria h,to Escape Ohservatlon ."-London Chron· tile one side guard . Thus the alltomo. haa never to e en at a s easIde resort 01 hlllRt'e Rhoe Is a.mply protected trom mil l; or cream llIa y brillg a bon t a de· Icle. anotber church trial Is Imminent.. I'ough "'IIear and he may weur mucb s irabl e or an uu des irabl e r (O~ lIlt. de. beUer sboes than he would otberwlse pf'llll ing u pon th e kiu,1 of bac le rl n nl· Safety Valve for Vesuvlul. Tbere have been several cases late- l low e tJ o r e nc:Juraged to gro w. Appl es H~ tqtiIC properties or thia An Its.llan scientist proposed to sup. <'Jlre to do. rootbecf . lulvo ' malle It a 17 at doctors being sued for sewln, rot beca\l s e lll iCles lrable bac tC'r ia e n ter p ly a satety valve for·Ve811·vlus hy bor· hOlllebold word. I1eHclaul as a up lurgleal supplieD In tte bodies th roll s h t h e hrol,en s kill : m Qat s poils Punctuation . Ing a tunnel In the 1,aee at the moun· bc:v~age, good for bloocS. of their patients. Perhaps, atter all. fro m th C'i r attack: and milk sours "Father." asked elght·year.old Alice, t~Lln and letting the esctlpe Into The beat IIpring drink • • trust to raise the prices at doctou' frolll th e increa se of bacte ria lllat are Ule sea. HIs Idea III to .ore tbe tun· returning home rrom school. "are you a-e ..., ... -.spU_. If,-ou ...oa: ..... { ••ppUttl ••• ~tW .oIl ,.. • outfits would not be a bad thln~ 00 cnslly Introduced In the dirt that a.el while the crater 18 In a state tIC good at punctuation 1" ..... ~ .• r I' •. PltNO ,\.0 Ill. _0. falls rr'om the warm ait· c lrC llla~lng "Yes." replied the fatber. coma, and be belleyes thJ!.t When the TH£ cHARLES COMPANY over tbe pall. Nclth er harmful Dor ~4)Jcano becomes atUye soclf iI. chlln· • '''Well. tell me, pleaee, how would WiT/.'" -UII A Chicago boy fell from tl fourth. Type of Sanitary Milk Bucltet. ". . helpful bacte ria can multiply r:.pidly · Illel would be Buillclent to oai'rr1rway you punctuate, 'Tbe wind blew a ave ttory window and struck on a cement uDless temnerature con() illoan ·are jIaII.. In ' the · senllfll 'at the butk'm or up the the lava•. 8aY8 Pop~hu . .Mecbanlc' do\1ai' bill around the corner?'" aid.walk wltb6ut being lierlousl,. ill. prope r. S~fflei e nt b ent wlll deatroy s ides; '·tbe Joln~B ,a180 should ~e weU . "my, daughter, I would · Hit whole ·proPollal, libwever,. II bot to_ pNd. TbJa. may be relarde4 .. • tb em or enId '11"111 check tlle ir multlp'll. filled with solder. . . le~ the · laya eiCape al.t oj{etheri ·lJ"u( tQ: • .))erI04 a · the end 'Of ·the 'tre~~te1lic'j8r.:rl ~n:, recommend~t1on for cemeQl catloll. Milk lhllt Is itept uncl er a · lo"! i'l ·wouldn·t." . saldAUce , A.. B. OF.AHA5!. nm . It- Into molds and make 'lt Into lem pel'tlture . say 40 degrees Fahren- College <if AgrIculture, Ohio · S'(atf bloct.· fOr I¢. ID .the atJleetl· and 1111&18 ooiil"', "I"""ould make ii Mlb. a.(''ttl:' ':. . .:, •... : . ,, .. .. ift.4ollar University. .. : • . ·at-·NapUa. . :.' belt, will oot e01,lr qUickly becau~e bl.Oo , ~ .. ' ~



el As neoT


11iln •..




.s~;n9· ! She s.w lftly to "Ule. Ga\'"d hie s· Ana wi11'1 Bean s ..

He,. fa"c:e.\ ties







::·::.c. ·:· ;:·:\:



TASlY, temptin~ ~nd



Corned Beef


Libhy,.McN.ei1I Libby






Pri"son ~eform in


TO RESTORE GARDEN ISYSTEM AND REGULARITY ARE IIOWA WOMAN Ir"IPORTANT POULTRY FACTORS WELL AGAIN Work Is Begun on Famous Or· angerie at Versailles, France•• Landecape Is Considered Le Notro's Ma6terplcce-lt Has Particul arit y of Giving the Impression of Being Perfect Work of A'rt.

Enthu.slas m on the Part of th e Bcglnn c r is All Right. But Patience, Sound Thinking oDd Hard Worlt are c.he Essentiftls-Not Lhe Easy Occupation That Mftny B Hove.

Cttnmwll, )ow8. - "For y ellrs I w .. ..Imost a constant 8ufTercr from f em ..l. t 1" a ubI e in all , .. dreadful forma, shooting p a ina &! ov e r my body, lick ~~~~;, ;,j headache, spinal w cak l, ese, dlzzine... depression, .. nd everything that wu ho rrid. llried m ..n, doctors In different parts or the United Stntes , but Lydia 11:. - ............"'-......"-"~ Pinkhrur.'a Velte!&lJlo Com pound ba.q cl an.: more for me thaD sll tile dO<!LO rs. 1 f ee l It my duty to ~U you th ese fa cts. My heart 18 full"bf gratitude to L yd ia E. Pinkham's Ve&. t able Compound for my h calth. - Mrs..

Pur ls, v'ra nce .- Importnnt works 111'0 In pro l; re sH ut \" (' rsu lll cs In tbe rl' s lOr uLiO Il of Ihe Orall!;erle. These a n' ,, :qw(:le d tu t.e t"fllll! (lu:: d s hortly. :-;i ll ce, th (' n' fu re , th g r 'ut j;Hrd ener 1.0.: " otr e iI ,;-a in O c~ ul,ie ~ puull c ol,ln· Inn It Is po n llb>i lJie to e xpatlatc upon Ih" b(':lI ll l., s of Ih o gard e ns at Ver· Ha lll es , wh ic h ar e uIlllues tionauly hili ll ltLste r) JI (' ('e ,

U, ' tii /o; lled u s th ey are wltll con~um· Ill a l e Ilrt, Ih "s l' g ard ens are always charming , thougb !lowhc r III th e m IA t h"r II trace ot ahandonment or IlI nc lruln ss . Th e y hav \) th e partlcu· lar ity uf g il'ln g Ih c Impres s ion of belli " a p ~ r f (' (' t. wll rk by I',' n'o n ut th e ;, rt , ju ,l pll c l11 <I u d wit e xp e nd Li IIpon th e m . Ilnd for t hi>; n a ~ l) n ' uI' h \I (WI ,; li S Alfr ed d ' ~ I u s!; ('t havp ne \'(' r Il ee n ul 110 to ad lll ire t\J elr !lr ec l ~o , 8Llff a lld l' uL IH,r B ol ~ lII11 s lyl E'. Bill. lin tLtC' olh · PI' hall,l, th e ir b('all lY Is unc that ('n · d l,rl';;. \lVl'r wh ic h Ih C' )'I' a l' ~ Hild e witt, · o ut Ill n rltl n!; II with u sbadow of un. I c n' l'ltud e or wllh a WI'llIlll e , ano! I whi c h c lld ~ uy triumphing ov e r a ll I t~ lO rU;'Il'I ('C's of ta s tc , fa shion and

Freed From Shooting Pam.. Spinal Weakneu, Dizzine... by Lydia E. Pinkham'. Vegetable Compound.



Sturdy In cubato r Chi cks.



S, Ransolll

Stre et, CUumwll, Iowa. Con sider 'Veil Tbi!'l Advice. No w oman suffering from any forna of {emILie troubles should 1080 h ope until she I1llB given Lydia E. Pinkham's V ~ ge tablo ( <Impound a fair trial, ThiH fa.mousrt>medy. the m ... dicinnl fD. grc,li enta of which ore ' dcriv<.'<i frOID native rOl' ts and herbs, bo.s for neorl, f orty y ears proved to bo a most valuable tonic and invigorator of tho fll>male organism. Women everywhere I bear willing testimony to the wonderful I virtue of Lydia E. Pinkbam'a Vegeta.b le Compound. _ If yon wnnt special advice write t. Lydia E. PlnkhalllMedlclne Co. (conlla dentlaJ) Lynn, MllllS. Your letter 11'10


a 1"\lle th r' b ('R lnllP r s ta n s in th o ;, ~ Ihllll L! I1 th (\ h \l ~ i n e88 1V01lid fn ll , bllt pnll il r y ull s llI l'tiS with ;:1·,,;11 l'II II I1 ,"i · Ill' l'I';: l: illg a,, ;,.I' IL IH 8 0 011 dl :;"IJI'I'I"' c! anrtl , 11 ... • c'/l n .-· fll ll y Il lok s aftP f t hl ' 11 ';11 , ,"ly it <1 a r ll l'i o ud h ;1I1 1I1'I> pa r" ri . !llll il I ~ at I h ... sl' tlnw R ti lal th o) ,\.-Ia ils flind I" , hi", ·" till' bl's t of a ll , 'II ' ' Ion , In tlmf', h" "' (",' r, ill Illan y fa ll ll h";lI'I,'.I IH'f! ill 10 r!':t HIHl that th o I tl mC', ~ us<"s. th o {: lI t h 1tl,d~l :f nl \\"( ' an; {1fT nnll u ~ .vti ftl l' 8 1" '(" ' ~ !l in "tlli s l inc " Hr f! Th el' c Is a fam our. po int ill thn gar. ~ I (, h e"o lll l'~ I" 'gl!,,,tflli . 1I,,'n 11 (' fa il s bOll" uy . ell'n H of \' r s ulll e"- Ihl ~ Is th " on l> I I r . nn t ho olh!'r hand , b tl <I o" s nll l \\'111' 11 It 111 ;111 p ' ls to th ll t Rlal e of , "'los e n b,' l.oll l,; XIY . h lms e)f to nf· bf'('ollw dl ~ (·ollr;I;';f' ll. 1111 1 k e('l1~ IIIl h i " Ill ind I b:11 11 ·, " :' 11 11 01 H ( ' " a s ilver lin· I fo nl hi s ~ i H ilurR Hn ollPortunlt r or n.d · fa il h ful w0 rll. he. :; 11 " (' '' ,·d~. Til ... plan t ill l': in hp (' 1, " 1(1. h(' iR (' c ad y to w 'N'pl , m irin g hi R va s l doma in s. Thi H point t(row ~. Tl wr o Is a ll illl l'rol" ' Ill I' 1l 1 ill Ill(' Ii 1''' 1 " n',,[' 10 ~ .. II Oll t. In 1he I l ~ III th e axi~ of th o T npl s Ve rt, at tho his stor k nnd llio (,[l lhll ~I :t~ lll, il1 ,;l I',,<1 t:l:tjor il y ti l' ('a ~ .. ~ h, ' m ak .,s h iH 10 5 "1' 8 I fo o l of tb o Part e rr e d e L a ton e . Frolll of fI:t ~l! i np; , I" il1l l''':I~ I., p;. n il l ilt:' g' rt 'all' (' uy ,,<,lI ill g (l1Il Iwl uw "(l st i ll ono C U I) e ll llJr;) (' e in !l Illng nifl ce nt It Is w('11 not to ue Inn f' lI l hll "!' f; vl c w th ~ jJPrSI"'(' l lve of th e Chatea ll, a ~ l ic a l Ill<' s lnrt. II is upt I n k !'(',J ;l'il(\ wr il f' r ha s 6('1' 11 tl o y ~ wllt' n ' ~oo~:~n!~j hei~ f:~t:i~iw~~d:!O: tb e park an" th e fir ,1Il11 ('llllal o '·I'l'·('lIa Hck nr ('. Th (, IJI 'l::lnlll' r In s u('h 11 : (, 1'( ' wa H Ilardi), n (,{, lit of In"""I1 ', '['urnln g ftl'~t toward thc C hntC!lu, l'a H(' S is apt 10 b ui l,l air '('u s Urs nnd wl"-Il 1" , hall t(l ~ o In tn d e!' l 10 I," ), IInl f n loa( Is b e tter t ha n a loa! 01 I-' YOll f; 0 > Ighl · ~ee l ng In Manila' melhorl o ( t reati ng anll ca ring for the the vl Fltor's ey eR run rapidly ov er t((. tu I hal po int wh el'< ' h (' " I; n oll's It 1'1, . ,,1 a l1 ,l PII)' <11 111' 1' ('xp n ~ r'~. :':1·) [1:1 ),11 , tbe brelld BOlDe bakers turn out. th e !;Iridf's ti n nol fall to sbow you prl ~oner~ wlthlll Its cOI,flnes b as done ! Ib e Illnrt.le Hl c PR, th e wltl e all ey s , the nIl. " .\ ii I 10 I<nf) wl t'd b " Is ~" m f" t.oo, II I:!' n h(' (' 11111,ln'l. u\ e n sc e a pro s· tho ('ar r ..! df' IlIHlllrl . Tbe y do 80 more to delnon s trate that the Amerl· verclant ~ I o p r s whl ett le:ld IlJl to It, tlm, 's " L1 ;II I ~ r rO ( l s Ihlng-. p (,(· t of ~ nl1l n l )l l ~ lll e b 'S f or a IUll g 1 iln ~] y .n~ nv:<> Oarfleld Tea .".. 10trodu0e4 IIltb It gl'l'at dcal or IIrldc, Once can people 1: 1'0 a hum ane race tban without DlI ~H ln g the play or tb e rOlln . \ IL is n ror·('·,sa ry , of l'o urH... 10 ha l' e t o ('OIll L' . ancl . Ioco It •• ppClIrtlUOO has "00 bMrty apUllIbld , Within 8lmu ·t a slo ne 's a ll ot ll e r moaus . tal ns, th e s CI: lptu re" and Vfl ses . s Olli e c n!lll1 ~ i flsm , Ail (' ll tl' l'!>rl ' '' 5 r(' . 1111 1 li p slll(, (; to th o \I ork. a nd wll p. n provlLl because IL ,100' .. bat 1.1 olalmed tor La. tbrow of YOllr hOl e l, lI' a:; th e mosl BlIlbld has a dally routin e much like mln g-Ietl with tIlE! tr ee8, lawns a nd Quire It I nl S8 n h p:JI'I[!' lt In l l' r f's l Is th ~ 1i1' ~ 1 Ill[l l,..)' r'l1m o In , It was soon hated pl n<'e In exi s tenc e to the na · uUI .. r p ri so ns. The prlsollers are . flowers, wit h sobr iety and porfect tnk ... n in th e wo rk nss l!'; ned II R WI' arn fol loll'(, cI 11 .1' o l lw r m on r y, a mi In lim p Every tJnt8 the wrong founa m_ tlves; nolV It holds no moro terrors rou Bed lu th e morning by tbe call of t a s te, ap t \0 II no rl )' P C I form our dut ies. thp d ... iJt s \\' 1'1'1' ]laid . :lnll (,"1'1' Hl nt'C calls on Il girl she al waye aaye to tban tbe best ot prison s In t be stntes . Ih e uugle at 5:45. nreakfnst (ollows a From th e parterre of th e Ornngerle Hf' Itl'r.s l,<': ll er m!' tll od s al·'" [1I ~as. th ", r" lla~ hc('n moro 01' loss r eg ularity Borne other glrl the next d .. ,. . "I Dlllbld, In fact, bns hcel. trnn s fo rm ed certain amount of exerC ise, nnrt after tb e e ye na tura lly rI s es to the irupo !> trous. E"cry mu srle shoulrl h E' nll 10 of il1l·IHl1 C. tbougbt he never would go home." from a hou s e or torture to a model t bnt tile p ri sone r s go to tb e workshops Inp; mu gs of the Chat eau, whi ch ap. the proper performanc~ 01' th e work. Du r in g Ih n ~ r Ir.l' ln !: t imes. \l'1I ... n II and snnllnry pr ison wbereln th e con· untIl tb e noon bo ur. Tben comes a pe ars so majestic nuove the s tone Tho m ~ln who bpgins poultry .cu lture s ee med almost impossible to \[ c ol' the Entirely Practical. with tll C Idea of becom ing rl eh , Is wolf from lil !' doo r, thQ wrltcr would Viets nre nOI only I[ept In good phys· light lun ch, a s iesta for an bour, more "Son, I bop~ you are engaged to a "'('r~· apt 10. sooner or Illt a r, Bl' II out me et lIl " n In othel' wnll(s ot 11(1l with k a l co nlllt\ on , hilt nr c required to la· IVorl( until G: 30 p . m " tben dInner, pracllcal girl." hal' at occupati ons which, In tb e lr later and they nre locked up tor tho nlgbt. at l ess th a n c osl. We must not aim tho bl!'; rolls (,f hills In Ihl'lr pocl..... ts, "Oh, sbe's very practical, dad. Sbe li fe, of tel' prove profitable. T wice a week tb e Inmates are com· too high. wllh fl o nri s h ln g orcupatlon s, bu t drives her o\\'n car, and she can take. Why th e orlglnlil con s tructors of pelled to bathe, and t~' lce II week nevcrth " jp ~ s. it e h r l,l on . n(,,'['r IO Elng motor a part a.a well as any expert fa Bilibid dcs lgn(' d It on li ne s which eug· they are glvell clean clotbes, not al· an oppo rlun lly of OUld og a turn for the bus iness ." gestct! t he 1Il0 ~ t ~ an lt ary cond itions ways s ecur ed by many of them while th e (;ood. and yet turn cd It Into tb e filthiest of on tbe IJ utslde. He wu s rpwarll('d, S om e of Iho ijo Only tlne Fault to Find, Tb pr e a rc four classes at rations In s Ututl ons Is a clrcllmstance which men with Ih p. lJl" Tolls or banl'l1ot es Lambert Kasper!, Cblcago attorne" made tbe Unit ed Stnles autborltles IBsued to tb e p rlso llers, dependIng on were n ot AntlHfl ed; they wnnt('rI to told the (oll ow lng IItory, at .. receDt ponder. In tb e mid st of tbe old city, their natlpnallly . Tbe Americans reo mal;e more money, wanted to grow Y . M . C. A , bnnQuet : lyIn g wflbln lL circle more tban a mile celve th e ration or tbe r egu lar army, w('n1l11Y, I'f' arl of lh e ~re:lt SlIms, A Kansas (armer, a DaDe, applleC In drcumferl'nce , ninete en lon g low which costs about 25 cents; th e EuroT('a Iizerl by men who In\'es ted In for naturnlizatIon pape rs , The judp building s converge 011 nn open space peans receIve food at the rate of s loc1ls. who h('I'ame r ich by thl' own· Ils ked him: "Are you satisfied wlUi s urrou nding a large circular building about 14 cents, and tho Filipino eata e rsh ll) of mining sha ros- t1H'Y t(fl "O the general conditions of the COWlr' and rrom ",ha't Is s nld to be the largo. to the amount of 8 cents. .un th e ir pr psn nt occupations, sorrl· tryT " est prison In the world, Tbe re Is Death Rate Low, ft cell the "goos n that laid the !,;nlel<' 11 " Yae; ' drawled tbo Dane. plenty of air space between the build· Tho employment of the prisoners egg " a nd hecame sll1v('s 10 thn s tork "Doe. the governU1ent lult },ourIngs. Besides tb e 19 prison Quarters consists of laund ering, manufacturIng " nmbl in;:- Illr e. wuleb flnally left th e m Queried t~ Judge. whIch radiat e ou t\\'nrd from tl'le cir· bamboo furniture , weaving baskets, high anel dry . "YIlII, YIlS. only I would IIkll to . cular guardhouso In th e cen t~r t bere curtains, scroons and bl\Dlmockll, mao .===============~ So th e u E'glnner must not rorg('t more rain," replied tbe farmer, Langshans. are five oUl c r buildings, composing king ropo, e ngravi ng on wood, horn, that h e II'ho Htlcks to hI s work Is th e In Versaillell Park, tbe administration o01~ o s, th e commls· sbell and sliver. making fancy and useTwo Important arll cl()s are neces· nne who will finally come out n il the Natural Qu.ry, sary lind qua rtel'mnsler's storehouses, ful articles from hoi'll IUld shell, and balustrade of the sustaIning ;vall. In BUY to BucceS8 . Cnpltal nnrt experl .. right side. T r ials are often angels In GeD. F . D. GraDt, wnen dlllcU.81~ and tbe Ice' nnd e lect ri c plants, all wrapping conch wblps, and there are nil this architecture are arranged tbo en ce. All buslnesS()s rCQull'e both di sguise. mllltllry neatnoss, used often to tell a within tbe great circular nrea. also carpenters, wood turners, black. greenbouses or winter garden In capital Dnd a trained mind. Soma Th o hct;lnner must l; now thnt hie story Ilbout bill fatber. Topping In belght each of tbese smiths, stone mnsons, bricklayers and wblch tbe rare or traglle plants, tho years ago the poultry business was fowls elp.!lr.rvo and must have the bpst "My rather wall talkIng 14 Oeneral buIldlng-s th e r e [Ire guard towers from tallon, aud occasionally an artist or exoUc trees, sucb ns the rose laurels, boomed with the fals e Inducement of cnre. lie must keep a close wnlrh SbermlLn In bls tont one da},," ~ which ca n be poured any number of two Is found among the number and th e pomegranate and orang-a trees, that ra isin!,; chi cken s wn s an occupa· as to co ndllfon s . must provine co m· would begin. "wben a third "ener" lteel d eatb·deallng missiles witbln the given n canvas. find s belter. And the picturesque tlon that culled for very little labor, fort, ('I['nn lln e55 and plenty of room , entered, a brIgadier notorlou. for hlti great Inclosure and for a great radius The arUcles thU8 manufactured are pleasure of tbl s IllIage Is such tbat practl cn lly no capital and n very smnll LtJ( l'wl sc h e must study tbe appetites slovenliness. After the brIgadier len without. Tbe re Is ono large tower In placed on sale, and from lhe revenue one can easily Imagine It adorned amount or eX~l'lence. These false In· of hIs flock . my father blew forth 0. cloud of alOoke the center abo ve tb e maIn guardhouse, tbus derived tbe prison often accumu· with the mos t varying and brlgbtest ducem ents were hand ed out In order Doth sys tem and regulnrlly are 1m· .. nd aald: 'Sberman, I wonder whoa a acore or more surround the Inclos· lates n surplu8 (or the year, The avo colors In all lJosslbl9 shades of red, to creato sales for stock and machln· portant factors, never forgetting thet that man geta to wear bte , ahlrta the ure at eQual Intervals. and there Is t;lot erage amount of receipts from thia green, yellow and blue-In a word. ery. s hiftlessness Is <'ostly nnd filth Is a first week l' " • nook or corner In BlIlbld which does means Is about '12,000 a year. Dut InRtead of helng th at easy occu· dAngerous stumbllng·block, The qual· Uke a verltnble Illcture. not come under tbe eye of the v.. ateh· One or the greatest testimonials to patlon. It waa found to be one that Ity and Qunntlty of brain work put EnIgmatIc, rul8enUnels~ the conduct of BlUbld is the low death reQulr<~ d brains, e n~ rgy, and every Into the con ce rn determines tho "I BaY, bow III that new b .. b1 OY. nmount at su('rcss. The 10Dg, low buUdlngs at Blllbid rate since the beginning of the Amer- WRITER'S CRAMP, MISNOMER requis ite n eeded In any otber busl· to your house 1" comprIse the prisoners' Quarters. lean adminIstration. Under the Span. ness, He who Is enslly discourage d, "Trained thinking and wise work· "U'a & uowllng lIuccen." Since tbe AmerIcan occupation of the Ish rule it sometimes reached as high Merely a Case of Inability of an Over. a victim of the "b lues," or h e who Ing" Is a sec r et that wIll, In the encl , Islands, the great prIson has been dl· as one In five, while under the Amerl· 800n \:Ires of the sameness of work. bring abollt HlI ccess. "Rad lu('k" Is Tired Brain to Signal the vlded In two parts by a great stone can direction It has never gone above or tbB close confinement. It entails, merely another t erm for had manag . Muscles. wall. One-half Is set apart for the one I.. sixty, had be tter leave the poultry buslncss ment. No duty Is rIghtly perrormed American military and civilian prison· Blilbld has seen many ex clUng da", tbat Is doile 18 a mech'anlcal mann er . London.-Dlologlcal tests by sclen· entirely alone, era, the remaInder for the native Fill· and, under the Spanish rule, has had tl8tS at the Londou bosplta.l show tbat While It cannot be said that the Tht' begi nn er must stop fin" Ihlnk . plno and the Spanish, Cbln ese. Japa· Ita walls so crammed at times that It "writers' cramp" null other similar care of poultry Is hard. muscular Ho mu st noti ce the little nHlll t' r~ . I-Ie nese and other prIsoners of different seemed as If no more could be forced states of apparcnt muscular para lys iS work, at the same t ime g-etling up In mu st nc,' pr IIAsumo more work thnn natIonalities. The. great prison bas In. Yet they were. Its capacity was 'are actually due, n ot to th e tirin g of tha morning and re pe ating what every 11 0 cnn Ll~"urntely pe rfnrm. H e D1U~t heretofore been glvcn two uames; the orIg inally designed to accommodate : he muscles, but to brain fag. Illornlllg upfore was do ne during tbe np.vpr ov c rp.stlmate hIs rapartty . and (ormer tbe PresidIo de Manlla, tbe lat· 2,000, but the records of ils days when H appears that I he partlclllar part w eek. working at night when a Inn· be mus t never rnsh to get done , m the glory of ita grow\ni ~er tbe Carcel de Blllbid. Tbe whole re,'olutlons e Xi sted against the Span· of tbe bra.ln whl ~ h controls s pec i:l l t()rn is necessary, dutlcs to pol' Form Hos l e makes W!lste . ~I D jl out a prison Is under military command, but Isb governmcnt show tbnt as many B8 :om billatlon~ of mll scle·artioH, s nch ns on every day, SllndnYH I1IHI ho lidays plall, lind tli e ll w()!'k by It. !kruh the native sectIon Is directly super· 2,600 prisoners were confined tbere the movements of ,,","It1ng or tbe work· Included, Roon tri PR tllo g r !t, the push lr pn tm ~n t will brill!, s cru h r('Hu tt s . The beat part of selected "ised by native officlnls. at one time. Th o la rk of gnod business 8811 He hnR In goC a teleg ra ph key, tend to be, and tho patience of a lIl ll lI . pearly white Indian Corn Cloan and Ventilated, The priso n was, In fact, desIgned for come more Qui ckly ex hall sted in SOIllO nut If Ihe man 1J111 s l er~ all th eso hr.... n th e ('ause of more failll re s thun A ml1l1 lll' Yf'1 Since October, 1898, when the Amer. thI s purpose more tbnn II. bundred IndlvlLluals tban In others. Su ch ex' obstaelcs, and s llek8 10 h is huslness, h ilS anylhlng else. i5 used in making Ican officIals took charge of the prls· renrs ago, and politi cal prIsoners have baustlon lends to a slate in which tbo he wlii. at! a rule, succecd . Th t're nrA Rh\1'I18 hlR n llty whc:n be Is In dead on, Blllhld ha s und e rgon e a most ben· (Jutnurubered tbe criminals each yea: brain Is actually IIna ble to s cnd out times In nil enterprl scs whe n it loolrs ear n()st In hl R work. etlclal transformation . Tbo-5e quarters since, according to tbe captured rec' its ne cessary lDe ~ $ngPR to the ha uds known as the dormitories are Dot the ords o( tho prison. When Ge n. F . A, nnd fingel's to write, tap [1 k ey, h old ]lrocl' ss. T he lim e ~ b ou 1[\ not, 01 congested cells of tbo old SpanIsh Hughell took charge o( the prison for a viOlin bo w'. and so fortb . Fllrlhl'r. courso , be co nfin ed, but IllPre l), co ,' · regim e , but have been cleaned and tb e United States government In Oc· more, once the nerv e ('ells, the "bat· ... reel. liS ('onlll" 'll , It POShf'SR I'S cOll s ic! · venUla ted until there Is now a (ree tob er , 1898, he found over 2,000 prle· terles" ot the brain, get thoroug-h ly crnbl o e xplo ~ l \' e for c(·. Strain It nnn circulation of aIr In each. Looking oncrs confined there against wbom run down , It Is not easy to res tore add 1\ pI' ck o f ~ alt dl~ H olvli'd In w:trUl from one end ,)C tbese buildIngs to tbe no formal charges hnd been recorded. tbelr energy. Thi. food i. carefully other you can see long rows o( cOtB "A great many of them," be saId, Heretofore It hns been 8\1 pposed that. Eac:eUent. and Quito Inexpensive watC' r, till''''' pOIIIl(ls of gl'oU IItI ri co put III uol i lug water and holl ed to a cooked..--in a factory that behind sections barred otT with thick "were heavily . Ironed-most cruell}' all troubles of'the kind w ere d ue s lm· Pilan of Improving General tbln pus te, ha If a pound of powdel'!'d bamboo rods, and neatness and order Ironed . For Instance. the re would b. Illy to overtlrlng of the mus cles can· Appearance of the 15 dean and spotless-not ' SpanI sh whit In g an<1 U pOllnd or clea r HOlDe. prevail throughout. Twelve wide win· a mnn chained to tbo 'll'all of a stonG cerned. glue dlssolvcd In wUrm wnt e l·. Mix a hand touching it at any dows 1)oe each side of each buildIng, cell In which thero was no light except tbes e \\' 1' 11 together nnd let the mix· Bnd In the roofs of each there has througb .two loop boles hlgb up and Permits Elderll to Sle~p In Churoh, Thl~re aTe many brick and stone ture stand 1'01' seve n days In a r ea· Btage of the making. been built a continuous line at sue- abont two Inches wide nnd n foot long. Phtladelpbla.-Whlle \V\llInm Ban, walls, as \v e ll as woodell outbuildin gs, ~o n ab l y cool flnd sbad ed plnce. Keep tloo venUiators. We also found Borne wIth bars at iron croft was holding fortb before the So- tences and the like, about [) 8uburbun the w a~ h thus prepared lu a kettI e, Post T oasties with cream The workstiops, kitchens. Invatorle~ about three feet long to ' which were · clety of FrIends a gentle rumble or place which. lacki ng paint, detract and wben It I~ being n sed \lut It on and hospItals have been likewise ,1m· attached two iron hoops that were snores came from all parts of the old muoh Crom the general llppearunce of and a sprinkle of sugar are as hot llS posslhle. us Ing a painter's provet\, each being eQulpl)(!d wltb tbe fastened around tbelr anklea, and the, m eeting houee. The speaker adman· the home But pa int Is sontewhnt ex· or an ord inary whit ewas h ' brush. AI· an ideal dish. Serve lOmeJ1lost modern sanitary eppUlUlces. hnd to carry ,these bars every step Ished bls hearers to let tbe old folks pensive and cannot be applied wltb ways use magnesian lime for whiteBlUbld, therefore, Instead of being tbey made. Tbe flesh around their sleep on. He said he 'w ould talk to too lavish a hand by the average cltl· times with fre.h drawwash. called the "House or Torture," DB ankles was worn altogetber to the the 10tmg people and let the elders zen. There Is, however, whitewash, berries added. Jlamed under the old Spanish rule, Is bone In many caBes:" enjoy theIr napa. which Is easily made and applled,ls In. Klllinn Weeds. looked upon with a. sort ot In bls report of tbat Inspection Gen· ,--_ _ _ _ _ __ expel1slve, and which for most out· Memory Linpra" Troublesome weeds or grass or ai, , the natlve ' Flllpll1o :Is ' one of ernl Hugbes allo said lhat two hOUri Calloo DrenOl 'or Commencement. door work wIll answer quite a.s well as Institutions of ~ta, Jt.Ind in aft~r Itb~ prison had be~n tur,n~d o~er Peca,tonlca, Ilt.-The girls of the se. oU paint. For chicken houses, brlek most any kind may be gotten rid 01 Solt \rJ GreCin hy 8ca~terlng rock salt plentifully on to the Amerlc~n. authorIties tbe Ironl nlot .eIass .0f 'J.he High !lchool bave de- wallE! and the like It Is excellent. lh ..fact, .ed.u· whlcb ' bad . b~el}' ~o-:ke~ ' o.~ th~ prta ' . clded ' fij :wear c&uco dresses, 'of theIr. To malte the whitewash, slake balf It, The stock wlJl eat It olf close ...... CerMlC._ _. " make. ' at their ~duaUon exer. a bushel of fresh limo wltb bomng every time It comes up Clnd tram) consl~erable' onO'.'s were "pUed UP. and the reaU'lUIII.1 cla"R.. .' . ' , . _. , ' water: , keeplng It covered dUriDI the It out. Badle Cr.... IIIcL · accumulation me.a aured more , than 8 1own In •slse. . . ' : . I h:.D],t:It;.aI~" o~lIlclall.~ ~!, 61~1'1 ct;·.....h. cord and u balf " .' • • .. " . of '\ s










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Ever Notice

A Field of Indian Corn


Post Toasties






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I SpeCial, I Oc a Can I' ',,,,, It' S just like nl'I\ ' I{q! ' uln'!'



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(,'t) rtl



I'liund Cann"d \' il' tllry



Only 12 1-1c a Can F:lI II'Y

Sall ta Clara

l'run l'~

Only IOc a Pound Try ou r H ll~(' of Sharon ('"frl'L' Packed in Sanitary l'aM, Ik\.: · lIlar 40c grade -· ou r IJ I'I Cl' onl~' :lOc a puuno, g ua ranlf'l:.! ttl please or you Crill reI til'l l I t. Nl'w ream C h ee ~ e We get cheese in eal'h 1I'<,.,k so It is new and lIlilrl, filiI "l't'a lll and ea'n't be beat Pure Paris Green in 1- 2- 5 Pound PackH g'l'S Watermelons, Pl'aches. Apples, Oranges. Lemons. '{'umatlieM New Polat oe3 , Cabbage, Bel" ries. Rring- us your produce cash or trade.


Mali nda W :\ l!,'n w as horn in 1827, di ed ill ' \) 12, l,a' king only seventeen days ofhl'l' ~;",(h yeul' , ::llle WIlS burn 1:1 ,,.beth I, ,I,ll" f a I Oll ~ lilll' Ilf (jual;er pa r~ntage nt, 1, < r mo l il<' r ' ~ ~i d ... tracing bac k ing in Hirhm ond . Ind. h ' r :111,·,'.-;[" rs tD ,\nurew lVioore , who Have yvu r Lawn Mowe r sharpelled. Ca !lle fr. 'm Ellg land (but Lorn of Wayne;l\'ille Autu and Machi nery Ce. ~ ..... [dl 1':u'l!ll lag,' ) (u Am erica in l l_~) ;\liss CI;lra Hawke is visiting rela· 'I itt'.\' were a ll st urd y Quak ers , ti':"s in !Jayton for a few days p (:r"' lll ~ I'. hv lI' f' re goYcrI1{'d by hig-h r.,Jjg ious pri ll ci ple~ . who would soon· Born - To Mr. and Mrs. Eddie ,'t' ~lI tr ' r ma n) rJom thun do any· Woollard , Wednesday, July 10, a IOn. t Pl ~ III,',," llt llU <,ht w as wrong, lle r Ill ,me, I" 'fn rc her marriage Mrs. S, L. Cartwriltht and Miss \V J~ Ull .1 f:lrm In 'entn'Vo un t}', Pa. Ki zz ie Merritt were Dayton visito!'8 In I!':"I:\ , ite 111;ll'r i"J I·'ra nl:is H . Allen Tu esday. and callie t .. iti" hOIl,.. in Milfo rd , Sunday , July 1Hh , preaching lIer· what 11':1 " t hen (o n ·Id.'red the far west. Three children lI'ere burn to vice~ at the M, Eo church merninlt th em, the ol des t da ug ht er dyillg in amI ~I'('ning , infHl1ey Alwtlw r (ll ugh ter. l'hoelte Mr. anu Mrs , W . W, Arnold spent N, Mi chL'IIl'r, di c( l ill J ~~l G . OI IC SOIl Saturday and Sunday with Mr. Tin· and a .:rallu ·daught er are all th e ney and fam Ily . lll':tr rl!/ ati l'e;; wh o ure left to mourn he r less, her hu sband having PI'('· I ~es t Grade sleam cyli nd er oil. (' <,ued her to the spirit wor ld Waynesville Auto and Machinery Co Of late y~"rs her impurfec t hear· ing' l1I;vle iL im\-lossible to carryon a Mrs, Ed Edwards and Miss Marie cOlll'e rsali l)n , >'u ~he Wa3 ldt alo n ~ a Shutts are visiting relatives in I< l'l'at de.d . Illa\"illg a sadness which Sp ringfield this week . i.,1I' La ll rea lize. l\1 uc h sun,;hine lVas Mr. and Mrs. J . E. Janney . MilSe! bruug'itt intt) her li f(! h y th e thought · fuil1eils and sy mpathy of near nei~h· Edna and Luella Janney spent Wedbu r:>, wll\.se kind ministrati ons will n'!sday in Dayton. never he [orgot ten . The I'nd came Mrs. W. E. Oglesbee, of Reading. peacefully ami un coM(' iously an d she Ohio, is the guest of Mrs, Geor~e enterf'd illLo l;otJ's blessed rest. Smith for a few days.



.. . \ 1'0u n,1 ' I':t', :' il k ~~!n "' : l


~~~;;~~~~~~r 35J1



M .A




'T .A

Men's, Young Men's Boys' and Children's Suit., Trousers, Underwear, Shirts, Wai.b, Hose, Neckwear, Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc.



Born- To Mr. and Mrs, George

Mrs. F. C. Hartsock returned Monday evening from Cincinnati Dr ar to the heart of the B.r nateur where she has been for the past week. gard ener is the nsurnnce that a vine Inner tubes vulcanized , WaynesBRAVADO I:; "of rapid g rowth-a strong an- villr Auto and Machinery Co. lIn al, valuable for cO\'ering unsigh tly fl'l1{'es and Gther surfaces, and af· Messrs. George Waterhouse. Fred forrling n pleasant shade when t rained lip the side of t he porch." Smiili Edwards attended a dance in Leba· ~- ct a vine may bo all th ese things, non Friday evening . :In (l possess olher attractive quali ~ i es, amI still he uno to be selected with Mr , and Mrs. W , Shroyer. Mr, much caulion. Tho much advertised Robt. Shaw and sister. Miss Shaw, Japanese hop vine, either the plain of Richmond, Ind, are 3pending a or yarirga ted sort, is'of a most in- week at the Friends H Ollie , sidious nalure. AS'fur north as Lake Erie its tiny Mrs , Wm. Litdl and daughter, of seeds take no harm fr-Om ,the bll'uk Williamstown Ky. who have been winlers. while your own initial the guests of Mr. a~d Mrs Geo. Lan. sow ing of them may have needed ter, have returned to their horne. I coaxing, tho seH-sown are all too yigorous, They come up in a garden Gasoline Stoves called for and rebcd, paUlS, all ihrough tho gross, paired. Waynesville Auto and Ma· pushing out and twisting around, chinery Co. Sambo-So Mistuh Eraslus .Jones willi their wiry, priek1y etems, deli.; is gwine to git rnarrie.l, eh? cate annuals and stout percnnials Miss Anna Meredith is home ter Powell-les, somebody rlone tal' alike. The more you ' pull up, the her summer vacatien Her triends llim dot marriu"'e was a lottery, on' more seems to como up. The per- will be pleased to know of her ap· he's such a spoht dnt he's bolUl' to sis lence of self-sown morning glory pointment to second plaee in Enlrlish take a. chance. ' seedling is mere apathy beside the Department of Cincinnati High vigorous determination of theso too Schools She held fifth place last "strong annuals" to enter in and posUNLUCKY NUMBER. year. sess your garden. The "blossom" of The Visitor--Why arc you here, Ja paneso hops being so very small Mr. and Mr~ . J. E. Janney and my misguided friend? and inconspicuous-in no way resem- family , Dr. and Mrs J. T. Ellis. Mr. The Prisoner--I'm the victim of bling that of tho perennial sort and Mrs. Chll!. Ellill and son, Mr. ~lucky number 18. grown for commercial purposes in and Mrs. W E. O'Neall and I The Visitor-Indeed; now's thatr this country-one hardly realizes family, and Mr. and Mrs. Sid Ellis 'Fhe Prisoner-Twelve jurors and how abundantly the seeds are being spent Sunday with relatives at But~er­ one judge.-Sporting Times. produced unti~ the fo~lowing spring. worth station.

H~k~ ~I~




C. ' H. Purcell


SIRE OF Puss Russell .... .... .............. 2:27 Toe·Cal k , .,,' .... ... .. .... . ,," .. ,2:26 X 2·yr.-old r ecord .. ..... .2::30 Loui~ Pu'rcel l" .... " ... .... .. .. .. . 3·yr ·0Id· reco rd .. " .".2:27X Dandy B ....... ... ..... . seconrl in 2:22 Ell a Pu l'cell ....... .. ... serond in 2:08 Major l'urcel\ .. " .. ... secl'nd in 2:07

C. H. PURCELL is also the sire of more show h o r~eg and high· pri ced sellErS than any other horse in So utlwrn Ohio, and in orde r to gi vc f've ry one a chance to get an e th er colt by thi s gre , t sirc. I will leduc I" th .. price of his service fee to $15 .00 to insure a lil'ing colt, the l' e~ t of the year, to January 1. 191:3. and in foul' ~ ea rs from now Purcell co lts will sell f? r enough to buy two draft colts, or II draft t('am alrearly broken, 1 WIll also give the season fr ee to ten mare1' t hat arc registered, or will buy the season of sa me . Now, anyone that would a 'l'ept a ('olt as a gift f"om me and ha~ a registered mare. will be bred to the Great C. H. Purcell, for nothing. C. H . Purcel has won 600 premiums in the show ring and stands unequaled , Won over $2001) .00 in r tlct's and never behind the money.




____________ TBE . .__________. .




28 and 30 East Third Street, Dayton, Ohio SOL STRAUSS E. C. HILa REPUBLICAN TICKET


The R.epublicans nom inated the tollowing ticket at their state con. vention lilt Columbus, last Tuesday. Govel'1llor-E. B Dillon, Columbus. I Lieutenant.govemor- Gen. R. B. , Brown. Zanesville. SeereulrY of State-John L, ~ ul. lIvan, Columbiana couitty . Auditor-E M. Fullini'ton, Marya.

L I V·


SERVICE The very Best at all


Service at vel')' reasonable rat.el.


Trellulrer- R. W. Archer, Bell- . ._ _- - . ; . . . - - - -.. mon t county. Attorney·general-F. T. Ea&lelCm, Cambrid&,e. Supreme Court, short term- W. T. Spear, Warren. Supreme Court, long term-Louis Winch, Cleveland and J. L . AUread, Greenville. S b-Ag f Board of Public Works-W. H U en or Meinhardt. Cincinnati; Wm. Kirtley the Ford Jr., Greenville. Dairy and Foo" Commisaiouer- T Automobile J. Calvert, Stark. State SchMl eoJami!lioner-J. W.



S ' E R VI 0


Ray MUI. Corwin, Ohio Phene 71·1y'


Clerk Gf Supreme Court-T. J. ,~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . ._ _ _ _. ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . . Edwards, Lima, Warren County's candidate for '!' Filtered Gasoline for Auto's at the i!ovemor" Larry K. Lana-don, was Da"NITION 0,. A ,aLlDARD. honored by being made Coner-manWaynesville Auto Ilad Machinery Co. at.larl"e While the people of the Every aeholar wu \ wearing hie county wlllnted to see him neminated Sunday at St. Mary's churchbest clothes, and ffYery tace waa Veterinary for ~ovemor yet they are on the Morninlr Prayer and sermon at 10:30; And the ~ach. whole very well sati.fled with the beaming brightly. Sunday School at 9:30. The ciloir eTa eYe! watched grimly leet one Oraduate 01 Ohio saate Uolverll'y i'eneral result of the convention, ha3 been strengthened by the addismall Blip should epoil the record of tion of Miss Edna Satterthwaite. NEW KIND OF RAILROAD HOG her cla88, for it "18 the annual insoprano and Miss Hazel Gustin, alto. spection, and the fierce looking man Office at reIIidence in F. B. Sher. wood's hOUM. Fourth Street. Miss Ruth Hartsock, orKanist. He Attemlp te to Keep Two . . . . . .0 wh~ called bimnlf inspector WI8 Ae to ••• n 'udy a'de putting the pupill through their Telephone 28 T. Meetin, Car. paces. "Now, boy.... be ealled, "I want you to tell me what is II blis- Waynesville, Ohio A very pl~asant and profitable A man who frequently U8e8 the in- l.ard." 8ilence reigned. "What fa meeting of the W. C. T. U, was held terurban cars out of Indienapolia Ie- a blizzard P" demanded tho ferocious '!!!'!!!!I'!!'!!!!'!!'!!!!'!!'!!!!'!!'!!!!'!!'!!!!'!!'!!!!!!!!!J!I!'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at the home of Mrs. Mabel Farr, ports & noW' kind of railroad bog. one. And still silence reigned. The Friday afternooR, July 5th . "I boar,d ed the car at tho Denisoo teacher glanced at the top boy, then The general topic of the day was hotel corJler," he BBid, "and noticecl nodded to encouJ'age him, and at Woman's Suffrage and sew'ral in- there waa only one aeat outside the last there came a look of pleading in, papers were read and dis- smoking l:ompartment not occupied her eyea. AlmoBt she wepL 810w-1 cussed under the able leadership of by IIODl~ person, and it ~ ~ it a . ly the top boy's hand went up. Miss Anna Kelly. large SUIt cue. In. the aiale directly "Yea r' snapped the iDlpec~or. "Go - -across fro:m ~he mIt <;*8e "18 • tat on. Tell me what i. a blizzud r' A BRILLIANT METEOR man :who efldently did not belong "P-please, .ir," lltammered thel' to this ~art of ~he country and".. youthful encyclopedia, "if. the in. Some of our citizens saw the mennaequ&lnted WIth the geographr· lIide of a hen I" teor that passed throu~h the sky fCI movE!d the suit ease to the afale ~!!~!!!~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!!'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!! Monday night. It was an unusual and took the Bellt. After we had left , sight and its brilliancy was dazzling. the city and started 1CJ'08B the cootry the flat man ICOwled at me, HE ;AY IT. picked np the lIuit cue and, going into the amoken, sat down in •."" Biggs-I lIee that a lot of convicta cant seat on the eame aide of the YOU CAN FIND THB BEST GOODS AT TUB BEBT in 11 state penitentiary ha.,e struck car where I was eittiDg,tbe aIwly PRICES. EVERYTHI ~G IN THE LINE OF FA.KCY I because they don't like the food. aide. GROCERIES, CANDIa. COUNTRY PRODUCE, ETCiil~ I DiW-Yes, and it'. awfully Evidently he had tried to mab GREAT PROFUSION, CIGARS AND TOBAOOO. ' T i hard on the warden. sun of hre seata, 10 . . to be able ALSO HANDUI THE CELEBRATED LINE OF

Dr. J. A. McCoy,

Record, 2: 19:} Major Purcell ........... ... ..... ,2: 10,!{ Ella Purcell ................ ....... 2: 11 Y. Tessie Purcell .. .. .. ' .. , ....... ,, 2:14 ~.~ Louis Purcell .. ........... , ...... ;Ufi '{ Fannie Pureel !..... .. " ......... 2: 17 !~ Billy Purcell .... .... , .... . ,," ... 2 :1 !)',~ Celia P ........ .............. " ... " ,2:23 ){ Reuben White·sock .. .... ..... 2: 13 y' Winnie Purcell " .... " ....... ... 2 :24 .'.



~d H~~rt~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~



T E 1" S

Everything reduced For Quick Clearance


Japanese Hop Will Grow and Sprcild With a Persistence Nothing Can Curb.




nesLlay, July 3th, a daugh tt!r,





VINE OF INSIDIOUS NATURE Lanter. on the O'Neall farm, Wed·

It pays to trade at


!!!Ii-----------------------....---.. NOW GOING -ON


---.- ... - - _.




---_.-u. .•---

w. c.





the ry Ga 'CI .f.ed zette s .....

.. -.---








They Pay

!*•••••••• AT HAWK.£'S GROCERY

rt. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .




"What is r' to aelect the one on the ibady Iic1e Four Queens and a Jack and Yo,. "Why, the fact th.!,t be can't.y aft.eI'tbe Cal' had atartecll'~l!I;-~ ' ~ita~~~L ... Iatty .......... ..' Valley Phone 12.JX Waynesville, Ohio to tne kicker: 'If you dOll't lib theCOUllVylWte, but-"'~Ofw. ............................ ... . ..........W~.lW~*iJiH2 ; . . _ - - - - - - - - - .._ _ _ _ _...._ _~ ' food, get oatt'· ,l1Iit _~.~~~~~ . • ..... -. .....................



~ixty- Third

----.-.. I Former I .......... ..-.---Citizens - .-..---_...-... .~~




Whole Number 31 68

r·(::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::· :·::::::=:::=::===:::::::::::::.:':::;, The Waynesv ille Miamis defellted PersonaI Ment Ion C0 Iumn I ! Mills. to 13. in a see-saw. i ! i I TOOK FIRST OF THE SERIES






rS~~i~l- E~~~t;-i


Mrs. Hanna h n. Janney. aged HU K t:tgs 14 yean; died at the home of her lion . .. .................- ....... _ •• _~ ... Mrs. lieo. Harl:;ock . alill Mrs W. Purn ' Tu Mr . alld Mrs Chas. tCL·inning contest at Phillip's l'ark. ~ ..............- -.......- - _ .. . Walter J anney. Sunday afternoon at :)ultday afternoon. This was tho .................. ........ ............. ~-.. .. - .......... ... ..... ........ ....... ~.. .. Hai nt'8, Day lun. Ohio. July I::!lh. a ol o'clock. from the effects of a ~trok t: f.:. Ugl e~ b t:t'. uf I{t'adill g'. ()hi o. w.. re lil .i t of a serit'S of three games for Iloy Irolts Willi in Cincinnati. Tuesboy . J. M. ray- lur WlIS a Dayton visitor, of paralysis . The funeral took place dinner gu ests (If Mr. and MI~ . WlIt. th e championship of Warren County. today at 10 o'clock at her la te hom e. StrouLl . Frid ay. Friday . Mrs. H. Bool.h, of New Yurk City. The game w8lllate in starting. owing day. In terment was made in Miami cern· Russell He ntlev visited relatives in i8 spend in&' a few weeks at Locust to accidenu to one of the automo· Mr . and Mrs . 4· Mill er and etery. Mr. and Mr~ . Aaron ChIJn dl er er, " biles in which the Kinl's team came. Spring Valley. Sunday. Valley. L,. I., at Ii summer resort. family spent Monday in Cincinnati. at dinnpr SlIlIduv. MI' IJ II\J tel'tained The game was full of all kinds ot . Gilbert Graham . aged 78 years. Mrs. Edwin Chand Ie !'. Mr . Howard ball ,layin6/:. Neither team was able Mrs. John Conner. who has been Miss Mabel .Iadley. of Springboro. Miss Sarah Sell e~ has K'one to t d fI k h to score' in the first inninl'. In the so ill for several days, is recovering. waa th.! guest of Miss Hazel GUlltin. who was stricken with paralysis last P.lliot. of Richmonu. It ,d. Il nd Mr 'tt b P I s urI' 0 spen Vt wee 9. were Wednesday evpning, died at his home A Barrett Brow lI . of llin ni llg-ham, d Be ' d ' bl S ' h" '11 h h . It " t secon, rgen s ou e, mIt Ii Dr. and Mrs. J . A. McCoy were over Sunday . \I he WI teac p YSlca rammg- a . I d tol b d H' , Sunday evening. The fun eral was Eng . the Mt. Washington school.- South sing e an I en ase an Imes held at the M. E. church Tuesday · I double produced two runs for the in Washington, C. H. Sunday visit Mr. Chas. Cornell and family were at; 2 p. m .. Rev. C. S Grauser officiatCh ar Ies t on Sent me . The Shirt-Waist dan ce g-iven by M'laJn\8. . Each t eam scored t wo Ing relatives. In Dayton Thursday. guests of Mr. ing. Interment was made in Miami fo ur young men in lhe I. O. O. I". T. J. Brown IUld Miss Mame Brown and Mrs. M. A. Cornell. more in the third. Kings Mills made hall Thurstlay evening was very well cemetery. A. K . . George, distr~ct al'ent for ~other run in the fourth, six.more spent one day last week in Xenia and attended. and many visitortl from a the Umon CentrMl Life Insurance In the fifth, and three more 10 the Y.ll S ' Messrs. J . M . Cook. Fre.1 Gons. J. distance were present. They had an NEW BLACKSMiTH . Oh'10, won siltth while t he M"lamls cou Id 1IC0re '" ow pring!. Company, at WI'I mlngton. O. Cartwright and Ralph Smith were enjoyable eveninlr. the second prize by writing next to but two runs in the sixth Tltere Gasoline Stoves, repaired. Notify in Middletown Friday afternoon. Frank Miller has secured the serthe lareest amount of business in are two reasona for this. Himes the Waynesvi\le Auto and Machinery On Sunday July 7th. Edwin S Mrs. Paul Owen. "Irs. Lawrence vices of Gus Murphy, 1l lirst-cla.'\.~ June The first prize went to the was a trifle wild and not so effective Co. and they will call for them. Ci ncinnati . He is Furnal' and family had for their blacksmith from John and daughter, Josephine. were district agent of Clarke lA>unty. as usual. Then. teo, his field in, an expert horse-shoer . and horses g uests. l=ielh Furnas and wife, Davis Mrs. Tom Middleton, of Spring guests of Mr and Mrs. J. W. Hisey, support was retten. Eight of the feet and interfer· Furna,cl and wife, Harry Smith ar.d with contracted Mrs. Olive Duke and son, Russell, Miamis' ten fi.ldinlr errors were Valley. was the guest of Mr. and l8!lt we·ek. ence will be cured without extra wife, Robert F urna!!. Anna Furnas Mrs. W..lter Elzey, last Thursday. of Dayton, will leave next Thursday. made in the first six innings Mrs. Alice Hawke and daughter, charge. Yeu will do well to bring and Roscoe Furnas. When the Miamia took the flel in July 18th, for Petoskey, Mich., the first of the seventh, the "Old Messl'll. B. S. Howell and F. E. Miss Mary , and son Vernon . of Leb. your horse!l or any blaeksmithing where they ~i\l joi? the elder ~n Reliable Battery" Smith and Bur. Sherwood left Tuesday for Mo~ne, anon, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. work to the Miller shop. Alonzo Linton and family. of Wil· - --~ ~ ..... Charle!t. who IS playmg tNmbone III I h'i I H' Ala., on a prospecting tour of that C T. Hawke and family. Sund ay . mington, Sam ButterwQrth and wife. the orchestra lIf the Cushman House. to~. were n tel' p acea, Imes state . BIO SHIRT WAIST SALE Mrs. Priscilla Blltterworth. Carl. 'l'hilt ill Ullt! ot the larl'e8t and best gomg tOft ~~or~top ;'?d ~e~ch to St. Mary's church- seventh in Northern :Michlaan. Mrs. c~nter e . e lamlS Imme· Mrs. Herbert Satterthwaite, of day after Trinity. July 21st. . SunLook. rea' I and then go buy!{ome Glen and Gilbert Fry ate din ner at Duke Is compelled to leave this dlately braced up .nd plsyed juat as Dayton. who has been the guest of day SchOOl at 9:30 a. In. Morning of the baracaioa al. J . A. Funkey's the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest eli.ate.n account of hay fever and Irood u they had pr.vlously played Mr. and Mrs. Jos.· Haines, has re- Prayer and sermon at 10:30. The big department store. Just think! ButtCirworth, last Thursday ..thma. bad turned to ber home. sacrament of baptism will be ad- Waists that were worth $1. $1.50, $2 In the seventh and eighth. Kings min istered at the 10:30 service. and $Z:SO at only 69c. 69c. 79c and Tuesday being Mi~s Leafy Emley ' Prof. Allen C. Conlrer. fer the past w~ ~nable to . lICOre, while the Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hathaway re89c. You cou ldn't buy the material birthday the memben of her Sunday MiS!! Winnifred Macy. of Wayn@s- for that price. School class gave her a pleasant surtwo yean oecupylll&' the Chair of MIamiS were piling up the .seven turned home Sunday evening after a BiClIOU in the Faculty of Wilminlr- runs, necetJ88ry to put them .10 the delightJul visit with relatives in Vill'!. who was spending the summer Made-to-order suits that will save prise, by gatherinlr at her home with ton College, and who finished a poat lead KIIltr8 tied the score In ~e Columbus Grove. Ohio. at the hom e of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. you money . well fi\1ed baskeu and taking her sraduate C'Ourae at the Ohio State ninth but were eully IIIlsposed of m Cumming'! in the Maple Corner 600 pairs of shoes al~ o will be sac- \ with them to the Friend'lI rhurch Univeraitr a month ago, baa been the tenth. Mrs. James Stoops and son, Holmes neighbc)rhood, was ca\1ed home Mon- riflced at the low price of $1.79. yard where they all enjoyed a ftne elected a member of the Faculty of . Then came the graad finale. Bur. came down fr"m Dayton Thursday day on account of the serious illness NovCiltiea of a\1 kinds at greatly Jlicnic .supper. the Michiran State University of. ton strode to the plate determined and are at the home of Mr. and Mrs. of her father, Mr. Ed Macy. Mr. reduced prices. Come and look them --Alrrlcultu'J'8 and will tie one of the to d. or die, and smote the first ball Adam Stoops Mr. Stoops came Macy underwent an olleration Mon- over. you can't help but BUY when A few neighltors were delighti~y aix PNr8lllO~ in the Itiololical de· ,pitched for a .ouble. Buchano~ down Sunday for the day. day afternoon.-Xenia Gazette. you see them. entertained at the home of Mr. and I :




- --

~~~Hed~~~~~~~al~~~~bded~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= M~J. E.J~~~&~~~ ~~~~"~y~~L~~~W~o~~M~~llw~W _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _- - _ - _ - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---.noon. M~1an~,~th~~d alnr.-WUminirlon Journal.

lIu ...l, have gone through the fence . .. a fine collection of viewlI, gave an and Bobby would have another homeinteresting -descr iption of his trip WAYNe TP. FARMERS' CLUB run to hia credit. W.terhouM sue· ~_ throUlCh tKe "Golden West." The eumbed b, the IItrike out route, but ~,;". afternoon beinlr very warm. the ice The Wayne Townahip Farmers' Cap Ber"'en came alonlr with "the • cream and cake, Mrved by the host- s~latlon Ig ICDIC Clu8 W&I entertained last Tbu r&d ay bil' atick" and produced the lIinele ~ eas and her daughters, was very reat Romanoe Farm, tbe h orne 0 f Ed- needed to Jut Burton on third. j ~~ win Chanlll.r. The morning was Smith .wu too auiou8 to end OJe :....--. - - - -~-~~to~~t~~ln~ga~~~~~~~~W~~---~------------------------------~~--~ A~EITYWOOrn~ COUI'IMI and at the noon hour In the of Waterhouse. Then, after two The Wayne Township Detective ehas BurDett tried to keep score, him. Geo. Thompson had both balls Jarp tent on the lawn over fifty .trlkes had beeD called on him, Himes and Protective Association held their fn order to furnish us with a box at one time, but the country was too A very pretty midsummer we", members and pesta partook of the produced the needed hit ami Burton picnic Saturday in accordance with sco~ e. but figures ran so high that he wille for him. John Hawke was a ding was that of William Wilson had to get an adding machine to rip-snorter in the field. ill fact, he Tate and Miss &ina Emma Dinwid· delicious and bountiful dinner that came home with the winning run. the prOlrram, and it prov~ to be i. alWays characteristic of tbis gath. A.fter the game, Manager McClel· picnic of hug'O .,reportioDB, not only finish the wor~. ate up everything in sight. even s!v- die, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank .rins. land aaketl for a return Irl\me on the In !lize of cro,",:d but of fun and genBALL GAME eral weeds that got in his road . He W. Dinwiddie. which :took place at Alter cUnner thtl meeting was WaynesvillClPounds, whioh will be eral good feehnlr. hit a ball finally, and stood to watch the bride's heme in Bellbrook, at. Thtlre were about 350 present, and Will Cornell proved to be the bellt where it went, then started to first, o'clock, Thursday evenin,. A simple called to oreler and the rqular pro- played next Sunday. gram w.......en. Anna May Dear. Chari. Stansberry h&ll'8llli't\~ as the Xenia pike, until about 2 o'cloek. batter, for with fivCi times up he and was only half way down when arrangement of 88para~us fern ani doff farrtiahed a beautiful inatru· manapr of the Miamla and hia place had the app~aran('e of a county fair. made four hiu. two of thl!m two- he was called out. Roy Weeks was garden ftoweM! made the home very mental 1010, Current Events by. Mre. haa been taken by J. Walter Smith. The committee in charge worked baggers. ltoy Irons ran so fut it really a star, for he struck ' out two attractive. and the bay windows in Cartwright were orilinal and inter· Here's 8UCCe88 to you, Walter. hard to see that the members and looked almost a dog in an oats field . men in one inning. Ed Ro~ers the «ining room where the service Lyman Silver and Kenneth their tamilies and their KUes~ all When Frank Marshall w01lnd up to knocked one in the wheat field, the Wall read. was converted into a ftoral Houtrh gave an e~c 1Ient account of Kums MILLS had a good time. Chain were fur- pitch he was snapped by a kodak second klall pitched Ed pla,ed a "ower. Two dainty little maids. the bride's the work. in _qriculture in th~ O. S. A~ ~ ~ p~ AIJ ~ nished and a blll'rel of fine lemonade and he surely made a picture that great fielding I'ame, however. but cousinli, -Misses Ruth Dinwiddie and t.r.: anOSamuel .Hinkle, the eslJayl~' , :~::!.~O~I: .r~ . : : : : 1 1 , IfI , 0 and pod ice water added much' to wall good to see. Ben Hawke ahut he wasn't auited when the 'other Ride Hazel Burnett, were the flower for the broUlrht out lOme good Cuoo~' a~~:: :: ; : :: g ~ ~ 3 ~ the aay. The a- rove is an ideal place his eyeJ~ every time a ball came his began to knock them over the fence . girls. The officiating mInister was tboulrhtlinapaper.ntitled .. Backg~IC~.'=~.'!a: p :: : g , ~ QI Q Btor a picnic, and before dinner way. C. M. Robitzer wanted to BurtonEarnhartwasthestarsecond the bride's putor, the Rev. S. K. to the Farm." £lIas Oi'lesbee and 0urtIp. lb . . · .· · · . ~ 1 1 l~ ~ ~ gam .. and general conversation prove everything by the ladies. not J "agger; but when he accidently hit J . T&IlIMII', p. • . . . c a . • . Aaron Chandler took part i n t he "~e 01 " • •• •• •• ~ ~ ~ .2 .2 Q were indulged in. knowing that a league umpire, Rev. one and had to run bases, he found Scott. of the Presbyterian church, Total. ... .. . . . •• ~2 18 II .29 13 I Groups of people under trees Grauser. was doin&, the talking that he would rather plow five hours who used the ring service in uniting "Iseullllil)n. Dr. Ellis gave an inter· the youn~ pair. .ting acCount of his trip to the • 'ho ou, when wlJllllq /'UD ICOred. spread their ' dinners, and loads of Warren Keys was the whole show than run in a ball game. Mrs. Norman Brown. sister of the MIAMIS good things were eaten- such din- for .t~e country. for ,he play~ every At the end of the fifth inning a Wooster ~xperlment Station. Rev. Cadwallader spoke of the pleasure AB R:U PO A It ners &I onlv country .,eople can po!!lh.n on the team , and hlB acro· b ' ed ' h' h 't I ked bride groom. played the wedding 6 1 1 1 0 2 ' • • Ig row occurr m w IC I 00 . . dl ' Edward Ib he alw&1s expenenced ID att~n ~S JJurton.··•• c: .('.:: 6 3 • 9 0 1 spread. . batl" stunts 'Ne~e Simply added to like the "umpl" WAS being mobhed. march from LoheDirrin. as the bridal couple entered, and whHethe service the Farmers' Club. but especially In r:i::O~:. ~ . '.'.'. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ After dumer a short prol'ram Was make :f~n. Had Cornell said 118 but it was only occasioned by the was read. IIhe played softly, "0 beilll' pnwent at this homestead, '~!:i. c~'. fi. ·.:::: g ~ = ~ ~ 2 rendered as followa: . b~tted hke an old woman, but he town putting in two new players, Promise Me." which for over four«ore years haa Welch. c. cr.. ... . . : g ~ ~ ~ : Introductory remarks by the pr~l. did mana2'e to bat a ball to ahort. Carl Hawke and Jesse Thomas who Mr. alld Mrs. Tate did not take a been in the po8BeMion of the Chan. J::~: fl': :::::: ~ : g ~ ~ 2 dent. E. S. Bally; sone. Amenca; stop. B V. Smith was atwatter; he were not members oftheassoci~tion. dler f~lIy.and in which the de· fJ=-.I~b·.'.'.'.'.: ·.• J ~ ~ ~ ~ teadink. MIC58 Cla~a Hawke; song, broug~tin two runs ~nce byah:t The country .boys, however refused bridal trip, and they expect to live for a time in Bellllrook . 80th ar e MeeDdenta of that name have alw8YI Total .......... .-a It n so 1 10 Mi8Be!l Snook; addresa, Rev. C. S. that hit a tree then hIt a fielder 8 to let Jesae Thomas bat because of members of well known families in lived. Hia remarks were followed 1 a I , 0 8 7 8 9 10 Grauaer; song, &y club members; handR. then hit the ground. .Frank hi' being a home-run ex~hitter of the by a very lieautiful and appropriate Klnp . 0 0 2 l O S a 0 I 0-11 readinlr, Mig Justina Hartsock,read- Braddock didn't BaV a word .11 Miamis After the lIixth inning the that locality, and are popular young BOnlr, "The Old Homestead," by aUaiDII 0 2 2 . 0 0 .. t 8 0 l - U ing, Mrs. C. M. Hough. through the ~ame (.7) just 'played count'; put in Ben Smith of the people. Allout thirty five r ..latives and friends were guests at the wed· Sybil and ~C!len H'wke. ::~~mce~I=' f: ~: After the program, came the fea· ~all OranJ{e Raper wan~ed to quit, Miamis, and thus all the fun of the ding. Threatemnl showers caufaed tthhe D.~~=. ~~B~~lii:':'. TSa:;. ture of the IddaYbe the.dbalbl K'tamthe . .ca~se heAhfatd,to ~o home the fifdth day waa stopped. The features of - - company to ,Uspene soen a tel' . e ~';bree-tt.. b1ta-HIn*. So much c.oQ 881 a o~ e IDm~lZ'. "r nme runa were rna. e the game were home runs "By MarM. E. CHURCH Double ple)'-PoweU k> Bel'ltln. l&me that 1t III almost ImpOSSible to off him. anybody \Voullil want to qUit. shall B Hawke Thompson and close of tbe prolrram, after havlnl' TaDller. H~; N. -raoWa 1·CI th OUIlht th e bases Rogel'!! , . The cuuntry , Sunday School 9:16 a. m. Preach.,.nt a p1eaaant and IIroftlabl e da,.' _.lDDllIIII"IJffA:hed-J. 2~; Hw. s· SmNl. t. teII all 0 f't I. ...,r Mcure made 21 hits . The Invited Irueet:l' were: Charles .:~ ~~. ~8;~1:1'~~ ;6~ft N. Tan- The teams were captained by were hvo miles long; he feU down at and 14 ~rrors, and the town made 18 mg by putor both morning and Michener, Mr. IUtd Mrs. Liudley :~o~~~I~~IrTCa':~·. Orani8 Raper for the town. and leaat seven times when he m~de a hits and 12 errors. The score was evening. Sunday, July 21st. This is ked h~eha 16 to 16, it is claimed by the town the last service before pastor's va· Mendenhall, ~Mr. and MEdrs. AaJron D:.'~C:, lb~·S=h.8~. b)' N. Till- W~en Keys. for tfhe cou ~try. tTthh e tab lillY' I Fred hBamhard l°ted° Chandler, Ur. and Mre. win an· w~cc"...-,J. Tanoer. s. position 0 t h e p lavera a e a p 1&yer w en e star to Pltc . plarere cation. Arranll'e to be .,resent. ney and da\1lfhter, Edna, Mr. and ~IUle of~'f:~r' 2. be&innln. of the game could hardly He threw an out curve wbich the . Clarence S. Grauser, Pastor. Mn. Will Stroud. Rev. and Mre. J UlllpJre---'Latria. b. rocOlfllized .hell the game ended. catcher did not even attempt to get. The bunch of rooters was more ---"...;::=:::--:. - A New York army Iurgeon aya F. Cadwallader. • • Frank Marshall Ben Hawke That settled Fred. Talk about field- fun th~n the playe~, ho~ever. and ~bat blondell and persous 01 tair • _ • A 'pRISON SENTENCE were the batteries for the country, ere! Dr. Ellis was the only onli.t. the ladles adeled their VOICes to the oomplexion are more apt to become HAS POISONED HAND , I E Huffman MIlator from but they uaed five pitchen to finish Whenetver the pill was knocked to_ NOting. \ . saac ' . as ~teneed Friday the game. Raper artd Geo. Thomp- ward hlm he would alway. Iret itThe ball gamf!. ended tee festivl· lDmatel of ..:rloma fOf the iDIaD" than brUDo"ea. ADother medical Harvey ~uatln h .. ~ h~~~ !Utl~:~:' in the penlten. BOn were the batteri. for theto"n, lOme place an4llOme time. He w.. ties. and by 5:30 ttle Iti. picnic of auth.rU, ahowa tbat branel&ea .fe tltn~ with bloo.d pollONq on ... . M Huffman w.. one of the Itat Rater onl, staid five innlnp, a1l1lost. barred from the game, how· the Detective and Protective .\po. Ihe moe' 8uaoep"blll. 80tb 01 tbe the han~ but i~ it ..t~nc· 'better all ha tWY'ln;~ f."oua- bribe" .alta. at wh... the country made nine runs off ever. becauee he wanted to bat with ciation was a linare~nar memory to esper".lDat be or as, . . time. , . H~ ~ at • .~ tc? know. w t cue. . ---r... _.... - . ' - -...a. him a bla board he bad brouaht with those who attended It.

• - •

Wayne Township Detective and Protective


Have B· p. .










:i olf N.




pceuio~ .lt.


tb..tateaenat•• l!IN-wu.~~"




---.- ..



', -1:7/·

R.tfulf' .n Open iloret. A Tery Important citizen was drs... on a 2ul'7.. a week or two age, an. I lDet him after he had b een dllchar,.cL He teeiDed to think tbat he wal _ titled to be Oil tbe bench, at the vary lell8t. "What '11'1111 your verdict in that case?" I asked. "'The defendant Willi unanlmoull, acquitted on the Ilrst ballot.' 'FIGHTING AT FORT STEDMAN " 'Indeed T And how did you voter .. 'Tbat, sir, Is one of the sac red I .. One or First Regiments to Charge En .. creta ot the jury room.' "~Ievelan. Plain Dealer. my Was 208th PennaylvanlaStirring Activities.

~,. -II!

. ~""'-':.:'\'I·'~'j.~.4

i "






ClDPYN/"hT /JV/ ZJY LJOLUJJ -/'1£HHI,/.i. <UH.J'H;')IY

R to h&rd LIcht:.-, &D Amc10aa wtt.. .., -_I'f~ c led En,Hoh -.-nl. noel..... ..-elll (ro m .. trI.nd In Chin&. The preMftl llro'·•• to b• • pair I/t ~amaa. ... a.1t.r ."Inlo at .ulT'n.. to tho ......... r. l.lJ:htnul do n. the ~d late at nlaht . . ta \Ill (o r a .mok.. HL....-.&nt. ).nklna. come. In and, faJllnr to NCO~e Lllrht IIU( . I\lIompt. to PLl him _( Thtnklnl ~h e .erva nl era.y. U.htnut c~ hta - dolh ... Inl e ndlnl to 'ummon help. Wllon ~ e r~u p p<>ar. Jenllina tall. on hili D.e clt .... lt h Jo), . eo nnnnln, Lllrhtnut'. belief · thaI h e I. c razy . Jonklllll leU. LI.hlnul of · th e ~nro unl .. he had with .. hid ....... .. Ch i n a man

d r e8led





• orn ~ """ lre tram hi. tnenel. Jack BUn.....

l.l gltl nut 10 u k ed to put up "tha I"c\' f or t he n ight o n hi. ",ay home fT'Om ",,1l~(l'e . Lol e r !.Ig hlnul ftnda a be&ulHul _«ITI In bl ll r k \>8j &m ... In bta room. Ulht!lut I. . hock .." by the I1rl'. clr1ni<.lq. · ..... ok lng Bnd s lann- talk . Bhe lelta him h e r n l\ rne 18 F'nlnct. and punlf'!:. blm with 1I s t ory o ( her love tor her .tater". roo m -m a t e . . n a rn. tl Fra.neea. Next mornIng I h o ,,'1rl (a mlulng and LlghtnLlt hurrl06 to Ih e boa t to s ee her olT. He ta aoCO Rl~1I by a huslt)' c oile g e OOy. ",bo calta hIm "nlc ky.' bill he do"" not... tbe ,"rl. J ac k Bllllnn calla to .pend the -al,hl .. Ith Lightnut. They dla"""er .,rt"",len ruble. hidd en In the buttollll 01 th e p a Ju m".. Dlllln"o dona tha paJam'" and r e tiree. Llghlnut IRter N In hi. a p arlm ent a hee ty p ..... OD In mutton -c hop whIsk e r. and wearing paJ&mthaa. Jenkln ~ on II. Ihe police. who declare • Inlruder to b.. a criminal. cRUed '1I'oxY Orandpa." Th .. Intrud e r d.. clar... be ta t.lghlnut'. ",eat and Bppel\l. to the lat'Iter In vl\ln. He I. hu.Ued off to In the morning Llghtout Is ... tonl.h to ofInd Dilling. gon e . and mo.... ...tonl.hod wh en I,,, gelt! a m essag" (rom the latterJ ..4ema n d lng hi. clothe.. Llghtnut, . b<>una (Dr ' Turrytown. Billings' borne. dtaCOY .... "Frnncf!B." the girl or the pajama.. 00 , (he tra in. Ulhtnut spanks to her and al;1ude. to Ih e night beto re. She 4",,1..'Indlgnantly that Llrhtnul ney ..r .a... h"r ' In black pnjam ao. At Tarrytown . · II m e t by a hURkr. co Ilene youth, )1Ia1l8 Lightnut sa ·Dlcky. The latter I.... 11Iore s the bl)Y. wtlo t hen threaten. to • tht .... h him for olT~dlnlf Prnnc.... LlKbtnut take. Ih ~ neJt \ trtUt) home. BlIIlltp ... torma over lh e ou ~ru &,,, of hi. a ....... t. H. __ nil Llghtnut dlal() ,' er mys teriou. ChI-


" e"e characlers on I he



. ..or Doozenberry hi called In to Interpret the hl ~ roglYl>hlc. . He raves over .hat he -<!a1I11 the lo.t "Ilk of 81- Ling-Chi. Th. ","Ung d eolares tllat a peraon .."arln. -~he paJaml\ll will -.aJ<" on th" ..mblan ... or th" p~evlou. wearer. Th.. p r o t _ "'0,,"0\\'8 the paJa...... for e][perlmenL

CHAPTER XIX. (Continued.) "Poor Franclsl" sbe Bald Il&bUy"Do you knOW," Ihe added. '1 beI1ey. I can forgive a Hanar4 mail almost. ,Anything, Mr. Ll,btnut." Br Jonl The angell AD4 before I '1mew what I dom. or .abotlt t.tte frump, t bad stretched oat a ,hind to ber, lookIng h.r IItTaIIbt tlf otbe eye cnd sml\l~g. Sbe hOittate4 an tnltant only, then laugbe4. aDd I falt ller little Hngers Sust bruall 1117 palmbut It was enou,h. She flusbed a utu. Q7IJ' UI4 . . ..ressed the frump. "Are wo golnl to keep Mr, ~tmJt .mndlng like tba all da.7T" abe uke4"Halt on earth and half In hAYeD-dike what's·hls-name'l coma.- I .1JC>.ested. Dev1l1sb ~004. that, doII't 1011 .tblnk? She thou gilt BO. for Ibe ope!IeCI .the door herBfllt &8 ~ rramp tanIed, ,lDurmurlng eoOle sUl7 tIIIIIIE about 10hina and the open 400r to A-'«lL ' What did ChltIa ban to c10 wt~ itT And It waa J\1lt th_ that ~.alSJUI tlolted wtldlr from the baJkJIIq. "Mr. Lightna.t--Qutak,..... lb. BID1op, slrl" I thougbt at th. tel_baM JUIIt oIr. but 'he Juat ~Jbt 1117 am. I'tnt Ume eYor Ime. JenJdDa to take. JD. .rty_ "Come Qul9. be . .cl.'~ NHe's up-staln &lid. 011. ~ Ida Did. illr--a wtull "By Jonl" I p.specL ~­ 'WIll llee-co- rlPt back ~ teU J'Ou-1 reared tbta lut nIPlt.- Jo.JllJ 1 ,",ahed to ~ al. . .tor wtOI Jci.kbIa. "He'l In th_ paJamal lie .... .talltlng about..- &ald JeDldDa Cloom"and be'. TIUI tbe perf_ oIL .<Leastwlle, b. am't th-. aDd b1a man ' . CUI't get IIr. BG11np to Po He c:ame ..dOwn for m.. bllt I ooa.k1II't GIl • -Wng with ~ altbeJ'." I knew-l uGd..nt004. It .... th. -4l..-elllnc of b1a mind npon tile raId.. 1 He had sone baclr. In tb. m.IIt for .uaem-tn b1a ....P. for all. I Ir.n_. Out I thoucht IUwt ~ -walle, for ft'eent experleaoe wtth b1m llIowed -me that be dlu't tb1DIr. ~ ~ ....nderlng aroaD4 the aeSc)lbaraooa III tllB pajamas. The Jaotto... ~. race met .. M Ce landln«. ''I've soot fIIr th. poUoe, atr, aDd It .ould be a cooCl ad.,.. clon't 7011 Wnk. If you could 18& IWIl a...,. beI_ O.y oome. I dOD't WBIlt to . . lb. BWk p Into no" "Good Idea,- I ~ "W.-u Jut rusb hlm to the CI&.....-...IIut, b'DIII eudd.D17 ..-membered be we. In Slalama&. It be all n&IIt to Bmlnp to w&ll4er &rOUD4 1D pqbl10 :IItreeu aD4 nblalee ta ' JIIB .....t Wnc.. but It eertalDl, woalta'l do under th • CJIre1Im...aoea. He might not cue. but til-. tb_ .._ lbe feellap 01 tile pw to cCllud4er_ ADd beales.., 4Mb tt. 1 bIId sort ." Idea It .... ...,m.t the .... BWbJp .... daDcUna b,. tile " . . -dow loo~ at • iI!ua Ui.-mometer tllat b. bIId ~ wttbdrawu 1l'0III !dB IIIOUtIL "Ua.I- lie P'lDlted eemp!aeeJtUy. ""RIDotT...... Ud a cr-rt_my anal ~ nllDol1lW '-Dl])erature. PIiIM mt7-1IY.-nsptraUOII, twent)'~t. exclll·







'po- ''''


le ut! I a ID m ys e lf . Ha! " Aud he wblrled trtum r,ho l1 t1y . " AlI I" he said . ad vanc ing e a gNl y aDd rubbing his hands . " It Is yo u ! Ma rv c lou9 . You have hea rd. th en ! BUl do Is n't It- wholly Inc re<l lble! you kn ow"- he ro he pl uc ked at my shirt fr ont. too k a p inch. as It we re. just a s he had s ee u tb o protessor do-"I ca nn ot find a ny lran ~ mlgr aU on . The mate ri a li za tion "Plle ara to be wh otly op tl ca1. " "Ne ve r mind." I BRld a nxious ly. for I knew be Wile ta lking aboul Ibe rnbles; "we d ou·t care." I s miled brlgbtly. " Let 's go d own and s ee the car- ni ce car !" And I lrle d to g O,l hold at hla fat s ide, but missed It. "Car?" Hlillu gij 100ke(1 pu zz led . Then his toce bra ke Into a smile. "Carpe dI e m_ h. a m .1 not rlght '~ True. true l Whltb e r you aay _" He looked a bout on a l ab le. " Urn- my notes. no w," he mutte red; and he caught up a s mn ll book aod a pe ncil. Tbo prolel'so r's m n n proles le d : "Pro /esso r Dooze n be r ry dOIl't Ilk e-" "Oh, da sh It. le t him ba ve lh e m !" 1 exclaim ed , tor Billings was alr eady chuckli ng happily a nd wriling In tile little blank boole " Corne on," I pleaded . ca tc hing a fold 01 th e I'aJnm as. "Wouldu't you like to come get some cloth es on?" He drew back In alarm . " No, no-not yet- oot until I comple te my notes," was hll crazy answer. "Yeu know : sublata causa, toilltur erfectus!" And be look e d aa thougb he thought this would fini s h me. "But your fri e nd." Ile exclaimed suddenly. as he allowed IIl4I to throw a blanket about his sboulders and we moyed out at the door. "the g tlntleman I met last nlgllt- Bllllngs-lii not that the name?" I looked at blm miserably as we entered the car to go down. "Oh. I ssy, Dl11Ings, old chap," 1 protested earnestly. "don't YOIl know me?" I pointed to the little panel of mirror 10 tbe cage. "Don't you know you are Billings? Can't you see ?" HIs fat head pecked at tho glasa for an Instant. Then be looked at me with eage r, batting eyes. He chuckled hoarsely. gurgllngly, and out came tbe note-book and pencil from hla sleeve. "Better and better," he muttered. "Now, It we could only go to hlmlN


a bou t he r bea uty! Beauty I Poor old Ja ck ! If I had beeu sad about hIm belo re, It was a de\'llls~ alaht worse

Your description at the battle or ITCHING ECZEMA Fort Stedman. March 25. 1865. prompu. me mory of lbo s tirring nctiylUea at n o \\' the early morning houra ot that dny. "'Elgbt yeara IIgo 1 got eczema aD Worse! Wby, das h It, abe Itls8ed I a leller from a <.omrade who over my hands. My lingers fairly blecl him ! And to Bee hi m s tanding there, kind cJte m ent. S he looked b14:k, stated : " Aftor reading tbe two last · and It Itcbed until It almost drove m. of ba tttug Bnd ro iling bls eyes and her hand at tile tI&ure or O'KMf. trot. Issues of Tile NaUona l Tribune on the 'rantlc. Tho eruption began with 1001(lng lik e a gir l dOllS when abe' s tlng from Mound the eorner. au her Fort Stedman Hghl one w~ld BUPPOSO ! Itcblng under the akin . It aproad talt from betweon the nngers aroulld th. tryin g a s trange pi ece of candy out or la ug hter pealed joyously, 4altcloully I' t.hat our brigade was not l:l It." olc. You. ot course. could not cover tbe nails and all over the wllolo hands. I tbe box -ob. It Just broke me all upl In my -ear. " O h. 1 thInk American mea are ma ny Inle r es lln g details. aIId for this got a pair of rubber gloves In order to No wond6r he was era..,; Wby. grea t - otre wond e rrul!" ahe crted, rcason I will m a ke s ome nmpJlHcation waah dlahes. Then It spread all over da s b It. be would have to be crazy I Btrlklns he r little hands togetber. "I!:II- I whlcb will probably Intere st comrades, the left side of my chest. A fine dooH e WRB mutterlog to himself. "Re ma rkabl e !" I he a rd. "Singular- pecl ll lly Han-ard men-v,d especlal- write s l\!lIes C , Huyette oC Dulralo. N' I tor treated tho trouble two we eks, but did me no good_ I cried night and ly s ens ate and e xhilarating! Now, I Iy - " She stopped with the faintest Y .. In tho National Tribune. cale lll Tb o 208tb Pe nnsylvania wna on the day. Then I decld~ to try' Cullcura nover would bavo thought- urn!" "Ry Jave l" I crlod. "00 you moan Bermuda Hundreu tront- undtlr BuUer Soap and Ointment but without much And tben be very deliberately took In Uw E lg ht eentb Corps- Cron Illte In bope as I bad gone so long. Ther. he r head bet ween his ha nds and- It ?" Arid for the briefest Insta nt the ,\ ugus l. l S 6~. until lale In October, : was 11 marked change the aeeond day, Il lsscd her . Th en he look ed upwnrd th Olls htrully and d'l d It ngain- Ilke a han d s " ' ere three ; but her IIcream wil en we we re re llel'ed by a brigade of a~d so on until I '\\' a8 entirely cured. brou!;bt me bac i< lO eartll jus t In lime Tbe Cutlcura Soap we have alwaYB c hi cke n drInk s wate r- you know ! kept In our borne. and we d ecided And th e n wblle We-that Is, J en- t o s uv a the lives of a man and a boy. after that lesson that It tB a aheap Ilin s nnd I- we re trying to urge him Devili s h ungrateful. too. for I could soap In price and the very belt In on , out ca me th e not e· hoo k again a nd s ee t h e man, three blocks behind, and Quallty_ My busba nd wtl\ use no olh.r he scrlbblNl rapidly. mutt ering audi - s tili s hnklng his fi s t. The way with soap In bls shaving mu g." (Signed) bly : " La bi a l osc ulation-e xtraordin a r y th ese ped estrians I At- F'Ifly-nlllth street we caromed MfS. 0_ A. Selby, R edonda Beacb, s tirn ulntlon- seusat ory gaIlKlla- II) uwith a han s om trotttllC too 1~18Urell' Cal., Jan. 15, 1911. Althou gh Cutlcura COLIS membran e--" ' Soap and Olnt.ment ... ro sold by druC"Police ! " [ whis pered brutally In Ilcros s t-h e plaza, and I liste ned for gillta and dealera everywhere, a 88m· tb o frump 's ear. "Betler let'. get 111m nea rly a hlock to the remarks of " Ille oC each, with 82·pago book, 'll'1U away!" And, by Jov e , that 'll'oke her bl ey(: le cop before he dropped beblna. be mnlled frea on o.ppllcaUoll to out of her trance! In two minute s Wlla t das h ed me not a little W1lS 8m "CuUcufa." Dept. L. Doston. ehe had cal<-'ed htm to tbe car and log s ' Indlll'e rence to the record I was we had him Inside on tho cus hions . IOllk ll og for his car-dldn't seem to Tbe man wbo has sometIJllli to .U We bunclled blankets Bnd rugs about care a jolly hnng. II always an optlmlsL . Th e frump wus s tili hangIng on him him to bide the pajamas. "Jacky, dear," gu s hed the Chinese In a woy to make you sick , and cooing Don't buy_ter ror blulug. LIquid blue .. trellie. "wouldn't yon III.e for me to sit nnd go ing on In a nervous, half-hys&lmoot all ".Ier_ Duy Red Crou Ball Blu.. terIcal way I n e ,'er would have the blue th.t·, all blue. by you and hold your poor hand T" tbou g ht he r a ble to cblrp up to. And It looke d as If he would . !.ten may be born modest, but womThe rru m p turned to me. "Can you BillIngs wns ho ldi ng ber band! "He llo!" I called to him, just after en have to acquIre all they aet. drive th e car, Mr. Llgbtnut?" Oould I! We ll, 1 would show her! we c:llpped Yonkers . H e looked up at me, Bmillng IUId Qua1lLy -QUantlly-11 aomlllbluir to ooa.. EspecIally as Frances had changM to .ld8r 10 porchulnlr a remedy for ooDulp... the front as sho saw us brlnglnK out nodding. Lion or u alualol'.. How about G&J1Iald T... , "Feel all right now, old man 1" 1 In· Dlllings. cheerily. '" Qulre d "Take the train-get Billings' things Billings looked o.t me hard. and Health All Important. from th e club," I called to Jenkins . tben dn sh It be winked' And I b&Y o u r " It II moro eenslble to pay .rioul "Sbarp. now! And here, unhook that ., . ' "Form Company, attention to the healtb of ••. - naUoB numbe r tbere on the back-gtve it g a n to wonder. by Jove, U It was ,U8t plain drullk. ~olored troops tram tbe Ninth Corps, than to Ill)g patrloUc songa. . here!" and we crossed to tile soutb sIde 01 Jenkins hesitated. "I think there's Man', U&erulne... CHAPTER XX. the Appomnttox riv e r, and formed 1\ a heavy fin e , sir." be hinted . Mrll. Edward R. Hewitt. prellident of part of Hartranft's Division. Ninth I s nappe d my fingers at him and he the Woman's Municipal league, '11'&8 My Darling Is Siandered_ Corps. Our wln~r quarters we re In jumpe d to obey. discussIng In New York the moyement Se'c med to be only about a mlnutll pression a little nortb of tbe Aver, a de "Worst. things than a lolly fine," I for clellner atreets. . mor e and wo were Clipping throur;b Hous e, division headquarters. Bald, looking at poor Billings smiling "Now that ~' omen have gone In for the curves at the Wolhurs t parkThe night ot March 24-25 was fog. crazily over the (rump. I threw tbe Fran ces pointed the way-and had gy nnd damp . The smoke at smoul- clealler streets," she Bald, "we'll probnumber plate Into the car. 610 "'000 down und er the porte-cochere . de ring campfir08 hung low; all night ably get them. Don't mistrust wom· It I, everywhere at 'rhe trump whispe red to the man long the us ulll crackle of the muske t8 ftn'S Inlluence_ work _ " who opened tbe door . of the pic kets kept uP. punctuated Then, with a ImUe, Mre. Hewitt ut"As qui etly as possible-. WUkea," with an occasional "hee·haw" of the sbe Bald, "and Without bls father Be .. army mules. We slept fully dothed tered thll epigram on her lex'i b. bait. Ing 1~lm . " About 4 : 30 a . m . I was awakene d b)' "Few are the men who would haye "Tbe judge Is away, miss," laid the an occas Ional cannon sbot. more Inreached tbe top of the ladder If th.1r man. "He drove down to the village tens e crackle at muske try-nearl, wive. hadn" eteadled It tor them." with Senator Soakem, wbo bad to volley firlng-nnd the rebel yell . 1 catch a train back to Albany; but I'm thought best to get ready tor. tronble. Left No Room for Doubt. looldng tor him every-" nnd, without wnklng my mes8mates, Wichita lawyers are yet talldnl " Be quick, then," Jerked the frump. I took tbe three canteenll nnd went to about the way Wallace R Baker, wbo "You IIDow What to do." o low spot In tile 8wale. wbere we hsd was found CUllty recently In the dla"[ guess I do, miss." answered the o pork borrel sunk In the mud, and trlct court at lelllng mortga,ad butle'r gloomily. ''I've bad to do It filled the canteena with water. When property. ahowed hla Ignorance of orten enough- Perkins and me. A [ returned to the hut a mounted om. married llfe. The prosecuting atto", good cold sou8e--that's the thing-cor or orderly (In the darknesa t ney was trying to show tbat BakSI and then bed. [know!" could not determine whIch) galloped wasn't married. Htl a&ked Bakel' the Dllllngs waved his hand to thll by from division hendQuarters. and as followlog Questions. trump nB he mounted the stairway In"Did you evar Bend your wlf. &Ill be passed shouted : "Form your com. side. And tben, dash It, he kissed hll dresses'" pany, and double-quick foJ' Fort 9te<'l. flnge:rs. "Yel, I lIent bel' four drallsel." man. Ilon't walt for anybody." The Irump kind at glared down the "What k1nd of dreBBes did you lentl Tbe company (B) was Q\1lckly deserted vista of tbe fine old hall and formed. and :we started for the fort. herf" shrugged her shoulders. , "1- lent ber one good drell and "Everybody loafing, ,UI usual." sb. To the le rt rear at Fort Haskell we three common dressel." mutte red sourly. and ahe hurled har ran Into the rebel skirmishers. We "How much did JOu pa, fot tb. coat at tho car.en back at a gleat then lay down and began firing. Our cood dresl, Mr. Baker'" line was nearly lit rlgbt angle to our cathe,dral chalr-aud missed It. r "Oh. 1 guell Ibout ".60." It was clear that ber type seamed main line of workl alld our lert about :rhe lawyer put Mr. Baltsr dowa 100 yards to the rear of Fort Hasken_ convE!nUonalitles and knew how to then and tbere u an unmarried mNt make tbemselvea thoroughly at bam • . Moriar shells were dropping, by the Md a poor gueaser.-Exchan.& .. ton. at an angle from the left. ' and "I bope you'll be made eomrortabll here, Mr. Llgbtnut," she Bald, pecllna shrapnel from the same general dl. DUBIOUS II. glove with 8 jerk, "but 1 haye m)' rectlon; mlnle balls and : later, ~nl. About Wh,n H.r HUlb.,nd Would 'I,. ter. from our own cannon, wblcb bal! doubts." . And sbe gave a kind of hollo. Jaugb , been captured at rort Stedman and A Mich. woman trIed POItum b. "Awtully tiresome . .. these countrJ turned on us, from the front. Fort Haskell was a rim of flre to causo coffee disagreed, with her places," I aald sympatbetlcally. I IIcrewed my glass at a couple ot root· the north Imd west_ In the darkne8s her husband. Tea Is ju,at aa haTDl· men who came tnto v1ew at the tar We could Dot determine It or not the luI as collee becaulle H contalnl caf· end ot the hall, and who were whla- foe was In poasesslon of Fort Haskell, telne-the Bame dru, round in cof· • perin" and cbucllllng abClut lIome- and It was difficult to prevent the fee. Sho wrltel: "My busband '11'&8 alck fol' three thing. "Tblngs seem to b4 run a bit men from flrlng In that direction. The loose, don 't you know--tl'Ikt'1 a fact. other companlell of tbe regiment. ,ears with catarrh ot the bladder, anti palpitation or -the beart, caused b, Don't mind for m,ysolf, but fancy I formed on our right. As daylight approached a sllgbt air coffee_ Wall unable to w.ork a.t all girl might find It rather trying visit· . tng bere." , movement made a rift In the pall of arul In bed part ot the time. "I bad Btomach trouble, was weak By Jove, how sbe opened her eyes smoke over Fort Haskell, and we at m&-surprlsed. I knew, at Undtna could Eee Old Glory wavlng_ tram Ita and fretful 10 I could not attend to me such a devlllslf keen observer. M, ram paris. It looked good, and, ob my houseworlr.-both 91 u. using oaf· sympathy touched her, too. tor her how we did cheer! The starry flag f~ all the 11m. aDd not rea.llzlq ta wall harmrult eyeballs sbone moist at a sudden anI' never before looked 110 good, "One morning the grocer'. wlf.It Is a matter of official record that I saw her lip tremble as she stared the 208th Pennsylvania was the first sald Ihe belleyed coll'ee waa tb& caul. r Then she swallo"'ed 'hard nnd slapped .£0/her gloves sharply acrosa· her palm regiment to cbarge the l:ne at the en. of ~ur trouble and advtaed Postum. I "A. Quietly a. Poaalble, Wllke.."[t'f! Francis that's to blame for tbat eDlY, and cleared the rebels out of our took It home rather d'c\bloul what my He cl1ught my arm. "In the Intereet And just In tlmel sort of thing," IIhe raspell noddtn, line from Fort t-Ias\ltell to Fort Sted. bUlbanel would aay-he waa tond of of this Investigation ot sc1entlJ1c pb&' man. recapturing Datterles 11 and ' a coffee, Around the corner Whirled a pollc .. down the hall "But I took collee rl~ht olr the table ' . nemena. would he consider a call In- man---and, by Jove, no leas than that "Frances 1." I ejaculated tn protest. and capturing 350 prisoners. Scott truslve--could we not seek J;our fat Irlsbman, O'Keefe! ' With him WIUI "Oh. here. I say, now-" Eckert (Co. B) was the first man back and we haven't uled a cup .,f It IIDC., friend, Mr. Billings?" the professor's man. "You don't know Francis, Mr. Light. In Fort Stedman, and he W88 fallowed You IIhould hn. leen the cbange III UII, and now my busband never com,. "It's all right, you know," I gently "Don't ten me," panted the omcer; nutl" Her jaw grounded wIth a snap bY the rlgbt of our regiment, ' reassured him. "Yes. we're going to "I know my-" and what a look .he gave mel "waSt The order to "charge" reacbed plain' of heart palpitation 'any more. him-going right there. Just a IItUe And then he gave a shout and till you do--you Just walt!" I\nd eyet Lieut.-Col. Heintzelman 16 to 20 min. MT Itomaoh trouble went away In two ride, you know." sprang for the car. and hands lifted to the cellln&. utes after we had regained full' !>OI. ~e8li:. after I beg:Ul Pas tum. M, .cbll· and It doel·. them good. By Jove. the way he cackled made "It·s Ihnt lellow that was prowling I coughed again. session of the works. ' When the or- dren love. ea!1! of cotree. . my heart aell-e! I whispered to Jen- around the IItation house!" he yelled_ Tbe cat! And thll was my darUnl'" der to charge was giVen I was On m, which cau't "A lady visIted' us' who wall ulually kina to run ahead and prepare the "Here, IItOP there!" frIend! k.n ees, openIng' a box ot ammunItion. ladles. Dut the first thing we saw as But I dldn·t want to. For ons Many of tbe men were out ot e&IIo balf Ilclt:~ -1 told he!'> ·! 'd make her a (TO BE CONTlNUED.) the cnge hit the bottom was a worn· thing. we were a balf.block away. and trtdges and were taltlng frqm ear.' cup of POltUm. 'S)1e laid If was iaat.. Itull. b~l ahe wa.tcbed me l'Qalt. an-and, dash It, the frump tram I had badly coasted a towel' supply Rellci of the GullJoUno, f' trldge boxes of Ule wounded and dead. . ·.t thorougbly tor .15 mlDutea. China! wagon, and scattered the wllrea of a At the prl6o~ of St. Paul's, at ·18ona, Your tfescrlptlon of tbe. close' aone._Ilia laill It 'wal IpIeDo She gave a little scresm and fell on pusb-l'Jirt across three sidewalks. France, tt.lre Is a curious colleeUon at deadly figbtlng does not ~Int Lolllr ,1Kl,UIJ:\&" brJngB Ia· BlIIlngs' neck, almost bearing him to My cap went tlylng as wo skidded pens. 'Tbey are the pens with whJ~t word-picture 8S red as .."&OiLlW'U.OUD the ground. . a corller. and 1 was ' devilish glad, for the executioners haye signed th@ r~ tlfled. . It 'WBII the ..'tlPI.f ·. n1,;:.'..",·..·" ...' ... I ·... ..••• "Ob, Jacky, Jacky!" sbe sobbed. footprinta ' of, me1l, ' Pci:ltU,in-Co the -inertia tbrew Franoes' 'liead aJ. 'Iatlon receipts for the prisoners 8Il By Jove. 1 almost fell myse\[ I I:Jo most against mine . and . I felt the Uclh ad ove:r t& tbem to be gulllotlued. AI JUaD blood , Blodd tbat was the' way tbe wind lay! ' And Ilng bruah of a little: b~lr willp as It each e:J;ecutlon a freah , ~n Sa' 'lllel! (~ 'wlien tbe flg~tlng on!"etl:t'~· Jtii~aill' I bad never even 110 much as suspect- swept my llo'se_ ~ ,-tlie pUlrpnae; lUlel the Id ~ latt.'to . . ed. That was whY. he had rayed 110 Her eyes wer. danctuc. _ltIl . : 'UIIOD .'I t ·: . ',:~ .-.• , .,










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~~B/~~llle\i~r~::c'::::!~t~~:Bte~~:: ~ FACTORS


CallingCards and-Carrie McMast~r

1912, b y A •• ocla l"ll Pn.' ''8.J


Lit erary

. '-,o"'br"'-- -

Th e yo ynge had bee n a de light ful on o. rull moon . pe rfec t s unshill o n nd nIl t ha I soot! to mal, e UC t; u n t ra ve l fllscin llting . '1'0 ' 1 ce rt llill pxt ont Ca r rl o Itcy no lds h" d su ccu m bed to t ho wlt <:b'e ry of th o moon nu ll - .J UIll " s Dea n uctor and nl a tlll ee Idol. T h ey . Carrie ull d tbo or' lor, hull lIu l)!; ove r t!la ~ h i l l' S sl tl e Ii II II e~(' h a ll g e ll se rious and un £e rlo lls gla n r es unl ll, In a 1D 0m nt of unreason t he gi r l had conse n ted t o be rom e ~lra . J Ft nl e~ Dell n . Th e e xact d a te se t ror th e giving up or slnl;le bl esse dn ess h a d II Ot bee n d lscWl sel1. Th e gir l wa l> d esi rous of co nt inu in g 11 lon g cont empl"l d t rip over th e ('on t in en t , Il ll d Ih e ac to ;- IV nS tie d dow n to n long a nd tetll ous Ul ur or t h e prov lnceR . o. whe n lI le eml o f tbo vo yage wa s reac hed (,Inds wc re oxcbu oged a nd th e llarlln g took pluce . " I urn g iv ing YOll m y rea l nom e and m y pr rm un e n t " ddress. dearf'Ht girl of th e een ." a nd th e ar to r wit h a long 100 It Into CIII'rle's eyes . "We a r to rB ure con tinua ll y on th o mo'·c. ulld som e of your d('n r le tte rs mi g ht 1;0 a stray It YO II att e mpted to foll ow m y tou r ." Corrie Hevllol d s loolled down at the u n fa m ili a r ~a m4l on th e ca rd th e n gl a n ced u p at th e mati ne e Iri oL " I thi nk I li ke your r eu l n amc best." s h o Infor me d h im shy ly, "Palll Grr·gory I~ 0;0 m uch n Icer . Also I milch pr .. rer writIng to a 'tea l b us iness nddre ss- -Jt see ms mo re solltl ." So tbe )' had pnrt ed nt Paddi ngto n Where t he tmi n fro m P i6!;glla rtl ha (1 l ah e n t h em ; th e gir l to co ntlllllc h e r trIp ",Ith 8 ma lde n ulI n t a nll J llm es De a n to lea ve for a prov lncla l to u r . It was a ll o f a fo rtn ig ht befo re Ca r rI e fo un d tim e to write n le tt e r to he r II ctor s wee th e art . S he had se nt an oer aslO Da l po stal card an d ren ll led mu c h to t,er own d ismay t h at t h e y s ulllce d to ca r r y h e r t holl,;hts to h im . .. ~ : y Inte rest In .lImm y Is wn nln g," Ihl/ '.old be rse l! a nd bn t down to co m ·



. - -- been turn cd ," Carrlo sIghe d whe n she t am c to re ali zc th a t s ho reall ." love d ThIckne ss of Stand. Soil Mot stu r~ , Ra1 n{all Bnd T e IIlper~ Pa ul. "Pe rhaps he sho uld lia ,·. bee n ~r IDft.llta Children. lure are Some oC Ess cnllals...Lo b e Obsel'v.c4-.1Au wr lt ·r In s tea t! or nn Ilctor," s h e S ecurlnw Profit. a b l e Cr opSunllah t s mll" cI wh lm s lcnlly. "b ls letle rll lJa v c Is ot Gr eat<::;~ Benc!ll. m llde m E- fcc l thi ngs tbnt hi s p rese nce cOll ld not ." 'rhe SlImln e r pa ssed Whil e th e car res llonde nce wa s co u tlnll e d . Carr lo bad wr itt e n t o the eiYcc l tliat s he wou lrl he Rai li ng for h ome In Augus t. "S llIce ) ' 011 nro no doubt touri n g n bon l." s ho ha d written. " 1 will not BP. c ),0 ' 1 h pf') ro sailin g , bu t whon y ou re tu r n .t n l'\e w York In l'\ovcmbe r WE wll1 s lIr"ly mecl. " It WIlS wIt h grea t r eg re ts t h nt ('arrl" Promotes Diges lion,Chcc rru(left Eng lan tl . To he r It \Ya S not so ness and Resl Co ntains nei thnm llc ll Enl; lnnd IlS It wa s t hl: cou ntn Opium .Morphine nor ~ttn t' ral wh(' re P1: u l Gl' cgOry li ve d . NOT N AR C O T 1 C " I um n lit tle ch ll m p," Sh A to ld h er · Hw<'/H;; 0'" OrJA:'ftlE tnn-n:lf 61'Ir w h il e s he da bhed n h nnrtk c Tc ll le l ~, ~S...Ito I I ~ r e )'es . T he boa t was pull in!: ou t Alx of, ........ . to rca a nd Car rie was eX lIc r Jc U( lag th~ AA,U, S. I" • A" ,i • .!.. J. horrllJ ll) !:cllga llon or be ing dra gged /M,t",,,iJ • a wuy fro m a nI" wh om r h e 10" 011 \'er ~ A;·r"rlNf-IIIIS.,.. It..,.,,, .furl • denr ly. "TIle wors t o r It 15," sh e t ri e d €,I.,..{;,J J'1I1 .~ to ~ m llo t h rough be r te a n;. " t hat Pilul H,"'~'1~'" rIff.,.,. dOl' R not 5( e m to lava me ." A perfcc t Remedy ror ~onsnp!lAD I m p lcnlc nt fo1' Reno va t i"lg Alfa lfa Sta nds, j\t 11 1011(' 1' In t be e \' enlng C l1 r rl~ lion . So ur S to mach.Dt arrhOtA. looked II Htl e ssly o ve r t he pa sse nge r IBy J . U . W ESTr. AT F: , R O L A N n M ',';: EE c rl :lllJ e xt en t be olrset b~ p ro ll~ T Won,ls ,Convul sions .f(lverisltli s t lhall uy on t he tll ble borore he r. " " ~ ~f . " - . F: V .\~S. { ln lt ~tl S I "I ~9 U c metll ods of planting . c ul tlvall" .1. etc_ ness and Los 5 OF SLEEP. g eca nse he r eyes we re mo re o r 1e 5'1 purt : n~ n l o f Al<r tl' utt ure.) [f h en \'y r ui n s oceu l- or If cu n1inlled un seei ng th e nam e P all l G. '!gor y dI d Th e fa c to r s of g rcn tesl Impo r tance Simile Sl g natu~ 01 n ot meet In H a n l recognItion. W be n It In c onn ·ti on Wil h t he [lroduc tlo ll 01 <'0 111, d a m p. ra iny \\' (' al ll"r ~ondilfoll g ,, 1'(' " nil wh e n tlte p la nt !! ue In full fl n a ll y da wlleil 0 11 he r con~cI O U S n Tl8 a : a lfnlfa n e l"(\ arc thl el,nes s of s t nnd, ~ t ha t Hh e ren lly was IIce lng tha t na me tioll molstllro and sllc h c llmr.t.le lac bloom I h '" "r05 \l ~ (· t s of a seed cro p THY: C E NTAllR COM PAIfY. nrf' g-rra tl y rl'dllc ell, In pr Int he r c hee ks we re swe pt wit h a (ors as r nlllfnll nncl te mp c ra t ure . T l1 c T h o c h a nces for seed a re good It NEW YORK. hrl lllllnt colo I'. . local " a r ia tl oll of UJ I O or more or th ese th e I'Q v (! r ~o o[ t ho obo \' o cr,rHlit lonl "H c Is on th Is hon t.-ho Is on t h la fuc tors .ncroll n ts for t lic g r E'llt liuc lua, Alo m ·on1.h~, old .•: '. pre\, a il or.1i the )Jlnnt s I~ :l \, o nJ :r uc 11 bon t!" he r henrt rel~a t e Ll. tl ons In see d y ield ortcn obsel'vc d In r.lf' (;h ;m stol' k), . wpl l·bra n d lc.1 g rowt h Hut whe n t h e <l In Ing Ea loo:J was n gl yen sen so o In n. s ln:; le loc a lity a nd \,; il h an alJlllJd r. 1I '0 of bloo m, es pedal· without a 'va ca Dt chn.l r a nd n o ra m lllnl ,!Ven on th e dltterc n ~ pa r t s of tho ntee d under the Food l.v Ir Ihe war m . dry f'o ll clltlons conm utl nee Idol a p peare d to greet he r ume farm. tiu ue. It Is praf' tl ca ll y Im po ssIb le. E KllCt Cop y of W ra pper_ Cn nl o's s pll-Its MDk. S he rea ll 7.~d E xp er ime nts a nd ollserv ut loDA h ave ..". ho\\'e v er . to In fa l llhl y fo r etell Ih e s eed with her di sa ppoIn t m ent tl wt for eo m o s ho wn t h! t t ll in sto 'lds of alfal fa te nd CI'Ofl. T ile erop Is not ae ~ urcll uutll ·( f (''J.:'' " ; ,-t;.r ~ . t '. : ' ) , . ~ . • • ... 1",' , . . . . ' un l, no wn reuso n s he had bee n expect· to mal;e goo d y ields of see u mil c h t he [llnnl s n rc') we ll load ed wl l b clusAwful . In g Palll on t he hom e wa rd td p. Her more certa In . T h e renson for this li es Th e prealAl ont of t b o u nlv oralt;y 11&4 lutl:ltlo n hod becit b ut a m yth a.nd largel)" In th o fact tha t t he th In s tant! leI'S of we ll ·f\II ('d porl s . T!:o " cll' t nti l'e vigo r o f a lfnl fL Is da r ll clrclen IIncle r h is eyes. HI. cheek ha d hf!CO lll C to he r a t y be r Ru sc I pe rmits lL more comp le te d evelopm e nt ano thn r Ill a ll posscs sed th e en Ole na me ' ,r t ho Indlvld un l plan ts. 'f he g !'eute r lISl::r lly In creased by a ny rll ll i,';(l lon was pa ll III : his Ilpe wer e t remblln«: ItS he r PIlIlI. S he re ad Ll e r me nu ca rd nmo ll ut of s unll gb t receive d by e acb whlt: h loosens (II) :l nd a e r a t es till' f,d l. he wo ro a h au nte d ex pression. ~..,. t hrough te a rs . p lo nt In thin s tan ds a l ~o t e lld s t o In· 1\), t hi s [l rO(,(~B S a mu lc b Is forlll <\u DO W a nd t he n h e t urned ond llanoecl " Wi ll y ou pl ease pa s s the pa prllta!" crea s e th e prodllcl lnn of seed . It Is which conserves tliO mo Ist ure . "'h t ho appr e hens ively behIn d h im. "Y ou loo k III ." said h is wire. "What as k d n m os t de ilgh rul I'o lel' a t Co r- a ma t te l' of <'am mo n ob ~ e r va ; le n th a t ('r l h :~ Is hplll' fi c ia l I u tl,e E<:'l'U e~ op rl e's slele. "It Is a l ll'ays c uHom:l ry to : Isola t ed pl a nt s a long road 61 ~ es a n el In d"pl' n ds IIPOU th e v('gela l ITO , Ignr of Is wroll t;. dea r ?" " Not b lng mu ch," h e re plied. "BlltbegIn aCQ tlaln t:lllC'o on s hip board b y I fence rows ordin a r! ly prot!llce mil c h the pla nls at t ho tim e. \Vlt er o paD! as king ror s:l lt- I u l wn ~'s ch a n ge It t o h eav lllr c r ops of Beed tha n do t h e f'x\1cr'l rtlcc or obf;e rv a llun in d ica tes I- I had a rea rfu l dream lnat Ill,,"plan b In nca r-by fi e lds . Tho llluetra- t Ita t th e ~l'ow t h will ~ nor m a lly 1'1 1~ !lnd I feci t his mornin g a s If~ U l pa pr lka- MIss RE' yno ld s." H o heSi ta ted an d sta m mered_ lL Ca r rl o turn ed to find he rsel! loo k- tl on ~hOW 8 th e a p pearance of a we ll- oro us a li g ht cu ltivatio n w ill ho l ik el~ \ -" to work It posl tl Ye lu ju r y to t hc sced WaB evide nt t ha t bls n4lrVOUB .y. Ing in t o a pa ll' o r la u g bln g c yes , a nd set cl us ter of see d pod s . c roll, in t ha t It wll ! und uly stlllJu lnte wus s hat ter ed . I" tc r hl u hl og to Ihe root ~ or h er h aIr. T hIll clim a tic con dlfion s h ave a n 101- t llo v,e ge la llv o Sl'o wth_ H owe ver . on ",,' hat WaS the dr ea m !~ uked h1Ir S he was anj;ry a t h e rself for blu sh Ing portn ut b a ring In growIn g nlfa Irn for "al l t bn t becomes dry a nu wh ere th e w ife. a n d more ~ o for r e tu r ning the s mil e seed Is s h ow n by t be fa ct t bat s uc- pl a nt s ll r orn lge to m a };c bu t a ligh t " I- I- drea med t b e t r ustees l'8'lnirRESINOLSoap ~ Reslnol he sent h e r . eC8S[;) I eeed crops a rc Pl'odllcE'd on ly g rowt h, a n In telli ge nt lise of sa rno e d t ha t-t ha t I Bhould--thal I eluMlld "I know YOllr n a m e." he coutl n ned ' un der certain climatic con d Iti on s . T h e such Impl em en t ns II. dI sk hnr row. pass the f reshma n exam lDatloD for-OIntment Instantly reo culmly, "hc('n ll sA I h a ve been corre - nUnlfa pla n t r eq u lre B a somew h ot pr o- spring-tooth harrow , or alr a lfa r(·n ova · a dm Iss ion !" s ighe d the preilident.Bne IUDbum. heat ivy' spondl ng with rou for SOlDe t b ree 'onged pe rIod of warm . dry we ath er to to r may b e u tll1 2ed to overco mo th iK You tb 's Compa ni on. oroak poilODJna and Insect· m onths- " .na t u re a crop or seed. co ndIl:IO!1 _ Such c ultl ,allons s hould "You Bre a be urdl y m istake n ." Carri e T b e f a c tor o f ra Infa ll Is Im por tan t aDd quickly reltorEt· ,be dOll S ...a rl y In t h e sprin g . berore When Your Eyes Need Care m allugl' d to t ell h im . n t pa t It nffec ts rllrec tly n ot onl y t he t he plants s tart into vlgoroll s g ro wth . Try Mu rlD" Ey" Remedy. No 8m.'!:I"~""" tbIt deJJPtful feeling: " I am Palll Gre J; or y." t he ma n to ld soli-m oistu re eondltlons. but a ls o th e It Is s omet ime s the prac ti ce to ru n . )'1 D ~- A ~ta Q\l l~ltly _ Try It lor Kd. ....... 01. perfect akin-health. her. "an d .J a me s DCl\n , a ctor a nd ma tl- I te m perature and hll mid it y at the air. Eye. Anel Or. Dul ..Led K ~U 4a. run he a v il y we Ill' h t ed d Is k t IJrec or f ollr I1 WAtery Lrn'~d Bou k In eAc b P""k~. K."i. . . . . nce Idol Is m r ('o nsl n. J im my Is rn th · , It nl so has a dll'ec t e lTect upon t h e times o ye r t he fi eld ea rly In t he sprin g , oomponDd. a b, ollr Ocnll. ... - DoL & .. ~,~ __ ...n 'BMlDDl _p o but n BiOd In DD "'':(I ... ~ r u l l" b,llclaGt ..--,.... e r fo nd or a joke n. nrl ga V4l you m )l i fl o wers If t be p lan ts nre lu bl oom . If In or de r to t hin t he Htn nd for In· ' tllolllO"r~. OID''''UI (IOe). II' co t o r nlAnr rOAN>. )oIow dedlr&Wl4 .. _ ... ~ . _ . . . . "'" th., wUl be ....1e4. W he n an oru I!ln ry ' lie a nd " 0 111 b , ])rUII'lfilUl at 2bc a.DEi 61Q , .r .JlaUl&. car d wh en h e p3 r ted from you . You i tbe per Iod or rnl n fa ll Is somewh a t ex- cl'ease d . sced rlel os. IICcrlD e Kro ~nl .e lu A. opUc Tu ~ ~ aM _ till . . . . . . . . .f Jrl- ..,4 to Dep,", '8., bave been wrlUn g me m05 t- -" ! t e nd ed o r tbe amo un t Quito lar ge, t h e plow Is used It is n ecessa l'Y to h a ve n Murine Eye Romedy Co•• ~ ........ ~ 00., Bal""'- K4. "Yo u b ad no righ t to I(eel> me In errect is detrIm ental to the se['(1 c ro p. very shal' p sbare an d to plow ou t l G' n o~l\n ce !" Carrle 's e rcs we re nnsb- An ann ua l r a infa ll of at least e igh te en t h rc e n arrow furrows for e ve r y c lg ht· Not Alwa y •. ------ - - - - . - lng b ut In h E'T h ea r t e he Iwew now Inchee, properl y distr ibuted. is usu a lly Ineh widt h le ft un plowed . In add l· "One reaps what one sows." why :e tt ers ha d co un te d where wo rds I tl on to thi s It Is ad vIs a ble to h arro w " Allow me to dl Irer '!Ii t b you." ba d fail e d . I h~ av ll y la te r with n s pike-tooth ha r· " How so? " P au l Greg ory 's voI ce was serI ou s. "I I ro w In orde r to lev el d own t b e ridges. "W he n one sows w lld oa to o~ c-ahad not Inten ded to until I kne w that , It Is a Iso bes t to give so me su bscquen t era lly rea ps a cro p or le mons." Can ....., be oven:ome " Oll r lett e rs wer o wr itte n onl y In ' cul tivat ion to prevent t h e a lrulfa frien d sh ip. an d th at t hey would con - ' CAI1'EI"S untE wh Ich has b een turn ed und e r from A splen cl ld a nd hIgh ly r e cem metlde( , • nma PILLS. tn ln nothIng Eocred to lo ve rs . I also agRln growi n g a nd thic ke n ing the r emedy ror tire d, wea k. inflamed knew th at ( wnn ted your letters more stand . T h is s ubooQue nt c ullfva tl on n nd gra nlll ated eyell us, Is PaxUne AI1- ~ th an .JIm my ('oul d ever wan t t hem ." 1M will also eerTS to l hold the weeds In tlseptl c, at d ru ggist s, 25e a ball 01' _ t . ~ Ca rrI e rernR lne d silent. , pos t paid on rece ip t or price bT Tile ( ~- ~ cbeck, P ax ton Toilet Co., Boston. Ma... -.. _ " But ho w do vou happ en to b e h t n -on t hIs boat?;' s be as ke d . ' Hea••" Tha t Is wbat I ('..all ' a ,'e r y f"Oll sh A Spe c ia l Favor. acla •• Cu stome r- I wan l n t on of coal Ques Uon," Gregory nnswere.d wit h " DI .. &. __ ad~OD. TheJdotheJrdu~ , Deal er- Yes. 8Ir. W hllt slzeT la ugh In bl s vo ice and serio usn ess In : Cust om e r- We ll. Ir It's not &akl ol IIW.L PO.L. SIIALL DOSB. SMALL PRlc& ., his t'yes . I too mu ch . I'd IIlle to h nve & .. ~ "11 doe s s eem fool!s b - no w. " Carrie Genuine moat bear Signature ChicI' Obsta"l. Thot 15 Eac:oan. pounll to n . -l3 r or k IYIl Li re. told h im .



(CuPyq; hl,

the e n-

"It 1001,s nlinos t a s It th n ta hl es had

•• • •• •• •••• • ••• e ••

By Molly


The Klnd You Havo Always BOUGht" Bears the Signature of


- - '-'- --


For Over Thirty Yaars

- - - ,,- -




35 D:~.~~&:.;r?;·q~f';r~ .



CASTO RIA ------.-........... Resino) lor







m -


_ .1IMaaoI

• .8

The Wretchednes. of Constipation

6""' 1 '" ,-



- , Paul'. Letter Breathed Only of Frlen lih ip and Travql .

munlcl1te a t le n,;th with hIm regarding the s late of Ite r feeli ngs. She wrote nf the rom a ntic a tmo ~ ­ ph ere t hat Is nlways present on o cean line rs. and wh ich Is the c a us e of m a ny sudde n In fa tuations . S be reg re tted that her a tl:e ctlon tor him ha d been of that unst ab \e vari ety, bu t re lt reasonably ce rtain t bat time wo ul<l prove to blm t ha t propinquity had been responBible' for the ml s tnltc, Ca rrIe end ed bel' letter wIth an· appeal to him to relea s e b er (rom e nga·g ement. Wh en th e letter bad been posted /l he was content. It would be at least 11 week before Bbe could hear Irom Paul Gregory, as be was no doubt Bomewbere In the. s ouU! of England. Much to lier own ' s urprIse her aDlweI' came two dllYllo ln~r_ Ca rrle'B che~ crimsoned as me Tee.d Paul Gregory's letter. He not only refused to cOllBlder the engagement broken. but Bent an urgent appeal {or a meeting In the ne ar future. The el!ect of Paul's communication w a s rather startUng to Carrie. She had expecte d the Incident to be closed. and Instead of that B\le found berself reading hili letter over a third time, lind wondering jnllt what had made hor heart U1p up a beat. Bhe seemed suddlloly to, care more for Paul Oregory than sbe bad on the oeenn liner. "His letterl are more convlnr.lng th~' bl, prel!ence." she told herself, Carrie spent 's everal daya trylog to eODvtAcc beneU tba t sbe bad ceased to ~ tIM 'actOr, ud that 11M intended : to bte~k her engaaiment wbether .Wbulit 'or ' not Her ' tbo,.bta ter_.,•• t,...._'ln ~" wrttlD& fJt a lo~ lIh\lm· Ulat toucbed but lJ,ht., up. VIl";!ClIVe aDd ' mariiale_ tliat ,he; · WI....'....


- ~~;4C ----- - ',!:=.,=;"' ... -"FT.. aar

tn the Corn B e lt ts

the L a ck. ot E s s en tlo.1 varIed Me nu. OIlMl" t,\ Tea pu rUI". (he bloo<\ aDd .Iean Phosphorus. tbo c OUlplux luu . IJrlu k IJcCor" ruLLrl0ll:. Here a re s om e It e ms In a. daY'!J ------- ~ menu g Iven ID an ex c han ge: S tewed 1 A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. P e rh a [J1I t he r'6 Ie no m a rrla~ In M",IUD4 ex~f1"'.nt,.lln&tll" rhu barb with s hrerl ded wheat biscuit, WhEmevol" H Is di fficu lt t o g row I h eaveu becau se the an ge la k.oow ·b.t. ..... _t-:,,"''::::UIlIt'3:::e ~d!I:I~t'!~r~~= asn paragns curried . t oma to loar wi t h clover th e condi tIon s mu st be ma de ter ~.. ro-M Amon. ~"'b' "0 "'o&:t. suuce. carrOL croque ttes, dandellon favor a ble. In the corn be lt tb e c h le t . ~ 1.~T!'.~¥:~":::.:. r.~~~.I:<'!.~rD' aaJad- whnt does 0. civilized man b I I tb t, "ur1.1t1 tb e atlflnt t oa e n e way a r g· r u\\'i ng c.}a ve r Water In blui ng t. arl ul (.('J ra tion_ GIQM &Dd , ~-~~~t&la.... ~ r f III tit ~4n07, bladd~r. Dftnou. A Well-Set Cluster of Alfalfa Pods. oIs stnc want with th e s e m esses whe n he can lhe la ck of p hospho ru s. As un n vel' wa tor rnnkes IIqulcl ul ue coetly. B1I7 CD>u CI:=- ~~t.••o ~:'bt"'l:I;:;:Jm:.:,:,!,.yg::•., s et boil ed cabba ge nnd g ood old pie? age or tb e last Blx ye;t r s p hosp horus Ball Blue, makes CloLb c. whl tl'LD IDO". I ~.· ~:f Ittr _.~ . _.... ' . plool.lI.t .. tba! You cl\.o no more get these viands 10- neceBsary tor a Beed crop_ . In Bueh has Incr eas ed th e yle! d of c love r on I ~ a.u IIN~l:~~~r:.'l'~~!~~g~;~f:\~I.,: to th e expe rIence of a man than you s ections ae eas te rn Kan sas an d Ne- t he unive rs ity farm by more than a Wb en a man '8 conscien ce trouble« I' I'll.:..t='::"~ltl .... J "" •. Ill. of c.lUr.ot'm lJO• IoU ....... . .I>UtllOO 11 W' .100014 U~. to te I lb... . cnn ge t blm t~ al ee p on n renee rail. braska, wher e the normal rainfa ll ton pl·r a c re 'fill s plowed "un der ,, him he thInks be h as Id n~ on. . . . IIoWOUldUkI&o" _ _ .........'Ui. . ._ , UJa' 1>.... tT....d 10" They are not fo od. but raving fancies. some what exceeds 30 Incb es a yea r , would - provide• enoug h nitroge n for 40 ,t ~...... a.t.oll . ." mlr-onlon CUI1 .. I" ... ·• 800thtn(f . BfTUP tor a.u_ ' _ ....4_~ .... IOI>" .tot 1'11'11. book ,," , N"obodY tblnk!! of t r ying them. There good s eed c rops a r e obtained only in bushels of corn. Anothe r cause a f IU...tb'lWln. /l ot te no th" ~um8 reduce.lnft_ , ~ . Qe., ~ro_.IIoa4 . lI.mpole.t ee •• n1I.1.1> , II ... 4rOOT . . KftAPJON" rJ,hemaehM .beth.r'" are more real good t ll ings In the tbe drier y e ars. clover f ail ure I!: the acl d can dl lion 0 f t10D II.1 n . •,ures wind eoll<>. ua.. ~ . . No. 1, 110. .• It hns been found that r el3Uvely Dla ny Isolls. Practically all of the solll ",'arId, IIko corn dodgers aod noodle ~:t.'t .,.~ lit' :;:~:::~:,,:,nl.r..~~~ soup, . wit hout resorting to these hlgb temperatures a re necesBu ry dur- or tbe s outhe ru thIrd or Hllnola are A woman laughs wtJen 11M C&II 1M ~~~.r~.:!~'iIt!~g?o.;!" . vagarIes, PasB the rrl e d mush. please, Ing the period whe n the s e~ d crop Is ac id Il nd milch of the old er fnrmed weeps When IIhe wlll-Prover~. Rnd hit the dandelion salad 10 to.- setting and developing. In the south- lalld~ of othel" parts ot ttJe s tate aro r:Rf:f:"~ FLORllf.& AVRa A~"" _- q -,OIlI'ICRITfo,o .. bullrclrLIr, western portion of the United States al so ncl d_ The r e med y for thIs trouGar ft " Id Tell, 1\ I1\1[11 tt Ve 0 t III ,"" .....,.. Ohio St~~ Journa l. _ r..r..~~.?-t:' IDe. DoD""'~ and occasionally elsewhere tbe ex- ble Is the liberal us e of lfme stone. Ity I Fur Lbu.... ufferlnii wltb CUDWpQ&oa. :. ....ll".'iJ.D fiiIlla ~~~ci'~Ji:.: treme summer temperatures combIned Limest one n eutra1izes th e a c Id s and A loater 1. an animal that feeda OIl rn= Lllerary Figurea. W. N.. U .. CINCIPtlJ'lATI, NO. 27-1111L. Robert Herrick. the aut!lor, wal with bot, dry wInds may. howe,' er. re- renders the soil sweet and wllolesome. a worker'. time. On the prairie land of soutb e rn IllInois talking at a luncbeon In Chlcaco, lult 111 the blasting of tbe flowers, Continued cool nights seriously re- the gr,owlng of clover 18 almost a 108t about literary ft&ures, "Figures," he said . "are only good tard the Betting or the ' s eed, Late art. WIth a n appli cation or two or when they l\1umlnate, " 'hen tbey \Ill. Bummer or enrly fnll rrosts freqllently three tons of limestone per nere ever,. occur In most mountain districts. COUI' 01' f\1'e y(!!!ra clover elln bo growu dersccre or italicize one'8 mellnlng. "As I pas8ed a building operatioD Theile frosts have a greater or le sl! ef- successfully on mOBt or th08e BoIIB. the other dll1, 1 beard a toremnn em, fect on the development of any ae ed whlcb may alrea dy have been set In Kill the Ratl_ ploy lin excellent figure. E>ery farm er should make It a .. 'What arll ,.e doln' up there, too young. 'Partly developed pods. 00Smith l' he Ihouted from the pave- caslonal light frosts seem merely to point t.o kill e very rat about the place retard the development of the seed, 88 tnr a s possible, DOt only for hIs ment. "A bead appenred above and so 1111 but a s evera, killing frost or continued own g:ood , but for the good ot the light rroets will serlouBly Injure the neighbors . Do not nttempt to drive jured voIce replied: Beed crop. Seed haa been obaetrYE!d'l your pest to next farm, but de.. 'Layln' brick, of course.' . .. 'Well: shouted baclt thll' toremall, setting as late 11.8 November 13 In stroy Ilt on the spot. It will require 'from yer allence ,.. mtcbt be lay In' the Vicinity or Washington, D. C., sev- wholeslale, urilted a nd persistent eferIAl weeka tner killing frollts had oc- fort OIl the part of farmers to Iteep e'g p.t U cutrell, but which were followed by down the race of devastating rat, to ten da,l or two weeks of- relatively tL level where their Injury will not be How, H. Got th. ,Lump.. warm, . , weather. felt. .Jadge--Wh{lt" .thil apeclmeD IU' Tbe •.t;IIl~"IIIU . TIU'laUoo ro.lgne4' for, Mr: 0lt!-cer' " , Paatur.. In ·8umm.i'. Ofl\oer-He appraacJieCl ·. . oIi ' tlM Plent y o~ wl\&et' and nade'8r9 eSllll·. Ib'l!et:. aiul iw r,; m.. abU ...... ' beeauae ,) abluDcwLt'l .;WLl. In the· paa.tures, wher.· "ouns . for 'hpnel -feed .durlng warm weather_ ;l • • -t", ~ :..: _ • f • " . "





r,.'" .. ._le !._-..'

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, ... Roh II""... r. , . -..::: .......w .•'~:th . e· .J'Q..~\iah " ... .:." Y" . bloalOin~ :aot wood .o r:)!a"'" "',,~.: ~ ... . ~ ,( '.::' '.




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I Prlnoe


PRISON · E~~~~O_~~_:2;'~



Ad~ ·

I< rapotkln'a Releale In R\ltala In tbe July Amerlolln Magliill nl', """"",.,-..,...........""."""'......- _........."""..................- .._ ....,. .......,..-"" '-'11- from ret.urI reoeived from t.ile of. Wil8 Ingenloualy Conceived Ida M. '.[".rbeIl , wri'ing thellllJ ~t.O ty All. will b e h'st .... a UII,1 . . LIlI . lllW~ tor 1r tlO1aloorros randen lfl of tll114 Depart and CarrIed' Out. of Carola WOt}rlehotfer, Ii Ne w Y ork t w.n l y · ~ ve ccnl_ t, .r Lbree ID6tlrll u 1l8 ~." YOU (;AN FIND THE BEST GOODS AT THE BEST 1.c lDent : ,. t gl lof I'h h t \h t ' I w b 8D UIIIII! 1I0t mure lbeu live IIDU . ;; PRICER, EVERYTHISG IN TH" LINE OF FA~CY In originali ty of conception lind r wea W 0, up 0 e line (mOCERIES. CAN DIES, COUNTRY PRODUCE. ETC., IN Whnllt-r- 'N~peot OOIJl\l!l fl,tl wltb ingenu:ity of execution, the escape of of ber death u.t the ags at twont,y . ;-..,..,.................................,..,.....................~..,."...,."...... .,.., tHIRAT PROFI S ION, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. THEY -T- OClrllltLl yle l, I. 4 :l pO t cent , Prince KrapoUci n from the prison six, was plomlnently Identifltld wltb FOR RENT 'lIe ALSO H AN DLE THE CELEBRATED LINE OF Barley- P r<lsplto t oo mp!lred with of the N ikowevsk Militar has ital the womon'lItru lle union JU ovelDent.• •, I ' II · c" Y P uys ill PliT t UUD butlineS8 huilding . loobted -:t" d a J ac k and 0 uy- Y 01 C·Jgars ~t" ~JtIo uormu Y,IO ( • nJ par Otlnt . . in St. :rctersburg in 1816 probably : ;...~ Four Queens an ... ,,. 1 " U on Mu in "trflet, bost 10011 tion , •.,. ~JtIo {YIl- l ru~ poot oomp!lretl wIth is unparalleled in priso annals. uer a ttl tu d l\ tO WBf d IlIoney Wll 8 ~ Strictly Hand-Made fJ!c norlnlll yitlhl .. 7tl pM oent . Twclve cOIlBpirnt~rs outsid~ the pri800 singularlY Indiffere nt. A:4 I hli vu !lutl l'Out r eaAoua ble. Inquire a~ tll iRotllce J17 '*'t**,*,,*,*,*, ~~$ ,*,,*,*, '*''*'*'*-;t,**,*,*,*,**r:~ Ollt.'.-Pro~f])I\ct oompllrerl with on took part in it but n t one of said. sbe refullf!t\ utl,e rly to t,mde PD .. aor.Dlal field , \l1:j per them WIIS ever or it; she wanted tt.j P"OVIl IIllu hllli ~ ~orO - Art.\a In 1911, il,0-18, l ll-1 aorell. although nHmy of them were subS6- a vl\lue quite apart· Irow thBt,. Her WANTED Cluver-Ou.waged gy whlt.e grv quently banished to Siberia for other joy was great when Miss KIlJlor ap • • worDl. :I per oent . political offenses. polnt·ed ber to 'he )5areau of 1m •• •• OUNTRY homn Rnd board; can ... • u n .... .... ~ Potato68-AreB in l!Jll . 111 .70", The escape W1!s mllde in broad migratlOu R~ a 11811try of si, 200 a ................ acoomodato u. fow ; olean table, . II f 170..1· ~ Klith. lIooretl. d~ylight, about five o'clock in the yelir. ~he Willi worth something in bells ; :alry roomll; plenty shade. Tebaoco-A r ea oomplireu with ber ow. rlllbt-1Io rooognl"ed pro rreah air and 80rlng wlLter; mail The Common Plea" Cou rt is o l Ol~e d wl\shinl( 11.0 d Ja eel! o .u I. erlne N nnhst, wlIotlbing towel8 and afternoon, in the prese nce of three last year, ~ 1 per cen$, armed soldiers, and with such Dovel duoer- usetul to aooiety. Toward twloe " dllY ; rR~es 17 per week; good f <l r a few weeks during t·he VAOllt ion oompared thill Plouey shll had a feelhag quite plltoe tu ros l.. Address Sex 164, uf the Ol)tJI't, J ndge Milton C Illr k . duet oloth", 111 .76. Ham D, Benkle, 1'illlotbV-Prospeot W~ynesvlll .., Uhlo. J 17 feel! I!.n I expenses, lUi :iG. Frl\nk. WI' t tl nur,"' liS cherries, opera hats, d ft· 1 Iff' f h .... -. l yl' eld, 79 per oent. aaccessOJncs louse, musiC! & black mnre and & I erent from thl" whioh CAme to Probate Court llD Cbroniole, "ler II eo vouo er I Pti8ture~-CoPliltion hor In dividends. ~he kept it apart, to L' & BI . microscope, 'fhe chances were at · . h Aml1ndll U. R8~ tl, gur d18n 01 t e book , .. -175 Ingo !llr. BUp· ..vitul\n avera"e 99 per oent . anu In bnylng prelents ror her .. , least ten to one tbat it would fail, . C' W kh FOR SALE flst .. te of Albert Leroy Ret>d, minor, piles,'! IH . X enlll .Ity or OUII" , HOnell-CondltioD oom pllred with mother or f rlenda, used It exoluMlvo· 22 OG 1 \J notwithstanding the extraordinary f fil,," ber 'hlrd account. boardinlC prlltonere. . . AI· an average. U per ollnt. . , h III U W . "L' uuon I oe uo '" C0801 Co • t oe. 13 40 ' B W C'hester .... aple d foon Colts Numbar oo. pl!.red with an mgenuiity Wlt which it was planned, ". Her ginll were alwaYlllleoret It Plymouth Rook chlokllnll alld Eltzroth, eXlloutora of the 8t!tde of . F. Wade & Son I! Co , Ink pad, 26 average. III per oent . but every device and .IJo 1 roollter Purl! bred stock. worked.Jectl d tb stratagem l 'b ted wall only after uea\h that It WIloS C,.rollne Frauerknooht , deo6ased, \08ntR. C. (J, Ihnln. supplleli, la 2G pen y, tan. bt e' D 1 era ' 1mown where the nO,ool whloh Knoxilale Itrain . }I'or prloe luul <':IlUle-Condition co mpared wUh ' d ' d th tiled t beir sixth acoount . I W. 1:\ , Hrabam, oontraot, I " M an a verege, 94 per oent. anon. s helped the ·rrade Union League 80 furtb.r InfotmlltiOl:l inqulftl at Ur . rprlsoner ta ~ IDe th a rug t f l lD ' bl tJ. . W. Bathaway, Waynelvllle, A W . Mardis adnlinistrator of W. E. WbitlWrtl, lumber. lill . Clllvq-N uwber oompared with St. cs P" uran..,b . e m08 88110nn. hil th t' e ill much, In 'he f.11 of 191., oame from. Ohio , J 31 t hll ~\Ilt" of John Benry Brinkman, Jamell V. HlIonklnHoD, lamber,,6 42. an liverl\ge, 92 per oent. w e e en IrO 1'.. cf •.ers th urg, 'tal ck p<>' fier giHs to indlvidllals in trouble 2.year.old belfer In good lhape · Wool-Clipped oomlllired wltb t ho h e 0't ' e caplch fwere b ' rllnsa' lUg were uD endln&" and almost always d eotlasod. fil lld his first and filiAl 1\0. \ E. B. Murrell, bridge work, '26.06 conut, Frank P . For"y eNob C1 y m scaf Inquire of P. E . Kenrlok, Way, .. , expen8e" $122 to. \I,st year, 91 por oent , ldy even' 0 .1m, ed tl t b BnonYIDOlls. In her olose oontact la b t e with tbs very poor eVllry d"y foroed nesv1i1e, OhIo, pbone :iu. 3r . J 31 ..u. D. • Bolly, administrator of ' he . B P . Blair, sewer and cement, ld (be b d lmagm d b Id est.aM of I:u,e.e R . An""purger, 60 • _ • The preaeD' wheat prospeot IIhoWII wou ' s rew an 0 enoug () on her Ilome tlituatlon where im . Jer&ey oow and OI1If, for IBis ueoea..d, filed hll iDventory a.nd ap \ uo material differenoe from the .Jane take his dinner in so public a plllCe, medi"te relief walt Imperative. I:\he For further parlloularll call on IJraise.ent. Mail Carr~ers Will Fly report being now est.i1D8ted 110' 43 nnd not a single detective looked for WII d often to (lend money by mall to Lyman Day, R . O. • , Waynesvl)1e, "'light damage to oro'" Is him there, although search wns made t " Ohio , J 17 tho person, no Dame attaohed . " Courl &nillorizell Robert .J . Shaw, . This hi an Ilge of great distJoveriea. po r 0 lin. .. ------ -. han aDd Gaor,e W. Carey exeoutor", P rogr esa ridea on t he Ilir . ~oon we no~ed by joint worms. Ohio can in scores of othcr places, 8ud every APKtNS-A new IItook of nap· of the _iasa of JohD V. Jaokll, de Dll!.y see Unole Sam's mall cllrriers not DOW h Olle t o prodaoe a barvt's' el it flipm the city '11'88 80 carefully AMERICAN PRECIOUS GE6lS kina jOlt in. ~ven dealgn8 \0 fiying in all direotlons, 'ransportlng 'hat will equal an avenge of senn guarded tbat a m ouse could hnrdly oeaeed, io le1) certaila boada. plok from. Gazet~ ofllcn. tml f I bo d i f mall. People \ake a "oDderful in. bU4heis per liore, and, all 8tated in have .crept througb unobserved. An Implntanl feature of the gem e e eerta n n n elltllt;e 0 'It.erest in 110 dlaoovery that benefits Gear....' Kennan, in Century good Ewes for sale. 14.IiO per Eliza Perrine. deceased, i8 autbor them . Tbat's why Dr. King', New previoull repor~, ~be 'otal produo~ ,,mining Industry In the United hundred. F . O. &win, ized. \ Dlsoovery for Cou" hI',. tJoJd8 and tlon for the state w11l not exoeed MlIgllziiDe. ititell dllrlng 1\111 was the rellult ef Phone 663X , WavnellViJle, Ohio. Mary lloKInJJey exeoutrix of tbe other throat and InnK dl~eases la the leven mlllloo bashelB. 'Thill wtll be -- prospeoting at the Turner emerald J 17 , most popular medlolne In America b . fif·h f the 111 11 rod 0I '"'h lb N C Th 1 eetllte of MOll88 W. J:iollinIS1lIorth, "It ou red me of a dreadfol oougb," a ou. one. • 0 p u Wbat Makes A Woman? ru ne near", e y, , . e qua· deoeued, filed ber flrllt 80000r.t. wrltell lira. J . F, Davill, Id'iokney Uon. One handred and twenty poundll. Ityof aowe of the geOls snd the Wtlllsm T. Van Derveer, gn~tdlan Corner. Me., " af ter dootor'a treat · Ode IIhow un improvemen~ dnr. more or le8s, of bone aud 'UuBole valne er the gem ma~rtAI found in WAYNESVILLE CHUlCHES. of *he 88h.te of Edwin ·R. VanDer ment and all o\her nmedles had Ing the past ml)nth. tke harvest don~ make" woman. Its a good 'his depoliU wlt.h a Bmall amount of veer,lmbootlo flied hili seventh ao fu.lled . " For ooUibs, ooldll or any pr08pect bein~ DOW eBtim&ted at 98 founda.tion . Put Into it health and developement work are promlslnl, MethodIst EpiJcopal Churc. bronshlal affeotion Its unequaled. per oent batoed upon an average 8tren~ ltoh · aod she way rultl 110 lung. for ths oatpnt Inoluded gems valued Rev. o. 8, G, p ... tor. co.nt. Prioe 510 and 11.00. Trilil b o t t l e ' dom . Bat that's just what .Electrio ' Itluoda, 9 : 11 a. m. Mornloj! ser Willard J, Wrl~ht, adminlltrator tree at aU drug!lilltll. produotlon of 31 bnahelll per aore Bltterel give her. Thousand8 bleas at 1100 "> $200 per oarat and equal v ice, 10 :80School. a. m. Ev"nlor 8enle... ,7 : 0 p of ~he ell~a~ of. C. D. lIeloy, de • - • being repre8ented by 110 per cent in them Ifor ovoroomlng fainting and In quality to the average run of tbe m. Midweek Pnyer allIIIUDI', 7 p. III. oeuecs, filed hill firat and final ao SOltlEL the report. dizzy !Ipella an.\ fOI dispelling weall:· emer<\ldll from Son'h Amerloa . oonDt. 'l'he !IoreR planted to oor.n shows ltD n68a, !oervoasneas. backaohe and IJnrlng tbe I..i 'hree yeara thIs ono St. Aupatlne'. Catholic Churdl.j Lou .. Vaus 6 t f 'h t IDorous·e of r per oent over th. 1911 tired, 1.lst1e~Il, ¥oorn ant feeling localiay In North Carolinllo ball yield· MUB enr,Father secODd Sun4a, or the lDoalb a I oorreapond ' lien d II "'" ., t 6ft·l "Electrlo Blttflrll have done me a d a enry B e Ill, .rnl ·e. , a • eel at. ..... Hi lIaonr en. Th I ' tl t d 'h 110 500 ' :00 a . •. of JohD Eyer, deoeued, filed hit Aorellge , e 0_ IIorea 1168 ma e worlfl of good," writes Eliza Pool, I ,,,mil war. . . fim aoooont. aa a ample of aorrel, and writes: at 3197 884 aore'lIosa~IlI!l!\ 3 04819~ Depew, Okla" "and I thank yon, Maoh Interost bas lately been St. Mary'. Episcopal Cbun;la. "What lIthll weed? H 18 spread aor~ la'8' year. '., with all my heart; for maklnlr snoh IIornUled In ..he mOlla &gl!.'ee fonad In Rev. J . F . O&4w ..I1&4"r, Rector, Marrla&e Uten_ in, rapldly here. Bow IIhonl<1 I glt . Thl area in potatoea ahowl a a good medioine. " Only 500 . MODtana lIome of whloh are re- S uod ay School. II :110 a. m Morning l er rid of U? h IIpreadll both by leed Gnaranteed by all 4lruggiats. ' vice, iU :30 a. m. Dol, CommuDlon Ibe llrat Wilaon Amlon, n, farmer of f ka " deoliDI oompared wlib 1911. •_ • marltable for their r8(lemblanoe to Sunday (It eaeb moolll. FrankliD and Pearl 8loier, 18, Of aad r::u rooY'oc f 'til 1 Timothy prospect unfavorable, landlloapea. By taklnK advaDtage I'raakU.. A' ~i II l18alo n 0 : 1e~r lorre beiDI eetimated at 79 per oent oom ACCOUNTED F1Ift of the auangement ~ of the dark Cbrlatlan Church. ~ Rev. L. 0 ,- TboIDJ*lD, P ...... :£arl Prlce 22, JetHr oarrier of il IDA. ~~ m~ d OWl a~ l)aII u~::~: pared with a normal yield. aellmll and dendrltlo pawbell, pat Bible 8cbooI. . :.0 a. m. 80claI IDeetiol. Nlddle'own, aDd Doril M. Ford, 18 po~r, 80l ~ I oon8 pl:no: w hi ~ • - • terns are obtaine41 that reeembl 10:8 0 .. ID. OhrUUau Bnd_vor. 1:0U p. m. h Bermon pu~ ".1IlT a!&enlaw SWlda, .. owll of Korrow. · Yel r aeeJ ea , w 0 During the anmmer mo.thll mo~h. mOlfs, lIe& gro.w th. tern a, rUIl,lell. 10:' 0 a , bJ' III. aDd 7:'0 P. III. PeM AmreiD, 30, monu~ent en- grow about 81nohes fro. 'he gronnd. ers of YOllng ohUdreD should watch traee and landsoaPl!1 wl'h water and Hidaite FrIeodI CbuM.. graTer of Hamil&on aDd Nellle L. L'Jo.. r arowli poorly where1'8r lor, for any onna'nral 1008eness of the 1lIl ,lndli. The oai gem~ oonlilit of relia f lund, and the blue ma11A teat bowell. When given prompt. .... 1I'Il'11t Da) aI"ellol(. 0 :00 & . m, IMnl Da, WiDDer, 21, of Lebanon. t.1 6 thl tl e -- 10Uil tronble IItO:lell lIuiuble for use in brooohea, Sobool, 11 ;$0 a m. J'our&h Da, M""UIlI . nearly alwaYlahow.1 that the loti ill may In. onbea. avoided I m ""r Clramberlain'jS ltiok plna, watoh fobs. beU baoklell, 10 :00 a. III. leal Eatate TraJUlen acid. Coho, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem. anel other ornameut.. Tl-e geml Orthodox: Friend. Churca. ., Sorrella a perennial and Iprladl edy can alwlloYI be depended UpOIl out from the Montana m08!! agate DOni B. h p r to Moeea Beel, lot KrL 8u'h Murray, P ...tor lIoth by leed and by underground U ad d For llale bV all •dealer8. _ • or mocha lltone command rood Sabbath Sobool, g :5U a, 10. Uelt\1lar ohUN!a. in FraDJdln, $1. pri08ll, brtnKing from 11 IMlr vl oo. 10 ·1lO a. III. Chrl81:1aD Eodea.or. II. W. Bolmer io P.eroy W , Bal· rootewokl. On pqor so 118 e down M meadow or puture, the Why Do People Like Fiction In to nUll or IS.8 apiece !:lome of the 7 :30 IJ_ mer,lo& iD lAbanon, 11. Summer? rmal111r aionea IInitable for stiok Rebec)oa r•. WhiiaOl'e and Walwr pM' la hard to fight. Clean oult·iva. pin!!, If the mosay 01' fernlike pa" L. Whltaore al exeou'ort of the ea· tion will loon ,ei rid of It for the time beinl, liIu' if l& il Deoellary to Writing In the July Woman's ~rDS are pal'loularJy delloate aDd DR. J. MILLER. taM of WUliam T, Wbltaore to W u. keep the land in gr888. The only Home Companion, Jeannette L. beauaifnl, bring 125 8Il0~ , -U. t!. ti. . B. Wlaitaore, lot in Korrow, thlnl wktoh can be done II io Ipre.d Gilder lIaya: Gaoloaioal Survey Prelll BulJeUn. . •• DENTIST••• 1250. ten tona of .anute and" 'aD "1 never oould llnden'and jUllt '! - • Alfred V. tsDook CO Ellllu A . fi ye Oflloe 10 The man who can, whUe walklnl NatloDa! PhUllpe. traot in TudJeoreek iown , of Umelione oa each aore. . Tbll why, bnt, for aome reason 01' other, Waynesville, 0 BIIozak Bide. oombined with a hMvy' lIeading of people are sUPPolllld to read nothing tbe fioor with .. howlin, kid ai 2 a. "Any good fishing about here?" llhip, II. graal and olover In \he IIpri n l, wUl bu\ dation In the aummor·"me, and "Fine \" m ,. step aD the bualDeaa end of 1& I ;:::=~~~~======== yok wUhout ruftlinK bill temper. IlCo~llIioner'. Proceedings loon relnlt ·In the lerrel being di8 · yet It il in tJ.e 8nmmer that they • AIM you & fisherman ~ baen't enern eDough in hllmAkeup DR. BELL'S ANTI.PAIN BU1e-J'raalr: P . . FarlY. board' lllaoed.-Wallace'e farmer. liaVtl the 1Il0st leisure for reading i "No; I seU bail" to evar amount to a ro" of pinll. P... Internal Mel External ........ !!!!!~~!'!""'!'!""'!'!""'!'!""'~~!'!""'!'!""'!'!""'!'!""'~~~!!!'!~!'!""'!'!""'~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ihat Is, people wbo do have lel8ure. ---,~~~~~!!!,!~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!,!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= "Perhllops it ill beoanle theYlipend so muoh time In hammooks and on verandall In t·he SUlllmer tbat yonng IIond old want UKht literature, lig~t (25266) in oallber and light In wellht, for one oould not bold a larg. book while reolininlJ in 110 hammock or lounging in a veranda obair I Moore'. GI... Oven Door is without doubt the handiest "A8 It. rule, the most Important improvement ever added to a cookin&' rall2"e. It saves half the flotlon i8 publiehed in the fall, and work of baking, besides insurini' better results. It enables you SIRE OF it Is the Hllbter novela thlli are pub, to see the condition of the food in the oven' without constantly lillhed in the IIpring and eRrly sum stoopin&, over andopenin&, the door, which causes COD2:27 Major Purcell ... 2:10Y. Puss Russell .. mer All the publillbers mn8' know siderable discomfort as well as loss of heat. Ella Purcell ............ "1 .. ... ... 2;1lY. Toe·Calk ............... .. ....... ... 2:26 Y. market, 'hil argue!! 'hat IInm. 2·yr.·old record ... .. ...2:30 Tessie Purcell " ........... .....2:1:4Y. mer 18 the time when people read Louis Purcell ..... " .. " .... " .. .. 2:16X Louis PurceH, .. " ........... .... . 3-yr. ·old·record ........2:27 y. Fannie Purcell .. ..... ... " ...... 2:17Y. novels .. seconel in 2:22 Billy Purcell .... , .... .... ..... .. . 2: 19y' Dandy B.. ......... ------~.~~~.~----Celia P ............ ...... .... " ..... ,2:23Y. Ella Purcell ....... " ... second in 2:08 FJr soreness of ,be musoles. Reuben White-sock .,,,,,,,, ... 2:13y' Major Purcell .. ..... " second in 2:07 whetber induoed toy violent exer. really costs you nothinE in the end. It more than pay. WinDie Purcell .... " ....... " ... 2:24Y. olee or injury. there Is nethlng bet. ter th ... n Chamberillin'a Liniment for itself on its fuel-sa~in&' features alone. Each stove This liniment allio rellevel! rhen· is equipped with a Controller Damper which positively saves matio p"tns. For sale hy all dealers. one-third of the fuel. Moore's Rane-e is the only one havinl' a Con. -----...---troller Damper. COLLEOE TO TEACH BAN KINO; The Everlasting Fireback, which is · part of the still is also the sire of more show horses and high·priced sellers than any further reduces your fuel expense by providing for the burnine- up of all smoke soot .ras other horse in Southern Ohio, and in order to give every one a chance The qld days whllIl the humanitiee Moore's Range actu~y teaches cookina. It is equipped with an accurate Ov~ Tbennomet.: to I'et another colt by this sire, I will reduce tAil price of his colllltituted the whole curriculum of and a Thermometer Guide, prepar~d for Moore's Rane-e exclusively by ttirs. Sarah Tyson Rorer. service fee to $15.00 to insure a living colt, the rest of the year, to the fJollp.ges are gone. There are 'prothe .acknowle.dged foremost cook of the country. It te1\s the exact leDith of tinle neces8~ for January 1. 1913, and in four years from now Purcell colts will aelrfor bUlD!:, any kmd of food and the temperature required. . enough to buy two draft colts, or a draft team already broken. I will fe880fships today on journalism and also give the season free to ten mar~ that are registered, or will buy a hundred other is'!DB. Now cornel the eeaaon of same. Now, anyone that would accept a colt as a gift E. C . .Converse with a gift of $125,. from me and has a registered mare, will be bred to the Great C. H. .We haven' t r00!ll here to tell you all about the aluml· 1\0 stirrinl!: and' without th. ~ i~( ~ailger of bamlDl'. · 000 to establish & professorlhip of Purcell, for nothing. . . ni2:ed oven, wblch III the lightest and IDOlt sanitary .ou the 'I'bere are dosena . of ·other, ~clq"" ' .featul'el of tlil· banking in Ha"ard university. He . m.lrketi or the. Moore HUiPcl Top, which overcomes the · Moore'RalJge whlo.~· 'WiI;'l\1 be glad Ii:! iIIl9w:' ~nd np1aJ9 C. H. Purcel has won 600 premium8 in the show ring and stands unequaled. Won over $2000.00 in races and never behind the money. eayll it is to put this "cience on a par ,'troIUbl~ and Inconveniences of broiling· Bteak or toasting . to YO,! lf 'yoll will Call ~t. ollr ~(ore. · . :'. ..: ". ... .' lm"~, or the M~AIlti-8c:orchCo"". wbieh permits the . . ~We ' Won~t . 10u to. blly.'.)·: Can·'NOW wlIiIe oar w,ith Greek and theology. .Business . -: bo[Ung of mllk or ·tium eully wltb~.· . ' • .•. "' .,. ' ., f · " (,: ·r'· '. "" -., " '., ~" ~ .. . . ~ ')~ :.,. ,~~ colltigea for· a long time have rivaled high tlChoola in , teaching · busmell .tl\an aDY ~ applied lei-




1 ho foll t, f: Ing report II! ,0lYlJl led

. .• •

** '*'


v_ . . . . .






~ent .



· ·








.. ..------


N 12






H. Purcell

You Can Look Into This Oven Without Opening the Door


R,ecord, 2:19 t

05 . . . . . . . . . . "

of .


.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..


Moore's Range

.. ..

.. _



Let Us Show You This Wonderful RaDJie




(,v.ayr:-eevllle,· Ohio eDceL So, after ·a 1lltr; . Oonv61'lie'. ~~"'-"~~~IIIiI!............. . ~!-.!I " ~~I!III ' ';. .,.....~ :~&Id. ~.~.. :,. -', ;, .-'. ' '. .. --:----· ··-~.t ·~- 7 .· ,~ )j(~jj'~i~?N.~ I!i! .



Harveysburg. VALLE Y ·I'I!:Ltr.I'II U.'1E



Spring Branch

'I'h., tome life oenterM Bround hm·. litlr oonnsel Is lIougbt on D. L. CRAN E. Editor and Manage!' t.b .. most Ill! portant mBtterli and th e IllUtl t triflin g d~tllil of 1l0Y plan mnst Rates of Subscription un ve her Ilpprovd 1. When a mem OU8 Yoar {. ~rlL-tI~ lu .... vallee) . . .. ... . S1.00 btH' of tbe fflmlly goes for Il trip It Singhl Copy .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . U ~ "' mother wh6 generontlly p\tmll anu pr,'pBres and seol! ~hat everything i8 Rates of Advertis ing t\I I' IlUj.( Il U tor Ii p18118&n t , uurney Read.11I« LocaJa. per Une ...... . . ... .. . k ReadlDlJ Locala . bllle" tU (·o. per lIue , .. . I Ur W lIen a storm euddenly brellk!! fortb Olua1lled Ada. uo' to II:<l 't'ed ti ro lIue. In the wludle of the night mother 'flu'88 IU!I4lrllvu • . . .. ... . .. , . .. llk: qUletlv borrleH to eauh bedohamber. Obl,uarlel. IIvll Iuche~ troe; o vcr 11 1'0 <. Inchee. per line . . . .. .. . .. .... . lie lowers the windows ane draWl tile <Jard ot thlll1kl . .. . . . ........ • ..... , .. 35c ourtillns, ttlklng livery oare not to a.-oluUollil . .. .. .. .. .. . .... ......... . 6Cc awaken the sleeping ohlldren. 8oc1a1a etc. whlln'l cbl1J1ru 1.0 Wild t! • • . . • . . 11k: Dlapla, Ad ~ert lalDI per Inch .. . . . .. . .• . tOe When aloknes! Invadea the home UloooUllta l.eD 00 contract. aDd death lurkll just bey()nd tho lit tie fa01lly oirole, it Is mother JULY IT . lun . al!tlln who grapples with \he grim perleoutor as hoor Idter hour and U aometiu.el! paya to kloif, but is ol!;ht after night unmindful of her Dever paya to knook. 8rlf 8be watohe't over tbe bed81de of 'he dl8611le Itrioken ohild. And ..., If you've got a headaohe, don't wlulD the oris Is Is p!lised IIond hope Klve everyone else one talking about awakena life to oontravene IIogalnllt U. leath, mother Hlips softly IIoWILY for a little res'. Sbe fall8 asleflp aeBuy i' now. Chamberlaln'8CoUo reellly happy that her lIervice and Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy hi s8oriHoe haa aaved the life of a dear almol. oert"ln to be needed before OIlA , 'he ,uwmer II! over. Buy It now I Every thing that II! dtlare8t ond and be pre})ared for lIuoh tin emer· ' .. . ,sweetest In life In some WAy 18 JeDoy. For lillIe by all dellolers . : linked np with mother . And yet • ; we wonder If the hOUJe always ap Some one bas disoo.,ered that preolatell mother. ollan are being made of alfalfa . Th Ch • - • H Be7 ! e olce Of A usband ill tOll important a matter for a wewlI.n to be handlotlpped by weak ~omebow good luok caver gela neY8. bAd blood or foul . breath. arounlt HI 'hoee who set out to waU A void thes9 klll.hopes by ta king .for It DI'. Klng's Life PI1\8. New IItrength Hue oompblxwn, pure br8l1th, oheer Wben a ioulp lets wind of aome fnll!plrill- 'hlngll that win men f€lltheir UHe. EIiHY, sate, Hure woe luio, pleoe of soandal the atar'. low 250 a1\ druggist• . a burrioane. - - ....- - -

Bert Ae Grant,


I: j.,v.

f'everal from ·bete a"ended ~be MItis Alioe Cbenowe'h entertained Wayne Towllllhip D. &, P '-:-=;:-=4-IlLlUlHr...l1JIW..--B_ . Ann. l1reu and wife laHt I Pl onio near WaYnes,rllJe. /:)aturday. Sunday evenin g and nt Monday Thl" Is Ii grand organization IIolld dlnuor. should be appreoiated by all lawMI' . and Mr8 . Frank: Bess enterbilling oltlzentl. hlned the latt e r's father, Mr. John Our fanners are very bosy be· ijm I th. t:!oudIlY . tween sh )wers trylai to IIlVI! their M re. 01 0 k lion Wharton and Eddie I oropll . Hnley were the guest s of Mrs' j Mn. Hannah Viokory, of New Fuuk Dakin and family. lall'Thurs· York. is visiting her eieter Mn. day . Frank E. Mills. Mr and Mrs . Frank Oooa ~lled B. Y. Collett, of near here, 18 en. on Mr . and Mrs Frankin. last BunOFFICE IN OLD SCHWARTZ ORUO STORE joying hlR new Dniok touring c"r . day afternoon . Ueorge Denny blls puroha!led an Mr. Cillulle LRov llpeut 8atur.i ~y E. M. F. touring e,~r. ni~ (]( t. tlnd /:)unday with hie parentij, Childrell's day at the M . E. I'lhuroh Mr. H nol MrII . Th oma8 Laoy and I Sunday Di!{bl was a suoOelli. muoh fllm'ily . They 111so entertained Mr . Valley Phone III to tbe oreu it of their Inlltraotors. Guy Chenoweth lind Fored Hoblit Mra. l:ltmry Murphy and 'wo at Sunday dinner. ohlldreD, of CIDolnnati, aro tht Mrs. Annie Luoas anll aonl, Mrs . guel tB of Mrs. Murphy 'II paren'p, J . B. Chenoweth and da Uih te Mr. aud Mrs Bobt. Carr . Franoes and Mrs. Guy Chenoweth Htlrry I:)herwood. ot the Waynell- oallea oa Mrs. H . C. Dllkln and Being prepared from Pure Nativre Herbs, they Cleanse the ville garage, oame over and adjusted family, bonday afternoon. System and Purify the Blood. and Tone the System, and thu s 'he gasoline engine at the FertiUzer M:r. and Mrs. Walter Dakin are pillont. Mr. Bherwood Is an exper' rejo!lcinC over the IIfrivRI at Itt baby In hili liue. girl. Uleda Elizabeth, July 5. The Ladits Aid 800iety roet at. tho Mrs. Mary Jilaw8e oalleu on Mrs oountry home of Mr . and MrH. Mand Dakin Thursday morning . Mre. Raohel Austin and dnughter I lIowHrd Graham anei WIS enjoyed LIVERITE&-A purely vegetable Laxative. cures Chronic Can· by a uumber of people. Celestla were the guests uf lrin. stipation, Liver and Kidney Troubles. Ask your Grocer for it. Tbis oomll,unlty has been vis · Frulk 8e811, Monday afternoon. Manufatured by ALPHA CHEMICAL CO., SpringfIeld, Ohio Ited reoon,ly by very heavy rain Mr . Nathan Au~tln transaoted a~d elAotriotll s'ormll. Mr . Chas. ltutllnessln Dayton, h~lIt Tue~day: Piles being the loser of ill hogs Ind Mrll. Cllnl. Urubb 8v ent a tew days 1 OOW, belDg Htruok by IIght~ln" . IIOlft week in Croll8wiok with ller Rev . A. K. 8110rgent filled hIS ullual flitt';l,rs Mrs .Ioun Couner and Mrs . Bellbrook. Subscribe for the Gazette appointmeBt a' the Jouas Run Bap ·1 Chat'les Brtlddook. tiet ohurch, Iilunday. ! Mil' and Mrs Frank OO .)E and LIla' 'I'hunday IlYening at the Mayor Whetse1, vilited rela~lv8ll ' d!lt1.~:hter M.aud were en lertained by beantlful homl'! of Mr. "nd Mrl! . In O~yton and Xenia hut week re· 1Mr and Mn . '{,homol! Lllny tLOd Frank Dinwiddie, at Ilil(bt. 0 'olook turning borne Saturday to aUend fam i ly at Sunday dinner . took plaoe the Wl\rriitge of their . - - -... llis offioial 01 utiell. --dauKhter Miss Elina Emma to Wm. MIt.y of the youag pe )ple from THI: OItEATKaT It JOu Bre Il hous8wHe you cane at N . 'I'ate. Rev . ::; K . ScoU, pnlltJrof this violnity attended the danoe III rOI1"onlibl v hope to be healthy or Tbe w"'y eduoatlonal inKtitutlonll the Preebyterlan churoh of thl" People wbo want Oppor'unlty to are Iprlnglng up in the wes', BOI Waynesville Thursday night. A beautifol by wal!hlng dishes, sweep IN THI WORLD '{ood time was reported . ing and uoiuK housework 1101\ d~y, plaoe.~ffi( illting. nook at 'heir ~oora IIhould pro.,lde ton wUl aoou be a "has beaB. " I'UBUSlIEJ) WEEIlY. $-1.00 fER TEAl Mr. and Mr8 . Albt'rt Kemp arRev . lnnger filled the pulpit here aDd orawling Into bed dellod tired IIot convenient knockers . night. You mUllt get out Into tbe rived here from Jltokllonville, Fla .. HOTELa. DItUCCIIT.. 8PIOIALlant, 8unday afternoon at 'he M. E. 0plln air and sunlight. If you do COSTUMERS. TRANSF.It. CAli "Whea a woman I. kissed 011 one ohuroh. thl!l every day and keep-voDr stom. to epend the IJnrnUl9r wltb rel&thel. A.D 'aue eERVle. CAN PRO"I~ DYl!en~ry Is always lIerlooe and oheek sbould she turn tbe other?" Mra. Frank LtIorumA, who htU! been BY US.NO ITS ADVERT.aINO COLUMNS Mist NeUie Evana II viliiting rei · ach and bowels In good order by oUeo a daugeroull dillease. but It oen Iltlvetl nellr WllmIDg'on . talttn~ Chamberlain'ti fable'li when very puorly, Is uo better at 'hia SAMPLE COPY FREE &Ilks an exohange. No, sbe should be oured. Chamberlain's Collo. Add.... NIW YORK CLIPPER Bam uel Tuoker of Xenia vlalted needed. yon should beoome botb wrltlng . Cholera and DllIorrboM Remedy hall only turn about hair tila\ far. . . ' , healthy and beautIful. For Hale by Ne. Yo"'. N. Y. Mr. lion. Mre . C. M. Aus~ln enteroured 1$ eveo when maliMnan' and Ills aled mothe:~e:DtIY. \_11 dealers. _ ••_ __ epidemlo . . For .. Ie by all deale,., taiaed company from Deyton, las~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Feed your oowe sweets," uyll a Sanday. Insect Bite COlts Lee New Burlin~on WllOOnlln dairyman. "It will do Mr, Clem Dill who has been bed. DR.H.E.HATHAWAY A 8ollon wan )011' bill Ie" from ' "Well. I'll be hanled '" u:olalmed thom good. " Ulve ua a HUle more faIt fer years 111 'rildually growing the bite of an lnse')t two yeara be E. D . Compton. who hal bten Wn,Yoesville'l Lell.dinjl Dentia' 'be homtolde UPOD heal Inl the jury'l ~ffy Uke lha' and Wt will try It. weaker . fore. To avert auob oalami'iel frow oonltined to his hom'e wl,h .ymptomll Office In Keys Bldg. MaiD 8t uDupeokd verdlot of (ullty. Orley Pe'enon hili! iune to Niag_ Itl~gs and bltea of Inaeotl un Buok of t:vnhoid fever. hI impro.,ing. Rookefeller Is probably proud of len H ArDioa Salve promplly- kUl - M.tll8 Bernlee Hawkins spent Mon ara Falla on a week '8 vlait. the polllOn and prevent inflamma-· Billy BpUler haa purohued a new It people aoted all the time Uke his ability to raille t.he wind-bot "on. swelling and pain. Heall day "nd Tn8lda :r of lut week with ~ au'omoblle. tbey do dorlng a oamplllMn the in probtably regreta 'hat tbat abtU'y burnll, bolls, ulcera. pilei. eczema, friende In Wtlming'on. WALTER MCCLURE, Mr. and Mra. Carl Petetlon villi ted The many relativ68 of L. M. Spray . . . . 41 . .,tum wonld not laok for re-Ihall rellulted In a 'orDado of aboae. ou~, bruises. ODI, 15 oen\l at aJi drug,la\l , • _ 0 aad family. of Kanuli. enjoyed a hlr partlnla near Spring Valley, laBt oru1&•. Funeral Direr.tor. in their honor at the old Men. Bunday. Caesar's Creek In Les Angeles they require baby Yr. and Mn. Chal. Kable left for An Eotu Claire (Wls) ma1l has deD!tal1 homeatead near tiprlng Val. Chicago, lad Wednesday evening. Telephone day or night. dllooverad elp.otrillty oan be carrlagell &0 oarry Ught.s al night;. Marianna and Ina Compton Inter· ley, Friday. Mr. and Mra. Barry MoGinnls, of made wl&h wind. Now we see Wheeling babl&8 around the streeta ~,IDed last Tuetday evening in Valley phone No. 'I. Lon" F. M. tthane. of \be I. H. C. hu wbere lOme of our "ubUe speakerll nigbls Ie oertalnly a danger worthy honor ·)f their oouain. MillS Ruth bf!ell sen' to MlnDeaOw. to remain ~ytle, villited relati vel here IIWl~ Distance No 69-"., of sOllle kind of reoogniUon. week. let thsir IDIIIDetiem . Spray, of Lawrence. Kanaas fi , e weoks. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO ~lisl Olara Rubart, of Xonia, hal Misl Uertrn ,le .Iorril, of Porta· Ridgeville bean visiting Mabel Stanley. 'be motllth, 0 , Is the guest of ber aunt Branch Office, Harve,nbW1r. O. past week. Mr8. Thoe Haydook, Mr. aud Mrs. E V . Barnhart took Lydia Bawkinl, of Cheater, Mra . We wIre vlBited by a good rain lupper wUh :~. T. Harner·s. Friday Doan, of ClarltavUle, and Horace latt week. evenine. Compton, of Cae.. r's Creek, a4' Our Four'h of July was a IUOO8HI. Chaunoey Buonell hall purohaaed drp8Ied the o4lngregatioa a' tbe Mr. Ed Method and Mn. Lydia a Dew a u r . o m o b l l e . u r o b , . . - - o o- Systematio Benne" apeat Sunday with Mn. Mr. and Ibl.. J08!1le Oalne. spent Ulvlna, 8unl1ay _orDIDg. Method . Sunday evenil1~ at Zlmrl Hlllnes·. ·J.'be t,mpathy of the en'lre oom A lMlaket metlting WIll be held a' The Bereao ~undllY Bohool 018s8 mnlility Koea out to Mr. and Mrs. 'be Sap,Ie' oburoh next tilunday. w1ll entertain the two organized RaJ:ph Leamlng io the 10111 of 'hetr All oome and brinK a small buket 01a18ea. the Dnltll Alpha and Loyal little 8t:ln Delmar . and hav.. 110 good time. Bona of 'he New Burlington btUldllY -..... ---.---Carl Duke and wife II.nd J. BeD is not always what you have in drb, of DaytoD, aUended the ball at ~hool WedneFd"y evening. of thill , Beech Grove . • stock, but what you are able to WaYDesvllle, TburtdlloY eight. week at the home of Ralelgb anG convince the buying public that you Evan B0 8an .' M. M. and W . Ii . Terry and K . E. Mra. Ed Bunnellts on the slok Ullt, have, and can offer at fair prices, Muser liomer ~ia\n9s visited with Thomp"nn were In Orellonla on Mr. Martin Melhod and JIllslI EI81e which will bring you the greatest meashla conlin Irvin Pehr80n tlt the Silturday OUriDIe bay for J. W. )'oulkl were married the Fonrth. ure of success. Can you think of a 110me of the Illtter's "rand parents C"'lllwell. MiA Ru'h Redder "pent Bunday better method of giving the public this Reuben Jonea. Monday. ~li81! Andromeda Thompeon !lpsnt wUh .. tal Catherine NOllett. of informatioR tha~ through the columns FraDk ~tanley bill! been on the IiJtll1lda, wltb Lon II ran nOD and wife Centenille. siok lIat a.ffering frOID rheumatism at ehurobvllle. Qol&e a orowd liltened Brother of your local newspaper'! We hope tor bili Ilpafldy TROOyery . tjlra. Karl Dellothera«e and daogh Devore, of Cinolnnatl, at the BapMa' Not the salesman who asks and reMr . IIond Mn Rllbert 8tanle, at tltr Martba were the 1088\1 ef 111'11. ohuroh. Suoday evening. treats after being ref used is the one sended ohuroh lit NflVI' Burlington. Ida Mannon and IIrll·. lIary lIanaoD We would all enjoy a .rood oold Undertaker and Embalmer, who wins, but the ' one who has the Bonday and took dinner wit-h h~r I)n ThursdlAY. at Churohville . dilb of ioe oream ,hla ho' weather. courage to "come back". You should pareu\l. IIr. WtlI Compton'l! l'here will be all day m ...tlDg a' Will be fonnd In the old Bank BuUdlng, 0pp08U., come back every day with your arguthe National Bank. JohnDY Wliflon'lI fIImily and MISII the Frlendll oburob at Olive Branoh 'UI)I

Tinner and Slater, Furnaces, Roofing and Spouting, Sheet Metal Jobbing of all kinds.

Waynesville, Ohio

F======.LIVERIT ES=======I






I===LIVERITES Only lOcc:==





- ..





- --_0- •.- - -


. .-r. _trtbant ET






ments in your local paper, The merchant who follows this plan always wins .

1to tbt l\tabtt mercpant who invites you to inspect his various lines of goods, is not afraid to tell you of their gpod q1,lalitieS is Ute one inost likely to .. me.e~ 'your requirements. Read'~, ':- ~tation~ -- o( . your m~chants .}~ the .

~~= :=::!:~d8!:~/iDaH


~~el;;=dYSu~~~~~ J~y o:~. 1:~~






enjl()Y another Hood all day's meet· Notary Public day or night. InK Va.lley Phone 14.-2. THE TASK AT "AN~ I Several from thll plaoe a"eaded AllkindaWor of Notary Work. Penllon Main Street. Waynesvill., Ohio ... 8peoialty. .:l f lJl)ildren'" Day IIot BaneYllbnrg on '!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!'!'!!!!!!'!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'"!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!~!!!!'!!! Thea 1 te Cl · ara Ba rton, h eag 0 '. )as.•. ",un U d lIoy even Ing . the Amerf can Red C roBS, wu. Tb I I ) h h b ChriBtian in perhaps the beat BeD8t I e 100 l at t Ie 0 uro Ire OD the tical d 1ft h last rhnraday eveniDg waa a oom -. prac • an. 1lD8e. I. aenee. I plete laooe.II •• usual. DR. E. H. COSNER, Miss Barton, man mterneW'm New 'l Min Myrtle 081'04111. <who Is at. York about the tenement-hou. -oA_ "1'cI' tenlhog the N N. U. at Lebanon, IaWII, once ---:d t0 a repone!": Sa d d B d i~h I t h h, 1'..:1 1 t l'gi Illent. tor an an a7 w. neg ec c UIC u neg ec re I 0Dt · her home fOI kH bltre. . to get our vile anel unwholeaom. . 'Ibll plloe wtll be well repreeenHd 81umB ~lllWept a~8y." She paueed,1 a' l;he LediN Aid lIOOla"" the II. E . 912 lelboid BulldlnL ~en added; ~e ought .D~t to ~ ,ohurch' a' Olive Branoh . OD DU' Dayton, . , . o · Ohio· 81~. the . ' aWaltmg ~ OIl ' nenlnr, .luI, . , liU. . ,the of. . ~ 8b.r~00cI <;)0:, ·are,. - - -... - .


Osteopathic Physician

D~tb,~~;~;~~;e~I~~1l- ~01U~r.l~D;i;,~l;.~:· ~.~.i; ,· barD ~w :Welr; farm . Grad. . . AiDeIIcaa ~, ~. lie! '118 obuob benp. · . .':,,~ ": . ,;,' - '," , ".;" '. ,.'

....._ .,..., ~ :

.\; . ~

.> :: ;, ::r-.i

The Miami Gazette I \

D. L. CRANE, Publis he r. W AYl\:ESVILLli:,





THE WORK THAT LASTS. T be wo rk of t he q ul l'!, co n scl ell t lous m lln docs IIOt era"o when dent b s till e hi s 11I:'n r t. I Ie I.,," planll (I too ell ' lt full y nnd wro:l& bt l OO cU Il Gdrn t loudy I for IllS u ll sI'lt1sh Inb urs to pass In le olll l\' ioll Tho wnrlU h:lS need 'Jf hI s servi ces and 0[((,0 ben~n t s by tb e m 10ll g "fte r h Is rn re I~ run . 11 0 111 1\ 1 not 1111\,,' n"Hle !Dllch Imllrcs. lon In b h II fetim c, bllt r r a ll that be llu llt te tb " be ~ t of h is nhillty and to future l;ene r:.t lol1S hI s wur k Is of e ndllrieg val li . TIle Qlllet worke r Is ne ve r ex· pl a ited by bls f How ·men. Ind eed, th ere n rc 80 me pe rs ons wbo hold In co n telllPt t h e man wh o d oes Dot mn k e a sll r III th e wo rld , so ys t he Cbar les. to n l'o:cws .. nd CourIer . It Is n ot a l· ways t he Qua lity of th o work that co u nts , bu t r a t be l' Its Sl'cc t ncul nr er· tects. Tha t t hese e ff ect s 800n wear a way and len ve expose(\ th o ro ug h surfaces cnnn ot be Qu es tion e d , nnd th en It Is t h a t men turn with confl· dence to the r csults ot the unobtru, ah e, depcndable work er. wb o s t rlv Cll N purc h asIn g Sta r ved Rock Bnd with his h eart, as we ll as wit!! his Its su rr oun d .ng ucres for a lI ub· hend . In a recent arti cle on the s ubIl c IJIl r ie th o Ela t e of illI nois has ject the writ e r says of the QuI et work. d011 0 m ore t h an I1n' ~eH e th e er that he bull(!s for e te rDlty, anc! scene o f an IndIa n tradition. It bas that e ternIty alone can dis cov e r tho m ndo pe rm a n en t !l mO lll.m E' lI t or th e fine fini s h ot his workmnns hlp. W e ('ar lles t ,'ccordl' d hI stor y or [ile upPl' r can t a ke a plcce ot furniture fl nd MIss Iss Ipp i va li ey. TIlt' pa r k includes Jlalnt on It 8 S b rillIant a glos s as we t h e si te of th e ol dest fo r t n nrl p<'r m a· Wish for, but It will not be long be- c ent European settie me nt In t he va l· fore th e ch eap urllllo n cy ta rni sh es ae d ley and pa r t o f t h e s il l" of II great co m · mll o lt y t hat eve n n ow wou ld rani! with s bows In a ll Its ugliness the painted Ih o la r ges t !'illeR of t h statc. Th(' wood be n eat h. On the otb e r ha nd, 0111 on d a ll but fo r;::o[le n Kns k nskia the flne finis h which the mas le r worl:· Il ne! It a sllburb a wp re large r t h an th e man gives to th e nrtlcle h e Is reo p rese nt elly of Alt on. large r thM storleg Is a ttaIned onl y nfter th e most F r epo rt . tw ice a s la rso as t he eea r·by bon est and paIn stakIng errorlB, whI ch ci ty o f Ot ta wa. Wh (' n It Is recallcd thnt o n ly a ce n· he dIrect s not to th () a ttaInment or Immediate fio a l resu lt8, but to res ults tllr y ogo th e £toc kadc ll F or t Dea rb orn wbl ch lea d gradually to the beautlrul t hut had bee n Chl cngo wu s a s cen e of desolation It III d Iffic ult to turn th e fini s h wblch crowns his work. ml n rl bac k sU1 1 ano t h e r cent l1 ry lind mo re to tb o beg.lnnln g or F ort S I. Some Iowa farm ers advoca te pigs Lou is . 0 11 th e Illinoi s rI ve r. P e rhaps as antidotes for d a nd e lions. Just that Is wby t he India n lege nd of a fence In your lawn a nd turn a pIg iate r d a te h as becom e kno wn w hile InsId e. they say, and tho da ndelions th e reco rded hts tor y of th ~ I'I~ ce h ilS wl\1 s oon be gone. No doubt, but beE' n ror go ll en and Fort SL Lo uIs has whut about the lawn? "PIgs In clo- becom e ·Starve d Rock." m a y do IIttlo harm, for mowing It was In the Bumme r o f 16i3 that J o li e t nn d Fathe r MarQue tt e e nt e red machInes are heavy e nough to trav· th e Illinois river nt Its mo uth afte r a erse hog·wallowed ground, but the or· I rip down Ihe MIssissippI from the dlnary lewn mower would make slow WI"c on s ln. They we re on the ir way progress o ver a thoroughly rooled boc k to ess te rn Wiscon s le hy w a y o f yard. The pigs, we aro assured. w\ll Ch ' rag o cnd stoppe d only three days go after tbe dand.e llons In earnest, b&- a t th e IndIa n village of Ka Skas ki a , cause they like them; they ",111 not Wl llch stood on the flood plnln at th e ,.. . merely nlbhle ott tbe lops. but go Illino is, a cros s the riv er and a ~h o rt do w n Into tbe soil and g et tbe roots. lli s ta n ce wcst from a great whi t e rock . That sOllnds like a good thIng. But I for 's t ca ppe d, thnt rose sheer from !\fter r;ettlnr; all tho roots ot tbe don. tbe water at a hei ght of lZ<i fee t. T he dellons \Vh t th ? vlll aj;'e th e n contained 74 lodgcs and il en Possibly a well. n<' or ly t en tim e s that numb er of tnm. mannered pI&, would not molest the :Ii c.s Th e lodges were pe rmanent graen, but all pigs are not well·man· s tT\1C:tnres , .not the tepees of the west. nered. Bes Ides. our city ordinances ern na tion s . The rndlans were Kas. are 80 e s th e tic rega rdleg the matter ka s ltl n s , a tribe of the IlHnols nation. of pIg culture In front lawns that nn wh ose village W8S large r t han that: of obstacle seems to arIse there, says tbe Ih c P eo rlas, another Tfllnols nation. Omaha Dee. It may be,:h Who lived nenr wbere the city at Pe. orla 1)01V stands. skepticism . but somehow th e re Is nn Tile great rock above tb e village III odor ot suspicion about this pig dId no t o!t ract special att e nt ion . It acherne maklug good. . 'wos one ot many rocks aed, moreover, It WIlS the Indians that Inte r es le d A COlirt ot domestic relation!! In Ma rqu e tte, whose report contains tbe Cblca go bas ·declded tbat a wife Is onl y flr~t hand account of the voyage , not obliged "to follow her husband since thnt of Joliet was lost In th e St. To these Indians and hold out ber h and like a monkey Lawre n ce rIver. MarQ1le tte e ndeavored to r e turn late for money," but Is entitled [egally to In 16,·1. WInter and sI ckn ess caught ber s hare of his means. This w\ll him on hi ~ way. H e and his com pan· be r ega rded Ill! an [ntolerable assault Ion s bullt a cabIn aD the bank at the upon encred and vested rights by tbe Chi cago riv er at what Is now Robey class of husbands wbo think n Wife 6tree t and rem a ined there until the bas no use for money beyond cnr· spring. wh en they desc ended the Des. rare. and that wblle the wife does her pl n lnes nnd illInoIs to Ka s ka s kIa and part of the busIness of t he domestic th e re es tablished the mIssion of the t1rm. the husband Is the only one en· Immaculnte ConceptIon of the mes sed Virgin . tItlcd to hilOdie tbe casb . Olaplay Pictures of VirgIn.


Our Time, Our LoY'C , Our A II. M"" Be Hi.;


H e W ill Not



ne Sound.


0 N OT let th e de ar Lord be SCCOlJ(J. H e 16 a jea lous (0. ~ I e r tu n I, ile, Coll e!;e o f A~ri c lli t ur (', Oh io S tate Uui ve r s ity.) Go, \. I f he ell n n ot 'Ie fir st Bloce baclerla ran ue seeu only {;c n ie th e Ro ll Illtd ch a ngcs t hem to Il e wm n o! be s econ"'" Th ese words ca lli e from t ho P ~II o f aile , .. lt l1 t he uld of a m ic pe. we m ay a furm io wlli' h th e pl u nt roots can w ho live" III touch wl[ h Gad . ~ I ay be inc li ned to th ink t hnt tbose exis t· t: 1>~ l'_ S tiil un n t}l c r gro up a cta UDon tb er s i nk rll'Op 1111 0 t h e he!\rts of eac h Ing In th e sll i! co ul d ho \'o b llt Iitlle th o m o re n br oll~ unillla l a ud v eg etn ble o,ne wh o reads [hem , " The Lonl , t hy Itdilllmce uflon cro p Prrl du dlo u. n ut mu ll 1'8 catw ing th e ca rbon t' l be G'ld . Is Il j eal u.w Gud ." He wa ll ts ou . IV 9 oCtem SCL' th e pow e rful effec t s pro- g l ve ll o ff U B a gas. T his is t he or· s an lptIl ti ll,t rC<I u c('o tb e b u lle of tllo t'lm e. ou r· lo \, e . ou r a ll. H e wunt; to mll n ur o III'u p utili h e Ips C~"I~O I hI) be fir st 10 our b earts- "he wi ll no t b~ o rga nIc m a lt ~ r to dI sapp ea r i ru w tho 8eco u I." soi l. Le t us (' xaml no o u r hea rts ; " I,' Thrre Is ctl ll mu cb dl gc u ~slo n a s I Ch ri st n rs t i n ill Y Ilfc' Do I th in k 01 1 to th e Impor ta nc!) of soil bn cte rl a , hI m more o ften th a n o f nlly one e lso: but It Is (I fac t th a t rerlil e s(,i ls nre Do I lov(' Go d ~ u pr e m e l y? Do I t uk e pmc li cnlly a iway., we ll s tock(d with t !lll e to commu ne wllb him a~ ortc' n a s I s hould . or 11 m I a bso rb er! In oth e r Forma of bacte r ia found In nodule. bac t e r ia. Rn d it is also R fa ct that the on lli tio nl! o f th c so ii I:ost suitet! to th In gs? Is m y b u~i n e3~ o i mor e 1m · In ro c- ta of legum es, s uch ao clovora, th o gr uw th a rul IDlIlt lpllclltlo n of ben. pa rla n ce, m y Gu ccess In a fi na nc Ial :l lfa lf a, etc. ( Much enla rged) . l,nc lal hllcl('~ia , a r(' t h~ \'l' ry co ndl· way m ore to be consIde re d . my r e pn tatl on am ong tb o peopl e, my UIl DCIll' clu ced by mln nto orga nis m s in s uch tl n ns which IVe cow r ecog n llo as the e.n ce"!" di8t'aScs a s mph th e ri a . t yphoid , l ub e t'- b est for p!:J.Ilt r;rowth . \Vhlle tlle scie n ce of 8011 ba cte rial· £) den r fr lE' nd s. God Is a jealous God ; ~ ul o ~ i !'l , e tl' .. li nd wh eo w e r eali zo the wo rks n nd u palisade , n nd with in t he h e wllnts our RII . Slnl'o h e hn s llecn () u or n, oll ~ Il umue r s th a t u s ua lly e:l:- ogy hus. us ye t, lJUt few p ractical ap. pl k nt lons o th er t bull s uc h practices C! II plIl lsllcle \\. I~ bu ilt (OulJi ll s lif ter ~ u m c 80 m e r ciful as to re d eem li S . so long· 1st- that a ha lf tC'as{loon ful or 8011 lit t hp fores t growt h had boe n r e o su fTe rill g IlS to bear w ith ue . s o lov illS {ro m iI (: Io\'e \' fi e ld m ny con tai n tra m ,no \·ed . CivilizatIon took It s s tan d In Il nd 80 goo" UR to ca r e for li nd pro)0 1" to fifty m illio n bac terl a - wo t I,e m id s t of t h e wI lde rness. t ec t us , should wo no t leI him be mus t ugrN' th at th e y are a toroe to " t t he foot or th e r OCk . on th e le \'el fir s t ? be co n s id c red . h:Ul lc of t he rI ve r. !l bowling a lley was Unworthy MOde of Life. l\ lotit fe rtil o so li s contain at leas t la id out fo r th e F re nc hm en. Aro nnd One of tb o sarldest thi ngs o n ear th lifty kjnd~ of bart c ria, oul y e ig ht or th Is wcor .... o the r 8helte rs , o r F r e nc h to m y m ind Is to see some Gll e pro· II l: rl of Ind inns. The fort ha d beco mll re~s ln g to be n chil d of Go d. saved t (' n or \\' lli(' h a r c usef ul from 8 n a grl· c ultura l s t Ull \! poi nt. Probahi y th e a s u b urb or Kos kit s k ia . or . as ti l'" n nd Bn nctrn ed. yet li v in g s O IIllic h for best I, Dow n fur m is th e bnct<'1'ium Frc ll r h ('alled It. LaVn n t um . ncros! s .!lf, snd so clORe to tb e world thaI t he riv e r . . Th is tOWII of the Kas l(llsllia one ca n sc:u ce ly te ll w be th cr h e Is a wh ie h ca uses t ho tube rclels or nod. Inrlla ns wos add"rl to by a rrl\'als of s aint o r n ot. li e lea n s a s fa r to wa rd ui c(l on th e r oots of c iov e rs, b eans, Form or nitrogen "xIng bacterl. nUlI' r t r lhes, p.spe<'lall y th uso of till' th e w orld [[ S h e dn rc on th e lin e 01 pea s , an d slm li o\' p la nt s. T h is or- that live In the .011 Independ e nt of ganis m \.hlle li vi ng In th e tuh er c l 'B Ill In oIs na t Ion . Th e orI g in a l se ttI &- dress whil e he Is a mon g t h e c bJldre n any plant. (Mu c h enlarg ed). men t was w('st of wh c ro t h e U tl c'a o f GOd . hIs coo \'ers:llIOI1 Is n enrly 01· takes nitrogen tra m t h e air a nd ~ llP' br Idge no w crosses t he rI ve r. hilt tbe wa ys I1 gh t a nd t ri nln~, on e seldom plies It to th e pla nt. 'f hr r Is ano th e r inoc ulntlng Bo ll s for alfalfa and clovers ad d itlO !1 ~ spren d to tb cas t a lon g t he h,~ars hIm spea k or God ; h e lives thi s (orm p resellt In mOH t Boilo whi ch ca n still It sh ould serve to emphas i:Le the lo\\' ba tik of th p strea m . In c lu di ng I kl'nd o f ilfc year a ft er yea r . seem In gl y .ake Ho m(' wb at s mall e r .llla tHi ti s o f n l'e ess ity, and g h'e oae more r eason th e IndIa ns g~t h ered Ilbnu t th e root at I Illaklng no p l'Og ross , yet stili "savc r! n itroge n fro m th e air wh ile li ving en· fo r carryin g o ut llle bes t fer t ility tlrely Ind e penr\(, llt ot nn y pla nt. A m etbod s. viz .. guocl dra Inage. good till· th e rOC k . La SlI lle es tim a t ed the popu. ' a n d sa.n ct lfie d ." latlon nt on e tI me to be 20 .00 0 per s ons, De lov ed. !'Ihould thI s thin g b e? All thi rd ve l'y uspf ul group ot bacterIa al.!e, a pl entlrlll s upp ly of o r gan ic m at. 4.000 or whom W('fe wa rriore. eyes a re turn ed toward th e c hurch 01 :al( es th e un ::LVallable form s of nitro- t c r , and a su fficien t qU:lDtlt y o f lime. GraIn Abounded In Broad F Ields. G'od. The people are look[ng to UB To su pply thi s c Ity . t hf' lar ~es t com · fo r an cxa mplo of Christ. ~\' e tell mu nlty of In dla ll s tha t has b een t bc m that God dwells In our hearts. cord ed In t he Illinoi s coun try ther o 011, let us th e n fi how him fo rt h in our wl' re brand fl e ld s of groin .. ror th o ' JI ves ; fo r It tb e y look and nr e d1 s ap· IllinoI s we r e a farmIn g people and th o po Inted tb ey may gIve up h ope aod ri c h fl ood pla in s of the illinoIs nee ded thInk : " It Is all a far ce. Go d Is IlOt MAKES BETTER CROPS AND PRE. DEPTH OF EARTH CONDITION8 li ttle tilling . Tra c ts at Innd werA In the Ir 11\'es. " What a r es Jl on~ l h illty VENTS INJURY TO TREES. MUST REGULATE DRAINS. gra nted to II score at F l'c n cr. me n. Th e r ests upon us that we live so c lose to riv er l)rov ld ed fl ~ h ; In the swamps thie Lord tb a t pe ople ma y b e con· down s tr ea m wer e wa tc r fowl ; tho vlo ce d tha t God reIgns In our hearts I Hea vy Crolpil Stop Annu~1 Boarlng Larger Supply of Plant Food FollI/wl When Allowed to Maturot--Rulea prnlrl es were dott ed with burra lo. TIme to Throw Down One's Id.oll. Good Dralnage-Gillns Are Far Th e popul ation lessened or Increas· If you are on e who has be en put· to Off3et Alterr:ate Beari ng. . Be)lond All 1.01S0.. ed from season to s es son. La Sallo I lllng God second . 1 would warn you for died, murde re d In far ott T e xns.. Tho I C'h rlst's sake to th row down your ':'ll e re Ia evidence on every hand Th e deep er Ut e 8011 conditions 1t1l1 mI ssIon wus r e mo vQd to the Mlssls. J Id 0 I8, f or God Is a j ea [ous G1) d RnuA I III h ave no ot h er go d s b e fore bl m . tb a t p eo ple are now tak ins more Inter- p ermit a tile drain to be placed, the sIppI rlv pr In 1700. DespIte the e~· ., w 'h h h Id cst In sa vi ng the fruit treE'S th ll n ever better. The space ·b etween th e water h!lrtat\ons of F a ther Gra vle r. the In· Sfu nme. same. on t e one w a wou before . Ea ch s ea son seel:! many ndd ha bitants of Kas kask ia fled to thl,, ; bll so un gratelul IlB to servo Gnd In a a Bpray pump ot 60me description to tabl e ' and the mulc'h at th e surface r e presents th e torrltory In which tho n ew san r tll a r y rrom the IroquoIs. ' hllJC·hea rted way sInce J r sus bas loved H pnce the liE' 1\' KAsk askIa on the hIm BO much as to Buffer nnd die for the ir list o f fnrm mac hIn ery. plant roots may obtnln food. The Misi s sip pi. wh ich h er nm e the firs t CAP' " his ete rnal s olva tion ! As n mnn sees hI s fru it hecom e bcUer th e draiunge, the larger tho Ital of Illinoi s. The rock was left How God's tender heart must bleed, more perfect ll e will wish to Bce it s upply of plant food. This may seem des ert er] e xcep t by th e garris on and ' aE' it were, how oitell must he grlevA become lar,;!.,%, and be tt e r colored. contradictory wb e n one Is reminded th o trad e rs. In 1702 t he garrison wall when be beholds mell and women 01 And wh ce hlB desire to raise u h igh that the und er d raln carri es away lila. withdrawn a n d t we nty years later hlB creation. e ven those for wbom be quality product r caches th e point of solv ed plnnt food . But the s alb s trom Charl e voIx. passIng down the river, hll8 manifes ted such unfathomable seeltln ,; better m ethod s r.e must adopt drainage are In e \' ery way tar beyoDd saw only the rotting pa[l sad es. or the iove In blotting oolt their alns and rna· the practlco o f thinning th e Cruit as all losscs. 20.000 Indians none rem a ined. But the king them his children, seemingly tor· we ll as s prayin g . Thinning Is closely Let us see how a tile dram worka. d h t 0 f Iave t h ey o we to t h eI r aIII e cI t a prun i ng a s lt remov e s th e FlJI a good s ized truit or baking pow. story Tlln R tbot Tonty, white haIred ge t the e I S au.. It Is, In d ee. d bu t s add nnd fee b Ie . wa s earrle d back to hIs S avour. e r surplus pnrts ~ . I"- tact • whe n we pru n e d e r cnn with dry sand, and puncb two rocle to dIe among a tew wonderIng yelt ta tile thought tha.t 800ner or later we thili. . hole's In the side of the cnn, onc above r ed ~ en and· be burl ed In th e swIft O.Dd wtll "s~w them out of his By tlllnning the fruIt we mean go- the other. L eave th e bottom entire. wli ler b elow . mouth," and In that creat daY when Ing Into the orchard after the "June From time to time pour on water. The old fort. s till s e rvc d as a s trong. the book shall be opened, tb ose name s I dr6p" and wb erc trec s have set th eir After s everal pourlngs the wat er wlU bolel (or the P eorlas. In 1,22 these which were once 10 tnlr, are lound to fruit too h ea\' y removIng a portion. trickle from the lowe r hole down the Indla.ns were besiege" on tbe rock by bEl blotted out. The e ffort on the part of the tree ' sldo ot the can. This ladicatoo ·that th e Foxe s and theIr allies. ' hut the ' God Is a jealous God. So:ne choose to bring to ml\turPty sucb a heavy there has b cgun lila accumul!!.~lon of sIege was raise d . In 17G9 at Cahokia Dot to make blm flrst, but "he wlll DOt crop, u seB up n early all of Its ener· carne the murder ot PontJac. leader bEl second."-Agnes E. TutUe In Sabo glea and distribut es tbem over ne arly ot the Pottawatomles nnd Ottawas. b, bSith ReadIng. twIce tbe number of ch'1nnels necee· a KaskaskIa Indian, and tbe rever:ge sary for producIng an equal num !'er of the Pottawatomle natlun . The l<a8· Sun.hine of the Soul, ot bU Eh els o f much larger fruit. Tbl3 kasklas and the othe r Illinois trlb~s I The testimony of the weak "'ho abo preve nts th e storing up ot reserve were massacred. A fe w Peorlas were scurely and patiently surrer Is one foed nnd· the formation of fruit buds trnpped on the rocl, and tllere, Btnrv· of the convlnc[ng crede ntials of (or th~ next yoar'rJ crop. Probably lng, d e fe nded the sln /.!:Ie approacb . One Christianity. There are cou.tles! thlg Is res p:m s lblc In n la rge m ea s ure dark ni ght thos e remaIning made a humble saints who are lights in dark for th e alte rnate bearI ng of the trees. sorUe and about a d01:en-accounts pIsces through their mani fe s tation ot So lno va ri eti es a l'e nlwnys alte rn!lte differ as to the number-escaped down tbe peace and joy' that Christ gives beare rs a nd se crn to b e Influenced but Wha t is a forclgner? It depends on On th e meadow between the river the river In stolen canoes. the last ot 'hem In humble surrounding s and little by thinning or nny other practhe country. In the United States It and th e prese nt city of Uti ca Mar· th eir pe oplc. NothIng re mains to re- I ;evere afflIctIons. Tbe same gospel tlce. Ie n ne wcomer who has DOt yet bad Que tt e raIsed an altar a nd dIsplayed call th e m except bits ot bone, pottery I that heroIc heralds prcn'c b In rar.oft The advantages of thinnIng can Ut:le to catch his breath. unpack Ills fo ur pic ture s of the VirgIn before 500 and flInt thnt are plowed up on the hElIlthen lanus; they silently but ef. be slated hrle fly as fo llows: kit, and find a job. In India the CRse c hie fs 'lnd old men, 1. 500 yotlng war· site of the ancient city, and tbe silent rf'ctuoJly proclaim In lonely hamlets 1. An In cr ease In the s Ize. color and 18 diIYerenl. An official at Malabnr, ri al'S and )le rhsp8 4.000 women nDd rock standing unchanged through the and In tbe slums ot great cities. by qnallty of fruit. chil (lr en . a large audie nce to be gatb. etheenturlee and breastlng the !low of theIr patience, their peace, their un., 2. Conservation ot tho forces ot South IndIa, la tely received a letter cred t~er e nowadays. Soon after Eas· rIver. selflshDeSS. We would hnve liked to the tree. from a man whose status he was In· te r ho and his two compa nlona m .l de 3 P of see the face of Stephen wben It was . r'lventatlon of the breaking vest\gatlng. and who said : "I au , a I th e Ir way hack to Lake Mlchl l'a n by DiggIng to Musle. lUt that of on :Jngel; but may be grnte. ovarIan/I'd limbs. native at IndIa by bIrth, but I hllv e tb e Ka nkllk ee and SI. Jos e ph rivera. It would see m that the old prlDclple. ful tbat we have been permitted to 4. Rconces the amount of dIsease Simple experiment to ahow .. ow til. claim to foreIgn orIgin and foreIgn On tbe bank ot the lake MarQuette whIch has saId to bave been so often see more than once the facea of men and Inseltt Injury. drain work., blood. A colony ot Syrians from dIed . appll'ed In war and In peace and IUlId women shining like that of ao 6. HelpB materially to secure an anEdl'ssa let tied In Malabar In A. D. Allou ez wae Marqu e tte'8 Buccessor whIch bas a deep psychologIcal basIs. alllgel when In great extremity ot pain Dual crOll. free water In thll Band until It ha& at the mIssion of tbe Imma cu Ia t e Con· th a t tlre80me muscul ar Ia b or IS more or SQrrow and destitute of material Its first ouUet. the lowest bole • 346. I belong to that sect and as Thin apnles to about II Inches apart rlBen In theto can. cf' ptlon . He found at KaskaskIa 351 easily and regularly performed and In comforts. Tbe poor of !pIB worl" who all over the tree. Peachea to 5 to 8 I I f arc,Ign 10dgf' B Before the comIng of La S 1I auc h [ b !lve reason t 0 cam s guIded hy th h th f u The sand represents the soil ot the origin and foreign blOOd." . . a e a sen e e r y m 0 mn· are rich 10 fa1th are everywhere, and Inche8 apart. It reQulre8 from two to fI Id th I 1 In 1679 he left the place aod La Salle slcal lIounde. has been 8uccesdully ap.., theIr comfort and joy In Christ benr three houre to thin a tree. e; e oceas ona pouring on ' of found a desert ed city . Th e Inhahltaots plied among the laborers on the J H GO water represents a ,number of rains; fruIt and offsets the Inconshitencillll . . URLEY, tbe bottom of the ' c· represents ,",' A woman In NeIV Jersey testl!led h a d gone h un tl ng t arth er west. He Panama canal. Ooe of the "bosses" of worldllnp that bear the College IIf Agriculture, O. S. U. .. In a court suit that sbe dlsappel rlld went on to P eoria lake. bu11t Fort of work gnngs has gained dl8t1nctlon ChrIstian name Dnd worsblp vanity . stream or layer or vel7 hard clay, or SOlJl8 kind of eto~e-llmestone or and let her husband believe ber dead, Crev ecoeur there nnd returned. leav· by outdistancIng all hIs rivals In tbe H,!&lth and comfortable circumstances Cow Testing Aafloclatlon.. sandston_through WhIch water· caD to test bls affection for her. Sho [ng hI s li e ut enant, Tonty, at tbe fort . IImount of work done on account of aDld a pleuRDt socla[ envIronment Me A cow testing aS9ociatiou Is a co- pass but very slowly. The hole in th.. fondly expected him to be heart·brok· It was not \11.11 tbls return voyage his cleverDess In developlDr; and leAd. bless'n~; but tbe Ind'lieJl.. n. but tound out her mistake when that th\.. great white rock caught his Ing songs that InspIre bls men ?1th log of Christ In the heart can mllke operative buslnesa organltatloo amorog can represents an underdraln . !urm.b· eye. It must have Impressed Itself on energy and cauee them to forr;et up for the lack of all of them . ''T~ : the dnlry farmers at a communIty foOr iug the flret outiet. The hlg,h er the he married &galn wIthIn a month . hIs mind as he sat In the descrted vII· fatigue . SInging at worlt haa become Jlf!:ht shlneth In darltneBs." The alln. I t~e pu.·pose of testing theIr COWA for draln. the hlgber tbe water table la She ought to hne remembered tbat lage a c r06S th e river, resting on the geoeral all along the IIDe, it la ' ~ ahlne ot the sou, Is for all who rllal- , economlcnl milk production. Each IIkel,. to be tor aeveral days; tb.' tile nut woman's desIre to Itoow too journ ey northward . Here wss a fort por(ed. lim their neEd of It. cow Is charged with the food she eon- lower the drain, the oilier coudltiOD. much Is having serious cooseQuence tbnt ~' as no Crevecoeur, a lofty rock. sumea and credited wltti the butter. permltUns. fbe lower the ' Uno o~. rNe kI this day. Inacces sible except at oue poInt. and The P~r.. ltlc Female. fat she produces, tor the eutlre year water wUl be. Tile drains do not tak.. . there only by a narrow and difficult The parasitic female Is fOllnd God I. Got'd. .t mal'ket prIces. In these 8Saocla- In water that comea directly ,to them path, out of arrow range from the omong the rIch. the pOor and the mid, "'Woeplng sball endure 'nr a SOUOD." Unns butterfat IB taken as the basIs of from above _ until the accumulate« Boston Is to bave.a hoapltal for the otber rocks and the blutt a quarter ot dIe class. She contributes nothIng t(1 Alik not wh, your grIef bu come: Dor yalue rather than milk A competent \Yater rises 'above the tile. A natural annl of the bluea. If the treatment a, mile nway. So he sent word te the ber ra cp. her borne ' or the world'. ,e~ compla~n. Cor ,t he time IB BOt )'.,. . person Is employed by the aBaoq~tlo. · underlylna ·l.yer of sand or crave I may .. successful, BOltoo will be tbe mecca Tonty to examIne the rock and to rc. work. She Impoverishes her race b& wilen you could comprehend. Alk to 10 from farm to farm and \Yelp fUrnish , IJl excellent pa..a,ewa;, toll towards which aU 'Wbo 10D&' to add moth thither from Peoria lake If be callee ehe bean ,,0 children. Sh, ~1tber ,tllat hla prelellce ma, go wItt IUId compute the ration, wellb aid tree w~er. to the layety ot nation a will trueL thour;ht It well to do 10. meRns notblng In her home bci!cIUIl , ~"'Jnc strength t<-endure. aDd· \e8t , tbe milk and keep "accurate A. B. ORAHAM• . .t the hospital Itllelf la likely to be But thla establishment WIl8 DOt to all Its duties are per1'ormed by otheN "'~'~OID 10 to let y~~ .Irlef fD a tit. recorda. , .' Callqe o~ A-griculture, O~ 8. U• ...amped, and betwe.e n dJsallPolnt.e4 be easlly' made . . There were trouble. Ane! she contribute• . absolutel,. Dotb !I,w.~t u~!,mblttel1Dent tbat th" Cow testlnl ~.oelatloD8· pla~. the' .... ,- -_. . ' . '. with the IndIan, .and the French aB' tng to -t~01"Q(Jf7art. IIcleDe. IUId IlIlIt of b~~ . ~oMnce. blOl1dlllJ. ~ dalrJlaan upon • . tiualne.' baal.: ' ae .. 'I'Il~ '·CHUD t ..~ator .abltJona, blighted hopes, despalrln. .Istants, and It vu tbr6e year. later: Indu~tTY. She II ..." .o ff , qt q~ertl. and .Uk,. .. ~btll" .i ta , blaelr.n ... inte! lilt , know .. e1& tI what 11e I. dblnc. ,' He ~pro,.,. til. IlUlitary . ,method. of toYera and hurnn tanka, It. procell .thet La Salle Ilnd Tooty beg~D the like all para81t!!8, .anlmaI'or .81"t,ble, ~Q" Or ,a . pr;lcelfti Jewel. beture tb~ · lIee. the ~ 0[ '': prope,~ I'&ltOlMi'~baD4.1ill. , "Ut" U4 malte. It poalble, . '«II .Umlbatlnr; the ' n~re Unt and milk. fortillcatlon ot the rock. The onlT ahe weakens tbe ' ritaUt,. ot tliON 011 ~ . g! . ,1a~. ,ff bo, ·lIIY behold: tblt t . ' . J d1 I ~ r' ~,,:.. .. .. .:..;;.;,.;." .,. . :..I!: ...... . b' ._Io..~~ ~'lt ·b" t""'· 'Jt _ ." -- I t " b' h b . ., ' , . r.. III' <' ~ ~ t. th .. . proptll' care, ~ J! ~ eew»a, ,,,a ..V' ........... a ... _ .. ~.. . ~- ,- .. , _ Ie olle OD, roB)' smile, t. I!."reb approac to t . alt·acre arel 'ot tbe wbom: she t .....U be".IC ;:II~~'f I .117 t~ ~W., .~::. e . 8~l'rel .( of ~~I' ! 1I0n ; abd bte.4lni ' !po'A.. ~ia Jle~ . .d ' f:IIlIta' tti. ' IkImm",~~. "," be ,a. drlve Its prllcUdans tbemMiI.,. 'upUDlt ' waa protected wlt;h·: liqUID.. . ..J ' , :~ " ' ... , ~lIeIlee. .. "Irileb Ib~lt.. Ib,')~1 ';llm~"'1 act'I , dliP itbi~":,:WOScu~ )bit"1' ~UOIl \~_. , Will.. .tU' ~lati chnl' ~ of the blaclltIBt dye: . • \ , , It.:D\1,l'' ".I!l! ~,,~~ tllat QolI ' ~".,II[ .... ! "I ' T>'-C. lo. . ' ,'. .. ... ~ .. - . to ~ ~', , .. :!. 7.> . .' "-v. ,,'"··, .r ~;::'r \ !nl~l'. ~ '4. ~' i ~ .. ~ • . r 1-..













'1Q". or

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CornerJof§e C':~


SHOP DISPLAYS IN HONGKONG J ,rtlclea or Dress' or Personal Adorn· melnt Shown on Wax Figures Cause Chinese to Wonder, S('V' era l or thc mON pre tentiolls Chin e s,' shoJ)S In liong kon g nre com · n l (, Il CIIIl; 1.0 use wa x tl gu rcB for d is· play ing \'arioll s artlc1ca uf dress or pel' ~u nal adornm('nt. It bas bee n n lI ubj ect of l'ons hle rabl c wond ,e r on th e part oC rorei gI1 NS t ha t th e Cliinese peopl e have e vinc ed B Il Ch a ma rked Inte res t hi wax fl g ures d is· play ed In forell,"Il esta bli ~ hm e nt B. sa ys an exclian ge. A hair·dressi ng estab· Iis hm e nt ill Hnngkong's prIn cipal retail th or oug hfare has dIsplay ed senlrlli wax bU s ts s howing la t o styles In hair· dreSS ing for Bo me time. anu th e re Is sL'ar{'·e ly a time during tile pl easant d uys wh en tllere Is not a crowd of C h i n ~'8 women. uu s ln ess m en. cool· le s a llo! nll-aboUl tb e windows of that est!lhllshment. ChIn ese mHcha nts In Hoogko ng's Chinese quarter who IJave adopted thIs

ROl\llll:l'Bhooter and black mask to briefs. motlonl and pleadings. Such ID the record ot "AI~ JennlngB. oorstwhllo bandit. loldler ot rortune and terror ot the expresl companies In the Okla.. homa territorial days. JennlngB made amendl to loclety long ago. He was captured by the man hunters and Ben' tenoed to lire Imprisonment In t be Fede ral Prison at ColumbuD. O. Pres. Ident Roosevelt pardoned him atter lennlngll had served two yenrs. Then Jennings camo back to Okla. boma and began tho prnctlce or Io.,w In OkJahoma City. Now ho Is making a brllllnnt campaIgn for the Democratlo Mmlnatlon for county altorn ey or bls home county. In nnnoUnclnlg bls can. dldacy he Issu es a re mar knblc atatement In wblch he IIcknowlcdges the aiDa of hll Plist an d tells at his hopes tor the tuture.

Gazing at Wax Figure.



Twenty yearl ago Jen nI ngs wall the leader ot a band ot desperadoes who looted tralne In broad dayll ght and eluded IIOBses and Un tted Stntes marIhals with ease. In OctOber. 1897. he robbed hla last tmln. a Rock Island pusenger. near Minco, Okla. He wae betraye d by a comradQ. hunted acroSIl the state; doubling and turnIng like II tox. bentlng olr his prusuers In des· perate conflicts. he wes llnally captured and lent to Federal prison. He haa had a remarllnble career. Born In Vlrglnln. be was educated tor the bar at West Vlrgtnla university. later emigrating to the Indlnn Terri· tory. The murder at a younger broth· er under peculiarly tlendlsb circum· stances mnde him an enemy at all 10· :lety. He turned ou tlaw. robbed" banks. trains and expresa omces. For J'ears he Will II. thorn In tbe !loeh of the territorial au thorities. "Beau Drummel" of the outlaws was the nlcknams gtven him because ot hll unfnllIng courtesy while holdIng· his vlctllllll helpless under th.a muzzles of a pair ot slx·shooters. He ;;ras such a bnndlt aa Robin Hood. giving nway today what his band hnd risked tbelr liTes tor yesterday. HIs cunning and ehrewdnesB laved his followcrs rrom death and capture on many occasIons. On a hot July day In the nlnetlea .Tennlngs was Icadlng his outlawa In a ~ for-aafety Througb the Osage reaenaUon. They were eating dinner at • ranch bouse wben tbe rancher ran into the room speechltisll with frlgbt. He whispered to Jennings that a posse or heavUy armed marshall were outIide demanding dinner. They 'Were at the gate. hardly 100

"In announcing myself .. a candl. date for county attorney of Okla. homa county (Iuhject to the Democratic prlmarlea on Auguat 6. 1912) I beg to lay that 't Is not without mature and lerioul thought that , have done 10. . '" have thought ovor all that mIght be cbJectlonable. , have raked through the gray Alhes: t>f the past. 'have taken a r.. trospectlve glance Into tho dark rOcess of days that are gone. and I am willing that God's ~unllght be turned full upon every act of my part IIfll_ "I never wittIngly deceIved any. body; I never betrayed a trust or violated a confidenc"" and , would



reet away trom the door. There was nol a tree In a mile. It the offlcera came In a bloody fight would ensue.' Jennings was nCrald or a IItampede a nd a running contllct. The rancher was afraId his wife nnd chUdren might be killed. The outlaw leader sat Quielly at the table. "Pala the souP. please," said Jen. nlngs in a matter-of-fact tone. The tension was broken. HIB men slipped bnck into their seata. keeplnc their bands on their' guns. Jennings got uP. looked out at the Impntkmt otDcers and aald to the rancher: "00 ouf and tell tbose boys that tbey can't get any dinner here today. Tell them 110 tbey will underatand It." "Thoae boys" underatood. Th. rancher made It very plain to them tbat Jennings' band was Inalde and every man In the posee was covered by a gun. They rode on. Aa aoon cc



"And what III your opinion of AmerleaT" they aaked the distinguIshed VIBCtor. "It la nndoulltedly the leader of ciTtuzatlon. II he earneBtly replied. "Your teeming cities. the great Bweep ot 'W.. tem prairIes. the grandeur at her mountain •• and the prosperity of ber ~tlzenl. Immeasurably astonish me. We should be envious of her advance, ment did We not know her IlII our rrtend." "And the women ot Am~rlca!" He smiled. with half-closed aJ'es. "'.<Ravlsblngl Such wit!" HI. .Y61 clowed. "Such good breedlngl So • l.Iperbly gowned 1 They haTe no equal AIlYWberel" , With ,hasty thanks. the reportera .,lambered down .to their tup; and raced olf to catch th~ extra edltlona. leaving the famous guest to prepare tor bls Ihlt glimpse of our glorlou. country.IJpplncott·..


A deoep algh ot aorrow broke trom tbe IIpa Qt little Freddie. '(1 wllh." he saId. plaintively. "I wIsh I wuz Billy Smith." • HII mother was astonlshedahocked. I "Why. Freddie?" Ihe asked. "Billy Smith hlUl none of the moo things yOU bave. He doesn't get any pocket money. and he Isn't as big aa you. and he'B not nearly so strong. His tather never buya him presenta or-" "YtlS; I know all about that." laid Freddie. "But-" . "And then look what a nice home you have. Bnd nice books. and yoU never have to go out when It·s cold and wet to carry papers. and-" "Yes, I know that," Bald Freddie. Irritably. annoyed at his ~otber'a strange lack of Ilympathy and understanding. "But Billy kin wlgrle his earB. and I can·t."-AnBwer••

Loyal. "Now 1I8t811 to me." Outelde AGllltance. "A.ll t1ght, doc." . Pi.Uenl' (ai (portaman who baa been "You are threatened 'Wit · & n4ll''ftlu. tlad.i1 ·pe'p~eted)-~bt. banI It all. doobreakdown." tot'; the apcld.Dt "I know It." . , .i"",o · pouildal ,/, .. : , "You muat quit worrying." . . ... Doctor--Ah. but 700 .torget the "[ can't do It;' doc., until after aU tbe ~ .amount ot ' ihot 100 received tu TOW" players are algned. It wouldn't be loy• 'lIack.~attler. . .>._ .'1;~:~~ . al to the home team.:· -


., . ,


_.'_.- """;,..-.,---,...,,-'


not deny the truth of my Pllt for any office wIthin the gift of Ihe people. '" would rather have my record In Its blackeat hue than to be polntod out as a public "grafter" official "crook" or embezzler. who had Violated hIs oath and prostl. tilted the trust , Imposed upon him by the people, ,"" the people are' wlllln" to con. fide to my care the office of county attorney of Oklahoma count~ I pledge my word and honor that , will send the men who have em. bezzled your money and Violated theIr oaths of office to the penlten. tlary, AL. J. JENNINGS." ns they were out of sight the outlaw. ~lIpped Into the corn fields and can. tlnued their filght. They knew the officers were close beblnd. Early In the afternoon they croBsed the Arkansas rIver Into Pawn~ coun. ty, nnd Jennlugs' Quick wit alone saved them from annIhilation In tbe river bottoms. The com was tall enough to Ihleld the bandlta who to'. lowed a wagon trail through the field. Near the ed«e or the field Jennlnga' quIck eye saw a wide mark In the dust at the road. He took It as a friendly wal'Illng, and aft4!r some argument the b8J\d wheeled and rode olr through the corn rows to a timbered bill. . Tbey hid until late afternoon. Just about sundown one of the bandits looked olr toward the river and ex. claimed: "Well. wbat do you think or that?" Tbere was the pOSIO recroslling tbe river to the 08~ge sIde wIth the lun glittering on theIr rilles. Later Jennings learned that the warning mark had kept hIm from riding straight Into an ambuscade where "Pud" Ledbetter, deputy mnrsbal. and a d07en heavily srmed posBemen were waiting. The first voll ey would have emptied every outlaw saddle. This was all In a day'a work' rur the Bllm young bandit. who long ago gave up outlawry to take up tbe professton that was th e n busy hun ling him down. He was attorney tor the defense In the recent trial of the Craven's gnnk at Outhrie. Oklahoma IB begtnnlng to forgoet the train robber and thInk 9f Jennings altogether as a lawyer. Jennings went adventuring 'In South American rtipubllcs Tears ago. He met O. Henry. thllt O. Henry whose real name waa Sidney Porter. down In olle ~r th" "banana republlcs." JennIng. was a fugitive at the time. but he later went back to ' hlB "Jong riding" to the robbing of banks and lralns and bls hlde·and·seek· with the om cera. Years afterward he and O. Hen ry reo newed their friendship. and J en nIngs spent much tlme In New York wltb the ilhort-atory writer. . "Al,5 . J,ennlngi flnt pract.lced law In .Canad1a~ county. Okla .• wbere he \'ia~ .couMy .attorney tor one term Tills was. In thE: llrat years of his Ilte In °aoutbwelt. · It wns after thli " ' Ill' .tlle west . that he . that has en

JJl en nn of dIs playing i!'oods hav e dress~d 1\ wax manikin In a Cblnese gIrl's (;ostnrne and Bre tbus presentin g goods Uk o toil et articles, pat ent medIcin es. (orelg:n nov elties and nOUOIlS. AnotlJ er establi shm e nt bas a wax figur e of a til'l In Chlneae cost um e-a figure with Chinese t eatures Bnd made to resembie a Cblne se girl In all respecls-dlsplayIng a BQlD ew hat forelgnlz ed model Cblnese gow n In a some what foreign' lzed ChInese bedroom Interior, a model apnrtm e nt design ed to appeal to wealthy ChInese with more ur les8 forelg:n experience and Id eals.




CI ... One of Chell Fan.tlel Propertsr Objectlld to Garrulo,ulne,. of HI, Opponent.

Ven t 'I " I1f1Q1fAlIII..Ut . . .1110.. ~S MUIlI!'i' UtI! &l1iI. "iIIl~' 'UClIl. 1Il1I:.!!!I! 00'1 ~C . . . tlllIlI Icon. 0111 'oKV. 11'''

co, ....,. Utllt



"l1li" ..

WIVII . .V VClI 1011." '. Alii' tIPin' .~ IIA'" IIU III" CtAII. VI v.v V. rulIIClS A ~lI iU . ~a lA1HICIl1 .u!a 11Il.1IJ11 1 Amt 'COIIII! . , . . . .1:1 a~llI l/\' l.

Two elderly chess fanatics wert! a'" lorhed In a game at tbe Mecbanlca' Institute In Siln Franr.lsco recentlJ'. Both were e~perts and rIgid Collo_ ers of all tb e rules ot the came.wrlttPon and otberwlse. Fur nearly five bOll rs ne ithe r had spoken a wor4. Backward and forw ard. movIng lind cuu nt ermovln g. the game ewung. with no perr's ptlhle advantage to eltber play er . Fi nn lly one or the old fellowa made a ta tal break. Qllick as a fiaah MAKE-UP OF NEW ALPHABET hIs Oppoocnt moved hid' knIght Into pos ll b n and aoft Iy murmured. Chinese SchOlars Devi se List of Forty· "C hpck l " The oth er player. making no effort Two Letters Drawn From Difto con cea l hIs dIspleasure. r050 from ferent Languages. the game. "\\' hnt's th e matter?" demanded hla fl efol'ln Is In tile air lu ('hlna . The youllg l' b!nse. educated In the IInl ver · rrl enu . "G oIng to Quit T" "I ce rtnlnly am . 1'1\ be hanged It I ~ I tl e s of A me rtea or l'; u I·ope. are no lonl(f' r ,-ontent wIth the characte rs In cnn piny clles s with e. dnrned old chatwhi ch the Ir In nguage ha s lJe<'n wri tt e n terlJox ! "-Saturday EvenIng Poat. for thou sR llds of years. eac h dWl'H r te r No WIfe'. Cooking for Them. r('preS'l Dtlng an Id ea- no t a worJ-and 1I1rs. Crlm son h ak-T hls paper aa,.. th e r'! beIng ab out 80.000 of th c~ll. Th'!), are trying nnw to alloll9h th ese thH r arely Indoed Is a wealthy Turl.: cha rnc te rs and to rep lace th e m wIth leen al hi s wt!c 's dinn e r table. Mr. Crlmsoo ben k - Yes . I undel" le i te r A th a t will reprcsen t Ro unds. r.:o oth e r Bln~lo la nguage coul<1 oC!c r atnud the Turks ll\'e Ii long time_ th e III n 5u ltab le a lphabet. for tb ere arc It alway" mnk~. !;(\()I1 1 Whnll Oarflelll s,,"nrls In tb elr tongue wh lc b ex ist 10 Tell. the N~tural L Q~lLIII' O, CO Ill P" Sed enUrel". no oth e r. . at pure, wbul68<llUe BUll b""ltblClvlOlr herbL Cll Ow 111 Ch u. stlcrl"tary of tbe Chin ese leglttl ott In Rome. hRM beE'1I Many .a man looka like a IItBtesmaa dC\'otlng his tllll e rece ntly t o muklng who Is not gUilty. up an alpha bet BulUl.lJle for Chlnf'se. He has Lee n ass isted by M e S SI'K Wan and Choll . 8ub·8PCI'eta rles. and Slg nol Rlvettn dl Solonghello. professo r 01 .Ja pon ese nnd ChInese a t th e Ol'l ental In s tltutc or Nail les, one or th e great.. es t polyglots In t he world . The laller gives this descrlnllon 01 th e a lphabet that has r es ulted from th eir labors: "To represent exactly all the sound. of tbe Chin ese lang uoge ." said he. "we Lave I:ad ' to draw upon almost a ll ex' HEN it's meal timeIstl ng alphabets. Tbe alpbabet WII and your appetite i. have composeil consI s ts of 42 chnruc> te rs. of whI ch 23 llIe vowels und 19 keen -and yo.,. try to think lire con sonants. of some tasty things to eat "or th e vowels . four are tal,en from -don't tax your mind- . the Greek. fOllr from the Russlnn. five from tb e Latin, one from th e hlnese; don't fret and fume. Order or the nine others . two are what we call 'modIfied' or 'prolonged' and sev· e n are rtlversed. "Of the consonants. 14 are taken from the Latin. tbree from th e Russ ian and two from tbe Gre e k." WIth these letters It Is possible to write exactly all the word s of the Hot or cold. they are spoken ChInese language that Is un · lervable in a jiffy, and equal d erst.ood (rom on e end of the new reo the im~rted 'kind in taste \lublle to the other.


~eQlla ? Sausage

and 8a\'or. .

Ncbrclska Man Invents Attachment DEWEY'S DOG IN BAD MIX-UP for Hand That Causes Sphere to Chewed Up Two Pairs of Admiral Take Deceptive Twist, Evans' Tr.Juaera and Delltroyed Copy 01 Navy RegulatIons. Tn d esc ribing a baseball curver. tbe Inventlon of H. W. Joncs of LIncoln. AdmIral De wey lllld an EnglI s h bull. Neb .• the Scl~ntlllc American says: 1\lT. Janes provides mcans In tblR dog of whic h he was vcry proud. So case reaolly attuchable to the hand marked waij hIs affection for the d og that an atmosphere of "love me. love my dog" had sprung up around the admIral tllld the can Ine. It Is furtheJ r eported thAt th e anImal came nell I call sing trouble be tween th e head 01 th e navy and lh e late "Flgbtlng Dob" Evans. Admiral Dewey while on a tour 01 In specllon when tie was I.n command ot the Pacifi c squa dron took the dog along wltb hIm . He lost sight ot hI, pet on Evans' sh Ip. but In a few mIn. Bale Ball CurveI'. utea saw him hurled sltywllrd' from the companIonway ' as It shet tram a cata fQr causing a ball to curve when pault. Wltb bloo!! In his eye. saye lh. thrown from the hand . A vacuum cup New York World. AdmIral Dewe, Is held In position by a band made of rush ed ov e r to soo tho r eason for tho " size to fit a finger. but Is preterably sudden ascent. sunnlslng correctlJ mnde of a sIze to fit two ' or more finger s s o thal the cup may be s hifted or adjusted to any posItion with raIn this way the cup may be adjusted nicely to nOJ' point for gIving a great or s mall curve .. or ,' arloll8 kInds or curves. The 1I1lustr:ltlon showns a band graspIng n !Ja il ha\'lng nil embodIment of the Inventlon applted to the hand and pressing 5fgaiust the ball.

Once you .have learned their 'reat quality-you will always ",ant them.

Always Buy-Libby'. Don't accept a lIupstitute. Libby's Foods present a wide 8l1Sortment. all the acme of quality and 'reasonable in


Libby, M9NeUl & Libby Libby'. Food. Are Alway. Ready to .' Serve

VIRGINIA REEL FOR YOUTHS Know ln In England as Sir Roger de Coverly. Is Enjoyed by Old People as Well as Youngsters. At almost all chlldren's pa til'S they finis h up wltb a dan ce which III America Is called th e VirginIa reel .nd III Englancl Sir Roger de Covcr· Iy. Orown people are jus t a s fond or this dlance as the youngsterll. but It naturally belongs to th e children. as the Idea ot It WliS taken from a very old ctllldren's galDe called the sbepherdells. whlcb Is still very popular' In Frnnce. The children torm n line and then the le,ader stands a little to the lert and the next child a little to the r ight and they raise theIr bands as hIgh as tb.!lr heads and from a harrIer. whlcb all the sheep must pass throul;h . The next child In line bl"comes the shepberdess lind calls to .her Jl it tle lamlJB to follow her tbrough the burrier. whlcb ' they do while BInsIng a tittle French RonII'. Attt!r the last sheep has passed sately unde r the two cblldren thllt formed . the barrier drop Into line at the' emIl. and the two at t.he head oC the IIlne form the next barrier and RO on. Ulltll every child has had a turn at be;l ng part of the berrlet for the adlerll 'to paB8 under.


Dewey's Dog Hurl¥.! Skyward. that 80 mI'! o ne had klcl<ed thtl dOR He saw "FIghtin g Hou" at the fo o t O. the st e p~ . " SI r!" roa r ed th e admI ra l. "lVhat de YOIl mean by kicldng my dog?" "SIr," replied Evan s In re tlll·D. wI'd have k Icked that dog If h e had been the property of the pres Ident of the United States! H e ch e wed t he legs off of two pairs of $15 trousers and dpstroyed an edWon de llixll of the ~vy reg ul atio ns ." Dewey saw tile !Joint and paId tot n e w uniform trotla.)rs. Tact. "How itld yotl get your son to stud: nrlthmetlc? I thought you enid a fe1 weeks ago that that [ltudy was posl tlel y dlytast e ful to 111m." "So It appeared to me. nut T nnalll told blm that arithmetic was useful I he wanted to figure the batting a.nt fl elc.llng avcrn ges of tbe ball ployers, and now we ca n' t kC(1)J hIm n way frorn': his multiplication and division tablel."

Only One Nose. Sundny Scho01 Teacher-Wby. lie Wilson! FJghtill !; again ? DI!lu·l· He Came" . jo-'--W·ho ·'dI8covi1re~ . ~.tne~lca? last SuniloY's leash!l t e ach that · wbell , , . on II . ch-cek 1'0~ 'fO fllE<:'srrlker.!

"CJLT EDGE." theonl, t.dieo.

~yelT e<>n,.ino OtL. BI_clt. _od Pol~ha I.di. aod chil~ ', boob .nd ,hoe., .hle.. wllLo... ruloWa•• 25<. "Fr.nch GIo..... H)e"

"STAR" combiootion fot d._Din... aod a>alIohIa, d liAdt oI .....lor ,......- . 10e. ..D..... y· ... ;,:5••

"qUICK WHITE" CiD liquid form will. _ ) cI ..... ud wbil .... dinJ caD." ~ tOe _nd 2Sc_ .. ALBO .. c1..... and whll .... ., .......h-. ..


round whit., c.kaPlick~inzinc-tiDbaxetlwith::zt: 100. la•• alumioumhoAa.willl-" Uyour doalerdoa _ k_lhe bod J'OU - .. . . . . . . do• .na. in .....""or a fullai"'l*bie. paiL



20-2S Alb... ,. 51•• Camln'ld ••• M_

....__r_h._OI";:~/fZ,';: ::.";;t:r;r..; ,.;.;.,;. __ , ...

DAISY FLY KILLER r::::: ::I"t"ltt'-:t tu... N_t) p.3lM.!'~

a.meDea, cotl •• mat. ob ..p. .1:& "'J '.11

..... 0..

oier. wall Dot .011. _ tDjul'e



It'~r~:~~: ' r:I';~;':l~'.~~:::J~~~ DII"il"'~lclI . '~:


Jl1!':4t1 01

"D'!,I&lj .....·~.lIt1lot'".

F. C Hartsock, of Cincinnati. visited relativell here Sunday .


Mt'ssrs. Warrt'n and Herbert Edwards spent Tuesday in Clncinnati8 Ur . and Mrs. A. T. Wright are

~U ~:ltli of Springboro relatives t

Filtered Gasoline for Auto's at the Waynesvill e ,6.uto and Machinery Co.



manufactutt¢JtS' Stock

ent to us to be sold regardless of cost. You will find $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 Waists for only

St'\'erai o f our ri tizenll will g o to Ht Franklin. this week .

the l'baut auqua

Mesdames Lilla DevitL and Joe Chapman were Day tOR visitors. last

week. Mrs. U. W. Meektl illl!penuinga couple of wfOeks wit.h relatives in Franklin.

Have your Lawn Mower ~harpened. Waynesville Auto and Machinery Co.

- - -....

Frl!'sh milk received at liIawke's twice a day- moming and evening.





One of tho most perfect 'types of classio buildings in ~merica, according to ~tects, has been built by the Umted States govemment at DenTer, Colo., to be used 88 a polltoffice and to house the various federal oftlcea in that city with the excepti~ of the mint, saya Popular ~{ech8Djca The building is of pure white marble from Colorado quarries nnd is. 810 feet long by 180 feet deep and four.torille in height 'l'he style i8 8 type of Roman architecture adapted to modern conditions and the facades a~ ~egarded 88 n~table in the faithfulness of their clftsa'!c lines. - On eaeb of tbe longer sides .there are sixteen mB88ive col limns, OB the Ihorter sidell six columns. Symbolic 8tatuary is used in grollps and in Bingle figures tn relieve the building of the Beverity of its genera! outlines, the entire Iltructure gifing an idea of simple besuty that makes it a striking example of public i building srchitecture.


After a search running for eight years the broken point of an Indian spear head has been plowed up by a farmer on the ground of }<'orL Ancient. The two piecl!S have been joined and show a spear head seven and one·Q uarter one inches long. of glistening white quartzite. t he largest one' of th~t material ever ~i s­ ~o vered. It lies on a p~ush e\JshlOn In the state archaeo~oa-lcal mu~eum o~ the campus of OhIO State Unlver· slty . W.~. Mills, curator of the muleum. IS proud of the oddly shaped piece of crystal. "More than eight years. ago ,?ne part was found," he Bald. At .that time I told the searchers to hunt for the complement of it· Tbey tried, and 'all these yean have kept on th~ alert for the broken point. As restored. it has nf' equal for size in any museum in the country."- Westem Star. ~- • D. L. &. C. ELECTS OFFICERS

Ur. and Mrs. Cooper, of Dayton, spent Sunday with Harry Williamson and family.

1<'. A. Welch, of Dayton. wuthe &,ueat of Mr. and Mrs Chas. Stan&bury. Sunday Anyone wanting iee cream for parties. socials. etc. leave your order

~:~ ::~:~.

Wi:r E. Cummings and son, of Xenia, spent Sunday with Ed Macy and family.


. •. . .


. free Trip to the Ohio State ralf



Made-to-Order Suits

500 Pairs Shoe Sale

We urge those men who are. desif'ous of v;earlng stYlishly-made, perfect-fitting garments to call and see the 600 All-Wool samples of the International Tailoring Co. Prices. $15. $17, $18 and upwards. We guarantee every garment to be RIGHT. If it is not right YOIlI have no right to take it. We have never had a misfit for five years.

Mh's. Ladies' Misses', .nd Beys' new Dress Shoes-the $2 25. $2.60 and $3.00 linea to be solll .t...... • Greater bargains than the .wo pairs just cl~ out. Rememlter. many School Shoes in thil lot.

35 Cases and Crates of

Mrs. Lida Bamhart. and son, of Oklahoma, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Irons.

5, 10 ' and 25 cent Novelties ;

WaynesviUe, Ohio.


Inner tuiK!S vulcanized. WaynesEest Grade steam cylinder ville Auto and Machinery Co. Waynesville Au; Macbinery Co



.. ....~~.~. ,




• •


DMIen ill AnlaUc Marble and Grube

IMon umen ts I

Dr. JAM C • . c oy,

Frank ZEill was in Yellow Sprinp



C: G. Will~amBOn. Mnl. Ape. A NEWOROANIZATION Wrl&'ht and M188 Susan Wria-ht spent Sunday at ~rrow, ~uests of Mra. M~. Cri~pen, humane officer of the 2111. lIecb~":~_ !fO~:QUIOD, 01110. Clark CadwlLllader. CinclDliatl S .•P. C. A was!n town See u. If you want to uve Money Monday lookmg after the mterests · Me!Srs. Frank A. Kindle .nd Har- of this society to the end of organ- !!!!!!II!"!!'!!II!"!!'!!II!"!!'!!II!"!!'!!II!"!!'!!II!"!!'!!!'!"'!!~!II!"!!'!!!!"!!II!"!!'!!!! ry Scott and Min Anna Scott. of izing a branch in town. The object of fthe oraranization is Dayton. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Kindle and family. to look after dumb animals and .180 to prosecute those who use Mr. and Mrs •. A.. A. Linton and that are wounded ud too old for UIl8. Veterinary Mrs. dudley Keever and son daua-hter. of Wllmm&,ton, were the They will retum in a short time and Wynne, of Centerville, were K'~ests guests 0.1 Mr. and Mrs. Sam'l Butter- effect the oJ'l'lUlization Oraduate or O~lo State University of Dr. and Mra. A. T. Wright, Mon- werth several days lut week. ' + - ...- ' - -

'Miss Elinor Merritt, of Mt. Holly, Monday, th,: gu~t of his Iarother, N. J. is the K'Uest of her aunt. Mias Ju. Zell. lfI~s ne!ce, MiaaClara Zell, Kezia Merritt and other relatives c~e With him for a two-weekiJ ~arious farm topics by competent here. VISit_ Instructors. Boys should send for , ' application blanks and rules at once Miss Justina Hartsock '\ of Lan Ml'II. A. E,lmore and irr.ndlOn, and Ohl'o ill. the - of Mi"; Ml'II. l' Bertha CinThe election of the-a ... two bOY8 wili caster" . h Haines h b and .BOn, .. lif. M occur at the court house in each Ruth Hartsock an4 other relatives ~?n~ \,~ I[) ave ~n VI::l~ir th ~. county on Saturday. AUi'Ust 17th, at here. IZZle ornp80n, re um 0 elr 10 a. m. The following: p e r s o n , . home Tuesday.

until retum. Boys must be between shall be delegates and have one vete the 8&'eII ef 15 and 2() yeal'8. Boys each. but ne proxies: County comhi' . . . . who w9n the triplutyear notehglble mISSIoners. county sc 00 examiners, to compete in 1912. The creat sue- pres~dent and secr~tary o~ county ~ees .nd -education.l valu~ .f Rnd- and In"epend~nt falnl, pre1nden~ ~d mg one t.oy from each county last secretary of county teachers tnyear induced the itate board to have etitute. Masters of Granges, presitwo boY8 tbi. year. dent and lecretary of county Sunday In counties where one or more of· School convention, president and fers have ~n made ~ sen4i beye on secretary of each r~gu!ar and i~the free trip to Wuhmgton for tbe dependent farmer institute, preslgrowln&' of best acrllS of com, only dent and secretary of farmer picnics thoee boYll who are entered in the that have been orglnized for t\Wl com growing contest will be eligible years or more, each newspaper, and to be candidates fer the .free trip to the ,resident 01. any of the followthe State Fair. In counties where ini': Com Improyement A88OCiano free trip is offered, the competi- tions, Countr Horticultural Societies tion il open to an boys of riirht qe. Pomona Grana-es, Pioneer Aa8ociaOther Iltates ha.e t.ken up the tions and Farmers' Mutual InsurOhio plan of pyiq the expe~ of lance Cemp.niee. farm \toys t. Irtudy the big Expoei- The State Fair in connection with tion. IIlinoil and New York have the Columbus Centenni.l, and the adopted it and other states will fol- visit of President Taft, will be trreatl'Ow • . The boys will villit all state in- rst in its hiltorY. Exhibit 8paee is stitutions at Columbus, and Utend practicallr allllOld far in advance of .ebun:b HrVicea.t the peniteDtiary[the epenin. dIU'. . <~ the Sunday preceding the Fair. Write for blllllka and inform.tion &f~r w~eh the ' WardeD will escort lit once to CoI~.bUl, and addl'ell 'th-;n th1'o.uah evel'-)' part of the Itil' /:.. P. SANDLEi, '" 'I~ ~tufte , wiJI be given on ' . ' ~tary. -

So many cUltomera whe look" throullh and boucht extfla,ively, 8ay they never saw such for Oc, lOe and 26c.

John A. Funkey

COLUMBUS, AUGUST 26-31 , The State Board ef Ap-iculture ' will pay the expenses of two boys from each county to tbe Ohi. State Fair. to be held in Columbus durini' the week of AUirullt 26th to 3llt. Expenses mean railroad fare, board and bed from time of leaviag home

~rsanS;y;~~.~.~~. ~~~: ..~~~

43c lOe fo~ 1~.~.~~~~~~.... ...... .. .... Nickle 25c ~~~ ~.~~~.i~.I.~... ...... ......... Dime 6Oc, ;!~.~.~.~~.~~~ ................... 2.5 c


_ . Don't forget to I.o ok through our larle .to~ of Shoes. . , Mon~J:. can be saved dn every pair. Wre are anxious to show you every Bargain, and very anxious to please. .


" JI '

$1 79

Miss Myrtle Lutz and Mr. Ray Hawke were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Hawke.




Mr. Raymond Hood, of Dayton, ~ spent Sunday with Albert Shepherd and family .

Warren Edwards arrived home Eu~ene Zimmerman, of Cincin- Saturday Qvening, and will visit his nati, haa been elected president of parents here for a wet'k. . "LIlA FOft eOUNT.., LI't. Ithe Dayton. Lebanon & Cincinnati (,1 Railway and Terminal company to MI88 Sarah Burnett's cottaJre.t In an add.r'l!la on "City OongeetlOD Isucceed the late L. JrI. Sternberger. the Franklin Ch.utauqua is finished and Fum Deaolatiou," the.Bev. D~- \ Other officers were elected as fol- arid ready for occupancy. Joaeph Kmuskopf of hilad~tphia lows: 1<'int vice president anti Mrs. PrillCilIa Butterworth, of makee • ItroD, plea for the N a~ODa1l treasu rer. Frank Brandon, of LebFarm achool, near Pbil'adelpllla, of anon' second vice president S. E. WilminKt.n, is the JlUest of Mr.•nd w~ch be Is president Putora! pur- 'I Ste~bera-er, of Wellston; sec'retary. Mrs. Samuel autterworth. 'IUl~ he aYI, .... fOtent ramedi. H. S. Willard, of Wellston; assil\tant Hon. Larrv Langdon, passed 'apinat the erila whiah pw out of I secretary, Howard W. Ivins. of Lebthrouch here Satur"ay from Colum~ injje ~arta.of the ci~iM .no~. It Wal announced after the ~us to his home in Lebanon. lmto which fomp unmJ3l'&Dta drift. meeting that through trainl will be ~ ftIOUJ'Ce8 of ~ f~ IJehool ~ run between Dayton and Cineirmati Mr. and Mnl. W. H. Allen., Miss limitec1, the dOnDltori. accommo- vi. Lebanen as soon as the schedule Letitia McKay and Mi88 Mrra Baird dating eighty~flve student.. can be arranK'ed.-Warren County autoed to Cincinnati. Tuesd.y. 'for the pmpoee of ~~g the lIP Times. atltution and iDet'eUiq ita aetiYltiei + - . -MiY Sybil Hawke had the mlaforDr. XnUlkopf 'who . . 'iiLA TE CLASSIFIED ADS tune to s,iIl BOme hot water on her it I t ' to become JIIftIIlben. foot S.turday, ¥aldina- it badly. . No. 1 Poole wb ..., for Aeed Gasoline Stoves called for and reClear of Imnt and tn 100d 000paired, Waynesville Auto and Ma- dUtoD. 0 ~. Rtok8. WaynellVUle, Mr. Alex Mart and .MillS Pauline Perry, of Lebanon, were cuests of ehlnery tA. Obto, R. D. 3. J 3J S. V. Mart an" family, Sunday.


The: like has never been know~. Come and bring your friends. The styles are the latest up-to-date. All prices less thsLn half of Dayton or Cincinnati. The manufacturer makes the sacrifice. Don't fail to come.


Office at reaidence in F. B. Sher-

The Muon Appeal has been I!Old woocl'. hOUle, Fourth Street. by tbe owner, A.. C. McCluq, of the Tel~phone ~ Miami Union. Troy, Ohio, te C. E. Mitton, a newspaper maJl of liOuthem WaynesvU Ie, Ohio Indiana, who hu had a bit of exI ., rd m It' hpenpedence Itnthnewl.~~pe . 0 e C WIoCDS 0 fOM ason WI~lll tha now get a &'ODd, clean paper to read. Su~be for the Gazette



Mias Ed~~h Woohllardb, of H~t~rsMesal'll. Seth and L.wrence Furtowf!, I n_lana, u een VIISl Ini' t to Sel Oh' Su d Henfy Woollard and family the past nas wen ma, Ie. n ay, to . ' a t t e n d the Conference that convenes week. there lhill week. Two speakel'll from Ml'II. Walter Reed came up from London' Yeurly l'Deetinir were presC· . t' T -..I • d' ent LIVERY t~ncmn.: ;,,;;ay .~en;;K" ~ ~I • Service at vel')' reasonB e ~u~ 0 r. an rs... MiMes Ruth and Elizabeth Chanable ratel. am ar . dler spent the week-end at Selma, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen. Mig maio, .ttending a Young Friendl Anna McCollum and Miss Georaia confereQce at which three yo'lln. Hadden weae guests of friends in English . FX'iends were present and Franklin Sunday held intereotini' m~etinK'8. . _....._ _ _ _ _ _ _.. . Mr••n" Mrs. John Hawke and C. ,Dr. Fred Rhoades and Rev. Mack M. Robitzer attended Eastern St.r Rh~dee, of Kansu, and Mr. thu lodl'e.t Clarksville, Tue8day even-, Rhoallies, air S,rinirfield, were ~ueste . .- ....- - - - - - -.. ing. Mra. Hawke Inspected tbe at the horr.e of Mr. and Mrs· Oscar Chapter Edwards, last week. Mrs. Jane • Sides, who is a sister of the Meara. Melllrs. Cyrus MIld Alec Pegue, of Rhoa.... was also a P8lt. Sub-Agent for Fletcher, Miami county and Prof. ' Wilbur Poai'lle. of Celina, motere4 Frank Stliook, of South Lebanon. the Ford . threullh thil neiabborhood Saturday wu in tb~, Mond.y. This is the and Sunday. calling on acqu.intances tim time II!l several months that Mr. Automohile of more than half a century 8&'0. Snook hull)f)8n He la on the iuch as Thea. J • • rown, the Berry- J1'O~. ~f the new factory In IlIl1!,o~ hilla, the Weners. the Sackell. the the t1m~!. ~e new faetol'1. tI.aer.tfll-V.ul'hoa an. otl;1en about Ferry, ..,01 CG8t .~ut ~,~ when eoaBellbrook ~d ~~vill!. . ' . . .~1~te.11 . . .. __ :. , .- ' , . . -....IJ!III...~~ " . r ;t~ :~ .\ _~



SERVICE The very Best at aU Times





• •








R V '

\ Corwin, Ohio Phone 7l-1X

Eixty-Third Year


Whole Number 316 9

-------- ---- ~~~~~--~~~--~~--~------- ---------,--------------------------.~~~~~.----------~~~-----------------~--------------~----~

·O ;St;;-Fai;e Qu~~:~:r:~::L :::~;~d hi 1 1 ---- ----




Sunday School


picnic at Charles

I /



eotion Column

L~:·-··"·"~·-·-· · ····-·---- ··-'--.- ....""...-" ..-.-.._-_ ....



~ 1 oJ)eneu



do"r~ uf th~ir lIew },"ll~t.


S~cial- Ev;nts


e---- ________ •

\' llrll:t~

Hvugh 's e-rove on Thursday, and all .1 to wekulTle t heir kinsmen. th!· Illllrn- I':dwill :-;. and faintly had report a very enjoyable day spent .... - ...._ ••_-, .... - ............... - ........................ ..........__ ......J in\{ uf t.he tw~lI ly·tl rst. In the ,'arly [til. th~ir g U e~l ~ SUIi J ay 1I,'lIry Sul. fhe weather looked threatening in Fred Hliwke Wall in Cincinnati M r~. t.;eu. !Jak in lIlo vtll.i to Midllle- IIw rnin l{ we were wakened by th e ll! rLhwaik and fam ily. ~I r;:!. Lydia the mOMling but proved to bp an Monday. town last week . sound l lf rain and th rough the uay Sat ter thwa iII' anu I lani,'1 U nd erwuou id eal day for a picnic. The ('om· we had ~evel"U1 heavy ~h(Jw ·rs. and falllil y. R1ittee on entertainment deserve Elias Oglesbee was a Cincinnat! W. H. Antram . of l.ebanon, was Severa l had to hunt shelter a long special mention in the arrana-ement visitor last week. in town . Saturuay . the way and wait until th e clouds ot the proe-ram in which all had fun rol led by Lut they came in with M i~s Ih 'lIrit:lll1 \I ,·\';ill,ey I- nl.-r· Mr sJ. .B. Ch apman IS . VIS . I·· R. US5e II Bent Iey spent S unuay ·I The following are t 11"ft Ie resu WI 0 f some ling a t sm iling face!1 nut heedinl;l" damp c"at~ tai ned Tu,'suay t: \I't.II ' ~ at a ·· :IIIi' " d. h'I~ .lOme " of the afternoon contests: .M·H!S La W!l, 0 f W est woo m N ew Bur I'mg ton. and skirts. Prepa rati on hatj Leen party about l W" lIly ·li.- ,· fri"IIds in In the 100 yard Boys Runnina- Race made to hav ~ dinner un der the tr ees honor lI f her l{U">lt. ~ I i~~ I Z III H F:I{' Mrs. Lina Devitt and Mri . E. S. on the froflt lawn . 'rI,e ta'u.les were bert, (If Kan ~as ·i ly . ;\1". At a - Ernest Earnhart 1st., WI'II'lam J . K. Spencer. of Oregonio, was a d Ti bU!liness visitor here Monday . Eaily IIpent Satu rday in /:)prin g boro. removed to the dining roum and.1 seasonable .Iaill ly r ·'frc~ hnlt'II L~ Dyke 2nd ., Car I J 0 h ns, 3 r. me were se rv edhour . 16X seconds. Miss 'i'helma WY80ng, of Anderson MesserM . .J. M. Coek,}o; V. Barn. porch and soon fil ler! with a goou Girls under 14; 50 yard race-Nor· Ind. , is visiting Dr. and.Mrs. Clay. hart and John Taylor wert' In Day. dinner and su rrounded by the fam· ma Charlton lBt., Ruth Busaell2nd . t ton Saturday morning. ilies enjoyin g a soc ial time . Th ose Tho!le whu enjoyed t he must ex . Laverne Dyke Srd. on. present were Mr. and Mrs B. F. cellent dinner and >l!trial hnur:i at the Girlll over 14, 50 yard race- Ber· Mrs. Agnes Wright and dauihwr, Mr. and Mra. Uyron Hartsock, of Mills, Mis.'~ Ca rri e Mills, Mrs. Huldah home of Kezia Merri l t, tlll Sund ay, tha Coon 1st.. Beulah Coon 2nd ., SU&ln, are visiting relatives near Lancaster. Ohio, were week- end Bu rnet, Wal te r Ru rnet. Clif ton Bu r- were Mrs . C. M. C'lrtw rij!h t and chil. Loui:w BUIl8eIl 3rd . Morrow. g uests of Mrs . Matilda Hosier. net, Mrs. Clem A. Burnet, Bessie rl ren , Mr. and Mrs . W. H. Allen, Youn(l'Men'lI race-Ernest Earn Burnet, Audrey Burn et, Mr . and Mr. J. O. Cartwrigh t anu family, k 2 d .. J ames Mrs. Howard Hopkins, of Dayton, Gasoline Stoves, repaired . Notify M rs. 0 we n J . Hurnet , Hele n Din . D hart lilt.. W'lli I am 0 yen . r. ancI Mrs.M Clayton, r. anu. 1 Mrs . W.... . h t. M'I~ell L' "'" the gu~t Haines 3ni . "'" of Mrs . Henrietta the Wayn esville Auto lilld Machinery WI·dd·Ie, Mr.·a m I Mr o~. San'' uel Butter • S . L , Cartwng r~ Ieanor Girl's Throwing Contest~ Bertha Hopkins Friday. and th ey will call for th em . worth, Gi lbe r t Frye, Mr. and MrH. Merritt and Th clm a Wysong. Coon, distance 105 feet. Ernest Butter worth. Burnet Buller. LARGE SCALE Mrs. Elvey Hall and daughter, of !\1 r. John Smith of Dayton, was w'lrth, Mr. an·u1 Mrs. Frankli n C. ~ntest- EI me r , Boys' Throwing /". Mi!'lSes Mar.v McC lIlI{)u<>h Every featu re of the Fair will be Hotop, distance 205 t eet. An d the Memphis, Tenn. s pent Thursday with th e gUl'st last wee k, of Mr. Saml Burnet, Ray mond Burnet, Luria .. and Mil . . hed muc h f Un Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elbon. Smit.h and fam ily, of th e Lytle pik e. Bu rn et, Marie Brown . Mr. and Mrs. dred Car penter entertained at the enlarged and In keeping with the oc. " Tng of W' ar' f urnlS Mrs. Claude Stokes and Kathrvn rt. i ~ Mary Smart. IIf Hartwell. J. M. Keys, Warren Keys, Amos home of Miss ' Carpenter, Il !:!ar Cen. casion Half of t~e states of t he f or 0 Id an d young · t Th Sch I I d I' hled . Cook, Ruthemma Cook. Mrs. Etlie tervill e, last Thursday even ing in Union will contribute to the maa-nj· e 00 a so e Ill' In en· Stok""a, of Dayton, are VI· sl·ll·ng Otto and Or. Scott, of NorwlIod were ...,and faml'ly this week . tude and succesa" of t h II event. 1-"",rta"mmg th e Fri en dS f rom th e Lewl's call:ng on Wayne~vi ll e frienu~ Mon . Rooney, Nellie I{ooney , Lawrence honor of Homer Carpen ter 's birth. Rooney, Mr . and Mrs. Frank Cole- day. About fifty of hi ~ friends ThoutWlds of dollars have been lpent Home. day. evening. man. Bernice Ellis. Thelma Ellis, f .Ince IgU to improve and beauti y I f he Mesdam~ Frank Harris and Chas. . k AI ' thought to surpri ~e him, but he wa s The managers and patrons 0 t ~ Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Dye. V ln equal to th f' occasioll and was ready the grounds. New and commodioua . Shidaker of Harveysbur tF , were Mrs. C. A Burnett anu tianghters .. f U' • "'I . ed h I t Dyke, Lavernfl Dyke. Rhea Dyk e, waiting to receivt! them But. for bUI' ldl'n- have been erected thl' s FrIends Home are truly grateful t o , .~ Sch o I I f r guests of Mrs. A. Maffit Thursday. \0 ,,,,18ml, .' a., arrlv ere as I year, by act of the Legislature, to thhe.Lytle Sabba~h °t . peoP e 0 week, and will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Burnet, I orner all a good time wa~ enjoved- and lf th e com· and Chester Burnet. Mr . and Mrs. after spending the evenin .... by playt elr man eat mteres In take care of the uverftow exh i b its " Mrs. C. M, Cartwright and daugh. relat.ives until Septemder. Har! Harvey , Alvin and Doris Har· ing games and with mU8ic br Alice New ex.hl' bltors are demandin a fort.and enjoyment Gf the "Home • f amI Iy. ter, of Evanston, III., are guests at h 8 urne, t Al 1en, ,',u '" Ia Wat k ins , E Id h'bWarren L '.' wards, after a short vey, M r. an d M rs .US tep • ttaG e bh dl I b 'l f .pace or IP avs, w leo ex I Th' If . k . d 1·1.. le the hume of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. I:A.I .• en d I B edart ilors are payitlll·for more space and I elr e o~ta to ~a e an 10 e h. vac81tion here, left Sunday evening I Harry , Russel. Mil reu an na ur· and others a lun cheon was Berv of .pendinl' hundreds of dollars to make I ~right spot 10 the hvee of the shut- Cartwright. for Milwaukee. A fter a couple of net, Mr. and Mrs. Forest Graham, ice cream and cake. At a lal e hour their exhibits more attractive. i In~ of that house~old we~e crown~ Misses Lucile and Ruth Miller, of daysl there preparing his samples, he Mildred Graham, Mrs L . G. Burnet, all departed wishing Homer many An el8&,ut colored and U1uatrated WIth success on pIcnic day m Hough s Centervilltl, have returned home wili leave for his Western trip. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hartsock, Ross, more happy birthdays. Those preII wood» . To Mra. Chu. ., ~Hough ell• Alan and Helen Hartsock. and Mr , sent were Alice Allen, Cora Swig· catalog WI'11 b e eent I ree to are· b. after a pleasant viSIt wit h M'1888S uestl by adttlresalna- the Secretary pecllllly are we under lastin&, .u Edith and Rachel Sheehan. Mra. Ruth Brownell , Miss Lucy and Mrs. J . W. Hartsork . gert, Sylvli Newland, Mamie Miller, q , , , l\ptions ) Brownell, of Washington C H. Mrs. With loving greetiolrs to those Etta Gebhart, Elsie I{ussell. Della State House, Columbus. Th I f th "H .. . h d h h h H I B d -----.... _ . e sen or 0 e ome com· Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Smith and CrO'!!l8, Mi88 Rnth CrQalS and Miss who were not WIt us an a ope Degler , Et el Shee an, e en roa. OBITUARY pliny remar~ed while enjoying the chndren, of Dayton, spent Saturday HelEm Crolls, of Hoosac Falls, N. Y . . that you may be Jlex t year, thus ends way, Ruth Harris, Ethel Tewell, day, "I am in my 9Ist year and this and Sunday at the home of Mrl. are gup.sls of Warren Bbrnett and a very pleasant rainy day. Ruth Miller, Eula Wa tkins, Lucille After a prolonged illnesa, which is my first picnic." Smith's mother, Mrs. A. B. Ivinil. fam ily. Aunt Lou Miller, Edna Conklin, Mary McCul. terminated in a paralytic Itroke two A B. Chandler, Supt. M H Cam bell d h'ld • - lough, Blanche Sheehan--. Ethel Arch· • -. rs. arry p a n e I ren Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Sherwood and A HAPPY BIRTHDAY deacon, Reva and }{achel Sheehan, weeks ago, MrB Hannah B. Janney. OBITUARY have returned to their home in Goo4· children, of Lebanon, and Mrs. Har· S . Edna Miller, Edith Sheehan , Clifford WI'dow of Charles Janney, died at Th I th t In can scarce ing, Idaho, after an extended visit ry Arnold and son, of Galesburg, III. e eaves a • pr g Himes, John Miller, John Pine, the home of her 80n and daughter. GI·IL.-rt M. Graham, son of Wm W '11 d lied R d M C d II d unfcld lK" • "'ith relatives in aynesvl e an ca . on ev. an rs. a wa a er ' ed .l 1.1 Millard and Dulph Degler , Earl Pin8. in·law, Mr. and Mrs. Wiliter Janney, anei Arye Graham, was born in Lebanon. and Dr. and Mn!, Sherwood Sunday The Autumn turns t~ r a~~ go u Grafton Shawn . Harry Kelchner, at five o'clock, Sunday evening. Wayne Township, Warren Co , Ohio, afternoon. nlay each year t at ~we s you r Je!!Se Hibberd, Roy Har ris, Ru ssel Mrs. Frank Taft and Miss Jean story, Seifer, CI--!m C(}nklin, J ames Tewell, Mrs. Janr,ey was born in Waynes- August 29, 1833, He departl!d this ville, Ohio, on June 6, 1832, and was life July 14, 19'2, aged 78 years, 10 Ferguson, of Dayton, came down Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Coleman und Take on an adde4l t ou ch of glory. Leon McN eil, Howard LeRlie, Dearth the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. We!:P monthl and 16 days. Mr. Grahllm Friday and were the guests of Mr. son, of Norwood are g ue!lts of Mr, Wednesday, July seventeenth, Sheehan, Ben Smith, Alva Hartsock, ley Hwnes. The entire eig~ty year; wu united in marriage to Lydia A. and Mrs. J. W. White. On Sund ay ' and Mrs. J. H . Co leman. They ar· being Mi ss Georgia Whetsel's thir· Delbert Conklin, Ernest Archdeacon, oC her lite were lpent in an aroun Harris. November I, 1860. Six Mr. Frank Taft and daughter, ri ved here Monday evening from teenth birthday, her mamma invited Ralph Sheehan, Arthur. McCullough, the town of her birth children Wdre born to this union, five Helen, and Mr. and Mrs. John Wer· Indian Lake, whe re they spent the a number of her achoolmate! to par· Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Carpenter, In November 1856 she was united of whom survl' ve thel' r parents ne . I'ned them for the day p .. ~t week h· k d· t r JO . ... . take of a lovely c IC en mner a Hom er and Mildred Carpenter. In marriage to Charles Janney. mov- Those living rire Mrs. Frank Elbon, < their plea.'1ant country home south of ___ _ • _. ina- to the beautiful Janney larm. Abbie, William, Florenceand'Geol1Ie. Harveysburg. IMPORTANT NOTICE between Waynesville and Lytle. One daul'bterdied in early childhood The weather being very inclement . Here abe remained until the death and the wile and mother preceedelt th enjoyed games in the parlor and Certlfi <:at(:~ of all g rade!'! issued of her husband in 1901. But one her hUlhand In dpath "eleven years. m~~ic on the piano. since Se,t. 1. l!-Jll. b.y the W~rren child,' Walter, was born to this union, Beside bil children there remwn to Ice cream and cake were served at County Sc~ool Examl~ers: WIll be and it waS at his home on the farm mourn his departure ten ~rand. Written by ' M' s. Cora. A. Thompson a late hour by Mrs Whetsel assisted renewed wltho.ut ~x :unmatlon at the adjoinine- the home place that her children, two JCreat JCrand children, by Mrs. Geo. Ellis. Aug~8t eXamlnatlO~, dProvlded ~he death occurred. one brother and one sister. Those who enjoyed the party were appitcant has receIve a pussmg EarlY Sunday evening, JURt as Mr. Graham spent his Entire lift' Misses Faye Ellis, Marie Rich, Mary grade in Agricul~ure on or before ,Ieep was stealing over all nature, in the county in which he WaA born. Did you ever think about what an . out, but send him a check and a word Mullin, Edith Wardlow , Inez Rich, the fi\"llt Saturday 10 ~ugust. ~idding th~ flowers close ~heir petals He followed the occupation of farm. una,preciated individual the country I of cheer and your helpful words will Viola Jordan, Vesta Ellis, Auarey The regular fee dWlllh be cht.~g~d and the birds cease their 8Onl'S, a ing. A numlter have ,poken of hiB editor is' make your editorman happy and Cleaver, Irene Une-Ie~by, Helen b .r this renewal, an t e cer, ea e Did you ever think when yo'~ 're prog reesive and your paper bet: Hartllock and cousin Bessie Burnet, will be dated September 1,1912. heavenly sJee~ stole acro88 Mrs. Jan· industrious life. He was a man nev'a brow, bl.dding her eyes close splendid habita. He was considered criticising the wav he edits his paper. ter. of Miami, Florida. ~ll elementary teachers a.~e r~. and her sulfermp cease. by all as uprie-ht and honora.ble. He the lack of news from your "'ego" You all like to see your friends Miss Mary, Georgia 's older sister ~ulre • .by laW't. have a eertl ea e She attended the church of t.he had a high regard for the principalll standpoint, and all your grouches, nam~s in the paper. You like your j t home from school at Columbus In Agrtculture by Sept. 1, 1912. Frienda, and during more recen~ of righteoullness and truth. His that it wouldn't take you five paper to tell ju,.t what Keziah Swipes u~ ad the day with her sister, High School certificates do not reo years, !"ade her horne at the Friends manner was genial and his disposi. minutes to sit down and write your is .Joing in the count'ry and Timothy en~~e following presents were reo quire Agriculture ~or renew~1. Home In Waynesville. L tion happy, editor a personal item of what is Tuamuttoll is doing ir. town. You . ed I Un lesby vase ' Marie Lester S . IVllls. President, .. celv ,rene g , , V· P ·u t alta f had b Mrs. J anney t osa tr 0 The communit, has Bustained a being done In your particular spot want your paper to teem with human Rich, handkerchief; Inez Rich, fan; T. H. ROlfeI'», ~ce · resl en . mind and heart,:wbich make woman, decided 1088 in his death. A f~w of the world. Fnlist your friends in intel~est. to radiate the personality Vesta Ellis, book ; Viola Jordan, box C. E. Bra~ten, Glerk. . N. B.- if appltc~nt ha.~ Agflcul. womanly, and whic~ made her loved days &1'0 he was stricllen by paralYllif other spota, make it contagious, pass of your home county anll community of candy; Mrs. Ed Martin, envelopes by all, who came IOto .contact w~th while talking with hil !laughter of the good word alonAl. and lIoon your The "general" news you glean from and paper; Mary Mullin, boquet of ture already on . hIS certIficate, he her life Her many fne~ds and m· the occurrences of the day. From paper will \Ie of vital intereit to the your daily, but your "local" and 8weet peas. also a lot of beautiful need not appear In person, but ~ay deed the wbole commumty mourn this' he never reaained complete con· county. It's up to you to make "personal" your country paper. rd ' ilend in certificate and fee In eIther •. In th e f ac t th a t sciousneu but • pa811e4 peacefully your home paper worthwhile ca s. 1.1 ·fi t t b I b ut ~~J~lce her .0.. Rt!member a boiled down, lead post As evening came on the guests de. C8l!e the 0 u certl ca emus e pre· ehe 18 now .enJoym~ the rewards of a away on Sabbath enning as the sun The editorman of your home paper pencil article i~ what vour editor ap- parted wishing Miss Georgia many sented. • _ a Ion&, lite,lImply, rIghtly and usefully was setting in the western Iky. We and of the count.., sheet of your ; pr~ciates Condense. Do not go more happy birthdays. MUSIC~CLUB apent. • _. . trust he haa ere this come forth in daily paper appreciates a lead pencil J in to detail. Help the eiitorman Mayall go well with you! A FEW WAISTS LEFT the glory of his resurrection to shine article. It shows you're an interest· mak,e your home paper the BEST. May life's short days glide on The Music Club held its secmld What brought the writing of this peaceful and bright;, with no more meeting on Saturday, July 13, at the even bril'bter than the blazing sun eli member of his family. Some· We want to call our readers at- of the morning. ' t i m e s typewritten articles make a~ article to my mind was at the Detec- clouds than may glisten in the sun· Ilome of Misses Eva. and Mary Davis. -----. editor wonder if he's being machined. tive and Protective Association pie- shine, no more rain than may form The lives of Handel, Haydn and tendon to J. A. Funkey'. ad. He KINOS MILLS SUNDAY Just L_ hon-t and comfy. nl·,. S.D turday July 13th, there sat the h h f Wbl W • I f L. h .., '" .. a rainbow. Ontl w 0 was t ere. Mendelssohn were outlined and dis. baa a ew te IUBti e t, uut as You have no ltetterfriend than the eciitorman. eweltering in the heat, • .aid Iota of u.em. JUlt think! an Kinl'S Mills will be here Sunday tie country editor. for he rinp the joy right by the pTeacherman, who was TOWN VSCOUNTRY cleUcSStl.edon's~~~d!~:u~ollOWing piano se· 8IIlbroldered waist t or only 99 centa, play the Miamis. OwinJC to the ra n bfolls wben you're ushered into this cool c)f course, but when the preacher. worth 12.60 at I...t., If you want a last Sunllay Kinp did not show up u . d h ' ted The great ball game, to be ,Iayed Handel-Largo- Miss Rachel Shee.-......tI wa'l..t ch- n • vou had better 1'0 th led ·th' life, he Bell congratulatiOns all man got thru his muc apprecla between the Town and Count"" han. . ........ .. --r # but ey cance a pme WI names and boquetl and smiles. lpeec:h, Mr. Maffitt cheerell bim up and look this lint over Some ~ Pleuant Plaln to come here Sunday. H. annouDcelyour going out of it ' by presenting him a nickle. Our teams, on account of a tie game, Haydn- .A Lowly . Cottai'e~~IS8 , Ihotlleft at '1.79. Bet~r buy your 'Thia will llrObably. be a Rood game, ~th teart and poetry and epitaph editorman lead the linginl', be it is will be playee eff at Phillipa! park, Mary ~~VIS;. Selectton .from The aboeI now. becauae it won't, be long as Kinp wanta to I'8t revenae for aild flowera .. ferhape you ' didn't de- who will give us the publicity, the August 3rd. ThOlle who attended. Seasons -MISS Eva DaVIS. M' until ,ou· will need . . .. IhGel for their Ian defeat here. . iefv.. ' ltouqueta. etc., wby mould he allO the Detective and Protective Ai- MendeIBtiohn-ValleyofRest- 188 Jall'uae. c.Ilat'thii"i.d.~t ' • _. tire DOn't crltlclaehbn pleue, nor havebeen~embered. We1lhere's lIoclation picnic on July 13th, will t Lulile HormeU;. W~ding March~ . store and )'Qu will, Ancfalmoat~. 'Filtered GuOline (Qr Auto', at bl&m him ' f ,I W y.ur name w j he editorm all over the world! want to. see the same '~earna ~in. Mrs, Besale Wqlte, . . . thbwYOUwUl~, : ,: , . .., •. Wityn.ville .A~toandMac:hiDe1'l. Cq!. .e , ,..o r, "ea. pa _ .~.

$26,000, and the city of Columbus added $60,000 mort! for the purpose of celebrating the end of one hun· . dred yean!, since Columbul became the Capital City of the Buckeye State. This Centennial celebration will be held, by act ot the Le~slature, in connectl'on WI·th the Ohio15'State Fair, durin a the week of Auaust 26th to • 31st. .. The (Jolumbu8 Centennial Commis· sion will bave the expenditure of the $76,000 above mentioned, and wil co·operate with the Ohio State Board of Agriculture in building up and promoting the greatest event of this kind in Ohio's history. Re,orts indicate that every county will take more than ordinary interellt tbi' vear in the State Fair because " of honor and respect that are to lie paid to the Discoverer of America, Christopher Columbus.





The Country Editor


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Practical Fashions CHILDREN 'S DR E SS.

lt a rllN p lu ln a THI dl rl!c t. t hll t . du n t you t b lll l!'! Sor t o r h (,!l vy IJruIHJ s v.·o ru ll ll t she t oo k It s troke. yo u ru ll li nd (' I,' a n- n e v e r w lll Cc iJ or t ur ne d a b a lr. JU " t Io<) k c d Ih oLlgIH· fu t. " Ye s," s h e Ha ld s lo wly . " J a c ky saJ R It ' II ha ve to cO lll e t o t h n t ~O I IlO d ll), so m e arran geme nt. l' t:l tb <: r at u s ev e r wa nt 10 llI u r ry ." "(J b! " And my m o noc 10 d rO Il P('(\ I



J\l d lll f"d TJghtnut, an Ameri can w tt h An a t1e" I t."d E nl{ lt! h Q. CC't' flt. rec eive. a p r ell e n t (rll l'n l1 r rl ~ n d I n l' hln&.. The p r e . e nt p Mves t o be u. pair o f pu. A letter h l ntJt o f ~ur prt .e t o t h f' woare r . L1K h t nU l do ns rli ('o p n Jru n .... o. n ol It\l~ a1 nigh t Kn U u p ( el r a 8 01 0 kl\, H I", s~ rv Q. n t . J e nkin., ,"om e8 In nnd, foJ ll n g t o r eco g n t zt" Llgh t ru n , n tt enl J) t a t o pu t him o u t. Thl n klnlf

( h~ ,," r\, l\n t ~ r o..:a: y . f . I K I l Ull ! c{t" 1 h l a ;- 1(H h e t In tt.. n d l n g ( n fHlJlI it l' )fl llt' lp \\' h e n h ~ r e lll'P'c a rfl J f"n hl nH ( u l l!'! ,\ n h ie n ('("k 'trHh Ju y . oo nr1 r m ltl i{ L I;(h tn It's h o ltef t hat h ~ Ie r r n zy . Jc nkt Tl lt t ell s Llg h t n u t o f

t h e e n ,'o un t fl r

C hina m an



d r u8ttt"d


wtt h n hld eou e p ll J a mll's . I n (l

moos .. " . (rom hi. (r1"nd J llck Dllll nR. LJghtnu t I. IUtked to put u p " t he kl el' 1 ror the ntRh t on hi. WRY home (rom co lleKe. l At er Ltll htnu t nn ds .. bellut l(u l 81 rl In bll\ck IlI. j .. m .... In ht . roo m. Lig ht · nut I• • b oc ked by t he II"t, I·. dri nk ing. . mok tng a.nd 8 1&ngy tal k. Sh. tell. him her n&m. I. Francl. Ilnd punl"" hi m wit h 1\ ator y o f h e r lov e to r her a llt er -. room - m ate . na.m fld Fra nce.. N e x t m orn ·

InK the Iflrl I. mt .. ln g Ilnd Ll gh tput hur· r1 e~ to the boat to see her orr. H. Is aceooted hy .. hURky college boy. wh o caU. him "Dic ky : bu t he do... not Bee the ~'I . J aek Billin gs callI to . ppnd th e ni gh t wi t h Ugh tnut. Th ey dl. cover, " rirel" • • . rubl e. hidden In the butto n. ot th e p"ja ma l . 9 1111nll'8 dono t he p/lJIUTl1U5 a. n d r pt1l"f'fJ . L ig h t n ut la t e r dt. co ve rs In hi e a pa rtm ent a be~ ry perftn n In m u t ton . rhop wh l s k fltT8 a n d w eari ng p aja m llA.

Jp nkl n. call. th e poli ce. who dec la re the In trudu t o be • cr1 mlna l. callec1 " FoxY Omn"pn." The In truder ('Iecla.r es h e t. Li ght nut 's 1fIJ".t and appeal. to t he la tter In vn ln. H e I. hUIUed orr tD jall. In th e mo rnin g LJghtn ut I. utonlshed to "nil Bil lin g" go n•. ' Lnd more RA tonl oh"" wh e n he g e t.' R m e!ll'n g,

fr om t he la tter.

c1. mRncll ng hi. clothe.. Ll g htnut. boun('l ror Tn rr y tow n. Blil lngll' home. dlacover. "p,.Rn r es. " t he an rl or t he pR,am...... on the t rnl n. U ght nut "peaks .t o her nnel al lude. to th e ni gh t be (ore. She d ~ c I Rre. Indll!'Tln ntly thnt U " ht nut nevor BaW her n hlnck pnj nm ..... At T .. m ·town l"r.. neea • met b y a hU l k y coll e!f" yout h. who ha ll. Ll lfh tnut a.o " Dick y.' T h" lat t" r Ig-


nor es th e


w ho t he n threaten.


IhrlUlh him for otl'endln lr France. . Lt l'( ht nu t t a. k ~s t he n .. x t t raJo home. Blllln l\'8 U om u l over th e ou tr .... ot h ie a rre st . H e a nt! LIl:ht nut dl. cov"r my. t .. r1 ou. Chl ne_e characler. on the paj .. mlUl. P rofe. lOr Doolenbtl rry Is ca lled tn to Interpret th " hieroglyphic. . H., rav". ov.,r wha t h" ra.lI a th" las t . lIk of SI- Lin g-ChI. The .. rtUng d ~ l a r • • that .. pe rs on welU'tn K the J)llja.mlla w tll ta ke 0 0 the • ., m bl.. nc" ot t he p novt()UB wear e r. The p ro fesso r borro w..

th p

paJ a.m a ft

"Billing." d re••• d tn

t or

p .. JILrIl ....

e x perim e nt.

I. f ound In

th e pro t p!4Snr ' R r oom a nd til take n h ome

In an Il ut o m o blle wi t h F r a n c e. snd &

mlln Ll l.lhtnut call. " th e (rump."


CHAPTER XX. (~ontlnued . ) B ut h e r c la ws raked on : "I tell you }'OU just can·t be tamillar wttb crooma and hall·fe llow·w e ll·m e t wlUl footmen without de morallzl n« Ulem-and Ulat' s wba t Fran~ls d oe s." She jerke d Ulla out v lc loully. and while I gMped, went on : -Y ou know Tery well, Mr. Llg h t nut. If you pi a , carda and drtnk and carouae with your men' BervanUt untU two or thre e o'clock In Ule morn. in«. you can't reasonahly look tor re.pect trom the m." She hreaUled heav· II,. "The trouhle la, Francta has no eelf. r espec t-no prtdel" " By Jove. It I were you. Mls8er-" Dash m. It I hadn't forgotten h e r n am e ! "It you reel that way, I don 't s e e w hy the d&-- H'ml I m ean wby do yo u stay on here and--eTsllcrlfice y ourse lt1" I drawled tbJs In Ule moat d e vili s h sarcasUo wayl "1'd pack my jolly trunk and a.t lUI far aw a y as I COUld." I added ea rnestly~ou1naly: "And .tay away, you knowl" And 1 took a deep breaUi. for I expecte d to s e e her wilt or au etralght up In tbe air. I knew It wu a toalt~r eithe r . Not s he! She Jnet t1t"I.u.d a Bour emile a t me. :'U mmh'" s he grunted. "Perhap8 you don't know that Francl. has BUg· geste d that to me Beveral tl meB(rankly and rud e ly- when I havil c omplaIn ed . That may surprt.e you ." "Da re s ay you' ve put up with Fran· ces t h ough for Ja c k 's Bakel- I let h e r bave It ('o ldly. deliberately. "Brother Jack h a s been a sort of compensatlon-tha t 's It. eh T" And I shot her a fO:lY wtnkl That 18 . I almost dld-pulle(J uP. Waugh. Jus t on the hrtnk.. By Jove, «av e me cold marrows for an InBtant. thinking h o w I mIght have com proIDlsed mysel(. you know. 8e.lde8, 1 oould spare her that-had rubbed It In so d e vili s h raw. anyhow. That IB, you would hav~ thougbt 1Ml; ror that BOrt of tblng Bald to a normal Yankee «irl would have Btlrred ber prIde or line hal ned th. jolly IlcbtnlDp from ber e ye s -you know I But dash ed If Ulil Imported rreak dldn't Buddenly nod with a BOrt or ebok ey snume and reach out her hand tin' mIne. "Hew you do understand!" Bhe croon e d unblullhlngty, and Ibe leaked a big cold tear down upon my hand and let anotber Iplalb m)' cuff- and Jenkins b adn't come wtUl my thlnga yet. d a sh It ! MI do try to be paUent about Francil tor Jao!t7'1 eake-he • s ke d me to; and I do try Dot to mind the way thlnp are I"IJD, bat oh. Mr. L1ghtnut. wbat Ult. plaoe need. II a bead!" She almoet eqneezed my hand, Ilnd blinked damply at ~ out of ber pa.sO' face. "And theD," she mut· ft~ . MI do BO want to make a home for my fatber and Dl7 brothera. They baTe DeTer known what tt ..... to haTe a bome-Ullnk of ttl" "See bere," I nl4·. ftxtna my mono oele aternl7 and f(Jldlna Dl7 arm_ for I bad lOt baok my hand und.r ;Jreten. .· olAItn, my p&rt. "You don 't meaD to I&F that Jaclt -would ..... r . . k

... . , to

saP charI'I



A Meaeage a nd a W a rni ng . "!l' s a ll rlgb t. 111188." \\,lIk e ~ rt' I)O n · 00; " a t le a s t. I Li o pe BO. l ' l,r k lu s Is w ltll b l m - w e~e be e n t ry in g to I)e r. I nuad e b lm t o 11II y e • ba t h an d li e dow n. (J ut I don 't k n(T'lltl'- " H e s h oo k his bead I loo ml ly. t heo turn ed to me. " It yo u w ill co me with m e. elr- " Th oo h e li d d ed. Blld It seemc<i a Ques· tlo n : " Yo u mus t ha \'e mude a quic k run . nlr. S ee ms like only a fe w 01 10' ut es s ince we got Mr. J ac k'. 'pho n e message . Hi s vo l co dro pped : " lo'rom th e sta ti on h o u s e . yoo k no w ." "Eh - w bat·s th a t ?" I p a used w ltb m y loo t on th e nut t r e nd o f th e nt a lrway. "J a c k 's 'phone messa g e-tram the st a ti on bouae?" I r epea t ed bla nkly. " Wh nt a re y o u talkin g about ?" Wil kes co ughed re t"'Uacbr u ll y. " Wh y , you k n o w. s Ir. ho ~J ld a b out be in g arre s t ed In f ro n t of tbe Ka h o ka Aptlrt men ts . li e men tloued t b a t It I WII 8 abo u t·~ !t · m !" H e s tol e a furUTe b a ck wa rd g lance a t the fr ump . but s he was e njoy ing be rs e lf berhtlnIJ • ta t g irl s h e ndd r ess e d a8 " ~·Io ra . " Hoe loo ked at me e loQuenU y 8n ~ 'W Dlspered : "A bo ut h ls- h 'm-s t ea ll ng s ome h lac k s ilk pajn m atl." ~y m o n oc le d rol'ped. a nd I .Imoat d id m yse lf. "By JO \'e!" I gasped feeb ly. "Yes, s ir." Wllk e a lo oked up at the pan e led c e ili ng nn d s trok ed bls c hi n. " H a m e nti on ed th nt th ey faun!! th em-or thoug hl tb e y lo un d t h e m In the b a g he h a d w it h him ." "n ut b e 's go t t b e m o n. n n d th ey are hi s ow n. " I m an ag ed t o g e t o ut. W ilk e s ' race II g hte n od und e r s tand · In g ly . "O h ·h. I see . sIr." b e said . no d· dlo g w Ith hI s jo lly c hl o h a n g log; "so tb a t ·s how you got him o rr- I was awond e rin g !" H e loo ke d at me. hI s fishy o ld e yes t w inkling a dmiratio n . "Ve ry n eat. If I may SIlY. Blr- maklog. as It were. a sort or a li b i- ve ry n e at. Ind ee d! or cou rs e . wh e n t h ey puts 'em on him. th ey see fo r th emse lve s thll Y are hls 'n, a na not a oy la dy's w hat h nd b een 8101e n - Oh . I see!" Dasb m e . If I di d! Tb e onl y thi n g I s aw WII S th a t It mu s t hav e bec n J e okln s tha t ha d t e le pho n ed a nd t h e mes s lI ge h a d be e n twI st e d . Wh a t b e had su ld. o r c ours e . was thnt Illiling s hnd al most b ee n nr r es t ed. lIut tho po li ce lI odl ng tb e puj n mas In h is bag - I c1ld n ot lik e t h nt. Could It be tha t. a ft e r a ll. Hlllln gs hlld fOIJDd bl s sIS· t er's pnJamas In tb e gues t · room a D" h a d Qui e tl y co o ll s ca t OO th e m ? Il look ed d e vili s hl y, o m in o u s ly like Il! O r perh a ps be, blmse lf. b a d recove r e d th e m from F oxy GrAndpa. aod wi t h m o r e d e li cacy tb a n I thoug h t hi m capabl e of. b a d k e pt th e whole m att e r to h Imse lf. O o e thing onl y was ce rtain : t b e s leu th ho und s o r tbe law. s timula t e d by t h e eXl rAvaga nt r ew ard I h ud orr e r e d o v e r th e t e le phon e . had ruo do wn n nd r e co ve re rl he r pa jam a s . It was a r e li ef th nt th e y we r e a lit or h is h und •. an yh OW- I cou ld g e t t he m ngnl n . bu t he cou ld n ·t. By J ov e ! Alon e In my r oo m. I s t oo d het ore th e mi r ro r. h Ullcl e In poc ket s a o d r oc ki ng on my to es- I, lnd or s milIn g, you k now - an d t h in kIn g wh a t a dlued ev il . r e c kl e s s thi ng It h a d beeo c le v e r. to o. da s h It -In g(' lt1n g th e m a w ny fr om old J a c k. a n d r ight und e r hi s nose. Fly J ov e. I re lt a hit proud about It- so rt of ex ultati on. don 't you know - a nd I ba d just g ot 01T a wInk at my s elf, wh e n Wilk es appeared agalu . "Pardon . s ir. ror di s turbing you. hut Mr. Billings III a c tin g so Qu ee r. we are atrald to c ross him ; and h e jus t loslsted I take his m ess a ge to yOU at

once." " Message ?" I repeate d. sobe ring . "Yes. slr-llomethlng about aome ra jamas- " "Pa jamas 7" I raltered. and I eirol)t e d Iota a chair. "Oh ! " Wilk es looked grava. " Pajnmas !eem to be th e tb lo g with hIm tbls time, sl r - It's th e Quee res t go! That·s a new one, that Is '" He s hifte d contempl a Uvely. "The la s t time It was lizards and the time b efore blue dachs hunds. hut bls main stand·by, so to s p e ak. Is pie bald- rattl esn a kesth e m we"r e used to ; but this new tum. pajamas, gets m e !" He shook his head dubIously: "And he won 't take his air- You can't g et hIm to ; he Just gets kinder p eevish a nd goes orr on the Qo eer e st streak of (rea k talk you fiver h e ard . P e rki n s tried to coax htm to take a bath. but h e s aid he never had tak e n a bs th In hi s lire-and be calle d P e rkIn s sOIoet hlng aw fuls ome name a bo ut a yard . long. It IIQuelched Perkins so that h&--" "But the message r" I I!U~~. .ted nenou s ly. "( was ,urn a -comIng to that, .Ir. He a s ks m. If I knew wbethe r you were 800 on the place; whell I


sa il l yo u wt! r e . b e ea YN t o me kI nd e r ex c tt p<i I1 IHI 1 1IIpr e~R l v e II ll a : ·\ Ve ll. ytlU 1(0 tQ h lru o t OIl CE'--Rt on cQ--llocl t e ll h im I'm o n th e tra il of the my st (' ry uf th o~(> I'nJa m as. nn d I' ll 8000 k no w li S 111\1(' 11 R bou t 'e m ns he does. J u, t t(' 11 hltll t hu t - h e' lI k nuw w h at I Il H' Hll " " ( )h~ "

I g a Flie d Rb o rtly.

.. , · ... s . _Ir ." Wilk es tludd ed. " bu t t bllt .. In·t '1lllt fO nil. H e Sill' S: '1'e ll Mr. Ll h btn ll t th a t wb e n I 1I1'8t saw tll o~e IJltjll ntllS In b I" rooms- ' " W il kes I'lI tl s ,'(1 Itl Qu lrl llgl y. "O ld you say >10 m&l h l ll~ .

ti l r ~"

I had lI o t - 1 ba.1 o nl y I roan e d ~ 11 0 W P lll on. r ll l' ea tl o« a s by r a te: . \\' hen I (ou n (1 a nd took t h e m a way. Wll ~ c uriou s a od aLU u 9 ~d. b u t s k ept lcn i - Ilr lll l)' s lle lHlc al--<l r t he re b. Ing any dll rk /Il ys te r y a bout t Li elD . Uu t n o w I kltuw I le t m y s e lf be d e c ell' cd n od I m e n n to g e t a t t b e bOllom at t he w bol e thhlg.· " Wi lk es Be e m ed to kind at w aver a n d (:ute be (u r c me. and th en go out lik e s cantli e . T h e n h e caDl e bn c k Into v ie w. fi n d I h eard his voi ce agaJo : "' And w h at ·s mo r e. you t e ll h im I s ny- ' " The I; utl e r he s itated nnd see m ed e m b arra ss e d - hi s h ea vy jow ls r e dd e n ed a littl e . H e look ed beyo nd me a nd cou g hed . " O( co urse. yo u know. s ir ." h e s rUd. s hirt ing u n e as il y . "M r . Bllli ogs al n 't e xac t l)' h i m s e lf. 80 to s pe a k. so yo u m us to't mIn d. F act Is-If I mn y say so-h e 's l ot th e mo st co 0 8ld .. r ab le , e of JI.!::~fl je s I e v e r s ee h im wit h . ~-

"O h. go oo ! ·· I tTe fi lh e d mise r a bly . " YO's. s lr - h ' m!" Wilk es b eaved distr e ssfull y. tb en d rov e d ogg edly a h ead : " Oh . we ll . s ir. wb a t h e says wa s tbat It was h is d u t y . h e tbough t, to t e ll th e tam ll y t h e trutb about tbos e pa · j am a s. s o t.h a t th e y would know lil a t. t he m. n th e y w e r e h a rboring ur.d e r ttl Ir r oof wa s o 't w h a t he see med to I;e ." His g a ze bor e d hi g h e r o ve r my h e a d. hi s vo Ice t ape rin g o ft s o fa lotly I coul d b ardl y b ea r . But I b eard all rlg bt ! O b. yes. I g ot the r u ll d ev llls b fo r ce o f It ; but I couldn 't spea k . My dr y li ps t o u c b e d wordle s s ly un d I hu ncb ed d ee p Into th e hollow o r t h e b ig le a th e r rocke r . Wil ke s cou gh e d ag a In. I wln ced th e r e was ev id entl y m o re! ·· Ye s. s ir." b e murmu red . as I cut a Qui c k g lan ce upw a rd. " H e dId ea y furth e r th a t If you we r e n 't sall s tle d. t h oug l,. a nd would pref e r anoth e r trl a l- " " E h~ " I bou n d('d out o f tb e c ha ir. " What' s tbut ? Ob. da s h It. yes-l WO Uld. by J o ve ! " " V e r y good . s ir. " Wilk es look ed reli e v ed . hIm s e lf. "In tha t case. be sa id b e was wllllo g to ex pe rlm e ot a ga ln- tb a t wa " bls wo rd-ex perl· m eet. H e sa id h e w o uldn 't d etalo you

wbnt·.·tr s. n alllP-- re ll c tl o o. you know So b " bucl known ~ lie Illul ko own IV h l' n he I(,t m e COlll8 to W . ',1b tl r~ t . fi nrl hll d w a it e d lo r th e m Ulllent ~"b e ll h e ' ,,'ou ld hu v o m e

lI Jll tfl r


I,e 1\ 1;10 ll tt.·r ly to Cltll fO\ lll d m e . T ill s.

~ ur l'it



" l' er yn n o o f D I 1 tf'u ub lf'lO l .. rt f'r o1.ber ' .Ueel. 1 ha't' o bee D . .. UI1,1CAt.. ...


tllp n . eXllllti n"d h i . 1.l1 An tn i <.:0 I1,1I il •• n , h l ~ rc la,,"3 to d r in k nb"l n - h ls mad · n"B8 o r, rit e 8uhJec t o( l,aj ~ It wuS Ilwfu l!

S pea k to Her F a ther. " S o g', ...:! to set) you here. my b<ry." tb e Jud ge was say lug . A nd bls IItUe ro u Dd taco I; ,;amed at m e a.c ross tJle II IJ ru ry la b le. I b a d encou nt e r ed Dlln In th e h a ll jus t a e I h a d d e s ceod e d to re jolu (h e g Irls lu t he IIvl ng· room . "~o rt hw llh . be e lbowe d rue In to the I~ br llry . " K now fr o m J ac k h o w g la(\ you always a r e to e scnpe g ir ls." be r elIla r k ed ch e er il y a s he prod·t ced d g· a r. . "Don· t. b la m8 yo u at a ll - In ract. do you knu w It r efres tl tl'/! me to tlnd- " Don' t kno w wh nt d asb ed thlog It r e frf' s b l'd h i m to \'Ind . for I neTer (' a ug ht It. Fo r jus t the n thr ough tht' d oo r wny t h ere !lus l ed. f ro m a c ross the ba ll . S b il l' or m u s ic- t h e lauah of Ua d e u r est gl r l In th e world I I strnln e d fo r a n o th er bar " 1I 8 h:" E' j acu lnt e d th e judge. p:.u. In g w it h qu es tio ni ng u p lift of cIJar . "Tbe ~ \I1 y ca c ki e o f those g Irl_it d lHtur hK yo u . Yes . It d oe&--I ca o It- yo u 100 1, d ls tllrb"d ." And . dlur. It. h e In s Is t e d li lian c los Ing the d~' . " Yo u mu s l o 't le t t he m I10th e r :'ou wh il e y o u a re h er e." be ur ged plf!l<\ltn ll tly; " yo u m u s t ju s t go ahead a nd 110 t h e th in ,:: yo u wn n l to do ." Il y J o ve . there see med little oppOrtuni t y fo r It ~ " Th a n ks aw fully ." murmllr~ feeb ly. T be j udge proceeded ge ol a ll y : "Qf cou r s e w e n il un d e r s t a nd th a t y ou j ust ca m e up to W olh urs t to pl elllf8 J a c k." T h en h is fa ce c lou d ed . " H ' m : Sorry t o lea r n t hat b e c a m e b o rn e w lUl nn oth er- " h is ey e s r o ll e d throu g h a clrc le-"er- Is n ot ree llna jus t \'It. I t' s too bad . for I wao t e d so m e one tn t n k e yo u over th e n e lg t. borh ood- Int e re st l ng landmar k s. you k o ow . r e _ Inl scent o( Majo r An cl r e a od W llBhln" t on Irvin g ." "C ba r med . I'm s ur e ." I cb lr ped UI-. J o ll y lie . t houg h. fo r I was n ' t I~ pressed : dl d n 't know w ho tbe ottler l e llow wan. I; ut I h n{\ seen IrvIn g Itl Lo n do n - sco r e s of ti m e s . No t a patch on J o h u Dr e w t o my t hln l, lng! "And now . le t's s e e." saId tbe judge, " I w a nd e l' w ho we ca n get to take

Does • Sharp Pain Hit You? It·s a Ilgn at s Ick k id n eys. ellv oc la lly If ttl e k idn e y a c ti o n la dI so rd e re d . t oo. pll sllnges Ecanty o r t ll O fre tj u e u t o r ort·('o lor. n o n ot n c glect a ny little k idne y \II fo r th e s llll:ht tr o uh les r UII Into d rOllsy. gr ll v el, Bt nue o r Brig ht'. d la cn Re. USG Donn'. Ktc'llle y P III ~ . This good r emedy c ure a ha d kid ne y&. R1 cha n1 I On" W arren. Int1laDe., I& Y. 1 " P\l r \.C n 'I ' ~n [ C(\ u hl n "t. " ' I rk . )( ,. t f'cl ' ...... 11(11(1, J b w l UllIbnKtI Iltld k.1 f10 .,1 t. llnd n Ull. 'l' be rb e u ma!lo pai n s ware terri ble. 1)un n ', K ldn\l7 "1 " . we re .. li t • •,... .. , to m e. The,

h l ~ r oo f nnd


Whenever You Use Your Back

Get Doan'1 .1 .DJ Drui Store. 50c.• 80:1

S im ple 1I t11 " fr oc k. nrc al w n,. ni c es t for t he sm a ll c b ild . Hn d w e g ive 10 t h is do ~ l go .. n e o f tu e c leveres t frocks eve r des h( ued for a littl e Klrl. Tb e ga r m ent c l()ses a t the le ft Bid. of th e froDt. Baod s ot coo tras t lo« male rl ll i trim Ih e ro unll nec k. s Id e cIa. Ing. li ne. be lt a nn c ull's . T h e m odel ca n be cnr r le d ou t 10 pe r ca le . c ba m· brll y o r g ing h a m. Pale bi lle g lo gb llm w ltb b lue aod wb lle str i ped ban d. Is a ni ce s uggestlo o . Th e patt e rn ( 57 9 5 1 Is om In size . 2 to 8 y('a rs. Me dlu lU si ze req uires 2 yard l o r 3 6 In ch m a t e ri a l ao d '" Yll r d or 27 In e tl co nrrRst ln !!; g ood !!. T o pro(' urr th h pu tt e rn , wt' n d to c e nt. to otp a tt er n O el)1utmen t " (,,( t h l . p_nc r Write n a me u n d ndd r e .. "ll\l n 1)' , &And be . u re t o i[i v . ' lie, Ilnd n u mb e r o ( DU n e ' " .


5 795.

-.uE . . .. . __ . _.. _. __ __

NAM E . ••. . . ___ _• .• _.• _. __ •• __ . __• • . _. •• _.

TOWN . .. __ •. ____ . .. • . '_ " '_ .. . . ...... . ••• STR E E T A N D NO. . . . __ . . ....... . . _.. __.





Remo... .

U ....... I I£nIar.emeoUo

ThiOk.D0t\; HwoUeD TI ••••• , :urba. W'U ed TendOl18. nreD"" .Dr I rul ... ur IIlrarD' t: ....... ~ •• In Lame n .,... Pain.





U oe. not UUater. "emo •• the hah

up th"

.3.00 a -. bo\U.. 4 811 . . '04. B ool< 1 E r ...... AU80RlJINIt,lJl .• lIolment tor ",aok\lId. roo p, la,


ITD~l'lth. 8 tr&inl, (lo ut1 o r Uho UlWI"i \1 Do~l&

tv~fl ~~t ,r:-:~\:; Ir;~QO:~ te:o~r.Lnd\',~~ bot~ a \. de ale n

o r d e lh ered.

...nutaut·u r t'ld o o ll


W.F. YOUNG.P.D. F.•310T.mol. Sl.S.,lnall.ld.M_

H e lpm ate a a u d suulmate. are alw a y. I yn onymou s.


W'ben In need o f .. good lantl y~ Iflve ~ lIehl 1'".. " tria l sntl be couv lo_1 o ( ILa weritA. It III wado un Ur"I, frow pure herb&.

The j!:erm at lI u s pl c lon Is ott e n r.tal to the m ic robe of lo ve. lire. Wloftl ow'. 8 00tbtnlr 8 ,.."Ip far Ch ildr ee loeetb ln iC . ~o rt e n . 'he linin". r~t u l..·o" 11l t\ am m ... Uou .&U., . pain, I!u r ea w ind collc , t6c • 00,,1.

Some m en find It che a lJ8r to .ta' m a rrte d than to pa y a lima D,)'.

STA TE . .. .. . . . . - •• • . - --- .... .... . _... __• •

Red e rou & 11 Blue • • 11 blu • . bII. t blulo. nJue In t be whole world. wa ku LI,. t..o.UALADY' S FIVE GORED SKIRT.

d.- .mll • .

- - -- --

Ane r Ibe y rea c h the a ge of 40 w om 1 0 la u s h ooly wh e n th ey feel like It.

·(. I ;




I .

i~·1 ~.

Willing to Oblige. A arory com es t ro m a lawn whe re

II rm s ... dv e r t lBe to s e ll lIah dIrec t to email pu r c hnser s . Th e glo wing .dve r t lsem e ol s as k ed f o r the s e udln l( of h alt 1\ dollar w ith a li st o f tbe , ... d eli · j at fish pre fe rre d . O oe le t ter read : "I wan ( two 81\lmo n . a dozen w bl tlog. a d oz"ln fresh h e rrl u g. s o m e fl ou nden, a o d If you h the m y ou ca ll add a lo bste r." The n ex'. day tb e lady re ceived a l e~ ter whlca r a n : "Dear Madam : Pl ease eend another di me. alld "'e will forw a rd the llah."" man." -Da.UIIs Ne w i .



J il




\1 i



Her Wnfortunate Error. A lit e r a ry lady at ... s oc ie ty dloner

This Ie one ot the n e w s kirt mod· ela. cnt In \'Ive go res with th e cloe t oc a t th e f.-ant /lnd with E mpire or r e gu· latl o n waist line. It IB attractive and etyll s h In the extre me. and will aerye for .costume d e ve lopm e nt In comhlna· tloo with a prett y waist or for aep"· ra te we ar wltb d llrere nt bl o us e s. The garment can be fashion e d of linen. I)IQ ue, pongee. silk or s e rge. and II Qulle elm pI e to coostru c t. The pattern f6i 86 1 IB cut In s lnl 22 to 30 Inches walat meRsure. Medium e lze requires 3 \4 yards of 44 Inch ma I erial. To "rorura thl . (latter n, ecnd 10 cente ta D e p o rtment" o f t hl. p a per. Writ. n a me Bnd a d dr e.e ,,1uln b. Clud be . ure to "I". abe, lind number o f pa tte r n.

ap nuern

"as gl ve n • seat n ex t to Il n o ted n t is t wl" 's e views were ve ry materIali s ti c. ud at Bo rne r e m a rk h. m a d e (Ill Ih e origIn o r m an kin d. th. lady toun d lJ u l e m pe r tri e d b eyo od all bea rin g . ... t hat she re torted : "r reall y do n' t ~"r. w hat yo u s ay . I beli eve In the 9lbl e. and th ere we are told that AdAm W IlJi t he fathe r of aU living." " I r elli ly thl o k you &Te ml et ak en." be Bald wi t h a 8mll~ . Ilnd so the IUt.. ject dro PlJ8d. A rew dnys later tM la dy . wrltln. to a bosom trl e nd . to ld ber o f the 0ccurre n c e aod adde d : "I am too mortlfled, tor I h"v e looke d th e matte r UD and It only s ay S tbat Eve was the mother of all II vlog. and ao I don't know wh e tbor to write to tbe profe. lor or not." GOOD NIGHT'S 8LEEP



SIZ E ... _. _ . . . __ _ • __ _

NAME . - ____ •• _ •• _. __ • - - -.- • • - - -- •• • - •• -

TOWN . ... _•. _••• _ .-.- --• .. - - .- . . . . . - ... _. STREE T A ND NO. . _•••• • _••• .. . ____ __•.

ST ATil: .-.. --. . .... . . . ----------- .-.. --- .. -

I ndl.1n Baaketl the Beet. Members of tbe Passamaquoddy In· di a n tribe at Eastport. Me.. are 00ginning to market the results ot theIr wln t er's baske t · maklng la bor. One vari e ty of basket w hich they m a ke recelvel a ready sale at the sardIne (actorle s. It Is very heavy and especially ad a pted to the handling or herrtng In those plants. Atte mpts have heen made to produce this basket by rna· c hlnery. but without success. The rna · c hIne made article has not th e last· Ing Quality or that by the In· dlans. The eupply at ash tor basket makIng 1& secured In Aroostook county.

"Of Courle You Know, 8Ir." h e re on his account. but he would havs to ask you to atay anoUler day or two while he made hIs observatJons." It was a d e vilish cold shoulder, but I had DO cbolce. Fs.ct was , by Jove, I wae eo Jolly glad for tbat cban~. and for bl'lng trusted aga In by BlUIngs, even In tbls haIr·hearted way, tbat ( just ITound my p r ide under my heel-why. dash It. I would have ground anytblng UDder DIY ' hew ' tor her ! I was as hap py aa a bird, and lite wns Ilgaln one grand, IIweet what·s·lta·name. And tben l ' ,uat flopped down upon a divan and lay there pa.nUn, l1;ke •

you ! " HIs \'Ingers drummed together thoughtfully. " Um, or course, there Ie l':'rancl&--" my heart took a Jolly leap - " hut Francis Is ImpOlIslble---qulte ImpOSSible!" . "By Jove. DO!" I eJaculated e age rl7, alld I came up In my chair like a gilt vanlzed what·s ·lte·nBme. "Just tee thing-he delighted. you kt!ow." He s m iled grimly. " Nar.tral you should Bay \.bat. hut-" He e:lpl!Ol torated w ith dellherat1on, glow"rlng ~ me as h'3 did It. "No, sir'" HIs beu shOOk wltl\ declsloD. "' Wouldn't doI wQuldll't . lhlo·k of trn;tIDIJ Y8ll .til Francia...• he \'Inlshtld IIIortly.


Spoiled. "DId you bave a nI ce time at you!' grandmother's laat S u nday. Rohert'" "No. I et .0 much cblcken Ibat I couldn't hold anythlog else when We got to the strawberry ahortcake." Twllt Off Top. Very fe w' people, w Ith th e e xc eptIon of those livIng In a pin e apple country. know how to remove the top from the fruit. Hold the Bpple flrmly wIth one hand, catch the top with th e other. and ··twlst around. It comes out easlly.Good Housekeeping. -Folly of PrIde In Gold. He that III proud ot riches Is a fooL For If he be eulted abon bll nellfh· bOra becauBe he bath mo~ gold, how much Inferior 1111 h. ·to • aold mID.lI.reiny Taylor,

No MedicIne 80 Bene"clal to Br.l" and Nervea. Lylog awake nlghtll makes It hard to keep awake and do things In day time. To take " tonic a and atimulll1llaunder aucb circumstances I. like set. ting the bouse on fire to . e e If yoa can put It out. The right kind of food promotee r. frelhlng sleep at nlgbt and a wide awake Individual d uring tbe day. A lady changed rrom her old wa, or eatln~ Grape-Nuta. and says : "For ahout tbree years I had been a great sufferer from Indigestion. After trying seve ral kinds or medicine, the doctor would ask me to drop oU potatoes. then meat, and 10 on. but I,. a few daYB that cr,.vlnlr. gnawing feelIng would start u\l, and I would vomll everything' I ate and drank. "When I started on Grape·Nuts. TOmItlng s t opped, and tha hloated feellnt which was /10 dlstresalna dlsaPlJ8aredi entirely. "My moth sr. was very muoh bothered wIth dlarrho.e a before commencing tb. Grape-Nuts, beoauae her stomach wa. 10 weak she could not digest her food. Since using Grape-Nuts tood .he II well , and saya ahe dOD't think lbe could do without It • "It II a great brain restorer a1l(\ nerve buUder, tor ( can aleep aa soul14 and undisturbed after a aUPlJ8r of Grape·Nutl as In the old dare wben I could not realize what tbey meant b, & 'bad stomach.' Tbere Is 110 me4l. .cine ao benencla} to nerves and brain •• & good nlght'l Ileep, imch al Yori can enjoy after eating Grape-NulLName liven bT POitum. CcJ., Battla

Creet, Mich. Look in i)kaI. for the tamou.

JIOOIt. "The Rold to WeIlYllI....


Uw. . ...

=ir=.......... ....... tit. . . . . . _lIlY·....... ......•...... __ t'- .& ~



mean 7 Is It an optical illusion. 1 YOG der? Why didn't Mury see It, too?"


~~~ l~l:nnntO~ot~:e c~~~~~! ~h:~e~:~







Model''' Mlracl., b·eUev. III mlfllclesT" uked M

It bet I do. laid Snobk.ln • . r edempllon . The Id e a WlBoc lated It· Why. only th. other day my wUe selr In bls mind with t!l e thougbts or bought me a bOI at cl gnT8. and by the co nd e mned mUll, 'rumer's Inno· Georle. i>o bky . 1 could amoke ·em.Ycen ce WIIS conjec tural. but absolute Plant ls a Heavy Feeder and Should Havo a Substantial Harper'a Weekly . proof or b!.:l gutll bad not bee n estabFoundo.tlon to Mo.kl' Good Gr'oWLh- Charftc:ter of II Mhed . Wns It not b"tte r to pardon B Soli Has-MlRh 1.0 Do W Uti QuesUOQSKIN ERUPTION ON CHEEK mnn. C\'e n lboup;b h e m igh t be guilty Facts About RcplanLing. or th e baMest of crimes, thnn to send K lnS'Bl flY. Mlch.-"Lllst Ma, my to his d ea tb lin Innoce nt man? Any· til Ir l.<eor..tno ntb s·ol d bi\by had a . ore ANDWICHESI What'. wuy . If he wus gu ilt y. be lL1lght yet cowp on h e r cbec k . It started In four nt o ne In tbl s world for biB cr ime by II ta&tier than or five Blllall Vi 111 pic a and In t I'VO or me or sel'vlc e to bls fe ll ow·men. If tiJroo bo urs' tim e Hpre l\d to lIl e size or h e d id not. then th e ncco unt tuust be By John H. Wamac:k n sli ve r dolinI'. It s llr ead to her eye. Re llie d bet wee n him Ilnd hi s muker at Th e n wllto r would rt ln f rom t he vIm· th e Onnl reckon in g . p l.·s a nd wller~\'er 1I1llt t oul' h ed It ca u.· 1 And sti li the c ross shon e down on ed mor e s ures un t il nen rly e ll on e , him . It s ee med to slell l n il th(l golden c heek and up h e r nORt rlls were one ~ It's exceptional in flavor Th o gol' ' rllor .put III tb e IIhrary of rnrlllln co of the 1110011 to O a~ h dir ectly ~()Ild Ho r e. tilts was ""ry fretful. She,' and doesn't c o~t a bit more hl ~ IJe:t ll tiflll n e w Il oltt e. hi s he ntl Illt o h Is tir ed eye8 . Sudd e nly he nrO B" c ('rtalnly wns a I rrihlo looldng Cbli Ll . , h u wO' u In <iN' !, tl lo llg hl . Whil e tltrnu g h unci wlll!le ti Qll lcilly to lhe t e le pho ne. than ordinary kinds, Bud no thin g seeme d t o be o f n n y UBI' . b i_ !;rellt 11I'III·t ~1I 1'f'; I'1I cO IIOI (· tln ~ ('1110· ""('110. (' '' II 1m I." b e call ed fev e rl ~ b· "Tllen I gqt some Cll tl cum Sc ap aud : tillll " 1I1l <! wnrrltl!,; \\'1I\'e s III tltHO or Iy . "U lv e 1110 8260. (ll ells e . lI e llo. Gl ltif:u ra Oi utD1 r> nt. S~le t I' l II t o rt:h ' ot n nll . lI e hllll JII " t belll l \' Is !t erl by cOllnl y 11111 7 Thi s I. th .. go v('rllOr. I orr e ve ry tbln g W{) P\l t o n so t ha t wo l Libby, M~ Neill Ih ,' lllnlh ~r 01' .11 111 Turner. th o man wI s h tll sp ' a k to Sh4'rlfT IIlIrvp y 01 .... ou ld sit ami b uld hN banet8 ro r t", o I & Libby who nt 6 n' c:lo cll I ha t ('venlll !; WII S to . Yes . yes. 1I r. ll o. th a t )'011 . bott r s at a tim e. tr r lng t o gIve t bl'll I.,· hIHl!:L'<1 for Ih e '"lInl e r of hI _ oRltn e~erlff '! Ves. thl ij Is th e go ve rn"r in r!IC' ln e a ch~llr o t o hpl p \t e r hu t Chlulo 1111 Iter. Th o (:<II'" rn o r h a d rt· mn Illed )' cu . 1 wont to spen ll of .Jlm Turner. o fl" r 1 wnsh ' ld It with C ut lC'lI ra 'Soe p n l,par" "tl y "Ilinl IIlIr lll !,; th e Int en·'o w. En'ry t hlng r e:,dy. YOII sny? It ave It l\nd then put au lile lItl<'ura O in t· ~ bllt th e wuman 's v l ~ l t I Iad s h a lll'" Itl ~ m (' Dt Ib e v :I(>(oT11t:' iI to sout Il{) bpr and nil sto l' lJed now . .1I1lt Tllrn Pr tloe s not Poor Cultivation of Land . n l·n eR . hnt.! IlInIi e him qll " 8t lo n Ih e cl io toni g ht. I'll be d o wn In abollt an ~he d id not tr y 10 f uh t h um o ff . It jllH llc ~ or tlt f' In ll' IIlId cIIII se cl him t o h ou r. Yes. All right, gl'od .by .' · my n. B . R CS IIJ:-I G. ) I rel' lal1tl' u the entire field . u si ng ban d wa s Old), a fI' ll' cinr s before Iler rrlC O dOllltt fll R own 1lldfme nl. Th e govC'rllor wiped th e IJe r s plra· As 61)0n fiR tb e co rn Is la rge enough p!anl \: J", al:,1 u~ t he S('ason tlt rned "Itt wn\ nil \te nled U P . II ncl t here ht d b e eo "Uu \·e nl u r." lit " WOllt:UI h a d 8u I'l. lIon frolll his bro w. dre w n deep tbe cultivator s hould be s tart e d and l(j I,,,. alt HC',·lic I. t 'me Ihe r epl an ted , no r et " rn at t he tr ollb le 81tH'!!. We "If JIIII TurItc' r lll t,~ t o nl l\ ltt . th e soul brlmtb 11m.! walked back t o bls cbalr kept golllg lluUI the corn gets t oo t all 1;1'''ln (, :1111<' "l' qlll t' hly and w it hin a : lI o ughl th nt baby ' s Illce wuu lt! s uroly of all Inll"l'{' lll lIl un 11111 \\'hi sve r In to wh e re be sat s il e ntly fur a quurter or 1I 0d la rgo for the cultivator to s trad· ,"o n th lJ O fl!rr "' I'Cn,·o he tll' · (! 11 t he eO I'll ' ''e 8<;3r r('[(, hilI It Is n n\." (S igned ) Ih" ear of ,; ud th ~ ~ to ry uf II legtlllz ed 8 11 hour, bll)f·s ufprl s od !It OWJl aC' 1 die, II'al \\'II S On l pl'Utted and tll ll t tha i , Mrs. \Y. J . CI<.:Ia nd . J u n. 6. 1912. !\I lI rd" r. ~I )' ~O ll 11'11 " IICC II "ro t! of tnk· tI OIl R. yet regr e t.tlllg nothlllK. Cu tl cum Soap and Ointm en t Bold ' In plowing the corn, the first two WUH r "pl:: I1II'<I ('o ll id be see n. h ll( lil f' lif o 0 1 hi" gpn tl " ' al hor . Ill' " Puhdon me , s uh . hut JI'1Ifltah Kress Um es tbe shovel s hould be set to go Lns t r"u r I plnllte [( a ft.,l<I JISt b l'- throll rrh ou t the world. S a mp le of each hlt " hand . li e h UH hp,·o trl c el be fort! wnntR t o spe you. sub ." rather d eep lind then aft e r tllat th e for e IUO 11'>:I\' y ral u s callle on . alld I , r('e. wl t b 32·p. S kin lIook. Addren Ih e I'oll rt s of thi s ~In t e . nnd hil S hoen "S how him In, C:bu rl e y." Grouod should not bj:! stirred quite 80 II b" u!. o ll ('·: hir d of Lh e s(oed fail ed t o (lOs t·card " Cutlc u ra. DepL L . BaIlon." IHn UolI <H'eIi ;;\l l lty by II Jur y of tw elve A "' 1, II·dressed mun nirnost ru s hed , deep. cO llle u p. Th e s(,pd \\"LS Yell ow O,:lIt. Ip; noran t IIlnllllt a lll l'('rs: but th e cv l· Tho N'US ll Il a gtl'l wn n' t le t a young Into th o r oom . 1 henr a great deal about tb e sur· ~ .. Ied('il. nnd th o fu llure w as du e ,h' lIe'e I,r odu c'ed aga in s t him I ~ ulm os t "GIlI'O I'nor ," h e I"xc la llll ed . 'Tve ju st I face c ulil vntlon of corn. I be ll e vp (: l1tl re ly to UI P. r 'lln. I re planted a 1 m :! n ki ss !Je r Is b c uuse sho " .. ant. Plltlr plr ' · II't'u l tt~tanllfl l . nlld be for e Co il r(> ('p lv (>d u t e lE'ph il n e m ess nge to the In th e s urface cultlvlnlon In n WilY . wbi lp cO:' n o f a lut e va ri et y. A good hlu to. J HII' (> '1r Ihllt 1Il~' no!Jl e bo)' Is IlIlI OCC lI 1. o lTeN th llt n re vo lv e r wltb a note ti ed but do not tblnk th ut surfa ce cultivlI ' I' t/lll il fo ll ow d n nll tb e fi e ld tnsse le d I \\'011 1<1 ;; lnfl1 y g l\' e Ill y ow n III!! to be Importa nt to Mothera E:xamllJe C"I'!: . ully eVe ry bottle ot nll lp :0 ~ 1 .s() l ilt(>l)' prove hh! Inn o l'C' nct to t!J e ha nelle was foun d thlR IlIornln!; tlon s hould be run to th e ex t re me t wice. At ilnn-e s tln g tim e thr.r~ wa s III tlt e TurllH woo<\ . , In a smull ditch . Th e corD plant Is 11 h eavy teed e r and ns mtt C' h .\·I.I :e corn as yellow lLwl 0.ASTORIA. a sar'! a n d sure r ('m edy for nwl In 1:11((> th e ull e a rlled s tilin from II nd e r II iJu nch of lellves. The note should have a fo undation In orel e r (or "f a be tN' grnd e and th ere was not a Infa.ntll au d childre n. IUld s ee that It tI'" lI alllA of TurnPl' In th is Stlll E'." "CILT EDCE." IJ.. ODly t.di•• .hooc!-inOlh. lpooI. WII A wrlU(,1l h.v old mnn Turner. wbo It to mak e tbe very hest d e ve lo pment. tnl xt' <l e ar III th p 0 1£1 . Bears the --ti v-:l )' COn\. ; '~ u l ~_ 31"' .... . .~ P ohaha ladi .... . nd \Ill wa ll cnll ed 't h e IwrLlolllng gOY ' co mmitt ed RlIldd e . He WII S not mUT' Ir tb e corn la nd Is jus t scratc h e d t; ~ u :lIl)' I think it Is bclt.,r to re o nture of . ,LLS";, Ji/?~ _ chikfrea '. iJC)ntl. n<I.hoo. ,loin •• without rubbin&, ern ur. und hi s polltl cill en e nIlc~ ha d de r ed by Ji m Turner. hl R s on . Tbe tbe roots will ruu ant ov e r th e surface ' pla n t with. an e arly \"url (' ty. S o m e Slgn ~ . ?'Y. /~ 2k "fronch Gto ..... 10.. In Use For O ver 30 Years. "STAR " ",,,, lor rl... .;",,- ..d ., IlIn,le th e 1ll08t o f tllc fa cl that nl ren dy not e spolle or hear t trouble. and ev l· I and not go very deep. aod cOIl seQuently kind. t~ ruu,r:l or 'an ..hCk't. IOc. ·'DaDdy" .tttZ5 ... dur ing hi s bri e r tellure of utn ce b e hll \1 Children Cry for Fletcher's Castori a "QUICKWHJTE" (in liquid 10 ml ";Ib """'",) d e ntly tbe fe nr or death from tbe dis· not bave s uffici e nt foundallon to mak e r u lth ed th e ga llow 8 of fo.ur m !? n who. tSlc~anA .nd ..,bile o.e d:iru GaIn ••• ehua.. c nRe bad drh'e n the old man Insane. tbe proper developm e nt. IIlIrl e r th e III II', hud bee n cond e ltln ed to It's to o Int e. I IlIlow . It Is nearly half. My expe rIence has been that until I ! ' Would ~' O ll fay m OIWY pA id for sb<!! et "ALBO"clonn,And wMI . ""u" ... t. denlh . A pnrdClnlu g gO\'E'fnol·. yes ; a I mu stc Is tU\' €ls t4" d In r (l ll ln~ sloc k. r,.u ndwhil~ ('ar.t'flA c:: L:l"' fl ' ln(. ••i" bol:,..wilh.i'OD'•• pnllt G o'c lo c h now . Ao Inoocent man the plant Is g e ttin g rather large. at Uk.ln hand.ome.Jaru~ aJll mlnu m bo le!. WUh tPOna~.2 'c. lllpr~lful LIl lln. sUl'el),; II le nde r whose bad oee n It nngf'd tonight." ! Ieast th e that two plowl ngs s ho uld be ....1~~ ~'{_ _ ' .'I u 7'C'U r de:. letd~ onl ~-I'lt~ ~lndrou wa"Itcod u:t h en rt wn 9 li S grE''' t li S hi s U1 ln ll - !Jut "1\ 0 Inn oce nt Ulan b as been . ratber deep. anel eve n after that. If tb e dupric~i.n .~tnpt f lJr 6iul1.W: pa.c'*le.d,,~t'I.pMi. Your wor k i ng .pn'f"f'tr' (\oprn cl A nrnn :rour wa s he " llo lI'llIg hi s bruI n Bn d ti l. I boallh. O.rl\ulJ T<t! t"' II" ","a N k""lJ l n~ It.. WHtTTEMO~E BROS. &. CO, hll n ge<1." l'lIll11l y r t' pll ed th e governor. land Is 8t Irre d fre qu en tly re tb e b on rt t il Le rul (' d by 1\ Ill u ral wea k· I 20-2SAlb.ny !i, .. Cambrid ua , M ..... \ I " I rE'prl e ved .11m Turner an hour ago." little feeding roots have become estab· The c) P It!C' t 1\ ~ IIlUYS IllS Cl er tho u g hts TA. fjlct." _"Ii UnCfJllV a"w f.t1vr"J" Jl(·s s? \\'IIS Ill' golll g 10 pard o n thi s a re the bps\. '---~~ u... F>lMQ '. oJ.. W..-IJ _ _ _ _..I Th e vl ~ It o r gasped. HIs eyes Jisberl. • rn ll n \\' ho hnd br'e ll Ff' lIt (> nce rJ by th e ope ned wId e ly. nnd he s pra ng a c rORS I 1 plow rntber deep and th e n after Jud ge to he ha n/:cd !J)' t h" n ec k until Ih e rOO Il1 tlnd grn Rped tb e governor 's th e plant gets large r It Is t ben tfme It o w n~ dearl. fo r f }; e murd r of oue h nnd e xcit edly . For a few mi nute s enoug h to have the IHlrface jus t Use tho Harrow Till Ground Is Fine, of Ih l' h(,gt· lo \·('(1 citIZe ns o r tb e s tnt e? If · It a tl o lll y thirty IlIl nut es In whi ch Ih e t wo men t a lk ed togethe r. Then 1 scralch ed. which wtll k ee p a soH Ib ey both prepa red 10 leave the roOUI mulch and tbn.t plant will tben mnke farm" rs be ll e \' e tbal I\. b e lated etoc H to rtp c lcle . will no t pro d uce gool\ ell!'>!. !Jut IllY for the (,Ollllty Jail. a good d e veloPllleot. 11 0 r ~ d e w e t.l 1111 th e e vtde nce lu lh o e xperi e nce does not LIeu I' ou t t b ls elide. T u rner alld hl ~ fut!J e r were la~t "fly th e wny, gov e rnor," said Kre ss. After my corn gete too large to as tb eY s tart ed out of the IIbrury. work wIth th e culUvator I alwlIYs (;0 theory. If t\\'o o r mor e s tull;s grail' 11t!" " t u!; e th e r s trolli ng tbro ug h the In the hili togl'ther th e y w\11 go v ood ~ . d m lol> th e ell r ly nutum n. Th e "d id yo u e ver notice from tbls room through wltb a one-horse drng or a filled to t he brim with cold, tb e BU'a nge errec t produced by thll t : 1)Iow in g machine to lev e i It do \\'n tlnd tbrough the bree ding proce"s JUBt BS Il OO cam e hUlll e alone. "nd :tn hOllr uf· clear purity-no such water sc r ee n ed window 1 I remember bavlng I to kill tbe wee ds that h ave s prouted . s uc cessfully as thou g h t ho entire fi e ld ItJ rward hi s fa t hr r's bu,ly wa:; fo und. nowadays. Brin~ back the old bul f.eovered by letl ves . A bull e t bHd 1I01lced It wb e n I built th e hou se . See By tbls wny of eultlvatlng 1 am sure U1sse led out at onc e. JIll' expe rience has been tbat wb en da)'1 with a l:las$ of IJI('J'l'ed bl s hea rt. cu us lng lo s tanl thBt big c rOS8 on the moon? 1 sup· you will b ave very few weeds t o dealh . Th., ),o on;; m a lt. Jim Turn e r, page It 18 the manner In wblch the bother nt ga lherlng time, or c utlln g the p rope r ntte ntl o n Is gIve n to re o pic.!llln g the y le l<1 9 will '.ncrease from hUd r elllrnl.~1 horn e with a I'll1 e whlcb wires on Ibe screen are croBsed tbat time, 01" when you cut It fl'r silo. he n nd his fa t he r had t llk e n wltb Ih e m produces the errect. See. It makes a Of course there 18 a great dlrrerence one·r.;::rtb to on e-b a lr luto tlie w oo ll~ . On lbe day pre vious perfec t c ross. Iso't It peculiar? of opinion among m en 10 regard to to the lIlurder. II Ulurder It was the "I noticed It," calmly snld the tbe best way at cultivating co rn. and yuung man hall thr eal e ncd to ienve governor. Th e n . all the tull reallza, j In a sense tbere sbould he d lfTe r e nt It makes one think of eV1:rythin~ that', pure and wh ole. his b ome on 8cco unt uf a Uli s under. tlon or whnt It meant to Jim Turner methods. Some sol\s will naturn.Jly ti tandlll g \\ hl c b had ar isen betw een and hI s JUothE'r and to hi s own peac,, ; need deeper cultivation thBn others. .am" and ddightful. Bright. aplld:.Iin~, teelllin~ with blm Bnd hi s ratber . That WtlS a ll. out of mind, rusbed over blm. he added I In all cases. however, tborough til· paIllte jor-it', your soda fOWltaia old oalen buck.el. \ wny It u o t e nough? \\' 1I1It furth e r evl. unft e r bls breatb: " Tbank Ood, 1 nOo lage Is absolutely necessary to secure Doze,n Littlo Pointers 7' ' ,at WUI dtmce was necessary 10 I,rove young tlced It ! " tbe b es t resulte, Some wl11 say. as I WheneTCr Provo o~ Much V o . .. .. to you &ee an 'furner's guilt 1 And yet. wh y did be have often heard tbe expeesslon : "II MUlter in Any SecUoD Derund the C"..enCliDe .. made: b, Arrow think o{CountrY. DOt lesve th e rlne b y tbe sid e or hi s However, Grocerymen Beldom Do, just plowed my corn twic e BDd I THE COCA·COLA CO. of Coca-Cola. ATLIINTA. CA. fathe r 's !lody In order that tb e coro. A mnn walked Into a SoloT.b Side made good corn. and tberefore know v e r 's Jury mlgbt r e turn a Ilosslbl e ver. grocery etore a few days ala and that It Is not neOO8sary to do eo much 1. Don't put tbe can under the cow diet at s utclde? On the other baud, called for the proprIetor, relates tbo cultivating." unUI her ud der Is clean. llow co uld It h uve been suicide, wben Kansas City Star, The owner 'Vae Tbls may be true. I bave seen 2. Don't begin to milk a cow with DO weavon was found by tbe dead busr -. tile time, but the man sat I corn made with just two plowlngs. but a wet tall until you have tied It, Love may fi nd u .... ay- but It IlIn 't Tbe wom uo puglhet know. just bow man? Who else could bave committed Bnd waited patientl y until be waa . I am confident tbat tbe same corn to asae rt b(,T "rlgbts," alwaYIl oble to pay tbe fr els- hL S, Don't tie It too short. the crime, If not blo son? The elder through. Then tbe man Introduced I would have been better had It been •. Don't put your fing e r .. In the Why be oon stlpated .. beD " o u o.o£t O .. ~ Im~--'" •• 'b .. t 'h - A ~Turner bad not ball an enemy In tbe blmself, but the groceryman did not I better cultivated. • e bl-"uu "" k cp.' pare. .'-' ~ • I'.... 1\ " Id T c.. aL allY drul{ sLoro : I l "III II' "lily ro- Gou1leld Te .. Ia bl" obou~h tor Ihe Job. country . He was n generous man. recall tb e name avd could not remem'l A piece ot lan d tbat Is very rIch milk. If yOU want to softer. the teats .oJ ILi boueD ... "ltIlJe c~ .. Jlud. • and olle of th e mildest and most ror. ber ever huvlng seen him. and In good pbyslcal condition mlgbt milk a drop Into tbe palm at your hand and rub them with this, And Prized Above All, 'rile ellndldnt., for omce who "Rho bearing . Co uld some one have sbot Th e s tranger th e n explained thaI 6. Don't let your pail ge t too full Other Ihin gs may be seized by ran" haB 10 eXjJluln to biB Irlend. how him accid e ntlllly ? This co uld not be, seve ral years ago he bad 601d the I ----."-=·"en you are milking a young COW. might or purc~a sed with money, but It ha 1IPt!IIt'__ d_._ _ _ _ _ __ for~ s~d been ' lIccurute. Sure- store kee pe r a load of melons wblch 6. Don't c ra ck tile s ent of you r kn ow ledge Is to be gained only by ly It wa s prem('d lta t ed. The bullet hnd nil Ihl' large o nes plilced on top. It I~ only the very young man who 8tool on the cow's back It ller tall .trort.- Lundor. had enterElll the henrt. !luss lng e ntire- The grocer could not remember tbo wanta to pnlnt the lawn. An old mun goes In your eye, Iy ,throu g h tbut orglll1. und the clotb. Incid e nt, hut th e stral1ge r was In· Is SII tisfi ed If he cun rresco the co~ 7. Don't strap a heifer If you can Ing o\'e r the wound was powder· slotenl lin d su ld he wanted to make I Noted Author, neru. help It. Sbe Is generally rest!\·c beburned. tiHlfero re the s hoo ting must r e tri but io n . ns be had been converted MS4!e that Wlln over tb e re with tbe cause th e milking hurt s her. have bee n nt dOije range. Ye t th e nnel th e moiler bad always botbered bla c k mus t nc he'!" Bald Tllll1\JY . Yf's. Cortl e llR. a r o mAntic man m~1 young m lUI h nd be e n 6el'n and spoken him . Th o I'onversatlon Onally ·e nded I 8. Don't fodder th e cows until the "Yes." said the vI Sitor. be all t.o th ... good n ~ a lI'v(>mskf'r. bul to wbton he !lnd bls fa tb er hlld entered by tb e mllll pnylng tbe C!;rocer a dollar. ! milking Is flnlsh ed or you will bave "Wt!II." snld T o mpy. " b e II Ibe au· he Isn't In It ",t' b t he ma lte r·ot·facl the woody-and be bad r elll rned wllh AS he wnlked out the storekeeper a lot at dust In the m ilk, tbor or Olle o f the most vupular aerl· man as R ftlmlly supporter. tbe rille! And Turner wa s uo 1001. pull e (1 fI ha ndkercblef from bls pooket 9. Don't talk. wblle you _re milk· als In n hundred yenrs.", This VI'IlB tb e puzzling part of tbe at. nnd wiped his brow. exelalmlng : "Rellll,.?" said the visitor. "Why . Ing. Thc mnn who fnlle a lit ot !In airshIp A Good Clod Smasher, fair. Surely. or lit lelLst possibly. "Wbnt In the world would 1 ever 10. Don't on Aony accoul1~ milk any he dOl's n't loo k like a literary toan" prohnh ly t M I ~ ns badly hurt Ae tbe the re was anotber explanation. U It do If I got reli g io n tbat bad 1" "!'io." Mid Tompy . "He Isn't-be', make very good stutr under sucb con· curd, blood or rap., Iota your milk tbe Im' entor of pOlJped grlls. tbe best one who Ie thrown out or the llolltlt'.al could be fOllnd. However, th e courts dltlons; but on salls that must 1;e c.lIl. If you tlnd any slime Insld.! the fleli ing ,. .. rt'll I on the market."-Har- band wagol!. To Muzzle a Bronze Horae. had gl \len tbe accused mRn the benefit worked to have them give fortb tbelr s ieve find out where It comes tram. To k(>e ll sllarrows from nesting 111·. Weekly . of every pillusible doubt. and s till he 11, Don't have your na\1s long . Her Sllcclal Advantage .. the moulh or th e horse s\lrmounted b,. • tore ot plant tood. such cultivation had been tound guilty, Don't halt do the joh unl ess you 12. would avail nothing. Jl\me. ~'u!l e rtoo l\lulrb~ad \1.\ bl. Spring. In Tnelr BraIn • . Suddenly tbe governor lUted bls Gen . TI'c-IIlll se h Shermnn at tb~ 69tfl want to dry th e cow. Theretore. It 18 absolutely net'essary Two Jo'rencbmen, In visiting an art boo k, "The L : ID~ of Co n t rasts." t l' lI. head and lOOked out throu gh tbe win· str .. " t nnd Mh ave nue en trAnce to Cen· to know tbe character ot th e so li anel tral Park : Nl.' w York. It may be ne~R' galer)'. stopped to admire a painting or AU Amerlcnn gi rl who was patronlsdow sl:ree n at the early rising moon . by 00 Amerlcao. Tbe artist bappe n!?11 In gly prnlSE'd by an EngllaltlDan for Did his c)'es d.ecelve blm? Wbllt was Sllr)' to vlac e n muzzle on the "teed. ilien apply tbe method wbl ch w\1l to be III the gallery and In broke n Ihe purity or he r Englisb and wbo reo tbts be saw? Acroijs the g r eB t orb, ex· Fnrm e r s protect th e eaves or theIr ,.Ield the largest returns, and this can En g ll s b onE' of tbe Fren c tJm ~ n Bsked: pllf'd : "Well. I hud spechll advnntendlllg obb~e and below It. shon e 1\ hOlls es with win) netting. anr] that only be done wben the lIolI .ls made a study, wHow did monsieur ever catcb Bueb a lap:ee. Inasm ucb a8 an English ml&brliliant CrOS8. the embl e m of Cal· seems to he the only sol\ltlon I'r th' slonar)' was .tatloned near our trlbe.wonderful plclure?" Many tarmers say that It does not vary, the slgll of the death of one wbo prohle m for the ' park department. "Ob." replied tbe artlllt, with a tar. Park E' m ployes have noticed tbe pay to replant corn because ot tbe CaD n. Fed to alllUada 01 ADlDlala had pnrdoned hIs cructOers. away look . "that palntln, WIUl an orr· Cne"rlul Outlocak. aad la Hundled Exactly The governor was not superstlUous. bIrd t1lttlT\g about tbe statue. but un· 1018 of· time, cost of seed, etc, Some .prlog of my brain." LUte Hoy - Exullent "Father. dear," IBid Amarantb, Again and again be loo~ed In won · til ye s t erdny never gave any allentiOlI think It better to plow up the ground P.rovende.r. Tbe other Fren('bman wn!! KTt'atly "WlIIle Smithers III rolnr to call at ddermenl. Tbe cross stili sbone to whnt thp)' were up to. A long strlnR and put In some other crop. but tbe Interested and aeked hi. frlend wbal your office this morning to nsk you experience of a good many go to show In t.he mouth of a sparrov.' tbot alight· clearl~ DcrOBS the yellow moon . tor my hand . Isn't tbere lome IIttl. Wbe n the todder Is s hredded It can tbat American had Bald. "Mal'y," be called snddenly . and al· ed 00 tile hpad of the horse and hal> that It does pay to replant. Speaking "I eRn hardly explain," whIspered hint I can gIve blm before he Koe • . most Imme diately bls beautiful daugh. ped Inside his throat Attracted the at· on thIs subject. Mr. R. W . OW Eley of be fed and handled exactly like hay. tentlon of a sharp·eyed pereon, an.1 MIIIBcurl. says: ''1 regard replanting All the trouble from the beavy stnlk8 the ftrst Frenchman excitedly; "he 100 ae to make It ensler for blm?" ter stoor] In the doorway. "Yes," said Mr. Blinks, "tell blm to Imm l"d lRte ly It was dl8cov e red that hi fuft &8 essential as any part of the being In the mangers, or even tblck on lIald Ee pleture wae one IIprlng ol! of "Wbere have you been, child?" work e~E,?ntl41 to raising the crop, ,th .. Yllrd when It Is fed In the oPen, Is ·hl. brain. Eeea eet any wonder zat ze Inke etber berore h. come.. It,.111 the thrOAt or the horse was a n~at. "On the veranda. star·gazlng. or much paln."-Harller'a The bula ot the crOll Ie the stand, '()t lIo.oldEld. and an excellent grade at American. act queerly when tb.y lave him ratber moon·gazlng. The moon la havB .prlnrll on their brains." Weeki,.. lour8e, anG unt~88 this be a 'full one pro'Vender ~uPl>I1ed . lovely tonight, don't yoU tblnk?" Dock for 8ubm o rlnea, Somle bave avoided the difficulty "Yes," said the governor. "It la beau. Tbe great italian sblpD.ltldlnc planl '10 matter how fertile the eoll may he UtilI," at Spezln has constructed a very un· :Jr how PUre tb.e. ee.ed. YOU cannot ob- (rom beating with shredded cron fod · der by buildIng It up In a stack wltb "It never seemed so golden," ·e be usnal Bnd Ingenious f10ntlng dock 01 taIn a .atlefac~f1 yield, If there net it • time when JOU are justified in CUDina. Ot' coune, replan~g t.s orten nece&- oat stl:aw by spreadlns tlrst a layer of went .o n. "How BOtt and sweet the cylindrical construction In which suI> shredlile' d fodder and then a layer at lIary because ot ·th~ ' 1100r quality ot night Is! Can't you come out II wbUe marines can be given external pre. It it when the lWIlIIIet ada JOUf appetito ~ with me, father?" sure tests or be doc\ked ~or overhaul, tile aeed, hut: tJlll! Is not away" the 8traw, having each (rom a toot to "In ,a tew millutes, perhaplI, dea~ Ing or relll\lr. A descrlptfon of the Calle, Wet w~atlier followed b;Y' un· elghte's n' roches thick w~n settled, But there im'a IolJif aeed to . . JOUf. lOIII ad .bock Ibe not juat now .. , I onl7, ,wished to kqltw cylinder appears In Popular Me- favo~ible clln:'atlc, condltloni m~y kll) . The adaw ' ab80rbs the moisture Tempt 'faGr appetite• with Toutiee Ud ' ., to 1OUI' wbere YOU were . . I bad h~t 88m 70u chan 1011, whleh etateS : "The proTI,lon ,out lit tal'g@ porlloa·hr the atand and trom Itbe moIst .C01"n fodder and pre:... 'J.,' ~ .:Iny p08slblllty of beatll!l. I am tor auch . a lone Ume. almoat three of a meane of external pr"aau1;lf teat, then~lt aeems ~o me that It lJI 'fOll). not . the .draw take. on the flavor 1I0ui's." .' .. • ,. . ,-. 'WhlcJl. doell away '!'11th t1\e DeeMaltl to. ;replace .. the.. k111e4.out hllia .'w lth fod.d ar ,to 80 creat an eztent " Ber r1ppllDlf .Iauirhter. 'lIoated baek of dee~eea diving tee la, la, of coura.. Dew.Md. the .tock ' WIth • con.IHJ'o to him all IIhe' .klpped· trom the t.he m"l~ J,l~rpolle ot the ftoatl~ 9."II~ , In & field of 80 a~. in,ODe portlOD deer'" rell.h.···compared with ,'. "She did not Dotlce" It.f: 1&14' tiie .drical doc" 'ai tb . repatr and :onl' . , ~b'cll more- ·thall. tyo,t1ilnsa ot ,"I~1. in _lilOb 'ul• .~ &Ike p •• to ·hlm.e}f.· ' !.t'·.i~.·,tO"' .haqlt1(g ':ot ~Ubmarl~ea cUrl" ~"c"",'''~ ''ldil~ by' i. ll.~· .t<!rm . : ' . ' ,., ... . for iD..' '\v.bat · doea' 1 ~a,&i{tb.e ordllW1 Of dr1,d~-· CoUowIIA ., .. ,~ ' ~ .. I to I.tra1l' -

The Cross on the Moon
















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TIle Old Oaken Bucket









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Au!'! will III.' hI 8t ' n.. 'tl IIl1lh' r Lhl H be;.,,) for t Wl' Ul V !I v.: C ~I ' Y It l r Lllr~p tll ~w rtluD. \\ h e n udll1t.\' lIot more t hun l i n- I1tlt'tI.


Bill!.- R . W. C:1i1chriat, rent for ........... ww . . . . . . "" ............ Ilr <tllt't' llt lug lltt.orDey'~. ~:.! & . l:i. A . I ' ng . th nahi ne h d adml~ng tef ;, 1A' I\"1" . ~l1r\,lr~e" !HI Ill tirulll.rY Dir~o b l t ill .edsu tl1e un e tons 0 •1' J-t . . " U "",rcups an FOR SALE ';f:' '(lr.()f.I~. Jklll Baker~ St'l~e, I:l~ 20 . Ma)', 1!("Hcely higher in intelli gence A. , t:; 1 ri C I;l r , IIA 1I1e .. 4tl .Hi. rU>l- tl ' th . te t f I ..Ji ' ~ • Ian e nunu enacts 0 t lat !Four (\Ut\en~ and a Jack and Ouy-Yoy Cigars *-' \,' l·._ t f 1'0 11 1111 Atltlir!j, Ii~h t lind m irnjo ,,-i ldcrness, our l'nr liest r ecolhu~h e l !l fir Corn, flnti II Ibrec"'/C '( ~. St I I H d M - wulll r . St .1 [,: i. M . I:i Ot\Wt!ld fur· Y'''lr "Ill dri vi ng Colt. l-it-lJ "".t," .. ret y on - ad e '... , lrctiOllS are of grra.~s-; and wben th o . ~. OIIUI'Il p ll li~U , $ ~ bO Ed~llr A . Mur · . 111 1IL t1H DIII Wit\ ,ti l1, Ull Mlllllt 'lI f'lrm • ,.,'A , "",. ~ .J,. .J,. ....,,.,.,,_ ",... fitful fever is enrl.·!! nlltI tho fooli sh 1111 I. Yl ltt \llk .l , Wllynellv ill e. Ulli o . ~.. •1-'J:.' JlC'''1'--:.:c'JiI.. +,':~~ •.,. ':"::~'J.;"1'- -'r- 'jjC ~'.II-'.;!J'w' ~ .'Po .;!J'w .~"Jt "1'- ':.:;. , TIl .\' CIl • dISID[ "(' hi Dt In JAi l, $lf. r,o. I wrang 0 of the market and f orum is ,, 7 -....~!'""'!'""'!'!"""_~_ _"""!"'~_ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _~~~_~~"""!"''!- Dnn P Bone . I'eell as olerk . $91. a~ . _ closed, gra!~8 heals Q'I'er the scnr f . 1' . F'()I· ~Y. I'cell fnr ~o rv ln~ venires Nt> 1 PnulA Wbfltlt for I!eed . wru ch our d escent into the bosom of $ IUIi ~rWllltb r Md'- lure , hUrlKI uf C I" nT of ~m o t 1I0d in ~o od oon • : AMOII 1-I III·vey . t75 TlItl TI !II ~tJ. ~Oo the earth hll8 made, antI the carpet d lU on . U I.. HiCKS. Waynesvil1(', • of !lIe iuitlnt becomea the blanket of 0111 0. R . lJ. :\ .J ~l _w....w....w....w....w_w_~_~"'w"'~"'~"'~"'."'w,........."'."'~"'~"'~"'~....~_~~_._~_~"'."'w"'~"'~"'~"'~...~".....,..,. .................... ~ ...................... ~ .... w....._....._.,..".."...,. g I t\ Ul ptiLI e u vel u 1)t1 ~ .for trollllll rtlr, tile dead. Oraas ill the furgiveness $ 1:1 K C . TIl OUlpso n, m ediotd se r · Plym ou th Rock ch ickeofl I4net ~r.:\\ ~ lI its docolllle I . lil ed b l~ lir ~ t Illlti fin .. I 1\0. \'IIl"" t u prillooer, $4 Pnre F ood of N II ture--her cQDstant benediction. 1 r oo ~t.Ar Pnr'.l bred stock. 'F ields trampled with battle, saturatII "H)' H'1I1 rn,' filOt l ~\II I, 1l !!lI ln :< t, ('Il!l ll t (il'll Otl ry Co. , ~tl Up $1 2G F~ . H , oe l! Knoxuul e sl,mill . Jt'tlr priou und ed with blood, tom with the rots of ~'rt1d Fi"c h r r , t-:I ItHctlnn of the e~ 'i'h., ln ttl rnrhll n J{ullwu y So Ttlrm inH I furthlr in furlll >" itln illqu lrtl of Ur . & C .. . VBIIM KllIl v e nCll~, $;' . E ti. Softy-How vewy dweadful pa. ll . W. Hnlh "wtty, WllYU BIIVIl\O , cannon, grow green with gt'Ms, ( · M . fnr fl) llllil dllllltt gtl UII t h n r f1l1 ult , t"te of Rud olph li'rio<.le n, tiecea.;ell . CUl' khD. 8tRlll l l~ f or lIu.lit,or, $ 10. and carnaB~e ill forgotten. S treets wenta must fecI when theah ofT· Ohio , J ~Il II ' ln j llrj (. ~ rllt'(llvi.l 11111 w rC(,!c on Hlt'cl hi ~ t.l1i .lu vitof flo a l so tt,Jr nl t' lI t W . H . AntiunIOn Co, Code VoluDle, spwing is born an idiot, doncherabandoned by traffic pccame grass ti ll ' ('nlllp"nv ' ~ rocIII Of' IIT Lohu n oll I $;5", Vtilley Tel eph one Co, re nts Rea l Estate Transfers 2·year old heifer ill gootillhape . :;rown lik~ rural lanes and are obli.t- know. Il"ll.m, bl'r 4 . l Ull wh Ich i ll ldl tlg~ d nud tol lS, f i ll r,G . C. C . Emlllun8, In quire of P. E J{tJnrlclc, Wayrace-Yes, indeed. I have always G erated. Foresta deCAY, harvests pert,,, ult ve betl u CIJ utl tHi h.\' lI o" h~e l)(~, ' Tll olll.ltS Hll ollelt t ,) I!:dmou 8te w OIlUtI'uOt, 'H .:H,. Ltl\\i!! A t llinHol1 , nellv lIle, Ohi o, phone 4f>_:lr . J al ish, flowers vanish, but gr&B8 is im- felt sorry for your parents. of t,b e comp/1l1)·. I'l ui ntifi' u\'eTl~ .. rl. lot In Morrl~t.ow l l. It. bridgu r e p~ Irt!. $0. R. B . thnith, APKtNS-A ne w "t.!lok of nap- . tlln t h o h.l'; hArm pormuOt'utl y In I 0::5. Bi gg ins to J ohn F MoKu y, oe llltlnl, "1 11; C bllt'le~ l:iti htls, OOD - mortal. Bele&glWred by the sullen MUSICAL SENSE IN FLOWERS. kln8 JUBt ill. Hevnll de81 gnll to hosts of winter. it withdraws into jured hy Jlllrllly ~i~ .. I' ~h t\ fll l'l', ti.' 101 III l niver~it,y 6eightll. trtl ct, t ill 5:, . O. B e8i n, oontract. piok from. linzllt te otuoe . the impreg:nable fortress of ita subfeot in hObr'in Knntl ~hoc ll: t,o hi !l IH r. ' Luo v PCll le rt!o n to ~u os Ovor. 13(; ;!5 , H.vbert McC a tch eon , oon · Remarks the London World : "A terranean vitality and emerges upon V II Ud " ,v tlt,em . HUllllltoll & BrtlWII ' bo l~(' r . liG i s flOr f''' in Wa ~ hin gton tr .. ct .ILOr,. J ob n Wolfe, contrn ot. Oermnll professor has discovered the first solicitation of spring. Sown l\Jelltt, ,,rn ev~ for t h e plil intlll' I tU Vl'n ~ h I P' '60 7\1 Oregonitt. Bridge Co ., oont.hat Howers P08~CSS a musical sense, WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES, .J. A Lun~ CO .. 11I1ll1 ~ui l t'l!ltlD ~ t F: noll OVfll'''" I ~ .. r to !:5Ilmuel Mllr Inot, UIlH 71. Moaroe & J ohnston , b:v the winds, by the wandering lind belm y thei r individual natures til'ure Brothe r~ & Co. f or ~:.i:l:, If, ' l!olis , Mllx Mllrg o lis. Al lJert W post!!, $211 .·10 . Albe rt Bond, bridge birds, propllgated by the subtle agri- by expllnding their petals under the Methodist Episcopal Chtm;" with interest alleged to be tluo un Eproth, (ill ~ ;> lL Crt·~ i ll WIlshio g t·on repnirs. *27. ~;, . Ohio Corrugated culture of the elements which are ita influ encc of cPrtuin melodies. Hose~ Itey. O. S . O rILUti<l r. l'ULur. ministers 1I1IId se rvants, it softens the SUUdBY Scuuol. II : I & a . m . M or llln~ Ber promI ssory note. Art,bur .ljryuntl ~ i to wD M bIP, prefer old-faRhionoo n.irs; p eoni es, he ,-Icr , 10 ::10 a . m . ";\' c uln ~ r4erv l rt.~. ";' : 0 .., l'ud e outline of the world. It bears "U,orney for the plaintifl', I Br.vILII H . W tlitllc re .. n(l Eli zllbeth Cui vert Co , pipe . f[j\J 20, finds, 0l\l8h Il d eeper hue when the)' W . Mltlwt!l, 1t Pr lyer Maetlng. 7 p . rn . l.. Whtt.ttk fl r ~o .JuI IR A. ~telVllrt, n o olaz()ury of bloom to charm the What Mak(:s A Woman? hea r the volcll nic vanities of Wag- St. Augustine's Catholic Church.l Common Pleas Proceedings lot iu 'lo u l h l,e hu n un , t l Una llondren tmel twen*y 1)(lUnd ll, scnses with fragra nce or splendor. ner; violds are no longer modest jl'ather LoUIll Yauo NeVI'. trial Wu,s refused i.n Cll. ~" 'lf l Alfred Bea m to Corn Lewi!!. lot in more or 1098. of bone and Qlusole but its hom ely hue is more enchant- when sert' nnd 'd bymOllcrn composers, A.·1 1~'11 e vtYy lit.'\;IWU Sunday u ( tlu" lIlop th a !l ont, mllk e II WOlll ll n. Its 1\ good ing than the lily or the rose. It u : uu a. w . Ali na. Anderson VII The Interurblln (i'mnkhu, " 1600 fOll ndat.ion Put into it health And yields DO fruit in earth or air, and and lili es s imply clORe their wearied Rllilway & Termin ll l Uo . and plain'Com missioner's Proceedings St. Mary's Episcopal Churcli. st r en~th nnd shtl 1II11y rulfl a lung. yet, shoulrl its hllrvest fail for II bells at the sound at the waltz. Pictil! was ordered to oolleo\ 1731) du o 1 Ito,'. J . I' . Ulltllnlluder. IWctar. dom . Bot thllt 's just what Eleotric ture to yourself the IClln lCd professor her tlll resDlt of jurY'1l verdiot . Contract!! were e ntered into with BI tters gi ve her . Thousand s bless single yellr. famine would depopulate S Ullllay ~o hoo l . U ' :\0 11. III Mornlll g Ner on tour round his gllrden with 8 thE! fo llowi n g : vlcu. IU :ao a. m. Holy Cowwu lllou Lbe IIrot t,bAlD for ovoroomlng fo.intiDg and the world.--John J. Ingalls. small but select orcliestra, specially SUOdLi1 uf eacb m onth , a Probate €ourt NlI.thtm Harvey for relaying old diz:lY spe lls IlO\ for dillpelli ng weak --- - ~ -- -engagcd, mnking sweet music to hie During the summer months mothnfll'lI . nerv ous uess . uaoklUlhe and fied (lewer and build i ng conorete vitri W . II . Duke was Il eclured uo im. Chrlltian Church. tirtld, II l1tlllS~, ",orn oot feeling ers of young ob lhlren 8hould wfltch flower beds. nn xiously wutching for headwalls north or E Oglesbee 's Rov. L. O. 'l' twmpolOD, Pul4l. beoile and inoa1>~bl e of IlIkin l! olue "Eleotrio Bittflrs have done me tl for any unlJatural looseness of the sta r tling effects ! I wonder, by th~ Blblo Scbool. 9: 30 ~ m . Social m86UD•. of his property . :Zoe Duk(j Wtl!l IIp- residence i replilring vit rifi ed lIewer world of /toad ," writes Eliza POQI , bowell!. When given prompt ,t~ IO: a U L m. (Jbrilltlull En.loavur. 7: 0U p . Ill. and headwa lls, new wing Willi to Depew. Okla., .. find I thank yoo , telltlon at t hi s time serious trouble way, whllt tune would rouse a s'o sp' !lermoD lJy pllAwr overy al IIlwllay U pointed guardian. IO; I U a . w. and 7: ?O p. 01 , dragon to protest. And what terri· Effilt Fannon wal!! decla red II II im brid ge and additional fill at sewer wl!h all my heart. for making Ruoh may be Il voided Cham bflrlAln'l! ble cataclysm would happen if Sou. m edicine." Only GOo . Uohc, Ch olera and Diarrl:.oea RemHid<s.lte Friends Churet. hecile and Mary V . Wils on wat! near E. Oglesbee's on Oglesbee pike Q good edy 08n always be depended OpoD aa's excit ing compositions we" FI,..t OI1 ~ lI4 .e tl n~. U :00 ~ . m. .'Irn Da, C:1 Uflfanteed by all druggists. In Massi e township at esti mate named gnardian. For sale bv lOll dealer,.. - -~ohool . II ;0\1 a m , Jl'ounli Day Mc"" hIK played in the orchid bouse pt' 10 ;0011. m. The will of William :::!toDtenbor . 149 80. BAD EFFECT ON _HOOFS ... E . J. Templin for fiooring spikes ongh late of Fnnkhn township WIiS GOOD LIGHT OP~RA THEME. Orthodox Friends Churca, ' The blnokswith of BiI!aboru and PAPERS nRE RUN FOR WOMEN admitted to probate. Ratherlne A eto. in Kelly bridge and e:dm oon lin. Ruth AlUtT&y. PULar ~tontenboroogh WIIS made llxeou crete wot"k on Kelly "roh nOlir the oth er loclllitiee look upon the use of Write,. In Atlantlo Monthly Blamel A new light opera is founded on Sabbath Sohoo l. \I ::10 a . m . lteRular cb uro b 10 " 0 tl . m . Cbrllliall KuQeal'ur . rl!!sidenOll of Kelly in Harlan town . all for keeping down d ost with a trlx the romantic career of Baron Trenck, gervlce. Thla for the Deterioration of 7 :!JO L1_ I rown . 'l'he oil beil.lg '1niokly ab o In the estate of Moses W. HoI sbip at eetimllte t72 Journallam. an Austr ian soldier of fortune. Grolll and B&lIore for oement, lum- sorbed by the horse 's ll ovfs prevent !' lIngsworth. deoened, the bond of D . Sf rangely enough, there are two celMilry MoKinney 11.11 (\;l[oontrlx, WIlS ber and loou~t POlltll at marke t prloes the absorpti on of water. Then the unng .the paat few years hun- ! ehrated adventu rers of this name. DR. J. W. MILLER. to be fnrnillhed 8S ordered by county Ihoof beOlmeB dr y, hard and brittle. d reds of Journals have sprung up T hey wcre cousiI1,8 both were doretind at t 20,000 . Thill oonditlon makes the smithy'. devoted to women'! special interest&. devil fighters, hath bad prison epiW_ C . Pence WAS appoiDwd guar. oommisslonerR. ... DENTIST.•• Morrow Lumber Uo., for cement. work mnob. Il"rder. ~8 every They are almost all of them showy, Bodes in their checkered careers, and dill.n of the estate of Charles M. Pence and Clyde d. Fenoe. ruinon . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bll\Okllmlth wearl hi' sl8eve8 rolled fragmenta:ry, personal, concrete and both had tragic ends~ne being a Olllce ID Waynesville, 0 CoHat-eral Inheritance tax In thfl up, 'heir arms are being poisoned emotional. It is difficult to find one au iciue, the other a victim of the NatioDClI Bank Dldl(. The Choice Of A Husband by tile oil. There is some foo nda. that reprenente general or abstract Fl'ench revolution. The opera celeesta'-' of Mart.lla D. Peace, dtJOeased. 'Was fixed by the oourt. hi too importllnt ~ matter for a . wo- tion for a remark made by one interests.. One of these journals; br.l.tcs the career 'of the elder TrencL . . man to he handlollpped by weak. HlILanah M. Colvln.lldmlDllltratrlx neSl!, blld blood or foul brell.tb. blaoklmith. to the effect that the which bOMtB a fabnIona circulation, DR. E. H. COSNER, of the estate of E H. Colvin, de I Avoid these kill-hopes by taking hllrd hoof. tend to lame horses. Be is supported by ita women subscribSHOVING HIM OFF. oeased, filll<\ her firllt and fina l ao ; Dr.·s L~fe P1lIs . New nrength uld dry, briUle hoofs were like era and reMers to oppose the larger -ooun' . . ' fine oomplexlOn, pnre bre&tb, oheer tight, shoes and 'hat mllilY borses' interests of women in education, inGeorge-I'm afraid Ethel doesn't EI U lb ' Ifal splrit.a- thlngs thll.t win men fIJI. E .... llle va .. a s IIry, . exeoatru: of 1101'1' their use. EIlSY, 8Ilfe, ' sure. feet wer8 already in a bad oondition. dustry and political life. At least, love DIe any more. if it does DOt oppose these interests, Jack-What makes you think sol' the eUa,&«! of &muel W. Malsbary , 125. all drogglsts . · - ClermoDt l.)ollrler. it does not aid them. ImagiBe a milGeorge-Last night she intro. 912 Relbold Building, lion German women sending the kal- duced me +0 her chaperon. Dayton, . . • Ohio ser one dollar and a half a year to ------induce him to tell them once a MOUTHPIECES. month to I~O back to their kitcheDJ!, G raduate American School . Klrksvlllo. 1110 churches and children. . "I object to the use of dumm,. cUThe newspapers of America have recto" who do annpl1 what th8f are steadily changed during the last ltolcL" BARNHART, three decades in the Bame direction ' "Well," replied Mr. Dustin Stu, - - . Editorial Cpages and news columns "I don't know that a dumm,. dinctor Notary Public Ill0Dg Inslead of keeping eyes have been steadily modified in the ia any more helplcss as a persenal If County Commissioners and the tow nship bighw.lYs. Under the state aid plan thiS will strained to lIee a rnt ahesd. di'rection of fragm entary, egotistic, quant.ity thon li n inslructed delegate All kind .. of Notary Work. Pension Townallip Trnste611 nnier~iand fnlly Work a I:lpeolility. Now, ander the state wide plan personal and sensational, or at least or a m ember of !In elt-dornl college." 'he plane for Improved highwaYII as be done away with and done away encompallsed in the system pruposed with effeotnally . Let ns lIee what the expense is to be distributed emotional, appeals. TheBe are the ~~~""!'!'~~~~~~~~~~~~'!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~ by the Sttlte Highway Department the !:Itate plan pnrpORes to do. among 'hll dUJerent oountie!! of qualities oj~ children's minds. and of _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -... and the Ohio Good ROlids Federa- If the voters of the stll.te ratify, at Ohio and elloh w.iIl bell!' its propor. lIDdeveloped minds everywhere. The tion they Will be faund among Its the eleotion on !:ieptember 3. the tions of the total oost. ·.I.'he chllDge is, lof COUlee, all a part of the issuing of $50,010,000 in bonds this 'liO,OOO,800 in ooDds will be Oiled ex . larger democratic movement of our (25266) hearti68t lIupporters. Under thl8 system, whioh COD- is to be nsed exolusively for the oluill vely by the improving of the time, and mllD1 causC8 have con. talns nothing of perplexity in it, but buildIng of the main roads. Not a mHin r oads and therefore the fonds tributed to bring it about. Had womla lUI simple as a SUIll in addltioa It penny, n or a fraotion of a penny, of township and oonnty now g oing en not been 80 active, something of 18 an ab80lnte benefit to them .in an will go fol' tile lU , provement of the ror that pUrpOl!8 oan be diverted to the same sort wonl" haft happened, offiCial way and when pnt into op- so.oa11ed Interlll rllad~ lelldlng into the upbullding of the roads 19liding but if women were all to forget how SIRE OF Into the~e. to read over night, there is little eratl·) n will win the grditnde of the main driveways . Now, atop, look lind listen . The '1'0 oommlsslonen and trustees doubt that the newspapers wonId 1.helr oonstitnents and no longer Major Purcell .. ... ......... .. .... 2:10,Y. Puss Russell .. ..................... 2:27 will they ba burdened with the County Commlsslonerll and the this ought to appeal with plUtioular find it ad1~antageolls to print more Ella Purcell ....... ........ .. · ..... 2:1lY. Toc-Calk .............. . .. ........ .. 2:26 X angry but JustIfied oomplaints of l'ownllhip 'l'rustess will hllve the force . No longer will iil.plel\sed statesmanlike editorials, and more 2·yr.-old r ecord .... · ... 2:30 Tessie Purcell ... ......... ... .. .. 2:14,Y. property (lW'ner, who want to know money whioh tbey must at preflent voten be storming at their doors general and abstract news.-Atlantio Louis Purcell ..... .. .............. 2:16,X' Louis Purcell, .. ......... ..... .. .. 3-yr .•old-record ........2:27,Y. Fannie Purcel! ....... .. ...... · .. 2:17,Y. why 10 tbe name of all that is good expend to keep up thll main lOad. deml4nding why their highways are Monthly. Billy Purcell .................. ... 2:19,X' Dandy B .......... .... .. second in 2:22 • • • the roadll Ilre not pia oed in II better to use o. the roads leading into in such poor repair. No longer will Celia P .............. .. .. ....... ..... 2:23,X' Ella Purcell ............ serond in 2:08 Insect Bite Costs Leg condition . In most of the oountie. them and no longer will Farmer hOrlles strltin and pnll II.lld gr'lW Reuben White·sock ..... .... ... 2:13Y. Major Purcell .. ..... .. second in 2:07 A BostOD ma.n lost his leg from of the IItate under oondltions, as Jones, jns' beoause he Ilvea off from weary endeaTorlng to pull loads WinDie Purcell ............... ... 2:24Y. I t I bl d r the hite of an Inse')t two be they are at present, the improve the principlil t·horoughfares in h.ill over amos mpllssa e roa s. . he fore. To avert suob oalami',ies from ment and maintenanoe of the main OOUllty ce oompelled ~ drive good housewife will not need t.o stings and bite", of inseo$1I nse Bnok roads-the roads ",hloh oonneot through seas of mnd during many keep the light burning late at night len's Arnica Sulve promptly to kill oounty sel4t with oounty lIeat and seaSODS of the year and never have waiting tor the ~elated hallband the poiaon and prevent Inflamma_ wh). she knows. ia flonnderin o tion. IIweUing I4nd pain. Beal8 over whioh travel la 1llnoh the a really good rond Ilt the bes t. a burnll. boiIs, u loers, pilell, eozema is also the sire of more show horses and high-priced sellers than any beavl est aDd most freqnent-takes N ate the result . In B few years ' along R roau deep with mud and oute, bruts08 . (JDly 25 cents a& all other horse in Southern Ohio. and in order to give every one a chance a very larRe part of the money set there Will be a oomplete system of losing bls temper with every IItep druggists to get another eolt by this grelit sire, I will reduce the price of his - - - - - - - -aside ror highway work. The ro · highways in the stllte of modern ' of the tired h orses. service fee to $15.00 to insure a living colt. the reat of the year to January 1. 1913. and in four yeaTS from now Purcell colts will sell 'for .alt is that the small roads. which oonstruotion over whiCh a load l,f Ohio oan ue the best eqnlpped IIEST MAN. enough to buy two draft colts, or a draft team already broken. I will load into these, are negleotod Bnd twioe the II.Teroge present t .m nage IIlate in the Uni()n in the matter of also give the season free to ten mare.q that are regiatered, or will buy largely left to shirt for themselve!< olin be hanled at half the ex pebse' l Highway improvement. It oan "Jenks iaTery much run down, 10 the season of same. Now, anyone that would accept a colt as a gift exoept as ambitious propert.y owners Tho .. un will not rise and fall npon ' save to the people million!l of liol he is going to a doctor to have him. from me and has a registered mare, will be bred to the Great C. H. Inspired by a 8ense of lIelf proteotion "single day in the year that the lara a year in the matter of trans . eelf built up." Purcell, for nothing,. C. H. Purcel has won 600 premiums in the show ring and stands and rel'lidentiai pride. take It uJ on rural resident oannot go to town ' portation. The high oost of living "Wb,. DOt to an arcbitecrtrunequaled. Won over $2000.00 in races and never,.behind the rnoney. tbemllolv611 to make repairs. with ease h~ ving no fear of break. : will go soaring down like the therWhile It ia the Inte.tion for eacb (iown and he can get baok ! mometer in a oold apell. All ~la8lell IH I8 MEANING. township to look a.fter itll own rOllda home the !lame day. . ! of people will be benefitted while Equally benefited wUl be the ur- the per ·oaptta oost 'Will be but -M,. mOlBey is clean ip8Dt.If aDd money ill set aside fer that pur poee aO larga': ahare of U is taken ' ,an resident fQ.r be O8·n 0 Into the. tift .three oents 'a ear and the $IIX l'Not aU gone?" SO ~ on the main thoroughfares 00untry with wife and ohildren, rate will never go beyond fonr-I "Not at all. .1 int.t.d It ia']'GCMt·:.;,::...1 Phone 12-3y' Wayne.vllle, Ohio .. __ __ -:--.-:-.:. _ __ . ._ . . ) Ir._ _ _ _ _ _..._ ... ." _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ._ . . . paying lOap." , ~Qt • aneagre amount III left f )r liewin~ tbe landscape as he JOKs tenths of a miJl. . . . -






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_'A' , ' "",. , 'A

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- ..

.. - .



Osteopathic Physician


--- -

Make Roads Better Roads in Ohio

t .t




H. Purcell Record, 2:19 +

C. H.




. tb.' "



.'I :


THE MIAMI I'uull ........

Weekly •

MA I N fiT lueWI

- - - - - ---VAI.Lle \,


·I' I£I, F: I'III1:-\i': - lJAI.I.



___ .__ _

- - - --HateM of Subscription DUM \' ollr l.trlc-thrTInlttvl1l1l'tll. . . . ... . II.UU

I~~-,--~"" "" " '"

" ' ,. •. ,


Rates of Advertising H Olldlug LoclLlcs, ""r Ihlti .. .. , . ... . H Slld11l1l l.ocal•. b llLl'k I u<'", ver IIUti .. ..


~:t IUlll.l Il"'" Ad • . u" l, to ~x n'4lll 11\'8 Uu","

Tltroo luwrtluuH, •• . , , , . , , . . . , live Illch ea lroo ; over live t:;,:,llIchea, 118 r lIuu, , , ... , . , , , . . " C ard of thlLnka .... . , . . .. . . .. , . . . , ... ' Ho"'olutloWl . , , , .. , •....• • • . . • .. , ., • .• ~ocIlWi etc. wh tlre cb ....KIl I. u,,,<lo . . , . . " Dla"I", Atlvllrtl . hl K pur h,cI .. . , . . Ol...·ouul. I Vtill VII ~'OlIlr

Ubltu"rl ... ,

2~ Ik: 21k: OOC

20t; lUe

Uood roads the bighways to prosperity. w~y WOWljO


wbole 10& abou' lhe talk .


• 'fake aWlly bope and everyone would be a pesslmilit. ..

Buy U QOW. Chamberlalo'IVoilo Cbolera and Diarrhoe" Remedy I~ Blmost oertl\lD to be needed before the BumlDer hI over. Bu,v It now and be prepared for lIueh"n emer· Kenoy . For lillie by n.11 de.lllrt!:

• The a18811ROr knowlI of toany men who have uutold wealth

Tho ,.IDly really ntillfaotor1 re veolle Is '0 m~ke yoOJ' eDemles allbamed. • A woman doeso', think 10 moob of 'bll men after marrylo, one lUI IIho did before.


DY8entery Is always perioul aDd often" dangerou. dlseue, bot ,1t can be oared. Chamberlain 'II 00110, Cholera and Dlarrhol» Remedy hal oured" even when malljtnant and epldemlo, For .. Ie by all dealere.

What woald lome people do II otherl weren', making ml•• akell 'hat Deed olUlohllng.

K8Qp yoar t,houghte pure and .weet and 10U n.ed not worry about the U\teran~ of yoot lUoutb.

.A woman would get adlvoroe from a mao who abo.ed her the way lome of them do themselves 1Iltb their olothln"

:'If :Y ou are a boua8wtro yon canDet realooBbl" hope to be heaJt.h,. vr beautiful by waahlng dish ell, 8weep IDg and doing hou.ework n.1\ d~y, aDd orawltnllinto bed dead tired Dighl , You mUlt gAt out In'o 'ht' opeo .. Ir aDd "unlight If you do tblll every dKY anll keep your s&om· aoh and bowels In eood order by \aklnlt Uhamberlaln's fabletl when Doeded, you IIhould beoome both healtby and beautlful. For BIlle by .)1 dealers.


'I •



A mother who danghter to do dolog JUlltioe by her future eon in

d008 Dot teach ber housework 18 nol her dau,hter nor law.

It beau all how a thluk tbat a maD who elope wl&h ber I. any the ODe Ihe Is married

woman oaD wl1ls&oop to baUer than to.

If 'here'l one 'btu I ~hat a boy feell 'b.t he cao't forKtve Ilie par eou for. it'l for ' botBI oha.lI,ed before lome YODOllady I'IH' . .


Teu tb01J8aDd 'J!ieOple .re,repor&ed to have a'tend_ an outCiobr ba~ ..Iemal I18nloe clown ~'h Illor" tlm~ ajjO , A ~~~. , of ol'edbWla. .,.. t~


I I the

Bert Ae Grant,




51 ater, Metal

J bb"


II k · d










Dayton. 141111 Eme Oooley, of t.:eda"llle, I 16 - ' " '·h'" 0 I t v s """ w. _n. eo. punllon, ae week . Mill Beute Fltoh ill enjoylDe a vlalt from her graDdaother 1\(1'8. Marshall , Mae'ar Wal\on Wright II 1'laltln, bill grandparenu Mr. aad MI'II A maD never ol"lms t·o underlltand Yoael Wal&on , woman- a woman always tblDke M re. ~tnmp "nd 111'8 . 'I'albort re. • be uQderlitand. meo, uotll after tnrned laat week ' .. om a pl. .ant ahe marries one villtt of lIeveral weeki! with relaU1'e8 ID Vlr,lola aDd WalblolttoD, D. O. • - • I For lOt'eDe88 of 'ho mUlOlell, The water wagon would be more whether Induoed t-y vloleot eIeroiee or Injury, there Ie nQthlng bet- popular If it had a eidedoor and ter th .. n Chamberlbln'l LlnlmeDt oartalned apartments 'I'hl. lIolment aillo rellev811 rheu. matlo pAins. For sale liy all dMlen,


MrM IHorn. Ma.on Is Ilightly imThe weL weather II catlfing great Mr8 Bl4rry MoOlanls is on "roved . ,fel11 among the farmers t.hroueh out aick Hilt . M I l bl fl. Fred Ogburn and iU e son, , t 1I1I1')0tlOn. Idd Clark, o f Corwin. il! vlllitiuJt Inner of Chicago. were "ueste I•• t week ; Mr. Earn8s& R08Dsgle, of 811riDI'" tis Lrotb6f CbarletJ Clark and wife. of her IIltlter Mrs U. VlLIl:llms. : boro, Wil.l oiroulating among friends M-rs. Emina \)lin~er. of Red f:rl6B.,..LI~-------If.t·-urnaces, -R-oofing a n d lI4i811 Effie Norris, of Xenia" WI.8 here ·Sa&urdn.yevening. has bean the gU8st of Mrs. 8 . B, thn guellt last , wellk of MIIIII Olive Mr. Frflnk L . ilarrls 18 BRain en HlLlne~, the J)B~~t week:. Spouting, S h e e t AnAlIee. i joying his onto I\fter a two wellb MrR . Adda. Parnell returntldl:;l4~ The Mh~le. Oeorgl" Rnook and vaoation In the AdirondaoKR, nruny aHer flpendini several JaYII , L.'I,h Flammer attended tbe (;, U Mr. Frank Fornsbell, of Dayton. wiih ber 80n ~rnest in Dayton , I 0 Ing 0 a In s. Td. plcnlo at Kit leawe, &\uI'day . spent Sunday with bill family, reo Clmrles Klepinger and family, of Mr. Josepb tilarbuok III in a aeriOUB turnlnlll to Day'on tlunday ni&'ht. PI.o ria, 111. we,r e guests Illst week: of oondltloD. Mr. Chall. Cle'lvt'r rt'J8igned as Wllhalu Carmony aDd wife and ' MI81 Louie AlaIander re'urned marl!hRI1 of our town and ball gone Wilbur CI&rk and familY , OFFICE IN OLD SCHWA~TZ ()~ U (i STOI< E duturday from a Vilit with , In bU81nelll! at Clarksville, Mr. Prof . .J . R, Cowt\n. of LebAnon, tt-r Aha. Wm Trout, of MprlDgfleld , Cleaver will be 1II111t1ed as aD offioer aUended til" ounday ocbool plonlo Bllr lister and 1I"le daughter Ilawe ' and oltlzen, 8e hal the belt Willhs8 on ThnrsdllY. with her for a VIIlIL, of thll oommunlty, Sidney COOl~ Ilad family enter. Waynesville, Valley Phone 113 MIIIII Lllllao An"bee was tbe week Prof. and )In. William Bormell , tained reoentl :v their relatives, Mrs. end 'fUelt of MIIII Agne8 Norrl., of of Delawure, oalled on rrlendl here Margaret Soo~t and Mr . and Mrll. Xenia, aod attended tbe O. U . Tel. Saturcay, thl. being bla native Albert MoInlllht and 80n Vaugbn, plonlo. bome. Ilf Zanellville, Ind. Aroh Oop.ey aDd wife re'urnfd M~ . aDd Mrs. Ed P . Carr have Mr. and Mr!1. J . B. Thomllil apent. ~turday from " week'a villit In gone houllekeeping in Misl Etta !:)unday with Jamel! Johns and fam F======LIVERITES'~==:===I Cleveland, Detrol&, Niagara Fa II II Arnold'a hOWle on We.' Main St. i1y. Being prepared from Pure Nativlc H e rlJs, th ey Clea1l '" tll(' System and Purify the Blood, and T o ne lit e Sys tem , a nd t ltll S ~nd other pla088 , , Mrtt , I:arl Booke" and diughtar Mr . and Mrs. Allen Emrlok aDd OwendollD Barrett hall reoovered .pent Suaday with her parents Mr, dl1ugbter, Gla,dys, lind Hnrry Cor . • •a_a.... a.........a,A."'._._.............a...........a...a.............a. . . . . . "'..."'."'."'.".,.".,._.........._......._ ....~....................,..."'.""".__. . . . ~ , from the mealle8 . and Mrs , Ed Reaaon. nellllnd family took dinnsr on Bun. MillS Gcorgla.lDoook, dllY operatol Messrs , Benjamin an:! OhAII, dllY with Mr. Hind Mrs. Peul Cornell revents Sickness lit th .. Bell Exohange; Is takllJlf her EVIln8 !lttended 'he funeral ~lInday Marioll Duke, of JJn.yton, ~pent •U n h.. n • • h....... • ......... h..- U .......,...,..____ voeation. MII8 Bernloe COptley Is of tho wtf£ of Rev . Jones, fll Lovo· Sunday Rith his parentll hero . LIVE RITE5-A purely vegetable La x a ti\'e, cures Ch ro1li ' Cll ll ' hmd, F, C. BurneH aad family, ~her tilling ber plaoe. stipation, Liv er and Kidney Tro \l b les. Ask YO\lr Grol'er for it. Mra . Margaret Levioy and daugh DllLn Dyke anl1 family, Forellt Ora 'I'be ooDcer' given hy the ij, of \I , a" f rom LIIIy.on n. 6 Manufatured by ALPHA CHEMICAL CO., Springfield, Ohio band, of Xenia, Tbur~ay even I ng ter .. .. ,uy re t arn"" baw , wife and dnut;:hter and 1:5 . B In our vlllaae waa anoh enjoyed Mooda, where tbey have been th' Bllrnlltt and fAmily attended tbell:=====LIVERITES O n l y 10c=====:' &avera I from neighboring ..own!! guest of Mr, and Mr• . Ira Bart.ook . Barnett ReaDion at Frauk I::l!trt were bere. Mille Christine Kell.y, of Clnoln- 80ok '~, near Wellman, Sunday . Mra. Jamllil MoCaft'leyenLertained natl i. vllllting her relatlv811 and Hr . end _Mr/!, Wilbnr Clurk en. DR. BELL'S ANTI.PAIN New Burlington 1~8t ~eek ber daughtera Mra . Clar frleodll of 'bls vlolDItV . tert,alned on Bunday tbe following For Internel anc! External foam,.. 1I00e MimI! and family and Mr•. Rob Mr and "'ra. Brioe IiImlth autOlld gnest!' : ADthony Geisler fmd ("mlly, Miss Milqred MorriM, o f Ilnyton. '0 Dayton Thursday. of Dayton, Mrs , e , B. Wheaton, Jf is the guest of r"htivll ~ h on', GleDn aDd family . M.... Geo. Vet'era II entertaining Mr . •Iohn Brown, of LebaDon, I LI'IDII , Ohio, Mr. and Mrl!. William The I:5pring V"ll BY B>l nll rfm der Bd ber danghter Mn, Borgese, visited hll wife and po,reota lIlere Wbeaton, of Springboro Bnd W . H an open air co ncer t 11ere TUA~rl"y Mrl. Harry Oook and .on Robert ~\I.dsy . 10ar monv lind Wife avenio/( which Will' hi ghl y Il)JJlre. and 111811 Lula 80llera villl'ed with Mr . BeoJIlmin Baaeham, of 811. ! -'- -- .. - .. __ elated, THE CREATEST Clay too !:Solie... Bnd family, Thura. billll, was IhJlkiDg banda with old Mail Carriers Will Fly Mi!!s Bernice Bllwkin~ il! HJ)l"nlling d friend!! here Satorday. tbe week at Winonn. Lake, lod. ay. Thill Is lin "ge of great dls .}overiell, IN THE WORLD Mill Pearl Jont'J8, who WOl the Mrl. Minerva E . Wilsen Bnd p r 'lgre!!!14 ridel! on t,be !llr. 800n Wb Rev . 0 , M. Sellars, wif e Bnd soo I'UBUSHED WEEKlY. $4.00 PER 'fUR gUellt of Ura. E1111. Moffett for ShV_ dangbter Loul.e are VlllltlDg rela· 1may lIee Unole t)Ilm 's ~all oarriers Ralldolpb, of Jame!ltown, Visited HOTELS. DRUOOI8TS, 8PEOI'-L.18T8, 1r t eli I:! d to h tlvealn tbe Ea!!tern par' of the .tate, I flying io a\l directions, transporting with relatives bere Ii oo uple of day s C08 TUM E R S, T RAN 8 FER. 0 A B ra I 'b waeoa, re aroo nn ay er Q I K' t mati . People take a wonderlulln · last week . AND 'BUS SERVICE CAN PROF 1ome a' layton. . . U noy Ing. new a ore room terti at in a uiecovery that benefitll , . . BY USINO ITS ADVERTISINO CO~UMN8 George BeOllOu aud taml!y vilited willllooo be ready for oooupanoy. them . That's why Dr. King'. New C, B . lfoKIlY hell "Dew Bmck SAMPLE COpy FREE Dlt!oovery for Cou '· b" fJolds and touring ORr. over MUDday with hi. parenti!, Dear \Ir. and Mra. W. Weloh avent other I,hroat and lung di~eases tl the MI~s Bernioe 8a wkiu8 entertaioed Add",•• NEW YORK OLIPPER

• A girl nllver talka an arm off of a b h h th' eel mao w en 0 ... a arm a.PI In hug,tng her . • People who predlotcalaml$y aee.m &0 I~t oonlidor"ble oomrort out of 8001n" U oome true, •





J U LY H , 1912,

MeD talk

Spring Valley


D. L. CI~ANE, Editor and ManaJ;cl

tll" .. I"



Friday III Wilmington . mOllt popular medloine 10 America flt five o'clook supper Fridayeven. Robert Orony, of Detroit, tran . "It oured me of a dreadfnl oough," Ing MlsA Bernice Hailles of Wil wr!te8 Mn J , F . Davl8, Ntlokney . " leated bOliD'" bere Tnelday. Coroer, Me" "after dootor'a treat. mlngton, MISS Franoell Wilson ODd We have a very beautiful vlllagll ment and all oth'e r remedies ha.d Mis!! MArianna Compton . and If 'hll oltlzen. would each de t~lled." For oougbs, ooIds or any Mrll Frank I.eRbor was tBken to vote a Itttle more of their time In qronohlal ailflOtion ita unequaled. Dr. MoClellen'. hospital in Xenia, beautlfylnjt their lawnll aDd around Prlue 600 and 11.00, Trial bottle 8t1turday, where she will probably Ire'!! a.t all drulggil!ta. f tbelr premiliell without tbe Board or __ • undergo lUI operation 0 a very Health makiug tbem oleall up how I Spring Branch serions uture. She has a large much beal'bler It woold be. Prop, I oirol1! of frhmds wbo hope for, her erty owue" that refnae &0 out '~e Mr , aDd Mre. Frank Uawel en speedy reoovery. weeds 10 aod arouDd 'heir premise. t{jrtained Mr , Edward Roland and Mrs, Thoa. Haydook WIlS oalled abould be made oome te the front oh!1dren, la.' SUDday. to tbe bedside of her son James, aod learn obey-oae property Mrs J. B. Ohenoweth and daugh- of nllar Oakland, last week, He owner on Ela' Maia 8t, ratalioK to tel' 1<'ranoes Ilpent la.t Tl10sday wltb 8uffered a levero attaok of appeD. cut the weeds In front ot ber bome ber daugbter Mu . .Annie Lucaa and dloltis . but otlioen do your duty, thfly will fUlJlily . M , E . Quarterly Meeting, of }lew like you better aft6rwarda. MIlS Alice Cbenowe'h transaoted Burlington oiroult, wall held here busln8ll1 in Dlly&on en Wednesday &turdByand Sunday. Supt , VIlD , and was the g1llest of J!4rs. Ida Mo Pelt wal present and dell vered three Adl1m. for dinner. eJ:oellent lermonl. \ Mr. Thomaa Laoy and family en · E F. MoKay, who has been very te.'tRined Mr. Levt Laoy at Rundtly siok with liYer troable, 18 able to be ~ OUt oat again. dinner, Lester Compton i8 among the Mrs. Frank B8Ils and daughter siok, having symptoms of typhoid. L1tot!l and Mr. John ~mlth were tbe Rolla LeMar and family, of Xenia, ' guests of Mils s Alioe CheDoweth, speo~ tbe week end with relatlvell Friday , Mrs , J. B, Chenoweth and Fran· bere. oee spen' Wednellday with Mrs . Frl\nk aawell. SUPERSTITION VERIFIED. .Dbe, Jobn CHnner II! geUlng along ~ nioely lit the time of thll wrltlng. "After thirteen. years," writes lI.. matter how large your stock 'Mrs J . l:l , t:htlnOwAt.h and family rie yon Glaser, ''1 feel that I may nor how many beautiful and ieDtllrtlllHt!J Mr. '~ud Mrl! , David B , tell a story of the fatal Dumber," and attractive articles you have to offer, ILuo'll! "Ult 800B. ollturday night and describel! a dinner given by J 0118nn your effort in procuring your stock is ' BunuIiY. ' Strauss, the waltz king, at ru8 home lost unless you succeed in convincing Mr Euter"un Conner 8peat ~an- I in Vienna, at which ahe 8at between the buying public of these facts. This Idltv wUh homls folks. the host and Paul Lindau. 'I'he comcannot be properly done without newsa I Mr . Wllrreu L£\Oy returned with pany consisted of men Wld women paper advertising. The newspaper of I Emerson Conner to Day'on. I "who had sometJaing to say ~d who I Mr. Ern6st, Dakin weut to Dayton knew how to say it," and the flow of your town reaches practically every · 8liturdn.y n.ttern"on and returned merriment was at fioodtide when home in the city and for miles around to thll evening, ' Adalbert von GoldSchmint, who had and this is the quickest, cheapest and Allot Bethany Chenowetb hal reo been detained at the theuter, apmost t'ffective means of informing the turned home after speadlng a week peered. "To his question: 'May 1 people of these facts. Good advertisor more witb h,:r aon JOllhua and come in BO late?' there came a cheering backed by the right kind of goods fttmily , ful 'Yes,' and he found a plllce at always signals success. the table. Then Straus. turned to "THEREt'S A REASON.him and said, hoarsely: 'We are thir, -teen,' and to change the number the The Saler~mlUl-Plovera' ega. ,little daughter WB8 brought in and madam? Just arri1'ed. placed at a side table. 'We are still I The Customer-Rather amall, thirteen,' said the master, 'the result I aren't they? is inevitable.' That was at Easter, The a ~e, mac). ana ,,!,e laid the earliest June r08e8 \ am; OwiDg to the coal etrike.-LoDo on hie bier." i doD Sketch. -----woman eyer had all the money




New York. N. V.

DR.H.E.HATHAWAY W R.Y ues ville '8 Leadinll DeDlt., Office in Ke.VR Bldg. Main 1St


Funeral Oir.,:tor • Telephone dllY or nlgbt. Valley phone No.1. LoDIC Distanoe No . 69-'1".



Branch Office, HarveYJ1bur~. O•



~r. ' .:mrrtban't







tlto tbr l\tabrr Il1O

_ she wanted to spend. Thi!l applies to · both rich and poor. The farther you can make a dollar go. the nearer you will come to have what you desire your money to buy. Get the most or the best your money will buy by patronizing the men who advertise.



"The man pauing _ ach a timese:rver."



tbm II

"Do you think it poesible to make

an airehip ablOlutely we 1"

. "Bure," replied the mechanician "I deapi88 1that lrind.. ''llbw?'' , ''No reason to cletplle him. 'Be \ flRch • good cloekmaker!' ''DiIable it before it pta • ohaDoe to leaTe the pud!'


ahQu~d ~ Ute G~tte'



A. MAFFI1', Undertaker and Embalmer, Will be fonoll in the old Blink Building, oppoaUe the NILtional Bauk. Telephone in house and of· fice where 1 can be callod day or nigh t. V~lley Phone U-::l, Main Street,

Waynesville, Ohio

The Miami Gazette


D. L. CRA NE, Publis he r. W ,\ Y :-;I::~ \ ·II.LI : .


01110 .

To keep artlft clal teeth and brli!. . work antl. optlcll1l1 clean and fr . . fro m odorll and dlseaee ge rms, POlttln. Antiseptic Is un eQualed , At drul'g'Ist8, 25c a box or sent postpa id on r .. ce tpl ot llr lce Ly Tbe PlUtOn Toilet Co., [loston , Mass.



SYNDICATING KINDLINESS. (:oOi{ r e s~ lIu s d l'<'li n ed t o Ill corp()ra t e' l hu Illlndr<.J mil li on d"lIar Hock ... fe ll er phllnnillrol'k Ir"~1. nlld ''''rhupII It 18 J"~ I as w.'I I; 1I0 t so lU urh b~'l"lI u se th .. In lSI Illlj!hl In 1t1~ d im f" l lIr" '"Il1 (' h ow m ell :H'e lilt' Ilhe ri ll's of I hE' Ileoplp, fiH


And w ()ulLi ye pkrtnk~ or hsrvest'. lOIS, th e co rn must be 80wn In s llr1()~ -carlyle,


Red ('ros. 11.11 Illua will .usb double u l.)u u ' t p .... lUlU ally uth e r.

m lUl Y o luth es 1:\ 6 an y lIl l ltlr I.J l u e,

Wh en Feline I. In Search of Mouse Where the Light 18 Dim Pup ils of Eyes Open W ide ,

b .. ll :luse th o r efusal 1s t n ·

:1 lr('(' lIy a bl,)", al t iJp IPudell<')' of tile limo to f )' lIri lr nl e nlld 01"1;:11117.0 al l altruisti c ' ·I1'\;" " ·o r. Ind l dd uallKm 18 wlla t w e Fllo u l,1 (' n r.ou r (\~ e III t hi s Il cltl, SIIJ' S th !' t'tlltllllhia (H , C , ) Sta t e. The @ynlii c'lI ln ll I1\l)t II,III excels, pe r· baps. In ",'lIlrll' ucy ," If nne a pprnls!'s phllR ll thropy by Ihe rat e anll deg r ee 111 wh ich It t ran s la t es good wil l o n Ihe one hanel In to 1',,11,,1 and up lift o [) t he mhl'r !lu t we hnvo n ever u nLl pr · Early In the .e.son, when p la nts ar. am a ll, detp cu ltivation Is d es lr.ble. Btood t hu l th e good o f th e f(!(' lpl(' nt was t he wllO l(' or a gif t 's h I"Rsl ngs, ·Well ·dolng Il t st:'(,p nd b a ntl Is no t ro m · pa r a ble "' It h we ll·do lng tha t r eQuir e s In d ll' ld unl th o ught, anxIety and ae lf. d en ia l. One's 8(' ns e of humanity and hIs PO WNS of co m pa ssion atro pby un· d e r tb e synd icati o n sy st e m, but wb e r e o n e pe r fo rm s hIm self tb e maxImum 0 1 kIndly aets, ph llanlh roplc virtue Ie THREE GOOD REASONS ARE G IV E N WH Y THIS SHOULD BE DON E TO PREVENT THE LO S S OF MC IS T U P. E TO AERATi: THE co nstant ly being el icited. ell e rclsed and matured , It III good to se e 1\ ten SOIL AND T O KILL TH E W EE DS. dency cb ecked wh ic h In Ita log ical ex· t e nsio n wou ld cause people t o repose (By C, J . Or ant, C o ll c ~e 0 1 ,\ I;r l('ull ur (', Oh io St ale Hnlverslty,) a s mug co nt e nt In tbe doIn g of good on tli e In stallment plan . as th e y mlgbt Th e o h jPc t,; of c ul t l\' alJO Il Ill'(" prim· t he It r, a ki n>; u l t h lat e ral roo t ~ nea~ pay for a pI ece of furniture . i l'l l)'. to preve nt thu 10tis o f t ll"'~t ur8 I t !I" 'IIrfHl" ', und to a tl ra t (' t h e s oli : IICl·I, J..ll t ,lIly , A bl uely or (hp d" \'l' lo pm ('nt of Ph ll osopby la, oa somebody bas to kill \\ .... d~ (' ul t hat !on II, I' '''a ll " o r rOll lS o f I II " c.lrn plau l will di s d u.lI tlald, mere ly a more tban usually de- the w .. eder s h OUld behi ll t llre'" 01' f.HII' t he fa<:t tl lhat at 1I1·~ t t h e I' oots /.: termined effort to thin k c lear ly. Hu· dnys arter plunll ng , u r as HOU " as Iile ~Itllilltr t o la l> mu t M wb lch h n yc a man noture seems t o bave been en , w('!c ds bl'gi n to cU lIl e th ro ugh tllp ~ol l ; tf! II Uen~y III g,) d o wn In 6L'nrc ll elC dow ed wltb a restless curiosity obou l thi s IlrOL't's8 s l' oul d b e r"I"·:lI,· d Ir t'· 1lI 0iSI Ur" unci fll o,l ; and l hnt g ra d ual ly i'un n l'll; iD t lie tbe great p r oblems or exis t e n ce. Most Qu c Dtl)', til e \lr i n ~l ll a l ob j "Ll I ll'in~ t o l>lt L'ra l r Oul" al'l' kill wce<l H. Il "l' pe r "Illt inlt i,'11 wi t h ,'o ur"" of six t y 01' ~cve n t y tl u), s , ti ll' o f ua do more or less d es ulto ry t bl nk · the (' ulll \,u to r Hhol l itl b ,' gil"' 11 us soo n so il wi lJ b " liil pJ w it h root s fr om hi ll Ing about th em. nDd to that ext ent as IIII' 8u rfaf'e soil h rl't Hlll''; cump.ll:t, 10 b il l. If pr o p" r m .. th utl s o ( c ulll \' a · are phllosophera. The an cient Greek s eBll l'cl ltlly a ft. ' r (' \ ' 1'1' )' heavy ra ill , ti o n h un) tl st,d , t b e se ro o t s wil l 'Were tbe first to con elder t he prob· From th e lI lIl (, th a t 11~,' ('a r bt' gi n s rO Ill " IH'nr tht, "ur luce. Tb e g rl' at e s t Ipms se ri ous an d tbey brougbt to beM \0 ro r m utllil it Is 1I ('l\r ly nl utured, a u luo u nt of al' u:lr: blr pla nt fooLil s in t ho on tbem tbe keenest 80rt of Intelll· lar ge a ln uu nt of moistu re will be re- firs t five or s ix illl hes (,f tll O) s Ur fa l'£! gence. Since th e ir time otbe r keen qu lre d to s u ppl y tb e n ec.pssa r ), food; so il, whcr " t Ii .. ~oi l Is bett e r a erate d mInds In all ages bnve been concern ed thl" p" ri o d wi ll " x t.· nd fr ol n lli ., I" t t "r a lld th p 1Il0iSIIII " r is e; al:d e va por· w ltb Ihem. When we get a new Id ea, par t of JlI l1 e tu the m iddle uf '\II ~ IISt. !lt~s . Ic." in g th .., 30 :" t, le p lant fuu dll. for In stance , we often fee l Ill! If we If tbls mo iNtttre is to be co n" ('n'e Ll, 1'11 (' r O(ll s , t l1<''' , Bh" tti Li lJe ,'n 'oura ~l' d bad Im own It a ll tbe ti me, on ly It fr C'Itt Pllt c ultl \' at io n must be con t lt"I P'! 10 (orin \\h l' T(' tl"' r,' 11 th e lar!'t'st &s Iu w us l-'oss llJl e du r in g th e s umm e r , Htt pj> ly uf " ', uil :liI!l' plan t fo o d, '1'11 ('50 bad ne vcr come to t he s url a ce b e fore evpn a ft H til tJ plant lia s ta~s , ' l e d. la" l fl t r a ,' ll I I ~ l ila t (',Il ly In til e s,'asUIl In our mind s and been recogniz ed be· Many object to thi s , !m y m g th u t late d" LIl ~ulll\ul :" n ~lloll lli \J c. p rll ('l lc (·tl fore. Does thi s menn that som e bow dee p c ulti vat ion will " tir e " th " plant, un ci th a I. Il g tit ., J'C llI ts r om ' n('lI l' t ho 1111 frag me nts of It co me to cu nsclo us· that Is , t he luw e r lea ves will b E' ~ i n to " ud al'c <Iur in,.: J u l)'. " ballow cll lt l\,iI· n ess? We descrlb o a certain t able 8S dl r , tlu e to t h e fa c t that t he foo d nn ll li o n s holll ,l h e gh' o> n : the fi n r tlle sU1ooth. (Ju t loo ked at thr ough a mo is ture t; UPIJly lias bef:n n il o fT b y I c ultiva to r t ell l h. Lba be t e l'. micros co pe 'I seems rou g h. A stili more powerful gl&s 8 ml~M rndlc a lly ,



four muncy

He " ' ho h.- sit At e D Ie los t _ wbe.n he 18 found out.


SlIm t) I I( ' r ~ (Jl I !"C

wI ll h .. ll Y Oll tl ntt cn tt; in t il t· da r k . ~ O w Dot h i lJ J; rau '(p e i ll (1 113 tIa r l" IJUl ~") Itl (' :1 n l l " nl' ran


Cilil M('o('

wit h II " r" ill li ~1l 1 I (> ~ s 1I /! lIt tlIHn ot hf' r s. j llH I liS ,0 111" c:l llI el'llti w ill (ak . ... jlktu l'(' willI 1(' 5;; ligh t th a ll o t hf' I'H , l.1t l ll' Ho- p , , !,,), Ra t f n .:H u~I, · t · p Y II" Pjlf'1l ,II' ~Iosc th e 1('l1s In a t'n lll l: fn Ullll ' llth 1\ I ii).!' I n ' a I\ t' ltr (lid HI Y : nt' ,,(, I'd lno: t o till' II 111011 n I o f II J; ht , or ;\ t)l g . I'\H\ IU \ lind r U l, 1'1,.., ) ' 0 11 " pet'll li P ti le s hlili e l' or sl ow • ~IlW 11, '1' Il !' " IJr< ~ul, A rll l :-4 ultl witt) H Io; l ullt : " U lin - li lY! '· It <lo wn , T ho h um nn ey e ti Des thi s Il li lo tllut · ,\n o! It t t l,< !I,l. ' ·," (I l4tH}' j '(1 fll "I I af.l l ('op p I~al l )'. n~ tb l' pU (l1l eX I)n ll,l ~ or ('Oll ' '1'111 H b. ·.· h m~~t ll"; " "lin d ~Jt1tIlJ: Ilt' r tU1 rt t rar t i< a cco rd ill l{ 10 th e a lli o unt " I 11,, 111 :" Ili'll 11 1' ~I !t ' ttld MII!" t 11M. A ll d l nl'c t : " \\' 1\111 " ~ \ In~~ 10 whlrh It Is eX [l osf'd ; bu t cal" <"a ll e xpa nel 0 (' contntc t tb e pupil s of t he ir 1 w pu ld lil 'S I Kt:l Il\\ a ~ fr.Hll Ilcre. "


ey(18 nl pl f! H. su r e, Ju s t

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shut tiJ e S \{)JlS In the lens of yunr ca mp rn, \\'h pli C!l t M lI t'e tl ot Ilnrtlruhll'l\' a ux, 1 0 \l ~ 10 Sf' P IInnhlu g the Jl ll pii~ " t th!"l r i'),PS I,p, 'ome no thing but ua t'l" )W Bilt s , lik e thl ":

Ro horn.- a h p d h1 J;p (nn d no t v.' r y 810 wl) Alld

~hn w (o "

II ' ct lllll ' "7\llt th .. r Iw r cu r ; A lh l d,<ll " ;\I , dhel' anh.l. A M P;!t", W I I\;I !)\'II u l ' "t' r h" ad :

How Mr•• Bethune was Reo .tored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham'lI Vegetable Compound. Sikeston. Mo. - "For oeve n yeara J Infrered every t~intr. I was In hed for four or Ii ve days at _ time 8V ,' ry month, and 90 weak I could hardly walk, I had cramps, backach. and headache, B n d \\'1\8 so n e rvous a nd w eak that I dreaded to 8ee allyone or I hav e a nyone move in th e r oom, The docI tors g ave me m edl· cine to ease me st those times, and aaid that I ough t to h",ve an operation. I would not li sten to that. and wh e n a friend of my hU8band'. told him about Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg,. e mble Compound ami what it harl don. tor his Wife, I was willing to take it. Now I look the pi cture of health and fE'e' I like It, too. I can do 1111 my own house-work, work In th e garden and entct'taio company and e njoy the m, and can ..'alk as f~ as any ordinary woman, lU"y day In the week, I wish 1 could talk to eve ry suffering woman /Uld girl, and tel'l them what ' Lydia E. Pinkham's Vefetabl. Compound haa done for m e.' -M rs. D EM'" BETHl'NE, 8ike8oon, Mo, Reme mber, tlle remedy which llid thlD WB8 Lydia E. Pinkham' . VlIICetabl. Compound. It has helped thoU8andsof wOlnen wh() have been troubled with dispI8'{;eme ntll, Infla mmation, ulce rati on. turno1'8, irregnlariti es, periodic pains, hack llche. that bearing down feeling, indi g el tion. ami nervousprostration,afte r nllorbe rmeaDII have fai led. Why don't you try itt

'~~;:;Ic~'I ~; .~'~'~ ),~~~~~I~'~~ys I ApPl!tlte I. ' Best Guide, S ays P ro ml· nent Lond o n PhY810log iat- Few Import a nt Essentials.

Th e Ruli jl'c t o f " ' li nol fecdlng , on whI ch a con fl't' PIl CtJ la to lJc h Id a l tb e Lo ndo ll l ;u ll.lh a ll, w aM d iscu ssed re"e nll y by 1\ prOlll ltl c t.l t London ph)'6' lol og ls l. 8U), S th e lJlllly ~Ia ll ot that c it y . "A s t o th e nrt un l IImount of foon a s rh oo lho y Il petl s, th t:' I\ppe t lte Is the aaf"ijt gultl<' ," h,' ~ l n tt'd , " I"our mell is a duy fl r C' rNplir <,<I , Ilreakflt Ht Is a l· \\'II,\" " n n IlIIll o rr a lit 111<,,1 1 with th e s l'hoolboy I Jl flr t lelllnrly If h e hil S hnd II lig ht ~ 1 1 ]l jl e r th o nlgbt before) and Is s h ould be 1\ full, he ar t y m eal . Pupil. a t Ease, " It Iliay ilE'gln with 0 m od (> r ale dl~h Ru t \\' h ~ u n ca t Is bunUng a mou se of po r ri dg e , with pl enly o f s ug a r ntu) In n roo m wh Ne th ere Is ve ry little rich milk ; afte r thi s o>gg s a nti bacor lI !: ht. or wh e n tbe c at Is lJ e lng hunted or fi s h, plent y of hreRiI Hnd butter 1.1)' sOllie bad boy s aDd wllnts to se e w eak t ell ( tu ll ,le \\'Ith bo t m ll ll) uutl 9 moderat o am o ll nl of murma illd o, A '~ \' e r y move tb e bl)YS IlI l1 ke , It opens t h e pupils of Its e ye s until tllcy are raw appl e mu'kes lin e xc ell e nt e nding for breukfasl. Ilr II o'clo k a ru s k lP erfec tly rouutl , o r d ry hl ~<' 1I1t and n g lass of co ld milk will pro ulIhl y he n\)pre cl fl t ed . "Dlnn;r lit on l' o'c loc k Rho uld b, the hen vy m enl of th e doy and " h oul~ co mbl n c a p'nl' rOIl S a moun l o r 11 11 01 th e th r ep Im po rta nt food e le ll1pnt sprot (> 1116 11tI (':l t R anll c b ee _e) , faLB lind carbohyrlrllles IRtnrr hes ntld su g~ rs' . Vel\ e t.oIll c ~ O ll j!, ro a~ t o r hOlle d hll tl'h e r' s n~ ellt 6 , g\'(' on vel(e t ah les lind Jlot !! tOt1< und a Illlfitlitig or co l'l Rw ce t form n r ('n~ otl n b l e !!,pnu. Tbe cbU d sbou ld drlnl, wlIt e r wi th hl n dinner, not milk , as t h e IlItte r wh en taken wltb beavy tbat our senses g ive us? We wonder Since the )lLlnl Cood ID iI!]Bid rna. In a thrp!"Y(' a r ro tat ion at th e Uh lo food reta rd s dl gesllon. wbere we come frOfll and what the nu r e is di ssoil' p.d In wat e r , It is m os t expNi me nt si al io n, lil l' vnl ll o of II ton " lleg nl ll.rl t y of llIpnl timeR and ple n· relll meanln,; of life Is. Tbese a nd valuable I1nd at th e Burn e Um e mos t of manu re , whic h Imd uec n Sh!'lt PI'cd, ty o r tim e OVN , th e mpslR (to preelmlll\r Ilroblema come up at times In easily lost. Th e onl y way to pr e l'('n t W:!.H $;~, ~2 , Of co ur se, ,,' h e ll mU!lure vent tbe 'bolting' at food) are 111110 Pupils Open Wide. tbe minds of most peraons, whether I thlt; los s Is t.) hU\'e a wat c r ti g ht Is r e info r ced with ph 03 p h o r ll ~ , Ite of th e ut mo s t InlJJOrto n ce If tbe filII etudents of philosophy or not, says floor . These are ch~npe~~ ~h':.J !,H1 dc "alu!' Is mu t:h bl g he r ulltl, it the la s l, If ~'o u happen to b e between the cat benefit or th e Cood IR (0 h e obtained ." the Kansas City Star. A con8ldera· of concrete. A cem e nl , flo o r w ill pay ijl g errecl Is C()ll ~id c r ed, p p e r ion nnd th e light you \\'tII see a peculiar tlon of such QuestlonB certainly tends I Cor . Il ~e lr, a !l \as bee n .9 h~ wn by e x· Is pro ba bly not lIu relloon ubl c. LO~ 8e a 1~lealD In tbl s " ' Id e open pupil, w hi ch FIND PLEASURE ON COASTER to Wid e n the horizon, Bnd to give 11 ' pertGle nt s at ~ ooster, \\ IH r e t IVO lots by cure less han el lllJg fr ('{lueut ly r (!a t:ll la t be reflection of tbe IIgbt at the on e· half th e I'alue at the manure ; If every woman whose little one I. back of tb e cat's eye. possible background to existence. of stee rs we r e t ed, one OU Ull earth Vehicle Is Operatl!d by Small B01 troubled by eczema. rinporm. r asb or • ftoor and th e I)l.her on cem e nt. The thu s , th e lo se on a ton muy r ellch Pumping Vertical Handle-Won't tetter only knew that eimple b aths with 10SB will not be as greal o n a CIIlY $1.60. On enost fnrms o f 80 to 100 Go Backwards, I The New York Telepbone Company no o r as a ll a ftoor or a 1I 00011te r eo ll. Resinol Soap and a IItlie Resi nol Ointacres on e hUlidred 10tl s will be pro- LANGUAGE USED IN SPORTING ment 8pread on the tortured skin would baa given twenty ot Ita omce m e n I\l a nure appli ed to the neld as soo n du ce d ea c h YP lLr n ntl on mallY rarmS An Improv e ment on boys' coasterl .oop the Itching /Uld burning at once. outside work a s sollcltof8, atld has as m ad e wi ll 10Ae leB S than It will m o r e than thi~ . This lo ss on such II Many of Term. I. Our Inheritance hilS bee n .mnde by aD II11nol8 man. and quickly clear nway 411 trace of the From Middle Agea-Phraseology supplied tbe vacancIes created In their I inse undf' r othpr condi tio n s , TIl e!''! far m w ill be $160 In a year, whIch 18 Tblll veblcle, lik e so m e olher coast· eruption, there would be (ewer Buffering. Extended to JYIan. former positions by engaging women, l lIl llY he t wo objections to Imm ediate tb e eq ul\-al e nt of mOl'e than 6 per ers, Is o pe rat ed by th e rider PUDI ping dis6i'\lred babies. (ewe,' mothers worn who will be kn own os cas hi e rs. Tbelr ap pli cation : First, the fields mu y Le ce nt. Inte rest on $2,600, Eve n though a vertIcal handl e wblch moves bac k out by constant wolT1 and ~re. and Mu ch of the lan guage us ed tn vnrl · busIness Is to band Ie tbe large suma Dludlly at tbe time when the man ur e 1\ low valu e be pla ced on th e maa nd Corth and propels the car by each fewer liVeR made mi"erable by skin (.us sports Is ou r Inh e rltunce from th e nure, a barn Inr ge enougb to sh elter In nIckels, dime s and Quarters whl c b mu st be mov ed; second, th er e lI1ay be motI on . In this couster, b ow o"er, trouhles which have ~rsisted 8ince inDiffe rent kinds of times w~e n th ere la no fi eld to wblch It will be a "ood lnvestme nt In m a in, Jnlddle ages. reach tbe offices of tbe company from be ast s when In c ompanies were dlstln· tb ere Is n o lost motion, and wben fancy. pay stations In dltrerent parts of th e Altoo . t all ~n1ltlJt.t. nit R • • ID ot 80ap (2lIa) g ul shed by tbelr own particular epl· coasting the ha ndl e, Ins tead of ba ng· Ing abotl t dange rously, Is nt res t. antllteillao l Otu tm eu\. ( ~ ) It Yl1 ur a do,o. flO," clty;---It 18 stated b, oftlclals or th e th et. which was supposed to be In th ey ,...Ill bt! o""II.d ou rt'ce lpt o f Ilrtce. HeD'" t. Al so , the Dlecbanlsrn Is so arranged Dep1.. IR, l{e.duol Ch emical Co., D&It.l more,lI cL company tbnt they hnv e found wooten so m e mann e t· desrrlpUve of the habits of th e animal s , To us e tbe wrong Ih at th e wheel~ cnn not turn bac k· more r e ll a!> le and less In clin ed to . ~.~!~_~~~ ~~~~~ fo rm of thf' se words s lIlrj erted the ward , thus p reve nting It from rulllng ~irl+~~~~~~~ yield to t emVLo tlon th a n me n In Ila n · bac kward d own a s tee p bill IC the boy would ·be silor l smll n to ridi c ul e. dlln g cRsh. ~nd yet tb e re are men gets e xhuu ste<} pumping It up. If tbe Mnny of these t er m s have pns~ed who assert that women b ave no SeDSI! awny , bill some of th em are stll1 r eof bu. ln ess ho nor, tai n ed , This li st from the mid dle ag es Da;. Is still good uRnge totlay. A "prIde" A New York jud ge bas decIded that of 1I011 S , a " Ie pe" of leopari!s, a "herd" CARTER'S LITTLE the car cODlpany Dlust se ttl e If a o r hort s nnd of all sorts 1) [ deer. a W 'ER Pft.LS are slee ping pnsse ngcr's trouse rs are stol. "bevy " of ro p-s, II "sloth" of h ea rs , a fe8?Qnslble - they en rro", his ber tb at a s t atio n th ro ul(h "~ Itl gu lar " of boar8, a " sou nder" of wild aol only give relief - they penna· swine , a "route" of wolv e s. a "hurras" a wIn dow , Tbe compaoy ougbt to be M!lltlycureC. . o f ho r ses , n "my " of rolts, a "stud" of required . nl ~o , to car r y an e xtl'a po lr ttl,l&lIos. mar es, a "pac e" or asses, a "b arre n" of tr o us c r s lor the relief of tb e paslions us o r mlll es, Il "tp,am" of oxe n, a "d r ove" thc!!m tor lIenger II" ca se 01 such nn embar ra&of I!ln p , II " nOCI{" of sheep, a "trit e " J f Bill........ IIlng occ urrence. -.:onts, a "skulk" o f fox e s, a "down" of tlae. Sick H.adeeM, SkIa. har es. a "nest" of rn bblts, a " clowd c r" SKALL PIlL, SMALL DOSE. SMAll. PPJCI. Denve r boa s tH th a t In Its puhllc of r ats , n "srhrewdness" or apes nnd Genuine mUlt bear Signature Hcboo la g ir ls ove r twel ve yea r s o f. a, "IRhor" of mol e s. age are taugbt cooking , se wing. la un· Al so, of anImals when th ey retired dry work, tb e care of .ch lldre n, respec t t o rest, a ha.rt was said to b e "harb ored ." 1\ roe hurk "hedded," a hare for busbsnds. tb e wise manageme nt "form ed," a rabhlt "set. " Tw o grey· of Inc omes and some art by which ; hound s were cn ll p. d a "br8c~ . " but two tbey cnn earn a liv Ing , But Denver l One of the w.ateful method. of applying m.nure, A .preader wou,,31 be Boys' New Coaster. harri ers were cRll ed a "couple" Th ere omIts to m e ntion h uw many are grad· better, wn~ !ll ro a "m ll te " of hOllnds for a coas ter ge t s along too fnst down a uated eac b year , the manure can be applied , The ob- talnlng eoll fe rtility, and ."\ addition nllmber, a "kennp.I" of r aches. 8 "\It· bill wh t?n It Is hf':lned t hat way a very t'~ r" 01 wbelps amI a "cowardice" or effect ive Lrak e can he brought Into The WIUlIlg"lIlcot of one of New :~ c tion to applying fr e8 il manure to a will be at value for SLOra!;e aod c ur s , play a nd st op It at once. Tb e veblcle York 's larges t vSllde \'lIl e bouses bas , ~t('e p hill s i,le Is nut \\' (' 11 foutHl ed, for sh e lt er. This kind of descripti ve lIhrasp nl oJ1:Y At Wooster, In a ftv e·y ea r rotah" O Is designed to pnf!'g uRrd tb e boy, aa de cid ed to ba r mOlh e r.ln .lsw jok es th e r e III always a small PI' 108S wh e n ' \VllS not c onfined to birds and bea s ts, we ll fiS giv e him pleasure. Il blt ' b "b It Is spread (l1an wh eu poor ly s to red . of corn, oats, w h eat, and t1m', and to pro I . um o r w le b Is If m a nu re Is to be " ton :tl . a shE'tl of wh e r e 16 taos of manure have b ee n but wn s extended to th A hum a n a~· bo.&ed upon a mon's ability to be un· Bo m e kind furn ishe8 th e tIlost practl· npplJ cLl a t the rute o ~ 8 tons on cora ell'S r. nel tb elr va rlous pro pe ns Ities, Honey Fudge. true to bls wire wit bout permittIng cal m eans rtf sIlv ln !! fe rtility, CllI t ern s and 8 tUllS o n wheat, the manure ha9 natures and callIngs. One and on e ·half c up s ot white IIU· ber to know It, Tbls 18 tbe kind for catehill!; th e li quid will aave plant had the val ue of $2.40 per OOn; and ga r, one c up of bl'Own sugar, on4!-balf of an uplift tbat may really uplift. Care of Peralan Glrlll, food , but thei r use is not advlRob l(' wh e n 11 t ons been us ed at tb. cup 01 milk, one tsn·c e nt bottle of In thle country. A sma il sh ed with rute of 4 ton8 on corn nntl 4 tons on "Great care III taken that the P~r. honey, tllU l1l8pOon of vinegar, IImall Tbe su ltan or Moro<'co has decldE'd a ti ght floor can be built at small wh e al, the value has bee n $3 .00 per IIlan slrls shall conform to th e recog· pi ece of butter , Boll lIugar and milk . .. tbat s lncll Fran ce has taken e ve ry· cost and will answer every purpose t o n, n r an lr'l creasfl of 60 ce nts p er nlzed Htandard of beauty, which reo until Il forms a soft ball In water, B,d d tbe hnney and boll unUi It forml a DAISY FLY KIWI lbJng else he mlgbt as well move over If the manure Is not left in It too long, ton tor a thin a pl)il cotl on whe r e th e quires her to have a cypr~ss waist, a <II.., _ OOD.~ Th Is structure will care for a rew amount Is limited. In gene ra l, light tulJ·moon face, pzeUe eyes and eye. 80ft ball In water, add ylnegar and to Paris a nd le t France kee p him, too. -~ loadll until the ground Ie In condition applications mado frequ e ntly will br ows that meet," , says a travel1!r. butter, beat until creamy, ........ lIa ...all 01 give la rger ..retu rns thnn heavy ' a~ " Her eyell • . brows and hair mU9t-beetaI, ..... to he driven over or wo rk III less That report of King George Invent. . h a_ r wlllaot ... t_ b:lack 08 Dlgilt, h1!r IIpt1, cheeks and Onee ,Wail ~"OUI ' llyth,_S. preliuJlDg. Manure &t('red In 8 - shed pllcaUons at longer Intervals. tDa a coal·savlng cook StOY8 11'&8 "r won de r" muted lIttle Harrr wbo 0 _ .lIoetI. . ' M , A. BA CHTELL, gums as red ' 81 blopd, tler skin and of this kind for' any len gth of tim e , ' _ ' hid b, d ........ '. aprune jUllt at the moment when It should be kept molat and ,packed College' of Agrlcultu.r ., Ohio Btate ' t.,.~h aB white al aliJrondll, and her was studying ht. Sunday ~lsOol 'Would make blm most popular. University. llai:k, limbs nDd tlllgers 10DA', 11 tbe~ son', , "1l men ' wlil ' ~"r Itn 'to be 500 , ~ ........... ~.'fII!IO~a;~' down, . ' ibftdit10DS .are lIaturaUy abllent ' thet or flOO '·yearlr-ol4IiRalii'" . ' , ·•• \Oo;.II0_'()IOA~ On. ChIcago woman baa had hel ============.=::;'= ===:;::'=============-=i' • !l1re' lIupplled, as tar , as pOl8lble, . by "No l' gu'!!•• 'not ,) repUe!!." bl• : • iw., u. , . DO .~ . . . ' IaUband arre. teCI becaulle he did not Keep , the barn ana other outbulld.j The first cultivation .-Iven ~~e eol'D art PeTltan women alwaYII plllnt. year.oid l lll,Bt~r, ..if~e tord 't,d8cl tll'I ·~;o~.,--ntm"&~ollll. t~: IdM b.r, JJmoBt any bUlband .boWel lIIP painted . •, Paint presen'. _ ~d should be d~ep, ·but later tr8queQ" thelr .eye. da,lened wI~1i khOl and ezperlment· on08 anI! tIIey lOt 10 bat " . ( IMproYII8 thelz . app8araaC8. ., lhalIo~ c:ulUv'a~oDa an Mvllabl. ~.air.. llup~. • 00ilec1 :wllh IIn11&o.... prol&4 ~. comPllm.nL to dro. .·. . . oUIl...,:, ' . ' W. NaU.. CINCINNATIiI HQ. ," " • • .



~=:;~:b~~a? 0r;~~a~:ebeh~~~ICt~~8d~~: , MANURE


'Skin-health for baby in Resinol


The Army of






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TI'D·I·dEI', .,;






,Dl(j"NCi UP A6URlE


Minister's Wages Pressing





Relics of an Unknown Race


the Comfort of the Paslor .


NE suhj ... rt, at I.!ast, trl'ated In ro' l' ort ~ r en tl ut th e N ew Ell g land Sout h ern Mcthodlst F.p l~"ni'a l "" tlr(' r nce, sbould flnt! Bym l'UII It' tl r, ItttpI II '''"t 8pprec la· t lon b.r til n, ,, \I l' I,l tl ant! wllhou t the dt' tlomln l1 ti u ll un.] I he e('r l!'sl ns tlcal " a i llug 1' 1" . lIlaltH of mlnt ster s' sal arlc s " a ~' prf'ti l·tlt,'d hv Distri c t SIl' I't'rlntenrl"nt I ' olllt,,~ or ;h e :>; e w lied· fO rd dl st r ll· 1. ~Ir ( 'ollitus flnd s thnt ~ x (' h ur"h('~ fJr ill . dpll4 1ml nlltl n n In t ho Snuth c t'll 1'\«'''' England conre r· " n" e !Jay 11"' lr Illl nls l"r8 " hardly 8 l i ving W" ~ (' , nnrl Hl lt tl.\' of t hr tll less tllnn a 11"llll( w n~;e . " As to th e snellll · pr'8 standard 0 1 a II vln/{ IVnl(e l et It h .. kn uwn Ih llt 42 4'l1t1,s pay from $:,O () t o ~7i141 Ru l ary , In r'lll rllnJ: parson · nl(.... anf\ 4(; I'ay I , ' ~s t hun $500, In,· lud · Ing par sonagl! Th~ dlHtrkt superln , " h ere IIro f!lsl'inat lo tJ or myst4'J'y At i ll t end ent s ay . trul y that WAges III m ORt IlR low as those of tbe hun~s heavily u pon the (lreetrlklng opprat lvf!s at Lawr en ce and hi stori c ~op l e" of the Am erl· l ess tb a n I hose or t he 8tr~!l lahorer." !'a n IIOltth weHt , \\' Idl e s4'it!uce flr8t to drnw the att ention or the Ital· Surely Wort:hy of His Hi re. 18 lJu ~ y nb Ul th r ill lind lias Ian goyprnme nt to the lrensures wld eh Tbe M ethodis t s ore not aloM b f!~ n able to relld In til" ruin . Il! (t by the sands o f Ostia we re co n e-eallng , among t h" denominations. prohably, In (h'm mltrb of tho l,ursult s, ,'u stum s, SOlli e uuthorlt les on ar c ba eolo ~ y al· underpaYIng th e i r ministry , Wben tho habits and r eligi ous bpll pfs or the m os t disco uraged Profeesor L onclonl costly edu cational preparation and tbe build ers , It Is sil eut as t o ~h elr origin In hi s flrst attempts, but a short work Boclal nnd c ultured requir ements' for IUlJ !lnal dell tln y. was quite suffici ent to prov e what an tlllI mod ern Ch ri sti an m inistry nre Whal 10 now soutb""estprn Co l orallo, Important poge or hi story Os tia would coneld ered, It mllst be co n ceded that centra l and northern Kew ~I exic o , dI 8('lo~ to th e world If Its rulnR w er e th e operativ e and 018nuol Illhoror II northern Arizona and l1 4l uth ea stern brought to light. b etter otr thnn th e great majority or U tab, co mprising a territory of 200,OOU The ex cn vatlons at Ostia bave now preac h ers and pastors. It Is no de- sQu nre mil es, Willi at one tim e, hUll ' un e-o vere d th e tw o mal n t hot'Ough · t enBe ror lfi y men to say that c lergy· dreds, yes, snd per)lops thousands of rores of th e town , the "d('('umanus" m en are doing t heir work for higher years ngo, the home o t a race of 11 eo· lind the " ca rdo ," whkb, ac co rding to con sId erations th a n the material. The pie who from t be pec ullor loca ti on o f his tbelr dwellings are known D..S the l'1I 1T Romon lopography , marked tbe fir8t Mnster "hall not ""here to l ay foundations of the ('lty . Th e deru· b end," but to him was rreel)' extend· Dwell eI'll, wrlles \V , C . McUrld e In the monus, th e street le ading t o tile sen, ed tbe hospItality ot th .. people or his current number of the Pa c ifi c M on thly . land and tIm e , H e lived 08 did tbe A better conce ption of t h e t erm ClifT WIIS lIank ed by portlroe9 leading to sh o V8 or prl vote houses. So m e ot the averago or Ih e pl ain neople to whom Uweller Is obtained by uea rlng In mlnll preach ed- n either be t~r nor tho fact that tbe cou ntry whe r ein tb ey portl cop s hn va hpen fOllnd III ex rellenr be co ndit io n !lnd 1I10St of the Willi s nre worse , nut Is this tru e of tho min· dW4Jlt Is unlike any other on tile g lobe , sou thern Tbls terrllor)' drained by th e San Juan also w,,11 prest'rved . These wall s are, Ister, say, In t he sma ll er JI'l eth<XIlst parlsbes! river Ilnd ILB tributaries , and parti eu· IlS tJ8 11al In Roman arC'hltecltlre, rat~· New England el' thlrk , thus showlnJ!; that the heat Th e mIni ster does not enjoy the rree- larly tha : part known !lB Fou r C oro e r ~, must hay') bpen con siderable III the dam f rom flnonclol nln ch tbat hie where Colorado, New Mexico, Art 'LOnn town, psperlnlly 09 almost every house average pari shioner does. Tbo tncltl' lin I. lJwh form n Junction, Is wllhout n bellI'S tmc e8 of an open spoce ur slon o r th e porsonage rent ns the doub t uno of the illOst rug!;ed, broll e u, " ernnd a whI ch opt:ns toward Ihe w,n equIvalent of 90 much wages Is octual· arid and desolate Ilppeari"g r tl l; lO n~ III Iy a co nsiderabl e r edu ction from the the cOi l tioenl. The zigzag wat er and '18 . h eltered frOID the sun' s rnys Th e th eat er , whlcb lies c l o@e to t ne figures given . Men In most callings I co urse" UloSt or whlcb for t), ,, great er decllmnntls, still bellrs Its orlgl7:al r ecelvlo g $300, $400 or $500 a year do part of the yea r are ahsol ll tt'ly dry , form and some or Its COht mn R, It I sfat· not psy th e renl als at which pArson· flow lit th e bott om or deeD gorges and Th ese, like the ca nyons, shut In by Ilel'l~ndl('u l ar ues ond Its m osa i cs are besutl f ully ages are 8ppral s£'n ,'I.lble evl' sandstone walls, tuwerlug al BOUle preserv ed. The capitals at th e co l · churcb edifk es, b eing umn s Bre of remarkable wurl<man· ~hences of th e degr ee of libe rality of pla ce to Ihe height of 2,5 00 t eel. From e parishioners, nre spldom shabby. til e main ca nyons otb ers brau ch orr III !!blp and Judging br th eir h el g-ht Dnd put \' arlou8 directi ons alld from th ese st ill by th e size of th e stotues whicb adorn· There Is more willingn ess to ed the entroncp. of the theatpr the l at· shingles on the l'OOt than clothIng on Jtbers until one b~comes lost In a v eri · table lahyrlntb or cracks or Mo tbe r t er must hsve be en an exce ... dlngly the occupants. Reproach to the Church, Eartb ; :. n Intrlca.te system of canyon s. large building to hold several tholl ' M en or educotl:on, ability, Infi1lence, On: he blgh deser ts ur mesas the other sBnd peoille. It was fOlln,l ed by Agrlppa Rnd rl'storrd by Caracalia Il t of "power In the com munity," serving extreme IB met, tor bere on e v ery band th A e nn of thl' fourth century , In tbe community, fe edJng Its Intellec· rise immeose cllrra and crag9 or all this tb ealE'r was found a large statue tua!. cu lfnred nnel spIritual names, up. colors and nt nil angles, alng le an,1 I n &roups, one upon the o ther In uewlld e r· of Venu s whlrh Is now at th e Lot eran holding the standard of tbe homesMU 5rum In Hom!!, ,vhlie nnothl'r, th., m en of tamlly. often wltb th~lr own Ing conf usion . Worll hy the action or Vt'nu8 of the Spa . h a~ been f o und bur· education to pay (or nnd th eIr chll· tbe elements Into overy -:on 'e lvable dreo's to plan f or, gIvIng all their ,bape and semblance, u lau ,lsC'olJe \'Iew I('d undern enth the Rtage. A /!r f' nt part of th" d eculllllnus hall time: their soul, with less versonal 'rom a high lloint Is mllgniflcent . yet to be unf.'arthed , the greateRt liberty and prIv i lege Ihan any otber gorgeous, sublime. Here is 0 natural und Ilerhllp s th e mOlit Int f' rest ln g part . worker, all ror a dollar or so a day brltlg .. heslde which Ihe famouM arcb aDd perhaps n furnished house! Now ~t Vtrgtnl ~, Is a toy; tb ere Is a cathaas this Is th " portion F.IlProac hlng till" sea, where the famous port Is sup· these are conditions existing In popu· ,dal or templ e, many limeM Inrger thaa lous, prosperous sonthern New Eng· St. Peter's; just beyoud, a hnronlal Jl(}Sed t o have been In e xit t('nce Profe ssor \ ' ag lle rl - wllO, In stlr( es~l on land; not In a 11ew land, among a cnstle with towers nnn turre t s, while to I..I\n ('13111. IR n o w 111 rIJarg e of th (' struggling plonee:r people. It Is In an Itlll beyond, down near th e horizon , exranll inna- thinks that he mllY not old and great and Inftuentlal denomln· Is a c ity with Its dOilies alld BPlrp.s laymen twice as high ns the Wa shing ton mono onl)' come ur rORS the \\'nll s of tbf' atlon, whose pre,acbers and are strong men; not In a new and ament. port Rnn It s clocks, hut t hnt he rna" scattered sect, w!'th mere handfuls of also flnd th e remaIns of ancient ShIp:. adherents here and there, Firat Known to History. ann at uny rat e lIJ'chspologlcal mAte· In tbe . same report from whIch Tbe Ilrst blstorlcal accounts of the rlnl "f the I!'r eat ellt Importance for ttl(, thes.e tacts are taken there are relics of thl8 Inte r esting peovle come reconstrllctlon of this old port . numerous evidences of the devotion from tbe SI'/l.nlards nud (rom Informs.and IIbernllty of the churches In other tlon collec t ed by them we l earo that JIIatters, The church strIves general. thl.. ruins or to-day are the same as more thnn r ed hot as It sweeps P8St, Iy tor the C8use ot better condItion. they were 366 years aKO. whllo In other cases th~ comet at Its for humanity, for' charIty, education, Prof. Holmes, of tbe Swltrsonlan In· nearest IIpprollcll to the su n Is ar-",ttf...+ -'u.. th&- dlssemlnlltlon of goOd cheer stltutlOtl, one or the Ilrat to stuely th e From a to the distressed, tor the kingdom 01 ruins trom a truly scleutlllc method, slrl .. thp orbit of the ellrth. stat Islleal study or t1lese ' orbits, It heaven on enrt h . Why not more con- I wak es tbe !ollowlng c lassillcat lon, appears I'robabbl e t hat those comets cern for the past.or's comfort, to as· 1 which haa generally been odopted by that are discovered and obs erved from sure hIs ch eerful 'vIew of life, the edU' j Btud en t8. li'lrst- Lowland vllluges In th e (' orth constitute only a small rrac. cation of h i mself and his cbll(lren, whic h dwelt the purely agrl clliturol tl on of tile total lIumber that enter materIal sunshine for hImself and hll dasses, th e sites rhusen tIe Ing always or belon~ to the Bolar system. To be helpmate7 "The church paye tbe In th e most fertile valleys an'l cl ose to dl8coyprell at nIl, a comet either mUSI lowest wages pOssIble," says Mr. Coul. rivers. be unusu lllly big and bright or It must tas. The church m ember wbo In hIs I ,,<,cond-Cave dwellIngs Cl.Ves artl. COllie 11 1'111' the earth, an. wIth due busln~s8 "pays tbe lowest wages PO&- tidally enlarged, otten 'cl osed Ilud r e feren ce 10 Ibese conditions and to sible, would be cbarged with faillna: strengthened wltb stone or adobes of the average number of comets that tar short or th e standard tur human kneaded clay dried In the sun su c h "I are found year by year, It appears that brotherliness that Is ex~cted of tho ' are sllll used by the m Oderu p 'u eblo 10' for every comet tbat ever co m es h. profeSsing children of God . The moral dian 1 for building theIr huts , side the orbit ot the earth there must prIncIpII' that It Is the genernus giver I Tbird - Clirr housea. lrue' fortresses b e SODle 46 or 60 that never come 80 who receIves generously doubtless to wblch the people or Ihe valleys near tho sun nnd which must therefore would. find demonlB tl'atlon In a church probably retired when dang er threat. In great part remain undiscovered . An better served It Its ser\'nnts were bet· ened. even more Btrlklng . conelu!\lon along ter pald .-Provldellce Bulletin. It may be well 1.0 etate here tbot It these lines Is that It we c~1Int the or. Is the opjnlon ot mOllt recent Investl&a· bit of lile most distant plnnet, NepThe Me•• ure of Man, tore tbnt tbe lowland cities and vII. tune, a8 flxlng the boundary of th e 801 . In thp kingdom of Christ greatnels lages were inhabIted by a dlrrerent ar system. 1 here Ilre at 1111 times pres. Is not measured by size, but hy use- people from those of the elltr d wellinss ent within this spherical domain sev. !ulness. Tbe greatest man In the prol>er. era I thousand comets, thl! a\'ernge kIngdom of God In the mlln who doe. These valley towns were lold Otlt lIumber being a trtfle under 6,000, but the greatest amount or good In the wIth great regularity, usually In the or th ose thousand there are visible world. The tlrst man to whom tbe form of parallelograms or cIrcles, a~ from tbe earth at anyone time hardly arms of Christ are outstretch(,rl Is the parently with the Intent or arrording more than one or two. It must not man who gives a cup of cold wnter tbe be~t protection from the In\'ad er be Inferred, however, 1hat comets are to his neighbor lind not the man who ' or the snndstorms peculiar to that ral ess numerous near the eartb tban possesses talents, but keeps 'h Is hands cion , elsewhere, for Quite the contrary Is off tbe world ond ne" er stoops to IIrt That tbe Inbnbltants of these ruins I rue, tbe number of comets pel' billion bls fallen brother. This Is tlte ChrIs· wero the ogrlcultural classes tbere c ubic miles at IIpace Is greoter near Uan sentiment It Is also B unlverl'al Beems no doubt, for we find Indisputa· I he sun and dlminlshe. somewhat rap. sentlment. - Rev . R T . Baroody, PJ'eIo ble eVIdence of their Irrigation works Idly to the outermost confines of the bytcrlan . Savanna. III. 8S well 118 or a city water supply. Tbe system und It Is only the Immense. arid deserts were reclaImed tbrougb a expnnse of the Bolllr system beyond Baked Cream Toast. sYltem or storage reservoirs by dam· the earth's orbit that makes the toToast the reQulJ'ed number of sHcel ming the mountain Itreams and con· tal number of comet. 10 great. It Is of tw04ay·oln br·ead, dip quickly In ductlng the water to tbe 'lower plains thlll same great Space avallabl e for bot sall water (one teae,Poonful to a In canals in the same manner us the tbem to move In tbat makell pInt or water). butter ana lay In IIllt ,overnment is DOW doing In many arid the ehane'e of COllisIon between comeh pan, then pour a little rich milk over sections of the west. When we con· and planets so extremely small, There It and place In a bot ovell for about elder that they were constructed wltb· Is no known Inatance of a head-on col, fiTe mInute., Take up on a platter out the aid of our modern excavating '\l810n between such bodle.B, or of tbe and pour two tabl'l spoontuls of cream acblnery and explosives, or even Ule falIrng of a comet Into the ' aun: - al. on each ellce, place the platter In tbe commoll pick and shovel, we tu'e eom· palled to admit that here I. evld6nce oven Just Ion" t b oug b, the ,rna tbematl oaI obal?ter of .. en(llUgh to beat tbro""h .... 'CIdenta contemplateB as probable the and tben 8ena tILt onee. Slices oj or an Intelligence far In advance ' of occurrence of about one lU.o h eYBnt.. erl81' ,"aeon may b. plaeed tu'ound th, that ever .bowll by any of 1JIe Indian tbe l~tter In every c:entur;', . tOASt. TIlIB II an excellent 1)r.altful b1bulo ~b.'



FTEH b,Jllng burled 1II1der sand Cor Mteen centurlt18, the remaIns ot Ostia, the Newport ot the allrleut Romans, have n'lW been largely un earthed , Tbls year's Amerkan visitors 10 th Et ernRI City will flnd them almoHt IIR Intereetlng to visit as Pompeii It ijel t . Ostia Is older, I Of), than either POml) ell or 1!4J r culaneum , old er tban Rome Itself, whose sellj'Qrt, as 'W~I as fllshl ona bl e waterlnK place. tbe lung·burled city used to be, Tbe work or un earthIng Ustla has now been gOlrll't on rnr some yeRrs . or late, th ank s t o the Inter es t thnt bas [""'n takpll In It hy Kln~ VirtuI' Em· manuel and till' Pllrllnm~ lIt - the lauer hnvlng jll.t vO l et! $1 50.noo towl\r<1 IIPW eH' ayallonH - It hllR man e rllllhi h eud · way . The two prIncipal 8tr~et9 or th e city. us w ell !lH Its ~pl e nuld th pater, having bp en brllught to II l( hl. This an· r l ent town , th e grent".t e ent~'r of com · merce anll or fllllUIl"mp nt of Human times , with 11M s plendid hulldln!(s ond mnj:nlrl re nt mOn\lllll>ntH, hilS bern h'lr· tpd slnre the fall of the H Olll an Em· plre In 0 gl'/\\'e of mln !; len sand, etones and rubhlsh, whlrh In places Ie 20 and even 30 foet d('t" p. Tho up ~ r ten of Home hod their eummer homps a t Ostia, which Is only thirteen miles rrolll th(' capital. emd 'Used to gO t hrl'<' I n A 1)1'11 and stay un· til Sept('mber, during nil of which lim e there was a l ot nolng. The lI1alumae, or May feRtl l'n !. was cele'brated at O slia with gr~at pomp by .I ttle emperor lind hI s ('ourt, who drove ull the WRY rrom Rome In th eir gor· -geous etate <'oaches, follow ed , sny the records, by the notables, which means th~ 400 of Ilie day , an,1 the matronea, wh1clt rna,.. m ean the rhaperonps, th ollgh th ey had litt le use of these In -those rapid dnys , and n('co mpanled by <,rowds of JlPOpie chee ring to ('astor ond Pollux, the pre~ldln g divinities of 1h" ploce. These f es tivals IIlsted sev· eral werks , dllrlng whlrh there were ('onstnnt libations, which Is Roman for rounds of drinks , ond sor rlflres to nae chu8 and Venus, the gods of wln<l 'and 10V'e. Plutarch, Lh' y nnd tlcrro sl1t'ak of 'Qslla as ha vln!\' been a "pla('e of no· lIght" nnd "t he fllvorlte town of em · })arors and n oh llIty for severnl hun· dred years." Nero had 11 spec llll fond · .,eea for the Romlln Newport, whIch

I. another \VII)' of Aaylng I hilt th p r" WfiS a warm tim e In the old town on 1I10re than nne night, Judging by the Imprrlal !lrlrller's liking for 8plendlll orglf'8. Thot the godde8s of l ove en· j oy ed a spedol pOIJ1llarlty am nn g tb e Ostl~n8f'S, as the Inhabita nts of the r.lty were c alled . Is sh own by Ih e large nllmb er of statues of Venus, IncludIng one portlc1llarly ftne on e, whi c h have been dls('over ed there . Th ere Is evl· denee, too. of th e cronl stBe. the r eo porters of thot tIme, thl\! th e life In th e l4'ason ot OStJll WilY , In the words of nlll ;>;ye, a ('ontl nuous - round or torc hl i ght proce ssions and Mllrdl Grns . It 19 prelly hard to say how many y ellrs befol'll tb e foundation of Home Ostia WIlS In ex l s ~nr e and flourish · Ing as the seaport ot l.(ltlum . Virgil saYR th at Aen<>as, escnp ln g fro m the burning Tro y, st o pped with h i s felluws at the m o uths of th e Tlher, where be founded ' th" "ew Troy , afterwnrds ('ail ed by the .Imple r name or Ostia. This po etlr-al n,' count Is not wholly sUIlPorted by hlstorl (,a l Investlj:atlons, how.'v .. r . Hilt th ere Is no doubt that Ancus Mardus, wh o IIv etl Burne 400 years hefor.. th e birth of Christ , estllh· IIsh ed hlmseit st Ostia after hovlng' deteat ed senmll Lntln towns . . It WIlR the foundlltl on of Home and Its rapid d evelopment that caused nn equally rapid and mor\'elous developm ent of the vort of Ostia . Thl8, ow· Ing to the short dlstllnre from the rlty, W8S orl en nailed th e I>ort of H ome. and It Ilro\'lded ror the c it y th e greatest po rt of the many reQ1IIsi tes tor Its existence. From the co rn or Egypt and Sicily to the marbles of Greece and '\sll\ Minor, from th e wines of Fal ernus and of Naples to the gold of AfrIca and Si1llln, every· thing brougllt to Rom e was Ian d ee! at Oada lind thence by th e Tiber WBS ehlpped to th e ca pital. Ostia followed Rome In ttR splendor and Its magnl· tude ; when the Roman em ili r e was at Its zenith OstIa was also at the maxI. mum or Its j:lory. Kot only wns It a commerefal reni er, but a milItary bas e for war expeditions. C laudius, th e emperor, sailed from Ostia to the con· (IUest of nrltala . Excnyatlony at Ostia had n ever bee n Ruc{' essfully Ilnd sclentlfkally carried out until a f flw years ago. Lan · Tb.e world owes to P ro r" 8sor ('lana, tho Itallnn nrchaeolpgist, thr first sclentlflc research of the ruins or th e town. This savllnt was III so the


t~ bel,avlor of comets whil e within Ihe ronge of ollr vision ~uggests that. for the most porI, they rec ede tram the 6t1l1 to distances prodigious enough when measured In mlleK, but very small Indeed whf'n comJlnred with the dlstnnre of the stnrs, and Ihat soon· er or later most. If Itot nil of theAe {'omets, will be founn coming back ngoln oYer the same pnth 116 before, agaIn to be seen for a tim e and ngaln 10 ,lIslIpl>ear to r another absl'nce that Illay be Illensurerl In ct'ntllrles. The grounds for a decIsion bet"'een these rl\'al views are simple enough In theory, although hllrd to realize In prac tic e. It Is wholly a Question of Ihe kind of orbit In wblch the cQl1lets travel, and th o law of gravitation de· lermlnes that these orbits must be either oval or v·shaped , wIth the Bun InsIde the curvo. No other form Is possIble, The o\'al 18 a closed curve nnd how4Jver big It may he, the comet that travels nlong It must some time retllrn to the place where It WIIS first seen ; but th e "v" haa proje cting arms that n"ver meet and the cornel that has onr e swept around the bend or the curve, whl('1t Is always the part near the sun and earth, can never return to It Ilnd them . When a comet la dls.c overed It Is the bllslness of the astronomer to find. as promptly as mny be, the path It Is pursuIng, whether It Is oval or v· Shllped, nnd here he encounters the real dIfficulties of the prohlem. He mllst rely upon observations made while the comet Is visible, and thlll pe. rlod Is so short compared wIth the tIme taken to move over tbe wbole or· bit thllt It Is almost Im»01Illble to decld'e from the little ' sectIon ot the or· bIt covered by observlltfons whether It belongs to the one type or the oth· er, In former days It was the general opInion that the v·sbllped orbit wu the one naturnl to comets. Whether tbe orbits be prevall1ng of aIM! kind or the otber, It Is oletu' t~at .theT are of · v.rt dllfere!lt 1I11..... lIom. of tbem approa~blng so eloB~ to the .Iun that ~e comet .. literal 1, ma.~e

By GEORGE C. COMSTOCK, Profeuor of A8tronomy, University of Wisconsin. Th e popular Interes t In co m et~ Is doubtless due to th eir trnUl,llory char· a('ter, associated wll h the co mmon belIef that th ey Ilre rare and unusual ap· llearances. Orent comets r ertalnl y Ilre ,mullusl Ilnd not more than once or twIce In a lifetime are there to be .eon such ty~s as tbe bea utiful ('omet ot 1882, whIch WIIS vlslhle tn broad daYlight, and whose tall was IOllg enough to bridge the spac e hetween earth and lIun . But little comets are plentiful IIR ~eat One8 are rare·'M numeroull flshes In tbe sell" Wlln Kepler'lI phrnses three centurlel ago--ancl wIth tbe sYBtematlc ilse of the teleacove In searching for comets, theIr number has grown , until now there Is scarce a night In the year upon which one or more of these boll· les may not he seen. But their stay Ie brier and within a few weeks, or nt _" blOBt a tew montha, they nre gone. "never to reappear," as Is often said or them, It Is well known, bowever, that some of them do come hack after a tIme, as Hal· ley's comet only two rears ago, and tbere are more than halt 11 hun· dred others whlcb appear and dlsa~ pear, \lme aft~r time, upon scbedule. Well known and regular. Nevertbeles. the great majority of oometB do dleappear and bave ' not come back, and aatronomers are dl. vtded In opinion as to whether tbey ·ever will return, one scbool boldlng that tbey come to UB flom the depthe ot the Interltelltu' Bpaces, drawn In b)' the attracUye powers of tbe eun'. grayltatlon, and by that alUlle pOWer are thij,wn -out again "to 'atay:'" Anoth'er IIChool 01 a8tronome~. while' .. Bd-

mltUn. ~ tl:\.a~ fJbe · . prooella

·ti" -" d":

'.acrtbed la poBllbl.., aDd conlliitent with bo",~ ·mecbaillo. lawl contend., that •

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It I~ tll A clllT dwell l "I:" P"'i 'Pr, or the rulu M of t he .. lIfrs or I';\ny ", ,,, that are hy fllr Ill,· nlo~t Inter'lSlln ); ,,:to1 t h", Bou r of th!' ~I · ""te s t SI...·"41 I /1t l on Illld W""ner ~'I llj . I't) w., 11, I ' nlt pd States g~olog l s t , I'.pr esses hi" su rprlAo /It " seeI ng n o thing fo r w holp dllYs but perp endl {' ulo r cllfTs. e v" r y wil er A rid · di ed wi t h human habltatl rm s whi c h reo semhle th e " e IlR 01' a ho ne v co mh morEl thnn anything el s9 ." 'U uilk o the low. land or vall ey ruins t ile Willis of the clltf dwelltngs were constru cted almost entirely or ston .. c ut to shupe. we ll laid and Joints p rope rly urokt'n . Helng un· acquaInt ed wlt.h th " u ~o of l ime, they r epla ced It wi t h 0 mixture of clay an ,1 cind ers and sOll1ellmes r'harco lll , oft en co lored t o m atch th e slone 11011 to·day on th l~ m o r-tllr th o m ark s or th e t oolR uaed /lnd ev en of th e fiogers or the workm on I\re plainly disce rnible. It tM t ru ly wonde rful t o note ho w well tb l s (Jec ullar l)Co pl e lurned the d ecaytng cu nyo n walls In l o acroun t. lIy tba natural c rumhlln g anti fa ilin g away of Ihe softer Btrnta, I'n ,' es of all shapes anrl dlml'n slon!l w "r~ fOJ'Jlletl whleb. wh en partiti o ned orr Into room s n nd Ih(, ope ni ng Wl1l1 pd up, rormed all " ,lobe SILre from Ilre, ti torm o r flood ; Wul'ln In wint er . (' 001 In SlImtDer ; but m or e than all a fo rt r e~s beliln.! whl cb th e lord and mast er of lhlR n erlal Ollln · sio n cou ld I1rO I.,('t Il l s f alllily I1Kalnat a hortle. A Great Palace. It Is this style of r uin that Is moat nUlU eroll s, being sCIJlter ed IJromlscuously tbro ujl;huut th e r eg ion ; In cavell a8 abv\'e rt"Hc rllJl'd, In the bedtl ot can· yons, aufrl cl ently p. levated nbove blgh water OIark, nnd 01.1 th e open mesas; In fact wh ete olle would If! /Ult expec t to find human hullltllti ons, thes e mys· terlous relicB conlront us. A fow con, tliin but a single room, oth er s, 10, Zt) and 88 many as 50, wbl le ! to greM Polace of the :vIIiIl I!OS orlglnnlly em· braced not IR~s Ihan I,OOt) rooms with· In Its wnlls. ne on th p. :'Iesa Verda coverrd an area of ,l Rt',OOO sQullre teet \lnd COntain ed 500,000 cu bi c fP.e! of masonry . Gre!!t skill waa shown III Jo i ned tbe walls to the cllrr9 nnd In 1m· Itallng th e coloring anrt aspect of tile n eighboring roc ks, Indeed, In ce rtllill narrow gorges oue mllst neeols ha ve a good pall' ot eyes to det"cl th em nmld their rugg ed surroundlnK s. Th e win· clows and doors are sma ll, the latttll' being very uarrow Ilnd nLrely exceed· III II' fO\: or fi ve feet In he ight. Tbls blls given rlae to t he opInion held by some that tbe cllrr Dwellers wero a rnce of pygmies. Hut tbAlr mumm!.fled remains show them 'to have been <. t Ibe ordinary s tn t ure, The cave or c liff dwellers are round from 200 'to ROO feet suov .. th e bed of tht' strealli. Holm es meutions Boma 80 high al'd well coo cealed that wltb th e aid of a tel escope they ran hardly he distinguished from the surrounding rocks . Imllglnatl on Is lost In st· lemptlng to IlCCO tlllt for the moans eOl· ploye d In conveying th eir co ns tru c tion mot erlal Ilnrt thA erery day n ecessltlea of life to thosP. .loIl)' ho m es.

HAD MADE THE TRIP BEFORE Blinks Was Not the Man to Be Caught Twice, Hence the Seemingly Foolish Cargo, n llnks' lfltle party was getting reod, for Its reg ular I ,UOO·mll e run In tbe enrly sDrlng, and os Tompkins, who W!lS goIng olong as nn In,' lted guest, stood on Ih e front steps of Blinks' hOllse. he wns nmazed . If not startled, 1\.11 the c hllrnr;ter of th e objerts whi c h Blinks and his rllnurreu r were busily en!(aged In slow in g awuy In th e t on' neOll and ou the trunk suelr at the rear . "Grent S colt ! I1Ilnksky ," sold he, as a huge lawn roll er was bolsted up on the trunk shel f, " whot are you loadln!! up with? A spade, a hoe, a hand plow , six pairs of rubber boots and 0 lawn roller? Wbnt no you think you're doIng, giving a glud en party~" "Not on YOllr life, Tompy," saId Blinks . ''I'm si mply gpttlng rendy for possible trouble ahead . I took thle BRme trip last year, and J made up my mind then that If I ever did It again I'd take along ~aterlal to build my own roads wh en) needed 'em . Jim ," he added, t urlllng to the c hautreur, "holst In thos e barrels of ~ravel and ('ement and we'll be off."-Harper'. Weel<ly, Modern Vtew. "What a wondertul artist ~em. brandt was." "Yes. And yet, ho", mucb more prosperous he would bav. been If be had Quit fooling wltb paillt and Innnted a movlng·plctur. d. vlc8."

..--------------------.. ----------.. ----.. ----.... IPersonal Mentionl !B



~~"","'~""""""·L""""""'·" '~ ."""""""'~'~"~"'~'~':i ~ I




Highest Ca:3h Price for





~ ~








.....- -- --

At the las t - meeting of Wyomi ng ..-..-..~...-..~........-...-. LoJge No, 102, I O. O . F. the folIU\\'IJl ~ ufli"c rs fur thl' ensuing term Mis:! Clara Hawke is visiting in wt!re installed : ChlUi. Strouse. N. G" Nathan (~ray. V. G. Dayton this week.




Mr. and Mrs, l{, G, Cross were in Cincin uati . Tuesday. ~ i I'll(' ri ll' ~ f Holy Ha-;tl~rn \Vas ('on~ I ff'rl' ,'d UPOIi Mr, Warrell Edwards . Inner tu hes vulcanized. Wayn e.~ ­ ~ l a\ S t , ,\ Iary'scilurch Sunday , The ~ t'rrn oll uy the Rev. J . F Cadwallu· ville Au to and :\1achinery Co. ~ J .. r \\' a~ especial ly a\>propria le to tht' 1'4 rs_ J . L . McC unll was the guest ~ l occasion . , .... .-of Dayton re: ativet!. last week . ~I DEATH ~I Miss Lelia Y Qun~ i8 very lick. ~, !:dau).d1le Marcillu r of AK'nes. :\1 r . undlS:munths-old Mrs, L'nas , threate ned with typhoill fever. ~ I Hag-emyer. whu li ve on the Kelly ~ Ifarm. dit"ll Tu esday morni ng at 4:30, .MI'. and Mrs. Hallie Hathaway ~ The funera l \\'as fro m the house lit 2 were Lebanon visitors. Monday. ~ p . m , tod ~y . Burial in Mia mi cem -

Wheat, Rye, Oats an d Corn ·ta k en I·n exchange for Flour or F our T·IC k e t s.





We received 500 of Fancy Elberta Peaches for Canning. Tuesday noon, which we are selling out of the car at only

52.00 per bus'hel




Feed Grl" ndl' ng Notl· ce


~ ~

We h . d new ave·Just receive grinders for our


~ ~




~~ !




~ ~~


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~~ I,









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~~ I



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_. _

_____ E


__ _


Iperty and was preparing to retire from an active partiL-ipat ion in the




And can grind oats as fine as Middlings, and Oats ground this way not on Iy rna k es a goo d h og feed but a cheap feed.



~ I ---~-"'!""-_~"'_""' _ ""_-"'I'L_"'_~




~ Ie k

ion uft he !'aper. R umors th a tJ " [' e he w, th e vo t_ I "irect 'I'h fi ·J I' ' to f th G tt I II e •sto ry \\ aM • con rmeu on re la e ran ed I r o e aze e, Ial! ~o ( I the entire Gazette interests to Jame~ 1 ble mformatlOn Sll~urday. The b 'I t f I tranllfer becam e effective July 1st · h h ave een aloa or " " A . Ch ew, W h IC Smce thi S t Im e J p, Chew has con h t f k be anum r 0 wee B. were !Ill s an- , h' d ' bl · II fi d S l rl It ' [' t lllu ed IS utlCS to ena e t he new t la y con lrme . Ii ur ay. , IS ' ! f 'I' ' . h' If d d tl t Ih 'd t' prop n eto t(l am i lanze Imse un erstoo )a e oonsl era Ion with the work . was $30.000. Ever S lnC{' Mr. J . O M' J), MC . k h h IS8 u 18 C otnllC w 0 as McCormick. who acted asCity Editor been employed at the Gazette office o f th e Gaze tt e f or more th an a'luar. . \ for a number of years resigned Satt~r of a century, rellred July 1i'lt, ! Aa X' R bl" there have been rumors that J p , ur y. - ema .. ~':. Ican. Chew too had dispesed of his prO- I Everybody should read the Gazette

PEACHES Fancy TC\3S Elberta Pca(hes We wi 11 ha \' e a big lot of those fa ncy Texas Elberta Peaches in Monday, July 29th. Leave your urder. our price is rixht and t he peaches will be extra fancy .

Now is your opportunity to secure peaches at a bargain, for they are ad.-ancing in price all the time. They are extra fine peaches.

MISS Helen Harris, I)f Dayton, i8 visiting Mrs. Alic~ McKinsey and family .


Juhn Leunard, who warks &t Kinga Mills. has beeD Quite lick, but is much betu.r now.

Wayne.vllle. Ohio

Mi~ s Izma Eibert, of Kansas City, Mo ,. is the &,uest of her cousin, Miss Good,roads are the highways ~o Henrietta McKinsey. prosperity . . _____ _

.Mrs. Jenni e Hearne, of Lehanon, was here last week to attend the tuneral of Gilbert Graham.


WATER MELONS Fancy Gt'orgia Watsons, culling _ti_n_e._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Fancy Cantaloupes, Sweel 3S sugar .. --~~------------HiJt~ Tomatoefl-N ew Apple~

.J udge Boxwell.'··'Frank Bramion and Howard W. Ivins. of Lebanon , made us a pleasant c~ll. today_

Mason & Standard ('i11lSll J a rl! Tin Cans- Sealing W&X Special, I lb. Pink Salmon .. lOe Special, Santos Coffee. _. . 2Jc Ib Jib Tomatoes enl)" . . . 10e can J Ib Sweet Potatoes . . 12 1-2 can New Cream Chee:!t!, fresh every week . Croomery Butter Bring us your Butter and E&,ga. Highest prkes paid, cash or trade_





Sent to us to be sold regardless of cost. You will find $1.00, •$1.50. $2.00 and $2.50 Waists for only






Made-to-Order Suits

500 Pairs Shoe Sale

We ur~e those men who are desirous of wearing stylishly-made, perfect-fitting garments to call and see the 500 All-Wool aampIes of the International Tailoring Co. Prices, $15, $17, $18 and upwards. We I'uarantee every ganncnt te be RIGHT. If it is not right you have no right to take it. We have never had a misfit for five years.

Men 's, Ladies' Misses' , and Boys' new Dress ShBes- the $2 25, $2.60 and $3.00 lines to be sold at .-- .. • Greater bargains than the 400 pairs just closed out. Remember , many School Shoes in this lot.

;15 Cases and Crates of

5, 10





$1 79


~5~~:(jY;6c ~. ~.~~. :.~~~~: ~~.~~.~~


f~~ 1:~.~.~~~c.I~~.......... ... ...

Nickle 25c i~~ ~'i.:.~.~~.i~.I.~...... _.. .... ... ... Dime 50c, ~~~.~~.~, ~~~.~~~~~ .. .... .. .. _...... .. 2Sc 10c

P est Grade sleam cylinder oil. Waynesville Auto and Machinery Co

M 0 n u men t B

Waynesville, Ohio. I

. --


Subscribe for the Gazette

Greene ments ..her.. County Fair Galore XENIA, OHIO

The Wooster Agrleultu t a I

- Messrs. Je88e Burton. Harry Sherwood. Wm_ and George Zell were in Middletown, Tuesday_ They brought a Ford auto home with them.



Exhibits will be worth


lIug.6, 7,8, 9

goin, 10 lee. OemonalraliOl'l

Have your Lawn Mower sharpened . Waynesville Auto and Machinery Co.

Mr_ Ray Milia motored Mr_ and Mrs, Jos. Evan8, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Evans and sun. G&JJle, to Cincinnati S\lInday and spent the day with Mrs. Evans' brother and family. Mr. Chauncey Man!hall.



Mrs. Chas. Werntz returned home


of apra)lngete.


will be made.

Oood Mulle, Special Featura, BI, 011plays of Live stock. MI,hty Midway. with tons of Fun for ~h and everyone.

........_ _.... Great Grand Di,-I-_ _-I play for Four Day,

Several 600d •Races.

Mr.llnd Mrll , J. L. McCune, who have been visiting Mrs_ Eva Miller and family, left Tuesday morning for Oxford where they spent the d~y with Miss Marie Miller. Itcfore return in&' to their home in Princeton. W. Va.

Lots of Send for a Premium List

fine fxhibits

Gasoline Stoves called for and re-



paired. Auto and Ma- iii chincry Waynesville Co. The con&,regation of the Chri8tian church are fortunate in securing the aervices of Rev. P. B. Thompson. of Crooksville. Ohio. a Itrother of their former pastor Rev. L_ O. ThompllOn_ lie will probably assume his duties thE! first Sunday in August_

LIVERY Service at very reasonable rates.


l\(rs. Frank Pratt 8Ued W. C_ Phillips for a bill of good8 purchased at her ale a few weeks ago. The trial wae held before Juaticu Kenrick at Lytle, and the jury found in favor of Mrs. Pratt. The amount w


' 1-

The very :Best at all Times


Sub·Ageat for





This is their first visit back and they find many changee both in faces and old landmarks. They will remain in Ohio until altout the.til'l!t .f AU~U8t. • _


Messrs. I. M: and H.race B. Chan-

dler. of Kan8&8 City. Kan_. are g'Uesta of relatives here and at Dayton. The Chandler brothers left Wayne&ville about 2i years a~o. and have _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . made good in their western heme.

John A.Funkey




Mrs. Walter Reed returned to her home in Chica&,o Monday JIlorning, after a visit of !everal weeks here and at Cincinnati .

So many customers wh. looked through and bought extpnsively, say they never saw such valu~ for 5c, lOc and 25c.

.... Don't forget to look through our large stock of Shoes. Money can be saved on every pair. Weare anxious to show you every Bargain, and very anxious to please~ \

Telephone 28


Rev. C_ S. Grauser came over from Miami Valley Chautauqua Sunday and held services in the M . E. church_

c- C

The like has never been known. Come and bring your friends. The styles are the latest up-to-date. All pric!es less than half of Dayton or Cincinnati. The manufacturer makes the sacrifice. Don't fail to come.


Messrs - J - BPI n s , MeclllUllC 8'. LeblUlon. 01110. . e 1ce' . W • HAllen -, Tel.pllone No. 40 W. H. Gard and Harry Sherwood See us If you want to lave Money were in Hamilton, Ohio Monday.

Mrs Della Snodgrass, of Xenia, MrR. Polly Baer, of Quincy, Ind., and Mr. and Mrs. D_ M. Hathaway. of U tica, were guestl!l of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Sides last week.


l - ~.o-,._r

De&Mn In Art\a$lc MlU'bl. lUIet

Miss Martha O' Neall. of the National ~aDk, is enjoying a twoWI!!ek.8 vacation. Mrs. Mabel Fitzgerald is taking her place.




' SHIRT-WAIST SALe· · ~:'~;i~?~~~~en~:!~h~-: LADIES



old, 1 foar,ear-Old, 2 yaarUD", an Pur- Graduate of Ohio Slate UnlversUy 0011," F.r IDforma"oD 01111 OD Miss Ruth Zimmerman and Mr. Olear RobiDeoD, Or.,onla, Ohio. a7 Office at residence in F. B. SherCharlie Zimmerman attended a party ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wo!MI's hOWIe, Fourth Street. at Morrow, Saturday night.

~ _ ~~~~ _~~~~"f"'!'~~~~~~~~"'!!-==Z:~~~~'!"'!I'~~~!!!!!!!!~~~~ . ~"'!! _~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!l4


Dr. J. A. McCoy,

the Ford Automobile




Ray Mill. Corwin, Ohio Phone 71-1Y.



Sixty-Third Year

~~~~~~~~-~~~~~ - ~..~ - ~

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........................ . . . ..... _

. _ •••••• • •• ••• ••• • _

•• H



• • • • • _ _ • •_ . _ . . . _

•• _

••• _


. . ._

Whole Number 3170

0------------· : Family Reunions ,

• •• • • • • • • • • • • " _ " ' _ " - - - '

Smith was out Drak e t o Curran ' SMITH REUNION ...... ...".;". .••.- •.••••- .- ••••••••••••••••••• •.• ···l :' 1 11 I un. 2 hits. 1 error. ' At th e home of Mr . ann Mrs. • ______ • ______ I ";eventh inning - Kings: Curran 1 1 Frank Smith . in Lytl e. on Sunday. ----- ~ I ~i:lg l e u. McClelland flied to Weaver. I • July 28th. there gath ered tO~t'l h e r I ~,\ T II A \\. ;\ Y Last Sunda\' afte/nuon . the Kings ' J Tanr,l:!r walked. Curran took third ~. .1 Mr . Smit h' R relative~ in a h a ppy Mills lIase hull lp!UlI ~ec llred revenge alHI 1. Tanner second on a wild pitch. Tli t' Halh a way n 'u n i"n will IJC reunion. The l>u mp luo us dinner was IlI·leI on Thur l;da :-. Au g ll s t I;, I \II :! , for their Ul:!fllllL uf Iw O weeks ago by fr e('ze fanm.'<l. Engle rt doubled, Miss Nora Etli!l was a week·end If yuu want a good fertilizer call sp read upon the law n ann the bro th· defeating the Miamis, 7 to 4 This Curran and J. Tanner scorin&". Eng· visitor in Dayton. at lh e .-ul lil lry !tum,· "f S a m u e l Chas . 1·' rYl·. phone 49 1 LIS. er~ and sislers unce more l'nj uyed was the !Iecond of a series of three lert stole t!1ird, Buchanon singled, Dav is. nea r 1.,,\;, lall. a-ames for th e championship of War· Ellglert scoring, Buchanon stole Buy your fertilizer of Chas. Frey, G, rdull J oy was in Middletown gathering at the family table Tb os~ present we re : Mr. and ren Countv. No arrangements haye second but Dunn was out F..dwards who handles the best. and Dayton last Friday on business . Mr~. William Smith amI t wo " O il S yet been made for playing the third to Surface; ::I run ~ , ::I hits, \) errors. " II ~: I{ II' , It 11 1· .1 I': J-' F IU k ,.; Miss I:va Davis is the guest of Ha rris Mosher and Elliutt Wright Mr . an d Mrs. Alfred S mith and and deciding game. Miamis: Waterhouse singled and The ; ll prv.... l1 d•.J .. l rri \;'~ n 'lInion were Chautau4 ua visitors Thurs· Helen Hccalhorll . of Day LOn. Mi:;~ While running into tlecond base in stole second, Surface flied to Freeze. relative!! in Dayton this week. will he Ii ,1 ,1 al lilt' r, ·, j 1(,lI e p of Margaret Zellar~ . uf Cen te rvil le day. the seventh inning, Weaver, who Edwards and Weaver wallced, Bur· M e~ rs . C. B. Bentley and Fred William Smi th. of West Carrolton: Cbrc"l cc Sherwood . n ~a r f )rr·j.w nia. played short·stop for the Miamis, ton fanned but Bergen singled, Hawke were in Xenia, Monday. Howard Gustin i!l out on the Mr. and MrR. Charlt·s ~mith . Mr. and August 22. 191~ . wall struck in the face by a thrown Waterhouse and Edwards scoring. . s treets again after a slight seige Mrs. Geoq{e Smith . ~r. and Mr:l. ball and his nose was badly crushed (Weaver was injured at second on Wm. Haines, of Dayton, is the with Illeasle~ Frank Hess aHd daughter , Mr. and A physician was quickly summoned this play and Mgr. Smith took his guest of his parents here this week. .. Mrs. Car l Smith. Mrs. Elizabelh HI SEY · WII.L1AMS() S and attended to the injury. Weaver place on the base paths) J. Tanner lar!l. Mr. and Mrs . Samuel Smi th Zel waa J able to drive to his home in hit Jones but Evans fanned; 2 runs, Filtered Gasoline for Auto's at the The Hisey· Williamson f amily nand chil den. Velm a. Heber and Her· union will meet a t the TPsld ence of BellDrook, later in the evening. 3 hits, 0 errors. Waynesville Auto and Machinery Co. man., last week . man, Mr. John Smith, Mrs. Gol di e First Inning-Englert 8in~led and Eighth inning- Kings: N. Tanner J. W. Hisey. 2;{ mile:, ~outh · east of Messrs S. L. Cartwright and J. O. Chas Cadwallader. of !Jayton, was Hartsock . Edna, Ben and Ellis Smith Wayn e5.v ille. fhursda y. August 15, stole second, Buchanon fanned, Dunn singlee. Drake walked and both safe at 88eond when Weaver fum· runners advanced one base on a wild Cartwright were in Cincinnati, Fri· the guest of Rev . and Mrs . J . F . all of Waynesvill e. Mr. and Mrs. 1912. Frank B. Smi t h. Dora, Anna and Cadwallader, Monday. bled his hard hit grounder, Eng · pitch, Curran flied to Jones but both day. Dennie Smith . lert scoring; Dunn stole third and runners scored when Jones' return HEARS C. C. Jackson. of Osborn, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs W. S. Graham spent scored when N. Tanner singled, throw took a bad bound and gol BAPTISM AT ST. MARY 'S The Sears reunion will be held in was the guest of C. G. Williamson, Sunday with Harry Reede r and Tanner atole second but Drake and away from Burton at the plate, Mc· Sunday. family. at Clarksville . A very pretty baptismal service the late Geo. Sears grove, south·east Curran fanned; 2 runs, 2 hits, 1 er· Clellane! singled and stole second, J. was held at St. Mary's church Sun. of ~enterville, on. the Centerville anll ror. For the Miamis, Edwards Tanner fanned and Ail stock flied to Walter McClure was called to Mr. and Mrs. I{oy Iron s and son, singled and stole second, Weaver Surface; 2 runs, 2 hits, 0 errors · Dayton Monday on professional Ro"!!, spent Sunday at Sprinjr Valley day morning. when Alice Louise, the ' Sprmg Vall ey pIke. on Satur.d~y. six.months.old daughter of Mr. and A.ugu~t 10, 1912. Ev~rybody. IS m· and Burton fanned and Bergen W88 Miamis: Smith singled lind took business. and Monday at Dayt on. cl th vlted to come lind brmg their well . out J. Tanner to Curnn; 0 run~, 1 second on 8 passed ball, Waterhouse Mrs . F . B . H e nd er Son r Pocel ve e d k d ' h d .h hit, 0 errors. sacrificed, J. Tanner to Curran, but Milson's Fertilizer for sale by Miss Marlruerite Thompson. of rite. Mrs. A. T Wright Bang a fill~ b~s cd·ts ane! e~JohYbt e ay Wit Second Inninl[-Kings: McClelland Surface and Edwards fanned; 0 runs. Chas. Frye, try it and you ' ll have Da~ ton. is spending a two week's beautiful !lola. and }{ev. J. l'. Cad. th eir frlen. II an nelg ors. A .good wallader preached a fine sermon . progr~m .IS expected and musIc by fanned. J. Tanner out Smith to Sur· 1 hit, 0 errors. none other. vac:a tion with relatives here. _ __ _ _ the MIamisburg Peerless Band. face. Fret!Ze singled and stole serond. Ninth inning-Kin&"9: Englert flied Miss Marie Miller is home from Mr. and Mrs . Otto Hornick and but Englert was out Berger. to Sur- to Jones and Buchanon and Dunn NOTICE \ A FlIN face; 0 rulli, 1 hit, 0 errors. Miamis: fanned; 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors. Oxford, where she has been attend· da u~hter, Agne ~. of Xenia, were calling on friends here Thursday . Jonel out N. Tanner to Curran. Miamis: Ridi'e fanned, Burton ing summe); school. The officers and members of Wy· \ The ~own and C?untr y base b~1I oming Lodge, No. 102, l. 0 O. F., EvlU18 and Smith fanned; 0 hita, 0 walked but was caught trying to Mr and Mrs. Chas. Rye were Sun· In ner tubes vulcanized. Waynes. are earnestly requested to meet at !clubs WIll play t heir wonderful tie runs, 0 erron. steal, Englert to Drake, Bergen game next Wednesday, August 7th, third inning-Kings; Buchanon singled and Hawke was sent in to day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. vill e Auto and ~achinery Co. the home of our late brother, Wm. \ k A smaII ad mll!810n . . . t 10 a t Ph'I" I IP~ par. fanned, Dunn out F..dwards to Sur· run for him, Hawke was caua-ht try- Morgan, of Bellbrook. . O u k e, S a t ur d ay mornmg a t ' th f I Will be charged to pay the enormous Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Curtis, of 'I k t t k fsee, N. Tanner fanned; 0 hits, 0 inl[ to steal, En&"lert to Drake; 0 c oc 0 a e par 111 e unera . . . Miss Helen HaYIlt"r. of U r"ana, Chillicothe, Ohio, were recent visitors oservic~. Ch St ' N G expenses of thIS high· priced organ· runs, 0 erron. Miami&: Waterbouse runs, J hit, 0 errors. 88. rouse. . ization. Ohio, has been the guest of Mr . at the home of his brother. James fanned, Surface si~led but was KINOS MILLB and Mrs. Harvey Burnett. HOSPITAL ~OMANCE I If you want a bushel of fun, you Curtis. caught trying to 8\eal, Englert to AD R R PO A E I will Ito and see this game, for it c. . • .. .. . & ~ -2 16 S o Drake, Edwards fouled to Englert; Cllllien. Raymond Davis left Sunday for I OucbaDen. • . . • . . 5 0 I 0 I Mr. and Mrs. George Miles, Willie Dr. Harry E. Hunt, a Newark will certainly pay you. Ladies will Q DuDII. lb. . . . . .. . . & I 0 .. I o nlns, 1 hit, 0 erron. N. TIIIIJl.... rf. cf . . • 4 I a 0 0 o New Jersey, where he will visit Miles and little son, of Xenia, were physician, and Miss Gertrude Bell be ad~itted free to root fo· their Fourth inning- Kings: Drake out DrtJte. 2b . . ... ... I I Q 3 I o relatives during his vacation. Sunday guests of N eison Hamilton Salsbury, a nurse of Spring Valley, reiPect~v~ clubs. Curean. lb . . .... . . • I I 1 u o . Smith to Surface, Curran flied to 1tIc(JIelI ..oc1. cr.1 f . . , 0 I 0 0 g and wife. who becAme acquainted in a Colum. The hne-up for the clubs WIll be as J TallIlel'. P.. . . . . . 5 I 0 0 • Mr. Joel Hathaway ami family, of Waterhouse, McClelland fanned; 0 J'reeze 11 . ... .. . . . a 0 I I 0 ~ Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Chandler and bus hospital, were married at Spring· follows : runs, 0 hits, 0 errors. Miamis: AIIaWCk . ... . . . . . l 0 0 0 U o Columbus. Ohio, are the guests of littlt> daughter, Gertrude, spent field, Thursday. The bride is a sisCountry - Braddock, Earnhart. • 21 10 3 Dr. and MI'I. H. E. Hathaway. Tott.l ..... . . . . . 51 - Weaver and Burton fanned, Bergen Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin ter of Mr. Win Salsbury, of the Ke~s, Marshall, Rogers, Weeks, MIA.MIS singled but Jones fouled to Englert; .. \ E EJ Hathaway, of Columbus Grove, Chandler. Xenia pike. Bailey, Cornell, Cornell. ~B R H PO o runs, 1 hit, 0 errors. o • - • 4 I 2 Town- ·Thompson, Raper, Robit· Edward •. ab . . • . ..ver .... . .. . . . . a 0 0 1 : ~ was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frazee Fifth inning-Kin&"9: J. rann~r We Haveyour Lawn Mower sharpened. zer, Hawke, McClure, Irons, BarRldp. u . . . . . . . . 1 0 0 o ~ g Hathaway, Saturday anJ Sunday. B. B. Stewart, of East Orange, N. and Freeze fanned and Englert flil'd Burton. c . . . . . . . . 4 I I U Waynesville Auto and Machinery Co. nard. Smith. Ellis. o u a U 1 0 Be~, lb . . . . . . . J. " and Dr. J. B. Stewart, of Dayton, to Jones; 0 runs, 0 hits, no errors. Jon... cl . . . .... . . 3 U I 3 o 0 Gasoline Stoves, repaired. Notify o J 0 U . . ..... . . 4 0 0 Miamis: Evans out J. Tanner to KvUlll. 2 II the Waynesville Auto and Machinery were guests of Miss Elizabeth Stew- !'!"!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!'!!~~~~~~~!!!!!~ • I 2 II ~. 8m "b. p • .. . .. . 3 I I 2 \I 0 .... terbowoe. rf . . . .~. _ __ __ ~ - _~ • . - . . - _ - . . - . - - - ,... _____ ft art,\ Sun~y Curran, Smith singled and took surface. lb . . . . . . . 4 0 2 7 o 0 Co. and they will call for them. o g 0 Smltb .. . . .. . 0 0 0 second on Buchanon's bad throw .W. 0 0 .. Hawke .. ... . .. . u o \I 0 About 50 tickets were 80Id to Ft. Waterhouse out Dunn to Curran: ·Mrs. Alem Shipe and ehildren, of Total .•••...... 36 • l2 21 H Ancient from here Saturday t o witSurface and Edwards singled, Smith .Ran tor We .. v... 10 71h Salina, Kan., are the guests of her nE!SlI the sham battle of First Reg- t I !COring, Weaver fanned; 1 run, S .. R .... for B......... In 9lb brother, Mr. Chas. Sherwood and iment, O. N. G. .-1 2 I • & 6 1 8 9 hits, 1 error. Misses Ina Hamilton. Nettie Curti~ K.II11!" . . . 2 0 g , 0 0 3 2 0- 7 family. M N . Reed dd Send us your social events, family Sixth inning-Kings: Buchanon .llaml ... 0 0 0 0 I I 2 0 0 - . Nora Ellis, Messrs. Lemley Curti!l, cr an au&"hter dinners, parties, etc . C. A. Brown left Monday for In- . lrs. . anme IItoien ~Killa1Il 1; Mlunls. 2. flied to Waterhouse, Dunn out ' Sacrlllce Joel Hamilton and Carrington Ellis Tucker and two children. Mrf'. Josie bite--WateruoUM. dianapolis, where he will visit his Weaver to Surface, N. Tanner tripled Two·bue blte-Eoalert. were delightfully entertained by 1':11 of J.'t. Worth, Tex88, spent last week Tbree-bue bJt.-N. T"""er. sister Mrs. Mollie lIett, for a couple but Drake fanned; 0 runs, 1 hit, 0 Home ruo-llurtoll. A family dinner at the home of Simpson and family Sunday. wi+:h W. S. Graham and family. Due bJ~OIT TaDD8r. II : off Ilmllb : i. errors. Miamis: Burton hit a B _ on b.u.-D, -r..uner. a ; b7 Smltb. ,. of weeks, Mr' and Mrs. Frazee Hathaway Sun· Struck out-O, TlIIUler. U; by Smltb. U . c - home-run~ Bergen out J. Tanner to Mrs. J A Funkey, Mrs. Hannah day was enjoyed by the following WUd pltclu!lt--'Smltb. a. Mr. and Mr~. Harry Cooper, of bateman-O, T&IIIler ...Jon.. , Mr. and Mrs. W . H. Allen, Mrs. Curran, Jones singled and was safe Hit R.ogers, Mrs Laura Mosher alld guests: Ed Hathaway, of Columbus P~ btJla-J:~Iert. I : 11l1rt<>n. 2 Chirago, arrivl.'<l here Friday, and J. W. White, Mis.'I Anna McCollum, Lj: rt on bQo;<:" - W"I; •• ~ . ~I..wla. Y. at iecond on J. Tanner's bad throw Time Mr~. J. O. Cartwright llpent Thurs· Grove. Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Rov o' ~loIDe- 2; I~. are the guesta uf Mrs. Hester H.obin· Mi98 Georgia Hadden and Miss Umplre-Lewl.l. to catch him stealing, Evans fanned day at Miami Vallev Chautauqua. Hathaway, Mr. and Mrs . Hallie son and other relatives. Elizabeth Stewart enjoyed a picnic Hathaway and daughter. lIupper last Thursday evening. Justina Hart8lck. who has Miss Mr. and Mrs . E. T . Edwards, and been the guest of relatives here for J. A. Shutts and family spent Sun· two w eek~, returned to her home in A picnic in honor of Mr. and Mrs. day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster, Ohio. Saturday morning. H. C. Coleman and son Francis. of One of the season's interesting soHenry Shutts, of Oregonia. . Norwood, was enjoyed last Thurs· l cial events at Harveysbur~ occurred

t One and One


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Personal Mention Column

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ISOCial . Functions . During · Past W eek ,t ---~--


----+- --------.

The Ohio State Fair Is the Crossroad. of Better Farming

MISS Clara Zell, who has been day afternoon by Mr. and Mrs . J. last Thursuay in the form of a de· Mias Annie U Brown is at Xenia slJ)ending Ii couple of week. with H. Coleman, F. B. Henderson and , Iightful garden pal'ty given by Dr . this week. acting as malrun of a COLUMBUS, AUCUST 26-31 Frank Zell. returned family, D. L. Crane and family, Miss Iand Mrs. H . E. Hatton in honor of Mr. and Mrs. at the O. S. & S. O. Home during te her her home in Yellow Sprinl:(s, Sue Crane and Mrs. Louise Wool· ' their duughter Clara Jane, who is If yield per acre i. increased the visit the Fair looking for a bargain the vacation of the regular matron. Sunday. ley. honl e from school. The o~ion soil is not wearing out. Bam yare and value received. was fraught with jny and mirth, Dr. and Mrs. H.E Hathaway, Mr AmusemJnts and entertainments allil Mrs. Harvey Burnet and daugh· music I. aa much a necessity as colMr. and Mrs. Clyde Coleman and Monday bemg the birthday anm· . song and game. The young people lege diplemu and edWed tools. The will not be lacking, either in quality ter, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. son Fr&ncis, returned to their home versary of Mrs. M. L. Parshall, Mrs. ' bubbled over with laughter and merOhio State Fair is one institution to or abundance. Perry Borden, of Springboro, Sun- in ::-lorwood Monday evening. Mas- Clarence Surface and Mrs. Warren ' rim ent as the different phrases of whleh all citizens should be contribMany new and interesting fea· day. tel' Ethan Crane accompanied them Surface their relatives and fripnds the "progres.'Iive" game were played utor.. It points the way to better tures will this year be provided for determined to celebrate the occasion and congratulations offered to the home for a week's visit. thlngllf It.iII help the farmer to th!! ladies. Railway service will be Mesdames F. C. Carey, Chas. Rye, and on Sunday took well·filled bas· , prize winners. Walter McClure, Mrs. J88. Johna and ·Mrs. Nannie Reeder, and Mrs. kets to the home of Mrs. Clarence I At the conclusion of the songs and secure greater reward for his hard improved. labor. The State Fair is a storeA trip to the State Fair combines son, of Lytle, Miss Alice Carey and Josie Tucker and children, of Ft. Surface where they all thoroughly \ games, dainty refreshments were house of aUKgestion. It III the Cro88' pleasure with business: From reo Carl McClure spent Saturday at the Worth, Texas, Mrs. Effie Graham enjoyed the day. About thirty.five ! partaken of. roads where inventors display their port! received, twice 88 many boY8 Dayton Soldier'S home. Those present were Misses Katha· and Mrs. Adra Lewis and 80n spent were preseQt. lat_t warea. wjll be permitted to attend. Father. ---. K ','1 E I W' h O I Wednesday at the Soldier.'s Home. Mias Ruth Chandler haa resigned rme relu er, ve yn rig t, pa Every peraon who haa attended have 'come to realize that the boy her position 811 primary teacher in Mr. James McChtre Mrs. Ida Kel. Tuesday being Chas. Sherwood's Thompson, Audrey Thompson, MarthiR Big Exposition Is a walking bill- should be taken into partnership, in the Lytle Schools to accept a similar sey, of Bellbrook, a~d the Misses 52nd birthday, hi~ wife an~ child~en th~ Lukens, C~arice Harlan, Ruby board in favor of the Fair. Tho~ pleasure trips as well as in the hard one in the Madison Township Cen- Elizabeth and Helen Harper, of planned a surprise f~r him, w.hlch Chn~, Dora Squires, Flo.ramond Reed wh. attend will testify that it is Ii work of the field . good inveatment to apend money Owners of a-ood animals and ar. traJized Schools. near Selma, Clark I Spring Valley, were guests of Mr. was successfully carrted out an a Pa~lme Bradshaw, VIOla Jordan. Co., Ohio. and Mrs Walter McClure, Sunday. family dinner on Sunday. Those Gall Unglesby, Ann Doster, Mabel aeei~ it. ticles should not he!itate to become present were Mrs. Alem Shipe, nee !:itarr, Etta Kennedy and Grace ThoullUlds of dollars have been ex· exhibitors. The advertiainlr ia worth Misses Justina Hartsock. Izma Nellie Sherwood, and two children, Smart. If! Messrs. Ross Hartsock, Alan pencied in 1912, to maketbe grounds all the trip costs, and the experience Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hathaway, fi'gbert, of Kan888 City, Mo., Winni- of Salina, Kansas; Mr. Earl Sher· Hartsock, Romine Shumaker, Evermore beautiful and the buildings is good profit, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hathaway and fred Macyand the Messrs. Herbert wood and family, of Dayton; Mr. ett Shumaker. Harry Wright, Lee larger. Entri. cloae in live stock August Ed Hathaway, of Columbus Grove. Edwards, Dean Howell, George Ed Jeffrey and family, of Oregonia; Talmage, Howard Sears, Carrol St:in~ Wt!eka before the Fair opens avail. 10th Other entrietl. except speed, Ohio. attended the fuueral of Mrs. Waterhouse, Fred Hawke and Bert Mrs. Sarah Elbon, Mr. Frank iher- son, John Denny. Leon Eycke, .Clarable space for exhibita ia crowded. close AUiU1t 17th. Rebecca Harper, of below Lebanon, Hartsock attended a dance at Leb- wood and Mr. Chas. Edwards and ence Cleaver, Harold Gillam, Her· .HuDdred, ot farmen ' who to For catalog and Infonaatlon write Saturday. Mrs Harper was a sister anon Friday evening. family. bert Doster and Irving Welch. p~ a pod b,.edina ·animal the Secreta1'1 at Columbua. of Mrs. Halli_waf,









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Hlc hn rr1 Ughtllut. Iln AmenclUl with an

She Kncw It. Stf' II,,-- Th ls Is th\! pl' ~~ I !lp ntla l YC[lr . n olla-- I kllt, lV . Til" run n (lr .... e bonrrl ,,·ft h k p OPR c l~ht bull moose that cbn.5e Y[)U ('v~ ry tlllle "Ull g o out .

"GILT EDGE." ,he only I.Ji.. ' .Mod.-•• t•• , ,.,... ·

~ " r1r c,'nl.i n. O H . BL. c~ a nd Pofuhei ladiet . nd c;hd,J,c-t'I '. boob ar.J ,I~ _' lino-l witlloalt rubbln •• 1Sc. "French Gt....... IOc. " S T A.n" comhinatin n cl ... n'"$: .nd poIi.MDI ,0 linJ. of nulC l ..... b n 1hun, 10e "D Andy" .u. 2SI: , " QUJC KWlfiT EH (in Ilq uid fnrm w;lh ' DOllle> 1~c.~'J l.~~~an. aDd whhcna diny Ca DY • • •hoa.,


ch!llr, lennlns ro rwnrd . with shl.QU'« c r ee . "you cnn 't V0 3s lbly kuow ~t ALOO"elea nl and w h it e n. e.n ..... ho. . . In rwnJ whu- e.k,.. ~ e k e.rll'u I m ... · II" bl) '~ ' w,lh loot''ft'. tMs mellns ju st a t tbls tIm e! W,'U·. If Io..:. l.o h"uH,:i.omej&lle .iul1Itnum h(I .~ •. wuh I IHlflll e. l ')c. you hadn ' t orrered to epeak. to Fran· ('Iof1l1 th e pU.J lL ntn.8 A.nt.1 1&(., &.t ntl[ht ,,"ole U your dq,l~ dot-. not ~ e~p the: '''In,1 anl 'I!ntl QJ. True to H I ~ 1"rullt. up for fl. Bl110k o. lit• •erva.nt . J~n k t n" . c1 't . It' s not Illtely tbnt anyone else dw prkC":.... at&mpt fur. '",Uli.!c pac hl c . chl've- patel "I"~thp.r." n , l«'d Ihe bCIl11 tlrul r; lr !. ('o m C:8 In n.nd . t a.Jl1ns to r ecognlzo LIg h t e VfO r would!" WHIlTEM ORE IlROS. 3< C O . nUL. attempt. to vut him ouL T h lnk!n. "d id you brlll g home Ill ,1I materia l 20426 Albany St. . C ambridc o. M ..... (h('l ern' a n l (· rIUY . Lightnut (" hRIl6,t8 __ h1. "Jlld gtl!" 1 ejac ulated. sbock ed . t or nlY [lew rihln 1" rA . OJh., <l " ,J J.~,.t#ll .'-I.trll-l ' .; " u' ''''' 4/ cloth ea In tt' nd ln x- to 8umrnOD k~'-p , When "Wb o wo,t1d WlUlt to r ' A:ld 11. . .---~ .~h., IW,,A,, ,,, ,f" U '. rI.J - - -- .. he r eIt D!>""'" J enkin. Call. on hi. neck "1';)e ." "IIrllh joy. c (lntlrm lnK Lhrht llu t·. b elief gr imaced h orri bl y. """ h ~re 18 It!" wat h e t. <"rlUy . J enkIn. tell. I.I l: hln ut 0 1 "Oh. I an, now!" I protest ed wernl' " mf'l . pp? \\'a lt n ow. Do n't bo \h., e " c ount ~ r h" hM wtl h a hl d"" U8 Iy . ~Inll.rnnll o.Ir<'$ •• <1 In p!\j nma.o. J n .. ImplI.tient ! I dld n 't fo rget It. I'm !1;,us"". from hi. fM end. J ac t< nl lllil/l' . "My boy. I t ell you I Imow - you eur. I'v e gu t It In 011 0 oC my poc kel8. !Jghtllut I. ..... ked to put up "the kId" tt!'r the night on hi. way home fro m co l· <lo,n't!" Hc IHt ed his hand e lo quently . 110 ro e\\" h ere. " Iue. l.... tAr 1.lghtlltlt IIn 't. n bellllllful lIe·fle ct Int: the corners oC il Ia lIloutl1r;rl In blAck paJamll!l In h i. room. U ght· n .. t ts ohocl< ,," by Ihe II1rl". clrln k lnjf . oh. s u ch 0 way ! "No. elree. 1 tell rou Thll Moon's Offspring. .."ok tng and .Irmgy t ..l1< . Sh e telt. hIm th ere' s not auoth e r livi ng man would LooI;ln8 Ollt of tlt e wIndow one eveh.!r nft..lTl6 t. F"ra.nd. and pu zzle. him ESINOL Soap and Resinol d D.r e cban ce It: .. He tbrew blmself nin g , little Mnrl0 8 11W the bright. full 'Wtth a story ot her Jove tor her a lftt e r '. l"Qom·mat... named France., Nest morn Ointm ent s to p itching backward . pllffing hl~ c11ce ke at we moon In th e cas tl'rn sky. and . appar· lur th e A1rl I. ml •• tn" a nr1 TJllfhtnut hurnnd w"lIll:g Ills eye n f r lgbtful!)'. "In ently . ouly a rew Inches tram It, tbe rtel t he boat to lee her ort'. He Is noand burning instantly and ~ed by a hUlky college boy. who call. fnct, be r ea bolltll - wbere Fr a ncIs 19 b eautI ful JupIte r. shinI ng almost 11.. ......, "Dick)'.' but he do ... not oee t he Quickly clear away all trace known. thero bave been two men- brlshtly liS tlte m oo n Itselt. Mari e r.r-l. 8 111tng. calli to apenr1 tho ht with I..Igh tnut. They r1tlcover of eczema. ringwonn. rash only juat t wo- ... bo eTer bad tbe te- 81t~ed Intentl y lit the lIP«'ctacle for a cele.. r ubIn h tdden to. the buttono of merIty to do It." e pajnma.a. Billings dona the pajamlUl or other distressing skinmomenl. and then turnIng to her and retire... Ugh tnut later dtscove r. "Ob!" I comciented . Woodered if mother exclaImed : eruption . to. bill a p...rtmenl a beet}' ",,!"Won In mutton-chop ",hlake... and ",elU1nl paja ma... one or these "al! tbe otller chap .h. "Oh. mother, loa);! Tbe moon bas .Jenkin" calla the pollee who de clare the \'! I!II en(:age d to. laId an e zt:! " intruder to "" a ortmlnal. called "FOllY He proceeded lroprellllhel, : ~One Ot'.. ndpa." 'th e Intruder deol~.. he Ie tJ.htnut·. tJU .... t and I1ppeait to the latof theae. my dear IIlr, Willi our re<:tor ter In valn. He I. hu.tled ott to jail. _ ./\ moet eb:lofmln8 ana "enerable 0111 In th e morn1ng LI"htnut I. aatonlehee to ftnd BUlInp cone. anr1 mOTe nelonl.hed U\lln. now nellrly elr;bt,-tbree Ilnd par. ."hen h.!o. C.ta a meaaa.., trom the latter Wllr~nv1l1e. 0 . -"1 have felt the t!l\lly vaf!lQl~ed Ilnd dear ; Uvea e demandln. hI .. clolhe... Lightnut bound eaeeta of blood poisoning for elcbteen tor Tllrr)'town. BIIHnp' home. dl .COV,rtI ~weet. plltlent lire all IIlone. ,all kno ..... ",.," the I1rl ot tha p",amu. bn yeare. I wall never without Bome erup1\-ttb no o ne In the .... orld to care ror the train, Lll'htnut apeakl to her and altl one on my body. Tbe terr Ible Itchlude. to the nlpt before. She deelarea blm. Well . IIlr." b e IItlrreoed dramat· I n~ clluRed me mucb surrerlng ond dIsIndignantly that tJIhtnut never aaw her tClIlIy. le\' ellnK" one nn~er at me, "do In paJarn.... t TaJT71O'"' France. comfort. 1\'hlle the rubbing aod 18 met by a. hU.~ co llen- 7CJUth. ",ho you tbln k that Frllncls would even 8cTal chlng mnlla It worse. Last sprlnr; baJl. L(ahtnut ... 'DIcky. The latter 11listen 10 hIm?" nOt'e. the boy. who then threaten.. to I had a terrible brenillng out of bile· tbnuh him tor on'endtnl' France.. LlghtDtd IT Well. (tub I~ dId I? tery aores on my arms and limbs. My nut tJlkea th e next train home. Btlllngti Dut 1 trIe d to mumble sometblns .tonruo over the outra.e ot hi. arrnt. He face lind a rms we r e IIlmoat covcred "'Well, I'll B-", &Dr1 Llghlnul dl.cover my.terloUJI Chlpolite. with rallb. 1 could no t I!leep and lost neee chnraclertl on the pajllm.... Profe""And then " he putted ae be r. acr Doozenberry Is caned In to Interpret ble honda. '1 thougbt Jack was bad tonlgbt!" HIe eyes seemed to hold the hl eroglYllhlca. He ravea over what he on sometblng-all be had to do . Dev- me wltb B more kindly and persooal li ghted bls cl&ar, "there's Jack's chauf. nIneteen pounds In ftve weeks. My face 11171\8 terrlbl, red and Bore. and call. the lost .11lt ot 8t-Ling-ChI. The writin g r1eclare. that a pertlon welU1nl ilish s llnple. you see, but tbeo Pugsley Interest. "Do you know I can 't tell feur. you Ilnow." folt as It my skIn was o n tire. At last the pajnmu will tnk" on the "emblance Is so Ing e nIous. lIo-<lb, Clever, you you bow glad I am that you find 110 "Eh, J ack 's-what' s tbat~" I grtpped I trIe d a sample of Cutleura Soap and ot the prevIous WelU'$r The profeosor much In Francis to like ; Indeed, 1 am tbe arroB of my cbalr. REMEDY FOR borrow.. the p .. J..m.... for experIment. know. Cuticura OIntment lind I found them ·'Bllllng.... dre...ed In pajama. I. found In "Yes." be nodd ed. "Jack's chauf· 110 cool. 1I00thing Dnd beallng. tba t I delighted." Stili studyIng me aUenA~fv~~Y tbe profe..or· .. room and II taken home enougb at CambrIdge wltb a tbou' In an Ilutomobtle ..nth Franc... and a wo- sand-dollar apartment on tbe 'Gold tI vely. be mu alngly r eacbell ror Q fresb re ur. Oh, I wns eo dIsappoInted at got eome Cutlctlra Soap, C uU c ura •• 8.0"00K. MFG!. Co .. IT.'AlIl..IIIIo A S K l'O U lt VKVGl.lI ST OiL WI"l' /!: V~ man Ll ghtnut cnll. "the trump-." Ught- Coast.' all you call It-and. by Georg e . lIgbt. "In point of fact. Llgbtnut. 1 the result or bls etlort!" Tbe old Olntmenl. anll R('solvent. I bat bed nut I.. angered by "Ihe trum" e' ..landerou" tll!k Ilbo ut .. Frn.nd.... "Bllllnl'I" I. YOU HaTVDrd men have got tile rlgbt alll free to say I bope th e Intimacy gontleman slippe d back In bls cbalr with hot wll ter nnd Cutlcura Soap. Hie Vie w, 1.&ken to hi. room. A .,.,rvant tel,. LII'ht- name for It !--b ut FranciS beat tbat In hegun between you two wIll grow clos- with n 61gb . "Frzlllcls JUBt IIwore at then I applied the Cutl cura Ointment not thllt B me..alr" h.. JUlt been ...... HO\\'itt- Thla plAce 18 1.000 feet cefv.,,! IItntlng that Bllllnp ..... under &1'- one term's draIn on me for poker er. It would be a thuoderlng good hIm. yoU know!" every night for two montha. a nd I a m above tbe lea lev el. thing for Frnncla and a great comfort •·... t In New York for .tealln. a auJt of loss os and-" "By Jovo!" I mlln:lged to get outcured of all skIn eruptions." (SIgned) black ptljamu. . . . Jewett-nut tho sea Is n·t on the a'n d yet. lIomehow. I wall devilish Mre. Kathryn Krafft, Nov . 28. 1911. "Poker?" I moi s tene d m, IIpa. Then to me." level ; It al ways m a kes lOll sIck. And. by Jove , be smIled at me-a plea sed about It. 1 brlghteoed. tor perhaps he meant Cutlc urll. Soap and OIntment 1I;)ld CHAPTER XXII. (Contlnuect.) "You a ee ~" A nd be lipread out bls througbollt the world. Sample of eacb "Ol" Just a gasp. you know; aM bridge-and that was good form. for devlllsb pleasant smile! Nothln' In It. So I just leaned forward and made band s. "Absolute ly no BonSe cC liP' tree, ",· \th 32·p. SkIn Book. Address m:r jolly cheek. BtunS a. trom • CI. .h there was my Aunt Julia. wbo lived by Teache r or Infa n t g('ogra phy CliU8a co : preclatlon. you obBerve; and It h ad pc:l(!!t-<:ard "CutiCUla, Depl L. Boston." of lIel')' wbat· lauce. So h. It- fact! But blS' bead s book ImpaJohn ~lace may tell <:,9 .... bat a strait "Tbanks awfully; and-er-by tbe g·e emc d such a epl e ndld cb ancel You tiently wben I lIuggested that be knew nbout tbe palamlll, tool I• . " 'ny-" Tben I stuck. boggle d wildly Ree tb oy had bee n s o Intimate- lOb. m eant tbls. MIxture of C.utlOh and Economy. 1 balf rOBe from my ehalr. John Mace-It· s ju s' thO plaID Itulf. nn Instant and we nt on : "Tbat Is to ar e !'lUll . ror thllt matter." "Bridge!" be explollerl . "Why, FranAt tho U nion depot a few evenings "1-1 you, sIr--" I bean ettr'tbou t nothln' In Il - ';udge. say, tbls Intimacy. you know-bas It cis doesn't know brid ge from casloo! I cau g ht my br~atD . "In-Intlmate!" ngo a mothe r who h"-d gene to se e her ly. heen too sbort to jus tlty-" I gulped. 1 stammered. "You don 't mean Fran- daught e r. a miss ot obout 18 years. Poker. I tell you. and faro-and all His fUBB, shrug checked me. "No, A better thing than tooth powder to "F.r- would you be wll!1ng to trust-" safely star t ed on a Journey. was beard no. we'll Juat baTo to wnlt tlU Jack tbe rest. The plucking was done And 1 lost tbe dashed Id ea ng[lln. ces nnd tb le c haui'fe ur ?" clea nse and whiten Ihe t (' ctl,. r e mo ve nIghtly at a certaln-er-club. tbe es"Ob. yes, " carc less ly, "ScoggIns Ii to gh'c the youog lady the follow Ing cets up. Tbe anI, thins I'm anxious ta rtnr and prcvent decay Is a preparatabllsbment of a gentl emn o by the fl oundered a bit and took anotber stly: all rlg bt ; very lIuperlor young man word s o r advice just be fore tbe tralu tion ca lled Paxline A ntt s(' pt1c . At about Is tbe .cen.ery and the vI•• name of McGlntY- 'Spot' McGlnty- "Oh. I say, you know. bave I your flOr bls position - fond of FranCiS, you started . "Now. good-bY, my dear. druggIsts. 2fic a hox o r sent pOlltpald pointe; and I just know It FrancIs permi ssIon to speak to Frances--er- . and I really thInk bas great In- Tako good rn re of yourself and reo on receipt of prIce by Tho Paxlon oh, you know the place. tben?" went wIth you, you would never 1188 I fa ced him earnes tly. "I_r-- you );now?" flu en re." He purred complacently an Ul ember not to be too free with Btmng· Toilet Co., DO'lon . MaS3. any oC It." "You speak to Franc1 B~ "-be juet InGtant. "Fnct III. tbey nre always to· erll all tb e traIn . But If a nI ce look ing Judge Billings. do 1 understand youBy Jove, I thougbt tbat Quite likely tbat Is . It can·t be tbn t r ou are s pe ak- leaped toward me- "Wby. my boy! " s:e tber when FrancIs Is bome"- pull man IIhould ' epeak to you be polite to Seemed Like More. enougb, but oC course It was devilish Ing of-er-Frnnces?" I s tamm e red And he wns wrIngIng my arm wIth --"motorlnS, boating. or e lee all: lIome- blm- be m[l Y buy your supper tor Th e Professo r- In 140 wa sps' nest, personal oC blm to lIay so. And dash Incre rlulously. "1 lUcan your Fraoces one hand wblle tbe otber clasped my wbere camplns togetbor." you."-Kansa s CIty Star. tbere are an Average or 25 .0 00 Ineec ts. seeing the scenery and vIew vain til. - sure ly you are DOt!" s boulder. "My de-e·oar boy-wby, "Wba·at-wbal·s tbat- not campTbe Stud en t- Wby, professor, I disanyway-wbo wanted to see tbem. It Dy Jove, he almost I ng~ " I looke d a t him agbast. " Ub, "I ju st am I " HIs Jow se t .vlth [I Llgbtnut!" Shock for a Brother. turbed just one n es t one day. and I'll tbe, could see b er ? I wruJ' juat gol~ Imap. "Ju st wbo I'm talltlng about gushed! "You're not JokIng now. are "John," lIald an eminent pbyslclan. bet tbere wero more than 25,000 In come now, judge--r eally you don·t to suggest tbls. wben be went on : and nob ody e lse, young m an! I meao you? " He peer ed anxiously Into my m enn tba~ do you-not camping to- wearily. enterlog bls horue atter a tbat one!" "Tbe fact Ia-~ He besltated. then my jo'rnncls.-Frnncls Leslie DlIllngsface . "No. hy GeorK"e, 1 believe you gether~" bard day's work, "Jobn. If anyone fUcked bls asbea wltb a slgb. "Ob. who e lse could 1 mean 1" He almost really mean It!" And be w e nt to Making Cheeae II, Olden DIY •. I IIPoke excItedly, but be jUllt IItared calls excuse me." well. sInce l'"e said as mucb as I groaned. "Ob. you doo 't know lo'ran- pumvlng like mad. " How awfully n.t me wltb an expreeslon of blank lIur"Yee. aub," agreed John. tbe old Cbeese was made by the old·tlme have, I sbould go rurtber. I aUPl>Ose. cis! " good of you-solt·sacrtllclng Is tbe prise . ramlly dllrke,. farmers In the summer on the co-opIt'. on I, rnlr not to leave 'au In the Das b It. wbat tbey all chorused at word! Are you Quite lIure you don't "JUllt lIay." explained the doctor. eratlve vlan by whi ch four cattle own" Eh! WbY. certaIn I,. my dear bo, duk. especlall, sa m, daughter was m e ! Tb ey seomed pretty pos itive mInd?" ers owning say 14 mlkb cows. recel'Ved --for weekll at a time-and wily not!" .. that tbe mallieur Is wIth me." entbuslastlcally hilling me jUllt now" IIbout It. too. lind I was jolly mlser"Mlnd~" By Jove. I thInk 1 loolled A little later tbe doctor's brother all th e milk nIght and morning. aoHIs IIhlft mllnlfested lIome Impatience. -purr-.. that sbe alreB4, loeb on able; but looking back now. I 80mo- wbat I felt at such a dasbed sIlly "Pshaw. Llghtout." he ~rowled. flick· called-called and recelTed the shock cordln« to tbo dally yIeld at their you as o~e of the huntly." ho w thInk of tllat mom en t ae be ing Question . little berd. Thus gl"en two famllle. Ing bls I18h, "wbll.t·s tbe odd..-wby n. of hIs lire. "By Jo"e, dId sbe thougb1"Well! well! well! My d ea r young ao vartlcular! I don·t mind!" He "I want to see tbe doctor at once." hllvln8 !lve cows ellc h. one wltb thr~ tile poInt where I reacbed tbe parting bitched to tbe front of tbe cbalr. at the what,you-CIIIJ.'ema . trlend!" And ot!, be went on In tbe jammed his hands loto bls trousers saId he, and ooe with one. supposIng tbat the wHow deT-I mean how-"Yub ean 't do It . sur." solemnly an- average yIeld per cow was the eame Menntime. her fa tber WI!.8 studying most dIsgusting way-w by, dasb It. pockets till It aeemed be would «0 He nodded. "Alld 110 I feel jclrtlnel1 me a little oddly aod Ilmillng. you would hal'e tb ougbt I was doing tbrough them. "1 teU you. I'm Clad !Wunced the old darkey. turnIng up In two weeks. two olVners would mak~ In talking to you Crunltly- not that 1 hIe eyes till the wbltes alooe sbowed. five cheeles eacb; one would pre911 "I ~ce you don 't Quito like wllat I blm some favor! I suessed, tbough. I'm democratic'" want to preJud1ce you asalnst Frnn- 89 y ab out Franc is." be remarked, puf· tbat It was the usual custom. but It "Yub can't do It. euh. The doctor. three, Itnd one only ono cheese. but "Ob!" 1 uttered. seeIng a light. cis, you understand, but ju.t because" !lUll cumplacently. seemed rum- for I should bave So that WBS It! Well. In any calle. sub. am wId de Meslllah,"-New York this one would be as good aod as large -bls bead wagged 80berl,-"B'rnncls I looll erl blm etralght In tbe eye. thougbt tbat In gIving your daughter 1111 any of the rest.-'·Nobillty or the now that 1 wall a republican, JI:"enln~ Sun. won·t dol" And he looked at me " [.'rankly, I doo·t. If yo u must know," I away, you put the th anks up to tbe Trad es- The Farmer." Charles Wlnlby Jove! Never (1ld know before steadily. A Que.tlon of N;amea. blurled . Tb e n I screwed my monocle other fellow. But Pugsley says tbe wbat I W!l8 and It wall a devlllsb relow Hall. In National MaG"azlne. Somothlng like a sharp paIn strncit tlgbt anll s trai gh ten e d forward, "Uy rule vsrles-qulte orten varIes! AnyIn some of tbe country dlstrlcte of lief to flod out. HnH made up my througb me. AgaIn-and til,. time Jove, I tblnk you ought to be as bamell how. I felt so gratified tbat I bad tak- mtod, th e n and there, I would Tote Irl!llI.nd It Is not aD UDcommon tblng She Wa•• Dueter. en the honorable course and IIpoken (rom b e r own tatbert I just aat tbere of your se lf. you know !" Mrs. Sutton adv e rti sed for a woman n e xt election-never bn.c1. yon know; to .ee CllTts with the owoers' names kind of frozen. you know. except tbat "W h- w hat·s thut?-Ugbtnut!" He to ber fatber-under s tand so many do few oC our lIet ev e r dId. PugsleY, for chalked on to · save the expense of to do general hou sewor k, and In anI could feel tbo smile alowly loosen- turn e O n beet co lor nnd grasped tbe not at all, you know . As It was. It one. beld It to be doubtful form. painting. Practical Jokers dcllght In swer II. colored girl ca lled. a nnounclnl gave me quIte IL comfortable glow of Ing In my (nce. He moved to a seat arrus of hIs c bn lr. "Brlgbt. seH-made )'oung man," [ rubbIng out these sIgns to annoy the tb~t IIhe h a d come for tbe pos itIon. neare r. "Db. I do ." I stood up and be fol- prIde. and I r etIectcd bow mucb bet- caulbt all [ cnme back. By Jove. be owners. Are you n good cool< ?" asked Mrs. "I don't Ilk. to aeem tu be dl. lowed. " I tlllnl< If 'Ul a t poor c hIld bad ter It al ways Is to follow the wIse ,'Vas still talltlng about tbat bellitly A constabulary sergoant one da, ac- Sutton. paraglng my own !lesb and blood. Mr. bad a IIltle-er· --forlJearnnco and dIctates of your wbat's·lts·name! "N il. Inde ed, I doc't cook." was tb. chaull'eur! "Sucb fine moral., you coeted a countryman wbose name bad "By Jove!" I tbought, I1S I nodded Llghtnut." he proceeded gravely, "but klndn os lI-·tllat sort ,r thlng-oh. da~b been tbus wiped out unlmown to reply. 1mow." the trutb Is F'ranclll 1. the onl7 on. It. I ju s t think you'pe beco Infernally and smiled back. "1 wonder wbat be "Are you a good lauodress?" "Ob, (lasb It, yes!" And I tblnk blm. would say If be Imew that Frances "Is thIs your cart, my good man?" of my cblldren tbat glv611 me barRb olw:r.ys-yes. I. do! " '" wouldn't do washln' and Ironln" t.blll must have been wben 1 broke tbe "Of course It Is!" was the reply. "Do It's too bard on the hallds "\Veil. I'll b..-" He swallowed tt, and I are already engaged!" anxiety." ' (:orner out of a filling. "Oh!" 1 felt mysel! shrink together. neck forward, and stood punting a bit. "Cnn you sweep?" asked Mra. Sut"Tbat "!\'as wby I was eo Barry be you lIee anything the matter wId It?·· CHAPTER XXIII. "I obs erve." ssld the pompous po- ton. my knees slan Ung away tram him. " Hars b. eb?" be j erl!ed at me. "Urn!" f'alled wltb Francis." be continu ed raliceman. "that your name Is o ·blltherU. stood Ihe r e. hIs Cee t braced apart. "No." was tbe positive answer. I'm MY dasb ed DlODocie hunc limp. ~;reUully; "!Jut Y0>1 may succeed bet· The F;amlly Btack Sheep. not strong enollgh ." He angled closer. "Jnck's drln1clng bls wllite IJro ws beetlIn g at the floor. I don't know but wbat It wIll ated." 1 got In a word : "Then ye 're wrong." Quoth the coun· "Well." said the lady of tbe bouse. Is ba d- til at I arlm lt. but perbap6- "H:trs h ! " He coelted bls lI ea(1 00 one "Then judge. I bave your permls- do 'ust 8S weill" h'm-be com es by It naturally; s till s lrl e. thrustlng out hI s hca vy undermu ... trymnn, who bad never come across Quite eXllsperated. "ma, I aek what "Thanks-er-awfully! .. tb e long word before. "for me name's you can do?" Jack has never forgotten tbat be Is a lip. Th e n came a s o lft and a crunt. Blon to speak to Franoes?" Inured weakly. "Pe rmiss ion ?" He lilted his band9 O 'Flab e rty, and I don 't care who "J du s ts." came tho placId reply.gentl eman - tbe 80n of B g entIem a D- lind oh. he lcol{ed black! "Oil, I thlni< so-ob, y ee!" He bobbed EverybodY·s. And jus t tb':!n ca Ule a Quick breath, and eyes. "You certa.!.nly bave. my illS bead as tbough he were qnlte re- knows It."-Youtb's Companion . and hns n ever been wllnt you would cnll fa st. but-" His chest lifted under and 1 callght a murmur: " I wonder boy- don't I malte It clear? Why. s Igned. to It-tben went on tbougb" By I'm sImply delighted-nod graterul- fully: 8 deep brea tb- "but B'rlUlcls-wbewl" now Ir. af l er all. that Is truel " F as t-FrancesT" It falte red tremu- George. th e y say cblldren 90d- " Tbe oh. 60 grateful · to you!" "And anyhow. It FrancIs finds you "He bit the hand that him" said Teddy of Big And. by Jov e, bo meant tt- there lously from my IIvs; my cigar dropped o:utter trailed off. " H ere. bere, my was no mIstaking bls Cervency! Hut nre In deadly earn eDt. wby It- " HI. b"yslt down ... · lie exclaImed _ulldenwltb a Boft t.hud . didn't tell us if the bite the biter ill. It made me reel like a silly ass, you voice dropped orr musIngly: "Well. I HI. eyes wIdened, "Ob, yos-frlght- 17'; and be made mc. believe tbat would malto It eMler-know. Custom or no custom, It just "I want to thank you. Llgbtnut." he subject ' of Bill'. voracio tully!" And he tondered me anoUler oh. lots casler for Scoggins." otcnr, and I bad to Ugbt It-be made said Imllrosslvely. "It may be. tbat made me a bIt nItty to tbink ber 1 bllnked a little wltb m, free eye. He"d have come ' back for another a bener Perb[lpa the better rathor woul4 speak this way. Mlgbt m.! "or course, the mIstake WIloB in you are rlgbt. (TO BFJ CONTINUED.) ••er &endIng Francis away to ecbool r.our se would be g eDUy to reBSOD wlUl be goat} form. but It appeared rotten tast_lots of tblngs !loem that way, -!lot a1 .... aytl a wIlle tblng, Mr. Llgbt- Francis." D.mage· by LIghtning. "Oh, judge, I am sure of 11," I uraed dasb It! Suggested tllJs to . Pugsley DUt, especially when the bome me Llgbtnlng does. most dama,e In . once, but be wal! BO 4e,,1II111 ' s boc ked . . .... been too clol.tared. I thlnJt: the feelingly. level, open country. A town or' City., naction wall too much for on. eo . "Well. well, mY boy-we'lI see,w He couldn't elit hIs luncheon-wasn 't able wtth It. DnmerOUI proJectlona uel to fetch a dasbed word for four Iioora! '~ and IDexperlencecl u Franda, patted me on tbe Inlee. ."I'm golDl iumpc. '. "Why. 'Llglltnut," be dropped to • 't,iNI, .ta...comp~ . .' 1lII4 Gtn't'~ _ III7I "" B. ~ to tr)' your way:-by Oeprse. l'U dO ,U Itngli8h f1.ocont. recelv •• Q. prall ent t r o m n (M e nd t n C hlnL The pre .ent pro \' es t o be tl pnJ r o f A Ifttter hln !1 nr .urpr1!11e t o t he we4..r e r . t ..Ightnut .fT e\~ t. ·c1


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Resinoi Ends Skin-troubles R








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lias B(l.czn Gr· ~2Y<Z~.




. ........... .. _,." •

H11 ra nd dip! down a .I~p hili .they




SllY th e re', no pNlltier bit at scenery In Missouri . I like to hang out Ihe window here Rnd watch the bubbles Ilnll tho shadows. RDd listen 10 Ibo 'Wilter flu d the whe(!ls, well I Just ('ouldn't Ilve without them." Tb€! uld mlln wllh the no ur dusled clothIng Ilnd heard hilS a dlstlngulsbed anco s lry, and In tbe tamlly B ible an the documents to prove IL His g ran(lralh e r, ::illmuel Watt. , WU a vount ee r eo ldle r In the army or Gen. eral Latayetle wblch came tram Franc o and f oug ht wllh Washington In tho R ev olutlonnry War. The reo orda s ho w that he was wounded &Cven t1m"s, tlJ a t he was captured hy th4 Urltlsh In C ha rles ton and tbat altel the war he IH)t tle d In Shelby County. K e ntll (' ky, and Ihat he waa Ii memb81 of Ih!' Le wi s and Cla rk expedition thaI went up th e Miss ouri River to th4 mtJ':Ilh of the Ye llo'l\'8ton. H e married Sallie Dodson, a grcat·grand dnughtel at Daniel Boo n(', and set tl ed In 8t Cha rl es Coun t y, !lfls80urJ. In I R50 A!: tbony B. '?atle. : ', SOil, ('./l m o t o. Indl n n Creek and 'Dought tht wa t er mil!. H o brought his tamll} with him. St ublJlns waa one of tht ch ildre n . To look at thc old man, stooping al hie blnll and gat h e ring a deposit 01 wh l~ flour a s a bee gathers paller tram the flowers Into whi ch It dlp8 o ne woulu not Imngln e he had b een I tlghtlng man, but. as he eaYI! : "The Ifurgle at the wnter through 80 mnn y yea r s Ba rt of lu118 you to slee p." The re Is 110 modern Dls c hlnery In I hl s mill eX(,E' pl the turbine whee l Years ngo th e old woode n wheel wa. lak en a lit lind (h .. turb ine pUI III. AI! e ls e Is as It wan e lgbty.two yenrs ago, e ven 10 the wooden pegs In the float' lng, the wood e n hinges on the doon and tb e woode n cogs In the wheels.


An Atm D8p here of Gr ay. Th A na l uralists te ll of bird s and lesBer crrn I u I,(?~ at th e wnod who take on the rolor of tho bark or the Itm'lIses upon which they live. You think or Ihls DB you s('e the mil le r In the door· wny. His dothlnR. e,'en to hla cloth s\lppe rs, his lonR benrd, hlB Batt telt h nt, sprinkled wilh fl our, nre n unl 'l -fonn g rnl', Ih(' grny of ro(, ks and mil!. StubblnK " 'ntts, greal ·great·grand . lion ot Danie l ll<)(. no, Is 75 years old. Dut Ihe old wnt<'r mill la old e r than he. It wa s hullt In 1830 nnd tor eighty· two yenrs haa b el' li grin ding corn ond wheat within ton mil es of I{ansns City. 'rh e hands tll:!t h e wed Its walnut beams Ilnd toshlon l' d Ibe blckory pins thnt keep Its wenthe red bonrdlnlt In place mold red Inlo dust a hnlf CoCn· tury ago. but Ih e old ml11 grinds on just as patiently, ss tatlhfully, liS unmindful at passing time and ~euera­ tlons ns It did long yellrs bdore this el ly WIlS drea med ot. You pasl\ yo ur hnnd over the sur· fa oe of a ' walnut b('n m, hewed out by the (l.JI ot John Fitzhugh, elghty·two years 01:0, and lay your flngera In 'n glIplng notcb just as hIs ox blnde lett It, nnd think oC the- chnnges that hav e . =---eome..jj) Wt!etern MIIIsolirl since then . Westport Landing grew out along the old wood rond until It bridged with pllved streets the mlleH between It nnd Weelport nnd overtlowed Boulh · wl\rd Rnd yet the old mill wheel turn ed ond the corn was ground to meal b e tw een the hom eml\de stones of rock qlll\rri ed on the bank at Indian Creek. Rlnce Ihl s mJII wns built the com · m<>rN! of the Sanra I~e Trnll cnme, fl o ur ~ sh<,d lor II time nnd die d; and then Ihe rush of forty· nln<>ra to Call· 10rnla flowed past It, nnd arter Ihem the rnllrotlds cnme and passed on 10 the Paclnc. nnd with th em the legions ~t Illonepr8 lik e the c louds at locusts oversJlI-eudlnF, all Ihe Innd be yond 10' thl' westward. The Mormons of Ind e· pendenr(!, wllo hroll g ht t I:elr gnlt to 1hl8 mill, departed to found a n~w emplro beside Ihe liend sen In the un· known desert. Past this old mJII, lUllt two hundred yarlis to the east, where tbe hlg elm lean~ Ollt over the creek, armies at the Civil War burrled. spla shing wildly throu g h Ihe forli, the Southern nmy In flight from Ihe defeat nt. Weslport, the Northern forool hot tn pursuit. Indian Creek Has Never Hurried, A great city of tall buildings and all things modern haa made the conn· try to I he north like a teeming cnt hilI, whero all Is hurry, hurry, hurry, but Indlnn Creek hM neV>er hurrIed; Its stream has flowed placidly. basking tng th~ sun, pRustng In the ahado"'B of tts trees; and just as plllcidly the old mill wheels have turn~d, their slow croatlDgs attuned to the liquid murmurlngll of the wat.erfnll. Placidly has Stubbins Watts gone In and out among the turning simlts for ,IXly-two year., barring those tour 1('arB of IItrl1(! when he fough t In the Soutbetn army, In thoac yenl'l he was aroused and fllled wtth a fervor that got Wm honOl)Jlle mantloD more .nan once tor deed, 'on tbe battle front. But Wh4l\ It wall over· be ,returned fa .In· dtan Creek rt1d' tliti"old' ifilll:; i ncf lb.surglinlr t~o water ail :It ' fau under' the .Ioar ' aoothed';: htm (~tnto . 11 calm ~lIo,BOP'hY.; alld.·be ,talks bllt lltiJe. ~'.; , "Yea,:" hQ. says, ' "1(1i ; ptjIItt, 1......;


Ne a rly 4,000 addition al bO ~ II1tal beds ror co n s uUlpllv eB In 29 NtoteH were ilro vlll~1 dur in g the year ellul ns; JU liO I, Clccordlug to 11 ~lILlelll e l1t I"Hued by t 10" '.:ullilns l ASSfl(' lation for t ho Stlldy nll d Pre v(' nll o n or T II I1Prclllos ls . Tlil. l und Ihp IlIn'n blirrol'; S u pwnr d tor a l lll;ok '2" u tOlal or ove r :JO,O('O lIed. , uut , Hhurt di>, tance, ai'!!r w h ich it ~ccm B I ou ly ab out one tor e \'HY (I' ll h"llg ll li t , to run llllll lt' lliruuf;h til e pith . fr e. t ul , ~rclllot;ls )Jlllil'lIl~ 111 tbl .. cou n lry. ; rtu~lItly ",','11 lea,' lli g til" stul l! ' l1tlr..In tbe Inst live y~lIrs. t il .' 1I",qolta l I.v Ulld re" ' lIl pr lll g II lit :.nutll!'r point. pro ,' I<!t'1I r'Jr ('u n SU II1\1I\\'I'S IHIH III ' T UI'llIt:f,: IIf! wa r oi. Il le I':ll(' :' plll u r , .... hell crc'nsf'oJ r rolll 14,4 ~S III 1~.u7. to uyer ' r ull), grl) \\ II. IHl ff's Io waI'd the ou t hi:.le :10 .001 1 In 1~'1 2. o r O" N Ion I" 'r ""lIt Rlld ell If; a I'irniJar hole III Ille oute r NL' \V Yo rk Sililo 1('111.1" In th .. [llirnuer \\':11 1 of til,. n:cl1t. 1'1,, 'n. nf le r spin. of u<'<i s. h'l\' illl( l\ , :I~O on Ju ne I ; ~las · I nlng a r.·,,· lo" ~ " tl n(·ads n n()s~ thl' sa .-il us('lls (,alli es 1l ex t wltb 2.~O il ; nll ,1 o p('nlnf; If) kt" ,p <Jut II n<i!'Hlruh le vls l· Pellfl ~y l\,(I1III1, /L clo>'e third wllh 2.700 I t o rs, It retren ts n aburt dl s ll\ol' Q, AluhfllUlI RtlOW('fl (It" g r eBI " s t prorcen t·1 U!:" of Ill e reuse III th e I(\s l yeur u)' nrld tng 57 n e w beds t o ItK 42 n yelir figO . Geu rgln ~lJme8 nex l with 1 0~1 beds added t o 2 40 A year ngo New York hRS the g reat es t n Ulller lcn l In · crease. hll vlng prodd ed o,'cr 1.800 ad· dltlona l beds In th e yea r.

Lnrvoe. If P ..rsi&ted In, E{{ectually Preclude Serious Illjury F:-om This LltUo Insect.

}VA7TS ]'://LL,

Jtlst b e t o re YOU .-ea('h Indian C r('c k ,lIlll Hh ut s t ram Bight the lJl ~ sto ne house that cost $4" 000, Ih e la ut soulh e rn outPOllt or Kan sos Ci t y Ihal Ie sprawling oul and engulfing all I h ie roiling prairie. You lou k ror Ih e o ld bee t~" and the re Is II catch In your tbrollt wben yOU ml~ s It-·bu t no-Ihat clump or walnut l rees hit II for a lOoment. The ax of tho r ea l eK lul e specu lator bus not oO llle quit e t hut tar ye t. 1'ho60 hees fli tti ng tnr up among the d ead brHllceH ol!:ll inbt Ii bllc kground or grny sky are Ih e oldest settlers of tblll co unty . Th e cololl ), was there In thM .ame troo long y,' ur9 berore a white man lIet ruot In MlsRour!. There nre men llvlllg who knpw that tree lind 1t8 w ild ll<?"B s l~l y yoars IIgo. Turn to th e right ufter you c ross In · dian Cr«.,k nud go a bout two hund red ~' ards to when' Ib e stream Dours In n broad while walerfall o\'O r n low ledge or ro ck lIn d drifts lazil y In a wid e pool ...... lth a s tr ea k of s ill'e r hubhles down \Is ce nt e r. Th o banks h('T'(' oro rock, with hollo\\' s gouged In Ih em and ove rhang· lu g sh<>l vf'\I Ihal ('aat bla c k shndows upon the ~trel!m . \Vall ll'u mill RCJu a tll lo w upon Ibe oppels l te b a n k . The we al here e! gra y of Its 81dell Ilnd roo f la th(l eX llc t ahade or the IImp ~ton", 1~lleo th a nd a ll oround It and lil e old mill seema to mer!;p with It nnd Is n l'a rt or It. You look III "n I n tor Ii IIY \l n.-. or clea vllge b e· t ween m ill fi nd roc k . T he yea rs hav e bl e lld<>d l it em Into one som u cr gray.

Addltlon.:tl Ho.pltal Beda for the Tre.:ttment of the Tuberculosl. Are Being Established.

.A..oy Method Which Will Insure Compl('te Destruction


-· ~~M.j-~-=-; " "" "'f;


DRUG HABIT GAINS IN PARIS - - -Wholesale Degeneracy Threatens City. a Prominent PhYSician Assort., Im'es tfgotlons tollowlng a recent s uc cession at tatalltles In the Quartl e r Latin hnve revealed that tbe drllS habit has gnlned on Parisians . 10 aDO store alone dope fiends bllY no less thnn on e bundred pints at cocolne and morphine every week. So Im'I'nlent 18 tbe dope bablt th ill n. prominent pbyslclan declares he de· tects Ita victims by the 8COro every time bo' takes a round of the cares. Ether ts no longe r fashionable, but especlll ll y tn the nrtlst Quarters mar· phlne Is used r et'k leasly . Even tb4i uninitiated can detect those addicted to It In an evenl ng's stroll. Purls, In th e opinion ot this pbysl. c'lnn, Is the most drug·cured city 10 tbe world, for while rich women at other capi tals 8Ccretly Indulge In va· rlOUII .dangerous ways at s timulating their jad ed forces, I he dope habit In Paris has sp read through every class until whol esal e degeneracy Is threllt. cned. -Brooklyn Eagle. Mission Weddings, Within two minutes atter the cab atoIlP('t\ lit the mission door tbe report spread up (lnd down the streN Ihat a w('t1dln,; WD S taking placo InSide. Within onolh"r two minutes the room was Il:tcltell to the very doors. That sudden rush of tbe crowd to the sonc· tuary pleased the mission luperln. t<'lltlenl. "It I hsd money to sPllre," be said, "I would PIIY II bonus to young couplel tor ge tttDg marri ed In a mission. Tho morn I d'fect ot one wedding Is worth a dozen sermons. To get the best et. tect Ihe ceremo ny ought to be per. formed In the middle at the serVice. No Innovation that I have ever IntrodUOI'd has had such a !!obenng eflect on the congl'ega\Jon. Tbe example 01 a mlln once as tSI' down maybe In the Boclal scale as tbemselves having be. co mo sufficiently regenerated to 811 . lume the resDonslbllltles at lite Btlro every bit at mnnhoo d there Is In thorn . "'The trouble Is, I can persuade very (ew couples to be marri ed In t\ mlssian. The bridegrooms do not mind, but the brides want something mONl exclusive."

Gl!:onor: o . AII'\ S L J::J.:)

Tn InOIlY c u rn n, M. espcc lally In tbe Scuth , !L ht'uvy wind lale In t be ae!lROO, before tb e corn 18 Ilmturcd, d (H ~ gr cn t damage by breaklug th e plnllte o ff at th e s urru t:o ot the , round. thus ruining .lh e m . All el:nlU l uatl o n of tb e~ e ur okpn ,tOIlJ S will In most case s show th a t they hn"e I.lIlc n r;reatly wPlIkcn .. d lI y tbe lJurrowe at n cat('rplllnr \wown 0.8 " the laq;e r corn stalk tw r er." Its work Ie largely wi llt ill till' s t ern ot tb e p lun t . nnd IH 60 eO Il ('calt·u th ut In most cases, unl es s \Vi'lA th cr cond l· li ons make It ('o n sp lcllo us, the pres· en co of th e Ins ecl pnbSCS ullno tice d. Tbls Inse ct s el'01 S t o have been originally an enemy at augur cUlle and to have tlr s t trnn sfe rr ed Its Ilt· tent Ion to corn In tbe so uth ern part ot tbls country, wbPTe co rn Rnd cRne are grown over th e same t errito ry . It occur!! In many cOllntrl e~ whero suo gar can e Is th e s taple crop, nnll hilS cau sed great dam age tu th e W es t Indies, Brltl ah Guiana , Australia, and Java. The bulk of th e evid e nce goes to sllow th a t It wns first brought Into thi s co untry with th e Imllortntlon at sugn r·cane cu ttings tram th e '.Vest Inul es (Lnd Centrlll nnd Soutb AmPTI· ca, wbere. s ilice early times, It bas

Larger corn s talk borer, a. Summer formod larva; 1H:, hibernating forms; d·e·f·g, Abdominal segments. tnterfered with the production of this I!wpie. . Curn Is dam aged hy these ca t er pJl· lars In two W ill'S . J."Il'St. In ~he early part at the season, whll e tbe IJl nnts are small, they work In the "Ibroat" of th e youn g COrll, und Ir the (' lId er . growin g tip und th e protecting lea ves 1are on ce damnged all chances lhat the : pl a nt will b ecome a normal prodllc. th'e s[lel'lml'n are gona. 1n many se('tlon8 thi s Is co mmonly Imown as "bud·worm" Injury, nnd thol1 ~ h tbere are seve ral oth e r In sec ts whI ch cnllse a similar mutilation of the leat, a very large proport io n of th e 60·caIl 0<\ "bud·worm" damag e nlSY be charged to this In sect. The otber form of se riou s damage cbargpn ble to t.hls pest occurs later In this senwn . T11e larvae, having tben lert the leaves and descended to the lower part of the stalk , tunnel In the pith. It tbe larvae aro at nil numerous In the s tAlk. their burrow s so weaken the plant that any unusual strain wl\l lay It low and d e stroy all chance or Its m nturlng. While fre· iluently ten or more lurvn e may Jive and mature In one plant, It must be remember ed lh a t any Infes tation. how ever light, will lesse n In some degree tbe vitality at the plant and cause a corresponding loss In tbe quality and quantity at the liarYest. ImmedIately upon leaving tho egg In sp ring the young larva o f the flrst gen e ration, spinning Ii silken tbreod behind It, wanders down Int o tbe throat or the plnnt as tar as the wa·



and Condiments

There", a goodnesa to them

henan description.

One laste

and you'U want more.

Purity -;


Ecooomy f They're not expensive when you mn&idcr their luperior quality.



male; C:.

moth; Pupa.


Always Buy-Libby's

Wing. of

pl ugs t he burrow below Iv lt h dlgestod pith, lind In Iho chamb e r tlll lS e re· at f' t1 sl ow ly changes to th e lI ex ~ or ) slnge . Sc ld o:1 1 Is the s lalk daru ag!'(1 abo'8 the third jo int fr om the gro und, al· tb oug h ti le larvae , wbpn s mnll. are tount\ In the Isrj::e mltlrlbs of the low· e r I av ~s tlOd later III the 6eason, wh e n Ih e ' food ~up ply Is r es lrl c ted, even In s uc!'u lent nubb in s far the r up. They somet imes al so 1 1(' n l'tr~le the und ergl'Olind pa rt of tb e ~1a.l1t III feed· Ing nnt'l e nt E'!" fome of th e large r bra ce roots fo r a short dlstan ~ e . The lan'ne or tbe seconu j::e nera· tl ol1 \l' o rll In n sim il a r mann p. r , eJ· ('e pt that nt t he tim e th e y appear U.a tn ssel h as bC'e n forlll ed ; h e nce n ,e do mage 15 now cCllftned !LItoI': t iler to th e lowel' s t a lk . Th us, In s t ead at ar· ranging to P :1S S th e pupal s tngo In the u pper stulk. t ~ley p<' nelrnte to tho r oo t to hibe rn ate nnd tb ere, liS larvae. lIa ~s th e winber In a qui esce nt stR t e. Homt lo n Is on e at th e IJ('!; t gener· al preve ntiv e s uf III ju r y from Insects arrectlng IIdd crops. Ex pe ri e n ce lia s ehown tb a t wh ere corn has follow e.1 · Itselt utJo n th e slI nte fi e ld for two or ,!pore years Ihcr e h as been .a mucl]

Doa·t accept a oubllitute. Whether is be reliah- ooup-meat-uparaj!Ulpreoen'c:a

or jam. - in.iot


the Libby

Tb.o you're .ure 01 ..riofactina.


At AU Groc.,.

Ubby, M~eiU & Libby Chic:qo

"Goodness, little boy, why don't you wash your tace?"' "Say, lady, you wonter glt rer dates; tbls aln't SaWdy ." Ln.,c t, ynu 1 ilq~et w h ~n nt ltf, tn nN,\l (It . I n .\t\ll,,~ " l'U W I1Jhcr t.tJ~1 1I ~ 1111~ .. ( flll"rl d tl Ttn," \' UU llb W.,l"itti.


It. tril.. 1 willcu n \'l uct!

It Is not eas y to btl n widow; one , resume all the modesty of g irl · ho o d without being allow ed e \" e n to feign Ignorall ce . -~lmE1. Oe Gi rard in. m\l~t

Mrs. Wlnal(,1'r'" Sont h l nll



o'u r j will not IInll gr Injure any t liln ...

~ hl h lr,. n


Uu ...... I1~.l etrf'('ll,. ...

l ~ l'llllllil. ~ufl('u " tl lf' 1l1l"1H . rp"I1(' ~ ' '''1 11I1\Illllllla '

t.lou. a.lll1ytt IIn ! n. curefi wlud t..' v Ue ,



:::·~~I~~' al •• . ,. •• t, el ... or~~:~~t.Ii.l:~ ::JJI~~~ ~,"~:I~:a'n'l~r~I~ :rt~! Sold by de.lere .,r

n. lIu lL Ie..

o lent, prepall l t (" Ill.

B.4U.OLD lOME•• , 110 D,&alb "' .....

a ..ookl),D.

It·s ea s ier t o lead BOIllB me n to drink Ihan It Is to drive t!Jctn nwny (rom It.

Satisfies There ' never Wa! •

thirst that Coca·Cola couldn't It goes, atrniKht as an arrow, to the dry spot" And besides thi.. satisfy.

Mutilation of leavea of corn caused by larvae of larger corn8talk borer. greatel- loss trpm tbe horer than where an annual change ot crop bas been practiced . Thi s Is especially notl ceflbl e where stnlks st ubble

@J¥£(g IBtisfies to II T the call for somethin\r purdy delicious and deliciously purc-(md wholesome.

Fr e e

(By A .




Libby', label is your guarantee,




AU... l .( ... Is Rich tn Flesh Forrnlq and MUk ProduclDIr NuC.rl. contl'J-Rlaht Kind 01

ter or dew u.ually standing there will allow It to go, and begins til fe ed on the lea.ves, going back and rorth through tbe yet untoldI'd clusters Rnd soon rlddUng the more teuder leaves with aimless burrowB, It the bul'1'oW reMbes the tender terminal bud where thA future joints are beinS" fOrll:ed, further , growth at tbat point ceallea and the plant h~comes stunted and misshapen, with no tassel. As the plant oonUnues to mature, the larva "lrI"Ows out;" all tbe farmers lay, It 1& mor'! lU~ely that It Is tb. evidences or tt!! work and not th. larva it.eU that ."grows out;" but for whatever rea,!o,!, tbe e&terplUar .&Oon leaves tile more .Ieafy portlon of tbe plant and' attack. the stalk at or near the ground. gero ' a hole 1, cut

Yes indeed-

real pickles-crisp and fine-just as good as you could put up at home and far less troublesome. But then-you should try Libby'~ Olives or Catsup - in fact.

I anY~f


Larger corne talk . borer; Larva In lower part of oorn plant preparatory to hibernation,

TAS"fY) they're



mOlhs, lipan emergen ce In sllrl ng, finding them s elves Bu rround ed hy tbe young corn, comm c nce egg la ying at on ce and eHcape the dan gers encoun lered In s e nr('hlng for another fi e ld at corn . A forced Journ e y In senrch 01 young corn r es ults In mnny of the temales be ing ea!.e n by lJlrds or be ing destroY ed uecau se at rlLln, cold, or failure 10 find th e object or their Qu es t. A trw mothtl will alwllYs suc, ceed In th eir ~earch . bill th e s uccess· ful proportioll wll\ be greatly de. c reased by persis tent crop rotalloD.

Getting There Flrd, your old friend O. Broke coming across the IUeet. Dadd-Eh! That'B right. Oh. yel, he sees me. I'll run ahead and m eet hIm. 1 ·wnn t to borrow ' a dollar. Back In a moment. Be hurries rorward Mil creete tb, comIng man .'" rtesentlY ·be" rcturDs. ., Ladd-Wby siiou.ic! you ask ' n. Broke rol'" a dolla....f · . Dadd-Bec:nuBc :1 bew IK! \fU" '" tlh'oua:l1 ' th ~utir ~all 'of :izll ' ~O 11S~ Inc (~r teD. ' .' Ln.~d-There'8



~·IA:>; C K() .

Ind Ian ..


m ent Station .)

For alfalfa : Good drainage must be provided. Tbe ground must be free o( weed seed, Soli lack In&' In fertility mUBt " 'ell manured. as alfalta requires a large itlmount of plant food. InoculaUon of the loll will generally be necessary aDd must Dot be neg· n ec telj~ Soli from & good alfaUa field or 'fro~m, a place where sweet clover II crowing should be used for Inoculat· inS'. - Alfa.Jfa \s an excellent fesd for all kinde at stock. It III rich In nesh forming and milk produtdng nutrlenta. It Is more digestible than red c\00 ver aild Is not tar behind Buell mateo rials liS wheat bran til feeding value, ,Allalfr. ",Ul YMld from three to IIx toill Qt bay pet ac~ per lea,o~, &Co

cordim"" toJ' ~ tert,U1~ Of ~•


Our new booklet tc.UlJIr" cooo,col.l .lbdlcaLlOQ • Clww>oop, ,., cbo uJU.oc. Dem&Dd I be C':enLlloc: .. made bt


We Lead You

To Fortune and Happy Life in California Menn . J. S. & W . S. Kuhn, the Pitt.burgh banlr.ers, are dolnlf In the Sacramento Valley what the U ,ii, Government I. dOing elae"herB for the people. There it ten timel more net profit per Bcre In California ;"";g,JlId land than In the East and "ith Ins labor. Let UI talr.e you .. here there I. comfort and happiness betld.,. profit, climate equal to that of Southern Italy. no froatl nor 100". no thunderltorms Dor lunltroke,.

Let UI take you ",bero big money II ,.'ow being made, marltet. are Dur, demand for prorluclI great aDd income il 'Un!. Let UI take l0u .. hero railroad and river tranlportation II near. "here there are denominational church. and graded Icheoll. N,'t/) I. the time to buy thl,tand-gel In "lth the ",lnnen, the great Panama Canal ",ill loon be ready and you can .hare in It. triumph.; farml are lei lin&" rapidly. and ",a .trongly uree you to purchase ...oon aa po..ible. Yon can buy this land on very cur, term-.$15,QO an acr. IItOW and the balll\ce In ten year y payments. Gin ... an opportunity to take up all detaill "lth you -"rit. III .'ow, Let a • .end you oar fine ilIultrated printed matter telliu&".n about it. Wrltefor It at ,,.u-it alvel,you absolute proo'"





H. T.






•. \ 'r'


In t ox lc .l jng L iq u o ri.

.' .


. l l.


r .... '"



'r o " n ',~ r'n H l lr " ll ",t' l!'lu •• r :o: p l . , . 01 \ r\ I :-; ,"~ lll •. 1 k


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t.l. qili.

','11 .


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tI. "



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1. 1( ense t o T"affic in I nl l1 n ~ LIlj ,urs.


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29 lOI 11

I~I~S I I\~~~ \ I~~; I I YES


14 l5 l6 l71 lS 19 'H


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Art. V II i , ~eL:. 12. Abo lishin g Board of Public Works.

Y ES 1\ ()


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Schedule of Amendments.




._ ..

--What Makts A Woman?

Horees- 1. two-year old, 1 foor4 year-Old , 2 yearllnl8 , 1111 Pur·

Une hundred and twenty })'lund", more or le'8, of bone and Q:)u801e dont make a womRn. Itll a good fo undation . Put into It health and etrength and she UlliY rule a Itlng. dom . But that'll jl1At whd Eleotrio Bitters give her . Tboul:I4nde bless th em for ovoroomlng fainting and dizzy spells ao.1 for dispelling weak neRII , nervousness. baok liohe and tired, IIstles/l, \'lOrD out feeling " El eotrlo Blttltrs have done me Il world of good," wrltee Eliza Pool, Depew, Okla., "and I thank you, Probate Court with all my heart, for maklnll: sooh medlOlne." Only GOe .Ioh n A fhompson was appoln&ed a good Ild miniHtrator of 'he elltate of Frank G uarantl!ed by all droggilltli . W . Thompson, deoeased . A BIO SAVINO ::;lIle of lan d ordered in calle of M. A . Jllme!!OD, g uardian of Maria WilVote for g00d roads OD September Ie r, I III beoU" vs Marla Miller et al. 3 und help &0 "'h Ohio out of 'he B I::l . Ra'h~eber adminlatra'or of mud . If Amendment No 211 to the the el!tate ot Joeeph 0 Lleuellen, State Uoostltat'lon III oarrled every deoeased, filed hit! first and final ao· oitizen in the oommonweaUb will OOlln t . t't'I!lJlze the benefits t o be derive. Kittle V . LollAr, e xeoutrlx of the It will mean a saving of from ostfl te of R. B . Lollar, deceased , filed nO,ooo,ltO to 112,000,800 B yeu in her tirst anrl finlil liocount. 'he rejuoed ooa' of transpor'dion U rRoe Ueobt found to be fit sub. and \1111 wllJ reluU in a lellening of jf ct for State Botlpital for InllaDe the present high oost of \tOYing Elnd ordered to ho seut to 'ha' in. Kone caD eetimtlte. ,the good whloh EltitntlOn. ....111 oome. Ohio ha!l been hampered Will of Maria CODover, late of for yean wHh bad road II. Now ill Fra nklin town!!hip WIiB a~mitted to 'he opportnnlty to make the ohaDlfe pr'lblite and r eoo rd. Robert MoClung, exe outor of the Dnring the summer mon'h8 moth. eetn te of Elizabe'h McClu_g, df'. ers of young oblldren should watoh for aoy unnatoral l008ene88 of the OMMen, filed his first aooooM . Mliry E . Stockman, exeoutrlx of bowul!!. When given prompt "\ttell'ion a' thi!l time serious trouble tbe estate of Ll oyd 8tookman, de may be avoided Chamberlain'lI D_ oelleed , fileli hie tirst lind final ao. Coho, Cho Iera an d D larr h oea nom· ooanL OOy can alwaYII be ' depended UPOD Effie B. MoLan!', guardiAn of the For sale bv all dealers, • • e8 ~att! of Carl Bond, mlnt)r, tiled her A 0000 AMENDMENT !leoond and fioal aooount. Ed ward Bill was apPOinted ad. When voters go the polll on S(3». minis'rfltor of the eltate of Mary tember 3 '0 cast thetr ballo&1l on the 8hoemaker, deooolled. mlitteI of adopting oObstltutional 8anford J . Brown, aooopted ap. amend men's 'hey ooeh' not '0 for pointment ae adminilltrator of 'he "'e' Amend.ment No . 211, Thl. ill .. estate of Jarae8 8 . Brown, deceased. tho one in favor of i!lsning '50,000,000 Bond of Annloe M. CroBler as ex in bondll for lood roads. It will eoutrix of the elltate of da"le E . oo~ ' an average per.oapl'a tax of Stephena, deoea~ed, was redooed bot dfty .three oents a year .nd 'hill frOID 120,000 to '3,000 . will be dletrlbuted In proportion \0 Lelive granted for lIale of two one'8 wealth 10 that eaoh 11000 promlseory notee in c ~ae of Demo!! ",orch of aSlleBsed pr(lpert.Y will no' thenes Weer, exeootor of the ee"'te bear more th"n twenty 8ix aents. of Mary Ann M*aley ve Max W. Bol . The lJ,mefit derived will be ino.luul. t in et al. able.

oell,!!. For Informllt!on 011\1 OD OaoaT Robi nson , OregonlR, O hio a ';

200 year bnshelll of Corn, and a three· old driving Co lt. 80e JamllB Dinwiddie, on Mallit'li , .. rill, on Lytle pille, Waynenllle, Ohio a 'I No. t Poole who'" for tleed. Clear of Mmot lind In good oondition. O. I •. lUcks, Waynesville, OhiO, R . U. 3. J 31


12 Plymouth 1 ro08ter.

Roolr ohlokens and Pure bred II took , Knoxdale ,train. For price and further informaUon InqUlr" of Dr. U . W. Bathaway, Waynesvtlle, Ohio . J 31


2·year· old hoi fer In good shape . Inquire of p, E. Kenrick, WaynetIVllle, OhIo. phone ''503t' . J 31 NAPKINS-A new "took of nap. klns jQ8t In. Seven designll to pi ok from. Gazet\e offio!'.


Methodist Episcopal Churdi Re .... O. 8. Graueer. Putor. U : 10 a. W. Morn llll( aer

Sunday Scbool.

vice, 10 :30 3.. m . Eve ning aervlce, . , : 0 p m . Mld weell Pr ly er MeeUDII. 7 p . m .

St. Augustine'. Catholic CburcJa"j Father LoW. YaWl , Masa enr., IOeCODd Sunllay' of tbe mOlltb 9 ;00 & . ...

Real Estate Transfers

Fl)r so,"ene8S of 'he mUllole, Frllnois M. Prloe and Laura E. wb other Indnoed t>y violent exer~ P'rlue to M. E, Ellie, lot in Morrow, ollie or Injury, 'here Ie not-hlng better thlln Cbamberlllln'lI Liniment $1 '111 Is liniment also reUevell rheu. t:!nsan M. Barnhart . to 'Jamnel mlltio p"lnB. For sale ty all dealers. Fox, lot In Springboro, 90.cent!!, ENDORSED EVERYWHERE J. A. Ranyan And "arlet'" Run. yan to W . E . Harmon, three traotll The good roadll propOIlI&ton i. rein Tortleoreek townlhip, 110,000. Clinton W. ~tanton to E . M. alld

::~~~gO( ~~IO :!~~s;;:,:::~ ~~d:;

M . E Sweeney, lot in FrliDklin, Frltnk V. \Vhlte et ul to Bomer J . A. Jones, trae' of 75 aorell, $1.10.

it ie dlffioult to find a voter oppolled CO it. It meaDS 110 mooh aDd tllllnoh an uplift for good. E,' ery olus of

Rt'lnry 6 . Beller admiDistrator 10 Fr.mklin Improvement Co., lot In Franklin, $600 . James F. RDook and EJlz!lbeth ~nook to B. L . Harding et Ill, 'raot ID DeeJfleld townehlp, $1.10 . Charlee B . Canton aDd~ Martha Canton to (lraoe Alberta MoAdamll lot in t:!outh Leban cn, $1.

citizenship will be benedted. The hIgh cost of living wlll be rednoed and the farmer and the tOWD broughr, Into cloeer rela'ionahip. A good road is always a iOod .llIe& '0 a oommonitv-It oanno' be stol8n or embezzilld. J!'or centory atter




a= fI.) I I


St. Mary'B Episco.,.t Chwda. Rev. J . F . Cad w&l1 ..der. Rector. Sunday Sohool . I) :8n a. m Mornlnlf se r vIce, 10 ;so a . m. Hol y CommunIon \h e 6ral


eiLCb mODLb.


Chriltlan Cburdl. Rn. L. O. Tbow)l8OD. P . . . . Bible 8cbool, II: 10 a. w. 80daI _tllll. 10:10 a. w. Obrla~lan Endeavor. 7:0U p . III. BermOD bJ putor every "t.eroa~ Sundl\¥" 10:10 •. ID. &lid 7:'0 p. W .

Hldaite Friend. Chun:t.. FIJ'IIt Da, lfeeUnjt. 0 :00 • . m. FJra\ Da, Bchool. 11 :410 a m, i'our\1I Day MOClIIll . 10:00




Orthodoll Friend. Churdt.


loin. Ru~h Murn.J, Putor Rabb&Ltl Sohool , V:30 a. m . R~Rular obu~1I ..,rvloe. 10 ·to a . Ill. CIIrlsUan EnQoavor. 7 :30» _


---_.- ...- - -

Clyde F . 8tonder, 25, telegraph Iinl!mlin of Goshen and Emma S . Crosson, 26, of Blanohelter . Fred L. Inglp, 25, steel worker of Kid(Uetown, and Uraoe E Beatty, 21, of FrRnklin.

A rt . XV, Sec . -to Eli g ibility of Women to Certain Offices.

Art. X \' 1, Secs .. I , 2 and 3. Methods of Submitting Amendments to the ,Constitution. Art . A V JIT , :-'ecs. I , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 , i, 8, 9, 10. I I , J 2, 13 and 14. Muni :ipal Home RlIle.


OIDce 10

Waynesville, 0

N""!!a\!!IO!!D!!al!!!!B~ank!!B!!I!!da!!~.~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =


Osteopathic Physician I

912 Relbold Building,

Dayton, • . • Ohio Gl'IIdua~ American 8chool. Klrkavllle. 1010




BARNHART, Notary Public

oentory It w\lJ remain a benefaotor Allklncll! of Nosary Work. PenBlon to thoae who vo&ed to pot It Into nM, I Work a Mpeoialty. I

Marriage Licenses

Art. XV , Sec. 2 . Reg ulating State Printing.

:hr. X V, Sec: . IT. Out- Door Advertising.



. \rl. X ll1 , S<.:C 2 . Re g ulation of Corporations and Sale of Personal Pr~perty. Art . XI I!. Set' . 3. Double Liability of Bank Stockh olders and Inspection of Private Banks .

:\ rt . X V, Sec. 10. Civil Service.

lll&rried JlLnaflrY 19 , 190~ and P lniutiiT pruys lor Illim on y hnd cus t ody of ohildren. \""0 Emo nuel i ~ attorney fO I the 11"'111 t1 0' . 13 e~!oi ll'. Whi te fil ed s u it fo r dl vorce IIgllln" t UOf lloe F' r(Jrl White obo.rgi ug orn ult y IlDd gruss Doglect. Co uple Wtt~ 1J1urr ied AuguII' J. 1\)0,/0 and hl\\" e two ohildren . PlllinUII prays '( <lr /I \1 Ulony and custody of ohiJdren. I::itllnley & t:ltanley are IlttorneYf!l for the pltlintiff. William 1. Long of Harilln tOWD. : All i P flled 8ui t IIgainst the Baltimore &, llh io Hout\twe8tern RallrJad oom !IJllny for damages a8 the r e8uU of fir!'8 on his farms I\Ueged to have beon 08 need by e ngine8 on t he de. :t'endllDt'H ..J;.oad. He pray" for $1t1i1 t ogether With Interest on '2!l, i $~r), ' 1201 IlDd 110 . ' EltzrGth and IMR pIe lire attorneys for thl! plaintiff, btl \'e t wn childre n

----._ ...- - -

}\ rt. XII, SCl·~ . I . 2, (' . 7, fa , 9, 10 :l1\d II. Taxation of State an d Municipal Bonds, Inheritances, Incomes, Franchises and Prod uction of Minerals.



= Q ...... .....

Primary Elections.

I\:~~ \



:\n . \ ', See. 7.

A rt. \ ' 111. S ec:. 6. Regulating Insurance.




,\r t. \ . . Sec. 2 . Use of Votin g Machines.



\' F S :-< ( )

• I

,\ r t. \ ' , S ec. I . Omittin g word " White."

Art. V I , S c:c. 4. Creating the Office of Superintendent of Public Instr uction to replace State Commissioner of Comtnon Schools. Ar t. ' ·Iiol . S ec. 1. To Extend State Bond Limit to Fifty Million Doll ars for Inter-Coupty Wa g on Rds.


. --.

:\ r t. V I. S ec . 3. Organiza tion of Boards of Education.




II . SCl' . J'J. Re g ula t in g Expert Tes timony in Crimina l Trials.

,\ rt. \ ' . Sec I. Woman's Suffrage.

\' ES



: \ 1' 1.

A rt. 1\' , Sec" . .!I. Contempt Proceedin gs and Injunctions.




Classifiud Ads



..\ I l. II. Sl'C 3~ R em o va l of O ffic ia ls.

Ar t. l V, S l·es. 3, 7. I.! and I ) . Jud ge of Court of Common Pleas for Each County. Art. 1\', ~c:c 9. Abolition of Jus tices of the Peace in Certain Cities.



U ~ ' I

Art. I V, Scc~. 1 , 2 and 6. Chan ge in Judicia l Sys tem.

I\: ( )


= ON.

A rt. Ill , Sl'e. 8. Limitin g Power of General Assembly in Extra Sessions.




Art. II, ::icc' .:p . Aboli shing PrisQn Contract Labor.




Art . I I . ~",c. -10. Re gisterin g a nd W arra ntin g Land Titles.



• .-Q

: \1 1. II . :-;( e . :1.7. Eight Hour Day o n Public W ork .



_1_1._ :--_,_.'· _ 3_)_. _ _ __


= o

,\ rt. II . :--l'c' 3(', Conserv a ti o n of N a t ural Resources.

\ TS \



A sse mbly.

W ork men' s Co mpensatio n




I t. II . ...:,., by eac h H ouse o f General '

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W elf are of Em pl oy es .

:\ I 1




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I e. I d. I t" .

.\ It I I. :-- l'" .U Mechan ic;' an d BuilLlcrs' t-i ens .




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Limitin g V ('to P ow er o f Govern or .

II~. --I\. ~" 12

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In \'eS\l~a ll or.s

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I. .'., 1' 1.' iu r WrJngful Dea th .

In iti a tive a nd R efe re ndum .


91 I

III) ' t L i({'lI' (' 10 TrafT'L in i lltoxi cating LiLJ uors.

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A l·th IH M . ::;ltlf~ l\ for dl vo r oe 011 the gr 'llIU dH o f f'X tremEl.or oel ty . Co uple WII ~



Ill1nor I::lmlll\


will b ~ In Hf' rt..ct l u ndo r Lhl N liC' :u1 for fi ll and rttp/liring bridge in eme· . AdR lw cut)' · l1vc cc n w lor Lhrec (lI bul' ltun. wb en uHlllfC nul Uluro th a n ,,,'f" lin CH . Kenoy 0118e in Sa lem lo.... n .. llip at 1 oost of $24. H . ...... w "" .........................................""'.,.,."._ ..... - ....."." ............."'._"' ................ Bills- Th t! Timll~, pr in ting notiuBtI ' FOR SALE for trll"8Urer, "6. J . R. B noter . i'lllrvh'e8 118 ohBpla iD . '2&. Ed S . Conklin, etamr!l, $5. Vnlley Tille · RUDllobnut In jJood oonditlol'. phone Co., toll" for pro>leooting a t Uood tlreR F.l]nippClJ with top to rn ey, 2fi oents. Jaoob Klotz, rla'il ~1I11 Lamp )<:;xt.t'a ouping. Thill cur i.. ntlre to til' ton 1r1 a nd Is a bargalD agee fot' bor!!u llrllltking through lit tlllllJfiotl Wliyuo>lv ill e .Auto and bridge, tiO. Evorett PeRTlOn, Clost.S Maohinery Co. a 14 ' 7. Henry Uiehls, lumber, '31. 20. Alber$ M . Parker, .brldge repairs, ~mal1 Steam Engln., In lood 118 2& . 1'. F . Perollw , repairing Bhlipo. Waynflllville Auto aad bridge, '6. GO. Maohinery Uo . a U

N.:w Su its

tIl l I II

I ' l u III":-- "

t ,"':


COUNTY COURT NEWS ... ................... """'--_ .... _-- ............ , .... . . •

lffic I n I r, t" T!ont1n g' :

' n t h f' t l[.IIl I. I ,Ht' . \" 'J I, ., . - - " . ,' q l Ijl' llI~ t!

T,\ \ ,01, .\ l. \''':--; T Ill. II ~ " , .. I r a ti' , ITI 1l1l' lxh'n t . l n ~: 11 ' 11. ·"tt I' " i l ""'"1:' II. ,' rho tn I I •• 1 1.'1 1" ~l 'lI.,·r I" I I . ' , ,,'l .I ,' I !" h,/1 1:.,. - "'-\1;.1.11 " IlLl' U !:H'

of' i


I I.lUl I

---_. ---- . _. -



Bert A. Grant,

Commissioner's Proceedings The bond of A. D. t:!triokler, In fllrmary direotor 81gned by himself ail prlnoipal anll the U nl too t:!tllteB F iideUtyand Guuallty . OOmpany of Baltimore, Md, aB lIurety in tbe lIum of $2000 Wl\e Itpproved by the oommillslonerll ' ContrllotB-Coutraot was entered into wlth Char J4a HenderlloD for Ooncrete a batnlflnt on CiaoinnaU pUle near Perrine's farm iD Union tOWDship at hiB btd of 1227. T . F. Beroaw made a~' oralooD traot with F, D. MUler tot repalriDIr a brid,e near Mallon at to,,1 OOIt . lei 50. . Clark Benne" made an oral OOn. traot'wltb 1', a.Simpson for matta, .




Tinner .and Slater, Fu·rnacea, Roofing and Spouting, Sbeet Metal Jobbing of all kinds. OFFICE iN OLD SCHWARTZ DRUG STORE

Valle)' Phon I,ll I ;

Waynesville, Ohio







- - - - - - - - ---

THE 1'111,11.11",1


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GAZE1~TE '-----T-h-: -h'-b-+--h I WHY e -N-elg or 00-d--N-----i ews t

Wl1;II ... 'WU

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_____ .--.. __ .......-...-...-.+





- --



""atter of Convonienco That Led t. Demand f or Establlehment of

Turtle Creek

_. _




Financial Institution. 11 will ofT r for sale at the ('h:1r1()tt,~ F:dw!lrd ~ Iwnw O il ~Ta i n Stref' t, - W aynt' ~ \·ilje . Ohio. O il WilRlln, of Marlon, 0 , WIIR MIS . .t:leryl t3nyder and lIias Luell .. Hllrry L. Conit'r, chief clerk in '~:Io ul"'t !!)t.: tlUlong friends .here, H,Hvey attended Chll.ut.auqua nnll D. L. GI{ANI':, Editor and Man;'~l'r l\.lo n IR V, du.y hut weok. - - - . - -- W . (1 . l'h Olu pgoo and Ed B ')WArH, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Spene"r 'ID< ('w , ay, 11 ;.;" I ry lug &> convinoe a . Rates of Subscription ur t h" ' Vallu)' '1'616p11oDtl Co. worfl , J Mre . Osborn ol1li ed on J. K , ~pllil o er b lololilll-' lin, ,, ,, il' r tllllt t ho or linnr)" fl"o YOl\r l KL r lo.:Lly he adVIlUI·O) ., , . ,. I l . U. burt! Mond,lY looklug n.fter ~heir " ili a!!, ' i ll I lidian a conllot support 'Iud y , Suudll Y afternorm 1::I 11lf(lo l!oI'Y.. . ... .. ".... . . .or· iJlt, orllst~ . RPj~ inn j n .:- at 1 .. 'clock. t il l' F, IiJ " lVin~ l'nUI1l,'I':t leoi arti c l ('~ : Brnce 8tellcJolD, of Dllyt,OU, spent more thrill " 'l~ hank p rope rl y, ann lovitl\tloDi' tare tlO t announoing II the wtl6k end with hi~ prHOI.t!; hUI's Ihllt d (, lIl alld~ fIJ I' S0"Olld hanks in Rates of Advertising ,,: 'tidinG of two of our populu Miss Cora Kersey returndd IllSt H<.u.:h placl'/\ <:ould URlllllly he traced Readlug Loca.lto. per line . .... . .. . ,",. 6< y" un g peo ple, wedk frolU Athens, whtlre Ilbo bll.i t 'l some purpose othel' tllfln legiti2 nice t Itr ee-p ieCl: Bcdrll ')lIl ~lli l "';, I alll irpl l' Bl lreall . U" .... log Local •. Io"u:,k flU,:8. ""I' liIlO , . .. ) 0,· Dr, J. G. Miley is visiting in WI! CIMllllhxl Ada. no t W cXl'ood five liUl'" mal e !ranking. Been a ttending ~umme r <4u11Ool. 1 Book Casc with gla 's fruil L. ~tl{)d ; 1-; IH'\\' . l'il 'IIlrCS and Three 1"t«'rLi oUJO, .• , , . , . .. , . . 26(' min~to(\ fllr 1\ week . "\\111'11 T WflR in u bank ill E lk. Mr. ",nd Mrs. ClIIHlll!! Allen enter OIoI~u ....I.... lin, incb"" free: O\'or live PralTles, Mirrors , Slalld-;, TaIJk ~ . Ch air 'i , I Tl:ll'-v-T ete, 1 ' Frank Fornllboll is home froUl 'uined gue~te fr(lnl Dayton ove r Lllrt," hl! ~I\ i ei, " I was IlJlproachpd ~ Incb"". )lor Ii"". . . . . . . . . . .. .. lie foldill g Luungl.:, IkJ stL·; td ", ,\,()ill'l ~l'\"', l' hair .... c'trpets, Oard of ~ll"oluo , . . ... . . . , , . . . , ... . , . ,. ~ lie [Jliyton with bls fllmily. ~undI\V . one nftl' rnooll hy 11 RlIlnJl mercha ut R .. ·OIUIJOD • . , . .. ........•... , •..• , , .• . &Oc H ea ting a nd Cooking StO\'c!' , 11.,1 oJ' lIi l'C Dishl' ~, SC\'l' r,tI dozEdwin t:ln Ith ~nd family "ocom Mrt; J K Hpl'noer a od daughter on Ihe :-; oulh ~i (io. who Rsked iF our SocloUa OLe ..... hurl! chargo i. ml\<Je .... ... 211e p·\nled by MI8S ldor, v '.l'o\lhuoter and e D18ph.y Ad verM.lng per Inch. , . . . , . J()(: Edna, Mls8 Lu ei!lo Norton, of Ore· blink \\'o llldn'l t'''n~i d (' r Ii proposa l to n Prllit CallS, lot o f StOlll' ,Llrs :!lId Crocks , 1 fi ve-ga llon ~1iRa Louille N, Wilson autoed to 1J1s<,o unta Ivon 00 co n~rac~. gonia, Mre . Bert Hollingsworth,lind e ,;t: d,l i~h It \' 1':l 11( ' h in hi s pllrt of the Churll, I 2;., galloll I ce Cr e:!1 1I Jo'rl'l'zl'r , 2 hrass KeLtle s, 10 Lovelllnd, Hunday, the Harvey family were amtmg city. I lold " illl U,u l und er the new and 4 galloll , 2 large iron KL'tl k .. , 1 L ~l\\' 11 ~l()\\' l'f, 1 Lawn W. C. Weloh and fllmlly enter JULY 3 1. 1812, th osll Wh 0 viliited the enoampment law 11'0 were not permitt ed to estab- Swillg, 2Porch Bellches, 1 Wilso ll Mill l" l of C<r()I, il1 ,~: U\i 'll o"i ,,, tllined Mr. and Mrs . W, W, Weloh of the First· Regiment at Fort An· li sh branl'hCtl, and asked him why he Ilnd lion Gilbert, Mr. II.nd Mrs. E. B \\'a~ anxi ous to have" bonk in hi s Wben a girl aOI·/! shy, It'" n(l aure Oakin tlnd Mr. n.nd IclrR . p. D. Clog oien', tiaturuay . neighborhood', where the re were on ly algn that she Is. 1 Com Shclkr, 1 Ph adoll, 1 C.l l ll' !' .'· tOl' :) I l' j " ; , 2 :-;l 'h gIlt and '''0 ohlldren, t:luuday . If you lire a housewtre you CI1nn r t small shopR and good banks with in MillS Uelen Weloh, flfter B visit of reaaonabl V bope to be healthy Qr ,a cioz,'n bl ocks. single Harness, 1 double set all d odd 'i alld VII I "~ of ~ I lI' lIl'S ~ , It's usnally thfl husy ml\n who sHveral weeks with reilltivell In beautiful by washing dishes, sweep "''''c fell ows ,10\\'11 Ihere ROIlle- Scyth e and Snath, 1 260 -egg Ok ll tallgy Incul'llor . .l13rond · does thing_ on tim., . Lanoaster, 0., returned home Fri_ Ing Bnd d oing housework 11.11 da y, lind orawllng Into bed dead tired at tim es hAve a lot or tr<lul ,lp "bont gl!t- ('rs, lot of Chickcn Wire Fl'llci ng, 1 C!tick(: 11 Shipping' dliV . nlgill . You muat get out In~o the ting chllnge,' he rr'pli ed, 'a nd we Coop, two Log Cll ain s alit! ul her Clla ill . , Scoop Shovl'l, Mr. and Mrs. W. W Weloh and 0pfln air II.nd sunlight, If you d o thought if We could huve a bank Spade, Garde ll Fork, Hay Fork, a quantil Y or H l\', :3 miltIf lome people dldn" IIwell u)) lIon Gilbert, William Nedry Rnd Mr thlll every dltY and kee p voor starn· rl own th ere, it wou ld be handy.'''tbey'd never be notiood. iature Farm \Vag-olls a nd many oth cs articl es. Rnd Mrs. Frank Wilson and dttngh aeh an,l buwels in eood order by 1 d takin~'s fnblets when L1 ianllpoli s :\ews. tor Louille were the guetlts of Mrs. Boy it DOW . Chll.mberlaln 's Colto Alloe MoKenzie, of Corwin, Toea· Deeded. yon should beoome both 'rHEN OF COURSE SHE SMILED. heu.lthy and btlauhful. For ~aleby Cholera Ilnd Dln.rrhoeR Remedy II dilY. ~ II dealers. almoe' oertl\ln to be needed before -.,.- Th e )'oung wife, refuserl tL new Will he offered to the hi g hest billder. Brick hou se, 8 rooms, Mr. and Mra. Ira Hartl!ook. of the flummer III over. Buy It now hll.t, bittf'rly complained that phe bam and wood hOllsl', chicken Ilousl's, hyd rant and cis tern New Burlington aDd be pre):llred tor Booh lin emer· Dayton, visiting their relatives here water, finc locati e,n, full view of business part of Main St. had II lot to put up with. genoy, For sllie by 1I.11 dealers . for Il few dilYI. "Yes;' r cplil'rl her husba nd. "lind Qulney Klog will soon be In his Mr . and Mrs . Hansel are the par All sums over $500, bankab le note; all if you !mew how litt.l e J have to put newly repaired room. eats of a IIUlf eon. sums of $5.00 or le~s, cash. The wise ~Irl never 1et·s her bean Chu. Madden hilS furnlshl'd his Emma Yeo Will sncoesllfullD her up with you would not ask me to put oat,,1l her In curl pnperB, oUBtomera with b tlf suit against the estate of her o€lphew up for IL new hat." very eau ul Wrn , Hawkins , poaohes. Mre. Thos. Hl\ydook is the guest Lot ~ of folks are eager to lllarn CHAS. SURFAOE, Auct. Chas. Htewart, of near here, Is of her sister Mrs E. D Haria)), of t.~lngs they do Dot wan' \0 know, l'flry poorly with little hopea of his H. HATHAW AY J. B. CHAPMAN, Olerk. Wilmington. reoovery. IIIr , aod Mrs. Brloe i:iml'h and Mrs Frank y!'sher is reoovaring \ Y~ , 'J e~ ville's Lelidinll Denna' The averagll person swells all up Yr. and !\cIre. Ed Reason were visit nioely from a.n operation performed over /l verv small oharitable aoS. once in Keys Bldg. M~ln Bt ,*,~,*,,*,,*,,*,,*,,*,*1c,*,*,*, '*'~~'*'~****'*'*~'*' ora of Springboro friends I!unday by Dr. MoClellan, last wellk. nillh'. The MiStles Reeve!!, Mr. and Mrs. A peraon who oontiooally ae11. Th e weed a are b e Ing ou t aD d th e Tunis C lDklln are attending Miami Valley Cbautauqun.. rotten eg~a Will get 10'0 bad odor. ALTER McflLURE, 'l!c YOU (;AN FIND THE BEST GOODS AT THE BEST W C 1:3 I h d h 'Id looke of our 'owo will be vory much Improved. Mrl. . , \1l t an 0 I ren .J,. PRICES. EVERYTHDIG IN THE LINE OF FANCY Martha 8tarr was baptized 10 @pent 1&8' week Rith reilltives In GROCERIES, CANDIES, COUNTRY PRODUCE, ETC., IN ...,. Funeral Direr:tor. Insect Bite Costs Let .~. GREAT PROFUSION, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. THEY~' Vaesar's Creek Sunday , Rev, Frln· w~ml11nl gton · I t . f .. Boston man 108$ his leM from -~ ALSO HANDLE THE CELEBRATED LINE QIt' ffi I tl n J '11m a ar II.n spen a par.· a the bite of an Inse~t two yean be i er 0 0 a ng. __ • I>\!lt week at the home of his uuolt' 'l'elephone day or night. Four Queens and a Jack and Ouy-Yoy Cigars .~. fore, To a vert 8uoh oalaml'.i811 from Va.lley phone No. 1. IA)ol{~· N. A. Harlan, near Centervilltl. Utica atlngs aDd biteR of inll60tl nle Buok - - --. - .. Dlstanoe No. tl9-lr'. Strictly Hand-Made len 'a Arnloa Mlllve promptly to )dlJ Mr. a'ad Mrs. PatlY CurreD had 'he polSOD aDd prevent indamm •• Spring Valley WAYNESVILLE, OHIO ,*,**,,*,,*,,*,'JIc*rJ.C',*,,*,,*, Uon, swelling n.nd }lain. Beall! for thair gaeasa at dlnaer las' ~OD burns. boUa, OICllrB, piled, eczema, day George Larrlok and family, Mrs Mr . a.nd Mrs. D . W. Anabee aDd, B _L om H b 0 ran"". ee, arvel" urK. • ou*". bruises. Only 35 oenb at. all ElJu. Crane Rod MrB . Ella Carter, of daughter Olive were guestl! 'l'bUTII draggi8sa. Lebn.1I0D And MiB8 Della aeory, ot day of Mrs. Anabee's mo$her In ' -~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~=====LIVERITES=======J South Lebanon. Being prepared from Pure Nati~ Herbs, they Cleanse the Springfield. The aong of thtl early bird i. MIN Pea.rl Care} and Miss Beryl System and Purify the Blood, and Tone the System, and thus Mr. Htalbook Is improving. sweeter tban that of the niKlat hawk. Frazer apeDt Suuday with Olem Mn . Philip HaWKe spent !levern.l Crane and family, of LebanoD. days last week with her parente Undertaker and Embalmer, Mos' ~opl. wbo InBI8& on lelllng WtJl Lewis, of Dayton, apen' Bun. IIr. and Mra. E. M. Uopsey. Will be found in, the Old all they know make many repetl_ day with bls Pl'rente IIr. and Mrll. ¥r. and Mrs. Furnas villted Fri Bank Bnllding, opposUe w ...... wwwww_"""'""_ww_ ........... ..,..... __ ww _w w www..,... .. tlo.l. John Lewil. day with Mr. and Mrs, Newton tbe Nationu.l Ba.nk. LIVERITES-A purely vegetable Laxative, cures Chronic ConMiu Bertha Malott spent 1a8& Kuore. Telephone in hoose Ilnd of· Tbe wa'er wagoD sprinklel $be stipation, Liver and Kidney Troubles. Ask your Grocer for it. fice where I can be called week with her onole lind /lun" Mr. Clay too Bollere, wife and daoghroall tbat. Is pned with rood Inten day or night. Manufatured by ALPHA CHEMICAL CO., Springfield. Ohio Bod M,11I. BaneI'. of Lobanon. 'er Marll:arst spent Thurlld.y wi$h tIODI, Valley Fhone l'-~. The Misses Elide and lIary Penoe Hn.rry Cooke and family . Waynesville. Ohio were callen a$ 'he home of Mrs. The two year old eon of Mr , and Main Street. A motber Dever hkea t., have her CorreD Bun day evening. Mre. Kunz Is very elok. olilldren oall ber "rho Old Lady. to MISS Bernloe Hoook returned last Beaidos U ian't reapecUu!. Dysentery Is always perious aDd week from a pleaaant visit in Bouth often a dangerous dlaeaee, bot" oan be oured. Chamberlllin's Collo, Lebaoon. \ People Dever do With their OWD Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy haa J!umber .1fibt Mn. Flora Milson Itl Improving . ohlldren wbat they tblnk tbelr oured It even when malignant and Co04lde88, Mr. Ray Eagle. wife _nd ohlldren Good £alerl•• o· epldemlo. For II&le by all dealers, are visiting Philip Hawke Ilnd tliID. neiabbora ahonld do with tbeln. _1It.Act1 •• v•• 01 V A I. l.EY






Saturday August 10 191 lJ0,

(~I I/I ~.

:~:; Il~~II~~I,~I;I:;'t~'tl :'~~ ~~I~lte :~t~:;






---_. - ...

Terms of Sale


A nna Ed ward s Burtton



D H.E.



~ ~



'II* '*'


'*' *'*'


'*' I









-=- - - • TlJe Choice Of A Husband ttl tno Importnnt

watter (01' t> \"umu.n to be handloapped by weu.k· DOSS, bod blood or foul breatb. Al'oid theBe kill-hopes by taking Dr. King's Life Pills, New streDgth fine compleXion, pare breath, oheer ful epirUI- tblogl that win men fol. low their 08e. Easy, eafe, lore, 250 all druggI8t1. 11

II===LIVERITES Only 10c::c==1



....- - Spring Branch

Thne are tho thin,.. Whll't,

will Olaku • m :lIl of yo ur b o )'. Secure h l!l Jlyely Intereat and ,,"hole. lome development b7 " Ivln" him


terest In a dl8(\CJvory that beo efits them. That'8 why Dr. King"1 New I Diaoovery for CIlU hI', (;old!l auo l other t.hroat and lung dilleRStlsls the • po I di I . A )'e mos. pu ar me e ne III mer II "It oured me of" drellrlfnl c,mgb," writes Mrs J F . D!lvl~, :-\J.iclmev Corner, Ye., "after dOJt.t)r·1I treat ment and 11.11 o\her remedltls hl\d failed." For OOUllhs, ooIds or anv bronohlal aft'eotion it.e nnequaled . Prioe 600 and II 00 , rrlu.l bottlfl free at all druggit!ts. • - • BETTER THAN SALOONS

'-tainlng IIr. and Mn. IfraDk The wlll8 .Irl who waDtII her Iiar'iD, of SprlDg Valley, for a few brothers to &eDd 00' on ber, d06ln', day". bring any g004 100klD, sirl friends Mrs. J88sle :'lowrer lpeDt a few home wi~ her. daYI lae' week with her relativel In Blgbland Co. ~D a,en' wbo wautl to make a Ill'll. Joe Rouh aod daughter JaU lnqull'8l of 'he lady of 'be hoo.. Glady. lpen' Thorlday aUerooon who a.lwe1'l 'he do lr if her .mother with lIr. B. C. Dakin and family. 1. at.home, Mlaa I'rauoes CheDowo'h 1a vlllt· Ins her IlliteI' lire, ADDle Looaa and • Bnry o"y wanu nloe .tree&l and fam1I~. pretty parkl, 1nl' .hey anet Ie' lin, Thom.. Laoy fa le"IDI be, 'nlo. ea01llb 01' p~tt7 Roalb .0 Hr a' 'be time of ~il writiD~. 'bat 'he, an pro~ piaou for II~. Goy Chenoweth wu eo...... lOUI peopie to· 1iPeD4 'heir . . . . _lnAd at. Bunday dinD8I' b1l1r .. aiad

There are lome people, perh"plI, wbo oppose the IB80ing of 160,000,000 io bondl for the oonstruotion of a KOod roads aya~m throughout Obio. Bo' theae people are of 'he lOme 01.... who have OPDOtled every mOl'e. men' 100lliDg towards the },etter, men' and upbulldlng of the ltate Thelood road ia Uke tbe poblio eOIl ani air. Ue U8eII are lDfinlte. U is of eqllBl benefit. t.o aU, NODe who I'ndtea the . queltlon .can be ot.beT thaa ta faTor of t.he propositloo , ....___- - U'. 10 auah . .ier to 'hiDI!: of mea.n '&blnp to .•• 'han of ple.l-


ill... . .

Mr., DBDttlllorpa .... i~lJ, •











'I"trn . A






_ well wri tten advertisement in th e columus of this paper witl go • straight to tlH' people you want to reach. The money yo u spend for rent , for clerk hire, for up-keep, for window displays, investment in stock, will never bring the returns it should unless suppl emented with well written newspaper advertisements. Good advertising puts the finishing touches to a polished business.

:y~~;~~ ~I~~~re~~i'::~~, ::~8~1t::~ie:: ~- I'OBK CLIPPER I · People takfl ,a wonderful In. ,I JEW

Laoy famlly. Mrl.and Ada Dakin and son Carl and The man who keep. ahead in tbla daagh~ers Lolli and Mrs. Pearl old world is he who ta not alway!! l>1\klo oalled on IIrs, William Gar 'ryin. '0 get even with lome one. d I W OD, aat e d lIe,daya f ternoon. Mis. Alloe Chenoweth en. tertalned A man tblnke he hall a good Wile on tlatnrday night MillS Willin. Kelif ebe tblnk" he II about 'he fiDellt ley. of Dayton . Mr. and IIrl. Lloooin Bidel and pleOll ef male hOllla.aUy thas ever bappaned. family entertalntod M,lS . Mary E . lIawes, &t Frldll.Y dinner. A man may Dot fall in love with Mrs. John Conner doe» no' Ima girl jOlt beoause IIhe's good 10011- prove &8 rapidly as ber friend. InK, bnt few IDfa dl.Ulae a lood. would be 'glad ~ lee her. Mr. and lire; Frank Dakin are en. looking girl.


lUll Wllllnd 111. Hand.

t1V .

Joho Bood, jr, and wtfp, formerly MI'fI . y""" E "'''~r entel·tllined of this plaoe, lue the pllrentR of a I 'I1te AMERICAN BOY at Thursday dinner Pauline Bl<rg httle da.nghter I ~~••1,"~I,tb.:~~..,".:'rdl:.fY,~~~~, I~;;~~~~t~,~~.,"",: u llT1lPhp "."'!>S. el ce· '~ i II. B alnea, . Dan Fox and lVI' fn, of D~yt'i)n, 6re ' 'rlclll" ""dCU ITt evenl,. i'hotvame da 11 an d ",eorg 0 f Ly~·1 fl , ~ .. •• '"rp<",r,\"!>On,, •• 'rell, bOrtlU" '.1 Cel I I It I 1 tl h I ' " hnt 10 do and ow to do It. DeautlfuU, It u s· lOA 88 88t a Aos'in and motbor 1'1 nK re a VI'S €Ire , trald, and eve ry II,," In hannon. with r'''''ed I entertained IIrs. William Berad&ll, - - - - . - .. I ~:::::~~W~~j il~~°'l;,~d :~o.:.o:.o'~~:'l~e~~ .. Ma II Carr Iers W'II I an r:t., •• ·.,And •• t 10 cenl.. I a., Thuraday dinner. I FI Y THE 1lPIA;U1 ~UIlJlH1lG CO . 101")11110 _. MrA, J. B, Cbenowetb apen$ This Is an age or great disUllv tlritll' . Tburlday with ber brotller Tbomaa Progress ridel! on the ~Ir . ~oon we --=-=~~~~~~~~~~~~





tbe l\tabtr L


_ well written advertisement should . . be a pleasure for you to read. It is store news, and store news is of the greatest importance to you. A dollar saved is a dollar made. You can save m~ny dollars each year if you will read the ads.


The Miami Gazette

...- - - - - - - - - - - - - -.. ,

Practical Fashions

Principles More

D. L. C RAN E. Pub ll ch er. WA Y:\ J::S V U. U :.



0 111 0 .

The ma. ",ho stlckl clonr than • brotber. III 10meUmes a second ooulla. Gorflel.l Ten I. IOl"lllull ole r(lr 1111 IrI'ul:ularl-

lIt' S II f 1 h ti l h' ~ r . I, h ln tt)," u tili lx,wl.'l frI .


Than Life




Lt &a

mtld u fru lII PUI'U nUll wlwlta,olllu " c .. lu~ .

In tho Suburbl. "1 8 lIIrs . Gi ll el a wld l·lnfor med wom· AN AMERICAN HABIT. An ~ " A Ch leago do ctor COUIlI.Ji speed II P"th·...·a y of Amr-r\c lln 1 ;Islnry \V r il ~('n in " ,,'c ll , sli,,'s 0 11 a p:lI'IY wl re ."- .. OIood .\IId Saclilltc. elLtlng a 8 Ih e cause 01 many of the R ett ('r(l. a Hal l Hllh) ~1l"P'.9 d" L' hle , aJUI bodily dl.o rdprs (ro m "hleb \leopIe t o r you r 1lI ,"'Illt)". ~OtS lW Ice U.b ( :t r t:. ~ AD.1 .u It e r. pILr tlcLJ Inrl y III the bus iness o t hor . .A sk .l our I: ro(,L"r . IFE Is d e:! r lO :l.l l ot us. a lld th e 'World . Qui c k lunc be8. tb e b nsty bolt· ldIlllb ht y I l1C :Ul t I l to ~e~ tJ UI \~\ InK 01 food chus en be clLus e Il Is In Their Need, pr .lI'"lplo, lin d es pe l'la lly rll ll· I 11 I', I ~:. ., \( { SI'£'dy App l:! :1 nl · I ca n brln ~ teara alght IUHl t he rushing bnck to work !;IO ll~ pr illdplcs. ar ~ n t> ,·..,a ler ./ '" '-'';."':' , to Ih !' " YCB 01 l ilt' aurll t'n re wltb out tb ou,,;ht for the abu s ed dl· t rt ':I :!IUI"(' t h lln l!f lj SO lll t h lJW u r Olh 0 1' ~ I \ TI' l'atl'l c lll ~I an:lg" r - Il ll h ! W. lIes tlve orga U8. can only r es ult, he d& It ~~ ~Itl ~ 11' '' 1 "II gr l'", l lJ1'i:lci pl ," have ' / y )~ ~ \ want sOIIl{'Il!)dy wllo CU rl b r lll K tl ,o auelare s, In a pbys lcal co ndition that In· ulf\d o (l Ho i r \\uy t1 lJ ov c r t il · ~.:L : t'i n\·l·d i \ , ," ~\ 1 11~ d lencp.- l ' u<' k. ylt es di s eases In vari e ty , He Is un· I lin ~ of lI ,a rt)T~ ill l h e rlg !~ t. T ho ·1.~ ' \ " . ~~ ~$.~·' l :: ( fQu es tionably rlgbt. s ays tbo Indian ap1 / ,11111\\ 11)" LI( AlIlt'ri(-a ll h lslor y Is writ · \, '- \1 .j .. • Living Up to Ita Name. l e n i n t lto IJ lootl a nll tllL('r IU (,1l o r tile <. olis Star. America n people really "lIow do ppu plc ~ f' c m to li ke yoU)' fa l it e rs frolll I'ly lll out lt Il o(:k to uow : \ ' '\ ' ') ..... . care little about wbat tbey eat-tbla ne w sl>og. 'T he AI' ropl a o e ?'" .0 o f th e t ·b url'll. Th e to rtur e nnll I \ \ In s plle or lhe fact that tbey possess "J IIBI carried n wily lty It." Ihl' s l lll;" Utl 'c boe n Ihe sl eps lo Ib o / ;:; \ . J " hotels and re s laurants In whlcb aU fr eedo lll of reJ!gloIL fr oLl! t be . hu c kl es • Important to Mothoro the luxuries ot .the world are served or re ligious tyran ny. \...·h nt n wonder· J ~ EXl1mlne cu rd ully Ill' t.! ry buule of and markets whi ch 6upply a wonder- 10MI condltlonl for aWlet clover. Go od crop growing on e ither Iide of lim. CASTO filA . a aaf e and sure remedy for ful pntll Ihe path or his tor y Is ! When lItone road. tul varIety of productll. Notwlthstand· IlItaLlt& and chlldre u. and lee that It a ma u or a woman 10\"l:s prln ('l ul C" Ing wbat Ie opell to them, all a cia.. m ore t hull oe lf or li fe, t he r o will be I Bearathe ~ -'/~ they are not rru;tldlou8 all to Quality. lUI errorl to c stublt sh II.. HlLd no l tho \\ Signature of ~~ Tbey baTe their prererences In tooda. found e rs of our Stale and Ch ur ch \~\.._.:..( ' In Use For Over 30 Years. 61 00d for ttle prin cip les of fro\! gov· . of coune. but tr what tb ey especially Children Cry for Fletcher's Cns torltl (' rnlll e nt Rnd conscie ntio us Ill'lIon In :5 \ s \ care for II not Immediately available. re llgl.on. neither our prest.l nt g lorlou8 they accept what Is at hand. gulp It 'Twa. a Pretty ThIng. l:i lnl o Or Chrlsllan c1vtllz ...tlon would Wo all kn ow bow fas h io nab le tbe down. duh olf and forget wltbln teo The young lIL a n produced a small, uv e r ha vo \Ic " n atl nlned . fi c hu b as becom e and th a t Its popu · minutes what It was they ate. "Quick' sQuare box f ro m his pockot. . . . He.ilg ill n Is nOl tll ng wllho ut Ibe l la rlt y promi ses to hlLv e a lung reign . "\ h a ve a pres cnt ror you ." he be glUl. lunch" places are an Institution of the Legume It Useful In Renovating Poor Solis. 1 l r uth. And e nt hls lory ubowlI that Tbe womnn wbo wis hes to mnke these "I don't know whelller It will fit your Ume In thl! business di strict In all . . . all teach In g . ph llosol>lly a nd wors hip 'tyll sh dr ess ac ccsfiori es be rselr can clUes and baye aD enormoua patron· Growing Under Very Adverse Conditions-Makes we re fal se u nll va lli wIt hout re vel 9.· 1I 0 so wllh littl e I ro ubl e . and at Ruont tlnger or not. but- " "Oh. ~orge!" sbe broke In. "tltls II ace. Tbey came In responae to a d. Good Feed When Properly Handled 1100. All th o progress of LJ.Iodcrn , one·hllIr the cost or th ese arti cles 10 Budd en! Why, I never d re am~d -" mane!, The managers sre not to limes, tn tb e g rea les t Il QlIon M of I bo ' r eady Ul n de. \Vo give In this de s ign But jmlt tben Goorge produ ced t b. I wo rl d Is du o to th o prcsen cl! ant! 9p lr ll I sugge sllons for Ihree n c hll ~. Th e se blame because their patrons Innlst KUt- a slive r Ihlmble- and It gol eu~· (By C. J. Grant, College of Agrlculturo. Ohio Stato Iiniveraity.) 1 and In Oul' nco or t be t ruth of l"'.v e lUll on CILl) lJ e m ude o f all 'o " er n e l and b ar· upon eating 10 tbe ehortest pOlislble cool e r In the room .- La dlea' t I lind o r tb e Gos pel o r Jesus Cbrl Ht. so, l dered goods as sh own In lhe draw· donly time. nor Is the tood they serve net>lIome JOUrllll1. SWeet clonr s ono ot tho mos t c lo" e r with o th e r hay s, and bave oll- I wb en thi s Is commlned to us with tblH tngs. . .lIsarlly at fa u It. lerlou31y eendemned planta fouod , taln ed ex('ell e nt rcs ulta . They baye Injun c t ion, "Go ye lu to all the world," \ Th e palt orn 18 eut In sma ll. m edium Her RulIng "asslan, growing In Ohio. It Is a r e latlye of . found th at afte r animals on ce lI:et I.e- I It Is not ro r U8 to q ue s tlou (' x pen se. a nd Inrgo sl zea. nnd requi r es tor The woman who had chased dUlt alralfa and being a legume It has th e cuslom ed lO It they eat 1L with a pparla bo r or results: f)ur work nnd mls.1 fi ch u :-';0 . . 1. I ,f, of a yard o f 22 In c h Simple eating 18 urged Dy a Berlin slo n Is to a c!. This re!e rs to wom on u1l·o ve r aud yard B of edAlng. No. Rnd dirt all her lite finally re nch~d newspaper as a reform that sbould be ability to ntill2le the fr ee nitroge n of l e nt rellah . St. Peter. the air. ThuB the aweet clover plant ! For bay purposes. s we et clover mus t RS Willi ILS to m ell . Antl. Ind<''Bd. this ~ reQuln's I yard 01 3G 01' 4 5 Inc h net aJmed at In Oermany tor the .alvaUon "Come In. you poor. tired woman." Ie rich In nitrogen and add s to tbe I be cut early (or tbe pla nt be comes e xpe ri e nce Is e Bsentill1 10 tb e Ile ve lo p- a nd a~ y ards or edging a nd 2 ya rda of loclety. The present extrayagance be Bald. and held tb e gate aJar. fertility ot the aoll. Since It will i very woody by the lime tb e blosso ms me n t of a tme dl sc l~lIn es bl" in c:lch o f !l In ch will e borde red mate rial Is nut the woman hesitated. In dining. It Is asserted. threatens n· grow under very poor conditions . , appear. especi a ll y la th is tru e with lhe In,ll v ldu ul llIan Or woman. He nce we nceded to fnshl on II hit :-.1 0 . 3. "Tell me first.· "e eUd. " how ort_ aanclal Impoverishment as well as dl· wher ever the soli 18 well drain ed and white s weet c lov er . Its composition. I urge upon luym e n . md laywo me n 10 T o procu ro thl . pnHern, .. nd 10 cento to n D rp. rl tn ent'· or th i. p"per. Write YOII cleaft h«luse!'" sesllve ruin, Why Is It that Oermany con tat n8 au in c tcn t 11 me. it propaga t e s acco rding to Henry's " Fe e<.ls and Feed· I id e llllfy Ihem>lclv es with tbla u o blll "Patter na",. a nd ad dr••• pl.inly. and be our. to Ifh.• The III lilt ~mlled . has lIuch tamous spas? The Intima· very rapidly and once starte d con· I Ins," corupa res ve r y fa vor ably wltb cau se . First. for lb e s a k e of lbo . i; e • • n~ numb.,.. of putlern "You can't s hak e olr the rtillng paltlon III made that the reason lies 10 tlnu es to be evergrowlng unless pre· I th e other le gum es . 1 truth . for Ih e snk e or the Illngdo m of slon, ca n you?" he said . " Oh. we ll. 8te, Protei n Carbo- Fat God, that It W:lY be s pr ead n bro ad the circumstance that Oermany haa vented from form ing s ee d s. Muny I . Ins l<.le and they 'lI give you a broom NO 53 15. SI Z E . . . ..... . ....... . hydrnto8. I upo~ th e whol e eartb . An d tbe n. ~ec· 110 many gluttons. wbo go to the wa- people see m unable to rid th ei r road· I nud t!u s tJlan In s t ead oC a ba r p."NAM E . .. .. ... .. .. ...... .. .... .. .. ... .... . ;is.1 1.2 , and. ror th e re tlox Intluc ncll upon tering places. penitent In tbo sprlnl!i IJldes of th l8 plant and th e y co nd em n Swe et clover hay . . 9.9 Cle\'eland Plain lJealer. ~9 . 6 1.2 your s,elf. This kind of work Is nnane! summer. to make amendR for th" It because thcy rear It will s prea<.l l Alfalfa ... ... . .. .. 11 . TOWN . .... . . ....... .. . . .. . ... . . ....... . . . over their farms, No troltbl e has ever Red c lo ver .... , ... 6.8 35 .8 1.7 ' ce ssn l'y ror tbo dev elopm e nt of tlle They Are OverWl:lrked Now. over·eatlng and ove r·drlnltlng of which 43.. !:TRZ E T A ND NO . ... ... . .. ! .. ... . . .... . 104 1 truc~ t klll<.l o r u r e ligiOUS sp irit. If Four,yc lLr-old Dlc l. nod made un 1m· they have been gullty during ths win· been experienced where the plant bas Tlmotby ....... . .. 2.4 b ee n properly handled. t hn t iR. con· lI'e nr c n Ol working ror oth er s o r for portant di s cove ry that his hul r would STilT \;; . . . .... ... ... .. .. . . .. ...... .. .. ... . ter. The Berlin paper says: It would ed cutting before seed b RS fo rm ed . For IllallY purposes an<.l us es It I lh ll klu!; doln. " e grow &e i!ls h a nd dim· pull out It e nollg h force WILS e ~ e rled. be a genuine public service on the see UlS l h ut s wee t cl over may be better I ln lsb uur ll ersuna l e njoym e nt oC rell· nnd WIl S ab eorbe cl III proving th e till. part of the leading society personagea , • "'. ' < •• , ' adapted lban UlalLY o~h er plants and 1 ~Ion c!n n tln g tlnd on hl ~ forelock. Ill s ~ I. GIRL'S DRESS. U they would begin by practical ex· . , i c rops. Its g r eate s t u~e at tbe prese nl Barriers to S~cccss. ter- aged s e ven- note d lhe pHwood· amples to wage war on tbe sensual tim e Is a s u grce n manu r lag no).l, ACl l.-l t y Is a s essen tl~. 1 In re lig ion Ing wl t ll round ·eyed horror. growing on e xtr eme ly 1100 1' sandy or , ns In p l~r s l c al anll me n tal g ro wtb . IllIUrlousness of modern entertaining. "D1clde ! Di ckie! " s be crl pd. "you , grav e ll Y sa lls . By lellylng It und ls· I Lo dll g !tfe a nd loving self I!! our aa tar as tbe culinary end oC It Is con· musn 't do that !" turb ed It W.1I1 Corm ~c cd and year a:'rtcr i ll real('st u:lrr ie r to success In a ll un· "Why?" demanded Dickie. with the curned. Only by a return to simple ye nr produ ce n rank growth. This den aklnb s , a nd us we ll III r eligion, cynicis m ot cblldhood . and sensible dinners can we avert makes orgnnle matte r ant! humus tbuB I Hnd ()ur Ca th e rs and moth c rs In the " Because the Albie uy s thul all pnulne economic snd physical perilS. Inwrovlng the Roll both cbemlcally \He or th e C hrlslla~ c hurc h o r of the your hatrs ar e numbe red- and Ir you Circumspection In the lIame direction and physically . It Is a good fore- Stale loye ll their lIv" ~ more than th e 11ull aoy out you '\I make a lot o! extra ",ould not go amiss In the United runner oC aHalta. Having the sa me prln clple o lor whldt l he ), s l ood. wh a t bool,kep.plnl; for tb o nngels." States, Tbere has been a growth 01 bacteria living OU Its roots as tha al. would have uecollle of ch 'U and rell · eftravagance In the ouUay tor IUIU' falfa plant It can be used to advantage glo us IIbe n y? Now we can look nil JUST CAUSE FOR PRIDE .• r{es of the table, ManY men of meanl In Inoculating tbe soli Cor alfalfa. the w.oy baClt to Abrnh:L1J1. Mos e s. tbe have esten tbemselvea Into evil pbYIFor pasturing and hay ur OSOll pr ::J ph e ' s . a nd Rf\O s tles, Rnd coming P p down throllgb c enturies we tin.! along leal cond Itlon. sweet cl~ver Is looke d upon. Ilt tho the pal,{ c: S or hlat or y t he )I" e5 o f snlnts. pr esent tlmc. ratb e r unCavorably. but patrl CllS and mar ly rs tb a t wont oul on Louisville Is the nlcltel town of the In seaSons wben tbere Is a sho r tai;e th e ullar of princi ple. Meu tlnd women country. No case Is on record of a of pas ture. It might be tho connccting of the tw e nti e th ~ entllr)' , tlte principle DIan or woman buying something coat. link as It lasts fro III early spring to Is the sam... We m ll st take an M·tlve IIIg les9 tban $1 and giving a larger late tall. Very little work has been part l:u the dovelo pment of c haracl e r. amount than the cost of the purchase : d Ol! e In us in g It ror SllIage tbu~ Ita patriotis m. church work, tlnd the "alue In connection w th corn ShalL'e spre ad of tb o Gos pel If we art! to B U ,' O . I I d d d .lhat the s"oplteeper I n t DC U e sev., call not be gl yen. the n a ti o ns, t b e ChriBlI a n church, a nd .ral nickels In the change. If you I trip around town sbopplng you'lI find The 8WlI et clover plant milk.. II rink The m ethod of seeding this crop II even our own lives. PrinCiple lUUSt growt h and becomea very woody pr~tlcally th o samo as for alfalrll'l be elevat ed over life. 10ur pockel!! full of 6-cent pieces un· .a It matureD. 'lIz., seed!ng In sur:::mer. uS,lng about 'fhls Is tb e greatest and most mo· UI you think you are the victIm ot a twenty.nvc pounds of seed per acre. mentous W~e In blstory. If we nre consplrac; until a oatlve tells yOU fbll seed haa a very hard. somewhat either with or without a nurse crop. i ever ~;olI;g to &ave tho world. It mllst Whnt could be smart er ror a small It'l a habit the town can 't shake. non.ab! orbent lead coat and for this One cutting may be obtaIned the firat be now . Ov e r th e gra ve s of patrlol s. reason Illay remain In the soli tor a I season . and two the second year. Fill'- heroes . prop bets, mar t yrs, apostles and girl thua tbls prett y model, which IB long t1n.1\\ wltbout germinating. ther bandling IR the same as for tbe missionaries may be wr itte n tbese very simple to mak e? The rrock ba!! Chlcsco authorlliea are BIlked to Sweet clOVer II generally considered clover and alfalfa. th e object being to words : "The y Il)ved not lh e lr IIvel applied yoke and n I;tlt plnlted IIklrt. prohibit the rear L'eal on motorcycles usel ess becallse It 13 leCt undisturbed save tbo leaves. which are rich In unto d.eath . Patriots ltleedln g. wound· The closi ng Is at Ih e back and there on the ground that "It encourages by n early all kinds oC stock. Tbe protein. ed, cufferin g anr! thlr5ty a nrl fa int I"y Is n lu ck dO'\'n eac h s id e of center bac k. Th e sleeves are . ~OP"Ll1ents . " What girted presBagent leaves nnd Slems bav e a bllter. a c rid" Being a plant that can be grown all <l fi Y and night on lhe ualll c il e id or rl'ont II nd Ihre e'qllart e r le ngth and are Onlshec1 "Wot's be so ti ckled about?" tor manufacturers ot tandem motor· taste, and cattle. un less a cc ust omed on very poor soil and one that can beblnd prison walla tha l you m ight en· wltb Il ua nd of c on t ra s llng material . I "He's jest discovered his blrthda1'w cycle~ Invented that glorious ad ver· to It, w lil not lIat tbem . Many of the withstand Bovere drouth and produce loy a goo lily eOllntr), nlld a prosperous of which I he yolte Dn d ue lt aro al !!o on de Bame day as Ad Wolgast's!" eXllerlm ~nt stations In various part s I large yi elds uf forage. tb e re are good and tbflP~ life and hodm e' Sa lllls and fa s hion ed. Cl Inl';ba Ill. l1<l rcol c . cbllm· 1 Userriellt? h SALLOW FACES of the country have carrlee! on (eed· 1 reasons for a greater appreciation ot nll~lr yr s 11\' 0 g"tnhe Ito Ileattl wtl t h songds bra y. ~alal e a nn d s imil ar fabrics will tllH IJI' nY CI's on e I' I)S La you an Ing .:tperlments, comparing sweet I thl! eweet clover. I nnd coming g enerations might bave s e rve s pl e ndidly for de\' e lopment. Often Caused by Tel ~/Ul COff. . A St. LOllis woman testified tn a Tbc pattern (;, 8 12) I~ cut In Blzes 6 Drinking. the I r ut b. dh'orce suit tbat ber husband pelted to 12 )"e:lI's. MedluJlI size requires Shall we Dot be trua to Ibese tblngs? 2'" d or 36 Illch mate ri a l' and '% ber wltb money, compelled her to Shall we not maintain t bls Ilobl e char. 78 YILI' S How many .persons realize that tea lipend $1. 000 a month In cloth es alone, acter as a eac red h eritage? Tbls Ie of a ynru of 27 In c h cOlltrasting rna· I and colfee so disturb digestion that and thnt s he rould not count a I! the the m e'Ulurc of he r~es and Balnts. terlal. . they produce a muddy. yellow com· T o pro (' tlfC tl\ ltt (lftttern , 6 ~nd 10 cenlft to 1 1 ,. mon e y be gave her. And yet she waa Fruits and vegetabl c ~ of various 1 as noted above. Hot packed goods, 11.1 1 hes e lire the men and womea who "PoUern Oc""rt ,llcn'" of Ih i' p o ~cr. Wril. p ex on . . not sntlsfl ed . It may be rememiJered kinds are capable of s uc ces sful can· ' pumpk in. 6trlng beaus and peas re have made blstory. Tbey are the an· 1 ".'''TI C IIml oddre •• plollll y. ar.d bn oure to Illv. A ten da)s trial at Postum hu I a meane In thousands of caathat 60mo t1m .e ago another woman nlng nnd tlnd 1\ ready marl, e t., when II Quire no exhausting previous to tip. I cestors ut h er nat Ions and ages wors hip ."e. • ,,~ n" l1Iber of pattern. proven...... · I ' ping I ns deity Shall not we stnnd then , of clearing up a had complexion. wanted a di\'orce becau se her bus· pr o per I y pac k e d In e Ith er t III or gasH . " . II h ,. Ie. d C ann Ing In The last Important oporal •'on I-I wher e tbey stood und for lhe same NO 5812. I AI Washn. young lady te a er eEband WI\5 too perfe£t. The unrest cans an d nea tl y IRue 81 Z K... ... . . ..... . .. . ' lor which they stoor! T Shall not per enCil. among women of wbleh one bears so glass ha.e the advantage or greater at· known as processing or sterlllzin g an d thing we join tbe g reat Christian torces and NAME ............ . ..... .... . . . ........... !: "All or us-rather mother sister and much must have 0. queer twi s t In It. b I I conSis t s In subjecting the c a n n e d ' ' • trac th·encsa. ut reQu rea more care n d h I start on In Ihls spl endid IIte1 Will TOWN . .... ................. .. .. ....... ,.. brother-had used tea. and colfee for handling during tbe canning and mar· goo a. w en proper y Healed, exhaust: wc let all of this hurden t:lll on others? many yea.ra until finally we all ha4 k e ting processes . ed II:nd tipped. to ... temperature of suf· Shall I he work cease. or will w e rnlly STREET AND NO.... ... . .... .... ....... ' stomach troubles. more or leIS. One of BrooldYIl's youug men Su cc e~sful canning involve~ three t1clent helcht and du ration to destroy to tbe re scue? What Is your response I "We all wero sallow and troubled Itudled all lbe detective alorles avail· major mechani cal OJleraliOns- sealln g . \ all putrofactive organisms. For farn; todllY? Momls, truth. religion and the STATE .... ... . . . ... .. .... .. ............... with »Imples. bad breath. disagreeable able to learn how 10 n\'old arrest and exhausting Bnd processing-besides canning operations 212 degrees F . III world need the mlsslonnry spirit Dlore tallte In the mouth. and all of us simply then turned 10 burslary. But tbe po- min or manipulations. Tbe sealing as high a temperature ali can ord!· than a:nythlng else. We need It In so. He Was Wrong, eo many bundles of nervee. . licemen gOl him . Detective stories nre llrocess rollowil the proper packing of narlly be secured and muat be ma in· clety. \loU tics. tbe wor"l and tbe "Good morning." said Iho demurA "We dldn't realfl.6 that tea and col· at tbelr 1I'0rst when they are takon the product In the cans and for can· talned tor a period of time vary lu& . chllrch. And perhaps more t1uln nil In n' fdd eu. entering the grocery store on ree cauBed the trouble until one dllJ' lerlOU8ly. nlng In tin conBlsts In lwo separ!lte with the cbaracter ·ot the produe~' 1 the Indlvldllnl beart and In tbe home. tb e corne r. "Do YOIl keep oranges?", we rill! out of eolfee and went to bollo operations. Theae IItep. are dellcrlh.d This temperature Is usually secured We mlilst quicken tbe Christian chul'cn . "No. miss." replied tbe grocer. row some from a neighbor. She ga". as tollow! : As Boon a. tbe can. are by melns ot a large metal vat or boll. and Its members until Ibey ren~ b lhe The girl started for the door and us some Postum and told UB to h7. A New York woman bas bequeathed properly l111ed tbe caps or circular lids er with a clolle ntUng lid and partial- spirit Ilf sacrifice and ot rnrgettlng 01 bad almost renched It " ' ben the facet· that. her husband $5. to be given blm at are placed over the ollUnlng and sol· Iy filled with water, the whOle beiol selt Mcn and women who will rop. lOllS rellow culled out. "We don't keep "Allhough we started to make It. the rate of 6 cents a day. We bope dered by means of .. circular capping heated by means of a furz..ace or stove:. resent great rellgloua Inte ~ e8ts aDd 'em; we se ll ·em." we all relt sure tbat we would be lIck lie w!ll refr:1ln rrom spending It tn IIteel. A amall bole In the ltd Is left When sufflclently cooked the canl! ata.nd for them In the great moral and nut Ito dldn 't sell .her any. 80 be It we missed our atrong calfee. but "'. open to allow tor expansion of air are removed from the proceS8ln' religlolls Issues ot this century. arlt Jld keep them.-Judge s 1.lbrary. tried Postum and were lurprlsed to rlotOU!! II v Ing. and can contents. The act ot stop· tank. cooled by dipping In a tank or needed.-Rev. J. M. Relmen~nyder, find It delicious . . Excitement. "We read the BtatemElnll on the PQ., One or lhe wond e rs or nature 18 that ping this opening with lolder Is known trough conta~nlng cold water. Alter D. D. Husband (cheerily) - Well. love. got more and In a montb and a haH! a trout weighing ha l! a pound today as tipping. Usually the t1lJpIng Is not cooling the cans IIho"ld be .0 coa: God's Handiwork. hnve you had a pleasant day? you wouldn't have known us. We all ",111 ecnle lour pOllndo Wilen tbe aUKler performed until after the exhausting. tracted as to leave the ends tree froID This conSists In subjecting the paclled bulges. Atter l.\ fow days sbould ther. The "very good" of the creation week Wife - Oh. splendid! After I were alile to. digest our tood ' wlthout \leUI about It nut we ek. CIIns. after capping, to a sbort heating. be any bulglnc at tbe endl the firat lI1.~ oot God's .l~~J . yer!llc.Lupon bll drea:e: ~be c~i~ren and got them olf. any trouble. eacb one'l . Ildn became . d process In a hot water bath. In wfrll:h' stnges or decay a:e evlde~t ' and tb, 'Work but tbls: "This Is my inrtovtJd wI as e I Cd S lestban mbade some cleat', tOD&,U1i1 cleared 0.#, and ncn .. At a marriage In New York a sugar t d Son I'n whom I am well pleased." God lies . c eare away e l llnc eon tIIble in a diU W · and'answered ~ome lette.r s I atlll blUt' ' ne can 00. . e Dever. USIl a~ prtncess married a pinea pple killS:. tbey are al!JIost lubmerged. · This Is cans mus be ISO"J.i'ded or eille ven" for the purpose or driving out the air ed to allow escape of encloted ras, I, betlier aatlsfied with Jesus thllll he Ume enou h le[t to darll m' thing no,! bu~ POltUm. .T here III ,noth! Such a marriage might be callee! .. allu expanding the cOntentll ot .t~e can r~tlpped and reprocessed, ' fJilch COod~. ever could pa".e been Adam, And': BnUlr. . . y st~~ltI~.. IDg: ~lke ft. .... .-Name ",en b~. R~tU;JD .' tweet fruition of romanOl:!. ao that after tipping there ,.nqt be wilt not be 0(: IIrstoelasr.: quality. alla h.1s flnmLI work.~anshlp .11 the red ee !Ded . ,'. .' .' '....~; • c~;; . Ba.t~e. ~cr~ek, Mtc:h. . " . -':: . ' •• lumcle!'t bulging . to buhtt,. the cans are to , be regarded l1a :dangerou, tI ,man ,~ho ,. 18 ' c;reated ane'," . h~ , O~l'lst : ! . . . No Wonder. ', ".' ~he~,~ ~ · re~". ~4 ; lt .li1 >_ bunny hug Is .'~n .. lloa4 ' .__ em()~U&tng ·f·o r t'hepoor. wQrk1l1~ during th.e .' cooklng ~rO(\aS8. ' AlI bealtJ!. · . L: .M, . 1I10NTGOMm8'Y, .. ~"UI. ' TO . lWe~. new·born s~~.I, tbe , 'He bl(\nj.,~d the r;reat thlng.. .h~ ";'01114 de. .pIB!ne~ ,in ~e j~ttte p:loked "Dads like tomllcd . or , corn Colleg.e t; of Agrlc'JJt.ue, ' ObJo StAt , Iplrtt witnesses. well plel,lsed. D,lld • ~/1 In. fhl! by ond'til',: . •. "to . W'Uvlll~' fI) pkgl, ", .,." c" • 8Irl. ''\It ·.1!-I~b Jink~ In a glided ball' 'must he ' exbaQ8le1J ·b"'ore ~elnc' tillPId " trdIv'wiltr; . .. to. every glol'IOed lI,f o, tbe .klug ,s.baIiBut not a .lln~le d~am r.lLmn true-:. • 1ll"1' ..... t . . . . . .y. · ~t A itftj .-om 18· quite another lDalttr._ ' .. ' .."'( "\Vell done!" .' .. ' • He 1IIouldn'f worl(, lba,·,. wh),. '. _e ......" floe. f ....

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~~ ~-....~


Leather Is Ne t ObUlnablo May Be U ~e d for Everythin g bu t Face of Glove,


Ll!l1 t ber Is . or COll rE e. th" t · (>~t mRteC;\OY"s ~1l 11 be Il s('u t or 1'\'(>1''-thing but th '! Ir. cf' of th e ;;10\'0 . It leDth er I. ll~C ,J. 1\ h"3 VY i' 1 ~ <:o should ue ~ol~cl~rt fnr tI,,, ra C'e "nrt a lIgbtt'r weigh I fIJI' t he ba c k; If YOII lay th ese pleclls tll ,·p to tnce, ~ntl Ilpe a "reg u· lar" glove l o r a model, Iront Il.Dd bacl, may be cut mrt ",t one t ime . Then ta ke II p\(' ~ f) ,.,t \'loth or or tbtfl It'Mht'f n. trln " slJJ l'dlcr th a n Ille ~Iovc I~ to ],n, !l 1I(\ Iny L1lo hand upon I It with (h e Ong N8 outstrE'tc hed. Mr..rk nrounci Ibe nllg ~r B wltil n p n · )11 and FP IV ILle "I pro o n to t be bnck If tb o glol'/' . li S • tlOw n hy t he dOlled !lnes III tbt) 1'1t' t nr f' . Then ~C':l arou nd out line 01 t ho f:ngl'r~ ns In Ille drl\ wlng. ('\It 11 pl~ r ., ot hMV)' wle le1\1 h('r to rorrcepontl with tbe Iro n t PMt 01 (he glol'e bn(' k, I\ nd BeW It on ~o (lut the r""'r f'clg o comes lbout halt-way d o wn the nn!,:('rs wh e n tb ey Ill'e ellpp,'d In t ') the g!nve. ThIs ~lec e Il ro tect~ t h" f' nels 01 the nngers '\nd Btllrons tlle "'hole r;l o,, ~ ; the ad· Sltlon of II Btrap lind bllckle cOlIJllletes the bllck. wbl c h .,l1clOSI) It c.1n be followed frorn On the Ille.:e of heft'l"), I.. ather "'hlcb &ell to 8rn. The fine Greek mASOnry WIIS ~ut Oll t for Ibe rront of tbo f:lo'·e. Is 1l5pe<:ialiy well Ilresen' eo wh e re tile fO\'l lil cn tl un runs tlow n to tile wate r ou th e eaa t, and a t ermLnal t ower ... a. built out Into tho waves; but the oldar parts , co nstructed In the polygonal tll.bloo, whlcb m:LIle for Itrongtb , arel o n tile Al'ropolls of the Trlopl:\n 10la nd. Here were e"lde nlly at once Ille .Hrongil old u.nil tho holy places of Cnldus . Tile mnys or the city needod, howe,.cr, t be larg e r ~paces ot tbl mainland, ano climb~d terr nce above t e rral,e to the s Ulll lIJ lt of a high rocky A Catcher'a Mltt_ hill. lis m 31n plnn nnd the s ituation rl a l, but

OLLECTon s ot antiquo. ba\'e alwu ys kept e uldu. we ll In min d . A cur lou8 rtO CIIIIl(! !lt. which ]lllr por ta to be II marbl e ·hunt e r·s vad e mec u m. druwn u)) by on<) II ell ,.)' l'pU y, wbo . coured : ho Levant o n bC'h nlt of noble vlrlun s l III Ih(. HUVl'l1 l~~lIth re no tur y. Ml t8 down Cllldlls l1S a ile of the IIk ol!e~~ apo l s ; Ull,! va r lO 'lll eXCtll' Il' tors hu\'e ll ockc·rJ at th o p::tce, from the Dil nt l8nLi In ISI~ 10 ~ 1l Ame r lclln pnrt y II fe w month. n ~ o; Ollt no o uo hat eve r dug It (ice ply or widely . Per· hap s t ho Germane, wh e ll lhey hure fill ' labed wIth Mllctus . may Benel Dr. Wle«and to ,10 jUlltice al last to C nldus with hie Immense e xperl e m'ft And hi .. large r esources; porhal '! t he Amer· leans wbo ha\'e been foiled at Cyrene by the Trlpolllan ,,·or. n.nd IIrc loolt· Inl for a tresh fiold, may Ilntlclp:lto hIm. Tbe British Athenlun Ichool. ult bapl)On s. 18 l olog to be~n excftva , Uon. witbln a day's rId e of the IlIIlCII -at Dalclla, tb41 an('l e nt Akanthoe. One could wlsb It bad tll ken ItB eour· lI&'e In both hlln dll and gonll for tbe ,reate r city . 'rhe g re:tt SItOI demllod, of courBe. mOl,. time nnd mo ney and men ; but It 18 In Ibem Ihnt In nlnet)'Dlno callea out of 8. bundred, tbe ~rl'at worln of art IUld tbe ..":cat blsUlrlcal records Ilre rmlnd. And Cnldus Is a great site on all aCCO'.iotB. Its area Is " er)' lo rge aB Greek slles go; th e Bcale of the "Islble remains 18 big, the Indl catlona ot yet bigger tllings below ground Ilre trequent. The place waa a lwll),s In Lh e tore rront or AslaUc Creek history; and treaBuree ot nrt which It Is known to have "o sse~8ed were of the very flrst Quality . Even what hilS alread)' boon lound tbere by b!l!ty diggers III out of the commo n. The ,rest ma rblo 1100, whic h Is SliP posed to h ave COnl mem nrr. tBd Conon'R victory at Cnldu s In 394 n. C., Is Dot more remarkable an n hist o ri ca l monumont than a work ot nrt. . Tho Cnldlsn Demeter Is the flnest extn nt IItn~ue whl cll ca D reasonably be nBcrlbed to the ' lIllnd at an Asiatic Gre ek master. But splendId a8 Is (hat fl gu ro or the mourl1lng 1II0ther- --o r, at lellst, as ber hend II, ror her body Is by an Inferior band -It wOllld rank far below lln oth· er Cnldl:ln stntues. were that s tili prelervc d tor 80me OliO'S I" ' ky II pade. We know tho Apbrodlte 0 1 ':I~ ltcles only from ('oln types and cOlllell, 01 whlcb the best III that Vati can ilguro "'hose charlD~ a prudish pope C1\IIRcd to b e veiled h y m etal drallery from tile t oo

ell.l'neet eye ; bllt 1I'e know, 100. tbllt Bailie Ilncient crHlc B (amon!; th om Lu · clan) beld the orlglnlll the most beau· 1Iflll ot all Greek atatlles In the world which BUl l Imew II. hundred muter· pieces now lost. Probllbly that rerfec t t)'VO ot remlnlne Dudlty WIlS rapt Iong alo from Cn ld lls-thouS'b wby more probably thao that or Hermes should hav e been rllpt from Ol y mpia? - but, even so, Is It not IItlll well worlh sny art love r's while to dig tho slto ot the town wb leh ]>1l t up at 0 0 Ip hi t h. e "Trea.sury or the Cnldans" wbose beauties the F're'n ch . .. hool at Atbens have rev ealed to our t ime! All through the ClllsBlcal Greek age Cn ldu8 was B capital c ity, the chlet or .lIve tamouB nelchborB on tho mainland and In nhodes ; Ilnd tbe Dorlll ll gamell, w hi ch were the bond or tbe IIlx c ltles. were bold alwaYII on the Trloplan hel\.dland beneatb hor walls. To dig Cn ldus, therefore, would bo to follow tbo best rule of excllvators, whl'c h Is to dig capitals. It was also a mothe r city, able te send out colonies ot Its citizens to the Adr!atlc and evon tbe western Me.dltorranean . Ita IIItUation Iccnred 1t welLltb f ro m the IIoa, ror )t lay Just lit the southern angle or Asia Mloor In tbe trft (! k ot every sblp which beat up from tl;e Phoenlelan and Egyptian 8ea8 Into tbo Gree k. The Trloplan \Slant.!, 1I'hlch 18 now Cape Krlo, lay so nellr the lUa lnland that It could be jolDed by a cauBewa y, and the strait thus brid ged ga ve the elt)' two bays , one looking wes t ward, one eOtl lward, and botll well sc r oe ned . In the latter, who~1l old Illolo 9tlll bre:l.lts tho IIoutheRst .well a mod e m Btea mer of mu c b Illrg~r ton: nngo than th e nverage COaste r can ride III ease. The site III a go od- EngII sh mil e In lengt h, and the 'IV ai Is

How Professor Got Radl'um ~

Easterner Tells How He Obtained Enough of Precious Stuff for Experiments. professor


~.!!.&...Q!l radrullj ,

"Radium hi 10 valuRble," he declared, "that most amall Inborslcrles have to get along liS well ns they can wltbout the nctulli experllllents. In fact, tbero are mDny colleges In tbls country wblcb do nOl possesa any radium at Illl, and all that can be learned of tho element Is from books on tbo IlUbject. I 1'1111 tell you bow I seeured tbe radium with which I have beeo pertormlng experiments for a Dum ber et years. "It was Dot long atter tbe Curloll made theIr dIscovery when:1 noted Freneh lelentlst came over to tills country wIth a IImall quantity or the newly dlscovored substnnce. He performed a lIumber ot the Btock experiments before Reveral bundred students In thlB ler.ture bnll When be conclutled his dll\cUB lllon lie took the small piece at paper on whIch Ule radium was lying lind poured the preclolls groins back Into their e8peclally prclHued recap· tical. After doIng tbat, be; wltb tile tttmOlft care, brushed the tiny dUBt from tbo paper, tbereby cauelltg bls .... arge claSH to burst Into laughter at biB seemingly exagge rated frugality, .. 'You may laugb,' said tbe lecturer, 'but know tbat tbere are bundreds of Institutions In this country tbat would ~vo 11 great deal tor tb:lt little coatIn~ of Il,ust I have just Sllved, Many experlmont~ could bo performed with that nlone lor several years. I know .... hat I am doing 1111 rlgbt:



"The class broke Into applauso after tills robuke lIad beon IIdmlnletered n nll tho gathering broke up. The French Aclentlst we nt on bls way lecturing nnd experimenting, A week later before one ot my own cluses 1 po rformed all th e experlmentB ... e had hnd during the visit of tbo torelgn physIcist. Wb e re did I get my radl·

o f Ulany 01 Its puL llc buildings were mllde Ollt ot th o DI !e\tantl ex pcdltlon nnd by 1" e wton, and c ven aft er yeare ot nt'!!:lec t th ey can s t ili be traced, T he Illll r ble facl ll !;11 h a vo beon much dam~ged, partly by tbe bu ll darB of Ilb oue s. partly by nallve lime- burners; but even In such nn obvious Quarry llS the Th ea ter oile rs, a good d('al ot the liner mllterlal r emains In place. There i~ a ri c b harvest to be reaped by any· one ".. 110 can Indu ce tb e 01 toman goveromellt t o ex prol>rl 3tf'l the l>easRnt c ultivators, and theren eter will break down th e ir terraced plots a.nd Hearch thrill IIystemntl c nlly from the hnrbor'! odg e to the blll·top. Cnldus Is the most promising an d favorublo Grel'k site ,.hlc h l'E'malos tor a well·finllnced and well-eQlllp ped expcd ltlon to under· take. Th e re Is no modern village, no mooel'n grn ,'c yard, 10 hampe r tllggers ; communicutlons with well·eupplled oenters- llhode •. COB, nntl Budrum are e 2. S~·, anot la bo r could be procured in abulldnn ce from both tbe Trlpollan Il e nl ns llia Itself antl fl'olll th e Isles. .'jnally, Ih ere Is no lovelier gpo t than Culdus 011 one or the lovellest coasts of the Medit e rranean .


14 " Diil~




Problems in Egg Culture ,'~

Scientific Experiments to Be Msde to Demonltrate the POlllblllty 01 Improvement, Tho Cllmb rldge S chool ot AgrIculture Is trying to mske bens lilY red egKs. Tbere 15 alwllYs tbo bost market for eggs ".-hlch Ilre of tbe richest red brown In color, Ilnd tbe problem Is to dl'velop tb e rlgbt Idnd of hen . The Cambridge experimenters hope to produce Il red egg-laying hen ot prolifi c bablt, jus t IlS th e y bave produced a strong rust-resisting whent ot high ylel" by workIng on tbe curious law ot Mendel. Hens h a ve 80 far proved ad mirable examples or tb e working or this law. In rClsp <'c t ot elngle and douhie combll nnd In respect ot color tbey are perteclly obedient to tbe proper 6clel1tlOe principle. They "hehave" as thoy ougbt, to use the tecbnlcal verb. Wby Rbould not the egg~ behavo as well ns" tbe fea thers and comb? Tborfl Iii also the ~ubsldlary question ot tood. It may be posslblll to alter tbe egg color by fa on fiS well as by heredItary Influenclls, It bas been done In the case or canarlt'R,

in Bloom

roof, . Early In Marcil or t 110 presen t yoar the Plant-whIch,. by the wa)', wU" ca,Jled the "century" because formerly ft was , suppo~ed to flower only once Iql a hunOred yearll_howed 111111 of !lb, erlng, < the upper leavell tbat were tormed , belD.( smaller. an~. !elll .

. ; .iIlJ~'l\8 . . , ,~,: aP~ lAto- tIi....... ~ce. ~.~ 1l'DY1D&' ra~" r~b" ~






If Cambridge achieves the poultry· man's Ideal of a lien tbat laYII yearl, 250 t"'o-ollnce r ed e~gs, 110 one will then 8a,. thnt tbo universities are not pr:lct\t'al or even commercial-New York Sun.

Sugar CIne Introduced by Juulh. Sut:ar was tlrst made In Louisiana In 1151 by tbe Jesuit rathers from Sar Domingo. Tbe cane grew "'ell, but all at tempts to .manufacture sugar from 1\ "'ere ahortlve, and It was not until 1791 tllat Don Antonio Mendez suc· cel'ded In e;l;tra('tlng sugar from cane. Three years later Etienne do Bore mado such II large crop or Sllgar tbat llIany Were In duced to go Into the In· dllstry. li nd It IE to him tllat the real credit of belug the fatber of tbe In· clu "try belongs . 1;'1 common wIth nil Industries 111 tho I!xperlmental stage, tbe SUb"Rr cane In. dustry or Louisiana was ot Ita Incep· tlon n very cTllde Rnd unimportant ono, bu t by 1820 the crop a Ilproxl · mated somo !lO,OOO,OOO pound8 of 5Ugar .

lew a creecen t·sbaped Plld; thi s forma pocke t and b ,-, lll~ to kee l> the ball Irom "li ppIng r. bro u~1l w h e n tb e hanos are n o t clo see! q uickly enou g h on a rast ,,~hoot." Cut n strtp or leather nbout one Inch WI lle Rnll long enough to go 8rOlln<1 t.he gl o ve, sow the bac k ~r th e blove to C:1l! edge or the strip !Lnd tb o face to the other e ,lge; a Bllaee ahnut s ix In ches wid e should he tett unsewn and arranged to lace. }Iorse hur make8 tbe beBt stulra~ It Is clas tic lind does n ot "sting tbro ugb" oasll; , but ('otton can be used; as It fiat tens OUI Irom us e, more can be Bturre1 In th ro ugh th e lace d openi n gs . If yo u doo't mInd the odor. oi l of till' Is " \'ery good th.lng to rub Into tbe face ot th e glo\'o; It keeps the leath"r &Orl and be llls tile ball to "st1c-k ." Il



the root In tho course of three weekI. It then became neces.ary to move tbe plant Into the npeD aIr. and tbla en, tailed Lhe removal ot tbe greater part 0 r tb e en d 0 f th e b u Iidl ng, The flower spIke bas contInued to eloD,ate and II now lIome lit ft!!fJt' hi,h. T~ plant e IODgest ot hall exactly 60 I~n.", wllich la 'l feet 3 Illches oroad , In tbe middle a~d H~ , ln~lI".t,.~t " tbe .,t yaSome of Uw! low~ ~!!'!~ ~ ,rt~cll~, thlcJc ,In Cle ~dcl1• . iiltllri"l~c:h" at tbe -bue,. but " o~11 • ' . to , ~ fa lea&tb:'. '


rhn co ll~t ...

180 m e

llr np~:


"What kind of F!. boy does n bll ~ ln es8 man wantr' re ~3ted 3 sh r e a ·d, prac· tical man or lIJ auy concerns, tllo olher day . "W~l, I will teU you. In tbe nrst place be wanlls n boy who doe sn't know too mu c h ; busin ess m e n S'cneralI,. like to ruo t:helr ow n buslnesB, and prefer some o ne who will listen to Ihe lr way , rat her than try to leacb JPo m new ki.ocil!; lIecondly tbey wllnt a pr(ompt bO)'--(Jtle who un<!erstands seven o'clock a.s exactly seven, not ten minutes past ; third, an InJuBtriou9 boy, who Is not afraid to pul In a IItUe extra work In case of need; tounh, an honest boy-bonellt In hie !len'lce, u well 8.S In matters ot dollnrs and centll; and flltb, II good-natured boy , who will ke e p his temper It his ~­ ployer IOBe8 his own now and then!" "But yOU haven't sold a \Tord nbout tl.lll belnS' smart!" WII5 lIuggested . "Well, to tell lIle truth ," was the rather hceltntlng IIIlSWer, "th!lt'sabout tho l/lSt thing we worry ovcr. The fact Is, If a boy 15 lIJodest, Ilrompt, pleRSaDt, Indust riOUS and hooeflt, he's QuIte as smart all we caro about -811 d Lhat's a tael."

c u.nuy. p o p - corn and po ppar ;

h l ;'j J" .)

I.II ~ I

Ii' or .u.C" h

t' it .II C' 1I

lll _


nr• .

1. . . hopper.





on Whi ch Our Creator Flnlsn.d Hi s Work and ReQted-Man y Other I nte re<ltl ng Pactl _

On the fie \'onth day God .nc! ed His work . On t!~e .Cyentb dA, Noah's ark touched tbe ground . In 8even dll1S a dO Te was lent. A hraham ploa.ded lev lin thnea for Sodom_ J :tcob mourned 1.'f'eD IIllJ's t or JC)sell h . ,taoob Ilureued a ..,..-81\ <1I1Y«' )ol1r· ney by Lllban. A Illent)' ot I"en ,....,.. and a famIne ot eeven , _ " 1I'erl tore t old lEI Pllarao h's dr"am hy se".l fnt and eaven loan beast I, and Ite'~n ears at lull Rnd seven .arl 01 b l "~t"d ('orn. On the Bnenth day or th e sennlh man tb the chlldrsn 01 brasl tasted aeveD daYH. anI'!' roruarned •• .,.n da,.. In theIr tentM. Evpry ~c .euth da, ta. I........ as read to th" people. Solomo n WIU, ."",on ,._MI In bul'~ Ing Ihe temple. In tho taharnll.Cle there werQ seveD lamns, Naaman "'Mhed Hven t:lIJes 10 the HiveI' Jord a n . 0111' Saviour afloke seven timee troni tho ~rOS8, on .... hlcb He hung Beven hours. and Dfler HIs resu\ 'reollon He appear ed 8eVen limes. In the Apocalyp8e WI> read ot se ve n chu r ches, seveu clI.hdlesticks, 6e ,'e n stars, BeVe n trumpl'ls. II even plaglles, 5even t hullllen, ..even vlrI:"lns, seveD ange ls nn,i a sev.n·headed monsler.-Newarlc News .







_ _

Tlm !d Ity about 6t rlklng out ('anse of the t1 ifficn lty some people experleuco In learning to Bwlm. Alabnmn man has patented a v ice whi ch 8bould remove from

Swimming Teacher_

boys and girls.


:: : :: : :: :: :: :: :: _ _ _ . .. 3 ~ : ::: : : : : ~ :} : ; : ::

'x .

'How Bl'leks Aro Laid. the day, yet It Is surprIsIng how few people outlllde tho building trade can sketJ:ll brIck• .Iald III a proper manner, . Fir, 3 Is the metb9d mOlt people wlll l!bow"Wl!ereaa the' brlckll are aimOlt iDnrla.bly · laId In ,.the , ,1t71el lhOwnlll the ftret t ....o Itetehe •• Make • P9Jat ot tOok1nc at ·,several". ,brlcJE. I

'.' . . .....









Proves That Lydia E. ~ ham'. Vegetable COJlloo po&md Ie Reliable. Reedville, Ore_-" I can truly recommend Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to all women who are passing th the Change of Life , nB lt mnde me a well woman after suffering three years_" - Mrs, MARY BOGART, Reedville, Oregon. New Orleans, LIt.."When passing through the Change of Life I was troubl edowith hot flashes weak and dizzy spells and backache_ I we.!! notfttfcr anything until I took Lydia E, Pinkham's Ve(!etnble Compound whI ch proved worth its weigh t Ingold to me, " - Mrs,GAS· TON BLONDEAU, 1541

Make the Liver Do its Duty

Nine times in ten when the liver ill tight the stomach and bowels arc right.


srently but tinnly pel a lazy liver do its duty, Cures Conltip.tiOn, ladire,lioo, Sick, and Diotr".. After Eating_


hl4& to decide whlcb was Tile tat be r or wisdom called tor wash basins, and told the Kroup to wash Its lIands, The girls daintily rolled up toab cuffs, but the boys splasbed away with. out regard to neatlless_ ' And there you are, There was no match trust In . lba, earl)' day, It thore ball been aIl1' Ul~ lI'eat Illq would have eDJ07ed a lilm. pier teat. For tbe Lolldon ChrOnlel, dod,",_ tllat w~n womeD ' .trlile • ~a~ch 'aIle ~nva.rtablT .crapes It. oat!. ward and , awaT froai berlell, wbUe '. , . man scrapel lUII: and toward bJmMtt •




Iymnia St., New Orleans. Mishawaka,lnd_-" Women pass ing through tho Change of Life can take nothing be ttt-r than Lydia E_ Pinkham's Vegetnble Compound_ Ion recommendingittonllmyfriends b ecause of what it haa done for me_ " - Mrs,CIIAS.. BA UER,523E.1I1arionSt., Mishawaka, Ind. Alton Station, Ky_-OFer months I Buffe red from troubl es in consequence of my age and thought I could not Iive_ Lydia E_ Pinkham's Vegetable Compound mnde me well and I want other sufferin" women toknow about it. Mro,E)IMA BAILEY, Alton l liiiiiiiiill Station, Ky. Dei8em No_ Dnk, - "I was pass.lng throu~h Change of Life and felt very bad_ I could not sleep and was very nervouB, Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound restored me to perfect health and I would not be without It. "-Mrs. F. M_ TUORN, DeiBem, No. Dak.

exactly alike,

~ foUr ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ •

___ ==-:s


edItKII:gSa~~I~~eO:·~e:~"~~mSh:~?ab;::. Ing before hIm an equal number 01


'1,""'" ~. ,. ,.,fOD,IelL ,.':

Tho Helrll,om_ drum me r In a sm,," lown droll]>ed Into a 1}la ce to get a bite 10 .Ill. Ths plac(l lO Oked ramlllar, but b. didn't know tbe proprietor. "Dt.-en runulng this place l o ng!" Inqui red the drummC!'. "No; I jUlt Inheri ted It from my tath"r.· " Ah . 1~8 . I knew him. I r e('ognl7.e this old cb eetle Bandwleh on th e COUDler . It. P lttBburg

Framework Arranged nn Floata Supports Novice by Mea". of Ela.ttle Band_C"nnot Sink,



Simple Explanati o n. To IlIlIJitra la a v"lllt t ha t he waa m~~lng that hI s \\'a ~ t Il<' ral 'e wltb _ IU! llre nn(\ no t n ru e'o with a \lll ~ t ­ nOOkN '1' . Wasblat::ton lol d thl, lit tle st(lry t he ot ht'r d ny li e W!l.S " tl\lIo1 :l1;( tl)' hlR donr one mornl ul; wh en o ld Aunt ('nroll li O went by . " Gone! m o rnln l':, AllOt Carol ine," he 8nl<l . "Where arc YOIl going Ih ls ruoroIn ,'" "LawU!e, Ml s ta' "·n sb·lon ." 8bs replif!d. ''l'~e dOlle be e n whar 1'8. gwlI,o."-KanslIs City Star.


fnlnt est heart tho fear ot slnli:lnt while learning tllo art. A light meta l framework Is lIupported Of!l balf a dozQn noats and from the c rOBa hars of tbo fram9work ellllltio bands depend. Oue bant! Ilook~ to a headpleco '!Voro by the novice" another hooks to a bait around !II! legs. Harnessed up In tbls tllshlon the learner cau not sink It he trle • . LAYING BRICKS and MANNER can Il'Crlect IIlmself III thl etrolte without worry iug abo ut WbAI Surprisingly HlJw Few People Outside Is go ing to happen. When he teela per, ' of Building Trades Can Sketch tactly 8ure of hlG abi li t y to kee p aftoal the Proper Method. be cun strike out unhampered , or, \( he preters, can froe his lega first and Can you toll how Iho brlck~ or II Ills hOlid and body nfterward, 110 as to brIck wall arE! laid? It you are a learn bls lesson ~aduall)7 . town dwell e r YOIl perbaps poss n mile or tllereabouts of hrlell walls dur ing , Try It,

:::: ::: :S::: :: :jiW.

lip np]>00 ranCes.

JlI" pr r\' .' '' f l to n\lr ht"ltl1. 1'\1\1\\n . ~'1t h

BUllneas Man Wants One Who Is ModeGt, Prompt, Pleasant, Ind ustrious and Honest_


, .;........... 'tb_\01'I'lD&rJ;lea~ea; 1'IIe' 11l-', fto~~ilqe or ·'pole". lOOD. mad~ ttl ~p-

'outltrlwmC it. ziellhbors 'and

um? I dltlu 'l steal It as you may suspect. You will recollect th a t I men· tloned the fat't thnt the radium bad bcell ltru tihed from a small slip ot \lao pe r . Tho Frcnchmnu got bls radium and threw the IlIlpe r away . I picked Ull the pllpe r and wltb the particles of radIum stili odherlng to It I can no\" perrorm all of bls eXl'erlm~.ta~I·. have been doing so for se.eral year. alld will contInue tor several more, when I expect to buy D larger quantity sfler thl" prlcl" goes down ."

t il l}"

the ( nll l,·r' . II h tl l> Te l t)uy IiIUIiU. e o ru ., hllll ",, 111 p u p,


,.::,.~~~~.........___ -~-v-""-~_~..;.,~~.,:;...,~~.........~~

,C entury Plant The beautiful sl'oclmen ot t . "centurY plant," 'Agave 'a trovlrenf,' ;"hlc~ lias been a COnBplCUOUII object ID the Succulent houle at Kew prdenl, LoB4 EJilland for many yearB bill been :~ste'd with a halo of romallO!t, <b .. caule i!nUte ','Peter " Pan; who De;.-'


H ~"D{<t)' - hup



An clUltern college

lfI OPf'I)' •• OD t() th e. (' ft n1 !:t" .. I."p


must bear




PEACHES \\':lIer

M c\on ~

Call1aloli [lCS ~ ipe Tomatoes :"lew CO(1l

-\pples fin Cans


Mr." \\' (). (;uslin died in Dayton :'Ii ollda), at the SL J.>;lizabeth hospital. aftcl" n l o n ~ i1ln pss. The body was In-ouj.(ht to the home of her parents . Mr . amI MI·~. Casey near Ccnter vill t, . and lh t' funeral took place today at ~:3U lJ. m .. at the Cha pel in Miami Ce metc· ry. Rev . J . F. rarlwallader ollkialing-.

Fullowi ng b tht:! prog ram of the !Jiano recital given at t hp School AuJi torium, Thursday cvt:!nin". July ~;tth , at ~ o·c lock. lIy the pupi ls of Mi gs MyrLl t, SouJ er,;: LJuet·- Titallia We ly·- Mary SherWltod anu Helen Marlatt. M erry I\ubolink - Krogman - Mable Salsbury. Danc ing- S piri\ ~- Bohm ·- Luth e r I{eynolds. Song in the Tree top - GabrielMariSuret Satterthwaite. Sung of t lw Hird 8 - Hein ~ - Mable Callt. !Jri n&"' s Aw akcning - Rath bunHelt'n Marlatt. a) Slu mber Song-Bt'a urllont; b) Valse ArabeStlue-Lack -- Mary Sherwood . Song - Sand Man '~ Song (Lu llaby) - J ohw;o n - Mable Cast. a ) Whith er-- Kolling ; b) Koses ue UC'lI ~ m e- K u waI8ki - Ruth Zim me r-

Wm . Duke. an aged and respected d Lizen of Lytle. died lit hi:> home there T uellday morning about ~I ,,'dOl:k. Mr . Duke has b~n ill ill health fur u lo ng lime. The funeral will be held at hi!'; lat e hume Satu r · day nlllr ning a t 10o't: ltll'k.

Gla ss Cuns Jdly Glasses

.. ... PUR E PAR IS GRE E:"I ......


--_ ...- - -

Tn' t\ ur Lem l.n atld Ko K(l Cl i"ps. :~O f"r .... ... ·· ....... . lOr

DEL1 (iHTFUl SURPR ISE Imperial Wi nCe'''. lemon Ila,"o r , a duz :'ll .... . ,. . .. .. ..... .. New Cream Cheese


A SllrlJrise dilltler was pl anneu and ca rried ou t at th e horn e uf Mr anu Mrs . Matilda Underwood. nea r lI a r · ve) sl.Ju rg , on Sund ay . Th e hogt and hostess attended meeting six mile!:! awa~' , gi ving th ei r g uests a chance to arri ve be fore their return . PrelJarations wer e made the day before su that !lI' one would miss se rvices. There were thirty ~ u ests present, some frolll Philad elphia and Xenia. Th e Underw cl otls are to take a long trip .

New Honey

Uring us yuur Hutter ami Eggs. Hi g ht·,;t prices paid . cash o r trade. I t pay!:! to trad e at


m arl.

Sung - Night Voices- TourjeeLu t her Reynold s. a) Air de Ballet- G. major- Chaminade; b) Polka de Concert- Sher wood- Kuth Hartsock. Du ct - Invitat ion to Dance-Weber -Ruth Hartsock, Ruth Zimmerman The recital was a success, and was well attended .

----- ...----

SA YS W IF E DESERTED HOW TO VOTE RIGHT We want to ca;1 our read ers' at t entilln to the advc rtiselT!ent of th e Constitutional Convent;on's work. which will be voted on at 8 special plec tion on ~eptember 3. lSH2. We will run thrN'! columns each week for fiv e weeks. Our first a d commencing this week. is a fac the official ballot. There simile will alae be a four-paga supplement next week explanatory of the l ortytwo amendments to be voted on, and voters should keep this supplement, and 8tudy it, 80 as to know how to vote intelligently. Any one not a subscriber can get one of these supplements by calling at the Gazette office.



Subscribe for the Gazette

Dr. J. A. McCoy, Veterinary

Ave rillg t hat his wife. Mary Bergdal l wa!' so neglectful that he hau to "look after himself," Edw a rd Bergda1l comes into common pleas court in quest of divorce and custody of 8 child. He says they married at Waynesvi1le. 0 .• May 23. 1900. and t hat the wife deserted the home circle July 5, laqt . He asks court to deprive the wife of any claim to their prope rty.Dayton Herald. _ _ --40- .-. •

ATTACKED BY DULL Last Wednesday evening . Eli FurnaR, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Furna'1 , went to the pasture to bring the cows to the barn. when a bull attacked him; before he could get to the fence. it had him on the ground. The little fellow fought him as best he could. and his C'ries attracted his brother, Lawrence. who came to his rescue and after a long fight, succeeded in driving the animal away. Eli. while badly bruised about th~ head and shoulders, was not seriously hurt, and but for the timely presence of his bro~her might have been killed . - -- - - --- ~ -+- - - - -- PE~FO~MED

Oraduate 01 -OhiO State University


Mr. S. L. Cartwrirht wen t to CinOffice at residence in F . B. Sher- cinnati Friday. and had an operation performed on his nose. While the Wood'lI house, Fourth Street. operation was a severe one, Mr. Telephone 28 Cartwright IS at home and going about as ulua!.




"I objeot f9the 11M

• of dummy cU-

QUILLER & JORDAN . rect.ora who do Bfmpl, what theJ an! Artl.~lc


lIIarhle IUId Grenlt,.,


"Well,. replied Mr. Dustin Stu, .c:I.don't know that a dUlDDl1 directm

21 B. Mecllanlc S~, Lebt.noll. Ohio. is any more helples8 as a - -- - -- - TelODholle No, to - ----II--mHlnti· ty than IIn'instructed

See us if you want to save Money or

R IlI 1'1llher

---------- --

VOTE FOR NUMBER 29 Th e good roads r roposition is purely a business one In the final analysis it reso lv es itself into a matter of dollars and cents , Heav ier loads can be hauled over a good road than a bad one while the wear and tear of harness and wagon are reduced to the minimum . In addition to this the driver is not jolted :.JUt of his senses ner the horse yanked around by the jerking and twisting common to the usual road. Everything goes easier and everybody is benefited. Another important feature is thllt the price of real estate increases whenever a good road goes before it. If a man intensil to buy either in the city or in the country almost the firs\ question he asks is about the condition of the roaas s urrounding the land and the value fixed is largely based upon thill . In mllny instances sales are lost when it is learned that the road system of the adjacent property is poor. Every farmer knows that his land will bring a higher price if the roads about it are in good condition than if it lies in a poor road district. Thinking it over seriously do you not think that road improvement is a good thing both for yourself and your neighbor? In reality is it not a blessing for everybody'f

-----_. ...----FELL DOWN CELLAR

- -.-----


Dealei'll In

I .. _ _ _ -.-..-. ...........__


personal delegate of an electoral college."

Miss Edna Stout met with a painluI accident Tuesday. As she was going to the cellar the heel of her shoe caught on the top step and she fell to the bottom. Besides being badly shaken up one tooth was broken off and two others 80 loosened that they had to be extracted.

. .



The Same ATLAS Cement Used By The U. S. Government On The Panama Canal

Personal Mentionl

..---,-----_.-..-.+ Kenneth Elzey is on th e '3 ick list. Master Leverin g

Cartwright is

can be bad rilht in town from UI.

lI u ite ~icK .

You Know how particular Uncle Sam is in buying goods. You can trust his judgment. It will pay every property owner to find out how ATLAS Cement can add to ·hi$ income. comfort. safety. health. etc. We have some interesting booklets on this.subject. free for the asking.

Mr. and M%"1'. George Zell wer e in Dayton . Friday . Holme!! Stoops retur ned horn e in Dayton, Monday.

to his

Mrs J) , W, Meeks is home after a twu-weelts' visit at Franklin . Head the sale advertisement of Anna Edwards Burtton. on pl&&,e 5. J!est Grade steam cylinder oil. Wayn esville Auto and Machinery Co Mrs. E thel Wilkinson . of Water · man . Ill. . is the gu est of Dr. Mary Cook .

Herbert Edwards and Raymond . ~~~~ Williamson were in Morrow Tuesday ~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'!!-....-ni g ht. •


Alfred and Elliott Wright spent Sunday at the Keever farm near Ridgeville.

Live Stock and General Auctioneer

Mr , and Mrs. Ed Cooper. of Chicago. ar'e the a-uesta of relatives here for a fe w days.

Posted on pedigrees and values of all kinds of breeding stock. Experienced in handling farm sales since

Ed Macy is rapidly recovering from the effects of his operation and i@able tio be out. Mr. a nd Mrs. Chaa. Cornell and Dr. and Mrs. Hathaway are at Chautauqua. today.


~ ~

Highest Cash Price for Wheat


~ ,

~ ~

Wheat, R ye, Oats an d Corn taken in exchange for Flour or Flour TI·ckets.




i ~ ~~




- . - - ._ .- . - - - - - - --


Feed Grindl' ng Notl· ce

~ ~


We h · d new ave'Just receIve · d ers f or our grIn

I. I.

~ ~





~ ~ ~


And can grind oats as fine as Middlings, and Oats ground this way only makes a good hog feed not but a cheap feed.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

i ~ i ~ .i ,'.


~ ~


i~ ~


,~~ ~ ~



~ ~ ~

~ ~




~ I.

i ~


~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


i ~

'.• ••

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Janney came over from the Chautauqua Saturday and ret.urned Sunday.








Satisfaction Guaranteed

Waynesville, Ohio V.II., T.lepboDt 4S -2r


Mrs. Yeo Adams and son, of Trenton, Ohio, are visiting Mr and Mrs. Oliver Davis for a few days.

than ~ver

Th. Chri,t;an ,hu«h wUl hold, market at the Township HOuse, Sa t· urday. August 17th, beginning at 9




a. ;;. and Mrs. Jos. White, and Mrs. I o - - - -. t Mary Lewis. of Dayton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zell, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ze~r. and Mrs. Jos. White and Mrs Mary Lewis autoed to Yellow Springs, Sunday.

The Wooster . Agrlcultu r a I Experiment Ha. Exhibits will be worth going to lee. Demonstration oh.,rayllII etc. will be made.

Misses Mary Salsbury and Stell. Lemmon and Me1!srs. Rav Mills and Jesse Thomas autoed to Ft. Ancient. Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen. Mi\l8es LetiUa McKay. Einma Ueigbway and Anna. McCollum were at Franklin Chautauqua, Sunday. . . MISS Harrl~t Slau~hter •. ~f Cleve- ....- - - - - . . . land. and M'8I Helen Wilham., of ·C~lumbus, are gU~ta at the home of MI88 Anna Mere.hth


Greene C t F·

oun Y aIr

9 O .



0000 Music, Special Fea·

lIug.6, 7, 8, 9 ..-_...------

each and everyone.

d D Great Gran for Four Day•

a Premium List


tures, 811 OI.. play. of Uve Stock, MIgbty Midway, wltb tons of Fun lor


Mrs. Edith Harris, Mrs. Fred HartllOCk. Miss Eleanor Merritt and Mr. Harris MO!lher are at Miami Send for Glenn Brock was a Gem city visitor VallE!y Chautauqua today. on Monday. Mrs. Jane Dyke spent several days Miss Ruth Hartsock, or~anist of Ia.qt week witb Mrs_ Perry Wade. St. Mary's church, is studyina- music Wilbur Clark is quite ill at his with Louis Waldemar SpraKue, a home west of town. very fine piano artiste of Dayton. MJ'lI_ Elmer Montgomery and daughter Cleo, of Centerville, spent Messrs. B. S. Howell and F. E. Wednesday with Mrs, Lester Kenrick. Sherwood arrived home from Mobile, Misses Minnie. Galeta and Elsie Ala., Saturday evening. Thpy are Pettinger, of OilY ton , are visiting both taken with the country. estheir aunt, Mrs. Frank Smith . pecially the climate. Albert Stacy and family and Elmer Earnhart and family attended the birthday dinner of Mr. Charles EarnChas. Frye handles the MillOn hart at Pekin. on Tuesday. It being Fertilizer, and there is none better. LIVERY Mr. Earnhart's 80th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. John Werner and Mesdames Paulina Bergdall and Service at very reasonGeorgiana Haines were guests of family, of Dayton, au toed down Satable rates. Mrs. Hawes at Crosswick, on Thurs- urday evening and 'took Mr. and day. and Mrs. Leora Bergdall and daughter Gladys spent the day with Mrs. J. W. White and son Fred to the Chautauqua at Franklin, Sunday. Miss C~lestia Austin . Mesdames Matilda Emrick and Adda Kenrick visited in Centerville, A merry party consistin&, of Misses . .-...,~-------Thursday Emma Hawke, Ruth Zimmennan. Mrs. W. C. Cornell spent Friday Edith Diamond. Louillll Stokes, and and Saturday in Spring Valley, the Mea.'3rs. Emmor Baily, Edward Ricks•••_ ...._ _ _ _ _ _ _-. guest of Mrs. Fred Steele. Chas. Zimmerman and John Lemmon Mrs. Rachel Brown is spending a few weeks .\ith her son &i and fam- went to Ft. Ancient Saturday to witness the sham battle. i1y at Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. J. M Stacy and Mrs Gasoline Stoves called for and reo Sub-Agent for AIda Ketterman, of Dayton. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William pair-ed, Waynesville Auto and MaColeman. chinery Co. the Ford Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Johns entertained on Sunday, Harry Johns and Mrs ~ary McKay ..,d· dauehter Automob~ family. of Dayton. Mr. a!ld Mrs. J. Willa Marie have retum~ollle B. Thomas. Mrs. Cathanne Johns after a visit of two weeks with rela'tives and friendl in Sprilideld. Sunday guests of A1fred,Hanieaand hom.. ~D,. ~Iin ~ Yori;


ments G10re


Sev""'' ·


..------1 of fiDe

Exhibits L I


CU a yn¢suB·11¢ m+11 . ~~ .an~~~~~:.r;v::!.i:~~ere . , I s... . .'~

L~",''''''''''''-''''''''''''''''''''''-'''''''''''':'''''-~'. . .- ... ·4 . . .:. . .,':''''''~.--:''''''",,. . . . . . . .". . . . . .:. .,:. . . . .~.


Milson's Fertilizer, the best on the market, for asle by Chas. Frye.



N. Sears

family; in D.,~n! '. ' . <


The very Best at all

Ray Mill, Corwin, Ohio Phone 71-lX


" ... h to.~. · ~di~a .•-W.te1'D .. . "




' - < . ' '"

. :.



~ixty- Third

.------~~.-....-.-----. \

Whole Number ;317 1



I Former Citizens I


- ................................... ··..........--.....-.. ..-...- ..• r··.... ·_·__········_-_··· __--....... ....-~- .-- ....- .- ......................................~ .

i :........ -..............._ ....




::::::. ::::::::: l=:~::::: ;: _..._...... -..... Pers ona l Men tion Col umn .... . . ! - .._-. ........--,... ....--_.-_......-.: _.. -.--. . - ......- .- .--.. .,.-..-.- .-.......... _._.-

William Duke, son of William and R. ·becca (Roland) Duke, wall born ::::=~::::: ::::=:: ::! ! Mr. anJ !\-1r,;. H a1'l'Y Srni th /'nt l' r· i ~ Odobe r 30th, 1838. ... . ........ . .... ........ Mr. and Mr ~ Walt!' r Whit · ... tained .......... ... ,lis parents were natives of Viraker at din ne r on SUl1d al' . ginia and when he was about six Mi~! Alice Ca rey visited in Dayton ' "~uy your f erlilize r of e lias. fo'ryt· . home from years of age his family came to Ohio , 0 Miss Ethelyn J ones is who handl es th e bes L. . ia:!l week. alld aince that time he has spent xtord College . ~1 r. and ~I r ~ . £111 ,," .'''1' I\ h~, ," " n. C I L A Z' guest the was ey Mr. and Mrs. J " h" Whi l Bentl B rtained C. tt:' s. : Warren ~.; in &, life shoppin entire was umhis is 0 alm01l Mrs. Jam es Curt . th . . . Imme rman was In d thO t ' t C f sday. Wedne Ia.'it Dayton in ak er a nd >lOll Ila n .ld al d i ll ' l"r ' I II Ir y-SIX years In e bus for three days this week . uuny, an u relative" ill Xenia Friday . home in Lytle in which his death ocSu nday. Milson 's Fertiliz er, the best on t he Mrs All en Haines is Buffering ns ize cit (Jur of r numbe good a curred July 30th, 19l2, at the age of "Juile Frye. . Chas by sale marke t. for tism . M r!l. Belinda H "!ll' r ~, ,\11,," .\Iart lIa seventy -eight years and nine months from a bad ca.-re of rheuma were at Cha utauq ua Sunday . 1857 8th. y Januar d Bllrnet t anu Mi :;H ElIlnla \ "Irl\\'ril {ht He was marrie Dr . and Mrs. J T. Ellis , Or. ann and J ohn V. H. LewBud'\! Major led. sharpel !l t Mower Lawn ur Haveyo Moses of to Anna Eliza, daught er Chau ta u- were gu eRt<! of M1' $ . I". II. Fat'l' is. of Lebano n were calling on Mrs. S. 0, Clayton we re at Co, ery Machin and Auto ville . y Waynes Tuesda who y, dinner Crossle ) and Sarah (Eulllll8 Iqua Sund ay . fri ends here F'rlday . Clime from Kentuc ky and were Miss Elizabe lh Collett, of ColumFiltere d Gaso line for Auto's at the among the first settlers of Warren A happy crowd of fri end " und Mrs C. M. Cartwr ight,so n and Ohio, is t he guest of friends bUB. this To Co. relatives gathe red at t he hom e ""f s. ery Machin anti A.uto sville and Montgo mery Countie Wayne in e hom their to turned re daught er, union were born nine ehildnm , six here. Evansto n, 111., Saturd ay. Mr. and Mrs. LesLer Surface, last Mrs. Le roy Davis, of Dayton , Sunday , Au g ust ·t, it being their of whom with the aged wife and and an Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Chapm the guest eleven grand-c hildren . one brothe r Ees t Grade steam cy lintle r oil. spent Friday and Satu rday, weddin g anniver sary . A picture of u· Chauta at were Devitt Lina Carey. Mrs. C . P Side~ Mrs. and Harry Mr. Mrs. of Co sisters, ry and Machin e Autu ille v Waynes Ollie F. easey Gustin was born in and two th e group was taken in th e aflerqua Sunday . rd , K'entucky , on Au&,ust 22, and Mrs. Wm. Compto n remain to 'lf ThOle present ~ete: Mr, aud noon. MI 0 M H MI-. and Mrs. M. A . Cornell and E mmor Bal'IyJr., w h a was quite and Mrs. Ellis Spray. Mr. and Mrs. Earl [Jayton of , . Davis ure erbert depart r. his mourn th Elizabe St. the at died 1887 and K' b He WIUJ remark ably fond of hi s it I Iast week. is much better and is daught er. of Dayton , are g uests ot M'ISS Ir y, of Dodds, we re Sunday Orndor f, Mr. and Mrs. Charle~ Gray, Hospita l in Dayton , Ohio on July 29, ell Corn b ha~. C bl . Mrs. d wer an so , Mr. e a e to e out. guesl~ of F. C. Carey and family. 1~12, aged 24 years, 11 months and family and ..O'rand-~~hl'ldren Mr. and Mrs. Charles Swindl er, of n was 6 days. At the age of II she joined they of him, and his affectio mornDayton , Mr . and Mrs_ Tom Rich, 'II en, l h e Frost was reporte d Monday Mr . an d Mr~. W . H . .'1. .. Messrs. Fred Gons and Hu"'h tendet loving. their by ed and rt'ward . chuach the Baptist Gp.o rgi a Hadd en. Lizzie Stew- ing. and snow was said to hav e fall· Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rich , Mr, n throug h his long Ridge saw the illumin ated fleet at Mi ~~ and devotio Mr~. and Mr. with her care s. Thoma her early .life 1..' Frank Mrs. She .~spent at II d' IIrt ftn d Anna McCollom were h t th en at Olive Branch Sunday rnorn in"'. Chauta uqua Monda y evening . Iness. an trymg. t .. Lester Surface , Mrs. Hannah Rich, e town In W.IC '1she paren"" 1& bo ded n.. .n fternoo a B t h' Sunday ua 1 'Jlauq Cha I 'f N d . G I' S fc rtili~e r call Mrs. Anna Surfac e, Mr. Will Watl, u IS In eres ... were not un good a want yuu If was bo rn and moved l 0 Waynesvi e, Otl 'i aso me toves. repalr e. for he was of Dayton , Herma n Surface , Opal Ohio, ir 1901' LIlter she was mar. by the limits of his home, Mr s. E C. Stout will >le ll all of he r Ch as. Frye. phon e 49 lL I S. h e Waynesv ille Auto and Machin ery t spirita leading the of one ez, Everet t, Lowell and ried to William O. Gustin on Sepoom. always want may ' stock this week. You Mrs. W . W. Curtis of Chilli cot he, Gray, In ement Wag Co. and they will call for them, s, Robut Lewis , Wilber 3,1905 . To this union was born when any public imprev Thor.a Anna ~er on Ohio, who is visiting Mr. Jamel:! Rev. and Mrs. J . F. Cadwa llader, som(~thing in he r line. Call was for Elsie Sp ray , Estlln, and Lester , am li hg. two childre n Mildred , aged 5 and propose d and anyt.hing that smail at Curtis and family. spent the weekEva Barton and A. Maffit were and get what you want Miss always nity commu the of good the , Leona, Marie, Inez , Paul, Paul a&'tld 2 years. end in Payton , and Miss Matti e Cur- Marlow u re.". afterno on. Sunday uqua Chauta at t. suppor his . had ber Besides these two childre n and Mrs. J . O. Cartwr ight and daug h- tis, after spendin g two weeks in Day! Otis and Elbert Rich h althoug and life, busy a was His three leaves Me d devoted husban F. C. tOil accomp anied her home. Messrs. Ralph Smith alld Fred ter, Reah Jeanett e, and Mrs. s sev• isters, two brother s and her 81'ea he retired from active busines n, Kathlee , er daught and ore Giln: polis One of the most pleasan t social eral years al'o, the habits of a life· Hawk spent Sunday in Indiana Chas . Frye handles th e Milson Chauthe at parents . weak this g spendin are home ng returni Ind., nd, Richmo and he I e on and broken • of the summe r to 0 k pac easily not I were better. affal'rs time . none is The deceue d was a loving mother F erti I'Izer, and there ~ . taU[I"a eo ". Miss Kezia mornl·n when on Monday afterno of y close Tuesda the to battle the ined mainta friends and a kind wife and many ~~~~ Murltt ~~r~~~ ~ili"5~'fur - ~~~~~--~~~----~~~==~= · ~~ were greatly greived to learn of her life. ~~~·~ ~~~ =~~ === === ss= ~ne g~~ nof ~ wasama her niece, Miss Eleano r Merritt , of death. t promp and t uprigh honest, Mt. Hoily, N. J. The hostess assist ability, on Toe funeral servicea were held con. the merited and s by Mrs. J. H. Colema n, served dealing ed his in o'clock 2 at Wedne sday afterno on whom with all of respect and s refresh ments. Those invito fidence deliciou ry, cemete Miami in from the Chapel II Mrs. ed were Mrs. W .E. O'N ea, he came in contact . with interm ent at that place. EIlis, Charles has Mrs. Duke son, Mr. Hender years ix Fred For forty.s - • ..OANGE PICNIC By Tom Pierce Ledge, k, ng Hartsoc Wyomi Y G of Fred COUNT been a membe r Mrs. Sid Ellis, Mrs. "' ColeH, J. sville. Ml'lI. e, Wayne of . Beneck F Mrs, Wm. The annual county Grange picnic Ne: 102, 1. O. 0 man, Mrs. D. L. Crane, Misses Done.of the charte r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ will be held at thll Fair &,rounds, OhiO, and was ailOon _ _ _ _ _ tta s of the ' - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..J na Hawke . Emma Hawke , Henrie Lebano n. on Saturd av, Augus t 17th. membe rs of the Knight orwere Har· they Helen when . Egbert Eaale Izma GoI~en ey, prin. McKins Frank Blackb um will be the to first !Edwar ds was safe on Soth's error SundtlY afterno on, the Miamis ned, Bergen let Dusty get Leah Smith, e Iand stole second. Surfac e singled riB, Ellen Sherwo od, Surfac elpalap p.aker. Music by Stokes' Or- Il8mzed at Lytle. , Burton assisted Luella added more proof to the claim on but later of Jones, r membe Ethelyn ~ not Hosier, was he Ethel 'h when AlthoUR inscored s ly Edward cordial ody chestra . Everyb and Hawke to catch ~im betwee n and stole, the has i~le Waynesv Elizthat der, bills. Alexan ~~eir ine hy Kather aympat , In Cornell was he any church yet 0 Burton flied to Shoem aker, Bergen vlted to come. amateu r team In southe rn firnt and second, H . HIles fanned ; fastest its in ted interes Stel. er, and Chandl church the Ruth er, with Chandl abeth • _ • I hit. 1 error. . d the runs , 0 hits, 1 error. Miamis : Ber· flied to Soth; 1 run. rs: Hiles la Lemmo n, Martha O'Neal l, Susan welfare , always ,contrib uting in a Ohio," when they wallope -Visito innin2' Eighth I Water· , NEW BUSINESS IN TOWN Starkey to l Conwel out, tune of.9 gen financial way whenev er needed im- Pleasan t Plain team to the error and Gebhar t's Wri2'ht , and Jessie Marlat t. and, In house walked and stole second and . safe on Bergen 's back was rt Gebha 4 to was and made were ents provem Secur. and ! d a life, Starkey Financ\ al Howar The Nation and Hawke fanne<! ; error gave WON AN EXCITING GAME work of spite of rather bad suppor t in the third but Evan~ the begin to firat the among has , to Edward s, Dll,)'ton of Hawke ny, Hiles, H. CoJIIpa forced ittes errorfl. 0 hit:!, 0 runs, 0 very his of erectio n of first inning, pitched one d , Evans hpened an office in the old I. E. Keys soliciti ng fund. for the The Miamis journey ed to Miami Fourth inning -Visito rs: Howar d, and Conwell ferced Howar old one best games. Only five hits were the when church t presen the in be stepped Hil~ C. s, Edward to room, and W, C. Weave r wil1 fanned. l Chauta uqua, Tuesda y, and Conwel Valley made off his deliver y and all of them Stluke y and Leak Wag defeate d the Chauta uquans , a team but ball pitched a of front retiden t manag er. The compan y was burned . caught but Brown hit Soth : Miamis tribute re- after the fifth inning. ; 0 runs, 0 compos ed of camper s, by the score buva and sells real estate, stoaks, To us who offer this GE!bhart's fly, Edward s forced Brown out, Gebhar t to Surface all hand, other lhv on , Miamis The words. t pleasan of y ouse memor the Waterh : mains r Miamis anothe en errors. 2 ad hits, their See Surface d, etc. bonds, of 1~ to 11, in a ragg~d but excitin g on Even the at se<!ond, Soth to Howar &'~ will and apprec iation, In all had thei- hitting togs up when d double was but singled page. errors. 0 hits, 0 runs, 0 ; usually fanned game. the JonAr years of friends hip and as- much touted Conwell . who _ _ _•• _ • inning - Visitor s: C. Hiles Evans popped to Conwell, Hawke The MiaJllis made six runs to the Fifth heads their on Miamis the stands the up rise 8ociation, there does not stole second, Leak let Chauta uquans three in the first. but and OBITUARY singled , Surface to Hawke out, Leak , fanned was . memor y of one selfish express ion or when they play at Morrow . ~ __ fanned ; I) runs. 0 hits, 0 Brown 's third strike go by, but Geb · the latter manag ed to tie the score down to the touched up for eight hit<! in the Shoem aker to Starkey ; 0 in the fourth and take the leatl in the LesTiI~, son of Jesse and Rose unforg iving comme nt, e~..(\rs . Miamis; Burton safe on hart was out, Conwell was three innings that he pitched . £rrors. 0 bits, 2 runs, Brooks Harris, was born in Lytle, day of his prostra tion which Waterand Bergen error. seventh . The two teams came into Aside from Gebhar t's splendi d Starke y's months of ShoeVisitor s; inningNinth Februa ry 15, 1912, and ju~t at day· ;:>;cceded by ~o mauy long Dustv scored, Burton , singled the ninth with the score 11 to 9 in houRe pitchin g, the feature s of the game ed to Surface Soth Chauta uqua's favor. 2'round maker break on the mornin g of August 1st, pain and uncerta int.y. Bergen on trick ball hidden worked and e As 10nAr as the aeasons come and were the fine batting by Surfac and scor~ on a the Death Ang'el visited the home Ben Smith, the first man up, base at flecorid, Waterh ouse stole second.- double d, stole third and the clouds darken the sun- Waterh ouse, alld the speedy 1'(" H. and fanned Dusty ball, passed and took from thE'm this loved one, third, to him c.l tripled. Mgr. Walter Smith, batted will ever runnin g by Edward s and Water· and E:vans sacrifice 1 run 1 hit 0 for Evans and was hit by a' pitched ' Brown to flied Hiles '. at the qe of 5 monthlJ lind 16 days. light of our happy days, it scorin2 ouse Waterh ed, singl mourn house. iurfac e hit two singles , a Hawke '" He was sick only seven days and be thus, and tho living will on Howar d's errors. ball. He prompt ly stole second, At double and a home· run ill five at· Hawk e safe at second oneil, loved from ion separat the his By r, !luffere little score; The I s was a Kreat runner the and singled Howell bunted and Ben was caugh t Brown muff, a them good tempts an!! Waterh ouse secured death the Gr~le Roll of the Sunday the sunset of life we bid double steal, Gebhar t at the plate. Walter was safe at in worked the ' PLEASA NT .. LAI N singles and a double f . r. night, and should remem ber that in walk, three . School loosea Its younge· stI'lmembe . errors hils, 2 S · 2 runs, 4V' ~; third on Baker's error. Howell I I' s and armed; All H I H £'0 A . " S" I I 0 the mom in&' we shall awaken in that five trIps to the plate. Edward I b 1 h 6 . ... ,. . .. .. . tl! Du. SIl1oth tors; lSI . Ridge bunted to PresGod on'yIerlt t h em t h II I~t e'l Jewe mnmg IXU b comes Waterh ouse each stole t ree ases. ·1 d ,• 0I 0U 1I 0I 01 stole second I! ... .. .... 2b. R H'II es H.III t y d obled .. . ..... D i Howanl, to b r i g h ten t h e h ome f or aw h Ie; ut bleased land where no parting ed . u was caught at the h . Walter us h ' and H an: ton f' ' g ere s ow It appen : ·tuntoH I·m."'l fagaI' n, _.1.. ~,ere no tears shall ever flow. p: : : : : ~ ~ ?s ~ ~ plate. Edward s doubled and 'Howell · 13~. r,:.,~~:,,: passed a on scored Soth and Rwfit totak e l walked Dusty's s: Visitor First inningf..e"I~~I~~ . r.';:; :::: ~ Z ~ g ~ ~ and Ridge scored. Burton out, for in his Word he has said: "::;uffer er got past Hawk~, Edward s ball, H. Hiles safe at second on Burground tieath" no is "There and me, unto little childre n to come t~~;,k:~, "~ :: : : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 pitcher to first. For the Chauta ua bad throw on H. Hiles' ~on's poor throw to catch him steal· made , beJtrod must that path the but 'Tis the" is such of for Total. ... .... . . J; -. '0 ~ Ii 6 quan!, leSour d flied ~' Howell, who forbid them nQt, to Sur. &,rounder and let Howar d's hit go by, I'~g. Howar d ground ed ~ut God." to pass ever would man If '" Heaven of Kingdo m MIAMIS made a splendi d cadh at just the ball. H. f'ace , Dusty caught off third, Burton The funeral took place at bis1ate Dusty scored on a passed .toB n il PO A E right time. Mills fanned and Palmer and sioR'led y Starke ", lliward to while scored a at 10 Hiles stole !OeCond and a 0 4 2 S ~ COUNTY TEACH ER'S INSTITUTE residen ce Saturd ay mornin• taking Sltole second but Conwell was out, Edwardil. 3b .. .... .... ',~ 11 'I H 13 °1 hit a high fly, which Ben Smith took ... lb J'c1ock the Rev G S Grause r of Berg~n and Surfac e werE Surlace. 1 hl'ts, 3 1 run, II care of. , - care of Starkey , Howar d caught trv- Bergen to Surface ,' Burton. c ... . , ' " .. . ..' of The Sixty·f irst Annual Session had lodge F. O. ~ ~ The score by innings: O. J I. ; The ~ g. ~ :: ficlatln ~r: · In. a:,: r'. ~e~:kol?. Teache singled County s Edward ; the Warren Miamis ern'r. to fti~ l Conwel second, . Intenn ent ing to steal .~ ~ 21 01 °0 ... . .. . ! Btitute wlll be held at Univer sity char&,e Of. the . fu?eral Ilnd ltole second , Surfac e double d EH~~e' . Il... ......... • u Hawke ; 2 runs, 0 hits, 3 error!>. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9- R. H. E. k' Le d t' 12 was made In MlarO! cemete ry. thO k A d ' Oh' I ~•• J ~ ~ L ~ ~ d : Ed a B error, Ed- B:;r,~;L~"p: : :::: Ir on too an s, ugus H.Hie o on 10, sfliedt 6 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 2- -12 I.e 9 war .anon, : Mia~is , Miamis S Le . Hall CUD OF THANK - - - -14 - 1 to 16.1i12 to Leak out, e Surfac scored. wartls Chau .. . 3 0 0 5 0 0 3 0 0- 11 8 5 , Burton , BerR'pn and WaterTotal .. ..... ... 41 9 19 27 on passed We wish to thabk our friends and Surface house singled , Surfac e scoring , Conwell, trying to score The illltruc tors will be Dr, A, E. 9 ~ 0 6 7 Batterie!l: Gebhar t, B, Smith and " ball, Burton fanned but was Slr.fe at Pleut.nt Plain . I2 20 03 4. 0 0 1 0 0 1- 4 ors and also the Lodges for Evans and Hawke fanned', 1 run, 2 0 0 a a I 0 *-9 Burton ; Shade, Preston and LeRoy, I . . .. . . . K1amlB Winshi p, of Boston, MUI., and Drr neighb strike third the let Leak and s first when hits, 0 errors. etolen b_-Ple&l&n~ Plain, 8; MI&IIIIa, 10 Francia H. Green, of Weat Cheste their many deeds of kindnea ••• HIL-EvlUlll. go by, Howar d err.... on BJrgen '. SacrIfice of Hiles hour C. the rs: in hy r-Visito sympat inninA deep Second ton. their Fly-Bur Sacrlflce POSITION 0000 (jETS Nonna l IChool. to catch Two-bue hlta-Dulty, Leak, BoLh, Surface and Leak fanned and Shoem aker hit hut recover ed in' time uae. Waterbo The progra m is a good one, and our bereav ement. double d, Home Run-Surraoe. fouled to Su1iac e, 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 Burton at third, Waterh ouse Mr. Fred Hartso ck, of the Fifth· Mrs, Ann~~k: and family. Double Play...-&>tb .so Starkey to Conwell ; :~:.WhO fail to &'0 will miss a good Hawke and Evans , '" SLarkey. scoring Oonw,," Bergen but singl~ Brown : Nation al bank, of Cincinn ati, Miami!! Third errors Oonwell by ; 0 GBORO Both, Jonllura PILchec1-By BIG FIRE AT SPRIN ' , Waterh guse scoring , Brown B; by Oebhart, 9. .ingled a in t the positio n of cashier Gebhar l:!ecured with h88 caught was ofT 8; Conwell, oft 11; - B_ Hla.-Ol r Bo~h. A !ar. . oome' ,hat ba. no' made errors. 2 hits, 5 rur.s, 3 ; fanned o. Con· to Olbbart. the First Nation al bank at Mor, about double pJay. 80th to Starkey Struck Out-BJ ' Bo~h, 6; by Conwell, 4 ; by of U. appear anoe .Inoe . 'he days ot The bam of Arch Heston Hiles C. rr: -Visito inninK h Sevent second U, stole , Oebb&n. singled row, Ohio· This i~ a . deserve d pro caught well, Edwar d. _ on Balll-U )' Both, I; Gebhart . 2. Ohria, will be villbl" ID the heneD . a mile north of Sprillir boro, was caught B but d double Leak , fanned Oebbad b)' aker's Brill", Shoem 8olh, motien , and Fred's many friends on l-U,. third BaYmU took HI~ burned and O. mt.. tbl8 wlD'er, Thou who R" II fire Tuesda y aftemo on and Shoem aker hit to Gel>- bart. when third at Burun, • home-r here C(\ngra tulate him on his ada hit Burton, e a; eak, Surfac balLI-L throw. his l'.-d all befcJre ..,.It Ie wen "orth W.$ObtDI to the irT0und, dest~ying several ton out Dusty to Starkey ; 2 runs, S hart, 80th walked but Dusty was Len on ~PIMAD' Plain, 1: MIUDII, vancem ent. He .assume d his duties grain, several vehicle s and U. ' " for: ' Time of &.&111_2 :00.. out, Bel'lren to Surface ; 0 ruM, 'l hit, at ~orrow. Monda y, tcattle; The cauN of the fire is not hits, 1 error. Ulllplr9--x.ewta aD4 D~. .... . '.. "." . • _ '. , fanned t Gebhar : Miamis a, Oerror {an80th rs: -Visito Tbird innlna ~. ~~te known, .----:---------. Tbe followi ng letter was read at the Smith reunion , from a former l; r esident , Mrtl Emma Smith Coltrt:l "<. . 22, 191 Brooks ton, Ind., July Dear Brothe rs and Sisters ; - It is regrets that I write with O I greate!hlt th IS etter t at we cannot, Ilny of us, come. I certain ly would like to be with you next Sunday ; none of you would enjoy il !l!I I would I am homesick to see all of you Bnd all of lilY old acquain tan cl'!I. May God blt!S!\ you allllnd keep )·ou until we &,et to Bee each other again. If nothing preven ts I want to come in some time in Au&'ust. - - -_. _ • OBITUARY

; L

__._ _


The Miamis Tak e an Easy One-











~~~~~d~. ,...


.1' • (._,i?;

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T t>o ~. ge ,., J'rM P oyne r, a Cbl cal"o dentllt, .at recen tl)' a t a bn nQuet &1\'tlD by t be Den tA l R"soelot lon. He m id : "On on o .Id .. Ie t b .. rl lth t or Ihln gs a n d on t h e olh or I. " ' ro ng; I! ont e ll lll ~~ Ib e d IrT n 'nce bel wel' n th e two Id sl ig ht. A s t t,o r,,11 1\ Ill g s to ry eb o w8 :


~ .\ ' I" }'

Olrman'. 8tl"uggle With the Engllih La nguilge Pral l eworothy, but 80m .. what Mirth Provo kIng,


\I l io n r f' lj.\ H ~ O t r u m

ja il met a r rl nt! . ' ''' hu t \I ~I" O you 10 ( o r ~' a , I,,'" th" rr lPllll. " ' 1 rouud 11 hor.€': i h e g ." l'~ y r. p li ed . " ' FQ " . 11 R h n r 8 "~ :'\ on"f'n<e~ Th ~ y , wo uld llPV er put )'OU In ) :.1 1 for flu dln i: a b ore I'.' " ' \\' ('11 , l' lI t ynu 81' e I rOllnd h im b efore Ul e wn er lo ~ t hi m.' ''


B~l t .

FI rs t S un'r a!: f' t t t:- Ir "' .. ,. a n~ t o 1',,1 t he )' OUUK I:Irl8 Int E' r('sted In ou r meet ln"" w e mUB t have Bome Lh lug to .. t lm ct l.hem . Sox:o nd Surrrn!':eUe- "'h lch .,. ould It ~ lte r bo- r"f reshw euU! o r men 7-

U re.



fll c'lIR r f' l .1~ h t nu t. nn A nu r k a. n wHh IIU\ a rrl.' dcd E n ~ lI :·;J1 I "' C" I ~ r lt. n ' ce l "' ~8 n p r~~ ­ ft n l fr UI: l 1.1,. (rlt' l1 r1 In C hl n [L Th() p r \.Hw n t pru\' (O!:i t o h A u pai r n r P rL J Ufn lU , A 1(' l tt' r bln ts o r B U r prl ~11 10 tl l ~ \~ ~IL n ' r , l .\ ,;d l tllu t I'\.o ns tl l~ p ' t j n l ll1l" and IntI" Itt nl J( h t .. (" [.

L ebanon , O.- " My eczema . !Arted u» for" ',"uk ." II I. '.r"" nl. J,'II I"" .• , _ my th Igh with a Im a ll pim pl e. It comet! In "lt d IOI IIIIIA I" '·e l ·,' ~II I .., Li . hl"W nut , att em Dt :.' t o l ' lI t h Im ()11 t. T h\ lI kl ll ~ al l O came o n m y I calp, It be ga n t o tho . ,' n·lAn t T lU y I I~ h lll" t ,hl\ n". ' his Itch and I \Jeg an to ec ratoh . For r lut h ". Ic l.ndlnjC I'n ~u ll (( n"n help Wh. n he r e JlJl P ~ ar!l Jf' lIldntJ ( nll .!:t o n h i. n t" ~ k e ighte e n or t wen ty yeara I co uld no t with jov , ~(1 l1nr ml"l\' 1.11:1" nul' . bell. r I.e ll "" h il t I n as Bed through w it h tha t tha t he i. r rau y. .I .llk ln. t. H. Li l{hl nllt " I y the e n r'o u n t f)!" h I.) had. w i 1h Il. h l6co ua a wrul Itcb ln g. I would s c ratch until C t, l n~lt1 ac drc... d In pa j,,,nfUl . In IL the blood would soak t h r ollj!; h my UD ' "' .... "ge Irom hi. Irlon(\ J nck n \l II I1 ~, L I G'htl1 u t 11:1 rL!l k e<1 t o [n1 t \ID " t he k l r1' derwear. aDd I c ould n ' t tal k to my lor t he nlgh l nil 1110 wa y hu l(1 Ir" m (,,,1frlend B on t he .tree t but I wo ull1 b e I ~ge. l ~" o r I.I (,1 hll1 ut ft"". Il t>cll u.llll l I'lrl t n b Jn ck pn J fln1ll!l I n hl~ r ou m . LI J.;ht · di ggi ng and pun chi ng t ha t spo t, un t il nut I. sh o" ked by lI,. "l rl's dri nk Ing, I wa s very mu cb Il&ham e d . T be Itch- ~m olcll1 !( ,, "cJ .III nl:), talk . Stl . t ~ lI" hIm h e r IlLun I~ F rUJ u..: l . and p ll Z't t~ fi 11 11, 11 tnr waa BO IDten ae I COLJld n o t Il eep wllh U olory " I hor lovn for h.r ol. lor I arter on ce In bed and warm . J c er tal D' ~o om · m " ' • . nu", u,l I·'rnnce • . K ,·x ' ", nr nI n g t he g i rl I " rnls81n g alld I.IK h t n u t h u r ly .ulfered torm ent w ith tha t e czema Meo t o th e bl'" 1 to .e~ hor o f! . 110 I. !le for many yearl. rO.l ed b)' Il husl,y eoll-'I''' boy. wh o cI\lI. him "Pk k), .' bu t he doo. not."" Ih. "r chased after eve rythlDr ~ e~er gIrl. J ad. Di ll in". cflll. to s pend , hi' beard of, but all to DO aVII II. 1 SIlW nl"h t wllh J J ~ hl n ll l . They dlsrover lo"" ,' u b le " hlchlen In th e bullona or the ad vertlBement for Cutl cura So a.p I1rk. Ihe pnj " mIlA. Billings dono the\A and OIntment and sent for a earn pIe... n,1 retlrc" L1 l/h l nu l In ll'r dlsco\, e.." H d th In h l ~ tlp ~l'l me nl l\ b 611 f y p ~r8o n in Tll u t ImagIne my delight w h en I app e e to n -" h o ~ wh lsk,' J's nnd ",eurl ng. Imj,uII "8. first dose to that awful !tclllng fi re J enk ins ca ll. th u police, wtl o de.' lure Ihe I I I s th an a In ln uler to bo a crIm inal. r nIlO(\ " I'o <y on my Ieg an d eca p, n es Ornn dpn." T ho In tr ueler .I ed ,,,,"o. he I. mln ut~ the ItchlDg on b oth plac el Llghtn ut'. gUP"1 u n d u(lp . .. I. 10 t ho Int · ceased I got Borne mo re Cutlcu ra \ , er In vatll . li e 10 h U"I I"., o tT to jnll. , I n t h e m or ni n g T.lg h t nUl I .. Il..Bt o nls h ed t o 80a p and Ointm en t. After th e . eco nd lind BlIl l" ~ " go n ~. an,' Ill oro " , ,, ,"lo hoel day I nev or had anoth er It chlDg a ~ \I , ",h ~ n he Keto .. ", ~." a g. fro m Ih. la llo r . elcnl .. nd lno< his clnlh... 1.I gh inu t, bound and Cutlc ura Soap and OIntm e nt ~ om· la .. 1'"rr), low n, BtllIlIJ: g' tH'''' • . •1I .rovers lete1y cure d me_ 1 was troubled wIth " IfTnIl (·( ' • • " Ihp girl II f t he pn jll ma. , 0 11 P th" tru.l n . t .l g ht tlu t s pcllklt t o lu" r n od a l awful dandrutr a ll over my scalp, Th« l " d ~4 to th e nlgl ll b, ·!" r.. Sho d.cla r •• Cutl cura Soap hatl cured thnt trouble. ~ 1(,;(IISl1 ll nll y thlLt l.J lfh tn llt nev r ",?- w her • 1'1 block puj amlUl. At Tllrr ytown (, ranees (SIgn ed) L. R . F Ink, Jan. 22, 1912. I~ me' by a huoky coll rf)o \'Olllh , who Cutlcura Soa p Ilnd OIDtm ent s old h all ~ l lshlll UI u.~ "Dicky .' The la tt er Ignor eo Ih. boy ,""0 lhr n Ihrell ten. 10 throughout tbe worId . S a mp Ieo f e ac h U, raah him tor ' o l!' e ~ (\lng F r a n ce s . t.l Jt ht free, wIth 32·p, SkIn B ook. Addres l nut t akes th o n .~ t trnJn IWllw . Btlllnra -t-card "CutlC"- Dept. Y . BOltOD." . tonn a over the ollt rnl<o of hi. fl... r•• !. I e .,..• --....... ' lid l.tllhtnut discover m ys lerl ous Chl-


n~.8 l.'" huac t t"r" on t h e l)(\Jo.m M , Pro f es lo r n Oll zt'n bt>,·ry 18 c nllc d In t o i n l er pre t

Ma ny a girl s trives to make a name lh !" h l l' r ok'\)' plt l ('s, H e r av r e ov er wh at h e for hereell rathe r than atte mpt to rnlh t he. loa t . Ilk nr SI -Lln llt -Chl, Th e wrltln ~ c1\! c l u r ps t hn 1 n. p f'rHO n w enri n K mak~ a loa! of bread , th e \1 n JnfilHN w U I t a ke o n 1ho sernh l nnc p No th ou ghtful p enon u.e. IIQuld blue. It'. a pinch of blue In .. largo l>ot Lle or waLer. tor Red Croll! Hall Blue, tbe bl ue ~ba L ' ...lI blue Worth While. "See bere !" crI ed t b e boy'!! f athe r, " If y ou don't b e have I'll wh ip yo u." "I vo'lBht you would." re pli ed lhl bad boy. " You d o, e hl" " Yee. 'c au s o when It's all over ma will ,Imme some ca ndy."

of th e p r ev ioul'l

\ ",'Car er, T ho pr o (,cssor hO r r n wM th e p n j (l. m ns t o r (' xpe r lm (l nt. " 'Al l 11 I1 K !'! " d r f" 8SNi In l)ojamHB 19 f ou nd I n t he p rort.~ ~!'o r'H r oom a n d Is tllk o n hfl m o In (l11 n ll lnmo l ,1I0 ,-",·Uh Franc es und n wo-

m" n Llgh tn ut ca lls " Iho Iru mp."

The Middle-Aged ,Woman. or the maDy wan In whI ch the mId· dle·aged woman may ~ary the etrect of her afternoon gowns none 18 simpler than the use of a collar and culll of whIte volle edged with !!calloplng and embroidery In 0. floral design. An· othe r change may be the frock set of white chltron with \JordeI' of black mallneB, and Btill anotber Is the one or black Det hemstitched wIth sliver thread. Some or th es e collars a r e SO long In front that th e y t erminate only at the waJst line, where they c ros s In aurpllce etrect and are tu cked away under the gIrdle. AD e xcelle Dt model of this sort Is ot light blue lawn em· broidered with black dais, an d a lecond Is of white agar-Ic trimmed wi t h tiny roldl ot broa dcloth, alternatlnl with eponge.

A WINNING START A Perfectly Olgested BreaKfa.t Makel

Nerve Force for the OilY.




EverythlDg goes wrong It the breakfaBt lIe e In your Itomach lIko a mud pie. Wbat y ou eat does h arm If ·you can't diges t It-It t ur ns to polson . A bright lady teacher found tbls to be true, even of IIJl ordInary light breakrast of eggB and toaaL Bb. 8ays : "Two yeare ago I contracted a very annoying for!J1, or IDdlges tlon. My!!tomach was In such condition that a Ilmpie breakfast or fruIt, toast and OgK lave me great dlBtress_ "I Wall slow to believe thl!.t trouble could come from luch a Blmp,le diet, but fin ally had to rive It up, and found a great cha.nre upon a cup of hot Postum and Grape-Nuts wIth cream" (or my mornlr.r meal. For more tban a year I have held to thl. coune and bave not .uffered except When inJudl· clousl)' ~arylng mT diet. "I ha~e been a teacher tor leTeral 7ears and lind that my eully ell,elt· ~ brelkfaat mean. a lavin, of nen· 0111 [orce (or thl eni1re day, My p,in at ten pound. In welKht also cause. ~ to want to t •• tuT to the nlu. of Grape.Nuts. "Grape.Nut. laol4a ftrat rank at ow

tabl.... , Nam. IIYeil b, Poltum Co.. Battle



''There'. a reaIOD." RU4 the Jltue

~ '':l'he Roa4 to WtUY1u.,.. til JIkp. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ..t .. ' ... ....




.. _........

~t.~ . on..

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LI<; ht-

n \ l t 18 t\tlg',r t..I b y " Ill p f r ll m p :04 ' " lallll e r :' UI t ll ik n boll t "F'rl\ n ('\w," " nl1 l1 n~ ,," 118 laken to hie r uom. A . en ' nnt te1\. Llll htn ut I h U l I) m t"I'!!'I(\ $,:e hile j u st b ee n re -

Her Affections Da mpen e d. A little girl was pl ayin g at thl table with h e r cup Df wa te r . He r fath er t ook the eup from her and ID .0 doIng a ccidentally spilled lome ot t he water on h er , "Tbe re," sbe cried, 8.1 Ihe lett the table IndlgnllnUy, "you wet me clear to my feellngs_"-Everybody'l Mai. s Ine.


PrInce HeD r y o f lle usl, " '!io Boeak. I ULle rb EDglI sh. lau g h ed good' llot ur edIy Ilt a dlDn er In Ne w Yorll, over tbe , Ilocou nt or ce rt nl n on\ ce rs o r the 0 41'" man n eeL " One or our cbaplalns ," .a ld th. }-- ," ,r rl nce, "bad th e hard ihood to preach , In E nglis h at ono of yOltr Luth eran cbapels the o lh er d a y. He Il.8ton lshed , hl a con grega t ion b y Hay Ing, a8 he rose, &:'lrof'B" that he wou ld c boose ror hi li tex t Ul. rlllhl. u on't YOU II no\\' , 0 0 OCl"Ount or l" r l<l a lld Is n ot t he lti ll d LO tal It , yo u wordil: Fran c , ~ , I\ n e ll' IlIl was s til i fl'l' lI ll g n 1t tl u\\, .. "' And be tor e his Bhlrt.' U II. wlls n·t e ho ! l1y J ov e, I w on· lJ lt p luc ke d ove r iliH Sil l ' uf t he t OIl !; lI e "A Qu lLo a udibl e enlc ker went round, -R ho w('d 1'1" llI ly h u w " ~ b u l b "r~ d , .IN" ,l ", bu t ho wo u ld t lllllk If b e hod Tb e ch n plaln Do tl ce d It,. flu shed, a nd you kn o \\' ; y uu t' oulll It' ll by hi s I'll I'\<' h l'lI l"d o ur con l' ol"s utlo o In Ihe ball l repealed the te xt In a loud e r voIce : ere d brows nlld tI :e WilY b e k ell t IIlll It wll s n·t f o r me to l e ll hIm be " An d liS ro r t b ln ~9 I d eplore ID "'An d h e tore h is s hi r t.' cleurlng hI s t h ront. 0 0 me a n time, was wllm ll n g a Wh ll t's -Its ·namo to bls Fra n c ls- oh, n o, n e vo r nny of t ll aC "The s nIcke r Ileca me a Il1 u gh. ud kn o wlllg t Ullt til e b fit Ih lng wa s t o boso m, BO I Ju s t ed a rep ly. Wllb Jack ! "- h e s tltre ne d pro udly" :\eve rt h e l" 8B," h o sb r ugged. " It Is "be may, as I have suld, IJIlblbe a lit. th e pasto r rose a nd Ba.ld: aP ll ca r u l lt' on~ d oll s-ju8t gIve h lw " 'Our good broth e r II quotlnl, of e ndY t o Hee Ulltt s be ca n't s ta nd t ile t1 t1 I~ . ),Oll kl\o w- I f('ll ca r e le ss ly to tle t oo mu c ll . DOW a n' Con; but 11 I1gll " 1< H lilla co in s In DIY Ilock cl uull Fig ht or Frlln c l ~ . " 11 0 shook Il ls h entl w h en It comes to 8 ca n~w e ll, J co urse, Ihe ra mllia r w ordl: " 'And tbe d oor Is shut:" tnlJplll!: lilY foot IllJon t be b ard wood, ItI ~ lII a ll y . " Charm ln g girl , Mr. LJght- ha\'e ye t t o h en r t b e as I b Ull Hlll)d II d ev il is h lI e M I!ttle nl r n ut - 1\ ra re aud pe rfect typo of Ul e h rea th- " Her Error, rrom La J uh ' o tu at I almos t ku e w by E lI gl ls h bea ut y a t h e r bes l." A s ba rp k noc k cut In abruptl y. M re. Stra n ge r- Can you tcll me Uti , wn9 s hc ! Not It l k n t!w nnyh aa rt : " ColDe In ~ " An d be sw ung tb e doo~ who that s tou t m fUl 18 over t here' H. t nIn g a bout It, nnd I had aeen thr ee OPElD, " Qu ' II , I'npp renne do TOutlt la t he worst 80t! s ollpe r I ev er m e t. season!! In L ondou. By J ovt!, 1 was It w as J enkin s t o sny a pers on Will lI e los, le vo us lru l)lofe , b611 lsscz mon DO\\,lI ge r- Yll.. He II my husban4. so ter r ibly sh oc kod 1 could Jus t feel waltlDg t o see me on t mpo rta Dt bUll" e \l Dll X- " --J ud lle. It In my ra ce ~ n e S8. fly J O I'~, I haa jus t i ot I hot ror, li e seemed 6u rprls ed . "Don 't you wb e D b o s b ooll bl s bea d ..... It b a klud t h ink so ?" h e In sis t ed. Only In a Bu . lnel. Way. CHAPTER XXIV . Of s nort, t hre w do wn b ls p en, and "So Cln ra re j ected tbe plumber_" " \\' e l1 , J r atb e r don 't , you kno w! " got to hi s roo t, fa cing me wIth a sic k ly It just blur t ed out of It se lr . "Ob, I " 00 you know wbyl" I Recover the P aJ ~ m ... s ru ll e. "So me body told he r to be carefUl aaY- DO W. yo u 're DOt r ea ll y In ea rnOuts ide, s win g ing his clu b and ki ck. " I am go ing to a s k you t o ex cu se eS 17" And I s c re wed my g lass so a bOUl eD cou rajtlnl\' blm, al he hit the Ing his hee l In t b e ma cada m. 1 roun d me, my d ear Llg lltnu t "---earu o rl gb t ba rd In m y Clllbar rr\S8ment, I h urt m y pIpe ." a fa t police man - from New York. J out fra n kly lik e t llat, YOU k n ow! "Uu t ey e--" You kn o w s he' s a rr ea k ! Wh y, kn ew by bls h e lmet . th e fac t 15- " ho ope ll cd an d s h ut bJfI dnsh It- " I p u ll ed u p, tor after all, He t u rned a ll d I sow--Q' Kee fe l wa tc h- n e rvou s ly, yo u kDOW - "I ha ve sh e was B fell OW gu es t . "Oh , t b ere y ou are, s Ir !" An d 1VlUl ju st rea li zed how - " I/ e stared , j amme d bls ba nds d eep a carele ss du ck nn d a wa ve, he amhlell But 1 s to pp E' d hlw-co ul dn 't lot bl m In hl a poc itet s an d be nt towa r d me. for\\' lHd aDd pla ced In m y h ands a go on, of course: " Oh , 1 say, YOU " Now. look h e r e, my boy, do yo u ru ouo parcel. k Dow I :-'; ot an o t be r wo rd , my dear to say you d o n't Ullnk Mis s K i r klan d "I t 's th em , a ll r lg bt !·, b e sQ..\d, w ltD JII<lgo- 1 don 't care a jo ll y ba ng , da s b a b eau t tru l aD d w in nin g g lrI 1"- 1 a rat wink. " The Il lac k s il k paj'&.m asIt l " ADd t o sh ow hI m , I smil e d . got gue ss he d id s ee I DleUllt It, for he we go t 'e m, you see~ " Ollt a clga r e tto, and perch cd k lDd or slow ly cml!ted a n e xpress l ve wh istle "Jov e ! " I eJaCUla ted , s t a ri ng. Then s ldew lso aD th e e dg e or th e t a b le . -" \\' ell , yo u ar e Ijo peles s tb en- u tte r· s udd e n ly I got th e jo'll y Idea r ull aD d " I'm no t a bit sell s lt lve. d ou·t you ly hopeless !" an d d ash It, be jus t s trong, rou k n o w, and I was just 8D kDOW!" groa ned! dash ed r eli e ve d and dell gbte d, 1 s b oo k H e st nre d . " Indeed , Do-I see you "B ut uow, m y d ea r YOUDg r rlond," hU!1ds wit h h im -f act! OR Luncheon-or picnic arB not !" h e s a id wnr mly. he wen t on , ond w ltb a glan ce at Iho "Ob, 1 s ay , J e nkIn s ," I re morked, 1 d rew a II g bt i bi t a ir il y. "a t li tte red t alllle , "I waDt you to go o u t twistin g my g loss at hI m. "by Jove, nndwiches, nothing equal. cou rs e," I pulfed , " wbat you are t b lnk- a nd get somo rr cs b a ir be fore t be you It now- e ll ?" lu g of IR yo ur sc rv a Dt, but 1"- 1 s ho t lJ loo m or t b e morn Ing Is past - It you "Ce rt a inl y, sir !" J en kl Ds adm Itte d b lm a lig ht WIDlt- 'Tvc g o t t o thlDk a g o o ut I.hl.s way, rou w ill a void enca lmly . " I kn e w ID n m inu te soon I1S li t tl e abou t my OW D liItalr, dou't co untering thos e g lrls"- h ls h a ud g eD- be t old m e !" y ou- 'I t1 y but fi rm ly urg ed m e. " It bas boeD ADd, b y Jove, I be li ev e d blm! Had -' Llg ht nu t !- lie c a ug bt me by tb e ju s t abom Inably se ltleb ot me t o bave h i •• tuly treat and economical .. well to. you k no w ; It was o nly j us t one a rm s, bls face redd en e d a lmos t blaCk. I(ept you s l utted In he re; I k DOW I IDs ta nce ot th e d e v llls b cle ve r. In, At All Croc.r. "My dear boy, te n thousan d pard ons I have bo red you to deatb wltb a ll tb ls t uil ive wa y J eD k lns h a d of borIng In, Libby, ~NeiH &. Libby Ut lk abou t tbe ram lly blac k s he ep- I t o tb lngs! I ns ~ ur e YOU- " Cblc:aao " Yes, Blr,"- O 'l{ ee fe th ougbtr ull, traD srerre d a bi g wad to the otbe r chee k-"th e ca ptain gave me a little lay 0 11 ~ o ' s I cou lcl h rl ng 'e m u P,"bo studIed Wl lh Int erest th e to p o r one o f tb e pill ara 01 th e porte,coc be r e a nd s hru!;ged II g btlY- "Of co ur so II wasn 't j us t becau s e o r th e r eward. l lloug b o r cour se li ve h UDd re d b uc lts Is !l y o h u nd re d buclts . but We \bo ug h t yo u mi gh t il l;e to have 'e m- th ank you, s ir ~ " For ou t of my fold er I peeled fh' e c ris p cen t u r ies and la id t he m In h Is palm. Tb ls cl on e, J cn l; lns glan cM at me aDd turne ll s ugge sti ve ly toward the en t ra nc o. b ut O' Keere didn 't m a ke 8 llIo ve to go nn d no mo re did 1. .'"act WIlS , I Il ad a devllls b kee n notion tbat th e o ld cat ups t ll irs would be watc bID g for tb e poli ce ma n 's departure throug b th e grouDd s , an d It ca me to me th at to play him a li ttle longer wou ldn' t d o a DY barm, but mlg bt se al h e r jo lly mo ut h th e Ughte r. O' Keefe thank ed me aga in . " You're su re Do ll d wltb the torc e, sir," he as· "elLT EDGE." d>eonly Iadi..• ohoedrt.i•• thalpot! sured. Dod d lng e ar nestly, " Just re6""" conl,i.. OIL BI"",,".ocI P. /ioha I.di...ocI <hil!i-<n ', t-II ..,d ,hoe. • • hin .. wtLlH>al rubbia., me mh er m y numbe r and tb e name or 25c. "F..acll Glo ..... IDc. Ca p ta lD Clutchem II any lime In town ",sTAR" - .bi .. ri •• fOf d...J", .nd ........... d IIiods of "'_ Of I•• 011_ 10e. ..D....d,.,· .w.2'" yOU get round ed up In allY of our lit· "QUICKWHrrE" O. liquid fo.... wilh _ ) tl e--e r , you know! "- he dropped a fJukklr e l _ &Del wllh .... diit,o _ u " ' chee rful wInk at m e nnd glanced agaIn 1o.&Dd&_ UALBO" etut.u ..... fa at the hills . "Exp ec t maybe you 're round white nk Cl Pllck.d in n nc-tiabo."',with 'POOp. anxiou s to know If T im getB a dlvy 10e. 1n haocloom • .lariealumiaumbos., will> _ ..,2}c. oute r thi s," be procee ded; and 1 mur· If your d""ler dooo.ot l.." lho l i,><Iy... w ••• .....d .. tbo pric. in llampo f« • full oiulIICk-,., ch..... paid, mure d some jolly sometblng. Of WHI'1IEMORE BROS. 8t CO. course, I wasn 't anxlolls. you know; 20-26 Alllany St. • C.mbrld ••, tot ... tact Is, I dldn 't care a daBh-dldn 't ~ __.. rh.....OIJ;":~,:: ::'1I;f,~~.""_"-_ even r ememb er who TIm was_ "Y es, slree. b e'll get t e n ot this I " he fin· . Ish ed ImpressIve ly. ' MeaDtlme, he bad been hunchlnl hlm selr up until now he succeeded In wre ncblng from somewhere beblnd, a ragged and shiny old walle t, bulglnl Cut out cathartlca and ou."",ttY<... wi t h worn and greas y papers. Within brutal, ha rsh. unnec~ l')'. "H'ml" Coughed tho J~ldge. Ulls , with a fiourlsh, be laid the bills. CARTER'S L1ITLE Then be ra ced us with an air ot LIVER PILLS n "That's jus t all rlg bt, judge. 1 re- feel that now I must let you escape.Inc reased cbeerrulD ess . as sured blm sootlllDg ly . "All 1 am "Oh, n o--not at IIII !" I protested "So much all for the velvet!" be h o lding out for Is ju st to be sure we basllly 'und pulling ba ck. Nl( ver would remarked wltb anothe r wink, uDd ers t and e lLch othcr a bout Fran- do to let blm ree l tbnt way, you know ! Of course It wa s of no Importance ces- th a t I may be su re 1 bavo your " Really, 'pon honor now, tblng I want to Bet him -rlgbt about tbe materIal; autb orlt y-" to do Is just s tay here and talk to you as for that, I d IdD 't c are a jolly hanr " So th a t's It ~" He rel axed wi t h a about F 'r ances." If h e tbou ght tb ey we re made or liDO- ..,be lad IDdl,lIttOD, •• deep breath . The n Qui e tly: "My dear "Ob, damn Fran-h 'm - I mean leuml nut It g a ve me th e Idea or QlALL PILL. SMALL DOSE, SI'tIALJ. PRICL bo y, you m a ke me a s ha med ot my- FroDcls will k eep !" He caugbt hlm- ju s t peeking Into a corner ot tbe pa", Genuine must bear Signature s e lt- I waR rud e !" ADd h e sbook my s elt has Uly " berore tho stare or my cel to satisf y m ysel r that Its COD tent. h an d. "Yes , Ind eed - you jus t go r!gbt 'glass, rumbll'ng wl t b the papers to w e r e of filmy blac k silk- and they ah ead; almos t an ythlDg Is prefH a ble cover his conruslon_ Then be clapped we re! 1 w ent no turther ; not for atl to th e vic ious life FraDcls Is le ad lDg- me on tbe sboulde r, presSIDg me again the g old o f wh a t' 8- lts-'Dnme would I anythIDg '" He s lgb ed and his vo~ce toward the door. "You just go ab e ad hayp profa ned th e package with fUrDON'T CUT OUT A VARICOSE VEIN drop ped co nfid entiall y: ''I'm af r aid and do wh atev e r you can with Fra n· ther Inves tlgatloD. even you would be dis couraged If 1 ,cis, you rse lf-you are my only bope! lISl (TO DE C ONTINUED.) t o ld you or one or two dlsgracoful epl- Or wall:, and I'll prepare tbe way ror A• mild, safe, anti sep. s ode s at Cambrldge-[ know Scoggins you tonlgbt-tbat'B It ; that's bes t! "Carborundum In Fumacea. .... " I •. he, dIscu tient, resol. would b e !" and he went to nodding. Tben he Carborundum, the arUDclal Bubstl, , vent ' liniment, and a Scog g ins sgllin-always Scoggins! halted my progress and eyed me In- tute for emery, which 1& Bald to rival DaBh Scoggins ! or course be would tently. "Thel'e'B anotller thlng"-lIla the dIamond In hardness. Is employ, proven r e medyforthil be discourage d, but I should not. Dev· voice dropped-"r thInk It'e juat atl ed. because or Its extraordInary rt4 ,,~ " and similar troubles, IlIsb slmplo reason, you know- well Jack Bbouldn't know of your In· alelance to heat. a8 a coating tor the Mr. R, C. Kellogg, Becket, Mass" wouldn't believe It, by Jovel tenllonB about FranclB; be would Interior or furna.ces. FInely powdered before using this remedy, suffered "Yes, [ learned all about It from never Bpprove--oh, never!" and made Into a paete, It I. applied inteDsely with pain{ul and inflammT daurhter when ehe came bome," He Ilursed bls Ups to just a thin with a bruBh, Uke pa lnt, to the brIck be proceeded gloomily ; "abe feele that curve 0.. he shooll: hltl head POSitively. UDtn«, It II sald that a laTer at onl, ed veins; they were IwolleD, kuot. In a measure It has marred MIlS Kirk. His eyes bored at me oyer hi. Claa. two mlllmet.erl In thlcknel. wUl p'" ed and hard. He writes: .. AIter land'. 't'IBlt wltb her." es_ I mOIBtened my IIptl. teet ·tbe brlckl from the etrects or t~~ "sing one and · One· half bottles 01 MI •• KIrkland! I recalled now that "I kllOw he feels TaU have already hlghllit temperature that tl produclll ABSORBINE, JR., the veiDI 'were reduced, inflammation 'and that wu the name' of the ~rl from concerned your8elf enough about In ol'tlnary furnace coiDbuaUon. Cblna, By Joye, I preferred to think Franch.," he laid deUberately, "The Carbo"Mludum tl Itself a product qf paiD gODe, and I have had no recur. of ber lUI the frump I other :nlgbt 'at your rOOml-el', you the eleCtrtc turnac'e, belq compo.... renee of the trouble during the palt "For Mia. KIrkland heard tile Coa- 1mowl Jack Is so particular In thOle of llUea and carbon fulled hi th. ,., ..... .Ix years." Also remove. Goitre alp at Cambrtdce-aeeml s~. baa little thlnr., there'. a mQdel for.' enee of aalt qd v.WduR.-BarPer'1 Painful SweJlings, • [, lend. tbere amon, the resident.; youl" - Weekl7. ' Callouses, Bruises) • an~ ; the, were klnd enough to _tell He looked upward and ' warged hili Bl~e" discolorations her of theae thin . . of tbe year before h ••d III be laid hla hand 'UPOn tile ' Ai •. Matter of .. lOOll·.U they noUced . ho~ elevoted , dOOr.knob.Br JOY., ~o" 1 WJIII~ he "Do.. BItrur'I . ~paaer FrancSl wu to ber.· A~ .l~alt .t hll ~ would open tt. for the room 'set· ,1118 cODtld.neer· , what mT. dailallter 'U8~K1u U:nc de'tWlh ,warm I -, '"No.; It. bor'N • to ~•

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L t g l l tlll.:L \\' Uh 11 tid e o f l·'r a nds e scllp... d~ • . Lhthlnu t l1.k8 p~ r m l "s l on to apeak t o •.F r a n cel!l.' ·

CHAPTER XXIII. (Continued.) Wasn't sure , you k DOW, but s om eh ow It . eemed to me a rum tblng to eay - almost olfenslv e, das b It ! BuL th e n, tor th at ma ltor, c very t b lD g was ru m at late--so th nt counted fo r notblng, Fa ct was, It ju st seemed to me like the ro WR S so met hing In the nlreve r,. bodY seemod s o queer-well, jolly mudd l<ld, I s h ould call It! Id ea bad been gradua ll y com ing to m e tbat I was tb e only OD e wb o ap peared to ha ve any clea r u nders tandIng Of tblngB ; a nd so meh ow the r e aliza tion lus ' ma de me d e vlll sb n ervous-Ule res pon s ibility, don 't you know! And ju st th en tbe judge looked Bueldenly at his watch. mutt ered something. and bltcbed up to the table stre wn with papers, He b ent over the Be with a frow n, coughed oddly. glan ced nt m e-aDd be nt ag a in with a mutter, Of cours e, 1 sa w b e was annoy ed over sudd en CO D Bcl ou~ n e 8B of lhe brcak be had made, and wa s strlvinlt to cover bls embarrass me nt. And. by J ove , It see med to me De ought to fee l e mbsrra Bs ed, for the very rumm est tblng yet was tbls craz y Inrat uatlon for tblH IDfernal chauffe ur . It was plttrul- ob, disIU'Stlng, If y ou a s k m e-aDd tbe more BO b e cau s e It was som ethlDg sbe dill Qat s b a r e . I kn e w s he dldD 't, you know! No, It was plain e nough. das b It, tb a t betwee D ber fath e r and this muck e r or a chautte ur, my poor d a r· Hng was Il elng cro wde d to the wbat'sIts'Dam e. ThIs was wbat s be bad me ll nt-h a d hlDted nt- aDd , by Jove, I was r ea dy to w age r oDyUllng OD It; oager to put up all I w a s wortb. you kDOW! Didn't know, daeh It, how mu ch 1 was worth_ Went d ow n In W a ll etrect one day an d osk ed old Mo rley, my m aD of affaIrs, bu t fo rgot wh at be 8nld . Kever cotlld r emember atterward wh eth e r It w as one million or ten and alw ay s b a t ed 10 a sk aga in. Truth was he bad ata r e d at mo so and seem ed so oddly su r pri sed , I just worked otr so me jolly apo logetic) rubbIsh Bnd gut out. PUls ley tbought 1 must ba ve violated some r otten. sllly law or comme rcial eUllcs-tbat sort ot thlDg, you kDOw ; d eclared tbat biB at· torDeY had bad tbe dash e d Impertl· n ence once to ask him Ilbout some 111~estments, eo he got I!.nother man ant! pve him a power ot wbat's-Its-name, Never wae bothered now. he said, by checks or reportl or any borinl distraotlonB of that Bart, this man lnlt kept him supplied with moneT, and once ki a wblle he .crawled lila name "H'ml" co~hed the judge. "Erh'ml" And . I ltopped snapping the COW of my clprette c. .e, thlJUdDC he waa about to aar 10metJitnr, but he did not look up. By Jo~e, how I whed tlJat he we~e re.IIT bu." 10 1 might ellp out , without danrer ot otrendlng him! But I wal afraId . to chance 1~4 10 want to rub JlIm ,-











Don't Persecute Your Bowels









Practical Fashions} i BTiR'mI:i~~1Ct~NtN II covore~a~~:;. ~Cea.~~·ol ~~%d.Emba~ ABLE


MIllntel1l reted. WlIllam Shaw, tbe lIt!cre\..IrJ of the flUDOU9 Chr1sUa n Endenv or .oolety, J&td In II. willy atler · dluu~r addresa In Doston: LADY'S COAT. "There Is a lt ttl e Back Bay ~rl wbo Here Ie proof In deed o r what Reslnol Is mu ch Interest ed In her a.unUe·. ing, y,'111 do ror sutterer s rrom torment Cbrlstla.n Endeav or work. The Util e , unsight ly skin h umors. Mr. Will D. r o-tas Scale l Smal 00 cted girt was wr iting a letter to her broth· How Mrs. Reed of Peoria Coadu sarUy Nec05 !Busta es8 Haye, RU8sel h' lIlo. Tenn., says: mIdst lhe d \n and rleace day, no o -Expe Ynle SurBtrds at er The Btg ed Escap Larse Range Requt red by "r caul:;ht sycoslll or barber's Itch. aod aald: My face ""'auld get to limarlln g and or tbe erl s tle Rhe looked up Raise rs Reoll;r ;e From $2.00 to $7,00 aeon's Knife. II?' de\' pell " 'A unti e. bow do YOIl s burning . an ti grcat red welts would Per Year From Each Fowl. .. 'Oev ll !' cri ed ber aunt, with a fame on It , IIInd In a fe w hours my fa ce Peoria. 111. -" I 'I. ish to let every ''''ould be cove red with Beales or 'scallll sboc"ke!rlmTtl-e-. '.W hy. child . don' I you the size at wh out bran. It would Itch. a kn ow you DluSln l US8 su ch a word 8.11 know whatLy diaE. Pinkham 'sVeget able grellt deal lind tbe more I rubbed It.. Compou nd has don. . I the wor se It: llecame . It even got up d e~U?', forme. Fortwo yeara lltU. tbe ed t prole, ll', nllnt lIut. In the 1'<11'0 ot m y hair. It certainl y I suffered . The docyour t aholl hr"ther wae very e ll1 ua rru sslng as well as an· girl, "I wnnt to t pll tor8aid lhadatu mor noy lng. tu o, CIS ev r yono wan ted to Chrlst la.n 1111 '\ de vll meetlug s!'" and the only rem edy know WhH ~ was th o m a lter with my was the 8urgeon ·. Fit Puntshm ent . rncA. I trl l'd ~I' \' f'ra l dltteren t lo cal knife. My mother T he ,,'I el, ed Soul was sitting on a rem edlp8. Lilt thoy di d not do any bought me Lydia E. /loud . Thpn I BPn t tor n. small Ja r ot bot ftO \'e. drlClklCl~ ruolten lava and Pinkhllm 's VegetaRe s lnol Ol lll nlf' lIt Ulld tbut one jo r taunl n,.; hlrn ~ (!tr wltb 11 ChUDk of r eL! ble Compou nd, and cured lIIe In" ldo o t tpn <111)'9. I bad hlld bot s heeti ro n. tbe blirhOI··. 1:<'11 tor thirty or forty today I am a \V e il and "And who Is t he poor wre tch7" the do will I ll(,It, · \· ~ H~"ln,,1 d~y.. healthy woman. For Dante. nskf'fl 11, AllrU SA me Tor ut h.;r.... (I )uted ~~--~montha I suffered "T hat, " rpp ll p<\ Satan. "I. tbo !lr.t 1912 ) ror h enoug hot Inflamm ation, and your Sanntiv e It Ift from ' ~iild. n b w\l wtt u~ • . mnn tn.tI"H'1 n ct.I nu l f)1 nhnent 11.,('1_ I1rhl nff , ld i. 'he ... 111 or n ''' lIIlihd 1"-.. .. II h th~ \Ilf"o. ! bfl\lerth. Sentlile reli eved me. I am glad to tell e c Wash llwnllk you1' .. - ~l srCl J II erl! pr ~OIftu 1 f,. , (" ' LI'W.! n'lo l "I h .. , . 11. I n 1\ " It what your medicin es have done e on any ~~c~~~ri ~~~~:! V~\~; !!~r~'~: ~~l ':~: "~ I I!:! :';' ~,,';::r~,~ : ~~t\u, f or me. You cn n use my testimon ial iD h.· ... , n" ! f lhllnlClul 16fk ) II .' Meeting Emerge ncies. ( :''!1' ' ) ",,1'1 ItMl I Of · 1 1 will be glad Ue~\D~Yc;~~~u~' C~ll (jc:- '\7~\t~1 ~ ;~~r~: rlj'S: Ly VCl'~. 2ll Se nat o r llixon was c(l llueDlnl ng n any way you wish, and CHRlSTm.At. Mrs. " rs. lette IInswer to . n piece of politi 'al deceptio Peoria. IlL To Protect the Flowers . "Tho th ing W AS aR 1\1Il.7ant." hll sai d. REED, :06 Mound St., Edel weiss allu o li le r cha racte rlstlo "a~ the r ailway ca Re. lUrs. Lyn ch A1Ro Avoid ed . In d a n· Operu tlon. Two m ~ n . one or tb em ve ry sbort . Th is a t tractl\'e ('oa t Dlod I Is cbarm· Swiss flu wers nre sultl to bo ot the Jessup, Pa.- " After the birth of Ing curried out In Inn ponge" with <:0 1· I:er 01 total extlnctl ou bcrause o1lg h II stllt lon toward thr !: ln ss pn re we I i fl g tb em . 'Id I h d lar of brown nlOl re. Tile "oal Is n ot crllZ& at to urbts lo r ('ollectlD always lhe train gates wben lbe bigger on e f cl11, a severe orJ~an. c n amare y any: to peclllll es 8 henrd ·t Wa! tour\ n me \Vo {)!lltern e th anL! oD. hl s fn to dllJl eul t I would have such ~mblc pains took 11 ha lt tl cket fur 7e I motIOn. .. T short anxious to lalts uway som'e Dlra In pro "Ides tor both long !lnd 11' that it did not 8eem B8 though I could VII simply not do ud a plant, a at way the ' Itand It. This kept up for three loni slee ,·es. The empire e rr ec t Is uttaln· 80 lillie. ye'll PMB, a up tho IJillnl. Gpor~e. Yer mont/l!. until two doctors decided that I ed by a belt cord. The three-Qu ar ter pull Ihe Iluw e rs. IHlt dig a law tb a t rlgbl. Gporge, 'how Ilhcollt ' an operatio n was needed. d le ngth sl eoves a re finished wltb a It I. prop')8ed to Introdu ce proteste 'But,' .. selling or d ip;· frill of In ce, or whi ch the collar Is like- will prev.l:!ll th o huylng, Illy, Sibe ri nn my beard?' And be t wlud led his ch iD ' " Then one of my friends recomm ended I,Lydia E. Pinkham ' s Vegetab le Comwise edged. Otber suitab le m a terials p;lng of edelwei ss, flre columbi ne, lb, bellrd nervou s ly. pound and after taking It for two month. 'em 'tell are l inen, pIqu e, til fret a a nd mobalr. sprlnll crocus, Alpine tber, o .. 'Oh,' r cjoln ed lb. or otber na· I was a we ll woman. "-Mra. JOSEPH A. The pallern (GS~3) Is cut In Daphn e, Alpine violet .''' mole a It'. Me· tlonal flow en. 32 to 42 Inebes. bust mensure. LYNCH, J essup, Pa. dlum size requ lre9 3 yards of · 36 Inch WarneD who suffer from female Ole The Paxton Tollct Co. or Boston . ary. .. Unnece ly Obvious A Trio or Prize Winnin g Geese. materia l, I)i, at n yard or 24 Inc h con · Mau ., will se nd a large trial box of should try Lydia E. Pinkham 'lI V~geta­ In· y, Slowpn said "Look bere, S nip," Paxtlne Antisep tic. a de lightf ul cleans· ble Compou nd, one of the most lucce •• Ira s tlng goods nnd 3 ya rds or edg· dl,nllllt ly, to bIB tailor, "you haven't Ing I1nd germi cidal toilet prepa ration . ful remedie s the world has ever known, Afrlcnn or 1'oulous(! goose. Tb e gan- Ing. (Dy PTl.OF. L . SWINEY .) years old. pock ets In these trouser s." to lUly woman, free, upon reQuesL To procure till. pottern . srpd 10 C'~n1!l to put I1ny The raising at geese Is necessn rlly der s hould be two or three before lubmitt ing to a .urgical operaened during "Panern Departme nt" o f th ill p a pc-r. Write Slow pay," Bald the tailor, . Mr "No, tion. dve o Conduct ed tor the most part 00 a II10ngre ls IIro best flltl t }', Dud be Mure alnl pl eddreu and Qme n acyour rll. GI trom Between aulumn . with a Sigh; " I judged . Iae. and number of paltrr n. emoll sCale. This lB due to the reo cool weathe r In la te "I believe I'll hreall my en gagecount th a t YOU nover had anythln lf to Experie nced geese r aise rs realize qulrem ents or tho birds wllh re gard dollars per year ment to eholly. Ha can 't N!nlly Ion put In tbem." to range and also to their bre ed ing from two to seven ')UEt . ... . . __ ........ . goose. It will me ." g breedin 5823. NO each from ted nec con expense tbe and bohlts Perlua.J on. geese ""' by not?" with m nl ntalnlng n Inrge establls h· be seen fr o m lhese figures tbat ....... .... __ ... __ .. . .. . NAME an "!-Ie writ es stlcb short leiters . Look ''What made Mr. Chuggln s buy moy be even . more product ive than ment tor r en rlng th e m. 7" ly thls--<Jn ly loven pagea." e at ob'ile solut ab __ autom __ Is . . ... . ... . sturage .. TOWN ..... ... ... . ........ Geese Bre the most monogn mous or sheep. Cree n pa rlll sing. "His wire persuad ed blm by calling' geese ul f success to l essentia fullows It t a th o s wls, ro c all dome8t1 Cht1dren STREET AND NO. __ .......... ....... .. . his attentio n to the econom y or hnvlng Hr• . Wln.l oW'·~ 8oothln .. 8yrl11' torIcnn for fr ee pas· nunathat a large numbe r or expensi ve ~on · Where availab le space 'eetblng •• ortena t he !fum"" reduce. glovel clean to hand ' on must birds gasoline the had be . to ... ... not Is ..... ... . STATE ... . .... . ..... .. . ... '100, aHa.,. palo, cure ..... ~ Dd collL!.IOO . bOltle.. ders would be necessa ry for conduct · turage Star. gton Wa8bln wlth."food e tabl vege Ing the busines s on nny extensiv e bo fed on cut green presenc e or Height of Selfish nell. Bcale. As a rulG ganders mllte with of various so rt8. The Generuu l. sId ered nec· con also Is Some men are so 8e1l1sh tbat It they water running only two or three. rarely rour, geese. coulln pretty . LADY'S WAIST Jack-W hen I met my s, and plenty wero livin g In a haunted bouse they Geese requ ire extensiv e rnn ge. T he y e ssn ry by many breeder at the trllin I wae In doubt whethe r I wouldn 't be willing to gl va up the essentia l Is water g drlnilin clean at Willer, and ge pastura green thrive on .hould ~(is. her. choal.- Florlda Times Union. even without the addition or other und e r a ll condit ions. Tom--W ell. what did you doT rOl' le desIrab most are a gees White food to their di et. It Is prnctl£a lly th. of benefit the Jack--I gave her LI~nld blue II ....""k .oIUllon. A,ot" It.. at such birds being EAltN ~ YAR08 ORES! impos!l ble to rellr gosling s without 0 mark et, the l1I eat doubt. Jlo r 1t",1 ('ru5" U~1l Bl uo, Ute bluo that'. 0.11 appenr beUer lOUd!'!. 8*,112.. J)rLcitlloendtnA:.u" a maklns and wblter food, le vegetab green of liberal supply IUD a \ l UC nr,il'k pat.e hn . 8eacto blue. A.k your I:roccr. nAJ:De. BOX 1 ·&, DlU I'jit.aUoo ..llaf'r •• uurc,JI.... sucb as clover, roots, cnbbage , etc. once. Goodne ss does not mo~ certalnl y to apt are Peopie who are thrif ty Geese have no crops, like henll, and make men happy than happlne B8 W. N. U~ CINCIN NATI, NO. 30-1912. ret a r e putation tor being stingy. turkeys, and as a result thpy r eq uire makea them good.-L andor. be should more Bort feed, and food given at more frequen t Interval s. Geese cW not become tully mature until the second or third season. lind good re~ult8 of breed ing should not Health y AntJna l Wtll Thrive OD be ex pected from younge r birds. Routrb er For_ . Than Other tbeY ns conditio le tavorab Under Anlnta ls, bue. Needs freage. old live to on extreme ly Care. Quently rangIng from 60 to 75 years, and Insta nces nre recorde d " 'here By all means kee p your ewes they have exceede d ]00 years of age. and vIgorou s, tor upon a healthy kept ly G~d geese may be profitnb thrlrty conditio n of ewes de, healthy for breedin g purpose s until 25 years of hefo~ your success . age. but ganders Bbould not be kept pends ma,-" on live to The healthY ewe Is able past 8 Years. Tbey s houl d then be farm otber any than forage rougber reploce d by younge r birds. It Is with s bee p ae v.-lth all Two common breeds of geese, the stock. but Surplice styles are ~ulte fashion able must gh'e tbem Borne at· You else. ed descend are e, Toltlous and Embden . s Beeson. nnd for Ihls rea son tbe thi expect profit. from the Graylag gOO!le of Europe, tentlon It you ty waist bere shown wi ll flnli ey daln mon make senson every who Men and tbe brown Ilnd white Cbina gl)ese admirer s. It Is a very attrac· msny ey th if t a th find lambs, their from are thought to have descend ed rrom and one simple to tnsblon. model s, tlve weelt several for feed Ibem better the wild goose of Asia. ft1ll , th a t The waist closes at tbe back a nd can each stock ewe the tlush and bas welgbt In A great Improve ment tbe fichu. going to tbe bucl" there arc be made wltb or wltbout been accomp llsbed during domesti ca· Is, before collar Is fashion ed of and yoke The lambing at ilk m more lind twins tlon, lhe wild geese of Europe welgb· more ncbu Is trimmed ot tbe trouble with w ea k all·over , and tbe InSertio n nnd edgin g Ing usually about Ion pounds. while time. ManY . . tion Inser wltb empty udders would be Itbe welgb't of 35 pounds hils been at· lambs and tbree-q uarter lengta ~hcn embelli shes tho fatter ro wc ewes your If voided talned by domes l lc geese. Dotted swiss. batiste. !lno sleeves. th o winter. pOleS organdy '",111 serve The wild Canada goose Is easily do- brought In for fiowered and la",'n ewes, Try tho plan of flu shi ng your ent. velopm de Imestica ted, and tb e ganders mate for ly splend\d follow with good pas ture, and "--~ wltb"'1to mestfo ' geese. Th e crosseB tbus tben The pattern (6836) Is cut In sizes 32 from r esults that tbe obtaine d are known as mongre ls and you will seo 42 In cbes bust meusur e. Medium to dry, a Have profits. most are sterile. They are very blghly plnn makes requires 31A1 yards 01 36 In ~ h mao size with yard, . ered ,oomy 3 yards or In s0l'tlon , ~ at n :pr\zed In tbe market and brl::.: Inrger well·s belt terlal, Dr. :&:. F. Peeler, ot St. LoUiS, Mo., saYII: ". have prescrib ed your Castorl" remedy' speedy and The deep Ebed for tbe ewes. If you have yard of 22 Inch all· oyer and 1 yard effiCient an It found always have ~ prlces than nny olhe r geese. and cases In IllAny wltb dogs; have Ii tight, Fletcbe r'a . 'rearing or tho wild Canada gooso or neighbo rs Dr. Frederi ck D. Rogers, of Chicago , Ill., lIays ~ I have found boord at ot edging. with rence. wire woven stout nta. con· wIth complai to 's 8 ~nt lished e 10 children Iits crosses Is accomp To procure thl . PQtt~rn, send Castori a very useful in the treatme nt of around the sheep raid . "Pattern Dep.rtme nt " or th i" l' E1 pcr. W rite I am 'slderab le difficult y, and can only bo top and bottom •• plninly . nnd b~ . U l ~ to ItlvCl addre Dr. William C., of Clevela nd, Ohio, says: In my practice nd .... night at name yard this In sbeep the 'accomp lished atter some experlea ,ce. Keep y harmles a and perfectl aiae. and number of pattern. fa it g knowin a. Castori your r.a end well IlS l'6Comm to sheep, glad your In breedin g mongre ls, one ' Wild -this wilt save always satisfac tory• ,gander should be mnted '11th a slugle your temper. yonI' Cu· ..... .......... . Dr. iii. Down. of Philade lphIa, Pa.. 8a7S:' "I have prescrib ed SIZEt NO 5836. and myself to tion BatiBfac p-eat :with , zeara torla In my practice tor man~ NAME . .......... , ... .......... ......... . . lleneAt to my patients ." ),our C...! TOWN .......... .......... . ..... . . . ..... .. Dr. Edward Parrish , ot Brookl)' tl', N. Y., 8a1'll: -I have used J!everal advIsed have and results, good with ld househo own mT In .. lorl STREET AND NO. .......... .. . . . ..... .. '·1 harm." from freedom and e1fect laxatlve paUent s to UBe It tor Its mild the 'p ut 81x STATE ........ . -- .. .. .... . . .... ..... . ... .. Dr. 1. B. Elliott, of New York City, Bays: "Havin g durin, rs, [ moet years prescrib ed :rour Castori a for infantil e stomach disorde Tpe forIllula cont&in.l nothing deleterlo Ult bearUI, . commen d Its uee. Total Lo... to the most del!cate of children ." "I henr your store burned down last Is nn Ideal Dr. C. O. Sprague , of Omaha, Neb., Bays: ''Your Castorf a nIght," said the oasunl acquain tance, not advodo I While It. e prescrIb tly frequen medicin e tor children , and I "I wish it had," replied the unror· Castorla . Is I.Q yet es, medicIn tary proprie ot WI8 mlnate Indlacrl It tho t; cate tunato mercha nt; "\tut It dldn' ." exceptio n for condltI onl which arIse In the care at children burned up. The fire stuted In th e Caslorl a holda ths "Your. says: Mo., City, and d Kansas of Stllndar Parker, A. thollc J. Dr. nt."-Ca hllseme other proprleo. Times. esteem ot thB medical professi on In a mannor he~ d by no and chll. Infants tor e medlcll rellahle and Bure a fs It Uon. prcpara tAry s." aliment e infantil for remedy ld Casco housebo Actual al An dren. In fact, It Is the univers "He says he can't Ilve wlthollt her." H. F. Merrill, ot Augusta , Me., lIaYII: "Castor fs. is one of the Vet7, Dr. . In my "All young lovers .ay th Rt ." best and most remarkA ble remedie s for Infants and children "But this chap has proved It. He Castorl a hIlS saved thousan ds trom an early grave. I can :rour opinIon has been divorce d from alld re-mar. Us e1!\clenC)' turnlsh hundre ds of teBUWDIllals trom this localIty. as to rled to tbat .glrl tbree times." and merits."











00 . . .




.. .. .






so e that of Sa ve th e Ba bie We oan hardly realiz

NFANT MORTALITY is something frightful all tho ohildren born in civilized countries, twentytwo per cent., or nearlj one-quarter, die before they reaoh ona year; thirtyseven per cent., or mora they are five, and one.,half before they are fifteen r than one-third, We do not hesitate to say that a. timely use of Oastoria would save a jorlty of these preoiouslives. Neither do we hesitate to say that many of these infantile deaths are occasioned by the use ofnarootic preparations. Drops, tinctures Bud soothing syrups sold for ohildren's.complaints contain more or less opium, or ,morphine. They are, in considerable quantities, deadly poisons! In any quantity they stupefy, retard ciroulation and lead to congestions, siokness, death. Castoria> oIlerates exactly the reverse, hut you must see that it hears the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher. Oastoria. causes the blood . to circulate properly_. .op.:1:.B the ot the skin and allays fever.


Let ters from Prominent Phy sici ans addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher.






AI a Time Saver. !\fr. Dorkins - Morln, why do yoU al· ways Interru pt me as soon ns I begin .

. to-

It Is doubtfu l If any otber bra ncb or f.rmlng pays so well as truckln r· S,. tills. do not mean J;,IIarket garden· Ins dl1 a. • mall scale wh~re the amount of land uneler CIIIUnU on 18 onl,. a twrii:e.i" DtUllel· T. Headrlc Jr· Ie . ' 4 ~oq1t!o )aut 'wbere ~.., tbe In IIOD . are 11'011'11 :.011 . ..naD yqetail le ~p8. . '





Mrs. Dorkln s-Becau l*! I alway! know exactly whnt you are goIng to BaY. What's the use of Jny wostlng Ume b,. waiting to hear YOU flnlah?

a somewh at large leale, and where the Blze of tbe farms runl trom 30' to 100 What She'd ' D'J. . acrell. Truck tarmlng , too, can be car· "Does your wife enjoy basebal l?" ried on at a dlatlnce 8S rreat .. 100 "Very mucb. But sbe. says .If abe miles from the markets It tbe rail· em· road taelllU u .re rood 10 that prod- . wu a ba•• ball player'1 wife sbe'd eu.b. uce shipped b,. frelrbt In the .veDln~ . btolder fancy InlUals on those . baa..... reach the mar~i earl7. IlPt iDorul~ loq. they ";Ie for



ALW AYS , . Bearl the S..:ig~Do..tull.!r~aa.0r_. .I111!11_ _

,~Z;U ght e Always Bou The Kind You HavOver 30 YearL For In Use _""AV. "'No.". no .""..... I. . . .

. ....... ....

. -----~-

I ~""""""""""""""BI"""IUR*~~~~.lIfIIFall8~nmaa"II"""'a'~ia~asmR~~~·~mI""""-'


: ,Uluuue H. It ed 1,0 Eluiral "I. \ 'l'hlllllpeon , t rll OL 1 n 8 aleru t ownshi p, I



Commissioner's Procredings


Co ntrl\c~e

were entered into with : I P . n. MnUOll f ur II 8t Oll U rutainlog \V II it II b() \',· brid ;5'\ i 0 £3nuge purt and l'I' \Illirtn ~ win !! wllll to brid ' e in ~ .. I!- I ll Lnw nKhip Il t I,he cAtitlltlte of

I I It>' I oll uw In g

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and Slater, Fur naces, Roofing and .:.J? , Sheet Metal Jobbing of all kinds.





llUrr 'Hlt..(h~ for p ufl.lnKup l


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Hf'nry I: lpl' l or r p. IJ ,driug urid~lls on ro tultl Hfl ,, ~ !J I,rg twd whe re di · recte d In Bulau I.o w n ~ illp wh en the eo .. I, il< Im!s tllllU hm (lo lillrR in I\ny un~

\ 'all cy Phone I t.1

Waynesville, Ohio



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.t " " , 1·1>, rr' v ~~ Dllntnsh , benefl r. iur y \ fil,1 l i 1 11 :\ i~,~ ~ (.cc ount Hlll 1wHV r"," . W t: 1'''''( ''', c n[\rOilln of tbe os f' :<t

Common Pleas Proc('cdi ngs

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llltl~ - Til e

-----~-------- .-- -------------:

Thtl (Ihi " F., f"rlf' J'ltU v 1I 1'IH ·,t! ·d 11\,· ('11-, "f '- I "l'h<'l1 tllt \\ " f ~ ')wl'I ," ~I P"n otl IIml ClYlle LJ. Arnh,dll' r. willi W, I " u ci j' ld ~tHl the I:l r ,met., lIl\nClr ~, fileu ui ~ in veu right t f! ('" l l pC'! $: \\I '~ l(J r !\(J J'\' ioe~ t o ry ell de r' 4 I ', ; r .lll i n. ll~~ l ... t rttt,"", ll'J Urt Ann n C O' Neall a nd A,iron B. I UUt r tlJ~I' rlj' t. \V ll~ 1l1 1,.1 Cb llndl nr , ox('cutors of the eA tllte of \i~ ' h~1l F lill iDHlI, dnoe u~(~ d, filed their Prohate COliI'I " ,ilH bill. F.lh T" n ~,,":,' XI'C U I<lli lit LI' n t'~ Z OH /Juke. gnll rd iau of th e e"tllte p nf CHl bpr lnl ' T, \II ~'~' \' , d tlCOIUled , of \V . ~. Duk e, imhec il e fil ed h er fi k l.l IlI:·r tirl'l t utJ d thud Ilc(" cunt invetlto l' Y, \) u" IJr .. "r Ilf pnbl iC' lltl on of no tic" W ilfred Elirl Willis was foond t o be u fit !! objeot fol' the IItllte h08Jli tfl i of e!l t.ate9 for ~ e t InulI· ut !:lIed. Cathe rin e F olx , f'xecutrix of the nt Dll yt.on and a ppJiollti on WIlS mad e etlta t e of Da viLl S. Fo~, tilod h er fir ~ t. for h Is .. <imittunoll into that. institu and fina l aoooont. tIOU . Proof of poblioation of Doti c" of M ~1. Romin e, eXfloutrix of th e appointment of Flo B. M onfll r ~ nl< ec.. t" ttl of .J, T . Romin e, ueceaserl , exeontrix of the estate of A . t.:! . :t " n fllt'u be r Ilocond /lccount . Monfort, df'06ILsed, was flied . Z,]e Vnke, guardian of the IlsiBt e W . Chester Maple, t r uHtfl'l 01 t ile of W . H. Duke, imbeoilE', made ap eltat" of 'Elton M. Badley nt nl bene pli oa ti on tor the sole of "First Traot' · floiaries fil ed hi" sixtil /lnd nnlll 110 tlnu t.ile CO Ult ordered the publica DOunt. tioo of h e r petition . A, B. Ch lUldl e r, fld minis trtlt, ' r of Court ordered fi guardi61l np the estll t,e of R ebeoca A . Doni(!l, lie pointed for Charl es I::ite w"rt lin 111oeased, fll~d h i" first a·ocount. legil d iDt!l~lle person . Frank D Mfl rsh, admini!ltmtor Chua Bailey, exeoutrix of the es of tbe estllte of Ma rlfl lJ MI\rsh, d~ *o.te of A braham Bailey, deoeatJed, oeused, filed hi s fir8t, lind finul ao · file d her first aDd floul flocount. ooun'. Edwurd E Kibbey, trust,ee of the William H. Mol ~lIi n · udmin istrlltor trust estate of J obn R Kibbev, of t.he e B t~te of WIII,i"BI Dilatush, benefioilHY, flied his second aooount. deoeased, filed his di stributi on ucAocounts were approved, allowed, oount. and oonfirm ed in the following es. William MoCuln. trustee of the totes ;M. Pef~rl Robinson. deoeased; Margaret Ward, deoeased; Vesta J . WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES ~purling, minor; Joseph Eltzroth, - - - - -.- -. deoellsed; Frank A. and E. Gertrude Methodist Episcopal Chur~ Brown, minor " ; Elizabeth C. Mounts Bey. O. S. 0 rauser. P .... tor. im beoile; George LJQok, in!lIoDfl; SundBY School. II : U a, m. ;lul'nllll( .. r vIce, 10 :ao a . m. Evening se rvice , 7 : 0 p Geo. F . ~'ox, deoeased; Wlllil\m m Midweek Pr , yer MeetloK, 7 II , m. MurrlLY , ~eollflsed ; I::itaniolt KlubiD · d W . M . Y ounK, d eSt. Augustine's Catholic Churcb.1 s ..,. y, d aoeuse; Fathlll' LouIs Y oeased; A. M. Brown. deot'ased.

Times, Jlub l i"b l tt~ m. 1]'J rl of eXfllUlnatlOn of O() UlIllI :HI;o n ur '" r" llllrl, 'I~ 'i f, ; bl lllll:!' fLl r olerk, *1( ' ; blllllkH fur t· fl lll 8 0 l'l' r , ,.6 . The L"f)l,n on P"trlOt., pnbli ~ bing report of I xarninali oll uf oo m!ul ~siu ner ' 8 re \J" rt tI S ",j . K H. ~e ll &. Co. , P"lIfl , '1 GO Co lurnb u" B1 .. nk Boo:" Cu., blunk ~, ,~7r, Bert Reed , lll'1dge repuir .. , *:\1 2u Clark Benuett, Lritl gll r fl p"lf ~, ~24 14. George Voidt. I.>ridl-{B rep.lirs, ' 12 (l0 Wil · Ham ~ Orshurn oon tnc t, 1271 15. Nllthun Hllr vey . cuntrtl ot, '4980. JtlS Fallen or, I!ulilry as ,llnitoT, ('fIO. Raymond llnrsbbarger, !!Blary al! assillta nt junitor. 140.

--- ------

Indian Killed On Track .

Folded In This Paper


Contains a Copy Of Each 'Amendment To Be Voted Upon


R eggy- I make it a point never to talk more than ten minutes with any Masa eve r, second Sundu.), of th e mOD U I ... one person . U: OO a. III. Marriage Licenses Virginia Wise-So 88 not to tell St. Mary's Episcopal Chun;b. (;leorge A, Rel1, 37, farmer of BlIoln. all you know, I suppose. R ev. J , F. CflC\wal lud er . H ector . bridge l1ad Alioe L. La wson, 36, of __ ....~--Sunda y Scbool. 0 :30 a . In M o rn l n ~ "er vice, IU :30:l. m , lIoly ComUl u nl"n th c Urst L ebanon. The T(ials Of A Traveler. SUDdl>,. 01 eacll month. Fred Blust, 2 9, motorman of "I Bm a tru veliDg salesman," I FTlLnkl!o and NovellI!. Lanrllo Burnll, writes E E Youngs, E. Berk~hirt'l, Chriltian Church. I 19, of Lebllnon . Vt ,.Iund waR oHen troulil8d with Rev. P. B. Thompson. PUt.oi . oonstipati on tlnd indigestion till I BIble School . 9:a O 0., m . !loclal m eetlnr, Real Estate Transfers 10:a o 0.. m. 0I\l1'LI~u Endeavor. 7:0U p. m. began to use Dr King's Nt'w Life Sermon by postor e very . alternaLC Sundaf .. 10:80 .... m. lUlu 7: 3 01'. m. Orpha. T . Swink to Lizzie L . Pill!!, whiclll buve found an exoe) · lent remedy , " For all l:Itomaoh, Hk:ksile Friends Churcl. I:hveney , tmot in oonnty, t1 . hver or kidney troubles they "re un• First Ua) M ccUn~ . II .O{) II , m. I"1r81 !Jay Sidney E. W"tson t o Liull Smith, equaled. Only lli oents at all drug • School. II ;00 a w. iOUUrLh l>a) M C ~ L I IlIC " t rllot In TlIrt,leoreek township, 11. gists. 10 :00 a. m . , I Sidney E. Wtltson to Llda Smah, BEAR MADE THINGS LIVELY. Orthodox Friends Churea , ' three tru cts, *1 : Mrs. Huth Mu rruy. P nst·or J llhn H. Bunn ell to B. Frank Sabbatl1 Scbool, 1, ::lu" ID . H"~u la r church Morton nnd Jun A Morton \\llen th~ N orwegian steamships 80Tvlce. lQ ' 1iI0 1.1. . w . eh r l ~Llall 1';Dl.lclI. vor . , lot In H ercul es, which orrived from the 7 :3 0 11_ }I'rfl n klio, $2600. Orient in Portland, Ore., the other ~~~~~~~~~~"""!"""~~~~~'!" - '!:!" . ~~~~~~~~~~~~- cluy, WIIS riding out a storm in midoteltn It big hlack Chinese befl r beloltg ing to the boatswain, .who was hringing it over to sell, tore down the ba rs of tho cage he occupied under the poop cleck alld proceeded to YOU CAN FIND THE RE::;;T GOODS AT THE BEST 'JfC' en liven things. One of the mates ~t' PRICES. Jo.:VERYTHI \lG IN THE LINE OF FANCY ro!tYenturl'd into the part of the vessel r.',. GROCERIES, CANIJIES, COUNTRY PRODUCE, ETC.• IN .trw. GI{EAT PHOFI )SION, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. TilEY .trw wh ere thc benr had been imprisoned to ascertain the cause of the noise ALSO HANOLE THE CELEHHATEO LINE OF ~ he hcard. As he set back near the Four Queens and a Jack and Ouy-Yoy Cigars cage the ' ,bear. standing on its haunches, confronted him with open Strictly Hand-Made llI ollth, lolling tongue and out~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~···~·~C -"'l"" -"lv" ~ "1\01 '~ ...... + ..".....;.,- ...... .."1-- .;;w ""T... ..r.., el{w "'Tw- .J1t.- ~ -+- """"--+- +- -+" .- .~- J. HI retched arms. He fi rd. The bear followed him to the deck, but made no attempt to overtake him. For the next three days the bear enjoyed the Being prepared from Pure Native Herbs, they Cleanse the freedom of the steamer, no ottempt System and Purify the Blood, and Tone the System, and thus being Mode to capture him. He as...... • ...... • .. ........... .... ....... w W1"":W"' . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ........... .,.,.",..",., cended the masts time and again. Finally he fell asleep on the deck one day and was secured and loshed tightly to a stanchion by members of """ w ....................... w ... w ....... ~ ...... _...,.. ... ~J'>J&"'-""-""-_""'-_",-""-_&"""".""""""",, w_,.....;,w.....................,. the orew and dragged back to his LIVERlTES-A purely vegetable Laxative, cures Chronic Concage. stipation. Liver and Kidney Trouhles. Ask your Grocer .for it.

. -.




'*''*''*''*''*''*'~*'*'**~**~*-**~'*'*'*''*''*'*'*' '*' ~ AT HAWKE'S GROCERY ~







Nel\r Roohel\ p, 111 . I1n Indian went, t o "Ieep on Il railrotld (raok BnLl wall klli ell by r·be fust ex press. Be ptlidl fn r hi s oarelesflne!!" with bls life Often its thut way whell people neg leot oougb s fwd co ld". Don't risk yo ur life wheu prompt use of Dr King 's New Oisoove ry will oure t hem and so prevent u dangeroUl' lilrofl t or lnng truuble . ,it oom pl .. tely oured mf', in tl short time, of a te rrible cou g h tlll\t followed D. seVA1'O a ttAok of ltrlp," writes J . R. W fl t ts, Floydada, Tf'x, "a nd I re guined 15 pounll!! in weight thatl had lost .. " Quiok, Aufe. reliable find guaranteed. ·.00 and 11.00. l'rial bot tie free u t !Ill drug~i8ts.


,. \



#7 I ~ 'I



.' . "



Sept. 3 ~~~,

l Following Each Is,'· An Explanation Authorized By The Convention







I====L I VE R I T E 5====1 -~-






Manufatured by ALPHA CHEI\~ JCAL CO., 8pr~ngfleld, Ohio

1l==LIVERITES Only IO·c===l


This Supplement Should Be Kept For Reference


The "merry widow" bat Is doomed. A hat Uke that ooulcill't stay 011 top I very long, BDyway.



; • \00• • ....: :;.~-- .. -~


f·,':•. ·.






P_Ull_ IIHh_ OO _ W_OOk_IY



+---- -- -------+- '------------/

_"l_W_'~*'''.' ow· l_!~~_l!e~h.!>~~~~~d_~~~~---1

U'" 1'1 011:


Beech Grove.

Lytle V AI.I.EY





A......' P'''.'''mm 'h.! 0'

neigbull rb ou \ utltl Dlled the RoolllIl\t I thl~ Mt. ZiOD ohurob , lust Saturclu y I ni@:hs. .'eese Weaver WIlS hit by a thrnwn bu l.! while rtll1ninA' t o second lJh ~ " at Wdy neN\'ill ll, lu st bunday. HIS ) nOllO wall ur okeu, but at lh1f1 writing Is ~:eU ing aloD g ns well a s oould be : expec ted l)ut still under &h o ti ootor'!j


Wllbnr Ulurk i8 muoh Improved QUlIorterly meeting wlll be held at Editor and Manager ILl thid tim e. t he ohuroh here on next Saturday Beaoy Lumb, ot Dayton , hall been ana dunday, Augu8t 10-1l , 11l1:!. Rate8 of Sub8cription spend'ng 8. week'a vaoatlon with Joll Davie and Mi8S Mary Lev loy h ' me folts. were lDarried at tbe bride 's brmnr tb 0 116 YeBr (.'rleLly In "UVlLueo) . . . . ... . SI . UO Harveysburg. un last Thnrsouy eve 8l n~lo Copy . . .. . .... . . . .. .... .... . . . . 06 Elmua Vllrmony bas returned fr ,lIn Denver I\nd will 8pend a few ning. ~Here are oongratuilltions , OUR. w'ok. wIth his pllfents here . J oe. .J . F. NOllvrJr & ROII H who hll.vll Rates of Advertising 1M' Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bole attended M. M. Terry and wife w" re !lhop. started out thr eshin !{, sllY that. l! e~lIug Loc ..14. per line . . ... . . . UelMllul{ Loe .. I• . black !lICe . per tI .. e .. . . IOc tLe wedding of their oousin .MIl\s ping In Hl1rveyeburg, Oil 1::i8turdn1 wile,lt und oataare turDing uut well t:tlUldllloo All • . uuL w exc ~ fl vo Ii" .,. Ulady8 Hole in Dayton, Tuesday evenin,. 'l'hl~ Y tllTe,hed 178. bu . for Mr. 1'l1roo III!lCrLlu,UI ... ....... . .. . He Ivening . Lon Brannun !lDd wife s pen' 81L'· l'erry l::iaokett , south of town , aQd Ul.!ltnllJ'lIlI. live lucl"", lroo ; uV\Jr 11\'8 '- IlIch .... l'"r lin.. ... . ... . .. . ... . lie The fnnlral of the little son of urday In Wilmington, Clinton Co. ~ e l three tilDe~ O~rd or t1uwlul ...... ..... . . . . . ..... .. I"'" OiIJOUI . .. .• . .• ... . . ..• .•.• .• •• .• !~ Mr. 8nd Mrll. Je81le Barris wlla beld D8ntist Smith, of Churohville. was E1uI'I'ltrd 'fate, of D&nville, m ., iM tlocl,.1lI etc. whore chargo I» mlMle .. . . •. . 26c at 'heir rssldenoll on Friday after- a weloome oaller at A. Belpmyer·e. visiting hi e llloth<lr here. Be is en DI. plny All vertllilllg por luch . . . . . .... • . lOe nllon, at 3 . 0·0100k. Interment In on ijunday aftornoon. We w"nt to g"~" 'd in the truit tree buslnea8. Dl!IcOuu\.8 Ivau O U ~'OD trlW!t. Miami oemetery. say 'hat deotil!t Smith is rushed M 81l Ml\ggie l::iwl\llow i8 libl" to Mra. M"r""ret Jobns left 0n Sat. with ble work. be o ut I\j{Ulll AUOUI:!'I' 1. IlIll . llrday to apend a few days lu Wi!. Mn . K .. tie Helpmyer hall retnrned Wilford l::iwtgert is working in a mlngton w1&h her si8ter Mrs. E .1 . to her hClwe bere "ner spending a tobncoo taotory in Dayton ~hst to thine own wife be true. Smith. few,days with berdaugbter in Day. JIiDleM Crow l, the undertaker hilI! .. Me.damea Alioe Clark, Lydia ton, Yrll . Urace Keaver . pur~hll 8ed a Ford automobile. Ann oun cement is made that th e new Fall 'I'ert~l of th,· .1a c"h~ hll , iIl L'~S Tbe publlo is often milked with I Z P CIlIUWrlgh, i8'he happy possells"'x m"yor JoLn' Coll ege, Second and Main Streets. Uayll .lI. will upen on r Ul.!s,ja.\· . St.! pt ~ rn · Cn eman and ora lokerlng were f I f AI~ . . c..;"thors aud Ibe r:.l. Many you ng men and yo ung wOlllen have alrea dy arrall;!",·,JI,) l!lIll-r watered IILock. In DaY~D ahopplng, Wedniliday. or 0 a pu r 0 pet ooona whloh Mr. daughter MlLbol vlsitlld relattves ,at that lim e and t he indicatio ns are th at the usual large nil In' ) 'r fir sl u , dents will he in attendan ce. Mra. C18rlln;)8 Smith entertained Wright captured while they were her l~ Illllt t:>unuIlY . Mr. and Mre . Chlls . Brelsford The Jacobs schoo l is by far the larg 'st sehoul of it s kind in tlds seetio n A penoll'l! of Un rlaM wheo he on rhursdllY ber aunts, Mrs . George quite amall and they are enlv about h'Llf grown now. Tbe" follow him of the State and i" now r ecIlgni7.€'d a.~ one of the larg'csl b u ~ in t""~ l'Ic hn, ol -, admlta he'. wrong, L"rrlak, of Lebanon, and Mrs . Pat aronnd lite pUp8 or kittenll J spent, Buturday and l:)unt1 .. y with · h ' country. D urmg ' . m t e entire t IlC P<l!<t year about fi ve h und red d if r(~ n" ' t ay Curren, of Utica. relativll s at Frt1nklin . s lud ent s have attend ed ami each yea r th e school grows and bvt:oln es more Mr. anll Mr8 . 8enry Sidell had for Mrs. Myrtle Tavlor and two Iitt·le Ifronk Th omas . e~l!t of tvwn . hal! prosperous . At the opening of th e new term th e schoul will in' I'clJrgatl "I waa oured of dlatrboea by ODI doee of \)bamberlaln 'a Collo, Cholera their auepts OD I:§unday, Mr. and Int.ereatio~ children Th~lma and pUfobssed the Perry Pieroe tnt'm, ized in all its departm ents. and Dlarrboea Remedy." wrl~ea M. Mr8. J. M. Staoy, Mrl . AIda !Leuar Glady( of Franklin. were the and also Geo . Shaw hlll:l purohlLBed . Ir~ the Busi ness department Buokk eepi ng and Busine s l',.ad ice are the Ie. Gebhard~, Oriole, Pa. There Is guest8 of relatives here and a\ the "Scarff " fArm . mam .. ranches, but daily in~trul!l io n is g iven in Penman:-;hip BLl ~ i r.e ss LetDotbl.g beUer. For aale by all man, of DaytoD, and Albert Ataoy Wellman. Illst week . ter Writing, Spelling, ommercial L aw , Arithmetic, Ra pid Fi g uri ng This and famIly. 01'&1 HesR and wife, )f Dllnv er, department is eq uipped with banking a nd office fixtures. indiv icl ual desks. A. B. 'I'all... ge 10llt a flne big steer Col .• are villiting r ll illti ves hAre . Burroughs Aduin g machin e and other mode rn office appliances . Mr. a.18rvy S~ver, of Monole, The town!\blll trustsllR hnve pur In the Shorthand depa rtment Shorthand and TY Dw ri ti ng are t he main Don't help a man up 80 far 'bat Iod. , vl81ted 1.. lt week with Allen one day 18.t 1IIIeek with look jaw. Role .. ad f.. mlly. Frank t:!bank hall Ilold bill fine h d I d branches, but daily instruction is also given in Spelli ng. Eng lish, Penman hi teela abon you. o ase a r01l1 gra er ship and Modern Omce MethodH. George Davill and family moved young 8plln of mltoh mules to a _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ This year a new course is () ffercd-lhat of Stenotypy The Stenotype iii the new machine which is JURt bein g placed on the mark et and which is Bad luok otten oomee from truet. to Blue Ash lila' week and George firm tn JJayton for big money. Mr. Braokney and family han moved Sh8nk i8 ooe of 'he belt jugdes of Classified Ads used for laking dictation in place of the note book and pencil. Full inforInlC t·oo muoh '0 Kood luok. 10 the bousl! vacated by them . , 0101611 In tbe It ate mation in regard to thi H new cou rse will be given on a pplication . A largeooooonrse of relatives and I Will Gathrle .. nd K E. Thomp nWnWnnnnnh ~ Tuition for all courses at the JacolJssc hool may be paid in easy mon thly Buw o streouous.dvooatell of Inl. . b b d h d 'A~. wi ll be Ins~ nea unrl r'r Ihl. h ea(1 for payments and cunsid ering the quality of instruc tion given and t he large Ion ave aen an er t e oOSor 8 . , ment, t h e f ee~ are extre me I y rea ,ona bl e . .. t >be trlende were III a ·>endmnoe •• _ • twenty ·lln. cenls lor Lhre e In sertlun. amoun t 0 f mon ey mves : e, I .In equip , .. "00 beloug to the "dry" par'y. funeral servloea of Mr. William H. oare tor the pa8t ten days. wh e n us ing no t more lhun 11\'. JIn es . The placing of thc stud f nls in goo I pO:iiti (m~ after t he co mpletion of Dake beld as bls late r6llidenoe In ! Lilura Brown wlla among the _".....,..,.u • .....,..,.uu •• uu • ......: their courses ;s a la rge part of the wo rk of th e Jac nb~ Sc huol The uni Mr_ W. S, Ga.aalulI, a f"rmer liv · LY~le on Saturday , at 10 o'olook . ; t:iprlng HlII folk8 who lpens l:)undllY LOST versal satisfaction given by ~tl!l1()graphers and boo kkeepers with a jacobs Ing near B'lemln" P......y. be h .. -ere.' .... r \' with D. 8 . Shanahan aod wife. training has created a stead.\ an I eve r· g rowing demand. which is frequ ent · ul8d Obamherltin', (J.)Ue, Cbolera Th08e from.- dlstaona vv ... _ Iy greater than the suppl~ . C;in ce Janu try lover :no calls have heen reaad Dlarrboea Remedy in hie famtly and Mra, WIlbur Geeamall, of ChlA. t:i . Allen and wife were ollllell ceived by th e Employment lJu reau of t he school for office help . Many of . • Lab D t d MP-II pnlUT) l o~t between h tor fourseeD yeal'll, and tha t be haa el&go, Mr8. Jeslle Boaler, 01 ~pring .• 0 an08 on ""a ur ay on aooount Wnyn!lllville Ilnd Bllrvevllburg . t e leading firmi:! of the city depend on the school entirely for additional tonDd I' to be aD excelleo' remedy, the serious mlleM of one of their Find.e r please leave at tbill office office help which they may require. and tak. pleasure In reoommsndlng fleld. Mr. Mode Compton and MIII \ot d h' M J I I[ W a 21 The Principal and Proprietor of the Jacobs School for many years, W. I'. For sale by all d_18I'II. Cathrlno Oompton, of Edinburg, "ug en r.. enn e eever. f' E. Harbottle. cordially welcomes th e clo~cst investigation of the methods Ind., Mr. Albert Tbomptlon. of ,are glad to report her better at this employed. The lal'ge <:alalogue is mail ed promptly upon request to any W .. ynetowo, Ind ., Marlon Dukeand writing and we ull hope for a speedy FOR RENT one interested. ViI;i tors are cordially invited to inspect the school at any The bean aDd bull are ga'IDbUn, Jaugbaer Mlonle, WUllam and reo overy time, the office being open daily from 8 to 5. aod the lambll are gambollni. 8tanle), Duke, Yr. aad Mr•. a ..rry Auotloneer W . N . &ara, of Way 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ III h I HOUSE-Ill good oondUlon and . obeaprent . InqnlreofMC DR. J. W. MILLER, The only 'Ime a klot'f 18 .. pplaud Iilclelandlrlr.aadMra.Loul'rlokey,D8SV e,was ereonedavastweek of DaY'OD, Mr. and Mn. J. M. buylni o.ctle ..nd hoga . Liddv, Waynesville, 01110. a 21. 1. , ed II wbeD he kloks up hll toea . EarDhart aDd Mr. aDd Mra. Ra)'. Tony Jordan 'ranl!loted buainlss Undertaker and Embalmer, ... DENTIST... mlDd Blnbbar,er, of Lebanon. In W.yne8ville, on ~turday morn I Be,weeD book learning and com OWce 10 Mr._&Dd MTI. Wtlliam lAotey. of Ing. FOR Sl\LE Will be fonnd In the old Waynesville, 0 N atloDai Bank B1d/l. mon 88DtI8, tbe laUer lIet , tbe"1llo.& MlddletowD, aDd Dr. and Mrll. J . J ., W. VreaweU and wife, of near i Bank Building. OPP08U.. ,oba. W . Ward, r)f BarTey,bur,. Wellman, were leen on our 8treela thorough bred Jerlley bull. tbe National Bank . . on ~unday evealnl(. registered, .. nd .. 2 year .old Telephone in house and of• _ .. WALTER McflLURE, "Were all medlolo81 .. meri~rt. Onl of the mOil' oommon ailment.. • _ • oolt.:;.tnqulreof Wenzel I!enea, R. 3, floe where J oon be called OUI aa Ohalllberiatn', Collo, Lbolara th"t baN worktDK people are amlo," SpPinCJ' Branch WaYlDesville, Ohio. a 21 day or night. Funeral Dir~;tor. atld Dlarrb"a .Remedy ,he world ad with i8 lame baot. .pply .. Valley Phone U-2. world wODld be mucb better ot! and Ch.mberlalD'1 LlnlmenUwloe .. day Mr. and Mr8. John dart..oot en Hun.bout In good oonditlon . Main Street. Wayne8ville, Ohio 'bl peraentalo of Iderlo. ,rea'ly and m .....we tbe parb thorougbly Oood tires Equipped with top Telephone day or nlgbt. deoreued ." wri... LlD48ay iIoo",or a. eaob application, Rnd you will ge& tertalned Elder Geo. A. Bretz, Ha' gat! Lamp.. Extra oalling. Thill car Valley phone No. ? LODR' Temple, Ind. For ...Ie by III dealerl. qulok relief. For aale by all deale,.. DrdlY !lV\)D10g liod 8uDdll.Y mornins. 18 here to be 1101 d Ind III a bargalo Di8taooe No . 69-·~~ . -~-.....~._. MI.. AlIoeCbenoweth entertaloed at tho prtoe. Wayne8ville Auto and DR. HATHA WAY New Burllnpon Mesdame8 Id.. a.nd Mrs. Machinery Co. a 14 Ther. ta a bli d,ft'ereooe tD '~e OHIO WAYNESVILLE, • JohaDn& Jon68. on Saturday Dlgbt ,",mill! Btellm Enlfine, In good WR'yo:lesville's Lell.dinJl Densia' way ddlereD' people ...y &be ... me Raymond Soroggy, w fe aDd ~rs . J. H. Cbenowetb IIpent In.~t IIhHpe . Waynel'vi)le .Auto lIad Offioe in KeY8 Bldg. ltbln St Branch Office, H8ne)'lIbur~. o. tbtDII· little daugbter. flf Dayton, are WedD8IIday wltb 1((,8. Ada Dalrin Maohinery Co aU It we oould .... oorlelves al o'hlra guetb of rell\tl vea here. and famtly. 80r8e8- l . two.year old, 1 four188 ua, '\tere wooldD't be Dearly 811 IdJ'll. J888e allwktnll hall beeD oon· Mre . A.a DakiD and ohildren year-old , 2 yearlings, all Pnr()flll,'" For Information onll on maoy eloU8t8. • fined to ber bome wi&b rheumattam aplnt Sunday In M' tiolly. .1 Sbe p... ' .week. Mr . .. nd Mn. Guy <"'''benoweth ano OIlOU Robin80n , Oregonl .. , Ohio. a7 MODe~ md.. a DolM-ao 'be hen Mila Lulu EWing III ~ati.g 'reat..: Mr8 J. H. Chonoweth entertained bnshels orCoro, and a tbree- I will offer for sale at the Charlotte Edwards home on Main Street, baa pllDty of r ....on for o.akllng Waynesvill e, Ob io , on meD'.' tbe Mo<..1eUoD hospital 10 Mr and ),[1'11. VltmlOoe Thompaoo yellr old driving Colt. 86e wben IIbe lay, an flili. Xenl ..; preparatory to aD operaUon aod Mr. rhomll8 Chenoweth tlun .Tame!1 Dlnwilldle, on MBffit's fl1rm, Tbe Ladles Aid, of the M. E day afternoon !lnd MondllY of near on Lytle pike. Wavnenille, Ohio A vut amount of til heaUb til dne oboroh teodered Mre. Frank Leaber Vlllara Chapel 11.7 _ .~ • to Imp_ired dilleliton. When tbe a pod aard ahower, Wednelday, of Mr. aDd Mrt4 Thomas EJ Il~. and A PKINB-A new "took of nap. liO.aob faUa to perform ita fn nC- lllst week . family en.-r.ainoo Mr. on' (' "rB kln8 jnet tn. Sevan deslgn8 to '.Ione prupdrly Llld «bole .,nem l....., • wi W pick bom. Gazette office. oomea deranged. A few dOll8ll of Durl'l, the IItorm Taelday night., Carl Heell and baby, of D"ytoD, ''"'''!!!~~~~~~~~~~~ Beginninll; at 1 o'clock. the following enum erated article~ : Obamberllnn'l Tabletl 18 aU you lIghtnlnl.~ruok .. tree to tbe yard Sunday. Deed. Tbay will 8'reD,\beD' YOUl of JOI. ManD .. nd oompletely de IItlalidtil t:le~a and Lee 8eH~ E. V. BARNHART, 4I,61&10D, InVigorate yoor ltver. aDd moltahed 1&. The oooupanu of tbe spent 1 .. & Thul'sday ufternoon with Notary Public reltulate your bowel., eDtlrel), dolu, away witb that mlnrable f ..UD, hOUIe were 'levere\y ebooted. Mrl. H. C. Dakin aod family . All ki 1 f N W k P 2 nice three-piece Bedroom Suites, 1 a ntique Bureau, floe to fauay dlgeeUon . Try U. WaYDe C. Smitb haa purobased a MI18 Willa Kalaey spen~ II fe1\ "(" ..., "t.Rry or enston B . I f d P' d .aYllaa' week wl~h Mrll. Frank Work B ~peo1altv·. ook Case wlth g ass ront . goo as new, lctures an MaDY o\bel'll have bee .. permanen'ly Buldll aotomoblle. Gnred-why not yon? For ule by '.... ~~~~~~~~~~'~I~~~ ' Frames, Mirrors, Stands, Tables . Chairs , 1 Tete-e-Tete, 1 4Ue a b orua oI..e ~ave a reo\ kiln SmUh and family. = all dealere. ·be ....... ..··ord even i ng, folding Lounge, Beds tead s, Toilet Sets , Chairs, Carpets, • .... .... oboroh QIO··Y Mrs. Thomllll Lucy Is Improving. , Heating and Cooking Stoves, lo t of nice Dishes , several dozThere waR 00 11Iob thlog al dl\y whlob w.a blgbly appr80latod by ao ahe la able to ride out Mra. Jobn Conner it! 810wly re ' en Fruit Cans, lot of Stone Jars and Crocks, 1 five-gallon anll night In Adam's time . It wall th08e wbo beard It. HER ~I;O"· U R-S-E-.ooverlng from Illr illness . TN. OltUUIT Churn, 1 2 x gallon Ice Crca m Freeze r, 2 brass K e ttles, 10 alwaYIl Eve. .esdamel! C 'i'homp 0., And J pAPER ~ and 4 gallon, 2 large iron Kettles, 1 Lawn Mow er, 1 Lawn The poor ara al"II.Y. wltb ue-ana "My dear," mildly expostUlated B. Chenoweth clllled on Mr~ . Will IN TH. WOlt'-D : Swing, 2Porch Benches, 1 Wil s on Mill lot of Cooking Utensils oar riob relatiTea 8eem to baog on her husband, "I said only half liter DIlkin Bnel Mrs Fru u k Dakin fUBllSHED WEEKLY. SUO PER YEAR a 1001 time. dozen words, ond you have talked Monday morDlll1I: "I)TELe, DRUCCleT8, SPECIALIITI, nbout them for forty.five minutes." . - _._ - OOITUM.R8, TRANSFER, OA. The board ot lid uoation of Omaba ''Well,'' snapped Mrs. Vick.Senn, Flytna Men Fall AND 'Bue 8£RVICE OAN PROFt':" 1 Corn Sheller,-l Phae ton, 1 canopy top Surrey, 2 sets • .., UIINa ITe ADVERTIIINC OOLUMNe H UY8 pie la a bral.. food Well, "the preacher does thnt 80rt of thing vlotlm. to 8tonllloh, liver Ilnd kidnl'y SAMPLE OOPY FREE single Harness, 1 double set and odds and e nds of arness , theD, keep It out of tbe s'oui~oh every Sunday morning, Ilnd you nev- troubles just lIkll otber people, dth ...,... NEW YORK OLIPPER Scythe and Snath, 1 260-egg Olen tangy Incubator, 3 Brood- . or kick about." lillie relulh In losa of Ilppetlte. baok. New York. N. Y. ers, lot of Chicken Wire Fencing, 1 Chicken Shipping Art: Ever At War. aohe, nervou8oefl8, headllohe, .. nd ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ S 'Ired. l1a'le8s, run.down feehng Coop, two Log Chains and other Chains, Scoop hovel, Tbere are two 'blnls ,everlaatingl), WAY TO WIN. But 'bere'l 00 nee.! '0 teelllke tbat Spade, Gard e n Fork, Hay Fork, a quantity of Hay, 3 minILt war. joy and ptlee. But BlIOk leo'l ArDiaa Salve wtll banl"h pUea Bronson-Who-t'-s the best way to ;~0~.D·"8~:eb~~~tle~e:?·EI::i~ iature Farm Wagons and many othes articles. tn aoy form. U lOOn 'Iobd.e. 'he make love to a girl? Bitte,a" be '" riteR, "did more to "ohlnK, irrlRtion, 10tl.amm..tioD, or Dawson- The worst way p08llible. ,I\le me new atreogth ..nd good ap BwelltD,. It gives oomfort, InTltea 'oy. Greateet b_ler of burnll, boU., Then she'll think you mea 't.- pe&tte than all otber etbmaoh rem n I edl. I uead ." ~o thev hel p every Will he offered to the highest bidder. Brick house, 8 rooms, uloers, outll. bral. ., lIosem., IIOftld., Puck. I' body. Itt folly to auffEr when shill T"AtE MPJ'K8 ptmplel, attn eruption8. OD1, 25 barn and wood house, 'chicken houses, hydrant and Cistern srea' remedy wtll help you from 0 t!lICtla ot! a' .U draggts"'. CHINESE POSTOFFICE8. 'he ._firl' tltlle. try 1&. ODly , 50 CO~Y'UaHT" All. water, fine location, full view of bus~ness part of Main St. , II d not J ~nron.Hnc11118' .. .. ,.\ ... ", Ina: dtlerrr,:lon m., 080_. a ruga,ate. ~alck" ....r'n'" "'" ."""''' ,.. u" '~LlI" ... has abou t tl ve thOUl8lld • lnyentllJln t. prtthuht. " .l"'~ tnbt~ . Co",~n .. c. ' All sums ov~r $5.00, bankable note; all Ch Ina • ~ • UonoltrICltI1C0111Jdc,"t .\I ItANDIIUIIK on lattnla We are made of mod, bot it IItlok. lent f ..... 0141111t nll~I1C" I or loeur lIl. patllnt.a.. sums of $5.00 or less, cash. postofficea.. . . 0 emiDeD& Enl(Ulb aolentillt PotenllAl taIIen tl""Ult .'ulln II co. r .... to lOme 10DIer ,haD to o'bera. . • - • . -. tbiDb we may lOon be able to bOld] ,,·',thtout c,R'bll'lle. lu ':,.el4'~ Tbe ,reakll' vooble upetieDoed oommuoloatiou ...with the departed I There are l&lU lOme folks who ....-.1 bll- ff rt h'" -' . '. A hanlltKlllletr tlInlltl'llte4 ...."". ,..,..- alp. t haven't doa,h I8DM to 1.1' over D .. _ .....D. DeW repo - 0 j' · Iaptrtk. . That may .make 1& poNlble .N~a:J!~c~tOt~'8L,~'lt,,'.f\e~:w".'d'y:;'W~'. CHA•• SURFACEtAuct. OIl aDo.~er toot wltb ,he • ---;-J II DI,h'-tf. 'be), _GalA ,0 to bt4 I88ml '0 be ~h.' there ~rlD '& obi to ... B. CttAPMAN. Clerk. IIlPD,h W 10 aJ'01lD4, . ~Irt .. ~~l¥. . ~ ..,ear ,01' 10 before, " .. , ... Wftt 'lo..'Ao ,.r11· D. L.



The JacobsBusiness College, Dayton, Opens Tuesday, September 3.

Nearly 400 Calls for Office Help ;Since January 1st.


• •













Saturday, August 10, 1912,
















T erma of Sale

( mt

wI. .

A nna Ed wards Burttoll..

, The Miami Gazette

And lil'c ause b e telt blms elf grow·

D. L. CRAN E, Publ is her, W A Y:'\E S \'U,LE,

o III 0

WHOM WE CALL MERE MAN. An n,' <'rnge mlln or 150 pounds cont ilins t he c,lIl s titu en ts found In 1,200 <>g!,:s, The re la enough "a~ In hIm to !lll a t"RSollletPr or 3.649 rubl<' re(' t . }I n r onln lns enoug h lroll to m llko four t('np(, IlIl Y nlli is . ]( Is fa t would mnk" e er('nt )' ·th fl candl cs Rnd a !,:ood s lled cnke of ~oa p . ](\ 5 r,hoap h Rte con tC'nt ""'ou ld mal,o 8.06 4 boxes or matchcs T h~re Is (,Dol1~h l1)'dro~(' n In h Im In comb lnotlon to 11 11 1\ ballroo m nnd CR r · r y h Im ab o \'e the d oud s . The r(> mnln · In g (' onst ltuen t 8 of n man would ),1('1(\ , H utlll ~f'(I , s ix t .. R"poon(,,18 o r sail. a bow l o r suga r Rnel ten gallo ns or " 'nte r . A man h as fiOO muscles . 1. 000.· 000 ,000 ('clls . 200 dlITe r('n l hon es. fou r gall ons o( hl ood, s(' \' ern l h u ndred (eet o r nrlerles ond velna, more th an t wen· ty·flve fee t of Intestin eR, a nd milli on s or po res, Ill s bea rt wei ghs rrom cllt ht 10 twe l\'e o unce~ , Its cnl1Rclty rrom four to s ix ounces In ea r h ven tricle . and It s s l1.e Is 5 b y 3 ~1. by 2 ~ Inches . It Is n ball ow, musc u lar orga n . and llump s twe nty·t wo and one-balf pounds ot blood eve ry mInute . In t wenty·four hours the heart pumps sl xlei! n tons . It b eats about seventy·two tim es a minute. In one yea r an average man'a h ea rt pumps ] 1.680 .000 pounds of blood . Tb e heart Is 1\ willing alave, but It BomeUmes strIkes-and It always wIns. Commenting on the cos t of books, a HarvlLl"d man remarka tbat wblle mode rn reprlnta ot standard literary :works can be obtaine d at moderate prlcea, volumes at more stric tly can· temporan eous Interesl are now habl· tually beld at an unduly hlgb price. As a consequence college studentB and otbers ot moderate means are deterred from owning. aside tram preacrlbed textbooks, such volumes as they need most. says the Rocb eater Post·Express . It Is ellplalned tbat wIth tbe exception ot a prospective "best .eller," or school textbook, tbe pub· lIsber arguea that no more than, 8ay, 1,000 copies could be sold , however low 'tbe price, whereas tbere are at least 100 municipal and collegiate librarIes. Which " must bave" a copy; nnd It wilt be better business , In bls opInIon, to sell 800 copies at $5 eacb tban 3,000 copIes at $1.25 . Size of type, page, margins and thi ckness of bInding d.:> much tow a rd gIving the appearance of value. It Is nlso observed that tbe ,»ubllsher does not overlook In bls cal· cul a tlons tbe wealtby amateur wbo Is "completing" bls collection on a cer· taln topic. WlId gam e bI rds are tbe property of all cItize ns, unde r the Roman lind con· tlne ntal law. On tl.:ls prIn cipl e of com· mon ownership the sta tes of this country ba vc enacted thel r laws. But What of birds tbat allgbt but a s hort time within one state, then Ily to another. Dnd to yet other states? Are the y not the pro pe rty of tbe people of th e Union? Decause no state cares 101' them, the mIgratory bIrds of the 1 nlt ed States are going tbe way of tile great aUk , the passenger pIgeon nnd the parrok eet. sa ys the New York TIm eR. William S . Saskell of tbe American Game Protec tion and Propagation aSSOCiation argued be fore th e se nat e commit te l) th a t, thou gh the title to the ml!;ratory birds h as never b ee n adjudicated, common sense would suggest that It b elongs to the fed era l government, and tbe autb orl· ti es a t Was hington should gl"e ampl e pl'Olec tl o n to tbls faet vanlsblng wild lite. The ropulatlon of Ire land on April 2, 1 ~ 11 , was 4.381 .951 persons. showIng a d ec rease of 76 ,834 s Ince 1910. An in c re ase of 7 pe r ce nt. was s hown In the province of Leln ster and dec reases in t h e other three provInce s. The numbe r of famili es In ]911 was 912,711 . an In c re ase of 2,4 55 sInce 1901, lind the a,'erage numbe r of pe rsons per famlly was 4,8, against 4.9 In the 4!a rll e r year, Belfast In c r eased from :14 9,180 to 385.49 2 In tb e 10 years tram 1901 to 191 I; Dublin from 290,638 to 30~ ,2 j 2 and Cork from 76.122 to 76,632 The emigrants Icavlng Irl !;h ports numb e r ed 30, 573 In ]911, a de crease or 1.88 4 f ro m the ) 910 tlgur es . Of these 16.671 " e re m a le and 13,902 females. Most of tbe emigrants went to tile U nite d States and Canada, tbe former taking more than balf of the toljlJ. A Unh-ers lty of Cblcago sclenUst bas rea ssem bled the sl<eleton of a Bnake suppos ed to be ] 0.00 0.000 yeare old, and h as called It the ophlocodon· mIni S. He wouldn·., h ave dared to caU It tbat wh e n It was aUve. Two montbs ago a Uostoo girl saved a man from drownIng. The other dsy they were married. Dut It Is ralber bard, If tbls Is a precedent, that, In addition to the exceptional chances of leap year, women nowadays have to be IIfe·savers Into the bargain. A German teacher was trIed snd -eoDvlcted of hYllnollzlng his pupils In-to Snod manners and tfutb·teillng. It .pr9bably thougbt the reBulti ID tile ayera,,, chl.ld were 4a»,eroUlI7



Robinsons Two •••••••••••••••••• BJ DOROTHY DOUGLAS

h"d "C('II tt uL lu~OIl 1,luIIgud Into a 11111<1 IlI rt :1t lOll wl tb the I lr e t ti~~t ~Ir l ,J11 uua I'll t h p lI oll !. ,\r rl\'lll" III t.nllolo ll h a we llt to bls Rls\l 'I 'S h u u~ {' . \\ h f> rf'

191~ .

hv A"~lJdo. t~ d Pr oss. )

" t hcr(~

118\" u

Illlrtlt-'s and

Llt ern ry

n oh ln ~o n took up the Ilpat IHuclt of Irtl e rs hi s office huy 11Ill! Ol)elled f o r blm. Tlwv w ere 1I10 ~ lly bu s llle s~ COlli· llIunlc-allon~ .

But sudd'lIl y nn(1 ulIfl<pec t crl I y th ero came fr olll lIS tight Ott ing ell· ~elllDe a postlll ca rd H ohln~on ('aug ht hl ~ brw tll In tiwlf t nrtmlratlol1. Tb e face on the carel WliS f"mln lne, w innlug a nd heaul trill . Af ter 3 10 llg a nd apprec Ia ti ve stully of th e faco \1oh ln so n turn ed th e ca rd ove r. "D~o.r Jark :-" ho read . "lIere I nm from Devonshire. We are havin g a gorgeous trIp, My Bto r y Is In tb e neaux IIrllmmel of April 27. Get a copy and t e ll me wha t you thInk of It. Address ror 8umm e r , So utb e m F.x . press , Haymark et, London. Sio cere· TIILL." Iy, Rob in so n glan cecl back at the gIrt's pIcture wIth 0. puzzled expression In bls eyes. "The ques tion Is, " be argued men· tally, "la BIU real or 18 s be merely a pIcture lady? Could Bm possIbly b e a nickname for s om ethin g fe mInin e?" Robinson co ntinued look In g tbrougb bls mall. but always the eyes of th e poslal card followed him (rom her pereb against his lelter nle, "What a marveloua tblng a girt's face 18," h e mU8ed . " Five minutes 8g0 I wall ' bemoanin g tbe fate that mad e me sail nex t week for LQndon . Now I am glad and al\ because by s ome lucky mistake I r ece Iv ed tbe pIcture meant for 80me otber follow." Robinson pick ed up t bo e nve lope !lnd looked at the address. "1. Robin s on, Ea ., 09 or 019 West Tblrty·fourth st r ee t," he r ea d. "Rill Is ass uredly n girl. No man would be guilty of u81n g so un ce rtnln an ad· dress." An amu sed sm tl e cros sed Jerry RobInson 's face , "I am going to commit my flr st dlsbonest act. J. Robinson of 019 Is not going to get bls picture of Bill. I want It myself." On his way to lun c b be stopped at a magazine Bland Ilnd Inquired ror a copy of the Bell.ul[ Brummel for April 27. By good tortune tbere was ODe

Scanned the List of Contributors. Ic ft or that hacl{ date. RobInson sca nn('t\ Ib e list of contributors for II. nam e fr om which Il III mIght bave he en d erl v('cl. "Wllb el mlna·Wllly· Hllly·RIII! I have It. 11111 stands for WtJb elm lna Wi cks, and sh e Is tbe autbor of 'The Stlent HOll r.' " Rob in son sm il e d amusedly lit the II W e bit of Sherlocklng he wa.s In· (]vlglng In . That he wnnt ed to know the girl r-!l g a certain fact. He had known th e mom ent his eyes beheld her lik en ess , The picture might be tlat· lerlnl': and stili s he could be dIvInely beautiful. RobIn son bad known many girl s In hi s lite, but somebow the onl y oue bad not appeared. He had a (ee llng that when he stood race to fa(,e with WilhelmIna Wicks sbe would Immediately t a ke possession of bls heart. It wag with alacrity that he arra n ge d II IR bu s in e ss o.lfalrs In prepra· tin for bls trip. Aft e r that he wrote hlA ma rrie d alster In IAndon that be would bo wI t h her a lmost as soon as his lett e r. W hil e on th e ocean Robinson tho ugbt out a plan of action which he consid e red tactful and brilliant. He would writ e Mi s s Wi cks at tbe Sonthern Expre ~s lin d Inform h er that he was In pos sess ion of bel' picture: th at hI! wou ld r e turn It If hIs lett er reached he r and If s be ~o desired. In this way be wollldo at lea st get Into correspondence wIth bel'. Arter that \lerbaps Fate would be kind and brIng ahout R proper meeting. At any rate RobinSon decl'ded to sp~nd all hIs lime not absorbed by busIness, In tbe Boutbe rn Express offices. ,Perhaps the girl of his dreams would bave returned- (rom Devonshire and In tbat event be would see bel', She' would 0&11 fot' her mall lIurel7. '

wa s r ecei\'~d

\\ It h till' u>lIn l ,II,, \\, uf 1In:"l'110 n. J an o fllwil Y~ 11 0\1'1, '<1 :L1 ""lt h,'r !JIg "ruth er. IIlllch as ir rht-rt' np\"l\ r h ull hf'C'1\ un · nth.,r hrother III all the wurld JII. t lillo bers . " Y"II are luuklng Ilne, Je rry ," she tu l,1 hllll . " :--;"" ('r I",tt('r. Sis . !low t bo k l,I,ll cs ?" " SlJI ('n dld , !l u t I do no t aN' "1MII of Ih c m lately," J nno .llIlled a l' ulog.,t\c aJ· I),.

(Copy r ight,


t l t! ,,-'n

t t'H~ .


1l 1;.LIIY


J':ITY , tll' ar ,"


louk(',1 Ill'fI(>lIl1ngly fil hlll1 _ " It H'l'llIS dre llrif ul lu drllg ~" " 1 ('Ill th c t1rst nig h t ~Oll nre b ere. hut I Ju s t had to nee I't 1\ Jlnller ('lI!;III1O'II Hl nt fur ),011 . Do yo u m lll <l "N), llll"'h?" " I IIlll r~~o\)' for anp hlng f rum a pink ten to 1\ I)lllc h s upper," h e to ld II r ,

It WAs too la to In the llny to .\" ally· th lll g III t h e hus lncss Ilnl'. SU HoLlnson JU lIJpoel Into II tllxl (lad 'Hin t to th e Ha uthE'en EX llre6 ~, ~oUJe gre at f' r forr e t ban h is o wn d es ire spomed to h" dlrec tluJ( Id s Nlov e mellts. I\ e felt In tultl\'e ly tha t he would see tho I:lr l at the ItOSta.! card . He wp u t Into th e hlg lounge when! so ruany Am e ri can trav ele rs meet, an,1 t ook a ('hai r by ou e of tb e des k •. The re , with pen In band , h e tIl ed 10 co mpose (\ le ll e r to Wllb e lm ln a Wi cks. Try a s be mi ght, h e cOl;l d not write a sa ti sfactory m esSllI;e t o t be girl whom h e d id not know. Then , becaus e b e was 61ttlng close to tho mall wIndows, h e b ea rd b er voice. " Is tb e re any mall for Mis s Wicks? I want so me," she said, and Robin so n kn e w tbnt n AlU ll e was sent to the mnn be hind tbe window. ''Tbreel Oh, th a nk you." She t u rned and It seemed to RlJbln' son as If sb e had known be was th ere Bnd th at b e l' eyes half smiled , Alt e r that s be Slit down In a chair facing blm Rnd re ad b er lette rs . Rob Ins on sitting Quietly o pposite could only gaze wltb fascinat ed eycs at th e girl whose pi cture he even Iben wore n ext bl s h e art . That he mlgbt not s pe ak to ber was certain. How then could he let her go and per· haps not Bee her again? While he was thinkIng at ways aud means and glowerIng a t b er with gloomy admiration she arose and went out. A tax I must surely bave bcen walt· Ing at th e curb with open doors to swallow her. Wben Robinson reac h ed tb e pavement there were taxis In every dire ction nnd tbe girl In one of tbem, H e turned toward tbe Plccadll· Iy tube and bome to Jane wltb lowerIng brows. "You s eem to have acquired a beautiful 'groucb: " Jane told him . He laughed In sJ)lte of him self . "A cold batb will chase It." be saId. "Sut I am a bear With a Bore bead Just the same." Tbrough bls gloom he could nor the b e auty of her ev('nlng toil et, nor the ebauty of b er evening tOil et. so wit b an atrec t Ion ate pusb she s en t blm up staIrs to dress. At the lop of tbe staIrs lind In the seml-darkness he collided wltb sometblng soft and scent ed and fe minine. " I beg your pordon!" be apologIzed QuIc kly. tben-" RIII'" Th e girl laug hed a silve ry, mlschlev. Oil S laugh at bl s confusion, "AgaIn I apologize." Robinson felt his h ea rt going back to normal beat· Ing. " nut how In thIs luc ky wdrld did Miss Wllbelmlna Wicks get Into my sIs ter 's bouse ?" ' " In mucb th e same way that M1'. J ere mlab Robin so n got Into my chum Jan e's hou se ." the gIrl laugbed. " What rIdic ulous names we botb bave ," she added because bls eyeR wel'e m a king tbe color come Into b e l' ch eeks. "St ili." he put In hnnt erlngly, "You will admit, upon cons lde ratton, tbat ft o bl n son Is not so bad as Wicks." She did no t answer hIm, hut said quickly, "It Is nil Jane's fault. She p ut me up to sendIng my picture as It to the wrong noblns on ," "But you see." Robinson told her, "Jane knew It would co me to tbe rl$bt Robmson." " If yo u two don't stop quarreling," Jnne's voI ce came up to them, "we will go to the dinner party without










SOIL IS A GREAT FACTORY FOR PLANT FOOD I:~?:o~:~::~:~:~~~:~:g~~:~~:'o~: My ratbe r u sed to say, In tbe spring ble for the vigorou s stalk growth and

wb lle th 'e 8011 was still cold and the the good Kreen color of the ,corn. Bu t corn refused to Krow, "You can't ex· why warm days and nlgbts . S imply pect the corn to do much until June because In cold weather tb e bac te ria t " work so slowly tbat they do not get h b d d I bt.s w en teays an n g ge warm. eoougb nitrogen changed ov er to tho 1 used to wonder ' what the warm days form In whlcb the corn crop csn uso and nights had to do with it. That 't and tbe crop getB weak and yellow the Btat,am ent waa true was evldent, l because of tbe IRck at It. Tbe warmet but why? tbe weather the faBter they work. .In tbe study of soli fertility, at the The faster they work the more organ· agricultural college, we ar~ taught Ic matter tbey use up . Tbe more ortbat tbe 8011 Is a factory, a place ganlo matter they uso up th e more where plant food Is being changed nitrogen they make available. The over to an available form. This fac- more nitroge n they make available tory Ie run by the bacterIa wbleh liv e the greener tb e corn crop gets. Tbe In tbe 11011. Millions or tbese sm all greener tbe croJ) tbe faster It grows. organlams are pr esent In tbe s oli and Our fatbers, with a lifetime of ex perl· It Is due to tbem tbat tbe organic mil(' ence, have learned many ' things and ter in the soil rots up nnd tbe ultro- oftentimes, no doubt have wondered gen In It Is changed over Into tbe "wby"? FIRMAN BEAR, form of nitrate so It can be used by College ot AgrIculture, Oblo State Unt· the plant. This nitrogen Is respollsl· verslty.




A good wheelbarrow Is a handy tool to have about tbe barn. It Is a labor saver tbat can be used for many thlnge, such as handling feed, crain, manu·r e. etc. In order to Increase the capacity at the ordInary wheelbarrow a bOl[ bed can be constructed on It so much large r loads can be bauled. 'rbls

The earth Is a book of first thlngl, a book or ancient tales ot mountain. hlgb Ice , of flood mll es wide and choked with silt, or wild wInds scarce ceas ing In months, of the seeding at forests. of the slow peopling by foreat folk, of man and bls passons, Rich eartb, glistening like polished ebouy In the sprIng sun, Is turned over by tbe plow. A marsh once spread here. The steel grits upon gravel or turns up a "nigger head," Rell~1I of the Ice sheet and tb e awak· enl~J after the age·long sleep. In a little 8walo, a thin layer of stratified sane!. A tiny brook ran , bere before tbe draIn tiles were laid, A pocket of matted, wet leaves, rusty, decayIng root, shells of land snails. Last to. kens of the dark forest and Ure thick. eta and wood pools. An arrow head cblpped from flintstone whose mother lode Is a bundred miles away. The aavage sougbt hIs dinner 01'( his en, emy. Tbe eartb Is a book of 'r omance that be wbo plows may rend.-Toledo Blade.

A Wheelbarrow II a Handy Tool, Is especIally desirable wh ere man ure, silage or some other IIgbt but bulky materllli is to be bandIed. Around tl)e daIry barn a two-wheeled cart may probably ba more satisfactory as It wltl not upset so easily, but It II Dot so con'venlent In getting tbrough nar· row aneys. EIther a Wheelbarrow or a two·wheeled cart Is a barn convenl· ence tbat a farmer can hardly afrOI'd to be witbout,-T, L. Wheeler, Collece of Agriculture, Oblo State Unlvelrall¥. John D, Rockefel1er'l income Is said to be t;uo per mInute, The Inc9me of the average Ohio tarmer Is estimated at a17:Jut 'SuO per year. And yet how manY Ohio farmers would wa chance places with John D .?



linnecea.ary, Sbe-TelJ me why In 8(\ mey place I .When the hens lay 'on shelled eggs women could not even m!lke theIr It Is III 81g11 that ' the~ are . either DOt willi? ' «ettlns enough Ume in their tooel, or He-I lIuppose. bec~11N the1 had 'e~ th," ~e .too , tat ' or .have lnC;llleitlo,D., ready UlIld.. , . . , ~ .



This Ie tbe time of year wben co~ i lde rllble a nx ie ty Is felt It 1111 the north orn agricultura l dlutrl cts as to We hay e to·day two Idn d~ of be t te r control. Good butt<' r Is helnK the probRhle o utcom e of th B tt:row ln. ('Tuamerlcs: tb' pril'all'l cr,'alll er y, made un th e farlU bu t it rt'liu lr O's 1'lIra crOLla, ('t>nt ru l Cunud8 . co nrprls lns OWIl('U Rlh.l ma nnge d by II r h nto pnr · lllld llIu\'b lahul' and uNt.' r l'(l llll'lll('nt, the Provinces of Manitoba, Sa .. tics nn d t he l'u'OllerallV' ('n'un,,'ry thnll mun y hnl't', to Illuk n unlfllr lll katcholVon nlld Albertn, with their ,-' tl,'11 Iy pmol ue t Tho ul1tt,'r 11\11,10 01.' tho " ..,· ,000 .000 areel of whe~t, oa til, bar~Ul1lIl0"l', 1 o f s luckhuiders "h n 11 " 000 fn rm Is n o worse 'IOW thnn r" . lllRtl y I ley (lOd !1a x, of wbl ch 6.000, ,....-....,-..,...-----,,.-::==..-----:""':':11 lIut n h ig her s lanlillrd ha s beel! set acre. way be saId to b. flown to uy t h e ,·ren lu cr\es. wh en t nl one, 11 0a become a p;re Dt faoo i Cream Is sold to the rNII1l I'ry o n I t or In tb o gr:u n OIarllllls of tbe world. Ih b llsis or poulld s of hult !'l'fll t th llt I Besides t b ls, gov('rnrnl' tlt r e~u rna I It co nr al ns. It th e farm er c h urn s It I lIbOW thnt e \' e ry stll te In the l: nl on illl1lst'l r h e wil l ,..('t a ltout ulle·sl xth has re\l res (' nt ll tl\'c , In t hese II r o vIHo re butte r th an butterrat, w bile tb. I Inces, Bn d n nturllll y tho rrl en da of t l'l'am<'rYluan will Me t auoul ull o·nft h I th ese rel'r ese ntutl vos ure nnxi oull to IIIO l'e \) ('c a uso of his "elle r ra c llitl e s h ear of th eir succeSR . It h ns n over ro r h nn dllng It. An a,' erago Ilu und o r I be en . nld of tb ut cou nrry that It Is , f'r(,a l11Pr y bu I te r I. com posed of II bou t ' • bsol utely faultl css . There Bre, and I X:l % bul terfnt. 14 '70 moi sture, 2~% I bnve bee n, dls t rlctll tbut bllve f'lpe rl· , ni t ~ 0/. casei n A pound or dRlry ence d tbe vagarlel or tha weat her, I but; cr 2~~nt'nl ns ~buu t 86 % butterfat, tbe slwe as In di st r Icts 60uth at lb. n'"'0 lllOI"tu s alt"3f'"O case in • The boundsry line bet"'ee n I the Iwo ., re . 2 0' .' 0 1 nscounRre dlrrere nc e botw cen th e butlerrat and trlea, but these are on Y suc 1 uutte r Is wbat Is kn o wn a s th e churn ' t~ expecled In Any agl' lr ll ltural One of the successful co.ope ra t iv e Tb th e n that "'aln or ov errun. Tb e cost of makin~ country. e pas AS prov c:reamerie& in Ohio. " the a&rlcultural poss Ibilities o t tbla portion or Can a da Bre probs bly more represc n t th e bulk or lh e mil k pro· attractive In every way thnn most du cer-g. nll sh a ring all\?e th e pro ttts countrIes wbero graIn ral slo& Is the anll ex p e nses. '1'11 e pro Ot s frolll e it her chIe f Industry . Tbe presen t year ki nd of creomery d e pend large ly ul,un promIses to be even bet ter than pust tb e man a,gcment. years, Bnd In a montb or lilt weeka The "a lu e or a good c reamery Is It III felt tbere will be produced tbe seen In t be w ell ·kept fa rm s In the evidence that warrants the entbulltatim of tho present. Tben these great community wb e re tbe cream Is so ld, broad acrea will have the rlpcned It e nco ur ages tbe keepIng or more and wbeat, oats, burley snd !lax, and the better cows, which h e l\ls to conser ve farmer, Who hal been 10ol<lnK forward th e ferWl ty at the sol \. Quick reto making hI. lallt paym ent on his turn Is sec ured on tb e origina l InvestbIg farm wtll be aall s ned . At the tim. men t tbu i~ more r eady ca sh. Dy bavof writing, all croJ)S gIve the promlog more milk Oil tb e farm t o u se for Ise of reachlns tbe most BBngulne exA lucce.sful private creamery, pectatlonl. _ fee d, m ore s tock ca n he k ept and with more pro llt. In the central portion of Alberta. The creame ry bas created a higher and dl spoBlng of farm·made butter va- It I. Ba ld tbat crop conditions ar. 'rles. but It Is usually much high er than pri ce and more unlro rm mark e t for more favorable tban In ony prevlo u. bulte r, hecause It h as giv en uS a than that m ade at the CrellDlery. Year, Heavy raIns rece n tl y v Ia It e d A good creamery lesiens tbe work thll part, an d t h e woe b I a f thl S g r .ll~ mo re uniform s upply and grade of but· d R~ ler. It bas In cr ea sed tb e Quali ty thus ' o r th e farm and Increases tbe prolltB crowIng sec tion h 8S b een covere. ~ IncreasI ng tbe demand. '1'bl s h ilS o f the dairy cow. ports like the followIng coma from come ahout because of tbo better W . L. CLEVENGER, all parts: 'eqUipm ent used, by whl c b tbe fa c tors College of Agriculture, 01110 State Unt· "Splendid heavy rsln yesterdoy, Inlluenr. lrrg the Quality are kept under verslty, Cropi for gIng ahend . Great pros pects. -All crains more tho n a week ahead = ==0::. of last year, Weatber warm I&lt

"ShaH we keep on quarreling!" B\I1y Inquired . "Ob- we can quarrel-afterwards," Robinson saId potntedly.



It Increases Profits of the Dairy Cow- By _the Use of Better Equipment a Muc h Better Quality of Butter Is Secured

you ."

Richard Lieber Knew. One afternoon not long ago when Richard LIeber was s pendIng a few daYB at his Brown county cabin, be dropped In at Will Vawter's studio and found th e artist ponderIng beavlly over a tille for the large sketch he had just tllll.shed for a new York pub· IIshln g Ilrm. An old Greek myth bad gIven tbe arttst the suggeslton for his plctuN!, but when tbe sket~b was com pleted he bad f.:>rgottcn the names of the characters pOftrayed on the caD· vas. Vawter turned a bel~me-If·you· can face to hIs visitor, who wIthout a moment's hesitation walked over to tbe drawing o.nq wrote tbo wllrds. "Scylla and Cbarybdls" In tbe orlglna! greek . Th~se words or learned length coming from a Utere man at Indlana~ oils so amazed Ihe artist that be saId solemnly al be grasped bls friend's hand : "But don't you get awfully lonesome, Rlch?"-Indlanapolls Newa. ,



Illg (uull"b u\,,·r " lil rl wllulu h" ll OVer

A FEW THINGS WORTH KNOWING, The best results In cooking vegeta' bles will be secured by putting tbem Into boiling water and keepIng It boll. Ing until the cooking Is flnlsbed, Use a 8boe horn In puttinK' on ths children's rubbers, The rollers on tbe wringer can be cleaned with a rag dipped In kerosene. To prevent the cane seats of chain frOm sagging rub a wet sponge over the cane on the under sIde frequently, Tbls will cause the cane to sbrlnk and tlgbten up, Do not paint or varnIsh, A lump of campbor kept In the draW', er or cbest wIth the household silverware will help to ·keep it trom tarn1lh. lng, .


Tbe man Who heeps everlasthac17 at It w11J become a good farmer alld, haTe a good , tarm P~ovlded he"u8i up-to-date methoclt and wor+

.tuw.. .a-

in excellent conditIon , Labor .care.. Tbroughout Saskatcbewan all cralnl , are looking we1l, Ilnd the re baa beeD , .umclent rain to carry them tbroup to barvelt, From all portlonB of Manitoba there comes nn usurance of e ' abundant yield of 011 &'ralns. Throughl out louthem MBnltoha, where rain wa. needed a few weekI ago, ther. I hall lately :been abundsnt preclpltatlon. and that portion of the provlnc. 11'111 In all probahlllty bave a crop to equal the best anticipations. A lar«. Quantity of Kraln wall Bown on the .tubble In tbe newer west, wblch II I never a lIatlsfllctory method of farmI fnK, and maT reduce tbe &eneral a.,. : Irage. Taken alto«ether, the country Is now rully two wee ks In advanclI of l8It year, and In all gralne tbe acreagel lawn are much larger than Iii 1911. Tbll means that with aUII" plclous welatber the west will have tbe grandest h8rv e ~t In Its history, Two bundred snd fltly mtllIon bushela of wheat bRa bee n mentioned a8 an ' e stImate of the preseht growIng crop, and It looks now as If tbat guess w1l1 be none too large. PittSburg Ch, .. alry, "Wbat's going 011 he re?" demanded a man as he carne upon two tlltle bal'l battling In a vacant lot 011 the south I sIde. Ths lad wbo wae on top was rubbIng weeds over tbo face ot tbe un' der one, "Stop It," Bald tbe man. grabbing tbe ,Icl.or by the neck and pullinA' hIm away. "What In the world are you. trying to do to bls face with those weeds?" "Do? Wby, be swore Ib front t'f BOrne girls, and I rubbed some smar' , weed In hie eyes to be,'ome a great ",'an like Abraham Lluc<,ln."-Plttsbure Bun. -------The Cheerful Color, Oabe-Do you ever get the blue.! Steve-Not If I bllve tIl e long gN'en.





Patience Is No Virtue! Be Impatient With Backaebe! Too patiently do many women endure backacbe, languor, d I z z land urInary Ills, t h Ink I n g _~~.ll.I1I1t them part ot w 0 man' 8 lot. It 1s only we a k kidney. and Doan'. Kidney Plll, would cure tbe .cas~


An Iowa Case

Hra. 'J'. Hunt, 106 B, 8th -8t ,; Falrlleld. Iowa, lAya: "For thirty year. I suffered trom kidney ,trouble. I had .... vere backaches, headaches and dlny .peUI and my IImb8 became .0 .wollen that I could not walk, I;)oan'. Kld....,.. Pili .. cured me atter. ever7thln. tailed: and I can Hcom-


m'lId Chem too blll:hlY....


~ Delia'•• .., Dri. Store, ~c. •80s.


"; S · Kldne~ ~



• ,



Thi. i. an exact copy of an official notice inued by authority of the Constitutional Convention. The explanatory ·matter foHowing each amendment baa been considered and approved by vote of the Convention.

ADDRESS TO THE PEOPLE TO TI-IE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF OHIO: The Fourth Constitutional Convention, having been authorized to draft a partial or complete revision of the fundamental law of the State, .hereby ~nounces the conclusion and result of ita labors. Forty-one A,mendmenta to the Constitution have been agreed to. These, with an amendment on schedule, will be sublnitted ,to popular vote, September 3, 1912. The form of the .ballot will permit a separate v()te on each amendment, and the majority of the votes cast upon any amendment will be sufficient for its adoption. The 'members of the Convention appreciate profoundly the honor of the service they were called upon to render, atid await, with' hope of approval, the verdict of a sovereign people. A . facsimile of the ballot to be used at the special election and the text of each amendment to be .aubmitted, accompanied with explanatory ' matter authorized by the Convention, are herewith set forth. Attest: C. B. GALBREATH, Secre~ry. ~M HERBERT S. BIGELOW, Presid~nt. la ter than for ty da ys berore the electton, I t shall be otherwls .. proved and tn BUOJa ev ent t en nddlli onal d ays sha lt be u llowed ror the flllng ot nddl ttonlLl slgnaturel to Huch pe tIti on. No Inw or am endment to th e cons titution su bm Itted to the el ectol'8 by InItia tive and suppl em enta ry petltlon and receivIng an atnl·ma U\·e majorIty of the Reform in Civil Jury System. vot es ClUl t ther eon. Hlla lt be held unconl,ltltutl on a l 0" voId on account of the IlUIufAR1'lCLE I. Hc lency ot t he petiti on s by whI ch Buch s ubml. slon of th e Bame was proc ur ed; nor 8hull t he r ejec tIo n oC a ny Io.w s ubmItted by r ete r endum pe tlllon be held Inva.lId for Sec. Ii. Th e rl s h t o f tri a l b)' jllr ), s holl b e InvIola t e, exc ept that, In cIvil CDUS. su ch InsuHlcle ncy. Upon n il Inlll<ltlve , s up plem ent a ry nnd r eferendum p elltlone 1..W 8 m IL Y be pn. M d t o a ut horize the r andel'lng at a vel'dlct by the concurrence ot Dot provId ed for In Ilny or OlD 8cctkm s or thIs urtlc le , It s hn ll be neces8ary to flle from leas th a n thr ee-ruurth" of the Jury, ea ch or on e- halt or the counti es or th .. s tnt e. pe UUoDs bearIn g the s Ignatur es of not le98 than on e·hllU or th e d es ig na t ed p erc enta ge or tho ~ I eeto rs oC s uch county. A. Initiative and Referendum. By thi s amc ntlm c nt no change i s made in the right or method of true copy ot a U laws or p roposed laws or proposed nmendm ents to the cons titution. , togeth er wIth an a~gum e nt or explan a tion, or both, ror . nnd a lso an a rgument' or trial hy jury in criminal ca s e s, but if the l a w-making body so deARTICLE II. nntlon, or bolh,. against th e Sill" \> • .I'-h nll be p~. . ' 1l~)I ".or...JIC\'l'lOlI8> Sec. 1, The le&"lslallve power of t~te shaH be Tested- lira. gonernllU!Bembly Ilx;v laprepare sires , provi ion may be- mau·e - th a t in ci v il cases a verdict may be the n rg ument or expla na tion, or both ng:n ne a ·a w, s eejUon o r Item conalstln g of a sonate llnd house of r epresata tl ves but th .. p eople reserve to them- swho ubmitted to th e electors b y r e(er endun. potltl on. muy b e nllm ed In u ch pe lltlon o.nil rendere d in ' the event ·that not les s than nine of the jurymen agree selves th e pow er to propose to the gen erlll as!letubly laws ami amendments to tho tho pM'sons who prepare the a rg u mcn t or ex plan n tlon. or both, for as ny prop08ed law oons tltutl on. and to adopt or re, ect the Mme Ilt tho polls on a re!erendum vote as or proposed o. mend ment to lh e oons tllullon m ay be na m ed In th e p otltlon 'thereon. h'lr elnllfter provided. They also r eserve th e power to adopt or rej ect any law, section tbe same. The perRon or persons who prepa re tll O nrgum ent or expla na tion,p roposl,.. or both. ot a ny law or any item In o.oy Ia.w llpproprLuting money flUlsed by the g en eral ror the law. s ection or Item . s ubmitted to th e eleotors by· referen dum pelltlon. or IlIIs embly, except ns herelna !ter provIded ; a nd Independent 0 th e g eneral assembly o.galns t o.ny proposed la w B u bmltted by Bupplem entary petition. shall be named by to propos e am endmellLs to the con3t1tl1t1on Dnd to adopt or reject the same at the th e g enernl a ssembl y, If In sessIon. and If not In 6ess lon th en by the governor. Th. Abolition of Capital Punishment. polls. The limitations expressed In th e const it ution. on the pow er of the General of s tll te s hall cau se to be prInted tho Jaw, G. ' proposed la w. or propoaed a ss embly to ..nact lawa, shall bo deem ed limitations on the power ot the people to asecretary m endm ent to th e constituti on. t ogeth er with th e o.rlfurit en ts and explana tions , not ARTfCLE r. enact laws. -, ------- -- _ • ex ceedIng a to w l of thr ee hundr ed wOrds lor enc b. a nd uls o th e urgum ehts and Sec. lIi.. The Orst aroresta t ed power res erved by the people Is desIgnated the Sec. ,. All per s ons shall be bailable by Bufficlent sureties, except those oharg~ na tions, not exceeding a to to.l of th" ee hundred words oga lM t each, and shall with murder In the fir st degree. where proot Is evI dent 01' the prelJumption grea t. Inltlo.llve, o.nd the sIgnatures ot ten per centum- of tho eJectors shall be requIred upon expla ma ll, or oth erwIse dl strl bul e, a copy ot auch hLW, or proposed Inw, or proposed ExcessIve ba ll tihnll not ' be requIred; n or ex cessiv e fines Imposed; nor cruel and a petition to propose an amendm ent to th e conStitution . When a pelltlon signed by a m endment to the cons titution, logc ther with s uc ll argum ent a and explan a tioas for unusunl punIs hm ents In lliot ed: 1I0r shall lif e be taken a 8 a punishment tor crime. the a fore s aid requIred number of electors, shall have been fli ed with the 8~cr e t a ry Ilnd al.'1lJns t the sam e to eac h o f th e clcctors of th e s ta te. os fn r as m ny bo reasonnbh, Until oth erwI s e provId ed by Inw, portions convIc ted ot crIm ea heretofore punl.ha.ble of state, n nd verlll ed as herein p rovided. propOSing an amendment to the con- poaslblo. Unless oth erwI se provId ed I)y lo w, th o secre tn ry of sl a te sha ll ca u se to be slltutlon, the full t ..xt of 'whIch shall h a v e !been set forth In such petitIon. the pla ced upon th e ba llots, the title ot Bny Buch la w. or propose d low. or proposed by death s hull be punIsh ed by Imprl30nm ent In the pe nltentlllry during life. Hec retary of state> shall submIt tor the appro va l or r ejec tion ot the electors. the am endm ent to the con stitution. to be s uhmlt t ed. H e s ha ll nls o Cilu se the baltots ... The foregoing amendmcnt, iLudopted by the electorate of the proposed amendment, In the manne.r herelnaUer provid ed, at tbe n ext succeedIng to be prInt ed 08 to p ormlt a n "rnrma tlv6 or n egntlv", voto upon ell ch Illw. sectton of 1'''l>ulor or general ele ction In any y eaT occurrIng BUbaetjuent 10 nIn ety days a fter the low. or Ilem In II. la w a pproprIating mon oy . or proposed law. or p ropos ed am endment state, will substitute life impris.onment for the dcath penalty. There flVnll' of suc h pelltlon. The InItiative peUUons., above des cri bed, s hu ll ha ve p rInted to the cons titution. Th e s ty le o f alt s ubmitt ed b:.- InItia ti ve a nd sup,ple mentary ac ross the top the.r eof: "Amendment to the Constitution Proposed by InItiative> petition s ll all be: "Be It Ena cted by the Peopl o or th e Swte of OhIo.' and or o.lI will be no more legal executions in the state for crime of any kind. Petition to be SubmItted Directly to the Elect.ars". onstitution a.l a m endm ents: "Be It Resolved by th e P eo pl e' o f the S tate of OhIo." Tb. Sec. lb. Wh en at <lny tim e, not less than ten ~aY9 prior to the commencement cbasis upon whIch the required number of p etition ers In nny cas e s ha ll bo determIned of any ses~lon of the general as sembly, there stlllll have been filed with tile secretary shall be the total numbe r ot yotes cnst tor th e ornec of gov ern or lit the la st pr ecedln. of state & petition algned by thre e per centum of the electors and ve rified as bereln eleotlon th erefor. The foregoing provIsion. of thi S s ection s ha ll be s elr-exeouUnL provided, propOSing a law. the full text of whkh shall have be en se t rorth In 8uch except as hereIn otherwis e p rovid ed . LII\\'8 may be pussed to facllltnte thetr' petition, the secretary o.f state shall transmIt the SRme to tI, .. g enerul Ilssembly as op eration. but In no way limIting or I'estrl ctlng either 8uch provlslon8 or th .. pow.~ Depositions by State and Comment on Failure of Aceused td Testify soon a8 It convenes. U .... Id propos ed lo.w sball be passed by tho g eneral ussembly. horeln reserved. eIther &s petitioned for, or In an amended ·form. It shall be sI'bject to tbe reforendum . in Criminal Cases. It It shall not be pll.tlsed, er tf It shall be passel~ In an nmended form. or If no action SCHEDULE. ARTICLE T. shall be taken thereon wIthIn four months from the tlmo It 18 receIved by th e general It shllll be lubmltted by tl e sec e'f tnt t th I to f th I Tbe foregoln· amendment, If adopted by tbe eleclor8, shall take e.trect Octo"a"emblr Sec. 10. Except In cases of Impeo.chment, CBses arltlln&, In the army a1l4 navy, 1 r ..... y 0 8 e .!lJ e e ec r8 or er . . ...... or In the mllltio. wben In actual servIce In time of war or public dancer, and eases approva or rejection at the next r egular or general elecllon; .u: such submission sha ll 1, 1912. Involving etrenses fOl' whIc h tho penalty prov~d ed 18 lOIS than ImprIsonment In the be demanded by luPPlementar, potitlon*verlflcd lUI hereIn pr'ov) ded lind algned by not ry no person shull be held to answer for a capital, or otherwlse Infamous. leas than tbreeper centum 0 the' electora In additIon to th~'" sIgnIng the orIgInal The purpose of this amendmcnt is to enable the people to proP enlte,"la crime. unleSs on presentment nr IndIctment of a grand jury; and the number or petltJon. whIch aupplementary peUtlon must be afgned and 1i)ed with tbo secretnry persons necessury to constitute Buch gra nd jury and the number thereot necessary to ot state within nInety days o.tter the proposed law shall ha'o(ll! been rejected by the pose amendments to the constitutio n, to propos e laws to the . general concur In finding such IndIctment ahall be detennlned. by law. In any trial, In any a;eneral IUIsembly CK' atter the expiration of such term of to~ 1IIo.nth8. tr no o.ctlon assembly for enactment and also to enable the , electors tQ require detend In peraon and wi t h has been wken thereon. or arter the Iaw 'as ·r,lUIsed by the lI'enerlll assembly sho.lI court • the P arty accused sholl bedalloweCl fto Iappear and _I t hI m. an d t0"..ave have beenlaw ftled theaubmltted governor In In the tho forln oft ce demanded at the secbyretary state. Th e any I aw passe d by tlle gener al asselnbly· to be subml'tted to a pop U.'" counsel ' to demand the nature an cause 0 t I~ accuS/l tl on o.._na PI'op08ed sholbi be such of aupplementary , ~ a COpy 'the~ot; to m eet the andand to have compulsorY process ivo t e. - - - -ro-procure t110 nttendanc e ofwltnessea w itnessestace In ·to his race. behalf. a speedy public trIal by pe tltl on, w hi c h f ofm 8h a II b e e Ith "I' ns ft rs t pc tltl oned f or or w Ith any am end men t ar an Impartlal jury ot the county In which th e orreniJe Is alleged to been com- or amendments whIch may have been Incorporo.ted th ereIn by elthor branch or by th .. deposItion by the both brunches. of th .. general ll88embly. It a proposed Io.w 80 submItted Is approved The amendment provides: mltted ,' but pro"lsion may be made by law tor the wklng ot Jl f It h by a. majorIty of the electon voting thereon. It 8hall be the lo.w and shall go Into accused or by tho 8tate, to be used tor or a&,n Inst t h e uccuse . 0 any w nesa w ose elTect as hereIn provIded In lieu of any amendied form of saId law whIch m uy have attendance can not be had at the trlul, always s ecurIng to th .. accused mean8 and been pused by the. g eneral assembly, and suclll amended law passed by the general r. That if ten per ccntum of the e1e~tors sign a petition to be the opportuntty be present In person with counsel at the takIng of Bueh • I1 t h e secretary 0 f state proposmg . deposition und totoexamIne the witness faceand to tace as tully and In the BUme manner Msem bl y ah 0.11 no t go In to c-.. ec t un til an d un I <!!lIS tile Ia.w propose d b y supp Iemental'y fil e d WIt an amen d ment to t h e as It In court. No person sha ll be compelled, In IIny crIminal case, to be .. wltnes. petltlon shall have been rejected by . the elcet,)I'8. All Buch Inltlallve petlllons. last .. I d d h II b b' d h amen ment s a e su nlltte to , t e ftvaln s t hIms elf; but hIs ("I\ure to testify may bo consldere,d by the court and jury abova d,e.crlbed. ahall have pl'lilted across the top thereot. In case of propos ed laws: constItutIOn, suc 1 propos e ;;:Dd may be made tho subject of comment by coun.el. No perltOD shall b. twice ~I,;.t~t;ra°J'~~egeb~I':!:I~~de ~e\~lo:.,:J.~~t i~ ~1tI~;;.~'ft~!e~rt~~:tf!~n~~~ ~~~~~~~ electors at the next election held sub s equent t o ninety days after the put In Jepl!arll>: fllr tho Slime ortenso. measure submItted to th.. eloctor8. _Any propl)sed law or amendment to the ~onstl- filing of such petition. ] f the majority of th <., 3C voting upon the nroroposes: I, That the number of persons tutlon submitted to the electors a. provIded In section la o.nd section Ib, If approv ecl . The amendmcnt P lJy a. ma.1or~ty of the electol'!l vollng thereon. shall take etrect thIrty days o.fter the po s ed amendment vote in the affirmatIve, the amendment becomes . t't t and J'ury and the number necessary to concur in illectlon at whIch It Wtul approved ond snaIl be \publiShed by the secretary of state, · a part of tile consti·tutl·on. . to cons I u e a gr , If conftlctlng proposed laws or conflIcting proposed nmendmcnts to the constitution finding an indictment shall be determmed by law, At present a shall be .pproved Ilt the same election by a majority of th e total number of votes . 2, That if at any time not les s than ten days prior to the com~ .' d £ fif tit t I f h alBt tor and agaInst the Bame. the one recelv'lng the highest number of afflrmo.tlve grand Jury IS composc 0 teen pcrsons, a eas we ve 0 w om vo~e8 shall b. the law, or In th .. coae of am endments to tho constltut~on shall be th e mencement of any s c s. io n of the g e neral a ss embly three per centum are necessary to concur ill finding an indict~efnt. h . • h . t~~~me~~~t~~t~r.a~~n:!I~~~f!'ct ;;'0 t~"ow v~~~p~~eft,:Yg~~~~~~~vo petlUon' nnd approved of the electors shall s ign a petition proposing a bill <!nd shall file the 2 That provision may be made by law or t e takmg by t e Sec, Ic. The lecond aforestatcd power I'nseramd' d>y tbe people Is desIgnated the same with the sccretary of state , it shall be transmitted by him tn . f I· d 't' f ,. 't · · h referendum, abd the sIgnatures ot sIx per centum of the electors ahall be requIred accu s ed and also by the state 0 tIe eposl Ion 0 anJ' WI ness w ose upon 0. petition to order the s uhml sslon to the elec tors or th e state tor theIr approva l the general as s cmbly. If the gcneral a ssembly passes the bill as or reJection, s ection of' any law or any Item In o.Oy law appropriatIng pctl'tl'oned for, )'t sll a ll b ecolne a I ~ \" subJ'ect al"'ay s to tIle refer. a ttendance ca nnot be had at the . . trial. It is also provided in the money passedofbyany the law. .-enero.l assembly, No law passed by the gener I a8sembly sh a ll u .. amendment that if such deposttlons are taken, the means and the go· Into effeat until nInety days "It or It sh a ll have been tiled by the governor In th e endum as here in a fter d c finer\. If the general a s ,cmbly fails to pass . b d t tl d t b t office ot the socretary at state, except as her ein provided, When ti pe titIon. sIgned opportunity must always e secure C! le accuse o. e preSe!l by 81~ per centum ot the electors of the stlll<! Bnd verll1ed as hereIn provIded. sholl the law petitioncd fo r, or passc s it in an amcnded form, a petition in person and with counsel at ~uch takmg, and to exam me the WI~- ~~~: ~:~ :n~ i~; ~c;,,~:;~~~ f~ ~~~t~m~~h~~ ~~~e~c~:r:';J~r s~~r.,.l~~d:r~~~ con ta ining the s ig n a tu res of threc per ccntum of the electors in ne s s who~e dep o sition is so bemg taken, In the same manner as If that such law, section of such Inw or any Item In such law ollproprlntlng mon ey be addition to thc orig inal three IJcr c e ntum may refjuire the subrnis. , . , submItted to the electors of the stalo tor th nlr approval or r<!jectl.o n, th G Bccre lary present 111 court . of stule shall submIt to tho electol'8 ot th.e st.lte tor th eir approval ·or rej ection Buch si o n to the ,"oters fo r appro val or rejcction of the la w originally peti. 'fll t I'f tile accuscd fails to testify su<!h failure may be considlaw..eneral seotlonelection, or Item,InInany the yea munner hereIn subsequent provIded, at tothesIxnext succeeillng ulll r tl'oned for, or a nlodl'!i c d b y allY of th e alllcndlllcnts pl'opos ed by the 3. a •. . , or r occurring ty duys nftr ther egtilIng by the court and J'ury and may ee made the subJcct of comment of such pelltlon, and no such law, section or lliem shall go Into crrec t until and unl ess g c n e ral assembly. If a lllaJ·o rity of th ose voting on the proposed eled . d . approved by n majorIty of thos e voting upon Ihe same. It. how ever. a r efer endUlD by counsel Ilonc of whIch may be . one at present. petition Is filed acalnst any such section ' or It.em , tho romnlnd er of the law shall not me as ure vote in fav o r o f it, thcn it s hall beco me a law and the law. , thereby be provented or delny ed trom gaIn&' I.nto cltect. .f h .. Sec. ld, Laws provIding tor tax levies. npproprlatlon. for H,e (Ilrrent expenscs pass e d by the legi s la tUl'c, I any, pu r s uant to t c petItIon presented of th .. stnte lIIovernment and state Ins titutio n • . and emergency law s nec essnry fo,' t th g a1 I I sh a ll beconle void • the ImmedIate preserva tion of tb~ public peace, h enlth or sJlfety , .. ha ll go Into Imme- 0 e ener a SSem) y, , . Suits Against the State. dlato effect. Such emergency law9 upon n yea Bnd nay vot.e must receive the vole 3. That at any time within nin e ty .day s allcr a law passed by the or two-thIrds ot for all BUch the members elected th e ce a ss embly. III I and the reasons necessity shall be to soteach t6ttl,branch In one ·ot section at nerol the law, whIch gen e ral a s scmbly lIas l·L) c en filled wl'tll tile s ecretary of state, SI'X 'p er; ARTICL . section shall be pasaed only upon a yea and nay vote. uJlon a separate roll call t f tl I t ' d fil 'tll th t f t t CCIl um 0 1e e cc o rs may s Ign an e WI e secre ary 0 s a e a S ec 18 All courts o11all be open. ond every pe.. o~, tor an Injury 40ne blm In thereon. The law. mentioned In thIs section'lIhall not be subject ~o referendum. hi I nil 'go';ds pcrson or roputatlon, shall ha ve re m edy by dun course of law. and Sec. 10. The pow era defined herein as the "Initiative" und "referen.lum" shall petition demanding the submi ssion of sl.lch law to the people at their h~t" hnve jusltce ad,nlnlstered wIthout denIal or delay. BuIll! may be brought not be uAed t .. pan a law ' authorlzlfl¥ any clalllliflaatton of property for th e purpos e I' fl' I" If .. f !galnst the .wte, In Bueh courts'and In Buch manner. as may be provided by, law. or levyIng different rates of to.ution thereon or ot authorizing the levy of any sIngle ncxt e ectlOn or t lelr approva or reJectIOn. a majority 0 those d' d tax on lIi.nd or Ian" va.\ue1l or land sites at 0. hIgher rot .. or by a dIfferent rule than voting upon the measure vote ,against the same, it shall be void. • Under our present system ~ £ prqce d ure persons h avmglspute Is or may be applied to Improvements thereon or to personal property. "Clal'mS agal'nst tile state nlust h. avo c them allo,wed by the ge,nSec. 11. The 1~t1at\vo and r.ferendum powers aro hereby reserved to th e 4, That laws f providing for tax levies, appropriations for the peoPle. ot each munIcipality Oft nil questions whIch such municIpalities may now or h d' . . eral assembly ' or must secure permiSSion by speCial law to br:mg hereatter be autborlsed by law to CODtro) by lel,l&latlve actlen; such powel'!l ahall be current expenses 0 testate government an mstltutlOns and emer· 't ' ainst the state. To simplify this and to prevent unnecessary ~ercl~~,I,;~o ..e.~n?:ftl'!~te~r B~c;:r:~~nf::;1 o~d rhJe~a.,~dum oelltlon mny b .. pre- gency laws riecessary for the im!TIediate pr~servat~on of ,the p~b~ic , slUt. at g.. th' .lment I'S proposed If adopted it will authorize sented In separate parts but each .part Ihall contaIn a tull and correct COpy of tthh e peace, health or safety shall go mto effect ImmedIately If they reems atlon IS amen.· , ' ' , . title. and text of the la.." aectloD or ' item thereof soucht to be referred, or e. h' d . f 11 h bid h • "-a~··d I t bing suit against the' state the same as agamst prtvate proPOl!e~ la~. or ·pr9PQ.ed ~endm.nt to the · con.tltutlon. Eacb elgnel' of any celve a two-t Ir s vote 0 a t e mem ers e ecte to t e gener an IVI ua s 0 r , b 'd db ' InItiative. 8UPlllllplflll.tary~ or I'f!,e'l'e~um petition must be an elector of the state and bl TIS in sur.h courts and m such manner as may e provl e Y aball PJace 011' BUob petitIon atler ~IB namo the date of alenln&' and his place of assem ." . · .' . , 1'esldello. .. ~ ~ IlPer raldln. outsIde Of a m't1nlclpallty shall state the townablJ: and 5 That the initiative and referendum shall not be used to pass . p.e rso. ,"la'X,. ~~:a~~: :rh~J:~~t:~;tI':' ~1~~!e~f~~~~~3:!t~!IW .:~~J o~t~l~ ~~:~~c:".:i~ laws 'authorizing the classification of property for taxation or ' 'I the .• •t'd &D~ p'- 'ftcti' In. wbtah ~~ ' aame la located_ Tbe Dimes qf all .Ip .... to th 1 f . gle tax on land o·· <r land values • It '+hat,';;'.:lSi .' " . ,'.' ....., I t.' lIIIeb PlltI~ ball..b. wrlUlln In Ink! ...cb' .II~e~ fo't ·bJmielf• . To 'each 'part of ' BUCh e . evy 0 any S \ l 1 " ~ r, ) " . • I'. Damage for. WrongfUl · Death. " " lMI~t1G!j 'a~,t': attaoh",.;tbe. a~vlt ot:' tbe~1I aoJlclttq the-atrrnat!lre"tto ttl~ the iD'itiativ~ .and r~ferendUm POwer:s ar,e to ( "v.,;. ." ....,... ." ·'1' ; " _ml ..blob Ullda"~1IhaU contain a:'lltat.aul1It ot,,*,,. ftgm""r. ot tbe ·eIP- II we .. ' h' • ., . C1' •• ' b . 'd ' th" ,.. ~ , ,1"{['" ARTICLE ~,: " i" .•: ' • "t ,,)'1: ',: 'r'PllJ1 ~.\lcji peUtloft .&D4' 11uiU .tat~ ttlllt I.cb of th. ·.llIIlltur. .... ttache4 ·to Roh 'e ae J)J,up.lclpa~tt .:to e P.cerC1Se 10' e \mann~ • ., . ,-, ~ . .... ..::MICOv.ftble by civil action tn 1he ·aoul'tII fOP" Pit'" 1f.&it .... ,ta_lIIi .",.ebcl ot · tb~ afttan't;' that to tit. n.t of J!"lcftoWled" ' ¥~ . " d db ' la' .'~ ..•" , , .. ,,, . , . 1 , .1'" I. '., ~eo.; 1~ '.1iiii , amoullt v., ......·•.. to or· default ot:Uotlael'.' lbaln.~J ... lbItIt., :~lt., '..elr' II"WO' CIII~~:JItU't' J8 Oil' .. .1111111. llpatu~· bf Uie : P.IlHOD ",boa. pro"l e 1. . I ..... . .'~ 5 ' • . ,'. . g~~..,caqied ~ . ~ .~CI! &C?.t. 'I1~~ I • I~" .,.:',. '.' "iJ,. u-.. • .~_:::", t.D 'lM~ttiat b. a '111rr- tile' ~ lWb~,b"U alped , ~~tO:)lr' • ·;,, 6. ~ Th~t each of orie~half of the .~ouQttes of t~e

Number 1.

may limit the amount of the rccovery and ha s exercised that right . I .f t.hi's < ado pted, the law-making power can place no ltmlt on the amount of recovery ill such cases,

Number '6.

Number 2.

Number 3.




Number 4




I,. ,. ,.\ ..


be ' " 5 •


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Undir th~ pr~enl ~~~stif~tio~ in . a~dVil a~ti~n"9r .4tath '~a~sed'

Lt;,aa+4_ _:.:A ~i· ~~ =~~l~Trl~~~':: a~p,


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the 'sipatdres' o!.not

less: tl\;an :·obe-h'ill.of

-~1 the- ~~Lact, · N1~ ;or' ~ef. ~It of ''''o~~,; ~e' tqf,JatUl'e ,~~ . ~"'!"-r..:-,..""~sru.:~-;;~'t ~_~~ ~~l.~ I?('(the'~teet'!~ 6f ,~iic~ ,cou~tyi' .







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he ·~~~liliite4. .'-' '~. f



upon tbe _ quMtloa bY aD)' otber court of aVDe&la certify the record at tbe caae to the .upreme cou" tor review and b al determlnatloll. Tbe declltoOl In all caaea In tho. auprome court . baI1 amendments to the con stitu tion and an argument for and an argobe reported. toeother with the reason. theretor IUld lawa mar be pasaed provldln. Removal of Officials. tor the reportlDC of catea In the courll at apPN1a. The chi ef Justice of tbe supremo ment agai nst each s ha ll be prepared and m ai led as far as possible to court of tb. atat. aball aetennlae the dIaablOI¥ or dlaquallftcatlon of any Judse of tbe ARTICLlII n. ceurts of appeaia IUld he may "'I&"a all)' JU.s.1 0: tbe courta ot appeall to 8Jl)' couni7, al o f Ule electo rs o f the s tate. Sec. 88.. Law. shan be p&IIad PI'O"ldln. tor the prorilDt rema.aJ from omca, to hold oourt. . S. T hat if this am endment is approv ed by the people it be- upon oomplalnt and heartDlf. of e.U omcers. InclUdln, . tat. omoen. judlrt1l e.nd memb ers of ..... ~I _ "mbly. tor any mlBconduot nvolvln. . .oral turpitude or for comes effective as an am endment to the con stitut ion on October I, otber cathe Under the exi s ting judicial sy st em which this amendment prous.. provtded by law; and thl. metho':l ot removal shall be In addttlon to Impea.cbmenl or othar metbod. ot removal authorised \ly the constitution. poses to change, an a ctiori first tried in the court of common pleas, 1912, Thi s a mendment m akes manda tory th e pass ag e of laws fo r the is carried thence to the circu it court for review, and thence to the Number 7 : removal from office, u pon c.omplaint and hearing, of all public offi- S\1 ..erne court for the same purpose, and cither of the two courts cers fo r a ny misconduct in o ffi ce in vo lv in g moral turpitude or for may r everse the judgment a nd send it all b ack to th e beginning in Investigations by Each House of General Assembly. the court of common pleas. The amendment is to s ho rten tha t proother cause pre.oribed by law. It is in addit io n to impeachment. ART1CLJ!l n. cess by converting the circuit co urt into a court of appea ls o f three Sec. S. Eaab hou,",. ""cept •• oth......-l8e provld.d In thIa constitution. aball judges, and providing that its judg ment in o rdinary ca ses s ha ll be Uooa. Ita own onIcere, may determln. IU 0 ""11 rules of pl'OCeed l~, punish 1t1l m em· Number 15. fin a l. This r educes proceedings to "one trial and on e rev iew", and . . . . tor dlsord""ly conduct; nod, wltb t.h. concurrence ef two· thirds. CIl<Pel a m em b .. r. bOt bOt Ibe .""ond Ume tor the cauae; and shan have c\J 1 powere, necesaary el iminates t he exp en s ive proceeding in the supr eme court with its Regulating Expert Testimony in Criminal Trials. to pro\1de for Ita eatety IUId the undisturbed tran1l8ctloa 01 Ita bUHlnees, and lO -z,talo. tbroul"h conuulttees or otberwlse. Intormatloa effecUng IflIrlalaUve action long delay due to the ove rcrowded condition o f th e docke t o f that ~ 6t rorudderation or In colltemplaUon. or with reference to any alletred breach of ARTICLE I I. court. This will leave tha t high tribunal with w o rk eno ug h to o ccupy Ita prtvllec"" or mlaconduct or Ita m emben , and to that end .I.e enforc.. tb. attendlUloe 8ee. 89. La",~ mny be r.a"""d tor the rel!"uloti on of the use- ot eJ<pert wltneasee .ad teatlmony or wlua..."". and the produotlon 01 booka an4 p"pera. . and ex~ t teaUmon), In orlm na1 UlaIB IlDd prlJOceed.lq.. its time fairly. and permit it to di spose of it s cases with grea ter This amendment confers on each bran ch of the gener.ll a ssembly Thi s a mendme nt wilt aHo w the gl' necal ass embly at any time t o promptn ess. A c hief justice is adde d to the s upreme co urt with a power, not possessed by ei t her under the present con stit u tion , o f enac t la ws g iving to the courts powe r to name the exverts in a power to di rect Ul e moveme nts of the judges of the infe r io r co urts ~uring informatio n along a ll lin es of proposed legislative a ction. c rimin a l case, and to regulate the introduction of expert t estimony in so as to pla ce the m where they are most needed. No o th er new judge of any sort is created by this amendment a nd no o ne is legi sIa particular it grants authority to iuves tigate alleged misconduct on crimin a l cases. lated out o f office. Cases invoh-ing con stitutional questio n s m ay be tfae part o f its members through the compul sory attenda nce o f witNumber 16. carried dir ectly from the court of a ppeals to the suprem e court , but tleSSes and the production o f books and papers , or other evidence the la tter cann o t reverse the former and hold a s ta tute unco n stitubearing' on the case, Registering and Warranting Land Titles. tional if more than one of its judges object, but a judgment o f the ARTICLE I L Number 8. co urt below ho ld ing a statute u n co ns titution al, may be a ffirmed by a Bee. fO. Laws may be pUlet'l pro"ldln~ tor 0. IIYstom orr......rterlns. trlUlaterrlnc. majority of the s upreme court. The lattcr may also cause a ny case Limiting Veto Power of Governor. luurlnc and cuarante .. land titles by the slate or by th e counU"" thereof Rnd fer . ettllng and delermlnin&, ...dve....e or other clahns to Ilnd Interesta In. IlUlds th e tltI"" of public or great g eneral intere st to be c ertified up to it fro m the to whIch are so reslat ... ed. Inso.n!d or JrUarant.,ed. and (or the creation and coUectlon ARTICLE IL of .uaranty (unds by tl\el to be astIeued ap lnst IlUldll. the tlUett to wblcb are court of appea ls, for final decis ion . This is a practice akin to that rclstered; and. judicial power. wUh rl&'ht of appeal may by law bo conferred upon which prevails in the suprem e court of the Unite d S t at es and in fact See. 18. !Ivery bill Ihall be tullY a.nd 41stlnctJy N>8d on three 4ltteren( days. ...... In case of ur~ency three-fourtlu o.f th e house In whloh It shall be pendlnSI counly ' reoordera or other omcara In matten &.rtaln&' under tbe operation 0: suoh the system propo sed is modeled upon the federal sys tem whic h has ..tIIaJI d"~n se with the rule. No blU .rna.1I contain more tban one aubject. whleb abal sy! tem. tie clearlY ' Mpr_ ed In Ita title. and no Law shnll be revived. or llDIen4ed unl ....a the _ a.ct contalnll the entire net revived. or the sec Uon or sections amended...nd the The purpose of this amendm~ nt is to remove the constitutional been opc;rating 'w itb much success for the past twellty )"~rs. -'lOD nr seoUODJI BO amended Bball be .ep .....led. Elvery bill pMsed by the .eneral . . .mbly .hall. belore It becomes a law. be preHented to the govenoar for hi, al'llrova.l. objections found by t he supreme court to exi s t agains t the adoption If be ..,provea, be shall 'lifO It and thereupon It abaU become a Inw and be IIled .... Ith Number 20. ' ... lecretar)' ot lltata. JC be do.. not approve It. he Ibo.lI return It wle his ob,ectlons in Ohio of what is known as the "Torrens Land Title System." Its II wrttln&'. to the boua. In wblch .It originated. whloh shaU enter the obj ections at principle features are: ~ upon It. journal. nnd may then reconsider the vote Dn Ita pa.sMCe. U threeJudge of Court of Common Pleas fot Each County. I_ Registering of the title in thlc name of the owner, upon his altha of the member8 elected to tbat houae vote to rellll.S8 the blU. It lha1l be lent. with the objections of the IrOvernor. to tbe otber !lou.... wblch ahIo reconllder application and the· decree of a court, and is suing to him a certiJicate ARTICLJD lV. tile vote on It. pa.....a. It three-lI1tlJa of th e members electo<! to tbat house vote _ rep8.81 It, It ehaJI become a law notwltbstandlns tbe ob,ectlons ot the .ovamor! of title good as agains t all the world. See. S. One rellldent judge of the court of comm.on Pleas and such additional resIdent jud.o or judree &II rnay be provided by law. ahall be erected In each count.)' acept that In DO ahall a btu be repaa8l1d by a amllller vote tha.n te Mlqutrea 2. The creat~on of a guarantee fund by fees t o be paid by the of tbe state by the electors or Buch count,. ; and 0 8 many eourta or ~ e88l o n B or th" IW the conatltutlon on Its orl.lnal pa.8eage. In all ,",ch cas.... th e vote ot each houae ..-.n be determIned by yea.a and na,s and tbe nlllD8S of the membeno vetlns tor and applicants to register, out of which f\llnd are made good the losses. if court of common plea.!! as are neceaary. may be held at the BUmo li mo In nny county. Any judJe of the court ot common plea. may temporarily presIde and hold ...Inft the bill 'hllli be entered upon the ,.,urnal. U a bill ehall not be returned "' the &Overnor w:IWn ten days. Bundaya excepted< niter belns prellllnted to him, any.. of persons who may' be wrongfully cut out of interes t s in the court In any county; a.nd unUI the seneral lL88e. mbl, shllli make Ildequnt .. provision If 8118.11 become a law In like manner a8 If be baa slgnad It. unleee the ceneral tberefor, the chi ef juellce ot the supreme cou rt 0 the etate sholl P088 upon the ~bly b), adjournmont prevent. Its return ; In wblch C4Se. It IIbllll beeome a law reglstered lands. dlaquallnootlon or dieablUty ot ~ 'udse or the court of common plea9. and he IDL,. . .... wllhl .. t en days atter l uch adjournment. It 8hall be rued by hIm. with Ills e.selgn any judse to any caunt)' to bola court tbereln. 3The registering in the regi strar's office of all things which Gltitectlons In wrttlng. In the omce ot the oecretary or st .. te. The I"overnor may Bec. 7. Tbere shall be establlahed In each counl¥. 0. probate court. wh ich sho.U .....pprove any Item or lIems In ft.ny blU makJng all npproprlatlon 01 money Ilnd the affect the title as they occur from time to time after registration, and be .. court of record. open at all times. and holden bl one judge. elected by Ihe 1Gm or Items. so dIsapproved. sball bs void. unI ..... repaaaed In the manner bereln electors of the county, who shall hold hla olllce for the erm ot fou r yonrs, Illjd shall the noting of these, upon request. on the duplicate certificate held by receive IlUch compensation, payable out of the county treasury. all shall b.. provided ..-crtbed lor tbe repa.saq:e of a bill. . by lew. Whenever ten per centum Dt the number of tho electo .... votln~ tor governor the owner. at the next precedlq election In I1ny eounl¥ lIavlng le88 than sixty thousu nd popuThe amendment provides that a bill may be passed over the 'Iatlon a8 detarrillned by the next preceding tederal cenaus. ahall petiti on th e Judse 4- The issuing of new certificates of title by the registrar upon of the court of common plena of Bny such county ot las9 than ninety dll.Ys before cov~rnor's veto by a three-fifths vote of all the members elected to each sale and tran s fer of land_ . nny general election for county omcera. the jud.e ot tbe court ot common pleat shall each house ins tead of two-thirds as required at present, except alubmlt to tbe electors 01 auch county the Question of comblnlns the probate oourt 5. Registration is voluntary upon the part of owners of land. .with the court ot common pleas, and euch courts shall b e combln C!d Rnd shnll be ways in the case of measures which by the constitution require a When a tiue is once registered no further abstracts or examinations known u the court at commOn pleas In we a moJorlty of th e electors votln. upon auch quesUon vote 10 favor 01 .uch comblnatton. Notice of sucb electi on sholl b. tw~third vote on their original passage. The provision of the of title are nec-essary. Jlven In tbe same mann.r a. Cot the election ot county oftl ceno. Elec tions may be present constitution that a bill vetoed by the governor shall have as same ma.nner for the nparaUon of such courts. when once oomblned. The adoption of this amendment will not abolish nor require had In the 11. The Judpa ·ot the courll 01 common pleaa shall, while In office, ru lde many votes in each house as it had on its first passage in .order to the abo1i~ion oi ~he present system of recording land .t itles and trans- In theSec. counl¥ for which lbey are .elected; IUld their term of omce ahall be tor six years. ),e passed over the veto and become a law, is entirely omitted in fefS, S_ 16. Lawa ma, be paaed to tncre....· or diminish the number of of the new amendment. Any item or items appropriating money may the supreme court. to Inor.... · beyond one or dlmlnleh to one the number ot Judcea ot tha oourt nf com men pIe... In any county. &Dd te eatablleh ethor courta. whenev.. r Number 17. be vetoed and the remainder of the bill approved, as at present. two-thlrda of the metnbera elected to ....oh boUM shall ooncur th.. reln ; but no aucb chan.... addition or dIminution ahaU vacate the omoe of any judse; and IIny ex.laUDlf thtder the proposed amendment, when a bill is vetoed after adjourncourt bereCofore usated b, law ahaJl coaUnue 111 .mtence unUI otherwise prOVided. Abolishing Prison Contract Labor. ment of the gel).eral assembly it cannot be carriCjd over. to the next ARTICLm n. __ ion, as ia DOW clODe. ' See. U. La_ ahall be paIIIIed provtdtnlf for the .oeoupatlon and emPlDYment of torcolnir amendment IIhaII be adopte4 by the eleCtors. the JUda:ea of the prtaonfll'll seDtenced to tjle .everal penal InstlltutloDS and reformatort .. In the .tate~ courtsIIotthe Number 9. pleu In oftlc.. or elected thereto prior to January 0 ...1, 1111 abaU aad DO person In any .uch penal tnaUtutiol1 or reformatory while under aentence hold thetrcommon office. for the term for ..tllch they were elected nod the addltlon.1 JudPl' tbereto. ahaJl be r~ulred or .nowed to work at UlY trade. Industry or occupaUon. provIded for her. In, sball be .Iected at the paerat election In the year 1114 : eacb wbereln or wbereb;)' hla work. at the produd or prollt of his work•• hall be aold. Mechanics' and Builders' Liens farmed out, contracted or IrIven away; and i.oo4a by persoOl under aentence county ahall continue as a. part of III extlUq cOlnmon plea.s district and lIubto CUlT penal Institution or reformatory without th .. Sta~e of Ohio. and aucb I"oods dlvlslon thereof. unUI ODe Jud.a of the c;ourt of common pi.... la .Ieeled an4 ARTICLE IL made WIWD the 8tate ot OhIo, exceptlq "those dlapoaed' of to the atate or any quallJlecl therein. ') See. II. La_ may be puaed to aecure to m..haDlca. artSaapa, I&borel'1l, wb- political lub-d1vtalon thereof or to any publilc In.tltutlon owned. m&nalfed. or con-.atraotora aIId materl&! men. their jUl t duo. by direct \len upon the Pt"lllPertY. upon trolled by the state or an,. politIcal sUb-dlvlalon thereof. sball not be lIold wlthlD The changes in sections 3. 7, 12 and 15 of article IV, are in·wtitlcb ther bave, beatowed I&bor or for whlcb they have fumlahecl material No otber thl. Itate unl .... the eame are con~lcuO\l'!1. marked "prlaon made~ · . .Nothlq herein coDtalned Ib&11 be co"nlltrued to preven ~"'IPuaace of laft "6ro-vldlnr- tha.t convlt ts tended to abolish the common pleas districts designated in the conIJIIID'IIalo'll of \he CODltltution IIhalI Impa.(r or 1Iin1t WI powar. may work for. and that the producta of theh~ I&bor may be dlepoaed of to. the atste or ..n7 Political .ub-dlvlllon thereof. or for or to allY publlo Institution owned or stitution and all exisiting subdivisions thereof; to make all election .__-=-_UllS, necessary 'to permit laws to be passed seeur- mana.tred aIId CODtroUed by tbe atate OJ' any poH~cal sub-dlvtalon thereof. district of each county which shall have at least one common pleas to laborers, mechanics and subcontractors their wages for work This amendment will eliminate the elements of private profit judge who shall be elected and reside therein during his tenn. The and to materialmen the amount justly due them for material furcommon pIcas judges are to be state officials and where their serv• ished. It is the prevailing opinion that under decisions of the ftom the labor of inmates of the priisons and reformatories of Ohio. .apreme court of this. state the general assembly has not the power It will permit the employment of prisoners, in the production of ices are needed outside of their own eounty, they may be as signed at present to pass a mechanics' lien law which will fwuish adequate things needed by any state, county or municipal institution, or in for duty by Ule chief justice of th~ st.q>reme court . . If a judge is the building of public roads. It will also compel the conspicuous disabled by illness or disqualified to try a case by reason of interest ..~ection for the persons named above., marking as "Priso'n Made," of all gOods offered for sale in this state or prejudice or otherwise, some other judge may be assigned to his place_ The proposed change will add only twenty-two common which have been made in prisons outside of .O hio. Number 10e pleas judges to the present number in the state; but as counties of less than sixty thousand popUlation are authorized to combine Welfare of Employes. Number 18. the proba~e court with the court of common pleas, it is thou~ht the ARTICLE IL increase will not be quite that many. The constitution forbids the Limiting Powers of General Assembly in Extra Sessions. general assembly to subdivide a common pleas judicial district into Sec. 84-. LaWII may be passed filling and reculatlD. the hourI at labor. eatahARTICLJD In. a mlnlmum w..e. IUId providIng for the comfort, healtb. web' and .eneral less than three divisions, and the unequal growth of counties in 9'8Ilare of all employe.; and DO other provision of tbe conatltutlon ahalI or Bec. So The &Ovemor on extraordID•.ry oecalllons rna, conYene the Ir"neral popu~tion and business makes these restrictions work !Veat this power. . a" proclamation aDd shall atate In the proclamation the PllrpOlle for which special a_lon·ta called •.aDd 'no other bUllnees ahall be tranaa.cted at auch drances and delays in the trial of causes in many counties of the This amendment will permit the passage of homane laws in .uch special sellllon ucapt. that named tD the I~rocl&matlon, or In & lIublequellt pubUc state. Other proposed changes in sections I, 2 and 6 of article IV. proclamation or m.....e to the .eneral .....mbly l88ued by the lrOvernor durlq lald eQnformity with modern industrial development to improve the conspecial aesalo.n. bu,t the ceneral ... em!!\)' may provide Cor the expeDles or the aeulon will add materially to the volume of work to be done by the common .titions of employment of men, women and children. In the absence and other matten thareto. pleas judges, ~nd there will be greater need than at present for at . . such &'Provision in our state constitution a number of sueh laws The objec~' of'this amendmenf is to restrict the general assmbly ' least one resident judge in each county, · and such additiona~ number '~ve heretofore been held void_ in special session to the consideration of such business only as may for the larger counties as may be ~uthorized by the general assembly. , be stated in the· proclamation under which it was convened or as Np change is made in the probate court except that in counties havNumber 11. mar be submitted to it ~y any f,!rther proclamation pr ~essage ing a popUlation of less than sixty thousand the voters may combiDc whIch the governor may Issue during such session. it with the common pleas court_ '. Workmen's Compensation.

Numller 14.

7. That a true copy of all taws or proposed laws or 'proposed

with a jodllDlent pronoull1led of the atata, the jods" ahaU





'«~L__ . ...·,.. .'L·•.\·

Number 19.

Number. 21.

Change in Judicial Syatem. ARTICL,JII IV. See. 1. The Judlclal power of the atate I. yuted In a INpNme eoUJ't, court• of "ppeals. courts ot common pleu. courts of probate. IUld wch other courtll Interior to the courts of appeals aa may from time to Ume be eslabllahed by I&w. 8eo. 2. The .upreme court aball. until otherwlae provided by I&w. ooll8la! of a chIef juetlce and six Judses. 8.nd the j,ud~ now In ollie. In that court tiball eonUnue therein until the end of the tel'ma tor whIch they were reapectlvely elected. unlus they are removed. die or resIgn. A majority ot the aupreme court ahall b. nece88at)' to consUtute a Quorum or to prl)Dounce a declalon. except 8.8 herelnaner provided. It shall have original jurladlcllon In QUO warranto. mandamue. habeaa corpus. prohibition and procedendo. and appellate jurlsellctJon In all cuu InvolvlD&' Questions arlalng under the conatltutlon of the United States or of thla atate In cues ot felony on I_ve llnot o"lalned . and In CAlle. which orllrlnated In the courts ot appeals. and auch revl.ory Jurlsiilctlon at the proceedlnca of admInistrative omcers u may be conferred by law. It shaU hold at lean one term In each year at the seat ot sovernment. and auch other terms there or elnwhere. as may be provided by law. The judges of tbe supreme court ahalI be .ellected by the electors ot the state at lara'e for such term~ not leall than sIx yeare. aa may be prelcrlbed by I&w. &lid they shsll be el.cted, ana their official term shan becil:a. at such time as may now or hereaUer be I\sed by law. Whenever the judlres of t.he court ahall be equally divided In opinion as to the merlte ot any cas. bdore them and are unable for that rBaaQn to aaree upon a judsment. that tact shall be upon the record IUld aucb entry ehall be held to conaUtute an amrmance lof tbe jud~ent of the court below. No law ehall be held unconstitutional and vol,d by the aupreme court without the COnourrence ot at leut all but olle of the jud.... ncept In 'he aftIrmance of a judgment of the court of appeals declarln&' a law uncoDatitutional and voId. In caaea of public or areat .eneral Interest the IlUpreme caulrt may. within such limitation ot time lUI may be prescrtbed by law, dIrect any court of appeall to certify Ita reootd to the 8upreme court and m.ay review and amnn. modify or raverae the judgment ot the court ot appeale. All ClUles pend'lng In the aupreme court at the time ot th" adoption ot this amendment by tbe people. aball proceed to judaTnent In th" maDner'provlded by exlstlns law. No law IIhall be paned 0 ,. ro1" made whereby any perSall ahall be prevented trom Invoklns the orllPnal jurl"dlctlon at the .upreme court. Sec. O. The .ta te shaU be dIvIded blto appellate dllitrtcts of oompact territory bounded by county linea. In each of which there 'a court or appealll co~llItlnir or three judses. and until altered by lew tbe clreultl In which clroult courts are now held shall constitute the ap~l..te· dl.t~elts aforeeatd. The Judsu of the circuit .. ourta now resldlnir In theIr reapectlve dlstrtctl ahaU be the Jua,es of the respective courta of appeals In such districts and perform the 4utles thereo until the expiration of their reapectlve terms ot omce. Vacaaclee C8USe4 b~_the expiration of the termB ot office of the Judges at the courts ot appeala a\ia1t be ftDecl by the electors ot the respective appellate districts In whIch llUeh vacaDelee shall ariae., Until otherwlae provided by law the term of office otsueh judsell IIhall be IIx yeal'1l. LaWII may be paned to prescrIbe the time and mode ot auch electioD and to alter tbe number of d.latrlcts or the boundllf"l .. ther... f. but no weh ehallce lball abrliSlre the. te.MD of any Judire. then In omce. The court ot appeala ehatt ·hold at leut one term anriualIY In each 'county In the dIstrIct and such other terrnll ,at a .county Ileat In the dlitrfet .. the judges may determine upon. and the count,. oommlll8lonera of any county In wlUch the court of nppeals ehall hold Bealllons ahall make . a proper and OODvenlentrrovtlllou for the bol~lnc of lIuch court by Ita jud••!tI . ~ o1'llcetS., 'Each Judlf8 ahal be competent to exercise JudIcial powe..,. In 8by appellate dlatrtct of the atate. The caurta ot appeale shall continue the work of the ~peetlve circuit courts and all peDdln. cases and proceeelinp In the circuit courta aball procee4 ·to ·judirment aDd be determIned by the respective courts of allli the supreme cOiIl't. lUI now provided by law. and cases broulrht ID~ pId court_ jol appeal. attF th.·'taklnir efteet hereof ahe.U be .ubject to the provlal0D8 heHOf, .•~d , ttllll .cl!i.qult ·oourtli ahall be 'merl'ed .lnto. alldtbell' work continued by. ' tlie ! oourtll'loI ~_. IT hI' cOurta· of' apPeals IhaJl

Abolition of Justices of the Peace in Certain Cities. ARTICLE IV. Sec. t . A competent numJler of justices of the peace shall be elected b,. thl electors In eacb townablp In the aeveral countics. until etberwlse provIded by law. Their term of office shall be for four years n.nd tbelr pow"',, and duti es sball ba reKUlated by law: provIded that no juatice of the peace shall be eleoted In any townshIp In which a cour!, other than 0. mayor'l court. I. or may i.erealter be malntalned with the Jurll!laJctlon of all caUSel of whl eh jusilcea of the peace bav~ jurisellcUon. and 110 justice ot tbe peaoe llhall have, or ez:ercl .... jurisdiction In sucb {ownahlp. .


Sec. aI. Por thl purpose or provldlnlr compensation to workmen and thetr 'ttpendents. ter dea th, Injuries or occupational dIseases. occaaloned In tbe counoe 01 ncb workm.n·e employment. laws may be establishing a state tund to be _ted by comr,ulaor y contribution thereto by employers and sdmlnlatered by the alate. determln ns the tenns and condItions upon whlcb payment shall be made tbwefrom. and tnklng away any or an l'lghll of action or defense trom employes and • mPloyers; but no right of &.Ctlon ehall be taken away from any employe when the 'IIlIUry. disease or denth arIse.!! from failure ot the employer to compLy wltb any .lawful requirement tor the protection or th e lives. health and salety ot employee. LaWA muy be paetted eetabllshlng a bon.rd which may be .. mpowered to clasalfy all ....,npatlons. .aecerdlng to their degree of huard, to fix rlltes of oontrlbutloD to such -fund ""cording 10 auch classification, and to enUect. admlnlater and distribute auch rUDel. (Lnd to determine IlII rights or claimants thereto. This amendment will permit le~i s lation providing that work-

men, who have been injured or who have contracted an occupational d isease in the course of their employment, 'and the dependents of workmen, who have been killed or who may have died from injuries receive d or occupational diseascs contracted in the course of such 'employment, s hall be compensated out of a fund maintained by compulsory co ntributions from the indu stries of the state, which fund ahall be under the control and supervision of the state.

Nllmber 12. \

Conservation of Natural Resources. ARTICLE IL

Sec. 36. Laws moy be passed to encournge torel.,.,.. and to that end 8.reas ..",;ted exclualvely to forestry m.. y be e..'Iempted. In whole or hi p.. rt, frolll tn.xnUon. 10&_ mo.y also be p3.sseft to provide tor converting Into torest r""ervas Buch lands _ purts o t lands M hllve been or mol' be forfeited to the state. and to authorize the ~ulr l ng o( other lands for tbnt purpose; also. to provide for the OQnservatlon of the _au.,.1 re.~our ces ot th e stat ... Includlnlr streams. lakes. submerged and swamp lands end tho development and regulation of water power and the Cormatlo .. of drainage aad conservatJon districts ; and to provide for tho regulation ot m.. tbods of mtnln•• ..albtn&'. meaaurtna and marketlns coal, 011, g8.11 and all otber mlnerala. . This amendmen~ confers on the ' law-making power of the state authority to encourage and promote forestry, to protect streams and .Jakes and to regulate the use of water power. Provision may also be by law for the drainage of submerged and swamp lands and the regulation of the methods of mining, weighing and marketing minerals.


Number 13.


the amendment to article IV. sectlona 1. I and 6. be allopted b,. the eleetotl of thla atate and become & part ot lhe constltption. then section 9 of article IV of the consUtuUon Is repealed, and tbe Corecolng amendment. It adopted. ahall be at no effect. II

This ' amendment prohibits the election of justices of the peace in municipalities where municipal courts, other than mayor's courts h3lye been or may be established_ It applies only to certain larg~ clt._es.

Number 22. Contempt Proceedings and Injunctions. ARTICLE1 IV. Sec. 21. La..... ma, be pa..ed. prescribing rulee and rey,ulo.t1ons tor the conduct of CUM and bualne.s In tbe courts ot the atl18e. regulating proceedIngs In contempt and IImltlq the {lOwer to punIsh for contempt. No order ot Injuncllon shall II. ue ID any controverey Involvln&' the employment of labor. except to preeerve phYsical property from Injury or deetructlon; nnd all persona cbarged In contempt proceedlnp with the vIolation ot an InJunctlon' llII'ued In wuch conlroverll'ea Ihall upon demand. ,be cranted a trial by jury as In criminal CUM. ' . This amend~ent provides that laws Il)ay be passed prescribing rules and regulations for the conduct of cases and' business of the courts, and further provides that no injunction shall be issued in labor di~putes excc:pt to protect physical property, and that petrsO);S charged with contempt shall be entitled to a trial by jury• I

.Number 23a

Woman'. S",rage. . ARTICLJD V. :~e P~~~d~~rt::A~~~t~j~~!f'I:t:r~'l1' o~~~Cotpu~rOhlbJU~ hall ~~c. lb' lOve,'), clU~en of the United ·8tat.... ·ot the &«e ot twenty-dDe y~ who ARTrCLE iL ..0- ' •.- l ......."1 ...,....... . • .J a _ve een Dc resident of tlie atate one year next preceelln. the electlo · f , .vi... a1Ilrm · modl- . r . m ~ IT. ;I!lxaept In cae ... of extraordinAry emersency not to eorceed etcht hmirs re "rt. rt8 4. ';!'.do.. 0 • r l'1Ie ..... _e .•.11..... ,0 •. ~..... eou.~ , oommon ·p ""'t lbe oount,.. townablp or ward In which he or aile rslde • b tI i It, ~nu , I l.I.D. ciO~tlblte " ', data work. and not to. exceed forty:.;{irh·t houl1l a week'l work. ~P~w~~~uJu~en~~'!tbV~t:'!~.1I1'L'.t:!·a~~~ro.'::t· !~7vtdea.. 'IIa~ bY,Ja . w. ahaU have the QUalIAcationa 6f &II elector ':adU:e ~'llu:r,~~e.r~ _",",,~.!.n ,,~np.ce on II,ny publlo w.ork carried on or alde4 ,b, t he _.....t .. 01' ~ InvOlvtnc QU. .'J' tlle OOIri11t1tUUciD of the .t tDl-: Stat.. 0 pot~" eJeCUou. " ' . . . . . . . ';. J " . • 77t'CW! ....,.....-J-1-0n tber~t! w)l~~er' OOIItract, qr otberWlH. .J', • '" ri&t. ..'caaN·oif.feJony. ,.,...· of<.~ch It ~ ~ Jui1j\flcrtlo~&ad" eue. ,~ ~:. r ~-'I' ... ~ • .. . ' 1'.', . . ., .' i'. • II· •• < " , • _ . , .' . .r, , ~~ ~ .. , , " 'or lP"!J&t ~en~' lnt_t In wl!li:Ii tile au~ DqIIn '~ d1reo~ ~'_rt;ot Thl!Lamendment take, o~t: of a-rhc1e V sectid n 1 :01 tli,e pfesen't ',: l(riLen.dt1 . :t.ellt1~ made nece~sa'1 p'y< a~decls!on ~f tb~ S~prtm '~=!~.~~~~: ~~ /.~ Miai!...~:::,:':' =t~~OD pi.... ~ co~s~t,!up,1} ·two ~o~<b, whi~tlarf, t 'white 'tnale'~. th~ .u tlse Dein ...... de~lanng unconstitutIonal the eight 'hQ~ J~w for ef aU ttielu"", Of· the ~ F~ t,Il. wlla1lt· or the nI4_~' . to"'JI"' .tJie w.omen 6f the a.ate ':riglit' to vote on '&c1~ ··Co g which ",.as passed bY .!he asse~ly ~n :i~ . . ~~0~qot~~n4~U!t~.lti';:'~~~-;°:r~..:'"~=er..if:J;=C; , ~tioD' uudcr whi~h thc ..utira~ j, ~ised~ b1Jqe~' '. e ~ '"o;:",,,:;,,j,~

Eight Hour Day on Public Work.





.rPefJJJ, .:.




Number 24.


Omitting word ItWhite." ARTICLlll V.

8eo. 1. BYel'1' maJ. oltlzen ot the United Btatea of the a.." of twenty-one years . "ho Ihall have b"oq a reeldWlt of the eta.te one year next precedln. the election. and of the oounty. towlIshJp or ward In whJch he resides • • wch time ... mllY be provided by law. "hall have the quaUllcaUona of an elector and b" "nUtled to vet. at all • lecUona. SCHEDULE. If th" amendment to arUcle V. "eetlon 1 '" the oonstltutlon-Womo.n·a 8uff....e. be adopted blL the eleotors .and become 11 PIlrt of the constitution, then the foresolnlr amtllldment, if adopRd. »han be ot no elreet.

Average annual tax OD each $1,000-_. - - For firs t ten years ••••••• , .... , ••• _•. 26~ cents. cents. For next ten years . • •.••• •• ••.•••••. 43 Yor the last ten years .•.•••••• • •••• ,,20 cents.

Number 30.

RegUlating Insuranc:e. AIlTICLE VlIL Sec. S. No shall be pllsserl Iluthorlzlng al>Y coun!}-. cIty. town or township. by vote of It s cllizen•. or othel'wlse. to boco me " "Io<'kholder tn any joI nt titock cor porn tlo n. or &IUlOclhttO Il whatevf' r; or to ra.lso m oo e y l or. or to loan This amendment takes out of article V, section I, the one word conlpany. It3 crod lt to, or In aid of. any auch compnny. l'orporatlc.m . or a'floclatJon: provI ded, "white". Its adoption is des irable, ill case the woman's suffrage that nothln" In thl. Hec tlon shall prev ent the Insu rIng of I'ul> lIc lfullcllnt;8 or \W'opcrty mutual ins urllnce llSHoclaUonM o r companlet:l. L a wK rtlH)' lie pn sHt.."<l providing' t o r amendment should be defeated, to make the state constitution con- In th e r~,,"u lnt1un of a ll r n tes chnrgcd o r t o b e c h a r ~ed tlY uny Ins Hl'o n ce co mpa ny, 00 1'''' poraUon or n.Hoc1aU o n organized under the laws of th is s tu t u or d o ing .u.oy insurn..uce form to that of the United States. busln ....a In thIs atate for prollt. The object in addin/? the schedule is to make the foregoing This. propo sed amendment will pemlit public prope rty to be amendment unnecessary tn case the woman's suffrage amendment . Ill s?red III mutu a l in s ura nce a ssociation s an d companies, a rig ht should be ratified br the electors. whIch has been que s tioned und e r th e presen t con s ti tutio n. In thi s Number 25. re spec t mutua l in s urance will thus be placed o n the same ba s is with all othe r kinds and the sta te will al so be authorized to regulate in Use of Voting Machines. s urance rates, ARTICLE! V. Bee. I. An .Iectlon" sha11 b. either by bAllot or by mechnnlcol ~vlce. or by Number 31. both, pr....ervlug tho aecrecy of the vote. Lawe may be enacted 10 regulllte the preparation ot lb. ballot and to determIne the IlppUcation ot auch mechanical device. Abolishing Board of Publi.c Works.




... ,.

Number 38. Eligibility of Women to Certain Offices, ARTICLHl xv. Bec... No person ahnll be elected or appoInted to any olllell In Ihlll IItate unlea posefltUled of Ihe clu"Uflc'<LtioD8 of an eleclor : provld.d Ih.. t wolnen who are clUten. rn a}' be fLopolnted. n,s r1o tnrtos pultll c. or u.. member!! ot boards of. or to po s itions In• those dcpu.rtmtntM nllll ~n811t llll o na est"bUsh.d by Ih. ltote or any political aubdivisIon theroof InvolvIng the InlereHts or care of women or children or both. Th is am endment wi ll permit the appointment of w o men as superintendents and m ember s of boards o f tha;;e in stitutions of the s tate. or any ('I f its s ll bdivi s ion s, where the interes ts and care of w o men and c hil dren are invo lved. It will also allow th e appointm e nt o f wom en as n otaries pUblic.

License to Traffic In IntoxlcatlnK Liquors. ARTICLE xv. Sec. n. LIcense 10 traffi c In In to"lc atln~ IIquora Ihall be granted In thle BtatS.

n n" IIccnso Inw!! (lp~rntlv e th rough ou t th e elate .hall be p&S!!Ied with 8uc h r eH trlcLio n s nnd regula ti o n s n~ may UI:. provlrted by law, and munlolpu.1 eorporu.tlO mt ghall

be' llutllorl,;oo by

~ e n(llrftt

lllwB to provide tor the limitation of th e numb er or !nI0on8.

L a w fj ~ h a.lJ n o t tJo p R.Hsed 8uth o rl'1-1uK nl ore than one n(l"loo n In ouc h town s hip or lllunlc l paUt y o r l e~~ thnn Uve hun dl'(>,1 p opula U o n. or fIlor. than o n e aal oon tor ~ac h

nve hund red pOpulation In other lownshlps and munlclpl\lItlea. Whoro th e tra.llio Ie ree ld ence d1atrlcts, or o t h~r dlstrld. now pro.crlbed by law. Ih e tran c 8h.LIJ not I>e lI up.nHecl In any 8 U . h In(·.. 1 RuLdlvl.lon whllo MY prohIbitory I .. w Is opel'll.tlve Ihereln

or Ill n y b e pro ldbtted un ue r hnvs ap pl yln,. to co untlee, munICIPnlH\ca, t o wu.!Jh'pe,

a nd n o thing h ~' I ' f" I I' c(mlain od s hull b e 80 con Atru ed &.a to rtp eu l. m odify o r BUltPCnc( uny 6\~h Dl'uh lbll.ory Ia.w ~, o r any regulat ory la'l\'o now In force or h e re a ft er en acted,

or 10 vre\'6Il t th o futuro ennctnlent. modlnc.. Uon or rope,,1 of any prohIbitory or ro'/l'u latory I"w~. L1cen"e to tmffic In Intoxlc.. tllI~ liquors ~hull not I>e granted to any ",·.on3 who al the tlmo of milk ing applicatio n therefor Is not a citizen of the

This amendment permits laws to be passed autho rizing the use ARTICLI!l VIII. fIntted Slll.t Cti a n d o f l! ood m oral ohurActer, Ltc@n ••• hall not b e grRl1te d to Rny p p li ca nt wh o is In a ny way Int er c-sttd In th e bU9Ine •• condu c t L'<1 a t any o ther plnc s of ballots or voting machines at elections . Under a recent decisio n Se~ . 12. flo long as thIs stato shnll hnve pulJllc works whi ch ">Qulre Buperlntend · a\\'hl'r~ I.tox tc.-ull ng liquors Are !101 ft Or kept for Ba le u a beverago n o r s h a H suc h ce. n tmpe rln cen dc nt of pulJll c works Rhnll u e nppo lnt ,-d h y th ~ gove rnor f UI' th e Uc' ~n so be g r a nt pd un less tho npI,lI c ant o r npplt c nnt. the o nly pereons In noy of . the supreme court of this state voting mac.hine s c.annot be u sed en t e rm o f uno )' o,u. r, wtth th e po \V(! r H n nd dut lcg n o w c1(e r Cltted by th e bOi1. rd ot publi c w ay SH."Cunln rlly Int er ested In t ht' bUll lu('BB tor which th e ll c@ n se 19 Bought nod no for the reason that the constitution now requires all elections to be .works until othen.'IBo provided Ly law. and wIth such other puw en. U8 may be pro· o t h {'r p e rson !lhall b e In u ny way Int (l rest ed th erein c.1urlnr the continuance o f tho vlded by law. It <!e n~ p; It Sli r h Int el'cst of s u ch p enw n sha ll appear, th e II rense a h a ll b e deemed by ballot SCHEDULIll. rcvokoo . Ir II ny lieen"ct! Ie more thnn onco cnnvlcted for a vIolation or the laws In for"e to rq;u l a l ~ Ihe lrattle In Intoxlca tlnG' li quori, his IIcenoe shall I>e cieemed reSecllon 13 ot Article VITI 19 hereby repealed. vok"I, nncl nn II co n ~e ohall theroofl er be grunted to hIm . LlcenRe 10 Irafflc In Number 26. In to xi ca li<luOrH shall lI .. t bo granted unless Ih e place or tram c uncl er such lI eens& This amendment abolis hes the s tate board of public w o rks a nd ~ h"l1 br ting lo(·" tcd In Ihe cou nl y In whi ch Ih e pur80 n or pUlons r""lde whoso duty It Is Primary Elections. to Krnn t s u c h 11 (' C.fl Hf' . or In a co unty ndjolnt n£" th ereto. The word " saloon" ILa uRed provides that the powers and dlltie s n ow exercised by that boa rd , ARTICLE V. In thl. see tl"n Is detln ...1 to b e a pl ace where IntoxIca ting liquors .. ro sold, or kept togeth e r with s ll c h o ther duties as may b e pre!ic ribcc\ by law, s hall f or ISld c . n~ a LJ(' v~ ru"o In quantiti es l eftS than o n e gaUon . See. 'I. .A1J nomlnaUon!! tor elective "tate. dl"trlct. county and munJclpal omc.... At ""Id clcclIon Il blLllot . hall be In Ih o followIng Corm: h I • al be made at direct prlmnry electlonB or by petition Be provId ed by law, and be exercised oy a superint ende nt of pub li c w o rks, to be appointed by provisIon shall be maila by law for a preferentllLl vote for United Stotes senllto!" but the goveroor for a period of one year. INTOXIC ATING LIQUORS. direct primaries llhall not be held for tho nomination ot townsh ip omcers or for thc , -- , - -- -- -- -- - - olllcers or municipalities of ~IIS than two tbouaand population. unless petltloneel for For I_lce nse to traffic In Int ox Icating liquors. by & mlllority 01 tbe electors ot lIuch townahlp or munIcipality. All deleptea from thla 51a te to the national conventions of pOlitical partlea shall be chosen by dIrect Number 32. vote or the electora. Flach candidate for such delell'ate ehall state hIe IIrst and s"",ond cholnes tor the preaJdllncy. whIch prcferencee ehall be prInted upon the primary ballot Taxation or State and Municipal Bondi;, Inheritances, Incomes, Agn.J nst Li ce nse to trafflc In IntoxIcating liquors. bela .. the nttme of sueh candIdate. but the name of DO candidate tor lbe presIdency IIbAU ba 10 und wllbout hla written authority. Franchises and Production of Minerals. The voter shnll Ind Ica te hIs choice by plllclng a croe~ ·mork wIthIn th o blank spaco opposite th ~ word .. "F"r Llcen••." If he dll, lres to vo te In favor or the Ilrtl cle ARTICLE XII. Under this amendment all nominations for offices of the state ObO\' 6 mentio n ed fi nd o ppost te th e words ·'Agaln.t Lice nse" wlthl.n th e blank space Sec. 1. No poll tn.x shall ever b. Icvied In thIs state. or service roqulrccl. which If he desIres to vote ..~n ln st said nrtlcle. If a croos.mark Is plilced opposite botb or any subdivision thereof having a population of over two thousand, may be commuted In money or other thIn!; of valu e. n eHh er' phr nse, th t! n th e vote upon th e 8ubject I!!I hAll n o t be co unted , Sec. 2. LIlW8 shall be passed. tax ing by a uniform ru le. all moneys. credits, In · Dh rascf:IIt or must be made by primary election or by petition. But nominations the V('I tI.lS for II Cl' n St! s h u ll exceed the votes against lI cen xc, th e n the article In bond •. Btocka. JoInt Htock 'companles, or otherwl.e : and also a ll r " I and "!love mention <I shall beco me Section 9 of Article XV of the con.lltut!on. a nd the vestments for offices 'in districts with a population less than the number named penonal property accord Ing to Its true value In money, ""celJtl n!; 1111 bonds at I.rescmt pr""~ nt s ec ti on U oCsaId Il rti cle. alBO l<Down l1Jt Seclton 18 of tho och.dul o sha.ll be outstllndlng of the stllte a t Ohio or of any clly. vlllllg". hnmlet. counly, or lOwn· ropealed. are not so mad'e unless the qualified electors thereof so desire. It is shIp in thIs alate or which have been Issued In \Jchulf of the public HalluolB In u hl o further provided that all delegates to national conventions of the a nd the DHHi n s of InstrucUon tn cunnccU on th e,"ewlth, whi c h bonds 80 at J,Jr es e nt Ll CEN S E PROPOSAL 151 AND ITS PROVISIONS. out 8ta ndlns: s hall be e.x.empt trom taxatto n ; but burying grounds, public Rohool houFes, ~ifferent politica) parti~s are to be chos en by primary and provision hou s~s used exclusI vely for public worshIp. Institutions u. ed esclu Blv ely for charllahl. I. Licen se to traffic in int o xicating liquors s hall hereafter be pOles. public property used exclusively for any public purpoge. nnd pel'sona l IS made for a prelerenhal vote for United States Senator and also to pur propert)·. to an amount not exceedi ng In value nve hunared doUnrS. for each tndl · require that candidates for the office of delegate to national conven- v idual, may. by gen eral l aw., be exempted (rom tu.xatlon ; but aU s u c h lilWS s h a ll gr:lllted a nd li cen se laws shall be passed o p.:rative throughout the 1>0 su Ljeet to n.Jteratlon or repeal; and the vlllu e of all property. so exempted. sh"lI. s tate with s uc h re~ tricti ons and regulations as may be provided by tions shall state their preference as between different candidates rrom time to time. be lLl!certalned anc1 pul>lIshed IlS nnay I>e dh'ec ted by law. Sec. 6. Except as otherwl.e provIded In this constitution the state shall nO'Yer law . for the presidency. contract an y debt for purpoaes of Internal Improvement. 2. No alien or person riot of good moral character can secure a Sec. 7. Laws mllY be possed providIng lor the taxn tlon or the rIght to receive. Number 27. or to succeed to. ""tates. and such tall8t1on mal' be uniform or It may be 80 licen se. graduoted WI to tax at a hIgher rate the rIght to rec.elve. or to succeed to. o~to t .s oC 3. Licen se cannot be granted to any person pecuniarily inI .. r~er value thtln to estates or sm .. Der vaJue. Such tax mllY also be lev Ied at dlf· Organization of Boards of Education. ferent rates upon collateral and dIrect Inheritances. Ilnd a portion of eBch state nol tereste d in th e liquor business conducted at any other place. ARTICLE VL exceedIng twenty thousand dollar.. msy be exempt from such tllXllllon. ::Iec. 8. Laws may be paued providIng for the ta.xa.tlon or Incomes. and such 4. Any li censee m ore than once convicted. shall have his license 8ee. 8. Provielen ahaJl be made b)' In.w for the o~"lzattOo. admInIstration IIltd taxation be either unIform or graduated. lind may be applied to such Income. oontrolof the public HChool system of the state supported by public funds.: provIded. as mllY bemay revoked and n o t th er eafter granted. designated by law ; but a part of each IlDlnual Income not exceeding three that eaeb achool dlatrlct embraced wholly or tn Patt 'WIthin any city shllll have the dollars may be exempt from euch taX .. tlO~I. power by refere.ndum vote to determIne for Itself the number of members and the thousand 5, There s hall not be m ore than one saloon to each five hundred Sec. 9. Not le88 thlln nrty per centum of the Income lUld Inheritance taxes tbat orpnlaatlon Of .the dlatrlct board ot educaUon. and provialon .ball ~ mILd" by law rullY be collected by the stllte shall be returned to the city. vlllago or townshIp In popUlation in a municipality or town ship. for lb. axerel.. of thIa power b)' .uch achool dlatrlcta. whIch saId Income and Inheritance tax orIginate. 6. A municipality may further limit the number of saloons Sec. 10. Lawe mllY be passed provldlns tor ellelae and franchlso tn.x.,. and tor This amendment, if adopted, will give the law-making body of the ImpOSition of tax,"" upon the production of coal, 011. II'IlS and other mInerals. Sec. 11. No bonded Indebted ness of the state. or any pall tical "\lbdlvlslon8 therein. the state complete control over the organization and administration thereof .• hall be Incurred or renewed, unles~ . In the leglelatlon under whIch such 7. The licens ing authority shall be located in the county, or Is Incurred or renewed. provlelon Ie tor lev:vlns and collecting anof the state's public school system, and is designed to make clear Indebtedneaa nually by taxation an amount sufficient to PIlY thoO Interest on said bond •. and to in a county adjoining thereto. that local communities cannot destroy the unity of the state system. provide a "Inklnlr fund for tbelr IInal redemption at maturIty. 8. Where the traffic is or may be prohibited under laws applyThe second part of the amendment applies to city school disSection I of this amendment seeks Ito abolish the poll tax in~ ing to counties, municipalities, townships , residence districts or other tricts only, and allows the electors of each city district to determine, eluding the tax which one may "work out" on the road and in lieu districts now prescribed by law license shall 110t be granted therein as shall be provided by law. the size and organization of its board of which he may pay a sum of money. while such prohibito ry law is operative therein. of educa~on. The powers of /iUCh city boards _of educa~jon are not Section 2 differs from the corresponding section of the present 9. Nothing contained in the proposal repeals, or modifies existenlarged by this amendment. constitution in but two particulars. It: makes taxable aLI state, ing prohibitory or regulatory laws, or prevents their future repeal or municipal and school bonds hereafter issued, white the present con- enactment. Number 28. stitution exempts them. It also makes it possible for the general 10. There is added to the above provisions, that nothing conCreating the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction to Re- a ssembly to exempt five hundred dollars from the personal property tained in the amendment prevents thc future enactment, modificaof each individual while the presenr constitution permits only two tion or repeal <;>f any prohibitory or regulatory laws. plate State Commissioner of Common Schools. hundred dollars to be thus exempted. ARTICLE! VI. Number 37. Both the present constitution and this amendment require that 8ec. t. A InJperintendent ot publlo InlltruaUon to replnce the atate commissIoner of eommon achools. shall be Included lUI one or the olllcers of the exeou tlve depart- all property shall be taxed by a unilorm rule. Civil Service. ment to b. appoInted by the I'Overnor. for the term at four yaTS. wtth the powers The remaining sections of this amendment authorize the genARTICLE xv. and duU" now eJlercJsed by lbe atate cemmllsloner of common school. until otherwlH provlded by law, aDd with IUch other powel'll .. may be provided by law. 10. AppoIntments nnd promotions In the civil eervlce ot the .. tate, the eral assembly to pass laws l~vying income and inheritance taxes, ee\'erRIS ec. countleR. a nd cltl e., shull be made accordIng to merit and Iltne.s. to be aeSC'HBDULE. graduated or otherwise, on condition thalt at least fifty per centum certolned. as far a,. pra cti cable, I>y compe titive examlnatioDs. Laws shall be DssHed If the fOl"l!lfOlnc amendment be adopted by the electors It ehall take eltect and of the revenue thus obtained shall be returned to the city, v illage or providIng for Ihe coforcemen t ot this provision. "oeome a put of lbe oo~tltuUon on the "ocond Monday ot July, iSla. This amendment makes mandatory the passage of laws placing, township from which it came. Excise and franchise taxes and a This amendment provides for a more effective supervision of tax on the gas, oil, coal and other minerals produced in the state :IS far as practicable, all appointive officers in. the service of the state J nd the several counties an d cities, under civil service reguTation and the public school system of the state, by creating the office of super- are al so authorized, iutendent of public instruction as one of the state executive departThe last section requires any subdivision of the state which s ubject to competitive examination. ments. At pI:esent there is no provision in the constitution on the issues bonds to make immediate preparation for their payment by Number ' 38. SUbject. the state commissionership of public schools being a statu- levying an annual tax sufficient to pay the interest a s it accrues and tory office subject to abolition at any time by the general assembly. to provide a sinking, or reserve fund which, at the time when the Out-Door Advertising. ARTICLEl xv. The new office provided in this amendment will be appointive by bonds become due, shall be sufficient to pay them. 800. 11 . Laws mllY be passecl regulating and IImltlnll' the USe of property on the governor and the term will be four years. The amendment. if or nenr public way. IlnC! grounds for erecting bill· boards thereon and for tile publlo display oC posters, pictures and other forms of advertlslnll'. adoptea, will takt effect on the second Monday of July, 1913. at Number 33. which time the first superintendent of public instruction will take This a mendment authorizes the passage of laws, regulating and Regulation of Corporations and Sale: of Personal Property. the place of the commissioner of common schools. whose term exlimiting the u se of property on or near public ways and grounds for ARTICLE XlIL ¢res on-that date, and the latter office will then cease to exist. display posters and advertising, It enlarges existing legislative Sec. 2. Corporations may be (ormed under senerll TilWlf:-tlut aU .uch may. from time to time. be altered or repealed. Corporations may be cl..... Uled and power. ther'e may b. conferred upon proper boards. commissions or olllcers. lIuch supervisory Number 29. and regulatory power. over their organlEatJon. buelnell8 and Iso"e nnd Rale of Slocks Number 39. and securltlee, and over the bUMlness Bnd aale of tine stocke and securiti es or foreign To Extend State Bond Limit to Fifty Million Dollars for Inter- corporations and Joint stock compllnle8 In thl8 atote. as may be prescribed .by law. Methods of Submitting Amendments to the Constitution. LaWB moy be p088ed regulating the sBle !lnd conveyance of other per.onal property, County Wagon Roads. . whether owned by a corporation, JoInt atock compllny or IndIvidu al. ARTICLE XVI. Sec. 1. Either brancll of' th e genera l as8embl~· may propose amendments to ARTICLE VJll. This amendment is offered fo r the purpose of authorizing legis- th Is consti tution; Ilnd. l! the slLme shall be nb'l'eed to by three·llfth. or tho membcr. Seo. 1. The atate may eO!ltrBct debts to lJUppty cnsulll ".nclls or tallurea In olec t ed e a c h twu ue. s uch J'I'OP 08Cd um e n d ltlenlB s hall be C'ntere d o n the Jo urn a lS! revenu ..... or to meet expenses not otherwise provided· tori but the aggregate amount lation that will permit the classific ation of corporations and the reg!!- with thet o yea9 nul's. Iln shull be submitted to tho rl ectol's, for thclr apprOVIl 0: eueb debts. dIrect and 'contlngsnt, whether contractea by vIrtue of one or more lation by law of the issue and sa le of s tocks and bonds as well a s or reJection. onanel a sepUJ'llte bollat wi thout party c'lcsl b"Dlltlon of any kind. at either acts of the .enera.! nasembly. or at dIfferent perIod. of lime .•hall never exceed seven .,, ~c1u.1 or a general elecUon RS the "encrnl <Lssembly lIlay IIrescrlbe. Such proa hundred and fifty thousand dollars; and the money, arlslnll' from ' the creation of euch po. ,d amendment. shall be puloJlshed once a wee k ( 01' liv e con.ecutlve weeks pre.debta. shn.J1 be applied to the .purpose for which It was obtained. or til repllY the debts supervision over their organization and bu s iness. The further pur- ceding B U'h electi on. In at lea Ht one In e8c~ cOunly of Ihe .tate. whero 1<)0 contracted. and to no other purpose whatever: provtded, how'!ver, that laws may pose is to authorize such legislation a s will prevent the sale of fraudIt ' n ~ W8Ilap e r I~ put,lI .hed. IC th e majorit y of the oleclors voting on th o BalOe shnll be pUlled to contraot debte and authorize laaues of bondtl to an amoun,t whieb In the adopt such amenlllll ents th ~ sUme shall becomc .. pu rt ot th e constitution. When &l1r1'88'ate ot all Iseue.. shall not exceed fl(ty millIon dollars tor the purpose ot con- ulent stocks and bonds by either domestic or foreign corporations. more Ihan one amendment shall be sub mitted nt th e same Ume. they shall be so atruotJnc. rebuildIng. Improvlns and repairIng a eYBtem of Inter·county wagon roods The amendment further recognizes the right of the law-making s ubmitt ed us to e nflble th e e.leclora t o voto o n eac h amendment, separately. throughout the Itnte. Not to exceed ten million dollar" of eueh bonda shall be 18sued ~ CC. 2. Whenever t wo ... th ln)s o f th e memlt ~ rH el ec t ed to t."ach bra.nch ot tho power to regulate the sale of othcr forms of perso nal property. in anyone year. and there shall be lovled Ilnd collected annu ..lly by taxation an gfl n e r a l a...s 8~mbly. s hnll think It n eCCJII su r y 10 cull a conv e nlio n, to revise. amend, or amount sufflelent to pay the Intere&t on eald bonde and to provIde 11 slnklnll' tund for c hange thi s co n~lltut1on, th ey shu ll I'ecom m end to the electors to voto on a separa te thelrretlemptlon at matllrlty. and laws shnll be paslled to provIde tor the maintenance bollot without pu.rly deslgnllUol1 of ony kin d ot the nex t election for mcmbe,'" of aald roadll. Such wagon roads shall be determined under general laws and the cost to the genernl a.oembly. for or agaln Rt n conv ention; nnd If a mnjorlty ot all Number 34. of conltructlng rebuild IIII', ImprOVlnll'b repalrlntr and maintaIning the same .hall be elec torR. voting for a nd ogalnst the cu lli ng or n convention. ehall havo votecl ror a pald by the Itale. The provialooa ot t la section abaU not be limited or controlled by cc nventlon. the gencrn.J ""semLly Bhal l, Ilt Ih ell' next se.910n provid e. by law. tor Double Liability of Bank Stockholders and Inspection of ••oUon 6 01 article XlI. . calling th e same. Candld.HcS f or members ur th e constltutlonlll convention shall be nomInated by nomInati ng petltl o n~ only nn,l .hull be voted for upon one IndoPrivate Banks. Section I, article VIII, of the constitution limits state indebtedpondent Ilnd separa te bnllot wIthout ony .... blem or party designation whatever. ARTICLE Xlll .. The convention sholl consist of aH many member. ns tho house of repr08enl"tlv e". ness to seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars. who be chosen IlS provided by law. and shall meet withIn three months after Bee. 3. Dues from private corporatIons ehnll be secured by Buch means all mny th eir .hall e l ~c tl on. (01' the purpose aforesaid. This amendment raises the limit of indebtedness for the specific be prescribed by law. but In DO eaBe .hall any stockholder be IndIvidually liabl e SCC . 3. At th .. general elecllon to be held In the year one thousand nIne than for the unpllid stock owned by him or her; except that Btockholders of purpose of constructing, rebuilding, improving and repairing a sys- otherwIse anel thIrty· two, ancl In each twen tlelh yeur Ihereafter. Ihe qu e.tlon : "Shall corporations uuthorlzed to receIve money on dep'oelt shaD be held Indlvlllually reo hundred the re be 0. convenUon to r e vise, a U ('r ~ or nrn e nd the cons tltutton". s ha ll b o Hubtem o( inter-county wagon roads, to fifty million dollars, and, if sponslble. equally and ratably. end not one for another. for all contracl •. debls. anel mltted to the electors of th e BUlte; lint! In cnse a mnjorlly of the electors, vollng for or Buch corporations. to the extent or th e amount of tbelr Btock th erein , lind against the calling of IL cunvr nLl on. sh.dl dt~(' ld6 In fa vor ot a convention. the adopted, will authorize l~gislation providing fO.r an issue ?f encasementa at the par. value thereof, In addItion to the amount Investetl· In .""In . harcs. No senerul a88embly, at 118 nex t s~ •• lon. shall provl dc. by law. for the election of dele· corporation not organlaed under the lows of thla atate. or of the United Stutes, or ga tce, and us sembling of Bu c h convention, us Is provided tn th e procedtng secstate bonds. not to exceed. ID the aggregate of all Issues, fifty mil- person, partnershIp or association sholl use the 'word "bank". "banker" or "bank· tion : but notheamendment th is con~tlt utl o ll , ugr6cd upun by Ilny c onvention Q1Ilion dollars. Not more than ten million dollars in bonds c'a n be is- Ing". or worde ot 81mllar meanlnlr In any foreign language. os a desIgn" tlon or name sembled In pursuance of thlof~ article. shall talte eerecl. until the sume shall hllve been under which business may be conducted In thIs atute unlc8B such corporation, perSOIl. sued in anyone year. The cost of constructing and maintaining this partnershIp or aaaoclatlon shall submIt to Inspeetllon, examInation and regulation as Hllbmltted to tho electors oC the state. a nd adopted by a. mlljorlty ot those VOtlDtr thereon. system of inter-county wagon roads shall be paid by the state and may hereafter be provlckd b)' the lawlI of tblll state. At present when the general assembly submits to the electors This amendment provides first, that ' single liability shall apply provision shall be made for the redemption of said bonds. The obfor their approval or rej ec tion any propos ed amendment to the conject is to authorize and empower the state to construct and maintain to the stocks of. all Ohio corporations, except those authorized to restitution the same ha s to be published in ne wspapers for a period of ceive money on deposit, to which class double liability shall apply; an inter-county system of permanent w,gon roads, the cost of which and second, that all priv.ate persons· or ~lssociations using a business s ix months prior to gencral election and then becomes a part of the shall be levied upon the entire tax duplicate. . Based upon. statistics given by the Ohio Tax Commission and name including the word "bank", "banker" or "banking", must sub- co mtitutiol1 if a majority of the electo rs voting at sllch general elcction vote · in favor of the same. Under the above amendment if computing interest and sinking fund charges on fifty million dollars mit to inspection, examination and regulation. it is adopted, the time of publication is reduced from six months at three and one-half per cent.. on tI:Iirty-6ve year bonds, issued in to five wecks and in lieu of requiring a majority of all the electors amounts of five million dollars each year. the proportion of the tax, Number 35. who vote at such general elect io n, ~ny 5ubmitt<ld amendment will on a~count of such bonds, borne by the different classes of property Regulating State Printing. become a part of the con stitution if a majority of the electors voting within the state will be as follows: ARTICLE X\-. · . P , thereon shall vote in its favor. In addition all proposed amendments D up1Ie ate. roportlon. See.. t. The pl'lntlnlf ot the laws. Journala, billa, 1estsiaUve "ocumentll and Re,al. estate in cities and villages_ .$2,544.547. II 5 4J.O per cent. pap.era for eAch branch at tbe aeneral a.uembly. with the prlntlnc requIred for th. must be submitted on a separate ballot without party designation +.0 • ,~ ,..s;. execullve ane! oUiet' d"partmenta ot atate, sheD. be let. on contrllct, to the lowc.t reo . 27· I per cent. 8Ponllbte ~Idd...,.or, done dlr8CItly by the atate III such manner .. shall be prl!!!crlbed thereon and at either a special or general election. - I.'ar:sn , lan~s ~ •••••.•••••••••• ; ...... I,vJ:v,59q,~5 This amendment al so .makes mandatory what formerly was 9PPublic utilities ·. ,................... 912,862,833 14.7. per cent. by I&~. .A;1t l~uoa'!Y' alld 8UPClJ I" .~a.II:b~ pun:l~ued" may ~ provided by law. ~ ~. .74,(93.439 2.8 per cent. The consti(utipn . at 'present requir!!s tn;lt the printi/'lg for -the tjonal with the general assembly as to the method-of selecting m~m­ ;Per5d~al ~~tOp~tty ••• .• • .• •••. ~: ;' ~ ~~Aj7J7.i8 14.4' per cent. .executiY-~. other <lep.~~e~ts of t~Cf st~t~ ~~a~l ~e ~e~ <?n c0!itract bers of future constitutional conventions. It requires ~hat they .s\;\all ~. '. :;, .' .),. ~ .'- : , ; ' , , ' . . ' ,. . ~, _ _ . , : ·to ~e,)1~ · ~ldd~~. r~ls.lPO\\fe.r. IS ~ttll' r~t~med tn~~e be no!?inated by.'petition ~mll.-~nd shall be voted for upo~ ,o n i~~~ I ., . ;;S~te a~pt!c:a!~ • ~~ ....', .,.• ~$6....31.~,~ .. "100.0 p~r ~q~~ f~rego,J,~,-t .sectl,?o/ ..butthe 8~~e IS 'i!ye~ ~he aa~e4 , ~uth?nty to do ,1t~, p.enclenht atn,d separate baUQt ' Wltho~t any em!llell! or ·:party~. desl~a~ 11 tlpq w !1 ever, " ,' ,. ' ' ',!' ' . ~ ,.. ",'. :Av~ ~ ~ ta coat ~ ;'53 CeDt+ · '.' " 0'Y~ .prwUng; . ' .

Banks:. .,'.... ;. ,. _':.............. •.


,i.' •• .









This amendmeat fa .... prvyides, as does the present constitution. for the submiaioa to die people every twenty years of the ques-


epeelal Election. Tueeday. Soptember t.l2. IntoxIcating Llquol'ao Amendments to the Conatltutlon. To Tote lI'OR 1I0eo •• to tra.Mo In lntottaUftf To .ot. FOR any am e ndm e nt placfl 11 cro"," mark In ~ .. blank apa.oe IIQuoMi place a eroas-marl< In the blank .pac. to tile le tt opposIte the worda :-''For I1celUle te to thll lett of the word "Y~s" oppos it e th e titl e uf such amendmen t . To vote AGAINST any ..'llend ment place 11 cross mluk In the blank trAmo In IntoxlcaUnc I1QuorL" apaoe to the or tho word "No" opposite the title ot ouch ameodmant . To vote AGAINST \Icena. to trntno 10 lntoltl cat~ Inc liqu ors place n crOlla-mark 10 the blank apac. t o th e Ielt opp081tll tbll ... orde :-"Aa'allUlt Uoe'o. . Art. I, Sec. 5. In lntoxlcatln&, IIquOMl."

tion as to whether 01' IIot • coavention shall be held to revise the constitution. Under die pn:ae:nt constitution a majority of the electors voting at the eIectioG is required to .decide th e question but under this proposed ameadment only a majority of those voting on the question is required to decide it.


lIumber 40.

Reform in Civil Jury System.

lIUDicipal Home Rule.

.ut'l'lCLIil XVIII. hereby c lnulft ed Into cit Ies and v illa,,,,,. auch corporationa haY1q a population at ftve thou sa nd or o \·. r Mh nll be ci Ues ; all oth ers 8hall be vlllAa_ Ttl. method of trlm.IUon tra m ono dl... t o Ihe uther ahaU bo reCUI&ted by la.,. Sec. 2. Gen .. r&\ Iawa IIhaII be J>&8sed to p ro vide fo r the Incort>ornllo n and covernme nt ot cltl es an4 ~; and add iti onal laws may a lso be pasIlhl fo r Ih . I'Overnment of munlclpallU.. &4opUoc lh. samo; but no Buch addlt lunul la w s h a ll beoome opemtlve In anr mWliclpaUty un til It sha ll h"v o been Hu brnltt ed to the eloctors thueot. and amrmed br a majority at th080 voUng thereo n, under regulatlOnJI to be es labllshed by Ia .... Sec. 8. MUlll clpalltlMl sball have authorl ly to exercise a ll pow er. or loca l aelt-gov e rnment nod to adop t LOd euf<>rce within their limits Bueh local pollee, aanJtary and other almllar rflJUtaUooa. &11 are n o t In co ntll Cl wit h g enfira l laws.


flee. 1. Munlclpal




Sec. , . Any munlclpallty may acquire, co n s t ru c t, own, lellse a n d o p ernte wHhtn or ~'Sthout Itll corporate ltmits. any publlo utilitY' th e prod uc t or He n 'lre of ... hlch ls or 18 to be .upplled to the municipality or lis luhlll>lt n nt~ . and mllY con trac t will, othera for any s uch product or s ervi ce. T he uCQul s ltlom ot uny Much l!.ubllo utility mllY be by oondemnatl o n o r \l th erw lse, and a Illu nl dpll llly Illny ""qu lro therebY' th. u ee of, or tull ti ll_ to. the proper ty a nd frnn c hlse of ' "1), ('o mpany o r person eupply1nr to the munlolp&llty or ltil In hab itants th o .. e rvl co or prollue t of Any .neh utility. Sec. 6. Any municipa lity proceedln, to (lcQu lre, cons trll c t. own, Inase or operata 0. public utility, or to con l rnc t with any p erRo n or co mpan y th oref or, Hhllll not by ordin ance n nd no Buc h ordinance .hall In k e errect ulIIII a fl e r thlrl y d llyS from ltil pa~e. It "" Il hln said th irty <lays a p e lillon 91 gned by t en p e r Cenlum of the electors or th e municipality shall be flied wllb th e ex",c ulh'e authorlt)· Ih error damandlng Il refere nllum on such ordinance It s hall n o t ta k e effec t unlll Bu hlnlll e,! 10 the electors and IIpproved by a mnJorlly of Iho .. : o l ln.: th e r eo n . 'I'h e NubmlM, iun of any Buoh Queello n s h a ll be governed by all Ih . provlKlons o f . ec ll on 8 or this arUc1e as to the Rubmlaslon of t he Qu es tion o f ehoo51ng


c h ur t l' r



t l; o o lec IOl's

Art. II, Set:,

la, Ib, Ie, ld, Ie, and Ig. Initiative and Referendum.


Number 41. SCHEDULE. The severnl amendmenU paMf!d and submitted by thIs convention wh e n adopted lit the election shall Uke elfect on the tlrst day oC .January, 1913. e xcept as otherwise 6peciftcII.ll y provldlOd by the schedul e a ttach ed to any oC said . amendments. All Illwe then In force. not lDCo~tent th erewith ahall co ntinu e 'In forc e until amcndo(l or repealed; rrovtd04 tbat all cues p end Inc In the courts on the. first day 01 January, 1913, shill be heard and tried In the .ame manlier and by the same procedure n.s /e Ruthorl.ed bJ' ...... Any prov/slon DC the amendments pa.ssed nnd IIlIbmltted b), this convention an4 &4opt ed by the electors. InconSistent with·, or tn , ClD1ltUct with. an), provIsion 01 the prueot conetJtutJoD. shall be helt! to prevaJL

. NO issue is or can be rai~ed on the .adoption of this amend~ent- _ _ ·:Its .object is· to fix the interval which must elapse between _date of

_aubmission. of..these amendinents and tne . ~im'e 'a t which, if adopted,

:,ib",.8.hall.~ , into effect, in order that different d~partments::oetbe _~ Co~emment - ma7 ~ve

an 'o pportunity to adju:St ·'ftie!l1s~lves · to.

, 'I: c~anga t~at may tie ~~e. '. A~l' electors arc re&pec~ully' r~'; ~Ud~~ 'to VO.t~I-·u:».ea" OD this_par_ti~wit~ ma~ter~ ; -t'!

!f .

,..... .





Art. 11. Sec. 8. Investigations by each House of General Assembl _



Art. II , Sec . 16. Limiting Veto Power of Governor.

I I _


Art. II, Sec . 33· Mechani,cs' and Builders' Liens_


Art. II , Sec. 34. ~ '\ WeUare of Employes_,


11 I-----!




Art. II, Sec. 35. Workmen's Compensation. Art. I I, Sec. 36. Conservation of Natural Resources.


':~ I 1


Art. II, Sec. 37. Eight Hour Day on Public Work. Art. II, Sec. 38. Removal of Officials.


I~I 16 1 17





Art. II, Sec 39. Regulating Expert Testimony in Criminal Trials. Art. II , Sec. 40. Registering ilnd Warranting Land Titles. Art. II, Sec. 41. Abolishing Prison Contract :Labor. Art. Ill, Sec. 8. Limiting Power of General Assembly in Extra Sessions.



Art. IV, Secs.' I, 2 and 6. Change in Judicial System.



Art. IV, Secs. 3, 7, 12 and IS· Judge of (:ourt of Common Pleas for Each County. Art. IV, Sec. 9. Abolition of Justices of the Peace In Certain Cities. '







thereon. It shall become" part ot th e ehartPr of nnrnll'lpa ll t)·. A CO I>Y of IJIlld oharter or /lny a m e n dment there to shu ll b e certlll ell t o I he secre t ar)' ot ~t a te , within thirty days /lrte r a doption by a r ef erendum \'ote. ·Sec. 10. A llIunlclpnllly appror,rla tlng o r oth e rwI se acquiring prop erty for . public use mo.y In furth ernn ce of suc I public u so a ppr opriate or Ill'qu l re un exce ss ov el' that nclually to b e occu pi ed by th e Impro\'ement, u nd rn,,)' sell " " c h ex cess with such r e6trl c ll ons ns shall be u ppro p rla t e t o preser\,e th e Imp ro vrm e nt mad e. Bonds may be Issued t o s upply th o funds III who le o r In pa ri to pay t or Ih e .xeess prop er ty 80 appropriated or othe,wlse a cquired , b u t aala bo nds shall b e a li e n on ly agnlns t th e property »0 scqulred tor th e Imp rov e ment a nel e"cc.~ . and the y shllll not bo a lIublllty ot th e munlclpnllty liar bd Inc luded In any lim ita ti on of th o bondud lndebted nesa of such m u ni cipality prescrib ed by law. , Sec. 11. Any 'mun lclpa llty n p p roprl n llng I"h'u le prop e rty f or a publi c Improv e ment mil)' provid e m o ney I he retor In part by us s esam e nts upo n b en efited pro pe r t y not In excell8 ot tho special be o e Clt ~ conferr ed upon such properl y by th e Im p rovements. Said nssessment. , how e ver\ upoo a ll the abutting, adjace nt. Il nd o th el- .prop· erty In tho dls lrlct b en efit ed . s ha I In no case be le vi ed t or m orc t hn n IIfty p e r c e ntum of the cost or such avproprlntlon. Sec. 12. Any mUlllcll'all ty whi c h acquires , constructs or e" t e nd s any public utility nnd d e.:lres to r a ise mon ey tor s u c h p m n y Iss u e mo.·t gag e \Ju nos theretor beyond the gen eral limit or b o o ded Indebted n ess pr escribed by law; provi ded t hat s uch mortgnse bonds Iss u ed b e yond th e g e n e ral limit of bon d e L! Ind e btedn ess prescribed by law sha ll not Impose nn)' li a bility upo n such mUlll clpllllty but s ha ll be ~ecurod only upon tho property a n d r e ve nu es of su c h public utilit y, Including a franc h is e stating the terma upon whi c h, In c use o f !orcclos u,'o, th e purchase r Illny operate tho same, which trnnchlso shall In n o ca no ex t e nd f or ... longer [l er lod Ih n n tweoty years fro m the d ll t e of th e sale o f s u c h u llllty and fran c h is e o n f oreclo~ ur e. Sec. 13. Laws may be fa ssed to limit th o pow" .. of mun icipa liti es to le vy to.xes and In cur d ubts for locn purposes . and m ay req u ire r epor ts fro m r;"un lcl pu ll ties as t o th e ir finan cial com1 1110 0 n ll d tra n snctlon s . In s uch f o rm as may be pro vIded by law, /lnd m uy prov ide for the examin a ti o n ot th e v ou c h e rs , Looks and IIccounts or municipal a uthoritie s. or ot pllbll c undertakings c on duct ed by such D.llt horlti es. 8cc. 14. All elections and aubml sslo n s at Qll estlons provid ed t or In thi s arti cle shall be conduct ed by the elec tion uu l horltteR presc rib ed by g en e ra l le w . 'rhe p er centtlgo of c leoto rs requ ir ed to s ign a ny pe titi o n p ro vided f or I",rol ll shn ll be bll s ed upon the t oLaI v ote cast Ilt tbe last .p r ecedlllg geoernl municipal election. SCHEDULE. If the tore&,ol ng a m e ndm e nt to th e constitution b e adopted by the elec to rs and become u part of th e con.U tuUon. Is shall take elTect on Nove m lle r 16, 191 2.



. Art. T, Sec. 19a . for Wrongful Death.

, 9 1I

v utl n ~

Cities and villages under the proposed ·amendment are given the right to frame their own charters, own and regulate their own public utilities and to adopt by ordinances such local po li ce, sanitary and -other similar\ regulations, not in conflict with genera l laws, as they may deem necessary. To the general a ssemhly is spec ifically reserved the authority to limit the power of cities to levy taxes and incur debts for local purposes, to control election s, to examine into the financial condition and tran sactions of all municip al ities, and, by general laws, to make such provisions for police and sanitary regul ation s and other similar matters as may be for the ge neral welfar ~ of the state. FORM OF GOVERNMENT. Municipalities may detennine their form of government by any one of three ways: . a. They m ay, upon vote of the people, elect fifteen citizens to - -rfr=-=a"'=m e a charter, which must be &ubmitted to the voters for approval ' b. They may adopt, by a majority vote, a form of government provided by the general assembly. This may be the commissiori form of government, the federal plan, the so-ca ll ed Newpo rt plan, or as many other plans as the general assembly may provide. c. They may decide to be governed as at present, by a municipal code, framed and adopted by the general assembly. Such a code automatically takes effect in all municipalities which do nnt frame their own charters or take the trouble to 'submit to the people one or the other of the forms provided by the gener!1 assembly. CONTROL OF PUBLIC UTILITIES. Municipalities are given the power to acquire, con struct, own, lease and operate any or.all of their public utilit ies. This authority is subject to the limitatIons fixed by the general assemb ly on the power of the municipality to levy taxes and in cur indebtedness. A city may rai se money for such purpose by issui ng mortgage bonds beyond t he limit of bonded indebtedness fixed by law, provided that such mortgage bonds are made a lien only on the property and revenues of the utility itself. , IMPROVEME NTS AND EXCESS COND EMNA TION. ' Cities are g iven the right to appropriate priv ate property for a publi c u se and at the same time to appropr iate an excess over that actually to be oc'c upied by the improvement in order to protect the improvemen t made. Bonds, however, for such excess must be a lien only on the property acquired for the improvement and th e excess. This will enab le a city to take property for a civic center, a park or street openin g and a sufficient amount of the adjacent property to protect the improvement. This excess can then be' sold under proper restrictions by the city. .

Against License to Traffic In Intoxicating Liquors.



If any such nmendm ent Is upprov pd by n m ajo rity

For License to Traffic in In• toxicating Liquors.




Clllll tll l~~l o n .

Sec. 6. Any municipality. ow n ing nr ol,eratlng u puhll c utll ll y (or Ih e pur· pcae of s u pplying the servi ce or proo uct th ereat t o th e munl r lp"lIl), OT Its Inhuhltantil. may als o sell Ilnd deliver 10 olh e re Ilny tmn.por la ll o n ser vi ce a t s uch utility and the Burplu8 product qr any o th e r utility In I1n amount n o t excecd illll' In eith er cue fttty per cent u m of the total 8ervloe or product supplied by s uch ulllity wl~hln the municipality . Seo. 7. Any municipality may trame and adopt or am end a ch n rter t or tts ~yernment a nd may, subject to Ih e provtsl ons of section B at thi s article, ex e rc is e thereunder all p'0w ers a t local self -gO\'f,..nm e n t . Sec. S: 'I h e lelllsl ll tlvQ au th ority o f Ilny city or village may be Il two - third . vote ot Ita m embers, and upon petiti on of ten per ce nlum of the eleC lors s h u ll fu rlh wlth. provide by ordinance f or th e 8ubml .. lon to Ihe oloc tu nt , of Ihe (IU eS llo n . "Shall a comml 8~ l on be chosen to trame a char t er" . The o rdlnnnce p ro vid in g for th e aubmlulon of suoh Question s hnll r CQulre tha t It be nubmilleu to the elec t ors ut th e next "egu lar munic ipal elec tion It one 8hall occur n ot less thllll s lxl y liar more th "t) one bund red and t w e nty d fl YS a tt er Its passu!:.; otherwi se It s h ull p ro vid e tor Ih ~ submission of t he Qu estion at a specia l election to b e call ed und h eld wllhln th~ Ume aroresald . Tho bullo t contalnlng Bu c h qu e.Uo n sl.,\l1 b en r no pa rty d es lgna lio n. anil provIsion shnll be m ud e th e r eo n tor th e el ect ion fr om th e munlclpallly u t lu rll " of tl!teen electors who shall qon s Ulul e a commi ssio n 10 Crame It <:hal·ter; provld ecl that a majority ot th e elector9 v o ting on such qu es tio n shu ll h ave vot ed In till' affirmative. Any charter 8 0 tra m ed s h u ll b e submitted to the eleclors at Ih e m unl· cipallly at an el ec ti on to be he ld at a time r!x ed by Ih e ch nrt e r co mml ssilln w ithin ono year from the datI! or Its elec tion. pro"l slo n for whic h s hall b e m a ue by the legislative lIuthorlly of Ih e munic ipa lity In 80 fur as not prcsc "ibed by g en e ru l law. Not less lhun thirty d ays prio r t o s u c h l'lf'l: tio n th e el crk o f t h e Illun icipallt y shall nlnll n copy o f th e pro posed c h a rter t o eac h elector wh UMic n n mc appea r!} upo n the poll or T egls tmtl on bouks at th e las t r egu la r or g en eml e' ' cllon h"l lI Ihe reln U Buch proposed c h ur t . r Is appro vcd by a m a jorit y ot the ek .:lnr. \'otl"l: th er con It sl1all b ecome the chur t er at s lI c h municipa li ty n l Ih e ti m e t1x cd th erei n . Sec. n. Am e ndm e nt s to a ny charte r f ra m ed aull ado pl ed as h trcln pro\'lued may be sllbmltt ed to Ih e el.c torH o f a munl c lpll llt y by a t wo- Ihl,·cts \' ot e of t he leglslattve a ulhorlty th er eof, nnd, upon p e tltlons s lg n od hl' t. n pe r cen tu m of t he ·Ie<: tur. of the munlelpnllty selli ng t or th any such propo$o<l am end m en t. ,' h u ll b e s ulomill eu by such legi s lative a ulhorlty . The eu b mlsslo n ot propoqc d nm e ndm ~nlH t o the oloctors s h al l be govern ed by the r equire ments ot 86<' l lo n 8 as 10 Ille su bmi ss ion of the Question or choosing a char t er com ml .. lo n : n nd c"pt c~ of proposed " me nI S ahall be mailed to the electors &8 h 8r e lnbe foro p rovid ed for copies of '" p rDl,o.ed ehnrter.

Art. I, Sec. 9. Abolition of Capital Punishment. Art. J, Sec. 10. Depositions by State and Comment on Failure of Accused to Testify in Criminal Cases. Art . T, Sec. 16. Suits Against the State.

~IIS ....


221-~ :'--I


Art. IV, Sec. 21. Contempt Proceedings and Injunctions. Art. V, Sec. 1. Woman's Suffrage. Art. V, Sec. 1. Omi.tting word "White."

'25\ __



·.·26_1 . _

Art. V, Sec. 2. Use of Voting Machines. __+-________.

,_ YNEOS ,_

Art. V, Sec. 7· Primary Elections. Art. VI, Sec. 3. of Boards of Education.



:28 :29





Art. VI, Sec. 4. Creating the: Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction to replace State Commissil)ner of Commo'n Schools. Art. VIII, Sec. 1. To Extend State Bond Limit to Fifty Million Dollars for Inter-County Wa on Rds.


Art. VIII, Sec. 6_ Regulating Insurance.








Art. VIII, Sec. 12. Board of Public Works.


Art XII, Secs. I, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and II. Taxation of State and Municipal Bonds, Inheritances, Incomes, ·Franchises and Production of Minerals. . Art. XIII, Sec.



~ll----1·--I Regulation of Corporations and Sal~ of



. ~II.I----I---I Double



:J51---I--I NO


Personal Propert ~ Art. XIII, Sec. 3. . of Bank Stockholders of Private Banks.

Art. XV, Sec. 2. Regulating State Printing. Art. XV, Sec. 4. Eligibility of Women to Certain Offices. Art. XV, Sec. 10. Civil Service.



The Lord's Portion

in the



How Much

01 a Christian's In come

Shall He

Give to

Cod ~


ANY Idl e r " urt! r cecll-eel by tb e CbrlMtlilCl lI e r a ld fr Ollu It" H !lllJ · A vani shed thirst-:l cool body and :l rdrcshcd one; t·l'" r:ollc ,'r nll ,g tlt lle~. Ch ri sF all callin gs Ih nt em lure Wily-the only w~y is via a gbss or bottle of tia n gl\·ln g. th e "Lord'" POl' oru ('o t!an g I f IUlll r ottnll ." N C. \\' u ar o gl 'l(l to 1,0 ab lu to m u tl co(! L1ln t of dlvlns s et IJdore L1lt' lll wlla y th e " iew ~ o f prob ullly COlli es flr ij t, and ~ o dl~tl Cl gll l ti h ~ d 1111 authu~lt)' a s I'rof. w e ll It mi g ht, rer lI o t )):1 \'Id lO lI l i I h. D. I)~ 1.L. D.. wh o In only does 1\ div er worl! el'o ry "' "~ (iTltl,al I" Jlnt exp resses th o In UII cl e m e n I fore ign La sa lli e I' le ws Lt, nt have aplH~llre d fr o m Ideally delJcious-pure .. purity-crisp and 6palkliDi u rrod. hi s own, but he fa ces 0. scoro or m u re of dRng e rH . tlmo to tlm o on tbl s s uIJJ ec t In tbe Free Our DeW booltln. t rUlnr (If C OC1 · Cnla rLD4k:aJ-ioD lit <.: b&it&.QOQta, for IlK uklnL any o no at wh ic h might bo fntul. I\' o t Cbrlstlan H ernld. W o l.nll c tho fol· r oo k'C U De-ma.Dd the Gcnulrn: •• made by only are tbero the d a ngor~ of nc cllow ill/,; ex tracL froUi b ls urLl clo In tbe Arro W' Ib lnk THE COCA-COLA CO., AnAi'lTA, CA . 01 d unts und er tb e wnter, buL the dlver' s Briti s h Weekl y : "An IllConlo wltbouL Gou's po rtion lifo Is n lwtly ~ In th e hllnd s of bls helperR. who muat, while he Is beluw. 18 IIk o 1\ week wlltlout [I ShlJIJath o r II Ot fnll for a 1U01lie nt to k eel) the a town without Il ~ hur cll. It Is c' barlife-giving ulr pump gulng, Ilut tllPY acter l"tlc of tb o two dl s pl'n Entl ons musL be nble to COlII lJr e hond bls s lg. that, whereaEI tb e Illw r equ Ire d a I nulll nnd act ll cco nllngly and prolll!>t. tenth, tb ere 18 no Ils Ness m e nl und e r I Iy. th e (;O S\)ol. Cbrl st lanlty I" th o re ll. I Scores ot sto rl cs or tile work at glon of th e Spirit. and nev er d ealH I dlv,rs hnve beon writte n. Some of with men In the wny ot com mands I [..jiti~1 them aro tru o. s OUle "ro Octlon buL lind prohibition". It puts th o love of We Lead You wh e thcr rt~nl o r Irnai\lne<l , th l' Y L1~ no t Ch rl s l In our hea rts , nnd ·tbe love of lu tbo lenBt dol met frulll the romnn co C hrist constrnlneth us.' It 'nll s us thllt Beem s to ~hlno III{o a balo Rrou!ld so ns of Go d. and puts us o n ou r Ii ouo r those who perform th t' lr wo rk deep 1.0 be worthy of that high Idn ~ hlp . und er the wnte r. ·Freely.' says J e s us, 'ye havo recell'ed . in California I suo.ll y dll'e r s are a 880r ili ted with treely gll·e.' lIunken trelllIuro, wrec k l!, th ... gatber. "Tbe tro ulJl e Is tbal IL Is rllHl c ult Me.. n. J. S. & \V. S. Kuhn, Ihe Plluburgh b~nhn, a.-.. doing In tho Sacramento Vall.y .. hat the U_ S_ (Joyernmenl Ing or sbells, penrl uy . ... r s nnd wher e th e l'e Is no presc rIpti o n to deII doin" ~lIe"h.rQ for the people. sponges and but row gIve 0. t~ought t erm lne bow U1u c b Oti C augur to g il·e. There II len tim .. more net profil per at;re In C"lIrornla to the fnct thut th e cliv e r Is e ngagcd lllid to be us s ure d tb ll t on o Is gllllnS irrigaltd land than 10 the Eilli and .... ith Ie.. labor. In numerou s othe r , and less rnmllntlc. enough; u nd It 6('(' m s to mo t hat there Let UI uke you ",here th ere I. comforl and happinen occupations In wh ic h rl s l( M fnr grr:ltnre two IJrac: t \!'a l and e ffe ctlvll tosts. b .. profit, c1imale equal 10 Iha l of Southern Italy, or thnn the luere going IIIlO a wr cc\1 Tb e re IR no tru e Ifb e rallty where no frostl nor acow, flO lhunde naorrns nor lun l uokes. are take n . tbere Is DO 151lcrl llce, DO self-d e nial; LeI UI u.k. you .. here big mo ney I. now being mado, , In bridge buildin g. fo r In.tanre, dlwb e re on e's contrlbuLlo n Is made 'o f mar keu are lIear, demand lor plOJU CU Ii:reat aDd Income vora are frequently e mploy ed to lar one'd s uperfluity' (l\larl! 12 : 44 , R. V.). I. lure. tho roundr.tlons for th e grent pillflrs he ns ked as soon ns Iils head wn s you' L1 £' I' e r W!l llt t o e ·c. "\J u t I IIn- tbat Is, or tho SUrjJIUB whl cb remains Lei UI take you ...,here f1lilro~d and rIver tr:\nsportarlon ot slu no Ilnd conc r ete tha t will Sll~ freo . 151" 'd 100 1n 11 11 r ll;h t an d sp nL him up over after on e' s own wanLS are SU P- I II, .... there are de lJolD inational church.1 aDd port one or lhe SPlllla of the struct u re. Ill s hcl pe r . pal e and t r ~ mb ll n li nil Ju s t 10 Ehal\' th e boys who t hc looke d pli e d. Sbull I 'ofl'er burnt ofterln gs "raded ,choola.. .A notllhl e p iece or work or tbls chnr- m-e r. co uld nCIlI'ce l)' t e ll hlil i. but LJo Ilk . Th at ulg l.t sOll1e of th e bl' Ys unto th e Lord my Ood or th nt ",tll c b NQ'W i.lhe timo 10 bUI' thla lond - c.t In .. llh Ihe .. Innen. a c ter was dono on a brld go th at W8 S flt lally llran aged t o desC'l'lbc whnt h e hn u lilm for SUI'IJc· r. !.J ut I n e \'er dill doth cos L me nothlng~' Thus the the Panama Cannl .. ill loon bo ready "nd you caD built n coupll' ot yenrs ogo at Capo 1\1IL1 th e ot h e r workm e n had th oug ht. 111(0 (;cls ~ o I 1('( Ilwlli h:.\'{' It nil. m e a s ure of o ur liberality Is IlOt wh a L ah"ul in ill tliumph s; farms 1110 .tlling ropldly, and ". Colony. There It wJlo~ Dece ssn r',' that "Hutnllb!" r e pli ed Dono van . .. rell " As lor s li urks. well, I SUI)I .ose th p, we ~ Ive, but whul we retRln . It Is atron gl y urgo you to purch"•• al loon .1 po .. i ble. a tOflndo.tlon be laid In J 0 f~et or Ih ose fell o_w6 to be Jus t II 11tL1e tnfJro w( II d ,! :.l ln,·k a lIl an tr lie wo rri e d dlfl'kult for a ri ch man to he lib e ral. You con buy this land on very eae,. terml--$15.00 lUI water. . cil r e fui. ;-'; o w PilL on t hnt h ' Im et nnd t hcm. th e wo r s t Aca cre atu r es a re H e mu st g lv o ~o mil c h In ord e r th a t acra no'W and the b"lance in t.n yearly parmentt. On e hundrpd and eig h ty fee l or I'll go gel tb a t hnmmer." o<'HI-. I r C'llle lilher once I 1\ as work - be IlIny mis s wbat b e giv es . In order Give u. an 0l>portun ity to take up -.II details with yoo ter Is n d ep th thnt Is very seldom atIn n ro w mluul ps Ir e hncl n IIno fn st In g dOW Ii lI l'lIr Il al lfax; worl(lng ou 0. Ihat It llIay cos t blm a sac rln ce a nd -wrile us nt.w. tnlned. and there nro b ut rew In- _ to Ih o huul ll ic r and It w us h a llll'd u l" 1 wr!'c\{ , UllI! Lhere wa s Il s'ch oo! ot Inl'oho l>e lf-d e nl a l Let us ,end you our fin. illus lral.d prlntod matter telling stanc('s 0'1 re cord, ret tbo foundatIon Donovan doos n'L tnke m ilch ~tCJ('1! In Ubt>Ul lull 6CIII~ a rullnd . I ('" utl olled Lesson Brought Home to One. about it. 'Write for it at Mu-it "i.ea you ab.olute proot.. was laid . r('p orts or 1ill'Ing dee per tlmn l nO fee t; '>\'eryonl' n bo ut tlirow lng a nyt h ing at "\\"batprollonlon do eB our CbrIs tlan It Is s aid thllt lhe r eco rd fs held by tbll t Is. ro r practiclLI pllrpofi es. He t llE' lll .1 11d I went o n down . It wa su 't liberality b ear t o our ex pe nd it ure on KUHN mRIGATED LAND CO. Dept. 1:10 HooJle r. lUI Engllehmnn, who d escr nd- declar('s thnt 1L man ("an not s ta nd . nc b I'(·ry (I <,e p . n o~ more th a n GO or 60 lu xurles~ A w ('1t1tby fri e nd on ce ed 20 1 feel t o th o II' rc(' k or th e Cape n d!'pl h fo r rnore limn an hour. or pns- (t'ct. an ' l C I" 'r ~' nIJ \\' and ti l en a seal told lIle h nw thl ~ cOD slcJerntlon fi rs t 1411 FOURTH AVENUE PITTSlIURGH. PA. Horn . lost orr Sout h Am e rica. In 1 8~6 sib il' 1111 ho ur and 0. half, anll Lhat :J ft· wUllld (,lJme a l{lng. k iud ur cuso mc calUC home to blm aClI led !JIm to reo A. l~rn~ t R r b e wClil do wlI 180 fee t to e r h e com es up h" must r es t fo r at o,'e r a nd t hen g o on _ vi lle hI s scalc of glvirlg . It WA S aL th e th e wn' r k at Ih e SI{)·ro. o rr Capo Fln- nll'gf~sltn . 12 hOllrs be for e gollig do wn " :-';CJI\ ·. you \\ ll ululI ' t t hi nk ('a t fi s h o utse l of hi ll s u cc e!<s [ul caree r . wben t t d b I wou ld trcu bl e you lIu c h. wou!d y u ? he wa ~ ea rning a good sa lary . H is serre, a n senL up ar sl ve r \'alu ed " W hrrB It ca tclr es one Is In t ho f I t $4 &00 00 f fI t I I bl \\' e ll. lhey will. ar.d wbat Is m ore, Ii e Ollg hobby was a w ell-br e d dog; a ' . n t I' r s lIlV. n~ ow n abdomen." he s aid . "Th o upp e r part uD d. look ing; ove r hIs cash book ono tl.e sh ip pnrtl y to lllec~s WILh dynn· of Lb ... bo rly Is protected by Ih!' r ihs . t lr<'y hll " hnrd . day be rem nrliCd two ndJace nt enmite "Th erc 's an ol lr l'r (lu e!' r thLng about . th e a rms and IIlL1h s nr e compnr!ltl\' Iy tries. One waa 'To F'orE' lgn Mis sions. A-ott ' deen..n·nl r d Osh . If '- ou are wenrln g "Io \'~-s th a t o<UJ U er V-" e r eco r was es- so lid . but t h e abdo me n haH no banI'S J 0 60 cents : nnd til e ot he r, 'To t e rri e r Voice or ConscIence. tnbll s !J<,d b" AI d L btl are spli t a nd yu ur k nuc kl es or fl es h • J c"uu er nm 01'. W 10 at all. allr1 th e l' e Is wbere It hurts . I pup, $tG.' T!J('re wn ~ no ha rm wlrat A w e s t ern K e ntu cky negro wu In reco" ~ I' e d $350 000 I Id r l shows thro ugh. th p fi sh will worry , , 1 1 go rom ll e bea rd of a mati who gaL $10,000 ro r got~ v e r III .tbo la tte r entr_v·. It wns Ile r - Jail a waIting tr ial for ste aling a oalt. 5 ~ pn I I II t _"'ill h_,· bilil,.. at th e <,xposC' d 11art6. wreck o t tll '" n 8 I rna s e nm e r In g do wn 204 feet. but hc only IIn' d 0 {ectly le "'ILlmnto. Tb e barm la v 10 Its His wife callcd to sco bllll. On her Alfon so XII whl I I 180 f You (' a n ha rtlly d r ll'p tlrPllI away. bu t " J FOR "AKING OU) rASHIUICtD ._ t • • 1 -' c 1 was n ee t sc \' en dars nn e r . Th e strohl rlll)- t h e mom e nt " o u t a ll o o ff )'o ur glo\' es di s proporti on to the formc r. A nwn way out the Jailer, wll ose name WfJI ItOHE'l1AOE 1I00Tl!fER o wa-,er. t Is said that lire last time tured hi s Int ostln ps. In dl'ep wa te r J who could Iln-ord so mll~b for a to " Crndy, c d b er . he w e nl dOWD b n a ln d f h a nd expose you r wh o le hll nd they J "~landy," be InquIred, "bave you e re I e our ours, 75 fe e t to 100 fre t , that Is our great- \\,O ll' t t rollule )' 011 nt a ll." <' ould nrrord more for th e c on\' e r ~ l o n Every home should mako roott hi R I n It se If b elng a I)hono m cnul rec- est dnnge r . Tb e only way to o \' orof the henth en. It Is perhaps less un- eot n lawyer tor Jim ?" beer in Bprin{;timo for Its dell. ord as two hOllrs Is r ega r I d b t \\'u lle th ere ha s b ee n hut II tUe 1m· ")\;0, sah," su ld bls wlte. "Et JIm ciousneS8 and 1Ia flno tonlc: '11 It r ( e ns n all co me It Is by w('arlng beavy welgbts pro \-cll1e n l In c.lhcr3· equipm e nt. the rortunate th a D It seem s that r el igi o n tb e !1l 0 nll)- dlller's e nd ura nce . a nLl tak ing pl e nty or ai r. Tbe air ofts hould be so mix ed up with mOlley . wns gullLy I'd glt him 0. lawyer rlgbt properties. . ing Is 0. nec ullaf k d b rubb e r sulL h ellll e t or th o pumps that 0011)104:"." ...... I f.tlnL r:f Div .. war an t ere sets the press uro of the water and :'lIonel' Is a t es L not only ut 0. gentl e- away; bu L he tells me be !lln't gullly, t:Qf r;rocu tlll'\ luppl d , •• "'J:; se nd down the nlr . nnd th e outfit of Ilr e nol IT! nn Y W I10 co.u d a It . I t uot Ll'-e weights hold us down . It by mlln but ot 0. Cbrls tl a n; nnd th e fa ·t aDd BO, or co 'se, I aln 't almlu' to hire t~ Y;i.:':.~~~;' ~~~eJP' only requires soundness or body, but chance _h e nlr pre~sllro should lessen, a d ecade ag~ Is ns up-to-d ate IlS .lhe Is tbllt mos t: of us stnnd the tesL WOll - non e." Wr;t./o,. premiam pu•• t•. one musL bd someth in g or a mec hanic e ven a few pound s, our s itua tion Is o ne made ye s t e rday. )'et tbe modern dertully well, fnr better tban we TH£ CHJ\Rl.£S £, HIRES Co.. '·Mr. Grady," came a voi ce trom the lSS N, Broad St" Phlh,clel.bJ ... p-. ae well, eSlIecllllly It h e IH gOing to critical. div e r 11119 a nu r.l ber of advantages think. cells above, " you tell dat nigger womover h is contempornry or e ven Il few engngo In under - "''nter b u Iidl Dg. B e"In lhe w a ter It Is pretty mu ch like "In Justi ce to ourselves we ougbt to an down thar to glt a Inwyer-nnd ' tbat h6 Th e u ~ of the telenbone sld~B ~ ... m u st b e 0. man w h 0 IS It Is OD Innd," he continued. "If 0. l'cal'S a"o. " .. define more accurately thnt phrase, glt a dam' good one, tool"-Saturduy E)(ccllent Plan, wllllDg to take chances. mllst be able maD Is bunting for troubl e h e's pretty lias bee n one a t the Impro\' e ment! 'givlng to the Lord.' It comp reb e nd s Evonlng Post. "I eee," Bold lIl r s. De Jonel, whn4 to keep his head at all tim es , no mnt- apt to flDd It. I have been diving for tbut CO!l!OS III band)', but tbo greatesL not merely wbal we casl Into the temMrs . Van Tyle wus calling, "that yo" ter bow scared, and then, mllybe, he 18 yeal'S and J've beeD all aloDg the at all Is tho pneumati c tool. pie treasury, but all thnt we bestow Two Enough for Her. Illlve 0. Cbln eso chauQ'eur. Do TO" will dIe In bed . coast. from HallfIU to Florida. and I lJy means or c ompress ed air tools OD otbors to'r love or pIty's sa ke. It 18 He was a amall boy with a dark, . A div e r namod Donovan recently have never beQ,ll attacked by nnytblng u dh'er clln now do more In one bour not wrfHeD tbat 'he that hath pity eager tace aDd he was waiting at the tlnd him Butls raetory?" "!lo's perrectly tiDe," laId Mr •. VBlI c",me \-ery n ear dylDg In Baltimore except a conger eel. H e was IL big than be could In fiv e with handpowor- uPoD ·the poor lendelb unto the Lord?' end ot the line ot eIght or ten pefbarbor, but he dId not kDOW ot It at fellow, too; six or Beve n te e l 10Dg and e d tools, becauso his diving suit so It Is not oDly our contribUtions to- 60ne for a obance to make his wants Tyle. "To begin with, his yellow COl1\oo _ the time. Ho woos working In 25 feet IllI big around as my tblgh . bampers the freedom at his arms_ ward the support ot the ministry Ilnd kDown to the IIbrarllln. When his plexlon Is sucb thn t at the end or • ot water directing pllell tbat were be"It -ho.s b een my experience thnt It a Witb a pneumatic t oo l all he bOG to tbe evaDgellzotlon or the beath e n thnt turn came be Inquired brletly : "Have long, dusty rldo b o do esn't ehow aD' s pots, alld tb e n when I am oul ID mJl Ing driven by 0. 4,QO()-po~Dd hammer. mnn keeps busy nothIng will disturb do Is to hold tbe machine still and the are 'glveD to tb e Lord: but all our you got 'Twenty Tbousand Legs UDIlmou Rlna I bnve bla plgtnll ItuO" -----rn"liOioe manner th'O" bamm e r was re- hIm . Tb e tlsh are nfrald ot him; nlr does tbe re st . Ho can carry a public aDd prlvnte char ities; IlDd If der tbe Sea' 7" through a !ftLI e bo le In the plato-glu. "No," res ponded the librarIan a litIcased and lho great welgbt plunged shnrks nre, anybow, aod be has DO Ilncumntl: tool wherev er he caD go eve rythlDg be ralrly rec\;on e rt, It will wlnllow and J u~e IL a. a sorL of bell to the bottom at tlw:l hnrbor. Douo- trouble. With tbls eel, bowever, It for the hose Ihat fe eds It Is no larger be tnuDd tbllt It Is nOl a mere tenth tle Inallplshly, ror sbe was tired " I'm rope to t ell him whera to Itop."van Willi directly In lbe pnLh of the was dlrrerent. He came at me wlth- th a n bls air bose, and. besides, tbe or their Incomes Lllat 80IDe of liS are thankrul to say I've only got ' two. Hurper 'lI Wee kJy. huge weight. so clos e tbat It 6trtlck out my doing a tblng to blm . I was pres sure of the water greatly r ed uces giving, hut a tnr Inrger proportloD."- They're DOt under the seal" his aIr bose within twq feet ot hll so s ca red thnt I could not e'-eD tlnd tho weight of th e 1001, so mucb so CbrlsLlnn H e rald Tho Giveaway. helmet. my spear, wblcb I generally cnrry, tbat ID deep water It Is necessnry to It. Louery, "Jane:' said ber tRth e r, ''bow do". FortuDately tile force ot tbe blow nnd be stuck his ugly bflad rIght liP weight It dowu so tbe dh-er can conMessengers of Light. "ra that pIcture one at tbe old maB- It happon th a L I fi nd four good hurled the diver away trom the to the glass In my helmet. Ugb! I trol It . Tho things whf cb glvCl us most evl· ters you were telling me about 7" aD tba mnnt e lpl e co tbls morning? DI~ welgbt, Instead of under It. In tbe could almost henr bls t eeth snap. I These pneumatic tools will do aDY· dence of God ar e ju s t th e dark tblng1l IllIkod Mr. Cumrox. Henry leave th e m for me?" "Yes," replied tpe art dealer. "It 18 meanllme the m e n above were almost was tbo.t scared . I stuck my hnnds thing that rnn be do ne by bnnd. They M lire. This was the expe rIence or "1\'0; he t ook them alit ot his Tea' frantic wIth fear . Tbey knew that under my belt to protect thorn nnd will ope rate augers or drills and will the maD wh o. o r all others. knew mnst 1\ genuine lrensure; absoluLely auLbeD - pocilel to avoid b reaking tbem lall' tbe dIver was directly under tbe ham- stood stili. I don't know how long. also hamrcer. They are tbe greates t o f IIre's dark things. My tJc." nl g bt, and I guess be torgot all abou, "I'll buy It. I alren"y have three th e m a fte rw a rdM." mer nDd they naturally supposed he nbout two mInutes, I guess, and th e D nld La tho div er In all kinds at con- !loul. do not dc sp ls e tl1 0 sbadows ot had been stru c k . Thero wns terrIfic I ga ve lhe signal to go up. s truc' tion worle lIfe; do not exclnlm wb eo th ey are lust like It, Rnd Bomew here In the Tho IlI lI g h th ll t followed made her commollon and the lIfe-Hne man be.. 'What dId you come liP for?' asked Wil lie dlvillg as a trade Is followed paRsing over tbee tbal. thy "way Is bunch I'm liable to bit tbe o r Iginal." wish th a t she bnd been as careful gan to jerk nnd pull as hnrd as be my. he lper wheD he had taken air the br fcw, the United States nal'y bas hid from the Lord ." Tbe se shadows wIth her Ellecc h ns Henry bad beea could to o.sceluln whother Donovan helmet. a sc hoo l for di ve rs and encourages a rc sent tn ·tbee. not os hlllings. bill as Can't Afford To. wIth hlB clgars .-Detrolt l'~ ree I'rell. woos caughL or tree. Th o suspense .. '('arne up ror something to eat,' I yo un g mcn of exceptloDal ph ys ica l re" ... lntlons of the face or God; th ey FrIe nd - You and your hu sband for 0. minute or two was fearful. rcpll ed . st lHniua t o take up Lbo work . At Ihls com e to tbee as messpngers of II l': ht. seem to be getting on we ll toge tber Why They Went. ID tho meantime Donovnn dldn't "'I reckon yotl did: be repHed _ schoo l the ~'oung men ure taught bow Th ey tell tloee what thou couldst not Just now. I thougbt you bad QU:lrAll the SunLi RY scbool teacber eDo know jllst w!lat It WIIS that ba·d 'Why man. you'rll pale as 0. ghost.' to tak e cllre ot tb e m Re lves In emer- know wllhout thelll: thnt th pre Is II reled . away ?" she exclaimed In surprise. throwD blm . The water wns so mud"I d idn't let on just what blld bap- bencles. and berore Lhey are gradu al. lire stronger th a n th e nAtural lifo . Wlre--Can't do tbat thes e daYB. I tered h e r clasa room, .eb 8aW leavln. dy and dirty that be did not see the pened, nnd after getting a bite and cd th e y ha\' e b een through many How cou ld st thou le nrn th nL. It the whe n our dressea tasteD down Lhe In greal haste little ,Irl a:nd her weight; In fnet. he WAil oRtonlsh e d by InkIng Il smoke, I wenL down again. rough exp.Jl' lences, even thougb tbese natllrnl life never failed thec ? How back. aWl smnll brolber. being jerked by tbe lifeline, nnd as This Lime I went after my spear Dnd l' xperlenccs nre carerully plannl'd and could faith be stronger thnn the lint u· "Why, Mary, YOu . aren't lJoln • • oon as he overbo.uled his aIr pipe found It. Then I let ever)'thlng else exec uted. ral me? How couldst tru s t exist If Advantage, awny?" iba exclalll\cd In Burprlse. to prevent fouling It he tugged the go 'I\' hlle I looked for Mr. Eel. I soon . E"ery naval ship ot any size carries there were no darkn ess ? It Is tbe Stella-Has that Bummer resort any "Pleatbl), Mllh ADne, we've got to algnal to be hoisted. UtI he went rouDd him, for ho evidently was walt- two or moro divers, and thero 111 al- darkness thllt lights th ee. It Is from vlpwB? go," WRS tbe dlslre8sed reply. "Jimmy and It was wIth many sfghs of relief Ing for me. He was lying on a little ways use ror them . Tbey nre sent the shlldow Ihllt thy splrltunl nature BeJln-Er-Do, but It II close to tbe 'th th",o.Ilowed blth <:Q.llect1on."-L1pthat hIs big, round helmet was slgbt- ledge or rock, but before he knew just Over th" sIde to InsJYct tbe bottoms. Is \llumlnated . From tbe sense ot moonltghL plncott's . ed at tbe surf~e. He climbed partly what was what I had that spear Into scrarc barnaclea art to adjust outboard human empttneB8 thou reacbesL tbat . ;; - ,;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;; out of wat~r and rested on the gun- hIm . Twist? Well, you bave no Idea conn ec tions or to mnke new onee. for prophetlc hunger which Is certain to wale of his , punt while his helper un- how that fellow squIrmed. It woos aJl a ship, like a house, can always be be fllled: thy Ule rlaes . phoenix-like" Old Michigan's wonderful batter .crewed the helmet. I could dn to hold blm down and we Improved a little by the addition 01 from the al5hes of thy dyIng, and out "What the deuce Is tho matter?" had 118 l11'ely a ten-minute tussle as ~omothln.g new . or thy del!pest darkDess God Bays, oasti~ 'tis said, once a



To Fortune and Happy Life












= = ========== === r:===============:::;::==============:::}:1 , -

ID WashlngtoD, tbat It hall affected the SpaWD BeDt out tbrough the couDtry, and If thete fish atorlel continue he 11'111 not be relPonatble for result.. As the party broke up It 11''' ~ tha, CODgrea.mal(l. Plumley dese"ed the pI 11m of the fl.lh , sto..,. "~IOIl--"At· f..lrl and' FOlk'S," Joe B!lleheU Cbapple In Joe Chapple'l -Newa Letter,

This Gold Fish Was A Banker :nIh Itorln are rife In MaT, and un· !er the IleducUve Influence of balmy apnnl new venlonl come to Ught of the "me old .torle. we ha,.e beard ~ce ~ boThood 4'11.' PlumJey of Verm.nt, of portentonalt ..,Iou ml~D, u"J'ted to a ImJUna PouJj 01" that a couple 'of , HUODII Qo be 10lt h1. watch an4 a -«10 '. ,.ece ciyvJ;9ard ~~ '''Walt. . ,... It, '. placltl . pool tor .. blla. T~.



•. : "

• ~ ,~ I'~






IIght."-Rev. George

Hel ... of H,'ve".

was a wis. man wbo laid: "Heaven Is for thOle who thInk about next Tear, be declar.d under oath, he IL" He who ' was IDOnltely wile caught a flah In (hat lelf·qme poollaid: "Where Tour trealure II, there a "cold flllb" of courl!O-and he found *1\1 Tour heart be alao." ThOle who within the fiDn, armor of tbat . Ver· reall,. bunrer for eternal life '11'111 Dot mont bal. hJ. w ..fch, the ' ',ao cold (all to pin It. ~rnaI ure 111 the joy piece and 80 centa- accru'i!d -Interelt. of penonal unlon with God. The In· Flab Comml..looer' Bowers Inlillt. ..lDcibl, ho~ Of. IIC?ry '11 Cbrllt In the Not I'Ittlng. th&t tIlll It relUlt of hill.. "Here II an, e.trectJi. ,mlDOl' chorcL" ....rt. H ••• D It the home_of thole bon \0. proP . . .tl thrlftJ' habits amoill who b . . . · bien bora from .bo"e; Sold <ISh. .BI ..,. ;, ,'t-tJUj' mOllelNY' "Not hi WI mUltarj mua1o. All the· children ~od are the . helil 0& mut b. majori." 4la,,~ol:l tw .,.. ~o mUch cI1ICUlle4 choru ~ I .' } . • ClOd. ,: .' -" .' .- .



"Let there MathesoD_

,_ :'"









His rivals have wondered and marvelled To lee him 10 much on the job. Not bowing his .trength and enduranco fa due to the ~m in TY COBB.




Eats T day, For he knows they are healthful and wholeeomt And furnish him strength for the fray.


,~~"",,~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

. The Same ATLAS Cement 'Used By The U. S. Government On The Panama Canal

'.1 rs.


can be had right in town from UI. You know how particular Uncle Sam is in buying goods. You can trust his judgment. It will pay every property owner to fmd out how AlLA S Cement can add to his income, comfort, safety, health, etc. We have some interesting booklets on this subjed, free for the asking.


Ol lie Davis d 'lito/.!d in Lebanon '(·L

I )ora Stile!l and nie.:e arc at \l!l1i a fail' l"day .

~ I i s~


~ I I "~ ;\Iary l !rowll la~ l \ 1' l.'l·k

spent Friday of ill l\ lll rruw .

.J.: ~S I' Thtllllas i,; ell juying' a wel:k's \'i"il at C\) IUIllI.H1S.

Set h I·: Fl'lday . •tll


was in [)ayton

bu~inE':<S .

I nn ~r tulies vulcanized . WaynesI'ille Aultl and :vIachinery Co.

Mr . J-:rn~rsml Mas.n spen t Mon· duy in Xenia, un business. \V urk uegan today on the new safe d e ~)O,;it



The National Finance and Securities Co., Investment Bankers and Real Estate Broker., of Dayton, Ohio, have opened a branch office two doors east of the W aynesville National bank, Main Street, Waynesville, Ohio. Mr. W. C. Weaver, of Dayton, Ohio, hal been appointed Resident Manager for the Waynesville district, who respectfully solicits your acquaintance and a share of the Public Patronage of the Waynesville community and surrounding country.

vault at the National bank.

This Company buys and sells Real Estate of every description, buys and sells Bank Stock!! Municipal Bonds, Industrial Stocks, and Real Estate Securities. Negotiates Loans, Flnanee. Corporations, Secures Partners, and Raises Capital for the Exten810n of fWianufacturlng Enterpri8es. ~.Iso

Uscar Sm ith and Dean l-Iow.:11 were at Chautauqua, Friday. IIlcssrl'l


About 7fl Waynl'!!v ille people saw the ball game at Chau tauqua Tuesday afternoon.


Milson's Fertilizer fo r sale by Chas. Frye, try it and you'll have none other.

Tired, retired and rubber tired, world . Bre the three classe~ illto which the Pruduction mu st ue increasPlI. Miss M~ble Cast spent the week· ci ty teacher tossed tli .' dear old Soil must remain productive The end with Mrs. Walter BGttl!. of near farmers State Fair it! a factor in our economic Harveysburg. Rt!Cently a fl1rrtH'r sh.pped at a conditions. The displays to b\.l made Miss Lena Surface is spending two g·.lod hotel in tlte \:ity and math: com- by thli Wooster Experiment Station weeks in Bellbrook. visiting friends plaint when the colored 'I aiter neg· und other state institut ions will give and relatives. J4:Cted to accommodate him with a Igood insight to the great work being finger bowl. done to improve agricultural condi- If you want anything in the way The State Fair is the shnw window tions. of Millinery go to Stout's sale this ~h~h~ p rod~~~dilie~meof T~new~iry Building will~d w~k ~t~~re. tbe top-no tcher. an interesting chaJiter to the Fair. At the State Fair . Agricu lture This wi ll be one of the finest struc· Frank Carman and family have meets all other occupations antI pro· t ures on the ground . Professor moved into the Retallick property fe&Sions. The genius of inventor. Oscar Erf. of the Ohio State Univer- on Third stre~l. artist, breeder and producer touch aity, will give actual and practical elbows and kecp step to the music of demonstrations of the makinlir of. Gasoline Stoves called for 'and reo progress· The State Fair is easilv a cheese and other phases of the milk paired, Waynesville Auto and Ma· two million dollar affair . It has and butter business. chinery Co. grown and developed into majestic A troupe of fine blar;k Russian proportions. No other institution stallions will maneuver twice daily Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zell and Mr 80 well displays the beauty and glory in front of the grand stand . and Mrs. F. C. Car.ey were at l:;hau· of Ohio as the State Fair. The ci ti· 1 The State Fair and Centennial will tauqua Thursday. zen who wants to get up-stairs in hi s attract greater crowds to Columbus Alfre. Hanby, of Dayton, is business becomes a regular attend· than ever before. The date3 are spending a few days with his uncle, ant at this annual Exposition. Ed- ' August 26th to 31st. For catalogues. Wm. Hay and family. ucational in all its featurell. Grand entry blanks and other information, in all its proportions. Clean in its address Master Lawrence DaviA. of Dayton morals. Progressive in every detail. A P. SancHes. Secretary. is spending the week at the home of It has no equal in the Exposition State tJouse. Mr. and Mrs. F. C Carey.

If yo'u have something to sell or exchan"e see Mr. Weaver and

~~et acquainted. Send for Booklet, u6~ Plus. '


, W.




Mrs. Sarah Lippincott. Mra. Waltl!r Elzey and son Kenneth, were Xenia shoppers, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. nen Hawke, of near Harveysburg. spent Sunday with Mr. an d MI'!I.. F H • Farr. Messrs. Frank Zell and D. L. Crane, and Mrs. Annie O'Neall ~d MiSl! Belle O'Neall autoed to LebanMni. B. F. Howell and !laughtert Mi8l8 Daisy Dean. of Danville, m.,l are the lfUests of Mr. and Mrs. B. S Howell for a few daIS.


. Use the Gazette's Classified Column



At the regular meeting of the The Hathaway reunion wi1\ be coun<'il Mondav evening, Dr. H. held on Thursday, AUJ'Ust 16, 1912, E. Hathaway was appointed a coun- at the country home of Sa.ueJ cilman in place of F. E. Sherwood, Davis, near Leelan. resigned. SHERWOOD·JEFFRIES KEmneth Ridge has received orders The Sherwood·Jeffries reunion from headquarters to take the second teleg-raphel'8 trick at Corwin. will be held at the residence of This news was received by his many Clar,e'1ce Sherwood, near Oregonia, Au~ust 22, 1912. t reends here with pleasure.

The Misses Joyce and DorGthy HISEY· WILLIAMSON " Lewis and Chester Lewis returned to The Hisey-Williamson family retheir home near Dodds on Tuesday, union will meet at the residence of after spending three weeki! visitin~ J. W. HfseY,2X miles south-eut of relatives in and around Waynesvi11e Wayne5ville, fhuFJKiay, Au&"Ust 15.




I~" TtO N il£O


ki ds ,,1 0 lorend ond

t,,,tlt'r wi l h 5l/ ",on it. Tod,, \, lIlt'Y eat b,,'ad i,nd IJuttf r \, ;~' l Bp.~ h.Nul PC' iII llI ~. Bult('i on it. {I, H :is i!; the 1: (', ( h-N d 1J!'l '~ . wh f) 1l c.hildr!'!) gro w

on U"J 1.. ·.. " lIt 1>,,11", they liko 50 \\' ,·~ I ­ B cch·N ul P..,ont;[ ~ :: II" r. Comes _onl y b O ,' ~S lor, - airk'$s scdit-·d. (~ T ry a I Sc ior to by.


~tr' >ng


. J: BY





Aaron Chandler and wife, Thorn. ton Kain and wife, Elizabeth Car. roll, Anna Kelly, Edwin Chandler and wife ' ~d several others went to Selma today to attend Quarterly •

~ .



The l(e~ •.P. B. Thompson, whO haa acct'pted a call to th, Christian church, hal moved into the Anthony hou~ on Fifth street, and wU].J)re~h Suniay morning 'and evenine at church here" ' ." , .


fV E


SERVICE The very Best at all Timefil


A U".rOMOBILE S E Sub-Agent for Ray Milia R the Ford V Corwin, Ohio Automobile



Phone 71-1 Y.


er· ~




Mesdames R. G. Cross anti ' Mi- The 46th annual Collett-MeKay randa Crane left last Wednesday picnic will be held at the usual place evening for a week's visit with rhl- and at the usual time, the second ativt!S in Columbus and Lancaster, Saturday in August. Ohio.

Don't forget the Closin,,·Out Sale of Mrs. E . C. Stout, August 5th t;Q 12th. Everything must be sold.

Service at very reasonable rates.


Attend Mrs. Stout's sale of No· tions, Furniture, etc. this week. Everything marked away down.



on Frielay aftemQOn.

C Dr. J. A. Mcoy,




Mr. and' Mrs. Willar Anson. of Mr. J. H. Allen, of Washina-ton, Oml!ha, Neb., and IIIrs. M. E. SherQUILLER JORDAN C. H. was the guest of Dr. ~d Mrs wood, of Spring Vaney, were the Deale... In Ar~la'lc Marble and Granite gue8ls of F. E . Sherwood and famJ . A. McCoy Tuelday. ily. this week. Veterinary Mr J. L. Mendenhall has erected H S, Mechanic St. Lebanon. Ohio. P rof. and Mrs . Marvin Mil:er. and Graduate of Ohlo State University a new silo which adds "reatly to the Telephone No. '0 son, of Spokane, Wash.. who ha\1e appearance and value of his farm. See US If you want to save Money been the &,uests of relatives it;J Har. The Christian church will hold a veY8bur~, spent Saturday the lfUests ~~~~~~~~~~~~':: Office at residence in F. B. Shermarket at t.he Township Hor;se, Sat- of MiE Phoebe Miranda. wood's house, Fourth Street. urday. August 17th, beginning at 9 Telephone 28 a. m. Frank Crew arrived home Sunday Sultseribe for the Gazette Ohio Mr. and Mrs. Otho H d f evening from Lynn, [nd., where he Waynesville, en erson, 0 has b~n for several weeks. The !!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!~~~~~!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!'!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!~!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!~~~~~'!!! south of town, spent Sunday at the Mis!,es Millard and Stella Crew, of home of Mr. ~d Mrs. C. W. Hen· Lynn, accompanied him home for a derson ~d family. short visit with relatives here.



We now have in our employ Thirty-five (35) Women and Girls, and we have steady employment for a few more. Our workrooms are ideal in ever way and clean; the ,!ork is easy and our employees are free and independent by earning a good living.

Why Not Join Them and Receive a Good and Steady Income. Our work is steady and thus assuring an income in the cold wipter as well as the Summer. Have you given this p_art any thought? PARENTS or GUARDIANS who ha~e girls wishing employment are invited to visit our factory and see our system and workrooms. Apply in Person or by Letter to

THE EIBINGER-UIS SHOE MFG. CO. LEBANON. OHIO a.___________ ••____________1111




N. Sears



file Seara reunion will be held in Live Stock and General Audioneel' the late Geo. Sears grove, lOuth·eut; of Centerville, 01\ the Centerville and Posted on pedigrees and values of all Spri~ VaHey pike, on Saturday, AUl11lst 10, 1912. Evel'Jbody is in~ kinds of breeding stock. ' vited to come and brin&' their well Experienced in handling farm sales since filled baskets and enjoy the .., with . 1905. . theil' friends and neighbon, A eood program is expeeteci and music by the Miamisburg Peerl. . Band. ~ • - • ~. , , Be~:"een. b,001l learalDl. and com· .0L,WU.t.TB. OF TBB , mOD 1181UM!. 'be ~'kIi' ~.t. ~b'IDOI' N£''rION~ £.UOfION . I jolla. . : . ;; . . . , " .8OIlOOL 01' ~BlOA '



.. '"




3ixty-Third Year


Wh ole Xumber ;n 72

~~~~~~~~ - ~~-~~~~~~~--~~--~~~--~.~~~----~~ .~~~.-...-





- - - --t

t Won a Game




- _.

..···-·······:··· ..·....·~~-·..-~..:--....- ........ ~..........~;:-....... ~.)~~-~~~-~--Ie----____ -,- - - - - -----. -Iir:········~··········:···· .............................. _......................




1M. .....C ..--I.... ·~ ........ ···· .. ·.. ····l iI


Agl.I\.:;,..-~-·. J~llghlt!r uf l :

Social Events :

Everett Ma'ylon Hardman . the son ! Marcilk ~.-....-.-----~ . ~ 01 Ervin J and Ethel LeiRz Hard· i i 1· Charl\!~ anI! 01111' t.iil l' lIal(em \'Y l' r 1e - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • i._ ................... _ _ . ___.... was born ll\'elllltl'r ~. l~lO I . The great tie game of barl betwe,' 11 mm, was born near Lytll!, Ohio, It seems onl y a f!'w .~llllrt d~y~ ~he ' .:>Irs: Ag-rfi,l' Wri g- hl alld d . ,'I~:htpr . the Country and Town teams was Ot·tober 14, 1911 and departed this ... - ................. - ..- . -.......-.=::::::=:::::::=:=~: t 6 19]2 , a t h a If past i d . I1 us tu cheer and iJrighten MI ""~ ~u '~all . ,·nt,·rl:lill,·d till' flll l,lIv. played at Phillips' park. Wednesday I'f I e A ugus, e ev~taye WIt E. Furnas wa!'! ill Xenia Friday " CI'I'nut RI·(I,,·· \""'u I ' n Day ' ~ n h IA ... en 9 a ed m th 3 k 2 d afternoon . Thl! game was a fllBt ,g on s wee II an ~v "u n." IoU our orne. f or on July :l:i, HII~ she inor " ){ut'sL- ut di rllwr fo'rid ,,\': ,.YJ Saturd ay. went to be with Him. of whom it is anti M~. L,·c AJam~. or 1\ all ~: 1H one. and darkness brooded over all days. He leaVe!! to mourn his loSIJ, mornin g. th d . t City, M" . ~I rs . l·!.II·k (' ;,'\\\,;,110101"1' . h · f th when the last man was out. IlIH a . er, mo bertan onefsls er ' M:;iS Jan e J{"land (If near Xenia written. He shall gather the lalllus Ollie Mi~iltJine was a Xen ia vis itor not argo t t en Th.l · .: l " t ..1' with his arms. and carry th e m in " f Mur.row . Mrs. (. ~ ~I l'p lt ,· I\,.; und e IS gone u Of course, the sensational playa II ur::luay murnlng. wus .n own ",8 UI uay. . bosom . two I' hddn'n . of Ch in"" M1' '< I-' ~1 · his . pulled off were many, and scouts God w h a doe th a II t h mgs we saw f H' I'f If Wh J h Craig' alld tW I, "',i ld ""11 " r b tak h· t t from all the major leagUe!! were on es a e 1m rom us. IS I e Inner tUlH!S vulcanized. WaYlws. you want a good fertili~er call e n esus wa'\ e re upon I"arth d I' 1M ' . . ;\"" "" u,' 1 . Chas. Frye, pholle 491L IS. he 10V"d and blessed the child,en .1 all '\t'v . UIll r,.;.1 ,. 1 .,1 1\' tll. •.\,·,. the grounds looking the players was a short one here below but he ville Aut() and Machinery Co. It comforts our hearts to know that over. It i!! said that a scout from has gone to a better world where the Pacific league has his eye on there is no more sorrow nor death . Juhn Davis. of Dayton. visited W. H. Madrlen has Iteen con ri n~ our darling- is Hafe with Him . Mi ss EtlH'1 Stuk..:,.; l'nln ;;\ll h.d with d ' Burton Earnhart. who caught for He will be missed by all who knew relatives here Saturday and sundR"' , ~o hi!i hom e seve ral days with , rh e umati~ro . "H ow wise amI sweet at.' ro~~ the a innpr party, Ia ~ t 'I'lIl1r"" :I.v. at Ill'r the Country team. He not only had him. Born-To Mr . ane! Mrs . Amos years. pretty co untry IWIllI' i" l"'n"l' ,,.( a blanket tied around his body. but So while the sun waa shining Cook, Thursday. Aug ust 8. a daugh. ~ Mr. Ch as. Moore. of Waahington. So free of sorrow . pain and dea th. Mis~es Mab,,·1 Curt!yand 1·:th('1 Sllll' aJlO caught with two gloves. Will And Mother Earth was bright, ter. D. C .. is the guest of relatives here Rin2' out the comfort loving fearg. man. wh,) a re thl' I(ut's t: of Mi ·:~ Cornell hit like a Wallller, and They took this little rosebud for a few day!! IThe gentle words of Nazart!th. Mary Swain . Th"s~ in viled ,,"'r,·: several others were not far behind Miss India Kanker. of I e banon. ill When chi lrlhoorl felt !lis holy touch. Mi sl:!l'!i Blanche and I\~r l .. llil ey. On anlrels' wings so white . him. the g uest of Mr. a nd Mr!i . A. B. Tht' Chautau lj uulIt Frank. li n ended For Heaven'~ I\illg-dnm is of aUl'h." Adda ilnd Martha (;ra ltum. Be~ha Several new players were added The angels hovered over him. Sidcs. Monday. . .and th e cam.per:! f rom h ere ' The sweet child that paR~es out of E<Jrnhart . I·:thel Shlllnan. Ma'~ to tha tearns, but no profQ8llionalll ,~hey ~atc~ed him ~ay by day, are a rl"lng home dally l'arlette. Mahel Can''' . . · Llld M,"r • . the family "ircle into thf' Beautiful , . ' were admitted. It seems as though 11118 lov mg IItlle darlmg, Milson's ,"' erlilizer f or sale uy Swain. . John Hawke ""811 goinlr to pitch but Too pure down here to stay. ' ., Mr. and Mrs. ErneRt Davis and Beyond is alwaYfl the fairest and ChaM. Prye, try it and you' ll have concluded it W811 ' be~t to stay in the With beckoning hands he seem!! to none other. daughter. of Dayton. are the g'uests best beloved of eve ry motll e r Mr. and Mrs . N. B. Ri ch e nter. field. say. of Mr. and Mrs. ~' . C. Carey How long and fondly flhe rernem· tainetl a number of fri end::! and "cia. . bel'S the dear little face and the The game W88 a close one. ami the Though all his 1:luffering o'er. Mrs . Lvdia Pre!!nall. of Fairmount, tive~ in honor of th E' latte r',.. b irth· Ca.<>oline Stovcs t:a ll l..1 for and reo i'l weet winning waY!i . Her other Ind ., is the g uest of he r siste r. Mrs. Country immediately after the Ir8me Your little one is borne away day anniversarv on Satu rd ay . Thi paired, Waynesvil le Auto and Ma. sons and d a ug hters may j!row up Annie Burtton. challenaled the winners for another To that celestial shore. J ay was enjoyed greatly hy all. who chinery Co. around hpr in Rtnmgth and loveliness, one after corn husking. CARD Of THANK S hop ~d tu spend many more s uc. and Mrs. J. F. Cadwallader, Rev. but always in her heart she carri es a The score shows a lot of tired davs with the host an(1 hos:ess. The Christian ch urch will holJ a sacred melm,ry of the darling who We wish to thank our friends and Mr. and Mrs. T. Lee Adam!i were at lim!.", sure hands and budies, and Those pr esent we re: W. T. J ordan, mark~t a t the Township 1-1" .se. Sat. wenl away to Ht'flvrn ill l1l'r innucent some of the boys are just be2inning neighborll and all those who in any Chautauqua. Sunday. wife and daught er. Mrs . Maue! urd ay. Augu st 17 t.h , hL>ginning at 9 babYhood . way assisted us ill the sickneS!! and to walk again. ' Cleav!'r ami family. Ml's. ChaH. Gray Miss May Strawn is having a fine a. n!. death of our beloved son. Everett The score: "Fold hel', Oh Father. in thin ea l'll1s. and dau ghters Mary and Opal Mrs. Maylon . We thank the ladies of the trip through Canada, and expects t u COUNTRY AmI let her hencefo rth be; Anna Jorrlan ami d"ughter F'AiwinR. Mr and Mr8. W. H. Allen. Mis.qe!'! ~ gone about three weeks. AB R H Golden Eagles and the Ferrv church A mess ... n ger of love. between. of Columbus. and Mis.'i Anna Riebold, Hf'mietta McKinsey and Izma Eg· W . Cornell, cr ......... ...... 6 " S for their beautiful flowers. Wealso Filtered Gaaoline for Auto's at the ber t were among the Cha utauqua Our human hearts and Thee. Mrs Albert Flory and Mr. Carl ] B. Earnhart, c .. ....... ...... 4 2 tho.nk Rev . Pshau for his consoling Cleaver. of Dayton Put away th e little playthings. Geortre Smith .. c...... ...... 2 0 o words, the singers, and Undertaker Waynesville Auto and Machinery Co. visitorR, Sunday. Roy Weeks. 1b .. ;...... ...... fl 3 4 McClure for the way he conducted Wet with mother' s pearly tears . Messrs, Mahlon Rid~e, F. J. Sher· Mrs. Alice Keys a~d Jaughter, Oh. you'll mi~ youI' little d arl ing; Warren Keys, 2b ... ... ...... 6 " BELLBROOK HOME COMINO the funeral. Clarence Rye, p ...,'........ 5 " 3 wood. W. J. Sherwood and Frank Mi!l~ Clara, and Mrs . Henri etta Hop. Through the long and weary years . Ervin J. Hardman and Family. Frank Braddock, ss.. ...... 8 0 2 Elbon went to Sabina. Ohio. Tuesday kill1s spent Friday the guests of At home com ing here Sept. 2, Walter Jordon, ab......... 2 0 1 Though you miss your little darling. w attend thE' reunion of the 79th frie mls at Springboro. Mayor Watson will deliver the ad" Hod Lackey', If........... ... 2 2 J DEATHS And long for her sweet kiss. O. V. I. dress of welcome, to which Lawyer Had Corn~I, rf...... ........ 6 4 a Buy your fertilizer of ChaH. Frye, Know that angels kiss your darling, Chaa. Duffey, of Detroit. will make Emmor Baily, .b......... 4 3 1 Joaiah Rogers, aged 8. years, died In the land of perfect bliss. Mr. and Mrs. S. L . Cartwright who handles the best . the response. There will be a pa· Total .......... .. .... ......... 49 28 21 at his home in Harveysburg, Monday Idt Thursda,Y for Fayetteville, W . CARD OF THANKS rade of school children , a band can· evening, at 10 o'('lock. The funeral Mr. and Mrs. W. H . Allen and Va ., for a month's vacation. It is TOWN cert and a ball game. will be held at his late home ThursWe desire to thank our friends and hoped that the trip will be of ir@at Mi.!I8es Letitia McKay and Anna Mc. AB R H day afternoon, at 2 o'c\ock."neighbGrs for the kindness shown us Collom attended the Collett-McKay benifit to them. Georare Thompson, e·.... · 'I IS '6 STOVE FACTORY BURNS during thl! sicKneS'l and death of our pi cnic Saturday. C. M. Robitzer, lb, p...... 7 6 4 The 3·months-old child of Mr. and darling little girl, also Mrs. Murray Mr . Chaa. Cornell and family. Mr . . Fred Sherwood, 88 .. ·...... 7 4 3 Mrs. Horace Stokes, of South Leba· Sparks from an over heated motor Harvey Rye. p, 2b ........ 7 4 of non, die« Tuesday afternoon. The and Mrs. Frank ZeIJ, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. CorRell, Mr. for her kind words and Mr. McClure in the saw room of the Ohio State Roy Irons, If .. :...... ......... 7 ~ ~ funeral will be held at the Chapel C. B. BE'ntley, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. and Mrs. J. H. Coleman, little Misses for his service:!. Stove Company factory. of Colum· Ben Smith, .b...... ......... 7 The Parents and Grand·parents. Sirles, Walter Elzey, Walter and Kathryn and Esther Henderson 2 Thursday morninlr at 10 .'clock. bus, of which Frank W. Long is John Hawke, rf.. ...... ... 6 a --Walter McClure, ef .... .. .. 6 2 ] Miss Anna Simpson, aged 18years, Chaa. Burnett and several others heard the Innes band at Chautauqua, president, caused a fire last week STEAM~ WENT DOWN W. O. Raper, p, 2b....... 6 3 ! died at the home of her parents, from here attended the Xenia Fair Saturday. which resulted in a loss of about last week. Total ....................... , 68 29 25 Mr and Mrs. Samuel Simpson, two The steamer Steel City, enroute $62,000.- - - - - + - - We call the attention of our read. miles south of Centerville. on Satur. ~ Fest Grade steam cylinder oil. ers to the Waynes,iI\e Eye Institute from Cincinnati to Pittsburg, carryPAINFUL ACCIDENT day evening, at 8 o'clock. The fuBIO CAMP MEETINO Waynesville Auto and Maehinery Co ad on another page. If you want ing about 125 persons, struck a subneral was held at the house Monday, your eyes fitted by an experienced merged rock near Vanceburg. Ky., Mrs. Hannah Fetter fell Tuesday Mr. Walter Burger and sister, oeuJiet, call at the Emley hotel. The Warren County A. M. E. at 10 o'clock, Rev. Smith, of the Sunday afternoon and went down on afternoon and severely bruised her church hold a bhr camp meeting Christian church, . Dayton, Ohio. of· Miss Edith, and Mrs . Elmer Robina sand bar near the Ohio shore hip. It was thought at first that the at C. S. Tucker's grove, near Har. ficiating. Interment at Centerville. son, of Atwood, Ill, motored here Mrs. C. Cadwallader, of Morrow. There was no loss of life. owing to bone was broken but upon close exand were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs . C. N . Stephens and two chil- the presence of mind of the pilot and amination, the doctor found it to be veI8bu~. AU2ullt 18 te 25th WILL TAKE A VACATION F. W. Hathaway, Friday and Satur· dren, of Chicago, and Mrs. E. M. captain. Mr. Harry Bail and Miss a bad bruise. There will be three services on .... Sunday, August 18th, and daily The ~v. J. F. Cadwallader is day. Mr. and Mrs John Burger Cra,ig and two children, of Norwoed, . Sarah Bail of Norwood and Miss • I • eV'enin2 services through the week. taking hia annual vacation and ser- also drove over from Goshen, Ohio, were I'uests of Mrs Agnes WrIght, Sarah Randall, daughter of Mr. and DJSPLA YEO BANNERS Noted preachers will be present and vices at St. Mary'lt ehurch will not Friday, and joined the party. Friday . . Mrs. G. E Randall. of Dayton, were preach. Among the moat prominent ~ resumed until Se,tell1ber 8th. Iamong the passengers. Tw. ladies. drivi':lg a horse and Mesdames J. A. Funkey, H E. will be Rev. P. S. Hill. D. D. of Wi!. :sunday School as usual every Sunday Have your Lawn Mower sharpened. . - - ---mail wagon. all decorated with pia· Hathaway, Laura Mosher and Cyn· WaYl?esville Autoand-Maehinery Co . bertQJ'Ce U!)iversity • .Rev. Williams, mominlr at 9:32·__ - - COUNl'Y' (J~GE PICNIC card !I and banne rs, were in town ' thia Evans, Mr. and Mrs. W. H Thursday, advertising the "suffra ofWilmincton, Rev. James Brittarett CIRCULARS AI(E FI(EE 'Allen, Mr. David Thumas allll daugh. A. B. Chandler and wife, Anna \ The annual county Grunge picnic gette" cause. of Sabina, Kev. Massie, Rev. T~rry ter, Harris Mo~her, Elliott Wright, and Hannah Kelley, Elihu Under. Iwill be held at the Fair groundll, -- --We have on hand a few of the Carter, of Los AngeIes, Cal ., Re v. . . Dr. Jones, and Rev. Crews, B. D., supplementll of the Constltutllll1 I Mr. ani Mrs. D. L Crane anJ son wood and wife. Ei win Chandler and I' Lebanon, on Saturday. August 17th. CLEAVER-€ARR-RICH R.EUNION of Wilbert.rce. Amendme?t. If you did not r~l' I~ l! ! Ethan, Mr. and M~ RoM Crl!~, wife, Thornton Kain and wife, Seth Frank Blackburn will be the prin· The Cleaver Carr· Rich reunion will The linlrin2 .will be a feature of one come m and get one, for It wail I Mr. J. O. Cnrtwnght and MISS Furnas and !>eversl others are attend- Icipal spC!akl!r. Music by Stokes' Or· the oecaaion. The Jubilee singers help you in your voting on Sept! m Eleanor Merritt were at Chautauqua ing Y l!arley Meeting of the Friends chestra. Everybody cordially in· be held in N. B. Rich's grove on churt,h ut .Richmond. In<.l, Ivited to come. Saturday, August 24, 1912. will arive a eoneert Wednesday and ber 3rd. . Thursday. Saturday ,veninp. ~!!!!!~~~~~~~~~_~ . 2±!~~ _ ~~~~~~~!'!"'!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~_~_~ _._~~~~~~~~~~~~ The entrance fee is 80 Imall that all ahould attend. ....WILL NOT BE SOLD





0 umn

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James Fennessey, trustee of the U"itecl Society of Believers. of Ullion Villare authori:l.e8 the state' m, ntlthat t"e aale of their property to Archibald White, of Cincinnati, will not de cOD8ummated. It Is true that Mr. White and Mrj Flinn. .'" had arrived at a partia Hilreement for the exchatllr8 of the Pl'operty. but Mr. White left the 111 Ilter in the hand. of his alrents 81111 with them Mr. Fenneaaey could not agree. The property will reo main in the hand. of the lIOCiety of Shakers,

, r



HAD A HARD RAIN An old Blfin. that it never rains on Collett-McKay picnic day did not hold pod thi. year, for that 'eecition - - - - - - - - - '

~i~~n·~:~'th~~~:=:: tbat , picni.c , t

"1JI8 'PIOEft



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26·31. ...


The Mianli Gazette D. L. CRANE, \\' A Y ~ I':S \ ' 1LLI':.

01111) .

TEACHING OF S ALESMANS HIP. Ch icago has b(,~1I1l nn Int (' res tlng e' p erll11c nt In Its t f'c h nkn l hig h BC'hool A co ur ~e In s!l I "~m Al\shI Jl I, uiYr'l-pd 10 yo ung wome n . Rnd tb e Chl cll l:o th: pa rt I • m f'nt ~ I or"s IH e Jl (lr l11l lll ll f; SOllIe n t I th t'l r (>111,,1 0), ". 10 Illlt'lIc1 It d ur in!: ' whA t W {lIlItJ nl lH' r \\'l ~o be wo rldng b Ollrfi. nOI o nly 1' 11)'1111; tllrl r sai l r i('" for th e wl lo le I lm(' , hut II lso I '" r lll~ th l' lr ('nrrllr(> to An ll from Ille Kc 'IIool Thi s Is lil, p Ihe wo rk ","I I' " Is bpl ns il Oil O In 1(> "IIn l('RI schoo ls In pnrts o r O('rm llnr . \\'I ,er(' bnys Ilnd f;lrls hn\' o a r ('r taln nllmb!'r or hOl/ rs a wee k rr('e r ram \tork IIlld rr r "lve Instrue· tlon In tll o worl, nt wh ich tht' y are emploYE'd I':m plo)'"r . In (J er man )" wh e re th e ~rs(" m I,n s bE' t' n es tn b lls h· ed ro r some ( Ime. rO 'O I'","le Jll st all gladly as C'hl ca go ~ 1Il pl ayers a rc sa id to b e co·operntlng In the pr('scn t ex· perlme nt. TIley ore repo rJpd aR find. , --===


good wlndbreaJ< of evergreen trees.



bar, s hould nnd It to their advRntoge here as we ll as the re. Ta ke tb tl case Clf ~a l esmaos hl p , wblc h Is b e ing taught In Cblcago. Borne large stores h ave so strongly te lt the n eed of . Instruc tIon In It tb Rt they have es· ' Planting tablls hed schools or salesmallsh lp of th eir o wn where experts lecture snd K1\'e Ildvlce to smblllo uB employe!!. In tblll way It Is po~alble to de velop bet· ter Illles men and saleswomen.


d Trees Around Country Homes and Along Roa -

sides Improves Appearance and Tempers Sun and Wind . AS ' d F Th ' P -Many Varieties re ulte or IS urpose (BV C, ' H, Goetz, College of Agl'leulture, Ohio State Unlver.lty,

In Ohio and the Cen tral States, tbB trees whi c h are Immu ne to most oC the Ques tion 01 '''Indbrea lts and she lter InRe('l p nslS. F or a wind break o r d&doing a more practical and h elprul be lta Is or r~~ent origin. H eretofor e c ld lous ;rees , pl a nl ed closely In a si n' work than MIss VIrginia Pearl Moore, the re has b een ple nty oC for es t trees gle r ow. th e rollo wlng may be re co lU' who 18 at the head of tbe School 1m· to give protec tion, bu t sInce the vlrglo me nrl ed : Ma ple, e lm, popula r, boxe ld. provement work of th e Btate, and wbo timbe r Is fast di sappea ring the need or . Ils h. will o w and ta marllck. Fo r a has recentl y heen appoIn ted by tbe of their prot ecti ng care Is telt. It has sln):;'le r ow or evergr(>ens th e Norwa y Bureau of Education of tbe United been argued that wIndbr eaks mi g ht I spruce , whit e nine , Seotch p in e, y e l. Stlltel, organizer ror Tennessee of become h armrul to orc hardS In bring· I low p inE'. ar borlt ne. red pine and e v en «I rIa' tomato c lubs. For l ome t1mll l lng about conditions favorab le fo r late t he h emlock are s ul ta hl e. Any oC th ese tbe !!nlted States government. fro sta In th e sp ring aod In preventing I t rees, If propNly planted and cared tbrough Its bureau of education, bas , tbe free IJ oll e n lza lion of the blossoms, I for, will Boon malie an eIToctive wind· b~n encouraging boy II to take Iln In· but It the windbreaks are planted br eak . Howev er , If more g round can te rest In a Icultural actlvltleI!l by the ~roperly t h ey wil l n ot do tbls. Rath· l !Je sp ared a mu ch more e ffe cti ve and gr 0 fcorn ib organ Iza tl on c II S. po tato I er, they will be be n ell clill In protect. ! useful wlndh r p.a l{ ca n be t grow n by t Ing the orc hard rrom (lust storma, ex· planting sever sl rows 0 evergreens clubs, etc., and now the Ilepllrt men , I cesslve hea~ Ilnd drouth or very cold, and d ec ldlou8 treos toget her', For the mor e e Xlens lve wIndbreak. r ealiZing that the girl s must be kept dry wInds . The ben e tlclnl Innuellces Cln the fann, aa well as th e bOYB, III or· on the farm hom e Ilnd surroundings one .p lan would be to plRnt tall ev e r. pnlzlng tomato clubs among tbe girll go wltbout Question . gree ns ror the ('e nter rows Ilnd nil In all over the country. Miss Moore bas There Is no work that would 1m. on e ltber side rowIng ever· been appoInted state orgsnlzer of prove our count ry homes and s uburb· d dw ith Idls lo w gt Id tIlese clubB In Tennessee, and though ' an d welli ngs more than a liberal p lant· greens an ec OilS dreea mhxe , ahe onl" received her appointment a Ing of trees, no t on Iy In a II was t e ' IInall y p lan ti ng a r ow or enae s ru b 8 • 'Ii' mon tha ago,· tb eTe' are n ow about places , unsightl y nooks and co rners , on el tb er side. Anolh er plan la Just .e . 1000 T I IR lied I the but also along tbe pll bllc highways. the reverse of thi s , having the tallest • I entnesllee gl rb enfro tb n tat We do not advocate bedges or trult tr(>es o n th e o uts ide and the shortest. ous omato c u a 0 ese, h I Id trees for · roadsIde planting (tbough s low-growIng tr ees on t e n.s e, BaYII the Knoxville Journal an.d TrI\). they may be valuable for rencea and Wh en the wIndbreak reaches the line. The object of the work la to rrult) b eca use In time tbey might be. wIdth of fi O or 60 feet It becomell a arrord girls In the rurlll districts aD come tbe breeding places oC Injurious she lter .be lt. For t h Is p u rpos e trees fntelltgent Interest and an Income, !bsecls, i should be planted tbat will do well In that tbey may be kept on tbe fanna We have plenty of trees suitable for the soli and 10cRlIty and In the end bappy and HaUsllet' Instead of coming use as windbreaks and ahelterbeltll, have some commercial Talue. to the cIty where tbey Join the anemlo .- - - .•- -- - ------- ==== JlroceBllon of mill and sbop glrla. P erha plI no woman In Tennes see II




What Is perbaplI tbe mos t remark· ahle' grsve11lrd In the United States adjolnl tbe old SpanIsh church In tbe ancIent IndIan pueblo .of Acoma, N. 14 " and took over rorty years to con· .truct, says th e Wide World. Tbe vll. lage Is situate d hIgh In the air upon a huge, lIat ·topped rocl! I1IRny acrel tn exteLt nnd entirely bare ot soli. In I order to crea t e the graveya rd It was necesaar, to cllrry up tbe earth trom the plnln 300 ree t below, a blankettul I at a tim e, 00 the buck!! or Indian" wbo bad tu c limb with their beavy load-s up a prec lplto;lS tral! cut In laC'e or th e clilT. Th e g rave yard thus laboriOUS ly CO lls t ru c t e d. Is !Ield In olace on three side s by high retaining walls of stone



ThoRe co ll ege professors who named Ihe s even Ulod (' rn wonde rs 10rKot to m e ntI on th o popul a r umpIre. but a tboroug b I nve ~ ll gn ti o n learl s us to believe tbat th e re nln 't no sech tblng. I


I The unweaned plgl .hould be encouraged to eat with the mother. Wh en th e unweRned plg8 a ~e from , Soa ked corD IIcattered thinly ovsr tl&1I two to three weeks old th ey should teedln g floor la gaud feed and enforces b n oum ed to eat with the mother exercIse. When pIgs are ted separatee e c g r d 1 a I Iy betore weaning they grow faster by SupplyIng th e m s loppy 00 n and draw less on the BOW, whicb Is • IIballow troug h. The 8uckllng pigs , matter of lwportance when the IIlten cannot fully sati sry- the Ir hunger when are Illrge. ' ,., r eed to de pend enti rely ulJon thIs , LItters are usually weaned at ten h u d of reeding, . T he trough ror weeks but by proper care and reed. .tle young pi gs should be so pl aced Illg the <lam and th e young pigs will ,hat It cllnnot be r eached by lhe dam. gradually wilan l h e mselve s. In case 8 For youog pigs da iry by-products In young sow has a Illrge litter or I, un· ,, tl o o wIth various grolJnd f\hl e to prope rl y nourish t he YOUf'g It !rnllUl Ilod milling by·p rod ucts are III a good plilu to remove the stronbOs' taslly tha best reeds, Corn and bar- pIgs at troll) s even to elgbt weeks, ley meal, red dog tlour. wheal mldd· I H . Ill, EVANS. lings etc., may all be rreely u sed ror Coll ege or AgrIculture, Oblo State Uni'jaw a' and t)lgs a. the litter comes on, : verslty. "


New York claims tbe only woman house wrecker In existence, but reo ports rrom tbe dIvorce courls lead ono to be lieve tbat woman home wreckers are not scarce, French sclen ttst has Invented a ma.. to measure tbe s urrace of tbe hU Jr. aD body, but we lall to eee the 8(.·oll ornlc value oC knowing a maD', area IU square Incbell, ~hill"

It Is announced that the German empe ror selects bls wIle's hats. It ,

!:nus::~~S;:~m~to:~erV;~'''~::'~~: c:~ I ~~~~- ~~~~~ WINTER KILL; :~~e:-~~d ~n~~ ~~ICh

retu; ned good yi e lds . InqUiry nearly always .. 40wed "Mowlng tb e IHwn," soya a physical It Is anI,.. sInce harvest that the ex> tha t thIs flourish ing condItion was due calturls t, " Is good exercise." We raln .ent to which t he wcea t cro J.l was III' to one or both or two tblnga, viz., the would belle\'e him . but we ca nnot dl... lure d by winter killing haa become lI e lds bad been ilberally fertilized or pel tbe Id eR t hnt It Is work, evident. There la. Pllrhtl ll S, but littl e th e crop had heen planted extra early I conflo lation III a dlscllsslon, III this :. In the tall. Ev idently the Increased A Caillornla man seloed an elgbt,. . leai/on, of preventatlns tor th Is trou· growth In the early fall. due to thelle leeged n sb that barks like a dog, the blo but several useCul lessons may be I causes, hsd furnished • b!ltter root - - - ---IIIII:son , for tblll sort of yarn belh& drawn trom careful observations 10 i s"stem and a more proteotlve COVII .... DOW om clally declared op~n. varloul! communities, , . . I' Ing and tbe p lants. thus forllfled. Wert I There were fe", localities In Ohio ,enabled to better wlth!ltand the u. TRle aver:.gfo PTlctI ot Il haircut ill that entirely escaped winter' kUling at1 tI eme OIJld at the ' "inter wb.l ch toJ. ,LoDClQD III ~a Id to be 8 ('ents, 'but then, wheat, but' In practicallY ' every neigh, : lowed. , O. II, KlLlIl. · ', ODe ,lllorced to listen to a barbw " orbood It II'" possible to;" II,04 certal~ 1 College of - AgrIe.uItur~ ~h1o Sta~ . ~olated lIeldl. whlcb were ' but lltUe ' UDiverslty. '.".~ 1 .IlOf'kne,r accent: " , '. " I


lJP POSE: tbat aft e r gett ing UlAJ' 1'1 d un earnes t man s hou ld dl. ('uver th ut bl s br ide (' nred n otl>In g a t all a buu t a ny of tbe th lng 3 In wb leb be WDS Illt Of(ffl te d, t h a t sh e cO'llld no t fymllath lze WltJl his ahu s ond Ilu rposes Itl tlCe, and tbnt sbe pr efe rrt'd tbe company 01 o t her Jleopl~,. o r oven her ow u corn · pa ny . to M M, nnd wns al toget h er taken up wi th pllrnults that did n ot seelll to 111 m worthy or purs ult--could that m an r (> jolce over hIli r;, lurlage 1 And the wire; would no t sh o be also te r ribly dlsll Ppo lnt ed - unle ss s he hll,4 mlll'Tl.e4 tbe mnn o n Iy ror his m one y wltb out any Inte ntl un of car ing wbat h e thought or did ~ Ao d even In that case, could s he b o pe to Iwow s oy of th e deepe r Joys or lIIe? Could sbe b e lp giving way more and more to a senee ot dlasaUBract lon and dlscon· tent ? Would not such a marrIage be a cause or unha ppln e8!l tD bo th husband a nd wlle~ All Member, of the Bride of Chrl.t. W e ll, thelJ. how about tbla cnae! The churcb Is the Bride of Cbrlst. Church m e mb ers- Ir th ey are In fact m e mbers or the spirit ua l church-are m e mbers ot the Bride or Christ. Yet I, It not evident that a ve ry large proportion or those who co n s id er them· selves m e mb ers ot th o Churc b ot Chrllt. and wbo are recog ni zed aa A l-lODERN LINEi2 such, pre re r th e company of otber people to tb e company of Cbrlst, and F R glG HT on a salllns ship from dOwn Ih e ladd e rs, whil e be Is tranlleven whe n alon e, prefer th e ir own New York to London ue ed to be ca ll y s cn rchlll ~ ror Ih e source or the co mpoo y to hIs' (s It not R rn ct that 14 shillings n Quarl e r of whe at ; s me ll he wo uld give fiv e yoa rs of his the maj orit y or chu rch memhers show now II Is ju at ove r Ii shil ling a life to und o th o overslg hl or th o las t much more In teres t In tb e lr ow~ af. quarter by sle ame r trom New th e minutes. ralrs and In th e ir own comforts and York to LI verpool. No t a ll or tb e en· Desc lplln c In th e merc'bant service ple asures thAn th ey show In the prog· glnee rln s whic h has broughl nbo ut begins we ll e nouji;b ut Ih e top, but It reS9 or th e Kin gdom of C hrI s t or In this reault has b een ilone In the drnw · does not work ull th e WilY down, I~ OYercomln g the obstneles to lis prog· Inl; omce IUId the fnctory. Much of It s tops lit t h" low est grade or man wh~ ress. In othor words. do not proress- bl\s b een done by worki ngmen wh o hilS' a ce rtlfl ca lu to lost', tbe jun io r e nIng Cbrlstl a ns very commonly act like took the raw Inven tions out to sea, s ln E'C r, In th o evld,'n('(J At a r('t'Cnt the wire who tak.-s no Interes t In b er struggled with their crudltlea Ilnd pu t Illlutlca l In quiry D U O rend oC a man husban d or' In hIs pilln s or In bl, the needful Improvements Inlo the s miling ly Infor ming Ih eou rt thnt be work, and Bhows no sympathy with minds or tbe desi gners ashore. In big was as hore hav in g a Illst drink wh il e him In r l1gll rd to th e th ings In whIch ahlps and little the Ilro oesa Is goIng on he should ha\'e bee n on board joIning he Is most Inte u eely concern ed 1 and It Is a stern on e stili In aplte or in bOllt d rill. A junior otllc r or en· Can such Ii co ndltt on or thIngs be mode rn rellne m en ts . In tbe old dnys, g ln ce r dare not do flll e h a Ihlng . The anything but a cau se or ~Ief to the wb en boile r pressures we re so low law an d th e owne rs dea l se vere ly wit h celestial brld eg roo m~ that a st eame r had to slow down to him. He 18 s Ullposed to b eha ve wllh And can It bring any satlsrylng 'l oy raise enougb steam to whIs tle wltb, navn l ohedlen ce h lmselr, While hlBto the terroetrlal bride! ,\n upholstered settee wall often pro ow n a ut h ority Is r re<luen tly noul e d by How about our own liv es , yours and vlded In the cnglne room ror tb e \I ~P th ose lI oml nal ly at 'bl a eom mn nd, Any· min e? oC tbe man on watc h, so that be n e(>d b in g less like th o na vy 'ou ld s curC(' ly Suppose w e go t hrou gh li re wlthoo: not atand more tba n was absolutely b e Im as ln cd . The Ide a t ha t engIneer.. learning to lov e th e thin gs lhat God necellsary. Today It 18 probnble thai u ro given to cha 8tl slu!; fi remen wltb lovell, to des Ire tb e thin gs t ba t he de- not one seagoing vesllel could sbow a ny ha ndy wenpo n 10 oft e n round In slrell and to take a deep Interes t In auch Il thIng. A man who cannot wnlk fiction . It 1a fi ction. III r ea l lire disci., the ~alTYlng out of his purposea- about for tour bourll 10 the temp era · plllle be low decks de pends a lmost en • v,'ould we be abl e to enjoy H ea vcn II rure of a Turkish batb Is not wanted tlr ely on the good nalure of th e llre-o we could get to Heaven? What would now. , men. we do th e re? What pleasure coulll While the ship Is at &en sll tb e en. Su r rounding. Are Degra dIng. we find In tryin g to do the ,very g ln~ra except tbe chief keep two Socially the merchant service e ngl. lbln~s that we did not want tD d .. In watchea oC four bours e acb In tbe nee r Is equally remote from Ihe nllval thIs Ufe? twent y.four . The same mnn nlways type. His ac commod ation dot'll not Out of Place In Heaven, has tbe same bours. Tbe tblrd engl- olte n rI se sbove the level set by oltOne (,Rn Imagine a fashIonable neer takes t he 12 to • a . m. Rnd p. m. clothed tables Ilnd kit chen cu tle ry. church member asking. all 800n" as she I watcb, the second take8 the 4 to 8 and Such conditions havc 1I0t nn eXllandhnd entered tbe pearly gates: Wbere the chief's watch, 8 to 12, Is taken b1 Ing atrect on the Intellect, His converIlre tbe whist tabl e!!. and whi ch Is tbe the fourth engIneer or by tbe donkey· sallon In the me ssroom Is commonly WilY to tile tbeater? Where Is the mlln It th ere are O~IY tbree en gIneers personal IUId bltle r . If he comes from baH to be given tonlgbt?" And one ca rried. In tbls Cllse tbe chler Is Ill· the " uppe r middle olas&es" bls relacan rolntly conceiv e of the Intense as- I ways within call . The duties of "'·Rt ch· lives too often find hi m morose nt 40. tonlshment of her angel guide tbai kee ping largely Ue In seeIng thnt thlll or vu lga rized, or disappeared Illtogethanyon e c ould take any Inte rcst In or that doe8 not happen . As weJI as e r from th eir k en. If he ret!ists tbe aueb tbln.g a In the presen co of tbe the moln engines th e re ore the pumps Boc la l Influence or hIs e nv ironme nt the king, Ilnd of the gloriou s work thllt be II nri other auxilIary machin e ry lind the result la ofte n a curious m elltal comIs doing. But If such pleas urcs ae . boilers al ways seeking to go wrong 11 ba llve nesll whi ch s eems to a rl8e out these are really the m ost e n joyable give n a chance. Th e n In port all of tb e wdl IIl gh Incompntlb le requIrennd most desirable occupations. why hanlls nrc busy witb th e adjustments m ents that he Is supposed to meetshould we not expect to find them In tbat have bEen nOled down ns neces· an artisan wilLt s upp osed ly the presHeaven? And If secret prayer Is nn snrr · while th e sblp was steaming, Ilge or 1\ lIe utena nl 'and actually I~as unwelcome du ty a nd tr prayer m eet· and tbese entail th e bandlln g , of tre- a u thority th a n a co rporal. Th e bett er Ing and bymn singing are so dull and mendous welghtll with ha n'd tu c kle on· (! du cated me n stl'lv e 10 rI se above 8eatiresome ns most Christiana seem to Iy. Such work rloes nOl seem ,very for· raring. C;XfI'lUllll\tl (> nB must be Ila ssed think the m . what would be tbe good mldable, per haps, but s eAsoln!: engl· and th e y cnll only be e ntere d ro r by of going t o H eav en. where worshIp Ie neers know t hat Commande r Wlllett~, m en with a eerluln omollnt of Hell servmore In t'ashlon than card.playlng. or U . S, N" spoke truly of th e ir work Ice to th ell' ('1'(>(111. T ",,,lve monlha at dllnc lng? wben b e tolrl the Am e rl cn n In s titute least mU ~l b e Jlasse d ot sell to enable Paul s mld: "All tblngs are ' lawCul of Na va l En~in ee rs that "It requires a m a n to go up (or Il sc!'o nd elMs oerfor me; but not all tblngs nre e x· ' li e most s t re nuou s ond e xa c ting a ll e n· t lO ca te of c om(l et~ n c Y - lIl11t Ie 10 soy, pedle nt . All tblngs are law ful ror flon of nny known pursuit , and . w hile the certlfl cal e whi ch l e~u ll y qualities me ' hut 1 wlll n (lt be brought under rl'Q ulrln g skill and Int E' llI gen ce 10 ac· 111m to a ct ns II St'cond en sl n ee r o r tbe' powe r of any," The real 'lues· complls h we ll. It h OR to b e pe rronned on a v('ry em a il s hip 3S chl er e ngin eer. tlon Is not whetber we may do th is. IInder su ch seve r e stresses und In su cb Arte r obtaining that he must serve anthat, or t.he other tblng, but whether dirt nnll heat IlS to rob It or ail Interest other ye ar liS enginee r In reg ul ll r the thIng we do cornell between us and except In Its speedy completion, cbarge of a walc h on board an o eean Cbrlllt, 01' not; whetber It ' lnterfe res In the Silent Houri. goln~ steam8hlp bero re h e may si t for with our tellowshlp wltb hIm and the hIs firs t clRSS ce rtln cat~, wbl ch enAn engIneer doell not readily forg~t .. I d ot u 0 not. lien Ice th a t •.., rel1u re a, r abI es him to sIgn ou as chl eC e n"lneer !Jla flral voyage or that first night in .. I t.he "graveyard" watcb (12 to ~ a . m . ) at any sort or vessel, tram an excurFOel In the Household. wben he sat on a bucket to conSider slon atea me r to the last thing In AtIt might be well It Christians were the nov~lty or hie surroundings and re- lantlc ny e rs . to take Lo heart what ReT. Stephen vHe the beat, and woke up from a few When h e Is "up for second" be has B Wise silid the other dny to the seconds or troubled sleep to find the to pIck out the answers to Queatlons members ot the Free Synagogue of chler engineer vIgorously kickIng tbe about, say, .the temperature or the bot New York, at which he Is rabbi: "The bucket away from under him , In a well und er Imngillury and distressing dignity ot Jewish lite Is leis malTed tew weeks be becomes ashnmed of conditions dear to tbe hearta oC ex. by baselless attack from without wanting to lilt, even In the tropics; amlners, from mIxed me morle a or rauthan by ceaseless sell,coDsclous bab- but be has not conquered human weak. cous laughing nIghts aehore and of ble within. We are In no little danger neas even then, for after a few voy. days of anxloua vigilance o.ver racIng todRy of paying more attention to ages nature will hnve provid ed him e ngInes, when the prope lle r would be whllt ot'bers are saying agaInst UI wltb the trick or sleepIng while he nUIlR; clear or th e wintry Wl.'stem tblln to wbat we are doIng for our- solemnly pacell the engIne room, Usu. ,",cea n lind th e ship Quiver as tbou g b selTes, The wrong done to us Is us- ally this only bappens after Il spell of rrom earthquake. Wben he Is "up tor uall" curable and may be borne with· : exhausting labor, such ss Is conse- chief" h e Is set more dlmcult 'luesout permanent burt to our soula. The I quent on breakdowns, snd usually It tlons, but stili not bEyond the reach of only IrrElvarable wrong which can ~~ : only Juts unlll he lj·,lks Into the boH. simple nrlthmetlc. If he 081Jlres to done to Israel Is done . by I8rae L bulk ~ ead aDJ wakell, feeling th e honomry examination s - "extra That la Il8 true or Cbrlstians as ot foolish and 'fincanny, arter, perhaps, chIef" It la called-the Questions beJewa, The church can never IUC- fifteen seconds or lerky 1I0mnambula. come more academic, and h e unlocks ceed wMle It thinks IIgbtly of Its own tlon. Then he lell'm s to .kee p a bucket t h e brain cell whi<:h con lR ln8 the Intemission In the world where Ita bead of cold water handY,.to dip hIs bead In. gral calculus. The calculus Is pro\). bQII placed It,-CoD~egat1onal1st. to, and tbe .sllme Intelligence that con- ably stored n «;x t to visitors nf the moat .,: trlves tbJs antidote "arna him that It Important objects which It la to Pray Tru,Uulty, were unwls·e to men flon tbe cIrcum . achIeve Cor 61m-8 surveYOrshlp or Wbltt your prayers are, you "Ill b6. stance In the messr?om. I Indeed. a superlntendent.shlp ashore, a nice Ittmy brethren: with deep earneatneBII blnt of even feeling sleepy Is aa hor. tie home In , Forest Oate or Nortb would I urge you to pl'a7-habltually, rltylng to the ,ear as the smell or a Shields, Rnd wlt~ly companlonsblp un. reverently, tru.tfully to ' pray to your heated bearing ' II to the nOlltrll. A broken 1Iy voyaging, or pe rhaps the b"Yenly tather-and 'liner to rI .. hot bearing- once am.elt III never ro,," p.rot:ectlon or a wl,d owed mother. from. 10ur knee. liDt!L.1.oU .reel ' tbat gotten, It .1a- Dot ~',any mekns an --;::,u J'lae ~lctorioul. '. DCthat yOU.~ too,' overpowering InleU':"juat burnfng oH Unrulred SuperlatIve. , line. bet!n aaylnc to God 1~ the beart -but to ,llie , man on whoae watoll It HIl'-U You'd only consent ,to marr, pUl'lPOH wbleh, IaYe'-mlcbt to till occura <'.'t . reeo of ,Certain disgrace, me y.ou would help to make rue a be.. 'ol4.n . p-.ttl,.:rCb~ · ·'1 .wln not ·'let thee ' W,hen be 'b... ' eueji " the 'enginel, abd ter man" . . ,..~.c ~'. eacept tliOD, ~' me."-~ ht\&n, lb. other eil~.4i!ra " arued b, . Sh&-J ca~'t do th,at;. but t'd 'be W. '~~. - P: n: ('i' ., the Clb~ of .~~ c:omlDa tuio~ltn, Ilia to' herp a.'ake you a but ~\'1


~:~:;t~r~~: ~:!i::ae~i~y::Bs:~~ ~:~ WINDBREAKS ARE EFFECTIVE I


A,>&loo Betwef'tl Mao', Earthly and Hie H. ... venly Relatioru.


l"ow tha t a n Au ~ trjRn countess In Vienna h as e lo ped wit h un Awerlcan Instru ctor In roll e r s kating, one more perH res ulting rro m l be ralal beauty of Am e rican men stands revealed.

J1en in tnc Fneine Room

Bridegroom and Bride

r-ubl i ~h <r.





'elt n.






KALI andHerDarkTem fi

UC H a 8 tb e Eng. I I 8 h l!.utb or ltJ es wo uld Ul)e to nbol· lab tbo appalling In· dian W01"'R 1.1l1l ot Kat I, UIO Godd es s o r i{e volullon, t he popularity ot b e r little shrlno wlthlu ea s y rc ac h at gove ra· ment hous e see m s to 10 cilllL>!e yu!U' by y ea r. Mlilloo ot follow e rs Jour· ney every , 'c ar !tom all va rta o r Bengal to bolY betOI'(l t he god . And <the s tran gost pa r t or t ho whol e <thing Is that thI s worfl bl lJ III n ot confine d to the m or e Ignora nt o r the Hlndooa. but Is parti cipa te d In to an oqu a l degree hy thoso wbo 'havo hull tho a llvaotugo of Ill uropeo n r esilIe n ce and ed ucn llon . AI. thou gh form e rly there wlla n da lly sac rHl oo of h uman life boro re K Il Jl . IIlnee tbe Urlll Rh o cc upat ion s he ha s bad tu be lint 18f1ed wltb goats and she e p. Hu t e ve n today t ho s Ig ht of th s da lly s la yIn g at IGO at tbe's o ' dumb cren tures be fo r e th" 8hrlne ot ths Insati a ble godd ess Is one t\.ul t,~ few fore Ig n ers can s lo ud . Ka ll 18 known lo th s re volutlort. IAts at India U8 tb o Mother ; she li a s ' four urms; ber h a nd s nre cove r ed wHb blood ; In on o she hold s a lort a drippin g sword Bnd In the othe r a fr es bly se ve red hea d ; {ro m he r n eck ha ngs a s tr ing o f bea d s; he r t ee t a r e on th e bOd y ot be r bus; ba nd . t bs god S iva. The (em pie ot KaI1 is t "'a mLleB tram gove rn me nt hou ee . You DI18S at on e bound tram Enro pe to ASia, for t be roa d s udd e nly a ss umes a. tropi cal ns pe L. t. Cocoan u t pslms sprIn g · Il lort out or wster tnllks a nd Ins t a d or ~ pl e ndld buildi ngs you llee noth ing bU l m ud buts th a tc he d wIt h gras s . Th e


" "'-


~~T~b~r,.e_e~fll~k1~rvs~s n~t~ovn..,.tb

Every m a n bas a bes t slrl waltl~ 'or h im 80 mew be re In t h e world . Tbe nome nt t hut he I. born . tbe cat a lo gue Ic r k In Time's I':I'e;,l tacto ry a 5sl C'U 11m to n b (' ~ t girl or el ~ e lJ uls h Im all h o wfllt lng II s L T h('re Ie no e ~c dp ln g yo ur b est girl. \0 IIIlIl te r whe re a be may bs born 0(' now ro r al llu·t frolll he r you w.~ ,,' II('n Y DU s tartc d, t be Inev ita ble at,. (l'Ilcllon will work YO llr d es l ln y. An4 ~' ll/'n YOU m et yo u wi ll botb Iillow It. All t.h at Is la Idng Is tlls mate rial rea liza t ion. and luu KDlu cb o.a 11 11 Ided e \' entlIal ly lind t he ir way to the surfa ce, yo u rs Is bou nd to corns. Som e ti me" a III lln's bes t ~rl II bo me ly; home ti me s he r moulh 18 not • cup ld's lJaw , and her fea tu res o re ir· re gu la r; lh nt makes no ti ;;te reoce; be will loye h er IU ijt l lle Bame w he n he m('et8 be r. Alsu. s he may be a no the r man', wire, Such th ings h a ve b('e n kllo wa. lIe re' s bopl ng th a t It will n ot happen lO you .-Llre.

Regions Through Chamonl :.: a nd Zero m a tt Ar e Very Mountainous , WIth' Snow.C a pped Pea ks and Dan. ge rous Gorges .

7,c rm ntt , Swltzerland .- The r e gi o ns . betwee n l' ha lllon lx a nd 7,c r Jll lltl a r e lurge ly o r s lule a n d ve ry moun ta inous , wltll s now·ca ppell d lHt.a n t h e> lg hts Il nll fea r ful gorges, th roug h wh ich turbu· le n t m ou nta in torr~ n lS roared . The lmln r u n,; d eep beside slcep s lopes co\'· .-rpd wlll1 a wll d('rJ)l's ti o f p ines an d hllz e l lJ\1 ~ h s. a nd tile e ldl'r wIth It s '::llrp;('O U ~ mass "!! of blood· re d ber ries numlng o nl tram 11'1 0 g rcc n depl h s or th e u ll clc arc (l. II nc1e ul rar('s t ~ wh Ic h Bholt e r It . Gigant ic Illos, y bou ld e rs re· po: c d I1ndE'r t he /;('n (' rOIl ~ o ut· "'re tc bed boug h s of th e {'\·N gree us . und It rE!'lul rf'd n o etrorl or th e eage r rnn ry to Im agln ... s lIl a ll grll )' m e n . c lad In th t} b row n garb or I h('lr Tace. seat · ... d. mu sIng. o n those 1'0('1<8. In the hca rt at th e m ount a lo 60lltu de. I,' ro m s ucb sre n e r y We madl' 11 s tee p nnd s low descl' nt . Into t ho w ide. gre e n ntll .. y ot I he R hone. It lay fnr b e· nl'al h tl". ro mpl e te ly vls lb lo durin g ou r wI nd In g nrog ress d o wnw a rd : fa Ir II lId broa d . \\ lt b ro ws o f s tn te ly Lorn· r, nrdy poplnrs . n('l ds ot wov ln g gree n u!;pnrag1l R and th e sort, be n ll ing w ll· lo w8. nestlin g eac b lo eal'h . a long th e blinks or t b e sa unte ri ng rlye r . Fro m Vlege. ot h e r wise Imown as Vlsp . to Ze rm utl. th e s c~' n e r y chn n ged once mor e , gr o wIng- ' \' lIde r nnd fur more g ra ndl y b (>3u tltul , It seem ed to me, tha n nny la nd scnpe we had Sl'en , even In S wlt 7. prlll n d. The mountni ns be· ca m e wa ll s th a t ~h u l us a wny ·trom th e rest at t he wor ld. u n l ll we could feel th e \'cry prps e nce of the SOli I or Lon e llD(~ ss broodIn g th e re . We pnssed t h rough gorges slmltl1r to l b ose ' ........ : a m o ng t he Ito('k y mOl lO ta lns a nel gha t o III III C h i del's n nd as hes . Tbe s trange l y dl ~sl mi1 a r to tlie s mooth e r ro(' o of onG wss gre y wlt :1 a shes. Au. Sl01X!9 an d g ree n va ll eys to wh om we o th e r sat In th o a ltit ude o r BU ddhn . 1 had gro wn n('c ustomf'd In thi s Innd. " For Ul any yea r s." whl s c red m y Amo ng s ome elt ('('e' lln ~l y wi ld por· gl'ld I P 1 tlon s 0(' the reg Ion we w e re pe n etra t· . e' n o wstrl cke n t o ne s . " thI s fa· i n g t h er e we re lon esotne-Iookl ng, SIiPul. klr has n ot un cr ossed hI s leg s." Fa· I IIn gly p rim lth'e ch a lets. or r athe r klrs o r asce llcs dO thl H sort of wr etrh e! d b o\' els. bl nc l(en e d b y the pe nan ce. One will h old up an arm w~n l he l·. a nd fre que n tly built a ga In s t ti ll It wltb e rs an el becum es usc- so me m ig ht y rock . whIch h a d rolle d lells; anolh er will s tand on one leg do w"n th e m OlJnta ln sl de a nd wh ic h , for YE'a r ~ and a t hI rd ne ver rI ses fro m seen a c ross t h e go rge, a mong nume r· tb e g round . T!le fnlt brul s u pply all I ou s oltle r r ocks o f va r yI ng bu11(. the ir wa n ts It nd acq uire m e rit th e re by . \ looked lik e a. pe bble with a. eurl ous On e of t bese me n he ld hi s heod so b ar nacl e a tta ch ed to It. Th e dwe lle rs p rou d and 1001;ed a t us. rro.m undl! r In t bese huts n pllea re d a s r ugged and le ve l brows with th e most hea utlful w ild a s th e ir e nvironm e nts. w ith ey es In Ih e world . W hen one looke d wll ich t h ey mu st wr. ge fea rtul w a r s , lowe r and Ell W th e twI sted and WIll' !'t r u gglln g to wrest a livelihood from e ned le gs o no turne d a wa y with a suc h b a rre n . c ru el natur e . 1 c annot s hudde r . H e too k the rupee flung to h elp wonde rin g. as 1 r ecollec t th e ir hIm w ith tbe most hnugh y air Ima g. drea ry hablt a tlon s Dnd Isolat e d st a te. Insble. It was e vident th. at he was what can b e their vie W of IIre.conte nd' convlllred of his bollnoss Dnd Im agi ned thnt tortur e had lifted hIm ta r a bove tho res t at hum a n kind. To wh Rl de pths the wo rs hIp of Koll ca n descend wlll be und erst ood wben It Is r e ca ll ed th a t s he was th s patron goddess ot the Thugs. a Hlndoo sect, wbo devot e d th e Ir lives to highway robbery . They e ntered Into frIendly conversatlon wn.h strangers on tbo high road nnd , at a com'enlent mo' ment, strangled them to dentb and m nde orr with th e ir goods. It Is le sl than 50 years sInce the Ins t of theU number wn8 banged nfte r u relentles:1


ave nuo th ew tern pie Is a to narro la ne· i' ________ ____ of dar k , bo x·lI k e · KALf Bbopa fill e d with re o Uglou s wa re - cln y Oll t h er gold mode ls of th e god · t ougliC. dess, garla nd s of H WIIS 1\ remarigolll, the s a c re d lI e r t o tum flo we r, bldeo us col. tram this hid · ol'l)'d IIrlnt B of Ka \l ' eo II B mum· mery to the and ch a rm s to . k eep co urtyard awuy th e evil sye . 'rh e pilg rim s' who again wh e re c hildr e n · pla y· come f rom ' every ed and olde r part a t Bon gal to pil g rim s squa t· worshIp at I b l!t ed an d 111.e and shrtn e fin d th eir wr e ath e d c reaturo comrorts In th e m s elv es the food pli ed on wltb ye llow coppe r d lshes .g B rlands . sweet m ents nnd Among tbem tri ed s tu lTs abou t was a dwart w'bJob til0 fII e6 C'A/?RY.lN Q lNACJE;' OTKA£.! 7/i/?Ol/GU wh om the pea · Swarm In bungry ,sTREETS OF .I.VCf(}VOW pie . urged. up. hord es . An, el'U , sme lling pla'de It 1\1. No Boone r ero )' OU au our not lce--a ge ntle littl e c reature alig ht tram the 'carrlag e th a n yon ' are p e rfectly . formed and 50 years old. 'If bese lged by r a gged unltem pt m en who Barnum had ha ppen e d upon him us call the m seiv.el'l. pri es ts '. a nd seek to woulll not be seeking a precarIous L1v' Pl'(lve th e Ir boll ness by di s pl ay Ing the In g In the t e m p Ie of I{all. for no dwarf IIIIcre d thrend wo rn b~' th e Brahmans. was e ve r a more r e al and graceful min. One rutHon ta kes ~8sess lon o f you . Ia ture ot!l man. As we pUjlh ed only to e ncou nter th e c la mor or oth· tb! oug h the tbrong our guide pointed ers. but ntt e r n littl e Ilrg ument tbe y out th e shrInes of anotb e r Ganesb, a come to te rm s and the , 1,atesl a rrll'llis Vis hnu, with ten arms and legs. and go In search or othor pr py: ~ _ '. iii. Dale Buddba; whose serene composAlon g a na rrow alley thr onged with ure looked stra ngely out of place In pers plrtng tmUvea ' ,oU; l'I)och tbe th e midst of tbls warlike ~nd sangul· sbrlne of the elE'ipbant·headed I'od : nary mob of deltIea. Each shrine hili Oanc8b- a little cubbybole' or stone Its own Brahman Btten~ant who holds and 1)ln st er where the ,god' re pose!> In ou t an Itchlnl palm to visitor and pll· n?d relie f, gorl a nd e d with IDllrlgolds. grim a like. Elbowing our wny tbrough the ... ...e..,t!...,t.... e .... p... s ".°vf....... crowd w e pene trate to tbe court at th e temp le of Kall. wh e re m~n . worn· en and cblldre n Bwarm like ' b ees. ' I!creamlng and thrtlstlng their way to th e horribl e 8hrlne. The stones are Bt a lne d wIth pool!! of ' blood tlia't lie Japanele Have Converted the Field of Mukden Into a Beautiful nenr n cross·pl e ce of wood s haped like Cemetery. a gull19tlne. It la here th a t th e s heet> _ &IJd gom - ore slain amid revolting A recent traveler throu~h Man· BCenel!. The h ellds orp coUecte ond given to tbe poor. but the hOdlea nd churla glveB us a picture and a deskins belong to the pilgrims arid the s cription or the great cemetery which priest. In the sh ndow of the shrine- tbo Japanese have nearly completed a pla In sto ue s tructure-Is a barren· R.nd whioh some tlme ago they con8e. looking tre e s meared with re d paint crated to' tbe RussIan dead who fell and from the hnre brunc hes hang In the battles about Mukden, In ' th eIr precIpitate retreat the hundredS of little s tones tl s d with hu· man hair. for women who lire clllld· armIes of tbe czar left tbousanifs les s worship this tree nnd tbe stones upon thousunds of their fallen com· and haIr are ple dg es of gIfts it a child rades unburied. Arter the slgnlng or the treaty of peace the soldIers of .holllel b e born to them . The temple Itselt stanus In the cen· the Mikado collected every last bone ter--small and m ean to th e eye. The and e very bit at ragged unltorm and main e ntrance Is closed e xcept. during eve ry broken weapon which the Rus· tbe early hours at the morning. but sl a ns had left upon tile fleld and tbere Is n Ride door tbat opens Into burled them ,\\' Ith soldierly lIonors. wbat loolls like II. bottoDlles s pit- aU In the center of thlll vast plat they .d ark and dreadful.' Through thIs door Inclosed by a white marble fenCing a presses a mob of men. women and reBeTl' ed spnce .f or those who had evl· children. eager to do Dujnb, or rsl" dently beEn officers; OVer the graves of the common sol. e r ence. to the goddess of destru ctIon . Only Hlndoos are permitte d to a scend dlers Iron crOBsea, In the Oreek torm, the Hteps and enter th e te mple and were e~cted and over the gravGs or others bave to be content to crane commanders crosses ot wblte marble. tbt'lr necks from tbe courlya rd . while Then as 1\ pivot to the oonverglng 'tbelr pries tly guides ,strive to p re ss llne~ th ey reared a terrace, and on back th ~ . s tr eam of worshippe rs. In or· tbe' terrace built a marble temple, all When the der to ge t a pas sing glimpse at Kali at a cost of 50,000 y.en. 10 her bouse of darlmess. One cat ches work was ready for de dIcatory rItes. 1\ glimme r of crtmson and gold they \nvlted . Russian e celeslal!t!cs through th s noisome blac kness at tb e from Peking. HarbIn and Vl a divostok, 'PIt that seetbes witb humnnlty. ThIs togetb e r wIth such military command· was KnH dripping blood aDd puttIng ers . as were near, to assemble ' " ,tor ro.

Every Man Haa a n Amnlty Sam. where on the Earth, II • Law of Nature.


Beautiful Scenes That Greet Tourist in Switzerland.



Practical Fashions





th~e"..;....,w":....r..._,,.w_I.,t~ the ~rlu81: authorities .••• ~

Human Ya rdstick . ··Cholly, b ut 1'8 Ure ll !" e xclaImed a a nd lhln n egro, mee ting a s bort a nd SIOut erl end o n WaR h lngton stree t. "Wh a t you been dolo' to ~ e t tired f" d ema nd ed the otbe r. " Well." 6lIpiain ed the thin on.. draw ing a d eep !lrea t h, "o\'e r to IJro t her S ml th 'l! de y a re m easlI rln' de hou se tor s ome ne w car pe ts. De, hl\v e n 't go t nl) yawd stl cd . a ud 1'8 just e zac t Iy alI fee t ta ll . So to obllg. Droltie r S mith , I'a bee n a ·lny ln down an d n ge t tl n ' up all over delr boua.... - Youth's Compani on .


WHITE PIMPLES ON HEAD In this fe tc hi ng littl e fr oc k we bava all s lm l)le )llI eH. bU l th er e Is obout Ran eom, Jll.-"The troubla IIt,.mil tb o dreBs n d isti n c ti venes s t bllt marks on o ur ba by wh en be waa only ab/)u' It out or th e ordiua r y. II 18 mad e In two weelt8 old. Start ed like IIttl.· I( imo no fa shion a nd has t ho c los ing wh ite plmllleq, lo01( e d like an ol.d scab a l t he> f ront - from th e k to tbe ot blood and matte r. His whole beRl1 s ki r t he m . A t ll ck a l each s boulder was cov e red for a.feVl' montba, tbeo It a l fron t prov ides I he n e r eRsa r y full· wen t to his e ar. shoulders, and hi. lI ess. T he fou r·gored sk irt Is tn em · ""hole bOdy. It s ee m ed to com. put 111re (nshln n. T he jllllt e rn provi des tor thi ck and all cley on h Is head, while :ow collarless nec k or high nec k wit h on the otber pa rta at his body It waa rol lin g colla r . A pretty anll ex pen· more like wate r coming Ollt of tb. slve froc k rn n be m a de at n lnk g lng· s kin. He ,,'ould scrateb until the erupham with tb e t rlmmlu g ba nds at Plnki tl on would I>s all cover e d with blood a nd w hite glngba m . and gradually spread. The leas t little T ile na tt e rn (5S0!l) Is c ut In sl1.e s 32 stir or rub would cau~ tlla sorell to t o 44 In c he s bu st meaSllT e. Medium bl ~, sprend and Itch. Never hnd a s,ze r eq uires fi~ yard s o f a6 In cb rna· tull nlgbt's sleep, res tless all night. te r la l nnd oll e yard or 27 Inc l.l conlrsst· "The BOrGII were horrId to look at. Ing mate ri a l. Tt Iss ted untll he wss about two and a T o ", o< u r. ,h I, " n norn . • • n d 10 cen " to bait years old. Tben we saw an eo> "Pu tl e r n U<eP IH.. tl1l ~n \ " o f t his p flPt' T. Write zema advert1~ement In the paper to n ame find (Hjllr ~ 8 t4 lli n i n l)' , an d b e su re to IifIv. oi.<, Bnd Dumb.r of P Bttorn. use - - - , but It dId no good. Thea "'e used Cuttcura Soa p nnd' Cutlcura Ointment. We put the Cutlcura Oint. NO 5809. slz e .-_ ........... .. ment on thick at bed ttme and put a tIght bood on so he could not Icratch NAM E .. ....................... . .... .... .. tile 80res . Then we wasb(ld It clean with Cutlcura Soap and warm "Vate. TOWN .. .... . ..... .... .... . . ....... ... .. .. twIce a day. and be was completel, l STRE ET AND NO.. ..... .. ... .......... . cured ." (Signed) Mra, 10. J'. Bulltb .... ger. Dec. 30, 1911. STATE ........ .... .... .... .. ............. . C uttcura Soap and OIntment 1014 tbrougbout tlje world . SBDlpJe ot each tree, with 32·p. Skin Book. Addretla LADY'S WAIST. p<>st-card "CuUcura, Dept. I.;. BOllton."


Honors to Russian Dead



1IglOU8 service In this chapel , wher~ amId the assembled m e n or botb races, tbe land was sole mnly <,onse· Typlcal _Swl.s Chalet, crate d as a resting place for the Rus· sIan dead. Ing that. as buman beings, tlley pas· We tblnk we b ave no t d on e b a d l1 when fifty .years after tbe battl e 01 sess Slome gllmme rln gs at the light ot Gettysburg we Invite the 8urvlvln~ I hope Dlnd Inlth and cbarlty, Borne laint ' occnslona l prompllngs of ambltlon, or Confederates t o · mee t us were b tb ey I fought us, and with th e ir northern blind yearnIngs toward wid e r bor!. rellow cltlzens gIv e th a nka todny tOI l zons and other worlds . . Yet th e y llve a unIted country. But th e ".Japs" bave In the mill s t of an awful wilderness. bettered as well as antlclpated our almost In the manner of tbe cllrr act. For wltbln flve y ears ot the dwcll ~l rs. born nnd reared and burled battle ot Mukden they laId out tbe on tile mountaIn slopes; In poverty, In field as a cemete ry ror tb.elr con. solltude, in Ignora n ce ; clinging lik e quered enemies. buried tbem d ecent. blind sucklings of a wild beos t, to tho Iy. bad religIous rItes celebrate d by bosom of th e Ir Mothe r Eortb . prIests or Ibe lr own faith. an(1 paid personal tribute to th e courage and FINOIS HER RUNAWAY SPOUSE loyalty of the men tb e y had von· Qulshed. All tbls without ono word 01 Then Mrs. Harme. Baba Has Him Ar. suggestion Irom outald e.-ThA Ad· rellted on Charge or Wire and vance, Child Abandonment. Shepherd Dog. Sh e pberd dog, she phe rd'S tl og, nnd sbee p dog ar e Intel'cha ngeubl e te rm E for the same bree d or a nim a l. th e Ins t torm being. l)erhallB, the m os t used . A Scotch collie is one of th e two Il es t varieties or sheep dog s . The so uth e rn, or Engllsb, sbe(' p dog, Is lal'go r than the Scotch c01l1e . wllh rath er Hb o rter hair. OrdIn a ril y p eople wh o are not very partlculnr a bout mntters of kennel call them botb "col11es."

Rose To Fame

' capable of continued flight. For tho last few years ths Wright bro t hers"':' one of wbom recently dIed, not In the , ~~----------~~--------- aIr, but where most men dIe In bedthan any .other adator In the Hubert Lethlm Wae I Street Car Con. have been regarded among the world', ductor Before Flying Careel'- · ,foremost manufacturers of flYing ms. ~p,"e Othe!'B'. chlnes, .and the property of the flrm 1a

How Aviator

d~J:::r~~f~~ ~e

' C"" 1 .. ~"




to a mlllloll

emlli,1 ' motoreycll' 'h e: achieved' .(lIml ·"alr r!lute. a~nr~ ... ·I~f .......llft · l'lIceJ' uatll ' the ~r... lulW'~. hjm ,.;'.

,.-----" 1


'Wmterln bluIDgl ... dulte"'tloD. Olo.u 1U14

Amon g the dainty wais t designs sbowu tbls season notblng pre t lI er has been o •. e red tban lbls charm ing model. Tills wai s t cn n be developed for dressy or gene ral wear, according to the man· Der at Its treatmenl. J t can be ma lle wilh blgh or low ueck nnd wllh long or Hilort sleeves. Tb e arti s t alTers a cle ve r Id ea for tbe trimmin g of ~ ht.l wnl s t with bands of In se rt ion. Other mod e s at t rimming tbe !Dod e l will sun;· gl'sl tb e m se ly e s to the t llsty woman. Law n, mull, ma rqulselte . voll e . ,r BilK is ova llabl e. 'Th e r:altero ( " 83 4 ) I ~ Cll t tn s Iz es 32 to 42 Inch es h ust m eas ure. Med ium s ize will r eq uIre 2% yanl s or 36 Ineb mot e rl a l nnd :l ynrd s or I n~e rUon.

Cble&go.-A Beven·year counlry.wide To procure t h lfl " " n e rn . sen d 10 cr n t a to Bearch , finan ccd by a n inhe ritanc e. "'Fntl frn Dcp Il Ttm c:n t " o f th l!!l Im lle r. Wr ito nllme no d [l.dt1 r ('s~ p lai n ly. DIUl be su re t o U"ivo f! nd ed su ccess full y wh e n Mrs. H a rm es ui l e, ond nu mbe r of ",a ltern. Baba caused th e nrr e~ l of be r hus hand on a cb a rge of wife and child abnn· NO 5834. donment. H e wa s taken Into c llstody SI ZE .. ..... ... .... _.. In his r es taurant at 6 ~ 1 W ell s s tr eet NAM f£ . . • .• • . __ __. _•••• •. _. . ..... __ • • • _- -_. by det ective s of tbe ChI ca go avenue s tntlon. T OWN .- . .. ..... - ....... .... ... .... .. . ... . lIfr>l. Daha told th e poliC e! that h e r STR EET AND NO.... .. .. ..... .. ...... .. husha nd d eser ted he r se ve n Yf M S Itgo. A monih later sbe Inherited a leg<lCY sTAn; .. .. . .. .. .. .. . - ... . .. ...... .. .. ... . from an au nt and ulled the money to s earch for Daba. She tra ced him to S a me Dope. vl\rlolUs towns througbout the country, ABs ls l.nnt E dl ln r- Wh at k in d at s hot nud EL month a go lea rned that he waB In {''blcngo. She fOUllti blm r ecent· s ball we h a nd the n omi nee or t h e op. ly and cau sed bls arres t. The Dabas POBIt e party ? Ed itor- Jus t tb e s ame a s we ha nd e d are Persians. the oppos itio n ' nominee o r our o wn perty be fore the nomI na tion; only , Long Time Starting. cbange the names.-;"Puclc. Plymoutb, M ass.-.-Uncle TUden Plerc:e, 10,1 yea re old next December, No Matter. bas Just. played ,his Drat game .of galt. 'I bllsneard." said Unell! Eben . "dat He . litU jU6~:';'liild Jils Drllt automobile politics ma'kes stJ:,!Ulge be!1fellows. But rIde, ·too, nnd to 1111 out tbe list of dat don' mak e much dlffunce wh lln novel , experl.en.ctB, :bad hl. first ~I.. dar-a ,sech a rumpus d~t nobody calD't of" Il.nglir , a!e.. . " ,lMP nohow." · . ' .

I I : . . \I~'-





Foiled. The lovers whJ s pered together ~ fore tbo doors or ber father'. bangar. plannIng the last delall, ot thel. elopement. "Hurry, dearest." be urged. "W. will wheel out your runabout monO! plane and togetber we'll fty awa, olf tte wings of the night, nevermore 14 be separated!" "Walt." sbe exclaImed. "I bav~ a better plan. We wlll rua It out aneS bide It In the old ,table; then we will to the trolley tUld papa 11'111 never 8uspect us." They were hardly half a mile OQ tbelr way dowu the road when, frolQ overhead. came the roar at tbe triple propellers of the racing monoplane ae papa dashed out Into the darknesa 111 hot' pur8uIL-Puck.






., •


,.. ,

,."ler ma~ es Itqulu 1J1uu eosLl y . Buy Red CI'OII Ball Blue, m.. k"" clolhes wbller lball .. noW'. Can't Afford It. Hostess-Mr. ManL. you eat ro... beef rare, do YOII not? Ouest-Yes, rare and rarely.-Bo. ton TrRnRcrlpt.

"GILT£DGE "lheonlylaJi •• ,hoed...Jnalh.tpool.

lively conta in.. OIL. Blulu end P nliahea ladi. . .ocI chitdlc.n ·. bonl' and .hoet, ah_in. . without natJblDc.

25•. "French Clou," lOco "STAR" ,ombination lot d"ni"<t."" poIiohto, III kinds of rutlel or 'a." .1,~. ICe. uDand." me 25•.

"QutCKWHITE" (in liquid loon wilh ."""..)


••Dd .bih... dirlY


tbooa,. ~

'"ALBO ft cl. . . . ..,.... whlteaacaa.... ho .... fa ,ound white ulr:f'!I teck.ed in one-tin boxeltwith,par:-.. 10•• 1.... ndoo"".Ia,•• aluonin.l1Ibo.... willl.peQ...· 50: II you, -J.,.I,.rd"", nctk..., ,h. kind you 11<1 .. the piLe in "am", lor • lull.;........... chara- pajoL

..-.1 ..

WHITTEMORE BROS. '" CO. Alban; St., C.",brid ••, M....


TIl. o/J, t: ,md

_ - - - - "'_


"'''''11 MU1I u(.aur", .,

~1JJIw ,. rJu w.,u

a t!



t '

t! " i".


,OiifUt.STA TE ,fAIR



Elaborate Program ~o'ided For . Visitors Aug•.26-31.



Thi S Stupendous Production, With 300


D ~plcti ng


the Llf. or Early

Settlers, W i l l Be Presented Each Night and W i ll Be Followed by a Magnificent Dlsp!ay of Fireworks. Racea Each Afternoon.

Th l' 'Ohio-Columbus Cen tennial celewill be held In conjunctIon "'illl 11i(' ~Inte Fall' In Columbuli. Aug. 2G·:n . IlI clllslve. LIberal legIslative apprUI,rll\!lolI Ilu d JIOPular subscrlp· flo us by the progressive and patriotic me rchants of the Capital Ctt,. make It p08111 lJ II' 10 ce le brate the centenary aonlvPrRary of tbe Buckeye capital tn a fitllng and elaborate manner. Tens of tbollslln dll of ,'talton wl11 be attrllett'd hy th.. lllagnltlcen('e of !lie comh ln f.' fI ('y('nts- Cente nntal celebra. tl on and Rlatl' ~'aJr. Hecol-(nl zln ll thut Illllusernents be-' yond rh p ordinary muRt be provIded to properly enl pl'I lIllI the viSitors, tbe Ohi o Sint e ~'R lr nlltna~QIll .. nt will preSHII au nlllll ~f."'! l·1H pro"ralll b!'yond <o III pI! rl'. Harn"'!1! I\lId I'IIlIlIin;.< r,,, 'e8 will be dall y fl':ltll r~s , IlprZll/l.''' mllltllry stalll('ns. 1f' 1I III I II 1111 \H ' I'. wl !1 <1t-1t!;ht all with th ei r 1lI1I1I<'lll'erS 11 1111 d rl118 A th'tll11nK reat IlrI' or I h .· 1'1'1',: dnil y program "'111 h p Ih f' pre"! IIl allon of Robln ~o ll 's rUIlIOUS 11011 8 an d looptlrds ThIs ad Is st!lgrod I!I R Inl' ~e st('a l arenn, ",hl're every sp",·tulOr mil)' v ie w the pOl'tnrlll '"I1'e wh ic h d('arly proves man's maslery 0\' 1'1' tll pse fero· c l o u s bll4lsts. Th e anhnnlH lire !:om· plet!'l)' ulld er hl ~ rontl'ol II l1d P!'rform R \'I1I'l et)' ot !lets ma l'\'elou8 hl')'onl1 desr rll,tlon . Twel,'c hll;h·('lus8 <"Ir<:U8 acts ar!' IIlso In cllul ed In the froro amnsetllf'nt program . Tht'A(> won' garn!'red from the ('ream or tb o r ir"us world Ilnd ea ch In Itself Is n stellar performance . Each ni ght will he presented the mammolh spect !Il'ulllr Ilroduction. "Ohio Pioneer Days." The spectacle trnly dcpl Ns the hardships and trials endured by the early 0 1119 settlers. Two hundred and e ighty actors are In the cast, coslllmed In keeping with . that period. The story of the play Bhows the settlers enjoying a holiday with games ~nd sports. SuddenlY they are attacked by Indlaall. They retreat to the fort, and after a bard battle the red men are repullled. Eight hundred feet of scenery. abowlng an entire. Tillage and fort. are necessary to It II proper presentation. Ji10rty fullblooded Sioux .Indiana are tn the cast. They were bt" llpeclal perml • 81im of the government. Fonowlng the 8pectacular perform· ance. visitors wnJ be thrilled wltb a $5,000 t1rewor.kll display. The pyro. technic feature each night will be the magnificent illumination, "Niagara Falls." Here Is presented a roaring mass of IIhlmmerlng, cluzl1ng splendor. A misty blue radiance 81mllar to the elrect of NIagara by moonlight. A ~owtng current of fiwe 150 r~et In length, emitting Irrldescent rays and brilliant varl-colored lltara, filling the IIky with da'zzllng brilliants. , No expense has been spared In an earnest endeavor , to provide visitors with amusement more magnificent In IIplendor and more stupendous In char· acter than has ever been witnessed In the Buckeye state,








•• : .. , .........

Real Eslate Transfers


Mliry L . Mull orl! WIIS 1I11poioted i W J L' Bi l ' f to Ed"eoutrix of t.h tl /l811iltl of Dav id M. I' dtlM'tlr ""J gg",:ln( . wllr ote ot 10 ,-,urwID, ..1 ).Iulford deoea!led . Ihlrry RoblD · I . ', . . ' L' I H LeWIS :::leik er, OilS ~elker, Carrie t " D IiUIt J ",or IIrp p r \V e re IiJl . " . a t nn' lit. tla e ('/lrllte ~br e w~bllrg lind Nellie Beving'oD, ) ,nnt,ed nOmlnl!lt,r b D b H arp pr. J tloeu:;(·, I I t.o Elizu be tli ::leiker, lot in I,e anon, c" ..e eOCll 1$:-1 ,. R.i1111l Plirk~ wa .. IlPl'o mted Ild '1 H d G S 'k I t '-_ . , . ,inlsl·r,. tor of t be ell tu to uf Mllrls L I\b ay IU" I' ~ to us el er , 0 IU e I1non , 2.,5. I ·" nover. decetlseo , lit It bund of Lewis Meiker Olle of the belrs at ~ 10,000, Mablou Geohnrt, lIominil!trator of h~w of Henrietta Seiker and William I 'Je tlStllte of Mary E B')lttn, de. Selker , to EUzabeth Selker, lot in Lebanon , $1. • ~ a8ed, fllt'ld his first acoount . James V. Hankinson to MluJorie An Instrument purporting to be Hankin8on, lot is FrankUa, ~ ne last will and testament of t.he Amy ,;\, Parker to Carl B. Hug, j Ita Emma Hulse of FraDklin town trtlot in Franklin township, SI. ~ hip was flled .






Marriage licenses

Commissioner's Proceedings

Joe W. Davis, 26, mllchinist of .1 :ayt;oo and Mary M. Levlcy, of .&Jarveysburg. Alber' B. &badler, 27, of li!weeny, '..'exas and Eva. Burns,20, of Lebalion. Allen G. T. Oeborn, 23, farn er of Hlanobeeter .lid AnDa Laura AD. .larson. ·24, of Pleasant . Roy M. Bradford, 25, tellcher of i..ebanoD and Cornelia A. Hill, til, of Lebanon. Heber'D. Willitlms, 24, jeweler, of :;·.ebAnon, anc1l:!arala Virginia Maroh - :-.!8, of LebaDon. \ Frank B. Cassidy, :!1, OIlsh regis t er employee of Davtouand Mill! M. .lIoon, 23, of Kings !aWs.

Bills-Ed .J. Templin, oou\rllot, f72 . WHliam Leiohty, bridge ra pairs Ifranklin township, $t. Ohio COI'rngated Colver' Co., oulver' pipe 189.69 . William tlebald Realty Co. retunller of tax, '16 80. Dr. H. M. Alexander Co., antitoxin 50 oents. F. P. Forgy, board and washing, 153.40. W . & L . E Gurley, seals "ad receipt books, 15 50. CID(Jln natl 'l'nberonlosis Ranitarium. boud and medical "ervloes, SS'.Z5. M. II. Ollwald, bnritll ot ElIztlbetb J . (Jreen 175 , The Welltern Star, PUbKShinl notioe, 11250; bltlnb $15 j govern ment envelopes, ~3 50. Calumbus Blank Book Co. , blanks, t1.80.

The Trials, Of A Traveler.


','1 am a

traTeling lIalesman," writes E . E , YOllngs, B. BerkshIre, Vt ,"and waR o"en troubled witb coustlpation and indl~ea&lon till I begr.n to use Dr. King'a NE'w Life PillS, wbloh I have found an exoel· lent remedy." For all stomaoh, hver or kidney troubleH they 'lre un. equaled. Only 25 centil at !ill drug· gists ,

Old Laborer In London, Mourned aa Dead for Weeks, Return. to

Hla Homo.

'~n extraordinary case of mistaken i dentity, resulting in " LambetJt man being mourned . as dead, and o.n unknown stranger b eing buried ~n hiB stead, came to light the other




Several weeks ago Claarles H er/Jert Slcinner, an aged cab washer ·u ud laborer, solll up rus home and went in search of work. RiB wife 'Went into the workhollse. Three 'Weeks later a. man died in the Salva· tion Army shelter at Blackfrinrs road. He wa s "jd'C ntified" as S ki n· ner, and t.he body was buri ed in Streatham cemetery. Before the co ffin was closed scyr ral members of Skinner,& family satisfied themselves as to the identity, and took away the dead man's clot·hes. The "widow" then went to stay with friends. The


A- Kansas City young l/ldy of few words went to a dentist t.o have a tooth extracted. "Pull it I" she said to the d entist. "All right," replied the dentil'li:. H e applied. the cocaine, adjusted his forceps and out came the tooth. "wIlnt it?" he asked the young lady, holding the tooth before bert ''Want it I" she exclaimed. ''Want it! What for? Do you think I'm an Elk ?"-Slltttrduy Evening Post.

. "

had happened ," he ~aid, ''but, hav- St. Augqstine's Catholic Churcb.1 jng nothing to do this morning, I I Father Louis YaU8 " thought I would cull and see how my I , MM. every ,coooc! SUlld,,)' of the meath a wife was . I am very much alive." U: 00 a. w. /i

- ~-:- . Indian Killed On Track.


St. Mary's Episcopal ChurdJ.

Cadwallader. Rector. Near Rochelle 111. an Indian went Sunday School. {) :SO 8 . to Morolng ser .' - , vice. 10 :ao a . m. Holy Communion the tint ~o eleep on a railroad Sraok and W88 suudllY ut each moutb, kilted by t·he fast exprll8S. He paid for his oareleslme@i!l with his Ute . I Chtilt.ian Church. Often its that way when people neg· Rev. P. B. ThomJlllOn. PufAII. leot oougbs and colds. Don '& risk . Bible School. 8,aO a. m. !oc1a1 meetfq. . :vour life when prompt use of Or lo :ao L m. Ohl1lltlau Endeavor. 7:0U p. III. King's New Disoovery will our~ i~7'oo:. ,=rl::~·~ S:lternate Bood., II tbem and so prevent a - dangerous throat or lung trouble. "it oom Hk:ksite Friends Cbun*. pletely oUriid me, In a short time, of F1l'11t Dat lIleetlncr;. 0,00 n. m. Flnt Da, a terrible. cough tbat followed" S c~ool, 11 ;410 a m. Founll' Day Meetllllf. llevere attaok of tirlp," writes J. R. 1 0. 00~. III. • Floy~a, Tp%, "and I re Orthod F .4_ C " plD)I'!.Illi In weight that I ox rJeo_ bu,.. ••fe reliable lIN. Ruth Mum,. Putor • , !'labba~b School. 11':80 ·a . m. Regular oburell, and t1. 00 H vlee, 10 '.0 a. Ill . OlarlaUan -Elldeay~r, In"',...· all drugtli4te. :;111 p' _ . . " . . .. \: H e \". J . F .



Beautiful dlaplaYII of the fruits of Bucke~ '011.' Twenty acrea, of heavy farm mao chlnery In actual operation. One mammoth building devoted to displays of woman'. bandlwoi-k. Patrons of Husbandry reunton, Thursda,r and Friday, Aug. 29-30 • Agricultural dlsplaYII by tbe toremoat agriculturIst. of the IItate. "Ohio Pioneer Daya." a .tupendoul 'Pect~cular production, free each IllBht.' Herzog'. troupe of trained lltalllonl, feature of the free ~ulement propam. A park beautiful, where natural beauty haa been. enbanced by the JaIIdlcape ,ardener'•. . New datry buUdlnl, where rzee tn8\J'UCUon wtll ' be. IIveli In the art or butter and 'cUe,e lDaklilg, .J te tf cl t· ~·otl '':''<'b ._ n . rei DC an . Il.," :u ve, e",:, II, the ' IItate T~rtnary and NUfler1, 'lUld ' orcMr4~. ~tlon 4eP&rtliluta. , ,-' ,. - .,' , , ~ ~

"I'' '

-: "

. ... .


Sept. 3 Electors of. Ohio Will Vote ..

. ",


~ -- -

or •....

42-Amendments' TO


State' .Constitution Including Such .Subjects As ::m:~::dulll


Band concerts dally. Twelve free circus actll dally. '60,000 In premIums and pursell. A cattle show beyond compare. Running races Saturday. Aug. 31. Three harne&a races each afternoon. Women'lI free day, Monday. Aug. 26. '5,000 fireworks display eilcb nlgbt. • - - --Open day and night. Aug. 26·31, In'Ibe Gazetie Is a grea1 family paper elusive. The dates-Aug. 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 • and 31. other morning Skinner reappeared ~-.---,- , ChIldren'S free day, Sat u r d" y. at Murphy street, where biB sister- I WAVNESVILLE CHUR,CHES. Aug. 31. in~law lives, and, in this relutjve's Horse barn with stall capacity for own words, "frightenrd the life out / Methodist Episcol'4l Chure" 700 head. of her." He told them he had Rev. O. B. OraulMlr, PlI8tor. Live stock buildings unrivalled In . Sunday Scbool , 0: 15 a. to. Morning oer the world. tramped all round 1-,on d on, d orng vice. 10 ,ao a, m. Evening service. 7' : 0 P . In and ' .wlne abOWII od d jobs. "1 kne\v n othing 0 f w h at Ill. MId wee k P r .yer MeetI 0 11. 7 p. m. theLargest Union. sh"ep r




The : : : : ; :••


.Dlrect Prim." £1._ _ .




Abolition of Caplbl Punishment


Llcen.. to 'U quor Traffic ..Conserva~lon

of N.~ur.1 ••sources Method of Amendln. the Constitution Judlcl.1 .••folm

Good .-••ds l'

\:'l "

. '

Workmen'. Colllpensidlon

Suf"." ...


./ ./











:1 , ...



, Sdor ,l ny I,pl ng Mrs. N .•. Rich'li sevelltieth lJlrthday a del 'ghtful dlnnllr WI1S given in her bonor.

Way n llllvlUlI.. Ohio

- - -- - - - -- - - ---•




D. L.



Rates of Subscription One YOI.r (Hlrl~ly In IldVIOnco), ... , . _, 11 .0 0 !,jIngle Cop)" . ' , . . , . , , .. , ' ..... , . , , . . . U6

Ilatea of Advertising Read/Jlg Lo~lIJa. per Un" . . .... .. ... , , . oc Reading Loc .. I• . u llOCk r... ·c. [ )IIr 1I111l. , . . Iu., (l1_llIed Ada. not to 8,,·,-00 U" e Ilntla Three IUMlrLlou • . . .. . _.... , . . ~Oe OhILUIU181. live hU'1l11B lroo; over five I.. lue/ulli. IJ',r line, .. .... . . , .. , .. Oe (lard or .han"_. , . ' .. . , .. , . . . . . . . . . . .. ~Oe K .0 ifLIoWi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. O~ 8oc1r.l.1etc. where c1JIUlI8 la made . . . . . •• 30e Dlapl., AdverUlllug per loeb . . ..... . . •. 10c DIacoWllM Ivou on oon\racl.

Ml~ . Annll .Inrdan hit . ,· Ibeo n Vj,q t lDg Mr ,


----T-h- -N'- :-h-b-+-h--d--N- -


[ ______ ~ __e2~_~er_~~ ___e.w_S • "I WU oured of diarrboea by one - -

dOH of It'hamberlain'l Colic, Cholen Harveysburg. aDd Diarrhoea Remedy." wrl tea II 1:. Gebbardt, Oriole, Pa. There i. Mr. Cbas. Smart and daulhter utbi., better. For ule by aU Mary, of aar'weJl, and JOI. limll.rt, d_1en. of Clnclnna'i. attended tile ColleU PolitlOM II a disealle, IIlYI a learned and YoKIlY pionlc. Joe. Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. E. dcowr. The only pore ia to waite dtonlllOn, Mr. Bnd III'S. W. W , &he pdleD' a vermiform appendi:a: Weloh akended Monthly Meeting at tel IIOme job.


wm ....



Edna Spencer, and Evan Hteddom are attending Teaoher's Institute at Lilbanon &hls week. Mial Lena Myers,of Lebanon, and friend are the IDeats )f Mn. Arthur Elzy.




. "lIercy I" ejaculated the womlD whOhad ju~ come aboard the train. ''theni• •omething moving around UDder my feet I" -. "It'. the BOuthem extension of my dachahund, --m ..·.m," ,poke the ,JIUIeIlger in the aeat :bebind her. "I .got. him in here when the conductor wasn't lookmg. He's und81 theet two le.ta." , • 0 •• of:dle papjal oomlDOD aUmen. . 1 ,,~ WorkiDI people ~ a~o,"


~:~la'r.a IatT..~m:::wloe~Pl~~

...... Uaoroa,bl, ,::~:rk~;~;'~ '~n470D will'" ~~ by.lld~n. ., .; ~. .

r------------------, 1Ir'O "

OlassiBud A.ds

AWi ... 111 be Inlcned und er lblo b e ad for t we nty · th·o ce nls l or lhn., I086rUOtHI .hen u.l ng not more tlHln U"e line •.


few daYII with her mother. tboroogh bred Jerley bull, Borace Wbarton and family, of l'ejlrla&ered. and a 2 yeat.old DaytoD, were ~unday gu8llta at tbe :,Inqulreof Wlnlzol BIlrl'88, R , 3, home of Mr. and Mra. Olyde Whar Wl&yn88,vtlle, Ohio. a 21



A i:Jmnll Steam Engine, in ioad IIbape. Waynenille Au$o I.d Machinery Co.



' -'

t-- I~ I. . . .

B;1I)ti,.. ,.~.'J.DIl· DOl'1Ii.,ao,nlll:OI "........,,, .

'. . '1~·)l~·&ta11.)':- 1':~~?,'~~' ·1D4rilni· 001.dai.'lb~ ~t\l~ ~ ., "



•.• DENTIST•.• N.lJoD~mB':.J.DBJdlf. ·


{I , - -

Waynesvllle. 0




DR. H.E. HATB.AW A.'Y WIl.YUellVllle'l Leadin,. DeDti.a& Omce in Keya Bldg. MaiD Bt

~~~~~~~~~~~ =




Notary Public

1UIUS!!D WE!lLJ. $0"00 PEl 'lUI "OT.LI, DRuce .." , 8P.OIAUIT8. OO.TU".lIe, TII" ......... ,O". "liD "U. ..RVlell OA.. PltOI"I';" a. UII .. e In ADV.I!ITI .... a COl-u .....

..,... II..


"_ Yo,t.. N.Y.

All thids of Notary Work . Pension Work a tJpeotaay.

If you -have any surplus stock for sale, use our

Subscribe for the Gazette

Classified Column. It will sell them for you.

'',*,* ** ••AT HAWKE'S'*'*'*'****''*'****'*' ''** GROCERY ':I: '* * ::t '*' '*' **'*'''''*'*'**'*''*'*** **'*'*'*****'**'** ****~,*,**,*'

RUlll,bn"f; ln lood oODdltlon _ G()(J~ thllll , Equipped witb top """ ga8 Lamp. Ext-ra oulng. 'l;'hltl oar + ;1 bere to be aol~ and III a bargain,*, a~ tbe pdoe. Waynesville Auto and Machinery Co. a 14 :




~w.....- - _............._...._...._............._.......r __............


ton. 111111 Leona McGlnnll bA R t.eelJ lpending '1\& two weeki with her aunt, Mrl. Nellle Bow~rd, in Bellbrook . Mrl. Minor Roee aad 'woohlldren bRve been vlllUmg relatives In Shelby oouuty ~ .


w .....................

George Gray or reoelved wordofSd urd"y lUorntng tbe deasb hie APKlNB-A new IItook of nap. motber as bill brotber·. bonle In . klnll joat In. Seven d8lligna to DaytoD . Tba body Wal tallon to Plott II'OID. Gazette offioe. Kentuoky fo~ burial. lin. MatUdaElDrlokspentseveral WALTER MC(1LURB, (Iaye I... ~eek In Oenterville with Mrl. Lydia Wilson, who ball b AeD Funeral Dlre-:tor• Ul for .ome time and is VAry low tat thll writing. Pearl Cor 11 I f ' I Telephone .dRV ow nt,bt. ,nf' I 48 reCOl/ln nil VAIU".V pbone No. '. lAOna from an operation for an allllloel8 01 "I.3n06 N o. 69' _ .. whloh wal pJrforlned on Friday by • On. 14&DII and 1(eever at bla home W.t\ YNESViLLE • OHIO Qortb of town ' M d ... · 1 Branch Ollee 0. r. aa _ra. (J B Lamb had for , ",. - •• 'b-e lr Rueate on SUDltay, IIr. and Ura , Earl RaDdolpb and 60D Russell, ~tao1 and Stanley IAmb, 01 Dayton, ~-;.I · ~:~~;IY ~ ~~t;~::&::~l?t'a Mr. William Mobi' and 'amlly, of IIre.t remedy wUl belp you from Dayton, .pent Sa'urda" and SUnday the dnt dOle . by it. Oaly GO wltb Mr. and Mra. ~hermaD Dyke. oentll at all dru,cillts. ·l Ira. Walter Kenrlok returned '. • --.-Thunday after "peDdlng leveral Turtle Creek day. with relatlvet Dear Illddle. Mr. , t»o~in~ eDjol'ecl • visit from towo . • hill brotber.14 law, Mr. Dod.on, William Ca~lDony and 'aDllly en. Sunday. ~ tertained on Sunday the, followlDIl )II'. and Mn. WiUard Tbomu, of peat.: Mr. and tnrl. Jobn 8mll, of Da,'oD, were the week end iuee'" Leu, Mr. Urn Al!daraOD, IIi.. of IIr. and Mn. It'harlel Allen. .EU_betb Cop. MI' and Mn. Orll 1.:i:'::=~~=:':;":::':=':~:::'::J Mlaa 8~rtlh Bteddom, of C"rlllt'l Andenon. of ,Day'oD, William ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aoapUal, Ulno18natl loot , dtnner Wh~ton &nd wife, . of SpriD,boro with Mil8 Edna S~noel'. Wednea- and Wtlbur.Olark.• Dl~~i1Y . day. rhe inraDt' eon of . Mr. and 111'11. , ¥I~ R~leD Ullum entertalDed 'be Ib~D I:Iarclm~ died. ~~y eveD· Undert~ker a_d Embtllmer, ·111. . . dara118teddom, ~na ·8peD. 1!,I,a'.l1 :~O . . . . a ~or' mo. of . Cora awid Ro$b Kereey, iaDd 'hree ' ~y. · with ~plD.l.'b1elJln,itll. ....~I~"' · t1illim ., CI 0' .dhanw life OD aoto,ber' 16,' The . .. . " ' [ 'a">":- 1 . 4


oa::;:~8i O~o~~lSsBr~:Rean!a:~sl~;~ I:5n,.'!d a, Y· .•117 '1 r .W .. . . . 1 lia~I! , of Ft . Anoienl, 8pBnt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. tlt~ :Jr) ~ab~r Fred !:!mith and family . \aI 9"~" Mra. Chas , Btao!lell lind uhlldreD, ~_ _ _ __ _ .f Dayt.on, are visiting her parBnts - --- - - -- - ---' Mr. and Mrs. Jos . Gray. Mrs . Wm. RlOh has boon vlatthsg her dl\ugh&er Mrll . Leste I' ..,oDr face, _HERE is no time of the year 'when of near WayneSVille , _ you can afford to "skip the ads." Mr. Wm . W"U, of Dayton , hall been visiting rela t iveli bere , Those you mfss may contain just the Mr , !lnd Mrs W , r , Jordan and article you are looking for at a barViola were at Mr . and' Mre. JOhD gain price. Jordlln'8 8unda.v afternoon. __ +_ - - -

Min Zoe Dake wal a Gem oity '" __ .......... __ ................... • ••••• villitor, on Friday. LOST Mr, and Mra Charlllli Cluk villi ted at JoilllJon Saturday aud Bnnday. the gues'a of Mr. and Mt'S. Lee Muon . pUMP-a tan pnmp IOlt between Mrl. Eaphema Hough and dauoh_ WaYDMvllle and BlLrveysburl .. Flnderlllell8e lea ve at thill office ter Irma. of Waynesville, were a21 guestlof Allen Emrlok , and famlly several daYI lalI& week. Mrs. 4Dlle Beoatborn I nrt obU. FOR RENT dren, of Dayton. apeat the palt week with her parente lIr and Mra' HOUSE-hl lood condUion and Frank Smith . oheap rent. Inqolre of M . C . Liddy, Waynent)1e Ohio. a 21 Mr. and Mra. Samuel Bainu were ' In Springboro. on Thunday. IIr•. WIlliam Coleman Wen' to FOR SaLE l-hmllton on &'urday to lpe"ld a

Lelh, Babina. IIr. of and Mr.. Jo.. Davil lef& for 'hltir future bo.e In na,ton bun da,. Tbey have tbe bee, wtabea of this oowmuni\y. Dr. J. U . Alaoy, after laver"l w.eka vaoatlou. il .,,,in at hie po~t looking mach r8llted . . /uf: Ever At War. • • • Then an two "biD II everl ...&lngl, Flylnl Men Fall at war, joy and pllea. Bu& holt· vlotlml to atomaoh, liver and kidney leD'. Arnloa Sal". will ba.l..b pU. 'roublei juat Itke other people, wUh In any form. U tIOOD \lubdll,' the e reaoltl In 1088 ohppetlte ' backlklhlnl, irrUa"on, inftammaiiOll, 01' ache, nervouaD6I8, headache, and • wentD;. n "Iv. oomfort,lnntel iRed. Ultlel8, rUD-doWD feeling joy. Greatell' h_ler or bum•• botti, uloel'l. aug. broiaee, ecsema, _Ida, Blit Ulere'a no neeJ to feel like tb ..' T. D. PeeblBfl, Benry. 'l'enn ., ptmpl_. .tin eroptloDI. ODly 26 .. proved. ."Sl~ boUlel of BIleotrlO ob at all droIIII". Bitte,.·' be ~rttel, 'Idld more to Kive me new I'rength and good ap. petite thaa all other .tomaob rem NO OCCASION 'OR AUflii1.

Ing his vacation with his mother Mrll. lfand Cleaver. of thla plaoe. MlslI Relbold ond )1ra. Flo~a, of Dayton. allve /llso betln there ,

MIt'M UladYI Sherwood. of Menue, has been vlsttingClarenoel::!herwooo and family, the past week . Mr. WlIolter Biggs III e:a:peoled home from Florida thlll week M1'8. B ery1 ony U d er aa d' ... "'IIII LIB ue la arvey were In Lebanon one day las' week. Mlrs Edna Spenoer wall In Leb- Everybodv should read the Gazette

Cha• . ~HWlU't died Wednelldayof oonlumptlon aUer a ahor' oondn6ment. The funeral took plaoe from th ZI Ba tl' h h 'F Id e on p I 0 urc ray. [nterlmeat atd the BarveYlburg b nl'Y ng &Toun . Prof. and Mra WlIIlaml the anon Friday anernoon, attending • • 8 party /tlven by the Mluea Kl\tb principal of our .ohool, will occupy ar Ine Will an...... ' , _ary R 0 II i n h onor b ~:I~'B~: Cleaver property, on East of MI88 Milry Piokerell. of London.

HlimaD helnl' are to emit a oergtD amounS of ligbt. In 'be Mr. and Mra. Levi Jea8upattended oldeD daYI of wl&obol aft 'bey ueed 'he Xenia fatr Thur'M1ay a~d visUed $0 make toroh_ out of tbe hgm&a nlativel. body. Mia lloaile N. WUson waa \he week end 'Iueat ot friends In WH. "Were all melitoin6fl .. mertklrl- mlnlkln. OUI .. Cballl ber laiD '. Oollo, l,'hol.ra A. '1'. Moler trauuo'ed buinell8 and Di.rrb'.. a ltemedy 'be world In Daykln two daya 18IIt week. , Worid wOllia be maob bener off and MI'. Frank Forn.hell, after two &be peroeng,e of .offerln.r ,reatl, deoreued , ,. wrt ... Llacl... y .Moo",OI week'a VaoatlOD with hll fbmlly, raTemple, Iuci. 'i'or ..Ie by .n dealen. turned $0 ble plaoe of bualnelll at Da,ton, "n"y.. • RumQl' it..·" ·tbat Brlpe Mmith Tbe lIiaD_poU. buebaDd who oor popol.,r blaokeml&h:hu' lIOld hie after knookinl btl wife dowa with property &0 Oha. lildwarda. Mr. . a boIIrd, lull olaiml tba' be deel'ly and Ill'll. ~m"la will rnove $0 0. 11JT~ her, oergiuly looeeded ID .nc troit .na. Mr. Edwarda wm leave O8II8fally dllMmbUo" 'hat faet. bt. beautlfol oonn'I'Y bom4t and bit a oitlzeD amonl ua. In loeinl"'r A ....' a.,ouDt of ill healtb ta due .nd IIhI. Smith OUI' klwn . will f••l &0 Impaired d ....Uon. When 'be l~. and tbe oomlng of Mr. and .ao.aoh faU. $0 perforlD U. fano. lin. Edwards wtll be an addtt.loa ttosa. properl' tile wbole .y.tem be. and tbey wlll be weloomed. o~.. dadD~ed. A few doaea o. Boraoeli&ewar•• ofObUUoot~e,O, Chamberlain. Table'. ta all you Deed. Ther 8DIUlen youl lranlao&ed bUllnea here, B'rtday. .....UoD, IDY1,orate you Unr,and IIr aDd Mr•. Truman aUlalil will your bowell, entirely ·dolDIL IOOD bereeldeDtaofour t.owa, bavlDg away with' that mlaerabl. f&eliol pllrohuecl 'be Horaoe Stewart pro ..... . to Uult1 di ....oD. Try it. . ' llaay o'Ja.m bal'e ~u permanentl, per'y. !.Ird. irrank WUi9n apont .1&11 eared-tth,. Do$ 10ll' I'or ule by week with bel' sllte, 111'1 Jonae .U dealet:-.: , The,. laIa '. .0 lDuch differeaoe ~,~o Ib~" aoJ!'rqette mOYftlDeDt In tJ:DllaDd and or410al'Y polltiOll Ia..... Tbe womea 'brow lton. iD· ....d of mad.

limited number of ads , your adverli se rqcnt, even if it be a small span', will receive more attentioll thall whcll the columns are crowded. The Ii \'c m C' lchant will adVl'rtise tlt e year rou lld . The most s ucce~sf ul business lll en a re steady advertisers.

and Edwina /lnd Mrli, W '

T . J ··rt.lnn and family . Mr. Cllrl Cleaver haa been spend


IIr. W. 8. ID" near I'lemID", P •. , laY. he hal uaed Chalilberl.dn'lI U>1to, Ohol.... aud Diarrhoea Ramed1 in hi. family fer fUlld4MIn yean, and tb. t he h .. • fouod U to be.n .xcelleD' nmedy, aDd . . . . pleuure in reoommenciing it. For ...Ie by ali dealen.

ertltan t


A UG UST It . leU.

• Gonialoa, a farmer UV·


Ice cream and oake were served In / __ the afternoon Tl: ose present were Mr. Carl G1eaver, Miss Relbold liod .4t .41 r~ , FlorI< . uf OilY ton, I\irs. Anna ~ .:l~l 9 .Jorrla n (lnd EdwinH , of \Jolnmblls, =---- - - -- - - - - - - -- Mnl Mllud Cleaver II.nd family, Mr. It.nd Mr<:!. Cha s. GrlllY Ilud family, Mr , 'Inu Mrs. W , 'f. Jordan and family. and lire . E , .,~ Legg. " OU may say there an: timf:'s of the Mrt'l , Wysong, of Cinoln.nIiU. Is .~ year ",la'lI Y011 0.0 110t care to \' i dltlng her sister Krs , U , Bogan . advertise - when h1lsiness l S quiet. Mr . and Mrs. Geo . Ellis Ilnd That is just the time you should Vesta spent tlunday with tise. If the papers arc carrying but a tilelr puent!! Mr. Ilod Mu . Ed Mar

Editor and Manager

Wben they ge~ to mailing whlalry of wood, .. " seems IInminont, a blookh..d Otan g&' a Jail on from drinkiDI bll own br..in8.

j}umbrt &ix


J k d 0 Y C' our ueens an a ae an uy- 01 Igar~










8trlctly Hand-Made

...t.. -~

-=========JL..I V E R I T E :;~========I Being prepared from Pure Nath~ Herbs, they Cleanse the System and Purify the Blood, and Tone the System, and thus


ERIUUS Sickne8l .

LIVERITES-A purely vegetable Laxative, cures Chronic Constipation, Liver and Kidney Troubles. Ask your Grocer for it. Manuf.tured by ALPHA CHEMICAL CO" 8Prlnefteld. OhIO

Only 1

Bert Ae Grant, Tinner and SI~ter, Furnaces, Roofing and Spouting, Sheet Metal Jobbing of aU kinds. OFFice IN OI ..D SCHWARTZ .D RUG STORE





orJiJe R..lmIJ;S ~ rRA.N~IS pr;R~Y



4T /tAr lAIdl.T;~s

COPYR/tl'I'I'I' IN/ BY LJOLJBJ -.'"1E.RRI..t.( roHAf/Y)'



thla coarse mOIl BtN 'S lOud] denllng lI sed to th ese 6wel1 can IDcn, but that the dainty, g08.R IIll'r g.l rtll {' lIt th at hOod K"n was the 1I 1111t - lJu ll e d uut Ii card ehrouded her sacred what·you·ca ll· ~Ilse. mind )'ou. Dnd letters. Ilud want· ·ems- Oh. It was awrul~ cd lila to go with him to hie club"Um-ab, I Bee! It WDS. tben! "- his clu))- " the big tellow doubled ov e r be was noddi ng with nn nlr at u Dll e ~· lu n s pa "1Il 01 mirth tbat nil but stand ing, paus ing In t he s t rugg le with "hol,c d him . " I tol d hIm I'd give Olm tbe relructo ry elgar . IUs stralncd nnd tll e Cll:b It be dhln't go qui e tly-for 6 '(NOPSIs' redd e ned face shaped s ympathcllca l· YOll 6(>0 I re cogn ized llim In II mln llt e; Iy. "Jus t wh a t I thougbt Ilnd lold you cau't lose t bem frenk kind ~ 13e· Rlehar(\ I.lghln ut. "" Awerl <"n .... Ith !LD 'em I" be bobbed with sa ti sfaction. "I tildes. be g ive blmselt a\Yay : told me • rrt" .. l t!d Ens ! lsh tlcr.('nt . r ece illel n llre.und erst a nd! You aln·t go t no need to he'd o verl oo k my condu ct on tbls oc· ent fr,)111 1\ r l'I e lH1 In C hInn . The pre:fe nt j)ro\' 011 ( u b l! Il polr ( I f p nJ ~.mlL8. A lett e r lIIal(o 110 explanation s to me!" and lie clls lon nn.l tb e otber, If I wou ld reo ~hl nt!ll of Bll rll l'il; (> 10 tl tO W t ' Ll r, ' r. tJgh ll1u t II rt",1 bla lat ba nd to restrain tb e m. Icase blm. Woll , th a t was enough! I d on s the p !ljnIlI LL'I llnd Iltt " a t n i g h t gets liP ( t) r 8 !lniuke. Ii I~ psc r va nl , J ~ nltln8. "Wby, my wlre' s uwn grandfatber bnd beckoned Jim my Dwye r across and co m t ' S In and f alling t o 1 e .' ugulae L igh t a club foot, and to b er las t day II she we run him down tb e line to t he st s · nut , (t.ttL' m" t ~' t o JJut him nul. Thinking .ch. fW rVH.nt rrl\%)" I...Jgiltnut (' h nllgee hi. go t ou t er bed on the wron& sldo, the 1l0D . Ob, wo got him tbere , but It C"10 1hfJ lr1lend l l\~ "0 s Ulli mon h el p . \ Vlu;n And tbere old lady went a hea der Bure-ob, 1 was n' t easy- fo r him! · h t.: r f'-l llp PU r S .re nklns rnlls fin \ , t" tl ee k w ith J tJ \' \' n nnrmtn '" J.1~hlnll t·. belief know'" ho'l\ stay a wbll e!" - chllt t. ~ l~ \' ru.zr . J t nklu:3 t olls I JghtnUl or A momen t betore, ( bad tllougllt He bUd to pau so and pump a ir, he I th p (! I l('uu n ~ ' r hL h at) wit h 1\ h ldeoua C t llnnmJJ n d r l :4Itf! In J) llJu rn a..1. In a tbat so far ss the mere matter 01 jolly WIlS so wlnd ect. ,'nes"ago ( r ". n 1••0 fri end. J",·k. 1lI1llnll!!t mIs e ry was concerne,l, 1 bad sounded "nu t It woulder tickl ed y ou ," he re1.J g hln tH I!; ,u; lt ~rl t il pu t UI) • the kid tor th i! nIght on t,ts wuy home from c ol· tbo wha t·you·ca ll·'em s ; but now my "um ed. us in g ono at the \, ostas I ex· n"g~ . I " It,.' r Lljfh.,,"t fln.', & beautltul dasbed braIn was reelin g betore this teude d and pufllng tbe clgu untll It ,girl In ul lH'k l):..LJa 01 u!I til hlff room . l... lght · ~lut IB Mh u l'l\A ci b y th e- girl" drl n ktns, now horrorl To tbl nk that ebe Was- a lmo st f1 amcd. " I t you cO'llld e r Bcon "making a"d all.nllY ta lk. Sh" tell. Wm but ob, It cou ldn't be ! And yet Ire· t be granel'stllo d p lay lhls Suy put up her Jlf\ll1 '-' Is l ,'"ra llcl H Ilnd puzzl es him with a .I"TY at her love tor her alster'. called ominou s ly tbat most of tb e be foro tbe sergeant! [Iut tM 01<1 man o om. m ta t e. nnmt" d F'rl\nccs. Next mo mng th o I(lrl I. lul . 811111' .. nd Lll:'hl nut hu r· time I had Imown ber, I bad only Jus t le t blm blow It a ll orr; JU Bt Slit tbere cllim beblud the des lt, chew ing rle. to \I", boa I to . eo h"r 0 11'. He II 1\0- lIee n h or BItting! .co. ted hy u hu. ky college \)0 Y . who call. "ny·y·y tbe way, s lr l ~ He closed nway aud jnbblng a pon thruug b tile .htm "Olcky ." but h" loeB not .ee the ,«,rl. J ilek BlI1lnf{o call. 10 5p (!nd tho one eye at me as he carved from the blotter, while th is sUIr fur"led a nd .nlght wit h Llghtnul. Th ey cll.cover brown beauty II bait Incb of Its waxy BL>outed- oh, sometblng scafldalous,prlcel!!,. rubl •• hIdde n In Ihn hutt on. or 'lh o 'pojnmll.8. flllllnp (\0118 tho pRJ"-m ... bud, us ing for the maltreatmen t a pe r· brInging lu th e names of mt;: hty ncar ",nd retires. lAghtnut hll er dl. co,·o .. lecUy b ru ta l ltnlfc. "T hat was a Il eat IIl l the Important people tn New ' n hi. npllrt,menl a \)eery perMon In mut- try,oD you made to copper th e thl e r Yllrk; bl s 1I'l ood a, he said! Ob, yes. ton-cho p wlllsl,PI"'I And weArIng plljam .... .Tenl,tn s call> the poli ce. wllo .]eclll r,e the yourself- a lee tl e trresula r, you ho m enll oned you lu panlcl/lar . slr!"In truder tn be 11 crImInal, ~(\ lI c d FosT know," h e s haak bls he r.d Ilt me, "but, -an d bls face eXL>unded ID 11 r e lis h· <G randpa. Th" Intruder docla re. he I. ·LIghlnul'. ~l' Kt and appeal. to the l at~ ae tbe captnln saId, \\'0 aln't maltIn g Inl> gri n. . Jter In valn. He 18 hUHlle(\ 0 11' to Jail. no poInt a bout tbat with a gen t like " Da sbed Impude nce !" I r~urmur ed 'In th" morntn g L lghlnl1t 19 IL8tonl.hor1 to ' /tnd Billings trO n e. a nI! moro IUIlonl.hed you- sure not! "-anot her Illlpe rl:;ba· ("ubly. ",he'n ' he geta a mesuo.!';.. tram the Illller, "O b, Y('8, " careless ly, " but tb e sarge demandln!,; hl ~ oll'th.... LIgb{IIUl bounD ble line of beau ty u pon t he receptive · tor" Tllrry10wn, Billings' home. d i8COveri atoDe, and be pu !fed Inbalatlons Of' qui eted hi m-Ju st purty n ea..: s oothe d "F'ranc:es," th ~ gtrl of lI.a pajllml!.S. aD •the trnln. L1ghtnut speal, . to fler Iln~ Ill· Joy. "But I knew you nev er cou ld I him to ~ I eep be fore he gal throu g b, 'Iugel! to U.e nl !(ht before. f)he dec ln.r81 get blm to tbe 5tollon-1 could bnve you know- It's one of his w/), s! "-Ws .tD l«na.n tly that Llgh tnut never ,"W her told you.~ g la nce lifted solem nl y. &elt pa'll.mlUl. At 'tarrytown Frances "Ob I " r remnrked, pu zzled. By "!"Iu e, you know!" 1 murt1ured ad· met by 0. husk y collefe youth, who ~ lIlI Lrlbtnut .. "Dicky.' The latter II' Jove, I bad a das bed a Wlul t hou gilt m lrln g ly. I rellt'cted app rov·.llg ly up' ' 1l0n!ll the boy, who th en threatens to ' - tbruh hIm for oll'endln& Fmnee.. Llf,ht- lor a moment that I must be 10s lDg on wbat a das hed good tbln-; It WIlS ,.nut, takell the uext trnln home. BUt ~ my in te lligence! I lool[ed at J enkin s to bave a Ulan In th a t pos ltiCl'l- what · · atormll over the outrage ot hl9 arrest. e agaIn, but h e bad not yet come bacl! ev e r It was- who was at s u~ a de v· ' lUId Llghtnut dl.covor mysterious Chl' ne,e charo.c tera on .the paJ11m1lJI. Prot •• - to the ground. III Hb w1ld and cenUe t e mpet nmen t : -lIOr PO\l~ e nberr:y, Je called In to Interfret "Oh, rm o n, s ir!" Anot hcr one 01 the quIet wo rd- LUe 60rt ans'~ r-t he he' blo:roglyphlell. He ravee over wha he calls the loot s ilk at 81 - t.I 11 K-C hI. The tbose awful winks as hi s club Illndly remon s t rance--a ll tbat "<Jrt of · '""tlng declares tllat 0. llcnlO n wen.rtn&' sc rat ched bls belmet sideways. "You thlu g. you l<n ow . .the .PaJnm . all \\'111 tak" on th e eemblElnce ' ltf the prevlou. wea rer. The protessor kno w I ~aw everythlDg-1 wos rlgbt "!:Iut, If no olfe nse, tb e re's just one 'b<IrrowlI th o pnjl1ma.. for experiment. tbere ot the Ka hoka, you know!" 1 qu estion I'd like to os k you, s ir,'· He -'BIIllng!!" IIr c~!cd In pajamllll Ie tound tn "Ob, tha t !" I saId, uDderstandlng. sw ung hI s c lub wltb a smlllDg, genial . the proteslor's room anll Is taken home In o.n automobile wH h Frances and a wo- F or I kne w tben that be was talking nlr. man U .:htnut cnllll "U,e trump." Llght"Oh, dash It, nol" 1 responded a\). o ut Ie an~e rod by "the frump'. slamle.... about Foxy Gra nd pa In my rooms. l DU S talk about "Francl•." "Bl11 lng." I. bad almost forgotten the lOlly old sen tly . I allen to his room. A servant tells LightMy eyo had beeD s udd enlY attract· , nut thilt' 0. mesengo hll.S just bee n ..... vagobond but It occurred to m e tbat celved staU ng that BllUnge was und er ar- perb aps ought to allow Ilome Inter· ed by a [ea tbery gleam of wblte · rest In Now Yotk tor s tenling a .ull of .black pajnnlas. J udge Bl11lngll a.~DI. he. est WI tbe y must bave recaptured him th rou g h tbe trees. It WIlS s lo wly mov"LlJrhtnut .... 1I1l 1l'1:ale of F rond. e....... along wltb (be pajamas, "I Bay!" I Ing up tbe elope to a pavilion o\'er/lades. L1ghtbut 8.lIk. pprml ..lon to .~u to " France• ." The JUd II'D daclo.r.. that ohlrped up, "did you bave much looki ng the Tappan Ze e. l\.Q.t.JillQ1her li ving pe... on would tackle trouble about It-g etting him agaln, He drew nearer with a confl entla l · U,e ' ob. mid Lightnut. hi. mlDd ooouple4 you know!" aIr. "Just a .lIttle argument I bad \'11th th e beauUful France.. Ia creaU,.




l b1


, my.tlned.

CHAPTER XXIV,-(Contlnuod,) "Why, sir, I don 't thInk you need ! be worrying but what they're all , rllfht:," and tbe big pollceman nodded • collfldently; ''In ract there don't .oem • to \Ie no damage at all," He a4ded .mlMlto.t1vely: "Wblcb Is lIome won;,.4er, conside ring bow , we ba~ to • rougb·bouBe Foxy Grandpa before " . ' lioftened hIm down In bls cell th' ·,otber nIght." Here his cheeks .welled · and be sent Ii long sbeat or brown IlliquId at a grass bopper on the freshly '-whitened door'Btones-and got It, too, .neatly missing the pollsbed toe of Jenlrtns' boot. "No, slrl"-emphatll>. IIolly-"1 don't thInk you'll bo hearing -ilny baUer trom your lady frIend wben ,ehe goes to--eb, wbat ?"-ha stared - - ...........;·..-.lJJeenklu. blllDkly, fo~ Jonkins had <:ougbed-"Oh, eltCpla me! "--and bla bit band lifted apololetlcall:r to bla mouth, while hIs eyes rolled upward" What 1 ,uBt meant was that I know .'t bey're nil to the good; I went all over 'eml" "Ob!" I muttered, tumln, rather faint. I dropped the parcol and Jen!dns pIcked It up. By JOTe, tor a mo· ment, he came jolly near havtD« to _pick me up, too, I was that shocked · and prostrated I "Tbe only thing- the only tbln, 'tAlI-" I had to walt through aD 1l«0n. lzln, moment while hls toueue · g atbered bls wad and peremptorlll expelled It, tbls time enlivening tbe · cold dead monotony o[ the BUver--gray mac~dam-"wa. her- l mean, waa the pants." ,. Ah ·b! " I put my hand to my slt1e fin l\ looked at JenklD8 appealingly, ' hut be was lookIng upward, his eyes 1(lnd of cast over like a blrd'l; the 1il1 e ~ of his mo uth tlgbtened to an ·. '1 rch- Ilnd I kDew be W ll8 aulrerln, too l Hut we mu st try to staDd It a II tlle lo nger-Just 1\ lillie I Tbrough on e ID s t au l's res pite, Mr. O ·Keefo·s thick ton gue was occupied 'in strIving to glute nl ze tbe entIre w rapper of a m ucll cruslled and awlul. Iy yellow cigar. Then he separated a moutbful frOID the cnd lind proceeded. "r did noll ce wltll tbe legs, that ·one 01 'em waR ju s t a bit longer than th ' ot ber, and dowll at lbe staUon we ,,'as Il wonderlns 11- " the b rown head of a cracklin g m atcb drew a 10DK, ~nlllg wbat·you·cnll·lt on the smooth, crenmy mnsonry, aDd be paused to pump ma dly , striving to COllI a dran of IDloke-"we wODdered It 'twas'ntentlona!." HI8 eye. so~bt m.lDe :tn Qulrl~gly . By Jo e, I was BO fronn wltb ~or-­ TOr. .I couldn't even iook awaT.: ju.~ , BtoOd . th ere, . helpleslJ, ou knOW,' and ' my jolly monocle Iiangln« Ump-.'couldu't . bavll _llfted It to han s,a.e!1 .•·IDT Itfe! Felt mT aen ... ',ut InC numb all the ~hUo with the of tu \h1DL . \he !Jf ". '.



s tnlln,~d.

"Eh~" I ejacul ated, bl!nl{tn g at bit!! ns ( clime bac k. T hen 1 re membered - bu t whot was it bo bud been as" lug? Som etblng" J UElt, good·by!" he r epea t ed wlUi e labora t e g entl eness . Tben. st ralrbt enillg: "No ofTeuse, I bope , If we leI It go at that- I mean , I r:uess you wou't mIss It It we dOD 't sha.k.e hands 1" , I glanced at tbe glove. be waa drawing on. "Oh, dasb It, no!" I r esponded nbse nlly, an(\ my eyes coasted up the s lope agaln-tbe n droPDed back dl9a pl)ol nt edly, for sbe b ad dlsappeare.1 w ith In the pn vllion . His helm et toss ed as be looke f\ back. " I guess we o ll've got our little Jl rejudlces," be r emurked sententlous Iy; '" know 1 h nve! I'm tram Ui. soutb ! " And wIthout anotbe r word, Mr O'Keefe present ed his broad back tc us, nnd swinging his sti ck carelessly, sauntered down th e drive, "What tbe d euce! " ( exclaImed. looki ng orter blm. "I say, J~nklllJl, wh a t did he m eon'?" J en kiDS' face expressed mUd l-e pronch and surprIse. " Cnn It possibly matter, sit'!" he quesUoDed wearIly. "Persons 0[_'· -tbat sort, you know, s Ir ?" "Jove !" I uttered, relie ved. J enkins' coldly elevated browB 121. mIssed the matter from [ul-ttler con' slderatlon. He lifted the parcel wttb a sllg:bt g esture of InquIry. I bad already come to a declsloQ about It : I would send It to BllllD~a! tbe retrIevIng of the pa'lalUllEI ..would: bave Il Boothlng elreet upon bt. poor mind! I ga ve Jenkins instruction a, "H'ml Of course, 'manage to speak witb Wm alone," I cautioned, bavlng tbongbt 01 Judge BliUngs; "and. don't forget th. message." "Certainly, sIr," Bald Jenk1ns attell' tivelY. "I'm just to say: 'Mr, Llgbt' nut's compliments, sIr, !lnd be sa}'1l you'll know wbat to do With tbe8e: I nodded. "Exactly, aDd I'U ,ratt bere--but, ob, burry, dasb It!" And J looked 10Dgingly at the pavilIon aDd trIed to feel It my part was rlgbt, He did hurry I By JOTe, be was back almost ImmedIately and looklng a bit rattled. "Yes, sIr! "-be congbed &8 screwed my glass InQulrlngly-"1 rot there Just BlI tbe judge went Into his room across the corridor, and Mr, Dllllngs opened ,tile door tbe minute J said I was tram you, I gave him tbe package and the message and he took it ID a corner; Rnd then In about a mllnute I beard him chuck It SOlo & vhere and say lIome long word. Hd came back to me, looking kInder Irrl· tated and with his eyes s napping." "O'b!" I uttered nervously, "Er. wbat dId he 'say, Jenkins?" JenkIns slgbed . "Oh, well, 81', noth, lug !IS you mlgbt 8ay was anytblng, really; he jerks out kinder crossl,:: 'Tell Mr. Llghtnut, I lay one tblnS a' a time, and glva him this!'" On tl~e .8crap at paper I ciutched out (It Jenkins' band was a crazy scral,,) of just a half-dozen words: I'Dl a biped, not a centipede! I !Iqulnted througb tbe dashed thIn&. twlc,e, but could malte nothtng of JtI even tried It backward! "Jovel" I muttered peTlllexedly, "'It', rum" JenkIDs!" J enklD8' mo uth tlgbteD ed and relaxed. "H'm, wbat I thou gilt, sir," be responded soberly, "Tho demon rum, air!"

-. Did Notice With ths Leg.," "Troubler' O' Keefe's Up 40ubled contemptuously, "It WBB easy .. butterl" Hla baDd spread, palm downward, In an expressive gesture. "Why, be doubled rlgbt back to tbe Kaho' kal" '''B:r Jove, YOU know!" 1 exclaimed, startled. . , . "Burest tblns you know I (collared hIm rlgbt In 'Cr:ont ' and w1t4 the goodal" Mr," O'Keefe expectorated eloquentl1, "MY, but 'be dId put up an Ilmul holIer-said tbe, pajamll8 wers ~Ia own and be h~,~.:I~Bt had' ;e~ IIlade: ' And b1ulf-1V.e m"-be tlinD8ci \he air for . a m,omennn the elfor" to IUd. ' aD ap~rOllI1.te .1 00tur.......

For Itching Skins and Pimply Faces Try Resinol Free IF:salt you suffer from eczema, rh eum, ringworm,

pim.-les and blackheads, or other distressing skill Of scalp troublel you should Bend at once lOr a generous free trial of Resinol Soap and ResinolOintment. These will prove to you how Resinol stops itching instantly and quickly clears away eruptions, ' Bold b, ..11 drl1\1"ll'lftta. "or fr". aam' tea ... rlte LoO<t·8i{, Ra.loul Che mIcal a.tUmole, d . _.-


~. ,

He Led U. Through Wood. and Brush and Swamp., tlnshurg. It was nIght then, and we had not had time to eat our break· fast yet. It W88 a beautiful moo,nIIgbt nlgbt, ve ry Quiet. LleuteDlIDt Wesley Mann was ID command. We carrie In can tact with a squad or 1m, boden's cavalry, and I had my horae killed. Cole's Rangers came In, well armed . I ran along a deep gully un' til I thought It Bate, tben I came out. I wos not long liIItbout R hors e, My new mount was an old 8waybaclted horse. but nevertheless she took ms to Martinsburg, I got there Monday about 3 o 'clock. I had had nothing to eat · sInce SundBY night except R few pieces of hardtack. Early's men were leRvlng the re, and I allpped through to Williamsburg, Md" and thoTO I found my comrades. They thougbt . I bad been kllled or cap. tllred, '

Change for the Wor.t. Some boys at a MichIgan cavalry r egl, ment, r eVISIting the Bcene of a BCOUt near th e line between VIrginia and North c arol1na, came to a Cracker', home, which formerly Btood w'ltbln the atate of Nor th Corollna, but whIch, owIng to the relocation of the bOUli d· ary line, was tb en in VIrginIa. One or the boys aaked the old lady how she Uked livIng In Virginia. ' She plied: (TO BE CONTINUED,) "Don't like hit, 'Taln't healthy 'like North Cay'mni&. Never used to have Mattor of penover.nco. Bishop Burgess of Long 18JIJI~ Do . rheumat1 .; now 1 got 'e~ all tb' spell king of his cru.ade 81(alliiSt tfll1ll. time," dBJ' flyIng, said: "I . (ormai:1~. of bact of'lllltlJliIiIi B ; '''Qr;..llelfhlbnel~:





me an! I batl a perfectly cle ar view O! he r now as abe pauoed on a IItUe point ~tnd bung t bere looking out over tbo Hu ds on, lu ber lIand W8. a ruu· bluw n, ripen ed rose, m 4l ber lips were SbllplD. In ravh!lllug little poutll, .. ll\us lnl~ly she bl ew tbe petal8 from her. But go th ey would n cot., bu, hugged bacl[ In the arms of \.1111 IIgbl brpe%e, circli ng Ilnd lI u tterlug anoul h H glo ri ous s unny head like a Swarm of rosy butterflies. It made a prett)' Dl ctu r e! "And wbnt'e more, th ey're just he l colo r. to o ! ~ I murm ured tenderly, for !;I'tru l of every thlnc b ut ber, unmlnd· rul t hut I WIIS not alone. ~'or undel lilY hAi nd I co uld fee l my jolly bean qul " erlng 1I1te a chnmpa gne cork, r rc~llly unf e tt ered and thrilling eDger· Iy u nde r tho Impulse of the mad, dll ncl !lg. joyo us s pIrit with in . "The one lovely woman In all th6 wo rld!" I breathed aloud, and I felt my eyes I':row odd ly mois t . Anti lor !l minute 1 went air In a jolly tranc e. "Good· by. sir!" It was O'Keelo's 'l'olce---{)ddl y COD

LIttle Study I" Rel.tlve .. On the 23rd of JUDe Edward Albert. Prince ot Wales, was 18 yel1rs or age. Thllt meun. that he was oltl enough to rule the Brltleh empire I! his fnlber wore to dlo . But bD won' t be "of ag e" wIth 1\11 lO'blcb thllt Im plies In EUJ.;lIsh law un· UI he la 2l. ADd h" \\' 111 not be Iree to .; hoose a ....... ",!. .. wlff' u llIII he Is 25. odd logl this - with IS ';OC8 the TALE OF WINCHESTER BATTLE rlilAu e 01 nn empire; with 21 tho power to Incur dobts. and vl'ith ~[i the rtgLt Col, Mulllgan Met Dea~h 'O,urlng FIght to cboose !l wlfo . Nea r Wlncheate~Several 'I'hls would mn lie un RI1I ~ll'opar.m· Thrilling Incldcnt.t Told. I ric \\' ol'ld laugh lu I1V LJrecIIlI!UU.- ·bl· Comrn,le Il . M . Claytbn, Twenty- CBI!O l-'o~t. s ixth Oblo , HpeM6 of 0. Ilgilt nenr Tame, Wln cheu t cr u s bUIJpeulug July 2U . It Mrs . J{nl cl<er- Ilu afra id t hoee bol"Willi the fir st 01' second Suutloy In August. Tho cowmand I was In was rid men bent you ut poll"r. Kul c lw r- No do nger , my dBIll'; they au Its way blle l( Irom the battl e of Monocacy Junct ion, uear Frederick, eat rrom m y hnnd Md" throug h Virginia. We c rossed Ihe Shcnu ndoah river noar Sule kor 's Gap, ll nd tb ere got wllh Mulll!;uu 's brigade llnd Iho Fir st New York cav' a iry, which waH very good compar.y , wrllos Will. C. b:clllnan o f Atl an t ic (' Ity . N. J ., In the Natioull i TrIb un e. We wen t arolln d \\, l lI c bl'~ ter uud ~ tru (' k th e IJlko at Kerustown aD Saturda y. Th e cOIl1[)1a ud to which I belonged Doctol'S Could Not Help Mn. wa s 1\ detuc hm e nt of Ca lc's Rangers, Templeton - Regained Ulltl er Crw tll in Llnl" li e was In tbe Health through Lydia E. lulv!l nce. Tho Firs t New York cav· a iry dId picket duty tb at nlgbt . Ou Pinkham'. Compound. S II II(\UY muuy we re cbell ted out ot brellkfssts. Just lit that time th n t old fum illar call, " n oot s nnd saddl es," Hooper, N ebraska. - " I IUT1 very glad 80unde d. The r eUB h ad s Ight ed us, to te ll bow LydiaE. Pinkham's Vegetable and open ed fire on US w\t ll tbr ee Compound h M helped me. For fI Vtl yean small guns . \Ve wcre o rd e red to ] Buffered from f emale troubles 80 1 wu charge. We drove them lJllc k, but lIcarcely a l: le to do my work. 1 took doowe did not get uacl{ to our break· tors' med iciues and used local treatm ent. fust. Thllt slarted th e tUIl lor tb e but was not helped. I hud such awful day . We had a rew chargers Dud bearing down pain s and my back was so s ldrmlsb .r s with Cole' s cava lry. weak 1 could hardly walk and could not A uout 3 p . nJ . th o e nemy caIDe out rice. ] often bud to Bit up nights to s leep at th e wood s on our left and front, and my fri ends tho ught 1 could not /ive and It was th e re thnt olon el Mulll· long. At my r el'jUes t my husband got gan Wil li I(i lle d lind lef t In th e han ds me a bottle at Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegot th e enem)' . He and Cuplaln Lluk ctal:Jlo Compound tUld I commenced to were I ndlng us a nd th e Firs t New tal(e It. By tho time ] hod tak en the York cn va lry, but t be reba were too . eventh bo ttle my h ealth had r et;u rned mu ch lor U!I . I did not see an y otber and I began doing my washing and wa.,\ a command but Mulligan's and Cole's well wom an, Atone time for three weeki men . I did all tho w ork fo r eigbteen boarde", Ou \ Ve<lnesdny or thnt w ee k some with no signs ot myoId trouble return01 Captai n Link's men csca ped, and Ing. Many have taken your m edicina Mrs. I\lulllgan, uud er a flag of tru ce, afttlrneeingwhatitdid forme. I wou ld went 'thr ough the lines to Wlnch cs t e r not take $1000 and be wbere 1 was. You .a ud brought ber hush a nd 's body to have my permission to U8 0 my r.ame it Martin sb urg. We covered tho retreat It will aid anyone." -Mrs. SUSIII TEMthrou gh Wi nchester on the north of PLETON, Hoope r, Nebraska. tOWD . I was sent along with 25 or ThePinlcham r ecord iSR proud and peer-30 lIleu out bell Iud a s to ne fence to less ODe, It is (( r ecord 6f constant vII>bol d th e reb.. In WIn chester until tory over the obstinate ills of woman- ilia Gene ra l Averi ll 's caval r y came from that deal out despair, Berryville. But we were cut air be· It i, an establish ed tw een Ihe two lin es. W e h od a fac t that Lydia E. gu Ide wlt b us, lIud he led us lhrol,;g h Pi nkham's V e~o ta. woods nn d bru sb nDd swamps till ble Compound hos rewe 3truek tbe old dIrt road to Ma r · Btor~health to thousands of sucb suffering women, Why don' t you try It if you -,:,~:.r::::~ I'leeds ucb a mediclnoT


Constipation' Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief-Permanent Cure


fail. Purely vegetable - act Burely but gently OD tho liver, Stop after dinner dis· tress- cure indigestion, Improve the complexion, brighten the eyee. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE; SMALL PRlC&. Genuine must bear Signature






.. Wb e n n good ·sl7.ed touring car cam. ru Rh lng up tbe street at about 80 M'Wftys Best to Use Varieties Adaptt~ rl to Soil ond Climate mll e R a n hour. and slo wed down jWlt (' rIfJl lgh to la ke th e cor ner on two to Which Tbey are to be Grown-Farme r Should ... h l'~ 1 8, h is a s t nn l" uilleut Willi U, Never Co For From Home U' lC. Can tr.-m e Possibly be A v..olded_ 1'111'1 01 11 ("lIow wnr rhe<1 the 41.a~ I fI<""r)ll g "H r \\'ith blll1: l lIg eyel and 1 011<' 11 mOllrl.. 1'1"' !l it, r,:lng to .. by· I t4:,'.I:1t r, hi' rf'm.lI .... rt . hol" wn ly : 111 (' Iror'H" lllu H sho 'ly ha' ~n t trll, .-Ii ng Bro m" II l1 " n they cot 100..

TRACE ORIGIN OF ALPHABET According to Prof. Flind e rs Petrie It Existed 7,000 Veare B. C.Atta cks an Old The ory. 10 a le 'ture a t the Huy nl I lI s tituto Prof. 1~II/lu ers Pet r io ll. ' ti ult ac ltcd tho long uc ce ptetl th eor y th ut th e u rl gl n o( the IUlJhub"t i ~ tu I,e fOllnd ill }'hucnlcla, IIU OIlt; U It l.!~ IIIl.l frolll EgYIJUa n bierv g l y~hi<' s . ~1l) U Il l'ow Yurk 8un Londun dlbpaldl . Ac c ordln~ to I'l'u f. l'e tri e , tb o 1'0' searcheH of tbe i a ~ t I we llt}' yentl h ave shown that sig ll ~ wero ear lIer thlUl pIctures and Ihlll it W il S lue s lgu that Burvived Ul heco ru o th e ulpha and beta of one civilizlllivl1 all d tbe ABC of another. JU8t at! the philo logist hort discov· ered one entire sys tem uf la ll gunges, 80 the alphabctarlllU bus dlMcovored In tu e div ersity of alr,hab e t8 an origInal prototyp e o f all. In Prof. Petrle 's words, "Tbe Pboeui cianij are people of yes terday com llarcd witb tho se wbo wrote lbe s ig ns thut Ilre th e origin of all a1fJhab e ts." It was to pO'tte ry, so ld Ih e prores.or, that Egyptologists lurd oth ers were Ind ebted tor til Ct<8 s igns, and tbelr d evelopment WIlS wurke d olOt on these lIue... Flatnose wade allot lind put a mark 00 It to sbow tbat It was his. In time, because It wall his mark, the s ig n Btood for Flatnose hlmselt, and th en the sign became at· tacbed to a s ound Irres pec tive ot the thing Il.selt. Gradually the wearing down went on until th e t; lgn s tood, Dot tor a s ound. b.;t II sy ll a ble, and then for a letter. The slgn8, of course, were not ao .alpbabet; tha t did not arrive until perhaps 1000 n. C., wh oreas slgos were Cound In early preh Istorlc Egypt, probably 7000 13. C . P roo fs yt tbl s common orlgtn were plentlrul, for tbe s igns s pread by trad e far north and sou tb and allpearcll sim ilarly In Runic, Ihe rl an an d Karlnn and yet Were unkno wn In Phoenl c l a~ .


SELECTION OF SEED :FOR NEXT Ilt;nbd~n«:=~~~~~~:£~~::: YEAR'S CORN CROF· IMPORTANT ~~~~~ bl~l<1 ~e~:;t:~~nll:~e ::~~~~~:.

fr orl) It l :tt



tor play.


A lid


n U ll\ t·~

h ~ 1'

\ t OI')"

bU B)'

On th eir tru l.: l{ s to I!~W . C' hrl s trnn!

prt!s~ l1t ll



s h e IB ma k ing

For es(: h d o ll , 8u dea r ;' Bu t- Lt· c·il r .... (u l ,

tI\ j ll ' t

- too tedioua to prepare. Just phone the grocer lor

What t ho Ad dilion of an .. ... Old. "1'1·, a H<J fl o :-;u t l'ilre l' the Flo".'" \>.-/11-"'11 1.":1 1' ('." Wl18 the requ •• 1 pin, <, rl (' nll 'I ' I " llo11~ly In th e ... ar<16n ot I a r<"i Li " nr'fj to ,'. hkll the p ubllo 000 1 caRlo lI .tlly I s lIol mitt .. rl . O il" Ull v n I" aCI ka l Joke r adc1~ "." to I iLn In , t wo rd or th e tl lgn. Tbe re, "1t '''i' '!ra l everybody who visited t he e'lll ll" fur Ih e [ll' Xt few daY8 car· rled n \\ ay a larg e bouCluet ot tbe Il o ..... ers. and with tbe b lon ma loa or lelHes.


T hpr" Il re- l lo t no(l 1\l uy nnd Nellie (MU,y'H doll • • you know);

st,malc. l ou dly.

O r t h e d olls .... 111 h ear!




Among Other Things Maintained for Ruler'. Fancy Are Twenty Well. Trained Parrots.

1:' VENTIDE - Supper. L What shall it be ~ A c.ook:~ meal? Not Toolong

c Arrla ... l"-

Yo \,tll 's t ·ol,,/,arrion .

(.1It1 0 Mary sit. R-Be"llI&' A rtr-r ef'}1n o l p.uch day ; Roon tilt' h ,,11"ays nr c ('('I mlnG'-


g ... ru : , qlla o 'S


Important \0 Mothere Exa, Di lie ~ ar " tuliy el' "r1 bottl. of CASTOHIA, a BarO Blld Bure remedy for InCauta and cblldreo, aod .ee lbat It Dearllthe ~ //~ Signa t ure of ~~ In 118e Fo r Over 30 Years, Children Cry for Fletcher'. Cutoria

?~~~uncheon Meats a..

They're delicioUlI



taUJago Of eliced dried bed-aome veal loaf or corned beef. They're 10 calY 10 lefVe,

Or, hete', menu


idea-. Libby



0(/_ ..

:1 __, CA_rA"..

Llbbl'" CONt_J B_'

LAl!r'.V_IL_' CIoII/C_CTbe e lephant fights, whIle tieing the mos t spectacular perfor manc es, are A. Cralln not the only teature of th e arena LIb~.A._.... Excellent Samples of Seed . sports exh ibited to plesse the ruler whenever ho may fancy to order th e m, ADd fUll lop of! (By B. III. MILLER.) ~I\' e s tlllk ~. a v('ry I" gh pe r ~e nt . of ImYS an arllcle In Pearson's 00 tbe with LiD!),.:" Frulti or In growing corn tor sf'ed the tann er whi c h b ea r oa rs ill 11 s rm illl r ma nn er . mabarajab ot Baroda. Tw en t y train· ............... . p,...,.y... DIl"!"'t!hal aeuDd . . A Formal Figurs. 'rh ~ nrst monl h after it hns b(le n e d purrots ride tricycles, fire win· must first tlnd tbe variety be8 t adapt· eood) Ordk them fiotD JOUI' "A d e lpgate doesn' t get .. oblnc. to lature cannons, shoot tiny arrows !d to his needs and (ben work to picked is Ihe 1ll0" t critical 11111 (' In Ihe . . - IIOW. ¥OQ wiD ... and tllrn aomer8au lts-fe ats whicb bring It as nesr pcrf8(:(ion 88 possibl e. handlin g of s ped ·co rn . As It conlal tl s take mucb more than a perfunctor)' ~~~'II IUrpriaed how economical • It Is alway!! b es t to sele ct the varieti es a t:lr~e amnlJtlt. of mOi s ture at thllt part In a big convention nOlVada)' • ." l..ibb)' ...... will be. the prominent cillsen; "No," replied grown on soli snd In fh e clima te tim e, It mllst he s lored In :l dry, we ll "If he Is associated ,,' Ilb a .ucc.laful \\'h(>ro the se ed Is to b e Improved, Ix>- ventllal e ,1 pla cp.. and lu such a way M~em.1.ihLJ =ause tho corn plant Is p eculiarly sen· that ea(, h par will be .-xpose d to a tree candldnte be teelll lIke an u.ber at .. Cllicqo c1rculat Ion of air. S e~ d· co rn IIhould wedding. If he Isn·t he 1. .1. mle aD Iltlve to Its IlIlrroundlngs. honorary Ilallbearer." Corn tbat grows well 00 certain alwaYB be s lorl'd In th, ea r, but n e ver lolls will otl en, If transplante d to oth· in barr pls , b oxe~ . v,' Slicks , or abo vo To remove ni cotine trom til. teoUl, er Bolls prove a tailure, and tbe re- large QUll nlltl (' s of I-' ra ln . The rt,' a r'~ ::n an y way s ot l1 reS<:!rvl ng dlelnrec t the mo yth aod purity ~. verse Is true. Th at IB to say, corn breath nn er Inrol<lng. Paxtloe II • "'hleh shows up badly on c ert ain soils, 8eed-corn. as h y slrililnl; th e bu tts on boon to all. At drllgglstB, 250 .. box sha rp n ai ls <lr lvl' n Ihrou gh a board, may de,'elop to pe rfection on othPl' or ,ent. poslpald on r e ceipt ot prl~ by Boll s Ibat are rigbtly udUlll ed to Its l yin g ellrs 1 0 ~E' lh"r in pairs and hang· Tbe Paxton TOilet Co .• Boaton, 1Lu• . Ing t 11<' 10 o ve r n wire, or. by la y ing needs. tbem on racks. AllY melhod Iha l will Deslrabl. Spot. TIlls Is a very Important fartor In ! Molh er- J oh nny, you have ~ .t the s<,lcctlon of seed, an d th e bree de r provldQ a free circ ul a tloo of nlr Is dethe top suelr again. should never go far from hom e for bi R sira ble . The corn s hould b e thoroughly J ohnny - Yes, mo~er, that'. wh.,. seed It he can possibly oblain good com thtlt bas been grown on soil and dried ullel prol€ ct p.d throu ghout tbe you always have the clerk. pull ~ In the climate In whleh b e expects to winter from a ll su, hl e n or exlreme down from . Trained Parrota. c hanger~ of I c m(l~ rlll UTe or hum idity. conduct bls br~dln g operation. Don'l bll .\' 'mler le)r hIll ing. LlQ..u14 blulll Il must. n('VE' r b e a lIowe d to frei'z e bewould elicit applause anywben. In tbe If he must send awny for his see d. almost " I I wJ\tcr. Auy I\ed Cre.. Ball m.... world. Eleven a croba ts, wbo can however, he should s C'lec t It from tha i fo re It IR thorough ly dry, as Its far- tbo bluD that' , all bluo. GOOD POINTS ABOUT TOOLS tumble and vault as It they were coo· locality whlcb n ea rest a pproac hes his tIlity wlli ~ afl'pc· led. Prohahly th o bes t place to store Almost the LlmlL structed of sprlng8. arranging them· owu, both as to soli and climate. sP<'ej ·r orn I~ In tllf' Rllic. f~xperlments Walter-II ow Is the 8teak' Many Little Things That Boys Do Not selves one above tbe other In IIvlog A great deal ot poor Gee d·corn re· condu ct ed by Pror<'sso r Holden, at the R cs talll' 8nt Patron- Il'a . . ~ u geometrical figures, and who would deAlwlIYI Understand-Ule for 8UltS from a lack of care In f he hal"an only c hi ld. IIgbt the most hypercritical music ball Notch on a Saw, ve~ lIn g and storing. It should be a l· audience In noy European or American low ed to muture tborou g hly before bp)In. Wln.low'. Soothlnlr Syrup tor o..n.... Boys that use tools do not alwa)'ll me tropolis, Bre regularly maintained In g piCked, all Immature corn do es tet.'tbl nll. iuilf"UI the iZ'UDHl. reduc •• Illa.__.. know what all the smaller PllJ'tll ot at state expense. \Jon, all&YII paiD, c ure. wind COUQ,a . . . -....a... oat oblaln all the plant·food Intended Tblrty~lghl first class wrestlers are the tools are for. For lostance, on tbe for 11., consequently its vitality Is back edge of every good saw the~ employed to amuse bls highness wltb Thl. time ot year, 10 ord.r to hay. matcbes similar to those wblcb, 10r weak e ned. )'our Inoinga, you oUibt to hay. 7'OW' Immature corn Is hard to keep. al! It tbe lut two yeara, bave been the outIng!! . W. N. U .. cINClN'NAn. !';to, st-1111a: rage In Loodon. Sixteen buffaloes and Is lIahle to sprout nnd unless there Is bulls, wblch. wbeo let loose III tbe good Circulation of air It will becom e aren.~ rusb toward eacb olber, emash· beated and moldy. should Ing lbelr 10reheads together and tr)'- always be 8elect~d from tbe field and from the lo ad at the crib. , . Cal1'e"ter'1 Ssw. lug to prod tbelr sbarp horn!! In eacb never S electing SEled at the time of gen er. , Corn (.rains In Cross Sl'!ct,ons, Showolber'. necks, teo pairs of rams whlcb, I. a little notch Bnd then a dip In the al hanest Is objec tionable, because ~t~1 Proportions of Starch, Gluten. Immediately &tter runnlog Into Ihe blJU!e. many times tho work is done lat e In . I~, It of teo happens when sawing a Inclosure, begin butting their heada te- Ihe season and In a hurry, und the I Iowa "tation, s how that whJe seed getber, not IltoPIJlng until the van· p.!ece of board tbat the saw eut will IiDed to the brim with cold. Qulshed ones are Iylog prostrate on care of seed·corn Is apt to be negl ec t- , was sto[E'd In mor e than 1t) r ty difl'erget cboked. Wh e n It doea the c:lar purity-no .uch watcr ed. eot W3lYS, the atLic prov ed to be tuo penter jus t take8 tb e saw out. turnl tbelr hacks, Quivering with pain. Nu· aowsda".. Brior back the old The stalks from which seed·ears are best place. merosu fighting cocks, partridges and It over and uses this little notcb as a eelected 8hould be or m ed ium size. Tbo next bpst Jlla~ Is 10 n ~lIar dart with a ,1... of sort ot thin hook, wblch will pass tree- qualls, and performing nlghtlngalea strong at the base. tapering graduall)' wllere tUll fur uaee i8 placed. The also are kept In cbarge of expert train· Iy tbrough the saw cut, Ilnd yanks the to Ihe tasse l, and should have large Ilverage -eo llar Is 100 dnnrp 11 1111 the era to add variety to tbe program. oblltructton out. l ~nf·development as Ihe leaf Is Ih e, corn n e ver ,Iri es 01J t th orough ly . On the better class at wooden planes, laboratory ot Ih e pla nt. The stalk See d·corn hun g up on wires or near the front of tbe tOIl, there 18 LITTLE TOY QUITE AMUSIN9 should also stand crect and be frc/, BtrinHs under 110 Ol .... n shed or III a placed a small buttou of hard wood or _. ...-- ..:. Cram smut or In sec t alta ek. dry harn, k ecps fai rly w c ll, hut eve n leatber. This Is for tbe.. carpenter to Rabbit Arranged With Spring to Jum, ' Never select from stltntS with RI1r!{- th e re, e xpf'ri e n cc Fh ows that mu c h It nuke. onc think. of el'U)'thln, that'l pure and .,boletap on with bl s hammer wben ho 18 Forward When Anyone. Pull. ers. Ears, to 00 of goo d size a nd lilla l· ~. ('e d .com Is l'i l11 " r kill",) or wt'a lH' ne d 1 lOme JU1d delightful. Brlpt. lPUkIlnr, ,eem!q with Small Tall of Animal. adjust log the blade. On the modern Ity , sho uld have slralght rOWB of r <'g- .)pra us-e th e seed .,:lil, e rf'tI moi sl tHO plate joy-it'. your .oda fountain old oaken bucket.. plane" that adjust tho blade with a ularlY'sized k ernel!! and whIch more during warm, dnmp ~ il"lIs , nnd th e n Free ..t..IIcotIoa O.r .... _tIoI.. ..w.. of c--c... An amusing little toy has been d& nearly represent the tYTlo (\es ir('d . W:l!~ Injurl'rl by co ld w<'atber wblch screw at tbe back this tapillug Is not .. Whenever 61gned by a Pennsyl\'anla man, aod Is These ears sbould be at a convenll" nt froze it. bl e l·. neoes8llJ'Y. D.-cM Oeaaln. u _ _ . , you .~e an sbown In the Ilustratlon. It Is a rab- helghLof 4~!. Arro .... tb ink. om(! timpH com lv lll Rprout nil right THE COCA-COLA. CO. that leaps forward when anyone and should be ntta cbed to the stallt II: th e spring. hut that Is no sign that of Coca-Cola. -=-I'OYS TEACH BOYS AND GIRLS bit pulls Its little stump ot a tall. Tbe rabhlt Is bollow and blUl an opening strength. or It m:1Y 11ll \(> h'·,' n so " 'ea ke n ec1 Ihat ~ethod. ot rv10dern Life AN Em· under the hindQuarters. The bind byThe a shank medium lengtb. hrf'and vit a lity /trow Mil ch ellr when matureIn d 8hould nk it If has lhe ase ason Is to cold, o r well. the seed lS I ployeCl In Making Electrical over Rnd hang from the tip downward . Illanled too d ~; ll , it will only gi ve Playthlnga for Children. Ears In an upri ght. position are ohj<'c- w(,llk Iltal1,~. n nd n evel' attain ita Iionable ~cause th ey are more or k sa prol~r growlh or vigor. I Some of the electrical toys now on subjected to tbo rains and bot sun, Iu !l('l e~ llrlJ:' sP"':'corn It Ie Import· the market are actllal wonders-work· ...... ' -'-~--~~ "'hleh Injure tbe vltollly. ant th a t morH Is Inva h 'ed than m e rely ing model~ In reality at tho big elec· Som e exp eriments show that SElt"d lankin!,'; at thE' , ·arR. The kf'rne ls mURt trlcal equipment!! seeD all about U8. {rom ea rs high on the stnlk and In an he BtudJed. ny s it {> iilr.g off a portion , For InBtance, there Is a little steam· We Lead You upright position, yield almost 10 bush· at Ihe ear fro m tip to butt a lle rfont IIhlp complete In all Its outward de· . ~ ..Is less, (ler acre, than s eed from ears en r will s how th e kernels close tOo tails, wblch Is driven by a battery and hanging In fbe natural position . J:'e lher wh e re tb('y are Joined to th~ motor concealed In Its hull. It may be Ears growing high on the stalk and cob, of' uniform size ILDd shape, com· started, atopped or reversed from a In an upright position, when planred, pact and attractive In appearance. Bmall s .... ltcbbOl\rd through a wB~er­ California proof conncctlng cable. Tben 'tbere III a !!mall electric fan dry an.d In not too large quantHlps, Melin. J. S. & W . 8. ICwhn. the Pltubur,h banken •• re wblch II not a mere toy, but wblch thero Is little dauger of cau s in g bloa' doln~ In IheSacram.oto Valla)' what the U. S. Gonnun.nt will give a good stiff breeze. It Is MIn II dom, .lae"hera for the peopl •• In animals. by a lIubslantlal motor suitable for Alrulfa hay contains as mu c h pr()o There II ten tlmea mo... net prollt per ac... 'n C.IlfOlllI. otber. pu rposes. imglJI,d la",1 than 10 the wt Brld .. lth I... labor. Il'in as wheat bran . . 'WI1('n the farm'!l Street lamps with real Ugbts operIs rendy to study and work Cor It Bl,d Let UI take ,.ou "har. th.r. II comfort 81101 haPI'I_ ate from a battery. aest Wa". to Prepare Sotl {or has lenrned how ' to It'TOW the alfalfa b~.idea profit, cUmal. equal to th •• of !Ioulh.rn Italy. Complete electrically operated .t..U'a.I{a is to GroW' Some Culno frostl nor Ino". no thundlntorm. nor lunllroit... plant, thl8 protein wll1 como to hlro street . care with electric headllgbt tivated. Crop {or Year almost free of cost except his Let us take you .. b.... bl, mon.,. II ,,"" beinlLmacle. or TW'o. an.! any amount of track may be proaod IDcom. marketa are near. demand Dr proda.c:ta work. tected by electrIc block signals. I. lur~. Tbe slrls also have been rememAn Amusing Toy, I have learned that the best wsy to Let UI take you "heft nnfOad and riftr tnlllportattoD PartIal Soiling. bered, and lIome of the thlngll wblch prepare soli for alfalfa Is by growing il near... here th .... an denominational chun:h. and PnrUal soiling may be Il~a c tlced til interests them most Is a complete legs are movably mounted In tbll com or some cultivated crop on It a graded schuul.. electrIc range .... Ith cooking utEnslls, 9penlng anll are normally beld drawn Y41ar or two, and by observing the good adVAntage on dairy farms where ND'LI) is the lime to bur thllland-(tltID .. lth th .. ~ln_. which operate II from tbe IIgbtlng clr· up Iota the body. They are actuated growth ot tbe corn I know about HIe silo is nol use<l. a s most postures the Klelll PI,umma Canal .. Ill loon be read, Ind' Y0,\-ClD get slwrt and poor In th e latter parI cult and wblch Is capable of doIng real by a spring, however, and Ulle sprlnK Ihare in it, 'triumphal f.rml ar. lellln, npldlr. aact ... wbat the soil needs. Th~ land must of !lnm rnf'r or fnll. An acre of corn cooking. I, held in 1easb by a catch, whleb Itrol1gly urge you to pureh ... U 100Q U polllblL be well drained, rightly fe rWlzed, rl1A8 down to tbe rabbit's tall. When thoroughly tilled and clean of weeds, plant.ed on a plnce convenient to the You can buy thl. land on "''1 IU, term_$I!l.OO 811 yards or pasture wlJl be we ,rth a great How Janusry Geta Name. tbe tall la pulled the catcb 18 moved aen and the balanc. 10 t.n ,earl, PI,meali. then with lime and Inoculation ( deal at thnt time. A lIttlo green COMl January derives Its name Crom the I and the aprlng released. Bunny's bind Oi.1 UI an opponunlty 10 take up all d.taUe .. Ith Joa know aHaUIl will grow. I oow always c ut nnd fed will save shl'lnlfage In Roman god JanulI, who was repre- I leg8 shoot out and propel blm forward - .. ril. UI IIOW In the spring with light seedln~ milk In (lalry cow or wei g ht In beel aanted wIth two facell; one was the I wl~h all the auddenness with wbleb a Let o. lend roo our fiDe iIIultnted prtnted mllter t.mnll.a at barley for nurse crop, says an ex· stoc k. vlltlch vrould reQuire a grcall face of art old man. typifying the past Crlgbtened rab~lt might be expected to about iL W ri te for It ., '''(6-11 ,h.. )'0\1 Ibsorute proOt.. pert in the Fa'r m and Home. deal of' feed to regain -It once lost. 7ear; the other that at a youth, In jump away from, a tormentor or a PW' Attalfa. sbould not be cut when the KUHN IRRIGATED LAND CO. :-i, .. merenoe to ,the'! new year. luer. dew or raIn III on It, If It Is to be fed Rape for Hogs. Dept. a.. green. Sufficient feed ' for two or tbree reeently drilled a patch of rape, . . . How"He,ne Eat, Something JUlt a. Good, MIl FOURTH AVENUE PnT.sDYRGB. PA. Train Boy (golq through car)- c1aJs can be eut on a-brlght day. Cut usIng IlIh: pounds of seed and .- '200 - Grandpa biiltelt Dorotby to IrO with Jtlm ~o f~ the ohlckenl, the ~oJ'Dlng pllj:an.? FllbertsT Engl,llh walliu~.~ It when Ole dew la air, spread It well poundsl fertilizer . to I1n acre. T~' atter her ~rlyal ' at ~e' farm. On ber Gruff Pallenpr-Dcm't want 'em '~d kot .It lie until' late In the arter· wae tr'l ed last year, resulting In , ft"1'1 noon, .;hen put it up In small heaps lll!e herg pasture, says a writer tn an ,atum to the h$ u" 'iDQllfred IhJ. Saven't allY teeth. aDd .e uler with muslln' Itay ca·p s and ell:change. My bogs ·w er. the beet III .17: ' ':dran!lpa: do ·all ~III" eat 1rIUa TraiD .Boy-All rlaht,. S ... •• ~ . »! · .,.t ~, _I ~ 4ro .1ea.,e . It for two or tbree days. ,It the ' Jit~lghborhOOd . aft_ lIUIAlDa 011 nO_I •.~ '. ~IIW .... 0. ,um.. . . ' ',yw.1MG ~ wtl'~ ,eaol1lh' ~d fed t,b's rape ..,,&telI. . L.."';".::I





The Old Oaken Bucket

c ar-


c-... ... tJ.....-.










To Fortune and Happy Life In












Mr~ .

U. M. WhiLe is a itor tuday.

, -




Messrs . J e:l:!e Burton and Waller ~ lIli t h wel'e Ouyt on viM itu rli Tuet!4iay.


gi v 11 this p art a llY thollg ht ? . PA R ENTS or (;U:\ H.D I ANS wl lO h a l e g irls wishillg l' lIIpioy l11 t'llt arc ill vi t l'd to v i ~it our factory a lJ(i Sl'l' o u r sy st em a nd w ork roo m s. . Apply i n P erSO Il or b y L e tt e r to


A lOc cake Pa lmolive Soap free with ellch 25c worth of Galvanic Soa~ for a few days. Better lay In a supply now.


___________I._____________ THE EIBIN GER-MEIS SHOE MFG. CO.

, !

Miss Grace & hwartz, of Co lumbus. is the g uest uf Mr. and Mrs R. G. Cross.

Mir iam Kelley, of Sprinlltie ld 1i it! Mi:l.q visiting Mr. a nd Mrs. Will S.


A N time. OCU LIST is one who'hlls IItud ied llIedicine the prescribed length of fou r years, with his preceptor a practitioner of medicine. He then at tends a medical college fo ur years . graduates and receives his diPloma to practiee medicine and surflery, the Ilame as your family doctor " Upon g raduating, if he does n() t desire to practice ~eneral medicine, bu t wishes to make a specialty of the eye; even with all this medical knowledge not eonsidering himself, eOMpetent to practice Optholmology (the eye). he takes a \lOst graduate course of two years o~ the eye bf'!f~re he announces himself prepared te properly treat dIseased condillone and aecurately e.umine eyes and properly adjust g lasses for tiefect. of sight.



Mrs. Al ma Bing all1on, of lmliana p. olis. is visi ti ng Mr . and Mrs. Walte r Elzey.



Try ou r Rose of Sharon Coffee. The best sol's in town , only 30c

The Clarksv ille balle Itall team will ,lay the Miamis Sunday at Philli ps' " vark.

\ 'u U

Indiana Cantaloupes

I'll rs. U na ' Dev itt is altlmtiir.g Yt!arly Meeting at Richmond .

Mi l sulI '~ Ft.'rtilizt.' r. the best Ull the mllrkt'l . fur ~Ie by e has. Frye.

O m work is s ll'au\, alld t1lu. ;l ssuril lg all ill co m e in t he cold w illt ~'r a~ wd l a s t lie S lIml11 er,

Elberta Peaches



Good and Steady Income.

<. Positively Dangerous to Have Your Eyes Examined or Classes Fitted by Optlcla~. or Optometrists, Non e of Whom H~ye Any Medical Education of the Eye, 'Its Appendages or Diseases.


(;. E. l{lIll1JlIl l, of Dayton, spent Tu e, day in Waynesville.


"P " S!


John Leonarcl is here f r,)ln King1l

Why Not Join Them and R eceive a




W c' now ha\'(' ill our employ Thirty-jive (35) \\ om n awl t~ir1 s . and w e 1Iav s ttndy ('.mplo~· ­ tllcnt for :t few marl'. Ollr wo r kroom s a rc Icit-:.l l III l'ver way a nd c1ea ll; tIle work is cas' a ll\i o1lr Clll plo)'cl':-' a r frce and iIlC kpl'IHkllt hy l'a rJI lllg a )!, (lod li v ill g'.

' .,:! '" -

:l~~~~~~I I



~J- ..-'~.~

_ ____ __ _ _ !JJ!.2?

Bring us your Hutter and EKgS. Paying 20c for Eggs

What is an Optician or Optometrist?

---------It pays t o trade at

A N OPTICIAN OR OPTOMETRIST possesses no mt'dical education and they have no IltandinK 18 a profession uncler the laws of the state of Ohio. Without any previous medical knowleda-e of the eye. its append. ages or diseases. they take a "one to three weeks' eourse" at one of those "1IQ·called optical eollel'es" that affliet eertain cit ies and th ~n appear before the public Ili full· fledged "eye speeiaJistB." and ean have any or all of the following hiKh BOunding titles bestowed upon th~m. "0. D-/' "Graduated Optician," .. Optometrist." · Optholmolo&'ist" or "Rerractionillt." The majority of ~lassea titted by thill class for all defects of sight, a-e simply magnifying glU8el. Nine times out of ten this lIla&1lifyinr power does more harm than good. Its eonstant wear interferes with the blood circulation of the eye.. displaces the eye mu~leB. produees cataracts, growths. atrophy of the optic nerve, inflamed c(\nditlons and partial or total hlindness. As Ohio hili no law to protect its citizens from this elellll of "Ibort term eye sltecialisu." the eountry is literally over-run with "1IQ·ealled" optieill~s and spectarle peddl ers.


~~~~~~~~~__~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Graham . Dr. A. T. Wri g ht left this morning fo r Ri chmond , Ind .. to attend Yearly Mee ting .



Chas. F ry e ha ndles t he Milson F er t ilizer, and t here is none better.

Benj Lippincott is the guest of hw da ug hte r and fam ily . at Wilmin~­ ton. Ohio, How can a black cow. fed on green have to, while others farm because Nathan Haw es and fam ily , of llr811S. a-ive white milk~ The Bible ' fa rming pays . Some bUlii ness men Spring Valley. spent Sunday wi t h ,loes not re late all t he miraeles. are in business because t hey can' t rela tives here. Kow can a citizen become progres- get out; others are in busines.'l beRev . P. B. Thompson preached sive and keep in touch with the world cause thev are making money. Few that p lOves, Th e man who is willing I of us wo rk for our heal th. Ma ny a his initial sermon at the Christian t() ~end a dollar where it will return patriot. is a friend of the dear "sople church Sunday. tQ 'him more than one hundred cents at their ex pense. The Exposition Mrs. Cora 2aker and daug hters. worth of benefit is keeping step with helps every bra nch of business and of Springfield, were g uests of Mrs. common sense and marehin~ to the tends to add to th e profiLP of human Ida Stokes last week. music of good investment. The ma n ende-dvor . The Stat e Fair is the B. F. Ridge. of Lafayette, Ind , is or woman whe trayets and coes away Iluide-board poin t ing to hig h er id eals from home once in a while often fin'd s and better methods. The Exposition the g uest .f his brother, Mahlon Ridge and family. ;s the store house of wh at h as bee n a barsain eowlter. Lut year, a t the Ohio State Fair, accomplished in all the oenturies. Mrs. Ethel English and daughter, a farmer purchased one ho or that Dull indeed is he who would neglect of Bad Axe, Mich .• are guests of paid his expenses to Columbus several an opportunity to Bee the fini shed Mr. anti Mrs. A. B. Sides. times over, besides improving the products of all the ages: The tIm e MI'l'I. Chas. Shidaker, Mrs. Frank breed of hop in his neighborhood . taken to visit t he State Fair is well Harrill. of Harveysburg, Mr. and A .city DIan who owned a farm, while spent. T he money required is a in the lP'eat ~ricultur&1 Hall at the smalI amount and well invested. with Mrs. A. Maffit, were g uests at the State Fair in 1910 discovered a va- large di vidends certain . Many Barnett 1I0me, Wednesday. riety of corn that uded several things are done which do not pay a Dr. ami Mrs. ,l. Q. Alexander and bushels to his l ield per acre in 1911 . profit, bu t seeing and studyinl{ the son, of Dayton, were guests of Mrs. He mue more than the legal rate of Ohio Exposition will pay more than Alethia Alexander, Monday . Interest on the money which' he a hundred per cent The date is the Mr. and Mrs. J . W. White. Mr. spent by comin~ to Ohio's big Ex - last week in August It will pay to position. borrow the money, if that pe neces- and Mrs. F. H. Farr and Fred White The State Fair is a great picture Ilary, to eome. For catalogue alld attended Chautauqua, Sunday. painted by the brush of toil and information addreaa Gasolins Steves, repaired. Notify skill, dipped in brain and IIweat. A. P. ~dlell. the Waynelville Auto and Machinery Some farmers farm because thE< y Secretary. Co. and they will call for them. (


Dr. J. A. McCoy,

Dr. and Mrs. D. K. Spahr, of Dayton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zell, Saturday night.


Mr. Howard Everhart and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Will Lippincott and Prudence Adams were married in daughtel'8 have arriveti home from Kentucky. Saturday evenine. Both Graduate of Ohio State University partie» are from Corwin. The beys Indiana, where they visited relatives. of that vicinity remembered the oc- Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Htmtierson casion and &,ave them an old·fash- and family, and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Office at residenee in l". B. Sher- ioned belling Monday evening. Dodds were at Chautauqua Saturday. wooci's house. Fourth Street. - - ..... - ~ Samuel H . Hodgin, of North CaroMUSIC CLUB Telephone 28 lina, a graduate of Harval:d, has Waynesville, Ohio The mU!Jic club held its re&,ular been elected president of Wilming. m'eeting on Saturday, July 27. in ton college. addition to the playing of musical QUILLER & JORDAN games, the lives of Verd i. Sc h ubert Mitis Madge Allen. of Columbus. and Mozart were. studied, and the and Dr. H . M. Reberts, of Wasainl'Dealo... in Ar~la~l<; Marble tuld Oranlte following selections played: Verdi : ton. C. H. spent Sunday witb Dr. Prison Song from II Trovatore- Min- and Mrs. J. A. McCoy. erva Harlan. Sch.berl: Valse Noble Mrs. Isabel Ba,Yhan, who has been 11 S. Mechanic St. Lebanon. Ohio. Telephone No. fO - Lucile Hormell; Serenade- Mrs . visiting relatives and friends in CoSee US If you want to save Money Bessie W!1ite Mozart: Sonata No. lumbus and Wilmington, returned "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~. 3- Mrs. Bessie White. home Saturday evening.



- - -- -.. -

tlAMILTON REUNION The Hamil ton fa mily : reunion was held at the beaut iful coun t ry home of Mr . and MI'!. Lucius Frazi~r, of near Olive Brauch, on Sunday, August 4, 19' 2. Those that were fort unate enough .. t;, be present were as follows: Mrs . Jane Hamilton. Marion Hamilton and wife, Amos T. Hamilton. Mart Roush and wife, Russell Wilkerson, wife and two sons, Charley Frazh;r and wife. Wilber Ertl e, wife and daughter, Wm. Downing and family. Ed Jeffery and family, Mrs. Jennie Stiles and three claughtl!rs, Cliff Vanhflrn and family, Frank Shank and falllily. Joseph Kersey and wife, Ed Ross and son. Joe Chenoweth, Robert Ward, Willie Jacks')!), Clarenee Hazleton and Misses Lids Murray, Lelia Eiben and Marie :rackson. Next year's reunion will be held on the liNt Sunday in AUKust. at the home olr Mrs. Jane Hamilton, near Wilmington, Clint on Co., Ohio.


'WHAT IS AN OCULISTIC OPTICIAN? AN OCULISTIC OPTICIAN is one who ~ not only the medical education of the physician, or oculist, but' alllO hili the ac tual training of the technical o,tlcian. Weyossess both. Our optical training was net obtained in • one week's eourse at a " so-ealled optical eollea-e." but in an optical factory. where we gained the practical experience in measuring. grinding and polishing ot lenses and the aJSembling of glasses for defects of sight aecordlnll' to ltresc ription.

OUR CLASSES ARE CUARANTEED To correct HeacbK:he; Nervousness; Dizziness; Aching Eyeball.;

Eye Strain; Spotl Aoatlng before the Ey.. ; Tearinl, Weak an"

-- ..

Watery Eyel; Sleeplessness; B1urrlnl of Type In Readlnl. Drowslneu; Bu~lng. Itching or Smartlnl of the Eyelid, and many fonnl of Mental Exhaustion. Growlhl Removed and Cross Eyel Sfr"l.. tened without usc: of knife. Granulated Eye lids relieved without bumlna:, No Injurious drug. uted In Eye I!xamlnatloos. All Eye Examinations made by a Specialist pcweuilll tbe Medical Education of the (kulist. Permanently located.


Beech Grove. Lon Brannon led the YounK Peoples meet in&' last Sunday evening and Mrs. Mabel Terry will be the learler next Sunday eveDin&,. Me8dames Orie and N .!lie BUT&'ett. of near Dayton. spent Friday and Saturdllywith A. S. Allen and family . MetI8lrs. M. M_ Terl'1. Thomas Collins. Lhea Smith. Harry Thompson, AIl,r on Smith, and K E. Thomp. IOn .attended the Burtton !lale In Wayne!lville. on Saturday-. Geo. Gilleon, of near Wayneaville, WIUI here on Sun_ay morning. Mrs. Wm. Taylor and two ehildren of Green Briar, were shopping in Waynesville, on Saturday afternoon. Wm. Smith has movl'd back into the James Cleaver house, near the church. Ed RoetalIick and family. of near Oregonia. were' Sunday ~uesta of relativE!S at Harveysburg. Mrs. J . W.Edwards spent Sunday aftuneon with Mrs. Martha W. Thomp!lOn. Mrs. Fishhaugh, of Springfield, ia spending a few dals with Mrs John Jordon 'and family . W. N. Sears, of Waynesville, Wal here on Monday and bOu&,bt some young cattle of A. B. Talmage. Ml'R. Anna M. Brannon spent Thursdlilyafternoon with Mrs. Geo. Bogan lind daughter MillS Edith. at Well main. Miss Garnet Edwards attended the Chautauqua a couple of days lut w8lek. . - ---- - ••- - -



Messrs. Jesse Thomas and Morris LA TE CLASSIFIED ADS Graham left Tuesday morninlr for pIUS for lale. Theile pip are iD Dakota. where they will stay for Rood .hape. For far&her par. !lOme time. Several from Bellbrook t101lI&re 0.11 OD .'raDk DekiD. R. D . al80 will join a party at Chicago. 1, WaYDBlVtlJe. Ohio. • 28


Servlee at very reason· able rates.

. _....._ _ _ _ _ _ _..

Sub-Agent for

. iJ.,l. ~ ne _Same ATLAS Cement Used Mr. and Mrs. Lee Adamt', of Kansas Ci ty, Mo, . arri ved here Friday By The U. S. Government Imorning for a two w@ek's visit ·»ith Rev. and Mrs. J . 1<' . Cadwallader ancl On The Panama Canal other friend s.

the Ford Automobile


Mrs. Lee Cooper and son, who 'have been gueats at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Williamson returned to ,' her home in Dayton Monday MI'!!. Williamson and 8QJ1; Harold. accom.panied them for 8 week's vil.lit (n Dayton,

The very Best at all Timas




.Ray Mill. Corwin, Ohio Phone 71·1~



Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gray had as their guests last wel'k Miss Anna r.iebold; Mr~. Albert Flory and Mr. Carl Clellver, of Dayton. and little Miss Audrey Cleaver. of Wellman.

You know ,how particular Uocle. Sam is in buying goods. You caD 'his judgment. It will pay every property owner i Harry Mi8Sildin~, of Wiehita. Kan., to find out how ATLAS Cement can' is the lIuest of relatives here for a week. Harry is one of the boys who add to his income, comfort, safety, left Wayne!!ville for larger fields who beaJth, etc. We have some inlere&bng' has made good. and his many friends booklets on this lubject. free for the asking. here are glad to renew old friendship. I





can he had rilht in town from .....

-v' E


Mr. anll Mrs. J . C. Hawke. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hawke and dau~hter. Subscribe for the Gazette EVQrylwdy should read the Gazette Mrs. A. B. Sides, Mrs. Ethel Eng- Miss Clara Hawke and Mr. Carl ~~~~~~~~~'II!!'!"~~'!!!'!!'!~~~II!II!!~~~~~~~!!!"!'!!II!!!'!~ !ish and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Hawke were Dayton visitors Sunday. = , D. Hathaway attendl-d a family 2L22!!_ gatherinll at Maineville Tuesday. ;;

L l '

- -- - - - --_'!'

w. This is one of the moat popul.r . artieles we sell. Its flavor has Illade it popular. Everybod, who likes peanuts likes Beech.Nut Peanut Butter. Buy a lOc jar todaY' of





Live Stock and

~NUT iltter


N. Sears




Posted on pedigrees and values of all kinds of breeding stock. ~perienced in handling farm sales since '.

- 1905.




Term. Reuonable a:. SatltfKtlon OUlraa'lId W~)'nelvllle,

'V'"" Ttl.....







Sixty-Third Year

WAYNESVILLE, OHIO, WEDNESDAY AUGUST 21, 1912 ~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~ -~~~- - - -_. ANOTHER WIN 'FOR


..-.-. . ...........--_..................................__...} r·. . .·....· .·....· ·-.·-· ..·.·...._-.·.·.-.... ·.-. -·.....-.-.---..-

Mre. Jas Stoops and son. HoI mes, left for Bay View , Mich .• Monday. where they will spend several weeks through the har f ever season.





.. ' .

Fra nk Montgomery. of Franklin. was in town Thursday on business. Messrs. Phillip Hopkins and Robt. Crew autoed to Dayton last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Adams visited relatiVe!! in Wilmington. Saturday and Sunday. George Clark.

. . IM'Ie h ,VISited

of Ann .

Arbor . '

relatav~ and friends

here T hursday . Messrs. Elijah Compton and Hendley C9 rron are spending a week at Leipsic. Putman County. Ohio.

while brinKing a load of Jroods over he accidentally BCraped the skin off his arm. While thinking nothjnK of the occurlmce. it developed into a bad Bore. and his life II despaired of.

Thursday. August 15. with a VdY la rge attendance. The day was an id eal one and our host and hOHtes!! had left nothing undone for the comfort and enjoyment of thei r g uests. The sons and daughter of the Davis fa milv deseN e special mention for t he many courtesies shown to old and:,young durin g the ~ay. Games and amusements were provided for all who cared to indulge in them . The tables were spread upon the ::Ipacious lawn and were heavily laden withgood things to eat. Rev , Kestle. of Lebanon. was present and asked all to join in singing th e Blessing. which ind eed WIl8 a pretty little ceremony. After dinner th e usual good pro· gramme was relldered. followed by the election of officers for 1913. which resulted as follows: Pres. A. B. Sides . Vice Pres. Wal ter Davis, Treas. Sam Davis , Sec. Mrs, Harley Wills. So many invitations were extended to the reunion for next year that it was some time before a place was finally decided upon, but we are pleaaed to say that we will be entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Crane, the third Thursday of August 191 3. A delicious treat of ice cream and cake concluded the programme of a well spent d&Y. LOST A VALUABLE HOOSE

singled, ICorinK Evans and Edwards, The Misses Leah and Ruth Anson, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen and the but was ~~ght at second, Fordyce of Cincinnati, are guests of Mrs. Misses Georgia Hadd en and Lizzie to Sam Suuth. Sam and Grey took Lucy Pratt and fllmily. Stewart visited Dayton. Thursday. k care of BeJ'lCen, . In the last of the fifth, Ben Smith Mililon's Fertilizer for sale by Gasoline Stoves called for and reImgled, WILl lIlle at second on Sam Chas. Frye, try it and you'll hav", paired, Waynesville Auto and Ma· Smith'a error, stole third and was none other. chinery Co. Wm. Daughters, ot Xenia, had an aafe at hOMe on another error by unusual exPerience lut Tuesday Sam. Garsht hit Waterhouse, who Edwin FurDas left for Fishertown Mr's A Pifer aud daughter , of evening. As hia train was nearing stole second and third and wu oalled Pa .• Friday, to visit his sister, Mn: Richmond, Ind., returned, home (lId Town. a tree was struck by out at the plate on a very rank de- Elias BlaCkburn for several days. Tuesday after a week's stay at the lightninJr and fell on the track. cision hy Wilaon. Woolle, and Friend's Home. J. O. Ce.rtwriKht left Monday 'The train hit it, derailing enKine, Evans sinaied but Edwards tiied to p . D. Clagett arrived home from baggqe car and two coaehes. No Ford,ce for the third out. morninK for Cedar Sprinill, whe~ one was injured. In the first of , the fourth, Anson he will spend most of his annual va. Roswell, N. M., Wednesday eveniDg. He c'E!rtainly is full of the beauties I ... was hit by a piwhed ball anll stole cation. of that place. John Nutt. who lives on the DayAnother Waynesville boy who haa IIeCOnd, Couden slnKled and stole M'ISS Ed na S n od Kra&<!, 0 fC'me Innatl,. ton road, lost a valuable horse in a d h G f ed M ma4e a~,..I Clark who hu lleCon t ann , yers then Ie ft f or h er h ollie Mond ay, a ft er a uuu II Georae • • • led, arsd id Milson's Fertilizer. the best on the peculiar manner Thursday. The an st;o e secon • Amaon pleasant five-day's viait with Dr_ and marltet, for sale by Chas. Frye. been teachinK in the law department sang horse was sick but was getting alonll at Ann Arbor,Michia.n University and Couden safe Mrs.. S D CI ay ton. .-. ' B e ' IIOOnq. u Snook was '. He leaves t1\ere about the middle of on rl8n II error ...eyers lConnK. Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Cadwallader, nicely. Mr. Nutt went to MiamisSeptember for Baltimore, Md., BauKb foreed Snook ':,t IeOOnd. John A. Funkey is ver'J anxious to and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Adams spent burg, for medicine. Thursday. and where he haa accepted a position Hawke to llaJ'l'lUl, and waa eauKht have every lady .to call1Uld see the Thulrsday and Friday visiting rela- when h~ returned home his hor8t< was Kone. Upon invf'8tigation he found with the United Mereantile .\eency, tryirllr to Bteahecond. Burton to Bp.r- new line of Shirt Waiata at only 7!Jeta Lives in Lebanon. that the fertilizer wa~on from Day.. diatriet........,... a poeiUon ""bieb 180· worth $2 00, $2.50 and $3.00. Mr. and Mrs. George Funkeyar- ton had been ~hrough Centerville ~ a lucrative I1&lary. IIr. Clark In the first of tile elcbth. C.uden is to be congratulated u)tOn hill late.t singled and took .lleCond on Garsht'. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Coleman and rived from Chieago Monday evening ,that a~tentoo~. He Immedliltely phoned the Daysucceu. tI, to Woolley. U,ers fanned. but the Uissea Kathryn and Esther Hen- and are guest. of their parents Mr • . ton police and the P. & D. Assn., Snook Biqled and took lIflComi on ciel'9On spent the week-end in Nor and Mrs. J. A. Funkey. here. of which he is a member. It In a letter to John T.,lor from W~lIeY'1! er~r. Couden .aroiq to wood, with Mr , and Mrs. H. C. ColeVenice, Cal •• Mr.A. C. Taylor writes third. Ben South made a wlld throw man. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Campbell developed that the wagon had reas folloW.: "We are pleuantly to third to catA:h Couden, who Beored. and Miaaea Orpha and Mary Camp.. ceived a call to the home of a neigh · loca.tecl here in a bUDP)OW that be Snook ran from aecond to home but Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Klinger and bell of Sardinia. Ohio, spent Saturday bor, John Brown, but mistaking the lonp to Earl. I am in the clothi,nK wu eall~ back to third on a K~und two daughtera, of Dayton, are here and Sunday with MI88 Emma Heigh- place had Kone to Nutta.' and seeing the sick horse the men concl uded buar'ness bere. Earl and hia Wife ru~ whIch allows but one base on a for two weeks. at the Rye home war. that was the one, and proceeded to leave on the 28th for Australia. wild throw over third base. Baugh The Kline-er's Ilre always accorded a where be baa a winter's enplrement flied t. Edwarda for the third out. warm welcome to Waynesville. Franklin Packer and family ar- kill the animal, pack it in their in vaudeville. We .re atl well and The IIC8re: rived here Monday noon from New. waKon and took it to the fertilizer enjoyinr ourselves." OLARKSVILLE Inner tubes vulcanized . Waynes- town, Pa., enroute to Ann Arber, works. Mr. Nutt and Mr. E. S. Baily went Earl ia another bov who has made H PO A 1l: ville Auto and ~achinery Co. Mich., where they will spend the 0 , orelt, lb . ........- AD5 RII I) 10 0 to Dayton Mondav, and met the par&ood and Is a top notcher in hiB a. ml\b. 2b...... 0 0 0 1 6 a . winter. " Furdyce. rf .... ... , U J 2 l ~ Mrs. F. W. Hathaway atarted Mon· ties concerned, and the matter was prot_on. • _. ( =~: 0: : : : ~ ~ : ~ : 0 day mf)rning for Norfolk, Va. where You can not alford to mi88 the promptly adjusted to the aatisfaction CoudeD. _ . . . • . . • . • 2 , 1 0 1 sh OBITUARY Oanh,. p. ... . .... • 0 '1 0 , tI e will yiait her daughter. Mrs grel'.t Shirt Waist Sale at John A. 'o f all concerned, The company was b: ·.:·.:::: ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ Minnie LeGrand . She will be joined I Funkey·s. every day. not half cost. very sorry the thing happened, and Charles Joel ,' infant son of Mr. and Balllh, u... .. .. . . , 0 0 0 0 ~ at Dayton by Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hath · The Chicago manufacturer sent them promptly made the matter right. Mn, H~race Stokes, of South Leb· . .. . . .• .•• 17 · 8 . If 11 'away, of Colum bua Grove. Ohio, who with 'orders to sell thelll regoardleas MOTHER'S DAY AT COLUMBUS anon. Wall ' relieved Tuesday of his MI~lallii will also visit Norfolk. to value.


:=: c:


Mi ~R

(;rae.. Schwa r tz

':::::.:: : r

1: t



---... _.0---

l·nt<·r ·

Mr. antI Mrs. T. ){ s lIl :l h I;'ntl;'l" ta1l1 eu at \l famil y Jillllt' r Sunday ThUllI;' IJrt'sent wen· l\1r lI arry M I~ ",iIJine, of Wichi la, Ka l' .• 1\11' (\11 01 MI'::I . Luther Sell en;, I )r a lld i\1.. ~ tl Q . Al exander , 111' {Jaytu ll Those who t!l1joyed a frit'd eh icke ll supper at the home of !'wi r ano M r>l. Ray Smith, last Frioay t'vl:! lI inl{ w.· r.-: Dr. and Mrs. S.D. Claytull, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnhar t. MillH J<.:d"a Snodgrass, of Cincin nati . Mbill S Thelma Wy song. Urace ~ehwa rt z and Master Drew Alexande r.

Miss Elizabeth Chandl er entertained at a thimble party, last Friday . in a- de lightful mann er , The guests were: Misses Izma Eg ue r t. Henrietta McKinsey, Eva Davis. Donna Hawke. Kathryn Alexander, Eleanor Merritt. Bertha Kenric~, Stella Lemmon and Mrs. Fred Hartsock . Miss Clara Hawke entertained at a fried chicken dinner Tuesday evening. The affair was a charming one and wa~ g iven in honor of her guest, Miss Mary Hawke, of Lebanon, Those present were: Misses Donna and Emma Hawke, Lucile Cornell. Sybil and Helen Hawke, Josephine Oglesbee. Ellen Sherwoocl. Ethel Hosier and Laura McKinsey. Miss Anua Meredith. entertained at her beautiful country home Friday afterno:m in honor of college chul'll. Mias Mildred Slaughter. The afternoon was Rpent in playing various games. after which, dainty refreshments were served, then the guests departed for teeir homes thanking' their hostess for the pieasafternoon spent. The invited gueat.q were Miss D.nna Hawke, Stella Lemmons, Eva Davis. Luella Cornell, Jessie Marlatt. Henrietta McKinsey, ~1t!Stia Austin, Stella Daugherty Izma Egbeat, Anna Furnas, Mrs. Davis Furnas, Mrs. Fred Hartsook, and Katherine Alexander.

On Wednesday, of last week, Miss Kezia Merritt l'.a ve another of her delightful "afternoons." "500" was the entertainment provided, and delicious refreshnJents were served . The Invited guests were: Mrs. John H. Coleman, Mrs. S. D. Clayton Mrs. Edith alarris. Mrs. Laura Mosher.. Mrs. J . T. Ellis. Mre. Cynthia Evans, Mrs. W. H. Allen, Mrs. John O. Cartwright. Mrs. Emmor Bailey. Mrs. Lina Devitt. Mrs , William Benecke, Mrs. A. T . WriJrht, Mrs. H . E. Hathaway, Mrs. George Hawke. Mrs. D . L. Crane. Mi88t's The followlnK invitation was reEdna Snodgrass, Eva Funkey, Leah ceived at this office last week, and is Smithand Eleanor Merritt self-explanatory: You are cordially ----invited to be present on Mother's New Burlington and Children's Day to be celebrated at Columbus, Ohio. on Saturday. Dr. McCray and family IlUtoed to August 31. 1912, during the Ohio- Clarksville, Thursday of last week. Columbus Centennial in charge of A. C. Blair and W. C. Smith were the Ohio Federation of Women's Dayton visitors. l<'riday. Clubs. Mrs. Judson Harmon, Mno. Jesse Hawkins and family, Mr. and Howard Huckins, Mrs. William Oxley Mrs. A. V. Foland, Mr", A. H. Har· Th M Le' (' La I' Ian and Mrs. Hetty McPherson are omp;wn. rs.. WIS • Y Ill, among tholle attending Wilmington executIve committee. Yearly Mooting. DEATHS Mrs. Ida Mendenhall, of Spring ____ Valley, is visiting Mrs. Alice Walton, Misses Sarah Haydock and Marie Hezekiah Baily died at hiB home in Cincinnati and was buried at Lemar atteraded a party in honor of . Joshua Inwood, of South Bend. Ind .. Sp~mg Grove, Tuesday. He was a at the hC}JTIe of Laurence Ilnd Louiae Friend and was well known here. Alexand'er, Friday evening. Frank Fornshell. of Dayton, spent Mrs. Isaiah Reeder died suddenly Sunday at the home of Wm. Dedrick at her home in Xenia Friday and with his wife and little son. was buried in Miami cemetery, SunMiss Ruth Harlan, of MiamisburJr. has been viaiting at the home of her day. Services were held at the grantlparents . chapel at 1 o'clock. Rev. P . B. Emma White and Etta Moas reThomplOn, offieiating. ceived word of the serious illness of their brother David White. of KoThe infant daughter of Mr. and komo, Ind. The Reeves falJlily held its first reo Mrs. Clarence Hile. of Morrow, died union Ilt the home of J. 'H. Reeves, of cholera Infantum Saturday, and Sunday. R. B. Reeves and family, the funeral was held Monday atter· of Richmond, Ind., wert! amonK noon. Interment was made in Mor- those present. ."w. Miss CI~ra EwlnK attended the , doubl~ funeral of her cousins Prof, , eest Grade steam cylinder oil, and Mrs. Cory, at Breokaville. Wed· . Waynesville Auto and Maeliinery Co neaday. of lat week.


__.....______________.___________ j W aynesviOile Na t lona18k an

\\'a ~

tained Tuesday at dinlll;' l' by Mr . and M r~ J . W. Whilt'.


severe 8ufferiq by ·a call from that Kd1flU'dll. Ib, .. . .. A,B ~ ~o ~ ~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~i'~~==~======~ Gr..t 'Muter that notes even f,be ~=: g ~ ~ ~ ~ sparrow', fal!. 1*nD, Jb .. . .. .. , , 1 II 2 2.. e 1'_..1 IlmUb. p... ... 0 1 , 1 _ 0;11 uvu mere ifu IIy Ioaneel that t'my B. Waterh0u88, ct... I O U J0 II _ .. rt ks f B ••kII. -. .... . . . • 0 1 2 2 _ fl ower Dne i 11. .0 wee an .)ur Woolleyitrt . . ... .. a II , I 0 days to bleal his' earthly home and EvUla. •...•. . • . ,-.! J 0 0 ~_. ..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....,j!_..! then tranaplaated him to that elim. 'I''..... .... II II 11 t1 8 8 "'-red f er US all • OIarlulYiUe . . • • •1 •2• ,50 ,a I0 6• 10 8I e11-' We now have our new vault cOJtlpletely installed, and our t hlit J MUS ' - prepa patrons and friends are invited to call and inspect the work. Charlet WIll bOrn June 2. 1912 and MIUllia •...• .. I , 0 Q I 0 • 0 . - 6 died Au"".' ltolea b-'llubYlIIe, II ; 1IIamIa. 111. The vault is of the linest and latest construction . It is . - IS,1912 . He was a Dou~PI.y-)("" un...........s. Ii ttle ..fferer from birth and thu. Bue Bls.-:-otr OaNb'- 11 ; otr Bmlth. B. lined throughout with two half-inch layers of stcel; the outer, --..I " d'ri SIl'Uclr OUt-O,. Oanh'. I ; by Bmlt.h. 14 . req ui nu eonatant an untl nil' care B _ oa B.u.-;..Oll Oanh'~ .'i oIr Ballbl I Five-Ply Chrome Steel, and the innc~r. Bessemer Steel. which wUl aak. him more than ~!:!r~l!!o~~" 'I. DJ Sml\h. . The door is solid steel six inches thick, and has twenty misled b, hla,.renta and Ifrother. ~:e o:r ~~IIIe. 8 ; ilium.. I ~ bolts, and is provided with· Mosler's Special Anti-Dynamite deDear little Charles from UI has Jrone, u WIIIoD. vice connected with the locks anu trains of bolts in such . ' 11111 voice we loved ill stilled, CA~D OF THANKS a manner that in the event of any attempt to destroy their His pi. . . vacant in our homf'. , o~ration by concussion or othenvise, the reserve device will Which never ean be filled. I desire to ex,resa my sineer e instantly take up all lost motion frr,m the mechanism and thus, CAltD or THA.NKS thanks to my friends and neiKnbol secure the locking bolts against the use of explosives or exterWtI . desire to thank our friends who durinK th~ short i1.lneaa atHl nal violenee. Tbe combinations ar~ protected by a Yale triple and neishbori tor their mall)' kind. ot my Wife, 80 kmdly lenl time lock of the la test desi~n. ne11188 durins the sickriesa and death their kind aasiltance, alllO to Rev As an additional security the f'unds of the bank are kept of our little son and brother. Thompeon, forhiskiDd. W~TClI of ~m Pueala and Brother. fort, 'he 8lnKel"8 for th~1r beautifUl in a burglar-proof Mosler screw·door safe within the vault. It • _ • bymna. alao to Mr. NJeld and Mr is further equipped with lockers. bookshelves, filing devices, etc. AT THE RIOHT PLACE MeClure for their kind manner in In the front apartment are safe:ty deposit boxes for rent at conductinK the funeral. from S2 to S5 per year. They afford the best ~ssible means J _ Thimlu and Morris. Graham Isaiah Reeder. for the ~fe keeping of deeds. insurance policies, bonds and are ' at Afauayille. N. D. Jeeee °- • other y,aluable papers. We believe the vault is in k ..pisig writ. aDd aa.YI: "Weare tbreebinJr M. E. CHURCH with-the business of the bank and the progressive spirit' of the bere now: lOt here ju.t_ at the rflbt • time aad -tbe rlabt plaee. Good eab Lut .SUnday· before Confe~n~. community. an. &&0 acrea to II.., Ob," Preadliq by pastor both .omms Tbe work was installed b)' the Wosler Safe Co., HamiJten. . '. . _ • anti eveninJr, 10:30 and '1:30. Pl_ Ohio. the largest of its kind in the world. Ga801iDe repaired. Motif, pay your benevolent lublcriptiODI Very truly. the WQlMIVille Auto ancnl_ine17 by Sun• ." . WAYNBSVILI.E J'olATIONAI. BANK. · ~~ IIIIl .they wlQ ~' for~, ClarenceS..:Grauer, Pptor.


.-----------. : Social Events I .... ----------.


.~-. . -.. .e .. ..... _ •• __ •.•.•••••••• _ . :

The Hathaway family held ilH Persona · IM· 'j enbon Column l i eighth annnal reunion at the beauti· ___ ._ .._ -.---.--..---.lI . ful eountry home of Mr . Sam ])av i!l.

Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Joy are visitlna Edwards, fil'flt man up in the last relatives at Lerado, Ohio . of the first, Bingled and stole second. P ro f . an d Mra. D . A Ferree Ie f t 'ft ed t thO d b S f i t kf W I Oh' h was aacrl c 0 Ir y ur ace, Have your Lawn Mower sharpelled. . 10,.W ere and scorPd on a passed ball. Burton :.. wee or ~ver y, Waynesville Auto and Machinery (',0. Prof. Ferree WIll a88ume hili new perl to Co d L t B . . pop u en, .u ergen was duties as aupf,lrIDdent of the II('hools saf ears t fi t w hen h'IS greun d ar KO t th Mis.'! Eva Cleaver is visiting friends ere. by Sam Smith. Ben Smith sinKled in Springfield and D~ton for a few • Steve Philli II of Wash in tliln C. and stol\! second, Bergen Koing to days. third, from whence he scored on a . p • . K , H .. 18 in Jrreat demand thiS year as a Mr and Mrs R G Cross spent -tarter at the county fairs He om- pasaed ball. Waterhouse walked Th '.. ' d &tol d b t H k f ed urlOUayand Friday WIth relatives dated in this capacity lut week at an e ~on, u aw e ann in Cincinnati. d WashinKton. C. B., and haa other forI thhe thllrd °fut' dates n t e ast 0 t h e Becon ,Woolley M D ~.: W. ~eeks is in t"ranklin . tanned, but Couden made a mess of Evan~' grounder. Edwards singled 888is~mlr I~ carll~ for John Stanton ~o::: h~~::~.:f t:r::::~v;~~ 'lnd Garsht hit Surface. Burton who 18 seriously 111.


The MiamilJ hune up their fourI:f teenth victory Sunday afternoon by L~_._. defeating the Clarksville team 5 to 4 IL.... - ..... ,- .•...----.-... t .~-.. ..............-.- - ...._ .........•-........ ...-. •• __.••__ ........... -...l in a fast, InaPPy Kame. The Clarksville team has been thoroUKhly overMiss Sue Crane is visiting in CinRussell Bentley was in Dayton huuled and rejuvenated for this seacinnati. Sund,a.y. SO!) and is a mueh better and fastpr bunch than the one '\ hieh former Iy Miss Elizabeth Carroll hall been H I;! your fertilizer of ChlL'l. Frye, represente4 that place. quite indisposed . Who handles the best.


-Mr. and Mr!l. Ethltn Coleman hav. left MarY8ville, Ohio • .and are now permanently located at Toledo, Ohio.

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Whole Nu mber 3173




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The Miami Gazette 0, L. CRANE, Pub lisher.


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When It nrS [ or-curr ed ,,0 Dny one ta eelebrate un evcnt or commemorate a person, by ('t'~snll on from toll nnd giving up a dny to Id le nes!!, amu sement, and restlvlty , Is not kn own , but Il must ha ve bl:t' n (\nrly lu hl~tory ot .oclnl e \' olu llon . In the sa ,a Se e tsl e of f'xl eten!'<l men li ved rrom band to m outh, nnd we re ob liged to b unt or fl s h ev c ry dny to gel the ir It ..,· Ing. In 1\ m o ro a d vnn ed stage, wben till age ot th e 60 11 bec a me general. 'Wb en the yea r's crops were I;arnered and stored. the re ca me a ti me when 'Work could be Int l'lrmltled , a nd It was d oubtle ss th en t b.t the firs t holiday 'WI' Instltutf' d. It W811 nntural to s lg· Ilall ze the annua l ripening nnd gat h· erln g of the frulls c.f the eu rth by 1I0me lort of rejoicing, and It Will! nit· ural, too, that tb e manifestation of renewe d lite In the spring 'should reo cel,'e s imila r recognition. Theile an· tumn and spring festivals mllY be calle<! th e nat ural holidays, Once holidaY. were sta rt ed, It 18 not .trange that they grew In number, &aya the Cincinnati EnquIrer, It 18 for mOlt a 'World of toll an d sweat aOd grime that we live In, and an occasional break ac>companied by a little recreation and cbance of mental and pbYllcal environment, la nece ••ary and IIllu,taq, Conaequently aU sorta of ,oeca.ion. &lid eventl were availed of to make boUday&.. Present educaUon, thouCh very far from presenting an unmpromiBln& aspect, showl glarIng lDeftlclenclea that should be looked at IQuarely 10 that they' may be Jlemoved. For tn· ltance. a very large proporUon or- tbe publlo ·lIchool teachers In the countlT are minors, and less than hair of them have bad any lpeclal or adeQuate PI'flP&ratton for teaching; In, leveral ltatel from 20 to 30 pel' cent. of fuem nelT l'ear are beginners; and In tbe but .tatel the aTerage lengtb of lerv1ce II 1~18 than foul' years, The aft~e wal\:e of all public IIchool teacbers lD the United Statell, Including the teaeb· ere tn all our cltlell Is U ,60 a day for the working days of the whole year--1e.1 than $600 per annum; or lelll thnn $10 a week, laYIl tbe World'i 'Work.. Tbe ov.erage pa>, In eleven .tatel II lells than ,400; In eight • tatell, It Is len than $300; in two ltatell, lesl than $250. Eggs have been hatl!bod In Egypt lu en ens ·for bundreds of years, Incuba· tors that hold from 30,000 to 60,000 SSgll are I tlll In elliBtenC1l, where for caneraUonll about 70 per cenL of each GlaaUng have heen Buccessfully hatcbed,Egypt Is tl great exporte r of egg" as many as 83,000,000 eega having !been Ihlpped from that ancient land In one wInter. Even In thIs country It would be considered n very large undertakIng to handle an Incubator largo enough for 60,000 eggs, In E g 'It they do tbe trick In brick ovens wL , c ) are heat.ed for ten days and tben reQuIre no more attention. While digging the foundations for a J! to be built at Neuchatel, workmen lately discovered a beautiful .ault constructed of hron7:e, which 8wlllll IIclentlstB state was built 800 yean before the birth of Jllt!ua Chrillt. In the tomb was , the skeleton of • 70ung woman, wbose bones were IItUt III a natural position. On the wrilte "'ere six braceletl, four In bronze and two In lignite, and near the skeJeton

"'lUI a llttle bron7:e bell.

Ie dllleue spreading from public kundrleeT The question haa been UD, 4ergolng debate In New York for aem. time. A phyalclan 'Buggeate that all ,po.. lbWt, of danger may be averted ~J thoroughly moistening the contenLa packacel with ,a dlslDfecla~t lolu· Itfon al loon 1111 they arrive In thelaun.ry. T~I practice, he lIaya. II rol:lowed In England, There Is a general ClOnvlction among men In the laundry Ibnllne .. that thorouCh dIsinfection relalla trom tbe luhjection of tbe artlelell to the procelS of Iteamlll& and 'WUhlnc,


A New York busband, lIued tor dl-

.orce. characterl7:es hi' wife's motbe1' as like to one of the knlttlnc women cir the French guUlotlne, lIaYI that Scrooge was an aneel of Ught comopa~ed to her fatber. that the membe", of her family collecUvely are worsblplperl of tbe golden calf and that bll :wife herseir Is a Jlelncarnation of Ju· idal Iscarlot. One can easily Imaglne "What kind ot a I!:land, sweet song .nar· nage WIUI In that happy home.


The PrInce of Wales hal! shocked ellpectatlon and Pf'(!oedent by maklna • prolonged stay In Paris. aa many other princes have done. but without itumlshlng a scrap of the Interesting eopy uaually accompanying pl'inoolY Iylalts. A London Inven10r haa dlBcovere4 .. w3i to apply brak~. and .top _ paIn by wlrele8&.. Now he II).Y go to rwork to .~k ·a w.y to close the opa p.a!lt~b by the Ia~ ~etllott. ,c"";":":"

bill and leave It wllh him when- h I, I d ldn·t. He Indulged In rurt ~e r words of sympathy , whi c h ma de It S~ pe r c nl. ('hea p r fo r him, "Cyru s, I've hee u a poo r ·tl c k o f a ~1It ma n." Eul d J im . " Yo u h :I\'e th ut ," \\' a ~ Ilgre t',I. 9 "I OUGh t 10 havo i.J ccn a t wo r l. (' \'e ~y d ay." " \\re Ill! know th 3.t." " H ' ~ a \l uudul' lO U fol ks Ill tl u't s ti r mo 111 1." " So ' 118-' ~ su 't is. \\' e ta lk e d o f It Ill an y tinl e.5. hut W q kllow ed that If ~ ~. 1\'(' pu t on tli (' tar li n d fea t hoI's you'd be lOt) nll ·tlr ed lazy t o scrape em B,. Lawrence Alfred Clay utT , li n d ) ou r w\l'o wou lll h nn :) lhe job." "Tha t'S right. She I ~ good , Cyru!!," ":-';one bet le r." tCopyrlg ht, lUI:!, hv A •• o d"t .d Lll e rary " ,\ nd tha t brings me 10 what Pl'oss.) wnnt 10 1is k. She WOI1 ' ( have :l do l· Jim flush\\'lck or the village or lar nit e r I' m gone." "o r cou r6e she' won't. N Rawlins, wall n ne 'er·do-w e ll, J1 0 " Sllc' lI have to depend on th e kind· W illS born lazy and wlthoul b u siness a c um e n s utn clent to se ll or buy 11 np sa of the n~ lghho rs . " " Sh (' will." PE'ck or potaloos. H e d ld n' t drink, "(')'J'u~ , you don't belong til any smoke or c hew , and whe n ho married It was t.o have a wi fe to take care or " h u rdl, but you ~ lI eve In heuv e u, A Milk and Crea m Cooler That 1& Ad apted To Farm U •• . blm . She was a hus tling, amlJltlo uB ,IO Il 't )'ou? " " Yes , Itlnd er:' woman , and If Bhe co uld hav e hnd " You'd like tD fe el that I was look· )ll s help t hey ('ou ld hav~ been well oft Ing do wn on )' OU and acting as your , It , however . Jim gunrdlan angel , wouldn't you?" "If )'o u are golnc to kee p up your W I~8 alwars going to do tbls and do th at, and be never even got up ene rgy la£lne ss-" "Sut I'm .ot, Cy rul- I'm go ing to etlou gh to set out Ii be tl or on lOllS , T he wife seldom scol de d or com· hustle. MI do 1111 that I can tor you plalned . She ,",' as thE villag-e seam · If you'll sign thla paper." '·What II It!" ress, a nd by s teady work she manCreameries Find It Difficult To Make Good Butter When slaged "JUK a promise to b. kind to, and to kee p 0. roof over th e ir heads, will look after, Sarah. We Now and then there was ta lk ot do· that Farmers Fail To Properly Care For Their Ing some thing to Jim-tar a nd teath- shall ""th fe.1 a &reat deal better If Milk and Cream !'rs-a whipping- th e law or 80me· you ....ill." T'he caller look.d upon It as a dy· thing else. but It never w~nt beyond Ing m i D'. whim, Ind .1&'Ded . When tall!. As ror tnr and feaLhers, there (By O. C, Cunningham, Coll ege or Agricult u re. Ohio State University.) W IU no tar In the town, and no cltl · ready to go h. old: "I hope you will get a husUe on you The condition of cream r eceived at I ~ther Is by se pa rating 11 cream teBtin. J:eln would have been ....' tllIng to concreame ries during the s umm er months I h ll: her th a n 30 per ('e n t. It Is to hil tribute th e reathera , . up there, Jim," Then three more wldowera and on. Indicates that the average producer advantage 10 do bOlh or these things. ' Thut! th ings weut on tor elgbt do es not realize tho importa nc e of One or the first essentials In pr\)' y~lara. and then Jim Bushwlcll was old bachelor got the word to call. using proper method s In cari ng for Iluc lng good cream , Is cleanliness. tallen with a hopei ells IIlnen. When and In the coune of three dSYI tho Then a his cream. A large part or It Is so ur I The bacterin that ca us o s ouring UI thJs disease took hold of lhe man he buslnesa waa woun~ up, ond b a dly curdled and orlen or ve ry I " e ll as those that ca use bad odors a nd gsLlloped to tbe grave very fa s t. It Illwyer WU SGnt for, th/! signed pa. ba d fla vor and odor. With poor cre am fl avors ge l into th e milk and c r eam WI!' only arter the doetorl had told pers handed over to blm, and .. It Is Impossible ror even the beat but- trom the d us t or the air, the particles Jim (here wu no hope for him. and great c alm tell lipan the dying man. ter maker to m.ake good butt er, T be ; ot dirt. 6u(' h ns cba ff, ha irs and mao that hie lIame of IIf~ would be snuffed He BmUed every few mlnutell, and b est finished prol\uct can lJe secu red nure Whi ch rnll (rom the cOW's udd e r O\l1t In a couple ot weeks more. that made no undcralaDdable explanatlonB only (rom th e bes t raw mate rLa I, The I a nd ~Ide s , and Ihd Jus t and dirt from the true spirit of a manly ma.n came regardIng what he had been up to. be tter tha Quality o( bUller, Ihe more I th e ,",otiling nnd hnnd s of the milkers out. He called hie wife to hie bed- A few days later he paased awa y, and alm lls t hla lut wo'rds were: r eady Its sa le and th e be tter the price I and the pe r sons ha ndlin g the milk side olle day a nd began: "Sarah. If they want to bo kind l!l r eceived for It. Th ese facts should ! snrl c rellm, Im mense numhers ot "Sarah, YOl1 are going to he a you, let 'em go ahead," be of Interest to th e crellm ery patron I mi ll{ ~o ur l nll: bac teria will remain In widow soon." Tbero wall klndnes8 [ro m every dlIts.well as the c r eamery operator. I lmperfec tl), c lean ed a nd uns te rll ized I "Yes," she Tt' plled, as tears filled recllon, [rom contributions to pay Ano t her reaso n for keepinG cream ~epa r ator8, Crellm separo tor s, as well hEll' eyes, In good condition Is Ihat 'It Is often . as all oth e r milk ut en s ils, should have I '')'' 0 be€n a no-acco unt man and th e [uncral expensee to groceries and provl~lons 8en~ In ror th e widow'. d lffic ul t 'to secu re a fair sample of I a Iho rou !; h wa shing after each using. bus band." I sour crea m ror makin g the butlerfat I Effl c le nl coo'lng Is Import"nt In I "O ut you've done the best you sustenance. After about a month had elap8ed Dsacon Harrison rece ived a test, Sour ing do es not de stroy any ' l, ee plnJ;' m ill, and cream sweet. 1m. ' could." of th e butterrat, !lnd the Babcock t es t I m,' dlat e ly afte r separati n g, the cream ! "Meb be so. but wben I look back letter asking him to call at the ' law omce ot the attorney who had the ,\ 111 det e rmin e the per ce nt or fat In ehoul cl be cooled to as nea r 50' F. a" rID ashamed ot myself. 1 can't leave dead man's papers. W hen the good sour or c urdl e d crea m j ust [IS a c· po~ s llJl e. It should be below 60 ' F YCIU a dolla r ." cu rat e ly as In ewcet c r eam, provllied th" mo>1. (' r eam fresh from th e s e p. 1 "Ne\'er min d , Jim. F.very body will man came 5trolIIng In, only mildly th e so ur crea m l!l In such a co ndition llrator should not be poured In lo thtl ' bl! kind to rue and 1 shall get alot::.g. cu rio us as to why he bad bee n sum· mon ed, he was greeted with : th at an accurate sample ca n be s e' i holdin g ca n u nti l I~ has b ee n copied . "Ot - course It won't lako place · [or C r ea m may be cooled by m eans of c ured. The troub le comes wh e n the a year, but allow me to congratulate crea m 18 so so ur as to be badly I n milk and crl'a m cooler hav ing cold YOIl In advance." c urdl ed. Then It Ie a lmost Im posH lble I wn l N in ~irl() an d Ihe cr eam flowin g "\Vhat d'ye mean?" a s ked the dea. to break th e pa rtic les of curd tine o\'er the ou tside. It tills !s not ava il· con. enou g h In s tirrin g to be s ure th a t n ab le , the ca n may be set In runnin g " Your marriage with the Widow lhoro u¢h emu lsron has been secured wn le r rrom a spring or well a nd tre Bllehwlck." Ilnd t hat aa ahsolutely fair sa mpl e : Qu e ntIy st : rred until It cools. The " Shoo! What ye Joking about ?" b as bee n take n rrom the can. I stlrr'lng Is Impo rtal1 ~ b e·~ause It "Only thIs." The grentes t lr(.uble fro m the above ha~r e n !l th e coo lin g proces s. The paper he had signed tor Jim eource will occ ur In crea n! les tin g It will pay cve. y product' r to keep nushwlck was handed him . Heh \ld signund e r 30 pe r cenl faL Th e refore, th e rc c re am c lean nnd cold. '~' bl c h will ed without reading, and now be hold: are two ways ' In which the creamery I r esult In It product of geod qu ality "1 not only promise to be kind to patro n cnn nsn ls t In s e cu rin g fair I lhat ca n be han dl ed more successf u.l1 y Bushwlck's wife after she b&t est~ at th e c reamery. One II! b y ' by th e c re ame r yman and one that ca n comes his widow, but to marry hal' ket' ping hi s cream sweet, Ilnd th e I he more eas ily an d accurately tested. one year after hie death," " ~ y thund.e r!" excla.lmed the dea· ca n 118 he danced · around . "No better evidence wllUted In a breach-of·proml se caee," Quietly . replied the lawyer. "Sbe can sue and be hanged! " Mr. D. H . Arnold, ot Ha r riso n coun. ! bloom. Neighbors be gan to od,'ls8 " Be(ter settle for a coupls of hunty, Ohio, has two acres u f alCaICa tbat c lipping. Mr, Arnold tho ug ht vcr; dred, deacon, and carry off yonr paIs attracti ng a great deal of commenl se ri o ll s ly at following their advice. for, per, It wouldn't sound well to and at te ntion . It lB In a young or. with h ll!l' as with others, tb ere was the have people laying thllt you had chard alld wben the writer saw lhe general s hortage at feed. H e d ecided , your second wlte ~cked alit wbllo fl e ld, on tbe 2511.'. day of JUlie, til e how e ver, to let It alone. When thE! her husband was alIve." s ecu nd crop was about three weeks' l winte r ca me the beavy mass above The deacon 11 une off for a week growtb. The stllud was perfect, aud ground be ld up the snow ~hlch Berved and then came dolVn. One by one the others followed lult, Each one the plants were about e lgllt luches, I as a protection. T~e p ants came With now and then a bloom. I,'roll! tbo : through In nne s hape and wben spring · was financially w@I1 able to do so . fir s t c uttlug Mr. Arnold obtained 7,500 i opene d lIll were 01Y with a rUSh, Mr. He Ha d Signed W I thout Looking" "Money contributed by your &ood pounds oC hay arter It bad been cut, Arnold or all his ex· L at us b ope the doctors are mistaken tr~nds, and nothln" I. to be laid d ' t ke pt full d h account fI partly cured and allowed to stand In ' pen t ures an e nds that lhe e ntire I d th t III 1\ ' about It," Nmarked the lawyer tc) th e shock threo at tour day s On I cost, e xclusive of his own labor, WIUI ' B.J~t.. a you w ve many a year tbe widow &I he banded her ,~&O of , I $2 8 Jt& • thoroughly dry ing out a conservative i . ' "Let us do nothing ot the kind, the thoulland. To thl' day Ihe ha.."! no other Idea estimate would be ~hree ton s or one I Mr. Arnold lives out of the limestone , but get ready for business Sarah, and a halt tons per a cre ror the tlr st ' region at Harrison county, His 8011 ~ r4)U know what breach,o'-pr~mlle II, .bout It. Now and then lome one cutting, Considering the kind of I bas bee n form e d hy th e weathering of olt couTle?" says .Iometblng about Jlm , Bu.hwlck's u..2inesl In Deacon Harrison'. hearing, ground on whi c h It grew, th e yield was I sandstone, The field In Question bas "Yes," littl e less than remarkable. . 1no other than natural drainage. ThIs "If you have a pretty good case and he turna and repll!!. : "Why, there walln't a lazy bone In The method u( seeding waB us tol· , fine s tand of alfalta, as fine as any alpn a man he'll leUle tor cash ." He made more lows : The ground was in corn the , growing In the West (so many say), "But bow can I have a · breach.ot- his whole carcuI! clean money In the lut two weeks year berore Bnd wa l plowed up las t ' growing on a hill rarm of eastern Oblo p:romlse cale?" IIpring, It was at once workel.l dowll l ar,;u es well tor the possi bilities of al· "That'll what I am going to pro- ot his lifo than I did tn the hull year! and harrow ed. Occasi onal worldn gs I raIra growing wherever our tanners v'lde you With-several of them, Yes, drat him, he did!" ""Ilh a hea vy st eel harr uw were glYen will talle the pains to meet condition!! . Brine my pen. Ink and paper, and to k11l the weeds and to break the required by this moat e:lUcting of all tben run over and tell Deacon HarrlEmbarr..llng HOlpltallty. The Irugaol are Tery friendly, and crus t that would (arm atter ralne. ; our forage crops. It)n 1 want to lee blm," Just before sowing, which was about I H. E . ESWINE, The deacon wu a widower and are continually orrerlng Clfts of chlokJuly 20, Mr . Arnold apI)lled 1,001> Collel?e of Agriculture, Ohio State w'ell .to do. He waa one of tholle who en and eggl, They have a very Itrong pound s of bydrated lime per acre. University, bad "poken of tar and fRat hers, but drInk on the order ot tepul, which tll,ey This was put on wRh a lime drill. h'e had a neighborly reqllng. tor all bring torth on aU occasions, and the Next he made an appli cation of 400 . The apple blotch Is a disease that UlBt. Wben be had coml~ In and ex· et1Quet~ of the country r.equlrel that pounds per acre of com merc ial fer. , causes blotc hes with Irregular fringe'.! p:ressed his !lympr.t:lIY. fbI! dying man one should tak@ a drink, The con· t Inued Invitation to drink this "cong· tlllzel', 1! s ln~ 12 )ler ce nt acid and 4 l ma.rglus ullon the skIn or the fruit' .Illd: per ce nt nOEash goods , When ready I At.! first these blotches seem purel; "Deacon. Sarnh wUl soon be letl cong" Wi'll the most dllls,reeable part of the trip throti"h their so w the seed hfl harrowed th e ' supe rficial and unimportant · later alone." ManUa T-lmeB, ground well, with tho harrow teeth : they run together aud extend into the "Yes." standing straight, whl cb lert th e ; tIRs1!e, ca usin g the (rult to crack, often ,"1 want"tolkl to be kInd to her when ground In littl e rurrow s. Tbe seed I down to tbe core, rendering It almost I m gone. Left Auntie Pondering. was sow n at t b e rate of 2" pounds pe r I unHt for sa le and value less for stor. "Tbey will be, JIm-they will be." Ernest Js conata,ntly asking hIs In"I'm not eo sure of that. Folks get I dulgent aunt for pennies, which a,re ac re wllh a hand sower. one·halt ap- : Ing . T/le twlI;S, spurs and s hoots are pli ed acrosa tb e He ld In one dir ection , also aflected, causing canker sPOtll tlrod ot being kind after awhile, I never reful!ed. She recently saId to and th e r ema ind er across the other I with furro w ed a~d roughened I bark. how good you are, but If you'd I. him : "Now, Ernest, yoU mny aslr way. Th e s~ed was covered by drag. I Careful pruning to r emove affected Ollll~ put It In blac,k and white that. aunty for a . penny :whenever you wa,nt glng lhe hauow over It Ollce, with tile I twigs, toget her wIth spraying wilJ ylOU d be kInd to Ssrah atter I'm lone, but YOLJ 'Won't ask other people teetb we ll a s lant. us ua lly conll'o l this disease. Th~ firs t gone J should feel a heap easier for one, will you!' "Oh, no," he ':'n, Here'. ,. paper y.e/ lew~red with an oJr of lett.ln g his l'!!l. It s hould hllve been stated above s prayln;; with Bordeaux should be about gOing. that befor e har row ing th e ground Just I mad e ahout t hree we ek s Ilfler tha d , r~wn up ~hat BaYS you 11 be ldnd. ' " aUves ofr 'easy, "[ will ask other .peo. prev ious to sowing. the gwund was ·: blossoms fall, followed by th re e more . Why, III sign that, o( courle, pl~ for a nickel." In oe ulate d In t he follOwing manner: I s praylngs at In ter vals of tbree or four was the reply; and the deacon, for. ' . , ' Dirt was o btained from along th ~ road. ' week& Olace In his me. signed a .paper wlth~eliol0!-ll Work I" United 8tat..; , lide where sweet clover was growing, out readl~g It, ana looking fO~ trnps. Actively engaged In the . 'w orJt ' This was broadcasted on the ground Under each r.cre ot good soil tb .; .,llie did more than ,that. He .o~errt· s~vlqg 'souls I~ the 'Prilt~~ ..*ates ,U!lt ahead of the harrow. Is an0ther ' Ilcre better tb n th e~9 t() bOBB the . fl\neral. when it came. oft '1~ 6 dlstJnct den6mlnatrons, This The seed came up l'eadlly and t.lle whI c h has bee~ us d aI e one. ,,"ad to bo one df the Pl!1~era. 1 n'qt include th e followe rli-'of plan tS ma d e a good, vigorous growth.-:- stead ot goIng to ' a e dls~~nt o:~te .lf~ : .. Tb~n <2,1 rul WI~-' BUdd~a, ' Mobammi!~, DIJ• •.D"Ollsm Bucb n .g rowth ,Indeed, that hy fall 1t search of new land, dl~ down doe ' ~I.o, !er~ WIUI otber: . i~ Aeld long.. was Imee ' ~Igli a~4J llad begun to the, ~rJ where, ~O. :,ue~' : , .•:' . ~. »,:~~,~lt;oWal got In·


'Jim Bushwick s


.......... .....

MEAL time-Eager childrenl Hur.gry grown-upt-Keen appetites to

be appeaacd - And


Jeed ~::~ak~I~:~Y

diah . h' I <:&If to pr.".,e-Iupreme iA

quality, and kiad-.

«lib 1\0

more thaa ordilwy


.. Cla .. J ... M TIM

At E....,.

Libby. M~Nem




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11'1 dlmCl' lt rOf a IllilIl to be uprl l! bt attef he II dOWD and out.

Red Crou Ball Blue "III "a.h 410uhle .. man y olotbo. al any ot her blue. DOII' I pu' 701ll' wOlley IIILO aoy ullJ r.

How the average marrIed mILD would like to seo a t.n.x on the 014 bachelon! Ito. Puzzl •. "Blrdl of a feath er nock to,etber,N "How about a rooster and a crowr

Important \0 Mothere illumine carefully eVery bottle 01 CASTORIA, a late and lure remedy for Infanta and children. and lee that It


81&nature of • ~ In Use Fo!' Over 30 Years.

Children Cry for Fletcher'. Caiton. " When a young man ~nll a &Irl Ihe II the only one he ever loved Il'l up to ber to tell hIm to ,0 and get a rep"," tat1on. It. man .ponds n good portion of hll time decelvlpG blmself, and a woman Ipends a good portion of bera before a mirror. It'. the Bame thing. By Experiment. "What wss your little boy cryln, .bout last evening ?" "Over his lelBOD In natural hIstory. "A cblld of that age studying Ilatural bls tory? You .. tonlsh me!" "It'l 110, just tbe laml!. He was learning the diffe rence b.. lW'~ a waSil and ally."

Mlklng H Imaelr at Home, DorIs waB radlaot over a recsnt ad· dltlo n to the family, and rush ed out of the bouse to t!'ll the new. to a pu.. ' Ing neigh bor . "Ob, you don' t know what 'We've sot u pstairs !" "What 15 It?" "Il"s a new ba b y brothcrl"-and she Bettled back upo n bel' heels and [014-ad her ban ds to wut cb the etrect. "You don ' t S IlY so! lB he colng to Itay?" "I gueu so."-very thougbtfullJ' "He's got hla t hlllgs ott." He Wal Willing to Work. The Democrn llc me mben of the house of representat lYes have beeD bes ieged ever by a horde of omes seekers, wlll:ng to serve their country. "It III refreshing." Bl1ld one repr.. sentative In discussing the afl\ce Que.. tlon, "to bear ot an aspIrant for public otnce who rranilly admits hll ambItion, yet dl.dalO!! to leek a poslllon In whlcb be will bave nOthlne to do but to draw his slliary. "Two waYllde pllll'lml 'Were talkin, oYer thlnes when one of them lilted: , .. 'Dick, you ain't a·hankerln' aft... no gOl' ernmeot place, are yet" "'I don't mind sayln' I'd take ons at 'em ef 1 could elt It: I'M ponded the other, 'but I don't want no Job that'. all tat. I'm '\\'lIl1n' to earn my wagel" ., 'An' lort 0' Job would b. about 10111' Ilze l' "'Well, I'd like to fill fountain pena fur lome alii stant !lecrlltaq ot the trealury,' "-Judge,


To The Last


Mouthful au


a bowl


crUp. deliabl£ul

Post Toasties with aeam or atewed fruit - or hoth.

Some people make


eatire breakfaat out of this

combination. ~ Try




, ,t" XlaeMemory,~ ~i' .. Sold ~, Croc~ , 'j .




I '. , .





TIle Benefit of

Practical Fashions


By Rellnol. Itching and CI.1!gurin. Chloago, III., June 5, lOU : "My ltttit




Onu ghle r h ad a. running a~ro, which WU8 to Jd WftJt a wet rlnifw o rm. on t he bn r k o r hE' r h~ a <1 f r o m en r to ft8r, an4 _h:l o one whi c h sprell.t1 t r o rn on e hlp to the otllc T, eX l ondlng fr n m the wa lat d o \.n.! by the Grace of Cod, Which T tbe concluBlon of Brin~Bne Into CloKer Fellowlhip- ~---­ '!1iO--y ll ched her c u h tlll u llll y, 8 he hlld to be carrIed o n .. p illow, and night. . h. three seasona' excaVBWith Christ. cou ld not et eeD on acc ou nt or the " ores. lions, we are Bhe 8\1 " " od t .. rrl bly . and w o utd scra lch ablo to trace tlie , c I' ntlnulllly, I bo u .. ht R el lno l B0 8D an d R.,tnol OIntment, nnll nllo r ab(1 11 t twS growth and realIze the \\,e were not le mpl ecl . we would w P('ke mv ('h l l d wu we .' and h earty. (S I.. .,prl, il ..... Erncly Skelolk , ~953 Or.. bInSA mu c h of too dee p sympathy g eneral 8.ppeal,"ance or am Ave. Meroe, once the cap· Wf' hn V.B one r Ol' ano ther. tt also r;o. r. \· tIl6 . 1'8 .. ]I'fRY 11 , 1~12 : "Tt I~ the ltal of ancient Ethl.' hUR u very b-umbliug e lfL'Ct, dr ivIng I TPo tc Sl Dlen 5u r o t o r m e to tr!'ltlt y to th. m flrl tl or R estn n! Rn3. p a nd RO Bl n o l 0lnt4 opla. In the Sudan, U8 dir ect to tbe Lord for dellv e rallce , me nt In t he tr fk1. t m l: nt ot rt n,lfworrn'. between Albara and ' Ve wou ld not know what a wondl'rfu l fr (\,1'1 ...".h k h I 8 11 f't'e r~d tnr abo ut five w ee k. uolll I round 0. pertect cur. tD Klmrtoum . Tbe wbole Sa vio r we had wer e we not bou nded 11 •• lno l. slle Incl uded several by til l' devil. "The tro llble l"ll'on wllh •• vore ttc hlntr. di s tinct portion s . Near tbe riv e r Al e):n r}(je r Whyte. spe aking on this arre 4·t l ng Ill}' t ace and n~(' k . Th en bumh ilt let tn. ra llsl n" 111 0 to 1058 fl. l o t of was tbe Royal City with Its pa lsubJ oN , saY S: " Luth er . spea kin g to th e . \,..~ \) . In 0 11. t he re w e ro Il doze n t n.lrl,. .ces; beyond tbllt a llirge nrea I flrgo l o n~ft. wit h tn n ny sm id t o n es. Th 8 YO/' III; pn'a l' her or his clay, snld : 'J a n I''''.!! W(o r" "prY un :ii g 1Jlly. 1 t rlt.: ll s e v eral forming the t o wnsblp. III whlcb did not lenrn to pren c h Cbr ls t a ll fit r c tl1 f>d l e s wt1 holl t mud) r'·lI ~· r u n til a 'Were the dW elli ngs of arti sans, and on(',', The Devil has !Jeen my best h a p p )' lh ouw,hl f!tr u c- k m t!: t ,1 try R e ft lnn l '='08 P and ' J!ntm f'ont. It mAll e 'S ho rt w o rk doubtl es8 of tho soldiery; whllo, Inprofe"ROr of exege tical and ex pe nmen. or I h e rln.-wur m_ " (Slgnod) E. B. emu· t ersp~rsed , _ there rose here a~d th ere tnl dlvlnl ty_ De tore th a t great sc hoo l. InnCl. B'rellt temples and DubUc bu tldlngs. mnstl'T tonk me In hand I was n BUell ' Yo"r /lrugll!lgt •• 1I~ no.ln nl SORp , 250: Oi nt m en t, W c. For J!, · n .. r o ll A ~Q. rnpl e. l"urthor st!ll towards th e east (about ling (' hll e!, nnd no t a g~own m an . It 'Wr\t(' to Dppt . 9 K. R eB lnol Chelli. Ca.. 'I'h .. mil king or n ('oa t for a man III B .. lumuro. th rce·Qua rters ot a rutle from the waH my combats with lIn Bnd with Md _ rlvor bank, and Sat a n that marie 010 a true mlnlsler no t such a prohh'ln ll n S O In f"'" women jus t OD the Cur· ot th e N<? w Tostnm pnt. It Is always see m 10 reg;:J rd It e~ I ;.c(' I J II)' wh e n s uc h A Year Hence. t her s Id e of the a grpat gra('e to me. an ti to my pcop le, :L model I ~ uTTe re d as the o ne he ro Mlsa Dlnnlngham - :'1arurna, cia you m ode rn rllli way) poll e ry kilns. In whlcb the Ian e m· for 111 1' to be ahl e to soy t o tbem, I g h-c n _ Thi s coal I» llI ade In s ingl e· tb In k pnpa knows 1I:t ro ld Is r:olng to aD tbe outskirts bors of th e firp. s remain ; wi t h Inllullle r- kn olV till !; text to be true! I kn ow It breas leu s ly le wllil mnnJll s li Ilot c herl cali for me In hi s ueroplane1 of the desert, Is able va ~es aDd {rngments throw n for clJrtnln to he trll e! Wllhout In . ('ollur and Illpc l. The re are two side Mnmmll. O. I thick 60, d ea.r_ HII·. a roun d . cesso nl ('omh nt. and pai n, nnd sweat. pocl, c ts nnrl n hnlldk c l'c bl ef breasl been hallglng around tbe sk yllgbt with A vns t Necropo· It s. exte ndin g two Passing s tili eastwa rd. we scc th o anel blood , no Ignom nt s tripling oC a poc ke l. Th e II k (d y-s hrll'cd s lee ve Is a club all a.Ite r uou n_ or three miles to tomlJs, mark ed o n Lbe surface or tue siude nt ever yet beca me R Ilowerfu l pluln at th e '" r ls t. Th e coa t caD be mad s 01 ac r!; o or fan cy ~ trll ' e<l cas ~ l· Awful. th o north an d desert "Ithe r by u low mOtlrll1 or u preacber.' So BOYS aile of the most Dle re. A W es t End 'Woman called th e at t eneouth, contalnlDg ring of stones_ Tbelr c ha rll bcrs are powerfu l pren ~ lr ers th a t c\'er enter ed Th o palt cr n (5~2 :) ' Is cut In sl7.09 tliln or her husband to a little baby th ousands ot an· g~lnl'<l ge nera lly by a s.bort slo pe th e Pauline pttlplt." - Lh' ln g Wate r . I 32 to H lu('hes brcast mens ure . ~I e­ which was trying to sleep on the porcD al e nl tomba and from the east_ I ns ide, the <lend la y 1'\0 man can kn ow th o d ptbs or bls d lum size req uires 2'l'.. ya rds of 44 Inch of Its home on the opposite Bide or buryi ng . places. upon tbelr beds or upon m a ts; gr a t own natl~ r e or understand hi s weak. ma teria L the street. SUlI Curther In sto rnge vessels for water and othe r nesses and needs until he has bee n "It's Iri ng on tbe bare board., 1III't th o dese rt, the drinks occllpl ed t he north e rn e ud of thoro ug hl y t elfted by tb e IIres of tempT o procu ro t h l. PQ\t~rn, G ~nd ) 0 ce n t" to o tt c- rn D t' (u,rtment " o f th is ('\oIper. Write It 1" be «Ibserved. Sun T e m p I0 tile ,chamlJel'; While smaller objects, tatlon. And no man can know by e)C- 't' n QlnC" und u dd re." I ) hdni)'. a od b e: Mure to Il l v e "YOll, tbey haven' t even placed a IItnndo alone; aDd baskets, \' esse ls, and dis hes of bet ter pe rl ence the pO'\\'e r of divine grace un. a i2: c , nnll h umber o f p :.1 tt~ r n . rug Cor tile little cbap to reat bla heM bey 0 n d t hat Quality were cOLUmon ly ar rnngl'd til he hal< lea rned t o conquer t emptn. on .'" agaIn, some disarouDd the bead lit tb e 60 utlr orn en d. tlon by tbe graoo of God. It Is only SIZIt -__ ..... __ ____ __ • NO 5829. The husband took anotber look. tance t o t he In obedi ence to pr imitive In stlncLB, a In the cnuclble or temptation that tire "And what do you think of that T" NAM E .. .. _. ____ _• • ____ •• __ • __.. .. __ ___ ... nor the a e t, are warrior wus burl ed with hi s weapons, humon heart and splrH can be purl. he ejaculated. "They baven't evea the well Imowu which were of Iro n (namely, ~lV o rd, flell, and It Is only by overcoming TOWN ___ __ .. __ __ • __ •• _______ •. ____ ____ .. painted tbe boards."-YoUD&llowll pyramIds, North d agger , spea r , anll IlU lves); nnd tht temptation tll8t II slrong BD lrltu a l man. (0 .) Telegram . • nd Bouth of tba huntsman wltb bl s bow _ In olle cu se bood or ~vomanb ood ('an be developed . STREET AND NO .. .. ____ ........ _.... .. central area the!'e evon tire hounds of th e hllnts man bad On e who has Dev e r been tested by any STATE _..... ____ .. __ ___ _.. ... _.. .. __ .. __ .. 80undl Better, now exten· been Im molated and burled with him. severe te mptaUon cannot know wbeth. The feeling ot many men wIth r. alve woo d B of In the hroadest of t he green val· er the re Is any real backbon. to his lard to public omce III much the sam. IItunted mlmo... le ys t hat lead down troll!' tbe deserts, chnrac t£'r or not. as tho t whlcb a certain dlstillgulshed 110 thllt the Itmllll I the Sun Temple Is fOUDd ris ing up In Therefo re we all need to be brought LADY'S R)GLAN $HI!'tT WAIST_ Frellchmnn hod toward the academyor the towtl8blp a se ries or t e rraces. s urro unded by II Into contact with te mptation. We that group of Corty who are called. are not . yet deI beautltully de signed cloister, Itll saner nee d to be _t.empted, as Jeaus was. "the Immortals." He was asked on. termlned: but In I tuury gRln ed by a tllght or steps len d- on nil stdes of our nature. Bollt we all day why he dId not propose his cantbe tormer con· Ing upwards Cram tb e ast. Thill meet with temptation ('nollgh In our didacy for tbe academy. elderable b u I 1 dchamber WBS pn\'ed and wa ll ed wltl1 journey t hrougb lite without seeking "Ah," 8ald be, "If 1 applied and were Ings .contalnlDg glozed tiles, many at which remain In It, or putt:lng ourselves In the way or It admItted , some one mlgbt ask, 'Wby bat~ ..nd yield· the ir origi nal posltlon. It contained unnecessnrtl)'. 'Ve all ne ed every par. III he In It l' and I .bould mucb rather Ing Meroltlc In· an obelisk or altar dedlcntt'd to the Ucle at will-powe r we possess. and all hear It ask ed, 'Why ls n't he In It?' " sun, nnll other emblems of th o cult, the graCE! that God Is a bl e to b estow IIcrlpUons baT e Christian Register. IncludIng a large solar dIsc. upon us, to overcome th e temptations bee n rOund In a clearing m0re Tb e out er walls ot thls bllllding which we must meet; IlDd If we desire Tetlin" the Truth. than a . mile trom are decorated with scenes re prese nt· to win In the figbt , we must carefully On little Arthur'a blrthd&y, be r-.. th e city. Ing the royal progress afte r victory. avoid nil 'temptaUonll tbat WI!' can celved a p!'ellent of a very larce fUnT That wblcb We call the Royal City through the Temple of Ammon, there Amongst tbelle scenea lire those whlcb avoid wIt hout n eglect ot duty_ We toy monkey, Is II four·slded enclosure, 1,000 feet III round a klosQue, outs ide ~ ndlca t e the torture and sacrifice of mUllt tb1nk of temptation lUI a thing Two days later, hI. father found It by 600, lIurrouqded by a Btone Wall. its' main entrance; and to the south captives; and In a "mall chamber Itt· to he feared , and mua t pray earn£'Rtly 171D.1 In a corner with botb eyes ml_ / about fttteen feet In tblckne'B, built Is a grea t building, recently found, tacbed to the southern wall of tbe to be lIalled from It, or to be enabled Ing. or splendid aahlar. The he ight of tbls wblch we have 1I0t yet completely ex- temille there was found, hurled, a to reelst It. "My boy," asked rather, more In .or'Wall must have been originally, we cnvated, though we bave dete rmined QuaDttty of jars fill ed with charcoal Paul nys, "Let blm that thlnk('th row tban In an&er, "wby have yOU may suppose, tblrty or forty foet: at that It contaIns more than forty /Uld ",'hat seemed like cremated hu· be IItand:eth take heed les t be fall . llpolled tbat beautiful monkey by pull·. one point It II IIt!1l preserved to, half chambers. It was probably the official man r em olDS . There hEllb no temptation taken you Ing Its eyeB out?" that belgbt. Tbere are two maIn en- palocII In tbe early centuries A. D. Such, In brle!, Is the general out· but lIuch 8S Ullin can bear; but Ood Is "Didn't," replied Ar:thur brletly. tranCes In , the middle of tbe eBlltern To tb e nortb of these greater bulld- -line at the city, bul tb ere a re a hun· ralthful.who \I'!ll not suffe r you to he "Don't tell any untruths," .nortecl walls, Which are Its longe8t sldel!; and, .11)gl Is the great area to which we ,:_dred teatures ot de.tall which could tempted above that ye ar e nble; but father. more In anger tban III sorrow, two poaterns, One to the north and have alluded, wherein were the dwel- not he vi s ited In a day, nor descrIbed will wltll the temptation make also "or J'II punlsb you! Why did you one to ~e loutb. In tbe southern part II11C8 and workt;hops of workers In within the scope of this short artl' the way ot escapo, that )'e may be able pull the monkey's eyell out!" of the enclosure are tho royal pa.llWles, metal; and, ' biiyond these, ~xtenslve cle. to endure It." We can depend upon Thl ~ plain shirt waist mode l Is dlf. "Didn't!" repeated little Arthur defi. built, like the walls of tbls citadel, In ~~~....... God's Itr'ength to support liS In our lerent from the ordinary designs. It antly. Then be hurried on, as father the age of the Ethlophin King As pelut, wwwwwwww w .. w hou", ot weakness and of temptation. 18 made with the sleeves extending to took off his slipper. "1-1 pusbed them or just before In the .eventh or elgbt it ar!! striving to live In commun- tbe neck edge. The IIleeves -are finish· 1111 " century B, C, Ion jl"lth God and to do his will. It ed with straight tailored c\:.tra and the Naturally, we hnva nor yet been . ~1.!,'----------------- we trust at all In the strengtb of our pattern provides for the standing turn. FAMILY RUNT .ble to penetrate to tbe bottom all Inatance., Not Too Well Authenticated, have bt:en cODcelved by everyone, but own lebar'acter 88 a protecUon Itgalnat over coltar, Unen, madras, percale or Kan.a. Man alye Coffoe Made HIm over thIs area, for many later build· Where Affection Haa Exl.ted B.. tbey must not he permitted to Cllrry temptatlc'n It will InevItably tall liS In chambray may be used. That. InB's Dearer the surface must be ex· yond - the Tomb. olf these poatbumous honors aD s the time of our greate&t lI£'ed. The pattern (a808) la cut ID elzel 32 amlned ftrst. The original plan of the I -_ monopoly, nor must the s e x femInine Tllat wall Peter's mistake. He wns to 42 Inches, bust measure. Medium Wbole city II tbus not yet clear; but lIlacJ) yoar during the month of May, for an affection that extends beyond 110 cbnftdent of his own courage and elze will reQuire 3~ yards of %7 Inctl HCoftee hili! been ulled In our trunn, BeTeral at the earll ~st bulldlngs"have Il number of romantic persona, usual- deatb, It Is related that Queeo Ma r· steadtalltnel!ll tbat eTen after Jesus mnterlal or 2~ yards of 36 Inch fab- or eleven-father, mother, ttye .ona already been examined In the north· Iy loverll, vilit the grave ot Abelard garet of Scotland, many years after had warned him Jbe lIB1everated bls ric. and four daughters-for thirty ),earL ern portIon: amongst these are Sever- and ~elol.e, 1b the cemetery of Pere death, wben It woe foond necessary own reliability, saying WThougb all I am the eldest of the boy. and haTe .1 columned balls, It WSII ~u~det the Ia C~alie, Parts and place on It Ii to remove bel' body Crom Dunfe rm· men IIbould deny thee. yet wll\ I ney. "pa~~r~r~~:rl!;:~~tP.·~~"~br~·~t~r"·Wrt: alwa7s been cODIIIldered the runt or UI4t threllhold of one of tbese- that. lait ' tribute of ftowerll. The bodies of line abbey, Where It lay besIde her er." God allOWed Salan to tempt name end addr ... plaInly, aDd be ... r .. \.0 ..Iv. family and. a cortee toper. ... f d tb D H d f me. and Dumber of pUltltr~ 1 k c - ".ear. we QUJl e ronse ea 0 tbese noted unbappy lovers were orlg· husband, King Malcolm, refused -f"-+---P<~"., aOilI to p~=~~~~~~~rt~~~'::::::::~~~~::::::::::::;~1 ()OntlD~ -to drln It for years unAugustuI, which' had seemingly,. been 1~IIY burled at Tours, and were I'll- budge. Tbe body was so hea v"fl there him by forcing him to deny hi, Lorc1 til I crew to be a man, and then I carefully burled out of ,Igbt. In one moved to l>ere 1& Cbalse In 1800. He- wa. no moving It. The monks were In the mO'llt Iolemn manner, In order to NO 5808. SlZE ___ _______ . ___ . .. round I bad stomach trouble. nenou. of the I\oyal Palaces we also bad the 101110' lurvived Abelard 11 years, and at a 10115 what to do; when one of destroy J'eter's self-confidellce that bo headacbes, poor circulation, wal unsood Co~une last year to be able to 10. tbe Chronicle lit TOurs reports that them Suggelted that the Queen reo might lel1m to tm.t In the ~ace of NAME __ _____ ___ ahle to do a tull day'. work, took medlcale the nncleDt treasury, and tbougb wben the tomb ot Abelard WILlI opened fused to he moved without ber hus· God alonl!, And Peter WB8 a .troDger TOWll .... . .. . ___ ._. __ .. ____ ____ _.... _._ cine for thll, tbat and the other thin.. thIs had heen completely ranllacked for thll body of Helol8e. Abelard band. Malcorm 'w as then ralset! and nnd tr.J8'r man and a more devoted without the lea.t bene4t_ In fact I and Itll walls destroyed, two pots, fdll beld out bl!1 band to welcome her. Immediately the body of tbe Queen dllClp,l e ever after becaulle of his ter. STREET AND NO __ •••• __ • __ • _____ __ ... only weighed 116 whell 1 u. or lold. and contaIning what wall morlt Tbll legend ' bas been approve., by a resumed Its ordinary levlt; and the rlble faiL STATE _.. _.... ___ .. __ .. . .. ...... . ...... ___ "Then I chang~ from coffl!9 to P.oeimportant tor us, Inscribed jewels French autbor, who gives other like removal was made. Many n weak and lIorely teatod dIs. tum, belnc the first one In our famUy were fOl4nd hidden under tbe founda· Instancell, one of a senator at DUon, clple baa become so conscloUI of bls to do 110. 1 noticed, a. did the reat of tlon of nelghborlDg walls. By the who, having been burled 28 year.. Life II IIhort and we have npver too own wealtnesa and lack of talth In the the family. tbat 1 WIUI .urely galnln. aIde of thlll · palace. tbe PRllt sealon'8 opeDed his arms to embrace hIs wlCe mucb time tor gladdening tb e beuU time of temptaUon that be has nlmost Strain Was Too Great_ IItrength and fiesh. Shortly _after I excaTatlons bave 'brought to IIgbt the when sbe was lowered Into the same of those who are traveling the dark lOst heart, and yet. by j\lst holding all . It was wlren President Taft WB8 w.. viII tins: my cousin who Bald, 'You ·R oyal Baths, decorated wltb colon· tomb. The polltenell ot French' hUII- ,jo\lrney with- UII. Ol -'be Bwtrt to love, even 01 by the akin ot his teeth. he only Mr. Secretary, nnd was In Japan look 10 much better-you're gettln. hades, ffescoes. -glazed tiles, and re- pandl, their tender conjugal ctvJllUell. make huta to be klnd.-Amlet. haa won ,a victory by tbe grace ot God on a tour of th e far ellst. He was Iy· fat.' Dlarkobl, statues baaed on. ClllSBlcal , Which ball brought hIm Into closer fel- ing asleep In a hamm oc k, and a mol" "At brea1ttallt hlB wlr. pU8ed me models. as will be seen trom tbe _BC........... ---.-'" ........... - - -..-~~~~_~_~_~.-J-~-".-~~ lowlblp 'ilVltb Christ. log picture Inan suddenly 80apped bls • cup ot coffee, aa abe knew I Will al.. componY;lng pho~graphs . Outside tbe 'CI cam era. way. such a cortee drinker, but I . .Id. olty. wall, to the east, la the great '0 Two F'huet of "SOcial Service." Tb e pictures were being shown for 'No, thank you.' Temple Of AmWOD, the axis ot\ whlcb, "Social service" Is an allIterative the nrnuseplCnt of the rural folks of "'What!' lIald my cou.ln, 'you Quit from door to altar, III about do feet and lIuent phrase wblch Is oflen heard 1l1i nols, when s udd e nly a huge flaw cortee! What do you drink!' - fit lencui. The ' central aTenue. wltb Hlgbly .atlsfactoTY resulta have Just , a white powder easily .,Islble to the In tbese tlmes_ rt commonly m'!ans dartcd ac ross the 111m and It became .. 'Postum,' 1 .ald, 'or water, and I Ita columnelt ballll and sanctuaries, been obtalmld In Uie ' lIel1es of experl- ; IIlIot. Tbls bomb once dropped , the servIce ror the body, food for the dar k. am wall.' They did not know what . ' ..vllra1 meth- j machIne Is turned, back, and the pllol h ungry, clothes tOT tbe Dllkerl, and "Lnnd 0' mercy, Hiram, what was p oatum ball now ' been excavated, so that you menta 'carrle d out t 0 t e.t but my cousin had .tom· may walk along Ita original pave- ode of dropping bombs from aero- I knowing hi. height by his barogra ph coal for the .hlverlng. But Is thla tbe thut ?" excla Imed a little old lady In acb trouble and could not Ileep at • Tb h th th e rear or th o ball. ments, eee wbere animal, were lSacrt. Dlanea on a given ,pot. oug ey ' and the speed at which ho Is fiylng, only kind ot SOCial service that can be ~Hush up, Mlrandy," night from drlnklnc coffee thr. . ttm. . ftced, where th~' «reat swinging ddor are far from bll:ylng reached perfec- I can by meBl)I an (l;lmlng ap~aratull rendered? 'there are multltudoe ot answered her a day. ' He wall glad to learn "bout • closed off the *anctuarles from the !lon' two applto:nce. tnvebte'd by tbe people who neither hunger nor shiver, better half, looking arltu nd cau- POltum, but said he never knew cor. " ',I ~ . public hll:ll, and ftnally, reac~ the blgh Far~an brotbel'll, bave already gtnn and tbe ordinary l)rlnclples of g,unnery but are sa.d alld Idle and selfish., What tJ.illls ly, "ThaI's where tae hammock tee would burt anyone," (Tea la 'Ullt ~ altar, whIch" remalnll In Ita orlgtnal grent IIIBtlsracUon to army experts. , locate his next IIbot to a nIcety. The can be dflne tor them? Are not Ideals bURted !" at Injurious as coff~e because It CaDI JIOlltlOll. i It.-' ll ot black IItone, de eo- Detalls of their meehanillm are, of , other apDllratus, much more compll· and uplttttng as mucb needtalnB catrelne, the aame druc fount rated with ~hg. In Irellef; and lit course, kept lIecret, but .. regards one cated, requires to he handled by an ex· ed today as food and clothes and coal! Natural Affinity. In coffee.) tbe foot 'ot It'; d uring our excavaUqna, of tbem, ' It Is known that tbe method perlenced omcer, and therefore. can The ebu rcb msy not be ~ual to Ita "What a lot ot chorus girls were at "Arter understlnidlng my condltlOD we found actually the 181t votlvo of- fmployed Is that of, firllt, of all, locat., onl>;. be .employed In two·seatet! acro- opportun'ltles. but the opportunity the races tire other day." lind bow I got well he knew what to lerlng w~loh had been pIa oed upon It. Ing the target by d~J)P1Jl~ a dU!Jlmy pl~el. carrying besides n pHot. a still exllts, alld the agencies and In. "Well, don't you thlnll It na tural for do for hlmgelf. He dllcovered tbat - Pallm. ' then, _UIl eutward, bomb, "whlch on explodIng .preads out bomb·dropplng speolnl!st,-Lealle's. s tltutlonll tbat can ulle It are Ittl! ponies to wa ut to play the borses?" coffee was the caUBe of hi. trouble 10_ .,.. necessary to a complete lIfe.- The . I ndeflnlte. be never ulH!d tobacco or anytblnc ~]I. Chrl.ttan Register. of the kind, You should _ the chang. J .. First MIlitant ·JaUed Surrragette-I In him now. We both believe that If In W,8ya of HI. Leading. overheard one of tile WOOlen warders personll wbo lIutrer from cotree drink-Do 1 I(rok Into the future? Is tbere sny tb ey were ' gotng to try ODd brcak InB' would 8tOP and Ulle Postum theT muc-j of uncertaInty and mystery our hunger strike by putting cboco- could build back to health and happi. hanging over It? Tru8t him - all II late carlllIlel In our ce1l8. neBS." Name gIven by POltum Co.. marked IGUt foi' ma. Dangers will bt Second Dltto--.Oh, fudge! lIatUe Oreek, Mlch~ aver\ed, ' be~l1dertnl mues will reveal "Tjlere's a realllJD.... Read til" Uttl. tllellillelvea to be lnterlaced rand Inter. Different. book', :'The Road to Wellvllle,"liI 'pkp.: H. l~ada som. "He's dillere'nt from meet' men.N EYer read ,t he aboy,. letter. A IOmetUDes "So?" , one appea,. fro", tim. to,tlme. The" ' I'Yea; wbenever he baa to wear n . . . . . . . . nulM, w-. and ,fillIof '.hu..... ' 'lIln~, drellll he can, alwayll rellileJDber InteniA,' , .! " ',.: ~ . where · be· put . hIa -dre" IhlJot tile . . . . . . . . . ' & . ....




Love Not Severed By Death



t t _____ •

-- •• -- •••• --



- - - - ... - -...-.-..-...-,

F.orm· an Aero Bomb








fiU4I\" - ....... "1

.~ , ----,......,, - .....

-~ .. . . . . . . _




. . ,. . . . . . .

, 1\.

, ,. ~~ -:::-.



ll,ll/j "::Ed J . 4'erH pil n, .


' .. '-' ..-7 '2. W"..l' I latO ueiuilty . 00. utnot, \" I 'bridge re P,l\ iT!''''~ ,4' : dJlatll s.' ,ba.ld Raalt Co., ref~U1der .26~' Y A d" ~ J. Dr. II . M. r. IIlX!!n ur Co. "n'" F . P. 1l\1r' boan) toxin flO cente, . gy, lind was Lliur for prl" 'l ll e r ~ . 'S~ .. ~ W . do L - .Ii: Gur. ley , ~Elttl" fa I/l . ,reN,I»t boOk, C IIl OlDn" n ."r . , .





I )Cl l\lIi an" ., . tul 1l&ll~., .ltI~l. ollleo r v lJee fOf Dan ,,,.'1h 25 M. H. Oswa ld , bl!~' 11\ \ • U I ",Illlu L'I I. b ,J. G retm,~.:o. .~ . et

ou n .roto ident.p, 11260; tlll.nklj) I ~J :,: Iln val opes, f,2;J 50 Coluw bus I , Slunk Hook Mfg . Cu, bilides for pen ('11 ~hBrp e n er. U tlO Iq

Sept. 3 , ", ..

.. - ...

---- - -flying Men Fall


"iOtlIllS tlll:!tuRll1ch , liver IUId kidney troubl e!! jUtI~ like otber paople, with Ii ko rellOl ts in loss of I1ppatit.e, haok. acue. nervoul!ness, headaohe, and tirell. lis tless, run.down feel1ng. feel like tbat Hut thore'" no n6e.J !lS '1' . D. P eeble!', Henry, 1'enn., proved. "Six bot til'S of Eleotrlo Bitters " he ~rltes, "did more to give me new ~'reo g th and good 8p . petit.e th~o all other etomach rem adie@ lused . "lSothevhelpevery body. Its folly to suiIn when thlll great remedy will help you from the fir8t dose . fry it. ODly 50 cll nts at all drnggillt8 .






_-"-.,.,.,..v.v......"'."",..,.,_ _ ."'."'.............. · ....·,..,.,,,.....""_...........,....., ...•...•...·"" ..........·_·... ·._.....".·.,·".v.v.........,..,........",,""_ Eliz!lbel,b M U llollll .; t flie u "lilt : a~Alu At J UlIe pb Kurl UI}oohn ,' fur I of

IIIvoroe .

» etll iuo 1;1.. 1·81'

Ih ,1I,

nll ~ I" Ullf lIf plll 'licu~. iuu of Dutice II PJI"ln trllonl fif Kllt.he rlDIl A

th e I ti lolltllnlt<l r ll ll",iI, I'x eoutrix Il f the

oonple Wllre Illllrrlt'd at. Alllo lltl ee illte ul WlIllILllI ot.onteDbOtrhOeU~p.b~.' Oh iO, J one H, 1 !l0 6 uuci till cbIlt lrl~ 1l I deo~/l~ eu have III~ntHI tr om sttld lI'urrlage Lolhe Bruni gt1 llrcJillO uf PI/,InW! ,~verR th "t def.mdllll\ h'1!\ tu tellf Eurl 1:1 . Cl\llw ull"d cr , ruinor, ,littreglUded hi " lIl orif.lll 1I1It·ieR lind Illerl ber nr>lt !lDd flnttl/lco ount . .. .>out. tbu end of .I 11 \) /1 HllLlU Wi! Mnry L. Mu lford. exeoutrix o f I,he j ~1lI t:!on. \V V", h., ' :"'IIlItit·(.e u uti I n,t"tl' nf Ullvi<l M. Mulfor u, de · \, I'ry wltll ll ee r ltlill ,'lU ll' "' W h " ~!l (; oll ~f'd , filoli lw r Inv entor y and up. name 1" nllt. k n 'lwlI I." pillint lff, ryl{ pru it!l'lu60t. Iitering III. " h "t.Ji ill Huhl (:11 .\ ' wilh Juhn Perri n~, aumlnistrator of t'41d WOlllIIU Hn(l \l VI/Ill' " ·ttb bel' the eMt,uto of E,i:.Ul Perriue, doooued I ,)r Ii w ••• ·k .. r worc II~ hUllbttud Dod tll t'd h i>! first nnd finttlu coount . wife. She HI.. o ullages th a t the de Marriage licenses I "ndeo thaI! tu lied to pr oviue her ('hrlstler Crow, l7, fa.rmor of with the neoe~si tieA oC h fe c Im)lel ling her to live on tue oU l1ri t y of Franklin I1nd Clarrill MorgnD, 18, of Iter friend!! and relutiv6s ltnd llpon FrllDkhn Iter own exertions; 81so that he ha s been guil~y of.h"bitual drunkennlll!s fbr over three Y.!l&r8 pl\st ann t h ,~t he i" engaged In bUllnees in Clu ve J.Dd and Is receiving 110 sUhstaotiul inoome, Sbe ' al80 ,,11eges that R. Wild. Gilohrist holds aertaln real 81ta&e oonveyed to him as tru8tee "nd \ha' tbe defendant Is eniltled an uDdlvlded one.thlrl1 in~rest ID oertaln property in Warren ooon'y. Shb pravs th"t Ihe be di · voroed .with euitable alimony and tba' R. Wilde Glloh,Ist be preve.ted from dllpos!n" ot hi.. holdings ILS traa' ee aDd ,hat Ihe be deolared 8 neli OD tbe interus' of hor hUIiMnd (Jroeabeot and Linoh are attorneys fo .. tbe pl.tntur.

Real Estate Transfers


, '1 ,. ' , ~, I











lIYe StOCk Show at Ohio State 'Fair Grandest In History.



I _ I -~-


ON Each Clu. Will Be Reprelented by Finest Type. of Pure Bred Anlmall and Prizes Eagerly Sought by Belt of Breeders-Building Equipment Enlarged to Accommodate Increaled Number of Exhibit.,




. .'

-' "


t "\

.Each Arnendlnent Will Be NUlnbered On the Ballot



PUBLIC SALE On tbe ~ut18n aavua't! farm. l Ya miles south of Lytle, and mlle8 west of Waynesville, on


Wednesday, AUlust



Beginning at 12 o'olock the follow ing: ~ go~ hor8es. waions. plows, oultivators, harrowi. pllLnter., bar .eal, a toni clover b.y, growing oorn, ohlote••• ~~ve., ia bles, ohalrll, be:lroom eUltei. carpet., eto. 8ee large bllli for \erml. W. R. tJonover.

----... - ...


"Were all medlolD8Il &8 merUori. ous as Cb .... berlaiD·. Colio, OhoJera aDd Diarrhoea Ramed, the world . world would be maoh be$\er off and the per08ntege ot .ufferinK ll'ea\ly deol'8lUled ." wr".. Llnd.ay 800$t.,of Temple, Ind. " For ...le b,ll1 deale".




l'ebre' .... 10 maDY P.IOple wbo • -'1'



No•·6 and Is the Initiative Referendum .No• 40 -Home Is Municipal Rule

" , :


Separate ·Vote Necessary On Each 'Arnendri~ent To Vote For· Eve~~ B~ot M~~

Be Marked .42 TiDle& .. I .




. 18~ . ' r.iI~r-~--:-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~m"~..,~~.~~~~~~""' '"'~!!I!..~~.~

:~ .bead o~ UI io d,o lnl ~na~~a"we . ,.tended ,&0. do,. , ...•. .'






"t!IP '



J obn A . Bll1i r to "'eorge "astle. rnlln a nd Aott ie C"s tl e man , lo t In Lebanon, t3:,O Gmoe U . Cbristie to Lu n Hill!, lot Ohio's State Fair, famed for Its ex· in Leb.noo , hlbltB of live Btock, will this year pre· Orpha T . !Swink to Clareuoe J. Beut a stock display that wllJ dElsely 8wink, 133 aore8, II. Minnie G . Tlbb>lllj to Charles I:) rIval tbe International Show at Chi· cago. Experts concede that Ohio laas Jaokion, 10\ in Ifranklln, II. JobB U. Moore to Caroline W. the fines! nnd most commodlolls Btock~ buildIngs In tbe Union. During the' Moore lind FlorenO"l M. Moore, traot yeai' 'DaBt a large addition to. the ill I::lalem to\vnshlp, f1. shllel) buildin g was completed. Three, Winnie U ngle8by to Elmer Wat · hundred addillonal pens have thu8 klns, 63 acres in Clearoreek town · heen provided. and It ..... 111 Dot be n('l'essnry to hOllse any P/lrt of the ship, $1. exhibit lIuder tents. A section of tblB Willlam J. .ang to a .rrle 8mhh addition has heAn rpserved for swine, lind Lillie SmIth, lot in Pleaaant which will provide ampl e room to house 1I1I(\p.r roof nil an imal s of thla Plain, Il. dellart menl. This Impr9vempnt will Wilber 8mlth and Anna I!!mlth to Probate Court not only lH' ~l'eu tl l' appreciated by John W . Fisher and Florence Fisher exhlbllars. !tut wltl alTOI'd visItors an AD Inl'..omen, purporting ~o be 33. (j aor~s ia Harlan townehlp, opportllnlty to !tutte l' view all animals tbe J.., will a'ld testament of Nauoy 122 .40. entered In th e sheep and swine de8. KoIntlre, late ot Hamilton town partment.s. COAlmlssioner's Proceedings iblp wall filed. Entl'lps In the Rto(' k dellartments closed Satlll'dll)·. A IIg. 10. The ~rand­ Anna ., Fox of Clearcreek town. The finanoiul 8t·~temen.ts of 'he est stock show In Ohio's hllltory III .hlp, \vae deolared ins~ne aad J ames ~u,lltor and ·reauurer showln" .he assured. Nevpr before were so mlln), a 0 B. Hatnea Wil.l appointed guardian. bal8nce In eaoh Jund and aeoount entries recor,l .. d. Not a class but that UfHlrge A , Witoraft administrator were presented and ordered plaoed, will be represen ted by the best types of the eehte of Mary C. Brown, de- on file. . ot animals. Co mpetition will lHl keen. Oeal ed ,was gran t·e d 1eave t·o di e· 'l'he 8coounts of the two depos! . Famous stables, berds and flocks wIN be-represented 10 the IIhow rlngll . The 'rlbute DOtes, bond and stooks a8 torlel1 rhe Lebanon National Ba.k llberai premiums offered will be eagerprayed for. and the Citizenli National Bank for I)' Bought. Well rna), the winners fee l P . K . Urton, .a dminlstrator of the the month of Jolv were audited 8nd proud. where the b/lttle the breeds ..... te of Abraham C. Bowman was fonnd oorrect will wage from the opening date, Aug. ,ranted leave to eell personal pro. Contraots we~~ enltered into witb 26. until the oloslng. Aug. 3 1. 1m· proved live stock will be the slogan perty at private sale. e 0 oWIng: - -- -+ or the 1:fatfle. Tbe wMloers will An iDst,rument purporting to be P. B. Mance for putting in oon. emerge r~om the confilct famed tbe lait will and testament of W . creto toe to bridtJe a.butwent on the througout the land. ThOBe un ribboned "ulre late of W .. .. yne townshl'p Lebanon and Morrow pike nellr will Dot reel the pangs ot defeat, In· B . U, asmu eh as Ihe)' lost In a fight where . d od was pr ace 10 open court. Wruren Jank's I' n ..,~ "'"IU m township the natIon's hest In the live stock " ~ Court ordered 88le of 1 eal el!tat.e II.t the esti nate $l!5 75. ,,'orIel was engaged. tD the case of ~. M. Lewie, admlnis . / P. B. Monoe for putting io . ~tl feet , ... tor v. Lottie Smith et al. ao inohes .orrugated eewer and con The Trials Of A Traveler. n"moatllenes Weer, exeoutor of .orete head\'\lalls and apron for same "1 am a traveJing sBlesman," tbe Nt ate of Marv Ann t.3tll.ley was , au Morrow II.nd Clarksville pike writes E . E . Y ooage, E . Berkehlre, ordered So pay certain debts out of lnorth oJ Roohflf;ter nellr Tom Vt, "and wall of~n troubled with oonstipation and IndigesUon till I money iD his ha lds . IWeloh's flum In Salem township at began to use Dr. King'. Nt'w Lite Wilbur Smith, admilli~\r8tor of Ithe estimate $110.25. Pills, whioh I bave found an exoel · tbe ee,.te of John B . Swl~h, de· : Wlllia.m 8. Graham for sewel on lent remedy." J'or all 8tomach, cealed, filed hi:! first find tin.11110 IKenrlok roud above Lytle at total hver or kidney troubles they "fe un· equaled. Only 36 cent8 at ..1\ drug. ooul1t. cost 155.50. "leW! ,



Tue's day


l·he. V Itll:!tefu Stllr, pllblil!hing notloe

_ . . .. ------ --- -



.ull f cu iO!!l8 ISILnl tarlnm


--- ., ~,......



The Great Montgomery County Fair

Publlllled O~'FIOE






I~ I


' MI ~ lIfll Benrietta MeKi !os.y, Alma D. L .. CHAN!>, Editor and Manalloc Wa\erbouse, Inla Davil and Laura MeKIDlley attended Te loher'. In· -~ atttute at Lebanon, last ~ .eek., .- Ra ...... of Subscription "''' Onll YOllr (YLrlc Lly III IUIvaIlL..,) .. . .. .. . 11.01, Mi as Lillie Nedrv and n ieosll him" Stlli l • OOpy .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. ·.. . . . .. . .00 E ~ bert and Henrlettll. McKlnle, vlilted relatl ves in M o rrow-~ I'eoently. Mril. F . Uraef was In 'Trotwood Ratel of Advertising R"adlq Local.. per u.... . . . . .. . .. .. . . Oc ~lInday wllere Mr . ' Hr"e' ia actins ReadJlJ¥ Local •. black f. ce. per Hue .. . . lOr a ll Ill'ent for a few "eekl. Uluailled A.... lIut 1·0 e~ ...Je<J live IIUN Yr. BeD ~mith Ilnd (aIDI1-v mo'1'1""",, IlUIOrUulIA . .. . .. , ...... . lOc tored $0 Wilmington t()J attend Obl~ulU'lee . dve 11I1'1uJII troo; over Ove Oc Yearly Meeting, !dunds,. ~ lucb Oll. I",r Ilna ... ... . ... . ... . Oard ot t.h1Ulk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • .. . . . .. . lOc ~188 Lanra MoKlnsey aUIfAlded R 106'\.1008 . . ............ . .... . .. , ... : : Yearly Meeting In Wllmlngtoo, 80cIaItI etc. wblll'll eblU'¥6 .. .m~ • . . ..••• Dill"'., AdverLlllllI1I per Inch •.. . . .... , . 10e ~ :1 nda,. DloIcuuuliol I VIlU 011 contract. Mr. Ch ... Brown and huntly spent t:!uDday wUh Dan l3urfaoe and faml1y. AUOU::I'I' ll . 181 3. 141.. Lillie Nedry nd Izma Egbert were Ku6tltl of Wllmlng~oD relatives "1 wa. oured of dllaJ rboea by one t:!uoday aDd Moaday. dOle of Chll.mberlaln 'I Colio, Cbolera Mill8 1I:IIIe Roll, of OregonlR, and Dlarrhosll Remedy," writes M E Uebhardt, Oriole, Pa There Is yl1l\ed ber uDele and "onS IIr. and no&blog beUer. Fur BIlle by all Mr8. 8en8mlthafewdaYIl recentl, . d~lera . lire. P . D. Vle.ett wae a gnee, Thullday of Mrs. Alloe KoKinsey. Mr. and Mra. Ray Rowe aDd IIUI. tscme peop 'e may iet bot bead. IIlln were gu_te recently of Mr. aDd fro ... tbe b.a' r.UlUnl from lo"iol Mrs, Llolley Mendenball. 'he wheel .. turn '00 rapidly. Mrl . Kathryn Piper and liUI. . daughter ue In Da., 'on 'bil week. MI.... Jane and 1'10 Clark epent A va.' amouns of 111 heaU Is dueh 'be week ead wltb lbelr motber and \0 Imp&lred dl«es&Ion. When tbe III.ter. .'omaob faU. to perform ItI! foncIoIra. F. Oraef was ahopplng In 1·lonl properl, tbo whole ayUelll be CloolnGa'l, Tueaday. °OhomeebdelaraD.Koo·T bAI f~.wl d0ee8 Qf Mr and \ttl Ralph Blgg8 vllll'ed am ar In ', a e.... I a 11 you • X ' need They will atrengtheu yoor frieudiliu enla, Saturday. 'dI1eiUOD, Invllorate your liver, and , Mra. Bope ""lIee had for ber replat8 ,odr bowela, en'lre1, dolol gnelte I.., WednlMlday Mn. Oeo .WI\" wltb aha' mi,.rab1e feellDe Hailea and dao,h&er, of Xtlnla, and due to faut'y dlgelltlon. T" la. IIrl. O. H. Simi and daugMer. of Manv olhers have beell permanen'l, Clnolunatl. oQred-~1I1 DO\ yoo? i'or _Ie by Mr. IMn Oavla leU lut lIonday all dealen. for the Dakota wbea' fielde.

Mrs . Jennie Lamb spent Saturday In Da.ytoo witk Will Stlloy and fIUI ,· lIy. Mrl . George Starr, of Belmont;i " 00 M E V 810 rs . rnrnll .rown one day last week . A few relatives from here at.

-, . Sept. 2, 3,4, 5 and 6,1912


tended the funeral of Mrs . Lydia Wilson, at CenterTllle, Thunday. Mrs . Jl\ne " yke bas beeu vlsl'lng In Springfield the j)U' week , the




Grand Opening Monday, Sept, 2 (Labor Day), on which day the 2: 14 Stake Pace guaranteed by the Dayton Breweries Co., and the 2:24 Stake Trot guaranteed by Krug's Bread Bakeries for $1200 each will be raced. Best speed progrann ever offered for entire week. Special displays in all c·lasses. State Experimental Station and State Blind School will have exhibits during week. Special attractions each day. Better than ever.

guel' )f MrtI. Vorna Kelly. Clarenoe Smith lind fam 'ly spent iaturday and Bunday with relatlvel in Dayton. MII ..s .Jennie aUlI 7.)e Duke and Mrs . Jessie Hosler SI)ent Frld~y In Lebanon. M rll Matilda Emrlok entertalnoo aD irlday, Mrs . Letta Montgomery of Day\on, Mrl . Wilbur DaviS, Mra Corl Zimmerman and daughter, a Centerville. Mrs . G . D . ROle and Miss Lucile Penrod of Piqua have be I ." ' , en v Sl ng the pall week with Mr. aod I4r, Minor Rose. Mre . J. B. Janel and son Therle, In wmpany with Mra. A bner Oil· vlalte I in Dayton !daturdav and Sonday, . u" CI L. . _r. uoorge ar •• of Ann Arbor, Mlch, .p&nt a oouple of daYIl last week with relatives herEl. Mn. Clara LeWis, of Dayton .pent 800day wltb ber eon Ralpb, and family. Mr . and Mrs. William Carmony and 80n Elmus left on Bunda 10 , Y 'heir auto for a ten dlY s 'rip $0 Nlaillra Falll and Canada. Mre, Viola Haines, 01 Day&on, H. V, HENDRICKSON apent &eve"al day! la.' week with G. K. CETONE Mr. and Mra. Walter Kenrlok President Secretary AmOll Bougb· and .on Cillf lind M18. Cora and daughter _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ •_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'






Veda. of Harvey.barg,were8unda, __ ~~_~~~~~~~~~~~--~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~t;:: ~!~:k~o~e of

' /' - '





Pame's Powerfullasterpiece Vividly Poitrayinl Trials ap.d·Har~sbips of Early Buckeye Settlers to Be Nilbtly free feature, Oblo Sf~te Fair,ColuDibus, AUI.26-3L



Tbree Hundred Performers, Forty Full·Blooded Sioux Indians, TWlnt, Acrel. of Scenery, Two Troops of Cavalry, Each Performance ' Closing With a Peerless Fireworks ~ ". Dllpliy •• ·A Mighty Program of Amusements, ...............

. . ........

.A mammoth .pectacular production, I oals. (The troopi are away.) Soon.. entitled. "Ohio Pioneer Dayl," will be . otber Indian fire II started. thl8 tim.


the DI,hU, frM feat~re at the Oblo much nearer the 8ettlement, and III State Fair, Columbu., Aq. 26-S1. In· the dim dillance the skulking flIl1I'e. cIUli,e. It I. IItUnl that at thll time may be lIeen. The fire locreasel III Ud• •rand hl.torleal PIlI.ant Ibould volume and the Indian l!blet8 may be be pr04l1ced. IUllimllcb al tbe cente. lleen addresalng their people. SUddenIl&PJ celebratloQ ot the permanent el. Iy the dread war dance commence.. tabUlbmeDt of the Buckeye capital and now the settlerll realize that there wUl be held In conjunction wltb the will Boon be all attaok. The women Stat. Fair. . and ·chlldren are liastlly gathere4 \Qo Tbe Ilrlt .ettlnl· Ibows a peaceful get her, IORdel\ luto pralrlv achoooerl • ceDe of actlvltr-letUer. at work In and the tealllster. gallop off to the their 8el411 aocl timber lan4. thillr tort. Men and bOYI pull the waronl f - - - - - ' - - - ---O:::=-..,e4-bou.ewlVel .bu.,. about the cab. Into the torm of a bollow aquare; tbe tn., the Itur~,. blaclllmith alld bel per blacklmlths. Itorekeepers, tlla tl'llp· bOil, at their tor.e: tnendlr IJldlaoa pere and hunters, the farmers, Rrll 1011111. about the tradll1l poet. prepartnK to defend their homea and " A. dJlpatch rider II eeell to approach loved oneB. tbe tort, rldlnc bard-Ieue. orders The Indlaol, 0011' wQI'lte4 'nto lUI for a detachment of trooP' te procee\l I"BUtt fren,)', are cgmllllJ toward th " wellt to quen ." Indian uprtlln,. TIle 'ettlemellt with hldeou. yell.. The courier duhea oa Into the lettlement, aet.tIer. mak~ a d~termlned stand aod lea~.. the mall at th. atore, challle" repulla the awful horde; the Indians IWn.. od II otr aaatL " go back to anot!ler war daoce. NOW, dlr Ibdl~. are' ,eeu qualT8l- rrom tbe opposite dIrection, aootht'f lnll with t~ .e"trt" at tile tort and band of IndIana are lIeen In _ ae~l\<1 Ihf)W mllcb cll ....Udactlon over the war dance, flamlnlJ arrln,¥ IIlgn~~, aTe I..utd to them. They are lin· fired by botl! ban~., ~lId with a r.on· ell, ordered awar by the oalcer. and certed charge ~tll bands start Into , .-_··· ... .-·'Ie-" .- thoelr tepeee. Now the eettlement from ., opPD!lite dl\,I'\;- - . . . . .. ... ,a'" of ~e .• tDcllalte I)pell tlons. Soo~ ~ay "tack" b\lrat IlItQ tlae ,,"~e 64 a eompo, of trooP' march· flames; the heroic 1>a~" of lIettiera Qh III out a.d on ~uih ~e eetUemeDt. vide and fight back tq ,",c~, but ph.,." b), the .'lIttle.... · &&4, I. 100" III('wly the Redlkln, el~le In on t~ell\. to ~ew 'a til, ""taDoe.. The !Woo they must gp down; theIr pra~rlp "'.....eeln. the uoap, leaTe, ,e04 IIchoonen are ~Irea~y bllfl1~~g a~u~l<\ two of their awahe, follow thelq, tbeml the worn eo at the fllft, Jmqw,~ .~. IntS tJler cq be eee~ !!Jr.u!kllll what their fatt' wIll be M~uld t~('tl' lbrolllh timber anlS nelda. Sooll iller dtlf~nderl. 1;\11. lire see~ 'rl~' ~fpm ret~ and IJD14 muc~ coufullon the tbtl rorl tioles. lepeel ate taJr.eQ down, the horles But 11011' out 4lf tile "el~ a "elc4)ml! bttcbed to 4r.,., &a1S 100" al1 ot tbe .ound I" ~eard.-t~e billIe I)' "\6 Jndl8Jll proceed throqh' the vll\age tropp". Span the boYB ,q blue ~.~ ~4 tauntl CI' u.e \letUemeqt llee" a.p prollchtnl h~ OPII" or48f OTI w~o call atter them .ot to com, double-qulck, to the relculIl liP' n.








t... w:ve., barf l~'


' ICIaooner II DOW ..en approachlD, .the ..tUement from the W"t· Httlera come ill from the leld. to ~ the atranaere: the ou\.'rlderl re~ havlnc met "the IIOldtel'l ~nd I~ter ; '" Indtlllli. and Indicate t6.t ' ~.)' ·.re •• v.plolou. 0' the 'RedaJdh.. ·· Th~, 'Ured,·< tiaTelel'l decide to ,pend llae 'nillit'·,at · the· eettlement. ~4, CoDl~r..ce ·:U~ltchlnl ' thetr t. w. m, '. ' of , ~~n .. ~ ~~t tar aw~r J~ the '. an ·J1iiU~Jlre aI.Da1 ·" t~l.Iee~I . "It, II . ,. , E' , . . . ."~.b.~ "tlie lOuth' u~ .... ..ther ~oId: The,p.p~

Mr. and Mrl. hel d at RtlbloR, 'l'u"lIday, August 13. Mr. and Mrs . J. R . Fenster'Uaker, P. D . Clilgett, Frlaut L. Ba.rris of DaY'OD. accompanied by their and E. ii . Shldaker returned from d'laghter Mrll. ti. J. !Miler and IOn, lIe,%.loo Fr! lay muoh pleaslid with of Inalanapolll, mo$ored to Ly'le thEI oond1&lons. IUlt week and spen' eeveral day, Mrs. Emma Deany, of Lancaster, wllb Dr . L. U . Brook and family. 0 ., te villting ber daughter Mra. A number fr?m tht. commuolty W. C. Welob . vilited 'he To~aoeo Warebouslli at Chas. Tuoker and Carl tlbldaker Troy· oa Saturday. Awonl them were caterers at the camp meetioBs. ~'ere: B. M. Clark, 8idn" COOD, Joseph U. BI.ey, of Dayton, Tlslted Ed Murphy, lIablon Oebhart, IrviD ; hi!! maay friends bere last weak. Bardman alld Roher' i'rlend. Mre. MaUle nnoh aDd Mra. Cora Mra . Alice GI&henll, Mn . Caqie Barrla aUendoo thll Billey pionlo Cox aDd Mre. Adra Lewil lpen~ n8llr WaYDesvtlle, Thursday . Wedn In llay$on. lIr. and Mrs. Wm Carr and Mr. Mia. Stella Githen• •peD. Thure- ancl 141'11. Goo. Davis atteoded the day with Miriam Kelley a' wm Hi!ley Rennlon, ne~r Farmerlvllle, GrabalD'., Montlomery Co., Wednellday. - - -... - • IIlr. Fl01d Anderson employed as : ~ Ever At War. "el State tlOIpi'-l at Day'on vletted There are two 'hlngs ever)al,tngly hie ",lfe and eon Sunday, who are at war, joy and pil8l, But BQek KOElsta of Amoll EIlII and wife. lon'a Arntca Salve will ~uil'll ..Uell Mr. and Mrs ChIS. Cleaver moved In any ferm. U aoon .. ubdue!! 'he itchln~. irritation, Innammat.ioo, or \0 tbelr new h t1 me In Clarksville, Iwelllng. It givel oomfor~, Invltel Mondav. !doooeu to 'hem. joy. Oreat88t beelar or buroll, bollll, WlIllam McCune, wbo wae born aloers, outll, brulsea, eC'Wema, Bealds, and!led in thi. violnit, and for piinple., sklu eruptions Ooly 25 ' ets a' all drollglf'tll . mllDY yearl a realden' of Kokomo, ___ • [nd., died~unllay morning of ~yHarvell sburg. phoid' fever, a"er eeveral weeke of J snerE'rluII. Bi, remalnll were laid to

11"' ~u~.~o°th=~tct~~:, ~~:I'':e!U:~: .urprl.1 at the IIOldlera · lurround


JOilah R08er". o'ns at our ploueer n beautiful MialDl oeme~ery, oltizenll wal hdd to rea' in Miami Wf-dne8d~y morning. Be leav(>s $0 osmete~YI Th\VlldIlY . Mr Rog~r~ remewber him 11M II good and taUh · bad lived ~ quite An L1lrl IIge aDd lui bUllbllnd, flather, son and bro~her, will ba "reat lw mlllllild . \ 11 w'lfe and dllughter, an Ilgod mother .. v I b The A. M_ E. church beld II tWIl ~W(l slst.erl', t·wo rotbers and days lIIee'lag in the ')'ooker wooIIs, frlElnda by the llcore. Our lIym ..., of toWD. There wall " 'good pathy goes ou. '0 'be b8reaved 'am aDd profitablo -"eollance lind 11 at lIy. . enjoyed by all . I lI~ollle Kl\y 10.. t~ baving his store

'T._ ..k";~!be. . ""'IF •

~ ~

. T-~.i.!




,ca'. '


. .


Olassifled Ads

"'."'."'."' ................"' • ..,. • ..,.._ _ • ..,. ........,.._-................................ Lhlo he a d for tw ent y · liv e cenlS ror Lhree InYtlr llon8 .ben ualn~ nol more then UI'e lines. .,..,.............","""' • ., ...._ ............_ _ _"'1"'1"'."'."'1"'' '.......... ,

AdK ..-111 be InsuLed ullcler

WST brown striped ooat, be A lady's 'weeD Wayneaville aod Cor

win, Saturday evening. A auasble reward will be glYen ~r Its return . Leave at Gazette offiee. e .. UMP-a tan pump lOll' between Waynesville hnd BarveYMburg . Finder }llease lea \"e at thlll offios . a 21

P -



GASTand STEEL HOT· AIR FURNAC~ S These furnaces are right The price is low, Give me a chance I will prove it so. The work is good The material is best The proof is yours By the test.

The fire is great The heat intense With little fuel And less expense. Think it. over And buy the best, Aud I will come Ami no the rest.




Tinners & Slaterl







Lewl. Sears' blaokemitll abon Mon da1 · We 'tUl' bts may be.1 .no tbem. Tne lIettlerl. with renewed 08 ••lulaa 'he on&golnjf inonmbent. ,·tlor. now come from behind the bar· W,· 0 . Welob . aqd -tamU, rlcade aod with the aid of the trooP' Sa'urday in Wllmlowtol1, ."ending ICOn 6lltermloate the entire bu4 ot the Yettrly lI.tlnl RcdwlJul. . 'ill Tbl. make. one of the moat thrtlJ· Mr. aDd IIr.. Urloe tlmllh W Inc aDd elcltlng cllmaxea lma"oabl~ lene ltIa'uroa, for De,ro\t, Nloh., Tbe productl0!l la trlle . to Ute, 11 !with ~ .Iew of looa&tn. '~ere. ~akfJI the mOlt r-.IlIUo, · tJlrW'~ ' 111.. IClkallD8. BeYDold ... 01 Cedar. aw"lU'Ph1U'~cI••y.. p.,",~ Ihe I. abe IQ'" 01 Mr aod MrI. Iil~ eye~g1. DerfO~C8 "~ :... -: G reioa 'Of ft... :b~e . _OIia4e wlua ~ '15,~ ~WQft; "dI~ "'..... .0, , ,r . t ~blf ~14.4 rOt. D~ a'4er " '_4IreotlOll 01 til. 8"mQ.~H&oo___ I•.~ ~ "' , UW. ! ~oIIIi' .oft ..........orq ~DJaPlar ~ira)t A.Ueu"'. "

hili... ..:0.,..,..,

Mr ... nd Mrs 110raoo Kirby en" tertalned Wilbur Laoy and wife, of>n, ~aturdlay and SundllY. Mr. and Mrs . Ed Cook lind ohi, · dren epent Hunday wl t b re\dlves In Middletown, ~rll. W. H ., Dralre and family eo I tertalned .. t dinner Friday tbe Mll!I!esi Lulu and Graoe ~'~mll, of Beaver · I town. Mrs. Ed 'Cook: and f"mily enter· ' tained a.' dinner Thursday MrB . 8UMB Vook and dao~hter . Mr. Bnd Mrs. Frank Cook enter' tained at dlDner Sunday Mr. and I Mn . Walter Lacy and daulhters Edltb , WhUma and c:tpal, Chal Laoy, iierbert Etter aod Master Earl Conner, all of Dayton and Horry LBoy, of WaynesVIlle.

OUSE-Ill good oondltlon !lnd bellutified with Ii ooat of paint oheap rent. Inquire of M C Raymo.(l 8rooks II! villi"ng for a Llddv, Waynesville, Ohio. a 21 rew days In Indiana, leaving bll bOilneRIi in 'he careflll hands &f Sherwood Block "1[ I "'~ ., va v 0 """warul!. FOR SALE Valley Phonc 113 lilt. and Mrs. Ed Relllon apen' 'be week wit.h \uelr daogb\er Mrs. Ea.rl OMA'l'01i:~ for ol>nnlng. Good and IImootb . Ponderosa varla'y; Hooke". I"rnt. Wmtemll ie moving In\o the Ca.ll on J R. Hisey, Corwin, Oblo. a .. propert,y YIMted by C. V. (]Ieaver thorough bred Jersey bull, "_ _ on Ettat Main st. registered. and " :.! :veRI .old • - • oolt.:lnqulreof Wem,.el BtlfreS, R S, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Indian Killed On Track. Waynesville, Ohio. a .21 Nillar Ro<,bellf', m.. an Indian went APKIN8-A Dew IItook of nap. BELL'S ANTI.PAIN Onr vtllago 1M Iw.lntr bee u\ltlect ~r I~lpep on " railroad sraok and wal kloe jWlt In. Sevl'ln designs to lw'b ourbing and iU'58,.,,, long 1l1I!t'C'I by Iha falOt eXprl!aH. He pilid Intarnal tm4 External PaIn.. needed hupronmellt. for bls oaroltl8t;nel's w"b bill life. plek tram. Gnzet\e offioe. Alva Kennedy took pONes.lon of Uften las thut wl\y wben people neg·

Mra, IIlnnle DeardotI and dllngbter, of tit. Auguatlnt'. Florid" , are the goellts ot Mr . lind Dhi. E. 8. Dakin at their bllllutlfu} bOlDe on ...·It Main "'t. . ... .. IIr' an4 Mrll. Frnnk L Mllerll, daulhHr Belen, lion OWtln and Tho•. .Whetsel, IIr and Mn. Wal\er Lacy and IIr. "nd Mrs. C1\II • . ill' daker a.'ended tl,e (3r-... o tl r ll plQn • ..... - ... .. Lebanon, Hatl\rday. Dr. J . ti. Maoy 18 1t home \bls week after his vaoatloo .


'Pi 'tIt




~-:~I~:b!h~~d po::1:!~t ~~n '~f rb~~

Klbl'. New 1)llIoOvery wlll onre

*'*'*'*''**'*'.t'.t'*'* **' ***$*'*'**'*'** *

i R' I

them and 80 p1'even' • dangerous ....t..:. Ibroa& or Ion .. trouble. "U com· ..... plete1y oared mfl, In a abort time, of a .... rrlble o(lultll 'ba" fonowed R , severe anaok of Urlp," writes J. WII\t., I'lovdada, T('x, "and I re gained 16 poands in weight tbat I I'*' Ilad loa&., " Qulo~, IIlfe, reltable 1j ~d aaann&eed. ...00 aDd .1.00' ,l'rial bottle free at .1l.dragil.'II, j ' . - .- • • . dJ All , bypoor1te1 are eIIlD,. _, an .

'~u. ' ''7foorl~. ~. ,

", ~








*1 -.,-

Four Queens and a Jack and Ouy·Yo, Cigars"" atJ1cttu .0:


' . '





. . . .• •..t.i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . ~ ""-+............ . . .t. .' . :....... •


WHY COWS STOOD IN WATER ArtIstic Llmlt. tlon. Res pon l lble for C h. ra ctc r ill tio Attltud. or the Humble BovIne.

SHARP BATTL E IN ARKANSAS C harge a nd Goun te "charge ilt Pra lr lo Gr ov e Is Gra ph ica ll y Re lated by

Ve t eran of Ch icago. a lmoa t fo rg otten ilie d6s he <1 wlnl1oWll-Qod tbtl t wo catll tha l m ig ht be looldo, o u t! I m ur m ured 10 LUe l olly a po logy, add in g : "Oh, 1 c'-{j ulle 11 0 ; ~ rtalnl,.1 1 monn _ b, wh a l ?" Sh e wns s m ili ng, he r rOBe-petal lip drllKglo g t hroug h h e r t e l'th. "Th e 'boh by,' )'ou know, ju s t no w" -tlhe nodd ed 10w(\rd th e po r te·coc he re - ·'1 was posltlvo h e hl\d cO lne to drag T OU It wa" to your 10 lllhRoTC e dungeon. And wh cw h e reLlr od , 1 was-ob, so relieved I" Ami eh e cl as pe d b or bandll, he r eyes lifting ullwu rd , "Oh, I II~' n ow- were y ou, though?" I S'fln no d dc ll g htedl y aM ellp pln g to a ru s tlo c hai r bOHitie b e r, looked b e r &lI'e cUo na l ely In th A oyo, F or 1111 h e r Rlr ot c bll1fl ng , I kn ew t hat und or It WRlI Q curren t ot a llxlc ty ror m e-tll e d arll ng l I ecre we d my s lass a t h e r tend erly. "W h a t would y ou h lwe d o ne ?" 1 ~a ld BOrtly, " If he had-e.r-Iugged me ol!, rou ItUow r"' "Can y ou u lt?" W hat a re proachfu l eld ~glnn c e s bo sh ot m e tbrougb th e mesh es of h e r all l,en wha t-you-call- , 'emil I "Why, of cOllrse, I abo uld bave drawn m y good excallbar ilnd run blm thl'-I'-rougb and Ulr-r-r-<lugb I " By Jove, bow she sald It I And she lllus trated with tbe s t em lea. rosadalh It, no; the roaeloss Item ! Sho waa superb-looked like the jolly fenolng girl ; only n d e-she d Bight more stnnnInc. don't YOIl kn o w! An<1 her exca.l.lbar, too! Didn 't know wbat a loJI7 e:zoaltbar wall, but guessed It was some delightfully myst erlou8 but deadly feminIne thlng--som e kInd or s uI>merged hot-pln-sort-<lr-thlng, you know - that sort, d ash It! Yet ahe would have drawn It- and her good one, too, sh. sald! "JoT01" I lIald fe elingly, "Would )'ou, r eally roo And I almost took her band-6Dd again r em embered the wIn. dowal So 1 jus t shot h er a look. B er glorloua e yos sparlLled. "Tbat Ia, 1 would U I bad one," she said IImIl1ng ; " but I'm afraId poor Arthur lost the last and onl), one. Sad, IlI n·t IU" "OblI juat felt m,. Jolly b e art IIlnk like what'..lts-name. Who the deuce was "poor Arthur '" Tbls must be anoth e r -eame other thunderlna chap Who had been eng&ge<1 to her. And wbat a rott.n, cllreless beggar, too, to have lollt It-that Is , It he really bad! Of oourae, be would say so, anyhow. And how the deuce dId he get It, In tlle !lnt plac~d she give it to him, or 414 h_ . By JOYO, bow I should bave ltked to punch Arthur's h e ad! Always dId hate a chap wltb tbat namel I lIushed gulltlU', but sbo did not see. For tlle moment, she was 100klnS' oft dream117 across tlle valll'Y. Had




A m~rlcatl

U ghl nul, '\II

.... ltIl an

frfloCt tl> t1 &.I\ 8 115h ucce nt. rece ive. a pre_· t fr om .. rrl ~ " d I n Chi"", T h . p r • • • nt V .... to tHo A pair or pllj.. mu. A It,lle r nta o f ."rprtse to t h. w....... r, 1..I«hlnut


0 118 th" P R.) .Ull &., n lh1 la. l e a t n igh t l{f' t A tor 1\ am ok,,- lila ser vIIlnt J e nki n. , m "-'l In Anll , ( &l lI ng 10 recogR'tze U Khl · ut, a t l ~ m f l ' 10 Pil l hi m out. ThI n)" " .. B~ r\''' n


c r fl &)".

II\\.ond l n ~ 10


l.Aarht nu t

(" h n n ~

h lft

, un' mon help, . Wh&n r ~ "PI"' n,.,. J enkins !\I lIe on hi . n«' I, t h JOII', co unrr nll1 lf Llg ht" ul'. bolle! t he • <Tn E)'. J ouk l n. toll. t,l,lltn llt of e en.-"untol' h e h .. d wit h a hld eou. ln am a.n

l1 ", ".JI~11


pajrl-m A.a


.. from hi. r rl" nd, laok lot1U1D1P1 ht nut 1ft ""ked to put up " Ih .. · kId' r th e II lgllt on hI" wily hom e from col"""" Lator J.\lfh luu t /I n ola a beauUtul .,rl In blJwk pll.jama" In hIe room. Lll[hl~u t la s h <)ckod by lho elrl'. d.lnk l ng, ok l ~ I1IHI slangy tllik. She t ells him e T nllme Is F ~n c l . I\.n d pu u l"'" him th .. eto!'y or h " . love f or h er ale l a "'. m-ma to, na med r.'1-..l1c.... Ne"t mome the K1rl I. mlsalna' 0.1111 Llc hlnut hul'tie/! to the boat to he r a ir. H . Ia a c~ted by a hu"ky college boy, who oall. m " Dlcky," hul h e IIoea not e M the I. J ack B illi ngs calla to apend tbe t With l.tghtnul, Th<!lY dl.conr ".1..,. rubl,,,, hld,lon In th e button. ot pajamas.. Bllllnge don e the paj ", ",U...,a. U lrhlnut 1att!r dlfteo" . ... .... apartment a bee t')' pe""on In mutIl-ehop whIsk,,", and weartn, p"-lnm ...... enklna call. th .. poli ce, wh o declo"... the iltruder to be a criminal. called "Foxy r-andpa," Tho Intruder decl&rea b. Ia htnut .• lfUut a nd apueallJ to the lat.... In vain. lie Ia husOM' oft to jaU. o th e moml... 14htnut tI utonllh.a to 11 Bllllnn I'One, and man utonlahed en he «eta 0. me9UC'ft from the latter 4Mnandlnlr hla eloth_ Ltchlnul, bound or Tarryto"n. BllIlnp' hom .. , dl.cov .... 'Fnuu:e.a," tho I'Irl of tb. pajamu, on e·traln. U«h tnl1t ape""'e to het"and aiudee to Ib<!I nl«ht betore. She d&Ol ...... Il'ft.&l\ny thllt Ughtnut neve••a" b.r bl&ok paJa.m.... At Tarrytown P'ranCM





~~eL:~tn~1t ~~ohl~~fe Tr,~uP..'it.r~~ ~otWI

the boy, who then threat.ns


Ilh~b hIm tor olrenlll ... FnLnou. T.lrht"lit tall ... the nex t tTaJo hom... DIllin", alol'ma ov..r the ou ~e of hla art'ML H. aII4 Llghtnut , dlacover mntenoua Chi-


cll&ra.c lua on th" plljamu, Prot.... l' Doo ...nberry Ia called In te IDtllrpret h . hlel'o, lyphl ca. R e ra1lM OVer wb ..t he I. the lOott BIll< at SI-L.....-chl The


lIoclllJ'M that .. penooa wea.ri1l6'

~ D&.1a.m1la will take an the amnblance iof the ~ Jll"tI,1oulI wearer. Tbe prnfl!&'lor W1I tho pajam&ll tor uperlmebt.. 'BllllDp" drease4 In pajamas I. tounll In • proteaaor'o room and 10 talt8J1 bome o lUl~tomobil e wIth Fran ..... and a we-


au Ll&'btnut ()nile ·"the



aut til IlDPred by ''tbe tJ'ump'e .lanCtv-

Ona talk ldKlut ''1i'ra:ncla.'' "BIlIIn....... <dk-en ID ilia room. A ftrTaDt tene Lla!I~ mut that .. m-ce ba8 Juat beell reoet-Ad Itatblll' that BUllnp 'WU und ........ In N . " York t or 1I'-lI1l6'. a IUIt 01 lack pajama&. JUdp mlUnn utOlltme. btnut wIth a talll of Francia' _ as. 14btnut au. permlaaloll to IIpe&It


"FnLI1Cell." The Judp decl..... that "CIt lUIolhor Unne penon 1<'Ould t&cItIe lb. Job, anll L4"btnuL bta milld ~upled 91th the MauUtuI Fr."""" I, creatly

"ttlIeI1. Polloeman O'Keefe returntl tIIIe laclt...pajamaa and Lla!Itnut Hnda thlllD




- - -

CHAPTER XXV. -If Ever I Find. Manl-

"I YOU'Te not been trettlD& Into troublll, Mr. L1ghtnuU" Ber lovely eYIIII were danein&' wttll mfgchJef as they hung there below

. '

llrl1"e , s o oobl&man ne red, you know80 s lmple l" S lm p le l Daa h s lm p lo peo pl o- ne ve r co ull1 Bt fl n<l th e m l TilIng I adml rod was bra l",1 Aloud 1 said , en lIy-almoa t bumbl,.: "So g ll\d ,.ou like him, don 'l )'ou IlD ow-dld li ke, I m oaD I" " DId II ke T I do &t1I1I "-her lone lifte d In carnest protost-" I lo ve to think or bru vo, d ea r Arthur and h18 knl g hts - tlo fow, 1111<1 y et flU full at Io n!, of a a lla ntry a nd d arl ngl " So h lJ! nlghta we ro li ke tllMI U )' J ovo, 1 was d ovlli sh &Iad th en tha t t h r.y h a d been so f e w- th a t wao some co m fort, da s h It I I wo nd ere d If t ho beggar was de ad, B ut w ilD t dllfere n l:e did It Dll\ko no w, after ali T Slle Wl\S mine DOW a nd ah e kn e w 1 kno w It ; thllt wall why tbl s s we e t, Ing e n uo ufl child wall lay ln& bu r G to me h e r past - the d l\r llng! He nll y, I oug ht n ot to let her g o 'on , " Nev e r mind lh e m now," 1 urged eoothingly. And h oedloslI of the win , d ows, 1 hlt ch od a wee btt . closcr, ''Th nt'll all past and ,one lind you and r will yot see ' aQ good nights as t hey e " e r We ro." 1 Ipo ke wtth a!!8ura nCe, "Don 't yo u think BO ?" I adde d , softly, S be Ilg he d, "I don't kn ow -I bope so l "- ab e lingered dubIously ove r It, looking away asaln, the wblle ber hand put back the lieocy , gold en wba t·you·call·lt thut Will snuggli ng t o ber "Yel, I looked at tbe goddes 8' Illte forearm, bared to abov e the el· bow, wbere It sUpped from s lg lH UD ' der the r'JlI fit sle eve , and tbought of thnt nlgbt In my apartment when sbe bAd made me feel of her bIceps, don·t you know , . " You don ' ~ lmoW?N I repeated with g en t le reproach. "Ob, I s ay, yeu 1m ow I You know you know you kn ow!" Dy Jove, tbat sounded rath er rum, but I knew IIhe knew I knew sbe knew-see? S he loo ked at me s IdewIse, ber slend or {orellngor pressIng the half· parted lips slowly sbaplng In 0. curve. Then h er little tee th fla sb ed , jewellike-reg ular jolly pearl setti ng In the frankes t, sweetest smile I- and tben her glorIous arm and wrist arcbed Buddenly toward me. '''Yes !'' aha lIald oonultely, and wltb tbe most delightful, kIndest Inflection and laugb- such a laugh I-a Iaugb gurgling melodloul-ob, dasn It, yes ; [ mean lust tbatl-Uke tbe liute notell In tbl! overture to wbat's-bl&name-that sarti ''Tbat'll the way I love to bear a man talk I" she said warmly. "I think It takes an American to atand up tor bt9 own place, bls own times-please !" And gently, but with a love ly smile, she wltlldrew her band tbat 1 had folded close In mine. 1 let It go, for I saw h e r look toward tlle house, and, of course, 1 understood-jolly carelesa of me not to have remembe red-but 8he would know from my nod and shrug that 1 comprebended. I sighed, and ,1nJ' 4eep breaUi brougbt he~ gaze back to me and her Hashing smile as well . "And so," Ihe said, llfUOg her UlUe chin. "you tblnk there are Juei .. ' many Iullghts now u there uud to


\\' ,'ti l prn fh; htl ng was no t so drn· 1I1a tl C'll ll y ee t forth a t th e t im e or th e "'H r-

d oing mil Aort B o f rum p lace s 000 Oil. o lse e ve r Ih ln lts o f, don' t ),011 know , And ns for a bench! We ll, It waB 1\ k(l hClr, In b e l' In noce n ee 01 the wo r 1<1 . not 10 know bo w d ownrt g llt \' ulg ar tb a t wo uld be. I h a d Been cou plnll I;itllll g eveni ngs In th e pa r knn<l r !;II Ow! nut I nn s wer ed t Rctfull y: " I d on 't m(' An t ho ~ e pillce a 110 muoh, do n 't yoU l(11ow - 1 th ln l, we ca n Itnd lot s jo.lJler nnd b ctte r nig hts els&wht're .'" And r c lo sed m y fr ee ey o :t n cl hoamed at b el' t hruug h my glas8. "Do n' t bave 10 go 110 fa r, you know ; un de r nno's o wn roof, or--e r-some olle ols e's roof, for Ins ta nce-w b,. not !J e r e?" J l e r ke <1 my h ~ ad to ward th e 010.1 s to ne Dll e b ehi nd us . "Oh! "-be r eye brows IIfte<1 li t me - " so you 've thou ght of t ho.t, too?"she n o,dded g ra ve ly--""'you me an IJl the II bl'l1ry th e re ?" I win ked a s~e nt. T he li brary s uit e d me all rt«htl "J ust now, " eh e Bald In an od41)' 80 borcdl voice, '·1 loolted. In as I






W (lo f f'

th o ,'n ft1pai g I1 6 o r


paa l. hu t II ~ pk ll lr"t\!]ue ness Is un· (J uestton ll ul e. II h a~ a speC'l n l c lnl m 01 ' Ch icago'" In l .-I't's l hpc aus e mnn y or tlw l\) P Il wh o fough l In I h tl nrm y o f Ih e fn1nll " r art' now li vin g In Chi e n· !!o, Onr nf l ll"sl', r;~o r A<" fl f-Itl l!:, wh l! Ih· l· s nt 2 10r. Lo la n d n " e n ll P, l e ll s of Congratulated. h is pXl!e r lell<' .. s al P rnlrif' Oro ve In Prize F ight er (en tf'rmg sc h oo l w ith i ho ,\ rk a n ~ a s, ~II H~ ,," \' 1 " all1pnl ~ 11 of hi e BOll l - r o u g l vo th !s bu )' 0 ' mine 1%2 , 1'11(' s lory I s n~ foll ows: a tllra shln' y() ~ t erd u y, d ld n'l YOIl ? " Art {' ,· l ll<' I,al ll (> o f H h e a '~ ~li ll s we Sc hoolm ns te r (v e r y ll ervous ) - "v"eU " li nw dow n 10 lh e plu('C' II 110'" n n s - I- e r- p er h aps P rAir ie G ro\' e, 1! e r!' ou r pos it ion wna P rize F'Ig- hte r - W e ll , glvCl U! your n n h igh !:'ro unll 0 11 Ill " <,ol)('ov e s ld p o f 'nnd ; yo u're a cil al11l,lon , 1 cn n' t do a b C' Bel mn d l' by th e " n il e), o f !\ 11 11 1(' notbln' wIth '1m m ys e lf,-Pul. cb. RlreR m , FJ(' ~' o nd Ill" er ro lt nn d Ihe tr' ve l la ud lh at llonl.-r .. d It was nr.· 1I'r8 . Wln. lo ... ·11 S ooth l ". ernl p tor Cb1 1c',J1"" • n l h(' r rise o r g ro ur. d. nn w hi ch th", t C' p.l h l n lt ••m tl f'ua t he IfUtD H. rr.dU Cf' 8 Inn"W1t' ... (' ,nfC' der ateR had th at r butt e r)' hi dd en &'l oD, aUar a v a i n , c ure" w i nd. collc o 26c • bou a. In t he woods , No t ev ery for tun e h u nte r Ie a 'good "1'1)(' Third " ' Iscn mln en \, a lry. m y regim e n t. wos a t t h" rh:: ht . nnd t ho Ihot. Twe ntl ll Lh \\' iscon sl n In [on t ry wa s a t t h e c e ole r. T h is regi m en t s t n r led out fir st. Do wn th e hili t hey we nt. with t h e fire of the rebe l ha tt e r y c on ver gerl O n l b e m , a n d ac ross t he le\'el g round lind u p t be oth e r h ill (b ey OHHlo t hc lr Point to HlddeD w ny , ellmb lng a fe n,, (' to r eac h Ihe ' Kid.ney Trouble. wClod ed g ro und , , 'h pl' re Rc he d t ho 'I Have 10U a g un s and a capta in hAd plant ed a !lag hun e back, ach· on t hl' ba tt e ry wh e n t h e wh olo lin e o r Inl; d a 1 all 4 Confe dora te Infa n t ry. whI ch h ad bilEln nl,ht? r ese r ve d fo r th is purpose, rose up and Do YOU feel a th rew t he ' Vlsob n s ln m en back d own sharp pal n aner ....WI'"II'\ t h e hill. ?h'lre than 1 00 of our m en bending over ? " 'or e left ba.n gln g on t b e 'ence o r dy· When the kidfng In the woods , ne y!! seem so r8 _ _-i"Then t h e soces h cam e ou t In turn. , and the a ctloll T hey aim ed for .l poi n t lui.H WAY b e· Irregular, u. e t wee n m y re g im e n t and th e Twen ti eth Doan's KIdney ~--\ Wi sconsin . H e l'e Rapr·s India na b at· Pills, 'WhIch hav e te r}- was set u p. T ile Co n fede r a t e s cured tllousands. Irl ed t o ch a rge th e batt e ry, !lnd ev e ry time t hey were driv e n b ack by a rain An BUnola Case H . H. Da vl. , 2IJ6 Co mmercI al St., Da nvill e, II I., . .. ys: "1 wu co mpl etely lnld up Wllh kIdney trouble and rhe u Olattem , I 8D~n t .ev e r a l week. tn the ho. pltal but wa. nol helped, A. a lu t re80rl , I began us ln .. Don n'. KIdney Pili. .nd Waft entirely' cured.. I ha ve had no trouble .Ince. ' Get DDUI'a at IUf Dru, Store, ~c.. • Bos

Sharp Pains In the Back

Doan '.


' G

passed througb, and he wall looltfDS so CTu!lbed, 110 worn and tired, you know- he had just come frolD upstairs; and y et be fa ced me 80 bravely Bnd IImlllng ly"-she shook her head-" poor fellow I " J sta:red-puzzled, <1on·t yoU know. O!rhandl. dasb m e It J could 'ee what tbe judl~e bad to do wltb our OTenlngB togethel'- wby, 1 bad bls own ap~roval of my liD It. Then I remembere(l that ahe, of eourso, dlc1n't know that-yet. Probably what !!he hall In her dear little mind waB tllat be might be hold· Inl the, IIbrnry-and be would, U he oonUnued to think he was bUlY j for I had heard him !!ay he expected to 'Work alll night. But then, there were dO~1 aad dOlell1 of other lilac.. we coulcf' ro-well. I Ihould :lust .." I hadl jUlt bent forward to 'IIUMt WI to her when I lIaw Ihe wal lolng to apeak. So I walted, BmllIng at her tenderl:, . "And about Arthur-" Ihe beaan, and 1 (nat mYlelf a painfUl ltab with m1 llaUlt-r lsbt tn tile palJD--"JlOW there II a ca.. Where 1 think you 1ID4"-tlhe nodded toward the bOUle aca11l-," whel'4l you !lnd one of h1a IUperb quallUel, tbe one quality that, of all, l[ admire III a man the mOlt," "By :ro"er" [ lIald, leaning forward. I 'W'Ondlend wbat It wa_nel then, duh It" 1 asked ber. •• JUlt trullt!" ahe aald almply, an4 her fae. grew lumlnoUB. "FaIth, perhapi I sbould 18y. My father haa It larl'er t ban an,. m~ I ever knew; II 11 10ID41thing that loel out from him with bll friendllhlp. wIth hili love, malting a dual g1.1t"-her voice dropped thauchtfully-"I baye studilld 1t In him "Ill my life, and It has alway I seemed 110 beauUrul to me-so WaD derfui'--the unQUestlonlntr peace he hal~-ber blue eyes widened, shin· lIac--"blUl enr In return for tbe pel" feet, al~ldlnlJ trullt that he gtvea to the th1l~, h. calls hili own. I know, for he h .. made me feel It from th. Ume I ,,,as a tlny little girl!" The laat word "as almost a wbls:!)er, 10 tonse, 110 vibrant wltb feeling wall It-sbe seemed to haye forgotten my oxlst, ence, "'And II ever I lind a man-;-· breath. d. I cousbed aUghtly and IIhe ItaTteIl, ltared at me-a nd then the dimple deepenf~d In ber chee k , lost In " bed of Jolly ' rolSes. Her Inughter peale.. forth, blrdllke--dellclous! "[ bet~ your pardon! " ISbe Bald. "But whea J thInk of papa and of how Ae bellen!1 In hill chHdren, especlall:poor little me, I ' thlnk [ mUlt get-" Her rOl!fulah, puzzle<1 BmUe searched ,JUT faCE!. "How Is It 70U liay Itl--ola, r ~ow"':"'1 think I mUlt be letUna cllppy!' .. , And It wal the first alang I hlul .lb.eard tlrom· t hoBe swe~tI Blnce"tbe ~, ilile wa s ,In my ;



"Poor Fellowl"

I almost laughed at thl clLlld·llu question-but 1 dIdn't I Duh It., no, 1 WOUldn't bave done 110 for th. world, Just looked at her lorloual,. and answored her In k1Dd: ·'Perfectly BUre of It, don't 1CN know!" " And,- by- Jove, I waa! )(new U-Th.r. had beon an1 chan. ., 10m. newlpaper·readlng chap at tile olu!» wwld have m entfoned It-that wu I.fe; _ pec!ally one sill,. aSIl woo wu alw&1' reading of 80me tolly comet tb.t wu coming. He would know ."out tile nights. " Yes-Oh, yel, there are lUlt .1 many!" 1 amrme d positively, o.nd added quickly : More, you know!" For suddenly I remembered It wal leapyear, and [ Imew there wall aome JoUy rhyme about leap·year Clvel UI one day more--so, of courlle, there'd be another night! "You don't know how glad I am to hear you say that," she said mUllngly. "There are Just as many knight!, TOU m ean, but tbe condltlonl haTe changed-tbe msn III ch anged-II that It 1" I should say the man wall cbanged r "Oh, da sh It, yes!" I blurted. ~)' Jove, I hoped ~here wouldn't be allother change. "You mean"-wlth a little, oballenglng, puzzle d smUe, IIhe leaned fol'ward, h e r elbow resting upon her knee like a sculptured , GrecIan pillar; her flower· like curving Hngerll lIupportlng her chili like a CorInthian what' s.ltaname, you know, tb e sort of thine tbe ancient what-you·call-'emll alw~1 added to top off their stunning mtlJlo ble columns-you know!-well, Ifke "I Trust You've Not Been Gettinl Into Trouble, Mr. Lightnutl" tllat-"you mean we may lind knights, mlne--eyes, b lue r t ha n the Hudson at "I wonder," she said pensively, not ol).ly In the Held, but In the IhoPI, our feet; ye t bet ween the Jolly rIp- "why It Is one can never find another upon the street!!--ilven In the sluml; ples tha t played a cross thoBe pools or man like Arthur. DO you suppose It or In the hospitals, In the church or truth I could gli m pse far down Into la because lie was the Ideal?" upon the bench-that Is your leiea T" 4ePtha that were tbe most devilishly For an Inatant, I Iwallowed .J1ardIt wasn't mY , ldea at a11-I shonld .Iltranclng, darkly, d eepl1, beautifully then I plucked' up brayely, or, trtec1 to, lay not! Who wanted to Ipend nlghtl --oh, l'ott know! don't 10U know. Drawling 'aroUlld that way1 WhyWIly, by Jove , [ almost took a crop",rOily likely!" I · chtrped. , Then '.Vhy, It W~lti't re8pectabl", dasb tt! f, . ' ,(TO '.BE ,C()NTlNtrlll'[;'l Star rIght 'Into them ! Only caught gloomlly: "Oh, I lay, )':0\1 know, wa. oes1de., that sort or tblloS;- 'BJ:(lurl1()ID. 1Ut In Um e . TOU know; Itralgbtened he your tdean" . ~" .' Ing about' lIeell'!" thIJ1liJ-wa'a idtl'ftll.1i 7lIlat On ' the, verge, St, were-:-:.and , "AlwaYII"::+tJae , b!..U .~, I~el, '11J!1~1~ttie.~rne. U ·.you "lut4 ' me., ' I~~~~;:~lt!J)~~~ ·' up, wl t.:'l ~. pap, 'monoC,\'" ~8.Il. wtlttun,-"J" _\lPpo", ~t'" "ecaUie lie did do 'It; ' ITell ,.broad, el ~ " was m,' hrl' 10••; ,iI tOUlld ',aUm '. . '1DMt _.ri~ M4 • r" . • U


rn a n or th or Englon d to wn th e re was a s b lfUe!ts m an wh o wo u ld n e " or acce pt g ltts ou t r igh t, alt houg b be Will al wn),. d e pe ndi ng on chfl rl ty , " IY. Al Priddy In h Is book. -rhrOll gh l be Mill ,"' re lotes Ih e Yo utll 's C"Olll lllWloD. H e pal ut e d Inll duca pcs , nud my II UOt, .... ben b en ovo .entl)" in c li n ed, wou ld Ill re him t o de rorale our wnll~ wlt b ru ra l I cen es , hlS h ly co lo l'ed In glarln , tints, lIa If na t u re bad tur oed co lo r blin d. Not 00 8 s tood on tI,e vj vld gree n bills. " Jor ve y." sh e r ema r lt od to Ihe old mn n, " wb y do you a lways I)ut t he COWl In t he water ?" " It's l b ls wa y, Mn , Brin,ll n," Ih e o ld art is t re s po nded . " Yo u eee, ma'um, I ne ve r learn ee! to point h oo ls,"



•• r N ••••• 4 .- '4d ....

ro. A


,. ...

"'IP~_.'II ••••zT_IIl...

, ,_

. . . V._lt.

Tile hI7 fner !MUOn II now At Mnd. It It W . . Like Shooting Into a Flock of 7011 ba"e . bact IIA,. fever 'or r Ollo fove r bofore, YOU are .are to 11I..,e It &CaIn anl eu Chlckenl. 70U UM tbtl ""ondertul remedy" Ha ynox." your.elt now eo It .... 1Il n ever eom. or grape and canister. It wall like Trea' back, "Hayno,,"I. absolately ..fe, a be.". s hooting Into a !lock of chIckens. The COIl14 enn \l Wltbout iaann. Sell4 fOf Confe derates spread tor a moment \he 'mJ PA<:lt4ce todAy, and then ca me baek agaIn to the charge. They were piled five and Ilx C••pea bllh In tront of the gunl before they ltanlox Co.. 10 MaIn Street . BlrmUlllbam. ),Ucb. were ordered bacl' to th eir linea. Beod ~e by return mau\ 1\ tree ,rial "EvelllJlr came, and there WRa no p&elpn Of JOur wonderlu 'UaToox", more flgb.Ung, and In the morning tbnti 11... In.tan, 1'9l1e' &Ad cure. Ha:r ]l'e'Vllr and ~ Fever. I enoloao 10 when we expected to be o.ttacked W(J oenta to help ~ IJOItaae and pna.lt1nl. (ouna that tbe enemy had left. So •••• ••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• we went down and too'k Van Buren and Fort Smltb, There was not much St~t, . ....... , •••••• , ••• , •••• __ ••• , ••• .••• _., trouble there, We came down from 0",. .... . . .... ......... .. ,Stete . .. ... , . .. .. .. tho high ~ound Into the city atte. an engagement with some Texall rang, era, an,d we found the place deserte~ by tbe men. The aecesh were on the other side of the river with a batte.., lind they Ihot canister and grape acrolls the water and up the street., We put a Union fing on the courthouse, and they Ihelled It, but tbelr aim wae not good, and the flag .tayed, WIth all their fhlng tbey dId not hIt one man of UII, but they did kill several hogs and one woman."


F.'.... ,Paoli...

Not Yet. When Bome Ullion .oldlers were scouting In the mountains ot welltern North Carolina they came to a cabin In a clearing whIch mIght have been ncrOl1 the sea 110 tar as Itl belna <1lsturbed by the war was concerned, Lazlnesa wns In the air. The hoes slept where tbey ha<1 tallen WIthout a gr,unt, B thin claybank mule grazed 'round and 'round In a circle to sa"e the 'effort of walkln" and a lean, lank mnil, whose prments were the color of the mulo, dozed In tbe shad. or ~ lIycamore and . let time roll .' by. "Bow'dy do ?" shouted Q BOld,ler when the m~n !!howed signs of lUe. " Bowd)'," came tbe answer. "Pleaeant country," "Fur them 'SI 11k" It." "Ll\oed -h ere' all your life 1" ' T~e southerner . Ipat penllvel,.. lD the ,4ult: "Not )'it."






It t-Ias Enough Agricultural Land for the Settling of Millions. A r eport deoll ni with the coal rolou rees or Canada has been Iss ued by the Dominio n Da part me nt ot Mines. The eAtimlltea gi ven are only bued on what IB known . b the western ond northe rn reglono, wbl ch have been Uttle e xplored. the re may be vast deposits of whi ch nolhlng whate ver Is ~nown at present. The omc lals of the ci!eJ)arlm ont es tlmat o th a t of bltu· minoul coal there IR In Ca na da 73 \-ii billion tons; a t anth rac ite 461 mil· lion tous; 8ub·tJlt um lo oul aut! lI gnit e over 100 billio n tons. Th e Qusnt lt y of coa l now a nn un lly mined In Canada II a bou t 12 milltoo tOilS. With an (l8tlmated qua n tity unmi xed good coal, of 74 billion tons, It would require 6,16G year ll to ex hauat Ihe BlI pply. If the tnterlor grs des were Incl uded, Bli Pp l1 would last for 14 ,676 years. Of course the cool de mllnds of Canada 'Will k eep on Increa sing, but It will be a Good many years be tore the quautlly or Ca.nadtan coal mined will eflua l prelent 01ltl>ut of the United Sta tes mlnell. Th eIr ann ual oulput Is about 600,000,000 tona. At that rato It 'Would take only 146 yearll to exhaust the estimated Canadian lupply of .ood coni, and about 360 1eal'l to lI'et to the end of tbe total lupply. And with the Incrsaalng po~latlon. made ap of about tour hundred thou8and per· IOna a year (an4 It looks now al If thll Dumber would be reached thll year). on. hundred and leventy·ftve thouaand


Farmers Who are Most Successful PIlant Early. Use Pleaty o{ M a nure ODd Hlgb Grade Commerctal FerUUzelt Dad K eep PlankS Clea n FrOID Weeds and Tboroughly Cultivated,

WHERE DOCTORS FAILED TO HELP Lydia E. Pinkham'. Vegetable Compound Restored

Mrs. Green'. HealthHer Own StatemenL

the openln, np of thl!! rlcb neld of ~ rl c ul t ure, and It la 11 hiGh class of ago rl cul t ure, carried on uy the use of brlllns, and, whe re en e rgy haa not bee n eodow ed, It has become In tha t splendid air a cnse of Inocu lated energy. The rapId advancem ent or rallwaYI m akes the lIltuatIon eos y. Today one may be loCs'ted thirty miles trom one of the many branches of tbe rllrrerent s ys tem.. A year from now , the whlatie of the locomotive and tbe lo ng traIn at care may J)a ss the tarm, tha e levator Ie but a Ihort drive from the home, a Iplendld market 18 e s t a bli shed, and all the ad vnntagel ot an old aet. tle ci community are at hand. Tbe prospectll this year from an .... rl cu ltural sta ndpoint ara exceedlnilly brIght, and, relieved of untoward eon· dll lOllS, the farmer III already countlne hla bank roll, planning tor more ex· ten elve operations lor next foar, and I figuring on payIng out tor his tarm. H e Is calculating wbat the Increased vlllue of hla holding!!, all a result ot • successful crop, will add to bls alleto, Already some &ld8 of wheat have been hILrvo8ted, barley bal been cut, and the yIeld II above hll eltpeetatlon. In tact, the feeling at the tim. of wrltlnl II that neyer in the blltory ot any country on the continent hal therl been luch a prospect at a large al'eJ'o age orop, all over the three central provincel of Canada, al wUl be han.-

Covington, MO. -"You r medlclne haa done me more good th an all the d()C)o tor's medi cl oel. every monthly period I had w .tay in bed four dllye bocause ot hemorrhage., and my back W as so weak I could hardly walk. I have been takln, ' Lydia E. Pinkham'l I Vegetabl o Com: pound and now I caD stay up M Il do my work. I think It t. the best medidne on earth for wom en. ' •. -Mrs. JB:NNlIll GREEN, Covington. MOo


e:.-- Jd!--..


f u n llObo-Wby am yu lookln n 10

lad d Is m a wnln', pardne r ? Second Ho bo- Why. 1 am Butre rlDg fro m Ir r igatiOn. FI rs t lI obo- Ir rlgatlo n? You mean IrrItation? Secund Hobo- No; IrrI gatio n . Do wo ma n In de wa yside collage emptI ed II pall o r hot water on my head . Our Feathered Frlendl. Pa sto r Phelpl·Slok es, during a r ece nt vlElt to Philadelphia, told a c hnr lty ~ o cle t y a country·we ek story. " Und e r an old ap ple tree," she aald, ·1 ga th e r ed 0. balr·dozen little country· weekers allout me one Augu s t litter· noon, and, holdln, uD a book, I uld : .. ' No w, cblldren, I'm going to read to you . This I. tbe book. It Is called "Our Featbered Friend.... Who are our te.!lthered friends, doea any ene know?" "The urchLnI on the grass regarded onll another doubtfully; then a little chap piped In a Ihrlll key : "'AngelllY' .. Ro ~e

Prl. Winning Seed Ears.


Bow Hrs. Cline A voided OJ)eratiou. Drown!lville, Ind. -" I can say that

I ke rn els t o th o hili and thin to l('a v6 (By CKARLES D. WOODS.) Ge ne ral obs ervatIon show s be yond t he two be-s t ~ Ln lk s ~ t a ndlng In t ho Lydl a E. Pink ham' I Vegetable Compouncl t.ny qu es tion that th e farmers who I hilI. Glvo t he plo ls th e l.J e~ t cult\\' u' hSIl done me more good than anythln, ur e most s uccesE ful wt t h BWf'e t corn, I t lo n rou ca n. elae. One doctor said I must be opera.are those wbo e mploy the foll o wtn g In th e brt'edlng 1)lot should be t ed upon for a lerioul temale trouble rul es : Plant earl)' , us e plent y of rna· ' pl a nted the l!ele~ l ed .('a r s. Euch ear and that nothing could help me but . . nure nnd hi g h gra de commerclnl ft' r- sh ould be pla nted In ou e row by It· operatien. "I had hemorrharee and at tJm. tIlJzer. kee p t he corn clean tram weeds selt. (Till s Is ca ll ed th e ear·to·row could not get any medicine to ltop them. lind well c ultlvaled. do not plant too syste m.) Th e r ows s hould be gl\'en I get In such a weak condition that I woW4 thi ck. li se seed well a dju s te d to the the numb e r born e by th e ear planl ed have died If I had not got relief lOOn. locality In wh lcb It Is to be grown . In It. Cnrefu l o b ~e rvatl on s houlrl be "Several women who had taken )'OlD The followin g dela lled plnn Is drawn mado tbr oughou t t he ~e a s on . Each Compound, wid me to try It and I dieS UD for th e g uIdan ce of far mer 3 who r ow s hould be harve.le rl sepa rnl ely . and found it to be the right medicine to d 3slre to Improve th eIr sw eet corn Its yIeld de term ined an d th e ears fro m seed. It ke pt se pa r ate from t be ellrs from FACE A SIGHl- WITH TEnER build up the IYltam and o .... rcom. female troublel. FII'St Year's Work. all oth e r ro ws. " I am now in grelt deal better bealtla In the first year's wo rk towards an The s(~ed froUl th e b est row n, tbose Moberly, Mo.-"My trouble began Improved straIn of seed, o nly t he tl eld ·sho wlng gl'l'u teH ('ul'll u('ss nnd blg h· wIth a small pimple on the left IIlde of than I ever expected to be, so I think I eelectlons of Il).a n ls fr om whi ch ears es t yie ld a t go(}d qUllli! y corn nnd s to· my tace and It Bpread all over my ought to thank you lor It. "-Mrs. 0.11. are-Iale r lo be used tor plant ing ca. n be ve r. sho lll ,l be u ~ ed 10 vl;mt th e props . face and to my neck. It would be Bcar- CLINE, S. Main St.. Brownsville. Ind. mad e. Th ese selections should be mlldo ga tl on piaL th e thIrd year. Rej ect all let red when I ,at warm . My facB at th e growIng plllnls In lhe fi eld . In I nub bins a nLi [loor t'ars. was a IIlght. It looked very un pleaschoos Ing pla nts to be s eved for seed In th e Ilropngutl on plot of this year ant, and It felt uncomfortable. My look ou t for the following poInts In pl a nt th e guod enrs rm ln the pre vl oll~ face was 1I0methln, awful; It JUBt kept the orde r n a med. In going over th e I y ear se lt'ctl on whic h we re not II B£ d me In agony all the tlme. Some said field on e should provid e hlmselt with . In th o breeding p lut. It 18 desirabl e It was tetter, and eome saId It was Tbat'a Wby You're Ti"MI_",,'t -Hav. No A~'p"U[l'. lom e s trips of chea p brIght colo red I t bough not a bsolut el y n ecessa ry In that awful eczema, but I rather thInk cloth, about 2 feet long and 2 to 3 th e propagatio n pl ot lo u >! t assel every It waa tetter. I had. been troubled CARTER'S L Inches wide. When a s tRlk Is select- a lt ernate . Dctll srlf' lln g la Jone by pull· "IUi It far about two years and trIed LIVER PILLS ('d to b e slived for seed one of these Ing out a nd thro wing a w ay th e tnssel many rem edies, but got no relief until will put you right cloths s hould be tJed around It just (s pludle ) ns soon us It a ppears. The l , ulled Cutlcura Sonp nnd OIntment In R few daya. below the tas sel. ThIs marka the e Rrs from t1!e del as selelj row s are t o "When I would wash my face with The b e rega rd ed us th e best seed, and the Cutlc ura Soa p and appl y the Cutl- thcir th ose from th e row s wh.. r o t he tasse ls cura Ointmen t It would cool my skIn we re not remov ed us sec ond bes t . Th e and draw great big drops of matter sUpatlon, two cls sises sho uld be ha rves t ed and out of the skin. You would think I BillOWiness, Indigestion and Sick Headache cu r ed separately. S et'd from the d e· was IIweatlng; It would TUn down my SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRlCL l asseled ro ws wIll p r(l b ~b ly b e round tace just as though., I had wasbed It. Genuine must bear Signature to yI eld \J elter thnn that from the otb · It Itched and Bmartsd Bnd I suttered erB. In the day time most r used the Cutl· J l1~ t os In the prev lou yelt r tb" best cura Soap lind CuUcura OIntment for Individua l planls from bol h th e tlreed · a month an~l\. al cured of It." (SIgn. The Dairy Helpi tho Farme!' In Weste", Canada. Ing and propaga ti on plot8 s ho uld b.C ed) Mn . J. D obher, April 16, 1912. being aD estimate of the Immigration ed thIs year. TIle rallroadl UI ad .. marked wIth clot hes a nr1 sll"Veri. se pa· Cut!cura r: oap Bnd Ointment sold trom the United States for 1912, the Ing to their already large mHeage and ra . tely 10 furnI s h s('ed for th e ~0 1l0W ' 1 throughout the world . Sample of <! consumpUon ot cOl'ol will n,aturally. ln· have got rendy fer hundllng tile crop 50,000 FARMERS Ing yea r' s e a r·to·row b.rec dl!lg plu t. tree, wIth 32·p. Skin Book. Address thousands ot box cora. The goveru. Third and Succeeding Year's Work. potIt-card "CuUcura. Dept. L. BOlltOD." Dalrym en and atock raIse.. to IUpply b. Tho agrIcultural district. of Canada ment agents and the railways art! maklocal markets with butler, poultry, ve," Pla nt on the ear-to· ro w R}, stem, th l' have now become 10 well known Ing nrrangeme nts for from fI(ty to al.]'tables, bogs and caltle. Tbe beat lan41 Individ ual ea rs ~e l ec te d th a pre" lo u2 No Danger, Rack for Drying Sweet Corn, throughout the world, and the vacant ty th ousand e xtra farm hands In ort!er year In tile ureell1nl; Tllot. In th e pro· "D.> you believe we a re In any 4an· in th e world can be bad at $5.00 to $~O.OO Tbls may be made rat anl1 mouse per ncre, on easy tenn... Let UII be1p yoo area of e ,len dt d land Is IltUl 10 great that the crop may be successfully and pagatlon pl ut p lRll t s(!e d trom th a ger at losing our birthright'" I to get a farm in Alabama, where the thot It m~ be eltf)ected that the nllln- Quickly harv ested, business m e n 8re proo! b~' coyerlng top, boUom and be st rows of tile pr ecerllng year. ln "Not a blttbat Is, those of UI who climate is dellghtful, where you can rat.. bera me ntloued 11'111 Incrense from la),lng In Inrger stoclts thn.n ulluo.l, real eldes wI th wire screen. t he propagation plot detassel eve ry Rre dO(l med to always work tor what several cropa Wich yenr on the llama land, year to yea r, Md It will no~ be many estate m en are active, preparing for pl !l.llt so that It will be saved when alte rnal e ro w. The seed fro lll til e do· we get are DOt." and find a ready market for tho same, W. yenrs befo re tho Immigration figurea the rush at business that Is ,urt' to the res t of the crop Is cut. are supported by the Stat. and 8ell no tasseled row will be th e best s eed. -------tollow, and e\'er Y\\'h e re tbere IH tho will reach tbe mlllion mark. Putlno AntIseptIc sprayed Into the lands. Write for information and literature. 1. Whate yer othar good pulnts a From your Indll' ldulI l )ll a nt select Ions , It may be nskod wh a t Is there to nota of optimis m, which Beemg to be stalk m u)' have do not s ave It ['!l" seed Litke the seed for Ib" following yea r', nessl passages Is a surprisIngly su cSTATE BOARD OF IMMIGRATION warrant tbla large IIbmlgration? With pertectly Justlfla.ble. c os sful re medy tor ca tarrh. At drug- MONTCOMERY unless It Is consp Ic uously earlier than breedIng plot. ALABAMA gists, 2Ge a box or Bent pos t paid on reo mllllonJi of acres ot land, ,oBDable of The re Is, al has been BAld, 11 vast llie otbe rs around It. This Ie most celpt at prIce by The Paxton Toilet producing twenty-live to forty busbels area ot the co untry IItIll open tor set· Co., Boston, MaslI. DAISY FLY KILLER ~:::: If:::.:~ ..:~ ot whcat to lhe acre; or, If In oats, tlement wet homell terunng lying In the only stocky plant' wIth .. t, cl .... 0 .... llaJII.ntA' cr.......... from forly to nInety, a .n d even as high center north. Spenklng of this part ebKp. L •• ,. all Of thll BIrd Kind, brand leayes benrlng good sl:;"d, and aa a hundroll builhels per acre, or the a writer, who made the trIp whe n the EO ....... . lIad.. ot far as can ' be ludged at thl". .tage, "SII7, 'pa 1" met&J. 4!!&D't'plll ora" lame s!)lendld yields ot !lax or bar- crop was In Its g reen atago, saId: well-shaped ears. "Wbat 18 IU" our1 wUl ftot loll . . ley, there II amp~ Inducement to at."Just now, the whole country II • 1 .Jare aD7 t'bt ••• "Is an aviary a hOlJpltal for al'l .... S. Tako only stalks which show FarDl.'" Who Had FU~y Acres III OaanLBteed e4eatS. . tlact tbese hundredl o.t thousan~b wbo beauUful .Ight, III It preseuta Itself IJJ the characters wblch are typ)-::al tor torar' Gra,8o Cut i t Too Sool1Bold b, d.alere" are' filling 'tbe prelent a,r~cultural Nt- full dreBs ot livIng green, varied In the variety you;l.I'e workIng with. • "D.t pre ... ld lor ... Better to Feed to . . .0I0Il IOIUJUl, 1II11da1~ ....... arM.J..... Yo. t1ements and pushIng forward. into the IIhade, many place II elelrantly fringed Avoid treaks. Aplmale. -.=-: ---ll,ewer aettlemetltl ,year by yenr, and and Interlperaed with pleatlnlrl of The field In which selection8 aTe )eaTe ioom lUll for the hundredl at IIhrubberT Ind patch.1 of aWltet loent. made muat obviously be cut br hand. (By R. A. OLMSTEAD.) thoullands who will follow. There ro- ed t10wers In rOle, yellow, .. hlte, pink., 1;0 that the marked plants J..ay be Doell a girl take a stitch In Ume One ot: my neigh bors learned a lesmalnl nol only the agrlculturalwealtb IIcarlet, cardInal Ind purpll. In t1'(loV' left standing to mature theIr ears. son In hay baling this year. He had wben she mendl' the clocks In her of the country, but thera aro &110 the ellng over the virgin loll. I have leen Save about twice as many pit'llts In never boen a hay farm or untll last II.ocklngs? lOolal advantaeea, the home·maklng Borne at tbe moat charmlnlr rolllni the field as you expect to war.t ears year wben he put In a crop at tlmotby privileges. apart Iltogether from the prairie.. Iloplne hllll, 4e.p ravllM! .. tor planting the breeding plot at next red top mlxod. He cut a pretty faIr financial opportunlUeI, tbere II tbe life mIrrored arUstle flower l1elda, year. crop In ,July but he was 60 eager to and the energy born tram the knowl· and natural parka that ODe could WIBh When the lIelected plants ar .. well· get at th e new work that he cut It edlle that the leUler I. more than a to behold, and all placed there without matured (stalks and buska dell't and 0. IIttle too soon. He bas about 60 unit In the u%)bufldlnc, In the mailin. the aid ol man. The la.nd In' general drying) they sbould be harvest"", and acres In gross and concluded to bale of · a country tbat will loon rank Is· henlly matted with 1Ta.I, mixed the ears should ~e bus ked and cared the crop and sell It. 1 suggested thaI amonpt the first In tbe natlonl of with vetchel and pea vln.., nearlT up the world • . There t.. no desIre 011 the to the knee, and many mllllonl ' 01 'or In the follol\' ing manner. In the he ougbt 10 stack It and let It stand We Lead You winter, after the ears from these at least sIx weeks for cuttlng before p~t of the writer to dwell upon the acrea of which are colne to aucoos8 that has followed the Ameri- whlle beof, pork and mutton ar. loa~ plant a are "~l dried on the racks, baling It. but the hay looked pretty the best of them should be picked Qut dry and he concluded to haUl It dIrect can settler In the Provinces at Manl· Ina- at prices heretotore unknown. The for shellIng and planting. Special IIt- from the cocks to the baler. It looked, Balkatchewan a.nd Alberta and comparatlv4llYllmall acreqe under cui· tention should be paid to the follow- very nlCEl as ,It came out of the baler in California the coast ProvInce of BrlUlh Colum· tlvatlon roemlndl one of a f ... Imall Ing points. and our n eIghbor IItacked It all up bla, or to Ipeak of the thoullandl of in· &arden patche •. 1. Take only ears having small well tbree tiers deep. M...n. J. S. "W. 8. Kuhn, the Plttabur)fh banken, arB 4111'Iduall whose hundN!dl ot dollars "When 1I'e conllcler the .BUmated packed grains In straight rows, and Of coul'se the bulk at the hay spoiled dorni In the Sacramento Valier "hat the U, S. GoY,mman' have made them tbousandl, but atten· orop of 800,000,000 bu.h.ll of wheat 'I\' lth the grains set firmly on the cob. and It will be a total loss. I never II dOlO, al.. "berl for the peopl.. tion must be pald to the tact tbat thelle tor 1912, to be produced on these weat· Select no eara with fewer than 14 rows Ihlnk of baling tlDiothy hay on my There II ten tim. more net profit pet acre In Callfornll people hal'l dene well. They are fol· orn prairies from these cal'.(len patch eo, (better 16.) placo uu til It has gODe through a irrWQUtllllllti tban In the East snd "ith Ie.. labor, lowed by their tamlllel and their 80me taInt Idea can be formed by an 2. Aim to select ears of medium ' swent and IH practically cured, thore· Let UI take you "here there Is comfort and happlneae friends, who also are dolnll' well. Imaginative mind 81 to t,he Immenso size, nearly cylindrical In shape, and tore, I stopped selliog baled hay fl e,,· belidel ,pr06t, eli mile equII to that of Southern Italy. Where, a few yeare ago, leemlngly posslblllties anel rIch herltace ot agIowIth bl:tt and tip fairly well covered ernl yeal:s ago because 1 dIscovered no /rolll oor .no", no thunder.torm. nor aunltrok... only IJ¥)nths a,o, there waa nothln, rioUlI ~esleru Canada." with grain. I hat It paid mu ch better to feed tb e Let UI take you "bera bl, money la no'W being made, but the open prairie, or It we lpeak of The estlmnte of the wheat crop, U 3. Test the germInation of each ear hay to m ake beet lind obtllin manure market. are near, demand for producu "eat and Income the . mote central portlonl ot these made by the writer Quote~ til exee. by takIng 25 kernela from the middle to put bllck on tho land to raise more i. lure. . provInces, the Pllrk dlBtrlcts, there are Q! the ear. Reject aU ears . from hay. ThIs season I cut an average Let UI take you "he.. railroad and riftr tran.portatlon .,.. today well tilled and cultlvatod tarms, slvo, but w!th even 250 million bUBhels• whIch more thnn two kernels out of of three tons or tImothy on 40 acres la n.. r, "here there &18 denominatloaal church. aad there '1\'111 be a great dell' of aatlstaoJarCe farme, toq. and the her<ll of cat~ ,raded achool .. the 26 lall to germinate \\' Itllln ten nnd It 'WI1S as fine hill' as I ever saw . Ue. CIUel nod ·townl are the result of I Ion on tbe J)llrf of the settlers. daYL . No'W la the time to buy thllland-gellD with the "Innen, Some of the neighbors wllo are hay the great Panama Can.1 "ilI loon be ready and you can no good. So pleal. be patJent. There'. HavIng selected the ears tor plant- sellers got only on an average ot two Ihare In Ita trlumphl; '.''P" ere Idling rapIdly, and we TIme. 'AWillIng to h f 'o~ t Good I r h-. a good time comlng an.! 1 wan t you lug sh ell them, keeping tile grain from tons and they do not seem to underl.,on&:l, ur,e you to purchue U loon as pomble. woman w a or we ve yeai s Chi P eaoh ear by itself In II. paper bn·g. Do stand where the trouble Is. OrigIn· bere when It comes." The boarderl dl nil' hOU6e n You can buy thl. lend on -.ery ellY term_S15.0l) ID ClOn d ucted . a ."boar d not save the kernels from the hutt ., k ' ld t t III are taking tllel reduced rations an ally theIr land VMS as good as m~ne 4 acre .rw aad the balance in ten yearly paymentl, caeo e. pr e n tile th ng are "waitinG," one of thom saY8, .. wItb lind tip, In'" IV Incll trom but they have yet to learn that the) ' ' an . ""ho La ~'I ., tOI' about ... that "boarders usu ... y s tay un ey d tI ,.. oach eud. ear . selected, should cannot k eep on selling off their hay Gift UI an oppomanll1 to lake up all detalla "Ilh yoa .et marrIed and then seud aome one shortened belts, for the- 'goo me. ~ -"rite Ul .O"UI. to flU the -place ini\dtf iacant by mat. be gIven a. n mber. ' Thls number may crops wI t hout putting anything back Let unend you oar line ilIUltraled printed matter te1l1nll aD rtmQny." at1t1clpat~ :Polslble · comFlU thl Text. bit written on " slIp or paper and put 011 the land. about iL Writefor It QI o,.u-,.It ,i ... you abaolute ptoOfa. plaints because llf IImaller pOlrtl.ona .l. "Johnnie," as ks t!:.:» tea.char, "what In the bng wIth the shelled seed. of m.ent" by plat tbc I :meatly written do you think may be meant by the Second'i Yea". Work. Rotation of Crop., KUHN IRRIGATED LAND CO. notice In th,e dln)nr r90m which ,Itat. "Unto him \hat hath aha II b. The com sMtint tie ·',planted eaoll If 'We UN but one ..orop on the land Depllil , e4' \hat the bi<let; mu~ton.; and While from hIm that hath not year In t * o" lIlbtli/ one the '.breedlng · and cultivate It clean all the time the . . FOURTH AVENUE PlTI'SBURGH, PA. veal htlel be t aken awaT eYeIl that which "lot a1!d ~8 , ~ther ."th:e · lIropagation 80U wtll ,QH,t cklr be rohbe4 ~t Ita huhad ' he' ha~"'" . "" -',1. I' ' . '" ' ,} , "lot. in plililtbit;: t.1ie · ~orn for lleed, mUI; tIIA!refore "e · muat lollow a , .", 'UDCI~ Blil iayi' t ta~' t.«e~ use the 'best Iud you have, and proper. )tatlon In order to e\lPJI).r -; an4 , HHe lay. ·rat manure an4 humua. we 4o . l1t• ~IU ; keePI . 'Bettln' ~atter _an' ,. tIIlD the row~ ·3 fe~t ~'tt: 1U\d. 'the ' hUll tl~ Som4~ me~ bATe n...,... d~eo"e!'el keep .~etUD( ~1lIle..r1 ~Ii Ipltl . 'U fD~ .part-"ltdir.,row. Plant' till!, ,fact. )Iq"enr• .. ,all th.y 4i1,"~1ldp'~ 'ub~, .., ., '~~ . . , . .~


Your Liver Is Clogged Up










To Fortune and Happy Life

iiien~II"~, nlw~ra· 10bnnle.




Corn f~ltae·1t. "'e~l; PJ~t

~Ithqut wblc~






\1~;~~~~31 ZJNIMERMAN'S' Who Goods f

I •. , "

But 'the Old Hen Delivers the Common Sense and Copper Cents

Thr,,('-fourlhs of all mi;hi ef is o~n itiol\ ot Agricultural intere:!ts ,IOll e lwl ween pu pper time and bed , by thl' Fi rst Citizen of . the wor~d . . 'l'h ' beet ' ''8\ ' to enl!ouruge a This will alford a Itohlen opportunity ti me. t: . " n • . , . . h Ch' f E ... d " 1 to b' "ood is to give for all cItizen:! to see t e Ie x.·,ov an !I'l l C ., . ' . ' b d d lt'm a I ri p to the Uhio State Fair . , l'c uti vt' of our I'l~.on . 1 he OY!! a: J . t h , 0 f t we f or.,aet -he loo . "'I'sh und h opes I' ~irls :;hould be gwen a c ance O • .ee of youth. The tramp lind vagabond , Mr . Taft. a r~ of len the vrod uct of the neg- , FlI,lII AY, Al'l;. 3U , uLI:l SOI.L)lliR " UAY U · unhappy child . Every ' I ec te l I and . . On thi~ day all veteranll. Ilion bey and ever y girl ha~e a right· to and Conferlerate lIf the Civi l War have a good time whI! e the~ are will be admitttd free to the State you ng. Makt' them hapllyan you Fair The Stat ' Boa~d of Agricu\. ,om <Tood . 'l'heI busy m eture ne y-·. rnakI' tl .~ • ts the e)(tend~ th iS co ur'e~y to the . men who bore th(' brunt of lbatUe making man freq uent y reg re . n

lJ allq Woollard iAvery seriously ill. I


.{ennelh Ridge nbu s.


working in Col.

Ernest r.osnagle is camping at Ft. Alldent this week.

Hew- Mrs. Shepherd Friday eveniug at Phillips' comer. Mrs. Ella Haines. of Cincinnati IS th e guest 0 f Mrs. Cyntbia Evans. .


Several from here attel'lded the Grange 'Picnic at Leitanon , Satu,rday. Chas. ""rye handles the Milson Fertilizer, and there is none better. MI'sses LI·r.zl·e an d L'II' P ra tt a t I Ie t ended a funeral in Morrow Monday




B & C "Really Cood" Wrapped Cakes

We arEi putting in a line of fancy wrapped cakes, mad e with fine Luttl!r and EgglI, baked like humemade cakes. Fruit Cake ~ponge. Devil·, . Food, Lady Cake , Raisin and Citron pou.,d. SpIce , Marble. all wrapped.10c to Zoc. Give them u trial, you will 'buy more. Indiana Watermelons Indiana Canteloupes, Elberta Peaches Thin R-ind Lemons. Sweet Cal~ Oranges. J'Jmbo Banan~. Jersey Sweet Potatoes Home Grown Onions. . Comb Honey.



Tin Cans. Glass Cans.Jelly Glass.. ee. S.ealine Wax and Paraftne.

out come of his ~~~~r~~, ~:~ w~~~:: Iand .m arched away to the grand wild Woman's meeting at Bring us your produce. It pays to trade at when too late I d ore ' TnU !lIC of war. half a cel'ltury ago . Phillips' corner Friday evening. iThe G. A. R. bulton will admit them to them more p eaaures 8n In opportuniths . . . I at the south central gate, A. Maltit was in Cincinnati Thurs· The State Fair HI the Il,oklng-glassl day and purchased a hanilOme new ;. j which refiect H results of t()il and SAT. AUO. ~I, CI-KLOREN'!:j UAY FREE ceach. ~~~~~~~~~~~'!'!!!!'!~~~~ skill of ambitiou8 men and women. All children under 15 years of age E. L. Eeemllter. of Chicaro, was lfyo want a good fe/tilizer call Ohio ~State Fair exhibitorS! \I~~all,Y will be admitted fr£'e of charge. and Chaa. Frye, phone 49 If. IS . get into the kinll·row on hfe s special music and program arranged. the guest of Mrs, Cynthia Evans. The reunion of the Graham' family cheeker Doard . Free sca~ in the granci stand 'in the Tuesday. will be lheld at tb~ 'heme of Bert TilE !>TATE: FAIR IS Kf~ AUY afternoon, during the exciting runMiss Verna Whitaker. of Dayton, Stacy and family at Lytle, on Satur~ t Every DIIP~rtment of the Big Ex- Il~inr racC:S' bfand conc~rtf6' antd sftatrh - i8 visiting relatives in and around day. Al\gust 31~t. 1 . ., I t t .' tries are all mg !\pecla ree acts m ron 0 e Waynesville. pOSitIOn IS comp e e . I',n d T Mr. and;.Mrs. B. S. Howell. Seth in. All exhibits will be in place the gran pavi IOn. '11 b b k Born- To Mr. and Jdrs. F. E. Cook. Mr'. and Mrs. Frank Braddock first day. All reeor ds WI e ro en GIlANm: REUNION Sherwood. Wednesday, Au&,ust 21, Miss Laura McKinsey and severai in quantity and quality of displays. On l'hlU'Sdav anti Friday. The Pa- a daughter. others attended Wilmington Yearly Groundll are in perfect condition. trons of Husbandry will holi the Mrs. Grace Smith is in Cincinnati Meeting, Sunday. Roads oiled and dust eliminated largest reunion ever held by the Frillay, 16th inst., was Thos. J. it'lowers in bloom . Covered walks. Granges of Ohio. The membeR of this week attending the Fall millin· Brown's 79th birthday anniversary. Flags floating. Buildings painted this order recognize (the State Fair ery opelJi,ngs. and gaily decorated. as the great factor ir\.inducing betLer Fred Hawke !!pent Sunda.y and and mon than ene hundred of his MONDAY. AUG . 26 WOMAN" FRH UAY farming. The State Master has' is· Monday in Chicago returning home friends remembered the day by sending !tim Ilordial greetinp. each , . 'ted sued his proclamation calling upon Tuesday noo[l. one of which was in its own way eaAll ladies, ever~where, are mVI. members of the order. and learn Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Monfort. of pecially pleasing to the recipient to attend the Fall (\n the openmg well thlil letlllOns to be taught by this Wilmington, were calling on friends and he herewith expresses hi,~ thank~ day. Monday, August 26th: free of magnificent display. charge. Other iays the pnce Qf adhere Thursday. to them all. RACES .AND ATTRACTI0NS mission will be a silver half dollar. Miss Katherine Prendetg'llllt has ••I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ No passes. Fifty thGusand ladies In connection with the Big Cenare expected to accept the invitation tennial celebration, over fifty thou- ~:::est~~ ~:;~~:. a few days ofret· .· ~ACES of ~e State Board .f Agriculture. sand dollars will be spent for free I TuEsDAY, AUG. 27, TEACHEa's DAY attractions and amusements. The Miss Mary Hawke . . of Lebanon, is Agriculture is to be taught in the racing purses are greater than ever a guest at the home of Mr. and Mra. public schools. Hundreds of sug· before. Runninl' heats Saturday. J C. Hawke, this week. gestions for practical WM! in teaching The Fireworks and the world·famous Mr. and Mrs Roy Reeder, of this branch can be gotten by teach- spectacle "Pioneer Days" each even· ers attending the State Fair on Tues- ing in front of the grand stand will Clarksville. BJMlnt Sunday with Mr. day. The Experiment Station and afford amusement of such class as and Mrs. Wm. Thompson. College of Agriculture urge all never ltefore offered in Ohio. The Mrs. S. D. ClaJton. Mi88 Edna teachers to come. thrilling Ire.! acts with the troupe of Snodgrasa and Miss Thelma WY80n g When the bell t8.PtI on Aug. 28 and WBDNBSDA Y, AUG. 28 . COLUMBUS DAY trained bl.ack stallions. lions, leop. we", in Daytqo Saturday. the ltarter &tvel the word "go," there = : = .1 C' .'11 _ L ' ards, etc .. will please the most fasME!Il8rs. Johl\8On Lashbrook and J. w\ll be Inllusurated the beat race The CiPluu Ity WI ",.ow Its ap_ tidi ous J. Buthoff, .f Owenaliorough, Ky .• meeting' evel' held on a batf-mlle . AC4IOMMOD.ATIONS preciation ud interelt in Agriculvisited friends here Tburaday. track. The Ohio !llate hir wlll be ture by unusual attendance -on .. . August 28th. In connection with S;,lendld l'8llway serv~ce. Check The .Utah Silver Tongued orator tbe IIcene. The race course there. the Ohio-Columbus Centennial the room at ~trance of Fair Grounds. Mrs. Shepherd will talk on the 23rd with I!. 100 foot Itretch, II admitted· , . I)' the fll.teet two-lap riD« on the map. State Fair has assumed larsrer pro- Informa~on ~ureaus. and public oom- ~mendment. Hear lIer Friday eve~. :Fltteen ham"l event• . are .cbeduled. p6rtioll8 than any previou8 year. fo~ statIons In th~ city. Stt:eet cars mg. three 1!llch da)'. Aug. 28-30. On Sat. ,!!lg~'1 Statreekt ~a~tked The new and large assortment of urda),..Au"g. 81. the Jumpere wllJ oc· Columbus haa contributed ' many ~~n.g n~rth thouaanda of dollars aetual money to . air roun s, w e VISI ors . • ' . QUp)' the track. Four rae .. are promake this event success. direct to the gates. ColumBUS ex· Ladles Shirt Waists 'at one· third that day. No Ie.. than 60 tends a royal welcome to those who value are how on sale at John A. running horeel w111 be Been In actlon. Royal llport Is &BBured all vilitorl. THUUDAY AUG. 29 PRES~OENTIAL DAY come to ita centenary celebnltion. Funkey's. Fol1o.... ll~g I. the complete program: On .Thursday, August 29th, the The Governor of the state urges all Mastt'r Horace Drew Alexander, .Mondi'Y' Aug. 26- 2: Hi trot, purlle . Pr~ident of the United States will citizens to come. A silver half del- of Dayton, is .spending a few weeka ,800: 2:13 pace. puree '1,000: 2:311 Yisit the State Fair. This is a com· lar is the price of admi88ion. Chilo with his grandmother Mrs. A. J. trot. puree $500. . Tu ••day. Aug. 27- 2: 20 pace, puree pliment to Ohio. It is a graceful ree- dren half fare. No pasaea. Alexander. ,600; l~: 10 tEot. purse ,1,000; J: 26 !!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!'!! MiB8 Emma Heirhway left Tues- pace, purse '500. Wed",.lday. Aug. 28-2:18 trot, D~ day for Murphy. N. C. where abe puree $800 ; 2:111 pace, purse ,1,000; expects to spend the wiuter with I: 25 trot. purse '600 . I have about $150,000 in Dayton relatives. Thursday, Aug. 29- ·2: 10 pace. purBe r.7:'- ' - - - - - - -- - - --¥elt&I'H'ttIfA'--- - -,iE..eal Estate to exchange tor farma. tralllt in large or small parcel •. Mrs. Luella Little, of Macon, Ga., '800; ~: 1 2 trol . purse $1 pace. IlUl'se $r,oo. and MillS Rachel Ridge, of Cincinnati, Graduate of Ohio State University What have you? Friday, Aug. 30 - 2:23 pace, purle A. W. EPHRATH were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. ,6011 ; 2: 22 trot. Jlut'se $600 : Z: 18 Dayton, O. Mahlon Ridge. 124 8 • .Jefferson St. pace. pur8t! $1.000. 8aturday. Aug. 31-%I· m ll e heat8, 2: Office. at residence in F. B. Sher- ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!! Mi!!8 Eva Ftmkey arrived here. In 3. Jluree $200; %· mllc dllBh. purse wood's house, FourtD Street. QUILLER & JORDAN from Chicago Tuesday evening on '150: ~ ·mll (' hl'llts. 2 In 3. pur8e her annual visit to her parents, Mr '200; l·tolle dash. Ilune $150. Dealen In Mr.rble and Gl'1IlIlte Telephone 28 and Mra. J. A. Funkey.


ti vel y Dallgero us to amined or Glcl SSCS

Remember it is Posi have your Eyes ('x fitted by Opticians,

Optometrists a n c! none of whom ha ve tion of the E ye, it s

Spectacle Peddlars, any Medical Edllca App endages and



It is as dangerous for you to have your eyes examined or gl~ fitt.ed .y "abort term opticians, optometrists and spectacle peddlers." II;B It wouli enter a druggist's store, without a doctor's prescriptIOn, and commence BIUIlpling the different bottles on his IIhetvea. In the one case it means death. In the otber the wearinl' of wronely fitted magnifyi~ glasaes, it means impaired blood circulation of the eyes. _cataracts, growths, paralysis of tbe optic nerves. partial or total bhndness and in many instanczes brain complicatlonll from which death ensues. If your heart was affected would you consult the blacksmith? If the renal ducts of your kidneys were diseased, would you call on the p.lumber? Hardly. IIl8~, you would consult the physician you cun81dered had the best medical knowledee of these diseases. How then can you risk your eves, the most delicate and Intricate organs of the human system, to opticians, optometrista and spectacle peddl~n;, who have no medical education whatever, and the Governor of OhiO vetoed a bill to reeoJPlize them as an eye profession implylnr that opticians and optometrilts were incompetent to examln~ eyes and adjust glasses for impaired eyesight.

When yeur family doctor witb all his medical Nucation will r.fer you when in need of eye attention or proper adjusted &'Iass to an oculist (havil\K the medical education of the eye, its appendages IUlti di.· ~), not to an optician or optometrist (none of whom have any medIcal k,!owledlle of the eye), how can you risk your precious eyesigbt when m .need o~ glu.i6II, to this class of "short term eye destroying eye specialists, who' really know no more about an eye or the correct fitting of glasses for defects of sight than you do younelf7



If JOII value yoU! eyesi&'ht abun opticiana, optometrisls and Rpec· tacle }lleddlers when In need of 1l'11UIIeft. Alwaya consult an oculistic optician a~d have vour 1r~1UI8e8 adjusted Properly. Cost's no more and yC!U will save you~lf tIme. worry and the expense or continually changmll' your gluaee In the future.

, Our Iruarantee to each patient. if your eyes are dlaeaae<l or ereail'ht failing and 1l'1as&e8 will make you &ee, we will auarantee to gIve you sight or your money will be refunded.

OUR CLASSES ARE CUARANTEED TATE FAIR TO To correct Headache: Nervoulllell: Dlzzinell: Acblnl Eyeballs; e,. Spob Floating before tbe Eyes; Tearfnl, Weak and BE CLASS,YEVENTS WateryStrain; Eyes: Sleepleunea; Blun'fng of Type'in Rudlnl; Drowllneu:

Harnass and Running Contasls "18k or Aug, 26·3L



Dr. J. A. McCoy,






Meurs. S. E. and F. M. Alexander Mechr.nle St, Lebanon. Ohio. of Middletown. and Dr. Alexander. Groundl Will Be IIlumlnatld With 1'eltvbonc No... Colored Light•• for the Gazette See us if you want to save Money of Dayton, spent Sunday with their The Powerful display of ftreworks at the Ohio mother Mrs. Alethia Alexander. State F'alr '11'111 con8111t of magnificent MiBl Jean Ferguson returned te illumination of lhe FaIr Oround8 with her borne in Dayton Monday evening powerful colored IIgJlt8, fllghtl ot after a pleasant week spent at the rockets. discharge of shells, tremenhome of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wbite. doul sulute8 to Old Glory. lery tencreeping In every direction, ~ Word from Mr, an!! Mrs. S. L. tacles peacocl[ plume rookets. dl8playlng a Cartwrigbt is tbat they arc having a gorgeous veil of flery, feathery plerfSant time. They aay while the plumes; ftlght~ or floating magnsllum scenery ia beautiful along the Kana~ Itar rocket8, aerial bouquetB aDd nucaD he had riaht in towD from IlL. wha it does not equal the Miami me,rous other creations of the p),roYo~ know' how particular UDCIe. . Valley to ~bem . technique art. Including the latest French sensatloll . "The Pyro·R08e CarSam is in buying goods. You C.ID The Chicago manufacturers have olval." Thi8 reature Is created by myriads of flylug pyro-roaebuds. IIOPu..--.-. trust his judgment. sent us one hundred Ladies' Shirt pies al1\1 torgel ·me·uoty. amid 1\ delpay every propeny owner Waists, Greater valuea than the uge of 8eetblug .I~olden fire and spantwo hundred thev sent us three glee. which rise to D height of IIOme to 6nd out how ATLAS Cement. can' weeks ago. The remainder of the 60 ,eet. Arollnd I be fountalnB are lIet angl!'l'. numerOUB tu"e eJecadd to his income.. corrafoit. safety, first lot and the new lot are now on attara,various which UII" ; W out sheets or exYour choice for 79 eta. and paodlnl; colors llUd which crOB8 and etc. some inlereding ute. every Shirt W~ist is worth THRIIE ",CroBB, fflnnln l' a glittering kaJledobookl~~ for asking. TIM&'! the price. No one can afford &cople carnival of color from the to mias this ·chanee when you tee lround to a hellht or 60 feet. this let and think! enly 79 eta., you 'Df . mod ODmmOD atlmlD" will admit the like has never been workhiR people ~re dUo\. .. lame b,ok, known. Some ladles have sel4ectCMi and . tllree. One bought.five. Come C!I\I'ly. . John A. FilDkey ..

8urnlne, Itchllll or Smartlnl of tbe eyelids and many fontll of Mental Exbaultfon. . Cataracts, Qrowtlt, Removed and Croll Eyes straJlltteoed without Ule of knife, Oraauiated Eye lid, relieved without bumlDI. No injurious cIru,1 uled in Eye Examinatloa. All Eye examinationS made by a Spec;1al11t Jl'C*eIIInl the Medical Education or the Own.. Permaaeatly located.





lb. W. 8, GU.lalna. a farmer Ity·

lag Ilear J'lemtDI, Pa .• 1liiY. be ha.


uB8d'" Colio, Cholera Flsherm8n'~;:::::;:~'" a.d Diarrhoea Remedy in htl family tor four$een years. and tha' he h •• found it kI be an exoellllll' remedy, and _kee pl_anre in reoommeodiDI U. For Mle by all dealen .




LATE CLASSIFIED ADS blue lerle ooat COAT-A between W"yueavUle

road and lllarkn11le, Suuday. AUI. IStb. FInder please Dotlf, 'bls offioe. s. 00

aDd ODe five dollar ONEonteoTueeday 'lie 18th ID.'. a' or

near depo& Corwin. VIDder wiU be . " Ubenlly rewarded by I_flne ,be . On a. flllunc or c...pmg trip, be same a' IIla..1 G.seUe office. a. lure to have a 8upply of Beech-Nut Sliced Beef-.reat for aandwiches. IU8 for aa1e. These pi.. &reiD Two .Ize jan, 16e and 26c. Rood .hape. I'or turUler partlcularloa11 OD Vrank DaklD, R. D I, WaJDeBTllIe, Ohio. a 28 • •





21 S,


• I

The. Same ATLAS Cement Uaed


U. S. GoverDJDeDt On The·Pua...a Canal

It will


We have

on this subject. &ee


. _.


LIVERY Service at very reason· able rates.

L I ·V · E R

SERVICE The very Beet at all Times


A.UTOMOBILE Sub-Agent for

R.y Mill.

the ford

Corwin, Ohio


Phone "I-IX'




.... -- --.....-. I.---Former Citizens I ... ....---. -. .-.....-..-...-..~

~~~~ -~~~~ - --~


At t.he home of John William

Sl ,eets. one our re!!pected and r e---~-Mrs. S. R. Thompson . of Senaca. til'ed farmers. a Burprise was planned

Kan., sends us her !!ubscription and and carried out by his 8On8 and fam· also adds that the Gazette comee to ily at 9 o'clock . They met at the Gilpim corner, in Sprinjlbore. and t.hem &8 an old friend. went to hia home. found him and his ",:orthy wife hulling butter beans for Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Mills, through dinner. When the well filled baskets the Miami Gazt!lte. wishes to be we re carried in the house. he stepped' remembered to all old friends here. back and said, Mamma we didn't Hefsays business is flourishing. crop8 need to pick butter bean!!". Oh, are gO&d. and wheat il heav)·. how this father's heart did rejoice at the thougilt of havin~ hi!! children and ~rand-children once more with Mr. Frank Keys. owner of the him . At the age of 71 he can look K.eys ranch in Germantown town· down upon a family of well respected s~lp. ~ccompan!ed Mrs. Keys. ar· children. Eight gallon of ice cream rived I, South Shore fhursday after· was enjoyed. Those present were noon from Chica~o, the t~ip having Guss Sheets, wife and daughter. been made by auto':n0blle. Both Mary, Carl Sheets, wife and daua-h· ~r. IUld Mrs. Keys enjoyed the trip ters, Ella May. Vera Bell, Reva. Eva. Immensely . . They drove a 40 hone and Beulah. Earl Sheets. wife and ~wer Staver car and co~ered 970 daughter, Opal. and son, Harold, mdes by way of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Willie Sheets Willie Traun and Pipestone, Minn .• and G1eat' Lake, S. Webster Foulks. All had a fin~ timt' D. where thev visited friends. They and returned home wishing him I~f~ hom~ last . Sunda.v and ~e the many more happy birthdays and told enttre tnp Without an acclClent of him to look out on his 72 nd. any kind or a cent of expenae for A Friend. repain to the car. This 8peaks well • _ e for the Staver automobile. Mr MUSIC CLUB Keys will remain h@re a week or ten rhe Music Club held ita last meeldays 10olli;lg after his farming in ing for the !lumml'r term Thursday. terests. - South Shore (N . U.) Re AUIlUsl.. 15Lh Chopin, Wagner and publican (iu\moo w~re ItLu'litltl an. t.llt: folluw· .S ara Dan Ande-nn, who 18' 76 ing program rendered: Vocal Soh, ".u yeara of age and who fou&'ht many -The Maiden'. Wiah-ChopinRetha Frazer "s blimeS eet Ev . h . ba tt Iell in t e CIvil war appeared ; u w en before one of the clerks i~ Secretary ing Star" from Taunhauaer-WagChari. W. Hinkson's office Jester- ner-Dera WIG Squirea; Duett-Faust d~ and desired to enter an article a tz- oun04-Lucile and ReV.1 in die "Old Ladles' Clue." cl-'ming Hormell. •_ __ ..__ _ _ .. that he was entitled to admittanee. . h t·..l P. ~ D. As..c;ocIATION lnallDUC as liS ... ven name us ~ra Dan Anderson II And . r. eraon •• a The Pretectlve and Detective , • veteran. of the civil war, H. Fint a-'''''I'ation ..... --I'on ____ _ t I'n re"'ular • ~ KeatuelO',~.haa been.m battlelll.fn last Saturday afternoon and too~ in the .T went,-81xth I~diana Infantry. a number of new members. H. baa been worktn&' for the past • _ • five years on a piece of embroidery DEATHS .-d . . entered hia article as an ex· biblt in the Tippecanoe county fair Th 3 th 1..1 f M d e V-mon '-'W b 11:11 conYenes Monday and con. M da P a.oh.. son f 0 'd' rs. an ug. 0 near prtngtinue. un til F rl ay eventn&. He III bo died FrIday . f h I





Whole Number 3174



~~d;fv:en~:::~s:., ::~ h~:: !n;oMa~tu~ and w:~~~:: °S:tua..:~;

. · ·.·. ·_·_-.······.·__.................... · _. . . ·_···. . -. ... _·. . . ·····-1 . ··········........ r·r·-.-,···········-· II Persona · IMenbon • C·0 Iumn !I 1I L~... ...-k..- - - -.-..-----.....-... --.~- ...-.JJ I'



· _ · · · · · ·. . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •.. • ..

! .

···· ~---·--·............-··-


\ - - - - - - - - - -....

About sixty of theclose connec till n of the Hisey and Willi am~( ,n famili es. met on Thu rsday, August 15th. at the hom e of J oseph and Ellen HiHey. for the purpose of !ledng a/IJ L. A. Zimmerman Willi in Cui u m- g reeting une anoth er. Thl:! day was Jesse Lewis wa.~ in Dayton, Thursbus Sunday. day . a beautiful une. and everyone seemed happ y. The morning wall Cha.'l. Burnett was a Dayton visitor ~. iSd{,s Clara and Mary Hawke l ' h d h k' d h Sunday SIJQn m an s a II1g , an eac one 8jJent Thursday in Dayton . . trying to speak to everyone else. There will be no preaching servicell Chflll. Frye handle!! the Milson and bidding the m welcome. at the M. E. church Sunday. At 11 :30 the good ladies began Fertilfler. and there is non e belter. prying and peeping into the mysterMessrs. Carl Hawke and Herbert ious looking Lasket~. which they Buy your fertilizer of Chas. Frye. Edwards spent Sunday in Chillicothe. fuund filled and overflowing with all who handles the beat. Ohio. th e delicacie!3 of the season. The Chas. Stanabury was a busineas were 800n groaning und er Miss Mary Hawke. ot I.e banon tables visitor in Columbus, Saturday. • load. and It . was though t bes t t 1lelr CI H k ara aw e I' h . Mr. and MI1I. Robt. Cross are in . was tlte guest of Miss - to re leve t em 111 some way. so t he lut week. President called to everyon e to find Columbus, attending the State Fair . a place and the chairs were soon Milson's Fertilizer for salt' by Eest Grade steam cylinder oil. taken . After Wm. Gar I rt!turned Waynt'!lville Auto and Machinery Co Chas. Frye. try it and you'll have thanks to the Giv er of all. the coffee none other. and lemonad e was g iven to all, and Mrs. Chas. StansBury and children J . C. Hawk e was in Day tun last the eatables ~oon. were disappearinll are villiting relatives in Dayton this week as a delegate t.o t he J . O. lJ . A. fast. After all wl're satisfi ed there


• ._ _ __ _ _ .. . _ . . . . .






..................... _

• • • • • •_

.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... _ _ . . . . . . . _

M. StRte Council.



Social Events I

-------------. ~l rs . 1':ar1 C" luw r 1\ "",;, ,, Iwr )! U,·;; ts at dinm!r Frid ay . till' I\l i"ses Mal'y and Clara Hawke. _ _ _. .Mr. and Mr ~. E. \. . lIarfl ha rt aud MI:;l! Myra Baird wer· · ,lillller KU l:!sts Sumj " uf C;l'U oI awke and family. ",y . Fran klin I'a<:i<er "lid family. 1 Dr. alld J. '1'. 1-:11101 WI' ''''' )o( u~t!3 'If Mr. and Mrg. J . I-: Janll "" a l dinn er Wed nesday . Mrll. K'1 ther Sluut. and ol1ughlc ··!'; c!1te rtained a t {!inner FriLiay. MI' . and Mrs. Lee Adamli. alld Kev and Mrs . J . \<' . Cadwallader . Mesdames R. A. ami It G. Gro~s and Mrs. Miranda Crane ate a fried chicken dinner with Dr. and Mrs. Carl Henderson IIL'lt Friday. --Miss Emma Cartwright, Miss Martha Burnett. Mrs. RO!lie. Berryhill, and Miss Flora Berryhill spent Mon· day with Mrs. Richard Cro!l8.

WIL'i abundance left. The elt!ctien of officers can: e next- the same o~cen Messrs. I!:. V. Bardh 'lrt and U. J. M' S b'l H k IJ h' Edward s tran~acled bu!!ine&'l in Leb. I~es Y I aw e a/1l Oliep me w e r~ retamed- Joseph W. H~sey , Oglesbee attended a thimble party President and Joseph~ . Hisey. anon 'fut!~lay . in Xenia. Friday afternoon. Secr~tary. to meet the third ThursC day In August, 1913, at the same Mrs. Nora Hillmall visited· her I' M~• . Russe II B en tl ey an d Mra.. buro~ h.erO;rr J y 0 ,,~orn an d family. at n. Bentley attended a family reunioR place. The afternoon wa.~ spent in Mr. and Mrs. Warren Darnett had gen. 10. s un ay . in New Burlington, Sunday. plaving a-ames and pleasant con versaas their guest.~ at dinner Saturday, Ch B II e t t. 0 f Ind'lunapo I'IS, M tion. , Ill!. d M J H L' to Q 'te b t f I d ' d· h' . . h r. an ra . . . m n are UI anum er were presen rom Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Dakin, Rev. . 'th ft ' D ton d X .... d M n . IS spen tng IS vacutlon Wit b k and MrR. J. F. Cadwallader. Mr . ac agam WI us a er 8 summer s ay an ema. ,.r. an rs. hiS unci,·, Chao,. 'M. Drown. t' t Cl k '11 Oh' MI'II fro I dl'a a I' M d and Mrs. Lee Adams, Mr. a'ld Mrs. . vaca Ion a ar SVI e. 10. er. m n n po IS. r. an Mr. and Mrs John Hancock. of Mrs. Thorne. of Selma. Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Hawke and Miss Myra Baird. Ch~ Moore. after a pleaaant visit Carr. of Liberty, Ind ., and others nt!ar Lebanon, wl're guests of Mr. with relatives here. left SUilday for from the neighboring towns. llnd Mrs. Richard Cross, Sunday. h'IS h ome in Wash in~ton, D. C. lI As evenin&, drew near the com- Mrs. Annie O'N ea11 an d d aught.. r i pany began making preparations for Miss Martha entertained at dinner G.'lL8Olin e, Slnves. culled for and re i Haveyour Lawn Mower sharp~ned. going to their different homes. As Sun d ay Mr. an d Mrs. F ran kl III ' P ack pa~red. \\ aYIlt!svllle Auto and Mlt 'I Wayne.'!ville Auto and Machinery Co. we nlasped thel'r hands we wondered er, Misses Margaretta and Marianna <!hlncry Co. . ~ in our hearts if we would meet them Packer, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. O'Neall Mr.!. Mary Cukey, of Lebanon, Mr and Mrs. W. H. All en. Rev .. arrived home Monday after a three- next year- if not, would we be pre- and children, Miss Edith Crane and L' 'JIlUWOU "_.1 .. 11 a d e' Iln d Mr :\I duya visit with Mr. and ' . Bye an dB y eMr an d M rd J . r. Mrs. Fred pared f or th a t Re . umon . · Warren Keys . Lee Adllms autoed 10 X~nill Friday ;Caskev, at Marietta, Ohio. M. D. arternoon tu vi,.i t. friends I - - -•• - - - - ' 1 Rev. and Mrs. Walter E. Dakin, SUFFRAGE MEBTING Monday afternoon a few of Miss Mabel SaU"rthwdite's friends gathMr. and Mrs. C I Miller. Mr. Ilnd ' of Columbu8. Miss .• arrived here h MI'lI Philip Munson. Mr. and Mrs.' WedJlesday evening for a few days' Mrs. Lulu LGveland Shepard, of ered at her pleasant country orne W P r " " Id d .. Utah, prominent club woman, ra- to remind her that she bad come to . alKe.o :')prmglle . auLUt' hHe . viSit With Mr. and Mrs. G. W. fonner and orator, talked Equal her twentlet . h ml'lestone. M'ISS Ma be I ~umtay bud wert' the gUt.>!'t!l of the : Hawke. They left this morning for S h d h h f h thO d editor and hi>! family . !Cincinnati enroute to their home. utfrage to an audience of several a not t oug t.:l !lUC a mg an






titled to an entrance certificate in miami cemetery. the old ladlee' department.-Lafayette (Ind.) Daily Journal. Benjamin Weeks, of Harveysburg, .

_____ ___ . _. __ .. _____ . __ .:


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N. L. Bunnell in a few well· chosen ing mlf.nner by two of her little words. sibtets. All departed wishing Miss Mrs. Shepard talked of her reform Mabel many more returns of this _..I C work among girls in her own state great event. ThOBe present were Th Unou flY I&8tSunday by waS to was killedand a h one ompiled by Pierce momine, buried nt , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _Tom ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...l and California. and of the causl's MiSSel Blanche and Reva Sheehan, . . The D~ton News ~n· spea~lne of a Clarksville. Mr. Week's sudd(.n that have led her into the arena to Anna Furnas, Marie Harner. Rachel former,c,ltizen and h18 appointment death was a sad blow to a\l h i~ • H\!r. with we publish the official batting, base-running and scoring fight for the ba\lot for women. Mrs. and Edith Speehan. Ethelyn Jones __ . • Dr• Eli1111& .... - R• Crew, of f' d ' record" of the players who have playee with the Wavnesville Miamis in Shep hard .IS a power f u I. c Iear an d an d M'ISSes W'I I'~ t 0 nand _~. I son, ""mp • U' ,_'h T _.I nen a. lhree or m,)re games this Beason. arid have secured hits. In com)tuting S .. aamlllUUty, wu e osen u.,..,ay the batting averllire, the total number of hite made by the player is di- convincing speaker. She went from nook . afternoon to RUeceed Dr. J. C. vided by the number of his lepl timet! at bat, carrying the result to the here to Xenia. where she addressed On Tuee<iay. the twenty-second, George as superintendent of the Mrs. Zana RoKers Haines, died of third decimal point. A base oa balls. being hit by a pitched ball. a sacri- a large crowd Saturday evening. Miss Ruth Hartsock WIUI hostess at a . Miami Valley hospital. He will peritinitis at her home in Clncinnat i flce hil or a sacrifice fiy is not counted 88 a legal time at bat. charming and unique party for her ~ ~---~-.=-======= . ~~ ~.=~~--== - -============ . FIRE AT R,IOOEVILLE ~ _ _ ._ _ ~iI iwvtce about September 1. last Frid~, AUi'Ust 23rd. cousin. MiS!! Jessie Marlatt, wftose Dr. Crew II. native of Wayn.viUe, Ml'I. Hames was the daughter 01 BATTING fhe historic grocery store at engagement to Charles M. Robitzer WaneD county, ..viDa been born the la~ Milton ~gers and thereSliyearaqo. Hismotherstill reared In Wa)Jlf'SVll\e, where s~,e PIaVt'I'S G AB 1B 2B 3B.B BB HPSO SHSF SB R Bat.Ave. Ridgeville burned to the . ground was announced. The afternoon was Monday morning at 2 o'clock. spent with music and conversation Ilv. on the old Crew homestead. but bad a boat of friend!'l. The funerlf.l Gibboll'; 8 9 5 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 .556 When discovered the roof was about and after the announcement a most 5 20 5 5 1 00 0 1 2 1 0 1 6 550 · bis fath.r has been dead about eieht ae"lce was held at l\l'r late home Uillle:i ..... vean. He was _duated from Sunday afternoon at .2 ,,'c1ock, Rev BHl.'en ..· 16 61 28 4 0 0 £ " 6 " 0 6 12 .626 to fall in. It ia thought the building appetiEing four course luncheon was • ...-G to f h E S ,Ii I I! 16 65 26 4 1 00 4 1 12 1 1 20 16 .477 was iltruck by lightning. served. Those present were: MesCoII~e of Physicians and HU·l'CI'I'lOna' hreeb , pasf hr. hO h t... vlI~lshlun H lIi· v,·y ·· 9 28 9 1 0 0 1 1 4 1 0 3 4 .435 h 0 w Ie "(! "'Il~ It. fUll ful · Hr.,wll .... .. This store hM been the center of dames Wm. Alexander. Ralph in Chicaao in 1~ and this cure, 6 Ii 6 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 1 1 .400 many a debate in olden times and Alexander and F. C. Hartsock, Misses took;a poet-eraduaie courte, member, offic.iati~g. Th~ body WUBI F~lwllrJ:! .. ..... 17 77 2H 1 0 01 2 1 14 1 0 18 27 .377 many questions had been settled Donna Hawke, Stella Lemmon. Lucie ialidnl' on diaeasee of the eye. ear, broulht to Miami cemetery Monday 1.\ a~erhtluse ... .. 8 29 8 1 0 0 4 1 !! ~ 0 12 8 ,310 . mornln" on the 10' 16 train and com. Uu 1 ton ..... ... ..... 18 72 l~ • 1 2 E· U 19 u 2 12 16 .306 there. The store was owned by Clar- Harrison, Katherine Alexander, . . RI'.lge . ... ......... 4 10 2 1 0. 0. 0. 1 .. U 0 1 3 .800 nose and throat. He located an . • ence HormelI. Nothing wa.'! saved. Ellen Sherwood, Eleanor Earnhart. MillJDiBbuty about nine Jean &8'0, mltted.tthe~rava.herpas~r. Rev. Surface .. .. .. ... ... 17 67 14 3 0 1 1 3 10 3 0 11 14 .269 • • Mary Salisbury, Luella ComelI and and baa linea been one of the llioat Green. renderIng the commtltal aer .. EVllns ...... .. ...... 17 52 11 2 0 0 '7 1 11 4 0 8 9 .250 8uc~ul practltionen and re- vict!. He paid If. bellutiful Iribute Hawke.. .... .. ..... 8 24 6 0 0 0 Z U Hi 1 0 7 3 .208 AN A LL DAY OUTDOOR MEETING Jessie Marlatt. apected citizens of that city. to the Ch~tian character of th~ de ~~~~r· :·. ·.: 1~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ :~~ pit&! ~ffic~and friends of Dr, Crew ceuecl saym&' that for ~ears her _ __ __ _ _ -_ _ _ _ __ On September 15th, the churches Totals .. .. ...... 18 673 172 26 3 3 3::: 12 120 32 S 103 12. .3515 of Waynesville and Ferry. will unite Last Thursday eveninl' at their believe bla reeime will he marked by ehureh had be~n fir'::lt wlt.h her. great aueeell8." The ~oral.tft!ri·l¥tI wtlre many and ____ ____ in an "Out Door Meeting" in the beautiful country home, Mr. and W. are always glad to hear and beauttful. . Fn;LDING C. M. Hough's grove, one half mile Mrs. J. B. Chapman entertained pultUab the I(OOCl newlI of Waynes. She ia survive.) bv her husband, PO A E west of Waynesville. Speaking at very delightfully in compliment to ville', boJl' and lrirls' advancements, CharI. Haint~, one daughter. Ha· Play rs Ave. 10:301 a. roo and 1:30 p. m . SpP.Cial their house guests Misses Laws and and heartily coD&T&tulate the doctor zeJ, her mother. Mrtl. Marv Roacers, Evans .. ...... ..... ... ...... ......... .. .. .. ... . . ......... ........ 105 1q 6 .958 music will bl! provided. A "Basket Myres, of Westwood. "500" was 6 and one aiater, Mrtl . Lizzie Davis. ll!arve y ... .... .. ......... ....... .. ......... .. . .. .... ...... ...... ... 12!38S Dinner" will be one of the attractive the diversion ani\ delicious refresh2 .9« on hie ap lnbnent po • •' • 8esW.tbe immedillte family tbo!le Surface .. .... ...... ............... ......... .. .... .... .. .. .......... 13 8 9 .942 features. All are invited to come ments were IIerved . ThoCJe invited , RED-LETTER DAY AT CHURCH 'who attended the funeral from a 'tfi':nte:sh~~~.:.::::::.::::::::: ..:::::::::::::::::.:.:.:.:::'.::::::::: Ii :~~ and spend the day with us. Bring were Mr. and Mrs. Geo Hawke, Mr. ( diatance were: Uev. Green. Misses Edwards ......... ......... ....... ......... .. .. ......... .. .... ... 23 14 6 .881 the childreidor Bible school at 9:30. and Mrs. E. V. Bunbart, Mr. and . Sund~ wu a day loll&' to be and Blltlill Vance. Mr. L. Bergen ...... ..... . ......... ......... .................... .......... 25 22 7 .870 P. B. 1'ho~pllOn. Minister. Mrs. J. O. Cartwright, Mr. and Mrs. Inl~mMred by members of St Vance, IIr. and Mrs. Will Rogers, of Gabhart .. ...... ......... ............... .. ....... ......... ......... 7 19 6 .889 • W. H. Allen, Mr .• and Mrs. Israel church. Rev. Walter Edwin Dakin, Cincinnati; Mrs. Cl1roline Roll'ers. Smith BUrton ............................. ............ ..... ............... 71 27 24 .803 Satterthwaite, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. .... .... . ......... ......... ......... ......... ................. 17 16 11 .760 CARD OF THAN~S (I( Cc»lumbuu, Miaa, preached and Lebanan; Howard Roger.t. ColumbulI; Hawke ........ ............... ......... ..... ...... ... .... ......... 15 7 6 . .687 Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Funkey, baptir.ed ,hII. niece. Miaa .Emma Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hlline!l, Xenia; HBowell ......... ......... ......... ......... .......... ....... ......... 2 2 3 .571 The committee on arrangements Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Baily, Dr. and Hawke. ' ~.Dakin recelv~ Mr. and Mrs. A. Stt!t!le. I\\illll Ednarown ..... ...... .......... ...... ......... .. .. ...... ...... ... ...... 1 0 1 .500 for the meeting last Friday night, Mrs. Clayton, Dr. and Mra. A. T. fint~tMrhI.ucl. was_p- Stevie, Mn. F~l Steele. Spring G!bbons ......................................... .................. 0 1 1 , .500 deaire to publicly exprellS their Wri~ht, Dr. and Mrs. Hathaway, t~ IIid In ·:St. Mary's, Valley; Mn . .ZaDa Howard. Mi. Ridge ... .............. ~............. ...... ........................ 1 1 3 .400 thanb and appreciation to Mr: Mr. and MIt. F. B. Henderaon, Mr. an!l' bla.maDJ f~:whoh..fd him Howard, Ntlbrasb; Mi88Sa· . J Tot-I" ........................... ......... ..... ,_.... ...... 371 145 86 .807 ,Howell. a&leader, and to each and and Mrs. D. L. Crane, Mrs,: Annie 8u~.U't!j_. prO\ldottliim. .Zentmyer, Mesar.. Geor,ge . ev~: one .of the impromptu band, Thorpe, Mrs. Cynthia EvaM. Mrs• . A . tentCe ., SyJveeter Zenbnyer, MiIw ~OI1ie. 1 '. ExPLANATlO,N: ' G-;ramee pl~ed. i~. A~legal times at bat. IB- who 10 a-enerously responded to the ~88 Wriidtt. Mrs. Edith Harr~. A~ T. ' WiDDer, Mr. anll Mrs. .lobb Tramor. OQf!'base hit. 2B~two-"'" bIt. SB-tbree-baiJe bit. 4B-home-run .. aolieitation of the committee · to Mra. FM Hartaoek, ·Mra•.. La~ra IIOrrow; ...... Verna K~U~y, ; Ml'II.' laB-ba88o!l~ : HP":'bit .b J ,itcked ball .. · SO--s~ke-out. SH--sac· fimUahmualC.fortheocca&ion. AblblJ4oat.ter•.M~ . Ev~ .~, M~. · .acll~""~I .~,;...,'.JSieY... SpriQafieklj 'Mrs: W_ c;.Cor.; ,ri6~ hit. ~SF~riftce tb~. SJI--stQlen .base. R-run . . Bat. Ave•.- to others · who aided them d n C. G. Will"mson~ O.~.Ricb.Wiii'... -, M.... '~!QbQ8, 4'tJ~; < -)~tt~rav~. t PO;-put-out. .~-~ ,.~~r. .. :.' '. ~~theDl~ria:IJ'IUcC,~.. · · d'~8nd ·E;: D. ;~IJ. '~.,

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19. i














The Miami__Gaz ette IWHITE D. L, CR ANE , Publish er.



PEONIE S AND WILD ROSES, T'ho mOdest Quake r beuu li eB , t.b~ ""11 <1 rases . IlII \.be woods aod tho cor· .geOU8 Qu ee ns ot Sh e ha. th e peonies . tbe Ga nll'ns. On old ·fns hl c ned iaw'!ls . ,.,b en th e cultl l'at lon or pl ilks nnd morn hiM ho llyhocks nud pa neles. clorl es aim ost el:ball8t~cl the hortlcul · tu ra l ~n o w l ed ge and (>xperlen r e. t ho peo ny came n. BOruP 1' e ll Gwynn, trlImphan t In 8atln •. nu s b wIt h bea uty. lin d radia nt In health, to stanl e th e sl'l'Enl ty of a proper aud d eco rou8 com munity - as if s he Itepped sudd enly into tha Quie t of the place, laugh ing, nnd did not kno w that wonderi ng eyes wero peering through tbe bli nds trom all the houses along the IItreels. She did not come 8.11 a Mad am e Pomplld our, fn scfnatln g, but dan gerous, nor wonderf ul, but slnls· tel', li ke Il pri ncess of the Borglas , 1101' poppy like, a drugged beauty, but 'Wholes ome even It II. king'8 favorite . An d precise places drew back a bIt 48 It this radiant th ing weril apt to O\'erpow e r weli schOO led eCll!!ell nnll lend sedate old ge nU em cn Into Inconslde rato courses after bl a meless 2l vell, s ays the Chicago TrIbune. It was too gorgeolUl arillng by tho d emure pansy Ilnd sweet-s cented pink. To ~eater hortic ultura l 1I0phl s tication th e peony now comes like a laughin g, robust maId wIth armB akimbo, with II complex Ion of marvelou8 red and wblte. She would not languish In /I drawing-r oom with perfume s and sweets, hut mUlt be out 1ft the eunlight.

- -- ---- --- - One Ounce Should Be Put In a Gal/on of Water and It Must Be Used When Fresh- Arsenate of Lead Also An Effective Spray

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I lo,," (' \·,' r, Ih .. rt' Is IIlth' l1 (' (' tI for Il l· One of l ho most rtl s~ ,,"r agi l\ g a n,1 nll g t hi s 111\ li d Ill !; un:q tu Il rh' e us I-!dllk 0\\1 1 Ihl' r o dl~gu slj n ~ (l xp4'r i l' fh't ' S r\u· 10 ruut lind til·fpal lJ llr ,·nun s. e r, II l)('th " r lII ar k "t ur hOlllc" is tu


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That Believeth on Me Out 01 Hi~ H eart Shall Flow River, of Livi ng Wa ter. - J ohn 7:38. Ho

r €"Il\Lln)u~ ;l \ - ' !ltl('s may bl' 111 11i z('rl in II " II I II~ t h\1 mlu·I\ \Ill l'rs. If t ilt-' ca bhal';o i::-l ta tl' a nd n o t I ltl ,uling u p H1U(' h. an:i ('-

>lO u lltiM to fi il's, wbieh so me lllll es nro 6"" n tu al · n:l t<' (I [ l<'a ll Ilt till' rllte of ~ ed as a u>' be may t"r wa of n" 11o . I';II [,ll "at.-h .. cllbb,,~ e th r mos t swarm ove Thi s will e rrl' C·t\,· Iy cOlltl'ol ~prn ~· . tilt' I h·~ t \ll thO llt cl!lll g(' r of Injury to 111 " C :lUhll ~", o r Ih t' human C'O Il Sl1 mor. 1" 0 1' t l1<J 81' who :l re 1\ II ltle s kf' J1 ti l'lll of a rSt' ll ica I J!o lslins, t he lis e of \I Ilit o h(· II I· bll re nt Ih e I'(lte " f aliI:' oune e to th p .L:ll llo n of wlIte r Is to be r Cl'olil' fln·IH INI. It may also lie . ixc" Wit h IiI01C ' an,l "",'rI :l>; n du st s pray a ppliod Ibro ll gh a ('hc esf! " lot h ~ : l<· k. Olle r e~l­ SOl! fil l' I h,' fa I"u r of th is r emedy is I hnt it losc's its poisonolls pro pprti cs a tt ,' r b ('I Il ~' eXpo;c<! tl) thc a i r for tw o or tht'~ ·(· d ~lYS . ti n t h a t il m:ty b e USf' U a t a ny till\ e up to t he h llrl'estin~ ot the c'rop witholl t II rart lelc of dall ~ ('r. ( I:I the o t hpr It a 11(1, : h iK sa me >lrope rt)" 1I1 ,(· p 's it alt'B th e use uf a pe r fec tly

U II 'S pinn fo r th e wor lll Is thut It sho uid b( saved by Ch ri st ia n 11('01'1e, no t by preache rs, bUI by th o great lJod y of Chris t 1:llIs. So '\'() tlrl! !;i\'en h e ro a de ntdtlo ll of th" Idelll Chri~tl llu _ Perha ps YOll have th oug ht fO llletlme s th a t yo u wou lll I1k o to kll O \\', in n few plain wo rda. jU ~1 whlLl Jesus exp ects of you us II Here 1M un a nswer pia ln l' h l' b tlil n allci Btmple. I'l was th e time of the fe ll ~ t of t ho ta t,e rn ac les . '1'he re wa" a va Ht num bel' of people 111 J erusale m, an ti th er we re ga ther ed In t be temf,l e an' R. Abo ve th em s ta o(1 the pri ests, pOIII'II\ il; wntor ou t or largo jars . to 6},lOholi w to .. out po urin g of the Hilly SI' irit II po n l ~ l' lIe l. Just t hen J sus spea i(s, nnd am id the , Ile nC'e of t he Inl ellt ly watch ing throng hl ~ voice ri ngs "If li llY m a ll t hi rs t let hi m ('0111 0 OU l: Uli tO me a nd drlnl< ; ho th a t belie veth 011 mc, out o( Il ls hea r t s ha ll no w riv e rs of \1\' ln g wate r ." That packs In to a se utc Dce J IJ" "S' hi I:'a I of what a t ru e Chris ti a n do\\"n In th is worid sbould be. lind may be . Wllte r Is th e essentia l of life. Ab"cnce of It mcans sufTerln g, s lclmess and rte nlh . All th e hi story of tho ?o'or id clu s t 1'9 about It ~ wa ter cou rse s .


rresh anl('le. All tlrul: ~ists k N' p th is 8ubsta n('o, but in rllr~ lt asin~ ue s ure th a t he b:19 s h suppl y. If a n IIlIlJlka ti on of COIbbOlge Worm at Work and Female at hi fre N l'l'I11f>Cly fni ls to give res ull s try Moth. H arv est Shoul d Be for Ali . ~ I'l ti ll f.; anoth e r s uppl y lind r e ll ~ atlng In tbe bool{ or Josh ua we read, " Fo r n. tio ('a li app e th e:tll'u, vl:'ry y ntl Th olr injury Is freq ue J ordan ovprllow e th a ll Its banks all L . M. MO:"l'fGOMERY, lIve and re s ults In almost co mlolete d c- , th e tim e of tho han e st." When th ere 8truc ti o n of th e crop, bps ill es des troy· was flo od in t he rive r , the re wus ba r. tatf) S Ohio e, ing the sa ill.ullity of s uch heads as may Co ll eGo of Agr icultur vcs t In th e land . Hus th ere been a har. rsity Unive I cle \'elop.

I~P~A=-=T~A=S=H=:=A=N=D=CL=I=M=E=C=O=N=- -T==A=-=-I--=N=-~E-"-=D==I=N'=~A=S=H=E=SC:- I :~~.':~~;~:3:;~~o~?~:};:}'~::

Tbe other day a steamsb lp trom Glasgow arrIved at New York with II passeng er list ot elxty p~uple, one-halt (It wbom were young women enp;ngod 1:0 be marrIed . Tblrty youn, menth eir prospec tive bridegro oms- were waIting- at the pier to r~celve them, Tbe re are tboBe who look upon the In, .eldent a8 a blow to natJve Industry . .Americ an legl8lato r8 bave been bUBY 'Protect lng home product s or many 'kind8_ There are laws on th e statute books forbidd ing tile lmporta Uon of contrac t labor. Home-g rown potatoe s are protecte d, bnt th e re Is no law gunrdln t the hom~gro\\'n gIrl trom fOTQlgn competi tion by torbldd lng the :importa tion ot corltrac t brldee. Tho 'marrlag e marke t In AmerIc a Is open

, . . _ ----r;Practical Fashions



aerlou.- Mlnd,d Quak er 8aw Nothinl to Smilo at In the Lighter Poem. of Whitt ie r.

The late Gcrl rll de Whltt kr ('artlun d, cou s in Of \\ ' hllti e r , thl' (~ ' , Ik er l'oot, prese nted nil idell i pktu I tI of il e r th e sllintly ag ed QuallC rt'ss . Iweet, ~e r<'ne fllOO, f rurned in It b ·. I!; bt little U O IIII ~t , s""cm ,'t! to shllie \\ ith dear, spIri tual radlun ce: to hea r lIer re clle, In n ,'ol ee of tmnqull II1 I1S lo, th o bymns and r,raver Iloe llls cf her fnOlous re latiVe was ' a lwaY8 deilr.; b.ttul. But s he tl ld not hav e be r cou s ln'l like ly sense of hutno r; ond It wu hard to tell wh ct her th is lack it!s8ened or In c rcased til e crrect, whe n In C"xac tly th o "nme ~ ra v.' , eve n lollee, she occas lonu i1 y reod aloud sOllle ot the ve rsu t hat he wrote, not for pubil ca.'!on, but for tho pleasure of bl. Intima te c ircle. T ~l at wus olway. light, frequ cntly gay , s ometim es faIrly rolli c kin g. Her ad mit'allon fo r th e writer made lIe r try very hard to a pprcc1u te hll fun; a nd she th oug ht she did tiO; yet mirtb s':?ollled al way s as ali c n to her garve attractf most One of tile tOll glle .-.a .1 rcll ro s~'t te plnn cd " pon m e nts of th e sum mer Is tb e pop ul a r hc r dovl:'·gl'llY sbuulde r-sbaw i wo uld mfrldy blo use and we give 10 this de- bave bee n to he r costume . 'I' his Inslgll a n {'xce ll ellt oxa milio of this de- co ng"l'uil.y was (elt, doubtl es8 , by an· i1 !;htrul Wll isl. Th is ga rm e nt la de- o,ther Frlelld , ot even more Be rio ul s ign 1I for th o mi ss ami Sllla ll womlln. mind t ha n sc e , who , on ce Bald to Iler It Is mn dc to be sll ppert on over tbe r reprovin gly : hea tl and h:t s a beautiful fro nt pan e l verses are hnrmles s, Bnd J "The el. mod e th of rm cha e th wh ic b mid" (I> pe r ceive tll ey are in tend ed to bo \\"Id e roll eu· Iollc k cu !l's nre anoth e r div e rtin g; but they do not div ert me, pr ptty feature. Lin e n, pi que, poplin, ~ rtrud e , aDd I do not lhiuk they rep " a nti !;fl la t ea arc se rv ieea bi e ma- really divert the e_ Be hones t . with terillis. thyselt; If t bee read ·th em nnd did not Tb n patt ern ( 5SS:n Is cllt i n s l ~e9 14, kn ow tby cousIn Greenle af wrot. 16 and J S yea rs . A;;e 16 will require Ihem, would th~e not conside r them 2'.9 yarrl. or 36-ln ch mo te rl a l. extreme ly l illy 1 Th ee knowB I D1('a n To proc ure th t. pn.t ter n . s end 10 cenh to no afl'ront , and greatly admire thy rite W per. o p "Fll ttf:rn DC'fI .rtmr n t " o f th lG Surely ha Is a name: Ilnd (II,Jd rc u p la inl y an ti be "ure to IJive cOlllln Greenle af. .Il[ ~. Ro d nu mber or Do ttC'ru. great poet; but a gNat 'poet may 80metlmell write Buch eflly stu fT. And SU l'&_ Iy thl. time thy collBln hath done It. ___ _. .. _._ . __ __ StZE 5883 NO Renect nnd t hee wl\l agree with mo." NAM E . _. __ ___ __ _____ ___ ___ ___ . __ ... __ ___ _ Sbe re fi ecte d-on tbe necessi ty of care In Bclectln g an lIudlenc e for • TOWN . ____ _. _____ ___• __ __ . . ___• .. _. _. ___ . joke.-Y outh's Compan lan. STREET AND NO ... ____ .. . ___._.. _. __ __ Americ a', Athletic Mlaaion .rlel, ST 1\ TIl: .... '- -'" ._ . . . ____ _.. __ __.... __ • __. Writing und e r the title In H a r pcrs Weekly, Edward Bayard MOSB descrIbes one athletic triumph at StockLADIES ' WAIST , bo im In tbe OIYIllDlc games. "Some idea ot the cllli be r of tbe atbletes a nd tbe compell lion can be gained (rom . be fact that thirtee n new Olympic Bnd nIne world 's rec ords were established during the game8. Tbe vi cto ry of Arnold Jl!.cksOD of Oxford In tbe l,600-m eter run WIlS the only fe ature tba t redeem ed Engiand 's poor dllI' lay."

mud, ot "harve st ." Pe rhaps none lit all Do you Imow why? Is It not b:lca use tb e Gospe l ot J esus Chris t hil S fill ed your heart witb Its f100dUde not liquid, h brownis One tlay last 's p rlng, In As bt abula ho pper as long as tbo \ Vhell tho blessed s tream power? of 1I0at ld wou h, ueat be out came h c whi ' rS couo ty, Ohio, whIle talking tertillze bei~ It mus t find an your ed fill has when liquid h is to a gl.up of Dl EJn, I m entione d tbat an egg. This brown s a ha rv est. And It produce It et, outl soap. d soft cla y soils we re bigh In PotaSS ium" boiled with fat produce all wbo come near It. blesses (he from came ich wh qUid, li ile T . ums If e, wb ic h could be made avail a bl If you loo k at a cbart s bowlng the because ot thl! clent amount s of organ ic matte r were ' a s hes , was va lu a ule ation ot the blood, you will see circul . Later soall co uld plowed und e r. I stu ted t hat it see med to ; po tas b It contain ed ul Iletwork of lines runlling wonderf a ue l<l cou It than eaper cb ht boug be me tllat on all we il-run farmJl it wo uid I dl m ctton, but th ey all conevery In ~ s~attere re we hes not pay to buy very muc h potusslu ru I ma<le anll t be as great blood " csse le tbat the In verge ex e resu lts "ere [or t he crops us u:llIy growl!. At lea ut , ove r tb e fi e l<l s. Th rom the beart. And even'. f nnd to lead ll. we y kabl remar w e gr r ~ lov C t. t'n celi ' tho pro portion ot potass fu D1 as COl,ll· lIl a llY fann ers wh e re tbe blood goes th e re Is life. Now purcd to poos phorus s bouid be low_ : Rea sonin g rrom this potas h was very turn to a map showing tne wate r sy s. One tantle r disagre ed with me and , {'a'lllC to be llo\'e t bat It Is rath er te rn of' som e grea t \'alley l1l( e th e MI Jzers. tili fCI· In l essentia ~ at th said It bad bee n t beir expe ri e nce conclus iOllS s lssil'P!. IT e r e again you note a net. r el tb If w£1ver, ho , ul Badly Frighte ned Fleh, potass ium was ver y necessa ry In fer- I doubtf bee n fOlln to work of little strea ms a cd ri ve rs , all f d 1that "It wall nev er 80 know n before," tIl ize r s iu that sect ion a nll th nt DlOSt I wer e co rrc)c t. hit has tl art~ry, n mal great the In ng i I, ' converg In t e sec on r e errc( lay. Rankin Dunt re, a local angler, men pl-e ferr ed a fe rtl)lzer analyzil lg , th e soils, and tb a t lead ing to the sen. And evum. He s aid th ey I need lim e badl y, u s uaily worse tban who wasn't angling on tbe occasio n ill . lite Is ere th goes er t tto all tbe world. So far. no voice haa fllirl y h igh In po tassi e ry whe re tbe wa e ls e. 'Voo.1 W"!IS needed becaus lI ' they need an yt hing b "I was cros81n l the bridge n ear potas poInt. tbat knew against 'been raleed In protest He re is Jeslls' pIcture of the Cb rlsnt Ii llle os ce . per 30 t nbou n ntai co : ashes swlnglllg my lantc.rll , for tbe od wo home, rever e wb tbat In the world. As tbe red anomal ous Btate ot things. Perhapl I of the fact rank e r I co mpared with IIbout 5 per ceu t potns.h tl :! n do wn 'as dark. I boa rd 8 great " much night was tbere ed appli e er \\' eable e marriag forc the younp; by it Is because clove r crop s hn ve s tream of lire Is se nt out d reas~ c in e th nnd l got dow n on the bauk with whlCll 691asb, clo\'er, of pednlly es growtb, anct .Americ an women are unorC!ln lzed tb ... I u mp at the beart t o give beauty and to part t os m e tlo to see th e cause, and 10 for e du lantern been my I correct. re we ey th to eve ry p. ar.! ot rengtb withou t a vote. Perbllps It Is b~ went to s how thnt st and health he3 As h. s pota he lG·lnch fi sh lay flolllldert a 10 ;), :1 hold 111 be r e IlDd ralb e It wns once t be cllstom to use ash es lim cause they do not fear competi tion. nnt! Iimf', the hotly, so- out ot the persona lity ot the' weellll. The lan tern mUlt In potash Ing both for le luab va are soft ot ng malti the (or lye to o:.tlli n { e true belleve r shall go a f1ood .tlde have Ilea red him out of tbe wBterr wus made, an ~ hut whe n t~e clo ve r falls you lIeed th a:Jd hing, Surely the scIence ot chem!e tr, I 60a'p. The us b ho ppe fres re g bringin r, powe doc't you tb ink ?"-Pbtl adelplt la Hecot REAR N on wb '-: b \'iatel lime not po t,ls h. F IRMA every. has made long strldel s)nce the daya mTed 1"l tb wo od fishes ord. ing and beauty an d vigor ns a e l c " , Ilfe. call1e As tbe water was pouret! . Agri culture, Ohio SI:-oltl wbe re wIthin th e cIrcle of bls of Col1t>~e bCvessel a . In ught ca s wa it gh throu I ot Paracel su8, when men can analyza \Vbat a m a rv elous concep tion of the Why? _ _ Univers ity . was atldcd to tbe 1 Here Is a pre tty wais t that will serve element ll at a dl8tanc e of nlnety-t lvll nea th. 1\1ore water wer of lite! And bow striking ly It po "Oeorgc , d on't yo u thlni< . no w that . ot part as or wear parate sp for ly nice we call million s ot miles and underta ke to h wate r beforo desc ribes JE~9U!l' OWII lifo' But Ihere a daiDty fr ock_ It Is a vc ry simple yo ur salary htl. been rllised, RATION S FOR YOUNG CHICK S. l ot water. K eep f res aut omo bil e ?" Btill. Je. an rfUl e ve a It wond more Jlronou nce upon the charact eristics 01 ing someth Is by, aco J S. . -F bos. m li tiDguls ll a dis th o c hi cks at t o car ry out and its "O h, I suppose we can b a \'e Olle, If to becom o real In n: odel It form of matter whIch so far hat;! not Co llege or Agri culture, Ohio State Unl- IIU s means th a t Ideal In g feature Is tb e ap plied yoile wblch we wIsh, but why be' so commou ?" Graln8. has but earth, kin on th are tered you ps encoun rha e P ' 'been }-OU a nd In me. I~ cleve rly fns bloned 'ot contrast lDg No. ]-From fir s l dny to sixth week : yeralty. .b een dlscove Nd to e:llst In the SUD, Ing to yours elf, "I wish I could live Inuterhd , at whi ch th e chic curts are racked c s. lb 3 corn, d k(' rac c line s. Homely Pnltosop hy, Ib Prot J, N_ Nichols on of the Brltlsb 2 such a life, but It Is not for nte; I also made. Linen, pongee, nlarQul sette WAYS OF USING POTAT OES, l Gt h wee k to mal-'ro 2t\o. heat. all , It Is n't a lways tbose ... ! then "'Arter says nlsociety, otlPorttt or mical talent t Astrono s wai Royal have no s p,eclal or silk may be employe d. The lbB. 2 corn, kcd rac c M. Ib e~ t ,'oi ces that have the 2 loud ty: tho turi ' II with m epectru the tides of tempt~- closes at the back and can be made !It reaeon to believe Ma shed P ota toeB.-T o 2 cups 01 ties; and the IItrong best tblngs to Hay,' s aid tbe little reet; my ort ves. met slee hort sweep s now revealin g In the corona ot the wbole wbe uL or tlm(!s t long a wltb riced or ma s hed pota to es, add 3 table- Uon uro wn he n ." Mnhes, )'ou lIun a more elemen tary form of mat. The pattern (6877) Is cut 111 51zcII 32 l sa lt, no It Is not for me." Yes It Ist for spoonfu is butte r, one tea spoonfucuprul tbe to yoursel yield No . 3- From 1Bt to 21st day : • lb8. onl)' wfll 'yOU if size 42 Incbes bus t measure . Medium CO l'll meal, a lb s, a tew grains of peppe r, and 1.3 .. t ' I n Their Place,. red on th8 rolle d out s, 3 tbs, ter than any yet dlsoove 6 lbs. whent bran, 4 will require 2% yard s of 36-lneb goods nence . n s er ,,,as t hea re earth_ It I. propose d to call thlB ele. 1 wbeat middlin gs, roamy, c until beat ; milk are marital , rods In pickle hot "Where a a a s. if lb If 2 raps, sc t mea ting t! sifte contras Ibs. 27-lnch Proof rd ya m_" a ot and mentar y subetan ce "nebul\u Believe In Him, Is the Secret, . dish('old kept?" g htly In bot'ro ut fin e c har- aDd ba ll ed C pile dli p. t t NI c b 0 I 80n saYIJ th e .peet rnm I mea l ' 14 lb " bone meal, , \4<, lb.. f bas a story In bls gospel, In fabric. Jobn St. -~, oes. "I IIbould snggest In family jan." a 0 eSBor reame turma to woman a about to centt 10 chapter end . I coa!. No. 4- I' rom ~ 1 8 t uay corn fourth pattern, the thl' ce, sau procure To wbite meal, po tatoes . into dice, add I lb . ,nt" o( tbl s paper. Write Dep_urn ID"pnttern unlikely most 'Il eed Ind or the far-dlst ant nebulae In tho Ity: 1 lb . roll ed oats, seemed wbo It takes a Wonll,n to cry over ber nme and Mddre .. plaInly. and bo .ure to wiVIll lings, 2 tb s. wh eR t anll heu t thoroug hly. One and oneMaster' s purpose . n"be. the for t of pAttern.. depthll of space Indicate s that the' 1 lb. wh ea t mid d strumen Dumber om! should sauce r to find somethi ng to laugh at. white Inll.hlllt the of ps cu fourth llI eal scrups: % lb. lon are compOSed of this snme "nehnll um,' bran, 1 lb . s i!ted two c ups ot lIiced puta· She Wil. a woman ot no Nlputat with , used be !' charco.l e fin oz. 2 l, mea altalfa wblch III coming to IIgbt In the Bola! Green ~o~d., HOW MANY OF US SIZE . ____ __ ___ . ___ •• _ rather of bad reputaU on. She propradiatio n. . "Nebull um" III consIde red NO 5377_ toea. d sprol!!e But onions, town. ce, her lettu In e e, Cubbag Influenc Food Nature Demlln d. no n, bad Select Fall to as belDg a IIgbter gae than bydroge Potlltoe s all Gratln . -Put c rea med ahly NAME __... ___ __ .. _____ _ ___ ___ __ _________ _ well, and sho oats, chOllped hee t.s. to Ward Off Alfment&7 po tatoes Into butte red ba king dish, she met Jesus at Jacob's Grits. him and believed on blm. TOWN -_ • __ . . __ ___ __ , ___ __ . ____ _______ __ __ cover with bu tte retl crumbs , and ba ke listened to lies the secret ot what folthere and nough An tnBtanc e of tbe comPOs ltlon of E . brown . ure A Ky, lady. speakin g about food. grit, granul a ted bone, tine uutll erumbs ck Cbl STREET AND NO. - _____ .. ___ • ___ • _____ _ "I was accusto med to eatlnK White s auce should be used to make lows, the death lilts trom heat wal afforded cbarcoa l. A),I: She went back to her village and of ordlDlLry food untll, for _ killds ______ all __________ ____ moist. .. __ ... dish __ _. e th .... ATE ST In a NPOrt trom Chicago cOncernln~ Method of Feedlng_ about Jeslls to g spealtln d ce commen lb \4 indigES tion and nervou. -Melt Naaon, '. 80m.,e Potatoe ico Delmon the mortalJ ty_ Some speclflc atlonll Rati on No_ 1- Feed In a litter ot cut 1 ~ c upfuls wblte thOle she Imew , Tbe result' was startprostra tion 8et In_ In . gratell cheese Ill a. 00 7: , day Of a wice t deatha. ten hay or Ing w stra wero given concern are told ID the simple lan"After 1 had run down lerloullT , as the sauce. A rrange diced, cold boiled po- ling. We Pleasan t for the Wlfe_ thOle three were drowne d, two had aad 5 : 00 p. nl. Feed a s much the 'Gospel that !.'many beat guage alIn heese c and sauce, white attentlo n wes called to the tatoes, asIn nn up In Vi mlnutc~ Some lime ago the wife ot of the word of Jlecl[1J broken from falls, one man cut chi c ks will c lea n to slty of lome In my diet, and te rnatlng laye rs In buttered baking Haved on him hecause In party a eat gave will they officer all state and g elatant mornin tbe Is only one way bll throat, anotber tell from a build. tl ls h. Cove r wi t h butte red c rumbs and the woman )' There results. Only tbe a lot of old maids ot her t09o-n, Sho I dIsconti nued my ordInar y breakla lt ng. to account tor luch ing, (tn Infant, four days old, dIed th e eveni No. 2- F op.d in ope n hopperR bake un c rumb s arc bro wn . a photo of I and began usIng Grape-N utl wltb .. Ratlun throu&!! her lI1's .lsked each ono to bring g speakIn Spirit Holy pare, Wasb, s.Poturae withou t medical attentio n and ' two as soo n as tile c h ir ils nre old e r.ough ped and good quantlty ot rIch cream. Escallo Sbe hsd the mun who had tried 10 IVOO "In a tew days my conditio n drop~ed dead, botb being In,\lde ot to balance thei r own ration, ufually soak, and c ut Into thin sli ces {our po> eould have produce d them. ot life" of wed h er Il nd had bee n jilted by ber. the water In a remarka ble wos, and I changed pboto a tatoos. Put a layer in butte red bak- begun to' drink of brought building s when the tatal stroke came, after the sixth weele maIda ola the speakin g to b~r, Each of been had ,Tesus whlcb pephave a etrength that I had alld to salt began with mor, Burne beat sprinklo the of cturlng dish, tures This way of maoufll 811d th e:' wero ail pic Rallon No.3- Feed as & c rumbly lug Ilnd dot over nnd already the living water was flow- man , the hostess ' husba nd .-I(ans as novel' ~n possess ed or before, .. tallty IIste would be humoro us It It mn Hh, by mixing s kimm ed or butter- pe r, dredge with 60ur, nfui bntter. Ing out to others. . Vigor at body aud !I- pol8e of mind that Journal . milk, th rpe t:lll e ~ n day, 9: 00 a. m., with one·bal r ta blespoo were not 10 likely to he Injurlou e. The samo Jes us wis hes to do that City po· covers it unlll milk amazed mo. It WILl entirely new In Add Repeat. the m ro F m. 11 :30 a . m. and 2 : ~O p. more It you will I.t far and you, with hours h 'l elfperlen oe. my <.IIle-foul and ne o Bake A Woroan'& Worrle ., flr s t to t hl:' t hird day .add cho pped In- tatoes. him . Let. me ask, why have we not former attacki of Indlgell tlon Summe r resort keeper In Maine re- fert il e E'ggs (har rt cook ed) to thE' m esh or un til potatoe s nre ~ort. "My DIaD a that worrlcs has r e moth "A for Christ that accomp anied by hCla.t flasbel, been had S tuffed Baked I'ota toes.-B ake six 1111 the slime power port! hundred s at swordfl sb In the vI, In th e proport i on of one part egg to had? Well, possibly some IlDows nothing about." womnn diethIs In h enc Cut . es times Diy condItio n eer, potato mnDY Bea and ized The . ium-s med hostelry bls clnlty of "How now?" thrpe purts maRh, !ll so a sOIall qua;,tity h, add of U8 are like Nicodem us who came treeslng with blind spellll of dlzl.lne ll, Wife my that learned pent will not arrive unlll bls Imagina - of cbo ppC'd on ionn, cabbage or lettuce. half a nd s coop o ut insld c. Mas just e hav "I buttAI', sll lt lind to Jesus Iby nlgbt. There Is no power has ' been watchin g our boy for yearl rusb of blood to the head and neuralArter tb e th ird day tbe eggs may be two tn blespoo llfuls tion Is In mldllum mer torm, tbreo tabl espoolI- because O>t tfmldlty . We are atrald ot to eee tbat he carrIes bls school boois gic palnl In the chest_ nd a tRste, to pePJ1er vegeof dlsrontl nu !!d Rnd th e quality ites of tw..J eggs what peo'ple might Bay. And some ot under his right arm on Monday e, wh e Th "Since using Grape-N uts alone for milk. ot b fula F eed ID ~h~lA Blap on the cbeek may Improve tables ~!ightly Increllsei1, be folded In_ us may be like Lazarus was pbyslca l- Wednes days and Fridays , and Ilnder hreakta st 1 have been free from theM may stiff lIntll beat.~n wl<le hos c in 6 g, lon hes Ine 30 trays low the complex ion, III a beauty upert In over until I,.. We Ilre tied up .tight, hands and his lett arlll on Tues days and Thurl' trOUbles, except at times when 1 have and 2 In ch('s d ee p. A small quantity Refill skins and bake be 6p~ln- feet and face. We are the slaves of days_ [! h e did not do this, be mlgllt Indulge d In rIch, grEasy foods In quanmay tells ue, but we have a vague suspltoes pota The brown. bone of ch ick g rit and granul ated Is UQ', then 1 would be warned by a clon that It will not Improve .tbe tAlm- sh ould be fed In the masb tor a re w Icled with grated ('beeae befo re put· some sin, ot eome hublt; ther\! It get curvatu re of the spIne." er whatev Now wrong. ing someth llon effer J beth zR ll E under the le tt shoulde r blade, and oven.paIn Into tlng per. IIoCCUSbecome chlckll the until da )'8 l .rl- Is, It Is cloggIn g ~p the spirItua l ChMA of College s, I heeded the warning the old Sate, Edmond unless in ted Mary a-nd Suffoca be n caD Childre they h ic tomed to It, afte r wh bring suppUes of Jlvsbould wblch del U. .respec. weuld come back. but when I S. aged O. trouble Y9. culture, schoolbo Two Swiss 0\ Flnn, takln& part In tbe Olympic t ed 1ft open . hoppe rs. After the fourIng wate:r from the great reservo Ir of tlvely 10 and 12, ·met with a horrIble tlnally got to know whel'4l theBe ,troucrumbof feeding noon tbe dtty etl teentb Ho\y shall we . .mes ~t Stockho lm, haa ,succeed Grap. The crop to which mnnure can be the heart of Jesus. del\tb at Colre, the capital of tbe Can. ble, origInat ed I returne d to my be d lscontin ue ll and n In tbrowln g the discus s o far that the Iy mash may have power, abundan t, Ufe ,Ivlng, ton ot Orisons, J>y suJfoc'!iUon In a f:iutl and cream and the paltl and 41 .. 'Vith vary will applied ly profitab most chicks tbe dry mesh left betore 1 Greek wbo Invente d the discus w<'uld tray ot The corn crop, be. l\yeeten lng our own IIvel I.UId Intlu- eteel :snIe, the other . d~;Y... while they tur'\lanc e lett ver,. QuIckly. ' at all tim es. As the 'chlcks hecome ae- dllleren t rotation s, an. always use If enclng other· IIvel fol' good? T tbelr ' probab li be unable to ftnd It It he prIme Health a • • will wltb In seek now feeder, and am rank "I a hIde Ing playIng morn"'cr.e the mash, dry the to d custome ea.y ..ere there. Thua we lIee how the ing and th en the afternoo n feeding of .to advanta gll It care Is take,' to make awet III ellay to give, but It II no comrad es, Flndlng the safe open tbe relult of iny UIO ot Grape-N utlJ," ~Rm'- ' !I'~e -up to It. Rem.ove the"Ob- tittle fellows entered i t sU'd aloBed (6e glveu " by POltum Co'" BaW., CraU. ~·1 l ' to taek' ol rise, :the that BO , seedhed world haa ..progre ssed.' firm a crumbly mash may ,be dlscnntl nued, - tiur C~l • 1" ,,~'!, ..... ,,. "" door:' which' ·th~T • 00, 1d.(h.ot.:· rfH'.J)~, Mleh. . I f cap'm~ry 'molstu re Is not retarded by 8 ' Itni~t10n. ,that Is CIO~g1DC . ' Feee! @Teen food once a day. rQ~ that Ceal,-t life. l spiritua r t.r'),ou ' up the 'under, .. lt" II ~ gave an,d~ plowed loDa on reoaon.~' · comjHul a appUcaU 1 theIr heavy "'l'her.' 4lnd .bopopen In dry d e 4-Fe. No, the teo . Ra tion A aclelltli t say~ that onl, liD ,that' Is blnder\ nc the or 11ft pm. atter a long', Search. - The PO> .p~alned In the -I!U!" bot)lI,,'' Tb. ~ . , I .. _ hJ " . . grIt and borte In hoppers , ~ from . ftowtnc . Into JOur ~ " ~~l rent. -of the bOYI were 'Inform ed of to Welh111e," In pkll, ' ' • , . .I. mOIQu ito_ PNY on uman." ,. pel's,: Feed J 'lJcarcelj 18 age ot month. ten bull Feed gTeen food dal~y_ Butterm ilk ' A ~re Ih,. ,11 come ~w '1I!-. ~~ M1r j uI"' IJ. . . . . . . .~ ..... ldfW. . . . . . . - IDP- BOW,'N f, .how ~o ~rcy: to the ,may 4, ~nd ,later dllcOY. · ,' occurr.e eerylce haG for nough e ' old hll not should' but pans 10' ' be fed : . l,IO~~' - . on tbat -account , 4-04 -lien lJo baJure lI!"2I. erllttth . de~ ~ ot c:~lJdND. -.irI~,",.~"·"'" '.Greed upoa the chi eke b,. the ablence caTef~lIy, It> w111 !;lot ~'" nat i.II1bow.


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An Heirloom By Martha McCullocll- "'III/oms (CopyrIght. 19l2. h y Associ ate d Lite rary

Press. )


room jUllt os Aliso n, sc l s ~nr R In hnnd. matle 10 beg lu 1I11 lpIlI n g th e 1111 ') l11ludset sti tches. Sbe had 5111'111'01 u kl nJO no ov e r t be lI iltlfJ l ~he d fro" k nho had co ntr lvod-tbe shorl cClat , w hich would be nolY llnd jallilty by !llltl hy, h ung raw n.n c! limp ov('r th e hack ur 11 c hull' ti l her aIde. All about WII9 tile lille r nnll d t.- ,rd cr 11l 1"ltuhlc to rlose co ntrivin g. Huse Blood gnzln1( 11L ·he r s lsle r-bo lh we re to o I III e lll 10 11 010 Iho ullerlillg d oor. S utl ,lellly Al. Isoll's bn nd fe ll - sho twi ll t he wui Sl· (, Olll IlW8 Y from Il(~ r , sa yIng In 11 c hl,ked voice: "n O~ e-- Ialtc It - bar l<. 1- I-sIl lll c holV I can't s poil It - II [(' .. Is as Lh ougll It wo uld uo splrltuul

-"iTlessBd be hob hIe skirt s." Ali son ejactliated, s urvey lllg lwr sllll1 III boneS8 In I ho long mirror. R06C. her Bis tor. la ughed so[tly . ae sho re turn ed: "netter SIlY ble ss(>d be fI " sh! If grnndad had n't we Ighed n.m r thr ee huntired, you'd nev,'r gel 1l 11 1r Jl 't' ," I\. .. k in out or hi s Su nday !Jctil black A han d re ll upo n AlIll l Allno's bro!l(\ c loth trou ~e r s. " ' Don ' t you d a r~! Ir ono Ilreat hes s iloul, l ~ r - a so ft han,l, h":I"y with r eul loud In thl2 t llln ge fo il, lire Sllre I'i n;.:s all d on ly f:dnlly \\'rlnlll .. <1. It 10 h par," AlI ~ o n adjure d t u mln g to tiro ' \\' ht'r tJill'l,. Ical'l n.; lil o d oo r a look al I' Pl's"lr oV ('r her 0\\ n 8hou l- Il lllo aJ:Ir. Very ~ h o r l l y Ihe OW1\('r " And th e goss i p" woulol ""y (Ie It \\a ~ s ay ing, h U:l hlng Aunt dpr. 1.0 wycr-- Jr ),01) \\ I Rh to g t orr with s ~! ~ rll ege rath e r than tl,rlr\. I'm Allrc . \ n:OL··8 solJs th e ..... h ile: tho m ini mum punl slll n ~ [) t. I'd ndvlse " Tu lh in k you w(luldIl't ('omu to 11 10, g ran da,1 h lm sel r lT olli ll R \, pro\'cY U ll 10 ronr e s~ e" ery lhln r, auel throw .!e'lci tl ll~ t en years, whnl ha r lll ('a n y(.\ ,r ol ,II' S(. fri c lld . Ann e '\(':: r , l' UI yourself O il Iil e lllP rc), uf tho cou rL II d o 10 ha l'e h iM 1,.[I ·u I·,, 1' dOl hcs a ~h" (II(>(j of yOll- you kr! 1\' YOllr girlc A ('rll ~," l - Bllt If I dOn' t c ()u fe~s1 f"(' 1 a lJ:los t II H ,ho ugh th.,)' 1\' (' 1' , ' min c o he lp us rOlllld a h ard r' <l "' '' '~ " '' L a "'yor- O h! lu tliat {'a s e you ",m "1\U )] O In Ibo "" ,, rIU." Huse· iL:,senl .. .t I :11 1 your I" ido h:1g h:.d i:s re ll an I. \, cry 11I;(' ly Lc rH'~u\t t"rI fnr wnnt of m err il y, ndd inl; wllh a l uuc h ur .' : ,,1 Ill " llY b ir ls IInd .. r lilo llllHlltions e vld e n('(' II uuld fu rl'bo as nu ltly Il S ou r A li',lI lI . '" IS lf"ID Pfis: " It Is 80 h a rd- oll r s t(, (·1t ~~~~-----------------.~ paAsln g dll' id,'I,d H. j" H a t tl li., ~ r ,, '''i.t l U(Jll'l tell Ill' r und !luse w e m ',' rh eard t ime. \\' 11 ~onlll do PO !lluch wllh - lI Ol yet . Ilt 1{':·I_" r. I t would hurt II,! III 10 Iwo l\' \\'(J lweII'. Bul you Ilro t hnt flv o hUllured ""0 hal" ' n't I\'ul.'· "Antl olher I>COI' !O do ln" nl! sorls :; oilll,; 10 bo R{' lI SII ,II', nntl le t me a(lor 111lnI;8. This town 18 goln", 10 iJe "dw e )'ou Ihose de lu)' e ,1 dividen ds. r eal gilldr." Aliso r. answ(>rl'd, >Ighl!lg ."I so , you IIro to r e me ," Ler, C:J IJ ,; are al th o end of n ,;lggl('. "Th,..'" 1\·l'd· a wi c: lte d extrav a ga n ce w lll'u ano IJ U9 din g s alr cad y ann oun "{'d- tbal m pans fr ie nds with ca rs , :Uld ne xt to nobody to fi ll Ill t'IlI. " n t leu st a d ozen pa rti e s or 1I0rt8At th at Aunt Anll o cr Ied ha r de r lun c heons not co ullll!d ." "And t ableaux for the ~ll s8 1 0na ry Ulan e l'c r, but aCt er a li ttle ag reed lIo,-iel y, and two g e rm a ns It no IIl ore." mee kly 10 d o 8S he r frlpnd baue. T I,e rri end. r.l rs. Norr is Lano. n ric h !lose challt eil . HEN you go Into That's the kind -- LibAli s on too k u p Ulll chanl '\\'Ith. w!dow , chil d less , wlLh I wo a ,l or nd and woods 01' mountalns to a dorin g n ep hews. was unoblruslvely, "And three strange- ve ry s trnn,:;eby's -- There isn't sn, camp for your vacat ion. yo unl; mqn a·com lng to til e II'ctldln gll l110 great lady of Cha rlotte town. I you must have a com· other sliced dric:d beef P erh a\ls there wns n o direct se- sud Illc"ly to Btu y o n 11 \\'[;11 0 with ple te cooking outfit. dry like it. Good? It's the quence of eve ntsbul people bcgnn th e ir kin . R osy-posy. I tell you, It·s llrovl sl ons and plenty 10 n o lice ea rly In the senso n thut nc tly hard IIncs . A new par ly d is ti inside cut of the finest of fl sll and gamc. whlcb ' froc k a pIece Is th e most we dare bopo 1\orrl2 a nti 1I 0wa nl Lane, the 80me member 01 lbe beef sliced to wafer thinfor-n nd even th ey s[lell a mOD tb grea t I~dy's nep h e ws. were mlgb ty llnrty will (urnlsb dally. ness. without butter. Pra ise be , yOU didn't alle ntlv e to th e Agnew girls. Ros o Bad cooking has sllolle\! that n e w m e lton inR t fa ll-you !lnd Alison re lt ns It the y had f ound many n vacation In camp would h ardly hnv e Illlt It on, with a fll iry godmo ther- all nt once. and caulled ruany a backAunt An n o so Ill. Bu t whate ve r ' we Aunt Anne ha d censed wllrrylngIIlIdlng from til e outdoo r creed and yet would do If )'OU badn't thoug ht of s be Ilad on ly s mllod myste riously. Ulere Is n o llal'tlc ular use In beIng bn· Ira nd ad. I s u rely don't know . Rea ll y, a t'.l t old thcm tblngs were n ol s o comlortable wben camlling or In hay· I beli eve. th ough It sound s 1il,e ma gic, bnd u s t hey h ad t bren te ned to be. ling bnd or lodlgestible food. I'll get a 8wngger outfit from ills su it." The n lit Chri stmas sho s UTl.rl sed Kit s especially ' deslgn'td for cSIllP'H e· wore It on ly on c~ po o r dear." eat' h of them with a dainty new era cs n bo purchased at a moderate stands supreme. The tasty Ro se sighed . "And he was 111wIlYs gow n-Io whi c h Mrs. Lane ha tl added BOY.8 /.tV CAMP cost and It Is wises t t.o purcbase one dishes one can make with 'it oil th e o th er thin gs-gloves. fU ll. of th ese outOts. ns' often some or tbe "easlly handle d. Mold Int 1 sm all. flnt &Xe. snit nnd peppe r It. alld hroll It partl e ular as to his clol hi ng. 1 wi s h sll ppe rs. si lk Mloek Ings. a nti colJwe b We dar ed speod a lilli e for to uc hes are almost numberless. most necessary ' utensils a re lin ble to cakes. and bak e In )' our bnk er or on ov e r tbe coa ls. Add butter to flnlsb of cCllor- thougb you can s tan d all Kerc h le f. Ali so n wn s not able to sny Let's see I There'. creamed be lorgotte n wben th e camper la mak- a griddle over a moderate fir e. the cookIn g aDd bro \1·nlng. For thl. thank YOll , fOI' t ho lump In hor dried beef, and--but just try Ing selections. Tbe kit 1~ludeB a foJdVery conven ient for the cam per Is work yo u oug ht 10 have a broil er. tbe throa t . Ev e n Ro se had to t urn away ing ba ker. pans with hInged bandlel, tbe prepared fiour,~~:hlch Is acc urate- kJnd that clamps d ow n In two halves, it. Then youll know I her eyes. And th nt night, hand hi and ctlahel tllat III Into one anotber. 60 ly mixed w ith tb e IIgbtenlng agent', one on eac h side of Ib e bird. han ll. they la id Aunt Anne of tbelr .that the whole occuplol but little }Il~d whlcb only r eQuires wetting with If you bave ao o ven large du cks can pla Iting-a nd what b ad wl t hh elJ , Alwayslnaiat on Libby'. apn ce. . ' milk or water to make biscuits or pan-· be ronHted In I t. III cook ing a bIrd yoU th e m fro m carryIn g it out. She The slmpleat way to cook wblle In Cakel. A~d four level tableslloonl of wnnt sharp b ent and continued beut Don'taccept"aJustaegood." 'From putted their bent h eads, s aying aB camp 18 over a fir eplace nlade by dll- butter or lard to a Quart o( llrepared 80 that the ou ter tiss ues mDY bo rellab to rout, from condiment to tcars dropped upon A1lsoll's bright lin g a hole about one tobt ~ep and Hour with enough milk to make a very seared as soon liS possible. CODll8rve, the quanty of Libby'. h :Llr: two reet square n.nd llaflly filllng It 80ft dough, Drop from tbe point of a RNdy·to-Serve Foods is alwa,.. FIi;h Ie more difficult to cook th a n "It would have been murder, d ear with IIton08. Build a wall about eight epoon on a hot greased )Jlln. These game. 'rbe maIn thlnK'~ to balle IOperior. And they don't coat on. children-murde r of Bome thing In Itncbea high around three . Idea, ~I­ Ihould !)e cooked first on one side and ple nty or grease In the frying pan and .hlt more than the ordinary ldnda. yourselves-r eve r e nce for fa mUy ties 'lowlo,; a amall openIng at the back (or <C'Iln on tbe 9!b~... fpr B.Etv!'n minutes. to k elUl Il haL Some lleollie preler a nd traditi o ns. I a m g lad luu eEld you . Put "P In .,.rllh.clII1GA 0" tllt ·tho smoke to elIca 11 e. . , and IIbourd b~ eaten with buller and olive all to bacon In ca mp cooking. and made th e blank fro ck...!.. mu cb be tle r contain.,.. Of COUnlO, It you bave brougbt a ,iirruP. . ~ rt aln!y brook trout mny be cooked use Ihe cloth th a n le t let moths ruin It collapsible cooking range with you. The ordinary ronnula for puncnkeB malt d e licIously In olive all . in th e e nd. But tbe waistcoat me a ns At EYet'J' Grocan the fire can b e mllde In any convenl- Is: A small-sized cao ' of condensed Large fish mny be embedded In hot someth ing- It Is a sort of IXlt e nt of eot sllot. with Hat IItones on either milk, tlJree cups of fiour, half n cup ashes aod cook ed ror 30 minutes or nobilit y. Only fin e gentlemen wore ·alde. Relit two of the sleel bara or of coromeal. two eggs. a llinch ot salt. longer. accordIng to s ize. FIrst Ipllt M~NeiD s nc h garmenls-" the range upon the atones and lay the a nd a te aslloonflll of baki ng powd e r. yo ur fish open, clean carefully. wasb "r know'" Rose broke In. "And other two aero.. th em. It I. a good Be careful, bow ever. 'to' mix the milk ou t' tbe Interior and se8SOll we ll "dth Chicago we came ne nr showing we dldn 't d e,p :nn to gather a plentiful BUllply of and eggs t ogether wltb some water In' pepper and sslt and llut It In 't be hot ser ve to belong to hIm." The n tho wood and keep It In a dry apot. Otber. one vossel, while you keep the otber asbell. ....' ben done, remoYe fr om tll~ two r an a way to muk e ready for a wise. after a ralnIall, you may have h-gredlents In anNhet<. -HlWlng ~tlrre d Dshes, wipe (' Ienn with a cloth. ano ve ry late pari)'. Aunt we nt. too. And con sid e rable dlmculty In bet tlng the each mixture, 1l0 UJ th em together and lleel 01T the burnt auldId e. as s he ca me away she b ad the happl • .... ood to burn . Any sort of wood will continue stirri ng until all th e lumllS A delicious camp dI s h 18 a stew of ness at seali ng with b er apl.roval a do fo r ordinary cooking. but lor broil- haYe disappeared. A littl e sy rup will me nt, game. bird s rice. potnloes, double bel rothn!. l' ; or bakIng III th e hot ashes, you n:nke tbe cakes brawL. betfer. but t oo onions- anything you ballpen to bave must hnve 'c oals from hard wood . much wlll make th em sti ck to tile -seasoned with plenty 01 snit nnd REMAINS TRUE TO INSTINCT For the lIuppllec the lists vary a griddle or pan, which s bould be Icellt pel/ller, and a dash of sberry, or 8 STeat deal. but tbe m08t d esIrable al)d well greaeed. toucll of chili sauce. It 18 bard to . Truo It Is That a Sheep May Become nUlrltlous article", that can be easily Tbe bean pot Is on ~ of the rei lances go wrong If you gh'e your stew plen· a Wolf, but Never a Wolf Be. 'trails ported are nOllr, bakIng powd e r, of the wood s man. and beans are Idea l ty at tim e and plenty of wster. All comes Sheep. ,rlce . beans, sugar, baldng powder, cof- baked In .a r egular be ~ bole . This hour or two '\\'111 not be t oo much: ,fee. tea., salt. pepper. bacon, llork. but- lllUs t be dUll d ee p snd wld 3 and lined In fact you cnn go on cooking your "Blee.ed Be Hobble Sklrto." On e Sunday nt the house of Anatole ter. onions, potatoes. raisIns ~nd some ~ Ith stOOfl>. In m aklug th e Ore hard- stew day after day, for warming ove r k: nd 01 dried acid frult-pruoes or ap- wood sbould be employed , nnd when !\ s t ew improves Ita richness. Ir you black with your yellow and blue Fra nce. tb ey wer e tall.ln g of tile admi rable roman ce lIe had JURt publlsb. ri cots are good. the fire bas been red lIeed to a bed of have In your kit a big and little ket- eyes, I hnt B to BEe you nun ·llke." c d. "The God s are Thirsty." M. P a ul Vegetllbles YOll must v t 88 you can. c('als. remov e balf Jf them. Insert the tle. you cun flll tbe large ono with wa"O! If I only dare!" Alison ex- Soudn)- ex pressed in the warmest Contiensed BOUJ,S, ols peclally tomnto bean I,ot, Bnd ~ack th e coals that were te r. put a ' few stones 10 the bottom. clamed. te r ms t he E' ntbus llis m w llb whl cb this = and tornato-okro. nre pnrtlcularly ap- removed closely a bout th e sides nod an d set your st ew I,e ttle' In on lop "Da re what?" nose .. s hed. wor k h a d Insilired blm . Abov e nil be petizing. tall. Pile the dirt on top at all, stamp: of th~ s ton es , This '\\'\11 lesse n th e du nAlison nnswered with a brentldess vau nt ed Iho c harader of " Evnrls to To make good co tree Is an art. Many log It d.own " . cit , to make It abSOlute· ger of burning. The theory of tbe stew gigg le ,: "Sacrltlce our bes t he ll" people claim that tbe be'lt ls ma~e I" airtight. 1 he beans should remain Ice ttlo Is a Elow fire, a low Ilre. ODd A loom-·but Aunt Anne will nev e r Cumdln," wholl] Il. fal se r evolution a ry ph lIan I hrop y h url tran sforme d from n In lhls way: For sIx cups of strong In the hol e Ilbollt 18 hours. Soak one long fire, agree--" iJl eating s hee p to II. de vouring wo lf. Lel your house keeping arrang ecoll'ee. take one cup of ground corree, Quart of beaos In cold water ove r "You mean the wals tcoaU" Hose A Ru ssia n lady, who wus presen t. 'r..llx up with on~ elt!; or the shells of night. In th e m or ning, druln, cover m ents while 10 cam p be as concl oe nDd cri ed, catc hing he r brenlll. s aid s h e kn e w at wolv es th a t h ud be· ,two, ndd a few grains of ealt, aod 81x with fresh wate r, nf u t alowly, keep- cleunly ae 10 your bome kltellen. Do A II SOil nodded . Ro se dn rted nway cups of fresb coli! water. Place over Ing the wat er below boiling polot, and r.ot throw refus e of any klnd - ll'as t 01 -'-up th e stairs. to the ga rret where come s hee p. "The Princ e Troubetz· "GIlT EDCE."theonlv!odios·....,."..-.,.ha,pcoIti\lf'ly contaiN OI L. Blacb and Poliaha Jadiel .Dd . the nre wbere It will heat slowly; and cook until th e skin s will bur st, which 1.11 food-nround the calDll· · Burn all tile w a lstcoal wblcll had c ome down !te l," she snlti, ' ''has two of Ih f' lI!. J 10 chikhen', boota &bd .hoe..• hi" . . witbout rubbia •• brought th e m fro m Ru ss ia. Th ey h ad ,brIng to a boll. Let It bpI! up three Is best det e rmIned by takln,; a few garba ge e \'ery ni ght. Kll e!1 every· rrom 1\ ben u of colonial tlm cs, lay, 2~c. "French Glo ...," IOc. Be IIncll-wrnpped. In lave nder. In a wink h ~ f' n t a med a nd h e led til e m in R times. stlrrlug well. th en place where beaos on tbe tip of a spoo n nn d blow- thlog In Its proper placee. "STAR" cornbinltion for dl'!A.ning aad poi'i-hlnl .1 kind. 01 ru~1 or 'an .hoes. IOc. "Dand.,-- .tte2~t. You know .it will Iceep hal but not boll uotll It Ing on tbem. when tb e skins will burst careful of tbe fire while In the woo,\ s . she wns bnclt '\\'lth It. un \\'fnPplng leas h lik e grey houn d s. "QUICK WHITE" (in l;quld loom wi1h """'..> He I, a f; 1m· 'IIOttlcs tb e addition of halt a cup of If Bumclently cooked. Dralo beans. It .I s well to be certain befare leaving tJH'1 swa things. 'rhey f ell spart. r eo th a t h e Is a veg et:1l'lan . quickly c1.aua aod whitcaa dirty CaDY" aho.. tOc.nd 2k oold ~ater will settle It more qu~ck· Scllld rind of tbree-fou r ths of a llound c .... mp for any lengtb of tim e thnt no ve allng a fsbrlc of degrce. Urocatl e posed this di e t upo n his bea s ts. H(l ·'ALBO"cleana and whit.necan.....hoee.. fa Iy, nnd the coll'ee when poured ahould of fat sail pork, sc rape. remOTe one- treaeherouR apark Is lingering lleb lnd "' hose satin ground, onc e a royal feeds t! IClIl \' cg{'tabl es and sa latl s." round whi te calr.~ pac~ C(.1 in vDc·lin bolr:ll, with "In Caet." then sa id An atole Fran ce. be clea~ and slror.g, fourth Inch alice. and Dut III bottom of a log or under some leaves where It 6csrlGt powdered with roseb uds nl· IOc. In lu. ndtomeJ. 'lIc alwainulD bus.. with lpooie.1Sc. If y eu r deelrt dOd lIot keep the kind you want ""ad Ut Camp bread Is one of the testa or th e bean 1l0t. Cut throngh rind of r&- may kindle a. blaze and do untold dam · low. white and plnlc, had fo.ded to a " I met him th e a t her da y with hi s ~ pric.c in ... mpe for a fullcizc P6ck •• paid. the outdoo; cook. Ir you have brougbt malnlng llorlc every one-balf Ineb. wak- age 10 your absence, soCt cl e llca te Intllan red. Time h a d " ' oll'cs of whi c h yo u spl':lk, In th e WHITTEMORE BROS. a: CO. .wlth you a baker, biscuit or bread may Ing CUt8 onEl Inch deep. Put benns In 20-26 AibanJ' St .• <Ambridue. M .... IIkew lEle Imllrovcd th o ro se hues- £It'ect. H e h ~ d sto,IJll?d before a fruit c::lIld and he was plunderIng a blls, In for It. TI" ou", Imd 1,.J """ M /u u,f.rtu"" I., be baked In It. 11 not, yOU '11'111 have to llot and bury pork In beans, len vln" Ih ey 3eem ed to m elt on e Into another. "Always ent tb e 6111n of tbe fruit," Alison gaspeu st th e sIg ht of tbe r ich lId of ca r rots to r e gulo bl s bensls." '----~ Sh" PlIII},,, '" ,Il, ,-P.dJ - - - -.. make UIlO of the frying llan for that rln4- exposed . Mix one tahleapoon salt, , "Th nt Is nn ex ce ll ent exampl e ro r lPurpolle, covered wltb a saucepao lid , on e tablespoon molasses. Rod three tao ordered the doctor. "The skIn can · blendlngs. "It-It seems wkkedor even two frying pans, Such a bak- blespoons 8\J~r~ add aile CUll of boll· talnll essentlalB that you need." eve n to think of cutting· It up," she \'eget:l rlanl s m," sa Id tbe lady . "S&"That may be, doc . But I know said. "But Ot-wouldn' t It set orr my <! lIcc(1 by suc h an exa mple, I acquired .er must be placed right In the heart Ing water. and IJOUr oye r bean8. then a wolf nnd fed him myself. Dut 1 ,or tbe and live . coall piled again add enough more boiling water to coy· I'm going to get my throat all blacl~ 1" .on top. Tbe commonest fault Is In er bean8. Cover bean pot and place scratched ' Ull the first time I try tL' "It. Rhall set It orr," Rose said stout- f ea re d Ihat h9 would fade away. Bu t Can quickly be overcome l!S I did not IUl end to renOUllce m y eat a plneallple with Its skin on ." havlnll tau Ill,uch h eat ; the beginner In tbe hole. ly. "Aunt Anne ".. ould never agrt' eCARTER'S LlTILE Oame can be cooked bettcr In camp lIer oonsclence WOUldn't let her. But ve getarian !cl ens I c ontinued to maIle LIVER PILLS. ,uually burnl ' the II.rat few batches ot Her Preference. than In any r~staurant In 1be wof ld. Jnce th e thing Is done she'l1 be g lad, I:I:n nlL ble fr uits aud roots in publle Purely vegetable billcult. "The leading lad., of YOI:r com pan), ! fouod her crylog yesterday, ove r \'7hllc nt home, secretly I g:: vo him -act surely and Camp. bIscuit are made by mixing It Is bettA!r for hanging at least over used to do her own ~ooklng , " fresh meet. In thi s way I was able 'gently on the '}ur ba.nk account-abe seems to feel one quart of nour, two teasllOonfuls of night. For broiling. game IIhould be '" su ppose thnt Is one reason why It was !her fuult that things are 1\8 tbey to k eep him for some tim e. He died liver. Cure baking llOwder. one telUlpoonful of lalt, carefully skinned, cleanly drawn, Rnd a while ng'o. I do not und e rsta nd. how Biliousness. al1d a small piece of lard or butter, was hed. Then IIpllt your bIrd up tile she wanta roles with the most 'dough ' lire: ' if ead· "Why! I (10 bclleve tb er e's enough Pr ince TroTibetzkol succeeds In keep. ache, wltb lIumclent water to m!Lke a doueb blCk, filtten It with the Bide of an In tbem." for a narrow panel besid es revers i~ 'r his woh'es. I suspect he employ. Dizzi· ~d tbe same met bod as m ysel f." ness, and Indigestion. do their dutJ. the earth· on the fact that one form To ctte one example: On the nortb aod cults:' Alison soswereti engerty III short," said Aoatole Fraoce, "one &HALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICK. side of tbe 'AiPI there Ie a continual -sbe h ad been m easuring tbe waist. often finds sheep thnt become wolves. at decomposition produces oxygen, falling of[ in the deptb of the lake8 coat w hl'it I Genuine must bear Signature "" h er B s er spo teo 80lentlfle 1"heOry That Water I. While. the otber form does 1I0t, Part tl It was very long, and had been but never wolves that become sheep." 'Of tb'e , -ater vannr emIt''-d b.,. th., and a cradual ,roflll,&. on, of IIwampli. b lit f 1ft It -Le Crl de ParIs. PI..lng Into \". Upper Air al Hy· . n .. ~.., Two hundred and ft.ft)' ,.eara age u or a man !lver II x ee. leU II decoUl.llOsed by the ultrs·vlo9 I k 1" h ' was neither frayed nor spofted and drogen, Ne v.r . to R.turn. , the ' d . there were 14 a . . . . t • cantoo 01 bad stili Ita full complement of oarved In Dream .. . . ' . let ra)'I ' of thfl lIun , by rogl!n Zurich, toda., · ther a re leyentY·B~ . . "";'k-"r·,Y ltal buUoul. No wondElf Aunt '~I Imow Charley enjoyed belne a DAISY FLY KlLtEl . . . . .~ .. es tru,c tlon of .... fore ... .- an d'~ . .t.. . . ... . . Wh,n .,.ater I ..ecompOl8,d b )' ra41- formed riles toward tbe hllh atmp- "'b ., e · .. '+' - , k)ne-.. ,cherished It-It waR all that delegate at the convention:: . .14 !l. ·1 ....' " ~ ,, 'II, am or b)' ultra-nolet ra),11 It produce, Illheric .tnta. and ~I the wawr doe.. the' CUltiutton of tbe ' 1&nd partl., ell· bad come down- to .her, In tbe dlvls. young Ml'If. Torklul, ' "",,,;" ./2 ~l ,L·,,'·S •••••& !l1drogen ,uc\ ~rOslde 9f . h)'d~n. !l0~ ret~ to the lIurfa.ce. - T~~ plain tbl., 'but ·tb 'JOII" :ot" b.,dro,;en tGn or l1Ileelit&t treaaurel, !rOm the "How?" d It' do I ~t form oX7,en. Elec.. tore. th~ quantit)' of on th~,b aD impOrtant a cto,r. Th. hrdror;en 'm~t dletlnpllhed of' her ' great,. ''1 heard Ium talklng In hl8 Ileep : ' .':-~,;, -,~ , iSJ.r.• • • • '0' d:eomPltioz( forma c.x)'..... lace of , " , 110be 'I alWA)'1 dlmlnteb· ac~nlate4 : In the hla'ber atma: ,If8Dd.~lltheni. . _ and lome or ~e language be Uled ,," .. iU91ttl ~~ . ''' __ ''~'Ar' _ bIHa .... <_oJ ia4 the earth 11 lno.... nU'. U IPt.M~ · 'I . dllla&e4 ,' In. lnteret.e'w , !'at. OI'Iler," It that ahe ·. came exactl., the al tbAt· whlcll -I .,A. Oe .....n · .... -........ :'i. J . . . .. .. W.o.,,;, , ... .. > , . ,....:.~'1::~ . < ,. _ _I_uq w · tJaj ti1iBI .• . .~. c1r~ ,. " ." .......,... DOl..... . -Ui.~ til. _ fro. . ~.' U~ h • •uapl07. at a bUebaU ~e." '. ~-. . . . . . . . '&~ . ......... 1It




~ed P Dried Beef



& Libby


The Wretchedneaa of Constipation



'I . .


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• '~:. I';::i

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.. 0_._....... '.1.... "",".~



" B

at very r easonable _

;-;~ r vice

. ,


-_._ .------


SERVICE The very Best at all


-R y



Sub-Agent for


the Ford .Automobile



(;orwin, Ohio Phone 71-1 Y.



BARNHART, Notary Public

Prot and Mrlll. E L. BaUon and . twt) obildrflD vISited Mr. Hatton '1'1 : \ 11 kinl1 .. of Notary WOIk . Prnsion parents Mr. dnd Mr!! . George Bat War. It Mpeoial'v ton. reoent-ly . Mrs. Maud Aneon and son Uarlton b llve returned to their bome in Dayt." n after Neveral weeks visit with DR. J. W_ MILLER, relatives here. Mr. and ' Mre William Weeks, of , .• DENTIST•.• Dayton, Oblo, were called bllre on aooount of tbe deatb of Mr. Week 's omce 10 Waynesville 0 I brother . l' atlooaJ B.nk Bld&. • : 1.1,.. WIlliam Grimes 1l11d eon La ~ I' thare of California, are tbe guests of Mre. Mary Jane Cleaver, of 1:& st. R. • • ATBAW A Y Main at Eekallne Reynoldl. of CedQrvllle, -VaYDelviUe'. Leadinll Deal1d returned home After two week'l! 1)1Iloe ill Keya Bldg. Baln ~t I visit with friend8 . Mr . Barlod Barrie mllde his weekly blp to t:!outh IAbtulon . ~D .rMt ~'""" Ill" I Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Stump, of ~ 'WII 'n ul MaU.,,, IIIi&W A i &btu8, Mr . and Mre Frnncfl An. I have about $150,000 in Dayton ' tram. ~f Dllyton, attended Benjamin Real Estate to excbange for farms. j We.. kll fnne.raI8unday. . Will trade in large or email parcels. MIll. Paullue Sbiller, 01 Pula,kl What have you? 1St, Dayton, spent 8everal day8 with A W EPHRATH IMto Loul.e N. WlllIlD, ofthls plaoe. • • at --.- 0 Mr. an4 lin. H. E . Wilson, of 124 8 ...." • wwz .0". • Oa,.&on. were the gneete of thel r Pl&rtlDY Mr . and Mrl "raDk Willon, 80nllay. WALTER MO(1LURE. J 14. dowe tranSlloted baeln8!11 in Cinolnnatl, the fore part ot the weell. Funeral Direr.tor_ Ill'. Carlton Baoih'a .iore borned to the aroond Friday nigbt . TelePhone day ow ntsbt. The Ladiee' Aid .ave a tea at the home of Mre Frllnk L. Barris, on Vane,. phone No. ,. LoD~ Eas& Main St., TbufI!day. There DlJlImoe No. 69-'''. were 102 people preeen t . A grand • • OHIO time '1'1'•• had "nd enjoyed by all . WAYNESVILLE, Mr. and Mn. Brice 8mllli ale In BraDm OIIiee. U.netnbUl'l'. O. Detro" looking for II. euitable plaoe ~ locate. !!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!! Thi8 (ommoni&y is gJ1eatly be. . - - - - - - - - - - - - -....... reaved In the .. udden deatb of our hiebly and well respected oi&iZ8n Benjamin Weeka, who wae killed In his bam Thonday mornln, by hie borse. Bnrlal took place !:Iunday at ClarkRvlll.. Be leave. a wife . one daugh tel', on. son and l(I'andobUdl'en to mourn 'he 10.. of one that wae nMr and dear to them. 'l.'he camp meeting 18 atill In pro· gI'e8II and a good old fasbloned time ia being enjoyed by all In attedanc.9,









GASTand STEEL HOTAIR FURNACE.S These furnaces are right The price is low, Give me a chance I will prove it so. The work is good The material is best The proof is yours By the test. The fire is great The heat intense With little fuel And less expense. Think it over And buy .t he best, And I will come And do the rest.

Tinner. & Slater.


"Were aU mediolnetl as merUori. OUB 68 Cham borlaln '. Collo, Choler" aDd Diarrhoea Remedy the world world would be mooh beUer off and the percentage of suffering !freatty deorMSed ." wri&ea Lindsay Scou,or Temple, Ind. For sale by 1111 dealers.


Spring Branch Mllees "loreoo8 and Edna Laoy Ip8n' lad Wednellday witb their aia. ~r Mra. Frank Cool!: and family. Mre Gay Chenoweth vi8i&ed Iotrs Will Chenoweth, on JIIst Wednee day Mre Will Chenoweth and Mis. I'lorenoe Lacy were entertaln ..!1 by Mra. 'rank nutsook Ilnd Lw : ~y Illst Thursday, at dinner Mrs . Ada Dakin and ohlldren were oallinl!; on rela&iv8lland friende Saturday aft.ernoon, at Mt 8 ally. MI'tI . Gbldie Bart.ook waa en&et taiced by Mr. a id Mrs . OlOllr Mowrer, on Ssturday nlgh& and t:!undav MrR. Tbomas LaOY aDd fllmll, eD. I'err,a lned.' Sunday di'mer Mn. J. B . tibODOW('th I&nd daogb&er Franoes and Mr8. 6uy Chenoweth . . ... Mr . Rnd Mra. Johu ' Bartsook and _1118 Allee Chenoweth and Mrs LID Bm ·tb attended meeUug at )'rankUn, SODday. j Mr , and Mrs I'rank Baw81 apen~, :Sdurday hlght and t:!uuday with M 1 I' . Echvard a:1~ I.and falOlIy I


I AJl, Ever At War.

There are two 'hlnga everlastingly at war, joy and, pll68. But Baolt. len'a Amica Salve will banlllh plies in any form. I& BOOD ~obdaes the Vaney Pboae J 13 itching; irrUation, InOammatlOD, or ewelllnl· It gives comfort, in,vi~s Jjoy. GreateMl1_1er OfbOl'JlI, bon., 010,1'8, 01lte, .brotaee, ~ma. aIde, " ' ' " ' i' , plmpl.., '~ID e,apUoD'~ .' Oul,. -25 ;~~7;·-:..;--'"""'"...........~-~---......1· ot~ .hU ~,..... "

Sherwood Block

Wa,.yneaviIJe. . ·Ohio_,




E. v.



LillI/Or ••

To nt. FOr{ lIe.OM to traffle III Intoxleatlq

UqllOI'll place a crOllll- mark In tll n hlank " I'HC. to til, left OppI)8lte tbe ....oNl.: - "}t'or II cc n n to trUllo 10 Int oxlcaUna IIquorl," TD vote A O A.IN~T lie,! .. to trtAl1l c la Intuxleat IOIf IIql1nra Jll n('~ " cro.. -mark I n til e Illan k " pl\re to th . lett o ppoa l! e the worda:-"A aalnHI lIe<ta •• 'lu ·iJ~llie in In lo~ l caltn« IIquorK."

.. L

For Licen.e to Traffic in Intox icating Liquor•.


A UTO~10BILE ~' ~----. i

... _peola' .'.otlon, TU•••• y, "ptember S, 1112.. ~ ~ lie Llldlo!! of the LytJe M. E . ' .~ I ohuroh wUl h,we au IOEloreQm lIoolal I~ , . Amlndmlnt. to thl Conltllullon . To ..,otl FO R nn)' amendmellt place a ero•• mark In die blult ..,..,e Ill. Lytle hall nl'xt SaturdlLY even.. the I,n of tho word " y .." the UU. of .ucla amendment. in g, An FP; u s t 31. E"ery houy cor · To vot. AGAIN8T alp' lua.admanl pillo. . . cro_ mark In thl! . blank Ipac. 10 ta, left ot tla. wu. "No" oppo.1I1I th o tl II" at lUCia am . adm_t. dlnll y ulvlted. 8c ll ool ~ of t he Lytle ~pe o lill DI!' Y ES Art. I, Sec . S· t ri ot will h€'8iu 8eJJ ~p mb(lr II 1 I---+"';N~O~ Reform in Civil Jury System. M ' !! ~ e s Ztllnlll. lJ nd Rea ~ ttloy spent the pli ll t- wee k with relatives uellt YES Art. I, Sec . 9· . M illllleto \,\, o . ~-~--N""O~ Abolition of Capital--Punishment. Mll Tion Duk e IIml dlluRhter Minnie ---+---~~~--------~~~~----------Y ES Art. I, Sec. 10. o f D 'Iy tl)o. tl pent tiuDdtiy wit.h MI S. 'It,I - _ - t __"'-! Depo.ition. by State and Comment on Annu. Dnkll Ilud fll mlly. J NO F.ilure of Accused to Te8tify lD Mr. tlnd Mrs . EI >'Ier ElUuhart IttteDllfd Iln Earnhart reunion at Criminal C••••. ---.~--~~~------~==~~~-----HpriDgfield , on WedDeeday. YES Art. I, Sec. ' 16, Mrll. P . K Pence Rnd Mre. Char - ___ 1---t-':;N';:;O :,:;...t __________ Suits Again.t the State. ____________ __ les "HII!!, o f tlpring boro, vieited Mr . aD tl Mrs . ':lnmu el Bain8ll, on Wed · Y ES Art. I, Sec. l?a. ntlsdlLY · ~--4--=N':"O:::'-t Dama,. for Wl'Oftlful Death. Mrtl William Co leman entertained Oil 'l'buudav Ilnd If riday her fr iltDd8 YES Art. II, Sec. I, la, Ib, Ie, Id, lC, If Mis!! Mllmle EVtlne, of l.ebllnon and 6" , " --04---1 1 aneilg. Mlst\ Rnth CblLDdler, of Waynesvillo. NO Initiative and Ref....ndum. Uarrv Watson, of DetrOit, Mloh , ~~~~ n8~................Rnd Oliver Wa tson, of Bellbnok, ----~--~-YES Art. II. Sec. . " pent Satnrdllf and ~und8y with 71--~---I Inveatl,atl. .a each Hou•• of General their !4ister, M r~ . H .rry MoUinnl!! N9 ..embly. Ilnd f"mily . ----~--~~~-+------------~~~~~-----------YES Art. II, Sec. 16. Mr. Frllnklin Thomllti w a ved to 81---+~:'-t Wtlyne8vllle IH8t week where he Is LUnltlnl Veto Power of Governor. NOt' hoardin g w itl1 Mr RDd Mrs. Frank YES .~rt. II, Sec. 3~. Ca rman. Mechanica' and' Lient. NO AIr and Mrs . Berne Jonea are en te-rtainiDg their ,neicell MiSSile Ivy YES Art. II, Sec. 34· ILnd Lll " tlidenetrioirer, of Bellbrook , t---o4-N Welfere of Employ... -.. P-.-.,4 ~ . " UbiCJ . Mra . W. C . Cornell and MrR . C ---,~~~~~---------------------YES E .lohns atteDded tbe funeral of Art. II, Sec. 35. lI'~--4----t Mrs . Baine8 held at Miami WOI'lunen', Compenaati-. NO Chapel. en Monday . Mr . and Mr8 Walter Kenriok en Y_ES-t Art . II, Sec. 36. 1---itertalned on t:!nndIlY, Mr. and Mr!! D Ceaaen.tlon of Natural R';'ourca. I NO Perry Kenriok and daughter Bertbll of Wayneevllll', Miss Dorothy Ilnd YES Art. II. Sec. 37. Miles 6011, of D"yton, Mr. and Mrs 131---4-----1 J oallph l.:bampion and Mr. "nd Mrs Ki,bt Hour Dar PuWjc Wen. NO Le8te r KenrioK.

Against License to Traffic in Intoxicatini Liquors.


• ~








- - -..

Flying I\len Fall

vlotlms t·o 8tomllob,lIver and kidney troubles just Uke other people, with like result8 In loee of appet\t-e, back. aohe, Dervonanos8, he"dnobe, and tired. lietle88, run.down feehng Bot tbere's no nee..! to feel like tbd as T . D. Peeble!', Benry. 'l.'enn ., proved. "8ix boUles of Eleo~rlo Bltte'8" be '1'1 riteR, "did more to give me new fltrength and ~ood Ap petite than all other stomaoh rem edies lUlled" Mo they help every body. ItB folly to BuifEr when thie ired remedy will help you from the fir8t dose , fry it . Only 50 centl at all druggtlte.


~I--_+I_:E_;--tl ' II I -


Art. II, ·Sec. 41. AMUehiD, PrilOn CODtract Labec.


Art. III, Sec. 8. Limitinl P.wer of G.ner.l A ....bly in Eat... 8euien..

171--i-----t NO 181----1-----4 NO

I I I I '

Beech Grove.


Sec.. I. 2 and 6. in J~didal Syatem.


ArL IV, SCU.i. 3. 7. 12 and 15· Judge 01 Court 01 Ceaunon PI. . . . . . NO Each ,COWlty. YES, . Art. IV, Sec. 9· Abolition of Juetic.. of the Peace ill Cu· _ NO _ tain ,Cltie.. -

10,.....- ........·---1· _


. .. ;


22: 1---t-N---0-1


1\1, Sec.



Contempt ProcecdUa,. .nd Injunction..


Art. V, Sec. t. Woman'. Suflr.,••

1JI--4----4 NO


Art. Sec. t. Omittin, woCd "White." YES

Art. V, Sec. 2. U.. of Votin, M.chlD •••

15t---t----I NO

Art. V, SC'C. 7. Primary Electloaa.


28,1---t-----4 NO

---.- ...- - -

New Burlio ....oo

Art. V I. Sec. 3. Ckpaladen of Boara of Ed~.tioD. I Art. VI, s.c ..... ~..tinc the OBice of 8up«intendent of PuWk Inatruction ' to replKe State Com",'_. .r 01 Common Icboola. Art. VIII, Sec. I. Te Eatend. Stat. Bond Limit to Fifty MUllOD nou.n for Int.r-County~W.,on .... Art. VIII, Sec. , 6.


R.,ulatin, In.uranc• • Art. VIII, Sec. 12. AboUebla, " 4 of Public Worlea.



.... ~

Art. XII, Secs. I, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and II. ---I-Y-N_EO_S-t TautioD oIlta~.nd Munldpal ...... Iah....taQcea, In~em... Franchleea &Il4I

i l 6 ._

P1'M*Uon 01 Mlntr"', YES ".---t'---t NO

Art. ~IU, Sec. 2, . Replatleft 01 Corporation. ani




"'41---t---I 01 NO


Art. XIII, _Sec.

Bal. of


Doubl. LiabUity 01 BaQIE Stocklaolden

Rev. U G . Humphrie8, a former .nd Ina_don .. Privat. Baaka. p'\stor of the :\1. E. ohurob Is the YES Art. XV, Sec. goellt of Mr. and Mra. W. V. Lilokey JSJ---+--~ Rev. A. T. Uowltlll preaohed bill NO It&t. Prtndal. farewell .ermon t!undllY morning ..I 1\ recept.lon was beld tn hlB honor ---t~ Art. XV, Sec..... ..., the Annex, &'ordav evening. 01 NO EllcibWty 01 W _ _ .. Certain 0 . . . . Retatlvea of Mrl. Wm. D..drick tend~red lier a IQrprlae Sanday in YES Art. XV, Sec. 10. Ilonor of ber tll'thda,. NO ClYil & . A . '8 . Barlan and ton Wm. a$ •_ _+--~I-:!:::::~------tended the I)arlan family reanlon In .. --t...Y.;;..;;E;.;;S~ n Art Door' XV;,.~~!.:.. Itiohmond, Ind , last week . NO ~~- . A¥YWu.IIIl. Min ),lora Barlan attended Teaoh --J.--+Y.!..:.;;ES~-......."""""-!!":M~ ..!:-.~·x:I';:';"IV'~J.-,.~':I:' . •- .-.. -...... '.-~~.n..:~;-,(lr'lI Institute til Day,on: last ",Aelt • --+-__--1 ~ '" ~HiP.. ~ Mre M,.rtle Goodrloh, of New NO . . .... ,:,,' ~. ~; .. . .. ~. York Cl&y, lei tbe "'098& of relative II a YES .... --v:v",r-. Sm • ;, 'l_ '" 5 ' ,,0 bere. ",oJ . ~ ·~;6, . U; ,ps',. 71' J \' "" Smilh. of Indianapoll., 1:1,,1" NO .,._. - H~ • •, _ . ry Smith aud, famUy, ofTOl&do, and YES ~tcJi&rdJjar,meyer .nd famtly, ot ·T'''~·''I ..__-t~ _ ::..::~ '. ,-._li.~ !.-. ' ..;...:~ _ .~ Clltoago, are ,aNte of tlieir rela "",:::r'." . NO .' ~~.,. ,.....-m...-: ;' 'be Hmi.l h '.. . '1\ '. ,. i, _





'9. . .






j,: 13.:;'/'14-"" ,"'11

. ..

..' :'



Chan,.IV, Art.


A vaat aDloonc of III h_n is dueh ~o Impaired digestion. When tbe atomaoh fails to perform ite funOi,iona properl.v the whole .yetem be oomes deranged. A few d08es of Obamberlatn '8 Tablets i8 all yotl need. They will s'reng'hen YOUl' digestion, Invigorate yoor lIv.e r.and r8l(ulllte your bowels, en&lrely doiug aWt\V with that miserable feeling lIne to faalty dlgest.lon . Try it Many other8 have been permanently oured-v.hy not yoo? For sale by all dealers. - - -.... - ••- - -


Art. II, Sec. 38. Removal of Ofliciala.

Art. II, Sec. 39. _-t_Y_RS__t R.,ulatin, Expert Testimony in Crim· NO inal Triala. YES Art. II, Sec. 4P. 1,6 ,1----1---1 ~.Iieterin, and Warrandn, Land TltI... NO



benry Ksrsey, of Oregonia, gave u. a short bo& pleaaan& ollll on Son. dayaUernoon. A. Belpmyer spent HaturdllY in Oay~n . . J. C. Rale~n and wife. of near ~banon attended OIImp meeting at Brt.rveysburg, on !::lunday. Several from &hla place attended tbe 8urprille on Mre. Carpenter, at Leblluon, on Sunday. Alf Jordan made a bUllineu trip to Wilmington, Clinton CO. , aD Sat. urday. The Ladiea Aid, of 'h18 l'l.oe, wa. entertained by tbe Ladles A.ld, of Barveyaburg. laa& Friday after noon and report a gOOd ,Ime and over 200 being prBllent. A. J. Talmage and family llpent Sunday .Uh Mr•. Garner. M. M, Terry and wife Bnd Lon Brannon and wife 8pent Bon day with K. Thompson and wife . It was K. ll'(s birthliay . A jolly orowd from tblll plaoe and Wellman enloyed a ' hay ride to oamp meetln~ a' Harvey sbarg. on Wednflldayevening. D. S. t:!haoaban haa moved the little tenant house whloh he bought of Wm. Guthrie, on tbe oorner of hi" own farm, next to the Edwards plaoe.





::~,~:: m:--, :m ::::;.:::;;",;;:::==-: ~::! :'I Practica • I Fa"sL,tons w -=.


;A Vagab'ond

",: ml,


Drea~er .1..1..1.



I Sir


(CoP.Jr1ibt, lau. b7 .u.ool'a," U_WJ PreN.)




It III a Breac h of Politene81 for the

Death, .Flllle d to Win Pardon by Lilt Voyage,

W ife

to Break Sea l.


Fllte nnd Justi ce wor ke d some peA wife , III In doubt wbeth er IIhe cllliur pran ks In th e olde n d ays. Sir sh ould open her h usba nd'a le tte rs and , Iter Ra lelt;h;-wlt h th e~eath sen-- - Im plies l'er willingness to le t' blm t ence banging ove r hi m fo r 18 year s. open !tnd re a d hers be fore th ey camp fa ll ing In h is fi nn l voyage or dl sco \'ery. Into he r ha n ds. There Is no viola ti on retur n ed to Englund a nd went chee r ' or con fi den ce Invo l vecr In a prefe rence r u II jr to th e bl ock. He lert th e Towe r to read one's cor respond ence before It wi thout the royal pardo n In 1615. T he Is so muc h a9 gl anc~d ove r b y th e ad ve ntu rous b ut sti li condem ne d man eyes or another. A lett er Is a bit or had rcc elve d permls"lon to ma k e Rn · personnl p roper ty, an d It Is 0. brea ch otbe r voynl;e to Soutl, Amer ica. If bo or o rdlnury pollten esR to br enk Its s bou ld be 6uccess fu l In the outcome senl. Wi fe n nd husband nlike bave at bls vent ur e Rale igh knew tbe tlle Il rldlege or opening their Innll'ldkln g's mercy wou ld be gran ted h im . un l co'r re sponden rc, and or shu rl ng But t bls las t expedition , undertnk en It toget her if they cboose . As no on e willi such u vltn l Interes t nt s take fo r who Is e ntI re ly polite ope n s a closed Holelgh. was unfortu nate In all Its reo door without t he forma lity of a knock . S)Jee tR. At Sl\ n T omns, on the Cay· though ihe door be long to 1\ m ~m b e r enn ,? r ll' er In Oulan it . hi s mell made a of ti ,e family. Iwd Is t he (,lI tnllH' p. to bostlle uttllck upou n panl 5h seule· an In divid ua l roo m , so no real ly polit e mellt. As Enl:la ll d was th" ll a l pf'flCe person ope n s wit hout lea ve the (~ orrc ' with Spa in , thiN net ot war aga in st s llonde nr e or nnotber. It should b e t~ e peo pl e of a fr,le nd l)' na ti on was a t alten for gront ed tlmt murri ed Pl'o· mOM gri e vo us orTf' nse agalnsL tbe pie ure mutuo ll y Int eres'ed In one U D·. king . On OctOber 29. Hi lS . he s urT eretl other'R lett e rs. b ut It Is n ot 10 b e 1m· d ea t h by Ihe ax . Ha \' lng nn gered the agin etl that t hey shall necessar ily a le dge. he r etu rn ed It nnn snld, srn lllng ways r end e very wrll ten sc ra p tb at to t be s her iff : " This Is a s h nr p m edl- comes In to t he ho use fo r onc or I he cl n{~ . b ut It Is n sou nd c ure ror al l dls- o the r. ~I nrr l ed happ iness Is 80 pe r · 88so.... c lau s a th in g t hut It should be g UOT(I · ed wltb t he grea teR t ca r e. a nd H e ltb · HE WAS NEXT. e r partn er In Lho ho me di scerns on th e ho ri zon th e s ma ll es t hInt of a cloud. t.h e du Ly Is at on ce t o ta ke m eas ures to , pr<!ve n t a s torlll.-Th.. Christi an H er a ld. '



Wliiter Clf

-Ralelutl Under

Bucollo ''''''''' Llttl o Willie , be ing ... f.i U boy.. . . . n e ve r aeen a. cow. Wblle Oct a vlst t . . hl a grandmoth e r be walked Clut a ~ tb e fiel ds w ith his cousln,Jehn. A COfI' wall g razin g there. an d W lille 's eu~ Ity wall grcMly excited. " Oh, Co ust n J oh n. wha t I. that ' " . . ask ed. "Wh y. that Is on ly a cow ," John ,... 1)ll eo. "A nd what lire tbose th in gs on ~ !J end'?"

"Horn "." a ns wered Jchn. "You are trespaSSing on my propBlair turned swiftly from tbe .Iare Defo re th ey hod gone fnr tb e cow e rty!" came. voic e Irom the moon· of th e laaip. "Come!" be lIald. and m oo <?d long a nd loud. II gbt. bls voice beld a note ot comma nd. W il lie WIIS IIRton lall e d. Lookiq With a little burt look In ber eyel BlaIr tc rutlnlze el the c lump ot b ac k. he demand ed In a ve ry fever 01 bus bell. Ro ha d supp osed tb e wblt e Molly put out be r ba nds. For 11 In te re st : tblng flitting about the re to be a slim breatblng s pell tbe universe seemed "W hi ch horn d id sile b low T"- Elvery<bung In mIdair. Molly tore bersell boll.lll from tbe moon. body'y MagazInE'. " But th e-- prdeners nev e r come free tbe n a nd fl ed In tbe darkne s a. -do" n bel:e a nd un c!e Is awa y . GO It II Ul a lr wat c bed Iler go. a moonbeam Age o~ a n Egg. a ll 'rlgbt." Tbe va let! was netU'er to da rtln8' J rolD pa tb La path and dnally In n g lo s of wuter th e fres h e" BlaIr th a n be fore . In to tbe old rose garde n and up the wlil nR StlmC a hori 7.011t nl p osit io n . Tili. He sbade d bill eyes nnd looked 'm ore ~rea t s tano Bte ps betwefln lbe guard· egg of tb ree :Q fi ve days mok es wttb closely, A IO''IV rtppl e of luu&bter ac- Ing lion s and out of his 81gbt through t h ~ hor izon 1110 ang le of 30 degreesth e Prea c h wlndowlI. compualed bls searcb. Th e 3 11 11'10 In C rf' a ~e8 to 15 d e&,reell for "H e re I nm ." She bnd pa rt ed tb e For a long ru oment be lIat IILarlng 1111 "gg eight Oil Y» olcl , to 76 ror O D 6 __ busbes and still Blair felt tbat a at th o Windows tbrougb wblch sbe t h ree w(! pks. nnd a t :\0 days tb e eCc we dge at moonbea m bod squeezed bud gono. FInally be arose, untetb· res l ~ on It s point. down tbroug h. tb e trees. Ile s lared , e red bll borses. bItc hed tbem to the ~ at be r wltb bill band s ha din g ·bla eyes. ca ravan and drove air Into the nlghL "She Is too wonderf~ I . " h is lip s reo " I can 't see wh e tb er or not' like Jour eyell." Bbe aald balr petnlantly, - peated. "1 could not wltbs tand her Blair obe diently drop ped bls bana. long." and turn e d towsrd th e II gbt that · Tbree years came and went before One of the most comm on of blood dWo came lrom tbe s mall doo r of bla cara. Molly Ashwell and the Vagabon4 ftI>e •. is much nggrnvnted b)· the m ddea van.. The dreamer's look WIlB In bla Dre amer met. tbree yearll 1II whlcb ch nngCK of weath er at t his time of YCU'· D c~i Jl t rcatment at onoe wit h Hood'. ~ eyes and the dream e r's w hlm.lcal ber eyes ' hnd worn a peculBr. brood· BIIparilla. )" hieh ~tTectH radical and per. smile on bls lips. Ing look- a look wbl cb Jobu Oray mnncnt cures. TbiA grent medici no ha. Molly looked at blm wltb gr-ave had tried In vain to rathom or to received eye. ror a momenL "Wbat are you lighten. 40,366 Testimonials dolng"berer' sb e ask ed . e dgin g Dearer "You are not. 110 bappy looking to blm. yours elf." abe bad chided blUi on ouo DOES YOUR BACK ACHE? in twoi yenr •. wh ic h prove ita 1'I'ondedlaJ' "Looking for ta iries-Ilke YOU," be occa s ion. " Ilk.roy · ill puri ryi nK an,1 anriehing tb.said In lbl! tOile of one Bpeaklnll to a Bn <;ka ch e Is us ua lly k idn ey a che. : blood. Dest for nil blood discaf!ea. H e had grown a shade pa ler. Th I I t tb ' child. "I have caus_a terrIble cause for e r e 8 on y one wny a re move e Tn usunl liquid form or ehorolated f:sb. paln_ You must reach t he ca u8e-the letti known UH 8areataba. 100 doeea U. "I am e lgb teen ." Sbe rese nted hla beln" tnl aerabl e-but J dese rve It," . II kidney s. No b ette r kld n' y re me dy tone. "Aa4 then wba t do you do?" was all be bad sllid. exlsto tban Doa n 's "I '/Vea ve them Into fairy tales." Sbe glanCed ' Qulokly at him now all K idn e y Pill s. M rs. . DR. WINTERS '" SUppose that you mean you are a tb e y sat In the tb e a~er. The curtain John A. Link. 122 writer and that your name II In all went up on a uew play. 1'be scene tile bll magazInes 1" was an Inte rior. E . T e r r y St.. Ducy· , "I' Is almost . e xactly like our draw. rus . 0 .• s a ys : "I "', ...., r·· ••1 .w or th•• b•••••,...... _ , "About tbat." be s miled. .. . "'na s o te rr ibly ar. n .... . " ..u.. lul . t~ aMi •• r.. t •• ,. n.......... "Couldn't I Jus t hav e one pee p Into Ing room!" exclaimed Mally breatb. !~I;:O~~~'n't ~~~·n:e~:'t~~"tic~,~"'!.:c\N.:.N:' your caravan'" she asked. "It looks lessl, and waited for cont\rmallon ot ftl ete d with kid· ,,"11 ,... t ot~. D....~ 1>'.'.,1 ........ ..~- ... 10 cozy," ber words, n ey complaint, 1 at":!!~.!~~l:~·~,!!· I.';'~:' 1-;.' ;~,v:rlo:Ji' could no t le a" e my IlIY<l 'mmodlJuo r . ,'/'pr- ey on to tI' • • Dn"~ MIt I I oozy." H e WIl8 am used at Jobn Oray n eitber anlwered nor bed. I was atteud. ;:!"~.!'1'I~';sy~.~:~~c.·n~t }o~~:~.ID~= b er Qual.nt ClurloSJ ty. '" wlU bave seemed conscIous of her presence. ed by severol doc· ~"~t!~~r; t.!'~~I~tF~':r t~}:,a; e to lift you up o n tbe s tep," All the play progressed Moll)' felt Tbl B nlgbt gown bas the pla in Katherine-The re Is never any ex· adlC ... . !IJoa" tors but th ey all pn ....lonJ~ ... o.&-lr ,0\1 Oak tn, TL!leo<! ,... "r8n·.t It d a rlin g! " Sbe turned tbe peculiar te ns ion tha t held Jobn round yoke which I. s o com tort a ble. cuse for Ig nora nce. ~~ ~~h!"~,::,~l!'~ '!~':t ~~~'\:':~:';JIal" toward -111m. "J dldn·t know gypslel Gray. After a IPBsmodlc c lutcb of The material be lOW It Is slightly K idder-That's ri g ht. T here w e re failed to h elp me. Dos n's Kidn ey P ills tnll OUI .,.'OW or h_ IftO'_'" ..,,_ had lIuch exquts lte-" tbe bands on tb e cbalr arms be reo gatbered and attacbe d to tbe low~r e,'en kni ght scbools In the dark gave me r elief aCte r J h nd giv e!} up all ki~ 'b::zl:,~aiW:u.<I. " Prt eo b, _II II ee... "But J a m not a SYPII1Y," put In malned a B one turned to stllne. edge. Tbere Is a turnove r collar. sges. hop e and soon c\1l'e d m e. J h ave had III. "mRS ItIIf RfI [D'/ IDIIPAHt. ~, II. ,. Blair. anll In tbe darkiJeB! a strange The play was tbe old. old story of wblcb can b e omitted a nd the neck no kidn ey troubl e I~ tbree yeanrs." I ~======:=::=:========~ \. flnlBhed B little low If preferred How to U R d C S I Lame, e mem· --. - --"-- - - - ~ltt~m88" crept IDto bll' eye. . "It J t,..e 80n had frequented tlie ata&e se II rOSII ea s . I "Wh en Your Bac k Js 'S" 0 11 ..... e r~ I ,,!! ould ·.but that door wltb doprs and bad been turned 'away from Tbls gown may be made of ba tiste. "Ho w to Use Red Cross Seals " 18 berthe Nome-DOAN . . 5 c,n storel. Iw.~~ 'OR WA...... YOU InsIde. and las b UP m)' ponlell!" bome by an , lrate parenL In thlB case ' lawn. cambric. longcloth or outing tb e title of 1\ [1 Interes tin g publication FOSler-Milburn Co .. n uJralo. N. Y. 1 ~~ CI~~I:GIJ "Qb, wOuldil't that be ' 10vel),I" Sbe ¢e 80n bad lived In tbe theatrical flannel. recentl y IS8ued by the National AssoReady Perml.slon. ff!DllIlf~:lDOUlIllEWWPl'EI: YItlCl'.wr: clapped her band a Joyous ly. "But atmosphere merely 81\ a Itepplng Tbo pattern (6585) Is cut In 81zos c latl on for tbe Study and Preventi on All U)1 up town manu fac turer a nd his ~~t:'~~!r"I~~~'1.~ lb~~~i:'::.'3:~~~ poor uncle would never i et over It," stona. He bad rlUl away from, bome SO to 44 Incbes bust measure. Me- of Tub er~ ulos ls . Wife were mot orin g t hrou g h the coun. 1U:11 STOl\IIl "AleN IIH(;(}•• B~ "He baa .managed to eurvlve other to go on tbe Itage tbat be might gain dlum slzo requires 5 yard. of 36-lncb Red CIOS8 Se a ls must be placed t ry In Buck' s coun ty. th e wife s aw lUI ~ Ios8i1I!." .",a in tbat pained 'bItter- Ibtimate Inlow ledge or stlgecrafL material only on tbe ba ck of letter s and not appl e orchard. with se ve ral trees • lIelll' Iwept Into. tbe vliabond'e eyes. Tbe .tronl plot wove n In lbll fabrlo '~o procure thla pattern IIIInll 10 cents on the address side o~ packages tbat la d e n wllh bri gh t ret! frull. H er ' .Gln II TIAPPIltL "You IImow he Is n~ reall,. IIl7 w~ neither bere no~ tbe re except ' to "Pattern Department. ~ at thl. paper. I\./'e going t hr ougb tb·. mall, Tbey mou th wa t e r ed tor ap ples, and IIhe :';~:I~:"':i'': 1.. ' Write name and address plaJnl y. Bnd be a b 10. d h er a matter '0' ,,"kl, pri.. lilt unele," $be , bad not noticed. hi!! r.. tnat at lbe c10ae or the Zut act tbe 1111l'e 10 atve alZe anll numher of pattern. m y e p c e nn yw e n Inducp d he r bus tf:o a d to stop tbe csr .....10....... author waa called rortb. RaI ng by express . Care abould be n nd. go Inlo t he orchard . ..IABn. SON. " 'He came from tbe wfnp. 6585 ' taken In sending me-rchandl8e througb As b e pu t his foot In sid e he encoun· ·JtOVllnr.u, n . "My Inn!" NQ. 8JZE......... .. _... the malls not to place leal~ o ver tbe tered a man . "May I bave aome IIP\IIII~~~IIJ':::"MI Jobn Oray sprnng to bls feet and NAIOC .•••••••••••••••• _........ ..... . ..... a with which tbe packa'ge Is tied. pies ?" he as ked. beld Out ' a pair of shakll;g arm. to, sln,ce tbJ.s...aeaJs tb e package ag\llnst " Sure. help yourse lf," 'r e plled the - . _. - - -- - · - - - - - ,., -+1- - - -ward the man. on the slqe. TOWN . . •••••••• _......................... .. In ll'pectlon a nd 8ub,ects It to first other. 11 OII~. .... BTR"" IJ~ o \\' ... ••. ~ uc h ~' IU lowe you .... .. -tbe ". .)' Val'a b on 12 Dreamer!" came a _ . AND NO .••••,................... ,' CI1ll58 postage rates. As many seals •• glrl'II' voice ttbrougb the husb tbat ' . may be used on tbe back of a leUer "Oh. no thin g, nothing a t ~~·~I·~;~:" o~:r J~J':~c.r.o.: o8~~ foUowe4 tile meeUllg ot fatber and or package a8 may be d esired. Every don't ow n the orcbard." s aId t he man, :=-=-.::...~.=-Bon. "----=====~;::~---" one is urged to ulle them Jlbernlly. -Philadelphia TImes. W. N. U., CINCINNATI, NO......,91... lFe'" ,rdleu of the esclte<! audience. since every Ileal III a bullet In the wa r ...,. LADIES' SHORT Pt:'TTICOAT. against tuberculos is. the two men met and the older m.~ ~, , Red Cros s s e als ar e not good ror elaeped tbe otber In ble arm . . . If [lOs t age. and will not cut'}' mall mat· be .WIlII etlll a very emal' bo)'., but any kind of mall matter wlll A sUIPended breath held tbe audl· carry them. Flna.lIy, every letter or parThe IIrHt .uee.,.. of Dr, Pierce'a Oo!dea MedICI! Dt,. co.very iD CUriD, ....eak ltomachl, waltocl ,bodi... ; weak , ence. cel sent out. eUher by mall or In 80me lun,I, aDd obati.te and Iint.erinll oougba, ie baie<f 00 , . FInally. ,tbe quIet tones of tbe yap ot ber wny. during tbe holiday lIeo.tbe recognition of tho fund.lDentlll tnath that "Golde;' bond wen~ out 40 anawer that DB· Bon sllouM bea r one or more Red Medical Diacovery" auppliea Noturc with body· buildaslied Qu811110n. . .. • CNiISS seal s , iDg, tilluc'repniring, muscle· mllking materiall , in OOn. ·.,.My' ratber and J ha.e been lanK denied and coocentmted form. With this help Nature eatranged-l' am too happy to aa.r Imponsnt to l\IIother. a"pplie, the nOCCllory atrcngt" to tbe .tolDaoh to digelt more. except tbat I thank YOIl for El."xamlne carefull) every botlle or ! food, build up the body eqd thereby throw oft' Jlngerins cel:vlng 1111 play .0 kindly." .' CASTORIA. a safe and sure relDedy for obl tiD,te cought. Tho" Discovery" r:>-e,tt1bli,bcs tho During the . tbunder, of appiaul. Infants and children, and set' that It I dillel tive and nutritive orgaM in aoond heelth ,. purifiel tbat followed a 111m little ftgure Dears the //~ ' and enricbes tbe blood, lind nourisbee the ocrvll-m abort catabli.bea DOund vigorou, bealth. slipped Quickly out ot lteater and Signature of ~~ lato the '«fent flni'o uilne that crept In Use For ever SO Years. " yo",. deale" otte,.. .01D.,hln, "/11.' •• ,ood," UP to tbe curb at ber call i Chiildren Cry for Fletcher's Castoria " I. ,.l"OfMbly botte,. FOR HIM...1t pay. belt.r. BIIt you .re thlnkllJ!J 01 lb. eure no' tbe ",."nt, _ Her beart was' beatlug painfully 1n I there'. nothln, f f lust •• Ilood" lor JOU. 110. dull, miserable belltl. Same. I "Nobody lovea me." sbe wept eoftly This pe~lcQa, II cut ' on tbe IIneli Friend- What wer e your sens ations .Dr. Piercc'. Common Sense Medical Advlaer, In Plain ED_li,b; or, M ...· lelne Simpli6ed, 100& p.ges, over 700 iIIu. trationl, newly'revlled up·to-ctt.e. WV"'AS Into tbe kindly cushions. ' or tbe hour and' fits snugly abo'ut the In tb e wreclt ' Edition, poper·bound, llent for 21 ooe-cent atamp&" to cover cost of mailiaC', ' . , Sbe sat bUl'tdled and broken. neither blps. The yoke may be used or not I Victim- Jus t th e sa m e a s In foot..1;1. Ooth·bound, 31 ,tompa. Addr.,.a Dr. R. V. Picrce. BulTalo, N. Y. BlaIr W.tched Her Go. seeing nor hearing the excited crowd u preferred and the same balds with , ball. Tbree coacheR p us s ed over me. tbat came fortb froin tbe theater. tbe rume. · anll tb e n th A d octor~ cu me.- Puck. It Beemed lI&es before tbe two men. Tbls model Is suItable ror silk. ,. . rtn In arm appeared. Molly dried pongee baUate cambric and otber ;DIphtheria. ~U I Il ".\ 111 III l oO,lhla. begm • • Wll b Bore t broa l. Ho\\' mu ch beller to et eyes b ast II y and peered out all wblte waab goods. cure a so re th ront in It day or two th" n to th ey approacbed. Tbe pattern (5670) III cut In siZe R be in bed fur ",.eek. with Dip htheria, All Stylea. All Leather-. AU 5i&lll ,aDd ,The younger msn gl~ced at the . 22 'to 34 I~cbe~ wa ist measure. Me· JUI,t keep Hamli n. W izard Oil in the Width., for Men aDd WOIllOQ car, Tben Molly !laW banel go up dlum size requires 2% yards of 3G.lncb hO \l Be. THE STANDARD OF QUALITV to shade bls eyes. ae made a quleli material ~ It Goes Off. FOR OVER 3D YEARS movement. . . To 'p,-oeure tbI/1 ~o.ttern Bend 10 centll Drngl!;log a gUll throu g b the feuce The workmanship which bas madeW.L. 'SlIe was very near ' him' and tb·. , ~ "Pattern p epartment," of this pu p~r. seoms ttl be almos t a s e trectlve as limousine had tUrned ' lnto a darke~" Write nam,,' and addrees plainly. anti l>e ro(:klnr; tbe boa t. Doug/as shoes famous the world over is Itreet wben next ab,8 ~ tieard lUI ·volce." .~ 19 e1v. else an" number of pa tt or n.




I-i•••-.;;;;••• •••••:FU RS'




nAT....................................... ;

Aids Nature




! I





w. 'L . DOU'C LAS '2.50, '3.00, '3.60 &'4.00 SHOES


i.' ,




~'Mlne! All mine.... wblspered · ....---~.----------~ against ber IIpl. " NO. 667b &!ZE: • ..•••••••••••• "Can we go In the caravan ,.. ~0117 ' asked by 'Way of answer to ,b le au".. NAMB .. .... .. ........................ . .... . tion of a moment later. TO"": . , .. ... ... : . . ................. .. ..... .



When the, Worm Turned. He was Quite evidently from tbe country, a.n d he was also quIte e ·;lden... ', a Yankee. lind rrom behInd bil

BT~:rm6 ...... ... ...

Jew •., atn~t

~~ Y~D~ee: . ..': .. '"

'1 ~< clotblng Iale. 8upprel~aII m~b

_ Ye~ ' .slr; 1m.. · '. "-'J ~ yoU,'re; a J,w'" ' " .• yel. ,\ t~J w ,.a ;;.~o~. "t ....... ' " ~ came . ' tbe'lan. . ' ,




•• , , '



t.eeLbla,.. softe n. t be


r e d llCeM InOamlD.

Whenever the devil bas a minute to ap llre he Bets anotber trnp tor tile boy.

maintained in every pair. If I could lake you into my large faaories at Brockton, Mass.. and Ihow you how carefuDyW.LDousJaa shoea are made, you would then realize why I warrant them to hold their shape, fit and Ioolc better and than other makes for the price. bay. W.


mtl.~poeiilbl{ call. all "eelirr~uee uto a!ld ' you: will lIuppr~.. mycn O_u,op . \

Wtn. lo..·~ 800tblng ' S,",p for Oblldren

&lob. aIlala pallo. aurell w1llt "Qlle.25o. boUI..

.kND ~O ...... _ .. : .. .. ...... .. .

bowed s p,ectaeles he peered InQuISltlv.... Rep..eaalng Vanity. 'Iy at 'th~ IIttl'e Jew who occupied the .let' up 'falthfully' to your canvlc· Qtl1llt :balf , of .the .car . aea.t with him. tlonll: · and,. wben :rou bave been nn· The little J,ew looked at him den... faIUl1.,ul• . bear wltb your.elt. ' and rllcaUnsl1;. "Nice ' day," be begaa .po,.. ·Iuma ·al'/Vsy. with ealtn 81mDIlc:lt1 your

··yoq·re . ~ lli~~


aa.,t ,uf!.t.lulJertll, .cd money III,. ualn, Rome'. VrollP n.mlOdl' tor Croup. eooaha ..... Colda. .va. _ p l l " ":U ~.... 10 ceD".

I prove J~ lIunny IIplrlt will do more to Imthe looks Ulan a powder rill. I


nt'l an lII.tlmed watch that causell a man to ml.. a train.







OHIO, WEDNESDAY, . AUGUST 28, 1912. ,' .


DtJaI'd-oif purohased U as tltld at .teel bridre O';tr Turte,. RIUl, • 168 715 an ...ore, whioh wall t1.25 an b]r Wm . BalD.. ' fal'Dl. and ooaOl'8• •• ..., .............."' ___.""."".__.~.~........._ .......~~. . . . . . . _ ......--..................,.. .., .. "" ......"".."'.."..,. . . . ,.."...._ . ..................,.."".............,..,.,.,.................... !lore more 'han the appraifted value. we to w•• ' • buhnenl of 1I\lel bridge over braooh of Turke,. Run, It, Dr~ J . P. Uilobrlst, doo·d. Plaintlfl Comn1lssioner's Proceedln,s J . W. Ward'. farm, in Maule Tp .• Probate Courl olaims tbtl IImount of a judgment . at the elltimate "0 90. After being nearly EIIIIU ot Mllrtha D. Pence , dll I\Blliust J . K . Gilohrist BDd Elizlt 81118 allowed-Elmer Bowell. No. 1i6. Coo'raot wat! eo~r" blinded by Wear· I' "Illd. ~econd Ilccount filed . beth GiJohrlel in 'he Bum oua.20-l 05 bridge repairs, Clearoreek 1'p., tJ3 .71i inw with Glorg. ".lump for poa· ing Improper Glasa ~8 fitted by OpticE1l\ste of Caroline FraoDkneabl and intere8' from April 1 11112. C A. Borroughll,oo oODtraot. , •• 00, tiDR to 2. n. 36 10. end oODore" ' fce ... ed. Slxtb accouo, allowed: Upon elu,oo~iolJ on eald judgment Ohio Corropaed ("'olver' Co., 001 head waU. for,oD MaIDnill. ians and Optome triJts having DO I \)~ lo~ed and cOllfhmed. no property was found and plalntltl' vert pipe. $183.''': Ohio CorrogaSed &lid Bopkl.nUle Pike, n .. r ~he KallLte of Albt'r\ Lt'roy Reed, mi I now brlnge aotton "gainlt all the Colvert Co., onlven pipe, 1"3.68; rlllidenM of Trimble, ID BamloD Medieal Knowleclp . of the Eye. I ,II' • hlrd account allowed, ap partlel above named, averlng 'bat P B. HODDI. aD ooo'raot, 171Jlli: Tp'" a' the eetima~, 154.55. ) 'I,ved !lnd oonfirmed. she eald J. K <.illobrl8t has oer'I&lD Valley Telephone Co., reot. aod No. fi7. Oo.'raot wa. entered Elltate of John Benr,. BrlokmaD, interests In property h.ld bl' them $QUII, 421 .95; C. V. WUUama, ea· ID',o wlah F. A . sild.brand for Mr. Chas. E. Wood Says: I his numelOUl e)'e easel, I can t .:oeIl8ed. Estate full.v adminl8'ered and that Eliza besh H. Gilohrlat ma,. prellll and drayage, 11; RaDdall &I eleanlnl aDd paln'latr ..vao· brldgH heartily recommend him to an,· "For years my condition waa E.tlLte of John Eyer, deoeued. have It totore iotere8'. Cobb, Mon~er; olo'blng for prilODer, as; IUld ramug. I. FrankliD Tp., o:>OD', miserable. Suffered conetantly one In need flf 81e attentioD or Firs' aooooot of 'rue~" allowed, uoward lind Bailey. and F . K . Ed. s. Cooldln, . P. M., IlSampe r.nd $0 fu.rDleh paint, ", ' Ul• •tlwa", from intenae sick headache properl,. adjUlited IIpproved aDd QC,nfirmed l:iammon, Jr, at$orneYII for plain- poetal. for AudItor. iii.Ii. ; Jam. It. IUfI. Tile followlDI __ the bnqN nervoull prostration and nearly ali Mrs. MIry A. Crpaer Says: li:state of Edwin R. Vandener, t,ff. S~wart, illk .~mp tor T .....unr. and ralhnge: J. 0 .', Bo'''l.. on the time was sick at the 8toJUCh. Imbeoile. Seventh 8000unt of goar· T. Benton l:iooU n. Jlloob K.i$Qhel. U .S, j J . ~. Morrie. IUppU. for C . Fnoklta ud LebaDoo pike; Jr. A. ~'For )'ears I have suffered with In fact. life WIL! ~ but a O l l1n allowed. apprond and oon Plaintiff praye tha' defendant be B., 117.65: J. 8. lIorrl8" mllN. for BlldebraDd,1D Wanriok roed j Wm. .yea. Cataracte hid fomaed pleaaure. HIUl g1asBee Atted by my firmed. verpetually enjOined from 'rell· Sheriff, 1625; O. B . Ullellowelh. Riclkardll, aD Warrlok road: Barl in them. not tell Ul1 OM eye tlpeciallst. at ColumbUII, Itut distinctly aCould Eatate of MOI8. W. Bel1lDKswortb, pa18lng ulfOn o.!rtaln land. aod th8t .harp41olDIt razllr and repalriog Chenow.'b, DB Springboro and Reel abort diatance away. them u they aeemed to C.uld not read or sew. cleoeall6d. Fin' ao(nunt allowed. hie '''Ie In fee .lmple So tboll la.d. eame for prl8oo.n, 800. I ulon road, - Pe,,, farm, OD diecarded Ban bad aR'~vate my trouble instead of approved .nd oonfirmed be qoleted. 8tanl., &lid 8'-01ey at· In the oaee of the Sta. n . JOhD Ua.1.der Rub road j R. ..... BoblDllon, a llevere headache for the ~ rellevin, it. Bela'e of Joel Evaoll. deceued. torneYII. . T. Boult the followiDI bill. were at· ~ 00 MoLata road, and lohoolhoo,e 00 yeart not onl,. in the day tim., "Was advised to conault ,our but auriD2therrla'ht. Wuoecarl, 'J hlrd lIooount allowed, approved StaDley G. Monger TB. Leroy lowed: . Red Lion and Franklio road. Oculistic-Opticlan. He adj\l8ted 10 nd confirmed. Monger; Zoe M. lIooger, e' al aad Web,.r Campbell, J. P. II. eo; No. 68 eo.'ract wu ImHrec1 J)roatratecJ with Dervoum-. EetHte 01 Emma McKay, deceARed. Mlddletowo Building & LoaD A8ao H. J. Spenoer, COOl'., as 70 i Maud In"o with F. 4. 1:UldebriDd for re o a (lair of compound gluaee and Conaulted opticiana and bad my head and .tomacb trouble cU. l Dal 8C00005 allowed, Ilpproved matlon . For partitioo -pd equl_ble 8111.", wlloeM. iOo j Alf Bellen, palriDg arob walla, makiq flll aad "ut lOt steadily appeared at once, my nery. have gluae. It .. d oontlrm.d. rellef. / wUOee8, 110; Anoa Ertel. 600: hed ereoting ratllq So aDd DIU Barl wone. ' also reached a normal contlition. JjAta\e of SamDel W. Rogere. d60 ADne rhasuber aod JaDe W. 8 . Reed! ILl'. Cbeno.weth·.. on SprlDgboro r.nd "As a Jut Neort col1llulted your I feel like a new man. Needl818 Oculiatic·Optician. IN Uad. iilx\h Itoooun~ .UJwed, ap· Foatt\r VB. E . B. Grel.,. exemdo of Blo. reoeind-Tbe followiDg bid. Red Lion rD&d. al.o opeDInlr ohaD. thorto sa, money could not buy iny ough eye ~m.tion he ~ provefi alld cOnfirmed. el&ate of Mary W. BuU.rwonh, e' wer. reoeived, in response to poIIt- Del aad proSeoUn, bridee aDd plua present g lasaee. " Ea_te of Loul8a i)oudeD, beoefl- al. To aet II ide wm aDd for osher lng in the Au4t$or'II offioe, for .tooe iD, willows OD Warriok road. Dear me compound II.... and am (,IVY . Third aoooont allowed, apo. rellef , and oonore. work OD protection BUdebraDd'. rea1deDoe, ID FraDklin pleased to ..,., sinee wearing them Mrs. L. Hirriloa -.yl: 11tuved ard oonflrwed. wallaloDI tf.optiDlvllle aDd 11'00.r·1 Tp.•• ' Ule ..tima., '126. cataracts. ~ Dervoua"My lOne ey811 became badly nees have heaclaehe B:.SIlte of Olarenoo E. Uarkrader, Real Estate Trayen DliEe, In BamUtan ',fp..I.u per plan. 1'be yeu aDd Dal' MiD, oalled entirel,. diiap.,.... croeeed when one year old from a ,,'t, al, minora. Seventh accoDnt aI· . ' Iln 1 lpeolfioacioOI OD ute: on ,ooaoorriDR In the tONIOIDS proI cap now read and .waniD. A case of whoopine cough. Tried treat )IIWed, approved aDd OODfirmed. Llda I:Jmltb $0 Edward B. Ftarr.r. W. 8. Gnham-iJtoDI work, $3 26 oeedlDI' reall"" In 'he Comm18. every specialist who came with time!'that wu denied me lor 101M B:lSate of Barr, BrowlI, mioor foor "'aot. of IandlllD Warren OOUD· per 00 . yd. j OODorete and .$oDe .Iollenan l'OUq , ... gllUlMlB, with no SUCCeM, Phyai. IrIna aoooun' allowed approved aDd t,. oonSaiDiog io an about 171 .or.., work " .40 per 00. ld. • _ ~ Mr. CbU. Woodruff~: cian8 said he would hfve to be ellD...... ' '1.00 . 8. . Jordao-BSooe work. " .25 Indian KIlled 0. T operateli u{lOn. s:.....,~ Wal~r 1:!haDk. minor. B . G. Ste'.art aud Eme M. 8.w· per ou. ,d. : oODDreH aDd laoD. rack. "I have for yean laad impro.... "Took him to your OcuUstlc- eyecireulation. All..,"'11 were li", ~Dt of IlIar~ allowed, art te Fr.. mao GIllam, 10' In' Bar· work. 14.98 per 00. ,d. ' Near Roohene, III.• aD IDcUua weD' Optician. and in one month's tim • • pproved &Dd OODflrmed. veYlbllfgl ' Frank llug-a$oDe work, .276 So Illeep 00 a railroad Rack and WH a1wllB iDftam... Two- J1'Oril he made hia stralaht an1n eanaeon of llartha .laokSOD, de· Wllfol'Q C. DudlOn and llanba pe.. on ld.: OODen" atond work, II:llJed bl ,u f..t upreee. Be pUd my 81., ve.., red ill color ' with the use of prillDl lnlt_ of oeaMd. )'tOal IIOOODnt allowed, ap R . BndeoD to Clinteo N.woombe, as.8' per DO' yd. for hJa carel_en wUb hi. Ufe. diaflprlne 'Ibey extadecl an operation, aleo reiltered hie and pro. . . .Del oon1lrmed. . 10' In Frankllo, 1100. ,. OD motlo. of Mr. Killer. aeoonc1ed Often lie ,haS wh. people DeS· o,.er my e,abaUa unW ~ laterllillbt." . ....... of Marprl' · Paine.. de AdUne EvaDs to Clinton aDd Lot· b, : Hr. IraDl, Ule foUowi01 OOD. 180& OOQiU aDd ooldL DoD't rlat fend with my..... I eoaauW ~. NIDth aoooDDt of troa~II '" Newoombe, loUD l'raDklID, ttl5. lraoH were made and 'DSered iDto, your life whn prompt use of DI'. eye apeclaliata theJ saW I .. Mn. P; E, Jobuton Say.: allowed, sDproved &ad ooDflrmecl. . 'he Audlsor "',.i1ll RIven the roo KloI'1I New OiIoovery will OliN WQuld hav.~to an of W. E. BantOD, deoeued. Marriap Lk:eiueI qulre4 oer,Uloaw wtth reprd 10 ahem aDd 10 ~venl a daDpro1l8 "My daughter, ~ eeven tion. Hid 11_ Itted ~l opo aUowed . fUDda : ., Ulroat o~ IDDI trouble". "U OOIDNIDth aoCIODD' of )'~. baa had trouble with bel' ticlana but ther would oaly Jail, approved and OOD4nDecl. . A. B. !)ormaD, 31i, ooamerolal No. 1i3. CooUaot .... IDS."" pletel, oured 1DfI. ill a ebon "me, of ey.- for several )'ears. Her eye- me .. ;bort time and thea fan al. . . . of W. & thaDtoD deoealed . . .e.t of ClDolnDatl aDd carrie J. iDto .ith J. W. raJlor for POw... a semble OOQIb tbat followed a lids would beeome Inftamed and NIDUl aOooaDI of aclm1D~natQr al. WlrOtUD. Ill. uovel&Dd, Obio. io 2~ n. 38 ia. oornapted ..wer OIl severe a"_ of 6rtp," writee J. B. lIle wu .1W&yI en a hisrb nervous a tecmlical eumlna-' lo"fMl,. _--pproveclaDCI OOD1lrmed. CUI W. ,a..toD. 1:1, seaoher of O!Neall N&d, on hill, ·h,. '1'&,lor'. Wa~ nOJta4a, Tea., "and I re tension from headaclie. Beine tion .10ur OcuUa&OptkiaD, . _ . of John A. Keller,IDI&DII. KlDRS IlUlI\ and Sophia II. Durtg, farm, la Wayne " .,at ahe eattDltote piDed 111 ~da to . .Iaha ,hat 1 admed by our famil, pbyalclaD abowed me bow NIaDct e,re NlDUL MaGIiDI of pareia. allowed, at, 1'01...., Ohio. .so. . bad 101'.. ' QuioIr, .re, nUa'-I. that her eyes needed attention, mllKl. caueed Ill)' trouble. He aPPfO~ doaflrmad. H.rbert Walfaoe, ~1, farmer of No. 54. CoDtrao' w.. entere4 aDel IUraateed. 1;('" aDd '1.00. we had ,our OcuJiatfe-Optician, adjusted a , of P.....tic > _ _H of,Datne1 8 . Leer deoeaeed. SoUth 'LebanoD, aDd Eva &11\11, 18, In~ wiUa Wm. Q. Graham fO,.OOD. l'rial bottle free at aU dl'Qlrilna. make an examination of tHm. . - - and tit, a.ulta were ...... FlDIal . '11 ad' ved 01 Clerm~t eo . .. bddp . tOp d U. ' . •_ • ' "SiDce w-rina' his' ~l_her de-dol. In three weeb, ·t1... the aqd oOii~. a ow ,appro Joaeph C; &YDI, . 39. rallro.der, :::wuhlp mwl. "",,:'=D ·Wa'~ . . ' annoying eye IIYJQptoma and head-' po.rtla have eetlNl.J dlaap~ : JilIIa..\ 1:., B. OolvID, deoe..ed. of J(or~w aad 1Ilcllth II. Winfteld. aDd diearore. !l'p..,~, IIODfor' .. . tESSON- FOIr AtLlMERICANS ache have ceased. Being 8O'mt'have . . . _bled ',to .-, I J"tnaI'~"allowed, .,proved r.nd, 80, Morrow. farm, allo for puW. . in ZO n. 81 ~. uated that I can \1M the reeult. af properlyaaaln." , ,oodftUcl. f Sheriff's Sale oorrula'" leW., OD Corwin . .d EI....."t w•..,. at En"" Ev.,." at the Cal"ratl." of W..hln.. New Suits :, Benpeck road. by JOhD Whltaore, taft'. .lrtlMlay. SllerUl i'orl'1 lold a' publlo aoo· ID Wa,Da Tp., at 'he ..tlma... John 1'. QnpoD va .i. K. Gil· &lOD on I..t KaDda, ' «.18 aor. of 1130.80. . To. secure an acc:urate eye exauiinatioD br. All Bye SpeclAIiit ohrt~ R. VI •. GUohrtlt, 'runee. K. Jaad ID Olearor..k "wolblp, by No. III. eon'rao' w.. eD'-recl Tou 1Ja,.. !lOW ueembled within ~,. . the medical ~owledge of the Bye; ats ud Ill;· GtIQbdd. Kllzabe&la AI. Gllohrtl' ONIl' of the Probas. Court (lame- iDto wl&b ,Na'han Barve, for IOD. thell 'celebrated wlIa, to perform &Del B. Gtlohtllt, atlIDr•.e8Sa'- of Gda. · Til. limn, et a1.) IIr. orete abu.eDt and wlDp ta DorUl the last a1lMel of I'8IpeCt aDd '- lo~e, . dlse~. and proper adjusted c1asset. at a Cost leila ~ the cityocuhst would charge ),OU for aD eye exauaiaatioo aloue. Remember oh the birtbUy fill J01lf benefactor. all our glasses ..-e guaranteed. . • The Bpirit 01.- C1eparted is in high SjD~ loca~nc here we bave ratOred aJebt to tICOfei of patient. coDlmunima with the spirit of the If there are others ~ho wish to consult U8 we wou14 advise you ~ plaic e-the temple worthy of the new do so ~t once. Hav~ sec\ll~ eDOUlh patJeats to . .ure UI of U IWDe which we now behold iDICribed establisbed and glOwmg practiCe In the future, we wish to date our · OD its walla. ListeD, AmeriCans, to • .00 the lessoD which lleema bol'lle to us on the very air W8 breathe, while we perform these dutiful rites I Ye vinds, .that wafted the Pilgrim8 to , ' KMUlY .,ILIIING; OPPGeITE POeT 0I'P1Ca . land of promIM, fan, in their c,hildnm'8 hearil, the 10" of free.. • Blood, which our fathen



• 1J oeeph

Restored To Sight









Jill"'' '

ana UDder.o












rbe Great MontgomeryConnty Fair .

Free E,e Examination ·wn. ,PO.lllv••, end Monda, Evenlna. September "I.



Sept. 2,. 3; .4, ~5 and 6,1912

abecl, cry from the ground' EchoQUILLER A JORDAN iDl~ archei of thie raooed ball, DeaIen III AnWk: Marble aa4 oruat.. whiilper baek the Toioea of ' other Glorious Wuhblcton, break the long ailenee of: that votil'e emII', ~ 0bI0. ,.. t Speak, . speak, marble lip' ; U. II• .M.chuII1l . Tel.pboae No. n . teach us the 10ft of li~l'ty protected See U8 If you want to ave Money ~ k~..-Edward Eyerett•


Grand Openini Monday, Sept. 2 ~Labor Day), on which day the 2:14 Stake Pace guaranteed by the Dayton _Breweries Co., 'and the 2:24 Stake Trot guaranteed by Krug's Bread Bakeries for $1200 each will be rac~. Beat speed program ever- offered' for entire week. Special diapl.a ,.,in all classes. State ~p'rimen~1 Station and State Blind School will' have exhibits , duringw~k. . Spec.ial . at~actioDl eaCh day. ' ·B eHer .than ever'! , ~ ~,




Live Stock. aad General AuettGaeer


Experienced in handling farm sales since


w. ..


Posted on pedigrees a.nd values of aU kin~s of breeding stock. ,


Marahall P. Wilder ie reepoDlible tor a atory which be wu told T-. Reuoaabie -:- s.tIIf~ Q......... . '. with immenlll! effect by Lionel 'B.l'I" of aman who was very eicki 6 .IUDU.ATB'"'bJ' Taa W..yneavllle, Ohio .' ' aDc!' ;trllilee doctor told him that ~ l ' lI.aTIIOI'I~ .AUCTION v.u., T"'~••5.2r .to ~ hie mode 01. ·li,.iDi, OJ AIOISIO.A px:esoribed. "going to bed early, !!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!I', J.<,,....~'e . more . tout beel,




Ne Sears

Mr: W. B, GIUlI&11l.l, a farm.r li!. ltll D .... I'lem'DI, Pa., he haa Il8IId.OhambtrlAla', Colle, Cholera audl QJ.a ,..hoea Be'meclJ fa his famU,. founeen r.nd tlla a he haa ,01l.~cfjt to be aa ~Ueaa re1neclJ, aDdl pleuure lir~mellCllDr For ..Je by aiL ~.



allY....,our .. .

If )'ou have .~k for sale, IIIe CI'lIlfied Coiwan. It wID aeII them lor 108.

a month's reat at ,yat~.g pl~ &lid. juit 'one A month.· later the ~YI~CJ~'I doctor ,adtl the ·I.~""""'''h "p]l:_lted him b1I iaiilIJ'Orid"







OFli'1 'E

Wa),ll... vUle. Ohlo •




i'ho Vlell ver, Rloh reuolnn WIU" held In 8urkly Rlob 'l! IJirO V6, Oil ~n l ur.l~v, Alll1;ust 24 A 11111" ORlIl/httlr Willi b"ru to Ern ~: ," ,'1 ,\\,11' .1' Ml\ouoo, un ~llnduy, "'~lb,l. 1::1. 1G itt utuut,d ·'lHuuu ..

Corw in.

Mi~ .. I.\llill Na,lrv. mtl Mil'H };t;ma Egbl1rt Ilt.ttmdfJd the Morris feuuioD ,

no .. r 1.t!IJ ~ uon, Allllcl" y . Mrfl EltzalJel.u U/tllkilJ "lid Mrs

Vn l MnHr,l'nnt 11011 little dllughl "T, D~ .. l o ll, ware fo/:uest.s of Mrs D. L. CRANE , Editor and Manage ) .u uilll. " Nnuwi Htlrlllll , r eceDIly Lew Woll and wlfo vlMIt-ad theil' Mrs. 811uh l)av iR an ri illtu!:hl·.rr !Jllrent" III tlJitl "Iltce SundltY . vi .. ited MI' and Mrl:! J ohn Ptlll l lf'~, Rate8 of Subscr iption IJ,.rmt Ruth and Belen Edw •• rdR neur Wuyneflvillo, oDe dny I n~t W""k . Olle YelU' (.LrlctJ)' In ruJvan~'6) . . . .. . . . 1I .0~ IpHut MunelllY with Rt,h .. 1 /llld Mis!! t'lpnri etl'll MoKin sev fO nd 8 11l1/1e (lop), . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . • . . . • . .. . O~ ,·I.mol.! Wltrdlo w. MI s8 Izllllt El{bnrt. were r ~ Otlut. ~n' WID Utl'I\" ~ IIn.1 ~n u. or · lpH~i'ltll ot' Dllylolll tl l 11 1 i vo~, . Rate8 of Advert i8ing M"rl>htl"hl, Oro., IIrl"iVbd t3tllurd ny I H lllpll Di/lK9 flD d wiflJ weI''' in fle.d~ Loca~ , per line . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ,n' nloK t.o vlHlt frl en I. nl1l1 rtll~ " XeoiLl, MOllda y, lieadlnc Locale. lJlacl< lace. per line . . .. IOc th'ee. · Mrs Vllrilltie MoKin OI. .Wed A.... not to IIXr~ live Unee Aunt Mary Ann CI6I.Iveroontinuee dllugh't ors Il.tteude d the .ev nod Tbree 11l.IOrtJol1ll • . • . :.. . . . . .. . 211<: C,ea ver. very poorly . Obltuart e.. live Inch... 1.- ; over live Rloh reonion , 811 turd",y . t. IlIch.-, per IIno . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II<: On lut ~VedneedllY evenin g Bert Mr. Rober' Beoket t and fllmily Oard ot tbaDlul ... ........ .. . , ...... .. 211<: B gan and Glenn Uavla took a lead eDtor'a lned II. large compa ny of R ..olutlon a . . ........ .. .. .. .. . ... , ... 001: aD a hay ride. They attende d the reltLti .e8, Suuday . 80cJtJa ete. where charre .. made. , , . . .. 250 Mre Viola HllrlrlD and guellts D"pl., Advertlll iDl per Inch •.... .• , . , . IOC ot'lored oamp mea"n g, oame home ID the rain, ltu' eDjoye d 'he trip spent DlIICounc. lIiveD on CODtract. t)aturd ay in Wilmin gton. Immen sely. Wben 'he roll wall Mrs Hope titHes and M1sB Dora oalled to e\art home 18 ann,er ed. Stiles' and Grace Patton vlalted Mr. and Mr•. Ueo Davie and lion relatt VN! in Xenia Munday GleDD vllll~ Lew 881lrB,II.nd family, Mr. and. Mrs. Ralpb BI~gs have on · Bonday . Mr. tle8r s wl1\ start moved to Miamiv ille wbere be Is MOTHER tor Oallfor nia, Septem ber 2 staCioned 1111 night operato r. Donald Wolf ie villiting his graDd Many will be glad to Ie. reprlnl paren'lI . • eel the tollowl ng poem. wbloh baa M.. Walter Jordan hall been been .. 01...10 for a oentnry . Ko qui", slok, Ola ssiB ed IIOrapbook (If luob tblap ext., now. Uarl Cleave r, of Daykln , ill home . ........ ...... .................... ...,.....,.. - Ads - ............... adaYII) II oomple te wlthon ' It.-Ed . Mra. Nellie 8urke, of Cinolu na", Ad8 ,,111 be 100CrLe d under ~11I" head for Is vlliliag Mrs. Maud Cleave r anel "or, twenty·llve cents for three InMertion. fawlly. .bon ualng not more tblln !lve IInca. --Wbo fed me. from her gen U. breal' I The Trials Of A Traveler. And hnlheel In bel' arml kl rell, WANEED "I am a traveli ng aaleam an," And 00 my obeek Iweet Ililiel ,reaH wrltea E . E . Younga , E. Berkllb lre, My mo\her . Vt , "and Waft often trouble d with UTOM UBILJE -&OOn d hand. a oon8"p atloD and Indlgee tlon tlll I small oar preferr ed . Have prop Whlln lleep for800k my open eye, btlian lo DBe Dr. Klng'lI Nt'w Life erty to trade or ladustr iailltoo k. car· PUll, whloh 1 bave found an exoel rylng guarau Who wu It lunl( Iwee' luUaby tee at 6% dlvlden ds.Var lent remedy . or For an Itomao h, wUllt be In first Antl rooked me lba' I Ihould not 0la8s conditi on. P liver or kidney troubl81 1 they,r e un. Nat. Flnano e & &ourlt les Co., tlee W. lIymot her. equaled , Only ~6 cente at all drng. V. Weave r, Wayne sville, 0, I 11 IPIU, Wbo Ita' and watohe d my Infant at




.. -...---


a ir





Se pt . 10 , 'I I, 12 an d 13 ,


.olENT ANOY PARK Wben .. Ieeplag In my orad Ie bed, LOST Aad ~n of IIweet at!&otlon Ibed? Big llpecial free ,,"raot WIL L SHO W THE LAR CES T D I SPL AY OF OAT- A blue !lerge OOllt on road My mother . beea enlfllged a' Olentanlona have KY Pull, betwee n W"YDellvlllo "Dd Colombutl. for 'he Vllnt.ennlal al: '~ Ghtrkav llie. Hondny , AU2. A Imall he III jult.1 moob of a ~tate Filii Week, aDd vlllitor elo Vol l.I'iuclor .,lell8e notify t.blll I1ITiOB 18t.1J . ,,4 umbu8 sbould not fatl '0 vlllit 'bill 11. &I a ulg one, wODderfJ11 amull8ment. reMort dnrlnK Uenten ulal week, The lpeelal free feature ll will btl FOR SALE P""ub rl'kerl probtably kaow lhe ala on 8unday , -AugulI' :.I5lb, aDd l'e4eem lal'tea' orel of a 10' of paopl. ooualnu e over Labor Day, and will IDclude Bill & Flourn oy'. Combin ed CATT LE-l:l lglJ grade .l er8eys Wild We8t ~bow8 rond Mexioa n Bull. young bull8 and heifer" , In "gbta, Deeper a\e Desmo nd'. Slide good shape , froUl reglst-ered 81r~B I& would be ·" ell ODoe In a while if for Lite. Open Tru'b orollbe d to eartb would etal "nd Orobee Air Vaudev ille, Band and good produo lng oows Inquire tra (lonos r". 'be Free of Burton Earnba rt, Wayne sville, 'bere, YeDbg erl_, Muuam of Ohio. • 11 Japane u , VlIlage , Grpey Camp, Be an op.tlml8 t, U mallie TOll aerial and aorobaU o aots, athleU o RYE--Good reoleau ed Rye SfIed! for Balp, at 850 per 'eel be'\er and mati evel'To ne el.e oon'..", aud numero Ul otber forml of out.d09 r enterla tnment , 0I081ng quire of J . B. Chapm an,bn!lhel. In R. 2, Way. t.el Moh nlgil' wUb 6.rewo ru All of D6Rvl\le Obio s Ii tbll ~ III .be ahlolut ely free '0 all ,. "vllttots to tbe Part, loo~lu. Illa88 DII,h& be more Beald8 l.'blslo ng Illlt'1)f free a&trao OR8E -Eir bteenm on ih80ldo olt, \ popula r If " dldn" lalOt.O ololel, tiona tbe.;e are more tban one Inqolre Vallev Phone hUD _ &0 tb. "'I\_h all the time. . dred other amuee menl fe.ture e eO&' 1111 lered tbe oDe buodre d acre a include d 10 'bill mamm o'h plel8ur e TOMATOJoJl'l for or.nnID g. Good park, Inoludl ng 'he Loop ehe Loop, and smooth Ponder osa variety . "i W&l oured or dial rboea by onf Ibe Shoo' 'be·Cbu $e8, doee of Obamb arlala'. Collo. Cholen ~alo . i'lgure Whirlw ind, Call on J R. Risey, CorwiD. Oblo. 8 " an4 Diarrh oea Remed y." wriae. )I KilO, "lying Swing, EIICht Todog. Whirl, NAPK INB-A new IItook of napE Gebha rd', Oriole. Fa. Tbere II IClaotrlo :Exprll 8 aDdDooble kina juet In. ~ven dlllligns to Do'hln l "Ue.. For . eale by all OUIl88I1, Merry· ICo Rouod,A utoe, (Jar. Row Boats piok from, Gazett e offioe Cl.noel , Bowllnll, A road ee, Voloo . adel. aoo'hB, Tenled ~howll. and ONE ten and one five doHnr hIll A Germa n IOlen" .' baI dlloon red lOorea of o,ber aauna l aDd e~rn on Tuesda y lhe 13tb lutl' at. 01; near depot Corwin , nuder will be _ 'ha, are aotlaep tlo, .ow we hnl t.ture a. / ~~I~I~~q ~~~'U~"~~~~ed~IM~g~ koo" why "'o",eo ..Idom baYS with ---------------------~;-----------a double orchel tra, wtll be lame at Miami Gasett e office. s 4 -----'rouble wltb 'bell' op&lOl, open nery day aDd evenlnK , an,t In the baan\lf ul Park Theate r 'be Stubbe Mackay Playen will presen t pIGS for aale. Th~Ne plgll In The reuoo &bere II ..., mnoh IDdl· 'he oomed y . lG006I1, "The Private good shape; For furtherlire par ~tary ," every evealn g at 15 licnlar s oall on !<rllnk [lukin, R: D Fe~d II \ba' 10 many people 1",,1. Inoladl ag Sunda·, and JAbor 8Day, ~hellers, I, Wayne sville, Oblo a 28 low every \hiD I told 'helD about wUh ma'loe es Tuelda y, Tburlld ay !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~ bow &0 oare for their Itomllo hl. and Sa torliay and a lpeclal Labor 0:::-Day matine e. A trip to Colum bos il not o"m Tbe leUow who .a14 you oan', plew. withoo c • vII" to OlentlUlIo:v,. Vnde rta ' kef and Emba lmer, IOme'b ID" fllr Do'hiD ,. jaB' a. tbe prlnoip al Ibow place of tbe eta'e, II~ .. •.. no& f."oa 'bat he b~a" --Will be found in t.hl1 lOin p ..hl hta De".pa per .ublorl p'loD, Bank Buildin g, OJlpo>l "" the Nation al BlInk Teleph one in IJlluse tLnd Of · J .I • recent addrerl l before aD ad" WI .. Advloe of Bill Jon.. to Friend fioe wbore ] nan be 0011"" Who W .. , .. kl"g Good orl,,) mae'ln l • I., r, ID advOO&& day or nlgbt, anv_tm e"t. lall a paid up .uhlorlp &lon 11.' dra. Valley Pbone 1...2, ma&JoaJlY nolalm ed: "o.Uoq uen' Bill Jones waa a residen t· of Dl\h Main Street, Wayne svillll. Ohio .ublOrllMIrs do no' pay," No", ~~re. wbQ, oversto~k qotwtthl~ding au !m· ab ..•• wu' we'd oallan Irrefuta ble P'ilim~t ~ -~ .~ -~.~~~~ lm 1tpIlflCh. .p~ ill ~~~ItatelU nL • brotfll'. H-e movod - -... - • WNflW Y'ork- ci~ au~ lll'08p.e..oo even nQOD . I. P~'fHERI~ IfEMEDY! ° m. O-.. .l fri~d fNm Bftltbno'N 1!!' ,.",,,, ~ TN. OIt.ATIIT -- Qn hh1l 0IlIl day, _udt atter & & r:r~ ~ IlQpe~" (l\Q~ Bl.c~. ~ ~\' fJmUlM ocmYeI'IIticm, reo- 'I'I.m I~'N ACJ:. A IIP.~) ~il bq~ QlI ~.!I*Q-ve lid until m.rkecli It 11t!IlO~~ of ~ yeU""ltJh bfQWU (lOlor ',411 "1, Bill. it II!8JDI to me that IVBmII! IN THI WOItL.D lind !lim be ~lille1'iM!d. Take Qlla "ou stutter wane here in New York- ROT... D WEEnT. $4.00 l'!Il Y!AK .. DItUClciii1i, IPICi~LIIT" . Dful the of bUl'Dt 01 1e\'e&1 ,lCaiSpOO 001 TUM .It I, T It A .. I F II It, Cl A • , than. yoo did in Baltimo re.• . AIID '.UI .IItYIC I CAN PIlOFI' alum (the alum Ibou~d be take~ .oft "V-v-ve ry l-l.llkely; it'. & b-b-big. IIY UI.lla. ,.. ADYKItTlllNo.OOI-UMN e the ItoYe jUlt before It etope bolbng ger city!' , SAMP LE COPY FREE O as it it then stronge r.) Put the "But 1", Bill you have made Ig 0 aboye in an earthen bowl with ana a lot ofmon ej,here ' and I want your . I f ... NIlW YOItK CLIPPIIt In 0 11- Yo"'. N. Y. telllpoo nful of BuIT' ur, one teacup- advice. I have lold almost 8Tery.I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!"!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!'!!!!!!!!!!!"!!'!!!!~ S. lul 0,1 white augar, the aa~e of ~0I1. thing I bad in Baltim ore and I have iog water; let cool; put ~n a tight the cuh in Jl).y pocket. I want you hottle and abake before urnng. . I to tell me how to invest my money to ~ireotionl-In estrem e cases give I th,e be8t advantage. I bave. even one-10u rlh teupoo n every hour; keep mortga ged ~y. ~0u.!'8 ~ have the ouw!!e .01 throat coo~ to keep do,?, ~q~ey ~~~, 'ffi\,t 'Wpul~ YQu adyil8










lEver Sho wn on a Fair Gro und s in the Stat e of Ohio.



·A . MA FFI 1,



m. b~

Q .

"'. b l+ ~I~'S V

Our display of Vehicles of all kind s will be immense, and we are 'going to mak e the grea test cutt ing and slashing of pric es that hal eve r been mad e in the history of Wa rren Cou nty at the Fair Gro und s. We hav e an of Vehicles and mus t sell them . Any one need ing a Veh icle of any kind can not affo rd to miss this big Sale at the Wa rren Cou nty Fair this yea r ~'



Ther.e will be 12 ENGINES in ope ratio n. runn ing a II kind s of mac hine ry, such as Binders, Mowers, Fee d Cut ter s, Mills, Cor n Was hing Machines, Chu rns, Wo od Saw s, Cre a Sep arat ors, Fan ning Mills, etc. , etc.

'IfD'CAL p'

~ IQr tJ~~ ~~~ : A

Jrill to

~.~ ~9~ ~ .~ ~e ~l*

o· ' m~tr~


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Bill.;......Uarper'a flg~; ~·~~z:rl .~.'twiCe ~ PI' ~ :mt1l~~~'.1l ' ~!B:~h ~ ~ ~·" ~·.~IIIIII!!!lj ~fu

.·oar .....' ,.. ;. .,,." .

,.o' 'f~ I :;(~t ~iphtl\en~~\~ tD' .,lied & 'day ·for week' e-" tWo or 'three' to:c.t:JLI. ~~ A.alph er " ia 'u



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1. -..





ImPor tan'


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We are going to mak e a disp Iay f 11 k· d f a s ') t mp e;men

See our BIG DISPLAY of Har ness .

b I

.1~~f~ n~ l~~r W"~~ ~~ci::n:!. ~


.. cat m l!y have nin e 11vea. but. 0011' can klcl~ th e - bucket a d 03 eD tim es Rnd co ntin ue to bold h er job.


WlIulo,,',. 8oo&bl n .. e ,rup tor ObllCl.... t ee-tblnf( . Ao rl fl' ua th" gum . , reduee a t n n awm ... &lou, a.U.,. lJ~ l u . c ur" ,", I u d culJo. 16o .. bolU ..

BRIC E'S CROSSRO ADS BA TILE Prom inen t Part Taken by Th ird Iow a Ca vil lry In Bail ie a nd Rctrcal Many We ro Kille d. wltll yet a note ,.pf trlu m pb 1 could not altogetller . bIde. And tb en r. mQraefuJ for ber nmazed e:xprcaslon , 1 elf plalntld fran k ly : "Oat It rrom X9ur fntber tbla morn Ina, don 't you kn o\v, durlllS our lan g ta lk nbout yo.u In tbe I!b ral'y ," '''\''b-~


I l


!\Ieh.. r" LI .-htn ut. Iln Amerte ..n with an t trOll! .. Irte lld In China . The pr. sent ov .. to be .. pllir of pHJa maa. A letter nla at Wl'J) rt •• to tl I6 w foB r e r . LI Gh tnu t

arr4tetM1 IJn . U. h Acce nt, r 6ce h ' ea a p r e a-


. eM the p a JaliuLS a l1 41 1ut \.' a t nl g }lt g elS tor a am o K- c . HI" B(! r V(l. n t . J en k in" 061Dee In and, ( I1Jlllt J; to r (> ('ognlz(t 1.1g l1 t ·

aut ... t t.m pt. to put hllll ou t. Thlnkl nll

the ••ryant CfaEY iOlot h .. Intenc1lnil'

Ltzh t n ul c h a ngt!8 hi . h el p. \\·he n

to summ o n

h. ren p pea.r. J e nklr,,.. ra ll a o n 1118 n ~ k

'WIth jor . oonll rml ng Llghtnul'. b. Uo t t h .. t h. t. erur. J enkI n. tell. LI&'htnll t ot the .nCOun tor he had wit h a hl deouo Cblnaftl .. n drtll9<ld tn p" Jll mllO, In .. ea ...... from hi. Ir lend . ) '''' k Illltln!!,!, I.h ltlut 10 uk ed I n pU I up " th. kid' . r the on h i" w ay .w me f r o m co lLat.r Ll ght nut tl ncls .. beautifu l ~I'I In bl ..eI( p .. J.. llI aH In his (oo m . I.\ l(l1 tlIut .. ohock..d by (h e gi rl'. dr lnkl n.-. Ollln.- and . lll ngy (uU< . She tolls him ar Dam. I. F ran al. nnd pun l ~o him th ... tor, Dr her love tor her . Ioter' o

~ a....



na Jn6d F r anc es.

Nt- xl morn -

tb. I'Irl I. ml ..ln l' And LI&'htn ut hur- to tha bo .. t to Bee he , orr. He Is acIeoeted bJ' a bush y college boy ..... ho call. him "Dlclrr." but he' doeo Dot •• 0 th. ~rl J ...... BIIUngs ca lls to spend tho ~Rt with U jJh tnut. T h.y dlscovor prlc.l ... rubl.., hidden In th e button, ot ~,pajamaa. Bllllng8 dons the pajnmll5 IaoII ...tlre.. L1ghtn ut la ter dl,co"er. In II.. apartment a bee ry porso n In mut _ ton-ohop wh ..k.... Illld wearIng paJ am .... !l.nkiN oal .. the pollee. who 11""111;'0 nle tntnta" to be a c rimi nal, called Foxy 0......,_ .. Th .. In l,Tulle r deelarn ho I. ~.bhlllr • .-lIeal and I1Pllo .. la 10 tho IAt. . ID 'fain. It. la hUl ti ed orr to j&ll. liD tb. momlD, Llg hl nut I. aatonlohod to BIIHn •• .-one, and more IL8lonlahod wb.n h. pta .. message from tho Illltol', dom .. ncIJq hb clothes. IJghtnut, bouno fo. TaM')'town. Billings' homo, dllcover. ..lI'ranc..... ",e girl or tho pa jamae, on tb, train. U.-htnut speak a to hor .. nd &I . Iud.. to tho nl l'ht b. rore. 8he decl ..rea Indl.., .. nUr that Llgh tnut never h or tn bl ..eI< paJamao. A I Ta rry lown Frances f. mel by .. hu aky collef o YO uth who ba1la Llahtnul &II " Dicky.' The la i tar t h. boy. who then t hr aten. to ill.uh him tor offending Fra nce. . LI!I'htnut tak .. tho nexl Ir8.ln h ome. BlIl!n~ atorm. o"er the outrage of hi. arreat. Ho and Uahtnul dlsco,'or mysterloua Chino.. ch .. ract ..... on th ~ paj .. m.... Prot.. lOr Doosonberry la ca lled In to Inl e rp ~ t tbe hlerol'lrphl cs. He rav es over wh at he eal.. th. loet .lIk or SI- Lin g-C hi. The """tlnl' decl are. th a t a person ' wea.rln&, tM pajamas will ta ke on th o Bembla "ce at th. · prevkrua wearer. The protessor








p a j ama.


ex p eo r tm en t.

drtflsed In pa jamas Is f ou nd In

lb. profe..ot'. room and III tak en home In an automobile with' Franc"," and a wo-

Then s h e awa llo we d anel ber ra ce fe ll perfec tl y b lRuk . Oy J ove, I co u ld b av e kI Cked my se lf ro r a joll y Il S S fo r lIrealllng It t o ber 8 0 r aw ! or course, s he would know th a t tr he r ra t he r ta lked of b e r, It wou ld be notbln g ror me to hear t ha t was t r ue o r klndnot hI ng sh e cou ld Wls n m lg bt be 8alll to t he ma n s h e lo ve d. I has tened t o rea s s ur e ne r : " Bu t I don 't be lie ve a d lls hed word or any th ing b e sa Id abou t you "- I Apoko h otl Y- "an d I dOIl 't care a Jo ll y h a n~ f o r wh a t th e ot h ers sald . e ithe r - 10 t he re you n ro !" "Oil.. YOU don 't 1" Could t e ll how 1 had tou cb e d her hy her expression. don't you kn ow; a nd s h e fell to look· In, at me the qu ee r est way. " And would yOU mind t e lling me wbo the 'others' a re 1" I e yed h e r gloomily •• ympa the tlc&I. 11'. As It s be d ldn·t know alr eady ! "Well- ob, d as h It. my mInd ball heen tilled wlth- e r- jus t any thin,! " I bega n ca utious ly . "I know,"-she murmure d It . . It to hers elf-"one can aee that !" And she bit ber lip. "In Ua. flret place, you know"-a nd tber. I pullod up. No, dash It, 1 wasn't colng to lIay a jolly word about poor Jack- no. s Ir! Hut tlj e n, about the o tber one-well, s he was Jus t a treacberous ana ke tn the what's-Itsname , and s he oug ht to be exposed. By Jove. sbe s bould he! "It's tb e frump, YOU know," 1 aald Indignantly. "The-th e what 7" Her prett y tee b f1a ehed like the keyboardll at a tiny \'Organ- you could even b ear a · IItUe surg ly. mu s ical quiver somewhere behind. And then I re me mb e r ed that, ot cours e. she wouldn 't know whom 1 meant. "Oil.. your guest. you ' know-your frtend from s chool," I went on, try· In, to tread ca u t10u s ly and y et feel· Ing myself growing r ed . "Oil., see here now, I don't like to IlAY things.

man u..htnut calla "the frump." Lll!'ht.. ut t. a~o ro d by " lhe frump-' s slander. oua t • .lk about "Frllncta." • Bllllnga" I. but~ r-" taken to h .. room. A .er vant t ell. LlghtlIut that a massage h IlS juat been re"Ob. go on! " she trIlled, b er sweet cel.,...s .t&tJ~ that BIllings Wlla under u , . t In Naw York tor stea lln&, a. oult or face s blnlng wtltfUI. blaQk pajamu. Iudge Billings a.. tonll h •• "Well. I mean thla~l'- M I8 s KIrk Llptnut with a ta le or F r llncts' etlca- land ; came ou t with us thla morning. pa.C! • • Uaht nut ask ;" permi ssion to .pe&k to ·'l!' Th e judge decillru fhllt don't yOU know. I tblnk of her as the 111ft anoth.r !lvln&' perll"n would tackle frump--llttle Idea- er-nlckname of the job, and Llghlnut. his mind occupi ed witb th. beauUful F rances . Is "rea tly mine, you know. she's 110 aw rul!" And ro.,..Uftad. Pollcema.n 0' Keefe rei urna the I .crewed my glass wt t h a chuckle. black D&.lam .. a nd Llghtnut eenda them For an Instant I t bought she to BItUnp' room. L1s htn ut bM an Int .....Un. boar with France •. wouldn't ca tch It. shtl s ta red at m e so blankly. The n the joke of It- the CHAPTER XXVI, joUy aptnells. so to speak-g ot b er lull and IIQuare, and s he ju st mted a "Becauae You-Are You." acrenm. hugging h e r kne e and r oc kPoor brll'f'e-hearted gtrll How pitt· Ing back and rorth . h e r face sut/us ed, rtal an4 heartre nding to a keen' eYed her lau~hter pealing like a chime of 'man of the world. seemed h er poor. bells. ,little .ham about h er father's trust In k n.r! For I Imew tbe facts. you kn ow I And I jl)at, rocked. t9 0• eeplng her company . Rea lly, I don 't thInk) ever And luddenly It cnme to me tbat I laughed so mu cb since Bome chap 111lat couldn't and wouldn 't let her go plunked down on th e hard crown of 'on thla way. wltbout th e Bympathy of my n e w Ute Inst winte r. At le a s t I the man she love d : without the pr&- wa nte d to laugh- In church, you c10ua oon&platton or kno wing that he kn ow, and It's so aw ful how yOU feel IleDllw! Sbe was he lng ha dg ered and th ere wbe n so me lhlng-oh, y ou know! lroulb.lhouldered and put upon and And It you could h av e seen tbat poor dllltruated and mnll g ne d by everyone fe llo w's fa ce ! .he knew, and sbe had no one In all By Joye , bow glad I wns for her ,the world to turn to but me- andjolly s e n se of hu mor tbat could see Oil, I wanted her to know what the poInt of things s o QuiCkly. and ~ou,ht. don 't you know! tblnk tbem c leve r, Always had 60 clas he d littl e pall el/ ce w Ith stupid p e()I aUpped to th e sea t beside her. "Er, Mias Blillngs- " I began. think· pIe, dOD 't you Imow . And just here In, ab.ent·mlndedly of wbat I should nnoth e r IIt Ue th ing ca m e to m e and I aay. and forgetting that we were Quite let her have It : &lone, "Ob, I s ay! "- I lea ned n eare r, "'Mlle Billings !' Wb:r do you call chu clllln g-"your rath e r pre tend s to 'me that?' Her love ly b row pucl(ered. t hink her a 1Il 0st beautiful nnd win'''I remember , now. that's t wice you-" nlng g lrl- fllne y !" And m y fac e "Franc es . tb en!" I co rrec t ed sortly. s t retc h ed IlseJr In s uch 1\ jolly g r In Sbe IItralghte n ed. her bosom lUling tll;\tl ~ o tl l d har dl y hol d my g la s s. wIth a Quick Intake. By Jove, tIlat She be nt to ward me. s miling a dor. nbly , " You mean thl s-er-'Mlss wall what s h e wan te d! "Ob!" Then s he lea n ed slowly back. Kirkl a nd 7' " lookl n, at me tho ugh't fully througb I n odd ed cbortlln g ly. halt·cloaed eyes . h e r lips parted In She pee r o() lit me l hro ugb hor long -the odd est smil e. what·you·cl\ lJ.'ems-oll, s ucb a way! And I s cre wed my mono cle tight and " But you don 't thin k so, do you 7" let hor have 611111e fo r sm ile, deter- How Bwee tl y. ho w fe t c hingly s he said mined to chtrll b e r li P a nd make her It. feel our on c n e~ s- th a t so rt or thing. "MeT' I ga s ped . By J ove, In tny you know. An d I s ucceede d ! For of horror, I lost my grip upon my jolly a audd en h e r h e ad went back s nd the grammar . "Ob, I s ay n ow! I tblnk JOYOU8 peal of h er cll lln r y la ug b sta rt· the frump - thI s Miss KIrkland, yoU ed orr t be Jolly bIrd s In the trees know - Is a f rig ht- reg ul ar freak, dash above UII. It! I tolu th e j udge so!" "Oh . yol.!-" A s ta re, !lnd then an· "You- you- " other burst a s sh p. he nt forward. fa cl! ' "or course !" And I shrugged dis. burled In h e r h and s. T hen It ltfted guste dly. makIng tbe ugli est grImace eharply, fiam e-d yell- be r lips tremu- I pos sibly COUld . "Why, dash It, If 1 lous ber eyes shinIng like sapphIre were a woman a nd hnd a face like etar~. "Oh !" s h e g:lsped. and how 1 ll er B. I nev e r would have left China, en'fled th o little ha nd she pres sed lIT E ng lund - or wb e re\'er her Jolly agaInst her wa ist; but the wlndows- home wa s-no, sIr!" dallb thtl windows ! "Tha t ·s - that'. It Sbe caught ber breath with a little - Frances-juBt thnt muc h! But, do gasp- then s he was of! again! ThIS you know, I dOb't-don 't believe you time sbe r este d ber arms upon the really know my full name. I remem- rail behind and burled her head In btlr now seve rnl th-" She bent to- tbem. her lovely shoulders JIggling up ward mtl wltcblngly. ber wide blue lind down. ber BObbIng laughter sendeyell challengIng my candor. "Han· Ing ber olf at last Into a spe.1 of COUlb. Inc. e atly, now-do- yOu!" So It was that tbougbt tbat wu "Oh!" .he breatbed ; lilting at laet Uckllnl herl W e ll, by JOl' e. I had her her glorIously blus hing race and dabthere, for 1 bad heard the judge men· bing at It wltb ber rIdIculous little tloll bef no.m e In full, I wo.uld IIUr- handkercblef. "oh. you' u kill me-I her ! know YOU wlU I" _ "Oil, don't IT" I exclaimed, wlUklnr . ( certalnly, had stirred ber np, an4 1 ~ I pollilled my ,Iaea. ':Well, 110" . wa. dellchted. It " 'IUI tUMy to think . . . . .' Frailee' _ ~lIlte Billing"" I Jet of any, one wIlDS the frump beauWul ban It .,10"1T, 41,t1nctlT. ud "':"It mu,t aeem funlller at11l to ~~. ' of






co urs _to Fran ces, I . me aD. WbY. d aa h It. s be seemed to Ond B funny ald8 to It tbat I didn 't, don 't you know! '''Y'ei'i ·'ine. now "- ~ be c laaLl ed her kn ee. ruUng btl r love ly fn ce ooa xlng· rp nso n I kn e w It could n 't be an4 Iy- " Ie ll ru e all tbat ahe said about '\I\' s s n' t tru e was"- I s lgb ed .b envllyme - e ver ytbl n g !" "o b. d as h It . It's 80 bard tb get 11.014 An d I dId - every word. by Jovol of th e jo ll y tbln g!" And no one could look Into tbllt An d t boro wa s a pau s e. " Tho r eal r OWlon?" ba r voI ce conIed sw eet, Iilgen uuu s face as 1 proceede d , a nd doubt th a t the s la nderH we re n ew ge n t ly . " Wa s becnuse-" The n abe mo'f" to b e r . Ne vor a jolly one tou cbe d he~ nly YOU could Ilee th e Ir nbsur· t he to() and It lJUt me out-"I tblnk d lt y nmused b e r . S"'f ora l ti mes I ba d j ust beca us _ob , yes. I kn ow now !" to pauae a s she bont unde r a g a le or }\ nd I lookcd Ull eager ly. "Just becau s e I Icnew th llt yo u- are you!" I Inug h te.r. Only on ce wss abe b rou g ht Up, Onl ~ bed beom lngly . ehoc lte d. " Oh. I tiee!" S he said It musingly. "Oh !" sb e u l te red fa intly. 118 I ca me her II nget lightly pressi ng upon b61 to t he Intl mntlon a bout her be ing ha ll· II p8, h e r beauti ful eye s s l udylng ma rollow·well·me t wIth the root me n and "" Ith th e oddest . kee n est s ld e·glanc:e. he r d ri nk Ing a nd carousing with the m A Douse; I1nd th e n : "A n d how lana a nd oth e r me n·servants until three In h8'f e you known me. pray ? JUlt a - " the m ornIng. I realize d that It wasn 't " A thousa nd yea ra !" I said Pl'QlllPtt he matte r of the drinking that Iy aud earn es tly. " .. thou sand yeats fe aze d her and drew from h e r little and all my life . !ion't you knowl gasps as I came to thls- kllOw tba t Never will kn ow you any be tter." d ldn 't bother her. don 't you kno w. (or "I wonder." abe m urmure d, noddln. I kn e w abe did drInk- could d rink. 1 .Iowly, And then for a moment aile me an to aay ; for I bad not forgotten didn't Bay a word. Ju at aat there 100)[J tbe two fuU wblsky g las ses of blgb· ; Ing me over curiously. ber exprelBIOD proof Scotcb ahe bad toalled orr that h a lt aby. half Quizzical. don't YOIl nlgbt In my rooms. Wby. no, elash It. know. sbe' waa ab!e to elrlnk-It went In the Tben ber II mlle naBbed again-a rafamily! 1 could nenr forge t with dlant. da zzling brlg btnes s that brougllt vfbat prille ahe had told me of putting he r nearer. Illte tb e e t/ ect of the IUDb er brother Jack under tbe table two 'lIght 's sudd en glea m tbere at Um .. nlgbts runnIng. That was all rlgbt- upon the blue line at the "W •• t It was the other part or the frump's Shore" awa y a cro ss the broad. threescandal that broucbt her uP. atan4- mile span o f the old Tappan Ze e. Ing. so to IIP'!ak , "And now" - ag aln he r Iplendld F~r now Bbe reall:r looked embar. :roung arms wer e clas ped . wlng· llllte. r UBe d , des pite another lapse to la ugh- behind her bead; and Its golden gloTT ter. Her face and neck Wl're dyed a bung like a pIct ure a ga In s t the datk 10'l"el, crtmson. vine leaves. bossed with the clustertld "Oh, dear! " she lIald finally; and p urple flo wers-"now." s be repeated. sbe wiped be r eyes. "What yoU must se ttlIng com fortably. ")lOU mUllt just t hink ot me! "-and she looked awa y, go on a nd t e ll me the rest-I can be ar a pre tty frown contracting he r fa ce ; It! Wbat did my" -ber big blue e:7el th e n the jolly dimple dee pened once twinkled as she IImll ed-"m:r fattter again and she choked Into h e r band· Bay nhout me?" kerChief. "Ob . dear!" IIhe repeated. I shIfted uncomforta bly, "Ob. I bItIng h e r lip to hold ber QuIverIng can·t. you know!" I d e murred. "I ny. mouth corners. "Oh, It's a sbame," 1 w,hnt's tbe use. dasb It?" Poor old he ard ber mutte r ; "I mustn't let blm boy. s ome ho w I just b a ted to round - It's too-" She Whee led upon me, on him-h e was 10 jolly hard btt aI· ber lips tightened. " Ob!" Ihe ejacu- r eady ; Jack. don't you know I 0.. lated IIhn r ply, almo.t petulantly. and side&ber foot struck smartly on the boards. " Please !" Jove , bow she said It I

Not So Bad. " I don'1 Bee ho w ,.ou can fi nd IIf. lV or t h liv In g In Btl ch a slllall town ." .. Oh • bad . ~roba bl,. h a ve JUBt ns many 6('::tn dals he re aa tb ere a r e In you r n eig hborhood." Re(l Cro.. Bnll Blue

f"r your

o ~ bor.

I n Il n Bw ,' r to COn1T11c!':: Hlle)' I will !: I\'(> It (,0 11lIt'1I 6(' d r <'po rt Crom ('olon cl i'\ {J bl u (Th ird Iowa cavalry) to Ad JutHll t l ;e ll c rul Pa k r o f Iowa. wri tes 'V, I ~ . I ln)'llcII of Port land , Ore .• In th e Nallolllll Trlh ulI l'. w b lc h oUll h t to Bat· Isry h l1ll os to tb e pllrt Ihe ca n l l ry laOIt tit IJr lt-c's C ross road s : " H eatl ljuart"rs Tbl rd Io wa ell val r y. !\I'u r Me lll ph is. Te nn. August 9, 18 6 4. " 8: r : I hn ve th e hon or to I-.JPOTt a s 10 tlie part ta k-en b y tile T hird la wn ['n "ulry In I he e lt ped ltlo n uno e r Ge n. S 'tl r gls, A pprolLc hl ug Br lce's C rossroa d s li t 11 ll . Ill . • tlli ~ cO l1ll1l a ntl weil l Illiu IIl1 e of hu tll e lir hll l tn l\on on the "Ight (If t he ma in rOllu, ILud ,¥>on nft e r l ilt' :.l rt ll k ry opoll(:r1l n frOlIl . W e t h e n ud va rwc d be yon d Il r l('p's Rbout 600 ::0 r rJs. Art e r formIn g In IIl1 e "' 1I 1l ('he ba la n ce of the hl' lga de th o ca vn l!'y wn s dIsm ounte d Hllll rhe horses se ll t to the re ar. So un ur t,;,r we b came he nv ll y engag ed wi th t he e nemy, a ll d b e ld 1 b t' D1 III (' heck fllr an ho ur. On tb e le tt oC ou r b rigade t he e ne my was drIv en back lhl'<(l d iffe rent ti mes. At t h is Jun c t ur-e lilY whole com man d WOB reo UCI'ed by regimen t s or Infa ntr y, a nd W Il B r etirin g whe n th e In fant ry b ecnme en gageu. W e tor m ed n n ew line In the ir rell r. ra the r tha n to a ppea r to leave th em In n'h e me rge D y, " The co nl est lasted but a short time lifte r thi s. an d the e ne my was botly p ress ing hI s victory, nn d we took a second position , m ount e d, to protect t he r etrea ting colu m n . A column of squ a drons was nga ln fo rme d facin g the en emy an d retired by alt ernate I Qua dron. k&('plng Ihe enem y In check . "Our greate s t d ifficulty wa s to c ros B t he s wam p In o ur r ea r . a nd In It were cll ug h t 1D0st or t be artill ery a nd t rain of th e army. Arri vin g a t Stubba' plantatlon. we rested f rom 11 p, m _ to 2 a. m .• wb en we a g aIn m ove d toward Riple y, h olding th e rea r . ,At Ripley 1 round tho !!!!e.ntry Ullln g tbe street s , and was notifi ed tha t th e e ne my was abou t to attac k on the left. I forme d a column of s qu ad rons. rnce d to th e renr. a nd at t h(l s ame tim e was or· de re d to support t he F ourth Iowa cav· ai ry , t hen In ac tton. DeployIng a bat· lallon. I orde r ed It to t he r ear, an d a t Ih e sam c li me pusb ed forw ard another b attnllon In column to hold -th e road of ret re nt for th e othe r troopl. My ad·


double nla. goes twloe fnr ... all1 ~ l vOi

A sk 1utJr Ifracel',

Speed th, Pa r:lng Gu u t, F nl h e r I(n lc lte rbo ck e r- an' t rou Bta y a little longe r? Depa r t Ing Vls lto r- -No. Havc n·t . r ed cent lert. Fntbe r K nlc lle rbo ck er-o h I Well, good·h y. To hft s weet li nd clean . every wom· an sbo uld li se P ax tlne In spo nge b RIll. · Ing. It era dl cal ell pe r sp lm tl on 8nd a\1 oth e r bod y odors. At d r ll~g l s t 8, ! 5c a bo x or sen t pos t pa Id on rel' c lpt of price by T ile Pox ton Toilet Co ., Bo. ton , Ma ss.

- - - - --

More TIme Need ed, "You m ust ge t tllr ee weclts' va eBr ' ti OD thI s yea r." " Why?" "Tw o w eek s a r en't en ougb ." "T he y're all I c nn g e t ." " I don 't cnre, You 've gOl to h a'fe thr ee . . Last year I I1nd t.o come hOlDe with tw o n e w dr e sses th at I b a dn 't (had time to wear." Show Devotion to Queen. Que en Al exandra wa s very much touched by tbe d e vo ti on o r t he women of every III\ltlon or lire who lIold. '!lowers aD.. Alexandra. day fo r one or her pet charities. the h ospitals of London , More t ha n $160,000 was collec ted , nnd ned yeu r It Is Ilald tbat all at Eng land will celeb ra te tbe Queen mother'a day In the same way. Illiteracy In Germany. , Accortllng to the lat est om clal reports; only thre e per Bons out o r · IO.OO() In Ge rmany are un a hle tQ re ad or wrfte, while the proportlo,1l of IlIIter· In Orent Britain Is 160 per 10.000. &I aralnst 77 0 pe r 10.0 00 In the United States. These figure B a re basad on a c om~laon of IIl1tel'acy among Bome of the l l\adlng nations wbl ch b.a.a Just been ml)de nnd Iss ue d for Cree dlstrlbutlon b, the Unite d lilatea Bu reau of EducaUon, ' - - - - - - -New Idea for Dreaama kDrL A New York woman has Inaugurated a ne" departure. Sbe sent WON to a number of dresllmakers that sbe bad ao lII1lny dresses to make, of Bucb and lIuch materials. and &0 ma n y oth · fIT to be altered. and nawed the aJttlrnUone to be made a nd ask ed tor bldl. She will probably IIcee pt the lowelt bid. and tbls ' se e mll to open up ... new field In dreasmaklng. It wID also develop a n e w variety Of shrewd· nesl on the part or succe ssful dreBsmakef1l-the ablllty to fll(1Ire on hld8, Wanted Mlnut. Evlden.:•. Orll8, t~ ce leb r ated do c ~or. beIng examined as an "expert" on a capital 'trlal, waa 'liked by the presIdent whetber he could \ell what qu antity of a.rl enlo wal required to kIll a 0" The doctor replied: . "Ce rtainly. M, Ie President. But ( must know beroreuand the ago of the lIy, Ita , aeI, Its temperp.ment. Its condition and bablt of body. whetber marrIed or single. wIdow or apln s ter, wldoweT or bache lor. w'hen lIRt1sfled on th es'! polntll I can answtlr your question."

We Forme,d a New Line In the Rear,



van ce In line was made under severe fl r.e. but office rs and men were co~l flnd kept a steady line. The e~(lmy was ch ecked and the poalUon held un· til hI s objec t attained, Then G-eneral Orler80n ordered me to retire. " To r etire was difficult, for the enemy. haying no resistance elsewhere, we re na nking as well as p ressing trop:! the r e ar, Their fire WBS redoubled all we moved again upon the road. fn Ul ls stand w e 1 0st &Overal men, Much reli e f wal given to tbe Infantry regl· ments who were re Urlng from Ripley, and the enemy did not escape without punishment ; hlB flag was leen to tnll three tlmel under our Ore and . many at hie lDen were killed and wounde d, Platoon after platoon wBl throWD out right and left along the I-oad, presentIng a tront to the rebels. .Thhi metbod of defenie was continued tbrqugbout the day. A cavalry force and an InrantrY command 1Inally appeared and gave my regiment temporary reUet. But tbe enemy, still p ~ssing the eayairy. failed (0 ~'old their pl~ ce, and a portion bf the Ibfantry was thrown In· to contu.lon ' alld captured. Colonel TboJJlIIII, commanding tbe Infantry,' applied to me tor reli ef. and I formed anotber battalion line, supporting It with ~veral squadron placed at advantag4lOu, points. Tbe Infontry pase~ through my line, alld I wall once more contending with tbe enemy. I WAI 1I911y relieved by the Fourth Iowa cavalrY, Tbe 1011&011 In my regiment were 611 killed, wounded and prtlOner•• --.1ohn W. Noble, Colo~, ThJrd 'Iowa

Aaaured Her,

"I wonder how mucb yoU thlnk"Oh, dash It. I'm anald It wtll hul'W thlnk-" you," I protested uneasily; "and I " ThInk lots," l laId simply, watcll· don·t think the judge really-Of . Ing h er little toe as It tapped. "I Just don't care that"-a nap "Well, I shonld think R9 much!" from ber little Ongers and ber arm And tbls time her lauch was "hort-- went back.....,. .. rol' nnythlng he oddly constrained. She looked awa1 lald about me that was mean! So. orr down tbe slope to t&.e river, ·Ob!" please go OQ-I mUlt Iro dre.. Iae' Tbls Ume It was a tiny gasp as of 41s- ' luDCheon." ' .. may. And the toe tnpped like an And 80 I Just took a deep breath, _ electr!o wbat·s·ltl-namB, IODI runnIng leap, and cleared tJae " Yes," I said. WalcbmA' It muslncly; bar-told b er aU, :rou kIiowl "I suppose It'a because yQu're the only, (TO Bm CONTIl)lUJIlb; ) gIrl, don't you know. that I ever 414 think Of berore-oh, enr at all, dash SOld Wlf. to Friend. It! At the v1l1age of Ut&nach. SwItJI~ The toe Itopped. I could reel lIer land, the other day, a curlou" a.l. 100klnIJ at me sidewise, but I did lIot took place, WIth her OWD conaent ' . glance uP. tho.t I remember; WO'ala1l was 801d bT her ' huabilnct to .vlWr· lookIng · down, trying to gel bold Or a ' aDOther ~, IQl Itallan. : IID~ ' .' ~en4 daabe~ Idea I wanted to (l7.preS8 _ ot the Swlsl oouple• . The ~r1c.· . .ked' "Don·t kno"'-' I contlnlled, f.orllll" · bT'·the d'eci;rolla.t'ii "luijlbi:ffd--:"'~Q , _:- -._ away' at lier toe. Yet hardly{ ·do~ta. • To "but. luppose thllt', the reaa,?n I ' Imew 1!~. t~tI . IU tbe . Ume abe waa lYtDC: bu,t ,'~i ·Il~. .a,·to l;Il~o,tnrill~~'~ ; IOmellow that do,m't ,,~6m to be ~. , ~Jltri.ct ~~~D 'at!~lt*I"·Jlm~l real reason' I .b ew, ( ' Ulhik the '....' , ~_t paper. "




. ,.

~xpect Big 8ale ot Rea Cro .. 8eal., , The cllmpalgn for sellin, Red Cro .. .eals· tbls year will be cnrrled On In prsctlolilly every state and t erritory In the United States, and even In Porto Rico, tbe Canal Zone. HawaII and PhilIppine l liJands, No less thRll 100.00.0 volunteer ~ent8. Includlns department, drug and other kInds of atorea. motion pictures. the aters, Itidlvlduals, and· others. will be engaged In the work. . Before ~he sale Is completed, It 18 eIpet'ted tbat a t leut 100.000,000 leal a will bsve been prlntod and di. tr1buted, besides several million posters, display cardli -!lnd other form, of n.dvertlslnr literatur e.

A Triumph Of Cookery-

Post 'Toasties Many delicious dima baTe been made from hldian Com by the .1ciIl and ingenuity of the expert



But none of thae ·Clea. tiona excel. POit Toutleo .ill temptiq tho palate.

·'To.tIea" lie • lux. ..,. that IpIke a deliaht.1uI hot. weather ecouGIIlY.

~ 6nt PKhae ada . iti ~ .~. ~




1n.. u''''H'I'V ISOIL INFESTING PARASITES ' 0U1,,, 1 i 1 v i lunlll;ilQ il INJURIOUS TO POTATO CROP t'\'1TO'I'I''I'Il....



' o:t:!rl!To"lT A R' A"' J. ~ B . f., -" _nUl,allA ~

Where R a thor Liberal AppUc:atlons ot Fresh Sta bl e M a nure Conta. loln1JSPo res Are M ade Soli W i ll· ln-come 1-0---{ested-SeverBl1 Examples of G enerul CondlUons to Be M e t \VHh.


Hot Weather Drink. P h ilip Hale, one or Dos lon' s latterday philos ophers, r eco mmends ba rley waler as a mo re sensIb le drink for bol weather than "Ice-cold" bl.ends of waters. sirups. a ci ds guilled a t Ihil ma r· ble [ountalns . Mr . Hale's rc 'Ipe for bls favorite ti pple Is as fo llows: "For three plntH o[ wat er yo u wi ll req uire a tea c upfu l and a llU lf of well wllslled pcarl barley. fo.,: : ~ m i) B 01 sug:u lIu d t he thin ri nd u ll cl Jui ce of ~n e I('m on. Pour bo ll illg water over It, cover wit h a saucer and let It sta nd rill co ld ; tben s lr llln again Dud aga lu till c lea r, and 1l0ur Into 11 j u g ." A bu tt er mlilt fa ll atltls: "Theil set t be Jug In II. cool plac e and fo rget It. "

Ivy poison quickly healed by Resinol Ivy or oak poison, sunburn, b eat rn shes . in sect bites , a nd o ther ann oy ing h ot weat her s kin t roub les nro in s tantly rel ieved and q u ick ly healed by Resinol Oin tmen t and warm baths with Resino l Soap.

re litt.ed c rops s\ich as the I-:row lng of !By A . O. BEL.OY.) T he cultlvta ild BOI\ Is a medIum In wh eat In Weille rn t ' l1l leo ' Iflt es and whic h many specIes of bacteria an d Canada, also In t hl' g ruw l n ~ of !lax Cun gl survive from ), ea r to yea r. The and other crops . 111 li ck lands devoted Mr . Jtd~nr A . SnrdO\ , n f rn lon.111fl. )1d , . publ Ic Is fami liar wIth the doct ri ne of to vegetable cu lt \i r e, t fo !nlll I he grower ""'rll \! ~ , M D.J' 0, HH '.! "r:. v '· ry ~I\m m (! r l 5{e l bacterial Infec Uon or Inoculation of to continue hi s cropD ur cel" r y. onlonD, I VY' VC lllIIou . I llll \ ' .. J. a fTt>t' (· d ",., ( ully. ("au' elc. He re we have 38 a Irlll:' res ult the tho soli In Ita relntlon t o th e nodu le8 not ht CC"P nn. \ nl t1\,, ~ t 1:" wild with I I('hlnil' 110.In 1'ht~ \'-\ '1 ~ \ "In\" c. get per fec tl1 or tubercles of Glover, alfalfa, BOY a cc umulation or d is('ases WU cJl attar k MADE rafl{t n,U I b tl ...... t rl t l' d O l l ' flY u t rt'med \ca Lh" . beans , cow peas and other cultIvated the se plants; thus fo r t\ III l' lI llU rIJ Wl' hn.l \ Uri e: f1f' I!t. Ln. Ml ft ll III IHr r t Imc1 Q, ae\"ere SOFT AND WHITE a re c onstantl y facing tll es(' p r o ull.'m ~ pl nnts. cn.., t', UD" trl~d .. t e:yl!j(,l <nu l lllen l. 1 ' ,'\1od It t he Tt ry tl dllK _ 11 no l on l y 18 tUloth lu8' One form of bac terIum la not su - or Boll In fes tin g dl "pas('s nild the hand . F or r eJ'. rough, cbapperl and ble('dam' " ' P P" tli[ \t aw f u l ttl·blIlJt. L u t h h e al. IIclent far both c lover and aHnlfa. ling of dIBe ~!8 18 not an ens )' prohlilUi T U l lllf . J W8.11 .1/0ll rlcl o f tho tro uble!' Ing banda, dry, fi ssur€d, \t c blng, b urn'rhl s lIora of the soil botb In r elation Ing pa lms, Dod painfu l II ng er·ends, to bacter Ia a nd rungl of co ns lde rll ble Tt f"Atnnl ~HI\ P .n4 wlt b shape less nalls, a ono·olghl Cutl · 1t,·",,,,,1CI,ttltn en, ran ge of s (.>Cc les, Is enrIche d by th e ure al"ti) 1 ~I ..o! t e treo· cura trea tm ent works wontl e rs . DI· ' appllc a tlons or manure and by the tl ve l or ~ C7. f'mt\ . l av,1 l· a ... I I(· ~ QI ,1 ... h tl ll n~lI . r c~ t l on s: Soak t be bands, on r et irh r}.\ COnlpl e ltoI 1,... ll. ~1li t l· \lfl, ul l,-1 ru.llln l{ practi ces of culture ; by thi s Is meant u l\l r . Yo ur 41rlla l"11:I 1 fO,(· I I .. t h " Ill, l ' llt '''t" Ing, In hot wal er and ' IIt Icma So aD· thnt the growing of a gll'e n crop a ~,,",.r(tIH" frf'~ .. :'llI j ,} {"" o f ~Il('h . w nl " \.0 Dry, aool n t '\\'Ith Culic\Jra Ointm e nt, D e pt . 10 1< . H I' s lnu l C h"m . t'u .. Ua.ltJrn orr .:ah1. second tim e or a third time coo se" \I' a nd wea r soft band ngcs or o ld , loo so tlve ly In the 60\1 In creases th e p rob· gloves d u rIng the n igh t. Tb cse purc, AWONDERFUL DISCOVERY. abil Ity that the plant root s re m a ining s wee t and g ent le enl o llien l s pr es c n ' c I t flJ~l~~~C:~ g~:~~,:. [~~\jn"\.~r~:t:::~~II~~~·~~I,~ati:~ In th e Boll are carried over from one tho hand 8, p reven t r edness, rough o C'ss tln euu f WLLO . tkif"n (:t. h AJI t ndf\6(j w adf\ Kl a nt Al • . ~. . cro p to t he next togeth e r with r oo t and cbappin g, and impart t n 8., 6hlb~ '" J,.ln!~I~JI)~~I~~I~':.~rrRt.~~~.Jt"~ol-:~~!Y ~e~~ \':!~~ ~ parasi tes wh lcb cause dIsease In the n Ig ht that velv et y softness n nd whHe~ ~~'~ &'lr~'a~::!;I~ ~'~" ~b~~ \l~~ :~~::~~~":I.~~~~~: plants or th is c rop. I\-ionlfeall y, lIken ess 60 much desired hJ~ wo men . }<~o r ~f. ~~!·~. ct~~~:~rr:~'I~~~~:.~I: ~e~r~~:' :?:~r~~~~:nna wlBe, If In prepnratlon Jor a g ive n th ose wh on o occ upa.tlon s te nd t o 111 ' f .\ \f'.6 . &c. .. .... Ieft) Is .u dll1.ltJ \.. 'n !Ret. It Iflf'<OJaeY ld e :& cro p to be gr own for th e fir s t tim e ju re t he bands , CuUcura Soa p o..nd Cu· ,\' eJ';'~~J~:~ r~iO'~:bl,'r~fo~~t upon th e land, r ather lib eral applicaf I 1.t1l .5U qUGI&Uo n able r,·mNlI,·s LOOI "ere f urmerly Lb. li eu ra Oi ntment a r e wonder u . ~l l t'I rulhlnc.a o f uledl cll llD CO II '" o f cou rse Iw~ations are made of fresh stab le manur o Cut tcura. Soap and Olnlm e ot 801£1 r~h~f~I'i ~~~l,,:~"~rc\,:, tl~trb~l~~n~t~lk:~'~ I~e)I\~Oe: contai ning s pores or m)' cellum, mo re tbrou gbo ut th e world . S a nl{lle or each ~~Ilon~~::' ~tr-:i' 1.~I:u~~~~. t~~r:::I:~:C~~rtI-: es(.>C clall y th e r eHling forms of myrDfree with 32·p. Skin Doo k. Arldre ss .huu'a •• n<l.:I'<I""'o('(\ ,n .. I" "" f o , . ·IIRIII b"u~ t.o Ilum caled sclero tla, th e 8011 will be• .. •• ()r . l ..eC;ero Mo(\ . CO .. l h .v n rstoclllt.oacl. Uomptttea4,. pos t-card Cutlcura, De pt. L. Doston . Lundon. II:n~ . and l eci cl. turt hew•• lno "betbo' t bl ('orne Int ected by t bl s manurial app li New }t' f enc b llemody'·THERAPIO .. ·' NQ. 1. No. or No. 11 II whllt. th e y I"f'qutro aDd tmyO been leell.lq cation. I n ,,,,10 durtnf( a.lIff' or DlIN:l;' lutrertnf.llI healtlirl The k ind of r eform most needed Is Wblle thlA Bou rc e of Infection Is tlj e kin d th ~' 11I Dot go a thousa nd ~~~ lu"~~lP!~n,e:;~~,&~.,:",lt~~:!'! ~ ~I, ~~ rathe r rare In fl eld cu lture tb ere nre $IN.K7NO OFTJiE m lles..a way from hom e to begin worle. speci fic examples U8 In th e Bcob dis· AT E tbc aft ernoon of August ~orrls ns lted If he cuu ld open fire : and ease of potatoes trans mlttl'd In this Potato Plan lt Affected with Ro.eHe. He thrifty on little thin gs like blu l n ~ . 19, one hundr\3d yea rs ago, Cal>' three times ho was answer ed "'Ith a 'way ; the sca b of s ugar hee ts may be ' t acc!' pt " fi ,er tor blul" .... Ask for !ted carrI ed In like m a n ne r . But In for e· since cbange, to rota tion may m ean a Don tul n Isaac ':Iull, one of Ameri- ca lm ' Not y e t, si r .' Cross Uuil Ulu e, th e ex t ra I{o<.>d ... Iut !Jlue. "Uut at Ins l, havIn g gnln ed a pos l· houee culture wh e re h el1\' )' II!>pll· Ing ca's greatest n uva l commands erlolls dec rease In th e return fl'om ers , WO\l a woge r o f a bat from tl on a bo u t 40 yords olr tbe e nomy's cations of m a nu re are mad e, the the crop on th e svec la l type of soO. The uscs of a mo th e r ·ln ·law are too Capta in James Richard Oacr es of the POit qu a rt er, Captain 1-11111 ga\'e the chances are gTeatly In cr eased that soil Whil e for goneral fle ld c ullure avoid· nrt en less thn.n h e r abuses. W. N. U., CINCINNATI, NO. 33-191a.. Briti sh navy. In addltlon t o tbe hat, order to flr o li B th e guns bore. In aD Infection will be produce d from the ance of cond itions may be succ e s sful, the Engllsbma ll los t lhe fi rst acllon Instant th e friga te be lcbed forth a manure. this Is by nl) m ea us a s Imple mntter. . '. . ., ./. " ...., ; ".:' ,.It 18 or value to rem e mber th llt seed Rotatloll ls often nbs olul e ly necessary, between frIgates 10 tb e war of 1812 , ' storm of Iron hall that carried death nnd bls countr y 6uffe r ed a blow to Its a nd deBlr uc llon In to lhe opposIng 'llfe sting or Boled Infecting organisms but thi s same rotation wI ll not rId tbe ptlde and prestlg'e fro m which It was Ihlp. The s plinters were s ee n to fly soil of the onion smut fungus, nor of long In recovering. A few dnys Int e r over the U,.lt lsh frIgate like a cloud, some othe r parasit es au h as In tbe th e Cons,t1tu tlon, one of th e vesEels &Ollle of them reaching- as high as tbe case or the clu b·rool tungus of cabwhi ch th e DrlUsb commanders , had m lzzen ·top. "'hll e lhe cheers of her bage and r'e lated plan t s. In these Hll ee l'lngly call e d thc "lIr-bullt Yank ee men a bru pll y ceased Bnd the IIhrlek; CllseR s ome '1011 trentme nt must be apfrIgates fi r ing a piece of striped bunt- lInd g rotl ns of tho wound ed werll plie d to fi eld areas . In tbe c a se ot the For Infants and Ohlldren. Th e Amerlcanb bad struck Ing at tb el r mast-hend s ," appeared olf heard. onIon s mut It Is s ,lmcle nt to app ly a Doston 'l1ght bouse gally decke d with the ir fir st earnest blow, and It Willi a ' formalin drip wbl ch w1l1 fa ll with th e fla g s IUld pr oud ly ]JRsEcd up th o h a r- stn g-g-erlng oue. The E llgll sh ma n fea aee d a nd dns lnfect th e soil layer In bor to te ll ot th e captu re a nd d est ruc- Its full weIgh t , an d perbaps for tbe /lI'oxlmlty t o the seed . T his Is e ff ecfirst tim e rea li ze d that t h is was OC) tion of th e Gue rrll'r e. ti ve becnusc the sm ut fungu s can penOnly a month before this momen· cblld' s pia)'." cr t ate th A germln atill~ onion plant tou s engagement Captain Hull had Brltloh Vessel Sh a ttered . only In th e earllpr RInses of gT<?wth. ALCOHOL-') PER CENT h ad ' nil excit ing experience with the Serving t bel r guns with extraorOn th e other h a nd wllh cabbage clubA~tlable Preparalion ror AsGuerrle r e a nd ber consort th o Devl· dlnnry rapid ity and accuracy, the root. wbere plants li re transplanted !oimilaling Ihe Food andRe!,!ulader e nnd Eeolus. Tbes e t br oe vessels Amerlca a s ln tll etc d great damage all rrQtQ the ~ds In which the), are !ht Stomachs and Bowel:; of p urs ued the Cons tituti on for more tbe Gue rr lere 's bull and rlg-g-Ing, and: gTown. some ge neral m eth od of soli Ii;~i~iiiiii ,than 66 hours and eap t nl n Hull es- a round shol brougbt down tb e Ens, treatment which Involves t h e soil caped only by Indomitabl e persever- ll s hman's mltzcnmast. This brought m ass Is mOire e·ft'ect!ve. In tbls case It an e and most skillful senmn nshlp, th e Gu c rl'l e r e up Into th e wInd and the Is th e app ll eallon of s tone lim e or cauaPromotes Digestion,Cheerful' putting Into Boston for s up plles. Constitution got In t wo raking broad· ttc ' lImo In llberal Quantiti es. These ex"1'55 and Re 51 .Con la i ns nl'ilher I~-ariy In A ugu9t tb e Cons titution sides. The \'esse ls ca rne togetber BaBeS of Potato Stem. Showing LesIon ampl es are only illu strative of gene ral Opium ,Morphine n01' Minl'ral started out again on a bunt for the wIth the Eng llsbman's jib boom exCaused by Rosette Fungus. The co nditions to be m et with. tn th e case NOTNARCOTIC enemy, nnd on Augu st 19 n snll was tending across th e Con s tltutlon'8 Shaded Areas Were Dark with an or potato scab, It Is fo und necessary sighted that prov ed to be a Brltlih quart er deck. Dolh cre ws prepared both to dIsIn fec t th o s eed where scnb Abundance of the Fungu~ frI ga te which , from b c r m a ne uvers. for boa rdin g , b ul tbc rolling of the Is presen t. even to a lImited (,,, tent, 'Was evidently de sirous of e ngagIn g. eh1p s pi'e ven led thi s. Meanwhlle the are a ls o very large ly capabl e of e u!' and to plant upon new soil Dot Inf('stWhen th o vcssels w'e re t hree miles sha r pshoo t e rs In t be t ops were wor k· vlval In tb e cultlvated s alls, thus our ed wIth tbe Bcah orga nI sm , Potato apart Cnptaln Hull sen t down bls Ing wllh e ne rgy nn d se vcral omcera troubl es multiply ad e quately It our rosette prevails w here potatoes a r e royal ya rd s , r C!efed hi s top s ails nnd and mt, ny llJ e u on both sId 8S we'llii care be Inadequate to avoid the m . grown on acid sa lls , This ncld co nd 180nt .the crew to q;Jart e ra. T~18 crew kllled or wou nded . Captain Hull We, perhaps, may assert that the tlon Is evIdently fa vorahle to th e fun""a s r emarkably d llllln ed and drill- ate pped upo n a ches t to le nd the board· law of nature la that of a dlv crs lfled gus which altaclts th e stcms of the Aperf(cl Remedy ror~on5tlp3' ed at the guns, and mora than that, o:-s. bu t l\ sea man pulicd blm down , beg. plant covering; at any rate the law young plants or e ven In enrly dcveloplion , Sour Siomach,DIarrhoea, scal'cely II mRn of th e m but had a glng him no t to 80 expose hlms'elf of sllccessful cui lure will permit of m ent of th,e Btems, Th ese nr e often Worms ,Convulsions ,feverishlcore to settle with the Engllsb . On wbile wearIng "those s wabs," re- state me llt In terms of crop rotation. rotted oft' below th e surface of the nC$s and Loss OF SLEEP.. the bare backs of mos t of them were ferring to hIs epaulets. Tbe sblpil Aud It Is tru e that I\.B culture ages the enrth . In later developments tke. .. the Bcars made by the lasbes of the were so c lose tor;e tlier th a t an Amer· number and seriousness or )Ilant dls- elongation 'ot the plant sxls Is stopped ,~Simile SiCriatu~ brutal English press ga nls, and man), Ican !lallor. after !Iring bill pistol at ellllea Incresse almosl In geometric and a roset.te appearance Is shown ID ' ~ 'Were descendants of AmerIcan sailors an Englishman, threw Ihe weapon at ratio. It Is further conspicuously true the leaves. When this Is round upon who bad s ulfered martyrdom In the hie ene:u)', hItting him In tbe face. wIth r espect to tho s e areas devoted seed tubers they should be treated .. Britis h prlsoll sblps during the R4lv()o An other of the Am ericans . young JOh.D largely to cODtlnuous culture In a with Coruialdehyde or corrosIve 8ubllJutlon: Hu W hlmself kept In mInd the Hogan, won a pe:lslon just about t\lll slDgle crop or In n group ot closely mate. tn'e-lhat fathtr <lIed In a pes t ship time. The American lI a g at ~e maiD frOm ' tne--unel treatment he had re- Inp gallantmaat bead was carried celved. awa y b y a sbot and HOG'llJ! ran up the Hull Wonted the Hat, r!.Sg\ng and lIall4!d the ling to the Soo n nrter 4 o'clock the two trl- mast. descending unhurt. Captain cates exchaqed lnef1'eclual broad- Dacres WI1S among thoBe wounded sides while maneuverIng for position by Ihe rlnemen. a bullet striking him &114 constantlY drawing closer. . About ID tbe back . Dauc:h ot Auhnatll Started In Moet Jtcoo.aomtcal ~ All RatlODa {or the Dairy Cow III That. 6 o'cloek Hull, becoming Impatient, Tbe friga tes DOW fell apart, and tn PursuU ot Ear oCCorn CaD Which I. Grown B. Coa&ed to Go onIered t.J;e Constitution 10 be 6teered dropping astern the ffiterrlere·. bow· OD th.Farm. Anywhero. dlrec tlr tor th ~ eno my nnd rapidly I5prlt etn1ck the Ame rican 's talfrall. closed upon hie port quarter. Dy the hl'r fore Slays were slackened and her (B" ,S o C. FREY , Kunau .) orders of. Hull .tIIo Americans now foremast went by the 6lde, fallin, (By R. O . WEATHERSTONE.) The work of our Shorthorn dairy ceased !lrlng and made nil prepara· a c ro ss the maIn stays. Tbls brougbt The hog i8 ot a na.turally obstinate tlons for Dn effectIve brood slde, r4lload- down the malnmd:.t and the vessel fell dlsl/osltlon. and will resist tbe Idea of herd of 15 COW8 In 1911 was the most We Lead You Ing the guns cnrefully with round shot lain tbe trough of the s ea. a complete be ing driven from onll place to an- successful In yeal'8. The mOf,t economlcnl feed for the and gnlpe and training the m upon the ,vreck, at ench 'Wave rOllins themaillother. Itlt Is desired to move the hogs Brlt.lsh ·sblp. "he Englisbmen were deck ,;IIDB In tho wa!er. Crom onc !leld to auother It Is far bet· daIry cow lis the feed that Is grown on ta be aeen 'Working their guns steadCaputaln Hull, seeIng tbAt tho eD- ter to uso a decoy than to undertake the farm, s cnd must bt\ In tbe beat CODdillon. ThIs Is my method of feeding: Ily, a nrl their frequent cheers were e my WI\II done ror, drew off to repalt to drive them . ' in California plaInly hea rd. What followed 18 thus damn~s 80 that he should not be In drlTlng hogs It Is ve ry 41Wcult to Forty pounds of corn silage; one-half told by Edgar S. ~,{aclay ID hIs "HIII- caught by any other Drlt1~h vessel get tbem to see the open gate as their In Ihe mornIng and one-halt In the M.en. J, & w, S. Killin, che Piltsburgh banbA, are tory ot the NaTY" : that mIght come along, and returning eyes are usunlly turned In another evening, lV'\tb all the alfalfa ha), they dola~ la theSacrsmento Vall"ywhat the U. S. Government will clean up, tcd ID th e ba rn. They "AS yet no order bad COm e rrom the later, sellt LleuteDant Read to take direction looking to be attacked. U 40101 elee" here lor the p4IOple. quarter-dec~ of the American frIgate, possellslon . CaptnJ.n Oac res reluct, Tb e wild hog" . when attacked, hud· ' ru u to corti fodd er unhusk6i1, and There t. ten times more net profit per Bent In California and perfect quiet prevailed Idong her antly admitted that he c.ould not con- di e up In a comDact buneb. turn theIr Kalrlr fodder In the yard. ThIll .. not irriglltuJ limtl than in the East and "ith leu labor. decks aa the men Btood hy their guns, tlnul' tbe combat and accompanied heads outward and watcb every m()o 11 properly balanced ratIon, but Is as Let UI take you where there Is comfort and happloen "ellr ll~ cIIlD 00 obtaine d with tbb nearly all of ~bem barefooted and Re ad to the Constitution. As be came lion of the enemy. bes:idi!tl profit, climate equal to thnt of Southern Italy. ml\ny stripped to the wal8t, ever and up the sIde on a rope ladder Captain Tbe domesticated hog has not reedB th a t c;111 be produced 00 Ihe no 'frOltl nor Inow, DO thunderntorms nor .unllrokes. 8nOD ens tlng Inqulrln" glances IU their Hull assisted him, saying: "Give me entirely 108t tllla wild Instinct and farm. I_et UI l1ke you ..bere big mOiley i. 'ID'W being made, I find It does not pay 10 buy oftlcera. At tbl5 moment a shot your band, Dacres. I kn o w YOU are naturallY takea to the anme plan of marltet. are near, demand for produclI ,reat and income comm<!rci8,1 feed I! only In tb e a b!e nce .., struck the Constitution's bulwarks hurt." And ~hen the conqu ered com· defense. h ~ I nnd threw ln n umerable .pHoters over mander offered hIs sword, Hull cried : The hog bas n ravenOUB appetite, of alCalf" hay. when It does pay to IA!t u. talce you .. here rail ro3d Bnd rlnr transportatioD the ftrst divIsion of the gun deck. "No I w\l1 not take the sword trom ~nd an ear or corn Is one of the mos t BUlllllement silage with a mIxture or i. near, where there are denominational churche. and wounding feveral men . Observing (>Ti e.' who know s so well how to use It., tempting mOTsels that can"'e used to cottonseed and bran to supply tbe progtaded .chool•. the efreo't of this sbot, th e En g lishmen but I'll trouble )'OU for th a t hat," overcome the natural instinct of tbe t<! ln eleme:nt. Cows r~d on the above Now Ie the·time to buy this land-aet in "lth the .. Innera, rotlon just can't help mllng the milk the great Panamll Cnnal .. ill loon be ready and you can save t.l1ree . 9 b ~er •.: but"atlll t~e Amer. Th e wager on the outcome or a poa- hog. .hare In It. triumphs; farm. are lelling rapidly, and w. Icau frigat e ' remained IIl1ent. Firat sible meeting between theIr respec,tlve If an ear or com Is dragged along pull. .tronll:ly urge you to purc~ase iU aoon as pouible. I find III f~(Ung .sllage the cost or Lieutenant Morris uow approacbed t rl ~u 1 es had been made be fore the the road at the ' end of a eord elgbt You can buy this land on very n." terme-$15.00 IJJ th e qua rter-deck, where Captain Hull breaking out or bostllltlel . . or ten feet long. anll just kept out of reed Is reduced from 40 to 60 per cent .cre .~ and the' balance in tea year y pay menu. WRS coolly pacing bac~ and fortb, and Hull did all that was poss Ible to reo reach of the hoi, he will forget every- an d tb e flow of mtlk Is Increased and GiYe us IJJ opportunity to tilk' up all detilila with YOII said : 'Tbe enemy haa' opened flre Ileve tbe sulferlng of the Wounded tilIng else and pursue the ear of corD kept ·up. ~rhls Is our second year with -writ. u. ".w, and killed two of our men, Sball we Englls'bmen. The GuerrleN! ' was rIght through a cornHeld or anywhere this silage, an d It Is surely a saUsfacLet UI ... nd you our /iD~ illu.tnateci pdnted mlltter tellini aD return It l' '1\ot yet. 81r,' was tbe found to b~ In a slnltlng condition an else l without stopping to noUee the tory daIry fe~d. about it. Write for I till Mu-it glvelYou absolute proofa. '. ' respons o from ttie quarter.d~ek. and was blown up. f h .. Co tit tJ ' opportunities (or forage o. trered by his tbf) Illen saw their mutilated sblpThis ,:Ictory 0 t,,!", nil U ' on W~ \ sW'.rouDdlDgs, . '. . Shade fot the Hen •• KUHN mRIGATED LAND mates hurrIed below . ta. thq ~urgeoQ:. the flrllt of. moment WOD by th~ Amer' Get .. bUnch of.. hogs started, ID pur- ' U It Is Imposllble \0 prQ,Ylde the Dept. 110 1 table, while they !,tOOQ snently at l~aDsJ lu to!! war and chee.J1lij . 'ill Ule inlt oL an ear orCorn and ther (orret .floc), of hens, w th sHade from' grow... 'I'QUJlTH AVENUE PlTJ'.s~URGH, PA. . theIr . guns in !D~m • .I!tary >eJlp,ectailon younll pa on 'Ullllhtll~t wu tol'_ 8Vel7tblnl ellle" and " can be , lea '117£, lilg, tjllngB durln~ the scorching sum·of m~t1ng a slmUar . fat~! Notblng lov::e# by many anotller" :ne,, o~ '1\'bere .., their OWD..",. ',: .mel'- dllY.~ ~'ey 1\'1~ .appreclate tha~ but.the Perfect dl~clpllbe.l!1 the .J.D!.r•. '91oat fanio,:,,, beln~ Co~o , pt ~•• ...,. " ' . ' , " ' ,- , ., ,,' ,mid. "b~" etretcptor c·JoOcl~'Zed ,PIece I lean hllate" re.sfralned 'tile IbJP"atle~~ "tctory In the bat.~ of ~k.l rle• : :' .1 .. ' 8u\ldl"l1 New Roultl~·~ou".; ~ Mi' ~h~~ or ~vu o" el', lOme '.1fart · _~\,,!,C_' 6t tb,e IUD ern'. ILDd pre'eDt~ tbeID eeDtftlary!>f , wblc I', ~ CII., bra III If • U~ pouItr)' ·boue I. to be buUt- 'lfI. die 7ardo T~ II · hwIIiDtt1 ""m retlulIlUS \b~ EDlllsbmau~s cu· lI.ll~ summer- wlUL ,:rea ~IIIOII . .. . . . u thire )all't ,a _aaD47 Qo\ laaD4J' to d."D4~t ~ &II~:~ 40


Samp Ie f ree.•





The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature




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For Ove.r Thirty Years



To Fortune and Happy Life s.






T)lree lim.. UtUleDalt 1utlcr.a' eontiDutf1

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, .... - . .



1IOUt-1 . . "'_..::::1 I


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l-z-'M-.-M-E-R-M-A-N-,st l; B & C

"Really Cood" Wrapped Cakes



We tlre plltti ng in a \i n~ of fancy wrapped cakes, made with fine , \)u tl('l' and Egg~, baked like homemade cakes. Fr uit Cake. 0 '1' L ' d ' Lady :SPOI1 ~e. eVI 8 l' 00 , ' Cake. Raisin a nd Ci tron pound. ~p Ct' . Ma rble. all wraIJPI;'d .lUc

II ~!



to 25c.

Gh' c them a trial, you will UUy more .


[~~~[~~~t~] f.f~~~!-i~~!.~~ Mrs J . n, Chapman, Miss Laws and Mis.~ Myres were guest of Mr s. E. :So SaJ'1 y Satur d ay.

Going t o the.8ta te Fair! Mra. Lina Dev itt is visiting relu· tives in Indianapolis.

Mrs. Ali ce McKinsey and daught er Mr . and Mrs. A. B. Sides went to had fur their gUElf ts Thunday Mr . and Mrs. T. Lee Adams of Kansas the State Fa ir , t oday . City. Mo. and Rev. am] Mrs. J . F . Mr. a nd Mrs. C. A. Br uner will Cadwallader. retu rn home this week.

Mrs. Maggie Bergen . ot Xenia, All t:'tj ul/strian parly CU Ill PO!:leU of villited relati ves here ~ unda.y. Mr. and Mrs. J. 1:1. Chapman, Miss Laws, Miss Myres, MeS3rs. Emmor r. J . Sherwood went to Columbus Baily and }{onald Hawke altenu ell today to a t tend t he State fai r . Jersey Sweet Potaloe:l, Home ) Camp Meeting at Ha rveysuurg. Silt· Grown OniOA!!. urd ay evening. Mrs. Hawken, of Spring field. is Comb Honey . New Che'*le. the guest of Miss Kezia Merritt Misses Ethel Hosier and Ethelyn Tin Cans. Glass Cans.Jell, GlllSII. Mil son's Fert ilizer, the best on the es. Sealing Wax and Pa rafine. J ones we re host esses a t a t himbl.., markt"t , for sale by Chas. Frye. par ty IllSt Thu rsday, at the cozy Bring us your produce. home of Miss Hosier, Nimble fin It pays to t rade at Mrll. J , W. White is attending the gers and need les 'fere busy fash ion· M. E. Conf6rence at Troy, this week ing many beautif ul and dainty articles while the g irls enjoyed a good John Smith went to Columbu8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ social t ime which was greaLly a ug · TUE!lIday, and will attend the I'tate mented by sever al mu sical selec tiolls fair . WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. and readings. Refreshm ents con· siRting of jce cream , cake, frui t Mrs. S. D. Clayton is visitinr rE'l· Methodist EpJlICopal ChurQ punch and homemade candy was one atives in Indiana for a eon pie of Rn. O. S. Grau.oer. P utor. Sunday Scbool. 1/ : U a. m . ,>lornl ng .e r oojoyable featurf' . The u8ually cozy weeks. vice. lU :UO a , m , I!;vpnln g sen- Icc. -; : U p room was t:a.'4tefully decora ted wit h m. Mill .. .,.. .. P nyer M IN!\ lnli. 7 p.- m. Messrs, C· G. Williamson, E. S. plants and ferns. Those who enSt. Aupstfne', Catholic Churcb.1 joyed the hospi tali ty of their f riends Baily and 'J . B Chapman motored to Father Louis Y a'III were Misses Susan Wrig ht , Leah Dayton, Saturday. MIIo88 e..... ry II8OOI.d ~ .. ud"l· or lh~ tJln blll a Smith, Sleanor Merritt , Sybil and ~ : uo a. m. Fred Hawke and Hugh Rid&e are Melen Hawke. Ed na Janney, Helen spending- Woonesdayand Thursday St. Mary', EpllCOpai Chutda. Neibert, Grace Carman,- Clara Ilnd a t the State Fair. lle v. J . F . CAd .. alll. de r , [tect u !. Mary Ibwke, Mary Davis, Edith and Sunday Soltool. 0 :ao ... m Mornln , s er vice. I U ::lO a . m. Hol y Com mu n Ion ' he tlut Rachel Sheehan, Lurh Tinney, Rutll Are you going to the Montgomen. Suuda, vi eac ll m onlll. Zimmerman. Josephine Oglesbee, ('.aunty Fair next week? The speed Lucile Cornell and Emma Hawke. r inlC is full of attractions. - - Be.... P. B , Tbomp.aD, PMtooI , . DIble Ichool. ' :10 ~m,. IocIaI meet~. One of the mas' oommon al\men~8 Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Fisher and 111:.0 .. aI. ObrI.It.Iaa lkIdea...or, 7: 00 p.... th .., bard working people are affllot·. ,.,. 8enDoa b~ ~flWJ' ·alkInWe 8uDdQ'" ed with 18 lame back. Apply daulrhter, of Cmcmnatl. are ~uesta 10:111 . . . . IIId 'lU p, '111. Chamberlain'. Unlmenttwioe Il day 0 f Mr. and Mfa . W , HAIl . en. Hkbi.. frieodJ Chur4a ' aDd mall1l&18 the paru thorongbty First D'Q lleeUDIf. o :CJtI a. m. JI'I m Dar at eaoh applloatiun, lind you will get If you want a good fertilizer call &111001, 11 :0' a m. Filum Day Mce,l alt. qulok reUef . For lIale by all dealer. Chas, Frye, phone 49 lL IS. 111:00 a... • __ - - -

'I InJi allti Watermelons llldiana l .anteluupes, Elberla Peaches. Th in Riud Ll'!Ilon~, Sweet Cal ll Ora nges, Jum bo Bananas.



----- ..



OrtIaodOJI Frfeacll ChurA!, ..


lin. Bu~ )(UIft1. Putor S abba\h &111001. 11 :80 •• m. ReJula r oll u rel urvtoe.10 · '0 a . m. CIIrllltA aa l'liideavor.

The Wayne Township Public • ' Schools Will atart Mop,lay, Septem. 7 :3 0 D ber '2nd. All children 8ix years ot ~=======~=~~ see betol'e January 1 1913 may be ltarted at becinning .t school term. If yO. have any surplus It is very much desired that all atoek for sale, use our .eginners be started the very first _ ClaBsified Column. It day of school. .... G. Gilmour. Supt.

will seU them for 10u.


Miss Mary Hawke returned to her home in Lebanon Sunday, after a week spent with relatives here. Miss Laws and Miss MyrflS, of Westwood, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J, B. Chapman.

Mrs. John.McClure and - two Don't filii to read Lingo & Blair's daug~te1'8. of . S.prinlrbo;o, are ~L relatIVes here ad on anGlMer palre. Th ey WI·11 b e spendlDlr the day With ,. the MDt.r of IlttraelMn at t he War· The C ESocietv of the Christian ren @Qu." flair, September 1O-1S. chuo;:h will hold speciKI seroC88 on and will make a great lale poSsible Sunday evening Everybody invited. at that time. ViBit their exhibition and you will bli more than satisfied Mni. Mary Proctor Wilson. of the that they will do what they say. Lebanon Patriot, waa in town Friday evening and attended the 8uffralre meeting.

.. ~



''\Yell; did he start again 1" Kelley, of Springfield, are spending ''£es ; lui8 ' on his third time the week with' Mr. and Mrs. W. S.

Beech-Nut Pea:nut''But'ter

"'is ia one of the me,st popular ar· ticles we sell. Ita flavor haa made it popular. Everybody who likes pea. nutslikfJ8 Beech·Nut Peanut Butter. Bur a 19c jar today of

G. W.

Fltered Gasoline for Auto's at the

week after the lMt one married off Waynesville Auto and Machinery Co. the first one' got a divorce and came back to him." I Mrs. Elsie Seever and 1\(rs. Verna


around no",;"



- -


Sell, ' Auction, Rent or Borrow

TO YOU WHO WANT TO BUY, SELL, AUCTION, RENT or BORROW MONEY-TO YOU who hillve Rents to Collect, Land to Sell, Sub-divilions to Develop, city property, vacant lots, or any delirable plroperty to unload, and need Cash; also TO YOU who epeed more Capital to increase your bUline.s, a partner or ,·.Financial Allistance in any way, and TO YOU who have Industrial Stocks to unload, Stores, Hotels, Reltaurants, F actories,~. Theaters, Barbershops, Automobiles, Garages, Rooming Houses, Banks, Foundries, Amusement Parka, Builders' Supplies, Grain Elevators, Inventionl, Newlpa'per Plants, Printeries, Photograph Galleries, Sanitarium~,.C,untry Homes, Chicken Farml, Coal Mines, Garden Farms, ·:Plantationl, Brick Planta, Mills, Business InvestDlents, ' Coal Lands, Timber landi, ' Acreage, Farms, ,Orchards, Factory Sites" City Propert)", AUotments of a.n y kind or desirable Real estate you want turned into Cas~"l; TO YOU we lend this Message Greeting: • , • WE ARE SELLERS and SATISFIERS- WE DO THINGS, our promptness is our pride-··we want our friends as customers, we are in business to sell. We make quick sales at small profits .• Every promise is kept. Nothing misrepresented. We w:a nt your good will-we are working for your good will. We buy carefully. There are Real Estate Sales and Real Estate "SELLS." We know Real Estate values aroupd Dayton. When you want to buy, consult us. When you want tolsMl, see us filrst. If it can be rented, we can rent it. If it can be mortgaged, we can mOrtp,ge it. If you're interested in Real Estate, you'll be interested in us, Have you property for sale or rent? Put it in our hands and it'l sOOn be off yours. See us first about Real Estate, our lists are large, our patrons many. Our To-Let and To-be-Sold list is interesting. We get the real neWs from the Real Estate field. When your property is on our list it is placed before a big list of investors. We close deal!i promptly. No dull season with us. We have satisfied others, we can please you. ,

Jehn Cafferty and 80n, .Josiah. of Franklin, Ohio, were KUests of Mr: and Mrs. H. H.·Williamaor., Sunday


"Wombat daughters. The

- -


A key was picked up in front of Geo. Mills' residence Saturday mom· "What do they mean by platonie ing. Owner can claim it by callin& love?" aaked the fust half of tb .. a t this office. PQor sketch. lilt mi&l18," replied the other The reunion or the Graham family half, "that the yOllng man iI not will be held at tbe home of Bert making enough te . support a me." Stacy anci family at Lytle, on Satur· day, August 31st. A HUMAN DYNAMO.


SUCCESS DON'T COME FROM THE "OLD WAY" OF SELLIKG-SUCCE SS COMES IN "CANS," Our success is due to careful and conservative methods. Our credit is'buUt upon tbiags we do. Our· method closes sales. If it's salable we sell it. Those to whom we sell, .-eIl for us. We have a perfect right to blow our own born: We have a just right to shouf about the property we &lie selling. We make sales because we make accurate statements and our representatives are re.sponsible. We t.m real estate and real estate securities into cash. Everybody speak, t well of our b usiness methods. Every chance customer becomes a constant customer. Great satilfactioD is ex· QlreSsed by our customers. Advertising by us is reliable advertising. No transaction too small-no transaction too big. We want your good will. Don't wait until you have business, come in and get acquainted. Don't lose any time. . Real estate in all its branches. There are people who want to buy. There are people who want to sell.

IT'S OUR BUSINESS TO BRING BUYER AND SELLER TOGETHER. You'D save mone)'. COme in. .Our Offic~ are in the Keys Building, firlt floor (two 'd oors east of WayneaVilI., Bank).Your early acquain'l ance solicited.






w. c.

WEAVER, Resident .Manager


"If you work like this, you'll nevMl1I. Lida Barnhart and son, who _,~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ er live to be old." have been visiting relatives here and ANNUAL:REUNION POSTOFFICEHOUR5, LABOR DAY "I don't care to live to be old. It at Lebanon, leave for tlteir home in Miss Harrison, of Dry Ridge, Ky .. j Suh84"ribe for the Gazette takes up too much nluable time." Oklahoma, this w.eek. is tine guest of MiB8 Stella Lemmon. ' The fourteenth annual reunionof Lobby open from 7 a. m. to7p.lD. -- - -'- ~.--. ~~~-~ ~~~ -~ - ~-~ -~~ --~ -- --~ - ~ -, -=: Mr. and Mrs. Lee Adams, who Rev, C. S. Grauser is lttf'nrling M. the Five Points District School, All departments open from 9 to have been visiting relatives here for E. Conference at Tro~, Ohio, this Clearcreek TownBhip Warren County 10 a. m • two weeks, left for their home in week.\ Ohio, will be held at the reaidence of .Rural carriers will not m~e their Kansas City, Mo., Tuesday. . ; Rufus Roenagle. IX miles northeast tnpa on that day. Rev. and Mrs, J r ~. Cadwallader . of, Sprincboro, Ohio, on the first Do not call when the wlridowaare Prof, and Mrs, McClelland Crane left today for Chicago for a two· ' Saturday in September. Anyone down. you will not be anawereli. and son . Curtis, of Cincinnati, Mr. weeks visit with relati\'es there. who hll any products of the soil, or All mati. will H dispatched and Will Crane, Yrs. Mary Catfer'yand Gasoline Stoves, repaired. Nottf), old relies, please ~ring t~em ~ we received as Ull18l. . can be had riaht in tewa frem ..I. Mi!lS Mary Hormell, of Pekin, were the Waynesville Auto and Michinery want to get up an mterestmcexhlbit. Frank H. F..-r, POitmuter. You know how par1icular Uncle Waynesville visitors, today. Co. and they will call for them. There will be on exhibition a pair of • - • . pants and dress 01 the first man od Inner tubes vulcanized. Waynee , Sam is in buying goods. You can The National Finance and SecuriMr. Lewi8 Woollard, of Leesbqrg. woman who settled in that neighbor· ville Auto and lIachlnery Co. .\ ~- trust his judgmellt. ties Co:s ad on another page is good Ohio, is the cUe¥ 01 hiB brother, hood. Bring your basket., I I thiB ia, =====~=~~=== pay eyery property owner reading. They .uy and Mil, and Mr. HenrY WooI~rd and famil,.. . the cuatom. All who are intereated resident manager, W, C cordiall, invited. A~ to find out ATLAS Cement can their Mrs G. W. Hawke, Rev. and Mrs. •_ • \" Weaver, isa·genialf!1an to deal with. W. E. Dakin and Mias Donna Hawke add to his income, comfort. safety. Veterinary NEW CENTURY CLUB .8e••terll1- Spellt Monday wlth"""elatives in etc. We have some interestina _n.o n.'1Dayton. . ., the New Ceo.... oblo State Unlvenlty Year boo,1.lUJ .. or .... ry O........ te •. .

. The Same ATLAS Cement Used By The U.S. GovemlMlll On The'Pauma Canal

It will


health, booklets on this subject, free for the uking.




r. J.




~ixty-Third Year


Whole Numb er 3175

r;~:::::::::::::::::::=:::-~::::.-=..:.::..:.::==:::::::::::::::.~:.~'l --------------------------------~[-----.

e-- --- -:- . .,..,.........--.

CANNING FACTORY 5TART S The Dayton ians. of Dayton . were! 1 The Waynesville Cannin g fa"lury the attract ion at Phillips ' Park. i i 1 slarted f or the 8eason ' ~ work laSl Adelbe rt M. McKay has taken Monday, and suffere d their second ro .roro ...... . ; . . _ _ _ . .. . . _ . . . .. . . _~._ • ••..J I week. but has no t got .Iu wn tu r .... al ~I r. J . L. Sh eehan o\'er the Dayton Newsp aper Ex· d(·feat at the hands our own &,ood a lltl fam il y en ... ~ ..- -.....- . ---..·. .---.... ..... _ .... _ •. _ .......... .. _ 1 business yet. The corn is above th e lerlil in eu M r , and M ro;, I"ran k change . He will muke tbe handlin g Miami. thi. season , The game was . Mrs. F H. Farl' was in Dayton Phineas Cook attende d th Stat averag e in quality this year. of Ohio neWRpaper propert ies a tast. snappy and well played. but Frl·day. and Packer and daug'hw r Yl arl{ar elt ll. e e everyth ing points to a prosper ous last Frid ay , the Miamis ' trusty bats worked too specia lty.-Ru ckeye Prlnter dom. Fa ir Friday . season. well to suffer defeat behind the Parry Cook visited the State «'air ~l!8.~ Hartso DEATHS ck was at the State Supt. Roy Irons has fitted up Mr!l , C, M. Burm· lt . MI ~~ H t!~'l ii! splendi d brand of pitchin g Ben last week, Fair Friday. a three-c ompart ment tent un the Bu rn ett bon ,1 Ma!:l lt! r ~:I hl\n em e Smith put on exhibit ion. Mrs. Hannah E. Fetter. lla-ed 86 ground s. and he and bis family are W1 're guests of n, V :illl ilh anti farn · The fielding of both teams was Thad Zimme rman spent Frida~' at Jesse Burton made an auto trip to staying there durina' the season years, died at her home Saturd ay extra fine, but the honors and ily , at ,li nn er l a~t W.,dl,,·... day , mUllt" e the State Fair. Spling field. Monda y., evenin g from the effectR of a fall. given to Fricke. thll are very comfur tably situate d . Day toni an . .. The funeral was held at the M. EI shortst op. and Captain Bergen A visit t o th e factory last week. . the. MISS Mary Cook VISited relati ves Las t Friday c"" niII I{ I It I! Loyn l Mrs. Lina Devitt returne d from shows 1I0me ve ry new innl)va c~urch Monday afterno on, Rev. C. S. Lajoie of the Miamis. tions. Daugh ters la.o;;; tl f til., C hri~tian Fricke ran 10 Columbus. last week . ImJianapolis FridllY. of IMt week. and the f actor y i~ ~till lip to t ho Grause r. officiating. int, rment was trom his prsition and made church was d e ligh t full~ ' enter taint:d a won· Ra' L' ht d FI' t K t R f made in Miami cemete ry. standar d in class of work and clean· at the home dertul pick.up of a lIilzlinl' Irround er . flO If b a~ HmMwl~ uf th eir teacher MrH It &o~. Mrs. Ma uei Fitzger ald has taken liness. Wat er. pipe~ were put up Wal ter Elzey. Af ter "etwee n first and second which Will! mil' or sa e y " th!' uli sine,H en A>. up her duties at the postofli ce . this sum mer. and all machin ery il:! John M. Davis. aged 64 YflllrS, died entirely to hot for Hall to handle 1Ies.<;ioll of the claS!:l. a social tim e and as Miss Ruth Chandl er attende d Mrs. Julia DonOvan. of Indian. now cleaned and fumiga ted by at his home in Mt. Holly, Wedne sday It went throua-h the Rt.eam deli ciouRrefreshmentRwere enj oYI!J , box. Bergen Teache r's institu te in Xenia, hlst apoJ:s , is vi!!iting E. S, Baily and The factory has been newly ~alnt~d evenin g at 12 o'c1ock, after a long made a Irreat run nearly to the wt!tlk. family . and the usual order of clea nliness IS illness. The funeral was held Satur, house in riJl:ht field and caUl< ht a fly Miss Anna Thomp son. of the Leb· fully carried out. a cleaner for every anon pik day mornin g at 11 o'clock at tht+ Mid· that looked like a sure hit. Howell. · enterta ined Labor Day a Dr. T. I. Way. of Cincinn ati, ~\t· There will be preachi ng ~el'vice s departm ent doing nothin g but dIe Run church . Interm ent was Surfac e's unders tudy, also played tended keep· party of Dayton fr :enck Th ol!e the funeral of MrR. Hannah at the M. E. church Sunday mornin g ing his departm ent clean. made in MidJle Run cemate ry. splendid ball at first. Burton '8 Fetter Monday. pt:esent were: Mr. and Mrs. Barka· and evening . Altoge ther it is a good educati on low cBtchinlr was extra good and showed Misses Belle Barkalow. Grace I for th e uniniti ated to make ft visit to GiII~n. Ethd up especially well against the work h~ldl1l· Chas. Stansbufry Kephar t. MellS l's ' Fred Ian tid t ":'11 Mrs John Vander voort. of near this model facto ry. and see for them. Mrs. Julia Underwood died at the of Hungli ng. suppoeedly one of the c I ren were guests 0 I'e II Vel 10 Wilm ing ton. is Barkalow, Ll oyd Vandille and Ottu visiling her Hister Mrs seJves Waynesville's big industr y. Friend s' Boar ding Home, last Thurs- best young amateu r catcher s in Dayton Ia.'lt week. Marlat t. Ueo. Hamilt on. day evening . The funeral was held Dayton , at the White Brick Meetin g House I. O. O. F. MEMORIAL Mrs. ·B. H. Hayes ana Mias Lena Mrs. J. B. dawke and family. of ani of the most social events took HOW RUNS WERB SCORED Saturd uy mornin g. Mni. Herritt . of Hayt!S of Cincinn ati. are guests of Bellefo ntaine. Ohio . are place at the home of Misses Edith guests of HarveYlibursr. speal;in g. Interm ent Wherea s. It haC! pleased God in and Rachel Sheeha n, last There was nothing doing in the Miss Belinda ' Rogers . relatives here fur a few day i'!. Friday waa...mad~ in the Friende buryitlR :Jcl)rilllt line hi~ Divine wisdom to remove by the afterno on, as Edith had until the first half of planned 11 gro~ nd . MrA Undrm ,oorl had twen the third , Uunlr1in of death. from our midst our comple te Rurprise i,t being near Mr , and Mrs. Chas. Stansb ury Bnd g . the fi~t man The Baptist Associa tion will be hand Miss b i d B h W H D k d at tht: home for st'\ ~rlll yeats Shl UP. was saft! at first and took e ove rot er . , u l!ll'co no family attende d the funeral of a rei · held at MI'dd lerun c h urch, on t he 6th while Rachel 's birthda y . Tho~e presen t the final parting frome. an was 91 ,ears of age and was a very on Edwar d', wild heave. our P 'Itive in Dayton 7th and 8th E . ' ted . Saturd ay. Hall b d were: Marga retta ae ker. Eth e I . wery 0 y mVI inteUillMlt and lovable old lady. She fanned and Braner torced . dear brother . whom we ~oved. was Sheeha n. Mary Salisbu ry. J03eph ine Hungli n,! Mr. and Mrs. D. H Hocket t and "will '"' sadlv mi88ed~ we are cheered and comfor ted 0 I b at third. Smith to Edward s . . Brane ' Miss Jennie Dinwiddie. of Indian· ~d. Cor· by an abiding faith that he nas en. g es ee, He Ien H a~ ke. Lucile - - -....- • C · I nd .• spen t etole &eCond, went to third on Mr. and Mrs. ehas. Hartso ck at· apo I18. Ie 0 f d ays t a coup nell Clara Hawke ed . higher Grace and armen, better life' Q1UTUARV here l!U!t week with Mr. and Mrs. er a . Z" Fricke' s single and scored on Steven · t ended the State Fair. last week. eva Young. Ruth tnlmerm an. Theref , ore. Be It resolve d that we Emma Hawke . Ada Michen er, 8On'adouble. Weymo uth fanned for Mm. Jae Hawke has returne d W. H. Allen . Benjam in Weeks waa born Decem · 'the third out tender our heartfelt sympat hy to Ethlyn Jones. Ethel Hosier, . . . . ber 8 1839 and departe d this lite Edna . ' . h M d M in from Bellefo ntame and Will VISIt D L C d the family of our departe d Brothe r,. S tterthw , • The Miamis tIed up t e 8Core aite Edna Janney . Edna among relative s In alld around rEt~n . rs t'ih . ~aned a~h feehng that his compani on has AUirul t 22, 1912. their half the inninlr. '11 lIOnI' . an: sPCenl be wee d·enf .WI.. failhfu l husban d. his childre lost a S~ith ' Mary' Davis Louisa Stokes. He was a BOn ot John and ~ther. and Howell went out, Hall Hawk e W n a true Mabel' and Sarah' Sattert hwaite to Me ayne3vl e. re atlves 10 0 um us an rlen..s d I' t th Lod t ue ine Louck Weeki. He was umted in Kain. Edward a IIiDlrleci and in Springf ield. an ovmg paren. e started ge a r Mr. and MI'i'I. !<'rank HarniltonlUld Blanche and Reva Sheeha p. Marie• marriq e to Mary J. Gam_ n. to steal second. Huniflinif mue and worthv membe r. and the com· MiIlllr Luella and Alice Sheeha n and 8 daught er of Newpo rt.Ky , have been March 2f. 185g. 'fwo daulrh ten and mad heave to center field which Mias Dora Ellis, has returne d to munity a good citi~en , gOI visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Hami.! Mary Thoma s. one l<in were born to them-C laz:a. past Dickeo ahMts and 'l) Theref ore. Be It re20lved that as th e W 008 t er Ex: perl' men t Bta t'lon, Cobb. Jr .. h' wife ' f E. E. Vance. precf'd ed hIm came home. Daki" then finished ton. for a few days. Wlias t err Oh 10, Ii ter spen d'mg a a lOVina- tribute to IS memor y our On last Thursd ay evening Mr. and . ~~. ' thO I t' to the Better Land more than ten fannin&' for the thinl out. charte r and Lodge room be d ra ped W~'(l ... WI re a lVes here. Mrs Franki e Brunne mer and two . ' . tor t h'Irty days. bnd and Mrs. W. H. Allen enterta ined a m moumm years ago. g In the tifth after Rida-e had gon .. ,·hildre n and Miss Fleidia Skaggs . of There will be a meetin g of Miami this memor ial be spread on a me· Jarge compan y in compli ment to He is survive d by his widow, one by the threu strike route. Hawke !\(artins vill <l. Indiana . are visiting Valley Poultry Associa tion. Friday morlal page i)f the records of the their house guests Mr. and Mrs. daughl er, Mrs. Flora Hadley . one was h(t by a pitehed ball, stole second Mr and M\'!I, Walter A, Clark. evesing. Septem ber 6th. at 7:30. Lodge. and a copy tran ... itted to Chas. Fisher. of Cincinn ati. "500" "eon, Roy. tour ' grandc hildren . one was sate at third on anothe r ' batJ Dr. B~wn will be present . ....t grand·d au&,hte r, twa siaters, throw by HunglillJl and the tamily of our departe d brothe r and music was the pleasan t pastim e &cored on M~. and Mrs . . Arthur Cast, and, and a copy to the village paper for Vocal solos by Messrs . Fisher and two brother s and a larae numbe r of Howell 's aiDl'le. Edward s aln,:l~ family: .o~ Danvillp. III.. whn have Mrs. Steve Phillips. of Washin g. publica tion. Funkey . and instrum ental selectio ns relative s and friends . . and Dakin forced Howell at thIrd, lleen VISltlUg Mr. and Mrs WaiteII' ton. C. by H Miss Ruth Hartso ck were thor· " was called here lut week He joined the Method ist Epl8Copal Fricke to Steven son. Edward Allen Hainell ~ s wag Cast. left for their home, Monday. 1011 accoun t of the oughly enjoyed by the guests. De· L. Nichols serious on illness Commi of ttee chureh forty years ago and continu ed Bate at third on Hall's bad throw, M L" \.I G.C.H artsock II d M ,I..~r brothe r Mr. Dan Woolla rd. Iicious a conllistent Christi an wurker and but Burton flied refresh ments were served. to Weymo uth t VI rs. '7.~le ~elUle an r8 . I Those presen t were: Mr. and Mrs. officer ot the church durinlr all these th l1.·rd t Frank &aen , of · LyLle, attende d e Ull ou. M SCHOOL OPENS MONDAY d M Ch I Sh tts and Geo . Funkey . Mr. and Mrs. Will th M t Co t I a a F r . an rs. years. ar es u In' the sixth, Bergan ainlrled aJ.(t .e . Q81fGLamke~Yd punkYD' t' I' ~ ·lfamiIYattend O'Neal He was an active and valued memo l. Mr. and Mrs. JOII Chapm an. edtheGoldenWedding The old school bell rang out Mon· at ESI e' ar. ay on as. A ' went to second when Sml'th s i ngJe( I Pl£nlC f M \V"ed d esd M Mr. and H Mrs, John Cartwr ight, Mr. ' th nnn'ers ary 0 her · of the Indepe ndent Order of Waterh ouse forced Smith at aeoon.l. r. an rs. enry day mornin g and e temp Ie IIf and Mrs. nay. Shutts. Fred Hender son. Mr. and of Oregon ia. last Tuesda y. learnin g on the hill was invaded by Odd Fellows. Fricke to Lemm\ Nl. George stole Mr. Morris Carneal, of Dayton " Mrs Chus Fisher, Misses Izma lie was a klndan d affectio nate second and Ridifes cored Bergan 15-' childre n, who are anxiou s to with Mr ' H. A.. Cornell and wife. Mr. Egbert . Henrie tta McKinsey, Donna Dr. S. D . Clayton attende d the comme nce the year's work. huaban d and f~ther and a peace- a aingle. H~wke fanned , but How· I!:rnest ButterWGl'th and wife;-MTs funetttH tf-M·rs. W. Z. Hypes. u,idow Janitor Pa'rshall has been workin g Hawke . Emma Hawke , Leah Smith. make! ,amonlr hiS fellowf l en . lo~ed ell PJjoduced the einlrle n.eeded to Joel Stokes !\nd Mias Stella Daugh . of Rev. Hypes, tormer ly presidi ng for the last three weeks cleanin g the Laws. Myers, J er.nie Dinwid die. and ~ted by al! who kneW him . score Waterh ouse. How~1l stolt' ~c· erly went 10 the Stat", fair on Wed. elder of this. district . Saturd ay. in rooms. A great change has been Martha O'Neal l, Eva Funkey . Very otten, .peela lly in .the past ond bllt Hall and Mcl<am ~ Mor) i!l Cornell took them Daytcm. few wee~, he alJOke .t bemg fully ot Edward s for til' thlrQ O\l~. care ine9day. made in the school house lately. Eleano r Merrit t• . Mary Salisbu ry. hit! lIutU. Ruth Hartso ck. ' prepar ed to meet his ~88ter, and Instead of the : old eye-killing black. Lucile Cornell, In· tne levent" ', ~tel' fricke' s sen· . \ Arr.Ollg those who attende d the boards, new ones have been put in Messrs. Raymond Davis, Ralph often, after hearlill ' mu..~,h~would sationa lalop bad robbed Dilkin of a 1'hoa. J. Urown. Misses Annie U. lfuDeral of Mrs. Hann~ Fetter Mon: !laY that eopn: -he would enloy the hit. Burton tripl~ to' cenler of slate, thus cutting ' out the glare Smith, Ronald Hawke , Fred Hawke . and and Mame lirllwn and Mrs. Urith day were Mrs. Emehn e Peacuc k. mUlie of die·world beyonel. of the old.sty le boards. They are Wilson Edward s. Hendri cks. Ray BCOred on ()ic~ensl\~eu.' bad throw. Thomu s allLoed to Cqttonw ood Mills and Edward Ricks. Farm. Miss Emma Peacoc k, Mr. Will fine and teacher s and scholar 04RQ' TtfMUHI s alik.e Berpn went out ~ the WQl' of Hall Bellbrook. Dayton and the Nationa l Peacock nnd son, Miss Ella Ebrigh t, will welcom e the change W. deaire to thank all our neil'h. to McKain and Smith struck out. . At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Doan Militar y Home, I~t WeQnesday. and of Dilyton; Mr. and Mrs. Joe ThompFollowing- is the list of pupils for Brackn ey on the Dayton and Lebano bora a~d other friends their The acore: n returne d home ~Y w.ay of Miamis· of Cinei~nati. Mrs. Thoma s each room as register~ Monda y:. kindly iympAPt~ and attentio n ex-D AY'l 'ONI ANS pike. August 25th. their BO~ Melvin ' burg and Fran\ Fett,er. of Springf ield. tended UII durinl the death and 1st room-M iB8 Henrie tta McKm- planned a Burprise forthem .m honor burial of our dear husban d and Brew. rt ... : .: . . A~ID~M JA sey, teacher , 28 pupils. of their 17th marria ge anmve rsary. lP~ ~ ~ - .2nd room-M iss Lilla Benham . which came August 28th, and father. The Family . :~~:.o:' 'Iil: 'Ii: : : ~ ~ ~ was a 0'01 a:. • • • ~ teacber W.Jmou~h If. lb. . 2 0 0 . 20 pupils. i ' comple te success in every day. The OBITUARY 3rd room-M iRS LemmlDa. 2b . ••. , • Maria Stout, t, tables were Ipreau on tho lawn P MC~"':b :" " ' " ~!0 ~g ~~o _2l ' I G=UDII.C~·. ~~: ' , teacher , 20 pupils. ~ I under the beautif ul s h a d e t. rees,.a t Hanna h Eliza Pea~, fifth H"I.~\.:. . ... : .. :. :, S 4th roomMis..'l Anna . ' l Vander .0 0 voort , the noon hour and a' bountif ul dm· dauirb ter ot Thoma s and Mary "falR""· ··· ···,· .J - ' ...;' teacher . 25puu ils. ' l nerwas spread . Thost\ whopa rtook P !1COCk bo 0 t bel' ~th 1~ ToW •.•.. .. . .. s. , 6, ~ ~ H ~ .. e. was rn co High School.. ' . ' -6' pupils. 'lBatsed forB.J,llo:~,'Dth. 1of this feast were: Mr. Rich~rd The .tom of Wedne sday evening the neavy rsina eaat helped in Bux County . fel\1¥U'l~\8' to put . - - Duke and wife, Mr. Carl Duke. Wife h ,I .. childho od tlie D • '~H"M\8, was the worst experie nced in these the Little Miami out of ENTER TAINE D' AT FIlANKLIN and son Paul and daught . ,~111l1( .,er. Wv . ' . her banks, er Helen. . I , t~~ily~oved~NewJe~y. ~_..:I • th ' d ... .. . Io.~ ~. ~ ~o ~ re~onstoraIOngtl.m~. Seldo'.h".~ ""'" Mr Samuel Charlto n. wife Ilnd wat~r lw~hr :nmg over e Mrs.ElishaMillardandfolmilyen.ld.~ghters, Norma and Gertru de, . .... m".me ct on July the 4th, t suc la di a y• l~ to Jobn N. Fetter. Xo thill s-eD •. (.;orn wi,u tertain ed the folluwing persons at Mr Emery Charlto 1 , • I 0 our oca Ity '. e t 8 one. n, wife and sons & y su er a Y ID e oms, 811 10 her home in Frankli n en Wednesday. H' Charlie and Ge:>rge. Mr • 11 was , was from Novemb er 20th., l8Of. The remaln- U:;;U. Jb.. ..... • U 2 . 1 0 U Just south Qf Way8t!11vlile two Lightn mg struck Burton Earn- royal Hill Mi,;s Mary Sharts and I d ing three who aUfVive ,ber are I ft_~ L_ I ToW ........ .• u 'R b L_ t 'ba M ~ 12 11 11 • c ouds {Qel~ ....... N than'G t . re" Ii 'Il1:0 ~esu t wa'3 an _rt 8 rn, se It on re, an d I' t was brother , Simoll, ' . 0 er , •~, Thou p. David P. and Emma L. a and Mrs. Chas. 'an ana sonrand-d 1 2 3 • G 11 1 8 . aughtere. r Norma Grey.'• awf~ ~~1¥ ' of ram. Corll w-leGI Y Bpletel Smith burned to the Irround. Parker . bt.y14I1l.... , . , 1\ e 11. 0 0 \I 1\ 0 Q.-i blown, ~t" M .: k H f 'd Miss Ada Wille and ,a ifreat . . . of I Mr. Earnha rt lost aU his hameas , a ' . 10. the vear 1860 she ~ith her ~ '' ', ..... U 01 • - • r · ra~ U ~ .. \ q. t'-G Idamag e was dO.n e by water. ar a? ' anon' . At big portion of hill farmin gimpl . MASoNIC NOTICE Mrs. Ehza, Smith, ot Leb Ie I ,~, . familJ M ,.I. , "' .. • •. 6. .Lebatn '!aYI\e!twille, Ohio, on, South '~R" Kin-I menta, and a ' lrI'eat many other ~ . -\'IiIie.N~.'''t' tbe:i-ethaininlrfifty. Messrs Wilham and Doone ~y, ~ ~" 'Milia, Morrow , . . alill further things. He was 'very fortuna Ralph Whitacre ." te in Special commu nicatio n of Way· Ethan , Earnea tad V.."'il..... .ol.. ~~'1!~l::~~r-'D. ;BOulh rain(QU lit . torrent s. SevC!.... eetting .n hia horses and cattle out of neaville Lodge. No. 163. F. and A. Il11d Jay Hendrl,c~'b~ o~ g~n, ,. howiea ') I.-e Inunda ted ,Lelaulo. the , ~DM , M., Septem ber 6, 1912. Work inE. and Mr. Charlie , I 'fo ,~ inJ ,n-,~,Which' BTrI.':=i~ '~~ijii~It.: , ;..:' aNi.-.e D. f:. & C. and en. tracUaa tiiH!II ADa,," ' &ume l( down near New A. d~ree. . . _. .. . . Th~ day Waif ' . or .. ... - ,A -and the " F. E. Hender son. W, M. caslon and ":iO OD ; 8&tutiday' ' ...- . ... 0Il':' ,tt.. Uttle M\UU . _' \I. '.. . , E. y. W .,'." ,_wt. Q , lea\1g '.


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The Miami Gazette


D. L. CR A!I!E, Publishe r. WAY~F. SVU.LE .


O lll~.

SLEEPING IN CHURCH . rt Is 11 at co mm on ex perlen eo that bright lights In a c hnmber, cburch or ba ll wbero nUm .,rOUB rereo na are gath e red together bll\' th e effect ot producing d rowsIL11'SS nm ollg certain mem bers of Ihe co ngN'glllio n o r aurl l· ence. lIays Iha Phlladelphln Prese. T hl .. phenomenon 18 ell611y ex plain ed by the currl'nt kn ow ledge oC hy pno · tlsm. The drowsin ess produ cpd by th e IIght8 Is a species at h)"lJll0818. It has b<-en suggesled also that lack ot prope r ventilation causee a toxic QualIty In th e a tmosp bere to whlcb som a p eople are espec ia ll y susceptible, th e result be ing an Irresis tibl e elrowelness. SIE'P.plng In churcb has always been a r eady Bubjec t tor hu mo r. It is related that on an a occasion when a proposal wns under di scuss ion to have s se rl el ot IMJrmons preached on topi ci of the day w hiCh were agitating the publlc minds, Rutus Choate, as a m ember at the eong re!:'atl 0:: , protested vebp.ment· Iy, Sllylng, "[ eeek my p ew, III [ seek my ood, tor repoll6." The re II alia an Ilnecdote of an old Scotcllman who WIUI uked Lt he knew a certain mBn In the same neighborhood. "Know him 1" he replled with empbllsls. "Why, I'n I[eeplt tn the lame klrt wI' blm for forr-ty year." But the majority ot preacbers have neve r been inclined to take a humoroul vIew at the IDlltter, any more than Dean Swirl "Tbe law does not permIt a man to leave hlB wlte just because sbe nqs him," JUltice Marean decldes. He meant, ot course, the law of thie Itate, "YI the New York Mall. In Kentucky, MIIIBouri and other ltatell, "ungovernable temper" and "Indlpt· Ues" are a caule not only (or lepa· ration, but for absolute. divorce and nagglnc may <:,ertalnl, be carried to tbe point ot indignity; wblle In Orecon one may obtain a divorce if the partner of one's joys, and espectally (It one', sorrowe, "makel lLte burden·lSOme." And what can be more burdensome than nagging? However, there ougbt not to be divorce, nor even separation, tor nagging, because no court or justlco enD ever be sure that tbe naggIng Is not Jus tified, or at least provoked. Some women, (or Illlltance, are born naggers. Some achieve nagging. and 8. conBlderable numbers of others have nagging thruBt upon tbem by a course of con, duct. which may be outwardly court& OUB, but whlcb In Its e IBenc. i8 inlIupportably Irrltatlnc. BOlton Is to ha ve a hospital Cor '"the blues," the tirlt ot the 1'1 nd In the world. Tbe In8tltution will bo psy· cbopathlc, though markedly dll!erent In Boope from the wards ot that name attached to Bellevue hospital In New York city. The hospital for "the blues" 11'111 be a branch at the BOlltol! State hospital and will he conducted on tbe theory tbat 1111 lusanlty case! are Blmp!y torms of physical sick· l1ess which can be alleviated with proper treatment. To that end the place 11'111 be aBort ot clearing-house for tholle whose brains are out 01 gear. Tbey will be dlrrerentlated and clBBelfted, accord In,; to the kind. of mental diseases they Show, and remedlee will be Bought for eacb olall8 of patients. There will be All out-patient dell8rtment, for deallnc with IncipIent In,8anlty, and It III ex· pected that this ' hranch ot tbe ..or' will afford IItrlklng opportunltlell fOl the relief of many mildly Insane per, Ions wltbout subjecting tbem to the IItlcma of Inlanl\:J'. A Yonkers policeman lIaved about 10 people trom death or Injur, when he picked up a dynamite bomb placed

agaInst a hlltel and pinched out the fuse. which wall wltbln an Incb ot the ellplOl!lon polllt. It wal a good thlnl for the guests of the hotel thllt tbll heroic pollceman happened to be al.~ one so exceptlonally handy "at • pinch." A Pennllylvanla farmer hnl a brooc Dr chickens wblch can run tbe mUll· cal leale. Evidently the natu~ takel Is making hay whlle the lIun shlnel and y,'blle the labor of organlzlnl! third parties hnl absorbed the atten· tlon of the arch enemy of nature fak· Ing In ot her lie Ids.




Tells How She Keeps Her , Health - Happiness For Those Who Tnke

EASY TO MAKE BARREL BOAT T I,,, lcers Atta ched Provent Cap sizing Ol " d May Be Co n51r uct ed by Any H and v Boy.

Her Advice.

\\/\If ......~ Scottville , Mich. - " I want to tell yoo A iJuUt Ih a l nny hnndy boy cnn WI ~ ~<S m~- 40 how much good Lyd ia c:. Pinkhum 's Vege ,,~ l1 .\· 1ll~ 1; (' IB co ns t rllel ed o r n bar· etaloleCompounu and ro 'l wh ic h Is kl.'l,t "'lIh th e openin g -ve'l)l y. . . Sanative Wash huv& (' ut In on" s id e lIjI 1> ;- t\l'O 4 by 6·1 11. ~ bra..v~I'I ~~t~d (l':mo me. 1 li ve on a IllIl ber. nlld t\\'o lie piecos. ~ by 4, farm IIntl have worked tla.\· ~ til(! Po pu lnr M("c hanl cs. Th e ~O'r1ft on~ very h a rtl. I am I p I! !o:l h ~ or the BO pleeeH will d e pend .&\...1 who •• h... ____ f orty -5vo years Old. o n t llc ;:ite or tb t' barre l. UUIl'4 001.. '" .. _..,.. and am tll e mother ,\ 'lood wate rt ig ht bnrrel should be of thirteen children . A w~Y' Many people think • "Il' c tec] lind lUI UI '(' lIlll g cut In tbe ,·,·"t('r 1"I'I\\' ee ll Ihe hoops, of s lll' b a ,-,he.~ .w it strange tlU\t I a m .Iu' H6 to a ll0 w th e body or th e or. ~I not Lroken down "\llllllli rnoln ror h ,m rllh ll; a n onr . Tbe 1 CM\not wi th hard work and timh e rN "f(~ IInuched t (l the barrE' l - -7 ~1..I...I..:....I.ll..;..:....I..-.l~the cnre of my trunwith Iron Btrup~ - l'l('c('s or o lu boops ~~-~~~""'~""'------...... lIy. but I tell them of my good fri end, FEW OLO ENGLISH PASTIMES Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege tablo CAlmpound, and that th ere will be no back · Ilche and ooaring down pains for them if Trucklln\! the Trencher Is Played by they w ill take it as I have. I am scarcely ChIldren Slttln\! or Kneeling ever without it in the house. on Floor In Ring. "I will say also t hat I think there is Trllcll ll ng the trenc he r- thl a la an no better medicine to be fc.und for young old En glls b ga me. The children sit girls. My eldest daug hter has tsken A Burel Boat. on tho flo o r or IUl eel In Il rIng. A Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Comwill do. Tb e two tie pieces ore put )Je rson In th e cen te r holds th e trench· pound for painful periods and irregularacr08S the timbers at th e cnda oC the er I a pie tin will serve) lind wben ltv', and it h88 helped her . "I am always ready and willing to barre l IUld spiked In pla('e. all li r e reauy he tr uc1d es, or Bp lns Th e boat Is to be propelled with a It, nt th e snme time ca ll1ng th e name llpeak a good word for Lydil. E. Pink· ~I n g l e . doubl e·e nd paddle. 'l'ltero Is or some ono In th e ring. The ono ham'l Vegetable CAlmpound. 1 tell every no de. ng~ r of th e bon t cnllslzln g or the nanled mll~t spring quickly lind try to one I meet that low e my health and water Spl1l8hlng Into tb e harrel. cntcb the pl ato between both bands happineB8 to your wonderful medicine... before It stops spInning. It he sue· -Mra. J, G. JOHNSON, ScottviJI~, Mich., r eeds. h e tak es the piace In tbe cen· R.F.D. S. CUTTING BOARD QUITE HANDY ter, nnd the first tru ckler goes ID Lydlll E. Pinkham's Vegctbb!e CAlm. th e rIn g. If he does n ot catcb the pound, made from native roots and herb&, Convenient Article for Ule In Any Illate be twe en both hllnd s before It eontaina no nueotic8 or banntul druge, Play Room May Be Made of Ors to ps splnntng he p8J'1i II. forfeit Bnd and today bolda thll record of being the dinary Piece of Pine. m6at l ucc_ful remedy for woman 'II ilia Is cou nted out . Then th er e Is th e 1l1ay ot "Twos known. Use pine three-quartel1l ot an Inch an d thr eeB." The company Is grouped thick. You ehould have a piece 7~ In twos and threes, lIsually only one Inc hes by 12 Inches tor a cutting odd one, and the fun conalsts In not board. being caught a8 lhe tblrd . This kc!eps Round the corners by making them each c hild looking over her sboulder, one-Quar ter of II. cIrcle whose radlull tor wh en two are brhlnd the foreIs three-qullrters of an In ch . Round mos t must s li p away ned find anuther wi t h the g rain or the wood, as shown place to be tup ped . Arter a at an d·up g:lm e, a r. ther funn y game. wbl're ull tbe company may 81t, Is to have oue pe rsall ch'.lsen to call and the re s t to relieat: One 11._ ·····0 good fat h en; two ducks; three plump partridg es: COllr squawkIng .wlld geese; fivo r I1 c ltou ~ oysters ; six pa irs 01 n oman ·s trlped hose; seven tbou ~an d Span ish ~ oldl e rs : eIght I~ . "'. cages ot Hellogu.bulu B paroquets; nino s ym pathetic, apathe tic, didactic, proposltlons: eleve n superstitious ostrono· "CILT EDCE. "1he""I.t..Sco' "-d=-ial ","Ipm;. mers view ing Vell us In VenIce; tw e lvlI "..11 con..... OIL Blacu and Poli.hco I.d; ...nd children', boob and .hea. .hlnel w.tho~t nabbiD•• Europea n dat1('\ng Clasters teaching 2Sc. "FNDCh GI_," 10e. Egyptian mum mies to dance at Her· ".S TAR" cocnbi•• tioD for c1.. ni"J! .neI .,.,!iohml aO kiocb 01 N teel 01' laD •.hoa. IOc. ' O.ndy" .urlS~. cules' wedding. If anyone laugh s A Cutting Board. "QUICKWHITE" (in liquid 10rID wit!. _ ..) In th e course of this he must pay a ts~~-- .Dd wb :t .... din, ca.... ""-. In th e IIgure. Do not go quite to the forft'lt. The one who repeats most tIALBO"c.I ........d wl\it e ru can....hoe.. ID smoothly and sole mnly mus t be th l! line with tb e chIsel, and finIsh with roo nd while c.k"".( ·bn bo, et.walh.potI111t. ca lle r out and begi n gibberish over th e plane. 1Dr.. 1n kaodtom.eJatgealwninum bol~ with .ponlc.2)c. Next drill the hole. DrIll until the agnln. II )'<N' cIe.~d.... Dol k..", ,h. ~incI you w •• I ..neI ... tlw price tn.wnp. fOf .. JuU.i1c,c,eNtJCI paid. point or th e drIll begins to come WHITTEMORE BROS . ., CO. through th e wood a nd then take It out 20-26 Alban), St. , Cambrid ce, M .... and put th e point In 011 the oth er sIde BALANCING A PLATE AND PIN ...__ Th..' ..OIJ;Z:~~;:;: ::,a;tJ~lf,...,,;.; ..I; ...,_... o r the board. When the I:ole Is fin· Ished, plane the sides or the board and Trick ts Compar3tlvely Easy of Exe· cutlon I' Instruction. Give" finish It: with sa ndpaper . Are Followed.



It Is ofte n adv isa ble to use the disk ahead of the plow. ======~== -~~-



SHOULD BE PLOWED EARLY Allows Time For Soil To Settle Before Seeding - Experiments Made At Kansas Station Demonstrates Value Of Early Preparation Of Seedbed (By T . L . Wheeler. Co llege of Agrll:u ltur.', Ohio St.·lIe

Unlve~tr. )

Land tbat Is to be broken tor .... hea t i tom of Ih ~ turrows In cut orr th e should be plowed liS early as possib le ! moistu re ~ Ilp p l y. Ilnd the harrow follow th e plow . The All e xpf'rl ment mad e at th e Ka nsas n'aaon ea rly plowing Is advised Is to istlltlUIl IIIUply ,Ie mon slr a tes th e mlue allow time for th e sol1 to se tt Ie down . or early Rnu I horo ug h I,re pamt Io n tor b efore seedIng tim e . Fres hly broken ' whelll. An In c rellse In yie ld from 4 ~ bushels to 38 1,-:, bus he ls per ac re WIIS soil Is 1008e, conta inIng mucp IIl r ~"c ure d by plowIng tb e lan d e arly Iln d s pace and will dry out down to the dee p. Land dlsked but not plowed bottom at the turrow. Wheat sown In product><! 4 ~ bushels per acre. La nd t.bls kind at a seedbed may germi nate plowed three Ineh e ij dee\), Sep te mb e r but tbe re mal[ not be e nough moisture 16, gave II ylllid of 14 t,I~ bu sht' ls, but to k eep It going and It will die. By when plowed seve n Inchvs dee p, Seppacking the s urface soli capillary can- lember 1Ii, ~ ave a yield of 16* bush· necllon Is made w Ith th e subsoil and els. Land double dlsked, July Hi, to a moisture supply Is aSBured. The save moisture aClI plowe d seven Inches formaUon of II dust mulch on the sur. deep, Septembe r 15, gave It yield 0' 23Y,z bushels, bu t when plowing waa face will hold this moisture ill until done August 1Ii, and worked SUfficient. It Is needed. ,1y to proBe n 'e a soil mulch thereatter, Wbere the ground Is BO bard and gave a yie ld or 27* bushe ls pe r ncre. dryas to Int e rre re with plowing It Is Land IJoubl e d ls ked Jul y 16, to save orten advisable to go over It with the mois ture, a nd JJlo wed August 16, se ,'· disk tor a time or two, anel the n plow . e n Incit es dee p. produce d 342-:\ bus h· It Is a mistake to walt until just be- e l8 per al' r('. Whe n I he la nd was plow. for e seeding to break 'the lan d. Whe n ed Jul y Hi. seven Inches d ee!>, t he yi eld this Is don e th e 8\1b·surtace pac ke r was 38 lA, bushels pe r acre . Af ter I)IIY' and h a now should be used. Eve n Ing for the (,OBt of preparallon there then there will be a great deal of un· was Ipft $~5.74 per aere, th larlles t decay ed organic matter left at tbe bot- \ net ret urn of any met hod und er 1I·\al. ----~ =-"'- " ,.


,Aoni- ."'•.

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Can you balan ce a 'dlnner plate Oil a pin? Easy enough, If you do It tbls way: Exerclll! II Not Given Attention It Drl.\·e a pin Into n cork In a bottle. Should Receive In Far Eaet Collegel Tak e four rorks and rour other carin -Much Superstition.

A. Mower Wheel Dragged Between the Corn Rowe Will Break Up the Crust. It Is the (' ommon prac~lc~ uf man'l l the surCace of tbe ground means a farmers to " )ay by" their corn too cutting art or the supply or moisture early (or the best de ve lopmen t ot the and food tram the plant, ca usin g the plant. This Is due, probably, to the lower leaveli to di e or "fire," as we fact that as th e grain harvest begins call It. Th e result Is a small er yield . there la Insufficient help to do botllth e I Dy shallow cultivation (not ov e r two cuillvatlng and harvesting . nlle ,1 inche s) e vaporation of moisture Is practice should be ellmlnated as mllc h checked to a great extent and Ille fS possIble eIther hy supplyln,,; lh(~ plants are not Injured. uec eBsa ry help or by lessenin g thl" For the late, shallow c ultivation the crop area and gIving more efficient one·horse splke·tootb cllllivator i8 care. "robably th e best Implem ent. as It Tbe corn plant r eQuires a lar;;c wlll loosen and pulverize at the same amount of moIsture during the !:;e:lsor: time. On a loam eol1 a mower wheel of Its gro wt b, especlal1y while deve j- dragged be lween the rows w1l1 break cplng the ea r, and unless thIs mols· up th e crust aud make a mulch to hold ture Is conserved from the early Ilmn· the moisture . mer raIns by proper cultivation there Practi ce late. s hallow cultlva.tlon, is apt to be a deficiency during the even after the plants hav e tasseled latter part of July and August. out. C. .1. GRANT. Dee p cultivation Is not advisable, as College of Agri culture, Ohio State the pruning of the late ral roo ts near l lnlverslty.



tbe ratIon. Bran dId not prove equal to eithe r t he shorts 01' alfalfa when OhIo 'is n great corn atate and corn fed as one·quarter at the ration. Is a great feed for fattening hogs. If In this experIment a ration threewe mnde a list of good bog feed s Vie rourths corn (l nd one-fourtb aitalfa woulu give corn fir st place. Howeve r, produ ced greater gains than where corn should not be fed alone as It con· one-half alfalfa was used. The bulle. talns hut a s mall percentage of prot e in I tin states th'at where alfalfa is raIsed France has built a motor cnr road and does not make a balanced ration. I on the farm and where thero Is no tbrough Algeria for a Itretch of 768 A cheap source of protein Is an 1m· 1 particular need to has ten th e growtb miles, and Great Drltain bas one 1,000 portant problem with tbe farmer. The : In tbe pigs a ration one·balf alfalfa mllel In lengtb tbrougb tbe Mala, milling bY·(lroducts and other SUPPle. , hay and one-half corn w!!l gl\'e cheappeilinsula. The United BtsleS, tbe mentary feeds high In protein are cob· er gains tban where a heavier corn ra. home of the motor car, baa not eon- stantly Increasing In price and It Is t10n Is fed. Hogs tbat were raised Itructed a Ilng)e great hlgbwa, til weH to look tor aome cheaper Buball· largely ali aUaUa pasture learned to tute. eat the bay In winter wltbout cutting eonnect ber principal clUel. Tbe Nebras ka experiment staUon with a machine and depended largelY has just Issued a bulleUn on tbe use ot Uflon it whHe a limited grain rstlon 'It 's announced tbat a New Vorl! alfalfa as a supplement to corn In tat· wae used. A ration Wholly alfalfa did -'rl who ball a fortune of '16.000,000 tenlng hogs. In an experiment aUalla not give economIcal results. 1a coing to become the bride ot . an was compared with other protein . Alfalfa clln be raIsed sUccessfully In feeds. sucb 'a s sborts, bran. tankage most counties of Ohio and should be American. Sbe must be snothel altd soybean meal, Tbe alfa,lta was an Important factor in pork produclOUDl lady who wtllhe8 to attract at· either cut Into short lengths or ground !Ion. It i8 a much cheaper source 01 tltInUo,n hy elolng lomethlng eccentrlo. Into meal. , llroteln tha~~ : the high , priced by-proThe tlrst !lectlon at the experiment ducts pUfc ha.sed at the teed ' stores.; ' In' showed that the largest dally 'galr.s raisIng alfalfa the tarmer III Dot 0llJT ITencb clerka?found to be Ilow wltlt wete mad(l on thre~tourth8 corn .nll producing -. ch~ap source or pr~tetn tMI~. dude. ~ad a queer caulle 41. one-fourth s horta, but that a gain prac- but Is addIng to' 'tIl~ fertility or ' .hll eD!er.e4,l or th~r laek of lpeec!. The, ~tJcallY e Qulvalent WAI made at',a, lower son. ·: " '8. E : EVANS, . '. I beeD •. takJD~ time oil ..w. trai. cost Wbcr~ elth!!r cut or grouII4 til- College 01 Agriculture, olub· .'~ta~ ..... ' . . .' lln1v~~'~' ' . ' ~11l11 \Vn' , iubltltllt~ for ··the II~(/rta SA





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The life at the Chinese college Btudent is different i[; many waYII tram that at IItudents In our own unlvel1llties. The Chinese student Is not very strong IlhYllleally. He has stooped shoulderl and a pnle complexlnn. HIs llfe is not wholesome, tor he sleeps III a small room which 18 not ventllated, alld he does not eat very wholelome tood. Exercise Is not given the attention It "bould bave In tbe Chinese college. The Intercollegiate sport8 Include a lOO-yard duh, the blgh jump, pole vault. ZOO·yard run and a football rame. In tbe Imperial university at p~ \dn the teacherB are gathered (rom all parts of the world. The Chinela believe that topics that are forelcn to tbem Bliould be taugbt by foreIgners. Tbe students accept practically all of tbe for~!ign teachings except medl· olne. ~rhe medlcln& which II taught II laraely Chinele and i8 made Ul- ot lIIany IUPllrstlUODS. Tbe Chinese ... lIeve that a man hal nine pullea and two beartl. Tbey do not believe In cutting up dead human bodiell tor the pur pole of 8tudylng their parts, al we do. They would not do this becaulI8 tbey tllink the dlsem bodied Iplrlt mlcht "turn to punlab tbem thro,,-h torture.

Legs raw with itching, burning 'eczema PITT8J1 UIIO, P .., May 23, 1912.-".& trieD" of mine had bi,l red blolcbeo form aU oyor bll lell, bodr and arml. It "'Da pronounced a 'fer.'! bod cae. of eczema. Att~r two mootba' treatment be "'.. lulrerlall untold torture •. and would awalle at ol,ht abd lIad blm.el! •• rotcblnlf, wltb baod" 1111 our blood m. le"a were 11k. a piece of fDW mnt, Itobln!; and bumlnr. For . two mootba he Ilept .cut'e11 ao" but would rrt up sod wDIk tb. Ooor. He sa1. h. Ilmpl)' •• If be ware burololr up. Arter tbe c... bad luled .Is moothl b. beg .. n tb. UM of nell nol 80ap and Olot"'rnt. He wu cured, and bl. Ikln waM a.

rJrnr . . cry_tAl!'

IS\&oed) W, D.


803 Dee.,. St.'


Re.InoI I&IIIpl. mailed free To.. 4"'nll\ ••Uo aM ....eo ....... a«a RestDO'

Ilkl aoll lleolnol OIotmoo< I6Oc). Dut r", __ege~~ IAmpl. of oach. fnoe, wrlte to Dept,.. U., _DOl Cb.lIJJal 0>.. I1&lumo .., 114.

Th. Plat. and the PIn. and stick each tork into a cork, near ItI end. Then, by banging tbe (orlul about the edge of the plate as ShOWD In the picture you can halance the plate on tho pin.


SwoUen Varicose Veins,. Painful. Knotted, Tortuous, Ulcerated, Ruptured, Bad Legs, Milk, THtombosis, Elephantiasis. It ta~es out th.

When Roller Bkate. Came, ' Roller skating, which BO manf boy. and girls enjoy. il oC comparatlYel, inflammation, soreness and dis. Why Tommy W.I GI.d. recent orIgin. It la .ald that wheel- ClOloration; relieves the pain and Smalll Tommy's tather. bad heen ed .kates were known .. far hacl! tiredness; reduces the swelling, elected commander of the O. A. R. a8 the elllhteenth century, but .the Iradually restoring part toalGd the Ilttle fellow could not ,four wbeeled 8kate, all we know it tonormal str~.!lK!h and appearance. conceal his joy when he beard the day. was the Invention of a New Tork· ABSORBINE. JR" is a mild, sale. 118Wl. er, who Introduced ' It In 1803. Rapid pleasant antiseptic liniment. healing "Oh, papll!" ellclalmeel: "I'm Jut Improvement Wal made In wheela and and soothing, ' Severe cases where awful Ilad 7011 got elec~ed." bearIng"). The rollen were tint made "Thank you, my BOD," Bald tbe f. at turned boxwood, but thele were veins have ulcerated and broken ther, Nbu\ wby are you 10 gladT" .tom BO quickly tbat lublUtUtel of a lIave been completely and perma. "Becaule now you'll have all tb,e bllrder composition were laventeCt, ~ent1y cured, First fe", 9Plica , • 101ellerli at your' funeral," anlwered Hard rubber or paper wheele "ned ra~ns of ABSORBINE, JR., will. T,omDlT. for eeveral yean. but ftnally cave w.y g .~e relief and prove its Plerit, to lrOD and lteel, whlcb, with ball ', ~ oo and '2 •.00 per bottle a~ d~i­ . WIlllng to PI ...e Alliin,, hllY. mllde t~e aDluaemeut gists or delivered, ·Derail d .diLlUle, Ja~ ' whnl at a nellbbor'. 'ven popular·with, the 10uqer 10.... · '''.,~a · on . reCent' a piece of bread aDI! bid"· tlon. ' . c)D r~''''eJ1t/ tar, ~d polltely lald,-"Thank fOil. . "'that:a right, .Ja~es," 8ald '~e' Ja41, _ Nice Little ·L~inpa.· . , .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '1 11ke to hear llllie. 0074 sat 'TbaDk L1ttle ~, Eya,,-1 ,'won4el! . wha& the 1';;:_, ___ J" ,\.. , • -;,..... ' .. ' . , JOU. _ ,', ...., .• ';.... r I Jr-'lD~ sta"!, rea! '1. .a;el· ,'. .. ' ~ell.." rejoined J~m~, . ,"If . ~ .: l-olttl' . ()l,a-9~. l ' ~... ,th'J:, a~ .~C- t_o - hear· 1111 lal It ~ aptia ., . ~Urtlll'Dflb"l~ Ciii ~ mlgbt ~t , lome ~am on It,!· - , -' . ~ :~t ~• . to . ~~1'. .,



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The Messiah of Toil








verSing. Sometimes a Loxlng or wres tlIng matcb Is arrang ed. Dy nine o 'clock n il lights are out and the man who haa '\he temerity to kee p his IIgb t burnIng after that bOll r will be luck y Ir 1I0me boot s or socks do not flnd tbelr way In bill direction. The bunk houses are sometim es models of clean liness, bu t th e lumber Jack Is like average bumanlty and If no e:rternal Influen ce 18 brought to bear upon hIm h o doell not make much of an etr;)rt lo Ilee p hImself cleall. Unlesa tho managem<:lnt maketl rulell or tbe ftunke y carefully attends to his dUties In keeping things cleaD, the bunk hou seR a re apt to become filthy . Sunday III wBllh day, and If a IItream or rIver Is at h and tbe ' lumber lacks ean be seen lined up along tbe bank "boiling up." In this operat!on they violate the rules of the house wife when IIhe does ber laundry. Inlltead of rubbing tbe clothes and t ry Ing to rree tbem frllm dirt first they boll the.m at once. The result Is that thq,ltlllc the clothes may be- clean. the, certainly do not look It. Bolllni the clothee bas at least one good effect. It annJhllate. any vermIn tbat ma, be In them. When sprlne comes and the IInow disappears tbe camp breaka up. Woe to the town that In the early days wa!l located near a . lumber camp. Tbe lumber jacb re leased from all restraint, swooped down upOn tbe towq and It was a wild Ume tor a ' wblle. Wltb tbe advent of civilization and law aud order these raids of the lum. ber jack have become a thing of the pallt. TIme hall bad. Itl mollifying In. flu ence upon the lumber Jack, Benson· Ing him and making hIm more law abiding, but he Is lUll to a gre.t OIl' tent tbe free, IIblftlulI helng who, wben be comes to the city; la the vIc tim ot the '!lalooll keeper .nd tile crook.

pec ullur charact ers. On tbe plain s th o cow b oy~ : In tbe minin g r eg ion s, t bo min e rs; aud In tbe timbe r regions, tbe IUlllher j acle While I be wo rk ot lhe l umh e r jllck 18 not so spectac ular as Ihe "round up" and "bron cho bustIng" of I he cowboy. h e Is an Interes Ung allll pic turesque character who I~ rap· Idl y dl8appearlng with the vanishing of our toreBts. In the tim e of hll l lo r)' be Is tbo tellow well met who has la bored nil wint e r In a lumber Caml), saved a few hundred dollars, lone to the city tn the s pring and per· haps In lesa than. 48 houra after 'land· Ing la minul his roll of billa and hal notblng to show for It except a head· ac he a nd a very Indistinct recollection bow be came by thaL With t be lum· ber Jack . will go the lumber ClUIl p. the cnm p "cook," tbe "flunkey," the "bosa" anti other ivorthles. FTo m Michigan to the PaclOc coast are ' found t he lumber campa, employ. Ing at season a 'or the year thousands of men. Tbese lumber camps, small cOlDmOnlties In.. tbemselves, bave tbelr un written laws &lId regulaUons. dlf· tflrlne more or ' lell8 In the leveral IlatClt. A lew yearl ago tbe writer with a l:l'ew o[ men wae 8ent out early one rall to 11 lumber camp to cut baalwood fo r a bedding firm. The cook with a few at the lumber Jacks bad remained In cllmp during the eummer to load logs, but aU tbe .tormal customll or camp were prellerved. We looked upon tbls : excunlon Into the woods for the p urpolle of cutting wood 88 8 sort of late s ummer vacation, and were accordingly In blgb spirits. Wben tb e born blew for the first meal we rusbed bolsteronsly Into the cook's sbanty and teatlng ourselves at the table began to talk and joke. Tbe lumb.e r jack. looke d at u. wltb a sort of awe and then glanced at the cook. Cook'. Command. Obeyed, "No talkln! at ihe tab",," the cook Berc ely called out all be glared upoo \18. Tble command, 80 sudden aud un· _ai, 1I!&a strictly obeyed during the meal. At first we took It to be a rebuke for our noisy way of enterl~ the cook sbanty, but a.fter the meal W88 over we were Inrorm'ed tbat talking at the Illble WIlS 11 serloull breacb ot the regulations and that we had better abide by tbe rule. The prlvllelled cbaracter In camp II tbe COOA:. Within his domain bll au· thorlty Is aupreme. Tbe Baying tbat the wa, to reach 11 man's heart II th:'Ol.I,b bl8 IItomach holds good In the lumhcr camp, and a cook can make or mar the efficiency at ' a crew of men by the QualIty of hili cooking. In Wiscon!ltn and certaIn partl! of MlnnellOta the lumber Jacka enter the ·'cook !lhanty" at meal tlmea with • lort or reverence. Next to the "baSI' Ibanty;" It Is the holy of holle8. When the door Is reached all conversation cease. and the 'men silently llIe In and t*ke tbelr places. Tbe bead of the table Is alwa" reserved for the bo8s. ,Not a 'Word Is IIpoken at meal time, except when victuals are naked ror, Meal time, Instead of belne a loclal bour u It la· In Boclety, II wltb tbe lumber jacks a time of allence, If not of inecUtaUon. ' The origin of tbll . rule haa been variously explained. ,.tiEl most 'plaullble explanation Is tbat the lumber Jackl mIght InadVertently drop JiOme "rem$rk reftectlng upon tbe cooking, and tbus Insult tbe dlgnlt, or'the I .OOIt. .. ' In Washlnlton, at lealt In lome of the ct,npe. no such rule exlat.a, At IDU! Unte th'o merl Indulge In sli kind. ot .1'8I~rle~. not . even ex.c .ptlna eook.. ~·








TRACED TO RACING STABLES Slang Ph,, "Getting HI. Goat," So Popuia,. Now, H.d Origin In Actu.1 Oecurronce.


'. ' , They ~I ..p'.~~~~;p.:~~;~; .lio~ra ar.- an:, o .b~~ ·

Unlike many otber vIVid or plctur. ellqUe slang exp~s&lonll, which on. rIch and enliven the English language, but tbe aource n( which I. eltner ob. Icure or totally unkuown, tbe origin of tbe Ilhrase, "to get hili goat," can fortunat4!ly be traced. Until It came Into popular use, about half a dosen yeara ago, the pbraae wae confined to racing stables and to runnIng hor~s and was part of the language of the racetrack. It was (ormerly the rat her wlerespread custom among ownera of rac· Ing atock to keep a goat In the same stnll with a horse, either from the superstitloull belief In mallcotl or from the more I1clentlfte belief tbat the goat Imparted lome of his strength or magneUam to tbe hur... Ardent friendships have been known to Bprlng up between goats and hones living tbus In close InUmaoy and sleeping together. Wben a horse tbat had the compan' lonshlp of II goat cbanced to win the jockeys would attribute his BuccelS to tbe Inftuenee .of the goat, and It happened more than once that a IItable boy would "get the goat" at tbe winnIng horle by ent4!rlng the 8table surrep tl t Ious IY a t n Ig ht an d tnk Ing the animal to the stall of hia own favorite, If the 'horse tbat Will doprlved. of 1111 goat frlen d III ou Id Iose th e Dext day and the other horBe Ihould win, that would, of COUl'8e, strengthen the belJel In the emcaCY of the gOllt. The practice of relying au' """'ta to .,-.. help a bone win a race I~ aald to be dying out, but It has lett beb.tnd on. of the moat expreaalve. phraaell. whlcb' ,. seeme JlelUned ultimately, to become reiPectable aa any EngUlh Idtom. _ _ _ _~'~)~ . ....;;;. ,. ,~.

Life Hid With Chr.t In God. Man III II lIulll belnl!', m8de up of body ' and aplrll Througb bl6 IIplrlt be hila aMnltlea wltb tbe Invhllble and spirItual world. Through hIli body he hilI! II relation to the malerlal world that surrounds him, and from It be draws what Is necessary (or hIs physl. cal life and growtb. But While man Is such a dual being and should 50 act as to bold blmselt In proper relation! to both the worlds wltb whIch he has !\Mnlty. It III possible for him to be ao predominately under the Inftuence of one tbat he IOlea hi' IP'lp on tbe otber. If h. draws bls motlve8 or aetlvlty largely from the spiritual world and IIndll hll cblef JOY In tbe great fact that be Is a spirit ,and lookIng forward to the spiritual world as the place of bill future activities, he haa true spirItuality. He Is glvlnl!' bll "plritual nature the tlrst place. as It should be given. Paul had this thougbt In mind when be said to the Colossians, '~r ),e are dead and 10ur lite Is hill with Christ la 'Ood ." The particular characterlatlc of the dead to which the apoBtle refera Is Insenlllbillty. The ChrIStian sbould be Insensible to the pbyalcal--not absolutely so, but It IIbould not have dom!nlon over him. He sbould he IU' perlor to It ., Etcrnll Truth. "Truth II DOt at the mercy of htlman tradltlon. .. TbQuCh . every page of hlstor)' .Ihpuld ' M e; t.hpug~ the BIble !lbou1cl be 10 If; .though Jeaull should ' lie torcotle!l. ' the Itglit . that shone upon theae ' pa"-, the ll .... t .~v.u

that .. !lhone· In him woiJld '1' th I t Jt : ,. f ' IWI - IIblne: ru w s ~:.., I~e (rn . preseDt, • an d e 3> u ' ow eyeD more '!l1~rb ~n m the anc?tlllt 'Ume."-A , 'Modern' Preaeh.r; :,1 '.' Ended. .' . I • Dna , did your . lIonennoo~ . *'Wb' 1Ilt'•..:-;.. .. .';.tt " : a .• iaat!t!:...~IIIH~_ ~, . . tla, '8rlt day I &.keel ¥ ..... ~~..k~~...-~o:ei









1,=::,."."'!Ir'~,~ , t tJ$ak.~-~t ' J\W .;.'-,,~ ; ... '


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" lI nv ln~ no tlling .. 1B<l to do." remark ed tbe old ('odger. "I atte nde d a fun ction while I wns over at Tor· pld)'llIe th e oiller day . The sll'alr was he ld In a di spirited grove at tbe "lid of a road In wb lch every lime a ho rse popped down his foot tbe dust sbot up In th e nlr li ke a s kyrocket. A band waa pillying w lt bout t be slIghtest re mors e. A slnlc smun . w llh a fiCl'k us wrinkled ns a \llrld o. dron· f.' d torlh redundant lIolle nltle s wllh· out end. A "ud lind ri c ke ty mer ry· !:u·wabhlo wo und 'cound and 'round 10 Ill ... so ulJd of il s own plainti ve peed le- Lil·edl .·. In II tipsy \llI vlll on a hoa rso pI' reoll \\'~B .. nd ca vorlng to sell . In hl·tlzc n de llanl '" of the [lli re foo d lind dJ'ul'; at' r . "ha l 1001H'd alarming ly ilk I' h o rll ~ d toud d rl'l ,'" III tlx!<· -;; rease. A !;~ nl l. IIIl1n In II ~Irii->ed lelll near by h OIl J'~t'ly s laled Iilu! \: " I'rde r rf'd


VERY fron ti er r egion has


Here the Original Hiram J. Tell. HI. Attenda nce at II Country "Function,"

Doctrine of Equality, a Common Father· hood, a Common Brotherhood, Is on the Way. pro mi sed Mcsslah came to Il RIIl·weary Ilnd toll· worn wo rld . There IV:!S joy on hl g ll and tb e re was Joy on ea rth . The wise Olen o f (btl e llst BIlW the new· bor n s tnr or t be we st . anel cam e to see t be wonder. Th e clU'pe n ter'" Bon g r e w up unknown to his people. Can· secrat ed ror bl s work. hi s mlr:!cle s a nd works no more than bls pe rs on n llt y lin d wot'ds galn l' d (or hint a IH~ nrlng an d n follow Ing. HI ~ peop l ~ were sore o PPNlEsed lI y b ond nge. po· Ilt lcal nnd spi rllu HI. Singly h e fouy; ht th e lattcl' :l nll gnlned for li S. a s ror th tn. fre cdo m. It cost him ble lire. bu t be rose again on th e tblret dny nnr! be a nd h i. teachI ngs as ce nt eN'd In h is pel'so na llt y hare s UT\' lv e d the storms of Bllc'cer, dlng ageu and today strik e a deepe r root th a n e ve r In the Inslllutions. reli gio us. poli t ica l nnd In· dllstria l. or (be people of tbe west. Si n Ilnd toll we re th e t wo f ruits or the fa ll. Wit hout sp lrllua l fr eedom. n o 'I1'UO hap piness may be possible. \\' e mu s t sf'ok Ih a t fir st. the n th e olh· e r will be gi ven us. ADd th e m eans of It hns been glvell us. T he bondage of unr equited toll Is beIng loosened . Long enong h has It held t he gr en t mass o f h umanity In shackl es. Gen· e r atlons after ge ne rati ons o f hoeme n hnve populated thi s earth . Ibelr best life crusbed by excess Ive toll. 8Up' portin g at tim es n luxury JU Btlfiabl e. at t lm os a lu xury as meanlngleas as th e Ir own wretcbe dn ess. Greece and Rome sbone. but behin d tb e gli tte r . and beh ind tb at o( nil a ncie nt and medIeval t imes. we see a dark back. gro und of s lavery snd serfdom . All n polit ica l e nti ty the s lave Is no more, but so long as tbe amount of bum an lallor nel'ded t o provide living for all Is s uch that the mony must toll. 110 long will syst ems be devis ed to mak e tbem do 80. I nltitutlon. Founded on Equality, Thl. bns been dlMcult here. Our political Instltutlonll are founded on the M8Il1lab's doctrine of equality. a common fatherhood . a common broth· erbood. Human labor has become ex· pensive, we have been lookin g for lIub· stitutes. Science, unwllllnjt at first, has been called In. The powers of nature have been harnessed. toolll and macblnes vastly Improved 110 all to make Individual labor more produc. tlve, and mucb has been realized . Ma n' aa a producer of the phfalcal neoea. lIarles ot life Ie today twic e If not ten tlmee more powerful than wu bIll aD· cestor working one bund~d yeare ago. Investlgatlonl prove It and the evl· dence. we see on every hand . This haa been the blstory of mod· em Industry and this Its mlslllon. to emancIpate the toller. The va lit prob· lema Involvln! dlatrlbutlon of ben ..fits have not been lIolved. but are belne solved. A very large amount III al. ready widely dl.trlbuted. Tbe Christ· mas 8tar IIhlnes (ortb on a world of life wblch, It more complex, Is yet e9unUally more rlcb than any precedIng. Tbe west, ' tbe flnt to !lee the true meaning or tbe Messlah'lI mlsllion Is the nrst !ltep to reap t'h e beneflt~ from • social organlutlon whoBe 14eal I. universal love. Tbe courle of tbll Influence widening will elltend ever we8tward until tbe circle ot the land~ Is complete. Even now tbe wi !Ie men tlf the eut, seeing the new IItar. have accepted Its guIdance. While, deep [rom the I1ve8 at tbe millions doubly freed riae the IItralns of the Nativity bymn.



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Iii!.! u, un l lIa ll ,>ou whlo-h s<!<; mpd 1)I'rtl'," I), l\ 1IIInl; 10 (10 ulI)·t1:ln!; but I\U Ul>. S('alll'r II aro ulld t hro ng h th e trRlnl 5( ' (' 11 0 w('re a Ic w o ld sn lrllc>rs, gr llmhlln ~ : II s matt ering or far mf' rs . a lBo gt'lIl1lb'ln~: ~ ullilr y lJolll'~r rOI CI'tl. Ilk/' wls,' gnllnb llnl;: li nd varlolt s o lh e r fa ll," . nnlhin g a bout wh om Is wor lh "", ,,l lulIllll'; exce p t Ih al t hf'), . 1 00. \l'('rp grllmlllln g:. It m ny hal'e b<oell 1\ re lllll ull . n fa ir. a ra l\ y. a picnic, or wha l'lIol; b ut what · e ve r t hp.y c ha nc(' d 10 c!l 1i It. ' t was An e XCl.'ll pDt example of 011(' of o ur most cbe rl shed In stltu llons."-Ka nsa:/ City Slar. '1'1,,,1'('

\\' ;H

The Other Way 'Round. A good littl e story. long c urr e nt In

Engla nd. Is Just DOW gai n lu g Amer· Ic an c ircul ation , It II lls for lea d ing charac tel's Hudyard Kipling and Dorotby Dre w, 1\Ir. Gladstonc 's little grand· child . Kipling was visI ting Hawar· dp. n . and . be lns tond of children . de,'oted himself to littl e Miss Dorotby until h e r anxious moth er expressed. th e hope th a t the cblld b ad not been wear)' lng th e great a utbor. A Diagram Showing How a Farm Houlo May bo Supplied With Water and - "Oh, no. mamma," s poke up DoroModel'll C onllen lencea.. thy, befo re anyone e lse had a chance (B, Ir.. 8. KI':ENEl. North Dakot a. Agrl, Ibe bottom at tbe tank brancbes to to Bay any thing. "but you have no c ultural College.) • supply enc h of th e fi xtures. to wlllch Id ea bow Mr. KIpling haa been weary· An adequate and well arrang ed wa· the wat e r is conducteu . In the draw. Ing me:·' t e r su pply system contributes to the In g the cold water pipes lBay be Child'. Feu of the Dark. comtl)rt and well being of the family t : a ced from the Bupply pllH', wbere It mothe n notice that the bralr,s of to a greater measure th an any otller It cmerge9 frolJl the tank to tbe kltcbtorm of bousebold convenJe nce. Su ch en si nk, to th e wasbtray~ In the base· the ir little ones conjure up uncanny a s)'stem not only IIgh tena th e burden mellt, to each at the fix tures In t he ylghts aDd thoughtll trom the shadowa of hClllsehold drudgery, but adds 1m· ba tb room a nd to tbe range boller, of a room m ore or loss dark, let tbe mea,8u f a bly to th e contentment at The r ange boile r Is c onnected with light burn brightly. To forc e .a .cbUd those who e njoy I tJI s e r v ice. When tl.o m e ter 10 tb e kitchen ran ge, whlcb to become aocustomed to the darknes8 there Is add e d to tbe convenie nce of furnis hes Ihe supply at bot water tn Is a grave e rror. If Its n ervous s),stem Inch a plant that of a system of sew· be stored In the range boiler. The bot Is .0 organized that this (orclng la age disposa l, tbe equipment at the wa t er pipes may be traced tram the produc tive of a frIght. Tbe nervoua Bystem of a child Is a luburban or country r esidence be· range boiler to each or tbe fixtures comes as complete as can be ~bt~ned. name d above, wbere they te rminate In very aUllceptible organlzatlon and tbe delete rlouR ImpresBlons made upon It wher~J oity wat.e.r IUPply and sewer ea oh case In a hot W8.ter tap. will otten make their Infiuence (elt aervlc:e Is available. That plants of The size at tbe pressure-tank I. throughout Its'whole atter life. If tb. tblll kind are In general use II a made to suit tho req ulroments of the matte r of common knowledgo and that b.ouse, and. It 80 d es ired, may be fur· child aakl for a IIgh t under sucb cll" oumatancea do not refuse It. they sre successful In service 18 at· nlsbed water (or purposes outSide tested by tbe number at companies tbe bouse. Tbe method of pumping Moving Picture. Popular. engaS'ed In tbelr manufacture. may be by band , nil that shown In tbe In a recent numbe r or the Dally A water·aupply plant for tbe aver- Ogu re, by gasollno engine, or by any Consular Reportll are coll ected memoage h.ome need not be elaborate nor otbe r form of power. For tbe liver- randa from cltiea and towns In varl· expensIve In order to be convenIent age alze of dwelling. however, tbe Dua dIstant pa rte of the world show, and emclent. Tbe water may be tnken hand pump Is well adapted to tbe 1\8- Ing the universal quality of the popu· from any .ultJIble souroo of supply qulrementa. The limIt to which such lar Intere8t which the moving pictures and tbe plant may be m ade to 8Ult tbe a plant may be extended will be de- excite. England, Japau, Turkey, Mex· avallable conditions no matter what termined b ythe size of the tank and Ico, India, Australia and tbe Islan4 they [nay be. tbe means em ploye d ror pumping. It ot the sea all have th e Eame !ltor)' to The water·supply plant shown , In may also be made to lIerve tbe pur- tell; wh erever tbe cInematograph the drawing Is that known as tho pose ot lawn sprInkling and fire goes It Hnds an Instant and sustained pressure·tank system. It Is simple In protection or ae a m ea ns of water welcome. construction. not at all dl tIIcult to op.- Ing Block. erate, and contalns all of the essenIn operation tbe air pressure In Ih. Accounted For. tials necessary to the demands of tbe tank furnishes the rorce which s end."How la It .0 milDY peopl<:l Ie em abl. sgerage home. The picture Include!l tbe water tbrougb the pipes to the va. to get tbe money to buy automobile. tho plpel and flxtures for stationary rlous water taps. If for a ny reason the wltb ?" wash tubs In tbe basement, for bath air Is allowed to escllpe, the propelling "It you only notice, they a~ the ea&room and kitchen link, and also the torce III destroyed. Thill may occur by lest tblngs In the world with which to wasto pipes connecting with tbe houlle reason of the absorption of the air by raIse the dust." draln. Tbese feature s are Included tbe water, due to the pressure to which \0 abow tbe possibilities of a con· It Is subjected or to small air leaks that Hurry, Girl •. ~enlent and etllclent system for the may develop In tbe seam at tbe tank Uncle ~am has just Issued a IIttll and allow the aIr to eecape. To over- brocbure o n fatt ening calves. Hurry, avera~; ) Isolated bome. The source ot water supply In this come thelia difficulties, arrangement II gIrls, as the ellltion ,will Boon be ex· case III a rain· water cilltern sunk be· made In tbe pump so tb at air or Willer hauBted.-Wasblngton Post. low level ot tr., basement tloor, may be for ced Into the tank at any Lots of people aro more anxious to In tile tbe top or which extends above tbe lim e a8 occasIon re quires. l'!vel of the Hoar. Tbe water Is more elaborate plants tb e process of pay th e ir social obllgat\ons than tbelr pumped from th e clstem by a common pumping water and tbe regulation of debt •. tank pump and forced Into the press· the air pressure are \IOade entirely auWELL PEOPLE TOO ure·tank, as Is clearly showa In tbe tomatic. Sucb a plant as that sbown In th. Wlae Doctor Glvel Potltum to Condrawing, wbere It furnl8hes the supply of water as desired. Tbe tank, drawIng Is relatively In ex'pens lve. slm· valeacent., In tblEl CBBe. 'Is an upright cylinder pie to oper.te a.nd gives the houllO a made perteclly tight and constructed supply of water that furnishes every A wise doctor tries to gIve nature It I to withstand tbe nece.lary preSBure necessary can venlence. ModlOcatlons bes t c han ce by Bllvlng the little required to pert )rm Its senlce. It to euch a plant may be made to .ult Btrength ot the already exhaullted JIB-. may be gal vs nlzBd as a precaution any condition or size. location or lIent, and build in g up wasted energy against rust. but this la not ab. o- Bource of water aupply. with simple bllt pnwerful nourlah· me nt. lutel), ne cessary. Fattening Poultry. Tbe pipe wblcb conveys tbe water "Five years ago," writes 11 doctor , Ke ep tbe geese or oth er birds In a "[ commenced to use Post um In my from the pump onters th e tank r.ear Let In tho artlne lal own family Instcad of coffee." (It's tbe bottom and as tlae water enters. darkened room. the ontalned air Is compressed Into or natllral light every now and then. a well·known fact tbat tea la just all the decreasing space above Its surface. Tb e birds will Imagine tbat It Is just InjuriOUS as coffee because It contains rhe pr-essure developed by tbe ('om· tha t m nny mornings and w\l1 bfl readJ caffeine, tho same drug found In cofpre ssed air furnlsbes tbe furce by to eat each time. A t least that Is fee.) "[ was 80 well pleased with the whlcb Ithe 'Water 18 driven out of tbe what several m e n In Europe be lieve, results tbat I had two grocerB place tank a.nd tbrougb the distributing a nd tll ey are [ollowlng thIs method. It In stock, guaranceelng Ita sale. pipes 11.8 tbe lIupply Is demanded. Tbls nnd tbat s uccess tull y, In fattening "I tb en commenced to recommend It Is a principle of physics known as poultry. In \l,ls way tbe fowls will to my pa tients In place of co tree, as a Boyle's law. If tbe air In the tank, e at s ix o r seven times a day. nutrItious bevera ge. The consequence "'hen empty of water, Is compNssed Is, every sto~ In town Is...ll..0w &elllng ulltll It . ,)ccuples one·balr or Ita orlg· Fresh Egg. I ncuba te Best, It, a8 It bns be come a h~hold neInnl volume, then the pressure will be In expe rimen ts wltb an italian cock cessity In man y bomes. twice the ortclnal pressure, which In and Itall un anu Wyandotte be ns , eggs "I'm lIure [ prescrlbG POltum as ort· tbls calle will be about 16 pounds to laid s ix dnys a fter matlo!', were In. en as anyone remedy In Ihe Materia the !lQ~ a re Inell . The hlgb er the wa ter fert Ill'. The fre s ber the egga tbe I\-ledlca--In almo st every case o( Indl· rlS08 In tlie :ank, the greater w1l1 he more re liable w ere the resulte ot In· gestlon Clnd !lervousnesa 1 treat, and the pressurIJ developed. This may be c uballon. The hatching quality W81 with the best reBults. a s high ' WI 125 poundll to tbE. square atrected by the season. "Whe n lance Introduce It Into a b I·" I I b family, It Is Quito 8ure to remaIn. ) Inc , , occas on reQu res. ut 40 . Saying No, shall continue to use It and prescrIbe pound a rreslure 111 geQel'lllly .ufficlent Never buy a thing simply to .,:e t rid It In famlllea where ( 1)ractlce. for all the requirements usually demandl'ld In a houl8 plant The of tb~ II ge nt. You, of . course, get rid "In convalescence from pneumonia, . se prea8\1r~,. are eully .ttalned wltb a Q( bl.m. but YOU also lIet r1d of your !YPQold fever lind otber Cases I give. for ce pump Incb u Ihown In the 1I\0ney and a llttle or your power to It as a liquid, eaally absorbed dIet. drs wtul' .. , ' say no In refu!lal of things YOU do not You may uae Ply letter 88 11 ., , . " I A !I.~s puge ,0, on tbe .Ide of want. any way yon eee av' .Name· alveu li, tbe tank, la Intended to Ibo" tb. P08tum Co••,DatU. CI'8eIl, Web: . he~t l!Jr· ·tbe . wster' in the- tOrt at . Live Itqck. . . , Read " "J;b. 1,R.o1ad to · W,lIylllt." .. .~, ' Um., and ·. tbe P~"llI" ' 'UCt! W --111. lqeallfle• . wb~e .86m. 80ft 01 pk... "TIl~·•• Nt.~D." . ',~ ~Ow. die pre••ure :I!lItaJ.ned b, til. lIYI . ltOC~ ma,1 not ...' pr,ollfabi7.~.. · ", ' ' , '~."r. ,' p • • ~»Jt p," rlalnt 'fro. ~e4 t.~ u.4 far .... ' ......... __ iiiM tIiIl




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Ml l ~llllh l' r l;"r , 76 Pt o r e~

Nl!w Suits



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Clee. r ~ l' pp, k IClw l\ ~h ' p : $1.

,l o~" l'h h •• y,; h y W , B , AIl ,' n IIn,1 Chfllf ldin e VB Peil l' : B Oi vor oe . i<' a tlll r t' t" Fr ll nk ~ r lJ.D tlon , IlXl'C ul01'~ 10 1. :'1 . 11'111'1 11 6 h Url g r nl'!t U(1~lell t, of <lUI Y Mil ler, :i t l u tl! 111 tJ nr v o ,V~ bu n! : II .'\ . 11 111 T h •.! ( h f' l' at al v ... l~(\ w lO H $ 12;' 00 , ' tl r, "" , " x ••tm tor of I,he wi 11 of Mllry Commission ers' Pro(ccliings W , 811 tL" r wort,h , deoeasild at Ill. ~ 1\1~ - . l o .. 1tdl H.) lhr L,,·I! . tu d ex n ~, '\'0 !!tl t I\Hld .. w Ill "nd 0 1 h e r r e li of. 11 3~ ' 0 All eu HulT llI a " , ~ "lllr y "~ Probate Court tltl llier lI f w e i g lJt ~ Pt ll d m f\ ,. ~ nr tl~ ' I,. r ;' \l!! u"I. t- i ull Uli. M " rrt~ nn d de b 11.. 1,11 1' (I f ~"mu ,, 1 Mil II' 'H ~· . ,. ~l , ,,, lt l\ r e t

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~· iu Pt I .. ccou ut til f' d , ;:' .. Ill e ,. llnwt!d, " ~ p ru ,, ed bn d l: ,ufirm eIi . .." ;5 ( ItS F rll ll k A , :-'111 ,1 " .. . f,·' \l IIO el " j C " II ' I, ~ '1'1111 "" , )J(l h:l~ h , I £ .. ttttlll i C ~ I V 1 0 C o l v lU. d eC Hu~eU.• 0 t' ·. U "v . '" ~'IDIII t1 l:I'OUUt, ,dl o wf'li . tlpproved " UK 11 (111<:6 Iu 1· (1I 1 1r " ot ~· r ... fti '. :! , ICIHlrl.,,, ~ H ..okllli l. P ' (~~ ... ur tr" nl. ,nel 0011 firm ed I l1:"t,. te uf H 11 L Jllul •• l fI(W lI" !' U Im tl ul Itlr 1,111 11 l1 ur ultll l, $ 100 UO . ~ tl (1 (lIII,roved l::i,"ne, " l[ IJ em ll''' p i 1,.1I1 . ' ur trtmtm lllll t I"lnll 1 1\000un. Ii II ,,~ , '1 tl Ifor Lulll Ii ll rll, ,,I\, * ~ :! :W . Low' . ,. " I oo nl rUl e . .. () _ . "'I b Ll ' Mo' 'Inn" do I Br,) .. ('e m .. nt Illld ~A W ll r plpo, . 1 , h Il:.. ttlttl u f '" 11'. " tl ,-,.,. .• Y'Inti' I 8 cOU unt • Ull,)wed :;!i T 1.1H n k l' f · r IIU llit or ItDd pr lll ,tlU !'; c ' ,",n~eu . ~.. d Olutirmed II ppruvuu 1\0 I . I Ulltl oe I .. ro ntrn c ~o rs , , 600 , R ,\y ' l!J"t1lte of ,Io,d~too kmnn . d eCetl H • 01 0 11<1 H ur ~ hbllrge r , ti u ltlT Y /1 ~ 11 1! 1I1 " I'd Final Ilcooun t, 1l11 0 Wf\d , "II It,lIut jltnitor .. t f 40. 00 .Inm e~ }<'ol I'loved Ilntl cODtlrm tld . le l1 , ja ultor. 1' 0 ot< ()III \.) Corrugated Anua M. Robertsnn , f' xscutrix v~ Comel1t en , ('ulver t pipE', I U:1 20 al Older P . B Monee, (~llutfllO t No 411. ' 2:' 70 Aon .. ad , H.ubertson granted Bell reftl estate, Nut btlO Han~ , oon'raot N o, 52, 10 the matter I)f Wllhl\ ,\ 'fry oo ' 85 ;,0 Alvar vVelll!. bridgE' re p!lin' CbUd IIdjlldged an imbeoll e "lid ,l::illle lll towufOhill, ,:1' .' 5. 11' M. ~uil. plaoed in oba"lle of ptlrents UOI,11 lin s, llrid ge r l) p~ irs In Btlrlun town further order . s hip, '1 8 UO. John Wolfe. bridge 10 tile matter 0 1 the will of C, D rt'p (lirs io Wayue tlnd MaSHie town Meloy, deoell~ed Wid""" el ectlil to ship, 11 5 6-& C C Emmons, bridge tllke uuaer tbe wII\ , repair III 'J'urtleoreek town~blp. In tbe of thll V\ ill of Jllmell '1 5 lIO J!lme~ Hankinson . lamber, C. j:JiI(\~ llIl1u, (I Il('8Il He .1. Will lltfHred $ti 40 , for pl'ob .. te. ' PIllos and speoltioaUona for oerIt! thu mlltter of the Will of W. B . tain brldg611 In t;alem and Clear· Dultf', dooel1l1ed. Will admitted to oreek 'ownllhlps were Approved . y

I '







, This is a great opportunity for every' housewife to tt:st her skill as a soap lliaker and at the same time win a valuable cash pri ze _ E very ,woman can enter this contest-it doesn't cust one <.:ent to try-the conditi ons are a s simple as A B C. We want to prove to every housewife who reads this paper, that with the aid of Btlnner Lye she <.:an make all the soap she needs for her family use-mak e bettersoap than ~he can buy an ywhere- make it cheaper, with very little labor and in a very short tillle.


To the wom en who send in the be 5t samples of homemade soap in which Banner Lye haa been IISed we will award the following cash prizes this month : ,

1st Prize $15.00 3rd Prize $ 5.00




Many DrlYtn From Home. Every year, tn many pllrts of tba Wm J , 80bubert and wHI! and Jos . country, thousands are driven from AI Lenner to Vernon E , t;obuhelt, ' tbelr homet! by coughs lIud luog . dleeaS6! FrillOdll Il' d buslooss Ille 10'1 I. F ..anklln ; $1. left behind for other cltmates bu~ Wm, M. Crawf~ at III to Emma thilil is costly Ilnd uot alwl\vs' aure C. C..awford Xa ., Franlliln ; .'1. A better way-'Il'e WAY of multi Cla..a Brown, widow, to B. F. tudes-I!' to use Dr Kln~'1 New • i W rren Disoovery a.ud cure yonrself IIot home Wilson and wif., 'ra<.tl n a I:U&V right 'here, witb yoor friends. aod Cllnton oouotisi. aJl;greglltlng !lod take \hlll Sill e melilOintl, Thro~' 5S .or6ll, more or leN; 11,00. ' .. nd luog troublel liod qulok relief (ieorj{e W. Jarnaglo t I William ' and heillth returua , Ita help In R d A Nicely lot In F.. uuk.'oougbs oolds, grip, oroup, Wlwop. • an nna, oongh alld lore lungs make It • lin; '1,'6. positlvo bl6llslntt. 50c Ij,od $1 00 Izetta Johnson to Luolle B Berry, Trial boUle free . (2Ullrantt-ecl by lot Le'banon; '1.00 all dr~ggists Nanoy S. MolD'ire to Vlarll S· .. - • - -1l0Intire. ' '9 56 aoree iu Hamilton I RIGHT IN THEIR LlN~ anel Salelli wwnshlptl; 11,00 NaDcy 8. Mointire to Elmln LadInm, III 73 aorell In aamlltoD \owo' elatp; '1,00. W. D, An'ram aod wife, I!'rank BraDdon and wife, quit olaim to J. 11, MllIer, 8 Iota tn Harveysburg; $1.00. C • .1'. JllUenberger to Martha Real Estatt!




These furnaces are right The price is low, Give me a chance I will prove it so. The work is good The material is best The proof is yours Bv the test. f;r (, ;"

!' rl' ;tI

'1'1 ... It l', Iii ' " 11 <; (' \\ i I h I i I I I ' :' 11 ( I Awl i ,,, ~ \ ' X l'V !ISI

Tl l i"k It

(j\( ' r

Ami I'll \' I Irl' 11t" ,I, A1111 1 \. i /I l 'llmt· Awl tI(, till' !'l·s t.

. ~rinners & Slaters Sherwood Block Vnlicv Phnnt'


Waynesville,Ohio ,~----------------~--


Full diredions for making soap are printed on every wrapper o f Banner Lye-every contestant has an equal <.:hance of winnil\~ a prize. After you have mede your soap, cut off a stllall piect:, wrap it in the Banner Lye wrapper, then in a piece of plain paper, on which write your full name and address and mail , to The Penn Chemical Works, Philadelphia, Pa. All packa ges must be received by liS notlaterthan the last da y ofthis month. Every contestant will be refunded lOc-the price of a can of Banner Lye-whether they wiD a prize or Dot.


Enter this I(rl'at soap-makinll (''Ont8lt now-it won't COlt you anyget a can of lye frce--you stand to win a cash prize.


The Greatest Soa,. Maker




11 the greatest soap maker on the market. It uoites perfectly with tats and oila. makinll 3L soap that lathers freely, eats np dirt and grease and destroys germs. Banner Lye soap malee, hard water soft, saves labor and backaches.

If you are not guite ready to boil your fal just now, remember there wjll be three separate CClnt.ests--oneinSeptember, one in Octoberand another in November. Same amount of prize money will be given ,away ($80.00) each month. If you don't win in Septembe,r,;try in October; if you don't win in the lirst two contests, try in November, Enter the contest.foon



po.r.rible-II your ckaler

caanot .rupply ylI.. wI,h BlUlnet- LyfJ, write ru,


Phllallel"hla, What We Never Forget Ilcoording to .oioooo, are tbe 1hlDgs sNoolated with our early bome life, 8110h IlS Buolrleo'l\ Arnioa ~alve, th&t mother or graodmo'her ulled kl ol1ro onr buroA, boils, soaldl, lIoras, skiD erupt.ions, cats, sprain8 or pruil6ll. Forty yoars 'f oures prove its morlt . Uorivaled for pilell, OOrDS or oold.sore!!. Only 2500ntll at all druggists.

----- ..- - -



2nd Prize '10.OP 50 'Prizes of $ 1,00 each

So that e ve ry woman who enters this contest has fifty-three c han ces to win a cash prize, ranging from $1.00 to $15,00.


• - ..

'II .,.



Mos' men save till their odd joba for the day of res'

.- ..- --



Agne. Bruce, Daughter of Dr, ''How did your baseball game Wvlngltone. Alway. W •• Enthucome out?" ,Iaetlc Over Africa. UThey mopped the ground w:itll us." Mrs. Agnes Livingstouc Bruce, "I thought they would when I whose dcath ill announced, WA R the heard you calling them a scrub elder ' daughter of Ur. Livin g ~to~c. nine." Mrs. Brulle was born in A£ri,~ a, at Kurumaa, 64 years ago. Vlbolt fonr An artlole that hall reRI merit years of aie elte wa! soot home t9 IIhould In time beoome popular. That such II! tbe oase with Vham- this cQunhy for her Muo!tti_. 811~ berl de 'a Cougb Remedy has heea on her father's ret.nrn after Uli faattuated by maoy ilealerll, Here il! mous journey in ~e Dark Oontincnt, ODe of them. D. W , Hendrlokson, she spent a large amount of time in Ohio Falls, Ind., ,",rites, "Chamber· laio,1'I Cough Rem.dy II 'he best for his eompany, traveling with him in ooughll, colds and oroup, lind Is my Scotland and England. Her enthubeat selier." For sale by &11 dealers siasm for her father's work m Africa was maintained through. her .... - -THE OLDEST LEGISLATOR. life, and it is matter for regret among those who knew her intimate'rlie ol.ll'st member of the hOllsc of ly, that a good deal of direct and , , '''111111011 8 , nne] uwl ouill r rlly the old- personal information relat,ing to the , "Rt 1II!'lIIb!' r of filly t.I, 'lih<'Tlltive body explorer and his work must now be in Ihl' world. is Hamll l'l Ynllllg, Lib- lost, us Mrs. Bruce had not seen her "ftll I!l"ml'('f fOf Ellst ( '11 1'11 11. He is way to record her impressions and "ighl y-two ),"HR oI,], I hOllgh one un- reminiscences in any permanent IH:'lullinl cd wi th him wOlild not form. Mrs. Brllce herself made six th ink him over six ty. Ilr mUII(, n journeys to Central Africa and vishulf-hour Rl)(,~l:h ill fll\'or of home ited and explored the districts asrill e rluring 011 1' of Ihl! r r('t'll t d€Latcs. sociated with her fat.her's name.-T'hihlll riphia RI'('orcl. LIndon Evan;T\JZ Standard.





"8. '

SIU'VING AMONG THE CHINESE •• rber Carrl •• HI. Equipment About 't he Streeta on • Pole Look. In8 for Cu.lomen.

Chinese people have very light beaI'ds, and their practice for untold has been to patronize the native barbers, who ealTJ their equipment suspended at the two ends of a coolie pole across the shoulder and stroH about the native streets seeking cuatomera. Comp&ratively few Chinese have adopted the plan of shaving themselves, and these consist entirely of those who have imbibed western id".8.s. With the abandonment of the queue becoming general, the habit of self-shaviDg, it is expected, _will be promot¢. for when a Chinese employs a natiTe barber the latter shaves the front part of the 'head as well aa the face, brushes the hair, and rcplaits the queue. The Bhaving of the head and tho care of the queue aTe things 'Which a man cannot well l:lndertake for himself, and with its abandonment the main objection to self-shaving will have been obviated.



Telephone day ' ow nlgbt. Valley phone No. I. LoDfl Distance No 69-'''. , .


-.lW_., ~. ~~ ~m. 0Il"'~




I have about $150,000 in Dayton Real Estate to exchange for farrn •. Will trade in large or small parcell. What have you l'

Puneral Difel:tor.


124. B.

Jefferao" Bt.

Dayton. O.



Branch Oftlce, Harve1'lbul'lr. O.



Notary Public Allitiodt! of Notary Work . PeaeloD Work a Hpeolalty .

DR. J. W. MllLE~t • ... DENTIST••• o.nee III NatIon" BIDk BI~.


WayneSVille, 0

D it. H.E. BATRAWAY Wfl.Y'l6svllle'e Lead1n,. Dallal OMce In Keye Bldg. , 1I&lD 8t



M:any long fasts undertaken Toluntarily have been reported, but it is possible that longer oncs, involuntarily or enforced, may have occurred without being reported, as of ship'wrecked mariners or entombed min4~rl!. There are well authenticated caset! of p ersons living thirty to forty dRYB without loUd food, but ta.king. water. Some thirty-odd years ago Dr. Tannl'r of Minnesota went full forty days without food, but frequently taking a Iwallow of water. DON'T TALK OF IT. This experiment was made under How'l This? the I supervision of medical guards, "00 you helit've the theor.v that We offer One Bundred D.ollare and Dr. Tanner, though greatly t]oelors have a rigllt to kill where re1lrard for Ilny CAse of Catarrh that emaciated, lufferei no ill conBethey r an not cllre ?" cannot be oured by Ball'l V,tarrh' quences. In 1854 a Frenchman 'Who ';Hav(!n't they 1I1wuys been doing Cure. it?" .. F. J. CHENEY II ou .. Toledo ...O: wu buried at the bottom of a well We, the undenlJrned. hive kaown If. J . ed on the thirti"e-th cIay Oheoe7: for the Jut 16 yea1'8. and bel"ve htm W&8 reecu perfectly hODoBble III all b~lll_ trlDlaet i l l } ' USUALLY, Uou and ftnanclaUy Ible to Carr)' out aDY I a ITe, bU t d'd 1 not l'lTe 1ong. Obll~l¥'r&:lfeB~Nh~ ~Ooln'EROE. Probably Dr. Tanner'. CIIII8 11 .the Willis-What p08ilinn tlo you 00Toledo . o. 10~!8t on :reco~d. ' , Ball', O.tarrh Oure .. taken IllterDal\),~ ' . , ':upy in your householt] ? . ~1Dc directlY upoa &bo blood aDd muooua '. . - . ' ot tbe I)'atem. T ..tllJlonlala INIDt _ . _. Gillis- l am IrtUlSUfcr .to my wrf_ fl'ee. Price 75 cenu. per boUla, Sold bi' all Tb.e maD wbo keeJil h1I ~ord wife's social sce retary.--.TlIrlge. T 0 ~all" FamU,.PiiJ. forCOllftlpatl,?D.





Service at very reason· able rates.

The very Best at al\ Times


AUTOMOBILE Sub-Agent for the Ford Automobile



lf~ :, fl.IlI!-------.~

Ray Mill. Corwin, Ohio Phone 71-1X

IIJ!I. . . .IlliIJ!ll. . . .~....iIIl,"





l'ubUsbe d



GAZETTE Wayneav lUe, Olll"

-- Th ; -Nei ,";, ______ ___;h"i--e - ~h;; ___d'N~ __ ;"~ __-_ ~]




Pu bl ic S al e

J. lfredEd wllrdR , of Hapevi lle, HIl . I Is visit lll l! f .. ~ "<I!I In UlIB violnity . OFFICE .. - MAI N STRE ET ;Spri ng Valle y New Burli ngton Mrs. 1-:111,'1ii, I It Romisl'l &tt,Ar If several :-r"IIT~ ':lIllfineUlent,' l\u,sH" ,·1 i ' At the ho mc of the late J o hn M. Davis, nea r Ml. Holly <Delayed ) MI L 1 , Ohio, we .. Mite" ItI\ur16 COPl!fty who WII'Ifjlok I will o lTer a t Public Sale, o n 8S u u Ewing haB returne d aWay II.t ber lilL .. hOlO8 Wedno sdlt v • WillI l,n)lllli d (tlVtlr II! iUlIJrovlng from the MoClel1sn h08pit.a.I, greatly O. 1,. CltANE, Editor and Malll.l)« ' r and was laid I " tt·~ t by thE' sid .. ~f uloe1y. Improv ed In health. her husbau d nll ol "" 0 who Ilreceedtll\ HOl'O .-Thul'I IdaJ', Aug . l!l!, to Mr. CArlton and Forres t Smith reo her Ilates of Subscr iption y et.U:.S . and Mrs. John Barlow of KODtueky turned home i .., Friday of lallt wllell . This vlO1 nity wal ~Illl repr68e nted One Year l oL"le tty III atlv ,uwe ) ... . . . .. ·.i . o~ Bcg mnmg a t 1 0 d ock , the follOWing prop~rt . : furmer ly at this phlO8, a danght er . after a 1I181\sllnt Vll!it with Slnile COpy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 a' the Uhl o I:ltat e Fbir , IIIKt week " MIIlIl Louisa Fulk6rllOn, olerk ut In Dayton . Wago n,;, onc uwad anu one nar · . Ul'lof'ge C . Anlloll, Mr . ,md Mrs. tI,e poatoffioa, Is e cjuYln g her vaoll. ro w tn·ad . I Bleak ing P loiv, guml MillS Flora Harlan returne Rates of Advert ising ~. U.'n. M"rlll Cranll il! filling her 8Oh0l11 work In Miamis burg, d"to heir Le w's BOflTI! .. nil lIun How .. rd and las n~w, 40·t oo th Harro~ . 1 FlI rro\\'in~ 'OUl I'luw , I lIu ll1 ilto n H l(li ll~ .. tur. Wru H .. nl Inft for n .. llforn ia tie1l .,CuI Llvutor . Tobal"c() R .. adlug Loc"l•. per lIue . . .. . . . .. .... . Ilk' 1'1108. Cultl\'a tlH , 2 I:lllgg les~ I sl'l W,nk Halllcs s, I S('l Iti d"y . R tladlolll Loul • . Llo<ck foce. per Uo.e . . . . tl'u nh er 2nd. with uellt ", i.. h ull ftll low_ llluggy Harn ess , 1. set Check llrll ·S. Rn~ II ('~ . H a ll (', s . :-; 1I11\·cl .. . F or k ", Mill8 Esta Hood. nl~ht oper"to r al. 0 18011100 .-\,1 • . 0 (1 1 10 \" "eed Ih'o line. Min Bernioe l:iowkl ns left for iUI-I thlllll . . I~oes, Pot~to Three InMOrlh.ll" .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 211(' ~"e Viti zen EzOban ge haB resigne F OI k, l?ouble Laddcl ';. Slep Ladl il- I. Il ra Ct' a nd Ill{ . d , Ann Arbor, 'fue~,IIlY m orolng where M r . BUll Mrs. Pearl :::\tuwllr t . of CWSS' (,lIl Saw . Hand Ubltuarl6 ll. I\v~ ,,,0'1168 lree ; over ttv. 6c U I III Saw . aboll l 8he 1 ~(lO eotered Tohacc " 80hoel s, ~(JI l\(, 1 : l'IlL'ill~ foe nurse W 'I . t.. lochll8. pur line . .. ... . . . . . .. . . yer pace W be taken by Belen Roa rds a nd Posts, 6 b a les of :-; trall , \\"a gon oJ a :-;lid, • ck I 'lllugt OIl, '\lent t1undllY In the Trees. . :-;i alld ])" lI l1 le Oud of thank. . . . . . . . . .... . , . .. .. . . . !~ t1.)olmm Wheelb a rrow , H u rSt' l~lallk e l s . Slu rlll Fru lH , l. awngll' llh.rn. l1 \I uwl'r. r, UII . taking " llilaolill oourse In sorger y . villn~u ReIOluU On. .. . .. . . . . .. . . ... . .. . . • . . . PUlato es. .AII tbe l:!uDdlloY l:iohoolol of s. V 8ocl&lA etc. where cllarge ill mllde . ..... . 26,: 'L'he frlOnd" of MI8s Florenc e Ray - The ~tu rw uf Ill"" week did oon · 10e '"wnolh lpenjoY tlda Viouio Thursd oy cook DiAlpl1l7 .~d vertl slng JtIIr loeb . . . . . gave her Ii ~ nrprl!!e In bonor of ~I<lerbulo IhUUIIKtl to 'lJllildl Dgsaod In Ed EI"ms woods. DIBoounl8 11"1 ven on conlract . I!l'<is, CUpbOllrU , Ca lpd , IJis!tc'i , her lJirthda v, Frllluy evenin g. . lb I!! ' In cUlUmu Dity !"t,)\"sc~,to Ca . rpel Mirrors and other art iclcs tl)O lIulli erou ~r . B. M.8pl>lllr III C llli f) 1IH ag ~, I.alll p, Cha irs'. lit very III thra-t • . ~ 8 ~obool opened Monda y, Miss 0""-1 yA. ". IIUlI MrH. Brloe ."'mlth , rD . SR P'f I£ ~lIHC H •. 1912. ~ All sums under $5. 041 cash. All s llm ~ (,\'cr S'i llil a credit enud with \Jpholt l tuner w. . urnes I" in oharuo .. of tho 8igh tnrned hume 'I'hur"d - ay q otter " an nb· of six month s with app ro vcd ~ ec \lr i t y <\1It1 11 <\lIk al,lf' 1I 0 l l' ~ Mr. "nd Hra. Kallper )(rult vl.1ted liohool Room, Interm ediate. Olive SOIJ '.:U of Heveral da .ViI lit Detroit . over Huuday In Uhllloo othe. Vheuv b b r '>Dt, Primar y. N/lnnle Sham8enral of our young men are BUSINESS OFFER We will al so o lTer tht, proper ty fo r salr - -l lIt'rCS. H " lI ~ l' , Harn MI,a Leah Flamm er hal re-Ione .. d aug. , '!'lI lJan 'o Th dJ seeking employ ment elRllwhere a.d her pOl1ltlon wl'h thtl Bell telepho ne S bed and other Bu ilding-s . e age 08eph Rhllmh "ugh wal are going to it . 8uooess to YOIl C',mpl l.y, and aooep'e d one ae book knocke d tlown by a oow, Friday bOYII. JWSA D.\ VIS CLIFF IlAV):-; T o m Dill, A uct keeper for Fulker son' Coal Offloe ovenin g and conyld orahly brulled . Marion l:ialnes, tlon of ~'. A . Tim Marlat t, Cl erk GEO . DAVIS ELLA S ~IITH .. faa lory comme noed The cannln o Mr. u.Dd Mra. LeRwr Compt on at. Haines , 11 vin'" . . , near Uhollte r Wall ,Clrs (, ollerall oo MOllday. I" f Jo hll ill. Davis. wnded the Mta'e Fair, Wedne aday drowne d In a stone quarry . 8..sar ~~~~~~~~~11111!!"~~~~~~~~~~~~ t4tll May Evan wal blred III ~ob and'l'h urlldJy . ~~~~_~~ day afterno on . The young Ulan - -- -- -- -- - . - ---- - -. - er or the Kramm er room 111\ the Ed MoKay lOll' one of his good went in IIwlmming "nd ",a3 overvilounoy made by the relllgna 'ion work horsal! by IIghtn! ng during como with oramps , wbich resulte d or Ray Eagle. the .torm Wedne sday nlKht, of Il1st , III hla death. Mr aod Mre Ray Eagle aDd fam week . Dllnlel Dawson had one of his !ly vl_lted Hunday "Uh Ray Krug Live Stock and Gl'ne ral Aucti oneer James Oeborn lind Olive Anabee eyell badly injured by thu breakin .,-.., . ...:.. ' . g and tamlly. were marrie d by Rev J8IIse 1:Iaw· of b it! Rlu,sl!ell, phTticles . ,( . ~ . . . ~ Ilying Iota .' A numbe r from ber. aU~nded the kiDS. at hl8 reslden oe, , Posted all pedigr ees and ·valuc s of all Thursd ay the eye oauslng grell.t pllin . ,-' J O. U, A. M . oolehra tlflaln Dayton evenin g. They · are popula. , kinds of breed ing stock. -. r Mr. snd Mrs. Albert, of IU9\ week. dents of I::!prlng Vft 11 f'lY ArI,1 Ill, v', til e "' lIr Dayton , I!pent SundllY with Exper ienced in handl ing farm salcs since Tbe townlh lp 80hl'018 wlll open bost wl~h'~ lO r n h ,,.t. f fri .. nd8 rl\lati vel'! 10 this violnity . 1905. Honda y, Heptem ber Ind, and 'he MiliA .IL .. :t"beth Reevetl iM lIuPl'ly , '(i~ village IOhools Monda y. 8elJwm ber InK the pJIlca Uncle Ez ra Says Mil!!! Therell ill Jen · ~~J. Terms Reasona~le -:- Satillfaction Guaranteed Itb. klnR. at Fairvie w sohool, west of • It don '$ take more 'n a gill u v ,,!fort to glt rolk .. Into ... peak or R'!v Hersbe y will leave 'I'n p "r!.y . (town, thill week. trouble " and a little negleot o f 1'100- GHADU ATE OF Til l!: tnr OO.r"r(H"'1' Wayn esvill e, Ohio . OUf village Wll8 greatly IIhoeked lI'ipatio n, bllious uess, Indilt( ~ tltion or NATION A L AU I.:TIO N TI... ! tI,wh"r, . of Ollf v III" .' 11 IH" 'lDd f'xolted I::!aturd Valley Telepbone ·4S · l r av IIftorne on ,)thor liver lIlerlmgement, Will do the SOHOOL O~' AMICRl C .... " "11111" 1{ 1" .. '1\.111 " '11 X ,'"I , 1111 " when word If ailing, tak" Or . King 'l ""!!'~~~~~~~ WII!! reoeive d that, totl\r- "Hrue _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nllw LIfe Pill .. for Iluil'lI: re8ults . weak . vin tlaID"~. Ron nl Tbl\d Halnew of E·lSY. Slife, litHO, I\ D I ouly 21i cent s 'rb I -flel WAVNESVILL~ CHURC HES, e mp II0 It·OOD (eDOA that !nlln\' It.he Cheste . r nei~huorhood 111\1) Ht all drug~illtM people have 10 Chamb erlaln'l I Co1\ ,. , ' (trowne d 10 110 ))001, on thll farm of "Yea, J 8Dle!!, dese mumps keeps Vholer a and Diarrho ea Remed y ii Rohert MoKay, e8Mt ot Method ist Episcopal ChuJ'Cla town. /111 WAS QUITE WILLING TO GROW AilH will be lnae rt..t!d untl c r Lhl M be au for me from gain' to school, an' fer de foonde d on 'heir ezperle noe In th,. oompa ny wltb 'hrlle Rey. O. 8. OraWltlr. Put.or. twenty -t\ vc cent" tor thre e hl Mcrtloaa ntherM. he bl\r1 S Ullday School . 0: 15 Il . m. MQ"nllllr s er .be n u lflng Dot wore than live line N. lum of ten cents I'll let you hang ule of that remedy a"d ~belr know I gnne in lmthlnlC and !lot beyond ht> Applica nt 'or Diplom atic \'Ice , 10 :HO a . m, Evun1ng lIcr vtcc , '7 ~ 0 P Po.ltlon edge of the maay remark able oofl'~ around me an' ketch 'em too I" 01 . Mld .. 06k Pr l)'er IIilleLlnJ1. 7 p. m . . TJlgugh t He Would Be Big EnoUlh oolio, dillorrboea aDd d,8enw ry thn ' d"pth. BI& OOlD pan .Ion!! were w ••••••••••••• "' uuabl ~ If Given Job. It hili IItreoted . For 1I"le by 1\ : I .to rOllone him and othE'r help WIiS to St. AugusU ne'. Catholi c Churcla.\ WANT ED COMPL IMENT S FOR THE .RIDE. dellll'lr<! ._ _ _ late In Ilrrlvlnl ...... . _ • ('. lJr Wb!ttlk er WILli Father Louie YaWl During MCK'In Iey's a.Ullllnl . _.:1_ . . . . . Ml\8ij eve r, "" cood sUllan, or the mouth a IlTeflllnt ",lion hie body WI11'1 re t iOll Senato r Carter of Montan s ..·aI must relate a striking salutati on a told UTOM OBILE -SeoOl ld hand. a 9 : 0() a . .... Lytle OO\'ered but hn oonld not, hI' revived . , this story at a. Washin gton that the bridal couple received from small oor preferr ed . Ba Vf1 prop gatherMn. Jane Dyke Is very III at be r rhe yonnll: mlln was hlgtllv . St. Man'. Episcopal Churda . erty to trade or indu8t ri.l ,,~ock cu,r· a Quaker elient of mine, a. shrewd rf"·v, ' ,··1 iug: bome in Ly'le Rnd Ii belug can,1 r·efl anll VAry popula r .. nr1 It" • . J . F . Cadwalla der. RectOl·. rylng guaran tee of 696 dlvlden dll Car hl~ un dry goods mercha nt. Present ed b~ A Chicago man appear ed at the UlU'Jt for by Urs. Luoy Dyke aDd MrR . timely del\th Mil.' a ,lnODl be 1n first·ollls" oondltl on . ~e S unaay Scbool. I) :30 ". m Mornln II Her ove r I·h.· White Houae one day with II. petition Nilt.. Flnano e & l::!eonrtt an usher he lurveyed-··ihe bride, vice . 10.:30 :l . m . Holy i6!1 Co., W. Suu<l ..y 01 each wonlb,Commun ion \be ftr.t Blaaoh e Graham . oommn nlt,v for mllny mil". ,·(,ntain ing 7,000 Dames recomm end- U. Weave r. WlIoyneMvi)l e, O. II U whom he had Dever seen before, ant Mias Luoy Mende nhall, of Day· I Few If "ny l·n::I·O-IUA~ then with the utmost deliber ation bfl VI1 III... I illg him Cbrilli on Church. tment 88 Brazilp~. • • for appoin U' &01', I II vI IIItln8 a' the howil of lb. with thll nnl lormr.u KlIOC"II" proceeded to BAy: Re.. P. B. Tbompeo n, Putcle. 1l1!!1. hl1~ IIIn mtnlste r. U.e wlfJ II. picture framHlble 8Cbool, 8:ao .. m. 80claI meetlnlr, , ,,Ullndlld rJIIl U~1l of ()lla1U~'rIHtn '8 ~r, ·ed when he was C8nv88 "WilVam, I think the bride haa a.nd Mr. Vbarly Vlark. LOST 8ing for 10: 30 a. III. Ohrllltlau Endeavo r. 1:UU p. m. \he Banl?a b LeWIIl, of Oay\oll , ColI.\ CholArll. "ud Ot'lrrilnl'l" Sermon by pulor every . altoma"" Bundar .. thoW». mOre judgme nt in her choice R"OI orders he took along his petition and 10:10 a . III . and 1:30 p. III. b .. s been lpendiDK tbe pal' W6(' k :~~ (H::~~:::-I~I~tJlli~~~:: than thee bu." ~'~~;~,~ ask~ everybo~y ~ the picture frame UA'l'- A blue Harge OOllt on r08d Fortun ltely befo~ I could turn to with her daogbw r Iilrs . li:mm. JIII- in almost tlvery nol ghhorb ooll have LU8lDeSS to 8lgn it. Almost Hk:k&l e Friends Chure&. betwee n Wayne sville aod eTery- Ularksv llle SundBy AUK 18th resent this .trange wutati on be con' ney . OD Tue,da y she took dinner 'lIven It. 1\ wide ropuhl.tion, For body did. FirAt Pa) Mtlelln~. 0 :00 a. m. F'lru DOl, F1nder ple~se notify tbis offi~e. s 4 ~~~ggl~.I~; O(l a m. Founb with Mre. Matild a Emrlok ol!d 1114111 by all dealefll tinued a. follows: Day Me eting. Tho man waa insisten t and finally o~lled on lIlany Ly$le frleDds . - - -. - • "BecaUBe it tuea .M,me penetra . n!n c~ed the preside nt. Always genThe (iraha m. and tbelr frle.ds 10 Orthodox Friend s Churea, tion to discoyer thy good qualitieB, Sprin& Branch tle and coruriderate, Preside at McFOR SALE M.... Ruth Murray, Pulor tho nnmbe r of ODe hund,e d al,, 1 'II but hen ean be seen at a glance ."AI . • II. . I Kinley cxplnin C'd to the eandid ate ~abba\h Scbool. »:au a . m. Itclrular chureb ,,!III IOtlvuf!now,,1 I e'ltBI·tJlln tl,l II he thirty me$ at tbe bome 01 Mr. al d I A Betr08pect of Forty Yeare. ACTVI OO, 10 'UO lit. ru . CllrlHLtan Endea.vo r . ht Eld lat . woulcl have to consult the ...'1','d ay nl.< er lien A Ill' 7 ::10 11_ ab•. Albert t:taoy, on Saturd ay In ('n . Bid 'f bUlLhet oU InolS wheat senator for seed. and reprc~ntative8 re ·z "n WI o. ~~.-----b tbelr anoollol reunion . . Harves t at Ii (' f) kl vlLrlety . D. d a out the matter before making The Men Who Succeed the ft. Booket t, phoneKing Mr• .and Mra. C. E JohnB speu' . .~I"· d · ,. I Il nw&_~ f"dmilYM 65.1 X , Wayne s. en appoin tment. as heada of lar.. enwrprhl811 a,e Munday .ar... nil au '&8 t ville, Ohio . 8 18 ''You. k " 'd th ·d G Oak ouueJ IlY eB men of ,reat nerK' . 8uooeB8, \o4a, Mr. G In DaytOD with Mr. alld d now, S81 e presl ent. . W. Shade and wUh them am eMI e°Ler lf" '1,10, Mat Pllr.hll l "we have to select big men for these ATTL E-Hlgh .grade Jer8eys~ Unde rtake d.maq d. health To aU Ia to faU r and Embalmer d fill 111\ 00~8 IWId Man (If b' U .I utler toUy lor a maa &0 eDdore motore d &0' Germa n'ow.n In tl 18 "D 1 " Y011nll bulls and helfeno, In W·I .> 011 ' I g P aees. I mlnl{l'O U' good • w ..JI, rua do""n, half ,,\lve ooadl. afternOOD . Rhape, 10. from registe red alrs8 ''W II" k d th Will be found In the old ... • ture F ... '" I framer , and good prodno lng OOWI. Inquire &ion wbo ltleotrl o BUterli will put rana <:lUI th and family en <c . 'te I, bas .e t epic Bank Butldln g. oppoal. ., Howar d (iraham and family, 01 • .r8. b' t i d Eld l~ of Burton ElIornhllrt, Wayne sville, A B . d "on h1m ri"Il' DD hta fee' in 'Ihort order e JUs as 19 88 any of .ar a ne the Nation al Bank. or "eo. reb an 'lh ., T arveYI B t th b urg. . b"" S turd cm spen' Saturd ayevel l. If ~ Ohio. 'c-"I'o or Itoau..)dld me more reallOD d I I III "'- d 'felellh on6 In honse and 0'· I ge e 1° , - a and tjonda ,· wltb Mr. anl1 MIll . Wo e. 14 t urlllY a, l)jio anT oiher ••4Iolbe I ever Ing even og ... 1 er Evenin g Post. ) Ral h Le I floe where I can be called ret. WILl! t~k ClU slolt aD11lIood wos n')1 &ook," wrl... Cbu. B, AUaD, 1:111 RYE- Goo ll reolean ed Rye Blled . day or night. uP _.:t.W E ablfl to Ilrfh('h Sunday , Ilt .slddl" .. anla. Ga "Afler y of I d...· - - • _r. aau _re. rnllilt Parnell and Run ule, at Slle per bUliheJ. hi Valley PhODe U ....2. .Runnl nK up and down Bt~lrs, quirefor tllg wUh rheum a'I ..., liver &rooble, IOn, Of J. B. Chllpm an, R. 2, Way-· of .y'on , .pnnt MondllY with .N~thBn Au~ttn III on the Ilok lis> . !lwce()I .lolaao h 411OMen, aad denqe 4 Mre. Adlla Paroel Main Street> Wayne 8vU!., Ohio DIt and bendln , over making nesv1l1e. Ohio. l. s 11 • \)ed8 '111'111 not make a womaD healthy IlltlD81l, I am 8plD, thaate &0 Eleo but I" better DOW, ~)r beautif ul ~he mUlit qet ou, of OR8E- Elllhte ell month s old eol'. tria 8"w... , .ound and well. '1'ry Barry MoOIDnili and tRmily iand Yr. Guy Vhenow etb h811 returne j (loon, walk Ii Ollie or t""o Inquire Mrl . Jennie Duke, VIIoI \h 1m. Only " oeD&' aa all dr•• Yr ••nd lin. U. every ij. LAmb attllnde d hOUle afier s}}endld" 110 week with day Rnd lakA Cblllhb eriain'e Tablel e lev Phone 56.'r. glllltl . s 11 the. Bome Vominl( at. Belibl'OOlI: IDlprovtl hf)r tligllKtlon aDd rlSg • • Labor Day. his liRter, Mrs . Clneno e TholUp ,oll Illate IJ()wels . For sale by aU deal OMA'I'OF.~ for caoDln g. HE DOESN 'T LOOK IT. Geoll and hUllblUld. Elrll. T Mr. 'Ind All'll L Sellver and ltrl . and smooth Pon(ler oea v8rlety . TH. OIll.AT .1T Mrs. Ada Dakin and daught er Call on J . R. Ri8ey, Uorwln , Ohio. In penona l appeara nce Premie r Verole KenY', of Hprlog 8eld. llpent Hazel Apent MondllY afteruo MINE PONIES PROTE CTED. on, at Allquith of Great Britain far from "veral daYB 18t1t "'Allk WILh William " Mt. Boll. v . IN TffIE WOIIILD APKlN S-A new "took of snap. Grah"m and Wlfo. 100D .the important part he plays in v-1908 ·tuBUSBED WEEIlT. SUIO fa "f!AI. Mrs. 6ent~ta Gordon Willi oolllug F A C . t klns E 1 jnllt d I.... in. ~6ven designs to ~ , . ox 0 ng an uo:The loolal ou I"HtordllY evenlDg the jolitica l aiJairs Qf Europe. Hie ....." his enthusi aatic labore in behalf plok tram. G&:tette office. on Uri. If'rallk Dakin, Maturdll}1 e "MIEL '. DllluaOl aTS. SPIOIA LI.T8. .clothe . do not fit him well Ind when was w.n ·11 Hnd wa" "Hulln_ sfterno on OO.TU M.IIII, TRANS ... tt. OA. of the sadly ill-trea ted ponieB of the NE ten aDd one f1 ve dollar bIll AND 'BU' ,IEIIIVICIE OAN he "1mte n into a Beuion of the olall1uOOOllI. PIIIO ..'-:Mr. Jot' ROII8I'1I fnmily "re 11011 on coal mine!!: The lot of these on Tuesda y the 13th Inst a\ or . av USINa poor, IT. ADVIER TISINa OOLUM N. house of commo ns and sinks 1mab- Mr. II.nd M.1t .Wtlllftm Cox entor. thO! ",10k IIlIt. abused little creatureB has been a near depot Corwin . Finder wtlll,e SAMP LE COpy FREE truaiTely into • seat he appearB to &ained on 8\1"'\.'1 Mr allis" Mrs. IIbu" Uy rewsl'd ed by leaving t1le Mr. and Mrl. MOD~ Bubllt linter. lIort of equine hell. Aa last . . . . . . . . . . . YORK OLiPPIEIII there Davill lame Grahau at Miami Hazo&te otHoe. be mightil y bored ' by the proceed, , ,)f ll\rVll1l1burK. and I d s " Vork ••• V. '!on for them by Mr. Cox IIrl. AUoe QI. t .... n. . ta ne 00 Satord ay night. Lhe haad been inga. 1;Ie decta an air of inditJerforl)ler '" 1Qolber .... r •. Rebecoa Bob an t h ose who ..nave been a880cia ted Maob exolkllul.i"t wall canaed on ence that makes hill fiery o~tb"f1ite In, o' D"3"on , ot .ondlloY dinner with him a bill securin g the followof eloquence mOlt sUfPri.i~i to via- Monda yafwrn uLlu uy 'be "run .... II provisi ons: (1) The numbe ring way." Mn Auo I:Im.l th and Un. r, and Mrs Ohllorltlll Rye And ou ing itow to thB ho,,", of every anin)al on descend ing the You Get All the News 8\lndllly aftllrno oD u .... J. H. Chen Thro ugh the Miam i Gaze tte ' 01arenDe 8mi&b were colQin , Ink owetb and d"l1l1h'ar hanoe s. "haft. '(2) No animal to be en.... " .w n drlvlDlr I'rllnk borae g&g1!d over or uI\der a certain age. 11 you tD8W o. 'be ....1 nlos of wheD it beOamo Irtgb,,,Ro~era' "ttd and ran. II ... Fnnli Bel. and I1"le daogh (3) Limita tion of hours of ponies' Otaam Mr.lo' . Ltalme Di for lame In froni of ~lber' I-taoy·. , ool\1ded ter Vleta IIpeot a few dlloy.laa$ week baok.. .areo .. of 'he mlljlOleI. k (4) A l'd 8pnln~ .nd rbeuma ato painl, 1 00 wUh a tree 'h"rowl ng o()ouoa at. ia D.yton wl'b MrI. (JUD'OO Grubb allotted a-Iu ' ane'he r ~ree.. Both~"" woold 'b...r "llh &0 be wl'beo ' I'. ..~... Johu Conner t. galnln , very 1 f t f ' 'al . ... .. Ilow Her ...... oy 1 I d ror laIe_____ td badly bra1eed and ... ~ by an__ dMl... "Iarenc e 'J en-....... . _.. r en amore woo be I~}' a wa er or every arum ...e_--- ... 'V gl" to 1M her OU' OGOG ..... ~~ged, (6) ETery driver to be..". HOlUb baa lOIDe rlbll 'notur ed. .Mr aad II... Jaooh &at, aDd licensed and regiBtered and 01' cOU"8 K. the time ' '110• .....: CI __.. f II If' I r a -hl'C'" he 18' m' chD"ge of . : Bo r __ UU" . UfrT II levera dam 8ft YOU VAN FIND THE BEST GOODS AT THE BE9T tic n 'amily try bad u 'belrll o.... Ba'nrd ay durin .~ .... _~ bed la.~ U d _ I " II .... H.e are • OCR COD , a _........ . • .'" .on 8y even n, ol,h' air. aDd Mn. Ctaarlle Bookle l. specified anima'I boo'-ed to him. ~ PRICE It S. EVERY THING IN THE LINE OF FANC Y If .. GROCERIDC> CAND IES COUN aDd 1110 .riD, wi~ a.var e InJ11r, bUvTRY PRODU CE ETC IN .llbill ~Ilk .COOk and daa,bk lr (7) Every inJ'ury' to a nnny to 1..- ...... ~, . r-'. .,., MBa}' tbe.rea t Qf it.'" ..... ., . GREAT PROFU SION. CIGAR S AND TOBACCO. O. 'he len . .Id.. . THEY Kan4 w ..., Ute gae... of lb. J't!porte,d, inveati gated and ALSO HAND , LE THE CELEB RATED LINE OF "oman buy• • DUtmeg WsJija . Can-.ODY .r, rboma . ',a mU,.. 'l.'huractay. (8) Periodi cal namin .tion of all p t abe libe to tbaUt hal rived· borne OIl Monda y . after ·ade. . .. ... Gay 9Jihow e,h called OD .",!mll " b, ' ' ., " a.,. _Four and a and ..ara.;E:.. &Dtoaaoa,De SoU of· 8'\tie0· lin Will ....'h, 'iUI Ta8.cs a. by government and iDYeIted '. ' . StrtctlY MMd-M Itde . . ' " ' ..... ',. J p!eu&r1 • J ~ ,r ., •. , • 1 .... ~ , '~-i =- . ~ ~ . "f~ .' 1.: ,"Ir" ~i7 \~:*"" ;qu44ii.'.~ !J2WP " • • ,. .~ , * .....'".. \-,\,'1 . II



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12, 191 2 ay, Sep t embe r ,

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N. Sears




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A. MA FFf I,







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'*'*'HA **'*WK '** *~E'S***GRO *****~'*'* *'~ *'*'**AT CERY

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OPY-Yo1 . C~~


Approp rllto Name. "Why uoos tbat doctor's wIfe call her ·husban d. DuckleTM "W hy not ? Isn't ho a qUllck?"

Practical Fashions GIRLS'


LIquid blu u Is R " "1111 Inlutlo". A\'old 11. lIuy nod c ro"" H. 1I Diu.,. ~b" I.ole.. LhaL', lLII AAIl ,uur ~ I ' 'oor.


Wb e n a co uJ)!e Is enl:llc(]d tbey lool( at eac b ol lt e r's Virtues with magn lfyl" g glusses , wbl 'b are IlIruwn asldu ou theIr " '{'ddl')!; .11\)' . As to Kissing . J ack - Do you belh,ve tbtJre'li mI· c roben It l klN8es l llw<ln- You cu n search me. T ook Siol Machlno at Its W ord . A Knll saH (;Ity wOllla n r ec""tly took h" r lIVO ~ l1l a ll d[\ught. t"r~ to lIIafl e th e ir II rs t visit to her 1IlII,uan<! 's IJI'o ple. li vIn g In 11 IImall Ka nR a s la wn. 1\"l u l'u ll y ho wus un:.: lo ll s to mal\O 8S (" v"ra bl t! un ImpreSS ion I\S ll UBBlll lo. 80 till' t\\'o lll. tl" peopl e. on go in g a ll an errand to Ih e d C' L>ot, wero (,lIu tl a ue d to Utl 0\1 11I .' lr " (' ry best b(' lIll vlor. To lila OI(,th(,I"e sUr),rlso. t hoy rl' turn cd vlg· orous ly ch e wIn g b um . As t\t f'Y had uo m Olley, s h o Il.~k e d t l~e lll wltCI'O tb ey Kot It . "O h." explalnl'd th o olcler o ne. " it ~ald on lltl' Blot ma ch ine. 'Ae lt the ag£' ul lor ponnles ,' 80 \1' 0 uid ."


nl rlll\rcJ I. h;htnut. no Ana 6 l'l c ~n wllh n n "rr(" I' t crl ~ n",ileh a cc e n t. r e \..' t' h ' ea & pre. Inl r ~ ~ lm n (r h.- n .l In ('hlntt. Tho pro:". nl pro \' C's t o ho f\ " a ir o ( paja mllJl . A l e tt er h ln !,.. \I r It\ll prlau 10 thr w('u r € r . 1#I "tHnut don s 1th' p a Jl\l11fLl1 and ta r t IL t Tlll;lI t IftUJ u p ( l.r. 11 ",make . 111M I'Icr v unt. J enl d n Pli, DOnUt.! 111 AIlt1, t aHln l t (J rl'ru~ nlz ~ L l gh t n ll t . Rt t e mp ( ~ t o DlJt hi m n ut. Thin k ing thn I ('n {tilt f'ro. ~y. I.IJ:h tn u l ('ha nb C'H h is - tolh~lJ In t e nd ln" lO IjU lI l fII,;n h t' lp. \ Vhen he r e a E ~ p\' nrs Jt.' nldns rall~ o n his n et:" W1th J oy . ('on n rllll n lo{ I.lJ:; h t IHl l 's b t' ll~ t I hnt hn 18 r r rn)' , J t" IIi(\ II S (t· lI. L ightnlll o r l h f' e nc ou nt t>r he had w it h R h lfl ~ou" C h t n nrn fLM d r pXll.", In p a jam a!!! . tn a ' n 4ll~8HI-:' O (r o m h is rl' lt nd , J ll c K 1l 11 11!\ ~1 1.tJ;htn l1 t Is ,,~kt.'d In p ut u p "lho k id ' for th £' nigh t n n his \\"0 y home fT orn ('n l ~ letrc . L n t eT LI!-:htnu t lind ! a l>,-'f\u tlrll l tr1rl I n hlllck pnjtl nms In hi. . l.I~ h l ­ nut I. oh ,)r k e<.i toj' Ih e Jrlrr'>Om l·. ,1r1nklnK . nn o klng nnel .lulCln' t Rlk . 8he \ _lIs him her D R m f' I" F'rand! A nd puz:r.l e,. him wIth 1\ s t o ry o f' h e r 10 \"0 tor he r tf l~l r's

nOYE'd uy ~oml' I')w l'ng alJo nd ctl n· On ed nl une or th e s t ~tlon~. YP". I 1" ' 81Iy tn e nu It: ('l\l llall, Clll t ~h · (' Ill'" pre c i nc t, YOIl Hnow - lInci '.1,1_ rllll1:1 n III "i ~ t s 10 th pm th at b t"~ my 8t"1. 1'-: 0 . illu ('(' <I. I'm \Jot Juk · Ins til nil. . All rlgllt . YOII \).· a y lall/(h . I,, 't I fnll lO Ollljll't'!'i :llL' tlle tunll." si df'. Dl), sol t- e s (1f'cia lly no w )'o u k llUw . ",U OII 1'111 up to II})' u .'r k In thl ~ mC'rg\~ I' L·a Fe . . !l O W 'ij tIl HI! Wh ul ,I u I wllnt d u n tl~ Ult. I wouln,, 'r I·" nt llr" 10 SII Y a s to thnt! I lenH'

Ih ~ 11

10 YO II ! I und rr~ t f\n d

- - - - - ---

Re<llly Hnd eest of It. J ob n Burroug hs Is 11'(' 11 Im ow n I1S onr of th e for·e moet of nlllUI'O wrlters In this counlry . S o m~ tlme ago iJo vlKlted his broth or. Etlen BU ITOUghs . who IIl'e s In Ihe L'f1lsk IIl R. at a place called Hobart . Th~ t\\' o broth urs went fox .hun tlng tOJRfl lh Pr . The honor of the bU ilt came to Eden. who s Lot the o uly fox . It so happen ed t lla t tox· flk luB w er o worth five dollars at tbat tlme. nu ,1 tlte sucoo8s (ul Nimrod took much Jl r ld e In telUng how h e gol tbo bel te r of til e sage of Slabsld c8. Later. In bOflBtlng to I\. few frIends ullou t It III the l'reseUl~ of his brother . John . h e wa s Inle rrupted by, "You h ave bra gged about thnt rox bunl long enough. You silot the tax, Bold tbe skin anu got five doll a rs. I wrote n little ac count of the bunt. and got $75 from the magaZin e which Dubll sh· ed It. So t h er e you are!"

I k np w .

Y e~ , nil G.. ~1t . b itt walt -wa ll J u ~ l a min · N e xt morn ut e! No\\' yo u IIs te n-" Ing Ihe girl I. ml.wlniI Ilnd Llghlnu , hur14fl. 10 tile bOll t 10 se.. her all'. He 10 ncTh r Jlldl(e conc entr ate r) more In· IIOlted ~Y 1\ hus1t y college boy. who cull. le hs"l)' (1 \' 1' 1' til e In s tru ment. "1m " v Icky." but he tloes nol 8eo tile .-1rl. Jack 81111nll'8 p.n.1I1 to s ll ~n d th" " Ye ll l;n ow \I' bat YOII nslicc\ no@ to ni gh t with Lightnu l. They dllcever d o whell I s aw YO II last ni ght- lind I pr leel..l. ruble. h l cJ<l~n In th e button" of the plljllmlUl. Bil ling. don8 the plljllmfla r efu"cd" -l\lJoth f' r vo ice drov-"w lth and re'ttrel, I.l ghl nut lattn c overw f Tb e vl r tuBI\ or the prln 'e580 s lip art! the mayor. you Imow? \\'ell- llow lis t· tn hi" "partme nt a beef,. persondls In mtttton-ohOl> wh leke ... llnd wearing paJllmM . en - you make US8urlln ce tb at tbls ~oo well Itnown to n eed commen t- In :enkJna calle the pol k~ . .... ho elec!ar. Iho sCoollnul' el will not hother me fo.r thlr· tbl s day at the s lende r lin es everyInlruder to be a crimi nal. called " Foxy rnndPL" Th" Intruder dec lar~ t y d llYs an d- well. I give )'011 m y ~ o rd thIng tbat helps to do away with unla !lfhtnut' a ~ e8t and appenl. to theh.laltb at I'll do all I can to brInK thing. n ecessar y bulk In es s Is eagerly seized .r In voJn. He Is hUltied orr to jaJl. In Ill " mon,ln g Llghtnu ! I. rurtonllh tb e ,vay yo u wllnt. . . Oood! upon. The pr·ln cesso Slip be re sbown ed to Bnd Bllllnp gone. and more utonllh ed Wh at ' ll YOI1 do with blm 1 Is tor g l rls and misses and Is a sem1when he I'etl a mes .... ge from the tatter demanding hi. clolhes. IJghtnut , bound W hy. what In Snm Hili do I ca r e wb at flttlng model. It may bo' made perfor Tarrrtow n. Billing.' home. dl aaove fectly plain or It muy be prettily em... YOU do wltb him? . Ob. but ·'1"," the girl or the p a jamu tha tra.ln_ LlgMnut ~p ... ak. to her and, ..on say. Co mmiss ion er. yes. [ do care. uelll!ihed to suit tb e taste and tbe pur1U~M to the night berore. Bho declare. too! "-o. laugb bere li ke .. joll y l1eud POSe ot tb o milker. Lll wn. nainsoo k. n Icna ntly th .. t Llghtnu t ne,·ftr h..,. n ,I...,k paJ"mu . ~ t TnlT)'to... n saw "I shouldn 't like for blm to loe put batlsle or s ilk may be employ ed. Fro.ncel II met by a hUl k y ('olleIFe youth. Tbe patte rn (5874) Ie cut In sizes away orr In somo nI ce. dnmp. darll cell "an. Llghtnu t IIJI "Olck},.' The latterwho 12 to 18 years. Medium .. be will r&to cool norea the boy. who then threatens 11'orrbe! be ! be! -=-y·lU1d e r. to quIre to make th e garmen t a.s reprethruh hi", Cor otrendlng France.. Lightstand ?" , Ylut lak_ the next train home. Blilin Carryin g It Too Far, .... He got 1';0 w lXi!d up In bls c huc)lUn g sented 2'>i yards or 36-1ncb materia l. .to=. over the outrage ot hll a,,"~L He " Scien tifi c manage ment. \I ke any 2')8 yards at 10",.lne and Lll'hlou t <\Iaeove r mYl tenou. Chlh flouncin g. 2,% a nd cougbln g tb at 110 couldn't get out tH,.., charaete n on tbe pojam u. Pro fellyards at edging Rnd 1~ yards or In- othe r good tblng. may l>e carried to anoth er word tor a m oment . Tbe n..,r Doozenbern' Is called tn to Interrre t sertion. or 31;4 yard8 or 36-lncb good. excess." the hlerogl yph!c.. He rRvel ovor wha h" "Oh. no! Cer-ta u ly , not ; nor one The speaker Willi R. Murrlol l caUl the IDIII .Ilk of 81- Llnl'-Chl. Th" It made CJt one materla l. "My Dea, too hot a nd 8lrles ~ , I\.S you s ay- b e! Ughtnu t-J' WTltlnl' de elates that a penon wearing Tbomp. on. tbe Ban Francll co lIo/entl. To pfOCQTe thl. p.nern, lend 10 cenU to the p&jam.. will tllka on the .embl&nOl or the prevlou. ...aarer_ The prot@ltlIor kindest . sweetel lt way! And 1 wanted selt . Catcb tho polDt! So dOTlIlah he! he! ADd dou't lIut blm-do n't put -Pa ttern DC\1art ment" or tbl, paper . Write 110 manage me nt expert. He continu ed, blm- " tbe judge was gas)Jlng for air n . me a nd addre •• plainly , and be l u re to "'• • eayo tbe New York borrow. the pajam... for experlmenl. to tell her how good I be was and bow Tribune : abe. and Dumber of pattarn. Importa nt When you bave to Ilft' an now-"d on't put him "Bllllnp " dr~Md In pajam ... II found In on bread and wa"\Ve aclentll lc manage rs musn' t go much' 1 loved her. don't you know. but Idea, doh't you the profe.... r·. room and II laken Irnow_ home tel', or anytbln g at tbat kind. nor In a In an automobile with Fran",," and a ... 0- jUllt then, behInd thO pavilion . ~m e as far a. HUBsler w&nt. " Ratl!er toney your chap'lI the same ce ll ""Ith rude , rough man Llghtnu t callI "the frump." 81ZR . _______ __ ______ _ Light- the rardene r. He WII8 talkIng to men w ho woul<1 . '''HulllllEr WI!.ll tbe proprle tor of • NO 5874 nut I. ancered by "the frump'. Ilanderone one I know or," I draw led, "an oldls b tame bls playtul spirit-b e! he ! he' -OUI talk a bout "Francl •. " "Bllllnp " I. of bla asslstan ta ai>out s luis- dash tremend ous factory where sclentil lc NAME __ .. ... ______ __ ____ __ ___ __ __ ______ _ dutrer-w b.lte mutton cbops-b eefy sort ob. don't do tbat! taken to ,bll rOOtIL A aervant tan. L1ght- slupl . What lIoy t manage ment had reduced tbtl monut that a me.... " h... ju.t been reof face-su nburn l10e and ba ldllbr dldn't QuIte catch- " And tbcn. dash TOWN . _-_ .. ______ . ___ ___ ____ ___ ____ _____ tI onll at every h and from 800 to 17_ ceIved .taUnl' that BUllnp ..... under 0.1'all that lIort of thIng:" ,..,.t In New York for steaUnl' a .ult of It. It lIeemed b e dId catch It. tor he Huaaler attende d a very fashion able CHAPT ER XXVII . bl...,k paJamlUl . Judge BlIllnp utonllh.. " Well. by-y-y George !"-be slapped began ""avlng hlB arm 8TR&ET AND NO. - - ..... ___ • __ .... ___ •• wedding one day. a wedding wbere and poundin g Lll(htnu t with a tal. or Franell· . eacaIlIII band down- "I ahould say that the desk_ "Ob-oh pad~. lJllhtnu t uk. pennl..loR to apeak lhe ceremo ny wae perform ed by a . no, tbat woule! be STATE -- - - -- -. - .---. ----.- ___ __ _________ _ The Judge FhcOl "Foxy Grandpa '" to "France s." The Judl'e declar6 that ..... a r eal ' ldea! And you 1&7 jou too bad-rea lly! . _ . Eb T Oh. 'OI'ell. bilibop. asel8ted hy a dean and .. not another living .... r.on ... ould tackl. MBut I teU you, sIr. be Is not my know thl. Orazy fOOl r" ' the Job &ad Llghtnu t. hll mind occupied . you know best-It '. u p to you n ow! callon. and In tbe mOllt Impress Ive .... Ith tile beautiful F1'anee., I. .,eatl,. son!" "Crazy! He:. not crazy!" I u'Bye. nnd many tbanks. Compart of the writ -HulIlIler. OVef'come by mYltlned. Policema n O'Keefe return. the GIRL.'S NORFOL.K SUIT. Tbe judge waa bending o\'er the claimed Indigna ntly. thinkin g ot. ber ' mission er! Eb? All rlgbt. tomorro w black D&.lamu and L1l'htnu t ..ndo thftn dealt hie IIclentll lc manage ment Ideas, rusb.. I looked In a balf bour pajamas . "ADd' b ll'S no more fool to Blllln".· room. Lll'htnu t an Inter- Inter. 'phone than 1 th e n at one at the Lawyer s' Club-ed up to tbe altar and pu slled 1M Htln. hour with France• . Hehuten. rua voice rose In a crescen do I am!" " of tha , . you can go o.,er again the pointe of thlnp the Judge hu been o7fDl' about of rase : bishop and canon rudely blck. "Wha- wbat's that! Do I ··'P'ranc e.." much to "F'r&nc~" amua.. He fell back with a grunt.. "Oh. what you want wIth the "·Here. boil: be said, 'one's Quite mayor. 'Bye!" man!. want to Ipeak wltb blm 'l Uertaln ly well. I know-b ut" At las t with good humor perfeotl y enougb tor 0. IIIUe job lib thlll.'· not. air-and I wont! Um, He cougbed . By Jo\'e. be seemed restored . he faced me. CHAPT ER XXVI.- contlnu ed. wabblln g like ys&-Jo hn W. Billings- yell. that's his dllappo lnted. s omebow : a Jolly jellyfish. (HIdly. thlll time .be dldn't lausb- Dame. . Accorde d Full Title. . StuS! aDd nonsens o. I proceed \ltl calUlly: " Real trutb II, 'and I knew wby: I~ wa. ber father. .Irl One of the New York represe nta.. 'S greates t joke e ver board of in He's nplltalrs now In- bla room_ the beggar's a notoriou s crimina l. tI ves In copgre " tellil of iL Boclal and It bad cut ber to tbe Ileart_ Tbls . • . Says what1" -the Judge's eyell known to the police as Foxy Orn.nd- my lite!" be cbortled . funcUon In BD 88semb ly d1strlct p0was what I bad feared . A. I proceed· rolled frownIn "Ob . I say. how did yOU find Jack?" gly upward as be lI't- pa- pretend a all Barta of things about litical club on tbe Eallt sIde, wherea t ed. narraUn g the Intervie w In the li- ened; then he licked bls IIplI I asked. ror that was thetbln g I had and bent begun to tblnk of. the cbalrma n of the entertai nment brary. sbe just «rew rosIer and me;er again. .PAklnl l'· wIth passIon ate ID- P~:;. :::;t i't:~t::~~~e was stal'commIt tee acted as master of cerered. but IIllt looklnlr at me wld",~~ cls1venO His face collapse d so dasbed sud ls: " Wby, dammlt . man. I've log at me. mouth dlstende monIes. d- "why- den. I was afraid It would break. AJld and unfllncb lng. Tbe puillatlo n of l1er ju.t thIs minute been talllln&, to hlmfrom being a peppery red, he cbangtld Tbe. chairma n wall very busy Introbosom quIcken ed a little. but her dear jUllt lett him" y'unden land. how the devil do you know this?" to a devilish sickly yellow. ducIng tbe newly-a rrived member e of race remaIne d uncbang ed. lave for Certaln ly your man's an Impost or1 Inhaled d ollberat ely. "Awfull y "Awrul !" he Bald jerkUy. "SOlliethe club to the guestB, wbo include d a her little trick of draggin s ber unde'" you ought to know tbat! YCI. sImple. don't yOU know," I respond ed thlng .awful! " And be gronned like a number of munIcip al offiool'll. The Up tbrough ber wblte teetb. thlll Ia Judll'e Billings . blmllelf_ Quietly; and I let hIm walt till I bad jolly horse In pain. reprele ntattve mention ed wae pre"Went up tbere. "And. by Jove, tbat'lI all!" I ftnlllbed lCll, Oh. tbat's all rigbt. but now let blown IIx rlng8. " Fo.ct lB. I'm tile you know. but-" ble bands sented In a way to halve hIs omcl.a l wltb relief aB I mopped my face . "But me tell you lIometh lng"- be cleared lUted anll one sent blm to jail!" dropped : he sbook bla bead-" dldn·t honol'l 'Wltb bla wlfo. as "The Honotwbo caree. don't you know. or belleTea hb throat and gatbe red bls voice In "You! "-b1s laugb wal frankly seem to know me at ahle and Mrl, Congrel l8man Blank." any bit of IU Anybow . we don't- ~ delibera te accents : all-wa s sltUnt "You let me amused . Incredu lous. there In his pajama s examin ing with a Nezt came a couple who were not lor we know!" be dlnoyed again from your precinc t. "Ob. Yea! "-carel eerlly-"fOUnd tb~ magnify ing glass ~ome known to the mallter of ceremoD lel, "Are you lIure?" Sbe spoke gTav. and , can promlile you that leaves be had fellow thlevlng In m), rooms tb'e other pulled at the ~Ddow but. arter receivin g the correct name .1,.. yet In her eyes were tbe dancing Um, ~ell that·. a\l rlgbt . SeemB obsease d then . • • night and called In pollce- ob. ·theT 'With In a whl.per . he announ ced : . some crazy patter of talk I ltar-mo tes at a lausb. "The extrava - 'Bye'" recogni zed him In a mInute! " couldn' t unders tand-po or fellow I" "!\Ir. and MI'I. Inllpect or of Hygance. the gamblin g. and tbe-ob . all He bOi/lged the receIve r to tbe hook He looked ftoored_ "Well. what do The Judge slgbed . drants. Faucetl l and Bbopwo rkll Caof It? 1 must tell you I beard some aDd f~ about. mutterI "Only tblng b. ng tblngs to you think of that!" he murmur ed slow- seemed !l\y."-,.L lpplneo tt·l. sad thlngll myself about FranCIa BllI- hllllJlelt. to want me to do for h1m 11'&11 Iy. Then hie face flushed and he sat to promise to wear Inss while I was at Cambrl dge--" bls pajama l ~ " Well. U4/on my word ! or aU tbe- erect_ "And so tbat's all the craZier Dlght-p ajamas 8eem to be tlie fOClHl I grunted IIcomtu lly. "I know: from excuse m•• Llghtnu Thll deU.htr ul little Norfolk lIultfor t!" He wiped his the ruman Is-that 's tbe klDd of IImart of his malady this ttm •. ~ 1.he two-fac ed cat. Misil Klrklan dl Say. forehea d. IUs a Imall girl con.lste ot II. kilt plaited glance abstrac ted and Alex that·s been trying to get gay I .wallow ed pretty hard and 100lle1 Iklrt s~d a coat wblch can bow I wlsb. by Jove. that woman scownn g_ "'Someb be made ody Is putting this wltb me-wlt b me!" He started uP. would pack up and go back to Chlna- fool up down. wltb or without . the yoke. It 111 becomto this-so mebody trying to IInortlng like a war-bo rae-" Huh! the sponge !" And I screwed my ,Ian annoy me.!" "I promIse d," continu ed the JudI' Ingly box-pla ited In front and 'back In 89 uttered a IIbort laugh Well, two can play at that game. IDdlgna ntly. and" ,100mU y. "And I'll 40 It-oll. Y". regu~atlon Nortolk fashion. and that was m('~ of n. snort_ "There' s -hIli eyes twinkle h.. a d w.rathfu lly-"I'U ,a nJtblng to bumor blm! He'8 to put belt all around, It I. "Ob. DOW!" sbe 'r emonst rated sweet.- aome fool lulaUc finished wIth a down In New York show blm who', 1I'0t tbe belt hand! 'tbem outs1de hIli door tonlgbt -Il-. turn-dow n collar ' ao:1 neat lapels. The ly. "you mUlltn't lIay tbat_ You mlll'bt lhat tbey 've tU'restliO and he's got a I'll jU8t-" Is often said of be sorry!" Sbe smiled arcbll'. hlB own whim, you know." He WetN kUted skIrt II joined to a belt aDd bus that be'. my lion! This Is tbe The reat trailed olr In a mutter. Jie on moodily : "He won·t 1 «runted contemp tuously . tbe desIgn may be carried allow out In anf ser.e. second olrense. enused me to 10le bad dropped beside the telepbo ne luncheo n sent up; says It not to') mob air or linen. ,,«"e.ln sbe rested ber little cbln uptwo hours trom ~y omce yesterd ay In again, bls cIgar crusbed firmly In the Ilnucb trouble. would be grateful fol' o.n bel' hand. ' eyIng me tbousht tully. Tbe pattern (5887) Is cut In Blzes 8 the cIty Rnd upset me for tbe whole corner of bls moutb, bls gray mUll- t wo and one·bal f ounces of unlea'" to 12 years. Medium size will require elUlDestiy. day! And me s') busy! busy!" -bls tache brlatlln g aggress ively: I trled ened bread and clabbe r-what the 4~ yard s of 38.lncb materIa l. "And 110 you don·t belleve any ot bandll lifted toward tbe papers on tbe to trace the tamlly resemb ItT" lance to devU'B clabber 1" To proeure thlB r..ttem. lead 10 eent. to table-" so busy I can bardly" - an- Fro.ncee. but dasbed "pattern ent' of tbh paper. Wrtte It I could see a I cbuckle d at tbe Idea. "0h. I lIay otber "Lunch eon Is served! " tnt.cned s name andDepartm addrell .plainly. aD4 be aurf' to a1v • snort. and be nllghte d bls cigar. BIngle point. And wblle I was thlnk- human macbln e. now. Frances , you know I don·t l " And pumnll' • t.e. and DumbC't of pattern. savagel y-"hTO kS like there's InlJ at this, be got bls number 1 shoved a bit nearer. 100k1og Into . "Ab-b I" The judge's tone evtnca.1 "Yes. yell." I beard. "I do want to s atlsfact lon. "My dear bel' eyes. But JU8t tben I saw Wilkea just one tool thing affer anotber In· 1I2:E. __ _____________ _ Llghtnu t." hlot terruptJ ng me or absctm n{ my time!" speak to hIm person ally-tb ls Is Judge hand NO !l881. come out and look around . upon my arm, "do you know 1 "Jolly sbame. you knC1"!" I respond - Bllllngs !"- a momen when eaten with cream" or NAME ______ _________ ______ • _______ _ t. And ehe must bave glanced about and then: look upon you as so nearly one at ed. droppln l( eymrl1t heUcall y Into I\. " MornIng . Commi ssIoner rich a nd bave seen blm. too, for as milk and a sprinkle of -this II BtII- ue-" TOWN _______ ••• _. _____ ___ ___ _____ ____•• cbalr. I pus bed the 1>4/3er8 to one Ings. . _ _ FIne. tbank you! I sblfted my eyes to ber agaIn IIbe ''Tbank you. judge!" I said reelln,sugar if desired. side 10 I could reet my elbow on the Oh. no! No bad elrects WI\.S blushin g funousl ,. and had moved at all-tak es ly. By Jove. It was devlllsh comty to STREET AND NO. _______________ ••• __ •• table edr;e; besIde:!. I eaw' tbey were more than tbat to a hit. throw a seasone d bave her fatber so Jolly friendly about That'll the cue for houlefretting blm- could tell b:- lIls glances . old diner Ilke myIT A Til: . - -- --- - . - - -- - - - - - -- - _____ -__ __ __ ••• . ''I'm afraid," sb e said measure dly. Wbat It! . you know. keepers who want to please say'''-8 cackling chuckl e-"yes. 1 h ~ r chin IHtlng a li ttle, "yOU do b&"That I'm Just goIng to ask you til For anotber thins. [ ha~ ,.ot bOld the ' dinner would the. whole family. lIeve- part 01 It ~" And In her eyel looll8n blm excuse me trom luncbin r wltb you-of a de,Ulsh Bhrewd Idea r ....antod to upl Had bls promise Ple .. url In Slmpl'e LIfe. was n glint or flre . before we lett know you 'll underat und. my boY!-1I o break t.o hlm-at> out tbls chp who tbe table; Boake m "Where ver life 18 s imple and sallo Post T oastiea are Mady And tben .as my tace tell blankly . a heard hlm-Io did Inferna lly busy. you see!" true pleasur e accomp ani es It as tra· was pretend ing to be bl, ~t" J 'r&- Benedic t. _. Yes-ob . yes; he's Blow little smile ca me creepln , back I to dldn't lerve direct from the see. tbougb lie had been grance membe does uncultiv ated flowers," red that tbe old rasClll wllo got It-had It wltb me. you to hers. Her eyes s ottened . know. In BOll ylng tbls all morning . But as h. pach bad Illvaded my ,ooms bad tried to case! . . • No-o-o. ge"Forgiv e me," s be s aId gently; "I ot course ' not; seemed to think be was busy. I wasn't make me believe that [ was hIs bOJom not a sIngle line or London '. Smoke Nulaanc e. mis underst ood ! .. !lcrap!"~a lower golDI( to make IIny dashed brea.k con. Halt at l-ondoD 's smoke nulsano o I, frlend_ drop of tone--" Just In a plain. blaDk tradlctl ng hIm, you Tb e darling ' And . dasb It. It ther know. 80 I pr. caused by the coal fires In Prlvate "Ob, I say. YOU know." I beltan, deenvelop e-best WilY alwaYIl. yoU know. hlnded I did lIee: were going to bave ·,Ines to a pavlllol1.dwellin gs. the OWDera of wbtcb are not cl10lng a cigar and .selectln g a tlgar- . _ _ Yes. that glveB why dltln't tb ey have vlnes! us a safe mllr- ' (TO BE CONTINUED.) liable for prosecu tion .. It III elCpecte d ette f:cm my case. "I've an Idea!') gin In the senate now. Dot eve~ corlnt"Do you know ," ~be said. "I don·t that , a good deal of mlBslop ary :work And I taced blm tmpresslvel~: ., IDg I upo~ what tbey do In commit. . believe yo u do beli eve any at tllese Oenlu. and lUi Trlbula tlenl. will bave to lMI' done' amoDg bou.eho ld. "You've what?'~-he straight ened' tetm'ian d Boakem 'n ,J ake care of that'· ",wrul tblngs could be true ubout me." "Genius... · eaYB the WaahlD gtoa era before the amoke' ' ' forward . wIth a !dnd or fwlBted Doille end. • , • Yes, evil can 1Je leahe "ent ' baj:Jt to '~1.t~· "II tb~ . mOI,t curious !p'sycb~ 0 - her voi ce Quicken ed here-"a nd do ,aelled aJlprecl abl:r. -. Interest e d. you kDow- "wbate .,er Albiny , ~bla morilln'.. . ':"':'he saYI the Jcuit · pb'enom enon With which tiM .,fOll Imow I Jus t think It's lovely of makes you thInk. that, tp1 bOy?" - . :....... ~, ~ .•. bill" " nfely- : dead«!f'D ~ ildetor 'no',,: '~rild of mlln haa ever' ;you! I do !' And · her dear voloe _ I waited. sending &rapple d."" :An4 ' ~ . : Natural Art. . . a ' long. thin smoke , • • . ' Er; by the way. " Comml~.lmi.' <dropped like, tb e lIorter .notes or a w~ · «teat troubie. l~ ~at the mlnd , of . 110:" Wflll the ) ormei funnel ,1 lPward: Kept him exp~t. e.r;"~tlle judp c~~ed ·,ml\k..." olDU hi. _~.t ;~If; ~me!l,I ne~f ~ ,.b.~ ~~ ...~en· ~)1l1. , '"IrtUIl·a-ll.naue . ba~ds 187 I~ her ~~ea ,~t launch of ;h,rl." <oJ',., yOU see. and ' gave me time, to ,et:,)lol d hla .Yolce lo~e,red ,: :'L1ttle. ·r~.,or I ~w~t. ~C1'.ppJlDr ' II ! lO~g .,011, .~a~ ~UoI\ '.p' and she 'Ins IItudyln.C me In the ~. :#Do you ~..~JUilDK' D!i_~' ,~_ Of, ot til, comers of the 1011y. thin, -Pl1- to ~...-li~ !., ,rll! ;,~.lq' IfUtl1 .,.. NIall)' belq ..pppled·!~tJa;. ~ ,1.'_ • 1DI~14 iii ~'r",mlD.~, .. . ~. ,J~." ;,". -'I, ....... ...~ ~,,,,, :, rI, , : .... " / ." ' ".1 ",,,,,'"

room- mil le . nnm e-d Fru.ncaB ,

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Got His Answer. ffij l'n O~car Willie ca m e to the United Stat('s to lee luNt nil a.etttht't· les In hi s high ly a eeth~ ll e , 'el vet COS- I ltlme-and luddcnUllly to Ill'I!pare tbe Imb \t e mind for I he prOI><'r a ll p rec lu., lio n o r Gil bert nnrl Sullivall's "PaIlell rc." III whic h th ne6111 ' lI e movemOllt was Ild<1 J!.ILl!! rldlC'u k -- hC' ullt'd 10 compla lll Ihat Ameri ca WH~ " " ry un· IlI t('reH lln g sl ll r~ It hll ,I " 11 0 "n llqul· llt'l! a1lt l lI O curl OHI II r-s." JlIII he I'en· tur('d Ott lhl s dl spa l, I""'lt1 (' lI l on (' too of te n. for III Ih' ~ course of his Ir\lvels b.e u ller€ tl !I III Ih{' Allje ri"o n (;Irl , n n d she t' ~l l li ('d wilit lite (I , lt1ur' ti c·· pruylty or ('n lldid l unu ,· pn, ·(' Ih~1 Ihi s "rlS not lilil o 1I fair r (> pruu l' h. ~ Illl' "W<l shu ll huv e th e 111 , liq n l :I {' ~ In




o you

rememuer "DOli" Stilly, Ih e onl )' Ii"lt ulne Collon K ing tbllt Ne w Yurk e ver knew. who ouly t\ few years ugo waH perched o n the dlnl Bst helghlll or au · I daclotl s speculation, wllo C1E'aBed UI) $3 ,000.000 In u fe w month s, los t It In a few mlnutos. and vanls he tl rrom the IInw ligbt! Well "Dan " Sully 1& now runn Iug Il boarding house. It Ie a t Walch Hili. Rhod e 181anll, Undertltllnd clea rl y at tho start Ihat the ex·cott o n .Idng Is relllly running r ho boarding houlHl. He Isn't jUHt IJ r~ lending to- sitting aloor pomev.'here In lone ly ma Jesty , leud lng hIs lIalDO and presUgo to the undertakIng, daz· lUng boarders with tales of past g ra ndeur. No. 1'he erstw hile cza r of th e cotton mllrket not only superI ntends eTerythlng In the hll!her departDle nts of the job, but he turns to and takes a hand orte n In other matt ers wblch moat people In hltl plat'e would de lera!9 to otbers. lJlI8lne s~ on account Mr . .sully pointed to the sea. whose ot more b us in ess waves were roaring over the steeD trOUbles," Mr. Sully Willer tront of Watch HilI. explaine d, when I be "Over there to the left," he saId. "Is and til e report er Block Island. To the TIght 18 Montauk again tle ttled them. PoInt, Straight ahead the nea rellt se lv es to enjoy the sea air on tbe gerland IB the coast of Spain . That breeze anda. "Last fall I went to England to eome" dIrect from tbere." see about Bome hUll ness matters there. "Wben I wae bU BY In the cotton I Intended to s pend the winter eltber market ID New York," he wCllt on, there or out west or In the soutbern "I found tbere wu no plac4'l IIke' thll stntes. tor rellUng. It re.ta the brain a8 no "But the plana that 1 had made did othor place doetJ, nnd When you're not turn out well and I deC ided to worklnc In Wall street It'll the brain spend tho winter right here In Watcb that ought to get reat. I IIsed to run Hili. It wal the first time that I or u~ bere every Friday and stay Ull my t nmlly had eve r etayed bere In MondllY morning.. It made an 1m· th e cold weatber. But, wben I bullt men.e cUlference to DIe ." the house, I put Rteam beat Into It, On the eubJect of Wall ItNtet. tbat BO we were very ' comfortable. And made and broke him. Mr. Sully I. right tbere the Idea 8truck me, not disinclined to talk . At best be la a only to nm thll pla ce as n boarding man of rew words. but on colton and house, but as an all-the-year-round epeculaUon In cene ra l he Ie Sphinx- boarding house." like, In lhat Idea sometblng of tbe orig· "Do YOU want to get back to Wall Inal1ty of th e ' "Dan" Sculty who street?" be was I!.8ked . evolved a "lIystem" and played the "Of cour8e, I'd like to," he ,n· cotton marke t to a standstill crope .;vered . "When Ii man'8 been In out agaln. Up to the presenl time noreally I1cUve work he want8 to get body has ever thought of thnt wind · back Into It and IIlay In It unUI he's swept promontory, Watch lilli, as a put unde rneath the 80d. But"-and place In which to spen d the wInter. bere hl8 Jaws Bet firmly - "l'm not Yet. hl\vlng done It on oo, "Dan" Sully going back. I have no plans to do was amazed al the mildness of the Cbat. At Umel 1 hur echoea of the all' and promptly re,solved to make old daya when 1 was th er e, but I other people beslde8 himse lf enjoy It. -"don't Intend to try to ha vo more of In roct, be alreadY talks ohout Watch Hili as a 60rt of tuture Atlantic City them ." The bouse, by the way. Is a fine of New England, "Out tbere"- agaln 11e waved hIs 1i\iffimerres ldcnce, built by Mr. Sully himself a year or two before hili hand toward tbe Atlnntlc ocean downfall on tbe Cotton E~change, "only a short way . ott the conat. te and nam ed Kenneth Ridge, after a the gulf stream. It'll quite near Ion who dlep. It stands on an e mi- e nough to keep the weath er from getnence, the highest Is Watch Hill. Be- tlng too cold he re In winter. Yet torf! the owner', financial downfall eve.rybody who has a house here or the bouae witnessed festivities which. blre8 one for the warm wcather never If houses can medlllte, must lead It s tays later than November, and the botel8 close early In Selltember. I'm to s tartling con trRSt. SIll years ago, for Instance. Mr. going to ahow people that this Is an 8ully g8ve a dinner and ball at Ken- all.the·year-round plaoe." "Are you doing anything hesldes neth Ridge to Admiral Robley D. running Jour boarding house?" a sked EYan8 and a party of hll officers. "They danced In this room." he told the reporter. "NothIng whatever," answered the the reporter, leading him Into a spaolous apartment. " Now, the boar4ers C][-cotton king. Yet this Is the man who. an obo 1 have ule tt for" a IUI'I parlor. • ". went tnto the boarding hou.e .cure Providence cotton broker, .ud·


=.France_Leader of Fashions

HARD FOR' THE HOUSEWIFE It 's h ord ecotlgh to kee p buuse If




t itll(\, u nd

we an' .dn 'nd )

In perfect h ealth. but a wuman who Is wea k, tire d and suffering Iltl or Ih l' li me wllh a n IIc hlng back hns A. hell \'Y b ur de n to curry. Any woman In this conditi on h ilS good CtlltSC to s u ~pe(' t kIdney Irouble, es peciall y Ir Ihe kld tt ey n(' llon seema dIsord e red nt ull. Doan 's Kidn e y Pi ll s h ave .. u red thousand s or women s urrc rlng In th is WilY It Ie the bes t·!'ecom· rn ~ nd",1 spe cia l klein y remed y. A

NKHUA"KA (; J\ /l1£.

lh r o u ~h


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"~lll s t e r "11 11 I1I I"lre ~S 'ud sOllle lh ltJg )f a ruw l a~ t iilgli l , I ' "ar," >ald l ue ) utl er pond erou!!Iy , " Yo u . hou lt! hav" h ea rt! ' (> Il L" UII ' ;,w" reu the par lur malt! III Il. Hhoc kpd : 0 1">. Scandalou s Is whnt I " a ll ~ It ~ .. "They 1(' 11 111(' '0 rail 0111, (' mu lt eu ' I ~ 110lo r car aut! It' ll In It. . ":';0," . ,lId Ih" 11111 1d , 1J0 3 111\' el y . "ht' lid ll ', le;,vc lit hi s Inlu:hlu('; I di s· tluclly he a rd th e misl r(086 HU) b e If' ft in a bulT .'·-Lond on An~wc· r R .

1I, -nH"'"

1'1 " latll~ I hllu t ,) J:: 0 III)m~ t hi n ..

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~a tlc' n - Y ot l M en't Iblnhlllg o f marr yll1 !{ Hcgg y, al'(' \ ' 011 0 Evelyu - O r CO llrb O I Ul lI. J la s lI ' l he It fll tlJ r p ? Nlltlcu ·- Yes, to \".. ~ lJr" . But wby Jeol J aroll~e It?

tb e

n l )l

L Olly 81111 I r 1 . tH din\' n m y

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How Ha Left. 11 18(: 1I6SI Il I;


.harD tl artln . po.I n., n. 1 1

I lI! flo"t hl l!

Ill €' Cli rlosilil'H." The sen-anti! "'Por .. <l1(, ll,'r be low slalr H.

Mr.. }lary I ~ 11\ r , Gurc1 t1n . !\:t"b. ,")" " I h od


t or IUVIN rt , 11011 n' . 1, Id · n.y Pili . t ur · ,,·11 me rn· tl n .' ly and h n , lrl)Vet1 my cnn r1l l1.)O In

.-v .. t )·

Ger Doan's lit anJ


T hl1 Pnxton T olle,' ('0 . or Boston . Moss .. will senLi " I ll r ~" Irlal box of Pnx tlu f> Anllseplic'. ft dC'lIghirul c' leRn sIlIg nnd gHll1lr-ld lc\ toll{"t prcpn ra tluu . 10 ucy ",,,mOll . Iree. IJl'on H'quest.

\ VB )' : '

Drue SIOre, 50c , Ii


Hic?ney Pills

The Army of Constipation


Two Ep '\j rams. The n pple or Illn II y a YO ll ng ma ll '" cye Is II peach . !<Ind M a n. I. (;rowin. Smaller EYe..,. Dar_ Har\lln ~: on 1I HuUj" "l "III Ill ure ofte n A local pbll a,uthropl ul o rdf'f{' rl a fun RUggf'8 t 8 hnr!>)' lIlItII ~ Il u SI.-LlIl· CARTER'S LITTLE tor hlm eelf, II nl f'e "If-( ·trlr: huz w r . UrER PILLS are Dlncu ll 'S. Jle nl80 loo k the key Ollt ot Ih ... door res'lOnsible - they BO thnt 80m.! or the ulr ('ould go :-1" Ihnul:ht ful I' ~r."n "".• liquId hl ue. lI'e nol only give relief Ihrou g b t he ke yllOle Into t ho lidJol u· a pint.:' h ",f h l u ~ In" lur~r Ix.Ul uH f wutor. A~k - they perma· Ing room . wll(~ r e th er e ure "igut ve r· tUl IW l"m•• Ul1lllllue. tllu lIlue t"ut 'ol1 ll blue. neu tlycureCo.. ~til'ati... Mil spirIng cle rks. lions use Jr It were not for the 1 ruslS who m Ihl!m for In the Hoter Lobby . would A. man \\ ho (ali t! In bU 8I n es~ . Biliouae••, Ma ry-That ta ll mno hns bc>en dl· blum., ror It? 1od1...lioD, Sick H...w., SaJIow Slia. denly appea red In Wall street and von>ed fln' tim es. SMALL PILL, 'SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRlCL began operaUng In cotton In accord· Ali ce-Goodness! Who Is he? !t .... WlIu,).)w '. 8 00tbloa !"yrup for ClllldrfOD Genuine mUlt bear Signature ance with a "system" tbat Beemed to Mary- He 's tile man who ItJ ven ted t efO tbl off. "o tl ~ D. lbt!' I'UUl ~. retltu... ",,. Ju n a rn mlLL 1"u ... 11",._ valll, c ure. wlu4 colJe. 2k ... bottle. be Infallible . This Is tbe man WhOll6 , he sarety match. method8 completely mysUfied lhe Some nt('n li re dumb b ecause thfllr In tl woman'. eye the JUOBt altracwl8 est old stagers In the country, whose profits ran up 8..1 high as $GOO,- ... Ives Dever @;Ive them a chan c'e to Uve tblng about a mlln Is her abllll,. to attrar:t him . W . N. U., CINCINNATI, NO . 34-1912. oon In on e coup- the man whose raJI· talk - ----_._----- - _. ure. when announced trom the toll· trum of the cotton e][ebange oll March 18, 1900\, caused the wildest pa nic ever known In Lhe history ot that Institution. The "'Dan" Bully who now take. people through biB llouee and quote3 prlce8 on rooms to tit em was once worth $3,000.000. He lost nearly 52,000,000 or It In two mInutes. AccordIng to him, he announced bl8 voluntary 9uspenslpn to the superinte ndent of the 'cotton exc hange at 1 : 45 011 the afternoon of tllat fotal March 18. It Tlie KInd You IIDve Always Bo~ht, and was not rend on th e floor of the elllJI me lor over 30 years, haS borne the signature 01 change until two mlnute8 past 2. _ ..'.I and has boon made undcr hls pel'"That delay of two minutes COlt , 1l'#~ _ . 80nal 6llpervlslon 8lnoo lt8lnfancy. me $1.176,000," Sully snld once, In tell· , ~ Allow no one to deceive you In thl8. lng th e s tory . "If It hed beon read Ilt pr berore 2 o'clock I mI gh t have come All Counterfeits. ImltatlOD.8 and "JUBt-as-goodf l aro but ou~ all rIght." . Experiments that trine with and endanger the health or As It was, when tbe smoke cleared lIlfants and (lhlldren-ExperlenCf:t agalDat Experiment.. rrom the fi e ld where be had met disnster, hi s liabilities totaled up to Eom ethlng li ke $3,000,000. At lhe Ume "Dan" Sully sa id to a r eporter: Castorla is a harmlcss substitute lor Castor OU, Pare• "Thre e " ' eeks ago I was worth $3,goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It 000 .000. Now l'm not worth $30 ." contalns neither Opium, ltlorphine nor other Narcotlo Such was he who now runs the Seasubstance. Its ago is its ~antee. It destroys Worms sid e bonrdln g hou se and ellpatlates . and allays Feverlsbness. It corcs Dlarrhwa and Wind upon the glorIes of Watcb Hill and Colle. It reUeves TcetbJng Troubles, coreM Constlpatlon Its 'many adva ntngcs as a boarfl ng aud Flatulency. It assimllates the Food. regulates the placc. Into 1111 hla laudations 0 ' Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural 8leep. place he puts fenl e nthu s iasm; they The Children'S Po.nncea-The Mother's Frlend. .;t-. would be creditable to the most consummate Boniface of them all. "Would you like to get back to New York'" LIke c. !!hot came tbe answer, wIth n gleam ot the eye and a snap of the jaw : . "'Would I Ilke to get back?' Why New York Is the only place In ~ world!"



Children -Cry for Fletcher'.

~ What




when a note Ie made of the .trangers who reside In thc country, and of tb08es who make·purcha.ell of clothlnc or ornaments 8..1 they pasl tbroucb, Bome Idea may be Ifalned of what ta earned by French noedlecr&tt. Hundredl ot mllUuns of piece. of .m(. I:;.ce, embrolderle., woolen stuffa, feathen. ftowers and ribbon" ani .ent Into otber countrlel enry year becau.. Paris IB supreme In tubioo,

Immenl. Revenue Accru.. to That wage earning only for thOl!e occupIed Country alcau •• of It. Acknowl· In the bllalnesll; It resolves lueU Into edged Supremacy. ._ I a revenue of over 114,000,000 franca , ' Jules Heuret, a French writer, aa- In the export trade of the country. WlM!o all the bandlworl. done for . .rta that , In fSlhlon France I. IIUll Autocratic A ... rtlon., urtr\yaled. He has caretully Inveat!- the ule of the peo))le UTlng In Franee "Are you a aervant ot'the peopleY" la addeJ to the export trade. and pted the state of affaire In Germany, a.ked the constituent. EDIlacd, Switzerland, Austria and "Yea," replied Senstor Sorghum. Dorthorn Italy, and baa come to the "Only It should be observed that a cOnclualon that Frnnce litands flrtlt In really se rvant may mattera of taate. Her jewelry designs pretty nearly being a bosll." iI and her models of furniture are the W.alth Th.t Aggregat•• $385,000,000 I. \. belt In tbe world, although England Bame personal characterl.tlcs wbich CHILD'S FA,CE ALL RED SPOTS Intru.ted to the Management dlRtlngullh the three others, She live. aDd Q'll'Dllny afe seiling well In both of Four Women, sImply, enjoying the ' company of old Ul_ ~ Irectlonll. he declares. 632 N. lith St., Terre Haute, Ind .From falhlon M. Heuret estimnte. New York state court" halve dea,g- rrlends, never flaunts her wealtll, and "My little Inephew, a boy of four the revenue of the French at 150,000,- nated ~H8a Christina Arbuckle, wbO glvel her sptlre time to chariuble years, bad a breaking' out on his face. 000 'raDCI, In P:lrll thqre are over Is aged seventy-two. a. admInIstrator work, whlcb ahe accompllahell aa Ie- It W8..1 little red apotll at first, then MIl!! Arbuckle he would r~b and sc ratch and water 12,000 buslneu houae. employing or the '85.000,000 eBlate left by hflr cretty as posslhle. fl'om one to 100 working I!lrll. For brother. Mr. John Arbuckle, the "sugar ahares with her sister and nephew the hli8ters would form, and wherever' the the whole of France th) total of sucb kind," who died Intestate l8..It Marcil. Income of the estate wblch abe DOW water " 'ould run another would coma .. tahllshmenu reache" 96,000, to This makes tour American women will manage, they being the late "su- until his race was covered with them, wbleh may be added 16,000 ItDgerie who have the el!clullive control OTer gar kIng'." only .urvlvlng near rela- He would. cry and fret. HI8 motber ·Grm., 4,000 house I wbere embroIder· enormous fortunel , the other beln!; tives. She a8ll11t.ed Mr. Arhuckle In got some medlcll\e, but It did not do .Iel IIDd mender~ are employed. Mrs. E . H. HarrIman. to whom the tbe management of 'hle fortune tor a any good . He would 8cream and cry Thus there are 116,000 IhoPI where Illte rallw~y magnate hequeatbed number of yeara before his death and anu Bay It burl. We hardly knew him, ,150,000,000; Mn. Ru •• ell Sage, Ivh08e III tborougbly familiar with tbe d~tal1. hi. IItie faoo Wall all red spot. and aewlng la the :ndultry carried on. More than ' n million person. earn husband left ber $SO.OOO,OOO; and Mn ot !tli adminIstration. Sbe Intends bUlters. So I begged him to let me their IITlnc tn this way, 940,000 womeD Hetty Green . whose own estate I. partIcularly to continue her brother'. put some Cutllcura OIntment OD them. connection The nellt morning I made a IItron, These tour philanthropIc work In ed 16,000 men, To tbe aggregate of vallled at $100.000,000. a million wag_arnera by their needle women thus have the exclu"ITe· with tbe Brooklyn cburch of which Boap SUd8 with Cutlcura Soap and mUlt be couiitecl 140,000 employera, a~ement of property of a total value tb'e late Henr» Ward Beecber wal wa8hed his face In the warm slIds. pastor. larce and small, of whom 26,000 are or 5365.000,000. Trle little bllsterl burat by pl'e8sln, The newest recruit to the ranks or meD and 114,000 women. Thl. vut the cloth on them, Arter I had ' hla Raw recrultll are often dODe for. eneJ'Ef Joea Dot pro,lde the meane ot feminIne multi-millionaire. baa the face wasbed, I , put the Cutlcurs. Ointment on and In a .bort time bl. lItUe year. ot our IUe make ua; ,II that 18 tace W88 all red and dry. I kept ustng added later II veneer; and 7et lome ' the Cutlcura Soap and putting on ' the say, It a woman can e001lt: a dinner or Cutlcura OInt:ment and bl. face got aa dress berselt well abe haa enough cuI- well and it dl,d not leave a lear. He waa enUrel,. .~ured In about ODe week ture.-OUye Schreiner, and 'a half." (Signed) ltnt. Arthur Haworth. Jan. 10, 1912. c.,utfcu~ ~p and Ointment lold ~roulhout the wo~ld. BRmple of each free. with 32r,p. SkIn 'B ook, Addresl ~~ . ';CuUeura, Dept. L. BOBton,"

Have Control of M;illions

Woman and Culture

• ,



: -


Bh~an ',.,ou 'm anqe, a

. B~O,


1 matrIe4 ODe,;




tJPBWrf.t ,

We Lead You

To Fortune and Happy Life in California M_n, J, s, & W. S. Kuhn, the Piluburgh bank~n, .r. dolnR' tn ,h.Sacram.nto Vall"y what the U. S. Government 10 doinl "Iiewhere for th. people. ThI!11l I. ten timn more net profit per acre in California irrigA"tlIA"tI than 10 ,h. East and "lth Ie.. labor. Let u. take you ..her. there Is comfort .nd happln_ betidee profit, climat. equal to Ihat of Southern hal,. no. fro.t. nor .no,,". no thlludenlorm. nor 'IInllroke., Let UI take JOU ... hera bli money I. ","," being made, markets an /lnr, demand for prodllCl. greal and income I. lure. L"r u, tab ,OU railroad and riur traolportarloo i, n~r. ", th.r. are denominational chllrcbn aad graded IChoolL N.w I. the tIme to buy thl, land-get In wllh the "Innen, th. great Panama Canal ,,1II.oon be ready and you CaD ,har. io It, triumph.; larm. are aelling rapidly, and ",I IIrongly IIlgo you to 'purchue II 1000 II po..lble. You can buy this land on very eaty ,erm_$15,OO aD acr' .O'ID .nd the balance In len yearly payment!. Gi •• u, aD opportunity to tab up &IldetaU. "ltIl Joa -",rite 'tII. 'Let 01 tend YOII our fiDt iUuatrated printed matter tollln, all about it. Writ. for it A' '.'4'-it li~e. ,.OU .btoillt. pr-ooa..

u, ••




+-----------.....---. ,-- --- --- --- --- ---_._--------.. . 1~~~~~~~~~~~~1


·.....GRIl'ID YOUR


.h ):;iah Cleave r Hogers , thtl llOlI of J osiah and Ab igail Cleav r ROllers , was bum in V. 'arren Cou nty, Ohi o , At the L. A. ZimllltlrrJlIlD is in Cincinn ati, 1)" cemlle r 7, l It ~6, divd at bis hom e today. 1 ill lIa1"\"l'\" ~burlI .. ~Iio, August 12 IHI ~ . ageJ 8f> yt!. Ull : 8 months and '7 1r. and Mrs. Robt. Cr ew att elul ed J nys. \)f t.h e l . Nl childre n uf biH the !:ita t.e Fair, last week. f am ily onl y Olll' s i l~ tpr rEllllain s, Mary I\, II ltig-h ll"t1y . uf Wa~ hbtlrn, 111 Lawl"l'n ce : Sh e rwood s pent the J n>;i a h I '. !{UKC1·" a nrl .1\ m el ia Hull'- lI"eek ·cnd with hi s iJ!l re nt 9 Ur. and \Ill h ll wer e marrieo d Februa ry 7, 1850 M rg. Thos. Sller wuud . Have you t r ied our and Illv ing ly j.lJfneyed life's path· .M\lrr i~ lIard y, of Pemlle ton . Inrl . · W:t l" fo r ti~ y WHI ·~ a l'ld II hal'f . Three BAL L Ja o~ht¥l·~ wa re g iv eR t. llk!m who was th e gues t uf J . E. J a nney and BEA RINO hav e u..,1I1 ·(·urinK f" r tiltnn ill thoHr fam ily , tht' first of th e 11·t't'k. d<'c lining da Y!:i. Crind s all kinds of gra in. Sa lllue l Battin and He ui.ll:n Rober18 Th(' d ecca.'liol was horn of t-liellsit a ol South Charle.~ ton, allclld~d a di ::;Qu a k ~ r par entage , but ('ar ly in life trict lueeti n" at the Frienu ~ Home un itetl with th~ Free Will Baptist Tuesday . chun:h; for the lal!t 20 y~rs hll:! be· longed to the M . IL. ch u r ch, uf Har· \)r . a nu fl,frs . She rwl,ud and Mr . v e v ~ btJrg, Oh io. ~Ink(' , a li ll!' fc(' d If prtll'..r h · g l/J ull d . He always bllrl a LawrPl lce She rwouu \I'~I·e in l.dJal101l d u tlot Ill a sh liJ(·1lI h il t .'~ I ind tlll·11l as 11 11 (' :I S :o.l i ddhl lg'. reaJy welcom e f() r a ll the mlni sterR Monday , g-UPS L~ of Mr. an d All g laiw ~ are MI"S . F. pl "pnl · Il li xl"t1 I,d ,ll\· gll ll <l illl; . a lill we g ua rant ee a ll II lH o f th e J{o~p e l, and dt'ath found him Il · Sht' rwood . ---II·' ' I k in his pillet! for God and His cause THE ELECTION hfllping- just t he same to suppor t t he churc h af ter he could not attend th e Th (' electIon for t1 1 \~ C"II ~lilulional !\anc Luary IOfIrl"ice s. Many things A rn e l1 d lll ~nt~, UII Tue"liuy , was mig-ht be spok\!n o f hilll to his pra ise, very quiet, no t mure than half II vote the loving patient way he ca red for lwi ng poll!ld . l'he Am endmel lts carhis compan i on ill he r ysars af feeblt! Let us clean your seed whea t on our ried thoug-h out tir e sl:lte with the health. will neve r be forgolt on by e xceptio n of No. ~:{ - WllIllan 'll suf· th0ge wllo witness ed his d a ily minis· frage , Somt! I"eceivt!<i small majori· ~ ti ~s but t he Ini tiat. ive al'J Referi He leave~ a Ill ving wife, thrE'e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~,~....._ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - rlaujl:ht e rs, a son·in · law, five gran d. e nd um wen t through with a large majorit y . __ _ _ __ :=::L childre n. two i ' g reat grand child nm , Nos . '2, 17,:n and ::18 r ece iv.>d the a si ster, and many ot hers to che rish small est nrajorit i es . Th e Li cense hi ~ TJleCJlUl" .\' . Clause was not voted on very much. mallY voters pe l·hap~ not "et'ing it or FARM FOR SALE taking nutice uf it.


aynesville .Mills


Ever Occu r to You, what Really Constitutes a Proper Eye Examination?



. . Eve r have your eyes examin ed by un!' of th' lHt' ":;ho rt t rrm opt IClan>! llr optome tris ts'!" E ver have him place a car d of Irtters uf you anti ask yo u to read as far as you could when he held a hracl glassc~ Il ef~)re your eyes ? ~ver have 1\ "specta clc peudlal ''' have you look in an rns tr ument and s lide a card back until you found a place where you co uld see th e best? Th en hav\;, him hand you a pair I'f m gla""(·,, . l:IIIT s J.ll)ntlill~ with whatev er numhe r WII.'1 on theag ni fyin J.! card or in ~ lt l! Il. l · lI t ·:

.. - ...



Spe cial See d Wh eat Clea ner

lration ~.


The Security Offe red by our Safe Deposit Vau lts


One mile from Wayne~ville, Ohiu, rail r oau s tation. Abo ut 9:.l acres of r ich black dil" t, rirst and second bottom land , and hest g ravel bank in the State. 11 roo m uwe lling, barn and ()ut· buildin )(:i. Will pay over 10 p er cent nn $ 10.000 . · Make m e un otfer. Tu look at place lIee Robt. Becket t, Corwi n , Ohio. \ Addres s Ba rton H. Kelly, :3892 l sab~lla Ave ., Cincinn ati, Ohio .

gi ve

to patron s th e of new and moder n va ults reinforced and barrica d ed with Yale D epo sit Locks , The Yal£ system of lockin g is known around the world as the most sturdy , the most impreg nable. E\'ety box in ourVitwlt is pr &; t«lcrl h ya !l1W'ci a l guard 1nr-('hMl'S" , ,,"d a ""11611 !It or tumblers. J::mrlunyo w tJaJu.lblc! tu ua.-tbey \vi.l1lJc advanta~e5



I )r. S. D Clay tun is movillg" in the rooms lately occuJ.lie d by t he Citi· <:tm's hank. The ruums are nicely Inealet!. and the doct"r will be mlOlre (lOmfu rtably situat ed than U ~for e .

--- --- ---

W, C. T. tJ. NOTle R

- .- .. ._-

The rE'J{ular meetin g of the W C. T. U. will be held at the White Brick WHY GREEK REPUBLIC FELL Church Friday afternu un, !:iept. tI Officers for the ensuinlr year will be Work of Corrupt ion. and DI ••en.lon. ulec ted. A full attenda nec i ~ de · Rather Than of the Man sir'ed. 01 MilCedonla. -~

- -

.Jq{_ Hom fire u wtIl aa theiL


.. -.



TELEPHONE FOR THE MUTES 1 Curlou. Electric al Device Thilt En.. bin ThertLt o Commu nicate Rap' dly at .. Distance,


'A great delll of scientif ic investig&tion , es pecially thnt of tne atmosphere, is beiug conduc ted at SJ.>}tz-

A cuaeUi.oleo.~l'li p~.i~ Balden a he~. ']~e ~f ~~: M."'~~ "dcaf-m utes', telepho ne)' l"I a~ b('OI:1 in- to ' ·CI C8.rm'IRl'~\' is a 1~nl1 revented to enallie those who (',\llTlot sE-arch institut ion, and Drs. BafRP,JI speak and l1l'nr to co mmuni cAte rap- ond Wagne r have begun a year's

ily, not"'o nl y with eacb otht'l', but work there in nerolog y awl geophy swith pwrsolls who cun speak and ics. A unique interes t attache s to hear Blld are not c(mVerS8nt wi th the t he obscrva tions of the upper air that fjnger-s ign language, says Lhe Popu- wilJ be made through out the polar lur Meah"n ics Magazi ne, in an illus- night.- BCJsto n Post. HOUSEHOLD IMPROVEMENTS. tra ted article. "The phone" compri ses tm electrical keyboa rd, somew hat like that Y r ast-I see t hey aPe cooking by of a typewrifer. It has, like Il type- electric ity now. writer, the 'Junive rsol system " Ill'Crimso nbea.k- Yeil, I noticed that, "And now an electric ally dri'Ven rangem cnt of letters. This keyboa rd machin e that 'Weighs less than fifty is connec ted by wire with II.D elec- pound s has been il'i;vente d to scrub !ric 8ignal board which is fue "talk- floorR." iug machin e" proper and consists of -" Why, if it keeps on & man Dl&Y tflirly six mcanrleBcent lighrgl obes, have all the comfor ls of home with('ach with a large letter of tJle alpha.- out getting marrie d!" bet or one of the nine numera ls painted on the end of tile bulb. AN ILLUSTRATION. The person who wishes to talk CAT11.. t ' t - '- 1.. .'· t th yy ull \.it ." 1&8 Rnoes Jlave yow 0presses th e k eys, speIImg oue d· th· . , rh. Ii ei h words as on & ty:pewI jter, the othcr se1'V~ m. ;, n~r It OG "per son Teadin g off the lettmll as they I sP<;'I mama· · th JOKE ON ARTHUfl BA.JeBANi '" h tl I guess I t 18 e way folks 1I11S on Ie amps. an " rushing the grow Itlr. Wilton Lackiilye, tile Actor. Was A. tonlahed to Learn of Editorial L 5 Confere nces With Hear.t.

V"" Get All the News Thro ugh the Miam i Gaze tte

The Same ATLAS Cement Ueed By The U. S. Government On The·Panama Canal

can be had right in town from UL You know how particular Uacle

Sam is in buying goods. trust his judgment.

It will

You can

pay every property owne r to find out how ATLAS Cement can add to his income, comfort, safety, health, etc. \Ve have some interesting booklets on this suhject. free for the asking.

A rthur Brisban e, who is Mr. H('lIr~ t 's close confida nte in the mllnBl!elll rnt of t he New York Journa l, WBS in enmpnn y with Wilton Lack".1"(" t·he 8I.: ti)r, 011 uppoc Broad,w ay one uftr rn no n. The tim e pa ssed qui l" kl y BlI.l it I\"U 8 Ilcnrly six olclock wlll'n the edi tor Bucld pnl y bestirre d himself and said he would have to Iltart oo wntown . Lnekny e uT/rcd I nri ~ ball e to accomp nlly hill) to tha I Lambs' club and \Ie his g uest at din. I nl' r. "I l\;0n Ja like to," sa id BriRbane, "bllt th l' r~ is nn editoria l conference ca ll t'd at six o'clock every evening and it is impera tive that I be there." I ""' hn t is 'the mca of this editoria l I confere nee ?" asked the actor. ! "A r on ference bet w{'cn various : head s of departm ents," explain ed Brishllne. ''We get togethe r and ahape the plans for the next daJ's paper." "Do you mean to imply," /lnid th~ aCtor, pretend ing 8Dla1.ement, tltbat you and Henrst get out ·th~ Jourila l dAHher atelv?" . .. - - -- - -- -•• •• ';'"""f-.. - -- ,

ZIMMERMAN'S Indla naW aterm elon s Ohio Elbe rta Peac hes JERSEY SWEET POTATOES Gl"ape~,

Cantalu upes, Apples , Cabbage, Onions, Cobble r Po· tatoe~, Orange s, Lemons , Ba-


Ne w full Cream Cheese , a Ib New Honey, N ew Oa~ .


Try our new wruJ.lped Cakes- all kinds, like' Homem aue Cakes, ·lOc to 200 ' Star Tin Cantl, Mason Glass Cans Bring us your Butter Ilnd Eggs, Paying: 20c for Eggs It,pay s to trade at


$5.0 0 Free Eye Exa min atio n Exte nded Two Day s Onl y, Frid ay and SaturdaYt Sep tem ber 6th and 7th. At t he rE'ques t of many who wish \I " to examin e their eyes. ami did not receive the Mia mi Gazette in time to read our announ cement (If rl o~ in g our free eyt! examin ation, we wish t.o state that we will ex· t end ou r $5.00 Free io;ye ~xami n at ion fo r two day~ only- ioriday and Sa turr! ay~ If t he r e a re others who wish to consult us (10 so on Saturd ay, as we will pOi:litively charge a f ee for all (ye elCamin ati ons. and rai ~ e our present low p ri ces for glasses after this date.


The old world blls already revealed to us, in its unseale d books, the beginn ing alld end of all its 0\\'0 marvel ous struggl es in the cause of liberty. Greece, lovely Greece, "the Miss Luella Cornell was thecha rmland. of scholar s and t4e nurse of ing hostess to u numbe r of her girl $illS," wb¥..e sistor rep)luh us, in fri ends, Tuesda y afte rnoon from 2 fuil' Pleftlss fon, chaDted. the praiEe. to fi. The affair WIl8 a mi scellane ous of liberty and the gods-w here and shower given in honor of the fair what is she? Fcn two t housan d bride· to-be Mi~ J essie Marlat t. years the oppress or has ground h er The time was spent in doing fancy to the e"rth. Her arts are no more. work, after which the gUeRts wer e The last sad r elics of hCi" > temples invited to the room where are but the barrack s of a ruthlest l the table was d eco rated in green soldiery . The fragme nts of her col- and white and display ed the many limns and her palaces nre in the useful gif18 for the cuming uride . .rust, yet. beu ut iful j.n ru1118. She Dainty refresh ments we re then f. ·11 Dot when HI(! lI1ighty w&e upon served and the guests departe d for lre r. lIcr soni were unit ed at Ther- their homes after t hankin g the JlJopyllle and Marath on, alld tile tide hostess for the plel.L'Ian t time The of her triump h roll e<1 !"ark ~pon the invited g uests were Misses DOllna Hellesp ont. S he was coo qlleved by Hawke , Mary Salisbu ry, Ellen Sher, her ~w. fndio ns. She filII by the wood, Ruth Hartsoc k, Stella Lornhands of he r own people. Tlte man mon, Martha O'Neal l, Lu cy Harri or Mac~donia .did not the wCJuk of son. Mrs. Fred Harts oek , Kather ine "('st ruct-ion. H wus already done Ale:(an der and Marian na Allen . of hy her (l l a (!orruptiDns, banisA- Spring boro. mrn r~ aTl(! r:1 iS$IIII~9.1;Il\s-4J.age &lto.r.'" tin "' ~t1r .l)iM:ies t(i) tTi"a ·JtifJub -

Did . it ever occur to you that in g oin g t.hroug h thill IJrllced ure you are SIm ply t'xllm ining yourse lf, a nd t he " opticia n 0 1 sp('ctnc lr peddlar " d epenu ed pntively upon yo ur answer as to the kintl tu give you, an d really kn\;,w nu more ahout a n eye t han yo uof a glas:; do yourse lf. Think of calling" suc h pOPJ.lycuck U~ thi~ an ey e eXfunin ation. Whut wuuld yo u think if you Wl're ill and ca lled in your family dodor anu the only examin ation he wou ld give ytlU wo uld he ··»,hat do you. think is the m atte r wi th you and you would hI ask : thrnK I have kluney t rouble! " SUJ.lpos e he wr,uld ('Ullllne ncer eply, " I you m edic i~e, at yuur say so. for your kidll!'Y ~ when some g ivtng organ wall dlReased'! How lon g d o yuu think i [ WllU lu be beforeother YIIIU would be an ange l ~ All these "one week term optician~ and s pectacl e peddler n," none of wh~m. have an·/ m edic al educati on of th e eye. can q-ive you Ilre maglllf yrng gllll!S~~ . Nine times out of t.en th ey do more ha rm than ~I)od . How. ionlZ" d<, you think it will UB lifter wearin g thellf' wrong ly lil t ed m ag n l f~ ",g !{lasses before you will have catarac ts, growth s u polI .th e e yehal l~ , granu lated eyelids, headac he, impaired bluod circu lat IO n of the ('''(!s and pal' lial or total blindne ss. Wh en in fl' JU uf eye attenti on ur g laMes, always Rult an oc ulistic uJ.lticia ll, one having a thr·rou gh medica l ed ucatiimcon of the eye. i t~ append ages and disease.. , and have your glllllSefl adjl:lste d prope rly for your uefect!! of ~ight- co~t'i:I no morE'

All Glasses Guara nteed to be Satis facto ry-Ne w Lenses Fitted in . Old Mountings.


ITE P08TO l"FICI: ' -..- - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _J

-~ -WERE .-. ~ ~ NOT ~~ ON ~ HIS LIST. -- =~-~ - ~~ -~ --~ The lnte Hey. Horatio Stebbin s of San Fran ciRt·o \\"as Il mUll or IlIrge mi nu /tlld nobl e rOIl"I'rS, but m ore falllili ur with the 1I"0rid of int ell('ctunl and ~e ilOllIs ti(' illt e rcl>t~ than with tri vial and tim cly t hings, SllyS ilio Clcl't'llllld Leader . Hi.'! honsf'hold was blessed with a eharrni ng daught er, who grew· up tall IIDd bea utiful, cOlll mandin g the a~mirllti on of nil who Ii!lW her Oll(l dllY a visitor suid to the I-:ood uocto r : "Docto r, yuur dallg h ter grows more <,harmi ng ullY uy clay. Why, she's a regular Gihson gi rl." "Ah, t hank JaIl ; than k YOIl," rcDOII't broil or fry your Bacon in plied the d octo r in liis be8t marrn cr. the ul tl-fashi oned wily-b ake it from When the visi t or hull go ne, t urning ; four tu five min utes in hot oven, to his wife, th e .loctor IIHkeu: "My i and you ,'ViII enjoy ils flevor more d ear.• 11"1 10 arc th o C,i hRO IIS?" than ever- but be sure jt's Beeah. Nut Brand. ~rge jars ]fi cents, IN APPREHENSION.

Beech-Nut ·

Slice~ Bacon 8

"I gave h er a plush alllum on her weddin g ftlliivcrsary. It was one I had allout the house for SOIllC time, but it looked lik e new." "Well ?" "Now she lias found that I hllve an anniver sary SUOII." "Well, no douht you expect her to recipro cate." "Recipr ocllte is not the word. I'm afraid she will retaliat e." QUIT~

If you have any surpl us lI~k for sale,-use.oUI' CIa88ift~ · Column. It wiD sell' them for ·yolJ. .. ".' \

Notice of Appointment • E tiLllw of lIenjamlo Weak••

Deoe~ .

NOLko I. hureily Klvau that Ho)' A . Weeks boon .ltlly BI'IKliDto d Ilnd qua/llind .. Atlmlnls brator of 'he Jt;,tt"to of 1ienjamJ n WG..,k • . Jaw of WarrOD County, Ohio, Dtlh~.

<:elUled. Dated thla ~ h tillY of Al!l[IlIt. 1912,


J uligo of tho PrnlJate Court

ti- 4 - J~

WjoJ'l'On Count}', Ohio.


{(Who roads lJOetry p-" "N umerOU8 people, " "Bah I What good is it?" "Do not 8neer at poetry, my friend. Poetry bas risen in the estimat ion of many since they Legan using it on the basebal l page."

Subsc.ribe for the GaJettQ

Dr. J. A. McCoy, Vete rinar y Graduate 01 Ohio Stale University




"Poor Bender sl He has a hard time." Office at residen ce in F. B. Sher- . "Why so?" wood's hcmae, Fourth Street. J~ "If h~s wi~e i~tt !tl!eping him ~ , Telep~one~' hot water about some df "Jus ' indi~ cretio~s, she. thtowing cold water •





f~r J8ttm,I~"

~ "'4CBo. :p.uC 'XlpC?

__ ,,~


Waynesvll1e, · .,.

, .'_.- ,;"








~ixty- Third

Whole Number 3176



• - - - - - - - - - - - . 001.0 fOR



S\:.Nh·~.a L


1....• ........ •• .... •.. _ .... _

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··I.... ·M ....·......·.. ··C..·-l......··_ ...... ·.. ·.... ·l ersona enbon umn !



.-...-.. ......----- ----


I Social Events

The fa rnler ,aNeO· at .....0 cents ··p·.. ·.... ·... __•... o .. , .!' The fair this year promises to be ~-. ~ Ilu~ v ~ " 1: 0 i larger than ever. Especially so is The Waynesville and Ferr) "Per bush el which is IX cents per I this in the ring. There arc Mr. anli M/'~. Lindl ey Mendenhall churches will have a Gnion meeting. pound. Translated into fancy. high- •••-....... _ _ ._ ..... _ _.... , "" , _...,.... _ ........... ......__ ....... more hortles. and ' better ones. than aDd fam ily were en te rtainer! Sunday and "Basket dinner" S~ptember 15. priced pastry on a dining car, .the Mrs. W. H . Allen was shopping in C. M. Robit zer was in Clarksville have been entered for many years. by Mr. a nd Mrs . J . E. J anney a t 1912. to which the public are cordially pouT,d of wheat sells for 66 cents. Dayton. Tuesday. Tuesday on business. The displays are bette r and more dinn er. invited to attend . The place is Somewhere. between producer and in number than have been mad e in Charl es (;itlH'ns and fa mily . of tilt! Hough's Grove, X mile Wllllt of comlUmer. somebody multiplied the Mr and Mrs. J. E. Janney were Messra. Ray and Carl Hawke. of many years, and everything poin ts Dayton and Lebanon lJik c and ilia Waynesville. Ohio. The following farmer's ~ X cents by 44. . . in Franklin, last week Dayton, spent Sunday here. to a first·class show. is the program for the day. The OhIO State Board of Agrlcul. Today's races are as foll ows: 3 :30 Githens. of Dayt on. were Su nday . . S N 158 ture offers liberal p~i zes for a Boy's Miss Winnifred Macy has been the Miss Mary Michener, of Lebanon. trot with 15 entries; 2:25 pace with 8 g uests of Mrs. b:va Miller. 9.aO- Openmg ong, o. Wheat Crowing Conte!t Cash to guest of relatives in Wilmington. ill the guest of Miss Martha Burnett. entries; 2:20 t rot with 13 entries. Prayer ... ... .. .. .... Su.Pt. JameR Mull en the amount of .370 in gold will be . . . . Thursday-2:16 trot with ]3entries; ~I's. G. W. Hawke entcI·tained at Study of International ~ ~: Lesson given to boys between the ages of . Rain LIght and Fhnt Kote Koof- Misses India Ranker and Helen 2:Hl pace with 18 entries; 2:24 trot, dinnel today the following gUPH t H: Song .. .. .. .. .... ......... Curtls lh?mpson 12 and 21. mil' for sale by W. H. Madden & Co. Siegfried spent a day in Waynesville with 14 entries. Secretary's Report ... ... .. Mattie CookI FI'ret $100', Second '"7Fi·. 1'hl' td $60', week F rl'd ay- 2:12 pace WIt . h l "en ~ t n' es ; MeRdames JOR. Hawke, J. C. Hawke. Mrs. Grace Lincoln Smith was ilast n ' C. T . Hawke, Frank Zell and the Song ......... .. ............. .. By the Schoo Fourth $40; Fifth $30; Sixth $25; 220 . h . 2 40 Dayton last week buying new fall Miss Anna Hormell. of Springboro. : pace Wit 16 entries; : trot Mis.'les Clara Hawke. Sybil and Intermission ' Seventh 120', Eighth $15; Ninth $10; ith ]3 entr' good8.' is the guest of Dr. and Mrt:l. H. E. w les. Hel en Hawke. S C ngregatl'on Tenth $5 H th Purses ranging from $125 to $aOO ' ' . • a away Assem bl mg ong .......... 0 Scripture Reading and Prayer Every farm boy IS InVited to enter Mrs. Joe Thompson returned t o ' is t~1e lode stone that is attracting Messrs. Terrell Macv, Hugh Ridge Song .. ....... .. . ......... ... Ferry Quartet this contest. Now is the time. The her home in Cincinnati. Monday Messrs S. E. and F. M. Alexander the many racing men and good spent Sunday with their mother horses to the fair. Many prominent and Herbert Edwardq were hOtlts at 10:30 Sermon ..... ..... By th e. Pastor bUCCess and. educational ~alue of the evening. Song ......... .. .... ..... ... ... Congregation C.orn Growmg Cont~t mduced the Mrs. A. J. Alexander. ' drivers such as Spence. Tood. Dagle r a dance at Oddfellows hall, Friday Communion Service State Board to contml1e the good Miss Lillie Nedry and MiS!! Izma Stackhouse. Mark, Davis. Deardoff evening . There were about twentyfive present. ami l\ '1ery enjoyable Instrumental Music ... .. .... ........... . work in wheat. Egbert were in Cincinnati Monday Mrs. Urith Thoma!! is spending a and others will be present. time was had. ... Grace Carman. Lucile 'fhompson In many counties Bankers, Millers. and Tuesday. few days at the home of Mr and - -.Sonar No .6 ........... .. COngregation Grain Dealers, and Merchants are ~ Mrl!. H. O. Cornell. near Ferry. TO THE VOTERS OF WAR,REN CO , . . . offerin~ as priZe!!. in addition to the Mrs. F. W. Hathaway returned Mrs. Will Compton and daughter Dmner above cash preml·ums. free trl'psto homeThursclay, after avery pleasant W. H. Allen left Sunday fill' Having received assuranc('s of MiRS Pearl. of Bridgeport. Ind. and 1:30- Assembly Song. No. 157 Washington next year. visit with relatives at Norfolk, Va. Detroit, Mich .• where ht! wi\: attend support from many friends of the Mr. Jesse M. Compton. of Dayton. W . ht Th . If ed t th tha, National Banker's Association, Democratic, Republican and ProPrayer ......... .. ..... ... :. F ran k rig e prl:l,es 0 er are no wor Mr. and Mrs. George Hartsock were the Sunday guests of Mr. C. 'l'. '11 0 tt \ . . k b gressive partie!!, r have decided to Harner's family. having been here Song ...... . ........ Waynesvl e cte e lUI much as It II to rna e · etter have returned borne after a three- this week. be an Independent Candidate for h bOy9 t h IS year d Speech .......... .. .. ..... ... J Ilmes M\I II en f armers out af t e "t to I l' . 0 k Th N ' I B k' b . ed to attend the Compton and Mills rethan they were last year. Boys ays VISI re a IVes m ar e I 'd e atlOna an IS felng ~reat d Representative in the General ullion. History of Waynes,ille Church.. . . b I' bl County. nSI e to a npw coat 0 paint an Assembly Subject to the decision of ......... .. .......... ... ......... .. Eva DaVIs entered in this contest will e e Igi e fl' . t 18 a great Improvement the voters at the ensuing November On Tuesday evenl' ng MI'-es Lucile · t 0 th e t 0 compe te t or th e F ree T rip Miss Ruth Miller left last week for resco. d am History 0f F flrry Ch ure h .... .. ... ... il Oh' S F ' i 191a an will look fine when finished. election. and Lell'a Thompson entertained the M M ........... ......... ......... .. 1'8. axwe 10 tate alr n . Dayton. Ohio. to enter the nurieS J. Milton Earnhart. ' Solo ......... ........... ....... .. Lucy Emley Boys now entered in the com con- training Bcbool at Miami Valley Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Crew alld Dr. •_ • Loyal Daughters Class, of ~he ChrlsDeclamation~ ................ Eva Murphy test may enter the wheat contest Hospital. . and Mnt H. E. Hathaway motored PROHIBITION MEETING tian church in a very pleasant man· Song ......................... FerryQuartet also. By the best kind of farming . . . to Springboro. Sunday, and spent nero After the regular businlll!8 of Declamation .. . ......... Lelia Thompson from five to ten buskels of wheat MISS Ha~el Gustm returned home the day with Mrs. Hathaway's Daniel A. Poling. of Columbus. the class wdasdatlt,e~ded to,tU~iC an! Speech ............ : .. .... .. .. . Mrs. Haines can be added to the yield per acre. Thursday evening from Franklin. parents. e ICIOUS re res men . . candid a t e f or governor on th e . P ro- games an Song ............. . · .. Waynesville Octette This will help to make farming prof- Ohio. where she spent several days . , h i b i t i o n ticket. will speak in Way. were enjoyed. Sermenette .. .. ........ · .. By the Pastor itable and to keep the boy away with friends. .The BelrvlCes at St. Mary s church nesville. Monday morning. Scptem--Closing Song ............... Congregation from the city. . . . WIll be resumed next Sunday, Sun- ber 16th, at 10 o'clock. Mr. Poling The last of a series of pleasant p. B. Thompson, pastor. Printed rules and information sent Mus Eleanor Merrit~. after a day.schelol at 9:30 a. m., Morning . S · . . With relatl'v= P d IS tate president of the Chnstlan entertainments given by )'ir. and couple of mon "L.~spent • -. upon applioation to UllS . "'" rayer an sermon at 10:30. Rev. End d . fi .. I. OBITU~[{V Col b here left for her home in Mt Holly eavor, an IS a ne spell1\er. Mrs. W. H. Allen for thd guests A. P. Sabdles, urn UB.· ." J. F. Csidwallader, Rector. Come out and hear him discuss the Mr. and Mrs. Chas. FiRher, of Cin- -_0 ____- -N. J . Monday evenmg. cinnati, took place Saturrlay eveninl/:. Daniel S. WoolI~rd was born at RICH, CARR, CLEAVER, REUNION Dr. B.n d Mrs. H. E. Hathaway issues of his party. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Waynesville. Ohio. AuguRt 10, 1851.. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Bentley and moved into the Lupton house last MATRON RESIGNED Barnhart. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. CartHe was the third child of John and The Rich, Carr and ' Clf'.8ver re- Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Sides spent week, Imd Mr. and MrS. U. M. wright, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Crane. Jane Woollard deceased. union was held on its usual dllte. Thl1rsday at the Blanchester fair White moved into the Edwards ed Mrs. Esther Stout, who has been Miss Ruth Zimmerman and Master~ - - - In the year of 187. he was unit Saturday August 2~th. W\ttJ about and Friday at- the Uayt.on fair. ~ -. ..,ropel't~~n-Main IItreet; .md- Mrs. matron of the Friends Home for a Ethan Crane. - - in marriage to Miss Abashibe Dick· one hundred an<t twenty-five In atPratt in the Haines property. . ed th fi t f S· te er~n, to which union were tlorn flve tenQl\flce. · Mrs. ·Sallie Hawkens, of Sprina'. . year. resign e rs a ep mn H 1 h 0 and Ar L' I M 11.1 ' B D' h' field who has been the guest of Mr. G. E. RlIey and family and ber, and Mrs. A. B. Chandler was 'ld ChI ren ",eorge . ,,0 n . - .. or severa yeaN r. ~.. . nlC s ' M W "'1 d f'l h I ted t t Th Miss Mary Sali,bury, assisted by t.bijr p. WQollllrd . all of whom sur. farm has been the !!Cene 01 thi' ra- Miss l<ezia Merritt for a couple of : . _,I ver an ami Y. toget er e ~ . emporary rna r~. e '-I. iss Donna Hawke entertained at . b' T h'ld d·_· • I'n . d be t'ful t weeu lett for her home Monday With W. N. Stokt'S, of Dayton, Chas. retlgnallon of Mrs. Stout was much .'~ vIva 1m. wo c I ren leuI In - union an no more ~u I spa • died h' f h her beautiful country home north of Id b h t' th evening Eulase, Horace B. Stokes and Mrs. ep or among t e mmates a t e taney. cou e c osen or mee I~g a n · W II Tibbal d I '1' f h sh . II I ed Waynesville, Saturday afternoon, U . ed 'th th Ch' tl'an th d h'" U' u; b h a ace s an umversa y ov . ue unl! WI e ns e gl'Oun s w ICII l<4T . UtO as raI Leba . ·ted amlles, f 0J orne, as 'e was - from 2 tc. 5 in honor of h~r cousin Mr. F. C. Gilmour and the Mi8l!es. non. were mVI guests 0 . N Miss Jessie Marlatt. The affair was Churoh at Wayne8vill~ October 1875 ~rved f~r this purpose. tll'ld always e~emplified the teachings After partakinll of the dinner He'\rietta McKiuaey and Mary ~Yis Monroe Stokes. of Blltler Co., SUIlA 0000 VIOLI a "Kitchen Shower." and many P.t Jasa:;s ChriRt in his dealinlr!! with such as ooly these ladies can prepare q,ere in Lebanon Satu~day. atlendl~g day to com.memorate the on~ hun- Ed Reason, of Harveysburg. has a useful articles were receive4 by the his tellQw man. A short time ago the afternoon was plpasantly spent to the Wayne Townshrp sehools dls- dredth anmv.ersary of the blrth of violin purchased several years ago. coming bride. The afternoon was he expressed his faith in Jesus. and in different ways. Mr . Will Gard. play at the War-ren Cou~ty fair. the late BenJ. A. Stokes. that he firmly believes is a Cremona. spent in music and social chat, a deof Monrovia. California, gave an Ed ' BaYS be will not part with it licious luncheon furnishini a very his hope of eternal life. In the year of 1887 his wife passed interesting talk. unless a large sum of money is forth- pleasant feature of lhe afternoon'y away after a brief illness. leaving All dpparteQ \1\ \h\l ~V4Ul\ng hopcominll. The violin was made in festivities. The invited guests were: him to mourn her loss, and the sole ing to lie wlt~ ~l'. l\~<t ~~. ~ich Italy, but the maker's name is not The Misses Emma Hawke, Eleanor ~r\l ot the children. For foqr long n ne~t year. M. ~., G. given. Merritt. Josephine Oglesbee, Lucile -



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~::~~, ~~:~ wa~:::::~~, ~~I~:

DEAl"S BY CORA A. THOMPSON Shackelford died. ~~ her the Hartsock. Martha ,O'Neall, ~llen In the year of 1890 he waS united . . . - -There will be a meeting of Sherwood, Ruth Zimmerman, Kath. .. • to CI ra M Musgrave In Oregoma, Tuesday qlQrnlng Poultry Association in the Township B In marrIage a. ' 6 'I k Th f ~I ill tak . . S ~ erine Alexander, Mrs. C. A. runer, to Which union three children were 0 c oc. e ~ner~ ' w e (Dedicated to the dear old ladlllll who u¥1Id "'nat wonder they who watched hlluse on Friday evenln\I, ept.. M' All f Springboro and lace at her late home Thursday .- rite ruom and who ~6ve'me\IMHO_) -- - - . - - - _ .L- . 20th Th' t' '11 b f arlanna en,o , . born, Charles S. James R. an d FI or· P . 10' I k Sh me ~ w . . .' . knew that angels kept that vigil with. . III mee mil WI e 0 M F d Hartsock, of Morrow. · 0 C oe e leaves Through the door, !I'ng. them. Interest to all the members and rs. re ence L. Woollard, all of whom sur· mornmg. at viVe tlirq. "e departed this life Sep. a husband .to ~ourn her 1088. Inter- slanting rays of ,he departinlr day Mother! cross.bearer in Life. members should make ita point to WJllPer·~. 1912. aged 61 years and 26 ment In MII'PlI cemetery. threw a golden stream of sunlight Mother! crown· wearer in Para- be there. • _... 1 We will be very glad to have you I1~Y~. ' ~e I"aves a wife. f> children. . • 'which fell upon the face of a dying dise; thy reward it! come! bring your fancy work and a bit of lO grandchildren, three b~others. Damel S'. ~oolla.rd. ~ .old and mother. I.ts rays of gold grew As tht! last taint ftickerinll' gleam PLEASE TAKE NOTICE china Ilnd spend the .afternoon of three sisters Ilnd a ·host of friends to respectc:d Citizen.' d\ed. (\t ~s home richer .untll they transfused thE'In- of day slipped over the purple bar of We want to call our reader's at- September, the sixth, with Jessie at Jlloqrp his 1088. here Friday e~en\ng. f\I\~ WIUI buried mto a ~o. clou,d s.bout that night, her spirit winged its course tention to the date of their !ub- the O'Neall home. , His I~t illness began June?:T ~nd Monday l1\orn,ni· :r~e~~neral took marblefaeeto~hedanatPall8f~llred away and slipped like a silver star scription. Look at the date on your I Marianna Allen fpr fivlil weeks he bravely bllre all pl~e from the Cl\r18t~ cl\~rch, o~ by the app,o~chb\a My8tery mto aove.r the sunset bar of Life into the paper, and see when your time exMar~ha ~'~eall ~ll~ ~nt01d sufferings peculia.r to which he had b,een. a. hfeI01lIl'.~m. look o( Ms.';1tiful grandeur. No dawn of Lite.:Everlasting. pired. A call at this office will be) Such was the .neat. mVltation ~ lUI1t"i.ill nnt,'1 ~tvI released him of ber. Rev. P. 0 .. Thompson, oft.itclat\ng. ftutteriq tear wa.a upon taat brow, No one who looked upon that face . ted ceived by the glrl-fnends of Miss 'T'" • ~ ..., " . l-I"'t . . M'l:IU1',l.'. cern. but rat~r a 100t. is su",eri~. Interment was ~a de ~ ... of' rapture, as 0 f could doubt the boon of His love apprecla . • _ . JeliSie Marlatt. Th e a ft emoon was . . etery. one who sees Hw.. fa~ to. fac~ which death had brought, or could A GOOD SECOND CROP in,leed an enjoyable one and ~any 'fhOl~ I\rt gone dear husband, ~~~ As the shaclowa ~ ~~ing deep-doubt that that mother had found useful pieces of china were received Fa~er, hrotll~r, nelghborto usal\. POULT~" .\SSOqAT,ON ened. and t~~ ~ oUhe night her babiee again. Jason SheehaD sent us a bunch of Qy the bride-to-be. Dainty refreshWe ~rl oqlr walt a~d labor: ---w~d8 waf'eQ ~ aDd o.ut about that, Over that countenance a great second Il'fowth rasplterries Monday. ments were served and lhe guests J?ilOJl W\l ~oo IIh~nh\lCP H\s cali. so!~~i:aYh:idTo:n=~l::':~I~i ~e dyina bed, ~ JW)ther er-emed. in sweetness had come. The furrows The ~berries were plentiful on .the departed th~nking the hostesses for . tJ.$) ' ~~D ~f ~Ho\NK8 Township House, Fri<w ~vening w~th unsevD fwma, tmy Life hEld chiseled. Death erased. branch and they surely tasted Just a pleasant tIme spent. The fo~low. bec,on~ "er, ~n.d hands The snowy hair he converted into a like raspberries. ing persons were invited: MlS8"S , We !i~Te to eXllress our gratitude But few ' memb~rlJ. Wtor, ~r~nt. A and ~~ bee~ed her; shining crown. Over the careworn, • - • Donna Hawke. Eleanor Merritt • .' t.o o.qr ~elghllo~ and friends who 80 talk by Qf. ~. ~. ~ro'«J:l wa,s very the BWeel ~ "'at I" her face, tbe sorrow-seamed features the tracery WilL· 00 TO FAIR Luella (hrnell. Ruth Hartsock, -.' ~hicJly a!IIIillttMl Q8 during the illness interest\"llr' ~e . ~pJa~~eq and de- wh\Bperec! wb~ alae sPQie. all tell ot. Ris I()ve wrote-Peace. The tired B' E I E Stella Lemmon, Lucy Harri!lOn, Mrs. .'Jm<l 4~1Jl pf our bUlband and fathAr. monatrated ~e e¥i i~ " •• \ts stages,..lB "\'A_ I' 1 I . Dr. J. E. {'own, ar vans, k M Sal' bury and , ' " M.~.. Wo~nard an4 Children. showing the gooil and b,aq 8JgII, and I ed amo~_~~" aga n- ler ~~t hands he folded mto a cr088, over Mrs. E. S. Baily Mrs. A. B. Sides Fred Hartso~ ary IS . I I cd h to ~L' \1 A# h'eh .ov onea-",-... ng ~C8 more e the brolten heart now made wbole d a1 'f her'" will Ellen Sherw . , .--- - , I ~" i exp a. tl ow 1II1'~.. a w W I old' 8weet Paths hearing once more • an sever more rom :-. •- • 0:' It .P.A1Na:U~ ACC1o.HlIIT was very \qwre:t~~ tQ 1\\11 heal'CrB tb~ liaping bab~ prattle, te9.ching ap~r Mother! The flowers which show their chickens at too falr thm CARD OF THANKS.

~rigbt, into nelds of usefulneSil.





them ~nce apn the tint falterina' life withhel.m deck the turf which week. • -.. . Appreciating the help and.. ~ympa. '. tOotste~; her "I~r.ns ,weet. God- covers thy bed the morrow, strewn NOTICE . tb 11 d The High school played ball MOJ1~ lent. 10 ah,ort ollwhll.... to. be ealled by the '. hands which withheld, thy shoWIl us durmg , e 1 , ness an day evening. The Lytle team.w~ to back frota the waltiae',toil· of earth bap~. by tears of remOn8; The men of the Mt. Holly churea death of our beloved "~'J~~w;p"~-~IJla' . beenpe~, .but. fail~·~to.ahbw Now ill madelaaered by,.the .'s .rtlean lee ~ SOcial on. the nab E. ·Fetter. we wish., r~wilifi"L The ~wn boys . /\. In·front of .. theehurcb, Satdr-. sineeretbanka to PlA vaD HALL




t~l.b : . q,f,,\J .

' I¥l)~r t.~ ~el'J.t-n~8b~1Qr:t



The Miami Gazette IMAKING



PUbIiSher· OIlIO .


QUEER SCHOOLS. There Is In St. Peterebur~ &II In· Addition of Floats or Acid Phosphate Doubles Its Value .tttutlon wbere young men a re train' By Increasing Amount of Available Phosphoric Iftd tor Berdee aft police. The course Acid-Can Be Used in the Barn ot Ins tru ction provided Is s uppl~ m en· tal to Ihe examination given by munl· ci pal autho·. l tles, 811Y& th e New York Herald. Special st udy ;8 given by pupils to Iha tools ot varloua kInds emplored by proteslll ona l th Ieves. There I. a dan devo t .. d 11011'1), to ·the stu dy ot forgen- , ""Itb particula r reference to t be fa lslfrln g ot slgnlL' (urea and vial/II on passports, II mos t tm po rt a nt consideratIon In the pe r· formance oC tbe duties ot a Russ ia n policeman. A I cbool tor croupIe rs Is conducted at Monte Ca rlo. DurIng the IIDmmer monllll. to tbe dub room or tbtl ':'II' aux Pigeons and the Salle de'Escrlme, In t he Casino buildIng, a spirants for tbe otnce ot croup ier learn the operation ot gamb ling tao . bles. Each pupil must rrom tim e to time, 1I'h lle otbers are Im pe rsonatin g players and making their res pectiv e wagers, conduct the game and learn Any of the above material. can be uaed for re inforcing manure. how Ins tantly to ca lcul ate and to pay out the wlnnlnr; stakes. Generally, It Manure Is the best crop produce r. I turned 98 cents. The usc oC eltber Is Is laId. there are about 60 or 70 pupU. in thls 8chool. and a Ilx months' II -s hould be used beca use It Is cheap 1 profitable. Acid phosphate ca n be purchased ot course Is dee~d Bumclent to tum out lind Is a by·product of the fu rlll. QuIte flnlshed croupIer&. Brulsels bu a often the stutement Is mad e hy farm· any fertilize r desler. It costs .about .chool tor tbe In.tructlon ot gra-- erB t ha t ple nly of m a nure Is all thut $15 pe r ton. but can be secured In less 18 necessary to k e€ p up th e Ce rtllit y than ton lots. Ground phos phate roc k dlr;&'Cra. Thll ATe'l'l'lOme Inemutlon of the soil. Uudoub tedly. on tbose or fi.oats COlt about $8 per Ion wben wu found~d by thl dlrectol'l or the farms where all at the crops are fed purc hased In carload lots. As the Evere oemetefT, All candl~tM for In addition to some purchased feeds average deale r does not carry this rna· appointment •• ":xton. througbout and tbe manure Is return ed to tbe soil. terlal In IItock. It m~s t be bought In Be\f;lum mUlt pall an examination at the yields of the crop. can be malu· that Wll)'. A car contblns 22 tona. One thJI Ichool before they can obtaln em· lalned for a long period ot years or man u8ually does not care to buy that even Inerea.e d. But tbe great major· amount; four to Ilx me n can buy It ployment &8 &T8vedlggera. or farms do not produce sumclent jointly. Whet he r acid phosph nte or noata Is What Is a Jay walller! We all1rnow manure to ke ep up the tertlHty by Its him and reco8Utze him al a peat,' but I\se alone. Manure Is ot great value, applied, the amount used should be bu t It needl the addition of some oth· about 40 pounds to each ton of manure Kan.u CIty .al flrBt In glvlllg hIm er materIals to brIng alit Its highest or 1 % JlOunds tor ellch one thouaalld a name and tieparate clallflcatlon- value. Tbe amount of phosphoric acid pounds of live welgbt of t he animals The jay walker II the person who "'hlch It contaJns Is 1I0t In proportion producing Ibe manure, Where barns walkl or loiters III crowded Itreeta, to tbe amount of nitrogen and potalh. baTe tight floors. and are cleaned every totall,. Indifferent to the rigbta anel Some phosphoric acid Ihould. there· da,.. this materlal may be scatt ered convenience of thole he comel In con· tact with there. In croaalllg from one • ldewAik to another he Ignore. the croaa-wallul and meanderl among wagon I, traction cars and automobiles with a recklessnesl that puts the drivel'l In danger of heart failure. On a crowded Iidewalk he lqlepi to the left Instead ot to tbe right, rough· ly shouldering his way through the oncoming' stream of humanity. He .tops to talk with acqualntanceB on bU8y comera, planttng hlmeetr be will moat Interfere wIth the prog· ...,11 of the people passlug b,.. On tbe lIarrow boardwalk In front of an ex· cavatlon tor a new building he lelaurtl17 surveYll the operatlonB going on behlnd the rence. compelling all who wiBh to pall to .tep off "pOn tile dlrty pavement.



Practical Fashions' I M~e the Liver

~__________~ ' Dolb Du~

Nine' times in ten when th o liver III right the stomach and bowelo ar ~ right.


mIt ness


gently but fi rmly pel a lazy liver do itf! duty. Cures Con.Up.tioo, 10d i••• lion, Sick Headacbe. and Di.tTe.. After Eatintr, SMALL PILL. SMAU DOSE. SMALL PRlCB. Genuine must bea.r Signature

That the Churdl Is Really Doing thc Works of God.


HESE ar e Qualities Indi spe nsable to tbe cb urch thnt would Drove trlle to Ita Mas ter li nd ncco m· pllsh Ito uppoi nted miSSion. It al Ust Ul a nlfest n life o f , eulline pu r· Ity, and It mllst produce th o tr ults of righteousness. 'The 1Jc ollle ot God siloul d be dlstln, ~1I18bed by Irreproacha ble livIng. Their Men and I\ otnen who are odd might tlli ly cond uct ~ hould be In ba rmon, r;et e ve n by marrying. "'ltb th e bes t Cb rl ij tlnn standanls a nd Ideall. It Is wrllten tbat one of tbe Dun' , buy .... Ier ru r UIUIIl!f. l.I1'\ulll hluo t. I~ bler e le m ent s oC pure IUId undefiled II1m o61 It It " B t ~r. lIuy Re~ ero.. illl lt BlUe, rcll&;IOII Is tLt t a man ~ hall "k ee p l.b o blu. I bal '. all ula •. bltr.s elf unspotted from the world." It The Natural Inference. 1/1 th e 111m ot tbe CIITOes t ChrIstian te Wbll e ali t motoring th e oth er d uy, I ~e t horough ly Cbrlst.lIke. Tbut In· 5679 rou aeroSA an old frI e nd of m lnc." "olves a const a nt, persiste nt, courag& "Wus he mlll'h h urt?" ",us elrort to g et rid "C whntever II llUrtrul and evil. to acquire whatev e r Is What conl,l be more dainty for a Important to Mothora Itood and Godlike. A renl Ch ri s tian 18 email girl than thts attractlvft oneE~amln (' ca rerull y evory bottle ot ambitiou s to be saI n tly . He et rlns pIece track, 1\'hlch I. quite 81m pIe to CASTOHIA. a 811 ( 0 and Bure r emed y tor nfter the goal of perfec tlou. He Is conaL-uct ? The garment Is cut In one Infants li nd ch ildre n. a nd s ce thal It ILn xlo u8 BO to )I\' e befo re tho eyes of piece and la made wltb plaits ave!"' Boors the ~/~ his te llo w men th n t hl a exaDi pIe 8 ha ll the sboulder. front and back, extend· I!ver lnap.ire them to aeek after hall· Ing to llIe bem of tbe drels. A belt Slgnatureof~~ ,Less. bold8 tbe trock In place. Any waut· In Ulle For Over 30 Years . Tbe church Is crillclzed very seve re- ed wasb fabric ma, be uled, and the Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria . 17 today on the ground tb a.t Itl memo collar may be of contra,Ung aoodl, • Envloul, Perhaps, liters 40 not \lve up to the require- as lunested by the tlultratiolL "'I'm IIIrnld our friend Scrapsloy II Pattern (6879) 1& cut In .Inl 8 to coents ot their profe8810n ; that their Uvea are not one whit beuer than the 12 yean, MedIum Ilae will requl~ Z,", a Soclallet. " No. You misjudge Serapaley. What lav•• of m ultltude8 ot men and wom- yard of 36 Incb material and " makes hIm Bore 16 tbe tact thal lu en wbo make rellglou. pret.eDl,lon.. of a yard of lS·lnch aU-<)Yer. T o procure ,bl. PI'\tlfn. Hnd 10 cent. to ' Iplte ot the hlgb cotll of living. som. l'be lad part oC It la that In man.r .... ltern Department" or 'hi' .,aper. Writ. case8 tbe critiCism Ie true. An em· name and addr". plainly. agel be .ure to cty. men manage to lead doubl e lives." elent churcb mUlt Illustrate In the abe. and aumbel' or paltern. Too Much Renunclltlon, IIve8 oC Ita membera the beauty of hall· "How foolish you women are," 8ald I1C18 anI! the rugged atrenglll of right· NO 5879. m& ·- ... .. ·· ····· .. · Mr. Nacg to hI. b eUer half. " You tOU8nee •. NAMli: .. ......... ....... .. .. _..... ..... .. . don't catch men dOing such things u LInked with this eaaenUal II faith· JOining 'Don't Worry' clubs." flUlne... The muter oC llIe garden II TOWN ... .. ....... . . ................. . .. .. "Of cours e not." snapped Mrs Nngg. interelted lIot 80 lIIuch In tbe Iymlll. . BTUKT AND NO... ... .. .. ...... . ..... . "Men couldn't give up the pleas ure or tJl7 ot , the tree or the abundance aI worrying tMllr wives." Ita fOU . .e u III Ita procluclnc power. STATE ..... ........ ..... ... ..... ...... . . . . "Hereln lit my Father ,Iorified. that Orphanagll In TurkftY, ,e bear much 'rult; so lhall ye be my There are 2~ orphanages In the dl5Clple .... saId Jesul to hls tollowel'l MISSES' DRESS. Turkhih e mpire. conducted by Amerl. on tbe nl&,bt before he died, , cans. enrolling 3.000 Inmatell. In con· .. Te,t Applied to the Church. n ectlon wllb lheBe orphanages an In• To this supreme rellglou, test ever, dUstrlal wOl"k lias sprung up whlcb c1hureh muat aubmlt. Hal It borne gives employment to over 10,000 peotJ:ult In good works! Has It elevated ple In addition to t be ol'tlh ans, The tbe moral standardl of tbe commu· work Is largel y done by the wIdo ws nlty! Haa It wielded a wholesome and orphans and Includ es rug and Influenco upon buslne.s and 1I0cln.!lIfe~ Ince·malllng. variOUS form s ot em· Has It atood courageously fo r rlgbt· broide ry. and othe r dom estle work . e,o us ne.11 Would It I dl5l)rganl%atlon 'fbe produ ct at these Institution s fin d prove a calamlty to th4! nolsbborbood T .a market ab road. Haa a saving. aa.tlctlfylnii. Insplrlnl C'ospel been preacbed from Its pulpit., Barber Shops In China, .. IOspel tbat has produced actual. Since the Chinese r evolu tion a great "ractlcn.! results In human II vcs? Has many Chinese have bad their cues cut the Sabbath scbool t..rn.iJllng been belp. oa. and tbls bas led to the opening of r111 In reI lilting In the bulldlng up of a. large numbQJ:.-'l1 barber Abopl! allan-cllaracter- amr-th prepl.ra· throug hout t be far east whereve r Ch i· tUon ot young people tor cQnlecra.ted ncse are located. oaY8 an exchange. eervlce? lias the missionary Bplrlt S everal pror;ress lve busIness lIl en of been developed In such a tanner as Singapore. antlclpatlng this; Imported to gIve boys and girl. and Illsn and a large number at American bnrber "'omen a clear vision of the needy chaIrs, a lld they are now uu ab le to neld8 of the world and an earnest deget s upplies QuIckly enough. It, has .... There has ltarted In Baltimore a lare to do their full share of the wor.1t III so been learned that the Chinese In· plan to deal with Itreet iaYBtemlltlo Df tbe kIngdom? Has the church . stst on bavlng Ame rican ball" clippers, through the lives and labors at III mendicants In a practical and sensl· and refuse all otber makes olfcred a:lemhers, led many lIouls out of the ilie way. lIaya 'the Baltimore Amerl: It " ' ould seem tha t AmerIcan manu· or floata can be scattered In the trench behind the ani· bonda&'B of sin into the glorious. trel'facture rs or barbers' supplies sbould , ma! s each day after clianing, can, As a result of a conference a dlom of the chlldl"en of God? It Is eXJlerien ce a IlW'ge Increase In t he Ir apectal mendIcancy oIDcer hal been not a. question ot names ..dded to the Oriental trade. 'appoInted to make a careful enml· fore, be added . It Ilone of tbts ele· behind tbe animals eaeb day after I of Buccess III runnJni tbe eccle· nation of each caee and 8uggest the me nt Is sUPI,Ued. there Is, even In tile cleaning. Put ting It on top of th e load Illsllcal macblnery. It I. not a quo .. A Word to tr,. Wile, In the spreader Is not suffi cle ut be5876 wtaeat method of dealing wIth It. He best system of \I ve stock farming. a Uon ot material proBperlty or of bar· The proverbial advIce, "Cobbler. Blow but steady drain on the supply In caUBe It doe s not become t horoughly . will have plenty to do. although Itreet monlou. relations. It II a queaUon of lUck to your last:' had an OPJloslt. the 8011, During the past 17 yeara milled with the mnnur., In the cov· (I'ult-bearlng. This Is the Master's . begpre are not a. !lumerou. as they exemplification In the following aneQmanurjl taken trom tbe yard alld ap- ered Yal"d It can be applied by s catter· rule: " 13y tbelr fruita ye Iball bo• a few ye&rtl ago, Still tbere are piled to the corn and wheat In a five· Ine- ove r the surface two or tbree Utuee dote, for whlcb Zion'. A~vocate Is reaponllble. an abundance of them. lurel,. enough year rotatIon at Wooster has produced esch week. The animals will ml:x It them," HoUD'e.1 and rrulUulneal, tbese are A colored mac was brought before to keep an omcer bUI,., Some of an Incl"eaae equal to $2.58 per ton ot with the manure by tramp ing. One lure marks of tbe cburch tba.t Is really theBe mendicants have grown old tn manure, By addlng .40 pounds of floats caution should be observed- aCid phos· All Ole' Un. of ttlll chumln. dre.. Ii police judge. charged wIth s teallne doing tbe work or God In the world, Tbe frock chickens. He pleaded guilty. end rethe bUllnel8 and are familiar ftl'tlrea to each ton. the manure became worth phate should not be allowed to come Upon such a church resta the divine are chlldlill and dever, l'eHntl bne of tbe prettlelt d. ceived lIectence. when the Jud ge asked In contact with the boofs of a t I ' ,3 .60 per ton ; and the addition of 40 on bu.,. shopping Itreets. Few. It how It was he managed to 11ft those lIps of tbe summ .... and I. eo cUI day after day. as It will make them any. or them. are worthy of cbnrltJ'. pounds of acId pbosphate brought Its to make tbat the' yolin. "r~ leamln. chickens right under the window of sore. It It Is cove r ed wllh Bome litter wOl"th up to $4 .07 per ton . The acid The,. Ita,. III the bUllntltl' becaule Joy of Our Hindrance •• to .ew can tullion It wltbQllt dlf· their owner's house when thel"o W1\8 a after being applied. no Injurlou8 rethey find It the ea.telt way to ,et phosphate cost 32 cents; It returned We could never know the Joyal ftculty, The garment hili ttle body dog In tbe yard. $1.49. The (lonts cost 16 cents; It ra- sulta will fol!ow. food and drlllk, elpeclall,. drink. "HIt wouldn't be at no Ule, jlldge." o'v ercomlng unless there were some- and lIenee cut In one, aDd tb~ em· thing to overcome. Every time tbere plre iklrt II a four· gored model. The laId the culprIt. "to try to 'splaln dl. Er you was to try obtrudes itself Into our Ufe lIoest design offers choIce of a wtde ranee tblng to you all. One portion of the Brltl.h Illet I. of suItable materials and the collar 11 it, like as not you would gtt rer hide sharp. uJiwelcome. dlstaste!ul · cIrcum, Dot likely to take much Interest In staDce. tbls Is an invitation to enter pretty trimmed wltb bands of COD· fun o· shot, an' glt no Chickens, nel· the bill for reformIng the calendar at once Into II. prIvilege, an achieve- trastlna fabric and augge.ted by the ther. Et yon want to en&sge In any rAlcallt)'. Judge. yo' bettah stick to which II to bc In troduced Into parment, Ii Joy. tbat we could not know drawln,. Pattem 158i6) t. cut In ,Izes 14. 18 de bencb. whar yo' am ramllhl.r." llAment. says the London Globe. The except tor the unwelcome Intrusion, and 18 ),earll, and II 8ultable for the act enforcing the Gre gorian calendar What a new glory OUI" hindered. 11m, Imall woman. as well as the mIll. was paned 161 years ago, but It II It.ed. interrupted life take!! on when Age 16 require, 4% yards ot 30 Inch we really see It In tbls light, and bon· materIal and 'Ii yard d Z7·lnch COD· ItIIl Ignored In Shetland. Almost all eatty believe In the power at Chl"lBt trast1ng good .. through the group ot lalands the old to lead us always In trIumph throOch Ityle of reckoning time Is stlll rol· To procure thl. pattern , . rnd to cent. to every ' oblt.cle that Satan Intended ~.ttfm Department'· or thi. paper. Writ. lowed. What we call January 13 Is [or our annoyance and defeat! To name and addt". p1ainly. and be aut'!' to 8'!VG New Year's day among the Sbptland· alee" aad Dumber of PQttern. o,oethe Is attributed tbe Baying that 21'8 and celebrated by them with all he never had a chagrin but he made Of EnjoymentInauner or old observances, Including ~.JzE .. . .... . ..... .. :. ,a .poem . of It. But no mer a determl· NO 58711, the solemn drinking of the national nallon to do this can Inlure It In an, NAME •••••• __ ._..................... . ... . loast-"Health to man and death to life, Obrlst alone 18 equal to It; yet the gray fiah." Cbrist Is so suftlcleht that the verl' TOWN ....--•• -_ ••••••••• .• •••. .•.. •. •••• lI'ords cbagrln alld dlfest may drOll STRBET AND NO...................... . out of our espel1ence. He has over· King Altonso of Spain .topped a c,ome tbe world In wblcb we musl 8T AT& ••• • •••••••..• ..•• : • . . ••• •• ••••••••• runaway horse and saved tbe lite ot live. Therefore WI hindering world III tbe very best place In the universe one of bls generals. Send Altonso a lust now for U8 to know · and prove bero medal at once. Let us encourage The Caule "t His RI.e.. ') b :l. overcomIng power, the kIngs when eve!' tbere I. a cbance "Your father's name Is bolng men· Served with cream, tined quite · frequently In the papers to do '0. They get 10 little praIa .. pointIng a Mor.I • . or fnn't-freab or eooked. ·· , lately," lald the fretlhman, . . and sympathy that It often seems re.A. Chinese preacher. In urging tlIt .. Y..... replied the 8Ophomore. ~be markable that tbey bave tbe COurB&e .Ilcredn~as of the Lorll'B da,.. used thli hu beau to act on "vt~ to do anything wortb while. Crisp. golden-brown ,bib I .tory: "It' came to pasl that a man Cucumbers for ploklel. The one In center is proper .hape and .Ize for WeDt to market. having on his ahoul· No Relort Campl.te Wlthcut HIm. · of white ''' com - delici~, pickling; on right size uled for Iweet pickles ; on left too large and tmpr:opdllr a Itrlng at leven large copper Some of the athlete. thl, countrt er &lIape, ''Who 11 the. beautiful YOUDg mBII and wbol~-" COlD. (Chinese coins 'are strung oa over there by the botel plaua.r ant to 8tockholm are BUll havln, . • trlnD and carrted on tlIe Ihoulder), "That's Jimmie Bweet. He'a a prothe time of theIr lives In Europe, and The commOIl home method of pick; the surtace and that the cucumtera seelDg a be,gar ~rylne rt)r ' aim:e, ht f.lslonal propoler." > • It helps a lot to know that tlletr fel- Ill!g consist In firat soaking the groon are not becomIng soft and shriveled. Ii pTe the. poor creature IIx of hIJ "What's that! A prof••lonal Pl'O!. low ciUaena at home feel that noth- cu~umbers In st..rong brille and tlnally this haplK'ns the brine should be pour- ....ell COIllL Theil ' the· Ilenar. IUlted pOler'" ," lq can be too aood tor them. cratetul. crept · up behind put1tllg tbe m down In spiced vinegar. ed ott. boiled, and. U · necesBl.!'f. frel" or. Any .tOl. the' ae'venUl' He! a~:::~t:;:;4:~, ' ''Yee, The brine should be strong enough "to 8Blltk'lad~ed, th 10ft or 'dlllriveleci ~e1~ 8: pee. are rown-'1lWay an ~.boJDlnabl. ",~noIWa,[ . A New York man has Invented • bear It p an egg.. or better. a C.Ullf~l · o! malnl:oag good op-es rln,ed oft aDlIl,'lIIUt. . thta ' .' macblne whereby one ma, IIild out mIt to four· cupfuls! of water. The ' Into f!'elh tbto old '.;'h,n one II In love. Now let 10m • • pickles may be lett in this. ~l\1,,~ tor 'tt bas, teflD detlCrlbe1Cl'illio've. ~! Invent a machine that will en· one day to BeY-eral montIui, b.ut'in the to eJeclde wtlen (Jill Ia ba. .latter ClBSO careful watch mUllt: be k~pt. COI1E~~t!~;~~!~~i1~~lW~r;t~'" , to .ee that 09 white spots appear 011 "

~~ ._ ---










Post Toasties







.bTdro~;r~"lanel, ~




UST now when It hll3 become a~ barent that the aeroplane entallll too lfTeat a risk for the sporlJi' man, III v en lora of Dying machine. the world over are turnln, th eIr at· tenUon to the bydro·aeroplane . 'rbls comparatively new aIr craft bas gLven a Cresb Im pehus to the uusl· Dess side of flying lJy reduclng the elewent of danger so tbat th e aviator l'1ay feel It prudent (0 go tor sn air aall without ftrat makin g hie will. AI· though the water plane did not come Int u uae untll about 18 monlhs ago, H has rapidly Kalned In popu larity frow the tact tllat It 11aa not been tbe





'W"T.e.R 1' cause of a alngle fatality at eerlous accident. It Is true there have b een plent, o[ .pllls and duck· ings and coun· terparll ot accl·. d enls In which aviators ha, e .Ost their lI,e. In 1 • n d machlllel, but tbe 1'1l01l of the water mao

· or.





J. O'Brien, Amb .... dor teo, Hale at Last Found SultIlble Re.ldence.


o~le. -Thomas J . m~r cn n ambassador,

O'Brlen, the has at last Bohe.1 In 8, most sultnule way the Question of hIs residence all the rep· rosental1ve of a power like th e United Btates. In Rome Ithe ambassador of a great country CR n h a rdl y live, wIthout losing some nresl1ge, In a modern house or vllla. The rcsl denc" whi ch the l<'rench ambaBSIIdor OCC Upl>l8, th e Palazzo Far· A

Corn~, r

the water several hutidred foct below. , that a bydroaero1'fane was ready for The macblne fortunately did not bit a trIal. The first tests were failures . ferryboat and conllequently there wa. and for two weeks dally the macl1lnEo on IT the 10111 of a camera. was. set afloat to und e rgo aOlne new It _a wll1l9 maldng theae ftghts change, some knowledge lIemg gained that Colfyn demoostra~d tbe felUllbll· fl'Oill each test. Assisting. wltb tbe it)' or communlcatlng wltb sblps In experiments were - Lieut. Tbeodore caae of emergency. He tlew down the Ellyson or the navy and Lleul. Paul harbor and ov,rtook the Jtallan liner Beck, . Ueut. John C. Walker, Jr., and Axona and landed a paasene4!T wIth· lbe late E. M . Kell:r of tbe army: out the IIlIghtest dlmcuU,.. Coffyn aft· Hugh Robinson nnd C. C. Witmer. erwar4 uld he could have caugbt the aviators of the camp. 1i0 mfl,\!s outsIde New York Just Tile men wore balhlng sulta usual· AI . . IUy, 11 and no one tbought anythIng of .It would also seem that tbe water wet clotblag. or cold feet. Tbe BUC' mac.b lne · would be valuable for life. I!ess which C!Ill1e January 26 was n uvlne purposes along tbe coasl Our. surprise even to 1>fr. Curllss. On this Ing the Chicago aviation meet lost day the machine WlIJI taken out for August all ulator lost control while Its uimal Inspectlon and much to tbe flYln'g and was pitched Into the water. delight and surprise ot Mr. Curtiss, Tbree-quartera of a mile a'\-ay Aviator the pilot. It leaped · Into tbe air. Hugh Robinson was performing clrclea The success was electrifying. Tbe It. a Curti .. Seeing hili tel. spectators ran along the )Jeaeb shout· 1011' lUer 10 distress, 'he fiew ~o the res. Ing nnd the IIhlps that caught sight cue at a mile a mInute, reacbed the of tbe man gull sent exultant lIast8 . sPOt, landed on tile water alongside the This event marked the success of s lubmerged aeroplane and otrered to n ew filer. give tbe plot a 11ft. All this In lesa I Thel'e Were dally mghts tberearte r. than OIIe minute. with and Without passengers. The On another occasion Naval Aviator navies or the world were Quick to Herb.let while carrying a passenger recogniZe Ha value as an auxiliary. It over Ban Diego Bay bad some mis- had hRrdly attained success before hap In aUgbtlng and turned over. Tbls the United States navy acquired an WAI. about bait a mile from tbe Ibore. hydroplane for experimenting and It Long before motor boats could reach has since added otbere. An aviation tbe spot Harry Atwood had launched section In charge of Capt. Washing' his macbJne from Ihe bcach and In ton trvlng Chambers bas 81nco beeo eslJibllshed at Annapolis. Other nc. less than a minute was to the relcue tlons tailing to develop a relIable of Mr, Her.b ster and hie passenger. aeroplane followed In line and ar. Neither wu burt, and both preferred derod machines ' from Am I to ltay by their machIne. which was cr ca. upllide down In the water, until a moNew U.e for Library Plus. tor boat came to tow It to shore. A gay scene Is presented dally on A Hammond,port pb:rslc1an who bad the west plaza of the public Ilbrllr) received an urgent call to lee a pa· theBe Bummer dSYI. A n.w use (lOS tlent acrosl Lake Keuta, not being been found for It which doubtless Gad able to pt a bo.t at once, found an no place In tbe architects' scbern .. • vlator to tate blm there. Tbe paLIttle children run races wbell It Is tient wal In a serious eondltlon, and not too hot or draw their lo)'s back the tlmo sa,ed was Important. and forth over the long expoansl! of Thll new aircraft Is not IImltod to Hogging. Older children flM shad, the water. It CaD fly at a speed ot nooks about the Bryant tountal'l , 60 11111011' or more, Iklm the water at where tber 8ew or read, sometimes 60 mllea and run over the ground at to the IItUe ones or to tbe mothen 36 mllea. It thereCore mulls thf> con· ,.. ho also find Ume to get away Crom quellt ot three elemeDts--alr, water the dose tenemenll, and· enjoy Q rest and eartb. In tb.e Quiet open IIpaee . 11141 hydroaeroplane Is eS8entially an It .\1 wltblo waiklni distance of a aeroplane equipped with floats til take large ten'em8nt dlstrlot. It Is not eas, the plaoe ot wlleels. Almoet every for the poor to find luch a place, an d builder baa his own Ideas tor a bydro, so tar · the p.,.k loalera have not In. and hnrdly any two nre exactly alike. ".ded It. .It belongs to tbe women llnd . America ' " far ahead of Europe In children. . .

':'seDa Cement 'Walk for Ada '

of tbe ad,~rtIae.rl t\\Tnlllbed aluminum leUers atid .numeralJ/l a~o'u't 3 Iocbel higb. AJtl!ou*1l thit' lldewalk has now been' la!.t for lOme time, the outUnGl at the ,Jetter.' ~ aatd to be a. wbeD nrat macle. ·' . , "'.o"'-;::-~~-:---"';:"

Ring. Chue Each Other When Pa· pllr II Turned to Right or LeftHoop. Change Poeltlon •.

of the Garden Wall.

nese, Is a nallonp~ monument In Itself. The Aus tri an arnbassador 1I I'es In tho Palazzo V.~ne~la, a stl'ongbold, so· oalled, becaule It belonged to the Republlc or DOges. Tbe ambassador of Spain halt th e Palazzo dl Spagna, whIch Cor cen· turles bOUised the gran,lees or that country. 'lrhe German ambassador Is housed In tbe Palazzo (, halfarelll, which from the h eig hts of the capitol frowns over the Eternal City below. The Japan4~ se ambassador lives In the historic Palazzo AllIere, erected In Ambassador O'Brlcn understood this sltuallon and set to work to find a proper r es id ence, which for a. time seemed ImpossIble. He sIgned a con· tract to occupy a gorgeous apartment In the Palazzo Barberlnl, a most 1m· posing strlUcture or the Renaissance, begun In :1624, and ftnlshed by th(l ubIquitous BerninI, whoBe works con· front one Ilt every turn In Rome.



There are some trIcks that can bl! played on a person 's eyc8 which are pure llIuslon8. Hold this pape r a foot or more from your eye8 and turn It gently round to tbe right or left, In small clrcle8. keeping your eyes fix ed on the tbree slllall rings, as shown In Lh e lIIustrallon . A s you OIO\'e the paper round like th e bnnds ot a watch you vdllllnd that tbe rIngs In these clrcles seem to chase eac h other In tbe same dlrec· t1on, and tbe looger and more Intent· Iy you look at It tile faster tlley go . Ci rcles can .be made with spokes In them whlcb to some persons scem to be going In thn opposite dlrectlon to that In which Lho paper Is turn ed. but the illusion III not so perfect unless


fered not h 1 n e cbloe than. 'have wetsu!: :worse tins. T/lere bAYe been IICme striking II· IUltraUoiu of this. 'For Illstance, on i'ebruarT 10 HUlh Robinson whUe fly,ID, at Antlbu, near Nlce~ France, • aUr~ out to elve a demonltratioD . bt rough weather. When be atteIDPt. --elt-to come down the ahore was crowd· ed with apectators Rnd he wa. forced to delicend ol!, the water. All he w.. about to Eettle a big wan .rolled_ up , and hit the taU of the machine•. pllcb iD, . blm out bead flrel Roblnlon . . caped wltb a. drenching. Two ,ears before John B. Molunt WAI lIllIed 10 just sucb a fall on land. - IW hlle making Ii. fllgbt of 370 mllel - alon', the MissIssippi river RoblnllOU" CDot~r. stoppenut over the river. He ~acbed the water, clrlfted shoreward and Wtls towed back to the .tarUllC IIOI.n t by a boat. · . · It t. thl. margin of 'satety tbat · iii.tea the hydro·aeroplane popular ;wIth the IPortsman, wbo heretofore taaa hesitated about taking ilP firing lor the reUon tbat the sensatlon. did • ~ IDOt Ju.tlf~ the risk. Aeroplane buUd, 'en both III Euro2e aDd America have ~a'ft1!elr to the"' slt.uatlon and are ' lurning out macblnes flUed with ftoats h,.dros. aeronautical organizations ' The thro\l&hout tbe conntr, have been 1mJPrened wltb this clean record of the • lkidro·lLe.r oplane and are doing tbelr utmOit to promote thul ftJrm.of flight. 'AI a consequence schools are being . .tabU.hed along waler-fronll to BUPIllant the aerodromes 011 land. This aiODe Ihould InBure a liberal patron. ." when It II considered that tbe 'Aero Club of America and Ita amUated cluba alone have a membersblp of 8,000 and the AeronauUcal of New York hall about 1100 members, Oil il rainy da, laat J4a)' Hr. Collier, 'Wtlb Walter Brooklnl aa plot, flew from Seidler', Beacb to the flqshlp ,W ublDrton, anchored olr NlnetY'llnh .treet, to deliver an III vltallon to Ad'lDiral Osterhaul to attl!lld tbe Aero ¥ow then In progre,tlll of the Grand tlentral-Palll-ce. ~evloU8 to that Ad· mlral Oateabau8 jlad contended that tlO ft,lng~ machIne was worth more OaD ten cents, but be· complete!)' • ~ ang!!dbll mind. " The It·mlles was made In 30 min· ates, good i.,eed belog made on ao. Ieoa,ut '01 "a following wind. By 1Il0tor I<"i".~'..' ;';:" '·-tIIe, trlp .requlrel two boura and by ~ '" .thin uinv.a rd 0'[ at! !lour and a quar· '~' ter. f:." ..... -


Overwatet flying about New York III not an unusual spectacle. Tbousands of persoDB almOit dall¥ for t wo weeks la8t winter watched Frank cotrrn In his Wrlgh'. hydro·aeroplane skim the 8urface of the water of the bay trom thtJ baUery, drift Into the air wltb a moving picture mo cbl ne, hurdle bridges, circle Mi ss J.Jberty, ,pl ral over terrybolds and drop back on ' tbe water with tbe ease of a gull. He hall One or two mlsbaps, but was alwoy s towed bacy safely. Tbe nearest approach to real dan. ger occurred when on onc or lhese flights Colbn dropped his camera In


the matter of much so that thlll ,water plane may be said to be aDw Amerlelln Inventioll . While expl!'rlments were conductea III Europe sIn ce 1905 only one macblDl', the Fahre hydrolleroplllno, as mucb III leCt the water, and IL was wrecked nft, or a few slrort trIals. That was In 11110. The first 'c;olUplete success was nl-' t[llned ~y Olenn H. Curtiss In the early part of 1911 and ror nearly a year he practlcall~ hlld the field to, blmsql!. Tbe Idea of the hydroaI'mplnne, ho we ver, scems to have orlgloot. ed with William Kreas, an Austrian Inve ntor. Atter 27 years ot experlmentlng ho completed a machine fine" with cylindrical floats of Illwmlnllm wbl ch Nere tried out at the Unter·'!"111 nerbach cbantlers In 1898 and 1901. It Dever left the water. In 1902 6nd 1903 tho Wright brothe rs made SODl" elperlm enLs, but they were t erm lnat· ed by tb e breaking of [l dam near U~v­ ton, Ohio. Oth er Invenlors follow ed, but with· out I\n}, pronounced succeS8. Am onlt th Olio notab l,. were Par seval. Du fnux brotb ers. Arcbtleacoll, Gobrlel, Vo iSi n and Oler lot. The last tbreo collaborated In th ei r elfperlments, Vol· sin acting as pilot or tbe machin es, wh leh were tried out over tbe Seine rlv Ar. In July of 1905 VoiSin WIUl trying out a Blerlot In wblch the pllbt was SPRt· ed In a cagelille npparatu8. T he n\achine became submerged and for stolDO second s be was fast ened underneat" tbe water. He did nOL like this ell · ' perl cnce on d after tbat tbe machines werp. fluwn ov er land. Til en In 1911 a long came Glenll H . Curtiss with a sati sfactory solUtion 01 the problem . It was not until J an uary, 1911 .

FORGET "HONOR THY FATHER" 80 8aye Kanl.. HOlplt.1 Chl ef In , Hie Re'port of Youn'll Pe'ople of Th.t Stato. ...

,f ..

Topeka, Ran.-"Honor thy father Bnd tby mother," Is a forgotten doctrine IQ E(ansas, declared Dr. T. C. Biddie, BU'p erlntendent or the Topeka hospital for tbe Insane, In Lis biennial report to tbe state board or control. Dr. Blddl'e caustically arraltns the young people of the state fur their indifference toward the old. Aller reporting a marked Increase of senile dementla sln.ce bls last report, Dr. BiddIe .18 : "It app that among Kansas young people 'honor thy father nnd thy mother' has become an antlquated dogma." Dr, Biddle declares most or tbe cases of senile dementia nre turned over to the state because children do not cnre t o look after their afflicted parents. They nre wllllng to pay the Itate for ~l eeplng thcm. but will not do the work themselves. The people are harmless, simply bavlng 11 breakdown because of sge.

MARRIAGE LICENSE BY PHONE POl'mlt tOI ,Wed luued to Mlnneaota M.n Over the Long.Dlstance Wire by Clerk. Mloneapolls, Minn .-it lacked only one hour until Dr. W. O. Fryberger and MIss Mary Hughes, both ot Min, neapolis, wefe to be wed at Mis s Hugbes' Ilummer home, near Bulralo, Minn., wben the clerk of the district court refused a license to Dr. Fry· bllrger on. the ground that the parties did not reside In the county, In that bour Dr. Frybe ..ger called the clerk of the dilltrict court In Minneapolis, made an affidavit over the long·dletance telephone and recl'lved a permIssion to wed by the lame wa~V', tho clerk of the court at Bu.tralo hiking tbe ree for the Hennepin county olllce. It h ' said to be tho flrst Mae In Hennepin county at a license being [sued ove,r the telephone.

44SMALLEST BABY" THRIVES PhiladelphIa Infant Reache. Weight of Almo.t Two Pound. and la Nea .. Seven I nche. Long. Phllad~!JpM~ .-RulIselJ DnIley. the smallest baby ever born bere, Is mak· Ing rapid atrldes at the Unlverslly bOllpltnJ. Now nearly two weeks old. he ball attained a 'Weight of on8 pound eleven ounces and a length of six and three-qua.rtel' Incbel. The physicians aay that his dlgesUve apparatus Ie normal and that be .houJd thrlve, barrln, unro~~m 1lIrcumltl1nc:el. I

Ch .. lng RlngL the circles are much larger than there Is space for In tbls column. Another curious optical illusion tbat bas puzzled a great Wany persons who ha va tri ed to account for It Is also .hown. It "'e suppose tbeso to represe nt wire hoops whIch ot the m Is nearest you A or B? The answer Is thnt It Is the one you first make up your mind Is nearest you. But now IC )'ou look Bteadlly at It for a few moments yo ur eyes will get Ured ot that IdeB and It w1l1 suddenly shirt that hoop to the furtbest away from you, In sllite of your wishing to keep It as It wall, and after YOIl have looked at







. . .+-1-


Hoops Ch.nge POlltlon •• It In Ita new posItion tor a space It .... UI go back agaln. If you do not decltle which la the nearest to you at nrst, but . just look III the middle hoop steadily, you will see them one way, perhaps with A In front and toward you, and then A wlll suddenly go back and D wlll be In tront.




e~le<il\ ' /II M6.~y \, ,.'....,-o.· 1 would #

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lre know I"\,Ik.. e






1M i..s



Cow· s I,p~


fT1' i 'hl




PORTABLE LAMP FOR CAMPER Convenient Form of Light Conal at. of Acetylene Gnl Generat or and Reflector. A " ery con\' eul ~ lIt form of I nm~ has r e cently b een devi sed for the U90 of campers. hunters, etc. It consists of u portable acetyl en e gas generator. and a burn e r arranged w llh a rellect. 01' which Is open Ilt th e truunt tor tile escape or li p-at. Th e walls of the rslIector are Impe rrorate. to prev ent the jlassage of air tbrough the rellect,)!, when the lamp Is beIng moved ahout or Is exposed to the wind. lu thIs way the dan ger of exti nguishIng tbe IIgbC Is avo ided. The accomllanylng illustration shows In FIg. 1 how the lam~ may be attached to the head ot a mun. while the gas geue rator Is sec ur ed to his belt. Th e detllils of the head attachm en t are shown III the sectional v le~, Fig. 2. The bllrner, A. 19 attached to the flexIble tube, B, whic h runs the generator. Th" refl ector, C, In which tho burner Is titled, Is provided wltb a flnng e along Its outer edge. to which the arms, D, are secu red . These arms are fastened to a cage, E, provid ed with a Btrap, F, whIch i8 strapped about lhe head ot the wearer. As an additional support to the lamp, a small bracket, G. connects th e boltom of the reflector dIrectly to the head. Whon It 18 deelred to use this device on a boat "r In camp. It Is mou'n ted on a etand, H, as Indlcatcd st Fig. 3. Ttils etand ,. formed of two sccllons, one or whlc'll . Is hinged upon tbe otber, so tllat the lamp may be moved laterally. By . meane ot a thumlJ screw. I, tbe two sections may be clamped at any de· sired posillon . The lamp Is taken out ot the h ead gear by unscrewing the bolts, J, and It may be tben taatened In a bracket, K, whlcb la IIwlv. s led on tbe upper end of tbe lland. The swivel ed bracket Is provided wltb a handle, L, whIch enables one to move tbe lamp In any desired dlreo-

NOVEL NUT. . CRACKING CUSTOM Nobody to Take Advantage of Peculiar Prlvllego Allowed In Olden Day •. The modern minister likes to have things Quiet when he talks. It dis· concerts him to hear a baby cry or a woman cough or an old man snore. lt bo Is. put out by such trifles as tbese It Is Interesting to conjecture wbat he would do If lie were to take hold of a congregation where every· body brougbt nuta to crack during the sermon. Worshipers used to do this In England, and even In our own states during colonial days. This dis· turbance was not a weekly occurrence by any means; It It had been. the poor preacher would have undoubtedly lett hIs eongrrgatlon to a~mlnll!ter spirItual consolation to sott themselves. But aa It only bappened once a year he was forced to endure It. This one day whlcb was attended by such remarkable license came tbe Sunday beforo Mlchaelmas day nnd was ealled crack·nut Sunday. Nobody, no matter bow pious he might be, hesl· tRt~ to avail himself of the peculiar prIvilege granted him, and men, women and children came to church with their pockets stuffed with nuts . whIch they complacently cracked and munched during the sormon . It can be easily Imagined that when forty or fifty people get to cracking nuts with all their might tbe noise Is apt to be something terrlflo, and many tlmee , the minister was hRrd put to It to "hear hImself thInk." The CU8· tom, from being regarded with high favor for many years, nnally came to be looked upon as a nuisance, and In the beginning of the present century the habit Willi suppre8sed , although the act or suppression was attended with conslderahle dIfficulty, 80 firmly had lbe nOt'OI'8cklng tever taken bold of the ·fancy at the people.

A Portablo Light for Camper., lion. Tho Inventor of tbls portable lamp Is Mr. O. A. Lovelell of Watera Meel, Mlch.-Scleollfto American. Have Learned From Fide. To keep clean . To swat the fly. To smell bel ore tnstlng. To go In out of tbe rain . To "spealc" wben I want things. To growl at bulll e8. To s ense an enemy and keep d'-' tance. To kno w wuen a mlUlter appeal'll. To rememb er that even bones h.ft marrow. To drink plenty ot cold water. To rerusa t o drink alcohol: To elimInate cats trom my acquaint. ance. To be a fnlthrnl friend, and To bit tho shody spote In AUgUBt.~ Judgc.


Easily Satl.fled. JohnnY'B rua bad company, and na each one was being helped to turkey at dinner eacil was asked what plect . sbo wanted. "I'll have a small pIece of while meat," saId one. "I'll take a joint ' with a little dark meat," laid Bnother, Jobnny wasn't asked, but be laid. "You can gIve me too much of botb kinds, pleaBI.I." .

Willing !b Walt. Paraon-Wouldn't .yuu like to come to Bunda, IIchalll and hear about heavWillie Wanted Pie. . ... ~ en and the beautttttl golden atreets? "Mamma," said fo~r·year-old 'WIiUeLllUe Lola-Yea, lir; but It will take "let's play I ~m. )'our mam~a and jOlt· away the 8urprlse when I eet tbere. are my UtUe b~y." ., • " .. "VerJ·~:we~ dey," replled hili m~ Plcnlo Date W., Upp.rmolt. ' . Tbe Eal'lou-I'm glad' to 8~e ,ou OIl er. "How ' iball 'We ·"Well," ~ailswered tile ,our Waf to Sunday .abool, Alsernon. 'me, for ~ Whit 40~(l1l~P~t to I~rn ~d.,t, • ",on Call AJ,erllon"-WeU, I upeet to leai .. an4 rtl\l11YOU ple~1in't ~4 'rc~,~~lI IIO.J.... '.' , Ihe d.l t' O! ,~e. p~~IC, tor -. ~ . ,




•• ....... -


COUNTY COURT NEWS ................... ..................... ~~




. . . . ;J";w

•• ... ,.....

~tnte uf Ollio VS • •Iobn 'r : Hoock, tI7. Hi. Blondon & !viDI!. 1t'1t1l114t' r . "Ioll •. :,'IUIIII·.. ,,,uarfl ~hl:4 finv NI"l' Vloe8 IItat.e VII. R . W . Conover, 110 ~"'"I'M 3, prnnARIi",1 t.o the ('oullty Uolumboll BIRllk Boo Ii: MIg. Ua, T''''hlllrv III' ''''<t"lrAI undtlr ~ Road reoelpt8 for vnrious town8hlps, lUll H. "'. of Oblo and oOlloled the $1!-1. liO. OhIO Corrngllot.ed Colvert tun,ltl fiudtnl( thort"u. the tct~1 Uo, oul vert pipd, U 19 76 Ohio amll\lntl0lf t o H19036.68, which ()o rru ~llt.ed Colvert Co, oulTert IIogreecl with the uuditor 's ledaer. )I»e 176 Oil Ueo Ii Feldknmp, It. III rrquhetl uoder tbe ~mith ~')n . ·~o. fll and No [16,1125 08 W . nl''' per cent Tux Illw tbat ditJertlDt t; Oruhflm, UOII No .~. ,5~;;0 P 'aX 'OIl boIlrd .. wake appropriatloos B Mouat!, Uon. No ~6, l'3b.7r; F . fflllll ~he fOUlI. "oroeived III tile sewl · A'. l:iillielraud. Uoo . No. 07. $ 115

COl. missioners' Proceedlnjtl

. .. " ~ ~ .. ,


~'. '


Tlais is a ~r8at opportunity for every housewife to test her skill as a soap maker and at the same time win a valuable cash prize. Every woman can enter tllis contest-it doesn 't cost one cent to try- the conditions are as simple as ABC. We want to .prove to every housewife who reads this paper, that with tRe aid of Banner Lye she can make all the soap she needs for her family use.....:...make better soap than she can buy anywhere-make it cheaper, with very little labor and in a very short time.

IlnnullllieUleweo, wiSh she trelli!or The B . Co le Uo. blOl~ prints or er of Warren Couot:v, Ohio tur the Goshen "oet BIIIDche@ter Ho~d.11 HII. oomlnjf tltx woot·hl', tllerefore Tbe aooounh of the two depoel Be It r880lvoo, thai the t!o fUlIlitl- torie", Tb8 Lebanon Nllt,ionltl Blink 1II01l8r8 of Warren COgl1ty make the and The Citizens Nationnl Bank for foll.lwiojC apvropria\lons for the I'lx the month of August were 1I0di ted montbs eoding Deoember 3·1, 11112, 1and found Ol, rreot . frJDl the fund. 80 dl8t.. ibated at The finanoial 8t"tementll of tue 'he Augue' settlement with (;ounty Aodito~ and Treasurer showing tbtl balanoe 10 OIIoli fund Rnd aOOouDt Tt8allurer. · dedI d COOMy ..... .. ..................... . II i337 29 1were prB88nted !loll or er P "oe Eleotloo Expense ... ... .. ...... 754 -iO I00 file . .r odiota.. ....... ..... .. .. ......... .. nos S6 Real Estate Transfers Pour .................. ........ ...... 22113 36 . Brldill .. : ......... ..... ...... . ... ... 82118.96 Windl80h Muhlbauser Brewln~ 1 •• " "~1 12 Co . .,. •. 'Joeeph B. Freoeb, 'aotlan. 00 Idt ers . ..... .. ...... 1 odl "en t .. Cblhlr80'Ij Bome.. .... ......... lll~ 90 Money gnly. Awount olaimed Orphan'l A,,V I ow.... ..... ..... 2112 4tS 1163.62 with Interest. Hamilton 8. &;C. Roed Imp ... . .... ... .. . !516 aDd Brown, attorneys. BIIDd....... .. ......... ......... ... .. 754:45 ' Leu Weidle V8 Ira R . Weldle .. IOQ1lura I'" "'267 -lIr ",00 I8 t y........... ..u . Divoroe. Extreme orueltY'. J. D Sbeep ........ ......... ....... .. ..... 1111.05 Miller, aUorney. ___ Florence Gall va. Roy C Gall. Tot"I ...................... 41IIlG.78 DIToroe. Wtlfoilibeenoe . Petition filed AoguI' SL. l'at.rlok Ullynor, Bills Allowed aUorn.y.

So that every woman who enters this contest has fifty-three chances to win a cash prize, ran ging from $1.00 to $15.00.

Full directions for making soap are printed on every wrapper of B,\nner Lye- every contestant has an equal ~hance of winning a prize. Aftt!r you have made your soap, cut off a small piece, wrap it in the Banner Lye wrapper, then in a piece of plain paper, on which write our,full name and address and mail . to The Pen.n Chemical Works, Philadelphia, a. All packages must be received bYllsnot laterthan the lastday ofthis month. Every contestant will be refunded tOe-the priee of a can of Banner Lye- whether they win a prtze or not.

To the worn lin who send in the best' samples of homemade soap in which Banner Lye hu been used we will award the followin£ cash prizes this month ~

2nd Prize $10.00 50 Prizes of S 1.00 each

1st Prize S15.00

3rd Prke S 5.00

Enter this great soap. making contest now-it won't cost you anythin~yo\l get a can of lye free- you stand to win a cash prize.

71 1

UoDlolid"ted Time Look Uo., reo Marriage Lkenscs pt.lrlng look io trealorer'l office, 110 W. B, Anderson Co., Vol 811 JDBepb HOrB~, of Frllnklin and o ~ R. for P . ./. 11 .50. J. W . Yo MYltle E . St"nton, of Franklio. Crav, burtal ror Jametl Collier. '70 R ..... A. J. Kelttle.

The Greatest



, '.

50a,. Ma"er




II the areatettiOlp maker on the marlcet. It unites per.

fectly with fats and gil., mnkina a loap t~at lathers freely, eats up din lad grease and destroys germ •. Banner Lye soap make. hard water soft, laves labor


Many Orlv{:ft From Home. • aND ~ICTUAE8 BY TELEGRAPH. Every year, In many parts of tbe oountry, thouland. are drlveo from . Paris newspapera are now making tbeir hllmel by oougbs lind loog practical tile of II. Pnxlesa for tele-\dieea88a. Frlendll al d bOBlool8 are graphing photographll. The app. . . ler, bebind for o'ber allmates, but to. ia a modificatiou f th h t this ia 008tly and not always 8ur~ •. 0 e p, 0 A better way-the WII" of mnlt. graph-tranamlttlDg apparatua whick ~udee-III to UII8 Dr Klo!J'a New ....u invented by .D r. Korn of · Mu- Disoover, aad oore yoorllelf at bome nich lOme yean ago, and which de- 8'a., right 'bere, wltb yoor frleods, pendN upon the we of I8lemninm aDd &&te tbi.l"re medlolne. TbrOl\t .and the f.ct that' ~he amount of eloo- ::: i:::I:~our~:r::~ 1:,IO:el~ell~! ·trical c~nt which ~ tbrough ooogba ooids, srlp, oroup, wboop it~ariaa according to the intenaity oouKb aDd eore luoga make U • of the light faHing upon it. The positive b• •lng. 600 and .100 ne.. method does a ....y with sela- Trial boUle trOll. ~ullrantt-ed by . mum and .Uo", for & larger elee- all drul...te~ __ ...._ __

. .d b;u:kach8e.

If you are

I).Qt quite .rea4y ,to, boil your fat just n~w, re~ werober thete will be th~ ~p3rat.U!ont!!§l~nemSep­ umber. one in @etober and !!lomer in N o)fem~er. 8a~ amount of prize money willly given Iwayi$80.00) each month. If you don't win in September, lry in October~jf you don't wio in the first two (:onlesl!, try in N ovembi'r.


:t~ current 10 u to counteract CONGO BREAKS HIS TUSKS dilturbancee upon the Une. Photo- I ,graphs,are being re~';lcecl in ~.riJ IPlllm111~ephant In New Yo~k zool~i,bY .means .1 ......111.18819n OTer tho kItII Park H. . . Moat UntO'''" ,U)epbJ"ne ..ira trem Monte Cazle, tuna. Accldant. .jAo fane. ....y. aud the reproducItioDl, while not .. perfect u they In lODle unknMm lMJUler Congo, ;would ~ it the ~ fromltbe . p~y elephant in ~he ~ew Tork .41iaturblDClel, are nevertlieleu reo- Zoologtcal park, loat eIght mche. of :marbbly good. hia bub recentlJ'. The pieces were , found in bia 8Ilciol1lre by one of the keepen ....hen be ..ent to feed Congo, aICK-ROOM CHEIR. and it wu seen that the ttr..,b had " . been cracked for lOme diat.n.c.e. The This ia wb.t Florence Nightingale authorities are at a lou to know had to ..y 00 the .ubJect of how ths how the accident bot thilUc Congo ~eU are liable .to err in. their deal- got bia tuab in tJIe ban of lop with the 8lck. "How otten tke , his cage and gue a ludden wrench lick perIOn," Ihe remarked, "hu to and snapped them oft. "It 'wu a do the whole con.,eraation when a lM.t unforilUlate accident," laid the Tiaitor CORll!' to hil bouse-thUI haT· curator ''bee.ulle although only lix oiDg t. exert his ~maroat~on and and hail feet Cmago had. tuab ~~ry. . '.' "A alck pe!- nearly . • ixteen inchea lOll" }J" i. 100,. Ibe contlnlled, d~ 10 enjoy ~.e only pigmy elephant in captlyity, hearmg good newa, partulUlarly 01. and many per!lOna would not l>elisve ,.ove aftai~ that i. likely to bave a be WIll a pigmy pachyderm until he ,good endmg I HI. hal so much of hac! grown such big tusks We have ~kI and ficti0!J, Of principles, pre- wounil tape arounel the :nds of the cent. and theories. Oh, let bim llear tush untn bru. In+Pbs can be 'Placed' of any material good, or practical on them to prevent furtber IIpli1*il!g. a~cce&I, ~nd do, instead of giving It muat have taken a great str8lJgt.b ~1ID. adnce that .he hal beard fifty to Inap the l'Vory tusks. timea over, teU hlm IOmething good, '. _ • aomething amu_ing. It fa like a dara health to him." Everybody Ihould read the G~tt


/£nfpr #UJ contut .roon tu J~d.r"lble-"


L.___I!N~I I' ' '! !I'I.!'!Iia! !l!d., 8,•• . PIU''I'!'I·i,..a;..,_P,_a_.~.~_ _ _..-.__ '. .

mJt!\.. SPORT





i'ew If aay, wediDinee, bave me~ the uollorm SUllC8II1 thll~ hll8 1'1 cll n't undcrstand it, don't you Ilttendlld ~be ' Dse of Cbamberlaln 'a Collo, Cholera lind DIe,rQoea ~em ~ow, olclllllll},J," edy. The remaraable ouree or Calia IfWhat cIIn t YP.JJ umle~l>t~~" and diarrhoea wbiob It baa etfec&ed !~A follow I was ~g t9 a litt!p io almost every neighborbood bave given it a wide reputation. For while IIgn' 'Ilflitl Bomo of tbe gr~atc8~ men in the llIstory of the wOFld hQ(l 'lIle by all dealers. .-~ died without ever l1avin ~ seen " KINQ A~FONSO IS ·rMPULSIVE squBsh COli rt."



b.y the Boyleh Pa, Of

8paln'e Ruter. ""'-

Dr. J. • A, 41fonao pf Spain, Wll0 celel Veterlnaryl . br,ated Ilia tweJlty~suth birthday fe. cently, J. certllinty the ~ost versutile (jradul'le of 0h.lo Stat~ University monarcb his country ever poeses8eil, ( . _ and ' he haa done much thoroughly h) , awaken his subjects to the needs of 10ffice at, residence In F:. B. Sharfl the twentieth century . wood s house, Fourth Street.


, ~ ,.~


'!"!' .


HI. 8u11Jeot. Hivi P,e"


C ~ ~..,;...;.;.;;....:._.-.1:.1:'~ .'" -~"''''~''~.:'~;~;·.",.;:.;::l::!.~:J:. :;=~::*i:;>.:~~: ·:.~:-":':"-='-;.;;1 ."


~ .- .



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your dealer

~!it .",'. yQU wUII, Banner L~e, write u.J.



ed .,.~ er"7'"'lones captur every y ~ . .. . that pamo pi" WilY. He didn't let Q.u!te apart f!,om hiS kmgl! perBonahty, there 18 a human Side to one fl8Cllpe hiffl. . }f!iss NoviRB~How cruel I Why ~jp'g 4-lfaDso that appeals stro?gly wasn't he playing ball !:ostead ot to ~veJYolij!: IJl ~~1 'Ya!~ h~ !~ s~ chasina' hannless insects? , bo;Y.1s!), so lmprel!lIlonable, sp l!~cQ~ T


Telephone 28





E. v.


~ "': ~



AHt-FURNACI S' These furnaces are right The price is low, p~ve ~~


Answers. ------......------

stoek for sale, usc our J Cl~S8ified Cohln-Q.. It "111 ~ell ~tilel1l for Y0lt • .


An ar'tlole ref\1 merit yel11'11 ago tho klng'e sl .. should 10 time beoome popular. ter intrustcd him with the purchase I have about. $150,000 ill Dayton Thflt looh is the 088e with Uhllm. of a hat, and hill majesty spent the Rel}:l Estate to exchange for farms. lterl.ln'a Coogh Remedy hail been better part of an hour in a shop try- Will trade in large or small parcels. aUeatQd by ~any dealer.. Here Is .l·.ng to make a selection for the in- What have you? oDe of tbem. B. W HendrloksoD, A. W •• PHRATH Oblo FaUI, Ind .• ,..,rlte8, '.' Obamber. lant•. Dayton, O. lalo,8 COJJgb Remedy l8 the best for ' ·" At the end .Qf that tinw ~ing AI- 124 8 • .Jefferson St. CJonghs, ooids an4 ~"'OllP, lind ie my fonso lIuggested that ashe ·rui:a¥.~ a belt .eller. " For _Ie "y ",n dllalers /:Ijster were 10 much alike, what - -- .. _.. ":f.oul$1 ~~~t him would also 8uit her. BARNHART, Here ia a V/Uluum Cleaner that looka like a carpet Iweeper and runs ~ '!:~;; ' \\ . . h - I fill then grRfelr m~~ th!! tQ~lle~ Q~ Notary Public like a carpet eWlleper, yet i8 a powMAY CLEAN UP MYSTERY. hI. own heall, till h~ ~IlPl~ lJPl!Jl qnfl .edul vacuum C!leaner. As it rolls . All klnds of Jtotary Wor" . f'enllloD The myatJ:!ry concerning the birth.- that took bls fancy. aer088 the room it lucks up • Btrong the infanta was aquBl1y Worli ~ ~peolalty. Whether blut of air through the carpet bring-. f t"- Y bl B d En ing every p.rtit!le out of the texture plac~ 0 - . ~fi e e · e, goo: satisfied the atory doe. not tel1'-I!!'!~~!!!!!~~!:!I!!!~~~!!!!~~ without taking up the carpet. What land s first hlstorlaQ, has a p,n8p~t ~. I~. i :Al"-"'tJ_~ . ! u i. 1Il0re it baa such a strong 8uction of being solved if the ecclesiB8tlcaJ HATHA W A '\' that it actually pulll the dust of the IIQiltllllB for excavating the foundn..ftO<?r up through the carpet. Think tUHa nllar tbe ancient tower of St. A ~ON8C;II!NTIO"'3 poa. Waynesville'a Leadlnll ol It! No more taking up of carpet». W h" . . JUlt run the easy running ball bear- Peter'. JllOfJ.Ilsi:.ery, earwo~t, ~8 "I'm afraid, ma'am, that dog 01D<ie In ~YIJ J$141I. M.alo,St . iog Dom_ie Vacuum Cleaner over successful. The JIlona.stery W8IJ Yl>lJ1S womd jUBt as Boon bite me I1S them every day or 10 and your car· fOlmdcd in the sevcn~ centllry, ~ncJ not," pets are as fresh and clean u new is nQw pad of the fabric of Monk.. every day in the year. and the colors t h ' h h h TI f 'FWeU," anllwer.ed the J!ldy t}:l~ MCnLURE, are alwaya brl,bt and fresh. ",carmou parls.~ ~rc. ~e oun- hou'se to. the wanderillg oQP, (fCMb The Domestic is the patented ball- dattoUi ot th~ bulldmg, beheved to sar is such a dog in hill habfis Funeral Dlret!tor. bearing roller Dozzle. It rolls over h.a:ve been part of the roo~a~tcr'y, are, thjlt I am sure he would rather not the earpet and does not drag and sItuated near the west 81de o-f the b. . . I.n.:l ,,;... b t wear out the carpet as imi.tions do. tower and they have never been ex- JtB.u lmW4l1mol+. 1I~"n~r, ~, o.n • . plored. 'rhe unearthing of the crypt 1the other bJlnil, ~P'/iP d~W· ~J1 Price $16. Doze Nnw'le At d f' t t· t bl t d 80 strong that. he 11 1001'8 than apt WI.... 0 10 eres 109 a . e 8 an · memo- t b i t " . taehment $1.50 extrL 1~1A is. pn,>bable, and this may throw \ .,. Q ~ 'ou• . ' • _ .. . . ....


it YOli have any surplul



t:a~ ~8


f lol"

D u. H.E.

a c~an~~

l will pTOVf! i~ SQ.

The work is good . The material is best The proof is yours By the test. I ../

The fire is great The h~at intense WfttIJitt,e f4 el An Jess expense ~ Think

it over

. ~

Aflfl bllY ttIl! b~S~t . • And l will come And do the rest.







.flPW"N s."e~WOOl), Sole AgeRt. MONROE OHIO •




. '


p .








on tba


of the VeP,~,.


A'.btllR'iJ~e~" ·~iia 10 ~~r':= ' ~ ~...~!, ~o

" "



1NI a 4nty.


Tinners & Slater. Sherwood ..... Bloek " Valley .Phone IlJ .~






('ubUshee l

\"*"'k ly

.- - -


.__ ..'-



GAZE.n'E-+'~'=-Tb; ]-ei;hl,:;i~;d-i~~ --~fi

Wny'It"" ill". Oh io

• - - - - - - - - ..- - -- - -

Sprm g Varle y


______ _



Born- f a Mr. Bnd Mrs. Robert I VVeitl, a fineson . Qn ite a nuwhe r frow thi s plaoe l


Harve ysbur g.


WNE -- Ci\ LL NO I I ~ Mr. ond Mrs . Jllcob Reese lind tIoUen ded the Dayton Ii'lllr, last week . - - - - - -.- _. - - - - - -( 'I" \ t " ,, ' Illt'r" nOll fnmlly Ilt Mr8 . R~eee'lI motber Mrs, LIVE RY SER VICE II"'ry Tho Bellbro ok B ome CODling. D. L . ( : ltA NE , Ed it llr alii I Munage'!' \.fi IJ.I ..;J L.. .. K,d tf' rtl rauulo n rtt Da y - ~U\lth, of Dtlytoo, are visi ting Mrll . whio . WRB held hero Labor Du.y , Service at very reasonTit,· w r y He>!1 at. all - I.\J II , 'J'U6"'!UY. 61lrrie t Ashmore.. aDd W'Hffln W.IM I. deoided overy wily f Itates of SubRcriJilion able r a l l'ti . :\ nnmbfl r of t.he frlenrll>t or Mr . ~UJlth . Tim!:!!:! tlnd ruore t hau six hUDdred persou s ' One--~~ Yuar (HLrl"ttly In 8UV'"",U ) . .. . . . I I,UI' find Mr" .),.m 6 11 O.. bor ne, wbo werf} Our vll1t1ge WIlS well r epreson tod a8~i!lted in itR Oeilibru.t jon, HlnlCle . .... . . . ·. . . .. . .. . Oil lJJarriud Au~u!tt :lUtll, g8ve Ijbsm tI. fl,t, the D/l yton Fnir, lust wuek . - - U.Wy- ..- . ..-...-Mrs , Murtin nnd oaoght er. who jll eli ~ nnt SlHl)rit!6 'l'hu . sdGY e venjn!:: R ev. "~ riu~er I~ IIgaio in chltr ge lived in the Dutly proper ty, ha ve lil._ _ _- -_ _ _ Rates of Adverl ill inlr _ _ _• IIII'I prt'seut ed t.hem wltll • nl oo of the Ai . E chur ch in this seotion Readlllll Local~, I~ 'r lIu ~ . , . . . ' . . .. . neadlng LoralA. lJln{'\, 1111'". II(', Ih,c. , . ~ rlw kio g chulr. to Davtoo for anothe r yell r , He il:l g ll\d ly mover! Mrs. Mlunie , Nhgley lind aoo > o l.... ned A.... 1I0t 10 ""c.'tl\l n·v" lIu ... 10,' .Iobn H ood, wife nOll hUle (bush- w.f!oom ed back . ~ ,/ollllnil left tintur d.IY for II ViSit to I _ _..L___ ___ __ , ~ \' " Three IlUI<!rtlou. . .. I 21k: tllr, uf ",tt8b ur~.APIt .. are 'Villitinl: Obl'u&I'I88. Ove lur hO!! l reo; over 1\" 0 B L, Dllkin hus beautif ied hi t! 8t L01ll9 wit!J h ll r brotlle r Ed ward , l. loch ... IlOr IIlIe .. .. . . ... . . . .. . hll! Jlltr61ltli John Hood and wife. pboe with a (oment gottlJr in fr ont. Itll l)er /lnd flllll ily, lifter whloh she I . nI of thank • . . .. . , . . .. . ... •.. . .. . . . 2~ Walter .Hultz, wife and daught er , Our sohool ha!f IItllrted .. e.olutlooH .... . ... . . . . , . . . . , . , . . •. .. .wlth tht-> will lellVe for !J er h orue E I PIlIIO, , rlala etc . when! charKIl III D1 Bt1U . , . . , • • 60c of New A IbRny, Ind., are guelltll of mnollin ory in good workin g or.ler . TOXll!!, to sPlJoli the winter , . '.play AdvllttW lIg JIIlr IIICh , ...• . , . . • . ~Ik: tehlt·iveH here. Miss Lutt e V~ndervoort will 800n Mis!! Metta und NtLDni e Mills at . DllICOunLa Klveu UII cU lltrau:t. 10e Mr. B. M. I:!pUler Is slowly 1m move Into her love!y home Sub-A gent for cn the teu ded thH Bas ket w eeting ut Midpruvlng . Avenu e . dle R UlI. lll st "aturd,L Y. S EI)TE~IOll:lt 11 , 1911. Mr. lind Mrs. Rfl.Y Eagle enter, the F'ord M18!! Gllil Ungles by is attendi ng Ro I1H Olivia hilS go ne on a visit to Corwin, Ohio tat ned 11\ dinner Snnday Mr, lind sohool lit tho Wilmin hiAdunght e rs, nt Bon ton, Mo. gton ool1ege. MfR . Ralph Alex!ln der and Mr. !lnd Automobile Simon Wllrl!. lin eVl1ngelist of BETWE EN GIRLS. MIn. P erry Pease, whoso delltll Phone 71- 1¥, Mrll Herma n Ev Jnll. oonllide rllb le not oriety Ilddre8 sod ooourred lIt this plbce. · lust Thurs c~ "I haven't received a love letter Mfil. John MoLtlngliu, of Indian . quite an lIullienoe SIIturdllY night tit da,y, Wlill taken ~ltt u rllay to West from Jack in three days. I thInk "POlill, 18 the guost of ber brothe r the oorner of MaID Ilnd "fl.ple ett! UarroJt oll for burin\. it's a shame. I shall jJositively be D. W. Ana bee lind otbAr relativ es Rev. Ward lives In Indlanl Allen DllvlH and wife hove pur. lpJli s ill unless I get a love leth:r by toPer'ry Aleun der: aDd family at- bu'. devote " hili time to t.he better- ChaEloa a new Ford auto . morrow ." 5 tended the runllra! of Rev. Paraon , ment of mankin d. Mrs , R obecca MOBley, of tit. Loui", "Well, my dear," said the other tlundl1'y , which took plaoe hl~ Glen D"vl.. attende d tho Daytcn Is visiting relativ es Ilnd old friends , girl, "if you need a love letter from hQme near ColnmbolJ. F.llr aDd visited bls brotbe r J eaeph here. Wm. Collins aod wife are tile aud wife . Jack as badly as that , I have forty Clus. Wrigh t ~nd family "pent or fifty I'll be glad to let you have." parenti! of B iUtie lion, born llLllt Dr. J W. Ward and wife Ilre on. S.~turdllly ond HundllY in Springf ield. Live Stock and General Auctioneer wee k. Mis<I Minule Underw ood is undez: joying theIr 1I~'omobile . ------~~.----~ Our village soho~1 opened Monda y Alva ~ennedy "nd ftlmily lue 00 th e dootor' s oure ag'lin. If you knew of tho re.l vlllue 01 Posted on pedigr ees and values of all Obamb erlalfl '& Liolmtl nt for htwp. tlel)tembtlr 9. l,)opyLng tbe Lewill &ars pr"por ty ~ .....-.-_ .- MI. Rnd Mra. n. W. A,naba6 e~ on Main s~ . back, 80reneSll of tbe IIIusoles kinds of breed ing stock. Runnin g n p lind dc wn BtuirS, apralnl and rhooma tic pains, you ter\"ln& d at dinn~r Hqnday , Mr. _ _ _ __ ••_ __ sweepi ng Rnd be nding ovtlr mil kin g woald never wlah to be wltbou t It. and Mr!!. Jl\qles Osborn e, Exper ienced in ha ndling fa rm sales since bed a will not mako a wornMl healthy For 1.le by all dOlllers . Uncle Ezra Says or hesntif n\. ~he UlUtlt ~et out of 1905. "lIllt Maqd Boaton i8 taklnll ~er "It don" tllko mors'n a gill uv doon, wulk a mll B or two ev ery vaoatll n and llp6nd\ ng It wit" rell& t'{fort to glt folk!! Into 0. peck of day Rnd take Chamb erlain 'II Tablets Terms Reason able -:. Satisfa ction Guaran tecd trouble " Ilnd a. little neglect of oon. tivee in Letart, We8t Virlllnl ". Improv e her digestion and reg lltlpatlo n, bllions ness, tndlgea tion or lin. :f(ap,,! -My h'\l8hal\~ ~ ~ Itev. !:Ierelley \Vii!! retul'ne d $0 tbe other Itver derang ement WIll do *be ulllte bowels . For sale by 011 deul OHADU ATE 0\0' 1' 1110; Wayn esvill e, Ohio COll8idCr41tc. He was aftllid. sm~in g M E. ohuroh far I\nanle r yellr. Illlme . If Illling, taka Dr . King's eu. N A'l' l uNAL A L'U'I' IO:-I -~- - - . --Joe W 1&1 tOil lett IMt week for New Life Pills for q lliok r esults . IWQij'Il' ~um tl1~ cmta~W1t Valley Telephone 45·2r SOOOOL OJo' AMER I CA Mn.- ~Aud ao he .topped Oanver " Colorudo whore be bas ao 1!:1SY, safA. 1I.\:4rO, ao l ooly »500nt.s CHIILO MORTALITY IN RUSSIA lit 111\ dfuggl otl pte1 fl positio n as Hoperl ntende nt stll•. __- - 'Imokin gP Appa!lln g Number of Infant. Ole Mrs. Hokus- -No, he went and of II lIohuol. WAYN ESVIL LE CHURC HES. New Burli ngton Ola ssif led Ads '1I'"ere Annuall y, Many Being UHb .. r Cus\(Jk \11 "UeplH ng 1!01le~e took down the curtain e.-Puc k. Killed by Pig •. .. t 'l'ru;y . I Methodist Episcop al ChurCil I AWl will l)c InSH"",1 u ...lor "hiR bead ror --.-----.~-~~~--~ MillS Ehzl~beth Reev6lt -bali reRev. o. S. GraU8Cl r. PUl.Or, St. Petersb urg had a "Dny of VioI tw enty -Uvc ce nts furIhall Lh rcc screslloOIl .b oll using nO I more livetlllin Sun(lny SctlOnl, II : I~ a . .n. .\l orulnl\: ser . turnod to bor sohool work io the O . I leta" this sprin g, when a The Men Who Succeed COli pIe of ....... _ ........ .. • .......... "tec. 1U :30 a.. nl . J,;\'o nlng ser ..... ice . 7 : 0 p N U ,at Athens , 01 . Midwee k Pr \y c r t.(oeLlnll. 7 p. 10. thoutland young pcopl e, includi ng _.u u 'rhe aQ(lO,nu masloll l rendere d by mnny schoolboys ' ond schoolg irls, FOR HENT St. Augustln"e'8 Catholi c Cburda., the obo.rll8 Thuradll.Y evenin g WIlS sprea.d through the city and sold srl' llther Louis Yam "ell renderA d . A ll&rge audleno e tifici~ll violets in ord er to MM. ever , tICCOod SuOOoy or lhe moulb ;l raise funds U:ou a. Dl . wall presen t to aid in com bating the appalli ng UOMS -Two rooms for rent In Mtsi ~Irllh tiftydoo k lipan' part of infant mortali ty in Russia. No fewSt. Mary's Epl!K:Opai Churdl . the Phil~ Bldg. For infor· hla' week wi~1! her frieud MI8I' t er tha.n ~,OOO,OOO infants Hov. J . F. C.. ~. R<lclor, die annu- mlltlon , addres s' Mrs , H. C. Phllllp s, l:Ielen 8arrlll, of Barvey sburlt. . .... ally in fifty governm ent8 Sun d RY Sobool. 0 :30 R. m Mornln g se r of Eura- Wll8hl ogton, C . B . Ohle), s 25 vice. [0 :ao a. m. HOly Commnn lon '110 fint Dr. Whlt.ll ker attende d a meetin g pean Ruasfa and in tho Samllra S UD<lny ot each mouth . gov. of the Green Co. Medica l AS8ool& ernmen t the death ra.te amount s to tlon in Xenia, Tbur8d ay. Chrilli an Church . 58 per cent. Statisti cs show that of WANT ED Rev. 1'. D. ThomptlOD. Putal. Mr. fln el Mrs. \ieo. PhtlllplI were tour and a half million childre n over Bible School. 8:ao a. m. 80eJaI mootlq. Oay'oo vlsUorl!, Tbursd ay. 10:80 • . m. OhrfJltiau Endeavo r. 1:00 p. m. three million die before reaohin g the Bermon pllBtor every altornat41 8und&¥ .. JellRe Hawki ns Q\e' ",tt~ a pain &ge of fiv1) years. UTOM OBILE -Heoon d haud. a 10:'0 to. by III. &lid 1:30 v. m. small car preferr ed. Havfl prop fnl IIcoldon' w~\10 "!luling gravel Thill mortali ty fs much higher in e~ty to trade or induatr l.a l IItook c~r . Hkks.It e Friends Chu~ weet of taWil, i'r(ll"y . l1e Wl&eI the lumme r than in the winter, for rying guarl&Dtee of tl ,% dividen ds Car Ylrs t Oat Mvctl0lt. 0 :00 n. m. FlraL Dar tbrown fro~ bill WallOI\ and failing every pell8llnt adult is occ II ;00 a m, Founh Day MeCllng upied in must be In first·clllsl! onndlti on. tlee Sobool, oa bls rlgM Ibould er, severel y field work and the ehildre Nat. Flnano e & Heouritlel! Co., W. 10 :00 a. m. n are can. C. Weavo r, Waynill!vl)le, O. s 11 bruised U The oollar bone WIl! sequer.ttly neglected. A large num. Ortbod ox Friends CburCli. b ~rzr $!&±s ES a180 dll:lloo"ted. Mnt, Ru,b Murrr.y. Putor ber are killed IIl\d eaten by pigs evThe aDnual reunion of the former ery yea" in the absence of any Sa bba~h School, U:ao a . 10. HCII(U1ar "hureb guurd"e~vl "". 10 ·go 0. . w . CIlrl8Lla n EDdcavOl'. pnpU! of Huok Run 80hool wlU be ~ana. So grent, indeed, ia EOR SALE 7 :;) 0 p _ the mor. beld on the 8ohool groqnd ll, next tnlity qorQ. this oa use that in many ISaturd ay . .t\n I~tertliltlug program ~istrict$ the land owners bushel 01 t wheal fOr seed. ·when mllkwill be rellder. ,d . ICvery one ill tng contrac ts with thei r peasan Barves t King variety . D. t ten. ft. Booket t, phone 65-1X, Wayne s. cordial ly lavlte~ .. ants IIUp\llate that no pigs may be ville, Ohio. s 18 Unde rtake r and Emba lmer, Rev. Uillend er, t.he lie\\, pIllI'or of kept on their holding s. CATT LE-H igh grade Jerlley sthe lIt1 .!C. ~h"rob. deliver ed hi8 first .. - +Will be fOund in jhe old young bulls and heifer" , In sermOD, tiuQday . Bank Bnlldin g, OPPOIli&O The implici t oonfiden(yl ~b~' ~aI.tY good shape, frOID registe red IIlres Min Edna EII&m, of RlohhlDd. Wll8 people have in Q~,,~bedaln the Nation ..1 Bank. Ii Coilc, and good produo lng oows . 10011~IT e Teleph one in house and ofa gnest ~'~:th~e~.~h:o:w~e~o~f~M~,~W~;M~e~n~~C~h~o~le;r;~'at;a~n~<l~D~ia~r~rb~o~ea .~~~~~~~ ~ o f Burton El\rnhn rt, Wayne svi \Ie, fioe where I oon be ~e4 denhaU tbat r emedy and their k~owl Ohio. day or night. s 11 .I week. Vulley Phone U-2. of the mllny remukl lble oures YE-Oo od reolean ed Rye Seed • ~T oOlio, dh~rrhoell Ilnd dysent ery that for Main s~lo Street, at 850 per Wayne sville. Ohio bUt!hel. W'''', 10. Ne"er Forget it h~~ effeoted . For sale by all ,~to. W~ I f J B' Ch"pm an R, ~ Wn.y, llcoord lpg loience , lire tbe t h'l\1g~ dellIerl~. I]ureo " ~ , , II 11. ,.. _ • nesvill e, Ohio. • 118800illteci w\tl\ oor early bome life, suob as Buolrle~'8 Arniofl SIiJve. DR. J. W. MILL ER, that motl\ar or granllm other oBed to IS QUEEN OF GREENSTONES HOR8E-Ei~bteen monlhl! old oolt. oore our barnR, bolls, l!oald8. aorllS, Inquire Mrs. Jennie Duke, Val slrin ernpt.lo ns, OUM, IIprains or . .• DEN TIST••• brol8eli . Forty yearll Jf oures p~ove Tran'pa rent Bowenl tll, or "Tunglw al" lev Phone '56.' Ir . s 11 1I"HE OSTERLY MILLINERY .. Found on South 1.'lnd o~ ., Its merit. Unriva led for plleR, omce In New Zealand . , ~ STORE presen ts not picture s of ourns or 00Id.llor09. Only 26 cents APKIN S-A new Rtock of: nap- National lllUlk Bhll(• Wayne sville, 0 at all drOKtrists. kinll just in. Seven designs to New York hats, but fifty of the actual An importu ut dillCOI·ery [s rc po rt~ piok from. Ga:.lette office. Subscribe for the Gaze tte hats from such makers as Phipps , Gage ~d of C~ large outcrop of greellst one Corw in. i~ a hith~t o un explored mountl linand Castle. Right into the very heart Oar lIobool Opelle<\ Il\a$ week with oua distfict on the west coast of the of the New York modist es h,,:ve ~~ teaoher s aDd pi\plls veryen thoRill s south ielund at New Zelllalld, which gone ~o ~t~ct ~b~~ mod~ls w~~~n I\r.~ lio whloh bespe&k8 of a snooell sful is thou,g ht to be the origina l mothor GMd~~~~:: p:o~ ~loD~ ~ewf but lohe d~peqd!l:bll! tloba')l year . Abont 60 PIlPlia are reel from which all the greeristono 811=~~ ~:~::! under the Oll/U'iB of ' Mill!! Alloe found ]'n that island is derived. It The •• are Ih •• h'na' wh(eh thi!ls" }·S will nloll II. tn8" or your boy. tl·('.ipated that it will hereaft er Cook and Mh,lI BOllett . Fra_ S•• urnhl.II \'o r,n.cro.,. •. SJ:e ~hl!sl! JJ)o~t!ls is In ~ !\1l th~ IN THE WOIILD .oru~ dovclupmcc1lI by &h'lll" ndwbol him Mi.. Lillie Nedry II.nd MillS Izmll be 80 plentifu l that its use will no lbe AME RICA N 1UBI:JSHED WEEII.T. $4.00 PER 'fUR BOY l>~~ New York has to show. Esbert vlllited reillt! Vtlll 10 nlilton , laD""" be confined to local souven ir Fmod wllh 11 .. 0 ~.dln" which r.. cln.... bo,.. ROTE La, Dlluc cm, 8PItOIA LI.T8, ~-EJ'ctUe nt Ilorle. of adventure . tra,'cl, bla~Qr'y J·ewelry lallt week, ,. but will be used for mnnteI - .ndeurre .. t c•• nl •. PhotoK"'"hY'r"I'lmblll":I~:i 008 TUM E "a, T" A III a F It II, 0 A ~ ~orU gAmo.. .. 0 table tops, mon uments , trteUy AND 'BUI SIl"VIC E OAII PIIOFI . Mr. BordOD and Wiffl, of Bloh pl·e..wbat ioc~nlry do ane! \,ow 10' do It. Be .....IluU,. U u" ........, trated and every line In harmon, ",lIh ret~ed ay ualNc IT. ADVEIITISING ooa.uM Na mond. t!pent a few day8 last week and -1'11 -1·0 be e:zported to Chino, homolmn ln,, ! endorood b't~1 OOObO)'OLD:.l. '!~ ~N!nt.l, Send '1.00 for. SAMPLE COPY FREE whe~ greenst one, in the form of f~ witb IIr8 .Wary w.a,*,rho~8e. 'ims'ti:~"JW~II~c:oo~ IIlIIr\lD , . IIaII. .....,... NEW YOIlI( OLIPPIt Il Mr. J:d qrael. of V-IUsborg, vlllited JBde, 11_ York .... v. d withrypeculia r venerationis. regarde The discove of trllnspa r- ~ bit' brotQe r bere 11lI$ week. "THU RSO AV, ent iIowenite, known a8 "tungiw 8i," Mr. Bnll Ih., Wei BlIIII aud the queen ' 01 greenstones, near M.ilGllbeit vill,te4 lpb Biggs SI;P TEM 81R 13th and ford BOund, on the west coa8t of th,~ wile•• , JIltaml vme, lIoada y. __ 14th Mr. W. WiI,al aDd aant, of Troy, south island of New ZeIll,\\I\<\, ~8 ~ were reoeDt lra8ll'& of their rell&tlve garded 88 QJW ~ 9~ea,t · impo.rtance ~ You are Cordially invited Co this Display. \~ DlillE'salogical circles, for. it com· Ilr8. Alloe lIil~I~lel, p~iIeI 'tho rarest and ' mast · valued Mn, •. qr~",: ~... til Ciaoln nati, quality greeost one k~ow:u ~ Ne~ MOIida1. '.

VALl.EY 'rg l. E: l'I

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Annual Exhibition·

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Autumn Fashions






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NARROW ESCAPE DURING WAR Four Membe rs of Ninth IIIInol8 Caval· ry Move Sleepin g Qua rters JUEt Before Treo Fall •.


I hAd beaN! Marc h G, 1862, tb e " Inth IIIInol8 !:lu t I tll lnk na woul d bavo, If ne nAO ell me to tblnk tha C. bllt rrump that til .. ea \'alry (Col. A. O. nrackel t) le tt "GILT EDGE." dwontyt.dico .hoe ........ "'-,pooi. followed me 8CrOS g Into Ibe (lining· Ih e but lc>r tpl l th e ~.o:l, """tal", OIL PaIioh.lodMo .ad Judge WI\8 reading . PlIot Knub , Mo., en routa {or Jackson· foam and had fnc ed. 8a I dld childreo', boo...ocI.t.o., obI.... whbout ",w.u.., "DolI ' t f'XlIe ct to retire at nil," be 2k "F.. Deb GI....... IOc. port, Ark . I was b uglor of Company F'rn ncesl e re 's my prom· uST AR 'tcmtbin.tion lor cI .. .u..~ ond ..,&.bIa, d A , lind was at lhn t tim e a beardl oo8 "SO g lnd YOIl dldn't go to the dog· continu ed: "and th e n th kiadt 01 rv.elOf r&D.hoes. 1Oc. UOaody" ""eZS•. must keep that I mumblo d reply, gu lptolf .mwu tlle b " Y (It twenty . On th e evenIng or nglll !" I sa l<l I'rese ntly, beam ing lae to nl)' poo r bQy-1 "QUICK WHITE" (i o liquid lorm wilh """'..) vromlae 1\ d. on tendere failed so mebow: ne"er gins" uf k e-wllter hI! JI1arc h 9 we ,," mped all Alder creek. fJulckly ct.... ud wbil.... clirl}' e&.a'" .t.-. ac ross nl ber dellgll\ ed ly . al>Ou know. lie rubbed his b anda one over tbe It h ad been raining stead ily al\ dny, 10e .acl2k Her swee t li ps glowert nl me ns her In m)" IIfe- 1 men no you "ALQO" deAaa .Dd whlt.......... .. oho... la s." He s book otber and stooped above me· anxlollll' and th e ('reek bottom on which " ' t! II pon.., tlnlnty Iln gers po l8O'd tbe tin y I rldent wea rin g bls ne,y pajama _od whi,. cak",pockodin Uac·ti. bo_witl" SYNOP SIS. I)' ly. red sad 10e. ... hudoomc.Io....lumin... buo. with _ ••,2" camped was quite wot an d cove before her IIp A. J uve. how I cn vied bl s bead muC!J O.loew.l,1' ... ed ID Y'" klod not t.e.o It.. If you. dealer do. DOl luJl " I hope. s ir, you're "T' btl 8ure!" - nnd 1 swallow with pools of wa t.e r, writes O. M . Kel· th nt jolly oy~te,! Tben s lle sm il ed (ora ....... k.... ............. .. Rl ohard l..lghtnu t, an Amerh·ft. n wit h a n dw pric;cilt _ hard- Jove. hu t Ihe very word. "pa· pIl ln-- from last nl gtll. sIr, I mean 1" le, Cal. . In th e Nationa l ngly . nrookda lensl atreot edEng !ish a cce nt . r eceo h ' f'!I n prl!l' · or ly. r le wltchlng BROS. eft CO. MORE WHITTE prp,enl s! enl rrom " rr l " n~ In (,hlnl\. Th. ,. Plu ln ?" I ejacula ted cros~11 . ,. wny Tribune . The camp WIIS pltcb ed with 2O-2S A1baDF St., C.mbrid .e, M .... r " It waMn't bec.lluse I dldo't huv e on jamas." gave me co ld warrow ro vea t o bu 11 pulr of palomas . Algh\eth' 11111 a be 't n Don forgotte pnlo? In tl1 l1t ~ n oultl I be z..,,"-CIII MtuJ"'dr~r",.r n, 01.1." ."J "And. In y boy. 1 hllven't fnt. of s ur p rt !~s to 1he W f'lHCr. L nil due regard to milita ry regulati ons: Inv lta tlon ," she ros ponlietl archly . I CA .. IWhItu ill til. W.rUl · can e h n~s!" n!' th o pllJanHls nnd lut e a t night ~I'l. er," eltb YOll. perfect to In re we lIromlse s! my tents y's Scoggin t, :oDlPan < bens t each -~. up ro r u s mok e . H is 8,-> rvnnt. .l e nk ln". knew ! T hn --~-h· " Ye8. sir ! "- very 60 rtly. and wttll nllgume nt regardl ess of waterpo ols. Approp riate. lrom~9 In nnd, (alling to rl'<"g nlr.~ LIghl· "l1mI'b ," gfu nted the fr umlJ, sBll ted tinn ed, sU1l l1ng kindly and replenis IJ, Th lnk1n~ bllck. dropped e b stili llS "I'm sigh . deep brIm ~u l. llftcmph l 10 PU( him out. a e th " I verily Ing my glllss to U 8. "T hat nngllng I rle nd of your s cerTho tent occupie d by 0orp ora l S. Ltg h tnut C"hAI1.;e!!l his on th e cur vo between ~h o 80rvnnt <'raz)" l as a loUl , George Webste r. Jobu tainl y baB a Otting pbys IQue." I'' tancls woul d go to a ny· gOIn g to have a word with Fran«;la to- J ove. be looked aa cheerfu \'e Cl9lnnd belle clothe. Int en~lnlt to 8\JfT1 l tIOn hlp. ' Vhen D. nock Itlo 110 reappea re Jo~kln . tallft nn I'. nlgbt- that I ~, It t bey ever .ge t back tomb~ toll e ! "In whnt way?" Ebe rh a rt and myself h a ppe ned t o be bellr t thing !" with joy, co nnrmlng LlghUiU "W bat tho deuc1I- " , bega n . ove r one of th ese I)ools. and - couldn' t hell' It. dasb It! trom UIllt Infernal dog·l\gh t-1 want to "I noticed Il l! haa fi Hhy eyes and a that he tl crllzy. J ~nk ln o lelly Lig htnul or directly 8co"'led I -'''' eouo ha8tllr hld " sir!" willt hl\d know." nothln.. you " ~oth you. for ehe encounle r he way r e the h e beda IJav our ducked make and to , lbi0 Enw d ed ca t ch In his voi ce." IDlP08S Frances deci was It And ns In 0. ChlnAJf)an dre.",'., In paJam",, :nllll"". "ThanKS, Rwfull y '" I murmur ed \\'as Ju st s·thlnk' .os oC the-b' m-mIlY Corporal Cle land went to Capta.ln , head , blUng her lip nnd blushing . I Ja,-k meOlOllge trom hie trl cnd kill' I Hay sc rl mmnge. slrT" ;Llghtnu l I. a.ked 10 pui up "Ihe Bargh for permlt;s lon to move- the could bav e c hoked tbe frump for 80 nervou sly. The woman who careB for e. cleao. tor the night on hi. woy homo fr om colhate I wa ited till I bud laken rrom tIIs t ent a lew fe e t bacll on hIg her wboleso me mouth, nnd sweet Dreath. lways mean-a lt fe I . w rul ! Someho ber benull 1\ ssIng Mnd. embarra LI~hlnut er Lal ege. ' r Ice-wate or lass g l.IGht· Uc a joy for~rl In blnel, paJ"mUll In his room. Yet the womao did try to be pICBS' to feel mean . dlls b It - felt almost like hand the secoa:! lhlnkln g maybe I gl'Vund, but the requ es t met wIth 11'111 1lnd PIUUue Antl:Jep . or sent liut t. shocked tt y t ho girt·. clMnldng rulea at that ever . At druggl8 ta, 25" a box by Military a Joll y cnd, In ract. Couldn 't tell him and swallow ed It, ant to me. refusal. prompt .moklng IUId slang), tnlk. She tello hIm Tbe price ... of Id ipt rece dashed be on t Ittpaid of pos bold him get ld puzzle. wou sed nd a lIrogros Francl. had I Is •• er name stage oC the saJlle had to be observe d . Puxton Tollet Co., B08ton. Millis. "DId you ever Hnd n pear-l In an how fa r Fra nces and _ tth a story or h e r love t or her sister'. . Wt~1I0 I already ; be might tako It out on her, NIght fell e nrly, and arter a supppr J"Oom · mate. hA.m f'd Francea. Next morn· oyster, Mr. 1,lgbtnu t!" sb e asked. I batted at blm perplex edly. In!!, the g1rl ta n11.81ng and I.Igh l"u tIIhup· I said, Btarlng a t ber you Itnow. And th en, to Hnd out tbat no!" Jove. or baco n. ha rdtack and cotree wo "By It. Cia ... Ho 1 ,.Ioa to th e bonl to "CO her ort. . who c811. for t h o rool Question . For who could he didn 't know s he hadn't gone to the "Wbat was that! ScrImm age' wrappe d ourselv es In our blanket s and ('noted by " hll . lry col lolto b o)' like this cblckcn ·rall!lns don't "I tbingany hellrlng er .. rememb Ih oee don't not Jolly oyste r, dog·llgh t after all ! hIm "DI~k y . " but he <Iou sat on our saddles . ror a man to go Into." Ih" eve r lose a pearl In a ?" girl. Jacl, Dl llh'\lfIl ca lls to apend " W e ll ," he sigh ed , " I will manage what's that dl. o o"~ r don't yOU know ? And yet, the next By elgbt o'olock we ull decldea we tllllhl with Lltrh tnut. T he)' butlon. "Why not7" gla8J!1. another ror hed reac I And of pa· tho the In n abollt htdde even Vlioel"" . ruble. Instant : It all som ehow. bad hod e nough at It. and moved on '!Il's such a hen·pec klng kind of sfllrted eye ' JenkIns Blr-" the paJamas. Billings don. th e pajllm ... , "Psrdon IB ", "I have!" uld my darling. glnncln g jamas. Perbal)s , ""he n the bouse Ihe other aide of the creel!, decIdin g iluslnes .. " And reUr.s. LlghlnU! IM Br "Ilcovo wbat Blr. ask, 1 ay m "but lly; In lOut· up st me tb,e oddest way. In hll apartment a b<!efy penon quie t. I may- here, ba ve anotber --oh. unbapp thnt military reguiatl ona "might ge .... le n·chop wh I.kers !lnd we ...ln, plljllmIhe Is tlhe laBt tblng you do rememb .rT" " Have you, .·rIlnce s?"-the trump yes, you must\- won't hurt you; only hang." We found a dry tlpot under a Remuk alile Fln.ncle rlng_ Jenkin. ca lls th" police ",ho drels "roFoJ[Y Intruder 10 be • crIminal. cnlled he I. fnc ed ber Interest edly. "You should a Dint or so of rum In the wbole mixIn rge oak trae. It waa hollow. and s don't \le." "Figure my rubbing decln... ter, traigh s bit a up sat 1 o randp.... " The Inlruder ope the Inter- ture: Fine. lan't It! Yes, I think 800n had enougb d ry wood to we they ? Here's nn Item from "Don't X,Ilfhtnu t'. guest an" appoala to th e lat· examine with a microsc belna at annoyed JIlII. .strallllc ationa of calcareo us matter Wilkes Is certainl y an artlat when It bead and devlllsb before whlcb we New York that IIIIYS a policem an there tire, tor In vilin. He t. hustl." aaorttonlto ring ron a start I tn Then ohed at all In the mnrnln\{ Llghlnu t 18 comas to a nightca p. Now. let me 1111 made to try to thInk alld we re Iloon asleep. saved $SO.OOO In a month from his lal<! and anImal membra ne." tlnd BlIlIng3 Itono. !lnd more Mtonlshe In a Jolly blue made our bod lter, looked down at her yours agaln- oh, yesl"- and he did rem embere d : We were beauty :When he get. a me•• age trom th e. la My 12 o'clock Cleland woke u~ ary of $2,800. Tbose Hgures mus t U., About ' g bummin hound golden hy Llghtnul drawn ctothes. ne hi. l'Iemandlng It- "Won't hurt a baby-m ake you aeropln uo gentle way, and to our Bur· for they won't s tand." fqr TIlTrytO\ Vn. nlllln~s' home. di scov e r. plUe. birds and ahe was just tellJng me- up In Oft said !ITaya.. sleep tight, you know I" be s It," ing "P'r~nr e. ," tho girl or Ihe pajamBo, conster nation we saw the examIn and am "I se prI · no, dash It, tbat was a dream- juat a .h ~ tratn. Li gh ln,,1 . peaks to her and al to go ttl bad I Jove, y by Prooabl And, . opIcally microsc tree was a roarIng ftQDiploma cy, the "and or declare. Iy, 8he trunk lud ~o 10 Ihv. ntght heforo. , drol)pln g "Wel\- " he sblfted B8 It to go, and das hed dream! I groaned and fire spoutin g' _ "Mrs. JInks always has euch a good Jn dl8'oftnt ly t lln.t T.1,:::htn ut n ev ~r BaW h or sball tbls afternoo n." sparks wIth nace, the "Wby, knees. co. my Fran rim. my head upon In black pajamll8. At Tarr}' town of a hole 20 reet rrom the ground. time wben sbe goes anywhe re, How But Bhe dldn't! No, by Java, we sent me a smile over bls glasJl's l h, who la met by a husk ,. coll~ItP Vou latter lnst: thing I rememb er wns the puncb out all the arter. " pleasan t dreams !" Illmost r Lt"hlnu t tl8 "nkky." The l e n!t hr· togelhe chimney certainl y had a ' good does 8be lOan age to convey the 1m pre.. bat were T to ,. nore! th f\ hoy, who then t h r ea get aw ay And tben the door closed behind our - puncb- " draft. sIan she Is' a widow? " Jenkln8 And thrneh him for nITen,lt nor Frnnc... . Llght- noon , tbou gh we never could sir!" yes, " Puncbthe frump- dasb It, Bhe just took "good nlghtM." n ut Ink e" th e next traIn home. Bltlfnn Some of IlS were of the opInion tbat "She always mal,es an allualon . Hie frottl slgbed ly. aomber mil g studym ",as "torms over tho o1l o f hts arr eet.ehJenklhs cbarge of U8. And It was the 8ame IIgbt,~ I t he tree could not POllslbly burn dow" to her tardy hus band B8 'my late bustbe out put !lnd Llghlnu t dl9('over my ~te Mou. to punch ''''your wben ly, present "Yes, sIr." Ita said ~ere going to band.'" ne80 charncte r. on tho pnjam"". Profe.·t again In the evening . By JOTe, It Then I looked at blm, before morning , nnd eor Ooozenh crry 18 called In to Interpre really, tbat'a the I bad made nom men t abont the bully fin ished, healed discull' a ngafter dls«ustl but W8I agaIn, sleep he what over ve. ",asn't ra It He . now, phIc. say, 1 hierogly o tb The only word to u8&-th e way that wom- (lunch. And tbat was about all loould stll.rUed. "Oh, trnps ana wont our d gathere we ...11" the I<,.t , . 1Ik or 81.Llnlt- Chl. slon The Cannlb all Need Food, wMllng declare. th nt I> person wearing air get Ollt of blm. until he was ready to burglar s, Wtll It1" back to out tent, wbere, seated on our An om~er of tbe French colonial scmbll\n "o an a8sume d toward ever:ybo dy ttle Foxy 01 once at tbougbt 1 .r.e pajama. will take on the see. You light. BuddIes, we dozed tl~1 morning . About army brougbt a letter from the cblef ttf the prev loue weR rer. Tho proteeao r of expect·t o-be-ml stresa-b ere-som lHlay. pUBb out tbc Or,a udpa and my darllng' s pn,jallills. Then he address ed me gloomil y: borrows tho paJamas ror experlm p.nt. and-mlght-oSoowell·! o'clock the whole camp wal ot a group or mlaslon arlea In tb, three In beslround II "Not precisel y, . slr." Jenkins "81l1tnl"" drnMcd In pajl\mM sir," he said wIth a nlgbt. UI from "OooCl away break home did sbe taken 10 Once an.1 ed by a loud crash, and when souther n IIIand8 of the Paclftc not room r'. awaken proteaao the you'll lated; then moved 11 little nearer. "I a 11'0In an automobile wIth Franc08 an" LIJI;htfifteen mlnuws wblle sbe weut up sickly, feeble smile, "I hope t came we fou'nd thtl tree Iy. Ion. ago, which winds up all 101Lo",.~ for dayllgb I,Urbt· Mr. me, pardon rrum\l'" you'll "the hope I I call8 faIntm"n LI~htnut to see how Jack WH,. She caDle back sleep well; and-" be cougbed "1 regret to tell you tba,t our little nut Is a ngered l'y "th e trump" slander· Ulat feeling a help " I. much relieved . Iy--"an d--or-w ake np - h'm - all nu.t, sir; but I can't oua tllik about "Francis .' "BllllnlfS y can do Uttre araln8t the fa· compan before tella LIght. you ought to know everytb lng taken to ht ~ room. A ... rvant she rlgbt!" me," 8ee to iliad roso been was of lhese poor wretche s. juot "He hll8 natlclsm meesago nut that R say, sir, I1efore aT- lIald, "and be kIssed me twice. We "Frtsky as a-" 1 bUDel~et:l-ln,.-lu!Bc4-~I~:nl=,J..ol'I'aa going to ('el\'ed atatlng thllt BllIIn~ wu under er, famine 1_ ravagin g the Moreov paryou'll bope I of lult a family. the "tc.aling see yClu reet In New York for country , for the haTYeit haa beeD d. bla"k pajamas . Judpre Bllllnllr.....tonlshe. dllln me, slr!,'-b e heaved despera te· Francis' ftScaLI~htnut wHh a tale or stroyed . Therefo re the dillpatcb of d 1,-"1 mean about all tbat bappene pn.detl. Lightnu t IUIk" pennleslon 10 lpeak that more mlalloll arles baa become urto "Frances." The Judge dpclare.tackle t." nlgb last ....ould not anoth er IIvtng peMlon mInd gent."- La PeUte ReplihU que. occupI ed I stared, "Ob, I say Jenklna ," , Ihe job. a nti Llghtnu t. hili Ifreatly 10 France.. l benuUfu "you the , wIth alllld, wetb an anxious tbOUgbt returns the _ Sparrow Seta Hou8fI Ablaze• "'YIUfted. Policema n O'Keefe t lends them dldn't- er-10u know- I mean you black pajama. an" I.lghtnu An Engllab eparrow WIUI tbo caUl' 10 BIIUnlirs' room . Ll(thtltut hu "n Interalld Wilkes dldn't drink the relt of e t olls or the ... lInlir hour wtth France •. H sayIng three houlles catchin g -Are at Lawof you IlWIlY, It about tbe punch- Ilfter he took thtng1l the Judge h.... b<!en rg, Ind., recently , and had It rencebu amuae" s"France "F1"lUlo.eS ." muc h to klllow- eh?" to Inter· Uftnt. Judge Bllltng. refus08 {or the prompt worll of the been not tbe d clutche to hand ' 'cl!llmlng Jenk.rlls arrest Me'" " cede ror R mnn und er and friends all would have rs nelgbbo the of foot tbe at be hi •• on Jack. b eavy brass curve The sparrow was' ed, destroy been : sadly bled. "No, slr!"-a nd be added the eaves at the under DOst a building CHAPT ER XXVII. -(Contl nuid,) "BesIde s, sir, there wnsn't any reot of Mrll. Mary Webber , and It "Thank you-tb ank YOll, my boyl" home WIIB Wilkes, mean WII-I n.t Il! Mr. picked up a long cotton atrlng from a He patted me on thc back. "And al a·:comm entJng on It. Tbat was bow j pl,1e of rubbltlb tbat had just been ,you' \1 have an opportu nIty of seeIng a c,o me to dnd I didn't baVQ any more With the burning aIring In burned. Iltttle more of that charmin g girl, MIBS at tbe blank pledges , So I Just walkec1 the sparrow fiew to tbe roof beak, Its IKlrkla nd-" Cbarml ng girl, Indeed! extra lOme get to across the park think, II Sbafer' s hOUle, tben Sophia Mn, of II wonder ed what he wouldpoor and r, o·neB I bad given, the gardene Jack! house and then t~ ht's McCrIg Qtto to ,he knew of ber dealgns on be J8ald I could have 'em all, If I'd l WueBt's home, Emanue of root the '" want you to go In for her a bltjust let blm get a little sleePI n~d ho It dropped tbe burning Itrlng. where 'cultlya te her a little; you may cbange . window hIs of chucked 'em all ,o ut A lire, started In tbe .8 hlngles of each your oplnlon -eh 1" He laughed sort· Seemed irrItate d Ilke becaua", I woke building. Each was extlngu l8bed by Ily and paused In our progres s through up. And tben, air, 1 dOIl't know him. tbe In sharply me dIg to nelgbbo rs berore much dlunage wu :the llbrary wbethe r It was because of t~ spllUlb. done, islde. "00 abead- tIlrt wltb ber, my au Ing of the fountain s, but I bad !boyl Sbe, will like It-all girls do, Idea." THE WAV, DUT aDd It 11'1\1 do you good; dp both of "Tbat's nothing, " 1 Bald CcootcDll'tu' vou good!" Food Brough t 8ucce.. a"d I Change nlgbt oU8ly: "I otten do at "Tbank yOU," I saId ratber coldly, Happln eal. np gel orten I g. splasbln water bear Clevela nd Wok. Up In No GenUe Way, "but 1 don 't tblnk lhat-er -llort or ng," somethi get Ilnd thing would show mucb conalde ratlon An ambitIOUS but delicate girl, art.r JenkIns ' face Bobered . "I kno. It, Ing directly over wOOre our boi thad tor Frances - and" to go th~ough IIchool on aOo U1 falUng freque1l I mean I sir, don, air-par heen. be "RubbI sh!" And. hy Jove. how nervous ness and hY8terla , of ttle by count w three 'm-kno aee to bave-b lived you boya UI know or' Each Ilaughed ! ,"Do y01,l think Francis would uts the only \bIng Grape-N In round -tlren l" r lind sl, and, aervlce, underst active glalses -you years and over of Ishow any conslde ratlon ror YOU 1"to were honorab ly dIschar ged at the that seemed to build her up and lurcame that Ideo "Tbe on: went be I you're think I Iha snapped his lingers. " health_ me was a great IIberty -1 know tbnt, close of the war. The Ninth Jl1lnola nlsh her tbe peace at la bit too QuJxotlc, young man!" laYB, "I have she ," Infancy "From wa. 1 Second guess I tbe ut with d sorry-b brlgade I'm wal and sir, cavalry , dldn't know - dou't know now: ambitio us to Being strong, e_ been not JustlU erved end the tblnkln g that about Iowa cavalry , and bad a well·des In ever was up on IIny ot those legal any cost I finally got to tbe at learn . brIgade 1" IIlr IIgbtlng it, a B8 know on you repulatl ,terms. He kn ew what be mellnt! Scbool. but lloon bad to IIbaDdoD . I djdn't know, but 1 dId wlsb be It was a common 'r emark of U"e rugh " Ps hll w, now!" Ile went on, "If tbat's on account of nervoull pro. Itudles my canl, end! would make an Johnnle ll tbat tbe Ninth IllinoIs 'what's restruln lng you. you must drop au ry and the 8ecoud Iowa cavalry were traUon and hysteria . opom 11'118 s window library "Tbe t pleasan a It! I want you to have "My food did not agree"w lth ~, I: the loggia, sir, aud wben , loo},ed lD, married , for when they would run up ,time wblle you are bere with Miss thin and despond ent. I could not t-" grew nougb 1 had and y ulluaUy anybod tbey t Ilee I didn't agaInst one regImen ,KIrklan d - gel along with you!"- then .lhe simples t so'clal atralr for I enjoy devlll\lf~ . JenkIns coughed and looked the otOOr to deal with. he pulled me back agaln-" You constan tly from nervou aMla ed l4 ,-.'utrtBr slip 14\8t would 1 bt -"thoug rattled sllgbt· needn't be tblnklng about tbe all 10rtS -ot medlcln ell, of 8plOO In e \e~e tbe of few 8 lay and What H. Might Have aald, ept obllgntl o n so tar as FranCis Is d conditio n continu ed wretche "Thll judge tile papel"l pledges between thl! A Oreen mounta in boy wu accused oo ncerned . Why should you when the -By Jov., Nol" until I was· twenty4 tve, 'When I became J~nklns redon." working by been 011 bad got and uct, ml8cond 1" ot lome .. I\'ll ir I.s all o ne·sHl ed "as 11 JolI:y-" 'dened, looking at me In an appeallD J tbe skin of hla teeth. though a com' Interest ed In the letters of those who "On e-on e·s lded?" I repeate d ralter- had su ch an Interest ing tUscuss ion sleeplly Into tbe plllowway, had CIses like miDe and wbo were getcome! 't wouldn 11ea But the rade In trying to defend him came ln gly . about the amaeba e." "Ol, starIng. ed. tlng 1'Iell by eaUnll Grape-N uta_ ejaculat I "Jove!" "Nlghtl " 1 murmur ed; and let It 80 near telllng too muob. " \\' hy, yes : the g Irl doesn't care ror "Tbe what?" asked Francea . now!" "I had IlttIe laIth but procure d a sa:y, I tor tbanka that! nt all am ules. ber olf; got "Ye8, I "The amoeba e-tiny anImalc a nybody In the whole world except I knew b~ lntly-" and after tile 4rst dleh I expebolt slr,"-ta "Yes, what yer saId." old fath er- an d be Idollz08 ber!" don't you know, tbat l bave the power m,g excusIn a peculia r lIaU.fied fee.lng ain't rl~nced feel-I would you didn't CHAPT ER XXVIII_ "But just tMnk of wbat Oh. dlt! he! ot changin g theIr rorm and appearthat I had Mver gaJned tram auy ordl. and wben I beard your vole. sIr; self, loosen and man, lay:' "So YOIl go on In tncre ance. Jacky thInks tbat- perhaps nary food. I 'alept Ilnd t'esood ,better 1 tried to get out,. but tbere wulll. The Demon Rum, up - bave a good llme--a nd make ber too, In tho process of time and eyolu1\wokel I that nlght .. 6I1d In a f~w day. be~' to when frisky 1111 reel toucbed dldn't time. so 1-" Jenkins BclentlU cally ' acquire mlgbt Sear'e Where. bouta. ~-, -;... ' ha\'e one; a nti keep It up this after- tlon ronger, gniw"st Bud bim, behind then tront, In No, dasb It, I had a deviliSh bead- bands A membe r of Double day'. 'Fourth nOOll. I' m so '"nxloils ror you to Ilnd thIs..-" ~IIi1 ', P4i"ee beb.UI~ anel hid t6!llhIS' ."1-1 Dew a fully, had "I dIstress that gummy , sblfted .)y1l11 10 camp 01) Rom e tb lng to Interest and occUpy "How sIlly!" laugbed my darlln,. ache and my mouth had few weeke, tq, bi,. , a Ib ll-b'm- and JI1tI N, Y. H, •., whUe Il8. nsit~lne curtaID alcove the Tile I know ou taste-y p. a · arnlsb the banks of the Rap'lda n, was YOU-" And I thougbt so too. Of courlle If a warm·v and DeI'YOU '" sreat Joy, t~ across the floor, an.lI out- tben-" pr~che4 by an ofDcar,' ",:bo .....d: . ~ neli left- me > ~ Hut I had caught tbe 'back of a man looked like blmaelf once, be lIunUgh t lay itl dash "Walt, In, broke 1 "Herel" the jolly ' blrd8 twit"Do .. you knOll: allY!~lng or" -'aJor 'and hoPeful , ' I clUllr. would always look like blmaelf . An,. 81de 1 could hear s, ta·uame wbat's·l tbelr among terlng hear'" , YOll dId voice B bouts!)' Wbose Sear'l 'Wherea fool knew that! . "J)eg-fl gbt 1" I said {'llnUy. "France _ tauiht ten ,~~'_"'.~ .te~k1ns' eyes duol~ed. -my room, Jenkinl etood by the foot of tile bed "Yu, lor," was oie reply, ' "He jUlt -Of'later Later, tbe Judge came UJl In Ute hllls-a nd-·and with Scag. Ol'1ape.;N.jt8'.~'"WT coi,trae look, gloomy n bad w someho and • . ,q, 110m, ere" \ 'w1tb th' a to me Wilkes lert down by only tbem anIed ' had IItDl sbe accomp "A"~ . &10111" Aud . "Yours, ::i~ ~:.',Sald. f~~. :'.•. da't • .It II . , t·tbroat, and'l had a fleling • hili H d " cleared . trappe. :J. -.) ';JJ -r, punch, :. erg ,:; .. ., , . Heidelb W~,.ue • half·bou r ugol . ~ to ~M unlpe"l'{llta, .' ,~( ~ trying to 'that be bad already clone It .8'r81.... ' 1-' "Couldn 't leaye :you out- o_f' thiS," "Wb y, cerlalnl y!" he said wearily , ., ord, w . a Qf b'hlil'1l l".niil,ln' elbow, ' my t.:J' almost testily . "What of Itt I tell said genially ; "beslde l; · waillblld--tO+-thntl'l. I-'i'aI8fld . . .beavtl, 10 ... · tile under all DlCbt Ideas flnt your your get to toast YOU you've got •. . . : ,:-:.... .. of readjus ted about Francis_ Wbat's t.he m.atter wlth tbe dog-lIgb t?" . }'~o !lurp·rlse d," · I tattered : , ' llO~~. ,7.011 now!:: ,. "'.Poofl'~.......nd . b, " pusbeCli 'me out u.roUlt i the ",d oor• .,~II ne,.r face ~ tUi.~J!ect~. 1u ~t _Q.uanerl"


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FIVE COWS, AGIRL AND ABIG AUTO Romance oLa Young Lawyer'.s Scorchless Scorch on a Highway. BY ADA NIXON.

(Coo rrlght. 191!. I,,' A"","'luled 1.lI cra l,' Pre ••.) Young Harold IlIl lny of ('h es te r h a d g ~u duat c d In Inw uu d u('e n tnlte n Into partners hip wltb hl ~ fu ther, li e woo bavlng wllnt he l·a.ll ed u lillie nlng be roro se ttlin g down to Ih e stt' TII hus lnesa of law, and ho hnll all nu tu to he lp him out. Th e !lutu revolvrd around the country ut variOUS speedH, non e of which WIUI l e~l> th ou for l y miles nn bour. On a c ertllin !Oornlng when It wa s tnlt e n out to scorch Ull til · hlgh wny It I'e rus ed to scorch. In fnct, It "we llt de nd ." That's not So very r ure II case. Th ere III a little some thin g out of kilter aud th e mll n lhat l<IIows how cn n remed y It In a few ruitlut ea. Th e IIo ub le In thi s Cilse wa ~ th at nobod y In the v1l1age kn ('w how . Th o clod.. tinker, lhe bloclts mlth, the cobbler and tbe doctor IlII di ag nosed und ,;re· Bcrlbed, but without ovull. T he[J II till peddler came nlollS' and hOll j)('d olf bls wagon lin d fU Rsed tor a min ute and hOPlled on aglli n a nd d rove o fT , The aulo was now nil rI gh t. The young lawyer oft'e r ed tree SNit S . b ut they we re declin e d wllb t ll:ulk R. It wasn't their ua y fo r dyin g. Th e d .. · cllners aaw man a nd mOl' hln o dI HR(l· pear down the highwa y lik e a cll nnon ball nnd !e lt that It "'ns good to be aUve and haTe dInn er co min g to them. Very few lowyen, ta ke any mnn's word for anything, n nd not one In t en would belie ve a peddl e r IIndpr oath , YOllng Imlay ba dn't ellt bl s legal ey&tMth yet, lind be rondly lJelieved. He wonld bave said to a ju rl' tha.t the . peddler col114 h ave no pO G~ lbl e moUve In btng to blm, and the absence of a maUve always rnl s es a big doubt ot the cullt of th e nrcu sed. Perhaps the man did not knowIngly lie. P er· haps be thought a balky auto could be fixed as eas ily all a balky ",'heel· blln'OW'. At MY r oto, after a run of throe miles., young Imlny di llcove red

blast and a rumble, a.&1 the If" caught sight ot a white but dctefl. mined fac e through tbe h a~e ot dust. That WDS simply olle pCI'll avoided. Further up the rOlld others mUllt be encountered. She tbrew aSide her sketching and mounted her pony and ss t off In chase. Half 11 mil e away the lIuto had plowed Its way Into n bank and wnD at rest. Yo ung Imh", hnd been thrown out by th e coliitiion aud s ulTered n broken Icg. ~Je was uncon sdous uutll SOIDe lime nft e r a do ctor hnd looke d him ov I' at the mnnor h OIl £e . No one knew who ho WDS until his pockets bad bee n seu r ched, a nd th en the futher was t ille pboned to. By thl! tim e he arrived tho Bon had gnthered liP tb e threl'.ds of th e CU~ U und waH ready to say to th e jury: "No use tn \klng, go\'e rnor, I've got It bud!" "A nythin g bcs lde the leg ?" "i\J y henrt." "Why-w h~ , 1 don't und erstand th at the fu U hud nffected YOllr h eart." "tlut It hus. It's a case or lov e at first s ight . nnd th e flr ~ t s ight didn't last more'n hruf a second ." "A nd wh e ro Ii< tbe g irl ?" "Ri ght h e re In the hou Mc. It w as I; he who found me In the road and hasse ll th e jail of getting m e h e re. !:lay. governor, sh e'n a girl of BenBe ! I ba" e n't had a tall' look ut b er face yet, but I know from he r vo ice that sho's good·looklng. I'd lluve smashed up fiv e cows UB we ll a s myse lf, Bud th " mllchlne If It had!!'t Ileau tor the girl." " \Ve must now got YOll home," Brud th e ra ther In very lIolle r ton es, "Can·t be done, governor. Here s tay 'till the leg mends nud I've got the promise at that girl to be my wife." "Young mlln, thll! seems to have at· f('cted your brnln." "It bas eJfected me all over. Say, governor, I'm a law), er, um 1 not?" "A very young and te nder one." "Out I know what a brench·of·prom · Ise suit Is. and I don·t propois to stand In tbe dock ." "Harold Imlay, what CRn you mean?" "Oovernor, whea. I saw those cows blocking the narrow highway and renllzed what a butcher s hOt} It would be tr the girl didn't move them on, I vowed to m llrry her It she did the right thing. She did it, anll I'll keep my word." ~U m! Um! I think I c a D arrange tor you to be cared for bere for a few dny s, hut my boy, don't get any (001 notions In your head. Remember that you Bre just entering ullOn your career as a lawyer." It was three days lat e r before the pn tient caught sight of Ml8a Irene. The docrtor had said that It would be belle r It tbo young m a n could remain Ulera tor a few dnys; aud Mr. and Mrs . Grubra1lh had readily CODsented. A professiooal nurse b.nd taken charge and the famll,. was not to be put out to any 1?Xtent. Wben the young mOD e xpres sed bls thanks In ap)JI'opriate wo rdH he I!;8ked of the gtrl : "H ow mWlY cows were there?" flFlve.."

.... lIlied Tlult There Was a MJlo-aMinute Pace Before Hlm.


tbat lte flying, and th:l.t the mao was beyonlil bla control to atop. Flvo miles from wh ere the auto atarted out aD4 hIIlf IUl hour before It did start, a saddled pony was led a~ to the door of n manor aDd lI18a ireDe Galbraith mounted aDd plloped away. Something ot au artist 4!be was, and ahe bad her eMtch book with ber. Two miles dOW1l tbe road IIlle found her subJecL .... co... which were running at ..,.., contrary to tho hlgbway lAWS were trtandlng In tho middle of the du.t,. roAd with half ..dosed eyes and the!!' tnfls 1:lzlly s'l\' ltchlng at the 81-. TbeJ' had arranged themselves .e if lor a photograph ond the girl 418J110nnted and g ot out her materials. "Honk! Honk! Honl(!" MIss Galbraith had beard the liound a thousand Umes before. bllt there wal .. note In tb,ls to mllke he r rI se to ber feet.. That honk WIIB a danger Ilgnal, F1ve rode down was tho river. On tba other aIde tho blgbway nscended for a mile, and at Ita crest she allW lUI IlUto. In ten seconds she made up her mind that It W88 a runaway rnn· cblne. It honked at every fifty feet. ThOle blaats could only m ean : "Look out-clear the road!" YOWl. Imlay hnd put In the fll6test balf mile he ever expected to be fore reacbln. the crest of the hili, but he InltutI;, realized that there was 11 IIllle • ,l Dllnute . pace !,lefore him . alrallbt down over tbe crazy old' ~

"An;} bow fut '<!.'as I BOlng'" "It looked 1I1te t ... o Of" three bUlldred mlleR a mlnuto to me." " And tr I'd struck that bunch ot b eel at that galt r' -W hl' -'WBY-" "Illy fatber would halVe bad a dead BGIn to bury, wouldn't he? I jus t want him to look at Ole C81!Je on Its luerlt~ yon GOll'. Ail. lawyer, he Is naturally eiased. It thel'e IJnd been only one cow, 1I0W, aad Ihe In poor condlUon. but there were alVe, and al1 fit for beef. Father must see thatthat-" Miss Irene th<IuPt tile ,oung mM'1II mind WIUI wahderlng and called the Durae. rue mind Wall aU t 'h ere, bow· ever. t2lcrttda It WIIS dJ: tong weeks and be W&II cnltclUD.t; around be foro be flnlshe.t tb e eentenoe by s nylng: "Yes, you must eee that having saved my ute-nnd having been both· ered with me bere 60 101lg_lId as this leg wnt be wenk for 80me ttme to come--nnd as [ have taU~ In love with you~nd atI your father Is 10 tbe library-and as I'm going to crutch ~D there nnd ask hlm-" That marriage won't tci.e place , ••• til ncltt Cbrlstmns dllY . The World'. Wheat Crop, Stntlst.\('s tram abroad recently com· plied glye tbo comparative production of the world's wbel1t crop as tollow8: Unltod States, 200; RUBsla, 194; France, 98; British India. 77; Italy, 62; Hungnry, 34; etc. As 10 tlle yIeld (ler acre of territory. tbo order Is quite different, tbls beIng : Oreat Britain, 21; Germany, 19; France, 14; Austria, 13.2; Canada, 12.4, etc. The United StnteD ocuples the nInth, with a figure of 9.2.

Coat of Producing Milk. Tho MasBchusetta experiment stp. tlou bas found that the total cost of producing milk sntlsfactory In sanitary quality sDd contaIning from four to five }Jer cent, ot hutter fat wl11 usu. ally amollnt to trom four to five centa per quart. The C08t of keeping a cow ror one year III EO.tlm.ted at . $137.07. Milk produced under more than average sanltsry eondltlonll of llri_ Ui1certlfted milk will naturall,. coat con· "Cow.'tn the road'" be Batd to blm· Iiderubly mare. lelt • _-,','"-_--:_-:-_ _ That There Ulust be a


. 811e muat know Ibe'. good thoee COW! and ' Irihe dcell ·1IlI1..


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Everybody In Hard Luck. , Sudde nly he ste ppe d up to a gentl emun. who was waiting for th ~ traIn, and . lopping hIm lig htly on the shaul· der, 8u11l : " li:xcuse me, but di d you d rop a flr e ·pound n ole7" [It th e s am e ltlll e hol'ling alit In his hnnd tb al"

.:=t:~~T1B!~ii'f4---II-+.t1 The

" C"UlLNr".a;;,Q':"'UN



50 Year.

ge utl.;runn Qu es t lonpd gllzed n ! From 40 to of Age. motlle ut lit the not e. IiSSlI llle l1 un anx · How It May Be Pused lous look , Jlllld (' II haHty 8ear<' h or hi s • S f pockets . and ~al ll : " Wh y, so I did, and m a ely. I II UIIII' ( D!ls~t' d It, " ho lding ' Il ut nn c3g pr hSlld . Odd, Va.: - .. 1 nm enjoying b ett..r Ti le "Id .... lr !illlli er tnuk the na tll P I health than I hav e fo:- 20 years, an d I nnd nclil resM or t he loser und , putting ... be lieve 1 can sof.. ly th p IWII' In hi s pOI,ke t, tllrned IIwny .1 Bay now that I am 8 " We ll ." t' /lld thl' oth e r, " do rOll wun t w ell womnn. I was r e ored on a f orm Wld II II II " ' n TI' Wllr 0'" . . b d a Ilk' d ofh " I )h I d id no l Illld one." rp markt'tl 0 k tom d~ "h~ VYb ' w or a W It' lhp. t.~lIe\'l) lpnt one with Klloth !' r I caused th o troubll-s Itl':t 11 I , "Ilut It stmek me Ih nt In 11 bi g , thnt came on m e IIv plRrf' lilte I.,o nl\oll lh l're l\Iu s t bo a I t el'. For fiv <.! y<,.,r.. ,, " "lItlly or fII01I!' )" lus t , nnd Ilpon In ' 1 duringtJleChllng""r qulr )' I fOlllt<1 -t hnt )' 0 11 ar e the ont' , Life I was not alol hlllldred and l h lrty ·fl rs t lIla n who lost I to li f t a pail of \ \ll . 1\ 11\' 1' 1''''' l1d 11 0 1(' thl H mo r ul ll g."- !.on. I ter. I had hemllr. d o n A " " we rR. rh ages which would If"t for wileks and J : was not able to sit up in blood. I sufT en·d Couldn' t Happen to Them . 1 a great deal with my b uck and was w ~llkt' got a Jl'lt IIlUI' llI g so ul e ke gs nervous 1 could scarcely slee p at ni ght, or pu wd e r, I\nll, tu th e al,uD! o r hl ' \ andldidnotdoanyhous eworkforth r"tt fo r(,lll an, was dIEc()\'<'red s fll ol(! I1g' Ht years. h is 1\"C1l' 1" I .' Now I can do IlS much work 8."i " .J I· · ru · ~a· lem! " exc laim ed Ih e fore· any woman of my a ge in the count y, nlan . " Do you kno w wh a t hll l,pe ned thanks to the henet\t I have received when It lIlan ~Ul oited nt th le jolt 80IDe from Lydia E, Pinkham's Vege tah le yp ars ago ? There W IU! ILn o,;x plus loll Compound. 1 r ecommend your r emedi l-Il thll t bl llW up a do z(, n men," to allsuft'eringwomen."-MI"lI. MAR'IH A "That couldn 't happe n hert'," re- L. HOLLOWAY, Odd, Va. turn ed :lflke calm ly . No otherinedicineforwoman's Ulshas " Wby not?" received such wide·spread and unqual i"'CaIl 6(, th ere', only yuu and lJle," fiedendors emcnL W e knowofnooth r wa ~ tb e r ep ly."-Everyuody·s Maga· medicine which has lIuch a record of zille. .ucceS! &9 haa Lydia E. Pinkham 's Vegetable Compound. For more than St) HANDS CRACKED AND BLED yean It has been ilie .tandard remedy for woman' .. ills,


-:~~ -'



for the Gener .. ) Cellar.

E I'Hr y farmhou se should b nve a cC') · lar. This a rticl e Is Intend ed as 11 guIde to th e man whose homo has bee n built w it hout [L (!e llnr lind who wis hes to remedy th e d e fect, nnd to th e mnn who Is a bout to uulld . The UBC of s ton o or brIck as a b ll llding mnterlal Is 80 gen e ra lly und !'r s tood that n d escription of a Willi of c'lther would hardly be necessary. COllcrete, how e ver , Is a comparati ve ly new form or construction which possesses certain ad va ntag es over botb hrlck an d atone. writes Donald Ito lsom In tb e Country Gentl e man . It does not re quire s kill ed t.oorkm e n, Is 1't'l rmln· proof. and Ir well mixe d will be al· most wate rproof. It th e cellar Ie to be placed und er a wing ot a house already built. tt will be necessary to brace up the walla until the new work Is In place and the concrete bas eel. As a rule, frame h'Ouses without cellars are IIUP' po rted on 180lated brIc k or stone pie rs or wood posta, In this case the re Is a wootl sill or beam ex tend· In g from one support to anoth e r . on wblcb the IItuddlng or upright tImbers of the tramework res t. Unde r these sl11a heavy pieces of timber should be placed horIzontally and vertical pie ces should be placed under th ~ ends of the timbers. In thIs way the horizontal timber torms a bridge sup· ported a t ench end with the sill rest· Ing upon It. The outside vertical pie ce s hould be Bet at a sumclent dIs· tnnee from the building to be safe from any possible cavlng·ln of the bank. nnd th e InsId e on e s hould be placed far e nough back to allow Q trench of suntclent w idth to work In t., be dug. The shoring or braclnJ: should be wedged up tightly under tb e sills an " mad e se cure agllinst any posslhl e se ttlin g or th e building when the old Bup ports a r e knocked out. tor It would Ihrow th e building out of plumb and crack the plnste r on the wnll8 and ceilings. tn case the old foundation Is a contlnuou8 wall of brick or stone It will be necessary to cut holes through It large enough to receive th e hori zontal piece. \~ en the shorIng la In place th e ""ork of e xcavating th e cellar may be begun. The most convenient way of getting at th e work under the hOU80 will be to begin with the outSide eel· lar steps. The llrat work ot excava· lion should \be In the form of a trench. that extends entirely round the build· Ing to a depth of five Inches below tb e desired level of the cellar floor and wide enough to work In con· venlently~ Care should be taken to keep the outside bank Bmooth and stralght. for It 'wlll ' Derve as one sIde of tbe ' form when the ooncrete Is poured, [n the bottom of this ex· oavaUon dl,; another trencb to recalve the "rootlngs." It sbould be six Incl,tes deep and eighteen Incbes wid'e, so that It wl1\ project thn!tl l-IIcb6 beyond each aide at the twelve1!1dl watl that will he placed upon It. De sure that the bottom or tlia oat· In,; trench I. of good 80lfd earth. Sbou1d you by mistake dig too deepI, III p1acea, do DOt attempt to till In

with ('orth, but make YOlll'

~o ncre t e

t.hl c ke r IL t th E'S6 poi n ts. :-<ext comes th ll mixing or Ihe con · eml e. T hts work 18 done un n plat · fortll nbo ut nin e by l Cl n teet. built of 1J0ards d rll'en tightly toge tb e r s o th at no crac ks are le ft for the mat(>f lols to I... ak tbrough. T hE' co ncrete used ror Ih ls wo rk will consis t or on e part Ponland cemeat, two pal·ts cloan. s harp sa nd 1I11t1 four parts bro ke n stOIl O aT grove l. at a s ize to paBB throu gh n I wo·ln ch rin g. Spread th e sand out on on e sId e of tll e platform In a pile IIbout four Inches thi ck, pour tho ce m ent a& evenly as possible over the sand . !lnd then shovel the m to th e oth e r sIde or th e plaUorm, turnin g tho ml:'l t ure as you tll ro,,' It and lei· tlng It IIl1de off th e en d Ilnd sides of the ahov el In ord e r to mi x It (IS It tails. T hi s operation should be r ... · peate d. I\"ext spread tbe stone over the top of the Bacd nnd cemeal. Wet t be Whole wIth water and re pE'at th e shove ling ope ration three or tOllr time s. s.ddlng water wh e n necessary until th e whole Is thorougbly mixed and con ta in. as much water as It will hold without running. It Is then ready for use, Fill th e tooting trench level to the top w ith concrete and tamp It down well. The form. !or tbe walls shonld be made of on.lnch boards laid borl· zontally and beld togetber by 21. ver· tical pieces nailed to the side away from the concrete. They should ex· tend from tlle footings to a point just above tbe lowe r s ide of th e sill and should be placed twelve Inches Insid e of th e bank for th e cellar wall, and nine Inclles for th e wall at the ste p!!. They should be "" ell brace d to pre"e n t bul glnS' tra m th e weIght of the can· cret e. Tbe concrete may be poured In from the outSId e and should be In well·tamped laye rs of not more tbnr. twelve Inch es. When th e ground level Is r eached outsIde forms will be necessary, but they wl1l be nm up, one board at a tim e, to facilitat e th e J,llIcln g of the concre te. The top board mllst exte nd above tbe bottom at the sill and will be three Inch es outside of It. Thla gives a cbance to pour the last at tbe concrete, wblch should be very wet and tamped as much as posstble. Holes should be left round the shoring timbers so that lhey may be taken out when th e wall has set. The boles may tben be fill ed with conc rete, The wlndow and tloor openings are formed by setting th e frames In place Ilefore the concrete Is poured. The y sbould be well brac· ed to llr~vent 'sagglng or bulgtng. Half·lnch Iron barB, or an old wagon tire sbould be laid In tbe concrete and' extelld eight Inche .. Into the wall aD each side. This forms are-en. forced bE,am over the opening. The walle of the cellarway Ihould extend at leut three feet Ilx Incbell bela,,· the grotlDd at all points. Above ground they should IIlope upward to the top of tlle cellar wall The walle 8 auld be allowed to aet for at least two weekI! before the sborlllg II taken out. Tbe,n the concrete tloor and stePII can be 1&14,



St. Clatr, Mo.- "MY troubl e began about fifteen years ago. It waa what wome claimed eczema. The form the dlseale worked under was a break lug out with watel'}' bUsters on my handa which would then dry and scale. and then would, follow the trouble or cracking and bleeding, alao l\.chlnl and hurting. My hands were dillflg· ured at the time. Ilnd sore. The trou· ble wu very annoying, and dillturbed my lleep. Thle IBlt February It wal ever so mucb worse than before. I did not do all my work on account at the condition of my hands. [could not put them In water without mak· Inc them worse. I tried 8. lot at homo remedies, also sruves and liniments that claimed to be a cure tor the trouble, but 1 did not obtain a cure, "At last I aaw the adverti sement for Cutlcurn Soap and OIntm ent. I sent for a sample. I thought they would cure, s o I sent for a flfty·ceLt box of Cutlcura Ointm ent and s ome Cbt!· cura Soap. A do ctor a dvIsed me to keep ahead wltb tbe , Cutlcura Boap and Ointment and tlley cured m e com· pletely. No trace or the trOUbl e r&m ains ." (Signe d) Mrs. Mary Taylor, Mar, 29, 1912. Cutl cura Soap and OIntment sold throughollt th e world . Sam pl e of e ach rree, with 32·p. Skin Boole. Address post·card "Cutlcurn, De pt. L. Boaton ." . No Concern. "Mr. Mips mu st be " slng lliarly /1ure und upright man ." " Why do you think he Is unusllul1:r so?" "Somebody told him th e re were well·deflned reports tha t a \:Iurns de. ' tactlve had been operating secretly lu the neighborhOOd he frequents , aud he saId It was nothing to him."

" you have the BUarhtest doubt tha.t Lydia. E, Pinkham'l Vegeta· ble Compound will help you, write t~ Lydia. E,Plokba.m Med1cloe 00. (oontldeotla.l) Lynn,ltlaBl.. for advice, Your letter wUI be opentld, read and anlwered by a. woman. and held in strIct confidence.

Resinoi Soap is a real baby soap '"'


because It III nbsolutely free from the harsh, injurious nlkali present. In most soaps, while It containa the surne soothing, healing, antiseptic balsams aJJ Resinol Ointment, so that it is uauallyBUfficlent to prevent rashes , Itchings, cOOffuge and other distressing bab}r 8kln and scalp troubles. Your drulI'lI'tot · . ell. Reoluol SOIiP


and Reaillo1 Ol u tme ut (bOc) . For w rit e t o Depl. J~H. Chemlea.l Co .• Baltimore. Md.

.ample or f" fLCh n.~.' ool

J ReaUers



..,ytbina ..ayer. tited in ita coluaLlII abould i ' " upon .

haYinc what thay ask lor, refwirLa .Il

Watf!r In blnlog t. adwlt.eratlon, GIIL&tI aad mali_liquid blu. (!Qnly. Buy lted l:rou &lllJiu", ID&kea clotbea "bIter tban uo",




And many a girl wbo atuts out with tile Intention at making a name for herself winds up by tllrnlng the job over to eome man. M .....


_ I " ... "1?UP tor ClIIIGntII

tt!eth.loK . &otLeDa the Kuma. red.uce ... loftaww,,* UOb ••n..,. paJD, euf'\lii wlD.d. colle . ~ a botU..

One way to become popull1r Is to let other P.6Ople Impose on you.

We Lead You

To Fortune and Happy Life IR


Menn , 1. S. & \V. S. Kuhn, the Pimburgh bunken, are in the Sacramento Vallry what the U. S. Gover'!meut is dOing ellC"here for the people, There I, ten limn mOle nel profit per Icre in California irrigated /a"d than In the East and with Ie.. labor, I. et u. take you .. here there j, comfort and happiness bClidetl profit, climate equal to that of Southern haly. no froll. nor Inow, 00 Ihunderstonn. nor .unltrokes. Let us taka you where bi g money i. ".ow being made, market. are lLear, demand for product. great and Income i. Iun:. Let u. lake you where railroud and ,Iver tflln'porUtion i. near, where thlnll an denolllinlitional church... and graded IOhool.. NDw I. the time to buy In with the wlnnen, the great Panama Canal "i\IlOOn be ready and JOU can .har. In Ita triumphal farm. ero ..lIidl rapidly, and ". Itronll1,. Ilree you to pUlch ..... '~Q . . pouible. You un buy thi. land on very ...y tenna-$15,OO an acre • .,..., and the balance In len yearly paymenb. Gi •• us IA opponllDity to ~. up all do'laU. "itJa ,Oil


.......... _............ _......

SectIon of Wall In the Concretl= Cell.r,


Bvery Farmer Rec:ognlzOB

Fac:~ Tha~

a Square Struc.. Coeta L_s Than _Oblo....

(By. L. EDm, New York.. ) Doel evel'}' farmer realize that a IIQuare butldlnc can be built cheaper than one In the nape of lUI oblone, altboulh tha floor apace la tbe lame' To underataD.4 thla, ouerv.a a parUeu. lar ezample. , In a aquare bUt4lIDI that meaaurea .,0s40 'teet. there be .1,600 Iquare 1",t of floor spice:' dlltaace around bull dID, wID or- ' Illere be. ",ae. at· 110

232 fee t, while the floor, apace be 1,600 square feet. Althougb thelle two buildings will ha ve the SILme 1I00r spI\ce, yet the man will have to pay for building 72 feet teet more o f sldea In 'the oblone bnlld. Ing. There wIll be a almllar wute In the construction ot tbe roof of the ob. long barn. ' SUPpoilng that 1.000 equare feet or lumber would need be bought. the luuiber alolDe would cost about $80 at lealt. When the extra labor ueedln the building, the cost of repaira and the Interesa OD thl. Bum la consIdered, anyone can undenland that It It! all exp6nle to be avoldecl, Probably thla matt.r II of the mosl Importanoe In the conalructlou 01 hotl"1 ~d dairy bulJdlDrl; altllo'allc.c!ven ID ' iuch bullcllnp. ·ths ' ......._ •..., . ,be ' .qqa"Jf'liIt.llPl~.I~~ .~ D!~~e . ,ID '~ ,,!OD~'

-"rlt. u. .''1». • .

Let UlIIIDd you our firaaillUitrated printed-matter ..11101 all about iL Wri,,'or It '.(I-it live. ,OU absOlute PIOOfa. ·




: Dept.lll

';'VENt.JE •.... J'Ot,Jtm , '



. PlTT.s~tlRGIf"PA. . , .. 'i" ..



Ray :.mith Tuesday.

was in Cineinnati,

Mrs. N. L. Bunnell WllS in Duyton, Monday.

Sllopp in ~

Mrs Joh~ Lampke is visiting relal ivflS in Spri ng field , Ohio. Mrs. Fr•. nk Pl':tlt h n!! moved in to the Hail'le ~ prOpllrty vaca ted by DI.. Clayl on.

Miss Myrl l~ Lutz, of Dayton, spent Saturday and Su nday wil.h Miss Clara Hawke. Miss Marne Brown w as the guest of friel\ds in Bell brook, lallt Saturday .







Miss Katherine Alexander entertained Monday evening at a "handker¢hief shower" in honor Qf the bride-to-be, Miss Je..'!Sle Marlatt. A mest enjoyable evening was indulg~ in by the many 8'\ll'SUI at music and social chat. Some go od advice was given the bride· to· be on what "to do and what not to do." The coler scheme was rml and white. Dainty refreBhments were served at the c10lW of the evening and the guests departed for tht'ir homes after thanking the hostesl for the pleasant evening. The invited guests were Misses Dcmnllt Hawke, Ruth Hllr~­ sock. Ellen Sherwood, Stella Lemmon, Lucy Harrison, Martha O'N8liIl, Luellu Corne\l, Mary Salisbury, and Mrs. Fred Hartsock, of Morrow.

-----.. -





-, - --'--




- ... .. - _ ....





-. ..


"",,..a . r!

. ~...."


• I

• • _ .-Jii.' . . ...~~



Betlch Greve.


W. H. Gud left last week for his Not mneh news this woek, every· home in MO'hrovia, Cal.. after a six body is at the fair . week's visit wi th fri end s. A IIUle ~i rl came to the home of B C. Atkinson, 00 Wednesday Philip Larri ck. of Lebanon. whG HY a rc children .. ",,\ il,I " (or H~t·.dl - Nlil eveni ng to make her hOlile. Wll!! hurt in a motorcycle raee rePeallut BlItllT ? lh:call~( th e c h il. I' , nature We are glad to 'report Uri! . Wolf c r:L\'('s it, and thl' ('h il\ ! dl ' IIl.:1t1,h i t. cently, has reoovered and ia at work "'ht arU!Il ;' nt1,! lb"lIr of peallut' wlwt\ frc)h better 8t this wrlling. again. masted ;"'.• Ielicioll s. B,·.~h -, ,II :\irlr< ;-S~"ling Miss EBthelr Edwllrds is attending keCjlS that rlusi ,'c Mav"r in "full ny" till yuu pry ME'ssrs. Campbell McGee. of Lima sohoolilt Harveysburg. "IT the lid of ,h I' B.",·h l\ut 1:1" .. j,. . h ' N just IH!l:Ul\1l ~ and :o;'l lt g-ro\lnd 10 :t fft';t11lY, MiBI1 MyrtJie Barnetlsls teaohing a nd John McGee, of Xenia, were 1:"I<lcll I>r,,"'" blltter. Eat if l i ~ j-1I11 "r jl·lly. G re:t! the Oa k Ridge !IOhool near Morrow g uest.s of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hllli!J fur child ren aftcr " hllol. Va)' nuuri . loinl!. T ~ a I Sc jar lada)' . But he su re its Beech-Nut braMd P rAs81 sy Vanghn. wife "nd son, and family. Friday. FOR SALE BY of Franklin. ~~re the gueets of Wm. At Uli Z~II-Tvson reunion held Guthrie and fMlllly. last week at Kilkare PIJrk, Jlear 'rhose from 'bltl plMe who It.tXeni a, Miss Lola Zell was elected tended the Dayton fair last· week secrdary for the e nsuing year. WAre 111.. M T~rry and Wife, J. 'tV Wolf, Glenn Davis, Fr~lIk and Jack ityder. the Enquirer's base Whel on Jordan and K. E. Thomp ball reporter, got stuck here S.nday sen . NO. 2220 NOTICE TO HUNTERS in hi::! auto, and had to be pulled to Mrs. Graoe Bever and lion Harry REPORT Cincinnati. He had come from Co- have returued to their home in We, the undersigned, positiv ely Of the CondI tion of the Waynes- forbid all hunt inll or trwpassing lumbus. Day~on lifter spending a week with ville National Bank, at Waynes Mrs. Bever'l4 parenLs, A . Bolpmyer ville In I he Stat e of Ohio, at the upon our premises. The 'same will be Miss Elizabet.h Collette, who was close of business, Septomber -4, strictly enforced: assistant prindpal in the schools and wife. 1912. Isaac Wil son Jas. Vanderveort here two years ago , will go to Mi 8~ Milrie Star, of HBrveYHburg, . RESOURCES. Will Williams Martin Gons Is teaohing our Bobool again thi8 Wapakonetu as teacher of English Loans and DIJIOOunlAl • .. .. • ...• . S2H. 717. 86 year, whioh pro nlses to be a SU0088S Seth Furnas o venJr&tt.l. fiOCured and WI800Ured 2.986. 23 George Mills this year. U . 8. 80~ t.o eecure clrcullltJon . . 60.000. 00 (t~ber OOndJI to secure P08t ..1 8avA. Helpmyer, K . Ill. 'l'hompl!loD, lap •• : .. . . •. . . , . . .•.... ' . • 3.000. 00 FARM FOR SALE Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fisher and, Lon BrllD.llOlJl and J . Lee Talmage Booa.. eecuritJee, etc. ...• .• . •.. .. 97.1 8 7.~0 Baok1oir houIo. furnit u re and /l,,littl. daughter returned Monday to WIlrQ in Wa,ynesville, on MODday ~uree ..... . . .. . .• •.. . . . . •. • . . 7.~Ol . 62 .ne trom a»proved I'8Mrve alliuL/I H.8U.60 One mile from Waynesvill~, Ollio, their howe in Cincinnati after a atterno .•n NotM of otliei' NatIonal DILJlIuj . .. . 616.0U 'nct loll&l paper c\llTltncy. nickels, railroad station. About 93 acres of pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. A man by ·t he name of Ubamber.'rvi; Iii m.ID rich black dirt, first and second bot H. Allen . Ian has mov'e d from Harveysburg =~ieDder ·DOte8·.·.:::·.. 1H~~:~g 16.632. 110 Itom land, and best grav&1 bank in tnto the Ed Jordan honH. The Kentucky Tourists, of CinRodemp'lon fund wlt.b U.S. Trouh Stat 11 room d we II·mg, barn urir( 6% of clrculatlou) . . . . • . 2.510.00 t e e . D. 8. ~baDahaD il! paUiDa Inother cinnati, will croSH bats with the Total, •• . .• ••.• •. •• •. . .. . . . t50.~B7. 00 and out-buildings. Will pay ever 10 Miamis Sunday. Joe Thomplion is story on tnp of his tenant boulle . . LIADILITIES per cent Oil $10.000. Milke me an the catcher of the Tourists, and his Mis8 VlLnnorn. of Olive Branoh, eapltlll .tack pa.ld In •. . .• .. .. ... 50.000.00 offer. To look at place lee Robt. many friends here will be glad to j .. ,·he I'IUeBt of Mrs. Mary MCiiDDon, 80.000.00 Beckett, Corwin, Ohio. Addresa t~~~pi.Oilt4: '1.' 'c'iPc'M08 tbl" we('k. - - - - " - '=tad- tuM pilld ..•......... . 14.070.62 Barton H. Kelly, 3892 Isabella An., 88e him in the game. ·Natlon4l Bank nota outstanding 50.000.00 - -- .... - - Guy Kibler and bill bellt girl, of DlvldeoWo unpaid .. .. .. ... . .. .. . 20 0.0 0 Cincinna ti, Ohio. NOTICE locUvJdulll depoatlAl .1IbJec~ t.o - - -.... Urean Bria.r" attende6 churoh btl,r e check . • . , . . ... . . : lH.1I0 ~. 75 Demand oortlficaleiJ . . . 9.917 . ti 8 1'0II1.&l8avfDgIIDepe8l't3. 1.ln. 96205, 9Gii.38 .MOSLEM POWER. All persons knowing themselves to 1)0 ~unday evenIng. . Joon Jordan 108t a tiue gray be Indebted to the late, Benjamin . Total ... .. ... . . . . . ....... "0.237.80 The, power ot IIIlam. WIS founded Weeks. will please _II and settle on mare one da.ylARt week. 8i'ATE OJ' OHIO . WARREN GOON'fr.SS : I; J. O. eut~t.. eubJer of ,he above upon the Koran;' and the ' Korau to date of sale, September 21st. R. J. Murray, of Lo-K View nllllled blUlk:, do IIOlemftl:r .... ear IhI., tIle the natives of Nigeria was at 'onoo above .t6teIllUl' hi true t.o tIUI beet of my i'arm, WIL8 lI'e re on '1'11884., Roy Weeks, Admin. Sklok lUIowledp and bellet. the constitution, the charter and the ---~ - . bayloK young oattle. J. O. OA R'l·WRIGHT. Cutller. n was o'ften over8ubllcrlbed and sworn betore tae tWs 7th ' bill of. right. EXTREMES. John 8haffer and famUy. of Sam"a), ot September. lUll. E. V. lJanthl>l't . Correct Attelit: NoCary Pul>Uc looked that IBlam was not only. re-moo, Ohlo . .hAil returned home atter J . lV. WH~. ligion, ,bu~ a ;~~ct~ lI,111te~ ~ to '-, ~~~ ,taw., m.e ·:aot~~. bide..Dl1/.1iAbt a week's vhlU ~h iii.. s1.IIwr tb". vr. 11. AI. • O. T . llA B. attack 'the reloiSlOn·wAs .tel _ Iftt:d~the under 'a bUsbCI," said ·the eneige1ic Fra.nk Shalllk and faml1y near . Directors. fabric upon which sobiety reposed, candidate. Oregoniu.. •. and that to attack the fabric was to "Yes," replied the sage adviser. • - • " the religion_ We must then "But' I didn't tell you to go to the Of FT8 TO COLLEGES. Notice of Appointme>nt attack beware of doing anything to uniler- 'olher tJltreme and imitate the cow mine ' the coistitution of our Nige- 1li!lt kfcRed (over ~ lamp and startEstate 01 BenJalllln Weeks. DO<.~ . ~r~. Ihllsell Sage h~8 given a~ Notice \a bel'll!>' given tha.t Iitoy A. Weeks hu been duly appelated tIIld '1UlLtlned as rian subjects by introducing legis- ed the (ifuicago fire;~' I adQ~onal $65,e09 to, Prmcoton U.Dl.Al1mln1ltrat.or or U1e Estate of nenjamln latiou lind. judJcial machinery ~hich -I ver8~ty to go toward the complel:lon W0ek8. late of WtUTeD County. Ohlo . De· qeued • . did not and could not prove I.SUb- - -... - of Holder. hall. '1'he whole of HolD"tid thla 28 d,,;y or AUlrust, lUll. ALEX BOXWELL. stitute for what they already had.~ der hall, including Hol~er tower, is Judge of t ho Prebelo Court. WarTeO t,<>unty. OhIo. Lecture by E ....D. Morel 'in London. . the gift of Mrs. Sage. 'l'he section A few h~uBehold goode, such as 1 :Io~ wb.i~h the a~dit~/~al. ~ft is to small Cook Stove, Lamps, 1 Iron be used IS the ~mverelty .~lDmg balls. Bedstead and Springll. 1 Wood Bed- \ Mrs. J. K .. Pame has pven $38,000 stead, 1 old fashioned Bureau, weod to . HalYard. to estabh8? !he Jo~n Chail'S Garden Tools 2 Kitch8n Knowles ~I!lme fellowshIp lD mUBlC; Tables: 1 n~w Wringer, Lawn Mrs. Caroline M. Barnard h811 given At the Mower, 1• .( ft. Marble Top Table, a $24,000 and Mrs. q, R. Sanger lot of Chicken Fencing, etc. ' mMlY books and pamphlets from the C. D. Reed, I library of tho late Prof. Charles Rob4th st. & Franklin Road. .ert Sanger:.






- ...


At the request of many who wish to consult us. a nd as we a re going to make regular monthly visits to Harveysbu rg . we will mak c our first \'isit on Saturda y, Septelfl ber 1-1 . at the hotel. HO llrs 9 a . . m . to 4 p. m.. We will on this day make no charge for eye examination and consultation. We advise any who wish t o consult us. living in Harveysburg or the surro unding country, to - do so on this da te , as we now charge a fee for all eye examinations at our \Vaynesv ille office, and will only ofTer our 55 .00 Free Eye Exalllinatiun for this v isit, and one day only, September 14. If yo ur eyes are di seased o r eyesight fniling, it is your cha nce of a lifetime to hav e your eyes acc uratel y exam ined by a n Eye Specialist possessing the medical knowledge of th e eye. its appen dages and di seases, and properly adjusted glasses at rrasonable pricfs, tl1U!! saving you the expense of continually changing yo ur glasses in the future.

OUR CLASSES ARE CUARANTEED To correct Headache; Nervousness; Dizziness; Achins: Eyeballs; E~e Strain; Spots Floating beforc the Eyes: Tearing, WCllk and Watc.:ry Eyes; Sleepiessneas; B1urrln).: of Type in RcadlnlO Drow si nc ~s: Bumln", Itchin2-or Smarting of the Eyclids and many forms of Menial Exhaustion. Cataracts, Growths Removed and Cross Eyes Stral2hlcned without use of knlfc, Granulated Eye Lids relieved without burning. No injurious drugs used in Fye Examination. All Eye Examinations madc by 8 Specialist possessing the Medical Education of the Oculist. Permanently loclltcd.

Our CUARANTEE to EACH PATIENT, aIL Eye Work and Classes to be SATISFACTORY, or no fee will be charged. New Lenses FITTED in old Mountings.



The Security Offer~ by our Safe Deposit Vaults

" at

For Sale



Waynesville Mills Have you tried our



Crinds all kinds of grain.


THREE TONS OF MONEY The Dice of God are Always ' Loaded-State Fair Sets New High Water Mark.


We give to patrons the advanta~es of new ~nd

modern-vaults renlforced and barricaded with YaJe Deposit Locks. The Yale system of locking is known around the world as the most sturdy, the most impregnable,

L-.&L_..JI,.-'JWI.~UI.._ _ _ _""'-J...

Evdy 00. ID OUf null I. protected by.apecial guard mochani.m and a ",,6/# .. t of lu_len. It"tr"" your val.... l.. to UJ,-'-theyWlII b. .<Vi froul nrc u willu \bel&.

Waynesville .




- -!2!!!41

The Same ATLAS Cement Used By The U. s. Government

On The'Panama Canal caa be had rlabt in town fl'9l1) ",.

You kJloW how particular Uncle Sam is in buying goods, You can

The world applauds the win~er crowds were orderly. Every officer Ed the record-breaker. The State was on duty at proper time and his judgment. Fair is both By leaps and beunds place. Unpleasant incidents did not prQpel1y it growil In popularity it gains. happen. Words of praise were to find out how. AT~AS Cemonf can In attendanc. it went beJond ex- heard on eV'e ry side. The Statel Fair advertising brought pectations. In quantity and quality ~dd to income.. comfort, safety· of . exhibits it surpasSed all pred- larger crowds to Columbul than ever etc.: We have some interes~8 ecessore. The present groundl!l are before. There was no confusion. no longer adequate: Over 500 eal'8 The Fair started on time. Every subj~tt were ueed in brin~~ exbibi~. de~1l ,?f the program W8Il kept to Tbe Preeident aDd the private cit· . th~ minute. izen teuched elboWS within ita . Doing away with the free-paas gates. . . . , ~~rse h~ won ·reepeet an~ suppo~t, Ovtlr 6,000 pounds ,of Bn,er w~e In~.rease, o~ ov~r 20 cent. 10 paid in adm'BSioRa: ' ReCeipt. fr~m b,Otb at~ndanee .and "",111 11" " allllOu~ total ' fJ.Q~()~)(t.ore .~an ~,~ty; . D~Il~da ,fOr! ·"'....IjI ..n,x"~I.... ·1 Good h~or pr~~l'" nex,~ year have already b,eelf~1IG;1 lilV,APVhn'11v was,.u~ea... The .i!W1' fa ,Il : new ~n"i~j:ln ~~~!'!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~!7~~~!!!!!!~~~~f;l

. It will pay ever)'

GROUND 'OATS Makes a fine feed if properly ground. We do 1l0t mash them but grind them as fine as Middlings: All irains are properly mixed" before grinding, and we &,uarantee all our



-yo,:" seed

CLEANED~ • . whC?~r on


·'~:":"-f"..r I.·I:ur.


his .

. health, booklets on this


worked irlarbts:


EV.,. ~wth and . lU~

.t ·

'.cOlDpl..u:..:: !; 'l'bi.VUt - ~tfOD.:., TIwlkI.. •. ;j'.;t .. .: '~. • 'to 4'

free for the ask!QS'





------~------~--------'----' --- r-.. ........ ··.. -···..·..·-.......-·· · .---- -----r I Happenings r·~- . . . p·~ . . ··-.. . .i. ·M.. l



.. ·e....-I ·_··..·......···...·1!


Over Hl Arcanum. Darke Count y, 1


th e ersona en Ion 0 umn i ! Beautiful in e very detail w()ddinl{ of Miss Jc;!Sie I. . MarlatL ~V~:1:.~~~~i;lgg:tl~(!ri~;:t~~8adl~:~aJ~ L::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::·.~~=:=:::=~::::::::::·.::. -.:. :.:.~:.:.:::.:.::::.:. ~..J ami Charle.'1 1\1. Rob itze r . Thllrsday

.--.--~------. Ia;;t W ~dn l' ·day. the citi zens had a BEFORE GRAND J lJR Y

............- .............- ..- ......~



Whole Number' 3177

i j


Mrs. Nora Hillman. while unde r Olll'. in whith the bu s iness m e n go t Whi te's Bakery for good bread. White'!) Bakery. for good cak es the influence of liquor. att empted to togethe r fo r the fi rst time in y ears. "burneu the hatch eL." an event All en Haines. of Xenia. was in l J e~se Lewis was a Dayton VI·SI· tOI'. set fire to th "o homt! of El len Emley. and h ' I ' 11 I on recoru.• . tOWII , Sunday. TuesLlay . about " o'clock Tuesnay morning . W "It: 1 WI P aee th em [' or mally year;! t Ile me rt Ilants alll I Nel'ghbors saw the blaze anll ex. . . have been on t h e "k noc k'mg .. F . CC C"II1clI1na t'I Ias t II CIlas. S tan s b eITY was in Dayton . al'e~ was' · ITI tl'ngul'shed It before doin hn • much citizens I' ' 1 . h h h e k b ·I b usiness. I T uesuayon damag e. State Fire Mnr:;hal Zuber IBt. un t l It appears as t ou g t ewe on . U3l11ess. . I "b " I was notified and a coupl e of men tow n was gOll1 g t6 t le ow·wows. 't ' Mr. and Mrs. J .. E . Janney were in Willie Haines, of Dayton. is spend. came down arrested her a nd took an d th ey f oresaw th e han d wrl II1g II f h" db Dayton. Thursday. in g H'everaldays her ewithhis parents I her before Justice Edwards. on t le wa s o t ell' city. an y . . of hard work of several enter· In her exa mination she pleaded dint .. . . th d I Mi~ Ina Ha~il tcn left .Moll?ay Mrs. J . W. White Is th e g uest of guilty, and was bound ove r to the pns lI1g' cltJze~s ey rna e" a lammer morlllng for Wilberforce ul1lverslty. )'eluti ves and fri ends in Dayton th is g grand jury in the ;!um of $500. 3 feet .Ion With a handl.e 0) feet long . . She was -+ster taken to Le banon. an d With much solemnity cremated .Rain Light and Flint Kote Roof. weeK . . . I . th failing to give bond . It W.ltl prope r ce remomes on e inio!' for sale by W. H. Madden & Co. Herbert G: " "ard o I' S spendl'ng a 1.1 I~ U" ~ I ' '1 h pu u Ie sq u are. I f d . h I . I h f . '11 f 13(: 1 ' Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Le~lter CD(, UP e 0 ays Wit re alive:; in A ter er arrlva at t le J:tl s e A pe rcanum IS a VI age 0 ' 111ayton. th II1gs pro r. h b' t proceed e d t 0 cIean . dup . h II a ' I an .... an d t h e me rc h an t s F"rl d ay Peterson. Monday, September 16th, I Sh e b ro k e th e Win ows 111 er ce , . a daughte r. . tore tho cot and bed clothes. and held a nother meetlllg and ~~rmed.a Ga rl and Hunter. of PhiladelphIa, . . "boosler's" cluL and to their credit p '11 d th . t . h finally threw a tm cup aL Sheriff may I't be said . every mel'chant I'n Misses Lillje N edry a nd Izma Fa:. wd I H spen e wm e r a t t e ' h 1m ' 111 . th e face . and tl +h . . . ' . nen s ome. F orgy s t rl'k mg .• d.' t d II . d E• g b er t are VISILlI1g reIatlves III k' . fl ' , Ie ""wn Joane I, an a are rea Y r : ' ma mg a pam ~ ~n~ry. to c •. opt) rate in a spirit of progress., Al lumbus thiS week. Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson.



- ---~----.


Social Events

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '"

\Ir. illld r-lrs . F. W. Aa thaway eveni llg at the bl'id e'H home on had as thei r g\l(>~ts at Su nday dinner Fou rth straet. The ll1 a l'ri a~e ce re· Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hathaway. Mr. many took plac e at 7:30 an:! was and ~1r~ . D. L. Crane an d son Ethan . so lemni7.c(1 by Rev. Claren< 'c S. GI'8I1Rer . pasto l' of t he M(>t hod i!<t. Mis.'I Marne Rrow n entertain pd Epi>lcopa l .. hu rch, of which the b ridal co upl e a re rrominent membe r!! Sa turday at dinne r Mr;!. C. E. Miss Ruth Hhrtsock presid ed at t he Bratten , two ~O !, S anl l two daugh· piallo alld I II the ~ train s of Loh en· ter!!. of Kings Mills. and Mrs. J a~o n gri ll's wedulI1!! march t he bride and Sheeha n.

groom ent e red the parlor. Aminat a l1eautiful decol'ation of Cerns and Frank Zell and wife, J oe Hawke palms th e marria~e cer emony was Rnd wife. George Hawke and family. perform ed. the " 'e<ldl'ng rl'n" se rvl'ce Ben Hawk e and family. and Carl n b Hawke, of Dayton. were guests of being 8. part of th e nuptials. Following the ceremonv th e bride Mr and Mrs. John Hawke at d1nner. and g room were hea r til y congra- Su nday . t ulated by a host of relatives and friend s. an d many were the good Dr. and Mrs. J . W. Ward, of wishes extended to them Harveysbur&,. entertained Sunday at ' . The bride was hand som ely attired dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emerick . 111 w h'Ite ma rqUiliette over satm. a nd daughter Gladys. of Lytle. and . Th e bru,l egroom wore the conven· Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnett and tional black. A bountiful weddin2" daughter Katherine. of south of The spirit that has been shown b.y Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cornell spent . ;!o.uth 0f. tow n. . s pent a day last week FIRST POLIT ICAL SPP.ECH ., hf d repast \va~ served to those preient. town. A h b h rcanum merc ~nts can ~ sown m Saturday and Sunday wi t h relatives : Wit n en S ill Lebano'l, Mr. and Mrs. Robitzer left at 10:30 any othe r Village With great neqr Port William Ohio k The first speech of the Rea'lon too satisfaction not only to their town ,. I Mr and Mrs Th d e C . t f for a honeymoon of two weeb. Mr. and Mrs . J . H. Coleman place Monday morning at 1L o·clo. ck. \ bu~ 011 th(> ;urroundin". count-y M d M F H F I ft ~ t Milto~ lnd \~ere eo ts friS. 0 They will visit Wa'lhington. Norfolk, entertained a family gathering very . f D CI t ' m ...... ~ ...' . r. an rs. . . arr e "".a· • .• gues 0 Mrs. N Y k Ph' l d I h ' d A I In front 0 r . ay 0pn ~h.ob' ceo To do good work in a community urday for a two week's visit with Matilda Hosier. last week . ew or. I a e p Ja, an tan· pleasantly on Monday. ThoRe preHon D. A. Poling. rn I Itlhon the citizens mu st s tand shoulder to relative:, in Lebanon ' Ind. ; tic Citv before their return to sent were Mrs. O. J . Alexander,.of candidate for gover:,or. ~as t e shoulder. and eliminate the "ham. . Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Hawk4t a nd Waynesv ill e whpre they will make Dayton. Mil'S Sue Crane. Mr. and speaker. and he held an audience of me r," Mesdame~ A. B. Chandler. Jennie daughters' Misses Sybil and Helen. their future hom e. Mrs. F. B. Henderson and children. about 100. for an hour. Mr . Poling .. - • Whjteley · and Rebecca MaJBon visited friend s in Xenia. Sunday. Mrs. Robilze r is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Crane and son, is a convincin~ s peaker. and made A NE", OARAGE motored to Cincinnati, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J . D . Marlatt and for and Mrs. Louise Woolley. Bome new conve rts . Misses Mary McKinney and Clara several years was a popular clerk in The Waynesville Auto anti MaMr. and Mrs. I. N . Harris und Keys elljoyed Thursd ay at Dayton. thc local post office. • - • M~SONIC NOTICE chinery Co .. has purchased a strip daughte r. of Dayton. were guesul of visiting the Cash Register Co., and Mr. Robitzer is a prospe rous Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Cartwright of land fr om the Nathan Lupton, Mrs. Alice McKinsey and family, the Soldier's Home. business wlln of Waynesville. being entertained Saturday evening at the owner of the Waynesville Mills. "500" the following guests: Mr. Regular communication of Way· place. 70 x 182 feet. and are arran~· over Sunday. nesville Lodge No . 163. on Tu esday ing to put up a late style garage Mrs. O. J. Alexander returned to The Gaze tte extends hearty con· and Mrs. H. A. Ridge. of Cincinnati. Messh. C. G. Williamson &n~ C. her home in Dayton Tue~day morn. gratulations. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnhart, Mrs. evening, Sept~mbe\' 24 th. Work in building 44 x 68 feet. E. S Baily, Mrs. Lina Devitt. Dr. and the F . C. degree. Sojourning 'The garage will be two stories G. Welch and Mrs. Agnes Wright ing after a visit of several days wi-th with a ballement and everything will and daughter. Susan, spent Friday Mrs. J . D. Mar:att. OBITUARY Mrs. J. A. McCoy. Mr. and Mrs. J. brethren invited. . B. Ch apman. De l'lCIOUI!l re f res h • be of the latest pattern. and lhe at Lebanon. with relatives. F. B. Henderson. W. M. latest tool s for repal' ring will also be Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Cartwright B lrtha Thompson. daughter of ments were serv~ at a seasonable E . V. Barnhart. Sec'y Rev . and Mrs. J. F. Cadwallader . d 'h Th arrive ome ursday from West Milton and Keziah Thompson. was hour. Placed in the work shop. arriv'ed home Thursday evening V· . . h b fi d b h' The company has expanded so that lrgmia, muc ene tte y t elr born at Waynesville. Ohio, May 19th. POULtRY MEETING from Chicago after a pleasant t.wo thO ta . th . ," it is imposiiible to do busine!!ii satl'S mon s s y III e moun tams. 1877. Her entire life was spent at Mrs. Warren Barnett and Mrs E. weeks visit with relatives there. There will be a meeting of the factorily in their old quartera, thus this place. excepting a short time V, Barnhart entertained Friday at a Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elbon and w Ilen s h e I'Ive d a t Day t on. Oh 10. ' Poultry Association in the Township making it necessary for the new Mrs. Julia Hayes and daughter. sumptuous dinner in honor of their Miss Lena turned home Saturday Mrs . Sarah Elbon left Monday in She united with the Church of guest. Mrs. Harry Ridge. of Cincinh( .use on Frl'day evenin"'. Sept building. " , re . their auto for Hagerstown Md CI' W '11 O' d . 20th. Thi!l meeting ·will be of The company has an auto hack. morning after a pleasant visit with . . . m st, at aynesvi e. hlO. urmi:' nati. Those present were Mrs. F. interest to all thE members and almost completed. which will be !elati~es'hel e and at New Burling. ~e~ go b Y ~he w;y of Wheehng. a meeting held by George Smith. in B Hendel'flOn, Mrs. J. A. McCoy. members should make it a point to put into commission soon, and will t . n .• an d mten to stop several the year 1892. Throughout her Mrs. J , O. Cartwright. Mrs. U. M. be there. make regular trips to Dayton on . places en route. They expect to be brief life s he manifested. her leve of White. Mrs. J . B. Chapman, Mrs. T. f- - ... - - Work on the uuilding will be Mrs. C. E. Bratton and sons. Paul g one three weeks . her Savior by her kindness and R. Smith. Mrs. Cynthia Evans. Mrs. FOR THE CHAMPIONSHIP pushed as rapidlv as possible to have and Willard, and daughters. Mildred . devotions to her friends and loved H, E. Hathaway. Mrs. G. W. Hawke it ready by January 1st. It is very and Elinor. of Kinp Mills. spent ~rs. H A. Ridge and d~u~hter: ones. Bnd Miss Donna Hawke. In the year Ui95 she wa':! united in Kings Mills will be here Sunday at gratifying to our citizens to know Saturday with Mr. T. J. Brown and Ehaabeth cam~ up from CmcllmatJ Thursdayevemng and were guests marriage to Nur Haines. to which Phillips' Park. This game will that this enterprise is growing so family. rapidly. as it helps to make of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnhart. union four children were born. a\l of Mrs. C. A.. Bruner entertained her decide who will be the county team Waynesville more prosperGUs, Mr . C G. Welch. who lived here Saturday evening Mr. Ridge joined whom survive her Paul Cathalene. Sunday-school class Saturday afterchampions The Miamis will. of - - - ....--- -thirty years ago. and is now situated his family here, and they all returned Joseph and Wilbu~ H·ai~es. noon in honor of Miss Edna Janney, course, come out ahead in the race . WARREN COlJNTY FAIR at Palm Beach. Fla .• has been the , to Cincinnati Sunday evening. Thirteen months ago she was left who left Monday forOxfor'd coll~e. It will be a pretty exhibition of ball guest of his cousin, Mr. C. G. a widow and the sole care of the The afternoon, from S to .5, was playinK'. and no one should miss it. Williamson, for several days. College students have started this bur children. The Warren County fair was a kf th ' . II pleasantly spent in music and con• wee or elr varIOus co eges. Miss The loss of her husband together tests. Contests ill observation, ,~OOS, FRESH EOGS -c- _ _ good one this year. While thc. ... +--j-~i\'I ....-r .• and Mr!. O. M. Ridge are at Sybil Hawke. Delaware; Misses Edna with her increased c~res bore d th E t h I f J d E h i ' Mother Goose rhymes an poetry spinal meningitis scare kept a great t d' en mil' e as man sc 00 0 anneyan t e yn Jones. Oxford; heavily upon her otherwise weakened made the hours pass ~wift1y. Those It you have nice. good ·si7.ed egg!>. many away. the record of admission Photography in Cincinnati this week. Messrs. Lyman Silver. Lee Earnhart, constitution and five we'e ks ago she not more. than four days old. bring \v ua pretty well up to the standard Th ' compose her clasS are: Misses ..., . ey WI'11 b e Ilome F n'd ay an d· WI'\1 H erschI c Bunnell. and Kenneth became prostrated by weakness, mho '" h 1 them to Jeff Smith's meut market The board took our advice of last I b d h H h 0 S U Edna Janney, Helen Hawke, Rac e resulting from a complication of and Edith Sheehan, Florence Wil90n, on Tuesday and Saturday afternoon. year and cut out the side shows. and t l:n e prepar~ to ave some Tlew oug. . . . pomtera on their work . diseases and all that medical skill . Le of each week, We will 'pay 8 OM member seems to think they The out.of-town guests who at. . . '. . . ' Lura Tinney, Grace Williamson, na g will make as much money afl formerly. The Union Basket meeting of the tended the Robitzer.Marlatt wedding e~clent nursmg and kmd aDd !ovll1 Surface. Eva Morford, EdnaSatterth~ premium for such PilgS. O. K. Poultry Farm , Tlte racing was above the average, Ferry and Wa)nesville churches will Thursday evening were: Mrs. O. J . friends could do .w~ o.f n J avail. .waite and Nina Smith. A dainty A. great many horses were entered, be held nl!xtSundar. September 22:nd, Alexander. Mrs . A. Alexander. Mr. I': She de~arted thiS life September (lunCh was served. BOUGHT NEW OROCERY And they seemed to be faster than having been postponetl on acc?unt of and Mrs. Archer Hartsock, of Day- loth. 1912, aged 35. years. 3 months usual. Tl1e track good condi. the rain. The program as stated in ton. Mr. and Mrs P. A. Alexander. and 26 ?ays. leavll1g ~er mother, DEATWS L. A. Zimmerman has purchased a and very fast racing was the order lallt week's paper will be rendered. of Spring Valley. Mr. and Mrs. F. ~OU\ chlldr~n. ~ne s;st;~, ~hr~e grocery in Spring Valley, and' will every day. All are invited. . . C. Hartsock , of Morrow and Mr. rot ers an a ost 0 nen s 0 Mrs. Bertha Haines. aged 35 years, ~lace. Fred Barnard in charge of the - - - - ••- - P. B. Thompson. Pastor. Theodore Campbell. of Centerville. mourn her loss. died at Cincinnati Sunday mominlr. .. ORGANIZED O~CHEH~A Interment in Miami cen;\eteI'Y. at 4 o· 'clock. The body was broulYht Mm<l. Fred will probably move & there with his family aboul October - Sept:mber 17th. 1912. Funeral here Monday mornin~, and the The M. E. Sunday·school has or· services were conducted .hy. P. B. funeral took place Tuesday aflerlat. ganized an orchestra.which will play of DISCiples Of)/noon from the Christian church. UNCaRTA,,. AP .. Le: TREE. in the Sunday-school. Following is ,'. Christ, Waynesville. OhIO. Rev. P. B. Thompson, officiating. the make·up of the orchestra; ' -.....- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.......- - _ _ CARD OF THANKS Interment was made in Mia~ An a~le . tree is the result of B Violins. M~sses Grac~ Carman and "0, were you . ne'er a ~chool boy. (both pupils and patro,ns. Mr. cemetery. . k nown t 0 Eth e I H t• E merson And did you never train," We desire to express our appreaft fr the tree that IS oSle r; i c ar1l1e Washinton Mullen, of Iowa. then t corne t., H ow~rd . Gus t ~n; ' to those who be a producer qf. a certain . k in d nn d Ear." h ar; told of his sehgol days and school. ciation . and gratitude . . h Emanual Barnes. died at the home Again the pupils. and ex-pupils. t at F' Po' ts d f th so kmdlv ministered to us at t e . . I CI' t J kso near . 16avor of applllS, It the secd were baritone, Thos. PlerCe;planlat, MISS .. and tea~hers of Five Point School rna eds f I lYe In h' an 0 h de time of our sad bereavement, and to of hiS son·m- aw. In ac n, \l.!ltmted Qnll Olle relied on it ~o pro- Helen HawkE'!. . won er u proa-re6ii 18 state a ' . 'f I Wellman. Tuesday morning at 4 duoe .. select .grade of fruit the reo ...- • have met in annUal reunion. made and was makinlr in the growth the elass of girls for the bea~t1 u o'clock. The funeral will take pla~e ' \.ult would ~ diuppointlng. for the Ii\\PO~TANT MEETING This, the fourteenth,' was held atlof com. flowers.. _ . The Family. today at the Springfield church at 2 Irea.IOn that from the seed the most the borne of Mr. and M"S. Rufus There was on display vegetables. RESIGNED CLE~KSHIP o'clock. Interment will be made in lremarkable varieties will be shown. A union meeting will be held on Rosnagle, on Saturdav. Septem\!er .7. fruits and com and an old blue and Springfield church cemetery. jPerb8p' they will b.e miserable little Sunday evening. September 22nd. in With hearty gr~tin~ and cordi~1 white'coverlet, a patch work qUilt, a . After twenty years service as JC!l'ab~PJll~ .pr mlsllhllped, bi~ter the Methodist Episcopal church. g?od cheer the time passed until pair 8f lindsey wool~ey trousers and clerk of the village council, Mr. C. . • IfruJt ot',. a uaeleaa oonglomeratlon. Re.... Geo. V. Reichel, of Oolumbus. dmnf'r w~ served on the lawn. an old dreSB that had been worn by D. Reed resigned at a speaial meetMrs. Susana McNeil. dIed at tbe :TIie; '1eecl ' lI<1mehow or other llarks will ' address the meeting on , the/ Alter dm~er ,a short p!'<lgram was some of the pioneers of the neighbor- ing of council Tuesday evening, home of her Bon John M~eil, at ( I~ origin;. no.twi . subject "Thp. Story of a great State'; given, a reclta~on by &hth McNea,i, hood, a tray cloth, chenille work, owing to his removal to Cincinnati. Soeial Row Friday aftenttion at Z IYtIIllnI.1VI. cultiVlltion. ',fb,e ·v arieties Fighting to save its Boys and Girls." sO.ngs. b~ Nelhe : Br~wn ~d MaIle backle and other int.eresting things. A. B. Chandler was elected to fill the o'clock. The funeral took 'l>lace a" are a .reatfl~ ~f This meeting ill for t\;le public. Gtlp~n,·· mstru~enta.l w:nUS1j: by bV8 ,Afteuinging: "God be with you" vacancy. her late horae Monday ~te~oon; at. .. ' ,J.iis' I sp~er ia ' emp~oyed by·-·the \W~IAIM! ' . Mar!a . G"lpm and H~~I the ril~tlng adjourned to meet thel : Mr. Reed bas faithfully served 2 o'e}ock. Rev. ~pbe'l~ o~atq"j Allier can Civi~ Feform Ullion and Early: ~lSS LydIa: Monlort rec:allied fourth Sa~rday of September 1918, the yec>ple of W~nesvi1le. and bis Interment was m~e at Cen~lfl'. j)I'I!l8:Jlt.lllm!J6'tIQl.~lPt· message you cann,o t afford to the time when' ~e W.8' teacb~r a~ at the bome of a former teacher Mrs. many friends' ;wish him well in his ' . ' .- • " "..... , .'~~~?~~~;;!!;e.~a1~~~(of;~~\. , Five ,:qii;i~~: an~ '~ke feel~1Y~fo sl:die.AfChdeacon~t~. , new. ~.Q~. . .' . 'Ih,!,~~ ,a '










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Tho~pson. past~r

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Practical Fashions



"Oh. that :" I "fi lii with eo nt e.m l'!. ror I k new he Illf'n llt t ha t muc ker ~k u~g l11B . T h u In credulous ly : "Oh. I BUY . you don 't lJI ('n n I W:!ij lIL ll,lug 10 bl m " And us let'p :' " J e nltl ns eyed lllll r pproa cb fu ll )' " ~ o t fI ~ l ee {J . ~ lr. " be rEJlnon stra l " d gently . " Uut I l e ll ."ou-" " Mr. l.I g hl n ut. si r. It was t hc lJun c h ~" 11 0 s hoo k hi e head . ··tr yo u'll e xc us o LIl 0 ro r lO <:, nllonlnl;-" " Ob !" I remn rk ed w eAkly, failin g bllc k upo n my lJlll o w. "Jove . J eukln H!" A.od I ju st loo ke d at hIm s tu pldlytact! " Go 00; ' I sa id . "Tell m e all !" " Yes , s ir. " r esumed Jenkin s . " os was saying. )' 011 carne III wlth--you know-ilr- lh e yo ung fe llow . He kind · er sloucbed In. lookIn g a bIt s ulky. .. 'I've been watchin g for you to Stlt back from,. th e dog·tlght: you says to him; ·att down . I wallt to talk to you .' But the young felloW jus t s tood square In the mIddle of the Hoor and just kind e r s co\'I'le d blac k. " The n you saye, pleasllDt·llke: 'I've boon talking with a friend or yours . my Bon, who t.hlnk s I hSye D't tre ated you quite fnlr .' " ' O~ ' says tblll young fe llow, and seems Il lnder su r p rised . Th en Ile got red . " 'And so, my boy,' you w e nt on. lightening you r glass as you look ed Ilt him, 'I t I'v e be en hars h I'm sorrysuppose we s tart a ll ove r agaln~ what do YOIl say ? 1 dOIl't want to crOS B you In nnytlllDg If I clln help It- I want to hc lp you.' '' d J I My abrupt e ja c ulation halte en· j klns an Instllnt, then he proceede d : " 'r d th to' k say, 0 you mean n. a s s young Mr. 131- 1 m ea n . tbls young reI· low"-Jcnklns s tirred nervou sly"ond you says , klndor laughing: ·there·s my band on It!' and then you botb s book. "'One minu te ' say s the boy sUIl . • looking kind e r pu zzled and uncertaIn. '1 want to Imow what about Frances . How do we stnnd ahout that?' "You Jll s t la e d sorte r and went up and cl a pped him right on tb e shoulde r and YOIl Baye : 'Why If you ' , can. my SOD . ju s t go In and win he r . I don't care ! '-and you said It hearty · . , like. You w cnt u n: I have~t a word to say-Io facl. I'd be only too glad to . se e you s uc ceed:" H ore I straightened wltb almost a screecb : "What? I lIal<l that! Oh. now. Jen· klns. you--oh. you 're mIstaken!" ~ e.nklns eyed me Horrowfully. "YOllr word s, s ir, e xact Iy, and th e n you went on , kInder persuadlngly : ' '''.'hy, I haven't m eant to s tand In .. your w a y at all!' .. I groaned . "Go on ~" I breatbed tbrough my t eeth . Then I s traightened rorwnrd . "What dId t be Judge coli that punchwtlnt klnu '!" "He idelberg punc b. slr,"-a sympa· Ibetlc )lRu se os I swcJlt my hand throu~h Ill )' hair. " Yes. s ir. it cer·

lin d ) elll j us t "hook hnnds ugn ln all (l \ ' I ' r :1

J ('n hl ns Fl c'pped for brC'a t h . but I 11 11111' t ~fI~' a woro Hy Jo ve. It a ll mad e mo fI hll 81(>k . don 'l YOll k no w. Ob. I nlllR t h ave bee n rlI !'1udl1 o, th ut's wbat I 'C'J"...-, .. 4)_ _ _ SYNOPS IS . - l1lfl ll cl l1n . 1 ma nag e d 10 wag ruy Mr. l~r eshly-All th e world love s a h eM to Bta rt him off again; co uldu ' t R h'hA r d r Jghtnut. Q. n A m f'l r h! An w i t h o.n lo ve r . sp uk . yo u k uo w! In g ("o uld e \' e r ma tter sny more. II afTec l ed IDnslt!l h IlCMdt. r ec..-lv88 B. p re8IIl1s s Colli e r Down- I r e ckon you u n t t'rom " trte nc1 III China.. The pnu l e nt " Yoa. s ir ." T he n y ou 6a ys : That's wo, ~ u m o ml 'Be rabl e comIort to fee.!. p ro v os t o b e 0. o f pajamas. A l e lt ~ r hav e n't m e t my fath e r as y e t. a \I rlg'h t. n o w. my boy; 80 you rUIl a nll k uo w. th a t nothing worse roul!! ilJuta or tlurvrttl~. to the w @.a.ror. LJchtn u t dona IhA Daj""''''' Ilnet lale at nh;ht g p t~ V ('r Il :l llpe n! a lon g . he e'!\ U8 e I'm Rwrlllly busy . '1'0· .p tor a .mo ~ n. Hla ... t'Tllol . J ~ nkl n •. mo rru w we'lI toll. s ome more.' ECZEMA IN REO BLOTCHES W hy . t bere wn s nothing worse Jell CO tue8 III alld. t.al1lrt3 10 Tee-ognl ... LIlJhl· nut. att"mf'. 6!1 put hIm out. ThInking " 'nully: ' sa ys the c hap. 'Good nlgbt. 10 a ll Ibe worl d. By Jov e . I was sUte th" ""rYan ftI"ObY. Lhrhtnut chnnsel hla o ld man ~ . Th en h e turn 8 bac l< . kInder of tba t mn c h' 205 Kunter Ave., Detroit. Mlch.cloth,.. Inlenc!Jng to .ummon h"lp. Whe n 6mlling sidewIse. ·It·s sure on the h.. renf'''''''''' J enkIn. Clllla on hili nec k Ar.d Juat ttl e n a k nock sounded. "Some time last summer 1 was take Q wtth JOY, oonfirmlng Ughlnul·. be It .. r 10\'01. Is It·, lha t you're going to let m e Wltb e czema. It beglln In my balr thnt he III crnzy. Jonklnll tplta 1.,I"htnut oC th a .. ncounler he had wtth a hid eoull have a c lear r oad wIth Frances?' ftrat wltb red blotches, th e n scaly, CHAPTER XXIX. ClIInaman d,,-e4 In p.,am.... In Il ' . ' I t "' Oh, both er Frances !' YOIl s ays Ilprelldlng to my face. Ths blotcbell m"".ap from his CY1and. l ack Bllllng1l. Ucbtnut II uk8d !<> put up "tha kId" laug blng. ·Yes. yes. and when yOU '\II' ere red on my taco, dry and scaly. I Tou~h Bottom. tor the nlcht on bta way home Trom col· w in ber. s be'll bo .to me as my own " Pa rdo n. 81r. tor not walUn till not large; 00 my scalp they were l .. ge. Later U.btnnt find. a beautiful girl. And I kllllw I'll bave be r lo~e. YOll c ams rlo"rn." tbe butle r was say· .!fI rl 10 black pajamu In hi. "",m. LUJhtlarger. some 8cabby . They came on lIul 'a ahoclnod '" the I1rl'. clrlDklns. too,' Ill g. " but Mr . Billings was juot tlO Bet my handa . Tbe Inalde or o&)' bandll .. makJ~ &lid a1aau talk. Bb .. t .. n. hllll Were all little lumps aB though full of h ..r name hi Francia and punl.. hIm " 'What 's tbat?· says the young fel· 00 mo bnng1ng this to you. I h~ to,'· ...tth a atory of bar love for hili' 1Il.l ur'a 5878 He had el)t'Bred, responding r.o Jen· Ilhot about one-sIxteenth or an Inch 10"', kinder fro,,·nlng. And you SaYB, room-mate. named Franoea. Nellt morn· under the skin. Then th e y we nt to Inl: Ihe II1rl Ia mt.lng and Ullhtnul hureally·ltke. 'Why. we'll juot be one hap. klns ' Invitation, bearIng In hls hand a .-1"" to the boat to .... her oft. He III ""gra y paper pElrcel. the outllde and between and all over py family.' Then you chuckled like cOOIted b,. a huaJry colle.., boy, who calla " F o r ru e ?" I Questioned. 8.8 ne lald my fingers. It also begn n 00 the bot· you wao mIghty pleas ed and says : hIm "DIcky"::. but he doee not ee.. the «Irl. Jack lfil!~.. calla to spend th .. toms ot my teet and tbe calve s of my 'And 1 think ahe 19 learnlllg to like me It on tbe tablo. nnd 1 e yed It o(lllilousntllht with ~tnut. They discover legll. and Itch. ob . my! I nev er had pretty well already. Why. do you Iy. Yot It could not bo the Bame I bad prleel ... rubl ... bIdden In tho buttOM ot The charmIng frock here pIctured 111 anything like It and hope J neve r will the BtlIInp dona tho pnJo.m .... sent B illings myseIr- 1 could Boe that know what abe did tonight? She ..nd retiree. Lr,t>tnut lat..r dlsco" en came rIght up to me and In tbe sweet· - fo r It was smalle r, more compact, ~eslgned for the mIlle and small wom· IIgaln ; The itching wns remble. M y In hIs apartmeGt a beery ""raoo In mut· laD'wop wh1.It ..... &ncl wearing pajam ..... anll In a different wrappe r. But ( WII.5 lO. It Is an empIre model, with the hand a got so I could scarcely work . est way kIssed me good night,''' J"nidna calla th .. police. who decillro the cloelng nt the lett side or the tront. "1 tried dltferent eczema olntmcntB "Oh! " I snld, dIgging my Ilngera nfrald to examine It. Intruder to be a ctimlnal. called "!<'oxy Orandpa." The Inlnldor declaree he I. " Ye ll. slr-be's ve ry bad this ~orn' Too waist Ie made. with the body and but wIthout resu!ts. T nlso took medl· Into the bedclothes. " Oh!" J.lllhtnut'. peat &D4 ap""...1a to Ihe Int · upper parl at sleeves In one. and tbe cIne for It but It dId no good. T saw I er In vain. a. 1. huatled orr to jn\l. "Yel, slrl" sl:ld Jenklna choklly. He In g. s ir; th e--er - that 18. Bomet.blDg i klrt Is a tour·gored desIgn. In tllll 't n Ihe momlnc Llchtnut te o..elonlftl,ed 10 the ad vertlaemen t for a sam pI e of lallt n ight see rus to have excited 111m." went on: "ThIs yoUnr rellow jllit dress sbown blue lin e n WIUI us et! with "n4 Bllllnp ,one. and more .... tonl.hed Cullcura Ointment and Soap and sent HI:; e ye rov ed. elOQuently bet":Veen marches rIght cloae up to you nnd when he lIeta a meeaage from th e IRtter. :he turn·clown collsr and rolled·back c'l emandlni hla elntheo . . Llghtnllt. bound for one. They did me sq murh good aaya. speakIng kinder QuIet nnd nla : uirs of whlt o erubroldery. for Tarrytown. BlIlln~' home. "Iacovers .. Frane.... " the gtrl of tho plljnmaa. on eyea shlnlnr, 'You say France. kl!aed . 'atterf' 15878) Is cut In Sizes 14. 16 T bought Bome more. using tbem aB the traIn. Ughtnut .peak" to her ant! nl· you?' And you eorter gave a laurn and 18 years. Medium size will re- per directions. Md in about three lude. to th" nl!fhl befor e. Sho clpo lnre. w~ek8 I was well ;lgaln. Cutleurn Soap lndl/fTIantly that LllIlhtnut never ""w her ond dug hIm In the side lIud you QuIre' yards of 36 Incb material. cured me." In black p..,.m&8. At Tan-ytown pm.ncc' To procure tht . (Hut~ r n . !t end 10 cen t . &.0 Snd Ointment entll"ely saya, 'I do belieVe tbe boy II jealoual ''pothrn UcpAr-tment" o r th ia p u p~r , Write Is met by n huakl' coll e ~ " youlh , who (Signed) Benj. Passage. Apr. 8. 1912. Why. Y8S, you rUCal, Bhe certainly 1,all.. LI htnut lUI "DIcky." The Inlter IS'. n a me n od ndd re u p lain l y, Iln u be tl Uft! \ D c t ve Cutlcora Soap and Ointment sold norea L~" boy. •ho th .. n thmllten. to 8iJ ~ . un d n unth ~r o f p a ttern , did-abo kIlled me l' thraah blm tor ottendlng France.. LI~htthrougbout the world . S ampl e or ellch "'Well, It·s a lie!' ho BaYlI hack. ~I Ut tues the next Ir...ln home. Bllllnorl free, wltb S2·p. SkIn n ook. Address .. tonna over the outr8¥e of hlK arr... I. H e SILK _.. ___ .. . . . _.... pointing ot YOU wltb bill IIngor. . Uo· NO 53 78. nod Ughtnut dlleo"er myo terlou8 ChI · poet-card "Cutlcura. Dept. L . Boaton." cause It ain't IIka ber: And be rot nelle ch .. racten on th o pnlamns. Profe8NAM E .. _..... .... _..... _...... .. .. ...... . '''01' nooaenberry la r ai led In to Interpret cloler. tbe hieroglyphIcs. Ho rI\V"~ over wh nl he No Chance. TOWN . ..... .. ........ .... .... .. . .... . .. .. "'See here: he lIayo, 'have you JUllt ...·all. the losl silk of BI.Lln!f·(' hl. The Offlcer-Wbat'8 th u trouble h l' re ~ wt'IlIoC declares that a perMon we arin g been trying to got gay wIth mo to· STREET AND NO.- __ . .. . __. _. _......... Mrs. Floono r - Tbere's no trouble' ~ h .. pll,amu will till< . on t he "emhlll nco nlgbt 7 Hub! - well. jUlt golni to I of th e P","'OIl I \Voarer, Th o prot e.sor Me ould man starte d In to try a nd 'bon'oWI the pajamal tor ex""rlm e. nt. STATE . _.......... . .. - ................ . .. . box ;l'our jawa for hIck!' mak e som e. but lJe fouod he could Dot " BIllings" clre..s " d In pajamas I. roun d In "'What?' YOIl g:lspl-''I\' hat'o thnn ' t h~ prate R.or'. room 8 nl1 111 take n homo do It! In an. automobile wIth Prances nnd n wo-nnd you ~torms up to !llm-'Why. man Ll ghtnut call. "the fr\lm~. " LI ght· LADY'S .wAIST. you young puppy, do YO\l know wllo "ut Ie a ngered by " Lhe Trump. 8IandorAn Oversight. <>U8 t a lk about ''P'rancls.' "Bll1lnl{B" I. you're talklni to?' you S8YD . "Tbere has ce rtaInly b ee n n. sc r iou. taken Lo hl8 room. A l orvant tollo Llght" 'Bah!' be UYI, and he Juot lIoeo liP lIut thaI .. m eS"I4!~ hlUl just been ..... miscal c ulation about tbls y ear." "elvcd s tilting th ..t BUllns- was under apand annpi hll IInrers In your fllce . I "What's that ?" r eat In Ne~ York for Itealln!\, II. Au lt o f You chollol! klndor, nnd then yoU hl l\(l ~ pll jamu. Judge BlIlln ~ Mlonl Hhes "So mnny drelldful thIngs are hap· 1.lIfblnut with a tale ot FrancIe' 8SCIlyello nt hIm: 'Why. YOU younr ruf· p e nln g . nntl tbey forgo. all ahout pr&"a(l ea. Llghtnut aaka pormlMlon to speak fi lln, rTO IPIIO I(Od you botoro, lind I 1 0 .. France..... The judII'D declnrel .thl1l BlIgln g the m by a comet." TH't anolher lIdng per.on would tackl e can do It ojfaln-' the .lob. I1ml t,lghtnut. his mInd oecupl ed "'Yahl' ho lIay;, mtlklng 'aeol! at with the beautltul I"rnnces . Is groo.t1y Not NeclIl!lary to Leave Home. myotltled. Pollcema.n O'Koefe r eturns the you. 'You Ipllnkedl You hit mo Wllon In an etTort to stop the mlgrntlon of black pajamas and Llghlnut eend. Ih em I wlI"n't lookln;. My root gllppad: I Slit There a Moment SwallOWing dying con s umptives to th e Southw e st. «J Bllllng8' room. Llghtnu! hns an Inter" tiling hour wIth ",",ncell. Ho tell. of Ihe "'Foot 11IPPo<1. )lOll blunkQd rooll' Hard. the National AssociatIon tor the Study thLngs the judge h;o.a been slI.ylng II.bout YOIl aboufA CIt him, nnd thon-" .Jan· J e n k lm! and m yse lr . lIe conUnued and Pre ve ntion 'ot Tuberc ulosla will "FrBJ1ces.'· much I" "Fr;a.ncel·" Ilmlla8...ent. Judge Bllllnww refus.. to Intorklnl wlpea bIll rorohaIUI-"l'hen tho so be rly : ask physlcla lls 10 be moro ful In ,·.do (or a man undu arreeL claImIng to nOllt thin; J AOD, you mlllod." "He's luck e d ru e and P e rkins out or he • hl ~ ROn Jllck . Thp judge promloe8 ordering pOll P.llt8 to go awny. and will Jilek to "'ellr tho pajam"" that nIght. "Abl" I brollthed with rollot. "Th!1t'1 I his rooms a g ai n . and wouldn't open also ask r a ilroads to dlscontlnu c their Nnx l mornIng J onkln . t oll. t.1II' htnII t h.. battar!" the door onl y Wide e nougb to stick this practice ot s e iling '''charlty'' tlcketa ~ IlW him (r..tghtnut) fighting wllh e. yoUlh h ' Ihe library during tllA nIght. I ohuokl~l1 . Than ludtlenly I Tole reo through . And bls message" -besltat· to' those who cannot aIJord to pay tull In g ly-" he said Jus t tell you you bad mOrAQtul. far e. "No c onsumptl\'e should go to CHAPTER XXVIII.-(Continued.) "Whorcl dId I htt hltn thlQ tlmo, JCI:l' ! botter get lh ese pajamas back wbere Colorado . CallCornla. or th e WOBt for J e nkin!! proceeded rapIdly : "You 1(ln'- c!ld YOIl notice' Wlla ho burt the y came fmID JII s t as Quickly aa you his h ealth," aaYIl tbe association. "un· \V lI S < :ordlog a drf:Bsln&·ro be about you mllah 1" co uld-you would It YOU were wille. lesll he has a good cbance for recov· as you came In and I see a glimpse Jenkins Io.'llted down. ovoldln& my ! he sold." ery trom his dlseaBe. and unless espeeyee. "Um. IDOt exactly, aIr," be saId; I "Oh!" J uUered, dated by tbla new cially he hn8 at least $1.000 to HIle nd "In t.~ct, It vaB-or-klnder the other blow. So It was her Jlajam1l8. For dres8Y wear thlo charmIng Wallt for this purpose. over and above what way. flut there was mora or tbe messap ' II just lhe thing and It may be Wh· 1Iis family 'may need . 1 stared, IIghast. _I could see It Itl Wilkes' eye. loned ot ullk. pongee. linen. marQule· "Tuborculosls can be cured In any "You don't mean. Jenltlns-" "Yes, sIr," he went on au I pve ette or otber dealrable tabrlclI. The )lart of the United States, and It Is Jenkins e.,ldently dId! HIs eyu es. him a nod. "Mr. DlIllngs . elllleu garment Is mado with the body and not n eCE'ssary tor a tuberculoslB pa· prossod both pity and embarrassment. tbrougb tbe door·crack- and ble volco sleeves 1n one. and has the closIng at Ueut to go W est. Whenev e r posslblo, "What he dId to you," - be rolled was particularly sbrlll-screeclly.UlI:e the back. The round yoke la applied, t.lle Nnllonnl Association urges tuber. bls glan ce upwan!. trying to ' shape - vory unnatural, aIr and lnd It Is pretty made ot all-o\'er lace culo~ls patlento who have not ampll tho Id oa -" J be li e ve. sir. It's wbat you 'You tell him I say he'll Ilndllflll..t~~"'e"ry"-l--;o=r~e;;:'mbroidery. If Ie outlined wltb fuuds to go to a sanatorium near might call"-bls vol ca dropped-"I b&- \ uaogerolls to keep the m by 111m a mOo blinding or braid with whlcb the Bhort bom B, and It the y cannot do thla, tQ lIave If.'a what they do call wIping up ment; tell him my advice Is to return ,leeveB are IIkewllle trimmed. take the cure In tbelr homes. unthe floor with ." them ImmedIately!' y Pattt!rn (5882) Is cut In sIzes 32 to der thl' dlrectlon of a physIcian ." I closed my eyes an Inst3Jlt. Here ttJe butler besltated an Instant 42 Incbes bust meaaure. Medium Ilae "FInIsh!" I whispered, feebly !lIp. and added : "And he said for me to will requIre 1% yard8 ot 36 Inch mao THIRTEEN YEARS tenal. % yard of 22 inch all-over, and ping my band at hIm . try to remember tllree letters I W68 -Unlucky Number for Dakota Womar.. 21At yards of banding. " lie left then, sir . . but the nOise to mentlon--i!ald .l'OU WOUld undet'· brought Wilkes and we helped yOU Btand." ''pn~:r:r~:::rt~!~tl!''~~·~';I~·nl>'!,~~r''·Wrl~: The Question whelher the number ul) s talrs. You wouldn't go any farther "Tbree letters?". I repeated dul1y name and addle'. pl a tnly . And be aut. to ~ve "13" la really more unluckY thnn an)!, ,he, o.nd number of DAltern. other number haa never been entirelY tban the door of the judge's bedroom "Yes, sir, three letters-l did r",. lH!.ttIed. - wante d to tell him. we ~ upl1oBed. Ulember 'em, too. because they hay .. NO 5882. SUE ............... .. A So. Dak. woman, atter tblrte(lu Wh en we got tbot ror . I noticed Mr. pan e d to be the Inltlale ot a yOIlM yeara of misery from drinking coffee, J>lck Hlllings' door-It· s rlgbt OPJlo- womao I-b'm! Q . E. D., sir." NAME .. _.... _.. . _.. _•••••• _ . . .......... . tound a way to break the "un luck, s ite , you r e member. sir-was standing " Q . E. D. 7" I saId. puzzled and mit!· TOWN .. . _.. _......... .... _.... __ ..... . . __ spell." Tea. la just aB InjuriOUS ae cof· Just a Ilttle open . He culled out very e rable. "WliJat's Q. E. D.7" And then anxIou s ly and shrill : ·Oh. do bo very an Idea stalrtled me. tee becaulle it contaln8 calrelne, the STREET AND NO .. .......... .. ...... _.. drug In calfee. She writes: careful of the pajamas! My! my! I "Ob I say,. you mean~r-P. 0. Q. STATE ...... . -.......... .. .. ............. . "For thIrteen years I have been a bope the pajama8 are not Ilurt!' - -eh, Wilkes?" It sounded It!ie! nervous wreck from drInking colfee. " And at tbat. you just bangs InBut he seeme d sure he dldn't; lb· My liver, Btomach, beart-In f4lct, my side the judge'B room and In about slsted on Q. E . D. When Ile had "'Itt!· To Dry Lace CurtaIn •• wbole Byetem beIng actually polBoned two minutes, be stuck his bead out. drawn, I sat there a moment, awat· Housekeepers who pO\)Se8a quilting by It. looking kinder toweled and mad like lowing hard. By JOTO. when a cball frames but not cu rtaln stretchers will he'd been waked rrom a sound sleep. has had the hardest blow of his lUe. find ' ~be tormer an excellent subeU' "Last year I WBII confined to my bed and h " nres a wrapped·up parcel at nnd that. too. trom hie best friend, tute tor the stretchers In drying their for alit months. Finally It dawned on tbe door opposite nnd yells: It 's devilish hard to come up IImWng. lace curtains ot various slzell. The me that cotree cauoed the trouble, "'There are your pajamas. you un· Presently 1 pulled rnYRel! togeth<Br, rrames with ciampa can be made to fit Then I began ualng POBtum' iDstead at natural. heartless prodigal! Pajamas. J enkins, as be help!Hl me dress, eY1111 any curtains It not too long, In whIch coffee, but with lUne fillth, as mT Indeed. nt such a time!' And then I me In a frlgbtened wa1, hIs face Idtld case they may be turned back. mind w .. In such a condition tbat I see Mr. Jack's arm come out and Hsh t' of pale and greenlllh. Neither of us Pin the curtains along the aIdes, hardly knew what to do next. the package Inside. said a worC!. but I \mew 1 had 1111 then .flt the frames, not pulling the "Extreme nervouoneB and falllni "Then the judge turns on me and sympathy, ~oor fellb"'-and It' belpe<l! lace too much. The next curtains may .yellght canled me to 10Ie all cout'ace. \ Wilkes and ordered us to clear out Tben. with tbe pa!'c4!1 In my hand, I be "hooked" on the same pins. After In about two weeki atter I quit coffo. and go to bed. And Wilkes saId we'd marched Slowly down the stain, !til' three curtains are 'on It Is well to put and began to ulle POltum 1 wal able beat do It becauBfl the judge wouJd getUng even lome InltrucUolUI I on the next with more pins. AB many to read and my head felt clear. I am take care of you anti get you to your should have given JenkllUl. as sIx large curtains may be drIed at . lmproTlng all the time .nd I wlll be a room Quietly. And the la.n tiling I She waa there In the IIvlDg·roo~ •• one Ume In this way. strons, 'Well woman ,.et beard before be Ilammed Inside II" she and the frump. ·ADd when I "I have tooled more than one perlon · wlth a delicious cup of Poatum, Mu. room was: her dear face and realized What CUllPlatform. .nd PetItion. "I aee you got what YOIl wanted ID S . wanted to .know wh~re I bought m, "'Tbere's one t.hlng; I've got a aster hall come between UI, I ' . daughter!'" things wblrllng around me Ilke a jollY the party platform." fine coffee. I told her mf grocer hnll "01" I Remarked, Wukly. "Yea." replled Senator Sorghum. It IDd when ahe found out It wal Po,," I looked at JenkIn" mIserably. He wbat'.lt.natDe and dropped my ll¥d dt ODe of your 48rlt l!1dte underneath. talnly must be somethIng Jligh--ah, was rlgbt; be did lIave a daugbter on a chair-back hard, WItII I COtIIcS 'But I am afrald a part7 platform III tum abe .hal uled It ever IIlnc.. and and I wanted her. But just now, t stllfen and ImUe UP.. But, bJ' .JOftt a great deal llke a petition. It'l saly ber nel\'eB are bulldlng up tim• . AJId foUow1nS r18!It beb.lnd you was awful, aIr!" to draw: one up and ,et lIubscrlb.e re• Oat J'ouq Mr. BS-Il'm-pardoq, BIr, . He went on as 1 dipped my head at Wished with nil heart that Bbe wa. IIbe ' WU onl "MT b~ln II ' ItroDIt, my D~"_ but the hard part of ' the job Is to keep IteadT. m7 ap",Ute I~ and beet of (10 BE coN1'INUED.) ] remember JOU sa1d I wasn't to men· him. ".Tben tbls young chap catcbea sOIpebody'lI..:...anybody else's daugllter It· trom-beln. 1 f pigeonholed." ~ doD aDf on. connected w1th that ni- you by the hand and he says; 'Wily, -tban that GI tbe man wbo 1184 .111, I aDj~,. auch lO!ln(J~'pl.~aat ileep••.', . _. Eagllr for P.rtlcul..... "'ml You bow wbo I mean, slrT"- you're a bnck, after all!' And you nes~ed my h~ll.IlIIation. Na~~ chen b;r 'P9atulf\ - CO., Battle Aild afterward.e• "We, baC ' ~wP . ba!'Oll_, . ud a lie ~MCI aairlouIJy-"YoUI1C man, says: 'Yas, wo'll aet along better now, "CllIMIk• .)llch" Oft '. the ·llttn; 'book . .tD j" 'atr-:-tr.c1rJed r~nd the bl, lot my boy, and 70U waDt to be D}taJ!tr' How bad ~a manaaed 'to get me to coUDte..··i:t our reception ,uterda,." ,pkp., . "The Jioad: to W.llvme.~ ' Ipreadiq - 8ncera CUHed gr~terul to Dlck.y. Lightnut-f,ot: It.' ADd l room 1, And had .!I,be lIeen ~~ .b eard ," "H9w . apfe~41~1 " _~d ' , thef,;-'I ·l ali. . l'TJiere'• . a rea.on." .... l ' ~., . Idhder ' .am1l~, me'! Oh·, s!le mUlt . have! _. dance, 'or merelr tallt",bOut ~_ ~ .,a!x;'re ~ 'b~-~1rluUy yellow balr thiB yoong fellow llyeP - ••••• ~....... Iefte., '.A,:~ "'~ ,lag: 'Indeed, 1 amI' ADd tIl81l Il1Di . Well. DottilIiC matCe1"t~r uow-,-nOua- '_ It7 of art In AmlU:lea!l' " .. . 70. ~. SIr!,1

















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1rlUJ~~~ W~~Ib trlliI~ a

J¥llOO©lliI (Q)W W £\~


----------------------------------------------(J ll KEY in wlir lIm ell III

IOjl lHITA n l l y a c h eerful an d ca rarl'('e la ud . bul Oil£' h as lO dIve nnd er til e sur(u cti Ilt lI mey t•• I1 n d an u n d e rcurr e nt 111<(' th at or th l' 1I0s· ph oru8 itse lL O ld g lobe t ..oll c r~ ure "'fO il awa r fl thn t tb a surface rur· r rnt o r th n " o sp ho ru 8 flowH m ,' rrl· Iy f rom th e OIeck sea down 11U6t lhl' " '.,' ,1 "11 Ho r n 111111 in to lhe "nil of lIlll r "" ' mora . vllt ll n ra r he low there J A Il ('o u n· It, r c ll rl'cnl 1:01111; t hll othcr wa)' a n ll !:"r r y ill /( Ib l' sn lll!r Will e rs or lh e Mpd · \ lprrU n l'lln lip to 1111' doo r ll or (·oE lan · rca and Od l'ss ll. • III tho (; Ity of Conslantln op le oll e ..·o u ld s u p pose th llt was wa l' u n know n. 1l0 ubLi ess t h E' heads tlt a t are u n d e r a million r t'd rcues hav e so m o In k lin gs of It. bU l l hey du n OL l hlnk ve ry h ard. " YOII see," sa id Ii m e mber or th e 'Yo u ng Turl, pa r ly . " t hi s war Is abo ut t h e un lu c k ll'st th in g tlt ll t coulcJ hll l' (\ halJ[Je u e d to th e gov(' ru me o t. It was on ly a s ho r t t\ m~ ago. as h is t ory Is w r itt en. s inc e t h e r evo lu Uo n l.I S came ov e r f rom !'vi aceil o lli a a n d With " or y Illtl e ce rmn o n y lI,f te d th e s ul ln n out o f th e ch a ir of h is ra t.hers llnd d e· pos it ed him In th e pro vin c ia l el ty of Bo lo ul ca, wh e r e h p re m a lus eve n unto tbl s d ay . " Th ey did not lel blm take o ,'e l1 bl s w lVl'8 o r h is b enut lrul pa ir of

mo utll a ncJ h ll nd les ,' Iollors Iln d In · t nI dal'S w Ith onsu m mute ollng frol tl . A eOlllpan y of gcn da rm es. ve r y b a dl y d r i1l ('d a nd Axtreme ly a wkwar d in liP' ptlu ratl cc. ll n ea up at t h., cu rb . wh ile lUI offlcer wa lks a long a n d kick .. th e ir fe el Int so m e sorl or PO!\ll lon . Pre Hontl y l h e r o IA II cla U e r o f !tor ses' hOOrH lind th n~ ~ close d cs r· I ill ge s ro ll up from t.h e \\' (,H I. In lhem arA wo m en wea r ing whit e \' e lls . T hert) ar" nlMU aOUl t] ch ll d r l'-II. These are rrom l ll e Imp arl' a l Ilare nl ~ . T it .· !tOI'S(I U art< ullh nl' ll l'HRf'd a nd led away , a n d th en I he car ri ag es arCl trulI · d ie d b y han,\ 10 pos ll1o ns ng~:nst tlt p c u r b east of t h e m 06qU E'. I hi s 1111 ' po r lallt opera ti on 18 Blipervi s ed by th o c h le r e nnu c h. a coal bl ac k E t h io pian over six fee t tall. cloth pd In th e bl ncle ltrondt!lot h or n il ulld ertakC'r. b llt wear. In ~ t b e In e v itab le fo>z. ~l el\ lI wb !1 e tb e m lnl stel' of wa r Is lo u ngi n g In tron t or th e mosq u e elt · tra nce Ilnd a pp a r e ntl y crack In g jok e" \\!th a n o th e r brillia ntl y bedec k e d of· flc er. A t a ny r a le bOlh a re In u g bln /('. aud 80 a r e mos t or th e ot h e r m lll lar)' dign itaries. In a fcw min utes t h ese o ffl cer s are lin e d up In a di agona l d l· recllo n fr o m t h e mosq u e s t e ps . Th e mu s ic ot a milit a r y ba nd I~ h eard c o min g trom t he CIlSt. T b en l h e s ultall 's bod yg uard . a fi ne ly m Ollnl· ed and well Be l III) bo d y or c;,\\,alry . comes up In n column or (ours. W h ell l b ey pass the s ultan' s carri age drIv E'S

1r , 011 a s k a Tu rklsb bUIl!ne811 II:I.&D, h e will te ll YOII at on(,8 Lb at lbe ",11 Ie rui no u s . H e wtl l t bll you th ut tbe rt Is Ilosltl,'e ly no b us lD(,Sts nt a ll. rl'l tile Oraud I!azar t be merch a nt s 61t ero" IC'gsecJ an el ~mo k (' clgarell e e. Th ey leap a t a stra ll g r ilkI' so man ,' hun· STY wo lvPH and almoe t d ra!; him Inte t bp lr Hh op8. \\' e left I 'on6tJlDllnHrH~-·al [, fl Ill-- (>11 Sunday. T h e " 'gular ,ud lln" hou : I ~ lIoon bul L1l1' " ess p lN an" c Clln::t ('tlp.l t o Ylarl' ll ow at un IJ-Jur wh k h will b ri u g t hem t o t hc Dnrdan ~ lh' ~ In Ih t· pu rl y morning. Thr y ('annot v a~ s at r. ighl o n a t' counl of Ih ,' m inPH . It i~ al Ihl> nncl e n l gn tp \\ ay 01 th .. lI" Il< ·s p..; n t tl1al o np fir s t n 'Bl lzP" thll t IIrlm " li r I~ not rar :tll' a ,' fmlll ('o n s tunllllC' lil ' ·. l ull~ !?:trrl ~(, "pd :\lld T il!' l or t,; an ' tll (' qllie t cll ~ I' I )lI IIII' C'I mllliary ro u · 11I1t· III In l!v id( · I1~" .

ee===-============:::::::! Saving Faith


Bdi~e on the L o rd Christ and - Acls 16:31.

11 r~RE nre mnn y Iruporll1.nt problem a wblch III t h is life call t or SOluti Oll, IHlt 00 ques ti on ca n P() s~lhly be so mom e ntous as th e Iluer)' 01 th e Jnll (' r of Philippi , "What I n u ~ t I do 10 b.., sll\'ed .," uor allY an · uwe r to thlll <lu('slloll il l OII Cf' S (I ~ ltll' I ll' "Ud "0 ('O lll pl'c hells lve as lh e ril' ply of I'a ll i. " 1I.. 11 " ,·u on th e Lo rd A 21 · ho ll l' run f rom 1'0 JI' Iat'II: n(, pl e J" "I" Chrin\. a nd t iluu ahalt bl' MI\ '·" '\." hr lll!;H us to Sm YI'I Jl I. t l... 1", III At' ''l I n ""' r;; 1I !';1"! mell hav!, In lIIUl ll llHI ('s .\ llllo r. l it " q l"" ' n ('11 ." .. I T~rl" '; a hl' P I\ mO"(',1 to ali 11 I bl ~ qU (·s ll,,". a lld i\~iall,' l ,oa se5~ \rI I1 I\ . hl tll alt'rl In 1'1 tl ,f' 11111 11 1' Is if~ gl o u of Iho s e w ho have 1,laN' alll "'~ 1 itl ,':dl.' 1,J 't1IIl, .d for a i. ~1I11 11 tl "ol ufon a n d pen('e In uc ce ptln~ All m en look pleased w hen th ey smoke , Ial'k l rom Ih, ' S "II 1 1. . ..J..l~ r lln e III ' Ih " s olution oll't' re d by pr lbo ner Pau!. t hi s c hoice t obacco- fo r all men like t he rich Ilal'" :~ I ll ti lf'a Ii Is 1I(, II Il(It .ci by b ol .1 and ue l1evi ng s;tl'lngly III Ihe ll a Ul e or mU ltr ll a ln OIl M hf'lllll n llll. (I ff It s ~ l l\l rt. s tbe r e d l'P lIll ll g C b rl GI. q uality ami lrue, naturn! ilavor of In th e preaen t tit,,· the~e arc man y 11., lu r;~ p blalld" , .\1 11) " 1", P. i: tl ( '1:1 ~. bt'luru) wid e h ~t n f> IH· rn Y'f-/i fl ·(· t s r u n m eo of "mere 1U0ral'l ty" wbo con t ln ll o a ~s(lm lJl j.J U n ~ f:'Pll R: .d rr.n l{(· .. u d!! ': 1 llkc their p r edec('ssflrs III hlHtory to pride lh e ms!!"'!'s all t he i r upr ight life dC'sCf' lI1H . " Th ere Ib III) b ll~ 1 11I'8K ut n il :' s ul d " Dnd "good " 'o rks," nod d e cl1 ne to s u b · Smy r no ntc· rr h RIlt. "It Is tfo t' tha i m it a. hUlllule 8upplftoll n t s for p llTdon COllstant ino "l .. 11Il~ hl't' li affecte d. lo ll t DI the root or t h l' crOSH on which J eBUS It 13 "'!r), 111tl f'. 1·... lpl rontl nu p 10 di ed (or Bln ners. T tte r e Is sti li n eE' d . ttowCH r . for th o go thC'rc' . Hilt lH'r ' "1 <'rrl ll lll!; h n,; s to pped . \\'h y, ),Otl all b uy our b pR t ~ Im p l e , e a rn est aud dir e ct preacb lng r ll gR at your "" n prl '1 . Wc· ('a n 't sc·11 or the tru t h t hat J es us died fo r s ln iu ! anything . \\' f· gil" ; tlllt)l/'~ a wn y. W\t a l men , Ho d that t h e only way to the la' Smoked in pipcs by th o u sands of men-e v er y where \'or IOf God lies pns l the foot of n n upcnn we do : " know n t o cignre tt c smok ers ns "the ma k ill gs , " lilt ed ('ross . "w!! dun 'l Iltne 1111 uiS cara,' ulls . W e t a k e unus u a l pride in J.,ig g t'll & M.!J"' Duke's Th r eo El e m en t s of F a ith. sai d a ~nl~ run man. ·-and. ch t' r e 1s 110 ~~iztu r c. It i ~ o ur leading b':and o f ~ranulnt ed tobaccoThp. quesl1on . howc\'er , may arle e: bUH ll1css for I hprtl . T! ~ lillIe ('ara· a nd (' very saek we makc is n c h nll('nge t o all oth e r tobacco \'lInK c urry n(o(" 'sslti"R 10 lhr, .plol· ,> 6 What Is It lo bel! e" o on ti le \.ord J~ SIlB Chr is t s ;iV lngly'! ~Inllj' e n qu lr· mn nu fnc tur e rs, Ev e ry 5c s o ck o f tIllS fnmou s t o l)3('co e r ll nro In rl'lll pc r pl cxlt y on t ha.I r n:lb m s OIlC and a half o u nccs of c h o ice Il' rll nuln ted p lan t. ~o C h ristian bellc\'('r 5bould t ou:I('CO, in c\'ery w a j' equal t o th c best rou ca n h uy at any b c In I"n orllnre of the trlle answer to pri ~ e, nnd w ith eac h sa ck you g,· t II Oook of (' ii oret te thnt Query . It Is n fact th!lt buma n pllpcrs FfiEE. la nguage I~ In adeq uate to [ull y s t a te If yo u ha vc not smoked the Du k ... ·o !l11~l u re m udc b y tbo nil Ib il11()lJ c'utloos of r ('oe lnp tlol1. and L ivr;,tt .MlIBr6 Tuba,'co Co. at l>u rham , N. C., try I t now, th er o mn y bt> e letnc nt H or t hl ~ snvltH: Get a Camero with the Coupona l:(>li e r on the Lore! .I ""IR \\'hkh e>c~ pe d el !'Cl lon llnd nnnly In tht:' pfl-'He nt Save the coupons. ~' ith th em yo u ell II ge t 1111 sorts of vlllu · nble present:;-arllclcs "ultubl " for y oun l\' ond worl d "t 1(,lIs l . h Ul lh e broad outline:! 01<1; men. wome n. bOYH und gi rl s , You II bo of r edemp tio n may h e l un ~ t('fed h:v " delighted to see wh"l ), O U en n !ret freo with · c hllrl.'R IlIl e lll !,P I'cf' . • 0 a8 R ch lltl'<; out OD C ccnt of <'os t La yo u. vet our new sp irit o f s lillplldty lind s inc e rit Y \Ilu9t roted ont a loS'. A 3 a Dpecr'al offe r, W<r mOl' cs to th e Inquiry . Tbrore are. It lI1ill .end it f reo d arine September and may he s a id . lurce "lcUl e l1t s III ~a\'ing October only . Yc ur 1I:1I Ue nnd ~dd :t5 9 faith. no on e of wh ich lIla~' 8u fe' ly be on n postal will b ring It 10 you. DC'l';lec t@ d. Th ese lire t h e n s ~ .. nt of CtnlP~ h "m flu/u's !tf' rJ N r~ PIHI~ be Q S4 t he m ind . the co nsent of th e will lind lo~'e fJ fl' ,11t JQ,6J f r o,., HORSE SHOE. J . T., the oue ll ienc e o f the Il f~. TINSLEY'S NA.TURAL LEAF. GRANGER T WIST. c<,.. ~. Ira... FOUR T b,e assen t or th e mind Is rccl\;lred ROSES (lOt: I i" double <o ..~ ). PICK P LUG CUl' PIEDMONT ClGARby the ~I aster t o a fe w s imple flro· ETTES, Ci1X CIGARETTES, olld p051t1 on s wh ich , If lang: llIg e m e an s ul An 1'4/[1 ur (~UfKnlf Ulued /Jy ." . nny t hing a t a l1 , n r e readily dls(, .' roed Premium Dept. DR an Inl egra l pRrt of t h n tCllc hl ng of God's Wo r d . In or der to be sn "eel m a n mu st rega r d J esus as a Sm·iou r . IUld thBt. too. n dl vln @ S a viou r . He 18 not bor n o f God - Ia tbls ceutll r Y any m ore t h n n In tb e firs t ce n lnry. when Jo bn w rote- wb o does n ol con· fess t hut J esll!! C hrl8t Is COUle In th e fl esh . Ull tl th e mea n s come IlS a di · vIne Iln ll a ll·suffl clent H o:!d eerne r , b,,· In g a t onc(J. Lb e In ca rn a ti on n nd tbe In l N p r e t er of tho ODI! Go d. Tb e 81n· fuln ess of m an . Ih e Deed or tb e new birth , tb e depe nd en (:e of m a nkind on God 's H o ly Spirit, th e e terna l dl fTe r · e n ce bet we en ri gh t an d w ro ng. a ndl.h e FOR MEN AND WOMEN fin a l Iss u es o r li fe u lt lmlltl ng In h eave n Boys _II weill" L Douglas $2.00, $2.50 or h e ll - t b !,Re are th e sa li en tout· and$3.tJOSchooISlloes. BBSI In the world lin es of th e I'e\\' T ('stame ll t t eac h· W.1.. Doulla. make. and .ella mOt'e $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 ings, w hi ch Lhe s plrl\tt a lly Illu m Ine d .boe. than any other manufactu ..., in the world becaul e see. W lth uu t some sllch Irred u r lb le they look bette~, fit better, and wear longer than ordiml u lm llm o f menta l convlcLlo lI Ihe nary .hoelo conte nt of sa lv a ti on Is n o t p ro " itled , CAUTION.- Wh"n you buy .boe. be oura W. L. Dou trlu Ml,Ist Have Consent of W i ll. name ia .tamped on the bottom. It guaranlee. protection to you aCQinat inferior ahoea.. Beware of aubstitute.. W . L Douillas shoes are .old in 78 Bu t whe n tb e mind has as ~ e nt ed t o own .tores in /arc" citie. and retail aboe dealer. everywhere. . c e r tain doctrl ual l each ings t be w ill Fa,' C.'o, Eg.,. t., Write for Catalo,,_ \\1. L DOUGLAS, Brodctoa, M.... IlI I1"t conse n t . t o the modo and p rocess of sn l1'atlo n . Pe rb a ps t hi s B,' Uv lty of asse nU n g I.. In a~lua l p r acll co con · t eUl poranOI)UB \\' It h that of co n se n t · In g. At UnY rIlte, th o w ill m U!! l h e r lIlt Ihe gos p e l m o tl ,·es. un d J...l.-+.m_t.--;l~W-~>-t,lle l1l . · J.kawa Ii 0 n Is t o po ssi bl e. Th e \\'1 11 Is In a sense t il e man . T be w ill and the Bf· rectl on !; are hound up ntyst p.r lou s ly to · g eth e r. U n leRs l\ nllLn will s t o he Gu vett he (,8nnot be ~ a \' e d . 00/1 w ill not f'o r ce h lR SII 1\'ll.l l01l o n a ll Y o ne in California ';'bls w!1l1 ngncss dl'm:tnuC'c1 fr o III th e hu mao suttj('c t Is C's ~ ~n! l a ll y a \\'111· MessrD. J. S. & \'1 . S. Kuhn, th e rill , b \l.I~!' h."nk., u, ale Ing n ess m ll' t C' h l' lEt save o n e . d oi n g in ,heSacr:r.ment o Valley what 11.< U . ~ . GO ' EIIlIllCIlI Is j ust w h cl'o mn n y or th e 1I0 "n "ed is doing else wh ere lor the peo ple. mnk e troll ble fo r tb etns('l\·E's. fo r I1I I'Y There i. tcn time. more net pro ht pe r acre In C alifornia wa nt t o buy or m a n ufaeture or In UI) -an open carriage. containin g a no t on th e rallwa)' li nE' . That's all. s ome wa y sup ply th ei r o wn s a ll' utlon , irrigalld land than in the Eas l Ilnd w ith less labor. soru e wha t p o r t ly, white b e arde d man . 1'llI're Is no busl nes" In S m yrn a all Y nn d lira un w illi ng to acre pt I t o s a Let u S talce you ... hero thele i. co mfor t an d happinlMlS wbose salute to the lin e of office ra Is m o r c . I tbls wur d oes no t I'n t! we fre e g ift trom God . PrId e ts the s turn · besides profi t , climate eq ua l to t ha t of Sou th ern half, no f ros ts n o r I nO\~, no thund C'rstorms nor s u n9tro kes~ Rome thlng or tbe slove nli es t. H e lum· s ball all be ba nl<rup L" blln g bloc k In t h c Wil Y o f Illultltud es . b e r s o ut and into th e m os qu e , while Be hind Sm yrna are m any "rpa l I'" I.e! us talce you w he re b ig mo ney i. " O'(J being made, The re 16 a t h ir,1 elellle n t In s a inI ' marlc ets li re Ilear, demand for product. gre~ 1 a nd iocome th e band from tb e barracks blows a s vin ea In the hill s, In a ll of the lll IIrc tl on whic h , In a ll ca:'eR of genui n e i, 8ure. hard as It ca n aud makcs a ~ hockln g th e t en tB of so ldi er s. nri\'lnJ! :tlol £ co nv ers io n. prncll cn ll y fol lo ws th e I. et us talce YOIl ",·here railroad ol1 d rh'c, tmnOl><>rtntion s erl c s of dis cords w ith t be In(a n t r y the I'eads In ll ll! mo un la ins n iH' OC , othe r tw o, !Lod th " t i:l t h o obcc1 IPll ce i, nenr, wh ere there a re d enoH~ I J, a l ion~ l c hu rches and ba nd a t th e h ea d o f th e s lU a ll co lu mn cas ion all y m .'e ts a wag on loadcd ot th e life . Thi s 13 not t h e ~roll n d gradcd sch ool •. 01 foo t s old ie r s fo llow in g th e s u lta n 's wl t b woo den boxes. O n Ih ~ to ll (·f but t he result o r th e ~ lnnel"R j ll s t lfl · N O'1.<J is the time to b uy !Id. land- ge l i n " ilh the winnen, carrIa g e . Ih e b ox e s pe r ch es a soldirl' w ith ritle cation. Tho frui t which t h e p lll n t the g le at Pan ama Ca rmi will cOun be rea tl yan d you can At t h e s am o tim e the m uezzi n po p s in h und an d fill e d car t r idgro b~ ll. .ltlr. !,; b enrs tB not !he HomeI'. b ll t Is t h e "ha ro io it s trium r h&; lurm s ale scl ltn l{ laj)ltl ly , and we ou t of hi s littl e h o le 'n way up In t h e around hi s body . O ut! r~lIl1zeH tha l be proof of it s I Ife . M en a re not ",wed Itron il ly urge you to plilc hnse 119 ' (Jon IlS pussib le. minaret and l11ton 0>8 the custom ary Is ~asll i ng a lo ad o f rn un lli o tl 8 uf VI ar. by their goorl work s . II Is t TlJ(!. bu t It You call bu y Ihi . land on vrry easy tClm.-$15.oo an ~ummon8 to th e faithful t o ' go to Rut E'\' I.'T)·w b e re tb ere Is 11. d<'w sl · Is c e'rtnln th ot t h e;, nr o n ot saved acre no'W and tho balance in te n yell rl y pny m.n ts. pl'8y e r . Tb e faithful, h o w ever , reo lenc e . On e h e ars n o mar t ia l bllj! l e~ w Ithou t th elll . T h e a p os tl e Pa ul G i v ~ us an o pportunity to lake up n il d elaiJ. with YOD main outSide , b e cause no one Is a l· blo wllJg. n o Ja n g lin g of arma. no cun pierced thl 8 error, wh en h e ex clai m ed : - write U5 now. lowed to go In t o tb e mos Qll o while t h e words o r com m and. " Sb a ll we con tinue In s in th a t g race I.e! u. send you our fin e illustrated printed mort.r !rllin g aU sultan Is' tb er e. Onl y the ~qu eak ln g Bi r <'n of UI .. lit · m ay a bo und ? Ot'll;! forbid!" It Is 8 about it. W rite for it al ""« - il giv •• you ab. olute p rooiL . The whole c e r e mon y Is c arri e d out tl e brow n boa t In th e m i n~ li el d s a d· poin t tbat can n o t b e loa m uch It!s ls t· III a c h eerrul and care less way . Th ere \ e rtl ses t lt e fac t tbat ( e nr 110 \' l! r l> ed Ont thn t whil e s ln ll e r s are sa ved KUHN mRlGATED LAND CO. appears to b tl no atte mpt to make any ov e r S myrna. Ve t h er bUB111(ll\S i ~ they a re s a v ed fr ont their s llll' n n d are Depl13e s p e cIal parad c o f good humor. Th e pnra ly zed, and in th e hollo l" 1\ o i' h (>.' the l.ord' s r pdeemed. 345 FOURTH AVENUE PITISBURGH, PA. Th e " ma g nA tblng just goes orr as It might In t h e IIIl1 B ar e <:amped GO.(JOO ': "" k ISll chart.a " of he llev e r s I. eX IJr eHsed In piping times of peace. troops. the a ssuran ce: "Sin sh a ll bave no more dominIon over you." ... .............. BeHeve on tb e Lor': Je';!I s Christ with such an Intell!geDt, practloal faith liS thill, and thou ahalt be s a ved . Satan 18 Intent on mystl!ylng tJle mind, deflecting the wtll and doba81111 WILL 8ELI. OR 'rRADB for HQ ...... 11.,,<1<. The Main Impr"'llon. the conduct of all would· be believers'. tote .• my ... 11 "),10", .,-omJn e rit b ' 10"Wbat did the minister talk on the rec1eemlng Cbrllt, but "'e art oat~d, f\llly <'Q"lppe d .-ato17 bote!. 11 ••JI In hIs eermotl tJlI8 morning ! '~ f,,",J.Wt el roon"" a .Iorl ... IlUPpll • • , ..... not IllIorant of hIs deTlce., nor ehoulcf JNO, FBIIY, tth " 0 .... 11(., Loula,i t " , .&~_ "About an- hour." we' anow others to be rulsled by hIm anei tJlul defeated of their bea! eql' ' tafllattl and erown.-Re,. C. S. Dwlnt



A Picture of Contentment







$3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 AND $5.00 w.

We Lead You

To Fortune and Happy Life

~' hlt e

horsca. H e Is an exil e and a prison e r . S o th ey put h is brothe r In his place. and starte d a ne w r e gime. " Now tb e n e w sultan Is h a rdly more f.han settl e d In th e Ylldiz Kiosk when ltaly d e clarea. wa r a t 24 hours' noHce and pu t up to th e y oun g gov erum e nt a most mom entous situa tion . Th e YOllng governme nt c annot atTord to b e be at· e n . It must fi gbt t o th e b itte r e nd . To b e b ea ten m ean s to be d estroy e d . Th e pe opl e of T ll rk e y w o uld tra mpl o It IInd e r toot." B ut ot all ' Utls oll e cannot find a si g n In Constantinople-thai 18, 1I0t o n tbe surfac e. E very li'rlda y , for e x· ' ampl e , the sultan goe s t o a m osQlle to worahlp. The bras s band rro lll th e barrac k s n ear by tak es up a pOSition Ju s t west of the e ntr anc e flo Lbe mosque . Ac ros B tbe stree t In front of the military guardbouse privile g e d spectators asse mble. Th e omeer or the guard, cheerful and smiling. bus · tles about wltb a cigarette In his .........................



~- -





Pettit \' f.\p Salve

COUNTY COURT NEWS ......... . . .

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b" :I!\ 'Vu S t"ll nc,.'d t , (> 111 f ,J O,IJOl>tu ": 0 ..-. 1 i l l lir ,(i ," . 11 V, l' t,It1 1l I, n ll to t· n t Anct" : :Of'!:' lIOIi ,Inn ">! r lol'l \ ' 1'111' JI" tH'rl1i ll ~ th e fi rHt I T' . . 1 I IH' l :, IllUll ~ !> l ll oo r s AX"IIJ1n ell t ho Mou{ I tl V ill ~' P l't r 'll It' l }! 1~ \\' a~ , AtHl lt fJ (, .~ VI) I\( l h tl r ~ nO Il ' I" >r rn t; thrUl J.l r, ' ~ .. " t "'d ,, "tt Jl l, ctrl "11 Il k , wrlh Ih " ~ tu h lwolc t1 u d Wnr rant8 P ursua nt I I! St'c. ~ ,, :, " H H t h p , rI ~(l wah I h,1 rl' ell~ nr u r ' " J ,)o rn HI l'I" .. r tl C· IlI\ ~f\ , 1 rh o It,.t, 0 1 I" ' r ' o o~ ·,f \\,Ilr nll\' ~ I l'rll'l' lU od 'flt e v we re d ,·t ll) tj Llel nt I II II ,,· ,,""111 11 111, o f pe r tn unll t u hn (' Irrl'c t ",,1\ ,;1 I·,LI: " . rol r til" " t'" r 1\11 I botl Ann tllt! r tl p ,n W il l' InllOe by tit fl ~nu~"qtltHt! \'I'!lr~ Hl,~ r \\'ll h I bt' L) irE'et ()\'~ of the l ufirult,r y fl f Wil l' . I I~ t ,'I lJil r- "II~ d r>I'"q,wn l III t ll .. "e ll CII\1l1t .V 1.(1 t lt fl Oonnl,y (;,,1111,<1" 1 fJ".vrn t''' t of ,!In \tt.,d t tlX rl ~ t", bt' Illlrd. ~ I " n l'r~ I "f .\'Im r I' ud in j( AO l5o~t :11, ()II S ••pt e lll h ilI' :1, 1 \1 t :! JlIIl I1~ l ~l l ~ II n ,1 " ft lJ r " c ~ rnf \ll t' Xtl.lll ill ll d r"win l!~. 1· (>pr '''''' nttltl o'I ~. 1 ) 1 1 1~ "r I\\ II IAr i,d, IlPM" ,fi cll ll on" (If WO) k n l1, 1 tl O Il ol t,lI e ia HtiLu tion fn ulJd t ile

rE' ltlt.i()1{ t o t,hn hnUd\l111 of oo rru g nt .. d ""\\'I' r n n IrWin r UllII nn'lr !'ti tlr t l!ii lll l'!ltlll funn ;o.)rrllgut,ed S'l wer nOll r Tl'll ctlOll Ur ) "!l lll g .m Mu s ,n "no 1{ ln K" Mill .. R Ollrl; ('O T r llt( llt,,,1i .. Inve r 0 0 Mon tgom l' r y pi kl' hy II a "h rn or fll Tm ; ('orroj{li t,ed "ew p r on Greel.v pike by .' " r r .v P" r kbii l e 'lr Der in DtlArfield t o wn ~h I p "nd pnt lil1 ~ ounorfl l,11 toes t,o both II bot m ents " nd re ll\y ing u pper ha lf. r 1I" u t h "butm ent, of W ylie l:J r l d ~ e ooa r ~' fll r. k ffy lies In Ham il to n t o wnship ; we re s u bmittod t,o tb e C Jooty Aodlt.or , Co ont,y t:!u rveyo r " lid Uounty UO lLlw lsdlon e rd lind pl llDII were IIIJproved, The ' rOll o'Riog co ntrllOtl< were III l1de I\ nd el: t .. r ed into t ho A odltor hllvl o l l,(iv{\!1 t Ill' 1 f q ulred cer t lficllte With regard tu fUDdd, ~ o (j;'! . Uonh ll ot wa·8 mll de and e ntered Into with "rank M AII g for bu Udin l( lJe w tltone w a ll tin d con or.e te Ilnd s t U!1e toe to old wall of b ridge n el\f r rllidflnc e or p , Newell on Hopk lnllvi lle Im d F olster l! r o .d in l:ltt mllton 'fo wnllhi p lit bis bid of 1 2 75 per :vard for stone wOl'k Ilo d "3 90 pe r yard' for II t one a nd oo n. c rete work No 6<1 . Uon t r l1ct WtiH m ade ,m d e nk1red Into with Wo lte r .N, Allell putting In boiler se wer a nd heac, w allil by Moot,gem ery farm lIod pro teoSlon to stoD,e brid lJ\e in Cle llr Cl eek township .t, the estim ate U~ 110. "0 65. Oontraot wos en ter ed into with .ert Reed tor puttinK in oorrugated sewers on Irwin r Olld by lIad Simpson ' 8 farm ; by 'rrllction or08eiojf 00 MasoD and Kin gs lIiIls ro.lI; Montgomery pIke by A. )Lohmer '8 farm and Greely pike by lerry I'arkhlll oorner, all in Deer· field w"nshlp at tllo estimate '1211.88. No. 66.

Oontrao~ was entered into with OharleR .enderson for repairing lower yorner of etone abu'men' to bridge over l'urtla.reek near (teorse .loIl8er ·s on elosser road In Tur'leoreek township at the estimate $7 .26. Wo, 67. Oontraot was etttered liilOw"h E. II. easkill for oonorete toetl lo abutmeotll and relayIng par* of lIoath abutment to bridge near )'rank Wylie'a on Oozzadale and lIiokory oorner road In .amilton town.hip at the estimate $98 13 , It ",aa declared neoessary to repair the jail and the engineer ill di. reo~ to submit plans, eatlmates eto , therefor . 00 tais day, leptem ber Brd plans, drawing!!, representation8, bills of ma*erlal. specifications of work and estimates relating to the building of a tW() sjJan high truss 8teel bridge on the Lebanon .nd I'ranklin pike over Olearoreek In WrankJiu township were submlUed to tbe Oounty

LIVERY Service at very reasonabl e r at es.

furm ill

ltll!:lJ on lind I' r nporl y I-:t' nernll y In ~(),) rI n'p,li r, inm lit," pro pl'rly f t'ct , ~ l ,)th Ar l IILHI ot he rwi:<e lJr u jJt< rl y t rnn t,' d nOfl pro vided f " r . !'r osolll n umber innllll-f' s IIl lt le :l6, famn le 2:, ; t otll l !lO. It wa ~ rJ t>c la r ed neC(18~ll rV t~ r A p 'ltr I~ MtJ)ne IIrch I1U Lo we r ! pr ingbl ro road IIl'1l1r J . Nie bil l 'a 10 OI etlr· or(lek Inwn s hlp; IlIRU t o r tl pa ir aba t me nta on Mnl1~e ·· r oafl nell r J . Blinn's res idence i !1 Ol pu.rcr eek tow ollbfp nnd t he tlll r v eyor ill di r ected t o sub m it pll\nt! up !l e~t.imlt t e" I,here for Jt Wil li deo lur er! nece"!!!l r y to bo ilel " oonorot·) a rc h o n Wo r row /l nd b b a no~ rood by Oeurge H n tch in llo n' ~ In t:!nlern tf1wo llhl p ; c morete abut ment on Morrow a n ti M lIl Gro vl' r o Id at Bringepor t in SA le m tow n ~hi p ; conc ret e Brcb un DIl,Y t on a nd Lebl\ n on pilc e by El bel t ~ nid e r 's in T nr t leoreek t ownsh ip; oonuretfl Ilro h on Lebllo noo li nd ~t u b bs Mi ll .. r Olld OM !' Dilu t t1 8h fa rm in Union townsbip ; conc rete ou lv ert, aud tO I) on P e kin I1nd . ed Li ou road by old school h ou se in Ulear cr et' k t own~ hi p ; cnnorete ahutm en t /ln d faci Dg fo r old a butm ent on Bllio kb~w k /lod Osceola pike ovor Li ck Ru n bJ; .impson 's resid ence in nllrlun t own l'hip ; oonoret e nbut,m e nt t o EllS ' s tr eet brldlie Lebanon. Turt.1 ecr llek tow Dshl p ; conorete abutmen t to Buunell bill brid l(e oVllr Uloilfor eek III Olearoreok t;ow oshl p; oollot.t.1l Ilb.'m.nt t o bridl ' 00 TT plle r 'pri.,bor o pllil J . B 8& one III FJIlDkllD to w•• hlp ; WIDJII "'aU and fin Grandin ann 'rtdge oa Wafriol road t. Frankl'" to wa dlli, ; 2 t.ea ••••r •• D.artla roal: •• ai' .holle '. .ilI In "ral'UD t.", . . hip; ,n, ••wlr on Deardoff real' I , .e.I,,·s III rrllikllD tow••hlp ; l' la , en 01181• . •••1 plh ..... rU •• bltalllh '. in Jr•• ralll 'owl.lai,; 2 fe.t II.WeIf_ .... ~r.. r'W ••ar L . I. 'rad:liD te"a"hlp; .11,1. .p. . 'ritl. • ••r Li.. .... n.. r ~'b. ~I.p""a aa,I •• a.wn. Ibi, ; .Ia,l. II",. 1'1'. brid,e aTew D.r~h br . . .h of 'r.rtllore.k kt SlInr B"e.' i. 'rarti'OIMIi tOWD. _Ip i .,••1. .pan .t.el bricJ«. over ',..k .t ••s,.trett, lA••••n ; alngle Spl. ovlr Ule.rllr8f,k 00 •••••n .111 n.1l I. OIeal'oreek tow.shlp, •• a ~.. .urn,er is tl. noted te .a'm't pJaas, I'tlma,es etc , HlIIs Allowed a, . , Warwiok, .aap for 'ail, lJ\lr l dlll g~

1st Prizu $15.00 3rd Prize $ 5.00

2nd PrizQ


$ 1:'i, OO.

·ltt ult <I SIl );11 1 pict 'c, Ina p it ill the Ba l ~ n cr L:ye \\T;l PJl L' r, tllL' 1I in :1 p iece Ilf p1.1in p ;IJll' t' , Oil w hi c h Wri te your full n,llI ll' :tlld add ress a nd Il );l il to T he Pe nn

SCI ;\P ,

C'hl'lIlil,.-:tI \ Vorks, Phi ladelp h ia, Ii; \. ,-\ 11 pa c ka ~cs II l ust h e reL'ci"l"! hy u s nur Liter tha 1\ tir e h st ILl y oftll is Illu nth . Ev ry contestant w ill be refumJe J lOe- the price of a can of Dauner Lye- whether the y w in a prize or not.


EllIcr rh is grl':J t soa p-l\\3k ill\( l'O l1 tleS! n,,\V- it won',t c ost yuu anyt htt1 I..:-~ ou e et a c an of lye fr~e- yoLl st3nd to Will a c;lsh pn l.e.

50 Prizes of $ 1.00 each

LY Is the greatest soap m aker on the m <trket, It uo ites )It! rfeedy wi th fats and oils, m aking a soap th at la the rs . fireely. eats up dirt and I! rease ana uestrol's ger ms. Ba nner L ye soa p m akes harJ w ate r soft, sa \'es la bor and backach66.

If you are not Quite read y to boi l yo ur fat just

!l OW, r~­

member there \\'t ill be t hree se par.ate contests -un e in Se ptemberl one in Q c tober and anolh er in N ove mber. S3me amount of prize money w ill be given away ($ 80.00) eac h m onth. If you don 't win in Septe m ber, try in OClOber ; if you 90n't w in ill the fi rst t wo cfm lests l try in N ovenlber.


Enter the ce ntest s oon as p osslble- il yo ur dealer C41tJnot supply you witll B anner Lve. write us.

TilE PENN CHEMICAL WOR"S ~~7: Ph;ladel,.h;a~




Dr J A McCoy,

If you have any surplus stock for sale, usc our Classified Column. It will sell them for you.









".rd ...

E. v.








-0 E


dir( 'uit>1 1S fill' Illak ill h ~ (); lj' ;Ire prin t ed (In l ' \ er: ' r :I P I" r lIf 11: ll lile r 1_ye -· \:'I l'r .' , \1 111 ' ~I ;l ll t h a:; ;In l' q u;d C h a ll L' l' r ,f \l'i II n ill ;': a l' r i /. L' , .1\ f t l I' )' r III h a I'l: Ill ;l de)' () II r

wa.hiD, fQ( IIrltl.u'rs, $ tOI Ol , ,J . Few,if uny, lBeJ iei!l8!4 , h nvl' JUll L, • • • ft. . • ...ter, cbll.aJ,.Q at In fi rJll" Y with tho uni torlll 8 U~SS th ill, hil t! Hot ltmdilli t he U tlO of "Chilmbrnlrll ll's fer Julr anA .tUIM' 1119. $tI , Uo !io, Choler ll linrl Dillrrh uell Re m ! t.Veterinary ; LI.gI .... aillir, impplle. for court edy. 'r he rewa.rka ble ouret:! of coli C h.nst, $1.It. 0 , •. Martin, •• 8. Bod diarrhoea. whi ch It hilS effeowd 1Graduatc of.. Ohio State University " .. cel1r' hans., 8'0, 1'. W . Tho.p- in almost e ve ry ne ighborhood h ave g l ven it Il wide relJu t-u.tioo. Fo r R• • • • 1.etl'lo re,atrll for c.n,t ~oUl, s ale by all dealers. " ,lI. Ha.. D. Henkle , f ••, •• d n. Ollie' at resid e nce in F. B. She r peal'l a s s.rvIYVl'. 11 fl .'ii, I , I , - ; woud'~ house , Fourth S t r eet . lIonis> enp,li •• fo, .orv.yor, fIl . Olear oreek on I h a L eban on ' nod Telephone 28 J . a , Mor..... ,uPIIlle. tor tle rk, Fra.~lill pi ke In Frao k l~n t ownl ll lI>. 119 iO, V. V. Willi. lO S. exprell. , 0 .. tbll! da y ilSept-ember " the Wayn esville, Ohio $t.tIi . lolan Ie. "Inllrd, pllll'.rln •• p la.s , d rllwi ng.. , b ills of a uterial, 1 1.00. l ' 1' . • Itzlotll, lil.'.r, oe s peoifica tio ns of w or k Ind 81ti lQntes ~~!'!'!~~~~ _'!! _'!!.~~~!'!'!~~~~~ meot, UI 3&. aarbart'. drog store relatln , to tha build illg of " Clla ud oil. 1I0.le. W., D . orete a und repair or old , D~ E~TATE Booth, ~Il.,e rlpairl 'r twtleore.k Ilbu t ment, t e Blin d bridRe on MOil· 1 have about $150,000 in Dayt on towaslllp, " S. A , D, .hu1t~, br idle .er pike io Olearoree k t,o wnsh ip ' Estate l o ex chan ge f or farms. r'Pllrll f'r Tu,tleor.ek tow.shlp. 11.1.0 con?"et e a r . h ou L.eblln un and' ,I Real Wi ll t rade in large or s mall parcels . -'8 '5. L , . , Aa4oflo. & Sons , ~tu \)bs MIllI pille n ear the old Willi!~ I What have you i' lu.-ber, ICtI.'5 . 0 __ 10 Oonu,.'ed Dila,us b.fl.l..m ill Union towD Hh iV; 1 A. W . E PHRATH I ln, ... P . r.r", Oul.e rt 0. , oulv.,t ,ipe, ~ t1 , tu , lind repal.r of i ail w inilllwl:! 1md 001' 12 4 S, J e ffe rson St. Dayton. 0, Joe.pla Nichollon, lamber $ ~7 . 11, ridors wiUh t ool pr oot .t e l~ I, were __ _____~~~~~~~~~~~ If you knew of the real valu6 of Stat. of Ohio \' 1 D'.Dill1, s.}mitted I1lldapp.o. ed and DH\ertlli :: - - - -- -Chamberlain's Linim (jnt for lame 115 11, a d vertis od Bids to be ~ ec ei vtd BARNHART, baok, 80reneS8 of t,be musolas. 00 .epte.ber 9th plans , 4raw. uatil 11 0 'cloak 11. ill, 8eptem ber ~ 3 , Rprains a.od rheumati c pllins, you Notary Pu blic would never wlsb t o be witb out it, ialB, ,,.ortications, bii ~ of materi.1 1 \1 12. Contracts For sale by aU dealers. r.prlll6ntatleos '.d .stimatea ra Al l kiod" of No t nr y W ork . Pe D!~ i o D lating to til. buildl.g of a .ow trulls No. 11. Oontra o' WIlS oo tored W ork I} I:1peoialty . .,..1 brldgll with oreo••••d pl".k lutu wi th e ,or,e H . J'eld k luu p for ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11111011 flo...... two co.or.le putti., ilJ\ :10 ft , 11 IU . eorrullute d -~-- - --- - - -- -- sidewal ks ever TurU.or.ek 00 Silver .ew.r andl conor ete h ea d walls ne a r R. HATH A W A " street, LebaaoD , Ohio; a180 " low F . • r lunus on )4!\iJsev ille fl OU Love. tru•••a.el bridge wUh oreO.oted land r old in Ibmil too t'OlfDShlp a t. Wa,Y'.les ville's Leadwp: Dentt., pluk Rad block fiOOt' over Lic~ tb o esthB flte ' " 411. C)ffi co in K oy!:! Bldg. Main St SERVICE auo .n aloo\t Hawk and Osceo" No fI , Ooo t rt1C' WI'" e nte r ed The very Best at all .Ike In 811l1'lan '.wflship; alia 0.0- with U. • . BUlllbe r~ fur u u "l n~ !!!'.!_~_~.~_~_!'"-.~~~~~!!!!"!~=~~ Times ora'• • 'utlllent. f 'I' .'ree' In oorrugllted tle wer (lnd h eadwalls UT A L T E R brit" , LllbanOD, Ohio; al •• o.n· nellr U, it Buw ber... on K i rby n 11. C ,LURE, creae .~.ame.' and conor.te faolng pike Wist of Dalto. aD d Lll\ a nOD. F uneral Dire':tor. ef 014 abut.ent .t Liok Rn. brld,e pike in TarUeoree k aowll s p ,at On BI. . . . . . wke .nd Oilleoia pike t s tlml'e ot 15 5• . • ear .Jail. Simp ••• 's in HarlaB No . '3 , Oootrllct W I\ I , en'ored Teleph olle dny or nigbt. tow •• bip .n" ooncrete abat••nt Into with lflililtm Willi. for clean. Valley ph one No. 1. ond ra,air of old a. butment eTI; iog and palotio, h llh truls B'fiOI D istance No. 69- 7" . Tartleoreek on .a.t stre.t ID Llba brld,e o. Olea.oreek In I1'r . nklin OHIO • noo, Ulio, ubm!"ed to 'II. tow ns hip at the I sl lma te no. WAYNESVILLE, Count, Audltor, UGuntt .un'7ol' .. - • B r a nch Office, Harvclf1burg. O. anli 4.lollnt,r Utmmi8siooera •• d Whnt We Never Forget said plals were approved and or · a coording to soience, I~r e LhA thin gs a4verti.ed. Bils to be ~6' a ss ooiated w ith our early h orne life,' Buah as ,B1101l1en '8 Arnio" Sfllve. J W ' MILLER ' caived UD'1l U o'oJlOk lI.nday, that mothl~r or granrlmot,h er used to • • . ./ Corwin, Ohio Oot.ber,· 1,11l1'. ol1re our barn R, bolls, scalds,80r s , ' . Tbe audittr ",a. dlreo6ed to gin BII:in , erup, tion~, , cuts, s pralp l.l . or, .. .. DENTIST••• , ' Phone 7l·1 X' Doti.e and olroulate h •• d' bill. in brulBea, ~ror~y !6llrs )f oureap~l:?v,e ' . ; :.. . , . £b a__ & G tt8~'" .Unr! . nr , , " · otilco In 1:' "' WaY" n~;""'llle -0'" cia • lU?Co.. noe 'W. . ...,.,. 14 4 · ~. oorns ,or oold.aores ; Onl y 25 oents Na~6n~, l!~ Bldirj . • ". ,.,' ~ ~. . ' ~~ ,Of ,' Ile : 1tntew ,~t1,~n, .f;~~be , - - at~all dr?~gia.~. .,' . \ g , " '_ t ,m1aetentr. · 0 arren _UD y .·to --~ "!" ~ " ,'l' ': , ' " . . (., .. ' ,


$ 1.00




the Ford

r: l ltgi l\ g fWrll


AUTOMOBILE Sub·Agent for

cash pri/t"


T o t he wome n who stmd in the bt:st slmplles uf horn"nJ ;tU l' Su:'!, in w hi ch Ban ne r L ye h as been used w e wil l award th tl fullu winc c~ sh prizes th is month:



... 1..\11, L '. tv \ 1\11 .1

conditio ns are as simple a ' .-\ ' H (, '. W e wan t to prove t o eve r y It oll ~ew i fc \\'lt o reads tltis paper, that w ith th e aid o f Bmmer L~lc ~ h e can ma ke all the soap she needs fo r h cr fa ll lily lise-m ake hette r soap d um sh e ca n buy an y \\ I\t;~ r e- Ill akc it Ch C;l per, with ver y li'ttle lab or and ill a \'t:" r y short time.

g ." ,,( ('

lYI 'iUlI gl',l ,

.0 t h,ll l \' e!' \' \\'" mall \\' Ill l' nter , t lti~ l' n llt ~' ~ r h:t ~ /ift\· ~ thr ce

T his is a great o ppo rtun ity f(l r every h Ull e\\'if~ t test h e r skill as a soap ilia k e r ;( 1) d ;1t ti ll' :-art Ie t Ime w in a valua b le cU!ilh pri ze. E\'cry \\'OI1lan ell) en te r da is co ntest--it doesn't ell t (l Il t! It.: f1t tu t ry -·th<

" 'I.! ..

{\~tlmIiW ~ ,



" u n·. ' ~' '' r

It)' .

L'1 1j' . l1l1~ ~ l (} Il' l r "

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... ... ................ ..








T he work is good The material is best The proof is yours Jf By the test. rB The fire 'is great The heat intense ~ With little fuel And less expense.

Think it over . \:-:1 And buy the best, And I will come ~; And do th e rest.



...-....... ••;


T hese furn aces are ri gltt, Th e price is low, M Give me a cha nce I will proVe it so._

Tinners & Slaters Sherw.~od

Block ) ,..l'

ereo,' Ir. . l&eel.-..~ . b~ :. 0,-: Tb~ GUt .~~ ; K1'eat frIll11~ '~~ ~r ~~~ :f~~; .Sie "Gaze~e.~~~~~~~~~~~


CAVE BATTL E TO POLICE. 11 1' 1: 11 ' 1':

I \I I I ' ,

, • I 1.1.

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Ra ll's IIf SIIIJ,\I:l ip t ioll 11111 ' ' II '. ,,· ~ III ~ II '


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w ll"I'u d l ll l' ~tI iii I!l udu " "" t- p lll>' Adv tu't i,..iHI-! pm ' 11 14 ,11. . •. .

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5t' ~50 '

loll., ' : ;14' I II,'

It IN 'UUIlI ", "I \I '!lI'!ll'lIn l " IWI .



Scd;, tia A ld erma n W a nted Them to P r actlc o fo r Two Dayd Before I

Eac h Blaze.

\' ,,'.1 111 ' \'

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l.Jtit ,

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wolll'H prfl>lon tod

Tllj " oommu nity

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li'1I1 1', I.u ti t. Wtn~ k.

* *' * *




ct .\ nlllll l,, '(' ,)f 'y (' ar~ ngn ." ~ ni,1 nn I'x-:-;"da liall . "II ~lil l "l all li: tI (; 1'1' 1111111AII II 'r ic 'lI l ('il iZ,'ll \I'm' "I",'I, 'd 1(1 t il!' "Oll ll('il ill ~, ' , I :dill , ~l ". lI i~ ,;o lllld ",, ~ in" ~~ id (';(" ,, "(III iliad " hilll "IIi'ily 1111 ' " I I'IIlIg " " , 111"111110'1' ,,1'11111 1!I,dl' ill po ill t. II f ildlt1<' IIo'f' , 11IiI tll l'l'I' \\'I ' rt , tillll'f' 11'111 '11 hi ~ i oll'a ~ h",'111111' lan!,!I "I\. " :\ Ii"11 1. ti ll ' tilll" 11i,' IIld"l'llIlIl1 ill qlll 'Ht io n lI'aH 1'111111'1 "1ill),! hi ll fir"t tl'l' lll tll l' t'l' 111'0.'(' a ,U II II 'what ,!1 '1l \'rn l :11 111 , ,'1"' 1'1 ' " r it i('i~ 1II l\w tl1 WIl'H fire prlll" ,· t il1 ll. .\ fll' l' Ih,' 1Ill1 l t,'r 11:111 bp"11 t htll" lllg hly d i,W II.' :"'ol Ill<' nldr rlll llll "11 111" to t h,' ('lI lh';IIHinn titn l till' l rl1l1l,l" II'/IR d liP t' J i'IO ,lIi,-,il 'llI'.\' Oil lIll' }Jllrl of tit" fin'lIwn . . " :1r it :111 fix I'", 0111',' till' II ld .. r· 11"11111 , 'Il ll fid,'d t n iti ~ l ' o ll l' n gI H '~ nt OliO IJJ Ihl' 1I 11 'I,ti ll .!!;:. ' Ynll I'a"t " DO 11I0r!' d ilil" ill ,talk. \" 11 11 ,· hoo"t yule fO I' lII ill l' ord in:lIll·I'.' "'1'11< ' 1I1t1" I'I I1 I' 1I 11,111 ,,"l lh'i,'nt fnitu in IIl/ ' ir 1I "~'lI'iall"~ nll ilii.r to) 1'11 1'1' w ith Ihe 1I II1I1 il'ip" 1 11 1'011,1, ' 111" to wa it fn l' til\' I1 rdi ll :l IIt"l·, wl,i" h W IIS to be i nl rool lll'l,d 1111<1 JIll""''] IIl1d,' r II " li S' pI' II 'in n of till' 1'1I1 ,'~. '1'111'.1' ex p" ,t(,d a ~n l i ~ fll"llI r.v " .\ pi li lilt! inll \l'hl'lI th e 11I l'II~II I'< ' ,' 11\111101 IJ" ilil rol \lIccli. 11 CII III e, " ~I i~t llrr Hr" Ri lll'nt,' sni..l th o alll hlll' of thl ' 1I 1t';\ ~ III·e. ',l ei' tro ul,I e8 lII it ll iR tow n i~ tlnl <11'1' ii I''' Ifp pnrrm ont don' L bl'u!'Ii",. "IIII I1 :-:h .1'1'1. Dis o l't1inllnr o " ill l'II I'I' d"I' tril llhi es. 1t Sprin g Branc h ' suys li nt ,] ,, 1' d"plI l·t IlH'nl shull hraeB. M. Keloh, of Chi/)~go hall t iss fIJr twn dll YA IJ"ffJre (,f,'I'Y fire.' " joined his wife lind daught er here. ~everal from thlll oowwD nUy Kumms City J 0 11 rn a\. (Jhl.s Peter80 n aod family, of a&teod ed the funera l of Daulel Oaytoo , ware Sunday goeet8 of Wo(,lIa rd, last 1I0nda ---y, -An artiole U\ u t hll~ rnlll merit reJIlt ves here. Mra, 'rhoma a Laoy and family eu should in t,irue 1>uoollle pnpular 'l'he a)Xed Elisha Powell suffere d a 'erlaln ed ¥esdaw e8 Frank (Jook Thnt lIuc h Is the oupe with Ch~m. ~troke of pllrlllys ill last weelc. and J . H . Chenow eth, on la8' berl Lin '6 (Joug h Relll(, bll!! beon At the reunion of the former roeada y. atteilte d by mllny (Ieiliers , Here i~ Olltl of tholll. I:t . \V I:t endriok!luu, pupils of Buck Run sohool J. C . lIiss Alioe Chenow eth and Mrs , J . OhIo FlltI~ , lnd , "rit6 ~ , "Chnm ber Bnines was eleot.ed Pre8., J, O. B,<'-" enowe~hcal1edonMra,Robert ll\in,s Coug h Re medy iF! t,b e bust fOI 'Jompto n, Vioe Pres .• and Ellen I Braddo okl last Wodne eday af~r· ooughs , IUld orOI1j1, lind is my noon and had a very pleasan t call. best soller. " ~' or 1I1f1 by ull dealers .Ienkin ,. t:;eo . . .r, alld Mre. Joseph n~ines eo --THOSE GIRLS OF OURS, terlalne d, on last Sunday Mr, and NATURAL QUERY. IIrs. Fred Sawin and little 80n Ethel- Maud soys sho U8CS lemon Boraoe , The lute Gen. I!'. D. Grunt, when juice on h er face for he r comple xion. Mil'S Floreno e Liley baa returne d discuss ing militury n cntucss , u ~ed lIarie-- -I wonder ed where ahe got home aiter spendin g lIeven l Cllly8 o:ftetr1 o tell it slo ry nbollt his luther. that sour look. with her unole Jacob [.aoy and fu t her wus tulking' to Genernl fllm!ly, i~ Dayton , Sprm g Valle y Shcl'mu n in his tent one day," h e lIiss Allc., Chenow etb had as her would begin, "when 0. third general guest MItis WIIlIIL Kf!sey , a day or entered , !l. brigndi er nntol'i ouA for his Miss Louis!} Fulker son will re two la8t week, BUIDe her 'slovenl incss. dutiel .. t tbe PORt offioe After the briglldier IIrs John (Jonner doe8 oot 1m left, my fath er blcw forth 0. oloud next week after a , aOl1tlon of prove ae rapidly I1S her many friends seveMI w6('ks . of smoke and Sllid: would bl' glad '0 8ee her. Mrs, Dr. Smith [\nd ber Sabbat h " ' ShertnR ll, I wond er whom that Mra. Clinton Grnbb, of Dayton soho~1 olalls eotsrta lned Friday mlln gets to wear his shirts tile first was ,lown to visit her daught er Mrs . Ilfterno nu In bOllor of Mrs , James week?' " ~ -- ,Osborn e, one of their membe rs. Frlink He~8 and other -relatt ves las~ week. Everyb ody sllOuld read the Gazette . !::ihe was preeent ed with II. dozen Mr, John (Jheno weth, of near sl\ VAr teaSpO(\nH , Ioti-",. D. W , Anabee leaves Vlllars Chapel wae the goes~ of his How's ThiS? Wednes da.y tor a visit with rela 81ater Mrll, Will Chenow eth and huab.n d, ~aturda:v night. We offor One Hunrlrl ltl DoJlUri tivel! In ~ogao County . ler. and Mre. Clarenc e Thomp son reward for Itny OI\Re of Cullirr h thllt, Mr, anrl Mrs, Newton visited ~un· cannot be cured by HIIU's U6tarr'b day w\t.h IIr Bnd lIrll. were the guost.8 of Mra. J. B. !:Ieth Furnas , Cure . Chenow eth and family, Se.tord~J ' II I". J . OHE NEY & CO., Tulodo. o . near Wayoe 8vl e . We the IIn<lonlig , hovo known F. J. IIlss Mllrle Burper Is reoove rlng. night and Sunday . Cheney fOI' the last I nod ~ yours, 11I!,1 bolleve hh~1 _re . . I(anoy ~uee ~od rlaoght er IKlrtoctl y hOllorlllllo In 1111 hll. lltoss tran",,,;DlLytol\ MR ffit.. wife ,a nd nephew tiOlI" all,I llut\ncl.lly ,,1010 to Ctu'l'y out ""y Idre, Fl'&ok Martin , of Spring Valley I olll ~~!;Jl.')~n:r~uulllJ\i~ 8f,I Uomm lw u, vI8ttod oV"r tillnday in Hlirvey s. were enterta ined by Mrs. B , E 'J'olooo . O. burg, Hall's CaLl\rrh Oure Is t,lIkcll, lntcrnlllly . The oannln " faotory WIll ftnlRh Dakin aod f~mtly, I"st Thursd ay , tlC,lng dime . ·tty Ill>on tho Illootl t\lId n1!1 001l1 " 8I1rra(.~ ot the 8 Yrlto. m, 'l'esUmollla'. sent oonuln a Mr, and IIrB, George Pratt were oorn tht8 week for the free. Pl'Ice 7~ cenLB IKlr bottle. Sold lly ..11 ~ .. the 8ue.'. of 'he'a uDc,le Druggists. Tuu Hall'8 },' amlly PUis for COll8tillUlon. seRBOo " Rlohar d .luray and attende d the > sale ,of John Davia' beire, Th111'sday .


Annual Exhibition Of Autumn Fashions

Willi well repre· ut the LflbRno n Fair, 0 ,\ Ir '"I Ii '.I r~ . lilll " l1 Wnrcl,l lft,e r 'l'huTliid oy · " ,"'1'11 I w"ldl ,; VIK I t, wi l·1I rult1l1 veil MrR. Bell e Coon hilS been quil e tll II' " 11'1 0'110>' rtl t,IHII Pli to t,h llir lIoUi e fo r tho (ln~t tw o weeks \1{ith quiosy III 1I1 .} IIIIIII II ,dll<. ~/ ~IUTIl n .v. liu t is improv pd ut ~hi s time, MI'H Be"j,llIIllI 1';\'I~lI s IlIHl t.llrOfl l!; J . Cl\rmo ny left on 1'1leRdRY 1'i1lldrt\11 Ap, ' nt >' (w .' r lll ,IllY~ lll~t for hi !! n ew work Ilt Vttlpllro.l so, w,,,, k th,. I-! II ... ~ I , , I IJay l oli frleno" 1mlillntl. . o'I lr (: hll ~. \\'. ' 1011 , of Ji' Jo riulL, bl'" Mr . Al1rri"l)n R ooks, of Arollnu m, 1"""1 "I SI t,11I1-! Iwl'/' , Il ln hom d of hiH reoentl y vi~ittld hi!! siste r, Mrtl. June " IIII<lh "o I. ~~C Dyk e, wh o is !lUJI very ill. Mr... ~ . ~:, WIl son, L onilis N · Mr~ l!; J , t:lUli$b, of Willllin gton, .nl ~ un IIn,1 A1i'r "tl Ed wtlrdtl wer, vil!l ltl:H.I wit.h C . E Jobo'l !Iand fltmlly, ~ rl<.~ t,~ .. f TI' hllv HtI I\ud frieud~ In Suturd uy ond I:luuday . i!I:HE OSn :kI.Y ~ I I 1,1.1:\ 1':JZ\ 1)'I.VtIlU, TC'OO/ltJ.v, Mrs . Berne Junes Is entertl ilnlng \ STORE prC',cnt s IIl1t pit:t IlI CS "I Dr ,I. (~ , MillY I ~ lit h o mo thi!O hor niece Mrs, Mltud Moore, of Dl\y wne l, l o,, ~ 11l~ vllry lIIuoll improv ed I,ou , New Yo rk h a t s. bllt li ft y of the <l d ual III hl'lIllh MI' . und Mrs , Allen Ewriok Imd hat s fronl such lIIake rs a" P hip!, s, CagL' Mr RIHJ Mrs F Wil ~ nn Itnd dliught er Ulad.VtI vl9lted on ~uudllY a nd Castle. Ri g ht into th e Icry heal ! YHE WEDDI NG RING, dllught or LOUI S" e nlllrl,lli nod MItiS wtr.b Dr lind Mr~ , J , If. Wf\rd, near t, {.lItil' Vunuel vl'ort, lind Alfred Ed I::Inrvey!\hurg . o f thc Ne w Yu rk lIIort is! (' s Ita \'C' \\'( ' Why sh o ul ll {he weddin g ring be I W llrt.l~ for " inn e r, r ecently , gone t u selec t th ese models whi c h arc A Itng8 ttudl enc8 wb8 pre88n t ot placcd on tho third fin ger of the left ' . li unoe bu ck rld;ul( is btliug very the Pit1uO Recl~lIl giv8n by the )ulnd? 'The cu slom hus exist ed f o r n ot alone ncw, bllt th e o e p en da lJIc flIuuh enjo.Vlld by !\ . few of oor puplltl of Mrlt, Minnie Peooew lt, bt ogcs and the r eason therefo r hus thing. III !·i:t.HII " who aro I:Ihuwing 1<,lme very Lytle Bull, on ~atord .. y evefllD g, bccu give n as f oll ows : T u sec lh esc 1II0de is is to ~e l: a ll Lil c IJPIIutlf tlI tl l,oect8. Mr . aud Mrs. J , B, '!'hOllltl8 reo Our ances tors found the left hand MI'. lind Mr ~ Ellhrul m ~mit, h aod tnrned Monda y after b es t ;..J e l\' Yo rk h as t o s h"w. !lpeodlo~ a more eclllvc nieo t f or s uch o rnamcn ts '(1 11 , of ( 'o rwin, ~pent 8undllY wilb week with relatlv Bsln lodlltua , thUD the righ t, for the reuso n that it ~Ir ::; l\Iith ~ U1 olbl'r . Mrl JOllieR W'ltkln R aud daugh is genern,lly less employ ed than the l e r Erlltb, of Xeolu, wore !:lunday latter. For t hu HaJUll r eUBon they The Mcn\V ho Succeed 'Jk' ?Ie ~uests of tiidoey Coon aod family . chose tlle th i rd i nstl!lld of RIlother . ;1 h l~ lltl" of lurge anterpri llll!! Brp Miss Ellflll Bell, of I,he Elinbe th finger. The third d igit is n ot only ,llIJ fI .. f ::tt'llt 6nnrgv . t:lneoe tls, t.uday Uawbl e Deaoon e8s Bome AS800ia- less 11Sed t ha n the olhers, but THU RSD AY, SEP TEM BER 12th is bet' 1 '''II I I'"I ~ hllulth To III I i!l to foil tion of Cinolon at.i, gave Ii very iu ter adallted to g Ull ru a It s lit (l r fully f o r II U1lln to eodUl e ring agains t , \. (ltd" rno clown , huH "live oondi- t~relltiog Ilddrot!1 FRID AY, SEP TEM BER 13th I at Lytle churoh , brllises, s ince that fingc r hU B thi s t "'11 Wh fl ll ~;I tle tri o Bitters will put on t:luodoy ,,(tefoo on. qualify p eruliar to itself- it cannot '11 111 ridlt on bis fent in ~ hl)rt urder SAT URD AY, SEP TEM BER 14th The tUnerll1 of Mrl:l !:luBun MoNell he extelltlr c1 hut in com pany wi th '~")Q I' 11 1' 1I1tl~ did m e m o r o rH1l1 good was beld u~ tJle home " f her son dum lilly ot,her lIlf'dlc\ ne 1 ever some .,the r fingc r, whereus the r est Yon arc cordial ly invited to this Display , r,l)u k ," wr!tps CII'\H. B Allen, l:lyl JOhD MoNeil on tiool 11 I Row MondllY mlly be s ingly stre tched to their full \/l llli .. . (~11 "After y ellr~ of sulIer IIlterno on at 2 o'olook , '1'he !!ervice lelljth s .-Harp er's Weekly . IIg with rlll' llm .. ti!lm , Jlver tl'ouble . were oonduo~ed by Rev , I:! W· ' 11J1IH (lh di~o rder~ , lind oertln~ed Climpb elJ . d <ln e y ~, I 11111 tI':Bln, thllnk" to Elec 8ohool opened last week wltb II Many Drlv(:n From Home. rlU Bit I,Hr", ~lIllnrl .lud wI' 11. TrS h l' m Only riO oentll nt 1\11 (lrD~ llll'ge atten,iR o08. The roster Every y'ear, In many puts of th e of 37 Creen Street :is l ~ , I~bousa are driven 1l0W teaoher s is as folloW8 : Supt country XENIA, OHIO tbllir bnmes bynds cougbs liud from lung I'!. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ • • • (Jl1l1s. R, Klwber ly, Interm ediate _• dhlease s , Friend s al d buslnol S Ilre l ' New Burli ngton Mls~ Adai{ll ilenthn ll, Primar y Miss left beblnd for other olimate s, but, Ethel Ullhen s, N Q -1 Mi8tJ Mary this 18 oostly and not always sure 1\'1 c: \'ttll-l vell 1\1111 fllmi!y h"vr Uray, No 10 Yi"" Floreno e Rosoag le. A bett-er way-t he WAY of multi IIO V"lt I,ll X'tni ,l tud~I!-lfI to use Dr . Kln~'s New - -DlsoJ very lind oure yourse lf at boml' Mr~ n .•ym cllld Hurley , wbo hILI! Uncle Ezra Says 8tllv right tbere. wl'h your friends , ,onn qllltt' ~i O k, iri II\\\lr()vin~, ,. It. don't take mOTe 'n a gill u v tlnd tllte tbll safe Live Stock and General , Auctioneer medloi ne, Throat MI' " \\'11\ Brclh~t, o f Columb utl f lInTt to glt fc>lkM IOtO II peok of Rod luog 'trouble s fiod quiok relief 11r< ni c k Linflnmofoll and family , trouble " lind II, little neglect of oon. lind hel1l1,h returns . Its belp In Poste d 011 pedigr ees ami values of all If DI<~" "I1 , 111'0 I'( lle .. t .. of Mrs, Oe ~ t.ipAtion, bllious uess, Indigef lt\on or oougbs oold!!, grip, oroup, whoop ,.ther Uvtlr derllog ement Will do tbe II}0UJ,th lIod sore lungs make I~ a kinds of breed ing stock . I.. ven')... '. ~aIDe If ailing, taka Or . King 's [)081tlvo bI888Iop: , 500 and 1100 Lnvi Milll' f}I I'lll th.o pulpit tb tl New Life Pill!:! for qulok results Trial bo~'tle Exper ienced in handl ing farm sales since free . Uuaran te<ed by ,'rlen,1 'II oll·ul'o\\. t)llndIlJ , E Illy, saftl, sure, [\n 1 only 21) oent.s all druggIS ts. 1905. ' Or , lind Mr!l Wbitak er euter- Ilt all drugltl sts . ' - - -- - ••- - - ------ - ~~.~----ainud rell\l,i vet! I roOl Maob'lo ics Terms Reason able -:- Satisfa ction Guaran teed mrg, In ~ t week . I, '

I I,. I..

1' 11 -


The V ienna (A ustria) police wero held at bay for over two hours tho 01her dl!lY, by ro bbe rs in a drinkin g saloon ill 1\ densely popula ted quar- I te r of the ci ty . The presenc e of the t hieve8, W 10 weru ro mg tho t ill, II'/IS Doticnl ut two o' cl ock in t he IlIo l'l1 ing- by the police, w ho su rrOllJll1cd till' hUlise and calk-d on th e Ihil'Yes t o CO llie ou t. 'rh ey rcplied with re voll'l'r ~ hot 8, onll the police rrl urned th eir fire, sh oot ing- iJito t he ~ hop, wh ieh wa s in da rkness . Tho inha hi tllnts of the fjllllrler wotched the bottle, which lusted ulltil five O'clock, wh ell the brel\kin g of duy- I light en a bled th e p olice t o rush the 81l100n. The populace IIsHis ted the police, attac king . tho thie ves witil sticke, One m ember of the hnnd, terrified by th e crowd , It id hehind & blUTe1 ulld shot hi mseH d ead.


'* *

- - --- -- - -



Oste r}y Mill iner y

w. N·.




.. - ...

- _._-





I. ~




The impltoi t oooflde noe that ~.ny people have in· Chamb erlaiD' . Colio, (Jboler a and Diarrbo er. Remed y Ie founde d on .heir e~perlenoe in the

. Public Sale

I wlll uffe. at Publlo BaJe . , tile rea,deo oe of the late aeaj. Weeks, lu Barv.y sbllrg. Ohio 00 Saturdl lY, Septem ber 21, 1912 .eglno llDl.' 11 :10 p m, .barp, tlae foU.wi ng proper tr: 1 Dew .oller, lillew II-tool b steel. rfow, 1 B.ggF, IL Robe, • .or8e .I&nke t. • sets .ugp aarne8 s. abent a ton of Timeth F lilaF, y. ton Alfalfa SaF, • bU8hel i of Potatoe 8. Round Oat Heater , Uook .'.ve and O.okla g Utensll 8, Washl n. _achin e, Gopper .0U.r, Wl'lnge r, Wallh BOaret, Stand, 1 8ewlol( •• ohioe, .ustea d, 1Ia~'ress and Bprlag8 . 1 O.pboa rd, lafe, 10 foot Diniog Ta'le, .ha08t .ew, !Cood Iidebo ard. KItche n 'fable, s, la.'ge lIirror, Ohatrll , Gl,ss rrult Cans, ~Ishes and other altioles no~ mentio ned I tJtereosoo~e and View!!, 1 Dew .eo 8.oker , & eight· day 4Jlook, Q verT good tlmek. epe•. Wm , Mill II. AlIct, aey Weeks Puk rladley , Olerk, Admin istrator .

-- - ..

- -- -


Wayn esvill e, Ohio


Vallry Telepho ne '/S-2r



Cla ssiH ed Ads ... ...... tOt

kWI ..' III b e




~hl "



Method ist Episcop al Churda ' l\uv. C. 8 ., Past,or,

heat! for

twclIly ·tlv c Ct:nl t/. tor l.llre c Immrtlon a

.. ben UlI lng ool !Doro thon nve lines.

Rumln.y Schuul , 0 : 1~ a . lll.

\"!cc , 1(1 :30 a . m .

................"'......,...".,.."......_ .... " .... " .........- ...."..."..."...".•.,." ........_ FOR RENT

ro ,


H ~r

I'r ' ye r

~oe~lng ,

7 p . m.

St. August ine's Catholi c Churdl. 1 M 1l8 ~

U : 00



t-: \'c nln g s ervice , .7 : 0 p


Father Louis Y Illlil , every sOCO Dd SUUlluy of the monU.. a ! !D.


rooms fer reot In St. Mary's Episcop al Churda . the PhUlip s Bldg. For infor· !tov. J . !-" C...lwalilld er , nector. matlon , addres s Mrs. H. C, Phillip s, Sund a y 8011001. " :a n n , 0' Morning ser Wasbln gton, C. H . Ohio. s 2ti vice. 10 :ao a. m , Hol y Coulluun l on ~bo tlrwt Suoll"y 01 ea cll !DOUth,


Christi an Church . WANT ED Rev. P. B, 'l'bompeo n, PastGI, Ulllie Scl1oo!, 9:aO a_ m. !locIa! moetlq, I 0: a9 a, m. Chrt8trau I£ntlollvor. 7:0U p, m. Sermon Iltl8tor evory "I !.Ornate Sunday " o TRAD E for Fllrm 2 nice Homes 10: 30 a . by w ...ntl 7 : 30 p . m. of ti and six room!, eaoh , 8.)th wliter8 , gal', cemeot , olose ttl Hk:ksit e Friends Chur,, paved {ltree' aod street car line8 II'Ir8t Ua) Mce tl11 i(. 11 :00 II. m. 1l'lr8t.llaJ tha\ ren' for 112 and 115. John P 8<:11001, 11 ,110 a w, ~'OUrl" Day Mcellng Lawren oe, 107 Baltim ore st , Dayton 10 :00 a . w,

T 0,


Orthod ox Frlen~ Chur• • Mrs. Rutb Murray, Pastor

S abbath So lluol , ~ :au a. m . He~ular oburen .e n 'lco, 10 ' QU ... g] , CbrlH~lan E n~cllvo? , 7 , aO 0 _

FOR SALE 01 i wbed for seed. 1SO bOllhel Blirves t King variety . D.

11. Hooket t, phone 55-1 X , Wayne s , vUle. Ohio , s 18


APK1N S-A new "tock of nopklns jost in. I:!even designs to plok from. Gnzet~ offioe.

. A. MA FFI i, Unde rtake r and Emba lmer., Will be fooDd in the oid Bank BuUdin g, oppoal ... the N~tioual Blluk. Teleph one in house a~d offloe where I can be called day or night. Valley Phone U-2,

IMain Street.

Wayne8ville, Ohio

I ~~~~~~!!!!




The Miami Gaiette I


__ ..1...--_

0 _ L. CRANE. Publ isher. Olllt).

WA Y:\r.~\· ILLI.C.

THE BORROWING HABIT. Humanity Is amlcted wllh Bome e:cetl('d ln gly bad habits, one of tbe . ·o rst of wh lc b III that o f borrowing m on!.'y In sma ll nums. It 18 as deruornllzlllK as Illtl'lUperanco. Ind eed, It 18 ottpn an nc('olllpn ni men t o f that 0'11'(' . IWrhu!ls tho ca ullo of It or p e rhups .Ih(' e trecl. A man who luck s buslnC'sH perc·,'pllon , wh o Is d efic ie nt In th., matter o t mnklng adequ ate provl~ llln fo r hl~ nnt'ds. wh o does oat clllc- ula tll carefu lly. and who spends unwi se ly Oil Iuxllri('s. al.n rts 10 rai s ing Cun o g hy aJlPpallng to hIs fTt ends. 'f h., I":ldl n g at mon e y Ie one or the vll a l raCln r s In bU8lnPlls. wh Ich Is lars e l." doce on c re dit . n ut th e len d· In g or mnnpy Ind l\·ldually . wit hou t s ecurlt~' . wit bo ut In te rest. just Il!I a II ' rao nal accommodation be tw een fr ie nds. Is one or the most unbus ln £'ss ll ke Ilnd demo g of practices. At fir st th ese loans ar e re pa le! conscI entious ly. says th e Washington Star. Tben t he time goes by ane! tbe b orrow e r Is s low about r ef\lndlng. Afte r a whil e he grows accustomed 10 a s king. lose s his shame. gets calJou s to th e thought or non·payment and lhuR drlrtG Into the habit of petty borrowing. Now It Is pe rbaps a quart er or a half dollar. or some other trHUn g sum th:lt the le nder would be p ertectly wUlIng to give in a goo d cause to mll'et a real emergency. wlthont bope of r e turn. But there III a lways the suspicion that the money Is not r eally needed. save for some s e lf-Indul gence. The average man will h esitate about givin g In thlll way wben he feels that t he money III goIng tor dri nk.' and that Is why organized cbarlty has come to be so c enera lly lIupported in th e se tlm os. In New E ng land, Ncw J ersey and lIome other t hickly settled sections ot the e astern part of th e Un ited States what a re known a s farm colon ies are multiplying. These agrIcultural col· onle s are generally mad e up of foreign-born peoples w ho come from th o same dll5trlct in I taly. RUBsla or H'.lngary. Farming areas or 1.000. 2.000 and sometlmell 3.000 acres are purchased and divid e d up Iota te n and t weoty acre allotm ents. On eac h or th ese small farms n fllml'ly settles and e ngages In tb e growing of frultll and garden vegetahles for t he supply at the larger eastern cities. says the Daltlmore American. Many abandon ed New England rarmll are thUB being reatored to prof1uctlve usage. Quite recently a 1.000·acre tract of land In Cecil county. located along tb e Chesapeake a nd Delaware Canal, lIear Chesapeake City. has been pur. chased for a Polis h farm colony. This land Is to. b e cut up Into ten-acre al. lotment s. or Into about one hundred small farms. upon whi ch a8 many fam ili es will locate . 'rhe colony, It will be observed. Is !I bout mIdw a y be. tween Baltlmoro and Philadelphia. n nd Is 10 easy communication with !lOtb c ltles by wate r route . as well as by rail. Maryland ha e Inviting Inducements for many s uch colonies. In I!ou th e rn Maryland large areaB suit· oble for cutting Into small farms rna, b e obtain ed at compnratl ve ly low cos t. Tbls lani! . In mos t Instances. Is splen. dldly adapted to th e growing of frultll and vegetab les. Til e soli Is of .tar be t. tel' a ve rag quality than the ea ndy soi l of New J e rs ey. Upon ten acres or land form e d Inte ns ively not only a \IvIn s ca n be mud e . but ultim a te at. fiu e n ce lIlay be attained. II. woman In Philadelphia Is beIng f\u ed for breac h or promise, ber loss b eIng ap pra l s,~et at $5.000. Wb en It :s known that sb e Is an e xce pti onally sood cook . pa rti cu larly o f th e dishes 60 loy ed of th e Fatherland. It Is Dot to b e wo nd llred at that th e jilted one's anguish Is not to be assuaged at a low e r Ogure In th ese Urnes when good cookR are 80 expensive. not to say rare a nd hard to k ee p.

The shaving of Jl et dog s and cata In h ot ,,'eath e r by so llcltou~ ow ners, as r eport ed to bo a fa d this summ er , wi ll douhtl ess bring th e u s ual s torm 'f sn rClls m and p rot ests from the Cri tica l continge ncy who thInk thnt c-on ll id e raltoo tor animals ts 10glca!ly fnC'o mpatl bl t with sympathy for hum a ll s ulfe rln!;. " A \\'Idowe r of s lxt y-ttyo with $8,. 000.000 seeks a bride of twenty, with blond h a ir. blue eyes and r08Y cheeks." Be ing a wIdow e r and th erefore wIRe. It will be useless for any e>f tb e che mical variety to ·apply.


Il may bave been notic e d that wi t.b the usual courage at mascuUnlty at, tacking a feminine stronghold ths broadsldell on tbe hobble llkirt opened WI) fire after It had been anoounced thllt tbe target Itself was lolog 0\1& 1If f~h1on, auybow. In IIplti 'of tIM advance of IcleDee,1C

"IIf1ll be lome time before l!ytnC . . . .eabl of travel becomel general..


. ..veral. cltlzen doell not I'eJlab 11rt11l1 >-Ith. the ·undertabr. -' ' "

•• .



Andrew Brown Is Making a Success On a Small AreaProves What Can Be Done - Not So M~ch the- Number of Acres As Is Way Each Acre Is Made to Produce Tt has Iwe ll sa id, "People o f nJO(lernte m IHlIIs should !lot fllrm too lllu<'h lund . A man can sta rt on 2U a cres : 40 ueres wlII do: 80 Is e llou gh: 160 nn abulld -



T Is o nly durIng ver y r!'cent y ea r s Ihat common turtl es. or loggerh l'll.ds. und the easl!y ra Ised wat er te rrllpln havo b een fu ll y appreclutnd as articles of food thllt ma y be common ly e njoyed. Instead of reIecated to tnrm t he cbolce di s h of banT ho north erll form e r, wfi h Quets. draIn ag e st rea lll S fo rmIng a n importnnt fen tur e or 'h ls land, a nd the 0110' 11er or s pring ·fed ponds un s uburban gounds . may learn m uc b from th e turlie Industry of th e south that will prove Inte resting as well os practi cal. In the ('a rl y days. wbe n a ll th ut partlon of lhe coast of Florida ~we pt by th e Gulr of Mexico. atrord ed abundant hunting grou"I) fur turtle R. they w.~ rl! such a co mmon arti cle of fo od thut th c y W!'rll li ttle appre ciate d. but dur1,ng rece nt yea rs t h clr comm e rcl u l va lu e hus In c reased . Tbll most Important cO/lune l'cln ll y are tlt e green turtle . Ih e turnkbn c kH. th o h a wk bills and th e loggl'rhead l!. Th oug h so me of th em we igh o ul y n

Among t h e visitors to tbe 1famou s tUI' lItn g grou nd s aloDg the coast ot Flor· Ida, Inquiry ts ofte n ma d e as to wby th o lIame tortoise Is so oI e ldom al)plled to th6 many \'u rl e tl es or marine ch ainnlan s found on th e borders or the QuIt of lIf e ~lco. 1t Is true that torta lse Is th e co rrec t name for a ll these various s pecl eR- both th e la nd Ilnd the marin e species- a li the namo Is derI ved from "arlous ~'re ncb and Latin wordl! moan in g twist e d, crooke d or contortpd. desc ribing t h e crook ed ness of th e curious feet and head protrudlng from the tortoise s he ll. How Ih e tortoise of early days became known by th e nom e o r tu rtl e Is ex plained by th e fuct th a t ce r ta in s pe cleR of s eaturtl es show s ucb g rea t a lTecllon for th Ir mate s. that t h e ua mo ot turtle I from turtl e-do.e c eleb rat ed for th e co nstancy of Its affection I came to be a pplle et to th ellI . La le r t be Ilame turtl e W!lS ap plt ed 10 many Bilecies () f Il.1I) mur ine tortoises, Wl lh lurk .. y fre qu en tl y u sed fo r t h e s pe cies fouud

~~:~!l~~:t~c:~~~:~~::~~~~:I~;~~I~l~r~! At::l:~~e~;e:~:~I:~:~~ev:~::s

larg est h[lv o been known to rouch a we ight of 1, 200 pounds. Th e g r I' ll till" ti e Is a lso Il n(}Wn as tb o Che lonia my· et il B. u nd Is I he \' ariety mosl Ilriz ed hy tb e nall \'('s or So uth am Florida. Ca ptured by Nets. At till' prose nt day turtl es uro cap· ture d ma in ly by lI e ts. a nd a lso from th e luud by probing Into th e ir hidin g· placea along t h e banks of strt!ams with u tu rtl e- hook fas tene d to a long, stou t pole. W hat Is known as " tur· tI e- tu rn ing" Is mainly followed as a s port by boy s . . But the old residents c laim t bat Ir: the early days turtl e· turning was m a de the most Important manne r of capture. as well as sport. An carly authorIty thus tells of tbe me tbod used : "Here \ along the southern coast of Flo'ri'la) on e can follow tb\! most sudoulc of all sports- turtle-catchln'g . You walk ulollg tbe lov ely beacb at night. wb en the turtle bas com e up from the waters to deposit h er hundre ds of eggs . You see one. You advance. a nd coo lly turn It over on Ita back- and . that Is all. You lea ve It le is ure ly and pursu e your stroll: turn another on Its back, leave It. an d 80 on until YOIl are tired. Wh en you come again on the morrow th e re th e y are. To walk up to a turtl e hI the morning, having trea ted him In tbls manuer over nlgbt, and look steadil y in th e ey e th ereof witbuut certain titillatin g sensations at once In your diaphragm (whe re you lau gh) . and Itl your conscie nce (w h e re you do not lau gh ) re quires more grim rigid ity of tho former und more supple e las!Icily of th e lat ter than some people possoss. Nor can th ere b e anythi ng III lite , conslde rcd without refere nce to your own act In making It so. more pre poste rou s tban an up t urne d tilrti e lying . poor Innoce nt, on Its mildly convex bac k, wIth Its mildly white eyes .. tarlllg weakly at heave n. and It s hlppe rs wriggling In flabby h elple ss· ness toward tile four Quart ers of tbe earth ': In lh eso more practical days oue question R why they s hould have been tu r ll ed on th eir backs, thus to remain O\'er nigh l. W hy th e r e was not a pas· Hl btllty or some on e e lse g etting th cre Ilrst in th e 1Il0rning aed reaplug the trults o f th e " Iurne r 's" labor. Wily tbere was not considerable danger of tile " wri gg ling flippers" giving the sudden twist thu t will se nd the av eragll sma ll turtl e " rig ht side up wltb care, " ufter a fe w effel!t1ve str uggl e s, and why II w01lld "at be Ju s t as oasy , and mu ch m ore senBI ~ le, all goIng a·tur tllJ lg. to lilke n long meaus o f cu rryin g h omo t h ll pri zes wb en tirst caugh t, lr lstp!ld of a llowi ng them to III' on th eIr buck ~ unt il mornIng. On ly u fe w ye nrs a go, wb en the turtle Indl!sl ry firs t bega n to h e 8 P ' preciate d from Its commel'cln l sta nd. poillt. th e bee f Ilnd turLle markP.ts of Key ' Ves l Htood BId e by s Ide. ml'j lY preferrin g Iho · latter as a r egu lar lDeat s u pply. a nd i t. th en h eg!:.n to be a profitabl e Indust ry to ship turtles Bltve to th e northe rn markets, not only from Key West, but from all along' the southern coast of Florida. The turtl e eggs are also valued as food . and the pioneer settlers in the far south tound them a very appreciable Item In their provisioning. af! the large varieties of turtles have been known to Jay trom 100 to 300 eggs In eacb nest_ What fs known aa the FlOrida ....opber.. Is a IIpeCies of tortolae of teFrapln, tbat burrowl! In the 1&1141 sOil and fUrnishee very acceptable' lood. Gopber. ca1II!.~lh ~I the most popular dllh made flllWl tllrile.

ill owned a nd ope rate d by progressIv e F lorida Cnrme rs who possess muny ac res or su bm e rg e d la nd bo rd e ring farn·ous turtl e streams, many Inte~es tlllg fea. tur es a walt the s tudy of the nor th ern touri st. T h e green turtl e Is t h e fa. vorlte, not only because oC 11.8 fam e In regard to "gree n turtle so up," but also for the delicacy of Its fl es h for various articles of di et. Tbe tortoise shell of c ommercial va lu e Is also most hig hlY prized wh en secured from the green turtl e. with Its d elicate colorIngs. · Hath th e uppe r shell- lhe carapace. or carapax: and the lower sh ell - the platron. are utilized for articles und o rname nls of commercial value. The most common m etbod of preparIng the shells for use Is to sorten tbem by !neans of boiling. Tb ey are then formed Into various shapel!. or are fialle ned by being I)assed through a press. The Florida nativ e e nte rtains the visitor with ml1n y In teresting lege nds and traditions conce rning the num er. ous turtles commonly known In the ea rly days a s Ch elonlas . ThIs name,. ap plied to various rh er and sea torlolseR. was derive d. ·tls said. rrom th e beautiful nymph Che lon ia or mythological fam e. According to t be legend. she nlone o f nil th e n ymphs, WaS not Invited to th e bridal of Zeus and Hera because ah e had amused h erself at t h e cost of the Immortal couple. But 1-Iera was not contented with this ve ngea nce. She mad e 1I1ercury throw the witty but unwise maid. e n In to the sea wltb her bouse . and me tamorphosing l,e r Into a tortoise, cond em ned h e r to carry It on her back In e ternal s il ence. For thi s Teason t h e ancients call ed t he tortoIse Chel. on la.




all "(, : 320 a IOlsforl un e: und G40 II Cll!am lly ." Ou e I'rltldHIlI or Ih e AlIl erlc all fllrlll l'r Is t hat ho hUB Irl ed to far lll too mu c h luud . He hus work r tl on Ih(' priu dple Ihllt to Inc r euse bls IncoUl(, h e IlIlIst in ('\' use tbe a rea of his farm and th e ' o n ~ ' qu e nee i8 thnt he bu s ~pl'ead 1I1 ~ elTo rtll li nd probab ly hus not 1I1ud .. liB muc h . r('al prolll as II" wc;uld bav e matle by (:o nc e nlr atl n g th o s a1l1!' n llIount of lubor a ll fe w ' r lI('res. \ \'IIh Ih .. inc r euRo In Ih e value of land and I he I(rowlng ocar c lty of fn rm labo r. Ib !' young mnll of IImlle d menDS had IIIII ' h be tt er start with a slllali fa rm . Sill' 20 to 80 acres. a nd practice Inte· n!; i\'(' ag ri ('ulture Ihan to un dert a l", to pay for a la rger ar ea. It Is Dot so lIlll c h Iho ntHub er of acres t hat COIlt,! liS it I" lh .. WilY eac h Is mlld s to produce . Tbe c Xlll'rlellce of Andrew Brown. a suec~s ful Ohio ta rm er. Is ah leeelIc nt exallllJ le of Wh a t can b e dor-c on a S IIl:l1l furm . Mr. Brow n Is 76 years o lll ami hus bee n farming a 30·acre fnrm for ove r fo rt y yea rs. lon g e nough 10 prove tha t It is possibl e to make a good \lv lng on n few acres. well tIlled. He be~an In 1869 o n hi s t a lher's farm n n(1 hlUl li ved th ere ever Blnce. His la nd Is well drained an d fairly fertil e. prod u cIn g from [;0 to 60 bUllhe ls of com, the sa me at oats and from 20 to 26 bus lLels of wheat. An Interesting Ihing uhout thIs ma n's ex perienc e Is tha t h e has II lways followed stral!l:ht grn ln farming n nd has kept up t be fer_ _



Among the prod ucts or the vegeta- , ble k ingdom u sed for buma o good are thJ pl ants Whi ch. during the fa\'orable c ay s of s umm er, lay up for t hemselves a s u ppl y of r ese rve materia l In thick· e ne d roots or und erg round stems a nd bulbs. In ~ome vege tables, s uc h us th e b ee t a n d sweet potnto. th e plant lays up Its store In a tru e root ; In othe rs, a n und e rground stem. as 10 tubers like the potato : and a gain In a bulb, like th e onion. As a c lass. ed ible root s. t:Jbers and hulbs contain much water_ Starch and sugar are the prhiclpal food mat er ials stored away in tbes e under.l ground recepta cl es, th e . chie f food value of wbleh Is due to these constituents . S uch vegetables' nre aleo- valu ed for t heir bulk and appetizing, succ ulent quali ties. Tbey are Inferior to cereals and legum es on account or th eir small proporllon at protein or tis s ue-building material and th e large amount of water. The y contain valuable mineraI salts, wllich lie mostly neltt to th e sk in and are los t In part In th e pee l1ng and c ooking. In Importance, the potato surpasses a ll oth e r roots and tubers. It Is ea sily cultivate d nnd cheaply rai sed ; Ican b e kept ove r winter ; Is easily prepared fllr the tabl e ;. and has a pleasant Ihoug h no t strong flavor, whi c h ma lell It an acceptable vegetable for dally use. Th e ch ief food value of t he pota to lIeli 10 t he sta rch (18 pe r cen t) , whic h It contains. Fat i8 found In s u c h small Quantities that It may be practically

In t h ese vege tabl es Is sugar. whi ch hal tbe same va llie as the sta rch of pota· toe s and swept pota toes . All vegeta· bles whose principal ca rbob ydrate IA

Rear View of Men and Women Often Reveals Their Personality to the Student. Showing


compolltlon potato.



dls regardt!d In discussing tile food vulue. The protein, or ma terial Which builds and repairs Ihe body, Is very limited as compared with the amount In <lereals. and such vegetables as peas anlli bea ns; one pound of' potaloes canta!lls a bout on&-ftf th of a o ounce of protein. Th ese fac!.tl prove thut the potato slone Is Inllufficle nt for all th e n eeds of the human body. Tbe starch furJ!tshes excellent fuel tor k ee ping up the warmth and supplying energy fer mU:Bcular activity, but protein Is lackIng to sucb an extent that tbe potato w11l no t serve for Ihe best hodlly develll)pment. Much Is said a bout the Irl!lh peasant and his potato diet and how well he can live and work lipan thill food. In add1t1on to his potato patch the IrIsh peasant usually owns a cow, and sn abundance of milk furnlBhes blm the necesaary amount of protein. PotatoeB IIhould be served wit h -milk, meat.. elgl or o t her Jlroteln food. Blweet potatOei are similar to white jotatoe~. in compo.itlon, ID addition

PhYllclan Munt Well Enough but He' Had L.eft the Moto~man 8. rloolly Handlcil pped. Frank Ii:. Payne. a m e mb er of the II l ate railroad commis si on . said wh en Inves ti gati ng a trolley accld e ot rec ently. be WIIS told of a moto rm a n on a work car who WaB runnin g at high apeed when th e tru c ks lett th e ralls becau se of s no w lind s lc et . Iln d tb e cnr WILY throwll to th e sldo nf th e right of WilY, b rIn g ing It Ull ugal net a tel epllone vol e . "Th e motorman wae not sorlously h u rt, but was cut und brulsod abo ut Ihn. J1 .. ad and fac e by !l ying glass. H e \\'as ca rrI e d to 1\ physlclan's office wh ere bls woun dll were dressed and b(l n du g .~ d . Wb e n th e physician hud plncNI th e lost pin . h o a s kod th e woulltl u muu If h e telt like h e could wal/i. .. 'S ure , I can walk all r ight: return l'd tbe pO llent. 'but I wI sh yo u would fix tbose ba nd llges so l can see.' "·Wby. mu n : r etu rn ed th e physlclal). '1 left on e of yo ur eyes uncov e l'ed for the purpose.' "But. doc. Ihat eye you toft uncovered Is II , ~ s one .' "- Jlldllluapoli s Ne ws. "4L"Lovc." Th e A:lthor nn d Snlli e QIlit'ksteD were vlayln g t ennis and th e All th or. who Is somet blng of a tense. had b een rall ylll g h e r ahout he r gume. "I say. Mlsa Salli e! " b o c ri ed at las t. "00 you feel warmT You're gettin g a wrully re d. " "A m I r e d?" return ed s h e cu lmty, liS s he sont the b all Oyln g ovpr tb e n e l. "Well . tba t's more tb an ran be said of your boo ks . Mr. Inl,well . Tbat 's '40- love: I be lie ve." Important to Mothers

ElIimlne care fully every hot.tle of CA STORlA. a safe and sure r em edy tor Infa nts a nd <:b lld re ll, and s ee that It n ears the ~/~



)n Use For Ov e r 30 Venrs.

ChiltJren Cry for Fletcher's Cllstoria Always a Safe Remark_ Amat eur Ned K e lly (BOllO \·occ)fly Jo"'C! I'v e Cargal! 11 illY Jotly lin es. Good ness gru clous. whal ove r sh a ll I do ? Profosslonal Dan I{ell y (ellull l to th e oCCRslon )-Shoot tbe n ares t po· IIce ma n and beef oul : "To tb e bus h. boy s, to tbe bus h! "-S )' dney 1)lIl1 e llu. A very su ccessful remeay for pelvic cata rrh Is ho t dou ch es of Po xt lne AnlIsepllc, at druggI sts . 250 a box or sent postpnld on r eceipt of price by The Puton Toilet, Co., Boston, Muss.

Cautioul. Hobson-I understand that you patroniz e Snips the ·,allor. Doell b e s uIt youT Hardllppe--Not unl ess I p ay h im some thing In ad'l'1lnce. Red Cross DILJI Dlue wll\ wasb douhl8 .1

mlLny oloth es III any othor blue. Don ' \ pa, ,our money Into /Wy other. "Without woman Ulan would b e r,ough, rude. solitary, and would Ignore all the graces, .whleh are but smiles oC love_-li'rancols Auguste de Chateauhrland. afro. Wln . lo ..•• 8ootll.,,_ lIyrnp for Cb114,."n w-e t.hlng. 80 ttf'UIS tb a gums , re(Juetu. In "luDmlL~ tion. e.lla,a VD.ln. c ure. wLnd colla. 26c. bonle.






ComposItion parsnip.


sugar oontllin lar ger quantities of Will tel' and eonscquent1}' have a lowel nutritive value th un th o starcby vege· ta bles. The proleln co nte nt Is low. E LIZAB ETH J EFFE RSON, College of Agric ulture,'" Ohio State University . PATENT MEDICINES.


Have you e ,'cr noticed that tbe ba ck viewB of men a nd women a r e In. te nse ly Characteristic of th e persons? The n look carefully at thn t very or. dlnary young man who h as pas8ed you . He has one hand In his pocket, a nd s boulders sllghlly s tooped . From what you can see of him. his head Is bent. a nd every n ow a nd a ga in he g i ves all aimless lIuln kick at some objec l In his path . What back view cou ld bc more e loClu f n t of Inde cision of characte r? l\'ow glance at th n r ecpding back of th e man who h as paBs ed you by. Wh y doe s It Illl you with an Instlne· tlve s ense of r e liability? Be cause th ere Is strength In It'; not n ecessarily physical, but mental. Tb e back Is straight and alert. . The he ad Is held well bac k. the arms swing easily, nnd the walk Is buoyant,' confident, hopeful . Now direct your gazo across the street a mom ent. There gnes a girl who. und er a cursory scrutiny. lookl the pe rsonification ot what wealth can do. Walk behind her a little way, and take good Btock of the back v~ew presente d you. You soon discover that the end of a trlnge net hangs .down on to the coat collar. The col· lar of tbe blous\! Is done 'up wUh "iL large pip. The middle lea~ of t~e BlIilrt i8 not In ttl plaee. "fIR! . ra hole In the atocldng 'Jut .abOve" 't ii' ankle. and tha Ihoe,: in ·.pita . it f Jie.Inc 8XDanl1ve,. niled rePa~. '1:...

ttllt y of h is soil wilhout Ilie use of mu c h commerl'iul r.. r(\lI lo r . Th e on ly Ih ' stoc k ho k ee~s Is two borscs, tWO COW R und n fe w b ogs. c]('lleIHlln,:; u~on his gra in crops fu r nlO ~ t of his Incom" . He hil S his fa rm divid ed IIl~o seve n fi e ld s of fo nr or live u('res ea c h. HIs crulls urI" ce rn. Oll IS, wh eat und grnas. All bnrny ard manure Is ca refully snved and a ppli ed 10 the lund and oc ca~ lonllll~' a nap of I' lo ve r Is plowed und er . By hUYing o llly n few a(:r('6 10 curc' for. r rops flrc we ll t e nd· ed. weeds nrc k ppI dowlI a nd fences kep t In good repair. H e hns been able to do his own work with Ihe be l p of hi s boys, eo nsef] u ent i), he h as 1I0 t bel' n obllg d to dl' pcnd upo n hired labor. li e hus a workshop a nd a ll r &\lairs of fu rm Impl emen ts nre mado rig ht at h ome, th ull 11II'ill g expensl.,e re pair bill s. . Thi s farm Is practlcnll y a se H·su!! ta ln lng In slltutlon . the fa rm. orc h ard and garden furn is hin g Ihe living for · tb o family . The old log hOllse hus been rcmode led Into II "en' comfortJthIe mod e rn rarm house . Th e noti cea bl e th ing about th e fa rm buildings Is . t hat whllo they nr e only ordina r y. IIH?Y ar e well ca re d for. and th e r e Is li n air of n ea tness about tbe plnce . Mr. Brown has not only made 11 good IIYlng for himse lf and family. bu t hns be en able to 5a \'0 e nolls h mO lle y to loa n to hi s oolg hhors. 1-1 has raIsed fl V<l c hildre n. fOllr boys and a g ir l. !l nd gtve n them a hi gh sc hool edu ctl tl on. They h ave a ll liv ed ha ppi ly nnd well, and on a 30-llcre fllrm . T . L . \ VHE:ELBR. Coll ege nf Agri c ultu re. Ohio StJt te University.


About the only thing father gets on birthday Is a lemon.


Mucn pain that masks as rbeunmtnrm Is due to weak kldneYBto their f a ilure to drive oft urIc acid thorougbly_ When you sufter achy, bad joints, b II. c k ache; too; with .0 me kldne, dlsorderB, ge t Doan's KIdney Pills. w h t c h h a v a cured tbouBandll. ....... nUDol. C._ Ed .......d Poneh •• 1811 Cleveland

Ave•• C hl ctl8'O, 111'0 lay. : "J lutterea t er rlbl,. f rom khlnoy troubl e " 'ble h ' . Iull. d In drop.y. F or threo month. I wa. lalel up with the t e rrlble paln. In my back. DOAn'. Hldney P Ut. came to my rrlc ue .tle r doclnn failed .nd 1 ... nnot enelor.. ,,,am too hlghly_"

Get Don's at any Drug Store,. !IDe. a Box

Doa,n 's



,"I! BOWIL6 .



• I


\ (







fowl Was Imported From China in Early Seventies and Has S.wadily 9rown in Favor Since Its IntroductionMust Be Handled With rfn.:::h Care.



Group of White Pekin Ducka. tn ),

r:F.:onOE F.. 1I 0WAHO.)

HIB weekly lette r. due on Thursday morning. was not at be r plate whon she came down to breakfast. She run through her mall hurriedly. an un· pI asant suspicIon cbllllng uer hcart. " What dbes Tom write? Is It lime 'or OIle of those-those rouudup!, he ' uld ll ti about wh e n he was bere?" "I don't know. moth er. There's hO le tter from him thi s morning ." "Tho poor boy must be IIi. "11 "ove your fath er tQl egr a pb at once." "I \\ auld rath e r you wouldn't do that-not Jus t yet. The maU ma y be llite." "Late? It [s u strange O' ing tbat It \Jus nev e r b een lale bl'for&. In thr ee o r four years. 1 tblnlr of Tom Mar· shall as on e ot my own childre n. His mothe r was my bes t fri end. and abe would appreciaoo my inte rest It she were a li v·e today." "Not when you have 0. marriage' able daughter." said Ann o smiling. In the privacy of her own room. an hour late r, she r ead again bl s las t letter. "rr you don·t object. Anne," It ran . "I would like to r ead bits of your letter dated the tw entieth to a little gIrl out be r e. Sb o is n 9rotty little tiling Bnd orte n h e lps me pa~8 away time. Your letters aro ge ms, fragrant \vlth myoid lire . and I would like her to hear a part ot th e on e I men· Uoned." Anne look ed up o,'nr h e r desk ~' h ere his picture had hung e ver Since she came borne fr om BCt,oOI. H e ha d boe n a student In tbe great university ncar he r own college. Wh en he was graduated b e had gon e wcst to a ranch own ed by bl9 father. He was deterDiined to muk e good In the world as a man. " I wl'nt to be a m an's man. Ann e." be hut! told he r. "not a weakling. I don't IVa nt to stay In the east and . be push ed by dad's trl e nds and have to trequ e nt pink t eas and dinn er parties . i :un going to get away trom the people wbo know me so that 1 wUl be forced to stand or fall on my own resources." He had round the west, robbe d or Its glamour of romance and adven· ture, to be the " e ry )llace to t est bls strength and ablllty. Discouraged

wblte throughout. Rece ntly It hal been noticed that pre te rence In th e ;lurpos es nooe stll.nds u ll: he r In cs· Sho wroom Is being glveo to birds ot It Is whlln plup1age. The breeders are 8e· ,ed m tban the Wblte Pe kin . valuabl tot rlllslll g on a large Bcal e lec tlng as tll"lr show birds thos B that !l lld Is th e most oaeily rai sed ot 1111. bav e the snow· whlte plumage instead It Is a very timid bird and must be ot th e creamy white. ss 1;1ve n In the 1andled quite carefu lly . It WII8 1m· slandard . vorted from ChIna III th e early '7 0s. Th e standard we ight or tbe adult Ind has steadily gro wli In popularity drak e 18 e igbt pouuds ; aduit duck. Ilnce Its IntroduCllon Into this ooun · sove n pounds; you::lg drakB. seve n :ry. "ounds. and young duck . six pounds. The Pe kin duck has a dis tinct type Houses tor ducks are simp lo atraln. Of Its own, lind dllT e rs t ro lll 011 oth e rs Th ey are built plain and comfortable, lu tbe s hape and carriage of Its body . nnd have no furnl s blngs whatever. A II}, .omo It is credited willi ha ving a duck III dUfe runtiy constituted · trom a . hllpe much like an Indian canoe ow· he n. and must be cared for unde r dlf· ng to tho tull growth or tea th ' r~ un. r.. re nt conditions. Th e hen needs warm· .:ler the rump and l he singular tllru ed e r houses and dri e r surroundings thau J P carrlag o ot t he tal l. Tb e legs are does the du ck. A du ck does not mind set far bsc k. which causes th e bird to tho cold It she can ke e p her feet warm. walk in an u pright Il08ltlon . I n s Ize Cold teet will nlfect a du c k 115 a"frozen :he du c ks are VOrl' largo. Bome rench· comb do cs a h en. ret nrdlng laying and .ug 118 1.1IgIJ as 20 pounds 10 tb e pair. Iliduclng ailments. Th e teathers of a .nd th ey lire consld<lred alllong the duck are alm os t Impene trabl e and will !:lost of table (owls. They nro no~ wit hstand alw06t any degree of cold. , Itte rs. hard)', easily TIll SI'd and IDa· Aga In . a du ck cnn not stand the :urn early. omount ot conllnement In a ho use that The s tandard· bred Pp llill hus 0 long. a he n can: she Is more reatless 10 dis· nely formed hea d. a bil l (I f medium position e.nd Is given to exercise In lize, of an ornnge yellow co lor, that n g reater degree tban Is a hen. Indl· IS perfectly freo froIU any mark or gestlon is not so prevnl e nt 'I\'lth ducks color other than ye llow. Th e color as .with chicke ns ; th e duck's cease less ) t th e bill 18 ve ry Important for ex· moti on aida the dlgestlvo organs and hib ltlou blrda. nnd not infrequen tly keeps her gen erally 10 ' good health, ) lI e of th e best drak e ks In a s howroom In FIg. 9 Is :8bown a lrlmptlf 'bouse Is di s qualifie d tor h al' lng II. fain t trac· that may be built at amnII e xpense. .ng of black In th e bill. Th e eyes aro It Is plain aud has a sh e d roof. Such or a deep Icad e n·blue color. The a bouse should be built of rough H e~ ot n P e kin should bo nea tly boards. twel ve lu ::hes by one Inch. and ::urved; In th e drake It shuuld be Joints covered by tbree·lnch by onelorge aud rather long. while that ot Inob strips. The root shOUld be made the duck Is ot medium lenG th. Tbe wate r·tight and covered wIth roofing • back Is long ond br6ad; breast is pape r. s blngles. or tin . The outside roU'nd. fun, ond very promine nt. The should be well dralncd around the llod)' Is long and deep. and the stand· bottom, that it may not be damp. ud describes tb e carriage ot th e body Some advocate board floors raised u elevated In tront. sloping down. from sb: t~ e lgbt InchoB tr~D1 thl \Yard towaz:d tbe rear. Tbo wings are ground. and covered trom four to si.x .hort. carried closely and smooth ly Inches with dry eort h. straw or loaves. against th e body. Th e bIrds cannot Tb e writer fa\'ors the Using of board fiustal n filght, a two-toot fencing be- floors In all houses (or chlckenl. but Ing ample to restrain them In an In· thinks it oot essential for ducks:- It dosure. The tall Is erect. more so th e hous e Is well drained on the out· than In any other duck. The curl ed si de and the . earth floor Ie covered 1eathera In the tall of th e drake are with hay straw, or leaves. It wU! bo hard and sUff. The thighs are short perfectly satisfactory. The re must and large; shanks .Bhort and st rollg. not be dam,pness In the house, as the ind in color are '\ reddish orange; birds w!ll not do so well; wblle they "No," She SaId Quietly. toss straight, conne~ted by a web .. and arc given to water on the outside they reddish orange In color, The plum· must have comtortable QUarters In many times" yet always manfully ~. ~ d~wny, an~ of a faint creamy wblch to "warm up" or "dry out." brave, he succeeded In carving out a futllre for hlmoeit as he had dreamed. Weeks went by, then months and still Anne had no word from' him. She had answered his last letter promptly assuring him of no obJec· tlon In CRse he still cared to read parts of her letter to a str~nger. Months added to months made a year of silence. Then Anne went away with her mother to tbe moun. talns. A tew daya atter Bhe lett home her father telegraphed her that Tom Marshall had appear&d and wanted to seo her, "Don't tell where we are," she an· swered, and settled down to enjoy the courtship of Standlleld Meyers, who had followed ber to the moun· talns and who offered balm for her wounded pride. One evenIng as she swayed With young Meyers to the music In the ballroom or the hotel Bhe 8aw Tom Marshall standing In the entrance, his eyes fixed on her. She nodded pleasantly, much as sbe would have HOUle for Breeding Duok .. done to any ' caeual acquaintance. The muslo stopped when she was about the same al oat Itraw, and for near a door acroll the room. She fowls Is not only indlgestlble, but a burrled Into the darkness, and plead.. great tax upon the system. All & poul· InC & beadache to her partner, went try food the great value of oata lIell directly down the long veranda, In the large proportlon. of mineraI through & French window Pond so matter contained. FowlJl ted oata free· pIned .the' elevator without BncounIy should be kept acUve and liberally tenng Mal'1lhall. A. nIght's reat, she supplied wtth grit. Oata are not rellected, would fit ber tor the ordeal In Great liked very well and we have found of meeting his wife. Her fatber's It mOllt practical to teed It .. a I'-ht letter that day atated that Manhall eral . Matter Contained-meal. when the price hal made It bad with him · & beautiful . young Grit Needed. economIcal to feed It at all. wo~ whom he had heard called . , ' Oata 8hould be lO~ed twentY·four Mrs, Marshall. ' Oatl 'Ibould bave the areatest value houn before feedlq. However, dl'1 Anne n." consclo~s or' the gOllip 01 __117 oommoD ,p,ln but for Ita laree oats. In 8mall Quant1~le.. with . o~er over the bfldge tablel and embrold· flber l . bolatent ,.tDd, U1- "toil.bnelB of graill.. are Ill· rirht, but 1O.lId oata el'1 frame' a8 ahe ltaTted 'out for a _.. the lilill- " Ther, Ii' often ' creat dllrer· are the beat. tramp wlth '.Keyen /tha n,J:t morning . ,. -.nce ,~ Qat ~.....~r ·o.tit" ;J~9 Itr&:1n ." I T,he: enrare~ent ot the. t~o would be • Tarl_. 110 ~uoh til. ",lIrht ~r bUlbel, Cheap F."d. . announced ~t. the beglllliJUlrot ·the . . PW .o.tal 1Itb~, baU. , beC&~e ,01 .1h!l . . :' . ."~ . .",~, .8&8on in town, t,he ~ to take '.'1afjt.: J,J.,;~Dt·or .hull '_~e4Wlth. R~I,. a1!'hole lot ot f~d'r-o;orn thll P!&C'. the toll"ww. Iprig:' 19.' one Ot all ducks to r farm und prac tical






ProporUon of Min·


"hI... .r'.


down by Deep sprIngs. Bruneitlelll Me) ers demandod h1a rlnal ao. Iwer. . .. ...., , ~a : v e me Ii.I0110 now. " h a e urge d . "I want to think It over betore 1 an. swer you posItively ." And so It WIIS that sh o sill there, cbln In hand. e lbow on klle .., looking out across tb o vall ey bn~k l ng In tbe sunlight. Marshall came upon h er. She could not quite kee p th e glsdness out of he r ('yea as sb e looked up and saw him. stalwnrt and slr g. wltb hIs youthful drellllls sti li in hi s brown eyeB. "It Is g rea t to :'0 bac k in rh e mountains; Ann e. You loo k today JUKt as :-'O ll did that mo rnin g up at old (,heatpr wI, e n I "'mIL lo Sln lllm e r good· bye to you . I was such a kid nememb('r ~ " . Anne tnsse d th e p eta ls or n wild rOSB on th e cl ea r IIltle slream tbat flowed from DI'P p fiock . "No," ~h e sai.d. Qui e tly. "That was a long lim e ago: ' "What's th e matte r wl lh your memory. Ann e ? You'v e changed. 1 cou ldn'! 810l' p la st nig h t for . t hinkIng that you le ft thc ba ll room aftcr seeing me without co ming to weI· come DlO. You meant home to me. That's why 1 follow e d you to th! mounta ins." "You don't know ho w hnrd It Is t.e speak to anybody wh en Sllllldfieid i ~ around." "StalldH eld Meyers~ What has be to do \\'Ith your attItude to your old trlends?" "I am going to ma rry h im." Anne wond e red wh y he r voice did not quiver wIth h e r beart. Without a word be turned and started down the path . "Tom," questioned Ann o a tiny pulse hamme ring In h o'r throst. "Tom, won't you wlRh me Joy?" He cnme back then. bl s hand out, the old brave smile of his youth Ilghtlng hIs fnce. "I wa~ a beast. Anne, dear. or course I wish )·ou Joy H lwocke d me ov er a bIt: to hear th e ncws. I was I'plH Ah, thinkIn g I'n l) of my own 10s9. You se '. 1 ha n- nlw a ys toollsbl ),. of co·urse-bell evn/l that you wore min e. It has IH.-V('r occurre d to m e ·thnt any man could tallc you away from me ." ," Oh," crIe d Ann e. "you mu s n't tal~ to me lik e tbal. What woul d yOUl wife think It she h ea rd 7" "My what?.. "Yom wife. You wrote me about I' gi rl you s aid was very pre tty. YOI wanted to r ead on e of my le tters tc her. and whe n you dldn' t answer ill} letler-" "Dldn't answer? T wrote to you four or five times whlle I was burt." "Hurt? .. cried Anne, In alarm . "Oh. Tom, how?" "Pony bucked with me and Tun· rortunately g~lt mlled u p with a ma o chbe that hlLppened to be passing. Tho boys hurried me olf to St. J ose ph's bospltlLI. wb e re they patch ed up one shoulder and an arm until they arc as good as new." _ All the mothe r's solicitude deep In the heart' evcry woman lor the only man, although h e may b e her senior by many years , showed In Ann e's eager. tender qu estioning. "Why dldu't you let me know. Tom? Mother and I would ha va gone to you. Haven't you always known thn.t 1 would do anything for you?" "All but tbe greatest thing, Anne, the gll'lng ot yourselr." "Aren·t you married. Tom?" "No. T nm'e lr wanted any womanom you. My brother and his wlte met me and came on to meet YGU, but you had gone. I absolutely held your father up and demanded to know where you Wllre." "I haven' t Illnswere d Staudlleld yet. Tom. It would be a crIme to marry anybody but you. My pride w88 burt-" "You'll have to marry me now, today," said Marshall. his arms about her. "Then we'll go west and shoot up the town until I find out what bq. clime of our lette rs." "AII's well that e nds well." laughl\d thl' girl while a mocking bi r d broke Into a melod)' of Sl iver Bong some\\'here In the young green branches ovorhead. (CopyrIght, 1~12. ~~e5;)soclllt ed LltoroarY

tooit' .

. .


. If I e ' Terr y ng reature of Prehlstorlo OilY. WiI •. a Vegetarian and Not C.onslderetl Dangerous .

Profe ..lonal Instinct. Some of tbe newspaper correspond· ents have to work wIthout pause II.t conventloJJs, grindIng out Interminable stri ngs of copy for transmission by telegraph. On such occasions It III not uncommon for four or five wbo are friendly to oach othe r to form combluatlons and exchange reports. The simplest \\'ay to do this Is to bave each writer make carblln copies of hili day's work. Five weary correspond· cnts were occupying one room ' In MIchigan aV lenue, and four of them had keeled out on bed s, while the fltth continued to pound hi' mill. "Whult are )'OU wrltlng o " asked one of them, after Il. while. ".1\. letter to my ·wlfe." "Glve U8 carbona." yelled the ttour In chorus.-The Argonaut. aanana Flour. Banana no'Ur, especially prepared al a tonlo food Is making its appearanCA In Paris undllr tbe name of bananelue. It la to be remarked that wIthin II recent perIod this fruit was but lit.. tie used In France, and even now ttl consumption I, Umlted. Howevor, measures arll being taken ·to IncreaJ8 the Importation, and It Is aald ttat 70 vessel. wero 'recently fitted up Zor .brlnglng the fruit to Europe. Banana tI~.ur..:..ha._ a muoh 'more ~tended use 'In li!Dglan(l.lban on,.the continent, but elfortJ,a~ now mad~ , to :lntroduoe It .In .~C. it"~s , t9 ~t' ' lVeat ' nutri-


S h~ rld n n . Wyo.-A d lnosllur o r land dra gon IN bein g un cover d noa r Sheri dan <"'·yo . ) und nll' fiHU I ' mfllts IlItl l cRte tuat th e g iga nti c reptile III li S! ba,'e be €'n li~ t nN lo ng wh ~ n I: 111'''11 Th e largeHt pre l' Ioll6 sr"'clllll' n lin ('I. rth e d nH' ll Su rl',l on ly ao ftJr-t I'J 111' . Find Relief in Lydia E. Pink. and utuod nbout 13 f('(>t h ig h It is . ham's Vegetable Compound perhltPS, Rorn,.t hlng to bc !h a llil fu l Cor -Their Own Statements t hat th pso i mlTlf' nsc mon sters hav A had th e ir day un d ce ll~t'tl to \J('. ~Ios! So Testify. of th'm were aquatic ill tb c ir habl 8 an d. a pa rt r"om thf'lr ter rifying ap· PlateR. Pli. - " Whe n I wrotc to yoa pearancf' o n Ilin d. an C:llcuunt ... r wit h first 1 WIIS trouh led with f .. mal e weakoo e ot lh"nl In t he watf'r. wllt'n loat h· nuss and backache, Ing or bontlng. wOll ld occasio n HOITI!!' and was so nervous tbln g mo ru than a me re dl n -rnloll . that I would cry at T hA dlle lvbli led dinosa ur. shown In tho least noise, it our ill ustratio n, a lthollg h r p.Helll hll n(.; would startle rnc so. in npppura l1('e th e tradl t ional dra gon I began to tnk.) Ly. of flr,,·brt~ nlhlng procliviti es . was o ne dia E. Pinkham's ot the hll rm less type. ItH most r eo remedies, and I don't markabi e chul'Ilc te rlstlcs wore a huge have any more crying 8pe lls. 1 sleep sound and my ne ro vOUs neS8 i8 better. L-_..:L _ _ _ _- ' I will r e comm end your medicin es to all 8uffering women." -Mr8. MARY HALSTEAD, Platea, Pa.. Box 98. Here is the report ot another genuine ease, which still further shows that Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound may be relied upon. Walcott, N, Dakota.-"r had inflammation which enused pain in my side, and my back ached all the time. I wall so blue that I felt like crying it anyone even spoke to me. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and [ began to gain .right away, I continued Duck.Bllled Dinosaur. Its use and now 1 am II well woman." duck·like bIll . n lon g utH wlLb much- -Mn. AMELIA DA.BL, Wt.lcott. N." co mpressed Klelcs and w eb be d teel. It · Dakota. broke tb o rccord in the m a tt er of U yon wnnt .-peolal advice write to t eeth born e on . the ju w 8 a t th e back Lydia E. Pinkham Mediolne Co. (conn. part o f lho mouth . Th e upper Jaw dential) Lyno, Bam. Yonr lette r 11'111 a lone hud Ol'e r 2.000, syrnm ptrlcall), bo opened, read aud answered by a a rru ngl'd in rows. but only thOH(J woman and helel m strict oonftdenoo. ulon g the cutting dg e at th o Jaw we re - - ----- ---


i n use a t o nc tim e. As th ey got wor n lll PY wnr c s h!'d and replaced by the l,I oxt row. 1'h e:n t eeth were aJr:l lr.1· b ly ad IlP t e d t 0 r'L1 tt lng up g rasf!. r .IH1h' 9 anti subm erge d weeds. wh ic h lI' \! rc evidently shovelled In by t il e c UI'lous t oo tbl es s beak. This species of dino· sa ur was s trictly vegetarian . All that is known of thIs creaturo has bee n gleaned from mummlfl etl remuln s found In a ges old stmla of t h e carlh In ~lontana and W yomin g. so that It was e vlupnlly a de nizen of tbis country. It wan one ot th e las t sUrYlvlng sr' cl es of it s race and flour. . is h p- II IowaI'd Ih e· (' nd of th e g reat aI' '' (If t ptll es. Th e bod y see ms to hnv e b een coverl'd w ll h a tougb hide. s lud· ded with Irrel; ul n r bony pla tes cap· ped by h orll. much as ill present da.y crocodiles. Ou land It wa lke d all Its great hind limbs which. lik e tbose or all the bipedal repliles, were blrd·lIke. and bore but three toes . Th e long a nd Immensely pow e rful tali sen'ed as a propeller wben swimming. The fore· legs seem to hav e bee n bu t lillIe !IR ed except. perhaps . to convey 'food to th e mout h.


~ .tuai ~'Ua"}I~~P,'~~~; ~t' ,"~t""cL'.~ ;· .• ~ ~i~' . ~VUI.' l'alhe. ··· ~. b&Dizilll'ne 111' .• . .. '. the. ~to ' I~. • cJl..~ .feed IUP.. $17 '' ' ' abroad. ' lIIarihall would be · JP'8pah.Uo~ '~SO »eJ" CeDt, 'ofbanua fte foee4fJlc ftl. . ~Ot 'oat lllllb P pl1 tor Ia~ ,,~c.~ .. . .,' intnl to tiear ~,,&Ilil' I~ · ........ '·.liOw ll~, ~.. ' lIelh• .' put ,tl~~h a It.uIdw < ,. ' . 1It.~o ~ proc... at, the. proJU' . ,' " riaU,..'CIan4 tot him, - . ~, ,. ...

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" 1 ' Dutr41 dr..qtr• "..... JUll a 0, N. r " \'~ ..../)1 b~Ub/rd 6. J911

81<~; Itcll/"~ trau8Pd"'~~IJ da~.

~"IO [IJ~s ,ll 8/(I~dt 1 coU/~b 11 ... ' 0.1' II I , nOd



'~/.JQPI'~il r. IlJp hall'








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tlJao.l'llJ: to



lit,. ? t I] 1 'l!JneIt uo"'" O lnt~'r·<.lJt Jl!nDl/y

t Ol r e /JJ.r Brll / rO t,lIod ar

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1"0.lI ,n..s~:,~Y. /JJIIIO:n'/n'l1'lIlflol:~bt/)(obd C n-Ilq e '([:Uc" e"lIrelr nbout II nr•• raj h'n Cltred." "'ceJr «kn J'0l.I 2'0.

· 01 esm cured hl·s dandruff n



And if ytlU, too, are suUering from this annoying trouble, so oftcn accompanied by itching scal p and 108s of hair, ten to ono it will do 8S much for you. Bold by almost all dru!fJ/'I . t. (Soa p


StU' , Oi ntm e nt bOt! ), ur by mail t IWn l llR6 p lli ll. {In rf' t '@lpt of p r lf·~. U c»lu.ul

Cllc mlcal Co . , linltJmoN!l, .... d.

PRETTY BATHER IS DARING Policeman Pursues "Heliotrope Girl" In Rowboat and She Disappears. ('lIfcago .- A pre!.t y ba th e r atti red In a he liotrop e s ill< bathing s til l ond knlck crbockers, shocked tho GUl's t s at til e Ch!cIlgo n eac h h ot~ l . wb en th e young 't\'omnn to ok a plun ge Into the water. Th ere werc others who were shock ed hosldes the hundredg of me n end w bo noticed th l' woman sauntt> r toward the pier. ju s b{'fore she took a dIve Into tb e surf. Th e perSOIl who was most su rp rised wa~ Wlillalll De nn ey. mana ge r and de· tectil'o ot th e beach . He prides him· self on th l' way t hat th o beach bas he e n condllctl'd s ince he took ehnrge, and wh e n hie atte ntion was call e d to the "h ellotrop!' girt" the pollceman'o esthetic tastt!s w" ro crushed . "This will ll('l' l' r do. YOII are vlolal.· Ing e \'(,ry codl' In tho city ordinance covering bathing beaches." s aid nen· ney, as he run OHr to th e plel" wh ere tbe "heliotrope girl" wos majesticall y SWimmin g bey onn th e lire lin es. ·'H ey, com o nshore." shouted the po· !tcema n. but tho fall' batb er swan, furth er out Into the lake. "She can·t swim around h e re," saId n e nney . an he ran to shor e and jumped Into ,. rowbont to overtake the swimmer. Th e gi rl In thn hellotropo coloreu bathin g suit notice d that tbe police· man was In pur8Ult, and she swam toward Forty·seventh slreet , out of the rang{' ot his jurlsdlct Ion. and climbed over the lIler und dlsap. peared. None of the bathers at th e beacb know who th e woman swimmer was. but Police man Denney said that It sho ever attemi'ts to take another dip, be wlll place hoI' under arrest. Ralaea HI. Children Nude, Ban Bernardino, Cal.-Prof. Loula Kline. In a dissertation on raiSing babIes, says that they should not be clothed. He Is rearing bls own chll· dren entirely naked. Olea of Lion Bite, Ottawa, Ont.--..Yobn Carroll ot N.-wYork, an employe ot Haag's clrcua, 'ls dead at Moncton, New BrunSWick, He hail his arm' mangled by a lloneas aDei blood pol.onlng followecl,


Ii_ '

~,.,,~ - --_. - -

- - --- - -_.



"&#09 ~wlAU#e4 "NEST QUALITY


Th l'T m,.,.t ('Yf'!ry ~tro m ent t o r c1cun1na &Il4 poU..tlIDif l buoa u( 0.11 klad.l anet coJors.

Don't Persecute Your Bowels Cut out cathaotlc. and pU"galtiv,,,, brutal, harsh, ullncccsaary.

CARTER'S LlTILE LIVER PILLS Pu...,ly veg:et3 D1e. lIentiy eliminate oootbe the membrane ""weI. C. ClalUpalioD.

IIIIGu.a .... Sl.:k Uu" edit ad 1811,.. 11011,



SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PlUca. Genuine must bear Signature


!~~~~~':.~~~ , ZIMMERMAN'S I , .

=====00 TO=====

.... h b' . W . Get me a It; g o to hl te's Bak.\


eJ!y .

L. A.


Water Melons


Rockyford Canteloupes

~mmerrnMi is in Ci ncinnati,

Mr. and Mrs. GIto . Zell were in Day ton, TU7 '

If you waEl ' a qu irk lu nch go to White'i! Bakery .

\. Fresh Bread Daily

Jersey Sweets



Mrs. J ohn S. Ha rtsock Ilnd Mrs. Roy Hartsock, of Sprin gfield, are here f8r a ten days' visi t . with re la tives a nd friends


17 1 240

. New ' ream Chceee

Wafer Sliced OriN Beef Star Tin CalU Mason


E-Z Seal Jars

Brinir us your .sutter and Eg(f9. Paying 22c for Eggs. It pays to t rade at





. The Same ATLAS Cement Used' By The U. S. Cevernmenl: On TIae panama Canal You know how particular Uncle


is in ' buying goods. You can trust his judgment. It will pay every property owner to fuld out 'how ATLAS Cement can. add to hi$ jncom~, comfort, &afety. · heillth. etc. We have some interesting booklets on this subject, free ftg the asking.


Rev. Reichel will IlIQke an address iund ay af ter noon at 3 . ' olook, at the Baak8t meut ing of the Ferry and Way nellvill e ChrisMan cburch8ll, to be held in Hough's g rove.

~v erybod y

should read t hll Gazette.

--- --------

SETTLED BY THE DICTIONARY Mill Plpklna Had to Con.ult It

can be had rigllt i. towB fro.. us.

For Sale

New Malaga (kapes

Mr. and Mrs. Cliff RidKe. of Dayton, a re guosts Iff Mr. Ilnd Mrs. MaklllR Ridge.

Give Us a Call


I Am StIll DOlng BUS1· lleSs at the Same Stan d

Faocy Virginia Apples

Mr. lIlld Mrs. J. E. J aaney weH in Oxfurd, (\hio. Tllesd ay.


Ohio Elberta Pe.dltS

iIIda v.

For Quick Lunch, Sandwiches of all kinds, Pies, Rolls and Cakes. •


ACRlt F ARM, one·fourth o f a mile from railroad sta· tion, nice sugar tree an d walnut land, $8&.00 per acre. ACRES, one &ld one·half miles from railroad station a nd small town, 38 acres fi rst bottom land, whic h will produce 7i bushels to the acre; about fiO acret; of this la nd is rolling , but well set ia blue grass, th e balancc in nice levelland , and would mak e one of the best dairy farm s and gene ral farm s ill the country; only 140.00 per acre. ACRES, fine sugar tree, walnut and blu e ash land, fine improvements, on the main pike from Lebanon to Day· ton; bam, l00x4G, fine brick house, only SSO.OO per acre. ACRE FARM, nice levelland, fine imp rovements, eight ,r8Om house and good barn, ~5.00 per acre. ACR E FARM , one mile from town, line improvements, bringing cash rent of ISOO per year, first and second bottom land. Only '100.00 an acre. ACllE FARM, nice level land, fine. improv ements, S70.00 an acre. All of this land is as good a s most of the land in Miami County .


60 100


Tt.e many f riends of Mrs. Eli za· tor'lI 8he Yielded to AUlluatua .~ beth Clement» wiJl rea-ret t() learn I also have first mort~age note drawing 6 % inte rest, t itle Hopper'a Suit. gua ranteed by a million·dollar Trust Company. Those who have that she is stricken with paralysis money to loan will do well to investigate. and is i. a V(, I'Y serious condition at Augustus Hopper laid 'his hllarl at her h ome in Long Beach. Cal I the feet of the wealthy, though unFor further information address educntcd, Miss Pipkins, and pleaded Mr. an d Mrs. W. H . Allen . MiSil his passion with a wealth of oratory Georgia Hadd en and Dr . Mill er left worthy of a cabinet minister or a Tu e.~d ay morning for Uniontown, ra cecourse tipcter. Pa .. whe re the All en's and MiSil " My queen I my evt!ning star I" he • OHIO lIadden will visit relatives: They cried, Iltriking an attitude of suppliWAYNESVILLE are making the t rip in Mr. Allen's w tion. "W ill you be mine? For automobile. 1lI0nthB I ha ve worshiped you with ~~ a deep devot ion. I have loved you STARTED A QUICK LUNCH better than life. I have treasured :e: every syllable that has fallen from W hite' ~ Ba kery has been t hor. your rltby li ps. Now I can remoiB oug hly c1eluJed and the walls paper ed. silent no longer, a nd I declare my and they have pu t in a q uick luncb plissioll . in th'e earnest hope that depR rtm(~ nt.. ('illl and see them, and my ardent afl'ection meets with reci. you will lIe se rv~ with promp tness. procit y and ratificat ion. What is your answer, adored one?" HAD TOe MASHED . " On·e moment, Mr. Hopper," replied :MiBB Pipkins, as she croased r.a.t Friday R&bt. CrOll!! laad the over to the bookshelf; "fil'llt let me misfortur~ to let a larlre box slip consuitt my oracle." We give to patrons the out Ilf hi!: hands lind it, falling on hi. And ehe reached down the diotionadv.nta~es of new and left foot . mashed his big toe ary and looked. up the meaning of medern vaults reinseverely. Bob has been using " reciprocit.y" and '''ratification.'' forced and barricaded with Yale Deposit Locks. The " '0 ustUB, I am youi's I" she decru tches for 8 coupl e of daya. Ya~ system oflocking is known around the world as cl ared a nloment leter, snuggling to the most sturdy, the most impregnable. TOOK EVE.RVTHI~a IN' !\IQHl h is third wa·istcoat button.



________•__________J The Security Offered by our Safe Deposit Vaults


bJl not .to use too mucb. Then you either drop the dough with & spoon D.m"Uc Woman Glvea Younll Heu... Gr cut it with a biscuit cutter. Tile keep.r Valuabl. Polnta on Mak. oven must ~ just hot enough, and Inll Soda .Iacult. not tQO bot; and be 81U'e to take the . .

TJte old-fuhioned domestic w<lm- biscu~ out tho moment they are aD was telling tae young housekeep- I done. er how to mde lOde biscuit, accord"no;, can I tell when " t.hey're to fhe Ne.... York Evening Sun. do~e.?' asleed.the Y0m;'g hO~8ekeeper. "Yo talc" Wd ah" ilk 'Why, they'll look Just nght when u e,,, e; BOme m they're ready," said the old.fashioned or BOur cream. d st' "Ho.... much?" ome 1C womlL'U. ..~. mUch .. you CM1 spare," said BABV'S WEIGHT. the old-fashioned oomeetic woman. "Then yOu sift your Hour with your Chiltren vary greaUy in weight at baking powder-if you use it." birth. The aYeraS'! "weight is seven "How Dlllch flour 7" asked the pOUllde, but often a newly born baby young helllMlkeeper. _"That dpnda, of CQurse, on tile proVeI to be nine or even. ten pounds. During the first week little or no amount or'milk and the number 'of increase in weight occurs. There is people you are baking for," said the old·fuhioned d.mestic wfJm!lJl. a lOll durlDg the first three da~B and "Then you make a dough that is stH! a ga~ for the next few days, so tbat at the end of the week the child enough-" weighs ·'Ho.... Btiff iB that P" b'rlh. about the same as it did at ell. that you have to leam by I I d' f 'n h . f n Iges Ion Wl ave a senous e: experience." development, and If "llub in the butter just before yQll fect on .a hbaby's til e we'g' t dereases a f ter t h e first . . a:tId the milk, and while y~ mustn't k acrimD the butter YOU mUSt be (lare- wee a octor should be called.





The Waynesy ill e pe)ple who took TRAGEDY SWITCHllrARO their poultry to the Warr~n County fair took all the premiums in sight. AtlanUc City Op....tor Ttltphon.t • -

DEATH Harrison Cornell died at his home near Lytle this. Wednesday morning. No funeral arrangements have as yet been made.

. - _.-- FARM lOR SALE

One mile from Waynesville. Ohio, railroad station. Abrut 93 acres of rich black dirt. first and 'second bot to m I'" t l bank'm an.. , an d b as grave the State. 11 room dwetJina-, bam and out.buildings. Will pay over 10 t $10 000 Mak per cen on . . e me an 1£ T I 0 00k a t p Iace tee Robt • 0 er. D .... ee ke tt , Co' rwm, Oh'10. Ca II on C. G. Williamson, Waynesville, Ohie

.- ...


••.•..GRIND YOUR •




Waynesville Mills



NOTICE All persons knowing themse)ves to

Have you tried our


We, the undersigned, positively forbil'i all hunting or trespassinlr upon o'ur premises. The same will be strictly enforced: Jas. Vandervoort Isaac Wilson Will Williams Martin Gons Seth Furnas Geora-e Mills F. C Sawin

be Indebted to the l(Iote, Benjamin


Weeks, will please call and aettle on date of sale, September 21st. FWy Weeks, Admin


Crlnds all kinds of g·r aln.


GROUND OATS Makes a fine feed if properly ground. We 110 Dot mash . them but griRd them as fine a6 lfiddliags. All grain I are properly mixed before grinding, and ruarantee all our lfork. .


"'Breakfast has of late years fallen into disrepute. The brealdaet r~m8 of Victorian politicians were the scenes of many a delightlti orgy. The table resounded with the-merry clink of saniine tins, aad. as they 'rel~eved ' the . grolU'iing sideboard of its burden of ham and compreued veal. the Wits gallants of the periOd


••SEED WHEAT CLEANED~. Let u. your- -a.,d wheat on .0 ur S~a1 Seed Wheat CI~er ' .... .. . . . ' .









Pygmll'1ion and Galatea which ,tileit'


It...., b01la aanall b protected bJ. ~ ....:.d IlleCbaoI. ..... ~ Nt of IuabI.n. 1t_ _ ..u..bIu"' ....~WUI"'.&_ ..n u IIIefa.


Waynesville National Balik WAYNESVILLE, OHIO

Phyalclan That 8h. Hila Been .trlcken 811nd.

Not 'until t~ey' heard a fel1owworker uk her family physician at Notice of Appointment the telephone to come to her aid the. .. of DUII8le. Woollud . 0.0.-1. othj!r day did Beveral other Y01JDg SUBJECT TOOENERAL ELI!ITION z.. No~ Ie bMoeb)' liven th .. OeDfttJ H. WODlIud b.. '-1 dul), appol.aled and womell operatora in the telephone ex~.s .. AdmlolMn&qr of '1M a.a... 01 NOVEMBER 5, 1911 I . lfeollM1 . .... et W _ OoIUltY. eh8-ng.~ at Atlantic City learn that . d--s. she bJad been stricken blind when Da\ed W. 18 du..Gf. l8ept,embe'LUU' A"-BOXWll: L Independent seated alongside them. "'I've gone . Ju.dp or ,be Probate Oourt Warrell 00\1II" . OhJo. blind, doctor; ....on't you come to ~EPRESENTATlVE me? This is Miss 'Hiltne.," one of J. Milton Earnhart the other operators heard her com· Notice of Ap~intm.nt panion say. The gift nad been. uns.tate of BenJ. .1.a lfeelu. o-a-t. able to Bee for several minutes, and I ~ iIenb)' IIvlID 'bat Roy A. Ww u If you have any lurplu b..HoUDe when she realized the extent of hei baeD 4ul,. .p~I.\ed and QualllIed .. AdmloWrator or WIt a.tata of BellJamln affliction "'plugged in" . '011 tIre stock for sale, ~ our . If.... lata of Wamm OoUII')'. Oblo. Deswitchboard in front of which abe A~~JIU'• . ClauWed Column. It ' ~~• tlalll '1I~1.Q' " ~ BOXW L.... had been working and established a J $be Pro ... Court. will sell them tor you~ W_ UJI')', connection with the home of the family doctor. As she disconnected the plugs after communicating with ___...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..,






I 11-.-..

the hLtter,. the young . woman stood .up smd tried to" walk acr08l' the room. She fell f~tint. Several other oparators ran to her asai~ce. She was revived, but refu8ed to be taken to a hospital and insisted upon returning to her home 8()- sbe.p?ght be there when tile physician _rived. POIPULAR CINEMATOGRAPH.





I "Want a Farm •


And willsame in part payment of my Pressed Brick Building'oll Walnut Hi1JsinCinciDDati. Farm should be lfortb ' from '10,000 to 115,000 and unineumbered, and I arrange eptire balance of paYment to be taken from rentals of tats. Price'of qats is 160,000. Net yearly income after ' .


All the Expenses Are Paid, II '7,~OO. Same is all rented and in firstclass condition; in best part of Walnut Hills, OD aix car . Iinell. All fiats are r~ted on y~rsl~.


thi. it an excellent chance for IOme ·OIle who.

desires ' to give his children a city education, Jiving rent free aad makin, the fta~ ~y for theuileJves. Address "

GARD~, . . '


..' ·QII'clnnatl. Ohio. '~.

" t



n.:' ,.










Whole Number 3178




OHIO GAME LA\~~ r'~::::::::::::::~::::::::::=::::::::::::~::::===:=::::::~:~::::::::::::.:'.::;'.! The annual convention of til(' j : The fulluwing- is the oprm season o~·........-.--------· \\' :II'fen County Wuman':i Chrilltian i i fur gam e in Ohio . I'ast(! i in Y()\lr Teill IJer811Ce Un ioll lIl et in th e J\\. E. ! ....- ......... .......... .............. ...... ................... .-.............................. - -..........-............._...................................i 1 hat and you will noL hal'(' lu ask : TEACHER'S ASSOCIATIU~ Th e I\ings , lerald s held a del ight.:h urch . Morruw, 0 :1io . Frid ay . t............................. _ •• ............ ~._ ....._ .........._ .......... ..... , ........ .. ........................ : Rabbits, ~u\'e1l1ber Hi La Dt' ct.'l nlie l' fu l picnic Saturday at the horne of Program of the Warren County 'e pl t>1ll bel' ZO, I~)} Z. The folluw i IIg White'li Bak Er y for guud cakes. fi ; S(l lJirrel, Septembe r Hi to October Mi ,.;,.; Llll u Vandervoort. White'fi Ba kery for gou u bread. Teacher' s Associaliull tu be held at pf<)~iram IVOll pre;lent ed : , :! 1: racoon, November I to March:2: JO: 15 a. m .-S'JIlg-Onward Chris · the Bank Building, Lebanun , Ohio, Mrs. Cilas. Co rnell has been quite U. J. .cd wnrt1~ was a Daylon vis' quai l ' elml raA ed gro use, do ve am I tian So ldier. IJ ·votiunal - Mrs. Eg· ~ ick. September 2S. 191z. itol', Sunday . . WQudco ' l<. Sep tember 1 to D ~rellll> e r Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Harl$ock and 10:00 a . m . -Devo tional Ex e rcises. t her Forkner Word s uf Welcome 5: plov er , s nipe , sho re birds , coot OJ' Mr. ann Mrs . Je~~e Bake l' and famil), L . A. Zill1lllerrnan i>i in Cincinnali. Music by Harvcysburg High ~c h ou l; - Miss J ellnie Hardin. Res.pon se J\Ir~. Lau ra Mo!' her is visit ing' MI'. "Hid he n, rail. duck. goose 01' swa n, we re pleaf;antly c ntertained Sundav Some Laboratory Work in Astron- Mr::l. N . 1,. Runne ll Commlttecs Lud~y. and MI'~. F, C. Harl~oc k. ill Morrow. Septembe r 1 lo Janu a ry 1. a nd al so at t he home of Mr . and Mrs. Will amy, Prof. J> . W. Williams, Merritts- annuunced. })re~itl e nt'H ad(~re·!l. Man:h I to Ap ril 21. Sundays Ilnd SLrouc!. Mr. aud Mrs. E. V. Barnhart >lpcnt \) 1' . I,\. W. Lang. uf Ritigevi~I l' , town; "Myself" romL II. I·: Wil son . 11 a m. - - b lect l~n of ofT1cers a~ Montlays are d osed days for ducks wa:; a vis iLor at thi~ office la st Salu r. Springboro; Round Tabl e, Su Ill. '. ful ~ow ,; : . MI'~' E.~ther ~ ork~~r. F'rid!1Y n 'ghl in Day tun. and ol her water f owls . Introduced H . Young, Lehanon . pr(!,~d ent. MI ~. N. L. Dunnell. vlceMrs. Agnes Wrig'ht, Miss Susan 'J, H. Chapman was ill Chicago day. pheasant~ are prolected unlil Nov· Wright, Messrs. Chus Welch anti . 1:30 p. m - Mu ;;ic by Harveysuurg pr~,mlenl; ~~I~s .. N~ra Dumf~d, cor- \II " a coupl e of day g laRl week . ' Messrs. Oscar Smith and Ralph ember Hi. L91 ~1. G. Williamso n were guest, of Mrs, High Sch.ool;,;s, I'r('s. Samuel , I:"po~dlllg :;~c:etar~, . ~I s .. Ruth Annie Thorpe, at supper, Friday J\less rs. F. W, Hathaway and O. M. Smilh were in Leuanon Monday H. Hodgm, WilmIngton Col.lege. 1 ~~llIl~y. ,r~co l ~hng .>i5eCI~tary., Mrl.l . TWO lJEAUTIFUL HORSES G. F. Franz, Presld e llt Emma ha pman , tleasu l er. 11'8a;;· J{idge were Lebanon v i~ itor~ Monday. even:i ng. even inj:!'. Last week we noticed two beaut ifu I Alice Cooke, s ec re tary. !urer' l.l . report $10'. 24 on ha~d s . Mrs . Rebecca J. Sides is quite ill Raddl e horses on our streets They If you want a quick lun ch go to \ T. H. I{ogers Nuuntlde Praye r, Mrs. ' Mehssa Mr and Mrs. Milton Keys , of White's Bakery. at the home of he r daughter, Mrs. were pure Kentucky bred, and Wl're Executh, Com. ' C. W. Willi ams Conov e r Centerville, entertained last Sunday OJ. Edwards. ~'- Br~~I~r .1 p. m -- Minute , of morning sesV(~ry stylish. One was r idde n by Frank Hartsock and family, Mrs. Mrs Har vey Gustin and dau g hter --, HlOn Mrs. Ruth Janney . Dr. Mary Mrs Lawre nce Vandervoo rt, and LQU Burnett, Harl Harvey and Miss Hazel were Dayton visitors M/'. and Mrs. Raymond C:eager, TAKEN TO ASYLUM ICuuk talli ed on "Public Welfal:e Saturday . uf Dean, Ohio , spent Sunday with belonged to he.· father, Isaac Wilson. family, Ernest Butterworth and Ron, Work. " Du eL-Th e Lord i!:l our and tlte other was ridden by Mrs. Stephen Burnlttt and fami" and M I'. and Mrs. U. M. White. Mrs. Nora Hillman was lak en L en d er - ~·"1 Isses · G raceM ount an d P. D. Clagett, and owned by her. Amos Cook and family. before Probate J utlge Boxwell IJ I h H M' H I B t . Mr. aud Mrs. Walte r Chandl er, of Friday a nd WllS Ildj'Jdge1 insane I ell a. arner. : ISS e .en ran, Dayton , are gue.'lts aL the Friends Miss Winn ifred Macy came home Both lad ies are accompl ished h :m"e· C d I. org-allltlt, Memorial Service of Mrs ft'om Wilmington Saturday, a ft er a women, and with the sty li sh horHes an d ta k'en to l) ayton ",atur ay uy , . I. BC'ILrding Home. Sh 'ff For b~a Johlls~n of Wesley UllIon uy Dr, and Mrs. J. T. Ellis celebrated l wo we ek ~ visit with re lali ves there. made a picture pleasing to t he eye. erl '6y . .. _... MISll Mattie Greely. Song-Blest .. - their 30th wedding anniversary Ladies' Attractive Slylt>s in Fall Dr. and Mrs. A T. Wri2'ht and ATTENDED WIU\l~GTON FAIR I Friday, and gave a dinner to the OAVE TWO 0000 TALKS Bc lhe Tie. Prayer-- Mrs. Florence a nd Wintl'r Millinery, at the milliner lwo son ~. Alfred and 811iolt. attendI Hichard~. Reports of County.Super. store. Grace Lincoln Smith. Ifollowing guests: Mr. and Mrs. J. ed a family din ner at S pringboro Rev. Geo . V. Reichel, uf Columbus, inlendent s anti local U nions were as Among those who attend ed the E. Janney and family , Mr. and Mrs. who made an addres.'4 to men at th I!follows: Wilmington Fair t his week from I, W . E. O'Neall and family, Mr, and Mrs. Eva Harding , of Cincinnati , SU'IIJay. Christian church Sunday afternoon, Members ...................... ........ ... 226 Boeht last week with Mrs. Hester , here were: Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Mrs. Chas. Ellis and son, Mr. and MI'. and Mrs . Chas. Chapman, of was a fearl ess speaker, an d had a Meetings..... .... .. ....... ..... .... ...... 82 Robinson and other relatives herc. Bentley, Mrs. A. B. Sides, Miss Mrs. Sid Ellis, Mr, and Mrs . James near SprinJ, bora', were g uests of Mr. . messa&,e that every voter in the Contests .. ........ , . ... .. ......... ... .... , 3 Winnifred Macy, Messl·s. Chas. McClure and family, of Springboro . Mrs J. D. Marlatt spent a~couple ami Mrs J. B. Chapman, a couple of Cornell, L. A. Zimmerman, Harry Township should have hearJ. Willal'd Memorial Fund .. .. ........ $10 _ In the evening' he spoke to a good- Ll'aflets dis tri bu ted .... , ...... .. ..... 2,420 of days last week at the country days last week . Murray, A. Maffit, Earl Conner, sized congreg ation at th e M. E. Temperance blotter given ..... .... 850 home of Mr. and Mrs. J . L, HartMr . and Mrs F. C. Carey enterS. L. Cartwright. in company with Herbert Edwards and Te rre ll Macy. sock. church. t ained the following guests at SunOhio m essengers taken...... ........ 75 friends from Lebanon, motored to Rev. Reichel madc two good BOl)uet'J given ....... ............. ...... 491 COUNTY CLERK MARRIED day dinner: Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hole Wilmington Thursday , and attended An inte resting "Contest" is now addresses, and made plain to his . and family anc:~ Mr. and Mrs. James Address-Mrs. Florence Richards, the fair and a soldier's reunion. going on at the Christian Sunday Dan Bone, our gemal County IJ ohns and family of Lytic, Mr. and hearers the manner in which our State vice· president. . School. That's why yo u seo so many . 'Misses Viola Shepherd and Jennie Clerk, at Lebanon, was married to Mrs. Edward Hartsock, and son, laws are made at Col umbus, and also Reportof committee on resolutions. Red and Blue badges. the reform movement that is going M. Nesbitt, teachers at the 0, S. & Miss Ruth Ran\<in, of Wi lmington, Harold, Mr. .and Mrs Walter' Adjournment. un especially in the larger ci.ties. S. 0.' Home at Xenia, were guests of last Tuesday, They went to Arkansas IMcClure and family, Miss Pear .... Mr. and Mrs. K G. Cross left lastl the Misses Annie and Marne Brown, on their wedd il1g trip , He re's our Carey of Dayton Mr, and Mrs. O. S. U, CANE RUSH EGGS, FRESH EGGS blessing on the newly married couple. Chas. 'Rye and fami'ly. Wednt'.sday for Sardinia. Ohio, nnd Saturday. The annual cane ru:,:h at the O. S. arrived home Monday evening. Mr., -~- -- - - If you have nice, good·sized egg!>, U. look place last week. In this Cross is still limping from his injury PI"eacning at the Christian church NOTICE TO HUNTERS BOYS STOCK JUOOINO CONTESTS not more than four days old. bring rush sevl!ral Waynesville boys had of two weeks ago. . t~ex~ Sunday eveniJW at 7 o' clock. . I ' s meat mal' k ,t honors. Lee Earnhal·t, sophomore, w~ , the und~rsigned, pos iti~ely Two boys' stock judging- contests ::iub]ect, "What Shall We Do With t h em to J e ff S mltl I'reachinll services at the M . E . Jesus." Your presence is desired . on Tuesday and Saturday aftel'lloon. read the "deti" of the so phs prior to forbid all hu~tmg or tresP~lIlg I at county fairs have been held this of each week. We will pay a the rush. Lyman Silver, · Kenneth church on Sunday at 10:30 a. Ill .. ana p, B. Thompson, Minister. up~n our premIses. The same Will be year under th'e auspices of the Colpremium for su~h PllgS. Hough and Herschel Bunnell. also 7 p. m. Subject of morning sermon strictly .enforced: lege of Agriculture, Ohio State UniO. K. Poultry Farm participated in the rush. The Colum· "An Absenttle, orThe tostBlessing," A card received from Postmaster Isaac WIlson Jas. Vandervourt versitv. These contests have proven ---_. _. bus Joumal says: subject of evening sermon. "From F. H_ Farr, who with his wife, are at Will Williams Martin Gons very ~uccessful and have aroused NUDibe ring fully 400, the fresh- Death to Life," The p\l blic is cor- Lebanon, Ind., flays they are both George Mills Rain Light and Flint Ko to Roof Seth Furnas considerable interest among farm inir.for sale by W. H. Madden & Co men, captained by W. C. Foscula, of diaHy invited to attend these se rvices. getting along fine, feelin&' good and F .. C .Sawin ~mi1y Crane boy>!. The one held at the Seneca - - -•• - • Cincinnati, won the aunual cane Clar(;nce S. Grauser, Pastor. re'ltl~d, and enjoying their vacation. MlIlnte Satterthwaite County Fair, included f9rty-five boys OBITUARY rush at the Ohio State University ranging in ages from 12 to 21 years y,'sterday afternoon from 189 sopho. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and the one at the Logan County Harrison Cornell, son, of George mores, before 50110 spectator!. Each and Chloe Comell, was bom August freshmen had planned to hold a ***** ****** ~******************************** *** ********* Fair included a dozen bOYIi. In "oth conte::sts horees, cattle and.hoga were 17, 1S,'U, died September 18, 19L:?, sophomore to the ground. This was judged by the boys. The first preaged 81 years, 1 month and 1 day . done to 8 great extent, but usually mium consisted of Ii scholarship to He was born at Ridgev,ille in this two and th, ee under classmen pinned the Ohio State University. Other A unique paper written and read by Miss Mame Brown at the county and with the exception of a down a single sophQmore. premiums were free trips to Niagara Grange m eet in g Saturday. A travesty on our citizen's names. few years spent in Iowa, he lived his At -1: 15 both teams were lined up Falls,'to the Ohio Experiment Station =---...entire lif~ - in this communilY. On to charge. As Preside'lt Thompson at Wooster, and to the Ohio State the 19th of March 1867 he tnarri ed fired the signal pistol he was forced *******.** ********************** *. **************** ~ ***~~ Fair, at Columbus . Indications at Martha Tamulener. Six children to run off the fi eld, so rapid was the Having live,P in the busy Mart for small Frame which had been erected must have been a Saylor's yarn, for present aru that a large number of were born to this union. Butane of advance bv both sides. The sopho- many Weeks, where I had become for thl' purpose, by their Shepherd. ( he did not appear to be very aged, county fair boards will next year these Mrs, William Graham survi'ves mores seemed not discouraged that weary of the constant calls of the By thi!1 time I was Farr into the in spite of the Silver in his hair Rnd avail themselves of the opportunity His wife departed this life January they were outnumbered more than Coll'man and of Butterworth, I country and meeting a Stout looking the Stoop to his shoulders of securing an instructor from the 2, 1897 two to one. decided to seek the Heighway for a I man who was Mendin-all his Harness, He must have been a man with a College of Agriculture to conduct While Mr. Corne)) was in Iowa he They carried the cane to freshman change of sc~ne, and passing alonsc BRked him if I might be permitted considerable sense of Wright. for he ta~gbt sehool, but most of his lite territory. where the rushers were the Ridge, I came to a Leak, around to Cook myself a meal. He readily spoke with great reverence of the these contests. was spent in farming. met and fltopped, whose shores were growing fine gave his consent, where upon I , Pope and of the Bishop, and even HIT SOME BAD ROADS The deceased was a member of th(' After 10 minu te!; of struggle the stalks of Reed and Cain, which gave I haslily Kindled a Firein an improvised claimed lo have had a speaking acMethodist Episcopal church at Lytle, freshmen managed to secure the shelter to several varieties of bird!!, ! Furnas, and, soon had a meal fit for Quaintance with the Dean of a sma)) Frank S. Elbon writes us as fol,~ane and take it over their rivals' including Crane, Hawke, Martin and I a King, most of which, however was college in a northern State. lows: We reached Ha~erstown, Md. Ohio, Since the death of his wife he has goal, thus winning the I'ush Drake, a)) of which are locally re- : Fry'ed on some Iron~ whicR my newHe had tried several trades, how- at 10 this morning (Friday,) The made his home with his daughter. StudenU! who had even a sliLch of spected for their domestic habits. I found fr iend furnished and after- ever, including that of Taylor, ::)mith, speedC1ll1eter said 395 miles. Came Hislif.:J haa been as an open book. clothing on their backs after the At the extreme northern point of wards offered for Sale, although he Miller, Shoemaker, Cartwright, over the National road all the way. He was an exemplary man, a kind rush were few. The sophomores this lovely body of water is a Dyche, Imight have passed for a Rich man. / Mason and Cooper, before s€ttling Had one puncture. Rode over some father and a most excellent neighbor. lost more shirts than the freshmen, tJeyond which is a Forrest of Beach l In o rder to bring Joy to his heart, I down to his present occupation of fin e reads and lIome awful poor ones. About two years ago MI', Cornell whose game was to down an upper and Maple in which a Wise Hunter offered him sevfral Pence which he farmer, and is now an useful memo r'ive miles an hour over the poor was stricken with paralysis. H classman, tear his shirt off his back often finds a Fox, ('r Coon, and oc.!greedily I'ccepted and asked for b~r of G~ange, an? a Metl~ .citizen, roads was the best we could m~e. recovered somewhat from this bUl and throw it to the winds. caaionallya Wolfe. Moore He proved to be a very With a Wife and WII·son, Wilham-son The road was made of stone the size bad another stroke. One w~ek ago After the vic:t:>rs had been officially After resting for a time under a interesting conversationalist, in s,ite and Thomp·son, besides his four of a flour barrel to a wooden bucket he was taken seriGusly ill and gl'ew told of the I'esult by Dr. Thompson Small Birch by the side of a Marsh, of his apparent Vice of greed, and ' Daughters, Miranda, Liddy. Emley • - - .- - steaaily~ worse until his death on they lifted the president of. the I again took up my journey and told me ,that he had been one of a and Beck · HAS oONe TO THE WALL Wednesday laat. . uliiversity above their shoulders and passed through a strip of Under- Crew of a vessel plying a Small After lingering longer than I had There remain to mourn his going carried him around the field, wood, th~nce along fields of Young !n~v:ig~ble str~am, and had beco~e rflalizel!l, I saw the setting sun's rays. ?he National Fi'nanc~ and Secur. away one daughter. six~ grandchilHe was called on for a speech, Rye, Barley and Hay, all ofwhichlwas dissatisfied With the burden of hIS Pearce the Gray clouds, I arose and Itles Co., of Dayton,. w.lth a branch J'r en and twc:. great grandchildren which he delivered. very fine, although there were many dutit>s, which was like a Fetter retraced my steps towards the city, office in the Keys BUlldmg has gone Nr:·Cornell, was of literary tastes After the rush in the evening t6e stalks of Muilen scattered through. binding him to his Daily tasks, He and listened to the little Brown birds to the wall. Wm. C. Weuver, man• ani the griatest pleasure of his lif" Freshman held a night shirt parade I seon came to Jl Hole in the fence too It a Cleaver from the hold of the Carro)) their evening song, ere the age·r of the Waynesville office, WaJ was the reading of uplifting books. and had a fifty-foot high bonfire on and determined ' to "Cross the Jor- boat, and broke the Weir which he Starr light gave way to the rays of caught for several hundred dollars. ~his .pleas!1re w.~ in later life denied the athletic field at which time the dan" and see what was on the other used in trapping Trout. thereby de- the Moon sailing majestically over The president, :. George D, Thayer, is him, beca,u8e of. impaired eye sight, University y, M, C, held a recep· side, asI had abandoned myself to a stroying all possibility of earning a the Black·smoke begrimmed house- a,!!!2ng the missing, HEi ml,aa,ed greatly .the qompanion- lion for them. Day's delight Along two Sides of livelihood on the water .. For days . tops. When I reached my Ward at • - ...-----r ·.ship Qf~~~: books, ' • - .. an Aker whose Surface was covered he wandered on a Berryhill, whose Knight, I took my Keys, unlocked A QUICK LUNCH i :,:' " TOOK EVERVTHlNO with lovel, · Rose busl1es, ran a chiEif Merritt was its seclusion from my door, refreshed myself with a . Link King was at the Wilmington Savage-lookll!g ' ·w hose WoO.lley the .ba~nt.l of the captain of the boq,t, , glass of Lemmon~e, laid down White's Bakery has b~n th(,rollurll· fair ;ast week, and took several very \fieecEi was long. He ran .AmonF' other .things he to!d me, between my Sheets and rested m~r8 ly cleaned and t~e walls -. and ShbstanttalJ,»remiums on Upp on a to the other was thati he--haddlved thnn~gh ~~elsw·eetlY than a Printz qrDuke WhOse. thei,have _. pu~ m .a 1W'.n~, bereaV~!1nE!ntl ·ftes}l ' ' Lirtk ' hu -Some: godcl aide to ,Littl~, Lamb adrlliniatrationa'Of p~dent& Adams, domicilE~ is , Gard-ed by .an everpres. partmen~ -' Glve .




Personal Mention Column



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A Day Spent Among My Neighbors

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and ·t is ~·~"t ,\hem. ".,' ~hjcl,1 .'


. I.. . . _





-.ah~)tet .or, ~<~~n, Taylcit- ~d ,:.~~,lD ~~~hJ ~t Marah:all &nd~Sq1Jires.- -; ..: .',, ' ,will be ~rJed I


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The Miami Gazette O. L. CRAN E, Publleher,



Track Invit€fS in Pari~


Tho n~e d habit of prese nting al. ways a Dea t nnd cl eanly apllenrnnce to th e world I. Bun' at n double reward. It not onls creat es a favorable Imprcs. elan hut begets 8 6ustal nillS ~elt· re· .pect. It Is sca rcel y re asonable of a ma n who does not respect hlmeslf to look t or mucb co nsideration train oth e rs. It Is not th e cos t or clothln& b ut the acrupulous cure of It that cou nts. T he ma n at Il en der meaDS • hou ld be neither "toppy " nor " s lop py." but a l ways lId y and nea t In his attire, l ee lng himself with t be coldl y crltl· cal ey o a t a p os~ lb le emp loy er, who Is bound to remar k t he s ig nificance of a soiled sh irt tra nt, 8 wilted collar, and t o wh om an appli cant's dre~s ma,. mean mu ch more tha n his address or politest d eportment. Style In writing. all deHned by th e tas tldl ous Chester~e l d, 10 the dress of tboughts; 10 the tnle 8tsle at the a \'er age man may be correctly surmised tram the care he takes or his per50nal appearance. He Deeds not he fin icky but Ihould always be free or groaee 8POtS and dust: he • hould like hIs bath. even It It bas to be taken b y meaoa at 8. bucket; he .hould never negl ect to bruah hi. haIr, 1111 Ihoell, bls teeth, his coat, trousers and bat; It he can't all'ord a pressln. tron be Ihould put coat and trouserl OTer tbe mattre .. and IIleep upon them: If laundry II aerlous Item 1.>, .hould waah his own handkerchlet", dry them on the window pnnes and Ilever, hy chance, be leen wIth a eolled ODe.




C:upi[J Thought Not and Was Right, By M. DIBBELL.




OT tar away II the famoull reetaurant or the SmokIng Dog. It appear. to be the decree of ralh· whose dingy portrait Is caslly Ion that a consIderable amouDt of tlliae ovorlooked In Its decaden ce.. ~a1r Ihall be worn by women durlnf In this section. too, It you the comIng lIeason, and U II perh.ap, liIarch long and talthfully or are lucky \Well that there should be a clear un. at tbe start. you will lind aoother at 4el'ltandlnl( at wbere the hair com •• the hanging II~I over ancient tav· from. It .ppeare to be admitted that · ernll. It II a buncb at gTapes, .llded almolt Bn,. Amerlclln woman combs and worn away, 6ulpended over the Iidewalk on an ornamental Iron brack· out enough halr tram ber own head to et. Dleet all requlrelIl4!nta. but ahe will not Tbele are survivals from a time take the trouble to aave the comb- long forgotten. hut modern Parll has Snp, aa,.s tbe Manche,l Iler Union. An delightful paralle ls. Nor are tbey en· OPert In the halr bu.lnen Ita ted ID tlrely devoid at his torIc Intere!lt at ChIcago recently that "Americans live their own, tal' tho cafe on the Place too fast to aa'f8 their combIngs," de la Bastlle kno~1'n as "The Cannon Probabl,. he 'tVu correct, but It II aI. of the Bastlle" bas hl.torle asso clll· ao probable tha't the average AmerIcan tionll surel)·. Even the great tin can· iroman gives no thought u to where non wblch surmounts It& glas8 cove red red terrace Is the replica ot one used ber supplementar,. luppl,. of hair by the populace In storming the Bas· eomea from. It liP pears that America We. and the walter will assure you lmportB It. falae hair from Europe and tbe original stood on this very spot . _..6.I1a~ The European haIr la rated ~I Acrolls the broad square Is another Jirat cloas. althougb theN! may ba cafe, wIth a. soldier trumpeter li t pa· ~ome ml'lIlvlngl 11.1 to Ita louree In rade painted life Ibe on a ahee t of .ome eRlea. but 70 per cent. of It tin . It II leRl romantic In connection. eomea from China. from the heads of hut the cate beneath It Is dIngy and Avlng Chlnelle WOoen. who are eager replete wIth suggestions at least ot to Iwap their tresles for copper colnl. revolullons. And speaking of revolutions. what It II worth while to .ave balr trom can tell a more romantic history than combIng. In Cblna, which the average the washerwoman's signs at Paris ? American woman totally Ignores until PaInted on tin and crudely finIshed, abe pays a good price In the market. to be sure. 8tlll they are nothing len tban the tricolor of France. the stand· The old palace In at. Peterabul'l ard at the republic. Wbat a ptory It whIch burned recently should DOt be II that the national ensign. liS jealoulIguarded as the stara and stripes, confounded with the Peterbof. It wal 8hould serve as a trade sIgn for the • loe structure, on an Island, the gN!at laundrIes' But remember the star,. aar'l first .home In hla new capital, of the revolution and the meetings In but had been long ulled a. a Greek laundry sbops at nlgbt and remember ehapeL Europeans do not pull down Mme. Sans Oene. the wash erwoman buildings as ruthlelllT a. I. the prac, who become R prIncess-was It not? tlce In the United Statel: 80 thll prIm, In Paris one can never pass under Itlve historic structure. Ita Interior rich 'that lUll' tin draped nag, usually sadl,. 'With bejeweled Ikonl. remained, a IInll faded, and ' glance at th e tOiling worn· between the past and the present. re- en Inside the windows without rem em· herlng the pranks of the roya l lauo· IIg10UI lervlce8 being held In It lev. dresll and understanding the tlag. eral times a dllY, and manl at thesl Tbe fa&hlon at banging signs In aervlces being largely attended. Itt Paris depends largely on the quarter destruction wlll remove an IntereaUn. of the city, and In some proud lIectionl landmark of the great Czar Peter. there are no tin flags over the laun· dries and no strips at red cloth swung In the American quarter of the cIt, to the bre!'ze nt each end of the dye o~ Berlin a musical con~rvator,. II ahop.. Dut In no lIngle aectlon ot to be erected with Bound· proof walla. the capItal Ie mls81ng the sign at the harbera. 10 that pupllB undergoing Instruction Parisian Ideas ot mercantile adver. ID the art at piano-plaYing ahall not tlslng go back to the middle ages. drive the nel gb bors crazy wit\! lbelr when there were no show Windows din. People the ,,"orld over who ate Ilnd no r ea ding puhlic lind the height nervously sensItive to dIssonant of progressiveness was expre~sed In .ounds will heartily approve the Ideo a !roldeo symbol at the trndesmen a.nd hope {or Its :leneral adoption. bung outsIde the house wherein he Much has been said and written In lived and traded. In Parlll' BUIY Center. praise of the Goothlng Influence 01 The bangIng shop sign has n cold mU8lc. but thert! are many Individuals BO constituted that It Is the reverse eftlclenc), ahout It after all. It tells of delightful to them to hear hour all tha.t needs to be known . It serves anotber purpose nlvo- tbe preserva. after hour-som e tim es at the time nl tlon of the al mos ph e re at the plctur. night wben tbey would woo slcep-the I!sque. tlln of a nelghbor's plano. There ma1 In the old streets YOll can flnd man" be a s oothing Influence of music. but of tb e ancien t signs yel and some mod. It I, not brousht out by beglnne,.. ern exa mples hes id es . The really old practicing the scal e s nor by con'fivlal algus Bre rew llnd ter hetwee n , but parties playing ragtlmo. walks In the hIstorIc qUBrters br ing )'ou to them and warm your heart with Verily. the llfe oC I.ho weat~er mnn their sight. You al'e sure to bunt IIrst (or the Ie not a happy one. A few months ago tba farm e rs were kicking about old tav ern slgn8, which you hope to lind still ewlnglng over dIuin' cates. floods and now they are complainIng and It you are lucky you will flnd halt about the drought. a dozeD In all Pa.rls. Over In lhe Ma· rals, the aristocratic ,quarter or two 011 aD t be roads Is n bies sinc In tbat ' cen turies ngo. you will find most of , ~ lays the dus t, but It has Its draw. those lett. At one little corner. for In· backl. RE's ldent s oC MontclaIr N. J . I Btan~e, Is tbe s ign of ." The Armed , , , Man crudely executed In cast Iron and s ur roundIng tOW1l8 Bay tbat roblnl. ' tho man In full armor Ilttlng 8.8trld; blUebIrds, starlings and even the hard,. : a cannon at hlltorlc t,.pe. About him .pal'rows ure dying at an unprecedent. : tv.·llIt Iron vlnell and-' leave., gtvlng .4 ra to tbls summer, and tbe mortal. I him true artlltlc company In hla uu. itT ,. attrIbuted to thlrat, occasioned tlrln~ I rltAtion to you to come aDd b ,- the aver.lon o.f the blrda to d i'!,nk. drInk .the ~~cellent ~Iqe wIthin .'


. (.


"The gam e Isn't worth th e candl e ," 8,a ld J oce lyn d" jeet eLlly. "We p o~l· tlve ly can't 11" 0 on In this way; th r e nds s im pl y won 't mE'et- 1 mu s t go to work at Nom thing." "But what can you d o. clol lcl?" qlu e rl cd h E' r s lBt er . "YOII have lH'VC r le a rn ed anything but hOll sC'kr(' pln g we ll ~Ilough to t C'uch it. :.IlId nobod y wants l es~on s at th ll t ." " \\' r ll 1 m iJ;ht at leas t 1((' 011 som<'body's hou se. " "Oh Joc ·IYI1 . Is It n ot Iwlle r to eltur, !' r('sp f'c tably tha n to go out a ~ Ii< common se rv a nt?" "It ccrtn lnly I!I nn t. J hn ve a goo d h (>al th y aPIJ!'t tte e','('ry cla y of my Ilfl'. and I Int "lld to do ill Y best to Ilrnciuce th e three sath. fncto ry m'eals " 'hlch Pl'o vlcl C' ncn Intl' l"INI m o to ha\·e. ll" s ld~B, n hOll sC' I;" c pe r III an Important pe rs on nowa days-sh o ov erf iN'S til, doin gs ot everybody elso." "WI1I'r f' do y ou rxpf'r l to find such n r l'~lJon ~ l b)(· pos ition ? The y d on't ~o bl'ggi ll g?" "Now m y g rent Arc n ' t s hnll be dl· v ul ged ," .I ocl"IYI1 nn , w('r"d trlum· phantly. "r bad a ) on~ tulk with Mrs . De rlll PlIt betore sh e r e turn ed to the e1ty this fn ll. and sho quit e npp roved or my Ide a. In h e,. IRtt er wh ich ca m e t.oday s he says that a dear trl e nd at liters Is In such poor h l'liith that Sill) Is no 10ll!:er abl e to lo o k arte l' house!hold nrralrs. bu t cannot hear to think of g ivin g up Iter hom e. Jl l rs. Der· Im ent told he r about me. and was au· t horh;ed to make m e a proposal. The Isalary Is gen erous. and s he Is Bure I 'wlll IlIre Mrs . Norton. So can you s uggest any re a s on why 1 should reo :fu s(' sucb an offer?" Miriam only gasped. as she gazed IDtO the eager face of her energe tic young sIster. "You dear ole! Miriam-yon just can't help knowing that It 18 the very b est thing on earth I could do. You can live here In peace nnd com tort and come over to see me If you get

110m epace above the door. It would see m at IIrs l glance to have heen a churc h pleco, hut It Is only a manltosta tlon of the rollglous feellug or tbe first proprIetor, wbo placed on the iron g rati ng a holy iofant with shepherd's crook and a eheep or two dully g llded to thIs day . It 1/1 tbe barbers who use the golden balls as 11 sig n here, golden balls wltb a magnillcent Iwltch at horsehair hanging down helow and swinging merrily to tho breeze. 'fhe reason for the horse balr II obvious, but you will likely puzzle long over th e gold · en ba ll untll you notice that some b nr· be rs do not use th o ball but In Etead a quee rly shaped, almos t tlat pIece at bra ss. wbl eb In tim e YOII decid e mus t be the \Jarber's how l. The ball \\'&1 more d ecoratlvo than th e bow l. The je welers ot Paris hallg out c locks as In AlJ1e rlca, bUl not on e In a Illmd re d of them run s. In Paris, too. lb e jeweler's little broth er. tbe optlclnD. hang.s out a pair or Hpectaclell as In Alllerlca. But here this sign Is Quit e conventi onali zed. the rim at the glasses. tb e hrldgeplece and all belug ma de of brass til bIng an Inch thick aDd the two eyepleljes are of red and blue glru;s. In the good old days thouihtful American tobacconists uBed to pro· vIde wooden IndIans for small boys to whe el awa y on Hallowe'en IIlght, but the tobacco trust elimInated t hat. char. Ity . How the dissolution of that or· gnnlzDtlon has effected the wooden In· dian buslnesa none ot the American periodicals which reach Paris has tak· , "You Don't Know the Meaning of the en the trouble to say. H e re the slgu Word." of tbe tobucco stores Is a couventlon· allzed red cigar, the res ult of pl ac ing two equal cones or Un base to ha se. This sign Is at once the trade sign at Paris. tor , the sale ot tobacco being In a government monopoly, tobacco Blares Rre few and flU' ~etween and, as one American bere remarked. "The sight at one of thOBe red tin cigars II all Inspiring as a IIwlnglng latticed door In the waste at a high licenso town on a summer atternoon." In Front of the Hat Stor•. The old fashioned hailers at Pari. cling falthtully to a sidewalk II&n In th o'torm at the glowing curves of the high hat of' a ce ntury ago. ThIs, ar· tlcle at gent's furnishings. painted you hrlght red. with a yell o w band and a she yellow cockade. Is to be found e ·rery· bIg where In Paris, the only varIation beIng the red palmer's hal or the clergy s upply hou ses aad attempts ot mod· e rn establl~hlUents to repla ce It with mod els of ugly up to date derblel or <: 0108sal size. Anoth e r modernlzntlon Is eeen now and tben In the wny of bootmakera' slgos. The conventional old style sign Is a carved and glided wooden boot at classIc lines. The modern trav· est)' 18 an up to the minute American shoe of the brogan type , aleo of carved wood or papler mnche perbaPIII glided till It shInes agnln . Glove storea nnd haberdashera and notIon shopil generally announcE' their huslness by means at giant glo\'el sus. pended O\'er tbelr doors . These slgne, like all the rest. oro eIther attached to the signs tllrectly over the doors or are suspe nded from Iron supports ex,. tending tram the s econd story wall. Um brella slores hang out tin umbrel. las. usually opened Bud painted red. Immense gold scissors annOODCe cutlery stores. and gIant pIncers, overgrown planes and the dru.gllts' mar. tar nnd pestle advertise their 'o bvloua trodes. PaInt stores hang out pahltte. wIth brus hes stuck through the thymb hole. 01' merely equares of Bheet Iron 1>8fDt.. ed dla gooally with bars ot brIlliant col.qrB.


'lo.cksmIUiB are knowD by IlIIlIlaD.... golden ,ke:r,. Ulually the k4!:ra' .... 'of

home vlllagA . and Wal lIeverely taken tn tasle by hIm for leaving her sister to d ie at Ion 011 ness. Wh e n sh e tri ed to defe nd h er nctlon he \\'a vc d a s Ide he r explanation, but LADY'S SHIRT WAIS T .' his nex t words ope ne d the me ntal eyes of hIs bowlld cr ed lis tene r . "Th e only way out of It III for M I· rlam to lllll rry me. I have bee n want. ing he r to do It Cor te n years. 1 am not !:loins to sIt Quict ly and see b el' pllH' ;!way be for e Ill)' (')'c5-1 wa nt you 10 t(' 1i Miriam Ihat It III he r dnty to be 111), wife. not to kN'p a home for yo u (IS s he has alwa ),!\ In s l s t ~ d . You wo ulcl bo us dea r as a s lRt e r to m e and .. ollid bave n homo wit h us always it YO Il wou ld." J ocelyn ~ave a littl e la ug h. "You nearly scnrE'd til e to lieath, but no lY I EPe th rough YOUI' dC'CII lai d Bcbf' lD n . You know J hl'lv r III\I'a)' D lik e d you . OIl ,·C'r. Why dldn' t you ask m e to he lp you be for e. Ins t ead at I(ep pi ll/l you r courtl n !,: of MI ri a m HPcrC'l all this tlm A? T o-morro w Is m y day to r \' 1 ~ IUn g . nn d I "hllil su r(' ly la y down th e law tn my tl ~ ar old /loose ot a Rls· t r . She s hall be Itnpry, even It I ha\'e to fo rcl! l:l' r into It." " '\' tat n dumh·hend J ~av (1 be!'n ." H er e Is oomothlnJ; clove r and new r ClIlarlt <'L1 Ollvcr di sg ust edly . "I neve r dared sp ea k to yo u on th o subj ect for In s hi rt Wlli st de 5 1~lls. Th e garme nt relll' you would go Into h )'~ te rlr s - ~flr· mn y he mnd e In n 'gu illt inn lengt h or lam was sure th o m C' r e 811 "gf'S t Ion !n sh ort leno:t h ror attachi ng to Em· would brC'a k your hrart." li e gave plre s kirt. It ha s th e now s tylo d eep .I ocr lYll 'B b an d a brotherly squeeze ali annh oles and 18 fl lll~ h e d with II pret· t y lurn ·down colinr. Mohall'. aUk. he took bls departure. J ocelYIl kppt he r word , and on th e ponf,l'e or lin en Is a,·o lla blo. Tbe pattern ~ 69~ I) Is cut In e lzea da y follo wI ng gavo Miriam a sevo r o lpc ture on' her duty to th o IlInn who 32 to 42 Inc he s bu s t meas ure . Me dium hall loved lI !'r s o long and wnll r d for ~ lz{J will requ ire 21/.: yards of 36 Incb h e r so pa tien tly . f1 r tore s h e lett. a mater ia l. broth cr·hl ·la IV for h f'T'1Iplt had b~ T o pr ot" ure th l. pnt hrn. u ·nd I n ce n t. to come an ndmitted poss lhlllty In the ""l»n ttu n [) epo rlmcn\ " tl r t h l. p" l, ~r. Write. n arne- And nd d r ess p l a ln l ~· . and be IlLlre t o li ve nca r ruture. .isc. and Ilulnbe r or v atte r n. On r(' t urnln g to tho l\"or ton I·esl· denc e after't.hls Int ervIew, Its bouseke eper tound unu s ual sIgns ot ex· SI ZE: ... .... .... . .. .. NO 5921. cl te ment. NAME ..... .. ............. .......... .. .. .. "Oh , Miss Newell," WIIS thtl greet· Ing of Mary th e parlor·mald. "Mrs. 1 TOWN ................................ .. .. Norton's nephew has com e. and they IITREET AND NO. .... .............. . _. have been talking togp ther ovpr an hour. Jlfrs. Norton said put him In tbo STATR .............. .. ..... .... .. ........ . blu e room, and he would sloy n lon g ' .._ _ _-:=~==~~=::"--tim e she hoped." "I am glad he has come. Jlfary ; It LADY' S FIVE-GORED PETTICOAT. will do Mrs. Norton good amI we must make him comtortabl e." Joce lrn hast· ened to her room. teellng to h e r own surpri se decid edly blue. Removing he r Wrnps, she t h rc w a sbawl about h er shoulders, and slipped out of doors. Mrs. Norton and h er nephew were evid ently settled tor the evenlnlO, and a lone ly feellng came over the young housekee per ss she heard the ir voi ces In pas sIng. Atter ramblin g for some lime In thE moonli ght, Joce lyn seated h e rselt on 0 be nch by the boundary wall. and 5B ~B fac ed the situation . "'Vbat D. seltlsh thIng 1 am! Just because Miriam I! to be made happy In spIte ot h e rs elf, and Mrs . Norton bas tbe only per· Bon she has on earth le ft to love come to bl'lgbteiiner up, I fall Into t he dumps! It's a nice way of practicln!! the Golden Rule." But thIs selt directed lecture failed of Its effect, for to Joc elyn's dls¥ ust I . sbe found herself sobbing softly. Sbe 1 rubbed tbe tears flercely aWIlY· , Here III a Bplendld petticoat model. "Why MIss Newell, whal Is the and one eultahle tor de\,elopment SA matter?" asked n sympathetic voice. lawn, cambrIc. Batee n or silk. It II a as Jooelyn gav e a final dab. Sbe UVa-gored desIgn. which can be made looked up with n smrt to find hersell With or without th e flounce. The roar. confronted by n. tall young man. who CIE'nt I. perrect IIttlng over ' tbe blp., cont\nued, "Aunt Alma se nt me to which Insures the graceful lIet ot the bring her tre asured housekeeper In frock. out of the dew. but she will be sorry I 'fil e pattern (5898) Is cut In IIlz.. I founp you In tenrs. Csn't 1 do 22 to 32 Inches waist measure. Mesometblng to h elp you?" dlum II%e requires 6';4 yards of 8. "No, tor I am cryIn g because I am Inch tnaterlal with fiounce or 3% yarcll the most selfish creature on earth." of as·lnch matcrlal wIthout 1I0unce.. she answered. "Should y!'u sympa, ,' WIdth or lower edge 18 2'Aa yard .. thlze with sOllJe one who cried because she was going to have for a _ To I>ro<ur~ fhl. "attern , . end 10 a_to ta rDttcrn OIf'Purtmcnt' of thi. I)aper. Writ. brother·ln·law a man she bad always n.m~ and oddr••• "tolnly. and be lur. to at." liked?" aI••• and numb.r of ~ rn. "I should sympatbh:e with my aunt's perfect housekeoper whatever NO 581)8. tIlZR . ............... her trouble-sbe bas told me aU allout you-but I am glad It Is no NAME •. ·................................ .. worse." , TOWN ...... .. ............ . ....... ...... .. "Mrs. Nort.on III the best woman that ever live d." Joc elyn rose a8 she 8TRIJ:ET AND NO.. ................... .. spoke. "I must see . that she Is propSTATIJ: ... ........... .................. _ •• erly fixed for tbe night. Please don't tell her what a goose I have been." "You noed not tear tbat I will beCorner In Attar of ROles. tray a conHpenco." he answered. Engene Ralston proved a. great ail· As a result 9f a short crop. restrlot. dltlon to the bousehold. he carri ed ed harv eut through heat and CODS& both 711'1'8. Norton and her bousekeep. quent hi gh prices {or the fiowerH. the er off on all sorts of excursions. "I prIce of attAr of roses Is likely to be am a stranger and want to Bee the unusually high thi s season. PrIvati cnuntry .. " wne his excuse, and Joce- ad"vlees gIve th e BulgarIan crop at lyn silently blessed him a. she saw 126 ,000 ounces. against 170.000 ounce. the pink beginnIng to creep back into Inst year, hat other autborlUell con. Mrs . Norton's cheeks. sider this estimate to be overstated . Miriam was married to her patient. by 100 per cen t. A t any rate dlstlllcn Oliver In mld·summer, and the couple have to pay as much as 5% cent • • went for a short trip; but Jocelyn pound for tbe flowers, as compared found that only joy for her sIster filled wIth 3% CODts a pound last year and bel' thoul;ht. new season's atlor Is being quot~d at "I must be growin g les8 selflsh-l $21.90 net an English . ounCe. It •• certainly hope so." she saId to hel' estimated tba t 226 pouJlds ot 1!owen lIeIt. will he requIred to produce one ounce On the nlsht of the wedding Eugene !ltlar against th o av erage requlremont ' Ralston and Jalcelyn strolle d together. at 160 pounds. Local attempts to cor"It seems betler to have a brother· ner the supplies threaten to advall ; ) In law thllt you feared. doesn't It?" prices sUII fu rther. EUgene asked. "I am dellgbteil-I begin to hope Something of a NUlaance. that I am overcoming se1l1shnesB." "A I5hort·slghted lover Is aw(ull,. boil "The Idea of your ba Ing selftsh- Ing. Each Uma reopold wants, tQ Id•• you don't know the meanIng of tbe me, he stands In trollt of me a quarter word." I . at an hour polishing hIs glaBle8'''-i'U, . Jocelyn lauahed. "Thnl only ehoW1l .ende Biaetter. Mw lIttle you know of t'ho real me." "l know that Aunt Alma fouud a Wrong Kind of Genlu •• new lease of lire when 8M found you, "That mlln has . spent aU his Uf. nnd 1 know ' that wben I found ' yoil wasting ' 4Ils unQuest!Qb'a blo 'talent I found tile One 'Woman In tbe 'WOrld and IgnorIng .opportunltles' for fur me: Jocelyn 'w1l1 :ron man" mt;. cellll." "Yell." . answered Mlis and' let m,e Ion yon fD~veJ'i'~ enne. .. He bas.Jl POjllUve ceDlua .. Joee,yn II , nllsv.;cl'. :,rlll JI8\luUa,.. but wreaUng dereat

Practical Fashions





oEtinl1"; , "} tory." . t~ou,bt I waa oveJ:(!oijlllJg,;!lelll\bn,,!a.· ,~ " ". -:-;.-:i.-:-".,......:~~~~ ~hen .1. 'IV ~. OJl~. ~tl;;,;"'~, t~~Tn'n~ , ....,". ·E·!lsY.·.. u!,fIl'~~....~ ~'!ctAr~ly lI~tI8factory,(1)


(0 itc;aJ!, (or. .nJ~~~ "t: ' ~~~ll tiypc;;: '. '~olom0l!- "vJu, 11 W1s. · ~.H , eii~ l !0.". But Ul~ . N~te·• . UPI' , .'!Oh. he had, lt. ~.1:' l. TIf~I.m J w~ .....~ • -;}' . ' .~\lIt'catltJea i~ , ~rCl&7. ·JaOr·' cUd ... (CoPrrI~ ~< ~ .1i&1.'to de!llde~... 'IfItJa dI. ~'~ . ,.. ' eYeDI7 . divided.- . .'





JJ~W>1&lli19~ OO~W IR$lUJJ1~lR<9

JQ) II \W IT lW ~ 1& mJ lQ)

Of Comm()11I Plants Nhich Lay So Heavy a Burden Upon Our Agriculturist Quite a Num ber Are Cultivated as Money._-"-" M....,a=king Crops in jlllited St Cites.

lli1 Willilll& 00

~ra m(!

pass d th,' firs t slxteell yeaT!; u( lite . sr ll s illve t o nervous uls(' ases . He Is I: llb " c n L.'I all Y fur"ll;n " r , "",,,w n b ), t po!:e n or us se'l'iuu8 aud \i rls ht and all), bUl h i:! personal utl'Hu.lullt~ . wit" wlt b SOUlU Ilre wnse to SOC lu I IlIs t\uctli s ci In a positio n co m· w,'re at hlH fl\lnlly . In courl' rf'l1ce ll lllill811e8sed by his p:u e n l. Ilarnbl e t o tha t or 110 !! \'e n ' With th o h r eutes t o r tb os Il wlio Tbll'd among th e sons. and ooe t: 11I\ M' rllI' on e nr l h . Olh · served bitll , hl ~ ra c p wa ~ lIen' r s ho \\ II, all IU II !,; the Iw,·IVt; ch ildren or Ih .. lale er (' lll \lerO r S, w('st (>r n (o r h e sat hldu f' 11 II Itbill R can o py . on e mp e ror, Yo s hlh llo b:,,1 110 grea l e r un n , ·a s t e rn . are hUI Iii.! luw lltron,,·platfornl frolll whi c h :','a HUII to XIlL'c L a s uccess iun to h U\· · Itllflllln , Yoshlbl lo In Ih e hi. (I('{ h'r a cume , '1'1 11 six l ee n y('ur" Irf'l g lll Y lha ll hud allY uf his ~ r uL I1 · ey. H of his 6"b je ets Is (I( a); .. h e hU d II t' l'er walk ed - and th " " r s , ha tl th. ·), 11I'('d . for II I " t h" cu s ~OUl dlv lr,... atl of \\ :tlking wa , ' lit h hlll1 a stiff d th!' "III I,c rur Iu Il o nlliut c hi • • ue T Ill' 6u('('('sslon o r o t h· lI ntl har ~ h Il" a ct leu to lit " t.ntl , 1' ,, 11 . rl' '''!-! ~) r fr u lH ll l l" In O:::i l II lit 1.\ 111:LI P r l al er f'ln[)f' rors III dlltl(l e d luO. Is Lho IIlld ac e lal ll i (I t illl1l1 tll pra Old)' 1J,·IIl/l IIl1w,ll I, ), t hp rart Illa l fllld d i!, "nllll('rl <' (~ : th/lt IJ:,· " ballzals" \\h pll1 " ''' 1' thl' 1'111/)"1' III: Ill Uti t be ut I·o) .li bl uc t! . Tit" 1I 1':lt lt of )' 08hllllto I~ cOl! lpIN<' anrl ~ c tr ·:; u r · or'M pr(>bCIIC C Is uu se n (' d uy til!> tl LO ·o r his tW'o cl d t'r tJJ'ot !H" · ~\. ~l U\\ I~ \ e r, fir :" ,'I . O ne Itull" ... ·d and tw e nty· pl e -- (ol' It c am e Into .Japan II itilin tlt /· I IH' lIl'jf HI} \ a ~ l ro;. al IJl· r :-. p(·('tt v \."s tu th ir d :: U\·, J't·1 !\ 1I o f 11I ~ lin e . he tracl''; la , t lifl eeu yea rs ann 10 lit" s \;\ rl o; o f )' >llI hlto . tl u d III l~o7 It e " " ~ 111110 h i" I'ora l d £' H" fl llt b:J.C' I( tu ti ll' olistti pr ()I1 I· . · ~H . lI ~ ro,..' tltat tillil ' a d,, :, rl 1' ...t : ,.." ,1 h t ' lr ul l pa r , 11 1, I n' i ll l; lJ ro· or t h ,~ wo rld . ba,' l( Nix hUlldn· tI Y"ll rH I " iI~ll(, (\ ha rl RI"' k(: n lJa l lona l rt', ,,ect · ,'Ia i"l<' d cro w n lJllI,n' I:J I ~ X ~ I .. nd III n· . lj(' Fnn' tit" tl llle or (, hri s t. 111 d ea d ~ i"' lI c ,' and ' y<:s lo\\en>,1 ali I! \" " :. hllll lo ',, lift. il. Il ~ (' ~ II""t y, ' ar ~ Il ut'k. In (act. tu Ih l' b r<?llt h e ro k nb e Ihl' ! · hult''I'~d wlllt! () \\,ij ot bOUHU" 1'I1t.·c ll'u th e ('ha ll ;;"] "'JlII! :: "'" II r at J a pan. whe'll t ''', go ds we r e callt-tl a lo ll ;; Ih (' s tr el'!. . 1~lI ) all 11 M W~ ~ l, n . u~ ht L11) U I' !;\tll' l' i\1 UpOll to e rea l E' a l;t nd rroIU lbe liquid Yos hlhlto will lI 11d o llhud ly be le a ll)'. nlld n tkl /d c u .cb"ul III t h,' ('01 · Is la nd!! of til, o lr - tlnd th ey c reat ed vIewed by bls suhi"' el M us c l ()~ ,. r to "'b C or I' t"' rti II hk " I ~ illt l' llII<-el t(ll' Jal lllll . Ih eo hU llla ll opecl"" tl ,all a ny of th l! t he r'du (" aLiu ll or Ji cl!lce H nud n uL l e~ . rOr bu t willcll I~ ope ll LO .lil. lI ~ r e Iw 1,'rum t hCRf' gOl! ~ h e claims d ~ · c lnp erors Ihul preced" d him , . c e nt. IIl1d !l o t eV '~ ll th o mos t highl y ~ V(: lI hl ~ fat he r b"sall hi ,; r e ig n ns th " wo rk e d wnll t i p ! r e s t , "ll ti S PSfi in ~ up \1 rl\"II",~efi lll lp<J S,' ~ :., s ... d by the moat edu cal e d unci ~cle nLllI c::l lly mluded \l ~ac tl ca l Il r iS/II" 'r of }'I H own d ~ l \1 Jav ull e8\l will dl s pllte It. That Is tbe calion. Pri o r to I SG8 h e- nt; wern his o bocllre. and "Ith a ~ u ll c tu R lity In· s ltite d upon from eve n "iUl. tbe d e· ('bard or beller wh Ic b no mo de rn 60' pr odecessorll for hUlldn' u8 of years pit Isticatl o n can pie rc e. The dc ad was tbe s pl p. ndldly Iso la l(' d but pl'ac · sC Plld :1I1 t uf tb e gOJH . In th is way ),ltlls uilllU haH ta k e n his harhorage tical prlsoll e r of'th e Bhog un, in who sf' CU III U tbe CU I11IJ11raU \'e <1 e \' c lu l'lII Clll 0 1 "lib h is fellow g od s, lind Yosblblto, hand s th o real admini s t ra tiv e power h i. social Ins t in cts , for. un lll,,- ~Iut · la~· . The geherallsslmo ur the (orces . s ubl to. It €' pr(> (e rs t u talk di rec tly reI gn Ing, Is or hi s blood . th e Rhogun , also controlle d th e ad with his o mpa n )' th a n through the Thi s. In part, eX \JhLlll~ the IIttltude mln lstrative functions or gover nmen t. a ugust lotermedl nry o r court oil\clals. or \' ene rall o n In wbi c h tb e Japanose while th e emperor hlm sc Ir " 'a s m ere· Lil le r . howeve r . htl came under the r egnrd Ibelr rul e r, e XjJlalns the s e nti· Iy a sple ndid figure - too s an e,1 b y ca r e ot a lut or. G e ne ral O k u. who was m e nt which ma.rks him forth from rar to Indul ge 10 tbe Ignobl e occupa· a ssisted Ill' a Mr. Adach i, wbo s (>crns bro lbe r eOl'e r e lgo s. It Is 11 lI e ntiment tloo or "doIng tblngll." tl' hav e !l(\e n Iin g ui s ti cnliy In cli ned. whIch rew Japan es o will dlscus8. And the pe rsonality or tbl s ne w rul · (o r t h!' preselll em p ' r or s pe nks Eng· . "It Is a senlfme nt." said one to the e r, wbo cOrnml1ndll m edieval r cspect IIsh and l"rench, as well a s German . -writer, "which It Is ImpossIble ror a from a nallo n so ultra·mod ern as 1 he From Gell l' ral Ollu b e s tud l rl mill· Jllpan ese to analyze . Ilod " 'hlch It an- Japancse? ta r y tac ti cs an d ('nr ly prover1 that In al yzed no foreIgn mind could compre· A slight. sIDl\lI'chested figu r e o or 10 ' .1allan roynlty Is so m e thing or n tall 8' hcod . eltpanslve sboulder and somew hat mall .. At thirtel'll h e was a lI eu lr-n· "It s prIngs partly from the Inten8e ffllll bUild - a figure wIth a head ab o ant, nt slxtcen co l o~e l or th e Ja palll'!1! Ideall s lll of th e people Ilnd 115 really normally Il1rge, coal black eyes, the army . In the se early ye ar8. frOID our a peculiar rorm or patrIotism, It Is Coarse black haIr, th e soml'wbat a8 If th o .Japanese nation were rev· 80m bre expressIon. and th e unders hot western ' viewpoInt. h e II.ed 0. life of eren cl ng Itse IC. tor It b plleves that It. too . s prang from tho gods lind that It Ie of th o family of t h o em pe ror . To a nation wblch r e \'c re nc es Its anees· tors . the empe ror rerlresents a link b etwccn th e prese nt Japao and every· tbln g lhnt hns gone berore-a 1I0k perhaps. be t wee n t be materIal and tbe slllrit worlrl. H e Is at once an ele ment ot mysti cism an d the embodl· m £' nt or mate rlul national strength . It Is nR Ir,"-th e J apanese !,:c otleTDso pllnsed-"you could merge the seotl· ment or [l noman nlhollc tor th A popo and th e atrectlon of It. p eo ple for a g r eat kIng ." H C:<'<


1'~I R u lnf: BO\' 'rf'l 1,; n of J llIJll rJ b e tound 111 m · Iii "

!Irisin/! t rolll n J'(·,ldl. b· brown. b ra nchill/( r OOl . Is n blenulAI 1",lo ng ing In tlHJ [1 0 1' 1'." ramil)". nnd hk e oth~' r memb " rs or Ih is r lolllllly , " l) lltulne a ll a c rid Ju ice. Th .. "n tl cc pl" "l Ie ll se d In mnll tng m ~' '' lc hlf' . It bllo uhl , bl' coll e rl d \\'h nih " IoNb Is In tl o\lE' r·1 Th e Ir"' h pl~nt htls lIl1 unpi<'lIhant. I a rT ld o do r \\'11<'n brule('tl, Lill t In lh~ I rlrl N! s t lll(' It 1M o (l Qr l (Os~. II It a ~ II pI' r· l~ l .. t. ·nt :1"rld ~"I\ , (J1110 '" hat s~ l t y ' a s \('. 1 ( . ·llInd!:JC' IS all o ld rf'II\('<l y. It 1:". " At ha r ll c r rc, ,, '· r l l( ' ~. 1.1"011\01"5 I,pr·

1:\l1( ) III ',\ h i t 11 w o 1:01\ .(' l1n d ~ ' rl ll" \' n 10

spi Jutlon and h ;l;i h een ll R("I d tiS n;, ,'(


~ILtI. ' s lr tll~


Slv' r'll l" r rl:r ntR a mC ll " \l nl ~' of nr-· purlll n lt\ ·. Ttl,' I'CI' ds 1) ( \·.(:, · ,l ~ -· b o rn ... by Ihe ;',1 1111>. S" il ll" I'C'O b y Illlr.rrHol" \' \ bird " . " 1~l r i l ' Il I" rI b y ntl"ll · \·...l tcrs or


a handrul of Instance. out of

Talent ' Neglected Their


Wive.. .


to further /lIs po;ter y Inventions. l'ie1tber of Napoleoo s, two w:l ves waa llltpP1 or W9U treated. ~ullu8 Caellllr


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'l' he r c urcd I BOll


shlp~ IIIJ ~


Celand ine: naturOilill:eo (rom Europe, found Ir. rich, damp soli along lenee. and rOldsldea. \!

IMeds. DON'T MARRY A GENIUS. ---~~'------~--~--------Hlatory Show. Men of Extraordinary ber husband burned up bel' rurnlture

V I.

J,. r·

Get (joan's at lO Y ()ru g: Store, 5!)c.

EMPEROR YOSHIHITO. r emarkable Illdepfl nd e.nco or pare ntal ('ontrol. He occupi e d. almo s t rr om In · ran ey, a palace or his own . not, \Jow· ever di sta nt from tbe emperor·s. with all thIs at mosphere of tb E fe udal . ho\\:ever, Yoshlhlto Is thor· oughly In nceord \\'Itb the mod e ru spirit or his country. In many r,,' sjJf'elS h e Is tin ged with EurollcslI babits to n d egree not e ven ap' proach ed by bls rath e r . In 1906. when bls three·slorl e d pa I· ace wae built at n cost of $:100.000 . It was Europe an r u th e r than Japnn esu In charac t e r. Even 10 bls I:nonirial mom e nts. too. he uses Eure~ean drf' "s. Sucb Is a slight portralt of Yo shl · blto. new emporor of Japan, who. Jiresumably, will desert bls own pnllice and Inherit that In which tb.c laLe em· . peror Uve~.

Aa Ohio C O" .. F r !"d 1 1111 riA,

h 1.1 f nl ' .. l , h," gnn " I}l Ifllf' 1'lI o.n "8 tu. tl I ', IJlI'; " \I'11 ..


jaw of lhe great emperor. his tather. In his august' posltloo today he seems somewhat or ao anomaly to the wcst. ern eyes, for he Is not the son or the empress or .Japan, but of one a! Mutsohlto's lesse r wIves , tho cnuntess Yaoagaware, and chosen by th e last e mperor as that sovereign's Ruccellsor under tho law of Japan. He Is Ihlr. ty-one years old. aod witb the cx.cep· tlon of a slight Illness. hardier thun he has ever be e n. For Yoahlhlto haB bee n a trail figure since Infancy-a sufrerer rrom a constitutional complnint which car. rled off his el,ler brother, and whlcb the unusual size or his head sufficiently suggests. He Is a Buffe rer Cram lVa~ . ter on the brain. which, however, 1m· pairs bls mentl'.1 faccltl es not . the least, but only renders. him uousually

Commo n sen se will do moro to cure Lnclml'l1O 11,,,, n nn ythln g e l s e. 'T wil l lell you wllet il e r th,. Id<lneYB ' :Ir e so r(', PlVoll c n tl nrl nc hlng. It will t ~ 11 VOl: In Ihu l rn s" th:lt thero Is n<;l u s~ t ry in g In cure It wl l h a 1) I~ s tl'r. Ir 111(' )I ~:,; a"I'S fir e sC'n nt or tll O f r"IlI,,' nt , proo f t ~ : :t t tiH'r e Is IlIcln c v t 1"0111, 1.· 1,-, r OlT'p i<-te. 'I' h f'n ('Otn ll1l)n f,"n£(! will 1,,11 F l lI to us e D o an '~ 1\ l' l\l e~' 1' llIs, thl' bl'R t re e· ollltn ,·nd, ·tI . prc lnl kldn<'y r e medy.

O l"'{ n t" ~

III th lnriin/! ,, ( ,'u IllP IR. or lll s semlll lltc tl by II'h utp ver olil e r Jnl' nns - hn,'" been Ihe tl1 C' an s Il r ,"tI\'('r lng the bar p r odes II ll cl di" s,' rl s or many a r eg Ion . In tli<' ('o ur s n of likes . wll h II cult h nhle E" II. lind Ih us p rc lluillr; th e laud ror bum a n hoblla llon . A " \\'<,<,d oo 1.00, h"s bee n til f' Ilrog. '" ltor of man)' a plnllt 1I0 W ep <l ulOll s ly (' uilivuled In fi e ld, ga rdf'n e nd ordwnl. Our wh .. nt nnd O~ls ore "Imply df'vt'l opmenis rro m two wild grass es; ollr uppll's an t! ppars lire the c hildren or tbe wild roE S ; o ur m l' lone, tOlll u t<*S, bl!ol! ts n nd CI\UII. ! n ow~ r hl\\'e co me to u s , th rough Il g PB or fl"o lutlon , fro m Insl !l ultlra nt \<e .. d g. And or the co mmon w eeds which IllY tiO h('"v>" n burd()n upon our agr l ·u l. ture todl1Y, Qult() .. unmbe r are c ul tl· vated as mOtley ·mnkln g crops for use In the manu fac ture o r c' h e mlcals , m ed · !rlnes nncl dye s lun'S; and tbls not Horehound : thrive . In waste plac•• merely In tore lgo countries, but In our where plant. are protected :III winter · own land . Among t he nutnorou~ planls com · by anow. m onl y kll o"":rt :IS 1I'''<!ds nre »(lppermlnt and lp~nrmlnt. w hi c h ure round not p c torn lli. The jui ce hus bl'en em finly In the wild sta\.€ but the c ultlva- IIl oyed eXIl'rnally (o r wa rls. corna Bud tJoo of ,,' hl c h ror Ihe dl stil lntlon or 50m(l forms o r ~!l ln dl s('asee . HOI'('holln<l g rows In rlr), sandy or slono), Boll, In waH" plu c<:'s !llong road· si des n nd lIl'ar d we l1lll rls . 10 fields aud pas t ureH. It Is founrl rr om Maino sOlltlrwu rd to thl' C"ro lill uz, Texall and w(>stward to Califo rni a a nd Oregon . It Is v 'ry n hU lIdan t In pastures In Oregon !I nd ('nllfo rnla . Bnd ('s pecially In Hou l hern CalifornIa, where It Is a "e"y tro ub l€sotne \\',·"d . ('overing vnst arena ane'l In s u c b dc nse ma sses os to c rowd out o l h ~ r vPgctR l lo n . Th.. (('3"PS nnd lOPS the pari s l1 6€d In m c rJlc'lne . Th es c are gatbererl ju s t before the illatlt IR In flower, the I;l)l\rsr s ialks bel nr; r(' jected . They s h (l l:ld be '('arefully dri ed In the shade. Th odo r Is pl<!Bsont, rather aromatic, but dimini s h es In drying. The tas\.€ 18 IJilt pr nnd IJ Crslstent. The prIce 01 horehound Is nb ou t one to two oentll a pOlll1d . II Is w('11 known liS a dom e s\l(1 remedy ror colds and Ie 01 110 used II: dysp<,pslu . Jl loth erll'ort , co mmonly culled 1I0n·s· Motherwort : Introduced from Eu en r Bnd 1I0n·s·tall, Is round sbout rope Into this country; grow. In waste ,1\\' (' llI n l;s nnd In wuste pla ces, Ite mngc In thla cou ntry ex tendIng trom _,Iacell. Nm'a Scot ia to North CarOlina, Min · : he all eonlltltutes nn' Important Am e r· nesolu and Nebraska . It be longs w Icll n Industry. gspec lnlly Is thl8 true I h e m int r~mllY . T h., leaves and flow e ring tops nre of peppermint, thousands ot a cres !J€ . l!l g dt! voletd to Ihe cultlvnlloo or thle ,"oll ected during Iho flowering season. t, principally In the slates or Th e y ha\'o un aromn tl c odor aod n Mlcblgan and New York. A number ve ry bll tpr tustC'. The prI ce rao g E's or other plants furnIsh usetul oils. from \2'h to five ce nts n pound . Moth· s uch ns 011 or wln te rgrecn, pennyroyal. e rwort has stlmul=t, slightly tonlo fleabane t.llnsy, wormwood Ilnd fire· propel·tles , Rnd Is u &ed IIlso to prowe ed . 'Tbo soot hing proPerties or mote »(lrsplrnt\on . wltcb hazl!I ' werc know n among th e Indlanll, nnd It Is slill employed , or tho relief or lonamma tory coodltlons. The mecllenl U90CS ot the weeds or herbs des e rlbed are rercrred to In a t--rnmrt'T1w,"ty--only, sInce It Is not wIth· In tbo province of Sll arUcle ot tbls lelnd to GI\'e detailed Information In Barnyard Manure Applied to Crop !'egard to such matt e rs. Advi ce con· ce rnlog th e prope r r e m edies to use Will Give Largest Reshadd be s oughl o:Jly rro m physicians. turns_ The atatements mnde here as to the

"Will th e prC8l'nt e mp e ror prese rve for blmso tr the tull !!e ntlm e nt wblcb th e people had ror his rather!" was . .ked . Tbe Japanese s hrugged . "In a' measure, ve rhapl5. Wholly. ~rhaps not," he answered. " That be will commnnd II peculiar reverence Is ce rtain from tbe r C6.SDllS J Itave given. which are Inherent In ·t.he nation . Thnt th e alTection of the people will be as g r eat B8 that gl.en . to tbe late empe ror Is doubtrul. You aee, the la et soverei gn In s pl red and con· troll e d .Japao from Its g rowth tram a leudal land to a worlli·wlde nation. From th o Ume tho grent princes or dalmlos surreudered their powers and estates to the granting of a modern aod ,"olun tary coostltution In 1889, hIs was the Initiative or each succesBlve ad· Tllnee. He bad done more even than the nnUon expecte d-eertalnly more tha.n ever had been accompllsbed tor a ~-tlon.....tlefore. T-hnt record ?I'ns per· Bonal to him and Is responsible ror tbe personal love wllh which he Is rcg ..rd· ed. We bonor and reverence tbe new 1I0verelgn- yes. He Is emperor. l1e Is the emborlled spirit ot Japan. But, love? Evco an emporor must earn Ion ror himself." I So enters Yoshlhlto, the new em· peror of .Japan , lipan his klngdomthe recipi e nt. In w es t e rn eyes, of Itrange marks ot .Jlll'anese respect. For It tbe . race followM tbe precedents «tven to M utsuhlto, Yosblhlto's lIame wl\l not be pronounced by any of his subjects. " The sovereIgn," "the emperor," he will be; never Yosblhlto. To call the nnmo of Yo· ahllilto will b e sacrilege. It would be .s If a sbrlne had been ass8l1ed. And that III only a small lodlcatlon or the res pee.t wblch th e JaPanese will ,Ive blm 8s a sove re lgb. No man or woman wllf alt be rore hIm. Nooe, It eonveutlon be maintaIned, will speak directly to him. for It Is the CUHtom to a.ddresB tbe emperor of Japan only through memb e rs of bla houaebold . In his llresenee even tbe greatest will look upon the grouod, unless the em· peror be place\l at Borne elevation, when It IB permissIble tbat the eyes be railed, nnd even this Is 11 conceslion to the new world ot tbl.ngs In Japan. Fo~ Mutsublto, Ihe dead em)leror,

Tll al "f" ·. ' r~' rlltnt t hat ~r n ws hns "Olne uR"(ul Inl sslo n" Is now ,:;c ne ra ll y nckoowl(' <I ~ ('d , Thai Ihe humau' raN' hns he!)n. o n thfO \I Iio lp. mor o IHrgcl y th e b ~ncn ~l nry Ih nn the vi c tim or w .. e d ~ be" ''' ", e 5 fO \'i rlellt 10 nnyone who \\ 111 ' ·<J II l-ili . r \\' h lll lTlif'!ht h:l'" b(,pn Ih" ~Ol !l lll l ~l n or lar r." l'o !'! iolllS or t he na l' lh 's .urfac·, ' hilt fo r I h .. ~ , ' I f· p rr· !)a · saling ~ {'I I\' l tl" 5 ClI' t h" myria d fo r m" nr v'g (' ln l lJ n wllil'h ", r ,·,,1 1 "('"IH. b ll l whlrh 1"0 1!' :lt r"p ru hul<J ry IIRnHl o nly \I h(>1l Ih f'Y grow lI 11 ln\'lt",1 o n


medlcloal uses of the tbree plants delerlbed .. rll baled on Inrormatlon con· tained In various dispensatories and otber workl relatln, to materia

m.dica. Celandine, also known by several other ':Dames, Bueb ao tetter",:ort, w ..rtweed, ,J,a cob'B lad~e~ 8w..!-"ow: wort, QOJDDlI'D thrpughont the eDUr~ norUi4!nst . B8ctl~n. ot our' coun?'Y;', ~, throqhou( the ' l'qole . of ~. ,orth i4llDPerate reef,o n. ' : •.


, >,'i'K{e ' f"

tlUt;,T;'~ 31a". I'I,tMr ~ •



,. ,



Why you need Resinol Ointment Tb·. Ramo Bootb lnfl', beaIlDfl'•• DU •• P. lie rropertl." th.l mn~ . ((0I1nol Ol D~ n: (' ut 1'> 0 t"rte("tl'Y" for attn e rllptlons. .1 00 nlDI,o It the Ideal boulehol4

r ewedy fot Fflonll ('la, pl •• Cold · .o rl!ll~

lIrul ...

ChaODa' / Sllnc. I'll ..

flc .. tcbd Wo nn'l. S or~.

DoUa JrrltaUou a Iroro ot other troulll •• wblrh con otaotly arise In no.y bom., "'1""dnlly ..-boro are cblldren. That 18 wb y nc. lnol Ointment .bould bo OD 70ur mcdlcll11 ,beU. na41 tor Imm.. 41atll ... c. Toor 4","~ ...R. An~

SampIe free.•

It. bllU orco nuono 1&0.101. and • Dl1n1:ltcre ct.!:e of ROIlnol Soap. wr'to 10 DopL. !;Jlt. lloolnol Ohomlcal 00 •• 8a1t1mo .... ltd..

Adulation Plea5ed ROUlleau. Rou sseau , wbose bicentenary ccl. brallon occasion ed a riot 10 Paris the othcl' day, crealed a sensation wben be viSited Englaud lu 1766. "Rousseau a nd bl s Armenian droBs ," wrote Lor4 Cbarlemont, "were rollowed by cro wds wh('o he first arrIved In London a nd IlS long a8 this species ot 'ldrnlration las t ed he was cootented ond happy. GarrIck not 001), gave a supper In his bouor, but played two charnctcra specially to please him. ROlI s lienu was highly r;ratlfied, bul Mrs. Ga rrick declared that abe had never spent a mor e unpl easan t evenlog In her lite, the philosopher beIng 60 anxious to display blmself. and hancrng over the rront of the !lox so much. tbat sbe WlUI oblige d to !lolt! him by the ~klrts ot his coat to pI .. ve nt him trom falllni over luto the pit." Best Book. for ChIldren. Eugene Field, asl.ed for tbe best ten buoks fol' youllg people under sixteen years of age, Is said to bava liv e n thiH list: "Pilgrim's Progress," " Hoblnsoo CruS()e," Anderson's Fairy Tales, Grimm's Fairy 'fales, "Scot.tlall Chl e rs," "I3lack Deauty," "The Arabian Nights." "Swiss Family Robin· son," "Little Lord Fnuntleroy," "Tom Brown's School Days," for boys. or for girls, "Llttle Womeo." Ilut a r eally clever woman I. too clever to show It. A FOOD CONVERT Good Food the True Road to Health.

The perni cious habit Dome personl IItJll b a ve ot relyIng on nauseous drugs to relieve stomach trouble keep8 up Ute pl1tent me dI cine bualness and helps :',*,p up tbe army or dyspeptics. Indlgestloo-dyspepsla - Is caused b :r ",but Is put luto tbe stomach In the way of Improper rood, the kind that so taKes the strength of tbe digestive orgnns they arc ncl nally crippled. Wben tbls state Is renched. to resort to tonics Is Ilke whipping a tired horse with a bIg load. Every additional effort he makea under the lash dlmlnlsbes his power to move the load. Try h elping tho stomach by leaving olr heavy, grenay, Indigestible food Bnd take on Grape-Nuts-lIght, easily diges ted, tull of Itrength for nerv. . nnd brain, In every grain of It. Thel'lll'l no wasto of time nor energy -wbeA Grape- Nuts Is the food. "I am an enthuslastlo UBer of Grape. N\f~8 Dnd coo sider It an Ide&l food." writes a Maino man: "r had nervous dyspepsia. Dnd was toll run down and my food seemed to ~o me but little good. From read In. an advertIsement I trIed Grape-Nuts tood, and, after a tew weeks' .tea47. u se of It, felt greatly Improved. "Am much atrooger, not nervoul now, nnd can do more "Work wllhoat feeling so Ured, and am better ev.1'7. way. "r relish Grape-Nuts best wlth cream and use tour b.aplng teaspoonfuls as the eereal part of a meal. . I am lure tbere are thousands of ~l'8Onl with atomach trouble wbo would ~ b~.. fI~d by ualng Grape·Nuta ...·-Namoe Il'!o" .en by. POBtum.Co.. Battle Qree~. M1cJi.~ Re ..d. ...tb. lI~U. '.~. , ~ w.nvlU .... .In .pkp. ''Th'''~.' & '1MoI •

A grpnt advaotage In n rotullon Ie thut ba m yarrl m a uu re DlIPllo rl to the crop Ihu t will !(Iv<! Ih e Inrl:est. ret. urne for th() appll cn tion. rath e r than to the II Id mus t In !leed or manure , Irre· spectlvc or t be crop grown. It hall b ~ n d('monRt rntpd orten " !lough thot mrlllllre a pplied to root nnd corn cropti will be dtectlve not only ror the fol · lowIng grain nnd hay c rops. but more of Its fcrtllizln g elem en tR nro usoed In profilnbl e production thnn If applied dlr<1ctl y to tho gra in crops. or co ur!l(). It Is not the best polley to slick to On() rotation for t oo long n perIod . On most of our rarm s a short rotn l lon at first might "ery prontably be follow ed by a longer ODe, as tbe fe rtility of the field Is In c rensed . As n sample tbe rollowlog common rour·year rotation may be cited : FIrst Year-Hoed crops; Roota corn, potlltOetl; balance of tbe qllartf'r section In peas or rape. Ma· nure applied to t bls I14!ctlon. Second Yeo.r--Graln. ThIrd Year.,.....Hay (clover) . Fourth Year-Hay lind pa~tu~. A ~tudy or tbls rotation will sho .. that It Is In accord wit!!. the prlnclpleM or rotation. First hoed crops, talrlY deep f~ders, allowing cultivation ahd cleaning of the land, and adapted to a large application or nitrogenous rna· nure; second, the grain, Bhallower feeders, on a mellOW seed bed. and with the plant food well balanced; followed by tbe grasses (qlOBt 11 clover) nursed by grain crop. tee4tnll and obtalnIng mol.ture frOID- ·the BUbo loll al 'YeJl ali from the surface 8Cm. and gatherIng nItrogen from the ..II', , IOD." .~ - • • ·o me ot, 'lll'hJch II used hI :be IJUped .m-. _

's QhoCid ~rolll" , .


Durnil Ben ld.



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• 1'he eBtate of Mllrtba L. Marsh Il becile. Veda J. a .lyn.,1 Jileu first • deceaeed, first account . ' .nd fiuu,1 aocou·ot .

... "'w... w...~_~ ;.,..~"'a__~

Th~ . d~ate of Burry E . Dila'otlh, The eS'IIote of Glen Bild.brand, et Bent. Firllt account o( "ulltee . 1101, minOlrll . Seoond RCOOO.t. ~umbtr &tbtn Real Estate Transfers .lurors Drawn The e8tate of Elton M . • adley ai Tbo e.~ tate ot Roy O. Barkr •••r, HIIJden Parish aDd Dora Parish 01, benf. ~Ixth oed fiaal acoount. et el, m ilnors . .l ... n P. H&rkrader, We. t,he und erHIIllled, Dan P . bls wife to IS. T. Wiggins, lot I. Thl PiI'ate of J . L .omine, de. gaardlall fil.d his fiOlll Moeunt all B '1111, Clerk"f Lh. Common Pluu Milson, I~ and oth er oonliderlltiODs. oel8l'd . l3euc od RCCO uut . to J . My r on Harkrad e r. " . lIH! HId FrBtlll P Forgy . ti h .. riff Net tie Ayer:! and John 1'. Ayer8, rL e estlll,e of AbrahaUl Bailey, deIn the mllttar of tbe estate 01 d , h "n~by oertlf y I.hlt thll foli o" Illi J ohn Myron Bal'krllder, deoellse<i. I .. e oorreot I\ ~t of .)llm "l dr.wo hllSUlllid lino wife to IIdward IttIbaw. oeR8cd. Final account . hllD, about U norell. U and other 'l'l,e eatote of John R. Kibbey, Roy C. Harkrader l.ppolnteli admin. r ' l1lU ,or, box, the 6r.. 11' of whom oonslderationll. benf , !:lecond .. ccount , i8'rator giving uood . • rfl t.n •• rve AS 0 rll.d .I nl'or. elld Rosa II McCroRoa ' a.d Oloyd 11Ie estllte of.Esther Brown, .. InaI'. Roy C. Harkrader acoepted apo r"IllHlntolC 20 ,,, .. "rv' Pe ti t Jurorl f"f ~ ald CIlurt· for the Ootob.r t erm , ~oCr0800 to !:lamuel Mar.olls, Mllx Jalll lls R . Br'l wn ,ullrdlan ordered peie t_e nt a8 administrator. Mllrgolis anG A . \t . • phrath about to oo nvey til uer tb u r6.d ~tI'ute anll The otltllte Gf , B. Callkey . not lay back and allow your Grand Jurors SI aorell of lalSd In Turtlecreek t'WD' dlsotlarge nil IIf hill obli.::atiena to Firtl' Inu tinRI ncoount. ~h tp , U aod oth e r oonslde.atlon . aocouDt t l,) ber IlS .. uob ,ullrdilln, Tbe etltllw ul 8 . • "11" deoealel. competitors to draw business to F . A. Y nrb l... . : .. .. .. .... Deertiel4 Tp Addie O . IlIluklelon , of Franklin, she havi[;/I bUClllntl of 1Ij!8 bllid ao ~eoo nc1.,oool1nt. Waynesville hy good advl:"rlising whil e II It N 1111. .. .. .... .. ..... .. .. J'rnilhn Tp >'0 Frln k M . Bowe aDd Alioe D . oonDt alll,)wod , tlpprOvilu atICl con. 1n the TlIa'ter of the estate of .rent Leu ob .. ... ...... . Ol.,.rorf' e~ 'I', you reap a portion of the benefit. Dc, Howo , lot 10 Frl\nklin. Coosiden. tined . Danltll 13. 'Wooll&rd , Ae08ased, AII'M ouker ............... FrRaillla Tp YOUR share and thus increase the T~e e8tllt. of liar, E Bolin, de. Court orderl CAeorg. II. Woollur4 tt on U~O .~lllh M . llohlolluo ... .. .\u Tp Milton T Jlkwthol'n to Dora BerCOOBl'd. J'ir~t •• coollnt. Ilppoi lltllrl udminls tr .. tor . business of all the merchants of the J 1' . Commlnge ..... ....... .. WIlJe. Tp 1 est~te In Frnnillin, The esh te of Artdi!loo K. ~hller, Marriage Licenses l or, r e .. B. B. B.I\ ...... ..... .. ..... . Deerfield Tp town. A town with a live bunch of J'lmeS L . Ora' ... .. ... .. .. I!'ra .. tllln Tp other conliderations . deoeused . Fi rR t R nd fieal /l(loount CLurioll M. Robl,zer, Sf, miller advertisers is the town that eventually Cbarlpl! E. Katon, of }'rt\nklm to Cb , • . A. Grahum ... ... Cle.roresk rp Tb'3 eMt,ute of Cuoli •• W. Moorl', and Mh!:! .)eSriIO L.eah Marlatt, II, comes to the front. Help boost your Perry Eornhflort ....... .. Olll.r ()rel~ Tv Alfred .eam, lot in Pt\rk Plaoe, ad · benf . Nill'il uooount.. b(lt.h of Way.eaville . Rev . C. Ii. t1it.ton to Franklin, 11 and otner own city. EArl E . Aoht"rwl\n .......... I .. lem Tp Th. estde of E\t;l;tL Pflrrine, de· Grauler. ChM. A. D ... &o ........ Tur'teoreok Tp oon~lderation • . oea!led. First Rnd flnal acconot. JRrnelil H . Wi •• ins, 18, autom~· Raym ond Campbell to Edward David"' . Taylor ....... .. Hl\mllt on Tp The Istate ( f Wlililim at,outen· bi\.-" but!llnel" or IIItrer4 , Ubio, and Of'orge COddington .. ....... .. ~Illem Tp "Bnlley, two lots In Franklin, co.· boro1lgll, 4ectlll!;oll. Kutheriull M. MillS Irma "aur~, If, of lIason . Ubarles Mudd.n .... : ........ . M.ssle Tp Ildera tiOD $510. Btoutenborougll tbe exeontrlx filed Rev. R ~. ilAgllmao . Nettie D. Graham, .ow or Dell inventory aDd l1"pr8i ~ ewen' Perry llray, %6, Carwer of Do'dR Petit Jurors Ilolnos, Iowa. and B. O. Atkinson, Til e .state of BenjamlD Wee.8. aoll Mill~ Uail Harmel, I B, of Lab Weeke IIdm'lanon ReT . Wilbanks. Albert 0 . )fo ~ nt ......... H.milton Tp widow of La 'olla, Vallfornla t,o W. decensed . R.y U. N .. moD E. Ll\ndeu. 30, farmer of .I, l:I. Maay ... .................... Mlls.l. Tt Cbester Maple, of Lebanon, Obi., filed lnvlntory I\url Apprlloi~em.Dt. 10 the lIIatter of the IlIl1i~nment FOlter, Obio, aDd Miss Lizzie Ca;;'p !!!-- - -- -- - - - - - - - -- ---' Han.y .oreett .. .... ....... Wayne Tp real eatate In Lebanon , 11 !lnd otbew of Henley II) UIOliS. A . J. 8t\vIga bell lU, of )'oster. Ohio. Rev , A. J 111001' MfiloJ ........... Tortl80reek T, valuable cODlnd.... tlons . Nancy JaDe Davifl by heirs to havln, tflnr'l r, red hie rellignat.ion 01 IClltle . O),edia.b EYlln . .. .. .. .... ....... Valon Tp are awake to their own interRobert P. 'I'o.ker, II, oarpenter Ohllrles Coruell .. .... ........ . "'.yltil1"p Annie L. Davl", two norea and 75 Msign.e In t rmlt., ordered til file a H L Kin /t .... ..... ........ Deerfield Tp poles in Deerfield tOWDllblp, $1 and full tmd jUtlt .1couuu& of hiB \iro· lAnd &1ltlP Bal'tl :l;lmmerman, 19, .oth ests will ' patronize the hom )lnTtin G.ln!' ......... .. ...... . W.y.e 'l', otber coDalderationa. oeedioKs . of Malon Rev . Albert BUltect. merchant who advertises in the local Aana Elizabeth Williamfl and .d ward Bn·nDer ......... .. Deerfield 1'p I...whl I. W"ltaore, 24, farmer alld Th , estatl of Hen If y aymenll, &s · Willian ' Wtllilml, hel' hnllbllnd to paper. What helps the merchant is Funk Mlolz .. . .. .... ... Turtleor8t1k Tp MIS. CarolJn aI. Lellf, 10, both ot ai.nor. Filst aad flnBI aooooat. Collins Walker, two Aorell,. rodl on Geo. B Fonohf' .. . ......... Deerfield 'l'p A . J. iiI.vag~, a!l~illn.e of the ea, Morr.w, Rev. Arthur Cooper. a benefit to every citizen of the tOWll. Jam8l! M tihllrh .. ... . .. Deerfield Tp road leading froa Gosben to Matne· tate of Heoley Symons, plaintiff VB. Alo,21o B. Cartar, 19, farmer of Grant Snook ... ......... TurU.oreek Tp ville and S rode and twent, polell on .enby 8ym8llR at HI, <lef.ndanta. Morrow and MilS Cordelia Schullel' J KIQder ........... ... FrMtlkli. 'fp road lead lag from DaUaliborg to Proc !oolng!l dismissed wt\hcut r.o· 16, of Oref,tollla. Roy . Walk. Ed A • • Isaling .... ....... Ol.arcre.k Tp Maine'YilIe. Uensidera·tlon $110 • . William Henderlloo, o"ored, 29, ord. Flora W. Tetrlok ond O1!or.e • . Arum ... Kirby ......... (1learor8.k Tp 'I'hl!! esta\e IIr ,Jo~epb G KeYlI, de. erellmetry eml)loyee of Loul.ville, J. M. 0111 .. ............... Turtleoreek Tp Telrlok her hosblnd to Paul W. oealled. Executors filed second ac Ky , and Mila Carrie Fergusoa, Il, Mort.n lellar.......... Tortleoree" Tp Tetriok, lot in lIason, $1 -and other CCJunt. oolored, of Lebanon. Rev. Wm. James Carroll .................. t:lalem Tp oonllderatlonl. The estnte of Emilia B01se, de· Coleman. The Maroh Bro'hera 00 ., a. in. oea8ed. B, J . DeAth, exeontor tiled Rlcbald MOIre .. . ......... Deerfi.ld Tp 'Veterinary] Lloyd A. tilt.ncock. '7, olethle. oorporated oom.-ny to J . A. Run. Inventory . salelwllln aod Mill Belen Soeenok, O~du8te of. Ohio Slate Unlverslly yan, lol In Lebanon, $1 and other Nc:w Suits The estlltil 01 Job. Kibbey, de 10, batl. ef Leb&non . oonslderationa, Danil~l P. B.n., 16, Cler" .f oellsld . Inventory and appr~IRe Laura L. I. Fink va . Llula R . N. E. Lupton, unmarried '0 lIarry ment filed CoortR RDd MillS Ru'h J. Rankin, Office at residence in F. B. Sher· I'I.k, dl'ferce. Negleot, eStrame •. Sherwood and :Jealle W, .ul"ton, The est .. te of 1. 11. Baynes 1m· ~S. ReT. A . J. Kestle. wood's house, Fourth Street. orueltY,lroaklnnesa. M. A. Jameproperty I. Waynenille, I' aDd 'on, aUar.ey. otb.r oonliderationl. Telephone 28 Alice Jaokson n. "red Jack80n, SERIOUS HOLD-UP Edaa II. Vel'bryke to , Josepb Clveroe. J. Clayton Llnwn, attor Ohio Waynesville, Verbryke niX acres of land, $1 LOGICIAN ney. The Village of "ran'Un, Sta'. of aad o'he, c8nslderatlonl. liar". A. hmeson, ._ardilln ot Ohio v.. 'l'ho 01110 I!'uel Sopply Co, BARNHART, Money, aotlon. AmoUDt olaimld .arla Illller, Imbecile to JOBepn T. 131. 8'. Arthur Brla.t, ..Uorney: and Luella Deardoty, H 18 aor .. of These furnaces Qre right' Notary Public lind on n.yton & Le'anon ,ike. The price is low, Court ~e.opens \';onltderatlbn $!IIi. 17. . All 1I1t..1.. "r N " ' A~ " \V .. · I: !' .. • ,iuo Give me a chrlnc{' . \\ " I . . . . ~y~".~ H.v . ...muel K . Davil and Addle Uavis State of Oblo VI. Tbo Barveys' \0 Walter L. Davl., 151 20 aorel in I will prove it so. ~ bal'l Fertilizer Oompany, M,Uon Turtleoreek lOWIl8hlp, Sland other .y defendaat to q .. lsb tbe lndlot· The work is good constderatIOn•. lD~nt II beard and overrul.d to TIJ A W A" The material is best Frank P. 1'0rlY, .hel'ifJ \0 William •• lob the dl'endanl exoepta. The proof is yours ..,j Way uea ville 'a Laadin" DeDWI Mtate 0' Ohio VR, 'I'be .aneye· Aribor aOS'l, three traotll .f land i. By the test. oonsldAra$lln S omoe in Keys BldR, Ittaln tlt bur. Fertllizer 00. Mo . S811. De "'arre. count-y, ,nOlo murter t. the I.dlotmeat II heard The fire is great A. C. .aY80re, J . W . Book, and '.'rrul&4. To whloh ,odgment The heat intense of tbe oourt In (\vorrulin. thl de- Oeorlte Korr, Oeor.e Kohl ood W . WALTER l'II'. Cex, being 'be 'oard of Edo08With little fuel murre. therein, the Harveylbur. ,t.n of Mason Sohool Dlstrlot ~o the And less expense. FerliUlzer 00. mtoepts. The Lobster-Young Shark waa Funeral Dlr&!tor_ Ia the ~dter of the app'intment Favorltl' Lod,e No. U8 of tbe Reginald-You love me, I know. held up last night. The Term pin-You don't say P of Tru.tees of tne Orphaas' Asylum Knllhtll of Pythlas. old 1I0bool lot in Think it over Virginio-And how do you know? Telephone day or night. The Lobster-Yes, a swordfish and Clalldreal' Home, A. D. Honey Mason . UonalderallflD UIOO. And buy the best, Reginald-Why, I love you; thereValley phone No.7. l..ouR' ordered appolated a8 trustee for went through him. fore I'm in love. All the world And I will come Probate Court Distanoe No 69-'-. tbree years to luooeed J . 'W. Book loves & lover, and you are all in this And do the rest. PERPETUAL' MOTION, whoee term expired August Srd. lu the matter of the estde of world to me. I WAYNESVILLE, • • OHIO David l4asoo and The .artford Ell8.nol' White, deoetl8ed. Anna D. As the term is generally undel'10.1. 00. VI. TIle Pittlbur, Olnoln White aooepted the trollt of tldmlnLIFE WITHOUT MICROBES. Braneh Offiee, HarveY'lbu11l. (1. slood, perpetunl motion is the monatl Cbioa.o and It. 1.0018 R, R . Istr~trix and IIl,e bo.d In the sam Caule sottled by partios hereto and of tIOOIl. Microbes are nlll; indispensoble to tion of an engine which, without ca,1 dllmislled witbout record at The estate of Uarl Bood, minor, all life if they are indispensllble to any support or power from without, cOlta of defendant, taxed at 18 III. any. The questicn hilS been definite- can not only maintain its own molIeoo.<1 and final aOlount. Wtll O. eu.tln VI. Charles •. Th. estate of Rebeooa A. D~alell!, ly settled. A cllge completely stera tion forever, but can also be applied ilizcd at ninety degrees was made to drive machinery, and therefore do .urface No . 111'1. Ilxt,. daYI deceased, fir~t Rcooont TN. OItIATEIT Sherwood Block farther time In whloh to file aa8wer. and the openings of the easc closely external work. In other words, it The edat. of C.ltherine Tansey, Carrie Dslla Kenriok V8 . t!&mnel deceased, final aoconnt. stopped with cation and protected means a d.vice for creating power Valley Phone "'J~ Kenrlo) Ne. 101111. DtsUllsHed for The estnte of David B. Fox, de· from the outside by a hermetically or energy without corresponding exIN TNt: WOItLD closed metallic chamber. Such ma- penditure. This ·is absolutely im.. lUQ~ WJI!lLT, Ji,OO oellsed . Firat nnd final acoounS, nipulations as were necesary in possible, no roatt~r what physloal "OT....'. pItUQQi.t" "'.IAl-lin. C)O'''U~I ••, TitAN""', OA8 opening the coge were mode by forcea 'be employed. The quantity of 1.ItYIC, OAN handJi guarded by aseptic rubber force in existcnce being fixed, no new .., UIUIO 1ft ADYKIlTIlINO OOI.UMNa cloth. . Into s\lch a sterilized cago sloek cnn be created, and therefore SAMPLE COpy fREE three hens' eggs were plnced after a &elf-moving machine is out of the Subwribe tor the Gazette VOItK CLIPPIIt Here is a Vacuum Cleaner that having been externally sterilized. queslio'n . The modern phYlLical axYork. It, Y. looks like a carpet sweeper and runs The eDge was fitfoed with a glass pa,. iom,the conservotion of energy, like a carpet 8w~eper, yet is a powfound ed on exp~rimental bases 8a erful vacuum cleaner. As it rolls vilion or chicken-run, where the across the room it sucks ul;> a strong chickens could develop during their certllin. as those which convince us blast of air through the carpet bring' six weeks' sojourn in the cage. In of the tntth of the lows of motion, ing every particle out of the texture the cage were sterilized lIir, pure wo- may he exprcssed in the negative 5~ CoDveaienee without taking up the carpet. What thus: Perpetual motion is imP0ll-' is more it has such a sttong suction ter, sterilized snnd, aud Atcrilizcd sible. I ~n aecount with us is a very conveni-ent investthat it actually pulls Hie dust of the f('ed. 'l'he experiment showed that ment-any amount can be deposited at any time floor up through the carpet.. Think life dceB not <lcpend upon microbes, NATU"AL QUERY. and will bear interest from date. If preferred, your of it! No 11I0re taking up of carpets. but that the vital work of the organdeppsits can be handled by mail and will rec'eive ,Just run the easy running ball bear- ism is easy ond natural when everyThe late Gen. F. D. Grant, when prompt and careful attention ing Domestic Vacuum Cleaner diBCuBB,i ng military neatneBB, used them every day or so and your car- thing is sterilizpd. . Write for booklet describing our: S%' Divid~nds often to tell a story about his father. ' pets are as fresh and clean as new iwith "Se<;\lrity. that is Absolute." . . every day in the year, and the colors· ''My father was talking to General are always bright and fresh. ' "hat We Never Forget Sherman in his ' tent one day," he The Domestic is the patented ball· acoording to 80ienoe', are tb" things would begin, "when a third general bearing roller nozzle. It rolls over aS80ch,ted wit·h oor early homa life, entered, a brigadier notorioua for Bie BuDdlDg aDd AssoelaUon the carpet and does not drag and suoh as Boolrlen'.. 4,rnloll. Salve, DQIoIa.O.... wear out the carpel as imitations do. that muther or granrimothar aBed to slovenliness. After the brigadier ORQAfiillZKD tll7 oure our burn .. , bolls, /lcalds, lIorilS, left, JIlY father blew forth a cloud ' .....T. ".eoo,ooo.oo. IURPLua .1011,000.00 Price $16. Hoz,e Noule At~ skiD eruptions, outs, sprains or of smoke and said: ' HoriIlllaiD,.OpPoil" Old BOUIe.' . - tachment $4.50 extra. bruises. Fort.v years .f· ouros prove {I 'Sherman, I wonder whom that . , .. -' I ·s merit, Unrlvded for pllell'- -man gets to- wear hit aliirta the ant


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'---------------------~~ Dr. J. A. McCoy,



E. v.


DR. H. E. HA


Tinner. & Slaters






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Gem'aty lmm


~DWIN SH~~WOOD, Sole'Agent, ~~N:ROE, OHIO .~~r~T g:n~~~:.res•.

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The Neighborhood News t - - - - - - - - - -- .- e - - - - - -- - -- - + I


Sprin g Branc h )





Ma n Who Doe. Things AgaJnst Hla MGrLa I Fears Des e rv es Medal" for Brilvory .

I V'

LIVE RY SER VICE 1-I nl hlll1 Au~ lin nnd rumll .' .\ . A. Whippl e, who was i n the I vl"H" ! I -,SI.I" n'n t' l ri C nlH 5 l ~ t(' " I. bll 0 inrR9 ' 111'1 .. in Kan~ns C ity II f IlInj lly t' d u I II W ,luy e IIlH' w (J uk \\tlll 1>. L. e llAN I·:. Ed il o r and Manll l-rel' cl"\"ire al \'e ry r ('a ~ on · T he \'e ry Best at all dll .l " luM, wl.C'k 11'11"11 Nillil l ', 111,1 ( ',' ral1tl ,~\,'n ll " prop111 :1' I:i J,to r, r ru m Clncin l1u LI. aulc r<.llcs . T i Illes " ~ ·. Ir 11 11<1 W,." ~ill lltl.\· Lllm ll lI ll tt' r MI' uud 1(," d o hn C h tlDl,wt'l b ,I'I J wros l i~!t-Il as oll lJll rh"n, i" r eo Rut(!s IIf :-iubsn iption • 1 III, n ,'1 1 tI n \ \ 11 /It'~tlu)' Ih tl for ",,,I" ,,, "lillUt lu~1 Thul';,\I .y tdl Ol'uo,m wili> g<.l rd vtl cs n I,!'fo hy hi s I J() r~nnll l 0110 Y,'nr ("!rrl'kt l y in TI l h lll ll ' \ " !1.01· IIfO .·O!· 1' . "'1' . H I~. 1"" 11.110, o f lJ, .tr <l it , Mil. Wlil C,lIW Il Q\\' ptll, w ho is 1','1'.\ . fri' ·II,Ii'. I II :I""lIrn ili g t his nttilllrl SllIgiu "lillY. e .u~ 'II I.... D u fill',\' t :11,1) 1111' g- rOlll1U Ihut all\' ilio n I" 'or ly . Mr ... . 1:1 a rr y t'olde~. Rat !'!; of Advl'rt i s ing Alre. Frllnl( i l o'd" Iln(I IIHI' dUll !! Ii \\'1 11) will .!!n IIh ,'~ ,l nll,1 do n. OI: II:! .. r" ~ P ll llt \\' ('(lu EI"d ny Wi t h Mr ~ A IlIl, t er c let,1I 811 0 111 IfrH! H oad l ll K I ,twu l "" ' '''r IIl l t L II Y wHh MI~ ~ 11;';l1 inst L i~ Ill os t mortnl fe" l's is de· l h'u d lll ).! J " .eai:. , 1.111 1 h f:ll '" , IWl' lu \l' IJlllwll nd rUlllil.v. I U, "' I'I'i n[! nf It ( ':ll'IIl"'i,! lIlf'dal t he iLO Altcn C h en(,w!' th . ., l 'IU":4lllt'd \11 :01 . 1\111 III ,- " " cd 11\ 1' 11I1t ,,,, Mr. IIn,1 Mrs. Alblll' t I:llllo,V Illl t! "" I of n \l illl!f' r 1" ;11". '1' 1,,' Ihi ll" in nll (,:;Mr. ulld ~ I r" H ," 0 ".111 Tliroo I II!'it ' rlll'u s " , .. n, , . '" 1:" Mr.ll ud l\1n; . Lo@ l e r I\: ouri k m o famil y fl1lluI'IIIIIHl Ll WI' . 1IU11 M rs Ubit.uuriOli. Il\ t' 111"' 11'1'1 In '" , \ ) \ t ' r Iho "",1,1 IS tlll ' "I;,],illg ofplll.t i(' s pcpclirs . r...11I.-I "'•. I"·rlll,o .... . .... "' t o r ul i toTr o y 'll'l'hul t' Llll)' t u ult UI;rI F ruull Cook 11111] Ila ng hl8r Mil lid ! . r rr;:::I~',] nil "" tlnllo ll t o make ,; nl .. r tl muk... .. . .... . ....... . 1:. t1w Miluni (,ouuty fl1ir . 'J II' k" ·r t:dk ad IL I'ha11e l1 "e " , UII I I M l' " 1'l'iull.lUull Ji . . .. • • . , . • , .. •••.• , • •• • • " IIU , I ~ r8. rull wllrl ll· :I II a rll' CJU( . f·dllll)( .. " , Mi~ 8 t:il la (1ith NH< !'PPl1t BE'VMI!! II "1'1 ' n,· r l lats o tt;. wh t'ru dll1 q;u IS lUudo 'Ii .1'. \\ ItPj 11,]1: ""I.! ol1e oJol)·. " f or"lll' ... :l ~ t co n I 1uy d IIl . . .... ' Ih ll l">, :\ct\'tJI' U blll J.: por Illd i . . . [I[ly~ III"L w fe k with Ur . I1nll ; Sub·A gent for lLH ' II1r . • 11 ;1 Mrs . 'I'h ll lll". Lllo y 0 11,1 Il llS WII» ~f y fr iC II,l DitwuUll iJoo j.;t\ c li I , ll Cuillflu ' l. Hlunk 1)('li\' \ "s ' I IV. Will'll. n Ollr l-Iltrvey" bllr~ . fUllllly tlll t , rt!tin ed tlt,'lr ,,(>ua Ch i,,. . I I nrn filln l,l ll) [;1 ('0 It NOlql nml H M. l 'llIrk le ft Thnr"u lI ,Y fo r nn 11 0 ~ I \\'1\ the Ford 1 I H t 1 , 111,,"e a spl'ech; he ti olll)ts illY pcr,. . .. . Corwin, Ohio H ( tT l' l .... U (· y, . H . nr~ II ,V ~ 1)nH l C01Jrllfrp. X \ ' t" ex t uml d \,1 >'lt With tll,. ~ I " t o r , Mr" II lght RUe'! (illY 't pth ~'lI n- ' I < " > " 0 V I Il lip 0 me lUll Httl\lh e l\~ u nci other r elati" e Mlit unv · Autom obile I 'hont· 7 1· 1' ;' · t l) SlO W m ank I 'm II. belt e r ma ll I' Leb 1lU 01l , Imlllllll l th :l llltef okrs m e lo h~ Ifm yk n cl's MI ~" Illl l'l' Chenow l'th ( ~ THESPIAN RECOLLECTONS '']It' nl II 1 k . (-Ioo r/< f1 OIlVI" liod fum'ly , of .Iue ~ lll u rdll .v 111111 ~ll ll dllY I n'm )e on / -n0c k lon-cthp r I s h ·d l In O " ytOb '1 . " . . '. , ~.., . AHh. "pfl nt 8111ld"y wlt·h ,' MrM. h,rt111l11 Un . •J l:I . I IiIlIl OWu lla ll ll<l dlll1 ~ h ·1 nil n<"nillst t he t l1 l)lo 00 h e wrl l . ..:.....l ~ I 'o ulk ~ u/III I Ullll I.\' . I I np\'/' r ,, 11011'. I nlll III AOIIHl n' pects t e r B'runoll l ~ p e nt ;,,,tlll'lll l .f 1II g l11 I 1'1 tl ti . R . . ' : I ; c· I ") HI,II 1' " 1' \I hI) W'\q 'Ch·tr M,·. 1I1l ,1 Mr!:! . Mill or oS8o ttoml" fI a nt! t:untl!lv .... lll<' with bpI' dllu j! lil E'r )jI, ~ 1 . J I . , ' . . ' . ' " n . ' ~~~ --'"""'~-~~---~~-----~!"""~~~~ , 'il e Fill!' nt 'lroy, on 'lbur euIIJ' . 'llt lip tho ~~~~~~ I Anll1 P LU"II " IInli tl111 l1 ly. 111](1 MI" 'I IW II. IItI Ie nf '''' t" I ],1,. l'(""II111 r " I ' Mr~ . Bu ro o ,I flue~ Illid ~o n 1 h e r e C b ulIow, I SO 1 1(' ,Hllllr" hili ~'l RCIl I'I' ..1 til L'u lh,,1 OIJ Mr lind Ml' ~ . IIt'll! ' 1 1 I 1' 1 "" ., . I l·e tnrD p.d o n Mondll Y a fte r ~ ]1 e nulll cr 1,(, a rrll1l,t. A (,()ll1 rnll. ~ g Amos C,",1i alld fll lllll .\· . t!!nnulI.\· l ie tuo, I I' '" . !oIe v end (\"rs w llh re l ~ t lve~ In :\ f' lll fi 111 ' ,n lng 111 ' \ 0 11111 \1' 11: 1I1111r l';lld 011,1 el'l' lI I ' 1 1 . , • , ~.Ir . H",n< I'Y Ulir nell, Mr "nl\ ilrtl , ('1 I1t lit ... t,)JT"III~ nl ll' ~ ll nt Mn. 1J.llrI ("nn pr W Il R Iii I' Kn~ ' 1 1 '"" 11 t t l " ,. . Live Stock anct Gf'neral Aucti oneer . la Alll o~ tJltlpn, flf SlIln e y . Mr ~ AI,I" lOf M-nL ,I"un 5 W(' P t H' rald,~. I II" COlll rllrl r Ciloner lind d ll \l~hler' • . I" I ' f' I' I" . l"fltIPrl llll n , Mr IInu Mr ~ . •J M ~11. '>lNl 1. Il ll II IIULl I ;olill I Ii U 1(·l n .... II~ (urTI t'd e, WerlueE;tl!, ,\" 1 t I' t'> I .1' I11 ' 111. IR I' wit! ,. , Posit' d on p edig rees and val li es of all Illn !Ill ' sa l< wl l l!l stl('cr: litACY, or D.lyt ll n. 'ltteuu( 'd t.h l' 1 "r~ J UIl H"~1I1 c9 11 e(\ 1111 1\1r,· ,1:l ·1 I) "'e . '1 " , Ull ~ ru I 0 t H ttrrl' C oru e, II on I' \.... kinds of breedi n g stock . /, 0 H 1;~ In I f 8U ll I un c uf l1i .\' , IHi'ot '1' 11 f'!'l II II ." \ " ' ( ' Oll a l,1 . . Fri duy , I lIf~ .. r lllll"l . ow nr, yn\lrH· l f, re lo l' t,·a thr Exper ienced ill ha ndling farm sales since - - - .. - .. I .an! ~ A n n lft U I I eu 11UI 1 'I frrglr lcn('o ~n l dier. '0 ,I lllllll if )'0 11 n (l JlIlI I) U!) n , t I ' r 1905 . lJncle Ezra ;:-ays one- L' lIll [IS se nre,l U' 1 unt John Cou u l' r , ";lIll1rll!lY " rlllrnoo n . 1, \tPl'(' .. ,~ , " It. don ' t tillie m o re'u II g ill 0\. 1 Mr . r-i,llh IIU Au.lill lind 'Inu~ ht e r l .r<l1l d ha,;e"h ro!,cll rnll.k" IIlId run Tcrms Reason able - : ,. tt' I f I. to git f(l lk ~ lOtI) /l peck of 1I Cdl ~ tll lIl'l! 11 11 Satisfaction Guaran teed thl.! !<Icl; 'll ~1 lit 11". lor~ n;o. -hU Il 5P ~ ( II)' J I'''',rnRI. I.r nuble" lind " little n eglect uf Call . t' f t1 .\ : ~tipIlII"n , bjli o lJ!omI' H~. InrJi~ o!" ti oll or I III 0 0 11 " \H I lU I:) Ii )( ,\ I H': .\ T E "F Ti l t·; Wayn esvill e, Ohio ,'t.h tl r Ii vu r derl~nge m o lt t Will rlo LUI< , - - _.. R.tll1nll1 ~ u u und down !; I. llir·~, :,\;\ TIU:,\.l L Al· CT I\' .\ The llu scbllIl Cru n k-You do not .,lIlln If uiling, tnk'l Dr Kin g '~ 1 TIr'3 illl pl ioil (,lI llii llenf'fI thllll1l1 HI~' "WI'El Plll l.! IUlll lW LlIliu l-( 0 \"'1' IIlHl;i 111! ,W U OOL 01' A)Il!:HI l'.-\ Nil'" Li fe Pili", fo r qui ck r ... ~ult .. peo ple hlL ve lit tnke mu ch intc rt'; t ill bai'l! uol l? 'h lllllh(' rlnin '" Colli' , l'l'lI11 w, ll nelt Il tfl k,. U W",,",n Iw a lthr Ii: I!:'y, ~ l1f fl, ~ llr p, lin I ouly ;!" c(' ul p C h oll' r fl lind DlHr r liof'1l H e lll ed .v I ~ II r hllllnlil l, 1 ~It" IIll1,,1 !.!ot. !llIt The A ctor-...\ ' 0, ind ccu. I nc \'cr u t 1111 drug~ l !j t R r Ll llnd ~d O ll Ibplr ")'1Il'n t HII'" III till' do " r~. wllik 11 UJIII) could lm,lerst lln.1 wh y it sh ould be l1 ~e lIt tbllt 1' 1' 11I C'(\Y 11'1(1 t.lwll' Ii 011"" I .Ill)' fl nrl l,u l\l1 Cb lllUbe "I' Iwo 1!I''' r, rlain' l:j Ta hl,.. I·, so hard t o thro w II bal'l s t rni1,iht wh en IJ(I~ u of t.h" !lIuu y ' r e lnnrk 'lhle ('. nr c ~ 1" llllpro le b ur dl ~I\~ I I\ )\l /lor! ng Beech Grove. it is 110 e ns.v to Fl' nU nu ogg strnigh t coliC' , diurrhl l lJ u un r! Ilyt;8 l1te ry th nl 1I1" ;,1l b'H\'llb Fnr 511 10 hy 1111 U,jlll It hus (·ITt'c ted , For tiu Ie uy 1111 1 "CiA . to the ma rk. R .1 M arrav , o f L O ll~vl e w !\t.ock da ulor tl . ~-YOU CAN FIND TilE BEST GOODS A'T THE BEST .... An arti e \1J t hat hu" renl m e rl fllrUl, bouKbt II fiDe uliiry oo w of L I NEW USE FOR THE BEEHIVE ~,.. PI{J C E~. EVERYTHI~G IN THE LINE OF, FANCY D. Clliler. of Fnnkli D, l!i~t w ee l.: s h o nld in time bl'('nme IJlJpulllr New Burli ngton ',J'f.' GIW(,I 'RIES CAND IES. COUNT I'tY I'IWDU CE, ETC .• IN 'fliRt s u c h i" tu e ell!'tl ",it.1l Clllilll. Prico is n o t mentio ned. GREA T I'RdH ISION, CIGAR S AND TOBAC CO. lngonl0 05 Fa rm e r Finds That Its Tem· THEY Mr, . '}uunbe r illnu bus rnov e u hi ~ berllin '!j Cnnil h It" II11'd y hU ll ue e n T . C . I:l llyLlocll Willi 11 bn ~i n e,;~ ALSO HAND LE THE CELEB RATED LINE OF peratur e Ma kes It a Very Iltteiltet l by i,,,,ny ,lOlti e rN . Here iF hmil y fr ol\l the Ed .l o rdnn h o u se to vi~itor i uGiooillnllti, .III ~ t T u ur H,ln y . \ Fine Incubat or. one of them , 1::1 . \V Htl orlri eHt!lI n, ',,., Four Quee ns and a Jack and Ouy-Yoy ·C·Igars filII !! Be rm ce aUWkll l," Willi I he· \ Ohio It'"I I ~, Ind .• ,. rite~, "Chllm ber Lebano n . AYth ot.gil n ot 1Il1iny p cnpl e own nn Mi~~ Es_ber Edwu rd ~, wh o iM /It ~tt eR t o f rn e n ds 10 \\ llw IlIin,R Cough Re lll .. d y ill Ibfl bellt f a T Strictly Hand-M ade lO, IOIl" ilwi.lbn lor, it is rnrl.! for n p er,;o n li\'~ oon g h s, eo ltls and or o up, lind is W}' tending 'sobo ol in Hllrvey s bnrg. W f'Clne!<dI lY ~nd Thur8u uy, o f Ill st I ill;! ill t ilt! CO li III rv 11nt 1.0 h llve fu ci li· best seller . " .10' 0 1' ~ lIle by all delller!! "peot ellturtl .y find ':iunlluy /It b e l Il8e k . t i"s for the ~\\,I1'rlllillg of hees and borne h ere. - ----(J),"'!'8S B'''l1r flo d EIGht of th.· th a mnki n " of hnl\rv . It. sIH'C'ess ful - - - - Alloll Kibler, o f Gre e u Brillr, Will Friend)~. II . Ilud the l:ie r6tlu oIM", a:: ri L' llllur : t h a s s ho'\\,11 bv r eccn t cxW~YNESVILLE CHlJRC HES. A NEA~HONOR. h e r e on Thur Kda, t.ud bought. II fioe of CIIO!lllr'" C re e k were pi el1!!!J. n '1 .\' p~' r i l\lclltl! th at. 11 he('hiY~ mav se rl' c "''''''''''"''' ... ''*''''-~*.,..,,* . . . -' ' * ...,.,_.,_' ' '_' '_,,_,..__......._--"-."'.,,.-.....lHln c h of 8heep of R. ,I Murr~y . 1en t,ert,.in all ,lIt Ih o h ? ~' 10 o f Am o~ Ihe p urpose of nil i n c 'Metho dist Episcop al Churd l "T bct you n ever r ode in an auto. lIhat ~r. TIe Aus w ill h e t nsc'r lelt u nder Mr!4 l\ lltili l::I e lpm YlJ r s peut S IIt or !lOll Et.ljf.l CO lllp tOl1, Lhl s ht!311 (or Rev . C. S. Grouser. Putor. I u IlSrll'l'y eV ll u · riligh t('<1 UPO ll thi s discOVNY by obt'''' c lIl,, · I\\' l' ('c u t s ( or l h r ee i U!'I.crtilJUl I ·mobilc ." Sunlluy s c h uo l. \I : 1~ a. tn . Morning st r rlll~ afternu on iu Wllyt'E '.viIl A. . bl'B w~ l ItI~ lIt: Ilot , o f lIlun: I JI~ \ tha w eek n th'c . II IH'ri. ,('I I"ri llg' fllot t h e prope r t'mprra lllrc ~ "No, bllt one kn ock cd down my \" iL'e. III ·au a . m , En'n lng ~er\' 1 ee, ";" : 0 p OUI' schoo l if' g ettlDg !ll o ng ni cely Ch UK , 8 e nt,ley I I)M t n ~no d C'o wlnst o f in cl l1 Ul lnr;; i s cx:t 10 , ~lI ,lw oo lc I'r Iye r NeeLI!,g. 7 p. m. l' tly c<l llnl to th ut ~ brolluir oncc." -.. ............. ... ".....,.. " .................. -~ lluder th e rnUnlt~ f ILH' nt o f Ule wAt'k . l:ih n h ur l/Ill e c ntllllKl plf in n whidl th e, fJucen b e mllintni nR in St. August lnc's Catholi c Churda .! --teueber '~l jS8 MartlJ Hlnrr, of I:Inr. e htrin by whi c h FOR RENT ~ he wn s tllth e l'l't\ Ihe inte rior of Lhe hi\'r. ,,' ily n ot I'athor Louis 'faus The Men Who Succeed ve v s bol'(r, who is tencuin g th e lind ur o k fl h e r nflck . I\ln8!t e \' ~ry seco nd Sunduy of tbe mOblb a I ;.ri \·c the he s n chance 10 <10 two 8B h eutlR Ilf I!u' ){e un l orpri~tl'" ur~ YO.OI!; idells bow tu sboot u : UU a. w . }{ob~r t Uym o ll Ll, of Xpuill. fiil cI] tJlin .~; s at ollce-h ate h cgg.s a nu also RUOM S-Tw o rO " Ill~ ft1r rent In !peD of grunt 11IHIlI-(\'. t:;ll(, CP"!I. t"UIIY Meflrlll. ne!l MuUie Dllvlll, ( ·Ind. I,h fl }Julpit of th e FrienLl '1I c hnroh , pllr ~ uc t h r ir ordi nury vocat ion? dernaad a ll ea ltLt St. J\lary's Episcop al Churdi . T o nil i!! to ftlll In \.lIe Philli ps Bldg. Fur Inl o r . "'(lU " "" It s utter folly for 11 WIlD t,o tlndu re Edwurd s, Bird .J0ruan . l:ilinoll h " U~J' ""Itl'on ad·'re".!'1 Mrll . ~ . C. PhiJl i Ill:' , Imler t o 00 J . I·'. Cadwal'ad er. Reclor. thi s he ar ra ngcd a spe, u • .., l lJu,' tl Ie , A WOR 0 II B 1\ ve n 1InR II n ew. I Sl" ..Itc,·. ton C.. I:i. Ohio. E M. ' "ICh 11 t I Il. weuk, rUB n u wu. Illlif ulivtl olluui. B oguo /lnl, ","rll h I" en( t:! 2ft W lIshln" lay School. 0 :aO U . m f' IPe 0 f q unl1m n g u Iar en ge, or IuOX, g .er , ... \ " IC~ ,. . IU :.'10 u. m. II. 0Iy CommunMornln t10n when El eotrlC Bitttlrtl will put Ilonu.[ melltill~ of tile Wl\rren Go . I ~. t uurln g Olll' . lou'tlo ftrlit , II\'CI' th e b ottolll of which he d ep08itblm rigbli nu hi!' f~*,in Rhort. urder W. C. T U ~ulld"y vI each m lJlI~b, 'It l'Iorrow , IIlHt Frhlt,y . - "11,\ "Fonr botl les did m e m 01' e? 111' I gr)()d T h is be p ut O\'er lhe hive ~ ANTED Chrllti an Church . ~everAI from t.bis pltl oe att.~ndl:ld COW IN DEPARTMENT STORE i.n thc('10th. than aoy otbf'r I1Itdi cir.iC! 1 e ver mnnll(,l" of It r O(lf orrnngc u _ _ _~_-,-._ _ _ _ _ __ R ev. P. n. Thompeo n. Paat41. I.b e Wllmil lgto n fuir . lll!'t, wee k . took," wrill's ( ·h'It:! . H All t' IJ, ~.vl \JlIRl oyer 1he ch umber wh cre th e bces nlhle School. 9: 30 & . m . eod&! mootln., vanitl G I' "Aft e r y fI'lr~ o f suJle r All' .J'rdou n~~d e ~ bl1:-1lu l'tlS trip Bossy Ascend s Two 10 : au ... m. ChJ1stlau I£nc!o'nor. 1 : 0U p. m. F".ghts Stairs we r e busies t. 'l'h cn hc put 1.11'0 d.ozHormou b y plU!t.or every I1IWlrnate tng wit.lI Th e uwlltl~lu, \tV 8 1' trouble . to \VUYDe~vlllfl, on SIIt.unll !!uDlI,,¥ .a ItR~D~ n~Jr !~:mr~~ ~~:.I:: 1~~~~~ lY lI1 11rn . 10 :aO n. m. IUlII 7; aO P. m. and Creates a Panlo Among ('n t'g~ «VCI' t.he clot h, protcct lllg B tl stomllo h r\i M., rd(lr ~ , IIIltI Ilerrtnl{ ed the W t , ... oement 1 olORe f ing . to .. J . 1 1'.'11 , er~, gl1 . , omen. ' kidney s 111111 !! gflln, litunli l:< to I£ltO Ilcm rom rontllc t w lth the nlr hy p n ved f't r eet I\nd Htreet onr Hicksit c Fricnds Churd . LlttleMil!~ MiI(lrll! t Kt")ir el',who hnes It. I ' trio Blttel'!'! , "'lI1 l1d nnd wl'll. 'I'r~' il annd wrappi ngs, and let m ntlers l t h lltr!:'D tfor'12 Ilnd ,1[;. .' srlll'a Ion WO R rrc n~('<l a i pw JohnP Fir" WOIl t he plnun Iflllt wl'l'k ll\. Lebl1l1 o n I 1 lLJ a)M cctln 1 . U:OO". m. 1"lrSIDa , ~helll. Ouly rio cBnt", fit 1111 urog " t D vlon ~ c11001. LJ ;00 a w .~. Founb tnkc j 1(' lr (,Purse. Aft e r the n orma l \ I ,'Iwrell oe , 10-' Bit' Day MCClloK . 1\. lIll ore II • nn ys a/!o III NOfll'l ch, N . n., ",h rll II · U. 10 : 00 a. Uj , gillt." In th e Cudnr t-ltl\\l1pS voltng 1 t t' f I t h' oon tes t tl l\'" 11 I . 1 I () " l 'lIclIla 0-\1 or Ime _ _ - - ~ o r 111 c Ing 1m v 0 ~ t (, lll i ~ thtl grant! daught er of Mr. lIod ('O W hl'lIl lT tlrll'I'1l I d I f olin d t l t b h 1 • If! Orthod ox Frien'" Churcl l. \1\ 0 at • throllg h th e vi lln!.;e h llited n !lIe lll'nl ,i I'l all"<' l '1 ' , ' : It .,. l' k YIn> A 8. All e o,ol t.hi;o plllcE',n nri ~t tlie c nrrll'r f ~f ~ :Maill Mrs. HUlh Murrny, Pl18tor 1IC nnti BrO;\l ONLY IN EFFEC T, l ! ll;t t' tICUr l'l1-! 1 ('(' n 'C ,f I\',u j(htel'u fJ e nnieAI lenKee v l;1 r. ens. r om FOR SALE l'.abbatI lSr hool.l, :au a . lD , l!cAular cburcb \I ' r~ n y. oll r I';::::s. Ie ex pe rtrn l'n t " ·"\"cc. 10 ' ·0 U , w . Cllrl stlau Endeavo r. Mrs Frlluk cl l' P'Il' t t-lhllllk 111111 little s tn 'r l s 1111,1 I'ltf,.' r('d. a. lal'''c . t 1 '. I .... ' ,,';IS rrpcn Irn scible Wife (to hllSbou J)(·t Wit \ CfJllll 1 SII (' (''' SR, nn('1 , ' ;10 0 _ rn t'nt s t on'. D I~d:lIIl l1l!! to ~; (l IJ 0 11 I'll Illlljlht lll Ethel "POlit t:iutorul1~' .'" ,You af!l' 11 0 t11I1Lch fol' JlW, sir. , IL' U h etl ITll ni!'('(1 I'll 11 1'(:l' l lI' I'C WI'tl. l : COiV-b're~h e xt.rt. , fi, ne, Jer!ley ~~~'"""'~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' lhp fi rst Boo r. . the " an lll11l1 lIs, ,(,tl,kr1 . , J I r' 1 tl ~ II cow, wlt,h lwr t hlrr! oolf . lu · ::: tl II ' Rtall'R ' . JI"];"I HllSbantl (lI1eek ly)-if 1 IlIll not, Illtpro Olln i'D B.r. " ."'~hul·g . L' In l ::l 1111, on IC ;I\·C [ - . I lle r 111·:\,1 Ilito . f UtI Ihe II n cll ",Te. I:i 'I S II 1\ D :J . • qlliro MAFFI~ -I. . 0' f i . . , t "my d ear, why do you alwuys wnnt to . , ;I~(" h e Fl IC,·t·t'll!! b"tl e r wrtlt It hlln- I Wl1yue0~ .. illeI')Ohiell( er u, .1 o. Many Driven From Home. 0 \l . .'. 1 11 , " 1('1'1 1° /111' I s al~ t U x COIllIIl IS' ! d l'(,u r ,£';s hu ,scratch me? tr;lil't1 in t his ma nn er 1 ' " , IOtl('I', )t ' !1\\'I'( P ;ll nl l\'(' Iy, noll Jlro- with i b; (,(lIltl iYnnt:(' Unde rtake r and Embalmer of a d ozl' n llt'llS. t-'LANTl~ I\n,l Mllul.:0es. F o r Every YOIIr, 'n m 'lIlY llurt~ of t.h" c "I '~ l t'll o n .. llp th e ~ .......--- - ____ Il ext !lIght of ' bulri Cillul l's C ::;trouse , WI" y. 1 Few,if Ilny, IlI eJicine l', huve met oou nt,r .v, 1· IlOll~nud!l ure drIv e n frolll Shlll'S IInrl I11to Will be found in the old t he c loak d r ]lJl rtlll r llt . .. ---with t.hll noito rm SU(l('etlR tlillt. b .. ~ Ihe ir h ' llJll'>~ bV (Jonghl:l IIml lung IllU8 ville, Obio. R R.' . f I o,J Blink Buildin g. oppos1&e I\ttenup d t,be URe of C hliUlber lil in ',. oli@IHlse!l Fri p nLl~ UI d bU Ri otl8S ur e o t 10 s t ire. The WI) Ill Pn c le r ];s wprc If .V(l U k n o w uf th u n' ~1 \' n IUIl of I lelt hohlnd for II I it er olialflte s, bill- in Ii)' teri CA, and tIle t·he Nttti o nlll Bank. prnpl'il 'lors of l 'hIlIll IJl1r lttlll '" Linlrt1 " IH fol' 1111110 NAPK Collo Choleru II ud Dift rrhllell l~ern k lN.S-A Ile": RtOC 0 f nup're1npb one in housel lnd of· edy. ' Th~ remnrk uhl e our" " Ill' cl)lie Ihi!:! i~ oostly undo not nlwl'.vB sure th e store wr re nt th eil' w it.' cnd l :f- I hlll ·k , ~on" 1Il~" t,1 t ho Ili1IS ·It' ''. kID!! Just I~. SeVHll deSi g n s tu flee wber.e I can be called . . ~ :-\ \ll'II l n ti 1111 l'h e nlUlltlc pll lllH , v Ll n pic k from. aud dtarrht1811 whi c h it h" H , Ir..ottloi t\ hetter wny-I he WilY of multi Gn)\e tte office. fo rts w c r,~ mu(lc to get lh c cow Jilin ", ,, uld " ",,"'or day or llIght. \\,I~h 10 be wltb ont It. in almust e very n " i~hhorllll()rl h/lve t.ll(II'~-I~ tu \I~O Dr Kln~'s N ew thc Valley' Phone 14-2. (llr l"fltor fl lld (' ~L'o r t her lo Ihl' f 0 ~Ide uv nil Ul!altlr A. gtven it It wid e r e pntl1l ion. F o r DiNO ,verv !I lid (·Ul'" .y nur~ e li 'It h o m" . l!1~ I1 111d floor, bllt nhe wpn( n(l 1.0 " 0 'I Stnv ri!d}t. thllre . w'th your rri e lld~ , . - -lIala by IIll deltl"l!' _ - M' St t W aynesv '11'" Oh' '" >aln rce. I .., 10 uud tllke thi~ ~" ' '''llIf1dI Oill fl ' Thrn!11 ~ lill.hi gh r r, IIlId mil de fo r t he s tai r, I SICK-ROOM CHEER . 1 MAY CLEAN UP MYSTE RY. IInu lun~ t.r (luhl"!411ud quiek rtlli ef J, ':ifl I11 g t o' the fl oo r aIJ o\'e. The own- I __ I -Ilnd hE'tlll,h rf'IUrIlB MUSHY , Its h ol'l . N 1 opp" r t 1.111 I • In I'r of .'tl10 cow UrI' II' cOlllo:b!\ colfl _, g riV, ornllJl, whoop (' . 1 ,' . 1 11l is DR. J. W. MILL ER, l ~ what l;lfJren . ~ 1.1 lO b'I!, II1c~ 1\~i . g ht 1 in,[! nl e ', I The m yste ry' co n CC 1'nll1 ~ f)01l1Z1l Aod ",lin' IungN mnke it u al~ '.• \\It I :;t r ope• .ahont t h~ un lll1111 s I lln, l to sr. v 011 t hc s ulljcct Fair Widow -Why is it t hnt thr0' o f ho w Ih e place of th e .Vc[1.e rnhl0 H~de, EnglJo~itiv(l \JI IlS:<illg' 501' "I,U n no III rk nnd on aS~lstlll\t b l'l ng Il1.'( lip \ \\'l.1l urn li,dllo to err in {I"' ir 11 (" 11- l and's firs always say rutIn "pines" f or a WOIII' Trllli ... DEN TIST..• t 11lstO rt ll n, h as a p~09~ Cct IJulll A Iwo . l1uflrrll ltt'od by il,\) rear s he wos safe ly escort ed to ill ),,; wil h the ~i L' k . " IT oII' orten t Il<! of being un? Boh'cd i f 1. he ecclesia stical I\IJ dl·l1g,;i~t·s the s t reet. 1 ~ itk p('r~')n," ~h(! rernark cl1, "hns tr,l s(' hem e for cxcn\'a~ Bachelo r-T suppose it's bt'l!IlIlRC ing t h e f OIlIlLl a- N..tlon~ll~f~n~nBldll . Waynesville, 0 - --.- . - .. - - ,10 ti le whole C'nll \'C' r sati o ll whc n II ti o ns n ca r lhe nn cIcn pille is about the soHest w(1or.i thl'rll t lo wer of St. ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ HE DOESN 'T LOOK IT. EXTRE MES. 1 yisilor cOlli es 10 his h ouse-I hu s hUI'- l'c te r's ill. m Oll aste r.v, '\\' carwo ulh, is '1iiij~~ii5.;.iiiii '1iiiiir.;;:;i ' . ,~il . . t ing to ~Xe rt hi i mo gi Ilot~on !Ina 6ueccRs fu~. _ __ ._ ___ _ _ _ The monas tery was I II In. persoua l ' appcara nce Premie r "You tolL1, I\le,~ ot ~o lllue my hgl~t , 1II(,l11ory. • . . " :lI! "A Sick p e rI Connllr(l III till! HI!vc n,11t c(:nt lIry , anu A squit.h of Orcnt Bl'ilo in fur fr om und er a bu sh el, said How's This? ' the energct lc son" she conli ullrc1 ''Llot's 1\0 e njoy is n ow llnr t of l h e f a briC of :Monk- \ '>'Va off.'r OOIl Hnl1rlr' !d 11, ,11,,·· looks thc imporln nt part h e plays in ea~d~dn~;. , . \ !Ica;'ing gooll n cll's, ~[lrticlilarly 0'£ U wcu.l'lllollth parish .ch~lrch. The foun- i re\'\lllrd fu r fill" n'IRflll '· \ ·HI ·" rl, It .. 't t lte joliticnl nfl'nil's of Europe. Ili R 'Yes, r eplie d tho sag'(! udvJscr. love afl'ai r thnt is likely to ho ve a tI ntions o f th e bUlhllll g, b clleved to ! cannot btl ( ' 11111.1 I" , 11..11 '~ <:,': 111',11 clothes do not fit him .well aud when "But I didn't t ell y~u. to go to the good cnding ! TIe h as so milch o f haye l)('cn p o rt of th e mO~llstery, Cnre . he 8Ulmlel's int·o a session of the other extre me and Imitate .are the cow F. . bool-s J . Clm nnd NI':V fi .\ ction ('0 .. Tolllllo. of prin c ipl es pre- sit ullt rcl n car th e wcst Side of tho 'I O. f We, tho IIlHlel'. I~I"" 1. hl1\'" 1",,,,," I' . J . house 0 commo ns an d . k b 1.1 t k' 1 ed th I • I cents\ nnd theoric s., Oh BlII B· uno In IC ( over e nmp lin d s tar.,. le t him" h ea r tower, and bI :r~~~r.:of'~~ll~I~I:i"~cl~,~'t~~t'i'''t.;;~l;\ I'~~II::;~~,~,;:~~ ' I rusively into a seut he appears ey 'JlUVC never bcen exto ed the Chicag o . fire." 10f uny materia l good: or prt1ct ieal '. plorct1 .. 'rhc \l~lCarlh tiona ..od nUII ..clIIUY Ablo LO \·"rry Oll~ UIlY he mi ...htily bored ing of thc crypt ! obU",,'lotlll Illtldo I)y hi. IIrm . by the }J roccedI " t:I 8ucceSI' '"D " do l'n Aead of giving UlIU of mteresttnofT table __ .. NATJO!II.u...BANl' 01' <':O)DI!f~t~;I~ n . i ings. He affeots a~ • • • ts and memo· ' " .. u air of m~!ll'er._ B1imun hair if! selliol for f30 B , him advice that, he '" hgs heard fifty I r.ials is probab.l e, and this mny thro,v \ ua...rrlLCUre I. taken Intofllally , ence that makes hIS fiery outburs ts- ponDu We are plel11ed tCl learn at ' times over tell him someth ing ~he bluod I1nd mlle"u. " J" good ! lIght on the bIrthpl ace of the Vener,TpRtlmnol .. ts ..,ut - of eloquen ce most . , surp,rls rng ~o :vISlnAt tbllt th~lIe long. haired mt1~iolll 1 someth ing per Uoltle. Sold uyal l ' I amusin g. It is like 11' I a hI e 'B e de.-1.0'Dd aD GraphiO. to tl. h Dr~lg:~~(.;1r.;J.j,,~ 1 U'- C' t . .. ' :1_-' 1.--1th ." ue ouse, , "" I - , t ~Ua.tIO! are worth someth ing. I Y P ... orCOllaod jJ&.. ,~n\ ./ '1.ora .\OU a u:u -- to lUm. . .,' . I - .- -.--.- - - - - - .' . ~Irt,

:"1i"" HI'I'll W i Il Hu l1"'1 n, (If I'"yl ou


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**~~~~~**~$*~****~~*****~* ~ ~ AT HA WK E'S GROCERY ~

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Cla ssif ied Ads

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THESE SIX LETTERS From New England Women Prove that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Does Restore the Healtlt of Ailing Women. TIosto e , Mn ss.-"l w as plLs~i ng thro u gh th e Clln nge o f Llie and Buffered f ro m h"lTIorrhagcs (sOrtlll t illl t'll laN Uu !;l' fur wee les), Bud co uld gilt n ot h ing to e hl!ek th e m, I began t altinIJ Lyd", Eo P iu llh a w '" V"get.ab i3 Compound (tn llct form) on Tues<1 :ty, 1111<1 t il e f ull o wing Satur"'al' Inorn ' ng tho hom· o n :lm ges otoppeq, 1 h ave taken them regularly evu r sin"", :! L c. a m s teadily ~ IU IlIU g' ,

~ e s l(l ~u , ti l" r e . tlll

!,V NO P SIS. Rl r h u r <.1 LI~1r.Jl llt .

Am p r k nn w it h



alT l>t: lecl !i:n ~l!!oJ f.r 1\I"I ' \lnt, r t· ...· , · I\ I ,~ It l ,n'lI · lint ( rom 1\ r rh ' r , ~' III f "hl na . Th f> Dr " RlIIH



t o be (\ I...t..:r o f lJfiJ.II1\I\S. \ -I,· t l,'r w.' a rcr . , ~htllu t n 3 th r Im j u lYlt,,! Il n ,l l ut ,· nt n, ,.,ht ~ooltJ

. Int s o f ::t ul' r>:-I ~~l1 I, ) t ht t or




1I 1!1

lJt'r\'l\nl , Jcnk lm• •

corn el" In und o (f&llI ng: to r~, t l~l1tZC L tg- Ill n ut . IlU P ll l,1t s l(\ p ut hi m IJ ut T h inking ~ l' sen 'n nt I · r a~ y. I.ltcl1 l l1u t charq;v l I lls t"10 l ht'8 I nl .... n dlnit 10 s um m <'l1 h e lp . \ Vh rn ~ o r CU prh,lu.ns J e-nkl n s ('LlltJ on hi" " .,t;l[ wllh JUY . e ont\ r ml n ,; I. hch t n u t'r:I b " Uc t th tl t h tl 15 c r az. y. J e n Ki n s t eilif Lightnu t o t (li e e n 'ountl"r t~D h.tI wi t h Ii htd c ou~ C hin a m a n d r cQlfu!.l tn p n Jamaa. I n 1\

'.snSo , from Ms frI e nd, J ,, ~ k Rilling. , LI &hlnut I..... " 0 <1 to pu t up "I h e kI d"


r l') r t he ni gh t nu hIs wny h omo r r o m ('111 ·

lI,gp. Lute r

n n~s •., l>e!lulllnl g ir l In b h t k IIDJumus I n hl ~ r oom . ) .I ~h l . l .l~ l ltnu t

nut I. shnckcd

b)' Ihl> girl '. dr inkIng,

.mok l n g n nd 81nn,;y t a l k . Sho t ,--IIK him h e r rHlm e J8 l 'Tan cl~ and I)Ilzzics h i m with n. s to r y of h (' r 10v(' t or he r 8!!'Ite r ',. roo rn · rn n.t e. lI Hmf'(j Frnn (,(,H . N .. ;o.: l ro, Irn In g t h e gi r l Is rr \l:,ud n g a n d L ightlltil h u r · n CIi to th ~ bont t o 8£" (' ller orr. II ' 18 R l> ~osted by n collc-g,' lmr. wh o call~ hIm "nick y," but he d oe. not see Ihe girl. Jack Bi ll Ings ru ll. to . ponu lI'~ night w it h J . IA'h t n u L T h£'y d l:5f"O\'P T pri cel ess rU b . IOIt 11 l t.1 d ~ n In th e buttun! o f paJnm ns. BIJllngti d o n s t h~ pn Jlllrms



r eUres.


I ll t (l' r

dIH CO \'t"r!'l

tl Uf'C ry p(' reo n I ~ mut · t o n -c hap w hJske r s a n d w e l\rln~ plLJam ne . J en k ins cal lfl th o p n tke, w h o dt~dl.lre the Intrud or to b fl a ~ rl ml nlL 1. callL-rl " t tl XY Q r a n d pa ," T he In t r lld r r ch'c lnree he Js

1n his apnrt ment

J.lghtn"t'. gu<'s t .Lnd ufJpen ls to the lI, tIn vaIn, H fl I. hu. lI ed ofT to Jai l.


In t ho m l> rnl mt

I~t g htnut !8 as t o nlehe() t o

nod Billings 1I"0n", llnd more ""ton l. lied when he g et s n m CIIBn ge fro m th o latter,

<lcmnndlng hI. cloth... (.I&h l IlUI, bound tor T ll rry town, BIllings' home, dl.covera ffFran !:·.... th e g irl ot th o p n.Jnm fl ,., o n th e Irdln. Ughtnut .pank. to her a nd alludo. III tho · nIght b~ f o r o, She dc ndlgn nntly that LIJ!'htnut nevor A"'W her


bla~ k


At T a rry t o wn Frn n<'el!l

mol by ... hu sk y colli'go y uulh. who haJl_ Uj:h tnut as "DIck y." The lalter Ignorell the

b oy.

wh o

th e n

thre:a.t en s t o

thr.... h hIm ro r otT.'ndln r; France.. U !(htnut tak e. th e nex l Irllln hom". BIllIn g. .tornUl o ver the outrage or hi s nrr..,sl. Ire nnd U ghtnut dIscove r myslerlou. ChIn e s e c hQ.r n(~ te r s on U1e pajnmn.s.

P-r Off!8·

IIor Doozenb rry Is ca lled In to Int erpre t the hte r ogl y p hk15.


Ul vea OV c'!"

w hll t h e

c ..lIs tho lost silk ot SI-Lln lf·C hl. The .. riling decla re. th a t a person w ~a rln ", tho p a j a m :.u. w lll on t he 80mblllnce ot tbe prAvlou9 wearer, T he pror""90 r borrows th e paJl\mlUl for ex pcrl men t. -Billings" dre•• ed In pajamas Is foun (1 In the

profe~8 nr' 8 r oo m a nd ' 15 tn.k en born e R.1I1 0 m o bl1 e \",'th F rnnces nnd n wo ·

In an

man Llghlnut COlli s "tll@ frumv ." 1,I"ht· nut Is (l " ger ed by "the frumlrs Blander· cu. talk a bout "Prancl.: "Ullll nK"" I. laken to hI s room. A Berv Bnt te ll s Llghtnut

th a t



has jus t

b e'(> n

r e-

ceIved sl ILtl nt: th a t Dilling_ was und er Brrest In New York ror stea ll nK a "ult or black pajamas. JU~Ke Billing. rustonl she8 tAghtnut wIth a ta le of Fra nds' e. cn· p&de". Ll g ht nut 11 81[. lle rml~ " l on to .peo.l, to " F rn nee • ." The juel Ke dec la res thai not another IIvtn g- peraon wou ld t nrkle tho Job. uml Llglllnut, hI. mInd oer upled with tll e beautlfull!'ran c~. , I. gr eall y rny_Uned . Po\keman O' Keefe return. th ~ black paJam"" l'nd Llghtnut spnd. them to Blllln g~' room. Llgh t nut hus an Inter MlIn!! hour with France•. He tell s of the tblngs th e jU']Ke hlUl bee n sayIng about '''Fran cf!! s, ,. mu ch t o .. Frnnce.'·· amuse·

ment. JI.d ge Billing. r. rlleu to In[orror n mnn und er Brre. t cla Im ing to Th o judge promIse. ;Juck to wear the pa jamas thnt nIght. ~e

bfI hIs 80n JILek .

Next morning Jf>n k ln l4 t e llM IAg-IIt.nut he

law 111m (Lll,;htnllO Qghllng wllh " youth In th e Ilb rn.r y rlllr lns th e nI ght. PlIlIn"" t ell. Ll gh tnut Ih e jUdl{.8 1. ,oIn&, to tie nd Frances to a re formatory.

CHAPTER XXIX-(Contlnued). 'Is anything the m a tter, Mr . Llghtbut?" she nake d, comleg toward m_ and how ·klndly, Ulmost" tenderly, her IIweet face fl ofleeed! "Is It anything nbout Jacky?" IDAIl' ped the trump , J sbook my head and just geutly placed the little wrapped parcel In Fran ces' han do. My hand shook EO l elmoRt dropped "Some-somet';ln&" of yours that WD9 tOBt," I s Bld, and J knew my voice shook a IItUe, too, "I was fortunate In r ecovering It." 1 look ed ot herfor th e las t tim e, I Itnew~and It was ,ust m y d e vilis h luck tbat s he got mIs ty a nd dim . I whispered hoarsely : "OPOIl wb e n you are alone." An d t h e n I wallIed s trslgbt out of the h ouse ~ -"', ga rd e n e r directed m e to th e park pte . bu t th ere wer e so m a ny dash ed cu rv e3 a nd te rrn ces I got hopelcssly t\1..I ~ t cd , and pretty soon dldn·t Imow .... he t her I w a. lea ving or coming, d on't you know . I eat down on an Iron benc h t o th in k It ove r , and , by Jove , I m 'Jst ha \'e do zed art, for th e IIrst Wng I k n e w RO me one yell ed my nam e , a nd I loo ke d up to see-- l3ll1Ings! li e ..-as 100k lICI' Ii bit eoUed and di sbeveled , nnd hb eyes had a bauuted 1001<. " Wh a t th e d H lI are you dOing, sit· ~..,g h ,, ~e?" b e demand e d . " J- I'm ga ll ,g ." J lIald, hurriedly get· f'LlI; to my feet. '·Jus t res tlng-l-" ' ·T h ey to ld m e I would tlnd YOU !trre ," h o sa id . ·'Here you are, sit· tlng o ut h e r e In th e hot sun without IIon y h :lt ! Good thing, DIcky, you hav e n 't got any - h'm ! " Then be panted . at m e: "So y, nlco way you nnd m y s is t e r treated me--l don't thin k ! Du t ; '11 fo r give you this time," H cr o be li n k ed his a rm In mIne. ''I'll for giv e }'OU, If you u e ver say anythin g at the club a bout those damned black p:1 ja m a R- nor In the faInlly, elt ber Grea t Scotll I wouldn't }lave


ling eree! a bI t o r ben dac ho froill t h " lI elde lh prg pll ncll /lnt! I cou ld Irm, ,, ill (l froru tb nt \\' lillt b ls fec ll nfl s m ll al bnv (\ \lee ll . ' ·Ily r. eorf;e , Dl c l, )" ," ho burs t o ut aga in , " til e \\'RY I' ve be' II s h ill lip nnil trca t ed j us t se olll s lik u Runt e In fN II "1 co n s plra r y. (J ood t hin!:" .IIl l' k 1( 11,wo nh '" d nd hull a pull" Ith t ho 111:' )'(', - fe ll you nil I" ~ who le ro lt n I1U " IEess wh en I ca n tnll< Rbo llt It Ql ue tl )" ," · 'Tb a t '~ ril: h t~ Ihu t 's rlgb t :" I ~ n l il S O O t lJl " ~I)", " w ou ld,, ' t th lll l' abou llt fil all nOli", old chap~" :-'-0 use r('ml ntl · lu g 1;lm, YOU kno w, t tl Dt be ha,1 ~1l1l 1 hi ms e lf u p IIC "I<I (,8 , t bo waD d e rl" " ur b ls mln,1 to J ncle Ells worth an d hl ~ fUl be r 6h owed me th n t e ve n r e t h e wns not QuIte blnl . ('It, 111 11111 1;8 mop ped his foreb en d. ")'I y , b u t It was hOl In t hat hol e~" h e ex· "'a ll lll'd . ",\ nd th n t rem in ds m cha ve rou seen the go\·ernor this m o rn · Ill g? No? We ll, t n lk .. bout hot: Ueo rge , but th e ol d mue was h o t un· de r t h" colla r wh e n I s n w him Just now' Aed he loo ks li ke b e hllLl be ·' n urop[le<i fro m u s hot t () We r~ It's thI s ('ns e b e's worki n g o n, I gu eSti, or else It's o bout Fran cis. 116 '~ fo ~ nd out what I kn e w." "Do- do yo u think !Or" I Ques tI on ed Den'o ull ly, " Pre tty sure," Ea ld Bllllngll ca reles sly , "Fu c t Is, ho 's nlreody fixing up to send Fraed s to s om e kInd or reformntory- hourd him ma k leg tbe arran gem e nt s ov c r the ' phono"-1 was glad he didn 't loo k at 010 as he rnttled on- "and; by the way, the gOY' e rnor told me to t e ll you not to say a word to Fran cls-J suppose ,you'll under8tand." Und e rstnnd? Ob , YCS, ( understood I ,. And he snld he wanted to see you, " "Is-18 be bere?" ( s tammered, pUllIng bnck. ·'Thank goodness , no, Gone to m e et Colone l Franci s Kirkla nd - any , don't ~ uy anything aboilt It- wants to Burprise his d /lUgbter, you know. On his woy to Lo nd o n vi a San Fra nci scoa rrived ut W us hlngton a few days ago." Oh, tho frump 's father! Mucb ca re d! Dut keowlug how Inte rested he wo s In her, I tri ed to ehew an Int e r est. "Colonel Francls__ r - 18n't his daugbter uome d after him ?" And I felt mys elf g row jolly red, for I rem e mbe red that s he hod told me that about her fri e nd os s he s ot on the orm of th e l\ol orrls chair aud In the black pajamos. "Hanged lr I Imow," snld Billings care le s sly. "I don't know whot Iler name Is- don 't rem e mber that I ever hea rd." He wbl s tl ed. " Say, but did you ever see anytblng as stunningly pretty In your lire ?" I balked. By Jove , I had been doIllg some mild lying within tbe past twenty·four hou rH , bUt this was 'askIng too much . Das h me If I just could go It, that's all, But he didn't seem to noUce. Ho sla pped me on til'.! b:lck. "By George.' Dicky, therel just the girl cut out for YO l.I, old chap- take my tip . 1 think ehe likes you, too......, could see ' It just now wben f was talking about you." So that was It, I renected gloomily, The frump now was to be worked 01I on me, nnd I was expected to stund for It. I was to bo b. sort ot what-}'ou· call·lt offe ring on the altar of friend· s hip. Tbat was the condition upon wblch he was patehlng up things! Billings laughed suddenly. "But. oh, I tell you It ' would be hard on I·' rancls- a regular knockout, by G ~ org e ! " De vilish brutal for him to say BO, I thought. "Va you thlnle SO!" I questioned di s mally, "Would Frances really


pergola , Ru d , drorplng li pa n R be Dc ll, F::lzed gloo mil y Ilt t ile su nli gh t patl' llea Ilt my fe(' t . ··0 11 , IINC )'ou a re , e b ?"' bro l, e Il ars ll . Iy IIDo n mI' . I lool, od up. s tn rt led from my ulOod T here , ba n" " upo n hl ~ ni ps an d sco wl· lng , ~ t ood - t h o C h Htl "' (' tl r ~ I fro\\'nl't1 , bu t t he fello w Ju s t mov('Li n('arer . ·'1 ~Ul"S ma nt rna·s bnbi' cl on ·! [I'e l s o s pr y th Is ll1 ('rtl lng '·' h e Jee rell. '· Uoe s Its Ilttl,) II {,III I)" -(' ut ll s nl'l1l'.uI1I 5-c ll '! " I g runt ed rOl ll e r wea rily " I I It (Iof's , my gon" (,' lluw, It'" n 01l1' o ( )Oll r h us ll. p~" . Dun' t bUlh e r me!" I shll t ed I h e ot her way. "O h , Is u ' t Il ?"- hl s t o ne Quklte n ed tnlc ul pnllv- ' ·"' " II may h e I'll m nliC It m y tJu;lnl!SR '" 'li e jerked h Is nrm at me, con t inu Ing s b n rp l)": "L ook b e re, yo u g lllss·c)'ell mo nk ey- jac k , don· t you ~c t fl ip w it h me Ihls mornleg"- he I llu~ h e d con rsl' ly-"o r I'll think you w an t some ma rc! Do you 1" I turn ed lil Y b ead und, poll gblng my m Ollocle corefu lly. g ave It a tlgbt s c rew a nd tuo k him In slowl y, hegln. nl ng with hi s ye llow mop of hllir a nd c llrll ng w lt b t h e toe s at hi s s oiled c un\' ns s boes. By J o ve, 1 wa s sure lh ey 'd n ~"e r bee n lI' bltened sInce be bOllght them . I 6t'eDl ed t o anger hllll. H e utt ered a sort of Bnort with a mutter un com · plimentary a nd s trode forward, tow e ring ab o n ) m e where 1 ~at. ".An s we r , wb e n I' m talkln~ to you, you saph ead ed fool," he be llowed, "or I'll wring }'our neckl 1 asked I[ you "'nllted some more." I IItretch ed my arms, tryln~ their muscle room In a lengthy Yawn, and bllnl,e d at him with my tree eye, "Won· derlng where the deuce be got the c rim son hot ba nd. By Jove, that waa tile most daBhed Impertinent thing o[

all! " More what?" I drawled IndllIerent· Iy. "!\lore- of tbnt! .. - Viciously - and thwack hI s knu c kles s truc k aga Inst the Iron b ack o f the jolly be nc h. 1<'or I wa s n't th e re, don 't YOIl know , " Huh! Think you ' r e s om e s mart, don 't you!·' h e snee red , hitching 11.111 trous ers band. "Now, look h e r e" he loveled his flllge r-"you're a gues t bere nnd I .!mow I oughtn't to do It, and I bnte It for Jack' s sake, but I'm feeling I'll just bave to give you anoth e r trimming this lovely m o rni ng!" He chuckled , roiling hi s lips and s preading thorn till I coulf! s ee every tooth , He moved toward ine le isurely, slipping up his sleevell, "What YOU got la s t night , s onny, was for your own sal:e, but this time It's going to be tor Frances'-you fish worm '" "Guess we'll leave MIss Frances out


"1 c r r ta ln ly t h ink th nt e ve ry o ne who Is troul,l eti as I W BS sh ould give y our Compou n el T a bl.:Ls a fnllh f,, 1 t r inl, anti th ey Vl lll find relie!."-Mu• . uJl:uROG J Ul3\" , 80 2 Fit Lit l:i treet, l:iout h liost on, Mass.

Letter from Mrs. Julia King, P hcenix, R.I. A mI he nt ru cl, b ls c hes t

tl blll w · to be m enn t. Ann JII ~ I t he n I r eUlcrilbt'I·('C1 t o SDI ''''l h l.lIy lJ :l lr ·pa rt. ··uh. YOII --" \\' itl, a gro wl IlIl ll n IJpa r, h ... s \\ c pt botb hi s h a nd s fo hi s h l'a d :t ud w hi r led th plu \lI l"OlIg!! hl n gl"f' a l yello w pil e. lea vin g ('I\ c b h ai r SI <I ",III:& o n c:ld llite th e '1l1l1 l s of til Fr,'1 ful 'II' hat's- Its-na 1110 . Th(' n he d ar. !"t'u t o wurd Ule, pou slng Il" r('gulnrly to uOII .) le Ol·c r with a ch u cil le . '·O h , Lhl s Is too go od ~ " iHl Yl'lpcd. " Dllt I can·t he lp It ; I j est can 't rflfll ~ e the mOIl I',I·, L izz ie! I know tn ey'll se nd me away t o r thi s , ~t - Oh, IOIlW~how


\\' ha t


At,,1 o'·er h e'd d o ub le ago ln. Odd es l th i ng , I ~ n ' t ,It, bow your Jo ll y nc llv e mind \\" 111 wond e r III the r umUl e s l tim es; nnt! I had a thought t he n of how , wb e n I was n d"IIcate boy, bully old Doctor Dail e and Ooc. t o r Ma d den hod prescrib ed n punch · ie g ·hHg , nnd late r bo a ves. And I tb ought with a p a ng or what rll1l>lng t im "~ th " govNnor nnd I had, s('rapping, and of what kno ck s be gradu ally b ega n to gi ve m e until he fo r ced DIe to le urn w c om e back harder. JOTe, wh a t corking bours we bad! A nd tben whon Chugs ey, tbe reUred Englis h IIgbt·welght champlou, cAm e to butl e r--<lh, wbat s mashing tllreehande d roundll we u sed to have! Unlly old governor, who was nev e r 8 0 bU8Y on hili ~ ermon8 but what he could take a walk or 11 rid e wltb me; or tnlk wi t h me, or nght with me! Why, h_ By J()ve, my das he d monocle got 8(' cloudy o[ a sudden, I nlmost mis sed the chaurteur·l! m o ~· e--a lm0 9t, don 't you know ! And then"I Silly' you know' - I Bald dtsgu8tedly, us I screw od my monocle at him the r e , hlu yellow mat s ticking out of sig ht througb tb e jo lly vines, "Awfull y raw thi ng to s trike at a man and lel1 \·o ' your gu ard open like that - I co uld h uve put It ov e r your he urt, don't y o u knolV !" I h eard a little s ound behind we and th er e wns s he! "Oh! " I gas ped 09 I ·sllpped Illto my COllt. And n o w I was miserable, for I rem.~ mhered how kInd this chaur· teur, Scoggin s, ha d been to he r . And tor her to hav e seen me In tbls vul~ar row' "YeEl , I saw It all," sbe said, as I) moved toward he r, murmuring some Jolly e rtort at apol ogy . Her eyes were "'hlnlng. "I 6 AW It all, sIr-and beurd.


Ph renix, R,I.-"I \,orlw d steady In the m ill f .-om th o ti me I w as l :l YUT. o l d un t il I hlld b ~en ma rri e d a y 'nr, anel I th inlt '.h llt c a u sed my b a d feel· in g-s. 1 had so reness in m y s lrl c n Cll r my lef t hip tlll1t went aro und to my b aele , and 1I0 me li mN' [ woul d have to !io in bed for two or three d a yll. I Wle:; not a hl0 to d o mv ho usework. • "Lyrlln.lI:. PiuI; h alll's Vege t a b le Co mp01md h :\" h!'IflPrl me wonde rfully III e .. ('r y"'''y. 'lO ll may li se my lei tv r fvr t h e gootl o f others. I a m o nly too {<lad to rio a rn-thl nl( wit hin m y )w 'ver to recommend y our m cdicluc . "-M.r .. J I."L1A. K LX O/ Dox :)11 2 , Ph~nix . R,L

Letter from M.-s. Etta Donovan,WIIUmantic, Conn. Willimantlo, Conn.- u Fo r fiv e y ear s fsuff!'r d untohla gony from femalo tro ulil es causing b acl,acbe , IrreR'ularitlcs, dl e&.q, autl n e rvou s p r os trat io e. It was iruposs ililo for m e t o 'll'tllk up stui TS lI'lthout· Bt opplng on the '~lIy, I W I\.S all rue in eve ry :\va y, "lt rie ,I thrt~e tloctO I"S un d each tol d me s omet hi ug' different. I received b O b en e fit from auy of the m but seem ed to s u ff" r wore. T he lns t doctor Ea id it W:LS no use fo r me t o tako Ilnything' as n othin g woul d reatore Inll to h ealth l', So ( began t :Lk ing' L y dia E. 1'inl, h a ru's Vege t a ble Compound to seo what it wou ld do, a nd by t a king se ve n b oltl es o f th e Co mpou nd aad alh!!r trea t ment yo u a dvi sed, 1 am r es t o r ed to my natural health."-l\!.ra. E-l"tA DONOVA.~, 7 tl~ Ma in Str ee t, Wllllmllutic, Conll,

Letter from Mrs. Winfield Dana, Augusta, Me: Al1gUl;!.:l, Me.-"Lydi a E , PInkham's Vegetable Compound has cured


backac he, h eadache, and t h e ba.d p~in I had in my right elde, and 1 am perfectJy weIL"-Mra. W1l'IPutLD DA.lIA., R.F,D. No, 8, Aurust.a, Me.

Letter from Mrs. J. A. Thompson, Newport, Vt. Newport, Vt.-" I th n. nk YOll for the great benefit Lydia E. Pinkham'. Vege table Com pound h lUl do ne me . ' 1 took eight bottles and it did w o ode .. f or me, a s I wa~ a. ne rvo us wrcck when I began t&ldn11t. I ahall ..Iway. .peak a good word f o r It to my friQn<l&--Mrs. JOD TBOJU>SON, Holt I, Newport Center, Yermont.

Letter from Miss Grace Dodds, Bethlehem, N.H. Dethle hem, N .H,-" 13y working nry hard, I",eeplng carpetll, wnahlnjf. frooln l!, lifting heavy b nskets of clothes, etc.., I got aU run dowll. ·1 wa. liok iu bed every month. "This last Spring my mother got LydIa E. PInkham's Vegotable Com· pound for me, and alreatlj' I feel like another girl. 1 am r egular and do not the pains that I did, nnd do Dot have to go to bed_ f wBI tell aU my frlends what the Compound is doiDg for we."-Mls9 GB.\CIK B. DoDDa, BOl[ 133, Bethlehem. N.H.

For 30 yean Lydia E , Pinkham's Vegetablo Compouud bas been the standard remedy for female ills. No one sick with woman's aliments does Justice to berself who ,rill not try tbls famous medicine, made from roots and berbs, it has restored 80 many suffering' women to health. WrltetoLYDlA E.PINKHllI DDICINECO.

_•• 1Your letter will be opened, re ad and aD!lwered ..



(CONFlJ)E~TU.L) LYNN, MA~8., for a4vlce •

woma.n and beld In IItrict confidence.

We Lead You

To Fortune and Happy Life in California Meson. J. S. & W, S, Kuhn, the Pittsburgh banken, ar~ doina In the Sacnamenlo Valley what the U, S_ Goverument il doing elae"here for the ,,"ople. There i. ten II mea mort! net profit per aCJ1I In California irrigaltt/ land than Iq the East and "lth leu labor. Let um take YOll where thers I. comfort and happlnen betidel profit, climlLle equal to that of Southern Italy, no froet. cor Ina .. , no thundenltorms nor lun.troke •. Let us cake YOll where big money is now being made, marketa are ncar, demand for productl ireal and incOme b lure, Let ul take you .. here rnilroad and river tran.portatlon ia near, .. here there are denominational churc:hca aad craded Ichoola. N.'W is the ti me to buy thll land-a-et In with th~ .. Inners, the ireat Pa"lma Canal "ill 1000 be ready and you call Ihare in Itl IrJ IHnph,; farma are lellini rapidly, and ... Itrongly urllC you to puri:hue as looe &I pouible, You can buy thl. land on very eur, terrn-.$15.00 &II acre "ow and the balllllc:e In tell year y payments, Gi" us aa opportunity to take up all details "Ith you -"rite UI MW. Lei us lend you our fine ilIustrded printed mnUer tellllli an about it. Write for it .1 'lru-it eivel you absolute proofa.



" Oh, yes," he s nld lightly. "Soon get over It, thougil- lluPDY love, YOU l'Dow ." Puppy love, Inde ed! By Jove, how I hated Billings ' lIe WEnt on : "Suppose YOU never hea rd (lnythlllg o[ th e prores~or and tbe pajamas ? , I bad not, nnd I was d evilish !Ick ot pajamas, anyway. "And say, Dick y, I don 't remember that I e ver thnnked you pro perly, old n,all, for putting up my kid brother the other nlgbl. He says YOU treated blm Ilk\! a bric k and that YOI1 and he got to he groat plt ls. So mu c h obliged, old chap, becauso he wauted to g'> running around, you know." :'Your brother?" I questIoned, astonIs hed, and I guess illY face must have s bowed It, "DIdn't he slay with YOll 1" he snap· ped . I slared blankly. - Why, RililngsI didn't know - I didn't remember you had a brotber. I never have seen blm ." Dlllings' face swellclI redder, and be struck bls nat down with an onth, He looked angrily toward the house, ·Tben i he stepped burrledly In advance at I' me. " Excuse me, old cbap, will youT" be said, his voice hardened. "Will Beo you at Iuncbeon-make yourself at bome, won 't" you?"

Collective Houaoueplng, An English paper tella of an experiment In collecttve hOllsekeeplnc In what I. known as Drent Garden village. The dwelling bOllBeI! contain all Improvement. except a kitchen, Meals for everybody are cooked at a cen· tral hall , and may either be eaton there or sent home, A rotir~ourse dinner costs" only 1,lIhlllln& and 6 pence. Servants are supplied, when needed, from the central holl at a cost at ahout ten cents an hour,

"Be a Man,"

ot It, don't you knoll'," I remonstrated.

Dash the fellow 'lI Impudence! Then, remembering I was wearing D coat · of dark cheviot that wa>! tbe very devil for showing every BPeok of dust, l nllpped out of It and looked about (ot gomewhere to hang It. Not a dashed place', of course; not a thing, you know, except nails ber~ and tbere In the wooden uprights ot the pergola, and ot course nlllla wouldn't do to bang a coat on. So 1 jUlt folded the jolly thing · carefully-very . caretully, JUBt as I had seen Jenldn. d~and then I held' It on my a~, Tbe ,chap had b~I\D s~dnl about me In a curve, cluc/dI'\.S" ~I.a •.tODgUO ~HAP.TE,R XX~ oontemptuouslY '. and .. mutterlng, and , ,- '" letU~I· more. jolly r'd..t~,,8Jld abOl.. ' , <. ynder,.:the ,', t'erIJ011. ,'i", lYe -eVery ~liiu.te. '_ " , ,'.. . , Ma,ke .mY,IIelt· at bome! · I mtealeCI ' "Be a .mali.! h, ~' l!iIar)ect, '.J< "Y~, u~d.r UI~ quiet, ibide J.l>. • eorivenleJlt blamed ~tallbr's clWJUli.J, mUll








.' _\ _ '

be 'a· '


Constipation Vanishes Forever

Prompt Relief-PenilaDent Cure


fail, Purely vegetable - act surely but gently on the liver. Stop after dinner diltress-cure He 8narled. indigestion. Red Crou Ball Blue !flv... double nlue Improve the cOmplexion, brighten the~ And jlls t wbe n I lua hunted you u, for your monoy, Coel twice as tnr as &Dy SMALL PILL, SMAU DOSE, SMAU. PRJ(S otber. Alk your crooer, with these!"-nnd thft'" I saw tbat ber Genuine must bear Signat11re arms were burgeC'r~g with roses. 80Cla to Brighten China, "See' what I've boa" doing fOT YOII. Boda will brighten china that hilS Ilr!" been burned or darkeh ed by long ue "F'or me?" By )f,..<9, It wu ali. r so £OPrIl08UI PBOTOOUPHS 01 eould say as J tOOll tAem I "And you ran ott,.. She pout"" THfODOR~ ador'a bly-naturally, too, dllSb It, I've seen them put It t'b when they look~ like they had tootblVlbe. "How alll Z ever going to thank you about tbe pa-




look:ed me frankly In the face. Tbers jamas'?" By Jove, -her big wlui-nel7f1r n ' quIver of embarra. . "it'll wonderfuI-=-8Ild to ·· find , th.eJri he~~I~ ~



the SundilY School Times,

OES aoy r esponsibil ity for " makIng up" rest u pon a I'e rBon who bas been wronged by another. when the one wbo bas daD e t he Injury wi ll olJ e r 110 apology '! The Quesllon Is no t merely otle for class di sc uss io n; It elllera Into 1rdl nary eX.Ile rl ence cor:slnntly Ilnd Clromlncn l ly. A lla n k pres ident In Oh io wrll es of Its dis usslou III Ills S uoday·s('!tool cl as s : "Our c1alls was divided ovcr tho Ques li un or ollr duty to t he other rellow. ",ben he bas v,l'onged us . atld we feel (' erlllin t hut t here ha s bE' e n DO wrong a ll our pa r t. Some su ld we rue to lea vo biD! a lenEl unt il b e Ie re ad y 10 COnr('HS l hat he has wro nged "'II. 0(I)(dr8 said )ha t lbe verse, ' Jr therefor" tb ou art Orl'l'ritlb l ily gift 11 , tb e a llar. a nd the r e re mt'lub e l'es t that tlty brot hl:r I,Ulh augbt ag ai n s t t hee,' means tb a t we mu s t try lO be reconciled to tbe brolher wbo has beeu ollen ded (eve n when th e re hu s hee n DO wrong on ollr part) before our gifts wil l be accep tab le to God , Wbat Is the tcachlng at that verse? (MalL 6 : 23, 24)." It Is always sufe to fol low the ex· a.mple of God In our princip les of act io n, We bave wrong ed God so t errIbly by sin I)lal we cann ot, and would nOI It we could, turn to God o f our own accord nnd seek reconciliation, God Is wholly In tbe rh;ht: yet God doc s not leave Ull aloue uulll we are ready to confess aDd ask to r r econcilIDstead, God seeks us out, Ia tion. and, Ilt a tragic and lollo lte cost to blmaelf and bls Son. he simply loves us Into conressl ng and see king reconc lllalion. No man has eyer turned to God for fo rgiveness until after God had won him to tb ls by loogI1Il rterlng, pallent, lo vin g ee trea ty and kindness, S uppo se God should " leave us a lone" until we wers r£:u dy to dQ tha rlgbt t btng ! MUlt Forgive A . We ArB Forglven_ Wben we have finally yIelded to bl. ICive and accepted his p le adingly proffered forgl ve ness a nd life In J esua ChrIst bls sacrlflced Son. tben he asks us, who thus ha ve been forgive n Buch an unsp eaka bly great debt, to forgl v. otbers their little debts against ua. And be asks UB to do It In his wayth e same way tb a t be used toward ue. He aska us to go out after them In love : posltl\'e, aggressive, compellIng, wtnnln g love, lo ve that mal(es the Ilrst move but that neve r mn kes ths lallt move: becBuse It Ilcver ceallOS, "never talieth ." If we simply lavish our love • In positive ways. pe r sisten tly and unceasingly upon one who bas wronged U8 and neyer sbo'w th a t we even no't lced the wrong, any hard feeling Is pre lly sur e to s tarve to death. Tber. Is pretty sure La be a reconciliation, whether or nOl lbe other tellow ever d oes anything about It openly, To be reconciled means. In the Greek, to be changed throughout. It Is that aort of c ha nge that God would elfeet by showing bl s lo ve In ua and tbrougb us toward an yo ne 'I\'bo Deeda re<".oncllIng toward Ull . The Injunction In Ma tthew 5: 23, ~4 wou ld aeem to Include all thIs. It would reasonahly seem to apply to .Itber lin Innocent or a guilty party In .uch a ma lter. It a Olin hal wronged snother, and haa not conhl.... • ed and made restitution, then he certainly ought to set things rlgbt before .olng on wltb his religiOUS duties. It he hili been wronged, and ba8 not done all tbat be mIght to e llect a reconclllillion, the obligation to do .0 lin juet a. heavily upon hIm al upon tht; olrendlng person, Tbough h. may bave been InDocent before, he now becomes guilty of tbe Quarrel Ir be dOCB not lacrlflce himself utterly In) loving e lrort to win the otber'. love; and hla worship wlll not be aoceptabl. to God until he docs so.

An Oh io "eld of alfalfa be ing cured under huge canva. caps. An u u u ~ual ly wct .. IlS·llI lll,log "t'U' I Thn QII l'stion of eXpl' n se has us unlly soo bas s rH'11 10 emphasi ze Ihe ol'ees- hee ll th e main faelo r III prevenling a lty of Inl'ln ,1I111'; u s u pply M canvas ' farillers fr om laying In !I s up ~l y o f h llY caps In Iii-pry we ll a pl:oirlll'd hnr- : Ih l'&o e" Jls , howpy c r, all In l'rC1l3lng IlI g UIlI OI , ThilS ill nllrtleularly Ir ue I nlllllbf'r b Ilcill~ used pac-h y,,,,r, T hs wlwrc Ih,' hay to b, ' laandll' d IK a lfalfa f1r~t c.ost II I:!('d nol ('xCt'c d tltlrty.fl,ve or c lo\'er, It was no un com nlOTJ s if: ht , to fif ty ceD IS ner ('ap, etl ulplled Wit h tllllI 8Ulllnier 10 gpO In the Ileld ('Iuver ,I rtn gs nnd ropes r Plldy fo r the attuthb a y that ha(1 lJee ll turn pd over two or ment of welghl s , Slones or plcces or thl'f' e ti ll ies. III aom,' cuscs f'\'e ll th e I wood are gpne rall y us('d for welg htM . fou rth turning WIIS neCl'ssa ry In order The numb e r rc qulr('d will of courlle to get the hay th o rollghly dry lifter depe nd lipan th e acr(~agc or h ay ao eS tbe 8u ccesslo n ot Rllowcrs, Need less Ih(' yl" ld Ile r a c re. As a fl~ner[1 1 rule, to say , the IIay t his tr c81m"llt I Iho cost wl1\ lie fr om SeHlI> to ten dolwas d a rk In color and pour III lj ual lt y, ' Inrs pe r flere, It Is oul y necessary to a largo percenta gl' of tbe prol e ln nnd I supply enough for a few Il('res alnce carbobydrates h av in g bec n 1lC' lu a ll y ' only a part of Ihe Oe ld would require wlUlh e d OUI. by the repealed wetllngs. them al one t lm o. With proper car. After hay ha a partly dri ed, If plnced tbese ('tIPS shou ld las t for many yea n In sma ll ('o~ l( s a nd co vel'cd w lt b and tbe cost pe r year's use would thua squares of cam·lIs. or cap@ , It wi ll wlth- he very smal l. Wh e n we consider the stand a consldc rable r li in storm nnd, Improved quality of th e b ay , to SIlY When tbe caps arc tbe n removed. but nothing of a c rop ac tua lly saved occaa r ellltlvE'ly . short tim e will be r e- I s lonally, t he mo ne y spent for hay ca pa Qulred fo r the cot'ks lO dry o ut sum- I m ust be cOlls lde red an excellent Inclenlly to be h a ulerl to the mow. This vestm ent. metbod not o nl y preven ts t he was hin g Arter pu rc hasing hay ca ps It Is adout of th e prote lll and cnrbohydrntes. ,visn ble to murl( ('lIch one pl a inly with but saves mU t' ll timo In the busy hay - the own er's lIatTle. Th is I'll n read ily tng season a nll III ma ny ca ses provenl s be dOlle by u ij ln g [\ st l.' lI !:1I an d blac k tbe total loSB of the c rop. o r red waterproof Imint.


==-;;=:~ .========-======








:--'-1~~1 ' i~l '~


" ,


=-""- - "It pay. to

ule fertilizers on wheat and o!her grain oropL

In the rais ing of wheat bes t rOS UI:,8'1 for sale, as a lu rge maJorlly of tholl can not bo secure Ll '\'\' Ithollt the n se oC sol d are of much lower grude. AnT purchase d plnnt foo!;\' Th e yie ld of dea ler In fe rtili ze rs, how e ve r. who hal wheat Is quit.o Inrgoly de ter mined by I t. hc we lfare of his pat rons at heart., the _supply of nvallable plant food In I li nd wh.o b, lIeves that a satisfied CUBthe soIl. There mllY be scve r ll l rea· i 10 l:'l er IS t he bes t a dv erti sement, will sons why lhe s upply of su(' b food may gl a dly sec ure the Ingredients, Which be defici e nt "be n wb eat Is sown. I ca n th en be mIxed at home. The folSuc b d ell cle n oy. If It occ urs, should be I lo wing a mo unts Sb~ uld. be U8 e t~ In made geoe] hy tho purchase of plant I malting a ton of a .,-10'0 fertilizer . food In tlt e pro pe r form. i 400 pounds (2 sacks) ni tra te of soda III t his d lsc ll sslo n It Is assum ed t hnt 1400 pounds acid phosphate. whent Is grow n as a part of II. g ood ~OO poumJ s (1 sRcle ) muriate of potas h, rota tion, From 2 to 4 years hav e or. to ane h ] 26 pound ~ac k of ac id proba bly lotervE'ned since the form c r phos ph ale a dd 3;' pounds of nl~rate of clover crO ll was grown , consequc ntly. soda an d 17 pounds of murIate of potthe nit rogen. wh k h was sto r ed In th e aSh , rootll of that legum e, h as bce n used by At least 250 pounds of thl. fertili zer other crops. Manure Is u 5ua ll y ap- s h ould be ap plied \ pe r aLee. Thla plied to th e corn crop amI onl y n purt amoun t will cos t about $3.50_ Sucb of lhe n ll.lU~c n wb lch It co ntn lned re- , e xpenditure jJlay see lD large to some. mnlns fl>r til e u sc of the wh eat. Be- : How evcr, not one crop but t wo or cause of the se and ' other r casons, we I thr('o are he nefited for th e ert.e cts will would n a tuflt lly Infer tbat t hc whent be see II In the h ay c rop s wblc h follow, crop would be bene Ht ed by Ill e lldell· Those wh£? do n ot c:tre to In vest tblll tlon ' to the soll of SOI1lO nit roge u In i a mount o f mone y In a fertilizer are availa ble fo rm. Actual tesls un d prac' l a~t to com mit o ne o r two e rron, ticnl ' ex pe rl e.n cn h nvo sho,\'n thal th is , Eltbe r llley will uso no fe rtili zer at all II t rue when 110 manure is aPlI lie d to or Ihe y will be leLl to purcbase one of ,wh~at. On Oblo soils. h oweve r, It Is low grad e con tu lnlng about 1 per cent not ration al to nllply n llroge n unless I at nitro gen. Rather,_.tha n do either at phosphoric ncld Is !l Isa udd e:I, und, ! these they should 1I0e acid vhospitate Whatever th e fe rtili zer used, It should ~ or bone meal. These are good fertll: taln r dly proportion or th is [ze rs, but not tilO best ones for wheat, ~::d ' N:lt~~~ would fht> fertilizer for Two hu nd re d pou nds of acid pbo!lphate wlieat be cOOlplete wltbout co nt nl nlng will cost n,bout $1.50, nnd no farme r, . I o· pot Tbo '"'rOPOfwho desires to raise a• larger hcrop a ~,8 tl' supp t' , t' and II tl ' I ' h i b theBe elements s h ould a t the same time mnmta ln t e .ert o~~r ~z, ~ a matter of dispute aM Ity of his SOli: will have cause to r. ,Dodoobt vary wi th dHtertl nt con- gret tl:\e application of this 1l!l10unt to cIttUolrii.,· , wheat growers agree each acre of 'A·hent. ' , wblch con tai n 1 , til. ,., BACH~'mLL. ' of nl trogen are Ct;'llege ot Agrlcu.lture, Ohio o.s,tate , T h ere IIhould University. , -more <;If this ell!liulnt!~.~tli1a"i!i,&r.tlUter' 8!\Ould ,DhQI~P9r!.M~~t)C~•• !




I t'.'




y........ A



Under the Rule of Jeau., Let our temper be under tbe rul. of the love of Jesus; he alone cnn curl> It-he can make U8 gentle and patient. Let the vow tha t not an:y unkind word of others IIbali eye~ be I:eard from our UPI be laid trustingly at hla (eet. Let tho I'entleness thllt retuses to take olfense. that Is alway. ready to excuse, to thInk and hope the best, mark our Intercourse with all_ Let our lire be one at lIelr-sacrlHee always studying the ,,-eUare of oth~rs, nodlng our highest joy In blesElng otber8. And let UII, In studyIng the divine art ot doing good, yield ourselves 8S obedient learners to the guldance of the Holy Spirit. By hIs grace the most commonpla ce life can tie transHgured wUh the brigh tness of a heavenly beauty, as thEl Inllnlte love of the divine na.ture shiites oue through our frail humanlty _-Rey_ A_ .lurray_ Upward and Outward, "Tbll commandment have we from him. That hs who loveth God loyeth hI. }Jrother al80."-1 Jobn 4 : 21, Moat rel~ona are meant to be atralgbt Unes, connecting t w., "oint.: God , and man, But ChrlBtJanlty hal three polnta: God ' and man and bt. Iln.. that ~ake a rtCbt. II a. ~ up 'to

brother. til6


If!'fltlOl~"'bt 'I1j,~ \"





D ....


but so fllr It has DO t lJ ccn fouu d , The I fact that tbere appa renliy Is no will '-INEST QUALITY LARGEST VARtliTY Is ca usi ng cODsl de rable gossip, as Tuh:~Dm~~~;;~u";;l~~::':ci'~o~~~oIOUllna _ til e property, of wiJlcll Ihe r o Is u good po <I deal, botb In AGoio and Florence, will paes tu hi s wl te, wllo was Mi s s Codding ton o f New York nqd fr om wh011l 1>0 Ill'ed upart for years, owing to Inco mpRtih l llty of t Pmpe r, IIrowu lng' s IlrOperly In ~'lorC!oce h. cluded Ca ss Guidi, wher e he spent hI. When his mother cb llt.lhootl day s, di ed tbe property pass ed o ut or t iJe famil y, lind was aCQlril'ed b y blm n few years ago.

Been Wronged

Cost Need Not Be Over Seven to Ten Dollars Per Acre and With Proper Care Will Last For Many Years- By Ohio Farmers


~~~~~:g,Il:~~. ~~r tt~: ~\~o~fs H:ba:~~ !

"'Your hu sband freQueutly misses d in ner ." "Yes, W he neve r there III a hall ,arn e In to\\'n he d t'VOtE'B 1> llIIsc)( to /ludlnG fau lt wit h th e umli lre Instead of with Ih e cook. " 1I1 :~


U I~t


'Walh cna, Kae .- "~l y chiltl's Bcalp troll"!o I.:ccamn BO ba d l ha t I wu ~ a sham l'c1 to 11:1\'0 an yon () Sl'O him. lI is head had n soliLi 6e:lI) on It. II c al so had n t er rlbl ~ b:'('"ltllI~ Ollt on his fare wll l('h WDS r,ra,!ua lly growl !!!; 'l\'or ~ e. Tho e ruption wus lIko (Jlm r'l cs whicb de\'clored Inlo Eores when h e Rr'r:1 tc hed wh lc lt he did n lm oet ~on s t:tn ll y , Da'by wou ld a lmost scratch h imscl f raw, "I had ust'd seversl dlffer('nt kinds of sah'e, n one or tlt em hvll'lng III tho lellst bit, when I saw th e C'1J:kura a<l· vc'r llsement In tbe parer Ilnd It mad e me tblnk of tbe good resul ts my siste r ha. d whe n sh e used It for b('l" eh lhlre n. I had only used Ctltkuru Soap an d OIn tment abo ut two .... eeks bdore I noticed th a t the aores wer e a lmost e ntirel y gone, and It must h a \' e b een a mon th or six we('I(B ho) Wll9 trou bled belfors I bcgan th e trca tment. He would get ensy when I would put the Cutl cu ra Ointment on him. Cu tl cura Boap and Ointment com pletely cured htm and he has a clellf comple xIo n now ." (Signed) ?Irs . W . H . Hughes, DI~c . 81 , 1911. CuU cura Soap and Ointment laid throu ghout the wo rld . S~mple of eacb free, with , 3 ~ · p , Ski n Rool.. Add r es s post~ ar d "Cutlcura, Dcpt. L. Doston."

tunc became k ll ow n Ih f.' Y were 011& ao,1 all ('(.g" r tl) ntlo r* he r, Tbe allt ho rltles IJa\'e pl ''''('d b pr In t he ('llargE' o f li n nrc'II - ~rl ('~ t, OJ di 'Ianl coo· ne ctiue of b e r fnth"r


O n o of the Principal Advantaie& of •

A Condi tio n.

"Say . It you tal:p Itt; Ollt In tbls hire d car, Is lil(, ri d,' 011 you'! " " \'('s, If at lltl! "lIt l of II. th c car Isn't ," lnstead of Jlquld ItIttls('jl tl cs, tablet, nntl pe roxide, ro r lollet lind medici na l uses, many I'e ople pl'pr"r l'ax ll ne, willcll Is (' lt ea[l{'r a nd bellpl'. t\t (Inll;' g l ~ t R, 25c a b(Jx or sent 1'0SlPO Id on .re· celpt of price by Tbe Paxto n TOile t ":;0. , BOB ton, IIl ass,

i, tbn t y ou bllve • pen thot will always respond immediately wlicrcvcr yo u waot to write. The Spoon Fced re gula te. an eVCD Ilnd steady aow and prevcDu overflow. Gold Pena 10 auil every band _

The Likene ss. "Tbls fr ee IJulllllg of I pc th has some features In COlllmon with big 60clcl runcllons." "Whllt are they?" "Ch arity bawls." An cien t Ide .. of Da ncinG. Dancing \\'as ori ginally a means or expressin g r eligious feeling. Be thrifty o n lillIe t htngs like blui ng D on't acre pt "nle r fur blulnt{. J\ ~k for Hod erosa Bolt Blue , lue .>lm ,"uw vnlu8 blue.

No rweg ia n Scienti fi c Eltpedltlon. Irrigation In AUlltralia. A No rw egIan ex pedillon will study Australia Is Irri ga tin g more th a n tbe nntl \'e6. Oora and fauna of a l· two million ncres of grazing la nd s most unkn own '\-eg lona o f northe rn with artesIan wells, a nd central Asia.



Hla Weapon, fHE BOWELS ·1HE UVER ' THE BLODD rft , Wlnftlow. Bnot'f\ ...~ _ B, -rnp for Children "'!::Id you see where an escaplni ma.- Jlf 4" ALL DRUGGISTS If> t· th lna.r. tI" r (~nR ttlt.' f-!,UIU K , r f' \lu ce. lDOa. tn1t.lenlac somewbe re struck do\\'n bill pur- 1100..0.11&7» p aiD. c ur ~tI Wind col ic. 26c . boUle.. suer wltb a cake of soap?" ~1~'·Ii~~ t~v~.m~;i~:t; ~u.:'~ Th e palm Ist can r ead your tu t ure -=--= --=---- - ::.-~ -- --;. . . = - = "The n I BUPPOSS he made a clean of'(-hand, Illtaway." W. N, U,. CINC~~ NA! I, N0..:E -1912.


Don't Poison Baby. FORTY YEARS AGO almost every mother thought her child must have PAREGORIO or laudanum to make it sleep. These drugs will produce sleep, and A FEW DROPS TOO MANY will produce the'SLEEP FROM WHICH THERE IS NO WAKING. Many afe the ohildren who have ,been killed or whose health has been ruined for life by paregorio, laudanum and morphine, each of which Is a. narootio product of opium. Druggists are prohibited from selling either of the narootios named to children ElJt all, or to anybody without labelling them "poison." The definition of "narcotic" is: ".,1. medicinewkichrelievespai1& and produces sleep, but which in poisonous doses produces stupor, coma, convu,LBio7Ul and death." The taste and smell ofmedicines containing opium are disguised,

and Bold under the names of "Drops," "Oordials," "Soothing Syrups," etc. You should not permit any medioine to be given to your children without you or your physician know of what it is composed.. OASTORIA DOES BOT OONTAIN NARCOTICS, if it bears the signatu.l?e of Chas, H. Fletcherl

Letters from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher. Dr. J. W. 111., Bays: "I lUll!

DInsdale, of Chlcqo. use your C&storl& adTl!Je lta use ln all familIes where tllere are children." Dr. Alexander E_ Mlntle, of Cleveland. OhIo, says: "I bave trequenUJr prescrlbed your CastorJa. and have found it a rellable and pleasant remfor children." Dr_ Agnes V_ Swetland, of Omah&, Nebr_, nys: "Your Caatoria .. the best remed,. in the world for children and the only On>3 I 11M and reeommend. " Dr. J. A. McClellan, of Bulfalo, N. Y" says: "I have frequenUy preacrlbell ~ ::r Castorla tor chlldren a.nd always got good results. In tact I aaa Castorla for own children." Dr• .1. W. Allen, of St. LouIs, Mo., BIlYS: "I hearUIy endorse ,"our C . . torlL I have frequently prescribed It In my m edIcal pracUce. and haTe always found it to do all that la claimed for It." Dr. C. lL Glidden, ot S'.;. PaUl. 1IIInn.• says: "My falIerfenco as a praoo tltJoner wIth your Casto ria has been hJghl1. IlAtillfe.ctory, and I coIl/llder Ie an excellent remedy for tho young." Dr. H. D . Benncr. of PhiladelphIa, Pa., lays:' 0tJ have met! your ca.. torla as a purgntlve In tile cll.6es ot chlldren for years past with the mod bappy etrcct. and tully endorse it as a safe remedy." Dr• .1, A. Boarman. of l~ansas Clly, Mo" says: ''Your Castorta Is a aplandid remedy tor children, known the world OTero I u se It ln my pracUc. and have no hesitanCY. in recommending it for the complaints of Intazate and chlldren_" Dr• .1•.J. Mackey, of Brooklyn, N. Y_, says : "I conalder your Cutorla_ excellent preparation tor chlldren, beIng composed ot reliable medldJl. and pleasant to the taste. A ,ood remedy' tor. all .dJsturban'*l Q& digf58tlve orpDS,"









Mra. Agnes S;uoe, of Dr. lngstone, Alway. Wa s Enthualutle Over Africa .

1------------·, Personal Mention! +-----------

Ge t th e haLit; go to White's Bakl\fnl. A g1H' S L i yin g~tn n r Hrll (,C' , ery. whose dellth is ull n "uIl Ll·'l. \I' ll'; th MeS8r!i. R.lY and Carl Hawk e, of l'I.Ier dUll ght('r o f Dr. Lil' i n g,t r)llI'. ~lfS. nrll ('e WII S bnrn in .\ fr il':l . a t Dayton , were home Sunday. Kurumllo, 64 Yl' lH S ago. "\\11(.'11 fOlif 1\1 ), >l . J . C. Hawk e anu daughter years of age .: IH' wu s 8p nt h nll1e In l\1i",,, Cla ra , a re in Dayton , today. thi s count ry f Of h(' r r.] lIrRl ioll , lind on her father's return , aft er the f llO . W Hamilton spent ~unday and 1Il0US journey in the Durk C., ut ineu t, Monday with relativ es in , Dayton. she spent a large amount of t i ln e in his company, traveling with hi m ill C. A. Bruner made a hurried visit Seotlulld and England . H er eulh ll - to Spri~field and Dayton, Saturday. siasm for her father's work in A frica was maintained all t hroll gh lll' r I .1\11 Winter Millinery on di splay at life, and it is matt er for fl·g- ret Grace L. Smith's . IImong those who kn ew her int imat ely, that a gond deal of dirt'ct ull ,l ~r . and Mrs. B. S. Howell were per sonal infnrrnnlion r f' lol ing tn 11)(' in Cin cinnati Monday and Tuesday . (Jxpl()!'er and hi s work mu st now be Mr. and Mrs: C. ,D. Reed l e~ t lost, liS Mrs. nrllce had not sccn hcr way to r ecord her impression s und Friday fo r thei r fu ture home III reminiscences in any pernmncnt ' Cincin nati. form . Mrs. Bruce herself !lI ade six journeys to Cen t ral Afri ca and "i Mrs. Edith.H.a~r.i s and Mr .. ited and explored the di s lri~'ts II S- Mosher are VISiting- relatives In sociated with her fath er's lJume.- Morrow cou nty . London EVQn;"1! Stllndard. --- -- _. E. S. Furnas arrived home Friday FOR R ~NT i mC'rning fr om a month' s visit with ARM Dear 8prin.boro, " or r" re latives in Fh;hertown , Pa. horses rpquirld 0 1' . Grfl,r, ' liell phone 8.:1, . or P . O. Box 3~:l, Misses Alice McKinsey , Misses Lili llll Dltsbu rg, OhIO. I) !) E g b er t VISI . 'ted _ _' _ .. lie Nedry an d I zma friends in Lebanon Monday .



Fall Goods in Every Department Now Ready



Cand,1Od ates


SUBJECT TOGENERAL ELECTION : Mr. an~ .Mrs. Rufus Squires, lof , Dayton, VISited at the home of Mr . IDoan Brackney and family, last NOVEMBER 5, 1912 ' Sunday.



Mrs. Lawrence Vandervoort, of Covi ngton, Ky ., who has been the lruest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs . , Isaac Wilson, for a couple of weeks, r eturned to her home in Kentucky, . Friday.


Notice of Appointment Estate 01 DanIel S. Woollard. N o~lce


+ miLK


FRESH TWICE A DAY In Quarts and Pints

Ortler wben you need it, have it delivered . with your Groceri~s.



- AT-

Hawk~'s ...----------------,---------~

~For Sale~· 37 3.

ACHES, 4-r00111 house, barn 40x60, wagon sh ed, chicken 4 house, silo, 3 well s, 2 acres o rchard, good level land, three miles from town, $2,750.


AGRES, new fouto-room house, good shed, large orchard , good land, three miles to railroad , $1 ,900.

29 ~'

ACH ES, fair buildings, level land, two miles to town, 52,700.


ACRES, n ew six-room house and shed 36x94, extra land, one mile to town, $2,800.

good buildings, good level land , one-half mile to 87 ACRES, rail road, $8,500. Property C?nsisting of two-story 5-room house, sur.n~er kitchen, coal bBUse, two story store bulldmg 2Ox50, well and cistern, cement walks, on railroad and in good cpuntry, $1,500.


Double Cedar Stamps aD day tomorrow, Fi iday, September 27th, and Monday, September 30th. 6 P. M. to 10 P. M.

and Dttess






Present this Coupon and a Cedar Stamp Collection Book at Fred's Store Stamp De>lk on Friday, Sept. 27 and Monday Sept. 30th, Ii p. m . to 10 p. m and double Cedar Stamps will be pasted in the book free. Only olle Coupon V in a book. and m ust be presented in perS(lll, with the book, FRED ' S STO)(F.N .. re "pen uuti! 6:00 P . M . ~Ioudays &od Saturday! OptlO uotU 101'. l l . lJoulr ltl dllUJlp. MoudllrY" lrom 61'. AI. UlltU 10 P. ~l. NAME ...... ............ .... ..... .. .......... .... ..... ... ... .. ...................... ..

ADDRESS .. .. ... .. ....................................... .. ........ .... ...... ..... .. ..


Malleable and Eternal Ranges Demonstration and Special Sale October 31 st November 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 WAIT·

Commencing today w'e will again give Cedar Stamp Coupons, one coupon for every page full of Cedar Stamps. Valuable Premiums FREE TO ALL for the Coupons. Our ~tore closes 6 P. M, except Mondav'3 and Saturdays. Double Cedar Stamps all day Friduy, ~e ptem~er 27th and Monday 6 P. M. to 10 P. M. '





Doce~ .

Ie hereby given tha~ Goorge II . Several of ou r automobilists went b aa been' (July &ppolD ~ aDd qualified as AdIJlIDI.~r&loor 01 ~be E.,&w, at over to t he Dayton and Lebanon pike Daniel S. Woollard. late 01 Warren Oouot)', . . b'l ' Ohio. deco88jld. . Saturday to witness the sO::la I Ity Dated slWJ 16 d~L~lW6~\'rtLL9U. run from Cincinnati to Dayton. Abou t .Judge 01Warre~ the Proba~e Oourt Oouoty. Ohio. I 160 au tos W6re in the run . Wool1&rd




... ........... .

• • • ww.


.. _

.w • • • .....,., •

Fred Hawk spent a couple of days Mrs. G. W. Hawke and daughter, this week with friends at Terr. Miss Donna. were Cincinnati visitors, Haute, Ind. Friday.

=========,CO TO=========

L. A. Zimmerman was in Spring C. G. Williamson left Sunday for Valley Monday opening up his new Pittsburg. Pa., and will be g~ne g rocery there. . several days.


Mrs. W. G. Rich, of Cedar R~pids , Mrs. H. J. Spencer, of Chicago. Iowa, is the guest of relatives and III., is the guest of Dr. Mary Cook. friends here for a fe~ days, for a few days.

Bakery .

Miss Julia Dimmitt, matron of the Ralph Williamson, of Anderson, O. S. & S. 0, Home, at Xenia, was Ind., is the guest of his father, C. G. t he guest of Mrs. Cynthia Evans, Williamson for a few day •• Sunday. Mrs. Julia Donovan left for her Mrs. Alice McKinsey, Misiles Hen- home in Indianap?l!s, I~d., Satu.rday rietta McKinsey and Izma Egbert after a plea:mnt VISit WIth relatl ves, were guel'ts of Miss Mary Wilgus in here. Xenia Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hawke left Mr Bert Hartsock and Miss Ruth Monday morning for Bellefontaine, were guests of their after visiting relatives here for brother, Mr. F. C. Hartsock and several weeks family. at Morrow. Saturday and Mrs. John Procter, formerly Mias


For Quick Lunch, Sandwiches of all kinds, Pies, Roll. and Cakes.

Fresh Bread Daily Give Us a Call


Sunday. 1Lizzie Matthews, of Mineral Point, '-'......._ _........._...,.",........_.,.~"'. . . . . . . -... . . -...-....-,.".._,.._,..~"'_""-""-""_... ~ ...w _ _""~...~""......- ......._ ....-....-......... Herbert Edwards left Sunday for Wis" Is the guest of relatives and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~=~~~~~ Pueblo, Col.. where he has accepted friends here. a position with a big 8tore in that Mr. Henry Prbter and son. Harry. city. We wish him luck in his new leave today for a trip through undertaking. Colorado and Kansas. They will be Mesdames N. L. Bunnell, J. A. gone about five weeks, Funkey, J. E. Janney, Eva Jones. Fred Barnard left Monday mornDr. Mary Cook and Mrs. H. J. Spening to take up his work in L. A. cer attended the county meeting of Zimmerman's grocery in Spring the W. C. T. U. at Morrow, Friday. Valley . Here's luck to you, Fred. Mr. J ohn Stant.n. of Franklin, who was so badly poisoned a few weeks ago, is slowly improving Mr. and Mrs. Stanton art! visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Meeks at pI·esent.

Mr. and Mrs. J08. Evans entertained their friends Mr. and Mrs. West Rush , of Blanchester, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. Sant Constable and little SOI~, of Pleasant Plain. Ohio, Saturday and Sunday.



- ..- - -

Carl Hartsock, son of Mr. and Mrs. F.ARM FOR SALE J. S. Hartsock, of Springfield, was in town Friday in the interest of the One mile from Waynesville, Ohio, Pearce Wall Paper Co., of Clevflland. CaTl is one of our former citizens railroad station. About 93 acres of rich black dirt, fiTllt and lecond bot who is making good. tom lan,d . and best gravel bank in , Mrs Elizabeth Hartsock, of Bir- the State. 11 room dwellinw. barr) mingham, Ala., Mrs .• John Brown and out.-b1,lildings. Will pay 'over and Mrs. Clara Mentgomery, of peT'Cent on $10.000. 'Make . , Centerville, and MiB8 Mame Brown offer. To look ' at plaCe of ~v• .;atJd ' ~fi'lJ. F:. :lleckett~, ~rW~n; · .· Ohio. : Ca(1w.~llMiler~, . 1,c)d~. '.


.' " .:.


/ C. G;'.Wiillllij.lliiriolll. lllV'aYn8ll~le. ,()bI('i; }

, The Sae ATLAS Cement Used By The U. S. Government

On The Panama Canal can be had rieLt in town from UI. You know how particular Uncle

Sam is in buying goods. You can trust his judgment. It will pay every propeny owner to 6nd out how ATLAS Cement can add to his incom~, comf~rt, safety, health, etc. We have some interesting booklets on this lubject, for the asking.

free \







sixty-Third Year

WAYNESVILLE, OHIO, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 2, 1912 Whole Number 3179 ~~~~~~~ __~ _ _ ~~~ -~_ ~ _ ~~ _ ~±2~ . ~ _~ . ~ _ ~_ ~_~~----~~~~~ _~ _~ _____-_ ~~~~~ _ ------------------------------------------~~

rr . . . ...... ... ·__. .__· . -.. .·. ·_··1 ~ ~!~~~!. _I d;.~ln 8OC~ent oceu,,~ I r--' P~~~al- M~~~i~~ ,C~l~~:---··--I



- -




Friday. Septembe: th e N.ew Century Club held 1ts first meetin g Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Farr and Mr . - . - - - - -..............- -..- - -.................- ...................... .....J J' for the year 191 2-1 3 at the cozy TO OUR READERS ....-........- .. _........ ...... - . _..-._............................. country hom e of Dr. and Mrs J. W Th o~ Pierce were entertained at We again can the attention of our C. D. Reed of Cincinnati. was in ~. H. Smilh was in Columhu~, Ward. where a sum pt uou s three JIl1ner Su nday by M r. and Mrs. J. W. While. r.,wen to theirdatee on their paper. town Monday. Thursday. course dinner awaited us. There are a «reat many behind, and A more congenial und happi er thi. ia a very important matter to UII M1'8. JOleph Tinney W&!l a Dayton Rain Light and Flint Kote Roof- crowd would be hard to find, than Mr.and MrB. I. Satterthwaite l!l : Don't fan to look at your paper or visitor, Saturday. inll fo·r sale by W. H. Madden & Co the one assembled after two monn.s tertain ed at dinn er Su nday Mr. an,1 wrapper this week, and 8ee when . " vacation. only two memBers being Mrs. Chauncey Hu nn ell and family your time ia out. Mr. an~ . Mrs. Seth Furnas were MIss WmDlfred Macy attended the unavoidably absent. and Miss Monimia Bunnell. - - -... - • Dayton VIS1tOrs. Saturday. Mll!!on·Smith w~dding at Xenia, The Club had decided to take up ATTENTION REPUBLICANS Misses Annie and Marne Brown Wednesdayevenmg, the study of Holland this year, when Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whitaker . made a viBit to the Gem City SaturMiss Mary Smart. of Hartwell, we hope to learn more of, and All Republican. ~ requested to day. • Oh ' d Re become better acquainted with t his of the Lebanon pike, entertained at meet at the Townatup House, Satur· 10. was the Sun ay g-uest of v. quaint li tll e country. Sunday dinner, the following guests: and Mrs. J. F. Cadwallader. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meredith. Mr. day evenini', October 5th. at 7;30 Mrs. Nannie Brown, of Lebanon. Mrs. J , W. White, Sec. and Mrs. Seth Furnas. Dr. and Mrs. o'clock to orpnize a Taft club is the &'Uest of her daugbter. Mrs. Mr. and Mr•. F. H. Farr arrived •- • This Is ur&,ent. and wOlJld like to Fred Elbon. home Thursday after a delightful METHODIST EPISCOPAL CH URCH J . T. Ellis. have a bi&' turnllut that eyenin~. visit to relatives in Lebanon. Ind. Frank H. Farr Mrs. Kate Hyatt. of Indianapolis, A series of Sermons on "Christ's Friday evening some ten or twelve P-: tOOOE arrived here Thursday evening and K. Mr. and Mrs. H. L . Housh, of Call to Men." or " Typical New Tell- couples belonging to the Eastern ill the guest of friends. Dayton. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. tament Conversions" for October Star lodge. made an inlormal call on The annual visit of the County A petition is being circula~ Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pifer and He!1ry Satterthwaite. Saturday and Sunday evenings. Mr. and Mrs. Robitzer at thei r home. October 6- "Matthew the Pub· The evening was pleasantly spent in Deput'Yof the K. of P. Loci,e wu among the proper~y. holders a~ daughter. of Daiton. spent Sunday Sunday. voters by the townsh1p trustees. m . d M F lican" conversation. made lut Wednesday eveninlr. bY d I' h' Co . A w1th Mr. an rs. Wm. rame. Mr. and Mrs. Warren B~~~ett October 13-"Saul of Tarsus" --_ - -Count'Y Deputy. F. V. Stitt, of I'epr to Ig ~mg rwm venue . eek vlsltmg ~nt ~v~ral days last. 20"The Ethiopian EuOctober RF.SOLUrIONS Muon. The work was put on with. betw~n the ~rldll'es. . MiBBes Ruth Hartsock, LUCile Cor- In Wtlmmgton. Chllhcothe and nich" - -out a candidate. -Several viAitors Th1811urel~ 1S 8Ome~hmg that ought nell. Mary Davill and Be9IIie Smith WMh ington, C. H. October 27-"The PhilJipian JailReport of Committee on plan. of w reMnt and a deli&'htful time to be done-I.n fac~, It sh~uld never were ahoppin&, in Dayton. Saturday. work and resolutions. ereb have been d18Contmued ID the first Mrsl. Mary J. Roll and daughter, or" Faithfulness to our work in our wu. • _ • place. The Avenue on a dark night Meaars. Chaa Hough, W. E. Mias Bernice. of Dayton. were Sun- These- are representative men in respective Unions. HOME FROM TRIP is the darkest place imagiDable. and O'Neall and Chu. Ellis attended the day and Monday guests at the hom e lhe New Te.stament . Df>uble our membership, and "Let wath the amount of traffic every Grand Circuit races at Columbus, of Rev. C. S. Grauser and family. Do not mlSll these aervlces. each bring one .. Clarence S. Grauser, Pastor. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Robrtzer ar- night on this tbo.roughfa~. it is a Wednaday. Let us talk W. C. T U. work and Mr. and Mrs. Hallie Hathaway • rived home Thursday noon, after an wonder that senous acc1dents haVtl Mesd ~ D' R h not occurred ames ~roy aVIs. ut and daugbter. Virginia. an' Mr. A SLlOHT MISTAKE pledge signing. extended weddin&, teur throu&'h the Th t·tl·· b' f __ I _, ed Carey and Flo Dyke of Dayton Harry Ballard. of Lebanon, spent Resolved. We, the women of the East Thev visited man- h18toric e pc 1 on l& em&, r"",y",go • d M F C' In la'lt week's issue the the types Women's Christian Temperance • • J , and it Is hoped that the truatecs will were pests of Mr. an r s , . . Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. pla.eel wbale on their trip. . . ._,_. Carey, Friday_ made us say that quail could be Union in Convention assembled do Hathaway. Thunda.Y evenin&, the boys and succeed m the1r under .....m&'. killed from the first of September. \ reaffirl'll our continued belief in atria pthered and gave them an • - • N. L. Bunnell returned home from ·St. Mary's Guild will meet with to the fifth of December. when it t Woman' s suffrage and hereby expreSs old-fashioned bellin&,. Mr. Robitzer C()'()PE~ATIVE MARKETINO a bUBiness trip to Bull'in. Ky., Mrs. George Hartsock on Thursday should have read the fifteenth of our dt!lermination to steadily work reeponded by pauinc the eandy Thursday evenin&,. Mr. Bunnell is afu-moon, October 3rd. As this November to the fifth of December. and pray for this Ic(reatly desired The Miami Valley Poultry A!sointerested in a tomato factory at that will be the first meeting after the These laws were not chana-ed this consum~ation , that we may more around __ ciation is anxious to extend its field place. He reporta a good Jlack of summer vacation. it will be an imyear. fully protect our homes. We appeal 810 RIAL ESTATE DEAl. of uaefulnf!S8 in the community, and tomatoes this year. portant one. A full attendance is to the men to grant us the privilege - - -.. - • orll'8Dize a eo-operative eJr&'-marketdesired. AT FERRY CHURCH OCTOBER 6 of the ballot Juon Sheehan hu pOl'<!baaecl the ill&' department. A meetln&, will be Mr. and .Mrs. W. H. Allen, Miaa Resolved. That the women of our Mesdames Walter McClure. Chas. ~ttom lana of the Meyera heirs, held at the Township Bouse, Friday ~raria Hadden and. Dr. Miller Sunday School at 9:30 o'clock. County work in connection with the Jut. eat of Corwin Avenue. for evenin&" Octobtir 11th, at 7:30 I arrIVed home from Umontown, Pa., Rye :and F. C. ('arey left Sunday followed by preaching services at ,,101.50. The... are about 51 acree o'clock, to discullll the matter, and I Thursday evening. They bad a fine mornin&, for the Lewistown reservoir, 10::'10, also preaching at 7:30 in the Anti saloon league against the shipIn tbi; piece. Tbia land was in the interested in poultr'Y and en- trip and a pleasant viait with rela· wherj~ they will spend ten days at evening. Special music will be ment of liquor into dry territory. Resolved. That the County Con· hands of the late Abel Sattertb- production are requested to be tivea, only one slllrht mishap. occur- their favorite piscatorial pursuits. rendered at each session. All are vention pay the expenses of the waite for ~Iy 60 y....., wben it present and lend thei .... influence in riD&' near Wilmington, on the return It is hoped they will aend a big mess cordially invited to attend. County President to the State ConWU .lel to' the Meyen hein about ~lf of a &,ood Cause. triP' of fish home (P). P. B. Thompson, Minister. vention annually. aixteen y..... 110. It ia a valuable Resolved. That the Convention pleee e1 real_tate, ~ Mr. Sheehan wu vel'7 fortunate to &,et an eption on the place. I

A •. late Monday evenln&, about one mile east of New Burlington. whep Jos. Devoe, of Paintersville, lost his life. Mr. Devoe. who was the father of Mrs. Chas Bentley, of New Bur· liulrton, had come atter Mr_ and Mrs. Bentley and three childten to take them home with him. When out of New Burlington the auto turned turtle with the above result. The Bentley's were all badly cut and bruised. but their injuries are not serious. Mr. Bentley had had a sale at New BurliD ...ton Monday and had .. intended to leave with biB family Thursday for California. The aceident and death. of coune, will delay their journey. • --TO L10HT CO~\\' IN AVEN UE







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Itesolved. That we. the visiting Unions of Warren County p.Xpress to •.-. the ladies of Morrow our sincere , thanks for their hospitality and eoSide-Line Notes tertainment. Valley National bank. and Miss The Kinp Mills team eleared updn·pped the third strike and Peck but Burton 'missed the third strike. Laura Clark Alexander, dauihter of all doubt as to their claim of the beat the throw to first. The runners "Boob" stole second and scored , ~' Mrs. Thirza Hill IIr, and Mrs. Perry A. Alexander, base ball championship of Warren advanced one base when Runyan's when Burton threw to center field The Kings Mills boys attribute a Committee Mrs. Newton Bunnell took place at the bride's parents' County in the game at Phillipe' Park bad throw got past Curran. Bergen in an effort to catch him at second larlle measure of their success to Mrs. Melissa Conover home near Sprin&, Valley, Mon~ay lut Sunday afternoun. this was flied to Clancey, but Sutton kept and Myet!! made a mad heave of. the . their ability to keep their manager. - --- - - - - =--aftemoon ....t 4 o·clock. The br1dal the last of a aeries of three &,ames runnin&, and Clancey . dropped the return throw to the plate. Clancey H. C. Mcl:lelland. quiet. WILL HAVE LECTURE COURSE couple will 8tart Immediately, ~n for the county ehampielllhip (each fly. Sutton scored and Myers was was safe at first on an error by The Young People's Societies of honeymoon trip to New M~1co. team having won one of the pre.. safe at third. Smith ended th~ Myer:B. but was caUgb.t trying for Stansberry had plenty of time to Mias Alexander. who ia a prof~o~al ceeciing &,ames) and both teams were rally in the same manner BB he d1d second, Burton to ~1dge. Drake reach second on his hit. but fell down the two churches of New Burlington Duree, and a l'I'aduate of Xema hagh strenJ'lhened by the addition of extra the first. fanMG and Runyan grounded to when nearly to second and was unable have contracted ,for the following talent for a lecture course for the Behool hu many Wayne:JVillt friends players. There are no excuses to The Miamis scored two more in Surfnce. to even crawl to the base. following winter. Thle score: who are pleased to , hear of her offer. Kinp clearly outplayed the I the eighth. Woolley batted for Much of Gebhart's trouble was The Suwanee Quartette- Oct. 10. marriap. , Miamis and justly deserve the title Hawke and fanned. EVanll was safe due to the poor manner in which he 1912The Suwanee Quartette is one ' N T ' d J KINGS MILLS ON wh1ch they claim. on . anner 8 error an ones TA~ES EXC EPTI _ The redeeming feature of the sin&'led. Sutton advanced the run· Englert. III . . . . . . .. A~ ~ 13 P:;" ~ ~ was handled by Myers. who caught Iof the leading if not the best colored quart ette in America. a 8acrifice'edD~e to ~r. g~c:.)' '2l~: ::.: ::: : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ the first two innings. N. L. Bunnell. { who has been Miamis' game was the masterful \ners width M Burgderfer- Nov. 12, 1912-0ne prollinent in rnal1J qriculturalor. pile'dng of Ben Smith. In the four ~. an yers scor t em WI a ~~:~~;~: ::::::: ~ ~ : 1~ ~ ~ The Miamis missed a great chance of the lead ina impersonators on lzati til in the atate paued inninp in which he officiated, Ben smale. N. Tanner and Curran took J . Tanner, It.. . ... ,3 l II ~ ~ ~ to start something in the seventh. Lyceum platform today. ~.,; -",°Cioclnnatl yeaterd~ on struck outten batten .rId did not care of Bergen's effort for the third ~~~:~ri'e~: g~ ...:..... .' 02 31 0 a I Sutton. the first man up, doubled. Dr. W. T. Sherman Culp-Jan. 15, WI ..... II hit bl f hit out CurB", Ib ., . . . . . e 0 0 way to hil farm In Waynesville. a ow t e ea'l aem an~e 0 • a ". . . e 10 27 11 6 Myers singled and Bergen walked. 1913-The Man with mirth alld a Mr. Bunnell baa made a ~eep atudy The one run 1IC0red agamst him w.~ Kmaa began ,aeonna m th~ second. · Tot.aI . ... .. .... a6 Smith. BU'rton and Surface were all mission. of the 'conditlon of the tarmer in purely the result of errors by lils Dunn was safe on Hawke s error. MIAMIS too anxious to drive the balluut of The Dietrics-March 19. 1913-An United Stat. and tall. exception to support after Ben had struck out the Jerry Tanner sin,led and Buchanon) \B ~ ~o ~ the lot and each took the count for evening of music and ledgerdemain_ the atatement made Jut week by batter. The score does not show up fanned. Norval Tanner scored both 1~~~:D,lribc.t,: : . . . .. a I ~ I I I three strikes. At some time during the winter PreIIdent L. H. Marlin. of Boaton BU,r ton's work in itl! true light. runnen with • double and later :U:ii.c,~.brl:: :: : : ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ there will be given a home talent'Y. that laralia eare more While Bobby made errors. bls work. scored on Curran's double. En&,lelt I~~~il~~.ltc ~ : ::.'. : ~ ~ I~ ~ ~ The Miamis have 'won 15 and lost the nature and date to for their atock than for their children. taken as a whole. compared very fa- lanned and Claneey fouled to r.':!r.~. ~~: :::::: g ~ ~ g ~ 5 of the 20 games played. They also tertainment. be announced later. Adult season "l~ ~.. rldieulou." he exclalml'l. ably with that. of Runyan and Myers. In the third. after Drake had fhed ~fOO~le~::::: : : :: t g g ~ g g took three games by default. Not tickets$1. Children between ten and _~Univenit, prof_ra-and 1 two much older and more exper- to Sutton and Runyan had flied to oe~"'. p. .. .. . . ~ g ~ g ~ g such a bad record after all. f>vcn if fourtee~ 50c. Children under ten un a Uni.,eralt,y man IbYlelf-ju~e ienced catchers. eel'l'en in :;ght, Dunn BiD&'led an4 1::::~lT.~:.-.- .- : .- I I 0 0 0 ~ they didn't win the county champion. accompanied by their parents. free. fann conditions moatly by what HOW RUNS WERB SOOREDGebhart hit Jerry Tanner. ~oth Tot.... ... ..... a1 , 10 2' 9 ship: ~L~ -th._,- ...-. __ froID the car Mana .. t'r Smith· \OIIt the tou and runners advan~ on a wild pltcb *B&tuld for H&,;ke In 8\b. A YARD LONG loll.." Th e K'mgs M'II b Oy8 were very \ .' .~ . OVer 26 BirO there the Miamis batted firat, Jonee. and seored ofl Buch anon 'sdo~ble. I B&"ed tor Gebb&rt. In Otb. I s . ·"....~inl c1rcl. and readina first man uP. ain&'led and Tann~ Norval Tanner scored Buck w1th a 1 ~ • , 5 6 7 8 9 enthusiastic in their praise of Lewis' Wilbur Sears brought us some beans Thursday that were 24 inches _ ~u" o,u tllned fo" f~ oommu· Sutton. Tanner threw wlld in an IiDJ'le, and was sale at . aecond on ~=:'~'.'.'.: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ umpiring. in leng-th. In showing them to Did... and In our univeraithiJ the to catch Jones off second and 8 bad throw. , He went to SUIOlARY: The game was exceptionally free several persons he found some that . . of farm era' children Is very the runnen advanced one base" third on a puaed ball and scored from wrangling and rag-chew in&'. were grown in Corwin, that measmore ' farm.era' ~\I,latera Ire Myers aacrl6eed, Eniler:t to Curran, when B.urton mlde a bad throw to ured 36 inches. About· three yards "domeetlC tcienoe ·eoune. and Jones acored. Berren flyed to . hun oft third. Curran fanned. ' ::~-'ii~"~'~;the~ to.. h . .elUe than and Smith Immed. In the fou~ , • EDirlert had II; Oebh&rt, 4 ; Manager McClelland. of the Kings would make a fair rna-I. 1! ld d .....:_CI8n and stole 10; Oe h&rt. 10. team. Is the son of Mr. James T. iiIiI"i.ter:a, pf. OtJiU :men .• In Iowa The Miami. eou 0 nv~.. more ,, cer ' 18; Oebb_. 7; McCle1l4nd, the genial Kings Mills WILL BE POSTPONED jMMjrnm"-a,.'m ' the fifth. batted ~d. R,myan GebhUt arid eevreCl . . alOfle; took -_-_j'i~i~~~j~~~::. 2; SmItb,l. merehant, who'is 80 well and favor..eoiJd ~1If. at I; ~, 1; ably kriown to many of our citizens. William W. Wbltaker, cashier 01 the Sprin&,

The marriap of


By Tom Pier4:e


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The Miami Gazette O. L. CRAN E.

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Men Whose labors Have Beer Along the Same li nes Join We Shou ld Choose Soft. Restful Ton es in Greens. Browns, in His Pr aise, Ta ns and Blu es, Reme mberin g That D ar~est To nes , '1I I'::--; I': ltAI. \\, II. I.I A~ I IItlOT II ' Belong At Bas e and Grad ing Up

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\T o rk tl rIng ll'l II: 10 th0 5 ~ th1\ Kt iollS

d e ny , h un t e r' e c hI ef ai m 8holiid b~ t o s pot IlIl s li n if II al li nd IlI'ui d la :lug se~ n lJy t end tile "llOuting uf 11Ic'U ll tal u It. H e 5hoil id tl le n take a l'Ul'ofl I no t e S 11", !> ' )1'0 l btl . u' cul l~d Svu ll l;. of th e ('ou nlry, and by I.l r oc el'dl ulI: m Ull \\ hu g a u l\ t!u U, S o UC- s lo\\' ly .. n d " " lIllo us ly , 1I11d hy kel'p ln!; CIlS:l b y lllt) IUIIULcl' ur b Clld ~ be- I u Ib e ~hn d o\\' " i1 I' , ~s l uh:, lio s llu u hl cured , Irrc~ p~c tll' c of tb el r value, Il lIe II lJ ltl tu approa c ll I h~m eus lly c"nuut , of cu UI' De , ;qJve al; Lu t t o t be ,' nollg h a ud "el~c t t bc I,,('(; t he ad, Th e re h llll lcr. ua l uru \l ti t, Wh o cun c u jo)' aULI I; a no t h e r \1olll t th ut ' h u ul ll ue reOle w II V\lr cd u tc lbo wl,d ~ ,,1I l "l\l o~ l ll !: berell , \l od t ha t b thaI t ho s l1P.ep \\'b tllll cOllu t ry 'lu \\ h ic b bt ~ QUUI'I'}' II <t il l.! I rl t; ht~ncd 1Il'ar ly alwnys t ry t o e s ca pe Iill(lti bi b grcutc~ t plellbll r " In ~' l ll i u ); uo wn Ihe 1110 Iln ta in'sIJ(', fO t h a I th oy hl ~ OW" 1.1 11 a ud l' UllIIiug .1 ,;,t il IS l s hou ld h. n\l proa c h ~ d, whc' uo \' er t b ~ A roam showing good tasto In Its wall lind InterIor decorat l oni , lh ose or II worthy fo e . ti lls l,l'ill ul wl nll Ililo ws u r It , rrulll ue low. ~hoo t l l.l; ) h' ld~ a 1II0s t Cl.l'illu l;, tr Ow ln, to tb e scarcity 01 a ll o ther (B y Ann a F . Rlohm, Col loge 0 1 Agrl" roo m . Red , t ho ng h ve r y c hee rfu l In arduo us bllu rl. Uu t today t be lIt1l1l lJe r fo od, th. rUntlll (\ lIt s o r thi s co u lilry cu lt u re, O h io State Univ ers It y.) wi n~e r, loo ks hot a ud un com rorl ab l~ or UJOU I; laltl 8hecp is la~l ditc lul eh lll l;, llav o t n de pell d al moG t entirely 011 lb l& ill t he I I~' ~u, mmE'r n dIn should dlllh :lIl t III Alller l- cacti and the YO lln!{ s hoo t s a ull g rccll. T he cn n c lu slo n Is rca c hed b y a [.(1 0I" alu r e wi ll te a c h u s mn ny valualJle I, ('are;U ('specl.'llaly t h e s mabe ll house us ue _.. .. d It i"~ (;J..ceetl h l"lv D J d f b ca to I1uLl a nd o u tulu a guoJ, 01' e ve ll blHk or the mesqu it e a nrl ptt lo l' cr e I Jo urn a l from ObSeT\'lI t lo n a te Icsqons a bout colora, if we bu t obs ('r ve. ' wh E' n It seems to adva n ce li nd make 1I1Oderatl' hea d wlthu ut Ull extrll o l'dl . t reee ror 'I' hl'Y a rn a)s v in c re a s ing c umlJ er of Amer lcn n woweo ' No ti<:e the ma ny bro wu s o f tlH' earth' l the r oom loo k SIll !ll lc l' , lI nl' Y of t rUH!Ii Il{; iln ll b u u t lug ve ry pu rtlal t tl th o oco 11 10 (FouQu le r,. w bo go t o Eu ro pe al o o e t bn t "Arnerl · H,e du ll a nd s llvcry g r ee n s o f t he trcC's Tbe oe d roo l1l .nould 'c e aal nty alll.l d hit b I O lYenIbo tb esoh osrtl:ccess ens ) , alld e n tt he 0 li t e r cg \I. can hus ba nd s lire a dra g on th e Ir \I'o m , nnd field s and th e s uft lig hl thlls of , gu lltlpss o r Ihose h u~" b un (' hes o r gay nn rses Ih e ba bies, It \0 ministers "to the -wblle OPtl ll Is bl.!:ilJs ol on aBb lor llreds bee p stoIllet1 on w(' r lato In wh AI.rll. s ll e e p co me eo folk wbe n tral'elln g a b r oa O." Why th e s k y . S h e uses very II It1 e Orl"llt f1 ow(' rs Iha t see m 10 fa irl y st ick o u t lI c k, It e m!Jra c es the o ut cast and 11ft .. present" an a ddc d Obtilllc le, Nor b d own fro m th e m o ull t a lns to t ho e dge onl y "wh en travellll~ ab road 7" Many lu m ino us colo r, t he or ill ia nt n nwnrs ,In ths s u r face , Th e eye bccol1l(,s fas' up th e fnll e n , ,uc h n trW hy r.ny IlIealiS In eX tlc n Blve, o f th e plalo . a nd feed a lmos t e ntl rtlly Am erlca u hu s ba nd s will be d is posed to and birds are the e xce p tio n, a nd 1I 0w : I'i u n l ca by t hese se~ 6))01s o C co lor a nd T h e Ips gnns of hi s a chl e \'e m e nt a re fo r \ me ri cllll g ul dl!s hU l' e II II a y or o n Ihe m . TI> ls di et SN' rn s to agree lod o r ~ t be sta tem e nt wltho ll t the qual, wonde rfully r eB trul and be au llful l~ we m eota ll y Ju m p from one to a n o,th ,' r lIIIany, F ro m the s t a ndpoint of human c b al'l; i ll ~ ro r the ir ,e n ' ices whic h Is w it h thrm e xce ll e ntl )', for th ey nr& I(yln g c laus e. These a re the husbaods tbe re s ult. T h e re Is no (' las bi ng 01 l unlll we n r e n e n- ou s ly tired 011 1. I la in t! IHle (l vo r h is life te nc h es the wisd o m nlt oget b e r out ot pr OJlurtio D of t he ir al ways In th e bes t of ('ondltlon at thls t lmo or 0"~lI r. I do n ot k now of a lly, wbo Ond t hemselv es g e o ernlly III the colors w l t b th e fl t' ld Iln d wood bero nd' l llul d papc r s, a pr C'lIy au d a ll·ov r dhe- 01 d oi ng we ll wh a t th o lIand flnus to va IUe fl oI. ra l papp t d0 dlo with o ut m ea s urIng lIS ntdl 1m, ' t n I 1\ s b ee\1, IJ 0 II' II'I'e l' , Mn "u e a n llllnis e:th e r In Af ri ca or Am erica. way nce pt Ivhe n bltis are to be paId. b eca u se th e who le g r rmt ma I ss of coI lors sign ' o r f II IIslriped I t outr" Rn \ prese I te ,.' Iouu _ , .. f oun J I n t It e \'CI,), uo r t"u we_' t o( .•'I~xl t l I"ew York Wo r ld They arE) IIr , harmo n Io us li n d blenc In to n \1 eas· , I Ey', IPes 0 W I C I CUll ..,{'' e ub1 d I I Jlo r ta nce or a ppra\sln g t s mm e f ab ~ . wllose lIIe nt Is s o de li cious 10 en l. ao .. says Ie, . Ing w ho le \Vhl' no! obse r ve 11115 tiS a bo rdN are SU lla e un o· i T h e pi onee r prenc he r 0 t e d I I tJ I t" (' If of It 1>. fnr nic e r th un I hat o( tlte pr ongth b f r t h s llppere d ense '. f I I . \. , b I f wate r ' ". :trOIlIl ti e Ica 0 ue .u h i di . same ha rmo n y n nd g radal lo n 0 co 01' I x ppn~l ve, uno u s m il! s 0 I " t..mF c, f London co u Id n e ve r h ave co n - Co, 'I I . ' , I I \ ' " ullfornla lI u ll horn a n t e lop c , wh ic h Is mUll Ilr1:e ' I ose t IIV h0 pre et tbe II rmohoC L I I II I C'IU now h It I tep e r eu 10 1U!.I, n .o\\! r , o t Je I' om es 0 e a u e e In decofll~ing o ur hOHse s? e l u s I colo r p3 n ls Ill \( 1::1 C m IlCS, I ('I II' P(! at th e out set t e u ma ' . I I Ch ll h Furlh e r ,so u t h by th e Me xica ns . tbe ca ba ret sbo w , who re ru .., to learn c hoose 80rt r estf u l ton('s In grN'n s, he scrllrcd in ~o od tints n ud arc easily , f'olln l triump h wh ic h b e b e h e ld In bl , l ~rll y II lu a lua . t be t orr id lI ea t Th e dry ness of th e cl l mn l e In th e d I lu!!y \l'('ltl1 no te~sgo,d ese o rrt o f t he Tl e r m Sonora d ese rt I 3 IlIrr,ey I r espo u s Ibl e the turk ey tro t , thou g h e veryho y n bro wn s , tt 115, a n d hl u('s , always rCIn(,IlI ' 1 "[Ill IIf' tI . '. l a~ t h Ollr B- rnor c m 1111o n R pa y log, hIm nnd llt erl tb e lr "set" Is doIng It ; ....' ho pIn y auc- ber in g t h at th e da rk es l. LO ne bclo ngr I It Is a ,.; r ent fllI s tnt. e t,o a ll ow the , th c h omnge of lov e a n d gra!1tudo a~d Callen Ie (llo t (1 o lJn t ry ) pr e l' cnt Ih el r ro r tlt o ",'a y ,omo or Ihe bor ns or!!! lion br id ge under compul s loo , allli oth.. tit th e haso and gmdlllg u p to th e , papc-r 1t :U1 !:(' r to. make ,I (hoice of pfl· II dmlratl o ll t h nlli n m o d ~ rn ti mes h~\ e 1\ll l he r p~Ogl'r-SS, Ther .. lore t lll$ r o- ~p ll t lit t h e ond ,' , w h k h orte n spollll e d l o r th e d e a t h o r any ru, e l g ILn lo ' r uls t b c " till I$ II er wl.e Impe d e dom es ti c h a pp In ess . ~"e il ing wb ic h call s ' fo r t he H"'" htt'st I'e r for a ('(' r la lll reom . \1 (' ca n no t l'orrGw , I I' g P0 Illt o f th o a n o l he rwl se l.,('[ l1(' flll al]1I red\l c e,. ' III , A mc I"I ~,' "I' lld ILIA Hu sbandS exis t as II llecess nry eo c um · tOIH' , j us t as we fi nd It 111 na tu r e. And be eXpe(' INI t o kn n ,w t he Ila. rti c ulaIr II of churc h o r slate, And It fall camo II t, gen us O \'IS ~ ~" t ull .,' ItR leng th by I WO 10 (our Inclies , fI . It or Int e r . hns t h e ~ a rnA effect nn aile b ra n ce 10 Ih e present s ocl ll i s che me, Ic '- u s not fo r!:e l I he n ' latio n or Oil" Il £' cd s o f t he roo lll , In I Qliule~\lo. n alit, I ' to pa ps us a consequ e nce 0It pa r b en um ur t h ese 6 b C«I' IS:l II I b erne b I3 I nger" roo m I a nother, (Jlle r oo m, beautl rul ' nlso, In LIIallY C;Jses IS ac ' n;; III c:o ur p(' rt>el' e r lll g e ffo r t In p urllU 0 ' I estl ng o n tlmt net'o unl. wr it es I. N , n ails. ""blh becom e \, e ry r tt 0 :\II but d oubtl ess Ib e y wI ll ha7e to be In it self !J u t u n re lated to th e i anti a sen8C at t be app ro \l rl· : b le uppor tcn ltlea " ' hl c h g r e at a ud Drllcopo ll In Co untry Life . spilt or break n t t h o slighte s t Ilrovo' born e wltb uDlII some automa tic meth- d esl r oH Ih n t effect of u nlly fo r w h " 'h I at e. , I th e rich nnll th e conce ll e d d espised. O( Ih e IUou n t ll in s b eep fo u nd In c atl o o . Tb e born s or t he o ld ram s od Is de\' lsE'd for mak ing th e moneY to \\' e n r e ntrl yln g Th t' r e ~hould he n o I Good colors an d oC'!;lg ns In w all pa, It Is w e ll for a m an to bave a vi s ion I I I ar c cspecla lly fl ry , nnd n re orten mu ch. " ' I ' tie I I o f futt:r e Dccomp II s h m e n, t b u t It II 'I "',\t,x i<-u Ih ere ed or b5 \1 ' .1 ' wo rn a nd ti carr ed 0 11 t IIe I r uppe r s urpa y for a utomobiles ODd clo thes an d s u uocn ju m p rrom Ihe bliJ; h t g r e C'n I peTS cu n bo scc ll1ed lor I'xnct} , Ilre I ou r rl pec l . II pa' ' 'l l,eucr fo r h 1m to d 0 tb e d a y's work sped 'I heIs Otvbes Lakt' m ex CU t tul tl oo (e es, as we ll as tbe rent. )larlur Ill to a r e d li ving r OOlll HlII I t1 ..' 11 s am e pr le e a,; pOll r o Ill" ' . I II " ,I I ' J6 es: 10calilY SaIIIInt!!,a W !llaOS!; rla rp co,· as c nll be .el! n I n tLIe II h 00, }. I I I ('h ' b b Ih O" ls COl) " gr a p h of the bl gge ~ t ram wc s bot; but In to a bl ue dl nl n ~ room , It W I' ",I ' h pers as I n oth e r t!l. ln~s , Tl' I,,'al'.'d li e- wit'! dilig e nCe, " 1 c reate s u p ply alld If Iho pur· to h ave I,cn u tif lll u ll d r f'stlul bOllll's we m allu \\'11 From th e sta ndpo Int 0 f m lilta nt u Js t r Ic t ! lIII d1 l unr tua: i l ' l e. a t OUIlI ' tbl s Is rlue to t he blow s t h ey r ece Ivo E)(p e rlm e nts have rec e ntly bee n mu st avo id us in g colors t hat urc ('hase r Ill s ists II po n ar ll stlc wa ll pape r ; ('hrl s tlnnlty Ge n e ral Rooth's wond (' r · d en s s ga ar 0 ~ eth Il~C'1 c n; ; wh" n li g htin g amoog th emstll ves h e lld. carried out in Ge rmaoy with the ob- " Irong ly re d 1I1ue '11111 gl'('en a 1111 us e fo r ('i 'hI. ce nt s 0 0 up l h ~t rl I"nwD d lI'il l l '(UI work nmon g th e poo r, the wick e d tulns In .souo rn;, an e \ IS Ine soof to heall . lect meth o ds snd Ins ten d sort ' lOll I'S' am i ill f'O ;ISP!c uo u : Le met. III Ihls WilY Ihe mO !l st ros i" ,[ lnd tbe abando ne d or th e cIties s ee m s u \ nd 1' lcr elllll.llOt n18a ne]sed °Of Moun lnl n s he l'p arf' n o t th e only of ,dl scove - ig n s C'o nsdo us lr o r olllt'rw ise w e III'S , os' Bit }" tI I St - f h II d \I d es Iha t have beC' n upon I 1H~ lIla r k to t !I alm os t I'Ik e a r c b u k e t oth" , I who . I ( a I o r nm I , tb trop b 'I tat cRn b e ~ ' " u rc u" I1,\ Lh ls In _ d rlog I y mea o s for reo e r ng wa s an ce · , . co lo r Ill fl ue nc'p n row n s a n d ro r so 101li-: II li me wi ll IllIa ll y IlIs:lJ). i In c u s hion ed pe ws once n wp e k 10 hea r I tbese 8 110\\' a n:ost e x fl C" cr .c t cres ting cOli n try , lo r lIs rn una Is al. In gs capnblo ot e \'fe ctlv e r es Is tance to sool h lng restfu l :lU(1 pea r lIml Ins le:!" 11'0 s hll il h ave goo d Icn rn e d dI sco urse nnd nr t ls tic musl o. 1:1 rlco Ul;t\r y mos t a8 re m ar k able \1$ Its flora, and. sound tran s mi s sion . On e o f th e mora 1 are th e r'e rore we ll s u it ed 10 ; he li v Ing " olors an d pk" l Si li g d csll; lI S. 'Th e rI ch n"E'd Ihe , gos p'.' l, to be s u re, II r C ;\ I I II' r s 011 til a ll 'I speci es a re con l1 nr d to thi s 10recently d e vIse d m e th od s Inl' olves _____ . . _ bu t me re th a n t hey nee <l eloq\J ~ 1I 1 cU _ll y ucce~.. e, nne 1 1CY I' 0 0 ca.llt}' alul a re no t ruunll c ll'lewhe l' e . I . . - ----. eX'c by . th e u se und e r the celllu g , or pnrall e I speech a nd c o n soling II n t h l' m t Iley a, lm os t , n n ln atcd II I >o·ca I IINl I I Among 1,;3010 n nm:ab lln! th e \l U IIlIII to Ih e wa ll 8S the c a s e m a y he. o f a I nee d th e sym Pllthy th a t IHe rally and "s porl s m e n ," They ,are 'I a t IIgH S le'l (Fells cn ll c o lor) tu: u n II t ll e- kno wo ne twork or' wire stretched tlghlly by wIth Ih e lr unfortlln · b.}' t h .. larhl"c u l bl hIe r ('lt ll's dll lll' " epecleCo CIt Ja;;u:lr - Ih tl "111;1'0" of th& f m ea n s or pull e ys secured. loto ndja , n te fe ll ows . At nn y ·ra I e, th "n 8:1, 11' •:1 . II lola,r , 1,,' 11,I "W ile "t" e, r I. aOIClea n th a t o5' d M ('x l ca n s- tlI ~ Ila~'I \ ux. t IJ , ru 0' 11 1, • t w lin and not t o uching at anv li on Army has r ('n ffirlll ed allll e xem · 1l 01lcea.lJ ly, e;s. ~oll ~" \<d 11 '1_ 'rl . l 'lo<:a l "nr lp t y o f tb e Texas co l lared. a . . p li ll e d th o bro th e rh ood of m a n In a Ihe \I s C,llln e n s ,' , les e I IIe CC3 ry (0. anl>l t! alliS c en th e surfac e to be prot,ected ' wa y thnt w as w e ll nI gh forgott e n In . b l' ep bHI'e I,pell 1'I[: llI ly, I I hlll l. , de· th o bla ck n nll t h" w ltlto ta il e d d ee ragainst lIound, U pon the ....·Ire n e t· ma ny c burc h es, Bnd II It ha s not fra · . crl betl li S n neW iJ lII l ite (lt e pr ongborn alit elope. work 111 plaste rp.d a compos ition t e rnl ze d all C hrIstian e nd eavor aft e r ~r ~hr(>e a r e on l) Rtlb,~ p.~c les or lo cal , O ne o f th o prlll c lpal charm s ot rorm e d or stron g ghle, plas t e r 01 paris I th e mann e r of th e mn sle r It has a t vfl l'l t! lI es of th e trll e U ~I S can a d ensIs huntin g: In thi s coun l ry Is Ih e va r Ie ty Ind g ranula ted cork, so ns 10 m ake a l ens t brou g ht Chrl s tl n nlt y down to the :yp lc lltI, [t would be t('d lo u R, th e re- or s ce n ery mE:t Wll h , For th o d oerlint s lab be tw ee n which nn ll th e wa ll c~m(lreben si o n of th e lowly and hus (are , to go ru ll y Inlo th e mlnut~ lie- a r c fO lllld In a b \!lI d a nce in th e Snnto. or C! pllln'g Is fI cllshl on of confln ell air, mad e It r ea l to thos o ....·ho oth e rwi s e cu llaritle:l Ib n! h roll! Cn l allna mOll nt ll ln s , !l IIlOn !; th o pin es me thod d es cribed Is s:\ld to be ,,'ou: <l ha\'o 1001",(\ UpO II II a s 00 Iw · Ih e we ll kn nw n Roi c (}' . Ioun tlll n s CCll, a n d bir ches o r tu <' bea nllfu\ j o S th e y nr e , of nt f'l'e :;th o n 111 'I to a lI;c ' r;oo d In two r C's pe ct.s; fir s t , tll A a b, Ilo sslbllity or a mo c It e ry , . ,. Cun a ua del Or o, I 1\ I I'Ie f oot·,1111 1 s I)nx, Th e BuprPlll fl l esso n Is tbe reward zoo logi s t. a oJ no. 10 l e g g me pUllIa An d th o bl arl:. t allc d d eo r c lln ee nce o f contact hl' tw e f'n th o prote c' of fa it h , Of Go d 's promI ses th e d Yin g ! hU li t e r , T h (' re 18 GI: e po In t. ho we ver , g l' nc r a lly be rou ll d, Ijut he ro th e s,'on& tlv e a nd pro t ec t e d s urla c es , snd , Bee, mall s aid : "Th e y are sure, they nle Ih a t .lie I) VI " ,·a n :, d.p n Rls 1;11 11 - b <iu lt e d Iff e r e n t an d t h o v eget al Ion ondl y, th e colloid na t u re of Ih e COOl ' fiur e, It yo u will cnly brll 'l ve ," In te l" In rd l .. par tl ('u lnr lj' 1\;-.1' tlop h y, nnd becomes more ch n r ncte rl f. tlc , Hu nting pr'c t e d hy lire, theRe words m ea n thnt Is r e m :l r k:liJ le th e Is dlm c ult , ns th pl' (' Is I,ut little cO I' (\r positio n rrco mm e nd c d for th e J11a ster. n o lJI er~ Be Ulsh hope of Immortlll be, ho rnH , \\ h ll h nr e much b ... go. nnd nnd days pass oft en withou t a c h n nce " 'ond e rs In tl lec t r lc d e ve lo pm f'nt fol· Ing and luture h ll pp ln es R, for alway. lII Ol' e m nss ll'o In cumpar lson with th e for II Pohot. low un ll an ot he r with mllrl' e loU9 rapId · b l)' wrollg ht to save oth ers nnd lor- bodily s llE' or tb e ,nnl mal th n n th o se It would Ile IDl Pos~ I !.I l e In a sh ort tty , Th e lates t I ~ a wl rc less s ys te m .,"'ot hi m se lf, Th ey have a nobl e r , and of the tl s h ee p In \" YOflll n t; li nd t he II rtl cle 10 doscrl uo In d e ta il th e varl mu c h rus l e r than t hose no w In use snd a d iv in e r m e n n In g- th e promise of sat. no r 1. o us a ll lm ll l ~ t hll t II\'e III t~ e Son or~ IFfa ct.\on for unse lfish I>e rvlce, of th l'! Not Wild Dr Shy. o f'~!'I' l. or to m e nl lo n th e b es t huntso prec ise Ih llt It C!lU he ell1ployed In vI Sible hnrvest of e1eaner lind happ ie r At prese u t ' ln th e P ln aCII lo 11I0un, In g'!l:ro lillds, It Is ulllloub tedl y the t he ot pi c tur es. At pres. 1I \'es from tbe s e'('dlng of righteo us· talD s nn d III tb e S ie r ra P o zo In lin ns t co un t ry In til e south w est ent m essages n rc tr ans mIt· n ess and \' Irtue, o! a klrtl c r clvlll za, Sonora Ih e ro Is a largo lIumb e r o f t od ay, a s It h as hee n uo lollc he ll, nnd ted b y I I1~ermlttelit wa ves . The Iwtlon built upon R:lcrlfl ce , and or s plr, th e m , nu ll th e y ar c 1I0t \' c ry wild or .. thercfore un s poil e d, b y th e ordinary prOVl'llH' nt mnk !'. poss ib le Ih e ('o ntrol \tual e ma ncipa tio n from tb e bond:!gn s h y, \1..' th ey ha ve not beou m uch m o'· t rn vc lf'r. Ru t nlth oug h big gaml) I., of a {'o n t in uo ull wnve, a nd, SO th e E n g, of ~ 1I1 a nd sL'lfi s hn css , les ted by Ih e Illd iAns nnd n o t at a ll pl e nllful. (:ood trophi es a r c not s elIs h Inv e n ln r nsspr t s , will e n a bl e ope r, Th e fir st proce sH In t h e ro rm ation of ' I;l' luuing Ink"5 plac'fl ma r r rapi uly, A 1t 10 good t o Im olV lImt 1~l s worlc will by the whi te man, for the ('o unny Is c ure !! y, itbout hard worlc lind m uch, at o rs to Ee nd IWO b u n d r e tl words a n soil Is th e pulv e rizatio n o f IliC' 1'O(' IC5 , ! r ap ill mO ll lll:ti n H r ,'a t1l , ro r ill s ta n ce, r()n~lr,u(; u n d e r thte dlrpcllon of hl ~ unknown , alld ha ll A !Jail llam e 0 \1'1111; pntle nce, 'The h eat Is Int e nse lind mill u te , l\ aulre U 5e~ s~\,p.ral tIlPllJ od s 10 iJri ng 11I:lliJ11'5 tJIf' bOllltl e r : R : OI"~, cau s in g troll :ed and con sl'crate d s onll an ll til It s ' e xt r clIle aridity and luc l( of wa· wntpr Is vcry sea,rca- Ill part s ah s t>II U011 t th e b r inninl; or (lu h·,., r izll l io!1 a l l Ih om to ru ll a ~:til\ ~l (':l e h othcr Until!llaughl e rs. He b u Ilt 90 enduringly Hin t ter. It Wa ft In this r egion th at lilY lutely Don' ~x l s tpnt. 80 that no on~ T ho s lor y CO IIl('8 rro lll Ca llrornla roc k s , Ihe m (j~t imp o r :all l. or whi c h i., ' t h (' y ar<' p;ro un ci 10 po 11'<1 ,' I', an d at th e no Individual Is n ecessa ry for Ib e IJI'0 t be l' and I obtrJn ed some ex cellent Fh u u!<1 cont e mplat e a hu n ting trip to " lI l \\' Oliid hnr J ly , sam !' tli ll l' l ill! uN I of ,"1(, Hl r e~ m !tsel.! [Dalnte n a nr;e of thtl n,rmy. 110 re, hea d s , s om e ot w hI Ch nre s bown In the Sonora d Asl'r t unl ess he Is prethnt a 1l >ClOste r whal e ca ugh t It s ta ll r Ullu ing 11'31 1'1'. purf!(] to Cace rll ~ co lllrort a od pTobably 10 I he r i gl!;i n~ o f a s c hoo ne r anll, nat· tll illl, th ut s ur h a ~url s lIl" l"n c!' a~ i~ \\'01'11 11\\'01)", III . I I !I~ WllY d e~ p val· ! leased a for c e wlll c h th e world nee d ed th l) Ilccompan y lng IltJ o l..OgraPb R. wa t e r lI'o uld d o mu c h g' 1' ;n d iu!'!: , bil l ' I('y s ar c " OIlIt'\! lI lf'S \I'DI'll 111 10 th e SlIr'! and whicll will c ootlnu e und e r the In til e daytim e and during hot Ilctual hard s hip . nllt tbls water I'ulllli n~ o ve r slOlle g r ind s olT r"cll of tll£' "anh a tlll th 0 fin C' ma t eria l splrltu nl law In th e n:lturnl \~'orld lin, wea tll ll r Ill e s h ee p nre alwayu found u Mi ll y, It r oc ke d t b ~ b nuL _ _ _ _ _ _ __ IIOr t o f fi n n y fun Is n u Im prove meot t he su r face : 101l'1~' , b ut s lI l'l ' ly, If is ca r r ie d aWl l)" I? rUI' III soi l nt some til th e re Is no lon Re r a subm e rged PUY '; hl g b up In the ru01lllh:l ns. Tu cy C: Olllc (]1I tllC or igina l m e t hod. Plckpackets Suspend Buslnesa, till' s trea m i~ s wlrt f' 1101I ;,; h to cn r r)' o lh e r 1)l a .'I'.-!'dll',!1I \ 1\'I:l n , C'o ll egt of humanIt y In n ep. d of pr!lllchloK ILOd down tsl feed durin g the nlgltt, but H ilS IInybody bad Il. )loc he t pleJ<od 1111 al o u g p3rtlcl('s o r su nd or SLO n e, th e of Ag r icu!tllr(!, Ch ' o Sla te Uuiv e rs ity. heallng ,--l~ort Worth il.ecord , Inv a r iabl y re turn to tbe rock y led g AS --- - . - " ----- - -,- - .- .--=--- ----. --'.. !lud pre ci l.lltnus cliffs , which are th e ir Stoc kholm r ecently? Oo e Is c urIou s to l\ e w Yo rl, ma y try a devIce lor stirn, VARIETIES OF WHEAT. i'cTI' li ce in yi('1 1I iJ ct l\·C .' 1I th e h igh est Charted Prayer., fa vorite h a nnt s , soo o ut t e r d a wu , Here know how th o vl s llo rs to tho Olymula ti ng t ho wlt~ of de fcctlvo children : 11 11 0 the 10\\'£'51 in th is lis t is I ~ss than If you have had espe rl e nca s In the , tb e y be ll down In tb e niches or tbe pic gam e R lit th e Sw odl s h capital haveI! lu t he sch oo ls by e le c l r lc lty, Of Dnrlng th e PASI th irteC' u yea r s l it'" lll'O h u~tJ ('I~ , II I hOll lcl be r eme mhe r- pray e r meetiog oC some of our sister lava . or und e r Born e overhaogln g fur e d, because M . Xavi e r PaOli, tbe. cours e, IJl en ty of coo serva th 'e§ lrllt Ullin I'!XllN lllI c nt Ht atin n h aa bee ,l ! e r! , howcver, t hn ... \I·h eal. Is ra ised for churches, doubtl ess you have heard boulder for the rest or the day: and French "conductor of It,ln g 8," vouelle. ri se lit prolest agalost tills move a. g rowl n ~, s id e by sI de , II ve r y 1 : lr~e ! hUlI lI UI f~() d 01 1\(1 th a t q ual il~ a s well Eal'n e st prayerll ot'lcred tor blessings ISO well doe s the ir coloring barmonlze for the tnct thnt th e re w ere no Ilocket. .. boc klog, llutIlu e r Of dlfferell t va ri eti es o f wh en l : as '1 u :tll tl~y J;h~ \l l d be con511 1 ~ red III 'Walch 8eemed to you quite the 80rt with tllelr surroundings that [Jot even picked In Athen s whll ~ the Olympia , " ,' , Ihe s ... lcC t lf'JI 0 1 va ri e ti es, W llh t bl s le ast oee d e d by the petitioner, Oh, the trained eyesIg ht o f the IndIan Call games were In progreslf, there, When, fo r the purp os e or c:o lllp,mn g Ih e ) le, ll , e Oll si l! l'I'll ti o ll in minll, 1I. larg e number would Borne power the glllle gte us, te I detect them. The hunter mu s t, tber,- It became evld~nt that the gametll Amollg Ule eveots of the allli t he quali l y o f th e (;1'11 In . 111 o fl~ eT I of h !,~ h y l(l!d in g var ie ll es have bee n see our selves as the good Lord seea l fore. be early In th e lIeld. He sbould, would draw Itlrge numbers of torelliDo' me t ropolI s was Ih t'! one reco rded In , to c hcc k diffe ren ce In so il , e vc ry th ird i s u bjec t ed t o mil li!lg a nd ba ld ng tests us! ~10st of UB know wbat we want , I IC p08slble, camp hi g h up the mo'un- erB to .... th ens the pickpocket. held. the current n~ws of anci e ot car bOf6ea ' plot ha s been s eeded \\'ilb th e Ba ili e ' c on d u cted und e r uni form, sta ndard and what we wi s h, but not ttlwaya ; talns In tho sheep count.ry, tor this meetlnp; and pledged ' themselves, ODe ruonlug nwny. It d pserves re cord, for \'arle ty eac h year. T hi~ tn n lles it pos· ' c on d lti olJ s , Th ese ba kIn g t e nts reveal. whllt we need. Perbaps our eminent will give him the beot chanee oC liuc. Dnd all, \0 suspend buslnes)l as , IOlie. as the came! Insted ,In order to pro. Buch nn o ccurrence Is, Indeed , ot the , sible to compa re eac h va rI e ty In t hc t he fnc t th llt som e of t he hi g h yielding psychologists, .,ho alre ady assulIle ta cess, mo s t startllog Dature 10 these motor,' t est wHh a standard va ri ety growlo g vari eties are low In bre a,d making tell UB our chBl'llcterlslics aod apU, When these nnlmals a.r8 ttlO1''tns tect the re'i>utatlon o~ their ' eountry. , darB, Itl nn a djncont plo t, qu ullties, . t\l'd,es; aoo thel'etore our potential Vo. about thcy are not difficult' to ' see, tor And M , Paoli 9ays $ey kopt ~, thetr " O f t he old vari e ti es w hic h h a vo bee n T a k ing In to cons id e ration t.oth ylel.. cations ,will 1l00D b~ to mak( tbelr wh1te rump ,patch Is most ' eon. word ,-London Chronicle, E I I tI d tesl ed tor II lc e ntire 'p e r lod o f th irteeu a nd qu ali ty •. , the va rle tie lll sta nding out ' tor each or us & list o! SUlt&b16 J 'lJ!cuoua IUld can b~ ,,~e~~cted , at a . Tbe RUBsian mp ro s Ie Becon : l'cars, the t e n standing highest In hl g bes t i n th e th irte e n-y ear lest 1!edtIoWl;, fU1cJ each learn bla OWQ <!Istnnce" of. ,', ,_ ,1,.ctvaf1cem !,nt II) III tbe In area and the thIrd In poin t of yield !ire .as ·, tollows: , . Daw- rollows: ,Va lle y, N igger. GYPs,y, (Hlck. praJer,&on8; thus cbarte(] tor '.hlm, and Is ' nor :to be ,In- a ",hurn;: D!ar)y . ' ,Dlf!'r population, but only Uttle . ·F!nllUJd /ion's Golde n Chll.ff, Gypsy, Poole. ',!> r-, m'a n aM ' P e rtectlon,-A. Q•. wiD ketlp . wlthl, Ih--Cbl'llUan h",. , all oth,el' -a,n.tpltli . for .ep\ , It qut th!! l'ar.a&UAY OIY," fecU9n, :V1\lley" Nis'gw:; ColJei;e '" of 'Agriculture,. ,Stat., Mr". .' , . ',r . '\m ,entlael lleD (be plymplc ,am~ . '. ' King, Deitz, aDd ~arl1' Ripe, Tile dlf- UDiyersU)'. ' I ; , . ,' ' . , ' '(e.edinr. laDemi1, A '1!~ aDd . lba weekI! 'tIO, a nd 10 slir Mt:.lgnnn t . oub wll h sUllg 01 Hym pu t h y. H e di d no t e@l nb ll s h a II f' W c hu rc h or 1'l'oclllllU a n r w fait h ; he d id no t W OCl' rr l 11I t1l s e lr mu c h ab o u t cn'Plls; In' d id not U" tl pl se seC l ~ u r a nt "go n l~ " cburc h es; h n s im ply ('arne,1 t h e o ld (al t b lo to d u r l( pIIlC('H whIc h th o chu rch e s co uld 1101 or wou lll not pene tl'nle, Il. s g e nius tl E' vlsl' d nove l m e t hous II ml he evo!\'l' d n gr('u t or;:;!l ul zatio n ""tlc h h ns s prl)a d 10 th e fo u l' corlle r!! ()f t hl'! e a r tb , Th e ban ne rs 0 1 Salv a · tI" 1! A rmy tl oa t t oday In fOrL y· uln .. lu n d" and It preac h es th e gnsl'(' I In t '~' elity· four langua ges, A m il lion P('O' pic rea d Its pe rlodl c nl publl nd I cutlond s a It un cou nt e d millI o ns bear t B wor . , B drum .bea t, Its life :lOd Its tambou rl n " !ou n d aro u nd the world, It feed s t b e po()r , It nsy lumn s II orphan s It

ag a lll pro l' d the re,'" S:llz c I1 ,'"l lIe o f plullg lng lirE' Tbe wllr In T r lp.JII bas sbown thn l gre:ll damagE' CUll b p dnne by m('re bU lIl bs d ropped rrO'l] d ireclly 0\'crhe,1d Th is being dl'lllonstrll lP<I, t he m!illa ry allthorltles uf Europe are now using macbinp guns. Thrse cno be alml'd nn d nr eel mor!! Rccurn lely t han al1.rtlil " g Ihn t Is dropped There 16 II' ~S was t e or nmlllunition a nd mo re a mlllunil ioll Cflll be carried . Tile ex· pe r!mcn ts co mh ine to make a powe rful n r~umE'nt for peace,





hlg gam e- hunt er



I tll lllk, thu t1 iltlcu!tletl tb ut al·


!!1I~tcnan ce,

IUII~lJ llt






olh ~r~ , l.~l1 l!1 il\(;



.o\\'~rO" ~sl'rcer~' ll1lL

~~~~:I sto" re


U~"d 1~01l11lh3 111 t



MOT HER NAT URE' S SOl L FA CTORY b~artrllllY ~uff('rs





\\~~I~~~h ::~




,8P("' I ~'6;

o~h- lt:Ul<l

rll r.('ren~late U~em



lIll\ke~ ~h e,


t rallslIIl s~lon w l J'l'Ie8~


hUi,~ ~r



8011orlon~ls) ,





i I



~orld ~f

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~Ie~ly. l:Iar1'e~t





~re 'll.Il ~fcCalJ; ~}Iln ,




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, 1'h~ 8,ct:e~ C:C~S8 ~~Ike ~ltbougb, -,,:i~t.;'~i;;'~il~~ lh~l' ,¥a,,..e .11'4.J,~ ' " ,~~e Pb~pplbea olf ~U!e ,)Q"\t~at, bi~rare mOde~ m~ll wa~".,~~])~inelilf:


MOJ\arch of Blood


g et 10 rod!! It 1


to di e


Miss lIfl n:1 le bad r £'ncb£' d to wn and mail ed hl'r let.lcl· unel started ba c lt wll "n th ,~ storm b rokE' . n!!Iorr! She Had Something Important agnln It ('[1:11 ". sho th Ot:~h t shf! cOII ]cl mak e o ut a hu mn n fi (:u rp. on th (' r o ad uh('nti on Her Mind. or h p r. b u t wa ,; n 't Hu r<>. Th l' \' I' r )' nrft By ID ONALD ALLEN, ~ IISt plc t(" d h " r ur' al1d tur"r·cl hf'r '1f I wa s a girl T v.mrtdrr'1;- go :Hound a l1d dropn,I, .. d lwr IIcltlr' r n walk ing t oo r:l r ." said o lel \ · ,, (' 10 n o b- rond sltl(, trcC'. Rhl! H',":,inl'c l th !'ro crt as 0. !;I rl o r 20 lJa ssl'd hi m o n llt' r " n tll Ihe /;,, 1.. h ";:an tn whi p tI,,· Tells How Sic!( She \Vz.s And way do ',\ n to tb o gate Q( tb ll farm- bran ch rs on'. I1n, 1 th" 11 I, ·t ~ o h '· r What Saved Hc:r From bousC'. h o ld and ran fn r If . Th, ' r'" W,·r'" 1I111h<l "Alld wh y- nOl~" Eha n ~lt , ' d (tS R ~'O fa ilin g n il nt " IO lt h , r . fl",1 111 " h:Ji l An Operati::m. ul m ost call1 tJ t o 11 \)IIUSO . ston ('s IH' pp t'rl? cl }II'r \1111 it sh~ ru 11 a l· "\\·l' ll. UC{"OTlIIII '~ t o m)' Idras . It' s mn ~ t hl illrlly. Sh" h ',dn 't il O il O a g o In g- 10 rnlll !llIrI snow and Ill ow a ll d fjlln r tC'J" of U 0111 " wh r n. ns sh" Upp", rSan,lu s ky,Ohi, •. - ' ''fhre cye a!''e h n l!. alill "h l. n t l!!' s l orm dc," s 11~ .•.tk c r ollr.IH' c1 find ('rwr r " (] h " r f~,," . ~h~ IIgo I wns murrit:J unt! w,'n t to houseshe's g oin g t o h ~ a b ll ~ I.'r. You Ii ·" Wl1 9 , lrIlc l! U)· n 1I~· ' n~ li lll h nnd kl: l' \\' k ee pi ng. I WW:I no' In ti l<' c ity and (. o n·l 1((1 11\'· 1l1l )" l hl: lj.; 1 no mort' . [ ,· (' Iing we ll and Ub OUl tli e s tMms wo h:,,·.' ou t Ii"n' . Tt \Yn~ Ihr 11 1m ~i o:h l nf Ih n ,-Irl n n,l l c ou ld ha rdl y drag I'v o s£'e n It. w lIP n W'. ,I IoI,, 't h n\·e a th,' ti (' T! tim :\i" ul l"r. 'd ,\ il" 11 Ilil . IIl"t mysel f uillng. I hud traIn al ulI!,; fnr fO l1 r B~r:li;;hl dll !"A." r "tit t h ... m:lll who w a~ clin >:llIg 10 , s:lt: h tired f e ('li ng s, "I \l'nllll'd t o go to Ib e IloRlotli('e 10 t h" r o nrl.I ,l n f ... nc... b~(' lc 111 10 tli" I my back a ch ed, my m a ll n 1,;1U' r ." 111 ~hwn \'. Ilr h ... " t n ro ·r t1w UIIC,'11 ~idcs a ched. 1 had bladt!(' r tr',uL la aw" It's th r l'" mil' 9 th e re a nd b :)("k. Rr l(OlIg fo rm nnr] 100 r l,,,, 1 It In :111'1 end H I wn :< J Ou r d P'lt It o!T. :ll r'b- FtnL;I: ,' rc-,1 h :l(·X to Ihl' fr·!:r ... :11 111 f" 1 I fully bad, a nd 1 cou ld bo eon1<'brl l y' lI bo Jlll~ il1g th a t yo u 10w,.11 it 11 11 il h o ,'111\" a Ii' h l notealorslccp. lhad ca n 9f.nd b y . T o.nrn rr c- r·R Tll an l; ~- f" 'lli ll t l1(' !!a tfl of n fll rmli ll l ~". lli ~ I h,·udud ,c9. t oo. and G I\''' ,,~ y l1 l1 llIl o w. alit! WI) llro Goin g 111" 1), (':l Il R fOI' h ... lp ~001i b rOO1!.!ht 011 1 b,'camo? e lrnofit n n rto hnvc th a,\fIl I" HI. h ll! ~ l'~t, nl er:' t a mnn nllrl fh .. ~"" H,,1"s8 h u n1 ron ~ n~ Id v ouu:r~ck 'll\l ydoodl n lw r nl :, ·l> o ll:-- ('\('1' ~('t el "wn to. Il· R r~ r n "tl 11110 tho hO'l Re a n d r rr('lvpri I tor ~~ ~e ~rJgo t o a O~tt.u· di~ Iilond Ill" 'rurl; h ns Hhrd." ·· l h. In YOll r h Ollol'. you \;11011" . TI , ... n ' ·1I h I"? Ly 0. WOII'n n nol 1<" la~ I ('a very w e . so, w"'n I ] I I I' I "T rl ~n 't ' -no" - ' I . 1 saw y our udv e rt isemen t in n pnI Jl·r. I g IO ... OIl8 s la llgl lt"r uf Ihe :ll uI.I'·11l n 'I' u t ur.; ('y. a «I C, un. rl ClI{" ; .. n: ,, " ~· " o ~ 1 (' IS. lu t wrote toyoufo radvi ce,a nrl ha'-etlo~na l iI· " B.' · 1111 1 RO 011 . Ih p r e' ll b l'! "ra :: lo e r rr ~ :l SS. Jlll lll ll::i ll f(OlI nrl Iw r III II", rn~r1. " I'x rrlai " " ,1 h" f y ou told m e. I hav e talce n Lyd ia E. 1.: 1l .. I I!IIlIl' r :llId ot hC'r t me £'plr pIps. Ctlrr:1llt j,' II . ~\\"!' {' t ci ,\o- r :tlld r.· ~ t'I: " r . "Th" rl' IN hl OOiI (111 hl' r hlllr, Pinkham's Vege lable Compound an d POll,. r..-i (' Ii" I,, ;; Ignore'S Ih, · 11111ral ,:ull · a p ple d 1Jl11p l i n '~: tb r r,,' 11 hl'-" ane! r Ihl n lt s h e was strul'k dow u ." Liver Pi lls , un,] now I h ave my hl·alth. Vl'l lI i""H or 110- "x al l ,; ~' I U:t I I,. "r Ihlnk I'll j \l ~ t w n llt u Iltl ll' W:lYS . "\\' ... ·11 do 011 w e (' an." r(' rrll " cl th e 1I.If s ic k and ciling w ome n would on ly :,1<>111 "1" g.·l ns " llll 11:1" " ,1", 01 rll r t hei r nll yhow," ~rrl d th o girl liS silo op"' I"' ,1 m:lI\ 11lId WOll,a n · t O~" lh f' r. ··h ut yo u know e noug h to l uk e you rm eliicillC',they ~'lll<l r! altll ~I I Jlll''\'' ' h llliti \\h o ha ve the ga te nne! passprt do \,"n II, ,, 1,1 ·· h· 11111~t n 't look for mllt' h . "'0 nr ~ wou ltlgetrel ief." - Mrs .BE:NJ . 1-1 . 'TANS"u. ... . I.\" turlll rt.d Tu r \; •. uu tc h prI' u wa y to wnr d s (h p Yi ll nge ull cI Ihe r :,i l· m l ~h l)' poor fo l k~ . \\' (l hnln ' t g ot 11 (; n Ell Y, Ro u te6,Box1 8, Upp<!rSandusky, 11",," In I "r'ir sl",'p " r Iir\lP IJl' d 1".I "o n , ronrt d!'prot. ~ 1 11 , phor n n r "hI Hk y. nncl a s for g"t· Ohio. 111 10 ll1l ' lr dri ll \; . Till. ll a!; UF' cU Il \'t'n - i "A nd if )" O ll con1<' hOlll o ns w e t o ~ t Ine: a rl t'(' ln r 01lt fr o m t o wn-It If you have mys teri ous pains, Irre~Dl in ll p lnYB lhl t a ~ II I~d l ro l£' In th e 9. h r ll d o,,· t F:lY I ti i,"'· t W:lr" yeo It"s C:l,,· t I> rlol1 l' to ·nl d ,!. " la rity, backache, extr e me nc rVOUS:1esB, I , "<!lr~. ,' I C·, .llI!:I1 •• T h" rc I~ a lOurh · !,:o ln g 10 c o mt·. (lilt! II·n go lll !; to b" n T h ... I: lrl wn~ ('nr r lr ri Inlo ti' l) o nly inl1ammntion, u lc e ration or displaceIII~ \t "I"I ' II" ~rl" ;1 <1 " 10 ,1 .. ~crl lJ l l1 !; I bu s t"r." hr ilroo m nnd lair] on th l' ol1 ly IlI' ri . m ent, don 't wait too long , hut try LyJia 1I 0 ly :-; i~lll. 171J !. "h "11 Ih e u ra \' e h ili · Hn lf an h 011r 1:<l p r. n mlcl cll,'·n ;: ,·r1 :111 <1 wh ('n h ... r W(' t c lnthlnA" h a'J h r'''' n E. Pinkham'sVegetabl e Corr. !1oundnow. 111 "11 ros/ ' Ulld 1J1I t h"I, ·iI In co ld bl uo cl wo m a ll . with n l!lo:Ir"rl y fnre fillc! r r lno'·... !! nl1c1 ph." Willi ],.' lw .... '11 t he F or thirty y e ars Lyd ia E. Pin kham'. d C'ft' l1 st' I" BS 'furhs. \\"h(,11 yo u reud va let' c ume ou t on th o st£' ps nnd sh !'t'l!l. the " 'oman I~ot It (' lo th nnd a Veg etable Compound, m ade from r oot. :'\It-h olas· ' · N''' ' \011 "lI/wlll rl,' th:1I a Ils lc !'d : h~"1 11 or wnt ... r uncI W2"h(>(1 awuy th~ and herbs, has been t h e standllrd r e med, /,I N C NIC:'JOL.43 h" ro 1I" eels (l1I1\' two Qualill 'u t\ ons "Pa . do yo u r ec lcou It's co in' to bloo d and wh IHp ... rt'd t o t h e strungr r : for f e mnle ills, ami such unques tionable , . _ IIrs t) hf' sh ou'lel bl' s up" r humllll ly ttor m ? , "T !lon't tI,lnlc ~ht" B bnil hurt.. Shp's t e8timo ny as the above p,'Oves the value AT Czn-r Nkholas of : comhluo tb e t wo : for wh (' n /l;lcl\Olos ,·ou ru y,pous. anu Sl't:on dlr . he s hou ld " Su r e as duckR." j\l s t faint e d away with th e s carp of It. of this fBmoUS remedy and ahould&iv. I\l 0 nt e n egro . a g e d Reve u· 1 ""US bu Sy 1> r s ll' g lng :--Ilk Ie . III l~'j' ~. h ... t'rlll",,,' d wHh " li ne c qulpmen t of "Wh crll· s I\linn le?'" \\·hr.n s he o pe ns h e r eyps 1'11 t C'1I hN eve ryone confidence. ty. one. la l e ly s pra In ed hI s h Slil·" t pa rt or tIll' d ay writIng s o ng s ra sculllY . " O h . s hc's gono tor a Bla rt er. to g o to slf'e n. and she'll b e all ri g ht ----_ unld". He , . e t tl I IH a dl llOHe lit (' rary pr In C' giv e t h e r '" 'ar ilin g . \\' 1In t' s Ser v Ing H urn a n Ity. ~ an,l 10)· t hr ee d il l'S I abo ut th o d l' rl' Ddll1".. Turks . e b as f I! h e i n the morning." ""'~ ~ UDder u fill Iree. In th e U!{ rI ' cs with J\ om e l: th ul s lurlng m,d a ... .al w2l" rl o r ·R d, i\'alry. He Is n ...·an tin· 10 ma il II. I l\ r r for? 1 h aiJl·t F e w ca llin gs ure more hIghly ellD\"orskn U II e u. and IJl u nd ~ rlng 1'11t ' m h13 u I,,1 cll rrylng 0 1T k I I II h nall('d a I\)lt e r nor got o no I 20 "no }'O lt think It's some youne: Inrl ... te e m e d th n n that of lhe tratned nurse. s c r u wi e d m ," slerlou s bpu uUful m alus ur I' t h n fil recr eations th ' n g Ttlr It nlld It g" IlII ' ·ll1an . c ate ss n from e "1I111H!' ns kl'd th e sIntran(:('r lt8 11~ T urks; but ns warrIor of th('thf:1rlll e r lI a?"Ill"" talked whls. 1\11 ss E ll e nE ' m e rson . t h e grunddaug h • I!ymbols. o f a .. noe t. :wd th e flt reCrf'<l 1ion or a a m I bl omI· I(In' n' IIe we 1C011le~ II10 m . ' . ter of Ral p h W ;9. ld 0 El merson. Is a pers In th e out l'r ro~m Under th e fig tree Nlcbol a ll some- \\ a rrior Is t bu ce le b ra ti o n . or h is own all el he Is g ra l(.ru l to th e D! for .s uppty. nurse In the Mat!8achusetta &eneral t Imes a dmIni s ters. o r a8 l\1 onte neg rlns I E X I~lolts. Ing th e p r t e llliallt ies of c o nj bat. That " 1'/"0 . T don't r ... cko n so . T TPrkon h OS1lltal at Boston. soy. "Inflic ts," ju sllce. Whe n a mm,;'). !"Icholas· mu se Is 11 :nlted In scop e. (' xpl alos l11un)' <yuee r luconsl stencles It'R th nt ""'w /! irl t h nt arrlv rod lit Matrimony In Au.tralla. tnln ee r. bea utifull y dresse d In kniv e s In fucl. he re Jectl! ull t h e mU 5PH ex . 1111 his ,'e r se. T urn £' r' s n f row days !l~0. I saw h N 'I (' 1· · ·r I I ,...o l n~ towards th e vllla"e two hours Brldog rooms In Australia last yea· an d r evo 1ve r I!. cn me to N Ic 110hlS Ulld cp p t Ca. ope. 10 UIIO . c rp s " ,ore. O n on e pa "", '" ago." " h "' e xl ols massa c r e ane! ran ged from sixtee n to nInety-nine anh e d tor Ju s ti ce. !\ilcho luB los t hI s w ho s tand re RI1 rc tll· c ly for th p. e "lc. I r.' ~('11(' r y a gl1 l nSl lh p Turk; on Ihe years of ng e , und the r eco rds show temper. Th e mountn ln cfl r d e mon tl e d hl ~tory aod thf' dan ce. T .. rp &lchor~ Is ""xl. he '\"rl1es po '[ic al praise of S ul c l.. Arrh·... d at Ttl rnp r'~ ! !'lay. man, the yoilngest bride was fifte e n . and tbul a n ext donr I,clg hbor s \w 1lld be tole rnt c d iJy rou g h Nic ho la s be cau se Il1all P asha. with w ~101Il b e crossed are you s ur c ? Is It a s tran ge g Irl lbe oldes t e ighty-t wo. One man or ban ged tor ste ullug hI s pipe. whlcb a lIulior b as II. r ight to dan ce ou hIs s\lord~ III I K~~. The n 0. IItli e further to the n eighborhood?"' Beve ntY-Beven mnrrl e d 0. girl or eight,. lle tillon Nic hol as r e j<'cled. not be- e nernl"8' prnVCR. NIcho las ha l! COlli ' o n Is a tou eh lng \lo ~ m . .. Th e Lam e n t ''I'\'e h parrl s ny It was U ncl e nob 's e en. It IB not Burprlslng to learn tbat cause banging Is too S8 \·,' r e . but be-I posed some li vely " ko lal! ," or round of Os man I'lIsha." whl r h de scrib es the n l('ce, Dnd thal sll e come f1'om th e more marria ges we re reported from ClAuue , su ld h e, " I um wrltlug a poe m ." dunces. for mo n and maI ll s. F o r s uch T u rkl ~ h d e fe nse of Pl e vna a gaInst a cllY · " -h nt ai ls you . Rtrnnger ? Does tbe country tbaa ever before. Tbls r e pl y astoni s h e d th e bra ve a swas hbuckling ~o v e r cl gn ho I~ I llu l\slan urmy /lve tlm ps liS st rong . this storm ups e t you?" Montenegri n, wbo be li eve d tbat real tol e rant c t wom t' n : Ind pp o , hI s best Wllh th is b rave s pir it In hIm , Jt wasn't the Rtorm. PElrcy KIn caI d poetry waB n eve r wrluen down . A politIcal poe m . "l1alkan s ka (' ar lca: ' :\lc bo la s p~rmit s 11 0 ma ll to olT(' nd th e hod IJ uar re J1 e d with the gIrl he 10vE'n The Educational lStep-Ladder, r ea l poem Is It'arnt by lalOrt and th e" F.mpress at th e Balka ns:' Is d e- r. w Turks who IInl In his barrp n an d h ad 8 ske d to be hi s wife. It was We know w hat kinde rgarten III for: chan ted by a beu r d ed burd to th e d e af- dl cl1t e d to Monl e n('g ro's fa ir. It thpre lall d. This mo t iv e Insp Ires one ot bla nboul noth ing. almost. as most lov- It III to educate children for the enlng mu s Ic ot tb e guaJa. to the clnsh- we r e 0. mus e oC drlult. sh o also wou ld tl n"sl poe ms. A wh lt e.beard e d Poders' IJuRrrf'ls are . but prIde on eith e r prlmnry grades. InS of yataghans lIud s words. u nd to be pcrmlttf'd. fo r Ih e warrior· kin g has go rltz.l Turk II IllDpd to th e Dvors ka si de h r ld oft' a Tflco nclllation until We know wbat the primary gradea the explosion of pre cIo us gunpowd e r . w r i ll.e n to 1t!rR hl e dr in kIng songs. with Uli cn tlg tr ee a n d complaIne d to the lo'· ... r flnolly I('urll('d tbat Mi ss are for: th ey are to e ducate chlldreQ But now N lc ho ills Is not o nly w rlt- l\dmlrnble pr <'c" I'I K. (l ne Is t ha t whil ... :-; Ic ho las t ha t two c hl prtal ns had reMInni e h nd gOl1fl o n a journey snd tor tbe g rammar grades. tng a poe m; b e Is p rl' parlng a com- lb e re u r e Turks In l'ig ht )"011 s houltl vll ed him nlld c ull"d hi t.. "old car. l e rt no worrt fo r him. !:,< ll e WfiS goIng We know what the grammar grade. ple t o e dItion of all his I,oe ms In tho It eep wa rily Bo ber; but that '.\ h ... " y o u rl o n." 1\ e de lll a nd p,1 justI ce. to Bprmd Tlr:ll,k R ~ l v lng wp'pk In tho are tor; they are to educate children B en lan lan g uage. It will be printed ha"o c ut ofT Ih " Iwad s or u d ozt' 11 .. Re turn ." sa id :'\icholas. "I o nl g h t counlry. W ith in two d .. ,. .. sho h a d r e - tor high Bcbool. at Agra m and r ead tbro ug hout th e Turks and bn~ged you r W('/lIJOllS an d and you will I.;pl It." When t h e Turk l('n t C'd; within thr!'(' h e ,,'a!l mnklng Wo know wh a t the hI g h echool II vaet te rrItory In whIch th (' St!rvlanB money you hayt' It rl/lllt tn dr ink to r(' turn e d h e fouu d :'\Icho las \lu d e r th e e" p ry effort to locat e b e r . th nt he tor :. 1t 18 to e ducate childre n for colUv e; In MOllten egro lC 1!lr I when ILlly- 1 their s ha d es. P ursninJ{ thIs line of t\~ tree br th fl Ilc; h t of a lo r c h. li eml~ht plIl "h tIP a p" ace. H e lIad s ue- I.ege. one ca n re nd) . In I\I ncedonla 10 the th o ug ht h e bu r s t ll out a ga in: hI n d sat t.h e t wo il1 ,; ull f'Ts. loo ldn g u ne"'fl d l' d . H e wo s going to throw him· But ",bat do es coll e ge tit you tor 7s out b, as tar east liS Houma n l... and .. Drink ~ ,1 rlnk. ~ nd yo u'll h~ ~.ou nll nn.l CO:J,ro rtllbl e aud nba ~l·d . .. Yon s lwlt f . s('lf o n h fl r m ('rcy n n d o sk Hncl e HobaR for norlh IlS Styrll1 . For Ih e Serbs j oil l': ha ve ju s ti ce! ·' said Sl c ht1la~. wh er& e rt ror 1\ pl ace at h is Tb a nlt sglvlng Old Roman Wall Uneanhed. arlJ l!:urop lJ's mo s t scult e r e d .ra ce. ant.. rrrll\k. hrrll·~ Inn" " n"n. t n T 11\ wIno upon h e t oolc tip a co pyboo k and df7 ~~~ .,.-' til hI e. A part or the w ull which once en· Iu. mberlng th e Hungarians a nd ma ny I . rell lol (o,"I: lind wll ,' n th ou IIrlnltest c lul nll' d to tjlC Turk u nd 10 th e prOKe__ Th e alo rm !UPW flprct' r a s th e closed old St. Paul's, Lond on, has b ee n oth (' r nutlon s t hat cut 11 tl g ur c In tlle It ,' nollJ;h - lh c \YM!<l Is Ihl r.c !" c nt u r:> an od e ru n n in g so m e thIng li ke ni ~bt nl1 nI I1C I" 1. Th r ~:rl wn l;e unci nd lsco vere~ In excavnllous at the cor, ". Think 1'111 Juot Walk a Li tt lo Ways." • I' t t R d S P I' world. KlcholllB Is u n r Wfi pap e r man. li e th is : tlll'n 81"]1t a Ilrr aml{'ss Rlc ... p . a nd th e e r 0, a e rnos e r ow an t. au I "T hee," old li o n. th ey In s ult; lh (' Y years, and I gu('ss I'm abollt as \\' (' 11 10l"ro r h a d lnng hOllTS In whi c h to alle y In London. The wall, which II ]i'at old Nloholil 8 Is n gcn uln £' poel. run H u Il o t'ti ca l JO lirtl . I nnm e d t h e His verse Is full of th " prIm itIve. Oo ve . whkh Wit S fOll nd e d by hi s 1J0e tl - la ugh at l11('p ; th cy derl do t h e e ; t h !'y off as mosil folk s. I was going to a SI{ pondl'r lind thInk. '\\'hp n another day a1>out 60 fee t long, Is made or chalk h e roIc. epic aplrlt. Compared with It cml cutthroa t a ll cesto c·. P e t l' T lI . In cnll lh ee carrion~ T hou ca rrIon ? h er but forgot It." came e ve n th e clltl le c ould not fa ce nnd rubbl e. a nd was built In the the ('ffuslon s or hi s roy!}1 ne Ig hbor, this NIcho la s prlnled h is fir s t poem. Thou? Thou th ot ha s eOnllu e r e d hal f "Don't you a s k h e r a word about th e s l o rm nor mnn m o ve from bls tw elfth ce ntury. On the eame site Carm pn Sy lva. are t ho thInn es t of " Vul:nsH ln," wh ic h u I'!se r lbes an Incl-l lh O world : thou t hat hast watcTI'd It." cautione d th e wir e us sho c am£l door. Jl WAS Tbank !Jnl vlng ti ny. At IlIf'c"s of a Roman amphora, Roman .klm milk. Th e old m u n comes of a rl e ry t In the fnll o r t h,' m ed l<' vut S e r- lh p), Aru1> stced In lhe Minda and down to him. "I cu ... ss Mlnnlo's got U nc lo noh rrt's th !' r e was a f('as t t o " uses und some Samlan wore hnve stock whleb a lwa ys sp lit In k as fast \' ian e lllilt r o. . loa . he prillted cha ll e nge d und e r \ -le I1l1a ·!; wbile "'ullu something on b e l' m imi, but Il hal l1't be sp r('ad : lit nradl e y's was ul so found . Other "nnds" Include as N early It II th e Pet e rs. hIs" 0 l'\am o. 0 :-; all1o! " a po litical I th o (' mpe rol's or th e wes t. none or you r bu s ll1 ess. J r eck Oll h :t rrtl y b r ttl'r than p oorhou se rare. cam el s 6kull un ea rth ed In HIgh Hoi-=- Danllo B. MIf' k9 B and '1'0 111 08 w ho pre. eOl1 r, sR iol1 . wh ic h l1as lo be t.h e " Ycs. o ld li on ! \'·e l h at on batt lo· she'll tell m e wb e n she g e ts rendy . nut tl,,' "«'tim or th l' nc('lll pnt was no oorn 0.1111 a larg e quantity of plpeB at ceded him li S " "I nll ikn s " o f :'>1 o nto- llutlo na l so n l( of Ih e In t1 e ltls b avo Ill e t an!! me us ure d L e nstwl s!'. I hain 't goln' to do UllY lo n !=er In h roel . llnd th o 1'1'""11<:'1' no the e lg hte e ntb century. Un d e r somB negro w-I're ma s l e r s or th(' S'! rI·la. Turk py. uUll l Wt' lovc o ne an o th e r a s c nc lnl s pumping ." earI'd ab ou t th e w ea lh p. r. an d o ld stutJ lcR In Bnrtholomew Close-His gN!at-lln c le. !'(' 1(0 r II.. WUH Ihe AlIslrln . 10 "1"' : And we s hall me(' l agul n 011 "Som ething on h er mind . e h? th o fnrmror·folllH look"cl ut ench o th e r on ? of _ Ih e o ldes t parte at Londonbest of Se rvl a n I'oe l s. a nd !J lso a TlI r kH . pashas. "b u Rs u r m!tl1 s " un d bllttl ,.o.flC'lds. o lu lion. Hn,l s lay and 10\'"~ T hut's tu nny . Didn'l know th a t A" lrls and ,lIbbey l l e I\U"I! . o rmccln a r cto he sone hav ennotlw been r,round. .. sm ll .. d nnd wlll s ll('r('d .· lo se and tolerabl e warrior. fo r h e wro t e h is plul ls has nrn lhe o h.k clive of _"Iicho las' o ne lI11other." c ,'(' r h or! unythlng on t1lf'lr mi nd s exE"cn If we h ad turlcry oocl c ra n- arc b ,!lleved 10 h uve form e d part at first od e on a nlll<l wu ll III I( Jp ka with b,'~ t Ilo£' ms . Th('y 1I1 5pl :·1) ma n y An d h t' r c'. at th e th oll ~ "l Ihll l h t' c e pt n pw c loth e s. Is t h at why s he h(' rry ColUCO I don ' t bl·l i"v e th ,·y·d C':1 t Ih u c1(J \s tprs of t.h" llnc:y w blch oneil tbe bloo d of a bllt (' h ", r£'d Turk. dalnl)' nllli ~n lloro\l ~ 1I11 "~ . such as mi ght so nl(' tl aj· s ia l' thp Turk . fa l come vi s itI ng us all of a Bu dd e n?" a Rln g-1e monlhrul. Th ('y' ve ju s t Bor, stoo tl on tbls s ite. Fat o ld NIch o las mnl n tu ln B th e .. Drllllc ye bl<,o I fl'o l11 th.! bla ck NIcholas e mh rn('",1 his mclul e 1.1e rn y ":--<ono o' your bu sfnl' ss! T gl1 C'99 trr fonl1e1 e neh otb e r, and are tickled RIGHl HOME berolc stra In . PoPlr y n ll(l war. h e Turll's s kull ." ·· W he n tl fly \l 05 \1' I11S lund st'n t h im .U I1 h is wn y with th e my own I;i~tl' r'a dhu gh l er ca ll come to d eol h ." ! holds. are but h ral1c hes o f th t' snmo re ll from Vuk a ' ~ h .. " oI ." "O u r e 111(' r- .' c ho: .. Old lion. 01 11 lion : ' rln!;lng In nnd aee m o nny tim e sbe take ~ a noAnd wlH' n nt l as t th ('y conld mnka .uve relgn proftlss lun . You can evp n a Id ntll (')"'s blO SSli tu r"d; It Is the hit! c ars. tlon, and thnt wit h out writing ah C'a ri . tll "i r to Tnrll(' r' A lind l ; lIc le nob Doctor from Pel' ............~~~~~~J'.~~ What's on h £' r m ind. os lli l: h a~ I stt~t( rr('d and Ann t Il arr ld crll'd fo' l the r ps uitAnt 11HI' o f In fcrlo r hm-,be r ca n 0'I:11t O ont, Is ubou t a Y(lIl1' P; ma n. j n~. MI SS ~llnn l e na l'NI In a way thlit . No one III better abl e to r ea lize the ~;:. !lnd bl' iI'k wea k l' n" 11 11 ;- mo d e rn pro If I don ' t tl!11 you you·1I wo r ry the wa s alm os t h ('arll ells : ! InjurIous action of catrelne-the dru!t ..., , . ('g ~ ... ~ w lildl h aH "11 Ih e l.tumlng bUI phlrt off your bac k . P II . you've Hot " " hy do yon t a lco on so ? T nl'ver In coffee-o n the heart, than the doe-;\~ ___ _ __ _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ . _ _ __ Ip:lva t h l' produ ct r:1 11(' h m or e po rnlt s to b e as pol<y fi S nn 01(1 l~l:;i d , y (j ~l had ~lI('h n lovely Tblln\( sglvlng In tor. Tea 1s just as harmful as corr~ ..




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1(1l0~I't)ul1l ~1nl1 t ('I1 Pllro.

ri~en Pan.S~ n·I!Uts

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Th is t h e A 2e 0 f Conere te

Compaf'iI'tlvely New Material Pushing Into Popularity for an Infinitude of Uses. At pres e nt a c OIll11ara tl,'e ly n e w mao terla l Is pu shing Its "uy Illto popu· larlty, and that for an Inl\ulwd e of UBeB. Portland ceme nt. us It was ]('st calle d . was nrst made known t a th e world about 182 4 at Portlanrl . Eng land. whe re It was tirs t lllanll fa t' l,Ired. and came Inti fllvorable notice In con· nectlon wIth submarIn e COllsl.1·UCtiOIl ""here ordInary Blo u e work had utterly raIle d . It was not until 1 8~ ~ how· ever. that It was manufac ture;! In the UnIted Stntes. and It was only wIthin the last d e cade thlLt It has b pg 'JI1 to ;lIuIJplan t brick ancl stone as u bu ,ld lng Platerlal. M nde by the enlclnath111 or



marl. l~l ay . s In g an(\ o lh£'r Il1nt~r laIH. unrl softe r th an th ose m o tl ,l In t he can't seo Iii. pil1a r-ea ~e tloppln/l: on th o Il absorb R wutl'l' fr e t'll' a ll cl Is 1l1i xe d " Iel \fu r. 11111~t t pn cl to IlIcr c'a s o t he ('I oth es lin e but wh a t you wa nt to with Rancl and 1>role l' lI rot'l, In \·aryln!; u ~£' of co nc r!"\ C', ro r dw ~ ll lng~ Ct Il U kil O\\, all :n1>ou t It. Ycs ; It's a bo u t a proporllon s. th e s lr01: !;.'s t bl"'il1I: Olll' " 111a ll bt1 l l cllll~H o f all 1;llIrls. I 1l1l1lf" ,f'.:, you ng m n n . Th ey a r e (,1I p;[1 ;;<, d . flll <1 parl of c(' me nl to t w,' of . a nd II ll rl luTI'as of ~I tlr.w n ll, a nd p av (>nw llt an' th e y've h n d n fa ilin g (1l1t. :lnd s l' ... · 9 rour at "agg n'l;'nle." It s e tij ,,11110st IMIII ), pa r h· (liltl Nw lfl ly IlIc r e ;tsi li g Ho r t e r run. away from h im to nll(1 (1 11 t. as son n a8 IIIlx; ~'f) li tl nl1 " ij to ahHo rb a nt! in th e ot llpl' llilous luntw ls. sc w. If he re ally cares fo r h t' r." wat.('f and to h ll rcl ('n fo r ru a n y IIays. PrS .. uriclgl' s. d1l1118. sen. wall s a nd oth "And sh c 's got scare d about It a nd anti g'nlllR stl'f'nglh ror m allY )·!'ors. rl' pub li c s tr llc tur eR. co ncre t e h as h as writt e n him a 1(' l t" r to t .. 11 Millions of bn gs h R.\' " bn' l1 Il .t' d In large ly r £' pla Ct' ,1 brIck an d s tpu c .w hcre slll~ Is? " IJUl'rl Nl t ho bU Rhal1d. conf' tru('tlng th ", l' a l1:1l11<1 rllna l ; no Ka llon a l ~l al(az i nE' . "Go on ! It's proh~b ly a le ttt'r 10 for llfl p.atlol1 Is Clln .illprt',1 ('","plr. lt! h e r m~. though I dlrl n' t see It nnr 'wlthout It; g rt'a l 11lI1I;s Hn d II g hhl (' r~ FInancier. a sk. I h ope f\h e dldn't s t a rt for are b u ilt of stefl l ~ 1( " I f' t t1 \\~ r o at e d " lI c 's on o of ou r UlOH Slll:rpSs rul . lc. wn. It's going to s t or m for ~UI'I~ , wit h conc re l p, and Ih.! 1>cl l~ f I~ '·('I'Y nn(lll(·l!'rs." and th r r e h aln' t but one house on t he "That s o? I dldn ' t I,now b e was ro ad wh er e she cou ld ti nd Sh ... ltH. comUlon thnt It mu st ~0011 r!'plac e both wood and hl'lrk In hO\l se co n· ric h ." L ook down th e r oad and s ee If YOII stru c tlon . Ind E'C' d . th l! h ;J.; h price or "lIfl Is n·t. nut. h e 's s upporting 11 can s eo h e r." lumbE'l". th e grf"[ltPr (~(l~1 {I f h ri(,\;. ow· rll1nlly or nV l! on $I~ a wee l(." -De t roil "Can't Sf'e hid e nor h ~i r of any Ing to hlgbe r fu (' 1 and \\,UI.; ... 9. wIth .Free PreRs~ r;lr1." r e po rt E'd l1n cln i1 o be-r t a(:' I' go ing out to t ho h l,;ll \\'ay alld t ul:iro ::;


Illlo\\'ln~ th emselves a short vacat ion f' V f' r~' ~ l1mmer . Ih e r e would n ot he a s mu t h ~ I c kne ss and suffering as th ero

G,.at Miatake Made In Wai t Ing Until bhauated Nature Mnkes Imper,atly. D.mand for · ReGlef.


Ill. A few ',·eeks spent on Nnture' s bbs· om will hE1a l mony an I\J whIc h unCa· vocable c:oncll tl orl s Iiave Infli c t e d U[1on

a 1ook . An hour Inter, wit h lHlt h unclo allel au nt Od gntln g nbo\1t t1H' lr g irl ,, 1"1101'. th o bla ck clouds th at ha d bee ll banlcIng up tor hours beC":1 n to n,h-a nce b e foTe a llr,,~ze that s oo n sl ren ~ th ('np.d Into ~L galt', Tn 1h'e mlnutcs th e gray afternoon h nd beco m e t w ili gh t . In lG thElrc was c old raIn ond livel y halt. and Uncle Robe rt w as blown In·

I because

It, too, contaIns the drug cat· t el ne. Hard-Working S ta tesmen. " ' li e n the doc lor hlm selt has been An yon e who think s public se r v· · re li eved b y Blmply lea vIng otr cotree Ir e Is a sl n pcl1re may find h e Is ml s- nnd u s In g Postum, he clln r efer wit)tn1,en In some In s tanc c s. Sec retary full r.ol1vl c tlon to hIs own cas~. lI!t'y e t' at 1\11'. Tnft 's cublnet Ro me A Mo. phys Ic ian preuc rlb es Postum time og o was st r Icken with typho id f or m n:IY of hi s patients becaUSe be f(' vflr from tbo ll h rlo1ls w a tNs of , waB 1>e neflted by It. H e says: the P otomnc, and hnd to ~ r t orr the I "1 wlsb to add my tesllmony In r&j ob. place W:lS t akrn br nc~ k· gard to tbat excellent llreparatlonman" Inth ro p, ~' ho hnd r ,'r~ ntlr rc- Pos tum. I 1Javo hnd tunctlonal or t UTlI(',1 fr om n 1... :lYfl of o bsc nce In ' ne rvous I,cll rt trouble tor ove r 15 Eu ro pp., where 11 0 wC'nt to r C'c: up e rate Yfu r s, a ncl n pnrt of the time was un· his slrl' ng l h . utt erl y ex hau st!'d by th e ' abl e to attend to my busIness . d e mands or the serv Ic e. H o tindg It i "[ was u mod e rate Ul¥.) r of cotree and n ec essary now at the ond of every dId not thInk rlrlnkl llg It hurt me_ But w e e k to ge t out of W aRhlnglo n a nd on slopping It and u e!t;g Poslum In· come ba('l, Mondo y to h'a de s k. S l1m· ste ad, m y heort hilS got aU right, and m ('r wea th e r In "\\'ushllq; lon Is mIghty , I a sc ri be It to the cba n(;o trom coffee tryinr;-. to P os tum. " I nUl preacrlb lng It DOW In cases ot C~ug h t With the Go ods. sl r kn css, esp cclnlly wh cn coffee does Th e man from n ~lti more fe ll Sf no t n!;\'ee , or atrects the heart, nervell 10IJcly on tile train ort er a long vlslt or sto m nr: h. In a s mall Inland town that h e trl p.d "Wbe n ma de rl g~ t It hilS 11 much b e tto en gnge hIs seatma t e In convers &. ler fln vor than cortee, and Is a vital tlon. sustnlner or th e sy s tem_ r s hnll con"A n i! w ha t mIght your bus iness b e ?' tlnue to recommend It to our people, be InIJ uire d, pleasantly_ I ·\lud I hnve my 0'\\'11 CnSIl to r efer to." "1 furn is h suppll('s to th e resta urants Name gIven by POltum Co., Battle In this vIcinity," the man replied , ; Creek, I\flr:h. Rea d t he llttle · boo~ " Oh, ~o!'· cried the Baltlmorea:a, ! ":.rhe Roa d to WellvlUe," In lIQL' "So you re the cha p that brIngs the I "The re'S a reallon," , . rubber .. ol:aters,"-Youngst.own lI'e1. I' . Eye. pea. tile .Iao. .· I~t' .A._ &TaD' . ' ,DDe from ~N.• ft.,. . . . . p ......... t . .e, " ' -hli eli . . . . ".e"et. 4't-t. · .

a ll my life '"






,--- ... ..... -............... - ...... . COl1lnton Pleas


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I'rol'cc(lin~ s

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........... .


c t'lt ~ed .

Pruof of publi oation tlh:n of nllt lr.e of apPOintU1.nt of ,lam es f' Ii ltMI1I11g "tit.! .I oun H . l:Iite!lmao,

Illy n. A~TIIn l e d eJ.:!'('uto r ~ I 1""1I1i1 g h " '/I (\\l~I "Il r " f I·.dt; tlr I~" tfl '" "f Mu ri .. Mill er. iUlbeoilb. ~ ,,, .. " r, IIlln o) r >Inti ,)nh'r I v I," ')" I hl ',rltn A .III I11 U80 0, Kuarr!1I10 filer! l' · ~ I . Ilr neLI" 1I I·,·x,'o\ III *:1 ~ ,'. third IIlT,'llnt . -I -I' YfI H 1'"lIr'r:<" 1I \" :< .1,,1\11 ". I I·;"tlll<' li t ~tI1111"J N ,1 'll11eMo n. d e l 'ull.·',." n ."/" II IO~ J) ·f.' llI lulll l'l'>t H .d. F lr ~ t Ul'C'J Uot Illod. 11 ' \'''/1 SO ,I ',~· " I" " I, a d III., 1'" 111 1" " . E-l uIC1 IIf {'ur(lhUA \ l e~lln g. liS llllh" " " 111 ... ' " l l h., " 1'1" 1111 1111' 111 ; .;i~" .. r I'r " .. f (If pu blioallou of ( " " ' \I ~ t AP~ "I (I r pl"IIl- ,-\.,·l ll l1l 111111 1 U ' II CII ll f ttppolntlllt' nt of I.IN!liJ(nee, ( hlltl , .. n" 11 " 1111' . .1 ~\' Bll('k IIlIll \ \\' "J (·II ...,t'V fih~ d nnt ertlerell reo J' D 1I ,, 1I f' 1' l' I'P" llIt t'" tl u " t "I'" ~.)r e'lTJ" rl. t hp tPrlll "r , I X .,-,·"r.-. "", ~ illlll!lg H , .I Opatil, pXflc uto r of th e estabH J 1.1I!1I~ 1 :1. Jlll~. of io.:Ullllti Hnl!!,,, decelMell , pill intiff (dp " T ! t' ;\l I1rl'.I' \'~ . 11111 Dr . Rl' hec('{1 Hik er , fit aI, de fenft,mt !l ('1lrn' t '110' pr ('111'1' (' , ) 'II. lon9 1 SAvan co pi~~ lI f th e ~~ rl1nklin (;h r oll ,1" urn,,1 ,·nt .. y ,f K"Jltl' Ulh " r Jlill! iolt. uU lltaiuill g n.)tH:e of JllIlIdeu oJ rli~UI1~" lnl! ('III1~'" flJl' tlo ... \I'll II t (lr IIl1 d tllll tl <")f t 11l:'I Iw t lOn 1Jllllied by J'r o~!'C llt lO lI \\'-" n Ul . 11I h y lll i~llIkn pr\lbn te ' llCl ga . 8 1\ 1I1I1 .. At lI~iclf' ","1111'111 f o r u~ll~ht. b;"tflte I l f t:lIHflb Ali ce Mi oltlWI. (h' . ot'u~e d CJ llrt orders exeoutor to N.: \\' Suil s ~el l c rtflin clmt tels lit prlvnte su le. ,I Mllrlll1 ~ C1l rti ~ \" R Pptr r K In th e mllt.tor of t he es l-ute of l l rt on, urlrui niSl rn to r ·,t tlH' ,'@tll tO Roth L . Sohenck, 6 fl ••ll flOd. Writ o f A . C. BO\\"lIlJln,t1 ecHltSell Aot,ion o f citlltion i ~8 ued r el]uirinl( W . (; flItJlI "." only Am ount ('l"i ltl (,j TbIllIlJl~O n, the executer to fil. au $l li ' O ""i lh iu!(lr e~ t . \VIII . MeDon uCOOllIlt on Uotober .J.t.b I1ltl. Itt.t Onl flY · In tlle . mllt.ter of Alioe Uunther. Ameli" Tre 8~ l e r Of4 adm ini lltrutrix Applicl1tion ordered made te the of thE' eHlite of Btlrry Ot!borD. r!fI- Uhi o lU 8 ~it,u'i on fol' 'be feeble('ell~erl VI . C. ,\V U n~l e~ h y . .A ol \ on~ minrled JOlllb of tllA oJmitta.nce of m n n,,), onl y. Am ount. cl ,lim f1d It:!" Ali ce (iunth or . wltb Int,erest . .... rthur Bryant, ut Marriage Licenses torn~y AnRton 8 . ,1 n<, kA(' n VOl ,1I1oob J . Wa lter L. Davis, I , tarmor and Ja kso n et nl. \'urtltion. Cbnrl es Mi ss Llloile Dr.kll. 16. both of Leb E Everet.t. a t.t.orn8Y. RnoD. R ev. E. II Wlllk .



Dr. J. A. McCoy,

Of' THE COWARD WAS QUITE WILLING TO GROW . - - - - - - : - - - - - .

Man Who Doe. Things Ag ain st His I4gr\a1 Fears Deserves Medal for Bravery.

Appllcal1t for Dlplomatlo Position TMught He Would Be Bill Enough If Given Job.


A. A. Whipple, who was in the During McKinley's administra. real !'!tate business in Kansas City 1ion Sellul ut' ('urter of Monlana tolu when Ni nth !lnu Grnnu avcnue prop- I t his sl orv ut a Washington gathererty was listed as subu ~ban. is re- I i nl{ : . garrled as, 0. hcro by hl8 personal , A Chi rngo maD appeared at the fri ends. In a fisnm i ~ g this at I it ucle ' \\"hit l' 11 I)II~l' one day with a petition thcy take the ground' that I1n)' mlln t"lI ltn illi ll lY "7,000 names rccom mendwho will go I1f1!'l1 rl and do 11. thing i n'''' hi1l1 fo r appointment 8S Brazilagainst b is Illosl mort al f l'IU8 is i ll~ OI ini ~ ter. He was a picture framscrving of a Ca rnegie tn l'uill the size 1 f'r, alll] whl' n he was canvassing for ot a dinner plale. The Ihing in qucs- l' l'dt!rs h.:- l ook ulong his pelition and tion i8 the !lIll king of public speeches. as k l;'(} everybody in lhe picture frame HI regard an invi tlltion t o make I'lis int' ~~\ to sign it. Almost everyan oftcr-dinncr talk as Il. ehnll enge," , hod v did. Mr. Whippl o su id one dn)'. " I argue '('\tc mlln WIIS insistent and finally ' this way: )'Iy fri end B1nnk belicves ' rl ~ nch ca me presidcn t. Always genI nm afraid to Tflce a crowd nnd t 1(' ann co nsiderate, President Memake a sprcch; hn doubts my per- I K inh,), I' xplain ed t o the candidate Bonnl courn gn. Now it.'s 111' to me thut he would have to consult the to show Blank I'm a bettc r man 111 inois sClIa lor and representatives than he tnkes me to be. If my k.nees nbout the matter before malOng the tremble on,l knock toge ther I shl1ll I ap pointmcnt. lean against th e tablo so he will i "You. kllow," said the president, never know. T 3m in so mo resp 'cts " we hl1 ve to select big men for these like the Rold i,'r II"ho was charg ing big plncl's." with the rrst of hi A rc~ imrnt up the "Well," asked the picture framer, heigh tl of Vick:>htlrg, but so Rc nred " I'-ou' t I be just as big as any of he 'look ed like a ghost. A comrade I hem if I get the job ?"-Saturday next to him wn ~ uttnfrnid nnd even Evening P ost. smi h:d at ihc torn' nls of g rope sh ot ._--... ...- -- that 8wept th l~ rHnks. 'rh e comrade, Wbf!O v<' n bavlJ 1\ blld oold you noti cing 11is fr ie nd 's plight, turned wl1nt t, lJ. ~ best mllllioiDe obtatnllble to him and sl1 id with a snccr : i1U lUI to aure It witb IlS HUle del&y " 'Coworil l' all pnf4~j ble Bere Is " C1rug\Clst '. "'Cowa rd yon rself' retorte<l tha .,vlnio n: " I havH sold Cham her· frightened soldier. 'Old man, if you Inin 'H Con ~ b Remedy for firteen were one-tenth 118 scared Il.B I am, years," ~ I\ys Eno!! Loll..r of Sartttoga, you'u have brok en r anks and run Iud , .. lind oonflllier it the best oa t·he wl\rket " "or stl.le by all deal~Ili qo!"-KOllS"" City JOJ\Inal.

.: Veterinary




or. Ohio

State Unlv~rslty

Office at rel'li denre in F. R. Sherwood's house, Fourth Street. Telephone 28




E. v. These furnaces are right] The price is low, Gi ve me a chance I will prove it so.,

Notary Public All klnuR of N"tary WOIk




P ensl uD



The work is good The material is best The proof is yours 11 By the test,


Dk.H.E. HATHAWA \' W a'y !le8l'iIle 's 1A'll1dinv DeD'I'" Offioe in Key!! Bldg. MaIn

The fire is great The heat intense With little fuel And less expense.






Funeral Direr.tor.

Think it over And buy the best, And I will come And do the -rest,

Telephone day or night . Valley phone No.1. LoDIl DI!!tance No 6\J-'~.



I Dr.nch Office, Barve111 bura, 0.

Fl'auk H . Bulelds, It. farmer of Morrow lIud MisM Dortl. 1. Dill , 19 of ..... - - - -+- ....- - - Jo::leanor B Long ond Boola ,J . Le"nnon . Rev W . B Patterson. Fortunes in Faces Oorwln to Ce'l\o. D. Cor win. ,Ii) !lore!!! eorge B . GiolllR, ' 4, farmer anr1 SHOULD BUY THE MORTGAGE THIE CltIEATIE.T Sherwood Block .. 'l' 1 " l ro '~ oftA n IIlllo h trn ,h io the of laDd iu Sulem t.ownehlpf$ l.OO ant Miss Irene Pilyne, 19, both of Mur saY !II ~ "her fllce i~ her f Irtun e," WI.e Advice of Bill Jonel t., Friend othRr (,onslderaUons. ow. Rev . I::>ny<.l er . Valley Phone III but its n, vp r FI,lid wh .. re l' impt op, Who Was ' Seeklng Gooel IN THIE WOltLD . Urlt.b Thomas. Benry Th oml1s skIn ero , t. i o n~ , hlot,·.. lrefl. or oUler - -Inveltment. 'tvIlJSlIEJ) WEEnT. $4.00 I'D. Y!Al bleOlisbl'\ ~ c1\"ti !!'l lfe it·. Impllre and David rhomas. onmarrie".ond "OTIEL., DItUCCI.T.. .~IECIALI.T8. Jlllia 'McKlnney ann James T. NEW USE FOR THE BEEHIVE bloor!ls b ,(1 k of th f' m "II. nnd Fl lI n ", .. Bill Jones was a resident of BalOO.TU .• ·.It •• TltAN.FIEIt. OAII thp neect o f D r Kin!;':; Ntlw Lit e Frame, m~rrled. IlII Of the heirs a.t .. liD ·.U. .lEltYICIE 10.... ~1tOF'1· Ingenfous Farm~r FInd. That Its Tem- Pill ~ 'rl, ,'y P' Olll ut e lt eillth ano timore, who, notwithstanding an imla.w ot James N . Th.omtts. d eoeased • ., UIINQ In ADYlEltTI81NO COI-UMN. ,erature Makes It • Very bel\\lty . 'l'r" th " m 25 oents at all pediment in Ipo speech, prospered in John Lee ':)mith, e6X Bcres of Fine Incubator, SAMPLE COPY FREE dru ~ ~ lI' tp his busiJness as II. b.roker• • He moved ,...,... NIEW YOltK CLI"~.1t land between the Miami rivers to New York city and prospered even Subsrribe tor the Gazette York. II. Y• Altbough not many people own on Conlideration '3,105. ONLY ONE THING WRONG. more. A friend from Baltimore it is rare for a person livincubator, William 0, White alld Joe Reatbl.l called o,n him one day, and, alter Wblte bis wife to Grant 8nook hnd ing in the country not to have faciliMarsllllll P. \\'i!uer is responsible some familiar conversation, reElla Snook bls wife, nor tb hulf of ties for the swarming of bees and for a storv which he says wa s told marked: lot No. l1a in Lebl1non, ,1 00 and the ma\cing of honey. A successful with imr;}['l1se cITcct by !Ji~nel "I say, Bill, it 8eems to me that agriculturi st has shown by recent ex- Brough, of It mlln who wo~ \'cry Sick, you stutter worse here in New Yorlr I otber oonslderatlon. The Teat of Tillie Grant IInook Bnd Ell a. 8nook l bis p'e rimcnts that a beehive may serve and whose doctor. told hIm th~t. he thon you did in Bultimore.n , Our claim of "Security that is Absolute" is based wife to WllliElm D. Whit e . II fl\ the purpose of an incubator. . He had to t:hnngc ht H m ode of lIVIng, I "V-v-very I-I-likely; it's a b-b-blgon our experience extending over a Quarter. of a aareeln Turt·Jecroe1c tow n,bi-P, $l 00 alighted upon this discovery by ob- and prescribed "goin;; to berl. e:l:ly. gcr city." I Century, duri':lg which we have made over Eight setrving that the proper temperature eatin g more rn:)st beef, dnnkm g and ot.her consider" \Ions "But I soy, Bill, yon have mode Million Dollars of Real E state Loans, and be9ides Martba D . Bizllr 1-0 Wil!iHm D of incubators is exactly equal to that beef l ~a, a mOtl th's l'L'.~L at SOllie. llui d l a l~t of money here. and I want your~ paying our regular dividends have accumulated a wRich the queen bee maintains in Clllbertson, of MootgoOlllry oounty, watcnng place, and lust one cigar a advice. I sold almost everY- I Surplus Fund of over $100,000.00. Write for book3 tracts of land in Turt. lecreek t.own- the interior of the hive. Why not day." A ' month later the invalid I thing I had in Baltimore and I hav!l l_ let describing our 5'}'o Dividcnd Accou,nts. , ahip. 11.00 and other oon sioflru tion!!. givc the bees Il chance to do two met the doctor anll the laUer com- 1the cash in my pocket. I want you I Rosa L. Berryhill, IIdrninis tmtrix things at once-hatch egg! and also plimented him on his improved 0p- to tell me ~w to invest my money to I of t.he estate of Eliz 'lbeth H Smitb, pursue their ordinary vocation? In pearance. I the beBit advantage. I have even I BuDding aad Loan AssodaUOD deeeaae4 to Jonat·bun SmHb. purts order to do this be arranged a spe"Yes, doctor," Baid the patient. "1 ' mortga ged my house and have the I ••)1oa.OIll. of lot. I and 8 in WilY 0 !I!!.iIIe. d el:' of quadrangular cage, or box, look better because I am better. I money here_ What would you advise ORGANIZED 1111 over the bottom of which he deposit- went to bed early, ate more roast roe to buy for a good, safe invest- : OonsideratlOn ,,·Hi O. AISET8 ta, 8URPLU8 IfOO.GOO,OO ed a cloth. 'fhis he put over the 1Uve beef, spent a month in the country, ment?" • 6 Nonh Main, OppOIite Old Court House I Probate Courl in the manner of a roof arranged and took great care of myself; but, "B-b-bny the m-m-mortgage," 1'9- , just over the chamber where the bees The estate of Rebecoa Hurper. de· that one cigar a dllY nearly killed 'Olied Bill.-Harper's Magazine. Il ,~=========================~ were busl es.t. 'fhen he put two doz- me. for 1 had never smoked bcfore." ceased. Eul Llurper. admlnistra. en eggs ovcr the cloth, protecting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tor filed in ventory anrJ .PP1·a ise them from contact with the air bj went. floonel wrappings, and let matters Anna M. Rob ~ r t!!on, ex ecutrix of take their course. After the normal O. L . Robertson. deceased, ,laint-ill" incubator time for hatching hlld . va. Anna M. Robertson et ai defen · elapsed he found t11at he bod dants . Bale o()Dfirmed. Court or· hatched eighteen chickens from dere deed wade to La urn B l::ioofleld Iwenty-four eggs. The experiment parohaser. WI1S repeatf'd with equal success, and In 'he mll.tter of the gUllrdiall!!hip then be arrllllged each beehive wilh No matter whether you are an experienced housewife or a youn~ woman just learninll to cook, of Josep~ B . CorriDgton an alleged a cage, H e finds t·hat, on the averyou will find Moore's Range the best stove that you could buy anywhere at any price. tn'ilane person. Flmnie (;orrington age, lie !tlc('ccds better with a hunMrs, Sarah Tyson Rorer, the acknowledeed foremost coole of the country, has prepared an appointtod gnardinD . (hed cggs llatehcd in this manner Oven Thermometer Guide exclusively for Moore's Ranee. It eives the time required The e8ta.te of Rflnhen Mull. d flwith the conn ivance of a dozen hens, and the heat necessary for bakinll aU different kinds of food. This euide is faltened ceased. Third I\UO !inlll IIC. ooot right onto the stove where it is always in plain sight. filed . Estate of Sarah Alioe Yicll[~ el , deMoore's Range is also equipped with Moore'. Oven Thermometer, which is IICK·ROOM CHEER. ceases. Inventory lind apprlliso 1 mounted clear through the door. thus giving the exact temperature of the oven. ment filed by B ow l1rd P . Mioha!.'l , This Is what Florence Nightingale Then there's the Moore Controller Damper, which enables you to keep a uniform tbe exeoutor. \ had to !ay on the subject of how Iho temperature or to control the beat, as is required by Mr5 ....Rorer's Thermometer Guide. Estate of Nnril~ .Conov e r, r\ ecfl1I sed well are liable to err in their d!!lllThis damper gives you practically the same control of your ranee oven as you would have Proof of pub!I o~ tlOn of no ·jcA of ttl' ingB with the sick. ''How often the of a gas oven. p.:>intruent of Rl1lph B Pllrk s.llu . siek person," she remarked, "has to Moore'. Fire-Tested Glasa Oven Door enables you to see the condition of your food mlnis'trlltor filed . do the whole conversation wJIen a in the oven without opeAin2 the door and causine discomfort as well as the loss of heat. Estate of W . H . Duke, deo@ll8ell, visitor comes to his hou se-thus havWith these advantages you don't need to spend nearly 50 mllch time over the stove, and Proof of pu hl :oBt[on 1)[ noti ce of alJ- ing to exert his imagination and yo~r cookinlil' is bound to be a success reeardless of your e~perience. pointment. " f l~cl miulstrllt,or flied . memory...." "A sick pel'Real Estate Transfers


Tinners & Slaters




----- ..

Waynesville,Ohio i

~Il~ · ---- I I



Gem City



Moore's MarvelQus Range AduallyT~aches Cooking


i .'




E8tllte of N"ltc, S . McIntire, dA. ceased. Proof of pabliofltion of notioe of (1)JpoilltlnenC of Clerk 8. McIntire, Pa l'c'ufor filed Estnte Il f .lllnt fl f.' C . Biteilmao, de-

j ~' ~;



Saved By His Wife She'~ II WI SA w o rnfLD who know!! just wbut· t " do \\' 111.'0 her hU!lbuncl's

60n," she continued, "docs so enjoy hearing good news, particularly of a love affair Ihat is lik ely to ha\'e a good ending! He hos so much of books and fi ct ion, of principles, precenls and theor ics. Oh, let him hellr of any material goou, or practical success, Ilnd do, in stead of giving him advico that he has heard fifty times over, tell him something good, something amusing. It is like a daTi health to him."

lIfe it< in d u n g'el , but MrHo R. .1 Fllnt, BrllintrPtl. Vt .• isof thA;t kino. " She III ~it'f. "I1 Ull my ntlin g Dr ~ .... - - - King's New OI ~ o(j v ery," writes Mr. CAN THIS BE TRUE? F . "for It drs urHn! oough. when 1 WIl!! 80 weak rny fri end s all thougbt I had onlv 1\ short tlltlfl to ]ive, and "I can' t understand it, don't you it, comlJl~tf\ l" oured m e." A qoiok know, old chap." cure tor cough~ ann cold", . itl! the "What can't you understand?" rnnet. sllfa lind re\tHble menicill9 for "A fellow I was talking 'to a little ony throat and lung t,rouhles-grip, . bronollitt~, oroup. whoopiog oough, while. ago sa~ some of the greatest . ql1iney, ,0nsUitis, hemorrllo.Jo{el:'. A men ill the history of the world had • 'rial wiJI oonvlnce you: . 50 cts, and died without ever having . seen a t ' -$100. GQlUbnteed'by all dluggista. !~. couiL" ,., .. ~~ • I _"", .


Costs Less Than One-BaH as Much to Run The Contmtler Damper not1only controls the heat, but al so controls the coal. It positive ly eaves one· And Moor e's Ranges are the only ranges baving this cu ntruller damper. But tbis iso't tb e only saving on your fuel expense wbi cll the Moore Range otTers you. The Moore Everlalltlnll Flreback means anotber saving. The flues in . this tirebac k are so constructed tbat tbe air from tbe draft 4:>peDiog is admitted sPlnat the Iides third of tb e fuel.


and oa top of the fUel Instead of tbrough tbe bot· tom of it, wbere tbe lire slrelUlr. has a good IJ\I\I' •

condition rlgbt on top of the lire, the ozygen millel ""Inlr advantagesP At least drop In to our store and witb tbe smoke, soot and gas al 800n u tbey .r. let UI abow you how perfectly It worka. Let u. formed, and all are burned up right tbere In the fire· plain tbe maDY valuable f~llture. Which we hllvn't bOll, thus overcoming tbe smoke and soot nuisance. e.ea room to mention hert:. They wl\l U1oa111a youl By burning tbe smoke, IIOOt and gal you get addl· But come DOW. wblle our stock Is complete. W. tlonal heat and your Cuellasts longer. Owing to tbe will not try to urge you to buy. All we ask j~ that peculiar construction of tbe Everlasting Flreback. yotllook st tbe range. Moort:'s Range gives better satlsfactlOll ~r====::=:======::::==::======;:;:;==::;;:;'1 with balf a firebox of coal tban It wl1\ III witb tbe firebox filled witb co.I, and it's lin....................... Rorer'. Thermometer Gaide tal the 01111 ranae on eartll that will. Tbul " ........ •••• ............. lSI you aro Dot only laved conllderable ...........~.:::...g:=::::;r::r*:ffi~:r~~:..-r..-='expen!te. but also considerable trouble by carrying cont fewer times and Ie.. ==..=-=~~.:m:...~:§.'§: ...r"::='~~-:=::.;:.'" twt ...... atTbe a time, ~--I~-"f"''' ':' Moore Company are practically : 5$ : ...j:..~::: i:~ JI '=\'::::::::::::::::::: :::: -



the only &tov~ manufacturers In tb. countrywbodonot bave tOlld"laetheuH of good grade coal. Tbe Moore RaDle

el~:a~r~~~t:~ ~~~~ ~:: :;:~i~:o'i~~~~!:=


dlrough'the ftuea llreback. &tId by belllgdlschllrged In thll he ,a ted

Now, mowing that. the Moors Range will more tbsn pay fur It.elf by'redueo fog yonr fuel ozpense. why .hould )'011 be Without Itl lDany tilDe and tr'CIable-



m:::....::: : : : :I : ........................... ...... ::::::::::::::::.



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Pu lJlI. hell

\I" oldy



ZI~TTE ' of' '':;-:;:~'''::::-.:!.~:-- ~ 'i~ ' ~~=r' l -


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... .. . _ -,_ . _ ~pn n g

Neighborhood ' News


Public Sale

~-- -----I·---:-~~~-- --+1 1 will o!'fllr at Publio Valle y I SprIn g Bran ch resid ence, o De-half

I:il\le ut my I mile north of V A LLI\:Y 'l'I( 1.Jo. 1' II (l:\ E I ' ,\ 1.1 . I I :! r,yt lo, on t b!l fura of W . V . Bergt!" lI \1 " ' "d :,11, ' "w t llll M,." ... · I'll ,;\Ii~~"H Ali ce Chen n"etll flnd (kn o wn 118 I,he J , M.l:ltt1cy furm ), on ' LIVE RY SER VICE I· . II'" ,,, II ""llll'r :-;t1ll tl uv ~lr. ' d ,d \\ !llta J[e l ~ljy were the 1>. L. CH,\ NE, l-:dil or alld l\1;! lI a~~,' 1' g uelts 01 Monela YIOcto ber I", 1912 Servi ce at very 1'(' ,,"'1011T he ve ry Rest at a ll \ 1,'" 1':01 ~~ \ "" ' I1 ' '' . h\l :.:htl 'r /) 'Jrl lt,I, .v , , :Il l. P" rr y Illlrt sock, 11l.8t Toesllt~y BeglllD Urg nt 10 o ' olock~ . 11; , the a b le r ate:l. \1 ,- :> ( . ,,:1 .. , .\I II"~:'1 '" .! 1""IIt'"r l T imes lWeMtlIII Il F H Minn ie ""rl a tt "od fu ll ow lng proper ly : Rates of S uosnip l iu n I f'> I"",, r lilt M r ( .1.·1\ 11 .. ,, 1" /1, "f ' G tlUrgl ll (j , II'UOU W E' re tlw g oos ls of O ll t) Y o u.r OOl l' h'tl y in UI!,U1Wf') S beRr1 o f hun'oA, 8 h oat! o f OlLttl " , / fl tilp' : I .I~' I)" rq und dt" 111111 l\lr~ ' .. ..,u Adlt l)uklD, o n 1rridhY . t;llIglo ( 'o p)' 40 h BIlUl o f l1ogs. J tons bt\led hay . I" ~Iis ... Aline::. (, J10 IhHVO (1l e ut e l'tain oci 100 btld os rye 8 trnw , \ '. 'I· I I ~ of 40 aores of Cll ru i n l1"I,J, whiuhl~ wi ll Illliko (\ 5 11i.· ![ \. 1,1 fl". ~ 1 . 1 ': ,'!t "I,.j llt .. ~ ifl s - \Villi" KulHllY nod lidrl:l . lUll Rllt~ 1i o f AclvHt i s il1 ,:r \.)u!lb e l~,~bu u~6 0 bushel!! p ntllt008 . :",,'11 1 . · , ' r~" ' II :. ,·. ~ " no! I III' .\' Ill' " ;.; " , 111': MOA.I" u s , I Il ~ l wo o ~ Boutl lllJ,: 1.04)(' 1\1)0( , ,iI'r IIIIU .. " . farm ilhjll!lm e ll'~, 120 t'8~ Illc oblitor 'I Ho utlili K I A,r ld ,., . I,hl "h tan' . PI ' I' 11 111' ,:::, tot II u\'(" II ""'I " i",r ,)lil' " " /lI"~ I, Mr~ (Jn y lJhpllowe ~h t'11l' ut 811tllr too chickfln 811 11cltL lot "f l:I o tl!:lo l'1~lth.KJ ..\d ~. Hut til ~ ''\I ' lIt'c J I\lt ' 11 111 '/'0 ho lLl . I M \\. O · ;\11' "lid ~ I r~ . .1 " " ", , O s ) "' ' " '" !t ll il ( IIIY Wit '1'l1rou 1I1:-1,· rl,il IUS ..• \ I r" , III Bello" .th, Whll t~,,".ts TE R.~ All 1 $' l ••- -.....- - - - - - - - - . . ~ :" , o., ( \i" I1' ;,:n". t " 1' , ,1' :::n ll .\ .I,Y !Ill 's III "'Ir y 11\ , Ublt..utLrlo..~, Ih u 1111'111..1.... f r \ 'I:; l)\,I'r Ihl' 8ull\~ 0 \'13; :j:~. ~~~~l~~lI~ fe~ "~ ll~l;hl~ i t: Juciw..... I H.: I' Ii 11 0 .. ['I' io:llil' ~· LI "rl S . (, I Xl'tll1l. Mr ,; t ;u lilio Ifurt~ ook spuut tI.n · wil l be givon by "ur \ I rd uf t.. IUHl kH . . . . cllll ~e r ~ivi nl! u ,,· ,; 1\1. 1."'1> A II I,,!' I , t l, ll !I y""r ,ri d "'111 !IllY wi th M IH \Vill .. L.. oluWou. .. .... Chenow eth . l.m.ktlb le n nto , o ix per o;m l, off for . . . . . , ... 0 0, u dllla oLe. wh uro d llll'~ U (M Illlldu ... CtI 0" ~ '''' ,f Mr , "li t! ~ I r " '['", ltI '¥'!tI t.II II , (l .. ,d C L Tl!;Wl! ;LL r . uy uell 0 wllth epen' .1Inuuy ca~ h . • t.plu)' Ad vort.lsili K pu r illch . , . . N :I ' M A A . Mc ei l, Au c t . " j. . •. I" "t 'l'\1>'~"iI t ,Y 1I1 11 rm ng "r IlIfll Sub-A gent for nl iI,' w it I II r lt'UI In t . tloll y . lJis{'uUII(.'" gl\ u n 011 nlllt..rlH·L. W . Kenrick , l :lurk pltril, 'I~ , IIfl"I·" 1l 1! ill"'H"~ 1I 1 0 1111' t.1r (H i d Mnl. FrtUlk Dllkln on ·1 . . - - - ___ . I r ur l.'u II lld 'tli ll 1IIIIf ,1 ".\',... the Ford I LlliII ()( I :\1r . tilll] Mrs . ~'rElnk O~uk ~ KING U VTU II E" ~. I ~ I ~ , ALFON SO IS IMPUL SIVE I Corwi n, Ohio l\lr ~ t 'I urt u n H.. ll(: r ~ \Vl' ~ " " "Jlpill~ lind dtlll !.( hter, Mr . &nll Mrs . in 1>1I\, t ( 11 , ~'l ll1 rd " .\" I UIII"n, i\lr ~n d Mrs . Erllll!lt Dukin His SubJeet e Halle Autom obile Been Stimula ted I 'h (II1" 71 · 1' ~ THESP IAN RECOL LECTO N'S Cllot L lI l~ll , .) 1 Il on \', ' r. \.' .. 10 . \ius un ,l :l0 " ~, Mr. Edwnr t! Cook, Mr. !lnu b1 tho Boyish Perso na lity of Itt'l m vi~itillg III,.. IlMr l' nl ~ . Mr ~ Wltit e r Dllkiu und son und ipal n's Ruler. Mr ~ lei" ai uull c lIlJ " l ll<J ~ \I udill " (\tHlg hf,'r, nt I::lUIlt! IIY d lnnor. ]~ ~t'V I ' nl I W OI' k ~ WltI, tll'r I\ ('ICO i\ I r s ' .I r",~" ' "' r'llll,• SI II I" II 'VllH o· n ti le ~ I'c k 1\ Kin g Alfon so of :Spnin, who cele~ '" U I li"t tillTl,lllY . A'ily L 1111111 I;Ill , UIlIi r .,, · W ollr in g brated h ia twenty- sixth b irt h(lay reton ~~~~_~~_~~~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Illi ",! L II " 11 OODner IIp [l n' Sunday cently, is cer tainly the ~_~~~~~~~~~~~~ mos l \" PI' utile "'-- ., - _.- - -- -- -.- Mr fJltlllJl ! 'II)\lIn t l,j,), P ') !"I~I':o"do l1 lInd tl u ndll " " VIlli 'I'I " I' n D"yton -I!h monarc h his country • \: e\' .r ,., P{)~S('R~ .... prl, ..., dh h M.I)flll n .\' JI IIJ I l:1 11\t! f)f thl ' ~ roctlry hi' h Ar 'Illl!lt Iil llllll " ('rub ll nn k e }os' dOllI e much thorou g hly 10 lUr(" h ll~' Ii " t 10I I'; t-b Ar\\'"oll. B o Th f' r e will h~e m.., ee ling tit Ml u<l le nwa en 11 8 8 U 'jPcts to th e Il ~<,d ~ of 1,1 1L 1','d F"I'11 1:1'" '''''1 01 111 1' 1)!11''' " I)f It HlllI ~l1tllnlflY lit % o 'oloclc and ::Iun. the twentie th centurl" . ". M .. 1111<11\11 " ( 'lfllI ' III'" E/l~IIJ QuitB apurt fr om . his kin ~!1v pr r· II1I I I' d I1Y . "t; 10::1 0, hv t.:ll:lo rgo At. IJre t'iI . o f Live Stock and Gpneral Auctioneer Bonality , th er e is a human Ririe i0 't:. lI~ h l l'r !llIll :'.In' EIlIlI/II Md lrIlW 'l llldIRIl'. . . ·"jl . t! 'I'hnr ·"hv \\,1 111 ~ Ir . 11 1111 ~lr " Mrp. ",,!.tIe EII111 lInll rlRnKht.l'r King A lfonso Iha t aPI)('ul s sl r,) ng ly Post ed 011 ped igr ees and valu es of all I{'I,I" I':' I ~III ' . Lpnll rll ('~ llerl (I ll Mr A Will Ch en D tlo evelryon e: In mnny wnys he is so kinus uf breed ing stock. Joyi~ I, so nnprcBs ionuhl e, so un coil· A ~!l rl l .. i"" W,," !.!I\· , ' I/ iI1 l"' ~ l\1'lrfh " 'I Wtl t ll l!I uLll Tdny aft e rn f'on . .. ,'e ntiona\ . Exper ienceu ill lt a lldliIt ~ farm sales since ", \vl " ,. ~' I II\I !l II~ 1·,"' III1'g lit Ill n i . - - . Not many years ago the kin~' s sia. 1"'1, .' " f 1I1' ~ . '\'," Io",.r I 1 V ( 'lI ha ve vo ung- (' tllhlr on Y011 I 1905. . t t d I' ' th tI I ~l ,' 10 '11 1 :i1r" .1 . (,I 'i" l, \Jill' "'r ll llll l hll\'~ IJl lI' h llp" n rlllCt'U th " t, di~ordo r~ er In rns e ll~ WI . Ie pu rc . lase . '. ." I I) f th'1 ~!(l l1Iu c h tire their rno.t l of a hat, And hlB mllJesly Ih (' (:, lI l1ly " " (I' l't lll'l(',1 :- utlll"tl"y 11\'13 /1 ' 1 C()IIlIIiOn lI i lm !'n t, Terms Reasonable - :- Satisfac ( ion Guaran (eed ra correct l,hiS / hetter Pll rt o f an hour in aspellt 5 h ~p tr'yIll;': III II 'II')!' "f M !s~ L""r,, Alexll n I)'II U wi ll fillet C h"wbo r'"io'"t :\to lUflCil inrr to make 11 selectio n for th e in- GH.\I )UATE OF TI10 Baseba ll Cronk -You do n ol ,I r w h "~,, rll llr rl (lge Tilt-: ~lr . \V W .' '1I1l1 Live r T 'II,j ll ts ex cel lent Th ey fa~ t!\. Wayn esv ille, Ohio NATI OI'AL Al;CTI".'< ll l;prllll; ('I' nr \\' llIt P lIlC,'M " I'li" V.lf t f1 '· l "AII Il,V llnCI IJleu!lnnl, I,) ttlk e, l\Oct take much inleres t in b8selml l? Atth d ft! tf , I~ ' ;\1 mild ulld ge nt le in effect. For sale \ SOUuO 'alley T<I~l'h L OF .\M EHI C.\ ullC 4S·1 r e en a ll1 lIue \'lng. The Aclor-N o, illd ecLl. I neve r 1, lIn ll \ by ul\ oUli le rs fonso sugge6t ed that as h e and .'ol r~ his A ". ~ ~ A ~ ( ~~!nl1l ~ "n could unders talHl wi ly it should be -~-~--~~~....~~~-~~~~~-~-~ l1l(u,," g ht e r ~ -~ - ~~!'"'!~~~~~~~~-~~~!!!!!! ___ sister were so much alike,'w hat so hard to throw 11 hall slrni ght wh en ,rc I' rl'pHrln g I ) 1I1 0 V.., to ()rego n would suit him wou lc1 al so s lIit hl' r . ,:{C,*,,*,,*,,*,~,*,,*,'t ,*,*,*, it is SO cosy 10 sellu an egg HtraighL IV b r- r ... Ilf\r h ll ~ h'l nrl hIt" btw n f')r CHILO MORTA LITY IN RUSSIA TIe then gravely tri ed the. to qlles on to the mark. ~"fI1, " tlm u Appallt ng Number of lnfantll Ole his own h ead 'till he I came I upono one ...' J t", t' lw rgo Hll t lmun ulII I wlfo we I''' , Taere Annuall y, Many Being ..I,. thut took his fancy. ....J . W . Cop... IHnd, o f Dnyt ,,", t)lIlo, O . cta Y ~tW~t.~ "f He v . H o; nsh u,Y und J Killed by Pigs. Whethe r the infanta was e(]lHllly pnrchll fjed a h() t tl A of Cbnmborltdn ' ~ fllll YOU t:AN 1~IND THE BEST . (;OODS AT THE BEST l1l ~' . ~ Cou/Zh Rerol'd .v t il l' hi .. bo \' \VII " !Jllri satisfied the' story does not tel1.- ...,,., PRICE S. H I1~,,' lj A"liun, l , wi f,. I\ TI[1 11u11 ~ h EVEH YTHIS G IN TH E LINE OF FANCY St. P et ersb urg had a "Day ofVio- Answer s. ~ 001(1, lin!! Iwfl) I'n !I,o 1.J(;tt ln W ll~ nI l .:: <iROC EIUES , CANnll~S, COUN TRY PROD UCE, ETC., !pr. :f Ihyt ' '' , vl sll .. (\ :O;umlay witiJ \ lels" th is spring, wh en a couple of IN ...,,. u seod th e h n <~ r. ,,(I WIlIl ~ " n n h _ _ _ GREAT PROFU SION, C IG ARS AND TOIl ACCU. TIlEY t,bl\l· Il nt b l' f!,llr ,h !1I 1 I,ll PIlY 11 fiv e \\' m (·",1"" .... lin " l(lrt " I.,· thousan u young peopl e, incluui ng j;. Hioll hl'ndllc llf' ill Cl,I u sed by''' di s. """ ALSO HAND LE THE CELEB RATED LINE 0)' dolla r dootlJr ' ~ hdl~ F!lr ~ nl t' hI" I~\I -- - - - - - - lTIuny 8('hoolo o)'8 nnd schoolg irls, ordered sfC1ll1uch '4' Ttlke Cb mber. Saves L('1o?; Of 110y d ealers 8 d tl 0 I th il . d Ill. lain ~ Tfl bl et s lind: ~ tbl~t und ...,,. Four Queens and a Jack and Ouy- y oy C.Igars .I" prc ~ .1r \lg ~ e e y an .80 ar- t.hll hps c IlclJe8 will cod rreot ls 8ppou r . F o r""" ''It , '" I'I''I' : lb,,1 Ill y 14Y A,.r nl.\ tdi c luI Ylole lslnor der tor81se funds! s l1le b Yllllde ll1ofs . '4 ' Strictly Hand-M ade • " 1 hn n' I II 1.1 " 11I ~ I"" 11(1 to a id ill combat ing the ICOW IN DEPAR TMEN T STORE " ';" lI\\"t''llIld appalli ng • f ill) 1/::1 1' nll"·r, 1·';U;;t~t.i II~' infllnt mortal ily in HlI ssia . ~ No [e\Y, l h 1( \ L :'u' .. p,' · \. " Ih\ ~) F. U O\"\ ' lu'(L So.ay ....ellnd. Two Flights of Stairs ,-\,, " " 1" '. ~ t: . \I I )' ,' III !'III. " !lilt! (l r than 2,000,0 00 infants die nnnu· MAY CLEAN UP MYSTE RY. 1"" 1" .... ".", 1) 11",1 I' , rl"d 1111 w,' ally in fifty g OI'e rnm and Create. a PanIc Among ents of Eu ro'''tid 1! lIuk lfl u '" A rn ll"1 " :l l v",II:" \ pl' lI n l~lI ~~ tho Women , The mystery concern ing lhe birlhiu and in WAYN ESVIL LE CHURC HES. " IJr.,..1 bill! wll 11 n fl '- I" x " C n r ,·. ; Nlll1len t the (l C'nlh the SlImara gov. ; ,' rate amount s t.o placo o f the Venera blo Bede, Eng,'J A sen sation wn s crrnl e(l n [ PIV 11111· 1l ~. h ,II .. " I,i ll " "0 1'1\0 )"", I'll(l > ' - , pc'r (' ('11 • • 1,0 11'stl' CS sh ow that of lund 's fl.rst hi s torian , has a prospcc Method ist Episcop al Churd l . t n~ dnys ago in Norw ich, N. D., wh l'lI a ~ :Ill II I Ill ) tllll l.!l.! l>l~ , ,.,,, of being solved if t he ccc ies iastical (..,(' " ~ , If .1' • Rey. O. B. Gra\J.88r, Putor. fOll r BlI,l :I h:1H mi11ion ch ildr~n over scheme for exca "at ing C=" ,.. ,.•h · 11 ,! fin e Hol stein cow he ill g 11ril"C' T1 Su nday School. II : U a. m . ~or nlnK ser the [oundll mI'", ', IS QUEEN O F GREEN STONE S : three n l."110 n (lie before vlcc , HI ::10 a . w . I£I'onln g 8e r V!ce, 7: 0 p Hls Wib ;r!. · : . ... J. throug h the villnge holtell th e 11I' l'd r enchlDg the lions n ear th e an cient tower of St. m . Midweek Prtye r 1116e,'ng. 7 p. m . TI ,p"'p. u r\! (no 11 11 , 1: . 1\ I. I,!I , :1 0" (' of il \" c \ '(,U rs. ,,'11 1 r. l .. l,e r\ fl';' 1 l ' l : \ . . .. ~ at the corner of ~[u i n 1111..1 ]1roncJ S e (" urr hl :l II I,. ,I,/1 111 ,., ... : :." " '~' 1I." • P eter's monast ery, W ellrll"ou th, is Tra ns parent Bowe nite , or "T unglwai " I T he m ortal ily is SPIlIt: dc\'C i OJHllcn l lI l l; h h~ I " I St. August ine's Catholic Churda.l much higher in success ful. streets IIna ent r rell n l arge (kt'll1rtTh o m ona stery was " Found 0 ,' So uth Isl;lncl of Fathor IA uls YaWl 1 Ihe B u mllll'r thnn in the winter, for fOllnu ed in tho seventJ1 ccntury , a m ent st ore. Di ~tln inill g to stop 011 nd Mn.tls every scooruJ Sunda.)' of the moutb a Ne w Zealand . el'(' ry PL 'IlSl Ex("t' lDt li nn n(\ult l ,. 1 urle is ll o f occupie BII"tmti,r,. d . II,,',! in \, 11 :00 hl S rOl' a. ~' w. tho f1~8t floor, tho nil i mill as("c n<lc,l • and c urn'llt (;\" (,111.. " huto " r.l/lh )· , l!I'.' t:l P:s . ele( is n ow part of the fab ri c of Monk. . n<,! and Ihe children a re con· An Import ant <l ':'I the stairs, poked her hellrl ' into the t;ll~~\y ,t~at~~..;\rl~)'\ , ~~~~· ~~J~;~a·n(~;~; ~(~I't:~ 11 ~: h ' '(1 \'t' ry is rt' pf1rl - < J nwork t'l ' 1 t d A I wean nout pnnsh church. T he fount r 2t ud. nll ' ~ (' \ .... :. y l ,n t! In h Ul'Rl 0ll V w ll h r ef h HlCl St. Mary's Episcop al Churda . e :c'1 v 1llC'g law office of the stnte tax: comnd s- ('I '1 0 f II large ()IOkrn l' o f" h ome tr a lllh l1{ ; ('nnor"" IJ by :"-, 0,001) hoy ..: :l!ltl lh ... tr arge num- d"'tl'ons of the bUI' ldl' n " ''l'C'lIs inlH' I " bc I'leve d t '1' 1 .1 cc dC • t b Hc ,·. J . ~'. Cllll wall"dc r , Hoctor, ' llllrpnt,lI. S e nd t l.OO f u r 11 l ull )'1:Lr. 011 a nl D !JI . " . , g, . 0 ler arc I II n ~"'I · lI1 lt n d !l Ii I IDccDt ~ , Blon cr, bellowr.d plui n ti" cly, on(I pro- II I a t, ill l('l'lo 1I 1l "~ l'lrtrC', l 1I11lllll tai ll- I have been pnrt of tl n t Su nday ' ('u Sc h ool. D :00 Ii . m Mornln g 8"r ti anb en en f y pIgs evd m SPUllUE rU~llS HIHG C~. 1e'1 Ihlt.llo l id,., ~'~.II . M ~' . Ie looas cry, are ,-Ice, 10 : ~O a . m. Hol y Commu nI on 'be ant ceeded on up the l1l'xt f1i i'ht of ( 'liS dis lrid on IIt,: \\' (';;t .'n;lst of tl,,~ , : ry yeusr 111 ..,:e .8 .se~ cedo .8n Y gllllr - situated ncar tIle west side Su of uday the of eac b Ulon~h, . I 1 r ,. Z I I I . I , IUns. 0 1j,,,UI, lllClee ,11i t Ile mor- tower, an d they Blairs and int o the eloak t1 cpllrlm ent ~lI lIl h I;; 1111' n .\1'1\' " ' ,, 1/ 11 ' W li e I , t I' t hllve n e\"er been Cl:f thO t' . t . . . ' IS cause Iia ill m uny plo cd '1'1 of the sti re. '1'he womell d r r ks \rc re IS thou g ht 10 I,e t he 0l"l !!1 1I1\1 llIoL]' r I, I'a It y. I rom tl . Chrilti an Church . f th t II I .1 h k r. Ie uuear ling . 0 e cryp o wners -in h yst erics, and t he proprie tors of rl'C! frllll ' \1'1 11,.) 1 Illl t h,' ' gT ' '(' Il st 0 1l C , (. 18 rIc SI 19l l\llu Rov. P. D. 'l' hOm pllOD, Putoe. dr' t t' t bl I . tI th . w en t I1l!1 t an 0 m eres lUg 8 C 8 an d memoB~" J?or. 9: 80 a . m. l!IocIal _tl~; the store were at their wit s' ('nd . Er· fou nd ill Ihat i"lll lld is Ih'ri\'('ll . It m~ co~. rll ~ ~ W~I \ elr ~eusll n e~- ri als is p robable 10:8 . : .;: ., • au Elldeavo , and this may throw r. 1:00 p. IJL. is noti tier .. ipatcd . ".n' I Ih "»;! nt it very nltern&te 8unda), .. wi ll I"' rl'nfl c r , 1S . ·IPtlllll. e ll~ ' no pIgs may e lig ht on the :torts wer(l mlldc to got thc cow into Unde rtake r and IU:31 Emba ,~, birthpl lmer, h ,; •. ao ace p, m. of the Yenert l 10 u 11ll1R. ' ~ ,~ nble Bede Lond til/.! ClIlVII!Or !Illd e~co J't h et to t llll he so p l(' ni lf ul thu t Its lI:iC will no {ep Gn~ H:'_ lr,-_~ h' _=-_ =-::..___~~~~!~,~~~~o~n!,!,!!,Or Will be found in t he old ,!!!a~p~lC~.~~~ Hicksit e Friends Chur" grmmd floor., b u t sIl O wnntt'u to go l lln~r lll' cOll n ll('< l Lo loc-fli so u ven ir I \ L 0 Tl T - k - - - -- - - - Bonk Butldin g, opposU ., Firsl 1.ay Mce t1n l( . 0 :00 II. TIl . FInn Dar still higher, and m nde for th e stllira jl' ,\:elry, IJut will I,e u scrl for 111 :J lllclI og n School. 11 ;00 a \D, the Nlitio nal Bank . Founll Day Mee,loK .... th l' III"t ex pr ljs~ Ie rae Il ~ lIt1rion>l 10 :00 a . \D . "" leading to the fl oor nbove. The own': pil'('C", taule t ops, 1I\01111 111C11 t5, elc., of t,r'J llbll) IIlle,, '1 if nut,IJl U" Teleph one ill house lind o r· romove d , RO .,....--- ... _____________ ______ .... er of the cow arrived opportu n ely. an ..1 will nl ~o UI' CXI )( lrlc 'd 10 Chinn . tl ,JP~ I ".,. of IIPl'e titu ~t menus fice whero J can be called i1LCk Orthodox Friends ChurctJ. day or night.. Ad.> w1ll lte h'8c n"d unde r ,hi, beat! lor and with a r ope abont th e nnilUnl' s II' I lere g r C'cus t onc, ill the f Of III of 0 f v it,u I i I~' , l "~~ of " t,r ung t,iJ n ml MI"8. Ruth Murray. Putor lWen t,. ·/1 \'e ce n," for ,It ree In"orl\ uuo Vlilley Phone H-2, n eck and on ass istant bring in ~ IIp J';l(le, is r Cl[nrch:d wilh l)ce uli ar \"en.- 1\ 01' \'0 wAnkn,'iS H U\J\Je t,l te fuil'" Sab b ath. 'choo1, ":ao a . m . Itegular .bureb .bon;: QO\ DlOrC lhan 1I" e linCH. .. k E "I . B' . , .c . r ,\ \" lcc. t the rear she wos sufely esco rled to cru'tion . 'n e Ili sl'overy of lrallspll\"- ~,I ~ ,,~CIl~\~U i ;I~~ o/l~~~t Main Street. Wayne sville. Oh10 7 ::10 V _10 . QI) • . lU . Cbrl.Uan F:ac1e&vor . ~y Il~~~~ n~ 1I1~ uu.,.....~""" __ ent boweni tc, kll o\\'!1 n~ "lung iwn!," Ih e HIO ll lWh unt! ouring (hI} street. t h e indiges WANT ED the qu een of g reens tones, n r ur Mil- 1,1110 "''T--- ~ - ~ --=-Mi uhllul Hessile llll e r of (~1J1 rorJ sound, on th e west COM st of the olll n, N .. Il , h ,,<1 ho. u s lok over Ihree l!l'relllt 1 WOUilln w hollpoll h .• f rom so uth island of ?\ cw ht'ulunc l, is re- Y611 r"" hut "'X hottle" nerBon a\ kn o wl l',1 \!o unll Ill nll' I' o TH \ ()\!, fnr F'lrm 2 Di('e Ho m e,.; o f El ect.ri c d ' . Bilt,t' r ~ IHlt h im perlttnc e, viz Mrs I' II . B""~o n, gar ed a s one u n hill f(\f\ t of 0 Rnel !;ix rOllm~. 8 11('11 , o f g rc,nt IIn po rlllllce ugll ll!. '1 ' 1111:1' h " ve right h lllpt1t! thOll RIIU d~ , B ll,h wl.torEl, f,{utl, ,)t Wilson , Pn , wh ll ~U~''''. ,,1 !tn I'. celllent , c \oF1e to ill mhl crnillg ieni dr<'les, fo r iL COlll- T 116.V g ive !,ur6ul ood, ~I, rong norve~, JIll ve,1 II I ree t fwd Ht r"HI. trolll 8lwerifl llo6 t,bllt. C lllHubo r t i " '" onr Itn A!! Oou/lb R e medy I~ f'lt, "liP"" or f·. , pris~ t he r ares t. l1 l1d llIos t vnlue<l Il(jo<i d lgu,;n,) n . O n ly !iO oeut·!' at al\ \h~t rPllt for $ 12 !ttl(l $15. J oh u P qUl1lit y of greensl one knowll in New Ill1Y other (I ru ggl,ts . ~" ' r oro!1fl Illero - h L'llwr en(1,~ , l07 Baltim ore ~t , [Jll Ylon - -Do~biog thtlt ('1('111ls It" U Fur snIp ~~Ilhwcl, nllll prohabl y in th c world. ~g by "n deale rs CRUEL SPORT SEND PICTUR ES BY TELEG






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N. Sears




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'*''*''*'*'':t'*''*'*''Ac*'':t**'*'.' HA WK E'S GROCERY *'




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A. MA FFl i,






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lass l·S- d Ads






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__ __ .L _

$100 Reward , $100 Tbe rellde.R of t, hi~ pop er '·, 111 b,' p)eliRed to 1611 )" 11 t hll! th (! t fl ill III I811 It ODD dr eu(hlr1 dl stH,"... th ,, 1 IIOleooe btlR b All ll nb le 10 Ollt' t ill ,1111 U8 ~ tIl1(6", !l!lll Ihllt t" \:Ilttlrrh . S!.l1's Cat·arrh C nr ... t .. II .. , Duly poltltiv eburon ow kll"l"n thn IIH'(lioal fraterll it.y y lt tn rrh hf'inj.! II (l.'n Itltlll,)ooll.l di!o llll~fl, r .. q ui rp ~ II conIltlt"till n n,1 trelltrue n t, H,1I1'" (>.GRrrh Our ... i,. !,,,,ken int,ol'III1II .I'. ne l tOil dlreo!1 v 1lPOD thn bl lOU lI ud mUOIIUS !llId,IOBS ot ttle ~.\',. t " rn . therf' b.V d , · ~tI"ly ifll( th e f " IlTHI .. linn of thp <I i", ,, "e , I1nd givinL( !.h, ' p"tler t ~'rt'JI'! l b by "(lil,IHI/( up th" onD81it(lt i'"1 ,· ocl IIs!ltt't lo!l ' ''I t 11"'\ ; , , doit)j.l ttll work 'fUEl pr"llt'I.,tIJr ' b'v.e, tlfI mo ob fll\t·b In Ill< CUl' lItit'" l!o.~6!r!l tbltt t bflY offar One ~,'n"clrfld poJlat"ll aDY lll. it. f" iI - to , for Iilit, of teli'tim III .. I ~ A,\lIU-I'''~'''. JJ,.1 Oh ' & en : 'l'tJle'do 0 tLlI 150 .I'"

Paris new sp npers are 11 0 W nluk ing pruc l ied li se o f It proc('ss for tele- 1 g raphing ph olog-rllp hs. 'rhe npparn- I tus is 11 1Il()(l il ,,'ll( io n of Ihc' photograph-l ran s1nitlil li I1pparat us wh ich WllR inven led hy 1»)'. J\O I'll of M unich some y l' al'~ 11::;0, lin d which de· p t: flll c(l 11 pon th c lI ~C o f sclel1lniulll :l Oll the fact Uln t th e 1I11l0 unt of electricQI current whi ch pn~ses th rough it varies a r~oJ"(1 ing to the intensi ty of the li g h t fall in g" upon it. '1'he new me l hod doe:; all"ay wilh seleniuJU and nll ows for a lnrge r elec· tri ea l current so liS to counter act rl'i s lurhnllc es 'lI POll the- line. Photo\ graphs n re being reprodu ced in Puris ",.~ Ly menns of transm ission over 1hc ~:"::"':"--_':""'_ _~_..;;.l:IiIII::I..:a. telepho ne wires from bronte Carlo, 1 capture d every fly 55.p miles away, and the ,r ept:oduc - I that came h is. way. He didn'~ let Ho.n whiJe not ~s 'perfect 118 they l one escape him. . be jf line were free fro~ , Miss N cruell .WJJy


~8'~1)," ", ,wasn't n ' ~~~l!.~~~ .",. :.{MIsjD ':~~,~~!~~~; '-:-"'~"'r.<"1r.•~"..t.~,..,.~... · .... :~ ". "- :<;4i" . 2

. '. ., .

....' re.\.


BALED lmy.

~ t, I'I\W.

olover 11IId timoth v f,lr ~'Il fl C,dl.J R. PAterso n. phun e a:l 2 X, W liynfi~ vi 11 0 Ohio . .16


Unque stione d durability and exquisite design

0\v- If rll~ h

pxtm finn , J erSllY Cow" wiU; her third cult . In · qolre of 01,11,) H !l ndllr ~() n . 1\. D, a, WILyn en llle, Obio . 0 II

,- the highest ideals in plated ware- are assured in sppons. forks, and fancy serving piec. beating the renown ed trade mark

UG E Suln neBvill


Hnd Mangoe s. F,lr <Jh ar h's () l::ltrouse, Wu:y. !lIOhio . R R , I 0 9

'1841 ROGERS BROS.~~P~f

NAPK IN8-A ""W Rtook of nap. kiDS j O/lt In. !:Ieven desl~!lB tu pi ok trom.. Gu~ette office.

There are various makes of saverplated tableware' to be "just as good." but, like imitatio ns, they lack the beauty and "''II.''lit~ .:

'which are claimed


- - - -- -

~~eporlarlylmo~as"SiII7BrPlatBJ t - SOl by leading dealers every.wheie•.

DR. J. W. MILLER, •••


D_."~ DW' " .Of , .";,> Ollie. .',,". . :'. .. .........:. ,


_ ~, 0'1..

"'t~Ol~e "C-~" .ho wina .aJ1 d~anL . , .' .. ' .. - 0 . ~..,..,.


waVDClIV . . .....o'l .J~~==~~=:'~~=:;=;~~~===:~I: --=~. '.: .. ' ~\',- . . U,Je, t'''i t',.' '."c.':~'" 1-




qJ,e (;LO)V~:·i!f~rt{



~ rRAN~IS pr;R~Y

Mrs. Sarah Erlck~ o n Declares the Hen Lays an Egg Ilt t h e Sam e Hour Ghe W3S Born.


" : IInt till1" o·


l>ro \t t!~

" ll ' l ll 'C-"

ih lnts

:nlt ' !/~ .. ,...... t "

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~o nB t L t< 'Up f nr 0

pu llllr. ,lA

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ti,t.' \\t ' Il I " r

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ltd, ( , l ith .;:: \


I r " ' Il t l . ' 1.1\; 1 [ .

n' 1t ' lTI l lI ~ t il 111.\ ! ,' rn "li t 'I' \.~ lI h··I '" F f" r \ l lB l ' 1 1 1 2:~ I,Ll.' .1 11 11 1 c t '; a:' ,.: ~ , ' ~ cJotl ,!,- !'l In l t·lult: • .! 1,' !'l.I I. .itll !! 1 l lt ' h l . ,' J , t'O

rn e8.~ a", , '




trolll hi:. t r lt· nd. Ja. '-' k Jt l lllllg-s. l!.t u ~k ' ,I to put up "I h ~ Id d' ~ h l~ Wl1Y h o me fn) m 1 11 1-

lor th e nlt.;ht on


Later LI KhtllU I nnd.

!>to/w ll rul


c1rl 1n hlH. c k Pllj U Jl l b.::l In hll5 r o o m , LI ..: 1. t I1lH l:t tS luJck ... d b y t ll" g1rl'8 drlnx lll" .

emoldng and ~lHm,: \' t a. lk . She 1.·111t hI m lJler nam e I ~ Fr' /II I I' h. Il nd pU l.1. le:t 111 m "Wit h a sto r y ur hl! r \(1\' " tOl' li t· .. d lftf .. r ' a .roo m - mill e . fH l ll h: lt FT H nef'tl. ~ . ' x l mu r nIng th e g1rl .s It\ l:ot !-( I II~ a nd l .I Kh l ll u t 1111r rit!s t o th e t.w ut tu ~"H h('r nfT. lf n I s 0..1'coated by n !tu sk y l; " t h · l.:;f' u .)y . Wh l) ('ullll htm " DiCky ," hut l\{" (Illes not Nt''' ttlp elr!. I n k Ulll lnl(" <'Rli. to "I"' nd t he

ni g ht


TII,' y

l .l .,:; il l n ul.

dl sc-ov ,·r

)11'1 c:el ess r u lll ('s hl, !,l ..:n In t tl !· bu t ; " ,, !' o f th e Pllj h lO~ . HlI ll nl{s d u ns Ih ~ paJHflH'.

fUl d rt! li,", '~. Lt }:'tl tllllt IUh"r .l1t-' ·' '\ I'!'!! in hi " 1l 1.H lr( mcn! u. IH" ' (Y rwr ~on In ,"u t .

t.on - chop whlslt t. nJ nil+! w ,'a rl n;.c ,, ~ jn Il Hut. ..J e nklnl!o ('ul t ~ th £'l p ll l k t·. \0\ 1111 d" I" !u r,"" tll u to bu a j ' r ltnl fm1. ,'all,' .) "Fu xy Oruntlpl\.... Th(' I n l rt llh' r IIp ( ' l lln~ H hf" Is Ughtnut f " g Ut. S! un d "p~lI': L1 s III lh (! 1111 )n the mo rnln ~ I.1 ~ll lll l lf 1£.1 t1 s t on ::"!" ' " to find Billin gs Ktm.· , un d ",. ' r ... t\..."I !IJ' 1i :4h~ c1 when he Ko t :) u m N'M a...:" fnHH 1 hr' h ~ t t l ' T ,

~nlrlld n r

demun dlng hi s d" t h t: ~ . I.h; h lnut , hound tor Tarr y t o wn. Hill i ng'S' h u m.- , r1 ' !olCOVt:r8 '"F'rR.n ccB, " th e ~ I d " r thp pH.JnIllM s. Itn the tra in . Lh{htlHl t Kp ~ akt'l til tll "r n n" al· ludes to th o I11,1(ht 1."f 'lT('. S he (lflldHre" IndIgnantl y t hat t ,h:h ln u t n e\'c r H',.lW tl"r 1n black pnJ amas . ...\1 '!'arr)" t o w n .. r fl rll' ~8


",e t by 8. hUMky f' nl h -KO ),ol1 th. who halls Ltghtnut u s "I Ilf' k )," T' l P 1lltf~r 1)('the ho y, wi ll") 1 t1t'r~ t h r "lL t ,·n:.. to


'llraab h im f o r orf€"udln;.: I' ronn's ,

nut tnk «'s t h e ·or-x l truln hn llI C.

1.It: h t-

':'1 1I I nJ:~

atorm s ove r th e Oll l nu.!!' n( hl~ nrrl-SI. 1t.


.1 ~ l'4t " ' \

T,lgh tnut

" r'

11l,)'Rlt' rl ll U~ n~!I~ ~

n eae eilllract('rs \ 10 till' p n J" rn uM rr ~or O unzcnlwrrr I~ ,' ulh·d tn 10 tnt f"rv r e t thfJ hIAro ~l }'pll l" ' , Ii i' ra' \' f~ " ,.'.... r.. whKt h~ el\ll. t" ~ InRI 8111. or HI -"~ ·1 hi. Th" WTittnR' ct ("! I'I :Hf'li t ha t Ii p f' r so n \\' pl\nnR th e pQ.J o mn~ wHl tn l(e on l',e !I~ mhl nf l cA the p r /.vl nufol \" l' a r t' r . Th ~ pr<lf',' ",,",or borro we thr. pl\Jnmn!l ro r ~ ,qwr'rn " l\l. uBl l lln/f: s" c1rf'!!9I'''' In p n j :lIn1l8 h!l f o u nd In the pr rf':i80r'e r oo m nne\ Ie tnk c n 1n an nu t om obl1Q w ! th FriJnt''''!'' n,',Ii.l tl \ \'0man Lh!h tt.!lIt ( . I Il ~ "lh e trulIll' Lhtht nut 18 a nglf .."d uy "t h e f ~un.1y'R e 1 nn,~ 6 r­


ou. I"'k a boul ""rnn~ls. taken to h\8 rO(l to .

DltIln !;~


r\ fltl"' r Vn nl tells Lhcht .

" nut \ hn.1 n Tnt~ ~~H. ~ I · tina jUPit bpe n recelvel! elllling thaI I\lIlIn~" w,,~ under Rr


reet tn' N ,'\Y Ynrlt tur ~tNI HnR' R. HU 1t 0 black p~jamn8 . .Ju d!(e Rtllln~~ .... t .~>nl .he. Lllthtnll! wtth n. Il\l e or Frl\nl'l. ~.catldctl Llghtnut nsk. PHm ls.'n n t n .peak fo "Frances: ' Th e Jwhte dec lare. that not anoth e r lI vln~


with th e h lAllu t tfll1

l' rJ\n ( ' p~ ,



the job. and U gh tnll!. hlo mind o cc ll" l ~d Is


nl,..ttfl ed , P olkenHl.n (,' 1( flo e f (' ret U rn~ th e btnch pajnrntls li nd I ,\,:hl nll t 8£'nds them

to Dilltng.· room. /.I gh i llul

hl\8 Iln


""linK h o ur with F'rnrh: .'H. Hr t pU,. of th e

t"Inlils the jlldg6 hRS 1I"" n Any lng a bnut ''France8,'' much t o

m enlo


cede tor


be bl a sun

"F'rnn ('C"s'" llmUye·

Ull1t n~ s


r ctul!t! 8



un d~ r urr(' ~1 c la ln\lng to Juck , 'l'l h.~ jUt lg l' promhlea

Jack to W(,lIT Iht> IlIljalnas thal n llfht. Ne xt mornin g .1 f nldll S H'll!ll LI ghtnut h e eaw him ( l..l gll tll ut) tl ~lI'l rIJ.C with fl youth A

In th f, Ilhrnry llll r ln~ ti le nh! ltt. Jnck Billings tcllR Ll gh lllul til l' JII~ge ts going

to send FnU1 CC8 t n lL r l"' fnrmnto ry . Li g htnut 18 nttB r k ed b y 11 mFlrl )1 0 tak es for

tho chaulTc ur. wh o obJ"C l9 to hi. ll.t1ontJon. to FfIlllces ,


1 \


!. ~

CHAPTER XXX-(Continued). "I'd- I'd buve got 'em to you sooner" I fa lt ered . swnllowlng, "but th~y'vo beiln 103t n dny or two- thler lltola tbem from my rooms. you know :' "How on earth dId you ever get hold of tb em? I neye r expected to 8ee tbos e Ilajamns ngnln. Ob. you must toll lII e all ul,o u t ho w you mannged 1t!"-nnd w e mo ved away-"l just w is h ra tll er \Ve ro h e r o !" I dldn't! Dasb It. It lIIade me squirm to thlllk of bls return . As we lert th e pe rg ola be hInd , I look ed backwa rd throlll!; h Its arcb. and there wus th e chauffeur. stundlng In tbe t; b ad ow s . 1001;1 Il l; a fter U8, And lo n g afte r, a s w e turned rrom tbe s traight avenue le a(Jlng through tbe ·perg n la , I d l'Bcr lc d bl s IIgure, stili 100t, ln g a ft e r us, .. n c ba nged, 1m· movable. It was rum! Dut I b ud other t hings to think ot as w e Bat out In the loggla- cbl e fly ot h e r. h erse lr; wlth'al . wondering .Ioom lly wh ll t b e r ru the r would say wh t'll he fouud I bnd di so beyed bls Injllncilo n abollt n ot Epea ldng to ber. Prcs t' lltly the 8 11111 lll 0 1l S to luncbeon cam e . lind we weill. Ill . ' "'rU ill up·s t ,drs ,' :lIne ROllllda Indlca~ tng grr'at Il lln r\c y on Illlllngs' pllrt. In fll Pl, wc ('0111(1 hear him s lapiling l ll ~ 1(Il ('e IIlId s c :·eillll ing . Th e frump lool: p(t a t In c :lIl:<1(Jll s l y .

··W h y. I Ulldl' r s toocl h e was all rlgbt ugalll ." s he ~:t l rJ u' idc, I <~ I ()O :C ill Y h pltd Ilu hlou s ly, I bad ~ce l ' ill t !IP pas t Of! Y u r tlVO 110w rBplClIy It'' I IIlI( ~ · mo" rt ~ ~ h j(lC d . Twe nty mln " t' ti ~ 1 11 ~ c 11 (' 11 ,((1 lool.ell t'llragod . ··Olt . till s Is \00 gllod - · uu t k eep It II<U III ! ·· we h e ard . "Come on. Prof es l

(I r e p~j' .



(' r , l lIk ~

I \'.1 111001 "u

v :lrt':. l tnn , ' \' ,' r '; tlIIl" b ~ \{ ' : ~ In ·

y, . lr ~ . end I h a vo ,,, 1(' to fa ll. "

H l' ~' e r

kTl u WIl

, . ~~:;. ~tfl~n H~~'!!~J~(lsrn~n~~~:~il~r.n·WI~~~.lan(j1 .,!~~ I


D\", l" '~I , J b lill lu nlhlt '"'" 11 110 \ m, 1" ,lnf': f " rl\lk l l (~I ' Till' r llt ' u nl:lfh' I'h l' '', \\. '"II 'rr l lll .,. I ~ , .,." ... h t. IrIl· Y \ ' 1 1, ~ t- n ' .1 Il l, ' t,l ,,'r ,~ I 1111' , '1'11"1 l UI .\ .-'\' ",. .. II "., "t n il' lr ,· u I. I," n :lur u LII " r II IOJl ! IC l! hJ

l u l 1m1. 1 bn\o.:

Ut ' l' : ' '"

:1 !I . l l~ "',"

Gel 0030'5 al any Droll Store. SOc. u &1

Doan 's

Kidney PiUs


~: 1 9


t u IllY . I l1:lI' <' \"p t riO SI' . HYS' I· Ill a tic wul f' h (J II Ill Y I Il' II ~ f"~ I1v o


gran' !.

L! n('ol n P:lrlc Ul v,l., Chi c ag o, 111. : A ), t' o r ago I r et' c !\' C'u a ycry 3 0 \ ' 1'0



'IIIII"'l!mOJlf!J .





u·.I 1'11 o n mr left nrm. 1 (,~\lbhl cu lll In It : I~d Il wall rul sore nnd ul cN atc<i . .. INEST QUALITY LA RGEST VARI ETY l llo sor " was IlS larg o I1S n s ll vN dol· Tho. mo '" r;T."."",on. ror clelUlll\& ...,. la r. II \\' .•S all r e d nn d Inflam u J and pol,.bID¥.buo olaU k 1I11"wUOO1UI& hud 1'\1 5 n :nnlng Ollt or It. I sl!f[e r cd t erri ll:y fr o m burni ng pain; cot: lll Itot R!e ep [or two w eeks It ~ur:J c d n ntl I IlctlC<i so badly. I Ill'pll l'd - - S :l lve. cOlll ll h i l\' e dOliO. - - Sal Ye and 11 801Ye d rtl £l;IRI 1)11<:0 dllr lllg thc e \'enlng, flllling s , who lJu(J be e n tall,ln g wltll tbe )Jrc> r ecomm en de d as h is own. b u t got no r e~ !U) r, lllrll ~ d to 111 0. ··ny th e ,,·uy. r e lld. I tb en commenced us lr.g tho Dlcl, y- th oso plljllma~. yo u Ilno\\,- Clltlcurn Soap and Oi!ltment. I ual h e d wbul d id y u u (10 with til th thi s mortl · tho h urne d purt8 with Cu t lcm a Soap Ing~" I Ie and the prore sso r wbls · and applied t he Cutlc um OlrlllDeul on pered u"" ln; tlH' o JlllI ln gs turned a linen band a ge. 1 g ot r elll'f from tile baete "Gray pajJer pn r cel- uID-You Jlrst. and my Drm h ealed nicely. I was kn ow?" soo n abl e to be at worlc ngnln. Had 1 K now? Da s b It. of course I kn ew. used C u tiCUril Soap = 11 Olu t me ot at tJ ~ s t I would h a\'e n\'olded lots or eut· but 1"\\,'hy. [bave thelll now." came rcrl ng." (Sign ed) Harry Junke , lI1ar. Quie tly from my cOllllJUn lon. "tbaoks 9. 191~. C utlcurl1 Soap and Ointment Bold to 1\·1r. Lt gbtnu L He gave them to throughout tbe world. Slll1l ple of eacb me t h Is m or ni ng." "G:lI'e them l O you!" gas ped HIl· tre e. wltb 32-p. Skin Uuok. Alld. post· c a rd "CuUcura, Dept. L. floston ,' Adv. It ng~1. He whl 5perl'd to lDe : "!jut th e rubl,~ s . YOU c uckoo - yo u dldo ' t give American Tools Preferred, h e r tbose?" A ravorlte Bporl In j\; e l\' Zea land, as Rubl es? Dneh It. I btld to tblnlt 0180 In AUBtralla Itnd TBsmlU:la, Is And Thl. Wae the Frump'a Father. bard t o r emember wbut hud become com pe tition In \\'ood c hopping an d tbe form of Introductloos. cbuckling lillliogs s tared at me with pop ping or th o rubles. lIut I Kot tbe Idea. sawing; and !o lh ('se ponlests, which Idiotically tbe wblle. But the prof_ eyes for un Ins tant. Th e o he lifted " \\'by. tb e {Jrol(' s"o r bas those: ' J attrac t a great d oal of Interest . the Bor scarcely Dotlced anyone but the my cbln li nd loo ke d at me anx iously. r em.lndetl him . "The red vajamas. yoU championships IIrll alwa ys won frump . "A r e you quite welt, old man?" he kno'~'-don ' l you remember?" I drew through th e use of Am e rican too ls. OLltDO. 0.. 10, 191%.-"1 "Don't walt. Wilk es ." [lllilngs dl- asked. "Hea dacbe, or a oythlng IlIle blm as id e . In ract, th e expe rt woodsman worklog have eowpleh'ly ru~d mT rected. Hi s nod beckoned IDe asi de . tb at? By Gl'orge. It·s f rom s ttting out Hlilings s l a r ed . "Dllt he saY8 hI'! tor a prize would neve r think at ua· e~.e ma. I .ut!'ored with It e •• r olneo I "'81 a bo1. aDd I am "Oen tl emu n s ulking In Itls lent over 10 th o sun without 11 hat. Marry my relllrll eLi I hem." h e ex c lolmed. cu tting Ilig allY oth e r kind ot toolB. DOW 47 ),ura ott!. My Ilrm. aDd tH e, bere 1 want you to meet." he said . s ls t .. r?" He wngged his head lugu· an odd sItJ('wl ~ e 1001, lit tbe proressor. ""0 II hI brpuk out. flDd I WI. tortllre4 wltb Itrblal:, eBPfetan, 10 lb. And 1 rollow l'o blm to tb e library. A brJously. "What-EllzabetIl1 Ob. wbo was tnllt lng to Fra n ces and tbe .. prior taU and .. Inter. On mT Important to Mothers flgure pacing tbe floor turn ed s bllrp ly. good benve os !" [rueop. Hillin g:; rrowlled. ('I,.o ks' my 8111n would turn ret!, E xa miue carefully evory bottle (\1 IIrh und <rack, aDd more 10 OD m~ By Jove. It was tbe cbau!l:eur, and "No--Fru n ce s," explaleed anI' "H ave n 't See n lh ' ·Ill." I Ba id cilr. CASTOHIA, B. s afe aud Bure remedy tor " ·rl otl. Tbe, would .pllt apen and how be did scowl at me! lous ly. lesBly. ror I wante d to tnlk lo ber. Infanta and cblldre n, and see that It "I oed. "I was In II. hospltnl ODO /In,. to "Now, young man ," said Billings H e Bt nr ed . "Francis ?" Tben bls " 011. dnKh th e ru bles-walt tJll morGo .te a t r lond wtlO bad .ltl:. dlB<ue. aud 1 rnund th. ,. bad ~ured bllll s ternly, "perbaps you'lI b n ve lhe n e rve arm led tII O out. "Come alollg, old Ing!" wltb Rcs lu ol w ntm oni aad Dr_ to tell me lJeroro Mr. L\ghtnut himself r. hnp," he sa id with on air or concern. Bi ll ings loo ke d sou rly at tbe pr,.. - . ono "r Ih e boot Q Cblcnt:o. NcommfDd. d It fnr my eczemn. I tbat you were biB gllesl on your way "WI"II gl't fI littl e Ice--" fess or and we nt ort a nd Silt alonc. HI) In UBe Fer Over 30 Year8. UBtd It ",lib 1I,'. lll ol 8 00p, and to home rrom Harva rd ," Tb e re W08 a bu s tl e Ilear tbe ball 8eemed put out a!Jout th e old boy not Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria IllJ lurprtco th e,. have cumpl. lelr. curtd me. M, akin i, el('nr.· "I certainly wus! " Ho made the e ll trance. an ll I heard a commanclln g returning the I!:arment o. Ne ve r seeme(] (8t ~n.d I rll.lA. J . HTnOBI:L, 710 Na.Dlaturblng. statement, chin up and eyes blazing. voice I re cog nized as that or Judge to occur to hi m that til e profess or wall tlonll1 UnioD Building. "I\ura, Is my husband home?" "I was bls guest at th e Kaboka Wed- Hllilngs : a dt'vill ~ h h ll~ y and nb sent·m lnd e d old "Yes . IDum; be's 10 the IIbrntJ', nesday night. nnd he knows It." "Come rlgbt In. Co ton e l. nnd we will ChRI'. J\llght not· r eturn tbem for a workln· ... Billings loolled at me u nci sbrugged try to mak e YOU rorget lb llt little ell- mO[lth . I "ne w thaL " The n woke him Rnd tell him 1 hlB shoulder!!. Rsperatlon- do you Itnow I jus t can't "Oh . r e ally. Fl'Ill1ccs ?" the frump "Don' t bother denyIng It. old man," get over the Id e a tha t I'v e see n you wns sny lng, "How cxcl'edlngly nJ ce of wllnt to s ee blm."- Satlre. be Bald. "It's all rlgbt." s om ew bl' r e lind rece nUy He llo. you. d ea r !" The proCessor was oc. "Ob. but 1 say-It Is n't!" I ex- Jac k ! Co lonel Kll'itlnnd. my eldest c Ulr led for t he lIlonlont with /l moth. No tholl llhtflil penton I\ "~' lil]ldd hIlle, cla imed In di s gu s ted amaze. "Dasbed boy , Ja ck-named after bls molber. I "I hop e I wo n ' t frIghten you In tbem I t '. n pillrh of hlu~ in 1\ I Ar~e bottle of wn· Impertinence. you kn ow-never saw .Iohnnnn . Look bere . .rack . bas everY- I as yo u say you r maid wns frlgbtencd ter , A.I, for Red ('ro18 Ball Blue, the blue tbls rellow berore tbe morning at tbe body on the ulltb e rlng pol1ce ror ce at yo u. If pajumas nre unbecoming that's nil blue. Adv. -ar-boat, and day befo r e yoHe rday gon e crazy Ilbout pajamas? Mos t In- to you. why jll st Imnglno me In tbem ! " ExplaIned. wben 1-" I halted. r eme mbe ring. fernal oulrnge- p nrdon me, COIOnelj By Jove. I was do dl1s h glad I was " He knows all the b es t people In But the fellow was shaking bls Kirkl a nd- three poli ce men wanted to not s uppo s e d to hear. ror 1 dldn 't Wl1llt a.lcheat In Deallnl Qualltl •• 1I0ger at me. !lrrest him on d escrlptlon-fll'8gn c't to be required to Im uglne It. llut a8 tuwn ." VOA BAOKAOHE. RHEUMATlS ... "A-a·a!" be jee red like a Bchool · order. th ey sR ld-ror steullng a patr ror th e m being unbeco mIng lit my "Why doean·t he associate wltb KIDNIlYS AND BLADDER boy. "Wby don't you Onl s h? Be t yo u or s ilk plljamas. Even h eal' tbe IlIle darling-well. I Ilnew she kn~ what th e m. then '" don't know . Jaclc. that lhl8 paragon of tbnt?" [ t ho ug ht! "They know him ." rrlend of your s was up h e r.e on , the oJ3l\1lngs' voI ce murmured sometblng. Later. when tbe evenlllg had shaded , tralo day before yeste rday ." I3I1I1Dg~ Rnd th e n I was dully conscious of my oft a nd th e ladl e~ bad lert us, we sat Mr • . WinslOW'. 8oot1! !!"! ;T Syrup for Chtldroen Btared. ror be did not know . name bplng pa ssed und of the fact In t he smoltlng·room talking llll la(e. ' ct~t hln ~. 8o n.en. tbe StlilUS, redu(- es Innnmmr.cill n. aU a.!'. p~lD, cur... w11ld colle. 250. bottle. Tbe cbap grew more IlDpudeD~ . thnt I wns Ihnply s baklng a baer!. I was astonished to find FOllY Orand· " Yab. see him turn r ed'" nut [ don ' t remember ut Wrlnr; a wo n1 p:t. d l'v llls h e ntertu lnln g and eleve r-·It la uBe leSB to take a vacaUoD If "By Jovo!" I exclalrnl'Cl. warmtng -cou ldn 't, b)' J ove, ror my joll)' not a bad sort at all. He seemed to up , you know . " ~IIY. Billings. wbo tongue \i\'II S paralyzed. Dldn 't know bave no r eco ll ('cl lon ot me at ILl I, and the devil Is this re llow?" And I ad· whnt to do ; dldll'~ know what to say, tberefore 110 gruugE,S. I had mMle up vanced aogrlly - dnshed annoyed. you you IIDOw. for tbere before my ey es, my mInd by thI s tim e I wasn't ~lnK know . recog nlzn hl e Rnd unml s tukable, de· 1 to mar r y th e rrump, no matter whot 0I111ng8 Interpoclod, "My brother," spite fro ck coot and whltc chol,or tie, came or whnt Billings wanted. and I be said Quietly . waR tue Ogu r e of "p·oxy Umndpa." would t oll him so In the morning. Bul "Yes, bls hroth e r." a lmos t s bouted Th e bee fy face. white mutton ebop wboeyer did marry ber-and It lookM the other. Then be low e r e d his yolce \Vbl ~ l;e rs anti bald b end were as In· like It WIIS going to be tbe prores sor at Billings' command : "And I say. [dellblY ImprInt e d on my m e mory ns -would have some eort of compeno'lyou didn't tell Jack you w e re 00 th e th n sunburn lIa e tbat fellced his fiery tlon In Foxy Grandpa's entertaining tralo yes t.erday. po s ing as a ·Mr. face. _ s torIes of I ~ as te rn scandal. Smith,' and th at YOll In s ulted Fran· And this was the frump's fatber, Billings' cub brother smoked In " ces." He shOOk orr hi s bro t her' s baud and ' it WIlA for him Bbo was scheming co,'ner of tbo room by hlmselr an<1 in California nngrll,. "Ob. yes h e did- siSl e r told to make a home! Itrank Innumerab le ~Iugs of wblsky me about It! I kn c lV It was YOIl wh e n straight. Once I snw his father go I got to tblnldng ulJout It this mornCHAPTER XXXI. OV4!r to him and seem to rem o nstratG, Melin. J. S. ~ w. S. K.uhn, the Pittsburgh banken, alII doinl? In the Sacramento Valle, what the U. S. Gonrument log!" Hn ponted l or brettth . " I can't !Jut wlUlOUt ctTect. i, doang ellewhere for the people. call you /l liar. Llghtnut. wb en you The Club_ BillIngs wa nted bls fa tbcr 10 try my· There I. ten times morll net profit per acre In CallforoIa say I wasu't nt yo ur roollis. tJOcRuse I dlcln't go In to luncb eon . S(4)cllll Import or cigarettes, so I seIlt irrigated land than 10 the Ea.t and "Ith Ie.. labor. :,ou ' re a qulc l<e r hitt e r tban I urn. In stead. I lay d')wn up In my room, ror J e nkin s, wbo ha d nrrlved. to brlnr 3nd- " He looked around and shrug· o;:'Ond e rlllg wh at Jenkins would think some down. And whe n h e SIlW j>'otf Let Uft uke you ",here there " comfort and happin_ besides profit, climate equal to thllt of Southern Italy, ged. "And lJecaliBe w e nre In this wheu he sow j.'oxy Orandpa a guest Grandpa calmly s itting there by DIll, no frOStl Dor Inow, DO thunderstorm. Dar lunltroke•• house. But you ' r e nil In fer n u l bypo· wltb me uutl e r tbla roof, nnd wonder· pulling at a s traw, he a lmos t lost bls Let UI take you big money I. ",w heini made, ~r lLe. and I wall t J nck to know it," In g nl"o whut I ollghl to do. or I[ I balance . But I shook my beBtl wltll marketl ani near, demand fonltodu~ta iraat and Income lie laugb f! d m oc ltln g ly n nd faced his should do anything. I cume to the cove rl wRrnlng. It lure. brother. " As k Jour fri e nd. Mr Llgnt· co n c lll s ion "nally tbat I wouldn't say "Ever see me berorc-'-eh'!" nBllnQ Lei u. take you "h~re railroad and rI'I'IIf tranlportallon I1l1t . nbout lb at girl In black pajamas anything (or the p re sent, ror 1 bad thlB cub hnrshly. as h e waved ashls I, nenr, where the,e are denominational ehwc:he. and 10 bI ll r oom H!" nbout all tbe complications I could th e Cigarettes J e nkins e xte nded: " "aded 5Chool.. And h e flung hlmselr rrom tbe room carry. W~ dll esday nlgbt - remember?" NQ'W is the time to buy thl,land-gelln with the wlnnen, wi t h a Partblnn sbot: "As k blm to Presen t1)' I went down to the living· " Yes . s ir ." Tf'plled .Jenillns. hesltM. the gleal P,jlnama Canal willllOon be ready end you caD te ll Y\lu about ber as he dlt! me. Ask room, wh e l'e th e y w ere all nssembled. Ingly. T he n be roiled tin <,ye I\t n:0l .hare In lu triumphs; farm I a e lelling rapidly, and we him wbo It was !" and my h e arl leo p(\d as I tbought I and corrected himself bas tlly but ftrltl, IIron,ly urge you to purchlUle as 1000 as pollible. OllIln gs seemed to groa o. "Moro d e t e ctet! n brl g bt e nlng In' j>'rancos Jy : You can buy this land on nrr 1liiy termI-S15.00 aD blnck pajam as!" he muttere d .' face ns 1 enlered . "No. sir; I ·<1on 't rccnll e~'er Beelna acre ....., and the balance io leo yearly ,paymeoll. I fueed him ellge rly. "1 never told Billings was wuvlng tbe frump away yotl before, sir." Oi YII U. an opportuoity to take up all detalh "Ith yo. him ubout hcr- I'II swear I didn't," wIth bls fll t b o nd. "Take It away," be Ot course, 1 kn e w be ball not, but . -wrila UI I plended mi se rably , "You know all said . "I bat <l' bugs." the eub got up with n sour laugh. Let UI teod you onr fiDe illUllJ1lled printed mailer leiliai'd tb ore Is to know. Jacl{. I wOllldn't "Dut, J ac kY," said tbe frum" plead- Then wl t b a murmured gru/t. apology, abollt it. W rltefOl' It ., 'lttl-it ,Iv •• 10llabsoluta ,..-oofl. t e ll anybody 10 tbe world s thing like Ingly, "I think It's a pbUBlotus glorl- he withdrew, saying be bad a bead that. I- lov e her too well. Mucb .Iess Olla ." . ache and was going to bed. And, h;J KUHN IRRIGATED LAND CO. wou ld I go and t e ll her own. bl'other.... '''1 don" care If 'lt's a giraffe;' sald Jove. what a look be gave m. (roQl Dept. III "Wha ·a-a-at?" Bil lings ' : fa t brJdy al· Billings rudely. tbe. door! ~ . IoU I'QURTH AVENUE PnTSftURGH. PA. . mOllt Ica lled Into the olr • . ':wrlst the But tho prOfessor was alread)' (TO BE CONTINUED.) d e, II-S't~, Old chap, wha~ ,are you across tbe room to 't he rescu~. tD:lklng about?" ..' I'Hal . not n glorlo a," ~ hO sn\d ••An.d , besIdes, 8J.lo'8 rbr.~ven me,'" 1D&tedl,-, 48 ~~ . ~1l~OP~!i oter: p.erfiIBted ... I~mU Y,. "¥d ~ ,love h er-;; Cl'eGp1sb thtn,g 10 the



Eczema from boyhood

Rasinol cured him




Sl~::;:r~b:t c£$&i£'




We Lead You

To Fortune and Happy Life



!Ie lDarrled-:-'l"Obs~rve

tbe ; '

. and mesothoro;. j.

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' ·1'1 , ' I ' ·~ '· o r·!" Til t' rrUlI1\l 10011c(1 at Fr:lll ('I·,. tll ('11 nt WIII ; ('~ in qll lrin g ly . ·" 1 (\I IIII·t kn (I"' . m l ~' s ." ho murmured eon ull .. ly . ... ~ why 1 dldll' t mention It." WI' \\" ' 1' c "I'o,' s l ll;'; th e ';l'pat b all tn th o UI I'I"' ti ll ll of th e b "' '' ~ltttu l dining· r uo", hr. Yollcl- [·; llznll,'ltw n. I thlnl{ F" UII CI ' ~ ~ a ld It w::s. We all paused eXI,,:'(' \.w lly as I:ltll lng' ro lk ll ctown th o s lnjr ~ In Ills u:; ual jo lly. el",p ha ntin e way. And th II 011 til(! l:lIIulng \tp. p enre d 1111 1l1l11arlti on-not Ol ll y an np· pa l'il /)11. lJut, by .J o~e, a ~carecrolV . as w ell! • I· , PrOfrB8or Dooienb ~rry, bl. ndly sm ll, 11l~:=-.If1s r all· lIke (!1O~re s hroud ed., 11 bIi1ly fu ' one '. Of "Il!in,,~, lt~J'gest _Iiud , 4ud~<Uld ·.we·r ; !l~,!lg to IDUd r.t ~tIH .'D 1 ' Wenl f.brCIt~n or· 1 .hopo $0. dMIl · It!'"


:'" Ir(·x." s alo tile

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WI'lIt (Ju t In tt ,., ~ lIn "i l lt 1> u [\,'l'lly nets . un d l"rall n 'R lind I dl'llll,(j IIlI t to Ollr jJ/lVli ll ill overtolllllll!; tile broad s we,' !' of the T l!f\ )J a n Ze e . A~ )'(' 1. h(' r lal ber hurt Hldd lI otblll !: I" " "' , hilt I I, new (hal t he tdow ,nlg ht fa ll n ll Y mOll1 e llt. (l il ly Ih e arrival 01 lh o trull/p 's fUlhe r hbd ~ u rar a 1\ v eti nlt: In t llc eH' lllng, t ile younger brother Fha\\' c] liP a t dlllll" r. llll t s lIlk ed . wlllc:b I L1lo u ~ ht IIn,ler ttw clrcliUl s tall 'es wnD a bollt tlt o n los t CO lis tae rnle tblDg be

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You Use Your Back

Dm' l' u h"11 1.1) ~ Thnt 'Iu .. s ll oll ita" puzzled poultry fli ne\!' rJ for Ullllul lbro r.' iI d" c:I l.i<'~. but

cnPYR/r;,yr /SY'l BY 8QLJBJ -/"/£/iW/l.1.. (l7HPAhY

t u tJfr

I Whenever

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Practical Fashions MISSES'






Ten'Ye;lI'-Old Julia Get. Into Bad I Grace. of Mother by Giving Tramp " a Hil lf· Doliar.

~------------------------------------------------~ - .. . - - •• - • - . . . . . . . . .. - - • 60. ~.









Jttl fa I s If\n yf ':tl':-i (,I-j Ht ld sl)1 " '; ~ I I' H to Stl lld ~lY .,,111'0 1 Il app " a l'~ I h ~\t n n n



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I~l's. SToat. '0 . . ' ..... ,,,:




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NAM & ............ . . .. . ...... .. .. ... .. . . .

STRE E T li ND NO . . ... ... ..... ... . ..... . STAT E ...... .




Tbls dr cs ~ closes n. tt.o frout. It can be worn w:th or wltbol·t tho shield . Linen. piqu e. madra~ . glnr-ham or cashmere cnn bo u s e d for thiS dres3 with the trimming of contraSllng rna· terlnl. The llatt e rn ( ~1I0S) I" cut In s izes G. 8. 10 and J 2 yearR. ~If'd l um size r equires ~ l/o yards or ~6 Inch material with % yard or ~~ lo cb contrust\ul: goous. To procure 1hl 5 p", tt e rn.. nend 10 ce-nh 10 th is p UI't'r. Write lh hlr l'" "t4 pl I)I 11 1), . ti m} h t uu r e to I!l V. alae, and uu muc r v( pal er n.


Mp"ttern U«'1' 8 rl l l1 t' llt " nBm~ n nd


SI ZE . ... ... . . . .. . .. .


NAM It .. . ........ ...... . · ...... .. .. · .... . . TOWN .. .... . .... .. . . ..... . .... · · .. ·· · · .. • STREET liND NO . ... ... . .... ...... . . .. . •


SrATE .. . . . . . . .. ... ... . .... ·_.. ·· · ··· .. · ·

World's Largest Book. The worlu 's larges t bllok Is being manufactured for a Ch inese meulcQI firm. and It will contain nil tho les· timonlals regarding th olr goods. The book will weibll 1.200 pouuds. be 1 foot thick when closed. and Its dl· manalons whon opon wIll be 3',\t fe et by 7' feet . Thera will b e :~ specially· '~nlltrueted table tor th e huge vol·

ume, . • • ,lio


/. Roulette Whel Concealed. . A roul he wheel contained ~n the , .~ndh" lit parasol Is the latest ~, ~a~,slan '.nov·~ltY • It can be used for nmb~l~ 'ilt allY place or moment. •~.e8e.'JlaDdleB have become very popu· mll.eY·,are , ot , fine workmansblp. . '" d' generally, or gold or .sllt-er.



. lit'i: -'


~ ,",



rl1o th p r .



l r'~ ~n n

Jull a ' g

"this is My Choice of Duke's Mixture Presents"


Among the m nn y va!u nlolc presen ls n o w gi ve n aw ny with L':r;gd l {;-> ;!fyas nul,c ' s ~l ix ltl r r t hl' n ' is snll H' t ll ln ;:: to Gult ev c ry ta s t c -n'Hl in I II :, ,, 1I 'ple Il 51111': sat h fa e tion t h e pr l'sents nr c (' xHcl ly Iik c t! l(' 1,,1111(,('0 It s clf. F " r nil d n s~ "~ ofmt'n like th e s('\ ec[eJ \ ' irgi ll b ull d Nor lh Curohuu lmiLt leaftllll.t you get in


t !Ja t

(': 111 1£'


1 ho

e x~ l ;tl l:l (' d

th l'!

"\\' h a l f o r '?"

Now this fa m ous old 'i:olx l(' co will be more populllr than ~vcr-fo r I ~ is n o w a L iuctt & /flyers l e9d ~ r, and is e quol in quality to c ny r:r:mul u l(·J t obacco you cun o uy. If you hO\'c n't s m ok c d Duk e 's l\!ixturc Wll h tho Liggt!ll & ii/yeT! I'lIll : lC 0:1 the bars -lry It now. You wtllll!le It. for there Is no brl tf'r v a lu e nn)rwh c re. l' or bc y ou ~('t one and a hclf ounccs of c!ltIlco !:rnnulated tobacco. lI n5 urpa,scd hy OilY in 'lllll lity. Illld wilh eucll Slick yo u gct a book of ctgaretle pape rs FI' Eg.

S il ng for flult a n.


Apples Exported. DurtDg the year 1911 tho United . Stales exporte d over 1.500,000 barrels of apple s valued a.t about $0.000.000 lIo d n ea.r ly U I11fl\Jon boxes oranges \'alul!d at about $2.500.000. A large proportion of these apples and orangn round British purchasers .

~I u lal Ha Gd , th e e X'R u lta n or ~I M() c , co . whil o st n~' I~ g at \ ' Icil y, In F ra ll c .... mad e R,n e x e' lIr ~ l o n t o Lf's A rcl o l ~ l (' re s . _al' B th e Ma tin. \" h l'r" )\;nl1. l po n III. . used oft e n to go fo r r e s !. Th rf' e yo u n g glr h , s is te r s , tlmldl." a pll t'cu c lt l'd th e 8ultan and nske d Ilim l o s ig n ]lo s l · ca rds . Mili a l Il a fld con s f' n l" d o n C lI ll ' rillt o n that th!'y would e a cll s ing n BO ng t o him . Tw o o r th o) girt H at once e'ornpll e d , and th o d e li g hl e d Mu· In l Ila fJ d wrOlC o n th .. i r c ar· ls worda whlcll , trnnslnted . I1I ca n : " Llll e :'a· r·o ll!on III. . 1 h1l \'e \'l l;1t f' d I. f' S Arrl ol. ~ I" ~"s ." ne n' I have (' nJ o ye d . t oge th e r with tlt e c n hn and rres hn ('~s or lIa· tu r e. lh e g race anti charl11 or th e \'ol ce s of 1I11I e8. Pnul e t lo n nd C lotlld c ." Th l' tllird girl d id not know bow tn 61n g . UUt o ne o f h e r siste r s havin g SUI II: for h e r the sul lan added the name of Gabrielle.

Obllglng. A y o un t; ma n who h a d n C\'p r te3tt · ned b rDr r' wa s c tl ll ~ d be for e th E' co u rt as a 'l\' ltTl (, ~s In Il ce rta in ca so. li e \\' a 8 nOnH' wila l nu s le r e d o'; c r tho a t· l e nti on that was b e in g pa lu him. and mumhl " d hi s word s HO tha t th e YO lln ~ Wom llil 8t l' nogra ph e r coultl n o t hear th e m <1l s ltn ctly . H e was told 10 r. ll ~a lt Irl a lnl y and to turn toward til!> st t' DOg· raph')Ir. "Sp ' all to th o ste oo g raph e r." sold the prosecuto·r . At 'that Ih o young mon nros e and with a d ee p bow to tho ludy said. "How do you do ?"- ·Sallre . Crime to KlsD. In R u ss ia It IB a crIm e for lovers to kls8 III public. ond n o l \'ElfY lon g a go two young lvom " n and I wo y(}Un~ worn .. n w r e arr e ste d In O rlc~ s a for havIng b ee n gll ill y or th i ~ off e n Be Th e y had nil bel'lt rtltlll\g t [)~e th e r In a r E's ta!ll'Rnt. and ki ss d on parllng . Thp y w !'r o couc1e mu e d to sho rt t e rm s or lruprl s onm l' nt. and th e s e nte nces were COli nr me d o n app eal. TII41 gen· eral flnll In Hus s la ror a kl ~s In tbe o[J!!n stree t Is 1" s hillin g s. but In a tram c ar It may coa t anylhlng up to 25 sblllin gs . MInor BOOkkeeping Item. A 8111811 Item WD8 o ve rloo kE'<1 In the booltke eplng department of tho t; nlte d Staten navy. It was th e cha rge ror guns IDs tall e d on tbe battles hips Flor· Ida alild Utah . The It e m was for tile trilling sum or $1.8011.00 11 .







hac h: d oor,"

"[ tll o ug ht 111' IIlI ghl h I' C orl ." t'<or· rully rE'pll ~ d .Ttl lin .- - l{ an s a s ( ' il y Stn r .

H . J . I ,t · :-;L AP. Co lllgne. Ge rmany.) or Ja ic Y UII'S m an ), wri te rs III com. pnrln g t h o rt' r;u lls or r a iSin g wheat in th e l'n ltell Sl lll(' ~ n n d var[ous Euro. P(>8 1l co ulli ries s('C milll:ly jump to the c onclu s ion Ihat th e tllffere n ce In yie ld IS wlt olly (' au lle d b y tb e n l'gl ect o ( t he ATI1 t> r ir :, n f o r m er to f e rtlli ~ e [ ~r opcr l y n ull c ultl\' at ~ h is lane!. T o a certai n e Xl l' llt Ihl s Is Iru e. but It doca not 3f'CO Ullt fOI' a ll Ill e tlltre rell c e. In tho 1' lI i le d Sta l l'S Ill{' wid e r u ng e of t e rn . pr·rll l llr('. no t oill y In s lim m e r. but In wllite r 118 w.,)l. h a s mu c h 10 tlo wltlt the ('roj). 'I' ll(! e xln' m e 8 In wlllier r rt' r re I h .. 1>1 ~lIt In the w lntl'r whe at r eg ion s n nd ri ,e 11<':1 t n n d drou ght In su m mp r In tb e n Orlhw es t ~ Jl rlllg whea t (, OUlltl'Y ruin or s hrillk tlla t crop . In Ellrop e tbe c ondlilons are en. tll'!'!Y dtrfe l'€.lt. In Eu g la ud, I.' rnnce. l;enn aIlY, D eu m a rk . Swerl ~ n and Nor. ·.\ay I he c llmn te Is not aubj e t:l to s ucb ('Xll'€mes of cold In wln le r. In lit o) four Ilr li t n a m <' u ('ounlrl es the tern. pe rature se lde.1Il g~s b .:lo w zero (Fflb. r en h (' II). wl lile In ' \l mmE'r th<l tem. pc rature 'd ()(! ~ lIot o i': cn go nuo\'e 8 5 d ~l( re " s. Th e re Is seld om nny un c e r. IH ln(y nbout Ih 13 mol s t l!!'E e lllle r In rail OF spring. tor It m illS nearly C\'e r y d uy moT.(' or l e ss so thai the growing plant Ie not f rozen out or burned Ill). Give n th e eume condltlon~ In the U nited Siai e s grnlrt gr o wing di s tricts and with the pres e nt s)'st E'm of rillil . m l lon con tlno.! cd lhe United StRll's WOJld bo able .to sUIlPly nil tbe wheat IIf'NI" of the "'hole wor ld . Tbo wlwnt c rop of l1Iill o ls til ls y ~ ar Is an examill e "r whut the weath e r will do to a c rop Ihnt s lnr l<' d under ravol'nble cond l. Ilona Dnd which, If It Il:lU not u~n for th e ('oltl wlnt~r. , would have been a record breD lIe •. Another f('attlre In raisIng ;::raln In the E urop clln c'onntrles mentioned IA Ihp. awkword nod expe nsive wnv of pl n nting. harvesting and handlll1~-a mel hod which. Ir follo wed In til" United Slates. would make wheat COHt nt le a s t $1.{; 0 1\ bUShel. The amount o r hal~ d la b o r beslowed on a tlH~ 'lICrO Ill'ld oC wh eat In ~rmony WOUld, If npplll'r1 10 ou, fl e lds. banltrUI)t th .. fnrmer . H e re the work Is nil done. or nt lellllt a mnjorlty ot It Is done. b y wom e n n:Jd CO'VS Ilnd the lIarH!sting Iii' done with v. 3lek lc. os It was III Abrul1Um's time. or with a . ~cythe. C rndl es unltnown and barvesters use d only all ;)Ie Itlrger (nrms. wbleb lire the ex ce ption.


111 ("111

M()tJbp u t il e li ll Ie gi rl. "(:n ,f' It III a 111 1111'"

• I By

Rhubarb can be eas il y forced In tho tarmhou He c f' lI u r In wint e r autl th e slnlks h u d s ix w ('e ks to lw o months c arll e r th a n u su a l. "'or thi H purp060 rhubarb rools s h o uld b!' d ug 1111 " In th e fall and 01· l o w~d 10 fr ee·(c . · Th ey s houlll th e n be r l'lltu\'<:> lI 10 Il r ro~ t proor cellar tltld ullrl e d Ihree or fo ur In cb e s d " e p In m o ist 8ond . Artp r ih !' y havl' h (' en sll~hlly f ro ze n th e y may be s et In a root c l' l1 a r . o r any build in g which Is beat e r! . pack ed cl os l' t OI; I·l hl' r . un (1 cn "l're d with \'e ry ri ch 6011 , It If' b (,G t to c~' er the cro wn s rrom fOll r to ~ I x Inrll f' lI. Ca r e ~ ho u ld 1)(; t al(Prt I: ot to ov e r· wal e I' th l' plantf\. Hh u barb m n y nlso b ~ fo r(' C'd til u nheat e d bttlldlngs . pro· vld ed th ' )' ar \' CO\'f' r('(J with gla ss. par· tl c ulnr! ), In th e w nrrn e r c lim a tes . Hhuh orh . fOT(, PU in thl~ wny . does not de \·" lop 'ypry la,go lea\'e8. and th e s ta lk Is v(' ry m u ell s w ee ter th :l n that grown out o f d oors . It Is a lllo blan ched. nnd Ir th e proper ('aro Is tak e n. It mllY b c pro· !luced almost white. and \' ~ry t e ndt'r lind ])Hlatubll> . So m e tim es . wh e n grown In th e dnrk . the stalk p roduce d 15 a dark chern' rf'd. an d pres ents a Illost al t ra ctlve IlJllJ e nranco on the I:larkel. Li g l;t Is not eR sf'ntl a l to thp. growt h rhllbarb . In rnct. e xpe rim e nts show Ihnttho plants I, opt In th e c(!Il:tr grow be tter In ilarllnes s tllnn In Ii~ht. It Is vt'ry e sse ntial. howO\' e r , thnt tbo ploata s honld not be fro7.en. If tho room occupi e d by lhe roo ts Is smn ll. a li ghte d lante rn k e pt n ar th e m wl/1 J.:I ·re out hf'at e n our.h to co n· 6it\ Pl'a bly Ita ~tf'n th Ir growth. nllubu rb Is also forced to a consld · crable ('xt!'nt for mark e t In epeclal ho u ~ f' . co ld rl'allt (,~ nnd u nder lIle b e n ~' h e8 of gre e nhouses . For out·door "rowIng rhubDrb Is generall y propngll tpd by divi s Ion or the n eshy ro ots. Plnces of r oots are 8e t III m!'IIQw soli III r ows 11\' 0 feet npart nnd about three feet apa rt In th e row . Tho root pl e ees shou ld hp. IIc t wllh tho crowns about four l!lcht's below the surface of Ihe soli. The ground shoul d be k e pt well ctlltlvate d the tlrst aeas :)n and s t n lks llIay be pulled tho following SI)rlng. Hhubnrb III n lso grown from seed. but varieties trnB to n a m e can only be grow n from roo t s. j~l g ltt t.o twelve plants of rbubarb will !;upply n largo family .

n. d c:,(,' :,

clllr· r. " Did ~' ''I I t al(~ I h 'l t !ll l' n t' \'7" a s !«' d tll ~. mOlh ,· r . E t >1lI " " 'lIa t F""I'rl'ly Jul ia u ro lcr· 11 11 0 I "1 1I·!< . " I ~:t \.,. II In

Plant Can Easily be . Forced in Conditions Existing in Wheat Growing in U. S. and EuCellar During Winter rope Differ. Months

TO\VN . .... ... ... . ... . ...... . . ... .. ... ... .

cl n \' s n ftl ' r tll1"

Ili tH I II

Hil t th .... 1 1~t1r 1:.. ! I ~lr w au g (' t) fJ, T h p !'f'" li as al l ('x pr. '~!!" I o r n nx lf' ly on .111 11:\ '8 fal'" n ll li IIHo l ll e r 51.'1': 01, ' <1 m lo


SI ZE . ..

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nbC! l1t an gjl l ~

Irl t I ll' (" lq <!'rI;lfd tu t ' ~ tra"[ 111" f l ' fr of l1 011" hai r d .. !l:lr III t !o ls " 1111 I ~ kpl't IIII' r," nil ), 1' 111 1I,(1I1'· r. 1I 1I d .ln li:l·s 1I 10Ih.' 1' It ::,, \\, P la t ~ il " h a d p 'll 5f) ,:1' 1. 1,; t l1<' 1' b, ·r(,rt> Kil l' h a ll gone out.



0 1 "( ' f l:"r1a 1n l q g

111 " ,11 ,' 1' 1, ·1': I" ' r III (' It oq..:" u r til '" 110, 15" ror a f,,\'( hl · II!~. \ \")14 ' 0 th l ' tIlo t h ,or r,..· t n r :lt ,d s ll ·'!. \ \f ::t In a pn rtl"lI b r (,liP


A'lH we rl o g tll a r e Qu e st ror • d o ub le grarle (1f mn tc h" e! fl oor ill g . The store COTn cr ib wllh bins above tlie drlv f1' r oom. e Dgl u ur tlI:ld llu e ro om and way . ILlllI pqulpp e d with cup elevnlor . thfl tw o ~ t n ul ('s arc ('o l' e l' l.' u with dro p ahl'll e r, gr ind e r . g lls e ngill u . .. t e .. a »1<1 lng; Ih(' c r ihs a rl) (;o v!' r e d wilh wri te r III th ,~ l ow ll Hom s t ead sub· 1 x:t· in c h s lulT. Th o gtobl e 1I 0t s hown IIli ts th e g rnnary h cre wl l.1l Illus trat e d h as tw o wlnd o ll' H ro r Il glll lnlo: the s e c· al l,l d e sc ribin g sam ~ s ll ys : Th e o n d noo r. Tlt o ro o f Is co"e r l·d with lJll ildlng Is 3~ x.50 f(; ('l s quare Blld 16 tlt e U(!s t Rr a d ~ or compos ltloll roor· f(l et fronl s ill s t o th o e uy e s . It bas Ing . aud all e ~ Jl o s() d woo d worlt r ('· tbree la r g e oorn (' r :bs . s t o re room cI' iv e a lW O coal s u t plli li t. TIll' roor t or gro llnd fned and tile machin e ry is 81'1 r·s tJ PI'(J rI I III-: and l it e s hape of 'OOnt on ground 1100r. A Wl1J:(l 1l I lI :lIT1e pro\ 'I r! ~s ampl p r oom on GPc ond du nip Ie In s ta ll ed In the drlv e wllY op· I Oo or at s li g ht (· xpl'rls e. T o k ee p out ))08 1[ 0 the c up olu VlllOr. The drlnl' Ih e ra t.s Bnd mi c e as mu c h as l~os.l · WilY Is fl oo re ll o vor 10 reo t above Ilk. Ihf' b ulldl lll; l'I'R t s o n J O·ln c h salt grade alld th e seco nr! floor 1ft arrang· g in zed til e tlI k d wltb c oncre t l1 ; thr ee· (I.! for s to r in g s mall !;rnln. Bhe llpd fo urlhn· i n ~ h bolt!1 IH e Imb e dd e d In Mrn and cbop re e ds. S poutfl an,1 th e con cr e te und th e sill s ur o bolted conveyors are arrnn!;ed to reach nil I to sam e. On ae co u n l or th e rllts tho partR or th e building. and c orn or s t l' PS ar o uu ll t S O l'll " low (' r thaD that ROla ll grain Is atore d In any of the si li a and nu oll t ('i;,; hl Inch e! awa,. l'rlIl K I'r hil lS b y III t'ans or the dump rrom s am, ). Tll r· s l,.!! of thla build . and e le \·8t o r. Th o bins that are I:>· Ing ma y . of ('ou r sf' . b . ch a ng e d to suit t!lnd e d fo r holding grain ror marke t l'our r (' qul r~ m plll s. bill It will be n ha\'f~ s elf· loadlng . hOPll e r :s hap e d bot· w ise Id ea b" rore b uildin g Silme to tom s . and by pullin!: a string th e submit a p pncll ~ 1( l't c h to t h .. manu· graIn Is loaded In (iI e wagon or bags I FI[(' l lIr f' r s (If th " 1'11' '' nlor. d u mp. etc .. by gravity. As there are 80 many a s thf'Y ale nlwa y8 willin g aDd anx· grinders . ('l e va tor s. o t c .. on the mar· lous to furnI s h p ro s pf' ctlv e purch a ser! keto It wOlild be a \v as te or valu a bl e with bltl o I)rlllts or d rawln !,:s s howing space to de s cr i b e s a rn o h e re. Tlll! how th e bu ilrllllg sh o u ld b l' arrange d; noor In th e cribs I" o r 2x6·lu ch [lleee s, and by so d o ing y o u will possibly with smllll s pa co s bp tw e en for ve nti · sn Y!! s om e trOUbl e nud a void use les& lalion. All other flours are or a good expe n s e.

T o pt',)c u te \ ~ft p nlt et n , 6t' nd 10 cent 8 to -Patter n iJ tp ..r t m t' l!l " o f tI' ;5 p ll pC'r Wrht nllm e MI.d u J,l u ' s .. 111 .in l)' u.ud bt' .u re to viy, .be. a n d nU lIlbcr o f P WU e-1 n

ma i l" !'

c.ll a \\ a!""I'~ " .l\n Y \ \; I ;' It Il11l' r p", lon w ll h ,Iu l!a .

rloor Plan of Grain Storage House.

Thill cbarmlng fro c k . ~8 des lgnE><! for tb e ml ~ s lind 8mull wumnn . uod Is one of the classlC?s l s tyli' s or tho sea · lion. It hilS th e ra shl o nabl e front clos· Ing and Is mad e w ith s lx ' l:or ~ d s kirt revel'8 at bottom. Th e collar I~ a Dret· ty fe ature and It and tbe revers and turn !'d· back culTs nrc Irlmm ed wllb bruld. S ~ rl:e. nl o balr. po ugee or allll may bo empluyed In carrylug out tbe dealgn. Th e pall .. rn (5~06) Is cut In sizes 14. 16 And I S y e a r. 1II1'dium slzl! will reQuire GY" ya rd s o f 27 In c b goo ds or r,1~ YllnJ s of mUle r l .. 1 H luche~ wide with ~ I" ya rd s or u ra ld .

til t> S u nd aY s ('hool l

t t '~ !( ' h l' r h :ld (.' ( 'I!~ l dl ' t·abl l· (I ~ ay

[lQ}-< ''', a .. c .... .." • ",o©4.n,: 'C]~l\'" ,It,.


o l'ru ~ l fl n

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rorgl!1r ul t o (,Il l f' r ta ln ro r IlI r t (' uy Home ha" e c n· t l' l·ta ill ,·ll all g ... ls un a ware s." T liO - Tilr" !;,iIii!; - q uu tn tl o n IA rrom

('ha l ll (' ; xii I. \' (l r ~e '! . I l o o k or 1I ' ~~ lre\Vs. :.:: <1 II I ~ Illln' lllI rr e! ~o t. Iy b " call ~ c It ,· ,.II,· tll lIl'·R II \' il:1I I'a r l or t lli ~ Htor y.




(,Ro, B.

n ot

!t l'll l l!;,' r ~.

Now About the Free Pr~t1nt8

. The cou pons n ow pD" ked ", i: b Lii:J:~1t & IlI),n's Duke'. Mldure Dfe good for nil 80 rls ot valunble prcsr.nt s. '1'11" , 0 presenta cost ,.ou Dot one penny. Tho li . t iud ud,· s lOut only snlO kcrJ' Drtldes - but ' m n)' d csimUl e r·rcscnt s for "'ma cn an,l clllld ~en-fi[Je fuunt:llll p cns, u mbrellas. camcms. to ilet orllcles. t c nnls ml"'1 lll' ts. cakber ·. gloves Ilod ID:I "ks. elc.

n .~

' .. ~ ~V. ~




R ~

As a special offer during September and Octob~r onry . we wilt .end yoa oar neW illl16tratu/ catalogue 01 prc.ent. FREE. Jus t Beod Wlmo aDd address 00 n postal.

~~""~:I,~'~':t!f!'::~~J t.~::tHOR~~

SHOe, J . T .• T INSLEY'S NAl'UilAJ..

LEAF. ~RANGER TWIST, aJUPON. (,o m FOUR ROSES ( Nr: · f,. dtm61. ",upon >. .. leK PLUG CUT. PIEDMONT


Cl~RETT!?'s. CUX CIGAR'ETTES, I~J: J or couporu IJJ Ut&! b~ .".







,! ~

cG!~:;:;~~ ~ 51. LoaIo. Mo.


~~InY.A~~ ~~~~1


$3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 AND $5.00 FOR MEN ANO WOMEN

BQ;Y8 _:.,. W. L. DOUIJI•• $2.00. $2.60 & 'S.OO Sohool Sho .... b .... au". on.. wlll,..alllulll::/f outwoap' two pta I,.. 01 OI'dlna"JI cho ••, .ame a. the men'a ahoua.


W.LDoulllas mal,e. and lell. more $3.00.$3. 50 IlL $4.00 ahoes than any other manul\o.ctu rar in the world. THE STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 30 YEARS. The w.,rkmanlbip which haa made W. L Douglas ohoeD {nmou. the world over i. '.nal"tained in every pair. A.k .Jour de"ler to .how you W. L. Dougla. I"teot fa3hionl for fall and winter wear, notice the .hort vamps which make the foot look .maller. pointe in Q .br... particularly d e.ired by young men. AIBo the consprvative styLes which ".ave made W. L Douala. ahoe . .. household word everywhere. If you could vioit W. L Doual ... Inrae fActories at Brockton. Mo. .... and lee for yourself bow carefully W. L. Doual,.. .hoe. are me de. you would tJ ..m un. ""..tand why they are wnrrllnted to fit beUcr. look betfer. hold their Ihape and ..e ..r long.,r than any other mcke for tho price. Fn.t Color EI/".II. CAUTION. -To protect rou ~rOlirul inforior ,hocJ. W.l. Douvlll. Itam"" hi. nAme on the bottnm. loClk for th" atQmp. Dewa re of .ub. ~ itute •. W. [., Douul" •• hoe. ore aold in 78 owm .tor~. and .hoodc AI.,... cynrJ'wll e r o. No mlliter wll e re you liv o. they ara within yourraada. U your dcaJarcc-n"ot auppl y yo u. w Ti t c dired to fa c l o ry (or £"tatng .tlOwina h ow to order '" maiL Shoe. loot cycrywhoro. ~cJtveryc;t \ar.oa p t ~poicJ. W ,LDoU RI••• Broc.htoll.Mu..

INTER RUPTED JOY , On the Honeymoon. Shel-Edward. d ou't look at ths sceDery all the tim e. Look at me now and then . -Fll ogeude Dlaetle r ,

I y'~~r -i.i~er

'Is Clogged Up Tho I" Why You'ro T' -Hnve No Appet i ICARTER'S IL1VE~ PILLS Iwill put ),o u right in :\ few da ys. I They d o t heir d u ty Con· II stiCure p;lI io ll.

Lirrlli.J hille i. R weAk ROlll tit on . Avoid It. nUl' Hod Cr,""" nnll TlItlr. th e hluc tbaV. all billie. A s k your Krocer . Ad v. 1'\'lany a man fools II100selr with the beller that hts wisdom Is RU De rlor to that of the late Mr. S olomon .

I Bili ous ness. Indigestio n and Sick Hcadacho I :;;.It\lL PilL. S~lt\LT. DOSE, SMALL rlUCK.


must bear


~ Wl1lle·-Say. 818. have you s e en any· thln& of my jelly tart 1 Icrt oa that ohair'





_._._ --_ .. _

- -

; W~

U~f AB50RBlNE.JR::U~~ Swollen, Varicose Veinal' Bad Legs, Goitre, Wen, Gout and Rheumatic Deposits, Sprains and Bruises

Rccognlzo Value of Sports. The scheme ou which King Gcorge's r e~ p o nd qu ic klv to the action. children nre educllted Includ e s caroof ABSORB1NE, JR. A rul Instruction In nil typical open air sports nud gumes. Cr icket. riding . safe, healing. soothing. antiseptic fe ncing. boxing, aiJoollng and tho like l inim e nt th at pene t rat es to the seat the young prince 'or Will e s hns b ee n of trI'J uble, assi s ting nature to make carefully and scientifically taught b y pe rmall e nt re covery. Allays pain past maBterB. and inflammation. l\'lild and pleas:;,nt to u se-quickly absorbed into Hard to Manage. tissu e s . Successful in other cases, "1 never Ilee you eat corn on the why not ill yo urs? ABSORBINE,Jr•• cob," ~I.OO and $2.00 per bottle at drug. "No. I always ovoid Inborlou8 tood." gists or delivered. Book 1 Gfree. Technloal . Autolllt-Ho'W did YOU escape a One' Motortst-Our attorney proved ttle 'con.table·s watch '1I'as tast.-Judge.

'.F. Young,P.D.F.,310!empleSI.,Sprlngflold,Mm.·

Pettit's Eve Salve


The Security Offered by our Safe Deposit Vaults We gi v e to patrons the advanta~es of new and modern vaults reinforced and barricaded with Yale Deposit Locks, The Yale system of locking is known around the world as the most sturdy, the most impregnable. ts p rott ctc-d by. apecial,ua.rd mechanhnll and a ~jJ, le t or Eo ...... yo ur nlo;obl•• to ... ,--lbcy will b<"If, IrODl6n u w.n u ,helL

E \' d"y boJ In our vautt





Mrs . __ .


Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Howell attended the Jam estow n fair , last week. Albert Tr~s.'1l er , of Dayton was a Wa ynesv ille vi8itor Tuesday. Charles Stansberry and family are moving into M. C. Liddy's house, today . Mrs Alethia AIE-xunuer and MiBS Katherin4' Alexunder are in Dayton. today .

Winter Wbeat Bran Special We have a car of High-Grade Winter Wheat Bran coming, and make a

SPECIAL LOW PRICE On five sacks, one and five ton lots.

Mrs . E. V. Barnhart and Miss Donna Hawk e were Xenia visitors T uesday.



Waller McClure was in Dayton Wednesday, on business.

New Burlington

Mis..'1 Mildred Thorne, of Norfolk, Va .. spent the week·end with Miss Stella Lemmon.

I"---_,OL_D_PRO_CfS_S__OI_L_Mr_AL_S_PEC_IA_L_I Or'ders also booked for Oil Meal from car in five sack a, one-half ton and five ton Iota, to be shipped latter part of October. . BUY YOUR FALL SUPPLY OF FEED while it is cheap. Prices quoted at car will not apply at mill.

H!liDeti is oa the siok

T . M . Ha.r1a.n Ilnd .IB'ar Flam, of Miss Edith Mosher arrived home lliaIU11I.ur". I . .nt ~atarday and Tuesday evening . after a two months list Mr. IIoDd Mrs. C. IS. Lamb IIpen' londay with their parenti. stav in Mi~hil{an . ~uDdBY iD DolytOD with E. ft. R ImThe 1fomen's Foret.n 1(181110nary Messrs. S. E. and F. M. Alexander dolph !lnd fawlly. sooio'y of the Frilnds ohuroh met Mr liod Idn . LIlBler Keariuk and at the home of lire. Ed. Bo.a., spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. A. J. Alexander. Mr, aDd Mr8. Will Plno were SUD. Baturdll), arternoon. Elijah aawklas saffere." seyere d'IY guesls ~of Ilr. Benjamin Mill. Miss Thelma Baker. of Springfield, and family . dellr New Burlinlton "ta.k of heart troobie, Fridav spent the week·end with Mrs. Ida I41s8 Blanohe (Jornel1 returned on afterno08. Mr. and lire. B. F. Compton ea. Stokes and daughter, Miss Ada. Thursday after a delightful ylslt of t.wo weaks apent with frleDds and .ertalned a iarl8 nnmber of Mr. A. J. Sparrow, of Middleboro, ..elallve!l in Mhelby (Jounty . Friday in honor of their aunt .1'8. Mass. WIU! the Iluest of Warren Willtam BrDwn fI od wifo were Ben Oompton, who left tor her Barnett and family, last week. we.tern home Satorday mornla,. D"ytOl~. -ylaI Lors. MnnliAY. I Pea ~l COl noll and family 8pen~ A mOllt dlstr6fl81nl aoolden' oc· Mrs. Clifford Ridge and sen Jack. DEATHS Snnday with Hi'. and Mr8 . Levi ourred eut of to"'D. Dear the home of Cincinnati, are guests of Warren erefltho"llle, near l:Sprlngboro. of JOllep" ~h'_banlb, Jr., Monday Barnett and family, for a few days. George Miller, aged 65, die<.! at his Dr. L. (,i. Brook and tlLwily had even In,. Cbae. BenUe, and family home south of Corwin, Sunday Mrs. Ora Thompson and BOn, Rayfor ~boir I08IJta on Monday ana and Mrs. Bentley's fath ... Mr. De morning at 1:300' clock, after a short Tueldny Mr. and Mrs, John Eyler, Voo were riding In lath,.'a mond. of Port William. Ohio, spent illness. The funeral was held from of Van Wert. au'"moblle wheD the maolilDO Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. B. S. his late home Tuesday morning at MH. Catharine J obns bas returDed 8trno. 80me orushed atone and waa Howell. o o'clock, Rev. P. B . Thompson. after an px,oDded vlelt with ..010. overturned. Mr. fle VOO'II Iku11 Interment was made in officiating. The Car.ning Company closed its ~hN" RlehmoDd ",nd Uoblln,la. wa'f orolheel and he &let a few Miami cemetery. dlaDa. hourll later. All the mea bel'S .f sea,'IOn Monday. The pack was a Mi.. Belisle lLeeder, who lIvee tho party were badlY .haken up good one and the corn of excellent Boutb of aow.. was marrle. on and btulled and one little .tl'l quality this year. Nelson Thompson, died at his ThuradllY to WarreD Kenrlok, of sosta-iaed a fraotured wnlt. Rome BOuth of town, Tuesday morn_ Mre. Herbert Corron and two eentervllle. Tbe,. ~l"ill r ~aide in • - - - -daughters. of Lookebe, Okla .. arrived ing about 3 o'clock. The funera Beech Grove. ·Day&on. We wilh 'bem a 10aK and You had better get that Winter Sui t here today for a month's visit with will be held Thursday at the Chrishappy life. tian church in Leelan, lit 1 o'clock. and Overcoat pressed and be re.a dy for SeYeral men fro. here left OD Ed leffel', And Ed aetalltoa both Mr. Hendley Corron. Interment will be made at Bethany, &turda7 mornln. for a week of ba, e aew ,1101. any emergency. Mr. and M... F. V, Stitt and Mr. Ohio. ftabln. at the Rellervoir. Tho"e of &everal from 'hl~ place .Ue.dld --t1t.e ,art,. were: BorsC?o Foulks, tbe fUDeral of Ge•. Miller, .r.• of and Mrs. Wm Thacker, of Mason. "REO" OR "BLUE" No need to take your work to LebOhio, were guests of Mr. and Mrs . • ltOr.e Ioott. WUJiam Grahan, and aear WayneaYille, OD Tn6llday. WHICH ARE YOU? anon, Dayton or .any other city. PatWnitam Carmony. The Maille Townlhlp BUlldar C. A. Bruner, Wednesday night. Jl'ron" .urnl" I.nd fllmU,. enter- Iohool A.illoci ..'oa wlll be held at ronize "home industry." TRi8-~8 the greeting between memMr. and Mrll. Howard Dyke retalneci at.Munday ainDe. tbl follow. 'lae ohnrch here, Ded Sunday aUer. 101 guestl: Mr. an4 Mrll Cbarl.. aeoD, October " 11111. Tbo Oount,. turned to their home in Pittllburg, bers of the Christian Sunday School Satisfaction or no charge, is our Null, of Red LIDO. IU.e Ea~ella prtlllldea~ aael other able speakera Pa., Friday, after a two week's visit scholars when they meet. Better motto. Prices right. Irwin, of I'r..nkllD, R&,moad Bar. will be p ....eDt. .verybody oome with relatives here and at Day ton. come au t next Sunday and S. E. hew we D. U. nett, ef Oa,toD. Ernest Earaltan Mrs, Katie Bel.-yer villited her P . B._ Thompson, Minister. and .Earl Bal'lle&& aad famll,.. "ugh~r In D&ytOD OD IaturcllY Mr. ami Mrs. R. A. CroBS and Mrs. __ -.._e an4 _"uday. Miranda Crane started overland - - MADE A BIO NOISE D. I. ISh.nahan'. Dew hndt Tuesd~ for Brown County, where LATE CI..ASSIFIED ADS bOUM III Dear oo.ple~loA. Oon they will enjoy a visit with relatives THE Laat ~l'hursday business men and flw oholoe ladiaa Rauaer 'raotore TInT and Ihank are dolDI thi8 week. shoppers on Main 8treet were atO.....ell. lee I. R. BI ••" the plaeterlng. Mrs. A. H. Mather and Mrs. N. O. tracted by a commotion in front of Enterprise Bld~. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO • _.. Dr. Grar, of Clarklvllll, ",aa Corwin, O . and daughter, Frances, of Haines Btmtley's butcher shop. Upon in___ _ _ . callid to II. M. '1'8I'l'y's, la.' 8unday Wilmington, were Friday and Satur- vestigation it was found that Ja.". A NBAR.HONOR. after.eon, to treat a vlry sloll hor.. day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Benham had picked up a ragged _ _ _ whtoJa ill aom. be'hr a' this wri'ln,. Satterthwaite. out of the ~utter, and he t;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_~J.K . "'''~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;; _ _ _ _ _ _;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ dollar bill "I bet :you DQ8r rode in an auto- R .•f . Morrar lIold to !:tborman expressed himself pretty loudly '-"If' Ferris. of near Ularksvllle, last !mobile." . Mrs. John Hartsock, Mrs. Roy , "No, but one knocked down 119 Week, OD. of the finellt • year old Hartsock, of Springfield. and Mrs. about it. Loser of the bill can have dratt 00111 ia tbe Btate. for big ChbS. HatUock spent last Wednesday the 8Ilme by applying to Mr. Benham. 'brother once." FOR RENT melley. ..ear IprtDI"". , or Ii with Mrs. Matilda Hosier and daugh. lE<!QS, FRESH EGOS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I TlIe eleventh oblld made hl."p. SUBJECT TOOENERAL ELECTION bonee required. , Dr. af8lr" tel', MiBS Ethel. pearanoe' at tlul bome ot Aaron NOVEMBER 5 1912 . i Bell phone 81S, or P. O. Ioz IS4S, , I . . tamllbur., Ohio. • g If you have nice, good.sized eggs, 8mith, near tbe oharoh, la,' Friday Dr. and Mrs. Dudley Keever, of not more than four days old. bring : eveal_s Centerville, MiBS Mary Wright. of them to Jeff Sinith's meat market Notice of Appointment Independent Springboro, and Dr. Emily Wright, on Tuesday and Saturday afternoon, MINE PONIES PROTECTED. E8tat.e or 011111.18. WooUU'jI Deceued. FRESH BALTIMORE ~EPRESENTATIVE of Rock laland, Ill., were guests of of each week. We will pay a No~lc:e I. henbJ'. c!nD tli.. Oeol'p B. WooU.rd h.. beIn dub aPDOID&ed and Dr. Wright and family, Sunday. premium for such l'ggs. J. Milton Earnhart quaUlied .. AdmlDa.wacor oflbl of In 1908 F. A. COI of Englmd beDauJeldeceued, 8 . WoolIlII'd. lale of W _ OoUDt,. • _ _ • Ohio. O. K. Poultry Farm. gan his enthuBiastio labors in behalf Cranberries. Celery, Fresh Edge· Stella Lemmon and Miss Thome ----- • Dated 'hIII8d~ of of the sadly ill-treated ponies of the left Monday morning for Zanesville, mont Crackers, Pickles, Cat· NOTICE TO HUNTERS Subscribe tor the Gazette JUd~~lh~g~t!'Ooun sup, Olives. coal miDes. The lot of these poor, Ohio, to attend the weddinll of MiBS r W _ OoUDl,.. Ohio . abUlled little creatures has been a Cloman a former college friend. Fancy Elberta Peaches, Sweet We. 1lhe undersigned, posifi vely e!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1I!!! sort of equine hell. Aa last there Miss Lemmon will be one of six Pink Meat Canteloupes. Aphaa been won for them by Mr. Cox brides maids to participate in the forbid aU hunting or trespassing ples. Grapes, Jersey Sweet upon oU.r premises. The SKme will be Potatoes, Bermuda Onions, Ilnd those who have been 88sociated nuptial. Cabbage, Danver Onions. strictly enforced: with him a bill securing the followIsaac Wilson Jas. Vandervoort ing provisions: (1) The numbering Miss Izrna Egbert returned to her Sweet Oranges, Jumbo Bananaa, Martin Gons New Cream Cheese. New of every animal on descending the home in KarisM City, Mo., Tuesday Win Williams Comb Honey, New Rolled Seth Furrlas shaft. (2) No animal to be en- morning. after a df'li,htful summer George Mills Oats. New Mince Meat. Emily Crane gaged over or under a certa4t age. with Mrs. Aliee McKinsey and F. C SaLwin caD be,had in town from as. (3) Limitation of hours of ponies' daughter. She was accompanied Minnie Satterthwaite Try our Wrapped Cakes. They are fine; 10e and 20c. Green ...- - work. (4) A meal midway between home by her aunt. MiBS Lillie Nedry. You know particular Uacle & Green's Graham Wafers, the allotted hours of work. (I» Sup- who expects to spend the winter . FARM FOR SALE 10c a Ib White Clover Honey Sam is in buying You caa ply of water for every animal en- there. Cakes. l:! for [)C. gaged. (6) Every driver to be .... ~n.Ct~ his judgment. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Evans atten.ted One mile from Waynesville, Ohio. Remember, we sell, Shot Guq. licensed and registered and the time pay every property owner Shells, Sole Leather, Enamef during which he is in charge of a the wedding of Mr. RUBBeI D. Wolfe railroad 8tation. About 93 acres of ware, Lanterns, Gloves, 'Tin and MiBS Mary E. Baker,. Sunday, at rich black dirt, first and second bot specified animal booked to him. to out how· ATLAS Cement caa and Glass Cans, Tubs, Wash (7) Every injury to a pony to lie high noon, Itt the home of the ~ride'8 tom land, and best gravel bank in Boards. Brooms, Mops, 10l add to in~ comfort. different kinds of Soaps. If reperted, investigated and registered. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baker, the Sta,te. 11 room dwel1in~, bam you don't lIee what you want, etc:. We have some' interalioa (8) Periodical examina.tion of all of Morrow. Ohio. Elder Ballard. of and out-buildings. Will pay over 10 ask for it. animals by veterinary surgeons ap- Blanchester, Ohio. perfonning the per cent on $10.000': Make me an Oft pointed by government and lnvllted ceremony. Aboutnlnety-twoKUeste offer. To look at place Bee Robt. Fresh Jersey Milk twice a day Beckett:, Corwin, Ohio. Call on -6c quart. witb plenarr powen.-Dumb Am· 8Ilt down to an elegant dinner. _ _ _ _•• _ to C, G. Williamson, Waynesville, Ohio mala. Bring usyturprod~ce, Hillhest MUIHY. prices paid for Butter . and Eggs. ONLY IN EFFECT.

-Waynesville Mills-


Wint¢1t Is ALnloat Here

----_ ..




. _.



. _.

I A... F






The Same ATLAS Cement 1IaecI By The U.·5. Govei'Dlned On The'Paaama Caaal riaht how



,It will find his

health, booklets

-----. -

It pays to trade at



this ",hjed, &ee for the aMini_





~ixty-Third '


.-- ..........---~-~.-...-.-



Former Citizens

Whole Number 318 0


r;: ...... ._-"" , , ........... ,.........".. ".."-....-....................


I{[:=~i.~~~~~~~~.~~ :~~~;:.: : : :J I

. • ~------ - .


Soc.oa} Events I


George W. Miller, son of Conrad Lorena Dean McCallu m. on ly child , I md Lydia Miller, was born November of Eli and Anna Dean . di ed ~u dden ly . -- - - - - - - - - - - . We will publish next week ('xt racUl 25, 1847 in Massie To" nship, Warren at her home . 2101 East Third st reet . r.!r . a mi M r~ . C. A. Brune r were . ' ~rom a letter from the p.en of L. M. County , Ohio, and was the youngest Dayton . Ohio. on the evenin g of enLe r La inn l u~ I.lin ner Sun uay at the . e .·Sears, of Harveysburg, who recnntiy child of a family of eight children • Miss Sue Crane has return ed to October 4th, 1912. W. H. Allen was in Cincinnati, ho me ,)f Mr. Hpn ry Vandervoort. all of whom hav e preceded him in removed to California . Cincinnati. Never st ronp , bu t in usual hf'a lth, Thursday . passing away. a hemorrh age of the IUIl g' s pro(b ceci His grandfather, Isaac Miller. was Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Irons spent J ack Daughters, of Ennis, Mont.. E . V. Bam hsrt was a Cincinnati im med iate death. says he hal missed a f ew numbers of a soldier in the Revolutionary War, Thursday in Cincinnati. visi to r, Thursday. On April 23rd, 1910, she was Mr. and Mrs. Ralnh Lewi!'l enter ta ined Su nday a t di nner. Mrs. An na tpe Miami GazeLte, and wants us to and with his family came to Warren united in ma rriage to Reuben R. Mesdames Emmor Baily and J. B. Mr. Ed wa 1l'd Ricks and MilS Emma McCallum , of Day ton , who survives Cook . Mi R.'l Mary Cook and Mr . see what is the mat ter, as he don't County abou l the year 1818. Conrad Miller, the father of Gf'Orge. was Chapman were Dayton visitors, last Hawke attend ed a dance at Lytle, her . Perry Cook . want to miss a sing le copy. ahout 18 years of age. at the time week: Saturday. A communicant of the Churc h she was ever loyal and true t o her teach Clarence Marshall, of Cincinnat i. the family settled in this part of the Mr. and Mrs, p, D. Clagett and Lingo & Blair will bake Bi'scuits in ings and demands. Mr. li nd Mrs. H. A. Cornell enterin sending his subscription fo r country. Conrad and hiB father daughter were Cincinnati visitors. ~he great ~ajestlc . Range. perfl.'Ctly Generous, sym pathetic and cheer- tainell Sunday at dinn er th e fol low another year, says: "On account of Isaac, were pioneers in the settleSatllrday. an three mmutes. ful , she won , and helu to her life's in g ~ruests: Mr . and Mrs. Emerson heavy business with UII. I was unable ment of Warren County. and aa such endured many hardships and privato take a vacation this year. and Mrs. F. C. Gilmour and Mrs. J. O. close, a larg e ('i rcle of friend s. Ma.'lon, Mr . an u Mrs . Roy HarshThe Bii' Majestic Bake will be held to come to Waynesville for a few tions, which was the portion and lot from October 28th to Novt'mber 2nd Cartwright were shopping in Leb- Her fu n.end was held from her barger , of Lf'ba non, Mr. and MrA. days as I wished to do. I am well of all the early settlers, Conrad at Lebanon. Ohio. anoll Wednt'sda late hum e 111 Dayton, Tuesday morn- W. A. Co rn ell alld family , Mr. lind Miller lived to a ripe old age, and ,y. ing at 10:30, the Rev . J . F . Cad- Mrs . W. S. Graham and Miss Anna pleased wi th the paper." was highly respected by all his D. L. Crane attended' the Printer's Mr. Chas . Cornell, Miss Luell a wallader, officiating . Interm ent in Furnas The following letter was written friends and neighbors. and was noted Cost Convention and Exposition. Cornell. Mrs. Harry Cornell and Woodland Cemetery Xqn ia. to a friend here by Mrs. Vinie C. for bis honesty and fruplity. which met in Cineinnati. last week . Mrs. Owen B urnet motored to DayMr . anel M r~ . Henry Satter thwai te Morrison, of Santa Mina. Cal.. but George Miller was married Febru· ton, Th uraday. entertai ned Sund ay t he followinaSamuel The remains of the late Mrs. Edith Harris and Mr. Harris formerly of Ohio . She de8Cribes the ary 19. 1874, to Mary. dau~hter of gu es ts: Mr and Mrn. Israel ~ at· Mosher have returned home after IL came hom e Sat. Cook wer e in terred in Miami ce ~e­ Benj . Lippincott G. A. R. Encampment at Los Angeles John and Ann Miller. of the same terthw aite. Mr. and Mrs. J . B. as follows: name, but the families were not re- pleasant visit with rclativea in Mor· urdav evel1ling, after spending a te.ry tod~y . ~ more ex ten~ e? notIce Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Harry couple of w,eeks in Wilmington , th e WIll be gwen III next wpek s ·lssu e. You see I am here with my friends, lated. They Jived on the farm in row county. Smi t.h, Mr . and Mrs. Emmor Bailv, the Franklin's,- I staid two weeks in Maasie Township for many years. gu est of his daughter. Mr~. Lina Devi tt, Miss Lizz ie Baily, Mill8e8 Flerence Dewey, Irma and Santa Barbara with Pink and Hattie faithfully carinK' for the aged father Mr. Emm or Baily, jr., Miss Margaret Mr. and Mrs. Southgate and Miss Miss Mar y Eli zabeth Kenri ck, had a nice quiet visit. Yesterday while he lived. By prudence, Kate Daughters. and Messrs. Robt. Satter thwa ite, Charles Chap· Burton and Chas. Woollard attended Fuller. of Morrow , ami Dr. Frank' aged 5~ years , died at her home near we went to the G. A. R. Encamp- economy, and patient Industry, th ey ment held here and saw fifteen gathered a large competence, and a dance at Lytle. Saturday evening. Welch, Clf Blooming ton. Ill ., called Lytle Monday eveni ng at 7 o'clock man. on Waynesville friends. Saturday The f uneral was held at the l.,ytle thousand old soldiers march. Pink after their daughter's marriage. she The "Contest" at the Christian afternoon. M. E. church. Wednesday mo rning Mr. and Mrs. L. Nicholson very was with them in the parade. I tell being their only child, they pur- Sunday School continues to grow in at 11 o'clock, Rev. Campbell offi cia t- pleasantl y entertain ed a companv of you it was a grand light, .the people chased the present home, it being interest. The "Reds" and "Blues" Mrs. C. A. Burn~tt an,l two ing. In term ent in Miami cemetery. friends a t their beautiful new coundtrewed flowers along for them to the third farm owned by them. were ties on attendance last Sunday. daughters, left Thursday morning - - - - -----.-- -- try home last Saturday evening. march over. Some were stooped Here they lived and were p~rous The "Reds" however gained most on for their home in Florida, after a WHAT IS IT? At a fleasonable hour refreshments and looked old, while some were' farmers. until November 23, 1901. other points. Next Sunday promi~ two monthfl' visit with relatives in were served . The eVEnin&, was hapvery erect and stepped off fine and when Mary the wife and mother w~ to be the banner day. Come early. Ohio. Mrs. Lou Burnett accomWhen is it? Saturday evening , pily spent in I{an'e.~ and conversation brisk. Pink came out one Evening stricken with a sickness. from which P. B. Thompson. Minister. panied them home for a visit. and the g uests departed at a late Oc t . 12, 1912. to see UB , 'he was all tricked out in she could not rally. Her death was Where is it ? At Township House. hour, voting Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson badges. very gay. seemed so stirred a great 1088. not only to the family. the very best of entertainers. Those What is it? A Pover ty Social. up and happy, Hatt ie is here in the but to friends and acquaintances as Report Wayne Townlblp Schools-September 2, to September 27, 1912 pre!'!ent were Mr. and Mrs. Samuel . ? The Standard Bearers By Wholl) city with him. They had automo- well. for she was a woman of more Smith, Mr and Mrs. Frank Smith to all Everybody invited. Free biles to take up any who might drop than estimable character. 1 No. No. No. for 10 cents including refreshments. and family , Mr. and Mrs .. Homer No. No. No. No. OlSt on the march. The old boys are In March 1007. Mr. Miller waa \ 6 1 13 2 7 8 6 6 Anybody wearing any of the thingll Carey and son , Mrs. Effie Snlith and treated royally, many af them will married to his second wife Rebecca Thoe. Pierce. a:: 1\1:: 1\1:: e= e: a:: a:: >-3 forbidden will be fined: never attend another reunion. One Mathews and they have lived happily ff i' if ~; rn i'~ j' ~ if i ' 0 Gold ring, 1 cent, Bracelet, 2 cents old soldier had on his tattered uni· together since then in their home. Saves Leg Of Boy form, moth-eaten and patched, but where they have had all things ~!;o' ~~ ~~ t-:~ ~~ ~~_ ~~ ~ Necklace, 2 cents, Gold Cuff buttons. "1& seeme 1 that my 14.year old _ .... 111 ..... /1) 0- pi ..... ~ ~" -.., 1 cent each, 'T ie pin, 2 c en l~ , Watch, most of them looked fine. The sun neceaaary for temporal ?felfare. have to lo.e hili leg, oa boy woold iii' ~ ~ S·~ ~ IE §' ;~ 2"~ ~ ~ 5 cents. Spectacles, 2 cen ts, Patel1t Mr. Miller durinK' his last illness -.:ame out hot and it was pretty hard IIoCCOuot ot ao Oily ulcer, oooled by e. o!:!. 5;:t;Z ~ ::t: g::t: leather shoes, 1 cent a foo t; White on the old boys. was very patient and said that this a bad bruise," wrote O. F . Boward. _ tF II> < n < c: '< :0; .. /I) ::r /I) ::: ~ ::: collar, 1 cen t; Boiled shirt. 1 cent, Aqn,ooe. N . U. "All remedlel and - -- ......_- • would probably be his last sicknesa. - - - - -- - - - - - - Necktie. 1 cent; Belt pin, 1 cent. dootor!! 'reatmen' fslled un we SHAVING AMONG THE CHINESE He was very thankful for the 8001l"n 'lI Aroloa lSalve. aod kind nursing and attention K'iven .. . ...... ....... ... ~ 18 7 7 21 14 21 19 14 121 Anyor.e not looking poverty stricken, .rled Enrollment ......... y oorod him with 008 bo.... Cure. 5 cents . • arber Carrl" Hla Equipment About him. especially by his wife, of whom burns, bolll .ki'o eroptlons, pllee. he spoke. "She has always been good Rank in Enrollment.. .. ......... ...... 3 5 5 1 4 1 2 4 tho 8treota on ~ Pole Look----.---~-.---250 at all drnggists. ~ LEAVES FOR PANAMA Ina fol' Cum""r.. . to me. I I The home circle is again a 16 lL9 13X lax 8y' 6 y' broken, but we should look beyond Total Days of Absence..... .. ........ 50 AT THE CH~ISTIAN CHURCH , Chinese people have ,-ery light Harold Cook sailed from New this life. for our real home. We Neither Absent nor Tardy...... ... 5 2 I) 113 10 15 10 11 beards, and their practice for untold 71 York Tuesday, October 8th. for the have had friends. neighbors, fathers. Preaching next Sllnday morning Panama Canal where he has a six years has been to patronize the na- mothers. husbands, wives and chil- Per cent of Enrollment neither and evening at the regular hours tit'e barbers, who carry their equip- drt!n. we have aBl!OCiated with 69 months' government contract as su• Absent nor Tardy .. ....... ......... 28 29 71 62 71 71 53 78 The subj ect for the morning sermon ment suspended at tae two ends. of 14 perviRing engineer of construction will be .. fhe Reality of Temptathem in this life. then we have seen Cases of Tardiness.. .................. S 2 0 1 0 1 7 0 • coolie pole across the shoulder and of electrical machinery and power many of them in the silent. cold tions." 'Subjectfor the evening, "Is stroll about the native streets seek- form of death, this teachl!S UI, that No. Pupils Causing Absence.. ... 13 41 station apparatus. For the past the young man safe?" These ser2 ·2 7 4 5 5 3 customers. Comparatively few two years he has been engineering mons will deal with the evils of the all must pasa through the portals of 3 2 0 1 Chinese bave adopted the plan of death, to enter into life, and as No. Pupils Tardy....... .... .. ........ 0 1 7 0 14 sUperintendent for Vaua-hn and' Mey- present time. All are cordially inshaving thetDselves, and these coner, consulting electrical engineers died for all. how necessary it Per Cent of Attendance ......... ... 86 97 8996 95 96 97 98 -=-siSt-eiitirely of tho88 who have im- Christ of Milwaukee, and in order that he vited. P. B T~~~n. Minister if', that through repentance, penibibed western ideas. With the aban- tence. faith In God. and a firm re- Visits of Superintendent ..... .. .. " 3 4 4 3 4 3 4 a 8 might have the opportunitv to gain lIerels&. woman who'peaks from donment of the queue becoming genthe valuable experience which such nerllonal knowled~e ".d long e-.::I liance upon his promises. we all eral, the habit of self-ehaving, it is Pupila neither absent nor tardy large operatiJns as the Canal Zone perlanoe, .,1:11 ., Mrs P H. JJrogln~ Red Oak should seek to full), secure, the expectOO, will be promoted, for when service alone offers a leave of ab- vt "ilson , p~ , wqo says, ,I too",during September. Harold Burge Annie BUII'j(e sence was granted 'by the firm for froo;, experienoe that Chamberlain '. - a Chinese employe a natiTe barber priceless gift. Salvation. It il our humble prayer that all ., Cot1lh Remedy 18 fl$r superior to SUlar Orove Harmony Grove the latter shnes the front part of the length of time deslreti . aoy oth~r . For oroup ~'ere 18 may find a home In heaven, and we Doroth7 Austin Margaret Crane Weldon .Wilson Russel Satterthwaite the head as well as the face, brushell • ~..... ootbiDI that excels it. tt Fef ••1e trust and hope, that from evidences Lulu J{oland Clifford Miller Olive Wilson Leslie Satterthwaite the hair, and replaits the queue. The LINGO AND BLAIR by 1\11 delliers. Mary Roland Mabel Stanley Anna Satterthwaite shaving of the head ana the care of we have, that thie home in Heaven. Carmen Crane h88 been truly found by this husband STATEMENT the queue are things which a man Edward Miller Inez Thomiw Lizzie Collins GeorgeSatteilthwaite Read Lingo and Blair's full-page cannot well undertake for himself, and father and our former neighbor Saloma Miller Alice Gons Clement Satterthwaite ad on another page. They are going Earliest Shutts '\ and with its abanaonment'the main and friend, Paul Stokes Lowell Thomas Albert Wilson Ethel Satterthwaite to have one of their famous Bakes Of ownership. management, of th.e objection to aelf-ahaving will have Burnet Butterworth Clement Hamer Marybelle Hamer from October 28th to November 2nd. Miami Gazette: PersonaJlyappeared CARD OF THANKS been obviated.. Mt. Holly Bertha Collins Rhodes Bunnell Go and witness the work done on before me, D L. Crane, who fIllYS he We dellire through the columns of Martin Marlatt Lena Marlatt I Examil1le the above report and see the Majestic Range. is the editor and publisher of the ; FAIT8 THAT ARE OF RECORD. your paper to thank the friends and Edna Dill Bertha Marlatt if you can help to make it better, •- Miami Gazette, of Wavnesville, I Yany long fasts undertaken vol- neighbors who so kindly lLBBisted us Jacob Marlatt It will appear at the end of each W. C. T. U NOTICE Ohio. 't in the death of our Jear husband school month during the year. The E. V. Barnhart, Notary Public 1Ulwily have beeD reported, but 1 and father Mr, George Miller, al90 Lowell Hill names of pupils who are neither The regular meeting of the W. C· 30th day of September, 1912. ia possible that longer ones, involun- to Brother Thompson - f or h'IS k'In d Harold Shutts James Snedaker absent nor tardy will be printt'd. T. U. will be held Friday afternoon, - _ .. taMly or enforced, may have DC- and consoling words and to the Prentice tinneY PearlOrndorf The schools having hi~hest enroll. O~tober 11th. at the home of Mn J. NOTlCE TO HUNTERS without being reported, as of sl'ogers who sanll so sweetly. MurreI Ti nney Joseph Sh u tts E .J anney· . curred shipwrecked mariners or entombed ment are Harmony Grove an d SuK'ar. We, the undersigned, positively minera.There are wellauthenticat!'3!e. and Children. Sprlq Branch , Grove• . ]l.owell Hill for Septemiter Mrs. Mabel Farr, Leader. forbid all hunting or trespassing - . has the beet- attendance record. upon our premises. The same will be eel cases of ~ons li~g thirty to FEDERATED WOMEN'S CLUBS Clara Berryhill Carl Dakin During' vacation Spring Branch LEGAL HOLIDAY - Nelson Brown Esther Curtis forty da~ WIthout aolld food, but strictly enforced: kin t S th·..4-w-odd I school house was painted, and a new Jas. Vandervoort ta • g wa er, ome ~HJ yean . The Federation of Women's Clubs I FranceaChenoweth·Gladys Roland floor was enstalled at Red Oak, thus The Waynesville National Bank Isaac Wilson Martin Gons ago Dr. Tanner. of Mmnesota will meet at Athens, Ohio, on October William Drake Harry Conner greatly improving these two build. will be closed Saturday. October Will Williams . full forty ~ye Wlihout food, but . 14, 16. 16 and 17. 1912. The New Lola Dakin Edna Lacy i . 12th. "Columbus Day." George Mills Seth Furnas Emily Crane .~t1~!n: ~o:.:! Century Club wJll prob&bly be repCoIIep Hili n~e same material used In out' J. O. Cartwright, Caahier. F. C Sawin £1.._ " • • of mec1ica1 ..... ..1. resellted by a deleaate from bere. CI k Sal' b Edm nd E Sprinc display was shown at the Wh b+ _ . b d Id yo. Minnie Satterthwaite ":~ .:'~.;: ........ tt~~ oThe n-ram is one replete with a.r 18 ury 0 v_... Lehan Fai d . ed .. In yru ave a a 00 .. Edwin S. Furnas Ula 'l'anner thougb greatly ... -. Le h H Leo Ev on ran recelV an awar" waot tbe belt medioioe .-. .. ' .£. .', ' . ill aood .thinK'S, and the entertainment lK 881 '.~ au of fiftee!il doll an, to be invested In 110 a. to oore it with III litUe delllY PIE SOCIAL .; ;', ~erei no : . : committee will show the deleptes a Gayle Evans HaZel Salilbury booka fOl~ the school libraries. ae poIlIible. Bere a Clruillst'S 18~ a ~ . wen K'ood time. ~thena irI mOlt beautl· Jam~ ~ Adria Cornell Are . you entered In the Greatj.Pio,IOO ; lCl have Bold Cbambe,There will-be a Pie Social at Mt. ' f.t. thethebo~tbirtim~et,ha... fully ~tdted ,In, aoutheMtern . Ohio. Mabel Salisbury Wheat ODntest! Get an application laio e UOIl~JiI a.m"dy for fifteen jteil4m~t; d i_ ~t.. f ' tb I:\bi " U . 0 D..J__ -' yean" DYS Eooa Loll'u of Sardoga. Holly M. E. church next.,. Saturd.&¥ .t.fjill~; ll.liilrfl:~· cUa · ~ .'lb. · an ,... WJe ·. .to ·; ev .9 .. mve~ I'IIIIIH'JIII' " ~fillitout, ·IUi forboyabetwe-ln lad 'and CoDsider U the 'be8toa evening. October 12th. Evel'JhckI, :.i~~ll¥:lr;:~~; " •.~~;;;1;7i~='"~"r.";;"'~~'~ ' EqerJia WhltaketjeniUe WUUl' twelve 1U2d twenty· one. tbe ~~rket. It ror sale by all deal- Is cordially invit", . . ' '. 11 ,ullt. pa~)Bowar.Wb1tabr~Wbitaker en. .-.~~---~---.

_ ...... .......-...........-. .. . . . _ _ ••••





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The Miami Gazette IBl.ANCHING D. L CRANE , Publish e r. W A YNES V lLLE .

c u:nhu't! on ' 1!11I 7~

C" 1.t:lllH



PAS S ING O F STEAM ENGINES. Til e p r ac t lcnl 6UCC"SS wblc h h ll8 r ,, ~ lov.·ed t he us e or t be Int,' rnlll combusti on engine In Inrf;o ~ h lp~ &""lIlS tn tlpO!l1 til!' bl'glnnlul'; or tllll .. 11I.I o r Ii tE'91ll " l'ss ~I ~. HI'C,'lltl y lb o:> hpa d or n c ompn ny (1\\ !lIng nlill opI' r;\llng mo r e t han 70 Nt(,:ltu \"l ' s~, ' ls anl",ul1ced th a t h is cOll1pany woulLl Ile\'l' r nga ln LJ\l l ld Il ship ,dth "t .. am r,s Ih,' motive DO ..... · e r . Th" ad' ulltag-t's or t he Inlcr n ul nro

Ill !l ny .


Several Methods May Be Utilized According to Quantit~ Grown, Varieties and Conditions of Culture-Best Quality Obtained By Banking the Plants With Earth


n gr,' oIt \J1'r c, ' IlL or tho c n·

ergy or lb"


'rhpy nre (,COllonl -

Senl In op <' )·nll"ll. A H Oli O mnu ex· l'r (' " s~ <l It, n il )OU hnvc to Llo !s t o IStnrt t hil th ing ulld th l' 1l t <' ad .. news· paper. Tbo (u(' l can Ilt' con" !l len t· Iy carril' d. no s toi<prs nro r equ ire d. a ud lnstrad at tbl~ "Ilglllr" b ~C OOll nll o H'r lwn led In tropIca l cllmlltes. t rIal Ii f'OlS to s how t ha t t h e y wo rk beller th e bo tt e r the temperll t ure. T he Vrp s· ('n t d ll!lcull y see llls to be to g et a ll at a r easona bl e co s t. Gaso li ne bas b een r ising stead il y In p rl ce for so me ti me. T !Io 6U Pil ly o r crude a ll I ~ nn t li mi tl ess by a ny me an s, There r& m a in s. o f course. cle oatur e d al co hol. Blanching celery by the use 01 board8. Bellt fer all the early varieite.. 'Which ca n be w ade rrom ve getable malt er . and It ma y In time b ~como (By L. :\\. Mo nt g om e ry. t 'o llegp of Ag' I I,l;trl!' bed ('o n dltlo n Is I'e ry easil y at· t11e g reat fu e l at l he world. H o w· rl c ulturp, Oh io Stalo Unlt',·r,;IIY .) I I( ( · t~d by low le ltl pe rat ure s, The lJl a n('hl ng of ce lerr Is liC om· I \ 'o mm o n (Ira ln t llo m uy lL l ~o lJ,' usc d ev c r th a t may boo It Is r easonably certain Ihat sh i p o wne r s d u rin g the pUs he d by ('"elud In g th e light from thP : wi t h goo<l n ' s1I118 I), pl aci ng Ii l ile uvIlCJo: t deca do will turn to l be Inte rn a l el e", lop in g leaf stal ks. T his prc " cats III;hl O\'E' r e ll c h p lan l. Il llowi ng Ih o leat eomb us llon eng luo to 601\'0 mUllY at t he fo r ma ti o n of t be g r l'e n co lorl ll g .. nds 10 eXlen d ol'pr th e to p oC t h e tile, matlc r an d Is co nducive to (Till l>. 1 1'11" '1 hIs 1O(,t hod Is s uitll lJle It t bo ce le ry '.helr dUtl c ulU os. de r sta ll,", I I~ ),;to WIl ill heels il llll wben Ih e we a t h· In t be hOlOe ga rd e n nny one at se v. 1 c r Is not lik e ly to get ho t a nd SUIlI'Y, A great many peo pl e, Cenrflll at the era l ' methods o r lJ l:lfI l' h ing may be UliI. 1 O rull1ury bro wn wru pplng pape r or ultimate swa mptng or t h Is c ounlry by Il ze d lIcc orlll n ~ to ti ll' q uan l!IY gr. ow n. / ne\\,s P:lpe r m ay be u~ed in mu c h the an InOux ot tor elgnc rs , lo o k o nly at ""riel les. a nd ('on <1 llioIl8 o r c ult ure. >;:,\1110 W:ly by dr:t wl ll g Ihe s Ie ms to· tbn stati s ti cs s ho wing arri vals or im' Fo r ce ler y pla n ted in r o ws nOl Itl ore g the r and wrap plllg the pupe r re~·· migrants. und rorgl' t thllt there IB n tlt un 3 ree t npa r t t he lJ lll neh ing llI ay ..eOu c nt lIde. Du r ing th e ft scal year be SlIl'ccss rull y Hcrom pll s he d by m en us 'w lli ch e nd ed with t lle monlh at J uu e ot Wi r e ('J'os s llcR. Th e bo tt o ms or tht" more than a milli o n IndIviduals from IJOa r ds s hou ld ha "e u slIflk l n t qu a n· fore ig n po rts landod In po rts or thl! tllY at l'an h Ihro wn as'dl1st Ihem to 'United Sta tes. Ot Lhese. how e ve r, fl x t h eIr positio n a OlI e ~ (! llI dc a ll li ght. 178,983 w e re classified ItS ml. 'l'. Js me lh ocl is pa r tic ul a rly npplkuble to th8 ea rl y. s o-ca lled scl r·b la n chl u!; Gra nts, whlcb fact r eveals th e num· \'arl e tles. If la r !;(' r. later vurlelies Ilre / b er of Immigrants as 838.L 72. says the g r o wn Ilnd su mc lf' n t ro o m has bee u alMilwaukee E veo ln g Wi sco ns in, Dt;t lo we d b etwee n th e r ows. th e lJest qu al· aga in s t thi s th e re was an offset. The Ity or cele r y will be olJla illf'd hy b an l(· ali en d CIJ&rture s from Am e rica:! porte In g Ihe pla nts wIth ea rth afte r th t'y tn the IIs cal yea r numbe re d 61 5.292, ha ve a tta Ine d some s l20 un<l t hc wa rm· of whom 282,030 were nOll ' Immigrants. e r wealhe r h as pa s sed. Firs t. go o ve r To Ilnd tho exte,l lt of th e Immigrant t he plan ts a nd d raw tbe Slell1S Into a addition to the popula tion in tho c ompac t clump w ll h th e l a ntl and Common drain tile can be ulled for blanchIng celery. ,Year 1911-12 It Is u ecessary to sub- dra w liP m oIs t e a rt h firml y a bo ut tract the 222.2G2 re prese nting Imml· th e m. 'L'hls will h old t he s te ms in place SCi tb a t upoo s ull seq ue nt ucl rl i· so nall ly tl g bt a bout the bunch and srants who de pa rted rrom the 838,· ti o ns at eartlt non e wi li get illlo Ihe tyIn g lo osel y. 172 r e pres entin g Immigra nts wbo ar· h enrt of th e pl a nt 10 di scolo r It o r : eel!'r y th at Is to b e placBrI in storX'Jved. The result ShOW8 the gain In cau se It t o rot. Additiona l enrlh mill' I age will k ee p b etter If allowe d to de»opulallon by Immigratio n during tile be d ra wn u. p aJ!;a lns t the pla n ts 8R t hcy \ ve lo p oUl s l<l e wilhout a ny blanohing, ,.ear to havo bee n (01,863, Which Is Inc r e use In b olg ht. If d esired , ce ll' ry . Take up th e plants . in the late fall 1I0t alarmlog. 50 tre a ted . m a y be all o wed to r e mai n b efore hard frosts occ ur. wltb a QuaD, where g rown untll wan te d for use . tlty of e arth 00 'th e rools and set rath· The TOlrboOlanlac is oae whose prln· Arter sev e r e tros ts. and as eolc! weath · cr close ly In a cool plll<. e wbere th~. elpal e lfort Is not to mak e speeches e r nppron l' he s, cove r ov er 'th e tops , light may be exc luded. A little wale:r but to rerraln from making them. Ho wl t b lea ve s or s traw a nd th e n wl Lh S ho~ld be appli ed to tbe rootB, but feela the obse ssion u on blm and eanh If se"'ere rreezes a rc antl c irtatell. aVOid ge tt ing any on the leaves . p , I Gr ee n c e le ry will be unluJnr e d lJy Provide fo r ve ntilation. but exclude often fighte it. but in vain, says the (Ju lte s e ver e tros ts, but wh e n In th e fr osty t e ml,eratur os and light. N e w York Post. Sooner or later the flood ", of talk wl ' l burst rorth In spite of him. A I· 'Ill': French de puty once explaIned the Impulse to our au· thor Is a "lJbysical pecesslty." He had no d esire to spe uk, no real r ea· eon · for speaking; but tbe words rose to his lips aod he could not keep them back..





Wom en are not breaking into farm· tng In a way to caus e a boom 10 tbe J)rlce ot abandon ed farm lands. \Jut the y are . according to sca ttered reportp, taking a ~r y at farming. and. acoordlng to tbe same r eport. they are -il s nc rally waking n s uccess of It. Generally tbe woman who tak es to tarm lng goe s In for som e thing faddy -and mul,os It pay. On e of lh o In al'lt'in g thIn gs In ilro 1B th e po pul a r ity of youth. Or perhaps It may he tt cr b o ca llt- d the aim of eve r yLJo d y t o lwe I' yo u II 1':. Old a go bus lost o ut to th e wn dern ILl !'a, fay . JI)II !:!!. \\'h o nowad ay, "L'eB old OIV II or old wOIIIP n ? ~oJ "n wh o ha ir f\ cI' n· tury ago wo uiLl hu ,' " . ll" f' n eha ra c·tcr· h f' d II ' "o \ ~ jcl,en wit h ),lIa l' s " ar e g ay old \to )'3 loLl ay . !Iud 11 0;11, II bal'c ~ o ma ti t" r c " tli l' a rt 01' pe r pe tlla l youth that It lo k, ·s a l' i ~L: on c to \lIck o ut th o grund, uo t hf: ru. - - -- A 1:1~n In ~11I1n E' a po IiH comp la ine d to

t llr.

]Jail n ll}at lll s pig ll t· I·OOlll bf'C ll ~tOI') I~, I I)~ vln g no tra ce or lis Il ll l! r l':l bo uts. 1 he n p- xt thin ;:; 11:1t'l, ;a l's wi ll lJ e runn ing o rr in tb " o'. kltce of th o ul b ht willi s ky· sc ra per s. 110u ~(:


Now ho rses Ilr!' 1.0 have Illl.1lv ldnal drinkin g ~lIj1 S. If th o slallda nl or drh:~! n g In to be ra tsed am o ng work· lUll an Imals, a n dforl mI g h t b l! made , . . " t h i III ' t.o 110 t. IIU sa me " It I t e ute ge nco and hUDl a nlt at drl\·ers. y Far away in MIlan. Italy, they are to donbt wlJC tI:er po ll e r is a gambling Cllme . Let tbos e doubte rs play with almost a ny good Am e rican. and they ,..111 6001: d ecide tll e matte r. especially at tbey run up against a straight fiUBh 'WIth a w easly (our aces. A Denver prellcher Inllsta tlJat It la .. 110 to kill • Dy or break an elf'. Sttll, ~e don't believe kUllo, 1Ilel .or .....1lJn' eggs II as bad at .weartll. ~ . ~ Coif ball , Oil SUSd~.


Althougb th e crops of t h is season I uucb:mged. Th e heavy rain s of wintel' hlll' ll no , bC'c u c nl irl' ly h a rt' es ted th e and s priug are a pt to wa s h a large par·t fo r esig illed fa rm " r has h t>r u thiuklllg of the m awa y . Till s c an not hnppen It a uoul Lhose of n ext yea r . In ord er t o I l h e y ha" e bee n us ed by growlDg I'~ ille n la l'~f't c r o p. h e <l e~l rcs to ha ve pl a nt s. In th e s prI ng. when the partly· . . , g rown cro p is plow ed und e r. tbe uitrc>bl S 501 1 a Uttl o 111 01"0 feflllC', a Uti 1.0 I:C l1 a gain become s avallable tor nelOt I lh iS e ud h us heen cOll si cl, :r il1 g Ih e seas on 's c!rop. ",tl ue of fI CO \'e r cro p " nd Itti effect A st'c o nd be nefit from the use of I upo n th n ~ojl. ('ove r c rop s are ju ~t co ve r r ro ps s houlll uot be overlooked. wb a t th e na m e ind ic ;\l cs; i. c .. c ro ~I ': ' Wh e n pl o we d nnd e r In Lhe spring COIl. It sod \{) cove l' tb ,' I ~ ltd dtll" ill g t il e wlu · i sid era lJ lc organi c matter is added to le r. We a r c ht'g llt lliug to rc aliz e thn t the soil. In k e eplog up soli fertllltll, I,; no t d es irable to h a ve tJl ~ ~ s oil ba r p Lhos o Ille u who have mude a thorougll dur ing tb e tlonn n nt pp. r iorJ of tli ll year. slully of L~e walle r · Quite generally S 'I ' ' n . d I b 1 I a grcc that tt Is esse ntial to have some 01 S . lr~ In u ence . not o u y y ti e r III le ri a l ' Il th s II Ii I I tI 1 're<J un ent rJur lng th o "ro wi ng pe rio d a . l e o WI CIS ac ve y . b , d <"!cn ytng. It, is not enough to simply but th e e ff ect of ona yca r's ope ratilll1S .. . hav e it lbol e , but It must be rotting. are otten tel t the uext s easo n. SOil C lover sods, manure nod green cropa, fe rtili t y Is qui te large ly d e pe nde nt such as partly·grown rye, lIuJlPly suell upoa bac lerial actioo. All throu g b th e ma teria l. Its decay brin,s about ben· gro win g seUBon bac teria. ha ve been e llc ia l chnriges In the plant food of bu s y cail si ng de cay and by the proce s s the 8011. . The adoPt!on ' of a good rotation rfl" of oltrification cha nging the nitrogen ot the soil to nltra tell: Th ese nitrates duees the n ecessity for a cover crUll, DS the Boll Is then occupied mOl" Glf are then used by plahta IlS tood·. Bac· the time with vegetation. If corn folteria stay at their work late In the 10'1'1'8 corn, or It in othel' waye the COZI. fall. and do not entirely stop until the dltlon nrlses that the 8011' Js to bii bar. lIoll Is frozen. Where lhe young wheat during the tall and winter, It Is well, t,o or grass In growing the nitrates arB' consider the advantage , of ,UIIIDs>. tAken up by th'e roots and used by the cover crop. . , plants; where the groun'd Is bal'6 and .. . ' , " A. BACHTE""u4 . , contains LO pian.t. root. -to absorb tile. College of,Arrlcultui.. Ohh State Uat' DltralCle, they inust 'r.II1~ln,ln the ioU ' ;rerliiJ.r. .











LAMB OF GOD _ Practical Fashions _



The Savior as the Scriptures Have Revealed Him to the Eyes of His Followers.


N th e gall e ry o r tbe gos p el th o s lG ut o nln g Lam\) ts ono o r the I11l1ny s trikin g' po rtralls at th e Son (,I (loll, \\' 0 r end In the Old Testo. m ent t ba t Idall e. wllo WIlS tb e ' t YIl<? o r th e race. W l\ S s a v od by a lomb Ab rnhu n ~ Raying. ":\I y son . God will pr ovide h lmse lr a hun b." The plnce of tlte slIcr lfice II'!lB Jlllllle d J eho\·nh· J ir h- lll,· Lo rd will p ro vid e. " ltill lll h tells li S th ll t Chri s t \\' Il brollf;h l us a la mh 10 t he sl allgh te r. '1'1 " , J e ws Ilu tll'rs toorl beller tbun w(' do whll t J o hn t h o Un ptlet m ea nt wh{'n Ill! IlI t r odIH'o('U J e~ ll s . c xclltlm lng. "Be· hold th e Lamb of Ood. wbl cb tllltetb a wu)' tb e s ln 8 of t he wo rld." All Is· nle l kn e w thut. for Ott eell hundrod yoars evo ry 1ll 0 rnin~ Ilt olne o·clock. and every a rl er noo n a t t hr ee o·clock. a lamb had bee n 811 C I'lth' I'll o n th o al· tar ot t.h tem pI... (or the Sl11 5 of tbe peo ple. nnd \lO W Ihn t the Gr eat MesIIlah bad co m o t o b e sac rlfl ced on oo ro r ni l. he ' was m o st truly called " The Lamh o f Go d." w ho offe red bim· s e lf wi thou l s pot or blemis h tor the alns of m a nklud. Paul sllid. " For even Christ. our Pas sove r. 18 sa c rlll ced for us ." me an· Ing that th e pus clli lamb WIIS a type of J es lIs . T he aposll e J ohn. wbo was the only ono who r ecorded l he beauU· rul wo rd s "Dehold the Lamb of God.' Is most assail ed by the skepti cS. c hie f Iy b ecnu lle hl8 entlre gos pel Dlnle'8 prominent th e d e lty of Christ and the e ffi cacy of th e blood at the Lamb at Calvary, All b elievers In Christ dellght In John 's g osp<?l. n ot only on ac count of ItB slmpll clty 'n nd Its matChless POl" lra yal of tho Savio r. but b ecau s .· John. lbe belov ed di SCiple. was th e o n ly one so near to Jesu s that he leaned on his bosom at the lost suppe r; th e o nly one of tbe tw e l ve who w a t ch ed w llh Christ In his cruc Ifixion a llony. ,vho h eard hJs dyin g words, receiylu g Ius tender reQu llst to ca re ror tho m oth er of Jesus. John Was the only apostle who was last nt the crO SB and first at the sepulchre. the only one to wbom Jesus appeared after his as· oonslon, who. surviving ali the other apostles. was favored with a vi s ion of the glorl eB at th e e te rnal world before his translation. Not only In the gospel of John, but In his epistle s . and 10 the Dook or Revelations, Jesus Is pictured as the Divine Lamb at Gofl, wbose precious blood cleanses trom all sin. Arter John, on th e Isle of Patmos. heard ence more the voice at hlB blesl!llld Master. saying . "I am he that liveth and was deud. and behold 1 am nllve CONyer more. Write what the Spirit sayeth to Lbe churchell." John looked, and beheld. and 10. "In the midst of the thron e stood a lamb, as It had been slain, and he Cilmll and took the book. and the elders fell down before the Lamb, and sung a new song. suylng, 'Thou art wortby to take the book and to open the seals thereof; for tbou wast slain and hath redeem ed us to God. by tby blood out of every kindred and tongue and na· tlon." John Bunyan said that the above pas8ages ftrst convinced him of the deity ot Cllrlst. Well tbey might, for the Lamb of God ls the only ono In heaven or In earth found worthy to open the book of rewllrd and punishment, worthy to become the en· throned Judge of the universe. Non() but the Creator and Redeemer at men could be thus described. Christ also has opened the book we call tbe Dible, !lending messa"es to tbe millions of earth, charging his apostleB to proclaim . his saving power, His heavenly bome, rewardB and l'8trlbutlooB to


Turning Under Rye Grown as a Cover Crop-Thill Work Should Be Done Early In the Season.



The Lamb at God attained hili ex· alted throne through sacrlnce, and his followers enter the holiest plaoo through his blood. having waBhed ;!lelr robes and made th(!m white In the blood at the Lamb. We are tol~ thnt John saw no temple therein; rol' t!Je Lord God Almighty and the Lamb Ilre the temple of It. The Toly Trln· h". makes every plaoo worshlptul. "The city had no need of the sun, tor the glory of God did cnlighten It and ~.he Lamb Is the light thereof." John (ound true the words at his Lord "!"hen he Bald, "I aID the light ot the "OfOrld," as well 8S the declarntion, "I am tbe bread or lite." "for the Lamb, wblch la In the midst of the throne, sball teed tbem." The Lamb of God thus becomes a most familiar phruse In the last book ot the Bible nnd Is Identical eyery. where with Almighty God , For It Is the throne of God and at the Lamb, not the throne of God and a snlnt. a martyr or ao arclJangel, J~SUB Is the Lamb that died. The marks of redemption are upoll him and will be the badge or his I:lory through eternity. ." He Is clothed In vellture dIpped In blood." He Is tho great Conqueror; he has met all the enemies who made war with the Lamb, and tho Lamb overcame them. His church has been gOing forth conQuering and to conqner; "and' th who overcame by the blood of the Lamb" have Joined tbe armlel of the eklell under the reign at, their al. mighty l{!ng. "On hl •. head are man,. crown8, on biB thigh a nlme wrftteD -r.h e Word of God/" . • Oh, wondrous .~ne When II brated the perfect of t..mb! of , Calury. . "81r>li!·,n1:)).Ir•• ..U!&t; bath, br.eath -,"'~ UIlJ'&~, ,,'UI. l ll;9I~ GOd 9f Hoata.tor a recIlee~ned unllleJt'Ie.

".....a.y.. ·B4wha 'W1a1tUer QaI• •.u.;







ARRESTING FLIGHT OF T1MI! German 8clentllta Advlee the E.;lntt of ' Ellg Sheila by Tho.e Who Ap preach Old Ag ..

Two Gennanl, deep thln~Pro­ felloTl Emmerich and Loewft-4ltate . that eggl IIhe111 eatoD mcre. .e the power of resllltLnce Iiainat "the withering blight ot time," add weicht to the body. activity to the brain an4 Itrength to the henrt; ,thnt the,. deIItroy Injurlou8 bl1cllll, prevoot tnltaJllo Illation and dls elUlo IUId lend coural_ and eoergy. Tbls remInd. me, Phil· Ip Hale writes In the Boaton Herald. ot the preparation advertllled In LoDdon thIrty or more yean ago u ,.. movlnl aupertluoul hair, bolnl an ex.celle nt Bubslltute for table b.v~"r, none senulnll unle u s(nmpod ~/(h. blade, Eus tu.ce Miles. t ho Blngll,b court tenni s l>lay cr nnd vegetarIan. eays h e htld an old nurse who U88ct I to eat eg g I! h e ll s nnd crunch them joyfully betw()c n tho t ee th that bappened to m eet, and she s ahl she ate the Ihellll becaus o th E'Y "shand the ball' olf lOBI d e of th e throat." 'rhe dlacOT' ery of the Go rman Iicleotl8t 111 psculiarly welcome ' to dwe ller. by the ocean, tor It I, a w ell kno wn t.a ot tha& It you do not break egg Ihe1l8 th_ wltcbeD will put out to Dell In them to This charming track 18 one at the wreck Tesse ls. and If you burn the very easi e8t to make. nnd thi s I>olnt IIhell. the h e na will ee&lll to lay. will doubtl ess appelll to tho bU!lY Jrurthermore. all eggll are DOW ab.u~ Olothor. It closell at the lort !lIdo or Iy hlgh-il,' en ca se tilli&-In the nelgJl,. , the trant, and the pattern prbvldes l borhood It S8e m' a plty tD 1V8.Ilt.e ~ for n gulmpe whIch Is s e parate. Th e part of them. square neck Is out!lned with Ii \Janrl -------of lasertlon. with which tho abort sl eeves are also tr1mme4. Any want· ed wash tab ric may bo us ed for de- Ihdlgnant Frenchman Had 80me velopment. Fault to Find With POlltmaat41r, The pattern (6918) III cut 10 elzes and Said So. 6 to 13 yeare. Medlu m size will reQuire 2~ yards at 26 Inch material A Frenchman with a name IIl10UeG for dress and 1 ~ yards of lDliert!on. a la Pnrll Ilnd pronounced lomethln. and I % yards of 27 Inch sood8 tor !lice Ca~hoo hlld neve r learned to gulmVD. reatl or write. but he mnnaged to dl. 1\115e the fact pro tt7 well untU ' be -Pa~~rt~r~ur:tl!!:!~tr.l\ moved to a n e w community where the nnd ~drelU pl.t n ly nod be" a ure to give nnme wal not common. G61ng to the .lae. and uumber o f pa. tt ern. P06tomce one morning be Inquired: "Got II.n1 mall tor Joe C~chooT" "What'B the n llme?" lnqllired the SIZE: . • ••• •••• •••• •• • • NO 5918. clerk.. NAME .. ..... _ . . .... . ....... . . . . . . ... .. " e ll·choo. Joe aa~hoo." "How do yo I Fpell It?" TOWN ................. _ •••••• .• • , •• • •••• "Can't you a p 'U Joe Ca·chooT" STREET AND NO... ... ... . _ ..•••• • .••. " No." M id the clerk, "I never hear4 It before." STATE . . ... . •. . . .•• . _..... . . .. .... . ... .. .. The n the dlllg1l s t at the Fronchman. whlcb had been conlltantly Ji81na. boiled over and he .norted : "W ell. If you can't s pell. why don't LADY'S DRESS. you lieU your old po!ltofilco to 10m.. one that can?"


Potterle. Pro.perln" The output or the pottery Indllstriee of the United Slates had a value of '3 4.618,660 10 1911, accordtnl to tlIe United States geolo,lcal lIune, chart of cluy products production. by etau.. compil e d 'hy J e fTe rson Middletown.. 'fhe pottery colle ction ror 1911 'WIle «reat er thlln for 1910. when the ou~ • put wus va lue d at $33,7M,678, the lD- I crease belag ,i33,882. Ot the total production. Oblo was ~rst, wIth aa . output valued at $14.776.266; New Jet'I9Y second, with $8,401,941; Welt Vu-. Iinta third, with $Z .880,20B; New Yorll tourth, with $2.178 .31>"; Penuylvanla fifth, with $2.156.817, and Indlau Itxth. with $1,004,737. The output of no other atate had a value In u~ of a mlillon dollars. LIke Muahroom.. AI they emerged from the II11bwa" station the y conrronted by II clant 6k),8crBper rlelng Into the btu.., "Whnt building Is that?" Iho uked. Dot being an hobltuo of the dowDtoW1ll district. "I don't know," he repllecli She looked at blm In Burprlse, thi. Quarter of New York being his 4alJr localo. ··No," he InSisted weaJ'lly. "i don't know. It .... &Bn·t there ,.uterday,"-New York Pre8t1. Thoughtful WI'e. "Think I'll go to the ball pme to4ay," "All right. II there a tolephone a' the grounda. . "There's one there. Whyr "It tho bome team 101les; 1 want you t(l telcphono me. so that I can tall. HBre Is Bomethlor: dellghttully chlo the cblldren and so over to mother. and up to tbe minute In Btyle fea' unW ,.ou get your temper baok.." ture8. Tbe dress closes at the fwnt · Why He b",.rowed, and can be made with or without the RAnd then Nero uad Romll lIet allre undersleeves and bas three-piece aklrt In every Quarter." with Qounce. The model IB attrae· "Alas, how terrlblel" murmured littlvely trimmed with ribbon nnd haB tle Moritz. wIth an cxpres61tlD of 8ucll wide sash belt wtlb fringed ends. deep,aogulsh that hill teacher .Ilteet Silk, pongee or mohaIr UUlY be used why It affected him so much. • to excellent a.dvantage. "Why," said !Aorltz; "JU8t thlhk o' The pattern (5909) Is cut In sIzes the poor Insurnnt.. compania.I"... 32 to 42 Inches bU8t measure. Me- Fllegendo Hlaetter. dium sIze will require 614 yards ot 36· Wasted ~nergy, Inch material. 27A1 yards ot narrow Nimrod (Just back trom ftl!h1DC) ribbon, 3';4 yardB of rIbbon for sash and 2 yards of luce edging, Width of -I got this string In leBl Uum aD hour. lower edge Is 21Ao yards. Nimrod's Wlee Wlfe-Jl'here'e a ~.11 To procure thte pattrrn, "enlt 10 cent. to etore nearer than thnt, John. -Pottern Dep a rtment" of tht. v a per. ' Write nllt1\c Clod Gd dreeu pl .. lnly.. and be OllIe to Illy. .i.e, and I'lumber of p a ttern.

NO 5909.

Elza ....•.•••••••• _••

NAME .. ............ _................. __ •

TOy."N .•••••••.•••..•••••... . •...•••••• _. STREET AND NO .................... _.

BTATE .......... ..... . . .................. .

The Army of ' C~ns~pation

L Gro"..lotr,-Small"r E...1'7





Breeding for Profit It Is Necessary to Curtail All Unnecessary Expense-Birds With Vigorou s Constitutions Required -for Breeding.

Pig eo ns Il ro


wh e re ve r DlIl !1 of 111' civilized world. Th is bird hilS bee n u l!cd for e por tln g Il lId for food fo r mnny h undreds of y ~u l·G . Th e r u a ro el ~ " e n re cogll ize d dltltl nct bree ds nn d th e "nrl e t)' or tb es e bree d ~ Is I.Illll os t endl pss . The re Is a grent dl ffer<!nc e of opinIon am ong br pdcrs aB to th o bes t va· rl et!.(> s for equa b mlHl ng for th o mark et. The Home r pro babl y s t"nd R at t he h ead of tb e list. anil Ih e ro a re large plants III the t ;n lted SlIHlll! thl1t mI se 11 0 ot he r k Ind . T III ·n th''''e uro Ilu" e ra l c r08seB bet\\" on t h" Home r and other broe ds , nod each varl e t )' 1I 1.1B Its admIrer s . • P erba ps toda y th e white li ome rs Ilrc In grealer de mnnd thun IIny oth er breed . A roc k pIgeo n s hou ld be B!'l oc tod for his I!ctl vlty nn d gootl di s pos ition . If h e st nlt s about a good d en l 'Illd IH continuall y c oo l n ~ he wi ll gl·nP TlllIy m n k!! Il goo d b r €'lJd e r. The bird th llt I. " tuplrl, 81u ggls h or negligent In t he cu re of his plulllag e or viciou s In hI s II ctl ons toward otilPr b lrdK s hou ld ne ve r b(, 8(' lecl l,li . A hlrd th ut Is Tl'lat c d t o Its run te o r brl'u rrom blood re in t I V"8 s hn u Id I.... ' · .. r II .. II sNI for b ~rrp dln g !,ur p08l's . Hlrd R wlt li vi goro us co ns titution s Hrf' np("f' RSa ry for SIJ CCf'SSfill mur lll' t hrpe,lIn g : 111 1 III ' breerllnJ: 18 rilL'l l to tlil H de vf" lopnJ pn t. Hefo re buying hr("'edprs. th' bpgln· n e r s h ould hav e h is lof ts In r p:t rllll C'SB. 11"5 tiel his foo t III lillY pa rt

,. ..

.;• .1. "';. . ,: .• ~~"" ,', ,",


'.:;,. '






". «-

',~ .



t he dusty r eco rds of tbe great maritime world 'a moy um ents t he brie f entry of th e missi ng yawl Pandora will r ead like thi s : "Pandora; yawl. P erth. Aus tralIa. Captains Blytbe and Arapakls. F rom New York for London , July Not reported ."- ?JarltllIl e

:20. 1911. ,Mlscel. Tho words she no Inti mation of rthe mystery, or p e rhaps tragedy, 'which lies behind th e m. Only to iIlOme bronze d sk ip pe r who knows the 'North Atluntlc In all h er moods will th eir m eaning be clear . Thos e two words are a ll the world ;})as Ume to g ive to tb e fight of Lw n 'bra ve men against the un conquered .lItrength of the sea. a ga in st starva· ;tIon and thirst. against the w inds land the storms and leo nnd unbearable heat. In so me cases "not reo ;lIorte d" teUII m erely the s tory of a ,schooner lost tbrougb carel ellsn ess, but In the cnse at th e little Pandora .and he r b rave skippe rs a yolume 'mlght be written of th ei r adventures. Tbell"1l Is the story of the call of Ithe s ea, the song to which tbelr tiars !bad b een trained for gene rations and ·to which they listene d once too ofte n . 'Threi! yean havo pRssed IIlncll tbey "h!!ard It th e last tIme. an d more 'than a yeQr ago the Pandllra le ft 'New York harbor for London arter 'her thrilling voyage. trom Australia. 'She has nev er been seen s ince she ,dropped past the pilot's boat. No ~e88el passing In · or out of New York ,or SPY othe r NCJrth Atlantic port hall 'ever sighted the sturdy little yawl. :Now she has b ecome B part of that ~Yllterlous fleet of which tbe Fl,lng 'DUtchman Is tho ftagshlp and w!llch . I"haa the Sargas80 lea as Its place of ;gathering. Tbe Itory of Capt. Samuel Blythe .and Capt. Peter Arapakls Is one or ·two men wbo saw more than the ,8pray In a breaking WBve. 1'0 them !(he .ea but m e ant lite and liberty. :fr~dom of action and thougbt. and ,for years they made It play Its p:ut. 'Then the waves rose and dema.nded ,theIr du!'!, .and the Pandora. with her slrJpperl. wu the taU. The Pandorn wal 36 teet long nnd Qr generoue beam for her length. Her Illeet WaB stocky and dwarfed and her l1 ll4tnmaBt the sIze of n d e rrlclt boom. !Her lalll-1lbe had three lotll-were 'Of the beat grade of heavy naval can"nU. and aB for Interior fittings. she thad nODe other than demanded by abIllolute necessity. The Pandora wall :1Iot for pleallure .ave In an Inverted tllenlle. $e was to lall around the 'World. but- her owners also Int(lnded Ito make certain nautical observations 'which they boped would be of value Ito the world. 80. one line day three yean . ago "'he latled out ot Perth harbor, /provilloned tor a four months' cruise and with'. two men on board who had 1lJlln"ered to the call ot the sea, The lPandora waa bound for Cape Hom: !but ahe was to call at severnl Soutb IAmerican porta for frellh lIupplle8. The voyage acros. the Paclfto was uneventful. fair wlnall . and a calm Ilea 'Was' prevaUlng all the way. Along the ChJllan coallt they put Into two hal'/bon for food and water and u each 'd ay paued their admlratloq tor the little Pandora grew. for .he wu prov!Ins "orthy with enl'7 new emel'-

aeney. So tar the lea had permltte(! the ~ndlsnlty of two men In a thlrty-.tlt foot boat 'and had left them un.m~ ilHt8c1. b'ut iqllt ' atter the,.1 set out to • ••

round th e Horn It rose In majestic In- away. All nl K,ht tb e Pandora tossed dl g natlon and begau to refute tbelr In Ih o st.o r m. but s h e cam e through on top and \\"OS worlw d In to port un· ~h eor l ea. So g reat h od bee n H It we re not fot t h e unmIstakable de r b e r JU I' Y Bu il s Igns whI ch such an experl euce would the forc e of th o I! to r m tbat long IItrlpe bave left on tbe yaw l tb e tale of Cnp- of tb e coppe r s hee llng wblch covered ta ln Arapakls could bardl y bave been h er bu ll bnrl b e ~n torn awa y. Perb a ps be lieved. But tbe de nts wblch tb e tbls fact accounts for h er late r loss. compass box hnd made on tb e cabin With a n ew mas t an d an oth er se t of roof and the Bcar on Capta In Arapa- salls t h e Pandora mad e h e r way 10 kl s' head were enough proof without New York a nd sh o reac h ed Quaran· t h e photogTapba ot the Pandora after lin e more than two yea rs a fte r she the storm. le rt P erth . She loo lled like Borne sor t The Pandora ran Into bad weather or a dej ecte d mongrel wb e n I we nt on two daya atte r s h e s tarted around the hoard her a s s he ,lay at the Atlantic Horn and before she had passed "the Yacbt Club anchnrage. but her CBPe ntrance to the Straits of Magellan. talns were proud and spellt s e vernl There was a wind of a bout sIxty hours telli ng o f th ei r IILU e yawl's pe rm lJ es velocity and It had, during e f{Jrmnnces und e r the most trying course of an afternoon blown conditions. waves from I lxty to seventy teet In Ca ptain Arapakls wile of Gree k de. h e ight. TowDrd evening the wInd scent. but bow far back It was he s udd enly veered com pl etely around . could n ot te ll. He was not an un· with the resul t that the top of each Im aginati ve satlor. for bls talks about wave waR blown back and fold ed bls li fe and his boa t we re full of phil . over. much after the manner In osophles th at come only to a man which a cook would treat a piece of who h as s pe nt solitary m on ths at dougb out of which he Intend ed to sea. The littl e cabin of tb e Pandora make a Parker House roll. The little ne d R numbe r of books. such aa Pa.ndora was trying to liv e out tbe one woul d hardly expect to 1!ee In s tQrm und er a try·sall and sea anchor s uch a place . T h e re were Darwin. alld WIUI succeeding la IHl r usual man- Spence r . two ,' olum es of J1alzac, the n c r . much to tho g ratificatIon of he r Ilea tales of Kiplin g and Kingsley. de81gners and builde rs. when the sail Ca ptai n Blytb e was mo r e t he u Gual Willi (:arrled away by a gust a n d the k edge anchor went by t be board . It type of stolid Drltl s h me rchant skIpwas the third they bad lost during per who always ta llIe d with one e ye cocked to the weather snd bls otb er the afternoon. As 800n as the restraInt at tbe sea restlng wltb a pleased ex preslon on anchor was IItted tbe Pandora swung some pet lin e of tbe Pandora. While Into the trough of one greut wave. tbe Pandora was In New York one ot Up and up she climber! on the waU of the Gre ek societi es gave to each of water until It grew thin and weak at the men a medal. Two weeks In New York was the top and was folded back by the wind. The wave broke jU1lt above enough ror them. Th ey had boped to tbe yawl and crll.hed back. carrylng take the Pandora out of wllter and repair the torn copper b1.al1 sheathing, the little vellllel with It. Then the Pandora turned complete- but the weather was so fine and the ly over lind tor a space of twe nty sec- winds 80 even that they decided to ondll eve rything In her cabin. Includ- get under WilY for London. On Jul, 20. 1911. they hoist ed Ball and ltarted. Ing her skippers. relted on the root. That Is as tnr as the story goes. By the law of precedfmt she IIhould have lunk like a cannon .ball. but the Three months later CaptaIn Blythe'. Pandora wall not built along tholle brother. J.' Forbes B1ytbe. of Covenlines. 8he righted herself and lived, try, England , wrote a letter to tbe but her main mast had been IlDapped cUlltom bouBe In New York Bsklng Ihort and all of ber riggIng, with the for Inlormatlon about the Pandora and exception ot the JUry mast, Will acting Baying the 11 ttle vessel had never rea!I Q flail M It foUowed along In the ported In any Encllsh or Continental trough. It wa. half an hour of hard port. No Information could be giveD work before the foul rlgKine WB.II cut to hIm.

Years Devoted to Sleep

1' hc pa rt itions be tw ee n th o lo fts n re or bourds or Of wlm ne ttin g. Ill! may be prcfe J"r" d . Th e re ~ h oul tl IJ" doorl! lI'a dl ng f ro m oue loft to Ih" u tll e r w ltb n ests up th e bnl' k IIIlLl II I'o un ll th o aides ns rar ns t h e doors pe r mit. A wind ow [lUll gocs a c rO ~H U S I':lCP. OUI)half th e wid t h o f th tl fr o nt or tho bo use and wld o In pro po rti o n s hou ld be mad e In front - an d It Rhou ld be ke pt c lean. not, 1I 1lo too llIany t hat we scI' , Il ll o \\"c d to be o bscured by d lls t 111111 Ill th until o nly a dim Jlght can Jl ·ne tru te th e In s id e . All avIar y or fl y o f ",Irc> o ut Ride I. lI e<:()ss nry to th o compl e llo n o f th l! ao-

Pigeon House an d Yards .

com liloda tlon !! fOI" t he pig co na t hat Ilro to Ill' 1[(' I)l IJ y th l' bn' l'd "r . The lIy " holllll h l! lur,,"1" thlln t hu loft Itse lr. J t ~ h () ul ( 1 bn the sa n II,' lw lg ht Ill. th e hflu8l' and tw l(" n Il~ long Thllt Is. n li o \l ~ " u f whi ch the IJQu rd part I. t en f.. t'l ''''rUHS In fro nt ~h o uld ha \"0 the wIn' lIy t wp nt y fel"t lo ng . .II s ill gl .., lo ft wll h 11 wlro lI y cnll be mild .· "(' I'Y ~ l ll\lJ l y A 8u ccp~" lon of four lof t!! wou ld lIlukn 1\ bu ild lllg fo rty f .. "t 10ll g a nd tw(' lvc fee t wld ll. With . BU h 1\ lo rt th e win' lI y .. hould e xtond NESTING SHELVES I\CrOA~ tb e front II\) UB hlp, h aa t ho roor IIlld about twl co 1.\8 dee p I\ S th e house proper ; tbat Is, for II bou ao of fOllr 1~ xI-Z )( roo ll1s o f th e SII m e de pth [18 t h e ono ~ ~ \1~~ "Bt e d, th e wire s h ou ld be tw ollt y ~ t -+ }. to tW"nty·four f('ot wId e a c ru ~s th e NESTS ~ who l.. fr on t of th e buI lding. loJ The n e" ta fo r t ho p igpon s ure ar~ _I-ZxU. r ~ng (] a lollg th e back and " Id e wall s. Th p), ~ h o llid run from tw c h 'e In c hcs fro m t h e Ooor to withIn th e sn mo diR' ta nco fro m th o roo r. an d be a IIIt1e mnro tha n threo fef' t wi de , s o liS to dl. \" !de th o bflc k spRce of te n feet Iltto three eq ua l part s . 110 careful not to ov e rcrowd. as It ruq ulres s kill to hand le a Ifl l"go Ilu mb e r of plgeuns In OUB Intt! rlor of PIgeon HOUGe. lo ft s ucceHsfu ll y. Each compa rtm e nt s hould b e fix e d It.. position fuc lng south Is nl waYA b es t , ns t h e n tbe Inte rior wil l be fl ond e d In s uch II way that O fl tj e n d can bo wltb sunsh ln o a ll h ours ot th e duy. dl.l rk en d . a nd th o ntlst should bo 'l nd eve r)' corne r will be pe nPlrat e d p lace d at t his ~Ide . It wIll bH found bes t to uae lhe with II gbt and so k e pt rlllrlO ed and tb e bIrds will be In the best. possl bl o eOIl ' ear tlwlI IIpst P U Il M that ca n b o bO ll ght fro m d ,'nlurs III pi geo n suppli eR, Dnd dillon. As a ge ne ral th ing . a Rln g le·s tory th es" sl lo uld be slI ppli ed material Hko hous e Is be st. wltb th e fl oor on o foot s havin gs , pill e n eed ieR. etc., silch a8 or more from th e ground . Th e ho us e would be su itabl e ro r th e bh'd a t o rest should ha \'e a pit ch root. with the upon . \\"b e n breedIng for p rofi t It Is ver y hl gh or s ide for th e trout. W indows ehonld be made In front only. UB all n ece~ Sl\ry to curta il a ll uno ecesBary the available space at th e back a nd !! xp e n ~" . A buildIng such IlS th nt d e· Bides wlll be need od tor th e n e sts . sc ribe d Cll n be IlUt u)J of plain match ed The loft can be mad e large r o r small· bon rd B lit tl,e lo west cost Iloss ibl e. It er, as space and other circumstances more mon el' Is spen t on tb e buildIng Itse lf It may be pape red Ilnd clll!>" dIrect. A proportion which has almost boa rded, wh ich migh t bo beUer In s eccome to be the .tanClard among tbos e tion s wh e re th e win te rs a r o extre mely who breed p\geon R for squafJ raIsIng s e ver e . Th o cost of good Hom er s from Is nine feet In fron t with a drop to II r ellu ble deal er Is $2 .00 pe r paIr. and three te·o t to tb e back and about t e n It does not pay to get poor stock. feet wIde Inlllde; the d ept h may be ECOIIOml7.p. In your buildIng and gen· lomewhat greater than th o width . A eral eq ui pment If nec6s8a ry , but get successl,o n of theso lofts mill' be bullt good birds If you want to be Bu re ot u the busIness progre sses, or tb ey proOta ble re sults. nn d he Bure that they are properly matcd. may be put up at the same tIme.


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FREE ADVICE TO SICK WOMEN Thousands Have Been Helped By Conunon Sense Suggestions. . Women .-uft'erlng from any tonn of , . male ill. are invited to communicate promptly with t b e woman'sprivate corr. .pondenC8 department of the Lydia E. Pinkham Me d I c i n e Co. • Lynn. Mas.. Your lettor will be opened. read and an a ~ ered by a woman and held In ItrlC' confidence. A woman can freely talk of he r private I1I nesll to a wom811; thUll hu b een established a confidential corr.spondence w b i c b b as extended over mllny years and which b&ll n ever been broken.. N eve r bave they published a testimonial or used a letter without the written consent or the writer, and never bas the Company allowed these confidential le ttel'll to get out of th eir posses8lon. os the hundreds of thouaanda of them Ia their flIea wiU attest. Ont of th e vaal volomll of 81rperlenoe which th ey have to draw from. It i8 more than po8JJible that th ey possess the very knowledge n eeded in your caSIl. NothIng i. 8.8ked in return except your good will. and th eir advice b.a8 h elped tholllandt. Surely any womllD. rich or poor. . h uld be glad to t a k e odvBlJtage of thla generoUl offer of &ssislanr.e . Address Lydia E- Pinkbam Medicine Co.• (confidential) Lyn.n.

SUDDEN CHANGES IN 'SOME ADVANTAGES OIF CROP ROTATION FEED DISTURBS HOGS Whole Supply of Soil Food Util- Going From Old to New Com Quickly Disarranges DigesIzed and Organic Matter tive Organs. Maintained.


Ad~alltagee connected wltb the adoll" Sudd en chlUlges from old to new Romarkably Larg. Part Man'a Life- his office. A woman of 70, even Simtime Spent In More or L ... 'flom disturb tbe hog's digestiv e ap· ple In her dres8. has taken seven yean tlon of rotation are : Happy Slumber. 1. The wbole rood supply of lb e paratus aud mllke him subject to tlls· In clothing herselt. can be utlll.ed . Tbls Is not possible ease, e ve n if th ey do not cuuse It. A man and a woman who bave "The daYII of our lives are threewhen only one crop Is grown, for Gree n corn fed wltb tbe o ld corn. IIcore yeara and ten." lings the Psalm- reache d the allotted span of life wUJ some crops feed only In t h e surface e iTecU[lg th e chauge gradually . III very Ist and the man or 'woman who at- have used 600 paJrB of boots between loll leaving sto~es of food doe per In be neflclal . coo lin g the hog and tUl' lal~1I that age Bpends JearB at his life tbem. -400 dresses and 600 hau.-Loll- the' soil untouch ed . . nlshln g an appetizer. It may bo at don Answera. In doIng what are regarded aa com· 2 The amount or valunblo orgl\nl c this tim e the hogs will noglect tha mon, daJly adloDB. matter In the soli can be malntalnod old corn tr their teeth and gums h nve Ganlul and MarrIage. The average penon of 70 haa IIpent and enm In creased . hee n Bore on accou nt or Its hardn css; "The married lite of a genIus II usu. no ' fllwer than 23 yean of his life In 8. Tbe froe nitrogen oC th e air can It so . Roak It. A stalk of co m r e r bed, Rssumlng that hi. ntchUy .Ieep aJly unhapPY-ilo Is that of his wife." be made ulle of. hog. even wh on th e co rn Is In silk, The speakor was MIss Helen Gould. had been eight houri throughout ltfe .. Is good practice. IlR at thl. tlm A tho C. Insec t. fungua and weod pes ts can s tal k contaln8 most or th e nourish. Most people apend about· fltteen mln- whir-apropos at ber reported IIlIn!!flng men t (hnt will go Into tho ear. By utell a day over the care of their taetl:\, rebuke to the Colorado parson who be dest.royed or controlled . ~ . Provillion can be mad e for the eCO- the tim e hogs c easo e ating tho leav es The sbptuacenartona have thUIl Bpent wished to banish old malds-wlUl disnOlDl cn.l distribution of labor th rough· and stnlk, the ear may he snapped almost a rear tn tblll way. . cUBlllng marriage In ceneral. "To be the wlte or a genlull II bad." out the year. How lone bllve they .pent at u.ble' for th um. S ucb prc pnratory feedlnc The rotation suitable for the wbeat Is speclally bene Hcla l wb e ro corn has Allow hal[ an hour for each meal. and Ihe Bald. "'but to be tbe husband ot the anS"Ner I••Ix ,8&n. Tbe)"" eat on OUII I. worse. At a musicale I heard a fanner 18 oue In wblch wheat Is grown to be bogs ed down later, n practice alterna tely wltb a fodd er crop, say s which orten has mu c h to recomm end &Il a ... etaJe one loat of bread a day . In lady say: "' 'Who Is that mlln with the .ott- Rural Homes. ThIs Implies wheat lit If th e area Is not so large as to aJall their life thr.e mU •• ot loaves have vowing combIned with stock rai s in g. low the anlmnla to waste tho field. been couumed. IIUPpo.LnC that the tat.- bOllomed Bhlrt and WlndlJOr tler .. 'He Is the busband of the wonder· On .mull holdIngs In most dletrlcts of tel' &H put end to end. lllcludto!!f tea. LocatIng Turkeys. ooffee uu! mUt. 1100 barrel. of liquid ful contralto. Viva voce,' ber companion %() Incbes rainfall and OT er , this maY be 10 nrranged dlhat a crop Is grown anlwered. I put bells on the old turkeYII and have been accounted for. .. .y ..... ald the other. 'but wbo WIllI each year. Such a pl&n . however. hIlS nnd the m a A;reat h e lp In dlscovorlng __·TIle .oIIice man 'or 70 ball put ID ·ftve the dlilladvantage of . entailing that the birds, 119 the tinkle shows the diyM In .walk1nc to the .taUon and to he betore his marr:lagef'aOMe e,f the land be prepared In great rection to look and the brtght metal haate Um __ and pOIslbly at an uMultable II eallly leen, .aJII a wrIter In an eXwhere you melt a coat or Iblrt that I. change. It II a groat help to find put together. )'ou will Ilt U.. them when turned on the range. WO Millet Hay 11'1" Hor.... !!fO atter them every nIght about four A weltern IIlI:perlment .tatlon found o 'clock until they learn to come home. that mmet C\1t ju.t before It matured wh!ch they ' wl1\ In one or two week ... and .ed exelu.lyel, u coane fodder Tbol bellI are nine cents apIece. for bone~ cauted ' lamenelll, Iwelllng of jv1nte and::1lottenlng of bone structBenefltl of MachIne 011. ure- In ' few It rellult~d tatal' Remell\ber that one ot the greatelt 17. ; 'OD ' other lUUid: tbere a... ooonomlel ' to be practiced U the ju. . . ted at _~ .4lo~o~, . ulle< of , ~c~tne 0!l. It Ugh~-~,;;:GI!)ndl1tl~'Ii)~d any 'QlIan· eo Jat»or IUlCl ~-. t.M ~.s JtU ~ . w - . .' f'ariIi'loolii. .. , I ~,":,.';"',,L.-:-'::;"'--",,, eJlecta. . ' .-




M~kihg Yo~



Mau. Evcr.,. womaD oug ht to ba .... Lydia E. Pinkham's 80-pag. Text Book. It is not a book for Ircneral dlBtrlbution, as It III too expensive. It I. free and only obtainable by mall. Write fo~

It today.

THOUGHT HE KNEW THE SIGNS "oe d Darky Cou ld Se" NothIng to His Paosenller Except a Man In1ltltutlng LodgeL Bah Hull. the champIon story tener of Savannah, h a d occasIon lately to take a bus Iness trip Into Inte rior Georgill. He took his golf clubs with him. Intending to Btop on bls way for a m atc h on the famous !lnu at Auguste. H e dropped off tbe train at hili bus iness dep Unlltion- a sml.lll town on " branch ro a d- and carrying Ills IUI~ gage climbe d Into an an.clent h ack and. bade th e drIver. wbo waR an old n eg ro man. take him to the local hot el. The n egro eyed ths Queer-Iooklns y ello,,, leather bag that his paBsenr;er carri ed w ith the peculiar lookl nc llicks In It. H is curios ity got the best of blm nnslly. "n06S." be began. "pleas... luh. 'scua e me-but mout 1 ax you a QU". tlon?" "Go ab ba ~ and allle." said Mr. HaIL "Wh ut kInd of a lodge Is you In.~ ·tutln'!"-SllturoIlY EvenLng Post.. Groping, NWolat III 1011158 Hammerah tryInc to play on the plano r" .. 'In tbe Shadow.' '' "I thought IIbe .eemed to be havo Ing some dlfficultJ In tlndlne the rich' key . ... Sweeping 8tatement. "Scrlblsts Is golne to Quit belol a prell8 bumorlsL"' "DId h e t e ll you that r' "No. bllt h e 8ald hs was not going to write any more jokes about mother. In-law. bald-headod mea, women'. hats, IntoxIcated hus bandl and tamllJ' tlchta." A Paradoxloal Ballot. "1 sbould think tbe women tn tho new suffrage .tate. strik e one obstacle." "Whnt III tbat?" "How enn the matrons of a part7 cast their malden vote?"


Even Whan the Fact. About Coffee are Plain.

It III curloUII how people win refuae to believe what one can clearly lIee. Tell lhe avo rage man or womlln tha~ the Blow but cumulative polsonoua effect or catreln&-the alkal oid In tea and cotree-tends to ",'eak en tbe hean. upse t the nervous syatem and IndI gest Ion. and tbey may lauch at you If tb ey don 't know the tactl. Provo It by aclence or by proctlcal demonstratloo I:l tbe recove rY of cottee drlnkel"1l trom the above condltlonll, and a Inree p er cent of the human family 10111\ IIhrug theIr Ihoulde~ take lome drugll aDd-keep on drln. Ing coffee or tea.. "Coffee never aveed with 1111 DCII' with lIeveral member. of our !lOUIebold ." wrltel a Iidy. NIt enenat... d~preillell and creatH a teeJlnc of lan~or .nd heavinul. It wa. onl., bJ leaving off coffee and ulln, POitU. that WI 1l1icovered the caUie and ..... out of thele m.. . "The only rea.oll, 1 &Ill ...... wh,. J'OItum I. not olSd ·altopther to tlae exclu810n of ordln&r1 ooff.. II. 1DaJl7 , perlonl do Slot know aDd 40 Jlot·. . . . will In, to leal'll the facta, and laow t. prepare thl. DutriUoUi ,ev.,.... The...•• 0111, OIl!, war--ccordlliJ to dlrecUoua-boU It full,. 11 mlnut-. Thell It la de1lclou •." . po.tum CO .• ·BaW. Cree..

the little boolr. "TIl. ftlIe." .lD -rJ1l.e rt... ·la,l'!. . . .::--


.~" II

\ .


• .....




............................. ""' ...........

IDII't llr "r ~UrJI llliiaullo l:3uTIlh A IIl1d Dall iol Cli nt.on Dn . . ,"", "t tl C" II , frnlllr 1£. H'lrr.II, Estolltl \'I. A.,pl1OBlillu o.dunh l tnll(l tl I v "'" Hllrn>lI, Lnoh'tlft C. Holzlin uTll1 F ' ~plt Ut for l lin IlIlru l ~ "i\J u (If )i Llru O,' urt!ll H I) ~.I1u to ('; oo rgll .1. durrell, H I II III \ U , l lH!IlIlA II ~ .:! r"~ II nd ~ roods III 8 'd eDl t,OWUI~ tut.e of i-:lizllbf'th Fl. ~ ni l,h shi p \) 1l~1I1 E! rlll,iuo uaii r ·"t I\nd till'll 6('O(l\1l1t filed . Fl oI'. M. Va u B oru o to Willitlm R.O!\I\ L. Bt'rr~h i ll, IIUflli!ll~trnlrix \{ NIl'ely tlnd AO!ltl Nioalv. Lot in " , the salnt,1I (I f ~;l l l. lIlJ e th H OUlltb, ~'rnnhlin . CODside r l\ l io n 1100 •. "\letlsed . Ph'l ot.lfi' V:4 . J(I~lathl\lI C L Ro uerhlOu by exeos t \lr to ~ . uitb Imd H"sa I~ BOrl'j'hill ::ill I" Approved linn elmtirrne(1. Proooed<l Lll o rl\ S, Hootl.I(I. lludi ': e4 aalf " .l)uoting to U~Cl O ordered ui<l- iutere Rt in r elll et!tnte in Lebanon. In 1'!l'0


- ..


H('re is a Vacuum Cleaner that looks like a carpet sweeper and runs like a carpet ilWPeper, yet is a powerful vacuum cleaner. As i't rolls across the room it l1ucks up a strong blast of air through the carpet bringing every particle out of the texture without taking up the carpet. What is more it has such a strong suction that it act ually pulls the dust of the floor up through the carpet.. Think of it! No more taking up of carpets, Just run the easy running ball bearing Domestic Vacuum Cleaner over them every day or ' so and ~ 'Jur carpets are as fresh and clean 811 new every day in the year. and the colors are always bright and fresh. The Domestic is the patepted ballbearing roller nozzle, It rolle over the carpet and does not drag and wear out the carpel as imitations do.

Price $16. Hoze Noztle At· tachment $4.50 extra.

. ED~~~ v ~H~RW.QOD, Sole Agent; 't'.











. " ',







Big Administrator's Sale Opens Wednesday, Oc!:...!!

The store with the reputation of having only 1 he very hil{hest class merchandisl', th e $150.000 Stoc k must be suld in this Big Administrator's Sale. BOY8 and Children for this FaU and winter. Must be sold In short tIme. a short time in order to settie the estate .




(jJ1,~at lIdministttatolt's Sal~ I t om t'U" t '"Iy " " Y"" to 1$150 000.00 WOrth 0' ,he h'. . . .' " ... cto''"''', p .....heomt' hundreds of milcs to ' InK Coods. Hata and Cape. tror YounK Men.

.. -----



Wednesday. October 16, 1912





C o n ~i, l p rnt.inll $ 1 ~05




tluuted E.tate of Mury J<: BoltlU , do ~eal Estale Transfers O8I\sed, fioal D.CCl1llut tiled. Al ex Box.well and 11 . 1:3. Conovor ID the matter of th e . state of to Mllry H. E l d'ld~ e, lot on Millmi .1 ,lJn Bowers. deOeM!ed. Dawu Il venue in Frllaklin. COI1!!1deration BowerM a}>poilltell IIdminilrfatrix JC~ ' O a ivi . , bond in the 8um of $4100 . Harry M . tiherwood JellliD If . Edwllrd Hil l,adminlstrAtor of the Bnrlon, N. E. Lupton, lot in Way . .. tate of Milry .boeml,ker, deoeased . g e ~ville $ l O. I\lld other oonslderuPIoLintiff VI!, Ge orgia Bill, et al . . titlns. " . ))efendBa ts. Hen. I estate described N IS Lup\oo to II M. ~herwood III petitioo orderecl tlpp rlllised by the fintl .1 . W . Burton part (f Engll~h o'iths of <i.orae ,vI c..-ill , Chllrl es E5qnflre in tho town of \Vaynellvllle. Wi tt and Al vllo tlill and thllt 11 Ot and other conliclerl\tions, proceedi ngs be returned for 0 0.ADnl' M. R )berlson to Lanr/\ • . f ormatton. Ioioofieltl . Tho undivided half in A . M. Le",i!!. Ildlllinlsh'ut.or pla.ln· terlls' in relll flst"te in LebaDon. t :tJ ...s. Lottie SlUltll . e' aI, defend Uonsideratlon 11805. 'lotS. PrlH,te lillie approvlld and Melaena W. Ross to Lee Mallon " ,} ofirmetl ao(1 proceed, orl1ered lUlU Ullte Mason, two lots in Millon . distributed. H 00 and other 0:losidera'lon8. rhe ellt·.t.e llf E!tmnor White, deFiMll.n King to t)umuel .impson , r ·uoo. Inventory !l nu I\ pprai8e· lot I. .Ridgeville. ~onslder80tion went flied. 'l'b" estate of Oornella Hopkins Marriage Licenses d n.oea8.d, P r oof or pllbllMtlon IInu Frank Sohnoll, 19. farmer and " ' Itloe of appointwAnt flied, 'l'he estat.e or John Keller, de . Mi8s Mattie Jones, 19, both of Level. c·)ued , rlrat and floal IIccouat Rev . A. J, KestJe . Ii 'nd . Willla'm U. Collins, .1, farmer The e8ta.t.e of J . O. Be.nett., de- anil Ilisl Nettle Watkin8, II, both ceased, Third IIcooun' filed . of Bntier vi [\e. Rev. A . J . Ke3tle The eltaSe of Ablllh 1:5. Wilk erson, RU81ell \J. Wolfe. 14. farmer of Clarksville and Mi RB .. ary E Baker. deceased. Fifth Ilceount filed The e.tat. of Benjamin Wee ... , 2~, of Morrow . Rev . C, P. Ballard . deceased. Proof of publication and Warren Kenriok. 27, oement fln . 1I0t}oe of the appointment of aoy Isher.r Dayton And MI8S Bessie L. A. Weeks, administrator, flied. Reeder .a, of Waynes ville, ReT. In the matter of the estate of ' A J, Kestle, ~unda1 D Mon.,mnker, U , Mlea Zald Simpson, deceased. Nellie .Impson appointed admlnistra'rix wlLn ot Middletown and Miell Flor giving bond I~ thlt sum of IUOO. 6110e M. Barkrader, 10, of . In re eettlemeat of claim of Nellie Rev. David Compbell . tll . . .on 118 Ildmlmstrlltrlx of the - -$100 R.eward, $100 ellta~ of Zilid Simpson, decease I n. A. J_ Sheurer doing business al the The readel's of this ~per ",m be lI.rrow Plloklng Uowp~ny. A.· ,1eaRed to lear.n that there ill at thority :ranted to settl!! a cillim for least one dreBded dl86ase tlaat. !'olenoe baR been able to .ure in all damales against A, J . ~heurer, las stages. and that is LJuto.rrh. In 'he matter .f the estate of aall's Catarrh Cure i8 tile only Eltzalt.'h Ann lIatfield . Will od posi ti Vi oure Rew kno\\'n the medical mlt,t-ed ... probate, William C. fraternity. Catarrh being a oon, st.ltutlonal diaeliosH. requires a oon_ !hUleld ftlcepts 'he truBt as Exeou· stituti.nal tr.atment. Hall'8 ()&_ tor &1Ting bond III the s.m of tarrh Uure is taken internally, act log dlreotly UPOIl the blood and '10.000. The ea~te of John ' B. Welsh, de muoons surfaces of tbe system, there'Dy delitroylQ, tbe fonndation 0'.11841. Proof of publioatlon and of tbe disease. Bnd giving the noU.e of the uppolntment of Frank patient strength by t.uildinR up the E. Bunnell BI administrdor flied , constitution and assit(ting nature In The estate of John E. Kibbey. de doin~ Its work. 'fhe proprietors oaned. Proof of . publioa,lon and have 10 much hUb In Itll ourative powers tllllt they offer One Hundre!l .0$108 of appolntme.' filed. Do\lan for any oaae that it fail s to rhe e8tat. of Na,oleon B. An· oure Send for list, of testimontl1l!! thony. decea8ed. l!'irst and final Addrels F. J . Cheney & Uo . Toledo 0 Sold by all Druggists. Tlo. 8cooun$ filed . Take .all's Family Pi.ffii for oon· The estate of An.a Leonard, d. stipaUon c.,aRed, Final aooount filed , The eltate of Warren .f. nnd A NEAR-HONOR. Dorothy M. Miller, mi.ors. Firet aoooon& flied by luardlan . til bet you never rode in an autoIn re'8ettlemeatof claim of Nellie mobile." SImp80n as adminislrlltrix of the "N 0, but one knocked down m, es&;ate of Zat. Simpson. deceased V !I . A. J. ~heurer 118 The Morrow Paok . brother once." .... Ing Co, 1"60. O' amount received !:liok headache is cnused b., a disen olalm agalne' A. ~ . She.rer ap ordered stomaoh. Take Cham berportioned among the beaefioiaries. lain '/I 'fablets and correot that Rnd I. the maUer of the cuardl.n. thll heacaobea will dlsappoar , For ship of Thomas McUormlok. an 6ale by all dealers. I


114 & 116 S. Main Street



b!'lIr l n~ .


'D ~"n~

r Ia '·




Probal~ (;()urt \ ~\Ieg.a imbecile. Lida Cunning· •. UIlI t tpr 0 t '• fine W • r t t'l y . lllou fi led "'I)1iClltion for appol nt•,n t'u(l .1 I d ", ' ul t.' nt of II ~lIl1rdilln c f Thomas Mo· • '1' IlC,,(·I00 O l'uClE'l Illit II I " ", IIlI A • . . ~ ,nlll l c it Ootobor 1I0t tixed for J '~I'II. ul fnr III., , "IIDI!'~I LI U .,t .1!lo A ,







We were forced to take thousands of dollars worth of merchandise which had been con traded for

months a~o and manufactured expressly for the Willner Stores, consequently we now find ourselves with an enounous amount of merchandise on hand. and the estate mUtiit shortly be settled. THEREFORE WE ARE FORCED TO PUT ON A PONDEROUS SALE TO DISPOSE OF THIS ENORMOUS STOCK SOON. THE ENTIRE HIGH CLASS STOCK MUST BE TURNED INTO CASH I N A HURRy-it is hardly necessary for us to go into . detail s re lative to t he high·c1ass Merchandise the Willner Stofes have always <;urried , as you alway s know a Willner Suit Of Overcoat was the best th at mon cy cou ld buy. TIlE E~TIHE STOCK OF S I50,O()U.OU worth of Society Brand, Fechheimer-Fishe1 Co., L. Adler, Rochester makes. other High Grad makes of Clothes for men and young men, The IloyS' and Chil dren's Clothing- from J oseph Skolny and lvan Frank & Co Hats and l'ap s- frotll J ohn B . SIt'lsO Il mnd other High Grade makes. S tar Brand Shirts-Highest Class Sweater Coa ts. Underwea a nd Furnishing Goods of all desl'flpt iuns, representing t he world 's greatest manufacturers. This entire stock will be placed at the mercy of the pll blic and sold at RET:\ I I. , at PR IC ES never before oITered the people of this entire section of Ohio. A sale that will be the most ba!l1al io lt S blltl'hery of prices lI ll new up·to-date high-class Clothing ever heard of in all the merchandise history of this state .

Comc, ~ee and witncss with yo ur own eyes - a money,su\'ing Sule un par· ellelled in '-the history of n erchand isin g.

A statement of price-wrecking that is almost beyond the beIif'C of the human mind.

~~~ml;~~~!~~":. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16TH Building d08ed Monday, October 14, and Tuesday, October 15 to rearrange and mark down the enormous etock ,

A tIIoney ·saving Sale un parellelled in all Dayton's merchandise hi story , Values that no living heing ('ould expect to see quoted.



MEN'S SUITS Men's and Young Men'~ Suits, made by' Society Brand- L. Adler Rochester Make , the Fec hhei mer· Fi!lhel Co. and other HIGH tiRAV E Makes. Willn er's Best $10.00 Suits, Administrator's Sale Price Willner's Best 112,50 Suits. Administrator's Sale Price Willn er's Best $15.0n Suits. Administrator's Sale Price Willner's Best $17 50 Suits, Admini, trator's Sale Price Willner',; Best $20 .00 Suits, Administrator's Sale Price . Willner's Best $25 .00 Suits. Administrator's Sale Price Willner's Best $30,00 Suits. Administrator's Sale Price Willner's Best $35 00 Suits. Administrator'!I Sale PI'ice Willner's Best $40,00 Suits, Administrator's Sale Price •

SINCLE TROUSERS 1,000 Pairs Men 's and Y Men'. Pant'&, positively worth $2,00. Administrator's Sale Price All $250 values Administrator's Sale Price All $3.00 values Administrator's Sale Price All $4.00 values Administrator's Sale Price All $5.00 values Administrator's Sale Price All $6.00 and $7,00 values Administrator's Sale Price


8ge $1 • 19 1• 45 1• 95 2 • 45 2 • 9S

$4.95 6.4,5 8.45 9.95 11.45 12.95 Boys' and Children's 14.95 Suits and Overcoats 1 7.45 theThis department has always been known 88 most complete department of ita kind in 19 95 Istocked this entire section of the state at all times with the most exclusive line in this communit~.

MEN'S OVERCOATS The most beautiful stock of Men's and Young Men's Light, Medium and Winter Weight Dayton has ever seen, mostly all made by Society Brand. L. Adler Co, and the Fechheimer-Fishel Co. Willner's Best $10.00 Overcoat Administrator's Sale Price Willner's Best $12.50 Overcoat. Administrator's Sale Price Willner's Best $15.00 Overcoat Administrator's Sale Price Willner's Best $17.50 Overcoat. Administrator's Sale Price Willner's Best $20.00 Overcoat, Administrator's Sale Price Willner's Best $25.00 Overcoat. Administrator's Sale Price Willner's Best $30.00 Overcoat. Administrator's Sale Price Willner's Best $35.00 Overcoat. Administrator's stile Price Willner's Best $40.00 Overcoat Administrator's Sale Priee

$4.95 6.4,5 8.4,5 9.95 11.45 12.95 14.9.5 17.4,5 19.95

MEN'S CAPS 50c. Caps ........... ... ,................... ...... ....... 24c 75c. Caps ....... ... , ......................... .. ......... 37e :P1.00 Caps .... .............................. ' .. ...... ,49c *1.50 Caps" .... , .. ....... ... .......... . ~ ...., .... .. , .. 73c $2.00 Caps ...... .................................... ... 98c

Willner's Best $2.00 and $2.50 Suitt! and Overcoftts Administrator's Sale Price.. .... .... . ......... ......... • Willner's Best ~3 00 and $3.50 Suite and

$1 19

g:1;rWr~::. ,,~~,~~~i.~~:.':'~~~:.~..... 1.69

Willner'. Best $4.00 SuIts and Over-

pOr~~:· ~~~~~~~.t~~~~:s.~~~~ .... .. Willner's Best 15.00 Suit and Over-

.... 2.45 pOri!~ ...~~~~~~~~,~~~:~.~!~.......2.95 Willner's' Best $6.00 and $7.00 Suita and ~:I~rp~i!:: ... ~.~~~~~~~~~:,s. . ..3 .45 MEN'S HATS


3ge 6ge 8ge Men~~ H~:.~~~~~.~~.~.~~~'... .... ..... ,..... 4e Men's Handkerchiefs. hemstitched 7e fancy border. worth 16c Merr;, ~t~~,~~~~: . ~~~~,~...~:......... 1ge B88t::r~ .. ~~... ~~~~:.. ~~.~~~ ... ......... 29c Men~~:J~e~~~...~~ ..~~~.~ .. ",......... _7 C ~ed :~~eB~~~.~~~.~~~~~~.i~~~.....~~ ..... .... 4c 100 dozen Ties, worth 500, sale 18c price. at Mf'n's Silk Embroidered Sus12e penders, sale price Men's and Boys' Sweater Coats 3ge worth up to $1.00 ·AII $2.00 9Sc Sweater Coat8 All $2.50 $1.19 Sweater Coats All 18.00 $1.48 Sweater Coate All $3.50 and $4.00 $1.95 Sweater Coats 400 dozen Men's Negligee Shirts of the latest patterns. worth 76c 60 dozen Men'lI Shira. white and fancy patterns. worth $1.25, at Nea-Iigee Shirts. worth $1.50 and $2.00. our price


Men's all wool GI88lenberry Shirta and Drawers, worth $1.60. Admlnistrator'lI Sale Price Men'e Heavy fleece lined Shirtll and Drawers, best 76c quali ty

6ge 33c

The entire Hat stock goes in this sale, including JOHN B. SrETSON and other agency Hats.

6ge '95c $1.45 $1.95 2.45

All $1:00 and $1 .50 Hats Administrator's Sail! Price All $2.00 Hats Administrator's Sale Price All $3,00 Hats Administrator's Sale Price All t3 50 and $4,00 Hats Administrator's Sale Price Entire stock of John a. Stetson Hats. Admr.'s Sale Price Just think of buying a John B. Stetson hat at less than half price. .


Beeta~i~~ ~~~~.~~.~:.~.~l~~~......... 7c

19c 33

Boy.' and Children'. Knee Pante, all 8izee, worth 5Oc, at . Knee Pants, wortlr75c, at C Flannel Shirta, Workinc Clothes of all kindl at way lesa than half price. Entire stock of Dress . an~ Workin" Gloveo at less than Half Price.

It will positively pay you to come from all parts of the State to visit this great forced Adm'strators Sale. R.emember, there~are thousands of articles which space wlH not permit U8 to mention, whieh will be sold on the same basis as prices listed above.

A sale of marvel and truth such as bas never before ,been attempted by any firm in the entire State of Ohio ,


Positively Opens. Wednesday, October 16th



, '.

For the convenience of out of tcnm 8hoppe'; oQr.;'rcet:eh~~ -

payto~, O.

114 and 116

, .


FREE TRANSPORTATION Railroad aDd Traction Fares Rebated to all out-of. town cl,lStomers.

, ' r

ae~lce .• ad ~t roo* aie:ai~~J.








JO~ ~,~ •


... ...







~,----------------------------------------------------------------------------------~----~~~------------------------------~~~~~~ Whole Number 3180 Eixt y-Third Year WAYNESVILLE, OHIO, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 0, 1912

.. ~-------------~~~~~~~~~~~~-------.---~--------------------------------~~ 'HE MIAM1 GAZ ETTE Spri ng Valley


A!HII ( ~ UJ)S ' Y yrUR a U'Iyl 01l visi tor ~I '\I" STI( EE'J' Thnr du v ' . 1' 11' 1'; i\lr. "1)'\ ;"lrA T M I:l n rlr e ll vi .. lt· 11.1.1·; " '1 I. 1.i'.1·1I " , •.: ( '.\1 . 1. ,,10 ( n \l(l w Ind lll llU, lI'lIt. WHey ~ l hH1 j·:uua E1IIID I" ultll lu.llog J I. L. C I{ A !'.' I·; . Ed it or and Mana-gel' li oh uu l a t Aotl uoh MI~" M,jfie Bnrper I~ able to be out u~ni o. ({utes of SubRcrilltion


ll.UlI I

a:; lp

( " 111 ,\

"' t' c~ l(

. \1(,

fr ll 1U B I· .. t tlfl . \\ l H' tP ' " I''' W" 8

~'ul:ll~ o d

Ratcs of Ad vcrtising

(1 8

Ol1r SI1


I he


This is a great opportunity for every housewif~ to

I:l lll\pi til I

• , 0<1 111 1( 1.0...... . I" ' r 1111 0 .. ..... . .. ... be r,lr tl MoanH Wullon is ill wil.h · ' 111 111'1{ 1.01'"Is. I,I:/I'k fa<'c . (ler till e ... . l oe er""i pela. . Her daughter, ~,rB E, • ' :uudl1 ed .'d ~ . not hI 4-)x ('(locl " "n HIIU8 Th roo ilis ur L'to"s ........ . 11K' G. V,m Winkle kaH been speodlo g " hltullrl.".. lI\'u h,..l"," f n 'u : o vc r Ih" ~e vl\rnl dnys with llor. t. 11Ir:h.,.. I",r 1I110 ...... . . . . . .• . • 6<: Mr ~ . .lallle ~ Bo~ t, on Is vhlting rrl or tlmukti , . • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . lac • • , ,,I,,troUri . . .. . . . " . . .. . .. . . . .. .•. . . ~ u : re'nti VtlH i. Illclhl.nl1poli tl.


I ,


Mr . Whitaker lIod Miss Laura ! Alflxl1.dflr were IlIRrrie(l Mnnday I IH"" 'UUlllb I( inm Uti Cuulnu' L. nft.ern oon "t. I be hrldes borne. AHe r a wedding lIuppe. \bey left OeTctll E it 9. 1012. for a trip to Mexloo . They will be ' u\ borne tG \belr frieDds after Ooto· \ Harveysburg. dor ~fth AUfs'\ 1~r1w ,rd", "rtnr sevur"l Mrs. Jllooie Flnmmer is the gaee' '~aAk" villit RlIl ll ng frl lmll s hu s or relative!' ID IDdllloapoli8. ) .'tllrned 10 hit! hOIlHI In \,h e Buooy Mrs. P. A. AlexaDder and dautr b • /. olltb. tAr, Margaret left 1I~8t week for Mr . art LI Mr<!. Vf W . Weloh RrA WlIshlogt.on, to IlpeDd tbe .... Ioler . 1~I~il g rlonB ILncl n ep hews lit Iwith their SOl1, Cantwell aad wife. I'ort Dvt! ~ e, I... I Mr. U. W . Anabee leU Thursday Mr . lUlU MrS. Wllilam Orimp.s morning for a with relatiTes "ill w l1 ke '.hAlr "llIit IUlre Rhort and io IudlaDllpollR Rnd Raoooon. Ind. '; il1 I IJIi VO tor Ol1lif.rniu. Dear the MeRdamls D. "'Y. Anabee, Jllmel II1Iddle of Ihts montb . OshorDe, Ray .aRle aod Misl LllllaD Mr . !lnd Mrs ,los. Da"II, of Day AnRbee were shoppers in DaytoD, t d D, 8J.1eut. . • unday, the guestll of Tb ufsday . Mr. aod Mrs . •tout Ilnd daughter .r4rs. D!ll1 is ' mother, airs . MlLrgaret LAVioy . lell"it next week for Lei Angele., Mill. Ir ... Hartsook, of Day too, I. Cal., to matd that 'heir future Itere assisting 10 tile ml\1la.rY home . i1artm3n' ot the LevioV & .owe The Misses Reva and Irm" Stump IJry Ooods 8~ore for n few days. and Mr . and Mra . Wm. rullrerson 0ly1le La, ioy s pent vl1rt 01 Ius aUend~(1 the wedding of MI8S Hazel I week In OIaoinnl1tl baying good.. Chase and Mr . Harley AlIeD in l Rev Frioger filled the plllplt bere Xenia. Tburt!day e'9'eoiog. :::'; uodav I1t the M . • oburoh . Miss LeDa Barrett ball secured a ' The Barveysbur, Aid SOOIAty pORltioo 10 Rlke's Store In Dllvton . ! was entertal.ed at Mre. FraDk. MISII Loul"a Fulkersoo Is taklog . Uarteook's to " Tell IlI"ell by t,he the placit of Mr . Thomas Boydon Ifla' Fork Aid Mooitl ly. A very Rout·tJ 1 dorlng his vacatlGD and r.ojoyable tlmtl Willi b"t!, 1111 l)reseot Mr ' J . C. MaBon Is t.aklolt Mr . '['odd ~ peakiDg In ~Igh terms of their en. Walton's pllloe on !toute % during' te"laiDaea' : his Taoation . Mr. and Mrs . Philip Hawke Rnd Mr. aDd IIrs. II. Rea!'on are the danght.f\r visited over Sonday wl~h g uest.oi tbl'lr RonR In Dl1yton L'he Warren Couoty Sinday ber parent!l Mr and Mrs. • . M I-'chool Coovlm Ion met at the Flat Copsey. J ork Baptist ohuroh 8unday,00to. Mr. Lyman Trllman, of AtheDlO, ber'. • very IDterestiog pro,ram Al I It d Ith 1 t ' h W&II garrled out. a , • sew re a IVse ere. ' 1~ I.uLc . "I,,·ro churlte i H DluI' o .. .

, ,,Iuy Ad . urli.l lI/(


IlIdl. ..

1 6<:

. ..

I ""







A Log On The Track of tbe fa.' express weaDS serious trouble ah8lld If Dot removed, so tlO8ll lOBS of appetite . It meAn8 laok uf 'f1tality, 108s of streDgth aDd nerve weakDess. If appetite faUs, take Electrlo Bltteflll quiekly to · 'lveroome tbe oause 'y tonlDr up 1 he IItemaoh aDd ouring the iDdi,el' 1.ioa. »iobael Be.ehelmer of LtD· (JOID, Neb. , had beeD slok over three years, but 81x bottles of Electrlo BltterB pot hIm right OD his feet Illaln._ They.avehel~thoulll\Dda. ~hey give pure blood, 8troDg nervee, ' J!ood digeaUon: Only 50 oeDts at all urogltstll. .• - - -...~ --\ ONLY IN EFFECT. I

• -


. Ira8C1ole Wlfe (to hll8?8Dd).'You

. ..-.. Spring Branch


no match for me, Bll'. b d ( ee1d) If I t, US an m '! am DO 'my dear, why do you alw8ya want to .lIOl'atch meP . &l'e



h 1908 F. A. Cox of England be. his enthusiastio I. abors in behalf ,'.!811 ~ of the sadly iiI-treated ponies of the coal mines. The lot of these poor, Ilboaed little creatures has been a lIort of equine hell. Aa last there L __ be f th b 'U' C

..... en won or em If JlLr. ox and those who have been aesoeiated with him 'a bill securing the followin, provisions: (l) The numbering •,f every animol on descending the Abaft. (2) No animal to be en~ over or under __ certain age. \(8) Limitation of ~ura of ponial' 'Work. (4) A meal midwa~v between the allotted hours·ofwork. (IS) Suppl1 of water fo~ rrrery animal en· gaged. (6) Every driver to be liamaed and registered and the time

which he is in .charge of • BPllIIIIJIIea. . animaJ. to him.




e:u1lldlD&t~ an:lID.!UJoby,.:.ftlterlur'/

Mrs. Frant Go ok spent ~uelda1 with her parente Mr. aDd IIrs. Thomas Laoy and family. In NathaD AU8tiD and dau.hter Celestla do no' impron .. rapidlr aa tbelr frlendl woold like to lee tbem . Mrs. Emma Grubbl Will do... from Dayton a day or two lut week with r.elatlvee. Mr. aDd .rs. 'OhD Barkook eD ~_ ~-i ed .1d GAB.. d ...r_ D er eo. . re .. aD II. MoAdam., . .turday .Ight. .re. J, B. 04enoweth apent Tue8day wl\h Mrs. llary •. Sawas. Rebecca .oblit ... her I.n Mr . "'>Dt Boblt, aDd family It'rlciay al,ht mDd Saturday.

To the women who send in the best samples of homemade soap in which Banner Lye has been used we will award tho iollowine cuh prizes this month:

1st Prize $15.00 3rd Prize $ 5.00

2nd Prize $10.00 50 Prizes of $ LOO each

F ull directions for makin g soap are printed on every wrapper of Banner Ly e-every contestant has an equal chance of winning a prize. After you have made your soap, cut off a small piece, wrap it in th e Banner Lye wrapper, then in a piece of plain paper, on which write yo ur full name and address and mail to The Penn Chemical Works, Philadelphia, Pa. All packages must be received byus not l a t~rthan the last day of this month. Every contestant will be refunded lOe-the price of a can of Banner Lye-whether they win a pnze or not. Enler this great soap-maleing contelt now--it won't COlt you anythin g--you l1;et a can of lye free--you stand to win a calh prize.

The Greatest Soa,. Maker

LYE Ie the ifeatestloap maker on the marleet. It unites perfectly with fats and oib, malcin£ a soap that lathers freely, eats up dirt and I:;rease ilnd destroys germs. Banner Lye soap make. hard water soft, laves labGr and backaches. If you .re not Quite ready to boil your fat just now, rememberthere will be three separate contests-oneinSep!ember, one in Octoberand another in N ovem ber. Same amount of prize money will be given away ($80.00>each month. If you don't win in Septemberl try in October; if you don't win in the first two contests, try in November.



Enter the contu' 300n (U po.u'ible-if your dealer ctIIttIO' mpply you with Banll1er Lye, write


TilE PENN GIIEltfleAL WOR"S Philadelphia, Pa• -

Lytle!= UleDD Brook is ~DOW atteDding Jaoob'. Business College in Day'on . AlIII Ruth SmUll, of Dayton, iR VlllitlDIr her slater Mh, Leora

BARNHART. oltlBaturoay evening;to remiod her \ ~ Fortunes. in.Faces that her blrthdav ....BS near. A 'Wery There'll o['en muoh tru~h io the Notary Public pleallant eTenin, was eDjoyedby leaylng "her :faoe ;18 her ! .,rtone," bot Its never 8ald where pimples, aU. loe oream aad olike were 8klD ero,tionB. blotches, or other All kinds of Notary Work, PeulOD Work: .. ~peoialty. 8131ved to si.ty three gnest8. All blemishe8 disfigure It. Impure dltparted at a late hour wishlD, blood Is baok of them all, aDd BboWB "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mrs. Staoy many happy returns of thE! need of Dr. Kinl's New Life :. da Pills. They promo'e health aDd WALTER MCCLUBB. ' e y. ... _ • beanty. Try them. 2G ceDtB at all

Bergdan. Mn, J. B. JODeI and 10D Therle and Mre. A'Der Dill vis"ed near Bellbrook. t)prt118boro Wedll68day-at the-b f M d U J h Mill o . r, an _re. osep er. Mrs . John Edwardl, who has Mr. and loin. W. 1'. CI!LTk: !Lnd beeD very 110k wUh aoute IDdISoe. lira. W . •, Car.ony motored to tion, is meDdlDi Ilowly. LebanoD, on laturday. M•• a.d ~rll. JOlle Harris arrived hMrs. ed Chas. i Brellford hal pur· hoae "turdlo,. after 8peDIiDI a • as a aew p ano. lb. Daniel Surfaoe, of Wayne8. week with relatiyes ID BrowD ,rtlle, visited Ilis brother Alpha Mr, aDd M.r •. JOI.oa OhllDowe~h OOUDty. Hurfo.oe Ilnd family here, la!!t Slln .'ha~y:CheDowe'h, Mr. aDd Joseph MoOray aDd family , of (by. Dr. Bedioger and wife. of Kim· Mrs. Olarea08 .TIleDlpsoD, IIr. Uuy DaytoD, lpent ~.nda, with Mr. aDd Oheno ....e'h, . r. aDd IIrs. DaD Mra. Alber' Cornell. berly, Nevada, are visiting friende and family, Mrs. J. B. CheD. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Itaoy and at this place. Gweth oalled on Mr. aDd lira. W1I. daugh&er Rhea aDd Mr. and Mrs. I Mr Bod Mre Esom Earohart Ullm OheDoweth, Sundayaf&erDooD. Elmer Earnhar~ motored to Middle ( . . . - vl81te4 relative!! at tj,riogbGro, J~8t .Mr. aDd Mrs. FraDk DakiD eD \oWD SaDelay aDd took dinner WIth ·week . tertalned Mr. and Mrs. 8er'Marlatt William Lackey aDd family. Mrs . Lewis Raper weDt to Xenia and dao.Mer Leaa and Mr. aDd Mr. aDd lllra. O. 8. Lamb visited last 'rhursa~y evening aUe.,. Mrs. William Go.doD at 8uDday iD Bellbrook, Sonday. '~he weddiag of her niece Miss Hft~l M d'" H M G\ i dinner. r. aD ....r.. arry 0 nn II Cbase and Mr. Barley Allen. lIr. aDd Mrs. Thomas Lacy aDd aDd danah&er .LeODa .peDt Sunday Tbe first nuaber of the Leotare family had III tllelr guest theIr Ion with C1Uford . Mlxwell and family lUour8e will be gIven at the fOWD WilfreD Saturday nlgbtaDd SIlDday. at Middle &oa. HaU, Dext Moadav eVeRlng. Mr, aad Mrs. Olarenoe ThompllOD .The Lytle Sundly School was Harrv .Ibson and family moved SpeD' .'urday night aDd .0DUy dbllghtfally enters-tned on Thors- ioto the Sale bntldiD!J.ll11t Thora. with Mra. .I. B. Ohenoweth aDd day evcmlng a' the bea.tiful oouDtry day. ~ famlty. boms of Mr, alld Mrs. JOtIeph QnUe a plaaaaat surprise wal ~-. "'rank Smith and dan-h&erl TholDU, OD &olal Row. The even · I,nag 0" .. - ... IJ _ _r. aD d M r8. Albsr.~ aena and Joele en&ertalDed 11111 iDg "u spen' ID .sinIiDg · aDd sooial Kelllp, las' MondllY eveDiag, when wun" ••I18Y, tlr.turday Dlgh'. ohat, RefreehmellUi of pumpkin 'I evelal of their frleDds .alked ill lltea ADna lIeredUh oalled OD pte, IOftee and lemoude were at their home with well filled IItg Cetl,tla AUltID. saturday served. . Nateta . They will leave fOI lit. afternooa. . Ild.ey Ooon aDd family eDter Geor&e, Oa., .ext ruesday to speDd Mr. Thomaa ~. . ud daalh&er &0 tlaada7 diDuer 'he 'follow ,he comiDg win'er . Those prellent fiorenoe were tha pee" of ht. lOll toc' . . .,,: A1~ SheehaD aDd were Mr. aDd loin. OrJey .Petert\OD . &Det famil;" of aozanaa, JMODlSleehan aDd eoD Ray, IIr. 8nd .n. (.'hu. Mn. . 1Ir.. •04 rlmllJ', of WaYDee'fi11e, aud BreWord, lin. G. W. Ke~, 1111861 GU1' ', . '8 , QheiI. SheehaaJan4.famUy, o~ OeD. Doro'hy and Marpre' Crowl, MIA .. .... -Dow...h ".--lle. · . Maude Avey aDd IIr. JlLIIlee Crowl ~.I'J~D_ "'... •• ..,a-'IJ& Ine-llr. EdW'ial'd Zerk... The e.,8O. ·1IUtD . : aD4 'l.'be I... W&II pi_oUr apeDt til aGllo M


E. v.


druggl~ts .

__ ____--


UI4 . .'

Puneral Director.


Public Sale

TelephoDe day a. DiI1l'. vaney phoDe No, f. Loa!r Dla&aD08 No. 6~~.

I w1l1 oaer at Publlo Sale at my resldenoe, ODe-half mile north of Lytle, on the fara of W. C. BergdaU WAVNESVILLE, • OHIO (knowD as t.he J . M.I:Ullcy farm), on M d O t be 14 1912 Branch Office, Harve".b~, 0. on ay, c o r , . BegiDDiag at 10 o'olock a. m ., the following propersy : ~ head of borses, 8 head of oattle, 10 head of hoge, % tons bAled hay . 100 bale!! rye straw, y. of 40 aorel of corn iD field, whloh wl\l make 65 bushele, a bout 60 lIuBhels potatoes. "lirm implements, no e8g IDcuba~or 'M TH. wottLD 100 ohio ken. and a lot of Household lUBllSBl!D W!J!D.T. $4.00 T!&a Goods. TJl:R"'~Al1sums onder S5, oallh. ROTKL., DlluaOHni. • •• oIAL~ Sums over S5 oredit of 9 moaiba aO.TUMI • •, T.A • • F .... OA. w!IJ be glveD by porohaser glvlog "liD '.U. .K..VIOK OA. PIIOPn' baakable note . Six per oent off for . , uailla ITa ADVK ..TI.'IIO OO&'UM. O&sh . C. L. TEWELL SAMPLE COpy FREE A . A . MoNeil, Auot. ,..,... lllEW YOII" OLlP ••• .._ Yerko "Y• W . &enriok, Clerk. !!!"!!!!"!!!!"!!!!"!!!!"!!!!"!!!!"!!!!"!!!!"!!!!"!!!!"!!!!"!"!'!"'!~~"!'!"'!"!'!"'!"!'!"'!!!!"!!!!"!!!!"!!"!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~




N. Sears

Live Stock and General Auetioneer Posted on pedigrees and values of aU kinds of breeding stock.

Experienced in handling farm sales since . 1905. . ..

Wif.: · ,



test her skill as a soap maker and at the same tI me win a valuable cash prize . Every woman can enter this contest-it doesn't cost one cent to try-the conditions are as simple as ABC. We want to prove to every housewife who reads thil paper, that with the aid of Banner Lye she can make all the soap she needs for her family use-make bettersoapthan she can buy anywhere-make it cheaper, with very little labor and in a very short time.

So that eve ry woman who enters this contest has fift y-three ch ances to win a cash prize, ranging fr om $1.00 to $15 .00.





WM'nesvllle. OhloVall., Ttlepboul 4S·2r

L- _______ _

GREA T CARE SHOULD BE USED Iliow ~reak Kidneys ! ~:;~:od~ Cause Rheumatism ~::I::I:~~~~r ;':~I~I:~~ ~~,ot!~~h~~a~: IN CONSTRUCTION OF A SILO "Tbere·. no


Monyof Fa.llures That. Have DI s couraged Introduction Huge Tunks Are Due t.o Fil u Ity B uilding - Air Should b e Excluded t.o Prevent. Consequent Decoy ofI S11oge.


! Ry.J


----Derby's Kidney Pills Unfailingly Restore Kidneys anc\

How Dr.


Bladder-Cure Rheumatism

- Trial Package Free I Every on., k now. rheumatism Is cnusc.-d by lIX ~ess (,( l~riC ncid i ll the syst em. The poisonous accumulation i( there because the kidneys fail to filter It from the blood. Kidne)'s aro~ diseased, too weak to prrCorm t heir full d lIty. Naturally the thing to do Is to restore the kidne ys to normal - make th em extruct und expel the uric acid poison . 'l'hat'. how to really cure rhe umati~m- 'k"'r"'s 110

J ,_ \\ 'I P~{(IS flnd;\ 1. 1.. ]-":ISli ' lll t" bnultl e l' lH ' i ll h IIItHJI' . ~\t bl .r~ tbowt\ lI ~ (,,"11-1 Join th" ["'"lIla tlun . I bf' lu uudntion

Soldier, Believed t o Be De5ertcr. Ie Tbe ilnllonalll'C a ud I·"lu e .. f Ihe I' lIull. aud In fu!'t t he \\all s or th e e nllre 9 rd ered Under Arrest-Hi s Paaa ,1 10 In rllrnl g hlll~ 6 nckII IL'1lt fooll lor s ilo . uOllld be as Bl1lootb liS pos si b le . Found to Be Gen u ine. Inl ry co w ~ und oLlIt~r fhrrll nnlIlla lg ,Iu e l 'fJr~ Is used In taIllp ln l\ tll e I ~ II OW lJ e lll~ 111 01' ,· ),( l' II.,,.,.l1y apllre ' 61111~P (1 IIrlll~ til!' :: : 111)/1. Ilo or,; wn : ~n In 1863. not long Lt! lur" I h., !tll l i le ·lIn. ·d . (Jill\, II Ir lal I ~ D",P~~IHy 10 I (' ~t e n!l Into tb p ~l l o ar .. no t 11 s",r lou s uf Cllt c kamauga. so ld (''' pt E II Par· '011 \' 1111'" fIU; ' k raIM ('rs that s ilage t.UII nlJjee t lo ll. lhOlll\tl perfec tly lIu s n H>ltS of th e Tw e nty ·fourtb \\·I>('on8I n. ~('unoml c,, 1 f... ,·d lor tue production 01 linors lirE' ('t' rtulll ly I\n nllvantage. A olkiT' ,,' ay . a rt'f;lm ll nt h<' bl\l l t he h Ullo r tl) co m · !ICer n8 "' 0; 11 Ill! fll r tbl' prl1dU{' nllll vt I' .. rllcul Wil li Is th e oll ly sa t ls tnc tory ,]'hllt 's hew Dr. Derby's Kid ney Pills cure. Ina lId on S(, \'cra I o('('a:;loH ~. \\ rI t 1"'8 milk. S lluge \I h "11 11I\'III,le d In t hl! wnll to ItSI'. li S a wall Inl'lIne, l out· T hat's why the ir cures are /W/lt:> I, not trulkeI.I .. UI. (o\. J A . \\" Iltr n u ~. li . ~ ,\ .. "In lo ll fur s tpNii wllk., s It more pa l· wun.! will RU llIJOrt the Hil llge to a belicve-""'Jr",a"~"I, instead of lasting only lu the :v! ilwaukee S(!ntl llll l. ! IInrt un !LablE'. RII,I In t his IIIIHllle r Is I:n actll'e cpr t lli n I'~ t e ut 1111<1 p r ~ " " nt It seU ilng wh ile tile etIee t of t he medicine Insts. No matter what the fon,n of rheumatismexperience which mad e so s t rong 110 ~gent lu br llllllnlo\ IIbout nl ore rapl'l sa tis facto ril y. thu~ creating nlr Imprellslon upon my ", llId t hat I r('(,H II 6tllns. A I ~o II! !lInn), wl' ll pre- pOt' kets. Wil en tb e wail Is In clin ed articul ar, innummalory, mU:lcu\ar-whether It tod ay u ~ vividl y 118 !! It hllll OC' , .. ned silaKe h n~ b!,E' D lound fI c ben p Il! wu rt! th e alluge will settl e nway in your \Ja,ck (lumbago), your feet (gout), or in any purt of the body - there's ODO curred only y<'s t prd IlY . A rut ' lubcr of Ilnd successful IN·d for shPf'p. swine fr om It. In tile ('use 01 connele s ll08 remedy ynu ('an ab~o lulely deprnd upon. my compon)'. K. "uddE'nly'l','ol'etl ~ Ild hor8(" M. wltll t np e r{'d wa :18. th es\! s honld be O ne I ha t Dot unly stops eVery ache and pain, and tor a t lma ... as cHr r l('d n ~ a (It!but tha t h:loishes th eir CAuse. Tbe silo !!lil Y I" , mado 1\11 Ol'llnlllent I v.- rtl cn l on th e Illslde. s e rter. Soon after du r k one e \'l'lIlng to any Krolll> uf farm uu lld lllggs. Its Dr. Derby's Kidney Pills drive ont the Uesl fI~8 1t1t S are o bt aI ned where tbe h e \'I'a lk ed Inlo cumiJ II !HI when I lorm 18 8u('h t hll t It may bp mad ,' to alirl ge Is Illll/o rml y d istrib ut e d poisuns - dmnse the clogged kldneysasked bIOI to gIv e an acc'oullt of him · add to th e appl'llru llce of n n )' s tyl e or throughnut th e s il o nnd Is ca refullY strengthen Ilnd Invigorate them, so they do Be !! he In fo rm ed m e th a t he had bel'n co ns tr uctI on . Onp. or Itl ore cu nicl.t s il o packed near th e Wil li s und arou nd Ul e their work .8 S Nllture inl"nded. It troubled In thE' secret servi ce o n II delall by roofs wh e l! vlowt'd from u dlBtRllce. doors by trampll!g. Care s bould Ile with a ny rbeumatlc condition. any kidney or urina ry trouble, d on't delay treatment Maj. Gen. Rosec ran s. th en In co mm and or In th e flJll he Ight or the curved token thrlt th e bea vy and IIgbt por- Clne hour I There arc no nllments more of th a t army . aDd ns lin el' ldl'nce of walls ut II closer rangC'. g lv ell a very tlo ns s hull be uniformly mi xed. Some des tructive, - U.nt 6<) quickly lend to fatal ~ood fallh showed me a pa ss which I'leosi ng e rrt'c t w he n placed lu n s e t· s Il o o ..... llerf< are of t.he opinion that a results - ii' not promptly checked. permitted the bearer 10 go t h roug h fln g 01 rectangu ln r bu ildings. Dr. Derb:y'. Kldn., PilI. ate. auld unclet a grenl n moun t at tramping III unn ecesthe U nion lines or anywh e r e abou t tbe &l.1arantC'c. D r u 8aia-ta are authorilcd to It Is tbe purpos' or any 11110 . re o anry . bitt th e In\'cs t\ga tl ona of Ih e ,ositive rrfu nd mo n~y In cau of di...tiafaction. Price., army, at will . He t o ld about ba,' lng gnrd lesH of It s const ruct ion. t o eX lllud e wrIt e rs wou ld Indicilte thnt where ~SC _ad SOc. Sample packa.e free, if you'cI ti lept with tbe Con fede r ate arlllY tbe air liS rlLr ns poss ib le from the sIlage. tom ping was not fo llowed th ere waH lik. 10 try tbem first. At d rualli Ito, or ..,ot di· night before ft.Dd related very loterest· and In thi s way pren'nl decay. To pre· lll wllYS a ce r ta In amount of spoiled tecl by Derby M.didn. Co. , Eaton Rapidl, alicia. / Ing In cident s. and then so ld . '1 guess ve nt th e IlIr from rea(' hlng th e s ilage. s ilage IInrl that th e montlY. spe nt for I will go up and see Ihe old mu n .' Tbe all silos nl us t bav e alr·tlght wails. labor us ed In tborougbly tromping tbe OTHER PART ALL RIGHT. 'old man' Wns ('o\. Charl l's H. Lnrra· 'rbese Uluat be rigid enough not to be s ilage In tb e s \lo wbl'n fill ed brought bee . then In command of th e Twenty· sprung alit or sbllpe by th e presslU'e good r e turnB. fou rth. or th e silage. pe rmitting nlr to enter In locnllties wher e treezlng occun, The colonel was not In hi s ueual nE-xt to the wali. Not only the wnlls It 18 necessary to co ns truct the silo sO good bealth Ih a t e veni ng BDd the OlDbut the doors. a lso, mUBt be perrec tly 118 to preve nt, as tar as possibl e, treezment be saw the Boldl er. wbop6 name nlr Ught. T o a ccom plis h this they In . or th e sl1nge. It Is dlmcult to wa s Azur Hoyt. be ordered blm under mak e a comparIs on be t ..... e e u tbe mer· arrest as a desert e r a nd he was tak· its of tbe various types of silos In tnls en to brigad e headquarters . T e n or respec t. owing to th e Inability to tlnd eleven o'clock that night, nfter I had th e m und e r lik e conditions. Freeztllg gone 10 bed , an orderly from brigade of s ilage Is due to loss of heat. Dru t headquarters wo ke me u p and Inthrough tb e s ilo wali; seco nd . to the form ed me tb ~ t Gen. W . H. Lytle. our aIr In con tact \'I'ltb the feeding sur: brigade commander, desIre d that I refaCe . The first loss may be reduced port to him w!tbout delay. I told the by usIng a n on ·condu c tlng wnll In the orde rly to gIve tbe ge ne ral my com· s ilo. and th e secon d by preventin g th e pllm e nts and tn s ny thnt I would be cIrc ulati on of ai r abo \'e the sll:l~e In fight over. As I en tered bls lent. Ge n . the silo. Lytle. one or tb e most lovable of men Any I<lnd of an air space will par· a8 well as he ..... 1\9 one of th e bravest ot soldiers, said: ·Cnpt. Pa r sons,' teil 'he Fundamental Principle In the tlally prevent fr eezi ng . d epe nding up. Pres ervation of Green Forage When on bow little the ci rcul ot es In tbls me a bout this man HoyL HIs pass Placed In a Silo la the Exclusion of space ond also upon h ow much con. s ee m s tl} ~,,' all ri g ht . but your rolonel tells me ' the 18 a dese rt e r . I cn n un· Air. ducllng mnt c rllli III required to ti e the He-- Wh e n we arc married we will ~lv e all bread and !.Isses. won't we, d e rs tand ' wby. no regu lar recorded <Ie- 8110 16 Feet In Diameter. Four Feet OIli e r Dnd Inn e r walls toge th er. P ...age From Feeding Stable to Th e King a'nd Gue le r s ilos ..... e re '\ darlin g? tn ll W88 made for th e man. H e was Silo. Convenient Arrangement for among tb e Ilrs i. to mak e lise at on !tlr Sbe--{)b! I don't lik e bread. to act lUI. spy, and th e gene ral natur· Feeding. s pace to prevent 1098 of hent through ally did .not want nnythln g known about :tIle man's h avIng been tnken ;b~~id be - ;ell titled a nd the jolnls the wall s . hut th e a ir space s \V e re 80 I MRS. SELBY AND PRIZE BABY from the r flg lment and ordered to mad e more pe rfec t by fe it pod s or dee p that clr" ulatlon or air from tbe headquarters. But tbl s pass ml\Y be gas ke ts. It Is n good practice where "I bavle always used Cutlcura Soap bogus." . tbe SliD do o r sets IIgal ns t a s houlde r and no other for my baby and be baa It was II beautiful m oon li ght ni g ht to place cla y work e d Into th e ca n· never hald a. sore of any kind. He Rnd tbe general and my self were sistp ncy of putty In th e j o Int. 'fhe does' not even chafe as most babies clay Is pl aced on th e bparlng surtace do. ) fe431 eure that It Is all owing to IIlld the dnor 1>laced over It. nnd wben Cutlcura Soap, for he ts fine and tbe pressure of I he silage comes . h ealthy, and wh e n five montbs old, against th e door nn alr·tl g ht j oint III won a . lulze In a ba by contest_ It obtained. Tnr pOj.Jer III successfullY makes my he art acbe to go Into so used by some silo ow ne rs. e ither In Dlany homes and see a sweet-faced s trIps La cover Ih e cracks around the baby wlt.h tbe wbole top of Its bead doors or In widths s uffici e nt to cover a Bolld masB of Bcurr, caused by poor the e ntire door and lap a few Inches poap. 1 always recommend Cutlcura, on the silo wallB. A, Incorrect M"thod of Constructing and ninE! tlme8 out or ten tbe neIt Not only s hould the Willi s be tlgnt Silo Foundation . B. Correct Meth- time 1 Bile the motber sbe says: 'Oh! nnd rigid,. but they should also be I am so ~:Iad you told me of Cutlcura.' " od. C. Ground Line. perfectly s m oo th on the Inside to per· (Signed) Mrs. O. A. Selby, Redondo mIt the s ilage to sett.le with out form · top to th e bottom of the wall WM Beacb, California, Jan. 16, 1911. Ing air poc kets. whIch cause a certain Quite free and readlly trnnllmltted Altbough Cuticura Soap and Ointamount of the adjoining silage to rot. heat from \\'011 to wnll In tbi s man· ment are sold eve rywbere, Q sample 8everal failure have been ca used by nero of eaeb, with 32-page book, will b. mailed free on appltcatlon to "CuUcura," Dept. 20 L. Boston_




about It," enid

write p e r rect E nglis h . We become mere ly the e xpresu lon of , o ur e nviron m en t. nft e r o il, and I wlsb to do my work lu nn a t mosphe re In whlcb the , den?" "Well , you Bee. my son hna jOID~ language I use for the ax pression of my Id ea s Is spoll en In all its prle tln e the Doy Scou t s . und th o little rallcal purity . Do yo u not agree w~h me. bns become so Illlre l"d that be ca. te ll by wh ere by bot Is JURt wbat Lord Mlggleton 7" "By Jow ve, yo u'r e bally right. old time I came In t" e night berore." top!" repl1ed his 10rdshlp. -Harper·1 Jud«e. Weekly . No Jury. " DIdn't you gl\'e thnt Ulan II ~urJ' Rubbed Hard, The Ven us or 111110 ex plai ned be r ' trlaI1" "Lodk bere," repl :eJ Brancho Bob , · missing arm s. "I tri ed to ge t the tan ofr," sbe s aid. "there ain't II big IN 0' men In tblrr Herewltb s he rejoiced she badn't se ttlemen t. We couldn't poBslbly ,,, 12 or 'em together ,,'!thout slartln' .. uRed the s am e method on he r neck.fatal argument ahol,t so methtn' that Harpr's nazar. bad nohln' whatever to do with lb. ca••.w !. Queation of Art. "Was that p lB Y you IIPeak or hlgbly artlltlc and poetical r" asked t be gIrl Silent Innuendo. wbo poses. "That woman alwa ys 8peake k1adl3r ") don't belie ve It could have been." of othofS." "Ye8," replted MIss Cayenne ; "but. ",pIled tbe girl who II franl.. "I unde r stood and en joyed every wOTd of sh .. always doeJ. lt In ' eucb II way .... to Im:>ly that Ibe Is making aome terIt." rIble mental ~.erv ationR ." The Happl,r Age. h!- -The Bron ze Age man chuckled. "Ir 1 was alee I, ( ' Ruppose they would dlssol\'e me," be crie d. Herewith he r ejoiced be didn't \Ive 8eniDi of Taite and Smell Were AI . . Greatly ImpaIred. too late. "I wu a1Ilicted with catarrb," writelt gene Fllrbe.. LebllDon Kana.. "I Conltipation Clm 8ee and seriously auraook eenral different m~iciDe., Ii~ vatel mllDy d i.~nse" . I t is thorouihly acb a fair trial, bUl grew wone ua cured by Dr. Pierce'. l'elleh. Tiny .ugarI could hardly hea r, taste or amelI. coated iranule~ . WOl about to give up In despalr\ but _ eluded to try Bood 9 Snr9a\>aril.. An. The HumOr of It. !taking three bottles of t hi. loedicino J Stella- W e r e you s hop ping today? 'W8a cured, and have not. had anT mnra Be lla- Yes, I got some tbtnge to eI· of the di8l!!l!c." liood'. Sal'Sllparilln dfecta radical . . . change. pennDuent Curea of catllrrh. Get it todllY in ueu,,1 liquid form • Hr•. Wto .low'a Boolhlnlr S1l'UP t oP Cb II II .... n ehocolat.ed tablet.a called Sar.atab ... "~e"btu K, ...,ft e-n" tbe ,,"UlUg,. f"'ed u cea IDflaDl Il''''

Co'u ld Hardly Hear

UoA. AU.,. ,,&.In, c ur t s wlnd colle .


• bo tt.!60

Afte r all, young women ludge .a man more by hIs nc('.ompilshmenta tban by what he has aceomplisbed_


Marriage Is a co ntrllct-and there are Iota of cnntract JUDlPers. Every time you meet a grouch band It a lemon.






lALn"oa pw.s,AS If

A D "Ordered H Im U n d er rreat iI' 11' sorter." . k ·· I r t I walking onc and Corth n roo 0 beadQuarters talking th e m a tt er ov e~ wben be abruptly SlOpped and said . 1 . _ . . . " Capt, Parsons. I wi s h you would t e ll mark e t gu. d e ners "O~ld ~e t~ sV1el t m e whot you would do If the cnse ""as out from the hom e·gro\\n c~op os "a u ... many bushels as th e y will need Itnd one t h at req u I re d ac tl on ... u) J Hls'Q stlon neurly took my IJrea tb bury th e m In pIts dug In hi g h, dry , iCere waH a brigadi e r general ground, jus t l>erore I he ground ~~~:~IIY asking u captain In one or fr eezes . Make PIC pits :! O Inc hE's hI s regiments to tell blm what to do. d t' I'P. 12 Inches :ldP untl as Ion? nt! I snld: "Ge n . LYtle. a s you bave asked m a ~' be n ~eded . ~e ! ect ruedlum 'lI t ze~ . UtO I will tell you fra nkly what I so und . s mooth-skinn ed potn loeR. ft.l would do If It W&9 m)' cnse. I woulCl Ihe tre n c h le vel full . co,'e r top wi t h ~end the m lln to Gen . I{osecrnus' head· s ix Inc hes of long s trnw. (' v e T~! y Inlcl Quarters wilh direction s that bl! Ile on. the n co ver with on(' foot of ea rth talten to th e general. Ir he bald s Uen and pia..... n dee p hlrrol~' I wo rl' (1 t Rosecran s' pasa lhat oll\ ce r \\'oul<l out from the pIt on .-acb Sid e to .f!nr ry know at once wheth er It Is genume otl' th e surface wate r . Open th l' fcr· r ows a t eac h e nd 80 the wnler ~n n or no t." Without a momen t of heBl tation ruu otT Qui c kly . The l op of pit ShUlti!! Gen. Lytle Clio lled an orderly 11M 01 · b e covered with one loot of s t~aw.· rected tha t two mounted sold.lers. Wll0 mllnure , leav es or rolled stra w, jllsl au eXIra borse , r ellor! to blm "' Ithout he for e severe weatbe r sets In . Pc t n· d e lay . Wh e n they r e ported h e dlrec t t!1l toes will k ep.p sou nd nnd solid In pits tha t tl:ey t:.k e c harg" of Hoy t unCi 80 co nstr uc ted . Th e hou se ce ll a r I.. conduct him t o (j e n . Ros ecraos ' head no t a good plar.e to Btore seed potaQua rte r s. eig ht een miles away. t nal 101'5. ns It Is usually too warm or til" lIfcdlum ·al?cd ·seed potl) t oe~ n ight. It was Rt ouce found th ut Hoyl damp. was one 01' Ih .. a rmy spies ll t Ilbertl of th e early vnrletles may now be hall nt the prodlH;e y.uds In Quantities o~ to go whe re Bnd wIlen Ire 1)leased. Tn l' 20 bushels 'fo r $1 .2u pe r b ushel. Or.· pnss was gell'<lne. The ve xed problem was s ol\'ed. After thnt we ctt rrr cd toher Is th e tim e to buy- wh e n win· HO)'t on tb e roll s OR . 1\ regulnrly d t- te r Re t s In .rallronil frelghls are ad· IlI lIed !>old ler. wlthoul stating th ~ Ben va nced . Ice he ..... iIS pe rformlog. As YO.U kllow. Genel'lll Ly tle I\- Il9 lIHled III tbe IHlt lle of Cblcka . ~app- w'tbl~ a strort dls tll.l,1ce 01 _ oln r e.gim nt.- A n\Jm~r of our IMp ..... hhtl ~ bCD ~e fell frOID •


Pain And Rwellin&! seldom indicate Intemnl orl!nnic tro l!hl~ . They nrc ulually the res" It of locn I cold or inflammation which cnn be quickly remo\'ed by Bamlilll bladeR . Two clea ts are nn i1 ed at eacll Wizard Oil. end of the 2x4 to fit over the edge '"ew Hen. In England. of the " 'agon box. One man stand s If) Englarnd has one hen to the acre the ?agon and works th e topper wblle another ilft s the bundles of corn of territory. and \luts th e m In . The heads wh e r A practical joke I. never wbat It'. Cllt fnll Into the wagon . cracked up Jo he. Handy TOPiler for Kafir Corn.

The Value of Duck Egg •. Nca rl y all good ea ters In El1gl ::nr' !lnd on th l' contInent rellsb duck eg!;8. eve n more tban tbe hElDS ' eggs. Prop erly fell on swee t. clean grain . green stu tr wltb pure water the du el' produces eggs that Bre de lirIous . Tbe IndIan Rann er duc k I!lYS bettel eggs tha~ tho Pekin. although tbe lat· t e r Is ln grenter t.lVor ·-lo the UtrlWd St Ates hecouse ot Its pure color.

Lilrgeat Butfer Mak/nll: Cit". ,· Water for Duck •. Ht. IJaul Is soJd to be . the .ecoDd . The duc,k'lIngs - 81.01114 alwa;. hav~ lurgest . butter makh:;g · city In · the world, Omruln al:>ne. l~ndlng all otlterp aecei • .to .drlnklag" wa(er. but _1",,1 wll h a tntal output ot about ,iI>;OOO.OOO mInt ' water CaD' be ;,mtttild ' Ii II~ed. · . ' .. oounc!1 p" ye/U'. -.

l'rMu<ea$llTl celuJ lIMO Iettu~ ; $1>00 IInwt.ern.,

S'OOt;UCDIIlbOn!•• oi'£•. 'I't1r•• cropo raIacd ..b.y.... J'lah, Cl1Iton aad ",me In abunda_. $oDd far loJ.....dooo.. lb .. propoaltioD .0 ImportaDtCoJ-


sn Fr.llnltlla SI., • .


swuma AI'G CUAHSIS ,... S\'STIM 110M IrFlCiDI1LY Ala




»:t.ii_a;'.$U=' •



In 1heClrde

oneve"J' Pacftage of 1he Genuine.







C:USTOMUS. WHEN IN NEED or MlDIOMS. SUCH .oauoosm AIt& nut 0ftIS 10 qua. Wlnt, AS YO\IR UP& OR HEALTH ..,," AT SOld: TIIII .1IIIf.Im U,CIIt IHD& KILL ArID I£UA8IU1"t WtIIN IU11NG

No1atfmfo([Nomeoft", Compan!f'

DJllt.J:I:. ,11.\"911110' ..

taIHT£D STRAICHT ACII055.NEAR TIll. IOTtOII, AND .. 'IHI alC1E.1ILU nut TOP 01' £VERY 'AClCAGI,OP11t& GENVIICE. 0fI£ SIZE OIU.Y. fOl S.\I.& aY AU. LIADINCl IIIWCOCISfS. UCU1.All fRlat 100 . . . .arru.,



GardeatnJc.k'orqulckrtttJI"l18; oraq",Jn~ 6".nd pea ... for hll prOSI...lIh 1I1t1.labcw. Ow Ia.d b buuliMI,.loca.ed &lo.S \be Gulf 01 Mo:dee 10 i'ucoCOWlIy, _11·.I.valedandvery fertU•. fro. bt.tllDdn\lbelt.priced onDI....d ...pdruil .hippedoat of Florlda-$.lIlUlo ,1000 _n~r .en.



ncs AND !1lXDl OP ""A

·.uus If 111111 OIC UMIDY

Should be Taken From the HOlDe- Handy Implement Can Be Mod. GrovvD Crop and Buried in Out o( Two Blades FrOID Old Stalk Cutter a.s Pita-Yield Ie Very Illust.rat.ed. Small,

Owing to tb e long drought !n the ' urge potato·grewlng states, th e ClOP ; ~ ,'e ry s hort and prIces nrc just dou ble what t'J ey we re tbls tIm e ladt \ year. W e ll.informed commission m en (;:lY that s eed potatoes wlll SE-I1 for $2 to $2 .50 pe r I.;ushel ne xt sprIng. Rt,,1 wl\l be sca rce. I Th e oette r plan ror cl:ers and

..... l'I1ft!1. EMf T..... 1I.I.te_t.I'IG TaM Scon.of m"" are ma\Lin&, ,1000 raJoID. rruit .ncf·n/lttabrn IA wl •• er tlui.. 8Q caD ~

ts rAIl IlOl& PI..lASAJrr TO TAX&.

CORN TOPPER I Wblch Miss Fulloloul (Or a poetical tum) you of opinion one .bould

la1, PJ1)fessor: "Summer illea" or "Summer flees?" . Aba n 't -Mlnd d Professor (.reat on e e " entomology)-The two speclel, my dear young lady, are entirely dleUncL Now. tbe common house fly- TbeD W e ha ,'e 1\ ka flr corn topper w\ll c l: be wondlered why she Buddenl, open. we use to tall cane and kaflr cqrn . 1!1 ed a conversatloD with tbe young making it. tw~ s traight lliades from an I man OD ber rlght.-London Sphere. old stall; c utler were us ed. ono bolted I' A Matter of Con.tltutlon. OlltO a pIece of 2x4. three reet long. and the uPller blade faste ned to It al "There's no use talking about womone e nd with a bolt . A. whlcb allows en mak ing themselves the cq8ulB Of the two 1",I!'es to work IIk ll s c Issor men. They never can do It. It's a mere watter of constltutton." "How flo you make that out? It bDI been demonstrnted thnt women ean endure I~ardsblps even more stolcal\y than IDE!D." "Ob. ) don't mean It that way . The, ... 111 always walt for the change, even If 't doesll't amount to more thnn a cent." CLLAT~






ScoutIng at Hom .. "No tbanka," er.ys lbe maa ~\tb lY grlzl:Jy mus tache. ''I'd !Ike to ludul. . In a little gam., (It poker tonlcbt, baa I think I'd hest go home." "Nonsense !" say s hIli fr1eDcI.. "Wbat's changed you all ot a su'"




W. L. DOUC-----.. .:. '2.50, '3100, '3.50 &'4.00 SHOES

WOMEN",.... W.L Doual.. atyn.h, perfect

. fluh..,_.y walkinl boob, beeeu.. th~ Ii•• IODa wear.aame . .W.LDou.... Mea·..IaMio

THE ENORMOUS INCREASE in the sale of W. L. Douafas .hoea prOVei their ~periority over all Other ~ for the-"'pnc:e. . The worlananship which bas made W. L Dotl81aa shoe. flUllOUl the world over • maintained in every pair. . If I could take you into my Iarae fac!oriet at Brockton. Mass..· and lhow you how · c:arefullyW .L.DouaIu ahoet are made. yOu would then tmdentaDd ~teCI to hold their

they are w¥':

fit better Ud


The Wo rld. Ren own ed and Onl y Absolute Smo ke Con sum ing Stov e on the Ear th.

-- -' -T H E (l- R E A1~---


Bew are of imit atio ns and unsc rupu lous peo ple who clai m to hav e a stov e like or just as goo d as the Flor ence . Do not .be dece ived by such false clai ms and find it ou t whe n too late . Exa min e the Flor ence care full y befo re you buy.

CO ef

No Sm oke l No Soo t! No Dir t! No Cli nke rs! Ev This g to ery thi ng is Co nsu me d. in the Uni istedgoin Stat es.



At the end of the Sea son 'l use with loft coal, ther e wil.1 be,no lO.o t inlthe .pipe or flue.

DTem I f be the Gre ates t Bak ing Dem onst ratio n ever held Ove r 100 Maj esti c Ran ges to be sold duri ng this Bak e.

Le ba n( )n is to ha ve th is H on or

100 maj~stic Rang~s Th e 'Z en ith of - St ov e Pe rfe ct io n Al re ad v ., 'P ur ch as ed fo r th e G re at Sa le The only jolntless lei bottom and base with full radialion and large alb pan tbat Is:on the market or has ever ~en made In tho history of

We will bak e Biscuits perf ectl y in thre e min utes . Biscuits hav e bee n Ibak ed on the Gre at M,aj.estic in two and one -hal f min utes . We will bak e tbe stove Industry. o ·t th G 'flte jolntless leg bottom and base makes the\ stove air-tight below Ib ISCU t . M to th t t °th I S on e rea ajes IC on e s ree WI ove n d oor ope n In SIX mlnthe grate, which Is the only true fire keeping principle. utes . The Gre at Maj esti c is war rant ed to last five time s as long . It will be al good a nre keeper twenty years hence as It Is t o as any othe r day.. ,'The Hot Blast Air.Tlght Florence will heat twice (he space that can Ran ge In the Wo rld. The Gre at Maj estl c has no com petl tor In the wor ld. be heated by any other stove on earth at one-ha lf the cost. Our Stor e is to be beau tifu ~ ------Ibe only~perfe<;t floor heater that is or bas ever been lly dec orat ed for this occasion~ Music furn ishe d made. ' All feature lare pat.nte d and no stove manufa cturer dealer or uscr by the Lewis & Stok es orch estr a ever y day . can copy or use same for sev~nteen years from date or patent withou t Hot Biscuits Map le Molasses Hot Cof fee and goo d But ter Incurring liability for and action of damages. will be " . The No. 21 will heat I small room all winter with 2 tons ot slack or furn ishe d to all who com e duri ng this Bak e. A · lady will lect ure on Domestic lump coal . O . The ~o. 4' or No. 2J will heat 2 or 3 small room~ all winter with 2.%' c;: • d clen ce ever y ay dO • Iy Inte rest eve ry Ia d urlo gth ·IS 8 a k e, w.,h ICh WI·11 cert ain y lonl of alac:k or lump ·coal. . . of the cou nty. The No. 51 or 25 wiU heat 3 or 4 rooms all winter with J tons of . Th -II b fO fO .sack or lump coal. 1 1 O k I f ere WI e Ive Irst·c ass sa esm en to assist In ma Ing sa es 0 M· ajes tIc The No. 53 or No. 27 will beat 5 rooms all winter with 4 tons ,of Ran ges duri ng this Bak e. No dea ler can com pete with this Dem onstration_ slack or lump coal. O Id W e exp ect to fOil The No. 55 will heat. a lar&e store or school room with 6 tons of O h d I t . IS 0 tow n urln g t hIS Ba k e, an d t h ere WIOil b e a hot alack or lump copl. For a church less ~oalll required. old time in tow n duri ng this Bak e. Will burD a ton less of hard coal than a ha rd coal Base Burner of ' the ~e llze and heat twice the apace. Dur ing this sale of Majestic: Ran ges, $8.0 0 wor th of Sou ven ir Coo king THE HOT BLAST AIR·T10HT FLORE Nce bums soft coal or slack U -. -II b • , all tb. f ·th d h N filii i d f tile stove aod pipe or nue smoke an gases. tens l s WI e given ree WI eac sa e urln g this Bak e, but not afte r the 0 ng up 0 , • wltb soot. No dirt inside or outside the house. It will bum hard coal wee k of the sale. ud all tbe lases which escape from the hard coal base burner. It will Th ' bu~, wood and sawdust, wet or dry. It wlil produc e oD~half less ashes OI e grea t MO ajesO tIc.W a Ik·Ing Ca k e WIOil be one 0 f t h e spec la attr actI-ons tb.p. ani ~ther stove on earth with aoy kind of fuel and leave no clinkers at this Big Bak e. Eve rybo dy is invi ted to atte nd this Big Bak e and Sale or h ...r cOniUmed fuel. The above is what the maaufactu~ . say about f M -. . . R tlla ~ce Heater. 0 ajesb~ ang el• .;,;. 0









, .









trr lnll to mnke mys(' lr b elie ve It muet h.l·o btx>n I1 n IIccldon t. though fr om Loul50's mUIIII,' r I re !lred th e worst. Yet h lltllll rl" tl I·'"rri . h wus the last i>~'rfillll III thu wurld ur whol11 one would thi n k In ,·u'"I( ,,·t! un wl'h Bill · (" Idll. A Qul(!t, r ~R"fI'(' L1 !!I rl o( ~reat ~ t rl'u !;t It or " 1l11 rlle' tt'r, scv •.' rn l yca !'l! ol< l(' r th an LouI se, I,n r dl;;n l:y ::;:d her w " II ,co llsl " ~rl''' n"liun~ blld le d m e to b(' ltel'() ber fa r 1(,5s eUl o tl on,l1 t llan lIe r )' oull ge r slst~r. " It wus an acr ld e nt, of cou rse." I Sl\llI, ttlu ugh do ubt (ully. "I'\o!" ~~u"lled L'(llllsE', sh udderIng Itn I\' at the thought or Ih e horror she hud jU8t w ltn p8sed. "I beard the shot Iln d round hE'f 011 tho dl\'nn In he r roo rn. Th e r{'vol vcr W"8 8t111 In her


Yellow letter. ml'n?lVJf7' /.9U JJfl' l3OLJiJ.J-~ CQJfBtUfY

willi Jolm~n

Lutntl-he-r own r<'vu l v(1'r." ~~or t h.. first tlmo It ("arne to me

1llo.rlralioD.J /Jy YIJJorner


loto the Maelstrom. They MY th at coming e l'cn ts ClUlt tb elr shad ows bl'fo re. bu t ce natnly I h ad no In«mallou wh en I left my offire 1n tbe nft~ rn oo n or April twelf t b, of the maelstrom of m yste ry aud trngedy Onto ,,,hteh I wa~ "bou t to plunge. l ....·a8 worried und anx ious, It II true. but only a~ every young mnn Is who llnds blmself fo r tbe tlrst time d ee ply 4n love. TlJ e ro was no (lon en t of ovll, no foreshndowlng at the terrltJ le c baln ()f events t hat aU but de stroyed my bellef In my fe llow·man , au d left Its mark so d oo p u po n my me mory tbut I do not bel' I'e tlmo e ve r enn wholly effnce It. • Even now thut It Is u U ende d, a nd 'the sbadow which hung 80 heav ily ove r the hou se hold of my 8w(lCth art hll8 bee n dlsp elleu and the han d wbose 'devilish IngenuIty bro u ~ ht sho me nud ~lef and wreck to so mnny Innocent Uves Is pay ing tbe lli:!nalty behI nd prIson bars--even now I s\ludde r a t tho s leM of anythin g yollow. A scrap of yellow paper vividly re cnlls-and I fear a\'lm)'H wm recall- tbe paIn ful events of the last fe";ll W('ekd. I had bt'en waiting eve r since my return from co urt for a te lep hone message tbat hud not come--the word from Louise wbleb I felt wo uld deci de my fat e . I had w rI tte n to h er tbe nlgbt b efo re, aslling It I mi g ht go to her In the afte rn oon to speak on a sub· j eet of Importance. I knew shu would understan d tbe object of my lette r, thougb all tb at I bad as k ed was tbat tlhe would telephone mo earlier th a n tour whethe r she would b e at home. From my window I had wntched the great b and on the Metropolita n tow., do ok cl'Eep s lowly to twelv e. Ae the chimes bega n to sing the hour or four I telt that I could bear th e s uspense no longer. Message or no m e ssage. I would go to her a t once. Derore the vibrant note or "On-n-n·n;)" had dIe d awny I dosed my desk with a bang . Aa the fourth stroke r everberated I stood with hat and overcoat on. my hand on th e knob of my office door, hoping yoot to bear my t e h\p hone ring. ImpaUently I waited a minnte nnd t hen dasbed toward tbe elevator. The telephone. I learned arterward, rang almost tho minute I was out or tbe room and Louise's voice called trantically for me, but I was not there to hear. It " 'as ouly a short walk up Madison avenue to tbe bome 'o f General Fal'rt s h, the fathe r or Louise. Wltb tbe -doubt tbat possesses every lover on l8uch a mIssion as this. I walked . It now laggllrdly. as mlsglvlng8 fllled m; beart, now Qul clteulng my pace as 1Iope routed my f ea rs. As I turned thA:l corner Inlo tbe street wheN! tbe FarrIsh home Is 51tll&ted my Itepa were leaden. What right had I to nek LouIse Farrlsb to be my wlte? Tbe daughte r of a man worth many mil. lions. a gIrl of eXQ ul!sloo beauty and oC many accomplishments. one who '~uld choose a bushand 'w here sbe "Will ed-what right had I to hoPil tbat fihe would eve r conse nt to b ecome the w1fe or a strugg ling young lawyer Buch &e I? To be s ure, my family WII.8 ot the b<lst. Wltb my earnings and the m OdCijl 1I111~ fortune my father had left. me I wou ld he able to provide tor ber. Dut liS yet. t houg h my pros. pectll were brlll)tt , I amo unte d to nothing In my pro fessio n. It would be years b<lfore I could hop e to give my wife tbe luxuri es to whI ch Louise Far. rlllh had bee n a cc ustom ed. On tho othcr ha nd, I fe lt tbat wf th Loul&e as my wire I could do great things. I 10\'<ld h e r with a great love. ] felt tbat he r affection a nd companIon. fShlp wo uld b e Inspiration enougb tor any mnn to couQne r the - world. I hop ed that SIlO 101'ed me. I recalled t11f> I r i fles which see me d to sbow, at l{'a~t. tha t s be found pleasure In my se clety. I trIed to com fort t1J)'s e lf, too, . b y r<'Dl mb c rin g th a t G(,llerul j,'u rl'lsh wr..s a ~(' If'mudo mun, that when he marri e d 111) wa s as poor I1S I. It not pCO! c r . I k new ! hn t he llleed me nnd hnd c(l ntld ell c!! In me. Was It then, n fter- a ll. I Ilske tl myself, presuming In me to hop<! tbat Loui se would lieten 10 rna n nd that lle r (atber would conSo' ut to hel' beco ming my wlteyet, wby had she not teJephon ed? Ae 1 dragged my he SIUltlng feet Itcross til e street I was aroused from my r<!verle by the ru s h of an automobile tbat all but knockcd me over. . WIth an angry Impreca tion at lIucb reckk~5 drl\'l ng I glanced up and recog-.ll rod th e man who occupied It. He Wftl Btandlng be8ld~ his chaurreur, u 11 t'eady to Illa p out. It was Doc· tor WllcoI. a note d practitioner wbo atteud«ld the F ar rlah family. 3nd wbom J had m~( at their Ilome. I plunged " forward In anxious dismay 8s.l law the mac hine halt before tb4! - Fall'llh door ana tbe doctor jump out and run up tho at4!ps. , My nrBt. my only thought: wa, of ,-LouJse, What could have happenedf 8h(l DiUst be' IJI-de Ill; &I the doC1Lor'~ haste sUllge"ted.~. DId not thla/ lilt" n 'her lallure lei telej)ho~t Could It N ' Chat abe ' Will . 4ead t WbN

tbo ughts flash ed thro ugh my mind cnnnot analyzil furtb e r . I only know I rea ched the bOll se b ut It s te p behind the doctor. He hll ll hardly pU 8se d t hrough tbe door wh ~ n I, too, flun !( m~'5(' lf Int o the hall and Btood th e ro s way ing , with n ot voi r .! e nou gh to ask It Ques tion or th o whil e.fuew , horror. st ri cken ma Id \\ ho blld ufls \\,ered the doctor'8 ring. " Wh e re Is s h o ?" I h ea rd the docto r llsk us he fiung his ('(In t to t he mulct an d sta rt ed up th e Atn lrll. Before she could nnawer hi m Ih f're were hurrl, 'd foot steps I1n til upp e r lnn(l\ng und Lo uIse pcer('d down, th() UDxl()t y In her face lessoni ng Ilt the welcome sIght of the doct o r. I gave a s Illy cry or ~ oy ;tnd slnrted up the Blalra. no cto r Wilcox W08 a btla d of m e, three S!"ps at a tim e , und, foll owIng LouIse's slll' lIt dlrec. tl on. hnd dl s uPlwnrp d In a room o n th~ s<!co nd fi oo r. wh e n I, with o utstrelche d arms, approa c he d h l' L I di d nol th ink to ns k whut bud happen ed or who was III o r what the malter was. My only thought wus one or Joy that ehe WUB alil'c and well. What mntte red If Louise was sure ? And the emoUon that OIl ed mo Wh-': 1It111 more tnte n 8 1~ wben s ho I'lin to me, ond throwIng he rse lf Into my arms, crie d out: "Oh , HardIng. thank God, you've cornel" It was IlImost the Ilrst time she bad called me by my name, certa Inl y the Ilrst that she ever had gi ven herself to my emb race. and I held her closely, tbrllled through nt the thou llht t hat It was to m e she turned In t Ime of trouble. Then, a ll at on ce, I w as aroused by the ope nin g of the doo r through wblch Doctor Wilcox had gone and tbe nrlpc nrnnoot or a maid. who ran a long the ha ll. . "Wha.t Is It? Wha.t hilS hllpp ened 7" I nsked. "Kntharlne." moane d Loui se. "Kotbarln e--she has kill e d herselt!" For a. mom e nt I was stunned. The fir s t tbought that cam e to me was the Impossibility of It. What place bad tragedy In this happy, Quiet hom e? Familiar enough, thou!:b I was. with deedll or violence, with seH·murder al

wIt h sud ll('u " 1,, ld force thnt In tho e lde r slster's IIf<3, bdlltlll th<' smlllnl( Ollisk of f ' $ rye &11(> nl \\,IIJ8 wore, WIIS hldll<'n Bo rne Sf'c ret so rrow . I un· 'le~toud, now, thllt fn r ·away look In her ,,),eB . I f,' 11 th ero mllY huve bel' n - the r l; mu s t IInl'o b{'{) u- ('o ll cxon INI Ih e lwo" le1lgo (I( ~o me TII)'Rt e ry thut IlIIp,'II<'t1 IIC')' to tllis nwful d t'(' ll . Yet IIltl<' dill I EUS I){'('t II'h lth (' r lilY ('fforts to find why LOll 15e'o si ster had s hot h rsclt woul(1 k a rl rn '. Lilli e did I imaJ; ln;, In wlall fl w eb o f crIminal cunnl.lg. of h umllig crIme, of bidden 0\' 11. I wou lu fl lld lII ys ,>I(. As I strove t o soothe Lou ise' s agl· lalion the donor UP IJOUre t! nt th t, do r· nnd Impf'Tlou s ly bockoued me. I tried \ 0 pc:! l's uad o LouIse to wult out· /tIde, bllt she clung to me like a frightened cbllrJ and Insis te d on ac, companylllg me Into the room . "lleru." sa lel th o doctor In the curt tones or nutllorlty. "I wunt you to h t' lll me carry hc r Into a Qu iete r place he fo rfl I operate." "ThI s II'n)'," sa ld Loui se. re coveri ng b e rse lt IlS soo n ns ehe saw the oppo r' tunlty to be n se ful. "I nto my rooms. 'Th e y BI'O 01T th e street and much Quleter." I saw the look with which she trIed to r en d the doctor's ra ce an d put th e question she dnre d not ask. "Will sbe I\ ve'" Doctor W ilco x sbook bls h ead gra ve ly. "Sh e Ie just olive and tbat Is a ll. I CnD not te ll yet whel hcr or n ot we cn n saVfl he r. There mnst 00 nbso· lut e Ilule t. I om go in g to probe for th e bu ll t ond S~ whut course it has taken . Pl euse te lephon e at once for these two me n. Tbey are my hospltnl aides. As soon as tbey arrive 1 w ill operat e ." As Qui ck ly as wp had laid the Bense· less girl on Loul se 's bc d. I te lepho ned for Doctor Wil cox's uss lstanls, and was fort.unate In beIng able to reach both Imr.:ledla toly. Loul~ Rnd the molds mCl1nwhlle we re kept husy by th e do cto r p re pa rlnt; for the operat ion, so It fell to m y lot to b reak th e news to General Farrish when he arrived. LouIse had mere ly told hIm over the te lephone that Katharine had m et ", lib an accident, so ho entered tbe


•.:2:9 np J'r •

, j)'


"Oh, HardIng, Thank It tbrust Itself rorward In the courtl and In the lurid head·llnes of the newlpapers, that such a tblng could Intrude on tbe peace of this we11-ordered bousehold Beemed beyond my compN!benBlon. " I teklpboned to you. 'b,ut you weN! not In your office," lobbed Louille, lUll clinging to me In the abandon. ment at grl4!f. "When did you telephone?" I asked, ev.!n u~c!fl' such clrcum'taucee reJoicIng to learn that abe .bad, t4!lepholWd. "Just· alt4!r ahe did wben It ' waJr-lt



would be,.el~ 1lt"~me';..tb"D~:IKIIh~J pholied for J\I.It '

lI"UN.aHtNQ It. THII!I'.


You've Cornel"

bouse almost wholly unprepal'Ed for tbe shock my news gave hIm. I had before Been strong men tn grief, but never 'hlld I wltnesB<ld such a wave of' heartl'Endlng agony as swept over the general. He came Into bls bome erect, mill tary, sllghtly per· turbEd, but lUll in manner and bearIng the vigorous old laIdler, fully muter of hIs emotions. My word. that told blm as gently a. was po. e9'le what had bapp~ned aeemed ' to lIap .:aU . vltaUty _ Hla face uli'liD· • bla " UpiJ . . ·hi.


p .. tn III th. bao" I.

~~~I:~~~:::' J':~~!

thDtd, wnru IDlr laLa-b ere I... '1" ..... danarr drop.,.


poi.oo· or Brtlrbl".u.-

1T~~"1, 11'1"\ 0

........ In~ .


Wh ... 70ll


reruwn to

70ur ktdney.., u •• a opO<'lal kldnoot DUHllclue.

Poan'. It t d 11.7 Pllio .. li en ..



kldat:lra-cure back litO be-r elfu l.~. the urlJM. Ovod proof '" th. 10110101 ... _ ... 111011'-



"Tbll la how Jack and I decldlld Onll evenln~ Jack ltol. a klBII--" "And you bad blm lIentelloed to hard labor for lItll because ot IUch a theft."

Meretlon. \.ere LA .. terrible oondlllon.

~~an~~~~!;n~~lI.a~~!:p~ t1lr~e.o. to T~~ mEld. me "'till and t'1urln.


e.t Doaa'.

SUCGor of my presence. As soon ns Doctor Wilcox's ass istants arrIved, brln~lng with them II nurse. Louise a nd I we re both banIsh ed from the roo m. Gently I dre w bel' Inlo a IltUe s lttl ng·room. whe re . wit h lbe doo r aJnr. we waited to see It our nld migh t b<l needed. '{'c arlcss Borrow no'l wr lg-he d heavily on he r. "Tell m~ eve r yt bln g," I .. ald. WIUI my arm about he r. "Why did s he do


pa.t lo\lJ'

turther trouble. .. AnT Dru. 5,0,.•• 50c • Bo. DO



~ ?tL



FOSTER.MlLBunN co .• Buf'al... N ... Yorlt

Milk.crust all over tiny baby's face Motb ..... yoor 1Itt1. on •• ar. wrrerl", trom to rme.ntloQ', ul1llQ'bU, .kln or .cal, .ruptlon.. bow C&Jl you fill to proC I b7 tho o.porlenco ot Ibl.l molber, who .. rltel' "1 do Dol hoo,," ,,' ba t CDosed tbe mIlkcru ot on mT bab,'. f ace, III over It ex· ~pt lb •• ,.b311.. It .1.rl04 I . 0. rub, ot an Itcbl~ Doture: 'bou~b ooly Urea ", •• ka old It trIed to Icratcb IL Tbon III about a .... ek or ten d0.1' It bad torm~ Into cruet t ba t ..... nry Bore, wbl4l.b, an4 camo orr In .cnb.. For about Ovo w""kn 1 u se(! dlaerebt wnbc• • but It dId no good J'eom tb. tint opptlcatlon ot lb. Rednol 80ep ODd Otnun.nt, In at • .., hourK, aeem· JDetr. coulel I~. tb . cbaoll.. I ca, Infoly "';{ I cureel Ihe hnh1 wltb R~.tDol Soap an n•• IDol OI ntment. ADTon. wbo wtll tr.f tb. m ", til lure Ifet reslI lti thu .re Julio.," (Signed) IIlr•. LuveDtn B. .1luml1, CautborDYllle, Va., 13, lOa.



Ycnlr 1I .... 1l~.I ... n. neotnol Bo&p (2!10) &D4 Olnlm .. nt (We),or ma.I1 Nl on l'C!uelpL of prlc.. Re.ln o l Cbe1lllc,,1 Co., DaJUmor~, Md. Tbe7

Swallow..... omil. The teach er In natural blBtol'1 bad rece ived more or lesll satisfactory t'&pilei to h er Ques tions, The Delineator a ssertll. aud finally she asked: "What little boy can t e ll mil wheN tbe home of tbe swallow Is?" Lon g allence, th en a band wave4. "Well, Bobble, wbere Is It 1" "Tbe home of the Iwallow," 4&elared Bobble, lerloul1)', "II In the "tummlclL"

"Wil. It Mr, Crandall 7" A.ked Louise.


,.....a 1 bay. ha4

Thoroughly Up-to-Date. NHalloa! " J ellIson cried, a. be eDoountered hla a CQ ualntanoe, Barwood • In the etreeL "Tbougbt you were eetting marri ed today. P08tponed?" "Altogether," lIald BarwoC'd, ftrmly. "Not evon engaced now, then f" purlIu ed Jellloon. "No. The lady I wal to bave marrie d wu too modern- too up-to-date tor meo" "Up·t o·date!" The excu .. astonllhed J ellison. "How on earth-" "W rote her last Monday, laylnl( I Willi coming to aee her on Wednesday. You soe, although we'd been engaged for lIome tI me, I never tormally proposed, and sbe lIeemed to wllnt It. 110 I weDt on Wednesday-Jult to satlefy her whim. al I thoughL Oat there and found ebe had lIold the rlghtl of pbotograpblnjt me at the moment of proposlnl to a clnemetograph com· Pa.nY. "Tbat ,ettlod ItI"-Tlt·Dtta..


lfi., ~°,r:""tt ~~~U;~rg~p ~~~

~t1::1 ~~~~b:·oou1~~.f~~~:. m{·t~e&~~dn.,.

to marry,


.ro In •• luable hou.eho14 NunetllevlO? .IUntroubl .... I><oU.. _ .... 'WOUDc1a, bnrne &D4




How About Thllf "Oeele are Buppcsed to be 11lI1bollc of all tbat II fooUlh." "Well, 1(0 on ." "But you n over aee an old cander board up a million kernels of corn and theD uou4 tryln. to mate with a

it ?"

"n don't know." sho e rled ouL " ' can' t understnnd It at all! There is some myst ery, som e terrible ml'slery tlla t I cannot fathom." "'Vhen did yon Bee you r slBter last l' "We bnd JUQcbeon toge ther. Sbl> wan sweet and kInd, lUI sbe a.l wuYb wall. but I could 600 that somethlnl! wall worryin g her. . We weN! to have gone shopping together tbls afternoon but sbe told me that she bad nn errand tbat woulll make 1t Impossible for ber to go WIth me. J bad I'l' cel-ved your note, so I told ber that II would suit me mncb better to l1ut the s bclpplng oR until tomorrow. RI~b t after luncheon she went out- whe re, I do not know , Bhe did not use tbe car or call a tax\. All I know Is that sbe was gone ahout two haul'll. Wben abe came in I waB nrranglns the flower.! In the dlnlng·room. I heard bel' enter ant! came out Into the bllll She walked right past me without a word ant! went up·stalrs to her awn room. I raD up after her. thinking' sbe mIght be 111, but just 8S I got to the door I heard her turn the key. I understood th a t she wlsbed to be alone. About hallt an hour later I heard a Bound nile a. Ilbot and rushed up-stalrs, calling to th o servants. We round the door BUU locked and we could heal' ber groan Ing. I had tbe butler b \lrst open tbt> <1olOr and there we found ber, Just wber~ she was when you saw her, still na death, with her own Uttle revolveJ clutched In bel' hllnd." " What do you suppose made be! change ber mind about goIng Bhopp~ with you?" I asked. "Did sbe l'Coolv( any letters or telegrams today1" Loulll4! tbought for a moment bl!' fore answering. her IIlender rorm IIttn aha lIen with IIllent BobbIng. ~ntly J brushed a way tbe teaTS that gathere1! In her eyes and drew her to me unli) bpf bead was pillowed on my shoulder I (~oubt that If In ber di stress sbe nO' tked my action. save In the sense 0' eomrort that It hrougbt her. How ter rl ll le It Is to soo the womnn that YOI1 10yC Butrer so much and to feel powerless to do anything to belp ber! "No." saId LouIse, "I nm poaltlvl'l Kalbarlne recelYed no letter or tel .. gt:l1m today except an Invitation o~ two that we read at bl'Eakfast. Wr. w,ere tog e ther practically all tbe Urn. Until atter luncheon." "Perbaps some one telepboned ber." I suggested. Louise did not recall any meB"~ We summoned her eister'l maid, wbl) was crouching outsIde the door like. faithful animal, and put the quesUor tel htr. She was In such a bystertca) BUloo that It was difficult to make he' understand wbat we wanted. but ~na) IJ' ahe remembered that the"e hall been a Ullephone caD Juat beto"," twelve. "Wbo wilDt cd ber'" caked and J togetber. 'fhe girl ahook her bead u it .... w·Udered. ' ':Tblnk, think," t eommanded, "Wbat name' Who wu It·' If ~01\ "blti';"(nn~ · tbe tlelephone, 1thoe.,.r II lUI DtItl!:''''7'; c ''''U~lIU''T IIt~" ,; llIInnlr her






both hlft datOgt.tere, the eld er tid! II' In ~ s lo c~ n hi s fa I·orlte. A s 18 of teD th e ""s" wIth futht'rs who !lave no SU Il. I'atharlne hud b'Jen bolll 80n nnd d:LU Klll e r to hIm. Since ber mOlher·. cl~al h ~"n l (' yoars "1'0 aho b ad been ",rIlcUI "l lIy h('acl of Ihe b ou8clJ0ld . It w a s on Il<'r t h:\I he J'cl\(!d for everything, und It waD wIth her thal b~ 1118 (!uA ~ ell a ll hI s busluess I1rralrs. S ucb assoclutlon bN lI'C<'n tbe m naturally had str 'ugtbened the hon d n Into fnr more th a ll thE' ordinnry rat.bcr·and· d llllgbter uIT('c tlon. " Ml' pour littl e glrl- Katba rlne--my II tll(l Kalharlne ," bo mounerl In tones of agony that wrung my heart for blm. Ills fir st thougllt WOJ! to &0 to ber, but the clo('lor Corbndo bls ' presonce In tho room . I lle n;uadcd him to go to hlu own apfll1men ts. I('nv ln g him In til" Iwnds of his va lc t and lIroml81ng to kN'P him Infonn'ed as to Katha· r ln e's l·ondilion. \)('eilly ns I fe lt ror him . It Wll8 of Loul so I thou g ht. most. I wan lAod to Ix! with he r conntn ntly, to gIve I't~ ~


~oeUn~. "·


to Moth_ bamlne carefully every bottl. rd CASTORIA, a sate and lure remedy for Intanll and children, and lee that It

Dearathe ~ .... Blcnature or ~.~ III Uee For Ov er 30 Years_

Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria


Thll Stylo It. "How do tbey serve meal8 troDa \hat lunch wagon f" "I IUPPCI. they lerve them a Ia carL" PrecautIon. Chlmml&- Hey, Macri.. hol4 411 b"g o· peanull fer me fer a minute-b<!lre comel a poor relaUoD 0' mtUe 1-

Lite. LIteral, '')(y .1'QOd womall, do with a.-Idlc), '" "No'm; wltb loap." Red <:'ron Ban Blue, .n blue, hftt blolDK nlue in the whol. world, mU.eo the laundrae 1IIDil.. Ad.,.

-----The principal dlllerence behNen •

tUld a tboroughbred II that the cur can pick up ble own lIdn,.

C\lJ' do~



DEFIIIIOE STIROH-!:.":::': prl ..... _ o r o. .ob.. 0111, 11

"D .... ANO." .8 8U ... R.OR QUAL.TY.

AGENTS ro,.tapl •••• tto lit....tld· l .... 10118 pronL Write ror r _ ......1.01..... a.......oe a:....... u ........... _

l:JilliI. We Lead You



To Fortune and Happy Life in Califol'Dia Metln, J, 8. & W, S, Kat.. 1M Pltt.burrll b~nlr.en, are doln, 10 tll,Sacramento valley ..hat the U. 8. OOYlrnmeot "h.~ for tb. peopl.. II dOIR, There I. ten tim. mo~ net profit peT al:n In California img"..tMlla"J tbaa 10 the Eat anel .. Ith 1_ labor. Lat UI take ),OU "here then II comlo" and happlnetl beald. profit, climate equal to that of Southem hal,. no IrOlIB Dor IIlOW. no thuodentorma nor IIIDltroka. Let UI take JOU ..ben bl, monlT II ,,""' beln, mad., marketa ... lIeU, for prodUCI.I a-r-t and Income II lUre. Let UI ta.... you ~here l railroad and river tranlponatlOll II near, .. h.~ tM~ .... 4aomlaatloll&l church. aod ,raded acboole. N,w II the tllD. to bay thiliand-,wt In ..lth the "Inoln. the I~at Pan&!U Canal ..ill lOOn be ready and you caD. Ihare In lIB trlumphl; fal1Dl a~ "IIin, rapldl" aDd we Itronll, .fp JOU to pure..... U IOOD U pouIbla. You Clan bu, thll Jand Oft " ' " . . ., tlnn-S15.00. Q Icn • ....., and the ~ fa IBD y_rI, pa,meata. 01 •• us an opponunlt, to taIIe ap .u....u. with ,Cltl - .. rite aa .P'Wo Let al _d Joa oar lI.. m...tratIcl prfnted IIII"r II1IIDlalI about iL Wrl.efor It.,_h " ... youblohn. pnMIII.



~UHN IBBI=f$ ~ CO•.



No.. I. L

HIS ~ INTERFERENCE There Was Only One Way Out of the Engagement. BY A. MARIA CRAWFORD.


"You've always bad all the money .fou wante d. Th eoreu. and YO Il wo uldll't know bow to get alollg without ' It." aald Helly d ecltledly. "So It's uos t to con s ldpr ollr pngagemont at nn end. 1 can't murry YOIl." Th eoren CruDe lou k ed nt the girl wOlld e rln J; ly. "The ro Is only ono WilY out ot thIs engug e m(' nt for you . Just olle." he r eIlenled. "nnd th n l I~ to a e llnow lodge thllt you (lOIl't lo ve me. 1\'0 othe r rOil· son will h old with mn." HE' lly pOful e rpd . a tillY puckor sbo\':' !ng In h er fOft:'l!t:'sd, Sho spoke with 1111 e ffor t. "Yuu knuw there ha R al· ~\' aYB huon Tom ." Sh,' trl"d to loole at 111m. uut h r eyes fe ll before the sud· d en lire III his own. "\\,pll. whllt of It? He's aBort ot 11alf·forgollprI mYlh ." "Don't th(' ~p. rO Bps look r eal? He has s e nt. 1I0\\'ors evnry duy for two Yl!a rs ." lI er re tort came qulcilly. Her Jlrirl e had b een stirred. "00 yo u 1Il f':1 n to t ell me that you;ou ot ull women-wou ld have nllowed me to hold you In my urms and kI ss YOli IC you bad not Inte nded to marry m ("? Wer e you thinking of Tom th n?" The glrl's d e(e n~ e wae b plng swept R\\'ay r ll thln s~ l y . Sb e re lt the bot blood tln glr' in h e r fnce. . "I don't suppose you ever made n ml s l nko a nd kl s MPd t h e wrong girl. did r ou?" sbn asked slo wly. "Belly' Wbat's tll", maller? Your ·alher bas told yo u tbat Uncle Henry drew u p bls will yesl£'rday und lert his mon e y to me provided tbat I don't narry n eo·ca ll c(l socl!'ty woman . He lha B III ways bep n a crank on th o sub~ll('. t of mnrrlllgn. Tblnl{B lhat women ou~~ hl to know how to cook and sew and run :l. bou se. you und e r st a n d. I we nt \0 th e ol1leo and begged you r fa· th er not to tell you. Uncle lIenry has b een In Austra lia for t wenty years and Jl e dldn't know a Inwye r nor. anybody


Do you really 10Te this man In the MIGHT. 1I0uth? Be honest with me. Detty. please. for I b e lloy,e In you like 1like 1 believe In Ood." he fl-nlshed rev e re nlly. "Ob. Tbeoren. 1-" Detty put h er hand to her throat. She seemed to b e choking. "Ol\"e me two days to tblnk thIngs over. Then [ will send Cor you. Tbeoren ." she h eld b er arms out to blm Il8 he turn ed away to the door. "Don't lose Calth In me. not y et-not DEPICTS WOMAN AS HEROINE yet." Tho n ert evening at dInn er sho Newspaper of 1865 Glveo Story of Mrs. beurd h e r tath r's voice culling hoI'. Martin. Who Was on Saratoga "In th e kltcb e n. daddy." sh e an· Bilttlefleld. swered. ''I'm setling din ner. Mar y. Sus ie. Jam es and my own mai d ru sh e d In vI e w ot tbe tact that some rehome all hour ago wbon tb o grocer'lI cent reseu rcb tha t has bee n given boy told th em about tbat big tIro In l.Jlugazln e and newspupe r puullclty has th e block where tbey all IIvo I'll tended to show that al l th e lighte rs ot hurry. You won't ha vo to wal' lon g ." I th o American revulutl ona ry war were " P ut more wale I' In th tl HOUIl." J ohn not us pa triotic or us urave as blstory Carter told h er; smiling at this s trange has set th e m d~wn. 0. Clipping In tb e Mr. Colli er Down--Thla ohicken III trIck or Fate. "for I've brought com· 1I08session of C. l~ l\llIler. u I:'rlncf'too pany to dlnurr." citizen. 10 of Int er est Just now III that tougb. 1\11'8. CollIer Down-nu t the deal er "All right." Betty WIIS not JlOl'- It /J o t only shows conclual vely thut Hs turb ed. "\1uw many guests?" I th ere we re "sorno" bm \" e Iln~ Intre IJld aosured me tbat It waD tender. "One Mr. Wilson from up country." i men In tho Ame ri can ran Its. but It woul.dn·t tell n lie tor a m e re chicke n. laft-. Collier Down-Hut be mlgbt tor )Ir. Carter stood for a minute admlr· I brings out wbut Is rare III blstory. Ing the slight figure In an evening th e recital of womun 's vnlor on the an old hen. dress pinn ed up carefully and partly fi e ld ot uatll Cl In that momentous pt:'- BABY IN MISERY WITH RASH covered wltb ODe or Su s le 's big blue rial! . It also d enls Maj. Oen. Horatio aprons. Gates. Am e ri ca n otnce r a hot shot on -Detty served b el' dinn er wltbout any th e "urn\'ery" display e d lJy him at the Monroe, WIB.-"When my baby wu apparcnt errort and found tim e to cha t battle of Saratoga. I Ilx weeka old tbere cn.tne a rush on gaily with her tather's ratber s ilent Th e clipping Is rrom an origInal , hI. face whIch IlnaJly spread until It guest. copy of the Troy (N. Y.) Wh ig of No- cot nearly all o ver his hody. It form· "Did you really cook thIs nice din· " em be r. 1855. and Is Belt.uplnnatory. ' ed & cruet on bls bead. hall' fell aut ner ?" Miss n e tty ?" he aslwd yielding slncc Its words come trom tile lips 01 and the Itcb was terrIble. When he pre sently to h e r gracIous charm. one Who saw and participated In the I would Icratch the cruat, tbe water "Yes. We k ee p lour s e rvant s. but noted con ti let a t Saratoga. He says: : .,.ould ooze out In bIg droplI. On face thi s afternoon tb ey all stampeded b e· "Mra . Margare t Murtln. wbo Is stop. and body It was In !l dry form and cause ot a tire In the block wb e re th ey ping at tlt e r esId ence or her grand~on would Bcale otT. He wao In great mta· live. Fortunllte ly. my moth e r trained l in this cIty. Is 9~ years of age. She ery and at nIghts I would lie awake me to be ready tor Just such emer· ' Is oll e ot the fe w ramllrkablo women baldi ng bll handE' so that be could not gencles." of t lt e revolution who took part In . Bcratcb and dlsllgul'O blmself. I tried "Now. Miss Detty Is just th e sort of the memorobl o occurre nces of th e , slmp.le Nlmedlell at firBt. then got a gIrl I want tor rny-" struggle for AmerIcan Ind epen de nctl. 1 medicine. hut It dId no sood. "Let me give you some more fowl?" Jl er husband Gilbe rt Martin , was a I "Finally a. trlend suggested Cutlcurll begged John Carter hospitably. surgeon In the a rm y .o t the Am e rican Remedies. so I se nt tor a sample to It was evident to the guest tbat gene ral. Gat('s. and was engaged In seo what they would do. wben to my ~!r. Carter did not care tc dlHCllS9 !Iro· th e battl o at Saratoga. aUr(rrlBo after 11 fow appll cntlons I fesa lonal matters at born e with h is "M M tI tb ou n g I coul(1 lIee an Improvement. and be ra. ar n. e u a very Y . would rest belter. I bougbt 0. box ot dau g bter. 80 he Immediately took up womun was on tb e lIeld durIng both I C tl 01 t d I f C I • I i ' u cura ntmen th e worn topic of tb e hi gh cost 0, V· 3trllggles con s tituting lhls bllttle . and S d b f an I ah ea d ts tb 0 hut· It cura oap a n e ore a em a I n~. " terminating tbe derent of the SPlen' used my baby WIlS cured. HIs head Is Belty Is a shrewd manager. com· did a rmy wblch Burgoyne bad trans· d Ith I I t h a uxu r a n grl OWl mc nt ed Carter. proudly. "I h ea r otber ported with sucb Immense lubor and nfow n.lcovere d w bl s comp lex lon II a d . o l I r Bn men complain of expenses . bul Hrtty expe nse from Calludu. confidently nn· mIred by everybody Ilnd haa no dig. Is & good buy e r and wast es nothing. tlc lpatlng that he wou ld be able with fI t " (81 d)" •_ I guremen s . gne _ra. ALln 0 so I find that nlthoug b I have ev('ry· It to divid e the army at the patriots Saun ders Be t. 29 1911. thing on th e mark et. my exp<'nscs. and aecure Sir Henry Clinton In his cu' ~ . d 01 t t ld household expenses. nre no more than possession ot tb o 80u.U1crn line ot d e· tbr u chura th ap aln B n m en t so b r . oug ou t 0 wor. d amp le 0 eae they were t en y ea rs a go. lettr s ten ses. tree. with 8Z.p. SkIn Book. AddNHII mother married m e when 1 WIlS a poor. "Mrs. Martin re presen ts the 8trug· post.eard "Cutlcura Dept. 1... Boston." stru ggling lawycr. and we had to save glo as most terrlllc. She says tbat Adv ' In order to liv e . 80 1 s uppose It Is In- toward evening. when Burgoyne. mad. • sllnct In tbe child to economIze." de n e d by the conscIousness tbat all Wanted a Bite. "I'm prouel to Ilnow such a girl In his Rlll e ndld sch emes were a bout to be Oh, yell: It mIning- had been these days of wltrul waste and extrav· detea ted. directed his wbole r eserve nIl day. Bnt they dldn't mind that so ngant living. You'lI m nke some man and cavalry torce upon the te e ble much; you lIee, tb ey were fisbermen. a mlghly fin e wlte. MIss Dett y." army of tho patriots. the conte stants AU the lIame. tb ey. were trudgtng A little later as the men sat smok- stood within halt mns\{et range of each bomle. wIth weary alepa and very !ng In the library. Betty's voice. pIal'" (}tber an!! poured In th e ir deadly v(}l· weary·looklnc racea. lIvcly sweet In a te nder love song. leys. while whole tiles on eltber side Tbelr baskeLII were empty, and. to mnde John Carter'8 henrt b egIn to fell In tbelr tracks. and Btlll neither be candid, they were In a very bad !\Che. He remembered her assumed gave one Incb. ""mper. gaIety at the table nnd bcr bravc at· "Toward evening Dr. Martin wae AIlI they entered tbe little village a tempt to take bls advice without nny wounded In tbe shoulder, and while Inrgll dog ran at one ot tbe party The apparent eITort. bls wire was In the act of aml:lng a dog had a ferocloul! look. and was Tbe tlnkllDg of tbe door b ell star· bandage she henolt was wounded In barkIng furlOtfeIy. But lbe fisherman t1e.d him from hIs reve rlo. th en the lhe hand. Says she : 'Gllbert sprang did IDOt take much alarm at the anI· rustle of DeUr's skirts and then Theo- up like a cbarred lion. "Peggy." said mal. He Juat kicked . It away careren Crane's dee p voice III the hall . h e. ''1'11 go nnd teach tboso cowardly lessly'. "Betty, I don't care a hang about , fell ows b etter manners tban to shoot "Aren't you afraid he'll go tot your' Uncle Henry's mon ey. SomethIng a v;oman." And I 8:\W blm no more Inquired another ot the PllTty, sometells me that you love me and tbat lIll tbo fight was over.' what: anxiously. you are sacrIficing yourself f(}r my "or such material were the men and Tble one 1I'ho bad kicked at the dog supposed advancement. I couldn't women ot tbe revolution. We CRn read. lookr~d at hll companion In a lIorrow· walt for you to send for me. I 10vo lIy Imagine that tbe fteld ot Saratoga tul manner. you. Betty. You're all I want In the was a strange place for those at the "1 only wIsh he would'" be replied. world." 'sorter sex.' Mrs. Martin. bowever. "I'd chance aJrnost anrtblng to be a~le Wilson turned qu estionIngly to hIs hilS evidently been a woman ot un- to e(1 home and aay I d had a bltel bost. common energy or cbllracter. Her "Isn't that Theoren? Is that why ; frame etlll exhIbits evidences ot Point for Shertock HolmeL you aalted me to take an a 3sumed strengtb. and h e r eyes sparkle as she Somebody wondered bow long a cer· name for the evening?" recounts tbe deeds of that glorious taln woman who bad Just lett tbe A few words b etween the men ex· ' day or speaks ot that cowardly Uates, room bad been married. plalned matters. Hecry Crane chuck· who stayed Bafe and Bound all .day In "About 1Ii years," said tbe Jeweler. ling wIth laughter. part ed tlle cur· , bl8 t ent. and cared n(}t for the men "How do you know?" asked th~ jewtalns at the door. There stood his who were tailing like 8heav~s In the eler's wife. "You never'eaw her until nephew. hIs young face drawn with , harvest." tonight. .. Buttering. pleading with tho womun "I ca.n tell by the Ilze of her wed· ot bls heart. Betty. all tbe color gone dIng rlne:' he replle d. "The width of A Song Book Saved HI. Life. from her pretty faco. 1\·as biting her weddIng rlnge ebangell about every At the battle or Peach Orchard, live yea.ra. The kInd she weara wa. lips to keep back the hot tears. when MoClellan was making hili In etyle 16 yeara ago." "Ood blesll you both. n e phow. couldn't find you a be tter wHe In all cbange of base. a MIchigan Infantry· the 'world than Detty. Take her and man tell to the ground as If ~bot Almo.t Entirely. I'll draw up a ncw will In tho morn· de ad. and was lett lying In a h eup as "DIck" Quay. at the Congresll hotel lng, leavIng the love I have followel! tbe regiment changed position. 'rho In ChIcago. was talking about & noall my Ute-gold-to my dear nIece bullot that had bit blm IIrs t 6truck l tonouo politician. and neph ew. May I kiss ber. The- the barrel of his gun . th e n ~lanced "And he'lI worth eleTen millions," oren TOO ' and struck olf a button of his (·oat . Mr . •~uay ended. • "And is an entirely lelf.made mlln. "Yes." saId hili astonished kin s man. toro tbe wa.teh out of his vest poc ket Then as the older IDe n wltlldrcw. lie a.nd struck tbe mall JII St. over tho too. II beli eve." Bald a correspondent. "Entirely so." Mr. Quay answere d. caught tho girl to his h eart. "Uetty. heart. where It was sto pped by a song you're the rI ght gIrl for me. am I the book In hIs shirt Jlock e t. Ho wa s un ' "except for nille thick coats ot \\'hlt~ conscious tor three·qu arters of an wash tbat have been applied to hIm rlgl!t man for you?" "Yea; th ere's n ever bee n anybody hour. and It was a tull month he fore by various Investigating cOll).mlttee .... but you. Theoren. Oh. what I'v e suf· the black and bllle spot disappeared . At Pittsburg Landing a m cm ue r ot Not SUQceallfu1. fered tryIng to give you up because I the Twelfth Mlchlgllll Infant ry Htopped nir'S. Knlckcr- Why don't you go to do love you!" "Ne ver mind. It·s all over now. to gIve a wounded man a drink from the market yourself? Ml'II. Bocker- No. Indeed: th nt's just sweetheart. Sa rno poet has said that his cantee n. Whlle In this art n bul. a tear lies In the velals or every ro se. let aImed at his breast strllcll the tbe way Jack told mo he 108t hll Plesae God. we 've bad our t en r-now canteen and burled Itself In the leg ot monoy. for the he,art of th e rose of love and 11 borse. Th e canteen was Bp llt Ol,en and dropped to the ground In balveD.· llte!" n ed CrOM Rail Blue will lvn.h douhle III (Copyright, 1912, bY' Auoclntod I,ltarary -Harper's Weekly. many clo! hc. no Rnr other blue. lJon't Press.) put TOur money into nny other. AdT.



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All kinds of men tnDoke Duke's Mixture In al\ ILlnd, of'plpea-ss well q In cli;:arettes-nnd they all teUthc same .tD17- The1 lIke the .rennlne, Dllturnl tobacco taste of


Cholco bright leah~ tomeIlo", mndnelll. auefully stemmed and tb en grunuloted-e.ery grain pure. b igh.grnde tobaccothat's wbllt you get In the LiKrell & Iol),"s Duke's llll:<lure ""clr_ You got one Gnd .. 1utlf0UDeea of this pure, mild. deli~htful tobacco, unsurpnssed 10 quallQ-, tor k-and with each 64ck you a ct Il book of pApol'1lrwe.

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In enTY sack otLiuett & M"ws Dulce's Mlxtureweno,,"p"c\[ • caupoo. You can ClXChange these coupons for & pipo or (or mllny other v" lu"ble and lUfJtul artlcles_ These p resents cost not one penny. Tbere I, IOmethlna for fl'l'ery member of tho fnmlly.kutca. cntcber·. riOTeR, teonil ,rackets, cameras. toilet nrt ides. auit cases. CADca, umbrellaa, and dozeOl! of otber thin"s. Ju st se nd u.,our IlAme and Ilddrcss on 11 pos tal and . . . • pedal ofFer clzzrinu Sep. '.mber GIld Ck/~ onty wc will



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"How Many Gue.tal"



elae In thIs town. Imagine how I telt when he came In to lunch eon today and announced that he bad been to Gustave Carter to bave bls wll\ drawn up! To your tather! I don't want hIs money. I can take care or yon. Ob. Betty. dear. I'vo been s o happy. Sa y H'B all a mistake. I don't wunt anytblng but you." Betty swallowed bard and staring In _ the fire, went over to herself every ~ord h e r 1atber had said at noon. "Betty, you must glvo up Tbeoreu Crane ." h e bad urged. "The boy bas a tuture alld this old uncl e of hIs h ~.s n doz en millions. You mustn't let maudlin sentimentality cheat the boy out of a fortun o like that. The old t ellow lo\'os 'rheor en and wants him to marry Il qulot. simple girl who Is accustomed to do actual work. bousehold work. h e said. YOE\. I know It's hard on YOIl for you are more tban capabl e and can 1'1111 this bIg establlsh· m e nt. but H enry Crano de mands that bIB I,loce shnll not smnck or tho s ocIal 'I\·orld. You're liIm a b eautiful orchid. Betty. don 't cry: wc'll go abroad for a yenr. H e nry Cr:Jne would n e ver boo lIeve that yotl could work. You must nol tblnl{ or yourself In thl9. but what this fortune will meau to blm." Acts of b erol sm appeared easy enough to accomplish In th e creatures elf m en's fancies-In books-but when an actual exp erIence came bome to an av e rage. normal girl. It seemed too dlf· ficult for mortal end urance. Betty .w antj!d to crY" out how dear he was --thl's man sh o was givIng up tor love elf him . He was eo big und strong and capable of carIng for her. She would love him so that he would never reo trot tbe 108S of money under tho circumstances, she proll}lsed herself. and ~hen the ' voIce of her father. speakIng 1n a cool /way of tho material things . bt lite. smote her Inner conscIousness. "You mustn't let maudlin sentimental· tty cheat the boy out of a fortune like ,;that. j and Betty steeled ,her II~Art and .~olermlned to lIrove herself eQual to ,h~r ' taUter's · expectation and demand. ~'li ever ~a'rry. I 'wln marrY Tom. ;.; ~ot~llOd!Y could love a woman any more , I am rolng abroad '

-" ..


i;~~~~:~II=;8ri 1- hope to studY . ~ ·t ... ;O-....;.,;.. '11178411',','



Good CarIcature. The duke ot Sutherland. In an Inter· view In New Yor't, conde mn ed tbe New York taxicab. which Is. In truth. contrast with the luxurious taJo:i· cabs of ' Paris 'a nd ' London. an outrageously dear and outrageously ram· shaokle conveyancE'. "A New York cabby," he said, "characterized your New York taxicab very well when, a ladY repulsing him on the grOuDd that Bhe wanted a taxi. he said: . H 'Oh. ,stop rfpt , tn, madam. rve JOlt cleaned my cushloDs with galleline and I'll ~rantee to get atuek twJoe. to ,run do'Yll a . oilUVle of old women. , and to , c~. ,J1H1 ~ythiJJc fn?Di ,17 u~'/' 1.' ,. ,< ',. '

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ehan an,. other maaufac>- .,... la the world. THE 8T.ANDARD OP QUALITY f!OR OVIER 80 YEARS. The workmanehlp wMcJa ......... W_ L DOUCIaa .hoe. f&moue th. wMId oyor ie maintained in ••.,. ...... A.k your dealer to .how r- W. L D-.Iu l ..tett fuhlon. for fall aDd vtnter wear, notice tho ehort fHlmlU which make the foot look amalieI', poiJfta In a ahoe pluticularl,. de.lred by ,.--11 _ AI .. the conseNJatl1J'fl stylu wbic:a haTe made W.1.. Doualu ....... a L-Lol" word enrywltere. .If ,ou could 'fieit W_ L o-.Iu facton .. at Broddon, Mus., aDd _ for Jounclf how carefull, W_1.. oc...luab_ ..... lDoILde, ,ou would thl!D un. deratand why the,. .... wUNAwd to flt better, look bettor, hold their _hope aDd wear loneor than an, other maJr. for the price.. Fan Col., EII.lau.


CAUTION.-To prot_I r - ......... w.rtw .,,_ W.L D_.1.u oIa...,. hloname on the bot> tom. Look for the otAmp. L1.w... ef ..Ioo':t"t-. W.I_l>oualaa ohu .... re .old In 78 .... a .tore.. aadaboo cl..t.n • .,...rywb..H.. H_.altar wbere .... U... , they within 7our".,acb. . .. ,0\11'" d ..lcrcaa.aot 1U~1'l, f"oa.,....u,., A ...el t. , .. ctot'7 for cat.loa aL,,'Ww. bow to ON..' br mail. SIa".. ......vurooMn.~~... W.LD.....I_lboc:kIOD.a.-


Nothing More to Llv. F .... . Without question. the 800te _flu of whom Lord Lyveden tell. In I"ry', Magazin e. placed the proper "a1ue 011 bls sport. DurIng .. ~cent ourltn«·mUOh In Switzerland. the sldp of one ot th" team s. who happened to ho a Bcot. man. WIlS 80 deli ghted with the aollU' ra te sbot of olle or hI. U&.m. thAt be vms b eard to addre&s hlm In tla. to1low ing mnnner: "Lle down aad dee, mOil; lie down and dee. Ye'll DeTer I:.y II fincr stalle nor that U 7e " " to be a hUll dred ."

Raw Chlckon .. Ross Pastor Pbelps Btok.... .. . . add ross on behlllt of 11 New York COUJl· tryw e pk chl:.rlty. told II. Quaint atol"J. "A little slulD girl." Ihe 1a14. ".lood tor th e Ilrst ti me In her life 111 a ban· Yllrrt. with Its ricks. Ill! luy oow., I'e yard. wltb ItH rIcke, Its lar.1 co....... lUi pluw8 aIJ d barrow!!. Ilnd wbal.-not.. The slum girl draDk It all In 4&llgbtedly. then gaspod b .. lf to hoeT1lelf : The Rabbit Wouldn't Know. "·A.n· jes look at tbf, chJokea.aIt Dependl. Mike pleked up hlB gun and started "00 you think a wlfs shOUld CO all mnurn' around rawl"-Wuhin/lton att e r a rabbit that was chased up In through her husband's pockets?" Star. camp. "Y'IlII-if Uiere·. anythIng In ·em." Bel.dng the Opportunlty_ "Yer gun aln't loaded , Molke." She-Old Mr. Steiner told IDe Ile called h18 'bunkie. u .... ..•• Bootbl". 81ruP ror Chl1d~D "Ocll. hould yer whist now; shure 'HtbIDC,eotUtU. tbe cum .. reduceH Inn"mm ... would marry me at once If Ile were 'Iou. alla7a .,alD. "l114 eaJlc. 25c a bo1.Ue.. ve years younger. the rabbIt won't lmow." A .... He-Why. that would juat be fIQ People who a~ crlpplod In the beac! agel Brought the Cowa Home. Sbe-Ach. this la 110 IUd4en.-IIx· Cbarles Oatel, a mInor son of a let lell lympath7 than any other crll)cbange. Pennsylvania tarll).er. wished to enlist, ple.. but bls aged parents obJected to It. One morning be wali Bent to drIve tbe cows 'to pall~ure. ··o.nd told to brln& them home at night. but that night he did not come .back.· He had run away and enIlBtj\·cLJ.\ He remained aWay for three yean' .'Wlthout a furtouJ(h, a'n d ' retUrHd th. · ,






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. The Same ATLAS Cement !Js\~J By The U. S. Government

Mrs. Geo. Ammon . of Cincinnati, is visiting at the home of her br.other A. B. Sides was in Dayton. Tues- Mahlon Rid ge. day. Rev ..J. F.CatlwaIlad ernnd Walter Mrs. Grace Smith is in Dayton. McC lure attended the funera l uf today. Mrs. Lorena Dean McCallum. Tues·

can be had right in town from us.

You know how particular Uncle Sam is in buying goods. You can trust his judgment. It will pay every property owner to find out how ATLAS Cement can add to his income, comfort, safety, health, etc. We have some interesting booklets on this subject. free for the asking.

Chas. Stansbury was in Dayton. Thursday.

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Rain Light Bnd Flint Kote Rooffor sale by W. H. Madden & Co

Don't forget the great Big Maj es· tic Bake at Lingo & BlaIr's . Leba·



Dr. J . A. McCoy,

Mrs. Eva Miller and daughter, The trial of White vs. HaiRe!! was Miss Mari e, were guests of r elatives held at Lebanon Tuesday. Seyeral in Dayton. last wet!k. Office at residence in F. B. Sher.. witnesses for both sides were ex· One of the special features of the wood's house, Fourth Street. amined_. _ _____- - Big Majestic Bake will be the MajesIf you have young ohlldren you tic Walking Cake Exhibition at Telephone 28 have perhap8 noticed thllt dlRorders Lingo & Blair's. of the !!tomaoh life their mo.' Waynesville, Ohio oomOien ailment. '1'0 oorree' 'hill Brice Worley, of Lebanon. can!!!.~~~~~~~~~~~~ you will find Chllm b4lrl&in's Stomaoh and Liver Tablets exoellent. They didate for County Commissioner, If you have any surplus are easy aad pleasant to take, and WBII in town Tuesday. and gentle In effeot. For sale stock for sale, use our mild by BI! dealers. H . H. Williamson and familyatC~ified Column. - It tended the funeral of Joseph Boyle. wiD sell them for you. in uban on, Saturday.


OlasslRed Ads

- -.........- - - - - - - -....-..............."....".....-.....


Ada wlll be Jnaerted unde r ~b18 bead for tweoty · llve ceou lor Lbree InlllrUpna "hen usln. not more than live Una.

Undertaker and Embalmer,

Wtll be found ·in the old --_....... """" ......... "" ............-..--........ Bank BuUdIn,. oppoeite WANTED the Na'iOllal Bank. Telephone in hOUle"ind ofI WANT to hire .. man &e do .Iloe where. I oan be oaUe4 General 'BEW worll. WtIl gtve day or nleh'. him work en wlDkr and lIire him an.,. RhODe 1....2. for au' lummer if he euit8 Joh. Mala Street. Waynelville, Obi. W. JotJ., 8prlnl V.Uey, Ohio, R. F. •. I. 018




Metbodlst EplJoopei Churdll

Bey. 0. 8. 0,.II1II', Putar. SUD4a, SChool, 9 : 11 a. \D. MarolDit' ler .Ioe. 10 :80 a . III. lIInDlDC aervlee. ,7 : 0 p III . M14_..- Pr "er ....UIlC. 7 p. m.


St. Aapatlne's Catholic Cburda.1 JI'a\ber LoIIIa Yau" MM8 eve" IICOODCI Swrday of tile mOIlUa •

St. Mary's EpiKopai Cbun:la. Rector.

Sunday Scllool . Q:80 a . m · Morning tier

vice. 10 :30 a. m. litly Commoolon Lhe lint

BUDda, at eacll mOD~II,

ChrlltJan ChUJ'(;h.

'·Rn. P. B.·ThomJ*)1l, P...... m.



10:10 .. at. CbNUaII BOO_vor. 7:0U p. III. III!l'IIICID b, J)IWItor eY«7 • al$erolote 811Dd.., .. 10:.0 .. III. ud 7:'0 p •. m.

Hkblte Friends Chur4. ' ~

Jrint D&) "'edlnl(. 0 :00 a. m. Finn Daf 8 0 llooJ. 11 ;00 a m. Faun.ll Day MeeUng 10:0010.111.

Orthodox Friend, Cburca. lin. Ruth Murra,. Putor Sabba\h School. \I :80 a. m. Rel(ular chnreb lorTloe, 111 '110 a. m. Cllrl8LiaD EDdoavOl'. 7 :30 , ..

Mrs Mury Wise and Mrs. Julia Bwgan spent last Wednesday in Corwin, tuests of -Mrs. Patrick Clark .. We will Bake Biscuits in the great Majestic, on the streets of Lebanon with the oven door open . Lingo & Blair.


Th ese' furnaces are right! The price is low, Give me a chance I will prove it so. The work is good The m a terial is best The proof is yours ~ By the test.








Sherwood BJock Valley Phone 113

Waynesville, Ohio"


. J. Milton Earnhart

RAY MILLS Automobile Livery Service at Reasonable Rates.


Ph. . . 71·. U .




• •




Winter Wheat Bran Special


We have a car of High-Grade Winter Wheat Bran coming, and make a


StrIctlY 'Hand-Made



Tinners & Slaters


......",••*.** .**......a......:.. I

Satisfaction or nu charge, is our motto. Prices right.


. • - FO.ur 9Jieens and a Jack and Ouy-Y01 Cigar~ ' , ,

No need 'to take your work to Lebanon, Dayton or any other cit y. 'Patronize "home industry."

..... "" ...... , . . . . . SWEET and Iri8h Potatoee aDd Hot Biscuit, Good Butter, Hot Keifer Pean for I&le. Charley Democratic' \Frye, Way.eevl.lle, R. R.., ph ... e Coffee anti Maple Molasses will be COMMISSIONER You (let All the News Through the Miami Gazette served free to every body who calls 49 11.-2s. 0 23 Brice B. Worley at our store durinll this Bake. ALED straw, oloyer and tlmotby hay, for sille. Call J . R. Mrs. Jane Weir, of Blue Ball, and Peterson, pbone 33 2Y" Waynf8vtlle e .16 Mrs. Jas. Campbell, of Collelle . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . Ohio. Corner, were guests of Dr. A. T. \ OW-Fresb, extra fine. Jer8ey Wright and family, Monday and (Jow, with her third oalf. 10. Tuesday. q.lre of Utho Henderson, •. D. 3, Waynenllle, Ohio. 100 Majestic Ranges will be sold by Lingo & Blair at their Store in • few oboloe ladia. R.noer Lebanon, Ohft>, commencing Mondav Drakee. 1ge I. R. Blny, October 28th and ending Saturday, (Jorwin, O. November 2nd. PLANTS and Ml\ngoes. 'For A lady will lecture on Domestic Sale. Charles C. S'rol188, Way. nesvllle, Ohio. R. R. I . 0 9 Science at the Bill Bake at Lingo & '. nIair'8 every !Jay during the week of APKINS-A new stook: of nap. the Bake. No lady can afford to kine Juet in. Seven designs \0 miss these lectures. piok from. Gawne oft1oe.



You had better get that Winter Sui l and Overcoat pressed and be ready for any emergency.


Think it over And buy the best, And I will come And do the res t.



cott, of Lena Ohio, fallenalec . thecellar steps andhad broken As Mrs. Wolcott. i8 well advanced in . . . t . . y e a r s her relatiVes are fearful of +. the effect of the 8hOck. ~~ YOU CAN ' FIND THE BEST GOODS AT THE BEST PRICES. EVERYTHING IN THE UNE OF FANCJ ..... Mr and Mrs Jos W Newell of ...... . GROCERIES, CANDIES, COUNTRY PRODUCE ETC . I N ' " . ....' ..".. GREAT PROFUSION CIGARS ' AND TOBAccO TREY flo Pemberton. N. J., \vu In . town $' ALSO HANDLE THE CELEBRATED LINE OF • TU~aY.loolrina' up lire. N'~w.ell'8 *,. ., . relatives. Her grandfather , wu

,~ '.~ .

Is Almost Here

Th e fire is great The heat intense With little fuel And less ei\pense.

MI"II. p. J. Gahagan and Miss Myrtle Opp, of Columbus, are spendOOD fresh dry feast. Mrs. Romin.,oorner North & "h lite ing a few days with their parents, 01. Mr. ami Mrs. J. H. OPP.

**'*''*'****'''*'''**! '*+1'***'*'*'*'***'*'*** AT HAWKE'S GROCERY '* t!.•


Candidates .






We will Bake Biscuits on the great Majestic during our Big Majestic FOR RENT Bake and Sale in six minutes without any fire in the Range. Every near 8prin,ltero, 4 or 5 body should see this demonstration. h01'888 required. Dr. Gre". Lingo & Blair. Bell phone 853, or P . O. '0% 343, M.lamtsltarg, Ohio. • 9 Word was received here Monday ~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~'!!'!!!'!!'!!!~!!!!!!~'!!'!!!~~~'!!'!!!!!!!!!~ by relatives that Mrs. Rebecea Wol-

_~ .




" ••



Mrs. Elizabeth Fitzgerald and of 5 and sill: rooml, eaoh. daughter, Miss Katherine. of SpringBllth waters, BIoll, oement, oloae to gield . were Sunday guests of Mrs. paved ~'reet anel etree' oar linel Mabel Fitzgerald. aha' for t12 and t15. John P . Lawrenoe, 107 Baltimore 8t ., Day too Mrs. J. C. Hawke and daughter . O. 0.9 Miss Clara, Rpent Tuesday in Lebanon SUBJECT TOGENERAL ELECTION ! Mi88 Clara will visit a few days with NOVEMBER 5, 1911 relatives there. FOR SALE


0\ •



Misses Edna Janney and Ethelyn Jones, of Oxford college. spent Sunday with their home folks.

o TRADE for Farm 2 nice Home8

.:.0 ..



. C'iraduate ofl-0hlo State University

-mili- 8chool.


non. Ohio.

. d . Mrs. Geo. Kin g. with a party of Th e Prottctlve W"i'lesville's LeadinilDeDtid an DetectIve I OtDce in' KeY8 BldK. Mabl 8t Association will play ball at Phillips' young ladies. of Kings Mills, was in Ipark, Friday afternoon at 2:30. town , Sunday. --!!'!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!"!'!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!~ IThe Ii ne up will be th e same as the M. M L h h t ed two former games. A good game is ISS ary at~ em 8 11 re urn anticipated. home. after ha~lng spent about a _ - - -+ _ _ year In CentervIll e.

aIv. J. F . OII4wallllder,


forced and barricaded with Yale Deposit Locks. rPhe Yak! system of locking is known around the world as the most sturdy, the most impregnable.


in ~


We give to patrons the

Evety boll 10 our nult I. prolcct.d by. apeclal "' .... d and. ,/",,6" ,cl 01 I11mbl..... E DUlIIl yO W" vaJu&blu to ....-they wi ll b••,.r. I,01" 6re .. AI IhelL

Mr. and Mrs. W. S Graham were in Morrow . <ihio. TuesdliY



advanta~es of new and

Janney were in

Read the florf-nee Adverti sement in this paper of Lingo & Blair·s .

11 :00 a.

day. at Dayton.

Mrs. W. S. Hain es left Tu esday morning- for Lena. Ohio. on ..CCOU l lt Mrs. W. H. Allen is a Dayton of the accid ent to her au nt. Ml'tI. visitor, t oday. Rebecca Wolc ott. .



The Security Offered by our Safe Deposit Vaults

Mrs. Ray Smith is ill.

On ne Panama Canal

D 1(. H. E. HATH A W A '\' I

Mesdames Cassie Cox and Ralph Lewis spen t Wednesday in Dayton.



. ,




.............r... "P' I' ......

Wm~ Ollphant, who, Dian, ~go owned th~ Wa.JJlemUe .liillsted


·w~oee ~mai~., rest ~r~e srav.,ard. . . ,Frieit~' ..



' .

On five sacks, one and five ton lots.




• • • • • • • • • • w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . .~., . . . . . . . . ..

I"---_OL_D_PRO~CES_S_OI_L_Mf_AL_S_P(C_IAL_1 , Orderl also booked for Oil Meal from car in five sacks, one-half ton and five t<tn lots, to be .~ippecl latter part of 'October. . BUY YOUR FALL SUPPLY OF FEED while it i. cheap. Pric~ 'quo~ed at ~r willnot . apply:.t m~.., /

~ . . . esv·i lle .., ' "

.- j :~l l' '· ;;,~.~.~ , s






Sixty-Third Year

_-----=. 1Former Citizens I


r-.-..-..... -..-....-... .... . . . . -..... . .



~I ........ _ _. _.... •.... _ ........ · .. · ...... · ...... .... _ ....................... 1 .j ISOM ETHI NG




L ," )( ·I r. .~\,


. ~- -----

-- --.

e-- ------- - -- I : Social Events


[The following was sent to us by L: 11 Las l w eek ls r;ll' I ::;alt "r l hw:!it, • _ _ .-. ..... _..J.-...-, .... ~--o Mr. Jas. Stoops Jim didn ' t say w l : : ' ur ough t 1Il! fiv e llf th e: Iii l·~ t 1:,' 11 Mr. Frank Long, of Columbus, hl'w much of this soup his company 'L .................. - ....- -....- ... -.-.-.-..--.-. ~ ................ - ......J Dav is app les we have ,e"11 I I ,i~ Y~' ; I f' ~ Ir~. 1' 1';(."1 S.. tll'rthll';lit. c t'nl/'i'-i 1-.; ra ised lhern in hiR orc han l. Ohio, was operated on at the Grant put up this season, however-Ed.] lailll'd l ill' 1'<1 1'1 1 (' Iub. lasL Th ursd ay Parboil one Lima bean and place Hospital Friday, for mastoid abscess. Miss Abi Young was a Xenia Marshail Ha ines was ill Xenia , F. W. Ha thaway l,r OIlg-ht in ~"Illt! "rl "rll , "Ill in a bath tub containing sixteen viaitor, Saturday. His many friend s wish him a speedy Monday morning . la rge pot.a t.oes, bu l (;<'ol'g'e lI art ~()(,h gallons of water pu l on a stoVt! and b ro ug hl ln !lOl ne larger, ' lilt! lIf wl,i l'h r ecovery. beat over a luke warm fire. Add a F . B. Sherwood, of Lebanon, was Mrs. Wm . Hoblitt, of Day ton, is weig hed tw o pound s and nile (HIII(,('. :-;Illl i It \\' L'f'l' "Il l!! rl :l illl'd Thllr ~cJ " v G. S. Schnebly, of St. Louis, Mo.: dash of Portland Cement and taste. in town a short time Monday. slayin g at t he Fri en<l~ Home . and Sat urd ay Th omas Lacy br oug ht Il k 'hl and I:rid ay :I I Ihl' hilmi' (. , writes and says he has been in If too strong stop feeding it until it in some w h op~ e r s , on ' of whi ('h Mis~ ~ 1 :\I ·.v ~hf'r '\ 11".1 . Dyersburg, Tenn., since September becomes weaker. Roy Weeks and familv and MarMayor and Mrs. J .. O. Car tw r ighl weighed lhrel! pounds an t! lh '-l'!! 19th but is at home now. While Then take th e so up from the bath- shall Haines visited in Clarksville and da ugh te r , were In Dayton , Sat- oll nces. Can a ny beat these'! If :\1f' Wililum Cran e anrl fami ly a nd there he saw the Reed Broi. with tub, featherstitch two Japanese Sultday. . urday. :\11'. l~il'hy , lOr l{idg""ilil', ll r. and tlH'Y ('an . b rin g- lhf!1l1 ill . designs on its portico and tie it to a the Lewis Stock Co. The potat o crup this year id 11 :'II rs. Clag-el allJ family \Vi:r~ ClltU I'Mrs. Nathan Hawes. of Spring Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haines. of mammoth un e . and t he potatoe!< are tain.·d bv Mr . alld Mrs. E l i a ~ ()~ Ie ' clothesline post with ahitchinll' strap Jas. Stoops writes us as follows : and give it a sun bath. Then untie Valley. was the gu est of relativ es Xenia, were gu el!t~ of re lative~ here , about t wice ag lal'ge as in o rd ina ry bee and daugh te f' Jnscpilillt'. fil l Sunday . • 'We finished packing corn last week; and after beating its block off with here Thursday. SUl1l!ay . years. a double tree place it in a cataleptic . are sti1l running on tomatoes. The MISS Donna Davis. of Cincinnati. J . T. Liridy. of Day ton, was the TEACHER T RAI NING Mr . and M r ~. W. f. . Cornl'1 1 cntt' rtomato crop was not so large this stnte and boil once more. Open the boil with a sterilized net'dle and spent the week· end with B. S. g uest of hi!! father, M. C. Lidtly, tainl' ci ;lt C\inn<!r Sunday the foll ow· season. We will pack apples and last week. We now have twenty plIpil !-l en- ing guests : Wm . \3e rgd all and pumpkins the rest of this month and cauterize with Peroxide of Hydrogen. Howell and family. Mr. and Mrs. F . C. Carey and R d D' d roll ed in our "Teac her Train ing' '' famil y , J . Heme .Jones ami fam ily. are now making up catsup and to- fhll'''1 :,ilbllremovl e a\1 dedadllY micr~bhes. o m ue c a an c e wt avmon aVfl s aDn Rister, MI in. ;,ie , cl ass .. Th er e i~.. ut.I·I! rOOlll fo r m (l l·a. Frank Sq uires an d fa mil y , H . A. R mato puree. We have had a very y D - an. I .a dauO', Miss AII'ce , V'I SI'ted rela· we re lluest!! 0 ~ b ay lon re all ves "'h I . ., ~ . ress It In a pair tivea in Dayton, last week. S d ' L ose enro ling now wli! ~ radu at e Curn ·1I and famil y. Mr. and Mrs. successful sea.'> on and have gotten vac~um cI.eaner. atu r ay. wi th the class. as we will rev iew all EIllA r~" n M.. !;nn and Mr. an d Mrs . along very nicely without any bad of pmk paJamas and serve. This soup placed on the front porch Miss Winnifred Macy returned Mr. and Mrs. Arch er Hartsock c,f ' the prev ious lessons. If you are in- W. S. (;raham . luck." - - home from Xenia, Saturday. after a Dayton. we re gues ts of relati'ves terested in a thorough knowledg-e of will make an excellent door maL ____ • Prohibition Platform lWG week's visit with relativeA there. here, Sunday. th e Bible, now ill a good chan ce to Mr. J onath an ~mith and da u/l:hter, The Prohibition Party of Ohio. A LARGE BUSINESS learn or rev iew. Th e!'e ~tud ie!i a re Mrs Rosa Berr yhill. had as their assembled in Delaware. Ohio. April The Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grauser, of Ernest Haines, of Huntsv ill e, Ala .. Inon-seclar ian . All are in vit ed lo g uests Sunday in honor of Ernest Waynesville Canning Com· Germantown. Ohio, visited over is the guest of relatives here for a attend 4-6th, 1912. recognizing Almighty pany is busy at present shipping Sunday with their 90n , Rev. C. S. I f I PIace - At t h e CIIrist ian church. foll Hain es of Hun tsvill e, Ala. t he eoulP e 0 w~eks. (owinsr g uests : Mr . and Mrs. God. revealed in Jesus Christ, as the their 1912 product. They have only Grauser and family. Time - From X to 9 o 'clock on each Author of civil government and M' M Chas . Hye , Mr . and Mrd. J . L. Har ta few thousand cases at present in IS'3 arguerite Thompson, of Wedn esday ni gh t. Ruler among men. and accepting their faclory, and are shipping these Mr. and Mra. L. S. Rhoades and Dayton, was the gues t of r elatives P. B. Tho mpHo n, Teache r sock , Mr. lind Mrs. Archer Hartsock. the law of God as the ultimate as fast as possible. They shipped daughter Katherine, of Norwood, here over SUMay. Miss Eva Oav is. Ass' t of Dayton , Harvey and standard of right, herein makes the 1600 cases of export gonda. early spent Sunday and Monday here. the - - Clarence Rye. Her t Hartsock and following declaration of principles last week. This shows that the fame guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. G . Cross. Mrs. Chas. Stansberry, son and METHODISTEPISCOPALCHWRCH Miss Ruth Har tsock. for the guidance of political action: of Waynesville corn has even gone daughter visited relat ives in Dayton - - I. The absolute prohibition of the abroad. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Satterth- Saturday and Sunday. First Quarterly Confe rence will be On Thursday evening Alvah manufacture, importation and sale The company had a prosperous waite, of Dayton, came down Fnday held on Saturday evening at 7: 30. anrl Lel a Ha rtsock .wer e the victims of intoxicating liquors for beverage year. Manager lron!t arranged the and were guests of Mr. Jos. Haines Mrs. Walter and Miss Dr. Story will be present. He will of a pl eas an t surprise gotten up by throughout the state and crops so that everything worked in and wife and Mr. Chas, Satterth. Lillie Benham saw "Shepherd of the also preach on Sunday mornillg and 1 Lester Smit h a nd Ralph nation by the advancement to polit- good shape, and, with but a few waite and wife. until Sunday . Hills" in Dayton. Saturday. la.'lsist in th e communion service. At a !leaflonahl ? hour a deliCIOUS ical power of a party definitely hours forced lay-off. the factory The third in th e series of sermons oyster ::!Upper was served . Those espousing such prohibition. never run smoother than it ·did.this A post· card from Jet'SBe Thomas Mrs. Jaretta Bentley, of Xenia, on Christ's call to m en will be present were: Ethel Hosier, Lillie says: "Morris Graham and I are visited her sons at the home of Mr. preach ed by th e pastor on Sunday ; Baker, l3Ian che Sh_eeh. an. Reva 2. The defeat at the polll' ('f any . h H e Ien _ _ .. 200 miles west of Winnipeg, Can .• at C. B. Bentley, last Thursday. ev ening a t 7 o·clock . Subj ect, "The Sheehan . Isabelle Smlt: license provisi on \\, 'lat!>(),!\' er ".1, ;.1 .ve;ar . DUiY be sUumi Llt'{l to. t tll! \' OL_ r .:i o. PUBLISHING MAGAZINE Pierson, Can .• and are hungry for Eth iopian Eunuch ." You are urg ed Sweigert. Alice All en, Emily Berrythe ~tat L i.1 COIll.~_ . _ ~., \\: '. " . "e the news. Please send us some back Mr. John Clark, Mrs, Robert to be present hill, Edna Smith, Mabel Satterthvised constitution, and ti.e I d l' 1l IOn A new magazine called The Brief, numbers of the Gazette." James and little daughter, of Clarence S. Gra user. Past or . waite. Esther Berryhill, Franaes of the present anti.\icellSl: c1ausu 88 came to our table last week. It is ShE!lbyville, Ind., returned hom e ---- - Squires, Sarah Satterthwaite, Florfound in Section 18 of the Schedule. owned and edited by two of Wa:rren Mrs. J. A. Funkey left Monday Monday after spending several days BROKE GROUND FOR GARAGE ence Hess, Ada Barnard, Helen 3. The rejection of the policy of County's best lawyers-8eth W. for Athens, Ohio. where she goes as with Dr. A. T . Wright and family. . McClure, Glee Hess, Mary Davis, !he \~aynesvdle Auto lind Ma- Glenna Hoblit, Paulir,e Marlatt, local option, while reserving to our- Brown and Lorenza S. Rhoades, at a representative of the New Century selves 88 individuals. the right to Cincinnati, It is a mall8Zine not for Club, of thi~ place. The Federation Come and look through our new chInery Co broke grlmnd for their Messrs. Ralph Sheehan. Lester vote against the saloon whenever the lawyer's alone, but the laity as well. of W .lmen's Clubs for Ohio, will I style book of 500 samples of the new g arage. on South Main street, Smith. Wilbur Marlatt , Chas. Smith, iuue is forced upon us. It i. replete with common law. that hold forth at -Athens. October 14-15, I Famous International Tailoring Co. last_ week, an~ work will go on as Will Barna rd, Frank Hess, Derch 4. The retention of the Bible in everybody oUllht to have in their and according to the schedule Mrs. We would like to take your measure rapidly as pOSRI.le. Sheehan, Coleman MorKan, Walter the public schools of the State. homes. Anyone can get a sample Funkey will have a good time. for Pants, Suit or Overcoat. We Sq uires. Forrest Hoblit, Ben Smith, 5. The strict enforcement of law, copy of The Brief of rhos. Pieree . guarantee every garment to be right. , ROOSEVEL T SHOT Lesler Smith, John Berryhill, instead of the official tolerance and • - • Miss Dorothy Dakin arrived here If not right you have no right to Emerson Oill , Wilbur Nutt, Harry While making a s peech at M'I practical license of the social vice HAS NEW SUPERINTENDENT 188t week from Boston to spend a take. Over One Hundred Orders waukee Monday evenin g I - Satt erthwaite, Cliff Davis, Mr. and with its unspeakable traffic in girls. few days with relatives. She left se~lt in this year not one misfit R It fi d Col. MrE<. Geo. Smith, Mr. and Mrs· '11 h I h M d f h h . H 'b I C ' . ooseve was I'e UP OII LJy John M d M J 6. The adoptioll of the equal as a new on ay or er orne In ann! a, orne and give us a trial order. ~ ch k dh d ' ' H a r r y Smith, r. an 1'8. as. Th Po Wa) nesvl esc 00 suffrage provision to be submitted superintendent; Some weeks ago Mo, accompanied by Miss Donna l'riices as low as the "Hand me li ran, an a a mll'acu!ous escape Pennywit t , Mr . and Mrs. Emerson in connection with the revised con. Mr Bruner received a call from Hawke. who will spend several Down." Last three time.'\ as long, d eath: Whlle no .com - Mason. stitution, to the votera of the State. Lebanon and accepted it. The weeks with her uncle, Mr. W. J. lalways a perfect fit. ~ I .atlo~s ave ~et In as yet , It IS no t - - -- - ° 7. The initiative and referendum school board .elected Mr. W. S. Dakin and family. J John A. Funkey. nown ow serI Ous the wound may LEAVES A FORTUNE Campbell, who W88 attending school be. Schrank was arrested. ~.~~rs~~gi~ilioon~d~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thewill~t~l~hm~B~~ was probaled in Cincinnati last week. ·nc t'lYeIy moraI , at Ada. Ohio, this year. to suceeed __________~-_ _ _ _ _- _ _ _ ti o. Th e-JI e ectlOn 0 f U mte The property, which is large, con· --0 ' . d S tatElS him. Mr. Campbell took charge :Senators by the direct vote of the Monday. sists mostly of bonds. Mrs. H. H. ' Mr. andsometime Mrs. Bruner will move to peopIe. Lebanon this week. I Williamson, of this place, receives • __ The following interesting letter was written to Milton Howe, of Harveysburg, by L. M. Sears, $GOOO, Mr:;. L. B. Ramsey. Mrs. 9, Uniform marriage and divorce legislation so framed as not to favor who. removed to California recently: Mary Mc Kay , of Lebanon, receive or encourage immorality. HAS PURCHASED GROCER~ I $GOOO eac h, ClifforJ Williamso n, (,f 1G. The protection of the youth Accordl'ng to prom'lao I . . . 1Cin cinnali. Mrs. Mary WiI· . th e oppressIOn . . h t. W. J. took "'" will write water was "so muddy it looked like it lI At 0 env er a de IegatlOn With a liamso n, of Indiana, $5000, Mrs. aratnst an d unrtg . Kilbon , bought and . ' l eous t.ende\lcies of indllstriallife. possessIon of a large grocery In Day- you, telhng 88 best I can about our could be dipped up With a wooden I brass band and drum f H C f F kl ' $5000 W'th 11. Equitable graduated income ton. last week. The store Ie located trip across the continent. Changed paddle. We crossed the river at l sev eral piedes wilh a u ' S 0 0 8C a f er.t y , 'rfan Ifn, h' b - h . . D V' d - . . R' h dId d f C '1 BI ff ' ., peC la car, the e :o:ceptlOn 0 a ew ot er ean d m erltancll taxes. In ayton lew, an It 19 our pre. cars m IC mon. n., an rom ounci u s, Iowa. Soon we were put on our tr'lin and t " 'f . h 'd y \ 12. The p reservat ion of the Ameri diction .that Walter wi1ll1lake a 8UC- there to Chica, 0 we had a hot, dirty reached Omaha, Neb., a very flour- town of mil ch I·mpo'rt.' a ehvedr 1 fll ests hI S WI e rcce lves t resl ue can Sabbath. f . . . · . h' . . an ce we a a 0 l he es Late . 18. The establishment of courtb rass 0 It. He Will remove hIS fam- car, but enJoyed that part of the IS mg, beautiful city. Here we concert and parade ThiRdekgati on ---- - - - - - of arbitration for the adjustment of ily there somp time this week. trip to a certain extent. At Xenia were to ~top for breakfast. Aa 900n sLarted to Los Ang~les t' th G A INTEREST IN NEW MILL •we fell in with an old friend from as our train stopped we all got off to R Encampm"nt We 0 e . . difficulties in the industrial world. C. M. Robitzer bought an interest ~ th e mountains " . were soon 'ISh ment 0 { a na MASONIC NOTICE . , Addle Sel~ers. see t h e Sights, . to esta New Burhngton, MISS and no sooner than am. ong a s we thought 4. bl Th 1 in Thacker & Kreitz' mill in Mason, tional commission for the r e g u l a t i o n . al80 a Mr. and M.ra. Fuller and httle we had laft they chanl'ed our train ' ·proper." buL really had not seen Tu esday. He bou ght Mr. Thacker's of the entire bankinll system of the WaynesvIlle Lodge, No. 163, F. & son from Sprmgfield 0_ These to :another track but after quite a t Th fi . country. A M '1\ h Id . d' • . . ' ,any ye e r s t of Importance in te rest The new firm will put in 16. We oppose the use of public ' . " WI 0 Its next state we found to be very pleasant travel· bIt of hustling, and excitement and iwall Elephant Rock on to p f . h ' h new machinery. a kiln-drying outfit funds for sectarian purposes. Tuesday. October 22nd. ing (left them Sunday fun. we were off again. AtLincoln. ITlIountain, which look ed vZry for corn and oat.!l They are dis16. We ·standI in dopposition to the . Work mommg f t' , In b theh M. M. degree. d' II So. ' September 8th , at Los Neb. . ' they were holdinll the state II'I ke an e Ie~ 11ant, t h en Castle r ock tributors for the famous Pillsbury w 0 f mmera an ores reaources Joummg ret ren are eor la y Ill.. Angeles faIr and we were hustled right into ] t P'k P k' h . ofaste this country. . d }<' B H d W M' ' . ,ane nex I es ea In t e di stan ce flour, and handle large quantities of 17. We demand the creation of a vlte . . . en erson, . . . We took our "ileeper" at Chicago great crowds. of people but did not 8 miles to fool and 24 mil es t o to p: feed and coal. Here's success to ptrmanent! tariff commiBlrion. E, V . .s~.hart, Sec y . at 10:80 and were unconsciou8? mOlt leave our tram . can see smoke from top of the Mr_ I{ouitzer. our candidates for of the time until about daybreak, We enjoyed the trip through lain. Next passed through 18. We

Personal Mention Column



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-- ----

~?:n ~udd~n

To Cal.Oforn.Oa

~5000 ,





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..,~, . I(.·~~~dJ ~.tream~



when we were wake~e~ b~ t~e t~ain going over the M1B8188IPPI RIver b 'd t B r gto 1 d'd rl ge a ur In • n: owa, so I not see much of IIhno18. . h . . ' The tdfl P t r?ugh I?wa became more an more mterestmg 8S we got farther west until we reached the Platte valley. an irrigated district where the' principle crop is sugar beets. alao alfalfa: In this valley IS loeated a very was left to large sugar factory, where the beets MiDDie~wnes. are made Into sugar. JUSt, after :~orrow, Ohio passin} t~~u,a:h~ the valley we came . ,- received to the lr!lIIOup, -:Iver, the most won· ;~ tfJ~ dt>1'f~I_~~.., '~:-,e~ .W-A very

WAYNESVILLE WINS L tl I' h h 1 1 _.J W y e I li SC 00 P a,v... aynellviUe High at Phillips' park Friday. Th ta ted t b t' e game s r ou snappy u m the fifth Lytle went up in the air and It was easy sailing for Waynesv'UI! Th r 16 to 6 Heavy I: e 8CO e ~B8 • hittIng characte:~the &arne. HANDSOMe BEQUEST ·

rulea of practice therein 88 will prof d ' I . . th . VJ'"e OF a ee18 on m e merIts of every case taken to that court and for a report of every case decided by the. Supreme Court of Ohio. for a ahorteninJ{ of the vacation of the Supreme Court until it has cleared ita docket: for allowing litigants to submit typewritten copies instead of 1I:U'....~.1!1. ~~~ies of ~=g:di~~d. ._decrease' to 'Dl'nl!IIJrinll' the A handsome of theFrtenda MIlA,,'''' ' in ihe WTbhP,l1ie,d e -" for

• ..t.J




Nebraska .and rea~hed Akron, Col.' lment Park, a beautiful place, moun· ne:{tmormng. Thlswas Wednesday, itains on all sides but not hirrh n t Sel t 4th N ex P. . o~ we are pu II'mg a we passed the mills where "', Portland long. heavy tram up a heavy grade, cement is made a cl'tyof I't If . D ,se ~ell.trtn~ envfer ' Here we .have our They have a daily output of 1,100,000 th rs View 0 a m.ountams, as. I barrels. And here we have another thought, about a mIle off. but m view of Pikes Peak at 65 miles We reality ab?ut forty miles off. As we are now at Canon City, mo~th of neared Denver our conductor told us Roya! gorge, the most interesting ,we were to ~top for two h~ura, and part of <fur trip, at 7:55 p. m and woul~ be g'1Ve~ an. auto rIde over dark. We stopped here and had an thE! e~ty, but In th18 we were dis· evening concert, which we all enap]pomted. for he told us when we joyed, and then entered the gorge. gqlt o~ not to go fa~ . . After about It being a moonlight night we could thirty minutes we coupled o~ some see the overhanging rocks. We more eartI ( twenty m all) could also see the hanging bridge. .~e aud!l8re,ott .plD. . . (Continued on 4th'paare,) r'

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20th Sunday after Trinity, October 20th. Sunday School at 9:30 a . m. Morning Prayer and sermon at 10:30. Mr. Paul Sebring, a young barytone of Columbus, will sing the offertory solo at the 10:30 service. You are~nvited to these services.

--- ---. . ,

The Progressives will hold a meet· ing at Lytle. Friday evening. at 7:30 o'clock, in Lytle Hall. There will be good .speaRing everybody is invited. . '


The Miami Gazette


01110. THE RATS SHOULD GO. A s llll: le lbn t Is "slI GplcloliB look · Ing" a mong t:!lRny t> ~ allll nc J lor sign s of pl ugut! Is nO l lllllg u lul'lIll ng . I : I\l>' p enrs . bOln"' cr, s lI lIl d "n t r e a sIID fo r t n l(lng prN' nu ll olls ngaln sl Impor ted rnt~ . Th e bl:bll nl c Illngll!) has appca r· f'd nt ~",·e r ' ll point s In t be tropi<:s and " es sels 1I' \t lc ll came he re fr o III th ose r a t g. p olnls III a )' brI ng Inr l? ~ted ' Ybere th e diseus e Is kn o wn 8uch vesae ls 11'111 bo quarantlncd aod pre s umably th o rnt s will bo kil led . S U)'s th e P llllndll lph ia Press. Neverthel ess , the dunge r of \l laguo gaining a footbold wlll nlwnys exist so long a s tbere are c ases of plngue In counl rl es wIth ...·blcb we have com m e rc Ial re lat ion s and rn ts flod tolerance wltbln tbe city ll ml:s. /'; e w Orlea. ns has di s covered G plague·l nfecled rat and we ' presum e it " '1 11 take preca uti ons suggested by that rac t. It suppressed ye ll ow fev er by exte rmlnaUng the yellow leve r mosqlllto nnd we have no doubt It will rId Itse lf ot rau If convinced t hat It 18 the only way to bar tbe bubonIc p lague fr om that very suscepUble city. S an Fra ncisco warred upon Its rats 'Wltb thoroughness and eucoes8 and 'p ractlcally suppressed the plague 'Wb lch Is always tbreatenlnc It tbrough Its t rade wIth As'll. We do not BUP. pOBe the plague would appear bere In any case In Its Bevere form , but never· t.heless we IIbould., take no chancea. 'l'he ratB Bhould go. Every student of economic cOlldl· tIona In the United States knowl lbat more farm erll are n eeded to make ar· rlculture keep paoe with otber InduBtries. The project to di vert to the farms Immigrants comIng to Chlca&o, by establlsblng on the lake tront n ear Twenty-second street an n«rlcultural and Industrial exposition building wltb apeclal features for the Inst ruction of the n ewcomers In the possibilities of -country life, Is one that should Inter· est tbe public greatly. Too many ot (lur Imm Igrants, even thOlle bred In tbe country and capable oC becom In g 1m· medi a tely ulleful on farmll, settle In (lur large cities. !"be country dlstrictll need tbem. the cities do not, lIays tbe Chi cago Record-Herald. ]n the citIes the re are now few ch ances for t hem compared with thOse that existed a rew years ago. The newcomer. can better themselvell and th e nation by becoming producers InB tead of '! era of farm products. Immigrants who are Boun :l phYllcally, mentally lind mor. ally, will be valuable to tbe United States for a long time to come, It they can be turned to supplying the real needll of the country. The problem of thus placlnc workers where they Ileeded I. rightly receivIng much at.. lentlon. A ChIcago Judge who III !lntltied to rank wIth Solomon haa decided that the Idea about beauty unadorned I. out (If date. and tbat a man who marrlel • beautlrul wom an Is obllged to lIupply ita adornments to tbe best ot his abU. ity. This d ec ision ought to add to the market value of the plain ,Irl al a

mo r o economical matrimonial InveBtment. Again It Is announced that the daye of the hobble skirt are numbered, 'fhe announcement 18 made 80 orten, and the hobble sk irt 18 80 apparen tly unconcern ed, that th e public, who ball b Iitl f thl b h i t f th any n 0 e a 0 on 0 8 a om· ~::tlon , are beg1:l ning to teel a trltlo a s y. Elghty-o ne women In Seattle want to te policewomen, for that numbe r took



D. L. CRAI\! E, Publiche r.




AVENOUS whi rl pools , tlgcrt, s ha rks. cannl lm ls and mal aria are In cId e nts of an ama1-ing of 4,000 mil es m ade by a St. Loulsan , part 01 th e wa y on a fra gil e rart fr o m n ear th e so urc e to th e mou t h oC th e Amazon . which Is the loeges t rlv ~r In t ho wo rld. Th e mar ve l of th e trip Is In<:re uBed by th e fact that for most or tb o Journey b e was wltbout m ane )' . The h ero or th e adv e nture Is Ii'rank B. Far r ar of St. Loui s, a minIng e ng·l· n eBr. H Is thrillin g slo r y, with humo rou~ e pisodes, Is told In his ow n worda. I le rt h ome In Fcllrunry. ·906 , und er contract to tak e ch a r ge of placer mines In th e In ter ior of 1I011 vla: The com pan y by wh ich I was e mpl oyed lett me strllnded and unpaid at La Paz, Dollyla. In de bt to a hote l $200 ror board and lodgIn g . l'nable to pay, I stoLe off In the nl gb t. stowed away on a boat c r ossing Lake Tltlclca (whIch, 11.000 fe et abov e the s ea level, Is IIlld to b e the high est lak e In the world) , and so made my way to P eru. Hero. wlt.h varying fortun es. ] obtal ne d worl! w blch occupied me tor more than three years . I was em ployed at varIo us times by the P er u vIan Railroad corpora tion and by dlrfe r e nt minin g companies. i was at one tim e superlntf' nd e nt oC tb e Van I· mlnn camp, ]6 ,600 feet abov e sea level , In the And es , a nd rich In cop pe r and Illver. In the tall o r 1910 I went to LIma, th e ParIs o f South Am e rica, and passed thr ee months. J also s pe nt all or the mon ey I had saved, not torebodIng that ] was Boon to fall Ill. J obtaIn e d work In a lead smelter at H uancayo and became poisoned wltb the metal. It was then that I deter· mined to make my way t o YqultoB, a city on the upper Amazon, to which, althouch 3,flOOO miles from the coast, ocean steamers penet rate. I eXPllcted there to obtain paSS8ce to New York. It Wall 1.000 miles trom Oroya. where my journey started, to Yqultos. Two Hundred Mlle. Through Fore.t. At Oroya I met R lo comotive engl· neer nam ed Paddy O'Neil, who was out of employment, and, like myself, without a penny. He decided to go wIth me to Yqultos, where he had b eard there was plenty of work . The flrllt leg of the trip was a 200· mil e walk over the mountains to the P ach lte a riv er, whIch Is the beginnin g of t h e Amazon. This tramp was 15 day a of nIghtmare, We followed a gove rnment trail through til e Impenctrable forests, In which at n\l;htB we could hear th e roars of tige rs and jag uars. W e subsisted by begging from tb e nati ves whose huts we en · countered . On the nletll dny we were (;Q n ea rly rarnlshed th a t J took O'Nei l's watch , waJ\(e d back ten mll os on the trail an d so ld It for $4 . With th e mon ey I bought a bag of corn and lima bea n s , on wblcb we I"-ed for the r est of th e " hik e." \Y e passed sevel'R l "tam bos," or govemment posts, In which we wero per·

slru ck wllh Ilit y ror 111 ". l ook up a coll ectio n of moncy to lIuy me a tick· e t t o the "lIl ag o of ~I a r ucas !\s, 5 0 miles duwn the r ive r. O':>:ell got L j o b a s 1'1I 1d n<,.' r on lhe samc laun h. o n whi ch I lra\'c le d, but was VIII a s uor !) beca uso h e was too III to pe rro rm his du t ie s , Monkey Saved Farrar's LIfe . li N e I s hou ld hn\'e Uled but ro r 8 In ollk ey , the p rope rly of lUI un fet' llng native , lb e k ee p{'f or a ho tt' l Into wh ose ten dt'r Illprcles I ('311. Alth o ug h 1 was s haking vio lently with chi ll s. he snld to m e : "You'v e I:ot to go to " 'o rk ," I protested and bt>g!(p d for quinIn e . " If you do n't wo rl<." he r epli ed. 'Til put you In th e s tocks ." I wa s to o sic k to care, and told hIm to go ahelld. Th e stock, an Ius lru me ut of t o r· ture, conB lste d or a fra m e work with hol es t hr ough which my feet. arms a nd hend we r e thru s t. For two days and ni ghts I snt In th is machIn e, a lt er nately rreezl ng wit h chills and consumln g with fH e r .. Tbe tim e passe d like nil evil drea m. It was th e cu stom of th e peo ple to l>e lt with mIssiles th o u nrortunato occupants o r the stocks. Dut the natives p Itied m e, a nd ~ome of th e m eve n gave me t ea nnd food b y s tealth . F inall y the hotelk eeper. mu tte r ing thnt he dldn't want mo to " die on him," set me free anel ordered t h e cook to Rive me the wate r In which h e boil ed the ri ce , 00 that I would not starve. Th e m o nk ey of whIch J hav e s poken \\'a8 a prod IgIous thler. It 8tole eve ry· thing It co uld lay PI1 WS on . It occurred to me that It wou ld be safe for me to steal w hat food I n eede d and blame th e th e ns on the monkey . Ther eupon the monkey's pllfe rlns activIty doubl ed, It seemed to !til mallte r . One day tbe ho telkee per. missing two eggs , whIch h e bad Intende d tor breakfast and which, wltbout hIs knowl e dge , were In my poclce ts, said to m e: "That monk ey Is a thi e f." "He s ure Is." said I. and etole away to ent my eggs unobsefl'ed , On e day several native s, paInted hideo usly, with thorns thrust througb th eIr noseR . came to tbe river to trad e. They were peaceful, but Imag ine my t ee\lng s, atter seeing th e m .eye me hun gril y. to be told In a whisper : " Thoso m f'n are cn n n ihala." \\ h e n my h en lth was a bi t b ette r T r evenged myself on tbe hotel man by approprIating hi s canoe on e nig ht Ilnd paddling away down th e ri ve r . O·Nel l. who had been a lm ost as III as myself, we nt with me, We madc our way In 15 el ays to Cantumaro. b eggIng our fo od a!! we went. Th e natives we:-e morfl ~ han Idnd to us. Th e t ri p was m a de hidfOo us b Y'!D Illio ns of huge mosqultol)B whIch swarmed down on us until our feet anel hando were hla ck with the In· sects. The nat.\v es d o not e ve n take th e t r c ubl e to brush the m orr. hut th ey . torm en ted liS tp trlhl y. At last. In pay· Plent for my repair in g h er sewing rna·



::;e This number may be explained by the eat . A t IIUlt we reac he d the rIver, and O' Ne il built a raft of logs tw elve feet answer o f one as to ber occu pation: long and five fee t wide, surmounted -To support my self and my nd." by a bamboo platform, o n which we were to sit to k eep ourselves dry. The This Is a cynical, mercenary age. , logll were ti ed togeth e r with t he ba rk 'l'he BRme ne .... Item that told us how of the baIza tree. \\' e ilad no paddles, A young man proposed to his Iweet, ,· but only long poles. The Pachltea river at that tim e was heart In Detroit by t e lephoning from ,85, Jusl ' narrow . but ycry swirt. ond th ere were C hicago added that It cost .' ... all If the expenditure mIght not hay. many log s floating on It II 8urface. It bee n ·justlfled. · Bee rn e d as If our ra rt perverse I y In· listed upon strIking everyone ot these logs , and a t each collision I Where tbe hydro-aeroplane baa an feared that the crdl. would go to Advantage over the plain aeroplane pie ces. Once It struck a stump and ts that It may hit tbe water Inlltead turn e d a complete somerll&ult, IUngot hard ground when It comes down The watoo loon. On the other haed, It haa to ter was Infes ted wltb venomoulJ earry ItII name. snakes, alligators and fre s h water UConvention of women In Boston .harks. It was Impracticable to swim ashore, b eca use the d ens e ' tropical Adjourned because 'It waa too hot to bamboo forests .ould not permtt \Os talk.' " Thl. II the .flrst notification to land, 80 thickly did they grow. But that Boston bas broken tbe world'i If we c01lld bave landed we should heat record. have bee n at the mercy or wild beasts. The re was nothing to do but swim atter the raft, whlcb was floating Prof. Smith of tbe UnIversIty of swlrtly down the current. 'MInnea polis 6aya there oucht to be a Atte r gr~t etrorts wI! overtook It, taw to prevent feeble-minded women and In a tew days reached Porto 'Verfrom ma.rrylng. Wby women! Will mudls, where there 18 the first of a the feeble·mlnded men be retained to etrlng of wireless telegraph stations pa... on .t he Question whether the tem. extending to the coast. Here O'Ne il and I both tell III of mine aspi rants are feeble-minded or malaria. i>esplte the .taot ,that we ·aot? could sCllr~ely ilft our h.e ads, the na· tlve botelkeeper ~de' Us cut down' P ennsylvania m al! ' lOCke d 1IP 1111 trees -to pay tor the -sc'raps of food he , . dau«bt1!! anil prevented her wedc11og, doled olit to 1IS.. There was ,no meCSI· 1.0" !1~ not always b.u,h at Ioclt clDe a"aUa.bJa. .' ~ naUve


ID~~: ~nat~g~~e w:~te:'~treme.



.l ID1tU,

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ing - Many Kinds On Market, But Frequently Kitchen Conveniences Made at Home Are Marc Satisfactory

t~:a~:li~;:losnex"'~~Chthl: ;~c:~df::CU: :~tl~~d n~~e;I~~~~g~~\:~~VI~~~e:sS ~~ ~~~~;ll~ \;;~~~~. g~,~~c~s : e 8t:~~n:~





By William



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•• •• ••• and Burn- :•• ' , •• ing of Strange •• Documents •• •• •• ••• •• •••

: • : . Any observer Inter es ted In the ter· put It on th e grou nd and plow It un· • tllIty of the soli ca n DOt. h e lp b e ing d er. You say this III bard work. Cer· • Impresse d , b Y s t raw s t ac k s 8t nn dl ng taloly, but there Is no eas y WilY to •• S~rtages keep the Boll good or make It good • In th e fields, monuments to t h e care' less ness and Indiffe rence ot OW :l"I8. e ithe r, and the decay ot vegcta)le matter makes plant food, already In • Or a wo,rse state of affairs Is see n In th II 11 bl h I hLold • tl~e sale of straw to straw-board fac. e so, ava a e, e ps to • more moI sture and makes soli easier • torles at trom $1 to $1.50 per ton. to work, wblch r easo ns are surely : The value of the nitrogen, phosphorIC enough to Incre as e our estimates add and potAsh In a ton ot straw , ac· to tbe value ot straw stacie II. : cording to the dblo experIment sta: Uon, Is $2.72. ThIs fact a lone ought • to make any sane man hold It for : moro than a doll ar. Some times In • the spri ng of the yea r the evenI ng : sky Is lighted by tb e burnIng slacks. 0 In this case there Is a loss of $1.67 • • ~vorth or nitrogen Cor ev ery ton or • •~ straw, ~ you care to read the : T he pl an t food in straw Is worth • • con sicle r'ing, but the greatest loss In : superlative in ex- : the c beap sales, or burnIng, Is the or· • • ~;anic matter, whi ch must be maln: clIng mys a rJes. talned If our agriculture Is to be per• •. manent. The wors t offend er s In the • don't fail to get the first eo ShippIng Fertility Away From the • • El tat e, 80 far as tbe d estructio n of Fum. II h t f h .• vegetab le Dlatter is concern ed , live • ap er 0 t e new aerIal • (m the best soli and don't seem to One cau tio n us to (::owlng under a · : I' cillize tha t It Is mu ch cas ler to keep coa r se materi a l ought to be menlloned we have secured. : np a s uppl y of humus than It is to here. That Is. to Bee that th e s urface • hu ll d it u p wh en once d epleted. soli and sub· so ll are well cu ltlvn te d BO : '\Vhat s ha ll b e done wllh tbe straw? as to establish connection wi th the • \ s e It for bedding , If you are a II v'J moIsture be low. Li g hter appllcntion s, .tocl( farmer, and be s lire tbat YOU dlsiling b e rore plowing, th e u se of the • IUs e ple nty for th e co m fo rt of the ani- roller, one or a ll will ' u elp much,-Q . anyone who enJ'oys good : mals and the preservatIo n ot th e mao M. J ohJl s on , College of Agriculture, . • :nure. It you hayen 't liv e s tock,_ then Ohio Slate University. fiction. :


a. •





t ery



It's worth the while of :.


I pt. over the canoe at nIght while 11'4) se It happnn ed that t h e chief of police at ('a ntumay o was an acquaintance or min c. H e pe rmitted m e to sleep In th e police station and paiel for my m eals at a n eIghborin g h ou se. The 'ml st r esl' or t hIs house had a mania for m e dicin e and Insisted upon dosing me wltb a ho rribl e mixture until I wa ~ Rick er thnn ever. This decoction was a bowl of strong II quor rn a d e f rom sli gar cane. Iemon Jui ce :lni! salt. J Implore d ber to gIve m e quinine . but s he r efused and felt that I h ad In sult ed b e r nostru m. T bltlleve r Bhould h ave died had J not m et an Ameri can n egro nam ed Tolblt.

~~Icghav? ~~g~t P~~~~~:rR~!· 8~~g:~~~

K I: ·!t e ll (:.I1I\ ,·s and c:l ld l.·.· I:; ti h"ll i J I ~ :lr li li (lll" III tiome oC . tu e drawe rs. be o f bucil 1I" :o; l: t f ,' O Ill tilt' (I u D I' (hal II In c il hul d s lcT art icl es , suc h a~ 01:0 c a ll !;l a! I,1 !'r ~ t t 11'11 11,1 lI orklug . ' \l OO II ~ , \(lI il' "S u ud fork s, 11'111 help Ie \\ Il h o ll( " I( h ~ I' ~ ( lI U i' l lib u r ~ lI ·"l c h l lig . Ilc ,' p 1I II Il hU III place, l u l:i I1; CI- kitchen s . a la bl e III th e It IS ea sy to 1l1al, ~ th e' (alile I"g ~ lo ug · ('(' III!!r uf lhu room will of le o be fou nd ~ r or s hurte r, us n N'lh'd, alld lhus adLl C;Ollv t;l l1 i CU L t:) u ln t:! llIJll~ S u sma l l table Ulu(('l' iali y to lil e cOlll' c llicuce a ll d on l..l rge ca~(~ r ~ or II lt e(· I~, wilich call ~Utn(url of the \\ork. clI sll y UO 11101' ' u wll c l'(' nl'edcLl . will bo A ('ail ill e l wll ! " )\1' ma ny 61 t>p s by t h , UC H i, In ~Illall rOOll lS , l..lll l,·s bu il t bavlng thc Il Ct'dl'd l lli n):s a ll In on " :d ou g 1111' w:dl, hllllg by ch a ins or h e lLl pl:II·!!. TllI' Y :I r e fOllllU u ll Ih ,· Illar l(et III' by Jlr o p ~ . wh ieh (' an ue le t L10wn III g r eu t \' ul'll'l ), of IIt' Si!; 1l anu range of 1\ h"11 1101 III use , way ~oll'c HO lUe or prl.:(" . I"r cq uc n t i), h owe \' pr, olle Ill:\( th l' IJrolJlclll~. TOil S for taul,·'s n llt! cabin ets must !s 'pl a nnPlI and IJ lli 11 fur Ill(' l<i t" h ... n wil l lIll fOUII !1 mol'/! cOII\' pnlc' llt lha n a be fr ~ " (I'U1I1 rr:.lC' I(S , "a ro y lO I« " ' p clea n fac Io r y an :c le , \\'h (' 11 on e can not IIl1d, It I' 0:;si ll il', un i ujllr~d lIy b ent. .lrfn rd til e cx pe nse o f II cabi ll et. til e ilal''! lIoard s are lull hurd to k pe ll cl e an k.itdl n tauk' C:tll ue mad e In to II fairly to uppeal 10 lh e IIllld e rn h U II ~ et\!' c ll c r . j;oo d suusl ilule. Th o uC l'olll panyllig ~la llY u,;e lab le oil cloth, whlelt lij Illuslrulion GlJ O \\' S ilow tills can b e reatl ily cic a ll l'd lind Is "alillary; lhl ~, bO"'eve r h il S lh e c1 isadl':IIl I");(I o r bo lllil easily tl eijtro)'c ti hl' hOI \·,, ~se ls se t on It 0 1' by c utting With n knife. An oilclu t h, the refo r,·, d u ~ s lI ot la s t Ions, 'a nd it w ill ue Coun d ehl'ape r in tho long run to get n m o r a perlllall (' nt cover. Zin c ca n ue bou l: hl lu s heets 3 by 1 for $ 1.50 and, wh c ll cllrc[ ull), put on, makes n good top lhal las ts ror yea rll . Zin c is easi ly d e nte d, ilow e l'e r, and :s Illustrations by Y. L Barnel aCI ('d upon lI y ac ids and alkali es , BO tbat unl es s great Cllrc Is tak e n It soon becomes un sig h li)' . Kit ch en ta bl l's II nd cabinets are now otTe r ed for sale tha l II have special prepural lon top s . which II a re In most casell sllt.lslnclOry . Th e y II II A Table Used al a SubstItute for a usually add Irom , 5 to $7 to tho cost. No th ing Is b ell" r, how eve r. th lln mar· • A Faa::inating Detective Kitchen Cabinet, ble, an d a top oC sray mnrbl e. one Inch Story of done. A s h elf Is built below tor hold- Ihlck, can be purchased to fit any orInl~ utens ils or supplies, nn d o n one di n ary tab le or cnllinel ror $5 or lesB . end lire two hooks for the d lsh·pan or ~arble has no crac ks , is enslly kept olher articlcs, wblle on th e opposite clea n , can b e h eal e d by pouring hot 1\ ten -ce nt towel rack furni s h eo a pla ce water on It wh e n us ed to kn ead brend, (or hanging the towel or cloth of ten or ca n .be chill e d for makJn g Pll~try . nE:eded In a hurry . Above It shelv es In many hom es therc are old marbl eCor holding supplies and a row oC c ap lopp ed ta bles o r dre ssers , wblch w ill heoks for th e smalle r a r ticles com. furni sh a p iece larl;o e nough (or sucll pl .. ~es tbe hom e-made cabinet. purposes, • Th e cabin e ts on lbe market can also M RS, ELMA PERRY FO ULK, : ;,e modIfi ed to meet the co ndl Uons of ('ollege of Ag r Iculture, Ohio Sta te II tb e Ind ivid ual k itchen; for Ins tance, Unive rsity. : - --• •


Many jok es are m rt de at the exp e n se of farmerB who us e Certlllz ers of low grade, which conta in sand or some sim ilar substnnce as a filler. Tile fertiliz er manufac lurer puts sa nd In 10IY gra de fertiliz ers s Imply to ma1l:e weIght In order to give , farmers the type oC Ce rtllizers they demand . Under ordinary con ditions It Is Qf no value. And yet It has been found that sand when add ed to c e .. taln typ es of Boll Is one of th e bes t substanc es for In crea s.. Ing tb e yield . Dr. Hll gard, oC Calltornla, In a series of expe r iments on a

- - - - -- - c::.l ght b e us ed as a filler In a fertilizer Wou ld nol hnl'e nny elTcct wbatever. The phy~lcal side of n,e soil I, a s importa nt as tbe ch e mIcal. We need • more organIc m alte r and coa r @e stutz • plowed uader In our 80\18 so as to : loose n them up and gl'r e the rootll : a chance to d evelop.-Flrman E. Bear, • Co llege oC Agriculture, Oblo State Un!' II • venlty.".. •• GENERAL FARM NOTES. • • Teach the colt 1:0 eat graIn and ' hay. : A harrow, like other tools, does bet- • ter work when s b a r p . : !II h Id b i t th •

lectl~': ~:r:r:o:umarces.g

, ••• • • : • •

: : • • Will Be Run S. en..-1.1 au,. In ••• Th.. · Paper ••

• • : • : •



stIff clay soil u se d varIous fertilizIng ven e se- : !n tour days thf' tev e r was broken . materials to find their etrect on crop In selecting a dairy cow parilcular ': '. Tolbit obtained a canoc (T suspect production . Nitrogen, phosphorus and a tt ention mus t he paid to the udder. • .: he stole it) and we floated down th.. potassium, wh en applied by them· Don' t allow your mares or cows to • W h F Th F. • ri ve r ror se ve n days , stoppIng at vll- selves or In various comb inations, al- deliver thl'lr young In a. dirty harn: ate or e ar.t · : lages for the nights. But on the sev· ways Increased t h4P yield. But Dr. yard. : enth nigh t the negro disapp eared . HlIgard found that the largest yield Pigs need exercise, tor tbelr 1I01e • • ] 'was picke d up by n tall ond porn. purposB nnd use in Hte Is to produce • • P OU B personal,le who call e d hmls!' lf hy was secured whe n the clay was dl, muscle .. , : : • the resounding n~Jne of Don Pedro luted wIth an eQnal weight of l and and It Is a safe rule lI.t all tlmell to feed , ••••••• 0 • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Segl.lnda La J ora, and who made an n'O fertilizer applied. The application the dairy cow all of ' the rougbage a\"erage of $100 a day by seiling of sand did not Increase the yield he- ' she will eat. phony jewelry to the natives. ' He caUSt) it Ildded any plant food . In' Lime-sulphur cannot be s.l!..l., uSBd took me along to paddle bls canoe. stead, the plaut food was diluted one- to replace bordeaux mixture 111 l\pray· He was 80 stingy that .he would not balf bl the application ot "'lud, ~at log potatoes, Lett;e~ a beautiful youllg permit me to us e the condenlled milk 1~ did a" was to make the soil a mo~e Colored mllk may _be produced bJ . he carried for bls colfee, and rerused favorahle place for r~wth. The ba,cterla or by a ' mlxture of blood wltl! tries tp , . j to pay for the proviSions he purcha.,. olay Wall tO'O stiff lind the soil pal'tlc!ltlll the milk. , • ed unIesn compelled by force. I len I were 80 close toaether that , the ,roots The blrd9 are y'o\ir ' best , trlendl. b,m at. Porto San FrancJsco• .where 1- could riot 'force , thelr: ,W81 ~ei~yl , _fleIP' save tlle'Dr ' bf ~.ePJDg the got' ~ork cutt~DC 40~n trees for 75 through' the ,soil, This 'doee ' Dot .meaD hunter , off YO i!lace'.1 r j , ., ~ . , , cents!l day. ' . that It 'WOUld P~T a~iJl~ ·.~4 ·.Out 9tr, ttie" uP'P~.r 't~()o¥d9 of ;. . Here I . remllfDe~ ,15 .d~~s . ~d_ lefl rertlll~er. for It ;''lVOU.ld hat e to be, Pl!~ o~~ ",.ash.l.lip.. P':lt, !"oultry ,nettl~ 0"", Dilly to a"old ItarTa~D:I , . on .In rather 1,IU:ge guant\~lel to liin It , an~ ' )'on ban • Bood J.e4er, roi.


, Because -of a .Yellow






.allT· err(\ ~t, ' The ' ~mOJUlt pl •• ~d

, _ • .





her life;


I .. '"



bl'llJjl gr drT .m..~ea for mature, bird. I




• • • • • • • • ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..





BILLY,SOLVES PROBLEM Thought It Would Be Fine to Have a Father. By A. MARIA CRAWFORD.

Carefully Selected Seed Co rn Ears.


Tho quality and Quantity o f ne ~ t yCO'ar's co rn crop will depe nd very large l y u pon t he ~ (' I e c lloll of seetlnot me rely tho II!r lt!Oll; Ollt of J; ootl· ~o oklng ears , \Jut "pOIl t h p tlm p, pl ace Rncl mallller III whi ch th o seled lon Is mad e. If we walt IIntll Jilst h"for o plant· I:tg time next SIJrlu~ ulI,1 t h,>n run th roul;h th e corn ·prlh Illld pi ck oul what looks to be lik e ly sl'ed. we are takin g cbances of nbollt e igh t to olle a ga in st II full crop . T he t ime to ~ (> I "c ' sl'e<1 corn Is In th e fall nft r th e grn ln Is thorou j; hl y MI>e, and th e selec ti on sho uld he mnde In th e !leld. This method enables one to kno w exactl y the ki nd ot stalk whi ch produced th e ca r and t o avoid

No.1 .hows a good stalk, well bal· anced ear about four feet· from the ground, well set and turned down enough to .hed the rain. No.2 I. a weak atalk, Joint. too long, ear aet too high and much too near the top.

wllh Ip,w es so no t o pro vide plent ' of forlde r. It Is 101l'o rtal1t t o observe tile la "se l o f II, e Hlul ll to Bee that /1 Is strong . 8;' IIlni Co l r ic'al anrt Is 'wel l de velope d f~nd fre e from any evl,Jeu:o of di s ease. Til e .talll fr om whi c h the ears are ta k.' n ahoul d bfl w('11 ro ote, l In the grolll1,l. IIprl!:llt. stroll!;" and vl go rolls , and nn), ovl'!('ncf' of dl ' e:tse aT lib· norm al g ro wlh sllollid at alice COrl ' n pll1n It On I)' I'a rs that a re we ll sllk ed and th a I arl' tll()roll !;h l), cm ',' r... ,1 with the hll sk fro m t ip to tip shoul d h e se lec t · 1' ,1. lI e r e a~aln It Is a mlstalte to se· lec t ears beari ng nbnormall y ,11' ,' pl· 01''''' h usks or hll s l(s t hat are too IIt:le de" e lope d. ({ t ho ea r contains an un usual amOllnl. o f husk It Is IL s ur e sl~n a t coarsenl'ss anel will sho w up bad ly In nex t year's crop. The shank bearing th o ear should be short a nd uot o"e r an Incb or an In ch nnd a quart e r In diameter, a r.d those ears pOinting downward are the m ost desirab le. These shpd the rain anr! th lls I1rCF erv e t he graIn while those ears whi ch sland up r ight or Denrl y 80, naturally catch mois ture whi ch tri ck les dow n Iota tb e grnln and causea It to rot. As to th e nu mber of ro wa and gralnB 011 the ear, th eae will ,'ary with th e varIety, but In most lltandard varIet ies th ey run from III to 20, al· t hou gh they rnay run as high as 24 an d 6tl1l co n form to Btand a rd. If th e nu m ber run s helow 14 the enr ShOIlI,1 be dlscarcl ed. Tbe row! s houl,1 run s trai g ht from butt to tip and th ose enrs co nl a lnlng wavy rows or ro ws tli at become mixed at any poi nt and lose th ei r Identity are Dot to be tnken . Do not selec t earD Ihat are much larger at the butt than at the Up. The cob of tbe Ilerlect ear should bo porfectl y stra ight aud uniform 10 cir· cumfe rence. Th9 g ra in should be r ath er wedgeshaped but symmetr ical an r! we ll formed and· not too lon g. Th e tip of the ear should be p-crfec tly co v· ered with corn, as we ll as tbe blltt. Net many ears conlalnlng th ese c linr· acte rl st!C's will be found In a rau rlom seleotlon the fi rs t sl'ason: but b y oare · ful breed iug , ears m a~' be produce,\ whlcb will be perfectly cover ed at both t-nrla and symmetrIcal In a~,pear ance from butt to tip. In selecting see d corn It Is nece&sary of cours e to aim at the perfect standard lind not be conlE'nt wIth a nv· thing eille. It one goes to tbe troubis of maldn ~ an y S'alect lon, why not cnrry It out to It s co nclusion &lid strlvll to

"1 can't for th e lire at me und erstand why you ",,,n't marry me I t you lo"e me," sa id Walter Oillem . The y were having coll'ee In Il gay r es tauraut In th e late Illt ernoon. "nccause," a nswe r ed Elizabeth Thureto n. " !lI lly woulrl rf's ont your tailing his fat her's plnce. 110 r e " e ren ces h is memo r y and h o 'would ne ver fcq; !\' e me for cven n flp earlll g to forget Tom . You don't r ea ll 7. o thllt Ullly Is &rown up at six ypsrs." "Why, Hill y und I would he two gllod pa ls, E li zabeth . He migh t fce l badly a t Ilrs t, bu t I wll\ Illak e It j us t all eas y for YOll und fo r h im as I can. Thero' Is no u se In wa Rtlllg t!i pse years of h:lpplnE'SIl wh en !lilly, ch lldlllte, wo~ ld get ove r any BaTt of fe e ling In a 1lI0nth ." "You're mlslaken abo ut that." said llm y's prelly rnot h pr quickl y, "!lI \1)' n'! \, e r for)l:l>ta or fo rgives anyth Ing. !fo Is tf- rl'lb ly III ('al'llf' s t about life." "li e Is a fillp. 111 tie ch ap , Did he tell yo u how J l'l el< £'d him UI) goi ng fr om school YE'R tp.rday nnd too k him for a long r un In my ca r ? H e doesn't a sk a thou sand qu es tions like most boys. bu t I'l l wa gr r b e knows n early a 8 mu ch as I do about tbe mechanism of t"at car." "Oh, YE's. h e came up to my sitting room , a s h e always does wb C'n b e oom es hom e. and tolrl me about hla trip. He pro'11Is r.d me th a t as soon IlS h e WIlS a littl e olde r ho wou ld Bell our ca r and buy one of a n,ora 1m· proved ma ke. 'It mnk!'s mo feel as It r was mos t grol\·n . mOlhp.r .' h e said to me, '1 0 h ave ~ Ir . W alt f' r allO W m e thin gs about bl s car. 11 0 doesn't tolk to me tb e way Ollr dlRuffl'ur do es and ex plain e,'ery littl e Ihln g same ~s It I were a baby, but h e jU 8t tre al s mb we ll- aD It we w e re two gentleme ll ou t loge thp. r.' Hilly does n't r elish bclug patl'on lzcd," la ugb ed E ll zatJet b . " !l ill y's care fo r yo u that I wa nt to share bas mado him far old er than the average coy of six. H o Is a ge n· tl e man ot tbe old school," said tb e man

A. extremely high 61,. tend to III lafel' than thole lower down, they • hould not be uled for seed, On the othel' hand e.,., too low tend to ex· t!'eme earllnea. and thureforo none but ea,.. of a uniform heIght Ihould be ueed fol' leed, produce peTtect grains Instt-ad of onehaIr or tbree-Quarters perfect? oni'y the pertect grain hI worth striving for , The selection of Beed corn In ~he !leld Is not an easy job or one Quickly IICcompllshed . It cannot be done In the usual com·plcklng way, . but mus t b. done with basket on arm and In II spirit of calm contentment even though a whole day'. work brIng. no more than a dozen ear. to the lieed hla . . U the work III hutlly .', "done the

face lllfe the roses you sent yeetel' day." The boy looke d admiringly at his yo un g moth er, A beseecblng signal fla shed tra m Gillem's eyes to tbe woml\n·s . but sho pretended not to Bee. S he could Dot, would not, ha\'e nil ly h urt, not for a ll -t-~ happiness me coulll promise he~ self by marr iage with this \ll an o Wh e n the packa&e was ope ne d In the library by eag e r c hild is h fing e rs , nilly saw a wond e rful lillIe au to llio' bile with r eai rubbe r tir es nntJ a tiny Glren wh ls tlo that sOll nd ed like ili e big ono on GllI em's own cal'. ""'Ind It," he bcggetJ of O lllem and 1'000 the 80ft brown cllrly h ead was close to the hlg blark Olle, and man and boy wer e "<Jun ll y Int('!'<' st e d In th e t uy. Wh e n lIill y's moth e r slipp<,d uway to dres s fo r d llln('r, th o I.> e y turll od to Gill e m with th o eag !'r qu cs· tl on, "An' you a ve ry good fri e nd ot n l ll1P


"Th e bE!s t In the world, L1l l1 y. Wha t ca n I do lor you ?" "M oth p\,'s s ad about some , hln g, Sh e cri es e\, pr'y tim e yo u go away . 00 YOII know why ?" "W hy 1- 1- " stammHed th o man. torn betw el' n hi s proml s' to th n wrorn· nn h o loved and th e Inno("e nt trus t· Ing fu ce bc Fo ro h im, waiting for an nll KII' Cr. "I helie\'e she wnnts to marry Mr. Sam ('arter, and sho knows J dnu't like him, Yo u li nn \\, you to ld h er hc.w Mr. Cart<'r lo\'eo her. Is tha t It?" ":';0. no. I th ink f,O t. 1111 1)'. Your moth e r doesn' t love Cllrt er In tha I

"If She Would Only Just Love Vou."

warmly, "Why don't you let me try to broach the su bJeet of our enGage · ment to him? I believe tbat bo wou ld take it lllte a Boldler and congratulate

ule," "He would be brave enough before me. but ho would break his h ea rt grIe ving In se(',ret. Oh. no, I can't let lIilly be hurt. Don't spall your life tor me," she smiled sadly a s he s lipped his arm throu gh h e rs to s tf'ady he r on the snowy pavem ent outolde the res· tauraat. "Go love and marry Bomebody who has no Billy." "But the only woman I want has Billy, and 1 want Dilly, too . Ir I can't have the m now, I'll just walt un· til Billy 18 old enough to und ers tund." "l3ut I won 't be yours, th e n. Why, my hair may be gray ," she argu ed. as be slamme d the car doo r and th ey were whlrl ~ d swiftly through the Btroet In his big limousIne, "That's all right. Mine will bo gray BOOneI' than yours. Do you fe el a package over there by yon? It's for Billy." "How thoughtrul you are! Ot couree you'll go In and give It to him and teach him how It runs. It Is somcIhlng to run Is u't It? You're just two boys together." " Yes, and I'll stay to dinner, thank you." "You're a very welcome guest, alwaY8." "But I don't like to be a guest. I'm a guest everywhere I go. I want to be homefolks," he whIspered tenderly . "I want to carry a fowl home wh e n the market maD has failed In his deliver}" . and 'I\'e bave 1I0thing for dl nll<'T. I want to be necessary to a flome and teel as It I belonged to 1!0mCO'b cdy." "You do." came aBaft \'oleo that was l<JOn mothered \II his coat collar. "Hello!" cried nUly, racIng down the stairs and looklllg tor all the world like Lord Fauntierc:& ,In bls velvet and lace. "I'm glad you came In with mother, Stay ·to dlpner! W'e're going ,to have ,111m ' pu!ldlng and hard lauce. James' to)a ,m-e:.' be confided to

w ay ."

Practical Fashions LADY ' S DRESS.

SUFFERED EVERYTHING For Fourteen Years. Restored To Health by Lydia E. Pink. ham's Vegetable Compound. Elgin, 1lI. --" After fourteen years of BUffering eve ry t hing fro m f emale com~"""===="-:'~ pl aint.;:, I am at ln5t r estored to health. ., 1 empl oy ed the best d octo r s ami even we nt to the bospital for treat... m ent and wns told there was no h elp f or me. But while takiag Lyd ia E. Pinkham 'a V ege table ~H~~~~ Compound I began loll to improvo and I continu ed its URO un til r was made well." -Mrs. J[ E:<.:RY LEI SEDC RG, 743 Adams St. Kearneysvil le , W. Va,-"I fee l It my du ty to wnte and say what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege tab lo Olmpound haa done f or me. 1 Buffeted from female weakness and at times f elt so m iserable I could hardly endure being on my feet. H After taking Lydia E. Pinltham'. Vegetable Compound and f ollowing your ,pecial directiona, my trou ble is gone. Words fall to express my thankfulness. I r ecommend your m edicine to all my fri ends, "- Mrs, G, B. WI-IIITINGTON. The above are only two of the thonlands of grateful letters which are conltautly b eing r eceived by th e Pinkham Medicin e Company of Lynn , Mass. , which .how clearly what great things Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound doea for those who suffer from woman's ilia. .If 10n "'Int apeclal adylee writ.e to LydJa E. PlnkJ:&m MediCIne Co. (confl. dontial) Lynn, Mass. four ' et ter will be opened, r ead and answered by •

"1\0\\'," suld BIll y, mO"lng a little c loser and layl u!!' h is ha nd on the mnn's srm . "If sho wou ld jo s t love you, I'd like fir s t rato to hav e VOll for a falh er , I lo\'('d my rl':lI, own' fat hE' r "NY milch , li ke any boy," we nt on the clilidis h \'{ Ice, "tut 1 te ll you It would be tI ne to ha ve a live fatb er IIlle you aroll nd l. "ery day ." This beautiful costume was d ellgbtnllly was caUGht In two st rong arms and h eld ., ' ry, ve r y close. ' 'I'd lo\'e tully carried out In tau fou lar d wltb to tallo you snd your moth er to my trimmin g of goldea brown satin. The dress represe ntu ono of the new· t Ig houRe to li ve. 1 love you ant! the es t styleR of the Beason, and Is 6P' "omaa . .d held III strIct c:oDJldellOllo beautiful mot hor, too . Do you think proprlate for wear DOW and for servo we could per suade he r to go?" Ice la ter In lhe fall. "Wc 'll I ry ," whisper ed ~!lIIy . "Dnn't Tbe patteru (6905) Is cut In sizes you te ll h l'r about what I said . T hat's 32 to 42 Incbes bust measure. Me.. secre t between . u s. " diu m size will reQuire 4 V. yards of 86 "Sure," answ erf>d Gill em , happily . II1Cb ma t er ial, ~ yard ot 18·lnch tuck· All through th e meal n lll y th ougbt lng, l 'AI yards ot 24·lnch saUn and 2 of Mr. Gill e m's bi g s ton e h ouse Ilnd yards of Insertion. his ken ne l of tin e dogs. It would be T o procure thl, pattern , tlt;'l d 10 crnh teo great to 1I"e In that honse, he WP a Uern Department" or th i. p a per. WrJt, nam e .a nd addrc lt pl ain ly, a.nd be lure to Ilf,vf tbou ght, ~LDd wondered how 110 could .he. a nd number o( "aUern . A wo man's headac bes are natural, lead up to the Important mailer. a lUa u's are usulllty acquired. "M r. \Valte r," h e questioned, "I SlZK ............... _. NO 5905, wond e r what your dogs wotJld do It a I . Don't huy wnler for IiluinJl. Li'1l1icl blUl!. llttle boy wcnt thero sometimes?" NAME __ ........... .............. ... -- .. .. " nlmo. t ,, \I "'nler. Duy Red Cro •• }Jon BlWl, tbe I>IU6 ,lUll" nil blu~. Au\,. "The y would b e glad to see him, TOWN __ .. ........ . ....... ............ .. .. They are fri endly fe llows." We se ldom take a d eep and vital "I guess th ey woulda't IIIte to have STR&KT AND NO__ .. _.... _....... _.... . Interes t In tbe affaIrs ot our neigh· a boy around all tho tim e , thougb, BT A TK . .. ..... . ........ __ ....... ........ _. ba rs-unless tbe y owo us woney. w ould Itt!'y?" , "Yes, they would," enid Gillem. Forced t. Work , taking care not to look at Ellzabetb. LADY'S DRESS. An' Ed wards cou nLY rarm er wafl H(I could, w ith difficulty, ke ep th.e ahort a ha rves t ha nd. He went to laughte r lirom hIs eyes. ;( Iusle y, a mile away, In his auto. "I thlnll: I'll go born e with you somf. /t o found a ruan thlJre, dumped h1m day. Do ys o ug ht to stay with a man Into his aUlO und took him out to thll some, oughtn ' t th ey , mother?" farm. "Ye s ," said a , 'er y w eak voice, Nex t morning, wh eu the drunkard "What are you talltlng about son ?" had come ou t of It, '"3 8ijk cd lir)\v far "I told Mr. Walte r how you cry It was to town. The farmer told him sometimes, moth er, and ask ed him It nftel' n miles Rnd promi sed to tuke It was beca use you wanted 10 ma rry him ~ n th e fall, In g Saturday If be Mr. Carter. H e said he did n't th ink wuu ld help har , L that week . Tho so, but tha t be loved yo u and m e, to o, IlIUO work ed a ll weell without know· and waut~~ d us to go to his h ouse to Ing that he \VIlS ouly a mile trow live, Wo'u ldn 't It be tin e to have a lOwu.- Kan8uB City Journal . real !lve fath er to p lay with at the lon~some time ju st u cfore dln nf' r?" Different. Billy sU ppe d out of his chair nnd Albe rt J , Deve rldg e said In Cblcago went to h er, and Gillem left h is own of a corru pt b08 K : place to Ftand on tb e other sid e. "lie 's ver y vlrtuous-oh, vory virtu. "Won't you le t me hav e Hilly and DUB . you for k l'e ps?" b egged Iha man down "A mllilonalro on ce weat to him anct cl ose b eside her . BO tbat his eyes were said: on a level with BIlly's eyes. " 'I wanl to got In th e senate. Will "Yes." Imld Ellzabf'th , drawing tho you se ll mo your s upport ?' two dear beads' to b e r breast. "I'll .. 'N o, sir!' th e bus8 answer ed . strlk· mother bolh my OOys." Ing himself upon the chest. 'No, sir! "And }," said Hilly, proudly, "wl1\ 'I' m a free· born A me rl ca n c itizen aDd have a r eal fath e r like Freddie Cam p I'll sell my su pport to no man.' " 'l3 ut: sal ll th o m lllionlllre, bla ndly, and Artbur T yson. Now, le t's go pla y us h e drew ou t his checkb ook and \\,lth OUT Itew automobile:' urged Dilly, fuu nta ln pen, ·but . If you wou't s ell me anxious to Includo the new men.ber lu your support, pCl'hal>s you 'lI r eut It to hlB family circle. mo for th e term of this campai gn l ' (Copyright, 1911, h ~' \.soelated Lit era" Prest .) " 'N ow you' re talking,' ~u l d the hoss III a ru ollil led ton e." '

SHARP RETORT, THEN FLiGHl Probably MI'. Knox Chose the WI.elt Courae, All the Clrcumat<lncel Considered,

C.AREFUL DOCTOR Pt'ClBcrlbed Chango of Food In.tead Drug"


It I n kes consid erable courage tor a dOclor to d<, lIb era t ely presc rib e only food for a desll alt'l ~g vatl e nt, Instead of reso r tin g to the usual lis t 0; medl· :In es . Th e re are sarno truly scle ntlflc phy. IIcl ulis amon g tb e present generation ""li o reco.:nlw and Ireat conditions all they a re und sliould be treated , regordless of the va lue to tbelr pockets, He re's nn In stan co: "Four yen rs ago I wus tnke n -willi severe gast rItis ond nothing -would, stay on toy s to mac h, so tha t I was on tb e verge ot starvation . "I heard o! a d oc tor who had a Bum· m e r cottng~ ne ar me-a specialist tram N. Y.-and as a last hope, sent for him. "Aft ei' he exa.mlned me enrefully he ad vise d me to try a small Quantity of Grllp!'·N<l IS at fint, then as my e tomat:ll b ecam e stronger to eat more, "I kep t at It and gradually got BO I could ea t and di ges t 'three teaspoontuls. Then I began to have color In my face, memory became clear, wbere before everything Bce med a blank, My limbs got stronge r nnd I cO\lld walk. 80 I BLeadl1y recovered. "Now ntter a renr on Grape-Nutl\' l weigh 153 Ibs, . My people were 8U1' prlsed at tho. wa;, ' I gMw f1eBhy" atid strong on tbla··food," Name given by Postum do" Battle Creek, MIch.' R~a" the little book, ' "The ~ad to WenYI\iet ·In. pk~1 ;. '. ,t '1:' .~ . I. i ~ .a;.el~ 01.lpll!~ :at .we'lIcil", .. ;. I ·~'i~re'• . ;-~ : ~D.~, -:' ···,r. ,:1,'1 ' -', ".,;J- .~ ,Don't t,h1D-1l 10U '~ ·in 10.,-e ·jPlt ,b. , Blmp,}loJltf -In 'W~C1d,ID.~;S , ~. ~ ". t ...4t · ."....' ~, , A; . . .. ' ~lile . ,.,;~ ba.,-e beeJl • ,brldetun&1d .~e allnell". 11:0_ u.. t. eXpected .(~ of .lI&Dlt)' . &IIIOQ UW ollco, 'taU' " ,~, ,"!!~h ~lBlO,c.~. " ,; ": &a••..,.a. .~.. ,'. ~ , .< ' ,


"You m e n have everything your own This charmlne drees closos at the way, It seems to me ," r emark e d 1\11'" bnck. Th e I\klrt Ie a three·gored mod· !{nox plaIntively. looltlng tip from h e. I 1'1. It also has a removable chemls, cantsbupH te, the ad vorti se ments on eUe. Line n, serge, pongee, or silk the Lltck of he r busballd's n ew pa per. can be used to make this dre ss ?llr. KIIOX did not r eply. li e ha d lou!! The pattern (69~6) Is cut In' slzel IIgo l ~a ruE! i1 th e wisdom of sil ence 10 32 to 42 IncbeJ bust measure. Me· the fnce of his wlro's argum e nt~ 'dlum size reQulree '6'4 yards of 36·lncb IIgalnst world·made la'l\'s and mtlt1 's material: % yard of ] 8·lncl1 all·over; monopol y on Ilrlvl1rges. a nd dlv er3 % yard of 24-1neb saUn; 2 yards of oth!!r subjects of great r.mgnltude, 90 edging. T o pro~ ure thl. pllttern .end 10 cnnt. he went right on reading. "Puttern Depa.rtment. " o r tht! pape r. "It Is no wonde r so many wom en t~ "rU e n a me and {uhlreft9 phLlnly. nnd be are Ilett y, wh en their whole li ves d eal • url,) to "I va si ze .~nd number of pLLllorn . In trlvlallllles," Mrs. Knox continued, "you m en can do just anything you 81Z& ........ ....... .. NO 3926. ple ase. but we "ome n have to observe NAMK .. . _ .. . __ ........ ...... .. . - ...... .. socl lLl conllcntlon." Here sbe gave a d ecisive nod to hel' TOWN ... _.. .. ...... .............. ....... . marty rl'd b ead and waited to aee It sbo STREET AND NO.. ..... ........ ...... .. hall !1 rl pl' . Oliver 1(no'x laid down hlB paper c1eSTATR .. ...... ...... ........ ..... __ ...... _ IIbertltely and arose with tho exprea. sian or one who has a great thought smoiderlllg In his consciousness but Genuine Human Touch. does Mt f leel sure at Just how to prao "18 th ere any real bumnn Interest ject It, In this ' play of your&?" "'So far as I can see," he aald quick. "18 there? There III 1\ real dinnBr Iy, "It onll' takes one woman to make cooked on the IItage," a 'Whole Bocla~ convention. " BY' t"le time he ' had reacbed the Back Yard InformatIon. hall; grabbed his pannma, and WaB ma. "Cats flre very lIensitive anlmal8," kin;; a frantic rush 'to catol1' .. car b, "I 8uppose that ls why thl'Y are alo t!loUihl .,be .lieard cO~lng over the h1l1. '. . . . '. ~ ~ , waya tI'.k}n • . I/o fence." ' "

. . . . ---'-1' ...." ...


t.... '. . . .

•• ....N....O-l-ll*e*



*B*a-k-.~r:v~.5lLdotuS\. "[). Bnker. \ cont:~n PIe-as ~:r~:e~i~~s

cu~:V~~ ~;~::!~o::i:~~o:o:~~lat '






Bills Allowed-Ber~cb ll l . ·iMhor I I !lorop, oxtrem e croelty. C. B. M D PnAlUHr tr6ll ~m ent for Chub. , pilenson, .,"1 00. Lebll"u OI) Ice ) ', uhant, attorne 9. bv::l t(l h.ry E . LilY Y~ . Celin G rahalJl et aud UOlll Co., io e ror (loud Honsl', .' I Portiou of r ett.l eMtaie M . Co r f;J ~ o !<' rank ha ChroDlc le, pnb \, ' ll DrflllA. t\,,"oruAY. II RhiU~ Cl)mmi~"l nnor" IITllLnl\1 r'porl ~U1y Mtt.xtltlld V8 . lle njlllJllu Ma x , U 725 . Franklin N il W ~ , pn li liqh ti " ld, cliv r rotl If, M Cunni og 1.Jl.l Ill, iO t: Cl1lllflli"sl one r!! IUl nuu l n port $147 . 5. til.ate uf Obl< l \'!~ l-lrnnt I. 'urn ey . t; llIitb , t 20 t-jO . S6m D B euk te , Hur vOJ or : ft'ell Ilnd ea,.m sel:l fer HAP' Real Eslate Transfers temhtJ r 1!.1 1¥. 1171 I :, " . P . ''',rg y .


«(;ontlnuod rrom II K,O 1)

Dr. J. A. McCoy,

Classifiud Ads


0;,:,~~ l : :·:l :~:~:::;~:,·i,~.:~:I:i>::,r~l~:. :.l'l:~~~~~I\I~:;

Veterinary ,

Graduate of Ohio ~ Iale Unlversily By l ' Ul w o worD I bro ug h tb e gor go l ...... - _..... - ....; - _-~ -- - -_......... nr V nil Linnell R I!tarted the nnll hliLl uot hot! III uch mec ll WANTED sl·hllo l nf pu rf' !Jlll n·IL .I'. " rr i~ WII. S a :.. I.(l lHiVI • II01 W IIt' r ll. , . . e:lt we O" l1l e to Ollit:c at r esiJ ellt:c in F. U. Sherw ork uf h lle, H,·ar"I,I." h rLng 1l1~ hlln a UIH' '~ pfldal" ell r wIth the ullud, wood 's h o u s~ , Fourth S treet. W " ~T t.o hlr A Ii lUl\lL t,o tl o l rl l~'l'Il t \t\'('l lh lJoo, Ihol wh Ill' Inuored l ft 1I I ,. 1 t ~ e ; u ~ ' m II S ( e r!le .. U!I { w en , GLHHlru l ~" HtD w 'l rk WIll !;( Ivd Telephone 28 dR~ Rf~c r dll)', I(·olll ll)n r i ll~' nrrl\nb i~ g ' u ho tlt l tj lIIil 08 on II !lid e trip t u give him work nil Willl·AT [Ind bire h lUl Hnl! nallll n,' Ill' I ll \l'erS T o h un ' . . ' ''. . ' !l. eO Ilf' er t. N l.'x t, lllorDlng ftbOlII· f nr n ftxt 8Ullllll(lr If h fl Imit ~ ,l ohn Ohio \V ," ' I.e, !:I prln g V.tll uy , (l bio, H.. Waynesville, pln lt t.:! III th eir IIII'IL' lv Wl' rr f' lr nwnt s . , " unl'l ~U WI:! ,'1 JI " fI·t1 til'llUtl Ollnoll, () . :I of 1111 i Il1l1 l!' lI ~C p uzzle wh ose tioluti on m ortl wout\ {1rful t bu n ~ ,)y tll g or go, It'. D I broug ht hiP l .t.:TI 'fl t .iO.I·. Linl1l' IlMwns hnt II I • o "'lock I.lllil m o rnin g we no Inggn l'Il. l'lIl ht, d it! n()1 tnke h is w e n I· " Tl!r 'j'e nu uMSfle I'u!'a, I,h" lll"h







shlLly too :\(' r iom,ly. nor d ill he expect o~ t rtlllTllll d l loi nt, in tb,. O ult,ml nlllll('n i ll t:tkl' his "il' lI' . It WIl S he :-,ttlt l'~. 1 (J .~ 4U h feut h i ~h. w h nrf' \v u Notary Public lennle G BrauIlk8r t{) Ida B hoard liud \l' ll shlug f, lI' prl ~O ll e r ~ who slii" : "BlItnIlY is 1\ hllrrnl cSll A lit nf WO" AIl ~il" Port·i"rrf's . I' All ki,,,l~ ..r N 'tory WOlk . Pefl t'l un E nerick , lot, in Frflnk li n , $ 100 aDd fur ::;e pS ollluer. IU' (j I W p ~l ll rn ('~ pl!l' ted to IIlIvo trOUBle hrtlllthlll g nat imc , If<lod fo r Indi (>8 fino not tl· Ill ng, Ilnu \t ~ wnlout rtn ~,., ot her oon!liliemt.ion8. tltllr. hant! bilill fo r uritl gl) ~ f !i UO P '" Illl{ ~ " ' l ~'" J.lo" dll1ll, hul, rurl Ullulo ly Wurk a ::Ipeoll1lty : ill ohlll fid. for t i, lJU, UIl S U Appl .v a t· hard on th e m ind ." Th e bi nomial l':rtw ln R \Vood ana Mllry I: Wes l ern ::i I"Up pli llM fllr CUll nty lll,tl n o Ill ~ lq.:r ee nbl tl ""Pll rttlll Ct' . th e FrtClllot< HOlllf' . Wnynf'~""lIp, " dud, Fmnce!l I Rntliff Flftv F.,lIIlI ' r, F ;,0. \\' ''~ t ... rn MI"r . IndH e 'nom r ncllltll ro or sys tem of (Iouble '1'11 0 ll yurhUlIil n :,( rl)Ck ~ , Dlttuml Olti .. 0 ;1 0 ~~--~-----..-----~~~~ '" a" J\!8 i n Uni on townbhip, I i lind flIT Connt y Blliliff, 12 ;,0 West-ern naml 's n ow be in g nssnil cd in so mo tnullLlIH ..·nel ..:relH m o untltins of uthflr consideratioDs . t:ilnr IJIlbli t! b lng n otioe to cuntru e quar tc rs . u rns( ' fro m L innells' brain. r il o.k. 1 l'Il nn llt po,.'iu ly d osorlbe AL! ltE::< \lr I11I1 d, 0l'18fl t,o tow n , ~VALTER witb tnhlwon ~ h et.l 00 pl'aoe ." :utlb Urto n and P . K , Urton to t ,lrp . IS OU H. E Wllrwic k, Slip· A g (' DCI1(, and n ~1'1'('lfi u Hum e con* , th uy WIlt bllvu 10 h~ Hell ll t il h ~ np' veys II. 60lll ewhnl t\ f' finit c id a of I'e* ' . . . Inqnirtl of Frullk Mille r, Waynell . B,' II Simpson , lot In Middleb oro , l l plies l or jl\il, U .r,o " P . Blair, 1 r t· I pr f' l' lIll llt l I WI,dl I (,u nlll 11Ic tllr a ville, Ubio . Funeral Dlr~ :tpr. 0 SO autl other oUll sideTlI.tions . cAm en,,9 2 f> J llS V. BtlnRin s.)n, a 101~8 up , SO lllCW lil t thou g h not a it to )'1' 11 jll>:l t Il~ we ~IlW iL, \ml It --Chr istia n Mi ller to Luciad~ J . lll Wber. 113 11 . L . {J , A n der~o n comp etc rOll l'e J~ t Ion. F or exllmple' l f'1l n Do t bl' da De o n cu lo red V,,!!t,CJl rd !! Telephone d,\v or "Il(bt OOD fr Hf4 b Ilrv veust . Mrtl. "' ~eoe JY, 10 ~"ore8 I' n '''eliror eek" J . "lJ. \~ril PyrlB COlllmnnl8 . . It lI' M WOlllI ,'r f II I "'~ v. ..,0011, IDm b or ..""" "u SilO . . " L' dtnl'fi II II S 11 common . I Af\ or l" 'JU.l'lllg Romine, norll~r N ,)rth &. -lth sl ~ Va ll ey phOllA N " I .' . - pear IlB 1fl11L' Il S (' Illes t hat frUIt ' S 'tlLll ' I'.V onlll . -; :3U . . \\' t1 ~ t , 'pp " tl nt , 0 III townsbip, f1 a nd at b ar oon~ Id era- S OIl , r tll'alrtt , UnIon to\vns bi p , ,,- 1 2il Dlstan oe N,) 1\\1-"' . U . H . FeldkllDl I>, ropairs l 1:hwilton 1not an apple nor a rtjllndru~e ; but !(il e ll\\'onll "'prl nf.<" f nl hr"JI~ I K ,.t WEET Il n r! Iri -li P nttltoPR and . 12(- ' 5. • . H , F e l"k . our Enghsh fter. mI sItone frUIt may · "l llls I~ n n' ry hUllnllfu . .l hl,lI " l' LlV lU OHIO Hugh Ba ugh, Mary Bllugb , L . A . 10wl1l1hl, u Ilmp KRlf l'1' Pe llrt< for Hil i f' . Chnrl ev WAYNESVILLE, . ,)Wman, Elj~ beth BoW!llun. C L Co n N o. ~S, 1 117.65 Al SpAnce , llirCnt one ~. 11 to (-<.lozen o rc~at Ih t-' lI1 U l1ntlli~l~ W n {' (,utd n,lt h e lp [<'rVf', WrlVfto,wi ll e , R R . 4, vb o.,·e Branch Office, Harve1r lbur~, O. BlI.ogh II.nd Chlri.:Je Btt.ngh to 1I."h 000lp(lnllatlOn for r oad n r ounll P, D< Uct8. Il1 UC US gave us a (' - unl. nol'('1l tlt e bell. ty IInti nuatntlllS 4\1 I L·:!H 0 23 RilllY and Deborah W. Riley , 47 urld ge • . 00 . • M. GaSki ll , Cnn , OItc and more or le88 completc BYS* of thl ~ plllOe. At I O': 3 D w e WArc in A !. f': 0 st,rll w. nl() !lM fmd ti IDO thy aorea In Warren Coonty an d 100 N o. 67 and No, 70 SlI9 ;J~ , A. D. tern ?f plant nnm es. ThIS wos in tlt t-' f' ll li" llll fl !< of the GrrllLlI l'lI nlin lillY, Llr ",de . CllII,J . R. !lnt! til'ltll d Vll il ey , Il m oM· w oudlirrut Bores In Clinton County , IL a nd aoode, COD. NI. 78 1103. 50 W~. the elghtecn th century. WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. Petflr~llu , phone ;1;12: .;, WliYDfsville o'heroonslderali onll. Uraullw Oon . Jfo . "'71 111I1l1 ii. P .. - - - - .. - - - - - vli ll" ~' A t l l :25wo rOtlched rLlIi Obio 0 10 When Y(1U h n \·O !\ bllu cn ld you Methodist Episcopal ChurA Anna M , t::exllller 10 Ell If ton W . Monc. Uon . No . 75 SH•• -Ig. F . F . "'lint t,he bpst m Aclil'ine oht,ll in tl ble "l ll f' ill t h(l mirtst, of hUll<lrf'll,. of Re .... O. 8. Oral1lMlr, Put.or, fflw choicfl bdia. Rlluner V 'lItlesby anll Carmine L . U ngl eauy Benllohe & .on. oement $-16 .15. A . 80 al:l to CI1l'O IG wit,b lil:ltitrle dAhy sccuS of IJtI" c h orchlud . '1'l1tl WestSund.. y School, lJ : U a. m . MornlDI{ . er a!l ll Carmine L. Unglesby, r ett.1 estate E. Conklin, bri dge work Sa lem as p llssi bl l;) U e r (1 i~ Ii t!r uglt ist ' s ern ~I o pe Fruit 8 ro wer " Assooill tion Om kea. \:l·.m J . R. Hisey, vlue , l O:HO a . m. ": vc nlll K: ser vi ce. ; : 0 p m . Mld weok Pnyer "'eellnlr, 7 p. m. ill J'ralllllln, oon!lideratioll 141100. 'onsbip, $-1 .00. ·1~in,i on .: "Ib hRtl VO )!lold Chlt.t,.n be r* pa!lleu pCltoh eli to I.h e whole train \Jo r wi n, O. r Hamnll T. GriHst e' iii to John W · AID ~ lJou~s Enos.' 111Ltl" 1l llrofSarat-og(l, y or lfteen IU lll\ 0 l I ea d Clntraots-){o. 11 . ,J OB n "If 0 e year ~, ""oy poop ll tr ell , cdus r nyn\ly St. AugustIne'. Catholic Churdl,; Dnmford lind Edna Dumford, lot in for conorete toe Bnd COllcrete exten : Ind , "a nd con ~lof' \' it t he bH1< t Oft T h e next· c it.y 0 1 IIny impI'l'lanoe NA P KIN S-A new ~tllok of 0I1p"athor Loula Yaus M .... ev~rf . econd SUD,I,,\, or the mODtb a Springboro,oollsi deration 425U slon '0 aroh headw ..ll I\t J onBh 's the lIlurket. " For ~ Il l e by nil deal- Wll~ Grllnd Jun cti on City . He r e ki n" j lll.t, in. Oeven deltig!]!! to U:OU a. m. Mtnervll ,I. LlI.n,sdon to WIllIIADl Run bridge in Massie Township at en. wa I:!topped fo r (lin ne r, aDd ' t h e n pick. from. Gu;r.eUe olUoe. - -F Melllrs, lot in IlprlnRboro, II lind th'l estl_atellli' ,)lIrlld l1d tho t u wn heluletl lIy tbe St. Mary's Episcopal Churdl. lIev. J . I". Cl\dwallnller, nect", olher oonslderaUoDs. No . 9' F. A. Bildebrl\nd for rUSH ON THE NEW SONGS hund Sunday S chool. 0 ::1 0 Ii. m MUrnlll!! se r DR. j. W. MILLER, clellning and painting 'wo bridges Aft er le&ving ,J un otion Vi ty we vIce. III :110 a . m. Holy Communion Ib e tint Probate Court In Fr.nkllo townllhi pat tbe ell~imllte Cli mb to th e Ruby UU Don , s o nn w ed Suuduy uf eacb morHb , of $50 . from t h e color of its bUle moun... DENTIST... M. Ro~rtsoQ, executrix of ChrllUan Church. No. 93. Orelollia Bridge Co. tor t llill~ uf roo ka which we r e 1\ r tlddll!h C . L. Reberlson, plaintiff VII . AnDa the sub and saper8truoture for ~ h Hov. 1' , IJ. Tboml*>D, Yul4tt . oC/l or . In ~h1 9 oanon WA c,\ll1e to N"Wona] Oll1co In Btdlr. UlLuk ~ ayn esville, v I Dible Scbool. 8 :' 0 a. m. 80clal dHIe~ 11 . Robertson, e t al : D.feoClaat.. Clell.roreek bridge oa rran)lin and lo:ao a. m . ObJ1lltlan EndOl.vor. 1:0U p. IL tbe Ut.a h lin e WIl now t rtlveled Sonnon by putor ev8I')' altcn1ate SundQ .. .xeou'rix eleota to recelv. real lUI · Red Lion road for the sum of lo:ao a. III. 1:. 0 p , m. frm:ll 1 :40 un til Ii :1 u, Illl d never !lD N tat. at Us ",alue i. money in lieu of 110-100 . B'lnd of UO,OOO approved, "oy gr ee o thin ~ g rlJwill ~, until W tl stuplJUIlln l:O mlnutOll Hicksite Friends Chu~ .tower. s u re with Dr. 8 boo.'. No . 94. Fraak Itokel, for re 08me ~o Il a mnII 8trlak . of green C ruup Ih·m('C1)'. One Flr.t Ua) Muetln\(, II :00 n . 111. Flnl Dar f t...'ate or Ellzabeth F . Garner. pairing flo.r on brldRes near the wst ,..ilI "urei¥ provo. Sc l. ool. II ; 00 il m. ~'ounb OilY Mer\lDIt Ihrong wlaio b fl .wOO A s UJ61 1et re um, No .. nmitio g. D O dl. 10 :00 a. w. dewdlel . Final "00.011'. farms of I::!t . Clair, 1'. Joknlln, Kel · \ auout, tbe size of the one whioh tross A sa~ IUld ptoosing srrul>--OOo . D~ The .state of 'he Cedar Bill &nl sey I::!nlder, Wlnneths a.nd John om es down through B . L. Dakin 's Orthodox Friend. Churc•• \arlu_, u8lpor. Proof of publica. IItroup at tbe eltima'e 143. fnrllll by the \lId cre"mery. fbis MI'IJ. Ruth Murray, Putor tiOD of tbe appo\n'msnt of Robert Sabbalb S.hool, 9:au a . m . MeRular olJurflD Contraot was entlrld Into w\t.h they were prou d to call Grean Rivor, ~c r,· tce , 10 "0 & . 'III . f:llrIMc,iao "~ ndea.vo ,.. J'. Shwhan, asalrJnee filed . 8 . EUzro~h for American fttnoe at wh ich [ II nppo~e W811 all right for 7 ::to u _ Good for Nothing but tho Ey.. In the matter of the wlll of ·John '70, per rod aDd sllRple at So, per that Wtt.8 the first greeD spot we btld M . Lenlll'reet, deceased. · Flora ponnd a8 ordered from Ume 'Ime, c::C-.a-ep.u in nell l I,hree hOnl'8 trtlvAI. LoBp'reet eleota to take under tl.. Wu no~v t r~vl\l p rt ~~!!l 7 r m PlaDe a.d specifications for atone wlll of decedent, ",an ,rotectio. on Trotillo road In "I ce.nnot sing the old songs"over olle vatlt deBut, se .. ing n otb lng In the maUer of the "'Ill of Eama Salim townsblp belDg approven Her promiAe short snd terse but ooo.'~ion .. lI y II littl e b UBcl! of • . DaDtor&h, deceased Will ad were ordered poe'ed i. the Auditor;!! She kept. But then ahe went and coarse prairie Stl g fl ab)ut e lgbt mlUed F'obate. A oomml88ion of!ioe and eealed prop08als to be Bang loche~ hi g h, and t,h (1 color of the The new ones-which were worse. wl\h 'he wlll anaexe4l "lven ecelved uatill~ o'olook a . m . Ooto__ ....~_.lo-_ ground-ju st one v rl ~t detlert 118 f~r Moor.-. Georle:J. BuNe. ber 11, Uti. as .he eve oould seo . , StOY •• Saves Leg Of Boy 0 ur n ext stop wns a sm ull town 'r~. 8ftta'e of George W . Rook, PlaDS and apaolficatlon for stone Alway. de0888ed, Firat and 1Iaal aoconn\, WILli .. bu'ments on Sbawhlln pike "U seeme 1 tbat Illy 14 .yell.r old by ~b e nnm e of Helper . :-3tn ppec1 Plene' , boy would to IOBA bls lAg , on I . Tbe .. "'~ of Cvndora Eynon, la · aear residenoe of Al tihawhan in acoount of an Il l! \I' ulofl r, rltn~ .. d hy fo(, " npp .. r . Aft pr Pl\.vlol Hnlpe r , Mrs. Fuss and ..ane, R. S. Hageman, luardlall. Washlngtoa \;.wn~hlp being tt.p . .. bad braille," wrute lJ . .1<' , lioward . "'d llull u luuK he.. vy ~nuJa to oltmb Mrs. Cookright ~Igh'h aoooun •. proved were ordered poa ted in the Aqoone, N. C. "All remedies and Ptt.s,sed 'brougb Cllstle Uate, wbero The I.tate of Daniel 8. Woollard, Auditor's office 8e~led proposals to dootors treatmeut failed till we on on<~' side tbe rock 8 wer e [joe tee& Mrs, Fuss- "Ho", do 1011 mllnage to cook IhinK' 10 deceased. Inventory and appraill6- b oei ed til 11 0'0100111 Octob!'r trIed Buokl e ~ 's Arnloa ~al:ve, aud a..d. o.-the other 400 feet high, well Mrs. Cookright?" ere v nn oured him wltb one bOll." Curell ment. Mrs. Cookright- "My !i, 11111. burns, bolls skin ernptions, piles jus" Ilbout room uotween f or the Thl estate of lames W. Ko.nts, range tell. me how. 1 - -- .• '- ••- - -250 "t till druggists. tr!>ln to pass. At last Mter a gr 311.t havr a Moore Range-ihl dec8ued , Flra' and final lcoount. 1. W. Copeland, of Da.yton , Ohio, - -- _......____atUL)unt ot polling frOID o1;lr two aad temperature ther In the Ulatter of the eetate 0' purohased a bottle of Chamberlain 's laq: ~ m ountllin engines we ruobed momrtrr - M~. Rorer', TO REVI8£ SPANISH BIBLE. Mosea •. Thompsoa, d•.ceaaed, Cough Remedy tor hl8 boy who had ' Thrrmometer Guide Ind the summH, where Is located a a 0(11<1, and. before the bottle was Ill! ! Moore'. Can troller Emeral J , Thompilin ap,olnted atosed the boy't' o!)ld WIlS gone. Is Three commissioners representing hoge rock coiled 8nldler's linmmit, Damper make il imposmlnliltrator giving bond for $100. lible for me to .poil that not better than tu PflY a five the American Bible society Ilre on We ure oc'w "',·15,1 l eet high . We The es&ato of E)lzabeth E . Van dol\ar dootor's bill? For Bale by a ll th . things- and I lave much t Codiz S in for a con- Ilfe now t o s tll rt d o wn tht' llteepest in furl besides . You dealers . , ell' way 0 , pu , Riper, lSecealled , Final aoooun' , _____ • _. ference next month with the repre* grade in the Onlle(' St,n te!l wbore coulll cook a. well I I 'fhe estate of I:lizlAbeth Ann Bat I if you had a Moore AN INJUDICIOUS MAN, ! sentatives of the British !lnd Foreign theoo~ I'ldl it! Dot usell. We Atopped Rangr-it 'l an ablofield, deoeased Inv6ntory and ap. , I Bible society in on e ffort to solve on '~hf~ s ummit and o nr oo nlluctor lutely controllable cookpraisement flied. ing mlchine,lI Blobb.-Why do those two glrls the problem of a sllt is£actory revision tol41 us we w ere helcl op, not by both hate you so P of the Spanish Biible. The Ameri- robbers but hy Il wr ec k t,wo miles Marriage licenses Slob8 - I once innocently re- can commissioners have t aken with do"m the grlide . Time then went marked thst they looked alike, them to Spai n a droit of a revision pretty fllf!lt, for we \vent to or.1 William B. Banks, oolored, waUer • of the Spnnisp. BibJ e which they have berths . W hen we a w ... kl~ne(l we or Franklin blld MIs8 w,ary Orftoks, DK8TROYINQ THE ILLUSION, already fini shed, based on the trane- were In OgdeD, Utau, btt.ving pRssed oolored of , Lebanoa . Rev. W. iI . Jution of TIcv. Dr. H enry C. Pratt of thrlDugh ~alt Lake Uity during the 1S Coleman, "NaD, I should consider Jack an lohn C . Waggoner 31, flori8t ot ideal husband." Hackensack, N. J., who for almost night. sixty years WIIS I\. Presbyterian mill- (t.loncluded 10 neat week 'I! iSllu p) Middletown Ind Miss Welsh , ot "So should I, Fan, but he insists Llbllilon. Father Dennl'Y. sionnry in South America, on ~irig 11 real husband."









.. -----








\ I



I' I,



Moore's Range

----- ..

Fortunes in Faces


Here is a woman who.pellks from Tbere's often mnch trud1 in the personal knowledl(e linu long ex !!/lylng "her :flioe is her f 'I'tune," perlencl', viz, Mrs P . I:j. Brogan, but its neve r suid wh ere pimplos , ur "i1son, Po., who ~ay8, "I knnw skin erulltion", blotol\es, (lr other Hl"re IS a Vacuum Cleaner that front t'lxperienoo tbl\t, Cbo.wberl"in'8 blemishes dl~tlgure it. Imvur e looks like a carpet sweeper and runs Conrh Remedy Is ftt.r superior to blood Is blick of thAm llii. II nd shows like a carpet sWPeper, yet is a pow- OilY other . For croup 18 thf' need of Dr, KIllg'M New Lite e rful vacuum cleaner. As it rolls \ llot, hin lr tbat excels It" For saie· PtIls, '1'hAY pr omote bellith and across the room it Bucks up a strong by oil denIers . lJellooty, ' Try them . 26 oent8 at all blast of air through the carpet bring_ _ _ .. _ _ _ __ druggists . ing every particle out of the texture - -- .. - • without taking up the carpet. What ICE CREAM CONSUMPTION. Bome folkl get pretty dry riding ill'rpore it has such a strong suction on Ithe water wug on . that it actually pulls the dust of theFiive quarts of ice cream p er cap_ _ __ _ _ - - fioor up through the carpet,. Think ita are con sumed by the American SHE OUGHT TO KNOW of it! No more taking up of carpets. people ench year lit present. This is ,Just run the easy runnin g ball bear· ing Domestic Vacuum Cleaner over more tha n double the qllllntity t hat Ethel-Jack H uggnrd told lll C a them every day or so and your ca r sufficed in 1~ 06. Coinddcntnl\y with lonl~ story ]a;t ni ght. ' pets are as fresh and clean ~ new this increase have come inventions Kitty-Is he an intel'Cllting story every day in the year, and the colors for avoid ing the economic wastc of tellor? . are always bright and fresh, f " b I l' Ethel.-I should say so ; he held The Domestic is the patented ball- r eczlDg lce cream y t 1e onllJlary bearing roller nozzle. It rolls over mixture of ice and salt, 3,000 pounds his audience from start to finish. the carpet and does not drag and of ice nnd 800 pounds of Slllt being wear out the carpet as iJl1itationsdo, required to freeze ]00 gallons of ice NEW WANT. _ crellm by' this method. Artificial .re-Price $16. Doze NozJ:le At·· frigerntion ~and eleetri~ity ale' .em- ~'Th.e med.i~ ~pro!.e88ion n~su-






tachment $4.50 extra.

~yed ~ the new dences.

'", j:~WIN' ~1fJ;~WOOD, $ole. A,e~t, :. M.QN~Oa.:.O~IO,..Th~ ~ue ~ •


••~ •

J' - . '


... '.




. '

to~~:t io~~listB'

•.~ ;~e~, famn7. ·~perli: ~~mo~~ .

a cooking machine that you can control as easily as an engineer can control a locomotive.

The exact temperature oven thermometer-it really tells the exact heat and is as useful as a steam gauge to a boiler. Then Mrs, Rorer's Thermometer Guide tells how hot to keep the oven for a certain time sufficient to cook roast beef-stuffed chicken, ham, lamb .~uarters, bread, sug@r cookies, most everything in fact. Then more than thatthe Controller Damper en~ · abIes you to keep the heat at the desired point almost in· definitely. A'od you can actually lee ;-Our food cooking through Moore'l tire-tested gla... oven door. Coat one-third to one-hllf Ina. to run . We btlieve every housewife ought to know that while certain rangn eat lip coa l like a house afire-other rangn fu t l- therefore-save money.


Moore'. Range savea One,.third to One-half on the Coal ' ,Ve tell all about thi. conllrudion that I\3ves eo much fllei in a little book we baveand we' ll lend YOll this book upon receipt of n f,0lta!. W rhe Moore Brolhers. Joliet••. Il l. , or Book on Fuel Savini. • . See Moore'. Ranl:t at '

AI_a,.. Pi....






,' uhll. hod_ __ Weekly III WllYIl_OiI.VUlU , __ Uhlo. ._ _ ____




- - - -- - - -AI.I.J£Y

D. L.





Editor and Manager

Rates of Subatription ,.no Year (strictly In advance). ... '" , 11 .00 nglti CollY ... . . . , . . , . . .. . , . . , , .. , . , . 00 Rates of Advertising ,loading Locala. per UnDo . . .. . .. , .. , .. Illladllll! Local • . bllcl< flLCe. per 11118 . , .. 1~ ~ 1 ...J1Ied Ad• . not to exc~ Ih'e Unell




. ... .. . , . .. .. . 26c InchllB lreo; over live ~lnchell, per Un · ... . .. . ... , , .. . 6c • I rd ot thank.. . . . . . . . .... , . . , .. , .. . 11'>c " tlIiOlutlona . . . . . . . . . . .... .. . , ..•.. . oOe , dala el.e, where cha 0 fa made .. •. •• . ~6c • loplay AdvertlBlng Pt Inch. , .... . .. . . lOe Dlaoount.a given 10 con"(i-act. ~rWOD8

Ubltu&rillll, fivo

Ejected Man'. T.unt Munt Muoh In .u.noa A),Ne, "Land of the All .....

A. J. Drexel Biddl6. entertaining at luncheon at umMowne 2,500 Illembera of the great Drexel Biddie Bible cla88, lIaid to a reporter : "This movement embraces lOme of the best people in our land; the Tast majority of our membera are people of eminent respectability; but at the same time there is no 'downand-outer' whom we would reject. "We. in fact, would do for the 'down-and-ou ter' what Buenoa AvretI doe&-and you know how ~any wrecks and I!roob and criminall Buenoe Ayres hu made Mer. "I'here'lI a traveler'1 tIle illustra.tive of thia. .. A young man got in a row fuhionable DuenOl '-Ayrw club and w.. roughly ejected. Rising from the mud, he nahed back into "the club and shouted excitedly: .. 'Do you know why they call' me Jameson here in BuenOl AJ'I'e'> P' '"The club membell loeked at OIle another in puuled fuhion. and the young man con tinned: .. 'Becluse if. my D&IDe! "And with • taunting laugh he ·"llOne."



_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-e _ _ - . _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Beech Grove.

Lytle Mr. aad .ra. Alberti Stllcy motored to tlidney Oil I'.esd~y !lI!lroiog to Ii \&end thl fwnlrlll their OOUSiD , Mrll. Mary Pine underwflnt an operation In Day to. on Mondav of last week, for a growth upon ber eye. Ihe returned oa Sunday and we are Ilad to o:epOl't that she il! I'ooovering nloely. Mre . Matilda Emriok left Thura day morling for an .xtended visit with her slIter lirl! . White, at DRW. • .)n, Ohio • Mn. Alloe Githens spen' a oouple or days last week la Day~oQ . Mr.. llarah Casto. IIrs . Hila Brook !lnd Ion Glenu apant Batur~ay and t;unday with rela" I'es in Day.

~"e rlll fr om thll plaoe wen t t .nr 'veyaburg on llillturday evenin g W1l.Bl1r Dr. Fels.

J . W.

Automobile Livery Service at Reasonable Rates.

C r eswe lll R~ htllp ingRevtl ra l

onr 10lds of hoy and s traw "bi ~ week . John GIll, of Dayton, Is spendin g • ~ Il ek at his old bome I1nl! with old f riend. Ilt Oregonia , J . \V. tayl or, ofGr eenBrinr, wl\ lI bere lu ll' we.k unn bill ell J . W 1 Creswell'H bo y Ilnd straw , Tllfl r. B. Ih erwood ptln pl o tire II Iminting tc elr fin e ne w llllrll (I n




7 I- I

•• - ... -- .- . . ........................................ - --


- ............. .








thei r (l1rm nellr I·he cbl1rch . , 8ulon of Solitude During Formative lIur relld bo,s II! c r.~hlll g s tone \ Period Beet to Bring Men to Inon t h e roa.d t h ltl week . tellectual Fruition . .Iobo Cobb. an oIU lund murk of l OOTOBEH 16. 1812. thi8 pll1ce, was 8eon aD our 8t r eets, I :Man, for his full deve lop ment, ! AQ'1' ~o . : Deeds ."o mf't hlllg more t h~n lIl eat \ H~ SuudilY morn ing . Mr. and Mrs. JalBeo Johna enter. Joe U.vis and wif e, 01 Utl y ton , an d d rink . H e needs somctlllng more HOW TO RUN A NEWSPAPER taiued to Nonday dianer, IIr. And Ilnd Oi lln Davis. of Wel1ntlln , pURged ' thMI cI'en ed ucation am] co mpan ion- I FURNA~J[ T" ruo Ii newspapur all a feHow Mrs. Wmiam Gtellke, 01 Dayton. tbr uug)a oar HUIIl gr ove ou ~l1Ul1l& y ship. Th ere Rre t illles when he lIl'CUS [ h61 ~. do i. to be able to write Sidney Coon and fllmily motored after.oon en ruute to Orego ni" . the solit ude or the ope n SPIIC!!I!: when I poems, dlsou.s the tarUI and mlney to XeDta ou Banday . r:~las . Tuok er and fllm ily , of Hllr· be necds to be left nlone with the qu.tlons, umpire a baseball game, Mr. a.d lira. Charlel Clarlt had yeys bur" were Bund"y gues t!'! o f lnke or the ocean, the ~lOuntu ins or : repoJ't a weddlnl, S6W wood, de for thllir pellt lalt week, IIrs , Wrn . XerRev Bnd famil y, Or e tho dcser t. to get li t gri ps ,~ ilh t he Aobllie Mullen who is nlw making gonll). .orlbe a fire so tbat thl I'ladurB will twin real ities- nature lind h imself. Th ese furn aces are right: bel home with ber son in (I"s Otty, Ihed 'heir wraps, malle I' do the Our fllrmer!l are nl\ 'ni t UUUllt It is ~IO accident that most of th e The price is low, wo.k of 110, shine at It danoe, Indiana. done oattlng oorn lind ~fediu~ . men who ha vo moved tho world. ' --mea ••re caUoo, a buse the lIq oor Mrs . lennle Lamb and Mrs. AnDa Gi ve me a ch ance ·\1 1188 er ILrlwnrd l!, wllo iR n~ _ from Mohammed to WIll!hingtoll, U you bave. young ohll,cJreo you habit, &eIIt whlaky, 80bSOl'ibe I will prove it so. have pal'bap8 notioed thHt iltlOrdera Taylor together with OharJe8 Aostin tending Ichool 1U IhrYey su nrg hav e spent II. 8PHson of eoli tude in the oharity, iO witlaout meals, at'lok of the Itomlch are their mo.t lad wlfl mo'oralt to Meohanlce' 01lD11~ boms on rrida y e vu nir'l ~ to open Sp3CeE! dming Ute fonnati're pEr free ellver, wear diamond., in~ea' oommon ailment. '1'0 oorrec' ,hi.. bur. 00 liJaturdllY to spend several apend SaturdilY and !:iuuvny w it h riod of Lheir lives. Th e work is good advertllements, sneer at Iloobbary, you will find Chamberlbin 'I ij\Omaoh days wllh relativee lhere. her l iUle brother, Wh o it! quite ,iak ft is no IIcc ident thllt the prophets The mat erial is best .vIl'look 8O&nda.l, appral81 bailiell, and Liver Tableta exoellent. 'l'bey Mr. and IIrR. J . B. JOMes and son , r. U (';hlJ e. and Pr eHsley VI1U gbll , of mlUlkiud hnve como from the Th e proof is yours l are eelY and pl88Nnt to take, and deUgbt pumpkin raiaen, minlsler &0 mild 6nd genLle in effect, For II&le Mr. aa4 Mrs. W, C. 8ergdall and of ~'rllnklin, wer e bere a coupl e o f borders of the wilJ erness. where the I By th e t est. the afflloted, heal ~he dllgr.ntled, by all dealel'8, jaurhter Rnd III', and Mrs William days I!lRt week, buating . line that "Ji vidcs th e desert from Graham IOpent lunday w1\h William fiibt to a finish, 8'e ' \ype, mold Mr, tt.nd MrA Lon Brann on enter thc town" n'1I1Y be passed at a step. Th e fire is great Corllell and fAmily, nBllr Wavnea oploion., !lweep the offioe. speak a' tertalned ~undny the foll o wing The itics have th e i~inspiration· 1 A DITICTIVL Th e heat intense ville, the prayer meeUnc and .t.and tn guests Mr and Mr. McKln s{lY , Mr . The scllQols have their U SeE!. But : With littl e fu el with everybody and evel'y~hlng. Mrs , Anna noke and daogh'.r and Mrs , M lid. Tsrry, Mrs PIlt-ieDO . while m. l ln remains m A n, he cannot Wait untillhe crime ia oommitted A nd less expense_ - ••18II.lne (alln;) Pearl. Walter Thomp@on, Mrs Yllr h l~ W . T bo lllp, wholl y dispense ",rith the TIrcd of the -you won't haYe long to wait-then Zoe and Mr . and Mra ----.~. Kenrick were goests of tbt' Fllrmlr ·. son Imd Mr. O . F . Thompson . wide spnces where na t ure keeps her go out and get a clew. tiiok headaohe is oa uled b.r a dip. A. B Allen uad wife spent flat,ur collego of humili ty.-E xchllnge. All the large deparbnent .toftS Clab a' the bome of R, M iloke Ilno Think it over ordered swmaob. Take Cham ber- carry full linea of cle... but our beet family, Thursday. dllY aud Bunrl,l Y with their daughAnd huy the best, lain '. Tablets Ilnd oorreot thllt Ilnd IIr and Mrs 8 . B. Haines eDter· ter Ilrs. Orie Allen Burgett, near CLEVER IDEA OF "THE DUKE" And I will come the heacaohes wtll "'sappoa r. For detectivee consider theae nry much inferior to the kind that are to be talned oa t:llInday W . G BIlin8fl and D.,yt on , lale by all dea'l\lrs. And do the rest. ..... - - Mt.ssea .uth Ilnd Belen Ed~lu'd~, M.ny There Are Who Would Be picked up in WOODI. The mOlt gen- friend .118 .abelman, of Cinolnnati, Plu.ed to Attend Suoh erally accepted method of pi~k:ing AlfJ'ed Ihlnea !lnd family, of Dlly' who are IItt.e ndiog 80hool at Cedar a "Duck" Dinner. villI, were flummoned to their home It. them up ia to order a drink, merely ~n. --+A NEA~ONO to dilarm IIUlpicion, and wait liDtil here on t:ll\tnrday, on "OCOUDt of the F elix H oendorf , known to half a A log On The Track serio IIlnellll of t heir titble br ot·her . million Clllifornians as "the duke," -X bet you never rode lD aD auto- lOme one BaY' ~mething that ~II We Are prond to sllY that we do was at his club very late one Sunday ImobUe." , t o ha~e a bearing on the cue m of the fast express wellna serloGs trooble ablad if not removed, t!0 By · . doeal088 of appeme. It mea.ns laoll not 'hlnk WI nave Ilny ull oose evemng. If lUIyone does not know ''No, but one knocked down hand. . • ! "the duke." h e is very easy to idenIbrother once." ! Hanng found your clew, me It of vitall~y, I08S of strength and people 10 Ollr litlle grove . I away and go out alter another one. Derve weakn888. If appeme ftt.iI .. , Me'8r!l. Allen IlDd Ohas Kililer, of tify whenever be is lD evidence. The Sherwood Block - - - - - • - -_. _ . Keep this up until the newapape" take Electrto BIUerl to GreoD Briar, sblppad a. ol1r 10l1d of duke suggested that Jimmy Scanlon. $: J J i{t..,J,' ..~ , I ' find the criminal and put him bebiAd °hveroome h'he dOBusei IIYthtonilodi' up oatil week $0 Otnoi.nati AI tbe, a well.known (litizen of San Frant e stomao an our n8 e n gea, . • Valley Phone 113 Tbe read era ef ttitt! I" ," . I lJe the ban,-New York World. tIOD. Mlohael Benbetmer of Ltn w.rlit very fioe white Oll'", they cisco. gi ve a duck dinner. pleued $0 lear.n tbat t ... _ft! I, at :lOIn, N.b, bad beEn aiok over three reoelved the highest market prtoe "But the ducke are out of sealeal' onl dread~ dl,elae Lba~ nCHNICALLY DIIC~".D. IIOlence hall been able \0 eure tn all vealt!, but silt bottles of Electrro for I&bem . BOn." Jimmy protested. "Well."said U" I.g... and tbat i. Utttarrh. BUtera pot him r,lght on hla feet III'. aDd M-rs . Luclous Frazier ell tbe duke in accents Teutonic "you . .' . . • Ban', ea.rrh (.;ol'e 18 'he only "ThAt lltateaman uyl be wanta \ralo. They lIave belped thouaande. Chey give pure blood, 8'rong nerv&I. tertlllned SundilY ad Ross and eon tn.vlte that be~ub.ful gull see you pOIUlv~ourenow koo'lfo " be medtoal harmony." With Ilnd &1so InVIte me. When you fr.WI'Dity. Catarrh beiDi a 000· "Yee. But he's no mUBician. Hil 'load dltl6llUOD. Only 50 cents at all and Mr , and Mra. Wm. Elbon , . A. 8. Allen and" M. Terry made have pnid the check. duck." ... d irugci.ts .UtutlODal dt88"8~, requires a oonatltotlonal treatwent. BaU'8 Ca- I idea of harmony 18 J>4!rm1B810n. to 0 • - a business trip to Wl1ynesvtlle on That's the duke. For further plll'u.rrb CUre Is \aken inwl'nalty. ao,· a perpetual 1010. -Waahington Corwin. Monday Dlornlnl. pOBeS of identification it might be tog direotly opon the blOod aDd Star. We are .orry to report HUle added it wae he wbo. being brought Undertaker and Embalmer, mUOOD.· aurfBCe8 of tile aya&em, U' TT d Ulereby deltroyl"r tbe foundation AND eTAY THERIL Mr. and Mn Joe _o .... IDaeyall Johnnie Edwal'de, who hilS been 10 11 platter of chicken fricassee. and Will be found in the oJd of 'be dls8&ee. ana giving the __ little BOO, Min Wlnnel'Mnd IIr. S sIck fo! 88veral days, not g ettio 8 diacovering that it WIlS oompose~rt­ Bank Building, opposl&e patleDt !I~renlltb by hoUdtn" up the "Why ao y~ call the heroine in Zeotmeyer, of lIorl'ow, were 8at..r· along as well 1\8 we all wi!!h hIm to tirely of the wings of the bird, said: t·he National Bank. I 'Cinden'1" day gu~t8 of Mrs. Alloe MoKtnley . but we bope "Y thl time thil' ap "Take that baek to Mr. Paulhanj oOllltltutloo and a8sh.t1nl oature in Telephone In house and ofdolnl Ita work. Tbe PI'OPl'le'91'1r; P ay A b h .. II Ii ' t fiDe where I can be caned have 10 muoh faltb tn ttl! oUl'ative "Becauae I want ,her to be lD the Mre, c ilia _0 ell I v.1& ng peal's In print t;hll~ h. will be mWl!h I don't like that aviation meat."day or night. batt,... and out of. ,bnger. Los Angelee Times. powen that they offer ODe Bundrltd . public eye." Mn AnIOn and famlly, tn Xenia. Valley Phone U-2. Dollart for any calle tha' It f"UI kl -- - lin!. t. Urlef wal In . Klogs MIlII AUen Kibler, proprtetor aad • • oure Send for ltst of \eIlUmonlal Q one day lae' week. THE LANCE. Iwuer of the Poplar Grove I'arm, Main Street, Wayncsville, Ohio ....ddr811 Jl'. J. Cbeney & Co. Toledo 0 The root of all nil II growing 10 • IIr. aobert Beckett and daul'&ers at GJreen ariar, haa booght Q Une The lance has been ridiculed by Bold by all OruR~I"'. 150, \0 a menace \0 'he nation It bill were in Dayton, la.t J'rldIlY. herd of mule foet hogs to destro~ Take aaU', lI'amlly PIIlI for oonmllny military experts, on the ground been kept watered. _ Mr."n Smith aot t e mil, were the ,. holera germs on lIis farm . IItlpatloo _ that it is out of date and cumber-~-- - • • - • In ,;lnolnnaU one day last ~aek --...-~ROme, but the weapon still bBB its AN ILLUSTRATION. , ONLY IN aFFECT. Mrs. Cbl'll&is MoKins6Y and Wn,Y''les ville's Leadinp' Denttl' Saved By His Wife udvocatee who point out its value in daughter. spent SundilY In Xenia. Office tn Keys Bldg. Main ft Sbe's a wIse womlln who know~ RhQck tacties and in cavalry charges. "What instances have you obIrallcible Wife (to husbandlMI.I Elisabeth Uhandler wal a JUSI; whllt to do whE'n her huebllnd'E :aened in this neighborhood of the 1." You U8 no match for me, 1Ilr. RUMt or AUss Benrietta MoKinsey, life Is in dsnger, but Mrs. R , J In Gennany. f or instance, the lance IJl8I'd maniaP'" Husband (meekly)-I1 I am not, hellday Dlght. Fltnt, Brutntree. Vt., illof tbllt kind. in t he hands of the Pru ssian fijian If you have any surplus ~'I gueas it i8 the way folkl are my deart why do lOU alwaya 'ftllt to Mr. B II, Smith and family autoed "She Insisted on my using Dr remains ' l1 formidable weapon. stock for sale, use our Recently attention has been called zuahing the growler!' I earatch mer to Shake-town and Middletown, King's New Di!loovery," writes Mr . F. "for 11 dreadful oougb . wbeD 1 to the fu ct that the lance point often Classified Column. It 8unday, wall 110 wellk my friends all tbought , rnukL'S too deep a wound for the shaft will sell them for you. Mi8S 8M-te IAwlon, of Clnola , [ had only a short time to Ii Vll. aDCi It oomp16teJv oured me. I I A quiok t·o be withdMlwn quickly. /lnd tbat natl, Is vlaUlng relatIves bE're oure for COUghR Rnd ooIds, its t,hv Mrl. Alvin le11al'8. of Dayton, II most Sl\r6 Ilnd rell .. ble m8dici De for th ereforc the rUlls tho ri sk of vt.lttDg ber daugh&t!r Mre. Qb, s any· throllt and lung troubles-grip, having it wrenched from his grasp in Ihe chlll'ge. In view of this the bronohitt~, croup, whr)oplng oough, Live S~k and ~neral Auctioneer a"YDolde. cavalry in Germany havo been exIIr. Ben t:lmltb haa reoentlv In· qoinsy, tonsllt""', hemorrhHl(e~. A trial will ooovinoe you 500ts RUrl perimenting with a new kind of laneo .tallad an Immens6 gasoline taak THIE C"IEAT.aT Posted on pedigrees and values of all eepeolally adRpted for r"plenishinR $100 GuarlJntt!ed bv all dJu ~ g i Bts carrying a ball helow thc bnse of the lance head. It is said that the new kinds of breeding stock. au',mobUe'ankllqoiokl,. It pompll IN THIE WO"LD arm is just as efTec tive in uisabling New Burl ington Experienced in handling farm sales since tbe gasoline tnto the t"nk an 1 'I'UBUSIlJ!l) WEEnY. ~.OO rElt YEAR nn enemy and is free from many di&re,,18terl automatically t,b. nu uber 1905. "OTELS. DRUOCIIT8, 8PIECIALIIT8. ael vnntages.-H arper'B Weekly. Delayo<J of gallon. pumped . COSTUMER8. TRAN8FIE" OA. - -.A.dams ~iokill800 . and fumily, of AND 'BUB 8ERVICE OAN PItOIrI~ CLOSE TO BURIAL ALIVE. : Satisfaction Quatanteed Tenns Reasonable .V U81NO ITS ADVERTI81NQ OOI.UMN • Wilmington, SpODt the week-end , .... STUDY COLOR,ED RAIN • SAMPLE COPY FREE with III' , and Mra . Elijl\h Bnwk'Dt! A remarkahl e coso of 0. woman Waynesville, Ohio ORADUATB (OB' THB Obu, Swindler and fnmily , nf coming bock to life after being cer- AeIIre.a NEW YO"K CLIPPIER The shower of black rain in New York. II. Y. trATIONAL AuarlON Valley Telephone +S-2r Hampshire, which hIlS been ocupy- Ualrton, spent t:latnrday 8.I\U IUDdllY tified 0 8 dead has occurred at Ton- ~~~~~~~~~!!'!"!!~~~!!!!!!!~ SOBOOL 0;' AIISRICA briuge, K ent, En gland. The woman -:: ing the attention of the Meteorolog- witb Mr. and Mrs B. M. MoKay . Wm Barlan has I'et,urneti to hi,; Buffered !rom coqsumplion and a~ icalllOCiety, is not without precedenL parently died from that complaint. In November, 1819. ink·blaek rain 8tu<illes at Rllrlhl1m oollege . Mlu ~08ephlnll Reeves Will She was placed in.e. coffin and the fell Iteadily for aeve~ hours in New Yerk,..IlDd at least twice dul"- hostela t.o tbe Deall Alpha Clu~ funeral was I1nangeJ to take place. t wo days la ter. J uet before the serYing the lut century a similar phe- Thunday afternoon Trevor C Haydook baa beln ern ice was to have been read, however, nomenon bas been obae"ed in Engployed to 011 the uoexplred term of ,her brother was in the next room in land.. Red rain is fairly common, and Obl~ Bentley, mail oftrrier on tbe attendance on bis mother, when be< .ill Hay, 18815, there wu a heavy fall stair rou&e. M.I' .ntley w111 move heard a noiise in the adjoining apazt.. of blood red hail at Caatlewellan. ~ eamornt&, .on aoc')ODt of III ment, and 'o n entering waa startled , to find his sister sitting upright in! The red .hue ~aa nqt merely OD: the bealth. lUl'face; when OM ~ the pel- 111'1 OhM. lcen hower and ohlldren her coffin. She died· tl1e following tile terrible.exl. ' ~e ~··Wue~detp11. atamea. 8p81D,:i"" 'week ~ltih Jail. llarohart day, .hAving, -~- -.,-.' . '" ~~;:;::::';:':;;;;;p:;l ~doia ChrciDIoIe:.~ . " ,-r ' , ~ aD4 f,mU" 01 Pon WilUam, . ~ two, .~,,







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T·Inners & 51aters






W aynesvi e,O io Af" MAFFI1:,

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\V. N. Sears



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.if jfArWAih~s

Graphi c Story R"lat~d by Dr. Mclcher, Who Brought Corpse Out of the Confederate LInea.

BOLJLJJ -/'1El?l?ll. l. COhR4/'lY

"Come on back, d earest!" he plead ed . voI ces from tbe .mok lng·room-Col"You bave been dr eamIng." oll el Kirkland alld t he Jlld ge d ellat · And under the li ght or a great re d Ing some'lhlng a bo ut t rea ty vort s und I cluster of gra~ s, pendeot rrom Ute the ~I n n churltln mllway . 'I'brough Ibo mou tb of 0. grlrwlttg Ll l\c c bu s , I r e 'og· I''['en r h wIn do ws fr o lll the open Ic );ltla Illzed with horror tb e ye llo w III at o f {' 1I1 110 t bo (,lIga, pItch e d [ones or I be cl\ r's -1 j us t loye YOI I, bec:luse--" ~he hair IUld frockled face of Dillln gs' CUll profe ssn r !lod t ho f'nllJ ' ll- nu . broth~r . On tb e Instant . wIt h R bull· beth , I rut'an- dl scu ss lng Aldob ran \l n l l~~,! . " H (' l~ Il,!\ .. tIl ey broug ht tiS togel b · 111111 roar, Billi ng s sprang forw a rd, but ntld lIe telg uesc. d.'ad S lInH Htnr CIUII-' cr'!" \l~' ,/ 0 1' 0 , I dl rl n 't Iwow I bud I wa .. Quicker aWl. But neete r LUan Ic r9 and litO lI eh tll nr hYIJ otbeR ls. eltber of us to reacb the Bcene we rc \\,It bi n tb e room IIIll1n gs had snup- , sa lol It. 1111 It c am o out! the tw o e lde r ly men. toge lhe r wltll ped Oll t Ihe Il ghts , to brlug out the A '.1 It l"anl. nnll Ib e n I C8 tl g llt 11Mls8 Warl1eld, tbe bOlls elicepcr, nod n bla zinll' tI r e of hl a tr"nsll rc d r uuy l«H a Iltl f! whI s ne r. YOIl kn o w : couple of maid a. F'mn ce~ dart ed 111,0 anll frOIlI t he tmy tn th e ollrk co m e ; " Yes-lI le ky :" a bird to Foxy Grandpa, attd th e n wh l!re he was cloRln f; It lu bI g eO ll cen y Jove : ,\nd ttJ~n, Oa511 It, my the figures ot the women Bhut her tl o n va Ult, It gleam ed . 11I; e th e e nd of mono{' le dropp ed! lIut I let It go. a brlgbt cIgar. Tb e o ther fnur We re from vIew. Pr c~ently s h e loolled at lhe glowing BIllings and I hac! pnused, IIn lf-wll Y nils('n tly clut cbed In my darlln~ 's rubl ('s In ber hnnd . "Tb ey Arc from IndIa, YOll know , to the land log. It looked ao tho ug h bnnd nnd tb o crimson s blne gluulllcd be r !lnger bars. D1rl\y-frnm ManrJlllay, Ibe proressor the elder DlIllngs WIIS amply ca pnble brav e ly through ot bandltn" the o cc asI on now. He haa "Car IJllllcles-ancl e nt ca rbu[Jcl es," til e "uld ." And sb e mllrmured: " '00 tile bnc ked the youth ngnlnst the wall be- protessor b a d calico them, "thM tn e ronlj to JIlandalay , Wh e re the old 1I0tllI've hind, and bll language ~ae of 11 kill. Ch In ese beli eved Wolr aragous car. In lay'--<!ou't you reme-mb e r? I bated to bave my darllng henr. rl ed In theIr m uuth s , In tb e lr blac k be en th ere. OiClty." "Hilve you, "By J ove!" I saId. Every tlme tho otber ortered to ex caves In dn ys of old , to furnI s h II g bt wher()by th ey could see to de\'our tho llg h? Is It Joll y?" postulate, bls tat her broke out ngu ili . " Tb e poe t se emed to think 150--'"You llJ'e a dIsgrace to un honorea tbelr vI ctim s. " And tbat [be li eved, namol" he roare d . "Anrl the only ex· for 1 could 8eo Borne practlcal sen s o Sh e luugbed "Do you know KIpling. Dlclty?" I (rled to thlnll, but aaslle<l pllUlation lett for me to orrer our about It! guestl! Is tbat you are drunk and don't "What I Rbould like to Imow," saId It I could rem e mb er . know where you are!" lhe denr. preclnu s cub, bu gg ing bls I wondered If It would be a good "Oh, rather I " taltered tbe boy. And kn ee by tb e fiaote l, "Is where 1 coltJ e place to tn lto a trIp to : I bItched closAr, "What does-ilrtben be turned bla blac k shroud eO In!" figure to the pale marble agalost "YOII don't oome In," said BIllings , this poet chap say about It? Wllat's whlcb be leaned and seemed to me IIttlng him playfully by tbe ear; "you It like. YOU kuow?" his very heart would sob away. come out!" And out th ey went. Sbe laugb ed. ·'I'ID afraid It's wlc!keCl, "What's lho matter, dad?" came a Aod my dear girl and I were like Dicky, a good denl like the hRunted voice trom tbe bead or tbe stairway. wbat's- bls .nnme·s plcture--alone at pajaDlns." Sb e lea ned fo rwn rO, cbln "Wbat In tbunder Is all tbe row las t, you know. She Iltlrred softly upon bpr hand ngl\ll> , rookIng Into tb e aboutr and h er 111g b came like tile wInd radlng con Is. ''I'll tell )'ou wbat he "Dy Oeorge!" gasped BlIllogs. Ev· throu gh the trees at nigbt. says ," erybody looked upward--one of the "I suppose we will hnve to burn Then her voice w .. nt on: women screamed_ For there, slowly Ulem ," sbe said dol e rully; "tbe proadvancing down the angle leading to fessor says It Is the only thIng to do." "Ship Ole 8omE'wh pre eAst of Su e z," ""ere the best I. l1ke t he w o rM t . tbe landing, hIs yellow mop of haIr "Jolly sbamo, 1 say!" 1 murmured Whero there arn't no Te n CommR.ntlmenla BllInlllg above tbe dark collar or a Ind Ignan tly_ 8.n' a man ca. n ra1ao a thlrst: dres.lnr-robe, WRS the duplicate of .. It seems a crIme," sbe said sortly, "[]Iy Jove!" I saId, Interested. the youth cowering under the elder and tbe re was a little choke In he r Billings' wrath, voice. She slipped to the soft-libered "For the t ~m pl .. b pll. Arc cRllln', end It'~ And out of a dead, tense Silence, rug before the fir e. I gently brought th ere Ih nt ( would beBy th o nld Mou lm"ln pnl;odn, lookln' la..wy came hi' voice again: my ebRlr closer to ber. lat th e seLl> "CIUl't Rny of you speak 7" He For a moment Bbe pressed ber toucbed tbe fI&Ure on tho shoulder, cbeek the crimson mass, tben I brought my hand down on m, "Wbo are you 7" be asked In an odd, kneeling tOI"Ward, laid It gently on the kn eo. strained voice. glowing coals. There was a tlaeb, a "Oh, I say, you know-er-J.'rances," Tbe black !lgure turned towllJ'd him IIgbtnlng blaze of red that almos t I exc laimed with entbuslasm, "we'll a tace agonized In grief. blinded us, and then for a brIer space go there for our boneymoon, by Jovel "1-1 don't know," came a voIce pitt. a field of shining ash. AgaInst this Sball we--eh?" fully-biB voice, It seemed. the tiny serpent rrogs writhed IUld And tben the jolly rubles rolled un· Tbe cub jUllt stood like a statue tor a moment_tood as we all stood. Then slowly bl, hand went out and touched ths hand of bIll double, __SJ~WlL.hlBc.l-"WI)l,ln1~ !lngers swept the fac e, the balr; gradually hili eyes closed, as thougb he were Bensing by toucb alone. Suddeuly a loud cry leaped from bls throat, "SIster'" be ,bouted. And be swept the black flgure to blm. Then, tossing b.a clt his head, the youth taced us wltb blazing, angry eyes, looking as DavId must bave, when he faced old wbat's·hls-name. "If there's a man among you, I'd like to know wbat this meaos?" be cried _ Tbere was a blank sllenee for an Instant, · and tben"Perhapi 1 can explain:' saId R voice. And up tbe stalrwny ndvlUlced Protessor Doozenben:y_


Rlcha.rd t.lgh tn ul. n" Am e rl c nn wtth an

atrectcd li:\1liUf!lh 8.c' l'en t, r t"C('\\' tfi Q. pre8ent trom a. frt ", nd In Ch ina . Tho pruso ol prov ee t o b .. 8. Pallr o t DIlJ llmns. A lotte r blDt. ot .urpnlell to the w e are r . LIgh tn u t daDa the paj£U11u and tut t'! tll nllhl Ktta &make .

fro m Ge u. Price nft e r tho battle or \\' ll ~0 [J' 8 Cree k Itud cllrrlt'd It Into the {' lIlon lines, a ccompnn le d by a volunli' l r (,Mcort of eoured e r~t e Boldl rs. In 'II H Ca ll1.Lclly ot Ilrm), s urgeon Dr. Me l'h l' r Wit S Immune from capture an d Imprl sonnH'1Il by tho IJ ne m y nnll made 11 MWil Y without t rouble to (O on . P r ice's Ill'adquarl e rs, asslal nd by 1\ frl enllly w lon el. II e can spea k Il ulhorltatl V OIr on tll P much d'ls cus sed 8u bject or 3 en . Lyon's garb at th e tlm o or the baltle ond statl'8 lhat th e ge uerul was dress ed In military uttlrorm, Tbe story OJ f th e r p co " ~ ry of th e body Is told In \)1'. 111 eic h e r's own words 8S follows: "When Col. Slge l' ll r esen·e, wblcb bad r tn'at ed on the Wire rond south, ualled at tb e Thompson farm some or .ho m e n brou g ht to mo Gen. Rillos' dl\' Is lon Bu rgeon. Smith, who had bee n captured while coming with belp for :b o ' .. ound ed. 1 had him Imm e diately rel eased aud we s tarted back on tbe Wire road In tbe direction the fighting :1 ad tak en place to look tor wounded. Dr. Smith look tbe lead througb tbe timber nud proceed ed In a northwesterly dIrection until we r oached a large conrederate emergency hospital, cloBe by a big spring. , "Receh ' 10g Information that most of the wounded or tbe la ~ t part or tbo oattl e were belog attend e d to near tbe ~ r ee k, we set out In that dlroctlon and were 800n In the road cr'osslog over Woo dy hili. The position ot the dead on both sides at our path showed bow I"nlbl c tbe struggle had b een. On ~ac h side ot the road were d ead soldiers, the gray on one side and tbe bluo on the otber. Atter going a short limn we s larte d to count l\nd, as we rlld not wlsb to go back, w e es timated that there were 300 or 400 on both ~Idell or the patb. "Upon dlsmountlng at the hospital the first and only person that I recogniz ed ""as tbe long haired Col. EmlOet McDonald, a young lawyer or StLOuie, one at · tbe most outspoken secessIonists. When he was taken at the capture of Camp Jackson In St_ Louis he absolutely refused to be paroled and was accordingly brought to lhe arsenal and held a prisoner, .. As I bad occlIslon several times ~ach day to pass the tent where McDonald was beld, I saw him standing In- rront of tbo entrance drellsed In a 10rt or French cavalry uniform, with )Is snns fold ed, his eyes glistening, his swarthy countenance seemIng to tbreaten vengeance If he · sbould ever be free agllin. I had never met him Rnd had no 111 will. wbatever opinion he might have, and so, as I passed, I simply tou ch ed my CIlP, alld to· my surprise he see med encb time to sot· l(!n a little and toucl>..ild hla In return. "So, wben I saW him step QUickly toward me as I entered ths confed, erate camp after the battle ot WilBon's Creek, and warmly take me by the band, I was somewl\at 8urprir/ld. After talking .. moment 10 regard to the wound ed he Inrormed me that Oen. Lyon ·was killed. Instantly I 8ald : 'Can I have his body?' He at once 8ald : 'Come with me and I'll see.' He went wIth me dlreetly to Oen. Price's headquarters and, as he had never known my name, he said: 'This 18 Oen, Lyon's lIurgeon. He wlsbes the body. I want you to give It to hIm. He Is the 'only omcer who treated me decently In the arsenaL' "Gen, PrIce, who was dressed as an nrdlnary cItizen, with no Insignia of rank except a black leather belt In which was a small Colt's revolver, held out his hand In a tatherly man· ner and we clasped hands. Turning to~ Gen . Rains, he asked. If he knew where the body was. ReplyIng In the amrmaUve, Oen. Ralnll was ordered to brIng It for Identification. In perhap. twenty minutes a wagon drove up, and I was asked to exam1ne the content., Upon railing the bianket which cOT, ered the tace at the dead man 1 at. once recognIze our general. "Gen . RaIns aaked: 'What Is your pleasure?' and 1 repJled that J would like to have the body carried to the RRY 'houBe, "As soon as a comn could be made the body was taken to the Phelps farm. After the body had been on ex· hlhltion for several days Oen_ Price orderea It burled. This was done Aug, 14 by Col. Bnead, who says: 'I burled him by Instructions from Oen. Price, The,.. Wa. a Flaah, a LightnIng Blazo of kea, and I said as I put him In the ground, "That Is the gTeatest enthuBlast 1 ever twIsted and turned at last to leaden heeded to the floor. And nothlDII gray.' Over tbe spread of all, swept stirred but tbe asbes or tbe hauntef saw and the greatest man.'" Aug. 22 an undertaker from St. · LouIs and a wave after wave of golden, crim- pajamns! 'party or relatives came and had ' the soned pIctures-temples and pagodas And tllen- Oh, bllt FrIUl.CU tat. body exhumed and It Willi taken east," -dragons tbat licked fiery tongues at that's all! us-strange taces tbat came and went, ' THE END, leerIng bldeously Into our own, And then of a sudden It was aU Ea:klmo Wife a Hard Worker. fnded-gone! Tbe breeze from the ' Eskimo widowers otten nmarn open wIndow stirred tbe asbes to the side. Bhe dropped back 'with 11 deep wltllln a week after tho demise of the wlf!3, Tbe belpmate of the aavaa' sigh. "Thlly're gone," sbe breathed mourn- :doel most of tbe work, IUld h. I' ,D fully, . 1 ~08,t b~lpless without her, Sbe, make• . "Never mInd," I saId: "you've tbese alld br~aks , camp,



up for a

Sam lll' l H . Me lch er, w bo ..ow liv eR It 23~ ~ Wes t J nckl:>oo bo ulevard, Chl: al';o. obtained th e hody or Gen. Lyon

Jlla . "rva n ~ . J e nldn • .

com •• In &cd , faJllng to r(! <;p I;III.u Llg htnut. etl"'"pU to put him dbt. Thlnk ln!!,

th e aervant Cl'uy. L l gl l tuut chn ngee hi.

,,'othes Inloul!lng tn .umm on help. Wh en he rellppeA ... Jenkin. r"lI. on hi. no ck w1th Joy, ' .,.nllnnlng Lll!'h tnut'. bolle t U, nl h. I. craz)'. Jpnk ln. 1.11" Lltrhtnut ot the enaoun"r he had w1th n hld eo ... ChlnAmAn dr.,.,oed In JlRJam.... [n " m ......." rrom hi. fri end, Ja<: k Bllllng" LI.htnut '- ..ked to put up .. the kid' tor th. OD hIe WILY home rr om col".e. Later I..Itrhtnut nnd. " beaullful strl ID billok pajamlUl In hi. room. I..I",htnut t. sh o~k ed by t ho girl'. drlnklntr. .moklns IIIld Il ..nllY talk. She tell. him her nune II Fr&lIcl. Ilnd puulo. him .v1th ... tClT')' ot her love ror her ."ter'. room -mllot., DllI1led France. . Next mornlOS th. gltl Ie ml •• 'n&, nnd Llghtnut hurrt .. to the boat to .~ e her orr. He II aocostod by .. collol(o boy. who ".. 11. blm "Dlclly" but he doea not •• 0 the str!. Jacll Blllln,. ('[\11. to .pend the nl"hI with Lightnu!. They ,!lacover prtcel.s. rubl ee hidd en In the bUllons ot lbo po.jamaa. Bl1l1nga dona the paj nm.... IIJ>d ,..,Ur..... Llghtnut Inter tllscO \·or. In hi. apartment a beety p ~ r.on In mut ton-chop whlskera and weartng p"Jamna. Jenldns calls Ih" polke, who declare the Intruder to be .. crl mi ll al. call e'! "FOllY Orandpa.." The Intru der declo res he la Lllhtnut'. suest and .pp. .. I. to the lat tat In v&ln. He I. h u~l l o tl orr to Jail. In th. mornIng LI&,hln ut I..... tonl.h. d to lind Bllllnp gone. and more n.sto nl. hed when he get. fl m es.ago fro m t he la.tter J dem&ndlng hI. clothes. Ll gh tn .. t, bouna tor Tarrytown, Billings' horne, vers "PTance.," the 81rl of the paJam..... on lh. tr..ln. tJghtnut opeak. to her and ru IUdea to tho nllrht before. Sh e declnres Indlgn.. ntly thai Llghtnut never ... w her In hln ..:k pa.j n m ll&. Al TI\ rrylo wn FranCf!8 I. met by Il college youth, who ba.J1. LIlrhtnut lUI " Dicky." The I.. tter Ignore. the boy. who than threatenl to thl'tl8h him ror orren.lInj{ France.. Llghtnut tak "" th e nex t train home. Bllllnp and Llghlnut dl.cover myst erious Chlneae rhllraclero on the pajamll.O. Prof..lor Doo,enberry Is crul ed In to Interpret Ibe ca. He ravel over what he c&IJs lhe lOll .lIk ot BI-Un,;-Chl. The WTltlnlf deel .. re, that a person weBrln& the P" wl\l take on Ihe .emblance ot the previoul weater. The protem.or borrow. the pajoma. tor experlmenL "BI1IInp" dreesed In ptljll.m8.8 Is round In th" prote•• or's room and Is takon hom. In an automobile wIth Frances and II. woman Llcbtnut calls "tbe frum\> ." Llghtnut I. an&ered by .. the trump •• Ianderoua talk About "Francl• .' "BlIlln,;o" II taken to hI. room. A .ervant tells LlchtDut that .. me.salfe hal just been .... calved .tatlng that BillIngs Willi under ILl'...",t In New York tor .te.. llng a ault or bllLck p.. j&mllll. Jud ge Bllllnp .. tonlah ... lAJrhtnut with a tale at Francl.' eeellpILau. L\6htnut aoks permlulon to speak to .. FrlLnce.... The Judge decl ...e. that Dot another living peraon would tackle the Job, and Llghtnut, hi. mind occupied with the be .. utltul France., la greatly IIIYltllled. PoUceman O'l<eete return. the paj ..mllll and Llghtnut senda thorn to Billing.' room. Llghtnut hOUI tJ,n InterHtlrig hour with Frances. H e tell a of the thin,. the Judge has b~en .a.ylng about HFnLncee," much to "Frances'" amusoment. JUdge BllllnltlO ret1lge. to Interoede for a man under arreat clL\lmlnr to be hLe oon Jo cll. Tho judge proml ••• J to we .. r the p\l.jRmll.O tha.t night. Next mornIng JenkIn. tel l. Llghtnut he .IL'" blm (Llghtnut) lighting wllh II. youth In the IIbra.ry during tho nl l!'ht. Jack BUlIllga tella Llghtnut the judge 19 going to lend Fr.. nce. to n retormatory. Llghtnut 18 aUaeked by a man he takel for thp "ha.utreur, who obJee," to hla attentiona to Fun cea. Lat~r Llghtnut meets Colonel Kirkland, who Ie the Image ot ·Tox)· Orll.nt1pa.·· Professor Doozenb orry ~l e"T''' 11 0 th e 'Varlnus e nt n nf:"lem e nta by

ap1&lnJlIC the leeret ot the ha.unted pa.Jun ....

CHAPTER XXXI-(Contlnued), "M1dnlght!" ejaculated some one at lencth, jUllt as the protessor IInlshed a jolly rum but' Interesung yarn ot adventure In Tibet. We all rose and I waa answering " IIIballenge ot lJUUDSII' for a Sunday morning game of' bUllard., wben all or a Budden a -'Cream ranI out from somewbere abaTe. Then came a gTeater commotion-two voices raIsed In tapla and euited colloquy_ On top at tbls another IICTeam, louder aod more plerc. IDC- woman's call ror help. "Oue or the maids," BUllllgs hazarded. "A mouse--" 'That was Frances!" 1 answered lrlm eJ:dtedly, and we all plied out In-

Up the 8ta.lrway Advanced Prof ... ar Doozenberry, .

to the b411 aod peered down Its loU&, nata,

Down one or the dimly fllumlned angles of th e great staIrway a white 1!aUre darted, then paused, abastl41a, crouch1lla back aga Inst the wall at \I1gbt ot UI advancIng. Above--ber .aundod • man 's voice, IUld even as abe se1'eamod again, be overtook ber, claaplnr ! tum . ' "-,' 'rra:lltllJo-i!ear, dear Francesl" be ertec1. MAre)lOu atrald of me 1" A~d h. Cllrew Ills arms around ber,


CHAPTER XXXII. In the Glow of the Ruble., EvenIng bad come again. In fact, It was almost bedtlme. France. and I sat before the beartll In the library, looking silently Into tbe red heart of the dyIng embers of fragTant pIne canoe. .For 16 tbe heights of the Pocantico Hills It orton Is chllly on summer nights. My darling sat on a low fauteull, her chlo resting upon her hanc!, her beautltul eyes fix ed dreamily, Inscrutably, upon tbe lading coals. In her lap lay tbe spread of the crimson pajamas, She was thlnklng-thlnklng-l wondered wbat! And 1 WlUi tblnklng bow jolly rum It all was; tbat .F 'rancls wasn't Frances, thnt tbe protessor wasn't Billings, Colonel FranCia Kirk· land wasn't Foxy Orandpa and wasn't the frump's tath e r after all; and tbnt the trump, herself-b less her, ber name was ElIzabelh-wasn't l<' rnnces, and wasll't a frump at all, but just a jolly, nice, bom e ly old denr, yOU know. And 1 was trying to catch and bold some of the deuced Queer thIngs the protessor had discoursed upon about nnclent Occidental what's-Its'name, and a&tral bodies, obsess Ion, psycblcal resarcb and al\ tbat sort of thIng. Somehow, dash It, It bad al\ seeDled deVilish unreasonable and Improbable UJ me-couldn't get hold of It, you know; but as everybody else bad said "Ah-b-b! :' nnd had wagged tbelr beads as tbougll they under~tood, 1 just saId: "Dasn It, ot course, you know!" and recrossed my legs and took a fresber grIp on my monocle. The most d evilish hnrd thIng to get hold of bad been . that Frances had never sat on tbe arm at my Morris cbalr. had never toll1 me sbe liked me better than any man sbe had ever met, and bad neve.r c41led me "DIcky" at any time or anywbere. I wondered If sbe ever would, and bow tbe deuce tellows w'ent· about It wben the)., pro-· posed to the girl, the;,r D;l1l!lly; lo,ed, I waa devUlsh put out, ),ou · kn01l', tbat I had never tried It 10 I .cOuld Imow, From ' nqrosB ' the' 'hall ·· droned ~

FIrst Lawye r-I wI s h I had been II,.. Ing In King So lolllon's tIme, Second La"'ye r- \\,hy? Flrijl Lawy er- li e hll.d 700 wlTea. Think of tbe divorce bus lnelll M could have thrown 10 m y WilY· A


"Wl!l did Muud wnut to go Into the

i:'arde n, sl~?~ "I tl UP)lOMI , :l ear child, she thought S\\ ee t William was th e r e."'r in bluing io ndlllterAlinn. Olnu'lDd wntt'r tnnk~~ liquid blue cnstly. ·1\ul' Red ero.. nAn Blue, make. cluth •• wbiter thtlA IDOW_ Adv.


A banana p eel on the sIdewalk III a standing Invltallon to ~ It down.

Resinol clears away pimples


ATHE your face for several minutes with hot water and Resinol Soap and very gen· tly apply a little Resinol Oint. ment. In a few moments wasb off again with more Resinol Soap and hot water, finishing with B dash of oold water to close the pores.. Do tWa once or twlee a day, always using' Resinol Soap for toilet and bath and see how quickly pimplcs and blackheads v3Jlish, and Jour akin becomes clean, clear sua velvety, . Resinol Ia al1IO mDllt effective for

ltchina akin troubles. Yonr dMll1l(1ai

.en. RAt.1DOI_1'receipt (lea)

and Ointment (!lOa ), or matted OD

of p.'ee..

a.olnol CII..wolLl Oomp&Q1,

ll&ltlmore, Md.

The W,etchedneu



of ,Constipation Can quickly be overcome


Purely vegetable -act Burely and lIently' on the liver, Cure Biliousness. Hea~.

Bcbe, Dizzi· ness, and Indigestion,

do their duty.


Genuine must bear Signature'


1Ifbi/lemf!. r'6boe~O/i,jJllli "1"~8T QUALITY


Tho, 111'" tInIr)' _ I remon' for clea.nlJqr poUolIIq 0lioii of &1D41 an4 colon.






GII,T EDGE, 1lIe' ~l1rl Iadl",,-.boe d.-I.,.


,hal v""ltf'.'l cont.11IA 01J.. HIDC". ond Polhib_ "'~lft!l' a.u11 ~hllC1ruD '. bofJ~ And. .taee.,

.ltbnnt rohbln ,160..

•• FreDf'h Gin.. " 1

~ IiTA It comol"'U~D furcl~nDIDlI nnd poll s hl. . &

.Iuds u f ru.u et or \AD 'boes, lOa.. Unndyu.lze teo. D,\.IJY EJ,ITK oomul .... tlull turllen\lomeo "bD tak. prlLleln bn .. tbl1.belr !JhOM 10011 Ai. Re8~" colur anG Inltre 1.0 an oho... Pbllib "II" • brusb or cluth. 10 eeota. "KUt.~ elite 21 Jt your d"ale r 400a not. keep the klllQ fou waD" ~~~~~~~ ~':.~.r..l"'ln alampa for a 'QJl ....


WHITTEMORE BROS. " 00.; Alban), .t" c ..mbr~d01 M_~ Shoe PolWaa in tile I orid. '


:eM Old,,,,, "rid Largen Manti ac ura. OJ.



jA¥ES WHITCOMB CJ(ILEY - CJhe Hoosie r Poet


;>. . . . noe" H.d t o War... Thel,. Way.

A drummer nnd R rrlend climbed aboard R r a mshackle train In a n ISDla ted Missour i tow n_ 'I'he trai n was a fee ble, as t hma t h, pleco 01 m chanlslO, nnd the Hum a ne soclely should h a ve d Ita own e r~ for allowing Short Analysis of Ideas Taken prosecute It to run at all. lt flnnlly carne to n <l end ato p ju st From the Writings of the In th ,., e dg e of law n, a lIt! IIf t('r a lon g Late C. H. Spurge on. Int e rva l 0 1 tr ying to 1l1:.k,· II [:0 lho I' nglnePl' stuett his h er,d In th o door I IAI.\: I';[J In Sata n', \J u at. )' 1I a rc and baw led : ~ \\'i tl l)' b , ld lng L1u w lI Ihe til rcaru "Suy, you t\\'o ~ (' nt ~ '11 h a ve to ge 10 min, OJ1l1 \JC( 'n l!'C It I ~ out. tlll I g lt It fllon <', \ ~ .. , ,"uulh, yuu d rcH m lh at Il Ih "'ll c ' \\ IJ al lti lbe dt l'l'c ,- cn('c lINIILClI 'HOW TO TREAT FIMPLES AN D I IL.Ie' , ai llt alld the Hl nn e r '! 1\ul Ihat III BLACKHEADS lh" ,a hn L1 ll'ro I. uo bi ll . :\ 0 1 tbut In Ihe: . Ilill e r lUl' re III lI ~ v e r u lhOI1;;h t F or pImples nnd blackheads tbe fol· al ,vlll God , Tbe dllI erell ce I~ lui sthU l t he s 'llul I ~ u\'u rcouling Il ls ~!li ; lowing Is II. mo st efft'ctlvo nml ecoLIl Il tb e bin Is ove l'-cuIlllug tlIC siu uer. nomi cal t real menl : Gently smeor lhe OlJ , \\'hRl a t (' nltJl e thing tr Gin lIave afferled pnrts with Cutlcura Oin tlh" Ill, pe r hnnu ! :-i u " bidd e n Il IUUlla" ment. on t he end of the finger, bu t d o not rub. Wash oIT the ClItlcura I~ YOllrs . The ~ YlnlJ o \ s ot l'(,lIg i(JU ),Oll Ill ay look at, Lut re al r ellglll tJ Il IllHt be Olntm t'Dt In five m lnut t's with Cut! iL s l rungc t to you. You kuow ll Ol Its cura Soa p Bud hot wnt er and continue "lij u), Ill""t . YOli <10 n o t ta ute It. It bathing tor som ll minutes. This t renl· 1& u hi Lldc n tlll l1:;. Il ea l' !! n, tuo , wil l ment Is bes t on ri s in g and r etiring, u lle ura S a RI) l.Je hi llde n . Yuu be a r or Il5 ga l!!!! oC At oth er timcs us e 1)('a rl- lJ u l th ey will lI e ver upe u to freely ror the toil et lind bat h, to a s· yo u. Y Ull m oy eatcb tb e dl sl::>llt ec- sl st In preVen tin g Infi ammatlon, Irrl· ('e ll ts o r il S sOllgs - llu. In thu. c ~ Ollgs t atlon . nnd clogg ing or th o por s, the you \I il l ll ., ve r Join . And Ihal " '''hlte co mmon cause or pi m ples , blllckhends, redn cs s and r ough n e ss, ye llow, o il y. ~ t () Il C" ca nnot ve ,v ours . Y Oll hUI' c 00 jOyfu l anlltlplltloI. 01 h C:II'e n- JJu t n mo l hy and otber unwbolesome condl· rc-arful loo ki ng -ro r or fi e r y Indlgnn, tlons of the sktn. Cllllcum Soap nnd Ointment Bold tion - or e l80 th e In sens al e reso lv u no: 10 Illlllk ;:I t nil. Anti th e "n c \\' name' throughout th o world. Snml)lo o f each - 1I0 ~ yo u 'ollno t re ud It! You know rree, w ith 32 ·p. Skin Dook. AddrosS Gu d lJy no s uc h aame as makes you post-card "Cutl curn. De pt. L. Boston," Cutl cura Soap a nd Ointme nt laId s,,~ k hi s t'OIll IJany . The th oug ht ot h im rend ers YUll Un h olJPY , I1tHl th e re tbrou ghout the world , Sample ot cuch fo re you b8nl ~ h It from your mind. rreo, with 32·p. Skin Doo lt . Add rellB pos t-card "Cutlcura, Dept. L. Boston," YOll a r a no t now alarm ed, but 600 n t III' s pe ll may bu bro ken, aud you may Adv. find th c chains riveted upou you r Tbe n oblest lIervlce comes from 50 11 1 for e ver. I fan cy I he ar you say: "t wIsh tbat nam elen hands, and th e best ser vant befo re It Is too la te I cou ld escnpe! does hIs work unleen .-O. W . Holmea. nut mine Is a h opeless My h eart U .... WI".low'. 900thiDIf 8,rup tor Chll<''''D I ~ bard eued against tbe gospel, an" \e etbln ~ ••o r lA"Da tbe &:"11018, r~ "cell In t' am m ae \' 11 bablt bas so g ot tbe mast ery ovet tlo n, aJl. ,b pAm, ~ure: . wlad coliC. t6c .. botLIe. me tb at :J ha ve no power to hegln this old • . confll c l! ,,' E very man bas a secre t hope thnt 1\0, you bave DO llower: bul one has refuses to come ou t , vI s it cd t ills world o.n d taken our no. . .. ' , I. tu rc , wbo can he ll) you , The m lgbt} Son or God beC'arue tb e s uffer ing Son of Man lhat h e might ' be tb e II hera tor or Ol:r enslave d rnce. He burst 1 pen th EI prIson doors tbat ca ptlve souls might es cape. He stands near you. r eady to 'break off you r fette rs a nd strengt hen yo u to fight tbe enem y IlllUUUlflllnllllmnnflllllllllllnUttnUItUIUlIlIlUltll l l1 wbo haa so long oppressed you. T e ll h im your simpl e but Bad tale: how bel pless. how mi serable, bow ruined you are! Tell b lm you want to b e saved . but know not bow to b(Jgl n the work, afld a sk Illm both to beg In and IIII"U.uu ... wmU"UllUlluuiiIfUTiinu 'iiiiriiiluliliii co mpl e te it tot yo u' Let YOllr prayer ALCOHOL-,J PER C~NT be thl~ . "De mercUul to me , a sIn· AV~rlable Preparation Asner;" and he who "cam e to destroy simila Iing the FoOd and Rel!ula· the worlls of the devil." he "whose n., fi~ lilt Slomllcf\s and Bowels ture and property Is ever to have mercy and to forgive:' wlll receive your "humble petltlons: and though you he tied and bouni\ with the cbaln Ptomo~s Digeslion,Churrulof your sins, he, In the pltlrulness of ntssandRe51.Contains neilher his great mercy, wlll loose you."Opium.Morphine nor Mineral From Newman Hall'lI "Christian Vlo NOT NAR C OTIC tory." Rwy" "/Olrl PrSANvELHfI:A'GJr J\.y.t;, .1-1. Joy and ServIce, No man 18 conquero.ble until the "Ix "-_ } AW-1U.fJb· " ••i.I",/ • joy at serving hIs cause has been driven /Jut of his heart. Nehemiah .... ,J"fl • expr es s E~ d 0. ract that Is undoubtedly a.,."..J.r.~ . often quot ed by those who have not w;,,-'Y"'" i'7n ..r experIenced It, o.nd orten experIenced Aperfecl Remedy rorConsllpa· by those who nev er have quoted It, lion , Sour Stomach,DiarrhOea, wh c n he said to th e pl::ople, "The JOY Worms ,Convulsions ,Feveri:shof the Lord Ls yout strength," As ness and Loss OF SLEEP. long as rellgf.on Is a JOY In the lite It wlll not be parted with, and Its defAe Simi~ s;gnatuI'C o( mand,S 'Will not be disob eyed. Chang· Ing It about, wilen one Is ohe dl e nt and loyal wltb hlB whole henrt there will b e e nthusiasm and joy In his life. Joy and se n-Ic e go together In mutual h elpfulness. Wben one knows h e Is with Ch rist and ChrIst with him, hp will s ing songs In the night, thougb bls feet be In the stocks and his lacerate d back on the rough dungeon floor. When on e sees the promises at Ene! Copy of Wrapper. Gort with cl eare r vIsIon tban the ob· • , ; . ~ ,. ' . " ' • J :. ~ • stacles of the world. wben b.(l r e alizes that ho Is following an u!)conquerable leader from whose love no power known to man'. reason or Imaglna. tlon Is able to s eparate him; then' there Is no night so dark, nor po.\la so keen. nor dIs appointment 80 bitter tbat his soul will not exult In God througb It all. o.lId he will marcb on with u n o.bated zeal and vIgor. LIke ChrIst, for the joy that Is set betore hllO he will endure the cross and despIse the shame.


~ ffl'Il7t"O.l'03 ~ 7


I OnF:N a way b et ween



tWO bUMY thoroughfar('s In In<ll a li llpo l lH Is L or. k erbl e stree t. Sl'arce t wo blo"k~ III leng th It resc m blcs nOll . Ing so mu c h as u cou ntry la ne . Gre nt elm trct's line tb e Sides and meel to rorm a bowe r of shade. It Is u npaved , fo r Its "lead in g rell ld en t" dO CR !l ot like paving, alld wh en, seve rnl years ago, th e city coun,,11 In sIs ted that It sbould be co nve rted Into a conven· tlon a l city s l. ree t with a pav in g or b e on ce to ld an Inte rvi ewe r, "and Into pa r tne rs hip w ltb a young mall brtck, he TC!·:'lld hIs protest In a wbe n I did I wos a ra llure In every- We organize d .all a dv e rti s In g com' lIooe nl b e~ lnntng : th ing exce pt readlDg, ITIllybe . I liked pany: we called It 'Th e Grap hlo comto r eud. We had McGulTey's r eaders. pany,' Th ere w e rc five Ot slI y'OunJ! a de .. r little . I ro~ t It 18, nes Ued I Such aw .. y , Jut I alway s run aWIl Y wh en WEl we re fe llo ws- a ll musi c ians as well al From the noloe of Ihe d\y and heo.t or to re ad ' Littl e Ne ll .' I Imew I handy pai nte rs, 'Ve used to capturo the day. couldn't r cad It wit hout crying and, th e lowns "'Ith our mu sIc, th en con· In cool ohady co vert. o f ",'hl operln g trees tr I c ried , th e oth e r bo ys would laugh tract wltb some m e rcba nts and dec~ With theIr lenH. IIft~d up to .hake hand~ at me." rate the fe Dces a lo ng the countrY wit h th e bl'et'zo, WhIch In all It. Wide g. never To anoth er ,' Isltor Mr. Riley said r oads wIth theI r s Igns." mn y meet that h e n e ver had mu ch schooling, Ril ey and bl s assocIates continued With n r081lrlll -place ral r. r t hnn Locker- Bnd , continuing, h e re mark e d : "What In tbls occupation three or four years. ble I treet! little I had never did me much good, All the while tb e young poet was That poe m has long bee n fa mous I be llevs, I neve r could mas te r math- gaIning a r eputati on h e re and there and Loc ke rbl e stree t rema lus as It e mathlcs, and hI s tory was 11 dull and as a rh ymester, n telle r at goo d stoalwa)'s W ill!, "nestle d away rrom tbe juice les s thing to me. But I wos al- rIes and 0. compo.nlono.ble, Inte reSting, noIse of th e city and heat of th e day." ",'ays fond of r eadIng In a ra ndom, lovable young man. Its "l eadIng resident" Is no le8s a d esu lto ry wa y. and too k natura ll y to p ersonage th a n Janl es Whit com b RI. anytblng th eatrical. I cann o t re me m. Ho wrot e 11 great deal, o.nd mucb • l ey, r ecognl ze rt as th e greates t of Ilv. ber wben I was not a declaimer, and that was s ubmitte d to eastern perl· Ing American poets and wh ose na me I began to r hyme almost as soon a 8 1 o dl eals. Their IjIdltors, bo wever, r& ts ODe th e hes t known literary crltlcB ot .could talk. ' The firs t verse I ever f&- turn ed tbese co ntributions as re gula!' the 'frorld trea t wltb a profoun d re- m e mber writIng was 0. rour.llne val. Iy as th ey were r e ceIved, It was dis8peot. Here In Locke rbl e street he entlne. I " 'as s o small that I could couragln g, espe cially s o In tbe eyes 01 Uves. QuI etly. unos tentatiou sly, In a hardl y r e ach th e top at th e table, and th e young poet , who belie ve d /lAd large brick hou se tbat breath es the I was painting 8 comic sketch on 8 doubtl ess was Justified In be ll e vlng'V8ry spIrIt of co mfort, but whIch piece at paper. I had a natural facul. tbat his products were as good as makes no prete ntion, to elegance. ty tor drawIng al well 0.11 for rhyming, thoss the magazines accepted and .And to thlB spot countlesa rrtends will and should probably bave mad e a lair published. He did not have a name wend theIr way 011 Monday, October artIst It I had kept at It. Well. be- - and lack of reputo.tlon in thoae dayl 7, to extend theIr congratulations and low th e li ketch I was makIng I wrote Wall a serious handicap, Riley never relleltatlol1s, the oCClllllon ba\ ui the tour comIc lines, and the se were prab- ceased to contend when wIth hla poe t's bl"hday. ably my firs t poetic effort." trlenda that thIs tact and thlll alone ThIs wlU b egi n wMt la to be known P e rhap s the child Riley Itudled held hIm bac k. To praTe It. he wrotl throughout lite rary clrclcu as " Riley both the picture h e had drawn And tha the tamoua "Leonalnle." and. wi t h th. 'fI'uk." and whIch will mark th e great- lIuell he had written o.nd de cided then conulvance of the edItor of a KokOo est ovation e,'er tendered an Amort- and th ere that th e lines were ao much mo (Ind.) paper, presented It to the can writer. Thin cele bration will not be tter than th e picture that be would world as an unpublish ed poem by Ed· be conn ned to Indianapolis eith er, for devote hIs efforts t1lere a tter tn writ. gar Allen Poe . An elaborate story aearly e\'ery cIt)' In th e Unit ed St:Ltes In g. In any even t, he became a poet. was de vised, In which It wall said that has enthuslo.stlcally tak en up tbe AccordIng to hIs own autobiograph ical the poem, bearing tbe InItials E. A. Idea and arranged exercises to be sketch h e waa born "80 long ago that P ., had b~en found on the 'fiy leaf 01 held durtng this week In bonor at he persists In neve r referrIng to the a book. The v erse was In Poe's well· Jamel Whitcomb Ril ey. E~ery one date. CItize ns at his native tow n of knowll style. and Its pUQllcatlon 8eems an x ious to pay tribute to the Greenfleld, Ind ., while warmly wei. aroused much Int('rcst. In the end man who has brought sunshine Into coming his event we re no less demon. the hoax was discovered, but not un· thou sands or lives. stralll'e s ome y ears since to 'speed the til many crItics had acce pted tbe Only a few mO'lth s ago th ere was parting gu es t,' It see ms, In fact, tha t poem as "ODe ot the best Poe bad sadnes s In man y hearts, 'r or t he wo rd as they came to Imow hIm better the wrItten," had gone forth , that Mr. Ril ey had more res ig ned w(' r e they to gIve hIm ~'or a time, he said In later life, b( been strlck e'n with an llIn es8 from up. He was ill-starr ed tram the very was hopelessly des pondent. It was whIch he could ne ve r r ecove r . Dut cradIc, It app p.ars. One day , wblle In tbls rrame at mInd tho.t a letter today that sadneeD 18 changed to joy, but a toddle r, h e climbed una ee n to o.n found him an~ aummoned him to tn· for Mt..., Rll ey has been spared to cele- o\1en wLndow whe r e some potted dlanapolls. TM r.ote WDS from the tirate anothe r bIrthd ay. He Is not plants we r e range d, and while leaning e ditor of the Tn~ a napolls Journal , only o.lIve, but pracllcally as well as fnr out to catch some dainty glided but· and It urged Rlley to accept a pOll· ever h e wns. He Is nlw ays happy, terfi y, perchance, he lost his rooting , tlon on the Journal Etaff. At the and o.lthough h e no lo nge r strolls an d, wIth a pi e r cing sbrl e k, rell to sam(> tim e a ten de r , e nc ouraging note through the Indla nnpolls streets as the sid e walk below: and when, an In· came from Henry Wadsworth LOIl~' once he dId . he Is stili tamlllo.r "tnnt lat pr , the affrIght ed parents fellow . These two communIcations figure, nnd e\'(lry day he tak es long vlck ed him up , he was-h e was a rp vll'l'd Rllf!Y'S droo pIng spIrits. and, rIdes In his bI b touring cnr. He Is an poet! " leavIng Anderson and Greenfl e ld, be enthusIastic motoris t and one at his At th e nge of Ilrt een Ril ey ceased went to th e state paplto.l. Indiana po· prtnclpal d elights Is to take hla to attend s chool; and at the wIsh at IlR gained a poet. and a fe w months frIend s for a s pIn aro tl(ld Ule city or bls fath e r began to s tud y law. As later, In 1883, Riley's first book at through the country In Ihe vlelnlty or may r ea itlly be und eratood. In vI ew verse was Issued , Indlanapolls. ut hIs career . the law had n o attruc· It was R pimple little affair, bound In 18&3) In the little country village !.I01l for the young poot, So, atter In pape r, bearing the title, "The Old ot Ort'enfteld-scarcely e ve n a village being advIsed by the ta mlly physl· Swimmln' Hole and 'Leven More In thost' do.ys-th ere was boJrn ]Rmes clan to travel. Riley splze d the first 1- Poems." WhItcomb Riley, the Bon of R<lllben opportunIty that offered and, pnttlllg nll ey, as may be Imaglned. did not RUey, a lawyer and a man known for asIde his Illackstone. fi Ad one attpr' long remain In the Journal's regUlar bla fearlessness and unconvlJlltlonallty . noon hetw een twlllght nnd sunset to (HlllJl()y One aCter another his bound Tbe bOY'8 mother-a Marlne-wal a return to his native town no more volume. began to make tbelr aprentle and naturally poetic woman. for. y(>ur. paa rance. Then came the poe t's DS· aDd It was from he r tho.! Riley InRiley . as be afterward said , had no Boclatlon wltb Nye on the lecturll berlted his ability as a rbymester, money wIth which to derray the '.!x- platform. followed. when that assl)The young lall's \lte, In bls earlier vellses of a trIp , and. wben a (llltent clo.Uon WIIS severed, by more poems, years, wo.s IIOt marked by any unua- medIcIne "doctor" made his :¥Iv ent public reo.dlngs and then many years nat event. HIs was tbe me common In Oreenfleld Rney alli e d himself of leisurely wrttlng In his home In to boys In IImall towns. Beyond thIs, ""Ith the traveling caravan and de· quIet little I~ockerble street, FornothIng much Is kno\vn-there Is parted when tho cavalcade pushed tun A has smned on him and bls nothlnl else to know , He attended on to tbe next town , "I was wltb thIs wellith has Increased and hIs tnme BOhool Irregularly. more orten than mnn about a year." he aald a few has grown . But he Is stili the Bame Dot a truant-as he hlmsllIf hal pic' months a go, "HIs home was In LIma,' gentle, lovabl e man who won frIends tund-baretoot, browmid by snmmer OhIo,· and he wns a kindly old fe l· In Greenfield and Anderson nnd K~ lunli, happy aDd care-free. listenIng low. I did a good many thlllgs wblle komo. He haA \TUIde thousands or 'to a voice no othe r boy could hear, In hln e m.ploy- palnted signs, beRt trlenfta durIng hIs Iccture tours. Yes, Mr. Riley 's birthday Is to be keep1nlf hlB beart open o.nd his soul tbe bo.s s drum a bIt and. maYbe, I h'ee-a' b~art aDd loul lhat have recited . My experlenc~ put an Idea a glorious e \·ent . Rnd the trIbutes Deyer grown cld. In my head-a buslnels Idea for a whIch 11'111 be paId him durlb "Rlle '\I ,dld not 10 to Bchool very much," wonder-and tbe next year I wellt Week" Rre Indeed well dese~ed. y




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A HIDDEN DANG duty of It i • •

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r hu.r l ....

~ I l).

l) "CkD(; hf' ,

pll l n ll

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by thlll k l -1 l1,. )' I tc r"tl n ,jl I hove IH Ut.' 1l t o ( h a n le D OILU ", lCl (1,IH'"Y Pi ll a f o r .-

G.t Doaa' • • t An y


Stor •• SOc:: • Bo.



FOSTER. MILBURN CO .• Burr.lo, Now Y .....

Ju",' tbe ki nd 01 Onrlc b Plume yow, b."c to 55.00 for 1It rdJ lJ t\ora. fail 16 IDC~" l o_r. Ex ttl wide...t~ 10"'1 tllle., larre. b« .. , .droopi n I bead. 5en t by mai l prfpollJ. on Icce-ipio f $t .• • A lto an eat ... I.,.. •••• ry band-


aomo $7.50 French Plume. $2.50_ WILLOW f'LUMES-l b In. Ion • • I b In, wldr, triple Sp'ecial.,3.9L SCDd YourOrdorTocI",.. .... Te,k ".' ·l ch f ... th'r Cn. Int. "0,,.'.1 ," '84 Flnh aft .••T.

"Lad k.DOUc:d1 ,"cry "\ .trli.b.

O.OOU A .• UOOD C OL. TRAC·r . HALF CULT•• eo h 0 1J1 I, .t oro, . I nnery. «ood . ame pr .... ~ . ooo .~ b . w . U mber Allo .mAIl traot& J AMES L. 8InJ .!':\·, )lltIetlc •• IIt • • O""rsta.

W . N, U ., CINCINNATI, NO. 39-1912. ~

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We Lead You

To Fortune and Happy Life

Tho Way Everl ••tlnO. A campau cnn direct one's courle' In a tores!'; but a good trail Is a better hel .p aIId otten saves from danger 0." well IlS (Ilmculty, So absolute truth Is not Ilo ·heipful In the conduct of life 011 the " 'ay (It rIghteousness, trodden f~(}m gaueratlon to generation by the fuet or good men ana women, tbat path In whIch Jesus leads the w.y. The LIght at the world lived our life, endured (.ur temptation.. tasted our Borrows. His goodnes•••• humane . . well aa Qlvlne. o.nd t,hrough tho "ges Ilocl'easlng multitudes have fol· lowed HIm, 'and have not walked In darkne ss . The malt human of bOOD Is tbe FIIble, becaus" It 18 a record and not a phnouphy- the most buThey are Inltalled In the bope that man and the mOlt dlrtne. The way . they may Induce children to save thslr that haa be ell rollowed by the noble lO-pfennlg pieces rather tban Ipend living and thl noble dead la plaIn and them for candy. ice cream. or other pracU"al. It IUldeB Bafely III n'e's temptatlonl, enough of whlcb are al. perUa ud perplexitle.,- ilnd It lea<JI ways In evidence. It reBults are lat. home. Isract~ry. mote of t hel!e -automats will Th. Door .of Hope. be Ltlst~ lJed at sul\able placeB,-U. S. Consulor Report_ . The Uvln,. ChrIst "a the InBplration of "tlie workef' In . the prClent world, ' *"4 he door ot hope into ; ~I!.t.ed Effort.


ope.,e the

in California

Melin. 1. s, & W. S. Kuhn, the Pittsburgh banken. are dolo!; In the Sacramento Valley ... haltbe U. S. Governm.nt I. dOIng elae.. here for the peoplo, There I, teo limes ma ... net profit per .cro In C.Jlfomi. imgat,d la"d thaD In the wt and with leos labor, Let u. take you .. here there I. comfort and haPl'lDea be.idee profit. ,Ii mats equal to that of Southern Italy, no frOl1l Dar .no .. , no IhuDdefltorms nor lunluoke •. LeI UI take you ... here big money ie "oow beiog made, markell are near, demand for product. great and Incom. i'lu". Let Ul tlb TOU when railroad and ri yer tranlportatlon I. near, "her. there al1l deDominalional churcha and eraded Ichool.. No'W I. the tlme to boy thliland-get In ,.lth the "InDent, th. great Panama Canal .. ill lOOn be read, and you can Iharo in It. triumphs; farml are lellioe mpldly, ud WI Itronilly urge you to pureh ••e .. 1000 •• pouible. You can buy this land on 'lCry eaoy term_$15.00 8Il. aera .D'W aDd Ibe balance in \en yearly paymeots. Gin. os BD opportunity to take up all 'detalla with you

--..,n.. III


Let os _4 you ollr fine iIIU1trated printed matter talJlnC all lbout i-. W rile for It At "'tI-it Illy" you .~Iu.. proofa.





Edward ·T. Snediker

600 Pairs Shoes at $ 1 a Pair

Ca iMillll le for

We will place on sale Friday, October 18th, 9. a. m. sharp, about 600 pair of Men's, Boys, Women's, Misses and Children's Shoes at $1.00 a pair.

.fudge of the Court of Common Pleas Not a candidate against Warnn County Candidat e~

J udge SneJiker i ~ pel'u linrly fi Ul'd f,, 1' I l l i~ 1,lIi ,' <' II~' .iudki:d .'('I'\"icc the same character and L,y Ih e ('xll<'rio-llc v II f I WI' llly · lil l' ) !'ar~ ill the legal profession . He ha ~ liv ed all Ili ~ li(l' ill (:I'~ .. ne Hn d Monlg-ullll'l'Y roun t it's of t h i~ State and i ~ widel y know n ht 'I' all ~I' (If hi s ~i' I, '"di d reco rd a~ Com mon Pleas ,Judge. When ele(·ted Ill' wil l lw I' t'~idl'nt Judge of Montgomery Coun ty and it will lit' hi s dut y til "" 1'\'C' ill War rt'!1 l 'ol1l1lty when req uired . His name. as Candiuate fM till' abuve 1)llin· . " 'il l hI' ('lIlnd on Ih e non. partisan Judicial Ticket All JudK""lli r s al'l' "" Il'd for lhal way thi s yea r. A crOM ma rk before the name is !1l'l'es:;ary 1\ , in dil'all' the vvt er's cho i c~ . Your vote and support is so licited ad v



Co-Operative Store-We give and redeem Cedar Stamps- - - - - - - - -oo:.


200 50 175 175

pairs broken lots' of Men's Dress and Work Shoes, were seiJillg from $2.50 to $5.00 .......... Sale Price, $1.00 per pair pairs broken lots of Boys' Shoes, were selling from $1.50 to $2.50 ................. Sale Price, $1.00 per pair pairs broken lot of Women's and Misses Shoes, were selling from $~.OO to $4.00 . ...... Sale Price, $1.00 a pair pairs broke)l lots Children's School and Dress Shoes, were selli~g from $1.25 to $2 ..... Sale price, $1.00 a pair

None of these shoes will be sent out on approval and none charg~d, but if returnE~d within 5 days, money will be cheerfully refunded.


Mrs. visited 1'C'latives in I{eadin!!. 0., lICit week.

I\l r. and Mr~. W. C. Ph ill ips' and Dean Stanley , of Lel.anon. was in so n. Orville. we re in Dayton . Tues· t own Tuesday. day . Chas. C:>rnell is doing jury work at Lebll!1on, th is week. Mr . and Mrs. I(uy Ohenoweth , f spent Su nday wi th Miss Alice Chen· . Rain Light and Flin t Kole I\ 00 · oweth. inlr for sale by W. H. Madd en & Co Mr. Neihaus, of Cincinnali, wa s a Dr. and Mrs. Keever , of Centergu est of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Gravver, ville, called on Dr . and Mrs . Wrig ht . Sa turday. Sunday aftel1loon. Mr. and Mrs. U. M. Whi te were Any persons foun d hun t ing on any Sunday gUe'lls I)f Mr. and Mrs. H. R. of my far ms will be p rosecuted to Crl!igler, at Dean, Ohio. the full extent of the law. Dr . J. T. Ellis. Mrs. S. D Clayton arri v~ home tf Friday evening . a&er a few week' s, M d M A B S'd d M . . . I d' d M' h' r. an r B. . . I es an r. VISIt 111 n lana an IC Igan. d M G d J . C' . Ian rs . or on oy are 111 II1cmMr. Hendley Gerron and Mrs. nati today and tomorro w. Herbert Corron and children are A word. about Shoes. We have home from a visit in Dayton. the largest and best assorted stock Mis! Abbie Graham arrived home made by four of the largest factotoday, after a two week's visit wit h ries, The Hamilton Brown, The relative!! at Wilminlrton, Ohio. Brown Shoe Co.. The Mayer's Shoe Mrs. Martha Seibold and little Co., Th e HarMh and Edmonds or the daughter, of Hlimilton, are guests Lyon Brand Shoe. Every pair of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elijah g uaranteed. P rices lower than DayCompton. ton, Xenia. or Lebanon. The addiMiss Edna Satterthwaite, ~f tion of the 36 cases of faH .a nd winter Springfield, spent Saturday and styles added to our large stock makee .... M d the a!!liortment one of the largest Sun d ay WI·th her pare._, r. an '.0 "R d We are now opening 0> cases e Mrs. I. Satterthwaite. Ball Band," famous as foot warmers. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zell arrived "Ball Band" Rubbers and Rubber home Tuesday from a visit wi th rel- iloots, Cloth Overs. They keep the aves in Mooresville, Ind . They feet warm and dry. and save doctor's made the trip in their au to. bills. This is a lim' of Rubbers that . , can't be beat en fo r comfort and Mlss GeorgIa Hadden and Mrs. , . wear th e f amous " 8 a II Ba nd" W. H : Allen left Saturday morning .' h "t I t ' quahty. To buy poor or c eap b III .. t 0 VIS f or M . acorn. I re a IV ~ . R bb O' t d '11 . . th tod u ers or vers t 3 money waa e , M W H All ay. Call and see our large Six Thousand r. . . en WI JOin em Mr. and Mrs. Frar.k Elbon arrived Dollar Shoe Assortment, every pair home Saturday evening from their I,must be satisfar tory, if not, we a re visit in Maryland . Mr. Elbon says ready and willing to make them so. they had a fine vitlit, and a nice We are anxious to show the Bargains journey both ways, but some awfully in every depart ment . ' bad mountain roads to go over. \ John A. Funkey. · d

Say! Are You Ready forWinler? Vo u can get th at SU iT or OVEJ{ COAT pres'sed at a reasonable cost, without th e bother of going t o Lebanon , Day ton, or any other city. We have added a Ladies Departmen t and a re prepared for any work in that line.

R emembe r ollr mo tto :

"Satisfaction or No Charge"

PIERCE Enterprise Bldg.




Double ICedar Stamps In atl Departments all day Friday and Saturday until I 1:30 a. m., and Monday 6 p. m. to 10:00 p. m. Single Stamps only on the 600 pairs Shoes at $1.00.

Fred Hawk e was in Cincinnati. Monday and Tuesday. Editor Adam Bridge, of the Franklin News, was a visitor at this office last week . · Ca II an d ~ee. t he many BargamB for Fall and Wmter. We ca~ save you money and are very anxIOus to John A. Funkey. please. Mrs. Cynthia Evans started Monday morning for a visit with friend s in Kentucky. Mrs. H. E. Hathaway accompanied her as farasCincinnati

NOTICE TO HUNTERS We, the ' undersigned, positively forbid all hunting or tr espassing lIpon ou'r premises. Th e same will be strictly enforced: Isaac Wilson Jas. Vander voo rt Will Williams Marlin Gons George Mills Seth Furnas ,I.". C Sawin Emily Crane ~~innie Satterthwaite l?dwin S Furnas • LATE CLASSIFIED ADS


Dr. Maria M. Romine, of Harveysburg, and Dr. Mary L. Cook A. portablA for gA, Jit'aotioally new, .led h . f h C "j~ onlv IL 5 . Inquire of }I'raDk atten.. t e meettng 0 t e ounty II iller WayneSVille OhIO 0 10 Medical Society at Lebanon, o n ' ,. Tuesday, of this week, !!~~~~~~~~!!!!"~~~~ The women of St . MaJ'y's cong regation met at the rectory last Thursday afternoon and organized an auxilliary IJOciety, which is the missionary branch of the church. Qood Things to Eat


Rev P. B. Thompson, paator of the Christian church, left Wednesday for Louieville to attend the National Convention of t he Christian church. He will probably be there the remainder of this week.

-- ..- - -

- - -.......



.- .


~~ - ~~ -~ . ~~--I Statement of The Miami 08le~te . W " y ne,,,,ille. O hio. As required hy Ac~ of A u gu.t H , 1 911.

PerKO tlllll y

C r n.n c. who



hutorn 1110.

IJ. I ....

ho llit tho Ot. ll tor a n fl puh lI. hcr or the ~li u ml OU1.t'It(O. or W" y n c8r1 11".

Oh io.

E. V. Barnhart . NO~ I>I'Y Public. 30~h


or Sep tembe r .

19 12.

22_ _ _ _ __ _ _.____ ____ _



~_. _


The Same ATLAS Cement Used By The U. S. Government

On ne Panama Canal

c:an be had right in town from UI.

You know how particular Uncle Sam is in buying gooQs. You can

trust his judgment. It will pay every property owner to find out how ATLAS Cement can add to his income, comfort, saFety. health. etc. We have some interesting booklets on this subject. free for the asking.





Dr. Fess. congressional eandidate for the 6th district, spoke to a .large : crowd at Harveysburg, Saturday ' evening. Judge Boxwell and F. M. ' 1tiimilton, jr. 1il80-Bpoke.

'lbe Galette It a grea' .family paper

I -----_.-Subscribe tor the Gazette ·

Bring us your pl'oduce. I Highe!lt prices paid for Butter and Eggs. I If you want the Best go to I ZIMMERMAN'S

The poverty social given ' by the 'Standard Bearers Saturday evening at the Township House, was well attended. ~nd a neat sum was realized. Poverty surely Btruck town Saturday night, and many of the costunles were very IudicrouB. MEETINO


Fancy Cranberries Fancy Celery C('ncord Grapes Elherta Peaches Pink Meat Canteloupes Fancy Eating Apples Jersey Sweet Potatoes Bermuda Onions Sweet Oranges Jumbo Bananas New Honey New Mince Meat New Raisins ~ew Rolled Oats New Pan Cake Flour New Ralston Wheat Food Fresh Edgemonte Crackers New Cream Cheese Wafer Sliced Dried Beef

Candidate For County Surveyor I am a candidate on the Democratic ticket .for the office of County Surveyor, lind if elected I will endeavor to faithfully perform the duties required of me. J respectfully solici t the support of all my friends of whatever political faith . J ohn P . Cummings, aJv Waynesville, Ohio.

Vene Hartsock , ~ ho was d riving SUBJECT TOOENER,AL ELECTION his new aw to SundaY afternoon , acci · NOVEMBER 5, 1912 dently ran into V. Mart's buggy near College Hill, and badl}' damaged it . lndependent The par t ies were bo th go ing in t he I same direction and Mr. Hdrtsock , REPRESENTA TlVE p robably lost cont rol of the machine J . Milton Earnhart for an instant. However . the occu · pan ts of th ~ auto and buggy escaped injury. Democratic

FreAh Baltimore Oysters

The "Contest" at the Christian Sunday School continues to grow in interest. The "Reds" and "Blues" scored even last Sunday. Next Sunday promises to be the most interesting of all. Come, aIJd see the "Tie" broken. . P. B. Thompson, Minister.




We corclially invite you and ,our friends to our .ix days Bake,. Demonstration and Special Sale of the New Eternal and Malleable Ranges October 31st to November 6th inclusive. Fine set of Cooking Ware with each Range sold during the. Bake. . Hot Biscuit, Coffee. . .~

Fred: : Co~.,

. .' : ',. .f ~~ . ',,' ~. ,~~

I ,"--

T " :





Sixty-Third Year


Former Citizens

----------F / B. Sherwood, of Lebanon. bas been spendinll a week of his vacation in Cleveland tho guest of his brother Law;ence Sherwood. , • _. I (HALLOW E'EN CELEBRATIOr:l The Granp will give their annual Hallow E'en celebration on Saturday eveninl', November 2nd in the MaaonicHall. Supper will beaerved. Admillion 16 cents. 'l'he proceeds will be ~ to def~y the expense. of the winrier of the com contest. of his trip to Wuhington. It .. litlireel that as many~ sible will mask. • - •


A DOUBLE WEDDINO Thur8day eveninll the double weddingof Miss Myrtle Lutz and ltay Hawke and Mil'S Mary G~mb~th and John ~olson was.of espeCIal mterest to theIr many frlends. At 7 o'clock the ceremony which united in MiBli Mary Gim_ bath and John Tolson, was performed at the parsonage of Rev. J, G. Muel· ler, MiBB Lu~and Mr. Hawke attend· ed them and followIng, the marriage of l'ii88 Lutz and Mr. Hawke wu quietly solemnized at the residence of Rev. N. E. Mathes, Mr. and Mrs. Tolson being the witnesses. Both brides wore tailored suil:8 of blue with cOl'I8ge boquets of pink roses. The two couples enjoyed a wedding dinner at thePhillip shotel.


Mr. and Mr.;. Telson are to take up their l'e8ldencll in the Rubicon apartThe Prohibition Party. of Ohio. mente orl Rubicon ~treet while Mr. bled In Delaware Ohio. April and Mrs. Hawke WIll be at home to IUI8eIll , 4-6th, 1912, recoanizinaAhnlghty th' elr f' rlen ds In the Sh ea apar t men ts ... B t aft God, revealed in JetlUS Chritt, BS the on ruen 8t reo, . er th e ir return Author of civil government and from an eastern t r I p . . Ruler amonl' men, and accepting Botb brld81 have been frIends for the law of God BS the ultimate many years and the many frlend~ of standard of rigbt, herein makes lhe all ~e young people are ~xtendlDg . . f . , Ies. tha'r -'ncere c.~nDrat\Jlatlon8 and follOwina- declaratlon- 0 pnnclp ~ Ill. • for the ruidance of political action: ~ood wIshes.. Mr Hawke who Ie the lIOn of Mr I. 'lbe absolute prohibition 0 f ·t he · . ' manufacture. importation and sale and Mrs. J. C. Hawke, .18 well known --lIquon for beverage here, wbo exof intoxicatlUI5 te d hand thaa manyt fn~nds lat pu~, throUJrhout the state and n ear y co~r:! lona. nati~n by the advaneement to ~lit SHAKER PROPEItTY SOLD leal po1l'er of a party definttely eePoualn'~ .och prohibition. The entire Shaker eltate CODllilt· .2. The d~eat at the polls ofh~hY in.r of 4200 acres. located four miles Jicenae provialo~wha~ver w Ie f 7lest of Lebanon, was sold on Tuesmay be lubmlt ~ t e .voters 0 day to the United Brethren church the State i~ ~nnecllon with the re o for the sum of 1850,000, and other vieed conatitution. ~d the retention consideratioll8. The United Brethof the p,...ent anti-beense clause as .....n chu ....h L __ been consl'derin'" for the U Scheel Ie.' " ." IUIII 8 fo fouad in Section I ~ome time tile &Cquirinll of• the S. The rejection of ~ policy of :>roperty for educational pu~. local optlo,n., resel'V, our .uhl'cb wa. wannl- received b., the d ' I th gl t t " I aeI ves all 1R 1':1~ 113" e rl 1 (, Shakei'll, who II&W in thit ol1r&Dizav~te ~A!nst the ~lo ...n ~'hi!lI~ver ~he dOD a way to .per.petUate their own ' - <faned ~-. • . eoeiety ancl have the propert)' d. •• 'l1aereteDtion oftbe Bible In voted to philanthropic pu~. A tU pubUc aebeot. of the State. provilion aldO prOvilll.. a homtt for 6. The strict pforeement of I.", the remainlna- Shakers amoDg fainstead of the official tole~ce .~~ tmiUar ICenOll. The contract was p*ticaI lieenae of the eoe181 ~'''V lillDed by Rev, Wm. R. Funk aDd with its uu.peakable traffic in fClrls. Joseph Phillippi and for the lOCiety I. Tbe .adoption of the equal bElden .JOIMitpb Holden James pro'iaion to be 6ubmitted iennessey, Arthur Bruce ~d Irvin~ mconnection with the rev~ con- Greenwood, trustees. The traD8fer . ~Itltutiolh to tbe 'voten of t e tate. will not be made till Marcn 1,1913. ~. 'l'Ile Initiative and referendum __ • .t. .-'I -- ..tten of legialation ' not dis J UOOE U. S. MARTIN .... '"


Whole Number 3182



r;:._......_..... .... ....... ...........



r·. .· . p.._·.. .. l.. ·. ·M .... " '''t- C'. 'I ..--.............··1 i erlOna en Ion .0 umn I


I 1.. _......__....._ L.......... _........

.................-... _ _ _ _ .._

....._ .. -:.~..

.. ........_ - _...."..-.. ..........._.......

Raymond Davis wa, in Morrow,



Hugh Ridge. was a Dayton visitor, Tuesday.

Tueilday. Mrll. J. W. White visited relatives Mi88e8 Winnifred Macy and Nina In Columbuslaat week. $mith were in Xenia. Saturday. Mrs. Seth Cook is the guest of her Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gustin and daull'htcr. Mrs. Lillie Dyer. at Genoa, daua-htere were in Leltanon, SaturIll. day. C. G. Williamson left last week for MI"!. S. W. Rogers went to CinFlorida, He is at present at Palm clnnati Saturday morning for a Vi9it Beach. . with friends. Ed. Hanby, of Dayton. attended the funeral of Mrs. Merriott here, Saturday. Mi8l!l Hazel Woolley, of Columbus. was the week-end guest of Mr. and M D L C rs.. • rane, Herbert Corron, of Lookeba, Okla., arrived here Thursday evening, for a viait of several days.

Mr. and iMrs. S. L. Cartwright attended a reunion in Columbus. th rsd <i F 'd u ayan rl ay. Mrs, Cynthia Evans retul'ned home Monday evening from a pleasant visit with' friends in Kentucky.

A SMALL FORTUNE IN TREES One hundred and thirty eight fine walnut trees. located on the Volcah Weaver farm. eight miles north east of.,town were sold this week by Mr. Weaver to Theodore Francke & Co .. of Cincinnati. for a small for tune. Mr. Weaver declines to name the amount he received for the trees but itis estimated to be in the neighborhood of $27.000. Thirty of the finest trees in the lot are beina- dug out by the roots. the Cincinnati company being determined to save every possible inch of the valuable wood. The others will be cut as close to the 1P"0und as po88ible. All will be cut up and used for veneering A gani of six men are now at work cutting the trees and preparing them for ehipm~nt. Mr. Weaver sold trees as they etood and the Lumber Company has to stand the expense of cutting and shipping th em In order to g'lve an Idea of the value of walnut timber Mr. Weaver alated that he had been offered $500 for two of the trees in the lot and -efused it.-Xenia Gazette. ... • IMPORTANT NOTICE

e--- ------.


Social Events



Mi88e!! Winnifred and Editha Macy were g uests of Mis.'les Hazel and Elsie Gustin Thursday evenini at supper. Israel Satterthwaite and famil y and Knowles Conn and family spen t Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Satterthwaite. . Dr. P. D. Clagett and famIly. Chas. Cornell and family. Mrs Alice McKinsey aDd MillS Henrietta MeKinsey ate dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zell. Sunday. d M S th F t r. an rs . .e urnas en ~rtained the followln! at Sunday dmner: Mr. and Knowles Conn and lIOn. of Springfield. Mr. M andd Mrs. Israel Satterthwai.te. M H S h Mr. an d rs. en~y attert wane. r . an Yrs. DaVIS Furnas. M

Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hartsock and dJughter. of Morrow. spent Sunday with J. L. Hartsock and family. • About twenty women of the Middle Mr. BJJd Mrs. C. T. Hawke and ' W. A. Eudaly. JAD. Wel'r and !IOn ... Run church came to town Thursday daughter, Helen. motored to Dela- Robert, of Blue Ban, were Saturday and spent the day with Mrs, Robt. ware, Saturday returning Monday. anests of Dr. and MI'II. A. T. Wright. ... T Teachel'!!' and School noard Sears. who has been a shut-in for a Dr. McCray, wife and son and Mrs. Frank Taft and MiBS Jean Me~bel'!!'. long time. The day was pleBSantly I f N B I' Call at the office of vour county spent and a fine repast was .pread Mias Mattie Sti ea, 0 ew ur mg- Ferguson, of Dayton, are guestll for I ton, called on Mrs. Hope Stiles and a few days of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. auditor and secure free of charge- at the noon hour Mrs. Sears it family, Sunday. White. New School Laws. State School Com- cer~ainly thankful to the. ladies for missioner Frank W. Miller's annual theIr considerate act of kmdness. Messrs. F. B. Henderson and J. H. Messrs F. C. Carey and R. G. Cr~ report of Ohio's public schools, and COleman left Tueeday morniq for attonded the Tri-State Vehiale and a Manual containIng a course of M A' Th t t ' ed Toledo tv attend the Grand Lod"e of BarneJ8 dls:play in Cincinnati. Thun- study for Ohio's eJementar)' sehools. SU ;:. th n~I~1 . orpe e~ er~~ y Free and Accepted Muons. dey and Friday. A school superintendent or BChoo~ Manrya Sa~s:uryOw.·m~t~: ~mmo I k M I f reach n. Mrs. Eu"ene Patton. of Bethel, Rion Hoel WBS the guest of frienrl8 :I:~e::~::~e~ byS:::res: direct Alma ~aterhou... Lucile CoMmell, Ohio. Mi. ·Mary Patton. of Law- h,re last 'Week. Mr. Hoel haa a f Col b b 't' the State Josephme Oglesbee, the esara. • • 14I'll: H t 'Ive JICI181· ton i ·m Det rol, 't Mic.. h School rom um us y wn lDgColumbus H arvey Ryeo F r eel M'I:W' Go R reneevill.. m., VISIted ope I uc.ra Commiuioner ~ aell Sti18l' and family, at Corwtn, one where he Is employed ltv the Stud .. Ohio ' Salsbury, Dr. Joh n . I er,. nald dq last week. baker Corporation PJoant No.1. A'bo D bo:tea 'n be t b Hawke. Emmor Batly, lr, Mr. • r r. ay 0 WI sen y Chlldreth, Gf Dayton, and Edward Mr. James McCIur." Mrs. Ida N. L. i\unnell returned home express dU'ect to school superintend. Weks. Kebey. of Bellbrook, and the W- MondQ- fl'Om a ten-daya ftabfD" trip ent or dool elerks ~pon request. • _ • Hela and EliuMth Bamett, of at Palee Island. Ont., Can. Mr. By this plan they wlll reach the PERPETUAL INJUNCTION Spriq Valley were guesbl of Mr. BunnellllllYB he had a cood time and schools thirty days earlier than . .. - t . cr d M Walter McClure Sunday made several fine catches, usual. If you want the coune of Judge Clark reudered hIB decl~on an n. . , . study or Arbor Day books write to in rqard to the famous alley .Ult ~ Rev. and MI'II. J. F. Cadwallader, The "contest" at the Christian State School Commiasioner. White VI. Haines, Monday. He gave Mrs. J. H. Coleman, Mrs. Edith S~ School i8 still increasing in interLester S. Ivill8. Lebanon, Ohio. a decree that the owners of property Harris, Mrs. W. A. Benecke, Mra. eet. The "Blues" won last Sunday State Supervisor of Agricultural on North streets between 3rd and Sarah' Zimmerman, Mila Letitia on two pointe. but were tin on at- Education. .th, should forever be unmole8ted in McKay and Mrs. D. L. Crane at- tendanee. Many wbo have not been • -using the aile, back of their protended a meeting of the Woman'. attendiD&' a~y S. Scbool, are bein&' FRIENDS CHURCH perty• Auxillia"" of.the n.........n Convoea- enrolled. Will. you help us in thie A k d f t the Enoch Uaines. after buying the ., AI~_ wee en con .rence a I sed th II tl'on wL'cb was 'held I'n the Heavenly - . . . I work; Come next Sunday at ch (Wh'te B . k) 7th Ebright property, co e a ey IU a""" Friend. chur I . ric and ..... fu--.1 to let any on' e an Reat churcb at Sprinafteld. O__ io, 9:30. Brin;r your Bible with you. I 7 30 d Fi t D t ... RU .~"1IWra1. laat Thul'llCiay. P. B. Thompson, Minister. day even ng at: an rs aya through. The alle)' had been opened . 8. lbe election of United :-, We call attention to the cut of 1:30 p. m: allIO t?e regul~ First for about 50 years, and therefore Seaaton b, the direct vote of the Judge Martin ,on another page. He Day mormn&, meet10g and First Day i'&vethe right of theirdeed away., as . Ie. . th cand'd t f .... election for SchO'JI. Three out of town speakere bli . IS e I a e or d I''''' k ill tte d far aa closing the alley to the pu c . 9. Uniform marriage ana divorce common ,leas judge; he baa been an re I.,OUS wor era w a D ed le8ialatton eo fa:amed as not to favor universally endorsed by the work~g _ these exercisell. two of thea En~lish was concern . ~ _ ..._ __ or eDC!Ourqe immorality. men. busirieas min and farmers 10 Friends who are workin" in religious AT FERRY CHUItCH 'l'be protection of 'the yonth the county in whleh he lives, and The follow in" 'i nteresting letter written 1\;0 Milton Howe, of adv.neement work. "" Iphu¢ the ep,praaion and unript· where he has presided as judge, Harveysburg, by L. M. Sears, concluded An InterMting and profitable time A. protracted meeting is now in f14~ua teIldeuciea of indultrial life. ae haa been endorsed by every memuticipated. . progreea at the Ferry Chul't'h. ,-ll. Equitable ITacillated b8~ of the Montgomery County Bar'. At 8:16 we start acl'Ol8 Salt Lake tai08, but In two hours we were in Come and help us m~e It 110. MiBB Lucy Emley of Waynesville, O. and had the unanimous endorsements which I think they said is thirty· two the Bloat beautiful apple ' orchards, On behalf ~f the Fnend. Advance- has charge of the song service. The , and'Inheritance taxes. . '.t2. 'lbepreeervationoftheAmeri. of the Republican Judicial Conven- miles acrose. This we surely en- and vineyanU one could iDlalline. ment CommIttee. "Ferry Quartette" has consented to aD·Sabbath. . tion, held in Dayton In June of this . _..I We are nowww.";nlll'tbrouahllOme Aar, .on B. Chandler. sing during these meetings. You ... _ .._LI._L t f te lOYt:U,· . '-' • • . 1~ 'l'fJe ,~Imen 0 cour year. .. _ .. After leaving the lake we traveled flne country between Desoto and METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHUR.CH can not a~ord to miB8 a~y one ?f .fUWtalatlon fo, ·the adjustment . DEATH for mil. on IOlid white salt. where Sacramento. Lar"e orchards and thesemeetmgs. Song servICes begin the Industrial world. nothin~ of any kind growe. At 8 p. hundreds of acres of tomatoM., Octo~r 'no will be rally at 7 p. m. Preaching at 7:30 p. m . .J•• •!J)P~liIbalenl ot a na M1'II. Alice Howe Merriott, of m. Septem~r 6th, saw first inow Sunday momine 'September 8th. day. There will be a joint service All are invited to attend . .. ' ,""'''",",y,"'', , • tlo~ coaliDialiion for the regulation Saylor', Park, Cincinnati. died at on Bumbblt mountaina, near a town we awoke lilt Santa Barbara, a ven of Sunday School and preaching aerP. B. Thompson. Mm18ter. of t)M . . . . bankinar system of the her home WeJneeday niirht. Afte Deeth. W~ you coliid see beautiful eity. This is a very bright vice. This service will be at 10:00 - - ••- - ' aervicea at ber late home, the body lOme of tbese desert towns, lOme of mvrning In after a 'good breakfaat o'clock. Notice the ehange of time. ST. MA~Y'S CHUR.CH 1~• ..We Ol\t»ee the uee of public was brou~bt here over the Little them have not more than a half in the diner, we thorough .. enjoyed All shut ins and people who are not .. -·faDdI for eecWian lIurpol88. . Miami railroad . and 'interred in dozen houses. and a BOlan .took pen, the trip down the ocean to Loa a~le to walk to church will be 21st Sunday after Trml~, October m. 16'. We .tand in opposition to the Miami cemetery~ Rev. C. S. Grauser and one can look tor 26 miles and Angelee. we arrived at 10:30 brought in automobiles. Thi~ wil 27. ~undpay SchOOdl at 9.30 t a10'30 'J~of Pilneral and forest reaources performing the committal aerviee not see a cow of any dellCription. In a. m. We ceuld not make connec be I \ly along all church Mormng rayer an sermon a . , e ,.'tpt~" Countl'7. . ' Mrs. ,Merriott Wall the daulh~ one of these emall places we ..w one tioll8 here for Monrovia by steam. 110 11 a Il ;e:ial";,regram will be reno Subject: "Religious despondency .. , , ..., .•.We demand the creation of a ter oi the late Mr. IUId Mrs. . hog, the first we had MIln for we took the trolley. in about twenty d:~. ~rrange to be present. In and God's trPAtnlent of it." . Ilt tariff eommiuion. Dariu. Howe. and spent most of her two da,.; he was tied to a poet. minutes and were oil for the ter· the evenin" the last of the series of I was a:lad ~hen they Bald unto p1ed~ our eahdidatea ~or early childhood in Corwin. Several On Saturday morning, September mination clf our Iona-, rather tire· sermons will be preached. Subject me, we WIll go tnt~ the house of the J~,"i!ldl~of thia S~preme Court relaUvea ~d friends from Il diatanee 7th. about daylillht the J'l'Ound wu lOme, butvt3ry, very, enjoyable trip "The Phlllipian Jailer." Lord. Psalm c,,:!!:!. Come. wcli ehanfl8ll .inl tbe attended the funeral. coveretl with about eiabt inem. of At Loa Anpleewe very reluetantly Clarence S. Graliser, Pa9tor. LOSe.S & NOTHED HORSE i\J!~~J,i,~~"I~;ti~;e therein as wat pro· • _. Inow. and it was 1lD0wintr. It parted from our friends, the Fullen. • _ ...- - "" " ~ ~~'411r_~>q in the merits BASS FOR CAESAR'S CREEK was a III'&Dd apt to . . the IDOW on Now our ndnds were centered on the REPUBLICAN MEETINO -.that COllrt and ' the pine trees, tor w~ were now in one apot-Monrovia--wbich we D. W. Meek8lost his horse Mon- ' ,evety cue d~ded by The a1&18 ftsheries left seven cans the Sierra Nevadu. But our beau· reaclied at 11:30. When we .topped The first meeting of the campaign 4I8Y. He went to Franklin, S~ciaT· . *ili.~~ Court of. ·Qbio. fora ofbuahereMondaytobedlstrl.,uted tifullJe8D81TWU 1,lfPQiled b., the4'7 atthecieJ)4)t I looked out andsaw iII be hid at Cl'OM Hall Friday mdonthnoadhomethehorsetook • • •~~f the, v.tion' of. the in Caesar's Crt'ek. .The car did not mUes of mow 8heel tbroullh which Frank aOlve. ana I tapped on the :Veninll, ;hen Or. S. D. F_. Judl'e sick at Springboir., hand ",!:b d.... · 'It baa c1,ared I~ve an; for the Little Mia~. we' pualn". Occuionally window. and he aaw me and came Boxwell, T. E. Hoover and others forced to leave t t ere• ._on V. ~~~i.~jlliJl,*::~~:ol a1l1ci~iJ" Altboullh sevetal' ver;y nIce ~ we would C!OlD. to an o~ for a on the CU:. Thea we acted 80 silly will addreBI the meetina-; It is not after several ho~rs of painful aick- . taken this fall, . yet th~ few hundred fellt. ',:' .. . that we forget to pt off, and were neee8l&1'Y to say that there will be nelli, the horae '~~'. . . ·I .... ~.,.. of ' room ft)r more In our Afterl.vine ~'. . we tUu 91le square tarther. Why. an immenae ero!,d_~ bear them, A BAKE AT HARVeYSBURG " ..: . hid beautiful ' for certainly, they weie iliad to lee us. ,,' . I • were no" . ·the You,aboakl haveaeen ua_ted in a NOTICE or. . BO~ SOCIAL . ,lOok . . . other. W · e ' c:.'IDaakit~tion to. .moYbur ounelvee. All per8QIIII knowina tbemaelvea to . 'II! QI. n on anc)tb,tltr ,OUI"fri_~fn . ohiO can be.bldeb~tothe1ate~. ·HUJ.., Tbia ftrm hayedaeQulck '~...,-fj,.'r1 i wUl.ple..e,eall fo! ~ a:n ... t'OfeiKtlV i'wiU(l .. ..;.;., . .--and '_tt1,e ' , . bi elate".of lthilr _e •.N011-



To California


Ioui!a"'. \.





:t~J:=~~I~~:~.~~~~~~~:.·•. ~~:~ln-;






Ydlow letter.

willi John~n

\ own roomll J fllld ht!l'tene~ to retlcue It trom th e tloor, J relt tbat, Insignificant ~ s It appeared, It IIIUSl have some Important conn ec tion with the events of tbe afte rnool). Yet as Louise and I puzzled ov~r It. tbe te seemed noUllng s iniste r In the fragm e nts ot sentcnces t hu t the flumes had lett nil but indeciphera ble. The pupe r. ot a pecullurly yellowIsh lint. was hnrd ly moro th un two square In diES . t hu torn corner of a folded lett er, On It we cou ld mak e o ut these words: ba used se n siste r t

JIlarlralions iJy YIJJarnes •


H arcill1£" J< (' nt call A o n l.nu1 SA F(}. rrt s h t o

pro pos I-t lIlnr rhltCO nnd I)n .':1 th e 11IHI~ 1.· In cre a t t"xd l t.'IlH.· n t ov('r tl lf' nttt>rn"tc.·d lilt l -

cld u o r h 'r ~1:Jte r n Ulho dno. l(t- nt tltnr t fC an tn\'p.s u J:;l\ l l o n a n J fin ds t ha t H ugh Crandall . 6utlo r t or l{ rl thnrlnc, wh O h Jlid b een f orbidd en th. hou~1! by General Fll r · 118h. had t alk e d with K nthllrllw over t lltt tel ephone just b t' ( o r e Mh o shOl tlt!rtt u lf.

i •

soul ou t ot him . I hn vo seen 1\l1tb· aclne's lire. too. bl lghlod by It H con· HIRnt ;)resence. Wh ether Kal harl ne li ves or wbether sho dips, I rn\l ~ t tln d mit whnt It Is. I IIl Ii St. belore It kilia my ttlther, too. You' ll llulp lIIe, won 't you ?" Thero bavo bpe n s tr a nge \\'001n1:3 nnd strAnge bctnlt hnls In lo\' e's hi s· tory, but ne" er uerore hOB ony man hoe n brought to a !uller r cs l! tal1on o! t he d epth of n \v01Uu n'8 affection ror him or ho r confid e nce Rnd trust In him tban I was at tb 19 moment when Lou · Ise put tbla Qu es lioll to me. ;lIy arms went about her and my l\ vs met bers In ono long kiss lila! was a pledge--a pledge tbat hen ce forth my life. my helU't, my mind. my powe rs. my everything were bers. All my abllllleB would ue devoted to clearlnl this mystery tbat WIUI stealing tbe joy from her yeRrs, wben they should be the pleasantosl But this was no time ~or lovo dallIance. The mYBtery mus' be solved, Suicides generally left lelters. PerhapsHand In hand, Louise and I went Into Katharine's apartments, wbere the room's disorder still told ot lbe tragedy so rece ntly enacted tbere. In one corner stood a little open desk. ItB contents bore evide nc e ot a. recent careful sorllng tbat hinted ve ry plaInly of premeditation. but tl:ere WBS no note or lette!" lbere. I looked next on the mantelpiece, boplng to find amo'n g the photographs and cotillion favors tbat littered It Borne clue which mlgbt solv-l tbe mystery, but there WIUI nothIng there, either. My eye feU to th(l grate below, where a fire burned cbeerlly. Here again was evidence of premeditation In the ashes of burned Jettel'S and the charred corner of a photograph. A blackened bit of paper that had fallen tbrougb the grate before It burned caught my glance and I stooped to pick It up. It was just a Bctap of yel· low, torn trom a rolded letter, with Its edges burned to rragllenes s. Carefut· Iy Louise and I unfolded It. for It seeced tbe only thing In n.lJ tbe room tbat might' yIeld some explanlltloh~ As we pored over .the meaningless frag· IDtllltS of !lentence.a,..l1ll- exclamation of borror came from the doorway. Look. Ing up we saw the tall form of Cklneral Farrillh tottering on the sill. Clad In a dressing-jacke t. his white hair In wild disorder, he pointed with accusLng finger at the ye llow scrap of paper In my band. Never In mortal face have I seen Buch terror as I saw In bls. HIli eyes, dilated, seemed bulgIng from their sockets. His countenance was white as chalk. HI8 jaw had dl'opped In the paralYsis of terror. From biB thros't came horrible mU\JIb. lings, as he tried to speak and could not. Louise nnd I sprang to his side, but with almost maniacal Btrength be shook UII off and, with finger IIUII pointing to the yellow scrap I had let fall to the floor, he Inannged to gaep: "Thst yellow letter. Wbere dld-" Before he could finish tbe sentence he tell IItrlcken to the fionr, hla voice choking, hie eyell glazIng, paralyzed by some hidden terrol'-we knew not what.

CHAPTER 1._(Contlnutld.) Tb e namo meunt noth ing to mo and 1 turned to Lolli s e for ex pla nntlon. Thou gh there were mony calle rs at tbe Farrish bome I n o\'er hall mel n Mr. Crandall, nor' had I oven benrd th e 1l8me m en Iloned . "It must bnv e heen Hugh Cran dall," tlald Louise. "I was afraid tbat It was he." Her rema rk puzzled me. The only Hu gh Crandall l knew anything about 'Was II prosperous young broker whom I never bad met personn.l ly. thouch I bad seen hi s na me ooca810nally la coolIection with exchange and cluh alTalrs. "Do you mean Hugh Crandall, the "roker?" 1 ask ed. Louise nodded, !lnd leaning ngalnst my shoulder. told me of a chapter ot the family history wltb which I was 'Wholly unf8DlUIar. ThIs man, It "eemed, had met ber sister two years :before on a steamer on Which tbey 'Were returning [rom Europe. Atter that be had been a frequent visitor at the Farrish borne. I~atharlne was very .fond ot blm, and he had been In h1gh tavor both wltb the general and Lou18e. Though no torma l announcement o()f an engagement had been made, 'Crandall was looked on by everyone .ae Miss Farrish's most fayored suItor. About three months ago, just prior to rtbe time when 1 first met Louise, blls 'VIBlts to the houBe had suddenly c:eased. ''I'm Bure," Louise explained, "that Katbarlne carell for him very much . She and tather had II bitter Quarrel about him , though why, I never could understand . tor father had always seemed to llke him. There was some· ' thIu . li~rlllJg!!. Jlbo,ut the :way his. visIts ended. Father came home one dRY at 'noon lookIng worried. He called Katharille Into tbe library and shut the ,door. I could bear Katharlno pleading 'with him and once or twice I heard :both their voices raIsed 88 If In anger. When my sister came out her eyeB 'were red as If she bad been · weepIng. 'Bbe went at once to ber room and dId not come down to dinner. Wben Mr. ·Crandall called tbat night Rbe came clown to Bce him, but be stayed only laho~t ten .mlnutes. He demanded an ;interview with futhe r. and father re:fused to see blm. He lett the-houBe In ,heat nn._ never has been here since. ,For several dnys Kathru'lne seemed Imuch depressed but she . volunteered 1110 oonfldences and I hesitated to ask ;ber any questions. Bhe seemed after 'n while wholly to bave recovered ber ,spirits, and I was convinced that she ,had made up her mind to let Mr, Oran~all go out of her lite." "~lbat effect dId tbls have on the r&lations between your father ond sIs'ter?" I asked . seekIng In vain for a motive tbat would have cauBed Katharine Ito attempt ber lite. "Nono whatever that I could see. 'Through It n.ll, except (or that OM aftCHAPTER II, ernoon, Katharlne's attitude toward father has been most lovable. It anyOur Flnlt Clue. thing, It seemed to me tbat B~ was LouJlM! and I sat at dInner together. tenderer toward him afterward than Isn't It _trange In this 'World ot before." oura bow the commonplace follows on "Do you suppose she has been meet- the terrible, how the usual and the unjng Crandall surreptitiously 1" usual IntermIngle. how tbe clock ticks on when the whole universe seems to LouIse quickly and Indignantly drew be tumbling about our heads! fn one herBel! away from me. ot the rooma up·stalra lay KatharIne "You don't knolV Katharine as I do." atlJl unconscious, with 1.1 doctor and ~ mlle Bald reprovingly. "or you never 'would have saId thul. Sue Is l he sou! nurse constantly at ber side. The bullet had been removed, and while It ,of honor. It she was going to see Hugb had penetrated the brain some slight sbe would bave done 80 openly." "But he teleph oned be r today." I per- distance, Doctor Wil cox saJd there was .slsted. just a cbance--tbe bares t cha nce--that "That's so." admlttecl Louise, "And she might recover. It might. however. be hOUTS, be explained, b€tore she reo I think he must have done so day be- gaIned consciou s ness-It she ever did. iore yes terday. too. Some one cnlled In another or the rooms Jay 'General her. and Rhe went out Just as she dId toda )'. Generally we tell ca ch ot her Farrisb, more dead than alive. Paraly· Sis had deadened hIs limbs nnd tied where we a r e gO ing, lind I t bought It his tongue. Only his eyeS seemed peculiar at th e lime tcat she said noth- alert. Most of the tlm(l Since the lng to me." stroke had felled blm he had been In deep perp le xity we botb sat, sl- slumbering beavlly, lently pondering t he mystery of Kntha".lne's ac tion . Wbat could hav e made ' While the hustle ot caring tor the two strIcken ones lasted there was ber do It7 WIlS It, I wond ered. hecau~e little time for thougbt, nnd I was glad her tather bad loarned something die- tor the activity that kept Louise's ·credltable ahout her Bultor nnd bad mInd dlstrllcted. Just at tbe moment ·lorbldden blm tile house? Had Cran- wben It seem~d that everytblng had -<illll been trying to persuade !ler to been done and there was nothing rett ·contlnue to see him d espite uer fa- but tbe IllUlous waiting-waiting for 1.her·s wishes 1 Was Ibe confiict In her tbe worst-the butler bad tiptoed In to l1eart between love and duty too much Bummon us to dinner. Bravel", at ter herf Louise turned to me and laid firet, Louise and I made pretense .of ber hand gently on my arm. eating, each tryIng to encourage the "Harding." abe said, "there Is some otber, but the unto~getable eventll ot deep mYltery beblnd all this tbat has tbe afternoon, the-mlBBlng faces at tb~ been cree~lng IIlte a black shadow table an,d the BOlTOW tbat filled U8 tlOth .ero •• the lives of both.· KatharIne and made rood Impo,-Ilble. Dra~ll)g our [ather. rn Bo~e way Hugh Oran- chairs logether. we dl8uUBsed In willeII , rn' It. I know It. I '1 pers tbe bamlns my.tery at . Kath. ,.,.,...."'.""... ,more than mere- arlne's attemp~ lulcli!e-aJid h!ltt fa. of my rather to permtt ther'B etranl1;e terror' , . ' • ' On the ' tal;l'o bero~ UI .Crandall I bave " 'atche4 I kJlow. I ' bave ' seen , ot. yellow paper, 1~~,,;;tl~~~~~:i\1 JIlI·.til~0.u" ~"'P~t.Ct4tr bpyerJ~. oYer bad 10 Ilgltatea Giii.,."i1 .' C1r.u-~(I the.,." lOOn 114; hacl 'b8eJL ·- ..... -A.!ino]r~tl





' .. '




~'rncd In~vlt a

and disgra ce uh by acdt! e n t Ie mnk (t good All \\'e studie d the bit or type-writ· In g. word by word. we tried to trace In It 3001 0 hld ck n me anin g. some s In· Is te r wllrnlnt:, some thing or anything th ut would l' onne ct It with poor Kath· urlne 's menta l di s tress and her fa· th e r's p o l ~ n a nt terror. That the lett r o f whi ch this wOS a part had been In Ka tha rin e's posse8sl011 was evident from the place where I hud picked up th e fragm en t. It was e qually cer tain that It hud bee n be r purpose to desl roy It. On the otber hand, Crllneral Funlet.. too. mu st have known of tbe existen ce o! this letter, e lse why did he show such terror at tbe mere s ight of a scrop of It! It mu s t have been part of Borne document thnt had made a vivid Imllresslon on his mind. More than IIIlal y, we fait, whatever the lot· ter was, It had ployed Borne part In the quarrel be tw ee n Katharine and ber father the afternoon before she dismissed Hugh Crandall. We ran' ove r all the words we could tblnk of that hegln "b·a," trying to fit one to th o phrases following-back, bar, blln , bank, bankruptcy, basin, barrel, barren, battle-there were too many ot them . We gave It up and paseed on to the n ext phrase. "used seL" rt proved equally puzzling. We could make notblng out or It, hut the third line at least was deflnlto enough tor discussion. .. A 8Ister-" said Louise. "That makes It certain tbat this letter did not apply In any way to fatber, for he never bad a sister. He waa an C)-Iy child." I was not so posIU\'e as she that tbe leVer did not apply to the general. The thought cnme to me that perbapB even In the proud Farrish tamlly tbere might have been some girl child of unblessed birth wbose existence bad been kept secret from LoUise. Per· haps some knowledge of tbls sort had come to Katharine and the lette r referred to It. I refrained trom suggestlug such a theory, tor I felt It would be tho helgbt or cruelty even to blnt sucb a thing to Louise at a tlme when the tather 'I\'as helpless to explain. Yet the following phrase, "seemed Inevitabl:l," might well fit Into some


In .ome 'IIray Ornnctan Wllll l'D",oh:9C'J. 1 M1 theo ry would not account tor /1\8 conneellon with tbe ease nnd I at oneil

,abando ned It. Ihtenlr.G In tenUy to onC! Louise advanced. "There 11\lIst have b en Borne con· n E'ctio l1 bet wee n h is ha\'lng tel e phoned be r nnd wuot s hl! die! tbls aft(J rtloon . BC'foro s ho sbot be rse l! she burne d th lY I('lter. or 0I0s t of It. I·'uth er must h UH! klJ ow n uboul tb e IE·tte r, so I am ce rtain th at II C'oneerned ('rundlll!." " Has Cra uull il a s is ter?" " I do not kn ow." I\o ld Loui se. "J kn ow nOlh ing Hbout hI s fam ily. It s,*ms strnnge. too, wh e n fur months II l1 d mOllth s w e BIlW so m ilc h of him . I do lIOt recollect his eve r ua\'III l; III n · tloll ed any of his r ellltives." My bm l n reco rde d a victo ry fO:lT \\,on:an's Intuition ov r OI an ' ~ logic. lIe r lheory s l't'me d 111f1 n1!ply li ellF.r lhn n II1 ln..,. Ar te r nil It WRS nbs urd to BlI SPf'ct a "k"leIOll In th e life 01 a m u n IlIi~ (~n c l'nl Parrish. who had be e n co nstontl y und e r public scrutiny for mnny year's , It was much more prob· nbl a Ih at the le tte r re terred to some In c ident In tho life o! Cranda ll. something so dlscredlta b!e that th e g enC'r a l had h«1n for ced to torbld \{athnrine hl\\'lng on y th lng to do with him . This theo ry would a ccount ror the quarrel betw ee n fa th e r and dau gh te r. for Cra n· dall's rE'tlcence a bout hi s family, for Katharlne 's dlBtress. and natun.lly the sight ot the letter tb 'lt had cal>sed nil the tr<Jubl(l would upset the (Jen· e r-al. I begu n to see a plan for acUl)n. "Lou Iso, dcar-oo How quickly lid· ve rs lty strips off conventIouallty ond puts us wbere our hearts would have us' "Lou.lse. de ar." I lIald. "It will probably b e days before eltber your father or Kath erino wlll he able to give us any a s sis ta nce, yet the knowl· e dge tbat e veryt.hlng h as bee n cleared up, tbat tile specter baa been driv en away. undoubtedly would hastp.n the recovery ot both. So I feel t1 at we must go ahelld." "Oh, Ha.rdlng." she breatbe/{, Her hand ~tole out and sought mIne. "What 11 comfort you are to mel What would I have done this nfternoon wllhout you 1 YOU'I'O righ t. deni-. .\\ 7lIlIUSt' Solve tbls awrul m)' slery nt once, We must." "The fI"st thing tor me to do," I went on, "Is to fled Hugh Crnndall. He can probably tell us all about thlll letter. Even If he can't he can say why he te lep honed Katharine and where she went this afternoon. When we have tearned tbls much we sball at least .hlllve mad e a good start. The next thing- will be to trace the letter. If Cranda]] doeB not know about It. we w1l1 try to learn from whom It came." "That's Impossible," objected Lou· Ise. "Haven ' t we looke d eyerywhere In Katharine's room for the envelope In whlcb It came. I am pbsltlve that she burned it. Without tbe envoiope yon can never discover where It was mailed or to whom It was addressed ." "I'm not so sure about t.hat. Tbe post office 1:88 wonderful waya of




'What ue you 00' "riona about, RastuB1" "Ah wu · jl.t thlnkln' it IOmebody'd glmmll tohty cents. abd aomebod,. el8e'd glmme thirty-three cents an den Ah'd find touh mo', how lIluch mon07 I'd have."


Vegetable Fiber for Shoe.. A.. Haverhill (Mall.) _hoe man hal obtained patenta clyln, him the rI,ht to mako yamp_ and top. of n,etabl. nber wblch he hu innnted and perrected to be used In Ut. manufCUltv. of ahoCl. A few caBea of abo.. haTe beeD made at this lJlaterlal, wblch ap.pear_ to be a cood subetItut. tor leather. The fiber tl laId to be partieululy adaptable for warm weather "eer b. cauee, belns of a woven material. air can penetrate the Tamp and top. Th. Inventor also clalD111 that a ohos mad. of tbj. materlal ta waterproof. One Problem Settled.

maE moment Resinol Oint- '

Mra. Stron,beod had 1\11' throWll a pavtnl .tone throu.h a dru, otore wiD-

' \ ~ ment touch. any I~ akin, the ltchlnc atop' and ~ beefna. With the aid

dow, merely to pron that _he 'WU entitled to a Tote (BaY, Judge), 't.nd had heen marohed olr to Jall "Tbank beaven," .aid Stronghea4. "That .. tUe_ the where-ohall·w_pen4·thHUIDmer problem, anyhow. M

or Bel!noJ Soap. It quickly reo all tnc.. of eczema, rub, tetter. ringworm. pimpl. or otbe!' tormeotiAi. unalghtly eruption. lea~ tbe lk.Iu clear and he&ltb3. IIIO'fU

Bunko.d. Grine-Bow a.bout that pleee of land you bou,ht dOWll on the cape' AnythlnC com. up on iU Brlcp-y .., the tIde..

Important to Moth....


y ..... IlMlDDl ..... (110) &114 Beelaol Ointment (Il00),

_ b7 ...U a..&aoI

OD NOe.lp' of pit""

en.- 00.,


.ee ..~


Make the Liver . D -.Ita Duty CARTER'S Lmu

·.u..1ioDo Sick

lIP Wlrn. 001... c.n.oJlIal_ It Ie • . . . e«act1" temedy. AU dnaubtL 25 ead IiDD. My.

H ••••cla.. ... ~..... Alw


Genuine m~ bear Signature

OfCou ..... "Her hUlband ta a .ell·made man." "Bhe'o ov. to wtat OD alteration....


Be thrifty OIl Iittl, thin.. Ilk, b1nln•. Don't ncccpt ""nter for blulq. AIIk for ROd Crou Bell BIll&. the extra Iclod rullll ))lllll. Ady. I

At tba . . . of torQ' a maD beliDl to Uve and unlea.rn..

IlllIplration that ~mlll m bottle. !a' often aelulterated with reareta.

w. Lead Yoa

To Fortune'and Happy Life iD California Mean. J, IS. " W, 8. Kuhll. the Pltt,bu~h blDken. are dolD,lD th.SacremeDlO Valle, "hat da. U. S. GOYlmmeot I, dollli for .... peoplB. There b In tim. more lilt profit per acre I. Callfomla irrWlIIMIlD.~ thea Ia .... Eat and "hla I. . labor. Let lit tlke 1011 "ben there I, comfort pi! bappllllll beIId. profit. c:1I1D&~ equal ' lo that C!t Southern 100,.. DO frOltl DOf DO thlJDcIen&ol1Dl DOl IIJDItnlka. Let at take ),011 "here ble mOIler I, _"'" beln~=~ marketl ... ~. demaDcl for procIlICU Ift&lIlDll I, Let at .... 10. "Ja.... nlIroad ~ rtftf tftDIportatlon


.u. .

I, 11111. "here 'tbere

meted acboola. tbeory Buch as this, tollowed as It wna in tbe next .line wltb the word "dillgrace." For a moment I telt that I was on the track of the solution of the . mYBtery. Borne specter trom the general'e palt bad rlHen to haunt .b la declining years, to threaten hll good name, ' to' worry bl,m tnto btl . Jfave. ~II\ ,eldpr. daughter had discovered It ,aud bad. be~n unable to cant ' the burden 'of lbame. <Could tWI ' have been , t~~!1' two


~~'!i",j'cmi4.t;:; " .II141'·tl!al~f

tracing mali. One of the inllPect.o~ fI a friend of mine and we wlll enllat h1I help. But first I mUBt bd CranOan Probably he cl'n tell UI everytlllng U he will. P.!J you know where h4/UTIII " IEe' has bachelor a~artment. whel'. a1~ing tM avenue, ' 1 J\llt whet'e, .1 know hlo



Enough to KIIII IL UVER PlW MOh papa," exclaimed the roUD, aentl,. butfirmly ctrl, "that pre~ty r;>lant I had .etUn, pel • 1uy liver do its duty. on the plano J. dead." CUree C_ "Well, I don't woD.tler.M ".. all the '.dpatlo.. lafather 11&14.


On the Tabl\ Btlfore Uo Lay the Scrap of Yellow ..aper• .


!lxamlne caref\ll17 eV8fT bottle of OASTORIA. a safe and lur. remed7 tor Infanta an4 ch1ldren, aDd that It B_rath• •~s= Signature ot 0 In U•• For Over 80 YMnI. Nine timeI In teo when Children Cry for Fletchc~. CYtoril light the stomach and



Resinol J.stops itching Instantly

aN dlDomlnatlooal


charollee ud

NM» It the llllUl to k,tht. J~-awt III "hh the winD"'. til. ,real ~ Canal ,.m tIOoA ." rtad, alld ,OU caD ,hlN ia Itllrluiupbel fume .... ..nIdi rapidlr. aad .,. ' .troll,l, 111. ..,0. to partDUe II __ II poulble. Yo. ca. ba, 'thII Wul 0Il1lrf .- 1 ~~OO .. acre IIf'W uullhe Wanae 10 leD teulr pa,_1I. Gift . . . . oppoctD.akJ. to taU .., .Jl cIeIaIJa wIda .,... -rt~ ,~~

" , . ,.


IneJlP.f:11cod, one arose from tbe low rocker BUt! Btood on the top step leaning out beBACK~E.t: tJ typl a tween the honeysuckle vlnes-a broad DISCO~ t:st c 0 masculine tlgure with a bIg Panama Until You Get ern sty lG so we ll that cno of _ hat swinging In one hand and a ge r,ll al Good Resolution of Miss Celia s mile at gree ting on bls bronze face. After Th" Cau .. thoug ht b(j would tuke her aW1l7 with Nothing more d isblm In tbe BUlllDler In tbe aa,..a;;, ot Bennett. ':H e llo, Aunt Cella I " boom ed ou t a courag ing than 11 conhearty voice. "Don't you know me?" housekee per . [oward .prtq be -rotAnI ba ckache. laid he r In th II I! on da, aDd aald : "Wb)·-ee. It's Oliver! Oh, Phemle . By1:I.kA-RANDALL PEARCE. L",me "Mandy. do au 11k the OOtlJItI'yr It's my 1I011how. This Is MI BS Hal'ens, Ma n dy roc It led ~b did. .~ Oliver. Sbe-I've-" Miss Cella n e 10 0 lied thoug ht"\o\~ou l d yo 111(e to'l ~o away ' "I've come to stay awlllle with MIRB tully after the ruce dln g form at b er me Is BUOl r Bud ~8ep De nnett," Inte rpos ed Phemle. quI e tly. late cuile r ; th en II. faint smile crep t he l' cbeeks d ee v-flusbe d and her eyes me?' over b er face Bnd nb e nodd ud b e r downcas t. . M re Bh W'Ollldd. ;, Uc~~~~===~~ head s lowly, "s t Ju st ~ "And I've come to stay for good," "P'ralls you're right, Phebo Tag- sBld Oliver n enne tt. decIsively. "Ye ll could ga rt," Bbe r et1 ectE'd. "P'raps I am a slr-ee! Going to C1ult my roving and e lt ?" s e lfis h old wom nn. li ving he r e a lone set ll e clo\\'n now. Aunt Cella. ain't yo u In thIs bi g, eomfortahlo colla ge , jus t !;Iad ?" ii-boa rdin g my mall y wlw n I mI ght Phe mle sat alone In b er r oom a fe w Head c1 Barl ey and Wheat Injured b)' Wh eat- H ead Army Worm. be doin g good fo r 80lllC on e. P'rups minutes late r, -ler worst fears we r e Its my duty to a dopt s ome body-l r ea lized; she had Indeed mad e a g rf'a t (lly V . 1. WA S lIB t: ll.l'1 . ) wo rm might not orlgluato In t! ma thy, Marl c do n't know." mistake. Not I)nly was sbo not need- • Las t y en r 1I grl:lIt deal 0[. Umotl\¥ '\I\'b en the bo found belilulllug It cl ' 1'1'~ cln · liihc sat down In a HUla low roclce r ed now In Miss Be nn ett's home , but Hoell In tb!! nonhero 6tates was d ~ tlons on EIOBle o fuer crop. It~ ro- nrook lyn YOll and me dllutl\' 'ly eyed th big g ray h er prese nc e would be und esirabl e. IItroyed uy th e species o r army wonn p r B.s ion, t ihorctore. nJ1pl'HI'8 to bb de- th" JlOu sc ho l cat that approuch e d her III d lg lllt1 e d And. wh e n th u e lde r woman ba d to ld known fi8 l be .. Wh el\ l-Hellll " worm. P'!IIUf.: nt u po n llN.)!)ef fnrlll pra ~I!C''' , pn rt b e brou r: fashion. b er s tory, what would this stran ge r :rile Injury \'(1111 most" se ,' re o u high In CII H:: S at 6e rlCJIol s Infes tat io n. a ~ ill I of cu ndy \\' 1 "Wh a t d'you .aay, Plckwlclt? Are ,·hlnk at b pr ncct' ptance or his aunl '6 sandy "011. Irr"c \' e ry ctufe Inves llgate h, th e pre lfent ' ns tance, wJlsn H rllrlo_Cl r 'u little girl ' to we s e lfis h- li ving nlon e toge tbor, you bou nty ? How mlgbt ho ml scon slnHl how ever, It was fOUlld thal the pes t crnp Is threaten d by 11l" sh W Q I' ~s . ¥te r th o and I? You know It a ln't just wh a t he r m o l lvl~ s? WI!II, s he would h a vo bud Its origin In old tl motby fl eld e ond tile I~[ld III III 0 codd1t lo h til " flow 'chlrd to tbe I Pbebe Tsggart sny~; but I've an Ink· to s lay a whil e rlUd see wbllt hupp pned. th a t had beu n allow ed to run four It." h e shou ld pl ow one or t \\·o dpe D "M arie. \I 11 ling myself lh a l this lire Is kind e r ~' hat bapppn ed \\'us that Oliver yenrs or mo re w ithout be+ng plowed. f\t\'ro'I'Vs l c rose tIle IIn~ 'of I~arcfi of pieces of cau aimless-and 10l1 esom e. 'fb er e !" Be nnett took comple te possession at A tter th e t1mothy~eads' 'ure eat on, • s, tb o stee p sI d!' of th 'rur- you give bllfl t Miss Bonne ll mused a while In lbe little co ttage and Its ge ntl e o ~c u· lhe worms ,. turn tneJr '\lhentlon towUI'" th&. crop t 6 Iw protec~ ll. "No, IIlr." B "I law sll e nco. . ~auts. Neve r betore b ad t\w ir II VAO oats, wh ent or corn: l!ng In nD Th e wormB colle ct In thu furrows Hud were n't ga in a come out even. so I "It's too bi g a r espo nsibility, bring· bee n so lull, 80 ~y, 80 Inte r es ting. army from aIle field to anoth e r- bonce cnn be kll1 ed with kerosene. o r lll~ tler, de one beta I begnn to dl'f1de,"Ing up c hildre n wh e ll you don't kn ow Wh e n tlley woro not "rarlrJg forUI au tbe lr name. with crude a ll. LIppIncott's Maca7.lne. bow. Now, grown-up boys and girls pleasure be nt ," be was te W'n g- 't he;:D If post-h oles c lGht or t e n InC' hclJ 1hey appea r to bo somewhat Buh· - th ey'd just be running away and vivid tal es of the Btran81l places and to tb e attacks at paras lt ps ; a nd d ee p are made at I n t c r\,:l. I ~ In th ('l;C Very Much So. ¥ clllng mnrrle d and le nvlng me In a people he had soe n and the wonders undoubtedly, In common wltb ru r ro ws , !.be y form traps Into whi ch James t ell M m e .ba bas a Tf!/IT U,bt little whil e : a nd old tolks'd be getting of his travels. 1'I:!r;h!.. nrk wli b tllllt balrd r t!sse r." sick and leaving me. too. p'raps.. . . Pheml e lbou gbt It was th e exciteMoaey Back If Not P!.uel', It la. He blea chc. J wlsb Ollver'd cOllie backl We ll, It me nt ot lheso otorl es \ or - lldvCfltur" Jan Ibe kind of Onrldll Plame J'OW I'm to adopt somebody. Ul e r o's-or, that made b er heart bei.t taalef' .whO(\ I . f.~Ji6·)i ;~'lr!1~~~~O~~~rf:':rl~I:D~ . th e r e's Pb c rulo--Pllemlo Hnve ns !" luwy Aue- 'llar,r , t' '''_f)'.l~pi llr bt"'"ad . In th e prose nt:e of tills ,_ t ~Sl: l fIJIHIlI!i CUR !!!! ITCH INa SkI:'! Dl!!RAlIH!. ~ "U l by n~A I : I ' fl"~" " '. (..n f tt"Clr U lf SLGO.. A sor t flu sb mounted to he r cbeeks newcomer. At no tim e . ,lIowevCif" cou ld I Cole' , C,u·ool i...l vo 010 11' Ilchlnsr and ma",dI A I,o AA ~J:\r" , IArwt:1 ~er7. .~ . alUb ..nooth. Atldrug .. i.l .. ~ 1Ind£1Oc:. A!!Y. s b e o ve rcome th e reltiln g s'li' unCI th9.t nnd her lllild blu o ~ yos ' sparkled, t o··u " $ 7.50 J'raht: h l ' lu rn e .- ,~50. I '" .'. q , '.... '. I l. ~. t ... '.. ., r IW1lLOW Ri.UM E.S-lltln, J"",. I~ I", .u,lt,.I<IIQ, . "I'll adopt Pbomle-she's pas t the be s ecretly r esented m1T'Wmlng t'O tbtl' T,hOl\e )9 v41 tru th . bN'lt v;bo to utem- t~uJ k '"!f.~; .. .. 'f ,l n at,I':S!ld "')'IHI. Sp ~da1.$3,.9a. marryIng a go, a nd she's ri g ht com· hou se. , .' Send y olJt'4O<:tder'l'oJa,. . • . .. (, '1~B tire thl e: and" wllat "theY' d:nre pa nlol1ll'bll'. P h mle la. I'll go r ight Som etimes sh e s:nu8bt.;hlJ;n, t1clQ)I:IIllrs;j . )trw loll) 9" i" ~ f: "',::..~!: lJ. - .:!', " I::11~.FUI~. ~, •..• •!~ . dream of. dare! 'to do ....J.J'am·e I' o\' er and Bee hc r ' vb\le th e spell's lit h er In n way she cquld DOf. uJlda r, I ~ Low e ll on ." s tan d. He seem c<1 to" be probil\i; ... j 4, ~... ' \ Pherol e Havens loolced up In Btnr- n eath the surtncs ' df~ II'(\r-!rO'c l tft" fi'lJirl­ ('rn .. non mUG It"'ee dDubJ.e TaInG ti ed s Uf(lr i!le wh en bElr visitor made ne rs and qu esUonk!g 'ftefo ' innel' '''b elr. monoy, 1:"00 t .... ice' ·.. rat"u anT A.k your I: rocor. ,t.!l.Y• . I" _ _. known be r errand. At such tImes .Ib e. f~t. almost ~nty. "Adopt m e !" sbe falter ed. "Why, Tb o climax R¥p1~ .I!R ~Mu~lla¥ :..yeMiss Be nn e tt, J've no claim on YOII at nlng, just tbree w.Xek.s atte r Pffmle's all. WllY should. you think or sucb' Il nrrlval. Sbe Wo.~ cHtli'hi'g" 1b "tllrouk h lhlng ?" tbe rear doorwBY ...ytien ''Ii. bRss "Because I want to do aometblng drIfted down tbe ball trom tbe' pla.z~ tor somebody; and you're a good girl, whe r e Miss Bennett and her nepbew Phemle. You hnv en't any near of kin, were sItting. ,..J . ~ ..... "But, Aunt Celln, tbls talk of adopand you're workIng your eycs out and .... ..1• your back crooked over tbose little tion Is nonse nse. You don 't want b er (A __ •• embrolde rcd things tbnt bnrely keep to stay bere wltb YOU after all I've your soul and body together. You'll Ilald! I'll speak to her tonight. my· have a good home with me and I'll sell-" J ,.- Ill.) .... It .. i. Poor Phe mle grasped the ra 1IIn I! give you an Illlowance, Of course. my • ~. II ~ • • f ., ' .. " .:TO • • L )U' property goos to Oliver-you under· with trembling fing ers nnd tbe bot .tand that-but I've got enough and to tears gushed to h e r eyes. Tbe blow bad fallen-this was the end! Oliver Barn Room Is Not Always Avail· PrinCiple Must Be Put Into Prac.· Bennstt blmself bad pronounced ber tice in Order to Make Sucable and Much of Forage ~ .... ... .1 .... 1"1 .: .w ~ . ." J ...... _ sentence. Well. sbe would not wait cess in Fruit Growing. Crop Is Lost. tor him to IIpeak to her. Sbo would , , eSC8j!e Bucb lIumlUation. (By M. N . EOGGE R'I'ON . MJehlglLll.) It lB so ve;'" dlmcult to cure cow· QuIckly b e r small trunk wss pncted :Most small trult plants ))erpetuate and preparations made for a basty de- pea hay In the sbock or windrow, parture, Sbe wrote a brle! note to and when cured It ill BOI dlmcult to and multiply their s))oclen In twc. Miss Bennett, and. tastenln,; on ber keep In II. stack, tbnt very little or It ways. througb the production of seed The a change of life "II . . . . . gray turban and cape, stole down tllo Is put up out at doorll. Barn room Is and nodes. critical period in a womaa"l .... Seeds 8I"e produced In tbe tl'llit of rear stairwny again, out Into tho not always at banel, therefore much !stence, and the anxieq . . ~ plonts, Nodes are th e knot·lIke proof this valuuble torage crop i8 lost or shadowB at the Bummer nIght. TeaTII blinded her 80 she could not Indifferently cared tor. By (ollowlng tuberances that appear on tbe stema women 88 it dl'awa neM .. . . see tbe obstacle In the path agalnllt a simple plan, however, this bay can at the plunts, wltb th e slrawberry, without reason. which ber flying teet carried her. A be cured and kept In stacks without atema are known as rUDJIers. With thIs plant new frulu; are made palr at stalwart arms caugbt her as losing any shattered leRves or bav•. When her system ba . . . Leuves log It mold, nccordtng to H . F. Grin- as the runne rs le ngtben. she lltaggered trom the Impact. ranged ,condition, she ..., be sprIng upwa rd trom tbe nod es and "GInger I Running me down, eb'~ stead In the Farm and Home. predisposed to apoplexy, _ ClC& the roots strike downward Into tb e cried a masculine voice, "What's YOI!1 Set a pole In the ground wbere you hurry? Why, Miss Havens, what·s the want a stack. Tbrow II. little brush &all very quickly If the soli Is loose gestion of some organ. ~ tb:Ja . matter? Walt. walt. little woman, you around the pole to begin stacking, and moist. time, also, canceIB and tumor. Red ra!lpberrlea and' bln.. ltb orrlos can't run away from me like tllls. then stack tbe pea vines as coon as are more liable to form &Dd beCIn propagate In much the pame wayThere's somethIng In the wind. and wilted around tbls pole, making the I'm going to know about It." stack not more than eight Ceet In the roots Ilcttag as runners. their destructive work. if allowed to lollow tbe nutural "You can't," sobbed Pbe mle, wildly diameter. When you bave rea~ed a Such warning IIfDlpUllml . . struggling to escape. "Let me go- height at tour teet nail two strips course ot its beIng this purpose ot its I'm goIng away. I knew I'd be mlsun, six feet long to tbe polo at rlgbt lite will be pros ec ute d to the full cst sense of sutfocation, ~ ftaehee. ONE CASE OUT OF ~ derstood! You-you don't have to ad· "ngles. then begt:!. tacking on these. possible extent without reference to headaches, backa.che-, ctr.-l of TO PROVE OUROLIDIS. vise her oc)t to adopt me. Oh, pleBBe, ~nd wben you have piled on another tbe Quality or Quantity of frull proimpending evil, timidity, .8OUDda duced. please let me go I" four teet nail another pair at the Bt.. Anne, Il1.-" I was Pl'Ssing Her Worst F..... Were Realllted. It Is by placing restriction upon the I Oliver Bennett's wits were working strips. Don't get on tbe stack, as In the ears, po.lpitatioo of tM through the change of life and I plants In this matter of reproduction Ipare, n«_ I-1 neel! )Iou, Phemle, quickly. He dre~ the trembling fig· your weIght would break.J.ltrougb. heart, sparks ' before J;be ~ was a perfect wreck from fejllale <:::-' l'DrllWful lon'eaome." ure be held to a nearby seat and When you reacb the top, cover wltb that large,r cropa of better trult are troubles. I bad 0. displacement 1rregula.riUes. constipatloa, ftrl,. and bearing down palOS, w~ak Pbemle's face bad been settling in- spoke soothingly, but t1rmly. a stack cover or graBB. hay. In a day secured. to an expreaslon of stern renunciation, "Miss , Havens-Phemle Havens- or two the hay will s e ttle. leavIng The piallt baa only a certalll amount able appetite, wealctvwl aDd falnting spell!!, dizziness, tlien hut now It Boftened and dimpled Into listen to me. You didn't hear all J an all' spaco under each of the sup- of energy to uso, tb ereroro reduc e inquietude, and db;zfDlllM, are Dumb and cold feelin~s, Some. t.imes my feet and limbs were a wlsttul smile. laid. I toll! my aunt sbe shouldn't ports so thnt aIr can circulate treely. tbe numbor ot e~eds to bo matured promptly heeded by 1n1eI Hpm lwoll6IL I was irregular and bad "Are you Bure you need me-that I keep YOU here because I-I wanted to The bsy w!ll not mold and can be fed and the E:nUre energy of tbo plan t Clan be ot real Benlca to you?" women who are appro.oblne tbe 10 much backaclJe aud headache, adopt you myseltl There, the eat'a from tb e Btack. Tbls plan Is prac· is directed to the bull!!in!; up at the wu nervoUB, irritable and was "Yes, I settled on you because I've out ot the bag, You're the tinest lit· tlced successfully In tbe south, where remalntng seeds and s eed rece ptacles . period in life when ~.. despondent. Somctimes my aJr. know you so long and you've got Ue woman I've ever seen, to my nOo pea hay \a a staple forage crop In order to make a success In grow· great change may be expecMcL petite WD.~ go od hut more often It such an even dlspo.ltlon. I wonder tion, and I'm going to marry you U Ing trult ot wbatever k ind. the prln· waa not. My kidneys trQubled some good man didn't sbow his ap- you'll bave me, I was waIting for a clple of r estriction mus t· be put Into These symptoms calli flUID me at tlmes and I could walk precIation long ago; but I guess chance to tell you. but, of course, It practice, tor plant restriction Is one there's no beaux around now to bother yoU want to run away-It you want Qf tbe eS6Emtlals of fine fruit grow ing. nature for help. '!'he Derfte am only a Ahort distance. "1 saw youradvcl'tiscment in& Pickwick and me, eh, Phemle?" to go-now-Pb4!mle, yoU go right In Btrawberry growing wo t1nd t haI crying out for IiD4 tho paper and took Lydia. E. PinkA slight embnrrassed flusb warmed along.and I'll live here with Aunt Oethose \'arl(ltles which shoVl' n t end e ncy ham'lI Vegetable C<>mpound, and ory should be heeded in ttma. Phemle'B pale cheeks. but she sbook and Pickwick." toward propagatIon by menns of node~ I was belped from the first. At 'her head carelessly. )rillS Bennett He opened bls arms wide, and Phedo not grow Inrge fruits, while tho!l!! the end of two months the swel. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vepbab1e never guessed what dreaml had mle-well, after an Instant of dazed Gardens are In Such Shape in varieties whlcb send out fow runn e rs ling had gone down, I W88 rebloomed and faded within that quiet silence, Pbemle just gave a happy, eltb er produce large fruit or numerous Oompound is prepared to a.efI Fall That Fowls Will Do More fruIt clusters. lieved of pain, and could walk flutterIng, long·drawn sigh and set, breast. the needs of women's syDm . . with ellSe. I continued with the tied back without a thougbt of the Good Than Inj!Jry. "Now," said the elder woman. brlllkOur me tbod ot cultur~ rCQu IrcH medicine and now I do almost all this trying period of her Uta. ly, "I'll drive over for you and your new pink roBe on her turban. that each molher plant Is to fu rnlg~. my housework. I know yOUl' "I-I gueSB I'll , stay-QUver!" invigorates nnd the on nn av orage 'ot six you ng pl a nl \ belongings Saturday, I've been wish. Where hens or cblck3 have been medicine has !laved me from the Ing .Ollver'd come back, but· I don't (Copyright, 1ll12. by Alllloc.lated L1te~ conflned tn amall yards during the only. Afte r tbose are II cured a ll female organism and buDd.I up jp'ave and I am willin~ for you to Press.) .opPoBe he ever will. He's a rover, IIprtng and Bummer the y should be tlJrtlle r gr owth ot runners Is rethe weakened nervoll8 ~ publish anything I wnte to you, Just like biB great.uncle Juan. Good The Night of Oasollne. turned out on free range now, If pos- stricted. It bas carried manywom.enaaleJ,y for the good of othel's,"-Mrs. boy, though; wrltea me and aends Tho growing at this numb er or "Allk me to go to the theatllr an, sible. A yard wbich hae been In use EsTBLLA GrLLIBPlih~!;l".D. No, ~. thIngs from all the' places he goes to, nJght In tbe week except gallolint aU tbe senson wUl by thIl Ume need plants doe!~ not draw UDall tllo v ltal i!y through this crisis. Box ~ St. Anne, 'ois. You didn't live here In Oliver's time, night and I'll go," Bald the mlu. of tbe plants concerned mnte l' iall:f attention. In most callos It Is abBo.c!ll! you? MUBt be nearly at an age. "What nlgbt I'B that?" the woman lutely bare, and well contaminated. so tbat prnctlcally the en tiro e nerg y Well, he'll aU I've got and 'I Buppose asked. . .' -r The cblckens in It are not r'ecelvlng of tbe plants Is directed Into tbe he'll marry and settle down In some channel 01' trult production. "Saturday. Women get th~1r glove. a fair cbance. heathenish, far·away 'country. Now. home from the cJeaners on Saturday The lesel growtb theso runners Rre Gardena are In sucb sbape that tbe Wlmemtier, Phemle-8aturdlly, In or elae clean them themlelvel the chIck.ena will do them little dlllIUlge allowed to make tlle more nenrly )JerIthoe),for tea.~!~~· ~ . t '( • " last of the week. and the gasoUne now, and to turn the hens loose will tect will bo the conservation ot the .Sllturday 'arterboo'n found MIss En· fumes haven't bad time to evaporate. redUce the COBt ot the feed ' bill, U plant energy. FOR MEN AND WOMaN . '!IOD~I. Havenl .in a state, of Unusual Half the women you meet 1n '" crowd well as make them beppy, In case . In thIs p'r lnclplo at c"nscrvtng, plant . . , . _ , . W. L.1JoG1II_ ..........0 .. • energy we have one of the esse ntial ...... 6eoa _ _ " ' " weI,..,,1nht lNIf_r t_ It ~he on Saturday nIght carry a gaBollne several varieties al'e kept II. good plan .,."..I...JIn_lI ...... _ _ lire _ ' . -"_.. factors of great crops ot ' f lne trult. odor about on their gloveR. tna hot, Is to turn each ftoek out at leaat one a,nd If. in atrawberry: culture, this prln· W.LDoualumak•• and • oo.ts 110 A "'-00 shoe. place, that Is pretty bad. OD or two daY'! 1l Week, or better stm. a 6aD aB7 other manufachuV .. IM-w. MondlLY night gssolfne lUll pemmet few bouta each day. ThI8 method ciple .. curefully tollowed out and THK STANDARD Oil QUALITY IIOR OVER 30 YEA~9. aIr, but It sa .ptUDe falJit and I will' ,Ive them nil II. range without aocompalil,e4 by aolentiflc rowing nnd 'I'he worlananahlp which ......... W. L aIt __ famoUi tho worIcI intensive IlUltivatlon tn the presence mIxIng the tloelCe, t;i~i~;\~~;b;~.I·u~ tand It, but not O.D ~a~.urd~'j maintainecl pair. . ' . The yards . tliemselnll '. iIIlouI4 be of -a hl.hl;,. fertilized soli, the ' build· lng uP.· . . ot Immen1e trultlllg crown. Aak~:~~CIUI'=~~~:.h_ ~_ W. Jat.t fuLton. for . Hated to Encoml' Jt} ploy;ed or .' . ' ' 'thlll ~al' C1C1<rnp'.... th.loo\, look· built ~g _risul~ .' . .J9u d~ me ,to . ,the n~ sown'.to 1M •• ... 4 '\ ..





_ ____---1.-



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. I

From FortY;.ti-'t4l.:r~I Are M~~·~~~~te~t ,~: :

Lydia E. Pinkham'. Vegetable CompoumL



. Il· .

li. ,or.




's.oo $3.50 $4.00 '4.&0 AND $5.00 _.011




..... u


( .



, ___________________________.________ ________ 'Tb¢ ~uick meal · Steel Rang¢ ~


, "





NOVEMBER 4, 6 and 6, at W~lcb


6t Dakin's


A set of pure Alullninum ware given with each Range sold during the above days. A representative frolm the factory will be here to explain every detail of the stove. Ask those who have one. Everybody cordially invited. A souvenir for every lady.


Elltate of C,,'herlnt! Con8table, YOUTH'SCOMPANION FOR 1913 Imbeollt! Fourth aoooont .r guar. dian . The Youth'e Companion appeal8 to every interest of family life, from Estatll of .1111 Robln8on, Imbecile Common Pleas Proceedings housekeeping to athletics. It begilUl Fourth aoooun V with ltories of youthful vim and The Grand Jary, aUer belnR in Estate of Mary E Brow., de viger, with articlea which di8close .... ~llon five d.Y8, reported 'bd they oealled. Second land final aoconn'. the IM!Crets of succeuful play in the ex.mloed 8evt!oty wl'0...e8 ('over 10 the maUer of the will of George a-reat games, with charming tales h .., 11 081181 and pre8e.ted fflur bids, Miller, deoealled. R.ebeOCli A. MUler of life at the sirla' collea-ea. But 1~l\ored 0I18el, vilUod aOIl ex_ elelts to bke oilder wll1. The Companion does not Burrender .mloed the lOIoou'y jall. la tbe mllUer of tbe wUl (Jf Bar these readel'8 when they have entered BUI'OD B. lalklon VI Jacob J rillon Uornell, decealled. Will ad the more seriou8 paths of life. J 10inioD et al. Partition grankd mitted to probate. Mothel'8 will welcome the page for Estate of lilraee P . Danford, de· 1,1"la'lII' New Suits OMled. Final80000nt filed . litt.le children and the weekly doctor's article. Fathel'8 will find the imPQr~..ple'l .IlUdIDI Loan & Savinlt' In the maUer of the eetat. of tant news of the day as it is, and (:.\. VI. DtIlon B. Willon Jr. aDd Emma B. Danfortb, Cllrri. D. Gregg not as it i8' rumored to be. The enEllzabe&b WlilOa S,..,an. Fore appointed a4mlniltrah'ix. tire household will appreciate the elOlure of mor'pse. .randoD & Ia the maUer of tbe _~te of sketches which touch gentt, on hlDI, aUorDe..,.. .. DaDlel •. Woollard. deceased . Proof common foibles or caricature eccen· lAan .rine.., n. G80rp. lobn of JUblloatlon of tbe Ippointment of tricity. In IIhort, for II:!18 than four 100, eXltater of 'he .&&te of lta~ admlDlltra..,r flied. cents a week The Companion brlna-B J uru..oD, deoMHd, aotlon, mone.., Marria&e Uceases into the home clean entertainment. 0111..,. AmoUD' olatmed psO with )lure inspiration. fine Ideale, increase io....... W. W. B.newand Clemnt Ray alaok, 15, oarpe.ter of knowleda-e. 10,11 aDel lIaP.••Uorney.. .a4 111M Martba Dobor'..,. '7, both Names ruely seen ill tables of Llaooln lAckey and ••nDah of rOiSBre, Oblo . ... Rn. .eorge contents will be found in The ComJ.&ok..., va. Will O. Gustin, .p~l. lI...,er. lIarton II. 80well, 24, farmer and panion's Announcement for 1913, R_ Estate TnDlfen .ill J'raaoea E. HWlth, OOtll ot which will be 88nt upon rfNuestHantet V .•nal .. al to William 8prinaboro. Bel', A. J. Keetle with samples of the paper, to those familiap-with it. B. Ba" ~&Dd Con .ntt, 80.51 10reS . Commillioners' Proceedin&S Every new subscriber for lIns will ia 01. . . . . . towDulp, n .OO and . receive free all the blaues for the o&lull' 0.8141,.&lon.. Coatrao8 tor 'he repalrll at tbe remaining weeks of 1912; also free, Ant. V. lIoKlaneJ to Benjamin jall 'W&8 awarded to the atewart The Companion Window rranspar. .ad A1ioe m'.ro'h, IY. aoree ot lind Iron Workl at 'heir bt4 $550. ency and Calendar for 1913, in rich, lD lIadaD teWDIhlp, $1 .nd other Th. Cas1l81&, "'4g1 boodl, .Iz tranelucent colon-the mOlt beautiooutd. .tlou. ".000 were awerded to Thl Day ful of all Companien BC,uvenira ...~ 1:. Bank &0 WUllam 8eD. ton Savln.. & Trus' Company at 4rlab,lO& ID Muon." aad o'laer 'belr bid of 4" and will par and THE YOUTH'S COMPANION. oout4~Hou. aoorWled lnter..t to date of dellnry 144 Berkel., St., Boatun. M.... W'lI~ lIellerotUo B. V. Walter ..4 I premtom of 1305, total New Subecriptions Received at thill .ad W. 1'. Il.....U.. &wo aor.. lie· •••• 05. Office. . '-t IW818 .lbe Il1aml:rtvel'll. OonllderBtlla Allowed-Joba .eloy, wood Judge U. S. Martin, of Dayton, Montgomery County, ."on" .'I~. for Cear' HOUlle 16.96. W . • . ~ IHORT AND TO THE POI"". candidate for Co,mmon Pleas Judge of tbis district, is a prodBomll' If. Wllio. and Sllle WU· a"'nap & Co , auppU .. for l'robate uct of the farm. He was born about eight miles from Dayton, •• to ...... B. Prloe, II aor.lI.f Jnd~e $7.76. 'r. C. Pattenon, mak A Kansa8 City young lldy of few lu4 Ia ClHroreek 'ownlhlp, II an4 tng Bohool abatrao' j a I~te $28i in 1866, and worked upon the farm as a young man. He atwarda wellt to a dentilt to bave I oUlft ooneldlratlODa. A. D. H'rlokllr. Inflr1D&l'1' DtrlOtor'. tooth extracted. tended the country schools, and latcr went to Otterbein UniI'redertoa o.wald and Leb E. I8larv and allowanoe for q1l8rter ''Pull it!" she lIid to the deDtiat. versity, where he fini shed his education. He then taught a JIUoheU to WIlMlM!th •. Oswald, 10" $41.16. J'rankUa ("'llrO.l0JI, IInp IIAll right," replied the dentiat. 011 ~wa.., In I.e'aDon, and plies for Probata Judge $576. country school while studying law. He was admitted to the He applied the cocaine, IdjUllted hit otb.. eoul4Inston.. W ..tern 8&&r, printing Jar Dooket forceps and out came the tooth. bar in ' 1894. Since that time he has been closely identified llanaDDa lIyel'll Ind Llda M. $49. O. B. Tufte, ~urtal of Eli.. J "Want it 1" be I.ked the young with jurisprudence in all of its branches and has made a &wlD to JUOD L. I:Ualeban, GlU' Riley $76. S~te of Obio VI. Nora lady. holding the tooth before her. &oree t. W • ..,.e SOWD8blp. Con8id. Billman $13 90. Htate of Ohio V8 . splendid record both as prosecutor and judge. He scrved ''Want it !" ehe exclaimed~ "Want eraUoa Jobn Banley $17.65. State of Oilio as prosecutor of Montgomery County for two terms and as it! What for 1 Do yon think I'm Baob.1 II. Kelly and Cilarlea T8 . t:;ldney Lanning $11 15. S'ate of an Elk ?,'-Baturtlay Evening Poat. judge of the Common Pleas Court for one term. No man KeU, Emenon Whltaore, 40 aorel Ohio vs. Berman Nelson $8.96. M. Oil' COURI •• of I ... in Salem townlbJ,. Coo. B. Olwald, lIu.plle, for (:oul'& 80U88 in the State has made a better record upon the bench. Ild. .tlOD $11'0. ad jail 118.75. Frank Maag. Coa But it is as a man, as welt as a judge .that Judge Martin "We are a democratio ooetry, Probate Court traot No. IS, "54.10. Rnslell but-" appeals to those who know him. Of plain and simple habits, ..... of Jamel K. Weer, de. Brown bridle work and labor $1015 "Sal the rest of ito" ~. rlrllt and final aooOoos. A . C. van. auotioneer, . aeUtng _Id companionable at all times, free 'and easy of speech, direct ill "When • WODllD buY' • DUtmtt Betata of MAry Ann Staley, de- Ulearorelk bridle, P .OO. Xatban his observations and keen witted, Judg~: Martin is as charhtgrater Ib, likee to know that it hu 8eoond lClOIunt. Barvey, eon . No. 85, " ' I.. Bert been bldmed by IIWll of the ing a gentieman as one can meet. He is a man of family, and Es&&te .f Rlobard P. Wlndlor, Reed, Con . •0 . 90, '61.30. J. M CI'OWD8C1 heW of Elrope." devotes a great deal of time to his three children. His circ16 deot'alled. Fin' and fioal aooount Earnbart, dama,es for ~penoer Ford r<*l. Clnolnnati Enquirer, of acquaintances in Dayton, where he has lived for many ye:irs publlahing .4vertlaem.nt for 8ale is very large. flOO RERDWA $100 of bonds '13 40. Westlrn Star, ·Tbe readel8 of tht. paper will be pub\t8htnlJ advertille.ent for la1e He is descended from German and Puritan stock-honest SUBJECT TOOENERAL ELECTION IIleuecl to that 'here II at of bonda '11.76 WarreD CoontI ...t one drelUled dlaeU8 that . iI as the day is long and fearle ss to rend er whatever opinion NOVEMBER 5, 1912 .oIenoe ball been able to .ore In aU Time!, pobU.hlng ad ver$l,emeDt he believes is right. Throughout his official life there has 1.. .tajr." and tb,,' tl Uatarrl1. for sal' of bonds fl'. Ilall's Catarrb l;ure ta 'be only CODtnote-No. 9.. Berl Reed for never been the least suspicion of dishonor against him, and his : SIOItU"lonrenow kuo~n 'be medloal fraMrn",. C.tarrb beln• • OOD. conorete arch on 'he Columbia road, opinions have not been colored by the desire for popularity. REPRESENTATIVE .,ttnaon.1 dilell811, reqolr88 loon- near rilidenoe of Berien an I John J. MUton Earnbart Upon the bench he knows neither friend nor enemy, nor allows I"'o&lonal tr••tment. Hall'lI Va- .0« iil Deerfield to,rnship, at .he tarrh Cure la takeD In&ernally, aot· eeUma'l $186 ISO. a litigent's social or financial standing to influence his opinions. tD. 4Ireo'l.., upon the blood and N ' ~ IF ALL JUDGES OF THIS COUNTRY 'WERE OF TIlE STERN AND HON1IlDOOUI Inrfaoea of tlae sYI&8m, 0 17. walter L. Odl., for Democratic t""'" d.'ro..,IQa 'be lODDdaHoD oonore&8 estenllOl~ of ..rob headwall EST CHARACTER OF JUDGE U. S. MARTIN, THERE WOULD NEVER COM~ISS'ONER o. 'be 4 ....1141, aDd Bivins tbe OD llaeoD &lid Kinga Mills Road HAVE BEEN ~EARD ANY SUCH TtIING AS THE REC~L OF JuDGES. Brice 1;\. Worley . patieDt _'rwctb b, bullcliDl up the Dear reeldeDoe of WillIam Hendrioks ooutltOtiOD and ueld&lDI aatare tn in lleerfleld towDllblp a' the 81"ma&8 del... ,.. work. Tbe proprteaon baYe 10 maob f.ttb In Its oUl'&Uve 1160 18. . ---------------------------------.~. , . 'f '. ,. . . tllat thei oft.r One Hundred U WM deolM'ed Deoeuar.., to b.\ld . . -DOlIa... for InJ oa~ fha' It f.UI to a proteoUOD wan ali. the , . . '!:.~~.ta.ll.t of",~~T:,l~~ bridp wlthlD LeoDoa Cor~raUoD Kings .~l1ls brl,dge over the LIUle ?-'he , Bc~r4:...,..!~nt.ed the :. .'I Ntb;; all ~ '10. aD OlaolDDIU aDd lAtiiie. pt.e fa"Jllimt rtver1DDeerBeld Township I Wa1U '~WDI~P, ,,*.a.u.. ,~ Pill. for eoD' TartleorMk to~,. .ala.c " • .re. and snrvl..,M fa dfr~ied, to .• roicll..R(]ad , . ..P!...... .: _ floorlDI ~4 .~cUl""" , th~ p1aDll:~Dd ~I?~ ~1l8refor:., 'Ib s.P&eDlbei ~·~'nj)"'~"·,,·,

County Courts


WayueeviUe'. LeIullnv Dod" • 'dioe to Ke:n Bldg. MaID ~t lII!!a__!!!"'!"'~~'!!!!!!!"'!"'!!!"'!"'~!!!"'!"'~~~ · ·

Dr. J. A. McCoy,



Judge U. S. Martin





---... -..- - Candidates Independent

Veterinary . Graduate of Ohio State Unlverslfy Office at residence in F. B. Sherwood's hoU.Be. Fourth Street. Telephone 28



E. v.

BARNHART, Notary Public

All kluds ( If Nvtary WOIk PenalOD Work 8 Mpeoll&lt, .

'W~LTH·-: ·M.e4~LtJ R~, 0

Funeral DI . .:to,. Telepbone dll.., or IItRbt V"ney phone N., IAluj( Olltanoe No. CIII-'·.




obm" \





.~.~ ~,





DR. J. W. MILLER, ••• DENTIST••• Ollloe III NIIIoDaI BUlk BldJr.

WayooavUIe, 0

WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. Methodist E~ CldU'£II ~. 0. 8. OraUllr. PuIoOr. SuD4a, Scbool. 9: 11 Il. Ill. ..Iofnlol( ler vIae, 10 :80 Il. Ill. Itvenlnl lenloe, 7: 0 II m. Mldw_ Pr ,yer ""~IIIi. 7 p. ID.

St. AapRlne', Catholic Chua.' ....... Lellall Yalll

..... nuy _Dd 8tla4&, of tbe 1Il0lth a

8:00 .. a.


Mary'. EpIJcopaJ Churdl.

Rev. I. F. Cadwallader. Rector. SundllY SchQOI. ":80 • • m lIornlnl aer Vice, III :10 .. 01. Hoi, OQ,mm unIon 'he lint 8waday of eacb mon&b, '

Cbrlltlali Cburch.

=. :.

&.Y. P. B.1'IMna.... P ..... BII* ~, 8:10 .. at. IIodaI ~ <lhriItIua &!IdeaWI'. 7:00 Po . . 18:10 =r::~lD~lenlac. SUDd., ..


Hlckllte Frieada Cbur4. J'lnt DI) llBaUnlt. 0 :00 • . ID. Jl'tn' Da,

School, 11 ;10 I Ill. 10:00 ....

Pomnll Day lI.elln"

, OrtboclOl FrIeadI Chun:&. MIL RuUa M1I1ft)'. Panor

Sabba,h School. ":80 a . m. ReltlJlar cllure.. lorvloe, 10'WQ a. 111. carllUali E"vPF. 7:30, _



. i

DR.COX·S Barbed.IN




I1ISTORiC 'Sl-EPS · IN THE .SOCIETY J»f f~.END.s. I'" Introduction. Oeoqre l1'Ox. founder of the Rel\glouE , ")clet)' of Friends. wblle Q, plain man. ,old the Ion of plain people. was UOl t:.bove appreciating tbe wortb which 18 latter thall bree.IUIlI. Nor waa be un· 1" lodtul 01 tbe lood red blood wb ~ r.n ) '~I wltb a dealrllble heredity. HI. \,Lthg, Cbristopner, called b)' hl~ I "Ilrhbon "Rllrbteous Chrleter." wall a "reaver. hi' aon declaring that tbere \ . aI "a 1-' of God In blm." His I .other was Mary Lallo. of the "atock 'I tbe martyn." In the velna of tbe I (IX family coursed the blood ot the " Cree necked men." those anclellt EIl&' Li.iimen, whose necke bad never bent .0 the rule ot a lord. With thll brief ,UUltOn. the lrene&logy of the . tamily

Fred's Co-Operative Store-We give and redeem Cedar Stamps


400 SUITS AND-OVERCOATS we place on sale Friday, October, 25th, 9 sharp,


~oles ,

It II tmportaDt to consider Gear.. t'ox In lUI own Betting; tlnt.t I•• aa a l-r04llct of 18venteenth century IDqJud. and a partaker of all of the 11m!· .l\.t!onl ot the period. Great al he was. with a tar·l.eln" vision. It we try to wake him out a unlverAl &enlul. lIv· 'nlr 250 yeare ago, with the knowledle &nd Insll{bt of tbe twentleth century. we shall mlell .part of tbe eBlenUai ltislon of hlB life. and tbe real mean· I"g of hll lIIesBage. It a time of abundant It not monumental tluperlltltlon. A bellet In wltchcratt was almost unl"ial. A. t roloser. and ,001ll1Iayer. h ted for lult artlS,lea with a pret6ll Iplrtt uf cltvlnaUoD. To ullume that Gear,. "'ox wu entirely above thele IDllu· tlnc" II to aCllount for an Ullreal pel'< "QR. In tact, to at all underllland him, be needl to be taken trom the ullhu· Ulan and ether worldly pedeetal u'pon which be baa been placed by friend.

275 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS and about 125 Overcoats, rangin,~ in prioe $12.50 to $25.00,


Sale"Price, $10.00

::'01 :e:"!,:III:e~e~~db~c:n:: ;~::~::

None of these Suits or Overcoats 'will .be s~nt on approval. None charged, but if returned within 5 day:s money wiII be cheerfully refunded.

. a ' mpvlns and IIvtng force. InflueDclns

U,. thoulht and lite ot bll Ume. and " r.o Jectll!l hlmlelf Into the future. All


lilltortc cllaractel'l need to be atudled

.land tbe real Luther. untll we let do not 1IDderIn the .ame way. .'11'&7 from ' the demonl he" 1&'11'. and


.. _____________ .T H E S • fR"BD eomPlInv. I

.1111-....---------------------1111!~~ -~~-------1------------

Jliellher ...are w. letUDI near'\t enoush tae IN threw to ; Gaor&e Fox' Itud1Uhem. him. ,,__ we ex ...era... hll abnormalttle.. ot:llmplr look at him In the mldlt 01 bI.LookP. eeat&cI/.... at the matter In t!llll .

lI.b" 1____________________________••________________________________• .0-

. . . are"rore.4 to admit that Is the • aln of theoreU~ ' aDd apJIlIe4 rail· - ClOD. Oeor,e Foi: wu &8I11U8. ~.. It ma)' be n1ct with .JlWect ean· dor that It .. dOllbttal If' tie or &DY t.uaer en,. rMl17 tuulentood


,.- ,-


Eternal and M;~lleable Ranges Bake and' S,p ecial Sale

bil ' OWD


CertalD of 01 Frtendl .IDce the Um. ot Fox. - " .

lilli, comprebeDde4, 01' compl.W, apo ,lted ~ I~o 01 the whJcJa Jae . ."Iaed. I o.orae J\). bepn hI. mlnlltrJ In a da. at IOC~ 'poUUca1 aliA reUIlOlll llAl.wlmlnt. KnsIand wu feellDlI"



..~ '- ' .. ~¥


,-Iu", J~

I&r,er ' ci1,(f U.t. The reP. ,,0lIl tenneDt wu equall)' marke4. PfotMtautlam wu takln. ita own pro. ~ ea ltlel'llll, aa to divide ltaelf hllo eoutendlllS .. eta. th. divldlDg line In lOAD)' cU•• belns mo~e Im .... DIU'J',thaD ....L Nlverthelell. Hume. tbe hllto!' laD. d~l.ree that tt "as "a time wheD all men;e mlnd8 W4M'e turned to"arllll ..U.lon." and ratlier contemptvoull, 008010dll8 that tltls WI\4I the reHOD wh, cODvertll to Quakerism were 10 .all, secured . Seventef'ntb. century IlacPd '11'., ' more or leiS l'ellllou~l, 1A4' oGlelaU)' rMctlonery .

-..:- .

THURSDAY,' 'octOBfflfsftoW~DNfSDAY, NOVfM8~R 6th" INCLUSIVf 17-piece Set of high-grade Aluminum-Copper and Enameled Ware, worth $10.00-with each Eternal 'and Malleable Range purchased during the Exhibit. AU are cordially invited. BISCUIT COFFEE•

..,..,. arllelu are I'rIlIlM"'d ",,",·r lh

...-"'D of the .'rlcnd.' 11.·" .... " 1 I ' .4vanc..menl Co rnm ill "" . II)' Il ell' • rUburIS"cret Mr)' . 140 NOllh Hl'" ,r, n , h

. t. ~ .



Ph lade lr,',III .

Double CecI..-' Stamps in all departments all day 'Friday and Saturday until 11:30 a. m., and Monday from 6:00 p. m. to 10 p. m.

f' ~ .

110' heaclacJae II caUMd b". dla urdeNd IknDaoh. Take Chamber hli. '. TabJete and 00I'I'80t that and

·:b. headaob. wtIl 4l_ppear. For ..l.,b" all_len. -=::-


Double Cedar Stamps on all Stoves and Ranges during the Bake.

.-1.. clla.....r ot .,.ta. It doubl, that few It aD,. or the memben the Soel., the t ...



ne followt., repor'

Single stamps only on the 400 Suits and Overcoats, $10.00.

18 oompllecl

t.OII I"una noeltH from the


t')CIlqIal CIOn..,aaden" ef the Ue

pal ....':


~11Iti..Mcl ........l'T. .Mcl 1••,1.........



a.a.-Total ..umaMcl prodaot f.r

11." ","••

, i-


balbelL . " Bul.~-J'~l1 and 'priaa-Tota1 '8Iftllatect prodaot for '1.', I,Of7,66g

Fred's Co-Operative Store--We give and redeem Cedar Stamps.


Wh•• yon Ilave a bad oold yo. N() ()CCASION !'()R ALARM. "an' 'he beet mediolne obataable 1t,I., 1,(II,tt8' ~1a.l8. .... 1:1..._ t.Y ti '::._1 Co 110 . . '0 cure 1& "I&h allltUle delay 4'Yercy 1'" ejaCUlated the womlln Undertaker and Embalmer, Aut &"lU"wtn f.,. 01Ull . DJ[I'eII8 ... P«*1ble. Sere t8 a '.runtet'8 THE CIt.AT.IT '0!»tD....;~, a,..,.rect "Uh will convene November 7th, New eptnton: '\1 baTe 80ld Chamber- who- had just come aboard the train, .ortUl ,»ld. II , . oen'! and tou'r days. laln'. ueul~ &eml!dy for fifteea "therEYs something mowing around Will be tound tn the old Bank Botlding, opposUe Pota,,*-P,tobable to_I 1 1el4 byGOvemor -y...... ".,iBDOIr..oll.r of Sara&OI&, under my feet I" IN THE WOItLD the Na.tional Bank. OOmpal'tCl· wlt~ l ..t ,_r•• " per in lil0 or 1911..,. elfajble I"., .. and ~1l81der " 'b. beet oa l'UIUSBI!D WEl!lLY. $4.00 P!l1!&a ' "It's the southern extension O'f Telephone in house and ot· oa.. to alt and vote In this CoqreB8. :W;:. market. , I'or ..Ie b~ all deal. my dlllcbshund, ma'am," spoke Ule "OTIL.., DltucciiiTi. .P.OIAL..,.., fice where 1 can be called OO.TUM.ItI, TItA ... FIIi. OA. TobMoo.-Pr~peo' oomp.r" witb Th. tIovemor Will .ppoint ·and com• - • p8sseIlg~ in the scnt behind her. day or night. A.. D 'BU' IIIIVIO. OAN . PROlfe? "I got him in here when the conValley Phone 1..2. · a. ~.,.~.. ,l.ld. " pel million thOll8 deal,. to av UIIMQ .,.. ADV.IITI.... O>OO..U....· . .'1Ir......~Dc1'ttOD oompued.ttIDd If they are interested in 1&'dnctor wasn't looking. He's under Main Street, Waynesville, Ohio SAMPLE COpy FREE \ · Wl~ ail .......... IIYl per oeDt. rIcultunl problema. Mr. Austin . tbesI two seats; ~ .. IW YOIIK OLII'.!1t New Yiktc... v. , ; . .A.pp~~~~t ..,.pued wltb Suricle, State Vice Preaid8llt.· adI wlll der Publlo Sale at in~ , . ~' ~r. ~ PI" ~~.. . vi-. that a rate of $21,~ Can be bad reeldeDCM!, mU.. 8Oath... ot ~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, , : .": . ~.. I"~W;' a ~~"" pro4aotioa. fl'OlD CiDclnDati. On account of the Oonrin, Oil ~be WellmaD Bed, OD ,.Th., ........ prollootJ•• per ~ II d_tilofthePrellident,·)(r. Whitaker', TutIIdIy, 'October 29, 19l1 · ... .. u aplaat ~I Hon. aau. A. Sanford ofO~h). Fi~ at U o'~ook. prompt, :.,·)JI~'" ' .'l'be qaaUt, VIee Preeident bu eucceeded to-the ". rOUII)W1!~. Olla".111 GROC~RY lIuaheli.


eeUmaW protuo' f.r





Public Sale


/~'",:" ..:,>'~




.......... --






~e N~ti~~ body:'cJf.1;~~i-~~~1~:~~!~~

m~ ProtrrUD 18 beiae ~Npared. . Ohio '. Will





itladl'--: . ,

~AU i!~~~i~~tt.1


********1c************** AT HAWKE'S



,'.. -. ;.",(,,, .',

'. ","~4':' .< ' "

:.~d 9uY~Y01,: ti~r8" > ~.


";~ _.


't~' '.f,~


7J'... '"~ JtV~






M.... Hodgdon .t 76 SaYI She Could Not LI\le Without Sound of Loom ••

~G:1Jrn<lD!W)o..01T£~l1:mm ,


c.oP'l'lltGW T, 1909 , 0 .,._ ~, w. PILLINC;HNi COt'l\l\l'fy,

Oil you l llll.l c r ~ tlllld wb r,t th e l e ~ ' ter Ulf'U n S to Ill e ? " " lI a \ ' 0 pi t y : ,. c rl l'll th e iJan lt cr's w if,', Iti rHos t L{,t< lde t,,' r ~e lr . " Yuu cu n t, 'l1 th e m wll II l'tIl ou t ur th (' 011 11 try. Do n' t n ~ k Ill !' 10 IU14k o tbl s s ac· rlft ee now - doll ' t a~ k 1l1 ,,-<.l 01l 't: '· An nlo was L('glulJl ng to loso pn· I k ll er, Th e wOtll ll n' s ul' lfl ~ hll (,SS an · bP r,' d he r. \\"Ith Irrltath ,n, s il o sn it! : " lou' ve IOBt your ne n e, nlld )'ou don', 1(lloW wha t you'ro aaylng. How· a rd 'R li fo comes befol'U YOU-D1e-or :Ill ) l)Ody. Yo u know thllt!" " Y('s-ye8," ('ri ed Alicia dcs pc rnte· Iy, " 1 I, now tlUlt. I'In only ask ing you LO "'lLlt. I- I ough L to have I 'Ct I his llIorn lng- th lll's what I should lIave donp-gone a t Ollee, Now It's too late, unl ess you help me--" " I'll help you all 1 can," replied the other dogg:ldl y , "but I've promised Judge Brew s te r to cl ear up this mat, te r to-night." Suddenly th e r e was a commotion at the door. Capt. Clinton ente red, fol' lowed by Detective Se rgeant Maloney, Alicia shrank back In alarm . "I thought Judge Brewster was he re," said' th e ca ptain. glancing sus' plclously round the room, ''I'll send for him," said Annie. touching a bell. "Well. where's your myste rious wltness'" demanded th e captain sarcastlcaUy, He looked curiously at Altcla, "Tbls Is Mrs, Howard J effries. Sr.," said Annie, "my husband's stepmother." The captain made a deferential salute, Bully as he wal, be knew bow


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n llHrl ps t ile. ,)lluJ.:III I· r " r n ,.;n lnbl {, f ",' li n tllt.' d in prl ~tJ lI . IIl1d , .. d ' twwfI " '" b y hi s (n t h (' r . ll c 1:-- tIllt II f \ \"l r k Hlill \11 d CS Jl(.'rn t o ,,'ralts. t' n dln\' p ,h l , " , tall I1n/l O IH"'" i U: CI1 f'nJ.:ng{"d t •• f l , \\\ .lrd':4, ~ l " P ­ '" oUlf' r. A lII- III , 1:- app:tr"n1ly \n l l r .. :a I ,er· ~ J p A lIlIl1 .


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h ll" t nthnH l' \' \\ II h .r\ I k llt, . he ,." ,'lInl '''!oI Il f]orl o f tJl)ria I ll1J: I I\V U mU ll . I l !!olt',H "rln g ~ I" tru e (' l lhrltt" ,· r • . \ 1 ('I u t1 l'nl f' s h im t h tlO


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as (, Ol1 l m I Kslfl fll ·r. d. -lIIa l l l l :In Ilrc,llIntlng.

li t.· ( 'il I1II u l I lla kl' &: 411\11. Il pw .l rd ("n ils a l hi .. hpnr lll l"I1 ( S I n lin I n 1o"," Itlt·/t l' t-lIFI! (I (> n to n 'q Ui'rt( n Inan $: ,000 t o (" na ble him to f nlt{, up 1\ b \l fi l l1('~ :-t pro Jlo~ ltl o n . H owa rd dri n k" hlm !H' lt Int o n 111l\uitlln <'Ont.lHlo n, nnd g Ot' !' t o sl f'c'p on It. c1lv n n . A ctd l ~ r Is onn o u n ~~d alld U!u1 r w uod


draw s tl J't r r f'c n u r o un 1 th e drunkC'n " l (' ~ r £" r . A Ue-In C' n tt-nJ. Sho d nmn nda n fl romJ AC' fro m Undc rwoC\d th n t 1'0 ,,--ttl not f A ko his II rp . " e r .. r U 8 ~8 u nl oR ~ .he w ill renew hp r pntronol;e. This Rho r e fU Bf"ft. f\ nd tnk es h" r I"AVO . Und erwood kill. hhn ~ .. lt. Th e r.port of th e "I.tol awaIt ens lIo"·(lrd . 11 .. fin d. Und erwood dead,

Jiowurd Is turned over to the pollco, <""pI. Clinton, notorlou. for his brlltal tren l mont of prisoners, put" Howa rd through th e third d~~ roc, and "nBll y gets an allpgocl con fession trom th e harn ... ed man . Annl, Howard'8 wire, declnre. hpr belld In hl'r hU Bbnnd'. Innocence, ond (,8 11. on Jell'rte8, Sr. He reruses to h"lp ""l".... she will eonllll'nt to a dl,'orc8, To . avo lioft'ard Bh e c o n se nts, but when s he tlnds thnt tho elder J ell'rl"" dou not Intend to IItnnd by his lio n, except fln a n"111, Bhe IIcorn. hla hel('l. Annie app ·ola Judge Brewster, attorney tor J cll'rl ea, roo to tak e Howard's cn8C. He decline ... t la reported thnt Annie 18 gOIng on th e .. tage, The banker and his w te cnll on Judge Brewster to nnd 8pmo way to pre"cnt It, Annie nKaln plead" with Brew.ter to detend Howard, lie conoente, Alicia t. A"'ently t,larmed whpn s he lcnrne from hjlnle thnt Brew.ter has tllIcen the Cll80. Sho cont"8808 to Annie tbM 8ho called on Underwood the night or hiB death nnd that she has Itls lotter In which ho thrOlltcnnd suicide, uu t lJ~gtI for tlmo berore giving out the Inrorlllatlon, Annlo proOll8es Browster to produco the min ing woman nt a meollng ot his borne, Brewster accuses Cli nton of forcing n co nfession rrom HOlYard, An1110 Rppoartl without tho witness nnd retuses to give the na me, Alicia arrl,'c8,


pf'ara n("l, d lt! t , MIIlottey, ~'lIY b C g ~ tr l yuur pardou for d ~)\l blln g you r word, tb e re 's no s ucb DN' nIlS l!, IJt~ r 5 0n . "

" lI t'!;glng your pa rdoll for dis puting your word, captaIn," sb o r e torted. IIl lml ckiug bim. " tb c re Is (Hlc b a pe r· SOil . "Th e n wber I s ~be?" he de ma nded a ngril y, Anu lo mud no nnsw e r. but looked for ad vico to Judge Ure wstt' I', who at tba t In stu llt e nte red tho roow. Tbe ('aptalu glared nl lIer viciously. snd unuble to longer contaI n his wra tb , be bellow ed : ''I'll te ll )'ou where s he Is ! She's ri ght he r e in tbls room! " Pointing hl~ fin ger at Anni e In tb eatrlcal rash, lon, he we nt on furi ously: "An nie J eff, rl es, you're tha wowan who vIsited Underwood the nl,;ht of death! 1 don't hesItate to say so, I've said so nil along, have n't 1. Malone y?" " Yes. you told the newspapers so," retorted Annie dryly, TakIng no notice of he r remark. the ca ptain blustered : ''['ve got your record, young woman! 1 know all about you and your folks, You knew the two men when they were at college, You knl)w Underwood berore you made the acQuaintance of young J e lrrles, It waa Underwood who Introduce d you to ypur husband, It was Underwood who aroused your husband's jealousy. You went to hIs rooms that night. Your husband follow ed you the re. and the shooting took place !" Turning tb Judge Brewster, he added. with a sarcastlc grin: "FaIB«r' confession, elir Hypnotism, eh? I guess It's Intern ....

CHAPTER XVIII,-Continuecl, ' "It does >ltun one. do esn' t It ?" we nt Annie, "You can 't think wh en It (:omes all of a Budden like thI s. It's just the way I felt th e morning they showed me Howard's con fess ion." "Prison! PrIson!" wall ed Alicia, Annie tried to console her, "Not for long ...• s he said so othln ~ly; "YOU can g et ball . It's only a matter or favor-Judge Drewst e r would get )'ou out right away," "Oet me out !" cried Alicia distra ct· 4)dly, "My God! I can't go to prison! I can't! That's too mUCh . I've done Dothlng! Look- r ead this!" Handing (Jver Under wood's letter. s he we nt on: "You can see for yourself. The wretch frightened me into such a state ot mind ,that I hardly knc\v what I was dolng-I went to his rooms to save 111m, That's the truth, I s wear to Ood! Dut do yOU suppose anybody will believe me on oath? They'lIthey'U-" ' Almost hysterical. she no longer knew whr.t nhe was saying or doing, Sho collapsoo utterly. and sinking down In a chaIr, gave way to a pas, .. Ion ate fit · ot sobbing, AnnIe tried to q '~let ber : "Hush!" she saId gently, "don·t go OJ" like that, Be brave, ' Perhaps It ~on't be as bad as you think," She unfolded the letter AlicIa had given b er and carefully read it through, When sbe had finished her taco Itt up with JOY. Enthusiastically she cried: "This Is great tor Howard! What 8 blessing you dldn't destroy It! What a wretch, what a hound to write you ~Ik e that! Poor soul, of course. you went and begged him not to do It! I'd have gone myself, but I thInk I'd bflve broken an umbrella over his head (Jr something- Gee! these kInd of fel' tows bleed trouble. don't they? Alive (Jr dead, th&y breed trouble! What can we do?" Alicia rose, H e r tears had dlaap' Jeared, There was a look of fix ed re, s olve in her eyes, " Howard mu s t be cl eared," she saId. ":l nd I mus t face It-alone!" " You'li be a lone all rIght," said Annie thoughtfully. "M r, ,Tetfl'les w!1l do a~ munh for you a s lie dId for bls (In

Bon ."

Nol\( In g lbat lIe r compa nIon Ree med hurt b r be r franknps s. sh e changed tb e tOI '1c. .. Honest to God!" sbe exclaImed good·natu redly. "I'm broke n·h eart edJ'Il do anything to save you Trom thIs - thIs public disgrace, I know what It ID l'ans-l've had my dose of it, But thIs thing has got to come out, hasn't tt?" The banker'S wife wearily nodded assent. "Yes, I realize tbat." she slI!d, "but tbe disgrace of arrest-I can't atand ft, Annie! I can't go to prison even It Ws only Cor a minute." Holding out • trembling hand. she went on: "Give me back the letter, I'n leave New Yurk to-night-I'll go to Europe-I'll .end i.t to. Judge Brewster from Paris," LookIng anslGusly Into ber complUl' · lGn'. (ace, sbe pleaded: "You'll trust me that, won't you? Give It to ~e, 'p leue-you can trust me." I' ' ,Ref hand was atlll extended, ,. ~1I~!c. J«n!ll'ed It. , ' "


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II "Howard's Life Co mea Before Vou.·-Me-Gr, Anybody," to be courteous when It suited his t10niU and constitutional law tor 'yours purpose, He bad heard enougb of the after tbls." wealthy banke r's aristocratic wife to " You don't sny so?" exclaimed An, treat her with respect, nhl" Irritated at the man's intolerable "Beg pardon, m'm; I wanted to tell " ... olence, the judge I was going." Judge Drews ter held up a restrain~ng hand . The flervant entered. " Please say nothIng." he salt! with "Tell Judge Brewster , tbat Capl dignity, Clinton Is going." said Annie, "No, I guess I'll let hIm talk, Go Alicia. meantime. was once more on the verge of collapse. The IGng on. captaIn," she said wltb a smile. threatened expose was now at hand, as It tb oroughly enjoying the sItuaIn another moment, the judge BgeX per- tion. haps her husband would come lu, and Alicia came forward, her face pale, Annie would hand them the letter but on It a look ot determination, as which excuJpated her husband, There It she had quite made up ber mind as was a moment or terrible suspense, to what course to pursue, In her Annie stood IIloof, her ey E'S fixed on hand . was Underwood's letter, Adl lle floor. Suddenly. without utterIng dressing Annie. ' she .aId, with emoa word, she drew UnderwMod's letter tion: from her bosom, and quIck,y approach"The truth must come out sooner or ing Alicia, placed It unnoticed In her later," hand, The banker's wife flushed and Seeing what she was about to , ~o, then turned pale. She understood, Annie quickly put out her hand to Annie would spare her, He r lips stop her, She expected tire banker'i parted to protest, Even she was taken wlte to do her duty. she had Inslated back by such an exhlblUOD ot unsolt· that ahe must. but· now she was ree.4y IBh~ess as this, She begau to lltam- to do It. sbe realized wbat it was COlt· m ~ r tbanks, 1ng her, Her position, her future ball"No, noJ' whispered AnnIe ,u1ckl~. plness were at atake. It was too "don·t thank me; keep it." a sacrUlce, Perhaps. there walt Capt, Clinton turned round with a other w&)" jeer. Insolently, be said to. Annie: "No, no. not yet," sbe wblspere4_ t "You might as well own up-you've But Alicia brushed ber aside p!sye"d a trick on us all," thrusting the letter In~ the "No, Capt. Cllnton." ahe ' repllet! tbe aatonl.hed poUee captain, with quiet' dignity; "I told' you the said: simple truth, Naturally you don·t t . Ueve It," " The almple truth mar do fGr BrewBter;'" ",innned : the .-p· D~II~IIIIUI• .I "but It·, w.on't 40 tor me" I!$ct~~ ~ thls m 'y' iltel'fo'uiI:' ,,,UDallB. n~:m.:~~~'~~:::~ >WU ~golill ,~I~~~o;Dj~~"'~I;,~jjlltal~4Jlrii;:' ~14·, l'tcj.';t.W 'llO~tt~,

"'Dcnr :>Ir g. J E' lTrles." He stopped, and ghtllclll g a t th e s lgnnlu r t:', ex· clu lm ed, " nobe rl Unperwood!" Looll, I ng s lglliflcRntly a t Ann Ie. ho e!Cclalm, ed : ,. 'Dt'al' Mrs. J e l'trl e~! ' Is that con· c lu $l ve e nou g h ? ','hat dId 1 tllll YOII?" Cont In uin g to ).(! ruBo th e lette r. be read on : "Shall be found dea d toHe s topped morrow - suicI de -'" s hort a nd Crown ed. "What's this' Wby, this Is a ba refaced for ge ry '" ,Judge Bre wster qui ckly s natched tbll le tte r fro m his hand and, gl'D cl ns OV,)r It QUlckl)', said : "Per rult me. This ll e long ~ to my clie nt." Capt. Clinton's prog nll thous jaw Bnlillped to wIth a c lick. and be squared his massive shoulders, as he us ually did when pre paring for hOB· tllltles: " Now, \\Irs, JeffrIes." he saId sharply, "I'll trouble YOll to go wIth me to he:Bdquarters," Annie and Alicia both stood up, Judge Brewste r quickly objecte d. "Mrs, Jelrrles will not go with you," he said Quietly, "She has made no at. tempt to leave the state." "She's wanted at pollee headQu&l" ter's," said the captain doggedly. "She'll be there to-morrow morn, IO@t.'1

"She'll be there to-nlgbt." H e looked sleadlly at the judge. lnt! tho latter calmly return ed his atare, There followed nn awkward pause, anlll then the captain turned on hll helel to depart. "The moment .... he atte mpts to leafe th() house," he growled, "I shall arrest her , Good ·nlght. judge," "Good,nlght, captnln!" cried Anule m(Jl()klngly, "I'll see you later," he muttered, "Come on, Maloney," The door banged to, Tliey were alone, "What a sweet dis position !" laugh, ed Annie, Judge Brewster looked sternly at heir, Holding up the letter. be said: " What IB the meani ng of this? You arE) not the woman to wbom this leL, tel' Is addressed ?" , "No," s tammered Annie, "that I&-" 'rhe judge Interrupted her, Sternl, he asked : "Is It your Inte ntion tn go on the witness s tllnd and commit perjury?" "I don't know , I ne ver tbougbt of that," Bhe talt\!red. ~rhe judge turned to Alicia, "A re you going to allow her to do so. M rtl, J e lfrles ?" . "No, no." cried Alicia, QuIckly; "1 never thought of such 11 thing," "Then I r e peat-Is It your Intention ' to perjure youraelf?'" AnnIe was sl, lent, and ' he went on : "I BSfllmle It Is. but le t me ask you : Do Y')U ex, pet,t me, as your counsel. to become particeps criminis to this Ussue of lies? Am I eXpected to build up a talse structure Cor you to swear toT Am l?" "I don't know; I have n't thougbt \.1 it," replied Annie, "If It t:an be done, why not! I'm glsd you suggested It," "I suggest It?" exclaimed th. law, yer. scandallzed, . "Yes." cried Annie with l1owl04 elUlltatlon; "It never occurred to ml mi, you spoke, Eyerybody SRYl! I'm thE' w(Jman who called on Robert Un. del"Wood that night. Well, tbat'li all right. J.Alt them continue to think so, What- difference does It make so loil. as Howard Is set free GoIng t~ ward the door, she said: . "Good,nlght, Mrs, Jeftrles!" '1rhe judge tried to bar !1-er wa!r, "Don't go," he said ; "Capt, Clln, ton's men are waiting outside." "That doeBn't matterl" she cried, "But you mutt not go!" exclaimed thE' lawyer In a lone of command, "J won't allow It. Tbey'll arrest you! Mrs, Jeffrlell. 10u'lI please remall here," But Annie ",as already at the dool', "I wouldn't keep Cnpt. ClInto!! waIting for the world," sbe orled, "Otlod,nlght, Judge Brewster. nnll God bless you!" The door slammed, and ' sh. wal gone, (TO BE CONTINUED,)

You are remarkably fortunate If you are without SLme skIn trouble, It maT, bo only pImples or blackheads. or chapped ha nds, 01' the accidental sore. cut. Ilcald , burn or boll. or the carbun cle or t elon, or p erhaps tbe more serIous dlaeases of eczema. hllrpeB , eryth e ma. seborrhoea, or psoriasiS. or Inflamed piles, or Bome common Irrltll.' Uon of the skin, There Is oDe stand. ard sove reign re medy wltbln YO UI' r eady reach, and whlcb you cnn pur· chase at any druggist's, It Is Ueslool Ointment. PUt up In screw-top opal contaIners. Bclling at flfty cents and a dona r. according to size, It la ever r eady tor U8e, and as easy to apply as cold cream or vaseline, Thousa nds ot physicians enthusiastically prescrIbe Reslnol Ointment. and hundreds of thousands of tamllles depend upon It, and afe neve r without It, Reslnol Soap Is a chemically pure toilet Boap the blghest grade, It contaIns In a modified form the Bame medIcat ion as Reslnol Olntme.n t, and Is r ecognized aa' a preventive for msny skin troubles, Including blackheads. ChllP' pcd hllnds and pimples, There Ie nothIng belter tor the cleansing of tbo acalp abd shampooing, It prevents the falling out of the balr, It is the Iafa~t'B soap, par excellence, keeping the skin sweet and healthy and prennUng many of tbe troubles whIch so often attack the dollcate akin of tha child, You wUl flnll tbe ReBlnol OintMra. Amell .. a Hodgdon. ment and Soap at all druggist., Res lnol Chemical Co,. Baltimore, Mel. aands wbo bM'e worked In the York mills sInce 1868. and has even seen HADN'T SEEN IT 81NCIi. tbe origInal owners ot the Kreat oon~rn paa. Into. their graves, ehe Is stili III capable a worker as the averaile young French girl of nineteen, and bel' 1I.naers 11'111 comb out a "plck(Jut" or mend a thread or throw in a new shuttle with all the deftness and preeJlIlGn (Jf the loom Illell, Mra, Hod.don has seen the coMon bUlllnea. chanae from a struggllnc Ilttie .Industry, hampered by poor machInel1 ant! even by a dearth Gt cot, ton caused by the CIvil war, to perbaplI the gTeateet activity of New England, and one of ' tbe l1'eatelt In the UnIted States. Wtlen abe .began ber work the cotton loom w.. IltUe different from the hand loom wb1eh had been In use elnce antiquity, At that time there were many band looms stili In use, Mrs. Hodgdon lIays she -doell DOt remember whether sho" ever Ulled a blUld 100m. but says she .lmew weaver8 In Canada- who were then utlng them, ought to. !leG tbat mIlA In evening clothes, He-I'd like to; he borrowed W School Teacher to. Recel\le ' Heirloom eSrell suit three montbs ago. In Form , of Old,F•• hloned Article of Furniture. SPOHN'S DISTEMPER CURl!! will._ ure un.l'_J>ouible cll.tle eli DISTWPER, South Paris, Me,-Belng next III 'cPINK EYE. Ilnd the like IlmoUR bor_ line ot tamlly descendants, Frank 01 all agol. and prel'cnts all ot ber. in the Farrar, a native of thla place, now a Ame .table from luwing the diaeue, AIIO school teacher In Dallas. Tex" Is to ~ures chicke.n cholcro.. and doa dJ.temper. Any good drugIPst can 8UpP\Y you, or Hod receive a valuable heirloom In 'the to mfnI, ro c~nts and '1.00 11 bottle, AIIC!Dti form of a cnest 41r drawera. an old· wonted, Free book. Spohn Medical Co .. fBBbloned, seldom-Been artlole of fur-' Spec, Cootallious Diacuel, Oosben, Iod, nlture, Tbe old relic, hand,made 160 The years old. 111 Beven teet blgb and has "Congratulations," eight large drawers and three small "For what?" onea, Four ,boards which make the "I hear one of your exhlblls ' took. Sides are each 86 Incliea long by 17 Incbes wide and ~ of an Inoh thick of prize at the dog and poultry sbow," "Well, keep slm about It, I eaBolld mahogany, Tbere are 38 feet orthl. rare wood used In the' Onillhed tered II skye teITler and he took !Irs' prize as a Mongolian hen!" '



Ihw, Wln.lo... •• I!Iootblnlr S1rnp ;op CblldNia 1~lblnlr , 80rtl na Ihe !!'Uta., reduc~s u~~, au.,.l1a1D ',~ U"'. "~4 , ol~,:. ~ .. boUle.

Hopele•• , "Wby don't you !let in line' tor M4p Hattie'. favor1 " "Humph! That line's bUBY,"


Ita a.~~1 ·I f,. , ~" Buy .... Genui... :.: Chel!t I. 160 V..... Old. fGrm. all (Jf which is % of an Incb thlok, The chest was bullt, for ,Davld Bemlll, wlfose Bon brought the case to Paris with him In 1796, •

Oklahom. IndIan •• Muskogee, Okla,-There are many IndIana In the ,West prominent In pub, IIc Ute, Charles ,D, Carter of the Fourth' conl1'ellsional dIstrict ot Okla. He Was homa; Is . a Chlolmsa.w IndIan, with manche Ring. the afltrese, alwuya lIome Cherokee blOOd. I carter wal PrE,aehlng cautlon-whetber ahe prac- born an4 btollKht up amoDII _In' tices It or not Is. as Kipling aaye, an' dlfUlB, Jraa -eduqated ,In a~ _, Indian ,other story, "If everyone wae only aehool aDd bu be01t "Ioo",ted with cautious as a man I onOe knew," Indlana ' all htl IltG., . Beni.tor," Owen of II&I,d the other nIght, "nobOdy , ..,. .. Qua(ter breed;: W, A.' evtll' 10 broke, He .pe~e'r> .01- ' t.~e money-order window of office and asked permUllilon fGr ,100 to. the the man wltb



The Serpent-Wbat's Ad,a m 110 grouchy about today' . The Ape--Ob. he lIaya tbat tbe arrival of woman means that. all bll plaps for unlversat peace h!lye been knocked In thp !lead for gQoQ,-Puck.



Cured by an External Treatment

Saeo. MIl. -Sllve one, tbe only Ame rican In a va st room among tbou8/1nd e of tbo Be who s peak no word of E ngll sb and whe re tbe s tridor 01 ma' cblne ry dins be r enrs from daylig ht to dark, Mrs, Me llss n Hodgdon , at se\' nly-Hve, th o oldest weuvel' ot cloth III Amlll'lca, bus just co mple ted h r IIfty-lIlth year or work In tllll cotton lUll I of tll o York Manufacturing cowpany he re . Allbougb MJ·B. Hodgtlon hn s outIh " lI nil but one or the many thou,





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!~,~::O:.~:::N:..:~~:O~~ I DOMESTIC VACUUM CLEANER MODUS' =--'- __ _-" _- --- =-



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The Neighborhood News

WayueevlUe. Ohio ,




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A(L., ' '''Ill he I nR(An.('('1 u ntle r t.hl H heat\ for l\" l "utv - !ln° CClll 'i for t.brcc ill Ncrl lIJu, . h e n u:-1 ing no t more llH\U 11 ,·(, IIn CK. ........ w .....


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pnst. aD wit·h horse Bud boggy MANtoseli lltock Condition Powder

In Wflfren County . t:in lary '70 per mon th . AoldrosA II Ind uRtrial Bldg ., [nd ianapolitl , I"dianll . 0 ao


hire a mau to dO l Ganem l Fl1n. work Will i ivil \Jim work all wi n ter and hire him fo r next sornmln if he ~oits .loha W ,J obe, Spr in g Vlilley , OhiO, R .

1' '



B~. D. I .








Think it over And buy the best, And I will come And do the rest.



.- .

r- •

---..... ---




.h.. :eitJee




:- 1

Tinners & Slaters

\. iI l

Sherwood Block , Valley ' Phone 113

Waynesville;Ohio If you have any surplus stock for sale, use our Classified Column. It will sell them for you.

IUTHER'IIID'1 EABLE EYE IlLYl LIllI Good for Nothln~ but the ....



- ---

COpeland, of Da,'~O .' Oh~ o. 'l1il'ObUf'!11l bottl" nf Uhllmllerlal" for bitl who had "







, ,



---.- ---

The work is good The material is best The proof is yoUrs By the test. The fire is great The heat intense With little fuel And less expense.



These furnaces are right] The price is low, Gi ve me a chance I will prove it so.




Satisfaction Guaranteed

Vallry T el ephone 4S- 2r

Osborn aUencl9d the" Flne .og 1I'\le, Mr. Ed. Martlndl11e is gradulllly t D to F Ida ..'II Go" ay n. I' y ' , 1P'0wina weaker all the time. FOR SALE .. rd of UIaDb....... . ... .. , ... ..... JIic Llnooln Ilendriqkll, Publlo liJale af Ill', Frank Multhup 18 putting in !l-aIlCioU .... .... . . .. . ........ ·, .. • DOe rurnlture Will! well patronized '3&t .n . opeu stairway u ra--llome on oc-- LI etc. wh_ cha, oJ. mado . . . •• • • 31ic .., The Monr!-If I had your figure J :8piay AdnrUIlDrPl . loch .. : .... ... . lOe urday . Ea.t Franklio ~t WO ext ra gOOQ, fresh .Jersey I'd go to tbl~ theater every rught.. D&.cowIla lI'feD )II coDtrae~ Rowdyism Is beiD'" Co ws. Ioqlltrer of 1.1enry Crew .. pr.otloed to MlslI MolUe Kemp Is ""I~ltlng her The Giraffe-Why so ? 1i!!1 R OXIIDU. IInu New Burling ton muoh here on .lturday nights and mother here tor" few days. The Monk-You have tho advan- pike. n 6 oarOBER U, 1112. should be brought to a 60i8h. Mr. Aod Mrs. Joe Daugherty are tage of being able to sit in tho orN E bedstea4, one waRhstand, one -Rev. Fringer &ddressad a very ~n$ertaiuinK his !Dosher 'lnd f.'her chestra and see from the bal cony sideboMd, some dishes, saddle appreoiAslva audlence A' th. M . .II: at the same time. LIFE WOItTH LIVING from Keosuoky far" fe w da111. "nil a few (lthe. Ilrtioles. J . L . church••aDday afCe~DooD. Mr. ADd lin. John Barn8l1 eD · - -- ____•_ __ Meaden b&lI will se ll for m •. Roml W, Saylor 'rauaaoted terlained 'he folloWlng.llUlt~und&y : If you h lLve yOllllg olli luren y ou Rion Hoel. n 13 LlYel Live I Live I "nd be glad tba' bUlln.1 10 Dayton, Wedneeday. tbe Ik, i. blue; lb. ADd Mre. Crate .&rnlslI,.f near have perhaps noticeu th ut d isorder s Black mare, 4 yrtl . old, broke to Tbe MI.lee T4Mlhao'er, of 1[1ng Jameatowo, Mr. aoli Mrs. Lou Bol· of tbe 8tomach lire their most Br..'he your sbar. work double 01' single, sound i th of Dear New JapeI' oommon ailment. '1'0 correct thi .. Olan. oaUed on friends here SUDd&y I Of Ule .weel. ,are all' ogewor , , you will find Chliwbar!biu 's StoDlaoh ~ nd withou ' a blemish, raised by A nlgM. nat Qod ball provldecl for you, IIr. and Mra. John I$mith. of XeolB, \Lod Liver Ta blets excellent . They L . Snook, !:lo. Lebanon, Ollio. Gin I CJi.,.el4lUve I of whatever you aad Mr. And lire James Diowiddil are easy Bud · plel1f1l1nt. to take, nnd lOfllllre ut Geo Cooper's rellideD08. A Log On The Track . a 3 aDd family, Itf Wayoeavl11e. mild and gell'tle iu effect. For Bale do. Le"aaoo, Ohio. ba v. alld hold by all dealers. of the faas expreae weans serious .A. word II worth while. Mr. and III'S. Clarenoe Nutt 80WS aod 5 aioe pigll, S woeks --~-tronble ab••d If oot removed, .0 ADd ev••••mn. old, nll In good. healtby condi. :10681088 of appetite. I& meaos laok vilited Walter Weller aud Wife, last la 100d for IU wel,M in gol\!, tio.. Inquire at this offioe. n 6 (If vltalhy, 1088 of IItreDg&h and Munday. - -+-- GIRLS AS GOLF CANDIDATES. WOIII-Wet-k I W'nB I and be Kla,\ nerve weakn~ . If ap~'lte I ..ila. The Mlsges Bertha Purdom and take Electrlo BI&&ers qul.kly to Sarah Rohrbaagh baYe gODe tEl AIR of wo v.en stIk Portierrls. 8 there Ia wo~k to do, Not only the ,German golfer is belVeroome sbe oa U88 '" toninl up Wilmington, to "I,it friends . ft . long, lind HI walnut rlngR. ginning to ]~ecogni za t hat girl cadDo 10ur be" tbe stomaoh and ourlng the ludlgel. incl ud od, for , 5 uO. cush Apply at dies hove ·mnny advantages over the And leave 'he retlt ~Ion. lIiohael Beashelmllr of Ll0· r.he Fri enlls Homo, Waynesvi lle, boy coddie, but golfers in E ngland, Ohi o To God,' who bellevee .10 you. ooln. r-Ieb., had bei.n slok over tbree Saved By His Wife 0 30 LoYal Loye I Love! aod be rioher vearll. but lIix bottlee of Electrio She's a wise wom"D who knows }'rance and other Europeau counBitters put him rigbt OD hi. feet jU8t whu.t & ~ , do when her bus band 's tries are a lso em ploying them with ACIUt~ of IllDd, ClOS8 to town. far, for the giv\og. 'Ialn. They bave belped thousand8. hfe Is iD danger, but Mrl!. R. J great success. And this is perhaps wltb tobllcoO Rhed on p140e . Urow er;ch dllY ruey give pure blood, strong nerv8l!, rHot, BralDtree, Vt., '.of that kind . Inquire of Frank Mill er, Waynes. In .ame IoocI way, (ood dlgea$loo. Ooly fiO cents at'aU "ehe 10ilisted 00 my ulling Dr as it should be. The empl oy ment of " ille , Uhio . 0 SO boys at a time of l ife when they .ADd ·Uf. be wortb t~e living. irllKlllts Klog's New Disoovery," writes Mr. ... -II, Van Campen 10 Nautilus Ma~ F . "for a dreadful oough. when I shoul d be leoming some usef ul t ruele OOD hesh dry Y()!lst. MrR. w.s so weak my friends all thought consl'itutes a SOlll'('e of real danger New Burlln~on R umill e, oorner North do 4th ste Utn•. ~021 .l had only a short time Jive. and to tho youth of thi s or nny other It oompltltely oured me." A qui ok country. 'fho g irls arc also said to Fortunes In Faces 'rhe chlldrln of E . II. Pa$terson oure tor coughs and ooIds. he the WEET tlnd lri ~ h Potlitoes and TIler.'. olten muoh trulh In the &rtl ·leooverlBg from a alele of mOlt Mfa aod rehlible medicine for bo more intelligent and generall y Kelft' " PelHs for Stl1A. Charley I&JlDI ·'ber faoe is her f. ,r\une, It ohio ken pox. any thrbat and lung troubles-grip. quicker and in mnny othel' ways I~rye, WnVtl er:; vill e, R . R . -', pho .. e bat , .. never .!lld where plmplet!, 023 bronobitle,oroup. whl)oplng oough, other ways morc iitted fot' the occu- 1\) I J. .:!s .kln ero,&ioDs. blotobes. or other MI'l Tbos. Baydock &nd d.lJKh~er quinsy,. conslUtirl, hemorrh3gellJ. A pation, which is henlth-giving withb1emt.b.. dillfillnre It. Im,ore spent A part of la.t week wl~h trial WIll convlnoe you. SO ots. and A PKIN B-A new !ltook of DIlPbloo4 II back of ~bem &11. aDd lI110Wf frlende in l:Iarveysburg. $1 oM Guaranteed bv ..11 druggists out being too sLrenuous. kin~ jost in. oeVAD designs tu ---~.... tbflllled of Dr, KIO,'II New Life Tbe Delta Alpha olalla IInjoyed a pick frOD}. Guzette office. Pili.. .' Th.,. promote bealth and od DA d .Berei(lll. WOUlIIU who ~peuk8 froUl' beau'y. Try 'bem. 25 oeote at all p\onio lIupper 1u tbe wo I.,..'ur ay per80nal knowledl.!8 lin d l o tl~ ex ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GOOD REASON. ~fternoon . perlenoe. viz , Mrs P . t:I. Brogan. S - 'b WIIJ DaVoe and tamny _oved to ,Jf WllS0D, p(\ , w ho Rays, "I kn u", ubsen e tor the Gazette "Why didn't you answer my tel .. Xenia la.t week wbere he ia em fro III Ilxperienoe t.hat UhnlllbClrl"itl '~ ,H~IJIINQ "U~AN WOMaN. Cougb R em lld ~ i!l fur superior 1.0 ployed by tbe PeDD RllllrOid Uom phone call this morning P" ''Because while you were calliq any otber . For oroup t·b ere Is . IImt. Vea de' Blumenthal, now pany, me up my wife W88 calling me not,hlng that exoels It" For soie Ur aDd Mn. TbOi. Haydock, by all dtlo lefllJ. . " With the Zemstvo of Bydown." ~ ..... lin. J. W. H.ydoclr and lin. ~.Ic8t, to eetabliah: a new lace HER APPETITE • Haydock attended 'hu In KIND. .for . benefit of peaunt r,evor bnrlal of a rt.h,'lve M Miami ~m~IbrIii.. ,"Ja·a il1llli~, but fpr a ~at do you think of 'neW "Luella to feed her mind, I . .'bY, lived ,in Pa..- ,,'er,., Saturday . expensive flat P'~ . doeIIn't she P" Ure. Bettie MoPhersoo I. siMIn,d . . '~eD. y~l',I& ago ahe be"It is literally 'wbat my wife calla ''J».erbaps that is.why ODe fulda her a fewdllJ'& 10 In.illoRpOlls. JDti.U.ltect,:iD tha while a ~ d ·t· thin » . ''">l1n~re ds.voul·ing a"'~al8." ....... ... ...-. ear, SUI e g: ,. ...... i


- :.

Classified Ads ~


------.. ------


Waynesville, Ohio

G tt AD C ,\TE OF 'I' HI':



, 1

N. Sears

Terms Reasonable



Several from here AUended the Mr . aud Mrs, O. R . Peterson Ilnd _D. L. CRANE, Editor and Manager Linry liale at Lebanon, .aturday. SGa B.a.y Ipen' last ~unday with Mr Mr. anll Mrs. W. "!IV, Weloh, aiter aDd Mrs. Bllrry Murray, at Way · Rates of Subscription eeveral weeks visit with relatlves l .esvllle. Iowa. re'.rnedl\ WlIlill Underwood moved Into liM y..., ( 10 adVlUlce) . • . . . . .. • 1,00 .t Fort Dodge, : :qIe OOP7 .... . •·•···· .... ....... . . . 06 bome Monday. . \tbe .od,e property, on Franklin Mr. lin. III's . Wm Grimes are .". last Tu.llday , Rates of AdvertialD~ . he Kue.t. or relative!! in Perry III'. and lira. Esow Earnhart en . ReadlDr Loca'-. per UIlO . . •• • • • . . . • . . . Of' ,;oun'" Ohio. ter~lned relati 'fe8 rrom Dalton J,eadillS l.oeala. bllU'~ r~ ..... !lOr HU8 ..• . ICk W. O. Wl\loh, Cbe, Eilts aod los. las. waek. ' ",...uled 1\,I i1. 00' &.u \. .\ ..:. "'" H\ Huee P " T'DniII ~DI ... .. ...... .. . OblhW1el. aft lDdIeI free : ''',.. 11\" ~JDc:IIs. per Uo~........ . . .. .. .



- ---------

GAZE'ITE . - - - - - - - - - .• - - - . - - ..... ~....... - - -~-.-.+




Leg Of Boy "It S6!'IllH I tbut m y ' ~ye .. r oll1 boy wou ld h ~vo to I DII" his ( "~. 00 licconot of un ng ly ul oe r, ~nu8PCI by t\ blul b rni M6, " wrotH lJ [0' . l::I ow lird. ACllllJnO, N . c . " All. r enlClLlioli lind NOT IN OPPOSITION TO MONTGOMERY COUNTY CANDIDATES d "c t or ~ tr el1trnont frlllAd ti ll wc' . ._ _ _ _ _- - -...- - - - - ._ _ _ _,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.... tri tld Buc ltl eo'" ArniCIi t-oal vA. null oarod Lilli with uno 'lfOI . " Cure8 burn s, bo il" .. kin ero ptio ns, pill'S. 2Go nt ullllrllggi ~ t; H 1 Publlahed






J\n attempt fs b~ing maue in Gct'Made " f thrc·p·ply vencel'l!u wood , beauti fu!l.v (i ll i~h e(1. This machinp mon y to ern"e the IlI'e lllll lluu lon, of , i~ i' uhEll1ll t ialh' uuilt ' r('q ll i l" ' ~ n" oi !inl! and with u l'easo nabl lJ runollnt of potnlo('s 11)~ 1 onllll llllv ill Ill nt ('( 'In- \::\re w:1I i:J,; L a lif Lim c·. Thl' hnnrt l(' b:l i< · and (Jlll~~ r met al p>lr ts hi gh ly -~;r.y +I-t-rou gh 101'" of fllllllrdini l' lIlltr. l1i<:k~· lui. Equipped with t itre'''. I?0y, ' d d Lp.I!o ws . C a~e hard o:!ned bal l· I ' II 1"' lulll gs lh rou g'l.,lut , alld a tdlln g hal', whlC'h also hold" t he handIeR " k I I ·1 ' . · Il. t \yvl " ell: II t' ll I )JOll/ll IS. , l' , IY' l''; i!'''" . lnj!, or 11'\'111'" . ,., 1(' v('g- iJ JlrH~ elab lc, ~ . ) that it Ill ll)' 1. prcticrH'cl , in lI sa blu forlll . ; MODEL 8--$12.50 J'rt'S~ 1lTC ;s m;r.-I to wi thdraw the 1\ three ul'lI ow::i mach int' . SIi){htl v ~Inal h: r than Model A, but with all hu Ik of tIle II" te' f· I t I ,If t hI' .It Ii'\chm clll>l and lh t' ~aml' excl-' (ence of finish and cons tru c tion I t I _ . .1 I .1 0 111 llC po ~1 0 , i~ ligh ter t han MtH lel A , but has lh e ,,,me d UT :dblt' and high quality , a nd nnd nrtlfi.:~ lal 1"'Il L dries Ih o result l/lg 1 1he c lean ing- efl iciency is Mtric tlv main \ ained. Wr ight, 10' ; p(lund!l . i "mt·nl." This melll hlll' (J I)(.:-q lla rtcl' . MODEL C - $9.25 : of the OI' i~iIlR I weight Il llli occu p i('~ ' I ooc:-t'i ghl h th c 81 III ('e. II Illstes I1IHI I, . lI as t \I'll ht' llows and i~ .simi la r in. 1 ' ()n~t r~ <:Linn to Model H, except that smells som.ewhat like I1l'wlr IJIIHlu I.t I ~ somewhat ~ mall er and I ~ not eljulpped wlt hu all bear\l1){s It hag been " uTc'aJ . It may b·e l1 S, '11 Ill' . kcp l '10 Ifoun d mosl satlsfactor •r 111 sina ll er hom es _ Weight. ~ ~ pu und !l_ i his conditi on for com i,l l'rab lc pcriATTACHMENTS ods. PrC6!Jcd int o (,Ill, co , it is used Th e hol';(" and nozz le altachment", to be used with Mo d e l ~ A lind B I for !Ulima!. fool1. 1)) practico 3.8 llr.\ y . Compl ete att achmen ts $4.00 extra , tons of potatoes yi ~1r.1 about one lon : of potato mea~ III a l'osl of about 56 E DWIN SHERWOOD, Sole Agent, M.ONROE, OHIO . cents 11 ton. '1 w h e ce nl ~ 11 tou cd for prcAsing mllkes th o cost of the ~ . ~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; cake 68 cents, which is not high for fodder of sllch qunl ity. Chemil'a l , analysis sh ows the following percentI age of food valn e : Water, 11.50; fat, Live Stock and General Auctioneer 0.3 1; protein, 3.73; nRh, 2.06; fiber, 1. n; carbohyd rates, AO.(l!). The 1 Posted on pedigrees a nd values of all I resid ual liqnor, . li fter presF ing, is kind s of breeding stock. (Ilhout 80 pCI' cent. pure albumen, which has 11 ready market.-HArper's Experienced ill ha ndling farm sales smce . Weekly.


CON Fl ·







MODEL A - $ 16 .00




Vegetable II to Bo Attempted lui Germ any.



Automobile Livery Service at Reasonable Rates. ,\ ',.': ';




. The Miami Gaz~tte

WAYN:S~NE' t:=:::..


__ _..




THE PRAYER MEETING Practical Fashions




With Other Topics That Are 01


Interest to the Workers for the Church.


In various Ilnr ts of the \\'o rl d. Ule p oore r cla ~8 l's con s um ~ Iluiu or 110 bread . II nli PlI loa \' e9 of brea d a ro pracL\cully un lultl\\ It In porllo/us uf AUS I/'la alld IInly, and liouUl eru tbroughout th o ngrl.:u llul'a l d,slrl c tsi Of Roul11l1nl a, says th e Lonliun Slun d· nrd. Au strians an' r Ih llt In tho vII· lage oC bc rSIl'irlllark. uot vc ry far trom \ 'I bnlla. bread Is ne,' er see n. The stnp le foo d h. 81en , n klud or POl" rldgo ma de fl·t'lll g ro uu t] b<'t'cb IiUlS, tnk e n at br('ui(fas t WILli frc s b or cur· dI e d mlll(, at (1I 111l Pr \\'il b brol h or tri ed lard , Ilnd at sup pe r with mille Th o dish Is s lso ca ll 1'd bl"l den, a o d 18 substitute d for hr ead, no t ll uly In tb e Aus trian district mc ntion cll, but lu CUI'inthla aud othE'r pa rt s 01 tb e Ty· roL North ern Ital y oITel's a SUbSll. /1 tuto tor bread In the torm of Polenta, ...·blch Is a kind of porridge ma de of boiled grain, Po leu t .. Is 1I0t, ho wev e r, allow ed to ~rul1 u lnt e 111; 0 Sco tcb po r· rid ge or th o Au s tria n sterz. It Is In· 6tead boil od Into a so lid puddin g, which Is cut up :l ilt; I)Ortloo ed out wtlh a string. It Is ea len cold 8S often as It Is hot, and la In every sense ao Halian's dally bread. The re Is a varlntlon or pole nta called mama· IIga, the favorite rood or th e poores t classcs h HoumanllL Mam aHga · resembles pol e nta Inasmucb 2.8 It I. made ot boiled torain, but It I . unlike tile former In one respect-the grains nre not perlUltted to BettIe Into a 60lld mass, but are lI ep t di s tinct aHe r the (asblon ot ontmeal porridge,

Offers Opportunities To Select Ears That Mature Early and Permits of Proper Storage and Cur ing Before Freezing Weather

sl lU ello ul d bo to fo s ter and encourago by bl 8 own ~u~g l'R tloIlS the exprtlss lon at ndlglou s ...~p e rl ' nces ot a g nu· 11I I! Iln d uns te re otYlll'd c haracter, that th e POII' l.' l' and fr eeuom of thll s piri t may uo r e nll ~c d In th e meeti ng. ) '. , Thl' Il'arlt' r't! own part should bo as a wulH',ila g nnfi SUgglls ll vo as pos sl· bl!', an d nl th e Kllm e li mo Instrncllve I and e difyin g. Wh erl It Is round that oth ers are reluctant to lIlk o part In I th e m e -tillg or th c lr contr ibu ti ons hnve bl.'co mo larJ1: " ly mt'cll:\Illclll and SPlrltUall Y un fruitful, th e loatlor's t may ue d('I'() loped in to 1\ IpctuTe. This / modo Is found most sa t lsractory In runny Englis h churches. and In many city churc lH's nmon l: us. Such lee· tu ref) ShOll ld , howevor, be carefully conrnrm cd to tho occasion and be prontotl \' 0 of th e snmo ('nds Bought In th e praye r·mcolln g. They s hou ld not be sermons, Ilnd .hould b e of B Here Is one or the most fashionable strictly practical nnd devotional chn r- coat mOd e ls of the seasou, and one Ilct e l~. thnt any wo man can carry out without POor BII Ch occasions, the c~p08 1t! on d ifficu lty, It Is mnd e In the popular of Scriptu re In longer portio n!! hns 32'At Inch le ngth and can bo finished bee n mRd e by many men, notably F . with straight or cutaway fron ts and R. nobertson a n d Ah'xander McLarfl n. With notchl.d collar or shawl collar, So Rlso In this coun tr y the l nte Dr. Tbe tastenlng 18 etrected by two but· Geo rge Dana Board man used the tott s and the collar Is made or BRlin. whote of the N<'w Tcstaml.'nt sYAtl'm· T ho patt e rn (592!;) Is cut In sl~ea aticnlly In tbls way . Others IHlvp. 32 to 42 In ches bu st m e asur~ Medium takon tho topics nr th e SlIndoy·pchool size will rpqulre 3'!o:1. yards of 86 loch lesso ns or tho Christian End .. nvor ma terIal nnd ~ of a yard ot satin. l!erl E!8. Th is plan hilS th e advanta ge To procure thf 9 f\rttt(l T' 1 fu~ nd 10 centJJ or u niting dllTf're nt bran ches or th e t n "Pnll er ll l)(' purtm(>nl . · or t Ills pllp~r. ' Vrl e fin d ud,fn.!:l~ pitllnl y. nnd 1.u, "f\'ork of the c hurch and utilizing an BUrttt etonum U' lv u 1:il.:o and HUmU l:l· ot pu. tt ern. In tel'e st alre ndy RwllkeIl P<\ . expositi ons Of Scripture s houl~ be proposed with ca re, nnd based on a SIZE .. ............... NO, 5920. Some people do not like cats. That crltl,cal stud y 'or t he portion self'cte rl . Is up to th elll- llrobllb!y th ey have a NAME .... . ...... _ .............. ......... . In wh ich the leade r I\valls hlmsf' lf o f Marking e;; rs wit " bl~ck paint in lhe field se lec t ion of Geed ct:)rn . r ellson. Othe r people don·t liko dogs, the best mod ern au thorities. hut this T OWN . ......... .. .......................... nnd such slso may be looked upon (Dy C. J . r.rnnt, College Of Agric ulture, or a shunk at medium si ze whi ch will cr itical work sbould not be In troduced Into the expos iti on, the r esults STRBET AND NO ............. ..... .... _. with cbarlty. The otber day, '\\' 0 arB Oh io SLUte Ull ivorsi ty.) allow tbe eal' to drop to nn agle of told, a dog wltb a broken cbaln came Tbe selection of Gce d ea rs sbo uld be tie more thnn 45 dogrees, sheddlu£ simply being practically applie d. STATR ........ _ ........ _ .................. ThesB ex positions shoulcl be botb back' to Its PIttsburg home carrying made In the field, be rore frost Rnd be- rain wRt er 81ld preventing birds de· . devotional and practical , the spi ritu a l stroyl ng the corn. In biB mouth tb e trousers and cap ot t OTe tbe corn Is c ut. At this time the Field selection olfers an opportuni ty Impll1lso being first sought for, and GI RL'S PINAFORE DRESS. hls 12·year·old master, The dumb brute plants nDd the comiltioD8 und e r whic h then itB moral application be ing Indl· thus attempted to notity the parent8 eac h eRr has grow n mny be obse rved. fo r the farmer to secure those ears cated. ThlB IB th e apostie Paul's that the boy lIad boen dro wned. So I It n stalk Is " Igorous, leafy, and large Ihat mature a t tbe prope r tim e wben method In al\ his e plstle8. Sumclent tho tather of the f:l.mlly followed the bel ow th e en r. t h e characteristics of g rown in competition with tbose on varlllty ot subjects oan be tound and dog back to the Allegher.y river, th e ear nil that 8ta lk s hould be st u died. other plants In the same hill. E .. rly toucl!1ed upon Incldentaly to a sYlltem· se lec tion will permit the storing of the whero he tound tho rest of his son'8 seed ears where th e y w11l dry out he· atlc course of Bible study, Perhaps clothIng-and tbe rest of that dOg'8 tore freezing weatber comes on. 'rhe a raLpld lIurvey at th e contents of Scripture by books \\'111 be found less broken cbaln I The dog bad not treed first three or four w ee~B III the crltl· tedlclUs than a Beries on a single book • hlmseit from that chain In time to res· cal pe riod In lhe curing; the moisture mlght.-Lelghton Williams. D. D., should evaporate trom tbo cobs anc! cue tbe boy. says the Cleveland Plain MarIborough-on·Hud!l()n, N. Y., In the kernels rapidly, Where conditions ara Dealer. But the strong link. snapped Homiletic Review, unfavorable, moulds wll1 develop apd in twa in, showed that the brute had treezlng weather will damage the corn tried, superhumanly, ' to do so. That Where Faith II Needed. not properly cured . If the germ Is not dog had not been In time to drag his Tt.le social problems that tace us toenUre ly killed, the vi tality will be low. liltle master out ot the wate r-but the day are BO vast, 80 terrifying, 80 un' ered, When the ke rnel Is properl, yielding. 110 deep-rooted, that cournge half ot lhat little master's clothing In dried out. fre ezing '1'1111 not Injure the will fall us unle88 we have gTellt faltb the dog's teeth showed how sincere germ, The first essential In storing, in God, In thl8 crusade against the the struggle had been. Some people then, Is tborough ventilnUou, If the evilE) ot the world to which the do not like cats. Others do not Uke dampness of tbe atmosphe re prevents church IB turning we need faith aB dogs. But there are are anlmalsairing ot the corn, artificial heat neve r betore. It tak es Inllnltely more should be applie d. (Dr instance, dogs-that are likeable. talth to attaok the temperance probFurther selection should be made' lem than It did to build Chartres ca· Tbey may not succeed In beIng hu· for a particular type whlch Is charac· thedral. A worker tor International ma.n-but they try! te rl stlc of th e varie ty, and tor ears peace recenUy remarked that when Which conform to the standard ~of a he conBldered the Imuenslty of the un· An old man arrested In Cincinnati hi g h yielder. In general, see d ears dertaklng and the opposition-an op· on the cbarge of vagrancy told the sbould be more cylindrical tha n taper· ppslltlon whloh gro~B venomous as the Judge wh e n his cas e came to trial Bere II an attractive little frock. In g ; this torm gi ves kern els of even caUSie advances-he could not work depth frl' m one end of tbe ear to the with. either zeal or bope did ho not made In pinafore fashion and a dethat he had a bU81ness which enabled ,otbe r ; the rOW8 should be stra ig ht and havEl abiding faith In God, The social Ilgn "lOry simple to carry out. Tilhlm to make a living. "What Is It?" l.he ke rne ls of r egular shave; eacb worller abovo all othe rs needB a vital. dress cloBea at the back and Is beasked th e Judgo, and the old tellow k er n el s hould have medium depth near', intimate companionship with comingly plaited at each sIde of the ans we re d, "lllel1chlng sparrows." Then (bei ng neltber too shallow nor too Gnd. He above all otbers Bhould fre· center tront and center back. The he explained. He eald he was In the deep) and should be well developed at Quent every IIlace whero God dwellB, p;'otty collar Is tallhloned of contrast· habit of catching sparrows a nd paint· both tip and crown; the butt and tip that he may strengthen fallh, for Ing ·materlal ot which' the curts and lng them with peroxide at hydrogen. should be well filled out on an ear eastatoe states ot being. H e should med· belt are aiso composed. Linen, pongoe, whicb change d the color ot their tha t Is of proper size. Tbese charac· Itate la the night watcheB mere than gingham. percale or cbambray may be (eathe r s , so that he was able to sell ter lstlcs Indicate that the ear wUl mere pletillt. He Bhould worBhlp 'In used. The pattern (6910) Is cut In Illel them tor canary bIrds. P e rba ps he Is yie ld a large p ercentage of shelled ehuI'ch more thnn the more lover of « to 10 years, loJedlum size will renot the onl y man In tbe world who Is corn . A la rge cob Is not desirable; ecstatlo. states ot being. He should Qulro 2~ yards of 36 InCh material capable of this villainy. It may be thc long ear wi th a small cob Is pref, med:ltatelnthe night watche8 more than and ~/I yard of 36 Inch contrasting erable to tbe sbort ear with a lat'ge the monlt consecrated to that alone. goods. wise fo r everyone purcbaslng canaries .to adopt th e precaution of hea ring Ears growing high on the stalk should cob. Ears which are very rough Wh~Lt we most need to tear today III procure thlR ""Hem lIen<l 10 cen~ should not be selected, aB this charac· the deellne of prayer, worship, per· toTo"Pallern Department," or this paper. tb e m s ing befo re ;mylng for them. not be selected. Write name and uudre68 plaInly, nnd b() te rlstic usually Indicates that a lOllS IIODld communion with God-for tbese auro to give 8110 and number or pattern. It may ha ve a fo plnullng shan k, which sen son will be needed to proporly mao being gone, our passlonB will seek Kidney beans we have all heard of; will ca use the en r to droop a nd Jl Ci" ture tbe ear. only earthl,. thlngs.-The Congrega. "kldu ey feet" Beem to be peculiar te haps bren k off before It is well rna· NO. 6910 8lZB •••• ••••• •• •••••• H the corn Is properly selected and tlonallst. Pittsburg, says tb o Ne w York Sun. ture d or durlug the harvesting; a large cared for, th e kernel should be free NAMR ................................ .... _ A pb yslcill n there says Ptttsburg Is sha nk, which will bear th e car crect, from bliste r s, mOil Ids, broken tip caps, S.nal\lve to Otherl' Intereate. more blessed, or curs ed, with tb em allowi ng birds to get at th e end eas il y a nd ad berent chaIT when It Is sbelled; It Is not a sIgn of power to make TOWN ..............................:. ..... . than any otbe r t ow n. Pitts burg men and ra in water 10 run In carrying a ll these a re indi cations of poor ' seed light of things that mean a gTeat STREET AND NO.... .................. _ deal to the people around us. Even It are flat· foot e d. Wo suppose tho In· moulds allli fu ng,! dowll In to Ih e car; co ndition . peOI)le's Interest8 are unworthy or STATE ............ . .........._ ... .......... h lan ts of that ci t y find it hart! to misdirected, we shall not win them to stagger a long un de r tho weight of all A CONVENIENCE IN THE KITCHEN, THE IDEAL SEED-BED FO~. WHEAT, hlgber gTound by riding rough·shod th e thin gs th at are said of poo r Pitts· ovel' those Interests. But we shall flnd Keepi HII Modell In MotIon. A Tofl of m a n l!!a p,'lpcr. SllCh as Is A wcll·n ulve l·lzed compact furrow burg. and th e bu rde n breaks down The great IIculptor RodIn has a ." it elLsy to Influence peo ple If we show n sccl In RIOl'es for wra llpi ng pa c l<nges, slice, with 11 thin layer of fine, loose II. geuulne Interest In some thlng8 '.hat special metbod tor posing his modell. Ule archcs of th e ir l:1steps. I ~ a CO Il\'e ll lcllce r~n- I y found In th e soil ove r th e s urface, presents condl· mean much to them. Dr. Winlleld He does not have them pOBe Btllrly or 1 " · II I I t k lli le hl'n, l wortb ravorn bl e f or tb e .con· S co tt H a II wnrn Ing t eac b ers and derorm themael"e8. (1n the contrary TI1 0 .. pus IlIn' ~ ··' " 1 e. \II I C I la S a e n ill g . A Ullt rol l.O II tPlt tllatl~ e wid lhwelof whi chhav· Is tl ons th ut a rn c posseSSion of Chi cago a ll at once, Is I twice that. of th e ~ helv e s In the house, set\'atioll nnd prop er movement 01 pare ntI agalnfl~ the dangor at throw· be commands his modelo to walk, to run, tv 110 down, to dan co, to stretcb &.Il Inge niou s de \' lce w he re by a boy ' mal,f'S co\' crl lll( th em a 81m pI c nHltter. th e soi l moi s tu re. \Vhen the furroVl Ing aside the worthless trinkel.8 that tbcmselver. In order to keep them COil. wi th nn o ld pllir o r Toll er s kates can Th " pnpp r will bc at hand 10 line cake s lice Is 'vell pul ve r ized and compact a young boy carries lil his pockets, reo stantly on tho move; and It IB by roal<c th e m co",)r 50 tim es as much pan s, ICla till' bea t of th e ov en, nnr! It mnkes good eODlact wltb the sub· minds us that "the boy loves the means of such gambolll on the part of Epnce as he r etofo re on th e cement fo r a thOIl S:lIld an d onc purpoRes that soil and offe rs conditions tavorable for I teacher who respectll the thing that the modo Is tbat tho artist scues their sidewalks. w ill sugge, t Ihcluse lves. T h is does th e rise of tile mois ture tram below he liLolds dear." We may well respect, most cbaracterlBtio attitudes aud awuy Wilh th o sav ill /,; of old news· Th e flne, loose lay e r at thn~ SUI'Cace,' il . we ought to respect anything that makes onn sketch atter the other, fav o ra hle to th e development of the ' anYI)ne holdll dca~lf It Is not someReo:lently a noted woman aHked RoIn the Dews columus at tbe pa· , ~'n ung plant roots, readily ahsorbs the thing that sUlnds for outright sin. diL to make a portrait of ber. So thot pers appl.'ars a slO ry about a Massa· li g ht rai ns and helps to preve nt the For our respect Is an evidence of our ho could dillcover r. z:atural and harchu s e tts girl wbo ca r ried a live liz· escape of moisture by evaporation at Insll~ht and sympathy, and the show· monloull pose the sculptor had her ard tn ber t;tolU:!ch (or a long tlmo, tbe surface. ling of Buch respect III a simple duty porform v'a rlpus oyolutions. After the and r eacllng tbe dis patch remlud s us To secure an Ideal lIeed.bed, plow ' demanded by courtesy and love. An Hrst seanco Ihe cOJlfided WI to her tha.t thl1 Is tho first lime tbat cn rl y and follow very closely wllh the alert, apprfllllative lensltlvenes8 to the frlenda: "It didn't leem t.1 me that litor7 bas been printed this season. roll e r and harrow. It Is a good prac' things that make up the Ute of our 1 was ~ol!1lng for a Iculptor but for !Ice to roll and harrow, each mornuig, • feUowB III' . form or unse1l1shnesl that. a clnoJf1atograph." the land plowed t he day before. The Chrtst can US8 mightily as be seeks A Ch!cago ministe r snys there are A convenient roll of paper. dlskl ng of stubble land be tore plow. to b.esl othera throuch UI.-BUIlda,. Ofton In Hie Thought-. not c nC'u gb husbunds to ~o arOUnd, papel'S , which so orte n litte r up tho In g Is frequently a decid ed h elp in tJah~)C)l TUnel. NDo you think or me otten?" ..kid lind that old ruald s a re be rolnes. But tho helrelll wbo had· gone to LaDkitchen, an d Is far lUore banitarY, tor pre para tI on 0 f gl'Oun d f or wh eat. 1- A . 8elf the name ot thi s c ham" lon of abused . printeris Inle Ie not desirable wrapped common rotation In Ohio requires that r . ' . . dOD;" nd faptured a wllllJil ~uke. . .pln sterho od will be los t when the abo ut rood, a nd pa pers bandied In mall corn ground should be seeded " 0 VI e aK so humau..that tbe thought "OoD.tanU,., mt 4'ur.", anl'Were~ " .at (.tl!ers doee not often enter OUI tbe ,d llk.e.,; "I t. i l~1< of YOIl !te.nner 1 Dame at Ita traduce r IB still alive bags, thrown abou t (In train s and t08S' wh ea t . ,Th 0 b es t resu It s are obta.lne,d .. ... _,a s uutll-e hav. 'l Ir·at tTI'ad ~- uu., . ~ . " ·'aD enough to be anat hema, tor such III ed In to ya rds have ample chance to b y DIowmg .an d fitting tll~ 8'l'0und.!#t ' ~-:l" t1 . ·. . lf~R ' 'A. N wit l'Pr... ' bite . lee, ODe of ~ my ',or,.!4It ..''if ,Ora. ' . is I meet the way .of the world.. become dirty, The cost will be about!1 Is heavy and compac.t, ~u ' ",. " ~·H~~:~ Tax;' ! e!, ~a~ th,m 011 lid~ ~.. . . thlrty·llve to fifty nents per year: . The Ilgh t and open, It may be prepared <_,.. /, ' \ '. , ' . ~t (;~rtiU;~I~. • '. jI .:«lt The half·slster or an English duke accompanyIng lUulItrntion shows a thoroughly dis~lng an~ .. ~arrowlD --.',. '.: :.,. r .. JlClt',' ptdlOlO~ht. b~ 11 to appeur aB a dancer In New .York. borne-made .holder that may be ·used Professor. •\. G. ·McCall. ae a IImall shel! In lhe kitchen .9r may . ' ' . .... .... , cha, but,. 1It.:-a.~ The peerace bu 'certalnl, falleA a. . be hun.. on .the bo~~m o~ tlio .p'~ntrl S.l~o~ cora la tb. nel4 .her..,l U~.~ . aCd..t1mea /' .helt.. · .. ~. .. '. IlarveBtJqj . . . . . '. • . - """ . n~ .' '"


HE Irader's





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He Knew• • 'Where there'l a wm tIlere.. • wa,.:" avera Taylor Holmel, app~ In, In The Million. "The way, how."er, "arI9, at In the case of a c .... lain plckpooket, who WIUl conviot" and promptly fin ed. "T he Jawyer ot the pickpocket the tlnll Impose d upon his client 1'e!'J milch to heart, ~ 'Twenty·lIve dollara!' be eXJ)olltolated . 'Y our honor. wbere Is thla poor, IlntortuDate man to get $2G!' "His bonor did not InlO W, or If he did lie r ef rain ed tram saying BO, bu~ the pr iso ner was leea di llc ree t, "'JU!lt let me out ot b ero for t en ar fttteen mlnuteB,' he eRld, 'and I'D Ihow you T' " - YOung'H Magazine.


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BREAKING OUT ON LEG Hilltop. Kan.-"About two y ears 1110 1 began to noU ct!) a breaking out on my leg. At fir s t It WIlS very IImall but 800n It began to epr ead un til It tonnl!)(! large blotcb es. Tho Itching wae terrible and almost Clonstant. ManY ni ghts I could not Bleep at all. After I cratchlng It to relieve the Itching 1\ would burn so dr esd fUlly tbat I thought I could not IItand It. For nearly a year I tried all kinds of nlvee And oIntment, but found no relief, Som~ salveB teemed to mako It wor8. until tbere were u gly SOTCS, wblch 'Would bre ak ope n Bnll r un . "One da,. I law an advertisement of Cutlcura R omedlee. I got a eamplo of the Cutlcura Soap a nd Cutlcura OInt.ment and begau by wash ing lb. aoree with th~ Cu Lle ura SOIIP. then applylnc the Cutlcura Oi ntmen t twlc() II day. I noUced a chanr;e and got more CuU· cum Soap and Olntm cnt and l u a rew Weel{B J woe cure d. It bas b ealod 110 nicely tbat no scnr rema in s." (Signed) Mrs . Ann3. A. Lev:, Deo. 17, lOll. Cutlc ura Soap and Olntmont lold throug hout the world. Sample ot euch free, wllh 82·p. Skin Book. Addrelll potIt·card "CuUoura, Dept. 4 BOllton.Ad". Tho Greateat Woman. Who WDS or Is tile (!;reRtest woman In all b istory? Two hundred teach· ers ans wered the Question and with enthusiasm and unanimity the judgel awa rded tho prize to the one who made thlll roply: "The wife of the farmer ot mod erate means who doee her own cooklnc, wnshlng. !ronln" lewing, bringll ' ut a family of bOYI and girls to bo us eful members of 1<>clety, and findt Um. for Intellectual Impro"emen t ."

New Stag_ In Inebriety. Mr. Borden h81 been telUiI, an au.. ecdot. concern In, two "brither Bcota" who ulled to torecather In a "dry" district. eacb bringing with him a portable Iprln, of comCo'r t In the Ihape of a botUe of wblsky, One of them wall alked one da., . by a "lhlrd party" wbethel' the otber, Jock ADdenon, did Dot rel a lJtu. drunk 10meUmel. "Drunk. " w" the repl,.. "Man. the Jalt time I wal wi' him Jock w . . that drunk I couldna I._ hJm."-Lou.. don Mall. New China Currency. The new Cblnese dollars of the Chinelle republlo are objeota of mucb curiosity amoDg th.e naU"ee. They carry English on tile obversll IIlde and Chinese on the reverlle, with the ploture at Dr. BUll Yat Ben, founder 01 the republic. Woman Polla. Omccr. 141111 Mary Steele Haney Is the ftrd, 'Woman to bo appOinted a police omcer' In Baltimore, The last le,lslature c"'; ated five police matrou with fUll po' lIee powers. Miss Harve,. II the fin, el the flve to be appointed, AlwaYI the Way. "Do you thJnlt a woman can k . ., a secret!" "No; Ihe alwayl tries to Iyndlcate tt. "--Jud,e. E)(actly That. "Why doe he wear luch min, lultT" "For 4tvers reasons."


a lWiID-

IT'S THE FOOD, Tltl Trul WIY te Correct N.rvoue Trouble.. Nenoul troublel are mON artea caullsd by Improper food and tndlge.. tlon than mOllt people Imagine. EveD doctorl lometlmes o"erlook this fact. .... man laye: "Until two years arc waalee anel batter with meat and gra'1')' were the main teatures of my breaktatft..F1nally 4yspeplila came on and I tound mYlelf In a bad condition, 'Worlle In the morn.. ln, than an,. other Ume. I would ha•• a full, lick teellD, In my atomach, With palna III my heart, lldel anll bead. . "At timet I would bave no appetite, tqr daYII, tben I would feel ravenout, Ile"er Illtisned wben 1 did eat and til) Ilervoull I felt like Ihrleldn, at th. top of my ,.olce. I 10llt ftelb badly an& ' hardly knew which W.Y to turn \lD.tU one day 1 bougbt a .b ox ot Orape-Nut e tood to lee If I could eat that. J trifle!It Without telling the doolor, and liked It fine; made me feel . . It I had .om.. thins to eat that 'Wal taUlltylng aDlI , atlll I didn't have that belvinell that. I ,hal! felf after eatlns an, other food. ' -I hadn't drank any cOlfee the.D ili ' a•• weeki/ I kept on :frlth tbe n~.,·__ ·., and 'IA a moath and ·a ' , 16 . Po1Uld.. COIlII! eat aJllm"" t.'.o lUlJ'tbblir >1 .,.aAt~ and :.. 1pl....Qfe

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I'.lcheat - ID -· D ••U",, · Quam... ..OR aACKAOH!:, "HEUMATlaw. ' KIDNEYS ANg .LADDER

CAMP ~ } Switzerland a Perpetu al Delight for the Tourist. fIRE ~~~.~ ~ 0

USSJA'S lates t Sui· clde Club bas r edu ced solf-Ilelltruc· tlon to un art. Probably In no oUl!!r country In thu worlll would It be pos sIbl e to establish liS a tam· OU9 RUBs ian RU. tbor 16 said to on vo don e he r , an organ lznUon whose .aole purpose III the e ucouragement or

Charm of A.nclcnt Tim es to Be Met With at Every Turn-Country of Imm,ense VIews an d Magn IfIcent Suncet8.


~iAlli~~~TAD~ ~ PILLSJ~

RELICS OF GENERAL CUSTER I nteresti llO CollectI on Sccured by N a· tlona l Museum Fro m W idow of Not ed IndIa n F Ig hter .

Geneva, - " Switze rland " Jr Ul e Swiss," Is the occasional plaInt that An Inte r()s tlng coll.,('t1on li u. r pcent· catches the ,e yo of the r c:td" r or the ly uN'n 1I 1~ lR ll e rl In lbe ball of hi s tory REGUU\TE STIMULATE PURWI' Swiss journ n l8, t ho lalest Ite ms of III th o ='at! oll al mu seu m . con ~ I 't lll!: at fHE60WEL5'1HE UVERTHE8LOOa the Itlnd being tho lilli e com munin g art k le s dOllut f' d nnd It"ll Ily 1>1 r ~. 4't ALL. CRUGGIST~ of Rd In a r ec'?!)t J ou l'll id de Genevo . Geo r ge A. ('1I~t ·r . wluow or Hr cvet "Tbe strang e r s are be r e," It begins, Mllj . Llen . George A . Clts te r, U . 8 . A. " with the ir porters, th eir gUid eS" Gellf>ral (' us ter Is probably best retheir aut.os, t.helr funiculars , tho) pano· menlocroo by hi s achievements In th e ramas and shops , and souv en lrH born Ula ny In dian Oght s In wblcb be par· of Ihe shops - will tbey not presently tlclpated, anti lJy bl~ r eco rd us nn mak.e our country u nin habitable ? l.Iut I IndIan SCOII . The coll ection Includes when th e day doee COln O," ho con· 111 l1I emento of Ihl s phase or bls career WAS FEELING WRONG BUMP t1nues In subs tan ce , "nnt! \VI) shall be I In tho for m o r tho white buck skin obliged to aban don tbe Alps, tb ere I roat In ~' bl c h be has been most orten 6allaclou. Phrenologllt Ml stakCln I. will stlll remain to U II tb e gr at SwlBs 'I pi ctu r ed a s a plains man and scout. HI. Conclullonl, It drunk a great not so much hopo ror th eir gettln, Oil , plateau." Th is coat Is In e xcell ent co ndition, Turned Out.. deal of th e wine. With UB, the classe8 are more ahut 111' Th e German s do cot conso to banst line] loo ks 118 It tbe gene ra l had just In M08cow a thac there. It wacts far more e nt.,r· of flow er y Luncbourg, tho Hiack For· I. re moved It an t! hun g It UD. It b as The learned professor waa ginn, young doctor, Drlse thlln you would thick tor a RlIS- est, th o Dords du Rhln. th e Thuringian I d('('1l coll a r and culr s, an d Is beavlly his IJubllo lecture on phrenology, nnel nam ed Dovbor, sian to 'make himse lf: hills and of' the Saxon SWltzerland' 1 fringed wltb slas beo buckskIn trim· for purposeB of demon8tration be In.· rece ntly mar· "Tb en, too, [Dodern RU881a n lite r&- and pe rhaps Borne day, drawn by their mingo Th o pock ets are mad e much as vlted a bo,. to tbe pla.tform, saye !.be rled a charming tUl'e has a del,reaaing Influence. We persistent praise, we may g et to see l in moder n spo rtin g coatR, wblle but· New York American.. After a crlt1girl. He dId not hav e many authors of tremendous tal· them, but then, tb e y r ese mble tbe to n9 are o r tb e r egular army patte,rn cal examination of !.be lad'. cranIum. know that sbe e nt; but they are all sad. They have scenery of t.he Swiss pl ateau . of tbe peri od. Thi s coat call s to mind he turned to the audience: belonged to lh e non e or thfl joy of lite. We have stili "Do you know of It 1" b e contlnu es. !.be services which Ge neral Cus ter "Ladle l and gentlemen," be s ..ld. SuIcide Club. a lo t or castern fatalism In our pB)'· "The foot of the Jura, the Frlbourg r endered to tbe goVet'110lent In tbe "the protuberance on thle little boy'l Afte r her mar· chology. We Russians do not value hIt- country, th e Toggen bourg, High Tbur. campaigns aga Inst the Sioux In 1875 !lead Is remarkably weU developed. It rlage she at· man li re so hlgb as the English, for sovln, th e o ut skirts of Schaffhau sen, a_ud ] 87 R, In th e las t of whl cb, the II the bump of phlloprogeulthenellL t e ll, d edt h e Ins ta nce, who not only drag a poor the baults o:t the Aar and Heuss, battlp of th e Li t tle DIg Horn, be met In the prellent cne it proVetl that the meeting of tb e devil wh08e life Is one long bu rdeu the lilli e lak es of Dlenne, l-Iallwyl a nd hJ!' d ea tb. bay has an ertraordLnary love for h1a Moscow branch out of th e riv e r, but put hIm to prison the Greltrens ee. And do you know AccompanyIng th e coat 18 a yell ow parelltl. (Addreselna the boy:) IJIn't with the Inte n· ror trying to e nd things. that there are Illtl e villages where ulum ec1 ca \'alry belmet and a bu ck· !.bat true, Jobnny 1" tlon of tend er· "One cannot he lD admiring the caul' there are still ' the good old inns with skin gauntl et, both worn during his Johnny he.ltate4 a moment., !.bq Ing he r reslgna· age of th e very poor, wbo are conteut their wrought iron swlng·slgns, jus t as I a ctlTfl servi ce IIgaln s t tb e India ns aald : tlon at tbe end I to toli and Bulrer for years, with no In the days ,a t the dili ge nce? Do you from 1806 to 1876 whll() lleute nant '·Well, I get atong P:'8tt)" well wltJa of tbe proceedlngl. But she drew the prospect of anytblng better. Can wt realize the beauties of the hillocks colonel Seventh ca valry, l . S. A. the old Isdy, but the old man aIn" fatal oard that nlgbt. Her husband wonder that Borne of the m break down bere, th e prealpeB, from which the Th e re Is alao a blue r gu latlon Rrmy luch a much." was away, lin sbe had nobody to can· lin d take tate Into their own hands'! view Is Immense and the sunsets are omcer's ('oat, with two Rtarred straps, "Why, how tl that., m,. hoyT' aakecll Bult. She determIned to feign suicide III general, too mucb Is made of Rullo magnlflcent?" plu s h coltnr lind culr a-l he coat whi ch the profellsor. and then leave the town, telling him sian suicides . We are a young people, Thc r e u sed to be In this old Switzer· be wore on bls marriage to Miss Ellz· "Well, It yub want me ter let" out., all and askIng him to live elsewhere. finding our way to the light. There land tb e' ancient customs. Sundays, abeth Bacon. F ebruary 9, 18fi4. A the bumll yer blow In' about Is where For the club, Jlke most secret socl&- must be a number ot dISCOuraged wh en ralr, tb e forests were filled with stralgbt cavalry Haber of tremendous pop bit me ye.terday wit' a bell ties In Russia, III very strict with ones." the young girls in v,h lte, with bare I lIlze Is also In clud ed In tb e collection. buck.le." those who reveal Its secrets. So she '£b e truth Is !.bat people In Ru ssls arms and flowers In their hair, and It was a 6Do\1 ot wllr captured by Ma· laid her plans wIth care, telling the go (Into despair over things whIch troops of children load ed with the jor Drew, who presen ted It to General Qettl nil Along FIne at SohNI. membqrs that she bad discovered a would not troubl e an .Anglo.Saxon berries and blossoms of the country. Custer, slo ce h e kn e w ot no other Now that scbool hal been. "KOlnl'" mysterious polson which, sprinkled on mucb. Now tbere are no troopslngs of the I man able to wie ld Ruch a large ron [Ion. severnl weeke parente are beglnDlnIi u ose and Inhaled "roduced death It ha a Toledo b lade. on which Is e n· a I' , ... . Some tim es Russ ian suicides are 01' children, no Bongtul young m en, no ...... avegd In Spanlsb, "Do not draw me to Inquire of tholr youne hopet'clla . . She knew enough medical Jargon tG de rad by the ramlly a regiment, or girls In while. You rambl e In the w1'" h d d t h tl con\-!nce the m and her maid found ' h bIb it i I t out cause an a co s en 1" me to tbelr progrels, Tbe other other tDstltution . The CS8e or you!.IC woods-It Is at e ow, I ut s a f· wltbout bonor." t I motber out on Harrison boulevard. d I d her seemtng y ea nex morn ng as Captain So rglu8 Hurko of the HusSlJtI! ways cool and fragrant n groves 0 I i ItO I r tI 1PIblle eating luncheon with her 6-T~ she went Into ber room. As a malter IB an example The young man was pln,e-but there Is no one th ere. You A V I~g n a st a e ag. a pr ze 0t 1~ of fact, she bad only taken a 8trorrg ' I I I I 1m your h an' d genera B persona l prowess , cap ureu old, asked : played high and ran Into de bt. strol e sure y, you I by him In 1861 wben a lieuten ant, Is id I I wild, "And how are you ~ttln. alon.a la narcotic, but t h e ma , n a pan c, He determin ed to re trieve bls tortunu kerchief with chanterellles and this I I dl 1 Ichool. Dorothy!" wired to the husband that bls wlte ~ A It I h t "A t e n se of a so on SII ay. "Oh," replied Doro!.b,. betwee. was dead. His despair was so great a,t .fonte Carlo-and tail ed . s s w a you Bee, vas xpa Onl' objec t of great historical slg· tbat he shQt himself. Meanwblle the happen ed, an old general he had hills, the nearer green, the middle dis· nlOcance though rather of an ltnra- mou!.bfulll of bread and milk, "jult hi I known tram chlldboo. d was staying al tanc e, blue. There are masses f rantlc n:'l,re , Is ha Ir of a white towel flnel I and Frances Smltb are the wife recovered, and wired m t was b bl d h th II a, all e. joke, BDd .ahe was coming to reo the snme hote l, ana had won hugG forests, ono e n anot er, e v . wblc h figured con s pic uous ly In the IImarteBt and best· dres8ed &lrls 1D join him. She found blm dead. Then sums . Hurko enter ed his be droom, lage is out there" crowned by Its hattie just preceding the surrend er of the achool."-Kansas City Star. The faith that Inspires Ie the b'Un ahe shet-beraeU/'·after leaving a let· gagged him, and stole tbe money. But lotty castle, the covered brl~ge below Geneml Lee at Appom!\ttox. It seems ter to her mother, in whJch she dis· the vh:tlm had bitte n his hand, and and the calm river flow8 1IIlhout so I t ha.t whil e Genernl Lee had gone to which comes from our t1metl'U.~ closed the above facta about the club. thougb Hurko made at! ro'r Petersburg much as e. rume. Houses play at hide : t.he r ear or the Conrede rate lines to triendl.-W. S. Royston. Tbe pollce were put on Ita track, but nt oncc, b e was recognized a8 the nnd seek willh you, and th eir cblmneys i ~ecur8 an Interview with General End 01 Famou. Vesael. only made a few unimportant arrest8, thi e f. His farnlly dJsowned blm, anI! ,make In uIllson like cro,n,les,' f,or the Grant, leaving General Longstreet In Various reasons have been urged he bad a hIn t from his r egim e nt ,~bat . , command, General Gordou's dI vision The Fox, the "es8el In wh1ch tlI. - ' . " hecame hard pressed by the enemy late Sir Leopold McCUntock made bi. for the Increase of suicides In RUSSia, the best tblng he could do was to dis· and many r emedies sUggested. Tbe appear." He did so, the prison au' nnd called on Longstre et for assist· discovery of the tate of Sir John writer aeked no less an autborlty on thorlti ea tac1\1ta~lng the conveyanco l ance. Not being able to furnish as· Franklin and his companions, has bee~ Russian life than Count Witte for hIs ot pol so n to his cell. slsla.nce at thi s time, Longs treet Bent wfflcked on the Greenland conat. In views. The Courit lttought a moment Old Baron Mellor·Zakomelskl-no his Inspector general, Mnjor R. M. recen t yearl ahe bas been employe4 berore answering. relallo", by the way, to th e yo ung wo. Simms , to suggest to Gordon the by the Danl8h Greenland authol1Uea "Thers Is not one cause, ~ but man who e nded h e r lire In cham· I send In(\' of a oag of t,'uce to the fed· on coaatal trlpa. many," he said at last. "To begin pagne, was governor at the Baltld ' orals requestl[] g a sus pen sion of bos· with, our !young men begin to· live too provinces. He had a wild son named I UUtl es pending the Inte rview betwee n algnlftcant. soon. They Bre cblldren tor Buch a Sacha. After paying Sacha's de bts I Lee and Grant. Following tbls s ug · MHe propolled to her III • canoe." sbort time that they lose their health many Urnes, he grew tired. When I gest!on, Gordon at once dis patched "Did Ilh. accept blm r' and good spirIts before youths of the tha son made an application for . Simms 10 tb e ted eral commtwder, "I preaume eo. The C&IlDe car same age III Ame rica have begun to be money one dllY, the fath er sent him a • Sh erldac, with this r eq uest. As Major .Ised." grown up, They are satlated before revolve r, telling him to shoot blmself, I Simms galloped toward the Unea of Rural ~ato. they are well out of their teens. Their Tllo son, who was maklng merry In I the federals he sellrched bls baver· MSlml DeTer made a bl. hi\. minds, made morbid by undue exelt&- somo town In c entrul RusBla, ordered i saCk for sornetblng wblte to cover hla ment, are a1waYII craving for ne'}' 1m· a supper, Invited nil his bQon com· advance, but roun(\ only a tow el. Tbls Just plou.hed his way alons·" "What a harrowln& Utsl" presslons, new sensations. SuIcide Is panlons, arranged a sleigh expedition I he drew out and waved nbove his bead n ew to them, BO they try IOulclde; not afterward, r e turned to his rooms, and IlS bt' approached the enemy. The The ReeBon. becaulle of despair, but from simple shot himself with h is father's pre~ent Union Eoldlers caugbt sight ot tho "Poor Hamlet h~ a (10/(1 lite," Ill8sltude. 'Life: they say, 'Is not He left a note saying: "I should hav~ white tow el, h eld their fire, and un· "Well, wssn't h. a Great Daner worth living.' done it long ago, but knew It would In the Alpine Country, der thIs ImprovLsed flag Simme waa '1n tbe case of the very poor, afford my father :pleasure, so put It hour of sUJlper Ie approaching. You I allowed to enter th e lines wbere he While wo lena our Innuence abroa4 should say that they otten work un· off till hIs revolver came. Now, at hear the vUllage bells. flrst the pre- ; was met b'y Colonel Whittaker and der worse conditions than the Bame least, all the world knows he ordered centor telltng the hour and in his taken to General Custer, who was In ... much 88 possible, we lbauld U.,.. class In Amerlo~, or, ra~er. there II' me to commit suicide." wake the others III SOl08, duets and command nr tbat pa rt or the field. ~ that we Ihall be benediction. to trios. Far Ilway the lake Is a burning Neith er or these am cera, bowe"er, those nearest us.-Rev . J. R. Miller. spot 1n the vast expanse and the long ' cared to dedar e a t e m po rary ces slV L:2!2S line of the Jura Is brown. See, the tl,o n of hostiliti es ju s t then. fe eling Alps are turnIng to roses." I.h at th ey hnd th e ndv a ntllge of tb(J This Is' the Switzerland to which I flght and held t he south e rn nrmy at Rd 'Would call the attention and ap. th eir mer c)'. So SImms was obliged the work, necordln g to General Bootb, prectntlon of his countrymen, at whloh, I to r eturn to hI s own linea wltbout nco has bee n succ ess ful beyond highest lIldeed, they now know but lillie, "and I r.ompllshlng his purpose. H e le rt the ex pectntlolls.-London Chronicle. when you gaze upon It," he concludes, I tru ce tow el In the hands ot Col on el !'you cannot help but feel wltbln you I Whltt a lter, who took bal f at It and the sentlmlmt, 'My Switzerland, my gn.v e the otb er portion to Ge ne ral Cus. Controlling the Miscl5SIPIc I. t e r. It was on Iy ,,'hartlY Ilfl fl r the In· Rega rding Bo me m e thod for u ltlgat. beauUful home.''' cld e nt jlls t me ntione d that Sherida n Ing lhe 1II1sslssippi river nood ,. the It's one dish that a Sclen11!1e American says: "The prell· YANKEES STUD YING ENGLISH an d Gordon met n.n<l cslBIlJls hed a t eDlpora r y truc e which held until the ent outbreak at the river will s erv p. good many thousand pe0'to direct attention to a proposed meth . London School ' Does a BIg BU81ne8S r. o nr eren r~ hetwopn Grant and Lee t erm ina ted th e war. ple relish greatly for od ot control whlcb we are Inclined to TeachIng Touring Americans :\Io ~ t IlIJportant among this collec· think will prove to be ths ultima te 80. breakfast, lunch or sup"Correct" Accent. n of war re lks Is a illtl(l o\'al tn.b lo lullon or th e problem. We r eror to the or wood , m uch hattcred a nd 6en rr er!, p lan at provIding storage resen 'olrs In per. London.-"Engllsh taught to foreign· the UIJper r eaches or the river, In ers, Americans, aqd English people. on " 'blch (1 ('n eral Grnnt wrote the let. ter co ntai ning the terms of su rren. wh!c~, the flood wat~rs ~ue to spri ng Accurat'6' speec~ perfect accent, and rains and tbe melting of the snows, an eIe~t style ot writing. English der of Genertll Lee, nt th e bome Wilmer McLea n. could be Impounded, to be released In gu~ranteed In a few weekS." Th e collec ti on also In clud es a pin a dry eeason for th e purpose of main· This adve,rtisement appeared r ecent- mar! e rrolll n Ill ~ c () of con ch Ah eIJ, talning the river at a navigable depth:' ly fn the London newspapers. The "Ly· Quce n buttoc froDl the cout of Upn· ceum School of Languages" is re- ernl ,\Vasblngton, ]1l'c ec nt od by s rela. sponsible tor Il tlve of tho general to Custer. Later '1liJring' the summer:' said the man- Custer bad It moun ted in gold for bls Bler, ,"we practically live by teaching wife, who wore It fot· Dlllny years as l!:ngltah to, Amerloan visitors. We find a brooch , bere that every American In his heart waDUI to speak Engltsh with a British Crisped wafers of toastEffective Joke, butBCcent." , , A youn g contraba nd, servant of a ed Indian Com-a dainty junior statl' om'car: W83 Ignorant of the To liavi Big Air Fleet. ~d most delightful dish. fact that his ma.ster had n cork leg, London.--England 18 to have a and the first nlgbt th e officer had th. ml.hty all' Ileet. Pune already under darky pull orr his boots . Try With.' cream and 'way wt11 I~t thla new arm ot ,the were allowed to ro~p ~ eI8co~r~d. ~'Now, look Iharp." said the officer. Poet's Hope. lerrtce . on a par with that ot This u the lecond . OcCalllon tb.athu· sugar. "Don't pull too hard ." . "Cbeer up, dear." salel Hie . . since Itfeat; »Owen. A great Ileet omcer loosened the stra~ s about 'wIfe, lOokIng at hIm .oveI' hIs Win be ol'lanlzed. hiliThe w8.lst, and olf came the Illg. Title!' ,,-~pe\, "tbere are gOIl~ · tltt/le· s )~lnhIC,. aelt wlU OOIUdat colored boy cavo a groa n, lurn-e d ash,. Is It '4.;knQC)lng ~ ti:'~~~~;:~2:~~~~l,~;~vldd' . !) ftliht. The f)v,r~· b'tnC!et Jllek~ lost.. •


BlIlong Its m embers. "sporting" Blllcldtls headquarte rs 'Wlth 1Il Sl Petersburg .nd qulcltly growing -brancbes In Moscow, Odessa, I{ lIultow, and Vladlvostock, this club m eets r eg· ularly to vlnn the death -selt·lnDlcted <Jt Its members. These suicides ar e 10 far removed rrom th e ordinary alralrs that reBult rrom hunger, unrequIted alroctlou, jealousy, poverty or despa ir, "that one of the con· dltlolls of mem berIIhlp Is that DO meDl· tier sball kill h im· ,.elf for any ot tbese 'f'ulgar reasons. This club Is but one of the manUM· "tatlone .f tbe pec uliar and alm08t In-\ -explicable Bulclde mallia that Is nnw .sweeplng the , whole of th e country, _ellllng upon young and old, rI ch and J)Oor, lowly and hlgh·born. In St. P&tersburg aloDe thora Is an average at 15 s,uicldee 1\ day. Moscow records about tho same number, alld th e oth· er big Russian cities are not tar b&hind. Efforts have been made In \'aln to cheok !.be tendency. Antl·sul· clde sooletles by the doze n have ·• It e ma d e th e Ir Rppearance, b u t uesp the conatant efforts of s uch organl· &aUons as the League of Lite and tile Anti·Sulclde Lengue, the dully reeord of Bulcldes Increas os alarmingly. So serious bas th e situatIon become In this city that tbe Prefecture or Pollee I1u otrered a r ewa rd or $2.50 ror ev· ~ry re8cue and mnny of the unem. layed assemble every da'" on the P , banks at the Neva lind t ile canals on the lookout for nttompted suicides. .(JlIe watcher pluced three r escues to .Jlls credl~ In lUI many days, Because of 'the pledge of


~'h1ch binds tile members ot th e Sui·

·clde Club detaUs of Its organization ·are difficult to get. Who found ed It! Who1tl the president? Some declare tt Is one ot llle grand duk es, though 'the younger generatlol'\, of Imperial ·couslns IIhow too m~ch good sense and too much zest tor life to play ..ncb a rol e, and the olde r on es are .tar too dlgnllled. Otllera declare that the famous Russ ian novelist, Artzybllsche tr, la tbe founder a lid president and the Instigator ot the more original suicides. He has writ· ten many books whloh eondeDJn life :IIS something like a 81n , and extol self· .destruotlon sa; 'n heroic ' action. He has been nned by !.be tribunals for writ· Ing books of pernicious Innucnoe, and tie openly advocates many kinds of -.Ice, which he makcs 88 attractive ae 1)Osslble. Hie !'reat talent makes his "books all the more dangerous. Nevertheless, tber:e ill no sure proor that he "has an·, . dlreot Inftuence on suicides, -<Jr'trae e~elped the club to gather In ItII harvest of victims. And though ~t Is now an estllbl1sbe,l Insti t ution its origin and members' list Is as deep • mYllterY as possible.





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Suicide B~reau .a' Success


The Food Tells Ita OwnStoTY





Prehistoric Burial Ground

"TlaaMentory Lu.pi."

A' :.,.~___•"'~"'I"'.

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8tl'~ti~ ' Into .,'

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• 3




mlWL * . . . .~a................... .




Waynesville M.i lls \~--------------~------------------------I"--_.--""--"--"""--"'------------~ PRICES ARE RJ(~HT




The Security

Hear Dr, Fess Friday evening at ' Mr, IlUti Ilrd Jaules Davll. of ' CroSd' Ha II. Columba" raoeD,ly vl,lted wlta. Watch IThia apace for aomethln8 New Charle. John! and family. ............................ .. -.. _- ........... _....- .._.. _... __..._.... - .., ... I J . A. "~unk ey went to Chicago Mrll , LUlY Dyku aDd lion "llllam , Monday evening. wi re I. 'btl Gem City, OD FridlloY. Wilbur l,'1ark and family aocer Messrs. Jas. McClure and Kenneth taiDed Mnnday dlllDer Ridge are in Dayton today. aaobel Llule aDd Mlu Ea'bel Be,·by. We give to patrons the of lA~aDoll . Rain Light and Flint Kote Roof. advanta~es of new and ~: . L Tel"elJ and family moved \0 inir for sale by W. H. Madden & Co modern vaults reinKeDtooky. on MOD".Y, forced and barricaded with Yale Deposit Locks. The J. E. Janney was in Cincinnati "raDk '/V ooley and famUy, of Yak system of locking is known around the world as Thursday and Friday buying holiday Daytuo. spell' Sund"y wl&h »r. and the most sturdy, the most impregnable. goods. lire William BrOWD. AU of our preSsing is done by hand with heavy Every boI In aUTvault ts protected by a. special gu~rd mt:c hanll m and I. mINI aet 01 El M. Olark entertaioed OD Yan IWDblcn: EDIl"\lOI your ... 1... bl.. 10 uo.-ihcy will be .q(o from flrc .. ",n .. 1hd\. irons. Our crea!!es are put ia tbe right place Miss Edith Mosher is the guest of day, Ar&llur Wa'ktD' and lamily. of her sister, Mrs, Fred Hartsock. of UeD&erville, Yr, and Ibl. Harold I and put there to stay. A majority of the pressaynesvill,~ .~ Nati~nal MQrrow. Ohio. Tbaobra •• nd Mr. and II ... EYlre" ing done in the cities is machine work and the ~WA YNESVILLE , OHIO . 0 I Early. creases will not hold. ' M~. A. C. WhItt', of wensboro, IIr. aad MI'I. O. 8. lAmb had for We thoroughly I;lean each and every garment Ky .• 18 the lruest?f her son, Mr. U. tbeir Hun. .y .....8. !lb. lIod IAri. before pressing it, Give us a trial. We'll treat M. White. and Wife. David Jollnl. Ralpb Jobns aDd you right. Our prices are reasonable. EDWARD T. SNEOIKER Candidate For County M r. an d M rs. H . V . Wa It er, 0 f family, of Kallla, aDd 8t.aale, Lamb, Surveyor Lebanon, . were gueets of Waynes- of Daywo. Candidate For , ville· relatives, Sunday. Berlted Corren. of Oklabom., Judge of the Court of Common Pleas Remember our motto: wa. oaUtnl OD Lytle frleDds. Yo•• I am a candidate on the Democratic Lewis Stibbe. of Lebanon, was day. ticket for the office of County Sur"Satisf..etion or No Char~e" 'l lr. aad Yr. Allen .mrtot eD&er veyor. and if elected I will endeavor circulating among irienda here tat ON oa BaDday, 141'1. 11.1'1' to faithfully perform the duties Tuesday and Wednesday. McGrUl' and Ul,de Moga' ad famlly i required of me. I respectfully solicit the support Mr. anu Mrs. Knowles Conn and of Springboro. THE Mr. and lira. (loar)el Jobal.Mr, of all my friends of whatever polit- son, of Springfield, have been visiting' aDd 11,8. ,J . 8. '!'bom.. Rnd I(rI. ical faith. John P Cummings, at the home of Israel Satterthwaite. Enterprise Bldg. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Catbarlae Johns wen 8uDda,. adv Waynesville. Ohio. Mrs. N . L. Bunnell arrived home Adel" at tbe oouo'rJ homl of 111'. from Columbus Monday, after a and IIrl. J:d Tboma•. NOTICE TO HUNTERS week' s visit with ber son, Herschel, Mta. An.a Duke .Dd f.mily liD · terat.Ded thelr rela UT88. Mra. Eel. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.,.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_ _ _ of the O. S. U. We. the underailTl'ed, positively ",.rd Dab and 111'1. Alber' Tbomp forbid all hunting or tresp_ing L A. Zimmerman leaves thla 100, of Wayaetow., 1041•••• Myeral ~ -upon our premises. The same will be morning for 4keville. Fla.. where da,' I... ,uek. strictly enforced: he will spp.nd ten days seeing the , Mrl. Belrae Joa81 and 100 Ther)e. Jas. Vandervoort sights lUld viewing Florid1a lands. Isaac Wilson 1IIr.. m,d., WhartoD aD. obiJ dr_ Will Williams Martin Gons aad *I's. W.IMr Kenriok ~pea' Any persons found hunting on any Wednellday at the ool1D'ry bome of George Mills Seth Furnas of my farms will be prosecuted to III' ••d 111'11, Levi O .... 'llouee. Deal' F. C Sawin Emily Crane the full extent of the law. Minnie Satterthwaite 8.rlnlboro. aad eojOJ" the a'Mr.! tt Dr. J. T. Ellis. caD he ... iD towD from ua. Edwin S. Furnas Eli Dean 0000 hlokor,.DuUln•• Not • Candidate Against Warren 111'1 A4argare' levubart. 111'1. , County CandIdates. LATE CLASSIFIED ADS Mr. Frank Silver was a guest of 8nrt Kelm aDd 111'1 . Bader, of Sam i, in buying goods. You can Judge SnJjiker is peculiarly fitt~ hi8 brother LJman. in Co!nmbu8, IIllImlJlbnfjr. and lIariOD Clark, 0' for this office by judieiaJ lervice of por&able forge, praotically Dew. / Saturday and Sunday. and wItnessed Da1wo, .~'te.ded tile haDen) of the same character and by the ex. oDly 115 . InquIre of JI'raak the foot ball ~ame between Ohio Hrl. Willi/1 m lIerrlott. a, Oorwlo It pay nery propeny owner perience of twenty.five years in the lIiller. WaYDellvUle, OhIO. 030 State and Michigan. .'urda, morolag, aDd IpeO' tbe ATLAS CID remalader of 'be d.y wlab lb. aDd I legal profession. He has li.~ all Messrs Brennan, of the Innia· lin .• barDn Clark. his life in Greene and Montgomery to comfort. fallen green houses. Henry Veach. John Cook. Supt. of the Springfield Dr.•ad 111'1. L. O. arook, Mra. counties of this ' state is widely etc. have some interesaing ••uab Cuto aDd .GleoD Brook a' · known because of his splendid record Electric Light Co. ; and Wm. Mcln· tebdecl tile weddtng of IIr. Ralph 8S Common Pleas Judge. When 00 ~ the. tyre, Supt. of Snyder Park, all of 11 'D."rmall:er aDd III.. Wanc1a elected he will be resident Judge of Fresh Baltimore / Springfield, Ohio. called on friends rieBrs, a' 'he home of the bride '. Montgomery County and it will be Oysters here Sunday. _ _ _.~ .____. _ _ _ pareDy, .1'. aad Mra. Jobn DeBra. his duty to serve in Warren County Fancy Celery of Nortb Yala l'reE.& Da JiOD. OD when required. NEW COAL DEALER Cranberries HilJ name, as Candidate for the Jersey Sweet Potatoes above effice will be found on th~ C. M. Robitzer has 8tarted a coal Non·partisan Judicial Ticket. All BARB,ERS, RAJSE PRICES New Evp. Peaches .. business in connection with his Judgeships are voted for that way '11" t ·ts G' h' call New Seeded RaISlDS New Mince Meat ml mg In eres. Ive 1m ~ [We, the nnderaiped, hereby qree thia 'year. A cross mark before the New Hone and you will be treated courteously. to adopt the followi~ pricel: . name is neces!lary to indicate the ---~------t . voter's choice. Adv. Sweet Florida Uranges TO ORANOE PATRONS · Hair cut.................. ..;............... 26c Fancy Grape Fruit Your vote lLnd suppor l is solicited Irrespective of political parties, Warren cOunty Shave ....................................... lOc Grimes' Golden Apples If Grange patrons WlUlt apples for Shampoo .................................. ~26c citizens endorse Thin Rind Lemon winter. do not fail to notify the Massaee..... ............... .... ·• ........ · .. 26c 1 secretary not later than this week. Sf~ge ... ~............... : ................... 26c Bring us your Butter and Eggs. , ___ • Children 8 hair cuttl ng ...... ......... 26c Highe!lt prices paid Tonie ....... lOc Cash or Trade.

Offered by our Safe Deposit Vaults


, I







... .

Mr. Good-Dresser ~

Does HAND WORK Appeal to You?




... Bank.









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riPt You bow how particular Uac1e

his iudsment'will to ·6nd out how Cement • add bi& income.. safety. health, We booklets subject., free fot nakina_


. . ...-..-








--....--...- - -



IXI Edward T. Snediker

iI . . . .

- NOT THE .. "

It paJs to trade at



stopped 10


sure wit h Dr. tlhooJ' " C roup Rcnwdy. Oue tos/; ",ill Hurcli pro . ... Nv ,"omitill~~

ar- A ..... and pleasiog HlrQp-IIOo.

'ATiAS Cement Usecl By The U. S. Govel"Dllleat On 1\e'PanlDl& Canal





Joke Sellel'-Did you receiYe letter and that batch of jokel P Editol'-I rooelnd tile letteJ: bat I didn't lee the jaW Satire.'

...... . ....................

Triln ................... ....... ;.... IOt O. M. Rid~e J. W. Lewis J H. Smith C. L. Hawke Mahlon Richre


On Non-parti8&ll Judicial Ticket--Eleetion Nov. lith

DR. S. D~ FESS, .&T - CROSS HALL . ON· FRIDAY EVE~ ';OQTQSB.~· 25th ...

DR• .· FE8S

Will speak ~t SpriDg~'ro .S aturday ~e· -"'iliDg-~y,;Jmfge B~~ ~






Sixty-Third Year


--------. itizens ' C Former 1 t

. '.

Whole Number 3183

r······-·· ..··........ ·-·····.......-·--............... r·_· ......···.... _· ..·....·... _·...·...=: ··......::::\. ~-·· ..__......... ·.. ·.. ·... ·................... ..........·.... /.IMIAMIS DEFEAT CLAI{K5YILLE The ~ew Century Club held a II ! Persona I Men t·Ion ..i" 1 ii i ~u( sati~n('d with th .. ir d, ·fl·a t Ht .-----~----. most delightful session at the pleas· II I ~o umn ~ i the ha nds of the Wavnes\'ille Mialni ~ NEW CENTURY CLUB





Learning that five Monrovians had ant home of Mrs. H. E. Hathaway . I t. ........................................... .......... ~................ . ...................... i in th e ('arller part of the s('uson. I ht~ IIClal'k svillt' team <I"ked f ill' and g'IIt a a narrow escape from death in an au- The rooll'1 !I weredtaste~Ully decorakted t ............................ ·....·.... - .. All en H' ' . ' r. Uu,'ld ..t homas ~ pent Sa . tu rJay l'(.! l urn ga me a l 1'1 ' . I' a l'1 ( I'a" I 'l accI'd en t yes terday . a repre . in pot p ants an mimature Jac d''0to mo b Ie ames. 0 f X emu, was 1Il . II'11 II'S · f tl N II d t the lantern8. The hostess was cor lal S . I , d . f "VI ' I' t senta Ive 0 Ie ews en e a . . 1'h I town unday. ' i\ Ilt: I'IHJC'1\ : 11 Day tOil ' ::iu n ay a krnoOlI. y len t h • Snllhe residence of W. H. Gard, who m her greetmgs. ere were on y . .. . . I _ . . . ' of huttl e had clea red away afkr tt f M ISS CI ara H aw k e IS spen d mg tl1IS ' [~. . \ . ,'0 ;a rn I Th e program was . I i l, l1 Bal'd th a t yes t er day mornl'ng at 8 two absentees k' D . lOl l' .I ~ lIU again a Le~ , etg'l l ane I a IHI If. "In n ll1g ~ 0 f pay 'I k Sunday October 20 he excellfmt consisting of Dutch Prov- wee m ayton. a coul' i\;! ol wl.!l.!b dines:>. ( I 11 t ' . f f tl o c oc " , . . '''('UrL' S OU( () .. III avo r u Ie started for Long Beach with his erbs at roll call, a verYll1te r estmg Mrs. Sarah Roberts, of Washington Mrs.tlliranda ('raIlL' ha~ gO lll'lo Mi::lI1li~. handsome new touring car. which . paper on "How Holland Arose fl'om D. C. is vi!>iting relatives he re. Cinc inr. a : til ~ I ,en d th e winter. !Vianag-cr Smith prese nt ed a r l't hcr carried aa passengers besides him· the "Sea," by0 Mrs. Harris; a paper M J S'd . ' 1 1 t th h M "'I 1." \'Glrie<ratC'oI lin e- ul ), onl Jv five l,f th e k W rs ane I es IS I a e ome r . 1'. nll' r n l'C\'(' I' IS b\lildin~ a " self two brothers, one sa and one 76 fu~ts:, b y ~s, B aler~aYS~nd of her daughter, Mrs. O. J. Edward ~. nE'W cl'ih 1l ,I hi~ farm Wt.llL o f town , ol d r ,gu lar;; l)pi ng- in the g-am e and years of aile, a sister·in·law and a m ml s. y n. unne. rs. on" of t helll , E va ll~, playert a new niece. The oiled road on which the Funkey, who was a delegate to the Miss Elizabeth Laws, of WellLwuud Born Tr, ;\1 1'. und :\1r~ . Frank pu.~ili(,n . ()f the ill'\\' tale nt tried machine ran into Clearwater is Quite State Federation of Clubs, at Athens. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs . J. B II avl'lI::; T il I.!>iJay , (), ·IIII,cr . :!!), a son . Llut, '\lenJenhal l made the he. t convex. A slight shower of rain gave a grsnd report which was Chapman. I Mr . and '\lrs. C. fi . Bent I!'\' w, ' I'<' "h"wi ll g' . "lIu "k" hit th t· Iml l foll' a bad fallen whIch made the roadway thoroughly enjoyed by all. Miss Mr. Doan Brackney, of the Day- ih New Bur ling-I<,n SU llday, \' i ~ilin~ ~in ~il' eac h nf his (\I'll tim ps at ba t, very sJipp~ry. Suddenly the auto· Grace Carman favored the ladies ton pike, has been very sick Lire rela1 ivP::I. hi ll haJ III) ('hanl'l's tu ;;how hi s mobile began to skid to the edge of with two beautiful vio;in solos. past week . I M d M , l' IJ I tielding ahility in righL Ii Id . the street and belore Mr. Gard During the soci~1 hour the ladies M h oi r. an l'H . . . a\\' ,' WL're I )a\'i~ "cam .. ba" I," aml ~.I lay ed a · ed were invited to the dining room rs. Young. of Cart age . 1io . 1in qaytoll S unday. lhl! g"u e:;ls oC Mr. could gain contro I It tum a com· th t f M M Y l"'1 D II k rauling goo d g-arne at i:l ho rt· slo p I .. th fi The dining table was tastefully dec- was e g~es 0 r8. ary uun~ ' l a n(:" I'!,. J\.'1Y GlW ·e. . plete somersau t. pmnIng e ve . , A Tu~ay Olght. " hot h in t hf' liel d nnd a t Ilat. occupants under the body of the car. ora.t~ In Hallowe en eJllbl~ms. Itev . Dr Cam l,bell and wife , of r\ , lI"ual, t he " Old RelialJl e Bal'fhe driver, his oldest brother and delICIOUS two course lunch~n was Mr. and Mrs. J. E Janney ~ttend- DaW>n. we re (\nt rtaineu hy M. W l tt' ry" wa~ tlH' m;lin show . J'len his niece were able to extricate served by the hostess assISted by ed the Eastern Star Grand ChatJter Sil '1l r ami wi fe, on Frid ay. sl ruck (Jut fourt cen . batte r~ and themselves by their own efforts and Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Barnhart and at Dayton Thursday. ~ '~ . . a".)\\·l'oI nint' hit~ all d three passes. ' II y UnlllJur. . . ed A score Mrs Burnett The invited ..O'uests l' Ida 1\ E'l'v(' r and i:lo n W YIll"! . . . . were practlca Lew'ie Chandler, of Dayton. was ' ' . . . whrll' at !tat he hIt three smglell and were Mrs Fred Sherwood of Leb · of I?'~nte rvlll e t ook dlliner With Dr . · d th f o persons came to e rescue an In . ' t h e guest of Edwin Chandlpr and ') . '. 011· d 'lIlhle. s t( ~le a base and scored an incredibly short time succeeded anon, Miss Laws. ~fCincinnati. Mrs family last Thursday . Wl'lght ana famil y. Sunday. :a r un in lin) Lim e;; up . Boh caught in restoring the- rllr to. its normal Rosnagle, of SprIngboro, Mrs.. Joe M' Ed J ' d Eth I u r anl' Mt~ I·' I,' Tllom as Ml'~ ' a g-ood gam. ,'ecured thr ee extl'll h Isses na anney an e yn m. , . . u. .• .. politi on and releaaing Dan Gard snd C hapman, Mrs. S . L . CartwrIg t, J f 0 f d 11 r t S Anna S urface and Mrs. ,1ason Sh ... e· pIll -out s and haJ hUl one pa HHed hit wife. A large passing touring Mrs. Geo. Hawke. Mrs Harvey donest,oth . x or COt' eg e · spen un- ha11 auto"'d to [)aL·t on Fridav ball. At hat. he was hit on ce. hit a aya elr 'reapec Iv e h omes ~ M' G C d M' car conveyed the party to Downey, B "~net, 189 race arman an ISS ' ,. . s in~II ' . a dlJul)lc alld a tripl e. g'ot on where Dr. Haygood ministered to Edith Mosher. 0 _ . . . Mr. and Mr!L Har:y Ral ston. of i bllhu Underwood allel WIfe. of ba ~c once uy a liplding error and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gard. The near Lebanon, wer~ calling on Dr. Har veysburg. !1 uve retu rn ed home sl'ol'l'd twl) run s in si :<: t im es u p. former was badly .cut about the face A CORRECTION aDd Mrs. Wright. Sunday afternoon. after an e.· tcnSI\' e Lour through the . Clal'k sv ill c wa~ si mp ly out.c1assed


......·.. ·..·.. ····· .. ·.. ··· .. ·.. ·...... ·..



and eyes and hiS fea~ures were In laat week's issuf we made pretty well covered WItt plasters mention of several Middle Run when the doctor ~eleased him. Mrs· ladies calling on Mrs Sears. It was Gard ",aa 8uffermg from torn and the ladies from the Sugar Creek strained ligamen.ts in her back and Christian church. who lightened hiy e b con- Mrs. Sears burden of indoor life, by a h ou Id . ers an d WI II prob a fined to her bed for a couple of calling on her and spending Il bappy weeki. The top, which was up, hllP d A ' sustained the w~ight of the ear a: d thua Bayed the hves of the ?ccupa- t~ . SECOND GROWTH BERRIES Mt'M.~r:l. Hil'''''')' !lrd ErlCh~n, of ____ ItoUI,() ..~ta, wlw 1..W Ii C"':l'P~lled the Mi89 Addie Martin brought to this Garda lD another I!.u.omoulle. and office Saturday ~ome v,ery .fi}1e a~d who were ahead when the aCCIdent largn blackberries. The Ma~tms occurred, turned back when they gathered enough of these second learned of the catastrophe llOd berries to make a good big pie . . crop , -c-- _ broul'ht their frle~ds ~o MonroVIa: and several over. They certainly The Gard machl~e 18 a new.40 looked IU&cious and I'ood enough to horae power machine of Cutting eat. make; W.~ . Gard haa h~ three HALLOW-E~EN· SOCIAL Years expenence as a driver an d this is the fourth car he has run. Th There will be a Hallowe'en social . h f . He 18 t ere ore no novice. e aecident he attributes entirely to the at Lytle Hall, Saturday evening. wet roadway and the damttge he There will be a good program and estimates at between $300 and $400. lots 0 f g ood t h· mgs' to eat. Ad' mls'I N sion tOe i D -Monrova al y e w s . '



Mr Garli in a letter to ·us says: have overestimated the


=~:mm~~'A~t~~w~:~~:;~1 ~ ~



Wedl*dayevening, three days after the lJ.CCident, everYbody is rapidly l'eCOv.rinr, all except brother Dan's . wife•.:wluUs still in bed. e Tbe doctor "To him Who. In the lovo of Nature. holds assures us of her permanent recovery, commuplonwlth her vI.tblefonna. lIheapeak. however. We feel that our escape a varloua l&nguage;" from mere serious injuries was "Go forth under the open &k,.. and I'-t little leu than a miracle." TolN&t\lrB·. teachlnll1'."




and Mr~ ,I. F. \;atl wallaol e r.

,\11'. and \ 1r!l . Clra..; . lI11 l1gh. Dr. a 111..1

.''I I·S.J. \V. Wnl'l I VI/'re p I aaun t Iy " 11' C rl ai Iw d Sli n da ~' a l t hl' hom(' of U .Vlr. anu. , .,'I rt;. 1''.( 1 '1'1 10 III as Li1~ t F riday Mr . an ll Mt·s. JoS( ph \V . Haines, ill honur uf their 471h

weddin g anni vel'!:lary. wt're e nt 'rtained by Mr!l. A ~.('Il es Wright and Ja\l~ht e r Su~a n . al dill1wr : Mr. and Mrs. E:lrl Ha rpe r. wife nnlt dau g ht e r, a r,d Mr. and Mrp. Harry I{ol,inson, of Lebanon, Mr . aml ·M r ~ . i{o'y Ha t haway took d innt·r S und ay with Mr. and Mrs. ~J,. W. Hathaway . . <,.J A d eli g htfu l ~L1 r prige was given , Henry Satter l hwaite last Sun\. ua.\'. Those present were Mr. and M r~ . J Satte rthwaite and daughter. Marg-aret . Mr. and Mrs Chauncey Bunne ll and family and MissMonimia Runnel l . M 1·~.

Mrs. J. O. Cartwright en· .... •.."n,"" at dinn er Saturd ay . the gue~t~: Mesdames E V. .1 H. Chapman. P. n Clagett, Hawk e. C. M. f!obitzer, M Myra Baird. Elizabeth Laws and Stella Lemmon.


Mrs. Hannah Rich. of Wellman, West . II) l'n~ ry departm cnl of the game Mr add- Mrs. Emerson Mason enand Mrs . Goldie Surface spent Tues· I Mr. lind Mr.' . .I 0f' . EV:llIs spent but rag- chewi ng and umpire hal t. rng . t e rlainei(. the following at dinner day with Mr . and Mrs. Enis Spray. ,severa l days last week wi th fiapti Ol t J n t his. th ey w~re led hy Tom Sel tIes. ?unday: Mr. Will Cornell and f~mof Utica, Ohio. friends in Midd letown a nd Frankli n , a fo rm e r r eS id ent of Clarksvrlle 'l rl y . Mr. Harry Cornell and family, Ohio. I wh'lJ III;!n ages a team in the Illin ois , t Mr. Ernest nutterworth and family. Inez, Everett and Lowell Thomas . , State League . a Class D organiza· Mr. ancl Mrs . W. S. Graham, Mr. !lpent Saturday night and Sunday M.r. anu M rfl. Ch as. Re lmhrl tz and t iOIl. ~eLtles played third hase for Lee MaHo n and son, LerOy. with Mrs. Anna Surface and Mr. and famIl y. of Day ton, were Sun day the :'>1iall1is ill th e thinl ~am e wi th M~. Lester Surface. g ue::!ts of Mr. ami Mrs. Chas. Stan s. King's Mills, und e r th e non de pl umc ' Mr. and Mnl. S. L. Cartwri~ht LIttle Gertrude Chand!er. daugh- berry. , 101' Slltton. al~:l at that time PI'O' had the pleasure of Mr. and Mrs. G. ter of Mr. an~ Mrs. LeWIS Chandl er, M)s. Su e Hawke and daul-!hte r, ! noun.ced LeWIS a good and. square W. Ebright. Mrs. Rachel Keys, of Dayton. IS the g uest of h~r M;gg Clara. !IttenJed th e Slate Grancl ump l r~ . It .makes a dlfferenee Kezia Merritt. Miss J~an Ferguson. l grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Edwm l Chapter, O. E. S. at Dayto n Wednes: W?:~t Sid e you re on . Mr. and Mrs. J. W. White, as Chandler. day and Thursday. fhe ~core: their guests on Thursday. All reThe Christian 'Sunday Schoo I' ~ 3 1 ~ G 7 8 9-ft n A I!: gretted that Mrs . RebecC\l Randall MisIlCarl'ieTh ompsol1:lC'compani l!U Ularl,.,l llo.. 0 U 0 I 020 I 0- 4912 j reached an enrullment of 126, last ~ II IIII , is . .0 Ii 0 0 I 0 J a x-II I/i 0 3 and Mrs. Taft could not be wit" Sunday, the "Blues" winning by a Mr. and Mrs. Frar.k Thomas home them. small margin. The "Reds" h6wcver from YerRRillcs . Ohio, SlItWlay even· SU lIIMARY can see the cause of their defeat and iog and ~pects t o spend a few days -Two.base hits- Fordyce, 5 e ttl es. The relatives of J. E. Janney gave expect to win next Sunday. Th e with relatives. Bau!;h. Surface, Burton, Bergen, B. him a pleasant surprise Sunday, the end of thl's "contest" I'S no'" I'n . bel'ng hl's bl'rtllday annl'ver . h d _ b ". Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Thomas. Smilh . occa!illOn slg t, an promises to e an enJoy- Mi:;;sCoraan (1 ArthurTh omasautoed Three base hit- Burton. sary . Those present were Mr. John bl ff. . 0 't' tS d d McClure and family, of Springboro, a ~~ aIr. :m ~I~ nex un .~y. to Versaill es. SatUl'day afternoon Innin gs pitche -G rey. 2; Se Ltle~ , as IS mlea. nSB~uc or B~obul r SI e. and spen t the night and Sunday with "SSmiLh,9. Dr. and Mrs . Roy Shepherd, of Glenme earP'B' \ ThrlOg your I. .e . Ch ar.Ies TI lOmpson ~II d f ami I lk 3 Settl es~, dale, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Foster, y, r eo rue 0 U't b y- G rey , .; . . ompson, minIster, turmng Sunday evenmg. 6; Smith, 14. of Butterworth Station; Morris HarI dy, of Pendleton. Ind ., Or. and Mrs. '!' ~------'-J. T. Elliq, W. E. O'Neall and family Chas. Ellis and family, Mr. and Mrs.








By Cora A. Thompson

Sid ElIi_s.____o _ _ • __ SELF·DENIAL FOLKS

If you receive this it is an invita· bars tall maples stand. One a pillar old and young in the neighborhood . IDavis vie with one anotller in lovli · tion to join the self denial folb .of of green and scarlet, another r e- We cross a hillside brooklet, now ness and toothsomeness. They al'e the MetJ.lOdi st church. The time is minds us of a golden sunset. still almos t dry, thus revealing more tardy to drop th eir foliage thes(> ,the entire month o~ November. another in its opalescent lovliness is plainly the lichen coverecl stones of queens of the orchard. We find thi~ fh e cons~mmatlon ~Il\ be a large ind(>scribable. Nature is such a ' lhH bed and the mosses which adorn IOctober 13 a cherry t ree in (ull congregatIOnal meetIng sometime - - -•• - Ilovely thing, we bare our hell,6ls and its banl:s. We rest and r efr esh our_ ' bloom whjl~ Rcatlering blossoms are Juring the first. week in ~ecember. AT THE FERRY CHURCH Autumn is with us, in her regal give thanks to a Creator so munifi· selves at the spring, who g ives of on many peal' trees. Th(' purpose 19. to prOVIde Rome The revival. meetings are still in garb of beauty. Nature i8 ~he cent, who has given us a worlrl so her sparkling water the year around He who has never tak en a 'wnod-I much .n e~ded e'lulpment for ~hurch There it is the squirrels phiy hide land walk ill October has ueen r [) bhed Our aim IS J150. Th~ hope IS that g reatest of artists, and to they With delightful to live in. progress at the Ferry church. The h b I frlend of church crowda are increasing, aDd the seeing eyes and responsive bearts, What words of mortal could por· and seek in their castle~ of green of hi ~ IJirthright; just to be out of e~c mem er am .. . te t . Miss Emley the who live for the things really worth tray the beauty of the Master's can· Iand gold, busily storing their nutR doo r~ , just to let loose of your!i('\f WIll become a se.lf demer IOde.ed. In rea I'rowlnll· 'while, really essential, really fille, vas. Purple, crimson and gold. I away for wintt~r eati ng. Beautiful and lo fee l the :-;pirit of wood alld FInance Committee. "Sin&ill¥ Evangelist" of WaynesI - - ... - - they who make the world sweeter green, rUSdet and brown, God's won· little creatures. lield and d ell. to drink in all the HAD A FINE MEETING . ville, 0., will render BOul stirring and better by their paa&age thru it, derful Eden. the great out-of.doors. I But. where are our bird fri~nd!i, beau t ieg and charms of nature is 80108. each even~ng this week. Tne ~ _ Q t tte ill continue to they can interpret the message God The stately beech is Beer ar,d brown. /who·s son~ in the s pringtime was an - Life. The Republicans held a fine meetUBr er.," th £di W h' h· has give:1 to man in the seasons. while by her side the majestic oak is ' ins piration. What sport to study th e ea rth- ing in Cross' Hall, Friday twening. i DSplre e au enee, " b y th' elr Ig . . d I d ' h Th I )' I h ' f t t l th 'J rad lod' Y t If d Tired Mother Nature IS gomg to green an - a en Wit acorns . ere wer note w 1at a t rr ty way sec\'et~, 0 wa .c 1 e Spl eJ' weave Dr. S D. Fess addressed a hall full ~ ~ m~. lea.)' . ou ~annt ~or sleep. Treu and plants are ver}, stands a black haw denuded of nature has of carpeting her ~'urth hi s fa iry wheE'l of silver on bush and of in terested voters and made an ev.:n~i b~ re I'!.IOUS eas. . me much like human beings, after in- foli~ge. but burdened w.ith fruita~e. with. beauiif~l . leav~R~ . Wise and tree. .Greater Lhan worldly guld 0 1' impres.,ion that will be felt on elec· ry ~ B Th M' . te . cessant toil they must rest. To one A giant elm drhped WIth the WIld gracIOus prOVISIOn, thiS g Ift o f I('a\'e~ honO!' IS one draught of thiS October tion day of an observing nature, this seem· grape, bare of leaf but festooned to field and wood, cove ring the ~()il g lo ry. Th e lengthen in g shadows • • • o!~on, lOIS r. He spoke mainly on the tariff, and METHODIST EPISCOPALCHURCt1 ingly comes abrupt, but the careful with her puple vintage; while the' from severe freezing. then becoming ~nd the d azzle of crim~ulI and g old indulged in no mud·slingingor abuse. observer finds trees and plants Virginia creeper festoons fence amI humus. thus restoring her fertili ty . I'I g htin~ up th e west warns us day is --~!,day School 9:15 a m. . getting tired and lazy in mid-sum· skrub with her crimson grace. The Don't burn .the leaves return them abou t l o don hel' night r?be. We ST. MARY'S CHURCH ~iDI' b:v pastor both mommg mer like folks again . Did you ever golden rod and purple aster. the to the earlh which gave and nenls r t> lurn lo the crest of the hili, where ·evllnjng. ' Subject of morning not: the fragrant balm of gilead whole world 'of vegetation awakens t1H!m. ~ tunds a do~wood, now a blaze of The 22np Sunday after Trinity serrri0n" :'.T o Whom. 8h~1 We Go?" dropping its leaves in early Septe~- t~e !long in'our hearts. This wooded We wind about the foot of th e Ilill[IJUrPlisb ~ I';mson , f or one mor e look October 3rd. Sunday School at 9:30 The_evening serVice will be a ser· her. The late leafing of the deltc- hIll seems an enchanted land. We and come to a clump of pawpaw UPOII (hIS panol'ama of pastoral a. m. Sermon and Holy Communion vi~ tor ~~n. but not tor men only. ious smelling loeust. AlISO the look away across country and behold bushes, bare of all Have fru it. b eauty. at 10;:>0; Bubject "The fading of the .Subject.- "Wanted! A Man." AI~ are buttemut is a lazy fellow, not in miles of beauty. Silvery Ceasar's Further up th e hill stately walnuts Lite is robbed of hal f its grace Leaf." "We all do fade as a leafUI'I'8d to attend this iervice. Tbe leaf until fir!lt of June, and drops its Creek, sparkling and gliding on its are .derobed, a few remaining nuts a nd charm, when oTie has not Isaiah 64:6. Come . .men:ef the community are' givep a nuts in mid· September, tben down way generation after generation. like green balls of promise, but learned to be grateful; ~nd here ---------·QtCIaJ invitatioo.. . comes its leaves alld it hibernates The road threading along her banks, ullderneath what a bounteous dona· within blossomed the deSIre to co· i\\ARKET .. . J~lar:en~ ~~ra~r, PM~~. for eight months. The thOl'D tree in and ou~ umon~ the shrubbef'y, lion operate with ~he Eternal. Worker, . ,. . ./ HORSES AND MtfLSS WANT~D early turns seer and brown. The \ across her Iron bridge, aWI1Y up and Now we've ·reached the orchard; so we once agam s~and WIth ?a:ed , The Ladle~ Aid Society of ~e M . . '. • \' _ '~~.~' , •. , ' • .' ~., '.>;'.' " \ ' rovely sumach in ~IJ September o~er the bill like -a will-'a-the- th~~ dear old apple !rees O~l' b.est heads a~d offer a slle~t ben~lctJon E. chur?h WIll hold a market to the / ,' ,,,..: 't~. DaVla" WUt: . in ~Wbi!es- twines a glory of purple and aearlet' lwlsP. . . , fnends. In the sprmg theIr pink to the Creator for thlB magmfice~t Townshl~house Saturday.lJovember :..' ~;"Ut~.)IollcJi1. . '. t6 'buy ,-,W,.e J'O for a w&lkj~.. the W~8, Tall white ~plars, maric th~ ol~ nd . white blo~ms make the air '~orld, thankfu.1 for ~earts ~espo~- ,2nd. Will. o~~ at 9 a. m'. ·.XOU!i' .___- ....... ' tiOi'f1.nC! , . . tbii d..-mJ· OctoDer Sabbatb' af~r- fishing and8wlmming bole , (poplar redolent with their fragranc;e. Now slve to, and In UnIson With hlB patronag~~ d~l~ed. _ . I , .• ."''''''''''''....'''" ' ; C;b~; '.~~-;~ 'On 'eith~ dd~ th~ . p'u~~~e hole) .deal' to .the hea!~o~ 'e very ~bo~ ~'7 go~d~ .~~ppin and cdm.sqn Ben ~.andiwork, . ' ,LizZI~ ~~:-vart •. ~.~. '




.. -----








lJ/miralioD5iJy YIJJaroes


no.rdlng " enl 0,,1 1. on r."ul .. Ftt.rTl.h to p r opos" m .lrrtHgo nn d n n rlrt t he hO\HJ~ I n «Tea t t'I.d l .... nl on t on' r t ht" at l ~m pt f"<1 !Jul old nt lIf' r :4 ltHI'r l'nlliuri ntl' Kf'n t " t a rt" an In vp~ tI ~ ul h," nnd fl nc1s lh8.t Jl uJ.:'h Crnnd nll . t1ll it o r (o r K ll thl\ rtn~, w h(l hn d bee n f ') r blL1rt t"n 1 hu hOU3 b y r ; '-l n o r al Far rish . hnt! t R.lked whh I~uthurlnl' ov ..·r U'e tele p hone ' U~l bcfC'lr,' silt' !"ho t h~rtle lf . A torn plt'("e I'lf }'C'!l O \\l p a p t' r 1!9 f u und , at si g ht n t ",h lo h Ge neral lCn.r rl.h la .. trlck en wl lh p a r a. l ysls.

CHAPTER II. - (Contlnued.)

I etopped In tbe ha ll lo examine tbe U lepbone booll:. boplng Il mlgbt give 'bls borne address. but It contaIned -only the omce of bls firm . However. t had no dlftlcult,. In findIng In the 11· brary the volume I 80ugbt-the club -dtrectorY-ilnd turning to bIB name I aaw that be was a member of botb the :uotverelty an d tbe Harvard. A.8 I was a member of tbe Unlver· '8ItT myse lf I bad no dlmculty In get· ttng Crandall'B addreBs over tbe tele1)hone. Lollth as I was to leave Loul'lle alone. I fe lt tbat prompt action waa demlllld(!d. 10 I look my departure at





"It I find Crandall I wlll bring hIm back wltb me so that you may hear all he has to Bay. Whether or not I suc· ceed. I wll\ return wltbln an bour, My fri end. tbe post office In spector. li ves somewhere out In Jersey, but I wlll eee him tbe lirst thing In the morn· tug." Tbe gmteful look LouIse gave me all 1 lett Imbued me with a new and wholly dcllghtful sense of reeponBl· IbUl ty, Tbe ten minutes It took me to reaob Cranda ll 's rooms we re Ii 11 ed -with tbat Incohe re nt bliss that comlls to every man who real izes for the lirllt t ime what It men nu to have a worn· an's cOnfldenoo e ntirely bla, Crandall li ved In one of those rltmodeled mansIons so common In tna t part of Firth avenue from which the families have tied before the advance of trade, The basement and first floor wer e given over to shops and tb e upper floors to hache lor apartments, I bad no dlmculty In find ing amol\g tbe door-plates tbe name I sougbt. lIut rapent<ld rins ing brougbt no I·esponse. Determined not to leave until I bad learne4 bls where abouts I gave [he janitor's 0011 a vi go rous pnub, "Where CJln I Hnd Mr, Crandall 1" I nsked ns BOon as he appeared , HIs manner mad e It evident that he ~onsldere d my Ques tion nn Imvertl· nen ce, but I hncl mct Flftb nvenue jnnltorl! before. "I am a lawy e r," I pcrRlsted. "I must 6ee Mr. "ra nda ll tonlgbt fln an Important maU e r." "You won 't." h{! re plie d, ulmos t glee'(ully it seemed to m e. "Why not?" 1 de man ded sharply. '''Wbat do you mean ?" My m;lImer was not witho u t Its ef· 1el)t. "He's gone away." tbe man ex· p lalned a lit tl e more respectfu lly, "Gone!" I exc laimed. Hero wan a new m ystery, or J)€rhaps tbe eJl'plana' t lon of the first one. It may bave been bls departuro lhat had depressed Katb· a rlne 80 . "Where bas be gone? When did he go 1 How long \\'111 be be away 1" I vo lleyed. ExnsJ)€ratlngly he delayed bls re ply. At last It seemed to occu r to blm that I was not mak ing these Inquiries pureI,. for bls am usemenL Somewbat more politelY than at flnt. he an· swered: "Onl y nn hour or two agoa bout tbree o'c lock it waS- be came rushing down Inlo my room wIth his .keys In his hand . 'MIke,' says be. ' I'm ~oln g away toul gbt. I mny be gooe a week and 1 may be gono a month, I ,don't know bow long, Here are my 'keys and don 't let nobody Into my rooms whil e I'm awny, on any pretext whateve r.' And wid th at he wae Into n taxIcab and orr before I could be 'BAylng my thanks for the b111 ho left In my haud," Crandall sU'dOenly gone. Katbarlne ·dying by he r own blind, General Far· rlsh st ri cke n . oil wltbln two hours. I k new now thero must be sarno can· llcctton between (hese events, More than c \-er I WIIS nnxious to flnd Cran· doll, yet I felt th at the Ja nItor bad wId me all he kn ew. 1 co uld see In the YOllng broker'a departure guilty know lerlg o of Ihe shadow descending '0 11 tho I"arrlsh born e, Surely bls fligbt 'W1UI confession, Thero was no[hlng to be gaIned by t llrther QuestionIng at · the Jan itor. -From the manner of Crnndnll 'a depa", tol'O It would be useless to look for bJm at either of th e clubs to whlcb he ~Ion ge d. I mI ght try te- t race blm througb too taxicab. wh[cb he had probably. called rrom the 'Unlverelty Club near by. but that could walt until la1ler. Just now I felt It my duty to liaat.en back to LouIse and teU ber 'ot tllla ne .... developwent. Aa I turned trom tbe door 1\ newI· ~ with an arm!ul of e-renlng "extras" druit one at me. _ impatiently I _'fed him away, .. AI1 about ilie suicide." be ba..... led all be darted olr after anotbar pauer-


-Q1dckJy ' !


s oat clJed 000 of his pRpe rs (rom him . Hsd [ho repo rte rs, utt e r ni l, learned or tb e trn"edy In t he FI, rrlsb home? Doc· tor Wil cox and I had dl 'H'lJ sserl the matter of notlrylng [he poll c'(l n Il,1 Ihe coro ner . \\' 0 bo th rclt t hat It wou ~ be wl 5(!r lOut I' co mmuni cate w llb them , for Bu eh a ,'o urse would Inevita bly bring publ1 clty. Tbere wn,; eno ug h agon y In t be Far· rl s b born e wllhout hRvlng thlo; sorrow· ful aecre t blazoned to a curio us worl d In th ree·lnch typl', wIthout having a horde of report ers and camera men constantly surro undIng the ho use. Bes ldetl, It Katharine recovered, sooner or later sbe would bo suro to learn what tho paper s bad sald. Tbe knowl· edge tb at ber fooll llb crIme against berself hnd been thus se!lsat lonally proclaimed would 00 a blow trom wh ich tbe sensitive gIrl- hitherto jealously sble lded-would never ~ covel!. If slle sbou ld not recover-Doc· tor W ilcox and I were trulltlng to cblllloo to fin d a wa y of eXlllalnlng her death, The servants- all of them I rustworthy and long [n servlce-hud ~n cautioned not to ta lk to anyone about the aftcrnoon'B OTen ts. Tbo doctor's aIdes and nurses. at course. bad been s ilent. This Is pa rt at theIr bUill neBS. How. then. bad the papers obtalned t he nCWB so Qui ck ly? I could thInk or bu t on e possIb le way, More tban likely some telepbone girl who had henrd Louise calling Doctor Wilcox bad given It to the press. Even In tbe ha lf-darkness oC Ihe middle of the block where I stood I could read the word "S-U· I-C·I-D-E " slretcbed across the page In le tt e rs of red. [ hastened to the corne r wb ere the dou' ble globes s hed down 1\ brilliant li ght. nnxlous y t dre ad Ing to read wbal Ihe pape r s aid. At tbe first glan oo I bre ath e d II slgb or !'<lller, The a rticle was 'not n bout Katharine Farrlsb, I Ilnd not th oll gllt or tbe possibility of

8b.e ~ ca11f!Cl a 'potlcemaD, 1r1lct ant llgb t-a -:rlok most bUBhleh mllft . .~ tor an ambulance. Tbe ambulance these days. s o tbat the,. can _ yoor doctor found that Mr. E lser had tak.en fa ce In full IIgbt. wblle you bave d UBpolson. culty In read ing tbelrs-yet from bll It struck me as a peculiar oolnel· ton~~ I felt , tbat be waB lnwar-dl,. donee tbat two persons 80 far apart In am used at my anxlety_ tbe aoclal Bcale sa Katbllrlne Farrish "I'm afraid yo u overrat~ my dotect· and Andrew Elser sbou ld hav~ c1l086n h'e ab llll y and my powers as a postthe snme bour or tbe sarno dny to seek I oruce Inspector," be said. "Wblle I am d~ a[b . Was th4.'re some thin g In as· I In cll n('d to agroe with you tbat thlB bit trology atte r a ll ? Had tbe stars de- [ Of pnpor may have eome beari ng on {'rl'cd thut both sbould dle 7 .lInd tn e cBse. there 18 nothing 10 sbow from 80me ('on Jun ctlon of I be Illanots, sarno I what post·oillco It came, througb wholWl e vil uS(1ec t 10 tbe Zodiac drlvon bol b I bauda It paBsed, or by wbom It was reuf Ih elu- lhe youu g hel reRs, lu Ihe <'elvod . Il mny nOl haye COlOe Ibrough bloom of joyous youth, Bnrt the age d the mu ll at a ll. Jlloro thlln 11lce ly some lawyer. In his de c repIt povcn y- rc- l1, ros se agc r broug ht IL Hefore I could I.. tlll e"sly, hel(1less ly, to se lf-doRl ru,'· uud ertake Bn Inv<,sllgatlilU ! woul d tlon '! I hllHl to know, Urat . tbat It had .Xlme So d~p was th e Impression made fJ n through the mall; second, t hut there nHl by th" co incide nce [ hat I took th e was somo e Vldonoo thal th e malls were IJIIP<' r wllh me and re atl Ih e accounl of beIng used fo r an unlawful purpose; Elser's sui cide to Loui sa. Ev e n as I and t blrd, [ would want to be oertaln n ' nl! It nloud , tbls lu<,xp l1 cable t1H.>u ght b<~f Clro I began t be Investigation. that camo 10 me wltb s tartltng torce: ~UPDO~ O thnt Ih e~ t'VO suicides at Ih e same huur we re m ure than a M1 c r(, colnclu P[] ce. Wne It possIbl e tha t the satn~ ~hnd()\\' hll ,l fa ll e n on bo th th(,Ml liv es? II all the Bn me mystery dri\' I'u Illem to a dE'ath ,pIl CL? It 8el'med IIbsurd , It wns uullkf' ly lhnt I{ntilurln e Farrlsb had evor 11eu rtl of Andrew E lser. It the fam ily h,HI known hIm Louis e wou ld have mon o [Ioned II. And yet- w by bad th4.' SO two persons s ought to di e on tbe slim e bo ur of tbe saIDo day? Tbe Qucstlon would not let me sleep tbat nlgbL


Every Boy and Girl

' Wanta a Watch! , ..........

. We want every pipe and cigarette smoker in this country to know how good Duke's Mixture is.



We want ;rou to know that every grain In that big on e and a half ounce 50 sack b pW'e , clean tobacco , - a delightful smoke .

The Second Clue.

"I can 't do It, Hnrdlng. You are nsklng an Impossibility." I WIlS sitting In Inspector DavIs' room 10 tbo posl·oruoo bulldln~. Tbe first tblng In tbe morning I had go ne thero to e nlist hIll !lId In clearing up tho mystery that hilng over the Far· t rlsh home. Wltb Ihe cOlltldcnce based on a frl endBhlp tbat bad lis begIn , Dings In boyhood assoclntlon I fe lt s ure be wou ld do all he could 10 bell;) me, I wanted. If poss ible . to Icnr1l lhrough him whence had com e the yellow letter, Mille r DavIs, though only B ye ar old· e r lhan I. already had become oll e of the governlI)en l 's most trusted sec re t oge nts. HIs rI se In the se rvice had ~n phenom enally rapId, Tb e rob· bery of tbo post'offi ce where he was e mployed hnd gIve n hIm hIs start. A III t Ie later, wit h lhe me rest tbrend to follow, he had rlill to enrtb a ski lfu l band of stamp counterfeiters , nn d throo of Hs m embers were now s e rvo ing long terms. On ly a year a go, wh e n nil t be other In spectors had (alic e! 10 flnd tbe. flaw In tbe registry serv ice


And you should know, too, tha t with eACh lack you DOQr

I[et a book of cigarette papers and

A Free Present Coupon These coupons are I(OOd for hundred, of valullble prellents, s uch atl watches, toilet articles, sllverwarc, furn iture, and dozene of other articles suitAble for every member of the family. .~ "Beg Your Pardon for Utsturblng In spectur."


You will surely like Duke's Mixture, made hy Liggell and the presents cannot fail to plcase you and yours.

q. MlIeT, at Durham, N. C.,

VOIl .

[ wou ld win out. T~ n ['s Ihe As a special offer. old chap. of my B u ~':eIlB, of everycluring Oc tober body's success. Dor<t t.nckle lhln~';tl and NOrJemberon ~ YOll can't do. then yo~ never faU ," we will .end Y0lr Da vis' refusal' was 11 greater blow to our nerD illulitTateJ me than I cnre d to D'imlt . Louise nnd catalog of pre.en" I In o ur flnal confeT~nl'O the n Igh t bt-FREE. Just tlc nd UII fore had decided lbHt U, ere were tb r l)(' your name and add res. steps that would ts \e UII far inlo thc IIgb'L on a postal. • C""IMu'r""" [),.U·s Mi.rl w.. "'<I)' 6. FJ.r~t. I was to try nt on oo to find IIUOrttd W Ith IG$!.. I ••", HORSE Hu"h Crsnd':lll . 1 Willi to ask' him to SHOE,J. T ~ TINSLEY'S NATURAL lEAP CRANC£R TWIST, ,.",ons • e xplaIn th rupture wltb Katharine , ,..,.. mUR ROSES (J~I, .. d. "M. th e attitude of GIlnc 171 Farris h towar,: _Joool.-PICK PLUG CUT. PIED· .MONT CIGAR£TTES. CUX CIGA· him . his kn owleilge <f: the yellow leI' IU:TTES. aIU/ ,,1M' t~. OfT _po... iIIWIl ter, a nd wh y bo b ud called Katbartnu Premiwa Dept. on t bo telephone the ftfternO'lu befoM. S(lcond. failing to flnd Crnndal\. I was to mak e Bornt) protext fo r vlslt10 1\ his rooms. HIs slldd4i"n ' departure an d ST. LOW. MO. b is cauti onIng tho jnllito r to admll no one had a Busplclol'8 look.. Wbll !' nell her Louise onor I bad di scUBSNl CERTAINLY ANIMALS THINK. ,,·ho.t m ig ht be the r.. to explain tI" , fj 'ysle ry, [ W8S thinkI ng thnt In nil (li'ounblllty I won ld t\nd a bundle of ler.ttlfS from I{atharlno;. somc of which ml.gM furni sh a d 'le, FIN.aT QUALITY LARG~ST VARfETY TJlJ lr-!, I was to ...,k Inspector Dovl ~ Thy m_ II"fft!1 T<!CI1I1 ...mon' for cllltU2l.,. IU>4 fOlIoll1"l _ of &IJ klnl1l,&nil colura. 10 llelp rne trace tile ye llow letter I bad anticipatn<1 little dlffl culfY III asce rt a Ining Cranrlall's wh e reahout s A l-roke r of standing d oeli not va nl sb oVt'l'nlgltt wltbout :nforrnill!': hl8 bu s! n e i!! pnrtne rs . B('~ot e comi ng to tb! InS;lector I hnd ' e lell honed to CrIlll dan 's omce, rjr-:! l'ot was my ama7.emt'II ' to learn fro:n on~ of ~ 1 8 [lRrt ll crs l hlll tb'!y were li S mu ch I'uzzlell as I ov r bh sudden go!n~ atl'ny, They had me rely received a te legrn.m sayIn g tt' at he had been called out of town uflel{pectedly and did not know When bo would return. Tee telegram bad On.T ED01L Ill" onlr Iadl ... • ab ne d _... , .1::._ •• ,a,_ _- ,1>&, _ltlYiil,iiODtalll.l on.. .!Ilacks and P olt.bol bt>en sent from au Om'.le near I:.'s rooms Iadl... • .... <1 oblldreo'. I><><>~ aud 1 - . .ht.... Dlnks-Do TOU belleVB that anlmale .-Ilbont rubblo .., IlOo. ., Yromr.h GI".. "1Ott. 'th(l ni g ht before . TIl..,re was HO busl· 8TAUeoUlulu"UOD forol.anlo/l "n<l pousbloa aU nen arralr tbat would take hill' -Ilway , think? klf,~n'.UJ\~ ~~~:U~;~~~D to~:!'ritr~;:~~e.~ . Wlnka--Certalnly. Doelln't the car so t hey supposed thu.t It wa! some tat. pride In bay.n, the'r IboH 100. At. Reat('lree \og ","'ho takes up all the aeat think .,lor &DeS luaue t.o an bl&cJt , hoe', PoUab "Ith • urgent personal matL;,r, 'ruab or elnt.h. 10 ceDt&. .. £lIte" Ihe II c aDt&. \r. owns the carT If rour dealer ~oe. no' lI:oep Lhe kind rOll "aD" While ·1 chatted ft'r a m£!ment wl Lb :!!':.':.~ ~b..~.f,'I"ID -...~ for. fuU we puUc.. Davila over our bo ybood days I wae WHITT.MORE BROa; at 00.; t blnklng wbat st('(1 I IIhoull1 t nke next 20-2. "Ibanlr .to, o.mbrl~.l M~ Tbe probl em s at learnin g Crund ull " :eM OlduC and Larg..t Manu Be urcra QT, ~ PolWla ,,, tM J arld. I 1618 Da)'ton BL. Chicago. DL-"MY w ber'!ahouts and glllnlng access te hlb rooms dId not seem 110 sImple as tbey face was very red and Irritated and had t be nlgbt before. A clerk en tered was covered wUh plmplel, Tile plm· wltb a CBrd for Davis. and I rollC to plell fe.tered aDd eame to & head , Tluly 1tclied and burned and wben I go . "Don't go yet. ... h., .ald. "It'B oDl y n Icratehed them became lore, I tried Ulan from police :lI!f1dquarte rs. Hlu lIoapll aDd tbey would not ltop the e rrllnd '11'111 probnbly take onty a mIn Itcblng and burning of the skln. Tbls lasted for a month or more. At last 1 uto ," . tried Cutlcura OIntment ,and Soap. All I resum ed u; y seat DetectiVE They took out the burning and Itcblng Dowd was ush "red Into the room. H e of the skill, Boothlllg It very mucb aud Willi th e typIcal !Jol1c~ sleuth. thlcJc 01 . giving tbe rellet tbat tbe otber. failed heM and toot. t c"d1 to s uspect th(, to give me. I uBed the Cutlcura Soap sUI1P1clous and to !1l0 tbe obvIous, III and Ointment about three weeka and npp{>u rance. In s[ll\,lcb. In manne r oj ;waB completely cured." (SIgned) Miss thought, he and tb o LlIflpector were al bow. Clara Mueller. Mar. 16. 1912. most exact oppositlllt. On e ,,' as a grlz I Cutlcura 80ap and Ointment .old 8IIALL PILL, SMALL DOSI, SYAL!. PRlCI. d ed, bl ea r ~yed , of fifty whom Genuine must bear Signature througbout the world_ Sample of each even lhe clumslcst. crImInal could nOI frea. wIth 32·p. Sldn Book. Addree. hav~1 mlstak~ n for Bnylhlng but whal poel-car4 "CUticura, DapL x... Bo.tcm." he was; the olh e l, !'ouDg·looklng fOI Ad,.. '3von hIs tblrty yealll, might have been readily mIstake n t •.1J' • college tutor Of Submlta Tamely. nn IIlert reporter_ It aniu!ed mo tt' "Is Berlblet wbat you would call a 6e<l wltb what d eference tbe mu fran: Itruggllng autlt.orT" hendQuarters appntached blm. "No. Indeed. When 'tUl editor puts '.'Dcg your pardon fer dleturblng you hlw out he dO.Bn·t offer the aU.htelt Inspector." h e snld. nervously twist realetance," Ing ;hls hat. "but I'v. got a little mat ter here the chle! _ntAld me to pul Mo t.IIoa~htflll ~ _ Uqul4 blue. I$I~ a up to you," p\lIobof bills III a IarC6 boUleof_\II'. ARfpl' He turned towMd me with a lUI Bed en-Ball Blue, &lie bl\wLba"11Il1 bl_A4l' plclClus glanoe. bUI Ii'avls hastened tt U.ual One. ,ll.stlure him tbat h. oould speak treel, "What \a tb latelt thin. which hefore me. lire. Cooke baa hi the -T or & "It'B this." M exPlalnod, "the 014 pickler' , man wants to knov &bout.'.' '" P " It lSa ber lUiband." . All he spoke he drew lomethlns troll: hla l nner ' pocket &.lad laid It on ,t he In ..... wt~ ~_ 1f71'fP. fOr mllld_ Bpector's deBk. eyei fgllowe4 IIiIWNo ao~"\Il.'~~· N!D"" ......... biB ,hand 1 g ave a IUdde~ .ta,:,t. ' Wltb ..'''''''~''''''''''~~ dUllc:ulfy I reatralned an exprelltoh' of l:j:~,~ ... ", .. ' .;, ~ .. amo.'zellHlnt. Th~ ~JI.Je~ .abQut ;;Jild ,be had . 'come to I~~" aa ~ " ~' relloW' r ~

.}1 .....


JIfNIIemoreJ ";S.boePoJi4lIe4~


Don't Pers(!Cute Your Bowels


" All About tho Suicide," He Bawled. there havIng been anolh e r su ici de th at thal permitted a red·strlped sa c k wltb day, but tb~re It was: two bundred thousand dolla rs ' worth My.tery In Self·Murder of Aged Law. of r egis te red mall to d isa ppear, Da· yer. vIs, putting his keen, analYtical mInd Ordinarily 1 pay li ttle attention to on tile catle. within a week had dlss torieR of crime. But the att~ rnoon covered tbe f)"w In tbe Byste m and had given me a new and bi tte r sppre. only a few daYII later bad arrested tho elation of tbe mea ning or Bulclde. ex·convlct who had profited by It, Standing tbere under the lig ht of a WIth the naturnl interest ot an old F1Cth avenue corner I read tbe has tlly frlend I had followed his career and written a rticl e word by word. wall faml1lar wltb most of h Is brilliant Andrew Elser. tbe article explaIned. achIevements. Even though tbe Bcrap had 1l1'ed for many years In a West wblch wss Pllzzllng me bl1~ no en· Twenty·tlllrd street boardlng·boUJIe. velope and bore no postmark. 110 conll· LIttle wal known about hIm there ex· dent was I In hltl far·reachln~ powerB oopt tbat he watl a lawyer, Several I would bardly have been amazel1 If he yeare ago he had given up bls down. had told me all about It as soon as 1 town omce. Most of ble Income was showed It to hIm, Imagine. then, my derived from his tees liS custodian at disappointment at hi. absolute reful!s.\ an orphan boy's estate, About four t? take up the !!latter II.t ,all. '. o'c1ock In the afternoon tbe landladYj ,"Don't you see how 'lmportant It Is!" had heard a nolle In hlB' room lI1~e that .l.el'J ed, · "Tb,. -lIttle !;Crap 1. the keT at a ' bodytalllDC: OD entering .sbe ~ the 'Whole'1lllB~e~!; . , ' bad found him Utek•• Oil tbe· aoor. ,~ alttlDi.'Wlth hla ',baek tcftb.e •

• • '"\

I '

W.' ,"

~~ ~~ __ ,

it" '






, FARMVILLE AFFAIRS Events of lmportance Happp,ned and Were Duly Noted. --Sy DONALD ALLEN.

There wa s more excitement In the sleepy old v ill age of F a rmville I.han had been kn o wu for 20 yeurs before. Ji:ve nt had follow ed e vent until I.>ea"<In Chambe rs had s tood on th e P08toffice steps a nd wipe d the sw eat from bla brow lind s aid : " By b ec k. If thi s tblng Ileops up we Ib a l! lIave a railroa d and dry goods drumme r ill be re be for e w e die :" The e \'e ntB wer e of l mportauce e no ugh to be r ecorued In chronological orde r : F lrM t. th e widow Be vins s ued Elder J urv l>! t al' bl'euch·or·proll1 lse and waa give n a. ve rul c t or on e huudre d dollars . Tha t was te n dollars a y ear ror th e tom yeara b e had bee n courting h er . S ecoudly. close all tb e h e ela of tbe . wld ow's Bult hnd come a gale of wind that had twis ted th e s pIre at th e Ha ptlst church until It r esemble d II. gl gnu· tic corks cre w. Some at th e congregation were ht lavor at a ne w aplro at once, and olb e r l! argued that time should b e giv en Providence to twis t It bacl'. at Ita own expeW'e . In the third plnce, Aunt Hannah Doty, who laid cla im to he lng a sev· enth daugh te r of 0. seventh daughter. prtlliicted that the judgme nt day wall only thirty daYB orr, No one put en tire faith In h e r predlcllor:. but a Bible man had come along and Bold 28 ot the good books In one da y. and each book was con s picuously dI s play e d on the parlor ce nte r t a ble. Fourthly, Mr. Gerald Walters, a young man, had come down from the city tor th e fall shooting, and was stopping at th e tavern, There was nothing but a fe w stray chipmunks to sboot, but Mr. Walters wasn't making any fuss about It. Ho wall the first fall 8hooler that had ever appeared tn tbc ·vlllage. Fifthly, Mr. Walters hadn't, been ehootlng at chlp~unks bnt tour days wh e n ~11 8a Kitty Dorland came down from the city to atay with her grandparents for 1\ few days. There was wonderin g and guessing ove r her, and tor s e veral nights after b et arrival



He Couldn't Gain a Foot.


wOd man who could I"un I!own an 011 trlch had said to his employel': "I've got to have my baok ealary tomOrrow or r qultl" ''I'll give you lon at it, if we have luck," waa the reply. "I wnnt eve ry s tive r at it! '':'' , "Wbnt's biting you?" "I'm not playing wild man ror my health I " "You know you oan't strike anot.her lob If you leave me , wbllo I can go t a doz e n fe llows to flll your place." That was about al! . excc pt that "Za m" pla nn d a plan tQ be carried out at F a rm ville . and It WIlS carri ed out . lI e went ah ead nnd at p. his ra w m ea t and bana nas a nd s ho ute d all ri ght. but wh c n h e wa s ta ken out of hili ca~ e to be paTlldcd b tl wbls pe n 'l rl to hi s E' mplo yc r: "Do J ge t th e back sa lary?" "00 all w ith yo u '" " Do I ge t It ?" " Nit! " The n occ urred a t h l n ~ that ne ve r h n pPc lIl' d o n thl B gr ec lI carth be fore Bnti will n l: \' ~ r IlllPpc n IIl;aln . "Zam" thre w 01T hi s yok e o f Billv er y th en and th e r o. ll e ye l1 en . li e wh ooped. li e cast awa y hi s ch a ins . a nd arte r seizi ng Aunt Hanna h Doty by th o body a nd throwin g hl'r ac ross tb e saw dust r ing he made a for th c te nt entrance and went running do wn th e hi ghway . No more raw me nt nnd bananas! No more "great es t ex blbltlon on earth,"

Practic'a l Fashions ! SHARP PAINS ][N THE BACK LADY ' S DRESS.

many or the householders dId not go to bel! until tbe unholy hour of 9:110. It v.'~enerally OOM1~ered that teverbeat had been retliched, and that the exCitement must now rradually subslde. They were all wrong. Sixtbly, bills were posted tor a clr· CUI!! to show at Farmville. It was the usual Mammoth AcgreKatlon, but it bad one feature never shown beCore In any circus on the tace of the Klobe. It bad a wUd man from Africa who lived on raw meat and bananas, apd who bad ·t4 be kept chained tn a cage. The name of the' wild Il\an waa "Zam." He consumed sixteen pounds ot raw meat dally, and dn top of that, thl"ee times a week. he devoured a bunch of bananas. He waR tbe strongest man, wltd 01" Quick Anlwer. tame, tbls world ever saw. Barbara's mother wished to teacb He could kill an elephant at one the little girl the precious leason of blow. 'He could run down 'the ostrlch self-control, BO she allowed her to eat or teal' a lion ' 11mb rrom 11mb. At a two chocolate creams, then she put certain pblnt in the performance he a third one on the table and said, would be taken trom his cage by three' "Now, Bab, this Is yours, too, but I men ~~ paraded around the ring. want you to snve It. While I am out " ·For three 01' tour clays previous to of the room YOIl say, 'Good St. Joseph, the circus all work. In and around heip me!'" Fa.rmvllle was stopped, and for the When Uie lady returned tbere was tint time in ' t~enty years staid Qld no chocolate cream in eight. Bnrbara, attizeDs torgot to shnt the hen house howevel', offered an explanation with. 4001' teed the pig at lundown. On out being asked. the marnllig of the r;reat day itaelf' the "Oh, mother," she cried dramatically, atrJ1n was 80 intense that Deacon "I aaiel. 'Good St. Joseph, help me!' (lbamblhl "W'U ' lJb~le4 to eai from and he Aid, 'Help youl'1Ielf, little girl, .the postomoe stsps: )'OUl'1lelt.' So ot course I did." "I pen the outalde worlcl wllllmow 1--Ll.ppll1iootts. ...;;..-_ _ _ __ , w)iere' Ji'arm.Vllle 18 after thist I've 0.1· , lUll told you feUe,..that "e'd have our New Th~ory, R,.gardlng Cocoanut.. , boom ",ben .~~ alp oome ,ri,bt. aDd The Fort., Sclott Tribune tells or a " laere sbe are!" . . small boy lD. that town who was read· w..~·t much oe:a clrcull, 8Tan. for lire a book ,and between' every Une he l!lai.e. :Th,~re"-lIV'' age4 elephaJit. wO,ul'll uk a Quelltlon. Arter he had eat through asklnc."Wh7 18 & cow?" ~~~~:'~~~::; 'I~~,~~ " tathet'l'i lOt , dll!C1\sted- and Aid: ~k, I ,Ullet ~~~ a.t qu..~ol1;' thea 1011. "m



tb.'~nL1I'd~ba!" ·jto '1t,.~Wl·'!."


~ ;,." ·.Jl!,blUUIS


f'oint to Hidden KidneJ Trouble.

Have ,00 a back, ach· in g da y and

But a Symptom, a Danger Sig.. nal Which Every Womao Should Heed.

Dliil hH

Do you fe.1 a . harp pain afte r -__"11"\ he llu i ng o ve r I

Wben the k id· nevs

Bt!c m

Go r e

tho a c ti o n _ _--S" irr e g ular . u s o D Il;lIl ' . I(idne y,...._-\ Pill '!. ""bleb bavo e n reu thousands. a nd

J\ Texas

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M urp h i n"

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Doan'. at ADP Dna. Store,

to &'lve alae and nUlnL.:r or patte rn..

NO. 5858.

cazB ___• __ • ___ ••••• _

P : I1~

see • Boa

lIfr. ]\ Ionl<oy- Yes . my doar ; lor · I de n )(1 lit o la l cs t th ing In fig Ic a \' os-Im porl('d d ire c t rro m UJIjI- fo r bathIn g Hults f o r yo u nud J ocko. Mrs , II lonl <t' y- Oh. you dcar. sweet th ill /: ! How lovely ! Oh, won ·t I cut a jigure on tb o COil go this BcaBon !


Dud dy'lI Whack:Whack. On Ilw 0l;ca810 n of her last visit to a ('('r ta ln fi ultl mo r fl bouRehold a young :=:::::::::=:- mnt rOn o r th nt city fouo d a littl e SHE COULD ANSWER FOR HIM lr l{,"" In tcars . " Whnt 's th o malt er wIth little MaLit tle Comfort for Candidate In Rea- r ip?" sh o Ds k,·d . en deavoring to conaon Au lgned by Wife for Her ~ o ll, tbo wee ping cblld. Being Confldent , " Dudd y has just gIven mo whackwhack," tb e youngster replied between Mr. Williams. one of liv e ca ndida tes 60 1>s. rOl: th e oUl co at s b e rl n' III ono of th ~ " T boug htlos s daddy!" cx clalmed the Do rth ern counties of Wlflconal n. w as youn g wo mfln. re press ing a IImlle. illCLklng a hous e·to·hou80 cau,'lUlS of a .. And whe re dId h e whack·whack lltUe rurnl dlstrl cl. solic iting votes. Co ru· MarIe?" .. Inl~ to tho hou se at F a rme r Thorn D80n. "On th e back oC my tummy," wa. he was met at tb e door by the !;ood lh e au s we r. hous e Wife. and tbe full ow lu[; dialugue en lsu ed : Timely Rernlndcr. " I" Mr. Thompso n at h o m e ~ " "We ar e stili minin g or e, growIng "No ; h e bas galla to lawn." collon and man ufac turing s tee l." Bald "I am " ery sorry , a8 1 would have tb e A merl can host. liked to talk to him." "Why do yo u te ll me that !" In· "Is there anything 1 can tell blm Qulred tb e for e iSIl vi s Ito r. for you 7" "I jus t wa l1 t to re mi n d you that the "My name Is Williams , cantildate _for coun try Is pro ducing something besb,~ rUr, and 1 wante d to e xact z. prom- 61des 1)0111Ic8." Ise trom him to VOle tor m e at the coming ele ctIon." What·. the ~ae1 " Oh. that will be all right. 1 know Churcb- IJo yoll think the world Is he will promise. ror be bas al ready g row ing belt e r? prorqlsed tour olher candldat cs th e Gotham - I'm afraid no L I read to. BaIDe thlng."-Norman E . Mack's Na· day th a t a corn e t that can be play ed tlo.ol1l !Ilon tilly, by a roll of pe rfora t ed pape r. like a p lano playe r, Is a r ecent Inve ntion. Protected Both Waya. Bud I s ee Evelyn Thaw's plcturell are Two conservative laales of old· coming back In tbe pap ers. fashioned notions were tra yeUng In the west. and becoming In tere sted In LI1uld bluo Is a weak solution. Avotd It. a young girl on th e traIn, finlllly ask ed Buy ted CroNS Ball H1ue, tbe bluG thaL' ...11 blue. Al;k your groeur. AdT, why ehe was making so long a jour· Dey alone. They we ro greatly sbocked Every tim e you tell your trouble. o.t h ~ r blithe explanation: you are wasting the other fellow'. "W ell, you see, my mothe r and steptime. tather \I ve at one end oC the journey. andl my fatber and ste pmother live at the other. They send me to each other twice a year, so th ere Isn't a bit of danger with rour parents all on the lookout! " FOSTER.MIlBURN



a n t1 .I n e e 1 t oo\( Ill ton) 1 b uvo

w lt1 1.' ·


Nothing more stylish or more generally becomIng has been d esigned this season thao the pretty costume give n In this model. H e re we bave simplicity and smartness combin ed to a remarkable degrlle. The frock closes at the tront and the three·gored skirt Is m a de with 11ounce. Available material s Include tatreta. pongee, lin en and other pro tty wash fabrics. Tbe trimming of contrasting goods adds much to tbe good style at the garment. The pattern (6858) Is cut In sizes 32 to 42 Inches bust measure. MeIlium size will require 41~ yards of 36 Inch material and 1% yards oC 27 Inch contrasting goods to make tbe dress as represented. It made oC one material 6% yards of 36 Inch goods are needed. To procure this pattern eend 10 cents to "Pattern Department." or thl . pa per , Write nAme and Ildure88 pt nlnl y. n nd be

..n'rd Inr 1/1 n l Y

/In .! tr w no h l\ Td ' lor n \{" I n pn "" t h ·'

t .Il ' -"

\fo~~~e ,,~~:t~~:d a~lr~~I:'

to do with Miss Kitty Dorland and Mr, Ge rald Waltc rs? Simply that Mr. Walte rs didn't know t bat 1\1 Iss Kitty was with. In a hund red miles of him, and vice ve rsa. Simply that Mr. Walte rs was at th e circus and Miss Kitty wusn'l. Simply that Mr. Walte rs came ve ry near beIng rough· hous ed Instead at Aunt Han· nail. ~llIIply that when "Znm" left the tent Mr. Walters was at his heels , and Miss Kitty was walking In her grand. father's daisy covered m eadow a mil. away. Mr. Walters was a. good sprinter, and be put torth e ve ry e ffort to overhaul the dang e rou s ID e nace s triving to eBcape from bondage and become a terror to a peace ful community. He COUldn't gain a toot, but be waa game to hang to the trail as long as he could, The wild man took the middle of 'ths blgbwllY and held It until he came oppOSite the meadow, Miss Kitty was silting under a tree. weaving a wreath for somebody's brow . "Zam" wanted to get to the woods to shake orr purtlilt. and he must pass ber wltbln a te w reet. She saw him- she shrieked -she sprang up-1lhe saw Mr. Walters lumbering along. and then she tainted and keeled over. Something told her that It was a wlld man from Atrlca, and that be Inte nded to make cat·s meat at her, and It was quite sonslb)o at her to falnt. Sbe taiJited so quick· ly that she didn't hear him call to her: "Don't be scared. Missy! I'm only a man lu dlsguI8e'" And Bhe was dead to tbe world as he checked his pace long e,nough to add: "I don·t blame her a darned bit! Hope It wlll cost old Rlngtall ten bones extra!" "Zaln" got Into the woods and pursuit was off. ?llr. Walters, puffing and blowing. came up to find a good looking gl\1 huddled among tbe daisi es. and he ran to a brook and got water in his hat and sopped bor face, mak· Ing the usual mess at it. Dy and by Mla8 Kitty tound hersclf sitting up and Baying: "Oh, that horrid thing!" "But It's gone." "And you were so bra,'e! Please take me home." .At 'a ' ~iow walk. and leaning heavily on his arm. grandpa's was reached, It was reae.hed again that evening. and the next day and the next. In tact Mr. Waltera felt it his duty to pay a call at least once a day until sure that the wild man had returned ~o bill mother In Michigan . And all this re8ulted In Deacon Chambera speaking trom tbe postoftlce iteps for the third time and saying: "Darn my hat. but what do you tel· lers think now?" "What ill It'" "That chipmunk killer and the gal that fainted away are sltUn' up nights together, and It that don't mean love and marriage I'll saw the horns off my best cow!" (Copyrlgbt. 1912. by tbe McClure Newapaper SyndIcate.)




co.. nun.lo. Ne w Y orl.

NAME __ •• _•• _ •• __ •• _••• ____ • __ • _.. _•••••• TOWN .. .. __......... _. ___ ••• ---- -.-. -. __ •

STREET AND NO. . _••• ___ • ___ __•••••• __ I!!TATE ... . __ _____ • __ •••• _ •• _. __ •••• ___ •


HI. Point of Vantage. 'I'he mayor o,t a small town was try· ng a negro for abusing his wHe. She claimed he got drunk and tried to beat her, and she hit him. The mayor turned to their little girl and asked: "Girl. was you r father under th8 Inftuence of whisky when your moth er. bit him?" "No, sah. He was und er the kitch en table." she very Quickly repl\ed.Mack'D National Monthly.



I Awful to Look At, Re.lnol Cured In

Lo.. Than Two Weeks. S,t. Louis, Mo.-"At about 11 years ot ,a ge my face was covered with Ii.

5904 Tbls model represents a cbarmlng skirt cut In seven lorea and 8 design very simple to carry out. It can be made wIth high or regulation waist· Une, and with Inverted plait or habit back. Any or the popular woolens may be employed In Its construction and tbe Iklrt may be used for s e pllrate wear or as psrt at a coat 8ult. The pattern (~04) Is cut In s Izes 22 to 30 Inches, waist measure, Wldtb of lower edge Is · 2~ yards. MedIum alze wtll , reQulro 4 ~fl yards at 36 Inch material or 3)3 yards of goods 44 Inch os wide, '1'0 procure this pnUM'll ~~nd 10 ~entJ1

to "Pattern Dopartrnent." of thts p a per. Write name and add.-eS8 plulnly, :lnll bo

aure to




sU,,, IM.d numoor of paLLern. . IIlZE .... _.. _. __ . __ •••

mass at scabby soreB, awful to look at, anlll my sleep was broken up by tbe In· ten:se itching, and then aCter scratchIng, tbe Bores would pain me lUBt lonletblng awful. My mother got salves and soaps to Ille. but all to no purpose. A friend of mine who was Pbl7slcal Director at the Y. M. C. A. at that time, told me It was a had cas,e , and would Ipread all over the body IC something were not done. Ho gave me some Reslnol Soap Bnd ResInoR Ointment, and In less thlln two weokll 1 was cured, without leaving any r.larks or scars wha.tever." (Bllgned) Ernest Le PIque, Jr. , 3021 Dickson. BeoIDO.lloap a04 OIntmen' ."""ltclllna tn.taotlf.

Not New. FIrst Neighbor-Have you heard tell ot tbem new·tanglod trial marriages? . Second Neighbor-I don't see noth· Ing new-tangled about ·em. Mine's been a tr1al tor me tor the last twenty yearll!-Judge.

STREET AND NO. _.••• ___ . .. _._ ••• _._._ STATB._ ••• _._ •••• ___ ••••_. __ •• _ •••• _••••


drifted abOut tor ten days aa

Palliating New•. "Oh, dear, officer, was my poor hUllban,d Ihot wheD 'you got blm to the station'" _"l~p, madam; ollly" ha.1t shot." bact 'luck Is due to :neither lnherlfM .ctIUU~ Indult.,.. .

and held in strIct confidence.



-- - - =

W. N. U .. CINCINNATI, NO. 42-11112.

CASTORIA For Infants and C1rlldren.



A\~tlable Preparation forAg· !>imililling lhe food and ReJ!uJaling th~ Slomachs and ~'e15 or

Promotes Digcstion,Cheerrut· ne5sand Rcsl.Conlains neilher

Bears the Signature


Opium .Morphine nOT Mineral NOT ---..;;.. NARC OTIC li'rript.oI' o,'rlIJrS.4)PI£.t Im'I/EIt. Au..,/(f~ S•.,/-


A(xJ""II. AA.Ib.r.n.• •. A•• , • .r.. J • 1W,,.,,.,iaI •




lir""".I#s..t... ",.,.,.. S"tI ..

CI''''''rJ ••f!."

",••"..,.. n.w".,



Aperfect Remedy for Consllpalion. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Worms ,Convulsions .feveri~h­ ness anJLoss OF SLEEP

For OVBr Thirty Years

1'<le Simile S;gnatu~ of'

~ --"---

Exact Copy of W"pper.



'3.00 '3.50 '4.00 '4.50 AND 15.00

--,0._-_." poa""'''''' out_.,. ,_


W.... 008111•••a.oo•• a.lSo & ".00 _ _ _,,, wUJ ".,,.• ., . . .,,..,, ...... _ _ 'M _ '• .""...


Good Time to Do It·'IIB your daughter going to practice on the piano this aCternoon 1" ·'Yell, I think 80 ." "'Well, then, I'd like to borrow your law'n mower .. I've got to cut the grass IOmte tlml;!, anyway. "-Judge.

(conftdcntll\l) I,ynn. ~las8 .. for ndYour letter will be opened, r('ad Rnd answered by B woman.


Kind y'ou Have r~:~lltllin TheAlways Bousht

and qulckly be.l .uem •. "'1', ringw o rm ond ta.o\al erapUonl. IL3 well u corea, bo i li. uloClT!r. burna, I cal eta. wouods, and ltch!na. Innaanft4 and blefJill1q plio .. Your drna",tlt rocolOtD ~ nds atld _en. \Ileal (80 ...,. %\0; OhTtmnnt.. 500. .I~o HhanDIi' Sllot. Men, orient br man, on f'f' ~Olpt llf price . b, Jlealaol Cben>loal <Jompo.n7. lI"tUwont, 1014. ~dT .

NAKB _____ •• _____ •••••• __ •• _-0_. ______ •••• TOWN- ••• --.---- _••••••••. ____ •• _'-0'_"'_


Back ache Is n symptom of ol'ganl. w eak ness or dcrangcme nt. It you have backache don ' t neglect it. To ge t pel"m!llwnt r e li ~ f yo u m us t r each th e roet of t h" trouble. Rewabout Mrs. Woodall '~ r xpo!riencc. Mor ton 's Gap , Kentu cky.-"I suffeM two y ears w ith f em al e dis orderll, my h a lth was very bad n,nd "1 had a continual backache whi ch was simply awful. lcoul<t not stand on my feet long enough to cook a m eal's victual. .hI""",".'"'-?] w it han t my back neurly killing me. and 1 wonld have such dragging'8em&tions I could hardly ~_~-L"";~...J bear it. I had soreness ~n each side, could not stand tight clothing, and was irregular. I Wall com. ple t ely run down. On sdvlce I took Lydia E. Pinkham'lI V egetable Com. pound and am enjoying good health. It is now more than two years and I ~ave not had an ache or pain since. I do all my own work, washing and everything, and ne ver have backacho any more. I think your medicine is grand and I prailN! it to all my~neighbol'll. If you think my tes timony will h e lp others you may publish it. "-Mrs• .()LLIJil WOODALL, Mol'ton's Gap, Kentucky. If YOll have the I'IUgbtest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will help you. write to LydlB E. Plukl1am Medlclno Co..


~, ~,,


W .L.Douat.lmakoa_d leila more t3.oo,$3.50 $4.00 ohoe. IhaD any other IDIUWfacturer in the WOl'icL THE 8TANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 30 The workmaoahip whleb baa made W. L DOllslu ab_ ' - the w.w onr is maintain .... in .nry pair. " . Aak your deal.- to abow 1011 W. 1.. Doualu lateat fuhloaa for faJI ad wlD_ wear, notice the .laon "amp. which make the f_t I_Ie ami.Uer. poiDta ill • ehoe d ..... by,.OODC men. Alao the oOIl,N,."lltl"e .qlc. wIaicb han made W. L D-.Iu a bOlla_old WON "UJ'wb_ II you coald vialt W. L Doqt.l tar.. factori.. u BrocIcto.... Mu.., ...... . . for Jounelf how cuefull,. W. L Doqlu oh.- ..... mad., w_leI.thaI) ... dentand why thq are waJTaDted to fit better. look beUBr. bolel tIMir abaiHi . ....... loa,.r tbaa ...,. other make f . the price. Fui Ollar





meal Steel .Ra,nge

::;~~~~~~t~~ ~uick

~-----<h-- ~-------~


;::~a~o. ~~~



November 4th, 5th and 6th A set of Wear Ever Aluminum Ware given with each Range sold during the above daya~ A souvenir for every lady.

& "DAKIN Telephone 11





&8reat ID 10.07 aol'M of laDd In Wheo ynu have" bltd oold YOll Lumber Co. , lumber ".g8 . IIert wall protMti"U !lloog Tro't'tlIo. pite . K. HATIJA W AY !:iamllton 'o",olhlp '1 10 and o~er waD' the bellt medloine obtainable Reed, bl·ld,. re'lAln in Deerfield near old TrovtJIo far. In Salem 80 a. to oure it with all little delay t , oonsidera,lonl. all poellble Here 18 a drugglat's 'ownshll' 1. WarreD OOUOly 'owa.bip ,,' hill bid $3 46 per ou vd WaYWMlrille'. LeadlD" De.... Common Pleas Proceedin&s No. lOri . P. B . Koaoe tor OOD · ()ftloe to Keye Bldg. JODathan M Olareno. I, .plnloD: "I bave 1I0id Cbamber- Times, l~u'Ullhlag notloe to 000lIaID 8t Furman .0 aor.. ID BamU&OD l"in'lI Uougb Rem<dy tor fifteen traoton $2& It. The We.tern I"ar, crete aa ••tone exteo.lon c.f head I a .. of Ohio vs Benry COOD.. ' .. E L II f Sa &owullhlp 0 and other oonllidera- yeare, ~Ilya nOI! 0 4r a ratoga. publillhllllg notice to built brldaes wallll OD Bralley aroh OD Morrow !!£"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!~!!!!!'I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Jary disagreed Ind d l . o h u g e . . ' IDd , .. and ooDsider it the best oa .. aad Lebano. plkl Dear old Br"dle, C&8e ooDtiDDed. ti... . 'he market." I'or sale by all deal8i,'e 0' Ohio VII Louie R Flak . Guy aDd .yr'le Worllt.r to Clara ' er'l. The followlag 1Ildll were received f.rm at the eetlmata 127 '1. No. 1.7. J C. Klpbart for ooa DeieDdaat reles.ed OD bond. 8hinkle, 46 aore. iD Hamilton 'own· In response te posUags In Audl· ore&8 abutmea&ll aad fill OD (jam of Ohio JOllpli Wood. Ih'p, a,oo and o~her GODlltd'ratlool, tor'.omos . YeterlnaryJ Joha and .rbara EI",se of Emma a . Danforth, d~ Pr, B. IIODOO I'" per 00. yd ., for Gron .obool 1100118 road Dear Jobn and JOlI8ph .oore. Defend.D'. Oraduate of Ohio State University touod IUlICy ...d lenhnced '0 10 '0 Froderiok Rnd ida Fri,"rl, '00 oellled. Iaventory and appralee· tltone muonry. For IItone abu'. Mou.lIs ., the ee"ma'- $118. No. '01. J. C. Klphart f.r ('on day. In ooun', Jan. .Ol'ell in Hamil~a towollhl, al .Oo Dleni filed. me." and eartb fill a~ A.18bawbaa Sate of Oblo ft. XeIIlOD. aad otber conslderaUoDe. Ee'-'e of Johu B Wels., de bridge oln 8bawbaa road in W..h orete repain of paving and "nob DefeDdan' r.m••••d '0 jan DatU WilUam IJ. """er Sama.tb oeased. Inventorv and apprlll!le. ington townllhlp a. per plan. and wan. in two .toae arohell 00 lIor_ Office at residence in F. B. Sherwood'. hbUle, Fourth Street. row and Clarkaville ptke D.r 1M bal) of pOO Is glveo. A. )lolD'yre, 10' III Mono"" " .eo m"nt 1lled. lpeoUloattOD8 DB fiht. Eaa'- ot Ellea tlid8l, deceased. Nelge and Donnell, s'on8 abu&- Donbam 's farm at ,.e ..tllDate aDd ou..r ooutteratt.DI. TelephoDe 28 Nc=w Suits A. II, Lewl., admtDlIlrdor of the rin.ll.oooun' filed meot $41" per oa. yd . .rlb 811 $7050. ________......________ Maude O. Todd va, Wm._ Todd, .'-'" of 'oabu BIO"., cleooa.ed to ID tbe maH8r of 'he estate ot as}( oeD til per ou. yd. • Ohio If jou have young ohlldron you Waynesville, -Momur. Todd, rrank Todd, I'raooel J. lIaron. Curtia, tw. 'raotl of land Hor.ce P. Danforth, deceased. Planl. drawlngl, speolflca$lon8, bave perhaps DoUoed tbMt dtROrden Louie, ••rtrude rood and Ltzsle in MarlaD &own.hlp ooa'ainlnl Carrie D. Greal appolDted adminill· e.Umates eto., relaUDg to the bulld- of tbe stomach are thelr IDOl' Simpoon. To manbal ..n aboa' 11 aor8l. Con.ideratloD $U'. 'ra'rlx d. bonis non. inrwf. aorrulated lOwer and oon. oommon aUmeD'. 1'0 oorreo& 'hilt BA~NHART, real _'aa eta. YOllD, & YoaD,. Wm .... .Anderlo. J. Maroua Ettute of William Wilson, dl or. ht~ad w.lI11 the rlllidenoe yoa will fl.Dd l,'hamberle.ln 'I Stomaoh aD' Booko' & MaD, aUlrDeys. Cartl., ab.ui 11 aoree in Harlan Olated. Final accoont. of ·lI. an. N . Kibbe, OD Red Lion and I.lver Tablet. exoellent. They Notary Public Lena . a . . . VI. Leo Aman, township,ooD.ider.ilou ,'50. Estato of John Bowerl', decealt'd. aDd Springboro road ID Clearoreek are euy ••dt.pleuan~ to talle. aDd mUd and .en\le in effeot. Eor _1. All kiDde of NoulT Work . PeDelon bas.rd~. 1 Jame. E. Conei e' al to Ihrpr.' ProQf of pabllcatloD or appolDtmen' 'own8hlp i al.o ooaorete &oe to abut· by all dealent. Work a ~pec1."y. -. The . W, F. Rawlei,., Co., n. Conll, 10' in KaID .'r.', Lobanoll, of Dawn Bowerl a. admlnilltratrix 1D8IlHl of brld.e8 near the 01. anoth Clilford H. Warrio., aotion, money fl. to aDd otber oOD.ldera"oDa. Eltl.te of 1I0se. B. 'I'bomps.D, de· f.rid· OD LebanoD and Red Lion road ACCOMP~Y1NQ 'IIAT. and BqDitable relief. Amou.' Jr... B. Deoht.Dl fa Oli'irliiti W.ll:- ~ Proof- -of-,.. putJitoatlon- of,. -intl't.:o·iiofe, ·'. b.'~D.'<~ ) brld~ , ; t ~ • . " ~ ~ ~ ~ : r t OJ. '"'4 olaimed ,nUll "Uh tIlMre,'. , maa, .0.01 aor81 of land III rrank · no'I08 of appointment· of admlnhl near Johh "urrell'l on Gam Grove -riley 0II'taiulJ aN nWina meat WALTER MC LI1RB,< Alber' ADdeHOD, a".roe,. 11In townlhlp. Cooliderati.D t.OOG. 'rator filed .ehool :h oolle rOlld, aDd a conorete "'1'-. and ~ .. meld ... the .... 'l'earl N. Do.... "III Cbarl_ E. J. Warren Wood, trua'.. '0 H. A. Marrl.,e Liceneea oalvert- Dear GlorKe Aoder.aD'. Funeral Dlr~lor. Do..... divoroe, 111'0IIII D.gleat of Pa.llY aod F. G. Boueworth, 10' f.rm on Leb.D.n a114 Morrow road ftIIDII'I I0I'O with it.» cluty, Alben ADdentD, dtor.ey. Io~ UOlV8nUy betRhu. OoUid.d- Edward Tilton, farmer of Ripley, . in I:!alem township were .abmlUed OONTRARI •• 0' T.R .... Ita A. Let ••• J OII8ph cp. Lee, di_,' ilOD "10. (DupU.te.) Onlo .nd IIr.. Marr T. Ware, ant approved. Telepbone da:v o· IItsrnt. Hlored. Valley pbou\J N U. AoNMif vnroe. Geor.e E . Youo«, a" 1m.,. _ Probate Court Planll, drawing!!, speoUloaUon., - . & _ .- . . . WI..&.. ...111" Id,ar B. V.n Hooll, hllordwue ............ "'v ....... . D18taD08 No. 15~'·. Real e.tate Tramfers -........ _ ~- IliA. L __.l. of Wtlliam B. PaDl)In. d. bOlioels of CYDth IaDa, K y., an d e.tima$ell, eto., relating to tbe W r-" ~ Olaroaoo J. FormalS W lou'baa I coa.ed. Iove.MIT •• d appral.. 11111 LUlie H. kllten, telephone oper boUdlni of a Dono rete cnlvert on . mal.J for it.» WA VNESVILLE, • • OHIO forma.. The DDdivited foor'b In- lIIeni. the. Up,per Iprlngboro road aear H. • - • ator of WaynBlville. Borden'a and a cQllorete pro~t1on BraDda 0Ilee, UanOF'Ibaq. O. ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .arry Sean, machinist ot Cotid- waii at Cinolnnati pike brid,e ID A Log On The Track dal. . .d Ill.. Harie Binkley, of Loba.ttn were .101lml&tecl and apo of tJae f..., 8lI:pr8111 me.n.•• R.- A J --·le trouble ahead if not -mo.ed, 10 Oo--Adale r.IHJ • •• ,Awa. . provod! and ordered posted to Audi· d08lI08tl ofappetlte. I,Tmeanl lao' DR. J. W. MILLER. Commluloners' Proceedings ~or~1 oftloe Sealed bids to be reo ot vitall~y, 1018 of .'reDgth and ceived an'UIl o'olock Ntvember. nerve weakDees. If appetite faUe, Bm. Illlowed-W. B. Hopping, ••• DENTIST••• IroD tate Elecl·rlo BUtera quiokl, to C.on.t reo'a-Tbe 'tewart oarpeu"r repair. d '1111 a.d oollrt ovel'OOme the 011188 It, toIliDI up h011lll. f.G U Adda Gr.h.m mak- W ~rka ~o , ~r farnlshl., IDd ereot tbe .temach and ouring 'be t~dlle•. WaynllYUIe. 0 ia, I1X 18'" of 'ran!lOriptil tor boad iD~ twelve Dew window iUard••ad tioa. Miohael HM.hetmer of LtD· IlIIue ,6 L. F. UolemlloD, expense two oorrld ,r partltionl w,,1t doors OOlD, loIeb. had be: n Ilok over three '"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aDd repalrlog two old door. aad ,earll': but alx botti_ of Electrio to CIDoinOMti ID relard to b ,nd illlue . 81tte1'8 pot him right on bie lee' WAYNESVIUE CHURCHES. 50. 8. A. Lewis, lIervloee aa tn · one old wiDdow goard ID oonn.,. s.aID. The,lIave belped Ihool&Dde. - - - - - - -.. firmary dir811tor &0 September 30" jail ... per plana on file at -tJretrbtd -rlliYllve pure blood, l'rOllg Den.., 1ROod di881Uon . 001,60 oeDte at all Method... EpiIeopII Cb,",,* UU, ,7' 50 J Q Baker IIsnioe. ....0. .. G...-, l'MIor. Ro.'8. F. A. HUdeltraDd for re- :lra,.llts. .. IDfirmary Direotor te September S~.7 School, 9:11 &. al. 610rDIDI( ler It, lilli, •••. T . C . Patterson, feee mo't'ing trees JDd ebRnlfing ohannel vloe, 10 :80 &. !D. liYODJDC ae"loe, 7: 0 II m. 104,... Pn,er "~&lIII, ., p. Ill. for maida, IDnoal finanolal rapor' of oFeelk ne"r J. 0, BpUS 'on LebaDon 1112, $10. W. O. Tl1rton, ooal for and Frantlin road and .rea£ing St. Aaputlae'. Catbo:1c: Clalllda. I'a&IMr Lou Valli . ' 0001" hOOH, .... 60. BoU.r Ina,*," guardl and lIeeptD& up 11gb.. a& ..... eYe,., _fill 81U14a, uf tile !DOlIUI a aiOD Depar'm.n', io.pectlo. boilers UlllU'onek brid,e ., the _&trnate SUBJECT TOOENERAL ELECTION 8:00& ... a. Infirmary. U. .a ~. ConkllD, $3'.60 NOVEMBER 5, 19l1 St. Mar)". Epi~ Claun:ll. '. "'amp for Auditor, t6 . Alien Buff No. IV. P. B. Mo.oe for a ooa· RoY.~. r."er,~. maa, _lar, .. Depar'ment Beal.r orea laroh oolvert near George An Independent 9uD4a, School. e:80 •• III Moroloc Itr to OclalNlr 1', 1912, $110. H. H denoo's farm on Leba.o. aD4 nee. 10:80 L al. BoI, CoIIl!D uotOil Ut. lint 81Ula., II' each 18011'11, REPRESENTATIVE OIwald, oball repaira for Proba .. Morrow road at theeltimate $12' 80.

County Courts







Dr. J. A. McCoy,







• •,

... :




and.-"' ,,-&6_-...-





To the Voters of Warren County:

The election of a Judge of the Common Pleas Court is a matteryof grave mportance to all citizens of a community, individually, iD business, and in their affairs generally. After election,' the man chosen, receives a commission from the Governor of the State which gives hlm great powers with respect to the life, liberty ana property of the persons under his jurisdiction. Such powers should only be allowed to pass into the hands of a man whose information, experience and temperament fit him to wisely and safely exercise them. By their ballots aDd influence, the electors should see to it that such a man is elected to that position. Judge Snediker. whose knowledge of the law, judicial service, and Datural disposition, qualify him for the duties of this office, is a caDdidate. These things have ~ said of him :-"His work as Common PIeas J u d ga, has been eminently satisfactory to the community and the Bar." "His work upon the bench is a model of exact. Desa, pail16tak:ing care, thorougb analysis and quick dispatch." "Judge" Sne<iiker worked hard and conscientiously during his term of office." . No mistake will be made by Judge Snediker's election, Hisname appeat'!l on the Non-partisan Ballot with the other candi-


. ,

~or ~n~ Help to E~ect ~I~""


J. Milton Earnbart Judge, .,. F II. • •mll&OD Jr., a' . , No. Ito. Or'gonia Blldg. Co. ~orne, f." Sta'" ••. (iuUery, '1. for ooncre'e door and spaoln, of old Blltre" Brothers, bl.D'. for Aaditor ....1 j.l8t and ohaDDels on brid~. Democratic 18 Vernoo B. JOIl", letterlD, DO- D.,r ,James Klller'l on Frft.klin "oea tor w.llb0I1'1 OD road. a~ 76 . and Red LloD road at the "'Imllte COMMISSIONER 8ou~bard NoveUy Co, 1000 aluml $1'1. Brb B. Worley 1 2 T h E II I' h Du• •ea a at. Q. e 1 0" i. er No. 101. Alber' D. Bond for C., repalringmaohiaelD Recorder'l puUlag lD a 161D 18 r.., .arrogated office a118. Valley Co., .ewer OD Wblte road n'l&r ,1. liePROBATE COURT '1060. State of Ohio n. lIoFar. O;';'dl&ll and aD 18 ft. lliD. oor. W. O. TboPiptOn land I)wlre '0. S....e of Ohio rugatat lewer o. Cook road Dea, VII. lJharlN Dearth, a7.16. 8ta$e of Kar' BI.hope a' tbe e.tlm." $2'. '0. Oblo ••. Fred Alberuo. , $2' 10 No. lOS. R A. lloUn'olleo. for REPRESENTATIVE 8taw of . Oblo VII Uward KIDI, oonorete to .. to both abu'lDeou.f Joba P. Harkrader '18 10. Obio Corruga~ed Calver' Bootln bridge aDd protection" .al'l Company, oulnr' pipe f16,III on fint bridge to rlgbt of Bootb LebianoD D-d .LiOD Obio Carrulded C.lver' Co., oul. brid".oD . . -and v.r·' pipe ,68'8 0.10 Conu.ated plk. near '.e old Bootb farm il1 Colver' 00, onlver' pl,. tll.lct. Tor'leore" ~owalhip at 'he e e U . , Cliff 8 W i t ttl d . arr 0 ,J1I nl up ~u.r • mate $168 SO. Undertaker and EmbalJDert ' at ket Stree' arid.e 13.0.. Ore- ·No. 10'. R . A. lIoCatoheoD fOl' Ionia Brid,. Co., CoD. 11'0. 6., P"'''D,la aSS ft. S. ID. oolnIP'_! lit. OreloDla Bltd.p Co., Coo, ..... aDd . CODorea beadwallj..,d t •• fU8 r. A aUdebra1l4, pa&tllD• •me io . .w iooa"oa Coa. No, 68, ,'II. P. a._ MoDGe ap 014 brld,. Vl Oon. No. It.: 'I~l. JOOCIph Wo1f~. MPrlJIllbore ~4 a , ~.'tbMlll!o!--"ua. 'IIII'~





Ooo~ N~'" II ~e.,G.~.


rr",* I&O~~ ....1.. ,

If~, ,: " " , ,'-".00, ~rro"


' ,~-r;.,,'''.~



lio..IGI. ' p... lIoDot'r~ ~






, •




TIt. a.- di. 01 'h. Golden E.,l. will Sh. • B.llow.'.. loolal ••








Ball DeE' neala •• MODEL A-SI8.GO Nonaber I. A lood P'OIftID n .. hmala. Admluion 100". E ••r),bodr Made of three-ply veneered wood , beautifully finished. This machine it eubatantially bullt- requiree no oilin&, and with a rea.eonable amount of 1••I&ed. BoB-To M•. oel Mn. RaJ BolCl8, eare will last a li!etim~. The bandle bale and other metal parts highly nickelecl. Equip"'" with three powerful bellows. Case ballOolober 1••• d.u,h"r. .earinp throul{houtl and a tiltina- bar. which also holds the handl . , 1M .rll1b&rt or the 0 • . U. upricht. Weia-ht' llY. JOunds. (;Olumbll8 llpe.' "'arel.,. ••d Mu•• MODEL B-1 I 2.50 da, ~Ith ht[)m. 'olb. ., A three bellow. machine. Slightly Imaller than Model A. but wi th all arowd w•• ID ."aDd.D.,. the attachments and the eame exct'llence of finish and constru ction It ao he&!' D lr. , . . . . . LytJ• •aU. of ieliehter than Mode1 7A. Dut has t.he IIIlme durable and hisrh quality, and .'urda), "'.DiDI the cleaning efficiency 1IItrictly maintained . Weia-ht . lOY. pounds. lira. J IhDIl lpeDt MODBL C-'8.25 .......1 11.7. lut w..11 wUb rll •. Hu two bellawe and fa aimilar in construction to Model B. except that " ... ID ".)'• • TiUI. ahl. a • . BalD• •l.itecl Wed. it ie IOmewhat lUIaller and 11 not equipped with ban bearings It has been found moat satisfactory in emaller homes. Weight.9Y. pound!. D• •7 .Dd TIlutlet., WIUI her '0. Alfred . .d '.11111)'. ,. Ill'.• Dllliri. Ch.rl. Ana"D aD4 The hOle and nozzle attachmentd to be used with Mod.l! A 'and B




f. . . .


,a.'ill Au".






Drawn up~' between Ute kneel ot the Miami hUla for all the w.rtd like an inter'eltiJqr pile of drift left by a nadine eddy in the river of Time. Bere are to 1M found pn.~1 tn»ee ot ho-. fiowed &1ana irrecu1r.r IItreata and .,.., Ian•• aDd, at one end of the main thorouPfare the quiet aM ~epot home.f a reputed


D. L.

Rate. of 8ubec:riptiOIl vDl Year (1ICdcl&I7 111 adn_> .. .. . .. . ,1,"

- Jaile

CopT ....... - . .. .. . • • • .. .. . . • •










dl ~ uata

~~. ::~ ..... lie •


l -






llCboD to....P. Pieka~ eountI. ~ of btilW the larceet CID' tral..... lCbooldiltrJctin the .tate,

comprlaiq .. it doel an area. of over ..., aquare mU.. A new aehool ~uildina', eeMiDl' ".000. was reo C*ltlr 4ed1ca.tec1 b, the peeple of the towubip It hu oAI_t rooma aa aadltori11lll, a elMmica1 &JlCl aab7a.~ ica1 umr, 'aucl aD otBoe for the • ., epal




lit"', ,


Sprlnc Valley

lin.•. I.~ler aDel L1Iq OI_Ter .......... DI "laUne •• lu4aillJ. and WIlI .be .lIeeal for a few w..ta. ro~,· fo... ofoDl'oIu.u ........ all. ~l .a ........ ...... ft. ~.barl ,...11. . Co. ~1 od .CIa..... OIeanr. of epeat Iuda)' wI'la .... ar m......, 01 .... laare. A - Debear4 ... OhM JIe&la

.r ....


...: aa4 1In~ N.wtoa 1l00re wen Boalla,. ..... ., Kr. r.D411... .Iou aan" .•f


111M..... Ment.. .r -'_,,_"_A_ " ... _""1'

• IAlUail A_bee.

Ia Da)'toa. Mr ~ ••11 lin. 8rlIelm1Ul true. ad 'b eeD for th.Ubr.1'7 have been ao"'~ ·1. Dartoa, J!unbued to the amount of $600. ..41 'lOI..o. ~. ..... '

TU. .w .... 11. I. of ... I'rI ..41 m .. a. the laom. of lin. B. r. p. _. A. S. aarlao III .....mD. m .. ~TGI ........ II .........Ilk IMber, OotlO", 16, • lOa. I~I VI.I.., 'l'wJ. II. I. UBloD Ia.l. :. 10 all. Il. S . oburth, .n.nOOD. &~ OOQlptoD nlubl. ., tall l .

eoaa" ......., ""'ft....."'.tuda,. .. .n. ,...... nrc.

Tb.~ lA4Ieri Aid obDl'Oh belli a 10 tta, Towa JIlt11 , DI."' -


Wm O'Neall } Joe. · Clerlll ---

I will off.r at Bar .... 011




..- l ' ...... -



_."0. 'on ..




r.14eD08 ID

SKufday, November 9, 1911


Mill., Aaat.

Ch... IJlaIuk.", .uk.

OI•••lIled .ad. .

......... .. .......,.

4dII Will be 1uer1eC1 ulI~r &bLe bea4 tor twenty ·he cenu tor ,bree llleertlolll .bOD Wllq DOt Dlore tbua IIYe linea. ~ ." v .......


\ New'-is;-ri-In-ltO-n

____ .! ~ ~ ~

I •• 1111.



Tb;-Neighborh~' News

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Valley 4S·2r

plementl of aUlliDd., barn..., Mol. aDt a h01llebold ,0041. U. G. Wh.Ull, EKeou'or C. '1'. Ilawke, ADD'.


III, ,..

I ••••• It. • ••• ••••••••••••


Waynesville, Ohio


o4d and pletuNlqu, characten,


Terms Reasonabl.

HtlYen, of 110.• III'. a.d III... Per,,. BettDDI.,.a 1 :8. 0 'clocll, hou.. KeDrt. ..el da.,h.... Bel'aha. et hold 1.00II., 00.11."., ofbecb, ."'Dda, Wa,...ft1I., IIr .• M... oIoaeph olaaln j .aoYM. oarpetl. dl.h. . .d OIuaaiP[OD ..d IIr. ••• ..... Walte, p r j. . Mol•• Brloe .mltta Kartoi.

. .SaVel Let Of Boy aufllcientl)' pronouneed in atyl. to makedeliJhtfulltwU. for ..It eeemel th., ,ear 0)41 pen and ,.neU. bo, would b... to 10M bla 11111. oa ,lMd!q LocU. l1'li' II.... . . . . . . . . . . • . . Ie And ben t all d . . pervul .0001IDt of .D all, oloer, caue4:I. Atldlnlt LoeaIa. La ... ·;. (0'.". per IlDe . .. . lie a _IOIJI ~....,... peIee eep V . . . ........ -nl..." .wro.. D. 1'. •o-a • ",.. . . .' Ada. 8M &0 uc-J Ihll I u - t h e beaedletioD .f the beautUul hllla. L. V. R. --- UK" .. "... I liar .. '" .. . .. .. . JIe Aqaone, N. U. "All "madi. and ,f 0......,., .... IDcIIeI .... ; 0_ live dooton b . . . . . f.lled alll we c.......... ~. .. . .. ... .. .. .. Ie trted BGOkleD·. Al'alea sal ••, aDd I I'd 01 tbaDIIlI....... .......... ..... ale ~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~=~====~ o~ tilm wi'" eD. boa. II Car.. ~. .'""dIll .-oa:....... bDl1ll, all . boll. .kiD . . . . . . ella e .. made •••• • • • ,le •~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • 1150., ... .rap.lou, pilei.

Here, too, are


".m. .. lpena )In. Job Sa,. .... ""'!"!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!~!'!!!!!'!!!!~~~~!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!~~~'!!!"'!!'!!!!!'!!!!~~~!!!!!'!!!!!!!!! ""







Quint old Mt. Holly!

Posted on pedigre~s and values of all kinds of breeding stock . Experienced in handling farm sales since



N. Sears

Live Stock and General Auctioneer

bo.e of lira• .A1l.a O.k. and fam- OBADUATEIOll' Tall:

&0. .11, aa 1IVa1D••IUI. Il ......el..... Wllllaa ens.Jaso. _a..cllua w.ll or. ala. • .a.... ""ted b,. C. L. T••ell ..d falDltr. III'. a.el.n Lee ... lte.rIok .D· tertUned _ hDda,., lit. &Ila



J . R. "en.term.b" of Da)'ton. Mra. M• ..,. tilln... , 01 koel.IOl' IIpI'IDIi. Mo.. iA .,.ndlnl ••nnl weeb with Ohio ...1." • • •Dd "Gea-If Tilli ted wlthllr. aDd II... J ..eph <"'h.IEDpl•• , Leas. aad W.l ..r .anri".. .. • Ibert . 'N o,. od f • • U,. ••4 Elmer ...rob..... wifa .. d .OD Lea .111" wI'ib •• n7 . . . .Ja.r. nl1 f • • II,., a' (I ....n BrI..., linnd., . ..... IUDul. Dulle ..d bro'h... B .....lI aad WU~am Duke. ot Da1 toll, •• re 1 ••cla1 a' .k.

.r. aact 'tIrlUa lb..



Dt ..... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!~~!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!l!!~~

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DlO...... from oDI,. Complete attachments $4.00 extra.





B.Ubrooll .DDcla,. ••d ,,.DI 'b•••,. wltb JIr : .~lClllr •. C. I. Lamb. 01'. Btook ••4 faDlU,. had fo ..




MAl(foMlllMoIl PaI& 10 wiab bo.... ancl bDII)' CondlUOIl Powd.r

ID W.rreD eou". "'lu7 171 per lDoDtla. Adclreu II ha4111.rlal BId•.• IMianapoll1, 1a.I.Da. .31


30 .1. O. Bd 0rpI. . . . Pall....

II.... II. V. HmIUa, CorYl., OhiO, ph••• 71·' . • IS

ONE becbteat, ODe w........d 011.

These furnaces are right] The price is low, Give me a chance I will prove it so.

The work is good The material is best The proof is yours By the test. The fire is great The heat intense With little fuel And less expense. Think it over And buy the best, And I will come And do the rest.


wee • IIdeboard,80m. dllb ... ~dle Ilr...d..... 0 .. 1'. Vic*.... laa.. ..d • few oab.. aHol... J . L.


lin;. I4a .......1aal11a apeadI., . with Ib U411ft:


to Da,.ton. Il. . . .bal. will .1l,oNa for me. 'a.t.... u.. a... :...:....u '. II . Tbal'rl.ada: Iuda,. "001 ...14 aloa Hoel. • II .. . ' ew . . ItaJr .nloe aJaada,.. . .•. The IMIlJdiq ia equipped with run· . . . . . . . . . . .r'. fro. ur. I..... • of laWI., Vall., A , , .... old, ao Diq water aM &11 other modem ""D4W 'Jae Gra.t Lodp, .1 Da, III'. a.d Il,.. lIl. II 0.".." Mr. ala. work double or lillll.. aGDDd ·Tinnera & Slater. eon..._ _ _ IaDltary .. _ I.... _.... aDd lin. PIallt, a.WD took cIIDau.n..-=: __,_ _....... .Dd • ralllld b)' A ~t.







fOUDtaina. A line.... aloe Ii a.cI to pump':: water EJ.yelChoola In the town· abl,liaq been Cid byeentrallu· . tI~ 1'be baIW have &1..., bella IOld .t IU on u the peepl. haye .. We. of ever returnln8' to the 0I.~. Two hundred an. tweot;r-tly. Pupill are enrolled in th. . . . . . ~ of whleh .... I" the


_D. , .

w_. W." .'ft7

II~ ucl lOa Baada, BuoJi wen ~WU.''''' TIaIton, "'1~~


cWltOJl k.I...

" .6*' ......• of .Dr.,..., -V-

. .tla Ill'. ...4 Kn. IeaIah



Kna .....

Ia 'aa~ wi'IaJ ... uc1 lin.

..... : --. 'rill.... ilia ~1a"n. Jaen dar1aI .;lip




Ill. ~tlo.. IIr. aad IIIi ... ...... oaIo 11.. E. SDDda, IIOlaooI .leoMcl .......... frOID alaelr trip ao 1IIoIa~.. D.W oflloen f.r ........... . twel.e ••d..,. .,....., . ra...;ye with h~~l. T: .re~ DlPDtb. at r.llo. .~ Tis: . .pert...... pa...... befon . . . . to laoue -.aI __ 'PU' ttof'!t- brolm,, __t.. 00 , ......,. Aal. V........, ..... l_pl.,1D Da7tMl. ' - e1- .... theooe 0 Will' 8' 81;1100.1. , the eQIIM. are 1_ than under (fi•••perlD, ••danl, lin. aaauh Or..· MI. ~•• lin. W. W. Wlaltal•• old • • I B. Cook. Jr., .. the w.n, IHonar,......... leur. Lt... """1. . . fe. dr.;ye I~ K• . au~t. . rlau. Oon.l WI~ aa4 William aacl will ........... tile eER-D·WA taOO ~ake•• , 0 ........, lin. - . of • . WJaI....'.)roa.r. , 100 R w"Ja ttala noell.1 _leoUeo Il" Jam. o.1IorDe



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of . . . . the .a. .a. . aUDIt lb·. .1IaD4aJ ..... Xealallleadi. :~\:::.u::: oreue. , lb. WUtoII Oeaaptoa. • • Ia.. II oem,I••I,. nred m• . " A qaloll NAPKtN8-A De" ~aook of up. IIr. IUICl ..... Slmu -........ of alok," for OOlIRJa. aDd 081d•• I.. 'le klDe jaa& in. 8eftD d_,a. to . . . . fOf' Mothi. but the .... o.,aoa ..4 Mr. lin. Roben . . .1...... wlao.... eat. aDd "babl. m.clIolD. for pick froDi. Gaze'" o1Boe. of' . ...alae - - ""-- .... _... f I 1_ _... laD4 IODI voubl .........ip, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IJ!!'!!!!!!!!

" " I _ OM d...... 'b.' . iII_1au ben .bl. to eare 1n.1I "~~~~~=r,: tb.a I. Catania. <"'11" Ia a..e 0111)' DO.B mMiaal Ia bel• • • ellD. '

::=== .,. . . . .h. : ell.....



_en L. a.ook. »0. lAbaDO.. oalo. ...k b, Ill. d_tta of .....lll. lDq....... Gee Oooper'. nlld••oe. Sherwood Block of lrlbalqtaa. a •••• 10. ""'. .0., Ohio. ., ....qItoot Jaer•••d al ••y. • . LV.lIey Phone 113 I.. • 1a00~abl. Ulana"n llf.. IO:'W• • ~. • Ioe " pip, 1 w..b ...:.h-_ IrIId, all I. 1(084. bealth,. eODdi. a. I~. OIa 01 fn ..cla . . . . haqW".' lhla .mo.. D II pte oa. to .lal. panD", '." \ wIf..... qJa...... pAIR of wo....n .ll_ Ponl.n... 8 • - • I •. 10D,••D4 111 w.l.u' rIDRS. . - - - - - - - - - - - - Sand By Hil Wile . IDOluded, fo.. 16 00, cuh. Apply., Bbe'•• ,..... womaa .ho II. ..,. lb. rrlenda Bom.,, Ju' wba' '040 wIleD Jaer Ja1llbaDeI·. OIaIo 030 U you have any Burploll h~ Ia ID 4laopr bu& II.... a. I. atoek for aa1e, use our - j ""'ne, V,., t.or klDd. ACRD 01 land. olOM M'toW1l, "8b. IDliaIe4 Ob ID, UlD, Dr. wi'b 'ohaooo .laed OD plaae. Clauified Column. It KID,'. N.w 01100""," wrtue Mr. IDquire of Fra.k lillieI', W.JD. . will seD them fOl' you. ,. "for • &.clfD1 ooqh. wh•• I Till•• Olalo. 010 ~r OOIIII~~.".

.01. we... aad.......... r....... .... .- --- ........ of..........



wboopla. OOQgb,

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Kr..... lite, IIU_ So. . ,.... wone.

"'lQt..... GODTIle ilui. . . . . . - - - . . BaU'. 0.. ..... DaiaJ' IIarIIOOk ....... to .... pia, .. Iao)I • ........ Ia._ _ ~ ta nqtoa.laacJw. . . . .... wi.... ·QP 01 tit. a Mr. ad lin. . tmIIMa en.. ... • ... Be...." 01 0IclanU1e. ·1Il. to an. ...... alae . . ._ :..... · 01 lin. . .WI. . .. '!l'.1~-"0I.""""" rra_'.... , ita l*t,..,. 000D.,. Mn. Lewte 0nM UIIIIJn'fIaa.·. :Iir .... lin. ...,1 ...... 'et la • U. . . .·.Uet cia trt.4a 1M...

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IIlIUliln DlLE EYE 111.11

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Automobile Livery Service at Reasonable Rates•


The Miami Gazette D. L. CR A.NE, Publisher.





'Deduction Drawn From' Miracle Revealed in the Text of Best Time To Harvest Is After Kernels Have Become Well the H'oly Scriptures. Dented and Hard and Husks Are P:utly


We are a pt to thi nk tbat tho ('al'B ability to Boe In Ih o dark Is due CD · tlre ly to Its c yes , but compcte n tau · Or Entirely Dried ~orlty assuros u s Ihat th u feline's power In thi s r(' Rp('cI Is du o a lrn 08~ as mu c b 10 li s "whiskers." 1'he.u dell · cate haIrs that pruJec l from the muzale Of th e cat family urc w<Hld{'rr~ mechani sms. says H arpl)!"s W eek lY Each one I; ro \\'s from n follicle or g laud . non ed to th o ut most senslbl ll· t y. Its sll glJlest co nln el wit h an y ob· 6tacle Is InBlan li r r It by th e ani mill. though th e hall' II s~ 1t l.llIlY bo toug b and In scn~lb l e. Thtl ('xagl'Pr:lI('d I whl s kl'rs on th A 0111 7.211' often IlroJc rt to Buch a dl stnuce that from po int In point th ey In d lcnte t.h~ e xac t \\'1<llh of the bod)· a t tho beaSt. Cons Id er tho lion stealing throngll the Jung le nt l nIght In scarch at prey; when the leaat stl r at a twi g glv('s alarm . The 110n's whisker! Indlcale throu gh the nic est nerve s , any object that may bo In hla path . A touch stops him Bhort The proper harveGtlng of the crop Is an Ir;nportant part of aucce .. fu; corn grOWIng'. ' berore pushing through some close . thIcket where tho rustling leavea and (By T. J . Wh eeler. Collego at Agrlcul· as yet the comnon me!hod Is to Cllt hy boughs wou ld betray his .,resence. tllre, Ohio Slate University.) haud. Wh e re farms are shtall, either Wb er eve r hIs head may be thrust The amount of dry' maller In a field tb o hand or the small s led cutler Is Without a warning from the "lbrlB81Ul of corn Increases from th e lime of tnB· ta u nd to be the mo re )Jrotltllblll. but lbere his body ma.r' pass noiselessly . seling until It Is fully ripe. The wh e n a large Brea Is 10 be cuI In II It la the aid given him by hIs wblsketl, Itmlted tlme ' some of tbe Iml'foved atllount of dlg esllble matter also In· harvesters will be more expe·dl ent. A In conjunction with tbe soft cushionS erea8PB a8 the crop matures. 1'0 be few years ago tbe United Slat.~s Deof ·hls f~et, that enable. him to proat th e greatest "alu ail n..teed 10r IIvc purtment of Agriculture made all In· ceed as silently as the snake. stock co rn fodd e r should rillt ·jbe cut ves llgulion ot tbo COSl at q,uIlIng,corn too green . TIj.e hesL'1JmE! to , harYfis! The hour of dining has advanced corn Is orter the ke rn els h ave he.:oml' by Ih e \'arlous mothods and fouhd ' tlll!t l he nve rage (,08t per s ho ck for "ull ing 'WIth the centuries. Frolssart men- well del ,led and hord a nd the husks by hllnd was 6.5 ce nt s, or $ 1-60 per tiona waltlDg on tha duke of Lancaater are partly or e ntire ly dried . After IIcre, w ith tbe sled cuttel' th e ct'st vflha at five In the afternoon after be bad rea c hing this c ondition th e re Is ordi- $1.1R pel' aero and .wlth lblt corn aupped and was about to go to bed; narily a perIod at about two weeks In blude r, $1.60 per acre or the same I1S and the pretace of the Heptameron hy hand. The work can be dor-e lUore abowfl that the Queen of Navarre dined ! rapIdl y with tbe binder than 117 hand, at ten o 'clock In the morning. From • even lhough lhe cost I. the saflle. When cuttIng corn by ' hanf; mu ch Ute Northumberland Household Book, labor ('an lJe save.] by udoptinl: a detl· 'ated 1512, we learn that the ducal !THe system of cutting a nd bu·.idlng a family rose at al., brea~ra8ted at ·leTs hock. A ' bUlI1!lIn . tram thQ United en, dined at ten, Bupped at tour. ~.d I Slates Department of Agrlcu!t'·tre exretired tor the night at nine. ·allYa tbe I plains a method of "cutting A small London Chronicle. Louis XIV. did not I s hock, elJ(ht hills ISluare, that can be dine till 12, while his contemporaries, I e m played ,,·1t.b t he use of the shocklnll Cromwell and Charles took .the 11wrse or by tying the four central hlll!! aneal at one. In 1'100 the- hour was ad. , or "galluwses." This metho'd ls show~ 'nUlced to two; In 1751 we find the III thp accompanying l1lus tratlo~. For lIucheas of f)omerBet dining at three. I tho first armload hills 1, ·S. a. t. 6. 6. 7. and In 1760 Cowper Ipenk. ot · four I and 8 should be cut In the order given. f)'clock as the faahlonable time. After , a nd Ihe armload stood at the peint Indlcated by the letter a. The numberl the battle of Waterloo tbe dinner hour nltered to sii. from which time Twlated and fallen shows are an evl, and letters In the t1gur:e Indl.cate the It has advanced by balt-hour atages to dence of poor .worl5manlhlp. elgbt. So that In tOO years the dinner l!8 Z1 58 51 which the feeding value In botb the bour had gradually moved through at stalks and earB Is at Ita beat. It CUl· leaet ten hliura of the day, 29 26 59 56 ling Is delayed until th e ears are m ao ture enougb to husk ana crll>, tlie ~25605S AmeriCIan habits and customs, elpe- stalks 'have 'Iosl c-onslde'r able of tbe lr dall.,. American clothes, are appar- feeding value . o dO , 23 22 54 It corn must be cut rathel· green It ' '4!J 4!ntly becomtng fashionable among .~ Ge~many's young men, Young Oer- s hould , be put III amall shocks, say ~ 7 40 6 0 2.... 2/.: 20 many no ' longer contents Itself with e ight or ten hIlls square. Tbls will a l· the- sartorial products at the Father- low llie fodder to dry 'out thoroughly 41 46 . 9 16 15 17 18 19 tand, 8~YS tho London Answers. The without mouldin g. Whon shocks ar" 1------1 . exaglSerated university Bulls ot Amerl- Inr ge and tbe weatber warm, nnd dum p ~ 4S (0 IJ 14 53 5? 51 can cut an'll manutacture please them the danger of moulding Is . In creased. better and most of them ar never Some farmers go t hrough lbe field and 43 44 /I 12 '47' 118 49 50 d th e h I cut balf s hock s, which ure allowed to , I 1·.1 0 tt more ge nu ne y n ere Bn w en cure and th e n tbo rem a ining ~oru Is they are milltnken tor "Amerlkaner," c ut and set up arollnd these haIr Diagram shows method of cutting German clotblers have. In con8e- s hocks. It Is hi g hly Imporlant that cern, eight· hlila square. . quence, heen obliged to lay In large the s hoc k be set up and ti e d 80 It will order In wh ich tlJe hills are Cut anlS .tocka of American clothing to meet sland crect and keep th e fodder dry. the locallon In w\llch ~he r9d4er I. tbe growing demand. The twisted and fallen shock s seen on placed. By cutting ett<th, shock after every hand In t h e fl<ll o r th e yoar Is l hls de flulte s'yatem ve r y m a ny .unEngland's llew torpedo boat desrroy- evidence of poor workmn.nsblp: Un- necessary Rtep8 can be Baved. The ere will be 'glven names from Shakos- doubledly farmers lose Ulllny dollars 6t'11111s should be stood evenly about the peare and Scott. So, In the near fu- e[lch sellson from carelesRneB8 in this sbock, wIth enol!gh slant to .make them ture. we may expect to see "The Mer· re gard. Not only the fodder hut. the sta nd woll, The tying should ·be done grain also ie damaged In the fallen nenr the top or the SllOCk, lVell above ry Wives of Windsor" engaging In shock. the ears. T . L . WHI~ELER. battle, accompanied by "The Two GenWhile corn biDders and ban-esters College of Agrlc'ulture. OhIo Stat. tlemen at Verona," '"):he Lady of the are coming Inlo usc In many BecHons. l Jnlverslty. ' Lake." and "Tbe AutiQuary." The war correspondent of tbe ruture prob· ably will be chosen tram among the book revlewerB.




Mo~os In the laud of IIlld· lUll ubtllilled tll ' gn 'at vision which (' ull Btllul ed h is cull to lh t' l'Jlldf'l'Khlll ot Isra e l lltJ WIl S nCrltllll'd with th e ordlua r y I:.sll s ot Urc,- he WIl S ~l llll'ly doin g hi s <luty III II pro"ltle way. II" WlI S telldlua tll flock s, and d (} ull l h: s~ me llllwhlle rUl1llnlltlu G a u big IIlt'sll l' ll S, Id eallz· In g his c ommon tn Hkfi, and so prt' l'a r· In g I1lm" " lt for grelll,l'r S~ I'\· \ C'! later on. By faithfully s('r \'ln l-( ill Il. low ly ellllucity Moses "'li S lerl 111 1" jlt ~ t th aI humlJlo Iramo o f m ind wh ic h 1111011 him tor ud \'UllCCllIc nt te; lan; e r r,," pon · pro motl ll ll Call1El Illbll itlt's. Hi li t.hroug h a \. er sonn\ to u(' 11 of llle pow· 4~ rB or herlV en upou his 1110 . It 1ft oftPll yo--the "co mrqon rOltllll" brin g s mall 8uddplll)' tac o tu fo oe with God. Th ere 10 no telling .,rtlUIlll whkb turn of th o road thc angol s may tlE'xt mee t us. As Mo~ e s WIlS lading bls flock he "came to th e mountalll 01 God"Ilnd an ange l at Go d appeared to him In a flam e at lire. WIth It sscred InlJul s lll\' cness Mose s Iturned aside to learn tho m('unlng of thd diplomatic s er-vlce 'M anagua. I~be strange eight that met his eyes. Nloaragua. IB regarded the WOl'llt What Inte rested and surprised him post In the world. Men who have '~' a8 not Just a bush - Moses came been stationed there BomeUlDeB "CTOSS plenty at bramblos In the lan d torm little groups In the Metk-O'}f Mldlan. an d h Ud otten torn hi s I>OlItan club. In Washington. and talk flesh on theIr thorns; nor was It the' of their Nicaraguan service a8 Rusnight of a burning bush, tor Moses had slans talk of the siege of Port Arthur neen many bonllres along the ridges of Qr 8urvlvore speak of Ladysmltb.. The the hllIa thM Cllt Into the deserlS. Tbo .Id 'Spanlards clllled ' the place th o '!fonder wa:J thst tbo bush, while burn "Paradise at Mahomet." but the taste bIg, did not burn - that It was not can· III tbo conquistadores In houris was lSumed . We do not know JUSt lI'hat notoriously catholic. rt Is aotually a t:he nature of this miracle WIlS, tor W4 lUaee ot "mainoul climate, wretched cJo not know th o nature of any mira· people. poverty. heat and disease, "Ie, nor at life Itselt, which Is on~ wrItes Paxton Hibben , late American .,reat wond e r. It Is sufficient tor tht' cba.rl\e d'arralra to Chile, In th e Inmornl purpose of this e pistle to r oc· dlanapollB Newli. ognlze that the burning bUBt? was tho We -ha"e ' otten berore this been In IIcene and seat of some extraordinary more or len ~cultles with tbe BOV(and y(lt not tlecessarUy Irrational or e~e.nt ot Nlcara~a and Bomellmel unnatural) phenomenal manifestation with other governments over Nlcaraof the powe r and presence of Jehovah. rua· In 186t the U . B. S. Cyane bomIn a lense, God was In that buell, as b4rded and 'burned the Atlantic port he might be snld to be In a "st11l. at San Juan del Norte. and the follow'" small yolce"-not that the Deity Is Ing year: the . Bolllle~ . of, tortut;le, WIIpantheistically merted hi tb'e' pbenotD.. lIain Walker, with his American phae!la or th e world whloh he has created. lanx. began his brief but picturesque but thst he Is dynamically at work Central Amerloan career In NlcaraIn all lhe prooe88es of nature, whetbo gua. of which country he was presler In those which we having plotted dent for a while. down a few data here and tbere. nB By 188t we had had so muoh trouto discovered "Iawa,." called "natural," ble with the country that, wben the or those In which, not having he e n Nlcaraauan canal project 'Was beIng plotted as yet, men regard at. extraor- talked of. renegotiated a treaty with dlnary, or "mlraculoue:' that 'r epubllc expressl,- providing for The most Important point In t'bls In- American ' inten-enlion whenever It cldent Is the sIgn that It gave Moses might Beem neceallllJ'Y for us to proof the dynamle presBllce of Jehovah tect ·any canaJ thlrt might be built. In all bls \l[e, and Inferentia lly In our but the treaty llaTer became operal.Ives. too. So very much WIlS God In tlve. In 1907. Mr. Root, then secret.bat place that !.be wondering shep- tar1 of atate, ~Ilcelved the altTuIstlo berd was told to Blip. off hla sandal a, iloheme at inlnring permanent p~ace I'or the ,-ery earth upon wblch he ln Central America hy eltabl1shlng an Eltood Was "holy ground." fly this rev- International Central American arbl~llatlon of God to him Moses' 'nre tratlon court hI' Costa Rica, but It was was at once LIfted to a higher plane. Icarcely opened wilen the ' NlcllraguYet It was not promotion In a world- ana had · violated' both the letter nnd Iy sense that did thls- tlot just a ~e splt1t ,"ot tb.Ia arrangement. Finalchange' ot tasks, thou'gli M'oses wits lil- ly. the pnltll<' States expelled Don deed thereaf~er called to . more can· Jose 8antos Zelaya, the arch trouble splcuous duttes- but a 'belghtenlng of maker. but pellce has no more reigned 1D0rai Ideal, th e Increase of consecra- Bince his de1)llrture than before, tlon. and the bronner scope of so,c lal Ntcaragua haa a permanent source Elympathy thar came when Moses met "f dl.flleultles In the existence of the Ood tace to fa'c e tn Mldlan, was chal- two ancient cltlea of Leon and Granalenged by his holy purpose, and . ae- da. the gnelf and glilbelIIne rivals. as me misgivIng. bitterly hostlle 118 were ever Florence <:epted-though wltb (lue at first to a welJk raith-the call and Pia&. To Jlut an end to t)lelr cont.o a larger ta8k. I},d ,s: more arduous tinen.tal ~trug,les, 41. whlC~ !.be whole servIce. OCIuntry ' WIUI involVed, Managua was . Solitude often asslsts' tlle culture of built between the two In 1851 .' d the higher lite In man. and dlecovera made the capital ot tbe I'4lPUbllCa~n for him the B1Icred meanIng of the . place of Graualla, A Ie.. fMorable 10commonplace, w,hen ordinary happen- cation for a c1~y than that at Manaarua Ings are c.o naecrll:ted to a I?fty and would be dl1Dcult to 'concelve, The (lternal nlm" It Is not neeessary / to .heat Is ' Inten8e and th . It tl t ,;0 lnto' the desert to flM GOd-t.Lat Ule place, ' on . Lake M:n:~:: 0:;~~11 was the mlstake' at th~ ol~-Ume ascet- 1I0t be more exposed or le88 plelUlln,. Ics. What Is D!!eded Is.. a certain The IItreet. are dust ... , d IIID.Ount of solitude In one's own heart i ' . Y ,an.."lllipa , ' . . The bulld ngs have none of tq(l charm --whlcb leaves space' for God to enter ot aie and &00<1 r 'b lt t ' ., hi b lind which Is shared ' bl" the contInual...... . th f Lea e dec~ w C The advice to substitute be&lls tor l)resenQe of him , wh~pake to :Moses .=eem Ol~ a on an, undl'ada. to out of the busb burnIng In the ' desert, a certain extent They are at pl~ meat wl\l receive a setback through . . nnd wh~ said to his Misslon·.sent dlltl. tared adobe, on~torled. stalned. aUn-. the eXplosion at Borne boiling beans In Illes: "La, I am with you ahvayh,\ 'e ven faded. unc~ean. forlorn and~e ~ • Colorado town. The beans tore tbe NDto , ~be end.of tbe w9rltlA: are lUI ~~nod, . unc1B1!\~ -md t9rl<1'11 dove to pieces and threw the owner of To the man who ' carries tl\e ' selse u their housee. -One 'can "'iIot blalll.~ the bouse out the kitchen door, With I 'of' God" ' S presence with hlli'no spo~'P!l the people tor lighting! The vlctor:r the militant Bplrlt abt\!4d lUI It Is, the EI'bsolutely lonely and every place ' Is .o f a NlcaJ'llgWln. graye ma, tie P.I adoption at beaDS as tbo pr1nclpal ar110ly ground. such a ' 'rian ~y one, but .there II surely ~~ ticle of diet had best be postponed. ,:008 ho sees7>whl\t .. haJ,lQI!.D s ,tnallY IIting to death, . " ,;1 ILround him fall to reco~ni~e-the B~rdae)'e of Corlnto. A Chicago girl while playIng the bushes ot- tli~ commonplace ' glowt'ng . CorJnto, the P~clflo port, JB, It an,. pIn na 'Wa~ struck hy lightning, al. with the theophnnles at a rllveat'rng thing, worse. As~ a port, Ita accommoOod. In saying this I am ,not teach- datlons &l'$ better than tbose ot all7 though not serloulf\y hurt. But Ing aQY pantl~elstlc nothl~ or m~re ~twA,el;l .M~co and. Panama, whether the casualty Is to be vlewod sen'U mel)tal dream-l am simply ' enat .1~Bt ocean gOing ships liS accident or retribution Is a que8'fo~c1n'g the Cnct, taught nnd nlustratel1 may ~ocIl .at Co~~to. which cannot I'tlon tbe nel/i:hborB !ire dlscus8lng~ thY'oUghout ~e lengtl!. · and breadth-of' dlJlle .111 the Bplendld anchorage oft that IB, ot course, It the girl WI\S the Bcrlpture-that the Lord .Jellov'a h Is AmaPl!-J .. Ii. tunny little raUroa'd. with average performer and the uelghhor, eVf\fywhere presellt by hjs sQirlt" I}t al\. ~l;I\gtn.I!!I . ~1!¥. tf1.1'11 one back . ~ ,~ll1I" a"erage neighbors. . '11(lces and at all Ulnes ready to re- Chlldh?o~, ru.nntng parallel to 'tbe "r eal hlm~et'f sprrltually"to the h'umble: a}ew scorc~l~g at!&elf,,- with A Texas girl announces her wll" 1JfpbutIdlng all things by tbe word 'of , dmost nalted Indiana PIltOld Sod· Bound Orchards Should Be PI~ed and Cultivated, tngnes8 to marry any man who wl\1 . . his. power.! and tll8Quentl:r, takingblrlng uplaqd ', doWD' tbeDlJ aoJbe !fe,. ,Many orchard s over the state would orchards have ,espond~d readily to the 1:lg~t{..hi 1pIlking hLs glory, -. to burst' I!~.u~. fl!" . prq~r.ty ·ot, toreignel'J, ClOnSE!ut to have tbe ceremony per· ' h til II f1th dl II strung Alo~ the ~hqr~ and a tJ:u!T formed In a cage or lions. And all we he grf'~tly benefited If the ' sod were culilvation treatment. and It ·1. the tli ro.uJ e ve 0 e or nary. unt d--- ...... ;:r ...lZ t Lr ~ ··t· b" • I ' T an tallanlIave to say Is tb:lt the mall who brol;en up this (all and elth{'r culti· : common practice .wlth , malt of the ule' ~t1dest hut by which. •,ome way- n:cMO . . . . uu '" ..ep vllled \'1rollghout. lhe next s en son or I' Illr~er commercial orchardists to elth.· far1ng ' man kneels become. maJitied that I, Corln~: Hotbed . . at ~ello" take!' the olrer wl\l de/ler-ve . anythlnl tbat qappena" to htm during the cere- SOlVed d!)wn to sO Ule good cover crop - er ~eep the space between the treBII with a dazzling Sheklnah. ~ . He . · l nUlt· fever,~ matatIal · ft_. Uce, p1a«ue aJld ,ry~, for Ins tance- which wouid hold i under c~nstaut ctllt!vll.t1on, usually bILth eyes to Bee Jet him see -and dl.oo~~, It .w ow ,t wo dli,.' mony and afterward. . I using a cover crop, ana at leaat break toat bath ' ears to bear let ,. from _~" ,.~ . lOpe, wbe..., we the plant food In the SOlI and prevent up the s d f ' . ' iM · · extAu1nlnated these tb1nJII at It Is now announced that a dlsgnIII' washing hy heavy wluter and spring After' ~re:~~~,yg :pY{ ·tYhlleBta..s04 a-d ~b~ t skthln·tt. tOhCCUUgPhYIYlkours,eslfl" , O'01t.' ", "'. . ." '. .. gaB, and, 0 e a mon . ,, ' ." ' .' t tI ed emp I aye d eetroye d Mona L Isa'. rains. fate so .wll)g the eO,ver crop It 1. a ,ood, )rou have to toll all night" tbere four ' years ago; ~~en . tuecrntable amOes with sulphurlo acid. Wh ere an 'orcllard has heen allowed pla.n to ,scattAl.r a little commercial ter- tlutOJng•. yet In the golden , .qulck, ehrewdi cuh· Wblch settles the inscrutability ot·the to Btund I!'. sad ror a long terlll of 1I11zer under each ' tr~e; extending out you ' shall see the Lord. , Set .mlle for all time, aa the plea8antry at years and the grass pastured orr tram I1s far as the spread -of the ' branches: t 'e otions on things . DO myster,- can survive a luiphurlo yeal' to yest this, together with t.he A c~mplete ..~ertlllzer ;a·~aiY.ln, about · ''';ou may .be ' ",e!i.l1t~ !I~'ll!1bllll:J ,.~ ..",-""", acid bath. fruit remOVE 1 front tbe trees, may be I "5-6 should be-uaed, iii . rials of ·thll, ,. dreary ,d ellert• .... _,ufficjent to ftepleW Ihe ferUmy· at the kind conducted In South~rn Ohlo' tht Tbe automobile, says a St. Pau1 loll. Then. ' too. the Bod may have y.'l elds . w~re raised to tbree '" fOUl ),0)1, J)Nacher. h~ .don~ more for lin than become thickly . matted and the 80111 t1mes , tbe ''uBu~1 Jlrod~et1op ~t a cO.~ oi ~hlCb . ' oth~ thing. Let , UI not b'e lust beneatb , the sad 80 ~ ~OFOUghlYfab~ut ftfteen ce.~ta p~r..tree. ... . -:-~e~•• vlll~ru,a &.cojlrqed. Somebody II . aJmOlt packed aB to' practically exc~Ud& . ~n .' • . O. M...~Jlili:; :$ ,:,;. man. ..are \to cbco·'.... it. mef,b04 'O; -»l1li. ~ree alr. , " • •• Coll~«."101 ~caltUte. OJalo: Stat. ban DO \10"'""'·In"'w" ~ tIul~ . .Wluusv~r ,mar. be '~' l'~aIO~" U~l~_e~ .~M ·· J ', . " :. ..' ;..."'.














'! '.


. : . .}.


6. rare state at comparatt vo peace. and encouraged torelgn caplt.ul to lha .tupendouli prol:lt at the Investor Bnd Zelaya, The country, extraordlnarily rlt'b, under his rulo received unprecE>dented development.. Bis Ilnanc1a1 genius, bow ever. was conOned to the crude sandbag mathoa Ilnl2 the more the country pr0811ered, the poorer the people became. Ultimat'lly Zelaya tell Victim to that dlst"aBfI so fatal to LaUn·Amorlcan dlctatorll- the Idea that the United States c:an be blurred forever. I also knew his partisan and successor Doctor Madr1z-a shy, .tudl· oU8·look.l,ng, b&-spectacled little IllIUl: with mild, agreeable manu ora. He was a Icbolar and a ~\eve r III wyer, but he lackod tile maSlleUsln or Zeleya . His purposes w~re excellent. hut he had no chance to carry them out ; the taint of his nssoclallon wltb Zelaya was hLs undoing. No one wlll ever distinguish him with any of the thousand legonds wblch BUll ollng too the memory of the great dictator. How Feud Will Ole Out_ Since then, conditions have not 1m· proved much In Nicaragua. Yet they mU8t Improve aoon. tor tbe sanlta.ry Itnte of the country Is a conltant menace to tho canal zone nnd tbe financial nnd econolnlo condltlonl at the republic are deBperate. The an cient rivalry or Leon and Granada. repreBenting the Liberal and Conser,aUve parties, reBpectlvely, Is no · fOllndation upon which to bulld either peace or prosperity. On the contrary~ It Is a sort of feud that wl\l die out only wltb the extefislon at commercial Intercourse. But the extenllon. at commercial Intercourtle demands r;eace and a Becurlty of government for Ita eBtabllahment, upon any aure foundation. So. tar, the vut unex[/Iolted resources or the country have offered such alluring prollts, In Bpite ' or everything, that the Nicaraguans are alive to no necessity for a complete cbange In .. \.bel r point of view: towards their government. The posslblllty of the construction of an interoceanic canal tbrough their territory has thrown tbelr country into more Internntional prominence than _ any other ot the Central .A~erlc~ BtateS. and has Implanted tn them the Idea of the domination or a Cen. tral "-m'e rlcan union, which WIUI ' ZeIAya'a deareat dream, They hlne know the BDOtllght and will not ellllU! he persuaded tp tbe uneveJlttul walka ot mere trade; tbey aro ttie .poUsd children at Central America, now ca· joled, now flattrred. now ,. spanked. Once agaln the moment bal come wben tbey muat meet Uncle Bam In the woodshed, and they are howlll\& ' over the prospect.

Should Take Wlfsy T>here onenel', They elltered !.be brllllantly ·lIghte4\ cafe in a Tenturosomo attitude. with.:. · out the nonohalance of. resular,,'cJ)at-< rons, and tieated themselves, at _, Imall Iide _table, studied the mellU earneatlr. and ordered a simple dinner. He was a middle aged man Witb,. .. "ery sottled, matrlmonl~ exp reul9n .lu hll kindly fact:. Hll compan10n wu. younger, probably about thirty-that Intangible age-and ahe was one or thOSIl women whose IImlle reveal. a fun,IQTlng ) heart, whlc)l has m,de & de8peratCl. ertort to cllng .to tbe lUuBlons,and Ideals at youth, but whos·a. snd, wlstful eyes, with the ·Ilne lines around them, .t ell the , clole o~aerver she bas failed: :..Her trook "'•• .girllsh. and In good l.a4t~, In obvloull cont~t to many of the overdressed,' overrect. women about her. , . . The.C?robeatra WIUI playing a 'IPrl8~~: 1 ' I)" ilOP~lar ,election. Betlteen apooUfuliJ ~t her cafe ~rf~t, ~o~ ' .1: womah pauaed and ImDsd at the mlW- ' oPPollte' her, and' in a ghe". 1.....:.;I. ·s"._ ·. '\.. ,..J ......... u sald: . ' ., . " , • "Aren't ....e. 'baving a good 'tim'e : , ~earT, It ·doeln't. Beem ae , If we" are·'. matrled. d9ft IU A.nd It thIrteen Y.,ear8 n«!xt month. Kanaal ' CIW Star;' · " I .. ... : ., t ~ .. . ,

t..". ':

ww. .. too."-




How Scales Are Made to Cheat AGAZIl"ES and news"lIpe n blLve gIven llIu cll 8puce In late ycary lO tho flu es, Uon or welglJla aud DlCll6ures, which has resultcd In th e pnseage ot loglslatlon In lOnny s talos puttlug th e sup~ l'vl s lou of thIs l> art l eu I a r brandJ of work undor a de lln ed de parttn .. n t ot sta to gO\'l' I'Il[1l1l Ut. T he ro llre nUm e ro'l s wuys ot cbeut(:lS in tile USU ot 8cu lau, rngardlcss r,t the size or wuke, Th e a rt ot Bcale buildi ng bas udvanced rnpldly In the las t quarter ce ntury, uul Inv os tl ga tlon by varIous depflrt mr nt H of lYelghts und me lls ure s, both nullon"1 and stute, baa dls cloBed tb e ta c t th ut the luven' tlv" mlnct!! of tho se whoso uutlJrtunato 'me ntnl nrrnnge me nt leads them t o d ..fraud tbelr fe llo w men, has kept paco wIth tb ls advance , Th e m~st lis t oundlng rraud ever pe rp etra ted was that 0 1 tb o lamolls sugar trust traud, In whIch the United States government was robbe d 01 mnny millions in Import tax duty, by the us e of a small piece of umbre lla stee l to throw tb e Bealcs out of balRnce, Rut with most cases of decep· 'tton, the pe rpe trator becomes ()over eo nfld ont. and through cnrelessness leaves a sllgbt clu o, which even tually ,leads to discovery, nubber bands have been employed 'to throw scu lcs ort co rr ec t balance , but as th ese aro hard t o apply tboy '1lre not 80 commonly us ed, A common method ot cheatIng 18 t o o()ve rl oad the Bca le counte r we ights with ~ e nd an d throw tho balanco to th e eredlt or tb e Bealo owne r, Btlt tb e most pernicious lind In'genlo us of th ese Is a dl' l'lce rece ntly <llsc,lVered by tb e d l' partn,ent at weIghts :ln d mea surl's which 18 und e r the juTlsdlctlon nt tho rail rand nnd ",'orehouso comm iss ion of !\Unn esots , ThIs Is a s U\ ull ploco of tempered Bteel we l::;hlng 1-32 of an ounce, and Is used In scnlcs tor th o purposo at add Ing to or shrinking tb e wolgh t ot an a rUel e, It can be carrie d In tho vest pocket and placed In lloultlon on the scale In a t e ll' s econdo;, It hus th e lIdvn ntage to tho . URPT or h.' lng re" er slble, tb a t Is to s ay , be ca n la ke more In bu yIng or gl l'e IrKS In seilin g, than th e lust und prope r we ig ht. The d evIce 18 In the mllUrtl of n fa lso knife-e dge or pivot. It h ns a smnll projN,tlon on OUA s Ide, whi ch wben n1>plied to a scalo wit h th e proJection towardR th e back en d at tho R('u le beam the elTe ct \\'111 bo to make to load weigh lesB th:m corrC!l:t, and the rovorS B 18 true \\'hon applied with tho proJe ('t/on tOll'nrd tb e tront e nd ot tho Ileale benlff." Tbese de vices nro made so that th e lise of th e m on a !lcal o dor_ not IIf·fect Ihe b('nm nctlo n whereby an obse r vo r cou ld te ll thnt th e s ru le was not welghlll g co n ect/)". a ll they allow the beam fre e nctlon, Tho pe rce nta go of error In th e usu o()t this de\'lco would dlITe r, de pendIng UIJO U th e mnke or sca le lind lhe multiplyIng powor of th e !leale beam. Ajl 's('nle boa ms have not l ho same measurements. and on on o scnle tb e e IYec t was 2 ¥.. pe r cent eithe r in oxcess or deficleDcy, depending upon bow ' th e -device was plnced, aud on anothe r 8eale the ertect was 5 per cent eIther way , On so me at lho new typo stock 'l!cules with full capacIty beams, bllving no counterweights, tbe etrect ",ould easily be 10 per cent of the


J''ll'W of ora/n.;;rY St"C1/~-Io~.,,,,~,,o A Loop in ",hit"h O~,,;c~ is plilC B rvlCrlN71 Pi yo/ vnd~r ",hich O~y;t"~ is p/.,,,~d.


manur~ acts as a



rwoJAHPLE~ 0 ' TH~ FHAVPt/,t.~IY7' I)EYlCr I{N(JWN ~ "THE ~HNIh'HEN"

must be Borne !lre," It la safe to allsume that wh en continual rumors of "shrlnkers" were preval ent, the sh rlnk e r de "lce muat bav e been doing Bo rne shrinking, and In the case of tbls parti cular form of shrlnker, wblch cou ld he used on b eavy scales, sucb 118 stock scales Bnd graIn Bcales, It has bee n the farm e r nnd produce r who were the vIctims, Tbe . evIdence obtained by the agent or tb e Mlnn esotll commiSSion dlsclosod the fact that the man wbo had made th ese devices h ad procured tram $8 to $;5 each for thOlll _

Th o toll owing precautio ns will be of nsslstllllce In he l pIng to detect theee, or sImilar fra udulent de vI ces and prevant the selle r or any commodIty whIch may be wll lgh ed ove r a Bcall' trom being ,-Ictlmlzed: 1. S(>o that R scnle Is In pertect l)a~ ance befo r e any welgblng Is don e, 2, See that scale boam swings tree, Iy, th a t Is, without a £Utr le rklng mo, tlon , 3, Seo th at th e r e Is IImple. clea ran ce a bout the scale platfor m, It It Is n wngon, stock or dump scale,



I lelected tour ot th e mOBt perfect BaTS tor plantIng abo ut on e-fifth of an acre at a cbos en spo t ot very ' te rtile 8011 iror spcclnl cX I>e rlment aud for probable futuro seed, Two of tb e lbree fields " ' blcb were plan ted were ren ted land and bence I bad n o prevlou8 band In roaldng tbe eoll, .AII I did was to fertIli ze tb e poor placBs In each field wltb th e IImaU amount 01 vallable malerial on &.be place, whlcb consis t ed of a part of two old straw stacks and eight or ten loade ot refuBe from an old barn and 6tablo8. Tbe tbl :rd lIeld, my own land, 'Was


Goitre,Swo\len Glands, Cysts, Varicose Veins, Varicosities anywhere.


llee .


tJnABSORBIlfEJ~~~ .-. ....

lC the season be dr y this Burtllce JrIukh, rt>talulnl\ much ne ede d moisture, amI If the s ea, It a lla y s pain and takes fon be we t th e rl c lluesu Is de v 'lolled ) tl t i ll fla mm at io n pr o mptly . A and Immediate ly ta ken Ull IJ)' tb t:' saf e , heal in g , s oo thinJ!, anti s ep tic. roo ts ot th l' gr owing corn . Pl ea s a nt t o u s e -f] ui c kly abso r he d O n anotber leyel field sIm ilar nr , into s k in. P o werfully penetrating Bulls were oLtalned by applyin g old but doc s not bli s te r un der bandage a n y un pleas an tness. wheRt st rn w \0 tilt surface and hnr- I no r can <;e tou-Ing nud cultivatIng It InlD tb o soil. F ew dr o ps onlv requir l! d at each Du rIn g th e dri es t pe ri od tb e 8011 a ' ll ic ation. ABSORBINE. JR. trente d with tbls o ld atrnw 'Was always PI , • moist and tb e corn INa:> Ilever c becked ~I. ('O and _Sz ,oo a b o ttle at drug. In Its grolY th . I gi s t s o r de ll\'e rC' d, Book 2G free. In all cases at surfaee man uring the W.F.Young,P,D.F" 310TempleSI ,,Sprlnifleld ,MIIL 51- phy s ica l nature at th o Roll wnB Improv ed, and tb o cul llv at or did mo re SAW NO CAUSE FOR WORRY elTorllv o work than in other - - -plnc<) s. Small Boy Pretty Well S atisfied That All of my ..orn ground eoll Viae the Future Waa Not Likely to work ed down WE' ll \)(' rore r lan tlllg ex' Be a Hard One. ec., t abo ut an aI" e ot wheat stubble sod whic h I Intentlonnlly pl&nUld &tter Th e Clev elaod Plain Deale r eays: on ly one light barrowlng, _ A Lakewood woman wall r ecently Tbls so il was very loose and One r eading to h er lillie boy the story of but not at a ll coropast and even , a young lad wbose rat her was'takea Tb e re we r e no large clods and the III and dl od, atter which be sct blm· pl an ter placed th e seed In tbe 11011 Belt dUlg eo tly to work to support bl~ reasonabl y we ll but rather de ep and self and motber, Wben sbe had flA.. un eve n, Ished ths story she said: Although the s eMon was dry and "Dea r Billy, It your papa were ' to the soil In long , loose nods, yet tbere die would you work w support your was suffi c ient moisture to sprout the dear mamma.?1f "Naw!" said Billy, unexpectedly, "B ut wby not?" "Ain't we got a good bou8e W IIv. In 1" "Yes, d ewe--but ."e can't eat tb. ho uso, you know," "A lo't there a lot 0' stutr ID the pall> try ?" "Yes, but tbat won't last forever," "It'll lagt till you glt anotber bu.. band, won't It 1 You're a pretty good looke r, ma!" Mamma gave up right there,

H. H , SHl!:PARD, /

Be llevlllg Ihat !!arly preparaLlon ('OU lI lB for mucb In flnal res ults, I began to pre pare ror tbls seasoa's ca rll ~rop last Win te r. Hnvln g se lec te d Lb o !!e lcts tl?r tbe crop, In rortll e SllOtS In Ihese fields were enrlcbed with ~I ean­ Ing !rom th e cow etables and poultry houles , Long be·tore tb e seRso n open ed , seed corn , ~'hlt e. WaH purchased trom tb e man Who took tlr~t premium on wblte corn a t the st!Lte fnlr , Th is seod com had been caret'1.llI y s ele c ted by tb e grower aod was tb e most beauttrul lot ot wbl te eorn tbat oue co uld bope to




Infertile Spots In Field Selected for Corn Crop Were Enriched With Cleanings From Cow Stables and Poultry HousesSeed Care'fully Selected.

A While for a Time. A Cleve land Bchool leacher wrltetl

The DIsk Cutter I. Followed by the H ..rrow ror Smoothing, .l\d the Planter Following the Harrow,

that s he a sk ed be r class wbat wu Lhe dlrte re nce be tween the exprealions, "a wblle," nud "a time," say. the Cleve land Pla lo Deal er , Nobody leemed to hnve nny Id ea on the su!>lect. FInally th o Ilgbt of Intelll,ence "'ll8 seen to sblno In H.e eyee of one :ltll o ho)', nnd the t eacber called UPOll Jim to save tb e Inte llectual honor of ,he cluss. " I kn o \\', teacher!" !Ie crIed ea,er-Iy, "W he u pa pa says he' s going out ~or a while, mamma sa)'s she know. ae's golllg out ror a lim e!" Tbat' s ono WilY of lookIng at It..

fertlllz e d beavlly with a varlet)' ot seed and it came up aB well u lD rlcb fert\lflze rs of borne maklog . No other soli be tter wurked down, Tbero were so mati )' unfa vorable commercla.1 rertLIlzers were used on comm ents by good ne Ighbor cornany of the fi elds, A bout tw enty acrea were s elect ed, A growers on tbls experiment that ' I HIM part at th e Ill nd , was In wb eat Inst teared tbat It would turn out badl yOld Londont!r Tell. of the BegInning COMBINATION NEW TO It looked nt fi r st wbe n the corn was I yenr , and this wb ea t stubbl e land or Real Work of the SahJ a tlon youn g like a pie ce ot ve ry poor tarm· worked u p best. Arm)" "Lemonade and Ladles" WaB Some· Thus, befo re th e l ast was planted lo g, but 1 had an Idea III mind and thing the Veteran Politician Never the first was up and read)' tor tb e wnnte d to test It to my satlsCacllon, St::ndlag at the salute by a Llg tombHad Heard of, Reason Was Plain, The ide a WI\S as to whether a betfirst cultivation, which was g Iven In stone In I\bney Pnrk ceme t ery waD nn "My hu sband has deserted me and ter corn crop can be grown by tull)' tbe to rm or ba rrowlng . old soldier o f th o Salvation Army. As • " Le mon ade nn d la dl es !" A ce rt.aln All or tbe planting was don e wIth ml:o:lng the s oli b erore planting or 1 wnn t u warrant," aonounced the the process loo flied past bl m Gene ral ' wh e th e r a part of I t can just as well la r ge lady, and Mrs, Uramw ell Booth SllV O hIm a ve te ran po ll tic illn laugh ed deris ive ly " What rens on dId h e glvo tor desert. as he read thos e words on a card thl~ be do no ar t er ~lant1ng , while tbe corn glan ce of kIndly r ecognitio n, is growin g. On e year's e xperience on In g you?" asl e d tbe prose cutor, T he old meLlI, w ho Is seventy-fi ve mo rnIng, " I dOll't want any lip tram yo u, 1 " Say, noh," be sa Id , "what kind ot one kInd at soli, at co urse, will not \'Ol1 rs at age , and named P e ter Monks, t\'ILnt a \\'arral1L I dOll 't know wbat glvo con clu . lv e pro ot . ~\'IIs th e Ilte gencr~rB tlrBt convert In a way Is this t o rUIl a cam paIgn ? See n Th e first thing I did to tble poorly re llson h e had," this card? It's a notice of the T ent h London, "I t hll .k I un de r s tand I,ls reafion ," plante d a cre of corn wns to give It One clay n early fifty years ngo, b e- ward Progres siv e c lub's meet ing tosaId tlHl omclu I fee hly , 11 8 h e proceed· fo ur sIngl e harrowlng~ at Interva ls of roro WIllia m liooth hael started Rny nI ght lit Posey's b a ll, and It g Ives 1\ a few days ap a rt wbll e the co rn waB ed to draw Ull a warrnnt." mission work, he was walking do wn a Rpe c lal In vltation to the la dl es 10 at· young , ThIs was dono to le ve l and squ nlld IItlie bnek s treet n Cll r lh e Lon- I.en d m,d says lee cold lem onad e will Offici al ScorIng . .compa';' tb e loos e and very IIllElV Cn don d0cks wben h e m et P e te r Monks be se , ,-pd free. Dill yo u eve r b ea l "S hould IJluc lo ur get tI,e credit rot soil. outs ldo Ii notorious drinkin g house, anything like that, B0h? Tbe ~ orn came on and grew, but winning Waterloo ?" "The gone ral camo up and s po!<e to " Lemonade and ladl es! Tbat £lIn ', "No ; th at victory Is properly credo dtd not mako as mucb eR rl y balns a s me," suld Monks to the Dal ly Mirror, no way to run a campaign, Say, how Ited t o Wellington . Riucher didn't redId th e corn In adjacent and bptte r " no doub t because I looke d the bnd many vot ea ca n tbese ladles cast? li e ve blm until about the el.:hth In' prep:;!,red soil . ebaracle r that I waa the n. I guess I'",~ had as mucb practical exBy til' last or Jul y th a otbe r corn nlug." "'1 am looking ror work: be said to perle nc e In politics as any man nnd ~' as about a foot taller tban It, and me, He went on t:> say thllt he bad 1'\1 t c ll yo u tb ese P~ogresslve guys ain't Big Difference, evidently thriv ing bette r In otber lett a congregation lust betore ' be- going to get very tnr with their lemon"DId you h ave nny osculatory !ntel' wa ys, cauBe; be said, 'tbey thought more ade ar.d ladles, It won't go," fwo EaMl On One Stalk-Yellow Dent. V,' he n the othel' corn was cultivated talnm e nt at your party?" about me than hIm: I{owe,'er , despl tu the " ' s rnlngs or "No; only s ome kls s lr. g gomoll," "Presently Booth told me be was tbe proresslonal p~lltlclans, th e Tenth a two-bors e com planter, making rows for tb e lust tim e ' gave tbls place two thorough extra cultl vlltiOnS, and , the going to try to bold a meeting 01\ tb e wsrd Progressive ~l'.Jb will serve le Dl- of standard width apart, and set to Easily Remembered , Mile End Waste--a most daring tblng onade at th e mass meeting tonlgbt. drop single grains eIghteen Incbes later raIns helpIng, thIs oorn Is now He-I have n't the hea rt to kIss you. w do In tbose times-and he asked me It Is according to tbe new order of npart In row, wblch I round re ' sarlng nIcely and Is apparently as Sbe-Well, take mlne,- U lk, J~d . to crme w It. . tblngs, If aoy ot the "boys" attend suited In too thick a stand since the good ae the rest that W&8 planted on These figures are base d upon the well prepared Boll. "GOOD STUFF ," "I said I would, wondering what'had tbey will be welcome,--Kanaaa City vitality of the seed was good and a Tbe final r es ult wlJl be known at A. Confirmed Coffee Drinker Take. to assumptlen that the scale would be come over me, Star_ hlgb perce ntage sprouted and gre'W, No difference In tb e ge rmination gathering time, I believe that wltb Pllt Into perfect bnlance atte r the dePostum, "( went down to tbe meeting at the and early growth at the wblte and vice was Inserted, but If by neglect or Mile End Wallte, and found that some I Gloves and ThImble., .l 1eslre tbe scale should not be bal- ot the worst chsracters trom Spltal"One of the bardest thIngs ror sbop- yellow corn could be see~, not~ wer; A bous ewlCe was rec ently surprilled anced after the t1evlce waB put under tlelds and Whltecbapel had gathered pers to learn Is tbat tbe IIlze of gloves good and none had to e rep a~\~ , when cook served Pas tum IDBtead at tbe fulcrum pivot of the beam, the round Bootb's roagh platform and and tblmbles do oat coIncide," said although Ilome of tbe (armers 0 e colfee. She oays : etrect would be to gIve a fal se weIght were giving him a very bad time. a lI!1lesman, "It tbe woman who wears regIon replanted two and three times, "For the last five or six yeara 1 haye of about 200 pounds on any sIze load throwln o: cnbbage stumpa .and dirt at N • I k h h b d probably more on account at troublebeen troubled with nervousness. In· u a 0, ti g ave as s er UB an W some InsectB In the 6011 than from in addItion to the 2 ¥.., 6, Qr 10 per cent hIm buy a tblmble tor her she tells blm 11 h i t dIg es tion nnd beart trouble, I couldn't as tlie case mIght be, "Sometblng seemed to 'rise up' In w get a No.' G tblmble. If he take s poor quality ot seed , Btl t e a t er get any benefit tram the doctor's med· It one of tbese devIces were usod f ' I I I tb had sometblng to do with It, Ic lne so finally he ordered me to stop d e that I!lze tbe chancell nre It '11'111 only One ot my corn fields was an oval {)n 1\ scale beam for fraudulent pur- me, and Instea 0 ,0 D ng n aB I uauany dId. (clenched sUck on tbe tip at her lIttlo Onger_ hilI of gentle slope, but steep 'enough drinkIng co tree, whIch I did, poses, It would undoubtedly bo Insert- horse play, O·L COUrse, 110 tbat In past years mucb of tbe "I drnnk bot water while takIng th. fI s t s an d simply 'walked round' Sh e nee d s a oN" 8 ed In the loop fr~m the rear of tho my the crowd , tbere are exceptions to tbe rule, for doctor's m edIcine, with some Improv.. beam, and thus could not be s een from "The lads knew who I wlis-I had a In th imbles, as In gloves, tbere are top 8011 had been worn and washed me nt, then went back to co tree with the poslllon In which one stands to bit at reputation as a boxer In tbose great dltrerences In the make, and a away, leavIng large patcbes of only the same old trouble as b etore, do the weIghing, bence tbe necessity days-and surprised by my taking up great deal depends too, upon tbe pecu- :relJow clay whlcb wlll not grow corn "A new servant girl told me about of looking Into the beam loops from tbe preacher's 81de and from fear of lIarltles of the hand, But, as a rule , 01' any other crop unlos8 heavUy i'ostum--sald hel' talks used It and tho rear of the beam to prove tbat my fists, t bey became quiet. and Booth tbl bl b ttl 1a manured. Ilked It In "lace of cotree. We "ot a 8uch a de\'lce Is not beIng uBed. got a hearing, tor whIch he thankod tha~ g~:v:~? a ou '11'0 s zes rger TheBe Ulln, clayey placos were gIven package bU~ I told her I did not beAt a large stock shIpping polDt In rne many times, a dressing of straw slack and stable \leve my husband would like It. .. be Minnesota many complaints bad been "I did not become actually converted No Room for Doubt. manure oln top of the plowed ground, was Ii great coffee drinker. Tecelv9tt relative to the weights over for somo tIme, but I went to all tbe Railroad Attorney-You are lIure It and the manure was harrowed and "To my surprlBe he called for a & certaIn stock 8cale, On Investlga· leoUngS and helped to keep order, waa our Flyer that killed your mule! dlsked tnto the surface. At each cultblrd cup, Bald It was 'good stuif' .n~ tlon of the scale It was discovered that Wben the Salvation Army was finally What makes you BO poslttve? tivaUon of the corn tbls surface wanted to know what It was, W. one of these "sbrlnkers" was In' use, formed 1 jolno:ld,"-London Dal1y Mlr'Rastus-He dun licked ebry other manure was further spread and have used Postum ever 81nce and both The commIssIon Immcdlately started ror, train on de road ,-Puck. worked Into the Boll, teel better than we havo ID yearl. Its specIal agent out to trace It up, The cro'wlng BeaBon turned out dry, "My bueband used to have bait The remarkable part of the Investiand It was tound tn cultIvation that " spells with hIs Bwmach aDd would be New Acquilltlon. The Re.eoft. gation Is that In the endeavor to tlnd IIlck tbree or four days, during whlcl\ "My dear, I'm auspicIous ot that thele poOl; clayey spot!! that bad re"Pop, get me a little wagon to hitch the origIn of thIs devIce, the trail led young architect who Is vlalUng our celved the, surface manuring worked Plat of PrIze Corn SIx Week. Old. time he could not eat or drink anr' your goat to," throucl) the 8tates at Minnesota. well, 'retalned more moisture than the The Boy I. NIne Year. Old, and the thing, But .Ince he gave up oolfeo Mabel." "I've got no goat, child," Iowa. IllInOis, South Dakota Ilnd WIsadjacent 11.0 11 no. so treated, tbat Rake He I. HoldIng to Show Com- " and took to Postum, he hal had no "Why?" "Yes you hrwe, pop, Billy Smlth'l! consin. and goIng on the oM theory, the corn plants grew more vigorously paratlve Height of Corn, I. a Com- more trouble, and we uow tu1l1 be"He'a a designIng fellow." father says you've . lot hIs." . "where there I. muc.h smuke there and with 81 greener color, mon Steel Garden Rake, I ueve It was all C&W1ed b1 tootree • ____ ______________ __ U t. lIl]r bellet through experience ......................oio · ....• ............JO .......·"' ..... "......................... ' ,.".."""... gettlng the begtnnins or euaenJetI. · botti from thlll Beason's work wIth corn, a cultivated crop, plan Un, may "I haTe not had any return of !D1 When the Inllt.ll1ct of motherhood I. COT11 and f'r oin other aeaBon wIth corn be made under certaIn conditions on former troubleB Blnce drinking Po&allowed tree play we .hall become and other Bummer cultivated crop. plowed ground wltb only one barrow- tum. and feel better and can do mo~ conlltructlve, . lIyntheUc: peaceful.- that ~nure , applled to the .urtaca at Ing and (tood reBults rollow If extra .ork tban In the laBt ten yean. w. plowed' ground and worked Into the cultivation can be give!! during the b,U everyone about It-some sa1 they TwentIeth Century Mapzlne. loose 8urfnce 1011 .. the plants grow, growIng' Beaaon, Med It and did not like It. I teU them The YOUftll Id... 110811 more, good ' thI\D to apply It to .\1 mak~s all the difference a. to how .... loll to be turned under before the Profitable Frog Farm. made, It ahould be made a.~cord... . "Wben- you are a "man. my son. 1 do '... ~ t dl lou&. not "IVant you to grovel on the eartli. crop I. ~1"lIted, At Stan. Oal.. a woman run.. r 0 rectt~na-;then It "I8 .dell " C .but to IIr on the helcht.." . OIl the BUTtace 'of ' the plowed fror farm and lei... entrr :rear. from Name given ~ .l'OItum ~.. Battle. "What will 1 111 with, paT" ; 11'0_124 th. frequont. barr . owings ~d to 36.000 froce lep. She wora Cree . IE. lJleh. Read tha book. "'The "With a fine Ideal. ~:r IOn." , oalr c~tlY~UOD' .Pread It aDd b~ hard aDd manapa to make , about Road to !eU~."1D ~ ~~~. r $a1, p. can 1 "o~k It With ." ,"IJO " . . Wt4ir ~ ~,~~lUr~' ., e~~ 'lear: ~. ~~- ,.-oa, fYIa, It" " .~~~ •• ·.........t ,.a, - . .

At Booth's First Meeting








Women Are for Peace



lIDe '1IiOtor'"




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Fred' s Co-Operative Store -We g'ive and redeem Ceda r Stam ps.


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Fred' s Co-Operative Store - - We give and red eem Ceda r Stamps.

* ~~~~~ ;;= ~== === :;= - -~:== ~-.= -------========== -='='=-~=~=-=~~ ==-='~=!'= =='F~ ~~&~ ~= ; --------------TION li ;$~ . ; l»= --~ ~ = sa A= --==== --~~~~ --· ~rr ---~--------------PERS ON AL MEN ~~------NOTICE TO HUNTE RS -


The Security Offe red by our Safe Deposit Vaults


y l\Ii ~!l Let itia M(' Kay ti pm l TUf'~d(l .\ · ' W~, th e und~rs igneJ, positiv.e l I lluy l(.n . in forbid all huntin g or trespass in g I II I , ' L J M Th e same will be I upon our premises. ad er w as a , rs. . (' . Cal \\Ia '. d f 'lctl I T . . ) I I str y en orce . . ay tun v IHllll r ues( ay . l Jus. Vand ervollr I Isaac Wilson Dean How,'11 w a~ ('ailing' Oil !,f' !.<l· 'lar t l'll GCJI1. I W' II W' II ' non friend s S unuay e\'ening . n " I lams I Seth Furna.·'1 We give to patron s the George Mills Miss Alma Wate rhou~(' '.vas shop- I Emily Crane F. C Sawin advanta~e!! of new and .ping in Cincinn at i Saturd ay . Min~ie Satte\'thwait~ moder n vaults reinI BII I'Il-To dMrs . l\oy Smith , Edwm S Furnas Ell Dean forc ed and barrica ded with Yal e D eposit Locks . The Sund ay. Odobe r :nth, a !lon . Will Clark Tom McGlade as Ya~ system of lockin g is known around the world New e th of r. rrl Hil Chas Mrs. the most sturdy , the most impreg nable. Any persons fo und hunting on any sitko and • Jsr, of F. very box in our vau h h p rotected hy a special gmu d muhanlam of my farms wili be prosecu ted to Burling ton pi ke. iH quile w~n u tbet\. tWllbler.. ElltrWl< your ""Iuabl.. to u.,-tbcy wlll bu.v-. !rom 61. u the was ur l1 Gilm een Littl e Kathl the full exleni of thtl law. gUf'st of M iss Opal t; ray. on Sund ay . I Dr. J. T. Ellis. tf Mrs EJith Ha l'l' i, and Mrs L3u r<l - _ _ .___ _ -_.. -- ____ _, \VA Y N E,W lLLE , OHIO I __ Mo~!h e r were Cinc inn ati vi sili l t~ ::ia t ur day. ~~~~ ~-------~.--~- -~-11111-!"!'-Master H urace Drue Alexand er is - · - - - -- .......-.-.-"!' M.E, RALlV SUNDAY Mrs. Loui se Woolley hi visitin g . -'-~- --visiling hi s granJm o th er. Mrs. A. J. Alexan der. Fres h Balti more r elatives in Spring Valley and Xenia. The M . E. church and Sunday Oyst ers nd a . Born .-To Mr MrR . Wm. school held a joint rally Sunday Dr. and MTs A. T. Wright wen ' For\(, lal F on la1ft week . a mornin g at 10 o'clock . The church , Fanry C~l ery in Centerv i ll e, FrllJuy, g UCtits of Dr. Guth rie, . rries under the aupervi sion of Mra, James Cranbe and Mrs, Keever son. Jersey Sweet Potatoe s decMisses Mary Sa li sbury and Emma Vander voort. was handso mely Mr. Lee Mason and son Leroy, of H E :IJ:e ' of bread and hutter wit h . u!:"' r on it is and leaves autumn aches with E~e New Lebanu n orated This is the day ",llVn the t ill )' one. ~ olle. Mason, w( re week-e nd g uesls of Mr Hawke we re guests uf sins Rai ins Seeded pumpk New and Butter fruit s,.. Peanut ut eh-N branche Be with eat b .ead and hutter f riends Jast week . and Mrs. Emerso n Mason. New Mince Meat I on it serthe at t presen were 150 New Hon ey d M J a~ . Sl oops , an d son. About OK F r ,unches, part}· sandwi~ he s and children alter vices. Mrs. Schuyle r C. Math ews, of rs. :v. r . an sc h" I. :·rcat. Eat it I i ke jam . of Special mu sic by th~ choir and l-'sts gU were , Dayton of . e~ Holm of t ues g s the peanut was o. roasted Ohi ju,'! is .t Hlltlcr Hyue Park. Bt ech·Nut p. '"H .Sweet Florida Oranges d Rev C. f relalivt:>s here Suntla'-.. lind ",li t crushed HI a cr"a my nu t huller a"d •• aled oreh estra was a eal'ue, an Grape Fruit Mrs. R. A. Cross, Friday. and Fancy Mr. roasting the p " ke ich wh in Air /en-ua J,drluJI jars rillte Grimes ' Golden Apples Chalme r. littl e sou of Mr. a nd S. Grause r preach ed the apprr,p Misses Henr ietta McKinsey and oven flav ur in lui vigur ti ll Y"" lift the li lt. Thin Rind Le mon Sunthe of n Relatio Try a I Sc jar tu-chy. Edith Moshe r and Mr. John Pence Mrs. F. B. Sherwood. of Lebano n, is sermon , "The fhe ' ." Church the to school · . day Bring us you r Butter and Eggs auto ed to Wilmin gton Th ursday very ill wi lh Rcal'l et fever. $6.60. to Highe!1t prices pa id d mounte a t R00 f - 1.collpct.i_on .. _ _ - - _ _ · L'Ig hl an d Fl'I' n t Koe e~ e nin g . Ralll Cash or Trao('. 1 HE POSiTION FOR S FITl':ES Misses Emma Hawke and Mary ing for sale by W. H. Madde n & Co. I It pal s to trade at I and Ricks ISalisbu ry, Messrs. Edward . . Mr. and Mra. R. A. Cross enterI Harvey Rye wer~ in Lebano n Sunday t.nin ed at dinner Tu esday Mr. and In the matter ot electlDlr a ReJ." af.terno on . T. Stroud : resenta tive fitness for tAe position TWO STORE S Mrs. Wyli e Crane, Mrs. 1will please call and settle by date of NOTICE T~e VA~LEY I ought to be the 8uprem e. test. ING SPR I WAYNESVILLE Dr. H. Q . Alexan der and wife. and Mrs. Sarah Robert s. In All persons knowin g them s~ves to I sale, Novem ber 7th. I' Work of the next LegllsJature . Messrs. S. E. and F. M. Alexal1der of U . G. Whetse l, Execut or. revision the "lfect into rrying a c. are Mary's be indebte d to the late George Miller, j The ladies of St. spent Sunday with their mother , of such urged to come to the church as early I the State Constit ution is suc. and this to der ance Alexall as possible Thursd ay mornin g to vital import - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mrs. Alethia ce ...- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C. allegian and that od tions Sherwo B. genera F. es ceeding Mesdam g ive it a thorou gh cleanin g. be not ought party A. Bruner . of Lebano n, attend ed l Mesdam es C. S. Grause r and F . H. to any politica the meetin g of the New Ce nt ury Fal'r left 'Monday eve nin g for Green- , cunsidererJ.' an asset for superio r ... adv Club last Friday afterno on . vill e, Ohio, where t hey will attend a Qualifications. e in Kalher n, Mi~ses Stella Lemmo di~lrict meetin g of the W. F. M. TIME IS HXTEN DED Alexan der, Alma Waterh ouse. Mes- of lhe M. F. church. SIt'S : Ray Mills and CUI·t Hisey autoed Persons wishing apples -Baldw ins. on~ DOUBLE HEAD ER to Shaker Vill age and Mason Sunday Greeni ngs and Northe rn Sp'ys;- price alterno on . rs and 75c to T~e games of basket ball betwee n per bu.65c to Grange Mr. and Mrs . Wylie Crane. of Harveysburg Hi g h School Girls and others- whethe r patrons or · not, Cincinn ati, are gues ts of r elat ives Boys and ' Waynesville High SchOOl will please leave orders with Sam'} here. Mr. Crane is recove ring from Girls and Boys last Friday aftel'no on Butterw orth or w~h the Grange . injurie s recentl y receive d in a ra il- was fought to a fini sh, Wayne sville Mrs. Silver, Sec'y. road wreck. • .' : • winnin g hoth ganlcs "the girls score ACel ,ENT BAD A· 9. to 11 Mess rs . J esse Thoma s and Morris being 14 to 4 and the boys Graham arrived home la~t week after A very distres sing acciden t be~el a two months stay in the Northw est Will Hay Tuesda y mornin g. While land Canada . Th ey had a fine time Subs rribe tor the Gaze tte ro!ling logs one struck him on the and look them .as if the trip had agreed ankle badly breakin g both bones . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _" , with .:.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.,_ _




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Our car ship ped here Mon day will be on the trac ks wishing to purc hase eve ry day unti l Satu rday . Any high -gra de App les can go to Cor win any day and look them ove r. The y are choice Ohi o grow n apples, and are from stric tly spra yed trees. The se app les are goo d for coo king or eati ng, and are choice stock. . We invi te the pub lic to call and insp ect them .


Co ltw in,



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